UC-NRLF 1 mm iiinii; iiii iiiiilplii mi !i n!!i'i! !i! liai ! 11 !i ' iiililiiif liiitini 'iiinii Miia •ERICELEY LIBRARY UWIVERS!TY OF J | CALIFORNIA M \ MlnBtvutth (dahtot Ebtttott MILES WALLINGFORD By James Fenimore Cooper Boston Dana Estes & Company PiiblUhers ?S)409 iqoo UNDER6RAD. LIBRARY LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS MILES WALLINGFORD PAGE The recognition Frontispiece Photogravure from Darley steel plate I FOUND Grace reclining on the settee ... 96 Photogravure from a French engraving Neb seized the hawser and hauled the launch ABOARD 355 Photogravure from Darley steel plate PREFACE, The conclusion of this tale requires but little preface. Many persons may think that there is too much of an old man's despondency in a few of the opinions of this portion of the work ; but after sixty it is seldom we view the things of this world en beau. There are certain political allusions, very few in number, but pretty strong in language, that the signs of the times fully justify in the editor's judgment; though he does not profess to give his own sentiments in this wo:k, so much as those of the subject of the narrative himself. " The anti-rent combination," for instance, will prove, according to the editor's conjectures, to be one of two things in this community — the commencement of a dire revo- lution or the commencement of a return to the sounder no- tions and juster principles that prevailed among us thirty years since, than certainly prevail to-day. There is one favorable symptom discoverable in the deep-seated disease that pervades the social system ; men dare and do deal more honestly and frankly with the condition of society in this country than was done a few years since. This right, one that ought to be most dear to every freeman, has been recov- ered only by painful sacrifices and a stern resolution ; but recovered it has been, in some measure; and were the pens of the country true to their owners' privileges, we should soon come to a just view of the sacred nature of private character, as well as the target-like vulnerability of public follies and public vice. It is certain that, for a series of dangerous years, notions ^ust the reverse of this have pre- vailed among us, gradually rendering the American press 6 PREFACE. equally the vehicle of the most atrocious personal calumny, and the most flatulent national self-adulation. It is under such a state of things that the few evils alluded to in this work have had their rise. Bodies of men, however ignorant or small, have come to consider themselves as integral por- tions of a community that never errs, and, consequently, en- titled to esteem themselves infallible. When in debt, they have fancied it political liberty to pay their debts by the strong hand ; a very easy transition for those who believe themselves able to effect all their objects. The disease has already passed out of New York into Pennsylvania; it will spread, like any other epidemic, throughout the country; and there will soon be a severe struggle among us, between the knave and the honest man. Let the class of the latter look to it. It is to be hoped it is still sufficiently powerful to conquer. These few remarks are made in explanation of certain opinions of Mr. Wallingford, that have been extorted from him by the events of the day, as he was preparing this work for the press, remarks that might seem out of place, were it not a part of his original plan, which contemplated enlarg- ing far more than he has, indeed, on some of the prominent peculiarities of the state of society in which he has passed the greater part of his days. MILES WALLINGFORD, CHAPTER I. But I'll not chide thee ; Let shame come when it will, I do not call it ; I do not bid the thunder-bearer shoot, Nor tell tales of thee to high-judging Jove ; Mend when thou canst — Lear. It is almost as impossible to describe minutely what oc- curred on the boat's reaching the Wallingford, as to describe all the terrific incidents of the struggle between Drewett and myself in the water. I had sufficient perception, how- ever, to see, as I was assisted on board by Mr. Hardinge and Neb, that Lucy was not on deck. She had probably gone to join Grace, with a view to be in readiness for meet- ing the dire intelligence that was expected. I afterward learned that she was long on her knees in the after-cabin, engaged in that convulsive prayer which is apt to accom- pany sudden and extreme distress in those who appeal to God in their agony. During the brief moments, and they were but mere par- ticles of time, if one can use such an expression, in which my senses could catch anything beyond the horrid scene in which I was so closely engaged, I had heard shrill screams from the lungs of Chloe; but Lucy's voice had not mingled in the outcry. Even now, as we were raised, or aided, to the deck, the former stood, with her face gl istening with tears, half convulsed with terror and half expanding with delight, uncertain whether to laugh or to weep, looking first 8 MILES WALLINGFORD. at her master and then at her own admirer, until her feel- ings found a vent in the old exclamation of "de feller! " It was fortunate for Andrew Drewett that a man of Post's experience and steadiness was with us. No sooner was the seemingly lifeless body on board, than Mr. Hardinge or- dered the water-cask to be got out; and he and Marble would have soon been rolling the poor fellow with all their might, or holding him up by the heels, under the notion that the water he had swallowed must be got out of him, before he could again breathe; but the authority of one so high in the profession soon put a stop to this. Drewett's wet clothes were immediately removed, blankets were warmed at the galley, and the most judicious means were resorted to, in order to restore the circulation. The physi- cian soon detected signs of life, and, ordering all but one or two assistants to leave the spot, in ten minutes Drew6tt was placed in a warm bed, and might be considered out of danger. The terrific scene enacted so directly before his eyes, produced an effect on the AUonny man, who consented to haul aft his main-sheet, lower his studding-sail and topsail, come by the wind, stand across to the Wallingford, heave- to, and lower a boat. This occurred just as Drewett was taken below; and, a minute later, old Mrs. Drewett and her two daughters, Helen and Caroline, were brought alongside of us. The fears of these tender relatives were allayed by my report; for, by this time, I could both talk and walk; and Post raised no objection to their being permitted to go below. I seized that opportunity to jump down into the sloop's hold, where Neb brought me some dry clothes; and I was soon in a warm, delightful glow, that contributed in no small degree to my comfort. So desperate had been my struggles, however, that it took a good night's rest com- pletely to restore the tone of my nerves and all my strength. My arrangements were barely completed, when I was sum- moned to the cabin. MILES WALLINGFORD. 9 Grace met me with extended arms. She wept on my bosom for many minutes. She was dreadfully agitated as it was; though happily she knew nothing of the cause of Chloe's screams, and of the confusion on deck, until I was known to be safe. Then Lucy communicated all the facts to her in as considerate a manner as her own kind and gentle nature could dictate. I was sent for, as just stated, and caressec' like any other precious thing that its owner had supposed itself about to lose. We were still in an agi- tated state, when Mr. Hardinge appeared at the door of the cabin, with a prayer-book in his hand. He demanded our attention, all kneeling in both cabins, while the good, simple-minded old man read some of the collects, the Lord's Prayer, and concluded with the thanksgiving for " a safe return from sea " ! He would have given us the marriage ceremony itself, before he would have gone out of the prayer-book for any united worship whatever. It was impossible not to smile at this last act of pious simplicity, while it was equally impossible not to be touched with such an evidence of sincere devotion. The offering had a soothing influence on all our feelings, and most espe- cially on those of the excited females. As I came out into the main cabin, after this act of devotion, the excellent divine took me in his arms, kissed me just as he had been used to do when a boy, and blessed me aloud. I confess I was obliged to rush on deck to conceal my emotion. In a few minutes I became sufficiently composed to order sail made on our course, when we followed the Orpheus up the river, soon passing her, and taking care to give her a wide berth — a precaution I long regretted not having used at first. As Mrs. Drewett and her two daughters refused to quit Andrew, we had the whole family added to our party, as it might be, perforce. I confess to having been suffi- ciently selfish to complain a little, to myself only, however, at always finding these people in my way, during the brief intervals I now enjoyed of being near Lucy. As there was lO MILES WALLINGFORD. no help, after seeing all the canvas spread, I took a seat in one of the chairs that stood on the main deck, and began, for the first time, coolly to ponder on all that had just passed. While thus occupied, Marble drew a chair to my side, gave me a cordial squeeze of the hand, and began to converse. At this moment, neatly tricked out in dry clothes, stood Neb on the forecastle, with his arms folded, sailor- fashion, as calm as if he had never felt the wind blow ; oc- casionally giving in, however, under the influence of Chloe's smiles and unsophisticated admiration. In these moments of weakness, the black would bow his head, give vent to a short laugh, when, suddenly recovering himself, he would en- deavor to appear dignified. While this pantomime was in the course of exhibition forward, the discourse aft did not flag. "Providence intends you for something remarkable, Miles," my mate continued, after one or two brief expres- sions of his satisfaction at my safety ; " something uncom- monly remarkable, depend on it. First, you were spared in the boat off the Isle of Bourbon ; then, in another boat off Delaware Bay ; next, you got rid of the Frenchman so dex- terously in the British Channel; after that, there was the turn-up with the bloody Smudge and his companions ; next comes the recapture of the Crisis; sixthly, as one might say, you picked me up at sea, a runaway hermit ; and now here, this very day, seventhly and lastly, are you sitting safe and sound, after carrying as regular a lubber as ever fell over- board, on your head and shoulders, down to the bottom of the Hudson no less than three times ! I consider you to be the only man living who ever sank his three times, and came up to tell of it with his own tongue." " I am not at all conscious of having said one word about it, Moses," I retorted, a little dryly. " Every motion, every glance of your eye, boy, tells the story. No ; Providence intends you for something remark- able, you may rely on that. One of these days you may go to Congress — who knows ? " MILES WALLINGFORD. II " By the same rule, you are to be included, then ; for in most of my adventures you have been a sharer, besides having quantities that are exclusively your own. Remem- ber, you have even been a hermit." " Hu-s-h — not a syllable about it, or the children would run after me as a sight. You must have generalized in a re- markable way. Miles, after you sunk the last time, without much hope ol coming up again? " " Indeed, my friend, you are quite right in your conjec- ture. So near a view of death is apt to make us all take rapid and wide views of the past. I believe it even crossed my mind iYi2.t you would miss me sadly." " Ay," returned Marble, with feeling, " them are the mo- ments to bring out the truth ! Not a juster idee passed your brain than that^ Master Miles, I can assure you. Missed you ! I would have bought a boat and started for Marble Land, never again to quit it, the day after the funeral. But there stands your cook, fidgeting and looking this way, as if she had a word to put in on the occasion. This expl'ite of Neb's will set the niggers up in the world; and it wouldn't surprise me if it cost you a suit of finery all round." " A price I will cheerfully pay for my life. It is as you say — Dido certainly wishes to speak to me, and I must give her an invitation to come nearer." Dido Clawbonny was the cook of the family, and the mother of Chloe. Whatever hypercriticism might object to her color, which was a black out of which all the gloss had fairly glistened itself over the fire, no one could deny her being full blown. Her weight was exactly two hundred, and her countenance a strange medley of the light-heartedness of her race, and the habitual and necessary severity of a cook. She often protested that she was weighed down by " responsibility " ; the whole of the discredit of over-done beef, or under-done fish, together with those which attach themselves to heavy bresyi, lead-like buckwheat cakes, and a hundred other similar cases, belonging exclusively to her 12 MILES WALLINGFORD. office. She had been twice married, the last connection having been formed only a twelvemonth before. In obedi- ence to a sign, this important lady now approached. "Welcome back, Masser Mile," Dido began with a curtsey, meaning " Welcome back from being half drowned " ; "ebberyboddy so grad you isn't hurt! " "Thank you, Dido — thank you, with all my heart. If I have gained nothing else by the ducking, I have gained a knowledge of the manner in which my servants love me." " Lor' bless us all ! How we help it, Masser Mile? As if a body can posserbly help how lub come and go! Lub jest like religion, Masser Mile — some get him, and some don't. But lub for a young masser and a young missus, sar — dat jest as nat'ral, as lub for ole masser and ole missus. I t'ink nut'in' of neider." Luckily, I was too well acquainted with the Clawbonny dialect to need a vocabulary in order to understand the meaning cf Dido. All she wished to express was the idea that it was so much a matter of course for the dependents of the family to love its heads, that she did not think the mere circumstance, in itself, worthy of a second thought. " Well, Dido," I said, " how does matrimony agree with you, in your old age? I hear you took a second partner to yourself, while I was last at sea." Dido let her eyes fall on the deck, according to the cus- tom of all brides, let their color be what it may ; manifested a proper degree of confusion, then curtesied, turned her full-moon face so as to resemble a half-moon, and answered, with a very suspicious sort of a sigh — "Yes, Masser Mile, dat jest so. I did t'ink to wait and ask 'e young masser's consent; but Cupid say" — not the god of love, but an old negro of that name, Dido's second partner — " but Cupid say, * What odd he make to Masser Mile? he long way off, and he won't care'; and so, sah, rader than be tormented so by Cupid, one had altogedder better be married at once — dat all, sah." MILES WALLINGFORD. 1 3 " And that is quite enough, my good woman ; that every- thing may be in rule, I give my consent now, and most cheerfully." "T'ankee, sah !" dropping a curtsey, and showing her teeth. " Of course the ceremony was performed by our excellent rector, good Mr. Hardinge ? " " Sartain, sah — no Clawbonny nigger t^nk he marry at all, less Masser Hardinge bless him and say Amen. Ebbery- body say 'e marriage is as good as ole masser and mis- susses. Dis make two time Dido got married; and both time good, lawful ceremunny, as ebber was. Oh! yes, sah!" " And I hope your change of condition has proved to your mind, Dido, now the thing is done. Old Cupid is no great matter in the way of beauty, certainly ; but he is an honest, sober fellow enough." " Yes, sah, he dat^ no one can deny. Ah ! Masser Mile, 'em 'ere step-husband, after all, nebber jest like a body own husband! Cupid berry honest, and berry sober; but he only step-husband; and dat I tell him twenty time already, I do t'ink, if trut' was said." "Perhaps you have now said it often enough — twenty times are quite sufficient to tell a man such a fact." " Yes, sah," dropping another curtsey, " if Masser Mile please." " I do please, and think you have told him that often enough. If a man won't learn a thing in twenty lessons, he is not worth the trouble of teaching. So tell him he's a step-husband no more, but try something else. I hope he makes Chloe a good father? " "Lor', sah, he no Chloe's fadder, at all — her fadder dead and gone, and nebber come back. I want to say a word to young masser, 'bout Chloe and dat 'ere fellow, Neb — yes, sah." • "Well, what is it, Dido? I see they like each other, and 14 MILES WALLINGFORD. suppose they wish to get married, too. Is that the object of your visit? If so, I consent without waiting to be asked. Neb will make no step-husband, I can promise you." " Don't be in a hurry, Masser Mile," said Dido, with an eagerness that showed this ready consent was anything but what she wanted. " Dere many 'jection to Neb, when he ask to marry a young gal in Chole sitiation. You know, sah, Chloe now Miss Grace's own waitin'-maid. Nobody else help her dress, or do anything in 'e young missus's room, dan Chloe, sheself — my darter, Chloe Clawbonny!" Here was a new turn given to the affair! It was "like master, like man." Neb's love (or lub^ for that was just the word, and just the idea, too) was no more fated to run smooth than my own ; and the same objection lay against us both, viz., want of gentility! I determined to say a good word for the poor fellow, however; while it would have been exceeding the usage of the family to interfere in any other manner than by advice, in an affair of the heart. "If Chloe is my sister's favorite servant. Dido," I re- marked, "you are to remember that Neb is mine." " Dat true, sah, and so Chloe say ; but dere great differ- ence, Masser Mile, atween Clawbonny and a ship. Neb own, himself, young masser, he doesn't even lib in cabin, where you lib, sah." " All that is true, Dido ; but there is a difference of an- other sort between a ship and a house. The house-servant may be more liked and trusted than the out-door servant; but we think, at sea, it is more honorable to be a foremast- hand than to be in the cabin, unless as an officer. I was a foremast Jack some time, myself; and Neb is only in such a berth as his master once filled." " Dat a great deal — quite wonerful, sah— berry great deal, and more dan Chloe can say, or I can wish her to say. But, sah, dey say now Neb has save 'e young masser's life, young masser must gib him free-paper; and no gal of mine shall ebber be free nigger's wife. No, sah; MILES WALLINGFORD. 1 5 dat disgrace, which too much for fait'ful ole servant to bear!" " I am afraid, Dido, Neb is the same way of thinking. I offered him his freedom, the other day, and he refused to receive it. Times are changing in this country; and it will be thought, soon, it is more creditable for a black to be free, than to be any man's slave. The law means to free all hands of you, one of these days." " Nebber tell me dat, Masser Mile — dat day nebber come for me or mine ; even ole Cupid know better dan dat. Now, sah, Misser Van Blarcum's Brom want to have Chloe, dreadful; but I nebber consent to sich a uner" — Dido meant union — "nebber. Our family, sah, altogedder too good to marry in among the Van Blarcums. Nebber has been, and never shall be uner atween 'em." " I was not aware. Dido, that the Clawbonny slaves were so particular about their connections." " Won'erful particular, sah, and ebber hab been, and eb- ber will be. Don't t'ink, Masser Mile, I marry ole Cupid, myself, if anoder prop'r connection offer in 'e family ; but I prefar him, to marry into any oder family hereabout." " Neb is Clawbonny, and my great friend ; so I hope you will think better of his suit. Some day Chloe may like to be free ; and Neb will always have it in his power to make his wife free, as well as himself." " Sah, I t'ink as you say, Masser Miles, sah — when I hab done t'inkin', sah, hope young masser and young missus hear what ole cook got to say, afore 'ey gives consent." "Certainly; Chloe is your daughter, and she shall pay you all due respect — for that, I will answer for my sister as well as for myself. We will never encourage disrespect for parents." Dido renewed and redoubled her thanks, made another profound curtsey, and withdrew with a dignity that, I dare say, in Neb's and Chloe's eyes, boded little good. As for myself, I now mused on the character of the things of this l6 MILES WALLINGFORD. world. Here were people of the very humblest class known in a nation — nay, of a class sealed by nature itself, and doomed to inferiority — just as tenacious of the very distinc- tions that were making me so miserable, and against which certain persons, who are wiser than the rest of the world, declaim without understanding them, and even go so far, sometimes, as to deny their existence. My cook reasoned, in her sphere, much as I knew that Rupert reasoned, as the Drewetts reasoned, as the world reasoned, and, as I feared, even Lucy reasoned in my own case ! The return of Mar- ble, who had left my side as soon as Dido opened her bud- get, prevented my dwelling long on this strange — I had al- most said, uncouth — coincidence, and brought my mind back to present things. " As the old woman has spun her yarn. Miles," the mate resumed, " we will go on with matters and things. I have been talking with the mother of the youngster that fell over- board, and giving her some advice for the benefit of her son in time to come, and what do you think she gives as the reason for the silly thing he did? " " It is quite out of my power to say — that he was a silly fellow naturally, perhaps." " Love. It seems the poor boy is in love with this sweet friend of yours, Rupert's sister, and it was nothing more nor less than love which made him undertake to play rope- dancer on our main-boom ! " " Did Mrs. Drewett tell you this with her own mouth, Marble?" "That did she, Captain Wallingford, for while you were discussing Neb and Chloe, with old Dido, we, that is, the doctor, the mother, and myself, were discussing Andrew and Lucy between ourselves. The good old lady gave me to understand it was a settled thing, and that she looked on Miss Hardinge already as a third daughter." This was a strange subject for Mrs. Drewett to discuss with a man like Marble, or even with Post, but some allow- MILES WALLINGFORD. 1 7 ances were to be made for Marble's manner of viewing his own connection with the dialogue, and more for the excited condition of the mother's feelings. She was scarcely yet in possession of all her faculties, and might very well commit an indiscretion of this nature, more especially in her con- versation with a man in Post's position, overlooking or dis- regarding the presence of the mate. The effect of all that had passed was to leave a strong impression on my mind that I was too late. Lucy must be engaged, and waited only to become of age, in order to make the settlements she intended in favor of her brother, ere she was married. Her manner to myself was merely the result of habit and sincere friendship, a little increased in interest and gentleness, perhaps, on account of the grievous wrong she felt we had received from Rupert. What right had I to complain, ad- mitting all this to be true? I had scarcely been aware of my own passion for the dear girl, for years, and had cer- tainly never attempted to make her acquainted with it. She had made me no pledges, plighted no faith, received no as- surances of attachment, was under no obligation to wait my pleasure. So sincere was my affection for Lucy, that I re- joiced even in my misery, when I remembered that not the slightest imputation could be laid on her deportment, truth, or frankness. On the whole, it was perhaps the more natu- ral that she should love Andrew Drewett, one she met for the first time after she became of an age to submit to such impressions, than to love me, whom she had been educated to treat with the familiarity and confidence of a brother. Yes, I was even just enough to admit this. The scene of the morning, and the presence of Mrs. Drewett and her daughters, produced an entire change in the spirits and intercourse of our party. The ladies re- mained below most of the time, and as for Drewett himself, he was advised by Post not to quit his berth until he found his strength restored. Mr. Hardinge passed much time by Andrew Drewett's side, offering such attentions as might be 1 8 MJLES WALLINGFORD. proper from a father to a son. At least it so seemed to me. This left Marble and myself in possession of the quarter- deck, though we had occasional visits from all below — Grace, Lucy, and old Mrs. Drewett excepted. In the meantime, the Wallingford continued to ascend the river, favored until evening by a light southerly breeze. She outsailed everything, and, just as the sun was sinking behind the fine termination of the Catskill range of moun- tains, we were some miles above the outlet of the stream that has lent it its name. A lovelier landscape can scarce be imagined than that which presented itself from the deck of the sloop. It was the first time I had ascended the river, or, indeed, that any of the Clawbonny party had been up it so high, Mr. Har- dinge excepted; and everybody was called on deck to look at the beauties of the hour. The sloop was about a mile above Hudson, and the view was to be gazed at towards the south. This is, perhaps, the finest reach of this very beau- tiful stream, though it is not the fashion to think so ; the Highlands being the part usually preferred. It is easy enough for me, who have since lived among the sublimity of the Swiss and Italian lakes, to understand that there is nothing of a very sublime character, relatively considered, in any of the reaches of the Hudson; but it would be diffi- cult to find a river that has so much which is exquisitely beautiful ; and this, too, of a beauty which borders on the grand. Lucy was the first person to create any doubts in my mind concerning the perfection of the Highlands. Just as the cockney declaims about Richmond Hill — the inland view from Mont-Martre, of a clouded day, is worth twenty of it — but just as the provincial London cockney declaims about Richmond Hill, so has the provincial American been in the habit of singing the praises of the Highlands of the Hudson. The last are sufficiently striking, I will allow; but they are surpassed in their own kind by a hundred known mountain landscapes; while the softer parts of the MILES WALLINGFORD. I9 river have scarcely a rival. Lucy, I repeat, was the first person to teach me this distinction— Lucy, who then had never seen either Alps or Apennines. But her eye was as true as her principles, her tongue, or her character. AH was truth about the dear girl — truth unadulterated and un- alloyed. " Certainly, my dear Mrs. Drewett," the dear girl said, as she stood supporting the old lady, who leaned on her arm, gazing at the glorious sunset, " the Highlands have nothing to equal this ! To me this seems all that art could achieve ; while I confess the views in the mountains have ever ap- peared to want something that the mind can imagine." Mrs. Drewett, though a respectable, was a commonplace woman. She belonged to the vast class that do most of their thinking by proxy; and it was a sort of heresy in her eyes to fancy anything could surpass the Highlands. Poor Mrs. Drewett! She was exceedingly cockney, without hav- ing the slightest suspicion of it. Her best ought to be everybody else's best. She combated Lucy's notion warmly, therefore, protesting that the Highlands could not have a superior. This is a sort of argument it is not easy to over- come; and her companion was content to admire the scene before her in silence, after urging one or two reasons in support of her opinion, in her own quiet, unpretending manner. I overheard this little argument, and was a close observer of the manner of the parties. Mrs. Drewett was extremely indulgent, even while warmest, seeming to me to resist Lucy's opinion as an affectionate mother would contend with the mistaken notions of a very favorite child. On the other hand, Lucy appeared confiding, and spoke as the young of her sex are most apt to do, when they utter their thoughts to ears they feel must be indulgent. A sunset cannot last for ever; and even this, sweet as it had been, soon became^ tame and tasteless to me. As the ladies now disappeared, I determined to anchor, the wind 20 MILES WALLINGFORD. failing, and the tide coming ahead. Marble and myself had a sort of state-room fitted up for us in the hold ; and thither I was glad to retire, standing really in need of rest, after the terrible exertions of that day. What passed in the cabins that evening, I had no opportunity of knowing, though I heard laughing, and happy female voices, through the bulkheads, hours after my own head was on its pillow. When Marble came down to turn in, he told me the cabin party had revived, and that there had been much pleasant discourse among the young people; and this in a way to cause even him to derive great satisfaction as a listener. Neb gave us a call at daylight. The wind was fresh at west-northwest, but the tide was just beginning to run on the flood. I was so impatient to be rid of my guests, that all hands were called immediately, and we got the sloop under way. The pilot professed himself willing to beat up through the narrow passages above, and the Wallingford's greatest performance being on the wind, I was determined to achieve my deliverance that very tide. The sloop drew more water than was usual for the up-river craft, it is true; but she was light, and, just at the moment, could go wher- ever the loaded Albany vessels went. Those were not the days of vast public works; and, as for sea-going craft, no one had ever crossed the Overslaugh, so far as had come to my knowledge. Times have changed greatly since ; but the reader will remember I am writing of that remote period in American history, the year of our Lord 1803. The anchor was no sooner aweigh, than the deck became a scene of activity. The breeze was stiff, and it enabled me to show the Wallingford off to advantage among the dull, flat-bottomed craft of that day. There were reaches in which the wind favored us, too; and, by the time the ladies reappeared, we were up among the islands, worming our way through the narrow channels with rapidity and skill. To me, and to Marble also, the scene was entirely novel; and between the activity that our evolutions re- MILES WALLINGFORD. 2t quired, and the constant change of scene, we had little leisure to attend to those in the cabin. Just as breakfast was announced, indeed, the vessel was approaching the more difficult part of the river; and all we got of that meal, we took on deck, at snatches, between the many tacks we made. As good luck would have it, however, the wind backed more to the westward about eight o'clock; and we were enabled to stem the ebb that began to make at the same time. This gave us the hope of reaching the end of our passage without again anchoring. At length we reached the Overslaugh, which, as was apt to be the case, was well sprinkled with vessels aground. The pilot carried us through them all, however; if not literally with flying colors, which would have been re- garded as an insult by the less fortunate, at least with com- plete success. Then Albany came into view, leaning against its sharp acclivity, and spreading over its extensive bottom land. It was not the town it is to-day, by quite three-fourths less in dwellings and people; but it was then, as now, one of the most picturesque-looking places in America. There is no better proof, in its way, how much more influence the talking and writing part of mankind have than the mere actors, than is to be found in the rela- tive consideration of Albany, on the scale of appearance and position, as compared with those enjoyed by a hundred other towns, more especially in the Eastern States. Almost without a competitor, as to beauty of situation, or at least on a level with Richmond and Burlington, among the in- land towns it was usually esteemed a Dutch place that every pretender was at liberty to deride, in my younger days. We are a people by no means addicted to placing our candle under the bushel, and yet I cannot recall a single civil ex- pression in any native writer touching the beauties of Al- bany. It may have been owing to the circumstance that so much of the town was under the hill at the beginning of the century, and that strangers had few opportunities of seeing 22 MILES WALLINGFORD. it to advantage; but I rather think its want of the Anglo- Saxon origin was the principal reason it was so little in favor. Glad enough was I to reach the wharves, with their line of storehouses, that then literally spouted wheat into the sloops that crowded the quays, on its way to feed the con- tending armies of Europe. Late as it was in the season, wheat was still pouring outward through all the channels of the country, enriching the farmers with prices that fre- quently rose as high as two dollars and a half the bushel, and sometimes as high as three. Yet no one was so poor in America as to want bread ! The dearer the grain, the higher the wages of the laborer, and the better he lived. It was not at all late when the Wallingford was slowly approaching the wharf where it was intended to bring up. There was a sloop ahead of us, which we had been gradu- ally approaching for the last two hours, but which was en- abled to keep in advance in consequence of the lightness of the wind. This dying away of the breeze rendered the ap- proaching noontide calm and pleasant; and everybody in- board, even to Grace, came on deck, as we moved slowly past the dwellings on the eastern bank, in order to get a view of the town. I proposed that the Clawbonny party should land, contrary to our original intention, and profit by the opportunity to see the political capital of the state at our leisure. Both Grace and Lucy were inclined to listen favorably; and the Drewetts, Andrew and his sisters, were delighted at this prospect of our remaining together a little longer. Just at this moment, the Wallingford, true to her character, was coming up with the sloop ahead, and was already doubling on her quarter. I was giving some orders, when Lucy and Chloe, supporting Grace, passed me on their way to the cabin. My poor sister was pale as death, and I could see that she trembled so much she could hardly walk. A significant glance from Lucy bade me not to interfere, and I had sufficient self-command to obey. I turned to look MILES WALLINGFORD. 23 at the neighboring sloop, and found at once an explanation of my sister's agitation. The Mertons and Rupert were on her quarter-deck, and so near as to render it impossible to avoid speaking, at least to the former. At this embarrassing instant Lucy returned to my side, with a view, as I after- ward learned, to urge me to carry the Wallingford to some place so distant, as to remove the danger of any intercourse. This accident rendered the precaution useless, the whole party in the other vessel catching sight of my companion at the same moment. " This is an agreeable surprise ! " called out Emily, in whose eyes Rupert's sister could not be an object of indif- ference. " By your brother's and Mrs. Drewett's account, we had supposed you at Clawbonny, by the bedside of Miss Wallingford." " Miss Wallingford is here, as are my father, and Mrs. Drewett, and " Lucy never let it be known who that other " and " was in- tended to include. "Well, this is altogether surprising!" put in Rupert, with a steadiness of voice that really astounded me. " At the very moment we were giving you lots of credit for your constancy in friendship, and all that sort of thing, here you are. Mademoiselle Lucie, trotting off to the Springs, like all the rest of us, bent on pleasure." " No, Rupert," answered Lucy, in a tone which I thought could not fail to bring the heartless coxcomb to some sense of the feeling he ought to manifest; "I am going to no Springs. Doctor Post has advised a change of scene and air for Grace; and Miles has brought us all up in his sloop, that we may endeavor to contribute to the dear sufferer's comfort, in one united family. We shall not land in Albany." I took my cue from these last words, and understood that I was not even to bring the sloop alongside the wharf. "Upon my word, it is just as she says, colonel! " cried 24 MILES WALLINGFORD. Rupert. " I can see my father on the forecastle, with Post, and divers others of my acquaintance. Ay — and there's Drewett, as I live ! Wallingford, too ! How fare you, noble captain, up in this fresh-water stream? You must be strangely out of your latitude." " How do you do, Mr. Hardinge ? " I coldly returned the salutation ; and then I was obliged to speak to the major and his daughter. But Neb was at the helm, and I had given him a sign to sheer further from our companion. This soon reduced the intercourse to a few wavings of handker- chiefs, and kissings of the hand, in which all the Drewetts came in for a share. As for Lucy, she walked aside, and I seized the occasion to get a word in private. "What am I to do with the sloop? " I asked. "It will soon be necessary to come to some decision." "By no means go to the wharf. Oh! this has been most cruel. The cabin windows are open, and Grace must have heard every syllable. Not even a question as to her health ! I dread to go below and witness the effect." I wished not to speak of Rupert to his sister, and avoided the subject. The question, therefore, was simply repeated. Lucy inquired if it were not possible to land our passengers without bringing-up, and, hearing the truth on the subject, she renewed her entreaties not to land. Room was taken accordingly, and the sloop, as soon as high enough, was rounded-to, and the boat lowered. The portmanteau of Post was placed in it, and the Drewetts were told that everything was ready to put them ashore. " Surely we are not to part thus ! " exclaimed the old lady. " You intend to land, Lucy, if not to accompany us to Ballston? The waters might prove of service to Miss Wallingford." " Doctor Post thinks not, but advises us to return tran- quilly down the river. We may yet go as far as Sandy Hook, or even into the Sound. It all depends on dear Grace's strength and inclinations." MILES WALLINGFORD. 2$ Protestations of regret and disappointment followed, for everybody appeared to think much of Lucy, and very little of my poor sister. Some attempts were even made at per- suasion; but the quiet firmness of Lucy soon convinced her friends that she was not to be diverted from her purpose. Mr. Hardinge, too, had a word to say in confirmation of his daughter's decision ; and the travellers reluctantly prepared to enter the boat. After he had assisted his mother over the sloop's side, Andrew Drewett turned to me, and in fair, gentleman-like, manly language, expressed his sense of the service I had rendered him. After this acknowledgment, the first he had made, I could do no less than shake his hand; and we parted in the manner of those who have conferred and received a favor. I could perceive that Lucy's color heightened, and that she looked exceedingly gratified, while this little scene was in the course of being" acted, though I was unable to com- prehend the precise feeling that was predominant in her honest and truthful heart. Did that increased color proceed from pleasure at the handsome manner in which Drewett acquitted himself of one of the most embarrassing of all our duties — the admission of a deep obligation? or was it in any manner connected with her interest in me? I could not ask, and of course did not learn. This scene, however, ter- minated our intercourse with the Drewetts, for the moment, the boat pulling away immediately after. CHAPTER II. Misplaced in life, I know not what I could have been, but feel I am not what I should be — let it end. Sardana^a^us. Glad enough was I to find the quiet and domestic char- acter of my vessel resto^^ed. Lucy had vanished as soon as it was proper, but, agreeably to her request, I got the sloop's 26 MILES WALLINGFORD. head down-stream, and began our return passage, without even thinking of putting a foot on the then unknown land of Albany. Marble was too much accustomed to submit without inquiry to the movements of the vessel he was in to raise any objections, and the Wallingford, her boat in tow, was soon turning down with the tide, aided by a light wes- terly wind, on her homeward course. This change kept all on deck so busy, that it was some little time ere I saw Lucy again. When we did meet, however, I found her sad, and full of apprehension. Grace had evidently been deeply hurt by Rupert's deportment. The effect on her frame was such, that it was desirable to let her be as little disturbed as possible. Lucy hoped she might fall asleep, for, like an infant, her exhausted physical powers sought relief in this resource, almost as often as the state of her mind would permit. Her existence, although I did not then know it, was like that of the flame which flickers in the air, and which is endangered by the slightest increase of the current to which the lamp may be exposed. We succeeded in getting across the Overslaugh without touching, and had got down among the islands below Coejiman's,* when we were met by the new flood. The wind dying away to a calm, we were compelled to select a berth, and anchor. As soon as we were snug, I sought an interview with Lucy, but the dear girl sent word by Chloe that Grace was dozing, and that she could not see me just at that moment, as her presence in the cabin was necessary in order to maintain silence. On receiving this message, I ordered the boat hauled up alongside; Marble, myself, and Neb got in ; when the black sculled us ashore — Chloe grinning at the latter's dexterity, as with one hand and a mere play of the wrist he caused the water to foam under the bows of our little bark. The spot where we landed was a small but lovely gravelly * Queeman''s, as pronounced. This is a Dutch, not an Indian name, and belongs to a respectable New York family. MILES WALLINGFORD. 2/ cove, that was shaded by three or four enormous weeping- willows, and presented the very picture of peace and repose. It was altogether a retired and rural bit, there being near it no regular landing, no reels for seines, nor any of those signs that denote a place of resort. A single cottage stood on a small natural terrace, elevated some ten or twelve feet above the rich bottom that sustained the willows. This cot- tage was the very beau ideal of rustic neatness and home comfort. It was of stone, one story in height, with a high- pointed roof, and had a Dutch-looking gable that faced the river and which contained the porch and outer door. The stones were white as the driven snow, having been washed a few weeks before. The windows had the charm of ir- regularity, and everything about the dwelling proclaimed a former century, and a rkgime different from that under which we were then living. In fact, the figures 1698, let in as iron braces to the wall of the gable, announced that the house was quite as old as the second structure at Clawbonny. The garden of this cottage was not large, but it was in admirable order. It lay entirely in the rear of the dwelling; and behind it, again, a small orchard, containing about a hundred trees, on which the fruit began to show itself in abundance, lay against the sort of amphitheatre that almost enclosed this little nook against the intrusion and sight of the rest of the world. There were also half a dozen huge cherry trees, from which the fruit had not yet altogether dis- appeared, near the house, to which they served the double purpose of ornament and shade. The outhouses seemed to be as old as the dwellng, and were in quite as good order. As we drew near the shore, I directed Neb to cease scull- ing, and sat gazing at this picture of retirement, and, ap- parently, of content, while the boat drew towards the gravelly beach, under the impetus already received. "This is a hermitage I think I could stand, Miles," said Marble, whose look hac^ not been off the spot since the mo- ment we left the sloop's side. " This is what I should caU 28 MILES WALLINGFORD. a human hermitage, and none of your out and out solitudes. Room for pigs and poultry; a nice gravelly beach for your boat; good fishing in the offing, I'll answer for it; a snug shoulder-of-mutton sort of a house ; trees as big as a two- decker's lower masts; and company within hail, should a fellow happen to take it into his head that he was getting melancholy. This is just the spot I would like to fetch-up in, when it became time to go into dock. What a place to smoke a cigar in is that bench up yonder, under the cherry tree ; and grog must have a double flavor alongside of that spring of fresh water ! " " You could become the owner of this very place, Moses, and then we should be neighbors, and might visit each other by water. It cannot be much more than fifty miles from this spot to Clawbonny." " I dare say, now, that they would think of asking, for a place like this, as much money as would buy a good whole- some ship — a regular A No. i." "No such thing; a thousand or twelve hundred dollars would purchase the house, and all the land we can see — some twelve or fifteen acres, at the most. You have more than two thousand salted away, I know, Moses, between prize money, wages, adventures, and other matters." " I could hold my head up under two thousand, of a sar- tainty. I wish the place was a little nearer Clawbonny, say, eight or ten miles off; and then I do think I should talk to the people about a trade." " It's quite unnecessary, after all. I have quite as snug a cove, near the creek bluff at Clawbonny, and will build a house for you there, you shall not tell from a ship's cabin; that would be more to your fancy." " I've thought of that, too. Miles, and at one time fancied it would be a prettyish sort of an idee; but it won't stand logarithms, at all. You may build a room that shall have its cabin look^ but you can't build one that'll have a cabin natur'. You may get carl ins, and transoms, and lockers, and MILES WALLINGFORD. 2g bulkheads all right; but where are you to get your motion? What's a cabin without motion? It would soon be like the sea in the calm latitudes, offensive to the senses. No! none of your bloody motionless cabins for me. If I'm afloat, let me be afloat; if I'm ashore, let me be ashore." Ashore we were by this time, the boat's keel grinding gently on the pebbles of the beach. We landed and walked towards the cottage, there being nothing about the place to forbid our taking this liberty. I told Marble we would ask for a drink of milk, two cows being in sight, cropping the rich herbage of a beautiful little pasture. This expedient at first seemed unnecessary, no one appearing about the place to question our motives, or to oppose our progress. When we had reached the door of the cottage, we found it open, and could look within without violating any of the laws of civilization. There was no vestibule, or entry; but the door communicated directly with a room of some size, and which occupied the whole front of the building. I dare say this single room was twenty feet square, besides being of a height a little greater than was then customary in buildings of that class. This apartment was neatness itself. It had a home- made, but really pretty carpet on the floor; contained a dozen old-fashioned, high-back chairs, in some dark wood; two or three tables, in which one might see his face; a couple of mirrors of no great size, but of quaint gilded or- naments; a buffet with some real china in it; and the other usual articles of a country residence that was some- what above the ordinary farm-houses of the region, and yet as much below the more modest of the abodes of the higher class. I supposed the cottage to be the residence of some small family that had seen more of life than was customary with the mere husbandman, and yet not enough to raise it much above the level of the husbandman's homely habits. We were looking in from the porch on this scene of rural peace and faultless neatness, when an inner door opened in the deliberate manner tnat betokens age, and the mistress of 30 MILES WALLINGFORD. the cottage appeared. She was a woman approaching seventy, of middle size, a quiet, but firm step, and an air of health. Her dress was of the fashion of the previous cen- tury, plain, but as neat as everything around her — a spot- less white apron seeming to bid defiance to the approach of anything that could soil its purity. The countenance of this old woman certainly did not betoken any of the refinement which is the result of education and good company ; but it denoted benevolence, a kind nature, and feeling. We were saluted without surprise, and invited in, to be seated. "It isn't often that sloops anchor here," said the old woman — lady it would be a stretch of politeness to call her — " their i^voryfe places being higher up, and lower down, the river." " And how do you account for that, mother ? " asked Marble, who seated himself and addressed the mistress of the cottage with a seaman's frankness. " To my fancy, this is the best anchorage IVe seen in many a day — one alto- gether to be coveted. One might be as much alone as he liked in a spot like this, without absolutely turning your bloody hermit." The old woman gazed at Marble like one who scarce knew what to make of such an animal ; and yet her look was mild and indulgent. " I account for the boatmen's preferring other places to this," she said, "by the circumstance that there is no tavern here ; while there is one two miles above, and an- other two miles below us." " Your remark that there is no tavern here, reminds me of the necessity of apologizing for coming so boldly to your door," I answered ; " but we sailors mean no impertinence, though we are so often guilty of it in landing." " You are heartily welcome. I am glad to see them that understand how to treat an old woman kindly, and know how to pity and pardon them that do not. At my time of life we get to learn the value of fair words and good treat- MILES WALLINGFORD. 