GIFT OF, Bureau of G overnmental Research lies THE CHARTER AND ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF ATLANTA CODE OF 1910 JAS. L. MAYSON, City Attorney WM. D. ELLIS, Jr., Assistant City Attorney Press of MUTUAL PUBLISHING CO. Atlanta, Georgia. Published by authority of THE MAYOR AND GENERAL COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATLANTA 1910 HON. R. F. MADDOX, Mayor. Published under supervision of HON. S. D. WARNOCK, Chairman. JUDGE JOHN S. CANDLER, HON. W. A. HANCOCK, Printing Committee. CHAPTER I. II. III. IV. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. XII. XIII. XIV. XV. XVI. XVII. XVIII. XIX, XX, XXI. XXII XXIII XXIV XXV XXVI XXVII Table of Contents Charter of 1874 as Amended, Pages 3-151. PAGES Corporate Name — Powers— Limits, §§1-7 3-5 Annexation of West End, §§ 8-23 6-11 Extension of City Limits by Amendment of 1908— An- nexing Territory on all Sides of the City— Cook's District— North Atlanta— Edgewood —South of Present Limits — Conditions, §§ 24-31 12-18 Extension of Limits by Amendment of 1909— Present Limits of the City, §§ 32-40 19-25 Territory Embraced by City for Police Purposes, §§ 41-54 2€-31 Mayor — Mayor pro tem., §§ 55-71 32-35 Legislative Department, §§ 72-102 36-42 Elections, §§ 103-120 • ■ 43-46 Taxation, §§ 121-144 47-52 City Tax Assessors and Receivers, §§ 145-147 .r 53 Collection of Taxes, §§ 148-158 54-55 City Marshal, §§ 159-172 • • 56-58 City Treasurer— Auditor, §§ 173-190 59-62 Finance, §§ 191-213 63-67 City Bonds, §§ 214-221 • • 68-70 City Comptroller, §§ 222-229 71-72 Department of Waterworks — Board of Water Com- missioners, §§ 230-289 73-88 Sewers and Drains, §§ 290-309 89-94 Board of Health, §§ 310-327 95-98 Public Works, Streets, Sidewalks, Grades, etc., §§ 328- 389 99-119 Police — Board of Police Commissioners, §§ 390-417 120-124 Recorder— Recorder's Court, §§418-428 125-127 Schools— Board of Education, §§ 429-435 128-129 City Attorney— Chief of Construction— Building In- spector, §§ 436-446 130-132 Chief of Construction, §§447-448 133 Clerk of City Council, §§ 449-455 134-135 Miscellaneous Powers and Provisions, Exercised and to be Enforced — Impeachments — General Council —Elections by People, §§ 450-502 • • 136-151 yjjj TABLE OF CONTENTS Ordinances, Pages 152-862. CHAPTER PAGES XXVIII. Auctioneers, §§ 503-506 152-153 XXIX. Auditor — Duties — Reports, §§ 507-515 154-155 XXX. Automobiles, Bicycles, Garage, §§516-552 156-165 XXXI. Bill Boards — ^Bill Posting — Their Election — Regula-. tion, §§ 553-560 • • 166-167 XXXII. Boards of Different Departments, §§ 561-577 168-171 XXXIII. Bond Commission — Duties — Members — Terms, §§578- 582 172-173 XXXIV. Building and Loan Associations, Banks, etc., §§ 583- 588 ..•• 174-175 XXXV. Building Inspector— Building Regulations, §§ 589-736 176-210 XXXVI. Cemeteries— Cemetery Commission, §§737-797 211-226 XXXVII. Chief of Construction — Inspection of Public Improve- ments—Sewers—Streets—Sidewalks, §§ 798-839 227-238 XXXVIII. Clerk of Council, §§ 840-852 239-243 XXXIX. Clubs, §§ 853-858 244-245 XL. Committees Appointed by Mayor from the 'General Council, §§ 859-868 246-249 XLI. Comptroller — Appropriations and Elxpenditures, §§ 869-905 250-259 XLII. Council Chamber— City Seal— City Colors, §§906- 908 260 XLIII. Courts and Trials— Convicts, §§909-950 261-272 XLIV. Elections for Mayor, Aldermen, and Councilmen, §§951-959 273-275 XLV. Electricity — Electric Wires — Board of Electrical Control — Superintendent of Electrical Affairs, §§ 960-10-46 276-297 XLVI. Fire Department — Board of Firemasters, §§ 1047- 1086 298-3'07 XLVII. Fires, Precautions against— Oils — Combustibles, §§1087-1132 308-319 XLVIII. Games of Chance— Turf EJxchanges, etc., §§1133- 1137 320-321 XLIX. Hacks, Drays, and Transfer Wagons. §§ 1138-1193. . 322-335 L. Health— Sanitary Department— Board of Health, §§1194-1392 336-388 LI. Horses and Mules— Cattle, Dogs, etc.— Cruelty to Animals, §§ 1393-1419 389-394 LII. Hospitals— Grady Hospital, §§1420-1430 396-398 CHAPTER LIII. LIV. LV. LVI. LVII . bVlII. UX. LX. LXI. Lxn. LXIII. LXIV. LXV. LXVI. LXVII. LXVIII. LXIX. LXX. LXXI. LrXXII. LXXIII. Lxxrv. LXXV. LXXVI. LXXVII . :xxviii . LXXIX. LXXX. table: of contents ix PAGES Junk Dealers, §§ 1431-1441 ....-• 399-403 Law Department— City Attorney, §§1442-1445 404-405 Libraries, Public— Carnegie Library, §§1446-1452.. 40C-407 License Inspector— Warden— Alms, §§1453-14" .. 408-417 Liquor Traffic, §§ 1478-1524 • • 418-429 Licenses— Registration of Business, §§ 1525-1549 . . 430-437 Marriages— Births— Deaths, §§1550-1560 438-440 Marshal — Executions — Tax Sales — City Weighers, Weights and Measures, §§ 1561-1615 441-454 Mayor— Mayor Pro Tern, §§ 1616-1625 455-457 Money Lenders — Install ments — Regulations, §§1020-1631 •■ 458-460 Near Beer — Regulations Governing License, Sale and Operation of Business — Penalties, §§ 1032- 1678 401-472 Nuisances, §§ 1679-1698 473-479 Officers — Ordinances Governing, §§ 1699-1727 480-489 Parks — Park Commission — Secretary — ^General Manager, §§1728-1761 490-497 Peace — Good Order and Morals — Ordinances to Pro- mote Same, §§ 1762-1855 498-520 Peddlers, Fruit Stands, Veteran and Other Licenses, §§ 1856-1904 521-535 Physicians, City— Medical Relief of Poor, §§ 1905- 1918 •• 53G-538 Police Department — Board of Police Commission- ers, §§ 1919-2075 539-582 Powder, §§ 2076-2080 583-584 Prison — Prisoners — Prison Committee — Stockade Prisoners, How Kept and Worked— Superin- tendent, Powers and Duties — Physicians, Du- ties, Bonds, Examinations, §§ 2081-2094 585-589 Railroad Companies — Duties as to Flagmen, Cross- ings, etc., §§ 2095-2129 590-600 Registration of Voters— Regulations, §§ 2130-3142. . 601-604 Restaurants, §§2143-2147 605-606 Sanitary Tax, §§ 2148-2150 • • 007 Sanitation — Sanitary Plumbing— Drainage, §§2151- 2298 608-637 Sewers, Permits, etc., §§ 2319-2362 644-656 Shooting Galleries, §§ 2363-2366 657 Schools— Board of Educaition, §§ 2299-2318 638-643 TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER LXXXI. LXXXII . LXXXIII. LXXXIV. LXXXV. LXXXVI . LXXXVII. LXXXVIII. LXXXIX. XC. XCI. XCII. XCIII. xcrv. XCV. PAGES Shows, Circu'3 Performances, Rinks, Flying Jen- nies, etc., §§ 2367-2372 G5S-CG0 Sinliing Fund Commission, §§2373-2383 GG1GG4 Specifications— Standard Forms, §§ 2384-2396 GG5-699 Stables, Livery and Private — Regulations, §§ 2397- 2401 700-701 Streets and Alleys, §§ 2402-2677 (a) 702-757 Street Improvement Collector, §§2678-2694 .-. 758-763 Street Railroad Companies, §§ 2695-2766 . 764-783 Tax Collector — ^Assessors and Receivers, §§ 2767- 2820 784-801 Ticket Brokers, §§ 2821-2828 802-805 Theatres — Opera Houses — Hotels, etc. Theatre Regulations, §§2829-2908 806-828 Treasurer, §§ 2909-2915 829-832 Wagon Yards, §§ 2916-2920 833 Wards, §§ 2921-2938 ■ • 834-841 Waterworks, §§ 2939-2997 842-859 Weights and Measures, §§2998-3003 860-862 Appendix 865-872 CHARTER— XAMt:— LIMITS Charter of 1874 as Amended. CHAPTER 1. Section 1. Corporate Name — Powers. — llic inhabitants of the territory liereinafter designated are hereby continued corpor- ate by the name and style of THE CITY OF ATLANTA, a body politic and corporate, with power to govern themselves ])y such ordinances, resolutions and by-laws for municipal purposes as they may deem proper, not in conflict wit'h this Charter, nor the Constitution and laws of this State, nor of the United States. with power, in and by said corporate name, to contract and be contracted with, sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, in all the Courts of this State, and do all other acts relating to its cor- porate capacity ; and shall be able, in law^. to purcTiase, hold, re- ceive, enjoy, possess and retain for the use and benefit of the said City of Atlanta, in perpetuity or for any term of years, any es- tate or estates, real or personal, lands, tenements, hereditaments of whatever kind or nature so ever, within the limits or without the limits of said City, for corporate purposes ; to hold all property and effects now belonging to said City, either in her name or in t'hc name of others, to the use of said City, for the purposes and intents, for which the same were granted, or dedicated ; to use. manage and improve, sell, and convey, rent or lease, and have the like powers over property hereafter acquired, and to have arnl use a common seal. LIMITS. Sec. 2. Corporate Limits — One and Three-Fourths Miles. — The corporate limits of said City shall extend one mile and three-fourths in each and every direction from a stone post or column standing in the Eastern corner of the Union Passenger Depot in ^aid City — that is to say, the corporate limits shall form a perfect circle around said stone post or column, the ra dius of which sliall be one mile and three-fourths. Sec. 3. Inman Park Extension. — Also beginning at the inter section of the present City limits and the Georgia railroad track, and running thence Northeasterly along said track of said Geor- gia Railroad to t'hc dividing line between Fulton County and DeKalb County: thence running North along said dividing line 4 CHARTER— EXTENSIONS between said Counties to the intersection of said dividing line with the Northeasterly line of Augusta Avenue, projected to in- tersect said County dividing line ; thence along said Northeast- erly line of said Augusta Avenue in a Northwesterly direction to the intersection of the Northwesterly line of Highland Avenue, and said Northeasterly line of said Augusta Avenue projected ; thence Southwesterly along said Northwesterly line of said Highland Avenue to its intersection with the present City lim- its : thence along the line of fhe present City limits of the City of Atlanta to the point of beginning. The territory above de- scribed shall be and constitute a part of the Fourth Ward of said City of Atlanta immediately after the passage of this Act. Sec. 4. Further Extension. — In addition to t'he territory here- inbefore mentioned, the said limits of the City of Atlanta shall be extended along the tracks of the Georgia Railroad to the line dividing the property formerly owned by Mrs. R. M. Clarke, and now owned by the East Atlanta Land Company, from the place owned by Mrs. Ed Holland, and t'hence Northwardly along said line, along the property of the East Atlanta Land Company, and thence Westwardly along the line of said Company back to the present limits of the City of Atlanta. Sec. 5. Peachtree Street Extension. — Also beginning at the present City limits at a point two hundred (200) feet West of West Peachtree Street, thence running Northwardly parallel with West Peac'htree Street, and two hundred feet West of said Street to a point two hundred (200) feet North and beyond Fif- teenth Street, thence East parallel with Fifteenth Street and two hundred feet beyond same to Piedmont Avenue, thence Northeastwardly along t'he East side of Piedmont Avenue to the West side of the right-of-way of the Southern Railway, and thence Southwardly along the West side of said right-of-way to its intersection with William's Mill Road, and t'hence along Wil- liam's Mill Road to Prospect Street, thence along Prospect Street to the present City limits, thence Westwardly in a curve along said City limits to the beginning point. Sec. 6. Eight Ward Extension — Representation. — The new Eighth Ward created under the provisions of t'his Act (1904) shall be entitled to two Cuncilmen and one Alderman, one Coun- cilman to be elected for one year and one for two years, their CHARTER— KXTENSION successors for two years each, and the same shall be elected at the next municipal election ; and the citizens of said newly an - nexed territory shall be entitled upon compliance with the regu- lations applying to the other citizens of Atlanta, so far as thev may be applicable, to vote in said election; and the citizens liv- ing in the new Eighth Ward, as created by this Act. shall be entitled to all the riglits and privileges of other citizens of At- lanta, and such citizens shall be given the same right and repre- sentation in the municipal government of said City as is now secured, and guaranteed to various wards in said City of Atlanta. Sec, 7. Grant Park Extension. — The territory in i'ulton County outside of the present corporate limits of the City of At- lanta contiguous to L. P. Grant Park, and for one mile in each and every direction from said Park, is incorporated under tlie jurisdiction of said City. t HAKTKR— WKST IO\D CHAPTER II. ANXEXATION OF WEST END. Sec. 8. West End — Seventh Ward. — The territory known as ihc City of West End shall be annexed to and shall become a part of the City of Atlanta, said territory being described as fol- lows : Commencing where the original land line between land lots number 108 and number 109 crosses the present corporate limits of the City of Atlanta on the West, and running from thence West along the North line of land lots 108 and 117 to the Northwest corner of said land lot 117; from tlience running South along the West line of land lots 117 and 118 to the South- west corner of land lot 118; from thence East along the South line of land lots 118 and 107 to the Central Railroad ; thence in a straight line in a Northeasterly direction to a point where Humphries Street crosses the present corporate limits of the City of Atlanta, as shown by Cooper's map of Atlanta; and from thence along the present corporate limits of the Lity of Atlanta lo the beginning point. Sec. 9. Ordinances of Atlanta Extended to — Collection of Bal- ances Due West End. — In all cases, except where expressly ex- cepted in this .Vet, all laws and ordinances, w'hether general or special, now applicable and in force in the City of Atlanta as now constituted, shall he applicable and of force in the territory now known as West End, as described above. Laws for the col- lection of balances due W'est End, as well as for preserving or- der, are covered by this section. Sec. 10. Separate Ward — Boundaries Unchanged. — Said ter- ritory, now known as West V.nd and described above, shall by itself be a separate and distinct ward of the City of Atlanta, and shall be known and designated as tlie Seventh Ward of the City of .\tlanta. and shall in the future he and remain a separate dis- tinct ward with the boundaries unchanged, except as the same may he enlarged by and with the consent of two-thirds of tlie general council of the City of Atlanta. Sec. 11. — Councilmen — Aldermen — How Many. — Said terri- CHARTKR— AVKST KXD tory, when it shall become the seventh Ward of the City of At- lanta, shall be entitled to only one Councilman for the next five years from the date of annexation, unless said territory shall sooner contain five thousand or more inhabitants, then, and in that event, said Seventh Ward shall be entitled to two Council - men equally with the other wards of said City. The first Coun- cilman for said Ward shall be elected in the same manner and under the same rules and regulations as shall be the aldermen and Councilmen for the other wards of the City of Atlanta at the next general City election, that is, at the general City election to take place in the City of Atlanta. The present territory of West End shall participate in said general election just as if it were then a part of the territory of the City of Atlanta, and the citizens thereof shall vote for the full City ofifices, including their own Councilmen. as do the other citizens of Atlanta, the citizens of West End being constituted citizens of Atlanta for the pur- poses of said election. Said Councilman at said election chosen shall serve for the term of two years, and at every other election a new Councilman for the Seventh Ward shall be elected. P.ut the citizens of the Seventh Ward shall participate equally with the other citizens of Atlanta in every City election, whether a Cojncilman shall at said election be elected for the Seventh Ward or not. If the said Seventh Ward does not before said time con ain five thousand or more inhabitants, then, at the general City election to be held in the fall of the year 1898, there s'hall be a new Councilman chosen by the City as all other Councilmen are rhosen. to represent the Seventh Ward of said City for a term of two years, and a new Councilman s'hall thereafter be elected for said ward at each City election just as Councilmen are elected for the other wards of said City. If before five years from January ]. 3894. the said Seventh Ward shall contain five thousand people, then at the next City election thereafter lield. a ne.v Councilman shall be elected to represent the Seventh Ward. If it so happens that the original Councilman provided for in this Act is also to be elected at said last-mentioned elec- tion, then the term of ofilice of the new Councilman at said elec- tion to be elected shall be for only one year, and each year there- after at each City election a Councilman shall be elected to rep- resent the Seventh Ward. Sec. 12. Representation — Boards. — If, liereafter, the wards of the City of Atlanta shall, as such, become entitled to representa- tion bv an Alderman each. then, and in that event, the Seventh Q CHARTER— "WEST END Ward shall have fhe same right with the other wards of the City to such representation. Said Seventh Ward shall also have the same representation as do the other wards of said City upon the Board of Education, the Board of Water Commissioners, the Board of Health, and upon the other Boards as by law now or hereafter to be provided in the case of other wards ; and to that end, said Boards shall be enlarged by adding thereto the repre- sentative from the Seventh Ward, who shall hold for such ten- ure as the ordinances prescribe. At the second meeting of the Council in January, 1894, there shall be an election for the pur- pose of adding to said Board the representatives allowed for the Seventh Ward. Those then elected shall hold their office until there is a regular election under the charter of the City of At- lanta to elect the members of said Boards, and at said regular election, and always thereafter, the representatives on said Boards from the Seventh Ward shall be elected as are members from other wards. Sec. 13. Rights of West End Preserved — Contracts of. Pre- served — Liens Preserved. — Except as the laws may be changed or modified by the laws and charter of the City of Atlanta, slid City shall succeed to and preserve and carry out all the riglits of West End, whether they exist by reason of contract or otherwise, and especially will Atlanta preserve to the citizens of the Sev- enth Ward all the rig'hts that the citizens of the City of ^^est End now have as to street railroad franchises, grants, or condi- tional grants. And in enforcing any contract or lien received from the City of West End under this contract, the City o: At- lanta shall have and exercise all the riglits and remedies that the City of West End, or its citizens, had or may have had ; and in addition the said City of Atlanta shall have all the riglits and remedies, which West End now has to enforce said contracts or liens so received, this power to apply to executions for taxes and assessments for local improvements of any kind. Sec. 14. Bonded Indebtedness of West End Assumed — Assets of West End Vested in Atlanta— Assets Named. — Atlanta shall, and by the Act does, assume the ))on(led indebtedness of West End. which amounts to the sum of $52,000.00, and on January 1. 1894, said City of Atlanta shall, by virtue of this Act. and by vir- tue of the agreement made by and between the City of Atlanta and the City of West End. and without any furtlier writing or conveyance, become invested with the absolute title and owner- CHARTER— AVEST END g ship, control and rights of disposition of all the municipal assets and property of West End. The assets of West End, which l)y this Act shall become the property of Atlanta, are : Gordon Street lot, 75 x 100 feet. Impounding- lot, west of school lot. ,A triangular lot, 60 x 60 feet Railroad Avenue and Oak Street. , The City interest in the school building and lot on Lee Street, the City's interest estimated at $22,000.00. Such tax fi fas and claims for street improvements, sewer and sidewalks not collected by the City of West End on January 1. 1894. . Mules, carts, wagons, harness and iron safe. It is the purpose of this Act to invest the City of Atlanta with the full title of the property above described at the date aforesaid, and with title to all other assets belonging to West End. Jan- uary 14, 1894. Uncollected executions for taxes or assessments, whether due to West End or transferees, shall be enforced by levy and sale by tTie Marshal of Atlanta, subject to redemption, as in tax sales. The City of Atlanta also assumes and agrees to accpiire by pur- chase or otherwise all the right, title and interest that private citizens have in and to said house and lot, provided the same does not cost more than $6,000.00, and shall keep and hold the sole and complete title to the same for school purposes. Sec. 15. Manufacture and Sale of Liquors Prohibited. — The manufacture and sale of alcoholic, spirituous and malt licjuors shall, however, be prohibited within the territory now known as West End. and in the adjacent territory outside oi Atlanta, as now provided by the charter of West End. Sec. 16. Lights — Hew Many Maintained — Contract for Pre- served. — Within the territory now known as West End. the City of Atlanta shall maintain twenty arc lights until the termination of the present contract of the City of West End with the Atlanta Gas Company. After the termination of said contract, five addi- tional arc lights shall -be maintained by the City of Atlanta in said territory. The City of Atlanta shall assume and carry out with the Atlanta Gas Light Company the contract tlie Citv of West End has with the said Company, said contract providing that the City of West End shall pay for fifty gas lamps, SL152.0(> per year. IQ CHARTER— WEST EJVD Sec. 17. Sanitary Service. — The City of Atlanta shall have performed for the West End territory the same amount and kind of sanitary service on the same terms as to sanitary taxes as are or may hereafter be enjoyed by the balance of the City of At- lanta. Sec. 18. Fire Engine House — Men — ^Engines. — The City of Atlanta shall in the year ]89-i build a brick fire engine house in the present territory of \\ est End, and equip the same with engine, hose, hose-reel, horses and with such other ecjuipment as are necessary, at an estimated cost of $6,850.00. Said City shall man said fire engine 'house and its equipments with a company of not less than five men. and said Company shall serve West End. and so much of Atlanta as practicable. Sec. 19. Schools — Teachers, How Many, — The City of At- lanta shall maintain upon the present school kit an eight grade grammar school equal to the other grammar schools in the City of Atlanta, and not less than eight teachers. Said City shall also carry out the present contract made by the City of West End with the teachers now employed by the City of West End. and no c'hange of books, curriculum, or contracts of teachers of the present West End school shall be made until after the Spring Term of 1904. The present teachers, books, and curriculum shall be retained by the Board of Education of the City of At- lanta until the end of the Spring Term of 1894, said teachers be- ing always subject to removal for cause. Sec. 20. Police Protection. — The present territory ef Wesi End shall be by the City of Atlanta furnished with proper police protection, which shall be increased, as occasion may demand as is provided in the otlier parts of the City of Atlanta. Sec. 21. Sewers — Four Trunk — Lateral Sewers. — Said City of Atlanta shall herself, out of the public treasury and without private cost to the citizens of the proposed Seventh Ward, buil 1 to the present corporate limits of the City of West End four trunk sewers in the territory of \\ est End, called for by th*' sewer survey of said territory made thereof by the engineer under the direction of the City of West End, and shown by plan or man of the proposed sewers of said territory. Said trunk sewers es- timated to cost the sum (^f $82,000.00. The sum of $15,000.00 CIIARTEU— AVKST EXD 11 shall be by the City of Atlanta expended in building said sewers in fhe year 1894, and the balance as soon as practicable. All other lateral and other main sewers shall be constructed on the same basis and system as to assessment and otherwise as now obtained or may hereafter be provided by the charter of the City of Atlanta, Sec. 22. Water Mains in Certain Streets — Fire, Sanitary and Domestic Service. — The City of Atlanta stiall also, as early as practicable after January 1, 1894, lay water mains in the pres- ent territory of West End on Lee Street from West End .\ve- nue to Beec'her; on West End Avenue from Lee to Ashby ; on Park Street from Peters to Ashby ; on Ashby Street from West End Avenue to Baugh ; on Oak Street from Peters to Ashby ; on Peeples from Porter Avenue to Baugh ; on Gordon Street from Lee to Holderness ; on Lawton Street from Gordon to Bawgh ; on Baugh from Ashby to Lee ; on Irwin Street from Ash- by to Lee ; on Peters Street from Park to Oak, from whicli wa- ter shall be supplied for fire, sanitary, and domestic purposes at the same rate as is charged other parts of the City of Atlanta. Sec. 23. Penalty for Violation of Act of Annexation. — C^pon the violation of any of the provisions of this Act, or upon the failure to perform any part thereof, any ten citizens of the terri- tory of West End may enforce compliance therewith on the part of the City of Atlanta by petition for injunction, application for mandamus, or by any other appropriate legal remedy in the Su- perior Court of Fulton County, or in any other Court having jurisdiction thereof. 12 CHARTER— EXTEN SI O.N 1908 CHAPTER III. EXTENSION OE CITY LIMITS BY AMENDMENT OF 1908— ANNEXING TERRITORY ON ALL SIDES OE THE CITY— COOK'S DISTRICT— NORTH AT- LANTA—EAST ATLANTA— EDGEWOOD— AND SOUTH OE PRESENT LIMITS.— CONDITIONS. Sec. 24. General Extension. — That the limits of the City ot Atlanta be extended beyond the limits as now defined so as to take in new territory included between the present limits and the following boundary line: Commencing- at a point on the Northern line of land lot 109 in the 17th district of Fulton Coun- ty, where the same crosses the Peachtree Road and running thence East along the North line of said land lot to the North- east corner of said lot; thence South to the Sout'h side of the Belt Line Railroad; thence East to the East side of the right-of-way of the Southern Railway ; thence Soufherly along the East side of the right-of-way of the said railway to a point where same crosses the North line of land lot No. 17 ; thence due East along tTie North lines of land lots Nos. 17 and 16 in the 14th district of Fulton County to the County line between Fulton and De- Kalb Counties; thence North along said County line to where the same intersects the North line of land lot 241 of the 15th district of DeKalb County ; thence East along the North lines of land lots Nos. 241 and 242 of the 15th district of DeKalb County, to the East line of land lot 242 of said district thence Southerly along the East line of land lots 242 and 239 of said 15th district to the corporate limits of the Town of Edgewood ; t'hence East- erly along said corporate limits to the extreme Eastern corner of said Town ; thence Southerly along the corporate limits of said Town to a point where same stop South of the railroad ; thence Westwardly along tlie corporate limits of said Town to the East line of land lot 210 of said 15th district ; thence South along the East line of said land lot to the South line of the corporate lim- its of said Town of Edgewood ; thence West along said corpor- ate limits to the east line of land lot No. 208 of said 15th district of DeKalb County ; t'hence South along the East line of land lots Nos. 208, 177 and 176 of said district to the South line of said CHARTER— EXTENSION 1908 13 land lot 176 of said district in DeKalb County; thence West along the South line of land lot No. 176 to the Southwest corner of said land lot; thence North along the West line of said land lot to a point 200 feet South of New Flat Shoals Road or Maga- zine Street; thence due West to the East line of the right-of- way of the Atlanta & West Point Belt Line ; thence in a South- westerly direction along the Southeast and Southwest boundary of t'he right-of-way of said Belt Line to the corporate limits of Oakland City; thence Northerly along said limits to the extreme Northeast corner of Oakland City; thence along said limits to where same touch the East line of land lot No. 138; thence North along t'he line of said land lot and East line of land lot 139 to the Souttiwest side of the right «f way of the L. & N. Railway; thence along the West side of said right-of-way to Gordon Street ; thence Nortliwesterly along Gordon Street or Road to the East line of land lot 173 ; thence North along the East line of land lots Nos. 173 and 171 to the Northern limits of Battle Hill : thence East along the Northern limits of Battle Hill to the Easterly line or Northeast corner of Battle Hill, and thence due East to the West side of the right-of-way of the L. & N. Railway; thence Northwest along the West side of the right-of-way of said Rail- road to its intersection with t'he East line of land lot 144 ; thence North along the East line of land lots Nos. 144 and 190 of said district to Marietta St.; thence Southeasterly along Marietta Street to Exposition Street; thence Easterly along Exposition Street to the East side of Carrie Street as shown on the plat of the Jos. E. Brown estate; thence running in a Northeasterly di- rection along the East side of said Street and across Lee Ave- nue continuing in a straight line with the East side of Carrie Street to the Howell Mill Road ; and thence in a Northerly di- lection along said road to the Southeast boundary of the right- of-way of the Belt Line ; thence Northeasterly along said right- of-way to a point 200 feet North of North Street (also called 14th Street) ; thence Easterly 200 feet Nort'h of North Street (also called 14th Street) to a point 600 feet East of the West line of land lot No. 107 of the 17th district of Fulton County; thence due North to the North line of land lot No. 109 of t'he last named district; thence due East to the beginning point; Pro- vided, That so much of the territory of the Town of Edgewood as lies South and Southeast of the North and Northwest boun- dary of the right-of-way of the Georgia Railway and Electric Company, known as the South Decatur line, shall not be includecT 14 CHARTER— EXTENSIOIV 1908 within the City of Atlanta, as extended by the foregoing- provis- ions, but shall be and is hereby excluded therefrom. Sec. 25. Repealing Old Ward Lines — West End — 6th, 4th and 8th Wards. — That the provisions of the present Charter of the City of Atlanta codified as Section 4 of the City Code of At- lanta of 1899 fixing t'he limits of West End as the Seventh Ward of Atlanta, and the provisions of said Charter, codified as Sec- tion 29 of said Code fixing the limits of the Sixth Ward, and the further provisions of an amendment to said c'harter, under the Act of 1904, fixing the limits of the Eighth Ward and of Fourth and h'ifth Wards, be and the same are hereby repealed and all other provisons of the Charter of the City of Atlanta wliereby special districts are set apart as separate Wards and special priv- ileges, representations and local benefits are prescribed therefor be, and the same are, hereby repealed. Sec. 26. East Atlanta and Edgewood and Copenhill Sections Became Part of City January, 1909. — That the provisions of this Act providing for the annexing of the territory as above de- scribed shall become effective on and after January 1, 1910, and all of said territory shall thereafter be included within the cor- porate limits of the City of Atlanta and all of t'he residents of said added territory shall thereafter become citizens of the City of Atlanta provided that the provisions of this Act as to the fol- lowing territory is hereby made effective on January 1, 1909, and the following territory is hereby made a part of the corporate limits of the City of Atlanta and the residents made citizens of the City of Atlanta from and after January 1, 1909: Commenc- ing at the present City limits on the right-of-way of the Southern Railroad where said riglit-of-way crosses the South line of land lot No. 53 and running thence Easterly along the South line < f land lots No. 53 and land lot one (1) of the 14th district of l-'ul- ton County, Georgia, to the DeKalb County line; thence North- erly to the line of land lot No. 241 of t'he 15th district of DeKalb County, Georgia, and thence Easterly along the North line of land lots Nos, 241 and 242 to the Northeast corner of land lot No. 242 ; thence Soutlierly along the East line of land lots Nos, 242 and 239 to the present corporate limits of the Town of Edge- wood ; thence along said limits to the Southeast corner of said Town ; thence Westerly along said limits to the East line of land lot No. 208 ; thence Southerly along the East line of said land lots Nos. 208, 177 and 176 of the 15th district of DeKalb CHAKTKR^KXTKXSIO.N liMKH Jg County, Georgia, to the South line of said land lot No. 176; thence Westerly alony; the South line of said land lot Xo. 176 to a point midway between the Southeast and Southwest corners of said land lot ; thence North to a point 200 feet South from the Flat Shoals Road ; thence continuini^ in a Northwest direction 200 feet West from Flat Shoals Road to a point 200 feet South- east of the Magazine or New Flat Shoals Road : thence Westerly 200 feet South of said Magazine Road to the West line of said land lot ; thence due West to the present limits of the City of Atlanta; thence in a Northerly direction along the present limits of the City of Atlanta to the point of beginning. Sec. 27. Edgewood — Special Conditions. — That the City of Atlanta, in taking over the property and territory of the Town of Edgewood, as herein provided, shall agree to the following terms and same are hereby made conditions of said annexations: 1st. — Nothing less than the present Town limits of the Town of Edgewood are hereby made a Ward of the City of Atlanta, but said A\ ard shall have added to same as much as the Mayor and General Council shall provide in passing ordi- nances re-adjusting the City of Atlanta and making eftective the terms of this Act. 2nd. — The City of Atlanta shall assume all bonded and othej- debts of the Town of Edgewood and same arc hereby made a part of the bonds and debts of the City of Atlanta wdien the ])r()\-isions of this Act become eitective. All the ])r()i)- erty, real, personal, choses in action and money belonging to the Town of Edgewood shall become the property of the City of Atlanta to be delivered in the possession and con- trol of its officers on the date the terms of this Act become effective. 3rd. — The City of Atlanta shall maintain an electric light system in the Town of Edgewood, as good as at present provided for, and shall assume all existing contracts of the Town of Edgewood for such purposes; provided, however, that the City of Atlanta shall not assume nor be required to do anv thing or carry out any contract, under the terms of this Act, that would be in any way unfair or affect its rights to col- lect from the Georgia Railway and Electric Company the 16 CHARTER— EXTEKSIOX 1908 percentage tax now paid the City by said Company on gross receipts of sale of electric current for light, power and other purposes, under existing ordinances and contracts. 4th, — The City of Atlanta shall maintain the two schools now maintained by the Town of Edgewood, but the Board of Education shall have full control over said schools, and are hereby empowered to increase the attendance tliereof from other sections of the City, provided, that the present teach- ers and those elected for the ensuing year are to be retained in said schools during t'he term for which they have been elected, and also, that the present salaried officer of the Town of Edgewood shall be retained by the City of Atlanta for the remainder of the term for whcih "he has been elected. 5th. — The sale of intoxicating liquor is prohibited within the ter- ritory now covered by the limits of t'he Town of Edgewood and the sale of intoxicating liquors shall not hereafter be licensed by the City of Atlanta therein. 6th. — The main streets of the Town of Edgewood shall be paved wifh chert or other pavement, as may be deemed best by the authorities of the City of Atlanta, and City water and sewerage be provided for said streets as soon as conditions will justify. 7th. — That the present contracts held by the Town of Edgewood with the Street Railway Company, its successors and as- signs, as now maintained as to service and fares, tlie same being the conditions upon w'hich the franchise of said Rail- way Company maintain and operate its lines within the lim- its of the Town of Edgewood shall be and the same are hereby preserved and continued of force, and it shall be the duty of the City of Atlanta to see that the terms thereof are complied with by said Railway Company, and it shall be the duty of the Railway Company to continue its service and fares to the people within t'he limits of the Town of Edgewood as heretofore fixed by the franchise granted said Railway Company by the Town of Edgewood. 8th. — The income of the Town of Edgewood for the year 1908, as collected up to t'he 1st of January, 1909, may be expended by the present City Council of Edgewood for the support of its electric plant, its schools and upon its streets and in the administrative department of said Town. ( HAUTER— EXTE.\SIO.\ 19C3 ^7 Sec. 28. East Atlanta— Conditions. — That the section known as East Atlanta, which is included in the limits as above pro- vided, shall have proper representation in the General Council from the Ward to which it is attached as are other sections of the City : tliat the City shall pay the obligations now resting on the Board of Trustees by the employment of teachers in the schools now serving said section : that said section shall also have such police protection as other sections of the City of Atlanta now have, looking towards the safeguarding of the homes of the citizens of said section as other parts of the City of Atlanta simi- larly situated, so as to give water and fire protection as soon as same can be done by the authorities of the City of Atlanta ; that adequate school facilities shall be furnished to said section ; that sewer and street mains shall be put down in this section as soon as conditions will justify it; that the High Schools of Atlanta shall be open to the residents of this section as soon as said terri- tory becomes a part of thcCitv of Atlanta. Sec. 29. Part of Land Lot 176— Police Purposes.— That the portion of the Western half of land lot Xo. 176 in the 15th district of DeKalb County, which portion lies 200 feet West of Flat Shoals Road and 200 feet South of Magazine Road, except that portion of said lot as may be included in any of the terms of the foregoing Sections be, and the same are, hereby incorporated within the limits of the City of Atlanta for police purposes and shall be subject to all the ordinances of the City of Atlanta look- ing towards the enforcement of peace, good order and health. Section 30. Edgewood— To Be Part of Ward in 1909.— That the Mayor and General Council of the City of Atlanta shall pro- vide that the territory of the Town of Edgewood within the County of DeKalb, which this Act provides shall become a part of the City of Atlanta on January 1, 1909, on or before said date, whereby said territory shall become one of the Wards of the City together with such added territory as said :\Iayor and Gen- eral Council may ordain shall become a part thereof. But this provision shall be subject to the terms of the Section following this whereby it is made the duty of the Mayor and General Coun- cil to redistrict the entire limits of the City of Atlanta during the year ]908 so as to adjust same to new limits herein provided for. Sec. 31. Redistrict City in 1909.— That the Mayor and Gen- eral Council of the City of Atlanta shall, during the vear 1909, < II AUTint KXTK\SIO\ lOQS redistrict the territory covered by the old as well as the new lim- its of the City, being the territory within the limits as prescribed by tliis Act, and divide same into Wards, not exceeding ten, hav- ing reference to population and territory, in order that all sec- tions of the City may be fairly represented in the General Coun- cil and each of the Wards as so arranged, shall be entitled to one Alderman and two Councilmen, and likewise, shall be entitled to representations on the Boards and Commissions of the City, as the present and future ordinances may provide. Said Mayor and General Council are hereby authorized to provide, by ordi- nance, for all changes necessary to re-adjust the City to the new limits for all the purposes of police, fire, sanitation, schools, and any and all other public i)urposes served or to be served by the Citv of Atlanta. CHAUTEK— KXTE>SIO> 1909 \\) CHAPTER IV. EXTENSION OE CITY LIMITS BY AMENDMENT OF 1909— THE PRESENT LIMITS OE THE CITY. Sec. 32. General Extension. — The limits of the City of At- lanta be extended beyond the limits as now defined or added to. so as to take in new territory between the present limits and the following boundary line, and to incorporate all the inhabitants within the following territory within the limits of the City of Atlanta: Commencing at a point on the Northern line of land lot No. 109 of the 17th District of Fulton County, wdiere same crosses the Peachtree road, and running thence east along the North line of said land lot to the Northeast corner of said lot : thence South to the South, side of the belt line of Southern Rail- road ; thence East to the East side of the right-of-way of the Southern Railway; thence Southerly along the east side of the right-of-way of the said railw-ay to a point wdiere the same crosses the North line of land lot No. 17 ; thence due east along the Northern line of land lots Nos. 17 and 16. in the 14th district of Fulton County, to the county line between I'ulton and De- Kalb Counties, thence North along said county line to where the same intersects the North line of land lot 241 of the 15th District of DeKalb County, thence East along the North lines of land lots 241 and 242 of the 15th District of DeKalb County to the East line of land lot 242 of said District, thence South along the East line of said land lot 242 to the Northwest corner of land lot 2:)S of said District, thence East along the North line of said land lot 238 to a point directly North of a point on the South line of the right-of-wa}- of the Georgia Railroad and Banking Company. which point is immediately opposite and South of the line be- tween the land of M. H. Hayes and Mrs. S. A. Hull, being a point fixing the boundaries of the Town of Edgewood, under Act approved August 27th, 1906. thence directly South in a straight line to said point on said right-of-way, thence Westerly along the South line of said right-of-way to the center of Clay Street ; thence South along the center of Clay Street to the North line of the right-of-way of Georgia Railway and Electric Company : thence in a Westerly and Southerly direction along the North line of said right-of-way to a point 200 feet South of Boulevard 2Q CHAUTKR— EXTENSION 1909 DeKalb. thence West in a line parallel wit'h Boulevard DeKalb and 200 feet South thereof, to the East land lot line of land lot 208 of said 15th District, thence South along the East land lots lines of land lots 208, 177, 176 of said 15th District to the South- east corner of said land lot 176. thence west along the South land lot line of said land lot 176. to the Southwest corner thereof ; thence North along the West land lot lines of said land lots 176 and 177 to a point 200 feet South of Glenwood Avenue; thence Westerly in a line 200 feet South of and parallel with said Glen- wood Avenue to the East line of the right-of-way of Atlanta and West Point Railway Company ; thence in a Southwesterly direc- tion along the Southeast line of said right-of-way to a point 500 feet East of Hill Street; thence South in a line parallel with Hill Street to the North line of the riglit-of-way of the Southern Railroad Company ; thence Northwesterly along the North line of said right-of-way to a point opposite the South line of Milton Reed Avenue ; t'hence Westerly to and along the South line of Milton Reed Avenue to its terminus, thence Westerly to the South line of Brown Street at its Eastern terminus; thence Wes- terly along the South side of Brown Street to West land lot line of land lot 56, 34th District of Fulton County; thence North along said West land lot line to the corporate limits of tlieXity of Atlanta as fixed by the Acts of 1908, or the South line of the right-of-way of the Atlanta & West Point Belt Line R. R. Co. ; thence in a Westerly direction along the South line of said riglit- of-way to the corporate limits of Oakland City, thence South- westerly along said limits to the East line of land lot 120 of the ]4th District ; thence extending Sout'h along the east land lot lin<- of land lots 120. 121 and 122 to a point exactly east of the South- east corner of Oakland City, thence extending in a straight line in a Westerly direction to said Southeast corner ; thence along the corporate limits of Oakland City, being the Sout'h and West boundaries thereof to their intersection wit'h the East line of land lot 138, said 14th District; thence North along said East line to the Nort'heast corner of said land lot i;38, thence West along the North line of said land lot 1-38 to the Northwest corner thereof, thence North along the West land lot lines of land lots 139 and 140. said district, to Gordon Street; thence northwesterly along Gordon Street to West Hunter Street and Westerly along West Pluntcr Street to West land lot line of land lot 148. said 14th dis- trict ; thence North along the West land lot lines of land lots 148 and 147 to the Northern boundary of Battle Hill; thence ( II.VKTER— KXTKNSUIN 1909 21 East along said Xorthern boundary line to the terminus thereof and thence in a line projecting East in line wifh said Xorthern boundary to the West line of the right-of-way of the L. & N. Railway Company, thence Northerly along the West line of said right-of-way to its intersection with tlie West land lot line of land lot 113, said 14th District; thence north along the west land lot line of land lots 113 and 189, said 14th district, to the South line of the riglit-of-way of the Western and Atlantic Railroad. thence Southeasterly along the South line of said right-of-way to Marietta road, thence easterly along Marietta road to Rrown Street, thence Northerly along Brown Street to Emmett Street, thence East along Emmett Street to Howell ^lill road ; tlience Northerly along Howell Mill road to the South line of right-of- way of Southern Railway Company, thence Northeasterly along the South line of said right-of-way to a point 200 feet North of 14th Street, thence Easterly in a line two hundred feet North of and parallel with 14th Street to a point 200 feet West from the West side of East Street: thence North in a line parallel with. East Street and 200 feet West thereof, to a point West of East Street and in line with the North line of \\'oods Avenue, or 16t1i Street, if extended thereto; thence east along said projective line and the North line of Woods Avenue or IfitTi Street, to a point 600 feet east of the West line of land lot 108. 17th District of Fulton County; thence due North to the North line of land lor 109. said 17th District; thence due East to tlie beginning point. Sec. 33. EfTective January 1, 1910, — The provisions of this Act providing for the annexing of the territory as above described shall become effective on and after January 1st. 1910, and all said territory shall thereafter be included within tlie corporate limits of the City of Atlanta and all of the residents of said added ter- ritory shall hereinafter become citizens of the City of Atlanta. S€c. 34. Re-Districting New Limits — Representation — Re- Adjustment. — The Mayor and General Council of the City of Atlanta sliall. during the year 1909, re-district the territory cov- ered by the old as well as the new limits of the City, being the territory within the limits as prescribed by this Act, and divide same into wards, and not exceeding ten, having reference to pop- ulation and territory, in order that all sections of the City niav be fairly represented in the General Council, and each of the wards as so arranged shall be entitled to one alderman and two 22 CH AHTKU-KXTKNSIOX 1909 conncilmen, and likewise shall be entitled to representation on boards, and commissions of the City, as the present and fnture ordinances may provide, said Mayor and General Council are hereby authorized to provide, by ordinance, for all chans^es nec- essary to re-adjust the City to the new limits for all the purposes of fire, sanitation, sc'hools and any and all other public ])uri>oses. served or to be served by the City of Atlanta. Sec. 35. Authority Extended Over New Limits— Tax Offi- cers — Ordinances. — The power and authority of the City of At- lanta under the present Charter and ordinances and all laws ap- l^ertaining to the City of Atlanta as a municiplity are hereby ex- tended over and made effective in every part of the territory cov- ered and included within the limits as prescribed by the terms of this Act. The power and authority of the ofificers of the City are made co-extensive with the limits as extended by this Act. and all other rig^hts and powers necessary to carry out and en- force the laws and ordinances governing said City of Atlanta. The power of taxing property and of fixing and regulating li- censes for business, to assess, issue executions for, and in cases of default, sell the property u]>on which taxes are due. as now l^rescribed by Charter and ordinances of the City of Atlanta, are extended to all the limits included under the terms of this Act. The power of the Board of Health. Police Department. City Tax Assessors and Receivers, Tax Collector. Marshal. Clerk of Coun- cil, Recorder. Building Inspector, and all the other officers of the City of Atlanta are extended to the new limits as fully and completely as they now exist within the former limits, under the present Charter, laws and ordinances governing the City of Atlanta, said new territory is likewise made subject to all the bonds heretofore issued by the City of Atlanta, and all bound for the payment of said bonds ccpially with the former territory of the City of Atlanta. Sec. 36. Justice Courts Not Extended Over New Limits. — The territorial jurisdiction of the Justice Courts in so much of said City as is contained in the area aimexed by this Act, shall not extend to the entire limits of said City, but the jurisdiction of the Justice Courts in the territory so annexed shall be and re- main and are liereby limited to their respective districts. Sec. 37. Election in 1909 — Aldermen — Councilmen. — An elec tion sliall l)e held, during the \ ear lOOH. at which one alderman (HAKTKH I-:.\Ti:\SI<)\ 1909 23 and two councilnicn shall be elected from each ward, if vacancies exist as redistricted under Charter amendments of ]908. and this amendment, provided, that no alderman or councilman now serv- ino^ shall be deprived of the full term of service which lie is now serving, provided further, that each alderman and councilman shall continue to serve the City during the balance of his term from the A\'ard from which 'he was originallv elected in the re- districting of the City, unless this method gives such ward more than one alderman and two councilmen. in which event t'he al- derman and councilmen shall continue to represent such ward as may be provided by ordinance of Mayor and General Council, to the end of his present term. The purpose of this amendment is to provide one alderman and two councilmen for each of tlie wards of the City, to serve for the terms provided by the existing Charter, except that in the re-districting of the City the forego- ing provisions shall be observed as to representation so as to pre- serve t'he present terms of aldermen and councilmen. In said elections the citizens from an}' of the territorv annexed under the foregoing provisions shall be eligible to be voted for any po- sitions to be filled in said elections, alderman, councilmen or anv other city offices, subject to the restrictions applving to other citizens. Sec. 38. Oakland City — Assumes Indebtedness — Police Offi- cer. — The City of Atlanta in taking over the territory and prop- erty of t'he Town of Oakland City, shall be bound to the follow- ing terms and conditions: 1st. All the indebtedness of Oakland City, existing on January 1st. 1910, shall be assumed by the Cit_\- of Atlanta, and all the property, real and personal, money, choses in action belonging to Oakland City or any interests it has in such property, shall pass to and vest in the City of Atlanta on January 1st, 19] 0. The police officer now serving Oakland City shall and by vir- tue of this Act, is made a part of. and a member of the Depart- ment of Police of the City of Atlanta, on and after January 1st. 1910, at the same pay as the other patrolmen of the said depart- ment, and he shall not be required to stand the examination or otherwise conform to the rules, ordinances or Charter prox'isions governing eligibility or membership in said department, and af- ter said annexation he shall be recognized as a regular member thereof, and shall, also, be credited with the years of service heretofore rendered in Oakland Cit\' as if rendered in Atlanta. 0± CHARTKR— EXTENSION 1909 and shall receive such honors, positions, pensions and other priv- ileges attending long service, same being based upon his former service in Oakland City, provided, that except as hereinl)efore provided, said police officer sliall be subject to all laws now in force or which may hereafter be enacted with reference to the Police Dpartment of the City of Atlanta, and to all rules and regulations of said department. Sec. 39. Amendment of 1909 Annexing Land near Westview Cemetery and on Gordon Street. — That the limits of said City be extended beyond the limits as now defined so as to include and annex thereto t'he territory included in the following boun- dary: Commencing at a point on the South line of the West \\'oo(l I'ark Company's property where said South line crosses the West line of land lot 139 of the 14th District of originally Henry, now Fulton County, Georgia, and running thence West along said Sout'h line one thousand feet; thence in a Northerly direction and in a straight line to the South-east corner of West- view Cemetery Company's property near Gordon Street ; thence northerly and along the line of Westview Cemetery Company's jM-operty to the center of Gordon Street; thence Southeasterlv and along the center of Gordon Street to t'he West line of land lot 140 of said district ; thence South to the point of beginning. Sec. 40. Authority and Ordinances Extended Over This Tract — Bound for Bonded Debt of City. — That the power and au- thority of the City of Atlanta under its present Charter and ordi- nance and all laws appertaining to the City of Atlanta as a mu- nici])alit}- are hereby extended and made effective in every part of the territory covered and included within the limits as prescribed by the terms of this Act. The power and authority of the offi- cers of the City are made co-extensive with the limits as ex- tended by this Act and all ()ther rights and powers necessary to carry out and enforce the laws and ordinances governing said City of Atlanta. The power of taxing property and of fixing and regulating licenses for business ; to assess, issue execution for. and in cases of default sell the property upon which taxes arc due. as now prescribed Ijv charter and ordinances of the City of Atlanta, are extended to all the limits included under the terms of this Act. The i)ower of the lioard of Health, Police Department. City Tax Assessors and Receivers, Tax Collector. Marshal. Clerk of Council, Recorder, lUiilding Inspector, and all CHARTER— KXTEXSIOX 1909 25 Other officers of the City of Atlanta are extended to the new limits as fully and completely as they now exist within the former limits under tlie present charter, laws and ordinances governing the City of Atlanta. Said new territory is likewise made subject to all bonds heretofore issued by the City of At- lanta and are bound for the payment of said bonds equally with the former territory of the Citv of Atlanta. 2g CHARTER— POLICE AND SAMTARV EXTENSIONS CHAPTER V. TERRITORY EMBRACED BY CITY FOR POLICE PUR- POSES. Sec. 41. Old Fair Grounds— Land Lots 112 and 150.— All that portion of lot one hundred and twelve (112) in the Fourteenth District of Fulton County, purchased by the Mayor and Council of said City from Chapman Powell ; and all that portion of lot one hundred and fifty (150) of the Seventeenth District of Fulton County purchased by said Mayor and Council from E. R. Sasseen and Dorinda A. Sasseen, and three hundred yards in each and every direction around said purchases ; and all that territory be- tween the Western and Atlantic Railroad and the country road leading from Atlanta to Marietta, and a line three hundred yards West of said railroad, and running concentric to the said road: and all the land lying between said country road and a line run- ning three hundred yards East of said road, and concentric to t'he.same, from the present corporation line of the City of Atlanta to the old Fair Grounds. Sec. 42. Ponce de Leon. — Also commencing on the Eastern side of the present City limits, where the Atlanta and Richmond x^irline Railway leaves it, and running along said railway to a point foiu- hundred feet beyond the Ponce De Leon Springs, thence in a straight line to w'here the present City limits crosses the Peachtree Road, and embracing all the territory between the Peachtree Road, this said line, and the said railway. Sec. 43. Grant Park. — The corporate limits of t'he City of .At- lanta are hereby extended so as to embrace for police purposes that tract or parcel of land known and designated as L. P. Grant Park, being one hundred acres of land lot number 43 in the Four- teenth District of h'ulton County, and fifty acres of land in land lot number 114 in the 14th district of I<\tlton County, owned by said City of Atlanta, and used for sanitary purposes, and the Mayor and General Council of said City are liereby empowered to pass suc'h ordinances for the preservation of peace and good order, and for the protection of such property within said limits as may seem to them proper. cii\kti:h im)i,uk wn samtarv kxtensioxs . 27 Sec. 44. Regulation of Sale of Spirits and Merchandise in Grant Park and Two Hundred Yards Without. — The Mayor and (ieneral Council of Atlanta are hereby empowered to reg-ulate and control under such ordinances as they may adopt tlie sale of ardent spirits and all kinds of merchandise and refreshments within the limits of said L. P. Grant Park, and for two hundred yards in either direction from said limits. Sec. 45. Piedmont Park — Gentlemen's Driving Club. — The corporate limits are hereby extended so as to embrace for police purposes that tract or parcel of land known and designated as Piedmont Park, being one hundred and eighty-three acres of land lots 54 and 55, in the Seventeenth District of Fulton County. owned by the Gentlemen's Driving Club and used for park pur- poses, and the Mayor and General Council of said City are em- powered to pass such ordinances for the preservation of peace and good order and for the protection of property wit'hin said limits as may seem to them proper. Sec. 46. Old Water Works. — The tract of land belonging to the City of Atlanta, known as the "old waterworks property," to-wit : 368 15-100 acres in land lots 72, 57. 90, 71, and 58, in the Fourteenth District of Fulton County, is hereby incorporated for police purposes, and the Mayor and General Council of the City of Atlanta, are hereby authorized to provide by ordinance for the maintenance of good order, the preservation of all property on said tract belonging to the City of Atlanta, or to anyone, who may have leased, or shall hereafter lease said lands, or any part of them, from said City of Atlanta, just as if said lands were within the territorial limits of said City of Atlanta. Sec. 47. Land Contiguous to Old Waterworks. — The corpor- ate limits of the City of Atlanta are hereby extended so as to em- brace the following land lots in the 530th District. Georgia Mili- tia, known as Black Hall District, to-wit: Land lots numbers 71. 72, 73, 74, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 120, 121. 122 and in Fulton County, Georgia ; and said Mayor and Genera! Council are hereby fully authorized and empowered to pass such ordinances in relation to, and over, the territory embraced in such extension as may be proper and necessary for tlie full, am- ple, and complete protection of said waterworks and all its ap- purtenances, as above mentioned, and they shall have full powe*- 28 CHAHTER I'OMCE AND SAMTAKV EXTENSIONS and authority to enforce, by penalties, a compliance with, and observance of, such ordinances, and said body, or the Board of Health of said City, may cause to be abated and removed any thing which may cause impurity or unhealfh fulness of the water from said waterworks. Sec. 48. West Peachtree Street — Piedmont Park. — For police purposes and for the purpose of regulating the retail traffic in spirituous or malt liquors, the corporate limits of the City of At- lanta are hereby extended so as to include the territory within the limits liereinafter defined, to-wit : Beginning at the point where the regular corporate limits on the North side of the City intersect with the West side of West Peachtree Street, and ex- tending thence Northwardly along the West side of West Peach- tree Street or Road to the point where the land lot line between land lots 105 and 106 crosses West Peachtree Road, thence Eastwardly along the land lot line between land lots 105 and 106 to the line of property known as Piedmont Park, and thence fol- lowing the outer limit of t'he line of Piedmont Park property to the main track of the Southern Railway Company, formerly the Atlanta & Charlotte Airline Railway Company, and thence along the center of said main track in a St^utherly direction to where said main track intersects the corporate limits of said City, on the Eastern boundary of said limits. The plat of the property hereby incorporated for police purposes is attached to this Act, and made a part thereof; Provided, however, that the property included within these limits shall not be subject to taxation ; and provided further that the exercise of authority to enforce police regulation within said limits shall be discretionary with the Mayor and General Council of said City. Sec. 49. Collins Park and Belt Railroad Company — River Line. — The corporate limits of t'he City of Atlanta are hereby extended so as to include therein for police purposes the tracks of the Collins Park & Belt Railroad Company, and the space of fifty feet on each side of said tracks all the way from the West- ern limits of the City of Atlanta to the terminus of t'he tracks of said Company on the Chattahoochee River, including also thj pleasure resort at the said terminus. Sec. 50. New Waterworks. — The INlayor and General Council of said City shall have full power and authority to establish reas- onable police and sanitary regulations over the new waterworks CHAKTKK-I'OMCK AM) SAMTAItV KXTK.NSIOXS 9Q of said City, located at the Chattahoochee River, near the moutli of Peachtree Creek, in Fulton County, and along the pipe-line of said waterworks system, between said River and City of Atlanta, including- said pipe line, tlie reservoirs of said new waterworks system, the water shed, and all lands occupied for the purposes of water supply, and to punish a violation of such regulations bv fine or imprisonment, as in case of violations of other ordinances of said City of Atlanta. Sec. 51. Land Lot 151— East Half of.— The City of Atlanta shall have jurisdiction for police purposes of the East one-half of land lot 151 in the Seventeenth District of Fulton County, Geor- gia, and said City shall have the power to try and upon convic- tion in the Recorder's Court of said City to punish all persons guilty of violating the ordinances of said City within the boun- daries of said lot of land so incorporated for police purposes. Sec. 52. Dumping Grounds — Land Between and City Limits — Bellwood Avenue. — The corporate limits of the City of Atlanta sliall be extended so as to include ninety-two (92) acres, more or less, cf land belonging to the City of Atlanta in land lots one hundred and thirteen (113), one hunrded and fourteen (114), and one hundred and fifteen (115), and one hundred and forty- three (143) in t'he Fourteenth District of originally Henry, now F'ulton County. Georgia, said lands being those now known as the Sanitary Dumping Grounds of the City of Atlanta, and also the lands lying between said Dumping Grounds and the corpo- rate limits of the City of Atlanta, and the roads or streets lead- ing from the City of Atlanta to said Dumping Grounds, and es- pecially the roads known as Bellwood Avenue, t'he extension of Simpson Street, the extension of West Hunter Street, the exten - sion of A«hby Street and Mason's and Turner's Ferry Road, and also any other roads now existing, or which may be opened, leading from the City of Atlanta to said Dumping Grounds, so as to give t'he Mayor and General Council jurisdiction over said grounds and intervening lands and roads for police and sanitary purposes; and to authorize said Mayor and General Council to make and enforce all ordinances necessary for the preservation of the peace and order and for the protection of the property and employees of the City of Atlanta from molestation, disturbance or injury in the prosecution of the sanitary work of said City in or about said roads and grounds, and to provide by ordinance 3Q CHARTER— POLICE AKD SAMTARA EXTENSIONS for the punishment of persons violating any of said ordinances by fine or imprisonment, upon conviction t'hereof in the Recor- der's Court of the City of Atlanta, such fines not to exceed five hundred dollars ($500.00), and imprisonment not to exceed thirty days in any such case. Sec. 53. Hemphill Avenue — Chattahoochee Avenue — Hem- phill Station. — The jurisdiction of said City and the territorial limits thereof are hereby extended for police and sanitary pur- poses over the lands now or hereafter purchased and belonging to the City of Atlanta, known as the New Waterworks site and grounds, including all lands now or hereafter to be owned by the City, in w'hich tract is the pumping station at the Chattahoochee River, and all the lands belonging to said City at and around what is known as the inner reservoir filter or pumping plant, in- cluding also a strip of ground along Hemphill Avenue and Chat- tahoochee Avenue, and three hundred (300) yards on each side of said roads for a distance of three hundred yards all around and on all sides of said inner reservoir and pumping station, from the present limits of the City of Atlanta to the Chattahoochee River at the pumping station, and giving the Mayor and General Council of the City of Atlanta authority to provide by ordinance «for tlie protection of the property of said new waterworks sys- tem, and keeping the road aforesaid free from obstructions, and the preservation of the purity of the water in the reservoir, pipes, etc., belonging to said new waterworks, and to have violators of such ordinances punished on conviction thereof in the Recorder's Court of tlie City of Atlanta, by fine not exceeding $200.00 and imprisonment not exceeding thirty da}S, either or l)Oth in the discretion of the Recorder, or other officer presiding at the trial of the case in said Court. Sec, 54. Little Switzerland Included in Corporate Limits. — The following tract of land known as "Little Switzerland," lying Southeast of t'he present limits of the City of Atlanta, is herebv incorporated within the limits of said City for all police and san- itary purposes, and all the present and any future ordinances of said City shall be of force and eflfect over said territory, and vio- lations thereof punished by the Recorder's Court ; said territory is described as follows : All that tract of land in land lot twenty- two (22) and forty-three (V-i) of the Fourteenth District of origi- nally Henry, now Fulton County, Georgia, more particularly CHARTEU—I'OiaCE AXD SA.MTARY KXTEXSIONS 31 described as beginning at a point at the North side of Confeder- ate Avenue, where the present City limits intersects with said Avenue, and running thence in a Southeasterly direction along the North side of said Avenue to a twenty-foot alley, tliencc along the North side of said alley to a twenty-five foot street, thence along the West side of said street 600 feet, thence West at right angles with said street in a direct line to the City limits, tlience Southwestwardly along the present City limits to the beginning point, including what is known as "Little Switzer- land." r32 CHARTKK— MAYOR— MAYOR I'RO TEM CHAPTER VI. MAYOR— MAYOR PRO TEM. Sec. 55. Election — Vacancies — Mayor Pro Tern. — There shall be elected biennially a Mayor, who shall hold his office for two years. The Mayor in all cases shall 'hold his office until his suc- cessor is elected and qualified, and in the event that the office of Mayor shall become vacant by death, resignation, removal, or otherwise, the Mayor pro teni, or in case his seat is vacant, a ma- jority of the General Council shall order a new election by giv- ing at least ten days' notice in any one or more of the City pa- pers, or at two of the most public places in said Cit\- : and said election so held shall be managed in the same manner as the elections to be 'held in chief, according to the provisions of this Charter; Provided, however, if the office of Mayor shall become vacant at any time within three months of the expiration of his term of office the Mayor pro tem. shall act as Mayor during the balance of said term, and exercise all the rights and powers of Mayor during said term. Sec. 56. Eligible for Second Term Only — Chief Executive — Salary. — The Mayor is eligible to succeed himself in the office of Mayor for one term only and shall be ineligible to succeed him- self after serving two terms; he sliall be the Chief Executive of said City; he shall see that all the laws and ordinances of the City are faithfully executed; shall examine and audit all ac- counts against the City before payment ; shall have a salary ade- quate, to be fixed by the General Council preceding his election, which shall not be changed during his term of office ; he shall have power to convene the General Council in extra session, whenever, in his judgment, t'he exigencies of the case require it. Sec. 57. Mayor's Court — Fines — vVho Preside At.— I he Mayor, or in his absence, the Mayor pro tem, shall have full power and authority to hold, at such times and places, and under such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by ordinances, a Mayor's Court, for said City for the trial of offenders against the ordinances of said City, and impose such penalties for vioia- CHARTER— 3IAYOR MAYOR PRO TKM 33 tions thereof as may be prescribed by ordinance, not exceeding five hundred dollars and imprisonment, or labor on public works for thirty days for each ofifense. The like authority may be con- ferred upon any one member of the General Council to be regu- lated by ordinance. Sec. 58. A Justice of the Peace — Warrants Issued By — Com- mitment to Jail of County. — The said Mayor shall be, to all in- tents and purposes, a Justice of the Peace, so far as to enable him to issue warrants for offenses committed within the corpor- ate limits of said City, w'hich warrants shall be executed by the Marshal or Chief of Police; and commit to the jail of the County of Fulton, or to admit to bail offenders, for their appearance at the next Superior Court thereafter, for the County of Fulton : and it shall be the duty of t'he jailer of the County of Fulton to receive all such persons so committed, and safely to keep the same until discharged by due course of law. Sec. 59. Presiding Officer — Election of Mayor Pro Tern. — The General Council and Board of Aldermen and the Board of Councilmen shall be presided over by the Mayor pro tem, except at the first meeting in January of eacli year the ]\Iayor shall pre- side over the General Council, and administer the oath to the newly elected members, announce the standing Committees for the year, and then the General Council shall proceed to t'he elec- tion of Mayor pro tem. The Mayor shall also preside at the ses- sions of the General Council during the election of officers. Sec. 60. No Vote Except in Case of Tie. — The Ma^or and the ^layor pro tem, when presiding respectively over the Genera! Council, and Board of Councilmen, as above provided, shall have no vote except in case of a tie. Sec. 61. Veto or Approval Four Days. — \\ ithin four days af- ter the passage thereof the Maycjr. or. in his absence the Mayor pro tem, shall approve, or veto, the resolutions, orders, ordi- nances, or other Acts of the General Council, or Board of Alder- men, or Board of Councilmen, except the election of officers. Sec. 62. Passing Over Veto. — The (General Council may pass tlie said order, ordinance, or resolution, notwithstanding the veto. ;]4 CHARTER— MAVOU— MAYOR PRO TEN by a vote of two-thirds, to be taken ])y yeas and nays, and en- tered on the minutes. Sec. 63. In Absence of Mayor, Mayor Pro Tern Acts. — In tlie absence of the Mayor, this power may be exercised by the presid- ing officer for the time being. Sec. 64. Oath of Office — When Administered — Standing Com- mittees — Election of Mayor Pro Tern. — At the first meeting in January of eacTi year the Mayor shall preside over the General Council and administer the oath of office to the newly elected members, and announce the standing Committees for the year, and the General Council shall then proceed to the election of .i Mayor pro tem. Sec. 65. Mayor Presides During Election of Officers. — The Mayor shall also preside at the sessions of the General Council during the election of officers, unless absent from the City, or prevented by illness, or other unavoidable causes, in which event, the Mayor pro tem. shall preside. Sec. 66. Mayor Pro Tem Presiding Over the Board of Alder- men Votes. — The Mayor pro tem., when presiding over the Board of Aldermen, shall vote on all questions coming before that Board for separate action, and shall have no additional vote, in case of a tie in that Board. Sec. 67. Mayor Ex-Officio Member of the Boards.— The Alayor shall be ex-officio a member of the Board of Police Com- missioners, Water Commissioners, Board of Health, and Board of Education. Sec. 68. Absence of Mayor and Mayor Pro Tem., Who Elected and How. — Whenever it shall so happen that both the Mayor and Mayor pro tem shall be absent or under disability, or in case both of said offices should be for any cause vacant, then, and in that case, the Clerk shall call a special meeting of the General Council for the purpose of considering the same, and, if upon as- sembling, that body shall by resolution declare that said absence, disability, or vacancy exist, then they shall immediately proceed to elect another Mayor pro tem, who shall succeed to and exer- CHARTER-MAYOR-MAVOK PRO TtlM 35 cise all the powers and duties of a Chief Executive of said City until tlie Mayor, or previously chosen Mayor pro tern shall be in condition to resume and does resume the duties, or until tlie ex- isting vacancy or vacancies, as the case may be, shall be filled in the manner pointed out by law. Sec. 69. Mayor's Oath of Office.— The oath to be taken and subscribed by the Ma\ or and members of the General Council of the City of Atlanta, before entering upon t'he duties of their of- fice, shall be as follows: "I swear that I will faithfully and im- partially demean myself as Mayor, Councilman, or Alderman, during my continuance in office. I have not. in order to influ- ence my election to this office, directly or indirectly, expressly or impliedly, promised my vote or support to any person for any office in the City Government of Atlanta, nor for any other of- fice. I will not knowingly permit my vote in the election or ap- pointment of any person to a position in the City Government to be influenced by fear, favor, or affection, reward or hope thereof, but in all things pertaining to my said office. I will be governed by what is my conviction for the public good." Sec. 70. Qualify Councilmen. — The Mayor, after being so qualified, shall have full power and authority to administer the oath of office to each member of t'he IJoard of General Council. Sec. 71. Penalty for Violation of Oath of Office — Trial — How Heard. — Any person found guilty of violating any of the provis- ions of the above oath, upon a fair and impartial trial before the Mayor and General Council of said City, shall be forthwith ex- pelled from office, and forever disqualified tliereafter from hold- ing any position of honor, trust, or emolument connected witli the City Government of Atlanta. 3G CHAKTIOU-MAVOH — Al>UKI{MK\ AAD COl \CI L>IEX. CHAPTER VII. LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT. Sec. 72. Legislative Department — Style of. — The Leg^islative Department of said City shall be vested in the Mayor. P)Oard of Aldermen, and Board of Councilmen. The ]\Iayor and Board of Conncilmen shall be styled the Mayor and Council ; and the Mayor and Board of Councilmen meeting witli the Board of Al- dermen, or acting and meeting on separate days, but on any matter requiring the concurrent or separate action of both the Board of the Councilmen and Board of Aldermen, shall be styled the Mayor and General Council. Sec. 73. Aldermen not Required to Act Separately, Except. — The Board of Aldermen shall not be required to meet or act as a separate Board on an}- matters in said City, except as hereafter provided. Sec. 74. Number of Councilmen for Each Ward. — Two Coun- cihnen shall l)e elected from each Ward by the voters qualified to vote for the members of the General Assembly, to serve for two years. Sec. 75. Annual Elections. — The elections shall be annual, so that one-half shall go out every year. Sec. 76. Aldermen — Number. — There shall be one Alderman from each Ward. (Terms are three years). Sec. 77. When Ineligible to Succeed Themselves. — Council- men are hereby declared to be eligible to succeed themselves for one term ; in such event, such councilmn shall be ineligible to succeed such service by serving in the position of aldermen. Councilmen may succeed themselves by election to the position of aldermen and aldermen are likewise eligible to succeed them- selves l)v election to the position of councilmen, but tlie added service shall not secure to any one alderman a longer term of continual service than five years. CHARTKU MAVOIt AI,ni;UMIO\ AND fOl \fII,:»IKX ;jy Sec. 78. General Council — How Composed. — The Council - men representing the different Wards, and the Aldermen repre senting the different Wards shall constitute the (ieneral Council of the City, and shall have all the powers \ested in the Maxor and- Council of the City of Atlanta. Sec. 79. Aldermen Can Succeed Selves One Term, Yet Limi- ted to Six Years. — That the provision of the charter of theCily (if Atlanta whereby aldermen are authorizctl to succeed them- selves as ce)imcilmen but are ineligible to succeed thcmseKes in tlie position of aldermen, are hereby further extended so that an aldermen shall hereafter be eligible to succeed himself in tlic posi- tion of alderman, for one term and. that the continuous service, under this amendment, be limited to six years and an alderman, succeeding himself in the position of alderman, shall be ineligi- h\e. at the end of such continuous service, for either the position of councilman or alderman, i)rovided, t'hat after the interval of one year, those who ha\-e filled such offices are eligible for said positions, with the usual rights of successorsliip. Sec. 80. Election — Salaries. — They shall be elected by gen eral ticket, and siiall have annual salaries of three hundred dol- lars each. This compensation shall not be changed during the term for which they are elected. Sec. 81. Removal from Ward — Vacancy By. — In any and all cases, in which any person lias been heretofore or may be here- after elected by popular vote, or be elected or appointed by the Mayor and General Council of said City of Atlanta, or by any Board. Commission, or Department of said City Government, to any office or official service for, or to serve or represent any Ward of said City, and any such person so elected or appointed to represent or serve, has heretofore, or shall hereafter remove from the \Vard from or for whicli he was so elected or appointed to represent or serve, the fact or act of such removal shall therebv create a vacancy m such official service, and such vacancy shall be filled as in other cases of vacancv in office in said City. Sec. 82. Quorum of General Council. — Eleven sliall consti- tute a quorum of the General Council of the City of Atlanta for the transaction of business. 353551) 38 CHARTKH llAVOR AI>DKRMK\ WD ( Ol XCII.MK\ Sec. 83. Quorum of Councilmen. — A (inoruni of the Board of Couiicilmen shall consist of a majority of all the members thereof. Sec. 84. Quorum of Aldermen. — A quorum of the Board of Aldermen shall consist of a majority of all of the members t'hereof. Sec. 85. Minority — Powers of — Absentees — Attendance Com- pelled. — In all cases a less number may adjourn from time to time, and compel the attendance of the absentees. Sec. 86. Separate Action — Indebtedness — Expenditure. — In all votes, resolutions or ordinances having for their object the increase of the indebtedness of the City, or the expenditure of its revenue, except appropriations for the payment of its salaried officers, the Councilmen representing -the different Wards, and the Aldermen representing" the City at large, shall act as sepa- rate and distinct legislative bodies ; and no vote, resolution or ordinance having for its object the increase of the indebtedness of the City, or the expenditure of its moneys, or authorizing tTie sale of any part of the public property of the City, or the grant- ing of franchises for street railroads or railways, or telephone companies, or telegraph companies, or electric or gas companies, or any other similar franchise where the streets or public alleys are to be used for any purpose in the prosecution of the busi- ness of the company seeking the franchise, shall be voted until the same shall have received a majority of tbe votes of a quorum of each of those legislative bodies, separately cast. Sec. 87. Aldermen No Vote in General Council, When. — The Aklermen shall have no vote upon siich cpiestions, when origi- nally presented and voted on by the Councilmen as aforesaid, but shall meet as a separate body and vote on the same. . Sec. 88. Notice to Reconsider — One Alderman — Two Coun- cilmen. — \\ hen any such vote or resolution is passed, any one Alderman or two Councilmen may give notice of a motion to re- consider, which motion in either case shall operate to delay the question until said consideration can be acted upon at the next regular meeting, the meeting of said Aldermen to be presided CHARTKR— GENERAL, COl XCIL, PO>VERS :y.) over by the Mayor pro tern, and the City Clerk shall keep the minutes as in meeting of the General Council. Sec. 89. Joint Board on all Matters but Franchises, Public Property or Expenditures. — In all other matters they shall act as a joint Board. Sec. 90. Yeas and Nays — Who Call — How. — Each niembe- of the General Council shall ha\c the rig^ht to call for the yea^ and nays and have the same recorded on the minutes in all cases, whefher sitting in General Council or as separate bodies. Sec. 91. Sessions of General Council. — The regular sessions of the Mayor and General Council shall be held on the first and third Monday in each month, and continue from day to day in their discretion. Sec. 92. General Powers — General Welfare — Peace — Order — Good Government. — The said Maxnr and General Cmnicil shali have full power and authority to pass all by-laws and ordinances respecting public buildings and grounds, workhouses, public houses, carriages, wagons, carts, drays, pumps, wells, springs, fire-engines, care of the poor, suppression of disorderh- houses, houses of ill-fame for the prevention and punishment of disor- derly conduct and conduct liable to disturb the peace and tran- quility of any citizen or citizens thereof, and every other by-law, regulation, and ordinance, that may seem to them proper for thr- security of the peace, health, order, and good government of said city. Sec. 93. Cemeteries — Contiguous — Police Control. — The Mayor and General Council of said City shall have power to ex- ercise reasonable supervision and police control over all ceme- teries contiguous to the City, and used by the citizens for inter- ment, whether located within the City limits or not. so as to al- low no burial within the same without a permit from said City authorities. Sec. 94 No New Cemetery Within Four Miles — Penalty for Violation. — Xo new cemetery shall be opened or used, which is witliin four (4) miles of the center of said City, and any person iQ CHAKTKR— GEXERAI. COUNCIL— POWERS or persons, company or corporation, or agent of any such com- pany or corporation, who siiall open or use any such new ceme- tery Avithin four (4) miles of the center of said City, shall be guiltv of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall for each offense be fined not exceeding- one thousand ($1,000.00) dollars. or imprisonment not exceeding twelve (12) months, one or both, in the discretion of the Court, and any attempt to open or use any such new cemetery within four (4) miles of said City, shall also be subject to be enjoined by the Superior Court under pen- alty. Sec. 95. Fire Escapes — Character — Material — Owner — Les see. — The Mayor and General Council of the City of Atlanta are hereby authorized and empowered whenever, in their judgment, the same is necessary for the safety and protection of human life, t<» recjuire the owner, agent, lessee, or tenant in possession of anv building in said City, to place thereon fire escapes of such character and material as may be by said Mayor and General Council deemed requisite. Sec. 96, Failure to Comply — Penalty — Regulation. — After no- tice to i)lace tire escapes on any l)uilding, and failure within the lime specified to place the same, the owner, agent, lessee, or ten- ant in possession, who shall have been served with such notice, shall be subject to a fine or imprisonment, or both, as provided by the Charter of said City, and ordinance passed in pursuance thereof. Said Mayor and General Council shall have power to l>rescribe by ordinance for the regulation of the placing of fire escapes on buildings in said City requiring the same, as to no-' tice, time within which to place the same after notice, and other- wise. Sec. 97. Penal Ordinances — Five Hundred Dollars Fine — Thirty Days in Prison — Alternative Sentence. — The said Mayor and General Council shall have power and authority to prescribe, l)y ordinance, adequate penalties for all offenses against the or- dinances of said City, and to punish offenders by fines, not ex- ceeding five Inuidred dollars, and imprisonment in the calaboose, not exceeding thirty days, for each oft'ense; to enforce the pay- ment of fines by compelling oft'enders and those who fail or re- fuse to pay said fines, to work on the streets or public works of said City. They shall have power to compel offenders, sen- (HARTERORDIXAXCES—CO.XTRACTS— VACANCIES 4| tenced to imprisonment in the calaboose, as aforesaid, to labor on the public works or streets, to be re.s^ulated by ordinance. Sec. 98. Two Readings of Ordinances at Different Meetings — Two-thirds Vote for Passage at the Same Meeting of General Council. — All ordinances requiring action by the ]\Iayor and Gen- eral Council in joint session shall underg-o one reading eacli at two different regular, or special, or called meetings, or at one regular and one called meeting, before adoption, except that by a two-thirds vote of the members present, an ordinance may be read twice at the same regular, called, or special meeting, and adopted. All ordinances requiring action by the Mayor and Council and Board of Aldermen separately, shall undergo one reading each, at two different regular, or special or called meet- ings of the Mayor and Council, or at one regular and one called meeting, before adoption, except that by a two-thirds vote of the members thereof present, an ordinance may be read twice at the same regular, called, or special meeting, and adopted. Sec. 99. Ordinances — How Read in Board of Aldermen. — An ordinance requiring separate action and concurrence by the Board of Aldermen shall undergo such reading only in said Board as said Board may by rule prescribe. Sec. 100 Contracts with City by Members of Council Il- legal — Penalty. — It shall not be lawful for any member of the General Council to be interested, either directly or indirectly, in any contract with the City of Atlanta, the Jklayor and General Council, or any one or more of them, having for its object tRe public improvement of the City, or any part thereof, or the ex- penditures of its moneys. Any violation of this Section by any" member of the General Council, shall, on conviction thereof, be punished as prescribed in Section 4310 of the Code of this State (being Section 1039 of Criminal Code of 1895). Sec. 101. Office Held Until Successor Qualified. — Each mem- ber of the General Council shall, in all cases, hold his office antil his successor is elected and qualified. Sec. 102. Vacancies in Boards of Aldermen and Councilmen — How Filled — Notice — Election. — In case a vacancy shall oc- cur, either in the Board of Aldermen or in the Board of Council- 42 CHARTER— VACANCIES men, by death, resig-nation, removal, or otherwise, the Mayor, or, in case his seat is vacated, the Mayor pro tern, or a majority of the General Council, shall order a nevv^ election by giving at least ten days' notice in one or more of the City papers, or at two or more of tlie most public places in said City ; and said election, so held, shall be managed in the same manner as the election to be held in chief, according to the provisions of this Charter on the subject of elections. CHAKTER-ELECTIOXS-MWAGKRS-CLERKS 43 CHAPTER VIII. ELECTIONS. Sec. 103. Elections by Mayor and General Council — When Held. — All persons holding ofifice under elections or appoint- ment by the Mayor and General Council shall be elected or ap- pointed at the first meeting in July biennially. (Changed as to several offices). Sec. 104. Removal. — All such officers are subject to removal for cause, as herein provided. Sec. 105. Election Commissioners — When Appointed. — At the first meeting of the Mayor and Council in the month of July, 1874-, they shall apj^oint, and every two \ears thereafter the said Mayor and Council shall appoint three Commissioners for each Ward, freeholders residing therein, to hold the elections in said Ward ; and in case of vacancy from removal or otherwise, the Mayor and Council, or Mayor and General Council, as the case may be, shall supply the same. The Mayor and General Coun- cil, in their discretion, authorized to increase the Board of Elec- tion Managers from and fcr the several Wards from the present number of three to any additional numlier desired. Sec. 106. Term of Office — Authority of. — The said Commis- sioners shall hold all City elections in their respective Wards. They shall be judges of the qualifications of voters, shall have such clerks as they deem necessary to hold elections, to be se- lected by them for each Ward, and such Commissioners shall serve for such reasonable compensation as shall be prescribed by the Mayor and General Council. These Commissioners shall hold their office for two }'ears, unless removed for cause, as aforesaid. Sec. 107. Clerks for Elections to Get Compensation, — The clerks shall have such compensation as may be allowed by the Mayor and Council, or jNIayor and General Council, as the case may l)e. Sec. 108. Vacancies in Board of Election Commissioners — 4.4 CH.VRTER—KLECTIOMS— MANAGERS— VOTKRS How Filled. — AH \acatuies in said P.oard of I',leclion I'onimis- sioners shall be filled by the said Mayor and Council, or Mayor and General Council. Sec. 109. Elections — How Conducted — Freeholders — One or More Commissioners Present. — If by 10:00 o'clock A. M. on the day of election, a majority of said Commissioners fail to attend at any voting place, and proceed to hold the election as herein provided, an}- three freeholders of the Ward may hold and con- duct the same: Provided nevertheless, that nothing- herein con- tained shall be construed to hinder or prevent any one c:)r more of said Comn-iissioners frc-»m actino; as manag-er or manag'ers. should they be present at the voting place, supplying the number of managers required by this Charter from any of the freeholders of the Ward. Sec. 110. Oath of Commissioners. — The election Commis- sioners provided for in the preceding Section, or freeholders act- ing in their stead as above, shall take the oath, and conduct the elections, and make returns to the Mayor and Council, if prio*" to January 1, 1875, or if thereafter, to the Mayor and General Council, in the manner prescribed by law for the election of members of the General Assembly. Sec. 111. Returns — Result Declared. — The Mayor and Coun- cil, or the Mayor and (ieneral Council, shall consider the returns and declare the results. Sec. 112. Contests — How Ij'ried. — All cases of contested elec- tions shall be tried by the Mayor and Council, or the ^layor and General Council. Sec. 113. Two or More Voting Places in Each Ward. — The Mayor and General Council of said City are hereby authorized and empowered in their discretion to establish two or more vot- ing places in each AX'ard of said City. Sec, 114. Voters — Qualifications — Voting Place. — No per- son shall vote either for Mayor or Aldermen or Counciliiien, or at any other City election, elsewhere than in the \\'ard in which he resides, and the other qualifications of voters shall remain as now fixed by law. Sec. 115. Voting more than Once — Penalty. — Any person x'oting, or attempting to vote, more than once, at any City elec- CHARTER— EL.ECTIOMS HV PEOPLE)— OFFICERS 45 tion, provided for by this Act, or by other law, and every person voting-, or attempting to vote, in violation of this Act, or other law providing for the City election, shall be guilty of misde- meanor, and upon indictment or accusation and conviction, shall be punished, as provided for in Section 1039 of the Criminal Code of Georgia, 1895. Sec. 116. City Attorney — Chief of Construction — Tax Collec- tor — Treasurer — Election of — When Held, — The City Attorney, Chief of Construction, Tax Collector, and Treasurer, of the City of Atlanta, s'hall be elected by the qualified voters of said City ; Provided, this Act shall not interfere with the power of the Mayor and General Council, given by existing laws, to abolish the office of Marshal, or to consolidate the office of Marshal and Tax Collector, in t'heir discretion, nor with the power given by existing law to consolidate any of the other offices provided for by the Charter of said City with the office of Comptroller. The first election of said officers under this Act shall occur on the first Wednesday in December, ]894, at tlie time of the election of the Mayor, Aldermen and Councilmen, and shall be for a term beginning on the first Monday in July, 1895, and ending on the first Monday in January, 1897; and all subsef|uent elections of such officers shall be held with the election for Mayor, Alder- men and Councilmen, or for Aldermen and Councilmen occur- ing next before the end of the term of office of any of said offi- cers, and shall be for a term of two years beginning on the first Mondax- in Januar\ following such elections. Sec. 117. General Manager Waterworks — Marshal — Comp- troller — Warden — Electrician — Building Inspector — Recorder and Clerk of Council to be Elected by People — Subject to Re- moval — Duties Fixed by Ordinance — Terms. — That the follow- ing officers, to-wit. (leneral Manager of Waterworks. Cil\- Mar- shal, City Comptroller, City Warden. Cit\- Electrician. lUiilding Inspector. Recorder and Clerk of Council shall hereafter be elected by vote of the people and successors, to the officers now filling said positions, each of which positions are 'hereby made chartered offices of said City, shall be elected by the qualified voters of said City on the first \\ ednesday in Decenil)er. preced- ing the expiration of the terms of said officers, when so elected, each of said officers shall hold their positions for the term of two years except Recorder whose term of office is liereb}- fixed for four years. Bi-annually, after the date of their first election. 4g CHAKTER—KLECTlONS REGISTRATION' iincler the terms of this Act. their successors shall likewise be elected, except Recorder, whose successor shall be elected four years after the date of his election under t'his Act. The begin- ning of the terms of said several officers shall remain as now fixed but the date of election shall be as herein provided. The Mayor and General Council shall have general supervision of said officials and, by majority vote of the entire Council, may declare vacant the office of any of the officials of the City, elected by the people, for a failure to properly perform tlieir duties, or for any other breach of duty, on their part, all to be adjudged in the discretion of the General Council. When an office has been declared vacant, under this provision, t'he General Council shall call an election to be held within sixty days thereafter, to fiV such vacancy, and in the meantime the General Council or the board having charge of the department, in which such officer serves, s'hall temporarily fill such vacancy. The duties of such officers shall be as now or hereafter pre- scribed by ordinances and, before entering upon the discharge thereof, they shall each take oath of office, before some officer authorized to administer same, to faithfully perform tlie duties of their respective offices. Sec. 118. Vacancies in These Offices— How Filled.— The Mayor and General Council of the City of Atlanta shall have power and authority to fill by election any and all vacancies oc- curring in the ministerial offices of said City, required to be elected in the first instance by the qualified voters of said City, (except as provided in preceding section.) Sec. 119. Removal from Office. — The officers of the City, wTiether elected by the people or otherwise, shall be subject to removal from office by the Mayor and General Council for cause, according to the provisions of the Charter now in force. Sec. 120. Registrations — Tax Collector of Fulton County City Registrar. — The Mayor and General Council of said City shall have full power and authority to provide for the registra- tion of voters prior to any municipal election in said City; to make all needful rules and regulations for the same, and require t'hat no person be permitted to vote unless registered ; to con- stitute and appoint the Tax Collector of Fulton County to the office of Registrar of said City ; to fix his compensation as such registrar, and, when so appointed, to require him to perform the duties of said office. CHARTER— TAXATION— AD VALOREM— STREET— EXTRA ^7 CHAPTER IX. TAXATION. Sec. 121, Tax Ad Valorem. — For the purpose of raising rev- enue for the support and maintenance of said City Government, the said Mayor and General Council shall have full power and authority, and they shall provide by ordinance for the assess- ment, levy, and collection of an ad valorem tax on all real and personal property within the incorporate limits of said City, not exceeding one and one-fourth j)cr cent, tliereon. wliich shall in- clude the school tax, which, under the laws of this State, is sub- ject to taxation ; Provided, nevertheless, that all assessments of real property shall be made at the cash market valuation. Sec, 122, Street Tax in Lieu of Road Duty, — All persons lia- ble to perform road duty by the laws of the State shall be liable and subject to work on the streets of said City under the direc- tion and control of the proper oflficers of said City; Provided, that the Mayor and General Council of said City shall have power to levy a street tax in lieu thereof. Sec. 123, Defaulters — Penalty. — All persons, who shall re fuse to pay said tax on or before such day as said Mayor and General Council, by ordinance, may require, shall be required, upon three days' notice, to do and perform street work, as afore- said, and upon failure thereof, such defaulter shall be liable to be dealt with by the Mayor and General Council as for viola- tions of other ordinances of said City, or may be compelled to work on the public works of said City. Sec. 124. May Levy Extraordinary Tax Not Exceeding One- Half of One Per Cent — When Collected. — In addition to the or- dinary tax herein allowed, the Mayor and Councilmen and Al- dermen may, in case of emergency, to be judged of by them, levy an extraordinary tax, not exceeding one-half of one per cent, (on the taxable property of said City), the said extraordinary tax to be added to the ordinary tax, and collected at the same time, and used for the same purpose. ^g CHARTEK^HEGISTRATIOX TAX— CI>AS.SIFICATIOX Sec. 125. Registration Tax on Business and Avocation — Limit Three Hundred Dollars. — The Mayor and (ieneral Council shall have full power and authority to require any person, firm or corporation or company, engaged in, prosecuting, or carry- ing on, or who may engage in, prosecute, or carry on au}^ trade, business, calling, avocation or profession, to register their names and business calling, avocation, or profession annually, and to require such person, company, or association, to pay for sucli registration and for license to engage in, prosecute, or carrv on such business, calling or profession aforesaid, such fee, charge, or tax, as said Mayor and General Council may deem ex- pedient for the safety, benefit, convenience, and advantage of said City, said tax. registration fee, or license herein provided for shall not exceed the sum of three hundred dollars. Sec. 126. Provision Above, Exceptions To. — The provisions of this Act in no wise interfere with or repeal Sections 27, 28, 29, 30, and 31 of an Act to establish a new Charter for the City of Atlanta, approved February 28, 1874, which said named Sections refer to and authorize said City to levy and collect tax on thj retail of ardent spirits, theatrical companies or performances, or other exhibitions, billiard tables, ten-pin alleys, nine-pin alleys, or alleys of any kind, etc.. brokerage business, pawn-brokers, and itinerant traders. Sec. 127. Classification of Business for Taxation. — Said IMayor and (jeneral Council are hereby given authority to clas- sify business, and arrange the various business, trades, and pro- fessions carried on in said City, into such classes of subjects for taxation as may be just and proper: Provided, that nothing herein contained shall be construed to authorize the levy of a tax upon any profession not taxable under the general tax act. Sec. 128. May Tax Business of Selling Watches, Clocks, or Jewelry at Auction $1,000, with Provisos. — The Mayor and Gen- eral Council of the City of Atlanta shall ha\e authority in tlieii discretion to re(|uire the payment of a registration tax of not exceeding one thousand ($1 ,000. 00) Dollars ])cr annum on the business of selling watches, clocks, jewelry at auction in said I ity ; I'rovided, that, when the registration tax on such business shall exceed two hundred dollars ($200.00) per annum, no ad va- CHARTER— TAX ATIOX—LiICEXSKS 49 loreni tax shall be charged to the dealer paying- such registra- tion tax on the stock carried by him; Provided, further, that when such dealer is relieved from the payment of ad valorem tax on his stock, the registration tax shall not in any case be less than the ad valorem tax on t'he assessed value of his stock would amount to. Sec. 129. — License Fee or Tax on Insurance Agents — One Per Cent, on Premiums. — The Mayor and General Council of said City are hereby emptnvered to charge a license fee or tax upon all insurance agents, including all companies for whom they do business, of one per cent, on all premiums received by or sent through the office in said City. Sec. 130. — May Tax Itinerant Traders. — The said ^layor and General Council shall have the power to levy and collect from itinerant traders, who may, directly or indirectly, by themselve^ or others, sell any goods, wares, or merchandise in said Cit}', sucli tax as to them may seem proper. Sec. 131. Tax on Brokerage Business — Limit Three Hun- dred Dollars. — The said Mayor and General Council shall have full power and authority to assess a tax on such persons carry ing on the brokerage business in said City, of not more than three hundred dollars per annum, in addition to all other tax the_v may be required to pay. Sec. 132. May License Pav^m-Brokers — Impose Taxes — Re- voke Licenses — Exercise Superintendence. — They shall have power to license pawn-brokers within their respective jurisdic- tion, define by ordinance their powers and privileges, to impose taxes upon them, to revoke their licenses and generally to exer- cise sucTi Superintendence over pawn-brokers as will insure fair dealing between them and their customers. Sec. 133. May License Theatrical Companies — Shows — Ex- hibitions — Limit of License Five Hundred Dollars. — The said Mayor and General Council shall have power to pass such ordi- nances as they may think proper in regard to granting license to theatrical companies or performances, or for shows, or for other exhibitions; Provided, the price to be paid for such license when 50 CHAKTIOU TAA. A riON I.ICKVSKS j;"rante— WARRANTS, ETC 57 said MarsTial and Clerk of Council, or either of them, may be fixed in part by salary and in part by such a pro rata of the fees and perquisites received in such offices, or either of them, as may be provided by said Mayor and General Council, and the remainder of such fees and perquisites shall be covered into the Treasury of said City ; Provided, that nothing in tliis Act con- tained shall prevent the Mayor and General Council of said City from fixing the compensation of the Marshal and Clerk of Coun- cil of said City, or either of them, should they, in their discre- tion, deem it to the best interest of said City so to fix the same. Sec. 166. Other Services by Marshal. — He shall do and per- form such other services as the Mayor and General Council shall ])rescribe by ordinance. Sec. 167. Office of Marshal May be Continued or Abolished. — The said Mayor and General Council are also hereby empow- ered, after the termination of the present term of office of the iMarshal of said City, to either continue the said office of Mar- shal, or to abolish the same in the discretion of said Mayor and General Council. Sec. 168. If Abolished, Who Acts. — In the event of its abol- ishment, (the said Mayor and (general Council are also empow- ered) to confer upon the Tax Collector of said City the powers and duties of such Marshal with reference to the collection of executions, whether for license tax, general tax, or assessments for street, sidewalk, sewer, or other public improvements. Sec. 169. Shall Act as City Inspector — How. — It shall be the duty of the Marshal to (also) act as City Inspector, under such rules and regulations as the Mayor and General Council shall prescribe, who shall be empowered to enforce the State laws on the subject of weights and measures, and such other rules and requirements as are not in conflict with the laws of this State. Sec. 170. Warrants, Executions, Etc., by Clerk— Directed to Marshal. — All warrants, summonses, precepts, executions, or other processes issued by the Clerk of the City Council of At- lanta shall be directed to the Marshal of the City of Atlanta. 