3 I ment, for it's only a short time it will be in our power to show either to our fellow creatures." " Your favorable disposition to your fellows comes from living all your days in a spot as sweet as this.'' " I would much rather think that it comes from God. He alone is the source of all that is good within us." "Yet a spot like this must have its influence on a char- acter. I dare say you have lived long in this very house, which, old as you profess to be, seems to be much older than yourself. It has probably been your abode ever since your marriage?" " And long before, sir. I was born in this house, as was my father before me. You are right in saying that I have dwelt in it ever since my marriage, for I dwelt in it long before." " This is not very encouraging for my friend here, who took such a fancy to your cottage, as we came ashore, as to wish to own it; but I scarce think he will venture to pur- chase, now he knows how dear it must be to you." " And has your friend no home — no place in which to put his family?" " Neither home nor family, my good mother," answered Marble for himself; "and so much the greater reason, you will think, why I ought to begin to think of getting both as soon as possible. I never had father or mother, to my knowl- edge; nor house, nor home of any sort, but a ship. I forgot; I was a hermit once, and set myself up in that trade, with a whole island to myself; but I soon gave up all to natur', and got out of that scrape as fast as I could. The business didn't suit me." The old woman looked at Marble intently. I could see by her countenance that the off-hand, sincere, earnest man- ner of the mate had taken some unusual hold of her feelings. "Hermit! " the good woman repeated with curiosity; "I have often heard and read of such people ; but you are not at all like them I have fancied to be hermits," 32 MILES WALLINGFORD. " Another proof I undertook a business for which I was not fit. I suppose a man before he sets up for a hermit ought to know something of his ancestors, as one looks to the pedigree of a horse in order to find out whether he is fit for a racer. No a^, as I happen to know nothing of mine, it is no wonder I fell into a mistake. It's an awkward thing, old lady, for a man to be born without a name." The eye of our hostess was still bright and full of ani- mation, and I never saw a keener look than she fastened on the mate, as he delivered himself in this, one of his usual fits of misanthropical feeling. "And -were yoti born without a name?" she asked, after gazing intently at the other. " Sartin. Everybody is born with only one name; but I happened to be born without any name at all." "This is so extr'or'nary, sir," added our old hostess, more interested than I could have supposed for a stranger to be- come in Marble's rough bitterness, " that I should like to hear how such a thing could be." "I am quite ready to tell you all about it, mother; but as one good turn deserves another, I shall ask you first to answer me a few questions about the ownership of this house, and cove, and orchard. When you have told your story, I am ready to tell mine." " I see how it is," said the old woman, in alarm. " You are sent here by Mr. Van Tassel, to inquire about the money due on the mortgage, and to learn whether it is likely to be paid or not." "We are not sent here at all, my good old lady," I now thought it time to interpose, for the poor woman was very obviously much alarmed, and in a distress that even her aged and wrinkled countenance could not entirely conceal. "We are just what you see — people belonging to that sloop, who have come ashore to stretch their legs, and have never heard of any Mr. Van Tassel, or any money, or any mort- gage." MILES WALLINGFORD. 3J "Thank Heaven for that!" exclaimed the old woman, seeming to relieve her mind, as well as body, by a heavy sigh. " 'Squire Van Tassel is a hard man ; and a widow woman, with no relative at hand but a grand-darter that is just sixteen, is scarce able to meet him. My poor old hus- band always maintained that the money had been paid ; but, now he is dead and gone, 'Squire Van Tassel brings forth the bond and mortgage, and says, *If you can prove that these are paid, I'm willing to give them up.' " " This is so strange an occurrence, my dear old lady," I observed, " that you have only to make us acquainted with the facts, to get another supporter in addition to your grand-daughter. It is true, I am a stranger, and have come here purely by accident ; but Providence sometimes appears to work in this mysterious manner, and I have a strong presentiment we may be of use to you. Relate your diffi- culties, then ; and you shall have the best legal advice in the state, should your case require it." The old woman seemed embarrassed; but, at the same time, she seemed touched. We were utter strangers to her, it is true ; yet there is a language in sympathy which goes beyond that of the tongue, and which, coming Jrom the heart, goes to the heart. I was quite sincere in my offers, and this sincerity appears to have produced its customary fruits. I was believed; and, after wiping away a tear or two that forced themselves into her eyes, our hostess an- swered me as frankly as I had offered my aid. "You do not look like 'Squire Van Tassel's men, for they seem to me to think the place is theirs already. Such craving, covetous creatur's I never before laid eyes on ! I hope I may trust you ? " " Depend on us, mother," cried Marble, giving the old woman a cordial squeeze of the hand. " My heart is in this business, for my mind was half made up, at first sight, to own this spot myself — by honest purchase, you'll under- stand me, and not by any <5!f your land-shark tricks — and, 3 34 MILES WALLINGFORD. such being the case, you can easily think I'm not inclined to let this Mr. Tassel have it." "It would be almost as sorrowful a thing to sell this place," the good woman answered, her countenance con- firming all she said in words, " as to have it torn from me by knaves. I have told you that even my father was born in this very house. I was his only child; and when God called him away, which he did about twelve years after my marriage, the little farm came to me, of course. Mine it would have been at this moment, without let or hindrance of any sort, but for a fault committed in early youth. Ah ! my friends, it is hopeless to do evil, and expect to escape the consequences." "The evil you have done, my good mother," returned Marble, endeavoring to console the poor creature, down whose cheeks the tears now fairly began to run ; " the evil you have done, my good mother, can be no great matter. If it was a question about a rough tar like myself, or even of Miles there, who's a sort of sea-saint, something might be made of it, I make no doubt; but your account must be pretty much all credit, and no debtor." "That is a state that befalls none of earth, my young friend " — Marble was young, compared to his companion, though a lump fifty. " My sin was no less than to break one of God's commandments." I could see that my mate was a good deal confounded at this ingenuous admission; for, in his eyes, breaking the commandments was either killing, stealing, or blaspheming. The other sins of the decalogue he had come by habit to regard as peccadilloes. "I think this must be a mistake, mother," he said, in a sort of consoling tone. " You may have fallen into some oversights, or mistakes; but this breaking of the command- ments is rather serious sort of work." " Yet I broke the fifth ; I forgot to honor my father and mother. Nevertheless, the Lord has been gracious; for my MILES WALLINGFORD. 35 days have already reached three-score-and-ten. But this is his goodness — not any merit of my own! " " Is it not a proof that the error has been forgiven ? '' I ventured to remark. " If penitence can purchase peace, I feel certain you have earned that relief." "One never knows! I think this calamity of the mort- gage, and the danger I run of dying without a roof to cover my head, may be all traced up to that one act of disobedi- ence. I have been a mother myself — may say I am a mother now, for my grand-daughter is as dear to me as was her blessed mother — and it is when we look down^ rather than when we look up^ as it might be, that we get to understand the true virtue of this commandment." " If it were impertinent curiosity that instigates the ques- tion, my old friend," I added, "it would not be in my power to look you in the face, as I do now, while begging you to let me know your difficulties. Tell them in your own manner, but tell them with confidence; for, I repeat, we have the power to assist you, and can command the best legal advice of the country." Again the old woman looked at me intently through her spectacles ; then, as if her mind was made up to confide in our honesty, she disburdened it of its secrets. " It would be wrong to tell you a part of my story, with- out telling you all," she began, "for you might think Van Tassel and his set are alone to blame, while my conscience tells me that little has happened that is not a just punish- ment for my great sin. You'll have patience, therefore, with an old woman, and hear her whole tale; for mine is not a time of life to mislead any. The days of white-heads are numbered; and, was it not for Kitty, the blow would not be quite so hard on me. You must know, we are Dutch by origin — come of the ancient Hollanders of the colony— and were Van Duzers by name. It's like, friends," added the good woman, hesitating, " that ^ou are Yankees by birth ? " " I cannot say I am," I answered, " though of English / 36 MILES WALLINGFORD. extraction. My family is long of New York, but it does not] mount back quite as far as the time of the Hollanders." i "And your friend? He is silent; perhaps he is of Newj England.? I would not wish to hurt his feelings, for myi story will bear a little hard, perhaps, on his love of home.'*] " Never mind me, mother, but rowse it all up like entered^ cargo," said Marble, in his usual bitter way when alludingt] to his own birth. " There's not the man breathing that one^ can speak more freely before on such matters, than Mosea^ Marble." i "Marble! — that's a kar^ name," returned the woman^j slightly smiling ; " but a name is not a Aearf. My parent* were Dutch ; and you may have heard how it was before thOj Revolution, between the Dutch and the Yankees. Near^ neighbors, they did not love each other. The Yankees said^ the Dutch were fools, and the Dutch said the Yankees werd knaves. Now, as you may easily suppose, I was born before^ the Revolution, when King George II. was on the throne^ and ruled the country; and though it was long after thei English got to be our masters, it was before our people hadi forgotten their language and their traditions. My fatheri himself was born after the English governors came among^ us, as I've heard him say; but it mattered not — he loved^ Holland to the last, and the customs of his fathers." ' "All quite right, mother," said Marble, a little impa-^ tiently ; " but what of all that ? It's as nat'ral for a Dutchman^ to love Holland, as it is for an Englishman to love Hollands.^ I've been in the Low Countries, and must say it's a muskrat^ sort of a life the people lead ; neither afloat nor ashore." ^ The old woman regarded Marble with more respect afterij this declaration ; for, in that day, a travelled man was highly^ esteemed among us. In her eyes, it was a greater exploit to^ have seen Amsterdam, than it would now be to visit Jerusa-^ lem. Indeed, it is getting rather discreditable to a man ofii the world not to have seen the Pyramids, the Red Sea, andj the Jordan. MILES WALLINGFORD. 3/ "My father loved it not the less, though he never saw the land of his ancestors," resumed the old woman. " Notwith- standing the jealousy of the Yankees, among us Dutch, and the mutual dislike, many of the former came among us to seek their fortunes. They are not a home-staying people, it would seem ; and I cannot deny that cases have happened in which they have been known to get away the farms of some of the Netherlands stock, in a way that it would have been better not to have happened." " You speak considerately, my dear woman," I remarked, " and like one that has charity for all human failing." " I ought to do so for my own sins, and I ought to do so to them of New England ; for my own husband was of that race." " Ay, now the story is coming round regularly, Miles," said Marble, nodding his head in approbation. " It will touch on love next, and, if trouble do not follow, set me down as an ill-nat'red old bachelor. Love in a man's heart is like getting heated cotton, or shifting ballast, into a ship's hold." " I must confess to it," continued our hostess, smiling in spite of her real sorrows — sorrows that were revived by thus recalling the events of her early life. "A young man of Yankee birth came among us as a schoolmaster, when I was only fifteen. Our people were anxious enough to have us all taught to read English, for many had found the dis- advantage of being ignorant of the language of their rulers, and of the laws. I was sent to George Wetmore's school, like most of the other young people of the neighborhood, and remained his scholar for three years. If you were on the hill above the orchard yonder, you might see the school- house at this moment; for it is only a short walk from our place, and a walk that I made four times a day for just three years." "One can see how the fend lies now," cried Marble, lighting a cigar, for he thought no apology necessary for 38 MILES WALLINGFORD. smoking under a Dutch roof. " The master taught his scholar something more than he found in his spelling-book, or the catechism. We'll take your word about the school- house, seeing it is out of view." " It was out of sight, truly, and that may have been the reason my parents took it so hard when George Wetmore asked their leave to marry me. This was not done until he had walked home with me, or as near home as the brow of yon hill, for a whole twelvemonth, and had served a servi- tude almost as long and as patient as that of Jacob for Rachel." " Well, mother, how did the old people receive the ques- tion ^ like good-natured parents, I hope, for George's sake." "Rather say like the children of Holland, judging of the children of New England. They would not hear of it, but wished me to marry my own cousin, Petrus Storm, who was not greatly beloved, even in his own family." " Of course you down anchor, and said you never would quit the moorings of home? " " If I rightly understand you, sir, I did something very different. I got privately married to George, and he kept school near a twelvemonth longer, up, behind the hill, though most of the young women were taken away from his teaching." " Ay, the old way ; the door was locked after the horse was stolen ! Well, you were married, mother " " After a time, it was necessary for me to visit a kins- woman who lived a little down the river. There my first child was born, unknown to my parents, and George gave it in charge to a poor woman who had lost her own babe, for we were still afraid to let our secret be known to my parents. Now commences the punishment for breaking the fifth com- mandment." "How's that. Miles?" demanded Moses. "Is it ag'in the commandments for a married woman to have a son ? " " Certainly not, my friend, though it is a breach of the MILES WALLINGFORD. 39 commandments not to honor our parents. This good woman alludes to her marrying contrary to the wishes of her father and mother." " Indeed I do, sir, and dearly have I been punished for it. In a few weeks I returned home, and was followed by the sad news of the death of my first-born. The grief of these tidings drew the secret from me, and nature spoke so loud in the hearts of my poor parents, that they forgave all, took George home, and ever afterward treated him as if he also had been their own child. But it was too late; had it happened a few weeks earlier, my own precious babe might have been saved to me." "You cannot know that, mother; we all die when our time comes." " His time had not come. The miserable wretch to whom George trusted the boy, exposed him among strangers to save herself trouble, and to obtain twenty dollars at as cheap a rate as possible " " Hold ! " 1 interrupted. " In the name of Heaven, my good woman, in what year did this occur.? " Marble looked at me in astonishment, though he clearly had glimpses of the object of my question. "It was in the month of June, 17 — . For thirty long, long years, I supposed my child had actually died, and then the mere force of conscience told me the truth. The wretched woman could not carry the secret with her into the grave, and she sent for me to hear the sad revelation." " Which was to say that she left the child in a basket on a tombstone in a marble-worker's yard in the town — in the yard of a man whose name was Durfee? " I said, as rapidly as I could speak. "She did, indeed! though it is a marvel to me that a stranger should know this. What will be God's pleasure next!" Marble groaned. Hfe hid his face in his hands, while the poor woman looked from one of us to the other, in be- 40 MILES WALLINGFORD. wildered expectation of what was to follow. I could not leave her long in doubt; but, preparing her for what was to follow, by little and little I gave her to understand that the man she saw before her was her son. After half a century of separation, the mother and child had thus been thrown together by the agency of an inscrutable Providence! The reader will readily anticipate the character of the explana- tions that succeeded. Of the truth of the circumstances there could not be a shadow of doubt, when everything was related and compared. Mrs. Wetmore had ascertained from her unfaithful nurse the history of her child as far as the almshouse, but thirty years had left a gap in the informa- tion she had received, and it was impossible for her to ob- tain the name under which he had left that institution. The Revolution was just over when she made her application, and it was thought that some of the books had been taken away by a refugee. Still, there were a plenty of persons to Supply traditions and conjectures, and so anxious were she and her husband to trace these groundless reports to their confirmation or refutation, that much money and time were thrown away in the fruitless attempts. At length one of the old attendants of the children's department was discovered, who professed to know the whole history of the child brought from the stonecutter's yard. This woman doubtless was honest, but her memory had deceived her. She said that the boy had been called Stone, instead of Marble, a mistake that was natural enough in itself, but which was probably owing to the fact that another child of the first name had really left the institution a few months before Moses took his leave. This Aaron Stone had been traced, first, as an apprentice to a tradesman, thence into a regi- ment of foot in the British army, which regiment had ac- companied the rest of the forces at the evacuation, Novem- ber 25th, 1783. The VVetmores fancied they were now on the track of their child. He was traced down to a period within a MILES WALLINGFORD. 4 1 twelvemonth of that of the search, and was probably to be found in England, still wearing the livery of the king. After a long consultation between the disconsolate parents, it was determined that George Wetmore should sail for England in the hope of recovering their son. But, by this time money was scarce. These worthy people were enabled to live in comfort on their little farm, but they were not rich in cash. All the loose coin was gone in the previous search, and even a small debt had been contracted to enable them to proceed as far as they had. No alternative remained but to mort- gage their home. This was done with great reluctance; but what will not a parent do for his child? A country lawyer, of the name of Van Tassel, was ready enough to advance five hundred on a place that was worth quite three thousand dollars. This man was one of the odious class of country usurers, a set of cormorants that are so much worse than their town counterparts, because their victims are usually objects of real, and not speculative distress, and as ignorant and unpractised as they are necessitous. It is wonderful with what far-sighted patience one of these wretches will bide his time, in order to effect a favorite acquisition. Mrs. Wetmore's little farm was very desirable to this Squire Van Tassel, for reasons in addition to its intrinsic value; and for years nothing could be kinder and more neighborly than his indulgence. Interest was allowed to accumulate, until the whole debt amounted to the sum of a thousand dollars. In the meantime the father went to England, found the sol- dier after much trouble and expense, ascertained that Stone knew his parents, one of whom had died in the almshouse, and spent all his money. Years of debt and anxiety succeeded, until the father sunk under his misfortunes. An only daughter also died, leaving Kitty a legacy to her widowed mother, the other parent having died even before her birth. Thus was Kath- arine Van Duzer, our old hostess, left to struggle on nearly alone, at the decline of life, with a poverty that was daily 42 MILES WALLINGFORD. increasing, years, and this infant grand-daughter. Just be* fore his death, however, George Wetmore had succeeded in selling a portion of his farm, that which was least valuable to himself, and with the money he paid off Van Tassel's mortgage. This was his own account of the matter, and he showed to his wife Van Tassel's receipt, the money having been paid at the county town, where the bond and mortgage could not be then produced. This was shortly before Wet- mores' last illness. A twelvemonth after his death, the widow was advised to demand the bond, and to take the mortgage off record. But the receipt was not to be found. With a woman's ignorance of such matters, the widow let this fact leak out; and her subsequent demand for the re- lease was met with a counter one for evidence of payment. This was the commencement of Van Tassel's hostile atti- tude; and things had gone as far as a foreclosure, and an advertisement for a sale, when the good woman thus oppor- tunely discovered her son ! CHAPTER III. I charge you by the law, Whereof you are a well-deserving pillar, Proceed to judgment ; by my soul I swear There is no power in the tongue of man To alter me ; I stay here on my bond. Shylock. It is not easy to describe the immediate effect of this dis- covery on either of the parties most concerned. Not a doubt remained on the mind of either, after the facts were ex- plained, of the reality of the relationship; for that was so simply proved, as to place the circumstance beyond all dis- pute. Mrs. Wetmore thought of her lost son as of an inno- cent, smiling babe; and here she found him a red-faced, hard-featured, weather-beaten tar, already verging towards age, and a man of manners that were rough, if not rude. MILES WALLINGFORD. 43 She could not at first possess any knowledge of the better points in his character, and was compelled to receive this boon from Providence as it was offered. Nevertheless, a mother's love is not easily dissatisfied or smothered ; and ere I left the house, I could see the old woman's eyes fixed on Marble with an expression of interest and tenderness they had not manifested previously to the revelations. As for the mate himself, now that the fondest wish of his life was so unexpectedly gratified, he was taken so much by surprise that he appeared to think something was wanting. He found his mother the reputable widow of a reputable man, of a class in life quite equal to his own, living on a property that was small, certainly, and involved, but prop- erty that had been long in her family. The truth was, Mar- ble felt so much at this unlooked-for appeal to his gentler feelings, that one of his stern nature did not know how to an- swer it on the emergency ; and the obstinacy of his tempera- ment rather induced him to resist, than to yield to such un- wonted sentiments. I could see he was satisfied with his mother, while he was scarcely satisfied with himself; and, with a view to place both parties in truer positions, I desired Moses to walk down and look at the boat, while I remained alone with his new-found parent. This was not done, how- ever, until all the explanations had been made, and the mother had both blessed and wept over her child. It was done, indeed, principally to relieve Marble from the oppres- sion of feeling created by this very scene. As soon as alone with Mrs. Wetmore, I explained to her my own connection with Marble, and gave her a sort of apologetic account of his life and character, keeping down the weak points, and dwelling on the strong. I set her mind at ease, at once, on the subject of the farm; for, should the worst happen, her son had double the amount of money that would be necessary to discharge the mortgage. " The debt was incur»ed, my dear Mrs. Wetmore, in his behalf; and he will be happy to discharge it on the spot. I 44 MILES WALLINGFORD. would advise you to pay the money at once. Should the re- ceipt ever be found, this Van Tassel will be obliged to re- fund; for though the law winks at many wrongs, it will not wink at one so atrocious as this, provided you can satisfy it with proof. I shall leave Moses " "His name is Oloff, or Oliver," interrupted the old wom- an, eagerly; "I named him after my own father, and had him duly christened, before he was entrusted to the nurse, in the hope it might soften his grandfather's heart, when he came to know of my marriage. Oloff Van Duzer Wetmore is his real name." I smiled to think of Marble's sailing under such an ap- pellation, and was about to suggest a compromise, when the subject of our discourse returned. The mate had regained his composure during the half hour he had been absent; and I saw by the kind glance he threw on his mother, whose look answered his own more naturally than I could have hoped, that things were getting right; and, by way of re- moving the awkwardness of excessive sensibility, I pursued the discourse. " We were talking of your true name, Moses, as you came in," I said. "It will never do for you to hail by one name, while your mother hails by another. You'll have to cut adrift from Moses Marble altogether." "If I do, may I be " " Hush, hush — you forget where you are, and in whose presence you stand." " I hope my son will soon learn that he is always in the presence of his God," observed the mother, plaintively. " Ay, ay — that's all right, mother, and you shall do with me just what you please in any of them matters; but as for not being Moses Marble, you might as well ask me not to be myself. I should be another man, to change my name. A fellow might as well go without clothes, as go without a name; and mine came so hard, I don't like to part with it. No, no — had it come to pass, now, that my parents had been MILES WALLINGFORD. 45 a king and a queen, and that I was to succeed 'em on the throne, I should reign as King Moses Marble, or not reign at all." " You'll think better of this, and take out a new register under your lawful designation." " I'll tell you what I'll do, mother, and that will satisfy all parties. I'll bend on the old name to the new one, and sail under both." " I care not how you are called, my son, so long as no one has need to blush for the name you bear. This gentle- man tells me you are an honest and true-hearted man; and those are blessings for which I shall never cease to thank God." "Miles has been singing my praises, has he! I can tell you, mother, you had need look out for Miles's tongue. Natur' intended him for a lawyer, and it's mere accident his being a sailor, though a capital one he is. But what may be my name, according to law? " " Oloff Van Duzer Wetmore Moses Marble, according to your own expedient of sailing under all your titles. You can ring the changes, however, and call yourself Moses Oloff Marble Van Duzer Wetmore, if you like that better." Moses laughed, and as I saw that both he and his new- found mother were in a fit state to be left together, and that the sun now wanted but an hour or two of setting, I rose to take my leave. "You will remain with your mother to-night. Marble," I observed. " I will keep the sloop at an anchor until I can see you in the morning, when we will settle the future a little more deliberately." " I should not like to lose my son so soon after finding him," the old woman anxiously remarked. " No fear of me, mother — I berth under your roof to- night, and so many more in the bargain, that you'll be glad enough to be rid of me«in the end." I then left the house, followed by Marble, towards the 46 MILES WALLINGFORD. boat. As we reached the little piece of bottom-land, I heard a sort of suppressed sob from the mate, and, turning round, was surprised to see the tears running down his sun-burned cheeks. His wrought-up feelings had at last obtained the mastery ; and this rude, but honest creature, had fairly given in, under the excitement of this strange admixture of joy, wonder, shame, and natural emotion. I took his hand, gave it a hearty squeeze, but said nothing ; though I stopped, un- willing to go nearer to Neb until my companion had re- gained his composure. This he did, sufficiently to speak, in the course of a minute or two. " It's all like a dream to me, Miles," Moses at length mut- tered — " more out of natur' like, than setting up for a hermit." " You'll soon get accustomed to the change, Marble ; then everything will seem in the ordinary way, and natural." " To think of my being a son, and having a real, living mother!" " You must have known that you had parents once, though you are fortunate in finding one of them alive at your time of life." " And she an honest woman ! A mother the President of the United States, or the first commodore in the navy, needn't be ashamed of ! " "All that is fortunate, certainly; especially the first." " She's a bloody good-looking old woman in the bargain. I'll have her dressed up and carry her down to town, the first opportunity." "What would you give an old woman that trouble for? You'll think better of these matters, in the long run." " Better! Yes, I'll take her to Philadelphia, and perhaps to Baltimore. There's the gardens, and the theatres, and the museums, and lots of things that I dare say the dear old soul never laid eyes on." " I'm mistaken in your mother, if she would not prefer a church to all of them put together." " Well, there's churches in all of them towns. Put it on MILES WALLINGFORD. 47 a religious footing, if you will, and I ought to take my mother as soon as possible down to York. She's old, you see, and cannot live forever, just to oblige me; and here has she been tied down to one church all her days, giving her no ch'ice nor opportunity. I dare say, now, variety is just as agreeable in religion, as in anything else." "You are nearer right there, Moses, than you think your- self, possibly. But we can talk of all these things to-mor- row. A good night's rest will give us cooler heads in the morning." " I shall not sleep a wink for thinking of it. No, no — I'll make the old lady pack up before breakfast, and we'll sail in the sloop. I'll take her aboard the Dawn with me in town, and a comfortable time we'll have of it in her cabins. She has as good state-rooms as a yacht." There were no liners in those days; but a ship with two cabins was a miracle of convenience. "Your mother will hardly suit a ship, Moses; and a ship will hardly suit your mother." " How can any of us know that till we try? If I'm a chip of the old block, they'll take to each other like rum and water. If I'm to go out in the ship, I'm far from certain I'll not take the old woman to sea with me." " You'll probably remain at home, now that you have a home, and a mother, and other duties to attend to. I and my concerns will be but secondary objects with you here- after, Mr. Wetmore." " Wetmore be d — d! D'ye mean. Miles, that I'm to give up my calling, give up the sea, give up youV^ " You wished to be a hermit once, and found it a little too solitary; had you a companion or two, you would have been satisfied, you said. Well, here is everything you can wish; a mother, a niece, a house, a farm, barns, out-houses, garden and orchard; and, seated on that porch, you can smoke cigars, take yoitr grog, look at the craft going up and down the Hudson " 48 MILES WALLINGFORD. " Nothing but so many bloody sloops," growled the mate. " Such in-and-in fore-and-afters that their booms won't stay guyed out, even after you've been at the pains to use a hawser." " Well, a sloop is a pleasant object to a sailor, when he can get nothing better. Then there is this Mr. Van Tassel to settle with — you may have a ten-years' lawsuit on your hands, to amuse you." " I'll make short work with that scamp, when I fall in with him. You're right enough. Miles; that affair must be settled before I can lift an anchor. My mother tells me he lives hard by, and can be seen, at any moment, in a quarter of an hour. I'll pay him a visit this very night." This declaration caused me to pause. I knew Marble too well, not to foresee trouble if he were left to himself in a matter of this nature, and thought it might be well to in- quire further into the affair. Sailors do everything off-hand. Mrs. Wetmore telling me that her son's statement was true, on my going back to the house to question her in the mat- ter, and offering us the use of an old-fashioned one-horse chaise, that the only farm-laborer she employed was just then getting ready to go in, in quest of Kitty, I availed my- self of the opportunity, took the printed advertisement of the sale to read as we went along, obtained our directions, and off Marble and I went in quest of the usurer. There would be sufficient time for all our purposes. It is true that the horse, like the house, its owner, the laborer, the chaise, and all we had yet seen about Willow Cove, as we had learned the place was called, was old; but he was more safe and sure. The road led up the ascent by a ra- vine, through which it wound its way very prettily; the laborer walking by our side to point out the route, after we should reach the elevation of the country that stretched inland. The view from the height, as it might be termed in refer- ence to the river, though it was merely on the level of the MILES WALLINGFORD. 49 whole region in that portion of the state, was both extensive and pretty. Willow Grove, as Marble called his mother's place three or four times, while our horse was working his way up the ascent, looked more inviting than ever, with its verdant declivities, rich orchards, neat cottage, all en- sconced behind the sheltering cover of the river heights. Inland, we saw a hundred farms, groves without number, divers roads, a hamlet within a mile of us, an old-fashioned extinguisher-looking church-spire, and various houses of wood painted white, with here and there a piece of rustic antiquity in bricks, or stone, washed with lime, or some livelier paint; for the Dutch of New York had brought the habits of Holland with them, delighting in colors. This relief may be desirable in a part of the world where the eternal green of the meadows in a manner fatigues the eye; but certainly the gray of nature has no just competitor in the tints of the more artificial portions of the ordinary land- scape. White may make a scene look gay; but it can never lend it dignity, or the solemn hues that so often render the loveliness of a vie^y impressive, as well as sweet. When this glaring color reaches the fences, it gives the prettiest landscape the air of a bleaching yard, or of a great laundry, with the clothes hung out to dry ! The guide pointed out to us the house of Van Tassel, and another at which we should find Kitty, who was to be brought home by us on our return. Understanding the course and distance, we put to sea without any misgivings. The horse was no flyer, and Marble and I had plenty of leisure to arrange preliminaries before reaching the door to which we were bound. After some consultation, and a good deal of discussion, I succeeded in persuading my companion it would not be wisest to break ground by flogging the attor- ney — a procedure to which he was strongly inclined. It was settled, however, he was at once to declare himself to be Mrs. Wetmore's son, and toldemand his explanations in that charac- ter; one that would clearly give him every claim to be heard. 4 50 MILES WALLINGFORD. "I know what these usurers, as you call 'em, Miles, must be," said the mate. "They are a sort of in-shore pawn- brokers ; and the Lord have mercy on them, for I'll have none. I've had occasion to pawn a watch or a quadrant, in my time; and bloody poor prices does a fellow get for his goods and chattels. Yes, yes; I'll let the old gentleman know, at once, I'm Van Duzer Oloff Marble Wetmore Moses, or whatever's my name; and will stand up for the right in a fashion that will surprise him; but what are you to do in the meantime? '^ It struck me, if I could get Marble to attempt practising a sort of ruse^ it would have the effect to prevent his resort- ing to club-law, towards which I knew he had a strong nat- ural disposition, and of which I was still a little afraid. With this object, then, I conceived the following scheme. " You shall simply introduce me as Mr. Miles Walling- ford," I said, " but in a formal manner, that may induce this Mr. Van Tassel to imagine I'm a sort of lawyer; and this may have the effect to awe him, and bring him to terms the easier. Do not say I am a lawyer, for that will not be true, and it will also be awkward falling back when the truth comes to be known." Marble took the idea, and seemed pleased with it, though he affirmed that there could be no such thing as acting law- yer without lying a little, and that "the truth was too good for one of your bloody usurers." I got him trained, how- ever, by the time we reached the door; and we alighted as well prepared for our task as could be expected. There was nothing about the residence of 'Squire Van Tassel to denote the grasping money-dealer, unless a certain negligence of the exterior might be supposed to betray the abode of such a man. His friends wished to ascribe this to an indifference to appearance; but the multitude more accu- rately imputed it to parsimony. When the very soul gets to be absorbed in the process of rolling gold over and over, in order to make it accumulate, the spirit grudges the with- MILES WALLINGFORD. 5 1 drawal of the smallest fraction from the gainful pursuit; and here lies the secret of the disdain of appearances that is so generally to be met with in this description of persons. Beyond this air of negligence, however, the dwelling of Van Tassel was not to be distinguished from those of most of the better houses of that part of the country. Our appli- cation for admission was favorably received, and, in a min- ute, we were shown into the attorney's office. 'Squire Van Tassel, as this man was universally termed, eyed us keenly as we entered, no doubt with a view to ascertain if we were borrowers. I might possibly have passed for one of that character, for I aimed at looking seri- ous and thoughtful ; but I would defy any man to mistake Moses for one who came on such an errand. He looked more like a messenger sent by the Father of Sin, to demand the payment of a certain bond that had been signed in blood, and of which the fatal pay-day had at length arrived. I had to give the skirt of his coat a pull, in order to recall him to our agreement, else I do think the first saluation re- ceived by the attorney, would have been a broadside in any- thing but words. The hint succeeded, and Marble permitted our host to open the communications. 'Squire Van Tassel had a very miserly exterior. He even looked ill fed; though doubtless this appearance was more a consequence of habit of body, than of short-feeding. He wore spectacles with black rims, and had the common prac- tice of looking over them at objects at a distance, which gave him an air still more watchful than that which he im- bibed from character. His stature was small, and his years about sixty, an age when the accumulation of money begins to bring as much pain as pleasure; for it is a period of life when men cannot fail to see the termination of their earthly schemes. Of all the passions, however, avarice is notoriously that which the latest loosens its hold on the human heart. " Your servant, gentlemen," commenced the attorney, in a manner that was civil enough; "your servant; I beg you 52 MILES WALLINGFORD. to help yourselves to chairs." We all three took seats, at this invitation. "A pleasant evening," eying us still more keenly over his glasses, " and weather that is good for the crops. If the wars continue much longer in Europe," an- other look over the glasses, " we shall sell all the substance out of our lands, in order to send the belligerents wheat. I begin to look on real estate security as considerably less valuable than it was, when hostilities commenced in 1793, and as daily growing less and less so." " Ay, you may say that," Marble bluntly answered; " par- ticularly the farms of widows and orphans." The "'Squire" was a little startled at this unexpected re- ply. He looked intently at each of us again, over the spec- tacles; and then asked, in a manner divided between cour- tesy and authority — " May I inquire your names, and the object of this visit? " " Sartain," said Marble. " That's reasonable and your right. We are not ashamed of our names, nor of our errand. As for the last, Mr. Van Tassel, you'll know it sooner than you will wish to know it; but, to begin at the right end, this gentleman with me is Mr. Miles Wallingford, a par- tic'lar friend of old Mrs. Wetmore, who lives a bit down the road yonder, at a farm called Willow Grove; 'Squire Wallingford, sir, is her friend, and my friend, and I've great pleasure in making you acquainted with him." "I am happy to see the gentleman," answered Van Tassel, taking another look, while at the same time he glanced his eye at an alphabetical list of the attorneys and counsellors to see what place I occupied among them. " Very happy to see the gentleman, who has quite lately com- menced practice, I should think, by his age, and my not re- membering the name." "There must be a beginning to all things, Mr. Van Tassel," I replied, with a calmness that I could see the old usurer did not like. " Very true, sir, and I hope your future success will be in MILES WALLINGFORD. 53 proportion to the lateness of your appearance at the bar. Your companion has much more the air of a sailor than of a lawyer." This was true enough, there being no mistaking Marble's character, though I had put on a body-coat to come ashore in. " I presume he is not in the practice." " That remains to be seen, sir," answered Marble. " Hav- ing told you my friend's name, Mr. Van Tassel, I will now tell you my own. I am called Moses Marble Wetmore Van Duzer Oloff, sir, or some such bloody thing; and you're welcome to take your pick out of the whole list. I'll answer to either of them aliases." " This is so extraordinary and unusual, gentlemen, I scarce know what to make of it. Has this visit any connection with Mrs. Wetmore, or her farm, or the mortgage I have been foreclosing on the last? " " It has, sir ; and I am that Mrs. Wetmore's son — yes, sir, the only child of that dear, good, old soul." "The son of Mrs. Wetmore!" exclaimed Van Tassel, both surprised and uneasy. " I knew there was a son ; but I have been always told it was impossible to find him. I see no resemblance, sir, in you, to either George Wetmore or Kitty Van Duzer." Now this was not altogether true. As for George Wet- more, they who had known him in middle age, afterward declared that Moses did resemble him greatly; while I, myself, could trace in the mouth and milder expression of the mate's features, a strong likeness to the subdued char- acter of his aged mother's face. This resemblance would not have been observed, in all probability, without a knowl- edge of the affinity that existed between the parties; but, with that knowledge, it was not easy to overlook. " Resemblance ! " repeated Marble, much in the tone of one who is ready to quarrel on the slightest provocation; " how should there be any resemblance after the life I've led? In the first jplace I was carried out of my mother's sight in less than ten days after I was born. Then I was 54 MILES WALLINGFORD. placed on a tombstone, by way of encouragement; after which they sent me to live among paupers. I ran away at ten years old, and went to sea, where I've played the part of a man-of-war's-man, privateer's-man, smuggler, mate, master, and all hands; everything, in short, but a pirate and muti- neer. I've been a bloody hermit, Mr. Van Tassel, and if that won't take the resemblance to anything human out of a fellow, his face is as unchangeable as that on a gold coin." "All this, Mr. Wallingford, is so unintelligible to me, that I shall have to ask you to explain it." " I can only add to it, sir, my belief that every word you hear is true. I am satisfied that this is, in a legal sense, Oloff Van Duzer Wetmore, the only surviving child of George Wetmore and Katharine Van Duzer. He has come to see you in relation to a claim you are said to hold against the farm his mother inherited from her parents." "Said to hold! — I certainly do hold George Wetmore's bond, secured by a mortgage signed by his wife, balance due, including interest and costs, $963.42 ; and am pro- ceeding to sell, under the statute. One sale has been post- poned to oblige the widow, for a merciful man would not wish to press a single and aged woman, though I've lain out of my money a very long time. You are aware, sir, that I lose all my interest on interest, and must take up with just what the law will give — hardship enough in active times like these, when not a day passes that something good does not offer in the way of purchasing the best of securi- ties, at liberal discounts. Trade is so lively now, Mr. Wal- lingford, that men will almost sell their souls for money." " I rather think, sir, that some men will do this at all times, nay, do it hourly, daily. But I am instructed " — I could not help acting the counsel a little on the occasion — " I am instructed that the bond of George Wetmore is paid in full." " How can that be, sir, while I still hold bond and mort- gage? As a business man, you must understand the value MILES WALLINGFORD. 55 to be attached to the idle tales of women, and can see the danger of taking their gossip for authority. George Wet- more had some knowledge of business, and would not be likely to pay his bond without taking it up, or at least of obtaining a receipt, much less leave the mortgage on record." " I am informed he did take your receipt, though he pre- sumes he must have lost it with a missing pocket-book, which his widow supposes to have dropped from his coat the very day he returned from the court where he met you, and where he says he paid you the money, being anxious to stop interest as soon as possible." "A very idle story, and one you do not suppose the chancellor will believe, confirmed by the hearsay of the party interested in preserving the property. You are aware, sir, that the sale can be stopped only by an injunction from the Court of Chancery." Now I was certainly no lawyer, but like almost every American, I knew something of that branch of the jurispru- dence of the country, which touched my own interests. As a landholder, I had a little knowledge of the law of real estate, and was not absolutely ignorant of the manner in which matters were managed in that most searching of all tribunals, the Court of Chancery. A lucky thought sug- gested itself to my mind on the instant, and I made use of it on the spur of the moment. "It is quite true, sir," I answered, "that any prudent judge might hesitate about entering a decree on authority no better than the oath of Mrs. Wetmore that she had heard her husband say he had paid the money, but you will re- member that the party replying has to swear to his answer. All of us might be better satisfied in this affair, were you to make oath that the money was never paid." This hit told, and from that moment I did not entertain a doubt that Wetmore had paid the money, and that Van Tassel retained a pei^ect recollection of the whole affair. This much I could read in the man's altered countenance $6 MILES WALLINGFORD. and averted eye, though my impressions certainly were not proof. If not proof, however, for a court of justice, they served to enlist me earnestly in the pursuit of the affair, into which I entered warmly from that moment. In the meantime I waited for Van Tassel's answer, watching his countenance the whole time, with a vigilance that I could easily see caused him great embarrassment. " Kitty Wetmore and I were born neighbors' children," he said, "and this mortgage has given me more trouble than all the rest of my little possessions. That I have been in no hurry to foreclose is plain by the length of time I've suffered to go by without claiming my dues. I could wait no longer without endangering my rights, as there would be a presumption of payment after twenty years, and a pre- sumption that would tell harder against me than old Kitty's oath. We are neighbors' children, as I've said, nevertheless, and rather than push matters to extremities I will consent to some sort of a compromise." "And what sort of a compromise will be agreeable to your notions of justice, Mr. Van Tassel? " " Why, sir, as Kitty is old, it would be a sad thing to drive her from the roof under which she was born. This I've said and thought from the first, and say, now. Still, I cannot part with my property without a compensation; though I'm willing to wait. I told Mrs. Wetmore, before advertising, that if she would give a new bond, making all clear, and giving me interest on the whole sum now due, I should be willing to grant her time. I now propose, how- ever, as the simplest way of settling the affair, to accept from her a release of the equity of redemption, and to grant her a lease, for her own life, on a nominal rent." Even Marble knew enough to see the rank injustice of such an offer. In addition to conceding the non-payment of the debt, it was securing to Van Tassel, at no distant day, the quiet possession of the farm, for somewhat less than one-third its value. I detected symptoms of an outbreak in MILES WALLINGFORD. 