58 CIIAKTKR CITV MAUSHAI,— TAX KI FAS Sec, 171. Marshal Authorized to Transfer Fi Fas. — The Marshal, or collecting- officer of said City, as the case may be, sliall be authorized to transfer and assign any fi fa or fi fas is- sued for street, sewer, or other assessments, in the same manner, upon the same terms, and to the same effect, and vesting- the ])urchaser or transferee with the same rig-hts as in cases, of sales or transfer to tax fi fas, as now allowed by law. Sec. 172. Oath of Office — How Administered. — Before enter- ing upon the discharge of the duties- of his office, he shall take and susbcribe an oath before some officer authorized to admin- ister it, to faithfully discharge the duties of his office. CHARTER— TREASrRER 59 CHAPTER XIII. CITY TREASURER— AUDITOR. Sec. 173. Treasurer — How Elected — When. — There shall he elected by the people a City Treasurer, who shall be elected and hold his office as. prescribed in the 6th Section of Act (1893) unless removed for cause, to be judged of by the Mayor and Cieneral Council. Sec. 174. Duties of Treasurer. — He shall keej) a book, in which he shall make an entry of all sums of money received, and shall also make an entry of all sums of money paid out, and shall take receipts of all sums paid out, which book and receipts shall be subject to the inspection of the ]^Iayor and members of the General Council of said City at such times as they, or either of them, shall think proper. Sec. 175. He Shall Give Bond. — He shall give a bond and security in the amount to be fixed by the Mayor and (ieneral Council for faithful discharge of the duties of his office. Sec. 176. Compensation. — (He shall) have a reasonable sal- ary to be fixed by the Mayor and General Council the year next preceding his election, which shall not be increased or diminished during his continuance' in office. Sec. 177. Oath of Office— How Administered.— He shall take and subscribe an oath before some officer authorized to ad- minister it, faithfully to discharge the duties of his office. (\ a- cancy in office filled by Council. — Act 1898). Sec. 178. Liability of Sureties on Treasurer's Bond. — The liability of any surety or sureties on the bonds of the Treasurer of the City of Atlanta shall be the same as th^t of the sureties on the bond of the Treasurer of the* State of Georgia, to-wit : That the property of any such surety on the bond of such City Treasurer shall be subject to a lien in favor of the City of At- 60 CHARTER- TRKASLiRER lanta for the full amount of such Treasurer's bond from the date of the execution thereof. Sec. 179. Treasurer's Bond — Minimum Amount — Power to Increase. — The bond of t'he Treasurer shall be fixed by the Gen- eral Council at such amount as in their judgment may 1)e suffi- cient, in no event to be less than one hundred thousand ($100,- 000.00) dollars. The General Council shall also have power to increase the bond w'henever they may deem it necessary to pro- tect the interest of the City. Sec. 180. Regulation of Deposit of City's Moneys — Deposito- ries — How Designated. — The deposits of moneys in the hands of the Treasurer of the City of Atlanta, belonging to the City of Atlanta, shall be regulated as follows : W'henever the money of the City of Atlanta in the hands of the City Treasurer shall exceed the sum of live thousand ($5,000.00) dollars, such money shall be deposited in four (4) c'hartered banks of deposit and dis- count of said City in as nearly equal proportions as may be practicable. The depositories shall be designated by the Mayor and General Council, and in making the designation regard shall be had to the rate of interest on balances of deposits offered by the various banks, and to the amount and kind of security ten- dered by said banks, wit'h the purpose on the part of the Mayor and General Council to get the best rate of interest and the best security for the money deposited. Sec. 181. Treasurer and Sureties Not Liable — When. — The Treasurer and his sureties shall not be liable on his bond for any of such moneys while on deposit as aforesaid, but lie and his sureties shall be liable on his bond for any moneys belonging to the City of Atlanta not so deposited under direction of the Mayor and General Council. Sec. 182. Deposited Moneys — How Drawn. — Moneys on de- posit as aforesaid shall be at all times subject to be drawn out on warrant regularly issued by the Mayor and General Council, signed by the Comptroller, to pay the debts or current expenses of t'he City, and shall likewise be subject to be withdrawn from the Bank where deposited in the discretion of the Mayor and General Council at a regular or special meeting. CHARTEIl— TREASURER— AUDITOR g]^ Sec. 183. Treasurer Can Withdraw Funds only on Warrants. — The Treasurer of said City shall have no power on his own motion to withdraw any of tlie funds so deposited, but can only do so upon warrants regularly issued and countersigned as afore- said. Sec. 184. Further Conditions — Regulation of Deposits, Etc. — In case none of the banks of the City make reasonable offers of interest and security, as aforesaid, or a smaller number of the banks than four (4) make such ofifers, then the whole subject of the regulation of the deposits of the moneys belonging to the City shall be left to the sound discretion of the Mayor and Gen- eral Council in office for the time being. The Alayor and Gen- eral Council of the City of Atlanta shall have full power to pro- vide by necessary ordinances for the regulation and control of the deposits of funds belonging to said City in accordance with the spirit and intent of this Act. Sec. 185. Shall Make Annual Statement and Estimate for Ensuing Year. — The Treasurer of the City, at the close of each fiscal year, shall make a full tabular statement of the assets of and resources of the City, with an itemized estimate of the prob- able and necessary expense for the ensuing year, which shall be published. Sec. 186. Auditor — How Elected — When. — The Mayor and General Council may, at t'heir discretion, at the same time the other City Officers are elected, elect an Auditor, w^ho shall hold his office as pro\ided in the 20th Section of this Act (1874). unless removed for cause, to be judged of by the Mayor and Gen- eral Council. Sec. 187. Duties of Auditor.— He shall examine quarterly the books, papers, and accounts of all the City Officers, through w^hose hands money may pass, and to make a written report to the Mayor and General Council as to the correctness of said accounts. Sec. 188. General Council Not Relieved of Examining Ac- counts by Election of an Auditor. — The election of an auditor, with the duties above set fortli, shall not relieve the members 62 CHAnTER—TREASVREn AUDITOR of the General Council of the responsibility of examining into all accounts for and against the City, and into the reports of the City Officers. Sec. 189. Compensation.— He shall receive such salary as may be voted him by the General Council next preceding his election, which shall not be increased or diminished during the term, for which he was elected. Sec. 190. Auditor May be Removed — Cause.— The Auditor may be removed at any time ft5r malpractice in office, or for in- competency. CHAUTER- Fl \ A VCE A SSESSME.XTS 63 CHAPTER XIV. ]-lXAXX'E. Sec. 191. Financial Condition — How Ascertained — When, — l-ov the purpose oi eiiablin,^ Councilmen and .XUlermcn to knt:)\v at all times the true financial condition of the City, the Comptrol- ler shall prepare, and the Clerk of Council shall read and enter upon the minutes, at the opening of each regular session, a bal- ance slteet, showing the gross revenue of the fiscal year, and ex- penses voted by Council up to that time, as also the amount of the said several sums estimated as aforesaid, and what part of the same has been up to that time appropriated, and what part remains unappropriated. Sec. 192. Receipts and Expenditures Shown in Detail by Comptroller's Books. — The books kept by the Comi)tr()ller of the City of Atlanta shall be kept in such manner as to show in de- tail the receipts and expenditures of each Department of the City Government. Sec. 193. Assessment of City Property. — The said Mayor and General Council shall make or cause to be made an early assess- ment on City property, which assessment shall, in all cases, be made at the cash market valuation of the same, so that the re- turn of the assessors can be completed and handed in by the first day of February of each year, and to open books to receive re- turns for taxation on the first day of February each year, and to close their books for receiving retvirns on the fifteenth day of March in each year. Sec. 194. Estimate of Income Tax After Assessors' Return — When Made — How. — Cpon the return of the assessors being handed in, as above provided, the said Mayor and General Coun- cil, at fhe first regular meeting in June thereafter (1899), shall cause an estimate to be made up and entered on the minutes, showing the gross amount of the income of the City for the fiscal year, ascertained by assessment of a tax not exceeding one and one-fourth per cent, on the taxable property of the City, and a reasonable estimate of the other taxes and sources of revenue. 64 CHARTKR—FIXA.XCE— APPROPRIATIONS Sec. 195. Appropriation of Revenue. — And shall apportion and set apart the same to such departments and to such number of departments or heads as may be deemed requisite and as shall be provided by ordinance, and the name, number, and order of departments or heads for appropriations may be changed by or- dinance ; wliich several sums taken in the aggregate shall not exceed the amount of income from all sources for the year in question. Sec. 196. Appropriations May be Varied — When. — The an- nual appropriations, as made by the Council, may be varied as to the amount distributed to the several heads at the first meeting held in October ; these variations not to retroact on expired quar- ters, and not to enlarge in any manner the aggregate appropria- tions for the year. Sec. 197. Appropriations — How Made. — No money shall be appropriated from the City Treasury, except by resolution of the Council and Aldermen, as herein provided, which shall be void, unless it specifies upon its face upon wliich of said funds it is drawn. Sec. 198. Exceeding Limit of Appropriation — Penalty. — The said Mayor and members of Council and Aldermen shall be in- dividually liable to the City for the refunding of any amounts appropriated or expenses incurred in excess of said limits, when present at the voting of the same — except such of them as escape such liability by calling t'he yeas and nays, and voting in the negative, and name entered on the minutes. Sec. 199. Penalty — How Enforced. — The amount thereof will be recovered in an action brought in any of the Courts of t'his State having jurisdiction thereof, in the name of the Clerk of the Council, for the use of the City. Sec. 200. Clerk's Compensation for Bringing Suit. — Ten per cent, of the recovery shall be his (tlie Clerk's) compensation. Sec. 201. Failure of Clerk to Bring Suit— Penalty.— If he fail to bring said action within ten days, the said sums may be recovered of him and his bondsmen, at the suit of anv citizen. CHARTER— PMXAXCE—A.WIAL. I\C03IE 65 Sec. 202. No Settlement Without Judge's Consent, with En- try on Minutes. — Xo action hrouglit under this Section, or right of action, shall l)e settled without the consent of the Judge be- fore whom such suit is pending, up(jn exhibit of all the facts, and such consent entered on the minutes. Sec. 203. Annual Expense Restricted to Income. — The an- nual expense of the City of Atlanta shall be so restricted as not to exceed the annual income of the City, after paying interest on its bonds and floating debt, and one-half of the tax on real estate be first set aside for the j)ayment of this floating debt, un- til all is paid. (Latter clause obsolete, because debt has been funded I. Sec. 204. Can't Borrow, Except as Herein Allowed. — Xo Council or General Council shall be allowed to borrow any mon- ey, except as may be necessary to meet the present floating debt, or in carrying temporary balances on same, and every contract for borrowed money other than herein allowed, shall be void. The Mayor and Council, or Mayor and General Council, shall have full power and authority, in their discretion, to negotiate loans on the most advantageous terms to the City, for the first and second quarter, to supply and make up any deficiency that may exist, of the funds in the Treasury, for the purpose of pay- ing the expenses of the City, which may be incurred under the several heads hereinafter mentioned, in any amount not exceed- ing $400,000, and not exceeding the amounts set apart under each head for the year in question. Sec. 205. Loans to be Returned — When— In Total or Partial Payments — All to Be Paid Out of the Same Year's Income. — As soon as an amount equal to the amount so borrowed is paid into the Treasury by taxation, or from other sources of revenue, not already applied to other debts or liabilities of said City, the said Mayor and Council, or Mayor and General Council, shall at once apply the same, or as much as may be necessary, to the repayment of said loans, or said Mayor and Council, or Mayor and General Council, shall be authorized in their discretion to make partial payments upon said loans with any moneys that may come into the Treasury from time to time, under the restric- tions herein provided. In either case the total amount of said 66 CHARTKR^FIXAXCE— IXDIVIDI'AI. L,IABII-ITV loans shall be repaid out of the income of the ^-ear, in which said loans were made. Sec. 206. Temporary Loans — Limit of — How to Be Repaid. — The Mayor and General Council of Atlanta shall have power and authority to borrow money by making temporary loans of not exceeding- four hundred thousand dollars in any one year, the sum or sums so borrowed to be repaid out of the income of the City for the year, in which the loan or loans were made, and be- fore the expiration of the year, in which the same was borrowed, this authority to be in lieu of authority heretofore granted to borrow smaller sums. Sec. 207. When Contracts Are Void — Individual Liability — When — How Enforced. — All contracts entered into by said Council, contrary to this Act (1874), for the purpose of raising money, or otherwise engaging the credit of said City, sliall be null and void as to said City, but the said Mayor, if he approve, and all members of the Council, or General Council, present and voting, who fail to record their votes against such measure or contract, shall be jointly and severally liable thereon, as upon t'heir own contracts, which may be enforced against such Mayor and members of Council, or General Council, in any Court of this State having jurisdiction thereof. Sec. 208. May Create a Sinking Fund for City Hall.— The Mayor and General Council of said City in their discretion are hereby authorized to create a sinking fund from the taxes and other incomes of said City, to provide a fund for the purchase, or acquiring of a site by condemnation proceedings, for a City Hall building, and for the erection of a City Hall building. The amount to be paid into such fund each year shall be such as may be prescribed by the Mayor and General Council by ordinance. Sec. 209. May Purchase City Hall or Site— Pay In Full or in Installments. — The Mayor and General Council of Atlanta are hereby also authorized, in their discretion, to i)urchase a site and building, or a site only, for a City Hall, and to pay for the same in fi\'e or more annual installments. Sec. 210. May Purchase Piedmont Park — Price — Install- CHARTKR—FIX.WCK— MARKET HOUSK— EXCESS RECEIPTS G7 ments. — The Mayor and General Council of the City of Atlanta are hereby authorized, in their discretion, to purchase the prop- erty known as Piedmont Park for park purposes at a price not exceeding one hundred and sixty thousand ($160,000.00) dollars, and to pay for same in such annual installments, and through such a number of years, as may be deemed best by said Mayor and (ieneral Council. Sec. 211. May Rent Suitable Market House or Houses — Term and Rent Limited. — The Mayor and General Council are hereby authorized to rent or lease from any party, who may build a suitable market house or houses in the City of Atlanta, for a term not exceeding fifteen years, at a rate of rental not to exceed eight per cent, on the investment, and are hereby authorized to make such ordinances as are necessary and proper to protect the City in said lease. Sec. 212. May Purchase Market House — Time — Cost. — The City of Atlanta is hereby authorized to purchase said market or markets at any time during said fifteen years at original cost of said market property. Sec. 213. May Expend Entire Receipts — Proviso. — Said May- or and General Council are hereby authorized to expend and use any excess in the receipts of the City for any year over the amount appropriated for such year; Provided, that such expendi- ture shall in no case exceed the actual cash receipts for such year. (Jg CHARTER— BOXDS— REFUNDING CHAPTER XV. CITY BONDS. Sec. 214. May Issue Redemption Bonds — to Retire Funding Bonds — Limit of Interest Rate, — The Mayor and General Coun- cil, with t'he concurrence of the Aldermanic Board of the City of Atlanta, are hereby authorized to cause the issue of new cou- pon bonds of said City to meet and retire the securities of said City, known as the six per cent, funding bonds, as the several installments of same shall hereafter, from time to time, mature and fall due, beginning" with tlie next installment amounting to twenty-five thousand dollars, which falls due on the first day of January, 1897. Said new coupon bonds to be in such form, to run for such length of time, and to bear such rate of interest (not exceeding four and one-half (l-i/j) per centum per annum) as t'he said City Government may direct, and the proceeds to be applied only for the purpose of paying oft and retiring said se- ries of six per cent, funding bonds above described. Sec. 215. May Refund all Maturing Bonds — to Retire Matur- ing Bonds — Limit of Interest Rate. — The Mayor and General Council of said City are hereby authorized and empowered to cause the issue of new coupon bonds of said City to meet and re- tire all bonds of said City now outstanding as the several install- ments thereof shall hereafter, from time to time, mature and fall due; said new coupon bonds to be in such form, to run for such length of time, and to bear such rate of interest, not exceeding four and one-half per centum per annum, as the said Mayor and General Council may direct, and the proceeds to be applied only for the purpose of paying off and retiring any bonds of said City now outstanding as the same mature. Sec. 216. May Refund Maturing Bonds in Bonds Bearing Lower Interest. — The Mayor and General Council of said City of •Vtlanta arc hereby authorized and empowered to issue new cou- pon bonds of said City to run for such length of time, to be of such denominations, and to bear such rate of interest not to ex- ceed four and one-half (41/2) per centum per annum as said CHARTER— BOX DS—IXTKREST— REGISTRATION 69 Mayor and General Council may direct. The bonds hereby au- thorized may be issued from time to time as outstanding unma- tured bonds of said City, bearing a higher rate of interest, can be obtained by purchase or exchange for said new issue of bonds, on terms satisfactory to said Mayor and (jeneral Council. The bonds authorized to be issued under this Section shall be issued only as outstanding bonds of said City, as above, of the same amount of principal, are retired by ]-)urchase with the proceeds of said new bonds, or by exchange iov new brmds as aforesaid, and said new bonds, or the proceeds thereof, shall be used for the retiring, as aforesaid, of bonds of said Cit}' bearing a higher rate of interest than tlie new bonds authorized by this Section ; and in no event shall the amount of bonds issued for this purpose at any time exceed the amount of outstanding higher interest rate bonds retired by purchase with the proceeds or by exchange for such new bonds. Sec. 217. No Bonds to Bear Higher Rate of Interest Than Maturing Bonds. — Xo bonds issued by the Mayor and General Council of the Cit}- of Atlanta, to meet maturing and outstanding- bonds, shall bear a higher rate of interest than such maturing bonds. Sec. 218. May Regulate Registration of Bonds. — The Mayor and General Council of said City of Atlanta are hereby author- ized and empowered to provide for and regulate the registration of bonds of said City with the Treasurer of said City, in as full and ample manner as is provided by the laws of this State for the registration of bonds in this State. Said Mayor and General Council shall have the power to prescribe the manner, in which bonds of said City, which have been registered, may be trans- ferred or negotiated. Sec. 219. May Issue Registered Bonds — Lieu of Coupon Bonds — Registered Bonds Have No Coupons — Transferable on Treasurer's Books. — Said Mayor and General Council may pro- vide for the issuing of registered bonds of said City, in lieu of any bonds authorized to be issued in pursuance of this Act (1889), and in lieu of any coupon bonds of said City heretofore, or that may hereafter be issued by said City. Said registered bonds shall be similar in all respects to the bonds authorized to 70 CHARTER— BOXDS— HOW ISSUED be issued by said City under the Acts respectively authorizing the issue of the same, EXCEPT, that registered bonds under this Section of this Act shall not be coupon bonds, and the principal and interest shall be payable only at the Treasury of said City. Said bonds registered under and by virtue of this Section shall be transferable on the books of the Treasurer of said City, in the manner in substance provided for the transfer of the bonds of the State of Georgia, authorized to be registered by the third Section of an Act approved September 5, 1887, and which Act provided for the issue, registration, etc., of the bonds of t'he State of Geor- eia. Sec. 220. Guardians and Trustees May Invest in City Bonds. — Any guardian or Trustee, in his discretion, may invest any funds of his ward or cestui que trust in his hands in bonds of said City of Atlanta, in the same manner and to the same extent as such funds may be invested in stocks, bonds, and other securities of t'he State of Georgia. Sec. 221. Bonds — How Issued — General Laws — No Special Law. — The City shall hereafter issue and sell bonds under the provisions of the General Laws of the State, and where an issue of bonds is desired and the purposes thereof are legal and the amount proposed is not in excess of the constitutional limit, the Mayor and General Council shall call an election therefor by ordi- nance, observing, as to notice, time, place and manner of election, voting and declaring the result and all other formalities as pro- vided bv law, the general laws governing the same. CHARTER— COMPTROLLER— BOD—.VCCOVXTS CHAPTER XVI. CITY COMPTROLLER. Sec. 222. City Comptroller — Office of Created. — The office of City Comptroller of said City is hereby created. Sec. 223. City Comptroller — How Elected. — The City Comp- troller shall be elected by the people at the same time the Citv Officers are elected and shall hold his office as provided in Acts (1910) Sec. in. Sec. 224. Duties of Comptroller. — The duties of said City Comptroller shall be such as are now or from time to time may be prescribed by ordinance of said City. Said City of Atlanta shall have power to devolve upon the City Comptroller an\' dutv or authority now and heretofore devolving- upon any other officer of said City or charter or law, whenever the Mayor and (jeneral Council may deem it necessary or proper. Sec. 225. He Shall Give Bond. — He shall g-ive Ixind in such sum as may be prescribed by ordinance, with security, subject to approval by the Mayor, conditioned for the faithful performance of his duties. Sec. 226. Compensation. — He shall receive such salary as may be prescribed by the Mayor and General Council, wTiich salary- may be increased during- his present or future term of office. Sec. 227. Keeps City Accounts with All Departments — Ap- portionment of Revenue for Convenience of Comptroller — Heads of Appropriations. — To enable the City Comptroller to keep a general set of books for said City, and to keep regular and cor- rect accoinits. showing the financial transactions of said City. separately and imder proper heads, with all persons and City of- ficers, who may have monev transactions with said City, and to enable a complete system of checks and balances to be provided for said City, said City may by ordinance provide for the appor- tionment of the revenue or income of the Citv each \'ear, to such 72 CHAUTKR— COMPTROLLER— BOOKS departments or heads, and to such number of departments or heads, as may be deemed requisite, instead of to Departments or heads heretofore provided by charter of said City in Section 35 thereof (Act 1874), and elsewhere therein; and said City may by ordinance change the name, number, and order of departments or heads for appropriations heretofore provided ; l)ut all the other tinancial provisions of t'he charter and amendments thereto of said City are continued in force, except as changed by this Act. (1889.) Sec. 228. Comptroller May Require Evidence of Justice of Claims. — Whenever a warrant or claim shall be presented to the City Comptroller, he shall have power to require evidence that the amount claimed is justly due, and for t'hat purpose may sum- mon before him any officer, agent, or employee of any depart- ment of said City, or any other person, and examine him upon oath or affirmation, relative to such warrant or claim, and may require the production of books and papers to be used as evidence before him. Sec. 229. Books Shall Show in Detail Receipts and Expendi- tures of Each Department.— The books kept by the Comptroller of the City of Atlanta shall be kept in such manner as to show in detail the receipts and expenditures of each Department of the Citv (jovernment. CHARTER— WATER AVORKS-BOARD-ELECTIOX— TERM 73 CHAPTER XVII. DEPARTMENT OF WATERWORKS— BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS. Sec. 230. Water Commissioners — Continued in Office. — By reason of tlie inadequate supply of water in said City, for extin- guishing fires, and for domestic and sanitary purposes, and for the purpose of supplying said deficiency, the Board of Water Commissioners as now established by law, shall be continued as hereinafter provided. Sec. 231. One Commissioner From Each Ward. — One of said Commissioners shall lie elected (by the Mayor and General Coun- cil) from each of the nine wards of said Citv. Sec. 232. Election in 1887— Terms of Members Elected.— A* the second regular meeting of the Alayor and Council of the City of Atlanta in December, 1887, said body shall elect seven (now eight) Water Commissioners for said City. The terms of the members first elected under this Act shall be as follows: Those elected from the First and Second Wards .shall hold their oftices for a term of one year; those elected from the Third and Fourth Wards shall hold their offices for a term of two vears. and those elected from the h'ifth and Sixth \\'ar(ls shall hold their (jffices for a term of three years. Sec. 233. Subsequent Elections — Terms of Members Elected — If Vacancy, How Filled. — At all subsequent elections, except to fill vacancies, the members shall be elected for a term of three years each, and on the expiration of a term, or the existence of a vacancy a member shall l)e elected from the Ward in which the same occurs. Sec. 234. When Terms Begin — If Vacancy, Election Fills Un- expired Term. — The terms of office of all members of said Board shall commence on the first day of January following their elec- tion, except in cases of elections to fill vacancies. In the latter case elections shall be for the unexpired term. 74 CHARTER -WATER-WORKS— PRESIDKXT Sec. 235. Mayor and Chairman of Waterworks Committee Ex-Officio Members of Board. — The Mayor of said City and the Chairman of the Committee on Waterworks of the General Coun- cil of said City shall each be ex-offtcio a member of the Board of Water Commissioners of said City, and said eight members above provided for, together with said Mayor and Chairman of the Committee on Waterworks, shall constitute the Board of Water Commissioners of said City. Sec. 236. Vacancy — How Filled — Term. — Whenever a va- cancy occurs by death, resignation, or otherwise, it shall be filled by the Mayor and General Council for the balance of the term. Sec. 237. Oath of Office. — The said Board of Commissioners s'hall take and subscribe the oath administered to the Mayor and General Council. Sec. 238. Elect Their Own President — When. — Said Board of Water Commissioners shall choose from their own number, an- nually, one as a President of said Water Board. Sec. 239. Quorum. — A majority of said Board shall consti- tute a quorum for the transaction of business. Sec. 240. Shall Keep Record of Acts and Doings— Make Re- ports — 'When — Subject to Exarnination — When. — (Said Board) shall keep a record, in books to be kept for that purpose, of the acts and doings of said Board, a full report ofwhich shall be made annually to the Mayor and General Council of said City, and the books of said Board shall be subject to examination at any time by persons aut'horized to do so by the Mayor and General Coun- ci'l. Sec. 241. Legal Acts Bind City. — All contracts and engage- ments, acts and doings of said i>oard, within the scope of their duty or authority, shall be obligatory upon, and be in law con- sidered as if done by the Mayor and General Council of the City of Atlanta ; and the said City of Atlanta, and all the real estate within t'he City of x-Xtlanta, shall be liable for the payment of the CHARTER— WATER WORKS- BOARD —MEMBERS-POWERS 75 principal and interest that may become due on the bonds to be issued by virtue of this Act. (Obsolete.) Sec. 242. Members May be Removed for Cause — When How. — The }iIayor and General Council of the City of Atlanta, may, at any time, remove any member of said Board; Provided, it shall satisfactorily appear, after reasonable notice to the par- ties, and hearing the cause of complaint and answer thereto, if any should be ottered, that the member, whose removal is sought, has been guilty of maladministration or neglect of the duties of his office, that his removal will be right and proper, and two- thirds of the members elected to said Council shall concur in such removal. Sec. 243. Powers of Board — Holding Property for City — Con- struction of Aqueducts — Laying of Pipes — Maintain Water- works, — The said Board shall, for (and in the name of) the Mayor and Council of the City of Atlanta, take and hold the lands and real estate, rights, franchises, and property of every kind so purchased by the Board aforesaid, and other lands, real estate or property, necessary in t'heir opinion for the construction of any canals, aqueducts, reservoirs, or other w'orks for convey- ing or containing water, or for the erecting of any building or machinery, for laying any pipes or conduits for conveying the water into or through the said places, or to secure and maintain any portion of the works, and in general to do any other act nec- essary or convenient for accomplisliing the purposes contem- plated by this Act. Sec. 244. Mayor and General Council May Inspect Works — When. — The said ]\Iayor and General Council shall be authorized by a Committee of their own number, or otherwise, to inspect semi-annually, or oftener, the state and condition of the works and property thereto belonging, and the said Board shall give them every reasonable facility and assistance in making such inspection. Sec. 245. May Use Roads, Streets, Etc. — Damages to Same to be Repaired. — The said Board, in behalf of the Mayor and Gen- eral Council of the City of Atlanta, and all persons acting under 76 CHARTER— WATEU-AVORKS— CONTRACTS— GENERAl. MANAGER their authority, shall have the right to use the ground or soil under any road, railroad, 'highway, street, lane, alley or court, within the State, for the purpose of constructing, enlarging, or improving any of the work contemplated by virtue of this Act, upon condition that they shall not permanently injure any such railroad, highway, street, lane, alley or court to be restored to its original state, and all damages done thereto be repaired. Sec. 246.' Contracts for Material — in Writing when — How Endorsed. — All contracts for materail, or for the construction of any part of said work, which shall involve the expenditure of five hundred dollars or more, shall be made in writing, and of eac'h contract two copies shall be taken, which shall be numbered with the number of said contract, and endorsed witli the name of the contractor, and a summary of the work to be done, or mate- rial to be furnished. Sec. 247. One Copy of Contract Deposited with Comptroller. —One of the said copies shall be deposited with the Auditor of Accounts (now Comptroller) of the City of Atlanta, and one shall be retained by said Board. Sec. 248. Security Taken for Contracts by Board — From Whom — How. — The said Board shall have authority to require from any person or persons with whom they shall enter into a contract, satisfactory security for the faithful performance of said contract, according- to its terms. Sec. 249. No Member of Board Shall be Interested in Con- tract. — And no member of said lioard shall be interested, directly or indirectly, in any contract relating to said work. Sec. 250. Property Exempt from Tax. — All lands and real es- tate, and property of every kind, so held aforesaid, by the said Board, and in the name of the Mayor and General Council of the City of Atlanta, shall be exempted from taxes and assessments. Sec. 251. — There shall be elected a General Manager of Water Works by the people at the same time the other City Ofificers are CHARTER— WATER WORKS— APPOIXTEES— REGULATIONS 77 elected who shall hold 'his office as provided in Act of 1910 (Sec. 117.) Sec. 252. Board May Appoint Engineer, Clerks, Etc. — Fix Compensation. — The said Board of Commissioners shall have power to appoint a competent engineer for the construction of said water works and to fix his compensation therefor, while so employed. Also to employ such clerks and laborers as may from time to time be found needful, and fix their compensation. Sec. 253. Board Regulates Distribution of Water — Public Hydrants — Where and How Erected. — The said IJoard (Water Commissioners) shall regulate the distribution and use of said water in all places, and for all purposes where the same may be required, and from time to time shall fix the price for the use thereof, and the time of payment, and they shall erect such num- ber of public Tiydrants and in such places as they shall see fit, and direct in what manner and for what purpose the same shall be used, all of wdiich they may change at their discretion. Sec. 254. Appliances to Extinguish Fires — Expense of City — How Erected. — All conduits or appliances required and furnished for the purpose of extinguishment of fires shall be erected at the expense of the Mayor and General Council of the City of At- lanta, and placed as they shall direct, and be under their exclu- sive control and direction. Sec. 255. Contracts for Water — Limit Three Years. — The Board shall make no contract for the price of using the water for a longer time than three years, and at the expiration of any term or lease, the price paid for the use thereof shall be adjusted ac- cording to the regulations then established. Sec. 256. Payment for Water — May Shut Off Supply for Non-Pajmient. — The said Board shall have full power and au- thority to require the payment in advance for the use or rent of water furnished by them, in or upon any building, place or prem- ises, and, in case prompt payments shall not be made, they may shut off the water from such building, place or premises, and shall not be compelled again to supply said building, place, or 78 CHARTER— AVATER-WORKS— PIPES— 1\ COME premises, with water until said arrears, with interest thereon, shall be fully paid. Sec. 257. May Assess for Water Pipe — Limit of Assessment. — Whenever the said Board of Water Commissioners shall cause water pipe to be laid along any street in the City of Atlanta, they are hereby authorized to assess the cost, or such portion of the cost of such pipe, and the expense of laying- the same, and of erecting hydrants, upon the owners of all improved property on each side of t'he street, or portion of a street, along and through which such pipe has been, or may be, extended, such assessment to be made under such just and equitable rules as said Board of Water Commissioners may establish, not exceeding seven dollars each. Sec. 258. Payment Refused — Penalty — Provisos. — If any property-owner shall refuse, after demand, to pay such assess- ment, the name of such person, t'he amount due by him, and a description of the property, in front of which such pipe has been run, shall be furnished by the Board to the Clerk of the City Council of Atlanta, who shall issue execution against such owner for the amount due ; which said execution shall be levied by the City Marshal and collected out of the property mentioned on tax execution, and the amount paid over to the Water Commission- ers, and the fees of the Clerk and Marshal s'hall be the same as allowed by law for tax executions ; provided that any person tak- ing water on his, her, or their premises shall be charged the regu- lar water rate, and shall not be subject to said assessment; pro- vided, further, that, if t'he property-owner aforesaid shall take, within twelve months from the laying of said water pipes, water in pursuance of all rules and regulations of the Water Commis- sioners, then said sum so collected shall be credited upon the cur- rent water rates of the property-owner for the year he or she s'hall take the same ; and provided also in no case shall any sum be levied upon any property-owner failing or refusing to take said water more than one term. Sec. 259. Income to be Paid into the City Treasury.— On and after January 1st, 1880, all money collected from water rents, and any other income from said waterworks, shall be paid, as col- lected, to the Qerk of Council of the City, and by him into the C'HARTKK—AVATER- WORKS— APPROPRIATIOX 79 City Treasury, and the necessary funds to carry on said water- works shall be paid out of the City Treasury on orders of the Mayor and General Council. Sec. 260. Appropriation for Waterworks can not Exceed In- come — Except When. — The annual appropriation for water- works shall never exceed the estimated annual income, except in an extraordinary emergency, to be judged of by the Mayor and General Council. Sec. 261. Appropriation — How Made. — Said Board shall by the first meeting of the Mayor and General Council in May of each year file with said body an estimate of the probable receipts from water rents and other income, if any, and of the amount necessary to run said waterworks during the current year. Said Mayor and General Council shall then, and at the same time that other appropriations are made, make such appropriations, and set apart such amount for said waterworks, as mav be necessary for the economical and successful operation of the same, and shall pay the same over to the Board of Water Commissioners as it mav be needed. Sec. 262. Persons Maliciously Injuring Pipes — Their Liabil- ity — Their Punishment. — If any person or persons shall mali- ciously or willfully divert the water, or any portion thereof, from the said w^orks, or shall corrupt or render the same impure, or shall destroy or injure any canal, aqueduct, pipe, conduit, ma- chinery, or other property used or required for producing or dis- tributing the water, such person or persons, and their aiders and abettors, shall forfeit to the said Board, to be recovered in an ac- tion of trespass, treble the amount of damages (besides cost of said suit), Which shall appear on trial to have been sustained, and all such acts are hereby declared to be misdemeanors ; and the parties found guilty thereof may be further punished by fine not exceeding one thousand dollars or l)y imprisonment not ex- ceeding one year, or both at the discretion of the Court. Sec. 263. Board May Make Rules — Regulate Use of Water, Etc. — The said Board shall have power to make rules and regu- lations respecting the introduction of water into or upon any OQ CHARTKR—WATER WORKS— COXDEMNATIOJV premises and, from time to time, to regulate the use thereof in such manner as shall seem to them necessary and proper. Sec. 264. Apparatus May be Examined — By Whom — For What Purpose. — The members of said Board, and all engineers, superintendents, or inspectors in their service, are hereby author- ized and empowered to enter at all seasonable hours any dwelling or other places where said water is taken and used, and where un- necessary waste thereof is known, or suspected, and examine and inquire into the cause thereof. They shall have full power to examine all surface pipes, stop-cocks, and other apparatus con- nected with the said works, for the purpose of ascertaining whether the same are of the character and dimensions, and fixed in the manner directed in permits issued therefor. Sec. 265. Penalty for Refusal to Permit Such Examination. — If any person refuse to permit such examination, or oppose or obstruct such officer in the performance of such duty, he, she, or they so ofifending shall be liable to such penalty, not exceeding ten dollars, for such offense as the Board may impose, and sup- ply of water may also be shut ofif until the required examination is made, and such alterations and repairs are completed as may be necessary. Sec. 266. Board May Execute Promissory Notes. — ^(Obso- lete). — The said Board shall be authorized to execute promissory notes, or accept drafts for any of the legitimate purposes of said works, in anticipation of the receipts of the proceeds of t'he sale of bonds hereinbefore authorized to be issued by them, or of the revenue of the said works. Provided, however, that the whole amount of the permanent indebtedness of the City to be increased by them by virtue of this Act, shall not exceed the sum of five hundred thousand dollars. Sec. 267. Condemnation of Private Property for Waterworks Uses — By Whom and How Instituted. — The Mayor and General Council of the City of Atlanta are hereby authorized to condemn property, which may be needed, in the judgment of said Mayor and General Council, to enlarge its waterworks plant, or grounds, the condemnation proceedings in all cases to conform to the laws CHARTER-^\VATER-«OKKS— CO.\DEM.\ATIOX 81 of the State authorizing" and regulating the condemnation of pri- vate property for public uses. (General law now obtains). Sec. 268. Appropriation of Real Estate by Condemnation, or Injury to Same — Disagreement as to Price — Court Appoints As- sessors, Who Report to Court. — In case of a disagreement be- tween said Board and the owners of any lands, or water-rights, or franchises, necessary for the construction of said waterworks. or anything appertaining thereto, or as to the price to be paid therefor, as to the damage done thereto, or the owner of said land, or water-rigflits, or franchises, shall be a married woman, or an infant, or insane, or shall be absent from the State, then it shall and may be lawful for the Judge of the Superior Court of Fulton County, upon application of either party, or in case such owner shall be unknown, or can not be found, then, ui>on notice of such application at said Court, may direct to appoint three dis- interested persons to examine said property, and to assess the value thereof, or the damage done to the same, who shall, with as little delay as possible, discharge said duty, after having taken an oath before some officer authorized to administer the same, impartially, to the best of their ability, and make a return of their actings and doings in the premises to the next term of the Supe- rior Court of Fulton County, to be entered on the minutes of said Court, and made the judgment thereof. Sec. 269. Proviso for Appeal from Assessors' Award — How Made — Appeal Shall Not Delay Work on Waterworks. — Pro- vided, that in case either party is dissatisfied with said award, he or they may appeal to the Superior Court of said County, and have said case tried by a special jury, as in usual cases of appeal, upon giving to the opposite party notice within ten days after the making of said award, of his intention to do so, and giving bond, wifh good security for the payment of all costs and dam- ages, w^hich may accrue to the opposite party by reason of enter- ing said appeal ; and, provided, further, that the work on said waterw^orks shall not be delayed by reason of entering said ap- peal. Sec. 270. If No Appeal — Board Pays in Two Months Amount Reported by Assessors as Full Compensation. — Whenever such report shall have been made the judgment of said Court, and no g2 CHARTKH MATER-WOK IvS— CONDEMNATION appeal has been entered, as aforesaid, the said Board shall, within two months thereafter, pay to the said owner, or to such person or persons as the Court may direct, the sum mentioned in said report, in full compensation for the property so recpiired, or for the damages sustained, as the case may be. Sec. 271. Title Disputed — Owner Insane, Unknown, or an In- fant — Board Pay Money into Court — Mayor and General Coun- cil Seized in Fee Simple. — In all cases, when the title or interest of any person or persons in land required and taken up for the purpose of this Act is doubtful or disputed, or in case said owner sliall be unknown, insane, non compos mentis, or an infant, or can not be found, the value of, or damage to. such lands, awarded by the Commissioner appointed by said Judge of the Superior Court, may be paid into said Court, upon affidavit made of such facts by the claimant, his agent, or attorney, and such payments shall have the same effect as if made to the owner thereof, and t'he said Court may proceed in a summary way. upon petition of any person claiming to be the owner of said lands, or any part thereof, and to what person or persons the said money shall be paid, and shall have power to distribute the same among the persons enti- tled t'hereto, and thereupon the Mayor and General Council of the City of Atlanta shall become seized in fee simple of such property so required, and shall be discharged from all claims by reason of such damage. NEW WATERWORKS. Sec. 272. Authority to Improve Water Supply — Acquire Rights and Property for That Purpose — Provisions for Pure and Clear Water. — The City of Atlanta is hereby authorized and em- powered to enlarge and improve the existing water supply and waterworks of said City in any manner and to any extent, t'hat is or mav be needful, from the present or from any other site or sites ; that said City shall have the power to acquire all rights and property, real and personal, necessary or appropriate for afford- ing a complete and sufificient supply of reasonably pure and clear water to said City, and shall have power to acquire and hold or use all such rights and property, both within the limits of said' City and anywhere in this State, including ownership of and do- minion in whole or in part over the water-shed, from which the water to be supplied is gathered, 'however large the tract of land CHARTER— AVATER-AVORKS-ACaUISITIOX OF I.A\n g;} necessary for the purpose may be. so as to let said water-shed grow up in grass and trees, without manuring or tillage, or other hurtful use, and so as to keep the water clear and pure. Sec. 273. Authority to Make Surveys for Proposed Work. — The said City shall ha\e power to cause such examinations and surveys to be made for the proposed work contemplated in this Bill as shall be necessary or proper to the selection of the most advantageous location or locations, site or sites, water-shed or sheds, and right or rights, way or ways, for locating all their works and appliances for bringing the water and distributing it in the City, and for carrying out the object of this Bill.. Sec. 274. Can For This Purpose Enter Upon the Land of Anyone — All Powers Heretofore Conferred Continue In Full Force. — And for such purpose (surveys, etc.j, the said City, by its ofificers. agents, servants or employees, shall have the riglit to enter upon the land or water of any person, and all the rights, powers, and privileges heretofore conferred by the Legislature under any bill enacted by the same upon said City for erecting and mantaining waterworks, are hereby revived and continued in full force for the purposes of this Act, in extending said water- works, or in erecting new waterworks, either or both, as the case mav be. Sec. 275. May Have Rights of Way For Canals, Aqueducts, Etc. — The City, by its agents aforesaid, may construct its works, or lay its pipes, upon acquiring the property or riglit so to do, as the case may be, with the necessary way or ways, dams, canals, raceways, reservoirs, excavations or embankments, and do all acts and things necessary for the construction and maintenance of said works. Sec. 276. May Lease, Buy or Condemn Property, or Acquire by Donation the Same, For Waterworks. — And (said City) shall have the power to lease, or buy, or condemn any property, real or personal, anywhere in this State, for the purpose, or acquire the same by donation, and to sell, lease or dispose of any part thereof not found necessary for the works, at the pleasure of the City. 84 CHARTKR— WATER-WORKS— L.AV MAIXS Sec. 277. May Obtain Gravel, Stone, Earth and Timber— Cut Down Trees, If Necessary — Take Land For All Such Purposes — Pay For Same. — And said City, by its agents as aforesaid, shall have power to obtain gravel, stone, earth, timber, or other material, and to take such land as may be necessary for the proper construction, operation, and security of said works, and to cut down any trees, t'hat may be necessary therefor, or security of the same, making compensation therefor as by tliis bill or under the law provided for property taken for public use, and shall have all other powers and authority necessary and appro- priate to accomplish the objects of this Act. Sec. 278. Rights and Remedies of City and Property-Owners In Condemnation of Property. — The rights and remedies of said City, and all persons and corporations, whose property, fran- chises, easements, or rig'hts, it may seek to condemn or appropri- ate for the purposes of this Act shall be those contained in and set out in Part 2, Title 1, Chapter 1, Section 1689, sub-section L, of Code of Georgia of 1882 for condemning and making compen- sation for property, where the same is sought to be taken for railroad purposes, substituting the said City as the pro-movant in such proceedings in lieu of t'he railroad company, as in said Section contemplated, and, if in any respect, the rights and rem- edies in said Section set out should be found inappropriate, then the rights and remedies shall be the same as is contained and provided in the Act of the Legislature of said State originally au- thorizing the City of Atlanta to provide and erect waterworks, and in the several amendments afterwards made thereto. Sec. 279. May Use Streams for Power — Compensation There- for. — Said City shall have power to use and employ for the pur- pose of said works any stream or streams of water or water- course or water-courses, or any part of such waters, which by said City shall be deemed necessary and appropriate ; to use such waters by employing the same for power to run or move the necessary machinery, or for pumping through the mains, and distributing over the City, either or both as the case may be, making compensation therefor as by law required. Sec. 280. May Lay Mains Along Streets, Highways, Crossing, Occupying or Appropriating Same, Or Any Part. — Said City CHARTER— \VATER-WORKS— NOT SELI^ OLD OR XEW SYSTEM g^j shall have the power to lay its mains along any street or high- way, or otherwise, whenever necessary ; to cross, occupy, or ap- propriate with its works such highways or streets or anv part thereof. Sec. 281. Control of Work — By Whom. — The work contem- plated under this Act shall be carried on through the ao^ency of the Board of Water Commissioners of said City, under the direc- tion and control of the Mayor and General Council of the same. Sec. 282. This Authority Continuation of Previous Author- ity—All Existing Laws As To Old Waterworks Effective For New. — The works provided for or contemplated under this Bill are to be deemed and taken as a continuation of, and in lieu of, the w^aterworks heretofore enacted and used by said City, and all existing legislation, as well as the ordinance of said City, forbid- ding trespasses or any interference with said waterworks, and all sanitary laws and regulations relative to the same are hereby revived and made applicable to the said new works, or extended works, as the case may be, with the same remedies, pains, and penalties as by previous Acts and ordinances of the City of At- lanta, or the general laws of the State, are or may be provided. Sec. 283. Can Not Sell or. Lease for Longer Than Five Years Old Waterworks Property — Penalty for Violation. — The Mayor and General Council, or Board of Water Commissioners, or other officers of said City of Atlanta, shall have no authority or power to sell, exchange, or lease for a term longer than five years the property now belonging to the City of Atlanta, known as Lakewood, or the old waterworks property, same being the property, on which is located the old water reservoir, to the South of the City of Atlanta ; and any official vesting therefor shall be deemed guilty of having violated his duty, and subject to impeachment and removal from office. Sec. 284. Can Not Sell Or Lease the System of Waterworks — Penalty For Violation. — The Mayor and General Council, or Board of ^^'ater Commissioners, or other Officers of the City of Atlanta, shall have no authority or power to sell, exchange, farm out, lease out, or in any way alien the property, easements, in- gg CHARTER— \VATKIt\VORKS— FIN AXCIxVG DEl'ARTMKXT come or other equipment, privileges or assets belonging; and ap- pertaining to its system of waterworks ; and all contracts, nego- tiations, grants, leases, or other forms of transfer in violation of this Act are declared void and of no effect, Sis against said City, and any oflficial voting therefor shall be deemed guilty of violat- ing his duty, and subject to impeachment and removal from of- fice therefor; Provided, however, the provisions of this Section shall not apply to the sale, exchange or alienation of such articles or equipments of said waterworks plant as are worn out or use- less, or which for the betterment of the service can be advanta- geously substituted ]\v new or improved machinery or equip- ment. Sec. 285. Provision For Financing New Waterworks — Em- ployment of City Reserve Funds, — For the purpose of carrying into effect the objects of this Act, the said City shall have power to use and employ the fund or funds accumulated under the Charter of said City, under the Act of the General Assembly of said State, approved December 18, 1884, relative to providing a fund for the purpose of making a part of the taxes of each year available for current expenses during a portion of the succeeding year, and under the several Acts, of which said last-recited Act is amendatory, and for the purpose aforesaid, the City of Atlanta shall 'have power to make any contract or contracts, or to incur any obligation upon the means and resources of the City, not repugnant to the Constitution of this State ; and that to supply the place of accumulated funds diverted or used, as above speci- fied, there shall be annually set apart twenty-five thousand dol- lars of the revenues of said City, commencing with the year 1887, until a fund of two 'hundred and fifty thousand dollars has been accumulated, which shall be applied as contemplated, and re- ([uired from year to year, as required by said Act of December ]8, 1884, and the several Acts, of which the same is amendatory; and in the meantime said City may make such temporary loans as are actually necessary in the beginning of the year to antici- pate the rexenues until collection of the same begins to flow into the Treasury in the summer months. (Obsolete.) Sec. 286. Procuring Funds From Others — How — Option to Purchase Later, When In Funds, Etc. — Said City shall have power, if by it denied wise to do so, to procure from any person CHARTEU A\ ATKR AVORKS— CHATTAHOiKHKIO KIVKIt ST or persons willing thus to invest the funds, in whole or in part, necessary to extend said works, or to erect new works, and to vest the title to a corresponding part of the property, or the whole of it, as the case may be, to hini or tliose thus advancing the money, upon the agreement that the City have an option to purchase and pay ior a title to the property at a future day whenever the City shall be provided with funds or means of do- ing so, the City in the "meantime using and operating the works at an agreed rental, to be paid by it u[)on such terms and condi- tions as may be b}- the jiarties agreed on. Sec. 287. Police and Sanitary Regulations New Waterworks — Violation of Regulations — Penalty. — The Mayor and General Council of said City shall have full power and authority to estab- lish reasonable police and sanitary regulations over the new waterworks of said City, located at the Chattahooc'hee River, near the mouth of Peachtree Creek, in Fulton County, and along the pipe-line of said waterworks system, between said river and the City of Atlanta, including said pipe-line, the reservoir of said new waterworks system, the water-shed, and all lands occupied for the purpose of water supply, and to punish a violation of such regulation by fine or imprisonment as in case of violations of other ordinances of said City of Atlanta. Sec. 288. City May Use Water From Chattahoochee River — Ratification of City's Acts In Establishing Works — Not Liable For Suits on Account of Use of Water. — The City of Atlanta is hereby empowered and authorized to use the waters of the Lliat- tahoochee River for the purpose of supplying its system of wa- terworks with water, and all acts of said City, its ]^Iayor and (Gen- eral CDuncil, and its Board of Water Commissioners whereby lands have been purchased alongside said river, pumping stations erected thereon, mains built therefrom, reservoirs and power or other pumping stations erected for the purpose of securing a pressure on the water in such mains whereby the water might be supplied to the Cit\- of Atlanta for the purpose of securing the healtli I if the citizens thereof, and the preserxation of the prop- erty and for all municipal purposes, be and the same are hereby confirmed and its future use for the same and similar j)urpose is herel^y granted and authorized. The City shall not be held liable for any suits at law. or in equity, on account of the use 88 CHARTER— WATER WORKS CONDKMXATION herein authorized or for any enlargement of said use by reason of the increased growth of said City. Sec. 289. Authority Heretofore Granted Preserved As To Construction of Waterworks, Condemnation of Property, Issu- ance of Bonds, Etc. — The grants of authority to said City of Atlanta to construct new waterworks, to acquire property for that purpose by purchase or condemnation, to issue bonds to be sold to pay the expenses of the construction of such works, and all authority heretofore granted said City in reference to the pro- posed system of waterworks, is continued in full force and effect, especially all the provisions of the Act approved September 5th, 1885, October 1st, 1887, and December 4th, 1889, except Section 7 of the Act of 1885 aforesaid, providing for the use of the sink- ing fund of said City, and all authority heretofore granted any system of waterworks, or hereafter to be granted to any such system, is hereby conferred upon the City of Atlanta with refer- ence to the system of waterworks herein authorized to be con- structed. CHARTER— SEWERS AND DRAINS— ASSESSMENTS g() CHAPTER XVIII. SEWERS AND DRAINS. Sec. 290. Authority to Lay Sewers and Drains. — Said Mayor and General Council shall ha\ c full power and authority to lay down sewers and drains in said City. Sec. 291. Construction Under Direction of Chief of Construc- tion. — All work of la}ini^ down or constructing sewers or drains shall be done under the direction and supervision of the Chief of Construction. Sec. 292. Necessity for Sewerage — Plans — Estimates of Cost — Who Furnishes. — The Chief of Construction shall furnish to said Board (of Health) information and advice as to the necessi- ties of any particular locality for sewerage, the kind of sewer- age that may be desirable, with estimates of the cost of the same, and shall furnish plans and profiles and such other like works as may be necessary and proper. Sec. 293. Assessments for Sewers — How Collected. — (They shall have full power and authority) to assess the amount of the cost of laying and constructing the same upon the real estate abutting on streets through and along which sewers and drains may be placed and constructed, and upon any real estate through and upon which the same may be constructed or placed. Amounts of assessments on real estate for constructing sewers may be collected by execution, levy and sale, as in street assess- ments. Sec. 294. Construction of Sewers Provided For By Ordinance — Publication of Its Introduction — Time — When Passed. — The construction of all sewers under this Act shall be provided for by ordinance. After the first reading of an ordinance providing for a sewer, a notice of the introduction of the same shall be published in one or more of the daily papers of the City ; such notice shall contain a statement of the line along which the proposed sewer 90 CHAKTKH— SKAVERS— ASSKSSMEXTS COK^ECTIOIVS is to be laid, and a statement of the general character, material and size of such sewer. Said notice shall be pviblished at least as many as ten days before the adoption of such ordinance, and said ordinance may be adopted at the next meeting after its in- troduction, or at any subsequent meeting after said notice has been published. Substantial compliance with t'he above require- ment as to notice shall be sufficient. Sec. 295. May Lay Sewers Through Private Property — To Ascertain Damage Assessors Appointed — May Appeal From Award — Four Days. — -Said Mayor and General Council are here- by authorized to construct and lay down sewers through prop- erty in said City : Provided, That before doing so, any damage done to private property thereby shall be ascertained and paid. In order to ascertain the amount thereof, assessors shall be ap- pointed, who shall act and report as in cases of opening streets in said City, and from wdiose award either party may appeal to the Superior Court of Fulton County within four days. Sec, 296. Sewer Assessment — How Much — Rights of Abut- ting Property. — In all cases where a sewer shall be laid by or under the authority of said City in any street, t'he sum of seventy cents per lineal foot shall be assessed upon the property and es- tates respectively abutting on said sewer, on each side of said street in which said sewer is laid or constructed, and in consider- ation of the payment of said assessment the owners of said es- tates shall have the right to connect their drains from said abut- ting property for the discharge of sewerage into said sewer. The remaining cost of all sewers not thus assessed shall be paid by said City out of the sewer appropriations for the year. Sec, 297. — Sewer Connections to be Laid and Assessed with Sewers. — Power and authority is hereby given the Mayor and General Council of the City of Atlanta, in addition to assess- ing the cost for the construction of sewers in streets upon abut- ing property owners as now ])ro\i(lc(l, to assess and collect from abutting property owners the cost of extending such sewers, for purposes of connection, to the property line, at the time such sewers are laid. 'Hie cost oi such extensions shall be added to the cost of the construction of the sewer, as now provided by the charter of said City and the total cost thereof shall be assessed SEWERS-ASSESS.MEIVTS-SIZE-MATERIAL-COLl.ECTIO.\ 91 against such abutting property owners and collected in the same manner as is now provided for the collection of sewer asess- ments against abutting property owners by the charter of said City. Sec. 298. Sewer Assessments — How Much, When Laid Through Private Property — Rights of Abutting Property Own- ers. — In case an\- such sewer is laid down or constructed through or over any private property, along the course of any natural drain or otherwise, a like sum of seventy cents shall be assessed upon such property abutting upon each side of said sewer for every lineal foot, making in all one dollar and forty cents for every lineal foot to be assessed upon such property, through which the sewers are constructed as aforesaid, and, in considera- tion of the paA-ment of said assessment, the owner of said estates respectively on each side of said sewer, through or over which such sewer may be constructed, shall have the rig'ht to connect their drains from said abutting property for the discharge of sewerage into said sewer. Sec. 299. Extent, Character, Material, Expense — How Gov- erned — Sewers Laid Without Permission From Property-Own- ers. — The extent and character, material used and expense of sewers constructed, as well as the time and manner of construct- ing the same, shall be in the discretion of the Mayor and General Council of said City, and to be prescribed from time to time by ordinances, and upon like notice and in the same manner, and the assessments laid and enforced by execution, levy, sale, or otherwise, as in case of ordinances and assessments for the pav- ing of streets in said City, except that sewers hereby authorized may be constructed with or without petition by property-own- ers, where, in the judgment and discretion of t'he Mayor and Gen- eral Council the public health and good of the City shall rec|uire. Sec. 300. Collection Resisted— How— Who Decides. — The Defendant shall 'have the right to file an affidavit denying the whole or any part of the amount, for which the execution issued is due, and stating what amount he admits to be due. which amount so admitted to be due shall l)e paid or collected before the affidavit is received, and the affidavit received for the balance ; and all such affidavits so received shall be returned to the .Super- 92 CHARTER— SEWERS— ASSESSMENTS— LIENS ior Court of Fnlton County, and there tried and the issue deter- mined as in cases of illegality, subject to all the pains and penal- ties provided in cases of illegality for delay. Sec. 301. Corner Lots with Sewers in Both Streets — Exemp- tion of 75 Feet From Assessment. — In case of real estate situated on street corners, and haxing- frontage on two streets, t'he owner, and real estate thus situated, shall be assessed as by this Act pro- vided for the frontage on the street, in which a sewer is tirst laid, and when a sewer is laid on the other street, seventy-five feet of frontage shall be exempt from asessment on t'he owner and real estate of the last named sewer. Sec. 302. Assessment for Sewers a Lien on Real Estate — When. — The amount of such assessment for sewers on each piece of real estate shall be a lien on said real estate from the day of the passage of the ordinance providing for the work and making the assessment. Sec. 303. Sewers Through Private Property — Claims For Damages — Adjustment. — In case of any sewer or sewers, or parts of the same, being built or laid over or through private property, if the owner of such property claim damages for the occupation of said lands by such sewer and construction of the same thereon, give notice of such claim, but a failure to give such notice shall in no wise affect or prejudice t'he right of such owner to bring suit for damages sustained. But upon giving no- tice of such claim for damages aforesaid, then assessors shall be appointed to ass-ess damages to said land by reason or on account of the construction of any such sewer through or upon the same, said assessors to be appointed, notice given, and their award made as in case of property taken for opening, widening, or straightening streets under the charter and laws of said City. Sec. 304. Assessments Due Contractor For Sewer — Collec- tion in Installments — How — Proviso Restricting Mayor and Gen- eral Council From Incurring Indebtedness. — The ^layor and General Council of the City of Atlanta shall have power and au- thority to provide by ordinance for the collection of assessments for the construction of sewers in instalments running through a CHARTER— SE\VERS— cox XECTIONS—PLUMBIXG— CONSTRUCTION 93 series of years to be fixed by such ordinances in all cases where the construction of said sewers is performed by a contractor or contractors ; Provided, that said Mayor and General Council shall not have power and authority to incur indebtedness to be paid by the City from its Treasury on account of the construction of such sewers, which indebtedness is not to be paid in the year, in which it is contracted. Sec. 305. Making of Sewer Connections May Be Regulated — General Supervision By Mayor and General Council. — For the preservation of all sewers in said City for the jniblic use and easements aforesaid, the said Mayor and General Council shall have the authority to direct and control the time and manner in which connections shall be made with such sewers, and by whom the work is to be done, and upon what terms and conditions, and at what point and to what extent surface-water or drainage shall be permitted to flow into sewers, and generally all matters relat- ing to the use and control and repairs of sewers and sewer con- nections, and replacing of paving and other adjacent structures in good condition shall be at all times under t'he regulation and control of the said Mayor and General Council in its fair and legal discretion. Sec. 306. May Pass Ordinances For Further Regulation — Make Inspections — By Whom — May Withhold Plumbing Li- censes — From Whom — When — Other Powers, — The Mayor and General Council of said City shall be authorized to provide by order, resolution, or ordinance of that body, from time to time, for the adoption and enforcement of additional and suitable regu- lations in said City, such as may be needful and proper on the subject of drainage, sewerage, plumbing, and all that is or may be needful for improved sanitation, and to provide agencies and means for carrying out and enforcement of the same through its officers, or any of its Boards, and to make all necessary inspec- tions, to withhold authority and license for plumbing to any but competent persons and to do all else that is or may be needful to require compliance by individuals with the rules thus adopted, and shall have power to make alterations and amendments there- to, as from time to time may be needed. Sec. 307. May Construct Sewers Without the City Limits — 94 CHARTER— SE>VERS-CO>DEMNATIO\ OUTSIDE CITY May Operate Plants or Means for Disposal of Sewerage Without the City Limits. — The Mayor and General Council of the City of Atlanta are hereby authorized, in their discretion, to lay out and construct sewers, of wliatever form, fashion, and material as in their judgment may be proper, safe, and sanitary without the limits of the City of /Atlanta, as well as and to as full an fextent as now authorized within the limits of said City and they are further authorized and empowered, in their discretion to prepare, construct and operate plants, means, methods or whatever sys- tem in their discretion is best for the disposal of sewerage matter, and said plants or systems or methods may be constructed and operated without the limits of the City of Atlanta, as well as within the limits of said City, in the discretion of the Mayor and General Council. Sec. 308. May Condemn Dands Outside of City for Sewerage Purposes or Disposal Plans. — Power and authority is vested in the Mayor and General Council of said City to condemn lands, leases, and all other interest in real estate, whereby possession and title to land, and as much thereof as may be necessary, may be procured by said City for the construction of sewers, as above provided, as well as plants, means, or methods for the disposal of sewage matter, all as above provided, without the limits of the City of Atlanta, in whatever direction and to whatever extent it may be deemed necessary and proper within the discretion of the Mayor and General Council. Sec. 309. Power of Eminent Domain — Tanyard Branch — Sewerage Outlet — Right to Condemn Adjacent Land. — Phe power of eminent domain is hereby conferred upon the citv of Atlanta, in so far as may be necessary to take charge of and con- trol the waters known as Tanyard Branch for sewerage and sani- tary purposes, with the right to condemn said water-way and ad- jacent land as is now made and provided l)y law in such cases. IP:MBERS 95 CHAPTER XIX. BOARD OF HEALTH. Sec. 310. Board of Health — How Composed. — The Board of Health of said City of Atlanta sliall be composed of a niimher corresponding^ to the numl)er of Wards in said City, except that the Mayor shall be ex-officio a memljer of said Board, and the Chairman of the Committee of the General Council, to which is referred matters relating to the Department shall also be ex-ofifi- cio a member of said Board. Sec. 311. Members of Board From Each Ward — How Elected — By Whom. — The other members shall be elected by the Gen- eral Coimcil, one to be selected from each Ward in the City of Atlanta. Sec. 312. Two Residents of Same Ward Not Eligible At Same Time. — At no time shall two residents of the same A\'ard be eligible or permitted to serve on said Board at the same time. Sec. 313. Shall Hold Office Three Years.— The members so elected shall hold office for a term of three years. Sec. 314. Quorum. — A majority of (the Board) shall be a quorum for the transaction of business. Sec. 315. Meetings— How Often— Duties.— It >hall be the duty of said Board of Health to meet weekly, or as often as may be necessary, to visit every part of the City, and to report to the Mayor and General Council all nuisances, which are likely to en- danger the health of the City or of any neighborhood. Sec. 316. Abatement of Nuisances— Reports by Board of Health.— Said ^layor and General Council shall have power, upon the report of said Board of Health, to cause such nuisances to be abated, and its recommendation to be carried out in a summary 96 CHARTEH — HEALTH — NUISANCES. manne'r, at the expense of the party whose act or negligence caused such nuisance, or of the owner of the property, upon which the same may be located, as the Mayor and General Coun- cil shall elect. Sec. 317. Board May Also Abate Nuisances. — The Board of Health of the City of Atlanta may exercise the same power as is now vested in the Mayor and General Council of said City, relat- ing to the abatement of nuisances, wdiicli are likely to endanger the health of said City, or any neighborhood therein, to such ex- tent, and under such regulations as may be prescribed by the Mayor and General Council ; Provided, that nothing in this sec- tion shall be construed so as to divest the power to cause such nuisance to be abated, which the said Mayor and General Coun- cil have under this Charter. Sec. 318. May Cause Drainage or Filling of Lands and Cel- lars. — The Mayor and General Council of the City of Atlanta sliall have full power, upon the recommendation of said Board of Health, to cause the owners of lots or cellars, within the corpor- ate limits of said City, to drain or fill the same to the level of the streets or alleys, upon which said lots or cellars are located. Sec. 319. Penalty For Failure or Refusal to Comply with Or- der. — If the owner of said lots or cellars, or the occupants of the same, in the discretion of the Council, shall fail or refuse, after reasonable notice to him or his agents, to comply with the re- quirements of said Mayor and General Council, by draining said lots or cellars, or by filling up the same, it shall be lawful for said Mayor and General Council to have this work performed, and the amount so expended collected by executions issued by the Clerk of said Council against the owner or occupant of the lots or cellars, as the said Mayor and General Council may elect, and a sale under said execution shall pass a complete and perfect title to the property sold as a sale by the Sheriff under a judgment and execution. Sec. 320. Compulsory Vaccination— By Whom — Penalty For Refusal.— Said Mayor and General Council shall have full power and authority to provide by ordinance for the frequent and com- pulsory vaccination of all persons in said City by suitable quali- fied physicians to be selected by the Board of Health of said City, CHARTER — HEALTH — VACCINATION — CEMETERIES — STABLES 97 and to provide and enforce suitable and adequate penalties against any and all persons, who shall refuse to submit to vacci- nation in accordance wifh the provisions or requirements of such ordinance. Sec. 321. Crematories — How Established and Operated — Where Located. — The City of Atlanta shall have power and authority upon the advice and recommendation of the Board of Health, and through the agency of said Board, or such other agency as it may select, to establish and operate crematories, as many as may be necessary, for the proper disposal of the night soil, garbage, and other refuge of said City, and at such dififerent places as may be selected by said City, with proper consideration for the just and equal distribution of said refuse matter; Provided, nevertheless, that nothing in this Act contained, shall be held or construed to aftect any pending litigation ; and provided further that this Act shall not be taken or construed to relieve said City from any liability for damages, which may accrue to person or property from said crematories. Sec. 322. Livery Stables — Where Located — Conditions — Limits. — The Mayor and General Council of the City of Atlanta shall have power and authority to determine by ordinances passed from time to time on what streets or witTiin what limits livery stables hereafter erected shall be located, and to prohibit the erection or occupancy of places other than the places or the limits prescribed by such ordinances, and to enforce penalties for the violation of such ordinances as for the violation of other such penal ordinances of said City. Sec. 323. Private Stables — How Regulated — When Erection Forbidden. — The ^layor and General Council of the City of At- lanta shall have power and authority to pass and enforce ordi- nances providing for the location, use, and cleanliness of private stables, and forbidding the erection of such stables when they are likely to be injurious to the health of citizens. Sec. 324. May Pass Ordinances For Regulation of Sanitation. — The said Mayor and General Council shall have full power to pass all ordinances that may be necessary to carry the provisions of this Act into complete and full effect. 98 CHARTKR — HEALTH — SUITS — VACANCIES Sec. 325. Sanitary Appropriation — When Made — By Whom Expended. — The Mayor and General Council of said City, at the time the annual appropriations are made in June of each year, shall set apart and appropriate such amount as the probable in- come of the City will authorize for sanitary purposes, the same to be expended by the Board of Health of said City for such pur- poses. Sec. 326. Act May Be Plead As Bar to Action Against Mayor and General Council. — This Act may be plead as, and shall be, a complete bar to any action brought against the said Mayor and General Council, or either of them, for any act done by them un- der its provisions and the ordinances passed in pursuance of it. Sec. 327. Vacancies in Board — How Filled. — The Mayor and General Council of the City of Atlanta shall have full power and authority to fill any vacancies that may occur in the Board of Health. CHARTF:R A^'IDKN AXD STKAIGHTEX STRKETS 99 CHAPTER XX. PL'KLIC WORKS, STREETS, SIDEWALKS, GRADES. ETC Sec. 328. May Lay Out Streets — Widen — Straighten — Other- wise Change Same. — The said Mayor and General Council shall have full power and authority to open, lay out, to widen, straighten, or otherwise change streets, alleys and squares in the City of Atlanta. Sec. 329. Damages — How Assessed — Right of Appeal. — Whenever the said Mayor and General Council shall exercise the power above delegated, they shall appoint two freeholders, and the owners of said lots fronting on side-streets or alleys shall, on five days' notice, appoint two freeholders, who shall proceed to assess the damages sustained, or the advantages derived, bv the owner or owners of said lots, in conse(]uence of the opening, wid- ening, straightening, or otherwise changing said streets and al- leys ; and in case said assessors can not agree, they shall select a fifth freeholder, the said assessors to take an oath that they will faithfully discharge their duties, and either party to have the right to enter an appeal to the Superior Court of Fulton County within ten days from the rendition of said award. (General law — Code of 1895, Sections 4657 et seq — covers the above, but none of this matter or following matter has been specifically repealed.) Sec. 330. Assessors by City — When They Act— How.— If any property owner shall fail, after notification, to appoint as- sessors by the time prescribed, then the two assessors appointed by the City shall proceed to make the assessment, and, in the event they fail to agree they shall call in a third freeholder, who shall be sworn, and act with them, and the finding of the majority shall stand as the award, unless appeal be entered in conformity to law. Sec. 331. Assessors — Duties — When Fifth Assessor Appoint- ed — How. — Said Assessors so appointed, as now provided by the 1QQ CHARTER — STREETS — CONDEMNATION Charter of said City shall within three days after notice to them of their apointment, meet at the office of the Clerk of the Mayor and General Council of Atlanta, at twelve o'clock M. on a day designated by said Clerk, and, if there is not a full attendance of such Assessors, those present shall adjourn until twelve o'clock on the next day, and it shall be the duty of the Clerk to at once give notice to such absent Assessor of such adjournment, and ap- pointment for another meeting. At such first day, so appointed, or the day thereafter, as the case may be, those present shall take an oath before. the Mayor, or any officer authorized to adminis- ter oaths, faithfully and impartially to perform the duties, for whic'h they are appointed, and immediately after taking and sub- scribing the oath aforesaid, they shall, before proceeding to the consideration of the question submitted, select a fifth Assessor, who shall act as umpire, and take and prescribe the oath pre- scribed for Assessors, as above stated, and, should such fifth As- sessor or umpire fail or refuse to serve, then another shall in like manner be selected, and so on until an umpire shall be chosen. Sec. 332. If No Fifth Assessor Agreed Upon, Mayor and Gen- eral Council Appoint — Award Made — When. — In the event that the Assessors appointed on t'he part of the City and those ap- pointed on the part of the property owners cannot agree, or fail or refuse to agree on a fifth Assessor or umpire within two days af- ter they organize, or take the oath as herein prescribed, the Clerk aforesaid shall at the next meeting of the Mayor and General Council, give notice of such failure or refusal, and said Mayor and General Council shall appoint or elect such fifth Assessor, and he, with any two or three more of the other Assessors, shall within five days thereafter proceed to make an award, and report the same as provided now. Sec. 333. May Appeal From Award — Proviso. — This Act shall not be construed to repeal, or change the right of appeal from any award to the Superior Court, which now exists, nor to repeal or change the law, which now provides the mode of pro- cedure and assessment in such cases where the property owner or owners fail on notice to appoint Assessors appointed by the City, nor shall this Act be construed to afifect the right of the City to adopt or reject any award, as now provided by the Charter there- of. (See Section 346.) CHARTER STREETS CONDEMNATION — GRADES |Q| Sec. 334. City May Decline to Take Property, If Award too High or Unreasonable. — Whenever it is proposed that any prop- erty be taken for pubHc use, under authority of said City, in any department thereof, whether for streets, sewers, waterworks, or any public purpose, and the same shall be assessed, or a price fixed, or award made as provided by law. it shall be optional with the City Government to decline accepting the property, should the price thus fixed, or award made, be deemed by the General Council to be too high or unreasonable. Sec. 335. May Fix System for Grading and Draining Streets. — The said Mayor and Council shall have full power and author- ity to establish and fix such a system of grading and draining of the streets of said City as they may deem proper. Sec. 336. Permanent Grades Fixed — Application by Property Owner — Conditions — Owner Can Recover Damages, If Injury Done Afterwards. — Any person or corporation owning real es- state in said City, within three-quarters (^) of a mile of the car- shed, desiring to improve the same, shall possess the right to have the grade of any street, bordering on the same, permanently established, by complying with the following conditions, to-wit: The ow^ner, his agent or attorney, shall make an affidavit stat- ing the ownership and description of the property, that it is in- tended to make improvement on, either fencing or building, or otherwise ; that such improvements are to cost above the sum of one hundred dollars, and that he desires to have the grade of such street or streets established. A copy of such affidavit shall then be served on the City Surveyor or Chief of Construction, whose duty it shall be, within thirty days thereafter, to make the necessary survey and fix the grade of such street, and make a plat or profile showing the same, and shall deliver it to the appli- cant, together with the affidavit of said surveyor, showing that the same is correct and fair, and upon the same being filed, together with the original affidavit, in the office of the Clerk of the Super- ior Court of Fulton County for record, the owner shall thereupon have a vested right in such grade, and shall be entitled to recover damages from the City for any injury done to said property, should the City thereafter alter such grade; such damages to be ascertained, recovered, and paid in the manner, in which the laws and ordinances in force at the time may provide for ascertaining, 102 CHARTKR — STHEKTS — GRADES — PAVIXG recovering and paying damages done to property in laying ont or widening: streets. Sec. 337. Applications not under Oath — When — Conditions — How Altered Thereby, — In case the owner of any real estate in said city desires to have the g'rade fixed, as aforesaid, for any reason other t'han a purpose to make improvements on the same, he shall make his application, in writing, not under oath, to the City Surveyor or Chief of Construction, but need not incorporate any reason therein, upon which all subsequent proceedings shall be the same as above set forth, such written application taking the place of the afifidavit provided for in the foregoing Section of this Charter; Provided that, when the party proceeds by written application, not under oath, as aforesaid, the authorities of the City sliall have six months instead of thirty days, in which to make and return the surve}- aforesaid. Sec, 338. Mayor and General Council to Control Grades of Streets Fixed by Chief of Construction. — Nothing in this Charter contained shall operate to interfere with the control had by the Mayor and General Council of said City over the manner in which the City Surveyor or Chief of Construction shall execute their instructions, or the instructions of the Committees in re- gard to the grade of any street ; but any failure or dispute, which may happen therein, shall not operate to delay, hinder or afifect the remedy given by this Act (1874) to any owner of property seeking to have his grade established as aforesaid. Sec. 339. Power to Grade, Pave, Macadamize Streets — Con- struct Sidewalks — ^Lay Curbing, Cross-Drains, Etc. — The Mayor and General Council of the City of Atlanta shall have full power and authority in their discretion, to grade, pave, macadamize, and otherwise improve for travel and drainage the streets and public lanes and alleys of said City, and to construct sidewalks and pave the same; to put down curl)ing, cross-drains, crossings, and otherwise improve the same. Sec. 340. May Order Pavements or Sidewalks. — They shall have full power and authorit}' to order such pavements or side- walks laid down as they deem })roper. CHARTER — STREETS — SIUEWA I.KS-^ 103 Sec. 341. If Not Laid Upon Order, As Above, Then City May Do So, and Collect. — L'pon failure of any person to comply with the same within the time prescribed, the said Mayor and General Council may have the same done, and levy and collect the ex- pense thereof by execution against tlie lands and goods and chat- tels of the owner of the lot or lots. Sec. 342. May Assess Cost of Sidewalks and Curbing. — In or- der to fully carry into effect the authority above delegated, said Mayor and General Council shall have full power and authority to asses the cost of paving and otherwise improving the side- walks, including all necessary curbing for the same, on the real estate abutting on the street, and on the side of the street on which the sidewalk is so improved. Sec. 343. Equalize Assessments by Estimating Total Cost, and Prorating According to Frontage. — Said Mayor and General Council are further authorized and empowered to adopt by ordi- nance a system of equalizing said assesments by estimating the total cost of each improvement made, and prorating the cost thereof on the real estate according to its frontage on the street or portion of street so improved, in proportion to the number of front feet of each lot or parcel of land abutting on such street or portion of street. Sec, 344. Assess Two-Thirds of Cost to Abutting Property. — The Mayor and General Council shall also have full power and authority to assess two-thirds of the cost of grading, paving, macadamizing, constructing side-drains, cross-drains, crossings. and otherwise improving the right-of-way, or street proper, on the real estate abutting on each side of the street improved. . . One-third of said cost to be so assessed, as 'herein provided, upon the real estate abutting on one side of the street thus improved, and one-third of said cost to be assessed, as herein provided, upon the real estate abutting on the other side of the street so improved, in this way making up two-thirds of the cost to be as- sessed against the abutting property-owners, as above provided. Sec. 345. Equalize Assesments by Estimating Total Cost, and Pro-Rating According to Frontage. — .Said Mayor and Gen- eral Council are further authorized and empowered to adopt by ordinance a system of equalizing said assessments by estimating 104 CHARTER STREETS — PAVING — PETITION the total cost of each improvement made, and pro-rating the cost thereof on t'he real estate according to its frontage on the street or portion of street so improved in proportion to the number of front feet of each lot or parcel of land abutting on such street or portion of street. Sec. 346. Petition for Paving Necessary — By Property Ovs^n- ers — Not Gotten up by Paving Contractors — Chief of Construc- tion to Approve. — In order to exercise the authority hereiiibeuMe conferred upon the said Mayor and General Council, it shall be necessary that the owners of at least one-half the real estate abut- ting on the street or portion of the street to be macadamized, paved, or otherwise improved, in writing petition to the Mayor and General Council to make such improvements ; such petition in no case to be gotten up by paving contractors, and the work petitioned for shall have the approval of t'he Chief of Construc- tion, who shall also furnish a statement of its estimated cost. Sec. 347. Notice of Petition to be Published — How Long — How Acted Upon. — Upon the filing of such application, the Mayor and General Council shall cause a notice of the presenta- tion of such petition, and of the time and place when the same will come up for consideration and action, to be published in one of the daily papers published in said City, at least ten days before an ordinance shall be passed based on said petition. When the petition comes up for action, opportuinty shall be given to all persons interested to advocate or oppose the granting of the pe- tition. An ordinance shall be passed directing the said work to be done. Sec. 348. Decision of Mayor and General Counsel Final as to Rights of Persons, After the Work Is Ordered Done, and Is Done. — In all cases where the petition appears to be signed by sufficient frontage to authorize the passage of the ordinance, and the Mayor and General Council determine that it is sufficient to authorize the passage of the ordinance, which determination sliall be evidenced by the passage of the ordinance, and the work is executed thereunder and notice has been published as herein- before provided for, the determination of the Mayor and General Council as to the sufficiency of the petition shall be final as to the rights and interests of all persons or corporations interested, who have not prevented the execution of the work by an injucntion or CHARTER — STREETS — PAVING — REPAIR — FOUR SQUARES ^05 Other appropriate legal or equitable remedy before it is com- menced. Sec. 349. May Repave — Similar Procedure — When. — The said Mayor and General Council shall have as full power to re- pave any street or alley, or portion of such street or alley, upon like petition, and after proceedings to levy and collect assessments therefor as in cases of original paving provided for under this Act, whenever in the judgment of said Mayor and General Coun- cil the paving originally laid on such street or portion of street or alley is worn out to that extent that it is no longer useful as a good pavement. Sec. 350. Work Done — By Whom — Under Whose Direction. This work may be done under the immediate direction of the Mayor and General Council, or through the medium of contract- ors, each piece of work to be separately contracted for. Sec. 351. City to Keep Streets In Repair — Paved or Unpaved. — The power and duty of the Mayor and General Council of said City to keep its streets, whether paved, or unpaved, in repair, and to pay for such repairs out of the general fund of the City is in no way affected by the passage of this Act. Sec. 352. Material for Paving — How Selected, — The material to be used in paving or otherwise improving streets shall be such as the Mayor and General Council shall select in each case. Sec. 353. May Pave Four Squares of Any Street Connecting with Paved Streets — When — Upon Petition of How Many — How Enforced. — The Mayor and General Council of said City are authorized in their discretion to grade, pave, macademize, and otherwise improve for travel and drainage, the streets and alleys, not exceeding four squares thereof, which connect to other streets and alleys, not exceeding four squares thereof, which connect to other streets already improved, upon the peti- tion of abutting owners, having less than one-half and not less than one-third frontage, the same to be done in the manner pre- scribed by said Act, or amendments to the same, the cost thereof to be ascertained, paid for, and payments enforced in like man- ner as is or may be provided by law and ordinance of said City in other cases. IQQ CHARTER — STREETS — PAVING — ASSESSMENTS Sec. 354. May Grade and Pave Four Squares of Any Street to Connect Improved Streets — When — Upon Petition of How Many — How Enforced. — The Mayor and General Council of said City are authorized in t'heir discretion, in addition to the powers conferred by the above recited Acts, to grade, pave, ma- cadamize, and otherwise improve for travel and drainage, streets and alleys in said City, not to exceed four squares of any street or alley, a portion of which street or alley is already paved or macadamized or otherwise improved, when such improvements by paving, macadamizing, or otherwise, will connect a portion or portions of such street or alley already improved, or will con- nect an improved portion of such street or alley with another improved street or alley, upon the petition of abutting owners having less than one-half and not less than one-third frontage on the street or alley, or portion of the street or alley, the im- provement of which is petitioned for, the same to be done in a manner prescribed by said above recited Acts, of which tins Act is amendatory, or amendments of either of said Acts, the cost thereof to be ascertained, paid for, and payment enforced in like manner as is or may be provided by law, and ordinances of said City in other cases. Sec. 355. Assessment a Lien on Real Estate— When.— The amount of assessment on each piece of real estate shall be a lien on said real estate from the day of the passage of the ordinance, providing for t'he work, and making the assessment. Sec. 356. Priority of Lien of Assessment for Street or Side- walk Paving or Curbing or Sewers— Dates from Passage of Or- dinance.— The lien given by existing law to the City of Atlanta for assessments upon abutting property, and also upon the property of street railroad companies, for street or sidewalk paving or curbing, or the coustruction of sewers, shall have rank and priority of payment, next in point of dignity to the hens in favor of the City of Atlanta for taxes due said City, such lien and priority of payment to exist from the date of the pass- age of the ordinance authorizing t'he execution of the work in each case. Sec. 357. May Enforce Payment of Assessment How — Ex- ecution Issued and Levied — How. — The Mayor and (General Council of said Citv shall have authority to enforce the collec- CHARTER — STREKTS— PAVING — L,IEx\ — SALES 107 tion of the amount of any assessment so ma"de for work either upon streets or sidewalks, by execution to be issued by the Clerk of Council against the real estate assessed, and against the owner thereof, at the date of the ordinance making the as- sessment, which execution may be levied by the Marshal of said City on such real estate, and after advertisement and other proceedings as in cases of sales for City taxes, the same may be sold at public outcry to the highest bidder, and such sale vests title in the purchaser as in case of tax sales, provided that the defendant shall have the right to file an affidavit denying that the whole or any part of the amount for which the execution is- sued is due, and specifying fully the grounds of such denial of liability, and stating what amount he admits to be due, which amount so admitted to be due shall he paid or collected before the affidavit is received, and the affidavit received for the bal- ance, and all such affidavits so received shall be returned to the Superior Court of Fulton County, and there tried, and tlie issue determined as in cases of illegality, subject to all the pains and penalties provided in cases of illegality for delay : Provided, the Judge of said Superior Court shall have authority to dismiss any such affidavit of illegality for insufficiency before the time, w^hen the same would regularly come up for trial. Sec. 358. May Redeem Property Sold Under Execution for Paving as in Case of Tax Sales. — At all sales of property here- after made under execution made in behalf of the City for tlie collection of street, sewer, and other assessments, the owner or owners, as the case may be, shall be authorized to redeem the same within the same time, on compliance with the same terms, and payment of same premiums, interest and cost as in cases of redemption of property where sold under tax ft fa. or fi fas. as now is, or from time to time may be, provided by law. Sec. 359. Pavement or Repavement — Broken Stone and Chert Pavement of Streets — Laid without Petition — Advertised — Assessments for — Amount of 30, 40 and 50 cents per front foot. — The Mayor and Council of the City of Atlanta are hereby authorized and empowered, in their discretion, to pave or re- pave any of the streets or portions of streets or public places of the City with broken stone or chert, or chert and macadam, or similar pavement, providing the assessment upon abutting prop- erty owners will not exceed the sum of thirty (30) cents per 108 CHARTER — STREETS — PAVIKG — CHERT — NO PETITION front foot on streets thirty feet in width ; forty (40) cents per front foot on streets forty feet in width ; and fifty (50) cents per front foot on streets fifty feet in width, without petition there- for, by said abutting property-owners, the laying of this char- acter of street pavement being left entirely to the discretion of the Mayor and General Council, provided that any resolution seeking to pave a street or public place with the pavement above described shall not be passed w'hen first introduced but shall thereupon be referred to the committee on streets, and the Clerk of Council shall advertise same one time in one of the daily newspapers of the City, at least ten days before the final passage of such resolution, such advertisement giving notice of the introduction of such resolution, the street, public place or portion thereof, proposed to be paved, the probable cost per front foot, and the property owners or others interested shall therein be notified to appear at the regular meeting of the Gen- eral Council to be held following said advertisement and make such objections as they may desire to urge. Any property-owner or other person interested desiring, to make objections shall arise in the Council Chamber, state 'his name and residence, the cause of his presence shall thereupon be recognized and permitted to state his objections to the proposed pavement observing all ap- propriate rules of the General Council. If no objections are made, then the General Council shall have the rig'ht, in their dis- cretion, to pass such resolution; if objections are made, the Gen- eral Council shall have the right, in their discretion, to adjudge same sufficient or insufficient, and if they find same insufficient, fhey are hereby empowered and authorized to order such pave- ment laid. When laid an ordinance shall be passed assessing the cost thereof in accordance with the provisions of this sec- tion, and the amount thereof shall thereupon become a lien on the property of abutting property-owners to the amount of tlie sum named in said ordinance, according to the front feet of such property-owners ; the total cost of such pavement shall not ex- ceed the sums above named. The City shall pay one-third of the cost of all pavement laid under the provisions of fhis amend- ment and the remainder of the cost thereof shall be assessed against the abutting property-owners, as above described, pro- vided that any street railway company having tracks running through any street, public place or portion thereof paved under the provisions of this section shall be required to pay the whole cost of paving or re-paving or otherwise improving the street, CHARTER STREETS — CHERT PAVING — NO PETITION J^QQ under the provisions of this amendment, for the full distance of eleven feet in width of any street, portion of street, paved or re- paved under the provisions of this section, and the assessing or- dinance shall so assert the lien and declare same at the time ofher assessments are made, and in case the street railway com- pany shall construct a track in any street, public place or por- tion of street after same has been paved under the provision of this section, it shall likewise pay for the paving, eleven feet in width of such street, public place or portion of street occupied by its tracks, according to the value of the pavement at the time, to be adjudged alone by the ]^layor and General Council. Such payment shall be distributed between the owners of property abutting thereon at the time such pavements are laid, in propor- tion to the amount originally paid by the owners of property at the time the pavement was laid. In all cases where streets, pub- lic places or portions of streets are paved on which street rail- way companies have tracks and the foregoing provisions with reference to the payment of the cost of paving or improving such street, public place or portion of street are applied and the cost of paving or re-paving eleven feet thereof assessed against the street railway company, then and in such event, the total cost of pavement of such street, public place or portion thereof, shall not be assessed against the abutting property-owners but such abutting property-owners shall only be assessed for tTie cost of such pavement after deducting the cost of paving, re-paving or improving assessed against the street railway company as heretofore provided, less also the sum paid thereon by the city, to-wit: one-third of such balance, that is to say, when such pavement is laid or re-laid the street rail- way company shall be assessed for eleven feet thereof, the City will pay one-third of the remaining cost and the balance thereof shall be assessed against the owners of property abutting thereon according to frontage but sTiall in no event exceed the sums above named. Sec. 360. Street Railway Pays for Eleven Feet of Paving, Whether Paving Is Laid Before or After Laying the Track or Tracks. — Any street railroad company or street railway com- pany having tracks running through any street or portion of street, which is to be paved or repaved by said City under the assessment plan, provided for by the Charter or the general law of the State, shall be required to pay the whole cost of paving, 110 CHARTER STREETS — WHAT STREET RAILWAYS PAY repaying, or otherwise improving eleven feet in width of said street or portion of street, whether sucli company has one or more lines of track therein ; and in case any street railway or street railroad company shall construct one or more lines of track in any street or portion of street already paved, it shall likewise pay for the paving of eleven feet in width of the street or portion of the street occupied by its tracks, according to the then value of the payment to be judged of by the Mayor and General Council. Sec. 361. Must Pave Between the Rails of Each Line of Track, and Four Inches Outside. — Whenever any street railway company lays a double track or line on any street in said City, and such street shall at the same time or thereafter be macad- amized, or otherwise paved, such street railroad company shall only be required to macadamize or otherwise pave between the rails of each line of track, and for four inches outside tliereof, this being equivalent to paving as now and hereafter required by law and Charter of said City. Sec. 362. Certain Paving May Be Required of Street Rail- road, Where It Occupies An Unpaved Street — Public Comfort and Safety, — When the consent of said City is given to the laying of street railroad tracks in or on a street, which is un- paved and without pavement improvement, said City may pre- scribe and require that t'he tracks shall be so laid, and such paving done between the tracks, and for such space on each side thereof, as will preserve the use, comfort and safety of such street for the public. Sec. 363. Shall Pay For Paving, When Tracks Are Laid on Paved Streets — Discretionary with Council — Not to Exceed Paving Between Tracks and Four Inches on Each Side. — When street railroad tracks are laid in said City, on a street, which has already been paved or permanently improved, and upon which said Company has no track, said City may require such contri- bution or payment to said City for said City, and the owners of abutting property at the time of laying such tracks on account of the paving or pavement improvement of any such street as the Mayor and General Council of said City may deem proper (but such amount shall not be greater than in cases provided for under Section 1 of t'his Act.) (Charter amendment, 1891.) CHARTER — STREETS — TRANSFER OF BII.I,S AXD EXECUTIONS ]|| Sec. 364. City May Enforce Payment — May Withhold Con- sent to Lay Tracks Conditioned upon Payment. — Said City may regulate and enforce the payment or collection of such amount of contribution, and ma}- require payment of same before con- sent granted to lay such tracks, and ma\- grant consent coniK- tional on such payment thereafter. Sec. 365. Street Railroad Liable for Pro Rata of Repaying. — Such street railroad company shall be liable far its pro rata of the costs to repave, when same is done according to law. Sec. 366. May Assess Railroads and Street Railroads for Im- provements Contiguous to Depots — How Enforced. — Whenever the public interest may so require, the Mayor and General Coun- cil of the City may, by ordinance, assess any railroad or street railroad company, as named in the caption, to improve the streets or sidewalk or both, or any sewer or drain, contiguous to the freight or passenger depot, and to do part or all of said work as right and justice may dictate, whether such work be petitioned for or not ; and the mode of procedure and remedies to enforce the same shall be those provided for street or sewer improvement in other cases as now are or hereafter may be provided by law and the ordinances of said City. Sec. 367. City May Transfer Bills and Executions for Paving, Curbing, Sidewalks, or Sewer Assessments. — The City of Atlanta is hereby authorized and empowered to transfer in payment of debts against said City, bills and executions in favor of said City for the cost of curbing, sidewalks, granite block and other street pavements, and of bills and executions for sewer assessments, whether such bills and executions be held by said City against abutting land-owners or against street railroad companies for fur- nishing and laving curbing, sidewalks, granite block or other street pavements and sewer assessments. Sec. 368. Lien of Assessment Not Impaired by Transfer Above. — The lien in favor of said City against abutting land and the owners thereof, and against street railroad companies, now provided by law, shall not be impaired or in any manner affected by this Act, but the same shall exist, and may be enforced in the name of the City for the benefit of the transferee until the as- sessment shall be paid. Such bills and executions against street 112 CHARTER — STREETS — PAVIIVG ASSESSMENTS — CONTRACTOR railroad companies, when so transferred, shall be paid, and col- lections sliall be enforced, as is now required and prescribed by- law. Sec. 269. Assessments May be Paid all Cash in 30 Days — or Installments, One-Fourth Cash — Balance One, Two and Three Years — Must Pay One-Fourth However, in Thirty Days. — Such bills against abutting land-owners, when so transferred shall be- come due and payable as follows: Payment shal'. be made wiihin thirty days after the completion of the work, and i^rrsentation of the bill therefoi to the person liable for the same or his ?gent. If the person so liable should not prefer to pay all the assess- ment within thirty days, Tie may pay twenty-five per cent, there- of in cash within the thirty days, and twenty-five per cent, per annum on all such deferred payments ; Provided, however, that this privilege of paying part cash and postponine the pavment of the balance, shall not exist unless the person liable for the asses«:- ment shall within the thirty days aforesaid pay the twenty-five per cent., and shall in writing, delivered to the transferee, declare his election to 'have the payment of the balance postponed, as herein above mentioned. Sec. 370. Lien of Executions Preserved — Enforced in Name of City, Whether Transferred or Not. — If default shall be made in making a deferred payment, then all the unpaid assessments shall thereby become due and payable, and collection thereof shall be enforced as if no postponement had been made. All pro- ceedings to collect the transferred assessments herein above men- tioned, whether the transfers have been made of bills or of exe- cutions, shall be conducted as if no transfer had been made, and shall be had in the name of th'e City of Atlanta. Sec. 371. City Not Liable to Contractor after Transfer Is Made and Accepted as Part Payment. — But said City of Atlanta shall not be liable to the contractor for all or any part of an as- sessment after the same shall have been accepted by the contrac- tor as a payment on the debt due him for the work. Sec. 372. Transfers Recorded As Are Tax Fi. Fas.— The transfer of executions, as aforesaid, shall be recorded, as in case of transfer of State and County tax fi. fas. CHARTER — STRKKTS — (llli:i' OF ( ON STKI CTI<)\ -[y^ Sec. 373 All Public Work Done under Direction of Chief of Construction. — All work done in accordance with the above shall be done under the direction of the Chief of Construction. Sur- veys, grades, plans, profiles, and other like work shall be done by the Chief of Construction of said City. Sec. 374. Position of City Engineer and Commissioner Con- solidated under One Office, Chief of Construction. — The pro- visions of the present Charter providing" for the position of Com- missioner of Public Works and City Engineer, found in section 163 of the Charter of the City as published in the City Code of 1899, and all provisions in the other sections of the City Charter, referring to office of Commissioner of Public Works, to-wit : 164, 165, 166, 167 and 168 of said Code, and t'he City Engineer, to-wit: 208 of said Code and any other sections not being enumerated, be amended by striking the names "Commissioner of Public Works" and "City Engineer" therefrom and inserting in lieu thereof the name of "Chief of Construction." The position of "Chief of Construction" is hereby created, and this ofifice shall have all the power and authority heretofore given the offices of City Engineer and Commissioner of Public Works, and all such work as paving, sewers, curbing, sidewalks, repairing of same, engineering work, grades and any and all work of atithority now vested in either Commissioner of Public Works or Department of Engineering shall hereafter be vested and exercised by the Chief of Construction ; no one shall be eligible t'herefor unless he be a competent civil engineer of ten years practical experience and the Mayor and General Council are hereby authorized to fix the salary of said office for a sum not exceeding Five Thousand Dol- lars per annum. Said Chief of Construction shall have authority to appoint his assistants but the Mayor and General Council 'have authority to decide how many assistants he shall have and the salaries of such assitsants, but at least the following assist- ants are hereby created for said Chief of Construction, to-wit : one in charge of sewers, one in charge of streets, one in charge of sidewalks, one in charge of repairs, one in charge of stockade. Sec. 375. Engineer and Commissioner of Public Works Abol- ished. — The Mayor and General Council shall, by appropriate amendments to existing ordinances, provide for the consolidation of all duties now divided by ordinances, to the two departments of Commissioner of Public \\'orks and City Engineer, and same 114 ( HARTKK S TKKliiTS CHIKF OK CO> STKL CTIOX Dl TIKS are consolidated into one. department thereby creating ''Chief of .Construction" department and the offices of Commissioner of Public Works and City Engineer of Atlanta are hereby abol- ished. Sec. 376. Duties of Chief of Construction — How Defined. — The Mayor and General Council of the City of Atlanta shall, by ordinance from time to time, define the powers and duties of said Chief of Construction and shall before each election of said Chief of Construction, fix the compensation of said officer, which shall not ])t' increased or diminished during his term of office. Sec. 377. Oath of Office. — He shall also take an oath before said Mayor that during his continuance in office, he will make all appointments and discharges of employees, and will make all se- lections or purchases of material, conduct and execute all con- tracts and dealings in behalf of the City, and will in these, as in all other respects, faithfully and impartially discharge the duties of said office with an eye single to t'he duty and the good of the public service, wnthout fear, favor, affection, reward, or the hope thereof, and without being in any manner influenced by his own interests or personal favor or interests of any other individual, whether member of Council or not. and that he will faithfully exe- cute all orders of t'he City Government as offic'aily expressed by the lawful ordinances or orders of the General Council, and ap- proved by the Aldermanic Board, in case such approval be re- quired by law. Sec. 378. Other Offices May Be Consolidated with Chief of Construction. — Tt shall be in the power of the General Council to consolidate the duties of any other office or offices in any depart- ment of the City Government, ot'her than charter offices, with those of the said Chief of Construction and to discontinue or abolish such position thus rendered unnecessary. Sec. 379. He Shall File a Statement of His Real Estate Inter- ests — Present or Future — Removal from Office Penalty for Fail- ure. — The said Chief of Construction, before entering upon the duties of his office, shall file with the City Clerk a statement in writing, showing all the real estate in the City of Atlanta and County of ITilton owned by him, or in which he in any manner interested, either as proprietor, partner, co-partner, or other- CH VKI'KK Si'UKKTS VI,\H\^I\ SI'. W. A A. H. H. ] ] ,", wise, witli location and description thereof, and if, dui:'ng his continuance in office he becomes owner, or interested as afc re- said in any such property, he shall within five days, supplen^ent said statement by like entry and description thereof — and a fail- ure to comply with the recpiirements of this Section shall be good cause for 'his removal ivom office. Sec. 380. Extension of Alabama Street Authorized — ^Proviso. — Authority is hereby conferred upon the City of Atlanta to open and extend Alabama Street, in said City, from the central portion of said City westerly throu^qli land belonging to the State. The portion of the State's land, through which authority is hereby granted to said City to open and extend said Alabama Street is described as follows, to-wit: A strip of land sixty feet wide and five hundred feet long on the Xorth side, and three hundred feet long on the South side of said proposed street, having an area of (24.000) square feet, and running througli the Southwest corner of the .State's ^^'estern and Atlantic Railroad xacant property (a. plat of which for reference is filed herewith ) : Provided, that this grant of authority is expressly made subject to the rights of the present lessees of the Western and Atlantic Railroad under the Act providing for the lease of the same, approved November 12, 1889; the lessees of said Western and Atlantic Raliroad having in writing assented thereto. Sec. 381. This Grant Does Not Impair Lessees' Rights — City Shall First Pay the State $2,500.00.— The intentions and purposes of this Act are to confer the grant aforesaid only as to the light and interest of the State without the impairment of any rights of lessees as aforesaid under Acts providing such leases: Provided, that before the rights conferred by this Act on the City of Atlanta shall have any force or efifect, said City sliall pav into the Treasury of this State the sum of twenty-five hun- dred ($2,500.00) dollars, and this payment may be made at any time within six months from the approval of this Act, and on making such payment all the rights and provisions of this Act. shall bv \irtue nf the same. ha\-e full furce and efifect. Sec. 382. The City May Encroach on Western and Atlantic Railroad Property, in Making Alabama Street Extension — For What Purpose — Conditions. — The City of Atlanta is hereljy au- thorized in extending West Alabama Street from its present 116 CHARTIOR — STRKK/rS — KXTKXSION OF Al.ABAJIA ST. terminus westward across the property of the Central Railroad and the property of the State of Cieorgia. leased by the Western and Atlantic Railroad Company, at the point where the proposed street extension touches the Western and Atlantic Railroad property belonging- to the State at grade ■■■ * * * to make an encroachment on said Western and Atlantic Railroad proper- ty lying on the Sotith side of said proposed extension, for the purpose of constructiing a roadway from said street extension into the property of the Central Railroad Company of Georgia, also lying on t'he South side of said proposed street extension ; the location and size of which encroachment shall be such as in- dicated by the plat aforesaid; Provided, that before making such encroachment said City of Atlanta obtains consent of the West- ern and Atlantic Railroad Company, present lessees of the West- ern and Atlantic Railroad, and the property to be encroached upon as aforesaid, and also of the Central Railroad and Banking Company of Georgia. Sec, 383. May Extend Alabama Street Across Railroads — Construct Bridge — Provide for Payment. — J he Mayor and Gen- eral Council of the City of Atlanta may, in their discretion, pro- vide for the erection of a bridge over the tracks of the Central of Georgia Railway Company, and do all other work necessary to the extension of West Alabama Street to a point at or near the junction of Rhodes and Elliott Streets in said City, and in their discretion may extend an arm of said bridge or roadway, or said bridge and roadway, so as to connect with West Hunter Street at a point West of the tracks of the Southern Railway Company, formerly East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia Rail- way Company, in said City, and to provide for the paying of the expenses of constructing said bridge and extending said street partlv out of the income of said City for the year 1897, and the balance from the income of said City for the years 1808, 1899 and 1900, or any one or more of said years, in the dircretion of said Mayor and General Council. Sec. 384. May Institute Condemnation Proceedings for Right of Way. — The Mayor and General Council of said City shall have power and authority, in their discretion, to institute con- demnation proceedings for the purpose of acquiring a right of way for the proposed bridge over, across or under, or partly over, partly across, or partly under the rights of way and other CHARTKR STREETS — BRIIMiES OVER RAII>ROAnS ]]7 property of the Central of Georgia Railway Company and the Southern Railway Company, formerly t'he East Tennessee, Vir- ginia and Georgia Railway Company, such condemnation pro- ceedings to be conducted in accordance with the requirements of an Act providing a uniform method of exercising the right of condemning, taking or damaging private property, approved De- cember 18, 1904; Provided, however, that it shall Ije within the discretion of the Mayor and General Council of t'he City of At- lanta, as heretofore provided by the charter of said City. t<> ac- cept or reject the awards made by the Assessors within t'he time limited by the Charter of said City. Sec. 385. Railroad Companies Required to Erect Bridges Where Their Tracks Cross Streets — In Discretion of Council — Protection of Human Life. — The Mayor and General Council of said City of Atlanta are hereby authorized and empowered to require all railroads and railroad companies to erect suital:)le bridges across their tracks and road-beds, where the same cross the public streets of said City, in all cases in which said Mayor and General Council shall declare the same necessary for the protection of human life. It shall also be the duty of railroads or railroad companies having bridges erected, or when they may hereafter erect bridges across their tracks and roadbeds, w'here the same cross the public streets of said City, to keep said bridges, and the approaches thereto, and the foundations and pil- lars and supports thereof, in safe condition, and so as to admit of comfortable travel on any sucli street. Sec. 386. Bridges Built or Repaired by City at Expense of Railroads — 'When. — In case of the failure of any railroad or railroad company, after reasonable notice to do so. to build or repair a bridge, or the approacTies thereto or otherwise, as pro- vided above, said Mayor and General Council shall have the au- thority to do such building, repairing, or putting in safe condi- tion, at the expense, with interest and cost, of such railroad or railroad company, for which execution may issue, as other exe- cutions are issued by said City, and be levied on any property of such railroad or railroad company; and such execution shall bear interest at the rate of se\en per cent, per annum. Provided, that nothing in this Section shall require railroads or railroad companies to build bridges otherwise than is required by the ofeneral laws of this State, or the charters of such railroad com- IIQ t HAHTKR STIiKK/l'S — IHSIIXilOS — \\ VVKHLV WW VIADICTS panics, respectively, except in all cases in w'liich a pul)lic street was in existence before the tracks of any such railroad or rail- road companies were laid or ])laced across any such public streets. Sec. 387. Mayor and General Council May Regulate Building and Repairing of Bridges — For What Purpose. — Said Mayor and (General Council shall have the authority to regulate the buildino- and repairing of such bridges, in so far as to declare the general character of such bridges or repairs, suitable to be made, and to provide for t'he drainage, light, and comfort of said bridge, and the street adjacent thereto or thereunder, and to provide for the least obstruction by sup]:)orts and otherwise of any por- tion of the street, practical and consistent with safety. Sec. 388. Waverly Place— Washington Street Viaduct— Or- dinance Ratified — Vacation of Waverly Place — Further Ordi- nances Authorized, if Necessary. — The action of the Mayor and General Council of the City of Atlanta in passing the ordinance approved December 28. 1904, and the amendment thereto, ap- proved January 21, 1905, providing for changing Waverly Place from its present location ; for the securing of the Washington Street viaduct across the Georgia Railroad yards, and for the va- cation of Waverly Place as changed, .and for the other purposes therein set forth, is hereby ratified and confirmed, and said ordi- nance and amendment are hereby authorized and authority is hereby conferred upon the said City of Atlanta and the Mayor and General Council to enact such further ordinances and resolu- tions as may be necessary to carry out and enforce the ordinance first above stated, and t'he purposes therein stated, including the power to vacate and abandon Waverly Place as to both its present and changed location, subject to all the terms and condi- tions imposed by said ordinance and amendment, provided the terms of said ordinance shall apply to the Louisville and Nash- ville Railroad Company or the assigns or privies of the Atlanta, Knoxville and Northern Railway Company, and the railroad companies referred to in said ordinance, or any and all of them, and bond shall be given accordingly as contemplated in said or- dinance. Sec. 389. Authority to Close Parts of Rhodes and Mangum Streets in City. — 'I'lie action of the Mayor and (ieneral Council ( HAHTKR STHIOKTS — tl,OSI><; KHOOKS \M> MWGIM STS. -| ] 9 of tlic City (if Atlanta in adDptini^' the report of the Coniiiiittee on Streets on the petition of Gate City Terminal Company, ap- proved by the Mayor on November 24, ]!)0(i, providing for the closinj^- and \'acation of Rhodes Street from Haynes Street to Jones' Alley, and for the closinsj;' and ^•acation of Mangum Street from Hnnter Street to Foundr}- Street, and for other pur])oses. set forth in said report so adopted by the Mayor and (leneral Conncil. is hereby ratified and CDnfirmed. and said re])iirt. as adopted !)}■ the Ma}i>r and (jeneral Council is herebv authorized, and the consent of the State is hereby granted to the closing- and vacation of said Rhodes Street from fiavnes Street to b>nes' Alley, and said Mangum Street from Hnnter Street to l^iundrv Street: and authority is hereby conferred upon the said Cit} of Atlanta and the Mayor and General Council to enact such further ordinances, resolutions, and votes as may be necessary to carry out the report of the Committee adopted b}- the Mayor and Gen- eral Council abo\e referred to, and the puri)oses therein stated, and to make any amendments or changes in t'he said re])t)rt as the Mavor and (ieneral Council may from tin.ic to time enact by ordinance, resolution or vote, including the power to \acate and abandon Rhodes Street from Haynes Street to Jones" Alley, and Mangum Street from Hnnter Street to Foundry Street, and per- mitting the changing in location and in grade, diverting, inter- fering \\ ith. and crossing the various other streets, as set out in said report, and to make any amendments or changes to the said report permitting other or different methods of changing the lo- cation and grade or crossing, or interfering with, the various streets set out in said report. l)y the (late City Terminal Com- pany, its sucessors and assigns. 120 CHARTER POMCE — BOARD TERMS CHAPTER XXI. POLICE— BOARD OF POLICE COMMISSIONERS. Sec. 390. Board of Police Commissioners — How Composed. The Board of Police Commissioners s'hall consist of one mem- ber from each of the Wards in the City, now eight, but, if hereaf- ter changed and the number of Wards increased, the Board shall have its membership enlarged so as to have therein one mem- ber from the residents of each of t'he Wards of the City. Sec. 391. Ex-Officio. — The Mayor and Chairman of the Po- lice Comittee of the General Council shall be members of said Board, ex-officio. Sec. 392. Terms. — At the termination of the present term of office the successors shall be elected for a term of three years each, and when other members are added to the Board, under the provision of this Section, they shall be likewise elected to serve for a term of three years eac'h, on the first Monday in March following the addition of such new mem- bers to the Board, except the first members elected under t'his provision in order to complete the membership of said Board as herein required. Sec. 393. Election. — This election shall be held at the first meeting of the General Council following the passage i^f this amendment. Sec. 394. Terms. — Such number shall be elected to serve from said date and for a period of three years from the first Mon- day in March next, but also, including the intervening time between date of election and the first Monday in March next. At the first regular meeting in March in each succeeding year an election shall be held to elect, for the term of t'hree years, a Commissioner or Commissioners whose lerm or terms may then expire. CHARTER I'OI.KK BOARD — Mt;ETI.\GS — VACANCIES — OATH ]^2] Sec. 395. Vacancy. — Slionld a vacancy occur in the Board during the year 1874, from other cause than the expiring of a regular term, an election to fill it shall be immediately "held by the Council, any year thereafter by the General Council, and such incumbent shall hold until the unexpired term shall ex- pire, and until his successor is elected and (jualified. Sec. 396. Term. — Each regular term shall begin at t'he date of the election, and close as hereinafter declared, and until a successor is elected and qualified. Sec. 397. Oath of Office. — Each member of the Board, before entering on the duties of his ofifice. shall take and subscribe this oath of office before some officer authorized to administer it: "I swear that I will faithftdly and impartially demean myself as a Commissioner of Police during my continuance in office. I have not, in order to influence my election to this office of Com- missioner, directly or indirectly, expressly or impliedly, promised mv vote or support to any person for any office in the City of Atlanta, nor for any other office. I will not knowingly permit my vote, in the election or appointment of any person to posi- tion on the police force, to be influenced by fear, favor, or afifec- tion, reward, or the hope thereof, but in all things pertaining to my said office. I will be governed by my conviction of the pub- lic good." Sec. 398. Oath Entered upon Minutes — Original Filed with Clerk of Council, — Tlie oath shall be entered on the minutes of the proceedings of the Board, and the original shall be filed in the office of the Clerk of the City Council. Sec. 399. Quorum. — Three shall constitute a quorum, with power to transact business. Sec. 400. Meetings — How Often. — They shall hold a stated meeting each month, and such (Tther meetings as the public in- terest may from time to time require. Sec. 401. Shall Keep a Record of Proceedings. — They shall keep a record of their procedings. and one of said Board shall act as Clerk thereof. 122 CHARTKK l'(U,I< i: ( HIKT — «)i I ICKRS — MKx\ — KlI-K.S Sec. 402. Shall Elect Chief of Police and Other Officers.— The Board of i'olicc Commissioners thus elected and (lualified shall have the exclusive power, and it shall be their duty, to ap- point a Chief of Police, and such other police officers and police- men as is or may be prescribed by City ordinance. Sec. 403. Board Exercise Control of Police Force. — They shall exercise full direction and control of officers and meml)ers of the police force, in conformity to existing laws and ordinances, and such as may be made applicable to the subject. Sec. 404. The Police Force — How Comppsed. — The police force of said City shall consist of a Chief of Police, and such other officers and men as the City shall by ordinance prescribe. Sec. 405. Election of Chief and Other Officers— When— On What Condition — Term Indefinite. — Said Chief, officers and men shall be elected on the 2nd day of April. 1907, or prior to that date, if said Chief, officers and men shall resign from their ]>res- ent term, and thus relieve the City from its contracts, and, when so elected, shall serve without any tixed term or employment. Sec. 406. Serve During Good Behavior and Efficient Service — May Be Discharged by the Board at Any Time. — Said Chief, officers, and men so elected shall serve during good behavior and efficient service, both of w'hich to be judged of by the Board of Police Commissioners. Said Board of Police Comissioners shall be authorized at any time to discharge the Chief, officers, or men, or other employees of their department, without any lial)ility at- taching to the duty on account of said discharge. Sec. 407. Board to Establish Rules on Civil Service Plan— All Officers and Employees to Serve under Civil Service Rules. Said Board shall furtliermore establish rules and regulations for said department on the civil service plan, and all the officers and employees thereof shall serve under civil service rules during good l:»ehavior and efficient service, to be finally and exclusively judged of by said Board. Sec. 408. Members of Police Force Take Oath— Give Bond as May be Required by Ordinance. — They shall take an oath 1S — IMFORMS ]23 faithfully and impartially to discharge the duties imposed on them by the laws of the State, and the ordinances of tlie City, and shall give such bonds as may be required of them by the City ordinances. Sec. 409. Duties of Police Force. — It shall be their duty to make arrests of any persons violating the ordinances of said City, with or without summons, and also with or without war- rant. Thev shall likewise make arrests of an}- persons, w'ho have violated the statutes of said State, and their arrests for such violatrons are hereby authorized, either with or without warrants therefor. They shall perform such other duties as may be im- posed by the laws of the State, and (M'dinances of the (General Council. Sec. 410. Their Compensation — How Fixed — No Extra Pay or Allowance. — Their compensation shall be prescribed by ordi- nance, and shall not be increased or diminished during the cal- endar year. No extra pay or allowance or cost shall be made to an\* officer or members of said de])artment. Sec. 411. Force to be Armed and Uniformed. — The Mayor and General Council shall cause the entire police force of the City to be armed and so uniformed as to be readily recognized by the public as peace officers. Sec. 412. City Furnish Arms — Remain City's Property — May Furnish Uniforms in Discretion of Mayor and General Council. — llie arms to l)e furnished at ihe expense of and to remain the property of the City. The Mayor and General Council shall have authority to fur- nish uniforms at t'he public expense to the members of the Police and Fire Department in the discretion of such ^Nlayor and Gen- eral Council. Sec. 413. Failure to Perform Duty — Penalty — Suspension or Dismissal. — hor a failure to perform any duty required by law or the ordinances of the City, or the rules of said Board, the officers and members of said department are subject to be sus- pended, either definitely or indefinitely, or removed from office, 124 CHARTER — P«H,ICE — CHARGES — EX-OFFH'H) J. P. by the decision of the Board of PoHce Commissioners, whose de- cision shall be final, and, when said officers or members are dis- missed, no liability shall attach to the City for any further com- pensation. Sec. 414, Mode of Preferring Charges — Any Member of Force May be Suspended, Till Session of Board to Hear the Case. — The mode of preferring charges against any officer or mem- ber of said department, and the manner of their trial, shall be prescribed by the rules of said Board. The Chief, any officer, or member, or employee of said department, may ])e suspended in the manner provided by the rules of said department until the session of t'he Board of Police Commissioners, at which the hear- ing may be had and sentence adjudged. Sec. 415. In Case of Vacancy by Suspension, How Filled. — In case any officer or member or employee of said department is suspended, said Board shall provide for appointments to fill tiie vacancies during the suspension of the officer, or member, or employee. Sec. 416. Civil Service Rules and Regulations to Govern. — The Mayor and (ieneral Council are given full, complete, and unqualified authority to establish, for the department of police, civil service rules and regulations, to the end that officers, mem- bers and employees shall serve during good behavior and effi- cient service, and to be promoted according to efficient service and lengt'h of time employed in said department, all of which to be adjudged of by said Board. Sec. 417. Aldermen and Councilmen Ex-Officio Justices of the Peace — May Issue Warrants to be Executed by Marshal or Chief of Police — Commit to Jail, etc. — Each member of the Board of Aldermen and each member of the Board of Councilmen shall be, to all intents and purposes, a Justice of the Peace, so far as to enable them, or any one, or either of them, to issue warrants for offenses committed within t'he corporate limits of said City, which warrants shall be executed by the Marshal or Chief of Police, or either of the Lieutenants of Police, and to commit to jail in the County of l\ilton, or to admit to bail offenders, pro- vided the ofiFense is bailable, for their appearance before the next Superior Court thereafter for the County of Fulton, and it shall be the duty of the jailer of said County to receive all such per- sons so committed, and safely keep the same until discharged by due course of law. CHAH rr.U — KKCOKOKK — Dl TV — ALTHORITV. ]^25 CHAPTER XXII. RECORDER— RECORDER'S COURT. Sec. 418. City Recorder — How Elected — By Whom — Term of Office. — There shall be elected by the people at the same time other City officers are elected, a Recorder. He shall hold his office for a term of four years, as provided under Section 1 of the Act of 1910. unless removed for cause to be adjudged of by the ]\la}or and General Council. Sec. 419. Recorder May Hold any Other Office — Cannot Conflict, However — Duties, How Defined. — The Recorder may hold any other office not necessarily cuntiicting with his duties as Recorder. His duties not herein enumerated may be pres- cribed by ordinance. Sec. 420. His Duty — His Authority. — It shall be the duty of the Recorder, when so elected, to preside at the City Court, known as the Mayor's Court, with as full and ample authority to try and dispose of all cases within the jurisdiction of the May- or's Court, as the ]\Iayor has under the provisions of this Char- ter. Sec. 421. Powers — Shall Try Offenders. — When sitting- as a Recorder's Court, he shall have full power and authority con- current with the ^layor, Mayor pro tern, or one member of the General Council, to try all offenders against the ordinances of said City, and impose such penalties for violation thereof as may be prescribed by the ordinances of said City- Sec. 422. Oath of Office. — Before entering upon the duties of his office, he shall take and subscribe an oath before some officer authorized to administer it, faithfully to discharge the duties of the same. Sec. 423. May Be Removed for Cause — By Whom. — He may at an}^ time be removed by the Mayor and General Council for cause, to be judged by them. 126 CHARTER RECORDKR IIRISDICTIOX — PRO TEM Sec. 424. Jurisdiction as to Trial and Abatement of Nuis- ances — Proviso. — The jurisdiction now vested in the Aiayor and General Council of said City, under and by the laws of this State, as contained in the Code of Georgia in 1895, in Sections 4760 to 4768 inclusive, in respect to the trial and abatement of nuisances as set forth in said Code and Sections, be and the same is 'hereby devolved upon and vested in the Recorder's or Mayor's Court of said City. Said Recorder's or Mayor's Court shall have the same jurisdiction, power and duty as to the trial and abatement of said nuisances as the Mayor and General Council of said City has heretofore had, and said Mayor and General Council are hereby relieved of jurisdiction and duty to try, hear or abate such nuisances; Provided, and ^except that nothing in this Act contained shall divest the Mayor and Gen- eral Council or Board of Health of said City of jurisdiction as to nuisances affecting health, as now provided by law. Sec. 425. One Member of General Council May Hold Recor- der's Court — Regulation of Call Upon Members by Ordinance. — Any one member of the General Council of said City is hereby authorized and empowered to preside in and hold the Record- er's or Mayor's Court of said City, whenever for any cause the Recorder, Mayor, or Mayor pro tempore, of said City cannot be in attendance to hold the same, and the Mayor and General Council of said City are hereby authorized to provide and regu- late by ordinance how the designation or call upon any member of the General Council to preside as aforesaid shall be made. Sec. 426. Recorder Pro Tem— May Create the Office— Pre- scribed Duties — Fix Compensation, Etc. — The Mayor and ( Gen- eral Council of the City of Atlanta are hereby authorized and empowered to create the ofifice of Recorder pro tem. to fix his term of ot^ce, prescribe his duties, and provide for his compen- sation. Sec. 427. Recorder Pro Tem— "When He Serves— Clerk of Recorder's Court May Act as Recorder Pro Tem. — The Mayor and General Council of the City of Atlanta are hereby author- ized and empowered to create the office of Recorder pro tem, to fix his term of office, prescribe his duties, and provide for his compensation; said Recorder pro tem shall have the same au- thority to serve during the absence or disability of the Recorder R\EV — CHIKF OF COX.STRUCTION — SEXTON CHAPTER XXIV. CITY ATTORNEY— CHIEF OF CONSTRUCTION- BUILDING INSPECTOR. Sec. 436. City Attorney — Chief of Construction — Election of — When — How Often — ^Hold Office Subject to Removal for Cause. — There shall be elected by the qualified voters of said City on the first Wednesday of December, 1894, and biennially thereafter, a City Attorney and Chief of Construction, who shall hold his office for the time prescribed by the 20th Section of fhis Act (1874), unless removed for cause, to be judged of by the Mayor and General Council. Sec. 437. Sexton Shall Give Bond.— The City Sexton shall enter into bond, with good security, payable to said City of At- lanta, in an amount to be fixed and judged of by the Mayor and General Council for the faithful performance of t'he duties of his office. (Discretionary with Council. See Sec. 481). Sec. 438, Duties of Above Officers. — Their duties shall be prescribed by ordinance. Sec. 439. Oath of Office. — Before entering on the discharge of their duties, they shall each take an oath before some officer aut'horized to administer it, to faithfully perform the duties of their offices. Sec. 440. Compensation — How Fixed. — They shall each re- ceive a salary, to be fixed by the Mayor and General Council the year next preceding their election, which shall not be in- creased or diminished during their continuance in office. (Original Charter of 1874 provided for three building inspec- tors, which has since been reduced in number to one. The orig- inal provisions of the Charter are retained, as throwing light upon the office and duties of the single inspector). CHARTKK — BlII-DING I \SPKCTOR— DVTIES ];}] Sec. 441. Building Inspectors — Number — How Elected — Must Be Residents of City. — The Mayor and General Council of said City at the meetinj^ when the other officers are elected, or at any subseqeunt meting- of said Mayor and General Council shall have full power and anthorit\- to elect three freeholders, residents of said City, Building- Inspectors. Sec. 442. Term of Office. — The said Building- Inspectors shall hold their office for the tern-i of two years, except those elected at the tirst meeting in January, 1875, or at t'he next, or any sub- sequent meeting thereafter. The Inspectors so elected shall va- cate their office at the first meeting of the Mayor and General Council in July, 1875. at which meeting the Mayor and General Council shall elect Building Inspectors for the term of two years, after whic'h time all elections to fill said offices shall be held bienniallv. Sec. 443. Duties. — It shall be their duty, in connection with the Cliief of Construction, to inspect all buildings and walls lo- cated on the various streets, lanes, and alleys of said City, when they shall be requested to do so by the Mayor, and to report the result of such investigation to said Mayor, v^ith a recommenda- tion to the best course to be pursued in reference to said build- ings or walls, for the protection of the citizens. Sec. 444. Recommendations of Building Inspectors to be Ex- ecuted—By Whom — When — How. — The said Mayor shall have full power and authority to execute, in a summary manner, the recommendations of said Building Inspectors, or a majority of them, at the expense of t'he owner of said building or wall, or the owner of the lot upon which the same may be located, in the dis- cretion of the said Mayor, should the said owner after such no- tice as may seem reasonable in the discretion of the ]\Iayor, if no- tice can be served on 'him, fail or refuse to remove the obstruc- tions reported by said Building Inspectors, or a majority of them, such expense to be collected by execution to be issued by the Clerk of Council ; and the said Mayor and General Council shall have full power and authority to pass all ordinances, that may be necessary to carry this measure into full elTect. Sec. 445. May Substitute One Inspector for the Three — Qual- 132 CHARTER— BUILDING IXSPECTOR— SUBSTITUTES ifications Necessary — Discretionary. — The Mayor and General Council of said City of Atlanta may, in their discretion, substi- tute for t'he three Building Inspectors provided for by Section 93, 94, and 95 of said Act of Incorporation (1874), including amend- ments heretofore made, a single Building Inspector, in which case the Building Inspector shall be either a professional archi- tect and builder, or a civil engineer acquainted with the science of building. Sec. 446- Duties of the Single Inspector— Powers, Etc.— In the event of the substitution of one Inspector in the place of three, as hereinbefore provided for, the Building Inspector, so to be elected, shall have all the powers and discharge all the duties devolving upon the present Building Inspectors under tlTe Char- ter of said City and the laws of the State, and shall, in addition thereto perform such ot'her duties and exercise such other pow- ers and privileges as may be provided for by ordinances of said City. , CHARTER CHIEF OF COXSTRl ( TIO\ ];^;^ CHAPTER XXV. CHIEF OF COXSTRUCTIOX. Sec. 447. Chief of Construction. — The position of Chief ot Construction is hereby created and this office shall have all the power and authority heretofore given the offices of City Engin- eer and Commissioner of Public Works, and all such work as paving, sewers, curbing, sidewalks, repairing of same, engineer- ing work, grades and any and all work of authority now vested in either Commissioner of Public Works or department of En- gineering sliall hereafter be vested and exercised by the Chief of Construction; no one shall be eligible therefor unless he be a competent civil engineer of ten years practical experience and the Mayor and General Council are hereby authorized to fix the salary of said office for a sum not exceeding Five Thousand Dol- lars per annum. Said Chief of Construction shall have authority to appoint his assistants but the Mayor and General Council have authority to decide how many assistants he shall have and the salaries of such assistants, but at least the following assistants are hereby created for said Chief of Construction, to-wit: one in charge of sewers, one in charge of streets, one in charge of side- walks, one in charge of repairs. Sec. 448- City Engineer and Commissioner of Public Works ConsoUdated. — The Mayor and General Council shall, by appro- priate amendments to existing ordinances, provide for the con- solidation of all the duties now divided by ordinances, to the two departments of Commissioner of Public Works and City Engineer, and same are consolidated into one department thereby creating "Chief of Construction" department and the offices of Commissioner of Public A\'orks and City Engineer of Atlanta are herebv abolished. ]^;34 CHAK'I'KR — (KKKK OK COUINCIL, — DUTIES CHAPTER XXVI. CLERK OF CITY COUNCIL. Sec. 449. Clerk of Council— How Elected— When— by Whom. — There shall be elected by the people at the same time other City officers are elected, a Clerk of Council, who shall hold office for a term of two years, as provided under Section 1 of the Act of 1910, unless removed for cause to be adjudged of by the Mayor and Ceneral Council. Sec. 450. Oath of Office. — He shall take and subscribe an oath before some officer authorized to administer it, to faithfully discharge the duties of his office. Sec. 451. He Shall Give Bond. — He shall give bond and good security, to be fixed and judged by the Mayor and General Coun- cil, for the faithful performance of his duties. Sec. 452. Duties. — His duties shall be prescribed by ordi- nance. Sec. 453. Compensation. — He shall receive such salary as the Mayor and General Council the year next preceding his election shall prescribe. Sec. 454. He Shall Have and Use a Common Seal — Form, Device, Etc. — Fixed by Ordinance. — The Clerk of Council of the City of Atlanta shall have and use a common seal, whose form, device, and color shall be fixed by ordinance passed by the Mayor and General Council. Sec. 455. Deputy Clerks — Their Authority — Legal Effect of Acts. — The Deputy Clerks of Council, whether one or more are appointed upon the authority of the Mayor and ( ieneral Council, shall have all the authority of the Clerk of the Council, and are authorized to sign executions, licenses, and all other documents, < II Ait'l'KH — <-M-:KK — DEPUTIES 135 to which the signature of the Clerk of Council is necessary, us- ing their own names. Init adding thereto the words ''Deputy Clerk of Council." The signatures of the Deputy Clerks of Council, when so signed, shall be recognized and given all the force and effect of the signature of the Clerk of Council. 136 CHARTER— MARKET HOI SE — FORSVTH ST. BRIDGE CHAPTER XXVI. MISCELLANEOUS POWERS AND PROVLSIONS, EXER- CISED AND TO BE ENFORCED. Sec. 456. May Lease Buildings for Markethouses — Fifteen Years — Limit of Rental — Privilege to Purchase. — The Mayor and General Council are hereliy authorized to rent or lease from any party, who may build a suitable markethouse or houses in the City of Atlanta, for a term not exceeding fifteen years, at a rate of rental not to exceed eight per cent, interest on the invest- ment, and are hereby authorized to make such ordinances as are necessary and proper to protect tlie City in said lease ; and pro- vided, further, that said City of Atlanta be authorized to pur- chase said market or markets at any time during fifteen years at original cost of said market property. Sec. 457. City May Establish Two or More Market Places It- self — Prescribe Ordinances for Governing Same. — The Mayor and General Council of the City of Atlanta shall have power and authority to establish two or more market places in said City for the sale of country produce, fresh meats, and other sim- ilar articles, and provide by ordinance for the government of said market places, and to prescribe the hours, in which such market- able articles shall be sold only at such market places, or at them and at other points within certain distances from sucTi market places, as may be deemed best by said Mayor and General Coun- cil. Sec. 458. Authority to Construct Forsyth Street Bridge— Pro- vision as to Payment for Same. — The Mayor and General Coun- cil of said City are hereby authorized to provide for a bridge over the several railroad tracks on Forsyth Street in said City, and to provide for paying the costs of the cfinstruction of said bridge, partly from the income of said City for the year 1891, and t'he balance out of the income of said City for the years 1892 and 189:5. CHARTP:R PlBLIf SPKAKING — HACKS, DRAYS — EXAMINATIONS ^37 Sec. 459. Authority to Regulate Public Street Speaking — Prevent Street Obstruction, or Disorderly Crowds. — The Mayor and General Council of said City of Atlanta is empowered to provide by ordinance for the regulation of public meetinj^s and public speaking in the streets of said City of Atlanta by prevent- ing the obstruction of the streets of said City or the gathering of disorderly crowds in said streets. Sec. 460. May Regulate Charges by Hacks and Drays — Hauling of Baggage or Merchandise — Transportation of Passen- gers. — The Mayor and (General Council of the City of Atlanta are authorized to prescribe by ordinance reasonable charges to be collected by hacks, cabs, drays, or other licensed vehicles for the transportation of persons, baggage, merchandise, or other per- sonal property within the limits of the City of Atlanta. Sec. 461. Examination of the Workings of any of the De- partments of the City Authorized — Committee Conducting Same May Compel Attendance of Witnesses — Compel Production of Books, Etc. — The City Government of the City of Atlanta shall be authorized and empowered, through a Committee of the Gen- eral Council or of any of the Boards operating under the City Government or Committee of the same, to institute, in the dis- cretion of tTie General Council, whenever necessary, any exami- nation or examinations into the working and business of any of the offices, or conduct of its officers in any department of the City's business, or of t'he General Council itself, or of any office under the City, and that the Board or Committee conducting suc'h examination shall have power to send for persons and papers, and to compel attendance of persons summoned ; to swear wit- nesses, compel the production of papers and books and all dis- closures pertinent to such investigation. Sec. 462. Restriction of Time as to Renewal of Street Fran- chises. — The Mayor and General Council of the City of Atlanta shall have no authority or power to grant, consent to, or permit the extension, removal, or change of the term, for which fran- chises have been or may be granted, or in any way to extend or renew the time, for which permission has been or may be given to occupy tTie streets and public places except and only during the twelve months immediately preceding the expiration of the 138 CHARTKU *iAMTARIlMS BO A KOI NG HOI Sli:S term of such franchises and permit; and all extensions and re- newals made in violation of this Act shall be void. Sec. 463. Authority to Regulate or Prohibit Erection or Maintenance of Sanitariums — Boarding Houses — Discretionary — Previous Ordinances Ratified. — Power is hereby given the Mayor and General Council to control, regulate, and in its dis- cretion prohibit, the erection and maintenance of sanitariums, boarding houses, and other similar places in residence portions of the Citv; and any ordinances heretofore adopted by the said Mayor and General Council in relation to the above subject mat- ters are hereby ratified and validated. Sec. 464. Mayor — Aldermen — Councilmen — Other Municipal Officers — Ineligible When. — It shall be unlawful -for any person holding an office or position of trust, or emolument, or regular employment, under appointment by the President of the Linited States, or any Department of the Federal Government, or elec- tion by the people of the United States, or any of them, or any District in the United States, or under appointment by the Gov- ernor of Georgia, or any other officer or officers of the State or county vested with appointing power, or election by the people of the State or any County, or other political divisions of said State after the 31st day of December, 1900. to occupy or hold, the position of Mayor, Alderman, or Councilman of the City of Atlanta, or membership on any executive Board of said City, or any other office or position of trust, honor, or emolument, or reg- ular employment, in or under said City government, whether said office or position be by election or appointment or regular appointment during the time he 'holds said Federal, State, or County office or position ; and neither the Mayor, Alderman, or Councilman, nor any other officer of said City, who, by virtue of election bv the people, or appointment by the Mayor, or election or appointment by the Mayor and General Council, or any Com- mittee thereof, or election by appointment by any of the Boards of the City Government, holds such office after the passage of this Act. shall be eligible to hold any other office or position of trust, honor, or emolument, or any other regular employment in the services of said City Government. Sec. 465. Ineligible for Service on More than one Board — Exceptions. — Xor shall they or any person be eligible to service CHARTER — ELIGIBILITY MAVOK, AMIERMEX AM) (Ol XCII.MEX 239 on more than one of the Boards, such as police commissioners, water commissioners, lioard of healtli. or any other Board of said City now existing, or hereafter created, at the same time, except- ing that service as City Investigator or MembersTiip in the Board of Trustees of the Grady Hospital, or the Board of Trustees of Carnegie Library, or Board of Education, or Park Commission, Board of Firemasters, Board of Electrical Control or Cemetery Commission shall not disqualify such officer, or trustees, or members of said Boards for an_\- other Cit_\' ( )ffice, position, or employment. Sec. 466. Members of General Council not Eligible as Mem- bers of Boards — Except. — Xor shall any member of the General Council be a member of any Board under said City Government except as is now or hereafter provided by the charter of said City, and that t'he acceptance by the Mayor, any Councilman. Al- derman, or any other officer or regular employee of said City, after the passage ui this Act. of any office or j)osition of trust, honor, or emolument, or regular employment under the Federal, State or County Government, excepting the Board of Trustees of the Grady Hospital, or Board of Carnegie Library, or Board of Education, or Park Commission, }>oard of Firemasters, or Board of Electrical Control, shall immediately create a vacancy in the office, position, or employment he holds in or under said City government, A\-'hich vacancy shall be filled in the manner pro- vided by law; and that the acceptance by the Mayor or any Al. man. Councilman, or other officer or regular employee of said City Government, or Board or Department thereof, of any other city office, position, or regular employment shall likewise vacate the first office, position, or employment held by such officer or employee, except as hereinbefore provided. Sec. 467. Bonds Required of City's Licenses — Discretionary — For What Purpose — For What Term. — The Mayor and General Council shall be authorized, in their discretion, to require any and all persons, firms, or corporations, licensed to do business, under the present charter provisions, to give a bond payable to the City, and conditioned to pay the City or anyone else, suing in the name of the City for their use. for injuries or damages re- ceived on account of dishonest, fraudulent, immoral, or improper conduct of t'he administration of the business so licensed. The amount of said bond shall not exceed five thousand ($5,000.00) 1^0 CHARTER — HOXDS OF I.IC'EXSEKS — MHRARV dollars, and shall be given for the fiscal year. At the end of the fiscal year, a new bond shall be given for the succeeding fiscal year under the terms above provided. Any person or persons in- jured by the dishonest, fraudulent, immoral, or improper con- duct of the administration of any business licensed by the City, and bonded as above provided, may sue on said bond for their own use, and the recovery, if any, shall be payable to said person or persons. Sec. 468. Shall Maintain Carnegie Library — Appropriation Not to Exceed Five Thousand Dollars Per Annum. — It shall be the duty of the Mayor and General Council of the City of At- lanta, beginning with the annual apportionments and appropria- tions for the year 1900, to annually apportion, appropriate, and expend from the incomes and revenues of said City the sum of five thousand dollars, for the support, maintenance and operation of the free public library to be known as t'he Carnegie Library. Sec. 469. May Condemn Lands for Pubhc Buildings — Parks — Other Purposes — Take Possession — When — Conditions. — The City of Atlanta is hereby authorized and empowered to condemn land for sites for the erection of public buildings for said City for parks and other public purposes, in the manner already pro- vided by law for the condemnation of land in said City, for open- ing, widening, or changing streets and alleys. Said City is here- by authorized and empowered, in any and all cases w'hen land has been assessed or condemned for street, park, public build- ings, sewer, or other public purposes of said City, on the coming in of the award of the assessors, on paying said award ; or in the case of appeal from the award by either party on providing and securing the payment of said award or eventual condemnation money in the manner hereinafter provided in any case or cases in whic'h appeal is taken by either party from such award, to en- ter upon and take possession of said land for the purpose or use for which the same has been condemned, and such entry or pos- session may be had by said City immediately after paying or se- curing payment of any such award, or the eventual condemna- tion money, and before the trial on the appeal case. Sec. 470. Bond to be Given to Take Immediate Possession — How — For What Purpose. — In the case of any such award made CHARTER — IMPEACHMENTS. Sec. 476. General Council Shall Try Impeachments — Who Presides When Mayor is Tried — How Convicted — Penalty. — The General Council of said City shall have the sole right to try all impeachments. When sitting for that purpose, they shall be under oath or affirmation. When the Mayor is tried the Judge of the City Court shall preside, and no person shall he convicted without the concurrence of two-thirds of the members present. Judgment, in case of impeachment, shall not extend further than removal from iiffice. aiul disqualification to hold any office of honor, trust or profit, under t'his Charter; but the party con- victed shall, nevertheless, be liable and subject to indictment, trial, and punisliment. according to law. Sec. 477. Officers May Justify— If Sued for Any Official Act.— Anv of the officers of said corporation, who may be sued for any act done in his or their official character, may justify under this charter. GENERAL COUNCIL. Sec. 478. May Compel Attendance of Witnesses — May Take Bonds for Appearance. — The ^layor and General Council of said Citv shall have full power and authority to cgmpel the attend- ance of parties and witnesses at the Mayor's Courts, and the meetings of said Council or General Council ; and for this pur- pose said Mayor and General Council shall have full power and authoritv to take and receive of parties and witnesses such bond^ as they shall deem necessary to secure the attendance of parties and witnesses, and to pass all ordinances necessary to carry this provision into effect, and to forfeit and collect said bonds in the same manner as suc'h bonds are now forfeited in the Superior Courts of this State. .^ Sec. 479. May Establish Fee Bill for City Officers.— The Mayor and General Council shall have power and authority to establis'h a fee bill for the officers of said City, not higher than the fees allowed to county office^s,^ or lower than those allowed to Justices of the Peace and Constables of this State. 144 CHARTER — SALARIES — BOARDS, NO SALARIES — FIRE LIMITS Sec. 480. Salaries of all City Officers Fixed the Year Preced- ing Election or Appointment. — Hereafter the salaries, compen- sation, or emoluments of all the ofificers of said City, whether charter officers or otherwise, shall be fixed by the Mayor and General Council in office the year preceding the election or ap- pointment of said officers, and such salary, compensation, or emoluments shall not be c'hanged for or during the term, for which such officer was elected or appointed. Sec. 481. Members of Administrative Board Serve Without Salaries. — From and after the tirst day of January, 1899, the members of the several Administrative Boards of the City of At- lanta, such as the Board of Police Commissioners, the Board of Water Commissioners, the Board of Healt'h, the Board of Fire- masters, the Board of Education, the Grant Park Commission, the Trustees of the Grady Hospital, and all similar administra- tive Boards of the City government, shall serve without salaries, whether such members of any of said Boards were elected be- fore or after the passage of this Act. Sec. 482. May Extend Fire Limits — Authority to Remove Structures Other Than Fire-Proof Buildings Within Same. — The said Mayor and General Council shall have power and authority to continue t'he fire limits as now established by law, and from time to time, in their discretion, to extend and enlarge the same, wit'hin which fire-limits so established, and to be established it shall not be lawful for anyone to erect other than fire-proof buildings, or structures of any kind other than fire-proof; and should anyone erect, or cause to be erected, within such fire-lim- its so established, any such buildings or other structures, said Mayor and General Council, after giving five days' notice, shall cause the same to be removed at t'he expense of the owners of such buildings or other structures, the said expenses to be col- lected by executions issued by the Clerk of Council ; and the said Mayor and General Council shall have power to determine what buildings or other structures are, or are not, fire-proof. ELECTIONS BY PEOPLE. Sec. 483. Election of Certain Officers Provided for by the People. The City Attorney, Chief of Construction, Tax Collec- tor, and Treasurer of tlte City of Atlanta, shall hereafter be CHAKTKK — KLECTIO.NS — VACAXCIK** — ItKMOVAL ^45 elected by the qualified voters of said City, provided this Act, does not interfere wit'h the power of the ^Slayor and General Coun- cil, given by existing law, to abolish the office of ^Marshal, or to consolidate the offices of Marshal and Tax Collector, in their dis- cretion, nor with the power given by existing law, to consoli- date any of tlie other offices provided for by the Charter of said City with the office of Comptroller. Sec. 484. Sexton — Left with Discretion of Council — Cemeteries, Provisions. — The office of Sexton shall be left hereafter to the discretion of the Mayor and General Council. Furthermore, all cemeteries owner or controlled by the Mayor and General Coun- cil shall be under the direction and supervision of said Mayor and General Council, and they shall provide the persons to oper- ate the same, and the method of management, either with or without a Sexton, as they may deem best. Sec. 485. Date of Elections— Term of Office.— The first elec- tion of said officers under this Act shall occur on the first Wed- nesday in December, 1894, at the time of tlie election of the Mayor, Aldermen, and Councilmen, and shall be for a term be- ginning on the first Monday in July, 1895, and ending on the first Monday in January, 1897, and all subsequent elections of such officers shall be held with the election for Mayor, Aldermen and Councilmen, or for Aldermen and Councilmen, occurring next before the end of the term of office of any of said officers, and shall be for a term of two years beginning on the first Monday in tlie January following such elections : Provided, the Mayor and General Council of said City may elect a Chief of Construction at the first meeting in January, 1894, who shall hold office until the first meeting in January, 1895, unless sooner removed for cause; and the Chief of Construction, to be elected by the people under authority of this Act, shall hold office for a term of two years beginning on the first Monday in January, 1895, unless removed for cause, as aforesaid. Sec. 486. Vacancies in City Offices — How Filled. — Vacancies in any of said offices, whether occurring by removal or otherwise, shall be filled by elections by the Mayor and General Council. Sec. 487. Officers Subject to Removal for Cause — by Whom. The officers of the City, whether elected by the people or other- 24(j CHARTKIl — STOCKAnr, — UICL.I.>\ (HM« AVKXUK wise, shall be subject to removal from office by the Mayor and General Council, for cause, according to the provisions of the Charter n(nv in force. Sec. 488. Mayor and General Council Clothed with Same Powers as Mayors and General Council — Subject to Same Limi- tations. — The Mayor and Councilmen, in office in said City, are clothed with all the powers, rights and privileges, during their continuance in office, that by the terms of tliis Act are conferred on the Mayor and General Council as provided herein. The said Mayor and Council shall in like manner, be subject to the same limitations and restrictions. They shall have full power and au- thority to pass all needful ordinances, resolutions and by-laws, for the successful carrving into effect of this Act. Sec. 489. Franchise of Piedmont Power Company Ratified. — The franchises and privileges heretofore granted by the City of Atlanta to the Piedmont Power Company of Atlanta are hereby ratified. Sec. 490. Stockade — Prisoners under Council and Committee. — The stockade, or City prison, together with the employees and grounds thereof, the prisoners, guards, teams, and all other ap- purtenances thereof, shall be under the direct control of the Mayor and General Council, and such committee as it may see fit to put in charge thereof, and in addition to the ordinances passed by the Mayor and General Council, the Committee in charge of the City prison and grounds as above stated, shall liave further authority to create and enforce such rules as they may deem ad- visable for the control of the convicts, employees and grounds at the City prison or stockade. Sec. 491. Power to Vacate Bellwood Crossing and Build Viaduct in Lieu. — Power and authority is hereby given the Mayor and General Council of the City of Atlanta to close Bell- wood Avenue where same crosses the railroads in the City of Atlanta, at what is now known as Bellwood Crossing, and for a distance of two hundred feet on each side of the approach to saia crossing, or so much of said two hundred feet as may be deemed advisable in order to adjust said crossing to the proposed viaduct CHARTER — AL1>ERMK\ SUCCEED THEMSELVES l^'J to be built over the railroads at Bellwood Crossing, or divert same to Boss Avenue and the approaches thereto on either side. When said Mayor and General Council shall ordain the closing of so much of r.elhvood Avenue, as is herein provided, said por- tion of said avenue sliall thereupon cease to be a public street for any purpose. Sec. 492. Fowler Street, a Projection of — Vacated. — The Mayor and General Council of the City of Atlanta are hereby given authority to close and vacate a short un-named street north of the main campus of the School of Technology. Said street being indicated on the plat of the Peters Land Company as beginning at the projection of Fowler Street, which abuts the northern limits of said campus and as running, from above point, 3ue west to Cherry Street, a distance of five hundred feet with a width of fifty feet. Upon the adoption of an ordinance carrying out the terms of this amendment, said un-named street shall thereupon cease to be a public street or road for any purpose. Sec. 493. Alderman May Succeed Himself in Office — When. The provisions of the charter of the City of Atlanta whereby Aldermen are authorized to succeed themselves as Councilmen, but are not eligible to succeed themselves in the position of Al- dermen, are hereby further extended so that an alderman shall heieafter be eligible to succeed himself in the position of Alder- man for one term, and, that the continuous service under this amendment be limited to six years, and an alderman succeeding himself in the position of alderman, shall be ineligible at the end of such continuous service for either the position of council- man or alderman, provided that after the intervention of one year those who have filled such offices are eligible for said positions with the usual rights of successorship. Sec. 494. Marshal of Battle Hill Made a Policeman— All Hon- ors and Rights.— The Marshal or police officer of the town of Bat- tle Hill, at the time said town was incorporated within the lim- its of the City of Atlanta, and the charter of Battle Hill repealed, is hereby made a part and member of the department of police of the City of Atlanta on and after the approval of this Act, at the same pay as the otTier patrolmen of said department and he shall not be required to stand an examination or otherwise con- 148 ( II Alt-l'KIl — I'KNMO.NS — SKHVICI;: form to the rules, ordinances or charter provisions governing eligibility or membership in said department and shall be credited with the years of service heretofore rendered the town of Battle Hill as if rendered to t'he City of Atlanta, and shall receive such honors, positions, pensions and other privileges attending long service, same being based on his former service in the town of Battle Hill, provided, that said officer shall be subject to all laws now in force or which may hereafter be enacted with refer- ence to the department of police of the City of Atlanta and to all rules and regulations of said department, except as herein pro- vided. Sec. 495. Pensions — Policemen — Firemen — Teachers, and Other City Employees. — The Mayor and General Council are liereb}' empowered and authorized to establish and maintain a system of pensions as follows : Sec. 496. When Disabled in Performance of Duties. — All po- licemen, tircnien, teachers, and other City employees, who may hereafter become disabled by reason of any personal injury re- ceived in the line of their employment and in the legal discharge of their duty, so as to render them unable to perform service, may during the continuance of such disability be retired upon one-half of the salary, payable monthly, that such employee re- ceived at the time of such injury, subject to t'he examination and recommendations of the City Health Officer, approval of the Mayor and adoption or rejection thereof by the General Council as provided in sub-section (d) of this amendment. Sec. 497. Twenty Years' Service, if Self or Wife not Pos- sessed of $10,000 in Assets. — All policemen, firemen, teachers, and other City employees who, after twenty years' continuous service in the employment of the City of Atlanta may become disabled by reason of ill health so as to render them unable to perform service and who in their own name, or whose wife or husband, living with her or him, as the case may be, do not own property to the value of Ten Thousand Dollars, may be relieved of duty and retired for a period of one year at a time, upon one- half of the salary, payable monthly, which such employees re- ceived at the time of such injury, upon the examination and recommendation of tlie City Health Officer, the approval of the CHARTEII I'EXSIO.NS—COXDITIO.NS Mayor and the adoption or rejection thereof by the General Council, as provided in sub-section (d) of this amendment. Sec. 498. Twenty Years' Service and Sixty Years Old, Etc.— All policemen, Hremen, teachers and other City employees who have perlormed twenty years' continuous service in the employ- ment of the City of Atlanta, and who have reached the age of sixty years, and who, in their own name or whose wife or\us- band, living with her or him, do not own property to the value of Ten Thousand Dollars, may be relieved of duty and retired for the remainder of their natural lives, upon one-half of the salary, payable monthly, that such employees received at the time of such retirement, upon the recommendation of the heads of their respective departments, the approval by the Mayor and tlie adoption or rejection thereof by the General Council as provided in sub-section (d) of this amendment. Sec. 499. Conditions— Examination and Recommendation- Mayor and Generpl Council Final.— \o retirement, as above pro- vided, shall be effectual or legal unless the following precedent conditions are made; First', an examination by such officers and employees by the City Health Officer and his recommendation that such officer or employee be retired. Second, in case of offi- cers or employees coming under sub-section (c) of this amend- ment, the head of the department in which such officer or em- ployee sought to be retired is employed, recommends that they be relieved of duty and retired. Third, which recommendation for retirement, lierein provided for. shall, if the foregoing re- quirements are complied with, be filed with the Mayor of the City and he shall thereupon consider each recommendation sepa- rately and fix a time for passing upon same, giving notice to the person so recommended and giving the head of the department like notice, in wliich such applicant has been employed, and, at such time, he shall proceed to hear evidence thereon as to all the facts set forth in the application and as to any other facts suggested by either himself or the "head of the department so served, and, if in his opinion, the person so recommended should be retired, as herein provided, he shall approve such recommenda- tion and submit same together with the recommendations there- for, all other papers and facts connected therewith and a cpoy of the evidence taken, as herein provided, to the next meeting of the General Council, and at such meeting or at such other meet- 150 fii \it'n:it — pi>:.\»n»>«» — \uni of I'ifty ($50.00) Dollars per month. Sec. 502. Election, General Manager of Water Works. City- Marshal, City Comptroller, City Warden, City Electrician, Build- ing Inspector, Recorder and Clerk of Council Elected by Vote of People — Term of Office — Removal from Office — The follow- ing officers, to-vvit: General Manager of Water W (jrks. City Marshal, City Comi)troller, City Warden. City Electrician, Build- ing Inspector, Recorder and Qerk of Council, shall hereafter be elected by vote of the people, and successors to tlie officers now filling said positions, each of which positions are hereby made charter offices of said City, shall be elected by qualified voters of said City on the first Wednesday in December, preceding the expiration of the terms of said officers and. when so elected each of said officers sliall hold their positions for the term of two years, except Recorder, whose term is hereby fixed for four years. Bi-annually, after the date of their first election un- der the terms of this Act, their successors shall be likewise elected, except Recorder, whose successor shall be elected foui years after the date of his first election under this Act. The begin- ning of the terms of said several officers shall remain as now fixed, but the date of election shall be as herein provided. The Mayor and General CVnincil shall liave general supervision of said officials, and by majority vote of the entire Council, may declare vacant the office of any of the officials of t'he City, elected bv the people, for a failure to properly perform their duties, or for any other breach of duty on their part, all to be adjudged ir: the discretion of the General Council. When an office has been declared vacant, under this provison, t'he General Council shall CHAKTKK — KLKCTIOS DV I'KOPLE 151 call an election to be held within sixty days thereafter, to fill such vacancy, and in the meantime the General Council or the board bavins: charge of the department, in whicli such officer serves, shall temporarily fill such vacancy. The duties of such officers shall be as now or herafter prescribed by ordinance, and, before entering upon the discharge thereof, they shall each take an oath, before some officer authorized to administer the same, to faith- fully perform the duties of their respective offices. Each and all of the provisions of the present charter of the City of Atlanta providing fOr a different method of electing said officers, and es- pecially Section 6 of an Act amending charter of the City of Atlanta, approved December 20th, 1899. making City Clerk elect- ive by General Council, and Section 3 of an Act amending the charter of the City of Atanta approved August 3. 1904. striking the offices of Marshal and Comptroller from the provisions of the charter of the City of Atlanta, making tliem elective by the people, are hereby repealed, and furthermore, the words. "The Mayor and General Council may, in their discretion, at the time the Treasurer is elected, elect a Recorder." are hereby stricken from Section 141 of the Act cstablisliing a new charter for the City of Atlanta, approved February 28th, 1874. and in lieu thereof the following is hereby enacted, "The qualified voters of said City shall elect a Recorder." and this language shall be inserted in lieu of the words stricken, as herein provided. 152 AUCTIOMCKUS Ordinances CHAPTER XXVIII. AUCTIONEERS. Sec. 503. License — How Obtained — Bond and Security — Amount — Conditions — Duration of License. — Any person or per- sonsons desiring a licence as \ endue .Masters in the City of At- lanta, shall make written application to the Mayor and General Council for such license ; and if such license is granted, such person shall give bond and security to the Mayor and General Council of the City of Atlanta, and their successors in office, in the just and full sum of four tliousand dollars, conditioned for the punctual i)aynient of all taxes, and the faithful discharge of all the duties reciuired of them by this State, and the ordinances of the City of Atlanta, which license shall be of force one year from the date thereof, and no longer. Sec. 504. Oath — Before Whom — Subscribed and Deposited — With Whom. — Each Vendue Master shall, before receiving li- cense, take and subscribe an oath, before the Clerk, faithfully to perform all the duties of a X'endue Master for said City accord- ing to the laws of this State, and the ordinances of fhis City, which affidavit shall be deposited with the Clerk of Council. Sec. 505. Returns of Sales — How and When Made. — Such Vendue Master shall, quarterly, on the first Saturday in the montlis of April, July, October and January, in each and every year, make returns on oath of the amount of his sales during the term of the three months next preceding the time of said re- turn ; and shall also pay through the Clerk of Council to the City Tax Collector, at or before the meeting of Council, to which said return is made, all money accruing to the city from duties or taxes upon such sales. Sec. 506. Acting as Vendue Master without License — Pen- AUCTIOXEERS 153 alty. — Any person acting as Vendue Master in the City of Atlanta without a license from the authorities of said City, and any ven- due master failing to make returns, or in any wise violating the provisions of this chapter, may be fined in any sum not exceed- ing one hundred dollars, or be imprisoned in the station house not more than thirty days for each offense, or both, in the discre- tion of the Recorder's Court. i:>4 At III roll — 1)1 Tll.> CHAPTER XXIX. AUDITOR— DLrriES— REPORTS. Sec. 507. General Auditor.— llic office of General Auditor for tlic City of Atlanta, l»c, and the same is hereby, created. Sec. 507(a). Duties — Examinations — Access to Departments — It shall be the duty of said Goiicral .\u(litnr t«> make examinations and audits of the books, accounts, receipts, and disbursements of all officers, departments, and boards of fhe City of Atlanta, and for such purpose said Auditor shall have at all times access to all books, papers, receipts, and vouchers of the officers, em- ployees, departments, or lioards of the City of Atlanta. Sec. 508. Pay Rolls — Legal. — it shall be the further duty of said Auditor to make careful examination of the payrolls of each officer, department, or board of the City of Atlanta for the pur- pose of determining tliat they conform to all provisions of the or- dinances and resolutions of the City of Atlanta regulating the same. Sec. 509. Receipts — Authorized— Signatures. — Tt shall be the further duty of said Auditor to examine, check and audit all re- ceipts and disbursements of each officer, department, or Board of the City of Atlanta, and to determine that all receipts whether from regular sources of revenue or incidental sales, rents, or otherwise, are properly accounted for, and that all expenditures, for supplies, payrolls, expenses or otherwise, made by such offi- cers, departments, or boards are authorized by action of the Mayor and General Council of the City of Atlanta, or by proper legal action of said department or board, and said auditor shall see that proper receipts are taken for all moneys paid out and disbursed, by the officers, departments or boards of the City and that said receipts are signed by the corporation, person or persons to AVhom such money is due and ordered paid. Sec. 510. Quarterly Reports— Contents— Assets and Liabili- ties.— it shall be the further duty of said Auditor to prepare and file with the Mayor and General Council of the City of Atlanta a AL'DITOK — RIOI*ORT<« ice quarterly report on the first days of January, April, July and October of each year, showing the assets and liabilities of the City of Atlanta. Said report shall sTiown in detail all of the real and personal property, owned by the City of Atlanta, and in whose charge, custody or control the same is held. Sec. 511. Published — Official Organ. — Said report when so filed shall after approval of the Mayor and General Council be published one time in the official organ of the City of Atlanta for the purpose of disclosing to the public at large the actual condition of assets, revenues, and expenditures of the City of Atlanta. Sec. 512. Duties Independent of Comptroller — He Not~Re- lieved. — The duti«."> herein provided to he discharged by said Auditor shall be in addition to those required of the City Comp- troller of the City, and shall be independent of the same, and shall in no manner <:)r form relieve said Comptroller from any of the duties that arc now, or may hereafter be, required of him. Sec. 513. Appointed — Finance Committee — Rejection — Term — Removal. — Said Auditor shall be appointed by the Fanance Committee of the General Council subject to confirmation by the Mayor and General Council of the City of Atlanta. In the event of the rejection of any appointee so made, it shall be the duty of the said Finance Committee to make further appointments until the appointee of said Committee is confirmed by the Mayor and General Council. The name of the first appointee hereun- der shall be submitted to the Mayor and General Council to be held on the third Monday in February, 1910. Said officer so appointed and confirmed shall hold office for a period of one year, beginning March 1. 1010. The term of the office herein provided for is fixed at one year, but any person appointed hereunder to the position of Auditor may be removed at any time for incom- petency, misconduct, or neglect of the affairs of said office, by the Mayor and General Council upon recommendation of the Finance Committee. Sec. 514. Qualification — Experience.— No person shall be^p- pointed Auditor hereunder who has had less than five years experience as an Accountant. Sec. 515 Salary — Monthly. — There shall be paid to the Au- ditor apointed hereunder a salary of $2,400.00 per annum, paya- ble monthly. loG Al TOMOlllI.KS--UKUI*t'lllA riO.N CHAPTER XXX. AUTOMOBILES. BICYCLES. GARAGE. Sec. 516.. Automobiles — Definition. — The term "Automo- bile." shall include all machines or vehicles known as automo- biles, locomobiles, autos. and other vehicles propelled otherwise than bv muscular power, except electric and steam railways or vehicles run upon rails and tracks, and excepting also bicycles and similar machines propelled exclusively by muscular pedal power, and excepting motor cycles. Sec. 517. Certificates — Registration — License — Number in Owner's Name — Driver's License — Examination — License Car- ried on Machine.— it shall be unlawful for any person to run or operate an automobile without having secured a certificate of proficiency, or license, as hereinafter provided, and without bav- ins' registered same with the Clerk of Council. This certificate or license shall be issued by the Clerk of Council upon the pay- ment of a fee of $L00 for each certificate or license, to those ap- plicants only whose application is approved by the Board of Au- tomobile Examiners, as hereinafter provided. It shall be the duty of the owner or owners of every automobile in the City to register said automobile with the Clerk of Council, who shall designate a number for said owner, which number must be at- tached to each automobile owned or operated by said owner as hereinafter provided, and must remain permanently as the only number upon said automobile or automobiles until the ownership of said automobile or automobiles changes. The Clerk of Coun- cil shall keep a book of records of such owners of such automo- biles, with the addresses of same, and each automobile owned or operated by the same owner must be registered in the name of the owner and given a number by the Clerk of Council, which number must be displayed on each and every automobile owned by the same person. In cases where owners have already regis- tered their automobiles, the Qerk of Council may assign the numbers already used by said owner. A charge of $1.00 shall be made by the Clerk for registering the owner of an automobile AlTO.noillMiS_-.\LMBERS — EXAMI.VERS 157 or automobiles, but if. at the time, or later during the fiscal year, such owner presents a certificate of proficiency from the Auto- mobile Examiners to run an automobile, the Clerk of Council shall issue such license to run an automobile without cost to the owner. All licenses shall expire at the end of the City fiscal year after being issued, and before the party holding such license can continue to operate such automobile his license must be re- newed by the payment of $1.00 (one dollar) through the office of the Clerk of Council under the terms of this ordinance, and he shall have fifteen days in which to have said license renewed. All persons must, before running an automobile, be examined by the Board of Automobile Examiners as hereinafter provided. The Clerk of Council shall keep a record of all chaffeurs or driv- ers, the addresses of same, the number assigned them, but they shall at all times operate automobiles under the number assigned to the owner thereof. And it shall be unlawful for any owner to employ or allow any person to operate his or her automobile who is not a licensed chaufteur or driver under the provisions of this ordinance. The Clerk of Council shall cause to be written or stamped across the face of the license of the owner, in readable letters, the word "owner,"' and across the face of the license of the chauf- feur or driver, the word "driver." Each such licensee shall keep their certificate with them while running an automobile and shall exhibit same when required to do so bv anv officer of the City. Sec. 518. Law of Road — Number Displayed — Owner. — Every person operating an automobile must observe the law of the road, and keep to the right hand side of the street, and shall op- erate or run each automobile displaying the number of the owner of such automobile, and it shall be unlawful for said licensee to run an automobile under any other than the number assigned to the owner of such automobile. Sec. 519. Board of Automobile Examiners Established — Term — Duties. — A Board of automobile examiners is hereby estab- lished, to consist of three men, two men expert in the operation of an automobile, together with the Chief of Police as an ex-offi- cio member of said Board. The elective members of said Board shall be elected at the first meeting of General Council following the approval of this ordinance, to serve, without compensation, for a period of two years thereafter, or until their succeisors 258 AUTOMOBILES — LAW OI' UOAD- LIGHTS shall Tiave been elected. All applicants for license to run or op- erate an automobile shall first submit their application to said Board, and said Board shall examine the applicant as to his pro- ficiency and experience in handling or operating an automobile, as well as to the character of the applicant for discretion and sobriety. If said Board shall approve the application, then the Clerk shall issue a certificate or license to such applicant. If such Board declines to approve said application, then no certifi- cate or license shall issue to said ai)plicant, and it shall be unlaw- ful for said applicant to run or operate an automobile within the limits of the City of Atlanta. Said Board shall issue no license to any person of less tTian sixteen years of age. Sec. 520. Operators Must Observe Law of the Road — Shall .Display Their Numbers — No One Can Operate Under Anoth- er's Number without Owner's Permission. — Every person op- erating an automobile must (observe the law of the road or other vehicle, and keep to the right-hand side of the street, and shall operate or run each automobile displaying his own number; and it shall be unlawful for said licensee to run an automobile (not his own) without the written permission of the owner. Sec. 521 Shall Display Number— Size — Shall Display Lights — When — What Kind — Shall Have Brakes and Signal Devices — Other Regulations. — In the operation or running of an automo- bile the person operating the same shall exhibit upon the back of said machine, in a conspicuous place, so as to be plainly visi- ble at all times during daylight, in separate arabic numerals of not less t'han three (3) inches in height, his number, the strokes thereof to be of a width of not less than one-half inch, and no other number shall be placed upon the rear of said automobile. Every automobile shall carry (when operated upon the street) from one hour after sunset to one hour before sunrise at least two ligtited lamps, showing white lights visible at least 200 feet in the direction, in which said automobile is proceeding, and shall also exhibit at least one red light visible in the opposite di- rection, and so adjusted that it will shine upon the number of the machine, so that it can be read at niglit. Every automobile shall be provided with good and efficient brakes, and also with suitable bell,, horn, or signal device, and said bell or signal de- vice shall be sounded whenever approaching danger. The per- son or driver in charge of the automobile sTiall not leave the AL'TOMORILKS — SPICKD — COrLISIOTS 159 same upon tlie street with the engine running, but in departing from the automobile he shall stop the motion of the engine. Sec. 522. Speed Limit Within Inner Fire Limits — Without Same — Further Restrictions of Speed on Viaduct — Exceptions. — It sliall be unlawful for any person operating an automobile to run or operate same upon the streets of the City at a greater rate of speed than 8 miles an hour within the inner fire limits, and at a greater rate of speed than 15 miles an hour without such limits, or upon Whitehall street Viaduct, or the approacTies thereto, at a greater rate of speed than a walk. Provided, that physicians and surgeons shall not be subject to the provisions of this section as to speed restrictions, when using theii automo- biles in answering emergency calls. Sec. 523. Must Operate with Care — Avoid Collisions and Accidents — Cannot Operate under Influence of Whiskey. — It shall be unlawful for any driver or person in charge of an auto- mobile to run or oj^erate same in a careless or reckless manner, whether said automobile is running over or under the speed limits herein provided. Said automobiles must be operated with Que regard to the safety of persons and vehicles upon the streets and public places, and in such manner as to avoid collisions therewith, and no person shall at any time operate the same, when he is under the influence of whiskey, or in an intoxicated condition. Sec. 524. Penalty for Violation of Automobile Ordinance. — Any persons violating or participating in the violation of the provisons of any of the sections of this ordinance, or operating an automobile without obtaining the certificate or license herein provided for, or exceeding the rate of speed herein provided, or running an automobile in a careless or reckless manner, or with- out exposing the lights and numbers or giving the signals as herein provided, or violating any of the other provisions of this ordinance, shall on conviction in the Recorder's Court be fined not exceeding $100 or sentenced to work upon the public works for a term of not exceeding thirty days, either or both penalties to be in- flicted in the discretion of the Recorder, and provided further that, in case of such conviction, it shall be discretionary with the Recorder to suspend said licensee from the operation of his li- cense for a period of not exceeding thirty days thereafter, and J (JO Al TOMOUII.KS — CLAIMS — GONG — DICVCLIZS upon the second offense or each subsequent offense, his Hcense, in the discretion of t'he Recorder, may be suspended for not ex- ceeding sixty days. Sec. 525. Renunciation of Claims Against City for Damages. — All persons hereafter applying for registration as operators of automobiles and similar machines, under existing ordinances, and for license to operate same upon the streets of the City, shall have written or printed upon their application the following: — "I agree that the automobile (or, if other machine is operated, let same be named) is not an ordinary mode of travel, and therefore agree not to make claim or suit against the City for damages to my person or said machine, in case of injury thereof on account of defects in the streets of the City, whereby said machine or myself is injured, while operating same thereon, un- less such defects shall be dangerous to travelers using horses, buggies, wagons, or carriages, and liable to cause similar in- juries to t'iiem." Sec. 526. Regulating the Use of Gongs. — Tt shall be unlaw- ful for any other person, firm, or corporation, except the Fire Department of the City of Atlanta, the Police Reserve, and the drivers of the ambulances of the Grady Hospital to use the kind of gong used by these parties, to-wit : what is known as the ''New Departure" or "rotary" gong. Sec. 527. Penalty for Violation of Gong Restriction. — A vio- lation of any of the provisions of the preceding section shall be punished, on conviction in the Recorder's Court of the City of Atlanta, by fine not exceeding one hundred dollars or imprison- ment not longer than thirty days in the discretion of the Court trying the case. Sec. 528. Bicycles — Cannot Ride on Sidew^alk. — It shall be unlawful for any person to ride a bicycle or velocipede upon any of the sidewalks within the City limits of Atlanta. Sec. 529. Bicycles Must Have Gongs or Bells. — All persons riding bicycles are required to 'have gongs or bells on their ma- chines, and they are required, when approaching street cross- ings, to ring said gongs or bells, so that sufficient warning may be given to persons of their presence. AlTtlMOBILES — BICYCLKS — STKEET CARS — MOTOR CYCLES 161 Sec. 530, Speed Limit for Bicycles — Within Fire Limits — Outside — Penalty for Violation. — It shall be unlawful for any person riding a bicycle in the City of Atlanta to make a greater rate of speed than six miles an hour within the fire limits, and ten miles an hour outside of said limits. Any person violating this ordinance shall be punished, on conviction thereof, by fine not exceeding one hundred dollars or imprisonment not ex- ceding thirty days, either or both, in the discretion of the Re- corder's Court. Sec. 531. Cannot Run Between Street Cars — Or in Front of Same within Less than Fifty Feet. — It shall be ui.lav. ful foi any person riding a bicycle in the City of Atlanta to run between street cars when passing each other, or to run in front of a moving car within less than fifty feet of the car, whether for the purpose of crossing the car tracks or of using the portion of the street between the rails. Sec. 532. In Case of Collision, Presumption against Bicycle Rider. — In all cases of injuries to persons on the street, result- ing from the collision between the person so injured and a bi- cycle, presumption shall be that such injury was the result of negligence or of a violation of this ordinance on the part of the rider of the bicycle, which presumption may be rebutted by evi- dence. Sec. 533. Shall not Use Whistles Like Those Used by PoHce- men. — It shall be unlawful for the riders of bicycles to use whistles like those used by policemen. Sec. 534. Penalty for Violation. — A violation of any of the provisions of the preceding sections shall subject the offender, upon conviction thereof in the Recorder's Court of the City of Atlanta, to punishment by fine of not exceeding one hundred dollars, or imprisonment of not exceeding thirty days, in the dis- cretion of the Court. Sec. 535. Motor Cycles, or Bicycle Motors — Must Use Muf- fler Attachment and Brakes. — It shall be unlawful to run, use or operate on any street within the City of Atlanta, what is known as a Bicycle Motor, unless said bicycle motor has a mufBer attachment and brakes. Any person guilty of a violation of this section shall be punished by fine not exceeding $50.00 or 162 \l TOMOIIII.KS — MOTUK C VCLICS — M .MHKK«< LIGHTS iniprist)nnient not exceding thirty days, or both in the discre- tion of tlu- Recorder. Sec. 536. Motor Cycles to Have Numbers — Clerk Issues — Fee — Registration. — Every person operating a motor cycle or simi- lar machine upon the streets or public places of the City of At- lanta shall display a number, wliich said number shall be desig- nated by the Clerk of Council at a charge of fity cents. Said Clerk shall keep a book for registering the numbers of all opera- tors of motor cycles and similar machines, and shall register said numbers therein without additional charge. Sec. 537. Numbers — How Displayed — -Visible. — The sign dis- playing suc'h number shall be consi)icuously displayed upon such motor cycles or similar machines, and each figure thereon shall not be less than two inches in height, and one-half inch in width, and so displayed that it can be seen either in front or in the rear of the machine, and when so displayed shall not be covered up or concealed in any manner while said machine is being operated on the streets or public places of the City of Atlanta. Sec. 538. Lights — Sunset — Sunrise — Front and Rear. — Be- tween the hours of sunset and sunrise eacli motor cycle or simi- lar machine being operated on the streets shall display a front and rear light which shall be kept burning. Sec. 539. Speed — Eight Miles — Fifteen Miles.— It shall be unlawful for any person operating a motor cycle or similar ma- chine upon the streets or public places of the City of Atlanta, to run the same at a greater speed than eight miles per hour within the fire limits, or greater than fifteen miles per hour outside of the fire limits. Sec. 540. Penalty. — Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of an offense, and on conviction thereof in the Recorder's Court shall be pun- ished by a fine not exceeding One Htmdred ($100.00) Dollars, or by work upon the streets or public works of the City of At- lanta for not exceeding thirty days, either or both penalties to be inflicted in the discretion of the Recorder. Sec. 541. Passing Street Cars Not in Motion — Check Up— — GARAGE — OILS — HO^V KEPT ^63 Under Control. — Motor cycles or similar machines in passing a street car which has stopped to permit passengers to get off or on, or st(jppcd for any purpose, shall be checked up, and put under control so that fhe rider can stop without hitting or injur- ing anyone leaving or entering such street cars. GARAGE Sec. 542. Garage Defined. — By the term garage is meant a building or that portion of building wherein an automobile or automobiles or motor cars charged with or containing a vola- tile or inflammable liquid for fuel or power are kept for rent, storage or repairs, and all that portion of the building that is on or below the floor or floors on which such automobiles are kept and not separated therefrom by tight unpierced fire walls and floors. Sec. 543. Volatile Liquid Defined. — By the term ''volatile in- flammable liquid" is meant any liquid that will emit inflamma- ble vapor at a temperature below 100 degrees Fahrenheit when tested in the open air. Sec. 544. Assembly Hall, Lodge Rooms or Sleeping Apart- ments — Not in Same Building. — No part of any building, in which a garage is located or in which automobiles are kept, or stored, shall be used or occupied as an assembly hall, lodge room or sleeping apartments. Sec. 545. Gasoline, How Kept. — The supply of gasoline shall be kept in an approved metal tank or tanks buried not less than two feet below the cellar floor if outside of the building or five feet if beneath the building and arranged to be drawn from by pumps only. Said tank shall be filled from the street and no single tank shall have a capacity in excess of 275 gallons. Sec. 546. No Inflammable Liquid, Except Certain Amount, and Protected. — Xo volatile inflammable liquid shall be kept in a garage and no volatile inflammable liquid shall be drawn ex- cept into approved safety cans of a capacity not to exceed five gallons each, and then only for the purpose of immediately filling the tanks of automobiles. When not in use for the above pur- pose said cans must be placed and kept in fhe pump room, 1U4 AtTOMOUII.KS—GAUAGK — FIRKS — LIGHTS hereinafter provided. In lieu of the above safety cans portable filling tanks, not to exceed 65 gallons in capacity, may be used for transporting inflammable liquid to and from the storage tanks, for filling and charging the automobile. The said porta- ble tanks shall be supported on rubber tired wheels and shall be provided with a rubber hose attachment not to exceed eight feet in length, equipped at the end with shut-off valve with ground ke}'. No volatile inflammable liquid shall be used in a garage ex- cept in self-closing safety cans not to exceed one gallon for cleaning or for any purpose whatsoever other than filling the tanks for automobiles. No such liquid shall be allowed to run upon the floor or to fall or pass into the drainage system of a garage ; nor shall any such liquid be put into or removed from tlie tank of a vehicle while any light or fire on the same is burn- ing; and no such li(|uid shall be carried or kept in open vessels in any garage. Sec. 547. No Fires, or Heat Therein — No stove, forge, torch, boiler or other furnace, and no flame, fire or fire heat shall be used or allowed in a garage. All electric dynamos and motors and charging apparatus not actually a part of the automobile shall be located not less than four feet above the floor. No prohibition contained in this section shall apply to boilers or furnaces used for heating purposes when same are properly in- stalled. Repairing requiring open heat shall only be done in room properly cut off. Sec. 548. Fire and Lights not Lighted or Allowed In. — All fire and lights on such vehicles or under the boilers thereof sliall be extinguished upon the entry of such vehicle into the garage within ten feet of fhe threshold and shall not be lighted while the same is in the garage until vehicle is brought within ten feet of the t'hreshold of the exit, except during the time they are under test of repairs. Sec. 549. Electric Current— How Permitted. — All incandes- cent lamps, all switches, fuses, key sockets, etc., shall be per- manently located not less than four feet above the floor line, except that portable lamps enclosed in wire guards and with keyless sockets may be used where needed. Arc lamps must be AITOMOBILES — GARAGE — PRECAUTIOXS 165 of enclosed type equipped with double globes and swung at least ten feet above the floor. No person shall smoke in any gar- age, and notice in large letters, "NO SMOKING," shall be kept and displayed in a conspicuous place and manner on all floors and at the entrance of all garages. Sec. 550. Precautions to be Used. — On tlie floor of every garage buckets or boxes of dry sand provided with hand scoops shall be kept for the use of extinguishing fires. For each 2,000 square feet of floor area there shall be kept filled and ready for use one three gallon carbonic acid gas fire extinguisher of approved construction and that there shall be at least one such extinguisher on each floor. Sec. 551. Pump Room. — At one end of the building there shall be cut off from the garage a room to be known as the pump room, in which shall be located the pump controlling the gasoline supply and other apparatus and devices used in con- nection therewith. This room shall be ventilated to the open air both at top and bottom and shall have but one opening into the building which shall be a self-controlling door, either made solid, or covered with fine wire gauze and opening outward ; the artificial lighting shall be incandescent electric, using weather- proof constructiDU with controlling switches outside of the pump room. Sec. 552. Penalty. — Any person, firm or corporation, their agents and employees violating the foregoing ordinance, shall be deemed guilty of an offense and, on conviction thereof in the Recorder's Court, shall be fined not exceeding $100.00, or sen- tenced to work on the Streets and public places of the City for not exceeding thirty days, either or both penalties to be inflicted in the discretion of the Recorder. 