57 the mate, and was obliged to repress it by a sign, while I kept the discussion in my own hands. "Under such an arrangement, sir," I answered, " my friend here would be literally selling his birthright for a mess of porridge." " You will remember, Mr. Wallingford, that a mortgage sale, legally made, is a ticklish thing, and the courts do not like to disturb one. This sale will take place this day week; and the title once pasesd, it will not be so easy a matter to get it repassed. Mr. Wetmore, here, does not look like a man ready to pay down a thousand dollars." " We shall not run the risk of letting the title pass. I will buy the property, myself, if necessary; and should it after- ward appear that the money has been actually paid, we believe you are sufficiently secure for principal, interest, and costs." "You are young in the profession, Mr. Wallingford, and will come to learn the folly of advancing money for your clients." " I am not in the profession at all, sir, as you have er- roneously supposed, but am a shipmaster; and Mr. Wet- more, or Marble, as he has hitherto been called, is my mate. Still, we are none the worse provided with the means of paying a thousand dollars — or twenty of them, should it be necessary." "No lawyer!" cried Van Tassel, smiling grimly. "A couple of sailors about to dispute the foreclosure of a mort- gage ! Famous justice we should get at your hands, gentle- men! Well, well; I now see how it is, and that this has only been an attempt to work on my sympathies for an old woman who has been living on my money these twenty years. I rather think your $963.42 will prove to be of the same quality as your law." " And, yet, it struck me, Mr. Van Tassel, that you rather disliked the idea of swearing to the truth of an answer to a certain bill in chancety, which, if I cannot draw, one Abra- ham Van Vechten, of Albany, can ! " 58 MILES WALLINGFORD. " Abraham Van Vechten is skilful counsel, and an honest man, and is not likely to be employed in a cause that rests only on an old woman's hearsays — and all to save her own farm!" Marble could keep silence no longer. He told me after- ward, that, during the dialogue, he had been taking the measure of the old usurer's foot, and felt it would be a dis- grace to strike so feeble a creature; but, to sit and hear his newly found mother sneered at, and her just rights derided, was more than his patience could endure. Rising abruptly, therefore, he broke out at once in one of the plainest philip- pics of the sea. I shall not repeat all he said; for, to ren- der it justly, might be to render it offensive ; but, in addi- tion to calling old Van Tassel by a great many names that were as unusual as they were quaint, he called him by sev- eral that would be familiar to the ears of most of my read- ers, besides being perfectly well merited. I allowed his humor to find vent; and, giving the attorney to understand he should hear further from us, I succeeded in getting my companion to the wagon, without coming to blows. I could see that Van Tassel was very far from being at his ease, and that he would still gladly keep us, if he could, in the hope of bringing about some sort of a compromise, if possible; but I thought it wisest to let matters rest a while, after the decided demonstration we had already made. It was not an easy matter to get Marble into the vehicle; but this was no sooner effected, than I trotted him off, down the road, taking the direction of the house where we had been told to seek Kitty Huguenin, old Mrs. Wetmore's grand-daughter, who would be waiting the appearance of the chaise, in order to return home. " You must put on a more amicable look,'' said I to the mate, as we went on our way, "or you'll frighten your niece; with whom, you will remember, you are about to make an acquaintance." " The cheating vagabond, to take advantage of a poor, MILES WALLINGFORD. 59 lonely old woman, whose only husband was in the grave, and only son at sea ! " the mate continued to mutter. " Talk about the commandments! I should like to know what com- mandment this waF breaking. The whole six, in a batch." "The tenth, I am inclined to think, my friend; and that is a commandment broken all day, and every day." The denunciations of the mate continued for some time longer, and then went off like the rumbling of distant thun- der in the heavens after the passage of the gust. CHAPTER IV. No Moorish maid might hope to vie With Laila's cheek, or Laila's eye ; No maiden loved with purer truth, Or ever loved a lovelier youth. SOUTHBY. "Miles," said Moses, suddenly, after riding a short dis- tance in silence, " I must quit the old lady, this very night, and go down with you to town. We must have that money up at the place of sale, in readiness for the vagabond; for, as to letting him have the smallest chance at Willow Grove, that is out of the question." " As you please. Marble ; but, now, get yourself in trim to meet another relation ; the second you have laid eyes on, in this world." "Think of that. Miles! Think of my having two rela- tions! A mother and a niece! Well, it is a true saying, that it never rains but it pours." "You probably have many more, uncles, aunts, and cousins in scores. The Dutch are famous for counting cousins; and no doubt you'll have calls on you from half the county." I saw that Marble was perplexed, and did not know, at first, but he was getting to be embarrassed by this affluence of kindred. The mate, however, was not the man long to 60 MILES WALLINGFORD. conceal his thoughts from me; and in the strength of his feelings he soon let his trouble be known. " I say, Miles," he rejoined, " a fellow may be bothered with felicity, I find. Now, here, in ten minutes perhaps, I shall have to meet my sister's dartar — my own, born, blood niece; a full-grown, and I dare say, a comely young woman ; and hang me if I know exactly what a man ought to say in such a state of the facts. Generalizing won't do with these near relations; and I suppose a sister's dartar is pretty much the same to a chap as his own dartar would be, pro- vided he had one." " Exactly ; had you reasoned a month, you could not have hit upon a better solution of the difficulty than this. Treat this Kitty Huguenin just as you would treat Kitty Marble." "Ay, ay: all this is easy enough aforehand, and to such scholars as you; but it comes hard on a fellow like myself to heave his idees out of him, as it might be, with a wind- lass. I managed the old woman right well, and could get along with a dozen mothers, better than with one sister's dartar. Suppose she should turn out a girl with black eyes, and red cheeks, and all that sort of thing; I dare say she would expect me to kiss her? " "Certainly; she will expect that, should her eyes even be white, and her cheeks black. Natural affection expects this much even among the least enlightened of the human race." " I am disposed to do everything according to usage," re- turned Marble, quite innocently, and more discomposed by the situation in which he so unexpectedly found himself, than he might have been willing to own; "while, at the same time, I do not wish to do anything that is not expected from a son and an uncle. If these relations had only come one at a time." " Poh, poh, Moses— do not be quarrelling with your good luck, just as it's at its height. Here is the house, and I'll engage one of those four girls is your niece — that with the bonnet, for a dollar; she being ready to go home, and the MILES WALLINGFORD. 6l whole having come to the door, in consequence of seeing the chaise driving down the road. They are puzzled at find- ing us in it, however, instead of the usual driver." Marble hemmed, attempted to clear his Ihroat, pulled down both sleeves of his jacket, settled his black handker- chief to his mind, slyly got rid of his quid, and otherwise "cleared ship for action," as he would have been very apt to describe his own preparations. After all, his heart failed him at the pinch; and just as I was pulling up the horse, he said to me, in a voice so small and delicate that it sounded odd to one who had heard the man's thunder, as he hailed yards and tops in gales of wind : "Miles, my dear boy, I do not half like this business; suppose you get out, and open the matter to the ladies. There's four of them, you see, and that's three too many. Go, now, Miles, that's a good fellow, and I'll do the same for you another time. I can't have Jour nieces here, you'll own yourself." " And while I am telling your story to your niece, your own sister's daughter, what will you be doing here, pray? " " Doing? Why anything, my dear Miles, that can be use- ful. I say, boy, do you think she looks anything like me? When you get nearer, if you should think so, just hold up a hand as a signal, that I may not be taken by surprise. Yes, yes; you go first, and I'll follow; and, as for *doing,' why, you know, I can hold this bloody horse." I laughed, threw the reins to Marble, who seized them with both hands, as if the beast required holding, while I alighted, and walked to the cluster of girls, who awaited my movements in surprise and silence. Since that day, I have seen more of the world than might have been expected in one of my early career; and often have I had occasion to remark the tendency there exists to extremes in most things; in manners, as well as in every other matter connected with human feelings. bA-s we become sophisticated, acting takes the place of nature, and men and women often affect the 62 MILES WALLINGFORD. greatest indiflference in cases in which they feel the liveliest interest. This is the source of the ultra sangfroid of what is termed high breeding, which would have caused the four young women, who then stood in the dooryard of the re- spectable farm-house at which I had alighted, to assume an air as cold, and as marble-like, at the sudden appearance of Mrs. Wetmore's chaise, containing two strange faces, as if they had been long expecting our arrival, and were a little displeased it had not occurred an hour sooner. Such, how- ever, was not my reception. Though the four girls were all youthful, blooming, pretty, delicate in appearance, accord- ing to the fashion of American women, and tolerably well attired, they had none of the calm exterior of conventional manner. One would speak quick to another; looks of sur- prise were often exchanged ; there were not a few downright giggles, and then each put on as dignified an air to meet the stranger as, under the circumstances, she could assume. "I presume Miss Kitty Huguenin is among you, young ladies," I commenced, bowing as civilly as was necessary; "for this appears to be the house to which we were directed." A girl of about sixteen, of decidedly pleasing appearance, and one who bore a sufficient resemblance to old Mrs. Wet- more to be recognized, advanced a step out of the group, a little eagerly, and then as suddenly checked herself, with the timidity of her years and sex, as if afraid of going too far. " I am Kitty," she said, changing color once or twice ; now flushing, and now growing pale. "Is anything the mat- ter, sir? has grandmother sent for me? " "Nothing is the matter, unless you can call good news something the matter. We have just left your grandmother's on business, having been up to 'Squire Van Tassel's on her affairs ; rather than let us go on foot, she lent us her chaise, on condition that we should stop on our return and bring you home with us. The chaise is the evidence that we act under orders," MILES WALLINGFORD. 63 In most countries, such a proposition would have excited distrust; in America, and in that day, more especially among girls of the class of Kitty Huguenin, it produced none. Then, I flatter myself, I was not a very frightful ob- ject to a girl of that age, and that my countenance was not of such a cast as absolutely to alarm her. Kitty, accordingly, wished her companions hasty adieus, and in a minute she was placed between Marble and myself, the old vehicle be- ing sufficiently spacious to accommodate three. I made my bows, and away we trotted, or ambled would be a better word. For a brief space there was silence in the chaise, though I could detect Marble stealing sidelong glances at his pretty little niece. His eyes were moist, and he hemmed violently once, and actually blew his nose, taking occasion, at the same time, to pass his handkerchief over his forehead no less than three times in as many minutes. The furtive manner in which he indulged in these feelings, provoked me to say — "You appear to have a bad cold this evening, Mr. Wet- more," for I thought the opportunity might also be im- proved, in the way of breaking ground with our secret. " Ay, you know how it is in these matters. Miles — some- how, I scarce know why myself, but somehow I feel bloody womanish this evening." I felt little Kitty pressing closer to my side, as if she had certain misgivings touching her other neighbor. " I suppose you are surprised, Miss Kitty," I resumed, " at finding two strangers in your grandmother's chaise ? " " I did not expect it — but — you said you had been to Mr. Van TasseFs, and that there was good news for me — does 'Squire Van Tassel allow that grandfather paid him the money ? " " Not that exactly, but you have friends who will see that no wrong shall be done you. I suppose you have been afraid your grandmother and yourself might be turned away from the old place?" 64 MILES WALLINGFORD. " 'Squire Van Tassel's daughters have boasted as much," answered Kitty, in a very subdued tone — a voice, indeed, that grew lower and more tremulous as she proceeded — "but I don't much mind them^ for they think their father is to own the whole country one of these days." This was uttered with spirit. " But the old house was built by grandmother's grandfather, they say, and grandmother was born in it, and mother was born in it, and so was I. It is hard to leave a place like that, sir, and for a debt, too, that grandmother says she is sure has once been paid." " Ay, bloody hard ! " growled Marble. Kitty again pressed nearer to me, or, to speak more properly, farther from the mate, whose countenance was par- ticularly grim just at that moment. "All that you say is very true, Kitty," I replied; "but Providence has sent you friends to take care that no wrong shall be done your grandmother, or yourself." " You're right enough in that, Miles," put in the mate. " God bless the old lady; she shall never sleep out of the house, with my consent, unless it is when she sails down the river to go to the theatre, and the museum, the ten or fifteen Dutch churches there are in town, and all them 'ere sort o' thingumerees." Kitty gazed at her left-hand neighbor with surprise, but I could feel that maiden bashfulness induced her to press less closely to my side than she had done the minute before. " I don't understand you," Kitty answered, after a short pause, during which she was doubtless endeavoring to com- prehend what she had heard. " Grandmother has no wish to go to town; she only wants to pass the rest of her days, quietly, at the old place, and one church is enough for anybody." Had the little girl lived a few years later, she would have ascertained that some persons required half a dozen. " And you, Kitty, do you suppose your grandmother has no thought for you, when she shall be called away herself.? " MILES WALLINGFORD. 6$ " Oh, yes ! I know she thinks a good deal of M<2/, but I try to set her heart at ease, poor, dear old grandmother, for it's of no use to be distressing herself about me / 1 can take care of myself well enough, and have plenty of friends who will never see me want. Father's sisters say they'll take care of w^." " You have one friend, Kitty, of whom you little think, just now, and he will provide for you." " I don't know whom you mean, sir — unless — and yet — ■ you can't suppose I never think of God, sir ? " " I mean a friend on earth — have you no friend on earth whom you have not mentioned yet? " "I am not sure — perhaps — you do not mean Horace Bright, do you, sir ? " This was said with a bright blush, and a look in which the dawning consciousness of maiden shame was so singu- larly blended with almost childish innocence, as both to de- light me, and yet cause me to smile. "And who is Horace Bright?" I asked, assuming as grave an air as possible. "Oh! Horace is nobody — only the son of one of our neighbors. There, don't you see the old stone house that stands among the the apple and cherry trees, on the bank of the river, just here in a line with this barn ? " " Quite plainly, and a very pretty place it is. We were admiring it as we drove up the road." " Well, that is Horace Bright's father's, and one of the best farms in the neighborhood. But you musn't mind what he says, grandmother always tells me ; boys love to talk grandly, and all the folks about here feel for us, though most of them are afraid of 'Squire Van Tassel too." " I place no reliance at all on Horace's talk, not I. It is just as your grandmother tells you; boys are fond of mak- ing a parade, and often utter things they don't mean." " Well, I don't think that is Horace's way in the least, though I wouldn't have you suppose I ever think the least 5 66 MILES WALLINGFORD. in the world about what Horace says concerning my never being left to want. My own aunts will take care of /^«/." " And should they fail you, my dear," cried Marble, with strong feeling, " your own unde would step into their places, without waiting to have his memory jogged." Again Kitty looked surprised, a very little startled, and again she pressed to my side. " I have no uncle," she answered, timidly. " Father never had a brother, and grandmother^s son is dead." " No, Kitty," I said, giving a look at Marble to keep him quiet; "in the last you are mistaken. This is the good news of which we spoke. Your grandmother's son is not dead, but living, and in good health. He is found, acknowl- edged, has passed the afternoon with your grandmother, has money more than enough to satisfy even the unjust demand of the miserly Van Tassel, and will be a father to you.^^ "Oh! dear me, can this be true?" exclaimed Kitty, pressing still closer than ever to my side. " And are you uncle, after all, and will it all come out as you say? Poor, poor grandmother, and I not at home to hear it all, and to help her under such a great trial! " "Your grandmother was a little distressed of course, at first, but she bore it all remarkably well, and is as happy at this moment as you yourself could wish her to be. You are under a mistake, however, in supposing I am your uncle. Do I look old enough to be your mother's brother? " " Dear me, no — I might have seen that, hadn't I been so silly — can it be this other gentleman? " Here Marble took his hint from nature, and clasping the pretty young creature in his arms, he kissed her with an affection and warmth that were truly paternal. Poor Kitty was frightened at first, and I dare say, like her grand- mother, in a slight degree disappointed, but there was so much heartiness in the mate's manner, that it reassured her in a degree. " I'm a bloody poor uncle, I know, Kitty, for a young MILES WALLINGFORD. 6/ woman like you to own," Marble got out, though sorely tempted to blubber; "but there's worse in the world, as you'll discover, no doubt, in time. Such as I am, you must take me, and from this time henceforth, do not care a straw for old Van Tassel, or any other griping vagabond like him, in York state." "Uncle is a sailor!" Kitty answered, after being fairly released from the mate's rough embrace. "Grandmother heard once that he was a soldier." "Ay, that comes of lying. I don't think they could have made a soldier of me, had two wicked nurses run away with me, and had they placed me on fifty tombstones, by way of commencing life. My natur' would revolt at carrying a musket, for sartin, while the seas have always been a sort of home to me." Kitty made no answer to this, being a little in doubt, I believe, as to the manner in which she was to regard this new acquisition of an uncle. " Your grandparents did suppose your uncle a soldier," I remarked, "but, after the man was seen the mistake was discovered, and now the truth has come out in a way that will admit of no dispute." "How is uncle named?" demanded the niece, in a low voice, and a hesitating manner. "Mother's brother was christened Oloff, I have heard grandmother say." "Very true, dear; we've been all over that, the old lady and I. They tell me, too, I was christened by the name of Moses — I suppose you know who Moses was, child? " "To be sure, uncle! " said Kitty, with a little laugh of surprise. " He was the great lawmaker of the Jews." "Ha, Miles, is that so?" I nodded assent. " And do you know about his being found in the bul- rushes, and the story of the king of Ethiopia's daughter? " "The king of Egypt, yofl mean, do you not, uncle Oloff ? " cried Kitty, with another little laugh. 68 MILES WALLINGFORD. "Well, Ethiopia or Egypt; it's all pretty much the same — this girl has been wonderfully edicated, Miles, and will turn out famous company for me, in the long winter even- ings, some twenty years hence, or when I've worked my way up into the latitude of the dear, good old soul under the hill yonder." A slight exclamation from Kitty was followed by a blush, and a change of expression, that showed she was thinking, just at that moment, of anything but uncle Oloff. I asked an explanation. " It's only Horace Bright, out yonder in the orchard, look- ing at us. He will be puzzled to know who is with me^ here, in the old chaise. Horace thinks he can drive a horse better than any one about here, so you must be careful how you hold the reins, or use the whip. Horace! " This boded no good to Marble's plans for passing the evenings of his old age with Kitty to amuse him; but, as we were now on the brow of the hill, with the cottage in sight, Horace Bright was soon lost to view. To do the girl justice, she appeared now to think only of her grandmother, and of the effects the recent discovery of her son would be likely to produce on one of her years and infirmities. As for myself, I was surprised to see Mr. Hardinge in earnest conversation with old Mrs. Wetmore, both seated on the stoop of the cottage, in the mild summer's evening, and Lucy walking, to and fro, on the short grass of the willow bottom, with an impatience and restlessness of manner it was very unusual for her to exhibit. No sooner was Kitty alighted, than she ran to her grandmother. Marble follow- ing, while I hastened to the point where was to be found the great object of my interest. Lucy's face was full of feeling and concern, and she received me with an extended hand, that gracious as was the act itself, and most grateful as it would have proved to me under other circumstances, I now feared boded no good. " Miles, you have been absent an age 1 " Lucy commenced. MILES WALLINGFORD. 69 "I should be disposed to reproach yoif, had not the extraor- dinary story of this good old woman explained it all. I feel the want of air and exercise; give me your arm, and we will walk a short distance up the road. My dear father will not be inclined to quit that happy family, so long as any light is left." I gave Lucy my arm, and we did walk up the road to- gether, actually ascending the hill I had just descended; but all this did not induce me to overlook the fact that Lucy's manner was hurried and excited. The whole seemed so inexplicable, that I thought I would wait her own pleas- ure in the matter. " Your friend. Marble," she continued — " I do not know why I ought not to say our friend, Marble, must be a very happy man at having, at length, discovered who his parents are, and to have discovered them to be so respectable and worthy of his affection." " As yet, he seems to be more bewildered than happy, as, indeed, does the whole family. The thing has come on them so unexpectedly, that there has not been time to bring their feelings in harmony with the facts." " Family affection is a blessed thing. Miles," Lucy re- sumed, after a short pause, speaking in her thoughtful man- ner; "there is little in this world that can compensate for its loss. It must have been sad, sad, to the poor fellow to have lived so long without father, mother, sister, brother, or any other known relative." " I believe Marble found it so ; yet, I think, he felt the supposed disgrace of his birth more than his solitary con- dition. The man has warm affections at the bottom, though he has a most uncouth manner of making it known." " I am surprised one so circumstanced never thought of marrying; he might, at least, have lived in the bosom of his own family, though he never knew that of a father." "These are the suggestions of a tender and devoted fe- male heart, dear Lucy; but what has a sailor to do with a 70 MILES WALLINGFORD. wife? I have heard it said Sir John Jervis — the present Lord St. Vincent — always declared a married seaman, a sea- man spoiled; and I believe Marble loves a ship so well he would hardly know how to love a woman." Lucy made no answer to this indiscreet and foolish speech. Why it was made, I scarce knew myself ; but the heart has its bitter moods, when it prompts sentiments and declarations that are very little in accordance with its real impulses. I was so much ashamed of what I had just said, and, in truth, so much frightened, that, instead of attempt- ing to laugh it off, as a silly, unmeaning opinion, or en- deavoring to explain that this was not my own way of think- ing, I walked on some distance in silence, myself, and suf- fered my companion to imitate me in this particular. I have since had reason to think that Lucy was not pleased at my manner of treating the subject, though, blessed crea- ture! she had another matter to communicate, that lay too heavy on her heart to allow one of her generous, disinter- ested nature, to think much of anything else. "Miles," Lucy at length broke the silence by saying, " I wish, I do wish we had not met that other sloop this morning." I stopped short in the highway, dropped my beautiful companion's arm, and stood gazing intently in her face, as if I would read her most inmost thoughts through those windows of the soul, her serene, mild, tender, blue eyes. I saw that the face was colorless, and that the beautiful lips, out of which the words that had alarmed me more by their accents than their direct signification, had proceeded, were quivering in a way that their lovely mistress could not con- trol. Tears, as large as heavy drops of rain, too, were trem- bling on the long silken eyelashes, while the very attitude of the precious girl denoted hopelessness and grief! "This relates to Grace! " I exclaimed, though my throat was so parched, as almost to choke my utterance. " Whom, or what else, can now occupy our minds. Miles.? MILES WALLINGFORD. /I I can scarce think of anything but Grace ; when I do, it is to remember that my own brother has killed her! " What answer could I have made to such a speech, had my mind been sufficiently at ease as respects my sister to think of anything else? As it was, I did not even attempt the vain office of saying anything in the way of alleviating my companion's keen sense of the misconduct of Rupert. "Grace is then worse in consequence of this unhappy rencontre ? " I observed, rather than asked. "Oh! Miles; what a conversation I have had with her, this afternoon ! She speaks, already, more like a being that belongs to the regions of the blessed, than like one of earth ! There is no longer any secret between us. She would gladly have avoided telling me her precise situation with Rupert, but we had already gone so far, I would know more. I thought it might relieve her mind; and there was the chance, however slight, of its enabling us to suggest some expedient to produce still further good. I think it has had some of the first effect, for she is now sleeping." "Did Grace say anything of your communicating the miserable tale to me ? " "It is, indeed, a miserable tale! Miles, they were en- gaged from the time Grace was fifteen ! Engaged distinctly, and in terms, I mean ; not by any of the implied under- standings, by which those who were so intimate, generally, might believe themselves bound to each other." " And in what manner did so early and long-continued an engagement cease ? " " It came from Rupert, who should have died first, before he was so untrue to himself, to my poor father, to me, to all of us. Miles, as well as to his own manhood. It has been as we supposed; he has been deluded by the kclat that at- taches to these Mertons in our provincial society; and Emily is rather a showy girl, you know — at least for those who are accustomed oiily to our simple habits." Alas ! little did Lucy then know — she has learned better 72 MILES WALLINGFORD. since — that " showy " girls belong much more to our " sim- ple " state of society, than to the state of those which are commonly conceived to be more advanced. But Emily Mer- ton was, in a slight degree, more artificial in manner than it was usual for a Manhattanese female of that day, to be, and this was what Lucy meant; Lucy, who always thought so humbly of herself, and was ever so ready to concede to her rivals all that could plausibly be asked in their behalf. " I am well aware how much importance the leading set among ourselves attaches to English connection, and Eng- lish rank," I answered; "but it does not strike me Emily Merton is of a class so elevated, that Rupert Hardinge need break his faith in order to reap the advantage of belonging to her or her family." " It cannot be altogether that. Miles," Lucy added, in an appealing, but touchingly confidential manner; "you and I have known each other from children, and, whatever may be the weaknesses of one who is so dear to me, and who, I hope, has not altogether lost his hold on your own affec- tions, we can still rely on each other. I shall speak to you with the utmost dependence on your friendship, and a re- liance on your heart that is not second to that which I place on my dear father's; for this is a subject on which there ought to be no concealment between us. It is impossible that one as manly, as upright, as honest, I will say, as yourself, can have lived so long in close intimacy with Rupert, and not be aware that he has marked defects of character." " I have long known that he is capricious," I answered, unwilling to be severe on the faults of Lucy's brother, to Lucy's own ear; "perhaps I might add, that I have known he pays too much attention to fashion, and the opinions of fashionable people." " Nay, as we cannot deceive ourselves, let us not attempt the ungrateful task of endeavoring to deceive each other," the true-hearted girl replied, though she said this with so MILES WALLINGFORD. 73 great an effort, that I was compelled to listen attentively to catch all she uttered. "Rupert has failings worse than these. He is mercenary; nor is he always a man of truth. Heaven knows how I have wept over these defects of char- acter, and the pain they have given me from childhood! But, my dear, dear father overlooks them all — or, rather, seeing them, he hopes all things ; it is hard for a parent to believe a child irreclaimable." I was unwilling to let Lucy say any more on this subject, for her voice, her countenance, I might almost say her whole figure, showed how much it cost her to say even this much of Rupert. I had long known that Lucy did not re- spect her brother as much as she could wish ; but this was never before betrayed to me in words, nor in any other man- ner, indeed, that would not have eluded the observation of one who knew the parties less thoroughly than myself. I could perceive that she felt the awful consequences she foresaw from her brother's conduct gave me a claim on her sincerity, and that she was suffering martyrdom, in order to do all that lay in her power to lessen the force of the blow that unworthy relative had inflicted. It would have been ungenerous in me to suffer such a sacrifice to continue a moment longer than was necessary. " Spare yourself and me, dearest Lucy," I eagerly said, " all explanations but those which are necessary to let me know the exact state of my sister's case. I confess, I could wish to understand, however, the manner in which Rupert has contrived to explain away an engagement that has lasted four years, and which must have been the source of so much innocent confidence between Grace and himself." "I was coming to that, Miles; and when you know it, you will know all. Grace has felt his attentions to Emily Merton, for a long time; but there never was a verbal ex- planation between them until just before she left town. Then she felt it due to herself to know the truth ; and, after a conversation which was not very particul^fr, your sister 74 MILES WALLINGFORD. offered to release Rupert from his engagement, did he in the least desire it." "And what answer did he make to a proposal that was as generous as it was frank ? " "I must do Grace the justice to say, Miles, that, in all she said, she used the utmost tenderness towards my brother. Still, I could not but gather the substance of what passed. Rupert, at first, affected to believe that Grace, herself, wished to break the engagement; but, in this, you well know, her ingenuous simplicity would not permit him to succeed. She did not attempt to conceal how deeply she should feel the change in her situation, and how much it might influence her future happiness." " Ay, that was like both of them — like Rupert, and like Grace," I muttered, huskily. Lucy continued silent an instant, apparently to allow me to regain my self-command ; then she continued — " When Rupert found that the responsibility of the rup- ture must rest on him, he spoke more sincerely. He owned to Grace that his views had changed ; said they were both too young to contract themselves when they did, and that he had made an engagement to marry, at a time when he was unfit to bind himself to so solemn a contract — said some- thing about minors, and concluded by speaking of his pov- erty and total inability to support a wife, now that Mrs. Bradfort had left me the whole of her property," " And this is the man who wishes to make the world be- lieve that he is the true heir! — nay, who told me, that he considers you as only a sort of trustee, to hold half, or two- thirds of the estate until he has had leisure to sow his wild oats!" "I know he has encouraged such notions. Miles," Lucy answered, in a low voice; "how gladly would I realize his hopes, if things could be placed where we once thought they were! Every dollar of Mrs. Bradfort's fortune would I re- linquish with joy, to see Grace happy, or Rupert honest." MILES WALLINGFORD. 75 " I am afraid we shall never see the first, Lucy, in this world, at least." " I have never wished for this engagement since I have been old enough to judge of my brother's true character. He would ever have been too fickle, and of principles too light, to satisfy Grace's heart, or her judgment. There may have been some truth in his plea that the engagement was too early and inconsiderately made. Persons so young can harldy know what will, or what will not be necessary to their own characters a few years later. As it is, even Grace would now refuse to marry Rupert. She owned to me, that the heaviest part of the blow was being undeceived in rela- tion to his character. I spoke to her with greater freedom than a sister ought to have used, perhaps, but I wished to arouse her pride, as the means of saving her. Alas ! Grace is all affections, and those once withered, I fear, Miles, the rest of her being will go with them." I made no answer to this prophetic remark, Lucy's visit to the shore, her manner, and all that she had said, con- vincing me that she had, in a great degree, taken leave of hope. We conversed some time longer, returning towards the cottage; but there was nothing further to communicate that it is necessary to record. Neither of us thought of self, and I would as soon have attempted to desecrate a church, as attempt to obtain any influence over Lucy, in my own behalf, at such a moment. All my feelings reverted to my poor sister again, and I was dying with impatience to return to the sloop, whither, indeed, it was time to repair, the sun having some time before disappeared, while even the twi- light was drawing to a close. 76 MILES WALLINGFORD. CHAPTER V. The serpent of^the field, by art And spells, is won from harming, But that which coils around the heart, Oh ! who hath power of charming. Hebrew Melodies. It was not easy to make Mr. Hardinge a sharer in my im- patience. He had taken a fancy to Marble, and was as much rejoiced at this accidental discovery of the mate's par- entage, as if he had been one of the family himself. With such feelings, therefore, I had a good deal of difficulty in getting him away. I asked Marble to go off with me, it being understood that he was to be landed again, in order to pass the first night of his recognition under his mother's roof. To this scheme, however, he raised an objection, as soon as told it was my intention to go down the river as far as New York in quest of further medical advice, insisting on accompanying me, in order to obtain the thousand dollars with which to face 'Squire Van Tassel, or, at least, his mortgage sale. Accordingly, there were leave-takings, and about eight we were all on board the sloop. I did not see, nor did I ask to see, my sister again, that night. I had not seen her, indeed, since the moment Rupert was discovered in company with the Mertons; and, to own the truth, I felt afraid to see her, knowing, as I did, how much her frame was apt to be affected by her mind. It ap- peared to me there remained but the single duty to perform, that of getting below as fast as possible, in order to obtain the needed medical aid. It is true, we possessed Post's written instructions, and knew his opinion that the chief thing was to divert Grace's thoughts from dwelling on the great cause of her malady; but, now he had left us, it seemed as if I should neglect a most sacred duty, did I de- lay obtaining some other competent physician. The tide turned at nine, and we got immediately under MILES WALLINGFORD. 77 way, with a light southwest wind. As for Marble, igno- rant as Mr. Hardinge himself of the true condition of my sister, he determined to celebrate his recent discoveries by a supper. I was about to object to the project, on account of Grace, but Lucy begged me to let him have his way; such convives as my late guardian and my own mate were not likely to be very boisterous; and she fancied that the con- versation, or such parts of it as should be heard through the bulkhead, might serve to divert the invalid's mind from dwelling too intently on the accidental rencontre of the morning. The scheme was consequently carried out; and, in the course of an hour, the cabins of the Wallingford presented a singular spectacle. In her berth was Grace, patiently and sweetly lending herself to her friend's wish to seem to listen to her own account of the reason of the mate's / I know you will not accept of the necklace — though so ready to give me your own last piece of gold when I went to sea; you have ever been so fastidious as to refuse everything from us that had the least appearance of a pecuniary obligation — and it is useless to say more about it. I have no right to trouble you with my griefs, especially at a moment when I know your af- fectionate heart is suffering so deeply from our recent loss." I will confess that, while writing this, I fancied I was making a sort of half declaration to Lucy; one that might, at least, give her some faint insight into the real state of my heart; and I had a melancholy satisfaction in thinking that the dear girl might, by these means, learn how much I had prized and still did prize her. It was only a week later, while pondering over what I had written, the idea occurred to me that every syllable I had said would apply just as well to Emily Merton as to Lucy Hardinge. Peculiar cir- cumstances had made me intimately acquainted with our young English friend, and these circumstances might well have produced the very results I had mentioned. We all believed Emily's affections to be engaged to Rupert, who must have succeeded during my absence at sea. A modest and self-distrusting nature, like that of Lucy's, would be very apt to turn to any other than herself in quest of the original of my picture. l8o MILES WALLINGFORD. These letters occupied me for hours. That to Lucy, in particular, was very long, and it was not written wholly without care. When all were done and sealed, and en- veloped to the address of the postmaster, I went on deck. The pilot and Marble had not been idle while I had been below, for I found the ship just weathering the southwest Spit, a position that enabled me to make a fair wind of it past the Hook and out to sea. Certainly I was in no haste to quit home. I was leaving my native land, Clawbonny, the grave of my' sister, and Lucy, dearest Lucy, all behind me; and, at such an instant, one feels the ties that are about to be separated. Still, every seaman is anxious for an offing, and glad was I to see the head of the Dawn pointing in the right direction, with her yards nearly square, and a foretopmast studding-sail set. The pilot was all activity, and Marble, cool, clear- headed in his duty, and instinctively acquainted with every- thing belonging to a vessel, was just the man to carry out his views to his heart's content. The ship went, rising and falling on the swells of the ocean, that now began to make themselves felt, past the light and the low point of the Hook, within a few minutes after we had squared away, and, once more, the open ocean lay before us. I could not avoid smiling at Neb, just as we opened the broad waste of waters and got an unbroken view of the rolling ocean to the southward. The fellow was on the maintopsail yard, having just run out, and lashed the heel of a topgallant studding-sail boom, in order to set the sail. Before he lay in to the mast, he raised his Herculean frame, and took a look to windward. His eyes opened, his nostrils dilated, and I fancied he resembled a hound that scented game in the gale, as he snuffed the sea air which came fanning his glistening face, filled with the salts and peculiar flavors of the ocean. I question if Neb thought at all of Chloe for the next hour or two! As soon as we got over the bar, I gave the pilot my pack- MILES WALLINGFORD. l8l age and he got into his boat. It was not necessary to shorten sail in order to do this, for the vessel's way did not exceed five knots. "Do you see the sail, hereaway in the southeastern board ? " said the pilot, as he went over the side, pointing towards a white speck on the ocean ; " take care of that fel- low, and give him as wide a berth as possible, or he may give you a look at Halifax or Bermuda." " Halifax or Bermuda! I have nothing to do with either, and shall not go there. Why should I fear that sail.? " " On account of your cargo, and on account of your men. That is his Majesty's ship Leander; she has been off here, now, more than a week. The inward-bound craft say she is acting under some new orders, and they name several ves- sels that have been seen heading northeast after she had boarded them. This new war is likely to lead to new trou- bles on the coast, and it is well for all outward-bound ships to be on the lookout." ''^ His Majesty s ship" was a singular expression for an American to use, towards any sovereign, twenty years after the independence of the country was acknowledged. But it was common then, nor has it ceased entirely even among the newspapers of the present hour; so much harder is it to substitute a new language than to produce a revolution. Notwithstanding this proof of bad taste in the pilot, I did not disregard his caution. There had been certain un- pleasant rumors up in town for more than a month, that the two great belligerents would be apt to push each other into the old excesses, England and France at that day having such a monopoly of the ocean as to render them somewhat independent of most of the old-fashioned notions of the rights of neutrals. As for America, she was cursed with the cant of economy— an evil that is apt to produce as many bad consequences as the opposite vice, extravagance. The money paid as interest on the sums expended in the war of 1812 might have maintained a navy that would have caused 1 82 MILES WALLINGFORD. both belligerents to respect her rights, and thereby saved the principal entirely, to say nothing of all the other im- mense losses dependent on an interrupted trade; but dema- gogues were at work with their raven throats, and it is not reasonable to expect that the masses can draw very just dis- tinctions on the subject of remote interests, when present expenditure is the question immediately before them. It is true, I remember a modern French logician, who laid down the dogma that the tendency of democracies being to ex- cesses, if you give a people the power, they would tax themselves to death ; but, however true this theory may be in the main, it certainly is not true quoad the good citizens of the great model republic. It was bad enough to be accursed with a spurious economy; but this was not the heaviest grievance that then weighed upon the national interests. The demon of faction, party spirit, was actively at work in the country; and it was almost as rare to find a citizen who was influenced purely by patriotic and just views, as it would be to find an honest man in the galleys. The nation, as a rule, was either English or French. Some swore by the First Consul, and some by Billy Pitt. As for the com- mercial towns, taken in connection with the upper classes, these were little more than so many reflections of English feeling, exaggerated and rendered still more factitious by distance. Those who did not swallow all that the English tories chose to pour down their throats took the pillules Napoleons without gagging. If there were exceptions, they were very few, and principally among travelled men — pil- grims who, by approaching the respective idols, had dis- covered they were made by human hands! Impressment at sea, and out of neutral vessels, was re- vived, as a matter of course, with the renewal of the war, and all American ships felt the expediency of avoiding cruisers that might deprive them of their men. Strange as it may seem, a large and leading class of Americans justi- fied this claim of the English, as it was practised on board MILES WALLINGFORD. 1 83 their own country's vessels 1 What will not men defend when blinded and excited by faction? As this practice was to put the mariner on the defensive, and to assume that every man was an Englishman who could not prove, out on the ocean, a thousand miles from land perhaps, that he was an American, it followed that English navy officers exer- cised a jurisdiction over foreigners and under a foreign flag, that would not be tolerated in the Lord High Chancellor himself, in one of the streets of London ; that of throwing the burden of proving himself innocent on the accused party ! There was an abundance of other principles that were just as obvious, and just as unanswerable as this, which were violated by the daily practices of impressment, but they all produced no effect on the members of Congress and public writers that sustained the right of the English, who as blindly espoused one side of the main question as their opponents espoused the other. Men acting under the guid- ance of factions are not compos mentis. I think I may say, without boasting unreasonably of my own good sense, that I have kept myself altogether aloof from the vortex of parties, from boyhood to the present hour. My father had been a federalist, but a federalist a good deal cooled off, from having seen foreign countries, and no attempts had ever been made to make me believe that black was white in the interest of either faction. I knew that impressment from foreign vessels, out of the waters of Great Britain at least, could be defended on no other ground but that of power; and as for colonial produce, and all the subtleties that were dependent on its transporta- tion, I fancied that a neutral had a perfect right to purchase of one belligerent and sell to another, provided he found it his interest so to do, and violated no positive — not paper — blockade, or did not convey articles that are called contra- band of war. • With these views, then, it is not surprising that I easily 184 MILES WALLINGFORD. came into the pilot's opinion, and determined to give the Leander a sufficient berth, as sailors express it. The Leander was a fifty, on two decks, a very silly sort of a craft, though she had manfully played her part at the Nile, and on one or two other rather celebrated occasions, and was a good vessel of the build. Still I felt certain the Dawn could get away from her under tolerably favorable cir- cumstances. The Leander afterward became notorious, on the American coast, in consequence of a man killed in a coaster by one of her shot, within twenty miles of the spot where I now saw her, an event that had its share in awaken- ing the feeling that produced the war of 18 12 — a war of which the effects are just beginning to be made manifest in the policy of the republic; a fact, by the way, that is little understood at home or abroad. The Leander was a fast ship of her kind, but the Dawn was a fast ship of any kind, and I had great faith in her. It is true, the fifty had the advantage of the wind, but she was a long way off, well to the southward, and might have something in sight that could not be seen even from our topgallant yards, whither Neb was sent to take a look at the horizon. Our plan was soon laid. The south side of Long Island trending a little to the north of east, I ordered the ship to be steered east-by-south, which, with the wind at south- southwest, gave me an opportunity to carry all our stud- ding-sails. The soundings were as regular as the ascent on the roof of a shed, or on that of a graded lawn, and the land in sight less than two leagues distant. In this manner we ran down the coast, with about six knots' way on the ship, as soon as we got from under the Jersey shore. In less than an hour, or when we were about four leagues from Sandy Hook light, the Englishman wore short round, and made sail to cut us off. By this time he was just for- ward of our weather-beam, a position that did not enable him to carry studding-sails on both sides, for had he kept off enough for this he would have fallen into our wake, MILES WALLINGFORD. 