166 nil. I, ll(»AltUM — ORMCKM: I'lCTLKKS CHAPTER XXXI. BILL r.UARDS -I'.ILL I'OSTLNG— Tl IKIR KRl-XTIOX— RLGULATION. Sec. 553. Bill Posters Must Get License. — All persons en- gaged in file business of bill-posting, card-lacking, or the dis- tribution of bills, cards, circulars, etc.. in the city of Atlanta, and all persons, who may come into the City for that purpose and engage therein, shall be required to pay such registration tax as the Mayor and (ieneral Council shall from year to year determine, and persons, who engage in such business without registering tlieir business and paying such tax shall be fined in a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars, or be imprisoned not to exceed thirty days, in the discretion of the Recorder's Court. Sec. 554. Shall not Post Bills on Lamp or Telephone Posts — or on Building or Fence without Consent of the Owner. — Any bill-poster or other person or persons, who shall paste, paint, or place upon Broad Street Bridge or any other bridge, or any lamp post or corner post, or telegraph or telephone post in said City, or on any building or fence or upon any other public or private property in said City, without the consent of the owner thereof, any handbills, pictures or advertisements, shall, on con- viction, pay a fine of not more than one hundred dollars, or be imprisoned not more than thirty days, in the discretion of the Recorder's Court. Sec. 555. Cannot Post Obscene Pictures. — No person shall exhibit, expose or paste upon any fence, building, wall, post, bill-board, or other place in tlie City of Atlanta, and exposed to public view, any representation, picture, design, or advertise- ment of any description of an indecent, immoral or immodest character, calculated to debauch the public or shock the sense of decency or propriety. Sec. 556. Penalty for Violation. — Any person violating the provisions of preceding section, on conviction thereof in the Re- BII.l, HOARDS — PKHMITS ]67 corder's Court, shall pay a line of not exceedinj:^ one hundred dollars, or by confinement in the City chaingang- not exceeding thirty days. Sec. 557. Permit Necessary to Erect Bill-Board. — Xo fence or other structure for the purpose of posting bills or circulars shall l)e erected within the City without first obtaining a i)erniit from the Mayor and General Council. Sec. 558. Permit from Building Inspector Necessary — Sub- ject to Approval by Mayor and General Council. — Hereafter no bill-board shall be creeled within the corporate limits of the City of Atlanta unless theowner or Guilder thereof first obtain a permit from the Building Inspector, which permit shall be valid, unless afterwards revoked, as provided for in the next section of this ordinance. Sec. 559. Revocation of Permit by Building Inspector — Sub- ject to Review by Mayor and General Council. — The I'.uilding Inspector shall have i)Ovver to hear and decide upon any and all objections which may be made to the erection of such Bill- Board, and may revoke any permit given by him. if, in his judg- ment, the said objections are valid and should be sustained, sub- ject to the revision and final action of the Mayor and General Council. Sec. 560. Penalty for Violation of Preceding Sections. — Any person violating the provisions of preceding sections, on convic- tion thereof 'before the Recorder's Court, shall be fined in a sum not exceeding one lumdred dollars, or by imprisonment not ex- ceeding thirty days, either or both at tlic (li>cretion of the Court tr^ inc the case. 168 HOARDS — MKMBKUS — NEGIiECT — ABSENCES CHAPTER XXXII. BOARDS OF DIFFERENT DEPARTMENTS. Sec. 561. Members of Boards Qualify within Thirty Days. — Any person elected by the Mayor and General Council to fill a position on any of the different boards of the City Government shall present himself to the proper officer for qualification within thirty days after election. Sec. 562. Neglect to Do so without Sufficient Excuse Va- cates Office — Council Proceeds to Fill Vacancy — When. — A neg- lect to do so, without an excuse of sickness or absence from the City, or providential cause, stiall be deemed sufficient reason to declare the office vacant, and the Mayor and General Council shall, at their next reg-ular meeting, after being officially notified, proceed to fill the vacancy. Sec. 563. Meetings of Boards — How Often — For What Pur- pose. — The Boards or Commissions of such Departments of the City of Atlanta as are controlled by Boards or Commissions shall meet as often as once a month, and review the work of their respective Departments, and keep a record of their meetings and their actions. Sec. 564. Absence from Meetings for Two Months, Except for Providential Cause, Sufficient Reason to Declare Office Va- cant — Council Fills Vacancy — Member Ineligible for Re-elec- tion. — If any member of a Board or Commission shall fail to at- tend the session of the Board once a month for a period of two months, except for providential cause to be certified to the Council by action of the Board, then and in that event the office of such member of such Board or Commission shall be vacated and it is hereby declared vacant, and in said event the General Council at its meeting succeeding said period shall proceed to fill the vacancy created as above stated, and the member of such Board or Commission failing to meet as above required shall be ineligible for re-election. BOARDS — EXPEN'DITrnES — VOIT'HERS 169 Sec. 565. Secretary of the Board Certifies as to Meetings, and Who Were Present. — The Secretary, or Secretary Pro-tem, of each Board or Commission shall within five days from the date of the session of said Board, or from the date when said Board should have met acording to its rules, report to the Mayor the fact as to whether said Board has held its meeting, and the names of the members of said Board actually present at its ses- sions. Sec. 566. Boards Shall Monthly Examine Expenditures in Their Departments Before Approving Vouchers. — All the Boards elected by the Mayor and General Council having the oversight and control of expenditures of the City's money, shall meet monthly or oftener, when necessary, and shall propertly examine and scrutinize each item of expenditure in their departments be- fore passing up or approving bills or vouchers for payment from appropriations made them by Council. Sec. 567. Executive Heads of Boards Shall Present Vouchers to Board Meetings for Examination and Approval. — The Chief, Superintendent, or other Executive head of the Board of Fire- masters, Board of Police Commissioners, Board of Park' Com- missioners, Board of Health, Board of Water Commissioners, Board of Education, and Board of Trustees of Grady Hospital, or any other City Board, shall have all vouchers for the expendi- ture of money in their departments properly made out, and pre- sent the same to the stated meetings of their several Boards for examination and approval. Sec. 568. They, However, do not Append Their Signatures to Vouchers Until Examined and Approved by the Board. — The Executive heads of the above mentioned Boards shall not append their signatures of approval to any such vouchers until same have been passed upon and authorized by said Boards in regular form in such meetings, provided for in above section of this ordinance. Sec. 569. No Vouchers Presented to City Comptroller Until Approved. — Xo bills or vouchers emanating from said Boards shall be presented to the City Comptroller for payment until they have been properly approved as required by the provisions of this ordinance. ,170 UOAItUS \l'l'ltOI'HIATIO>S -iri-K« — TELKFHONKS FOR, HOW OKDKRKD j^J]^ compliance with the requirements of the foregoing sections of this Code. Sec. 574. Telephones Not Ordered by Boards, Etc. — Xo Board, Commission or Department of the City of Atlanta shall hereaf- ter make any contract for telephone service. Sec. 575. Requisitions for — Committee Contracts for. — Where any Board, Commission or Department of the City of Atlanta desires a telephone to be installed or continued, they sTiall first make requisition therefor to the City Comptroller, who in turn shall refer same to the Committee on Electric Lights, Tele- graphs and Telephones and this Committee shall make contract tlierefor and when approved same shall be returned to the City Comptroller and the requisition approved, and the bills paid from Expense Account of Department using same. Sec. 576. Bills for Not Paid If this Plan Disregarded.— Xo bill or voucher shall be either approved or paid for a telephone, where it is a paid service unless same shall have been installed or, where previousy installed, unless a continuance of such phone shall have been approved in the manner required by this ordi- nance. Sec. 577. Uniform Service — Price — Reductions. — Said Com- mittee shall provide for uniformity in charges and service and secure to the City such reductions in price and superior service as the method of arrangement provided for by this ordinance may suggest. 172 BOND COMMISSIOiM— MKMBKIIS — TIOHMJi — DUTIES CHAPTER XXXIII. BOIND COMMISSION— DUTIES— MEMBERS— TERMS. Sec. 578. -How Composed. — A special Bond Commission con- sisting of the Mayor and the Finance Committee of the Gene-al Council, and the following citizens, viz.: W. H.' Terrell, F. A. Quillian, W. S. Duncan, C. E. Murphy, H. C. Stockdell, J. M. Stephens, Jno. E. Murphy, J. M. Nichols and one member to be elected by the Mayor and General Council from each of the 5th and 10th Wards of the City of Atlanta be and the same are here- by created and continued in office. Said Bond Commission shall at all limes be composed of the Mayor and Finance Committee of the General Council ex-officio and one citizen from each of the ten wards of the City, and in case of a vacancy at any time by death, resignation or otherwise, from among said citizens such vacancy shall be filled by election by the Mayor and General Council. Sec. 579. Terms. — The term of office of said Commission shall be as follows : the ex-officio members shall serve during their respective terms of office as Mayor or members of the fin- ance committee of Council and the other members, subject to resignation, shall serve until the proceeds of bonds authorized, at the election held Feb. 15, 1910, have been disposed of, and a final report made to the Mayor and General Council and accepted by that body. Sec. 580, Acts With Departments — Reports — General Coun- cil Approves. — Said Bond Commission, acting as a whole, or by appropriate committees with the respective departments, shall prepare a statefnent, in each instance, covering the items by which any part of said bond issue is proposed to be expended and the same sTiall be submitted to and receive the approval of the Mayor and General Council before any part of the proceeds of said bond issue is used. Sec. 581.. Bonds — How Expended — Departments — General Council. — The Bond Commission shall assist and act with the BO.\D COMMISSION — EXPENDITURES J73 various departments in making up the items for which said proceeds shall be expended, and when the same receives the ap- proval of said Bond Commission and several departments, they shall thereafter be submitted, with the recommendations of said Commission and departments, to the Mayor and General Coun- cil for adoption or rejection. Sec. 582. Good Faith of City — Inform Council — Expenditures — Final Report. — Said Bond Commission shall perform and do all work specified in the ordinance pledging the good faith of the Mayor and General Council to the voters of the City of Atlanta, and acting with the different departments shall, from time to time, keep the Mayor and Council informed of the progress of any work being done from the funds arising from the sale of said bonds, the cost of the same, and the funds remaining unex- pended, and when said work has been completed said Commis- sion shall make a final report to the Mayor and General Council of the work done in each of the different departments from the proceeds of the bonds, and the cost of the same, which report shall be filed and entered on the minutes of the Council. 174 III II.IMNU A.MJ l,0 \ > VSSIMI \ru».\«* — UA.\K*4 CHAPTER XXXIV. BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS, BANKS, ETC Sec. 583. Building and Loan Associations — How Taxed. — The tax on Buildiii\8 — HANKS TAXATION •['JK tax returns, all the shares of stock of the stock-holders of such Bank or Hanking Association, whether resident or non-resident at the true and full market value of such shares of stock, to the City Tax Assessors and Receivers of the City of Atlanta, where such Bank or Banking- Association is located, to be taxed for the purposes hereinbefore provided ; also all otTier property owned by said Bank, including its surplus and undivided profits. Sec. 586. Cashiers to Pay the Tax — Executions against De- faulters as in Other Cases. — It shall be the duty of the Cashier of such Bank or Banking Association to pay the taxes assessed by virtue of the foregoing provisions upon the shares of stock of the stock-holders of such Bank or Banking Association to the City Tax Collector, and in default thereof, it shall be the duty of the Clerk of Council to issue execution against the shares of stock of any stock-holder in any Bank or Banking Association, wliether by a return by the proper person, or upon an assess- ment by the Tax Assessors and Receivers, for whatever amount they may deem sufficient to cover the tax on such shares of stock of any stock-holder of any such Bank or Banking Association, and cause the same to be sold or execution may be issued against such defaulters and be collected as other tax fi fas. Sec. 587. List of Share-Holders Shall be Filed— Penalty for Failure or Refusal to do So. — ilie President and Cashier of every Bank and Banking Association or other corporation above described shall be recjuircd to furnish fur the inspection of said Tax Assessors and Receivers of the City of Atlanta, where such Bank or Banking Associaticju or other corporation is located, a correct list of the names and residences of all the share-holders in such Bank or Banking Association or other corporation, and the number of shares held by each. And any President or Cash- ier of such Bank or Banking Association or other Corporation, failing or refusing to furnish said list of names and shares to the Tax Assessors and Receivers aforesaid, authorized hereby to de- mand the same, and demanding ttie same, such person may be brought before the Recorder's Court, and, on conviction, fined a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars and costs, or be impris- oned not exceeding thirty days, or both, in the discretion of the Court. Sec. 588. Private Banks — How Taxable — Brokers. — Private banks and brokers shall pay one and one-fourth per cent, per annum on their capital stock, surplus, and undivided profits. 17G IIIII.IIINU I.XSI'KCTOU— TKKM— UL'TIES CHAPTER XXXV. BUILDING INSPECTOR— BUILDING REGULATIONS. Sec. 589. Office Created — Term — Requirements of Incum- bent. — i he office of Inspector of Building^s is hereby created. He shall be elected on the first Monday of July, 1895, and hold office until the first Monday in July, 1897. at which time his successor shall be elected for two years, and biennially thereafter. The salary of said Inspector shall be eighteen hundred dollars ($1,800.00) per annum, and he shall be required to furnish a Tiorse and buggy. Such Inspector of Buildings shall be a practi- cal arcliitect, builder, or civil engineer, who has been engaged in the active duties of his occupation for at least ten years. Sec. 590. Duty as to Dangerous Walls — Mayor and General Council Act on Report. — It shall be the duty of the Building In- spectors (formerly three, now one), in connection with the City Surveyor, to inspect all buildings or walls located on the various streets, lanes, or alleys, of said City, monthly, and, wlien they (he) shall be requested by the Mayor, and to report the result of such investigation to the Mayor and General Council. (See Chapter on Bill Boards for duty as to Bill Boards.) Sec. 591. Duty as to Issuing Permits for Erecting, Repairing,, or Altering Buildings. — When any person or persons or corpora- tion shall be desirous of erecting, repairing, changing or altering any building, buildings or structure, within the limits of fhe City of Atlanta, 'he or they shall make application at the office of In- spector of Building for a permit for that purpose, and shall fur- nish said Inspector with a written statement of the proposed lo- cation, dimensions, and manner of construction of the proposed building, buildings, or structure, and the materials to be used, and with plans and specifications of the proposed building, build- ings, or structure, which shall be delivered to said Building In- spector, and remain in his custody a sufficient lengt'h of time to allow the necessary examination to be made of the same, and, if required by the Inspector, a copy of said plans and specifications BUILDI\G I.NSPECTOB OATH — OFFICK — HKCORDS ^T? shall be filed in the office of said Inspector of Buildings. After which, if it shall appear to said Inspector that the laws and ordi- nances of the City are complied with, he shall give the permit asked for. Blank forms for the detailed statement, as herein required, may- be obtained at the office of the Inspector of Buildings, for appli- cants to fill out, describing location of the proposed structure, number and height of stories, dimensions of joists and timbers and distance apart, dimensions of supporting iron work (if any), for w.hat purpose the building, buildings, or structure is designed, and such other information applicable to tTie proposed improve- ment, which statement, so properly out, the owner or owners, his or their architect or agent, shall sign the agreement con- tained in said detailed statement, that he or they will in all re- spects construct tlie work in accordance with such detailed state- ment, plans and specifications, and in compliance with the laws and ordinances of the City of Atlanta, and it shall not be lawful to proceed to construct, alter, or repair any building, buildings, or structure, within the limits of said City of Atlanta without such permit. Sec. 592. Inspector of Buildings Shall Subscribe Oath — Shall Give Bond. — -The inspector of Buildings shall, before he enters upon the duties of his office, take and subscribe an oath before the City Clerk to faithfully and impartially execute the duties of his office, and see that all buildings erected within the City are built in accordance with the laws and ordinances relating thereto, and shall give a bond in the sum of $5,000.00 with two or more suffi- cient sureties to be approved by the Mayor conditioned for the faithful performance of his duties. Sec. 593. His Office in City Hall— Shall Keep Records- Make Reports — Visit Buildings in Course of Elrection — When — Penalty for Failure. — The said Inspector shall keep an office in the City Hall, or such other place as shall be provided by the City Council, where it shall be the duty of said Inspector to keep a record of all permits issued, which shall be regularly numberca in the order of their issue, and, also, a record of the statements, upon which permits are issued. He shall also keep a record of and report to the City Council, on the 31st of December, each year, a full and complete register of the number, description and size of every building erected in the City during that year (his 178 III ii,i>i\<; I \siM:<'r«ni — insi'I'x tion — <;*> — IIKIUIIT W WA.S Sec. 597. Disposition of Burnt Frame Buildings within Fire Limits. — Whenever any frame buihliii^, within the tire limits, shall have become damaged by fire or decay, the extent of which in the judgment of the Inspector of Buildings exceeds fifty per cent, of the value of such building, if tlie owner of such build- ing objects to the conclusion arrived at by said Inspector, the Inspector of Buildings shall notify the Chief of the Fire Depart- ment and the City Engineer and they shall make an examina tion of the building, and make a report to the Inspector as to the amount of damages. Whenever such building shall be ad- judged by such arbitrators to have been damaged by fire or de- cay to the extent of fifty per cent, of its value, such building shall be condemned by the Inspector of Buildings, and it shall be unlawful, as aforesaid, to repair the same. Sec. 598. Height of Stories Required — If Specifications Ex- ceeded, Thickness of Walls Increased. — The height of stories for all given thickness of walls must not exceed 11 feet in the clear for basement, 18 feet in the clear for first story, 15 feet in the clear for second story, 13 feet in the clear for third story, 12 feet in the clear for fourth story, and 14 feet in the clear average height of upper story ; if any story exceeds these heights respec- tively, the walls of such story, and of all stories below the same, shall be increased four inches in thickness additional to the thickness hereinafter mentioned. Sec. 599. Thickness of Brick Walls in Business Buildings.— In accordance with the foregoing provisions, all walls for busi- ness buildings shall be of the thickness designated in the follow- ing table : BLII.DI.\G INSPECTOR — \VALLS — SIZES REQUIRED 181 EN'CLOSIXG WAI^LS. >t >t >. o >» >. ^ -^ iO *- u p c o CO ■- yj O S G O a; I. 1 x: X » b M H U< CO 9} 05 tn 05 05 w 05 (1) 0) 0) 0) a> (V 0) J3 ^ J3 £ x: X3 O O o O o w O .:: .::: 5 c » c a One story high Two stories high Three stories high Four stories high Five stories high Six stories high Seven stories high Four, less than 100 feet ., Five, less than 100 feet . . Six less than 100 feet . . Seven, less than 100 feet 12 8| 16 12 16 16 20 20 24 20 24 20 24 20 20 16 24 20 24 20 24 20 |12|..l.. 12|12|.. 16 16112 20116116 20|20|l6 20J20|20 16|12I12 16|16|l6 20|16|16 20120116 16|.. 16|16 16|16 121.. 16112 16116 16 12 DIVISION WALLS IN BUSINESS BUILDINGS. For three-story buildings For four-story buildings For five-story buildings For six-story buildings For seven-story buildings For flve-story, less than 100 feet . For six-story, less than 100 feet . . . For seven-story, less than 100 feet 16|12| 20|16! 24120] 24|20| 24!20| 20|2O| 24|20I 241201 121121. . . .1. . 16 12|12 16|16 . .|. . 20 16|.. 20 20|16 16116 . . 20 20|20 16|16 16 16 16116 12|. . JO 16116 16112 20 20|16 16112 12 FRONT AND REAR WALLS. Of four-story buildings |20|16|16|12I12| . . I . . |. . Oi five-story buildings |20|20|16|16|12|12| . . | . . Of six-storv buildings |24|20|2O|16|16|12|12| . . or seven-story buildings |24|20|20|20|16|16|12I12 PARTITION WALLS IN BUSINESS BUILDINGS. I..I..I. For one story |12| 8| . . | . . | For two stories |16|12|12| . . | For thre stories |16|12|12|12| For four stories |20|16|16|12|12I (For five stories |20|20I16|16|12|l2l . . | . . For six stories I24|20|20|16|16n2!12|. . For seven sf6ries |24|20|20!20116I16|12|12 2g2 III iMn\r\' ii>c'(l for business purposes, and all other buildings tliat are used, more than two stories high, having flat roofs, shall have all the walls (except front walls) extended sixteen inches above the roof, and not less than eight inches thick ; to "have proper copings of incombusti- ble materials ; double-pitched roofs to have their division and side walls carried up, forming fire walls in same manner; walls at the eaves of all roofs (except flat roofs) shall be carried up their full thickness flush with upper edge of ttie rafters of roof, and the sheeting boards shall be bedded in mortar on such walls. Sec. 611. Business Buildings — Walls Carried Up Above Roof Two Feet — When. — Business buildings more than two stories high, having flat roofs, shall have their side and rear walls car- ried up two feet above the roof; division, or party walls, four feet above, forming fire walls not less than twelve inches tliick, to have copings of incombustible materials ; front walls may ter- minate flush with the upper surface of sheeting of roof. Divis- ion and party to extend througli mansard or other steep roofs not less than sixteen inches, and having copings same as other fire walls. Sec. 612. Brick Chimneys — Height Above Roof — Thickness of Walls — Flues, Etc. — Xo chimney shall be built with less than four-inch walls and no chimney top shall be less than five feet above the roof (for flat roofs) and two feet above the ridge of any pitched roof. Ordinary flues in business buildings shall have walls and eight-inch jams; flues larger than 250 square inches and less than 500 square inches shall be surrounded with walls not less than eight inches thick; the walls of such flues above the inlet funnel shall be twelve inches t'hick for the first 15 feet around and above such inlet; tops of such chimneys to be at least eight feet above the roof, or five feet above the highest part of the roof within fifty feet of such chimney. Flues with more than 500 or less than 800 inches area shall have not less than twelve-inch walls for the first thirty-six feet, and sixteen- inch walls opposite the inlet, and ten feet above t'he same ; top of chimney ten feet above the roof, or seven feet above the highest part of the roof within fifty feet of such chimney; provided that all chimneys 'having walls less than eight inches thick shall be BUILDING INSPECTOR — ^VALLS — CHIMNEYS — FOUNDATIONS 185 plastered on the brick or be covered with metallic lath or wire cloth before plastering. Sec. 613. Proviso as to Flues in Party Walls. — The provis- ions of the foregoing sections as to the thickness of walls per- taining to chimneys shall be applicable only to such chimneys as are part of or situated in any building. Flues in party walls shall not extend beyond the center of the wall, joint flues in party walls shall be separated by a four-inch "width" of fire brick their entire height. Sec. 614. Foundation for Chimneys. — Any chimney not forming a part of a wall sliall rest upon the ground with proper foundation, and in no case shall any chimney rest on or be sup- ported by framework, beams, or posts of woodwork of any de- scription. Sec. 615. Foundations for Buildings — Breadth — Depth — When Cement Mortar Used. — Proper foundation or masonry shall be prepared for the support of buildings, and no founda- tions shall be less than two feet below the exposed surface of the ground, and in no case shall any foundation rest on any fill- ing or made ground. The breadths of the foundations of the several parts of any building shall be proportioned, so that, as nearly as practicable, the pressure shall be equal on each square foot of the foundation. Cement mortar shall be used in the ma- sonry of all foundations exposed to dampness. Sec. 616. Specifications for Piles — How Driven — The Grade. — Poles driven for a wall to rest upon shall not be less than eight inches in diameter at the smallest end, and shall be spaced not more than three feet on centers in the direction of the length of the wall, and nearer, if required by the Inspector. The Inspec- tor shall determine the grade at which piles shall be cut oft'. Sec. 617. Walls Twenty Feet in Height or Less Rest on Sin- gle Row of Piles — Exceeding Twenty Feet Double Row of Piles — Extra Piles May be Required by Inspector. — Walls not exceed- ing twenty feet in height, where piling is necessary, may rest on a single row of piles, if deemed advisable by the Inspector; walls exceeding twenty feet in height shall rest on not less than two rows of piles. Extra piles shall be driven, where required by the Inspector. 18G HI ii.i>iN<. i\.si'K< Tuit — \\ Ai.UN— iti:«;i l,\l IO\> Sec. 618. Every Seventh Course Brickwork Headers — Walls Shall Be Anchored — Flues to be Plastered, etc. — In brick walls every seventh course shall be headers. All fire Hues shall be smoothly plastered or have struck joists. Walls shall be se- curely anchored to t'he timbers and joists resting upon them. Sec. 619. Hollow Walls — Specifications and Restrictions. — Hollow walls, not bearing walls, may be used in all cases; but all hollow walls shall be bonded or tied together with incom- bustible anchors placed n<>i more than three feet apart. If used as bearing walls, the thickness shall be reckoned by their solid parts, unless either part is at least eiglit inches thick, and solid connections are made in ujiright directions, not less than twelve inches wide nor more than eight feet apart from centers. In such cases two-thirds of the hollow space shall be connected with the solid parts; provided, that, in no case shall the ends of the joists or other wood be allowed to come within four inches of the hollow space. Sec. 620. No Wall Cut Off or Altered Without a Permit- Temporary Support to be Equal in Strength to Permanent Sup- port. — No wall of any building now erected or hereafter to be built or erected, shall be cut off or altered without a permit so to do liaving been first obtained from the Inspector. Every tem- porary support placed under any structure, wall, girder, beam, or column, during t'he erection, finishing, altering, or repairing of any building, or part thereof, shall be equal in strength to the permanent support required for such construction. Sec. 621. No Opening Through Party Wall Without Permit — Specification as to Such Opening, When Permitted. — Xo open- ing or doorway shall be cut through a party wall of a brick building without a permit from the Inspector, and every such doorway or opening shall have top, bottom, and sides of stone, brick, or iron; shall be closed by two sets of wrought-iron or metal-covered doors (separated by the thickness of the wall) hung to rabbetted iron frames, or to iron hinges in brick or stone rabbets; shall not exceed ten feet in height by eight feet in widt'h, and every opening, other than a doorway, shall be pro- tected in a manner satisfactory to the Inspector. Sec. 622. No Timber Except Lathing Strips and Arch Forms in Brick Walls Permitted. — No timber, excepting lathing strips, BIII,DI.\G INSPECTOR INSPECTOR — PIERS — COLUMNS ^87 shall be used in aii}- wall of any brick building except arch forms for interior arched opening. Sec. 623. Anchors for Walls, on Which Beams Rest, Etc. — All walls of a brick building, on which the ends of beams rest, sliall be anchored at each tier of beams at intervals of not more than ten feet apart, with good strong wrought-iron anchors, at least one-half inch by one and one-half inches, well built into the walls, and fastened at the top of the beams ; and where the beams are supported by girders, the ends of the beams resting on the girders shall be butted together, end to end. and strapped with wrought-iron straps or tie irons at the same distance apart and in the same beams as the wall anchors ,and shall be well fastened. Sec. 624. Piers — How Built — How Laid. — All piers shall be built of the best quality of good well-burnt hard brick, laid in cement and sand mortar, and well wet, when laid in warm •weather. Sec. 625. Brick Piers Have Cap of Iron — When.— Brick piers under lintels, girders, or columns of brick buildings, over one story "high, shall have a cap of iron, at least two inches thick, the full size of the pier. Sec. 626. Brick Piers and Buttresses — How Built. — Brick piers and buttresses shall be bonded with thorough courses, level, and bedded, each course, and, where their foundations rest on piles, a sufficient number shall be driven to insure a proper support. Sec. 627. Metal and Wooden Columns Rest on Iron Plates. — Every metal column in a brick building shall rest on an iron plate of not less thickness than two inches. Wooden columns supporting girders and floors in such buildings shall set on one and a half inch iron plates with sockets and counter sinkages. Sec. 628. Backing of an Iron Front — When Considered as an Independent Wall — Provisions for Complete Separation of Build- ings. — The backing of any iron front, that is not wholly self- supporting, shaU be treated as an independent wall. If the iron is self-supporting, then the party wall shall be extended to meet the outer thickness of iron, and all vacancies shall be filled with grout to insure a complete separation of adjoining buildings. 2gg BUILDING INSPECTOR — HOOKS — II \\ \\ I M)o\\ M — \l( rill O.N «4 — KIHK-niOOF SIHJTTKHS the thickness of walls, of such material, and the melTiod of construction, siiall be such as the Inspector shall ajjprove. Sec. 647. As to Partitions in Business Buildings. — Parti- tions in iiotel buildings and tenement houses made oi scant- ling to be lathed and plastered shall be filled with brickwork eight inches high, in the best manner. Scantling partitions shall not be employed as supporters of any floor (except dwelling houses). Sec. 648. Stairways. — Stairways shall not be enclosed with partitions made oi plank, boards, flooring or scantling, un- less plastered on both sides or covered with metal. Sec. 649. Hoistway Openings — Trap Doors. — Hoistway open- ings shall 'have trap doors (covered with metal on the underside) on all floors except where elevators are used, with sufficient guards for protection during the hours of business, and said doors shall be kept closed at all other times. Sec. 650. Business Buildings to Have Fire Proof Shut- ters. — All stores, storehouses, mills, and manufactories, that may hereafter be erected in Atlanta, which are more than two stories high, shall have doors, blinds, or shutters made of fire proof metal, on every window or entrance where the same do not enter upon a street. When, in any such building, the shutters, blinds, or doors cannot be put on the outside, they shall be put upon the inside, and hung upon iron eyes or frames independent of any woodwork ; shutters above the first story to be arranged so that they can be opened from the out- side. Prismatic lights in iron frames shall be regarded as an equivalent to iron shutters. Sec. 651. Fire Escapes Required on Business Buildings — Character and Material. — All buildings in said City three stories or more in height, not including basements, used as c. factory, workshop, lodgeroom, hotel, boarding house, public hall, or sleeping place, or apartment, shall have thereon suit- able and substantial fire escapes of the following character and material : Brackets must not be less than one-half by one and three-quarter inches, wrought iron, placed edgewise, or one and three-quarters inch angle iron, well braced, and not HI II.DIXG IXSI'Ktl'OK — HALCOMES — STAIRS 193 more than tliree feet apart, and the braces to brackets must not be less than three-quarters inch square, wrought iron, and must extend two-fhirds of the width of the respective brack- ets or balconies. In all cases the brackets must go through the walls, and be turned down three inches. Sec. 652. Brackets on New Buildings — How Set — On Old Buildings, How Set. — Brackets on new buildings must be set as the walls are being built. When brackets are to be put on old houses, the part going through the wall shall not be less than one incTi in diameter, with screw nuts and washers, not less than five inches square and one-half inch thick. Sec. 653. Top Rails — Size — How Set. — The top rail of balcony must be l^xi/2 inch wrough iron, and in all cases must go through the walls, and be secured by nuts and 4 inch square washers, at least ^ inch thick. Sec. 654. Botton Rails — Size— How Set. — Bottom rails must be 1^4X48 inch wrought in^n, well leaded into the wall. In frame buildings the top rails must go through fhe studding, and be secured on the insdie by washers and nuts as above. Sec. 655. Filling in Bars— Size— How Set.— The filling-in bars must not be less than y^ inch round or square wrought iron, placed not more than 6 inches from centers, and well riveted to the top and bottom rails. Sec. 656. Stairs — How Constructed — Size of Rung — Hand Rail, Etc. — The stairs, in all cases must be not less than 18 inches wide and constructed of Mx3>^ inch wrought iron sides or strings. Steps to be ^A inch round iron, double rungs, fsxB inch flat iron, and well riveted to the strings. The stairs must be secured, to a bracket on top, and rest on and be secured to a bracket or extra cross-bar at the bottom. All stairs must have a ^ inch hand rail of wrough iron, well braced. Sec. 657. Floors — Material — How Set. — The flooring of bal- conies must be of wrought iron 1>2X>4 inch slats, placed not over 1^/i inches apart, and secured to iron battens l>^x>i inch, not over three feet apart, and riveted at the intersection. The opening for stairways in all balconies shall not be less than 18 inches wide and 30 inches long. 194 illll,l)l\(i l\SI'i:i\TJ» persons so building or repairing sliall have the privilege of using one-half of the sidewalk and one-half of the width of the street adjoining, or in front of said building or repairs; provided, that no person so building or repairing shall interfere with the run- ning of the cars upon any street railroad ; and Provided, further, that such person or persons shall keep any excavation securely covered, and keep one-half the sidewalk open and in good passa- ble condition, During all such time as such materials shall lie in any street, lane, or alley, the owner or proprietor of such mate- rials shall cause a lamp or lantern, with a good and sufftcient light therein, to be securely hung up, placed or fixed on a post, or otherwise, at each of the two corners of such enclosure pro- jecting into the said street, lane, or alley, and in such manner as clearly and plainly to show the place and extent occupied by such materials. The said lamp or lantern shall be lighted by said owner or proprietor at or before dark in the evening, in such manner as to reasonably suppose it shall contiiuie to burn until daylight. The use of one-half of the sidewalk and one- half of the street shall only be allowed twenty days before the building is actually commenced, and ten days after its comple- tion. Sec. 679. Penalty for Violation by Builder. — Any one violat- ing the provisions of this Section shall be fined not exceeding one hundred dollars, or imprisonment not exceeding thirty days, or both, in the discretion of the Court. Sec. 680. To Prevent Encroachment on the Sidewalks or Streets. — Xo encroachment on the sidewalks or streets of said City, in the erection of buildings, for area walls or otherwise, shall be permitted, unless special authority therefor is express- ly granted on petition setting forth the encroachment desired, with the reason therefor. Sec. 681. Penalty for Encroachment. — The owner of the ground adjoining any sidewalk or street where an encroachment is made in violation of the first section of this ordinance, and the architect and contractor, who cause such encroachment to be made, shall each of them be subject to a fine of not less than twenty-five dollars ($25.00) nor more than five hundred dollars ($500.00), or to imprisonment for not exceeding thirty (30) days, one or both, in the discretion of the Recorder. BI'ILI)IN<; INHl'KCTOR — WOODEN HOI SKS — PIKK I.IMIT8 199 Sec. 682. Shall Also Remove Obstruction and Place Street or Sidewalk in Former Condition on Ten Days' Notice. — Should such encroaclinient be made, as is prohibited in the first section of this Ordinance, the obstruction shall be removed, and the street or sidewalk be put in the condition that it was thereto- fore, by the City MarsTiai, at the expense of the owner of the ad- joining g-round. should such owner fail to remove the obstruc- tion and place the street or sidewalk in its former condition on ten days' written notice from the City Engineer to do so. Sec. 683. Cannot Erect Wooden Houses Within Fire Limits. — No person or persons shall build or erect or cause to be built or erected, any house or houses for any purpose whatever, the walls of which shall be constructed of wood, or which shall be covered with any material other than iron, tin, slate, tiles, or something which shall be deemed and considered fire-proof, on any street or streets within the boundaries herein mentioned, that is : All that portion of the City of Atlanta known as the Fire Limits, which shall be divided into two Building Districts, namely the First, or Close District, and the Second, or Outer District. Sec. 684. .Close or First District Bounded. — The first or close district shall be and include all that part of the City lying and being inside the limits as follows: — Connnencing at the Northwest corner of Piedmont Avenue and Cain Street, and running thence West along the North side of Cain Street, to a point thereon two hundred feet East of the East side of Peach- tree, thence running North in a line parallel with and two hun- dred feet East of the East side of Peachtree Street to the South side of East Baker Street, thence West, along the South side of East anrl West I'.aker Streets to a point on the South side of Baker Street two hundred feet West of the \\ e>t side of Peach- tree Street; thence South in a line parallel with, and two hundred feet West of the West side of Peachtree Street to the North side of \\ est Cain Street, thence along the nortli side of West Cain Street to East side of Spring Street, thence Southerly along the East side of Spring Street to a point one hundred feet East of the East side of Walton Street; thence North in a line parrallel with and one hundred feet East of the East side of Walton Street to a point thereon one hundred feet South of the East side of Marietta Street, thence North in a line parallel with and one hundre«l feet East of the East Side of Marietta Street to 200 III IM>I\(; INSIM'M TOH--KIHI-: MMI'I'S South side of Johns Street, thence West along the South side of Johns Street to the Ri^^ht-of-way of the \V. & A. R. R. Co.; thence South along the East side of said Right-of-way to South side of Thurmond Street, thence West along the South side of Thurmond St, to the railroad track known as tlie "Old Munroe" track, thence Southeasterly along the West side of said track to a point immediately West of the North side of Brotherton St. at its Western terminus ; thence Easterly to the North Side of Brotherton St., tlience Easterly along the North side of Brother- ton St. to North side of East Eair St., thence along the North side of East Fair Street to West side of Capitol Avenue, thence Northwesterly along the Northwest side of Capitol Avenue to North side of Central Place, thence along said side of Central Place to West or Northwest side of Butler Street, thence along said side of Butler Street to a point thereon one hundred feet South of South side of Decatur Street, thence East in a line par- allel with and one hundred feet South of South side of Decatur Street to West side of Moore Street, thence along the West side of Moore Street to a point one hundred feet North of the North side of Decatur Street, thence Westerly in a line parallel wifh, and one hundred feet North of North side of Decatur Street to West side of Butler Street, thence North along said W^est side of Butler Street to a point one hundred feet North of North side of Edgewood Avenue, thence in a line parallel with and one hun- dred feet North of North side of Edgewood Avenue to West Side of Piedmont Avenue, thence Northerly along the West side of Piedmont Avenue to beginning point. Sec. 685. Second or Outer District Bounded. — The second or outer district shall be and include all that part of said City lying and being between the lines of the first district as above mentioned, and the limits, as described below : — Commencing at the corner of Piedmont Avenue and East Baker Street, and running along East Baker and West Baker Streets to Luckie Street, thence along Luckie to Simpson Street, t'hence along Simpson Street to Elliott Street, thence along Elliott Street to Nelson Street, thence along Nelson Street to Right-of-way of Southern Railway, thence along said Railway to Peters Street, thence along Peters Street to the junction of Garnett Street, t'hence along Garnett to Loyd Street (now Central Avenue), thence along Loyd Street (now Central Avenue) to East Fair Street, thence along East Fair Street to Fraser Street, thence along Fraser to Butler, thence along Butler to College Street, BlILDINCi IXSPECTOR — FIRK MMITS PENALTY 201 thence along College to Piedmont Avenue, thence along Pied- mont Avenue to starting point. Sec. 686. Rules for Close District. — All laws and ordinances or parts of same, relating to building in the fire limits, shall re- late and apply tn that portion of tlie City described as District number One. Sec. 687. Rules for Outer District. — No building or structure shall be constructed or built in that part of tlie City described as number Two. unless same be covered or roofed with non-combus- tible materials. Sec. 688. Penalty for Violation of Any Ordinance in Regard to Fire Districts. — Any person or corporations violating any of the ordinances in regard to the fire districts, on conviction there- of before the Recorder's Court, shall be fined in a sum not ex- ceeding one hundred dollars, or imprisoned not exceeding thirty days, either or both, at tlie discretion of the Court. Sec. 689. Unlawful to Support Brick or Stone Walls or Pipes with Wooden Girders or Columns. — it shall be unlawful to sup- port any brick or stone wall, piers, or abutments, upon wooden lintels, girders, or columns in connection with a building more than one story in height. Sec. 690. Penalty for Violation. — Any persons violating this ordinance shall be fined not more than one hundred dollars, or be imprisoned not more tlian thirty days. Sec. 691. Regulating Stove Flues — How Constructed — Safety — Penalty for Violation of Ordinance. — All the stove flues shall be constructed of hard burned brick, and shall be not less than sixteen inches square from base to a point six inches above the roof line, lined with fire-clay piping, not less than twenty-four inches long. Flue to be thoroughly plastered inside, and hung on iron stirrups of new iron of not less than one-fourth of an inch by one and three-fourth inches, bent to come flush with the bottom of ceiling joint. Xo flue to be less than five feet higli, and higher, should the Building Inspector deem it nec- esary for the safety of the building. Any person violating this 202 itr I M>i ><; I > M'i;< rou — s-i- \ iii,ks — hkk k im i;ns ordinance shall be tined ii<>t more tlian nm- luindred dtjllars, or imprisoned not more than thirty (hiys. Sec. 692. Provision for Protection of Life and Limbs or Per- sons Employed in the Construction of New Buildings, — It shall be the duty of party or parties havinj^ cliarge of tlie construc- tion of any new building in this City to have the joists or girders of each floor above the third floor covered with rough scaffold boards, or other suitable material as the work progresses, so as to sufficiently protect the workmen, either from falling through such joists or girders, and to protect the workmen, or others, who may be under or below each floor, from falling brick, tools, mortar, or other substances, whereby accidents ma}' happen, in- juries occur, and life and limb endangered; provided the party or parties above mentioned may move said rough floor or scaf- folding upward as tiie work progresses, keeping at all times the top floor covered, as specified above. Sec. 693. Penalty for Violation of Above Ordinance. — Any person or persons failing to comply with the above ordinance, shall, upon conviction before the Recorder, pay a fine of not more than one hundred dollars ($100.00) or to be imprisoned not ex- ceeding thirty days, either or both at the discretion of the Court. Sec. 694. No Private Stable Can be Used Nearer than Thirty Feet to Next Arjacent Residence or Place of Business without Their Consent. — It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to erect or use a private stable nearer than thirty feet to any residence or place of business, without the consent of the owner and ocupant of such adjacent residence or place of business. Sec. 695. Penalty for Violation of Above Ordinance. — A vio- lation of preceding" sections shall subject the offenders upon con- viction in the Recorder's Court of the City of Atlanta to punish- ment by fine not exceeding one hundred dollars, or imprisonment not exceeding thirty days. Sec. 696. Ordinances Regulating Height of Brick Piers. — All "Brick Piers" under frame dwellings and retail stores shall be of the following dimensions, to-wit : 8x16 in. piers not over 5 feet 4 inches above ground. BUILDING IXSPECTOU — UKICK PIKRS— CHIMNEYS 903 8x20 in. piers not over 7 feet 6 inches above ground. 12x16 in. piers not over 8 feet inches above ground. 12x20 in. piers not over 12 feet inches above ground. All piers to have a footing course projecting not less than 2 inches, when built on solid foundation of clay. Where piers are built on filled ground, footings shall be of such material and di- mensions as shall be determined by the Inspector of Buildings. Sec. 697. Penalty for Violation of Brick Pier Ordinance. — Any person, firm, or corporation violating Sec. 628 shall, on con- viction before the Recorder, be subject to a fine of not more than one hundred dollars or imprisonment not more than thirty days, either or both at the discretion of the Recorder. Sec. 698. Additions to Freime Dwellings May be Made within Fire Limits Under Certain Limitations. — W ooden dwellings, al- ready permitted, and now maintained within the fire limits, may be improved by wooden additions not exceeding one-fourth of their present area, whenever the Building Inspector shall find, upon careful inspection of said buildings, that they are in good condition, and that same may be allowed without materially in- creasing the danger from fire, and such additions are otherwise unobjectionable. Sec. 699. Sizes of Chimney and Furnace Flues Specified. — All chimney flues shall not be less than eight (8j inches in diameter, unless lined with fire clay piping, when in such cases they may be 6 inches in diameter. And all furnace flues shall not be less than eight (8) inches by twelve (12) unless lined with fire clay piping, when they may be eight (8) inches in diameter. Sec. 700. Penalty for Violation of the Above Section. — Any owner, agent, contractor, or mason violating Section 699 shall, upon conviction before the Recorder, be fined not less than $5.00 nor more than $25.00 in his discretion. Sec. 701. Persons Building Cannot Blockade the Sidewalk. — It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation, to blockade the sidewalk to the extent of interfering with the travel thereon, during the construction, altering, repairing, or removal of any building within the fire limits of the City, as now de- scribed, or as may be hereafter created. 204 III ii,i»i\«i insim:< run oiisimriio\> -h.ns Sec. 702. Provision for Temporary Walk and Roof During Building Operation. — Any person, tirni, tM- corporation, iiavmg secured a permit to construct, repair or remove a building or part of building within said limits shall (when deemed necessary by the Inspector of I'.uildings) construct a temporary walk and roof along the entire frontage of said building of sufficient strength and character to accommodate and i)rotect the public from any danger during the construction, and to the complet- ing of said building. Said walk not to be less than four feet wide, and, when the sidewalk area is to be excavated, shall be made of boards not less than two inches thick, raised not over thirty-six inches above permanent grade, and provided with suit- able steps at each end with handrails on each side. Said roof to be full width of sidewalk, and of not less than one inch boards doubled with joints broken, or heavier, should it be deemed necessary, and not less than ten feet above the grade of the sidewalk. Sec. 703. No Obstruction Within Four Feet of Railroad Tracks or Fire Plugs.— It shall be unlawful to place any mate- rials, tools, scafYolding, or fence, nearer than four feet to any railroad tracks or fire plug during the construction of said build- ing. Sec, 704. Penalty for Violation. — Any person, firm, or cor- poration, failing to comply with the foregoing provisions, upon written notice from the Inspector of Buildings, shall upon con- viction before the Recorder be fined not more than one hundred dollars or be imprisoned not longer than thirty days for each and every day's failure to comply after the service of said notice. Sec. 705. Regulations as to Signs.— It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to erect or maintain any sign over or above any sidewalk, street or alley, that projects more than three feet beyond the property line, or that may be less tEan nine feet above tlie sidwalk. Sec. 706. Number of Square Feet in Signs— How Fastened.— All signs, that project beyond the property line more than 12 inches, and not more than 36 inches, shall contain not more than fifty square feet on each of the two sides, and shall be se- curely fastened to t'he walls of the building in a manner satisfac- tory to the Inspector of Buildings. BIII.UINO IVSI'KCTOK — SIGNS — EI-KCTHIC SIGN'S 205 Sec. 707. Larger Signs Allowed Under Certain Conditions. — Larger signs made of incombustible material, and securely fas- tened to the sides of the building, and which do not project more than 12 inches from same, and do not extend above the top of said building, may be erected, provided same are maintained in a manner satisfactory to the Inspector of Buildings. Sec. 708. Signs on Top of Buildings. — All signs placed on top of any building shall be securely fastened to the roof of said building, and shall be placed wholly within the property line. The lettering on such signs may be made of wood, electric light, or other suitable material. Sec. 709. No Wooden Sign More than Two Feet High- Limit of Surface — How Erected. — No wooden sign shall be more than two feet liigh, or contain more than 75 feet of surface, when placed on or against the sides of any buildings. Sec. 710. Permits Necessary for Signs Above a Certain Size. — Any person, Hrm, or corporation desiring to erect any signs> that project twelve inches or more beyond the building line, or which contain more than ten feet of sign surface, shall apply and secure a permit for same from the Inspector of Buildings, and it shall be unlawful to erect said sign before securing said permit. Sec. 711, As to Electrically Equipped Signs. — It shall be tTie duty of the Inspector of Buildings to secure the approval of the City Electrician before issuing a permit for any electrically equipped signs. Sec. 712. City Relieved from Damages on Account of Signs — Signs Removed — When — Existing Signs Maintained Under This Ordinance. — All persons hereafter erecting signs shall hold the Lily harmless on account of all damages to persons or prop- erty, and the permit issued tlierefor shall state that the accept- ance of same binds the applicant to this condition and obligation. STiould this provision be omitted, or no permit be secured, never- theless any person hereafter erecting a sign of any size or de- scription, shall be responsible to the City for any damage or judg- ment, which tTie City may have to pay on account of injury to person or property from the breaking or falling thereof, or 206 iiiii.i>iN«. t\>i'tAHni ^m\^—\-tn^i"^ .iuiains should said sign otlierwise ur in any way cau>c injury, for winch the City should be held liable. All signs erected under this ordinance, or otherwise permitted to remain, where not so erected, remain on the condition that they shall be taken down, at any time, upon a resolution by the Mayor and General Council, or, in case of enierj^ency, upon the direction of the Inspector of Buildings. Where permits have already been granted, under existing ordinances, the signs therein authorized may be erected, but shall be maintained, as herein required, and shall be removed as the General Council may hereafter direct. Sec. 713. Penalty for Violation or Failure to Comply with Direction by Building Inspector or Resolution by Council.— Any person violating the terms of foregoing sections, in any particular, or failing to comi)Iy with the resolution of the General Council, or direction of the Inspector of P.uildings, as above set out, shall on conviction in the Recorder's Court, be fined not ex- ceeding one hundred dollars or sentenced to a term of thirty days on the public works, either or both penalties to be inflicted in the discretion of the Recorder. Sec. 714. Asbestos or Steel Curtains to be Used in Theatres. —Either asbestos or steel curtains shall be used in all theatres, concert halls, or other places of like character, having a stage and auditorium with curtain between, and said curtain shall be of sufficient size to fully and completely cover the entire opening between the stage and auditorium, and be so hung as to be quick- ly placed or dropped into position in case of fire, or other danger. Sec. 715. All Openings Through Fire Walls in Theatres to Have Automatic Fire-Proof Doors.— All openings through fire walls in such theatres or halls between the stage and auditorium shall be provided with fire-proof automatic doors. Sec. 716. No Wooden Walls Between Stage and Auditorium Allowed. — In the construction of said theatres or halls no wooden walls shall be allowed or built between the stage and auditorium, and should any of said theatres or halls now in existence have a wooden wall between the stage and auditorium, same shall be at once covered with tongued and grooved sheathing, which sheath- ing shall be covered with three thicknesses of asbestos. in NG IVSI'EC TOU — KXITS — THKATERS 207 Sec. 717. Exits to Balcony or Upper Verandah. — Where the theatres or similar halls mentioned in preceding sections, have a balcony or gallery, and steps are built therefrom to a verandah in front of said theaters or halls, then, and in such an event, such additional exits shall be provided as may be required by the Chief of the Fire Department and the Building Inspector. In all events, there shall be as many as two exits for such steps on the front, or to and from said verandah. Sec. 718. Exits to Rear — Size — Safe and Quick Descent to Alley.— Where such theatres or halls have exits leading there- from to alleys in the rear, or disconnected from the main en- trances, said exits shall be provided with steps that give easy, safe, and quick descent, and shall be of sufficient size to accom- modate safely crowds that may patronize the portions of the theatre or hall served by such exits. Sec. 719. Exits Required to Prevent Congestion of Crowds in a Cross-Current. -\\ JK-re exits from the balcony or gallery are so constructed as that those using same are thrown together or congested, in a cross-current as it were, at or near where the step^ or either side come to or near each other, then in such an event independent and separate steps shall be provided from the balcony or gallery, and, if such exits now exist (1904), same shall be changed within sixtv days after notice from the Buildins" Inspector to conform to this ordinance. Sec. 720. Penalty for Violation. — Any person, firm, or cor- poration, their agents or employees, violating any of the provis- ions cf this chapter /eferring to theatres and halls named, or maintaining, operating, leasing, or controlling theatres or halls not constructed as herein provided, shall on conviction in the Recorder's Court, be fined not exceeding two hundred dollars $(200.00; or imprisoned not exceeding thirty {'SO) days one or both penalties to be inflicted in the discretion of the Recorder. Sec. 721. Opera Houses, Theatres, Concert Halls, Etc., Must be on the Street Floor. — It shall be unlawful for any person or their agents, officers or employees, to erect play houses, opera houses, theatres, concert halls, or rooms used for like purposes, above the first story. All such houses shall be erected with the floor thereof on or below said first or street floor, provided that galleries may be built in connection with said first or street floor. 2U8 III II. Ill N(. i\si>i< riiit i.%ii.-« i.oosK 1.1 Miii:it if the owner or builder shall provide suflicient exits therefor in accodance with existiii;.^ or future building laws. Sec. 722. No Fence Gate, Door, or Shutter to Swing Across Sidewalk Unless Provided with Weights, Springs, or Sclf-Clos- ing Hinges. — NO fence ^aie-, fence dnor, (jr fence sliutter of any kind shall hereafter be constructed in the City of Atlanta, which by its construction or operation can or will swing across, over or on any public sidewalk or street ; unless the same is supplied with self-closing hinges, springs, or weights that will prevent same from standing open on any public sidewalk or street. Sec. 723. Any Improvement on Fence Gate, Door or Shutter Shall be Held to be Under the Operation of this Ordinance.— 4 Hereafter, when any substantial repairs or improvements are made to any fence gate, fence door, or fence shutter, then said gate, door or shutter shall be held to be under the operation of this ordinance. Sec. 724. Owner or Contractor Responsible for Proper Con- struction. — The owner or person directing the work t,s_VKMCERKn WALLS Sec. 728. Penalty for Violation.— Any person violating the provisions of this ordinance shall upon trial before the Recorder be liable to a fine of not exceeding one hundred dollars, or im- prisonment and labor on the public works of said City not ex- ceeding thirty days, either ^|'K< l«Ut_HOOK* JOIMS Sec. 732. No Roof in Fire Limits to be Rc-Covered with Com- bustible Material.— No roof in the tire limits, as now prescribed by ordinance, or that may hereafter be prescribed by ordinance, shall be re-covered with shingles, paper, or any combustible ma- terial. Sec. 733. Specification for Rafters or Pitched Roofs— Flat Roofs Must be Constructed to Carry 50 Pounds Per Square Foot of Weight.— All pitched roots for wood frame structures ^hall have rafters not less than 2x4 spans of 12 feet long or less, from 12 feet up to and nicluding 18 feet not less than 2x6; from 18 feet up to and including 24 feet not less than 2x8; when said rafters are spaced not more than 24 inches on centers. All flat roofs shall be constructed to carry not less than forty (40) pounds per square foot. Sec. 734. Dimensions for Ceiling Joists in Frame Buildings. —No person building, or repairing, a wood frame building shall use, or cause to be used, any ceiling joist less than than the fol- lowing dimensions : For spans up to and including 12 feet 2x4 inches, 16 inches on centers; for spans above 12 feet up to and including 18 feet 2x6 inches, 16 inches on centers; for spans above 18 feet up to and including 24 feet 2x8 inches, 16 inches on centers; spans greater than 24 feet shall be constructed to carry not less than forty (40) pounds per scjuare foot. Sec. 735. Cutting Beams or Joists — How Gas, Water and Other Pipes Introduced. — No gas, water, or other pipes, which may be introduced into any building, shall be let into the beams or joists, unless the same be placed within twenty-four inches of a wall or supporting partition ; in no case shall the said pipes be let into the beams or joists more than two inches in depth. Sec. 736. Penalty for Violation. — Any person violating any of the provisions of preceding- sections of this chapter, where no other penalty is named, shall upon conviction in the Recor- der's Court be fined not more than one hundred dollars, or im- prisoned not more than thirty days, either or both at the discre- tion of the Recorder. CKMl^TKItlBS — COMMISSION 211 CHAPTER XXXVI. Cemeteries — Cemetery Commission. Sec. 737. Cemetery Commission Created — Control of Sexton and Other Employees, — A Cemetery Commissiun is hereby cre- ated, and to this Commission is given the control of Oakland Cemetery and any other burial place hereafter owned or op- crated by the City. This Commission shall have the direction of the Sexton, and this officer shall execute their orders. This Commission shall also have the power of selecting all employees required for the maintenance of the City Cemeteries, and shall fix their compensation and direct their labor. Sec. 738. Commission Shall Establish Rules and Regulations — Management of Cemetery — Their Duty. — The Commission shall establish rules and regulations for the management of the Cemeteries, and the labor of its employees, subject to the ordi- nances of the Mayor and General Council. All matters per- taining to the operation of such Cemeteries and the care thereof shall be decided by this Commission. Sec. 739. Number of Members of Commission — How Elect- ed — Term. — It shall be composed of the Mayor and Chairman of Cemetery Committee, Ex-officio, and five citizens to be elected by the Mayor and General Council from those citizens, who own lots in such cemeteries at the first meeting after the approval of this ordinance, and these Commisisioners shall be elected for different terms, towit : One, two, three, four and five years after such date. At the expiration of these terms, their successors shall be elected for a term of five years, which is hereby fixed as the regular term of office of such Commis- sioners. ^ Sec. 740. Commission to Provide Places of Public Com- fort — Rock Wall Along Georgia Railroad to be Raised. — The Conmiission, as early as possible, shall prepare two or more places of public comfort, to be located in different sections of 212 CKMKTKRV — l»KHrKTlAI. « \IIK ol l.ol «» the Cemetery, and same shall be kept in a sanitary condition by the employees of this Department. 'Ihe ruck wall running along the South side of the Cemetery parallel with the C.eor- gia Railroad shall be raised. This work to be done under the supervision of the City Engineer. When this work is have fallen or are out of iH)sition, the Sexton shall notify the owner* thereof, and the Cemetery Commission shall rc(|uiit same to be placed in >afe condition. Said Conmiission shall likcwt-e repair and beautify all lots t.r parts of the Cemetery, which re- main out of repair on account of removal or death of all mem- bers of the family. s«) far as funds are available therefor, and. when the present force cannot be used, the C .>mmi-sion shal! retpiirr such additional labor. Sec. 746. Paupers Buried With Their Own Race. Persons buried in the section of the Cemetery devoted to paupers sha'.l be entered with their race; for instance, negroes shall be buried with the negroes; and where such paupers are now buried in other sections of the Cemetery, such body shall be removed in accordance with this or«linance. Sec. 747. Commission May Allow Hedges, Walls. Coping, Etc., Under Certain Conditions Only. -The Cemetery Commis- sion shall ciukavor to make a lawn of said cemeteries, instead of liaving small walks or (»bstructions by streets and shrubberies, but said Commission shall have the power, in their discre- tion, to allow a hedge, wall, coping, fences, or similar ob- structions to view, to be erected or grown upon lots, where the condition of the lots require same, or it is necessary to pre- serve the lots or the graves now on same. Sec. 748. Persons Owning Lots in Cemetery May Occupy Space in Hot-House — Limit. — Any person ..r |)rr>. -n- owning a lot in Oakland Cemetery, if their names appear on the Ceme- tery Records, shall have the privilege to occupy a space in the hot-house ecjual to the space occuj)ied by twelve 8-inch flower pots. Should said person or persons desire to use larger or smaller pots or boxes than the 8-iiuh tlower pots. tTiey shall be permitted to do so. but they shall only be alloted a space therein equal to the amount of space above mentioned. Sec. 749. No One Can Store Flowers in the Name of An- other, or Occupy Space, which Might Be Allotted to Another. — It shall be unlawful for any person to store flowers in said hot-house in the name of another person, and no j)ersons shall tKMtrrKiiiK>_iioi iioi si:_,.,.vNr*i be alluvved to add to the space above pnn uled the space other- wise belonging or alotted to another lot owner. Sec. 750. Flowers of Plants Delivered on Order-No Further Liability.-All tlouers or plant, stored under the pro- visions ot this or the other ordinances of the City shall be de- livered to the owners, their agent, or to their order, and when so delivered, no further liability shall attach for the safe keen- ing thereof. Sec. 751. Hot-House Not to Be a Convenience for Winter- ing Flowers. Not Kept in the Cemetery During Summer.— Ml flowers or plants stored under the provision. ,.f this or other ordinances of the City must be retained upon lots in said Cem- etery either in pots or planted thereon. It shall be unlawful to tem|M,rarily place or plant Howers or j.lants in bo.xes. pots or otherwise, upon lots in said C emetery for the purpose of thereby .securing their storage in the hot-house with the in- tention, after the winter, of calling for and removing same from said Cemetery, llus hot-house shall not be use ordinance, and no person or per- sons shall impose upon the terms of this ordinance, or fraudu- lently misuse the privilege-, of this or other ordinances of the City providing f ii«»i iiiM i Ijuum- ut UukUtid L cine ttry shall in it In- iisfd to store or |)re>crvc any other plants, flowers, or cuttings, than those belon^^in^ to the City, and to the owners of lots in Oakland Ceinctcry. and which are kept and used in the Cemetery for the purp«»se »»f heautifytng the Cemetery, and burial lots therein, hut said hot-houses may be used in Oakland Cemetery u> the extent i>t its ca|>acity in the discretion of the Sexton and the C!cmeiery Committee without charge for such use either to the City or the owners of burial lots in said I emctery. Sec. 754. Unlawful to Sell Plants, Flowers, or Cuttings from the Hot-House Surplus Used to Beautify Confederate Graves. — It shall be li>r the Sext«)n or any i»ther officer or cm- l)loycc of the City of Atlanta to sell or offer to sell plants, flowers, or cuttinj^'s from the hot-house aforesaid to any person for any ])Mrp()se, or to j^ive away such plant>, cuttings or flowers iur use outside of saiil C'emetcry. .Xny surplus plants, flowers, or cuttin;.(s from said hot-house may be U'^ed, in the discretion of the Ccinetry Lommittee. f«)r beautifying the graves of the Con- federate Dead. Sec. 755. Penalty for Violation. — \ violation of any of the provisions of either of the prcceTerence in price of graves, if any. in case interment is to be made in Oakland Cemetery. Sec. 760. If Fee Not Paid in Thirty Days— Five Days No^ tice— Body Buried in Pauper Field.— It the tee for the use of the Receiving \ ault remain unpaid for tlie term of thirty days after haine bccomo due. it shall be the duty of the Commis- sion to notify, in pcr>on if |><)>sible. if not by letter, the family, or the persons deix.Mimg >aid bodies, that said fee remains un- paid, and, in the event the notice above provided for has been served for the space of rtve days, and said fee is not paid within that time, then .said Commission shall cause said body to be removed from the vault, and inter the same in the pauper field, using the fee deposited with him as the grave fee to cover the '■■-'- •'•' this interment. Sec. 761. Unlawful For an Officer or Employee of the City to Speculate in Cemetery Lots or Other Property Offered fo!< Sale by City.— .\o oftu er or employee of the City shall pur- chase from the Cit\. at public or private sale, for purposes of speculation any property (.tTcreil for sale by the City, whether same be lots in Oakland, or any future Cemetery, or lands seized under tax executions, or lands purchased and held under 'X executions, or any other real or personal pn.perty of the <. ity. that it may see fit to oflfer to the public for sale. The term "speculation." as "herein used, shall mean a purchase, not for personal ownership or use. but |.urcha■^e for the purpose of re-sale at a profit. I I MM \ M i: «»• <.H \\ i "» — "» \ I I ••_ III Ml *I.H 2J8 tKMKTKRIKJ* Sec. 762. Graves— Disturbance of— Penalty. -Any person or persons, who shall m any wise .h^tnrh an\ ^jravc. deface, pull up. or remove anything' put or placed to mark a K'rave. or any paliuK^ or wall i)lacr(l aronnd a j^'rave. ..r shall remove any plank, posts or timhcrs in the graveyard, sucli person or per- sons, so ofTendinp:. on conviction thereof, before Recorder's Court, shall pay a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars and costs, or be imprisoned not exceedinp thirty days. Sec. 763. Disturbing Tombs or Structures of Any Kind- Unlawful — Penalty. — Any person, who shall destroy, mutilite, deface, injure or remove any tond). monument, ^'ravestonc. or other structure placed in the Cemetery, in said Ciiy of .\tlanta, or any fence, railing, or other work, fur the protection or orna- ment of any tomb, monument, gravestone, or other structure aforesaid, or for the ornament or protection of said Cemetery, or shall willfully destroy, cut. break, remove or injure any tree, shrub, or plant, that may have been planted, or that may be growing- in said Cemetery, or commit any other trespass within tlic limits of said Cemetery, shall, upon conviction thereof, be- fore the Recorder's Court, pay a fine of not exceeding one hun- dred dollars, and may be imprisoned in the guardhouse or cala- boose not exceeding thirty days, which money, when collected, shall be applied, one-half to the informer, and the other lialf, by City Council, under the direction of the Committee on the Cemetery, to the reparation and restoration of the property de- stroyed or injured as al)ove. Sec. 764. Cannot Sell Fruits or Drinks in the Cemetery.— Anv person or persons, who shall sell or offer for sale, any article of merchandise, or any fruit, drink, or beverage, or any- thing of value, within the limits of the Cemetery, shall, on con- viction, be fined not exceeding one hundred dollars, or impris- oned not exceeding thirty days, in the discretion of the Record- er's Court. Sec. 765. — Cannot Bury Outside of Cemetery in City With- out Permission From Council — Penalty. — .\ny person or per- sons, who shall bury, or cause to be buried, any dead i)erson or persons in any other place in this City than the public Cem- etery. without permission of Council, shall, on conviction in tlie Recorder's Court, pay a fine of not exceeding one hundred dol- CKM*rrER,K.-^.;.TKS-BKL._MONS_,XJi;niKS TO TRKKS 219 lars and costs, for each offense, or be imprisoned not exceeding thirty days. ^ Sec. 766. Regulation as to Gates of Cemetery.— The large gates leading into the City Cemetery shall be kept opened for funeral occasions, or other cases of necessity; provided, that half of the Boulevard gate shall be held open, during the usual hours, for use of pedestrians. The gate on Hunter street shall be the general funeral entrance to said Cemeterv and shall be kept opened, during usual h«.urs. 'llie small gates shall be kept open during the day. Sec. 767. Bell — Occasions for Ringing— Penalty for Re- maining in Cemetery After Bell Rings to Close, Etc.— .\ bell shall be placed at the .se.xton's office, which shall be rung at a specified hour in the morning, when the Cemeterv will be open to the public, an.l said bell shall again be rung at a specified hour in the evening fur the space of fifteen minutes, as a signal for all persons to retire from said Cemetery before the gates are closed for the night ; and any person or persons found re- maining in said Cemetery after the bell has ceased ringing in the evening, or found in the Cemetery before the ringing of the bell in the morning, shall be arrested by any person or officer clothed by the City with authority to make such arrest, and. on conviction, in the Recorder's Court, shall be punished by fine not exceeding one hun.lre.l dollars <.r imprisoned not more than thirty davs. Sec. 768. Signs Placed Conspicuously. Warning Against Violation.— A sign or n(jticc .^luill be placed at one or more places in said Cemetery, warning parties against the violation of the preceding section of this ordinance. Sec. 769. Injuries By Trees and Shrubs- When Complained Of— Parties Shall Remove— Upon Failure. Sexton Removes.— Whenever any tree, shrub, or plant standing in said Cemetery shall mjure any monument or decoration in an adjoining lot, by the drip from its leaves or otherwise, on complaint being made thereof to the Sexton, it shall be his duty to notify the partp or parties owning the said tree, shrub, or plant, to remove the same, and, in case he, she, or they shall refuse or fail to do so, 220 rKMKTKIflK* WiiHlvMI N — « \MHI\<.I'» — «.l \UI»^ then, ami in that event, the Conunission shall have i>ower tt» re- move or cause to he ren»t»ved said tree, ?>hruh, ur plant. Sec. 770. Workmen on Lots — Must Have an Order from Owner — Work Must Not Interfere With Walks, Decorations, Etc. — Any person or persons entering saul l enielery for the purpose of working i>n any lot or lots belonging to amaher person or persons shall first present to the Sexton an order in writing from the owner (or agent of the owner) of said lot or lots, stating it to he their wish that the hearer thereof be per- mitted to work on said lot or lots, and such work must not in- terfere with the walks, decorations, or otlier general arrange- ments in any manner, under the supervisitm of the Sexton. Sec. 771. Carriages — Drays — Wagons — Must Not Occupy Walks Prohibited by Sexton. — .\ny person *)r persons having in charge any carriage, wagon, dray, or any vehicle, shall not drive the same on, or allow the same to occupy, any walk or alley prohibited hy the Commission or c^fficcr in charge. Sec. 772. Burial of Colored Persons Prohibited in Certain Parts. — The .Se.xton shall not bury, or allow to be buried, any colored persons upon ground set apart for or used for the burial of white persons. Sec. 773. Night Guards — When Elected— Term — Compensa- tion — Powers — Duties. — There shall be elected by the I'olice Commissioners, at the time otiier officers of the police force are elected, two night guards fur the Cemetery, who shall hold their office for two years, unless dismissed for cause. Their compensation shall be payable monthly. Their hours of ser* vice shall be the same as those now required of the police force. They shall have all the powers of regular policemen, and shall guard the Cemetery at night and arrest all intruders and violators of City ordinances in and around the cemetery. (Civil Service Now). Sec. 774. Captain or Sergeant of Police — Visits Cemetery — How Often — For What Purpose. — The Board of Police Com- missioners shall cause one of the Captains or Sergeants of Police, on duty, to visit the cemetery at least once everv night, and as often as may be necessary, to see that the cemetery guards are ( i-:mi:tkhiks — 221 in the proper discharge of their duties, and carefully protecting the cemetery from intrusion. Sec. 775. Regulation of Work in Oakland Cemetery. — It shall be unlawful for other tlian regularly licensed contractors to contract for, or build walls, vaults, or lay foundations, and set monuments in Oakland Cemetery, and in no case shall a contrac- tor for any of the above-named works sub-let such work to other I-arties. thereby attempting to relieve themselves of the responsi- bility or liability for such work; provided, that nothing herein contained s'hall prevent any owner from having work done on such lot by other than licensed contractors, when work is done in conformity with regulations prescribed in this ordinance. Sec. 776. Contractors Shall Immediately Remove Debris Af- ter Completion of Work — Cannot Use Walks as Storage Yards. All parties (loiii;^ w<>rk in >aid cemetery >hall pntperly pre])are their material for doing such work before carrying it into the cemetery, and ail such parties shall immediately, upon the com- pletion of any piece of work, remove all refuse, such as stone, brick and dirt from e.xcavation, etc., placing the same wherever the Sexton may designate, if wanted in the cemetery. It is hereby made unlawful for any such party to use ttie walks or driveways in said cemetery for work or storage yards, unless by special permit from the Sexton. Sec. 777. Commission to Furnish Grade and Lot Line — Exca- vations for Monuments — Depth — Penalty for Violation. — All parties, before commencing the erection of any wall along the walks or driveways in said cemetery shall get from the Commis- sion therein the proper grade and lot line for said walk or drive- way, and all excavations for walls shall not be less than one foot below the line of permanent grade. All excavations for monu- ment work shall not be made less than two feet deep, and as much deeper as is necessary to secure a firm foundation, and the same shall be approved by the Sexton in charge. Any person or persons violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall, upon conviction before the Recorder's Court, pay a fine of not more than one hundred dollars, or serve not more than thirty days upon the public works of the City, either or both, within the dis- cretion of the Court. 222 tKHKTKMIKH l'%iri.ll> I \lll MIN<. i.UWI^ Sec. 778. Paupers — Where Buried. — .Ml orders for paupers' graves shall Ijc dircttcd U) West \ iew Cemetery .Association, and all pauper intermetits made by the authorities of the City of Atlanta shall he in \\ est View Cemetery until the further action of this body. Sec. 779. Cannot Exhume Bodies in Oakland Without Per- mit From Board of Health — Said Board Make Rules in Regard to Same. — It shall be unlawful t«.) exhume dead bodies at Oak- land Cemetery without a permit from the Hoard of Health of the City of Atlanta, and any person so offending shall, on conviction be fined not exceeding one hundred dollars, or to work and labor on the public streets of the City not longer than tliirty days, either or both, in the discretion of the Recorder's Court. And the Board of Health is hereby authorized and empowered to make such rules and rcgidations as may be necessary and proper to carry out the true intent and purpose of this ordinance. Sec. 780. Graves — Depth in Oakland — Other Restrictions. — No grave in L)akiantl Cemetery shall be le>> than live feet deep. The opening of a grave in said Cemetery, and the interring therein of an additional body, is forbidden. .\ny person or per- sons violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall, on conviction before the Recorder's Court, be punished by a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars, or imprisonment not longer than thirty days, either or both, in the discretion of the Court. It shall be the duty of the Sanitary Inspectors to see to the enforce- ment of the provisions of this ordinance. Sec. 781. Sale of Vacant Lots in Oakland Cemetery — How Made. — The vacant lots in Oakland Cemetery belonging to the City of Atlanta shall be sold under the direction of the cemetery Committee. The money so obtained from the sale of said lots ihall be devoted to the improvement of said cemetery. Sec. 782. Brick Vault Graves Built by City— Prices.— The City of Atlanta shall furnish all material and build all brick vault graves in Oakland Cemetery. The price of such graves shall be graded, including the digging of the grave and a brick vault, complete, at the following rate : P'"or children under five years of age, fifteen dollars ; for children between the ages of five and fifteen years, twenty dollars ; for persons more than fifteen years of age, twenty-five dollars. f K M KT t: H 1 1: S — a U A V K S — K K K S 223 Sec. 783. Applications for Graves Made to Board of Health — To be Paid for in Advance. — Applications for graves shall state whether the grave is to be a brick vault grave, or a plain grave, and shall be paid for. when the permit and order for the grave is given, at the office of the lioard of Health, and the same shall be turned into the City Treasury in the same manner as are all other moneys. Sec. 784. Rules for — Made by Commission. — The power to make rules and regulations as to interments, disinterments and reinterments, including the use of Receiving Vault, in Oakland Cemetery, and to fix charges therefor in all cases not herein provided for, shall be vested in the Cemetery Commission, pro- vided, however, that no interment, disinterment or reinterment can be made w ithout a permit from the Board of Health ; that when said permit is applied fur, it must be accompanied, with the charge fixed, as prescribed by this ordinance, for the ser- vice applied for, which charge shall be paid for at the office of the Board of Health at the time of such application, to be turned into the City Treasury in the same manner as all otTier moneys; and that when the application is for interment or reinterment, < haracter of interment desired must be stated, and, if a grave, whether it is to be a plain grave, or is to have a brick or rein- forced cement lining. Sec. 785. Charges. — 1 he folUnving schedule of charges is hereby lixed, and the same shall be enforced by the Cemetery Commission : For opening and clositig grave for per.son ten years old and over $ 'jOO For opening anil closing plain grave for person under ten years old -iOO For Lining any grave with brick or reinforced cement . . 25.00 For placing any body in Receiving Vault temporarily, not to remain longer than ten days, where grave charge has not been paid, or to be allowed as credit on sucTi charge if grave is opened in ten days 5.00 For placing body in Receiving \'ault, not to remain longer than ten days, where charge for opening grave has been paid No Charge For allowing body to remain in Receiving Vault longer than ten days, but not exceeding twenty additional days 3.00 224 , , >, , M i«iK»»-KK»:«»_«.H \\K«. ni^i f.HiK. For (lisiiitcriii); body of person ten year-i old or over from plain grave • • ''^ lor disiiiterinj^' IxmIv of person under ten years old fr. .m plain grave "^-^ l-'or disintering body of person ten years old or over ir«nn brick or cement lined grave l*'-^ lor disintering body "f |)erson under ten years fd«l fmin brick or cement lined grave ^ '>^ For removing any body from Receiving Vault -^00 iM^r reinterment: Tlie charges herein I'ivf.l f..r orii'inal inter- ment. I'^or any services the charges for which are not herein fixed : Such cliarges as Cemetery Commission shall fix. Sec. 786. Charges for placing body in Receiving \ault. or allowing it to remain there, shall be paid in advance and turned over to the City Tax Ct)llector; and no body shall be alk)wcd to remain in Receiving \'atd hunger llian tliirty days without express permission of Cemetery Commission, and then only by the payment of twenty-five cents ior each day the Com- mission allows the body to remain. Sec. 787. Vault— Use of.— In the event a body is placed in the Receiving \'ault. and is not removed at tlic expirati(m of the time allowed, or the charge for use of N'ault remains un- paid for thirty days, it shall be the duty of the Cemetery Com- mission to have notified (in person, or by letter) the family, or tlie person depositing said Ixnly ; and if said bo^ni.:roni>s_in im.k vtks 29- Scc. 790. Record of Interments, With Details— Whether Removed. Etc.— It ^hall he the (hity of the i\nunu»um m keep a record <>i all Ixxhe- int'^rred in .said cemetery, either in the re- ceiving; vault ..r el-.ewhere. anil date of such interment, .showing name. a;,'e. col.,r. ^cv. social relation, residence, cause of death, date of death, and name ..f physician or (jther party certifying to said death, as .sh..wi, I,y the burial permit issued from the Board of Health office. The said record shall also show whether the body wa- afterward- uioved from the receiving vault to a -rave. or fn)ui one grave t.. another, ..r from .said lemeterv to another cemetery bey.nd the limits ..f the City of .\tlanta. the date of -said removal, and bear the signatures of the undertaker making the reninval. Sec. 791. When Re.noval Permits are Issued— By Whom.— In all ca>es. wiien- a dead b. ..|y ha.s been deposited in the receiv- ing vault in ( )akland Cemetery, it -hall be the duty of the lioard of Health of the lity of .\tlanta. when application is made in due form for the removal of said dead body, to issue a removal permit for interment in said Cemetery, or elsewhere, witliout making charge for said removal except for difference in price of graves, if any. in case interment is to be made in Oakland Ceme- tery. Sec. 792. Reccrd of Sale of Lots— No Sale Recognized Unless Recorded.— W here \>>l> are .sold, a record shall be kept thereof l>\ the eommi.Nsioii on blanks furnished by the Citv and a mem- orandum thereof shall be made with the City Clerk. Xo sale. shall be recognized until .such records have been entered, and this recorliall l>c |.fiiitcd ami kcpl at tlu- crtuc in llic iiinrury I<»r a ili-MTiptuMi of ihr work contracted fur by lot-owners. I henc blanks shall indicate the name ni the w«»rkman or c<»ntracl«»r. to be M»;nc«l b\ the contractor, ami ^'wv a j^eneral itiea i»f the work to be |>rrfiirmed. The Commission shall at any time give information to tlie Muiur a> to the work done on said lot by parties contractin^j i«» work on same. >aid report may be si;;ned by the superintendent or ofticer in char).:e. providinj^ nothing in this >ection shall be construed to prevent the owner or their servants from attending: to and carini; for their lots as they may desire. Sec. 795. Notice lo be Given Lot Owners of Repairs Neces- sary on Lots — Blanks Furnished for the Purpose — Reinforced Cement Vaults Recommended — No Further Purchase of Slate. I Ik- ( ommi-oioii >haU give notice to all owners of lots of an> repair^ needed on same, such as .straightening or raising of stones, or slabs, sunken graves, weeds, or like conditions. lUanks to be furnished the tomniissi(»n therefor, and shall be tilled out and mailed to sucli lot-owners. These notices must be sent until tlu- repairs are made, and from lime to time thereafter as such other rei)airs may be neede»l. Reinforced cement \aults are recomniendeil ti» lot-owners in lieu of slate vaults, and no furllRT appropriations will be made for the purchase of slate. Sec. 796. Charges for Burials Fees for Burials, Etc. — I'rom and after tlu- passa}.;c of this ordinance the prices stated below shall be charged for burials, etc., in C)akland Cemetery, and col- lected in conformity with the t'l'Upon vv^t.-.i. f.i-uit: .Vttendinq; fuiUTal w itli hearsc S2.1HI Attending; funeral without hearse . . 1.00 .Special or ijeneral imitation ... l.r>(» .\tteiulini;' without the corp».»rate limits, willun three miles, double price, which shall be paid o\ cr to the City Tax collector. Sec. 797. Sexton, Office Repealed. — .Ml ordinances or parts of ordinances requiring the election of Sexton, and designating his duties or compensation as such, are repealed. « II u: I ttt t «>\« I HI » I u»\ — <. \i. \|(\ III |||.> CHAPTER XXXVII. CHlEi- OF CUNSTRUCTlUX— INSPECl lux ul I'L liLlC IMrKUVEMEXTS— SEWERS— STRKE IS SIDEWALKS. Sec. 798. Chief of Construction — Authority — Quahfications — 1 he }KJsition of Chief of Construction" is hereby created, ami this office shall have all the power and authority lieretofore given the offices «.f City Enj^ineer and Coininis.sioner of I'ublic W orks. and all such work as pavinj^, sewers, curbing, sidewalks, repairinj^ of >anje. engineering work, grades and any and all work, or authorit \ . now vested in either Commissioner of I'ub- lic Works or l^cpartmcnt of Engineering, shall hereafter be ve-sieujn ul lliree ITiousand Si.\ Hundred ($;i.()()0.0(>) Dollars per annum, payable in monthly instalments. Sec. 800. Assistants — Sewers — Streets — Sidewalks. — Said CTiief of t onstriu ti'Mi shall have authority to appoint his assistants. but the Mayor and < iencral Council have authority to decide Tlow many as?,i>tanls he shall have and the salaries (»f such assist- ants. Hut at least the following a.ssistants are hereby created for -said Chief of Construction, to-wit : one in cliarge of sewers; one in charge of streets: one in charge of sidewalks; one in charge of repairs. Sec. 801. Duties Chief of Construction to Work to His Plans— He Shall Ke^p a File of Plats.— It shall be the duty of the l inei oi t oustruction to survey, lay out. and give the grade of streets and sidewalks, and tlie inclination and shape of drain- age for the City, and the form and dimensions necessary to cul- verts, and the thickness and strength necessary to all walls that arc to be filled with earth, and to perform all other duties in his .f,,f^ « Mill Ol . MN-. I Ml . I ION l( (I» II.. Ml* II \ I* line of business ihal We nia\ l>e Lallcvl iii>«>n t.. «lw 1>\ rc-M.luli.»n of ConiKil or the Street C oinnultce. anil to th. all tlie enuinccr- \u^ necessary for the Cit>. He shall file and carefully preserve in hi> oftue. |)r..|Krl\ indexed, all jjlats of property furnishetl him bv parties, who make subdivisions of such proper^ • • ■ •'" purpose of sale or oiher\vi-«e. Sec. 802. Record of Cost of Sewers to be Kept— Collect from Parties Pro Rata Before Allowing Connection with Sewer. -I li shall keep a rec .rd of the cost of all sewer> that have heretofore been lai_| N >,.K« TIOV ooq Sec. 805. Permanent Grades— Survey by City Engineer— Counc.l to Fix Grade Clerk Enters Date of Adoption-Filed in Chief of Construction Office.-W hen anv person, firm, or cor- l»<.rai,o„ .hall apply i.-r a permanent K'rade. or when in the c.n- struct.on of sidewalks, sewer... or improvement of any street or alley m sa.d City, it >hall become necessary to fix and establish a pern.anent grade, all the surveys, plans, profile, and grades and other work neces>ary to perfect the same, shall be uch ^rade. and have the Clerk of Council enter o„ the profile, showin^^ such -rade. the day and date at it. adoption by Council, and Mich profile shall then be filer! ,n the Chief ..f ConMructio,, office. Sec. 806. Work in Conformity with Orade 1 Fixed by Ordi- nance-No Change Made Unless by Mayor and General Coun- cil.-.\tter .said grade ha., been establishe.l bv the Mavor uid (KMieral Council, the w.>rk .shall be done in conformity there- with. Hereafter no change shall be made in the grade of any street or alley, unless the same shall first be fixed and estab- Mshed by the Mayor and Ceneral Cuncil. Sec. 807. Permanent Grades— How Obtained by Persons- Expense.— When any person >hall appl> for a -rade. he or she shall place with the Chief of Construction the sum of two dol- lars as a i < <>N«iHi I ii<>\ i oii«i \ii « oinlaiKC with tlic spccihcations inr the >aiiK-. l»» the cud that the C'itv, and the |)e<»|)le, who pay for the same. Nhall he fully protected aj(ai!i>t inferior work and material. Sec. 809. He Shall Reject Improper Work and Material- Make Estimates as the Work Progresses, and Final Estimates. ."^li^uld tin- I'liiei' ot ( c iii-i rtictioii at any time. t»r during any sta.i;e >>\ the work, or after completion of the same an«l before the payment therefor, ascertain that any improper work ha*i been done, or any inferi«»r material nsed. it shall he his duty to reipiire the same executed according to the specihcations. be- fore approvimj the hill for the same, and before entire and final pa\iiunt for the same is made. Hut said r.nj.:ineer may make and enforce reasonaI)Ie rej^idations fur approval, or preliminary estimates on such work, as the same progresses Sec. 810. Make Out Bills Against Property Owners on Com- pletion of Work, as Above. — Ihe t hief of (construction shall make out all hills ai^ainsi property owners for curbing, sidewalk, and street paving, sewer asscsssments. etc.. which shall he num- bered consecutively, and entered l)\ him in books prepared for that i)urpose. wliicii he shall turn over to the Comptroller, and the hills to the ."street Improvement Collector for collection, and the anioimts of same shall he receipted for by saiame time same are tiled with the Clerk of (,'onncil. Sec. 812. Chief of Construction — Controls Execution of all Public Work — TIk- C hief of Construction shall have fidl and com- plete control of the execution of all work of every kind ordered from time to time by the Mayor and General Council on the streets, sidewalks, curbinjj:, bridges, culverts, sewers, and drains of the City. excei)t the inspection of pa\ ing streets and sidewalks. ||.|»OXKMK.\Ts Q.jj and constructioo of sewers let . and niethnds >A busiiios f.-nnerly used and in operation un.ler the r..>ard of Commissioners of Streets and Sewers shall be devolved ..n and may be continued in use bv said thief nf ConstructiMn iti the transaction of his business until chan;,'ed by him. ..r by the ( .eneral Council, except that the Chief of Construction shall discharj^e the duties formerlv de- volvetl on the Superintendent of Streets which latter, as a sepa- rate office, is hcrebv abolished. Sec. 814. He Shall Make Estimates on Amounts Needed For Streets — Sewers— Permanent Improvements — Particular Work— Expense of Department.— liu- .aid C hiei of Conjunc- tion. >hall. in January of each year, make up and i)resent to the Finance Committee ..f the (Jeueral Council an estimate of the amoimt. that will J)e necessary for all work on the streets and sewers, and otlur work anhall. at the time the other ai>j)ortioiiineni> are maile. si-t apart and a|)portion to said >treet and sewer work, or other work and expense in the depart- ment of said Chief of Constructi«>n such amoiuit or amounts as may, \n their ju«l^'ment, be necessary and proper for the vear. The amounts thus apportioned shall be ()aid out in such a man- ner as the said Mayor and Cencral Council sliall provide, and such reasonable amount as may be necessary mav be advanced before the anmial apportionments in juuv. as other apportion- ments of the City. Said lhief of Construction shall, in furnish- ing the e>timate> above mentioned, specify the same separately, stating how much will be necessary for streets, how much for sewers, and how much for permanent improvements, or other particular work, or expense in his de[iartiiUMit. Sec. 815. Shall Report at First Meeting of Council Monthly Work Completed— In Progress.— Saileted in his department during the .,..., I Hill < \^1IM.II««\ HI I ^ IMI'I ••\ I I « l.a>t iiu.nth, ami ^luill. in >aul ic|>ori carclull> ^h.-vv. .i- lo each work «.r cxpcmliturf. lit»\v far ihc actual i-xjan^e ha> ..mtkmuc or falliMi short, as the case may he. ol what was estimatejl i«.r n when ihc work was ordered, and shall, on the Satnrdax helure eacli rej^ular meeting of ^aitl Mayor and (K-neral l. oiincil. furnish to the Llerk of Council, and the same to he entered un the nun utes. a carefully pnparetl -^lalenient. >h«»\Nin^' all work ordered hut not done and paid for. so a^ to exhihit the am .unt. a- near as he can estimate, of liabilities or expense previously incurred by vote of the (ieneral I ouncil. I>ut n..t up L. thai time appearinj,' ill the ICxpense Accunts of the Clerk's ( >rtiee. in such form and to such effect as that the roiuptrolk-r may he enabled to enter and «leduct the same under appropriate heaiN in the financial slatenuiit ie(|uired by law to he made up at ea.h meetinjj of said body. Sec. 816. Make Out Accounts — By Whom Approved— How Paid Responsible for the Exercise of Due Economy. — Ml ac- ciiuuls for work (l<»ne m the ilepartmeni <.f -aid C bui .'f Con- struction to be paid for f)ut of the rej^ndar annual ajjportiimmcnt set apart bv the Mayor ami (ieneral t'ouucil for such work, shall before thev are paid, be made out as other accounts a^'ainst the City are made, be approved by said Chief of ('(•nstructiou. if found correct, and ai)pro\ed in like manner by the ( onimittees on Streets or Sewers, a- the case may be. ami delivered to the Comi)troller. and shall tlien take such course as other accounts aj^ainst the City: and said Chief of ( onstruction shall be respon- sible to the Mavor and ( Ieneral Covmcil for the just and economi- cal expenditure <«f tlie public fuiKJs iu his di-p;irtment. Sec. 817. Shall Appoint and Discharge Employees — See to Execution of All Contracts. — .\nd said C hief of Construction shall have the rii,du of appointment and »lischarge of all em- ployees in his department, except as hereinafter provided, and see to the execution of all ctmtracts. and >ee to the correctness of all dealin.ys witli said City of Atlanta, and on l)ehalf of said City, pertaining to his department. Sec. 818. Subject to Direction by Mayor and General Coun- cil. — In the execution of his office and discharge of all the duties thereof, he shall be subject to the direction and control of the Mayor and Cjcneral Council, and to such orders, re.ijulalion'^. and (II IKK «»!•• ( oNs 11(1 ( I in\ — jiQO Nl'Oru — that l)o(l\ may time to time acU^pt in relation to the same. Sec. 819. Not to Expend More than One Hundred Dollars on His Own Motion — Takes Place of Commissioners of Streets and Sewers — Except, Etc.— Ihe said Chief of Construction shall not be authorized to make any contract, or to do any work on his uwn motion, the cost of whicii would exceed one hundred dollars, rile jurisdiction *.>i the said Chief of Construction shall extend to and embrace all the powers and duties exercised by tlie Com- missioners of Streets and Sewers under then existing laws, ex- cept in so far as they may be repealed or modihed by the Act »)f the Legislature creating the office of Chief of Construction or by ordinances of the City now existing dV hereafter passed. Sec. 820. Sell Condemned Stock, Vehicles, Etc. at Auction- Report — He Cannot Purchase at Said Sales. The said Cliief of Construction shall. tr»»m time l»> lime, at public auction, of which due and proper i)ublicati»»n shall be made, dispose of all con- ilemned stt)ck. vehicles, and appliances, and old and unused mate- rial m his department, after rtrst submitting the proposition to ilie .\la\or and ( ieneral Council and obtaining their order there t'<.r, and shall make a written rep<»rt after each sale so made at the next meeting of the Mayor and (ieneral Council, giving a de- tailed statement of articles sold and i)rice l)rought. and accom- l>an\ing said rejx'rt with the receipt of the 'lax Collector for the tuiids arising therefrom; and the City's title to such property shall not be diverted in any other manner than as herein pro- vided. It shall be unlawful for the said Chief of Construction, either directly or indirectly, to be a purchaser at these sales of any such property. Sec. 821. Shall Keep a Complaint Book — Examine all Com- plaints — Remedy. — The said Chief of ( oiistruction shall keep in his office a book to be known as "The Comi)laint Book. " wherein the police, sanitary inspectors, or any citizen may. from time to time, make entry ttf obstacles and defects in the streets and sewers needing immediate remedy: and it shall be the duty of the said Chief of Construction to at once examine into the same, and to take such steps as he may be authorized by law to provide a reniedv for the same. •j;a « HIK I ol < «• N« I III < I ID N « I I UK t I Mill* III^^IIK T%««* Sec. 822. Clerical Help Provided for — How — Compen»ation. i'lu- iiiuince I '>imiiitttr <»f liu- < itucral I «c and the >anif arc hereby aiithon/ed t«> furnish the Chief of ionsinic- ti(Mi with .Slab clerical help a> may he ^eeeN^ary to diM'har^c the duties in cotmectiou with lii^ oft'ue heretofort- .|'Mhar>»e«l by the Clerk of C'ominissioner .>t Tublic Work- vonipensa- tion of such hel|». as may be employed, to be p.iid out of the ap- propriation tor streets ordiuarv. antallments. Sec. 823. Chief of Construction's Clerk Under his Direction and Control. — Die I lerk of tju- ihuf oi i oustruction shall per- foiiii such duties as .«ihall be prescribe*! by said Chief of Con- struction, atui nIkiH In- utuUr his direction and control, and shall 1h- subject to suspension or removal by said Chief of Construc- tion. Sec. 824. Chief of Construction — His Clerk — Neither Engage in Other Business. — Hu- said Chief of C'onstructitm and his clerk shall dcNote their entire time to the interests of the City, and shall have or cnpaj.;e in no calling or business other than the duties of their respective of^ces. Sec. 825. Chief of Construction to Have an Office — Assigned by Whom. — I here shall be assi^m-d to "-aiil Chief of ( onsiruc- tioii by the I'oinmittce ou Public I'.uildinj^s a suitable office or ofhce-nH)m for the transaction of the business .)f his ilepartment as the interests of the same and of the ptd)lic m.iv (bin.uul Sec. 826. Tags on City's Teams — Also on Hired Teams — Where Placed — Penalty for Violation by Driver. — All teams. cither single or douhic. slialj \\a\ c .i red metal tag not less than three inches long, and oiu- anc\ver work >hall be done in the order in wiiich the same was passed up by the Mayor and General Council, all work passed up at the same meeting having equal rank, but the Mayor and (leneral Council may at any such meeting fix the order in which work passed up at the same meeting shall be executed. Sec. 828. This Order May be Changed by Mayor. — Emer- gency Cases — Subject to Concurrence of Council. — The order hxed. as provided Ji>r in the preceding -.ection. for the execution '•! work. >hall not be changed or varied. exce|)t by action of the Mayt^r and Cjcncral Council: provided, that the Mayor, in an tnergcncy, shall have tlie discretion to change the order of any Nuch work; t)ut such change, when authorized bv the Mayor, shall be rc|x>rted by him to the next meeting of tlie Mayor and ( iemral Council, and ^hall not longer prevail, unless such change be then anhall only ha\e the force of hand>. known as the chaingang, used for the f)uri>ose of grading streets and sidewalks where the Ma\or and Cieneral Council oriiers and passes up the work during the cur- rent year. and. when not engaged on »»uc1i work, such force shall be used by said Chief of Constructif)n unnt all bills for sewer entrance fees, renioving and replacing permanent street im- provements, where water, gas, or sewer pipes are laid by citizens. and other work of like character, and enter the same in the books properly prepared for the purpose, and turn over the same to the Street Improvement Collector, and the said bills shall be ollccted in conformity with the coupon system. .\11 bills not proinpty paid shall have executions prepared for same by the 236 (iN^iMi< iioN — mil* — inrr..\ement Collector shall racli make m.>iillil\ reiMirts of all >uih l)iIU to the ("onip- tniller. Sec. 831. Deposit by Bidders for Furnishing Material — How Regulated — When Forfeited. — In all cases, where advertise- ments for bids for the furnishing of material, or the construction t)f work, or botli, for and to the City, provide and require bidders to deposit money or checks with their bids, such bidders shall n(»t 1)0 allf)we bid «•! any contractor for perma- nent street, siwer, . .r sidewalk work shall be entertained, unless there shall accompany the bid y>i the contractor an atTidavit. wherein the contractor shall state under oath that he has not, by liiinself or others, directly or indirectly entered into any combi- nation, arrangement, or scheme whatsoever with any other bid- der to increase the price of said work, or to offer a different sum for his bid, and that he has entered into no arrangement, ex- pressed or implied, to induce others not to bid, or do atiy by-bid- ding; that his bid is bona hde. and that he has not gone to any furnisher of sui)plies, and attemjited to get "^uch person, or com- pany, to only furnish llic material to him. or, if furnished any other bidder, that the material shall be at a higlier rate; and. if during the progress of the work, or any time before it is paid for. it is ascertained that such contractor has violated the letter or spirit of this ordinance, he shall forfeit all right to compensation for any work done; and a reward of one hundred ($100.00) dol- lars is offered any informer, who shall furnish the evidence of any collusion or other combination between bidder or contractors for City work sufficient to establish the fact, and by which evi- dence the fact of collusion or combination is established to the satisfaction of the Mavor and General Council, « iiii:r oi < t»\s I iti « ri<>\ « o \\ ■< r i. v\\ 2:i7 Sec. 833. No Contractor to Employ Convict Labor — No Ma- terial to be Used, the Product of Convict Labor. — All contracts made by the City of Atlanta f. .r jmblic improvement shall ex- pressly stipulate that the coniractor shall not employ convict labor in the prosecution (tf the w(jrk. and shall not use ^oods or material i)repareti or manufactured, in ])art or in whole. 1)\- con- vict labor, in the \\i*rk. Sec. 834. Every Contract Understood to Contain Above Pro- vision. — I'very contract made by tlie City of Atlanta for public imjjrovement shall be construed with reference to the foregfoing^ provision, and shall be understood as embracing its provisions. whether expressly written in the contract or not. Sec. 835. Penalty for Violation of This Provision. — Any offi- cer or a^eni oi the City ui Atlanta, who >liall prepare, or accept, upon the part of the City any contract not embracing the preced- !ig provisions, (jp any contractor, or agent <»f a contractor, ac- cepting a contract from the City not embracing said provisions, and for each days o|>eration under such ct)ntract. shall be fined or im|)risoned, or both, at the discretion of the Recorrler. Sec. 836. City Will Not Pay for Convict Labor or Material — City May Use Convicts on Streets. — The Cit\ shall not pay for convict labor, or couvict material, used in the prosecution of the work of public imi)rovcment done under contract; provided that nothing herein contained shall be construed as prohibiting the City of Atlanta from using either the convicts from the Record- er's l"t»urt. or from the (Jther Court> •)f I''ultt>n County in build- ing or working upon the streets of the City. Sec. 837. Hexagon Tile Blocks—Sheet Cement— When Used — Except, Etc. — It --hall Ijc unlawful to construct and pave any sidewalk in and along streets, whereon asphalt, vitrified brick, wooden blocks and bitulithic material has been laid, with any other material than pavements composed of hexagon tile blocks or sheet cement, except along the business portions of said streets, and in and along said portions the sidewalks along said street shall be paved with flagstones the full width of the side- walk, or hexagon tile blocks, or sheet cement. 2:i8 lli:i' Ul 4 0> H'l |( I ) I ION I N ^ri < I ION — II 1. 1' \ I lit Sec. 838. Chief of Construction to Sec that Above Provision Is Enforced. — The Chief of Construction shall be rc(|uircd to see that repairs of sidewalks along streets paved with asphalt shall be constructed of material, as al>ove jjrovided, so that unift»rinity shall be finally secured in the pavement of said sidewalk^. Sec. 839. Chief of Construction to Inspect Sidewalks along Streets Paved with Asphalt — Require Repairs of Specified Mate- rial. — The Chief of Cunstruction is hereby instructed to inspect the sidewalks alon;..,^ streets paved with asphalt, and see that the >ide\Nalks thereon are in a safe and suitable condition for public use and travel, and. where he funis pavements on said sidewalks unsafe and unsuitable for ]>id)lic travel, to promptly condemn same, and retpiire the repairs to be made of material as herein provided. CI.KUK OK COIWCIL — MCKXSKS — ll(»<»KS 239 CHAPTER XXXVIII CLERK OF COUNCIL. Sec. 840. Clerk of the City Council— How Elected— Take Oath — Give Bond — Duties. — The Clerk of the City Council of Atlanta shall, before he enters on the duties of his office, take the usual oath, ^ive bond with approved i^uaranty or fidelity com- pany as security, in such sums as the Mayor and Council shall determine. The L'lerk shall attend all meetings of the General Council and .