1 85 while, by edging away to close with us, his after-sails be- calmed the forward, and this at the moment when everything of ours pulled like a team of well-broken cart-horses. Not- withstanding all this we had a nervous afternoon's and night's work of it. These old fifties are great travellers off the wind; and more than once I fancied the Leander was going to lay across my bows, as she did athwart those of the Frenchman at the Nile. The Dawn, however, was not idle, and as the wind stood all that day, throughout the night, and was fresher, though more to the southward than it had hitherto been, next morning, I had the satisfaction of seeing Montauk a little on my lee-bow, at sunrise, while my pur- suer was still out of gunshot on my weather-beam. Marble and I now held a consultation on the subject of the best mode of proceeding. I was half disposed to let the Leander come up and send a boat on board us. What had we to fear? We were bound to Hamburg with a cargo, one half of which came from the English, while the other half came from the French islands. But what of that? Marble, however, would not listen to such a project. He affirmed that he was a good pilot in all the sounds, and that it would be better to risk everything rather than let that fifty close with us. " Keep the ship away for Montauk, sir," exclaimed the mate; "keep her away for Montauk, and let that chap fol- low us if he dare! There's a reef or two inside that I'll engage to lead him on, should he choose to try the game, and that will cure him of his taste for chasing a Yankee." " Will you engage, Moses, to carry the ship over the shoals, if I will do as you desire, and go inside? " " I'll carry her into any port east of Block Island, Cap- tain Wallingford. Though New York born, as it now turns out, I'm * down -east ' edicated, and have got a * coasting pilot ' of my own in my head." This settled the matter, and I came to the resolution to stand on. 1 86 MILES WALLINGFORD. CHAPTER XII. The wind blows fair, the vessel feelt The pressure of the rising breeze, And, swiftest of a thousand keels. She leaps to the careering seas. Willis. Half an hour later, things drew near a crisis. We had been obliged to luff a little, in order to clear a reef that even Marble admitted lay off Montauk, while the Leander had kept quite as much away, with a view to close. This brought the fifty so near us, directly on our weather-beam, as to induce her commander to try the virtue of gunpowder. Her bow-gun was fired, and its shot, only a twelve-pounder, ricochetted until it fairly passed our fore-foot, distant a hun- dred yards, making its last leap from the water precisely in a line with the stem of the Dawn. This was unequivocal evidence that the game could not last much longer, unless the space between the two vessels should be sensibly widened. Fortunately, we now opened Montauk fort, and the option was offered us of doubling that point, and enter- ing the Sound, or of standing on toward Block Island, and putting the result on our heels. After a short consultation with Marble, I decided on the first. One of the material advantages possessed by a man-of-war in a chase with a merchant-vessel is in the greater veloci- ty with which her crew can make or take in sail. I knew that the moment we began to touch our braces, tacks, and sheets, the Leander would do the same, and that she would effect her objects in half the time in which we could effect ours. Nevertheless, the thing was to be done, and we set about the preparations with care and assiduity. It was a small matter to round in our weather-braces, until the yards were nearly square, but the rigging out of her stud- ding-sail booms and the setting of the sails was a job to occupy the Dawn's people several minutes. Marble sug- MILES WALLINGFORD. 1 8/ gested that, by edging gradually away, we should bring the Leander so far on our quarter as to cause the after-sails to conceal what we were about forward, and that we might steal a march on our pursuers by adopting this precaution. I thought the suggestion a good one, and the necessary orders were given to carry it out. Any one might be certain that the Englishman's glasses were levelled on us the whole time. Some address was used, therefore, in managing to get our yards in without showing the people at the braces. This was done by keeping off first, and then by leading the ropes as far forward as possible, and causing the men to haul on them, seated on deck. In this manner we got our yards nearly square, or as much in as our new course required, when we sent hands aloft, forward, to get out the lee booms. But we reckoned without our host. John Bull was not to be caught in that way. The hands were hardly in the lee fore-rigging, before I saw the fifty falling off to our course, her yards squared, and signs aboard her that she had larboard studding-sails as well as ourselves. The change of course had one good effect, however; it brought our pursuer so far on our quarter that, standing at the capstan, I saw him through the mizzen-rigging. This took the Dawn completely from under the Leander's broad- side, leaving us exposed to merely four or five of her for- ard guns, should she see fit to use them. Whether the Eng- lish were reluctant to resort to such very decided means of annoyance, so completely within the American waters as we were clearly getting to be, or whether they had so much confidence in their speed as to feel no necessity for firing, I never knew; but they did not have any further recourse to shot. As might have been foreseen, the fifty had her extra can- vas spread some time before we could open ours, and I fancied she showed the advantage thus obtained in her rate of sailing. She certainly closed with us, though we closed much faster with the land; still, there was imminent danger 1 88 MILES WALLINGFORD. of her overhauling us before we could round the point, un- less some decided step were promptly taken to avoid it. " On the whole, Mr. Marble," I said, after my mates and myself had taken a long and thoughtful look at the actual state of things — " on the whole, Mr. Marble, it may be well to take in our light sails, haul our wind, and let the man-of- war come up with us. We are honest folk, and there is little risk in his seeing all that we have to show him." " Never think of it!" cried the mate. "After this long pull, the fellow will be as savage as a bgar with a sore head. He'd not leave a hand on board us that can take his trick at the wheel ; and it's ten chances to one that he would send the ship to Halifax, under some pretence or other, that the sugars are not sweet enough, or that the coffee was grown in a French island, and tastes French. No — no — Captain Wallingford — here's the wind at sou'-sou'-west, and we're heading nothe-east and by nothe-half-nothe already, with that fellow abaft the mizzen-riggin'; as soon as we get a p'int more to the nor'ard, we'll have him fairly in our wake." "Ay, that will do very well as a theory, but what can we make of it in practice ? We are coming up toward Montauk at the rate of eight knots, and you have told me yourself there is a reef off that point, directly toward which we must this moment be standing. At this rate, fifteen minutes might break us up into splinters." I could see that Marble was troubled, by the manner in which he rolled his tobacco about, and the riveted gaze he kept on the water ahead. I had the utmost confidence in his seaman-like prudence and discretion, while I knew he was capable of suggesting anything a ship could possibly perform, in an emergency that called for such an exercise of decision. At that moment, he forgot our present relations, and went back, as he often did when excited, to the days of our greater equality and more trying scenes. " Harkee, Miles," he said, "the reef is dead ahead of us, but there is a passage between it and the point. I went MILES WALLINGFORD. 1 89 through that passage in the revvylution war, in chase of an English West Injyman, and stood by the lead the whole way, myself. Keep her away, Neb — keep her away, another p*int: so — steady — very well, dyce (anglice thus) — keep her so, and let John Bull follow us, if he dare." " You should be very sure of your channel, Mr. Marble," I said, gravely, "to take so much responsibility on yourself. Remember my all is embarked in this ship, and the insur- ance will not be worth a sixpence if we are lost running through such a place as this in broad daylight. Reflect a moment, I beg of you, if not certain of what you do." "And what will the insurance be worth ag'in Halifax or Bermuda? I'll put my life on the channel, and would care more for your ship. Miles, than my own. If you love me, stand on, and let us see if that lubberly make-believe two- decker dare follow." I was fain to comply, though I ran a risk that I find it impossible now to justify to myself. I had my cousin John Wallingford's property in charge, as well as my own, or what was quite as bad, I placed Clawbonny in imminent jeopardy. Still, my feelings were aroused, and to the ex- citement of a race were added the serious but vague appre- hensions all American seamen felt, in that day, of the great belligerents. It is a singular proof of human justice that the very consequences of these apprehensions are made mat- ter of reproach against them. It is not my intention to dwell further on the policy of England and France, during their great contest for superior- ity, than is necessary to the narrative of events connected with my own adventures; but a word in behalf of American seamen in passing may not be entirely out of place or season. Men are seldom wronged without being calumni- ated, and the body of men of which I was then one did not escape that sort of reparation for all the grievances they en- dured, which is dependent on demonstrating that the injured deserved their sufferings. We have been accused of mis- IQO MILES WALLINGFORD. leading English cruisers by false information, of being liars to an unusual degree, and of manifesting a grasping love of gold beyond the ordinary cupidity of man. Now I will ask our accusers if it were at all extraordinary that they who felt themselves daily aggrieved should resort to the means within their power to avenge themselves? As for veracity, no one who has reached my present time of life can be ignorant that truth is the rarest thing in the world, nor are those who have been the subjects of mystifications got up in the payment for wrongs, supposed or real, the most impartial judges of character or facts. As for the charge of an undue love of money, it is unmerited. Money will do less in America than in any other country of my acquaintance, and infinitely less than in either France or England. There is truth in this accusation, as applied either to a particular class or to the body of the American people, only in one respect. It is undeniable that, as a new nation, with a civilization that is wanting in so many of its higher qual- ities, while it is already so far advanced in those which form the basis of national greatness, money does not meet with the usual competition among us. The institutions, too, by dispensing with hereditary consideration, do away with a leading and prominent source of distinction that is known to other systems, thus giving to riches an exclusive importance that is rather apparent, however, than real. I acknowledge that little or no consideration is yet given among us to any of the more intellectual pursuits, the great bulk of the nation regarding literary men, artists, even pro- fessional men, as so many public servants, that are to be used like any other servants, respecting them and their labors only as they can contribute to the great stock of na- tional wealth and renown. This is owing, in part, to the youth of a country in which most of the material foundation was so recently to be laid, and in part to the circumstance that men, being under none of the factitious restraints of other systems, coarse and vulgar-minded declaimers make MILES WALLINGFORD. I9I themselves heard and felt to a degree that would not be tol- erated elsewhere. Notwithstanding all these defects, which no intelligent, and least of all, no travelled American should or can justly deny, I will maintain that gold is not one tittle more the goal of the American than it is of the native of other active and energetic communities. It is true, there is little besides gold, just now, to aim at in this country, but the great num- ber of young men who devote themselves to letters and the arts, under such unfavorable circumstances, a number greatly beyond the knowledge of foreign nations, proves it is cir- cumstances, and not the grovelling propensities of the people themselves, that give gold a so nearly undisputed ascend- ency. The great numbers who devote themselves to politics among us, certainly anything but a money-making pursuit, prove that it is principally the want of other avenues to distinction that renders gold apparently the sole aim of American existence. To return from this touch of phil- osophy to our ships. The progress of the Dawn soon left us no choice in the course to be steered. We could see by the charts that the reef was already outside of us, and there was now no alterna- tive between going ashore, or going through Marble's chan- nel. We succeeded in the last, gaining materially on the Leander by so doing, the Englishman hauling his wind when he thought himself as near to the danger as was prudent, and giving up the chase. I ran on to the northward an hour longer, when, finding our pursuer was hull down to the southward and westward, I took in our larboard studding- sails, and brought the ship by the wind, passing out to sea again, to the eastward of Block Island. Great was the exultation on board the Dawn at this escape, for escape it proved to be. Next morning, at sun- rise, we saw a sail a long distance to the westward, which we supposed to be the Ltfander, but she did not give chase. Marble and the people were delighted at having given John 192 MILES WALLINGFORD. Bull the slip, while I learned caution from the occurrence, determining not to let another vessel-of-warget near enough to trouble me again, could I possibly prevent it. From this time, for twenty days, the passage of the Dawn had nothing unusual. We crossed the Banks in forty-six, and made as straight a course for the western extremity of England as the winds would allow. For several days I was uncertain whether to go north-about or not, believing that I should fall in with fewer cruisers by doubling Scotland than by running up Channel. The latter was much the nearest route, though so much depends on the winds, that I deter- mined to let these last govern. Until we had made two- thirds of our distance across the ocean, the winds had stood very much at southwest, and though we had no heavy weather our progress was good; but in 20° east from Green- wich we got northeasters, and our best tack being the lar- board, I stood for ten days to the southward and eastward. This brought us into the track of everything going to or coming from the Mediterranean, and, had we stood on far enough, we should have made, the land somewhere in the Bay of Biscay. I knew we should find the ocean dotted with English cruisers, however, as soon as we got into European waters, and we tacked to the northwest when about a hun- dred leagues from the land. The thirty-third day out proved one of great importance to me. The wind had shifted to southwest, and it was blow- ing fresh, with very thick weather — rain mingled with a fine mist — that often prevented one's seeing a quarter of a mile from the ship. The change occurred at midnight, and there was every prospect of the wind's standing until it shoved us into the chops of the Channel, from which we were then distant about four hundred miles, according to my own cal- culation. Marble had the watch at four o'clock, and he sent for me that I might decide on the course to be steered and the sail to be carried. The course was north-north-east; but, as for the sail, I determined to stand on under our topsails MILES WALLINGFORD. 1 93 and fore-course, spanker and jib, until I could get a look by daylight. When the sun was fairly up, there was no change, and I gave orders to get along some of the larger studding- sails, and to set the main-topgallant-sail, having my doubts whether the spars would bear any more canvas under the stiff breeze that was blowing. " This is no great distance from the spot where we sur- prised the Lady of Nantes, Captain Wallingford," Marble observed to me, as I stood overlooking the process of bend- ing a foretopmast studding-sail, in which he was engaged with his own hands, "nor was the weather any thicker then than it is now, though that was a haze, and this is a mist." " You are out of your longitude a few hundred miles, Master Moses, but the comparison is well enough otherwise. We have twice the wind and sea we had then, moreover, and that was dry weather, while this is, to speak more gin- gerly, a little moist." "Ay, ay, sir; there is just that difference. Them were pleasant days. Captain Wallingford. I say nothing ag'in these; but them *ere were pleasant times, as all in the Crisis must allow." " Perhaps we shall think the same of these some five or six years hence." " Well, that's natur', I must confess. It's amazing how the last v'yage hangs in a man's memory, and how little we think of the present ! I suppose the Lord made us all of this disposition, for it's sartin we all manifest it. Come, bear a hand. Neb, on that fore-yard, and let us see the length of the stu'n-sail boom." But Neb, contrary to his habits, stood upright on the yard, holding on by the lift, and looking over the weather- leach of the topsail, apparently at some object that either was just then visible, or which had just before been visible. "What is it?" cried Marble, struck with the black's atti- tude and manner. "What d'ye see?" »3 194 MILES WALLINGFORD. "I don't see him now, sir; nuttin' now; but dere was a ship." " Where-away? " I demanded. "Off, here, Masser Mile — larboard bow, well forrard; look sharp, and soon see him, yourself, sir." Sharp enough we did look, all hands of us on deck, and, in less than a minute, we caught a pretty good view of the stranger from the forecastle. He might have been visible to us half a minute, in one of those momentary openings in the mist that were constantly occurring, and which enabled the eye to command a range around the ship of half a mile, losing it again, however, almost as soon as it was obtained. Notwithstanding the distance of time, I can perfectly recall the appearance of that vessel, seen as she was, for a moment only, and seen too so unexpectedly. It was a frigate, as frigates then were; or a ship of that medium size between a heavy sloop-of-war and a two-decker which, perhaps, offers the greatest proportions for activity and force. We plainly saw her cream-colored, or, as it is more usual to term it, her yellow streak, dotted with fourteen ports, including the bridle, and gleaming brightly in contrast to the dark and glistening hull, over which the mist and the spray of the ocean cast a species of sombre lustre. The stranger was under his three topsails, spanker, and jib, each of the former sails being double-reefed. His courses were in the brails. As the wind did not blow hard enough to bring a vessel of any size to more than one reef, even on a bowline, this short canvas proved that the frigate was on her cruising ground, and was roaming about in quest of anything that might offer. This was just the canvas to give a cruiser a wicked look, since it denoted a lazy preparation, which might, in an instant, be improved into mischief. As all cruising vessels, when on their stations doing nothing, reef at night, and the hour was still early, it was possible we had made this ship before her captain, or first lieutenant, had made his appearance on deck. There she was, at all MILES WALLINGFORD. I95 events, dark, lustrous, fair in her proportions, her yards looming square and symmetrical, her canvas damp, but stout and new, the copper bright as a tea-kettle, resembling a new cent, her hammock-cloths with the undress appearance this part of a vessel-of-war usually offers at night, and her quar- ter-deck and forecastle guns frowning through the lanyards of her lower rigging, like so many slumbering bull-dogs muzzled in their kennels. The frigate was on an easy bowline, or, to speak more correctly, was standing directly across our fore-foot, with her yards nearly square. In a very few minutes, each keep- ing her present course, the two ships would have passed within pistol-shot of each other. I scarce knew the nature of the sudden impulse which induced me to call out to the man at the wheel to starboard his helm. It was probably from instinctive apprehension that it were better for a neu- tral to have as little to do with a belligerent as possible, mingled with a presentiment that I might lose some of my people by impressment. Call out I certainly did, and the Dawn's bows came up to the wind, looking to the westward or in a direction contrary to that in which the frigate was running, as her yards were square, or nearly so. As soon as the weather-leaches touched, the helm was righted, and away we went with the wind abeam, with about as much breeze as we wanted for the sail we carried. The Dawn might have been half a mile to windward of the frigate when this manoeuvre was put in execution. We were altogether ignorant whether our own ship had been seen, but the view we got of the stranger satisfied us that he was an Englishman. Throughout the whole of the long wars that succeeded the French Revolution, the part of the ocean which lay off the chops of the Channel was vigilantly watched by the British, and it was seldom, indeed, a vessel could go over it without meeting one or more of their cruisers. I was not without a hope*that the two ships would pass each other without our being seen. The mist became very 196 MILES WALLINGFORD. thick just as we hauled up, and had this change of course taken place after we were shut in, the chances were greatly in favor of its being effected. Once distant a mile from the frigate, there was little danger of her getting a glimpse of us, since, throughout all that morning, I was satisfied we had not got a horizon with that much of diameter. As a matter of course the preparations with the studding- sails were suspended. Neb was ordered to lay aloft, as high as the cross-trees, and to keep a vigilant look-out, while all eyes on deck were watching as anxiously in the mist, as we had formerly watched for the shadowy outline of la Dame de Nantes. Marble's long experience told him best where to look, and he caught the next view of the frigate. She was directly under our lee, gliding easily along under the same canvas; the reefs still in, the courses in the brails, and the spanker rolled up, as it had been for the night. " By George," cried the mate, " all them Johnny Bulls are still asleep, and they haven't seen us! If we can give this fellow the slip, as we did the old Leander, Captain Walling- ford, the Dawn will become as famous as the Flying Dutch- man! See, there he jogs on as if going to mill or to church, and no more stir aboard him than there is in a Quaker meetin' ! How my good old soul of a mother would enjoy this!" There the frigate went, sure enough, without the smallest sign of any alarm having been given on board her. The vessels had actually passed each other, and the mist was thickening again. Presently the veil was drawn, and the form of that beautiful ship was entirely hid from sight. Marble rubbed his hands with delight, and all our people began to joke at the expense of the Englishman. "If a merchantman could see a man-of-war," it was justly enough said, " a man-of-war ought certainly to see a merchantman." Her look-outs must have all been asleep, or it would not have been possible for us to pass so near, under the canvas we carried, and escape undiscovered. Most of the Dawn's MILES WALLINGFORD. IQ/ crew were native Americans, though there were four or five Europeans among them. Of these last, one was certainly an Englishman, and, as I suspected, a deserter from a public ship; and the other, beyond all controversy, was a plant of the Emerald Isle. These two men were particularly de- lighted, though well provided with those veracious docu- ments called protections — which, like beggars' certificates, never told anything but truth, though, like beggars' certifi- cates, they not unfrequently fitted one man as well as an- other. It was the well-established laxity in the character of this testimony that gave the English officers something like a plausible pretext for disregarding all evidence in the premises. Their mistake was in supposing they had a right to make a man prove anything on board a foreign ship; while that of America was in permitting her citizens to be arraigned before foreign judges under any conceivable cir- cumstances. If England wanted her own men, let her keep them within her own jurisdiction, not attempt to follow them into the jurisdiction of neutral states. Well, the ship had passed; and I began myself to fancy that we were quit of a troublesome neighbor, when Neb came down the rigging, in obedience to an order from the mate. "Relieve the wheel. Master Clawbonny," said Marble, who often gave the negro his patronymic; "we may want some of your touches before we reach the foot of the dance. Which way was John Bull travelling when you last saw him?" " He goin' eastward, sir." Neb was never half as much "nigger" at sea as when he was on shore — there being something in his manly calling that raised him nearer to the dignity of white men. "But, sir, he was gettin' his people ready to make sail." " How do you know that? No such thing, sir; all hands were asleep, taking their second naps." " Well, you see, Misser Marble ; den you know^ sir." igS MILES WALLINGFORD. Neb grinned as he said this; and I felt persuaded he had seen something that he understood, but which very possibly he could not explain ; though it clearly indicated that John Bull was not asleep. We were not left long in doubt on this head. The mist opened again, and, distant from us about three-quarters of a mile, bearing on our lee-quarter, we got another look at the frigate, and a look that satisfied everybody what she was about. The Englishman was in stays, in the very act of hauling his head-yards, a certain sign he was a quick and sure-working fellow, since this ma- noeuvre had been performed against a smart sea, and under double-reefed topsails. He must have made us, just as we lost sight of him, and was about to shake out his reefs. On this occasion, the frigate may have been visible from our decks three minutes. I watched all her movements, as the cat watches the mouse. In the first place her reefs were shaken out, as the ship's bows fell off far enough to get the sea on the right side of them, and her topsails appeared to me to be mast-headed by instinct, or as the bird extends its wings. The fore and main-topgallant-sails were fluttering in the breeze at this very moment — it blew rather too fresh for the mizzen — and then their bosoms were distended, and their bowlines hauled. How the fore and main-tacks got aboard I could not tell, though it was done while my eyes were on the upper sails. I caught a glimpse of the fore- sheet, however, as the clew was first flapping violently, and then was brought under the restraint of its own proper, powerful purchase. The spanker had been hauled out previ- ously, to help the ship in tacking. There was no mistaking all this. We were seen and chased; everything on board the frigate being instantly and accurately trimmed, " full and by." She looked up into our wake, and I knew must soon overtake a heavily-laden ship like the Dawn, in the style in which she was worked and handled. Under the circumstances, therefore, I mo- tioned Marble to follow me aft, where we consulted together MILES WALLINGFORD. 1 99 touching our future proceedings. I confess I was disposed to shorten sail, and let the cruiser come alongside; but Marble, as usual, was for holding on. "We are bound to Hamburg,'^ said the mate, " which lies, hereaway, on our lee-beam, and no man has a right to com- plain of our steering our course. The mist has shut the frigate in again, and, it being very certain he will overhaul us on a bowline, I advise you. Miles, to lay the yards per- fectly square, edge away two points more, and set the weather stun'-sails. If we do not open John very soon again, we may be off three or four miles to leeward before he learns where we are, and then, you know, a *starn chase' is always a *long chase.' " This was good advice, and I determined to follow it. It blew rather fresh at the instant, and the Dawn began to plunge through the seas at a famous rate as soon as she felt the drag of the studding-sails. We were now running on a course that made an obtuse angle with that of the frigate, and there was the possibility of so far increasing our dis- tance as to get beyond the range of the openings of the mist, ere our expedient was discovered. So long did the density of the atmosphere continue, indeed, that my hopes were be- ginning to be strong, just as one of our people called out "The frigate!" This time she was seen directly astern of us, and nearly two miles distant! Such had been our gain that ten minutes longer would have carried us clear. As we now saw her, I felt certain she would soon see us, eyes being on the look-out on board her, beyond a question. Nevertheless, the cruiser was still on a bowline, standing on the course on which we had been last seen. This lasted but a moment, however. Presently the Eng- lishman's bow fell off, and by the time he was dead before the wind we could see his studding-sails flapping in the air, as they were in the act of being distended, by means of halyards, tacks, and sheets all going at once. The mist shut in the ship again before all this could be executed. What 200 MILES WALLINGFORD. was to be done next? Marble said, as we were not on our precise course, it might serve a good turn to bring the wind on our starboard quarter, set all the studding-sails'we could carry on the same side, and run off east-north-east: I in- clined to this opinion, and the necessary changes were made forthwith. The wind and mist increased, and away we went, on a diverging line from the course of the Englishman, at the rate of quite ten knots in the hour. This lasted fully forty minutes, and all hands of us fancied we had at last given the cruiser the slip. Jokes and chuckling flew about among the men, as usual, and everybody began to feel as happy as success could make us, when the dark veil lifted at the southwest; the sun was seen struggling through the clouds, the vapor dispersed, and gradually the whole curtain which had concealed the ocean throughout that morning arose, extending the view around the ship, little by little, until nothing limited it but the natural horizon. The anxiety with which we watched this slow rising of the curtain need scarcely be described. Every eye was turned eagerly in the direction in which its owner expected to find the frigate, and great was our satisfaction as mile after mile opened in the circle around us without bringing her beautiful proportions within its range. But this could not last forever, there not being sufficient time to carry so large a vessel over the curvature of the ocean's surface. As usual. Marble saw her first. She had fairly passed to lee- ward of us, and was quite two leagues distant, driving ahead with the speed of a racehorse. With a clear horizon, an open ocean, a stiff breeze, and hours of daylight, it was hopeless to attempt escape from so fast a vessel as the stranger, and I now determined to put the Dawn on her true course, and trust altogether to the goodness of my cause ; heels being out of the question. The reader who will do me the favor to peruse the succeeding chapter will learn the result of this resolution. MILES WALLINGFORD. 201 CHAPTER XIII. Whom have we here? Buckingham, to disturb me? The king hath sent hira, sure : I must dissemble. King Henry VI. At first, the frigate took single reefs in her topsails, top- gallant-sails over them, and hauled up on taut bowlines. But seeing no signs of our studding-sails coming down, she shook out her reefs, squared her yards, set topmast studding- sails, and kept off to a course that would be certain to inter- cept us. She was up on our line of sailing some little time before we got down to her, and she kept standing off and on, hauling up her courses, and furling her topgallant-sails, and hauling down all of her light sails, the jib excepted. As for the Dawn, she kept steadily on, carrying everything she could bear. We had topmast and lower studding-sails, and not a tack or sheet had been touched when we got within a quarter of a mile of the frigate. The Englishman now showed his colors, when we let him see the Stars and Stripes. Still no sail was touched on board us. As if surprised at our obstinacy, John Bull let fly a chase-gun, taking good care not to send the shot very near us. I thought it time, now, to shorten sail and to pretend to see him. We began to haul down our studding-sails merchant-fashion, and were fairly alongside of the frigate before even this pre- liminary step to heaving-to was effected. As we ap- proached, the frigate bore up, and ran off in company with us, keeping a hundred fathoms distance from us, and watch- ing us closely. At this instant, I ordered the topgallant- sails settled on the caps, as a sign we intended to let him board us. At length, having reduced the sail to the three topsails, reefed, I hove-to the Dawn, and waited for a visit from the Englishman's boat. As*soon as the frigate saw us fairly motionless, she shot up on our weather-quarter, half a 202 MILES WALLINGFORD. cable's length distant, swung her long, saucy-looking yards, and lay-to herself. At the same instant her lee-quarter boat dropped into the water, with the crew in it, a boy of a mid- shipman scrambled down the ship's side and entered it also, a lieutenant followed, when away the cockle of a thing swept on the crest of a sea, and was soon pulling round under our stern. I stood on the lee-quarter, examining my visitors, as they struggled against the swell, in order to get a boat-hook into our main-chains. The men were like any other man-of-war's-men, neat, sturdy, and submissive in air. The reefer was a well-dressed boy, evidently a gentleman's son; but the lieutenant was one of those old weather-beaten sea-dogs who are seldom employed in boats unless something more than common is to be done. He was a man of forty, hard-featured, pock-marked, red-faced, and scowling. I after- ward ascertained he was the son of some underling about the Portsmouth dock-yard, who had worked his way up to a lieutenancy, and owed his advancement principally to his readiness in impressing seamen. His name was Sennit. We threw Mr. Sennit a rope, as a matter of course, and Marble met him at the gangway with the usual civilities. I was amused with the meeting between these men, who had strictly that analogy to each other which is well described as " diamond cut diamond." Each was dogmatical, positive, and full of nautical conceit, in his own fashion ; and each hated the other's country as heartily as man could hate, while both despised Frenchmen. But Sennit knew a mate from a master at a glance ; and, without noticing Marble's sea -bow, a slight for which Marble did not soon forgive him, he walked directly aft to me, not well pleased, as I thought, that a shipmaster had neglected to be at the gang- way to meet a sea lieutenant. "Your servant, sir," commenced Mr. Sennit, condescend- ing to notice my bow; "your servant, sir; I suppose we owe the pleasure of your company, just now, to the circumstance of the weather's clearing." MILES WALLINGFORD. 203 This sounded hostile from the go-off; and I was deter- mined to give as good as I received. " Quite likely, sir," was my answer, uttered as coolly as I could speak — " I do not think you got much the advantage, as long as there was thick weather." "Ay, you're a famous fellow at hide and go seek, and I do not doubt would make a long chase in a dark night. But his Majesty's ship Speedy is not to be dodged by a Yankee." " So it would seem, sir, by your present success." " Men seldom run away without there is a cause for it. It's my business to find out the reason why you have at- tempted it ; so, sir, I will thank you for the name of your ship, to begin with." "The Dawn, of New York." " Ay, full-blooded Yankee — I knew you were New Eng- land, by your tricks." "New York is not in New England; nor do we call a New York ship a Yankee," put in Marble. "Ay, ay — if one were to believe all you mates from the other side, say, he would soon fancy that King George held his throne by virtue of a commission from President Wash- ington." " President Washington is dead. Heaven bless him !" re- torted Marble, " and if one were to believe half of what you English say, he would soon fancy that President Jefferson held his office as one of King George's waiting-men." I made a sign for Marble to be silent, and intimated to the lieutenant I was ready to answer any further inquiries he wished to make. Sennit did not proceed, however, with- out giving a significant look at the mate, which, to me, seemed to say, " I have pressed a mate in my time." " Well, sir, the Dawn, of New York," he continued, noting the name in his pocket-book. " How are you called your- self?" "The Dawn, of New York, Miles Wallingford, master." 204 MILES WALLINGFORD. " Miles Wallingford, master. Where from, whither bound, and with what laden?" "From New York; bound to Hamburg; cargo sugars, coffee, and cochineal." " A very valuable cargo, sir," observed Mr. Sennit, a lit- tle dryly. **' I wish for your sake it had been going to any other part of the world, as this last war has sent the French into that part of Germany, and Hamburg is suspected of being rather too much under Boney's influence." " And were we bound to Bordeaux, sir, what power have you to stop a neutral at this distance at sea? " " If you put it on power, Mr. Wallingford, you depend on a crutch that will betray you. We have power enough to eat you, should that be necessary. I suppose you mean right" " I shall not dispute with you, sir, about words." " Well, to prove to you that I am as amicably disposed as yourself, I will say no more on the subject. With your per- mission, I will now examine your papers; and to show you that I feel myself among friends, I will first send my own boat back to the Speedy." I was infinitely disgusted with this man's manner. It had the vulgar sort of witticism about even his air, that he so much affected in his speech — the whole being deformed by a species of sly malignancy, that rendered him as offen- sive as he seemed to me to be dangerous. I could not refuse to let a belligerent look at my papers, however, and went below to get them, while Sennit gave some private orders to his reefer, and sent him away to his frigate. While on this subject, the reader must excuse an old man's propensity to gossip, if I say a word on the general question of the right of search. As for the pretence that was set up by some of the advocates of impressment out of neutral ships, which laid down the position that the bellig- erent being on board in the exercise of an undoubted right to inquire into the character of the ship and cargo, he took with him the right to lay hands on all the subjects of his MILES WALLINGFORD. 205 own sovereign he might happen to find there, it is not worthy of a serious reply. Because a man has a right to take the step preliminary to the discharge of an admitted power, as an incident of that power, it does not follow that he can make the incident a principle, and convert it into a justification of acts unlawful in themselves. On this head, therefore, I shall say nothing, holding it to be beyond dis- pute among those who are competent to speak on the sub- ject at all. But the abuse of that admitted power to board and ascertain the character of a ship has created so lively a feeling in us Americans as to induce us to forego some of the wholesome principles that are necessary to the well-be- ing of all civilized nations. It is thus, in my judgment, that we have quite recently and erroneously laid down the doctrine that foreign vessel s-of-war shall not board Ameri- can ships on the coast of Africa, in a time of peace, in order to ascertain their character. On this subject I intend to speak plainly. In the first place, I lay no claim to that spurious patriotism which says, "Our country, right or wrong." This may do for the rabble, but it will not do for God, to whom our first and highest obligations are due. Neither country nor man can justify that which is wrong, and I conceive it to be wrong, in a political if not in a moral sense, to deny a vessel-of-war the privilege which England here claims. I can see but one plausible argument against it, and that is founded on the abuses which may arise from the practice. But it will not do to anticipate abuses in this instance more than in any other. Every right, whether national or international, may be abused in its exercise, and the argument, if good for any thing, is as good against every other right of international law as it is against this. Abuse, after it has occurred, might be a justifiable reason for suspending the exercise of an ad- mitted right, until som^ remedies were applied to prevent their recurrence, but it can never be urged as a proper argu- ment against the right itself. If abuses occur, we can get 206 MILES WALLINGFORD. them remedied by proper representations, and if these last fail, we have the usual appeal of nations. As well might it be said, the law of the land shall not be administered, be- cause the sheriff's officers are guilty of abuses, as to say the law of nations shall cease because we apprehend that cer- tain commercial rivalries may induce others to transcend them. When the wrong is done it will be time enough to seek the remedy. That it is the right of a vessel-of-war to ascertain the character of a ship at sea is dependent on her right to ar- rest a pirate, for instance. In what manner can this be done, if a pirate can obtain impunity by simply hoisting the flag of some other country, which the cruiser is obliged to respect? All that the latter asks is the power to ascertain if that flag is not an imposition ; and this much every regu- larly-commissioned public ship should be permitted to do, in the interests of civilization, and in maintenance of the police of the seas. The argument on the other side goes the length of saying that a public cruiser is in the situation of a sheriff's officer on shore, who is compelled to arrest his prisoner on his own responsibility. In the first place, it may be questioned if the dogma of the common law, which asserts the privilege of the citizen to conceal his name, is worthy of a truly en- lightened political freedom. It must not be forgotten that liberty first took the aspect of franchises, in which men sought protection from the abuses of power in any manner they could, and often without regarding the justness of the general principles with which they were connected ; confu- sion in these principles arising as a consequence. But, ad- mitting the dogma of the common law to be as inherently wise as it is confessedly a practice, there is no parallel in the necessity of the case of an arrest on shore and of an arrest at sea. In the former instance, the officer may apply to witnesses; he has the man before him, and compares him with the description of the criminal; and, should he make MILES WALLINGFORD. 20/ an erroneous arrest, under misleading circumstances, his punishment would be merely nominal — in many cases, noth- ing. But the common law, while it gives the subject this protection, does not deny the right of the officer to arrest. It only punishes the abuse of this power, and that is precisely what nations ought to do in a case of the abuse of the right to examine a merchantman. The vessel -of -war cannot apply to witnesses, and cannot judge of national character by mere external appearances, since an American-built ship can be sailed by Portuguese. The actual necessities of the case are in favor of the present English claim, as well as of that great governing princi- ple which says that no great or principal right can exist, in international law, without carrying with it all the sub- ordinate privileges which are necessary to its discreet ex- ercise. Thus much I could not refrain from saying, not that I think John Bull is very often right in his controversies with ourselves, but because I think, in this case, he is; and be- cause I believe it far safer, in the long run, for a nation or an individual to have justice on his side than always to carry his point. I was soon on deck, carrying my writing-desk under my arm, Mr. Sennit preferring to make his examination in the open air to making it below. He read the clearance and manifest with great attention. Afterward he asked for the shipping articles. I could see that he examined the names of the crew with eagerness, for the man was in his element when adding a new hand to his frigate's crew. " Let me see this Nebuchadnezzar Clawbonny, Mr. Wal- lingford," he said, chuckling. "The name has an alias in its very absurdity, and I doubt not I shall see a countryman — perhaps a townsman." " By turning your head, sir, you can easily see the man. He is at the wheel." "A black! — umph — yes; those fellows do sometimes sail 208 MILES WALLINGFORD. under droll titles. I do not think the lad was born at Gos- port." " He was born in my father's house, sir, and is my slave." "Slave! A pretty word in the mouth of a free and inde- pendent son of liberty, Mr. Wallingford. It is lucky you are not bound to that land of despotism, old England, or you might see the fetters fall from about the chap's limbs." I was nettled, for I felt there was some justice in this sarcasm, and this, too, at the very moment I felt it was only half merited; and not at all, perhaps, from an Englishman. But Sennit knew as much of the history of my country as he did of his own, having obtained all he had learned of either out of newspapers. Nevertheless, I succeeded in keeping silent. "Nathan Hitchcock; this chap has a suspiciously Yan- kee name; will you let me see him^ sir," observed the lieu- tenant. " The chap's name, then, does him no more than justice, for I believe he is strictly what we call a Yankee." Nathan came aft at the call of the second mate, and Sen- nit no sooner saw him than he told him to go forward again. It was easy to see that the man was perfectly able to distin- guish, by means of the eye alone, between the people of the two countries, though the eye would sometimes deceive even the most practised judges. As the Speedy was not much in want of men, he was disposed not to lay his hands on any but his own countrymen. " I shall have to ask you, sir, to muster all your people in the gangway," said Sennit, rising, as he passed me the ship's papers. " I am only a supernumerary of the Speedy, and I expect we shall soon have the pleasure of seeing her first on board, the Honorable Mr. Powlett. We are a nob ship, having Lord Harry Dermond for our captain, and lots of younger sons in the cockpit." I cared little who commanded or officered the Speedy, but I felt all the degradation of submitting to have my crew MILES WALLINGFORD. 209 mustered by a foreign officer, and this, too, with the avowed object of carrying away such portions of them as he might see fit to decide were British subjects. In my judgment it would have been much more creditable and much wiser for the young Hercules to have made an effort to use his club, in resisting such an offensive and unjustifiable assumption of power, than to be setting up doubtful claims to establish principles of public law that will render the exercise of some of the most useful of all international rights perfectly nugatory. I felt a disposition to refuse compliance with Sennit's request, and did the result only affect myself I think I should have done so; but, conscious that my men would be the sufferers, I thought it more prudent to comply. Accordingly, all the Dawn's people were ordered to muster near the quarter-deck. While I endeavor to do justice to principles, I wish to do no injustice to Sennit. To own the truth, this man picked out the Englishman and Irishman as soon as each had an- swered his iirst questions. They were ordered to get their things ready to go on board the Speedy, and I was coolly directed to pay them any wages that might be due. Marble was standing near when this command was given ; and see- ing disgust, most likely, in my countenance, he took on himself the office of replying. "You think accounts should be balanced, then, before these men quit the ship? " he asked, significantly. "I do, sir; and it's my duty to see it done. I will thank you to attend to it at once," returned the lieutenant. "Well, sir, that being the case, we shall be receivers, in- stead of payers. By looking at the shipping articles, you will see that each of these men receive fifty dollars, or two months' advance" (seamen's wages were as high, frequently, in that day, as twenty or thirty dollars), "and quite half of the * dead-horse ' remains to be worked out. We will, there- fore, thank his Majesty to pay us the odd twenty-five dollars for each of the men." 14 2IO MILES WALLINGFORD. " What countryman are you 1 " demanded the lieutenant, with a menacing look. "Cornish, by your impudence: have a care, sir; I have carried off mates, before now, in my day." " I came from the land of tombstones, which is an advan- tage ; as I know the road we all must travel, sooner or later. My name is Marble, at your service ; and there's a hard na- tur' under it, as you'll find on trial." Just at this moment, the frigate's boat came round her stern, carrying the Honorable Mr. Powlett, or the gentleman whom Sennit had announced as her first lieutenant. I thought the rising anger of the last, was a little subdued by the appearance of his senior officer; social position and private rank making even a greater difference between the two than mere date of commission. Sennit suppressed his wrath, therefore ; though I make no doubt the resentment he felt at the contumelious manner of my mate had no little influence on what subsequently occurred. As things were, he waited, before he proceeded any further, for the Speedy's boat to come alongside. Mr. Powlett turned out to be a very different sort of per- son from his brother lieutenant. There was no mistaking him for anything but a gentleman, or for a sailor. Beyond a question, he owed his rank in his ship to family influence, and he was one of those scions of aristocracy (by no means the rule, however, among the high-born of England) who never were fit for anything but carpet-knights, though trained to the seas. As I afterward learned, his father held high ministerial rank; a circumstance that accounted for his being the first lieutenant of a six-and-thirty at twenty, with a supernumerary lieutenant under him who had been a sailor some years before he was born. But the captain of the Speedy, himself. Lord Harry Dermond, was only four- and-twenty; though he had commanded his ship two years, and fought one very creditable action in her. After making my best bow to Mr. Powlett, and receiving a very gentleman -like salutation in return, Sennit led his MILES WALLINGFORD. 