\lderinen, and shall keep a fair and correct record of the proceedinj^s of tlic same, and shall pay all moneys received by him to the C\l\ Tax C'ollector at least once a day. Sec. 841. He Shall Issue all Licenses, Orders, Notices, Etc. — The Clerk shall issue all licenses, as hereafter pointed out. and all orders, summonses, notices, or other instruments, which may be re(|uired of him by the Mayor and (ieneral Council. Sec. 842. Books to be Kept by the Clerk of City Council. — The Clerk shall keep the followini; books and accounts: 1. A book or rough sheet of minutes. 2. A book of neat and accurate minutes. A. A book for recording all licenses issued. 4. An ordinance book. o. :\ book of charges, in which all cash items shall be en- tered as ctuning into the hands of said Clerk; also an account of all moneys paid to the City Treasurer, which book shall be so prepared and entries tlierein so made, that at the end of the year, he may readily determine how much has been appropriated by the City for streets and sewers, and how much has been collected from the citizens for such work. 6. A book, in which he shall register the names, and place.«t of business, and date of license, of each person, firm, com- pany, or corporation doing or carrying on any business^ calling, trade, or profession in said City. 2.M) 4 i.i:i 7. He .^hall kvv\) a >iil).->taiitial l)i»(»k, in which he sliall have recorded all petitions for .street work, and all waivers of damage on acconnt of street work, after wliicli the origi- nals shall he safely tiled and kept hy him. Said Clerk shall make a minute in said record hi>ok t»f the time, amount, and the name of tlie person tt) wlnnn paid, of all payments hy said City on acc property, real or personal. Said rec- ord shall l>e well indexed, so that tlie matters and things • • therein contained can he readil\ found. ' 8. A rej^ister, in which he shall recortl the name and place of husiness, and date and numher of liceii>e of each person, rtrm, company or corporation, enijaiied in the li((uor husi- ness in the Lily of .\tlanta. 9. A re(;^ister. in which lie >hall record the name and ad- dress, the date and nund)er of license of each person. firm, company or cori)oration, operating,'' a dray or liack in the city of Atlanta. 10. A book showiui;- in detail the commission and insur- ance premiu!ii retiUMis made to the City. 11. A separate fi fa. docket each for husiness license f\ fas., for delincpieiU i;iyen in la.x ti fas., for street and defaulters' personaltx unreturned fi fas., and for street improvement fi fas. 12. A book, in which he shall rej.^istor the deeds made to the City at Marshal's sales. 13. .\ book, in which 'he shall keep a record of lots in Oak- ' land Cemetery. Sec. 843. Business Licenses — How Issued — Collected — Num- bered — Returned, Etc. — .\11 licenses for bu.siness and commis- sion returns, etc.. shall be issued by the City Clerk, based on the schedule of chari^^es for business set forth in the tax ordi- nance each year. These licenses and commission returns, etc., s'hall have two stubs, which shall be filled in by the Clerk, with t'he name, business, amounts, etc., as the license, etc.. written by him shall show\ and he shall certify the same on the li- cense and commission returns, etc. ; he shall deliver to tlie Tax Collector the license or commission returns, etc., and one of the stubs so written, retaining the other stub, from which to make up his accounts. The Tax Collector, having been re- lieved from duty in the Assessors' Office, shall collect the < i.i;i{iv OK ( oi \rii,- s \i. MM — i'i:k<* 241 amount of the license, commission returns, etc., so issued by the City Clerk, retainin<^ the stub, and charge up same in a book kept for that purpose, and shall report to the Comptroller on the same da\ all >uch licenses or commission returns, etc., col- lected by him, accompanied with the stubs so turned over to him by the City C lerk, to be verified by him. The stubs of li- cense and commis>ion returns, etc., shall bear the same number, date, etc.. so as to be readily identified as triplicates. The Gen- eral IJusiness Licenses shall be nunrbered annually from 1 to l.'j.OOd; the Dray and Hack Licenses from 15.001 to 20.000; Com- mission returns, etc.. 20,001 to 25,000. The City Clerk shall make each day a detailed statement to the Comptroller of all the licenses and commission returns, etc., issued by him. sliow- ing the number, date, name, business, and amount, which must correspond with the licenses, etc. turned over by him to the Tax Ciillector. The City Clerk must also make monthly state- ments of same to the Comptroller. The Tax Collector shall turn over daily to the Treasurer the sum collected by 'him for licenses, commissiou returns, etc., takinj^^ his recei])t for same, which they shall report to the Cumptroller. and he shall credit the one and debit the other. Sec. 844. Compensation of Clerk of Council. — The Clerk of Council may receive for 'his services such salary, per annum, pay- able monthly, without pcrcjuisites, as shall have been fixed by the .Mayor and (ieneral Council the year preceding his election, and shall do and perform all such duties as are now, or may hereafter be. recpurcd by the law and ordinances of tlie City of Atlanta. Sec. 845. Fees Which May be Demanded by Clerk of City Council. — The Clerk of the City Council of the City of Atlanta -hall be entitled to demand and receive fees, unless he receives a salary in lieu of the same, or the General Council shall have otherwise provided : For each case before Recorder, where fine is collected . . . .$0.75 For each fi fa., which is collected 50 For issuing General Business Licenses, each 25 For issuing dray and hack licenses, each 25 For otTier services such fees as heretofore fixed by ordinance. .) I-) ri,i:nK oi- « Ml \« 1 1, ^ \i. \ u \ ««i. \ I. itiii>i > « N4 1-:^ — < opin* Sec. 846. Compensation — When Fixed. — \\ hether the Clerk shall rcLCUi- ict-s i>r >alar\, the >airu- ■^hail he fixed prior to his elei-tioii. and >hall imt he iliaiiu'fd ihiriiij.; hi> term *){ i>fficc. Sec. 847. Shall Have and Use an Official Seal— Clerk or Dep- uties Affix to Documents Ccrtihcd to. — 1 lit Llcrk vi Loaned (•I the Lity of Atlania shall have and use an official seal, which shall be aftixeil U) all documents certified to by him, or any one of his deputies, aclinj^ in his stead, under and in accordance witli authority delei^ated by the Lharter and ( Ordinances of said City. Sec. 848. Form of Seal of Clerk of Council. — i he form of tile ofhcial seal of said Llerk <>i ( ouik-iI >hall be a circle of one and >e\ eii-ei,!j[hts (I'sj inclie> in diameter. In the space be- tween the I 'liter lircumference, and an inner circle on the seal there >liall be the words, "City of Atlania. (leorj^ia"; and within said imier circle there shall be the wor. or for work roi)frly certify and transmit the same to the head of the dejjartment chart^ed with the en- forcement of such ordinance or amended ordinance, and. when sucli ordinance provides a penalty for the violation thereof, a copy shall be ser\ oil upon the titv kt'crder in the manner above provided. Sec. 850. Heads of Departments Communicate Them to Em- ployees — Instruct Their Observance and Enforcement — File Clerk's Copies. — li shall be tiu ii:i> ro i>Ki' autmknts 243 whom they are served, ami in such way and manner as lo be convenient for ready reference, when needed. Sec. 851. Ordmances, when Introduced, to be Copied and Sent to Aldermen and Councilmen. — Copies of all ordinances of a general nature introduced by any member of the General Council shall be furnished by the Clerk of Council to each mem- ber of the General Council prior to the meeting to which report thereon is made by committee or at which action is had by the General Council without report, provided that the provisions of fhis ordinance shall not apply to ordinances adopted at the same meeting at which same are introduced by the requisite two-thirds vote, and, provided further, that the provisions of this ordinance shall not apply to ordinances which are referred or laid on tlie table without reference, with direction that copies thereof shall not be furnished members of the (ieneral Council provided such direction shall be adopted by a two-thirds vote of the members of the General Council present. Sec. 852. Copies to Departments — Reports — Resolutions — Ordmances. — It is hereby made the duly of the Clerk of Council to notify any department of the City of Atlanta of the passage of any committee reports, resolutions, or ordinances by the Coun- cil, affecting such departments, and also to furnish them copies of same. •2[\ fi.i im |•^:ltMll» m»i.i » i>*i"i« ii«»\ CHAPTER XXXIX. e lA r.s. Sec. 853. No Clubs Except by Permission of Mayor and General Council. — ll shall he unlawful fur an pcr.son. hriu or cor- poration Id have, own. inaiulain. or operate any SDcial club char^nn.i.; nicnibcr.shii> fees, liavinj,^ club houses, club rooms, par- lors, or other .[jeneral jjlaccs of ineetiu}; in the City of Atlanta, except hv i)erniission of the Mayor and ( ieneral Council. Sec. 854. Shall Make Application Annually for Privilege of Operating Club — Contents of Application — Information. —I'.ach person, tirni or corpc3ration desirinj^ to operate such Club, >«hail yearh" make application to the Mayor and (ieneral Council to do so, givins^ the name of the Club, the names of its President and Secretary, and the name of the officer or mana-4:er, who will be in charge of its club liousc. club rooms, parlors, or other places of meeting, and its location, and shall also give the number of members belonging to said Club, and the amount of the entrance fee paid by each member of said Club. Sec. 855. Shall Exhibit Roll of Membership, When Required. — Said clul) making application shall, when recpiired. exhibit the roll of membership of such Club, and shall at all times keep said roll of membership in a convenient place, and where the same can. at any time, be inspected by the officers of said City. Sec. 856. Penalty for Violation. — All persons, firms or cor- porations violating the provisions of this Chapter shall on con- viction before the Recorder pay a fine of not more than $100.00. or be imprisoned on the public works of said City not more than thirty days, one or both in the discretion of the Recorder. Sec. 857. Shall Keep Open Doors — Open to Inspection — By Whom. — All organizations operated as clubs, st)cial or other- wise, wdiere the members meet, and are served with drinks, lunches, etc. shall keep their doors open and allow^ the members I tA IIS — i.>SI'K< TION_|'i:> \i/rv .^^r oi the Departnicin of Police to enter and inspect same to sec if any of the ordinances of tlie City are \ i(.lated herein. Sec. 858. Penalty for Violation of Above Section.— Any per- son, rirni (jr corporation violating the provisions of this chapter and keeping the doors to such places closed, or hindering en- trance thereto, during the hours such club rooms are open, shall, upt.n ccjnviction in the Recorder's Court be fined not exceeding :^1()0.00 and imprisoned in the stockade not exceeding SO days, one or both penalties to be inflicted in the discretion of the Re- i"order. .... < ti \| >l II IKK* CHAPTER XL. COMMniKl'-S AIM'(>1N ri:i) I'.V .MAVOlv l"K'>M IHl'- GENERAL COUNCIL. Sec. 859. Appointment of Standing Committees by Mayor— For What Purpose— List of Committees. Ilu NLiyor shall ap- point from the inc-ml)cr.s of the ( iciicral Council the f..llo\vin^' Standing Committees for the preparing and considering of l)usi- ness for the action of Council, to whom may i)C referred such business as the General Council may deem appropriate, viz.: L Committee cu iMuance— each Ward to be represented thereon by either its .Mdcrman or Councilman. 2. Committee on Ordinances and Legislation- -five members. ;{. Committer- on Streets and Sidewalks — ten members, one from each Ward. 4. Committee on I'.lectric and ( )ther Railroai>irirKi> — i(Ki'oif'i-«i — AMMoxf i-> — ti:i,i:i'Hom;s q^j inittee shall have charge of the execution of the work of build- ing and repairing bridges. 22. Committee on Prisons — which shall be charged with the tluty of investigating the cr)ndition of tlie city prisons, and re- porting thereon, with such recommendations as to changes, re- form, etc., as they ipay deem expedient. 2'A. Committee <>n Tublic lmi)n»\ements to be cnmposed of four councilnun. one ahkrman anf Street Com- mittee. 24. Committee on Minnies — three members, of whom at least two shall read the minutes of the Council after each regular or special meeting, before the next regular meeting of the Ceneral Council. 25. Committee on ln>urance — ti\e members— i)laces all the City insurance. 26. Committee on Library. 27. P)oard of I'i remasters. 28. Cotnmittee on Auditorium and Conventions. fi\e mem- bers — in charge of auditorium, under direction of Mayor and C.eneral Council — likewise, employs necessary help: likewise, su- pervises entertainments and com ent ions therein and secures con- ventions; super\i>es matters relating thereto as other committees supervise ttieir departments. 29. Committee on Hospitals and Charities. Sec. 860. Reports of Committees to be Signed by Members Thereof. — Each member of the different Standing Committees is hereby required to sign his name in per'-on to all reports of said Committee to the General Council. Sec. 861. In Case of Absence, Chairman so Reports. — In case of the absence of any number of the Committee so report- ing, it shall be so stated, when the Chairman make< his rei)ort. Sec. 862. Location of City Telephones — Under Direction of Committee on Electric Lights. Telegraphs and Telephones. — The location and distribution of telephones to be furnished the several departments of the Government of tlie City of Atlanta bv tlie Southern T.ell Tele[)hone Company, (.r any other Company mi account of the City of Atlanta, is hereby placed under the supervision of the Committee of the General Council on Electric Lights. TelegrapTis and Telephones, subject to the final action by the Mayor and General Council, when deemed necessary. 248 ro>i >iii"i'i;i> \i i»ii<»nM >• \nMoi«\ Sec. 863. Auditorium-Armory Committee. 11k- Cotnmittc.* oil AuiUtoriiuii ami Convfutioiis i> licrrhy crcaie«l. Said Com- mittee shall have j.(eiieral charge and supervision <.f the coiitrul, care, maintenance and uses of the .Xnditorium- Armory, suhject to the Mavor and ( itiural tOuncil. and tlu- express «»rdinances relative thereto. Sec. 864. Defacing Auditorium. — h shall Ui unlawful f"r any person, tirni i ir ctiri)iirati« 'U t' » dri\ e an\ naiU. tacks or other thin{» into an\ portie iloue. without the ex])ress consent in ••u li instance of -.lid ( 'onunittce. Any i)erson. firm t>r corporation violatim; tliis section shall, upon conviction in the Recorder's Court, he suhject to a fine of not exceedinniii ri;i> — i\m uwck 249 tees are appointed, to-\vit: at the first meeting of the Mayor and General Conncil of eacli year and said Committee shall be composed of five members of the General Council. Sec. 867. Distributes Insurance Equally among Reputable Agents. — The City Comptroller shall furnish the said Commit- tee with a statement showing in detail every policy of every kind issued Ui and held by the City and any of its departments, names ■ i' agent>, names of companies, amounts insured, expirations, re- capitulations showing the entire amount held by each agent, etc. The policies now held by the City in each department shall not be cancelled but shall be retained until expiration and upon ex- piration the i)olicies shall be distributed t<-» the agents of the in- surance companies of the City ecpially. or as nearly as it is pos- sible to do so. among the reputable agents of Atlanta, provided ihey are citizens and tax payers. Sec. 868. Change Policies, if Necessary — Vacancies — Fair Treatment. — Said Committee shall keep informed as to the standing of the different companies, and. in case of doubt as to their sr)lvcncy shall ])n»mptly make such changes as will pro- tect the City's interest, and it shall take such other steps to se- cure fair treatment to the City in the way of charges and protec- tion, and. in case of vacancv of building shall immediately se- cure permit therefor and otherwise act as a careful individual would to secure protection to proi)erty at all times. 2^) i OMI'I MMl I I H I I II >l — limiu CHAPTER XLI. COMl'llvOUJCR.— Al'l'KUi'klAllOXS AND i:\rEX I) IT I' KKS. Sec. 869. City Comptroller— How Elected.— Hir ( ity Loinp- trolicr shall l)c elected l>y the (|ualitied \(.lei> <.t the City at the same time the other ofticiaN are >•» elected. Sec. 870. Term of Office — Removal for Cause.— Hic term of uthce of the City Loiiiptroller >hall he three years (charter pro- vision), and until his successor is elected and i|ualirted. unless sooner removed hv the .Mayor ;md < ieneral Council for cause. Sec. 871. Compensation — Shall Subscribe Oath of Office — Give Bond. — The City I <)in])troller shall he paid a salary to he fixed by tiie Mayor and Cieneral.Council the year next preceding his election, and which shall not he chanj^ed during his term of ofirtce. He shall qualify hy tat^ini; an oath {or the faithful per- fonuance of 'his duties, and hv giving a bond to >aid (ity in the smn of ten thousand dollars with good securities, subject to ap- proval by the Mavor. conditioned for the faithful performance of hi> duties. Sec. 872. He Shall Keep a General Set of Books. Covering All Receipts and Disbursements by the City. — It shall ))e the duty of the City Comptroller to open and kecj) a general ^et of books for said City, and to keep regular and correct accounts s'howing the financial transactions of the City, which shall em- brace an account of all receipts and disbursements of money by said City, and separately and under proper heads each cause or source of receipt, of disbursement, accounts with all persons and all City officers, who have money transactions with said City. Sec. 873. Fi Fas to be Entered— Charged to the Officer to Whom They Are Delivered.— Xo ti fa issued by the Llerk of Council s'hall be valid and of force until the same has been en- tered upon the books of the Comptroller, and charged to the of- ficer to whom said fi fa is delivered. < OMITI«n|.|.|.:i,_, ,.v,>,s TU\_si IM'MKS 2' } Sec. 874. Comptroller May Require Evidence as to Justice of Claim.— W'lienever a warrant or claim shall he presented to the City Comptroller, he shall have power to require evidence fhat the amount is justly due. and for that purpose may summon be- fore him any officer, agent, or employee of any department of said City, or any other person, and examine film upon oath or affirmation relative to said warrant or claim. Sec. 875. Warrants for Damages— Cross Claims Shall be Collected First Before Dehvery.— Hereafter no warrants for money passed in favor of any person, except in cases of Court verdicts or judgments, shall be delivered to such parties until all past due demands in favor of the City of Atlanta against the person or persons, in favor of whom such warrants are passed, have been satisfied. It is hereby made 'the duty of the City Comptroller to enforce this ordinance, and to require settlement in case of cross demands as above specified. Sec. 876. Stationery for City Departments — How Obtained — Requirements. — Whenever any department of the City Gov ernment shall require for its use books, stationery or printing anuninting to ten dollars and upwards, such department shall make application to the Comptroller for the same, with copies of what is wanted, and he shall ask for bids for the same, said bids to be opened and contracts awarded by the Committee on Printing. Sec. 877. All Stamps Must Be Bought from the Atlanta Postoffice— All City Mail to Go Through Atlanta Postoffice.— It shall be unlawful f..r any employee or official of said Citv whether receiving any emolument or not. to. directly or indi- rectly, buy any stamps to be used for the official business of the City from other than the Atlanta postoffice. and he shall not mail any of the mail matter of the City of Atlanta or any department or office thereof excepting in the postoffice of the City of Atlanta, or the mail boxes or other receptacles of the Postoffice depart- ment of the City of Atlanta, and the Comptroller of the City of Atlanta shall not draw any check or draft for stamps excepting in favor of the Postmaster of the City of Atlanta. Sec. 878. Supplies for Various Departments of City Govern- ment—Through Whom and How Contracted For.— hi the month 2:.L' « «l\l|-| KOI.I I M •.ll-rill* III H\ Mill IM<»|-Illl» f)f January, cacli year, c\cry department «»i uic Lity »j«»vcrn iDeiit shall make <»ul a detailed list »>f every article, which ma\ be needed for j^entral u>e in that department, as near as can he estimated, durinj^' the year, and hand t(» the City Comi)tn)Iler, who shall ask for bids for same from houses in the City, when practicable, dealinj^ in the lines (»f ^oods needed, to be delivered duriuj^ the \ear a^ ma\ be lueded for use from time to time. These bids shall be directed to the hinance l'<>mmittce of Coun- cil, and they may award cojitracts to tlu- bc^t bidders in their discretion, resrrv inj; the rij^hl t" reject any and all bids. 'I'he contracts ha\ iu}.; been awarded as ab«)ve provided for, then the heads of departments shall make re(|uisition on the City Comp troller for such articles as they may need fp»m time to time dur- ing- the year, who shall supply tliem by orders on the contractors. When contracts can not be awarded for the entire year on ac- count of fluctuations in prices i>r nature of articles wanted, the heads of the dei)artments shall make re(|ui-iitions on the Comp- troller for such articles, w'ho shall ask for bids ior same, said bids t(j be opened by the Committee havin.i^ super\i>ion of the de- partment so makinj^ re(|uisition, and contracts may be awarded to the best bidder in such cases. .Ml bids from contractors for supplies furnished the Lity must be accomi)anied with the order of the Coni|)troller for same, and lie must see that the goods lia\e been supplied at the price and the (piality contracted for. Sec. 879. Lists of Burnable Property of City Furnished Comp- troller. — It shall l)e the iluty of the several departments of the City Government to file with the City Comptroller a statement s'howMUf;^ the value of burnable property, or properly liable to de- struction by fire, which may be under the control of their re- spective departments. These statements shall also show the amount of fire insurance carried on each piece of property, the names of the Companies, the terms and expiration of each policy, and the rates of premiums j)aid tliereon. Such statements shall be made and filed with the Comptroller on the first day of July, October. January, and April of each year following the adoption of this ordinance. Sec. 880. Policies of Insurance — With Whom Filed. — On and after the first day of July. 18!*o. all policies of insurance upon property belonging- to t'he City shall be filed with the Comptrol- ler, where thev mav be examined from lime lo time bv the * <»«ll' I KOI.I.I It ll Kh:>l«i. S \l.i-> - \l'l'l{<»IMtl \'I'I4>\S •>-•• Ma\t»r and Coiimiiucc on Public liuikliii^^s and Grounds, and it is hereby made the (hUy of said Committee to see that each and every poUcy is properly written, so as to avoid as far as possible any trouble in case of loss. Sec. 881. Record of Covenants — Book for. — There shall be kept in the office of the City Comptroller a book to be known a^ the "Record of Covenants." It shall be the duty of the Comp- troller to record in this bt)ok all contracts taken by the City of Atlanta. f»r for the performance and maintenance of any work of any ^ort done by contract for said Citv. Sec. 882. Rents Due City— How Collected.— Rents, etc.. due the City an«l unpro\ ided for in the forei^oinj^. shall be paid to the Cit\ Ta.x Collector, who is empowered for receipt of same, and shall deposit same with Treasurer, and be credited therefor, when he presents certificate of such deposit to the Comptroller. The receij)t shall originate in the Clerk's office under the coupon system. Sec. 883. Proceeds of Sales of Public Property to be Paid through Tax Collector — Report Payment to Comptroller. — It shall be the duty <»f every department and e\ery officer of thf City t)f .\tlanta. who shall sell any of the public propertw real or personal, belonj^inj^ to said Lity. to pay the proceeds of such sale to the City Ta.\ Collector, and report such payment to the City Comptroller, as recpiired by the ordinance defininjj the du- ties of the City C«>mptroller t(J pay such money into the City Treasury, subject to aj)propriation and distribtuion by the lUayor and ( leneral Council. Sec. 884. Penalty for Violation. — Any officer of any depart- ment of the City ( iovernment of .\tlanta, who shall violate the foregoinj^' section, shall, upon conviction of such violation in the Recorder's Court of the City of Atlanta, be subject to punish- ment by fine not e.xceeding thirty days, either or both of such punishments, in the discretion of tlie Court. Sec. 885. Creation of Departments — Departments Listed — Appropriations to be Made for Each Department, But These Departments or Heads of Appropriation are Subject to Change. — In order to keep correct accounts, and ascertain the e.xact 254 I o«ii"i iioi.i.i:i< \i'i*iioi'ai t ii<>\» — liii.i.o iiinuuiits expended under ditttrciii lu-ads in the City (jovern- ineni, the ft)llowiiig dcijartinciits arc hereby created, and all war- rants upon the IVeaMirer >hall be draun upon the fund appropri- ated for that department creating the expenditure ; and iwde->s it ^llall be M» >tate(l upon it^ face, >'ha!l not be paid by hiiu. DEI-AKIMKNIS UF Al'l'RUPKlA'lK )\ AND KXl'EXDl TURKS. 1. Deparinieni ui Mayor. 2. Department of Council. '.i. Department of City Hall. 4. Department of Finance. .J. Department of Police. U. Department of Tax. 7. Dej)artment of hire. 8. Department of Cemetery. I). Department or Sewers. 10. Department <»f .*^treets. 12. Department ui Chief of Ci>n^tructi.>ii. i;{. Department of W aterworks. 14. Department oi Street Lij^hts. 1."). Department of Law. l»i. Department of Parks. 17. Department of Relief. 18. Department (A Public ."schools. 1{>. Department t>f P>ridj;es. 20. Dei)artmeni of City Comptroller. 21. Department of Sanitary. 22. Department of Contingent. Sec. 886. Bills Made out in Duplicate — Approved by Whom Warrants Drawn — How Paid. — Ail bills made out against the City of Atlanta for payment shall be made in duplicate upon bill- lieads in the department tc which it relates, and shall be ap- proved by the official head of that department, the Chairman of the Committee, who has supervision of the same, and the Citv Comptroller. The Mayor or Mayor pro-tem., having satisfied himself of the correctness of the account, shall draw a warrant upon the City Treasurer for tTie amount of the same, when he shall require the duplicate bill and stub of warrant to be signed by the person obtaining payment. The City Comptroller shall fOMPTKOLI.KH — IKIAKUS — HIOIMHtTS I' \ V ROI-I.S O", v;)0 then countersign the warrant, and require the original account to be receipted, which he sliall hie away in his office for refer- ence. The City Treasurer is then authorized to pay the warrant. Sec. 887. Boards Meet — How Often — Books of Departments and Comptroller to Harmonize — Boards Turn over Vouchers Immediately upon Approval. — In order to cffoctualh- carry into effect the foregoing section, ilic Uuards and Departments of the City incurring tlie expenditure of money shall meet as often as may be necessary to carry out the intention of said Section, and the Department's Finance Committee and Comptroller shall decide when and how often to meet to comply therewith, in order to keep the books in the Comptroller's office, and those of the lioards and Departments in harmony. And. to further this in- tention, the Boards and Departments are hereby re{|uired to mrn in to the Comptroller all vouchers passed on by them for pay- ment immediately after such approval by them. Sec. 888. Officers Shall Report Accounts Placed in Hands of Tax Collector — Make Daily, Monthly, and Annual Reports to Comptroller. — All (^fficer> reporting to the Comptroller bills «n accounts that ilicy have placed in the hands of the Tax Collector for collection shall, when their reports are checked up and cor- rected in the (."omj)troller's office, make the necessary changes on their books to conform to the corrected reports. They shall. also, in addition to making such daily reports, make montliI\ and annual reports to the Comptroller. Sec. 889. All Supplies Obtained by Requisition on Comp- troller. — All supplies for the Boards and Departments shall be obtained through re(|uisitions on the Comptroller, in order to insure the purchase of same on competitive bids. an>ure therel)\ that j)a\ inent for same will be made onlv once. Sec. 890. Comptroller May Supervise Pay-Rolls. — The Comp- troller may supervise the pay-rolls of any IJoard or Department and have a representative to see that all names on pay-rolls are represented by the proper person, and that they are present and receive the amounts designated thereon for them. 256 « oMii iioi.i.i u— \i i>ri o — « ui i-.i\ s\ ^ I I » I I. IN Sec. 891. Comptroller May Appoint an Audit and Kequismon Clerk — Duties Salary. — ID ^.arrs the iii> i.i tlu> onii- naiicc into effect, the (. «)mptn»|ler is hereliy emiK>\vere ap point, as he appt tints itlier clerks in liis Mftiie. an Audit an shall he niuler the cntn -1 .»i said C Dinp- troller. and the l)i»n(l j;i\en the City «»l .\tlanta l»\ said Loinp- truller shall cover the acts of said Clerk. The salary of sai«l Au- dit and Requisition Clerk shall In om- hundred (Sl(M).(M)) .lolhirs per tiiiiiitli. Sec. 892. All Moneys Collected under the Coupon System. — All moneys collected for the I. il\ of .\ilanta 1)_\ its -'tticials shall be done inider the .system known as the "lonpon System of Col- lections, "' that is. t'hat all bills for collection of the City'> reve- nue shall l»e made out i»y the head of the dei)artment. in which thcv orif^inate, said bills havintj two stubs attacheil. one stub to be retained, an.d the other stub and bill to be sent to the Tax Collectcjr for collection. Sec. 893. Shall Report Bills for Collection Same Day to Comptroller— to Whom Charged— How Receipted upon Pay- ment. — I he iiead of the depai'tmenl is>uinj; the bill f<>r collec- tion shall on the same day report the fact to the City Comp- troller with the iHunber. name, and amount of said bill, which shall be charjj^ed to the Tax LoUector by the Comptroller; said Tax Collector shall si^n the rereipt on payment of'the bill, re- taining tlie detached stub. Sec. 894. Tax Collector Deposits Daily with City Treasurer — Reports Daily to Comptroller, with Duplicate Stubs, and Treas- urer's Receipt. — The Tax Collector shall on the same day he re- ceives the money for any bills so collected deposit it with the City Treasurer, taking depulicate receipts for same, and on the same day make his report of collections of said bills to tlie City Comptroller, accompanied by the duplicate receipt of the City Treasurer, together with the Coupons made by the heads of the departments issuing them, to be checke,d up and verified by tine City Comptroller each day, provided, that in the Department of Waterworks the officials thereof are hereby authorized and di- rected to prepare a bill especially conforming to the needs of said department, with two stubs attached thereto, and the bills having the stubs attached shall be mailed or delivered by hand ro>||-|HO|,|.KK_\,.,. on l( Klt^ «.0\KH\KI> ll\ rullM.N SVVrKM ^-n on or befurc the 1st of each month to the last known address of the person against wliom the bill is rendered. Such person, or his a^ent. shall <.n or before the 10th of each month present said bill to the City Tax Collector. The Department of Waterworks shall install at a window convenient to such Citv Tax Collector one or more employees who shall take such hill, detach the stub prepared by the Waterworks Department and transmit same to such Department an.l deliver the bill with stub to the Tax Col- lector's office, t.. such Tax Collector or his assistants, and there- after the present plan of collection and reports shall be followed. Sec. 895. City Clerk and Other Officers Named Governed by the Above Provisions.-The City Clerk, Chief of Police, Marshal, Secretary Water Cmmissioners. Tax Assessors. Clerk Board of Health, and all other .,fficials ..f the City sTiall be governed by and be subject to the provisions of this ordinance in reporting the bills is>ued and collections made by each of them, as re- quired by the first section hereof, and all monevs collected by these officers shall be paid to the Tax Collector, who shall pay the same to tlie City 'IVeasurcr. pn.vided that the Secretary of the Water Commissioners shall conform to the proviso in' the preceding section wherever same conflicts with the provisions of this section. Sec. 896. Statements Furnished by Comptroller— to Whom— How Often.— The Comptroller of the City shall furnish, at each re-ular meeting of the (General Council, and to the Aldermanic Hoard, a statement of each voucher approved and each warrant drawn, and the consideration for it, and the fund on which it is drawn. Sec. 897. Record of Officers' Fees to be Kept— by Whom In- spected.— Jhe City Comj.troller is required to keep a book of entries of all fees collected by City officers, and said books shall be subject to inspection by the Mayor and General Council. Sec. 897(a). Boards, Officers and Departments Must File State- ments of Estimated Cost of Maintaining Same— When— How Often. — The Board of Education, the Board of Health, the Board of Police Commissioners, the Board of Water Commis- sioners, the Board of Park Commissioners, the Chief of the Fire Department, and the Chief of Construction, shall each file with the Clerk of Council, to be transmitted by him to the Mayor and 17 258 (■OM1*TK<»LL,IO« — STATEMENTS — LOST C'HIOCKS — BOOKKEEPIIVG General Council, a statement of the amount, as nearly as can be estimated, of maintaining- their departments for the year. Said statement shall set forth the various objects of expenditure and specify the sum necessary for eacli of them. Each of the above named de])artments, by their proper officers, are hereby recjuired to file statements of estimated expenditures with the Clerk of Council the last Mondays of April and December of each year. Sec. 898. After Apportionments Made, Expenditures Must not Exceed. — After the apportionments to the various depart- ments above named have been made by the Mayor and Council, the Board of Aldermen concurring, no bill of expenditure in- curred, or authorized by any of said departments, in excess of the apportionment thus fixed, shall be paid. Sec. 899. Record of Lost Checks — How Kept. — The Comp- troller shall make and keep in a book, to be prepared for t'hat purpose, a record of all City checks lost by the owners and re- newed by the Council, with their dates, numbers, amounts, in whose favor issued, whether payable to order or bearer, for what purpose or on what account issued, and t'he dates and amounts of all credits on said checks, with the name of the owner at the time of the entry of the credit. Sec. 900. Transcript of This Record — How Made — to Whom Furnished. — The said Comptroller shall make correct transcripts of such record, in a large fair hand, and furnish one to the Clerk, Treasurer, Marshal, and Tax Collector, to be posted con- spicuously on or near their desks for convenience of reference. The description of each renewed check shall, immediately after its renewal, be added to the record and each of its transcripts. Sec. 901.— Duty to Require System of Bookkeeping in all De- partments. — The Comptroller shall have authority and it shall be his duty to require any or all Departments of the City of At- lanta to institute such system of bookkeeping as in his judgment may be proper and necessary to afford the most positive assur- ance of proper conduct in such Department, and which will s'how the exact operations of any or all such Departments. Sec. 902. System Required — Now Used. — Said bookkeeping system, so institued, shall be of the most approved order consis- COMI'TKOM.IOIt — INVENTORIES — UAL.VXCEIS — REPORTS 259 tent with the conditions of such departments and shall, in so far as possible, be an extension to siicli department of the system now in use in said Comptroller's ofifice. Sec. 903. Inventories — Reports — Times Required. — The Comptroller shall require, and it is hereby made the duty of each department, to jiiake and keep continuous inventories of its property, both real and personal, and, at regular intervals, and at any other time when in his judgment it is necessary, make reports of same to the Comptroller, and shall make this property accounting one of the features of such bookkeeping system so introduced into any or all such departments. Sec. 904. Income — Appropriation — Balance. — Such system of bookkeeping shall disclose at any time the exact status of the income from such department, if any, and the exact amount ap- propriated for the maintenance and support of such department and the amount expended and unexpended balance. Sec. 905. Reports — When Called for. — The Comptroller shall have the right, and it is made his duty to call upon any or all departments at any time for a report on its condition or any matter connected with its property, income, appropriation or expenditures. .,,.(. < ol \< II. < II \ >iiii:n OK* I. CHAPTER XLII. COUNCIL ciiAMi;i:k-cn V si:al— crrv colors. Sec. 906. Council Chamber— Persons Excluded from Enclos- ure, Except Whom and When — City Marshal Enforces Same. — No i)ers()n shall he admitted within the balustrade enclosintj the scats of nienibcrs, durinj.,^ any inoetinp of the (ieneral Council, except nicnibers of tlie body. City officials, and pewspaper re- porters cn^^a^'^ed in reportin<^ j)roceedings of the (Ieneral Coun- cil, withcul tiiis rule bcini;- first suspended. i)y unanimous con- sent, upon motion of some mendjcr <»f the body. It shall be the duty of the City Marshal to enforce this provision. Sec. 907. Corporate Seal— Described -Where Kept— Affixed by Order of Mayor. — The coat ni arms, or cori)orate seal, of .\t- lanta shall be as follows: It sliall be of silver and the size of two and a (piarter inches in diameter. The device on the front side shall be a picture of a fabled riioenix. risin.q: from its ashes, with the inscription "Rcsur^^ens 1847— ISH.')" written, cut or en- graved thereon, signifying the "rising, ever rising more brightly," and the date a charter was first granted the City and its reha- bilitation after the destruction by the Federal army in 1864. The seal shall remain in the office of the City Clerk, and not be affixed to any instrument of writing except by order of the Mayor. Sec. 908. Flags and Colors for the City of Atlanta.— The fol- lowing shall be the forms, devices and colors of the Civic Flag, the City Ensign, and the Pennant of the City of Atlanta:— The colors in the several forms shall be yellow and blue of the hues or tints as expressed upon the pattern, and the exact copy of w'hich is hereby directed to be placed on file in the office of the Clerk of Council, and displayed in public in the City Hall marked "Approved Colors for the City Flags of Atlanta." C«»IKTS — TRIALS — KOK.M.S 261 CHAPTER XLIII. COURTS AND TRIALS— CONVICTS. Sec. 909. Terms of Recorder's Court — Recorder Presides — In His Absence Who Presides. — The Recorder, or in his ab- sence, tlie Mayor, Mayor pro teni., or one member of ('ouncil, shall hold a Court at 8 ::30 o'clock A. M. and 2:30 o'clock P. M. each day, except Svniday, at the Recorder's Court Room, for the trial of persons charged with violating any of the laws or ordi- nances of the City of Atlanta. When for any cause the Re- corder cannot attend and preside, it shall be the duty of the Chief of Police to notify the .\rayor, who shall attend and preside during tlie absence of the Recorder; if the Mayor can not attend, then said Chief shall notify the Mayor pro tem ; if the Mayor pro tern, cannot attend, then the said Chief of Police shall pre])are a roster of the names of the (jeneral Council, in alpliabetical or- der, and notify the;n for said service as their names appear thereon until he can procure the attendance of one of them. This plan to he followed as often as necessary to provide for said Court, and. when the list is exhausted, then the said Chief will begin over, and exhaust the names as before. Sec. 910. Summons and Trials— Rules— Rights of Accused- Counsel — Witnesses. — Any person, who is charged with an of- fense against any of the ordinances of the City of Atlanta, shall be informed by tlie summons in writing served on him of the nature of the cause of his accusation; shall have compulsory pro- cess for obtaining witnesses in his behalf; shall have a speedy trial before the Recorder, or in his absence the Mayor, Mayor pro tem., or one member of tlie General Council; shall be con- fronted with the witnesses against him, and have the privilege of cross-examination, as in the Superior Courts of the State of Georgia. The same rules as to examination of witnesses and the evidence adduced as obtain in said courts, as far as they are applicable to examining Courts, shall be applicable to cases be- fore the Recorder's Court. The party accused shall have the privilege of defending himself, by Counsel or by himself, or both. 2fi2 roi U'l's SI >Mio\s — \\ rrM:«>>«>>i as to him shall seem proper. Xo one shall l>e coiideiiined, fined, or punished without a chance of beinj^ heard in his defense. Of- ficers of City, informers, and parties injured, shall be competent witnesses, wlien not on trial. Sec. 911. Form of Summons — Issued by Clerk — Served by Chief, Offtcer, or Member of PoUce Force.— J t shall be the duty of the Clerk of Council in all cases, where complaint is made, or information given of any violation of any of the laws and ordi- nances of said City (whether the party be confined in the .t,niard- 'house or not), to issue a summons directed to the accused, re- quiring said offender to ai)pear before the Recorder's Court, to answer said charge, which summons shall contain the offense and time and place of trial, bear test in the name of the Mayor, be signed officially by the Clerk, and directed to the Chief or otTier officer or member of the police force, to be executed, who shall execute the same by serving a copy upoii the accused, or leaving it at his or her place of residence. Sec. 912. Failure to Appear — Arrest and Dentention. — .\ny person summoned as aforesaid, who shall fail, neglect, or refuse to appear, or to render a satisfactory showing for such failure, neglect, or refusal to appear, and answer the charge specified, mav be fined in a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars, and the cause continued to such time as the Court may direct, and the Court shall issue an order, requiring tlie Cliief. or other mem- ber of the police force, to arrest said offender, and bring him or her before the Court to answer said contempt, and it shall be the duty of said Chief of Police to kcc]) the offender in custody until he is brought before the Court, unless he gi\-es bond for his appearance, as ])rovided by law. Sec. 913. Subpoenas of Witnesses — By Whom Issued — By Whom Served. — Whenever the attendance of any u itness may be required before the Court to establish any fact, the Clerk shall issue a subpoena, directed to the witness, stating the time and place of trial, and the parties to the case, which shall bear test in the name of the Mayor, and be served as other summons by the Chief of Police, or other officer, or policeman. Sec. 914. Clerk's Name, Printed or Stamped on Summons and Subpoena. — The name of the Clerk of Council required on — \\ ITMOSSKS — IM< AC'I'ICK. 263 summons served on offenders to appear in Recorder's Court, and on subpoenas served on witnesses to api^ear therein, and wher- ever required on papers provided in this chapter, may be printed or stamped on such summons and subpoenas or other papers, as above provided, and. where done by authority of the Clerk of Council, same shall be a compliance with the terms of said ordi- nances and lejjal in all respects and shall have the same force and effect as if written thereon by the said clerk. Sec. 915. Defaulting Witnesses — Proceeding Against — Fail- ure to Appear — Penalty. — If any jierson so summoned as a wit- ness shall fail, nej^lect, or refuse to attend said trial, or render at tlie time a sufficient excuse, in the judgement of the Court, said defaulting witness shall be liable to a fine of not exceeding fifty dollars; and. if said cause shall be continued on account of the witness' absence, the Court may issue attachment against said witness, requiring him to show cause, on the day appointed for trial, why he should not be furtlier dealt with for contempt, and the Chief of Police shall, by virtue of said attachment, arrest, or cause to be arrested by some other officer or policeman, and con- fine said person, so as to have him. her. or them before the Re- corder or other jiresiding officer in the Recorder's Court, at such time as he may appoint, for further hearing of the original com- plaint. Sec. 916. Continuance in Discretion of the Court. — W here the ends of justice may recpiire it. all cases may l^e continued. All cf)ntinuances shall be addressed to the sound discretion of the Court, under the rules governing the Superior Courts of this State. Sec. 917. Rules of Practice in Recorder's Court. — The City shall have the opening and conclusion oi each case, unless the Defandant introduces no evidence ; then he shall be entitled to the conclusion. The City shall announce first if it is ready for the trial ; if not. it shall be held to as strict a showing for con- tinuances as the Defendant. The rules of evidence shall be the same as in the Superior Courts, as far as ai)plicable to the case on trial. All officers shall be legal witnesses, when not on trial. Sec. 918. Rules Governing Recorder's Court. — The Record- er's Court shall be controlled by the rules of the .Superior Courts, .>jji roi Ill's iM M»ii >ii:\'i' ritoii\iio\ m i n i u as far as tliey arc applicaijlc to Recorders ( oiirt>. an.l a ^ouiid construction of the charter and ordinances of the City. Sec. 919, Punishment of Offenders. — All otienders against the ordinances and hiws ol said L ity shall be tried by the Re- corder's Court, and said Court may impose such pimishment as is provided hv the laws and ordinances of >aid Cit\ for the of- fenses, of which said offenders may be found i,Miilt\. Sec. 920. Probation Officer — Duties, etc. — I he Recorder in all cases brought before him where the defendant therein appears to be a confirmed drunkard, or where there is disorderly conduct shown, connected with drunkenness, or the defendant is shown to be neglectful of his family, by reason of hi> drink habits or for other causes, or the defendant is shown to be an idler or loafer, or t'he defendant is shown to live on the earnings of his wife or children or other persons, the Recorder -^liail have the right to continue the case to some fixed day f<-»r further consid- eration and final determination and, pending such final decision the defendant shall be permitted to go on his own recognizance hut his name, residence, business and such other information as may be desired shall be secured by the probation officer and a jicrmanent record made thereof, and, if before the date set for hearing, it ajipears that such offenses "have been repeated, the Recorder shall be notified thereof, and the entire information placed in his hands and the defendant shall be further notified of the time fixed for final hearing and to appear and abide the sen- tence. On the failure of the defendant to so appear and abide the sentence of the Court, he shall be dealt with as for a con- tempt of said Court, and subject to arrest not only to serve the sentence imposed in said case but for such additional sentence as the Recorder may impose, under existing ordinances, on ac- count of said contempt. If pending such final date, the conduct of the defendant has been sober, industrious and commendable, the probation (officer shall place a record thereof in the hands of the Recorder, and it shall be discretionary with the Recorder to further continue the case or to have said defendant appear, on the date named and abide the sentence imposed thereat. If the Recorder decides to further postpone the case t'he defendant shall be notified of the date and time and shall appear and abide the sentence at such postponed time, subject to be dealt with as for a contempt, as above provided. If the Recorder decides to post- \c <»r(lained. Sec. 921. Board of Police Commissioners Designate Proba- tion Officer. — Ihe Board ui Police Lbmniissiuners shall desig- nate a member of the ptjlice force to perform the duties of a spe- cial Probation Officer and see that the provisions of this ordi- nance are executed. In addition to the police powers of said of- ficer, he shall make personal investigation of each case, the con- ditions surrounding the individual and the family, the character (past and present) of such individual and family, habits, etc., as well as to make a close and constant investigation of the conduct of said defendant, pending the j)n>bation herein provided, and to see tliat the Recorder is informed of the conduct, habits, labor, etc., during said jieriod. Such officer shall establish rules un- der which such defendants are required to report to him at stated intervals, but lu- >hall not rely upon these reports entirely. He shall liimself make i)ersonal investigations in such manner and as often as necessary, to keep advised oi their conduct, hab- its, employment and condition. He shall keep an accurate rec- ord of such reports as may be made to him and such conditions as he may ascertain for himself or the informatit»n of the Re- corder and as a matter of permanent record. Sec. 922. Penalty, When Not Otherwise Provided. — lor vio- lation of any ordinance, or >cclioii <<{ an ortlinance. for which no particidar penalty has been prescribed, the Court may imi)ose. in its discretion, any fine not exceeding one hundred dollars and costs, or imprisonment not exceeding thirty days, in the cala- boose, r»r on the public works of the City. Sec. 923. Trial of Persons Implicated — When. — If on the trial of any case before the Recorders Court it appears that any other person besides the one on trial has violated a by-law or ordinance of this City, he or she may then and there be tried, unless the case is put off for legal cause. Sec. 924. Contempt of Court, While Sitting — Penalty. — Any person, who during the sitting of Police Court, or during a ses- L»<;r. « Ol It I0_ro\ I I.MII ^ I I M - II M«.H Ml N l_HI I I > sioii of the CoiUKil ^>r (iciuial L"umil. t.r l' <»i AUlciim.-ti, shall l)f Kuilty ••{ a conlem|)t of Court, or of Couiuil. or refuses to al)i«le by anv sciittiuc or order of said e ourt <»r I'ouncil aforc- .said. shall he fined in a sum nut exfeedinj^' fifty dollars and costs or confinement in the stationhouse. or l)oth, a- -I'lH •M-.-m «-v- pedient or proper under the circumstances. Sec. 925. Collection of Fines— By Whom— How— Penalty for Failure to Pay.— llie C lerk of (...uncd may issue an execu- lii>n inMaiitir, wiu-re any hue is imposed 1»> the t ourt. or .Mayor and Cleneral Council, to he levied ujm.u the ^n.ods. chattels. lands and tenements of the person or perst>ns fined, if the sum is n«)t immediately paid, which execution shall hear test in the name of the Mayor, and be signed officially by the Clerk, and be directed to the Marshal of the ( ity of .Atlanta: or the Court may. by ..r- (ler. compel any person fined, who shall fail or refuse to pay the fine, to work on the streets of said City, under the Commissioner of Tublic Works, or other person having control over said wiirks Sec. 926. Work on Streets— Payment of Fines Enforced Thereby. — W lien any person is convicted of any ofYense against the laws and ordinances of tlie City. bef»)re the Recorder, or Mayor, or Mayor pro tem.. or other presiding officer, it shall be discetionarv with the Court to pimish such offenses by ordering them to work on the streets or public works of the (.ity. muler the supervision of the proper officer; and payment of all fines not otherwise j)aid. may be enforced by work as aforesaid. Sec. 927. Recorder Governed by the Same Rules as Mayor Holding Court.— Whenever a Recorder shall be elected by the Mavor and Council, he sliai! be governed and controlled l)y the foregoing sections of this Chapter in tlie same manner as the Mavor is or would be governed and controlled. Sec. 928. City Marshal and Deputy Tax Collectors— Serve Summons Same as Policemen — Summons Legal and Binding. — The City Marshal and his Deputy Tax Collectors are hereby au- thorized and empowered to serve summons recpiiring persons to appear and answer before the Recorder's Court, the same as po- licemen are authorized, and such service shall be as legal and binding upon the party served as though he were served by a member of the police force. I «M HIS IMM Ki;i IKl H N \\l I : Ui:iMH{'r.S ^^-y Sec. 929. Cases Must Be Docketed in Correct Names of Ac- cused. — It shall he unlawful for any policeman or otiier officer niakinj^ arrest of a ])erson for the violation of laws to enter the name of said person under a false or assumed name on the police docket, hut in all cases the true name of the accused, and of tlie offense, shall he honestly docketed. Sec. 930. No Person to be Tried under Feigned Name — Ac- cused Must Be Present - Females May Be Excused in Discretion of the Court. — it shall he unlawful fur any Court, under the juris- diction of the City, to try a person under a feig^ned name, where he has reason to believe a fraud is heinj^ i)racticed on the Court, and on the public, by the use of a feigned or tictiti<»us name, and the concealment of the true name; Jior shall said Court entertain a plea of j^uilty. e.xcept the accu>^e(l is jjersonaliy present at a rej^'ular call of the docket in (»pen Court : and the Court shall then iiKpiire intt) all the circumstances, and impose sucii sentence as is proper. If the person arrested, or aj.jainst wh(jm the case is made, be a female, then, in such case, the Court may or may not re()uire her personal attendance in oi)en Court, as the ends of justice may demand, as the Court in its discretion may determine. Sec. 931. Fine or Dismissal from Office Penalty for Violation. An\ perxm violatinj.^ the iorej.(oinj.,' pro\i«-ions. on conviction thereof in the Court i)resided over by the Recorder, Mayor. Mayor pro tem., f>r one member of the Cieneral Council, shall he fined not exceedinij one hundred dollars, or imprisoned not ex- ceeding thirty days, either or both in the discretion oi the Court and also be subject to dismissal from office. Sec. 932. Recorder to Make Daily Reports to Comptroller — Chief of Police Collects Fines — Other Requirements upon Con- viction in Court. — The Rec— \X M M •>*! " tllUK ports to be niailc daily and monthly f. the Lomptr-iitr, ami .It- posits to be inahall have full authority to subjH)ena wit- nesses to appear before them and testify in the trial of any police officer, or in the iiu estij^'atioii of any nwitter b\ >aid I'oard. Sec. 934. Chief of Police Summons Witnesses for Board — When.— ll >hall be- the .lut> of the eliiet (.1 Police li» suinnion. either in person or by deputy, any person, when directed by the said Hoard, to api)ear bef«>re said Hoard and testify, and he can designate anv nieniber of the police force to act as such dejjuty. Sec. 935. Witness Summoned Failing to Appear — Penalty. — Anv person being ^ulnmoned, and failing to obey the same, shall be subject to be tried before the Recorder's Court, and, if ad- judged guilty, shall be fined in a sum not exceeding tifty dollars, or be imprisoned not exceeding thirty days. Sec. 936. Clerk of Recorder's Court— How and When Elected — Term — Duties. — The City t ouncil of .\llanta >>hall. at its first meeting in March. IIMIT. and every two year> thereafter, elect some suitable person to act as Clerk of the Recorder's Court, who shall perform all of the duties of the Clerk to the Recc^rder and sucli other i^luties as may be reiiuired of him by the .Mayor and Ceneral Council, and shall serve during the will of the Council, or until his successor is elected, and subject to removal with or without cause. Sec. 937. Clerk of Council Relieved from Liability — When.— The Clerk of Council is relieved from any lial)ilily l)y reason of the process of said Court being signed in iiis name, or the use of his name in said Court in any otlier manner. Sec. 938. Overseer of Chaingang Keeps Record of Convicts — Makes Monthly Report to Mayor and General Council. — The officer in charge of the chaingang is required to keep a book with the name of each convict turned over to him from the Recorder's Court, the time, for which each convict is sentenced, when re- ceived and when discharged; also the numljer of days worked. coiHT»_vi vnoN HOI >f:— itKtoRDS— co>viCTs_< i.„,,n>,; 269 And said overseer shall make a monthly report t.> the Mayor and General Council, showing the facts above required to he kept of record. Sec. 939. Regulations as to Stationhouse Keepers— Records Kept.— The stationhouse keepers shall keep a record in a book i..r that purpose, of all persons who fail to pay fines, and have to work out the same. The said stationliouse keepers shall take a receipt from the officer or person placed in charge of convict< ot the Recorder's Court, and shall furnish each person with the number of days each convict is required u> work. I'ersons be- comincr able to pay the fine imposed after having worked one or more days shall have their fine reduced according to the number of adys' work done. Sec. 940. Convicts May in Discretion of Recorder be Re- quired to Serve Sentence at Police Station.— Ihe Recorder shall ha\c authority, ui sentencing those convicted in the Recorder's Court, and in passing sentences of imprisonment upon them, to require, in his discretion, when, from the age or sex of those con- victed, or other circumstances surnninding those convicted, he shall deem it wise, to require such imiiri^oiimeut to be served out by incarceration at the Police Station by labor in and about said station, in cleaning up and keeping same free of dirt. etc.. or at some other public building, where said prisoners will be duly guarded, and opportunities for escape prevente(jn cl»)thc> shall he removed, uiitl the pcr><»na» effects of said prisiuiers shall be returned U) theuj ; provided, in the meantime, the prison officials shall thorouj^hly cleanse and fumigate tlie clothing of said prisoners. An apportionment shall be made for the above purposes annually in the rej^jular appor- tionment sheet bej^inninj,' with tiie year 1!MH). Sec. 943. Chief of Construction Charged with Execution of. — i he L iiict' o| Construction >hall have char;;e of the execution of preceding section, and shall provide rules, under wiiich the personal effects and prison clothes shall be kept in a healthful and sanitary condition, and that the prisoners shall be provided with baths, at least twice a week, under the pro|)er reg- ulat it ms. Sec. 944. Prisoners Mutilating or Destroying Clothing or Effects — Penalty. — .\ny prisoner, who shall mutilate, injure, or destroy any of the clothing or effects provided by the City un- der this ordinance, or any other article of the City kept at the City Stockade, or tools, implements, or otiicr articles provided for their emplo\ ment ; or any article kept in anil around said stockade, shall be guilty of violating the peace, iiealth. and good order of the said L'ity, and, on conviction in the Kecortler"s Court, shall he fined not exceeding one hundred dollars, or imprisoned not exceeding thirty days, said penalties to be inflicted in the tlis- cretion of tlie saiil Recorder. Sec. 945. General Supervision and Control of City Stockade Dy Committee on Prisons — Purchases of Supplies Approved by Them. — Tlie general control and sni)ei'\ ision of said Citv Stock- ade shall ])e placed in charge of the Committee on Prisons, and ihey shall pass upon all purchases of supplies and furnishings therefor, and t'he same shall only be paid for, when approved by said Committee. Sec. 946. Recorder pro tem. — Term — Authority. — The ofTice of the Recorder pro tern, is herel)y created and said officer shall serve for the term of two years from the date of his election and his duties shall be as follows, to-wit : in the absence of the Re- corder for any cause, the Recorder pro tem. shall fill the place of the Recorder and discharge all the duties of the Recorder and ( oi H'i-*> — « i.i:ii{o ri:>i — i;i.i;« iion — i>i iii:s o^i shall be and is hereby j^Mveii all the authority of the Recorder and his judgments, when delivered as Recorder pro teni.. shall be re- spected and enforced as if rendered by the Recorder. Sec. 947. Clerk of Recorder Eligible.— The Clerk of the Re- corder is hereby made elij^ible to the position of Recorder pro tein., and, if selected therefor, "he shall serve without any com- pensation additional to the salary now paid him as clerk as afore- said. Sec. 948. Election — Clerk May be Elected.— .\t the first meet- ing of the (jeneral Council, f(jllowinj; the approval or final pass- age of this ordinance, a Recorder pro tem. shall be elected to serve for a term of two years, following his electioji, or until his successor shall "have been elected and (|ualihe(l, without salary. If the Clerk t<» Recorder is elected, he >hall >erve until the end of "his pre.sent term, as n«)W provided by law. and at the expira- tion of his present term, his authority as Recorder pro tem. shall cease and a new election .>^liall be had to till the vacancy created bv the terminatitm of his term of «jftice as clerk aforesaid. Sec. 949. Recorder pro tem. Serves, When — Council First Notified — How. — In the absence of the Recorder, the Clerk of the Recorder .«> Court shall notify the members of the (jeneral Council to act as Recorder pro tem. according as their names appear t»n tlie roster in ali)habetical order, ju>t as the present or- dinance provides for service of aldermen and councilmen, but after the Oerk shall have notified one of said (ieneral Council to serve and he declines to serve or cannot >erve, for any reason, then the Recorder pro tem. shall without further notice, act. in the al)sence of the Recorder, on the failure of such members of the (ieneral Council to serve. In the absence of the Recordej- and on the failure of one member of the (Jeneral Council to serve, when notified as above provided, and in the further absence of the Recorder pro tem., for any cause, the ordinance now e.xisting whereb\ the Mayor, Mayor pro tem. alderman and councilman serve, when notified, in al])habetical order, shall be enforced and followed, provided, that when the Recorder jiro tem. or Mayor or Mayor pro tem. or alderman or councilman serve under this or anv ordinance of the City, tTiey shall have all the powers vested bv law in the Mayor and Recorder under the charter and ordi- nances of the city and their judgments shall be respected. « «M III s I'UIII I I I I 1(1 Sec. 950. Forfeitures of Bonds — Call of Case — Executions. — \\ litre ail utfcudcr has been convictcU in llie Recorder's Louri and has given a bund providing; fur liis ^ippearance and execution uf the sentence thereui, under the urdinance **{ the C ity, and Mich (jtYtiidcr ^hall fail to appear and abide >uch sentence, the Re- corder >hall suund said case in open court and the Clerk of tlie Recorder's Court, in case the principal fail> t" answer, shall cai' the name of the principal three limes. If the principal still fails to answer, said Clerk shall thereupon call the name of tlie surety or sureties three times. If said surely responds, he shall be re- quired to produce the body of his principal. If he fails to prn- rluce the body of his principal or if he fails to respond to his name, the Clerk shall thereup(»n enter this fact ui)un the b«>nd. Notices shall thereupon be served upon said |)rincipal and sure- ties setting out the fact of the jjiving of said bond and of its for- feiture aforesaid, and calling upon said principal and sureties to show cause before said Recorder at a time named tlierein why judgment absolute should not be entered on said bond. This no- tice shall be served upon said principal and sureties personally or by leaving copies at their most notorious place of abode, by the Marshal or his Deputy at least fifteen days before the time set for hearing. .\t the time set for liearing. said principal <>r sureties shall appear in person i.\(ks 27:? CHAPTER XLIV. FLECTIONS !•( )R MA^ ( •!<. AIJ )I:RM i:\. WD K )l'\(:iL- MKX. Sec. 951. Anunal Municipal Election — When Held. — llic regular annual municipal clectit»n of the City i»f Atlanta shall Uc lu'M on the first Wednesday in December of each anrl everv ear. at which time tliere shall be elected an .\ldcrman. <.r Al- iermen. mj^' >ection of this ( )rdinance (IHTTi). and hien- iiii.'iIK tluTi-.-iftir fli.Ti- shall he i-li-'t.-.l i M;n,,r ,,f -aifl (jtv. Sec. 953. Voting Places for Municipal Elections — Location. -I lie \<)titi;^ places for the st\tral \\ar(i> in tiiis C ity, from and ifter the passage of this ordinance, for all regular, special, or 'ther municipal elections, or other elections held by or under ili" authority <»f this City. >hall be as follows, or as near the jdaccs named below as sui'-ibK- t)l;iii->. fi.r lic.tiliii- tin- x.-nni- ,:oi Ik* 'l)tained, to-wit : — First Ward — Corner Mitchell and iorsyth Streets. Secrmd Ward — Chamber of Commerce lluilding. comer I'ryor ind Hunter Streets, also at or as near a> i)rrirticable to the corner of Ridge Ave. and Pryor Street. Third Ward — Corner Fast Hxinter and Iraser Streets: also at or as near a*^ practicable to the corner of h'ast I'air .Street ami the Hoidevard. Fi)urlh Ward — Corner Wheat and [ackson Streets. I'ifth Ward — Junction Marietta St.. and Ponders Ave, or as near as practicable : also at or as near as practicable to the c<»rner of Chestnut and Kennedy Sts. Sixth Ward — Corner <>f I'eachtree and James Sts.: also corner of Marietta Street and Tabernacle Place. Seventh Ward — Corner Lee and ( lordon Street: also at or as 18 274 Ki,i:< I n»\«« i'oi.i,«._>i \\ \«.i:h'» — 1\\<> i-ni shall meet in the office of the City Clerk on the day following the election at 12 o'clock .\1., and consolidate the votes cast for each otftce to be filled; and the Clerk of Council shall rejxtrt this consoli- dated return to the ne.xt nieetitij^ of the .Mayor and Cieneral Council, and it shall be entered on the minutes of that body, which shall declare the result of the election. Sec. 956. Three Additional Managers for Second, Third, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh and Tenth Wards. — Three additional Man- agers slial! be elected tor the Second, Thirtl. I'ifth. Sixth, Sev- enth, Xiiith and Tenth \\ ards, who are hereby empowered with all ihe authority and duties imposed by law and existing ordi- nances upon Commissioners or Managers of elections for the City of Atlanta. Sec. 957. Where Wards Have Tv^^o Precincts, Precaution Used — How. In places where more than one voting place or precinct is established, tlie Commissioners or Managers of elec- tions shall take such precautions as may be necessary to prevent any voter from voting at one voting place or precin' t after having voted at the other and each voter shall satisfy said Commissioners or Managers that he has not voted at the other voting place or precinct prior to offering his ballot. Sec. 958. Where Wards Have Two Precincts— How Votes Counted — Compared. — In wards where more than one voting place or precinct is established, before counting the votes, the KLKCnONS— I wo I'KKCINCTS — Kl LF:*< KOI HTH WARD •)";■- Election Mana^'t-rs sliall meet at one or the other voting pre- cincts, as may be agreed upon by them beforehand, and compare the Registration Lists and lists of voters to see if any person has voted more than once, and. in all cases where they discovei that a voter "has voted more than one, one of his votes shall be excluded and not counted in the computation of the result, if both votes are for the same question — if the two votes differ. then both votes shall be excluded. Sec. 959. Fourth Ward Three Additional Managers — Power of. — In addition to three Election Commissioners or Managers now elected for tlie 1-ourth Ward, three additional Election Commissioners or Managers shall be elected to serve in that ward and are hereby empowered with all the rights and duties of an Election Manager or Commissioner in and for said Ward, at all City Elections, as now provided by ordininces and laws governing such elections, and such additional Managers shall have authority to apjjoint three additional clerks and any and all other powers usual to the office of Election Manager in and for tlie City of Atlanta, and exercising such authority and power as Election Commissitincrs or Manaj^crs for the l^jurth Ward. 21 i> KI.K< I HI* lit Mi>\l(l) 111 III.H.^l \VMINVII<>\ CHAPTER XLV. ELKCTRICI TV— i:i.lA 1 klC W I kl-:S- l;( )AKI » ()!• lAA-A- TRICAL C()XTR( )L— SI' PKKIN TIINDFA'T OF ICLiaTKU AL Al'I'AIKS. Sec. 960. Board — How Composed. TIk- ISoarrl oi Klcclrical Control shall con>ists ot the I hairman of the l"<»miuittce oil IClec- tric Fights, Telephones and Telegraphs. City I'Jij^ineer. Chief of {•'ire l)ei)artnient and the Chairman nf the Committee on Klcctric and ( )tlier Railways, and the Chairman of the C"t)mmittee on JClectric Fii^hts, Telei^raidi and Telephones of the (leneral Coun- cil shall be the Chairman of llie I'.oard of |-'lectrical Control. Sec. 961, Duties of Board. — It shall l»e the dnt\ of the IJoard of I'lcctrical Cimtr. •] to lia\e in>peoted all electrical construction. installations and e(|uipments of whatever cliaraiter. whether inside or outside of huildin^s, and shall have ))ow r to order re- m(ned, re])aire(l or rebuilt any >uch construction, mstallation or e(|uii)ment w hen in their judijment life or jjroperty will he better protected thereby; and it shall be their duty to see that all laws of force now or that may hereafter be enacted. i,ni\ ernini::^ electri- cal cncr^'v (^r construction, are strictly complied with. Sec. 962. Examination for Licence. — WhenevLi any person, hrni or corporaiinn shall make applicatii)n f"r a license to do elec- trical contracting- in the Cit}' of Atlanta it shall be the dut}' of the Board of I'^lectrical Control to pass on the ability and responsi- bilit}- o{ such applicant for the purpose of determining^ whether he may be reasonably expected to satisfactorily complete any contracts t'hat he may enter into with citizens of .\tlanta. In pursuance of the enforcement of this section the Board of Electrical Control is empowered to apjxiint an Examinin - W IH i;s_ | aim:_< I I OKK O'u Sec. 970. Rules of National Board.— All elect-ical construc- tion, all material and appliances used in connection with electrical work, and the operation of all electrical apparatus within the City of Atlanta shall conform to such special rvles as may be adopted by the Board of Electrical Control and to the "Rules and Requirements of the National P.oard of Fire I'ndrrwriters" for the installation of wirinjr and apparatus for electric purposes as fhey are now established, or may hereafter be amended : and the said rules and reijulations are hereby adopted and approved as a part of this ordinance. Sec. 971. Alternations.— No alterations shall tc made in the wirinjL( ui any building^ fur light, heat or power, or increase in the load carried by such wires, nor shall any buildin<;^ be wired for electric lights, motors or heating devices without a written permit tliercfor from the .'Superintendent of Electrical Affairs. Sec. 972. Covering Wires.— It shall be unlawful for any per- son, tirm ur corporation, iheir agents or employers, to cover or conceal any electric light or power wiring without first obtaining a certificate from the City Electrician certifying that the wiring has been approved. Sec. 973. Tape on Joints.— It shall be unlawful for any per- son to place tape on or otherwise conceal an unsoldered joint on any electric liglit. heat or power circuit within any building or enclosure. Sec. 974. Removal of Wires.- W hcnever builders or per- sons engaged in repairing, painting, etc., find it necessary to re- move wires from buildings in prosecuting their work, the owner of such building or the contractor engaged thereon shall serve the Superintendent of Electrical Affairs with written notice within twenty-four hours before sucTi contemplated work is be- gun and said Superintendent of Electrical Affairs shall have au- thority in his discretion to direct the owners of such wares to remove the same. Sec. 975. Cut Off Current. — In any case of failure to comply with these ordinances the Superintendent of Electrical Affairs shall have authority, after due notice, to cut out lights or current m any locality concerned and to enforce discontinuance of the same until said requirements are complied with. 280 i:i.i:< 11(11 I I \ I oMM I I ■» — i.n i.Nsi. i •• \ i k \i i oit Sec. 976. Conduits. — All electric liu'it. l» <»i puwcr \v^rc^» iiistalle.l in buil vvitliin the I'ire l.iniits shall I'C installed in approved steel or iron condnits and such work shall be made to conform in every respect to the rules ^overninj; conduit wir- m^; no permits shall be issued under any circumstances for elec- trical wiring^ within the said "lire Limtis" without the use of metal conduits. Sec. 977. Penalty. — Any person, linn i^r compJiny who shall violate an\- of the pro\ isions of this chapter for vvhich no specific penaltv has been provitled, or shall fail, nej^dect or 'cfuse to com- ply vvilli any order of the Superintendent of Electrical Affairs •riven in pursuance of and by the authority of these ordinances and rules end)raced therein, shall. upt)n conviction, be fineil not less than twenty-live dollars nor more tlian one hundred dollars for each otTense, or confined in City Stockade or worked upon the streets of the City, not exceedinjj; (JO days, either or all. in the discretitMi si^:_i I s,;s- „,„; vKiSc; <;m,bks 281 Sec. 979. License Forfeited.— Any pcrs..n, firm, or corpora- t.on who shall fail to correct any defect or defects in his work- after having been duly notified for ten davs. hv Superintendent oi Klectrical Affairs, shall not receive any further permit until such detect or defects have been corrected and. in anv case in which any person shall continue to persistently violate the ordi- nances of the City in regard t<. electrical aftairs or the orders of the Board of Electrical Control as transmitted through t'he Su- perintendent of Electrical Affairs, touching the same, the license of such person shall be forfeite.l and the reissuance of anv license so forfeited shall be only after recommendation to that effect shall have been made by the Board of Electrical c.ntn.l. Sec. 980. Not Relieve Liability to Damage.-Xothing herein contame.l shall be construed to relieve any firm or company from liability, or moral responsibility, in case of accident, to life, or dama-c- t,. pn-n.-.-rv ;,, ,1,,- operation of their plant or plants. e Sec. 981. Bridging Fuse Block— Fusing Conductor Abov. Capacity.— Ii ^hall be unlawful for any persons to bridge a fuse block with a piece of wire ur fuse anv n.„ductor above its rated carrying capacity. Sec. 982. Fuses— Marked— Amperes.— i:verv fuse must be plainly marked with the number of amperes it' i- designed to carry. Sec. 983. Penalty.— Any person convicted of violating any ot the provi.sion^ of this ordinance shall be lined not exceeding twenty-five ($25.0<|) dollars or imprisoned not exceeding ten days one or both penalties to be inflicted at the discretion of the Re- corder. Sec. 984. Penalty for Defacing or Breaking Lamps or Globes.— Any person or per.son. who may m anv way maliciously detace or break any of the electric globes or lamps, shall, for the f^rst offense pay a fine of n..t less than ten dollars, or serve ten days on the public works; for the second offense, pay a fine of twenty-five dollars, or serve twenty-five davs, and for the third and each oft'ense thereafter shall serve not less than thirtv days on the public works, in the discretion of the Rccr.rder's Court 2H2 i:i.Kr'i'nn i'i'» i\ro.\i< *ii;i» wmciv^ii n i iit< i m Sec. 985. Penalty for Employing Careless or Intoxicated Workmen on Electric Wires. — .\ii> pcr^^on, lirni. or corporation, kiiovviiiglv employing or allowing any employee to work on any telephone wires, electric light wires, electric street car wires, or any other wires in the City of Atlanta, where dangei to person or property would be likely to occur, in an intoxicated condition, or sliall employ incompetent, careless hands fcjr such work, shall, upon conviction before the Recorder's Court pay a tine i>i not exceeding one hundred dollars, or not exceeding thirty days in the City stockade. Any person w»jrking on any of the wires aforesaid in an intoxicated condition, or in a careless manner, shall, upon conviction before the Recorder's Court be subjected to the same punishment as provided above. Sec. 986. Underground Circuits — Conditions Imposed. — All corporatiotis, firms, or j)er>i>iis. to whom permi>>ioti may hereaf- ter be granted for running or laying underground circuits, tubes or pipes for electrical conductors or cables or wires, shall conforni to the requirements of this ordinance. Sec. 987. Permission by Ordinance Necessary to Lay Con- duits, Etc. — Xo street, allc\ , lane or road in the City of Atlanta shall be broken or occupied by any corporation, fit ni or person, for the purpose of laying down conduits, tubes, or pipes for elec- trical conductors, cables or wires, unless authority by ordinance be first obtained. Sec. 988. Length of Street Openings — Kept Open — How Long. — During the construction or laying down of said under- ground conduits, tubes, pipes, conductors, cables, and wires, no street, alley, lane, or road shall be opened, or tlie paving broken into, for a greater distance than five hundred (500) feet at any time and no section of the five hundred (500) feet shall be kept open for a longer period than ten (10) days, and said opening or trench shall not be of greater width than two (2) feet, and, as the work progresses, t'he paving shall be promptly relaid, and the street, alley, lane or road put in good condition. Sec. 989. Application to Board of Electrical Control — They Issue Permit — Work under ^Direction of Board. — Prior to mak- ing an opening in any street, alley, lane or road, for the laying of conduits, tubes, or pipes for electrical conductors, cables, or KLECTHK ITV_OPK.M.\GS_BO.\D— CITV Dl fT 283 wires, the corporation, firm, or person desiring to lay the same shall make application in writing to the Board of Electrical Con- trol, and shall file plans and specifications with said department, showing the location, route, and length of the proposed conduits,' pipes, and tubes, and the said Board of Electrical Control shall have authority to issue the necessary permit for the opening of such street, lane, alley or road, as set forth in the application and plans, as are proposed to be occupied. The opening of any street, lane, or road, without a permit having been first obtained, shall forfeit the right of any corporation, firm, or person to use or occupy any street, lane, alley, or road. The work of laying any underground conduits, tubes, pipes, electrical conductors, cables and wires shall be under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Board of Electrical Control, wTio shall at all times have free and unobstructed access to the conduits, tubes, pipes, electrical conductors, or cables, for the purpose of inspecting the same, or making connections therewitTi for wires or conductors in use. or to be used by the City, in which case the Company shall have reasonable notice. Sec. 990. Bond and Security Required for Damage to City Service Pipes. — All corporations, firms, or pcrs(;ns, occupying any street, lane, alley, or road with underground conduits, tubes., pipes, cables, electrical conductors or wires, shall be liable for a!l damages to gas and water main services, and sewer connec- tions with sewers, and also for any damage caused by the open- ing of trenches or condition of street, alleys, lanes, or roads re- sulting from the laying of conduits, tubes, pipes, electrical con- ductors, cables or wires, or making connections, for which the City of Atlanta would otherwise be liable, or where the same belongs to the City, and sufl^cient bond shall be given, subject to the approval of the Mayor, in the sum of dollars to cover the same, and the said party or parties shall be liable to the extent of damages. Sec. 991. One Duct for City Use — Proviso. — Any company, firm, or person, placing conduits, under this ordinance shall fur- nish to the City, on demand, one (1) duct for municipal purposes free ; provided, no electric light or power wire shall be used in telephone or telegraph conduits. ow 4 i;i.i;< I i( i< I I ^ I i» \ III I I >- i( I r< 'K I v (I I III! N It 1 1> K I r \ I II No grant, lranclii>c, «»i pcniiii, lo lay, maiuiiun ut ojicrate undergrtiuiul ctJiuluits, shall l)c' made to any person, Hrni or cor- jxjration, except upon the express coiulition that in each conduit hiid there shall he constructed one duct lor the use of the City of Atlanta, which said duct shall be turned o\er t"» the City upon demand. No such ^rant shall he made to any person, firm or corpora- tion to extend a system of conduits except upon conilition that one duct thrtJUghout the whole system -hall he set aside f" »'"• use of the City. 'I'he conditions of this ordinance are hereby made a part of each franchise to lay. maintain or operate conduits granted in the future, and bef<)re any grant shall be comjjlete. the petition- ing person, firm or corporation, sliall hie their consent to the terms thereof with the Clerk of Council. Sec. 992. Reports to be Made under Oath — Penalty for Failure. — All corporations, firms, or persons having telegraph, telephone, or electric lighting wires, electrical conductors or cables, placed underground, shall, in writing on or before the first da\' of January of each year, certify under oath to the Hoard of Electrical Control the actual miniber of wires, location, and the miles of wire and electrical conductors underground owned, leased, or controlled by them in the L'ity of Atlanta, h'ailure to make such return w'ithin the time provided for in this ordinance shall subject the ofl'enders to a j)cnalty of fifty ($r)()) dollars per day until such return is made. Sec. 993. Bond Required — Relay and Keep in Repair Pav- ings Disturbed — Amount — By Whom Approved. — I pon the passage of any ordinance, granting any compau}'. corporation, tirm. or individual, privileges under this ordinance, or any ordi- nance now' in force, or to be hereafter passed, relating to or regulating underground wires, electrical cojiductors, conduits, pipes, cables, or tubes, the said company, corporation, firm or in- dividual shall before exercising any privileges thereunder, give a bond to be drawn and approved by t'he City Attorney and the Mayor, and to be entered of reconl, in the sum of two thousand ($2,000.00) dollars, conditioned that they will properly relay and pave all openings made by them, and thereafter keep in repair the same. The Board of Electrical Control shall not issue any permits until this condition is complied with. i,K«TKHiT\ — si:l.i,im; lit \ n< iiioi: . i>oi.i> — now i:ii \\iiii;s 90- Sec. 993. Sale of Franchise without Consent of Mayor and General Council Operates as a Forfeiture. — Shoukl any com- pany, corporation, firm (jt individual, to which or whom privil- eges have heretofore been, or shall hereafter be, granted for the laying- of underground wires, electrical conductors, cables, or tubes, dispose of any of the franchises granted by ordinance, or lease to, consolidate or merge with any other companv. cor- poration, firm, or individual, without the consent of the Mayor and General Council previously had, they shall forfeit all rights and privileges granted to them by the City of Atlanta, and upon satisfactory proof being furnished to the Board of Electrical Control, and the City Attorney, they are hereby authorized and c'irected to take such action as will carry the provisions of this section into efF'*ct. Sec. 994. Applications for Permits to Set Poles — Approval by Whom. ^.Applications for permits to set poles must be ac- companied by a plan indicating the proposed location of same. Sucli plan, if approved, may be so approved under modification in minor details, subject to the ajjproval of the City Engineer and Committee having such matters in charge. Sec. 995. Erecting Poles — Alleys to Main Streets. — It shall not be admissable to occujiy any main street with new poles or other supports where it is practicable to penetrate any district or supply the occupants oi any one square by erecting such poles or supports in tho allcv-ways. Sec. 996. Line of Poles on One Side of Street Only— Right Reserved for Fire Alarm Wires or Poles. — The p vies of a main line on anv street must be confined to one side of the street. unless a special permit to the contrary be granted, and in future construction poles of sufficient size and height shall be used as to admit of all telephone and alarm wires being placed on the same poles — all persons or companies using the poles paying a pro rata part of the construction, according to service. The City reserves the riglit to place fire-alarm wires on all poles erected on her streets, alley-ways, or public places, without cost. Sec. 997. Power Wires on Opposite Side of Street. — All polc.s carrying telegraph or electric light and ])<)wer wires must 2i^i\ :■>:« -I itH i'i'\ \\iui;s \m> rii'i; — mi;mo\\i. 01111:11 t «k he placed, wherever possihle, on tlu- opposite sith* d the street from telephtiiu' and alarm wires. Sec. 998. Unlawful for Plumbers or Gas Fitters to Install Metal Pipe Nearer than Three Inches from Electric Wires. — It shall be unlawful of any plumber, gas or steam fitter, or other person, to install, hx or place any metal pipe in a buiUlinj^ nearer than three (3; inches from an electric liglit or power wire, un- less such electric light or power wires are insulated under such requircincnls as nia\ be imposed by the ( ity h'Jectrician. Sec. 999. Removal of Wires by a Competent Wireman — Under City Electrician. — \\ henever such pipes, now or hereafter erected, are renu)vcd, under permission as herein jirovidetl, such work shall be done under the direction of the Superintendent of Electrical Affairs, and by a competent electric w'reman, at the expense of the person j)rocuring the change. Sec. 1000. Penalty for Violation. — Any person, firm, or cor- poration, their agents or employees, convicted in the Recorder's Court of violating the preceding sections, shall be fined not exceeding one hundred dollars, or iiuprisoned not exceeding thirty days, one or both penalties to be inflicted in the discretion of the Recorder. Sec. 1001. Second Company to Pay Expense of Raising Wires — When — Requirements — Conditions. — Whenever it is nec- essary for any electric light, power, or trolley wires, to be run under telegraph, fire-alarm, or telephone wires, pei mission shall be granted to do so. but the Company running suc'h wire or wires sTiall pay the expense of raising the other wires, so that said wires shall not be less than five feet above said electric light, power, or trolley wires, to make them entirely safe : and when- ever any telegraph, fire alarm, or telephone companies wish to stretch wires above any electric light, power or trolley wires, they must cross not less than five feet above said wires. Sec. 1002. Right Reserved, in All Grants for Conduits — to Give Same to Others, on Paying Therefor — Condition of All Grants. — All grants or permissions given by ordinance or reso- lution to any person, firm, or corporation, by the General Coun- ELECTRICITY — RESEHVK HI<;ilT TO Al.l,<»\\ OTHERS TO ISE 287 cil to erect conduits of any kind, in or upon the streets and pub- lic places of the City for the purpose of having wires or other appliances such as cabels, etc., placed or strung therein to con- vey electric current, or similar agency, to supply electric light, electric power, or heat or for tlie use of telephones, telegraphs or any companies or persons erecting conduits and placing or stringing wires therein in the City limits, shall be subject to the following conditions, to-wit: The Mayor and General Council reserve, whether this condi- tion is mentioned in the resolution or ordinance granting said rights and powers; the right and power to grant similar privil- eges and permits to other persons or companies, to use the >ame ccmduits fc)r the same purposes, provided such other per- son or corporation shall pay therefor a reasonable value, such value to be determined by agreement or condemnation subse- quent to the grants or jicrmits made by (k-ncral Council to the second applicant. Sec. 1003. Acceptance, Binds to Condition — Applies to All, Now or Hereafter, Constructing by Permit of City. — .Ml grants, permits anil privileges made by the Mayor and General Council for anv of the purposes named in preceding sections of this ordi- nance, shall be subject to all the conditions hereof and the appli- cant binds himself or themselves thereto by accepting any of said grants or privileges, and the provisions of this ordinance shall upplv to all Companies now or hereafter installing conduits un- der anv ordinance or resolution of this General Council; Pro- vided, however, that this ordinance shall not apply to any cor- poration which now has a specific contract or agreement with the City of Atlanta with reference to the manner in which its conduits or sub-ways within said City may be used by any other firm, corporation or company, as to those provisions which are difTerent from or contradictory to this ordinance. Sec. 1004. Certain Rights Reserved in Granting Permits — Other Applicants — First Applicants Bound Thereto. — In grant- ing permits to erect poles for purposes of electric I'ght or power, ttie Mayor and General Council reserve the right — if the inter- ests of the City so require — to authorize other Companies or persons to use the same poles for the same purposes, upon the payment to the owner thereof of a proper compensation to be '>u^ i-M.i'M'i i(i« II \ wiui > I MM iK.Koi M» I'l \\> hi;ki-:< T«» (leterniiiu'd I)V ajL^rccinciit. All permits will be subject tn this conditiun, and in acceptint^ a permit tlic applicant hinds himself accordiiij4' thereto. This same mn«lc of settlement or aj^jrcement applies to telei)h()nc, tele<^ra[)h, and other wires. Sec. 1005. Telegraph Wires Must be in Conduits, within Inner Fire Limits. — All companies. cori)orations, hrms or per- sons, now or hereafter, ovvninj:;;- or operating; telei^'raph wires shall place such wires in underj^rouiid conduits within the close district of tlie fire limits of this City, and shall complete such work, as to existinj.j- wires, within two years h.ereafter, and thereafter all such wires shall, in the bet^inniu}^ of placing said wires, be placed in uiidery;round conduits. Sec. 1006. Plans — Who Passes on. — All plans therefor, ma- terial foi" such work, and the execution thereof, shall all i)e under t'he sui)ervision and shall be to the full satisfaction of the .Super- intendent of I*"Jectric Affair^. Sec. 1007. Defective Work — Rejected. — Defcctixe work, jxKtr workmanship and detective plans shall be rejected by said .Sup- erintendent of hdectrical Affairs, and substantial material aiul skillful workmanship siiall be substituted therefor. Sec 1008. One Conduit for City. — The City hereby reserves the ric::ht t(^ require an extension or chan!.^e in said ujideri^round conduit — one conduit to be reserved for the L ity as now required by existing^ ordinances. Sec. 1009. Penalty. — Anv Company, their a.ijents. and offi- cers violating- any of the provisions of four precedinj:^ sections, sliall on conviction in the Recorder's Court, be punishefl by a fine not exceeding' $100.00 or imprisoned on the Pul)lic \\'i~>rks not ex- ceeding^ 30 days, one or both penalties to be inflicted in the dis- cretion of the Recorder. Sec. 1010. Power Reserved to Modify or Add to Regulations. In granting permits for overhead electric construction the Ma>or and General Council reserve the right to add to or modify the rules and regulations, herein provided, and, if it should prove necessary, to have arms or all electric wires placed underground. i:i.i:r-i'iti( I'M — \i, \m >i — i:i.i:< -i iioi.\ «.| 289 Sec. 1011. Fire Alarm Gongs to be Placed in Each Power Station. — 'liie I'ire Department of the City shall place in the station of every electric lig^ht or power company, at the latter's expense, a suitable jjjone: ^'k' indicator connecting;- with t'he fire lines, by which shall be indicated the location of all fires. On the breakinj^ out of a fire in any (li>trict. in which anv electric light or power Company has wires, such Companies shall forth- with send a man prepared to renK)ve t'iie same, under the direc- tion of the Cliief of the Fire Department or his assistant. Sec. 1012. Electric Currents Must be Retained in Proper Channels — Appliances Kept in Good and Safe Repair — Electroly- sis. — ll shall be the duty of all persons or c<^>nipanies, usinj,^ or em- ployinpf electrical currents in the City of Atlanta, by or before Ju- ly 1. 181)8. to provide and put in use such means and ai)pliances as will so control and effectually retain such currents in their proper channel>. and on tlieir own wires, tracks and other works, as to prevent injuries to pipes and other structures belonj^^ing to the City of Atlanta, in the streets, alleys, or other parts of said City, And to repair and renew said means ami appliances, or, from time to time, change and imi>ro\c the >anie, as may be necessarv to accomplish said purpose, all at his or their charges and expense, and, at his or their own risk, selecting and adopting such means and appliances as shall prevent injury to pipe> and other struc- tures belonging to the City, a> aforesaid. Sec. 1013. Penalty for Violation. — Any person or Company violating foregoing |)rovisions shall be -^ubject to a fine of one hundred (SlOO.OOi dollars for such ofifense, and in order to a conviction under this ordinance it sliall not be necessarv to show that the entire electrical current, imposed on the pipes or other structures belonging to said City, in the streets, alleys, or other parts thereof, escapes from or comes from the power house or works of the party or parties charged as aforesaid, but it shall be sufficient for a conviction, if the Companv or party, by failing to restain its or their currents, materially contributes to the injury of pipes or other structures belonging to said City as aforesaid. Sec. 1014. City's Right to Damages not Affected by the Prosecution of OfTender. — Xeither the collection of anv penaltv 19 L'DO KI.Kt I 1(14 II \ — I- I ^i: — \ ol.l \tiK f<»r viiilatiiij^f |)rtrc(liii,i4 > thereof. tTie same may be demanded and collected througli the proper channels, and on failure to pay the same mav be sued for in any Court havinpf jurisdiction: jjrovided. this is not to be construed as requirinc^ the City to show the damage actu- ally produced by said current. Sec. 1015. Size of Fuse Must not be Above Rated Capacity of Wire. — It shall be unlawful for any person, hnn. or corpora- tion, their ajij^ents or employees, to increase the size of an elec- trical fuse above the rated capacity of the wire, which it is pro- tecting', in or on an\- buildiuL,'^. Sec. 1016. Penalty for Violation. — Any persf>n. firm or cor- ])oration, their aj;,'ents or employees. \iolatini:^ the foregoing pro- visions, shall, on conviction by the Recorder, be fined not ex- ceeding one hundred dollars. (ir im])risonment not exceeding thirty days, one or both penalties to be iuHicted in the discre- tioti of the Recorder. Sec 1017. Voltage in Excess of Four Thousand Volts Un- lawful — Except. — It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation, owning, possessing, controlling or operating, over- head lines or wires for the transmission of electric current, to send or carry in or through said wires, or permit same to be used for electric current, having a voltage at any time in excess of four thousand volts, except upon and along such route as shall have been first submitted to, and approved by the Hoard of Elec- trical Control. Sec. 1018. Penalty for Violation. — Any person, firm, or cor- poration violating the provisions of the preceding sections, shall, on conviction in the Recorder's Court, be fined in a sum not ex- ceeding $500.00, or imprisoned for a term not exceeding thirty days, one or both penalties to be inflicted in the di'^cretion of the Recorder. Kl>:< IKK 11 \ — iri> |-«»U Al.l, WIKKS IN CI.OSK DISTKICT 291 Sec. 1019. All Electric Light, Power and Railway Feeder Wires, Except Trolley Wires, Shall be Placed in Conduits in Inner Fire District — Work and Material under Supervision of Board of Electrical Control. — All companies, corporations, ftrms. ur persons, now owning or (operating electric light wires, elec- tric power wires, and electric railway feeder wires, except trol- ley wires, shall proceed to place such wires in underground conduits within the close district of the fire limits of this City, and shall complete the work of placing such wires underground within two years from the date of the approval of this ordinance; and all persons or companies, that may hereafter be granted per- mission to operate electric light, power, or feeder wires in the City of Atlanta, shall, in the beginning, place such wires in un- derground conduits within the radius al>ove described. The work of placing such existing wires in underground conduits must be commenced as early as possible, and i)lans for such work, whether existing wire or wires to be hereafter installed, must be submitted to and approved by the Board of Electrical Control of the City of .Atlanta; and all material used in executing said work must be approved by the Hoard of Electrical Control and the actual execution of the work to be done under the supervision of the iUiard of Electrical Control of the City and the City Engi- neer. Sec. 1020. Defective Work May be Ordered Removed — Failure — Alternative. — All niaicrial used, and the work done, in placing electric wires in underground conduits, as aforesaid, which does not meet the approval of the I>oard of Electrical Control, may be rejected by said Board, and. in event of such rejection, be removed by the Company furnishing such material. and doing such work, at its own expense, within five days after notice of such rejection, and, if not so removed within ten days after such notice of rejection, they may be removed by, or under the direction of, the P.oard of Electrical Control at the expense of the party furnishing such material or doing such work. Sec. 1021. City Reserves Right for Future Requirements as to Underground Conduits. — The City of Atlanta reserves the right and power to recjuire the extension of underground con- duits and the placing of electric light, electric power, and elec- tric railway feeder wires in them, at any and all points within the Citv of Atlanta, from time to time, in the discretion of the 2!»2 i-:i.i:< I'ltK ri \ roMMiio mik oh.\<. Hoard of Hlectrical Control, subject. lio\vc\cr, to revision and final ai)[)r()val by tliv Mayor ami ( iciicral Loimcil. Sec. 1022. Penalty for Failure to Place Wires in Underground Conduits. — All pfrsoii>. firms, or corpitralions. either as principal, employee, or agent, violating any of the prr)visions of this ordi- nance ai)i)roved October !Uh. \H*MK re(|uiring electric light wires. and electric railway feeder wires (trolley wires excepted), to be placed in nnderground coiidnits, w iihin the close district of the fire limits of the City within two vears from said date, and ])roviding for rules and regulations thereof, shall on conviction he fined not exceeding fifty dollars for each offense, or lie imprisoned not ex- ceeding thirty days, and a failure to comply witli the terms of said ordinance for as long as one day shall constitute an offense, and a case shall be made against such violators for each day fluritig which they fail to comply with the terms of said ordinance. Sec. 1023. An Exception to Underground Requirement. — On 'riuirmond Street, from the railroad crossing northerly to a point one hundred t'cct \ortli of Marietta Street, wires for light- ing circuits may be run overhead, and this is hereby ordained as an exception to the general ordinance retpiiring wires to be placed underground within the inner fire limits. ( )n I'^ast Hunter Street between Capitcd Ave. and I'Vaser St.. overhead tension wires may be run. under super\ision of City Klectrician. subject to removal by Council. , Sec. 1024. Electric Signs — Lawful to Erect. — Any person, firm, or corporation may erect and maintain over any sidewalk, street, avenue, or alley, in this Cit\'. any electric sign of signs conforming to the requirements of following sections. Sec. 1025. Electric Signs — Defined — How Constructed. — An electric sign is hereby declared to be any sign constructed as fol- lows : Signs, all or part of the letters of which are made in the outline of incandescent lamps; transparent glass signs, illum- ined with electric lamps; signs with flush painted or raised let- ters, and having a border of incandescent lamps. The number of incandsecent lamps for each side of any electric sign shall not be less than one lamp for each one and one-quarter square foot of sign surface. KI,K« IKU IT\ — KLKCTKIC- SICi.NS — KI.KCTRIC THEATERS 2!1.'i Sec. 1026. Shall be Securely Supported and Fastened— Both Sides Illumined — Nine Feet Above Sidewalk Minimum — Projec- tion not Beyond Curb Line. Si4 KI.K'I'MM I I \ I I.I « I M n I II I \ I I II * >ni \ I \«. I'll I I iii:^ structim;, or maiiitaiiiiiij^ clccinc ilicalro. mt aiuliloriuin>, where moving pictures arc displayed (»r similar theatres or auditoriums, shall C(>mi)ly with the terms of this ordinance, and this ordi- nance i> licrebv made applicat»le to electric the'itre> or auditor- iimis. where mo\ in^ pictures are displayed, or sinular auditori- ums or theatres, now existinjjf. as well as those hereafter ctin},' theatres arc j^i\ en sixty days, within which to comply with this ordinance. Sec. 1030. Building Inspector and Superintendent Must Is- sue Permit. — Such theaters or avulitoriums. hereinafter called electric theatres, shall not he constructed, fitted up. or operated, or licensed, until a permit therefor has been issued hy the I'uild- iuL^ Inspector and said .^uperiiitendiiit. Said officers are hereby directed and authorized t<» issue permits for such electric thea- tres. j)rovided they are constructed in accordance with plans approved l)y them, and which plan^ "iocurc the safety of persons patronizinj:;^ same. Sec. 1031. All Wiring under Supervision of City Electrician — License Void Unless His Orders Complied with. — All wiring in suc'ii theatres shall be installed uiuler the direct sui)ervision 'M "the Citv Electrician, and. where he condemns any such wir mg. same shall likewise be re-installed, and. in a", cases, where the owners or operators of such electric theatres refuse to con- form to the directions of the City RIcctrician. in the matter^ herein mentioned, the license therefor shall be ipso facto void and such theatres shall he immediately closed as unsafe fo." patronaj^e. Sec. 1032. All Fuses to be Installed in Fire-Prcof Enclosures — Space Between Fuse and Sides and Face of Enclosure. — .\11 fuses in connection with lights illuminating the part.-> of the house, room, or auditorium, used by the audience, must be in- stalled in lire-proof enclosures, so constructed that there will be a space of at least six inches between the fuse and the sides and face of the enclosure. Sec. 1033. Exit Plainly Marked — Height of Letters — Limit of Fuses. — All exits shall be plainl}- indicated by a sign — same to be illuminated by other than electricity, and bear the words ''EXIT," the letters of which must not be less than four inches Ki,t:riHMii»_,„KviKK^— ^:All>_,.t>„..._„,:^,,,, 295 in height, and there must not be more than one set of fuses in any ••EXIT- sigr,, circuit between the service fuse an.l the sign. Sec. 1034. Control of Lights— Stage and Auditorium Lights Separately Fcd.-luMde light>. and all lights in balls, corridors, and any other part of the building used by the audience, except the general auditorium lights, must be fed independently of the stage light, aad must be controlled only from the lobby, or other conyenient place in the front of the house, and there must be two circuits in tne auditorium, one controlled by operator in booth, and one controlled fn.m without the auditorium, viz: iu lobby or without the entrance. Sec. 1035. All Outlets to be Thoroughly Lighted-Number of Lights.— I-very portion of the i>uiiding devoted to the use or accommodation of the public, all outlet> leading to the street, all open a.urts. corridors, hallways, anrl e.xits. shall be thor- ouglily lighted during every performance, and remain Iightet not be of I' capaci'tv than No. Six r.. iK: .s. gauge. Sec. 1037. Rheostats Must Conform to Electrician's Require- ments—Rheostats must conform to rheostat re(,uiremeiits. a< directed by the City Electrician. Sec. 1038. Top Reel to be Encased in Box— No Solder Used. — Fop reel must be encased in iron box. which bov has a hole at the bottom only large enough for f^Ims to pass through, and coyer thereof .so arranged that this hole can be clos. d. Xo solder to be used in the construction of this box. Sec. 1039. Crank Must Be Secured to Shaft— Prevent Com- ing Off.— The handle or crank for filling the machine must be secured to the spindle or shaft, so that there will be no liability Ot)(] KI.K« "I'HH IT^ — Kll,^l«*- »l \« HIM'-. — l'l.>\l.l\ of such handle f»r crank o<>ininp off. or allowinj^' the film t«» >to]) in front nf the lamp. Sec. 1040. Shutter Placed, Subject Only to Outside Pressure. — A shutter nuist be placed in front of the condenser, arraiij^ed so as to be closed ni>rmally. subject to open only by outside i>irv- sure. such as the pres<;ure of the foot. Sec. 1041. Extra Films — How Kept. I'.xtra hlm> mu-i be kept in a metal box ha\ im,^ a tij^^lit-tiltiiij^ co\ i r. Sec. 1042. Must Be Operated by Hand — Motor-Driven Ma- chines Prohibited.— .^aid machines must be < 'pirated b)' liand. Motor-driven machines are hereljy pr( "hibitetl. Sec. 1043. Picture Machine — How Housed — Material — Reg- ulation of Openings, Etc. — The picture machine nuist be placed in an enclosure nr house made i»f or lined with hre-proof mate- rial, tiioroughly ventilated, and larjj^e enou ok IHI, K I l.mi^-PKXALTY 997 works not exceeding 30 days, either or both penalties to be in- flicted m the discretion of the Recorder, each day's operation to be held a separate offense. Sec. 1045. Prize Fights— Boxing Contests— Illegal to Show in Moving Pictures.