211 brother officer aside, and they had a private conference of some little length together. " I shall not meddle with the crew, Sennit," I overheard Powlett say, in a sort of complaining tone, as he walked away from his companion. " Really, I cannot become the master of a press-gang, though the Speedy had to be worked by her officers. You are used to this business, and I leave it all to you." I understood this to be a carte blanche to Sennit to carry off as many of my people as he saw fit; there being nothing novel or surprising in men's tolerating in others acts they would disdain to perform in person. As soon as he left his junior in rank, the youthful first lieutenant approached me. I call him youthful, for he appeared even younger than he was, though I myself had commanded a ship when only of his own age. It was easy to see that this young man felt he was employed on an affair of some importance. " It is reported to us, on board the Speedy, sir," the Hon. Mr. Powlett commenced, " that you are bound to Hamburg." " To Hamburg, sir, as my papers will show." "Our government regards all trade with that part of the Continent with great distrust, particularly since the late movements of the French. I really wish, sir, you had not been bound to Hamburg." "I believe Hamburg is still a neutral port,, sir; and, if it were not, I do not see why an American should not enter it, until actually blockaded." "Ah! these are some of your very peculiar American ideas on such subjects! I cannot agree with you, however, it being my duty to obey my orders. Lord Harry has de- sired us to be very rigorous in our examination, and I trust you will understand we must comply, however unpleasant it may be, sir. I understand, now, sugar and coffee are exceed- ingly suspicious!" • "They are very innocent things rightly used, as I hope mine will be." 212 MILES WALLINGFORD. " Have you any particular interest in the cargo, Captain Wallingford?" " Only that of owner, sir. Both ship and cargo are my own private property." " And you seem to be English, or American — for, I con- fess myself unable to tell the difference between the people of the two countries, though I dare say there is a very great difference." " I am an American by birth, as have been my ancestors for generations." " I declare that is remarkable! Well, I can see no differ- ence. But, li you are American, I do not see why the sugar and coffee are not American, too. Lord Harry, however, desired us to be very particular about these things, for some reason. or other. Do you happen to know, now, where this sugar grew?" " The canes of which it was made grew, I believe, in St. Domingo." "St. Domingo! Is not that a French island?" "Certainly, in part, sir; though the Spaniards and the negroes dispute the possession with the French." "I declare I must send Lord Harry word of this! I am exceedingly sorry. Captain Wallingford, to detain your ship, but my duty requires me to send a young gentleman on board the Speedy for orders." As I could urge no plausible objection, the young gentle- man was again sent back to the frigate. In the meantime. Sennit had not been idle. Among my crew were a Swede and a Prussian, and both these men having acquired their English in London or Liverpool, he affected to believe they were natives of the old island, ordering them to get their dunnage ready to go under the pennant. Neither of the men, however, was disposed to obey him, and when I joined the group, leaving the Hon. Mr. Powlett waiting the return of his boat, on the quarter-deck, I found the three in a warm discussion on the subject. MILES WALLINGFORD. 213 "I'll tell you what it is, Mr. Wallingford," Sennit cried, as I approached, "we will compromise matters. Here are two fellows who are Lancashire men, if the truth were known, that pretend to be Norwegians, or Fins, or to come from some other outlandish country or other, and I wish to place them under his Majesty's pennant, where they properly belong; as they are so reluctant to receive this honor, I will consent to take that fine-looking Kentish man, who is worth them both put together." As this was said, Sennit pointed to Tom Voorhees, an athletic, handsome young North River man, of Dutch ex- traction, a fellow who had not a drop of English blood in his veins, and the ablest-bodied and the best seaman in the Dawn; a fact that the lieutenant's nautical tact had not been slow to detect. " You are asking me to let you have a man who was born within ten miles of myself," I answered, " and whose family I know to be American, for near two centuries." "Ay, ay; you're all of ^/^ families in America, as every- body knows. The chap is English born, for a hundred guineas ; and I could name a spot in Kent not ten miles distant from that where he first saw the light. I do not say, however, you were not his neighbor — for you have a Dover look, yourself." " You might be less disposed to pleasantry, sir, were this a thirty-six, or were you and I on shore." Sennit gave me a disdainful look, and terminated the affair by ordering Voorhees to get his chest ready, and to join the two other men he had pressed. Taking example, however, from the Swede and the Prussian, Voorhees walked away, using no measures to obey. As for myself, thor- oughly disgusted with this man, a vulgar rogue, I walked aft to the other lieutenant, who was only a gentleman-like dunce. Mr. Powlett now began to converse of London ; and he told me how often he had been at the opera when last in 214 MILES WALLINGFORD. town — and remarked what an exceedingly delightful pte champetre was Lady Somebody's entertainment of that sort. This occupied us until the boat returned, with a very civil request from the captain of the Speedy that I would do him the favor to pay him a visit, bringing with me the ship's papers. As this was what no belligerent had a right to de- mand, though privateersmen constantly did it, I could com- ply or not. Fancying it might expedite matters, regarding the civility of the request as a good omen, and feeling a desire to deal with principals in an affair that was very needlessly getting to be serious, I consented to go. Marble was called, and formally told to take charge of the ship. I could see a smile of contempt on Sennit's face, at this little ceremony, though he made no objection in terms. I had expected that the first lieutenant would go to the frigate with me, but, after a short consultation with his junior, the last was deputed to do me this honor. Sennit now appeared disposed to show me every slight and indignity it was in his power to manifest. Like all vulgar-minded men, he could not refrain from maltreating those whom he designed to injure. He made me precede him into the boat, and went up the Speedy's side first, him- self, on reaching that vessel. His captain's conduct was very different. Lord Harry was not a very noble looking personage, as your worshippers of rank imagine nobility to appear, but he was decidedly well-mannered; and it was easy enough to see he commanded his own ship, and was admirably fitted so to do. I have had occasion to learn that there is a vast deal of aristocratic and democratic cant on the subject of the appearance, abilities, qualities, and conduct of Europeans of birth and station. In the first place, nature has made them very much as she makes other people ; and the only physical difference there is proceeds from habit and education. Then, as to the enervating effects of aristocracy and noble effeminacy, I have seen ten times as much of it among your counter-jumpers and dealers MILES WALLINGFORD. 21$ in bobinet as I have seen in the sons of dukes and princes; and in my latter days circumstances have brought me much in contact with many of these last. Manliness of character is far more likely to be the concomitant of aristocratic birth, than of democratic, I am afraid; for, while those who enjoy the first feel themselves above popular opinion, those who possess the last bow to it, as the Asiatic slave bows to his master. I wish I could think otherwise; but experience has convinced me of these facts, and I have learned to feel the truth of an axiom that is getting to be somewhat familiar among ourselves, viz., " that it takes an aristocrat to make a true democrat." Certain I am that all the real manly in- dependent democrats I have ever known in America have been accused of aristocracy, and this simply because they were disposed to carry out their principles, and not to let that imperious sovereign, "the neighborhood," play the tyrant over them. As for personal merit, quite as fair a proportion of talent is found among the well-born as among the low ; and he is but an ad captandum vulgus sort of a philosopher who holds the contrary doctrine. Talleyrand was of one of the most ancient and illustrious houses of Europe, as was Turenne; while Mansfield, Erskine, Grey, Wellington, and a host of Englishmen of mark of our time, came of noble blood. No, no, the cause of free institutions has much higher and much juster distinctions to boast of than this imaginary superiority of the humbly-born over those who come of ancient stock. Lord Harry Dermond received me just as one of his station ought to receive one of mine, politely, without in the least compromising his own dignity. There was a good-natured smile on his face, of which, at first, I did not know what to make. He had a private conversation with Sennit, too, but the smile underwent no change. In the end, I came to the conclusion that it was habitual with him, and meant nothing. But, thougli so much disposed to smile, Lord Harry Dermond was equally disposed to listen to every sug- 2l6 MILES WALLINGFORD. gestion of Sennit that was likely to favor the main chance. Prize money is certainly a great stain on the chivalry of all navies, but it is a stain with which the noble wishes to be as deeply dyed as the plebeian. Human nature is singu- larly homogeneous on the subject of money ; and younger- son nature, in the lands of majorats and entails, enjoys a liveliness of longing on the subject that is quite as con- spicuous as the rapacity of the veriest plebeian who ever picked a pocket. "I am very sorry, Captain Wallingford," Captain Lord Harry Dermond observed to me, when his private conference with Sennit was ended, and altogether superior to the weak- ness of Powlett, who would have discussed the point, " that it is my duty to send your ship into Plymouth. The French have got such an ascendency on the Continent that we are obliged to use every act of vigilance to counteract them. Then, your cargo is of enemy's growth." "As for the ascendency, my lord, you will see we Ameri- cans have nothing to do with it; and my cargo, being nec- essarily of last year's crops, must have been grown and manufactured in a time of general peace. If it were not, I do not conceive it would legalize my capture." "We must leave Sir William Scott to decide that, my good sir," answered the captain, with his customary smile; " and there is no use in our discussing the matter. An un- pleasant duty" — as if he thought the chance of putting two or three thousand pounds in his pocket unpleasant! — "an unpleasant duty, however, need not be performed in a dis- agreeable manner. If you will point out what portion of your people you could wish to keep in your ship, it shall be attended to. Of course, you remain by your property your- self ; and I confess, whatever may be done with the cargo, I think the ship will be liberated. As the day is advancing, and it will require some little time to exchange the people, I should be exceedingly happy if you would do me the favor to lunch in my cabin." MILES WALLINGFORD. 21/ This was gentlemanly conduct, if it were not lawful. I could foresee a plenty of evil consequences to myself in the delay, though I own I had no great apprehensions of a con- demnation. There was my note to John Wallingford to meet, and two months' detention might keep me so long from home as to put the payment at maturity quite out of the question. Then came the mortgage on Clawbonny, with its disquieting pictures; and I was in anything but a good humor to enjoy Lord Harry Dermond's hospitality. Still, I knew the uselessness of remonstrances, and the want of dignity there would be in repining, and succeeded in putting a good face on the matter. I simply requested that my chief mate, the cook, and Neb might be left in the Dawn, submitting it to the discre- tion of my captors to take out of her as many of the re- mainder of her people as they saw fit. Lord Harry remarked it was not usual to leave a mate, but to oblige me, he would comply. The frigate would go in for water in the course of a fortnight, when I might de- pend on having the entire crew, his Majesty's subjects ex- cepted, restored to my command. CHAPTER XIV. ist Gent. What is my ransom, master ? Let me know. Mast. A thousand crowns, or else lay down your head. Mate. And so much shall you give, or off goes yours. King Henry VI. I NEVER saw a man more astounded, or better disposed to fly into a passion than was the case with Mr. Moses Oloff Van Duzer Marble, when he was told that the Dawn was to be sent into England, for adjudication. Nothing kept his tongue within the bounds of moderation, and I am far from certain I might not add his fists, but my assurances he would be sent on board the Speedy, unless he behaved with prudence. As our people were sent out of the ship, I 2l8 MILES WALLINGFORD. thought, several times, he would break out in open hostili- ties; and he did actually propose to me to knock Sennit down, and throw him overboard. With a significant look, I told him it was not time for this. The mate now laid a finger on his nose, winked, and from that moment he not only seemed cheerful, but he as- sisted in hoisting in and out the different articles that were exchanged, in shifting'the crews. When all was ready, it appeared that Sennit was to be our prize master. Although a lieutenant in commission, he had only been lent to Lord Harry Dermond by the admiral, in order to fill up the crew of that favored officer; the Speedy having her regular complement of lieutenants without him. As the cruise was so nearly up, and the ship had experi- enced great success in impressing since she sailed, Sennit could be spared; and, if the truth were said, I make no doubt his messmates in the frigate were glad to be rid of him, now they had no further occasion for his peculiar skill and services. Mr. Sennitt brought on board with him, as a prize crew, ten foremast-men, besides a master's mate of the name of Diggins. Under ordinary circumstances, this last dignitary would have been of sufficient skill to take the ship in; but this was the first prize Lord Harry had taken; she promised to be valuable if condemned ; and I suppose he and his young gentleman-like luffs were desirous of getting rid of their vulgar associate. At any rate, Messrs. Sennit and Diggins both came on board us, bag and baggage. The various changes, the lunch, and the chase of the morning had so far worn away the day that the two vessels did not make sail until four o'clock, p.m., when both ships filled at the same time; the Speedy on a wind, with two reefs in her topsails, as when first seen, to play about for more prizes, and the Dawn under studding-sails, with the wind nearly over the taffrail. When all was ready, each MILES WALLINGFORD. 219 ship started away from the vacant point on the ocean, where they had been lying for hours, moving on diverging lines, at a rate that soon put a wide expanse of water between them. I felt the circumstance of being left under the command of such a man as Sennit almost as sensibly as I felt the loss of my ship. He and the mate established themselves in my cabin, within the first hour, in a way that would have brought about an explosion, had not policy forbade it, on my part. Sennit even took possession of my stateroom, in which he ordered his own cot to be swung, and from which he coolly directed my mattress to be removed. As the lockers were under locks and keys, I permitted him to take possession without a remonstrance. Diggins stowed his bedding in Marble's berth, leaving my mate and myself to shift for ourselves. At a suggestion from Marble, I affected great indignation at this treatment, directing Neb to clear away a place in the steerage, in which to live, and to swing hammocks there for Marble and myself. This movement had some effect on Sennit, who was anxious to get at the small stores; all of which were under good locks, and locks that he did not dare violate, under an order from the admiralty. It was, therefore, of much importance to him to belong to my mess; and the necessity of doing something to appease my resentment became immediately apparent to him. He made some apologies for his cavalier conduct, justifying what he had done on the score of his rank and the usages of navies, and I thought it prudent to receive his excuses in a way to avoid an open rupture. Sennit was left in possession of the stateroom, but I re- mmined in the steerage; consenting, however, to mess in the cabin. This arrangement, which was altogether premedi- tated on my part, gave me many opportunities of consulting privately with Marble ; and of making sundry preparations for profiting by the fi^^t occasion that should offer to retake the ship. In that day, recaptures were of pretty frequent occurrence; and I no sooner understood the Dawn was to 220 MILES WALLINGFORD. be sent in than I began to reflect on the means of effecting my purpose. Marble had been kept in the ship by me ex- pressly with this object. I suppose the reader to have a general idea of the posi- tion of the vessel, as well as of the circumstances in which she was placed. We were just three hundred and fifty-two miles to the southward and westward of Scilly, when I ob- served at meridian, and the wind blowing fresh from the south-south-west, there was no time to lose, did I meditate anything serious against the prize crew. The first occasion that presented to speak to my mate offered while we were busy together in the steerage stowing away our effects, and making such dispositions as we could to be comfortable. "What think you, Moses, of this Mr. Sennit and his people?" I asked, in a low voice, leaning forward on a water-cask, in order to get my head nearer to that of the mate. "They do not look like first-rate man-of-war's-men ; by activity and surprise could we not handle them?" Marble laid a finger on his nose, winked, looked as saga- cious as he knew how, and then went to the steerage door, which communicated with the companion-way, to listen if all were safe in that quarter. Assured that there was no one near, he communicated his thoughts as follows: " The same idee has been at work here," he said, tapping his forehead with a forefinger, " and good may come of it. This Mr. Sennit is a cunning chap, and will want good looking after, but his mate drinks like a coal-heaver; I can see that in his whole face ; a top-lantern is not lighter. He must be handled by brandy. Then, a more awkward set of long-shore fellows were never sent to manage a square-rigged craft than these which have been sent from the Speedy. They must have given us the very sweepings of the hold. "You know how it is with these dashing young man-of- war captains; they keep all their best materials for a fight. French frigates are tolerably plenty, they tell me, and this Lord Harry Dermond, much as he loves sugar and coffee. MILES WALLINGFORD. 221 would like to fall in with a La Vigilante, or a La Diane, of equal force, far better. This is the secret of his giving Sennit such a set of raw ones. Besides, he supposes the Dawn will be at Plymouth in eight-and-forty hours, as will certainly be the case should this wind stand. " The fellows are just so many London loafers. [I have always thought Marble had the merit of bringing this word into fashion.] There are but three seamen among them, and they are more fit for a hospital than for a lower yard or a jib-boom." There was a good deal of truth, blended with some exag- geration, mixed up with this statement of the mate. As a matter of course, the captain of the Speedy had not sent away his best men, though they were not quite as bad as Marble, in his desire to overcome them, was disposed to fancy. It is true there were but three of their number whom the quick nautical instinct of the mate had recognized as real seamen, though all had been on board ship long enough to render them more or less useful. "Whatever we do must be done at once," I rejoined. " We are four athletic men to act against twelve. The odds are heavy, but we shall have the advantage of being picked men, and of attacking by surprise." " I wish you had thought of asking to keep Voorhees in the ship, Miles; that fellow would be worth three ordinary men to us." "I did think of it, but the request would never have been granted. One could ask for a cook, or a mate, or a servant like Neb, but to ask for an able seaman or two would have been to declare our object." ** I believe you're right, and we must be thankful for the good stuff we have, as it is.. How far will the law bear us out in knocking men on the head in such an undertaking? It's peace for Americ^ and we must steer clear of piracy!" " I've thought of all that, Moses, and see no great cause of apprehension. A man has certainly a right to recover 222 MILES WALLINGFORD. that by the strong hand which he lost by the strong hand. Should blood be spilt, which I hope to avert, the English courts might judge us harshly, while the American would acquit us. The law would be the same in both cases, though its administration would be very different. I am ready to cast my own fortune on the issue, and I wish no man to join me who will not do so, heart and hand. I see no reason to suppose it will be necessary to take life, to which I have as strong a reluctance as you can have yourself." "There's my hand!" exclaimed Marble, "and as for its owner's heart, you well know where that is to be found, Miles. Enough has been said for a beginning. We will look about us this afternoon, and talk further after supper." "Good. Do you say a word to Billings, the cook, and I will open the matter to Neb. Of the last we are certain but it may be well to make some promises to your man." " Leave that to me. Miles. I know my chap, and will deal with him as I would with an owner." Marble and myself now separated, and I went on deck to observe how things promised in that quarter. By this time, the Speedy's topsails were beginning to dip, and the Dawn was driving forward on her course, with everything drawing that she could carry. All the English were on deck, Sennit included. The last gave me a sufficiently civil salute as I put my foot on the quarter-deck, but I avoided falling into any discourse with him. My cue was to note the men, and to ascertain all I could concerning their distribution during the approaching night. Diggins, I could see, was a red- faced fellow, who probably had lost his promotion through love of the bottle, though, as often happens with such per- sons, a prime seaman and a thorough man-of-war's-man. Of him, I thought I could make sure by means of brandy. Sennit struck me as being a much more difficult subject to get along with. There were signs of cognac about his face, too, but he had more rank, more at stake, and brighter hopes than the master's mate. Then he was evidently better prac- MILES WALLINGFORD. 223 tised in the ways of the world than his companion, and had constantly a sort of uneasy vigilance about his eye and manner that gave me no little concern. It was my wish to strike a blow, if possible, that very night, every minute carrying us fast toward the chops of the Channel, where the English had so many cruisers in gen- eral as to render ultimate escape next to impossible, should we even be so lucky as to regain command of our own ship. I was afraid, moreover, Sennit might take it into his head to have all hands all night, under the pretext of drawing in with the land. Should he actually adopt this course, our case was nearly hopeless. "Your mate seems to love the cupboard, Mr. Walling- ford," Sennit remarked to me, in a good-natured manner, with an evident wish to establish still more amicable rela- tions between us than had yet existed ; " he has been in and about that alley these ten minutes, fidgeting with his tin-pot, like a raw hand who misses his mother's tea!" Sennit laughed at his own humor, and I could hardly answer with a smile, for I knew my mate had adopted this experiment to open communications with the cook. " Mr. Marble is famous for his love of slops," I answered, evasively. " Well, he does not look it. I have seldom seen a more thorough-looking sea-dog than your mate. Captain Walling' ford" — this was the first time Sennit had dignified me with this title — "and I took a fancy to him on that account, as soon as I saw him. You will do me the favor to sup with us in the cabin, I hope, for I see signs at the galley that it will soon be ready?" " I shall expect to join your mess, sir, now explanations have passed between us. I suppose my mate is to be one of my party, as well as yours?" " Certainly. I shall ask the favor of you to let Mr. Mar- ble relieve Diggins, for half an hour or so, while the poor fellow gets a bite. We'll do as much for you another time." 224 MILES WALLINGFORD. This was said in a dry, laughing sort of a way, which showed that Mr. Sennit was fully aware he was making a request a little out of rule, to ask a man to aid in carrying his own ship into port as a prize; but I took it, as it was meant, for a rough joke that had convenience at the bottom. It was not long ere Neb came to announce that supper was ready. Sennit had made but an indifferent dinner, it would seem, and he appeared every way disposed to take his revenge on the present occasion. Calling out to me to follow, he led the way cheerfully into the cabin, professing great satisfaction at finding we were to make but one mess of it. Strictly speaking, a prize crew, under circumstances like those in which the Dawn was now placed had no right to consume any portion of the vessel's own stores, condem- nation being indispensable to legalize Lord Harry Der- mond's course, even according to the laws of his own coun- try. But I had ordered Neb to be liberal with my means, and a very respectable entertainment was spread before our eyes, when we reached the cabin. Sennit was soon hard at work; but, under pretence of looking for some better sugar than had been placed on the table, I got three bottles of brandy privately into Neb's hands, whispering him to give one to the master's mate on deck, and the other two to the crew. I knew there were too many motives for such a bribe, connected with our treatment, the care of our private prop- erty, and other things of that nature, to feel any apprehen- sion that the true object of this liberality would be sus- pected by those who were to reap its advantages. Sennit, Marble, and myself sat quite an hour at table. The former drank freely of wine; though he declined hav- ing anything to do with the brandy. As he had taken two or three glasses of the rejected liquor in my presence before the two ships parted, I was convinced his present forbear- ance proceeded from a consciousness of the delicate circum- stances in which he was placed, and I became rather more wary in my own movements. At length the lieutenant said MILES WALLINGFORD. 22$ something about the " poor devil on deck," and Marble was sent up to look out for the ship, while Diggins came below to eat. The instant the master's mate appeared, I could see the brandy had been doing its work on him, and I was fear- ful his superior might notice it. He did not, however, be- ing too well pleased with the Madeira I had set before him, to trouble himself about a few drams, more or less, that might have fallen to the share of his subordinate. At length this memorable supper, like everything else of earth, came to an end, and all of us went on deck in a body; leaving Neb and the cook to clear away the fragments. It was now night, though a soft starlight was diffused over the surface of the rolling water. The wind had moderated a little, and the darkness promised to pass without any extra labor to the people, several of the studding-sails having been taken in by Diggins's orders, when he first went below. When seamen first come on deck at sea, there is usually a pause in the discourse, while each notes the weather, the situation of the ship, and the signs of the hour. Sennit and myself did this, almost as a matter of course, separating, in order that each might make his observation at leisure. As for Marble, he gave up the command of the deck to Dig- gins, walking forward by himself. Neb and the cook were keeping up the customary clattering with plates, knives, and forks. **Have the people had their suppers yet, Mr. Diggins?" demanded the lieutenant. " Not yet, sir. W e have no cook of our own, you know, sir, and so have been obliged to wait, sir." "The king's men wait for nobody. Order that black fellow to let them have their suppers at once; while that is doing, we'll tell off the watches for the night." Diggins was evidently getting more and more under the influence of brandy, keeping the bottle hid somewhere near him, by which means he fbok frequent draughts unperceived. He gave the necessary orders, notwithstanding; and pre- »5 226 MILES WALLINGFORD. sently the men were mustered aft, to be told off into the two watches that were required for the service of the ship. This was soon done, Sennit choosing five, and Diggins his five. " It's past eight o'clock," said Sennit, when the selections were made. " Go below the watch, and all but the man at the wheel of the watch on deck can go below to the lights to eat. Bear a hand with your suppers, my lads; this is too big a craft to be left without lookouts forward, though I dare say the Yankees will lend us a hand while you are swallowing a mouthful ? " " To be sure we will, sir," cried Marble, who had come to the gangway to witness the proceedings. " Here, you Neb, come out of that galley and play forecastle-man, while John Bull gets his supper. He's always cross when he's hungry, and we'll feed him well to make a good neighbor- hood." This caused some who heard it to laugh, and others to swear and mutter. Every one, nevertheless, appeared will- ing to profit by the arrangement, the Englishmen being soon below, hard at work around the kids. It now struck me that Marble intended to clap the forecastle-hatch down suddenly, and make a rush upon the prize officers and the man at the wheel. Leaving one hand to secure the scuttle, we should have been just a man apiece for those on deck; and I make no doubt the project would have succeeded had it been at- tempted in that mode. I was, by nature, a stronger man than Sennit, besides being younger and in my prime, while Diggins would not have been more than a child in Marble's hands. As for the man at the wheel, Neb could have thrown him half way up to the mizzentop on an emergency. But it seemed that my mate had a deeper project in view; nor was the other absolutely certain, as I afterward learned, one of the Englishmen soon coming out of the forecastle to eat on deck, quite likely aware that there might be some risk in letting all hands remain below. MILES WALLINGFORD. 22/ It was now sufficiently dark for our purposes, and I be- gan to reflect seriously on the best mode of proceeding, when, all at once, a heavy splash in the water was heard, and Marble was heard shouting, "Man overboard!" Sennit and I ran to the lee main-rigging, where we just got a glimpse of the hat of the poor fellow, who seemed to be swimming manfully, as the ship foamed past him. " Starboard your helm ! " shouted Marble. " Starboard your helm ! Come to these fore-braces, Neb ; bear a hand this a-way, you cook. Captain Wallingford, please lend us a pull. Look out for the boat, Mr. Sennit; we'll take care of the head-yards." Now all this had been regularly concocted in the mate's mind in advance. By these means he not only managed to get all our people together, but he got them away from the boat. The whole was done so naturally as to prevent the smallest suspicion of any design. To do Sennit justice, I must acknowledge that he behaved himself particularly well on this sudden appeal to his activity and decision. The loss of a man was to him a matter of deep moment ; all his habits and propensities inclining him to be solicitous about the manning of ships. A man saved was as good as a man impressed; and he was the first person in the boat. By the time the ship had lost her way the boat was ready, and I heard Sennit call out the order to lower. As for us Americans, we had our hands full to get the head-yards braced up in time, and to settle away the topgallant halyards, aft, in order to save the spars. In two minutes, however, the Dawn resembled a steed that had suddenly thrown his rider, diverging from his course, and shooting athwart the field at right angles to his former track, scenting and snuffing the air. Forward all was full, but the after- yards having been square from the first, their sails lay aback, and the ship was slawly forging ahead, with the seas slapping against her bows, as if the last were admonishing her to stop. 228 MILES WALLINGFORD. I now walked aft to the taflfrail, in order to make certain of the state of things. Just as I reached the stern, Sennit was encouraging the men to " give way" with the oar. I saw that he had six of his people with him, and no doubt six of his best men — the boldest and most active being always the most forward on such occasions. There was no time to be lost, and I turned to look for Marble. He was at my elbow, having sought me with the same object. We walked away from the man at the wheel together, to get out of earshot. *'Now's your time, Miles," the mate muttered, slipping one of my own pistols into my hands as he spoke. " That master's mate isasmuzzy as a tapster at midnight, and I can make him do what I please. Neb has his orders, and the cook is ready and willing. You have only to say the word to begin." "There seems little necessity for bloodshed," I answered. "If you have the other pistol, do not use it unnecessarily; we may want it for the boat." " Boat ! " interrupted Marble. " What more have we to do with the boat? No — no — Miles; let this Mr. Sennit go to England where he belongs. Now, see how I'll manage Diggins," he added. " I want to get a luff purchase up out of the forecastle ; will you just order two or three of your fellows forward, to go down and pass it up for me? " " D'ye hear there, forward," called out Diggins, with a very thick tongue. "Tumble down into that forecastle, three or four of you, and pass up the tackle for Mr. Marble." Now, there were but three of the Englishmen left in the ship, exclusively of the master's mate himself, and the man at the wheel. This order, consequently, sent all three im- mediately into the forecastle. Marble coolly drew over the hatch, secured it, ordered the cook to keep a general lookout forward, and walking aft, as if nothing occurred, said in his quiet way: "The ship's yours, again, Captain Wallingford." MILES WALLINGFORD. 229 "Mr. Diggins," I said, approaching the master's mate, " as I have a necessity for this vessel, which is my property, if you please, sir, I'll now take charge of her in person. You had better go below, and make yourself comfortable; there is good brandy to be had for the asking, and you may pass an agreeable evening, and turn in whenever it suits you." Diggins was a sot and a fool, but he did not want for pluck. His first disposition was to give battle, beginning to call out for his men to come to his assistance, but I put an end to this, by seizing him by the collar, and dropping him, a little unceremoniously, down the companion-way. Half an hour later, he was dead drunk, and snoring on the cabin floor. There remained only the man at the wheel to overcome. He was a seaman, of course, and one of those quiet, orderly men, who usually submit to the powers that be. Approach- ing him, I said: "You see how it is, my lad; the ship has again changed owners. As for you, you shall be treated as you behave. Stand to the wheel, and you'll get good treatment and plenty of grog, but, by becoming fractious, you'll find yourself in irons before you know where you are." "Ay, ay, sir," answered the man, touching his hat, and contenting himself with this brief and customary reply. " Now, Mr. Marble," I continued, " it is time to have an eye on the boat, which will soon find the man, or give him up. I own that I wish we had recovered the ship without tossing the poor fellow overboard." " Fellow overboard ! " cried Marble, laughing; "I'd ha' thrown all England into the sea had it been necessary and in my power, but it wasn't necessary to throw overboard so much as a child. The chap they're arter is nothing but one of the fenders, with the deep-sea lashed to its smaller end, and a tarpaulin stopped on the larger! Mr. Sennit need be in no great hurry, for I'll engage his * roan overboard ' will float as long as his yawl ! " 230 MILES WALLINGFORD. The whole of Marble's expedient was thus explained, and I confess I was much relieved by a knowledge of the truth. Apart from the general relief that accompanied the con- sciousness of not having taken human life, should we again fall into English hands, a thing by no means improbable in the situation in which we were placed, this circumstance might be of the last importance to us. In the meantime, however, I had to look to the boat and to the ship. The first thing we did was to clew up the three topgallant sails. This gave us a much easier command of the vessel, short-handed as we were, and it rendered it less hazardous to the spars to keep the Dawn on a wind. When this was done, I ordered the after-braces manned, and the leaches brought as near as possible to touching. It was time ; for the oars were heard, and then I got a view of the boat as it came glancing down on our weather-quarter. I instantly gave the order to fill the after sails, and to keep the ship full and by. The braces were manned as well as they could be by Marble, Neb, and the cook, while I kept an eye on the boat, with an occasional glance at the man at the wheel. " Boat ahoy! " I hailed, as soon as the lieutenant got near enough for conversation. "Ay, boat ahoy! sure enough," growled Sennit; "some gentleman's back will pay for this trick. The *man over- board ' is nothing but a d — d paddy made out of a fender with a tarpaulin truck! I suspect your mate of this, Mr. Wallingford." "My mate owns the offence, sir; it was committed to get you out of the ship, while we took charge of her again. The Dawn is under my orders once more, Mr. Sennit, and before I permit you to come on board her again we must have an understanding on the subject." A long, meaning whistle, with a muttered oath or two, satisfied me that the lieutenant had not the slightest sus- picion of the truth, until it was thus abruptly announced to MILES WALLINGFORD. 2$ I him. By this time the boat was under our stern, where she was brought in order to be hooked on, the men intending to come up by the tackles. For this I cared not, however, it being an easy matter for me, standing on the taffrail, to knock any one on the head who should attempt to board us in that fashion. By way of additional security, however, Neb was called to the wheel. Marble taking the English sailor forward to help haul the bowlines and trim the yards. The ship beginning to gather way, too, I threw Sennit the end of a lower studding-sail halyards that was brought aft for the purpose, ordered his bowman to let go his hold of the tackle, and dropped the boat a safe towing-distance astern. Neb being ordered to keep the weather leaches touching, just way enough was got on the ship to carry out the whole of this plan without risk to anybody. " You'll not think of leaving us out here on the Atlantic, Mr. Wallingford, five hundred miles from Land's End," Sennit at length called out, time having been taken to chew the cud of reflection. "That's as you behave, sir. I wish you no harm person- ally, Mr. Sennit, though I much wish my own ship. The night promises to be good and the wind is moderating, so that the boat will be perfectly safe. I will have you hauled up, and we will throw you a spare sail for a covering, and you will have the consolation of knowing that we shall have to keep watch while you are sleeping." " Ay, sir, I understand it all ; Job's comfort that will be. As I do not suppose you are to be coaxed out of the advan- tage you have obtained, we have no choice but compliance. Give us some food and water in addition, and for God's sake! don't cast us adrift in this boat, so far from land." I gave Sennit an assurance that we would take care of him, and orders were issued to comply with his wishes. We passed the sail into the boat, and lowered a bread-bag, a kid full of beef and pork, and a breaker of fresh water. I 232 MILES WALLINGFORD. took all these precautions the more readily, as I did not know but we might be compelled to cast the boat adrift, and one would not wish to resort to such a step, without desiring to leave its crew the best possible chance for their lives. I will do Marble the justice to say he was active in making these arrangements, though had the question of de- stroying the entire prize crew presented itself on one side, and that of losing the ship on the other, he would not have hesitated about sinking Great Britain itself, were it pos- sible to achieve the last. I was more human, and felt ex- ceedingly relieved when I again found myself in command of the Dawn, after an interregnum of less than ten hours, without a drop of blood having been spilled. As soon as everything required was passed into the boat, she was dropped astern, nearly to the whole length of the studding-sail halyards. This would make her tow more safely to both parties : to those in her, because there was less risk of the ship's dragging her under, and to ourselves, because it removed all danger of the Englishmen's return- ing our favor, by effecting a surprise in their turn. At such a distance from the ship, there would always be time for us to rally and defeat any attempt to get alongside. CHAPTER XV. Capt. And as for these whose ransom we have set. It is our pleasure, one of them depart : — Therefore come you with us, and let him go. King Henry VI. By such simple means, and without resistance, as it might be, did I recover the possession of my ship, the Dawn. But now that the good vessel was in my power, it was by no means an easy thing to say what was to be done with her. We were just on the verge of the ground occupied by MILES WALLINGFORD. 233 the Channel cruisers, and it was preposterous to think of running the gauntlet among so many craft with the expecta- tion of escaping. It is true, we might fall in with twenty English man-of-war vessels before we met with another Speedy to seize and order us into Plymouth, had everything been in order and in the usual state, but no cruiser would or could board us, and not demand the reasons why so large a ship should be navigated by so small a crew. It was over matters like these that Marble and I now consulted, no one being on the quarter-deck but the mate, who stood at the wheel, and myself. The cook was keeping a look-out on the forecastle. The Englishman had lain down, in full view, by my orders, at the foot of the mainmast; while Neb, ever ready to sleep when not on duty, was catching a nap on the booms. " We have got the ship, Moses," I commenced, *' and the question next arises, what we are to do with her." "Carry her to her port of destination. Captain Walling- ford, to be sure. What else can we do with her, sir? " "Ay, that is well enough, if it can be done. But, in ad- dition to the difficulty of four men's taking care of a craft of five hundred tons, we have a sea before us that is cov- ered with English cruisers." " As for the four men, you may safely set us down as eight. I'll engage we do as much in a blow as eight such fellows as are picked up now-a-days 'long shore. The men of the present time are mere children to those one met with in my youth. Miles." " Neither Neb, nor the cook, nor I, am a man of other times, but we are all men of to-day; so you must call us but three, after all. I know we can do much ; but a gale may come that would teach us our insignificance. As it is, we are barely able to furl the main-topgallant sail in a squall, leaving one hand at the wheel, and another to let go rigging. No, no, Moses; we must admit we are rather short-handed, putting the best face on the matter." 234 MILES WALLINGFORD. " If you generalize in that mode, Miles, my dear boy, I must allow that we are. We can go up Channel, and ten chances to one but we fall in with some Yankee who will lend us a hand or two." " We shall be twice as likely to meet with King George's ships, who will overhaul our articles, and want to know what has become of the rest of our people." " Then we'll tell 'em that the rest of the crew has been pressed ; they know their own tricks too well not to see the reasonableness of such an idee." " No officer would leave a vessel of this size with only her master, mate, cook, and one man to take care of her, even had he found a crew of deserters from his own ship in her. In such a case, and admitting a right to impress from a foreigner at all, it would be his duty to send a party to carry the craft into port. No, no, Moses; we must give all the English a wide berth, now, or they will walk us into Plymouth, yet." " Blast the hole ! I was in it a prisoner, during the revvy- lution, and never want to see its face ag'in. They've got what they call the Mill Prison there, and it's a mill that does grinding less to my taste than the thing of yourn at Clawbonny. Why not go north-about, Miles? There must be few cruisers up that-a-way." " The road is too long, the weather is apt to be too thick, and the coast is too dangerous for us, Moses. We have but two expedients to choose between — to turn our heads to the westward, and try to get home, trusting to luck to bring us up with some American who will help us, or steer due east and run for a French port — Bordeaux for instance — where we might either dispose of our cargo, or ship a new crew, and sail for our port of destination." " Then try the last, by all means. With this wind, we might shove the ship in with the land in the course of two or three days, and go clear of everything! I like the idee, and think it can be carried out. Burdux is always full of MILES WALLINGFORD. 235 Americans, and there must be men enough to be had for the asking knocking about the quays." After a little further conversation, we determined on this plan, and set about carrying it into execution on the spot. In rounding-to, the ship had been brought by the wind on the larboard tack, and was standing to the northward and westward, instead of to the eastward, the course we now wished to steer. It was necessary, therefore, to wear round and get the ship's head in the right direction. This was not a difficult manoeuvre at all, and the Englishman helping us with seeming good-will, it was soon successfully executed. When this was accomplished, I sent the English sailor into the cabin to keep Diggins company, and we set a watch on deck of two and two, Marble and myself taking charge four' hours and four hours, in the old mode. I acknowledge that I slept little that night. Two or three times we detected Sennit attempting to haul close up under the ship's stern, out of all question with a view to surprise us, but as often would he drop to the length of his tow-rope, as he saw Marble's head, or mine, watching him above the taffrail. When the day dawned I was called, and was up and on the lookout as our horizon enlarged and brightened round the ship. The great object was to ascertain, as early as possible, what vessels might be in our neighborhood. But a solitary sail was visible. She appeared to be a ship of size, close-hauled, heading to the southward and eastward : by steering on our proper course, or certainly by diverging a little to the northward, it would be an easy matter to speak her. As I could plainly see she was not a ship-of-war, my plan was formed in a moment. On com- municating it to Marble, it met with his entire approbation. Measures were taken, accordingly, to carry it into imme- diate execution. In the first place, I ordered Sennit, who was awake, and had been, I believe, the whole night, to haul the boat up and to lay hold of one of the boat-tackles. This he did 236 MILES WALLINGFORD. willingly enough, no doubt expecting that he was to be re- ceived into the ship, under a treaty. I stood on the look- out, to prevent an attack, one man being abundantly able to keep at bay a dozen who could approach only by ascending a rope hand over hand, while Marble went below to look after the two worthies who had been snoring all night in the cabin. In a minute my mate reappeared, leading up the seaman, who was still more asleep than awake. This man was directed to lay hold of the tackle and slide down into the boat. There being no remedy, and descending being far easier than ascending, this exploit was soon performed, and we were well rid of one of our enemies. Sennit now began to remonstrate, and to point out the danger there was of being towed under, the ship going through the water the whole time at the rate of five or six knots. I knew, how- ever, that the English were too skilful to run the risk of being drowned, unnecessarily, and that they would let go of the tackle before they would suffer the boat to be swamped. It was ticklish work, I allow; but they succeeded surpris- ingly well in taking care of themselves. We had more difficulty with Diggins. This fellow had been so beastly drunk that he scarce knew what he was about when awoke ; and Marble rather dragged him on deck and aft to the taffrail than assisted him to walk. There we got him at last; and he was soon dangling by the tackle. So stupid and enervated was the master's mate, however, that he let go his hold, and went into the ocean. The souse did him good, I make no doubt; and his life was saved by his friends, one of the sailors catching him by the collar, and raising him into the boat. Sennit availed himself of this accident to make further remonstrances on the subject of having any more men put in the boat. It was easy to see, it was as much his policy to get everybody out of that little conveyance, as it was mine to get all the English into her. "For God's sake, Captain Wallingford, knock off with MILES WALLINGFORD. 