— Xo person, either as owner, agent or employe, shall display by means of moving pictures or similar devices the progress or result of any prize tight or boxing contest, in either an electric or moving i)icture >h.,\v or vaudeville performance or m a theater or at any place in or at which persons gather, either by paid admissi(jn or by free exhibition. Sec. 1046. Penalty.— Any person violating preceding section of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of an offense and on con- viction there.. f in the Reconler s Court, shall be punished 'by a tine not exceeding Five Hundred Dollars or sentenced to work- on the public works of the city lor not exceeding thirty days. either or both penalties to be inflicte.l in the discretion of the Recorder and. in addition thereti.. the Recorder shall have the power, in case a pers..n violating this ordinance holds a license for any purpose or bu^iness fp.m the City, to f..rfeit such license and thereafter any effort to operate such business under such forfeited license shall be deemed an offense punishable in the same manner as j)ro\ ided in this section. 29H I nil HI I- \i« I Mi.> I Ho\Hi» «»i I u I n^ — *\i.Mt\ CHAPTER XLVI. IIKI-: i)i:i'.\kiMi-:M' -I'oAKi) oi i'iki:m asit.ks. Sec. 1047. Fire Department— Control and Supervision by Whom.— Ihc lire Department <>i the City <•{ .\tlanta. and the buildings, machinery, and e<|uipnient of said l)ci)artinetit. shall he under the control, supervision and management of the f^xird of I'irc Masters, subject only to tlie approval of the Mayor aii«l (ieneral Council. Sec. 1048. Board of Fire Masters— Duties — Apparatus of Department. — Tlie I'.oard of lire Masters shall be the Mayor, the Chief, two Aldermen, and the lire Department Committee of the Cieneral Council. who>e duty it shall be to employ the necessary men, and purchase all material for the proj)er work- ing; of the Department, subject to the appr(»val of the Mayor and (ieneral Council. The Cliicf shall act as Secretary of said Board and ."^hall keep a l)ook of minutes of the proceedings of the r>oard and. al>o. all account^ that may relate to the I'irc Department, 'ihe l''ire Department of the City of .Atlanta shall consist of such appliances as may be deemed necessar\ by the Mayor and General Council. Sec. 1049. Officers of the Fire Department.— Hie Ofticers of the Fire Department shall consist of a Chief, with the foreman of each fire Company as assistants. The Chief of the I'ire Department shall also be Superintendent of the Electric Fire Alarm Telegraph, and shall be elected by the Mayor and Gen- eral Council at their first regular meeting in June. I8!>'i, and continue until 1st July, 1883, when his successor shall be elected at the same time other City Officers are elected, and biennially thereafter. Sec. 1050. Salary of Chief— No Other Perquisites.— The sal- ary of the Chief shall be fixed bef<:>re his election, and shall not be changed during his term of office. It shall be three thous- and dollars per annum, payable in monthly installments, and HI.K ■>H>l..,IKM_,„.,„„v,_.,K|.-,CKRS 299 th. Chief shall not receive any additional compensation for the discharge o, h.s duties from any person, firm, or corporation whomsoever. He shall give a bond of one thousand dollars tor the faithful performance of his duties. Sec 1051. Division of Department^(Companies and equip- ment have been UKrca^cd ..nee the adoption of this ordinance by authority duly deleg:ated to the Board of Fire Masters ) I he Fire Department shall be divided into steam fire engine companies, each consisting of one foreman, one engineer one stoker, and one driver: two hose reels f. be connected with the two steam hre engine companies, under the command of the foreman ot said fire engine companies, and shall each be oper- ated by fire runners and one driver; two hose reel companies shall each consist of one foreman, one driver, and fiv ■ e runners and one hook and ladder company shall consist of one foreman one driver, and five runners, all of wh..m shall be paid as the Mayor and (iencral Council may provide, except where the said Board of Fire Master, shall see it is to the interest of the tity to employ what shall be termed callmen. who shall be paid not more than twelve dollars and fifty cents per month, and whose duty it shall he to attend all fires and there perfor ^uch duty as may be assigned to them bv the officers i„ co mand m m- Sec^l052. Chief and Foreman of Each Company Have Po- hce Powers-- Ihe Chief and 1-oreman of each Companv are hereby vested with all the powers of a police officer of the'citv in so far as to make arrests within the City. Sec. 1053. . Vacancics-Sickness-Disability-How Filled - rhe shall have the power, if. in his opini<,n the mterests of the City demand it. to fill temporarily anv vacancv caused by sickness, disability, or absence of anv member of' the De- partment, and such temporary appointee' shall receive the pav allowed to the position filled, and be subject to all the rules Ld regulations of the Department. Sec. 1054. Board of Fire Masters Make Rules for Depart, ment Government.-The Board of Fire Masters shall have the tK.wer to make >uch rules and by-laws for the government of the Department as shall to them seem most expedient, not in conflict with this ordinance or the Citv charter. H^)^) KIMK iti:f \ 11 I «ii:\ r — H4i\hi» \ i-:iii< i.i> mi«.iii *ty w \\ Sec. 1055. Board May Dismiss Employees after Hearing. — The iioard >>i lire Masters shall have tht- power to suspend at will : alxi. t(i fine *>r s, any of tlu- ofticcr"- «»r nu-n, wh' > -^hall ha\f httii tinpIi'M(l hy said Hoard, iar any \iolation '>t tht* rules of the Department, after a full and impartial hearing anhall appoint a member of the l)epartment to till his place. Ihe Chief shall not absent himself from the City without the ct)nsent of the Hoard of h'ire .Masters. Sec. 1057. Right of Way Must be Given to Fire and Police Machines — also Electric Light Company's Wagon. — In the event of an alarm of tire heinj^^ gi\en froni the rentral station, the apparatus of the lire htpartment >hall ha\e the Rij^ht-of-w ay in and upon the >treets. >(juares, lanes, alleys, antl railroad cross- ings in going to any fire, or being up»)n such streets, lanes, al- leys, s(iuares, or railroad crossings. No person shall obstruct or neglect to make way for any apparatus being thus in or upon any of said streets, lanes, alleys, squares, or railroad crossings, under a penalty of tiot less than five dl«i- 301 purpose aforesaid, he or they shall be arrested by any officer au- thorized to make such arrest, and on conviction in the Record- er's Court, jje fined a sum not exceeding^ fifty dollars, or be im- prisoned not exceeding^ thirty days, or both, at the discretion of of the Court. Sec. 1059. Penalty for Giving False Alarm. — It >hall \)c un- lawful for any person or persons to give or cause to be given a false alarm of fire, with the intent to deceive, or to pull the slide of any station or signal box, except in case of fire. an i-'iKK lii:i' \ 11 I ^11 N I «iiii:i III lir.'» — i.o\t.«» Sec. 1062. Duties and Powers of Chief— Record of Depart ment. — The Chief shall he present at all tires .ir alarms, fully equipped, and shall there have sole direction of the operations of the Departnunt. He siiall he liable t<» a fine of three dollars for non-attendance. It shall he his duty to \ i^it the several houses at least once in every twenty-four hours, and see that the houses, apparatus, horses, etc., are in proper condition, and that the nu-u arc at their posts; and. shouhj he fiinl anything; out of order, or any member derelict in his duty, lie shall have authority to suspend him, but must at once rejiort the matie- to the chairman of the Board for his action. All reports made to him by the officers, or any other matters, that may come to "his knowledge, shall be reported in writing to the P.oard of Fire Masters, or in its recess to the Cliairman as soard i»f hire Masters shall declare of a like character. mu>t be equipped with New Departure or Rotarv gongs and same shall not be rung except when said vehicles are making emergency runs and the drivers thereof are forbid- den to ring same except in such cases. Kmcrgency runs are liereby defined to be as follows: An ambulance going to and from an accident and serving the injured: fire wagons going to a fire: police wagons to and from a call for the transportation of prisoners or the officers of the Department sent out for im- mediate service; trolley wire repair trucks going out to make repairs in case of fires or unusual accidents rendering immediate repair of trolley wires necessary, and other vehicles, classed with these when serving their particular work. Sec. 1064. When Rung, all Vehicles Clear Streets— Street Cars Stop. — W'hen said gong is sounded by any vehicle or ve- hicles of fire department, all pedestrians upon the streets, in the path of said vehicles or in front of same, shall leave the street, and remain upon the sidewalk until said vehicles have passed. FIRK 1IKI"\I«TMI-:\T — tiOXi** — \\ HIS'II.KS — Itb.POKTS 3Q;^ All vehicles upon the streets in the path or in front of said ve- hicles shall pull up ap:ainst the curb and remain standing, until -aid vehicles have passed. All street cars upon the streets be- ing used bv said vehicles and by which cars said vehicles must pass, shall stop until said vehicles have passed. Sec. 1065. Others not Use These Gongs. — Any person, firm, or corporaiiuii. tlieir agents or employees, using said Xew De- parture or Rotary gongs upon vehicles of any character or an imitation thereof, or a gong similar in tone to said New De- parture or Rotary gong, shall be guilty of an offense against this ordinance and upon conviction in the Recorder's Court, shall be Hued not exceeding $100.00 or imprisoned not exceed- ing thirty days, either or both penalties to be inflicted in the discretion of the Recorder, Sec. 1066. Siren Whistle — Locomotive Bell — Limited to Fire Department — Others not Use. — All per>on> with the exception of the hrc dei)artment are hereby forbidden to use the whistle known as "I-'riction ."^inn Whistle" upon any vehicle of any character whatsoever upou the streets of the City of Atlanta, or the bell known as "Locomotive I'.ell." Sec. 1067. Penalty. — Any pti>"ii \ lojating any of the provis- ions f)f the foregoing ordinance shall on cf»nvictif»n in the Record- er's Court, be ()unished by a fine not exceeding $100.00 or im- I)risonmcnt n<»t exceeding thirty days, cither or both penalties to be indicted in tin- divcrftir^ii of the Recorder. Sec. 1068. Foremen Shall Examine Plugs -When— Report Made — to Whom. — The foremen of the \arious companies, un- der the direction of the Chief, shall make examination of the fire-plugs at lea^t twice each month, and sliall report to the Chief, who shall in writing notify the Superintendent of the \Va ter Works of any plugs, that are not in good working order. Sec. 1069. Chief Keeps Copies of Letters. All communica^ tions from the Chief of the Department shall be copied in a let- ter-copying book. Sec. 1070. Employees Subject to Assignment by Senior Offi- cer. — .All employees of this i Rules. — I'acli member <»t the lire Department must make him sfit familiar with all tlu- rnU'>' ami ro;;iilati<>ns ^nvcriiiuj^ them Sec. 1072. Meeting of Board of Fire Masters. — Ihc li.>ar.l nf I'ire Ma-ttr- shall moot on tlic W C(liu-stla> preceding the first Monday in each month, and all bills and other matters for the consideration of the Koard mn>t be in the hamls of the Secretary tvyent\-four hours before the time of the repidar meet- in k'- Sec. 1073. Use of Water during Fires — Penalties Attached. — 'When the alarm of hre is sounded, and until the sij,'nal of "I'irc out" is j^^iyeu by the I'ire Department, it shall be unlawful for any person to ust- or draw water from the water mains » ludraiits for -^prinkliii).,', thishinj.( sewers, or for any other pur- pose, under penalty not to exceed $UX).00 fine, or not to exceed thirty day.s' imprisonment, one or both, in the discretion of the Recorder's Court, but not to apply to parties, who use water through a meter. Sec. 1074. House Movers — Must Notify Chief or Fire De- partment. — Iroin thi> date. an\i>ne movinjj a house through any street of said City shall be required to place lights on the same at night, and shall notify tlie Chief of the l'"ire Department of the location of said house at night. Sec 1075. Penalty for Violation. — .\nyone conyicted before the Recorder's L"ourt of \iolatiMg this ordinance sliall be fined in a sum not exceeding <^nc hundred dollars, or iiuprisonment not exceeding tliirt}- days, in the discretion of said Court. Sec. 1076. Vehicles to Give Right-of-Way to Fire Depart- ment — Penalty for Failure. — It shall he the duty of the driyer or person in charge of any dray. hack, carriage or other wagon or vehicle, at any time when the fire alarm bell taps, to drive his team, or otherwise place his vehicle as close as practicable to the sidewalk, so as to leave the street open for the unobstructed pas- sage of the Fire Department and its machinery. Any person violating this section shall be punished by fine not less than five nor more than one hundred dollars, or imprisonment not II hi; iii:r \u I «ii.\ I — i>i, % in — «. \i, \nii:> '*i;n\ n t: M05 ^xceedin;: T'lirtv iriiii .l.iv^ mi ']^,. .'i^cretion of the Recorder's Court. Sec. 1077. Provision for Firemen Losing Their Lives. — in case any officer or member <»f the Fire Department shall lose his life on accuiint of injuries received in the discharge of his duty as an officer or mend^er of said Department, then his wife and children shall be paid his salary for a period of twelve months following his death, if n<»t wife, but children survive him. then to the children, provided guardians be appointed therefor in reg- idar form. Sec. 1078. How Above Appropriations Will Be Paid. — .saidl sums .-«ha!l l>e paid from regular appropriation to iicpalment of Fire, and the name of tlit- dm-.-iNi-i! ^li.i" 'n- r.irri.d ni) .n t!u- r. ,|!'^ for this purpose. SALAkii:.^^— .\Li<)KDi.\(. lu r(>.>ri.-'.> ..xd .ay oi all drivers, ladder men. ho>fmen and stokers in the depart- ment of I'ire. shall be rt.\ed and paid as fo|lr)ws For the tir>t year of their >ervicc u'*'- ''"• ' '• lall re- ceive the sum of $*)(>.(M> per month. F'or the 2nd year of their service with the City, they shall re- ceive the sum of S^iri.OO per month. I'or the 'ird year of their service wiii. .i.i i^- ceive the sum of $7(>. per in<»nt!i. For the 4ih year of their service with the City, they shall re- ceive the sum «>f $7r).(M> per month. I''or the .'nh year of their service wi^'- ' ^^ -lial! re- ceive the sum of $M(>.(M> per month. For the Hth \ ear of their service with the City, they shall re- ceive llie sum of $8.').(K) per month. an during their service in these positions. The above described provisions shall not operate to reduce any man now serving in the salaries now paid, but as to them the or- dinance shall be prospective, except as to those found inefficient as hereafter provided. 20 306 »•'*•**: UKI'AMTMKXT— «*KH\ H K I N < It I \ s | I* \ \ _ I \ \ >i i \ 4 | iu% Sec. 1080. Conditioned on Faithful Work — Suspension — Ef- fect. — This increase for each year up to and including the sixth year of said service shall be conditioned upon the faithful per- formance of all duties and. should any »»f said employees be susi)en{k(l fur as loii<^' as ihirt.\ (la\> duriii;^ any \ car up to and iiuludiuj.,^ tlu' >i.\tli year »«l s»'r\ ice. hy and under lawful author- ity, full opportunity having been given him for a hearing, then such sus])cnsi(>n shall operate so as to retain such cniplovce in the same class for the year following his suspension and for the same pay as for the year in which he was suspended, in other words, such employee loses a year in the compiit.ition of his compensation under the system herein ordained Sec. 1081. Increase — Time — Maximum. — All employees ex- cept drivers as indicated in the preceding section, who, on the first day of T^ctober, 1910, have served fc»r as long as one year, shall thereafter be paid the sum of $80.00 per month and said driver shall thereafter be paid $85.00 per month and such com- pensation shall be increased as provided by this ordinance, for each additional year's service thereafter at the rate of $o.00 per month until such employees shall be paid the maximum sum of $90.00 per month, while ser\ing in said positions. Sec. 1082. Examination — Hearing — Trial — Method. — The Board of Fire Masters shall examine into the efficiency of all of the officers and members of the Department of Fire, and in all cases where they find any officer or member inefficient for any reason they shall cause a statement of the alleged inefficiency to be served upon such officer at least five days before any meeting, and shall call upon such officer or member to show cause before them at such meeting why the judgment should not therein be entered declaring such officer or man inefficient for the reasons stated. This statement shall be signed by the Secretary of the Board of Fire Masters and a copy served on such officer or member personally, or at last known address of such officer or member, by a member of said department des- ignated by the Chairman of the Board of Fire Masters, prior to such hearing. The Chairman of said Board shall cause such officers and men who have been cited to appear at said meeting for the reason named, to be examined by three competent physicians, selected for that purpose at a called meeting held by the Board of Fire Masters prior to such regular meeting in KlltK IIKI'\HTMK\T — THIALS— Jl I)<;>IK>T KKDl ITIONK ■■Wi lime to liave the examination completed and report thereof made to such regular meeting. Sec. 1083. Separate Trials — Reports of Physicians. — At said hearings, each case shall be called separately, a statement of the cause of inefficiency read, the report of the physicians read, and such additional evidence shall be heard with reference thereto as the Hoard of Fire Masters may desire or such officer or member may present. Sec. 1084. Judgment— Effect. — If said Board of Fire Masters, at said hearing, find any officer or member unable to do efficient service for any reason, wliether by age, injuries or other cause, they shall enter a judgment to that eft'ect on the minutes of the Board. Sec. 1085. Reduced Pay — Light Service. — In all cases, where such judgment is entered by the I'uard of Fire Masters, they shall thereupon place such officer or member at light work in the department, at the stables or at service in and around iicad- •juarters or wherever active duty is not required and the pay of such officers or men shall thereupon be likewise reduced to the sum of $45. fX) per month. It is the |)urpose of the Mayor and (Jeneral Ctli day of February. 1910. but such reduction shall begin with the l.lth day of February. 1910 and shall con- tinue thereafter while such officers or men are doing such service as is herein pr<^>\ ided. Sec. 1086. Continue as Members of Department — Under Or- ders. — Such officers and men, as are found inefficient as herein provided, >hall continue as members of the department of l-'ire. and shall be subject to perform such duties as their strength will permit and shall be subject to the orders of the Chief of the FireDepartment. and of the Fire Masters at all times. :nm KIIN^ » HI MM \* — I N< "VI '•' l» > I'. HI CHAPTER XLVII. FIRFS- PRF.C \r riON'S Ar.AIXST— ( »II.S -COMHL'STI- BLKS. Sec. 1087. Kilns— Not Within Hundred Yards of House- Fifty of Fence — Penalty. — .No pcr-«'>ii >h.iU he j>crmitic»l l" huilil ;iii(l fire am upon plank kiln .>r kilii> within one humlrc-d yards of any liouse. ..r titty yards of any feiue. in the incorporate lim- its of .said City: and any person violatintr said ordinance shall, on conviction in the Recorders Court, he tined not exceeding one hundred dollars for each day such kiln is kept hurning. ot not exceedinir thirty days' ini|)risoniiient. Sec. 1089. Stovepipes and Chimneys to be Inspected— Rem- edy Defects — Penalty for Failure. — It -liall l)e the duty of the Chief of the hire I )e|>artinent to make frecjuent examinations into the conditions of the stovepipes and chimneys in this City, and if he shall deem their conditi.)n a source of danger from tire, he shall rc<|uire the tenant or occupant of the house, where such stovepipe or chimney is. to remedy the same within tweKc hours: and on failure or refusal of such tenant or occupant, such offender shall he liahle. upon conviction in the Recorder's Court, to a fine of not exceeding one liundred dollars and costs, or be iniprisoncd not exceeding thirty days: and if. from the evi- dence, the Court helieves the condition of such chimney or stovepipe dangerous, the Onirt shall order the alteration to he made at the cost of the occupant. Sec. 1089. —Uncovered Lights in Stables — Among Combusti- ble Matter— Unlawful— Penalty for Violation. — .\ny person who shall be fi>un(l guilty of carrying an uncovered or open light of any kind into any stable or barn, or any place, where provender, trash, or any matter is contained, that is easy of com- bustion, in the City of Atlanta, on conviction of the same, in the Recorder's Court, shall be fined not exceeding one hundred dol- lars and costs, or be imprisoned not exceeding t'hirty days. KIHKN—IN s|H|;KT— \T M<. H I —HI. \« Iv k m ITU S_K\GI \ KS '^Qq Sec. 1090. Permitting Persons to Carry Lights to Such Places — Penalty. — If any person or persons shall permit to j^u or send any servant or other person with uncovered lights into such place or places, as described in the preceding section, he. she, or they, may be liable to the penalty imposed bv said sec- tion, on conviction before the Recorder's Court. Sec. 1091. Unlawful to Build Fires in Public Streets— Pen- alty. — It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to build or maintain a fire in any of the public streets of the City of Atlanta within three feet of any curbing. Any violation of the above <.hall be punished by a fine of not e.xceeding twentv-five dollars, or imprisonment in the Stockade, or work upon the public works, not e.xceeding thirty days, in tlie discretion of the Re- ci irder. Sec. 1092. Combustible Materials not to be Burned at Night — Penalty. — h siiall be unlawful for any person or persons to burn trash, lumber, straw or any combustible substance, be- tween the hours of sunset and sunrise, in any yard. lot. or alley in the City of Atlanta; and any person or persons violating this ordinance shall, upon conviction before the Recorder's Court, be fined not e.xceeding fifty dollars, or imprisonment for not more than thirty days, either or botli, in the discretion of the Court. Sec. 1093. Blacksmith Shops in Fire Limits Must be Fire- proof. — .\o building shall be u.^ed t^r occupied a> a blacksmith shop within the fire limits of this City, unless the same be made fireproof. Sec. 1094. Stationary Steam Engines — Erected only by Per- mission — Specifications — Penalty. — h sliall n- ^i be lawful for any person <»r persons to erect or run, or cause to be erected or run, any stationary steam engine, of any kind or description, within the fire limits of the City of .\tlanta. without first obtaining the consent of the Mayor and General Council thereto; and the ap- plication shall contain a complete description of ttie character and size of the engine proposed to be erected, of tlie building, in which it will be placed, its position in the building, the distances to surrounding buildintrs (^r >tnictnr(-, and the material, of M() riHK«» tm.s \\\\i\«.v oil. \ till MiiiN I I Mill n ^\iti»H which thcv are ctriu tc«l. ami the heijjht. si/.e. aiwl hKratioii llar>. or be imprisoned iu>t exceediuf^ thirty il used for illumination, in any building', im- le>s permission is tirst i.(ranted l»y the Mayor and (ieneral G>un- cil. It being provided that any such permission is subject to revocation at any time by tlie Mayor and General Council. Any person violating this ordinance shall be punished by a tine of not exceedinj^ one lunulred dollars, or be imprisoned noi more than thirtv days, either or l)oth. in the discretion of the Record- er's Court. Sec. 1096. Awnings and Signboards Ordinance Governing — Penalty for Violation. — It shall not be lawful for any per>on to erect, or ha\c erected, any avMiinj; oi- sheil ha\ intj^ more wood than is actually necessary to fasten the tin or metal covering's to, in front of any buildini^ iti said City, within the tire limits, over any sidewalk or street. .\ny person violating:' the ])rovis- ions of this ordinance shall, on conxiction in the Recorders Court, be fined not less than one nor more than one lumuch insi)cctions. Sec. 1100. Penalty for Violation of Above Section.-Any person or persons violating the provisions of the foregoing sec- tion shall be arrested by any officer or member of the police force, and may. on conviction before the Recorder's Court, be fined in a n.>t exceeding o,u- hundred dollars, or to work on the street not e.xceeding thirty days, citlier or both, in the dis- cretion of the Court. Sec. 1101. Boilers and Furnaces— To Erect Must Have Per- mit-Certificate.-It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to .set up any boiler, furnace, or kitchen range (this does not apply to kitchen ranges in private dwellings^, without first obtaining a permit for .same from the Department of Build- ings, and shall not use .same until a certificate from said Depart- ment has been issued, to the efl^ect tTiat said boiler, furnace or range has been inspected, and is safe from fire. Sec. I102.-Restrictions as to Installation of Ranges on Wood- en FIoors._It shall be unlawful to install or place or hereafter .ill' KIltKM — H%\ \n||«i: III have any >to\c »»r ran;^a-. wherein wooil or coal is burned, on any wooden floor or floor of combustible material (»f any kind, unless there is an open space of not less than three inches in depth be- tween the bottom of said stove or ranj^e, and the floor under- neath a> aforesaid, and the ^aid stove or ran^e >hall rest on iron legs or cement blocks or bricks or other incombustible material. It shall not be a compliance with this ordinance for said stoves or ranj^es to include an open space of three or more inches in the bottcMu of the stoves or ranges for air ^^pace. If such stove or range sliail have this open space, it shall nevertheless be nec- essary and re(|uiren conviction, in the Recorder's Court be fined not exceeonmem nut to exceed thirty days, or both tine and imi)rist»nmeut, as aforesaid, in the discretion of the Recorder's Court, for each (tffense. Sec. 1104. Notice of Dangerous Structure — Penalty for Fail- ure to Comply. — It shall be the duly of the Chief of the I'ire l)ci)artnicnt to notify any person, who may liavc any such >lruc- turo in such condition as to en of le>s than i Kh ten hor>e power and hot air lurnaces, when placed on wooden floors or beams, shall have a protection between the floor and the boiler or furnace of not less than (2) two courses of brick laid in mortar, on sheet steel, iron, or zinc, the brick to extend not less than one (1) foot on each side and back, and three (.i) feet in front of said boiler or furnace, and the steel, iron, or zinc, must extend one foot be- yond the brick all around, on this foundation place bearing brick laid flat with air space between, on which the furnace or boiler shall be placed. All boilers or furnaces shall be provided with suitable ash pans unrler the fire box. and not less than (8) eirrhx inches below the grate bars. ::n lltllH — I \ Jl l( \ I 1(1 If til N I Olio I 11 I I II M. I M.I M Hill SK Sec. 1109. Injuring a Fire Engine, or Other Fire Department Equipment — Penalty. — .\ii> person or pcr.sons. who >hall vvillullv uikI knov\iiij;l> injure or (lauKii;e. in any way or by an\ mean- whatever, anv engine, hose, hook, lahall, on ciMiviction in the Kecoromnent not exceeding thirty days. Sec. 1110. Putting Trash in Front of Engine House — Pen- alty. — Any person or person>. who .shall wilfully and know njgly pul any trash, or other ob>lruction. in fnnU of any engine house, or hook and ladder house, in FHe City, shall, on convic- tion in the Recorder's Court, be punished by a fine not exceed- ing one hundred dollars, ur imprisonment not exceeding thirty days. Sec. 1111. Ashes in Houses — How Disposed Of — Inspection. — No person shall be permitted to place within any building in the City of Atlanta ashes in any box, barrel, or other wooden vessel, or upon any wooden vessel or floor, unless the same is immediately removed from the building, and from contact with such building; and all owners or occupants of buildings in this City are required to permit th6 Ciiief of the Fire Department, or any officer or member of the police force, to inspect their build- ings to see if the alxne is complied with. .\nd it is hereby made the duty of the Chief of the F^ire Department, and of the police force, to make such inspections vv'henever and wherever they may suspect a violation of the foregoing ordinance. Sec. 1112. Penalty for Violation. — Any person violating any of the provisions of the foregoing section shall be arrested by. any officer or member of the police force, and may, on convic- tion, be fined in a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars, or be imprisoned not exceeding thirty days, either or both in the dis- cretion of t'he Recorder's Court. I^-||{I> 1; \SOI.I\K — OILS :nri Sec. 1113. Gasoline, Benzine, etc. — How Kept — Penalty.— It shall be unlawful for any person, tinn or cfjrporation to store or keep on hand at any one time, or in any one building under their control, e.\ceeding- ten gallons of gasoline, benzine, or naphtha, except in a fireproof building or vault, in which all openings are covered with metal shutters. Any person, firm or ct»rporation violating this ortiinance shall, upon conviction, be fined not ex- ceeding two hundred dollars or less, in the discretion of the Re- corflcr'-^ Court. Sec. 1114. Further Regulations — Oils — How Much Kept — Fireproof Vaults — Penalty. — It siiall be unlawful for any per- son, firm or curporaiion. to store, or keep on hand at any one time, or in any one building in the City of Atlanta, under their control, exceeding two (2) gallons each (provided said two gal- lons, or less are kept in an approved metal self-closing can), of gasoline, benzine, or naptha except in a fireproof building or vault erected for that purpose, in which all openings are cov- ered with metal sluittcrs; said building to be not nearer than tvvenl} -five feel of any other building, and at no time shall more than one hundred and ten (110) gallons be stored in said build- ing, and said ga>oline. benzine, or naptha shall always be kept in a drum used for that purpose, and no delivery shall be made at any time by artificial light, and imder no circumstances af- ter sundown «tf any day. Any person, firm, or corporation, vio- lating this ordinance shall, upon conviction, be fined not exceed- ing two "hundred ($2(M).(K)) dollars, or less, in the discretion of the Recorder's Cer\ e the right to revoke this ordinance at any time it shall become ob- jectionable or tlangerous to adjacent property. Provided, that none of the provisi(;ns of this ordinajice as heretofore amended shall apply to any oil compan}, or other person, firm or corj)ora- tion doing whfdesale or jobbing business in oils or like products, whose storage tanks are located not nearer than one mile from the center of the City of Atlanta, and provided further that be- fore any such oil company, or other person, firm ar corporation shall build any additional tanks for such storage, such company or other person, firm or corporation shall apply to the General Council of the City of Atlanta for permission, and such tanks 316 |-ini> inN\>ii'ii-: i-\( i'«iMii:s shall he erected iiiuler .^pecitications ajjproNcd by the General Council. Sec. 1115. Limit of Amount of Dynamite — Day and Night. — It shall be unlawful for any i)erson, firm or corporation, to have, store, or keep on hand, in any building, shed or other place, dy- namite in (juantities e.xceeding fifty pounds between six o'clock P. M. and six o'clock A. M. witliin the incorporate limits of the City. Sec. 1116. Penalty for Violation. — Any person, firm or corpo- ration violating this ordinance shall on conviction before the Re- corder's Court be fined not exceeding two hundred dollars, or im- prisoned not exceeding thirty days, one or both penalties to be inflicted in the discretion of the Recorder. Sec. 1117. Certain Factories within Fire Limits Must Have Permits. — In order to the prevention of fires, and the better pro- tection of property against exposure to danger of destruction by fire, it shall 'hereafter be unlawful for any ])erson. firm or corpo- ration to open or conduct within the fire limits of the City of .\t- lanta any factory for the manufacture of brooms, boxes, whether of wood, paper, or other materials, or trunks, or any junk shop, without first having obtained the permission of the Mayor and General Council of said City. Sec. 1118. Circumstances Surrounding Withholding Permits. — Or Granting Same. — In granting or witlilnjlding such permis- sion by the ]\Iayor and General Council, regard shall be had to the question of safety of the business in the building, where it is already located or proposed to be conducted, with reference to the presence or absence of fire walls betw^een such building and the adjacent buildings, and similar safeguards against the spread of fires. Sec. 1119. Penalty for Violation of Preceding Sections. — A violation of preceding" sections shall subject the offender, upon conviction in the Recorder's Court, to a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars, or imprisonment not exceeding thirty days, for each offense. FIRK«» — rill>IM-:VS person or persons, except firemen, the Mayor and General Council, the police force, the owners of the property, their agents, and the agents of insurance companies, shall be al- lowed within the immediate vicinity of any fire, without being ordered there by the officer in command of the Fire Depart- ment ; and in case an}- person or persons shall refuse to obey the 318 KIHKN 'I'HIK^ K«»— HOTKI.** ««»\^IUI < I l«>\ — >l \ I i:i(l \i. 9 orders and directir»ns <>f such officer, lie. slie, I'r they shall h< arrested, and, t)n conviction, he punislied hy a tine nut exceeding ttne hundred dollars, or imprisonment not exceediu},,' thirty days, in the discretion of the Recorder's Court. Sec. 1123. Thieves at Fires — By Whom Arrested.— The offi- cer in command of the I'ire Department at the fire shall arrest, or cause to be arrested hy the police of the City, any perscm or persons, who shall be caught stealing goods, or any other arti- cles of value, from any store or other house at or in the vicinity of the fire. Sec. 1124. Hotels, Apartments or Rooming Houses over Four Stories — Fire-proof. — l'"rom and after the passage of this ordi- nance all buildings hereafter erected that are not now in the course of erection, used as hotels, apartments, or rooming houses that exceed four (4) stories in height shall be of fire proof con- struction, the same to ai)ply to buildings now equipped or used for the above purposes. Sec. 1125. Outer Walls — Material. — The outer walls shall be brick, stone or concrete, if bearing walls and if on skeleton con- struction where the internal strain or load are transmitted from the top of the building to the foundation by a skeleton or frame work of metal, other lighter material may be used for the outer walls, provided it be of a non-conrbustiblc material. Sec. 1126. Beams, Columns, Bolts. — All beams, columns, gir- ders or lintels shall be of iron and steel, and to be riveted or bolted to each other at their respective junction points. Sec. 1127. Casing for Iron and Steel. — All iron or steel shall be encased with at least four inches of hollow tile or terra cotta, the hollow place to 'be not less than three-fourths of an inch. The tops of beams or girders where wood floors are used may be encased with two inches of tile or terra cotta with a coating of cinder concrete on top of tile or terra cotta at least two inches thick. FIRES — HOTKLS — MATERIAL 319 Sec. 1128. Partitions Incombustible. — All partitions shall be of incombustible material eitiier of concrete tile, terra cotta or other equally fire-proof material, all partitions shall be sup- ported by steel construction or fire-proof floor arches, no wooden floors shall intervene between in such partitions and its support. Sec. 1129. Stairs Fire-Proof. — Stairs shall be built either of approved concrete, metal or stone or a combination of the above materials. Sec. 1130. Roofs. Incombustible. — The ruofs to be entirely of non-combustible material. Sec. 1131. Doors, Window Frames, Sash, Wood. — Door and window-frames, also doors and sash may be of wood. i Sec. 1132. Penalty. — Any person, firm or corporation violat- ing any of the provisions of this ordinance shall upon conviction before the Recorder be fined not more than $100.00 or impris- oned thirtv da\ s. eiilu-r or both, in the discretion of the Recorder. 320 <;\Mi>_i:\< II \N<.Ks CHAPTER XLVIir. (iAMKS OF CIlAXLl-:. TIKI' ICXe 1 l.\X( iRS. ETC. Sec. 1133. Use of Wheels, Etc. with Element of Chance to Attract Trade Prohibited. — li >li;ill l)f unlawful f"r any person, tirni I'r corporatinji to conduct or carry t-n any business in the City of Atlanta hy means of any wheel or similar device, in which the elements of chance are used for the purpose of atlraclin^^ trade. Sec. 1134. Penalty for Violation. — Any person, hrni or corpo- ration, convicted in the Recorder's Court of the City of Atlanta, of a violation of tlie above section, shall he i)unished hy a fine not to exceed one hundred dollars, or hy imprisonment not to exceed thirty days, either or both of the>e punishnuMits in the discretion of the Recorder's Court. Sec. 1135. No Office, where Betting on Horse Races Is En- gaged In, Is Allowed. — it shall be inilawful for an)- person, firm or cori)oration. ai^ent or emjiloyee thereof, to maintain or carry on any office, or place of business, or to have the sjiace or por- tion of the office, store or i)lace of business, of another, or to maintain a place or point of meetiuf^-. in whicli any ])erson or per- sons is or are allowed to bet or offer to het. or place an order for a bet. or teleg'raph or take a bet. on horse races, boat races, l)icy- cle races, or any other kind or description of race, whether such race is to be run in the City of Atlanta or any place outside of said City. Sec. 1136. Penalty for Vioaltion. — Any person, firm or cor- poration, convicted of a violation of the above section in the Re- corder's Court of said City, shall be subject to pimishment by fine not to exceed five hundred dollars, or imprisonment not exceeding thirty days, either or both, at the discretion of the Re- corder's Cotirt. fiAMKS—KACli WOKS—i I HI- Sec. 1137. No Turf Exchange License to be Issued-Penalty for Pool Selling._Xo Turf Exchan^re license shall be hereafter issued, and n.. permit .i^ranted lor the sale of pools of any kind Any person ruunin^r a Turf Exchancre or selling pools of any kind in the City after expiration of all licenses heretofore grant- ed, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction before the Recorder's Court, shall be subject to a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars, or sentenced to the City cliaingang for a p'eriod not exceeding thirty days, one or both, in the discretion of the Court. 21 :{22 ll\«Ko l)ll\ls — I.ICK.NKIOI) — lli:i'l «'l N«. Il%ll CHAPTER XLIX. MACKS, DKAVS AND Ik ANSI- 1". K W ACiONS. Sec. 1138. Licenses for Drays — Wagons — Shall be Obtained. — Any person lia\in|L;' or usinj^; a dray, waj^'on, or oilier vehicle in the City of Atlanta, drawn by a horse or horses, or other ani- mal or animals, for transportin*:;' persons, j^oods, wares or mer- chandise, or any (jther thinj^ or thino^s, to or from the depots, or otlier place or places in said City, for hire, shall first apply to the Clerk of Conncil. and obtain a license. And for any vehicle drawn by one horse or other animal, or by two horses or other animals, shall i)a} the price of license fixed ))y the annual tax ordinance. Sec. 1139. Licensed Draymen Only Can Dray — Penalty for Violation. — Any j^erson, who shall carry persons, or haul, or dray for hire, without having first obtained a license, as stated in the preceding section sahll, upon conviction under this ordi- nance, pay a fine of not exceeding one hundred dollars and costs, or ])e imprisoned in the stationhouse not over thirty days, or both, in the discretion of the Recorder's Court. Sec. 1140. Penalty for Refusal to Haul, — Any person having and using a license dray, or other vehicle, who shall, through ill- will or obstinacy, or without sufficient cause, refuse to dray, haul, or carry, wdien money is tendered, when requested by any person, shall, on cinviction, be subject to a fine of not exceeding one hundred dollars and costs, or imprisoned as in last section, or both, in the discretion of the Recorder's Court. Sec. 1141. Penalty for Employing Unlicensed Drajmien. — Any merchant, or other person, who shall knowingly employ any drayman, with any team of horses, or other animals, or horse, or other animal, and vehicle or carriage, to haul or convey any HACKK — IJKAVS — (-HAH4iK<< — Til *\SKKK — BOISTKKOl S ^23 goods, wares or merchandise, or other thing or things, to or from any place in the City of Atlanta, for which there is no li- cense, shall, upon conviction before the Recorder's Court of so doing, be fined in a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars and costs. Sec. 1142. Rates of Charge by Drays. — Xo person having or using a licensed dray shall charge or collect more than the fol- lowing rates, to-wit : For each hogshead of molasses, $1.00; for each hogshead of sugar, 75 cents. Flour, meal, bacon and all kinds of grain, fresh meats of all kinds, salted or otherwise, lard. and all other articles of merchandise and provisions, or other articles, per load of eighteen hundred pounds, and bulk freight, ttiat can be safely transported, 25 cents. For a one-horse dray, or other animal dray load of nine hundred pounds, or bulk freight, that can be conveniently carried, 15 cents. For all parts of loads and small articles charges may be made in proportion — no charge, however, required to be less than 25 cents, unless otherwise agreed on — a copy of which rates shall be put on each license when issued by the Clerk, and rates may be changed at any time by a resolution to that efifect. Sec. 1143. Baggage Transfer — Charges — Penalty for Viola- tion. — All persons in the business of transferring baggage — hacks, drays and all other vehicles — shall be restricted in their charges to the sum of not over twenty-five cents for each trunk, valise, or other article of baggage carried to or from the passen- ger depot to any point within the limits of the City of Atlanta. Any person convicted in the Recorder's Court of violating thi^ ordinance shall be fined not exceeding one hundred dollars, or imprisoned not more than thirty days. Sec. 1144. Penalty for Driving in a Boisterous or Dangerous Manner. — If any driver of such vehicle, or any drayman, shall drive in a rude, boisterous, disorderly, dangerous, or hurtful manner, or in such a manner as to put any person in fear of bod- ily hurt, or shall cause bodily hurt or damage to the property of any person, he shall, on conviction, be fined in a sum not ex- ceeding one hundred dollars and costs, or be imprisoned in the :{24 • I %« K^ — l>ll \ \ o I.I I I H I \ \ III M. statn>iihnM>c (»r jail not over thiii\ i!n\<, or Ih.iIi at *]}!• ,1'^. rr- ti(»ii >ti tlu- KfLDi'dcr's Court. Sec. 1145. Vehicles Standing in Streets Unlawful — Penalty if Team Runs Away. — .\i' iliayinan or driver ni any vcliiclr •'liall alli>\\ his dray, \cliiclc. or team to staii enj.;a^ed in driviuj^ a public hack, or carriage for similar service, within tiie limits of the City of .Atlanta, to charge more than the following i)rices : By Distance, day rate: ( )ne and a half miles, each person, twenty-five cents; each additional half mile or less, for each per- son, ten cents. Night Kate: ( )ne and a half miles, each person, fifty cents; each additional half mile or less, each person. 20 cents. By the Hour: One or more persons, first hour, $1.00; each additional half lu)ur, or fraction thereof, 50 cents. Xo hack sliall be driven by the time rate at a pace less than five miles an hour. The distances herein referred to shall be lucasured in an air line from starting point to destination. , No charge shall 'be made for children imder five years of age. No charge shall be made for hand baggage not exceeding fifty pounds in weight. The nigTit rate herein provided for shall be charged only be- tween the hours of 11:30 P. M. and 5:00 A. M., provided, how- H \< l\*i M \l" I'OMIMI IIIHI :{2:^ ever, that said iii^ln rate shall not apply for transporting^ pas- senjj^ers from any depot to any hotel, from any hotel to any de- pot, or from depot to depot. When the hirinj? of a public hack is not at the time specified to be by the hour, it shall be deemed to be by distance, and for any detention exceeding ten minutes the owner or hackman may demand an additional compensation at the rate of fifteen cents for each fifteen minutes or fracti«jn there(»f. but no charge shall be made for one stop not exceeding five minutes. Sec. 1148. Shall Post in Hack Under Glass Map of Atlanta. — All persons, owning, controlling, ur operating public hacks or carriages shall post in a conspicuous place inside each hack op- erated either on the front, back, or sides thereof, and framed under glass, a map of the City of Atlanta, showing the true lo- cation of half mile circle> drawn in Miccosion from the center thereof, and there shall be printed on said map a schedule of the prices or rates herein provided. Said printed schedule and map to be furnished by the Clerk of the Council upon issuance of li- cense, and the >ame >.liall be ported during the continuance of ««aid license. Sec. 1149. Penalty for Violation of Above Provisions. — Anv person violating any oi the provisions of preceding sections, (jn conviction in the Recorder's Court, shall be fined ncn less than $10. nor more than $1(K); or imprisoned not exceeding thirty days, either or both ptiialtiiv to In- inflicted in the discretion of the Recorder. Sec. 1150. Penalty for Refusing to Pay Hack Hire. — Any perM)n or per>on!> engaging or u>ing a hack in this City, not in- tending to pay for the same at the time such hack is engaged, but with intent to defraud the owner or dri\er of such hack out of the value of the use therei^f (and every employment of such "hack shall be held to be for cash unless time is contracted for, when the engagement is made), and shall fail or refuse to pay ^uch dri\er his lawful hire at the end of the trip or time, for which such employment was made, shall be arrested or sum- moned by any police officer or policeman to api)ear before tlie ;{L>»; ll\ l.\>ll'* — •I\«.s — %«.i; I'UH i> kceordcr's Ldiui Hj answer a charj^c of violatiii;^ tlii> >f(.-tinii of ihc City Code, and an conviction hcforc lli>- the Re- conlei, Mayor, or Mayor i)ro teni.. .-liall l)e fined not exceeding iwenly-Hve dollars ($2r).0()) or imprisoned urresponding with the number of said hack fastened to said hack in such position as to be easily seen. Any person violating this ordinance, shall, on conviction, be fined not exceeding one hundred dollars, or imprisoned not longer than thirt\ days. Sec. 1152. No License Granted to Persons Under Eighteen Years of Age. — Hereafter no license shall be granted to run a hack upon the streets of the City to any person under eighteen vears of age, nor shall any hack be left by any person owning or contrt)lling the same for any period of time in control of a per- son under said age; nor shall any such person refuse to haul a passenger, when not otherwise engaged, under the penalty pro- vided in Section 1140 i>f this Code. Sec. 1153. Chief of Police Must Certify Hack Is Safe— Per- son of Proper Age.— Xo license for a liack shall be issued unless the applicatit presents to the Clerk of Council a certificate from the Chief of Police that the vehicle and team, which the appli- cant proposes to use. are such as will be creditable and safe, and that the driver is of proper age. Sec. 1154. Shall Post Schedule of Prices in Hack— Penalty for Violation. — All persons owning and controlling hacks shall post in a conspicuous place in said hack a printed schedule of prices, to be furnished by Clerk of Council upon the issuance of license, and keep the same so posted during the continuance of said license. Any person controlling any hack, w'ho shall vio- fI\<-KS — HKNDir/.VOI S — \T I>KI'OT!hall be unlawful lor anv hackman or driver of any public vehicle to leave said ve- hicle except to assist passengers to and from his vehicle; pro- vided, however, said driver can leave the vehicle, if he continues to hack>, ami the tlri\cr <>| lach liaik. wlitii ii«>t uii his hack, shall stand on llu- >itlcwalk iminediately in the rear i.f tlu- hack. >•) a^ ii<>t to cj'hstrucl other perxtMis doirin^ t<> use \\iv sidewalk. Sec. 1159. Open Space in Line of Hacks— Where Left— Vi- cinity of Union Passenger Depot. — I ii fonnint; the line of hack- in front of the Union l'asscn>.jcr Depot, a space ten feet wide shall be left open and unobstructed by any part of said line of hacks in front of each of the offices or entrances to said L'nion Passenger Depot, except the main entrance, where a space twen- ty feet wide >liall l)e left open and unobstructed by any part of said line «»f hacks. In forinini;- the line of hacks along Wall Street on the front of the Kimball Ibjuse. (.penings at lea-t ten feet wide shall be left in front of the entrance to tliat bui!din|^ so as to be tniol)siructed l)y any |)art of said line of hack>. Sec. 1160. Hackmen and Others— Cannot Congregate on Sidewalk to Solicit. — it >hall hv the tluly of hackmen. or other parties in charge of hacks, to remain on or at their said hacks, and in no event shall they be allowed to congregate un the sidewalk in front oi said Union Passenger Depot, or of the knn- ball House, or to go upon said sidewalks for the purpose oi so- liciting patronage, nor shall hotel porters, ticket scalpers, or men or boys engaged in transferring baggage, by hand or otherwise, congregate or go upon such sidewalks for the purpose of solic- iting patronage. Sec. 1161. Porters Shall Not Yell at Passengers.— Porters for hotels shall stand in line by or under authority of the Chief of Police to receive baggage tendered them, but it shall be un- lawful for them to yell at passengers, or loudly call out the names t.)f the hotels they are acting for. Sec. 1162. Penalty for Violation of Above Provisions. — Any person, for a violation of the foregoing provisions, shall, upon conviction be subject to a fine of not exceeding one hundred dollars, or imprisoned not exceeding thirty days, in the discre- tion of the Recorder's Court. II \< ivH 1)1(1 u»iiN«. — ri:u>iris i.\Mi'»^ m mkkhs .{29 Sec. 1163. No Drumming Under Car-Shed for Passengers by Hackmen or Others. — 1 hcr^- shall be iiu druniniing- for passen- gers by hackmen. or other persons, under the carshed in this City, to ride in cabs, hacks, .i^urneys. hansoms «»r other pubHc vehicles. It shall be unlawful for any person to sell tickets to passengers under the earthed in this L'ity. to ride in hacks, cabs, gurneys, hansoms, or other public vehicles, or to make a contract with the pa>>eMgers under the carshed for transportation therein, and then slit.w pa>^engers t<» vehicle outside the depot. Sec. 1164. Shall Not Board Trains to Solicit.— It shall be un- lawful for any j)erson or persons, his or their agents or em- ployees, interested in the running of cabs, hacks, gurneys, han- soms, or other public vehicles in this City, to board trains under the carshed for the purpose of drumming with passengers to en- gage or hire certain hacks, cabs, hansoms, gurneys, or otiier public vehicles, or while f»n the trains under tlie carshed to do so. Sec. 1165. Penalty for Violation. — Any person or persons, liis or their agents or employees, violating any of the foregoing provisions, on conviction thereof in the Recorder's Court, shall pay a fine not to exceed one hundred dollars, or be imprisoned not to exceed thirty days, either or both, in the discretion of the Court. Sec. 1166. Chief of Police to Issue Permits to Hack Drivers — Requisites — Authority to Cancel. — Xo j>erson sliall be allowed t'> drive a iiack unless having been given a permit by tlie Chief of I'olice. and said Chief shall issue permits only to such per- s«)ns as can show a gotxl character, and said Chief shall have au- thority at any time to cancel said permits, if the person "holding same has been guilty of such misconduct as unfits him for that kind oT work. Sec. 1167. Numbers to be Displayed on Lamps. — Every per- son owning a hack shall have large figures conspicuously placed on the glass surrounding his lamp. :m) IIHUN H\IM.I. Hi H<.1 n I Ifr:^ Ml « null KNt.HH Sec. 1168. Hackman Wears Badge Displaying Number of Cab.— Each hackman shall wear a had^'c in a conspicnous place. Iiavinf.,^ upon it the niimhcr of tin- cah. of which he is in char{^e. Sec. 1169. Substitutes Not Allowed Without Permit from Chief of Police. — I)nver«« of liack>. nieaninj>f hy this luickincn, .shall not perniit any person to take charge of their hack unless such person has a permit to run a hack from the Chief of Police, or unless permission to place a substitute lias been tjranted h'ln hy the police officer on duty at the depot. Sec. 1170, Chief to Keep Record of Permits. — 1 lu- Ihief of Police shall keep a record at the police headtjuarters o\ all per- mits p^ranted under this ordinance, and of any cancellations thereof. Sec. 1171. Penalty for Violation. — Any persoji violating any of the i^rovisions of Sections 1 UWi. 1 HIT. 1 HiM. 11(;!> or 1170 shall he fined not less than one dollar imr more than <>ne hundred dol- lars, (^r imprisoned for a term not exoeedinfj twenty days, in the discretion of the Recorder's L'ourt. Sec. 1172. Unlawful to Run Hacks Without Inside Knobs. 1 1 shall be unlawful for any hackman or iln\er of any \ chicle tor the transportation of the public, to have, use or offer to the pub- lic, anv hack, or other \ehicle. liaNins^ — luti \ i:it* — i.ii K-\m;> — M'i:i:i» — \ i AUi fTS 33]^ pose. Their harnc» inu?t be safe and strong, and kept clean antl in good repair. Sec. 1175. Drivers Shall Deport Themselves in Proper Man- ner. — The drivers must be sober and polite, and are hereby pro- hibited from usinucd for hack^ or cabs unless the applicant shall comply with the foregoing regu- lations, and ^hall present a certificate to that effect signed by the Chief of I'olice. and the Chairman of the Coiumittee on l-reight Rates and Transportation. Further, this officer and this Committee shall have the right and power at any time to sum- mon the hack or cab drivers, with their horso, harness and hacks before them, and, if they find that the provisions of Sec- tions 1173 and 1174 «>f this Code have been violated, it shall be within their power and province to cancel the license already is- sued therefor, and to order tlie return of a sum of nioiiey equal to the pro rata part of the unused or cancelled license. This shall be paid from Department of Tax on voucher drawn by Chairman of Tax Committee. Sec. 1178. Speed Over Whitehall Street Viaduct Not Exceed- ing Three Miles per Hour. — No driver, owner, or other person operating, cnirollin;;. <>r in charge of vehicles, bicycles, automo- biles, locomobiles, street cars, or other carriages shall run, oper- ate or move same over tTie Whitehall Street Viaduct, or the ap- proaches thereto as follows, to-wit : extending North on Peach- :i:v2 ll\«l\>» «.I»N«.N ON \\\<.«»NH IHCX**- l\I.H tree Street as far a«i it> iMttr>eLtitMi with ICdj^ewootl A\euin- and extending ^n\ the South alonj; Whitehall Street U) and Ix Nnnd its intersection with AhiWaina Street, in».Iu or imprisoned not exceeding thirty days, one or both i)enalties to be inflicted in tlie discretion of the Recorder. Sec. 1180. Prohibition of Gongs on Wagons. — All wagons and other \ chicles using the >ircct> <>i' the lily of Atlanta are hereby prohibited from using gongs to signal their approach, ex- cept the machines of the I'ire Department, the Police patrol wag- on, the hospital ambulance, and tlie car> >>i the variou> street railroad companies. Sec. 1181. Licenses for Drays — Tags on Drays, etc. — All per- sons or hrnis engaged in hauling "free store delivery" or com- petitive freight from railroad depots to the doors of the mer- chants and others in the City of Atlanta, and in transferring ar- ticles of freight or other things between railroad depots, under a contract or contracts, and under b(Mid with a railroad company or companies, and who receive no compensation therefor, from any person wdiatever, except from a railroad company or compa- nies, shall be allowed to operate all such drays or vehicles as shall be used exclusively in said business and in no other busi- ness, under a license now provided l)y the City's ordinances, to be issued by the City to contractors at large, and clerk's fee of fifty cents ; provided that for each dray or other vehicle used in any but the above mentioned, or some other business, that un- der the City's laws and customs falls within tlie business of con- tractors at large, all such persons shall pay such a license as is or may be required of other draymen, and shall be required to H At Ks_nM w "* — RK>nF:-/.\ — l>l^\^^ -» \ Ml — 11 III- — IIUI.» IN 111:4.1 I. \TIO.>M Sec. 1186. Turf or Sand— Cannot Haul without Permit from Owner of Land— Penalty.— Any pcr>..ii Imulmg «>r ren^ninK any gra^s. liirf or sand in the City, without having a written permit from the owner of the land (or his agent), from which said grass, turf, or sand was taken, shall, on conviction thereof, be lined not more than one hundred dollars, or imprisonment in the cliaingang for not more than thirty days, or both, in the di- cretion of the Recorder's Court. Sec. 1187. Fire in Any Wagon Forbidden— Penalty.— X.. i)er- son shall make or li.uht any tire in any wa<,n.n ..r vehicle in said Citv in any pan or open vessel of any sort. Any person violat- ing this ordinance shall be subject, upon conviction in the Re- corder's Court, to a fine of not more than .)ne hundred dollars, nor less than one dollar. Sec. 1188. No Wagon Driver to Leave Horses Unhitched. — It shall be unlawful for the driver of any dray, wa.i^on, or other similar vehicle, to leave same in a street without hitching the horse, or with(nit the driver being present, but snc'li driver shall take such precaution as may be necessary to prevent injury. Sec. 1189. Regulation of Traffic of Drays on Whitehall and Peachtree Streets. — it shall be unlawful for any driver of a dray, wagon, or draft vehicle, to travel on Whitehall Street from its intersection with Trinity Avenue to its junction wifh Peachtree Street, and on Peachtree Street from its junction with White- hall Street to Houston Street, unless such driver has a load to deliver or receive from a store or place of business on Whitehall Street or on Peachtree Street between Trinity Avenue and Hous- ton Street. Sec. 1190. Penalty for Second Violation. — Any driver of any dray, wagon, or draft vehicle described in Section 1 of this ordi- nance, w'ho for a second time violates the provisions thereof, shall, upon conviction by the Recorder, be punished by a fine of not less than one ($1.00) dollar, nor more than one hundred ($100.00) dollars, or imprisonment for not exceeding thirty days, either or both in the discretion of the Recorder. HACKS — ni« \1 S — TH.VNSI-KH <<».»«< — >IO\I.Nu »>m UN luwiM- CHAPTER L iii.Ai.iii s.wn \UN 1)1 iv\K'iMi:\ r iw > akd < )i- 111', \i.rii. Sec. 1194. Board of Health — How Composed. — I Ik- I '...aid III Health shall roii^i^t d' a im-inln-r I'n'in rach of the wards i>| the City l«« hi' fhion, and the same has not been placeil there \)\ him. or any memher of his family, or by 'his per- mission, order or direction, then it shall be removed at the cost of the prior occupant ; and if not to be found, then at the cost of the owner of the lot ; and it shall be the duty of the said Board to make such sui^i^estions as they may deem advisable to the Council to preserve the public health. HK \i/rn — < i.i-:iiK — i:i,i:r'rio> — ks'iim atks — accoiwts* ,s;}7 Sec. 1197. Clerk of the Board of Health — Keeps Records and Accounts of Department of Health and Sanitation — Vital,' Statistics. — Hiere shall be an officer known as the Clerk of the Koaul of Health, whose duty shall be to keep the records of the Health and Department of Sanitar), and also the vital statistics provided for by existing orclinance->. He shall likewise keep the acc»nints of the Department of Sanitary, and the Department of Health, and generally do the clerical work of both of said De- ()artments. and discharge such other duties as the Hoard of Health may prescribe from time to time. Sec. 1198. Clerk Elected by Board — Serves at their Pleasure — Salary. — llie ^aid Clerk shall he elected by the Board of Health, and serve at their pleasure. The salary of said officer shall be $100.00 per month, and shall be paid from the apportion- ment to the I'.oard <>f Health. Sec. 1199. Board Presents Estimate of Probable Receipts and Disbursements — Council Appropriates. They shall present lu the Mayor and General Council in January of each year an estimate, showing what appropriation is necessary for the Sani- tary Department for the year, and amount of probable receipts fntm assessments on lots and lot owner> fur the same time. The ( ieneral Council shall then appropriate such an amount for the use of the Board of Health as the income of the City will author- ize for the year. Sec. 1200. Accounts — How Approved. — The Board shall, by such ot^cers as it ma\' designate, audit and approve all accounts made by it, and the pay-rolls of its employees, and, after the same have been approved by the Sanitary Committee, they shall be presented to the Comptroller of the City. Sec. 1201. Annual Reports to General Council. — They sliall, at the end of each year, report to the Ceneral Council the amount of all expenditures, and for what purpf»se made, together with such other matter and suggestions as they may deem ap- propriate. 22 •»-*^ iiK\i.'i'ii « mii;k oinio — u \<;i> '.*i.i> Mi:iM»Mr«. Sec. 1202. Board Elect Chief of Sanitary Department — Term. Till- r.iiaril t)i llcullli arc hcrcl)\ rct|uircr III tlu- Sanitary I )c|)artMU-iit the rtr>t ri-;,Milar incctiiij^ of ih r.oard .-f lU-alili in Jiil>. \^'.^'i . aiwl i-aili two \car-« thereafter, and ihf term t>\ >ailiall he l'"r a term of two \ear>. Mib- ject to dismissal for cause without claims for fvdl two years pay. or for any pay after dismissal. In ca««e of vacancy, the election shall he f(»r the unexpired term. Sec. 1203. Salary of Chief Fixed by Mayor and General Council — Wages of Inspectors Fixed by Board of Health. I he salar\ ol llu' Cliief of the .*^anitary Deparimini >hall he tixed by the .\lavor and (ieneral lOuncil. The wages of the .Sanitary Inspectors shall be tixed by the I'.oard of Health by the month, and shall be paid nu»nlhly. They shall appoint such number of Sanitarv Inspectors a> iliey may deem necessary, and shall hx their comi)ensation ;it not exceedinj.; >e\enly live dollar> per nujiith each, which >hall be paid out of tlie amount appropriated for >anitary purpose^. Sec. 1204. Secretary Board of Health — Report Sales and In- spections to Comptroller. — The .Secretary of liie Hoard of Health shall report to tlie Lomi)troller all inspections ttf second-hand clothing;-, sales of fertilizers, etc.. made in that department, and tile same >liall be cluir^ed by the Comptroller to the Chief In- spector, who shall deposit such sums with the City Tax Collec- tor, and receive credit upon presentation of his receipts. Sec. 1205. Powers and Duties of Inspectors — Oath of Office, — Such Inspectors shall be special policemen — shall be auiiior- ized to make arrests for violations of City ordinances, and shall conform to suc'ii rules and regulations as shall be from time to time established by the Board of Health. They shall take the oath recpiired of regular policemen. Sec. 1206. Examinations of Premises by Sanitary Inspectors. — It is hereby made the duty of Sanitary Inspectors to make fre- quent examinations (more especially in the Spring, Summer^ and Fall months), into the condition of t'he lots, yards, and premises of citizens to see if they are kept in a clean and healthy HKAi.iii <; \UH \«;i: — kxcrkmext — carcasses ;-{39 state, ancj if they >hall liiul anything which may become a nui- sance, they shall notify tlie person or persons, on whose premi- ses the same may be found, to remove the same in six hours, and on failure or refusal on their part to do so, shall be proceeded aj^ainst in the maimer prescribed in Section 1250. Sec. 1207. Further Duties as to Garbage and Excrement. — It -hall be the duty further of the Sanitary Inspectors to see that all sweepings and garbage within the sanitary limits are re- moved to some suitable place to be designated and approved by the Sanitary Department, and that the excrement from all privies and closets not connected with the waterworks, within said lim- its, shall be likewise removed, by garbage and night-soil carls, whicli -hail be pntvidcd by tlie Saniiar\ Department. Sec. 1208. Night Superintendent of Wagons and Sweeping. 1 he lioard of Health are hereby authorized and empowered to create the position of ■"Night Superinlemlent cd. who shall remove the carcass of anv sucli animal, shall, on conviction, be fined not more than one hundred tlollars. nr imprisoned not exceeding thirty days. in the discretion of the Court : i)rovided, the owner or his au- thorized agent may remove such carca-s from the City under the direction of a Sanitary Ins])ector. Sec. 1210. Removal of Dead Animals. — The Board of Health of tlie City of Atlanta is hereby authorized to contract for the removal of all dead carcasses of animals, such as horses, mules, ;U(i lll<: \l.'l II in, \ l» \ N I M \ I N — I «i\ I M \< I <>M I OH ttW N I M^t ami cattle. In.iu within the (.(jri)' 'tatt- Hiuil>» i»l' the I it\ <>t At- huita, and tt> authnri/c >ai(l c<>iitraii"r tt» cluirj^e fur aiul collect !'ri)in the owners of such dead carca^^es not UKjre than t»ne dol- lar per head, and such contract t<» run n<>t exccedin^^ fhrec Years, on the following conditions: Sec. 1211. City Not Liable for Expense. — The Lily of Atlanta is to he in no c\cni liahle fi*r the expense of reniovinj^ any such carcass or carcasses hy said contractor. Sec. 1212. Contractor to Give Bond — Security.— ."^aid con- tractor to ^\\<: iioiid. with ;;ood >cv.uril\. to l»e jndj^ed *>\ by the Maxor and Chairman of the IU)ard ui Health, in the sum of five hundred doUars. ooiidit ioiicd f..r the faithful performance of said contract, and to hold the City of Atlanta hanuless on account of suits for daina<^c on account of the removal, or disposition of such carcasses. Additional security to he qfiven whenever re- quired hy tlie City of Atlanta. Sec. 1213. Contractor to Respect Owners' Rights.— 1 he rij^ht of the owner lo i(.ino\c ihc earca^> of au)- animal, which carcass is of value to such owner. mu>t be recognized by such contrac- tor. Sec. 1214. Carcasses to be Removed Otuside of City Limits. — Such carcasses to be removed, whether by the owner or the contractor, to such lansK«> — ( u\'i'Ai;ioi s uiska«sI!:s :mi move or cause, or procure the removal of such carcass to the place designated by the Board or Inspectors, as herein provided for. Sec. 1216. Vehicles and Appliances for Removal — Contractor Furnishes. — it shall be the duty of the Coniraciors aforesaid af- ter entering such contract as is herein authorized, to provide neat and proper vehicles and appliances for the removal of such car- casses without offense to persons living or passing along the routes or ways traveled in the removal of such carcasses. And the Board of Health shall liave power at all times to regulate the remo\al of such carcasses. Sec. 1217. Small Animals — Removal. — ihe Board of Health is authorized to make sucli further contract with said contrac- tors for the delivery to them at the City dumping grounds of the carcasse^ of small animals like sheep, dogs, etc. as to such Board may seem advisable, and to change said contract from time to time, in ihe discretion of said Board. Sec. 1218. Regulations as to Burying Dead Animals. — It shall be unlawful to bury the body of an) dead hori>c, cow, or other animal upon the ground belonging to the City known as the "dumping ground,'" unless said animal died within the lim- its of the City of Atlanta, and it shall be unlawful to bury upon said ground the bodies of such animals as have died without the limits of the City of Atlanta. Sec. 1219. Penalty for Violation. — Any person, firm, or cor- poration violating the provisions of preceding Sections shall on conviction in the Recorder's Court be fined not exceeding one ■hundred ($100.00j dollars, or imprisoned not exceeding thirty (30) days, one or both penalties to be inflicted within the dis- cretion of the Recorder. Sec. 1220. Contagious Diseases — Physicians to Report Promptly. — It shall be the duty of every hotel keeper, boarding- house keeper, and other citizens within this City, to give imme- diate notice to the Board of Health of any case of contagious or • -i'* iii:\i.tii < ONI \(.nn o iii««i; \hi;h sii.n* — im'i:('iio\ ill feci imus (lisca^f 111 a daiij^crons character, Mich as siriall-i)ijx, cholera, dipluheria, iiieiiihraMt»ii-i croup, measles, typhoid fever. typhus fever, scarlet fever, yellnw fever, and >uch other disease- as niav he puhlicly declared hy the I'.oard of Health t(j he con- tagious or infectious which may occur in hi> or her hotel, hoard- in^^-house. or other dwellinj;. ami. if any hotel keeper, hoarding- house keeper, or other citizens, shall fail or neglect to report, a- aforesaid any and all such cases of said diseases as may occur or be at their hotel, hoardinj^- house, or place of dwelling:, each and every offender shall, on conviction, he fined not exceeding one hundred dollars and costs, or he imprisoned not exceeding thiri\ days, or both, in the discretion of the Court. It shall likewise be the duty of the attending physician to give immediate notice to the Board of Health of any cases of contagious or infectious dis- ease of a dangerous character, such as small-pox. cholera, diph- theria, scarlet fever, yellow fever, and such other diseases as ma}^ be declared hy said Board of Health to be contagious or infec- tious, which may come under the professional care of such phy- sician, and it shall also he the duty of the attending physician to report to the Board of Health office when such patients are free from contagion, and house ready for disinfecting and fumi- gating; and any physician who shall fail or neglect to report as aforesaid any such cases of said diseases, that come under liis professional care as aforesaid, shall be punished, on conviction therefor, in the Recorder* Court by tine not to exceed one hun- dred dollars and costs, or imprisonment not to exceed thirty days, either or both, in the discretion of t'he Court. Sec. 1221. Small-pox Signs Displayed — Penalty for Failure. Owners or occupants of all residences, tenements, or rooms in the City, where small-pox exists, shall hang out a yellow flag at some conspicuous place on said premises. Any person failing to comply with t'his ordinance shall, on conviction, be fined not ex- ceeding twenty-five dollars and costs, or imprisoned ten days in the City prison, in the discretion of the Recorder's Court. Sec. 1222. Sale of Infected Clothing Unlawful — Penalty. — Any person who shall knowingly sell, or cause to be sold, or oth- erwise disposed of, any bed-clotbing or other clothing, or any IIK\I.Til l'inM(l\>> ItKlMMt' I «»>i \i,i,.iM»x r/rr — kimmjx'hox j^v. Other article or articles, which are infected with small-pox. ty- phus lever, yellow fever, scarlet fever, diphtheria, or cholera, whereby the disease may be spread, or made liable to be spread or disseminated, shall, on conviction, pay a tine of not exceeding one hundred dollars and costs, or be imprisoned not exceeding thirty days, in the discretion of the Recorder's Court. Sec. 1223. Penalty for Failing to Report Small-Pox, etc. — Any practicing physician, or other person, who shall know of the ex- istence of a case of small-pox or varioloid in the City of Atlanta, and who snail fail within six hours to report the same to th^ Board of Health, or a health officer of the City, shall be arrested by an officer or member of tlie police force, and taken before the Recorder's Court, and such persons shall, on conviction, be fined in a sum not exceeding five hundred dollars, or be imprisoned not exceeding thirty days, cither or l)oth, in the discretion of the Court, for each cjffcnse. Sec. 1224. Authorizing Establishment of Quarantine by Board of Health. — T'lic Hoard cjf Health of the City of Atlanta ^hall have full power and authority to send to a hospital or quar- antine established or designated for the purpose, any person within the City of Atlanta, who may be sick with small-pox, epi- demic cholera, yell.nv fever, typhus fever, scarlet fever or diph- theria, when in the judgment of said Board of Health such iso-r lation is necessary for the protection of the public. Said Board of Health shall also have authority to subject all persons, wTio may have been exposed to contagion or infection of any of the aforesaid-diseases to such quarantine restraints and regulations as may be deemed necessary and be promulgated by said Board of Health. Sec. 1225. Flags and Fumigation Authorized for Premises Where Contagion Exists — Patients — Removal of. — The Board of Health is authurized to order a fumigation of the premises where a case of scarlet fever, yellow fever, typhus fever, cholera, small- pox or diphtheria has occurred, and may place thereon a flag or other design of warning during the prevalence of said diseases, and any person hindering or obstructing the execution of the ;>44 lli:%l.lll *il \H\NII\K Ol' I iUII.\ OI'IK KHo It \II.Ho \|> <»'iiii;K'r?» cian, who shall fail, refuse, or nc;,'^lect to report as aforesaid, shall on conviction thereof be fined in a sum not exceedin*:;- one hun- dred dollars, or imprisoned not exceeding thirty fla\s, either or both, in the discretion of the Court. Any parent or guardian, who shall, in said City, knowinj^ly permit a child to attend the public schools of said Cit\- when said cliild has a conta,qiou>^ or epidemic disease, or \rhen either of said diseases exists in a fam- ily or household, in which a child of school age resides, shall, on conviction thereof, be fined in a .sum not exceeding one hundred dollars, or imprisoned not exceeding thirty days, either or both, in t'he discretion of the Court. Authority is herebv conferred lipon the Board oi Education of said City to prescribe when, and under what evidence, a child may be refused admission to. or. if already admitted, discontinued from attendance upon the public schools of said City, or when and u])on w'hat evidence read- mitted to said public schools, by reason of such child having, or liaving had, a contagious or epidemic disease, or when either of said diseases have existed, or shall exist, in a family or household in which such child of school age resides. Sec. 1233. Horses and Mules with Glanders not to be Kept in City Limits. — Any owner or person in possession of any horse or mule with glanders, who s'hall keep the same within the limits of said City three hours after the kn(nvledge of the fact that said horse or mule has glanders, or three hours after notice to remove said horse or mule beyond t'he limits of said City, shall, on con- viction in the Recorder's Court, be sentenced to pay a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars, or to labor on the public works not exceeding thirty days. Sec. 1234. Horses with Glanders Prohibited on Streets. — No person shall lead. ride, or drive on the public streets any horse or other animal, that has the glanders, or ofher infectious or con- tagious disease, under penalty not to exceed fifty dollars, upon conviction in the Recorder's Court. Sec. 1235, Carrying Diseased Animals Through the Streets — Penalty. — Any person carrying through the streets of said City any horse, mule, cow, sheep, or hog, sick with a contagious or HKAI.TH — V \fri\ A'llON — l»i:\ A l,TI KS 347 infectious disease, without the permission of a Sanitary Inspec- tor, shall, on conviction, be fined not exceeding one hundred dollars, or imprisoned not exceeding thirty days, or both, in the discretion of the Recorder's Court. Sec. 1236. Vaccination — Compulsory — Exceptions — Every res- ident of the City of Atlanta is required to be successfully vacci- nated a sufficient number ui times {u make it evident that success- ful vaccination is impossible, unless the facts shall be certified to by two reputable physicians of the City of Atlanta, that in any particular case, it will be dangerous to the life or health of the person in question to be vaccinated, and it shall be within the discretion of the Board of Education of the City of Atlanta to ad- mit any child to the public schools without having been vacci- nated, when the fact that it will be dangerous to the life or health of such has been certified to by two reputable physicians of the City of Atlanta, that in any particular case it will be dangerous to the life or health of the person in question to be vaccinated, and it shall be within the discretion of the Board of Education of the City of Atlanta to admit any child to the public schools without having been \accinated. when the fact that it will be dangerous to the life or health of such has been certified to by two physicians as aforesaid. Sec. 1237. Failure to be Vaccinated — Penalty — Parents' Fail- ure to Have Children Vaccinated — Penalty. — Any resident of the City of Atlanta over fifteen years of age, who has not been suc- cessfully vaccinated, and who shall refuse or fail, after twenty- four hours' notice, to be so vaccinated, may be summoned to ap- pear, or be arrested and taken before the Recorder's Court, and may, on conviction, be fined in a sum not exceeding five hundred dollars, or be imprisoned not exceeding thirty days, either or both, in the discretion of the Court, for each day sudh person so refuses or fails. And any parent, guardian, or any other person, having control of a child under fifteen years of age, who has not been successfully vaccinated, and who shall fail to have such child so vaccinated after twenty-four hours' notice, shall be sub- ject to the penalties above provided- upon conviction in the Re- corder's Court. J ^ i ;{^g ii^:\i.rii — oi'|-|<°i;i( oi-- iii iii:n i>i:\ii hi(|>i»:*> Sec. 1238. Health Officer— Office Created.— The office of Health (Officer is lu-rcby created. Sec. 1239. When Elected— Term of Office.— Said officer shall be elected by the iiuard oi tlealih for ter^l^ not exceeding two years. Sec. 1240. Salary — How Payable. — The salary of said officer shall be at the rate ui twenty-four hundred (^$2,400.00) dollars per year, and be paid monthly, and be taken from the appropria- tion heretofore made lo the Hospitals and Charities Committee. Sec. 1241. Members of Board of Health Incumbent not Eligi- gible As Health Officer. — Xo member of the Board of Health shall be eligible to the position of Health Officer during or for any part of the term, for wliich he was elected on the Board of Health. Sec. 1242. May be Impeached by General Council — Causes. — Said Health ufficer shall be liable to impeachment and trial by the General Council of said City for malfeasance or incapacity from any cause to discharge or neglect any of the duties of his said office, as well as for conduct detrimental to the character of said office or the good name of fhe City. Sec. 1243. Shall Have a Central Office — Devote His Entire Time. — Said Health Officer shall be furnished with an office at some central place in the City. He shall give his entire time to looking after the interests of the City. Sec. 1244. His General Duties Defined. — The duties of said Health Officer shall be such as may be prescribed from time to time by ordinances enacted by the Mayor and General Council upon recommendation of the Board of Health. Sec. 1245. Undertakers' Regulations as to Bodies Dead from Contagious Diseases. (See later enlarged regulations.) It shall be the duty of every undertaker having notice of the death of any person within the City of Atlanta of small-pox. diphtheria, scar- let fever, yellow- fever, typhus fever, Asiatic cholera, or any other HKALTH— Kl>KRAl,.S_COMAOIors UISKASKS ^^g contagious disease dangerous to the liealth of the communitv or the bringing of dead body of any person, who has died of'anv sucTi disease into such City, to give immediate notice thereof to the Health Department. And no undertaker shall retain, or ex- pose, or assist in the retention or exposure of the dead body of any such person, except in coffin or casket properly sealed; nor shall he allow any such body to be placed in anv coffin or casket unless the body has been thoroug'hly disinfected and wrapped in a sheet saturated in a solution of corrosive sublimate-two drachms to a gallon of water— and the coffin or casket be imme- diately and permanently sealed; nor shall he assist in the public or church funeral of any such person. Eacli violator shall pay a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars and costs, or be impris- oned not exceeding thirty days, either or both, in the discretion of the Recorder's Court. Sec. 1246. Public Funerals of Persons Deceased from Conta- gious Diseases Unlawful— Penalty.— There shall not be a public or church funeral of any person, who shall have died of any con- tagious or infectious disease, such as small-pox, scarlet fever, diphtheria, yellow fever, cholera, or typhus fever; nor shall the body of such person be carried into a church or other public build- ing; nor sTiall it be lawful to invite or permit at such funeral any person, whose attendance is not necessary, or to whom there is danger of contagion thereby. Any person violating this section, or any part thereof, shall, on conviction, pay a fine of not exceed- ing one hundred dollars and costs, or be imprisoned not exceed- ing thirty days, either or both, in the discretion of the Record- er's Court. Sec. 1247. Undertaker Reports to Health Officer Persons Dy- ing with Contagious Diseases— Duties of Undertaker.— In the care and burial of bodies of persons, wh.. have died of cholera, small-pox, yellow fever, scarlet fever, diphtheria, typhus fever, membranous croup, or leprosy, it sTiall be tiie duty of the under- taker in charge to immediately notify the Health Officer, and to at once thoroughly disinfect and wrap the body in absorbent lintine, or a sheet thoroughly saturated with a solution of for- maline, six per cent in strength, and place same in the casket or coffin, in which it is to be buried, within eighteen hours after he 350 "■'•^■•'I'l \\i<\i'i'i\« — iiiiii\i.» |-|M:it\i.o iii:<.i I. \'i'io\« is called in. The coftni dT ca \viitlen permission tlierefcjr is j^ranted by the Health ( )ft'uer. Sec. 1248. Wrapping May Be Dispensed With— When.— The \vra])|)inj^ herein re(|nire(l may he dispensed with, provided the body is placed in a casket or coffin, and permanently sealed, as above provided, where the body has been thoroiig'hly embalmed (arterially ans caxity) within six hours after death by a licensed embahner, who has used the standard formaldehyde fluid, and all orifices have been stopped w it'h absorbent cotton thoroughly sat- urated with formaline. Sec. 1249. Body Must be Buried within Forty-eight Hours — Except Etc, — The body of a person, who has died of any e:>f the diseases mentioned in preceding section of this ordinance, shall not remain un'huried for a period longer than fortv-eight liours after death, unless with the written perniissi HKAi.Tii i>i:r \\ i:ii i-i.i:Mi — \ i:4;i:'i' \iii.i> — hium i,\'I'io>s Sec. 1255. Penalty for Violation. — Any person, firm, or corpo- ration, their agents and eniployee>, vit)latinjj any of the provis- ions of this ordinance- shall, on conviction in the Recorder's Court of the City of Atlanta, be fined for each and every vioJa- tion therecjf, not exceeding' $200.00, or imprisoned not exceeding thirty days, one or both penalties to be inflicted in tlie discretion of the Recorder. Sec. 1256. Decayed Flesh — Vegetables — To Be Removed in Six Hours — Penalty for Failure. — Any owner or occupant of any lot, who shall suffer to remain on his or her lot. owner or occu- pied by him or her, any decayed flesh or vegetables, or any other tiling, which ma\- annoy his or her neighbors, or tend to affect injuriously t'iie health of any citizen, shall be required to remove the same within six hours, and on failure to remove or remedy the same within six hours, if it can be done, on conviction pay a fine not exceetlmg one hundred dollars and costs, or be impris- oned not exceeding thirty days, for e\'ery six hours it is suffered to remain ; and if it be adjudged a nuisance in the manner pre- scribed by the statute or the ordinances of the City of Atlanta, the Sanitary Inspector shall, in that case, by order, abate tiie same, and the oft'endcr shall pay the cost of trial and abatement ; or if the occupant has but lately cr)me into possession, and the saiuc has not been placed there by him. or any member of his family, or by his consent or approbation, the costs of the removal shall be charged to the prior occupant, and. if not to be found, the owner of the lot; and, on the judgment of the Recorder's Court to that effect, execution shall be issued by the Clerk of Council, in favor of the City of Atlanta, against the persons liable under the provisions of this ordinance. S«c. 1257. Placing Decayed Matter on Property of Another — Penalty. — Any person or persons- who shall throw or place on any street, alley, or on the lot of another, any decayed flesh or vegetables, or other offensive matter, calculated to annoy the cit- izens of the neighborhood, or endanger their health, shall, on conviction, pay a fine of not exceeding one hundred dollars and costs, or be imprisoned not exceeding thirty days, at the discre- tion of the Recorder's Court. HEAI/I'H — sr\I,H VEGKTABI,K!S — FHIITS — I)I!^KASI-:D MEAT pro Sec. 1258. As to Decayed Fruits and Vegetables — Inspectors' Duty — Stale Fruits — Meats, Fish, Poultry, etc. — Penalties. — From and after the passage of this ordinance it shall be the duty of the Sanitary Inspectors to condemn and require to be sent* out of the City by the owner or party in possession thereof, un- der direction of sudh Inspectors, as garbage, all decayed or stale me]on>. fruits, and vegetables, and all unsound, tainted, ofifen- sive. or unwholesome meats, fish, poultry, game or other articles of food kept or stored in any box or refrigerator, held or offered for sale at any of the fruit stands, stores, or markets in said City, or offered for sale from any car on any of the railroad tracks in said City. Any merchant, trader, dealer, or other person, who shall refuse to allow the Inspectors aforesaid opportunity to in- spect their stock f>\ melons, fruits, vegetables, and meats, fish, poultry, game, or food-stuffs of any kind, or who shall, when any of said stock is condemned, refuse to remove it from the City as garbage shall, on conviction in the Recorder's Court, be punished by a fine tiot exceeding one hundred dollars, or impris- onment not exceeding thirty days. Any merchant, marketman. fruit stand keeper, or other trader or dealer, Who shall sell, or offer for sale, as food, any stale or decayed lemons, fruits or veg- tables. or who shall sell, or offer for sale, as food, any spoiled or decayed meats, or fish, or other article of food, shall be punished, on cr)nviction in the Recorder's Court, by a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars, or imprisonment not exceeding thirty days, in the discretion of the Court. Sec. 1259. Diseased and Unwholesome Meat Not to be Sold, Kept, or Offered for Sale — Penalties. — Xo animals or fish, that died by disease or accident, no carcass of any calf, pig, or lamb, which, at the time of being killed, was less than six weeks old, and no meat therefrom, nor any animal, nor meat therefrom, killed while feverish, bruised, disabled, injured with broken limbs or otherwise; hea\y with young, jaded with fatigue from long driving or shipping; or killed or kept in same building, or in so close proximity with fumes or gas of diseased or other spoilt meats, or dead carcasses, as to be contaminated therefrom, or rendered unwholesome or unhealthy thereby, or hauled in same 23 ;{:)4 11 — >ii:\is 'i'\i.i.4i\\ vehicle, or manipulated with tools used on diseased or other dead carcasses as aforesaid, or dressed or kept in any building wherein animals, or parts of animals, dead from injury or disease are stored, kept or rendered, or wherein decomposed, putrid, or of- fensive meats of any kind are kept; or within one hundred feet of any building wherein animals, dead as aforesaid, or other unsound meats are stored, kept or rendered, or dressed, or kept in any house t)r upon the premises, which are not clean and main- tained in a pure and wholesome condition by necessary disin- fection, flushing, washing, scalding, and limewashing, and the removal therefrom of all accumulations of filth, and of all de- composing and offensive matter, shall be brought into said City, or in said City sold, held or offered for sale as food. Any per- son violating this section of this ordinance shall, on conviction thereof in the Recorder's Court, be fined not exceeding one hun- dred dollars, or imprisonment not longer than thirty days, eitlier or both, in the discretion of the Court. Sec. 1260. Meats, etc.. Unfit for Food May be Sold for Tallow — Must Do So Within Thee Hours after Condemnation. — \\ hen- ever the owner of meat and similar articles, w'hich have been condemned as unfit for food under the (Ordinances of the City, desires to keep and sell said condemned articles to persons or companies, that desire to make tallow therefrom, or remove the hides therefrom, the owner of said articles shall have the privil- ege of disposing of same for said purpose, provided 'he does so dispose of same within three hours following the time of con- demnation, and filed with the Department of Sanitary a receipt for such articles signed by said purchasers, showing the time of delivery thereof. Blank receipts to be furnished on applica- tion without charge. Sec. 1261. Penalty for Abusing this Privilege. — Any person, firm or corporation, their agents or employees- who shall dispose of said condemned articles, otherwise than as provided in pre- ceding section of this ordinance, shall be guilty of an offense, and on conviction thereof in the Recorder's Court, shall be fined not exceeding two hundred dollars or imprisoned not to ex- ceed thirty days, either or both of said penalties to be intiicted in the discretion of the Recorder. iib:M.'rii — I M>n \\A \ Ko^^ i,s — <\i,vi;s — \\ \c;<>\s roR :^5o Sec. 1262. Ordinance Prohibiting the Sale of Undrawn Fowls. — It shall be unlawful to sell, barter, or give away, or to have un hand for the purpose of sale, or to keej) at any store, shop, or stall, or other place where goods or meats are kept, or exposed for sale, any turkey, chicken, duck or bird of any kind, from whic'h the entrails have not been withdrawn, after same liave been killed and dressed, and made ready for the market. Any person, firm or corporation, their agents, or employees, violating these provisions shall, on conviction in the Recorder's Court, be fined a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars ($100.00). or im- prisoned not exceeding thirty days (30) days, one or 'both pen- alties to be imposed in the discretion of the Recorder. Sec. 1263. Prohibition of Sale of Calves too Young, etc. — The sale of calves of the weiglit of fifty pounds, bobbed, (head, feet, ;ind entrails removed), and under fifty pounds in weight, bobbed is hereby prohibited. Calves weighing fifty pounds and less can only be a few weeks old, and calves of such recent birth are not fit for consumption, and are liable to create sickness, if eaten. It shall further be unlawful to keep such calves on hand for sale, or to ofifer same for sale, in whole or in part, raw or prepared, or to keep same on "hand, stored or kept with other goods (that are to be sold or offered for sale), in whole or in part- raw or prepared. Sec. 1264. Penalty for Violation. — Any person violating pre- ceding section shall, on conviction in the Recorder's Court, be fined not exceeding one hundred dollars ($100.00) dollars or im-* prisonment not exceeding thirty days, one or both penalties to be inflicted in the discretion of the Recorder. Sec. 1265. Meat Wagons Shall be Covered. — All wagons and other vehicles, hauling freshly-butctiered meats, shall be so cov- ered as to conceal such meats from view. Sec. 1266. Penalty for Violation. — Any person, firm, or cor- poration, convicted before the Recorder's Court of a violation of the above section, shall be punished by fine not exceeding one hundred dollars, or imprisonment not exceeding thirty days, either or bot'h of said punishments, in the discretion of the Court. 356 HK»I,'I'M UISIM.W Ol-' >ll'\ l> ~OI.I':o>l \l|4. Mil \K Sec. 1267. Display of Meats or Food Products, Where Same Would Collect Dust, etc. — it shall he unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to display or offer for sale anv meat, fish, pickles, dates, prunes. fio;s, or fruits (such as are not washed or peeled before eatin"-) or other article of food, that would collect dust and dirt. mal- same unfit for food, on the sidewalk of any building" or place of business. Sec. 1268. Vegetables, How Displayed. — All \egetables, such as cabbage, lettuce, beans, potatoes, etc., when placed on the sidewalk of any building and offered for sale shall be placed on stands nnt less than eip^htecn inches above the sidewalk. Sec. 1269. Not Apply, When. — frecediiiij sections do not ap- ply to any of the abo\e-nientioned articles when placed in closed boxes or bins with glass tops. Sec. 1270. Penalty. -.Any person, tirnj or corporation, or their agents or employees, violating the provisions of preceding sec- tions of this ordinance shall, on conviction in Recorder's Court, be punished by a fine not exceeding $200.00 or imprisoned on tlie public works not exceeding thirty (80) days, one or both penal- ties to be inflicted in the discretion of the Recorder. Sec. 1271. Oleomargarine Cannot be Misrepresented. — No merchant or dealer, or their agent or employee, shall, in this City, sell any oleomargarine, butterine, or any other imitation of butter, without representing- to the purchaser- clearly and distinctly, what he or she is selling. Sec. 1272. Oleomargarine Must Be Stamped as Such. — No merchant or dealer shall keep in their store, for sale, any oleo- margarine, butterine, or other imitation of butter, unless the same has stamped on the body of the package, in letters one and one-half inches high, and the same width- the name of suc'h imi- tation. A stamp on the lid shall be insufftcient. Sec. 1273. Penalty for Violation. — x\ny person violating the the provisions of either of the foregoing sections sliall be sum- HKAl/l'H — KISH STA.NUS — SAI>K or MKAT 357 moned to appear, or may be arrested and taken before the Re- corder's Court, and shall, on conviction, be fined in a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars, and not less than twenty dol- lars, or be imprisoned not exceeding thirty days, either or both, in the discretion of the Court. Sec. 1274. No Licenses to be Issued to Fish Stands on Side- walks. — Beginning with the next quarter of the fiscal year after adoption of this ordinance- no license shall be issued to any per- son, firm or corporation for the purpose of conducting a fish stand or meat market, where such stand or market is constructed so as to front or open or abut on the sidewalk where sales are made to customers standing upon the sidewalk. All licenses heretofore issued to such stands or markets, whicTi violate the terms of this section, are hereby revoked beginning with the first day of the next quarter after adoption of this ordinance of the fiscal year. This prohibition applies to the free licenses granted to the above businesses, as well as to licenses, which have bee; paid for. WMiere licenses have been issued, extending beyond the beginning of the next quarter as aforesaid, and such licenses cover stands or markets, which violate this section of this ordi- nance- they are hereby revoked, and the money for the succeed- ing quarter and for remaining quarters of the fiscal year, hereto- fore paid, shall be returned to said licensees in proportion to the unused portion of said licenses, and warrants shall be drawn on the apportionment to the Department of Taxes to pay for said return license fees. Sec. 1275. Restrictions and Conditions of the Sale of Meat and Fish to be Printed on License. — All licenses issued for the sale of fish or meat, under whatever classification same shall fall, from and after the beginning of the next quarter of the present year, shall have written or printed on the licenses issued therefor the following: "This license does not authorize the sale of fish or meat, or similar products, from stands or counters or mar- kets constructed so as to front or open or abut on the sidewalk, from which sales may be made to customers standing upon the< sidewalk. If sales are made to customers on the sidewalk un- der this license, it shall thereby become void and of no effect, 358 III: Ai/i'M ii\ii.i\<; swii.i. MIS rniin 'i'M»\ <»r v\Mri,i:s without furlher action by the Mayor and Cicncral Council of the City of Atlanta." This shall he i>rintecl on each license is- sued for the sale of fish or meat, in any form or under any clas- sification. Sec. 1276. Penalty for Violation of Above Ordinance. — All persons, their agents or employees, who sell hsh or meat from stands or markets to customers standing upon the sidewalk in front of said stand or market, shall be deemed guilty of offensi- against the public peace and order of tlie City, and, on convic- tion in the Recorder's Court they shall be fined not exceeding ($100.00) one hundred dollars, or compelled to work u\Hm the Public Works not exceeding thirty days, one or both penalties to be inflicted at the discretion of the Recorder. Sec. 1277. Hauling Swill Through Streets— Must Be Covered. All persons hauling or conveying swill, slop, and like refuse throug'h the streets of the City, must carry same in closed ves- sels, securely covered, so that the contents thereof may not be spilled, or odors emitted therefrom. Sec. 1278. Penalty for Violation. — Any person or firm, their agents or employees, violating the terms of foregoing provis- ions, shall, on conviction in the Recorder's Court, be punished by a fine not exceeding $100.00, or imprisoned not exceeding thirty days, or both penalties to be inflicted, in the discretion of tlie Recorder. Sec. 1279. Free Distribution of Drugs or Medicines — Permit Must Be Obtained — From Whom — How. — It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, to distribute free upon the streets of 'the City of Atlanta, or from house to house, or from any public place in said City, any drugs or medicines for adver- tising purposes without the written consent of the Health Offi- cer, which consent shall contain the names of the articles to be so distributed, and the period for which distribution is allowed. Sec. 1280. Penalty for Violation. — Any person, firm, or corpo- ration, guilty of the violation of above provisions, shall, on con- HK\I>rH -IIHAINS — <;i TIKKS — Kll/flfV WATF-R — H lOKS y,:)9 viction before the Recorder, be fined not exceeding fifty dollars, or serve upon the public works, or be imprisoned, not exceeding thirty days, in the fliscrction of the Recorder. Sec. 1281. Obstructing Drains or Gutters — Penalty. — Any person- or persons, who shall obstruct any gutter or drain in any street or alley of said City, or shall place anything therein likely to obstruct the same, shall on conviction be fined not exceeding one hundred dollars, or imprisoned not exceeding thirty days, in the discretion of the Recorder's Court, Sec. 1282. No Filthy Water to be Poured in Gutters — Penalty. No person shall use the streets or sidewalks of the City, nor the gutters between, as a drainage to carry ofi; any water, that has been used, or other fluids, or soapsuds, or dye-stutTts- or li- quid manures, or any other liquids, whether from privies or oth- erwise. Any person discharging or allowing to be discharged, any such fluids, shall, on conviction of the fact, be fined in a sum not exceeding twenty-five dollars and costs, or condemned to work in the chaingang not to exceed thirty days, either or both, in the discretion of the Recorder's Court. Sec. 1283. Hides— Filthy Rags, etc. — Manner of Keeping Dry and Green Hides in City. — Xo person shall keep hides, dried or green, filthy rags. bone:>, or guano, or anything else, that may be adjudged a nuisance, to the annoyance of any citizen or the det- riment of the public health, within three hundred yards of the dwelling or business house of any citizen of said City; and any person violating this ordinance shall, on conviction, pay a fine of not exceeding one 'hundred dollars and costs, or be imprisoned not more than thirty days, in the discretion of the Recorder's Court ; provided, however, that dry "hides, thoroughly cured and odorless, may be kept for sale in the City adjoining business houses ; and that hides, after being thoroughly salted outside the City limits, may also be kept in the City for sale, and in houses adjoining business houses, during the months of November, De- cem'ber, January, February, and March ; and, provided further, that no dry or green hides shall be kept in the City limits, if they do, in fact, amount to, or may be adjudged a nuisance. 'MH) hi: \i,iii- \\ KKi»s — »'Ki\ IKS — U4»\i:s — kxi'ojskd Sec. 1284, Weeds to be Cut on Vacant Lots Upon Notice — Penalty for Failure, — Any occupant of any improved lot, or owner or agent of owners of any vacant lot, who shall fail or re- fuse to cut the weeds on said improved or vacant lot for forty- eight 'hours after notice to cut the same by a Sanitary Inspector, upon order of Board of Health after investigation of each case, shall, on conviction in the Recorder's Court, be fined not more than one hundred dollars, or imprisoned not more than thirty days. Sec, 1285, Condition, in which to Keep Privies. — All privies within the corporate limits shall be kept clean and well limed, or served wit'h other disinfecting agents, and the actual tenant or occupant of all lots, upon which privies are situated, shall be held responsible for the cleanliness of the same. Sec. 1286. Shall Provide Receptacle for Excreta— Penalty,— It shall be tlie duty of all persons having, owning, or controlling privies, not connected with the waterworks, within the sanitary limits, to have and use water-tight receptacles, in which to re- ceive all excreta ; and it shall be the duty of such persons afore- said to cause the contents of such receptacles to be deodorized or mixed with dry earth or fine coal ashes daily. Should any person or persons fail to comply with the requirements of this section, they shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined not exceed- ing one hundred dollars, or imprisoned not exceeding thirty days, in the discretion of the Recorder's Court, Sec. 1287. Receptacles Must Not Be Exposed to Rainwater.- All persons owning, using or controlling surface closets, with water-tight buckets for the reception of closet, or refuse matter, shall, also place such buckets beneath the closet building or un- der such cover that rain water may not be collected therein. Sec, 1288. Penalty for Failure to Comply with Ordinance.— All persons failing to comply with above provisions shall be fined or imprisoned in the discretion of the Recorder in a sum not exceeding fifty dollars, or for a term not exceeding twenty days for each and every violation of the provisions of this ordi- nance. HEAIiTH — I'KIVIKS, KKJil I.ATIOXS — 0\ TRAINS 3gJ^ Sec, 1289. Privies Shall be Easy of Access — Right to Examine — Interference with Officers — Penalty. — All privies within the corporate limits of t'his City shall be easy of access to the Sani- tary Inspectors, or other officers, and said officers shall have the right at any time to enter the premises- wherever any privies are located, and see that the same are neatly and cleanly kept. Any person interfering with said officer, in the discharge of this duty, shall be fined not more than one hundred dollars, or imprisoned not more than thirty days, in the discretion of the Court. Sec. 1290. Examination of Privies — Orders — Penalty for Dis- obedience. — The Chief of Police or Sanitary Inspectors shall make, during the spring and summer months, weekly examina- tions into the conditions of each privy, and, whenever, in his or their judgment- this ordinance is violated, he shall notify fhe owner, tenant, or occupant of said lot to put said offensive privy forthwith in order; and in case of refusal or neglect on the part of said owner, tenant, or occupant to comply within six hours thereafter, he, she, or tliey shall be fined in a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars and costs, or be imprisoned not more than thirty days, in the discretion of the Recorder's Court; and he may be fined a further sum, not exceeding ten dollars, for every twelve hours such privy shall remain in an of^'ensive condition. Sec. 1291. Closets on Trains Must be Locked — Not Used In- side the City — Penalty for Violation. — All railroad and sleeping car companies running cars into the City of Atlanta shall keep their closets securely locked, and shall not permit the same to be used by anyone, while in the corporate limits of said city. The agents, conductors, or representatives of said Companies^ who shall violate this ordinance, shall be arrested, and, on con- viction, fined not exceeding one hundred dollars- or imprisoned not exceeding thirty days, in the discretion of the Recorder's Court. Sec. 1292. Closets in Fire Limits to be Connected with Sewers and Water. — No person owning improved property, or being the legal representative or agent thereof, shall have, on his or he^ premises within the fire limits of said City, or elsewhere in said 362 IIKAI/I'll — l*HI\ li;.S — CASKS Kii \l>sr — C'0.%.\KC'T11».\.H City outside of the lire limits, where water and sewera^^'e are ■down oil either side or end of said property, any topr privy, wherein human excrement is deposited, unless the same be con- nected with a sewer and proper water facilities for carryinj.^ off the same- without obtaining- the written consent to do so of the Board of Healt'h of said City, which consent shall only be given, when, in the opinion of said L'.oard. it would be unreasonable and inconvenient to demand of such owner that the connection be made. Sec. 1293. Who Is Responsible. — When neither the owner, le- gal representative, or agent of said property are domiciled in said City, the tenant in possession shall be subject to all the pains and penalties hereinafter provided for violations of this ordinance. Sec. 1294. Copy of Requirements to be Served. — It shall be the duty of the Sanitary Inspectors of said City to serve a copy of above requirements on all parties offending the provisions thereof, which said copy shall be served forty days previous to trial for a violation of this ordinance, said copy to be served per- sonally, or by leaving it at most notorious place of abode, or by leaving it at premises in question. Sec. 1295. Penalty for Violation, — Any person violating above provisions shall, upon conviction before the Recorder's Court of said City, be fined in a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars, or be imprisoned not longer than thirty days, either or both, in tTie discretion of the Court, for each day"'s violation thereof. Sec. 1296. City Not Liable for Expense of Sewer Connections. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to mean that the City of Atlanta is liable for the expenses of construction of wa- ter closets, or of sewer connections, or of furnishing water fa- cilities made necessary by this ordinance. Sec. 1297. Water Closets Having Sewer Connections Must Have Water Connection. — All water closets now, or hereafter, having sewer connections, shall also have proper water connec- ti(.n with the City waterworks or from private windmills or wa- terworks, where there is an ample flow of water, and all said wa- ter closets shall be s.. flushed with water, of sufficient flow and strength, as will prevent the accumulation of offensive water, and will safely anrl promptly carry off the same into the sewers. Sec. 1298. Penalty for Violation. — Any person using, controll- ing, or owning water closets not thus provided as above, shall, on conviction thereof, before the Recorder's Court, pav a fine of not exceeding one hundred dollars, or be imprisoned not exceed- ing thirty days, either or both, in the discretion of the Court. Sec. 1299. Board of Health May Require Suitable Water Clos- ets on Improved Property.— The Board of Health of said City shall have full p.,wer and authority to require the owner of any improved real estate within said City to provide suitable privy or water-closet accommodations upon sudi improved premises, whenever in the judgment of said Board such improvements are necessary to preserve the health or to protect the sanitary inter- ests of citizens of any neighborhood within said Citv. Sec. 1300. Notice to Provide Water-Closets— Penalty for Failure. — After forty days' notice served upon the owner or agent in charge of any sucli property, by one of the Sanitary In- spectors, to make and provide such accommodations aforesaid, and a failure to have same made and provided, such owner or agent or person in charge of such property shall be subject each day such accommodations aforesaid are not made and provided, to pay a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars and costs, or to imprisonment not exceeding thirty days, either or botli. in the discretion of the Recorder's Court. Sec. 1301. Regulation of Construction of Privies and Water Closets.— It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corpora- tion in erecting or constructing privies or water-closets, to place them in or over any part of the surface of any street or alley, or on, over, or extending into any part of any area owned jointly by abutting property-owners, and left between buildings for the purpose of light and ventilation. 3ti4 IIKAI/I"H~ \\ \I'|:H « I.OSKTS — III >ll'l\«. «.l\S — OLTSIDERS i65 work of said City, or in or about said roads and grounds. (Geor- gia Laws, 1893 Amendment to Charter.) Sec. 1305. Profane Language — Quarreling — Fighting — Disor- der by Employees Punished — How. — Any employee of the Board of Health in charge of the night-soil wagons, garbage carts, or trash wagons of the City of Atlanta, or charged with the duty of supervising the conduct of such drivers and wagons, who shall be guilty of using profane language, or quarreling, or fighting, or of any other act of disorder or indecency not indictable under the laws of Georgia, on the dumping grounds described in the preamble to this ordinance, or on any of the roads named in the preamble, or on any of the lands between the City of Atlanta and said dumping-grounds, to the annoyance of people living about said grounds or near said roads, or persons traveling along sand roads, shall be arrested and brought before the Recorder's Court of the City of Atlanta, and, on conviction of a violation of this section, shall be punislied by a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars, or imprisonment not exceeding thirty days, in each case, either or both of such punishments, in the discretion of the Court. Sec. 1306. Interference by Outsiders with Work of Sanitary Department Punished — How. — Any person other than an em- ployee of the Board of Health, who shall, without the permission of the Superintendent in charge of said dumping grounds, or of the Superintendent in charge of the wagons, carts, etc., passing along said roads, interfere with the sanitary work of said Board of Health by molesting, injuring or meddling with any of the property in charge of said Board of Health or its employees, sudi as the crematory, or any of the machinery, or the wagons or carts used in connection with, or the roadways to said crematory), or the night-soil pits, or the dump heap, or the wagons or carts used in connection with such pits or heap, or the live-stock em- ployed by said Board of Health in connection with such sanitary work, or the employees of said Board of Healtli, or shall be found loitering on said premises, shall be arrested and brought before the Recorder's Court of the City of Atlanta, and. on con- viction of a violation of this section, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars, or imprisoned not to exceed ;{♦;♦; Mi':\i.'i'ii — i>i >ii>iN4: t^iioi M) iti:(;i i.\ri«>\<<. ^i' \iti.i':<» thirty days, for each utiensc, cither nr hoi'h <>f these punish- ments, in the discretion of the Court; pro\ ided it shall be the duty of the Superintendent in charj^e of such dum])ing grounds, or the superintendent in charj^e of the wagons carrying night soil or garbage, at all times to furnish ready and convenient op- portunity to sober persons in the neighborhood of the dum]>ing grounds, or the roads aforesaid, to make reasonable examination of said grounds, pits, dump heaj). crematory, wag- ii'i's I'oij >iii,K' nni'OTs :{(i7 V Sec. 1309. Adjacent Owners of Property Must Consent. — Ain person, tirni or corporation, desiring to open, operate, or main- tain a sale, feed, or livery- stable in an}' residence section of the City, shall first file a petition with the Mayor and General Coun- cil for a license or permission to open and operate such stable, describing distinctly and fully the lot or house, at or in which said stable is to be operated, giving the number of same, if it has a nunrber, or, if no number, the names of the owners of ad- joining property, but said petition should not be entertained by said Mayor and General Council unless it bears the written con- sent and approval of the owners of the majority of tlie real es- tate lying within a radius of one hundred and fifty feet of said location, measuring in all directions. Sec 1310. "Residence Section" Defined. — The term "residence section,' as used in this ordinance, shall include all sections of the City lying without what is known as the inner or close fire limits, and within the inner or close fire limits, wTiere the real estate of any particular section has more residences thereon than business houses. Sec. 1311. Petition Considered by Board of Health — Then by Council — Granted under What Conditions. — Said petition, when filed, as above provided, shall be referred to the Board of Health and no action shall be taken by said Mayor and General Coun- cil until same is returned to them by said Board with its ap- proval. When so returned and approved, then said petition shall be considered by said Mayor and (jeneral Council, and, if in their judgment, the location of said stable will not be injur- ious to persons living in said neighborhotnl, or amount to a nui- sance, or discomfort, then they shall pass a resolution granting said applicant permission to open, operate, and maintain such stable. Without suc'h sanction the Clerk of Council, nor any other officers, shall issue a permit or license therefor. Sec. 1312. Milk Depots — Petition for Permits — How Present- ed. — It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation, to open, operate, or maintain a milk depot in any residence section of the City without first filing a petition with the Health Ofiicer; •3(iS iiKAi/rii^Mii.K in;iM»'i> — i-w^rn; %iio\_i.\»pi>:rToM Stating the name of the applicant, describing distinctly and fully the location of said proposed depot, and the street number thereof, the names of the owners of adjoining property, as well as the residents thereon. Said petition must contain written consent of the owners of a majority of the real estate lying within a radius of one hundred and fifty feet of the proposed lo- cation, and measuring in all directions. Sec. 1313. Health Officer Investigates — Reports — License — How Granted or Declined. — Upon receipt of said petition, said Health Officer shall fully investigate same, and make a written report tliereon, which report shall be filed with the petition in the office of the Clerk of Council. If said Health Officer shall recommend the granting of said license in said report, the Clerk of Council shall issue license for said milk depot, as prescribed in the schedule of licenses. Otherwise no license shall issue to said applicant. Any person violating this section sliall upon conviction in the Recorder's Court be punished as prescribed in preceding section of this ordinance. Sec. 1314. Office of Milk Inspector Created — Board of Health Elects. — The office of Milk Inspector is hereby created, and the Board of Health is hereby authorized to elect a suitable person to fill that position. Sec. 1315. Milk Inspector Serves Under Board of Health — Term — Salary. — The said milk inspector s'liall serve under the Board of Health, and perform such duties as they may require. He shall not be elected for any definite term, but shall serve at the pleasure of the Board. The salary of said Milk Inspector shall be $100.00 per month, to be paid from the apportionment tp Department of Board of Healtli. Sec. 1316. Milk Ordinance (later enlarged) — Restrictions. — It shall be unlawful for any person to sell or oflfer for sale, within the limits of the City of Atlanta, any impure, adulterated, so- phisticated or unwholesome milk, or to sell or ofifer for sale as pure milk any milk, to which water or any other substance has been added, which in efifect injures its quality, or lessens its HKAI.TH — >1II.K <0\\S — INSPKCTION — l>\|Ry SU;>S ;}69 value: or to sell or offer for sale the milk of any cow, that may be sick, diseased, or suffering from any bodily condition or dis- order liable to render her milk unfit or unsafe to be used as food ; or the milk obtained from a cow kept in a filthy or unventilated stable or building, or in an offensively filthy lot, pen, or shed, or that may be fed upon food or allowed to drink any liquid that may affect the milk, so that consumers shall be exposed tf;, the risk of sickness or disease therefrom. Sec. 1317. No Milk of Cows, Drawn Just Before or Just After Calving. — Xo milk or cream shall be sold, kept, oft'ered or ex- posed for sale, stored, transported, exchanged, carried, deliv- ered or in any manner disposed of, drawn from cows within fif- teen days before or ten days after parturition, nor shall the same be mixed w^ith any other milk or cream for svich purpose. Sec. 1318. Duties of Inspector — Rigid Inspection — Powers. — It shall be the duty of the Inspector directed or instructed herein to visit, view and inspect all places and vehicles, from wliich cream, milk, or butter may be sold, offered for sale, stored, kept, exchanged, delivered or disposed of, as well as to inspect, view and examine all vessels cans, receptacles, packages, re- frigerators or compartments of stores, places or buildings, erec- tions or establishments of any kind containing milk or cream, and ascertain or examine the condition thereof with reference to cleanliness and sanitation, and he is authorized, directed, and empowered to cause the removal and abatement of any unfit. unclean, or injurious conditions attending the keeping, storing, care, custody, or control of milk, cream, or butter at and in all places. Sec. 1319. Sign on Wagon, Showing Location of Dairy. — No milk or cream shall be sold, oft'ered for sale, exchanged, deliv- ered, transported, conveyed, or carried on any wagon or other veliicle unless there shall be painted thereon, on both sides thereof, in a conspicuous place, and in legible letters not less than four inches in height, the name and location of the dairy or place from whence the milk was obtained. 24 .■{70 Ml-: \i.'iii i» *inii:*> — i\«.im:< 'iio> rKiMiri*- — * \ *i.» »»k«» Sec. 1320. Rights of Inspector in the Discharge of His Duties. The Inspector shall have the right to enter and lia\e full access, ey;ress and ingress to all places where milk or cream is stored or kept ft»r sale, to all wagons or other vehicles, railroad cars, or conve\ances of any kintl used f(jr the conveyance, transportation or delivery of milk; and to take samples of milk therefrom, not exceeding one quart, for the purpose of inspecting, testing, or analyzing the same; provided, however, that if upon analysis it is proved t'hat the condemned milk is unadulterated, the City shall be liable for the value of the article destroyed. Sec. 1321. Samples Analyzed — If Adulterated, Prosecution — Analysis — How Made, — All samples of milk and cream taken or brought to the office of the Board of Health by the officers thereof, or by any other person, shall, by the Board of Healtli or by the Chief Inspector, be analyzed or otherwise satisfacto- rily tested, and wherever and whenever said milk or cream so tested or analyzed shall be found violative of the provisions of this ordinance, the necessary steps shall be taken for a prosecu- tion of the ofTender thereof. The analysis or test herein re- quired may be made with such instruments, apparatus, chemi- cals, or other articles, and to such extent as may by the Board of Health be deemed necessary. Sec. 1322. Permit Necessary from Board of Health. — It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to bring into or receive into tlie tity of Atlanta, for sale, or to sell, or offer for sale therein, or have on hand for purposes of sale, any milk or cream without first having obtained from the Board of Health of the City of Atlanta a permit to do so, as hereinafter provided. Sec. 1323. Contents of License — Cannot Sell Milk, If Revoked. Said permit shall state that the licensee will comply with this or any other ordinances of the City, and, on a violation of any of its items, his license shall be revoked, in the discretion of the Board of Health. It shall be unlawful for any licensee to sell or furnish or Tiave on hand for sale, in the City, any milk, after the revocation of the license. HEALTH — |»%|RiES—LICK.\!SKS_Ui:<;i |.\Tiii>s .>y. Sec. 1324. Conditions to be Complied with to Obtain Permit. To procure such a permit, the applicant therefor shall file with the said Board of Health a written statement setting forth his residence, the number of cows owned by him, the name and ad- dress of any and all persons, from whom he is purchasing or ob- taining milk, and the number of gallons of milk sold by him daily, as nearly as he can estimate the same; and if such permit be granted, it shall be the duty of the holder thereof to notify the said ?5oard of Health in writing of any change in the name or address of the person or persons, from whom he obtains his sup- ply of milk. Sec. 1325. Permits to be Renewed during January.— All per- mits must be renewed during the month of January of each year to be valid. Renewal of permits may be granted at the discre- tion of the Board of Health after investigating the record of said applicant. Sec. 1326. No Charge for Permits — Applicant Agrees to Fur- nish Samples.— There shall be no charge for such permits, but in accepting same the applicant agrees to furnish free of charge sucli samples of milk as the Inspector may take for analysis, provided each sample be not more than one pint of milk or cream. Sec. 1327. No Milk or Butter to be Sold, Which Does not Com- ply with this Ordinance.— It shall be unlawful for any person to sell, otYcr for sale, or have on hand for sale in this City any milk or butter, who fails or neglects, by himself or agents, to comply with all the terms of fhis ordinance, or who sells or offers for sale, or has on hand for sale, products from cows or dairies which are not maintained as required by the terms of this ordinance. Sec. 1328. Stables Must Be Well Lighted, Ventilated, etc.— No building shall l)e used for stabling cows for dairy purposes, which is not well-lighted, ventilated, drained and constructed. Sec. 1329. Clean Floors for Stalls— Accumulation of Filth Forbidden.— The stalls or places where the cows are milked shall be provided with clean floors. The accumulation of urine, ma- nure, stagnant water, or other filth, shall not be permitted in any •>-j>) III: \i.Tii i)\iiiii'> ri.i:\> < i.osr,T«i kiitii ni«>i;\«ii; stable or place where milk cows are kejit lo that extent that tiie cows may become be-fouled by l\in^ in or walkinjj through same. Sec. 1330. Water Closets ,Urinals, etc. Not Allowed — No Oth- er Animals kept in same Place. — Xo water-closet, cess-pool, uri- nal, habited room, or works'hop shall be located within any building or shed used for stabling cows for dairy purposes; nor shall any fowl, hog. horse, sheep, or goat be kept in any room used for such purposes. Sec. 1331. No Accumulations of Filth Within Twenty Feet of Stalls. — No accumulation of manure, urine, stagnant water, or other filth shall be permitted within twenty feet of the stalls or place where cows are kept. Sec. 1332. Buildings Shall Be Kept in Good Repair and Clean- ly. — Every building or shed for keeping cows for dairy purposes shall be kept clean and in good repair, and well painted or white- washed. Sec. 1333. Cows Diseased with Infectious Diseases, or Near- ing Parturition — Milk Shall not be Sold, — Milk from cows suf- fering with tuberculosis, actinomycosis, Texas fever, abscess, or any other contagious or infectious disease, and milk from cows twenty days prevaous to and ten days after parturition sTiall not be marketed in the City of Atlanta. Sec. 1334, Dairy Inspector to be Promptly Notified of Exist- ence of Infection. — It shall be the duty of every person having charge or control of any premises, upon which cows are kept, to notify the Dairy Inspector of the existence of any contagious disease or serious or recurring inflammation, or abscess of the udder, immediately upon the discovery thereof, and to imme- diately isolate such cow or cows, and keep same away from the herd until permission is granted in writing by the Dairy In- spector to permit such cow or cows to return to the herd. HEALTH— DAIRIES — FKKD_WIi,KERS— WAGONS 3-73 Sec. 1335. Garbage, Swill, Etc., not to be Fed to Milk Cows. It sliall be unlawful for any dairyman to feed to milk cows or have in his possession with intent to feed to milk cows, any gar- bage, swill, refuse, wet brewers' grain, or other improper food. Sec 1336. Milkers Shall be Thoroughly Clean. — All milkers and other attendants who handle the milk or cream, which is offered for sale, or delivered in the City of Atlanta, shall be per- sonally clean, and all sucli persons before entering upon their duties shall thoroughly wash their hands with soap, and no milker shall be permitted to wash the teats of the cow with milk or water in tlie milk bucket, or to milk the cows with wet or moist hanris. Sec. 1337. Infections Diseases Discovered to Be Immediately Reported to Health Officer.— It shall be the duty of any person having charge or control of any premises upon which milk or cream is produced, handled, stored, or distributed, to notify the Health Otificer immediately upon the discovery of diphtheria, measles, membranous croup, scarlet fever, small-pox, typhoid fever, or any other contagious or infectious disease upon such premises. Sec. 1338. No Milk Then to be Sold Until Danger Passed— Health Officer Must Certify. — Xo milk or cream shall be sold or exchanged, given away, or in any manner distributed from such infected premises until all danger of the spread of the dis- ease shall be removed, and the Health Officer certifies to that effect. Sec. 1339. No Milker or Attendant to Visit Infected Places. — Any person, who attends to cows, or milks them, or who has the care or handling of vessels for the sale, storage, or distribu- tion of milk or cream, shall not enter any place or premises wherein exists any of the diseases mentioned herein. Nor shall any such have any communication, direct or indirect, with anv person, who resides in or is an occupant of such infected place. Sec. 1340. Milk Wagons Must Be Neat and Clean— In Good Repair — Not Used for Hauling Other Objectionable Materials. jj-j'^ iii:\i.'iii — i»\iiiii> — i.M i:\Hi> oriiMMiii >iii.iv All vehicles used tor haulinjj; ur distributing milk or cream must be kept neat and clean, and in good repair, and must not be used for liauling manure, slops, or anyt'hing else of an objectionable nature, and must be provided with a covered top of canvas or other material which will protect all vessels containing milk or cream from the rays of the sun. Sec. 1341. Name of Licensee and Number of Permit on Each Wagon.— I-'aoh \ehicle used for hauling or distributing milk or cream shall ha\e printed on eacTi side in letters not less than three inches the name of the dairy, the name of the person to whom such permit was granted, and the number of such permit. Sec. 1342. Milk Depots— Thoroughly Clean — Screened — Floor of Cement or Tiling. — All milk dei)i)ts and places for 'handling milk must be kept tintroughly clean throughout, and must be screened so as to exclude all Hies. The Hoors of milk depots must be of cement or tiling. The room, in which milk is handled or kept, shall be screened, or protected in such manner as to be free from tlies and bugs. Sec. 1343. Milk to be Strained at Once. —All milk shall be strained as soon as milked. Sec. 1344. Sold as Milked from the Cow — Not Passed through Apparatus. — All milk must be ottered for sale as milked from the cow, and shall not be passed through cream separators or other apparatus other than strainers for the purpose of remov-j ing manure, dirt or other substance. Sec. 1345. Marketed as Soon as Possible After Milking. — All milk shall be marketed as soon as possible after milking. Sec. 1346. Limit of Bacteria Contained. — All milk brought into the City, or sold, or oflfered for sale in the City, must not contain more than 100,000 bacteria per cubic centimeter. Sec. 1347. Must Be Free from Foreign Substances. — It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to bring or receive into the City of Atlanta, for sale, or to sell any milk, whicti contains HEALTH — 1> VIKIES — REFRIGBH ATORS — H(»'l"n,IO!* — H\( TKKI \ vJ-J"- any manure or dirt (that is, in quantit\ sufficient to be detected with the naked eye after milk has been standing for one hour or more). Sec. 1348. Regulation as to Refrigerators. — No milk shall be kept in ice-boxe> or refrigerators, which are in any way con- nected with sewers or cess-pools ; nor shall any milk be kept in the same compartment of any ice-box or refrigerator, in wliich meats or other articles of food are kept. Sec. 1349. No Milk Can be Delivered to Houses Placarded as Containing Cases of Contagious Disease, in Bottles. — It shall be unlawful for any dealer in milk or cream, or his agents, to serve miilk or cream in bottles to any dwelling that has in it any con- tagious disease, or that is placarded by the Department of Health for contagious disease until such placard has l)een removed by the proper authorities. This section is not intended to prevent the delivery of milk or cream to such dwellings. Sec. 1350. Cannot Remove the Bottles from Infected Dw^ell- ings. — it shall i^e unlawful for any person to remove from such dwelling any bottles or receptacles, which have been or are to be used for the purpose of receiving or storing milk or cream. Sec. 1351. Can Only Bottle Milk at the Dairy.— It shall be un- lawful for any dealer in milk or cream, or his agents, to bottle, or cause to be bottled, or to be placed in jars or cans, any part of his milk or cream supply, while upon the wagon, or at any other place than the dairy or milk depot. Sec. 1352. Milk Offered for Sale in Restaurants and Hotels — Temperature — Limit of Bacteria. — All milk kept for sale, or of- fered for sale in milk depots, hotels, restaurants, lunch rooms, ice cream factories, etc. shall be kept at a temperature below 50 degrees Fahrenheit, and must not contain more than 100,000 bac- teria per cubic centimeter. Sec. 1353. No Adulteration Allowed. — It shall be unlawful to sell, offer for sale, or have on hand for sale, any milk, cream, but- :{"♦; ii^:\i.'i'ii — Mii.K *iM I, ii:m \ini\ ter or cht-ese cotitaiuinf^ any preservatives <>f any kind, or adul- terated milk, cream, butter or cheese. Sec. 1354. "Adulterated Milk" Defined. — The words "atlulter- ated milk" as used in this ordinance mean: Milk containinj::^ more than 88 per centum of water. Milk containing less than 12 per centum of milk solids. Milk containing^ less than :?.♦) per centum of l)utter fats. Milk, whicli has been diluted with water or other fluids, or to which has been added, or into which has been introduced, any foreign substance whatever. Milk drawn from animals it'c\ on distillery wa>tc. wet brewer's }:jrain. or an\ substance in a state of fermentation or putrefac- tion, or on any unwholesr>me food. Sec. 1355. Cream — Percentage of F^ats — No Foreign Sub- stances. — Cream sold, or offered, or kept for sale as such, must contain at least 20 per centum butter fats, and must not contain anv foreign substances or coloring matter, and must not contain more than r)0<").000 bacteria per cubic centi-nutcr. Sec. 1356. Ice Cream^ — Percentage of Fats Factories Must Have Tiling or Cement Floors. — Ice cream sold or kept fur sale as such must contain at least 10 j)er cent, butter fats, for fruit ice- cream, and 12 per cent, for i)lain ice-cream. All ice cream facto- ries, or other places, where ice cream is manufactured for sale, must have floors of tiling or cement. Sec. 1357. Skimmed Milk — Restrictions — Requirements. — All milk whicli contains less than 3.6 per cent, butter fats, and not less than 10.5 total solids, which is of specific gravity between 1,030 and 1,038, which is free from foreign addition of any kind, and conforms to the requirements of sweet milk, as regards tem- perature and number of bacteria per cubic centimeter, except where being ripened for buttermilk, shall be known as "skimmed milk," and may be lawfully sold as such, if all vessels, cans and packages be distinctly marked in a conspicuous place on the outside of eacli container with the words "Skimmed Milk" in letters. HKAI.'I'H — MII.K HUT'IM-:«i — I \ SI'K< 'I'OK S — SI.\l<;iirKH HOl'KBS •^'J'J Sec. 1358. Cleaning Bottles and Vessels. — All cans, bottles, or vessels of any kind nsed for holding milk or cream must be cleansed at least once a day with soap or soda, or other cleans- ing preparations made for the purpose, and then rinsed with boiling- water. They shr)iild always be cleaned as soon as emp- tied. Sec. 1359. Copies of Above Provisions Displayed in Each Dairy. — Copies of these juovisions arc to be printed on large cardboard, and a copy of same delivered with each permit, or renewal of same, and said copy must be posted in a conspicuous place in the dairy or milk depot of party holding such permit. Sec. 1360. Penalty for Violation of Milk Ordinance. — Any person, firm or corporatitm. their agent or employees, who shall violate anv of above provisions, sliall be deemed guilty of an of- fense, and upon conviction thereof in the Recorder's Court shall be punished by fine not less than $10.00, and not exceeding $200.00, or sentenced tt) w<.>rk upon the public works for a term not exceeding thirty days, one or both penalties to be inflicted in the discretion of the Recorder. Sec. 1361. Assistanct Inspector of Dairies. — In addition to the Inspector of Dairies in the City of Atlanta, as provided for in ordinance heretofore adopted, an Assistant Inspector of Dairies shall be appointed, who shall be paid the sum of $83.83 per month, and immediately after the adoption of tliis ordinance the Board of Health shall select an .Assistant Dairy Inspector, who shall hold his office until the term of the present Chief Dairy Inspector shall expire, and then be elected for a like term with the Chief Inspector of Dairies now in office. Sec. 1362. Duties of Assistant Inspector of Dairies. — The du- ties of said .\ssistant Inspector, to be elected under this ordi- nance, stiall be of like nattire with those of the Inspector now in office. Sec. 1363. Slaughter House Regulations — "Person" and "Meat" Defined. — The word "person"' hereinafter used, means either an individual, firm, corporation or an agent, officer, or em- ;>7K'H M..\i liH'i'KH HOI Si: iti:4;i I, \iio>N— i>M'i:< '|•lo^> ployee of the same. The word "meat"" hereinafter used means tlie meat or product of any cattle, suine, j^oat or sheep, or any ofher animal other than those comini;- under the head of ji^ame. The word "live stock" hereinafter used means cattle, swine, goats, sheep or other animals (except those coming- under the head of game) whose meat is used as food. Sec. 1364. Meat Must Bear Stamp of Inspection, as Provided by Law. — No person sliall sell, offer for sale, or have on hand for the purpose of sale, meat that has not passed, and does not bear the stamp of inspection provided for by the law of the United States of America governing interstate shipment of meat, or the ordinances of the City. The Board of Health of the City shall have one or more in- spectors or surgeons, whose duty it shall he to inspect all live- stock and meat, where such live stock and meat are to be sold, offered for sale, or kept on hand for the purpose of sale in the City, and to condemn all such live stock and meat found to be diseased, unhealthy, unsanitary, or otherwise unfit for food, or not inspected and slaughtered as herein required, provided that said condemnation shall be limited to such diseases and condi- tions as are defined in preceding section of this ordinance. Sec. 1365. Must Be Slaughtered According to Law — After- wards Inspected. — No meat shall be sold, offered for sale, or kept on hand for the purpose of sale, within the City, which has not been slaughtered as required by this ordinance, or conforma- bly to the requirements of the laws of the United States afore- said, and afterwards inspected on the cars, as provided by this ordinance. Sec. 1366. Seals of Car Must be Broken in Presence of Inspec- tor. — Where meat is brought into the City from other States, and bears the marks provided for interstate shipments, as above mentioned, yet said meat shall not be sold, oft'ered for sale, or kept on hand for the purposes of sale, wit'hin the City, unless the seals of the car, in which same was transported were broken in the presence of an Inspector appointed by the Board of Health and said meat inspected before being taken therefrom. If said Inspector shall condemn all or any of said meat as unsound or HEALTH — >IKAT — SI.AIGHTKR HOISKS — lOHKt TH>\ ;;79 unfit for food, he sliall cause same to be destroyed or removed from the City. Sec. 1367. Specifications for the Erection and Maintenance of Slaughter-Houses. — Any person desiring to erect or maintain a slaughter house, shall make application to the Board of Health, stating name of applicant, tjccupation, residence, location and plan of proposed building and his experience in operating said business. This application shall be immediately investigated 'by the Board of Health, and, if the applicant is found to be a man of good character, and of sufficient experience, and the pro- posed building is or will be constructed according to the require- ments of this ordinance, the application shall be granted. Oth- erwise refused. Buildings or structures, built or operated for slaughtering purposes, and licensed by the Board of Health, shall 'have the floors thereof made of cement or concrete or asphalt, with the proper decline, leading to gutters, for carrying away waste and water to a prepared place of deposit ; Provided, that wooden blocks may be set in said floors, at proper distances, so that pritch-sticks can be used in flaying cattle. Rendering tanks, where required under this ordinance, or when hereafter required by the Mayor and General Council, shall be constructed, so as to permit the condensation of all gasses and vapors arising from tanks in process of cooking, and the dryer, in which the tank- age is dried, shall be furnished and operated with a condenser. Where slaughtering business is carried on. there shall be pro- vided a system of hot and cold water, and a method of furnish- ing steam in and to the slaughtering room, and that the build- ing must be flushed and scalded daily, while slaughtering is be- ing carried on. Where packing is done at the slaughtering house, a chilling room shall be prepared, and maintained, capable of a tempera- ture of at least forty-five degrees. Also a cooling room shall likewise be prepared and maintained, capable of lower tempera- tures. Likewise, where packing is carried on at the slaughter- ing house, ample and proper constructions shall be prepared and maintained in such slaughtering house for refrigerating t^ meats and products, so that the same may be preserved from the varying temperature of outside air. 380 III'. \ I, I'll Mi:\T — •>i,.%i <;n'iKn inu •*!: ni:«.i i.\in»\' It is a condition of the above speciticatious that those con- structing or maintaining shinghtcr-liouscs under license from the Board of Healt'h. shall do so, subject to future ordinances, re- quiiring such changes therein frcjui time t<> time as the Mayor and Cieneral Council may rc'iuire by ordinance. In addition to the above, without specifying all the details of construction re- quired, each person constructing or maintaining a slaughter- house, or packing-house, shall "have such a building as conforms to sanitary construction and maintenance. \\lieieb\ the health of the consumer may be served, and the best sanitary conditions preserved in and about licensed houses. Sheds, stables, pens, and other enclosures, wliere the cattle, hogs, etc. are kept, shall be sii;\i'_.m,AriiiiTi:K ikm m> i\m>k< iio\!s oo, done without such inspection, and afterwards meat therefrom sold within the City, such action shall be ground for forfeiture of license of such slaughter-house by the Board of Health. After such meat is slaughtered, same shall be stamped in sucTi manner and in a sufticient number of places as to be recognized and observed by the trade, and shall be done by an Inspector duly authorized by the Board of Health. When inspection is desired, notice thereof shall be given to tlie Board of Health at least two hours prior to the time of kill- ing, and whenever so given, inspection shall be had, and the live-stock marked as aforesaid, and said stock shall be slaugh- tered immediately under the supervision of the Inspector. Live-stock, in car-load lots, will be inspected at any licensed slaughter-house within a radius of one and one-half miles of the City, but in less than car-load lots same must be carried to reg- ular places designated therefor by the Board of Health, and in- spection there had. \o meat shall be sold, offered for sale, or kept on han.j for tTie purpose of sale, within the City, which has not been in- spected before and after killing, as herein required. Where meat from slaughter-houses is sold or offered for sale, within the City, without such inspection and without bearing the stamp herein required, same sTiall be condemned, and either destroyed or caused to be removed from the City. The Board of Health is hereby empowered to forfeit the license of such slaughter- house for a violation of this section or of any section of this or- dinance, at any time and at the pleasure of said Board. Sec. 1369. Inspection Necessary— Condemn Live Stock In- fected now or heretofore-Stock too Young-Immature- Still- Born, etc.-No meat shall be sold or offered for sale or kept on hand for the purpose of sale within the Citv of Atlanta from cattle, hogs, goats, or sheep, that has not been inspected as above required. In such inspections, the officers of the Citv or inspectors of said department shall condemn all cattle hogs goats, or sheep, which have or have had hog cholera,' swine' plague, anthrax, or charbon (a carbuncle; a supperating tumor of the cellular tissue, caused by the infection from animals suf- fering trom splenic appoplexy. due to baccilus. which from sin- gle center extend over the body, and invade the intestinal tract 382 IIKAI.'I'II MKA-r M,*l «illl>:H llolM.* Ill hKAMKH etc.), rabies, malignant cpi/uoiic catarrh, pyemia, and spectice- mia (blood poison from abscesses in vari^»u^ parts of the body), mange or scab, astinomycosis (a parasitic disease, when affect- ing the lungs and the digestive tract, is of a dangerous charac- ter), or liinii)v jaw, piuiimoiiia, pleurisy, enteritis (inflammation of the intestines), peritonitis (inflammatit)n of the membrane linino- the interior of the abdominal cavity atid surrounding the viscera) metritis (inflammation of the uterus), fever known as "Texas fever," tubercult>sis, hemorrhagia, septecemia, black-leg, and all live stock, wherein advanced pregnancy exists, which shows signs of preparation for parturition. Live-stock too young and immature to produce wholesome meat, especially unborn or still-born animals and calves weighing less than flfty pounds, "bobbed" pigs weighing less tlian ten pounds, and lambs and kids weighing less than twelve pounds. .Ml such live-stock shall be condemned as unwholesome and unhealthy, and shall not be slaughtered within houses licensed by the Hoard of Health, nor meat therefrom sold within the City. Animals suffering from any disease or injury, causing eleva- tion of the temperature or affecting the system of the animal, or animals suffering from diseases known as caseous lymphadentis (inflammation of the lymphatic glands, having a cheesy consist- ence), paras-itic ictero immaturia (an affection caused by jaun- dice), hogs affected with uticaria (an eruption of the skin and inflammation, causing a raised strip or ridges in the skin), ani- mals having icturus (jaundice), or suft'ering from uremia (blood poison from diseased kidneys). Any animal in a state of disease or evidencing lack of strength, which renders same unfit for food, shall each and all be condemned by the inspectors, and shall not be killed at licensed slaughter houses under penalty of forfeiting the license. Sec. 1370. If Inspection Shows Evidence of Disease — Certain Parts Retained until after Post-Mortem Examination. — W here any animal, at the time of inspection shows evidences of disease, or the inspector suspects disease therein, the owner or person in charge thereof shall be notified, and the slaughter-house, where same is killed, shall retain the head, tail, gall, the fat ca- nals of the omentum of the animal, and the entire viscera, in such manner as to diisclose their identity, until after the post- mortem inspection has been completed, so that such animal may be identified, and its carcass condemned, if unfit for food. Sec. 1371. If Condemned— Disposition.— Should the carcass of any animal, on post-mortem examination, be found diseased or otherwise unfit for food, it shall be marked with a condemnation tag, in some permanent form adopted by the Board of Health, and its organs and removed parts shall be likewise marked, and no part thereof shall be sold for food. Where rendering tanks are operated, all condemned carcasses and parts shall be placed in a tank, and treated in such manner as to destroy the meat for purposes of food, under the direction of an inspector. The Board may dispense with such tanks, and, in such cases, all car- casses or parts condemned shall be removed from the premises under special permit therefor from an inspector, who shall see that the carcasses and parts, so condemned, are either destroyed or used for puposes other than food. Sec. 1372. Specifying as to the Slaughtering of Animals.— .\11 animals slaughtered under the requirements of above provisions shall be killed and prepared as follows: The live-stock shall he driven directly from the pens to the slaughtering-Hoor. When killed, the entrails shall be removed as quickly as possible, and passed through a galvanized iron chute, or carted with metal, trucks, which shall be the only kind of trucks used in and about the premises, to the otfal-receiving room, or floors, where the parts shall be separated for the various uses in manufacturing. The building must be frequently flushed and scalded, after th"e day's business, by turning on sufficient live steam to thoroughly cleanse the building, and all its parts, and keep the room just (leM-ril.ed especially free from any germs or insects. Sec. 1373. Live Stock, After Slaughtering, Moved at Once to Screened Portion of House— Must Be Refrigerated within Six Hours.— Each slaughtcr-house will have a portion thereof screened and wired, subject to the approval of the Board of Health, both as to size of room and method for screening same. As soon as the live-stock are slaughtered and flayed, they shall be immediately carried to this screened portion, and kept there, but, if kept over six hours at the slaughter-houses, refrigerating 384 iii:\i.'i'ii »ii:»'i' — HI. \i i^iiTHu iiMi ii «. iMiM ii\ I K«t rooms must be j)rovi(kMl. in wliich ihe meat and parts must be stored. If meat is removed from the slauj^hter-housc without refrigeration, it shall he refrigerated elsewhen- within the six hours. All slaughtering and dressing of animals shall be done b. tween the hours of seven A. M. and eight I'. M. All oti'al. r fuse, and similar matter shall he iiumediately removed by eighi P. M. All receptacles, such as tubs, etc. shall be daily cleansed and disinfected. Copies of the above regulations shall bi- fui nished and circulated, free of cost, by the Hoard of Health. Sec. 1374. Inspection Necessary before any Sale of Meat Can Be Made. — These requirements shall not prevent i)rod\icers in this or ofher Counties of the .State from selling their live-stock or meat therefrom, within the C"ity. but same shall not be here sold until inspected and slaughtered, as herein required. Sec. 1375. Prices for Slaughtering. — Livery licensed slaughter house shall slaughter for ilie public, without discrimination, and the charges for slaughtering live-stock and for all other service, except cold storage, including killing and cleaning, as follows: Maximum price : Cattle $1.25 Calves 35 Hogs, sheep, laml)s and goats 30 Sec. 1376. These Provisions Confined to Fresh Meat. — Ihese provisions shall not apply to the sale of salt, pickled, smoked or canned meats of any kind. Sec. 1377. Sanitary Clothes for Employees — Infected Employ- ees Not Allowed — Certificate as to Health Required. — All em- ployees working in or around said licensed slaugliter-houses shall wear special sanitary clothes of a kind approved by the Board of Health. No employee shall work in or around said slaughter-houses, when suffering from tuberculosis, or any con- tagious disease. Each employee thereof shall bear a certificate tlaat he is free from said diseases, such certificate being issued by the Boafd of Health or its authority. iiK\i/i'H — >ii-:\'i' — I'UK^Kitx \n\ i:> — im;n vi/iii;*. :{8:) Sec. 1378. Preservatives — What Kind Used. — Ihe only pre- servatives to be used in or upon said meat, or to be kept or stored in or around said slaughter-houses, shall be salt, suijar. vinegar, pure spices, or wood smoke. Sec. 1379. Marks of Inspection Not to Be Counterfeited. — Xo per.>(jn shall counterfeit the marks of inspection, prepared and furnished by the Board of Health, for or on live-stock or meat, as provided by this ordinance. Xo person shall endeavor to in- fluence, in any impmper manner, any inspector or surgeon, em- ployed by the C ity. t«> carry out the plans of this ordinance. Sec. 1380. Penalty for Selling Meat Not Slaughtered in Ac- cordance with these Requirements. — It ^hall be unlawful for any person to sell, offer for sale, or have on hand for the pur- pose of sale, any meat, within the City, which has not been in- sj)ecter a term not exceeding thirt\' days, or by a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars, either or both punisliments to be inflcted in the discretion of the Recorder. Sec. 1382, Penalty for Selling Meat Not Inspected Before and After Slaughtering, Etc. — It shall be unlawful for any person to sell, otTer for sale, or keep on hand for the purpose of sale, meat from an animal, which has not been inspected before kill- 25 386 III-: \i/rii Ml-: \'r — i'kn \i.r\ — ^-t \iii-i:s — < i.iiM:rs ing by an Inspector appointed by the Lioard of Healtli (jf the City, or inspected under t'he laws of the United States ^(»vern- ing interstate shipments of meat, and any person violating this provisiion shall, upon conviction therefor in the Recorder's Court, be punished by sentence to labor on the public works for a term not exceeding thirty days, or a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars, either or both punisTiments to be inflicted in the discre- tion of the Recorder. Sec. 1383. Penalty for Selling Meat that Does not Bear the Stamp — Inspected After Slaughtering. — It shall be unlawful for any person to sell, ofifer for sale, or keep on hand for the pur- pose of sale, meat, which has not been inspected, after being slaughtered as 'herein required and which does not bear the stamp of acceptance, prepared under this ordinance, or as re- quired by the laws of the United States governing interstate shipments of meat, and any person violating this provision shall, on conviction therefor in the Recorder's Court, be punished by a sentence to labor on the public wi^rks for a term not exceeding t'hirtv (lays, or by a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars, either or both punishments to be inflicted in the discretion of the. Recorder. Sec. 1384. Board of Health, Inspectors, and Others to Enforce. It is hereby made the duty of the Board of Health, the inspec- tors, and the veterinary surgeons in said department, to see that the provisions of above sections are strictly complied with, and to prosecute any person violating the same. Sec. 1385. Stables and Surface Closets — Stables to be Kept Clean — Sanitary. — It shall be unlawful for any person owning, or in possession of, or controlling the use of any stable, pen, shed, stall or similar place within the city wdierein animals are kept for any purpose for any length of time, to keep such stables and other places above-mentioned, or allow same to become filthy, noisome or unsanitary. Sec. 1386. Horse and Cow Stables Must Be Provided with Manure Bin or Pit — How Built and Kept. — Every person own- ing, operating or controlling the use of any building or part of HEAI/ni — MVMIIK — BINS — TWO DOLLAR FEE 3g7 building, or any place within the City who have one or more horses, mules, cow^s, or other like animals kept in same, shall maintain in connection tlierewith a bin or pit in which the ma- nure from said animals shall be placed, pending removal. Said bin or pit to be provided with covers of sufficient strength and close-fitting to prevent the ingress and egress of flies. Said bin or pit to be located at a point most remote from any dwelling, or other structure, owned or occupied by others than the owner of the premises above mentioned, and shall likewise be placed at a point most remote, on the premises, from any street or avenue. Sec. 1387. Manure, How Disposed of — May Use on Own Lot When — May Sell or Remove.— It shall be unlawful for any per- son to hold such manure on said premises, in said bins or pits after same shall have become noisome or unsanitary, provided, however, any of said persons may use said manure upon their premises for the purpose of enriching their own ground, or for any other use to whicli manure can properly be put, when same is nut offensive nor unsanitary. And, provided further, that any person, firm or corporation, may remove manure from bins, pits or other places where deposited, as required by this ordinance, for any purpose where such manure has not become offensive or unsanitary. Sec. 1S88. Inspection of Manure Bins —Wagons Hauling Must Not Drop on btreet. — It shall be the duty of the Sanitary In- spectors to inspect buch bins or pits and require same to be emp- tied as required by the terms of this ordinance. All wagons used for the removal of said maimrc shall be so constructed as to prevent same from being dropped or spilled along the street or otherwise being dropped, spilled or scattered along the streets or public places within the City. Sec. 1389. City Remove Manure for $2.00 Per Year.— Any per- son, firm or corporation, owning any stock as are enumerated in above provisions, may, by paying to the City of Atlanta t'he sum of Two Dollars ($2.00) per annum on each head of stock owned by them, be relieved from removing said manure from the bin or pit in which the same is required to be deposited, said :\HH lli:\l.lll \i I \ I -<. Mcli \<.i < \N"» « I «»*i I iiii\i^ C itv on i)ayiuciit of Mich fee, uiiUcrtakiii^; to rk of rc- nioviiiK' same. The sum of $2.()() for each "head of stock, as pro- vided to he paid, sliall he j)aid to the City Tax Collector, and receipt j^iveii hy said Tax Collector for the same, and itp«>n the i\\'\u^ of said Tax Collectt)r's receijit for the amount so paid, with the Chief of the Sanitary Department, it shall hecome ilie duty of said Sanitary Department of said City to remove the manures required to be removed from the premises of such j)erson. firm or corporation ownint,-^ stock as t-nnmerated in said ordinance. Sec. 1390 Garbage Cans — How Constructed — Garbage Not Scattered Over Lot. — I'very person, tirm or corpi •ratii-ii .-wnin-. operating; or usinj; any place (^f business, or buildinj^ for resi- tiential i)nri)oses. or n'oin or yard wherein j^arba^e is collected, said ^^1rbaJ.(c shall be placed in a receptacle of sufficient strcnc^th and size to hold all the ^arbaj^e placed tlierein. so as to prevent same from spillin;^' throuj^h or wasting: therefrom, and such re- ceptacle shall likewise be provided with a top securely fastened thereon, which shall prevent odors from escapini,' from such re- ce]itacle. Sec. 1391. Surface Closets Must Have Water-tight Recepta- cles — Compartments, How Built — Covers. — I' very per>on, tirm or cor])(iration ownincj^, controllinj.^ or usin^ premises having; thereon surface closets or privies bavins^ no water and sewer con- nection shall provide same with water-tit^hl receptacles for h(ddino^ the excreta (lept)sited t'herein. The coiupartmcnt con- tainiinc: this receptacle shall be so constructed as to be tight fit- ting and prevent as far as practicable the escape of odors there* from, the top of this compartment shall be provided with close- fitting covers wtiich will prevent the escape of odors when the closets or privies are not in use. Sec. 1392. Penalty. — h'very person, firm or corporation, their agents or assigns, violating any of the terms of this ordinance shall on conviction in the Recorder's Court be punished by a fine not exceeding One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars, or impris- oned not exceeding thirty days upon the public works, for each oiTense, either or both penalties to be inflicted in the discretion of the Recorder. IIOUSKS^I.IV K STtM K — K\< l,(>M HK«._IMM M)s or^q CHAPTER LI. HORSES AXI) Ml'LES— CATTLE. UUGS. ETC.— CRUEL- TV TO AXL\L\LS. Sec. 1393. Stray Live Stock to Be Impounded — Sold at Pub- lic Outcry — Owner May Identify — Conditions.— Whenever the police force shall hnd any hn^r or hogs, goat or goats, liorse or horses, mule or mules, and any other live-stock (not including milch ccjvvs) running at large in the corporate limits of the City '>i Atlanta, it sliall be their duty to take up and put said hog or 'logs, goat or goats, horse or horses, mule or mules, or any other live-stock, in pens or lots, and, after ten days' notice in four of the mo>i public places of the City, to sell the same at the place, in which ihcy are confined, at public outcry, to the highest bid- der; provided that the owner ui said hog or hogs, goat or goats, horse or horses, mule or mules, or other live-stock, shall be en- titled t<» tile same by proving property, and paying the sum of one dollar per head, and all expenses before sale; provided, fur- ther, that it shall not change or modify the ordinance in refer- ence to the hours in which horses and mules may be driven through the streets. Sec. 1394. Letting Down Enclosures— Live Stock Escapes to Run At Large— Penalty.— Any person, wo shall hereafter suf- fer his or her hog or hogs, goat or goats, horses or mules, or any other live-stock to run at large in any street or public place in the City of Atlanta, or who shall let d^cretion of tTie Court. Sec. 1395. Hours When It Is Unlawful to Drive Mules through Streets. It shall he unlawful to drive any uiihalterer mules, in dmves of more than five in numher, throuj^'h the streets of the City, hetvveen seven and ci,t,'ht-thirty .\. M. o'clock. amV hetvveen one and two-tliirty I'. M. o'clock. Sec. 1396. Unhaltered Mules not to Be Driven through Resi- dence Streets or Park Places. — It shall he unlawful for any per- son or persons to drive unhaltered horses or mules through the resident portions of streets or park places, where the citizens have no fences or enclosures for their yards or lawns at any time; provided these requirements shall not be so construed as to prevent the driving of unhaltered horses or mules througl any portion of such business streets as Marietta and Decatur streets. Sec. 1397. Penalty for Violation.— .\ny person violating above provisions shall he fined not exceeding one hundred dollars, or be imprisoned not exceeding thirty days, in the discretion of tlic Recorder's Court. Sec. 1398. No CattK Allowed to Run at Large. — No cattle of any kind shall be permitted to run at large either day or night, upon any street of the City or elsewhere in the City limits. Sec. 1399. Cattle Impounded Advertised and Sold— How- Proceeds — How Disposed of. — When any cattle shall have been taken up twenty-four bours and uncalled for, the Chief of Po- lice shall, after advertising the same three times in the daily City papers, sell the same to the highest bidder at public outcry. It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police to pay to the City Tax Collector, daily, all moneys collected under this ordinance. Sec. 1400. Owner Repaid Proceeds of Sale — Deductions — When — How. — Any person, whose cattle may have been sold, under the above provisions, shall, by making proper proof oi ownership, be repaid the proceeds arising from fhe sale of sucii iioHSKK — row > — \T i.\i{(ii-: — niiMu mhnc; —<; •M\ cattle, after deducting- expenses of advertisinjCf, fcedino- and sell- ing, by petition to Mayor and General Council. Sec. 1401. Impounded Cows to Be Cared for — Milked, etc. — It >liall Ijc the duly i>i the otlicers in cliarge of the pound, in which cows are confined, under the foregoing sections, to have sucli cows regularly milked and cared for, so as not to be in- jured in their milk-giving (jualities. Sec. 1402. Penalty for Allowing Cattle to Run at Large. — Any person owning or controlling any cattle, that shall be allowed to run at large in said City, in violation of above sections, shall, on conviction, be fined in a sum of not more than one hundred dol- lars, or imprisoned not longer than thirty days, either, or both, in the discretion <>f tlie Recorder's Court. Sec. 1403. Governing the Impounding of Cattle — Advertising Selling — Disposition of Proceeds — When and How Repaid. — The cattle ^o fi>und running at large shall be taken up by any member of the ix)lice force, and confined in a place lo be pro- vided iar that purpose, and, if unclaimed within twenty-four hours, the Chief of Pth, ill the run at large in the City o^ .\ll;inta. unless such dog shall wear a tag or plate, such as is prescribed by this ordinance; and any dog found without such tag shall be caught by any member of the police force, and any other j)erson. and imprisoned in a pen to be kept for that pur- |)ose ; and the City t lerk (»f .\tlanta shall employ one or more jK'rst)ns, at a slii)ulated price, not to exceed rtve dollars per day in the aggregate, for the capture of such dogs, and the disposi- tion thereof; such persons to furnish ttieir own appliances and iu-lp. Sec. 1407. No Vicious Bulldog to Run at Large unless Securely Muzzled.- li shall be unlawlul tor any pcr>oii, tirin, uv corpora tion ti> cause or permit any vicious bulldog or bull terrier, owneos|r|(t\ :{93 bull terrier shall be permitted to run at larj^^e. m violation of this ordinance, after the first conviction under this ordinance, shall constitute a separate and distinct olTense. Nothinj,' herein shall be held to require the muzzling of any such dog, while on any private premises, or while on any street, alley or other public place, if such dog shall be led by a chain or in leash, in sucli manner as to prevent such dog from biting an) person or animal. Sec. 1409. Tags for Dogs — Income from Same — By Whom Received — To Whom Turned Over. — Kach year the Chairman of the Tax CtMumitlec may have dog-tags prepared, and have a list made of same, which shall be turned over to tlie Comptroller, who shall copy the same in a book with consecutive numbers of the tags, which shall be charged up to the City Clerk, and sold by him at one dollar and twenty-five cents for each tag. The Clerk shall return daily to the Tax Collector the money re- ceived from sale of tags, reporting to the Comptroller tlie amounts so received, name of purchasers and number of tags, and upon exhibition of the receipt of the Tax Collector shall re- ceive credit, and the Treasurer be debited with the amount. Said tag shall only be good for the viar. in wliich it is sold. Sec. 1410. Claimants of Dogs Impounded — How Possession Obtained. — Ihc ».wncr .»i any dog caught and imprisoned a> aforesaid shall be entitled to the possession of said animal upt»n the proof of ownership and the payment of •)ne dollar into the City Treasury, anii//i.iM. I \i\i:«» Sec. 1413. No Dogs Allowed in the Park. — Iruiii and after the passage of tliis orihnancc, it >hall ii<>t he hiwlul tur any person to permit his or lier dug ur dogs vvit'hin the hinits of the !.. 1' Grant I'ark. Sec. 1414. Penalty for Violation. — Any person violating above provisions shall, upon conviction tliereof before the Recorder's Court, pay a fine not exceeding ten dt^llars and costs of trial, or be imprisoned not exceeding thirty days, iti the discretion of the Court. Sec. 1415. Female Dogs in Heat not Allowed to Run at Large Owner Fined — Dog Killed. — It shall be unlawful tor tlie owner of any female dog to allow such dog to run at large, wiiile in heat; and for every such offense the owner of such dog shall, upon conviction be fined in a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars, or imprisonment not exceeding thirty days, cither or both in the discretion of tlie Recorder's Court. And it shall be the duty of any policeman to kill said dog, when caught out- side of her owner's enclosed i)remises, when in lieat. Sec. 1416. Cruelty to Animals Penalty.— Any person or per- sons in this City, who shall overload, or cruelly treat, maim. bruise, deprive of necessary sustenance, ill-use, or in any man ner w'hatsoever torture, or abuse, any animal or animals, shall upon conviction thereof be punished by a fine not exceeding fifty dollars and costs, for each and every offense against this sec- tion, or imprisonment not exceeding thirty days, in the discre- tion of the Recorder's Court. Sec. 1417. Muzzling Calves — Penalty. — Any person having within the corporate limits cows and calves for sale, who shall keep t'he calves muzzled, or shall otherwise prevent them from sucking, shall be arrested by the police force, and taken before the Recorder's Court, and fined for the same in a sum not exceed- ing ten dollars, or be imprisoned not exceeding five days. Sec. 1418. Ordinance Preventing the Tight Reining of Horses, When Standing for Forty Minutes or More — Cruelty. — Tt shall HORSES — HEI.M.NG — \VHE.> STA.NDI.XG FOU'I'V ^UNITES 395 be the duty of the driver or other persons in charge of teams, drawing carriages, buggies, or other vehicles, in the City of At- lanta, to loosen the reins, so as to allow horses or other animals drawing said carriages, buggies, or other vehicles to be com- fortable in all cases, where such horses or other animals have to stand near theaters, churches or other public places in the City of Atlanta for as long a period of time as thirty minutes. Sec. 1419. Penalty. — Any one convicted in the Recorder's Court of violating the foregoing section, shall be fined not ex- ceeding one hundred dollars, or imprisoned not exceeding thirty days. 'Mil iioMMTAl.«»— <.!» vi»\ I'l.tAuit. — iiuAuii ri;it>i> — M Mlli:il CHAPTER LII. HOSPTTAT.S— r.R Am' IK )SPI'I "AL. Sec. 1420. City Pledges Itself to Maintain the Hospital. — Ihc City of Atlanta hereby pledges itself to all contributors id the fund for the purchase of grounds and tlic erection of build- ings for the Grady Hospital, t'liat when said buildings are com- pleted and ready for use, the City of Atlanta will acce|)t and maintain saiil 1 Inspital. Sec. 1421. Acceptance of Hospital.— The (iraily Hospital is ac- cepted and the City of Atlanta hereby assumes the maintenanco of said hospital, and the keeping of it open, and will from time to time provide appropriations sufficient t<> i)ern)anently main- tain and keep open said hospital. Sec. 1422. Board Composed of How Many — By Whom Elect- ed — Ex-Officio Members. — The Board of Trustees of the ( irady Hospital shall be composed of a memi)er from eacli of the wards of the City, to be elected by the Mayor and General Council, and the Mayor and Chairman of the Committee on Hospitals and Charities for the time l^eing ex-ofhcio. Sec. 1423. No Two Members from Same Ward — Except. — No two of said members shall reside in the same ward, excei)t that the ex-ofiticio members may reside in any ward that they may choose as a residence. Sec. 1424. Three Year Term. — The terms of the members shall be for a term of three years each. « Sec. 1425. Increase of Number of Board Members. — The mem- bership of the Board of Trustees of Grady Hospital, under ex- isting ordinances, shall be increased by the addition of three members to be selected from the citizens at large, without ref- HOSPITALS — THl STEKS — Itl I.KS — M VTKK.MTV \\ AKL) ::J97 erence to any particular ward or section. These selections shall be made by election by the Mayor and General Council at the first meeting following the approval of this ordinance, and they shall serve for a period of three years from the date of their election, or until their successors are elected. When so elected, they shall have all the rights and privileges of the other mem- bers of said Board. Sec. 1426. Board of Trustees Prescribes Rules for Government of Hospital. — riie Board of Trustees, when elected and cjuaiified, shall "have power to prescribe rules for the government of tlie hospital in question, and to change these rules from time to time, as experience may suggest the necessity for change ; provided that the rules originally adopted, and any changes made therein, shall be subject to tTie approval, modification or rejection by the Mayor and General Council of said City. Sec. 1427. Mayor Ex-Officio Member of Board of Trustees. — The Mayor shall be member e.\ -officio of the Board of Trustees of the (jrady Hosijrtal. Sec. 1428. Board of Trustees Selects Suitable Place — Provis- ions. — The Board of Trustees of Grady Hospital are rc(|ueste(l and directed to make a selection of some appropriate i)lace upon grounds of Grady Hospital, for above building, and same be ten- dered the said Order, provided that the building is to be erected without cost to the City, and be the property of the City, when completed. Sec. 1429. Said Addition only to be Used as Maternity Ward. — Said building shall only be used as a ward for purposes of ma- ternity, and the furnishing of suitable an(^ proper accommoda- tions for that purpose. Sec. 1430. General Ordinance as to Hospitals — Restrictions as to Location— Penalty for Violation.— It shall be unlawful for any person or persons in this City to erect or maintain any hos- pital, mfirmary, house or place of refuge, or reformatory, or asv- lum, or other place where persons are received for reformation or treatment, without first having obtained the consent of the 3!)8 iniMTI \I.H— 1.<»< Vl.ll\ Ol s\SII \llll >!•.. |;H _IM HMII Mayor and (Jcncral Council of said City for the erection and maintenance of the same; and all applications to the Mayor and General Council fur permission to erect, maintain, or carry on any place fc any such purpose must plainly and distinctly show the particu' ir locality wliere the same is desired, for what pur pose the same is desired to be erected or maintained, and what class of persons are to be admitted to the same. Any person or persons, who shall violate the provisions of this ordinance shall, on conviction thereof, be punished by a fme of not more tlian one hundred dollars and imprisoned not exceeding thirty days, cither or both, in the discretion of the Recorder's Court, for each and every offense committed. J« NK iii;\i.i:uH i.nK\st.—i' i\m.k< iion ^j^g CHAPTER LIII. JLXK DEALERS. Sec. 1431. Junk Dealers License Issued— Must Have Consent of Adjoining Property-Owners. — Xo person, tirm, or corpora- tion, sliall he licensed to carr> un the business of any junk dealer or any wreckage business, in any resident portion of the City of Atlanta. (Ja., e.xccpt uiK>n the written consent of all adjoining projjcrty-owners. Sec. 1432. Application for License— How Made— How Grant- ed — Permit May Be Issued, while Application Pending — By Whom. — .Ml pcrs<»n>, rirms, »>r curjKjrations desiring to run a junk business, or wreckage business in the City of Atlanta, shall file an application with Council, stating the place where such business is to be hx^ated, witli the name of the party in charge "f the same; and there shall be no license allowed iar either of «M*i:« riON II II 4. \ I I it III \ \% I I II Ml I I \ \ I « I K. \ I III N of this City, atui by the Mayor, or any member ol the (icneral Council. ( )n refusal n{ such person or perscjris at any time t submit to such visitation and inspection, such houses >1iall im mediately be closed by the Mayor; and in case any machiner\ or any part thereof, or any ap()liancc of any railroad shop . j^^as company, or of the waterworks, or sample, waste, or loo- cotton, jji^rates, mantels or any part thereof, jras or watcrwork fixtures, copi)er and copper wire, or wire ordinarily used by stret ' railroad coiupanies. tclepluMU- and electric lij^ht companies, and lieaters and boilers, dairymen and milk dealers* bottles, or sec ond-liand medical or law books, or old ijohl, second-hand watchr or jewelry, or surj^ical instruments, shall be found in such own er's junkshop or in possession wore receixcd, and the hour of the day. And they shall ha\e their goods arranged in stock so as to enable the same to be inspected by the I'olice I)e|)art- ment. When it becomes necessary to visit such dealers, the Chief of Police will give a written order to the proper officer to' perform said duty, and any suc'h dealer, refusing to admit said officer in their place of business, shall pay a fine of not tuore thai two hundred dollars, or be imprisoned not exceeding thirty days, or both, in the discretion of the Court ; and a conviction of any .11 Mx — iiiiw r«» iii \ > -HKr sale by others than persons, of known char- acter, and in all cases, where sucti goods are purchased or money advanced, and such j)urchasers or rlealers shall keep a record o{ such purchases or advances, showing the names of the parties from whom received, their residence. got)ds so taken, and the amount of money so advanced and this shall be at all times open for inspection to members of the Department of Police, and fur- thermore, it shall be likewise unlawful to purchase any of said goods or to advance money thereon where same indicate that tliey have been tamjiered with or there is an effort to conceal identity c)r same are mutilated or otherwise show an effort to destroy evidences of former location. Sec. 1437. Keep Ten Days.— I'urthermore, where such dealers purchase said go and advance money thereon to persons claiming to be of g(K)d character, in addition to the record ke[)t as aforesaid, the goods so purchased or taken in pawn or pledge shall be kept for the space of ten days thereafter, before same are dis|><»sed of and shall be so arranged that they can be in- spected by niemliers of the I)ej)artment of Tolioe on demand. Sec. 1438. Penalty. — Any per.^on. firm, or cor{)oration, dealer or agent, violating the foregoing provisions or any of them, shall on conviction in the Recorder's Court be fined not exceeding Two Hundred ($2(J<>.(X)) Dollars for each offense, or imprisoned' not e.xceeding thirty days, cither or both i)enalties to be inflicted in the discretion of the Recorder. Sec. 1439. Further Regulation of Pawnbrokers' Business, — Any pawnbroker or person operating under a pawnbroker's li- 4(12 J I Mv ni;«.i I. \ rn»\s — i(i:< oitii«> M\«mMH\ — i'I.n»i.i\ ccnsc vvhu takes goods on pawn or buys go. \ KHTHi \T«»M — 'I'l'ri.KH CHAPTER LIV. LAW DF.I'AR'rMRXT— LITV A'IT( )R\i:V. Sec. 1442. City Attorney — How Elected — Duties — Compensa- tion. — TIkmc shall he an attorney elected by the people hi-cn- niall\ , at the same time the Mayor is elected for the City of At- lanta, who shall have the title of City Attorney, whose duty shall be to prepare all such cases as may come before the Mayor or Clencral Council, and prosecute the same, and attend to such le- gal business as may be required of him. in favor of said City, and g^ive counsel in all cases recpiired of him by the officers of said Citv ; and who shall receive a reasonable salary, to be fixed by tlie Mayor and (ieneral Council the year next preceding his elec- tion, which shall not be changed during his term. Sec. 1443. He Shall Furnish Abstract of Title to All Realty the City Purchases, with His Opinion. — It shall be the duty of the City Attorney to prepare and file witli the Comptroller a full and complete abstract of title to all realty, that may be here- after purchased by the City at private sale, together with his written opinion as to the title to such realty. Said abstract and opinion shall be filed and preserved by tlie Comptroller for such uses as the Mavor and Cieneral Council mav order. Sec. 1444. City Investigator — Under City Attorney or Legal Department — Powers. — The officer known as City Investigator, who is employed in the legal department of the City, on the rec- ommendation of the City Attorney, to investigate claims an suits for damages, shall be invested with all the riglits and pow- ers of a regular police officer of the City of Atlanta. He shall be sworn in as such by the Board of Police Commissioners, and be furnished with a badge as a regular officer, and he is hereby empowered wit'h duty and authority to make arrests in such cases as other policemen are authorized to act. I, AW — \'l"T— I HI HI 11 > >ii >im.i(^ — iio\ui» I \< II u \iii» CHAPTER LV. IJllkAKll-S, I'l T.LIC— CAKXlCulK LIKKARV. Sec. 1446. Management Vested in a Board of Trustees— Their Powers. — The manaj^a-nicnt of Carnegie Library is hereby vested in the liuard of Trustees heretofore elected, wlio shall continue to serve until the expiration of their respective terms. Said Trustees shall have i)()\ver to prescribe rules for the government of said librarv, and to change the same from time to time, if they so desire. Sec. 1447. No Successors to Four Members, Whose Terms First Expire.— Xo successors shall be elected to succeed the four members of t'he present I'.oard of Trustees, whose terms of of- fice first expire. Sec. 1448. Mayor Ex-Officio Member of Board. — (Charter pro- vision). — The Mayor shall be ex-officit) a member of said lJoar(' Sec. 1449. Board Shall Have Members from Each Ward, Be- sides Mayor and Chairman of Committee on Library — How Elected. — The Trustees of Carnegie Library shall consist of ten. mcniljcrs selected as follows, the .Mayor and Chairman of Com- mittee on Libraries shall be Trustees for said Library ex of^c^o during their respective terms of office. The other eig^U Trus- tees shall be selected from the residents of each ward, no ward to have more than one representative among the Trustees at the same time and this ordinance s'hall be enforced as follows, as the terms of the present Trustees expire, no successor shall be elected thereto if any of the remaining Trustees are from the wards of retiring Trustees but successor shall be selected from residents of wards not at present represented among the Library Trustees aforesaid. I.llllt VltlKs—Ol.l) \ M I, A — roMMITTKIO—Ll CKIK ST lAtT I , )- Sec. 1450. Y. M. L. A. Ordinance Repealed— Four Year Term —Duties— Powers.— rhe existing- ordinance, whereby Council selects a portion of said 'iVustees and the Young Men's Library Association recommends a portion tliereof, so far as same con- flicts with the provisions of preceding section of this ordinance, is hereby repealed and the terms of the Trustees elected under this ordinanc is hereby fixed at a period of four years from the date of their selection. The Trustees elected in May, 1908, shall serve first Monday in May, 1012. The Trustees elected here- under shall have all the powers of the Trustees under prior ordi- nance and their orders shall be carried out. subject to such ordi nances as may be passed by tlie (General Council. Sec. 1451. Committee on Library from Council — Duties- Chairman Member of Board of Trustees.— Ilie Mayor shall ap point a Ci.mmiiice .»i three from the lieneral Council to be known as the -Committee on Library." The Chairman of said Com mittee on Library shall be ex-officio a member of said Board. It shall be the duty of said Committee to co-operate with the Trustees of said Library in the same manner as similar C(jm- mittees co-operate with their respective iJeijartments, and all matters originating in the (general Council referring to said Li- brary or similar matters shall be referred to this Committee fo consideration and report. Sec. 1452. Part of Marietta Street School Lot Set Aside for Library.— A ixjrtion of the sclioul ]ut known as the Marietta Street Scliool lot, namely land fronting one hundred (100) feet on Luckie Street and running back west therefrom even width with front between the alleys on North and South Sides, for a distance of one hundred (100) feet, is hereby set aside for the library purposes in order that the trustees of Carnegia Librarv may Iniild a library building thereon and devote the building and lot for library purposes, and for other purposes, such as are con- sistent with public libraries, such as meetings, play-grounds, etc. Provided that should the Mayor and General Council on Jan- uary. in08. appropriate money sufficient to pay for another site in tlie Ffth ward and set same apart to said Library trustees, for the purposes above mentioned, then and in that event this ordinance shall be void and of no effect. ^(J^ I.MI.Nol. |\H|-|.| lull s\| V||\ ItoSII l-ttWtM^ CHAPTER LVI LiLi:.\si-: ixsi'iA i< )k- \\ \ki)i:N alms. Sec. 1453. License Inspector — Term — Salary — How Appointed — Bond. — I Ik- oftiic of Liccn>c Inspccinr ni >aKl City js hcrcljy created with a term of two years. The salary of saiil inspector shall he one thousand ($1.(H)().(M)) dollars j)cr year. Said Inspec- tor shall he aj)j)oiiiteil hy the .Mayor and confirmed hv Council, and hold t)tficc until the first re;,'ular meeting in July next, ami until his successor is appointed and ({ualificd, unless sooner re- nio\ ed hy the Mayor and ( ieneral COuncil for cause. All suh- se(|uent appointments, e.xcept to fill vacancies, shall l)e f»)r a term of two years, with the same rij^ht of removal above stated. .Said Insi)ector shall ^^ive bond in the sum of one thousand ($l.(>Oi).(K)) dollars, subject to the a|)i)roval of the Mayor, conditioned for the faithful performance of his duties. ( \ote. — Salarv fixed be tore each biennial election). Sec. 1454. Duties of License Inspector. It shall be the duty of said Inspector to examine into all licenses «;ranted by the City, t() delixer all notices of expiration of the same, to perform all other duties required of him by the Tax C'ommittee. Said In- spector shall also deliver the notices of water bills for the Wa- icrwt.irks hcpartment. if so instructed by the .Mayor and (ien- eral C"(»uncil. Sec. 1455. May Arrest and Make Cases — Oath — Police Badge. — Said lnsi)ector sliall be voted with i>ower to i)refer charj^es. and make arrest of parties violating- the law of the City, and shall take the oath re(|uired of special policemen, and have the right to wear the badge of same. Sec. 1456. Offices Distinct.— The office of Warden and License Inspector shall hereafter be separate and distinct, and the duties of these respective officers discharged by different officials. I.UK>«»K INM't:* Ton \\ AKDKN — 1)1 'IIKS — »> \ I, \ H \ III HI \ l,> -K)!> Sec. 1457. City Warden — Duties — Relief, How Dispensed — Salary of Warden — How and When Appointed, Etc. — ( iciural relief shall be dispensed by the Warden under the direction ami control of the Committee on Hospitals and Charities, and this jjeneral relief shall extend to and include the transportation and burials of paupers, as well as the distribution oi food, clothing, etc. Said Warden shall perfttrni such other duties connected with the supervision of hospitals and charities as the Committee thereon shall prescribe, and shall receive for his services the sum of six hundred ($li()().(H)) dollars per year, payable monthl\ from appropriation to Department of Relief. IK- shall be apjiointed by the Mayor, subject to the confirmation by the (ieneral Coun- cil, and this appointment "^hall be transmitted to the meetins.; of the (ieneral (. ouncil held on the first Monday of July «)f the year, in which the appointment of license inspector is confirmed. Sec. 1458. City Warden — Term — License Inspector — Salary. — The term ui Warden >hall be two years, and the person appointed on the first Monday in July. I'JO.'J, shall serve for a term of two years, or until his successor in office shall be ajjpointed and confirmed. The License Inspector shall receive a salary of $1.(KK).(K) a year, except for the remainder of the present year, during which time he shall receive $1(M) ptr month. Sec. 1459. Beggars — Unlawful. — h ■^llall l»c unlawfid for any pers«.)n habitually to a>k. beg. or solicit alms in tlie City of .\t- lanta fn^m any i)erson whatever, except as hereinafter pro\ idc(l. Sec. 1460. Penalty for Violation. — .\u\ peixMi, wIuj shall >o- licit or receive alms in any f<»rm whatsoever from any person whomsoever in saiti Lity, except as provided in this ordinance, shall be fined by the Kecorder'> Court not less than one nor more than twenty-five dollars, or imprisoned not less than oik- nor nu)re than thirty days, either or Ixtth. in the discretion of the Court. i Sec. 1461. Burials by City Pauper Deaths to be Reported — When — To Whom. — It shall be the duty of the head of the fam- ily, in which any death shall occur, in cases where the burial is to be at the expense of the City, in whole or in i)art. to report 110 i,irK%!*i: IN"!'! < M.n — III HI VI > «iivi(iiii^ III I r the t;Kt oi such death, and of the place, at whicli it happened. to the Warden of the City of Atlanta within twelve (12) hours after the occurrence of su^A^ death. Sec. 1462. Pauper Deaths at any Public Places— How Report- ed By Whom — To Whom — When.— In case of the death of any person, whose burial is likely to be chargeable to the City of Atlanta, at any hospital, infirmary , or similar place, or at any hotel or public boarding house, it shall be the duty of the Su- perintendent or princii)al otlficer in charge of such institution, or of the keejjer of such hotel or boarding house, to report the fact of such death to the City Warden witliin twelve h'>l'l;< KiH \\ \UIH N I Ml. I M U III K KT« Citmptnillcr of the City, and it >hall hereafter he unlawful ft»r said Comptroller to draw any further check or warrant> for such institution, or to approve any vouchers in its behalf, and the appropriation therefor set apart to such institution >hall he stricken, and sums so a[)i)ropriated transferreij to the Depart-. ment of Lontin^eiit. Sec. 1470. Warden to Sign Rules as to Free Transportation, Made by National Conference of Charities and Corrections — Must Observe Same after Signing — Warden Signs on Behalf of City. — riu- Warden of the City of Atlanta is hereby authorizetV to sign in the name of the City «)f Atlanta the rules concerning free transportation and charity rates, which have been published bv the Committee on Charitable Transportation apjiointcd by t'lu' Xalioiiai ConfereiKc <>i (.'haritie> and ( Orrectiojis. which said rules are as follows : A. — The word "transportation" as used in the foUowinj; ]jara- i^raphs includes both free transjjortatitju and the recommenda- tion of charity, i\en if the latter are to be paid by the applicant. JJ. — The word "lie" lnl•all^ he. she. or they as the context in any case will >u^<;e>t. and the word ■"applicant' includo the family s^roup for whom trans|)ortation is desired. C. — "'I'ublic C harity'" includes not only the otVicial charities^ supported b\ ta.xation, but any general charitable organization upon which the applicant in (piestion has no claim through mem- bership, blood relationship, i>r through the society's dehnite promise to aid the specific applicant. n. — 111 some of the following paragraphs, ""shall" is u-^ed, in others "s'hould" or ■niax." The former word is mandatory and the phrases in which it is used are to be accepted as l)in(ling upon all signers of these rules. Where ""should" or ""may" is used the paragraph is only a suggestion which signers may ob- serve or not. at their discretion. RULES AXI) .sUGGESTlOXS. Fundamental Principles. 1. — Before any charitable transportation shall be granted, the organization of officials having the matter under consideration must be satisfied, bv adeciuate and reliable evidence — I,l< K>>K INM'KC roit— \\ \I{I>K\ — It It TK KKTS 4| ;{ First. — That the applicant is unable to pay tTie regular fare. Second. — That the applicant's condition and prospects will be substantially improved by sending him to the i)lace in question. Third. — That the applicant will have such resources for main- tenance at ttie point of destination as will prevent him from de- pendence on public charity ; or. l-'ourth. — That the applicant has a legal residence in the place to which he is to be sent or is a proper charge ujHin the charity of that cf>mmunity. Verification. 2. — An applicant's statements must in every case be substan- tiated by other definite, reliable evidence. When this is lack- ing the applicant should be taken care of, if necessary, until the needful testimony is secured. Destination Notified. '.i. — In all ca>c> an appropriate charitable organization or of- ficial, if such exists, at the point of destination, should be promptly advised that the applicant's transportation to that place is under consideraion, or has already been determined upon. \\ hen a signer of these rules ib listed as being located at the proposed point of destination, it shall not be legitimate to send the applicant thither unless notification is sent to the signer in advance of the transportation being furnished or upon the day when it is })rovided. In exceptional cases where the sender has reason for desiring that no record be kept by the charitable agency at the point of destination, the matter may be explained to the latter, who shall then preserve no rec<»r(l unless the case is known through sources independent of the sender. 4. — It is strongly recommended that a repc^rt be secured from an ai)propriate charitable organization t)r official in the city to which transportation is desired, before any applicant is sent thither. This is especially urged when a signer of these rules is listed as being located at the point of destination. All signers have definitely announced themselves as willing to co-operate with other signers by making reasonable efforts to secure needful information and to determine whether transpor- 414 K>si: I N >ri < I ortation originated. In no case shall he be "passed-along" to another community which has no ade- quate responsibility for him. Dependents Returnable to Senders. 7. — If an applicant, who Tias been provided with charitable transportation without the approval of an appropriate charitable agency at the point of destination, shall there become dependent on public charity within nine months after his arrival, t'hen the charitable organization or individual who sent him thither should be notified and requested to provide for the applicant's necessi- ties or to remit tlie money necessary to return him to the place from which his transportation was provided. Maintenance Pending Adjustment. 8. — If an applicant has been forwarded in violation of any of these rules, the charitable agency which provided him with LIC'iC.\!«l!: I.XSPKCTOK — UAItUKV It It IK KKTS 41i transportation sliould be requested to bear the reasonable nec- essary expense of providing for him temporarily, pending in- vestigation and the proper disposal of his case. Records to Be Preserved. 9. The society or official through whom charitable transpor tation is procured shall in each case preserve a full record of all the essential facts upon vvTiich the granting of transportation has been based. A copy or summary of such record should be furnished promptly on request to any charitable organization or official interested in the case. When such request for a digest of the record comes from a signer of these rules, it sliall be con- sidered mandatory upon any other signer. 10.— In case of persons asking charitable transportation on the ground of being able to secure employment in the place to which transportation is desired, definite, reliable assurance of employment must be obtained as part of the necessary evidence. A general report that conditions of employment are better, or that tlic applicant would be 'better off" in the place specified, shall not be considered sufficient grounds for granting of trans- portaticjn. Prompt Answers to Code Inquiries. 11- — Organizations and individuals who agree to these rules thereby pledge themselves to keep a copy of the rules and tele- graphic code conveniently at hand, and to use all due diligence in making reasonable inquiries requested by other signers of the rules and in reply to communications regarding transixjrtation cases. Health Certificates in Epidemics. 12. — Persons forwarded by charitable agencies or officials where any contagious or infectious disease is known to be epi- demic, must be provided with the proper health certificates. Appeal in Case of Disagreement. 1^- — ^^'hen disagreement, as to facts or decisions, arises in regard to any transportation case, one or both the parties con- cerned may appeal to — (1) The Secretary of the State Board of Charities, if both dis- putants are located in the same State; or, if not. 4 1 (J LUKNHi: i\sn:«isivni — imioii i>i \iiii"» (2) 1 heir I \\ 1 I ^t.llC .■>IH I Cl.U IC^ U'MKlli;; J«'lllll\ III t'> rill' Diu- of tlicni. or — (:{) 'Ilu' j^'ciicral secretary i>\ the National Conference of Cliarities and Correction. After the C it\ Warden ha> Mj^ned said rules, it sliall he hi> duty to ohscrve theni in all cases, ti) which the\ niav ai»i>l\ Sec. 1471. Office of Assistant License Inspector Created — Ap- pointed by Whom — Term. — The office of .\>si>tani Licen>c In- s])ectitr is lierilt\ created, charged with all of tlic duties of th regular License Inspector, hut suhject thereto. Said Assistant License Inspector >hall he api)ointed hy the May«)r subject to confirmation hv Counsel, and shall hold office for a term of tw<^ years, or until his successor shall have been elected and (piali- fied, subject to removal at pleasure of NLiyor and (leneral Coun- cil. Sec. 1472. Assistant License Inspector's Salary. — The salary of said Assistant License lnspecti>r is liereby tixed at the sum of $75.00 per month. Sec. 1473. Requirements of Liquor Dealers — Street and Other Railroads— Telegraph and Telephone Companies — Seeking Li- cense or Franchise. — l-'ach applicant for license to sell spirituous or malt licpiors or wines, and each applicant for street railway or other railroad or telej^raph or telephone francliiscs within the City of Atlanta shall, before such application is made to the Mayor and (leneral CV)uncil of the C ity, ^\\c notice of the pur- pose of such application by advertisement at least five times on different days in a daily paper published in the City of Atlanta, and having a general circulation among the citizens of said City, which notice shall contain a particular description of the location of the proposed liquor business, or of the lines of routes of the street franchises wanted, as the case may be. (Note. — State law now forbids the liquor traffic). Sec. 1474. Retail Lumber Dealers Must Register and Qualify as Such before Obtaining License. — It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, by themselves or through other.=;. MfK\>iK IXM'KrTOH — M MHKIt l>«»I"KCTIO\ ^|-J- to sell at retail, that is to say, in iiuantitics less than cjne carloail. any lun>ber, laths, shingles, or any similar building material, without first having registered as retail lumber dealers, and pay- ing for license therefor, and without first having become (juali-t rted to conduct a retail lumber business by the obtaining and equipment of a proper yard and place of business, wherein lum- ber may be stored in sufficient quantities for the proper con- ducting of a retail business, and kept open for public i)atronagc. Sec. 1475. Lumber Stock to be Inspected Classified under Standard Lumber Rules — Kept Classified Subject to Purchas- ers' Inspection. — All retail dealers in lumber. a> aforesaitl, shall have their stock promptly inspected on receipt t'hereof. and stored in their yard^. and classified according U) the standard Inmber rules, ant! kept separate according to classification, sub- ject to the in^])ection of purcha~rr<. Sec. 1476. Purchasers may Inspect Material Before Delivery. — All retail dealer> in lumber shall permit purchasers to in- spect material ordered by them before delivering, when saiil right is demanded by the purchaser at the time said order i> given. Sec. 1477, Penally for Violation. — A \iolation oi alxjve provis- ii»ns or any part thereof, shall subject the otTender. upon convic- tion in the Recorder's Court in the t ity of Atlanta, to a fine not exceeiling one hundred dollars, or impri>oiiment not exceeding thirtv davN. or both, in the discretion of the Recorder. ijij iit|i\<>ii«i\<.i CHAPTKR LVII. L1UI( )K I K \l I K . Sec. 1478. Applications — Advertised. I!;k1i applicant lor h ct'nsc to sell spirituous or malt liipiors, or wines, and each appli- cant lor street railway or other railr(jahall heforc sucli ap- plication i> made to the .Mayor aiul (icneral Council of the City of .Atlanta, i;i\e notice of the purpo^^• to make sudi application, by ad\ erti>enient at lea>t ti\e time> "U iJitVerent days in a daily pai)er published in the City of .Atlanta, and havinj.; a general cir- culati(jn anioni; the citizens of said city, which notice shall con- tain a particular description of the ItK'ation of the proposed li- (|Uiir bu>iiiess, or r route> >>i the street franchises \\anterice of each license to re- tiai s])irituous or spirituous and malt li(|uors, shall be at the rate of one thousand dollars per anmuu, and the C"lerk's fee of fift\ cents, which in each case may be paid ipiarterly in advance, and the holder of such retail license shall be pri\ iletjed to sell spirit- uous, or spirituou.> and malt liipiors, not oul)' in (piantities less than one (piart, but also in such larger tpiantities, as purchasers for consumption may desire. The price of each license to retail lap^er beer and malt li(|uors only shall be at the rate of two hun- dred and lifty dollars jjcr annum, and Clerk's fee of hfty cents, l)ayable t|uarterl\ in adxauce. Sec. 1480. Application — How Made.— All persons, firms, cor- ])etrations or companies desirini; t'» eni;a.Qe in tlie sale of spirit- uous or malt li(|uors at wholesale in said city shall make written application to the Mayor and Cicneral Coimcil for such privilci^e. and the said .Mayt)r and Ceneral Council may, in their discretion, s^rant or refuse such privilej^^e upon each application made; pro- vided, that no such i)rivileL:;'e siiall be g;rantc(l to carry on such I.IUl OH — |ci;| \II.KHo- < l.«tM\(.- Did a *>T«»lti.S 41!l l)UMiitss at any place in said city outside of tlie limits prcscril)ed tor tile retail of ardent spirits; and provided also, that no whole- sale lih. it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or cor- poration dealing in spirituous or malt licpiors. otherwise than under retail license granted b> the Mayor and ( Icncral Council • •f the City of Atlanta, to sell -uch li(|u<)r> in less (piantities than one to permit the same to be used on the premises where sold, or kept by the |»urchaser in the store of the dealer for such consiimj)(j((n. Sec. 1482. Dealers — Close— 1 )ealers in li<|uors at wholesale shall conform to the rcgulati«»ns fi.r opening and closing saloon> prescribe*! by existing ordinances, and such as may be hereafter made, and shall al>o conform to the laws atid ordinances pre- venting the sale or furnishing of li.piors on election days, Christ- mas days. Sundays, and otlur holidavs on which retail saloons are re«|uired to be closed. Sec. 1483. Drug Stores— Prescriptions. It shall be unlawful to >cll li(|uor at wlmloale or retad in connection with drugs or in tlrug stores; provided, that the compounding of licpiors with • Irugs as part of prescriptions, bona tide, made by reputable phy- sicians in the treatment of di•^case. shall not constitute a \ iola- tion t>f this ordinance. Sec. 1484. Penalty. — A violation ..f an\ of the j)ro\i>ion> ..f the preceding sections of this chapter shall subject the offender, upon conviction thereof, to |)unishment by fine not exceeding one hundred dollars, or imj)risonment not exceeding thirty davs, either < -r both, in the discretion of the Recorder's Court, and such conviction shall work a forfeiture of the license of the offender or dealer in whose i)lace the offense occurs. ^•)() i.Mti oil — \\ \ lilies s l.i.l.lN«. \\ I ItlOl I' <4»MI*I.)INU Sec. 1485. License — Wholesale — Amount. — Ihc current ta.x ordinance i> licrcl)y amended l)y >trikinj; <>iit the fijjures 50.00, when thcv i>ccur in the 8t1i line (if the division under the letter "L," on paj^^e twent\-lour of said ordinance, as published, and in sertin{,' in lieu thereof the figures 200.00. so that said 8th line when amended will read as follows: Li(|Ui»rs. hcer or wine, at wholesale, $200.00. The intent of thi> amendment heinj; to fix the retjistration tax on wholesale li H\M» I »»lt I M.VWKII. SVI.K IIOI,ll>\\«. — IIKKU 421 by fine not exceeding five hundred dollars, or imprisonment not exceeding tliirty days, or labor on the public works for not ex- ceeding tliirty days, or in the discretion of said Recorder, such offenders may be punished by a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars and imprisonment not exceeding thirty days or by fine not exceeding five hundred dollars and labor on the public works for not exceeding thirty days. S«c. 1490. Closing on Holidays. — All laws relating to the clos- ing of retail beer and liquor saloons on holidays are applicable alike to wholesale houses, except where it is strictly shipping to parties outside of I'^ilton County. 'Hie same penalty that oper- ates against retail dealers for a violation ..f tlie liijuor laws api)ly in violation of this section. Sec. 1491. Limits Defined. — The Mayor and (ieneral Council iiiav, in their discretion, grant or refuse license to sell, at retail, spirituous or malt licjuors. on the business portion of the follow- ing streets, between the pn Whitehall street, from the railr(jad at Peachtree «;trect to Peters street; on PeaclUrec street, from the railroad at \\ hitehall .street t«» Luckie street, on Marietta street from Peach- tree street to I'oundry street; on Uccatur street, from Marietta street to Butler street; on Broad street, from Mitchell street to Luckie street; on Mitchell street, from Forsyth street to White- hall street ; on Hunter street, from Forsyth street to Pryor street ; on .Alabama street, from Forsyth street to Loyd street; on Pryor street, from Fxchange Place to Hunter street; on Wall street, from Peaditrec street to Loyd street; on Loyd street, from De- catur street to .Alabama street; on Forsyth street, from Alabama street to Walton street; on Peters street, from the Central Rail- road to I'^air street. Sec. 1492. Beer License — How Issued — Penalty. — \\ ilhin the limits above provided, on the streets above named, no separate license for the sale of lager beer or malt li(|uors shall be issued. Outside of the above limits on business portions of business streets within practicable and efficient police supervisions, and in localities where there is no reasonable objection thereto, li- ..).) I lt(l Itlt I.H I.NHI. »« lll.i. NO III I Mo N 1 s censes ma\ l>c i>MK-»l for the relai! oi lai;t.i bcci ami mall 1 (|ii(irs (Mil v. Should aiiv dealer licensed to >cll laj;er beer an malt li(|Ul'^^ oiil\. hy himself dt af^ent. have, or keep on hainl. ■ sell. l'urni>h. or nffir to sell, or furnish to aii\ persons any spii ituous li(pior>. his license shall thereupon and thereby he for feited, and such person so otYendin-,' shall, on coiuicti«>n tliercoi, he finetl not exceedinj,,' t'wt: Innulred ilollars and imprisoned thirty (lavs. The sentence, on conviction, shall include impris. .nmeiit and shall nd he less than thirty day<, and in any such case neither the Mayor, nor the Mayor and (ieneral C(»uncil, shall have anv power or authority to reduce or relieve tlic sentence |)V revisidii, pardon or otherwise ; and such person shall not thert after be entrusted with any license to sell -spirits or malt litptors. Any aj:fent of any such licensed dealer in malt licpiors wlio shall violate the forei,'oinjL; pro\"isions shall he subject to the penalties antl (lis(pialiticatioiis hereinabose pro\i(led. All licenses fur the retail of la}.;er beer and malt li(piors shall issue subject to the rij^ht and purpose of the city by its police officers and police- men, and s|H'cial aj^^ents and inspectors at any and all times to inspect the conduct of the business of any such licen-^ed dealer and ai^ents. as also the character of the stock kept by any ^uch dealer. Sec. 1493. License — To Whom Issued. — No license to retail, as aforesaid, shall issue to any person other than (»f po(»(l charac- ter, sobriety and discretion, and rcjx.'u'd to this shall be liad on. and as to. each ai)plication made. Sec. 1494. Screens — Obstructions, etc. — \o place for which a license to retail as aforesaid shall issue, shall have any screen, blinds or painted jijlass or other obstruction of the view tlirough the doors and windows thereof. License shall not issue for any place which does not front on. or have the main entrance thereto, directly from a public street, but this requirement shall not ap- ply to liotels where the bar is so situated as to be open to tlie view generally of persons sto])ping at said hotels. Sec, 1495. Street Front -Level. — Xo license shall issue for an}^ place not substantially on a level with a public street, ex- cept that the Mayor and General Council may in their discre- I.IUI OH — «.v tioti. grant «»r refuse licence i.. retail in hasements sufficienily open to view. Sec. 1496. Gaming — Ten-Pins — Music, Etc. — Unlawful. — ^N'u j^ainin^ talkie, j^aniin;^ device or apparatus, shall he ke|)t or used at any place fi>r which license is fjranted, nor sliall any fjanie hy carils, ten-pins, or nuisic. or otherwise, he player anythin;^ of value, nor shall anv pools be sold, providinjj^ the keepinj^^ of billiard and pool ta- bles and playinp^ thereon for exercise or anutseinent only, shall not be jjrohibited in hotels wlun the same are in a dilTerent room from the bar. Sec. 1497. Loitering — Disorderly. — Xu person to uiioni a li- cense is issued shall permit drunken or disorderly persons to as- senrble or loiter therein. Sec. 1498. Time — Close. — No place for which a license is {.granted shall be kept open later than ten o'clock ]». m.. or opened earlier than five o\l«.ik a. m. Sec. 1499. Close Election Day, Etc. No person licensed to sell sjjirituous or mall liipmrs in said city, shall keep o]»en his place or sell or furnish liM iioNn sh.nn — oil i« i:i('> roni»:rii:i» cliargiiij^' sudi viulatiuii. Any pciMiii ial>cl> >\n caring t«> tli' ufticlavit re(|uirc le>s than one (juart, any spirit- uous or malt li(iuors without haviu}.; ()i)taine \ ided 1)\- law and ordinance. Sec. 1502. Signs. — I.Ken>ed retailers (holel> excepted) sliali. within live days after obtaining license, aftix a sij;n board near to. or over his door, on which shall be printed in plain words, "Li- censed retailer t)f spirituous licjnors." Sec. 1503. Officer — Admitted. — li shall be the duty of each and every licensed retailer of spirituous litpu^rs to admit the Mayor or any nuMuber of the (.ieneral C'(»uncil. Police Commis- sioner, or any police officer or j)oliceman, into his or her prem- ises at anv time when such ])ermission may be demanded. Sec. 1504. Penalty. — .\ny person violating any of the fore}.jo- ing- provisions of this ordinance .sliall, for each offense on convic- tion thereof, be lined iidt excee'(linp five hundred dollars, or im- prisonment thirty days, either or both, in the discretion of the court. Sec. 1505. Forfeiture of License. — The cou\iclion in a State court of any person licensed to retail spirituous or malt liquors for the violation of the State statutes in relation to the sales of ardeii spirits to a minor or person already intoxicated; or tlie conviction of a retailer before the Recorder's Court for the vio- lation of any of the provisions of this ordinance, shall work an immediate revcation of the license of such person, and for any further exercise of the privilege granted by such license, he sliall be punished as one retailing without license. Sec. 1506. Application — How Made — Bond. — Mach person ap- plying for license to retail as aforesaid shall, at the time of ap- plication, deposit with the Clerk a written description of the I.IUI \i.i. i;^ii*rii;"» i-\ui» Sec. 1508. License — Regulations Transfer. — NO licciiNc i- tran>leral)k-. except l)\ consent nl ilic May<»r aiitl < icmTal Cnnn cil, as rcj^Mrtl >liall \>v liatl t<> the |>crM)ii li» he entriistrtl with siitli license. X<» license nIuiU protect more than one place, ami that the place descrihed tliereiii. and no licpjor"- •^hall he retailahh' in the streets of said city. Sec. 1509. Not Issue — When. — .\o license to retail shall is>ue 111 anv per>on who ^halI hereatter sell licpiors by the gallon in said city under \vlu)lesale licence, where the purpose of said per son shall he to supply oilier than license. 1 dealers with litpior- and where the amount and extent of the stock kept by such per sons are less than re(|uisite for the carry ini; on, in j^ood faith, the wholesale trade. Xor shall retail license issue to any |)erM»n who shall hereafter, in said city, sell Ii(|U"rs hy the nj^allon with the knowledj4;e that persons actinj^ toj^ether in purchasing; the same will immediately divide, or have the dealer sellin<; the same divide it for immediate consmnption or carryini:^ away. Sec. 1510. Unlawful Sale — Drinking on Premises. — Any per- son who shall keep mi hand for uiilavstul ~-ah- l>\ tiie (|uart. any lifpiors kept osteiisihiy for sale at wholesale hy the ;.;allon. or shall permit liie division of the same l)y purchasers, c")r others in his presence, or .s'hall retail the same, shall he debarred of a whole- sale or retail license hereafter, and in addition, shall, on convic- tion of either offense named in tliis and the preceding section, be fined not exceedinL;- ti\<.' hundred dollars, or imprisoned thirty da\s. either or both, in the discretion of t'he court. Sec. 1511. Empty Beer Kegs — Regulations. — ii shall be un- lawful for empty beer kei;s to remain on the sidewalks or streets of Atlanta longer than twenty-four hours after being placed there ; and all breweries or their agents, doing business in said city, are required to make daily collections of empty kegs, and any brewery or agent violating the provisions of this ordinance shall, upon conviction before t'he Recorder, be fined not less than iive dollars and costs ft)r each offense. Sec. 1512. License — Piedmont Park. — ( )n compliance with all laws and ordinances of the city with reference to obtaining li- I. Mil "It viTi.n \rio\«. — ioitKi:rri iti;> — >iiNoits ^07 cense i<» retail liit of ten dollars per day. and Clerk's fee fc»r the time applied for, accompanied by the written Consent of the anthoriiies uf the (icntlemen's I)ri\int( Club, or of the Piedmont Exposition Company, the Clerk of CDuncil is authorized t(t issue license to retail malt and spirituous liquors on the grounds of the J'iedmont I'-xposition COmpany. or (lentle- nien"s Drixiuu,^ ( lub: pro\idr(|. that the hours of closiuij: shall be ten o'clock p. m.. and of o|)enin;c se\en o'clock a. ni.. and the per- son or person> recei\ in.i^ such license shall be sul)ject to all laws and or rej.(ulatin^ the retail li(|uor traffic. Such license shall be >ubject to forfeiture at any time on the reions of this ordinance aforesaid, of the retail liquor ordinance, relatinjj to api)lication, bond, license, rej^ulation. selling;; without license, penalties, forfeiture n\ license, etc., etc.. in case of retail or spirituous or malt and s[)irituons li(|ui»rs shall apply to the retail of lag-er beer and malt liquors, except as otherwise herein f)ro\ ided. Sec. 1514. Forfeiture of License — The Mayor ami (ieneral Ct)uncil siiall forfeit the licen>e oi any retailer of eitiier spirituous or lajijer beer, or malt li(|U(jrs. whose |)Iace beconu'^ a nuisance or of ill repute, by disorder thereat, or otherwise. Sec. 1515. Minors Not Allowed.— It >«hall bu unlawful for any minor to ^o into any |)lace where spiritu(jus or malt li(|uors are kept for retail, unless by written consent of parent or jTuardian. and any minor violatinj.^ the provisions of tTiis ordinance shall, on conviction before the Recorder, pay a fine of not less than five dollars, or work on tlu- j)id)lic works nrit less than five days. Sec. 1516. Punishment of Minors. — .\ny j)erson under twenty- one years of a^e who shall, imder false representation as to age. buy or allow to be bou<.^ht for liim. other than by parent or jjuar- dian, any liquors, malt or spirituous, in any retail saloon of this city, shall, u|K)ii conviction before the Recorder, pay a fine of n*' less than twenty-five dollars, or serve not less than twenty-fiN- tiays on the ])ul)lic works. Sec. 1517. Signs as to Minors. — All places licensed to retail spiritiunis or malt li(juoi> .shall ha\e posted in conspicuous places about their place of business, ".