23/ this, if you please," cried the lieutenant, with a most im- ploring sort of civility of manner. "You see how it is; we can barely keep the boat from swamping, with the number we have in her; and a dozen times during the night I thought the ship would drag her under. Nothing can be easier than for you to secure us all, if you will let us come on board, one at a time." "I do not wish to see you in irons, Mr. Sennit; and this will remove any necessity for resorting to an expedient so unpleasant. Hold on upon the tackle, therefore, as I shall feel obliged to cast you oif entirely, unless you obey orders." This threat had the desired effect. One by one, the men were let up out of the forecastle, and sent into the boat. Cooked meat, bread, rum, and water were supplied to the English; and, to be ready to meet any accident, we lowered them a compass and Sennit's quadrant. We did the last at his own earnest request, for he seemed to suspect we in- tended sending him adrift, as indeed was my plan, at the proper moment. Although the boat had now twelve men in her, she was in no danger, being a stout, buoyant, six-oared yawl, that might have held twenty on an emergency. The weather looked promising, too — the wind being just a good topgallant breeze for a ship steering full and by. The only thing about which I had any qualms was the circumstance that southwest winds were apt to bring mists, and that the boat might thus be lost. The emergency, nevertheless, was one that justified some risks, and I pursued my plan steadily. As soon as all the English were in the boat, and well provided with necessaries, we felt at more liberty to move about the ship, and exert ourselves in taking care of her. The man at the wheel could keep an eye on the enemy — the Dawn steering like a pilot-boat. Neb was sent aloft to do certain necessary duty, apd the topgallant-sails being loose, the clewlines were overhauled, and the sails set. I did this more to prevent the English ship from suspecting some- 238 MILES WALLINGFORD. thing wrong at seeing a vessel running off, before the wind, under such short canvas, than from any desire to get ahead, since we were already going so fast as to render it probable we should pass the other vessel, unless we altered our course to meet her. Diogenes Billings, the cook, had now a little leisure to serve us a warm breakfast. If Mr. Sennit were living, I think he would do us the justice to say he was not forgotten. We sent the people in the boat some good hot coffee, well sweetened, and they had a fair share of the other comfortable eatables of which we partook ourselves. We also got out and sent them the masts and regular sails of the boat, which was fitted to carry two sprits. By this time the stranger ship was within two leagues of us, and it became necessary to act. I sent Marble aloft to examine the horizon, and he came down to report nothing else was in sight. This boded well. I proceeded at once to the taffrail, where I hailed the boat, desiring Sennit to haul her up within comfortable conversing distance. This was done immediately. " Mr. Sennit," I commenced, " it is necessary for us to part here. The ship in sight is English, and will take you up. I intend to speak her, and will take care that she knows where you are. By standing due east you will easily cut her off, and there cannot be a doubt of her picking you up." " For Heaven's sake, consider a moment, Captain Wall- ingford," Sennit exclaimed, "before you abandon us out here, a thousand miles from land." " You are just three hundred and twenty-six miles from Scilly, and not much more from Land's End, Mr. Sennit, with a wind blowing dead for both. Then your own coun- trymen will pick you up, of a certainty, and carry you safe into port." "Ay — into one of the West India islands; if an English- man at all, yonder vessel is a running West Indiaman; she may take us all the way to Jamaica." MILES WALLINGFORD. 239 " Well, then, you will have an opportunity of returning at your leisure. You wished to take me almost as much out of my course ; or, if not absolutely out of my course, quite as much out of my time. I have as little relish for Plymouth as you seem to have for Jamaica." " But the stranger may be a Frenchman — now, I look at him, he has a French look." " If he should be French, he will treat you well. It will be exchanging beef for soup-maigre for a week or two. These Frenchmen eat and drink, as well as you English." "But, Captain Wallingford, their prisons! This fellow Bonaparte exchanges nobody this war, and if I get into France I am a ruined man." " And if I had gone into Plymouth, I fear I should have been a ruined man, too." " Remember we are of the same blood, after all — people of the same stock — just as much countrymen as the natives of Kent and Suffolk. Old Saxon blood, both of us." "Thank you, sir; I shall not deny the relationship, since it is your pleasure to claim it. I marvel, however, you did not let your cousin's ship pass without detaining her." "How could I help it, my dear Wallingford.? Lord Harry is a nobleman, and a captain, and what could a poor devil of a lieutenant, whose commission is not a year old, do against such odds? No, no, there should be more feel- ing and good fellowship between chaps like you and me, who have their way to make in the world." "You remind me of the necessity of being in motion. Adieu, Mr. Sennit. Cut, Moses!" Marble struck a blow with the axe on the studding-sail halyards, and away the Dawn glided, leaving the boat toss- ing on the waves twenty fathoms further astern, on the very first send of the sea. What Mr. Sennit said, I could not hear, now, but I very plainly saw him shake his fist at me, and his head, too; and I make no manner of doubt, if he called me anything, that he did not call me a gentleman. 240 MILES WALLINGFORD. In ten minutes the boat was fully a mile astern. At first Sennit did not appear disposed to do anything, lying mo- tionless on the water in sullen stillness; but wiser thought succeeded, and, stepping his two masts, in less than twenty minutes I saw his sails spread, and the boat making the best of its way to get into the track of the stranger. It had been my intention, originally, to speak the strange ship, as I had told Sennit; but seeing there was no proba- bility of her altering her course so as to pass the boat, I changed my purpose, and stood directly athwart her forefoot, at about half a mile's distance. I set the Yankee bunting, and she showed the English ensign in return. Had she been French, however, it would have made no odds to me, for what did I care about my late captors becoming prisoners of war? They had endeavored to benefit themselves at my cost, and I was willing enough to benefit myself at theirs. We made our preparations for setting studding-sails now, though I thought there were signs of a desire in the Eng- lishman to speak me. I knew he must be armed, and felt no wish to gratify him, inasmuch as he might take it into his head to make some inquiries concerning the boat, which, if not already visible from his decks, soon must be. I was certain the Dawn, deep as she was, would go four feet to the Indiaman's three, and, once past him, I had no appre- hensions in the event of a chase. The English ship caught sight of the boat when we were about a mile on his lee-quarter, with lower and topmast studding-sails set, going quite eight knots on a due east course. We became aware of the fact by her hoisting a jack at the fore. From that moment I gave myself no con- cern on the subject of Sennit and his prize crew. Twenty minutes later, we saw the ship back her main topsail, and, by means of the glasses, we plainly perceived the boat along- side of her. After some delay, the yawl was hoisted on the deck of the ship, and the latter filled her topsail. I had some curiosity to ascertain what would come next. It MILES WALLINGFORD. 24 1 would seem that Sennit actually induced the master of the West Indiaman to give chase, for no sooner did the vessel gather way than she bore up after us, packing on everything that would draw. We were greatly rejoiced at having im- proved the leisure time in making sail ourselves, for having a lower studding-sail and two topmast studding-sails on the ship, when this race began, I did not feel much apprehen- sion of being overtaken. By way of making more sure of an escape, however, we set the royals. When the West Indiaman bore up in chase, we were about two leagues ahead of our pursuer. So far from lessening this distance, though she carried royal studding-sails, we gradually increased it to three, until, satisfied he could do nothing, the master of the strange ship took in his light sails and hauled by the wind again, carrying the late prize crew in a direct line from England. I afterward learned that Sennit and his companions were actually landed in the island of Barbadoes, after a pleasant passage of only twenty-six days. I make no doubt it took them much longer to get back again, for it was certain that not one of them had reappeared in England six months from that day. . We now had the ship to ourselves, though with a very diminished crew. The day was the time to sleep; and, re- lieving each other at the wheel, those who were off duty slept most of the time when they were not eating. At six in the evening, however, all hands were up, making our pre- parations for the night. At that hour the wind was steady and favorable, the horizon clear of vessels of every sort, and the prospects of a pleasant night were sufficiently good. The run in the course of the day was equal to one hundred miles, and I computed the distance to Brest at something less than four hundred miles. By getting in nearer with the land I should have the option of standing for any French port I pleased that lay between Cherbourg and Bayonne. " Well, Moses," I observed to my old friend and ship- 16 242 MILES WALLINGFORD. mate, when we had finished our survey, " this looks prom- ising! As long as the wind remains in this quarter, we shall do well enough; should we actually get in safely, I shall not regret the delay ; the credit of having done so good a thing, and of having done it so well, being worth as much to me as any interest on capital, or wear and tear of gear, can possibly be. As for Mr. Sennit, I fancy he is some sixty miles off here at the southward and westward, and we've done with him for the voyage." " Suppose he should fall in with the Speedy, and report what has happened, Miles?" returned the mate. "I have been calculating that chance. The stranger was standing directly for the frigate's cruising ground, and he may meet her. We will not halloo till we're out of the woods." " That risk is so remote, I shall not let it give me any trouble. It is my intention to run in for the land at our fastest rate of sailing, and then profit by the best wind that offers to get into the nearest haven. If you can suggest a better scheme, Moses, I invite you to speak." Marble assented, though I perceived he was not entirely free from the apprehension he had named until the next morning arrived, bringing with it no change, and still leav- ing us a clear sea. That day and the succeeding night, too, we made a capital run, and at meridian of the third day after the recapture of the Dawn, I calculated our position to be just one hundred and four miles to the southward and east- ward of Ushant. The wind had shifted, however, and it had just come out light at northeast. We went to work, all hands of us, to get in the studding-sails, and to brace up and haul aft; an operation that consumed nearly two hours. We were so busily employed, indeed, as to have little or no time to look about us, and my surprise was the less, there- fore, when the cook called out " Sail ho ! " I was busy trim- ming the main-yard, when the announcement was made, and looking up, I saw a lugger standing toward us, and already within long gunshot. I afterwards ascertained that perceiv- MILES WALLINGFORD. 243 ing US to be approaching her, this craft had lain like a snake in the grass, under bare poles, until she thought us sufficiently near, when she made sail in chase. I saw at a glance several important facts : in the first place, the lugger was French beyond all dispute; in the second, she was a cruiser, public or private; in the third, escape from herj under any circumstances, was very highly improbable. But why should we endeavor to escape from this vessel ? The countries were at peace: we had just bought Louisiana from France, and paid fifteen millions of dollars for it, thereby not only getting the country ourselves, but keeping it out of the hands of John Bull, and we were said to be excellent friends, again. Then the Dawn had extricated herself from English clutches, only a day or two before; no doubt the lugger would give us all the aid we could require. " She is French, for a thousand dollars, Moses ! " I cried, lowering my glass from the first good look of the stranger; " and by keeping away two points, we shall speak her in fifteen minutes. "Ay, French," rejoined the mate; "but, blast *em all round, I'd much rather have nothing to do with any of the rogues. I'll tell you how it is. Miles, these are onmoraliz- ing times, and the sea is getting to be sprinkled with so many Van Tassels that I'm afeard you and I'll be just that dear, good old soul, my mother, and little Kitty, to be fright- ened, or, if not exactly frightened, to be wronged out of our just rights." " Little fear of that this time, Moses — this is a French- man ; as we are bound to a French port, he'll not hesitate to lend us half a dozen hands, in order to help us along." " Ay, and take half the ship and cargo for salvage ! I know these piccaroons, and you ought to know 'em too, Miles, for it's only two or three years since you were a pris- oner of war among 'em. That was a delightful feelin', I rather conclude." " Times are altered, Moses, and I'll show confidence in 244 MILES WALLINGFORD. the change. Keep the ship away, Neb — so; meet her — steer for the lugger's foremast; that will do." Of course, these orders soon brought the two vessels alongside of each other. As the lugger approached, we made her out to be a stout, but active craft, of sixteen guns, and apparently full of men. She set the " tricolor," when half a mile distant, sure of her prey, should we turn out to be a prize. We showed him the Stars and Stripes, fancying he would treat them as a friend. It was not long before both vessels had rounded-to, and preparations were made to hail. "What sheep's zat?" demanded one in good broken English. " The Dawn, of New York — may I ask the name of your lugger?" "Le Polisson — corsair Frangais — what you load, eh? " "Sugar and coffee, with cochineal, and a few other articles." "Peste! — Vere you boun', monsieur, s* il vous plait V " Hamburg." "Diable! — zis is non ze chemin. How you came here, sair, viz ze vin' at sow-vess ? " "We are going in to Brest, being in need of a little succor." "You vish salvage, eh! Parbleu, we can do you zat mosh good, as veil as anodair." I was then ordered, privateer fashion, to lower a boat, and to repair on board the lugger with my papers. When told I had no stern or quarter-boat to lower, the Frenchman manifested surprise; but he sent his own yawl for me. My reception on board the Polisson was a little free for French- men. The captain received me in person, and I saw, at a glance, I had to deal with men who were out on the high seas, with the fear of English prison-ships constantly before their eyes, in quest of gold. I was not invited into the cabin, a crowded, dark and dirty hole, for, in that day, the MILES WALLINGFORD. 24$ French were notoriously foul in their vessels, but was di- rected to show my papers seated on a hen-coop. As everything was regular about the register, manifest, and clearance, I could see that Monsieur Gallois was not in a particularly good humor. He had one, whom I took to be a renegade Englishman, with him, to aid in the examin- ation, though, as this man never spoke in my presence, I was unable precisely to ascertain who he was. The two had a long consultation in private, after the closest scrutiny could detect no flaw in the papers. Then Monsieur Gallois approached and renewed the discourse. " Vy you have no boat, sair? " he asked. " I lost my boat, three days since, about a hundred leagues to the southward and westward." " It is not have bad veddair ! Why you got no more marins in your sheep? — eh! " I saw it would be best to tell the whole truth, at once; for, were I to get any aid from this lugger, the facts, sooner or later, must be made known. Acoordingly, I gave the Frenchman, and his English-looking companion, a full ac- count of what had occurred between us and the Speedy. After this narrative, there was another long conference be- tween Monsieur Gallois and his friend. Then the boat was again manned, and the captain of the lugger, accom- panied by his privy counsellor and myself, went on board the Dawn. Here, a very cursory examination satisfied my visitors of the truth of my story. I confess, I expected some commendation from a French- man, when he heard the ready manner in which we had got our vessel out of the hands of the Philistines. No such thing; an expressive ^^ bon^^ had escaped Monsieur Gallois, once or twice, it is true; but it was apparent he was looking much sharper for some pretext to make us a prize himself, than for reasons to ^ommend our conduct. Each new aspect of the affair was closely scanned, and a new conference with the adviser was held, apart. 246 MILES WALLINGFORD. " Sair," said Monsieur Gallois, " I have mosh regret, but, your sheep is bon prize. You have been prisonnier to ze English, ze enemy of la France, and you shall not capture yourself. L'Am^rique is not at war — is neutral, as you shall say, and ze Am^ricains cannot make ze prize. I con- sidair your ship, monsieur, as in ze hand of ze English, and shall capture him. Mes regrets sont vtfs, mats que voulez- vousl Ze corsair must do his devoir, ze same as ze sheep national. I shall send you to Brest, vere, if you be not sold par un dtcret, I shall be too happy to restore votre battment. Allans r' Here was a denouement to the affair, with a vengeance! I was to be captured, because I had been captured. " Once a corporal, always a corporal." As the English had taken me, the French would take me. A prize to-day, you must be a prize to-morrow. I have always thought the case of the Dawn was the first of the long series of wrongs that were subsequently committed on American commerce, in virtue of this same principle, a little expanded and more effectually carried out, perhaps, and which, in the end, terminated by blockading all Europe, and interdicting the high seas on paper. I knew the uselessness of remonstrating with a rapacious privateersman. " Let him send me in," I thought to my- self, at first; "it is just where I wish to go; once in, the minister must get me clear. The fellow will only be the dupe of his own covetousness, and I shall profit by it, in the degree that he will be a loser! " I presume Monsieur Gallois entertained a very different view of the matter, for he manifested great alacrity in throw- ing a crew of no less than seventeen souls, big and little, on board us. I watched these operations in silence, as did Neb and Diogenes. As for Marble, he lighted a cigar, took his seat on the windlass, and sat in dignified anger, ready to explode on the slightest occasion, yet apprehensive he might be sent out of the ship should he betray one-half of MILES WALLINGFORD. 24/ what he felt. Out of the ship neither of us was sent, how- ever, the French probably feeling indisposed to be troubled with passengers in the narrow quarters they had for them- selves. CHAPTER XVI. You are safe ; Nay, more— almost triumphant. Listen, then, And hear my words of truth. Marino Faliero. It was just four o'clock, p.m., when the Dawn and the Polisson parted company, the former steering on her old course for Brest, while the latter continued her cruise. The lugger sailed like a witch, and away she went toward the of chops the Channel on a bowline, leaving us to stand toward the French coast, close-hauled, also, but on the opposite tack. It is scarcely necessary to dwell on the feelings with which we four, who were eye-witnesses of all that passed, witnessed the proceedings. Even Diogenes was indignant. As for Marble, I have already alluded to his state of mind, and if I had not, the following dialogue, which took place at sunset (the first that occurred between us in private since the second capture — while the French were eating their suppers), would serve to explain it. " Well, Miles," the mate dryly observed, " whatever we have to do must be done at once. When shall we begin ? — in the middle, or in the morning watch ? " "Begin what^ Moses? " I asked, a little surprised at the settled manner in which he put his question. " To throw these Frenchmen overboard. Of course, you don't mean to let them carry your ship into Brest? " "Why not? We were bound to Brest when we fell in with them, and if they will take us there, it will only save us the trouble of doing it ourselves." 248 MILES WALLINGFORD. " Don't be deceived by any such hope, Miles. IVe been in the hands of Frenchmen before I knew you, and there is little hope of getting out of them, so long as the ship and cargo will pay for detention. No, no, my dear boy, you know I love you better than anything on 'arth, my dear old soul of a mother and little Kitty excepted, for it wouldn't be religious to like you better than my own flesh and blood; but after these two, I like you better than any one on 'arth; and I can't be quiet and see you run your property into the fire. Never let the ship go into France after what has hap- pened, if you can help it." "Can we possibly help it? Or do you propose that four men shall retake this vessel from seventeen ? " " Well, the odds are not so great, Miles," Marble rejoined, looking coolly round at the noisy set of little Frenchmen, who were all talking together over their soup; certainly not a very formidable band in a hand-to-hand encounter, though full of fire and animation. " There are four of us, and only seventeen of them, such as they are. I rather think we could handle 'em all, in a regular set-to, with fists. There's Neb, he's as strong as a jackass; Diogenes is another Her- cules; and neither you nor I am a kitten. I consider you as a match, in a serious scuffle, for the best four among them chaps." This was not said in the least boastingly, though certainly the estimate of comparative force made by my mate was enormously out of the way. It was true that we four were unusually powerful and athletic men; but it was also true that six of the French might very well be placed in the same category. I was not subject to the vulgar prejudice of na- tional superiority, I hope; one of the strongest of all the weaknesses of our very weak nature. I have never yet been in a country of which the people did not fancy themselves, in all particulars, the salt of the earth; though there are very different degrees in the modes of bragging on such subjects. In the present instance, Marble had not the least MILES WALLINGFORD. 249 idea of bragging, however; for he really believed we four, in an open onslaught, fire-arms out of the question, might have managed those seventeen Frenchmen. I think, myself, we might have got along with twice our number, taking a fair average of the privateer's men, and reducing the strug- gle to the arms of nature; but I should have hesitated a long time in making an open attack even on them. Still, I began to regard my chances of escaping, should we be sent into a French port by the privateer, as far less certain than they had appeared at first. Marble had so much to say of the anarchists in France, as he had known them in the worst period of the Revolution, and so many stories to tell of ships seized and of merchants ruined, that my confidence in the right was shaken. Bonaparte was then in the height of his consular power — on the point of becoming emperor, indeed — and he had commenced this new war with a virulence and disregard of acknowledged rights, in the detention of all the English then resident in France, that served to excite additional distrust. Whatever may be said of the comprehensiveness and vastness of the genius of Napoleon, as a soldier and statesman, I presume few upright and enlightened men can now be found to eulo- gize his respect for public law. At any rate, I began to have lively misgivings on the subject; and the consultation between my mate and myself terminated in our coming to a resolution to serve the French prize crew substantially as we had served the English prize crew, if possible; varying the mode only to suit the new condition of things. The last precaution was necessary, as, in the fullness of my con- fidence, I had made Monsieur Gallois acquainted with all the circumstances of throwing the fender overboard, and the manner in which we had got possession of the ship. It was not to be expected, therefore, that particular artifice could be made to succeed with him. It must have been the result of prejudice, and of constant reading of articles extracted from the English journals, that 250 MILES WALLINGFORD. influenced me; but I confess it seemed a much easier mat- ter to retake my ship from seventeen Frenchmen, than from twelve Englishmen. I was not so besotted as to suppose surprise or artifice would not be necessary in either case; but, had the issue been made up on brute force, I should have begun the fray with greater confidence in the first than in the last case. All this would have been very wrong in our particular situation, though, as a rule and as applied to seafaring men, it might be more questionable. How often, and how much, have I seen reason to regret the influence that is thus silently obtained amongst us, by our consenting to become the retailers of other people's prejudices? One of the reasons why we have so long been mere serviles on this point is owing to the incompleteness of the establish- ments of the different leading presses of the country. We multiply, instead of enlarging these enterprises. The want of concentration of talent compels those who manage them to resort to the scissors instead of the pen ; and it is almost as necessary for an American editor to be expert with the shears as it is for a tailor. Thus the public is compelled to receive hashes, instead of fresh dishes; and things that come from a distance, notoriously possessing a charm, it gets the original cookery of London, instead of that of their own country. Prejudice or not, confidence is not a bad thing when a conflict is unavoidable. It may be well to respect your enemy down to the very moment of making the chrage ; but, that commenced, the more he is despised the better. When Diogenes and Neb were told it would be necessary to go over again the work so lately thought to be completed, neither of the negroes manifested the least concern. Di- ogenes had been in the Crisis, as well as Neb, and he had got to entertain a very Anglican sort of notion of French prowess on the water; and, as for my own black, he would have followed without the slightest remonstrance wherever " Masser Mile please to lead." MILES WALLINGFORD. 2$ I "They's only French," said Diogenes, in a philosophical sort of way; "we can handle 'em like children." I would not discourage this notion, though I saw its folly. Telling our two supporters to hold themselves ready for an attack, Marble and I left them, to cogitate and commence the manner of proceeding. Whatever was done, must be done that night ; there being reason to think the ship would get in somewhere, next day. The name of our prize master was Le Gros. He was not aptly designated, however, being a little, shrivelled, yellow- faced fellow, who did not seem to be a Hercules at all. Nevertheless, unlike Sennit, he was all vigilance and activity. He never left the deck, and, being so near in with the coast, I felt pretty certain we should have his com- pany above board all night. Whatever was attempted, therefore, must be attempted in defiance of his watchfulness. Nor was this all ; additional prudence was necessary, since we were so near the coast as greatly to increase the chance of our being picked up by some other French cruiser, should we even escape from this. Extreme caution was our cue, therefore, and Marble and I separated, seemingly each to take his repose, with a perfect understanding on all these points. Monsieur Le Gros paid no attention to the staterooms, or to the accommodations below. His whole care was be- stowed on the ship. Apprehension of falling in with some British cruiser kept his eyes wide open and his gaze con- stantly sweeping the horizon, so far as the obscurity would allow. I was incessantly on the alert myself, stealing up from the cabin, as far as the companion-way, at least a dozen time in the course of the night, in the hope of finding him asleep; but, on each occasion, I saw him moving up and down the quarter-deck, in rapid motion, armed to the teeth, and seemingly insensible to fatigue and all the other weaknesses of nature. It was useless to attempt to find him off his guard, and, worn out, Marble and myself fell into 252 MILES WALLINGFORD. deep sleep, about three in the morning, out of pure exhaus- tion. As for the two negroes, they slept the entire night waiting our summons for their rallying to the work. Neb, in particular, had all the absence of responsibility that dis- tinguishes the existence of a slave, feeling very much the same unconcern as to the movements of the vessel as any other human being feels in connection with those of the earth in which he is a passenger. It was ten o'clock when I awoke, refreshed but disap- pointed. Marble was still snoring in his berth, and I was compelled to give him a call. I could perceive there was a breeze, and that the ship was going through the water fast; by her lurching, she was close-hauled. It takes a seaman but a minute or two to throw on his loose attire, and no time was lost on the present occasion. While my mate and I were thus engaged, the former happened to cast a look out of the cabin windows, which were open on account of the warmth of the weather, and offered no obstruction to a long view of the ocean directly in our wake. "Halloo, Miles!" Marble exclaimed; "by Jove, we are chased ! Such is the secret of Mr. Frog's being so much alive this fine morning. Yonder comes a frigate, or my name is not Oloff Marble." A frigate there was, sure enough. She was about two leagues astern of us, and resembled a pyramidal cloud mov- ing along the water, so completely were her spars covered with canvas. That she was an Englishman was more than probable, from the cruising ground, as well as from the fact of the prize crew running from her. In that day, no French ship-of-war loitered long at any particular point, her enemies being so numerous as to render pursuit certain ere many hours could elapse. After determining these facts in our minds. Marble and I went on deck. My first look was ahead. To my deep regret, there lay the land, actually within three leagues of us! The wind was fresh at northeast, and Monsieur Le Gros appeared to MILES WALLINGFORD. 253 be Steering for a group of islands that lay a little, and ever so little, on our lee-bow. Brest was out of the question ; if we could get in with the land, among these islands, it was as much as we could do, before the racer astern would be up to us. The Frenchmen were evidently alarmed; an English prison- ship, with all its known horrors, being very vividly placed before their eyes. Monsieur Le Gros screamed, and gave twenty orders in a minute, while the other sixteen men made more noise than would be heard among a thousand Ameri- cans. Heavens! what a clamor those chaps kept up, and all about nothing, too, the ship having every stitch of canvas on her that would draw. I felt like the Arab who owned the rarest mare in the desert, but who was coming up with the thief who had stolen her, himself riding an inferior beast, and all because the rogue did not understand the secret of making the mare do her best. "Pinch her right ear, or I shall overtake you," called out the Arab ; and more than twenty times was I disposed to trim the Dawn's sails, and send Neb to the wheel, in order to escape the disgrace of being over- hauled by the frigate. There was a chance for me, how- ever, in this second recapture, and I thought it preferable to let things take their course. My new conquerors might be mystified; whereas, there was little hope for us, should Mon- sieur Le Gros get in after such an uproar. In little more than an hour's time, the Dawn began to shorten sail, hauling up her courses and topgallant-sails, rocks showing themselves within half a mile of her. A large boat met us here, coming alongside as soon as certain who we were. The people in this boat were fishermen, and were so much accustomed to all the movements of the coast, that they understood the nature of the affair as soon as they were apprised of our character. Of course, they were eagerly questioned touching the possibility of the Dawn's being carried in through ajiy of the rocky-looking passages that lay before us. Monsieur Le Gros looked very blank when he was told that all his hopes lay in there being sufficient 254 MILES WALLINGFORD. water in one channel, and of that the fishermen confessed their own ignorance. If the noise and confusion were an- noying before these men came alongside, it was astounding afterward. All this time the frigate was drawing near fast, and half an hour would certainly bring her within gunshot. There is something intoxicating in a race. I felt a strong desire to get away from the Englishman at the very moment I believed my chances for justice would be worst in the hands of the French. Feeling the necessity of losing no time, I now made a lively appeal to Moniseur Le Gros, my- self, proposing that we should both go in with the fishing- boat and examine the passage ourselves. By using proper activity, the whole might be done in a quarter of an hour; we should then know whether to carry the ship in, or to run on the rocks and save what we could of the cargo, by means of lighters. Order on board ship is out of the question without cool- ness, silence, and submission. A fussy sailor is always a bad sailor; calmness and quiet being the great requisites for the profession, after the general knowledge is obtained. No really good officer ever makes a noise except when the roar of the elements renders it indispensable, in order to be heard. In that day, French ships-of-war did not understand this important secret, much less French privateers. I can only liken the clamor that was now going on in the Dawn's lee-gangway to that which is raised by Dutch fisherwomen on the arrival of the boats from sea with their cargoes. To talk of Billingsgate in comparison with these women is to do the Holland and Flemish ladies gross injustice, English phlegm being far more silent than Dutch phlegm. No sooner was my proposition made than it was accepted by acclamation, and the privateersmen began to pour into the boat, heels over head, without order, and I may say without orders. Monsieur Le Gros was carried off in the current, and, when the fishermen cast off, but three Frenchmen were left in the ship; all the others had been swept away by a MILES WALLINGFORD. 255 zeal to be useful, and that was a little quickened, perhaps, by the horrors of an English prison-ship. Even Diogenes laughed at the random manner in which we were thus left in possession of our own. There is no question that the French intended to return, while there is no question it was also their intention to go. In short, they were in a tumult, and acted under an impulse instead of under the govern- ment of their reasons. " You will have the complaisance, Monsieur Wallingford," cried Le Gros, as the boat started away from the ship's side, ** to fill the topsail, and run for the passage, when we wave our hats." " Ay, ay," I answered ; *' leave it to me to fill the topsails, and to give the John Bulls the slip." This was said in French, and it drew cries of " Bon ! " and of " Vive la France ! " from all in the boat. What the fellows thought, I will not pretend to say; but if they thought they were to get on board the Dawn again, they did not know the men they left behind them. As for the French- men who remained, Marble and I could have managed them alone ; and I was glad they were with us, since they could be made to pull and haul. The ship was under her three topsails, spanker, and jib, when Monsieur Le Gros thus sin- gularly gave her up to my control; the main-yard lying square. My first step was to fill the topsail and gather way on the vessel. This was soon done; and keeping away I stood on toward the rocks, which soon bore on our weather- bow, determined to run as near them as I dared, thinking to frighten the Englishman so much, as to induce him to keep at arm's length. I might cast away the ship, it is true ; but even this would be preferable to falling again into English hands, with all the occurrences still so recent. A year or two later, the affair of the Speedy's men might be forgotten; but while a thing is fresh there is always some danger of its creating feeling. At* least, thus I reasoned, and thus I acted. 256 MILES WALLINGFORD. Once more I had the Dawn under my own orders; and could I keep the frigate out of gunshot, I cared very little for Monsieur Le Gros. At first, the privateersmen supposed that, in filling away, I merely intended to further their views; but no sooner did they perceive the ship standing on to leeward of the passage, than the truth seemed to flash on their befogged faculties. This was not until the depth of water was ascertained to be sufficient for their purpose ; and such a flourishing of tarpaulins and greasy caps as suc- ceeded, I had not witnessed for many a day. All these signals and calls, however, were disregarded; but away went the Dawn, with her yards just rounded in a point, with the wind fairly abeam, coasting along as near the islands as I thought it at all prudent to venture. As for the frigate, she was still keeping her luff, in order to get far enough to windward to make sure of her prey. At this moment, the two ships might have been a league asunder. Monsieur Le Gros was no sooner aware of the trick I had played him, than out he dashed with his fishing-boat, mak- ing sail in chase, and helping his dull craft along with half a dozen oars. Seeing this, I let the foresail drop, and sheeted home and hoisted the main-topgallant-sail ; not that I felt at all afraid of the boat, but because it was my wish to avoid bloodshed, if possible. Among the other absurdi- ties the French had committed in their haste to get away from the frigate was that of leaving six or eight muskets, with several cartridge-boxes, behind them. With these weapons it would have been easy for us to have given the privateersmen such a hint as would not fail to keep them at bay. Then I always had my pistols, which were not only valuable implements, but were double-barrelled and well loaded. Our only ground of alarm, therefore, came from the Englishman. Possibly Monsieur Le Gros thought differently, for his chase was animated and apparently in earnest. But, not- withstanding all his zeal, the Dawn left him astern, going MILES WALLINGFORD. 257 through the water at the rate of about six knots. But the frigate was coming up at the rate of eight knots, making it certain that she would get us under her guns in an hour or two at most, unless some great advantage was obtained over her by means of the complicated navigation and shallow water. When at Bordeaux, the previous year, I had purchased a chart of the French coast, with a book containing directions similar to those which are to be found in our own " Coast- ing Pilot." As a matter of course, I had them both with me, and I found them of great service on this occasion. The text described the islands we were near as being separated by nar- row channels of deep water, in which the danger was prin- cipally owing to sunken rocks. It was these rocks that had induced the fishermen to pronounce the passage imprac- ticable; and my coasting directions cautioned all navigators to be wary in approaching them. The Dawn, however, was in precisely the situation which might render these rocks of the last service to her ; and preferring shipwreck to seeing my vessel in either English or French hands again, I de- termined to trust to the very dangers of the navigation as my safeguard. I might go clear of the bottom, but it was certain, if I kept outside, I could not escape from the frigate. An accidental occurrence, in connection with the boat, favored us, and I was not slow to profit by the advan- tage it offered. Finding it impossible to come up with the ship by keeping in her wake. Monsieur Le Gros had taken a short cut, in the boat, between some islets that we were obliged to round, and he actually came out ahead of us. Instead of endeavoring to close with the ship, however, he led into an excessively narrow passage, making furious gestures for us to follow. This was at the instant when the frigate fired her first gun at us, the shot of which just fell a very little short. Did we pass the channel in which Mon- sieur Le Gros had carried the boat, we should fall to lee- ward of the whole group of islands — or islets would be the »7 258 MILES WALLINGFORD. better word — when all would literally depend on our heels. There was but a moment in which to decide; in another minute, the ship would be past the opening, which could only be regained by tacking, if it could be regained at all. I gave the order to luff. Our three Frenchmen, fancying themselves now certainly bound to la belle France, were as active as cats. Neb and Diogenes throwing their powerful force on the braces with a good will, too, we soon had the Dawn braced sharp up, heading well to windward of the passage. Monsieur Le Gros was delighted. Apparently, he thought all was right again; and he led the way, flourishing both hands, while all in the boat, fishermen inclusive, were bawling, and shouting, and gesticulating in a way that would certainly have confused us, had I cared a straw about them. I thought it well enough to follow the boat; but as for their cries, they were disregarded. Had Monsieur Le Gros seen fit to wait for the ship in the narrowest part of the inlet, he might have embarrassed us; but, so far from this, he ap- peared to be entirely carried away by the excitement of the chase, and was as eager to push ahead as a boy who was struggling to be first in at the goal. It was a nervous instant when the Dawn's bow first entered the narrow passage. The width, from rock to rock, speak- ing only of visible things, might have been thirty fathoms; and this strait narrowed, rather than widened, for several hundred feet, until it was reduced fully one-third. The tide ran like a milltail, and it was, perhaps, lucky for us that there was no time for reflection or irresolution ; the aspect of things being so serious as might well have thrown the most decided man into uncertainty and doubt. The current sucked the vessel in like the Maelstrom, and we were whirling ahead at a rate that would have split the ship from her keel to her top-timbers had we come upon a sunken rock. The chances were about even; for I regarded the pilotage as a very random sort of an affair. We glanced on MILES WALLINGFORD. 259 in breathless expectation, therefore, not knowing but each instant would involve us in ruin. This jeopardy endured about five minutes. At the end of that brief space, the ship had run the gauntlet for the dis- tance of a mile, driven onward by the current rather than by the wind. So tremendous was our velocity in the nar- rowest part, that I actually caught myself grasping the rail of the ship, as we glanced past the rocks, as if to keep my- self from a fall. The French gave a loud and general shout just as the boat issued out of this race-way into a wide capa- cious bay, within the group of islands, which had the ap- pearance of forming a roadstead of some note. There was a battery on the end of the last island, a lighthouse, and a cluster of fishermen's huts; all indicating that the place was one of considerable resort. Monsieur Le Gros was waiting for us about two cables' lengths from the place where we issued into the bay, having considerately chosen an anchorage for us, at a point com- manded by the four six-and-thirty pounders of the battery. The distance enabled me to look about. Within the range of islands was a sort of sound, quite a league in width, and on this sound the main coast presented several bays in which coasters were at anchor. Most of the prominent points had small batteries, of no great force as against a fleet, or even against a single heavy ship, but which were sufficiently for- midable to keep a sloop-of-war or a frigate at a respectable distance. As all the guns were heavy, a vessel passing through the middle of this sound would hardly be safe, more especially did the gunners do their duty. By anchoring at the spot where the boat waited for us, we at once gave up the ship to the privateersmen, the battery first mentioned commanding that point completely. As good luck would have it, however, an expedient offered, in the direction of the wind and tide, which w^e opposed to each other, and I availed myself of the circumstances as promptly as possible. Do our best, the Dawn could not fetch the spot where the 26o MILES WALLINGFORD. boat had dropped her kedge. We passed within hail of it, notwithstanding, and loud were the calls to us to shorten sail and anchor, as we came within hearing. Affecting to be anxious to get up to the precise point where the boat lay, I mystified Monsieur Le Gros in my answers, telling him I would stand on a short distance, or until I could fetch him, when I would tack. As this was intelligible it satisfied my captors, though a hundred ^^ n'importes" were yelled after us, and " tCimporte " it was in fact, one spot being just as good to anchor in as another, for half a league all round us. The Dawn did her duty that day, and there was occasion for it, the frigate still continuing the chase. The circuit she had to make, and the berth she thought it prudent to give the first battery, enabled us to gain on her materially. When we passed the boat, the Englishman's upper sails were visible on the outside of the island, flying along the rocks at a rate that spoke well of his heels. He rounded the point when we were midsound, but here the battery served us a good turn, for, instead of hauling up close by the wind, the English were obliged to run off with the wind free, to keep out of harm's way. Their presence, notwithstanding, was probably of great service to the Dawn, for there had been a communication between Monsieur Le Gros and the batteries, by means of a small boat sent from the latter, and we should have been very likely to have a messenger, in the shape of a shot, sent after us, when it was seen we continued to stand across for the main instead of tacking for the designated anchorage, had not the men in the battery had the higher game of the frigate in view. As soon as John Bull got within range, the gunners began to play on him, but it was at a distance that rendered their fire next to useless. Any one in the least acquainted with the movements of ships, will understand the advantage we now possessed. The Dawn was beating through a good wide passage, with a young flood breasting her to windward, and a steady six- MILES WALLINGFORD. 26 1 knot breeze blowing. The passage between these islands and the main was about four leagues long, while that which the fishermen had wished us first to enter was near the middle of the group. We were already a mile from the boat, and considerably to windward of her, the tide having done that much for us, when Monsieur Le Gros saw fit to lift his kedge and commence a new pursuit. He had the sagacity to see that we should soon be obliged to tack, on account of the main coast, and to stand over toward the island again ; accordingly, instead of following in our wake, he profited by the set of the current, and pulled directly to windward, with a view to cut us off. All this we very plainly saw, but we cared very little for Monsieur Le Gros and his boat. The ship could out-sail the last very easily, in such a breeze, and it was always in our power to tack in mid-channel, instead of crossing her, or coming near her at all. The frigate gave me much more trouble. The Englishman, as I afterward learned, was a French- built ship, called the Fortunee, or as Jack termed her, now she had got to be designated in the Anglo-Saxon dialect, the Fortu«^/j- is redeeming your pledge, and behaving as you should. Andrew Drewett was delighted with an opportunity of doing something for the man who saved his life, and my only fear was of your obstinacy." " After all I have heard from Andrew Drewett, beloved Lucy, you never need fear anything from my obstinacy here- after. He not only has released my body from prison, but he has released my spirits from the weight of a mountain by honestly confessing you do not love him." The play of roseate light on an autumnal sky at evening is not more beautiful than the changing tints that passed over Lucy's beautiful face. She did not speak at first; but so intent, so inquiring was her look, while at the same time it was so timid and modest, that I scarce needed the ques- tion that she finally succeeded in asking. MILES WALLINGFORD. 425 "What is it you wish to say, Miles?" at length came from her in faltering tones. "To ask to be permitted to keep these hands forever. Not one, Lucy; one will not satisfy a love like mine, a love that has got to be interwoven with my being, from having formed a part of my very existence from boyhood ; yes, I ask for bothr " You have them both, dear, deaf Miles, and keep them as long as you please." Even while this was in the course of utterance, the hands were snatched from me to be applied to their owner's face, and the dear girl burst into a flood of tears. I folded her in my arms, seated myself at her side on a sofa, and am not ashamed to say that we wept together. I shall not reveal all that passed during the next quarter of an hour, nor am I quite certain that I could, were I to make the attempt, but I well recollect my arm was around Lucy's slender waist at the end of that brief period. What was said was not very coherent, nor do I know that anybody would care to hear, or read it. "Why have you so long delayed to tell me this, Miles? " Lucy at length inquired, a little reproachfully. "You who have had so many opportunities, and might have known how it would have been received ! How much misery and suffer- ing it would have saved us both ! " " For that which it has caused you, dearest, I shall never forgive myself; but as for that / have endured, it is only too well merited. But I thought you loved Drewett; every- body said you were to marry him ; even your own father be- lieved and told me as much." " Poor, dear papa ! He little knew my heart. One thing, however, he did that would have prevented my ever marry- ing any one. Miles, so long as you lived." " Heaven forever bless him for that, as well as for all his other good deeds ! What was it, Lucy ? " " When we heard of the supposed loss of your ship, he 426 MILES WALLINGFORD. believed it, but I did not. Why I did not believe what all around me thought was true is more than I can explain, unless Providence humanely sustained me by hope. But when my father thought you dead, in conversing of all your good qualities, Miles— and he loved you almost as well as his daughter " "God bless him, dear old gentleman! but what did he tell you, Lucy ? " "You will never learn if you thus interrupt me, Miles," Lucy answered, smiling saucily in my face, though she per- mitted me still to hold both her hands, as if I had taken possession of them literally with an intent to keep them, blushing at the same time as much with happiness, I thought, as with the innate modesty of her nature. " Have a little patience and I will tell you. When my father thought you dead, he told me the manner in which you had confessed to him the preference you felt for me; and do you, can you think, after I was thus put in possession of such a secret, I could listen to Andrew Drewett, or to any one else? " I shall not reveal what followed this speech; but I may say that, in the course of the next ten minutes, Lucy mildly reproached me again for having so long delayed my declar- ation. "I know you so well, Miles," she continued, smiling — as for blushing, that she did nearly the whole of the remainder of the day — " I know you so well. Miles, that I am afraid I should have made the declaration myself had you not found your tongue. Silly fellow! how could you suppose I would ever love any but you? — see here! " She drew the locket I had given her from her dress, and placed it in my hands, still warm from lying near her heart! I had no choice but to kiss Lucy again, or to kiss this locket, and I did both, by way of leaving no further grounds for self-reproach. I say, kiss her again, for to own the truth, I had already done so many times in that interview. MILES WALLINGFORD. 42/ At length, Chloe put her head in at the door, having taken the precaution first to give a gentle tap, to inquire if dinner should be served. Lucy dined at four, and it was now drawing toward five. " Has my father come in? " demanded the young mistress of her attendant. " Not yet, Miss Lucy, but he nebber t'ink much of dinner, Miss Lucy, ma'am; and Masser Mile been so long a sailor, dat I t'ink he musf be hungry. I hear dat he had berry hard time dis v'y'ge, Miss Lucy — too hard for old masser and missus' son ! " " Ay, you have seen Neb, if the truth were told, Miss Chloe," I cried, "and he has been charming your ear with Othello tales of his risks and hardships to make you love him." I cannot say that Chloe actually blushed, or, if she did, the spectators were none the wiser for the weakness. But dark as was the skin of this honest-hearted girl, she had most affectionate feelings, and even her features could be- tray the emotions she entertained. " De feller ! " she exclaimed, " What Miss Lucy please order? Shall 'e cook dish up? " "We will have dinner,'^ Lucy answered, with a smile, Chloe's eyes dancing with a sort of wild delight. " Tell John to serve it. Mr. Hardinge will be home soon in all probability. We shall be only us three at table." The mentioning of the table caused me to cast an eye at my dress, and the sight of my mate's attire, neat, and in truth, becoming as it was, to one who had no reason to be ashamed of his figure, caused me to recollect my poverty, and to feel one twinge at the distance that the world might fancy its own opinions placed between us. As for birth, my own family was too respectable, and my education had been too good, to leave me now any very keen regrets on such a subject in a state of society like ours, but there was truly a wide chasm between the heiress of Mrs. Bradfort and a penniless mate of a ship. Lucy understood me, and slipping her arm 428 MILES WALLINGFORD. through mine, she walked into the library, saying archly, as she drew me gently along : " It is a very easy thing, Miles, to get skirts made to your round-about." " No doubt, Lucy ; but with whose money ? I have been in such a tumult of happiness as to have forgotten that I am a beggar; that I am not a suitable match for you! Had I only Clawbonny I should feel less humiliated. With Claw- bonny I could feel myself entitled to some portion of the world's consideration." We were in the library by this time. Lucy looked at me a moment intently, and I could see she was pained at my allusion. Taking a little key from a cabinet where she kept it, she opened a small drawer and showed me the iden- tical gold pieces that had once been in my possession, and which I had returned to her after my first voyage to sea. I perceived that the pearls she had obtained under Grace's bequest, as well as those which were my own property, if I could be said to own anything, were kept in the same place. Holding the gold in the palm of a little hand that was as soft as velvet and as white as ivory, she said : "You once took all I had, Miles, and this without pre- tending to more than a brother's love, why should you hesi- tate to do it again, now you say you wish to become my husband? " "Precious creature! I believe you will cure me of even my silly pride." Then taking up the pearls, I threw them on her neck, where they hung in a long chain, rivalling the skin with which they came in contact. " There, I have said these pearls should be an offering to my wife, and I now make it ; though I scarce know how they are to be kept from the grasp of Daggett." Lucy kissed the pearls — I knew she did not do it on ac- count of any love for them — and tears came into her eyes. I believe she had long waited to receive this gift, in the precise character in which it was now receievd. MILES WALLINGFORD. 429 " Thank you, dear Miles," she said. " You see how freely I accept your gifts, and why should you hesitate to receive mine ? As for this Mr. Daggett, it will be easy enough to get rid of his claim. I shall be of age before he can bring his cause to trial, as I learn, then nothing will be easier than for Miles Wallingford to pay all his debts, for by that time all that is now mine will be yours. No, no, this Mr. Daggett shall not easily rob me of this precious gift." " Rupert " — I said, by way of getting her answer. "Rupert will not influence my conduct any further than I shall insist on returning every dollar he has received from you in the name of our sainted Grace. But I hear my father's voice, and speaking to some other person. I had hoped we should dine alone ! " The door of the library opened, and Mr. Hardinge en- tered, followed by a grave-looking, elderly man, of respec- table mien, and a manner that denoted one accustomed to deal with matters of weight. I knew this person at once to be Richard Harrison, then one of the most distinguished lawyers of America, and the gentleman to whom I had been carried by John Wallingford, when the latter pressed me to make my will. Mr. Harrison shook me cordially by the hand, after saluting Lucy, whom he knew intimately. I saw at once that something unusual was working in his mind. This highly respectable advocate was a man of method and of great coolness of manner in the management of affairs, and he proceeded to business at once, using very little circumlocution. " I have been surprised to hear that my worthy client and friend, Mr. John Wallingford, is dead," he observed. "I do not know how his decease should have escaped my notice in the papers, unless it were owing to a pretty severe illness I suffered myself about the time it occurred. My good friend, Mr. Hardinge, told jt to me, for the first time, only half an hour since." 430 MILES WALLINGFORD. " It is true, sir," I answered. " I understand my kinsman died eight months since." " And he held your bond for forty thousand dollars at the time he died? " " I regret to say he did ; a bond secured by a mortgage on my paternal place, Clawbonny, which has since been sold, by virtue of the power contained in the clauses, under the statute, and sold for a song; less than a fourth of its value." " And you have been arrested, at the suit of the adminis- trator, for the balance due on the bond? " "I have, sir; and am liberated on general bail only within an hour or two." " Well, sir, all these proceedings can be, and must be set aside. I have already given instructions to prepare an ap- plication to the chancellor for an injunction, and, unless your kinsman's administrator is a great dunce, you will be in peaceable possession of Clawbonny again in less than a month — if a moderately sensible man, in less than twenty- four hours." " You would not raise hopes that are idle, Mr. Harrison ; yet I do not understand how all this well can be ! " "Your kinsman, Mr. John Wallingford, who was a much esteemed client of mine, made a will, which will I drew myself, and which will being left in my possesison for that purpose, I now put in your hands as his sole executor. By that will, you will perceive that he especially forgives you the debt of forty thousand dollars, and releases the claim under the mortgage. But this is not all. After giving some small legacies to a few of his female relatives, he has left you the residuary legatee, and I know enough of his affairs to be certain that you will receive an addition to your estate of more than two hundred thousand dollars. John Walling- ford was a character, but he was a money-making character; had he lived twenty years longer, he would have been one of the richest men in the state. He had laid an excellent MILES WALLINGFORD. 43 1 foundation, but he died too soon to rear the golden structure." What a change of circumstances was here! I was not only virtually released from debt, but had Clawbonny re- stored to me, and was master of all I had ever owned, my earnings and the money invested in the Dawn excepted. This last was irretrievably gone, it was true, but in its place I had the ample legacy of John Wallingford as a compensa- tion. This legacy consisted of a large sum in the three per cents., which then sold at about sixty, but were subsequently paid off at par, of good bank and insurance stocks, bonds and mortgages, and a valuable and productive real property in the western part of the state, with several buildings in town. In a word, I was even richer than Lucy, and no longer need consider myself as one living on her generosity. It is not difficult to believe I was made supremely happy by this news, and I looked to Lucy for sympathy. As for the dear girl herself, I do believe she felt anything but pleasure at this new accession of riches; for she had a deep satisfaction in thinking that it was in her power to prove to me how completely I possessed her confidence, by placing all she had in my hands. Nevertheless, she loved Claw- bonny as well as I did myself, and my restoration to the throne of my fathers was a subject of mutual delight. Mr. Harrison went on to say that he had ascertained Daggett was in town to conduct the expected arrangement with me, on the subject of my personals, and that he had already sent a message to his attorney, to let the existence of the will be known. He had, consequently, strong hopes of arranging matters in the course of the next twenty-four hours. We were still at table, in effect, when the messenger came to let us know an interview was appointed at the office of this eminent counsel, and we all adjourned to that place, Lucy excepted, as soon as the cloth was removed, for in that day cloths were always removed. At the office we found Mr. Daggett, whfem I now saw for the first time, and 432 MILES WALLINGFORD. his legal adviser, already waiting for us. One glance suf- ficed to let us into the secret of the consternation both were in, for the lawyer had committed himself in the course of the proceedings he had had an agency in conducting, almost as much as his client. " This is strange news to us, Mr. Harrison," the attorney commenced ; " though your character and reputation, I will confess, make it look serious. Is there no mistake in the matter, sir? " " None whatever, Mr. Meekly. If you will have the good- ness to read this will, sir, you will perceive that the facts have been truly laid before your client; and, as to the au- thenticity of the document, I can only say, it was not only drawn up by myself, under precise instructions from Mr. Wallingford, which instructions I still possess, in his own handwriting, but the will was copied by my client, as well as signed and sealed in my presence, as one of the witnesses. So far as relates to the personals, this will would be valid, though not signed by the testator, supposing no other will to exist. But, I flatter myself, you will find everything cor- rect as to forms." Mr. Meekly read the will aloud, from beginning to end, and, in returning it to me, he cast a very give-it-up-sort of look at Daggett. The latter inquired, with some anxiety: " Is there any schedule of the property accompanying the will?" *' There is, sir," returned Mr. Harrison ; " and directions on it where to find the certificates of stock, and all the other evidences of debts — such as bonds and mortgages. Of the last, several are in my own possession. I presume the bond of this Mr. Wallingford was kept by the testator himself, as a sort of a family thing." " Well, sir, you will find that none of the stock has been touched ; and I confess this bond, with a few notes given in Genessee, is all that I have been able to find. We have been surprised at discovering the assets to be so small." MILES WALLINGFORD. 433 "So much the better for you, Mr. Daggett. Knowing what I do, I shall only give up the assets I hold to the ex- ecutor and heir. Your letters of administration will be set aside, as a matter of course, even should you presume to oppose us, which I should hardly think advisable." "We shall not attempt it, Mr. Harrison," Meekly said, hastily; "and we expect equal liberality from your client." So much for having a first-rate lawyer and a man of char- acter on my side. Daggett gave the whole thing up on the spot — reconveying to me Clawbonny before he quitted, though the sale would unquestionably be set aside, and sub- sequently was set aside, by means of an amicable suit. A great deal remained to be done, however ; and I was obliged to tear myself away from Lucy in order to do it. Probate of the will was to be made in the distant county of Genessee — and distant it was from New York in 1804! The journey that could be made to-day in about thirty hours took me ten days; and I spent near a month in going through the neces- sary forms, and in otherwise settling my affairs at the west, as that part of the state was then called. The time, how- ever, was not wasted below. Mr. Hardinge took charge of everything at Clawbonny, and Lucy's welcome letters — three of which reached me weekly — informed me that everything was re-established in the house, on the farm, and at the mill. The Wallingford was set running again, and all the oxen, cows, horses, hogs, etc., etc., were living in their old haunts. The negroes were reinstated, and Clawbonny was itself again! The only changes made were for the better; the occasion having been improved, to paint and new-vamp the house, which Mr. Daggett's parsimony had prevented him from defacing by modern alterations. In a word, " Masser Mile " was alone wanting to make all at the farm happy. Chloe had communicated her engagement to " Miss Lucy," and it was understood Neb and his master were to be married about the same time. As for Moses, he had gone up to Willow Cove on a leave of absence. A letter received 28 434 MILES WALLINGFORD. from him, which now lies before me, will give a better ac- count of his proceedings and feelings than I can write my- self. It was in the following words, viz. : " Willow Cove, September 18/-^, 1804. "Captain Wallingford: " Dear sir, and my dear Miles — Here I have been moored, head and starn, these ten days, as comfortable as heart could wish, in the bosom of my family. The old woman was right down glad to see me, and she cried like an alligator when she heard my story. As for Kitty, she cried, and she laughed in the bargain; but that young Bright, whom you may remember we fell in with in our cruise after old Van Tassel, has fairly hauled alongside of my niece, and she does little but laugh from morning to night. It's bloody hard to lose a niece in this way just as a man finds her, but mother says I shall gain a nephew by the trade. "Now, for old Van Tassel. The Lord will never suffer rogues to prosper in the long run. Mother found the old rascal's receipt, given to my father for the money, years and years ago, and sending for a Hudson lawyer, they made the miserly cheat off with his hatches and hoist out cargo enough to square the yards. So mother considers the thing as settled at last; but I shall always regard the account as open until I have threshed the gentleman to my heart's con- tent. The old woman got the cash in hard dollars, not understanding paper, and I wasn't in the house ten minutes before the good old soul roused a stocking out of a drawer, and began to count out the pieces to pay me off. So you see. Miles, I've stepped into my estate again, as well as yourself. As for your offer to pay me wages for the whole of last v'y'ge " — this word Marble could only spell as he pronounced it — " it's generous, and that's a good deal in these bloody dishonest times, but I'll not touch a copper. When a ship's lost, the wages are lost with her, and that's law and reason. It would be hard on a marchant to have MILES WALLINGFORD. 435 to pay wages for work done on board a craft that's at the bottom of the ocean ; so no more on that p'int, which we'll consider settled. " I am delighted to learn you are to be married as soon as you get back to Clawbonny. Was I in your place, and saw such a nice young woman beckoning me into port, I'd not be long in the offing. Thank you, heartily, for the invita- tion to be one of the bride's-maids, which is an office, my dear Miles, I covet, and shall glory in. I wish you to drop me a line as to the rigging proper for the occasion, for I would wish to be dressed as much like the rest of the bride's-maids as possible; uniformity being always desir- able in such matters. A wedding is a wedding, and should be dealt with as a wedding ; so, waiting for further orders, I remain your friend and old shipmate to command, " Moses Van Duzer Marble." I do not affirm that the spelling of this letter was quite as accurate as that given in this copy, but the epistle was legi- ble, and evidently gave Marble a great deal of trouble. As for the letters of dear Lucy, I forbear to copy any. They were like herself, however; ingenuous, truthful, affectionate, and feminine. Among other things, she informed me that our union was to take place in St. Michael's; that I was to meet her at the rectory, and that we might proceed to Claw- bonny from the church door. She had invited Rupert and Emily to be present, but the health of the last would pre- vent their accepting the invitation. Major, or General Mer- ton, as he was universally called in New York, had the gout, and could not be there ; and I was asked if it would not be advisable, under all the circumstances, to have the affair as private as possible. My answer conveyed a cheerful compli- ance, and a week after that was dispatched I left the Genes- see country, having successfully completed all my business. No one opposed me, and so far from being regarded as an intruder, the world thought me the proper heir of my cousin. 43^ MILES WALLINGFORD. CHAPTER XXIX. I calmed her fears, and she was calm, And told her love with virgin pride ; And so I won my Genevieve, My bright and beauteous bride. COLKKIDGB. By arrangement, I stopped at the Willow Cove to pick up Marble. I found the honest fellow happy as the day was long; but telling fearfully long and wonderful yarns of his adventures to the whole country round. My old mate was substantially a man of truth ; but he did love to astonish " know-nothings." He appears to have succeeded surpris- ingly well, for the Dutchmen of that neighborhood still re- count anecdotes of the achievements and sufferings of Cap- tain Marvel, as they usually call him, though they have long ceased to think the country belongs to the United Provinces. Moses was glad to see me; and after passing a night in the cottage of his mother, we proceeded toward Clawbonny in a conveyance that had been sent to Willow Cove to meet me. It was a carriage of my own, one of my negroes acting as driver. I knew the old team, and will acknowledge that tears forced themselves to my eyes as I thus saw myself, as it might be, reinstated in my own. The same feeling came powerfully over me as we drove to the summit of an eleva- tion in the road that commanded a view of the vale and buildings of Clawbonny. What a moment was that in my existence! I cannot say that I was born to wealth, even as wealth was counted among us sixty years since, but I was born to a competency. Until I lost my ship, I had never known the humiliating sensations of poverty; and the feel- ing that passed over my heart when I first heard that Claw- bonny was sold, has left an impression that will last for life. I looked at the houses, as I passed them in the streets, and remembered that I was houseless. I did not pass a shop in which clothes were exposed without remembering that, MILES WALLINGFORD. 437 were my debts paid, I should literally be without a coat to my back. Now, I had my own once more ; and there stood the home of my ancestors for generations, looking com- fortable and respectable, in the midst of a most inviting scene of rural quiet and loveliness. The very fields seemed to welcome me beneath its roof ! There is no use in at- tempting to conceal what happened; and I will honestly relate it. The road made a considerable circuit to descend the hill, while a footpath led down the declivity, by a shorter cut, which was always taken by pedestrians. Making an in- coherent excuse to Moses, and telling him to wait for me at the foot of the hill, I sprang out of the carriage, leaped a fence, and I may add, leaped out of sight, in order to con- ceal my emotion. I was no sooner lost to view than, seat- ing myself on a fragment of rock, I wept like a child. How long I sat there is more than I can say ; but the man- ner in which I was recalled from this paroxysm of feeling will not soon be forgotten. A little hand was laid on my forehead, and a soft voice uttered the word "Miles!" so near me that, at the next instant, I held Lucy in my arms. The dear girl had walked to the hill, as she afterward ad- mitted, in the expectation of seeing me pass on to Claw- bonny; and comprehending my feelings and my behavior, could not deny herself the exquisite gratification of sharing in my emotions. " It is a blessed restoration to your rights, dear Miles," Lucy at length said, smiling through her tears. "Your letters have told me that you are rich ; but I would rather you had Clawbonny, and not a cent besides, than, without this place, you had the riches of the wealthiest man in the country. Yours it should have been, at all events, could my means have compassed it." " And this, Lucy, without my becoming your husband, do you mean? " Lucy blushed brightly ; though I cannot say the sincere, 43^ MILES WALLINGFORD. ingenuous girl ever looked embarrassed in avowing her preference for me. After a moment's pause, she smiled, and answered my question. " I have not doubted of the result, since my father gave me an account of your feelings toward me," she said, " and that, you will remember, was before Mr. Daggett had his sale. Women have more confidence in the affections than men, I fear ; at least, with us they are more engrossing con- cerns than with you, for we live for them altogether, whereas you have the world constantly to occupy your thoughts. I have never supposed Miles Wallingford would become the husband of any but Lucy Hardinge, except on one occasion, and then only for a very short period ; and ever since I have thought on such subjects at all, I have known that Lucy Hardinge would never — could never be the wife of any one but Miles Wallingford." " And that one exception, dearest, — that * very short period ' ? Having confessed so much, I am eager to know all." Lucy became thoughtful, and she moved the grass at her feet with the end of her parasol ere she replied : " The one exception was Emily Merton ; and the short period terminated when I saw you together in your own house. When I first saw Emily Merton, I thought her more worthy of your love than I could possibly be; and I fancied it impossible that you could have lived so long in a ship together without discovering each other's merits. But, when I was placed with you both, under the same roof, I soon ascertained that, while your imagination had been a little led aside, your heart was always true to me." "Is this possible, Lucy? Are women really so much more discriminating, so much more accurate in their opin- ions, than we men? While I was ready to hang myself for jealousy of Andrew Drewett, did you really know that my heart was entirely yours? " "I was not without misgivings, Miles, and sometimes MILES WALLINGFORD. 439 those that were keenly painful ; but, on the whole, I will not say I felt my power, but that I felt we were dear to each other." " Did you never suppose, as your excellent father has done, that we were too much like brother and sister to become lovers, too much accustomed to be dear to each other as children to submit to passion ? For that which I feel for you, Lucy, I do not pretend to dignify with the name of esteem, and respect, and affection — it is a passion, that will form the misery or happiness of my life." Lucy smiled archly, and again the end of her parasol played with the grass that grew around the rock on which we were seated. " How could I think this for you," she said, " when I had a contrary experience of my own constantly present, Miles? I saw that you thought there was some difference of condi- tion between us (silly fellow!), and I felt persuaded you had only your own diffidence to overcome to tell your own story." " And knowing and seeing all this, cruel Lucy, why did you suffer years of cruel, cruel doubt to hang over me? " "Was it a woman's part to speak. Miles? I endeavored to act naturally — believe I did act naturally — and I left the rest to God. Blessed be his mercy, I am rewarded ! " I folded Lucy to my heart, and, passing a moment of sweet sympathy in the embrace, we both began to talk of other things as if mutually conscious that our feelings were too high-wrought for the place in which we were. I in- quired as to the condition of things at Clawbonny, and was gratified with the report. Everybody expected me. I had no tenantry to come forth to meet me — nor were American tenants much addicted to such practices, even when they were to be found; though the miserable sophistry on the subject of landlord and tenant — one of the most use- ful and humanizing relations of civilized life — did not then exist among us, that I am sorry to find is now getting into vogue. In that day it waf not thought " liberty " to violate 440 MILES WALLINGFORD. the fair covenants of a lease; and attempts to cheat a landed proprietor out of his rights were called cheating, as they ought to be — and they were called nothing else. In that day, a lease in perpetuity was thought a more ad- vantageous bargain for the tenant, than a lease for a year, or a term of years; and men did not begin to reason as if one indulgence gave birth to a right to demand more. In that day, paying rent in chickens, and wood, and work was not fancied to be a remnant of feudality, but it was regarded as a favor conferred on him who had the privilege; and even now, nine countrymen in ten endeavor to pay their debts in everything they can before they resort to the purse. In that day, the audacious sophism of calling land a mon- opoly, in a country that probably possesses more than a hundred acres for every living soul within its limits, was not broached ; and, in that day, knots of men did not set themselves up as special representatives of the whole com- munity, and interpret the laws in their own favor, as if they were the first principles of the entire republic. But my pen is running away with me, and I must return to Lucy. A crisis is at hand; and we are about to see the laws trium- phant, or acts of aggression that will far outdo all that has hitherto rested on the American name, as connected with a want of faith in pecuniary transactions. Should I ever continue these adventures, occasions may offer to draw certain pictures of the signs of the times; signs that have an ominous aspect as regards real liberty, by substituting the most fearful of all tyrannies, the spu- rious, in its place. God alone knows for what we are re- served; but one thing is certain — there must be a serious movement backward, or the nation is lost. I had no tenantry to come out and meet me; but there were the blacks. It is true, the law was on the point of liberating these slaves, leaving a few of the younger to serve for a term of years, that should requite their owners for the care of their infancies and their educations; but this MILES WALLINGFORD. 44 1 law could not effect an immediate change in the condition of the Clawbonnys. The old ones did not wish to quit me, and never did; while it took years to loosen the tie which bound the younger portion of them to me and mine. At this hour, near twenty of them are living round me in cot- tages of mine; and the service of my kitchen is entirely conducted by them. Lucy prepared me for a reception by these children of Africa, even the outcasts having united with the rest to do honor to their young master. Honor is not the word ; there was too much heart in the affair for so cold a term ; the negro, whatever may be his faults, almost always possessing an affectionate heart. At length I remembered Marble, and, taking leave of Lucy, who would not let me accompany her home, I threw myself down the path, and found my mate cogitating in the carriage, at the foot of the hill. "Well, Miles, you seem to value this land of yours as a seaman does his ship," cried Moses, before I had time to apologize for having kept him so long waiting. " How- somever, I can enter into the feelin', and a blessed one it is, to get a respondentia bond off of land that belonged to a fellow's grandfather. Next thing to being a bloody hermit, I hold, is to belong to nobody in a crowded world; and I would not part with one kiss from little Kitty, or one wrinkle of my mother's, for all the desert islands in the ocean. Come, sit down now, my lad — why, you look as red as a rosebud, and as if you had been running up and down hill the whole time you've been absent." "It is sharp work to come down such a hill as this on a trot. Well, here I am at your side ; what would you wish to know ? " "Why, lad, I've been thinkin' since you were away of the duties of a bride's-maid " — to his dying day, Moses always insisted he had acted in this capacity at my wedding — "for the time draws near, and I wouldn't wish to discredit you, on such a festivity. In the first place, how am I to be 442 MILES WALLINGFORD. dressed ? I've got the posy you mentioned in your letter, stowed away safe in my trunk. Kitty made it for me last week, and a good-looking posy it was the last time I saw it." " Did you think of the breeches? " " Ay, ay — I have them, too, and what is more, I've had them bent. Somehow or other, Miles, running under bare poles does not seem to agree with my build. If there's time, I should like to have a couple of bonnets fitted to the articles." " Those would be gaiters, Moses, and I never heard of a bride's-maid in breeches and gaiters. No, you'll be obliged to come out like everybody else." " Well, I care less for the dress than I do for the behavior. Shall I be obliged to kiss Lucy? " " No, not exactly Miss Lucy, but Mrs. Bride — I believe it would not be a lawful marriage without that." " Heaven forbid that I should lay a straw in the way of your happiness, my dear boy; but you'll make a signal for the proper time to clear ship, then — you know I always carry a quid." I promised not to desert him in his need, and Moses be- came materially easier in his mind. I do not wish the reader to suppose my mate fancied he was to act in the character of a woman at my nuptials, but simply that he was to act in the character of a bride's-maid. The difficul- ties which beset him will be best explained by his last re- mark on this occasion, and with which I shall close this dis- course. " Had I been brought up in a decent family," he said, " instead of having been set afloat on a tombstone, matrimony wouldn't have been such unknown seas to me. But you know how it is. Miles, with a fellow that has no re- lations. He may laugh, and sing, and make as much noise as he pleases, and try to make others think he's in good company the whole time; but, after all, he's nothing but a sort of bloody hermit, that's travelling through life, all the same as if he was left with a few pigs on a desert island. MILES WALLINGFORD. 443 Make-believe is much made use of in this world, but it won't hold out to the last. Now, of all mortal beings that I ever met with, youVe fallen in with her that has least of it. There's some make-believe about you, Miles, as when you looked so bloody unconcerned all the time you were ready to die of love, as I now I'arn, for the young woman you're about to marry ; and mother has a little of it, dear old soul, when she says she's perfectly satisfied with the son the Lord has given her, for I'm not so blasted virtuous but I might be better; and little Kitty has lots of it when she pretends she would as soon have one kiss from me as two from young Bright; but, as for Lucy Hardinge, I will say that I never saw any more make-believe about her than was becoming in a young woman." This speech proved that Moses was a man of observation. Others might have drawn seemingly nicer shades of char- acter, but this sincerity of feeling, truth of conduct, and singleness of purpose, formed the distinguishing traits of Lucy's virtues. I was excessively gratified at finding that Marble rightly appreciated one who was so very, very dear to me, and took care to let him know as much as soon as he had made his speech. We were met by the negroes at the distance of half a mile from the house. Neb acted as master of the cere- monies, or, commodore would be the belter word, for he actually carried a bit of swallow-tail bunting that was bor- rowed from the sloop, and there was just as much of ocean in the symbols used as comported with the honors mani- fested to a seaman. Old Cupid carried the Wallingford en- sign, and a sort of harlequinade had been made out of marlin- spikes, serving mallets, sail-maker's palms, and fids. The whole was crowned with a plug of tobacco, though I never used the weed, except in cigars. Neb had seen processions in town, as well as in foreign countries, and he took care that the present should do himself no discredit. It is true, that he spoke to me of it afterward, as a " nigger proces- 444 MILES WALLINGFORD. sion," and affected to hold it cheap; but I could see that the fellow was as much pleased with the conceits he had got up for the occasion as he was mortified at the failure of the whole thing. The failure happened in this wise: no sooner did I approach near enough to the elder blacks to have my features fairly recognized than the women began to blubber, and the men to toss their arms and shout " Masser Mile," " Masser Mile " ; thereby throwing every- thing into confusion, at once placing feeling uppermost at the expense of " law and order." To descend from the stilts that seemed indispensable to do credit to Neb's imagination, the manner in which I was received by these simple-minded beings was infinitely touch- ing. All the old ones shook hands with me, while the younger of both sexes kept more aloof, until I went to each in succession, and went through the ceremony of my own accord. As for the boys, they rolled over on the grass, while the little girls kept making curtesies, and repeating "welcome home to Clawbonny, Masser Mile." My heart was full, and I question if any European landlord ever got so warm a reception from his tenantry as I received from my slaves. And welcome I was indeed to Clawbonny, and most wel- come was Clawbonny to me! In 1804, New York had still some New York feeling left in the state. Strangers had not completely overrun her as has since happened; and New York names were honored; New York feelings had some place among us; life, homes, firesides, and the graves of our fathers, not yet being treated as so many incidents in some new speculation. Men then loved the paternal roof; and gardens, lawns, orchards, and churchyards were regarded as something other than levels for railroads and canals, streets for villages, or public promenades to be called batteries or parks, as might happen to suit aldermanic ambition, or edi- torial privilege. Mr. Hardinge met me at the gate of the little lawn, took MILES WALLINGFORD. 445 me in his arms, and blessed me aloud. We entered the house in silence, when the good old man immediately set about showing me, by ocular proof, that everything was re- stored as effectually as I was restored myself. Venus ac- companied us, relating how dirty she had found this room, how much injured that, and otherwise abusing the Dfeggetts to my heart's content. Their reign had been short, how- ever, and a Wallingford was once more master of the five structures of Clawbonny, I meditated a sixth, even that day, religiously preserving every stone that had been already laid, however, in my mind's intention. The next day was that named by Lucy as the one in which she would unite herself to me forever. No secret was made of the affair, but notice had been duly given, that all at Clawbonny might be present. I left home at ten in the morning, in a very handsome carriage that had been built for the occasion, accompanied by Moses attired as a bride's- maid. It is true, his dumpy square-built frame rather cari- catured the shorts and silk stockings, and as we sat side by side in this guise, I saw his eyes roaming from his own limbs to mine. The peculiarity of Moses's toilet was that which all may observe in men of his stamp who come out in full dress. The clothes a good deal more than fit them. Everything is as tight as the skin, and the wearer is ordi- narily about as awkward in his movements and sensations as if he had gone into society in puris naturalihus. That Moses felt the embarrassment of this novel attire was suffi- ciently apparent by his looks and movements, to say nothing of his speech. " Miles, I do suppose," he remarked as we trotted along, ** that them that haven't had the advantage of being brought up at home never get a fair growth. Now, here's these legs of mine ; there's plenty of them, but they ought to have been put in a stretcher when I was a youngster, instead of being left to run about a hospital. Well, I'll sail under bare poles this once, to oblige yo!l, bridemaid fashion ; but this is the 44^ MILES WALLINGFORD. first and last time I do such a thing. Don't forget to make the signal when I'm to kiss Miss Lucy." My thoughts were not exactly in the vein to enjoy the embarrassment of Moses, and I silenced him by promising all he asked. We were not elegant enough to meet at the church, but I proceeded at once to the little rectory, where I found the good divine and my lovely bride had just com- pleted their arrangements. And lovely indeed was Lucy in her simple but beautiful bridal attire ! She was unattended, had none of those gay appliances about her that her condi- tion might have rendered proper, and which her fortune would so easily have commanded. Yet it was impossible to be in her presence without feeling the influence of her virgin mien and simple elegance. Her dress was a spotless but exquisitely fine India muslin, well made and accurately fit- ting; and her dark glossy hair was embellished only by one comb ornamented with pearls, and wearing the usual veil. As for her feet and hands, they were more like those of a fairy than of one human, while her countenance was filled with all the heartfelt tenderness of her honest nature. Around her ivory throat and over her polished shoulders hung my own necklace of pearls, strung as they had been on board the Crisis, giving her bust an air of affluent decora- tion, while it told a long story of distant adventure and of well-requited affection. We had no bride's-maids (Marble excepted), no groom's- men, no other attendants than those of our respective house- holds. No person had been asked to be present, for we felt that our best friends were with us when we had these de- pendents around us. At one time I had thought of paying Drewett the compliment of desiring him to be a groom's- man, but Lucy set the project at rest by quaintly asking me how I should like to have been his attendant with the same bride. As for Rupert, I never inquired how he satisfied the scruples of his father, though the old gentleman made many apologies to me for his absence. I was heartily MILES WALLINGFORD. 447 rejoiced, indeed, he did not appear, and I think Lucy was so also. The moment I appeared in the little drawing-room of the rectory, which Lucy's money and taste had converted into a very pretty but simple room, my "bright and beauteous bride " arose, and extended to me her long-loved hand. The act itself, natural and usual as it was, was performed in a way to denote the frankness and tenderness of her char- acter. Her color went and came a little, but she said nothing. Without resuming her seat, she quietly placed an arm in mine, and turned to her father, as much as to say we were ready. Mr. Hardinge led the way to the church, which was but a step from the rectory, and, in a minute or two, all stood ranged before the altar, with the divine in the chancel. The ceremony commenced immediately, and in less than five minutes I folded Lucy in my arms as my wife. We had gone into the vestry-room for this part of the affair, and there it was that we received the congratulations of those humble, dark-colored beings, who then formed so material a portion of nearly every American family of any means. "I wish you great joy and ebbery sort of happiness, Masser Mile," said old Venus, kissing my hand, though I insisted it should be my face, as had often been her practice twenty years before. " Ah ! dis was a blessed day to old masser and missus, could dey saw it, but. And I won't speak of anoder blessed saint dat be in heaven. And you too, my dear young missus; now, we all so grad it be you^ for we did t'ink, at one time, dat would nebber come to pass." Lucy laid her own little white velvet-like hand, with the wedding ring on its fourth finger, into the middle of Venus's hard and horny palm in the sweetest manner possible ; re- minding all around her that she was an old friend, and that she knew all the good qualities of every one who pressed forward to greet her, and to wish her happiness. As soon as this part of the ceremony was over, we repaired 44^ MILES WALLINGFORD. to the rectory, where Lucy changed her wedding robe for what I fancied was one of the prettiest demi-toilette dresses I ever saw. I know I am now speaking like an old fellow, whose thoughts revert to the happier scenes of youth with a species of dotage, but it is not often a man has an oppor- tunity of portraying such a bride and wife as Lucy Hardinge. On this occasion she removed the comb and veil as not har- monizing with the dress in which she reappeared, but the necklace was worn throughout the whole of that blessed day. As soon as my bride was ready, Mr. Hardinge, Lucy, Moses, and myself, entered the carriage and drove over to Claw- bonny. Thither all Lucy's wardrobe had been sent, an hour before, under Chloe's superintendence, who had barely returned to the church in time to witness the ceremony. One of the most precious moments of my life was that in which I folded Lucy in my arms and welcomed her to the old place as its mistress. " We came very near losing it, love," I whispered ; " but it is now ours, unitedly, and we will be in no hurry to turn our backs on it." This was in a t^te-k-tete in the family room, whither I had led Lucy, feeling that this little ceremony was due to my wife. Everything around us recalled former scenes, and tears were in the eyes of my bride as she gently extricated herself from my arms. " Let us sit down a moment, Miles, and consult on family affairs now we are here," she said, smiling. " It may be early to begin, but such old acquaintances have no need of time to discover each other's wishes and good and bad qual- ities. I agree with you heart and mind in saying we will never turn our backs on Clawbonny — dear, dear Clawbonny, where we were children together, Miles; where we knew so well, and loved so well, our departed Grace — and I hope and trust it will ever be our principal residence. The country-house I inherit from Mrs. Bradfort is better suited to modern tastes and habits, perhaps, but it can never be MILES WALLINGFORD. 449 one-half so dear to either of us. I would not speak to you on this subject before, Miles, because I wished first to give you a husband's just control over me and mine, in giving you my hand; but, now, I may and will suggest what has been passing in my mind on this subject. Riversedge " — so was Mrs. Bradfort's country-house called — " is a good residence, and is sufficiently well furnished for any respectable family. Rupert and Emily must live somewhere, and I feel certain it cannot long be in Broadway. Now I have thought I would reserve Riversedge for their future use. They can take it immediately, as a summer residence; for I prize one hour passed here more than twenty -four hours passed there." " What, rebel ! Even should I choose to dwell in your Westchester house ? " "You will be here, Miles; and it is on your account that Clawbonny is so dear to me. The place is yours — I am yours — and all your possessions should go together." "Thank you, dearest. But will Rupert be able to keep up a town and a country house ? " " The first, not long, for a certainty ; how long, you know better than I. When I have been your wife half a dozen years, perhaps you will think me worthy of knowing the secret of the money he actually has." This was said pleasantly; but it was not said without anxiety. I reflected on the conditions of my secrecy. Grace wished to keep the facts from Lucy, lest the noble- hearted sister should awaken a feeling in the brother that might prevent her bequest from being carried into effect. Then, she did not think Lucy would ever become my wife, and circumstances were changed, while there was no longer a reason for concealing the truth from the present applicant, at least. I communicated all that had passed on the subject to my deeply-interested listener. Lucy received the facts with sorrow, though they were no more than she had ex- pected to learn. " I should be covered with shame were I to hear this from 29 450 MILES WALLINGFORD. any other than you, Miles," she answered, after a thoughtful pause; "but I know your nature too well not to feel certain that the sacrifice scarce cost you a thought, and that you regretted Rupert's self-forgetfulness more than the loss of the money. I confess this revelation has changed all my plans for the future, so far as they were connected with my brother." " In what manner, dearest ? Let nothing that has hap- pened to me influence your decisions." " In so much as it affects my views of Rupert's character, it must, Miles. I had intended to divide Mrs. Bradfort's fortune equally with my brother. Had I married any man but you, I should have made this a condition of our union; hut you I know so well, and so well know I could trust, that I have found a deep satisfaction in placing myself, as it might be, in your power. I know that all my personal property is already yours, without reserve, and that I can make no disposition of the real, even after I come of age, without your consent. But I had that faith in you as to be- lieve you would let me do as I pleased." " Have it still, love. I have neither need, nor wish, to interfere." " No, Miles; it would be madness to give property to one of such a character. If you approve, I will make Rupert and Emily a moderate quarterly allowance, with which, hav- ing the use of my country-place, they may live respectably. Further than that I should consider it wrong to go." It is scarcely necessary to say how much I approved of this decision, or the applause I lavished on the warm-hearted donor. The sum was fixed at two thousand dollars a year, before we left the room ; and the result was communicated to Rupert by Lucy herself in a letter written the very next day. Our wedding-dinner was a modest, but a supremely happy meal ; and in the evening the blacks had a ball in a large laundry, that stood a little apart, and which was well enough MILES WALLINGFORD. 451 suited to such a scene. Our quiet and simple festivities endured for several days ; the " uner " of Neb and Chloe taking place very soon after our own marriage, and coming in good time to furnish an excuse for dancing the week fairly out. Marble got into trousers the day after the ceremony, and then he entered into the frolic with all his heart. On the whole, he was relieved from being a bride's-maid — a suffi- ciently pleasant thing — but having got along so well with Lucy, he volunteered to act in the same capacity to Chloe. The offer was refused, however, in the following classical language : "No, Misser Marble; color is color," returned Chloe; " you's white, and we's black. Mattermony is a berry solemn occerpashun ; and there mustn't be no improper jokes at my uner with Neb Clawbonny." CHAPTER XXX. This disease is beyond my practice ; yet I have known those which have walked in their sleep, who have died holily in their beds. Macbeth. The honeymoon was passed at Clawbonny, and many, many other honeymoons that have since succeeded it. I never saw a man more delighted than Mr. Hardinge was, at finding me actually his son-in-law. I really believed he loved me more than he did Rupert, though he lived and died in ignorance of his own son's true character. It would have been cruel to undeceive him; and nothing particular ever occurred to bring about an kdaircissement. Rupert's want of principle was a negative, rather than an active quality, and was only rendered of account by his vanity and selfishness. Self-indulgence was all he aimed at, and he was much too self-indulgent and shrewd to become an active rogue. He would have spenf Lucy's and my joint fortunes, 452 MILES WALLINGFORD. had they been put at his control; but, as they never were, he was fain to limit his expenditures to such sums as we saw fit to give him, with certain extra allowances extorted by his debts. Our intercourse was very much restricted to visits of ceremony, at least on my part; though Lucy saw him oftener; and no allusion was ever made to the past. I called him " Mr. Hardinge," and he called me " Mr. Wall- ingford." "Rupert" and "Miles" were done with forever between us. I may as well dispose of the history of this person and his wife at once; for I confess it gives me pain to speak of them, even at this distance of time. Rupert lived but four years after my marriage to his sis- ter. As soon as he found it necessary to give up the Broad- way house, he accepted the use of Riversedge and his sis- ter's $2,000 a year, with gratitude, and managed to get along on that sum, apparently, down to the hour of his death. It is true, that I paid his debts, without Lucy's knowledge, twice in that short period ; and I really think he was sensi- ble of his errors, to a certain extent, before his eyes were closed. He left one child, a daughter, who survived him only a few months. Major Merton's complaints had carried him off previously to this. Between this old officer and myself there had ever existed a species of cordiality; and I do believe he sometimes remembered his various obliga- tions to me and Marble in a proper temper. Like most officials of free governments, he left little or nothing behind him ; so that Mrs. Hardinge was totally dependent on her late husband's friends for a support during her widowhood. Emily was one of those semi-worldly characters that are not absolutely wanting in good qualities, while there is always more or less of a certain disagreeable sort of calculation in all they do. Rupert's personal advantages and agreeable manners had first attracted her; and believing him to be Mrs. Bradfort's heir, she had gladly married him. I think she lived a disappointed woman after her father's death; and I was not sorry when she let us know that she was about MILES WALLINGFORD. 453 to "change her condition," as it is termed in widow's par- lance, by marrying an elderly man, who possessed the means of giving her all that money can bestow. With this second, or, according to Venus's nomenclature, j/^-husband, she went to Europe, and there remained, dying only three years ago, an amply-endowed widow. We kept up a civil sort o£ intercourse with her to the last, actually passing a few weeks with her, some fifteen years since, in a house, half barn, half castle, that she called a palace, on one of the unrivalled lakes of Italy. As la Signora Montiera (Montier), she was sufficiently respected, finishing her career as a dowager of good reputation and who loved the "pomps and vanities of this wicked world." I endeavored, in this last meeting, to bring to her mind divers incidents of her early life, but with a singular want of success. They had actually passed, so far as her memory was concerned, into the great gulf of time, keeping company with her sins, and appeared to be entirely forgotten. Nevertheless, la Signora was disposed to treat me and view me with consideration, as soon as she found me living in credit, with money, horses, and carriages at command, and to forget that I had been only a ship- master. She listened smilingly, and with patience, to what, I dare say, were my prolix narratives, though her own recol- lections were so singularly impaired. She did remember something about the wheelbarrow and the canal in Hyde Park ; but as for the voyage across the Pacific, most of the incidents had passed out of her mind. To do her honor, Lucy wore the pearls, on an occasion in which she gave a Y\\X\!^Jesta to her neighbors; and I ascertained she did re- member them. She even hinted to one of her guests, in my hearing, that they had been intended for ^^r originally; but "we cannot command the impulses of the heart, you know, cara mia,^^ she added, with a very self-complacent sort of a sigh. What of all this? The ci-devant Emily was no more than a summary of the feelings, interests, and passions of mil- 454 MILES WALLINGFORD. lions, living and dying in a narrow circle erected by her own vanities, and embellished by her own contracted notions of what is the end and aim of human existence, and within a sphere that she fancied respectable and refined. As for the race of the Clawbonnys, all the elderly mem- bers of this extensive family lived and died in my service, or it might be better to say, I lived in theirs. Venus saw several repetitions of her own charms in the offspring of Neb and Chloe, though she pertinaciously insisted to the last that Cupid, as a step-husband, had no legitimate con- nection with any of the glistening, thick-lipped, chubby set. But even closer family ties than those which bound my slaves to me are broken by the pressure of human institu- tions. The conscript fathers of New York had long before determined that domestic slavery should not continue within their borders; and, one by one, these younger dependents dropped off, to seek their fortunes in town or in other por- tions of the state, until few were left besides Neb, his con- sort, and their immediate descendants. Some of these last still cling to me; the parents having instilled into the chil- dren, in virtue of their example and daily discourse, feelings that set at naught the innovations of a changeable state of society. With them, Clawbonny is still Clawbonny; and I and mine remain a race apart, in their perception of things. I gave Neb and Chloe their freedom-papers the day the faithful couple were married, and at once relieved their posterity from the servitude of eight-and-twenty, and five- and-twenty years, according to sex, that might otherwise have hung over all their elder children, until the law, by a general sweep, manumitted everybody. These papers Neb put in the bottom of his tobacco-box, not wishing to do any discredit to a gift from me ; and there I accidentally saw them, in rags, seventeen years later, not having been opened, or seen by a soul, as I firmly believe, in all that time. It is true, the subsequent legislation of the state rendered all this of no moment ; but the procedure showed the character MILES WALLINGFORD. 455 and disposition of the man, demonstrating his resolution to stick by me to the last. He has had no intention to free me^ whatever may have been my plans for himself and his race. I never had more than one conversation with either Neb or his wife on the subject of wages, and then I discovered how tender a thing it was with the fellow, to place him on a level with the other hired people of my farm and house- hold. " I won'er what I done, Masser Mile, dat you want to pay me wages, like a hired man?" said Neb, half disposed to resent, and half disposed to grieve at the proposal. " I was born in de family, and it seem to me dat quite enough ; but if dat isn't enough, I went to sea wid you, Masser Mile, de fuss day you go, and I go ebbery time since." These words, uttered a little reproachfully, disposed of the matter. From that hour to this, the subject of wages has never been broached between us. When Neb wants clothes, he goes and gets them, and they are charged to "Masser Mile " ; when he wants money he comes and gets it, never manifesting the least shame or reluctance, but asking for all he has need of, like a man. Chloe does the same with Lucy, whom she regards, in addition to her having the honor to be my wife, as a sort of substitute for " Miss Grace." With this honest couple, Mr. and Mrs. Miles Wallingford, of Clawbonny, and Riversedge, and Union Place, are still nothing but " Masser Mile " and " Miss Lucy " ; and I once saw an English traveller take out her note -book, and write something very funny, I dare say, when she heard Chloe thus address the mother of three fine children, who were hanging around her knee, and calling her by that, the most endearing of all appellations. Chloe was indifferent to the note of the traveller, however, still calling her mistress " Miss Lucy," though the last is now a grandmother. As for the children of, the house of Nebuchadnezzar, truth compels me to say, that they have been largely influ- 456 MILES WALLINGFORD. enced by the spirit of the age, and that they look on the relation that existed for more than a century, between the Wallingfords and the Clawbonnys, with eyes somewhat dif- ferent from those of their parents. They have begun to migrate, and I am not sorry to see them go. Notwithstand- ing, the tie will not be wholly broken so long as any of the older stock remain, tradition leaving many of its traces among them. Not one has ever left my rule without my consent; and I have procured places for them all, as ambi- tion or curiosity has carried them into the world. As for this new spirit of the age that is doing so much among us, I am not twaddler enough to complain of all change, for I know that many of these changes have had the most beneficial effects. I am far from thinking that do- mestic slavery, as it once existed at Clawbonny, is a picture of domestic slavery as it existed throughout the land; but I do believe that the institution, as it was formerly known in New York, was quite as much to the disadvantage of the white man as to that of the black. There was always some- thing of the patriarchal character in one of our households previously to the change in the laws; and the relation of master and slave in old, permanent families, in which plenty was no stranger, had ever more or less of that which was respectable and endearing. It is not so much in rela- tion to the abolition spirit (if it would only confine its exertions to communities over which it may happen to pos- sess some right of control), that I feel alarmed, as in refer- ence to a certain spirit, which appears to think there always must be more and more change, and that in connection with any specific interest, whatever may have been its advance- ment under previous ^^^'/w^j-,- nothing in social life being fully developed, according to the creed of these movement- philosophers. Now, in my view of the matter, the two most dangerous of all parties in a state are that which sets up conservatism as its standard, and that which sets up progress : the one is for preserving things of which it would be better MILES WALLINGFORD. 457 to be rid, while the other crushes all that is necessary and useful in its headlong course. I now speak of these op- posing principles, as they are marshalled in parties^ opposi- tion giving pertinacity and violence to each. No sane man can doubt that, in the progress of events, much is produced that ought to be retained, and much generated that it would be wiser to reject. He alone is the safe and wise legislator, who knows how, and when, to make the proper distinctions. As for conservatism, Lafayette once characterized it excel- lently well in one of his happiest hits in the tribune. "Gentlemen talk of the just medium {juste milieu)^^'' he said, "as if it embraced a clear political creed. We all know what the just medium is, as relates to any particular ques- tion; it is simply the truth, as it is connected with that question. But when gentlemen say that they belong to the juste milieu^ as a party ^ and that they intend to steer a middle course in all the public events of the day, they remind me of a case like this — a man of exaggerated notions lays down the proposition that four and four make ten; another of more discretion and better arithmetic combats this idea, by maintaining that four and four make only eight; whereupon, your gentleman of the juste milieu finds himself obliged to say, * Messieurs, you are equally in the wrong; the truth never lies in extremes, and four and four make nine.' " What is true of conservatism, as a principle, is still more true as to the movement; for it often happens in morals, as well as in physics, that the remedy is worse than the dis- ease. The great evil of Europe, in connection with inter- ests of this nature, arises from facts that have little or no influence here. There, radical changes have been made, the very base of the social edifice having been altered, while much of the ancient architecture remains in the superstruc- ture. Where this is the case, some errors may be pardoned in the artisans who are for reducing the whole to the sim- plicity of a single order. But, among ourselves, the man who can see no end to anything earthly, ever maintaining that the 458 MILES WALLINGFORD. best always lies beyond, if he live long enough to succeed, may live long enough to discover that truth is always on an eminence, and that the downward course is only too easy to those who rush in so headlong a manner at its goal, as to suffer the impetus of the ascent to carry them past the apex. A social fact cannot be carried out to demonstration like a problem in Euclid, the ramifications being so infinite as to reduce the results to something very like a conclusion from a multitude of interests. It is next incumbent to speak of Marble. He passed an entire month at Clawbonny, during which time he and Neb rigged the Grace and Lucy seven different ways, coming back to that in which they found her, as the only rig in which she would sail; no bad illustration, by the way, of what is too often the winding up of experiments in overdone political movements. Moses tried shooting, which he had heard belonged to a country life ; and he had a sort of de- sign to set up as a fourth or fifth class country gentleman ; but his legs were too short to clamber over high rail-fences with any comfort, and he gave up the amusement in despair. In the course of a trial of ten days, he brought in three robins, a small squirrel, and a crow; maintaining that he had also wounded a pigeon, and frightened a whole flock of quails. I have often bagged ten brace of woodcocks of a morning in the shooting-grounds of Clawbonny, and as many quails in their season. Six weeks after our marriage, Lucy and I paid Willow Cove a visit, where we passed a very pleasant week. To my surprise, I received a visit from 'Squire Van Tassel, who seemed to bear no malice. Marble made peace with him as soon as he paid back the amount of his father's bond, principal and interest, though he always spoke of him contemptuously to me in private. I must confess I was astonished at the seemingly forgiving temper of the old usurer; but I was then too young to understand that there are two principles that govern men's conduct as regards their MILES WALLINGFORD. 459 associations; the one proceeding from humility and Chris- tian forgiveness, and the other from an indifference to what is right. I am afraid the last produces more of what is called a forgiving temper than the first; men being often called vindictive, when they are merely honest. Marble lost his mother about a twelvemonth after we re- turned from our unfortunate voyage in the Dawn. A month or two earlier he lost his niece, little Kitty, by a marriage with the son of " neighbor Bright." After this, he passed much of his time at Clawbonny, making occasional visits to us, in Chamber street, in the winter. I say in Chamber street, as trade soon drove us out of Lucy's town residence in Wall street. The lot on which the last once stood is still her property, and is a small fortune of itself. I pur- chased and built in Chamber street, in 1805, making an ex- cellent investment. In 1825, we went into Bleecker street, a mile higher up town, in order to keep in the beau quartier; and I took advantage of the scarcity of money and low prices of 1839, to take up new ground in Union Place, very nearly a league from the point where Lucy commenced as a house- keeper in the good and growing town of Manhattan. After Marble found himself an orphan again, he com- plained that he was little better off than a " bloody hermit" at Willow Cove, and began to talk about seeing the world. All of a sudden he made his appearance at Clawbonny, bag and baggage, and announced an intention to look for a mate's berth in some East Indiaman. I heard his story, kept him a day or two with me, while I superintended the masons who were building my addition to the house, which was then nearly completed, and then we proceeded to town in company. I took Moses to the shipyards, and carried him on board a vessel that was just receiving her spars (she was coppered and copper-fastened, A No. 1, of live-oak frame, and southern pine decks, etc.), asking him how he liked her. He hoped shob had a good name. " Why, she is called the Smudge," I answered. " I hope you fancy it.'* 460 MILES WALLINGFORD. Moses jerked a finger over his shoulder, as much as to say he understood me, and inquired where I intended to send the craft. "To Canton, with you for master." I saw that my old mate was touched with this proof of confidence, and that his self-esteem had so much risen with the discovery of his origin that he made no objections to the trust. I did not intend to go regularly into commerce, but I kept the Smudge running many years, always under Marble, and made a vast deal of money by her. Once she went to Europe, Lucy and I going in her as passengers. This was after the death of my dear old guardian, who made such an end as became his virtuous and Christian life. We, that is Lucy and I, remained abroad several years, returning home in the Smudge, and on the last voyage she ever made as belonging to me. Neb had often been out in the ship, just to vary the scene; and he came to Havre in her, as a matter of course, when " Masser Mile," " Miss Lucy," and their two "young massers," and two "young missuses," were ready to come home. I was a good deal shocked at meeting my old friend, Moses, on this occasion, for he was breaking up fast, being now hard upon seventy; a time of life when most seamen are unfit for their calling. Moses, however, had held on, with a determination to convey us all back to Clawbonny. Three days after we had sailed, the man of stone had to give up and take to his berth. I saw that his days were numbered, and felt it to be a duty to let him know his real situation. It was an unpleasant office, but became less so by the resigned and manly manner in which the invalid heard me. It was only when I ceased speaking that he made an attempt to reply. " I have known that the v'y'ge of life was pretty near up, Miles," he then answered, "for many a day. When the timbers complain and the new tree-nails hit only decayed wood, it is time to think of breaking up the hull for the craft's copper and old iron. I've pretty much worn out the Smudge, and the Smudge has pretty much worn out me. I MILES WALLINGFORD. 46 1 shall never see Ameriky, and I now give up charge of the craft to you. She is your own now, and nobody can take better care of her. I own I should like to be cased in some- thing that once belonged to her. There's the bulkhead that was taken down to alter the staterooms for your family — it would make as comfortable a coffin as a body could want." I promised the old man all should be done as he desired. After a short pause, it struck me the present might be a favorable moment to say a word on the subject of the future. Marble was never a vicious man, nor could he be called a particularly wicked man, as the world goes. He was thor- oughly honest, after making a few allowances for the pe- culiar opinions of seamen, and his sins were principally those of omission. But, of religious instruction he had lit- erally known none in early life. That which he had picked up in his subsequent career was not of the most orthodox character. I had often thought Marble was well disposed on such subjects, but opportunity was always wanting to improve this hopeful disposition. Accordingly, I now spoke plainly to him, and I could see his still keen eyes turned wistfully toward me more than once as he listened with an absorbed attention. ** Ay, ay. Miles," he answered, when I was through, *' this may all be true enough, but it's rather late in the day for me to go to school. I've heard most of it before in one shape or another, but it always came so much in scraps and fragments that before I could bend one idee on to another so as to make any useful gear of the whole, some of the pieces have slipped through my fingers. Hows'ever, I've been hard at work at the good book the whole of this v'y'ge, and you know it's been a long one; and I must say that I've picked up a good deal that seems to me to be of the right quality. Now I always thought it was one of the foolishest things a man could do ^to forgive one's enemies, my rule having been to return broadside for broadside, as you must 462 MILES WALLINGFORD. pretty well know; but I now see that it is more like a kind natur' to pardon than to revenge." " My dear Moses, this is a very hopeful frame of mind ; carry out this feeling in all things, leaning on the Saviour alone for your support, and your dying hour may well be the happiest of your life." " There's that bloody Smudge, notwithstanding ; I hardly think it will be expected of me to look upon him as any- thing but a 'longshore pirate, and a fellow to be disposed of in the shortest way possible. As for old Van Tassel, he's gone to square the yards in a part of the universe where all his tricks will be known ; and I hold it to be onreasonable to carry spite ag'in a man beyond the grave. I rather think I have altogether forgiven him ; though, to speak the truth, he desarved a rope's-ending." I understood Marble much better than he understood himself. He felt the sublime beauty of the Christian mor- ality, but at the same time, he felt there were certain notions so rooted in his own heart that it exceeded his power to ex- tract them. As for Smudge, his mind had its misgivings concerning the propriety of his own act, and with the quick- ness of his nature, sought to protect itself against its own suggestions by making an exception of that wretch, as against the general mandates of God. Van Tassel he prob- ably could in a manner pardon, the mischief having been in a measure repaired ; though it was a forgiveness that was strangely tinctured with his own deep contempt for the meanness of the transgressor. Our conversation lasted a long time. At length Lucy joined in it, when I thought it wisest to leave the old tar in the hands of one so well fitted by nature and education to be the instrument, under the providence of God, of bringing him to a more healthful view of his condition. I had the ship to take care of, and this was a good excuse for not in- terfering much with what passed between the dying man and her who might almost be termed his ministering angel. MILES WALLINGFORD. 463 I overheard many of their conferences, and was present at some of their prayers, as were my sons and daughters; being thus enabled to understand the progress that was made and the character of the whole procedure. It was an admirable sight, truly, to see that still lovely woman, using all the persuasion of her gentle rhetoric, all the eloquence of her warm feelings and just mind, devoting herself for days and days to the labor of leading such a spirit as that of Marble's to entertain just and humble views of his own relation to the Creator and his Son, the Saviour of men. I will not say that complete success crowned the pious efforts of the single-hearted woman it was my blessed fortune to call my wife ; this, perhaps, was not to be expected. It required a power exceeding hers to guide the human heart at seventy, after a seaman's life, to a full repentance of its sins; but, by the grace of God, so much seemed to be ac- complished, as to give us all reason to hope that the seed had taken root, and that the plant might grow under the guidance of that Spirit in whose likeness the most lowly of the race has been created. The passage was long, but very tranquil, and there was ample time for all that has been related. The ship was still to the eastward of the Grand Banks, when Marble ceased to converse much ; though it was evident his thoughts were intently musing. He fell away fast, and I began to look forward to his final departure, as an event that might occur at any hour. He did not seem to suffer, but his hold of life gradually gave way, and the spirit was about to take its departure, purely on account of the decayed condition of the earthly tenement in which it had so long dwelt, as the stork finally deserts the tottering chimney. About a week after this change, my son Miles came to me on deck, and informed me his dear mother desired to see me in the cabin. On going below, I was met by Lucy, with a face that denoted how solemn she felt was the char- acter of the intelligence sfle had to communicate. 464 MILES WALLINGFORD. "The moment is at hand, dear Miles," she said. "Our old friend is about to be called away." I felt a pang at this speech, though I had long expected the result. Many of the earlier and more adventurous years of my life passed rapidly in review before me, and I found the image of the dying man blended with nearly all. Whatever may have been his peculiarities, to me he had always been true. From the hour when I first shipped, as a runaway boy, on board the John, down to that hour, Moses Marble had proved himself a firm and disinterested friend to Miles Wallingford. "Is he conscious.?" I asked, anxiously. "When I last saw him, I thought his mind wandered a little." " Perhaps it did; but he is now more collected, if not en- tirely so. There is reason to think he has at length felt some of the influence of the Redeemer's sacrifice. For the last week, the proofs of this have been increasing." No more passed between Lucy and me, on the subject, at that time ; but I entered the cabin in which the cot of Mar- ble had been slung. It was a spacious, airy room, for a ship; one that had been expressly fitted by my orders, for the convenience of Lucy and her two daughters, but which those dear, self-denying creatures had early and cheerfully given up, to the possession of their old friend. As yet, I have not particularly spoken of these two girls, the eldest of whom was named Grace, and the youngest Lucy. At that time, the first was just fifteen, while her sis- ter was two years younger. By a singular coincidence, Grace resembled the women of my family most; while the latter, the dear, ingenuous, frank, pretty little thing, had so much likeness to her mother, when at the same time of life, that I often caught her in my arms, and kissed her, as she uttered some honest sentiment, or laughed joyously and melodiously, as had been the practice of her who bore her, twenty years before. On those occasions, Lucy would smile, and some- times a slight blush would suffuse her face; for I could see MILES WALLINGFORD. 465 she well understood the impulse which would so suddenly carry me off to the days of my boyhood and boyish affection. On the present solemn occasion both the girls were in the cabin, struggling to be calm, and doing all that lay in their power to solace the dying man. Grace, the oldest, was the most active and efficient, of course, her tender years induc- ing diffidence in her sister; still, that little image of her mother could not be kept entirely in the background, when the heart and desire to be useful were urging her to come out of herself, in order to share in her sister's duties. I found Marble quite sensible, and the anxious manner in which he slowly examined all the interested faces that were now gathered about his bed, proved how accurately he noted the present and the absent. Twice did he go over us all, ere he spoke in the husky tones that usually precede death. " Call Neb," he said — " I took leave of my mates, and of all the rest of the men, yesterday; but I consider Neb as one of the family, Miles, and left him for the last." This I knew to be true, though I purposely absented my- self from a scene that I well understood would have to be repeated in my case. Neb was summoned accordingly, not a syllable being uttered among us, until the black stood just without the circle of my own wife and children. Moses watched the arrangement jealously, and it seems he was dis- satisfied at seeing his old shipmate keeping so much aloof at that solemn and absorbing moment. ** You are but a nigger, I know. Neb," the old seaman got out, " but your heart would do honor to a king. It's next to Miles's, and that's as much as can be said of any man's. Come nearer, boy; none here will grudge you the liberty." Little Lucy drew back in an instant, and fairly pulled Neb into the place she herself had just before occupied. "Bless you for that, young 'un," said Marble. "I didn't know your mother when she^was of your age, but I can see that one cat-block is not more like another than you are like 30 466 MILES WALLINGFORD. what she was at your age ; keep that likeness up, my dear, and then your father will be as happy and fortinate in his darter as he has been in his wife. Well, nobody desarves his luck better than Miles — providential luck, I mean, my dear Madam Wallingford," interpreting a sorrowful ex- pression of Lucy's eyes aright ; " for thanks to your teach- ing, I now understand there is a divine director of all our fortins, whether ashore or afloat, black or white." " There is not a sparrow falls, Captain Marble," said the gentle, earnest voice of my wife, " that he does not note it." " Yes, so I understand it now, though once I thought little of such things. Thus, when we were wracked in the Dawn, Neb, it was by God's will, and with a design, like, to bring us three all on to our present fortin, and present frame of mind; should I ever use the word luck, ag'in, which I may be likely enough to do from habit, you are all to understand I mean what I call providential luck. Yes, Madam Wall- ingford, I comprehend it perfectly, and shall never forget your kindness, which has been to me the best turn of provi- dential luck that has ever happened. I've sent for you. Neb, to have a parting word, and to give you the advice of an old man before I quit this world altogether." Neb began to twist his fingers, and I could see tears glis- tening in his eyes; for his attachment to Marble was of very long standing and of proof. When men have gone through, together, as much as we three had experienced in company, indeed, the most trifling griefs of every-day life get to appear so insignificant, that our connection seems to be one of a nature altogether stronger than the commoner ties. "Yes, sah, Cap'in Marble, sah; what please to be your wish, sah? " asked the negro, struggling to subdue his grief. " To say a few words of advice, Neb, to take leave of my friends, and then to be struck off the shipping articles of life. Old age and hard sarvice, Neb, has made me veer cable to the better end. The stopper is working loose, and MILES WALLINGFORD. 467 a few more surges will leave the hulk adrift. The case is different with you, who are in your prime, and a prime chap be you on a yard or at the wheel. My parting advice to you, Neb, is, to hold out as you've begun. I don't say you're without failin's (what nigger is?), but you're a good fellow, and as sartin to be found in your place as the pumps. In the first place, you're a married man ; and, though your wife is only a negress, she's your wife, and you must stick to her through thick and thin. Take your master as an example, and obsarve how he loves and cherishes your mis- tress " [here Lucy pressed, gently, closer to my side] ; " and then, as to your children, bring 'em up accordin' to the ad- vice of Madam Wallingford. You can never sail under bet- ter instructions than hern, as I know, by experience. Be particular to make that Hector of yours knock off from swearing; he's begun, and what's begun in sin is pretty sartain to have an endin'. Talk to him, first, and, if that won't do, rope's-end it out of him. There's great vartue in ratlin stuff among boys. As for yourself, Neb, hold on as you have begun, and the Lord will have marcy on you be- fore the v'y'ge is up." Here Marble ceased from exhaustion ; though he made a sign to Neb not to move, as he had more to say. After resting a little, he felt under his pillow, whence he produced a very old tobacco-box, fumbled about until he had opened it, took a small bite, and shut the box again. All this was done very slowly, and with the uncertain, feeble movements of a dying man. When the lid was replaced, Marble held the box toward Neb, and resumed his address. " Use that for my sake, Neb," he said. " It is full of ex- cellent tobacco, and the box has the scent of thirty years in it — that being the time it has sailed in my company. That box has been in nine fights, seven wracks, and has seen more boat-sarvice than most London watermen, or any Whitehaller of 'em all. Among other e^plites, it has been round the world four times, besides having run the Straits of Magellan 468 MILES WALLINGFORD. in the dark, as might be — as your master and you know as well as I do. Take that box, therefore, lad, and be partic- ular, always, to put none but the best of pig-tail in it, fot it's used to that only. And now. Neb, a word about a little duty you're to do for me, when you get in. Ask your master, first, for leave, and then go up to Willow Cove and carry my blessin' to Kitty and her children. It's easy done, if a man sets about it in the right spirit. All you have to do is to go up to the Cove and say that I prayed to God to bless 'em all before I died. Do you think you can remember that?" " I try, Cap'in Marble, sah — yes, sah, I try all I can, dough I'm no scholar." " Perhaps you had better confide this office to me," said the musical voice of my wife. Marble was pleased, and he seemed every way disposed to accept the offer. "I didn't like to trouble you so much," he answered, " though I feel grateful for the offer. Well, then. Neb, you may leave the blessin' unsaid, as your mistress is so kind — hold on a bit; you can give it to Chloe and her little family — all but Hector, I mean, but not to him unless he knocks off swearing! As soon as he does that, why let him have his share. Now, Neb, give me your hand. Good-by, boy; you've been true to me, and God bless you for it. You are but a nigger, I know ; but there's One in whose eyes your soul is as precious as that of many a prince and priest." Neb shook hands with his old commander, broke out of the circle, rushed into the steerage, and blubbered like a baby. In the mean time Marble paused to recover his own self-possession, which had been a little disturbed by the feeling manifested by the black. As soon as he felt him- self a little composed, he hunted about his cot until he found two small paper boxes, each of which contained a very pretty ring, that it seemed he had purchased for this express purpose when last in port. These rings he gave to MILES WALLINGFORD. 469 my daughters, who received the presents sobbing, though with strong natural exhibitions of the friendly sentiments they entertained for him. " Your father and I have gone through many hardships and trials together," he said, "and I love you all even more than I love my own relations. I hope this is not wrong, Madam Wallingford, for it's out of my power to help it. I've already given my keepsakes to the boys, and to your parents, and I hope all of you will sometimes remember the poor old sea-dog that God, in his wisdom, threw like a waif in your way, that he might be benefited by your society. There's your polar star, young 'uns," pointing to my wife. " Keep God in mind always, and give to this righteous woman the second place in your hearts — not that I say a word, or think anything ag'in your father, who's a glorious fellow in his way, but, a'ter all, young women should copy a'ter their mothers, when they've such a mother as yourn, the best of fathers fallin' far astern, in gentleness and other vartues." The girls wept freely, and Marble, after waiting a few minutes, took a solemn leave of all my children, desiring everybody but Lucy and myself to quit the cabin. An hour passed in discourse with us two, during which Moses fre- quently exhorted me to give ear to the pious counsels of my wife, for he manifested much anxiety for the future welfare of my soul. " I've generalized a great deal over that affair of Smudge the whole of this v'y'ge," he continued, " and I've had some misgivings consarning the explite. Madam Wallingford, however, has eased my mind on that score by showing me how to lay the burthen of this, with all the rest of the load of my sins, on the love of Christ. I am resigned to go. Miles, for it is time, and I'm getting to be useless. It's wicked to wish to run a ship after her frame has worked loose, and nothing now fastens me to life but yoa. I own it's hard to part, and my mind has had some weakness on 4^0 MILES WALLINGFORD. the matter. However, Miles, my dear boy, for boy you are still in my eyes, there is comfort in looking ahead. Go by your wife's rules, and when the v'y'ge is up we shall all find ourselves in the same haven." " It gives me much happiness, Moses, to find you in this frame of mind," I answered. " Since you must quit us, you will not leave one behind of the name of Wallingford, that will not rejoice at this prospect for the future. As for your sins, God has both the power and the will to lighten you of their weight, when he finds you disposed to penitence, and to make use of the mediation of his blessed Son. If there is anything you desire to have done hereafter, this is a very proper time to let me know it." " I've made a will, Miles, and you'll find it in my desk. There are some trifles given to you and yourn, but you want not gold, and the rest all goes to Kitty and her children. There is a p'int, however, on which my mind is very onde- tarmined, and I will now lay it before you. Don't you think it more becoming for a seaman to be buried in blue water than to be tuck'd up in a churchyard? I do not like tombstones, having had too much of them in 'arly youth, and feel as if I want sea-room. What is your opinion, Miles?" " Decide for yourself. Your wishes will be our law." "Then roll me up in my cot and launch me overboard in the old way. I have sometimes thought it might be well to lie at my mother's side; but she'll excuse an old tar for pre- ferring blue water to one of your country churchyards." After this, I had several interviews with the old man, though he said nothing more on the subject of his inter- ment, that of his property, or that of his departure. Lucy read the Bible to him two or three times every day, and she prayed with him often. On one occasion I heard a low, sweet voice, near his cot, and taking a look, ascertained it was my little pet, my daughter Lucy, then only thirteen, reading a second time a chapter that her mother had gone MILES WALLINGFORD. 4^1 through only an hour before, with some of her own remarks. The comments were wanting now, but the voice had the same gentle earnestness, the same sweet modulations, and the same impressive distinctness as that of the mother! Marble lived until we had passed within the Gulf stream, dying easily and without a groan, with all my family. Neb, and the first mate assembled near his cot. The only thing that marked his end was a look of singular significance that he cast on my wife not a minute before he breathed his last. There he lay, the mere vestige of the robust, hardy seaman I had once known, a child in physical powers, and about to make the last great change. Material as were the altera- tions in the man, from what he had been when in his pride, I thought the spiritual or intellectual part of his being was less to be recognized than the bodily. Certainly that look was full of resignation and hope, and we had reason to be- lieve that this rude but honest creature was spared long enough to complete the primary object of his existence. In obedience to his own earnest request, though sorely against the feelings of my wife and daughters, I buried the body of my old friend in the ocean six days before we made the land. And now it remains only to speak of Lucy. I have de- ferred this agreeable duty to the last, passing over long years that were pregnant with many changes in order to con- clude with this delightful theme. The first few years of my married life were years of bliss to me. I lived under a constant sense of happiness — a happiness that man can derive only from a union with a woman of whom his reason and principles as much approve as his tastes and passion cherish. I do not mean to be un- derstood that the years which have succeeded were a whit less happy, for, in a certain sense, they have been more so, and have gone on increasing in happiness down to the present hour; but because time and use finally so far ac- customed me to this intimate connection with purity, virtue, 472 MILES VVALLINGFORD. female disinterestedness, and feminine delicacy, that I should have missed them, as things incorporated with my very existence, had I been suddenly deprived of my wife, quite as much as in the first years of my married life, I en- joyed them as things hitherto unknown to me. As I ride over the fields of Clawbonny, even at this day, I recall with tranquil delight, and I trust with humble grat- itude, the manner in which those blessed early years of our marriage passed. That was the period when every thought of mine was truly shared by Lucy. She accompanied me in my daily rides or drives, and listened to every suggestion that fell from my lips, with kind interest and the most in- dulgent attention, rendering me back thought for thought, feeling for feeling, laugh for laugh; and occasionally tear for tear. Not an emotion could become aroused in my breast that it did not meet with its reflection in hers; or a sense of the ludicrous be awakened, that her keen, but chastened humor did not increase its effect by sympathy. Those were the years in which were planned and executed the largest improvements for the buildings, pleasure- grounds, and fields of Clawbonny. We built extensively, not only out-houses and stables better suited to our present means, and more enlarged mode of living than those which existed in my father's time, but, as has been stated before, we added to the dwelling, preserving its pleasing confusion and irregularity of architecture. After passing the first summer which succeeded our marriage in this manner, I told Lucy it was time to stop building and improving my own place, in order that some attention might be bestowed on that she had inherited from Mrs. Bradfort, and which was also old family property. " Do not think of it. Miles," she said. " Keep Riversedge in good order, and no more. Rupert," who was then living, and in possession, "will see that nothing goes to waste; but Clawbonny, dear Clawbonny, is the true home of a Walling- ford — and I am now a Wallingford, you will remember. MILES WALLINGFORD. 4/3 Should this precious boy of ours live to become a man, and marry, the old Westchester property can be used by him, until we are ready to give him up possession here." This plan has not been literally carried out; for Miles, my eldest son, lives with us at Clawbonny in the summer; and his noisy boys are at this moment playing a game of ball in a field that has been expressly devoted to their amusements. The period which succeeded the first half dozen years of my union with Lucy was not less happy than the first had been; though it assumed a new character. Our children then came into the account, not as mere playthings, and little beings to be most tenderly loved and cared for, but as creatures that possess the image of God in their souls, and whose future characters, in a measure, depended on our in- struction. The manner in which Lucy governed her chil- dren and led them by gentle means to virtue and truth has always been a subject of the deepest admiration and grati- tude with me. Her rule has been truly one of love. I do not know that I ever heard her voice raised in anger to any human being, much less to her own offspring; but whenever reproof has come, it has come in the language of interest and affection, more or less qualified by severity, as circum- stances may have required. The result has been all that our fondest hopes could have led us to anticipate. When we travelled, it was with all our young people, and a new era of happiness, heightened by the strongest domestic affection, opened on us. All who have seen the world have experienced the manner in which our intellectual existences, as it might be, expand; but no one who has not experienced it can tell the deep, heartfelt satisfaction there is in receiv- ing this enlargement of the moral creature in close associa- tion with those we love most on earth. The manner in which Lucy enjoyed all she saw and learned on our first visit to the other hemisphere; her youngest child — all four of our children were born within the first eight years of 474 MILES WALLINGFORD. our marriage — her youngest child was then long past its in- fancy, and she had leisure to enjoy herself, in increasing the happiness of her offspring. She had improved her mind by reading; and her historical lore, in particular, was always ready to be produced for the common advantage. There was no ostentation in this; but everything was pro- duced just as if each had a right to its use. Then it was I felt the immense importance of having a companion, in an intellectual sense, in a wife. Lucy had always been intel- ligent; but I never fully understood her superiority in thi? respect until we travelled together amid the teeming recol- lections and scenes of the old world. That America is the greatest country of ancient or modern times I shall not deny. Everybody says it; and what everybody says must be true. Nevertheless, I will venture to hint that, cceteris paribus, and where there is the disposition to think at all, the intellectual existence of every American who goes to Europe is more than doubled in its intensity. This is the country of action, not of thought or speculation. M.QXiJollow out their facts to results, instead of reasoning them out. Then, the multiplicity of objects and events that exist in the old countries to quicken the powers of the mind has no parallel here. It is owing to this want of the present and the past which causes the American, the moment he becomes speculative, to run into the future. That future promises much, and, in a degree, may justify the weakness. Let us take heed, however, that it do not lead to disappointment. After all, I have found Lucy the most dear to me, and the most valuable companion, since we have both passed the age of fifty. Air is not more transparent than her pure mind, and I ever turn to it for counsel, sympathy, and sup- port, with a confidence and reliance that experience could alone justify. As we draw nearer to the close of life, I find my wife gradually loosening the ties of this world, her love for her husband and children excepted, and fastening her looks on a future world. In thus accomplishing with a MILES WALLINGFORD. 475 truth and nature that are unerringly accurate, the great end of her being, nothing repulsive, nothing that is in the least tinctured with bigotry, and nothing that is even alienated from the affections, or her duties in life, is mingled with her devotion. My family, like its female head, has ever been deeply impressed by religion; but it is religion in its most pleasing aspect; religion that has no taint of puritan- ism, and in which sin and innocent gayety are never con- founded. It is the most cheerful family of my acquaint- ance; and this, I must implicitly believe, solely because, in addition to the bounties it enjoys, under the blessing of God, it draws the just distinction between those things that the word of God has prohibited, and those which come from the excited and exaggerated feelings of a class of theo- logians, who, constantly preaching the doctrine of faith, have regulated their moral discipline solely, as if, in their hearts, they placed all their reliance on the efficacy of a school of good works that has had its existence in their own diseased imaginations. I feel the deepest gratitude to Lucy for having instilled the most profound sense of their duties into our children, while they remain totally free from cant, and from those exaggerations and professions which so many mistake for piety of purer emanation. Some of my readers may feel a curiosity to know how time has treated us elderly people, for elderly we have cer- tainly become. As for myself, I enjoy a green old age, and I believe look at least ten years younger than I am. This I attribute to temperance and exercise. Lucy was positively an attractive woman until turned of fifty, retaining even a good deal of her bloom down to that period of life. I think her handsome still; and old Neb, when in a flattering humor, is apt to speak of either of my daughters as his " handsome young missus," and of my wife as his " hand- some ole missus." And why should not Lucy Hardinge continue to retain many vestiges of those charms which rendered her so lovely 47^ MILES WALLINGFORD. in youth? Ingenuous, pure of mind, sincere, truthful, placid, and just, the soul could scarcely fail to communicate some of its blessed properties to that countenance which even now so sensitively reflects its best impulses. I repeat, Lucy is still handsome, and in my eyes even her charming daughters are less fair. That she has so long been, and is still my wife, forms not only the delight, but the pride of my life. It is a blessing, for which, I am not ashamed to say, I daily render thanks to God, on my knees. THE END. 0CT21197i 7 r* ^"^ TTCT? / - /. / ,^,-?.-.. BERKELEY LIBRARIES CD0ab23DE2 1 1 i ]' ! ! ! i ! ill