\o minors allowed in here." anil the same shall be consiilered sufficient notice. Sec. 1518. Sale of Alcohol. — When any persMu applies to an\ (Iruf^gist or other lawfvd dealer for the purchase of alcohol, ami shall state that it is bought for mechanical, medicinal or chemi- cal purposes, the statement or assurance of said purchaser as to tlic use intended shall be a comi)lete protection for such dru^- t^ist or other lawful dealers in alcohol, from any prosecution un- der an\' city ordinance. Sec. 1519. Unlawful to Sell in Bulk — Drink on Premises. — It sliall be unlawful for any retail dealer in spirituous and malt li- (luors, or in spirituous or malt liquors, in the City of Atlanta, to sell any of such Ii(|uors l)y the quart, pint, half-pint, gill or other measure, to be used or drank in tlie premises where sold. This sliall not apply to bnitlcd beer. Sec. 1520. Fine — Imprisonment. — Any person convicted before the Recorder's Court of said city for a violation of the foregoing section, shall be punished by fine not exceeding one hundred dollars, or imprisonment not exceeding thirty days, either or both of these punishments, in the tliscretion of tlie court, for each offense. Sec. 1521. Transfer — Penalty. — Any person who shall begin business as transferee of the license of another without first ad- vertising, filing his })etition and obtaining the consent of the Mayor and General Council, as now required by law regulating tlie issuance of retail licjuor license, shall be held and considered as carrying on said business without a license. Any person convicted of a violation of this section shall be fined not more than five hundred dollars, or imprisoned not more than thirty days, in the discretion of the Recorder's Court. IJQlOlt — 1. 1 NfH, KKKt: OTIIKK HI SINKSS 429 Sec. 1522. Lunch— How Served— Free Penal.— It shall be unlawful for any retail dealer in liquors in this city to keep at Ills place of business, or furnisli to his patrons or visitors at such ]>lace, any food of any sort, except crackers, cheese, pretzels, pickles and sausage, which shall not be served by waiters or on tables, but only on the counters ; provided, however, that when such dealer has a license to keep a h(jtcl, eating house, or lunch room, or stand, totally disconnected with the barroom, this or- dinance shall be applicable only to the barroom. Sec. 1523. Connection with Other Business. — Liquor or beer shall not be sold, at wholesale or retail, in connection with any other business, except that dealers in li(|uors and beers at whole- sale or retail may carry in stock and in their bar or wholesale room cigars, tobacco, cigarettes atid similar g<)ods. usually con- stituting part of the stock of a li(|uor store or sah^on. This sec- tion is operati\e on and after ( )ctol)er 1, 180S. Sec. 1524. Violation Penalty. — A \ iolatitin uf any of the pro- \i>i(tns of foregoing sections shall >ul)jcct the offender, on con- \ iction thereof, to punishment by fine not exceeding one hun- i ■< \ i in \ i xiimm CHAPTER LVIII. IK l-:XSKS Kl-JilSlkAl 1( ).\ < )l r.lSlXESS. Sec. 1525. Persons Doing Business Must Annually Register — Procure License. — I.mtv person, firm, corporation or coinpan> c-n<.(aj4C(l in pn occulinj; or carrying on ain trade, business or profession, within the incorporate limits i»i said city, is licreb} rc(|uire(l to re.iL;i>ter their names, l)usines>. caliini^, trade, or pro- fession, annually at such times as the Mayi)r and General Coun- cil may. by resolution, from time to time direct; and persons cominj;^ into the C'it\ , and so engaging in business, after that date in each year, shall >o re}.jister, and pay for and procure a business license. Sec. 1526. Registration of Business — Registration Tax to Be Paid. — It >liall hi- ihe duty of every persijn. firm, or corporation, enj.(aged in any kind of business retjuired 1)\ the tax ordinance, to be registered, to register the particular bu>iness, in which such person, firm or corpt>ration is engaged, and to pay the registra- tion tax thereon. Sec. 1527. Evidence of Business — What Constitutes Same — Liability to License. — The putting up, or kee])ing up. or allow- ing to remain in jxisitioii, a business sign on or in any house, of- fice, wall, or other place, or the publishing or continuing any ad- vertisemen in any newspaper, circular or card offering to do business, or soliciting trade or patronage in any business re- cpiired tt) be registered, or the renting, or the opening of any store, house, office, or ])lace of business for the ostensible purpose of carrying on any business refpiired to hv registered, shall be prima facie evidence of liability to register such business, and ])av the registration tax thereon re(|uircd b\' tlie Tax Ordinance. Sec. 1528. Failure to Register and Pay License — Penalty. — The failure of any person, firm or corporation required by the Tax Ordinance to register and pay the registration tax upon I.K K\Si:s 1«\\\ MI|(OKi:i{ IIO«>K> >li\4l|{s 11, their said business shall be occasion to have said tax collected I)y the issue of execution by the Clerk of Council, which shall be levied and collected by the Marshal or his deputy, and offend- er shall also be subject to be arrested and tried before the Re- corder's Court, and ^u^ conviction of carry ini; on any business re- quired to be rej^^istered without rei,nstcrino- and paying the re- (|uired registration tax therein, shall be fined not exceeding one hundred df)llars. or imprisonment not exceeding thirty (.SO) days, in the discretion of the Cinirt. Sec. 1529. Pawnbrokers— Shall Keep Books— Entries Thereon —When Made.— All pawnbrokers and second-hand dealers shall keep books in connection with their business, wherein shall be entered an accurate description of all property pledged or sold to them giving where the .same occurs as in the case of watches, the name of the maker and the number on the piece, and fur- ther accurately aiid fully describing such property, with the kind and material of which it i^ made; and in >aid books there shall also be entered the name of the person, by whom same is depos- ited or sold, and the time when the same was done. These ar- tries shall be made as soon after any transaction is had as possi- ble, m n.. event allowing more than one hour to elapse after Mich transaction before the above provided entry is made con- erning the same. These books and articles themselves so I)Ie(lged or sold shall at all times be subject to inspection and rxamination by the police officers of the ( ity of Atlanta. Sec. 1530. Pawnbrokers Not Trade with Minors.— It shall be unlawful for any pawnbroker, their agents or employees, to re- ceive in pawn goods ,,f any character or description from minors. Sec. 1531. Penalty.-A pawnbroker, their agent or employees receiving g(.,,ds in pawn from minors shall .,n conviction inRe- c.rder-s Court be fined not exceeding $-,().()() ..r imprisoned not exceeding twenty days upon public works, either or both pen- alties to be indicted in the discretion of the Recorder. Sec. 1532. Pawnbroker not Liable Where Age and Size De- ceives.— Any pawnbroker taking from an applicant a statement >n writing that such applicant is of age will not be held subject 4 .{2 i,irK>'*i> r \ \\ MiMoiv I MS i\i>i: iniuii:** — KKK* It) the j)r(>viM'iM>> ol tills DidiiKiiui- provided the appearance of siicli applicant a> lt» a^jc and size is such as to make it uncertain that sucli apf)Iiiaiit is or is not twenty-one years of ajje. Sec. 1533. Penalty for Failure to Keep Books or Making False Entries. — Any person doin^; a pawnbrokiny: or second-hand ^joods hnsincss in tlie C ity of .\tlanta. who shall fail or refuse to keep hooks in connection with their l>u.siness. as provided for in the l)rcccdinj^ section, or who >>hall make false entries concerninj; the transactions nanud, or who shall fail or refuse to permit an inspection and examination of said hooks and of the property pledged with t)r sold to them. I)y any police officer of said City, shall, upon conviction l)rforc the Recorder's t'onrt he lined not less than twenty-tive dollars, nor more than two Imndred dol lars. or imi)risonment for not more than thirty days, one tu- hot'h. as the Recorder's Court in its discretion may determine. Sec. 1534. Fees of City Clerk.— It shall he uidawful for the I itv Clerk or Tax Collector to charge or receive, on account ol the City, any fee for issuinj; any license to any citizen or tax- payer, who shall i)a\ such license within the time allowed hy the ordinances for such payment, before the issuinij (^f the exe- ciitimi tlieretor. Sec. 1535. Shall Collect Fees— When— How. It shall be tlu' duly of the City Clerk and Tax C'ollector to charp^e and collect the fees now and hereafter provided by (^dinance for issuing licenses to merchants and taxjiayers. who do not i)ay such li- censes within the time limited by the ordinance, and to jvay such fees or licenses into the City Treasury for the use of the City. Sec. 1536. Fees and Costs Go to the City.— All fcc^ and cots collected bv ilir Marshal, on acconnt of settlinj^ levies, adver- tisements, sales, commissions, makiui,' deeds, and other services in connection w ith the collection of executions for licenses, taxes, or assessments, shall be paid into the City treasury for the use of the City. Sec. 1537. Veterans — Old Soldiers — Above Provisions do Not Apply to — To Whom. — The various provisions of the Tax Or- l.lfK.NSKN \<»>H. N UKN TO — II l\> MI(OKKI{> lil(KK'l MUH'N ^J;' flinance of the Lity of Atlanta, as tn the payment of registration taxes, shall have n<» ai)i)lication to the cases of old soldiers hav- int,'- free licenses from the State to peddle, whether such old sol- • liers go from place to place in the City peddling the kind of wares or goods coNered hy their licenses, or such old soldiers ccupy stands for the disposition and sale of their wares: pro- sided, nevertheless. >uch old soldier> >»1ia]l not he ])ermitted to I>>truct the sidewalks or street> with an\ >uch stand. Sec. 1538. Consignments Prohibited, Except to Commission Merchants Licensed as Such. — N'o jjcrson or persons, firm, or corporation, doing hu^ines-^ in this City, shall sell or offer for sale, any goods, wans, merchandise, fruits or produce consigtied to them, upon commission or t>therwise, or whether they derive I he u^ual heiKtit- i<\ consignees therefrom, unless said goods, wares. fruit>. or produce come within the scope of the lines of goods that tluy are licensed hy law to deal in, or unless they lia\e a general commis«,iou mercliani>' registration license, wlien. in filher instaiur. they mu»t i>ay lax on commission sales, as re- ijuirecl hy tax oi'dinauce. Sec. 1539. Fi Fas for Business Tax Issue — When. — No license ti la >hall is>ue, n«»r cost thereon accrue, until five days after '!k- mailing of notice, under cover, to the person in default, stat- iig the amount due for such license, and. if not paid within five I.")) days from the date of such notice, a fi fa therefor, and for the (. '>>!>« thereon, will i>^ue. Sec. 1540. Tax on Produce Brokers, Etc. — How Fixed. — fhc registration tax on the l)U>>ine>> of >t(.Lk and produce brokers or agencies shall he fixed in annual tax ordinance, the business to l)e subject to regulation by the Mayor and (Jeneral Council by >uch ordinance^ as may be |)assed from time to time for that pur- pose. Sec. 1541. No Modification of Bucket Shop Ordinances or Laws, — The taxing and licensing of the bu>iness of brokers, or agencies for brokers, shall not be construed to repeal or modify the existing ordinances prohibiting "bucket shops." 28 4.54 i.M i:nsi:> i-|ii:i: \ i . mioms — i n i i i » i \ m)^ \ imi i<.ii i.u Sec. 1542. Free Licenses Granted Only — When. — No free li- cense shall iurcalter \>v j^rantcd under any eireiinistances, to an\ person for any i»Mr|><»>e. unless sutli |)er>on shall have heen a citizen of the I ity c< Mitiiiually for the two \ ears next prcccdinj^' the askiiij^f of the >aiiie. Sec. 1543. License for Street Vendors — Conditions Amount of License. — .\i» license shall be j.(rantetl to any person or tirni to erect a stauil or sell from street or pavement, any patent med- icine, novelty, or article of merchandise f^enerally sold by itiner- ant vendors, except with the written ct^tisent of the person or persons occupy inj.,'^ the store, office, ar residence before which it is proposed sellinj.^ said merchandise, and b\ order oi the Mayor. The license tax for such privilej^a's shall not be less tlian fifteen dollars j)er week for each stand or salesman, unless j^ranted on petition to i ieneral Council. anre than $50,000.00, $50.00. (b). A\'hcre qross annual sales are more than $50,000, $50.0(> plus $1 additional for each $1,000.00 over $30,00.00 gross annual sales; provided no license shall exceed $200.00. ( Manufacturers, as above, holding license as such, may operate bottling works for t'heir own proprietary beverages without additional license). Bottling works for soft drink beverages, such as Coca-cola, ginger ale, soda water, and similar products, shall pay license as follows : I,I — HiKNTS — I'KIIC K> r KiH-l < H AH i •» \\ iihn ami not later than tlif I.'»tli das after the last day "f taili <|ua tcr, t>r ■"license period,"' siuli aj^eut. or liis authorized represei tative. or the autliorized ofheer or represciitaive of eompanu taxed 'I)v the j)rovisioiis of this ordiiiaiue. >hall fdc in the office of C lerk of L'oiuicil a sworn statement showinj^ in detail the amount of business transacted durinj; the preceaid statement, the percenla^^e tax shall he paid into the Treasury of the ( ity throuj^h the office of (."lerk of Council. The Clerk of (Mimcil sliall issue an execution aj^aiiist every insurance aj^ent, who fails to pay the percentafjc tax. as re(|uire(l l>y this ordinance. I'.ach execution, so issucil. shall he for such an amount as in the ju;;dmcnt i^ue(l f..r any purpose, are hereby made subject to rei)eai by resolution of the Mayor and General Council, during the tern'i for which same have been issued, and. in such event, the Mayor and General Council sTiall provide for the return to the licensee >uch proportion of the sum paid by licensees as shall cover the remainder of the term thereof. i'^u >i\MHi\<.i:> itiii'i'ii^ — ni:< nni» — iti:i*uiir<< CHAPTER LIX. .\r\Kki.\(.i:s- i;iK ills di: \ riis. Sec. 1550. Marriages Must Be Reported — By Whom — To Whom. — It shall hr the duty of every clcrjj^yiuan. niap^istratc or (itluT persiin, win* shall perform any niarriaj^e ceremony within the C itv of .Atlanta. t«> report cacli marriaj^a^ ceremony solem- nized 1)V him to the iioard of Health office within forty-ci^ht hours thereafter, j^ivinj^ the full name. aj^e. color. occupatit)n. hirlhplace (State and L'ount\ ). and le^^al residence of each j)er- son married, and the date of such marriage. Sec. 1551. Births — How Reported. — Any physiciati. accoucher. midwife, or other person in chari^'e. who shall attend, assist, or advise at the hirili of any child within the City of .\tlanta. shall report to the Iioard of Health office within si.x days thereafter, statinjT distinctly the date of birth, sex and color of diild or chil- dren born, its or their physical condition, whether still-born C)r not, the full name, nativity and residence of the parents, and the maiden name of the mother of such child or children. Sec. 1552. Registry of Physicians Required. — li >liall be the duty of every physician, accoucher, and midwife practicing;- medi- cine or doinci: business within the City of .\tlanta to register his or her name in a book to be provided for such purpose at the office of the Iioard of Health of said City, giving full name, resi- dence, and place of business ; and in case of removal from one place to another in said City, to make change in said register accordingly. Sec. 1553. Penalty for Violation of Any of Above Provisions. — Any person, who shall violate, or aid and abet in violating any of the provisions of the foregoing ordinances, shall, upon convic- tion in the Recorder's Court, be punished by a fine of not less than ten nor more than one hundred dollars, or imprisoned not MARRIAGES — BLANKS — DEATHS — PERMITS 430 exceeding thirty days, either or both, in the discretion of the Court. Sec. 1554. Blanks to Be Furnished by Board of Health.— Iti shall be the duty of the Board of Health to keep on hand at all times a supply of blanks for gratuitous distribution to all per- sons, whose duty it shall be to make returns under the foregoing ordinances. Sec. 1555. Registry of Deaths to be Kept — By Whom — Also Births — Also Marriages. — The Board of Health shall cause to be kept at some c(jnvenient place a book for the registration of all marriages, births, and deaths, as hereinafter provided, occur- ring in the City of Atlanta. Sec. 1556. Certificate of Death Given — By Whom — When Cause of Death Unknown, Certificate so States. — in all cases of death, occurring in the City of Atlanta, the attending jihysician shall give a certificate, according to a blank form prescribed and furnished by the Board of Health, stating name, age, se.x. color, nativity, occupation, condition (married, single, or widowed), residence and date, and cause of death of such deceased person, to the family, or person in charge of the de^d body, and, in case of sudden death, or any death where there is no attending physi- cian, the City Physician in the ward where the death occurs, when retjuested. shall, after satisfactory investigation, or any other physician, who has investigated the facts, may, when ap- plied to, give such certificate; and the Coroner, or other officer acting in his place, may likewise give such certificate, in cases coming under his notice. If any person authorized to issue such certificate cannot state the cause of the death, he must certify that it is unknown. Sec. 1557. Permit for Burial or Removal Issued on Certificate —Comptroller Is Advised whether Child or Adult.— When such certificate is presented to the Board of Health, or to the person designated by them, a permit shall be issued for the burial or re- moval of such deceased person, and the certificate shall be filed, and the facts therein set forth shall be duly recorded, and the fact of the issue of such a permit shall be reported to the Comp- troller, stating whether child or adult. 4^0 >l \Ultl \<;i:> ITUMIIN — III Ul\l,«» — UKMOVAI.S — I'K.NALTV Sec. 1558. Certificates and Permits for Non-Residents — How Issued. — If the body of any person wlio has died without the limits of the City of Atlanta shall be brought into this City for burial, a certificate in due form shall be presented, and a permit shall be issued, as provided in cases of persons, who die within the City, but the record shall show that such person is a non- resident, and the death shall not be charjjed to the mortality of the City, unless said deceased person shall be a resident of this City, death having occurreil during a temporary absence only from home. Sec. 1559. No Burial or Removal to be Made Without a Per- mit. — No sexton or superintendent, or person in charge of any cemetery under the jurisdiction of the City of Atlanta, shall bury or remove from said City the body of any deceased person with- out first obtaining such burial permit, and no undertaker or agent of any railroad, 'or conductor of any railroad train, or agent or employee of any express company, or any other person, shall remove the body of any VKMTI>K>IH\TS_FKKS— X0TKF:_REDEMPTI0X 440 placed in his hands, he shall execute tlie same in the manner prescribed by law. and. whenever he shall levy any execution upon any goods, chattels, lands, or tenements, he sliall advertise the same in one oT the public gazettes of the City of Atlanta, once a week for four weeks prior to the day of sale; and the said Marshal shall, on the first Tuesday of each month, between the hours of ten o'clock in the forenoon and 4 o'clock in the after- noon, sell all property levied upon, in front of the Courthuse door of Fulton County, at public outcry, and shall knock down said property to the ^highest bidder, and execute titles to the same, if required. He shall collect the following fees: For settling and collecting a h fa Sl.OO Levying fi fa over $100 1.00 Levying fi fa SI 00 and under ,35 Commission for selling property, the same amounts allowed Sheriffs, according to amounts of the varicnis executions. Making deed 1 .00 It shall be the duty of the Marshal to itemize tlie costs on the back of the fi fa. and to print this bill of fees on each fi fa. Sec. 1571. Notice of Levy Five Days Before Sale.— Where real estate is levied on. it shall be the duty of tlie Marslial to -;ive to the owner, (.r the tenant in possession, if the owner is un- known, a written notice of such levy five days before the sale, and to make a return of the service, and date of service, and by whom made, and upon whom perfected on the execution. Sec. 1572. Redemption— Within What Time— How— When- ever any land is sold under and by virtue of any tax execution issued in pursuance of the charter and ordinances of the City of Atlanta, the owner or owners thereof, his, Tier or their agent, or attorney, or the vendor of the land, when the purchase money has not been paid, sliall have the right and privilege of redeem- ing the land thus sold within one year from the time of sale by paying the purchaser thereof the amount paid by sucli pur- chaser for said land, with legal interest thereon, and ten per cen- tum premium on said amount, in current monev. 444 >i\i(o|ivi. ni;«.i«i Mi.N I r\fin» iMmH\»i Sec. 1573. Marshal Shall Keep Registry of Tax Sales— Copy of Advertisement, Etc.— Hk- Marshal ^iiall kcfj) a register of all salt's of real t-^tati-. wlutlKr Nacaiii hall i)C kept in a mat and legible man- ner, and shall always be open for the inspectiim of any and all ])ersons interested. Sec. 1574. Marshal— Papers and Books to be Kept By.— Here- after it shall be the duty of the ^Iar^hal of said City: — l-irst. — To keej) a tile of all newspapers, in which liis official advertisements api)ear. .Second.— 'To keep an execution docket, wherein he shall enter a full description of all executions levied by him on any kind ot property, showing what property levied on. the date of levy, ami of t'he ser\ice of notice, together with all his acts and doings thereon. Iliird.- To keep a book, in which shall be entered a record of all sales made by him, describing accurately the property and process, under which sold, tlie date of the levy and sale, and the purchase and ])rioe. jrourth. — Said books shall have an index, which shall be kept u]) for eac'h entry thereon. Sec. 1575. Purchase By City — Property Sold by Marshal— The Chairman or a member of the Tax Committee shall act for the City in bidding the amount of tax and costs on property sold for tax by the Marshal, where no one bids that amount, and see tliat the Marshal makes the City a deed in pursuance of the Act of the Legislature a])proved l-'ebruary 27, 1877. Sec. 1576. Clerk Shall Keep Record— Copies of Marshal's Ad- vertisements and Deeds Kept by Him. — It shall be the duty of the Clerk of Council to prepare and keep in bis office a book of M\UMi\i. i.M i:\«»i: iNsiMM luK IN ^^-j rccttrd of all pmiKriy purchased by the City at Marshal's tax sales, showinj^ \\''ht)se ])roperty was so purchased, the auiount bid bv the Tax Ct)niuiittee. aud what portion of the same was tax. aud what portion Clerk and Mar>hars costs, respectively. He NJiall also file and carefully kecj) in his office the deed made by the Marshal to the City, and the execution attached, whicli shall be delivered to him by the Marsal; also a ct)])y of the newspaper in which am Mar- tax sides, and it shall be the duty of tlie Li- cense Insi)ector to keej) careful watch o\ er all such proi)erty, and see that no person is allowed in trespass thereon, in cases of vacant property, ami look after the building's (if the property is improved), rent t'he same, collect the rents', and return and i)a\ all amounts collected for rent to the Tax ». oilector. The C lerk shall keep a record in the book above referred to of all amounts received for rent. Sec. 1578. Redemption of Marshal's Deeds — How Made — Duties of Officers in Regard Thereto. — Tiie o\\ ner doiriui; to le- deem })ropcrty so purchased by the City, may do so in one year from hars deeds shall be upon receipts prepared l)y the Clerk and turned over to the Tax Collector in conformity with the coupon system ; and the Clerk shall enter upon the Marslial's deed book a complete rec- ord of all re(lenlpt^on^, and other settlements of Marshal's deeds, chiving dates, amounts, by whom redeemed or settled, and all other matters of importance connected with each transaction. The Comptroller shall prepare and keep a similar Marshal's deed book, which shall likewise show all the transactions connected with the said Marshal's deeds. The al)ove ordinance is to carry into effect an Act of the Legislature of Georgia entitled "An Act to provide for the manner of tax sales hy luuncipal cori)ora- tions. and for niher i)iirposes, approved I'eKrnary 27, 1877." Sec. 1579. Property Bought at Tax Sales — Resold— Who Serves Notice.— In all cases where i)r<.ptrt\. after having' been bou^'lu hy the L ily at tax sales, has been held one year, and by order of the Mayor and General Conncil is advertised to be sold again, as provided by law, it shall be the duty of the Collector of Street lnipn)venients in office at the time such sales arc ad- vertised to serve the five (.')) days' notice recpiired by law on the tenant in possession, and to make return of sucli service in writing. Sec. 1580. Service Perfected— How.— Such service shall be ])erfected upon tlie tenant in possession, if the priijjcrty is occupied, and, if vacant, upon the owner, or his agent, if known ; and failing all of these, such notice shall be conspicuously posted upon the i)ropcrty. The service in all cases to be made at least five (5) days before the day of sale. Sec. 1581. Clerk's Duty, When Property Has Been Held One Year.— Property i)urchased by the City at Mar>hars sale for City tax (by virtue (jf tiie provisions of an .\ct passed by the Legislature of Georgia, and approved February 27th, 1877), and which lias been held by the City, under deed made in pursuance of such sale, for one year, shall be sold and disposed of by the City as follows: The Clerk of Council shall present to the Mayor and (ieneral Council at any regular meeting thereof a full descriptive list of all property so purchased, and which has been held, as aforesaid, for one year. Sec. 1582. Council to Direct Sale by Resolution— Advertise- ment.— Said Mayor and General Council shall then, by resolu- tion, direct the sale of all, or such a portion of said property, as in its judgment should be sold. Such direction being given, it shall be the duty of the Tax Committee to advertise such property for sale in a newspaper published in the City of Atlanta once a week for four weeks before a regular Sheriff's sale day, and to have notice of such proposed sale served on the MiltSllAI SOM» Si:i'\H \TKI,\ — I'l HI.U W KIGHKHS 447 owner, aj^ent or tenant in j)()ssc^^sion, or in case of vacant prop- erty posted thereon and return of service of this notice made as in cases of regular tax sales, and on such day, between tlie lej^-al hours for Sheriff's sales, said Committee shall sell, or have sold, said property at public outer}' to the highest bidder for cash. Sec. 1583. Property Sold Separately. — l\ach piece of said prop- erty sliall be sold separately. Sec. 1584. Quit Claim Deeds Executed by Mayor. — Purchas- ers at such sales shall receive from the Lity a quit-claim deed, to be executed by the Mayor upon the payment of the purchase money to the Clerk of C<->uncil. Sec. 1585. Marshal to Put Purchaser in Possession. — It shall be within the power and authority, and shall be the duty of the Marshal of the City of Atlanta, in all cases where lie has here- tofore sold, or shall hereafter sell, any property within the limits of tlie City of Atlanta, imder executions issued to enforce the collection of assessments due the City of Atlanta, or transferrees frtun the City of Atlanta, of such executions, to put the piu- chasers of the property s(» s»»ld in [)(jsse>sion thereof, on de- mand of said purchasers, just as if the property had been sold under ordinary tax execution issued by the City of Atlanta. Sec. 1586. Public Weighers Appointed by Marshal — Give Bond — Term. — i he public weighers ^llall be appointed \)y the City Marshal, subject to contirmation by two-thirds of the General Council, and kept under constant supervisitju by him. They shall give bond, with good security, in the sum of five hundred ($oOO.OU) dollars, payable to the City, for the faithful perform- ance of their duties, and be subject to removal at any time. Their respective terms shall be for one year from the time of appointment and confirmation. Sec. 1587. Entire Matter of Weighers. Weights and Measures Under Department of City Marshal — Detailed Reports By Him. — Complaints. — The public weighers and the entire matter of weights and measures, and ttie inspection thereof, as required \\s «l \ IIHM \ I -\\ llt.ll I N «l I'l II \ iHlit \ IM 1)V this Cliaplcr. shall he coiisultrfil a pail ui llic Department oi C itv Marshal, and it shtnilil l>e the duty of thi-* oftiier to Miper- vise the puhlii- \veij;1ier>. and also t(» see that the laws and ordin- naiices relati\e t<> weij^'hts and measure-- are enforied. lie sliall make a written report to the Mas or and ( iencral Council at the hejiinnin^ of each rjuarter, j^isin;,^ detailed and itemized state- ment of the complaints made U) him and hi> actions thereon. an«l tlie luimher oi inspections of weij^ht^ and measures, and the corrections ordered 1)\ himself, and the C ity \\ cijj[hers following these inspections. It shall be the duty of the City Marshal to receive and attend tections of Chapter M ^.!>. l»v which the supervision and cMitrol of (.'ity \\'ei.i;her> is attempted to he placed under tlu- charge of the Mayor, are herchv amended, and all such provisions shall he made applicable to and enforced bv the (it) Marshal. (Note: — Chanjj^cs all made in iliis Code to accord with above amendment. I Sec. 1589. Standard Weights — From Whom Procured — Exam- ination of Scale. — ^The Marshal shall procure from the ( )rdiuary a set of standard weiglits and measures, and shall examine each and every scale, and other instrument foi* weij^hinj^ and meas- urin_Gf in this City, and all wcig-hts and measures shall conform to said stantlard. and for each examination and arran<.;emcnt of such scales, weijjhinj.; machine or measures, he sliall receive the sum of ten cents, and shall stami.- the instrument with the letter A. Sec. 1590. Penalty for Non-Conformity to Standard.— If at any time after the arrau}.::emcnt of sucli measures or weig-hinp; machine the Marshal shall find it not in conformity to said standard, he sliall report the person using- such false measure or weighing madiine, and such oft'ender sliall, on con\iction. tivuMivi. \\ «M»i)\ \i{i)s — I't Mi.ii \\i:i(;iii\G 44!) {)ay a tine of not exceeding one hundred dollars, or be impris- oned not exceeding thirty days, either or both, in the discretion of Khc Recorder's Court. Sec. 1591. Wood-yards— Shall Erect Racks— Penalty for Fail- ure. — All dealers in wood at wood yards in this City, after thirty days from this date, arc recjuired to put up racks for one- eig'hth. one-quarter, one-half, and one cord, and all wood sold from such yards shall be measured in such racks; and upon failure to comply with the requirements of this ordinance by any such dealer, shall, upon conviction, be fined in a sum not exceeding twenty-five dollars for each offense, in tiie tiiscretion of tlie Recorder's Court. Sec. 1592. System of Public Weighing Established. — .\ sx.stcm of public weighing is hereby established, and the scales put in service by this ordinance shall be the standard for the City of Atlanta. Sec. 1593. City Weigher — Where Located — Salary. — ( )ne City \\'eigher shall be employed at such salary as may be annually apportioned, and to be stationed as directed by the Marshal and to work undtT the general direction of the tax cr)mmittee. Sec. 1594. Fixing Salaries of Public Weighers. — The salaries of ilk- two I'ublic Weighers next to be appointed is hereby fixed at six hundred dollars eacli, per annum, payable in monthly installments. Sec. 1595. Dealers in Coal Have Wagons Numbered — Size — Color. — All dealers in coal, and all others owning, controlling and operating wagons and teams for the delivery of coal to customers, shall have such wagons num'bered in letters of white color, and not less than six inches in heiglit, placed upon the sides of the wagon, where they can be easily seen. Sec. 1596. Duties of City Weighers Outlined. — It shall be the duty of the City Weighers to weigh all coal, hay, straw, grain. or any mercliandise, or anything that may be brought to them 4:)<> >i\i(<«ii\i. « 11 \ \\ i:i«.iii:i(s — «.\sii:>i — iiookh iiui ic to l)e weighcci, and shall nut charge exceeding ten cent-* per tun, ur fraction thereui, for net weight ; provided that all coke and coal shall be weighed free of charge. It shall also be tlu- duty of the City Weighers to inspect all scales in the different coal yards in their respective territories, or all wagon scales at least once in six months, and oftener, if necessary, and for whic'h service they shall charge a fee of fifty cents. The City Weighers shall be supplied with blank certificates, and shall furnish a duly attested certificate for each pair of scales in- spected, and it shall be unlawful fur any dealer to weigh with such scales without a duly attested certificate within date. Sec. 1597. City Weighers Keep Books. — The City weighers shall, under the direction of the Marshal, keep regular books, showing the work done in their departments, for which fees have been earned. Said books shall be furnished by, and shall be the property of the City. Sec. 1598. Hours of Service — Disposition of Receipts, Etc. — It shall be the duty of each City Weigher appointed under this ordinance, to attend at the public scales, for wliich he is ap- pointed, from sunrise to sunset of every day (Sunday excepted), and to weigh every load of coal or merchandise, or whatever article or thing, which may be present to be weighed, and to give to the person presenting the same a certificate of gross, tare, and net weiglit thereof; to enter in suitable books, in tab- ular form, every load of coal or other thing weighed, designat- ing the kind and weight thereof, and for whom weighed ; to re- ceive and receipt to the Comptroller for all blank certificates, whic'h he may use or obtain ; to settle with the Comptroller on the last Saturday in each month for all blank certificates, and pay to the City Tax Collector on Saturday of each week all moneys received by him as weigher, or for inspecting scales, taking duplicate receipts therefor, one of whic'h shall be filed with the Comptroller; and to perform such other duties as may be required of him by ordinance. Sec. 1599. Books— How Furnished. — The Comptroller shall furnish the weighers at scales belonging to the City w^ith all M %M>H \l « KIUHKK!!) — FKK*. — fKKTIFIt'ATKS — TON 431 blank.-, books, and statiotiery necessary to carry on a system oi pnblic scales. Sec. 1600. Fees — Who Pays. — All fees allowed to be charged by this ordinance shall be paid by the person requesting such weighing to be done, unless otherwise specially provided for bv law. or by tiie owner of the article weighed. Sec. 1601. Interfering with Public Weigher — Penalty. — Any person, who interferes with the public scales of the City Weigh- ers, while in the discharge of their duty, by demanding or ex- acting more weight \ving the name of the dealer, the name of the person hauling the coal, the weight of the coal, and the name of the driver. Sec. 1604. A Ton Must be Two Thousand Pounds. — Each ton of coal sold must be of two thousand pounds weight. Sec. 1605. Must Furnish Weigher's Certificate, if Demanded. — Every dealer in coal, and every person engaged in the hauling of same, shall, when demand Is made by the purchaser or con- 4V2 «i \ uoii \ I — \\ in.iiiM* — I MM \ \ i> ri N \ I I II » >ij^iRf. ai llu- time t>i ilu- purcha^f or ortler »»f coal. turni«»h said ciMisij^jiRc <>r purchaser with a ctrtiricaic of one of the City's public wcij^Hu'is with each load of coal f the i)ariy deli\erinj4^ the coal, the wei.:4ht of the wai^on. and the wei;4ht of the coal: wliivh ceititkate -hall he furnished hy the Tuhlic \\eii,dH'r free of chari^a*. Sec. 1606. Unlawful to Reduce or Increase Quantity. — When. — It shall he unlawful for any one hy any means to either reduce or increase the «|uantity or wei.i,du of the coal between the time of the weiLihiu}.; i>\ same, whether the >ame be wei^ihed upon the public scales, or upon the scales of the dealer, and the deliv- er\ of same to the |)urchaser or consi.i,'nee. Sec 1607 Purchaser May Demand Weighing — May Compel — How. — .\n\ i)urchaser or consignee of coal to the amomit of one ton or more, may at the time of delivery of same, and before same is unloaded, demand the wei.Lrhinjj^ of same upon the City scales, of the deaKr. driver, or person haidinj.,' same, whose duty it shall lie to have same wei.i;hed as demanded, and furnish cer- tificate of Lily's Wciij^her. as demanded, showiu}^ the .q:ross wci.L,dU of vehicle and load, and the net weis^ht of the load. The consignee or purchaser may. at the time said demand is made, report the name of the dealer, the jierson or firm en.G:a.e:ed in the haulin,!.,''. or the driver, or all three, to any police officer, in which event it shall be the duty of said police officer to personally attend the weijL^liiuL;- of the coal and vehicle i)rovidcd following" this section, and to make a case against the party or parties re- ported, provided it is found that the weights claimed are not cor- rect as represented. Sec. 1608. Twenty-Five Pounds Short Weight a Violation. — \\'hencver any (juantity of coal amounting to one ton or over, shall be found to weigh twenty-five pounds or more per ton less than the quantity sold, the dealer, hauler, driver, or other per- sons responsible for the deficiency, either or all, shall be hel(! to have violated the provisions of this ordinance. >i\i(v|iM \\ i:i<.iii:i<«>— < i:iM ii'M vri> sioi* \\ viwins _|-;j Sec. 1609. Certificate of Weigher Cannot Be Altered.— It shall be unlawful for any j)ers«)n !<• alter <»r in any manner change any certificate furnished by the dealer or by the City Weij^lier, in accorrlance with the provisions of this section. Sec. 1610. Penalty for Violation. — Any jjcrson violating any one of the foregoing provisions shall, on conviction in the Re- corder's Court of said City, be fined a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars, and serve not t>ver thirtv davs in the City chaingang, in the discretion of the Lt»urt. Sec. 1611. Cannot Imitate Weighers' Certificates. — It shall be unlawful for any i>er>on, firm, or corporations, dealing in such articles as are subject to be weighed by the public scales of the City, to ha\e in the possession, or to issue, certificates of weight in imitation of the certificates furnished by the Public Weighers, and .said imitation>. cither in form or wording", i-^ hereby made a jjenal offense. Sec. 1612. Police Stop Wagons Occasionally and Have Them Weighed. — it shall be the duty of the Chief of I'olice. at uncer- tain intervals, not less than twelve during the current year, to ileputizc some policeman to stop the wagons, ur other vehicles, of coal dealers, and such others as are subject to this ordinance, and have same weighed on tlic public scales, and, if the weight is ft>und short of that named in a I'ublic Weighers certificate to prosecute -^aid per«.on < >r persons in the Kecordir"^ Court. Sec. 1613. Penalty for Violation. — Xnyotu- \iolating any of the provisittns of Section lOli."). shall, on c(jnviction before the Re- corder, be fined in a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars, or serve uj)on the public works not more than thirty days, either or both in the discretit)n of said Recorder. Sec. 1614. Ice Wagons Must Have Scales.— It sliall be unlaw- ful for any per.sons. firm, or corporation, to sell ice from wagons without having in or attached to such wagons scales, by which accurate and correct weights may be made of ice sold tTierefroni. 454 >i \ M«.ii \ I \\ iiM.ii i:m«> >ii«.ni:i*ni:«>i:Ni \'I i«»>'« Sec. 1615. Penalty for Misrepresentation of Weight or Viola- tion of Above Section. — Any pcrxm, tirin, <>r corporation, having; u\MlinJ^^ operating, or driving; any wa^un, from which ice is sold, who shall sell, or ofTer for sale, deliver or otYer for delivery ice as weij^hiiij; ('ne ainonnl. when in fact it wci|.;hs less than the amount asked for. or represented, or shall violate the pro- visions of Section 1 of this ordinance, shall he j^uilty of an offense, provided the purchaser or purchasers shall demand that the same he wcij^hed or re-weiphed, and tlie vender or driver shall refuse to comply therewith, and on conviction thereof in the Recorder's Court shall he fined not exceeding fifty dollars, or imprisoned not exceedinj^ thirty days, one or botli penalties to he imposed in the discretion of the Recorder. M \Von_oi KM K_i>iTIK*._CALL MEETINGS |-- CHAPTER LXI. MAYOR. M.\Yr>T^ pj^r, JT.M. Sec. 1616. The Mayor— Location of His Office, Etc.— The Mayor shall keep his . .ffice at .^' >inc central point of the business portion of the City, and shall have for his office hours such times of the day as he may desi-nate. to be not less than three hours each day (except Sunday), durinc,- wich hours, save in the event of Providential hindrance, or absence from the City on official business, he shall be present at said office. The rent of said office shall be paid by the Cit\ . Sec. 1617. Use of Mayor's Office by Other Officials, If Desired. — Tiie office of the Mayor in the bu>inc>s portion of the City may be used by the City Treasurer, if that officer so desires, and by various Committees of Council. Sec. 1618. Duties— Approval or Disapproval of Ordinances.— It shall be the duty of the Mayor, or actinjr Mayor, to transmit to each meeting: of the General Council his official approval or disapproval of all ordinances, resolutions, or other actions of the General Council at the preceding re.cjular and special meetincrs of such General Council. Sec. 1619. Mayor May Call Meeting of Heads of Departments. — The Mayor siiall liave p._.\ver to call a meeting of the head.-, of the departments at any time tlia: Ik- may deem necessary for le interest of the City. Sec. 1620. Heads of Departments Meet with Mayor at Noon Each Saturday— Differences Settled by the Mayor.— The heads of the various depart ments of the City Government, unless ex- cused by the Mayor, shall meet in the Mayor's office every Sat- urday at noon for the purpose of discussing and determining the work to be done by each Department the folh.wing week. The 456 MV\«llt — r\HIMiN^ -It Ml I \H\ — \l'l*n|N I MI.N I «♦ Mayor sliall preside, aiul, m La>e ui cli>aj;recineni annjiig tl^e heads, the Mayor ^hall decide between tlieni. Sec. 1621. Pardoning Power — If Fine Fifty Dollars or Less, or Imprisonment Less than Thirty Days, Recommendation of Recorder Necessary. — l he Mayor, or in hi> ah-cncc or iiialjiliiy, the Mayor pro tern, ^iiall l)c authorized \i\nm a i)roi)er case made and in his discretion, t<» remit a jxtrtiou or all of the jtenalty imposed by the Recorder for violations i>f City ordijianccs; Trcniiled, if the rtne in any ca>e be fifty dollars or less, or the sentence to inii)risonment for less than thirty days, the Mayor shall not entertain an.v application for executive clenienoy imless the petition for i)ardon is accompanied by a written recommen- dation from tlie Recorder • r ('. inrr trvinij the case. Sec. 1622. Mayor's Secretary — Salary — Position of Messenger Abolished. — .\uthority is hereby conferred uj)on the Mayor of appoiniin-; in his discretion, a Secretary fL»r the Departmejit of Mayor, at a salary not to exceed one thousand dollars per annum whose duties, besides those as Secretary to the Mayor, shall be such as are now performed l)y the Messenger and in addition such other duties as may from time to time be desi,t,Miated by the Mayor. The office or p. .v;t;,,Ti known as Messeni;*'- ''- here])y abolished. Sec. 1623. Appointments by Mayor — Confirmation by Council — When. — Ironi and alter June 1. li'it'i. all api»ointments made by the Mayor, which under existinsj ordinances recpiire confirm- ation by Council, shall ])e transmitted to the Council at a regu- lar meeting, and remain in office of the Clerk until the next reg- ular meeting, at which Council shall, unless .otherwise disposed of, confirm or reject the same. Sec. 1624. Mayor Pro Tern.— When Elected.— The General Council shall, at the hr>x iiieetiui^ in January of each year determine by viva voce vote which Alderman shall be elected Mayor pro tern. A salary is fixed for this office at the sum of $50.00 per month, to be paid to the officer selected to act as Mayor pro tern. mavor — votes .^„ . 4d7 Sec. 1625. How Votes Shall be Taken in all Elections by Coun- cil.— In all elections by the General Council the vote shall be taken viva voce on the call of the roll by the Clerk, and shall be entered on the minutes of the General Council. 458 >io>KV i.i:m>i;h'» — >ii:i'iioii«» — i:>m: — iiomi CHAPTER LXII. MONEY LKXDKRS— IXSIALLMI'-XTS— REGULATIOXS. Sec. 1626. Method of Obtaining License for Making Loans on Furniture, Etc. — Buying Wages or Salaries — Change of Loca- tion — Procedure. — All persons, tirins, or corporations, cn<;a.^inLj^ generally, regularly, or collaterally, to any other business, in the business of making- loans on household or kitchen furniture, household goods, wearing apparel, sewing machines, nuisical instruments, wages or salaries, or in the business of buying wages or salaries, shall, prior to the time the license therefor is issued to said parties, either as a money lender or as specifically carr\ ing on either or all of said business, or as carr\ing on either or all of the said business as collateral to some other business, file with the Clerk of Council a statement on oath, giv- ing the location where such business is to be conducted, the name and the i)ri\ale and business address of the applicant, if an individual : the name aiiKIIS — I{i:( . ordinance, then tin- license i>sue(l for i^aid business, either a> a monev lender or as collateral to some other huxincss, shall stand, ipso facto, revoked, that is. the license issued to the money lenliall be punisheil with a tine not exceedinjj;- $.')(>i>.(l(). or imprisoned not exceedinj^j thirty days or forced to work upon the public works not exceeding; thirt** (la\s, for each and every \ioIation. Sec. 1630. License Fee — Minimum One Hundred Dollars.— Tlic fee for couductinj.,'- the business herein proxidcil shall be not less than $100 per annum, whether issued to the applicant as a nionev lender, banker, ^t under whatever name the applicant desires to take such business, either directly as a money lender or purchaser of waives, or as a purchaser thereof, or as collateral to some other business. No other fee shall be charj^^ed for the work re(|uire(l uikKt this ordinance, or under tlie State statute, except in the manner ab\ \ h ikins u i:\ ok i: in i:n»k l)i»tllL> Ml stainitfil iliat llic 1r ea|)> «>r oth- cr vessels w ill show the name of the mamiiaetuier of >ai(l '"near beer. " Sec. 1635. Penalty. — Any |)er>on who >hall he fouiid j^iiilty of violating an\ of the forcji,-^!)!!!}^ provision^, ..ii oomiction thereof in the Recorder's Court, shall he fined not more than l"i\e Hun- dred (Sr)OO.UO) l)ollar>. or imprisoned not more than thirty {'M)) days in the City Stockade, either or both to |)e indicted in the dis- cretion of the Recorder. Sec. 1636. Conviction Revokes License. — It i> further ])ro\ided that ujjon con\ictii>n of any ai)j)licanl w Iio shall obtain a liceii>e under above sections for the \iolation of any oi the pro\ision> thereof, the said conviction shall work the immediate revocation of the license. Sec. 1637. Advertised. — .Ml ai)iilicatioiis for license to sell near beer, and such drinks as are classified imder that head, shall be advertised for at least .") times, on ditiferent days, before same are filed with the Mayor and (Jeneral Council. Sec. 1638. Permission of Landlord. Written. — i'.ach api)licatiun sball be accompanied with- a written permission of the landlord or agent of the store or ])lace at which the license is souiiht. Sec. 1639. Consent of Two Near Neighbors. — I'.acli application shall likewise be accomi)anied with the written consent of at least two near neighbors in the same block with the store or place at wiiicli license is souL^ht. Sec. 1640. Deposits of Whiskey and Beer — Traveling "Bhnd Tigers." — It shall ])e unlawful for any person, firm or corpora- tion, their agents or employees, to take intoxicating licpiors on deposit in soft drink or ''near beer" stands. Persons holding such license shall not receive or retain at such places intoxi- cating licpiors or beer on deposit or to be kept there until called for or to allow same to be left with them for any purpose or to allow people to drink beer or whiskey so left at their places or XKAIl BKKU — VIM'I.UATUKNS — llUt IIS — WOMKN 4(j;j brought to their places, and it shall likewise be unlawful for any: person to carry intoxicating liquor or beer on his person for purpose of unlawful sale, or to carry same around the street.^ for the purpose of unlawful sale, making what is known as a "traveling blind tiger." Sec. 1641. Deposits at any Place over Six Hours — In Transit — It is likewise unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, their agents or employees, to receive intoxicating liquors or beer where same is left with them on a claim tliat it is deposited for the time being and will be called for afterwards where such deposit continues over a space of six hours. This last provision shall apply to any place of business where the proprietors or agents allow intoxicating liquors or beer to be left on a claim of deposit and permit same to be so retained for exceeding six hours on a claim that it is "in transit" to some other place and is left there exceeding the limit before fixed. Sec. 1642. Penalty. — .\ny person, firm or corporation, its agents or employees, violating the provisions of preceeing sec- tions or any of them, shall, on conviction in the Recorder's Court, for each offense, be fined not exceeding Five Hundred ($500.00) Dollars or sentenced to work on the public works for not ex- ceeding thirty days, — either or both penalties to be inflicted in the discretion of the Recorder. Sec. 1643. No Sales to Women — Congregation of Women. — It is unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, holding a license heretofore issued or which may be hereafter issued for the sale of "near beer" and similar drinks, and having a place of business where same are sold, to sell to women, either in said place of business or through doors or windows leading thereto, or other- wise permitting women to congregate in or about said place of business. Sec. 1644. Penalty. — Any person, firm or corporation, their agents or employees, violating the provisions of succeding sec- tion shall on conviction in the Recorder's Court be fined a sum not to exceed One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars, or receive a sentence of thirty days on the Public Works, either or both h>l m;\i« mkkii — n«;*« — i,i:\«»i> \ii:u pcMialtics to he iiiMictt-d in the (lisirctiitii of tlic IvccDrdcr. aii'i such CDiniction shall ipso facto, iinmediatel)' work a rcs'oca- tioii of such license to ojjerate a "near I)cer" saloon and sell such products therein. Sec. 1645. Close on Sunday — Other Business Regulated — Per- sons, firms or corporations luuinfj a license to sell i)rci)arations known as "near beer," or substitutes for la^er beer or like drinks re(|uirin^ a special license, shall close their places of business on Sunday, and such places of business shall l)e closed on Sun- da}' althouj^h operated in connectii^n with sonic other business. The closinn;- of the part of the buildinjT in which near beer busi- ness is conducted shall be construed as a compliance with tlii- ordinance. Sec, 1646. Penalty. — .Vny person, their aj^^ents or employees, violating- the provisi(»ns of Section 1^)45 siiall on conviction in Recorder's Court, be punished by a Jine not exceeding $200.00 or imprisoned on the Public Works not exceeding thirty days, one or hot'h penalties to be inflicted, in the discretion of the Recorder and on such conviction, the license granted to sell such near beer, etc., shall be ipso facto revoked, and it shall thereafter be unlawful to sell or furnish such near beer. etc.. at such place, under penalty of this Section. Sec. 1647. Dealer Must Own Lease — Consent of Landlord. — Each applicant for a license to sell near beer shall have a lease or contract showing right of possession to the premises at which near beer is desired to be sold, and the consent of the landlord or agent agreeing that near beer may be sold on said premises. Sec. 1648. Obstructions to View — Screens — Blinds — Painted Glass — Unlawful. — Xo place at which a license to sell near beer, substitutes for beer and similar soft drinks, 'has issued, shall have any screen, blinds, or painted glass or any obstruction of the view through the doors or windows thereof and this ordin- ance shall apply to any character of obstruction to the view through said doors or windows whether said obstruction be temporary or permanent. -NK AR HKKH — V I K\V — (LOSINGS 465 Sec. 1649. Penalty. — Any person, tirni or corp"oration. their ai^ents or employees \ iolatint:^ the provisions of precedint;- ."-^ec- tion or this ordinance, shall, on conviction in Recorder's Lonrt, be fined not exceeding- $200.00 or imprisoned not exceeding thirty days, either or both penalties to be inflicted in the discre- tion of the Recorder, ajid on said conviction the license covering such a place shall be revoked ipso facto where it appears that the obstruction was known to the proprietor or had been nj) a sufficient length of time for him to have known it, if exercising- the jiroper supervision. Sec. 1650. Not Apply to Parts of Stores, if Partitions and Open View. — In cases where licenses have or may be granted lo ]h r- sons occupying ])arts of a strs and entrances of such place are kept open, and unobstructed or where glass IS used, such glass is transparent and the \iew througli same unobstructed by frosting, stained glass, or otherwise: pro- vided the provisions of this ordinance shall not prohibit the- panning of the name oi the propriet-.r and his i)usine-s ..n the window, if such name is painted in such way as not to obstruct the view. Sec. 1651. Close on Christmas Day.— AH near-beer saloons, or places at or in which near beer beer is licensed to be soM. sliall be closed on each Christmas Day and the doors thereof shall not be opened for any purpose nor shall any person pas^ ir, , .- ,,„t: of same on that day. Sec. 1652. Penalty to Open On.— \iiy person violating the pro- vision- oi this ordinance shall, on conviction in the Recorder's Court, be deemed guilty oi an offense and be punished by a fine of not exceeding one hundred dollars or sentenced to work upon the street or public places of the Citv for not exceedino- thirty days, either or both penalties to be inflicted in the discre- tion of the Recorder. 30 Am \i:\it III in ^H.N^ — iii)i lis — roof. i(iio>ih Sec. 1653. Advertisement — Signs — To Sell Intoxicants — Ille- gal. — li i> imhiwt'ul lor llu- |>nij)ricti)r or iiiaii;i,i;cr «»l a liotiiM-d ■"lu-ar bicr" saloon lo exhibit at or aroiini! his phicc sij^iis ar letters or by other means ihal he is sellini;' at his ])iace of business either beer, or whisky or any character of inti»xicat- iiiv; liall be ipso facto revoked and sales thereafter shall be held illei^al on account of lack of li- cense. Sec. 1655. Penalty. — Any per>on. their aL^ents or eniplo\ees. ^•iolatin}4■ an\ of ihe provisions of thi> ordinance, shall, on con- viction in the Recorder's C"ourt. l)e punished by a fine not ex- ceeding ( )ne llundre lo be intlicted in the discretion of the Recorder. Sec. 1656. Closing Time— Where Near-Beer Sold — Billiard and Pool Rooms. — All >tore rooms, or other i)laces within or at -which the sale of "near beer" and such drinks as are covered l)\ what is known as the "'near beer" ordinance, is licensed under said ordinance, and all ro. .ni>. stores or oilier places within, or at which billiard or pool rooms are licensed, under the ordinance of the Cit\, shall be closed at eleven (11) o'clock j). m. on each ) o'clock a. m. followinj^- the closing- hour, except on days durini^ wh.ich the sale is prohibited, and in such cases, they .shall not be re-opened prior to six (6) o'clock of day )x'rmittins;- sale. Sec. 1657. Penalty. — Any dealer, or licensee, his agent or em- ployee, or other persons opening said store rooms, or licensed places, in violation of this ordinance shall, on conviction in the M:\ii Mi':i:it — iiii.i.i \i*i i.imi'I's ok y.o.xK 467 Recorder's Court, be fined not exceeding Twu Hundred ($200.- 00) Dollars, or imprisoned on the public works not exceeding thirty '30) days, one or both penalties to be inflicted in the dis- cretion of the Recorder. Sec. 1658. Billiard and Pool Rooms in or at Which Near-Beer Not Sold, — 11:30 P. M. — The i)rovisions of this ordinance shall not apply to Billiard and Pool rooms in which near beer is not sold or served, or into which there is no door or opening from a place or room where near beer is sold and all such Billiard and Pool rooms may be kept open until 11:80 o'clock p. m. The foregoing ordinance shall otherwise apply to all billiard or pool ri)oms. Sec. 1659. Limits for Near-Beer Saloons. — The following lim- its are liercby fixed and established as defining the territory within which licenses may be granted for the sale of near beer or similar soft drinks, to-wit : All that portion of the City of Atlanta included within the following description, beginning at the corner of Decatur street and Central avenue, and extending eastwardly out Decatur street to l'"ort street; thence north- wardly along h'ort street to Edgewood avenue; thence along Edgewood avenue to Pryor street; thence along I'ryor and Peachtrcc streets to Ellis street; thence westerly along East and West Ellis streets to Carnegie Way. thence southerly along Carnegie Way to Eorsyth street ; thence southwestwardly along Eorsytli street to Marietta street; thence westerly along Marietta street to Magnolia street; thence southwestwardly along Magnolia street to New Mangum street; thence southerly along Mangum street to Hunter street; thence easterly along Hunter street to Elliot street ; thence southerly along I'llliot street to W. Mitchell street; thence eastwardly along East and West Mitchell streets to Central avenue; thence northwest- wardly along Central avenue to beginning point, at the corner of Central avenue and Decatur street; including both sides of said "boundary streets; provided, however, that said limits shall be extended beyond the boundary lines above defined as follows : On Decatur street from corner of Decatur street and Central avenue eastwardly to Cornelia street; also on Marietta street from the corner of Marietta street and X. Eorsyth street north- k;s M. \l( III I K I I »ll I - III N« I. vvcstwartUv to N'MUi u\eiiuc '-ii I'lUi^ ^tnit, .sLi--n avenue t<> I'eclUer alley; provided further that there shall he no such near heer saloons on Houston or within .'»() feet thereof. Sec. 1660. No License Outside Above Limits. — \'o licenses to sell near Ijeer or similar soft drinks shall be {^ranted to any per- sons, firm or corporation in any other section of the City than in the limits as above defined, and on such portions of Decatur, Marietta and Peters streets, as are added thereto. Sec. 1661. In These Limits. No License in Residence Sections. — Inasmueh a>« the above limits couiprise certain territory de- voted to resident rather than business purposes, it is further speciallv ordained that no license t.') sell near beer or simdar soft drinks shall be -granted within the said defined limits in res- idence sections, but said licenses shall be granted only on busi- ness portious of business streets. Sec. 1662. Former Ordinances Apply— Except as to Territory Outside Limits— These Repealed.^. Ml laws j^overniui; ai)plica- tions |,.r such licenses and the regulation and conduct of the business conducted thereunder, shall be made applicable to all of said territory and are hereby re-ordained, except such ordi- nances as permit the .^rantiuL,^ of licenses in other sections <.f the L'ity other than those emunerated. and such ordinances .-ne hereby repealed. Sec. 1663. Conviction of Violating— Any Ordinance Regulat- ing Whiskey or Beer, Forfeits License. — .\ny person, firm or corporation licensed umler the ordinance of the City to sell "near beer" and similar drinks, who shall be convicted in the Recorder's Court of the City of Atlanta, of violating- any of the ordinances of the City against the sale or keeping on hand f(jr unlawful sale, whiskey, beer or other intoxicating drinks, .shall thereby forfeit his license to sell "near beer" and similar drinks, and the conviction aforesaid in the Recorder's Court, shall ipso facto works a forfeiture of his license to sell near beer and sim- ilar drinks. M:\it iii:i:i« — roiciKiri m> M\[) Sec. 1664. Penalty for Selling After Forfeiture. — Any person, their agents or employees who shall, after conviction and for- feiture of license as provided in preceeding Section, sell or offer for sale '"near beer" or similar drinks, covered by what is known as the "near beer" ordinance, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof in the Recorder's Court, shall be fined not exceeding One Hundred Dollars or imprisoned upon the Public Works not exceeding thirty days, one or both pen- altie-; ti» be inriicte license to sell near beer or -imilar (lrink> shall be granted generally, but eacii license granted >hall state whether same licenses sales to "whites" or "negroes." and this limitation >liall be printed or written on the rccci])t or license issued l)y the Clerk of Council. Sec. 1667. Sell Only to Race Shown on License. — All licenses under said applicati«»ns shall sell only to the race indicated on their license, and only <>ne license shall be granted at one place. Sec. 1668. Present Licensees Must Select Race — How. — All persons, firms i>r ctjrpfjratioiis, now holding a license for the sale i)i near beer or similar drinks are hereby given ninety days from the date of the approval of this ordinance to elect as to which race they will sell, and during said ninety days they shall communi- cate their preference to the Committee on Police, and said Com- mittee shall thereui)on decide which race may be served, and cause this to be entered on the license or receipt shall thereupon be surrendered to said Clerk, who will issue one in lieu thereof, in accordance with this ordinance. Sec. 1669. Applications — Penalty. — Such applications as do not comply with this ordinance shall be rejected, and any li- censee, his agent or employe, selling or having on hand for the purpose of sale, any near beer or similar drinks to whites and ne- 470 m:\I( iii:i:ii \i'ri.H \ i i«>\s m:i<;iiiioiis si<;\<« n con\iction thereof in the Record- er's Court, shall be punished by a tine not excecdiu}^ $r)0().0() or sentenced to work on the public works not cxceedinrj thirty days, either or both penalties to l)e inflicted in the discretion of the Recc^rder. Sec. 1670. Applications Form — Neighbors. — All applications for license to sell near beer or similar drinks shall set out the ad- dress of the near neig'hbors, signing such applications, giving the street and number of the location claimed to be the near lo- cation at which such license is sought. Such applications shall likewise state if same is for a renewal of license or for a new li- cense, or for a transfer of a former license, and if the applicant desires to sell at wholesale or retail. A failure to comply here- with shall invalidate the application. Sec. 1671. Sign — Race Served — Penalty.— A sign shall be displayed at the entrance to each place at which license to sell near bear has been granted, posted over the door, or on the side thereof, in plain view, in letters at least two inches high and one- ihalf inch in thickness, (lis])la_\ing the following words: "Licensed to sell near beer" and any person, firm or corjioration, failing to comply with this section and selling or ha\ing on hand at such place for the purpose of sale, near beer or similar drinks, shall be deemed guiltv of an offense, and on conviction thereof in the Re- corder's Court, shall be fined not exceeding $100.00 or sentenced to work on the public works for not exceeding thirty days, one or both penalties to be inflicted in the discretion of the Recorder, who is, also, hereby authorized to forfeit tlie license for such place in case of conviction. Sec. 1672. Women — Illegal to Sell, Give or Hand to, At or Near Saloon. — Any person, firm or corporation, their agents or employees, or anyone else, selling, giving or handing to women or minors, near beer or similar drinks at places at wliich such drinks are licensed for sale, or in the doors thereof, or though windows or other openings therein, or within thirty feet thereof shall be punished as prescribed in Section 1644 of this ordinance and the license subject to forfeiture, as therein provided. \K\lt HKKK — F«U |{ IM:U fK.NT m VKT — rKt:^IISK» s"! Sec. 1673. Percentage — Four Per Cent. — NO license shall be j^ranted t>j anyone to sell any beverac^e c<:>ntainin:.;- a quantitv <^£ alcohol of four (4) per cent., or greater. Anyone convicted in the Recorder's Court of selling- a beverage containing four (4) per cent, or greater of alcohol shall at once fcjrfeit his license. Sec. 1674. Near Beer Not Sold Drunkards after Notice by Officer. — It shall be unlawful for any licensed near beer dealer in the City of Atlanta to knowingly and wilfully sell, give or fur- nish any near ];eer to any j^erson who has been adjudgei 'in haljitual drunkard by tlu- Recorder of tlie City of Atlanta, and whose name. t«jgether with the record of such adjudication has been furnished such licensed near beer dealer by the Probation Officer. Sec. 1675. Penalty. — Any near beer dealer violating the pro- visions of preceding section hereof, shall. u])on conviction in the Recorder's Court of the City of Atlanta, be- punished by a fine of not exceeding S20().()0. or by work on the streets or public works of the City of Atlanta for not exceeding thirty days, either or both punishments to be inflicted in the discretion of the Re- corder. Sec. 1676. Near Beer — Sold by Quart — Not Drunk on Prem- ises. — .\o person, tirm or corptjration licen.-etl t(j sell near beer or similar soft drinks, 'under the ordinances of the City of At- lanta, shall permit draught near beer, wheji sold in cjuantities of one fjuart and upwards to Ije drunk in or at the premises, or within any ai)i)urtenance thereof connected with the premises, at which the license is granted. Sec. 1677. Person Buying Quart or More Not Drunk on Premises. — Xo person buying draught near beer, at the place at which near beer or similar soft drinks is licensed, in quantities of one quart and upwards shall drink same upon the premises or within any apj)urienance thereof or connected with the premises at whicii said license is granted. Sec. 1678. Penalty. — Plach and all persons, their agents and employees \iolating ilie provision of this ordinance shall on con- 472 m:\|{ iii:i:i( \\otii:\ i'i.\vi.i\ victioii ill the Ktcordcr's Court Ik- punished by a hue of not cx- ceediujj^ one hundred dollars, or sentenced to work ujxjn the streets or public places of the city f<>r not exceeclinj^' thirty days, cither or bnth penalties to be intlicted in the discretion of the Recorder, and in the case of a violation of this ordinance by a li- censee or his employees, holdiu}^ a license for the sale of Near Beer and similar soft drinks, such conviction shall work a for- feiture of such license, and thi> forfeitin-e shall take effect at the date of con\iclion without re.L^ard to certiorari or similar mean< that may be v<*:t\ to ])osti)one the sentence. Mi^\>«i> — i\i CHAPTER LXIV. XL'ISAXCES. Sec. 1679. Nuisances— Board of Health May Inquire. Hear Evidence, Etc. — As to Existence.— The U.-ard of Healtli of ihc Lit_\ of Atlanta, are hereby empowered, in anv case in wliich complaint may he made before tliem by any eiti/.en. or in which their own inve.stijjatiun.s a.s health officers mav show it to be necessary, to summon before them the owner, a.i^ent in contr(.l of. or tenant in jjossession of any premises, in the Citv or on the lands constituting; the water-shed of the waterworks, in- corporated for the purpose of allowinj.,'- the City authorities to preserve the purity of the water in the reservoir, and the streams contributini; thereto, on which it i> claimed a nuisance exists, and to hear e\ idence and determine the ijuestion of ilu' existence of such nuisance. Sec. 1680. Judgment of Board Conclusive — Orders Passed for Abatement of Nuisance. — The jud.i;nient of the Hoard of Health as to the existence or non-existence of a nuisance in any case thus tried, shall be conclusive, and. where the existence of a nui- sance is thus determined in any such case, the Hoard of Health may, in their discretion, pass an order re(|uiriii^- the owner, agent in control (jf. or tenant in possession of tlie ])reinises. whenever such nuisance exists, to abate the same in such num- ber of hours as may seem reasonable to said 15(jard of Health, or pass an order. reciuiriniLr the City Marshal immediately t(» abate the same at the ex])ense oi such owner, aijent, (jr tenant. Sec. 1681. Penalty for Failure or Refusal to Abate Nuisance. — In any ca>e wherein the owner, a^ent. or tenant as aforesaid shall have been required to al)ate a nuisance adjudj^ed by the Board of Health on a trial as aforesaid to exist on his or her premise.^, and shall fail to abate tb.e same within the time al- 474 M i««\Nri> \ii\r»;>iK\T — -i >imons lowed 1)\ (iidiT 111" ilu- Hoard of llcalth. >iK"h owner, au^ciu. or tenant, a^ the ease niav lie. shall, on eonxiction heforc the Re- Citrders L'oiirt. he piniislied hy a fine not exceedinj^ ( )ne Hun- dred Dollars. 1 <• imprisoned at labor not exeeedinj;.j thirty days: and each (la\' snch nni^ance i> continued >hall constitute a new offense, and on the trial of such a case before the Kecorder. the certificate of the Secretary of the lioard of Health shall be con- chisive evidence of the finding' of the Uoard of the fact of the existence of the nuisance, and of the time allowed, in which to nbate the same, and of the tact that the time thus allowed was reasonable and sufficient. Sec. 1682. Abatement by City Officer — Expense Borne by Whow — How Collected. — W hen any nui>ance is abated by the Marshal under order of the Mayor and ( ieneral Council, or of the r>oard of Health, in cases tried by them as aforesaid, the City Clerk shall issue an execution in favor of said Marshal against the owner, a.^ent in control, or tenant in possession ot the premises, whereon such execution shall be levied atul col- lected as in case of tax executions, and shall be a lien on the propert\- whereat such nuisance was abated until tull\ paid off. Sec. 1683. Mayor and General Council May Determine Ques- tion of Existence of Nuisance — In That Event Board of Health Do Not Also Act. — Xothini^- herein contained shall be held to deny or abridge the jinMsdiction of the Ma^or and General Coun- cil to try and determine the (juestion of the ex-istence of nui- sances oi any kind, and to provide by their judji'meut and order for the abatement thereof in cases tried before them ])}■ the de- fendant or the Marshal as aforesaid, except that on case already tried before the Board of Healtli shall be re-tried before the Mayor and General Coimcil. noard of Health sitting as a Court as aforesaid Sec. 1686. Soap Factories Cannot Be Operated within Outer Fire Limits. — It shall be unlawful to erect, maintain, or operate soap factories or places for the manufacture of soap, or similar I^roducts, within the outer fire limits. Sec. 1687. Soap Factories Cannot Be Operated without the Outer Fire Limits — Except by Permit and Consent of Neigh- bors. — It shall be unlawful to erect, maintain, or operate soap factories, or places for the manufacture of soap or similar pro- ducts, without the outer fire limits, unless petition shall be made therefor to the Mayor and General Council, accompanied with the written consent of the near neighbors, and thereupon the General Council shall consider said Petition, and, if they find that same can, and will be, conducted in a sanitary manner, un- accompanied with ofYensive odors, shall be granted; otherwise refused. 47(i NI|nVN<|:s \II.\\III|n >.|\ll.lllll(ll<>|>.||'|.\y Sec. 1688. Ailantus or Tree of Heaven Declared a Nuisance — Penalty for F'ailure i'> Remove Same Upon Notice. — The tree known as the "Ailanlii>," tir Tree nl ikuvcn, i> hereby dfclarctl l)y said General Council tu be a public nuisance, and any person (after twelve hours notice by any sanitary inspector) uwninj.,' anv lot in the City of Atlanta, and allowinji said tree known a-^ the Ailantus nr Tree of Heaven, or any sprouts therefrom, to j^row thereon, shall be subject to pay a fine or not exceeding; l^fty ($50.00) Dollars, nor less than I-'ive Dollars before the Recorder's L'ourt, and it shall be the duty of the Department of Sanitary to immediately j^ive notice to all persons liable imder the provisions of this ordinance, and it shall be the duty of the Chairman of t'he Street Committee to j^Mve directions for the (leslructioii of all such trees i^rowiu';- on the I'ity pnipenx and sidewalks of said City. Sec. 1689. No Slaughter Houses or Pens Allowed Near Water- works.^Xo person, firm, or corporation shall carry on the l)U>i- ness of a slauj^hter house or slau^t:fhter pen, or stock yard, or stock pen, on any jj;roun(l in the City of Atlanta, draining- into the waterworks' reservoir, or on any of the lots of land in lUackhall District, incori)oraled for the i)urpose of enablim; the City of At- lanta to preserve the jjurily of said water. Sec. 1690. Nuisances to be Abated on Lots Within Six Hours — Nuisances Defined and Forbidden. — Any person creatintr a nuisance on his, her, or their lot, or a lot occupied by them, or allo|UKI: W %'l'« II >l \ N ftccupicd fur the purpose afurcsaiil. >hall In- iktincd ami held to he a sei)arate and distinct offense. Sec. 1694. Additional Nuisances Declared and Defined — Wa- terworks Protection Against Impurity, — The following things are also declared nuisances, if in said City, to-wit : I'^ilthy privies, and privies not constructed, furni>hcd, and used with appliances now or hereafter recpiired hy ordinance for i>re- ventinj^ the flow of urine through the eartli into the water. Sec. 1695. Penalty for Failure to Abate Above Nuisances. — Any person, whether owner, agent in control of, or tenant in pos- session of premises, on which any of the nuisances above declared shall exist, who shall fail to abate the same witliin six hours af- ter being notified so to do, shall on conviction, be fined not ex- ceeding one hundred dollars, or impri>oned at labor not exceed- ing thirty da\s, in the discretion of the l\ec«jrder's Court. Sec. 1696. Smoke, Between Forsyth and Washington St., more than One Minute, by Railroads, Unlawful. — li is hereby made unlawful for any railroad, their agent or employees, to operate engines between Washington street and for a distance of 500 feet west of Forsyth Street Bridge, when said engines are emit- ting black smoke, for a continuous period of exceeding one min- ute. Sec. 1697, Penalty — Officer and Employees Liable, — The ofii- cer under whom the engines are run, whether yard-master or yard conductor, over any railroad tracks within said district, di- recting and controlling any engine emitting black smoke for a period longer than one minute, as described in Section 1696 oi this onlinaiice, shall be fined, on conxiction in Recorder's Court, not exceeding $50.00, or imprisoned on the public worljs for a term not exceeding thirty days, one or both jjenalties to be in- flicted in the discretion of the Recorder. Sec, 1698, Railroad Placing Watchman or Inspector to Keep Down Smoke — Not Subject. — Any railroad, or railroads, provid- ing a watchman or other of^cer, whose duty it sliall be to con- -MISAXCES— SMOKE AT VIADlC T i-n ii J trol said section and to control engines therein, and inspect en- gines emitting the black smoke therein, in the operation of en- gines, and using this method of preventing the smoke nuisance, shall not be subject to prosecution under the ordinance. ,^l, oKmiiH"*— "•:»•«»""•>-»«•""•»• "^^ » •««»M>'* CHAPTER LXV. ( >i~i"K"i:ks— ( )ki)i\.\.\i 1--S c;( )\ i-:k\i\(.. Sec 1699. Weekly Reports — Quarterly Reports — Contents of Reports — Penalty for Failure to Make Same. All c.vccutivc of- fKir> or agents of ilic iiicorporaiion arc herchy rc(|uirc(l to make- wccklv reports to tin- Mayor ami (Iciicral Council, in \vritinl^^ of all sums of nioncv or any other property received by them, and all sum> paid 1)\ them. Tluy >liall al>o report all char^c«. that ina\ occur in condection with their offices, in favor of or a.uainst the corporation, and all officers and ai^ents must 'make (piarterlv reports, in writin;;;. to the Mayor and (leneral C'(nmcil. of their actings, and i)ay over ilaily all moneys or other things received by them to tlie Tax ColKdor. ( >n failure of any offi- cer or aiienl to comply with thi> ordinance, he shall be liable to be dealt with as for other malfeasance or malfeasance in of- fice, and fined at the discretion of the May-T and (leneral L'.mn- cil. or be dismissed from office, or both, a- to them shall seem proper. Sec. 1700. City Employees to Live in the City.— \o Hepart- ment or officer >>f the City I iovernment of .\tlanta shall elect, appoint, or employ for service or continue in service, any person, who is n<«t a bona tide citizen of said City of Atlanta, where the work or service is to be i)erformed entirely or chiefly within said City, unless consent of the .Ma>.\U«« — KXTK.V lilOLP ^y]^ Bond of City Marshal 10,000.00 Bond of City Tax Collector 75,000.00 Bond of City Treasurer 100.000.00 Bond of City Ta.x Receivers and Assessors, each 2.000.00 Bond of Chief of Construction .... 10.000.00 Bond of Recorder .").000.00 Bond of Sexton 1 .000.00 Bond of Chief I'irc Department . 1.000.00 Bond of Street inii>'nient Collect(.»r 5.000.00 and all other officers handling public funds or public property shall give bonds in such sums as may be from time to time fixed by tlie Mayor and (leneral Council. Sec. 1702. Extra Help in Marshal's Of^ce— How Paid.— The Finance Committee of the CJeneral Council of the City of .\t- lanta may, in the discretion of said Committee, contract with persons employed as c(dlectors of fi. fas. for taxes due the L ity of .Atlanta, and turned over to the Marshal for collection, on the basis of pa}ing such collectors a i)ercentage of tlie fees oi such tax execution instead of the per diem pay of two dollars per day. as provided for by the ordinance, of which this is an amendment ; provided, that neither the City Clerk nor the Marshal, nor any deputy of the Clerk or Marshal, shall be interested to any extent in the fees due the City on account of issuing or collecting such tax executions. Sec. 1703. Extra Help in the Departments — When Employed — By Whom — Reported. — Xo extra help shall be employed in any department of the City, whose employees are under the con- trol of the Mayor and General Council, except upon application to the Finance Committee in writing, showing the necessity of such aid. Said Finance Committee shall appoint such extra lielp. if considered necessary to the public service, and shall report to the next following meeting of the General Council their action, showing why such extra help is needed, the time for which said appointment is made, names of said appointees, and the expense mcurred thereby; provided, however, that the Tax Committee shall c<~»ntrol the appointment of extra help needed in ttie Asses- 482 \\H Hltlllll^ surs' uftuf. made in like writtiii applicaiion, anliall likewise make like repurt as re(|uirc» the next fullowiiiij meetinj^^ of the (leneral Cnun- cil. Sec. 1704. All Printing for City to Bear Union Label. — All prim in;; <•!' \vliate\er cliarartir u>ed for <>r \)\ the t it_\ ot Allaiila shall bear the Allied Triuting Trades loiincil Tninn Label, of Atlanta. (leorj^ia. as reijistered with the Secretary of State. Sec. 1705. Bidders for Printing Shall Be Advised of Above Re- quirement.— I'.ach and every Cit} (.fticial, when adverti>in.u t"r bids for printed matter, shall specifically state in said advertise- ment, and shall notify bidders that all bi.U shall be made in ac- cordance with this ordinance. Sec. 1706. Position of City Janitor Created— By Whom Se- lected — Subject to Whose Direction — Duties. — The position of City Janitor i^^ hereby created. Said Janitor shall be selected by the Committee on Public iUiildinj^s and tirounds and the Mayor, and shall hold his office at their pleasure, subject to be dis- chargeil whenever so ordered by this joint pow er. and shall per- form such duties as they may direct. Sec. 1707. Officers Not to Stand Security for Anyone— Penalty for Violation. — Xo officer of said City who handles or controls any of the funds of said City, shall, during his term or contin- uance in otifice, become surety, guarantor or endorser on any bond, note, or other obligation, for any person, or persons, or company, or corporation. Any officer of said City violating tins ordinance shall be subject to removal or suspension, in the di^- cretion of the General Council of said City. Sec. 1708. Loans to City Employees by Officers, Etc. Prohib- ited—Later Modified— City Officers' Loans to Employees Reg- ulated—Usury Strictly Forbidden in Loans to Employees.— ItJ shall be unlawful for any officer or employee serving in any of the departments of the City of Atlanta to loan money to the hands or employees of such department, or the "hands or em- 4H'i-i< i:i{>» — i.nvNs — si i(i:r\ |{«»m)s ^^3 ployces of any other department, or tu charj^e for obtainii\L( credit for any such hand or employee, except that loans may be made in cases of emerj^ency requiring the same; when such ac- commodations are made in emergencies, if not made voluntarily, without charge, they shall be made for only such charge or in- terest as may be reasonable, the time and amount advanced con- sidered. It shall be unlawful for any officer, serving in any of the departments of the City of Atlanta, to lend money to the hands and employees of the department, under which said offi- cer serves, at other than the legal rate of interest, and it shall be unlawful for the officer, whose duty it is to pay off said hands! U) deduct the amount so loaned fnjm the pay of said hands. Any and all such accommodations or advances made, together with interest or charge for the same, sliall be reported by the officer or person in charge, making the same to the head of the depart- ment, or, if made by the head of the department, sliall be re- ported to the Chairman of the proper Committee of the General Council; such rep '>• H I . I I I ■» ON « «• N III \« I > I DM t 11 \ L'liitcd States, tir aii\ l< "reign State. f<>r the >«»!c |)url)o^c of tran>actiiij^ l)U>ine^> ft' fi(U-lit\ iii-^iii aiice. a> Mirety <>n nr guar- antor of bonds of |)cr>ons or corporations, and which shall ha\c ct»inj)lien->ines> by >nch conijjanies in ( leorgia. may. np- on pro])cr |)roof thci ri -t" and upon pn>dnction of c\ idence of sol- vency and credit satisfactory ttt the Mayt)r. Judge, (.'oniniittee of Council, head of department, or other otftcer or officers in and of said City of Atlanta, authorized to appro\o and accept bonds, be accepted as snrctv on, or guarantor of any l)ond nr bonds of any j)erson or corporation now or that may be retpiired by any law, ordinance, or other regulation in or of said C ity. to execute a bond in lieu of an\ -^nretv or sureties, security or securities as now required I)\ an\ law, ordinance or re^^ulatinn aforesaid. And such compati}- may be released from its liabilit\ on the same terms and conditions as are by law ])rescribed for the release of individuals, it being the true intent and meaning of this ordi- nance to enable corjjorations created for that purpose to become the surety on or guarantor of any and all bonds rccpiired by the laws, ordinances, or regulations of said City of Atlanta, subject tt) all the liabilities and rights of private persons in respect of any one of such bonds. Sec. 1711. Bonds for Contracts Signed by Securities Only, who Own Real Estate in Georgia — Bonds of Surety Companies Ac- cepted, However. — All bonds for the i)erforniance of contracts shall be signed only by persons owning real estate in ( leorgia : except that tidelity and securit\- companies, of approved and un- doubted solvency (to be determined by the officer or other party taking or approving the bond) may be taken as surety, and the sole surety upon all bonds, otificial or otherwise, that under the charter or ordinances of the City of Atlanta, or under the gen- eral laws, are rc(iuire(l to be given either to the City of Atlanta or to the Mayor and (leneral Council of the City of Atlanta, or to the Mayor of said City, or to any ofticer or departments of said City, or to any offtcer or head of said departments of said City. Sec. 1712. Mayor, Aldermen, or Councilman not to be Surety on any Bond Given to the City — Dismissal from Office for Vio- lation.-Xo member of the General Council. Mavor. Alderman or Councilman, from and after this date, shall become a surety on the bond of any City official, or contractor for City work \ violation of this section sliall subject the Citv official to dismissal from office, or a new bond shall be made without any Council- man or Alderman as surety thereon. Sec. 1713. City s Officers Cannot Defend Violators of City's Ordinanccs.-Thc Mayor, members of the General Council Re- corder. City Attorney, his Assistant, and members of the I'olice Commissioners, are prohibited from defending or aiding i„ the defense of persons charged in the Recorder's Court with\hc vio- lation of the ordinances of the City. Sec. 1714. City Officers Shall Not. as Counsel. Represent Suits Against the City._lt shall not be lawful for anv person holding a position .r office under the City G.^crnmcnt of Atlanta to whom a salary <.r compensation is paid by said City, to institute or bring as attorney any suit or legal proceedings against .said City. \or shall any such person herefter. during Tiis contin- uance m any such position ur office become employed as attornev any suit or legal proceedings against sai\ KM'«»iiii:s iii:i*o|{-rs — iioi n- or Ik 'til iiiiilcs aiul lutrscs. shall be rc-fjuircd to iineutory the amount of stock feed on hand at the end of each 01011111. and t<» keep an account of tlic amount of each, kind of feed recei\cf stock fed by each Department duriti}^ tlie month, so as t<> show the actual cost j)er head of feed- inq- them. Sec. 1717. Additional Data to be Incorporated in Officers' An- nual Reports. — All officers and departments now reipiired to file with this Council an annual report of their receipts and disburse- ment shall hereafter incorporate therein a fidl and complete statement of outstandinpf indebtedness, of all contracts not com- pleted and satisfied, and such other similar information as will exhibit to tiio ( icneral Council the true financial condition of such office or department at the end of each current year. Sec. 1718. Vouchers Not Approved Until Passed upon By Board — Exceptions — Expenditures Must Be Necessary. — riie executive head of the above mentioned board shall not append their sip^natures of aj)proval to any such voucher until same shall have been passefl upon and aulliorj/cd 1)\ said Koards in repfu- lar form and in such meetings provided for in preceding sections of this ordinance, except the regular weekly, monthly, and bi- monthly payrolls and freiglit bills, and other strictly cash items' ])reviouslv authorized by said Uoards. where the expenditure i< known by the Chairman and officer making the approval to be correct, atid is necessary so to do, the same may be approved and paid under the emergency without waiting for fhe Board itself to meet ; but such expenditure must be in due course reportet" to such Board at its next montlily meeting. Sec. 1719. Office Hours — Saturday Closing — When — Excep- tions, — The hours of keeping the City offices open for the public shall be from eight o'clock A. M. to five o'clock P. M. each day, except on the last day of paying quarterly licenses, general taxes and of returning property for taxation when the oflfices of the Clerk. Tax Assessors and Tax Collector shall be kept open until OFFICERS_HOlR.S_|>i % i. OKI K K>_in. v Hl>^ , - -ib t sixQ-cluck P. M.; i^nnided that nothino- herein contained shall be so construed as i.. relieve City officials and employees from the duty, ui remaininjjf in their respective offices until the cur- rent office work for the (fay shall have been completed. The City offices shall be closed ou Saturdays at twelve o'clock noon. provided, however, that the City offices do not ch^se at twelve o-clock noon on any Saturday, which is the last day for payment of taxes, licenses, or water bill>. Sec. 1720 Office-Holding Regulated— Dual Offices Prohibited. —It ^hail be unlawful fur any person holding a position of emol- ument, appointed by the President of the Cnited States, or by the Governor of the State of Geor-ia. or electi..n bv the people. to occupy or hold the positi..n of Mayor. Aldermen, or Council- man of the City of Atlanta, or any other office of emolument in said City Government, whether said office be by election or ap- pointment. the time he holds said i-'ederal. State or C. uni- ty office. Sec. 1721. Acceptance of Such Office Creates Vacancy in City Office.— The acceptance by the Mayor, or any member of said General Council, or any other officer of sai.l City c;..vernment. of any jx.sition of trust, honor, or emolument, in the hederal. State, or Cunty Governments, shall immediately create a va- cancy in the office he h..l(ls in said City (i..vernment. whether held by election (^r aj)pointment. which vacancy shall be filled as provided bv law. Sec. 1722. Cannot Hold Two City Offices at one Time— Can- not Serve on More Than One Board.— Xeitiier the Mayor. Alder- men, nor Councilmen. nor any otlur officer of said City, who by virtue of an election by the people, or appointment by the Mavor, or Mayor and (;eneral C(»uncil. or General Council, or bv its au- thority. .said office, shall be eli-ible to hold any other of- fice of trust, honor, or emolument in said City Government, nor shall they, or any ..ther i,erson. be eli-ible to membership on more than one of the boards of said City at the same time, nor shall any member of the General Council be a member of any Board under said City government otherwise than as provided for iji the cJiarter of sa:,j C.iv. 4SS <>i IK i;ic«» in \i. oii-M i> — 1:\< ii'iioNs — \T 11 \F>si-;*i Sec. 1723. Accetance of a Second Office Forfeits First. — Any j)ersi>ii holdiiii;- aii\ iMoitimi in llif City ( i< >vcrnincnt of .Atlanta, eitlur 1)\ ilcctittn or appi lintnu-nt, who >liall accept any other position in said Lity ( loxcrnnicnt. which is fdlcd hy election or appointment, shall forfeit the office he holds at the time of ac- ceptance of said other office, the true intent and meaninj^ of this ordinance heinLT to prohibit any person from holding;' more than one office at the same time under said City (iovcrnment. or h<^ld- in^ any office imder tlu- I'nited States. State. ('ount\, or (ity Goxernments. Sec. 1724. Exceptions Made to Cover Exceptions in Charter. — I he p^o\■i^ions ot this ordinance ^hall not ;ippl\' to cases pre vided for in the Charter of said City. Sec. 1725. Exceptions as to Office Held When Ordinance was Passed. — This ordinance shall not affect tiie title "1 any mcndier of the (, ouncil now holdini^^ i>fficc as to any other office or posi- tion on an\ of the Hoards now held I)\- him, nor that of any mem- ber of anv of the Hoards now in office. Sec. 1726. City Officers and Employees Not to be Paid for At- tendance as Witnesses. — li shall noi he hiw ful for the officers oi the City of Atlanta, char!.(ed with the duties of auditing- and pay- ing' bills or accounts against the City, to audit, allow, or pay any bill or claim for witness fees in favor of any officer of the City of Atlanta, tir any (lei)artnient of the City (jO\'ernment. or any employee oi the Lity ( lo\ernnieni. or any departiiient thereof, in any case, to which the City of Atlanta is a party, plaintift or de- fendant, and when the officer or employee serving as witness is already paid a salary or per diem wages equal to or greater than the witness fees allowed by law, and where such officer or em- ployee has not lost time or been docked in his regular pay for the loss of time, which would otherwise have been paid for, by reason of his attendance at Court as a witness for or against the City in any such case. Sec. 1727. Penalty for Violation of Above Section — Except When Done in Obedience to Order of Court. — Anv auditing or OFFKKH!«i — \\ ITNK>!>ii:!«i — I'KN Vl,r\ 489 accuuntiui^f officer. l>v any ufficer of the City Government cliarged with the duty of payine no penalty shall follow .Ijedience to tiie order of the Court. 4Qr\ !• vnKx ii«» \ii> — im»\\ i:it CHAPTER LXVI. PARKS— PARK C( ).\l.\l ISSK ).\— S1':CI>: l-.'IA K^■ — < il'.X- I'.k \I. M \\ AC.I'.R. Sec. 1728. Board— When Elected— One from Each Ward.— 'l"he Board of I'ark Coniniissioncrs is licrcby crcaicd lo consist of ten nienil)ers as follows: 'Die Mavor and lliairnian of C"oni- niittec on I 'arks to ])c cx-officio members tliereof. dnrin^i^ llieir res])ecli\e terms of office, and the other members to be elected by the Mayor and (General Council at the second regular meetini^- in December, 19()S. no ward to have more than one representative on the lioard at the same time, with the exce])tion of the ex-of- ficio members as aforesaid, and said !'>oard shall lia\e control. manaijement and anthorily o\er L. I'. (Irant J 'ark and the other Parks of the City. Sec. 1729. Terms. — The members elected from the hrst, fonrtli. second and sixth wards shall ser\e for a term of two years; the mend)ers apjjointed from the third, fifth. se\enth. eighth and ninth wards shall serve for a term of three years, and at the ex- ]:)iration of the term herein ])rovided their snccessors shall be a])iiointed for a term of three years each. Their terms of office shall bei^in immediatel}- on their (inalif_\'ino-. thereafter as the terms of the several members of said Commissioners shall ex- pire, their snccessors shall be elected at the first meetins;' of the General Conncil in januar}-, and when so appointed each term shall be for a |:>eriod of three years. Sec. 1730. Authority — Secretary — General Manager — Salary. — The said Board as thns constitnted shall have charge of all the • Parks of the City and exercise all the powers heretofore granted to Park Commissioners sn1)iect to ordinances of the Mayor and General Conncil, and they shall have full power to elect a Secre- tary and General Manager to be filled by one and the same per- son, to keep the books of the Board of Commission and to have special supervision over all Parks of the City, and have practi- PARKS — GRXKRAI. >1 V.VAOKR — OTTIES — TERM — BOOTHS ^f)] cal knowledg-e and thoroug^h familiarity of the work necessary to be done in the construction and maintenance of parks; and such Secretary-General Manager shall perform such other duties as directed by said Board of Commissioners, and said Commission are authorized to employ such Secretary-General Manager at a salary not to exceed $1,800.00 per annum. Sec. 1732. Term Fixed for General Manager — Not Hold with- out. — The officer occupying the position of General Manager, in the Department of Parks, or under the Park Commission, shall not serve nor be elected during good behavior, on and after the first Monday in January. 1011. On said date, the Park Com- mission shall hold an election to fill the position of General Manager of Parks and the officer then elected shall serve for a term of two years, and on the first day of January, bi-annually thereafter, an election shall be held by said Commission to fill this position and the term of General Manager, in said Depart- ment, is hereby fixed at and for the term of two years, the first term to begin on the first Monday in January. 1011. Sec. 1733. Booths — Stands, Etc. — Licenses, How Obtained — Law in Force. — All laws and ordinances in force in the City of Atlanta, in relation to the erection of booths, stands, etc., for the sale of articles of any nature, and the manner of obtaining li- cense therefor and the fees to be paid, shall apply to said park ; provided that no license to sell or retail spirituous or malt liquors therein shall be granted upon any terms. Sec. 1734. Peace and Order Ordinances Apply in Parks. — All laws and ordinances in force in the City of Atlanta for the pro- motion of the peace, good order, and morals thereof, whenever applicable, are hereby extended to and embrace tlie territory in- cluded in said park and in Piedmont Park, and any person v4olat- ing said ordinances shall be subject to the penalties provided in the City Code. Sec. 1735. Protection of Animals in Grant Park — Penalty for Abuse. — It shall be unlawful for any person to throw rocks at any of the animals in the L. P. Grant Park, or to punch any of such animals with sticks, or to otherwise unnecessarily provoke 492 i'\nK^ NO in M iN<;. i:t< ri.ou kh*_koi.i \«;i-: or aiinDV any of such aiiiinals. The violation >>\ this section shall be punished by a fine of not less than hve nor more than twenty-five dollars against any person convicted of such viola- tion in the Recorder's Court. Sec. 1736. No Hunting, Fishing, Swimming or Bathing in the Park. — Any i)erson. who shall hunt with ilo^;s or fircarin- '•! any kind, shoot, fish, swim, or bathe in said park, shall be fined not exceeding fifty dollars, or imprisoned not Ioniser than thirty days. Sec. 1737. Breaking Flowers, Foliage, or General Depredation Unlawful — Penalty. — Any person or persons picking or breaking the dowers or foliage, without permission of the Commissioners, or who shall cut, work, or deface any of the trees, signs, or pub- lic notices, buildings, or other pr(»pcrty ; or who shall throw stones, sticks, or other missiles; or who shall interfere with or chase rabbits, squirrels, or birds, rob or destroy their nests; or who shall stand, walk, or ride on the grass, post bills or notices in said park, shall, on conviction thereof before the Recorder's Court of said City, be fined not exceeding fifty dollars, or be im- prisoned not longer than thirty days. Sec. 1738. Persistent Violation of the Rules — Penalty. — Any person or persons, who shall persist in the violation of any ot the rules and regulations prescribed by the Park Commission for the government of said park, after notice to desist from so doing, shall, on conviction thereof before the Recorder's Court of said City, be fined in a sum not exceeding ten dollars, or be impris- oned not longer than ten days. Sec. 1739. Penal Laws of the State or City — Violations Prose- cuted. — Should any person or persons, in violating any of the foregoing sections, or doing any other act. be guilty of any of- fense under the Penal Code of this State or City, it shall be the duty of the officer in charge to arrest him or them, and vigor:i ously prosecute such offenses in t'he State Courts. Sec. 1740. Springvale Park Accepted.— The gift of five acres of land more or less in Inman Park, known as Springvale Park, PA KKS — SPU I N «; V A I.K — \VA V S — LKCTI ItlOR ^C);} is hereby accepted, subject to the terms and conditions in said deed of gift set forth, the same being dated the day of February, 1893. Sec. 1741. Parkway Defined Between Peachtree and West Peachtree Streets on North Avenue. — A space of sixteen feet wide in the center of North Avenue between Peachtree and West Peachtree Streets, except a crossway 15 feet wide midway be- tween Peachtree and West Peachtree streets is hereby set apart and dedicated as a parkway or place. The particular location of such parkwa}' <>r place, and the excepted crossway, beins;- indi- cated by plat hereto attached, and the parkway in said street shall be e.xcluded froiu the traveled roadway of said street, and shall not be paved. Sec. 1742. Park Commission to Control All Parks and Certain Monuments. — The Park Commission of said City shall hereafter have jurisdiction, supervision, and control of all property, that lias heretofore been or may hereafter be set aside by the Cit)- for park purposes, and shall have the same jurisdiction and control of the Grady Monument on Marietta Street, and the Erskine Memorial F'ountain at the intersection of Peachtree and West Peachtree Streets. Sec. 1743. Necessity Met — Lecturer's Office Re-Established. — 'i'he office of Lcfturer at tiie Cyclorania at (jrant i'ark is hereby established, same to have a term of one year, and to have a sal- ary attached of $50.00 per month, to j^e paid from special appor- tionment in Department of Parks. The lecturer shall be elected at the first meeting of the Park Ijoard in July, 1908, or so soon thereafter as this ordinance may be put into operation, and. when so elected, shall ser\e until the first meeting of said Board in tlie month of July. 1904, or until his successor s'hall be elected. Sec. 1744. Duties of Cyclorama Lecturer. — His duties shall be to lecture at the Cyclorama, in Grant Park, daily, including Sun- days, to explain the picture to visitors ; look after its care, and report needs to Board of Park Commissioners ; to be attentive to visitors, and seek to make the picture an attraction, and to 4!)4 I'AltKS — imi\i;N Nil \ in: rni;i;s wiuini. in please all visiliiij^ same, and lu perfoiiii such (jther duliei in C(niiiectioii with the C'yelorania as said Tark I'xiard may direct. Sec. 1745. Ordinance Restricting Use of Drives and Avenues. — The (lri\es and avenues in L. 1*. t iianl I'ark shall only be open to the use oi pedestrians, horseback and bicycle riders, and the occupants of xehicles in use for pleasure dri\es. Sec. 1746. Forbidding Certain Vehicles to Use Drives and Ave- nues in Grant Park. — Xo drays, wagons or vehicles engaged in hauling for traffic or c(jmmercc .shall use said drives or avenues except in the delivery of building materials or other supplies nec- essary for the maintenance of said Park, or for the use of its ."Superintendent, employees, or persons conducting business with- in the limits of the Park with tlie permi-^sion of the L. P. (irant Park Commission. Sec. 1747. Penalty for Violation.— Any person violating this ordinance shall, on conviction in the Recorder's Court of the' City of Atlanta, be punished as prescribed elsewhere in tliis Code (for violation oi orii^is — « \m-: or — l.oai-i;us 4;^-^ exceeding ($100.00) one liundred dollars, or imprisonment not exceeding thirty (30) days upon conviction in the Recorder's Court of the City of Atlanta. Sec. 1751, Setting Apart Park Near Davis Street School.— The following section of land owned by the City, to-wit: All that parcel of land in First Ward of said City, and being a portion of lot surrounding Davis Street School, and particularly described as beginning at Northwest corner of Davis Street and Spencer Street, and thence running Northerly along West side of Davis Street (197) one hundred and ninety-seven feet, thence West 399.') feet, thence X(»rth 1*13.5 feet to Thurmond Street, thence West along South side of Thurmond Street 150 feet to Lowe Street, thence Soutli along Mast side of Lowe Street 366.5 feet to Spencer Street, thence East along North side of Spencer Street 548 feet to beginning point ; said tract of land is marked out and defined on plat hereto annexed, all of which portion of land is hereby set apart, and dedicated for park purposes, and to be maintained as a park for the us'c and benefit of the public. Sec. 1752. Park Commissioners Take Control of Park Near Da- vis Street School. — The control and management of said Park is placed in the hands of the Park Commissioners, and said new' park is made subject to all the ordinances governing parks anioner of Public Works shall grade said property, and place it in proper condition for the Park Commissioners to beautify, adorn, and render suitable for park purposes, and the sum of $600.00 is hereby appropriated for that improvement, and this sum shall be taken from the department of contingent. Sec. 1754. Disorderly Crowds of Loafers Excluded from this Park — Penalty. — It siiall be unlawful for crowds or loafers to gather in said park in such numbers, or for any person or per- sons to use said park for purpose of, making disorderly noises or interfering with the pupils, during the hours of the day, while school is beinjr held in the l)avi> Strc-ct School hiiildiuK. and any- one violating this ordinance shall be tried in the Recorder's Court, and, if found ^'uilty. shall be fined not exceeding $1(MUK). or imprisoned not exceeding thirty dav->. Sec. 1755. "Dumping Grounds" to Be Made into a Park.— As scton as the stable^ at ■Dumping Liround" arc removed, all of said land, formerly used as a dumi)ing ground, and for the sta- bles aforesaid, shall be taken from the possession of the Sanitary Department, and be placed in the jjossession and control of the Hoard of Park Commissioners, who shall at once beautify and adorn same as a public i)ark from such funds as they may now have on hand for i)ark purposes. Sec. 1756. Flying Jennies — Roller Coasters, Etc, — Prohibited in Grant Park Refreshment Stand Allowed, — Merry-go-rounds, living jennies, roller coasters, slot machines, moving pictures, and similar devices and attractions, are hereby prohibited in (irant Park. The privilege or concession of maintaining a stand therein sihall not include the privilege or right to have and main- lain any of the above described devices or attractions, or any other device or attraction similar thereto. Sec, 1757, One Central Refreshment Stand Only to be Main- tained. — The privilege or right granted to maintain a refresh- ment stand, and lx)ating privileges in said Park, shall be limited to the sale of refreshments from one fixed stand or place, and •bc)ating in the lake, and shall not include or permit the sale of merchandise or articles not intended for refresliment, or for the maintenance of slot machines or the devices hereinbefore de- scribed. Sec, 1758, Bottles and Glass Not to be Thrown upon any Pub- lic Park or Baseball Park, — It shall l)e unlawful for any person to throw any bottles or other glass upon any portion of any pub- lic park, baseball park, or other places. Sec. 1759. Penalty for Violation. — Any person violating the foregoing provisions shall, upon conviction before the Recorder PARKS — MBMOltl A1.S — MOXt MEXTS — DEFACEMEXT 497 pay a fine not exceeding- $25.00 for each ofYense, or be committed to the Stockade, or serve upon the Public Works not exceeding 15 days, either or both in tlie discretion of the Recorder. Sec. 1760. Memorials — Monuments — Fountains, Etc. — Public Character — Protected — Park Commissioners Have Charge of. — All monuments, memorials and fountains erected bv the Citv or by any public-spirited citizen or bodies, in commemoration of the dead or as a memorial of public service or fountain erected by or at the instance of the City or any public spirited citizen for the benefit of man or beast or as a testimony of regard for the City, or any slab, bronze tablet, stone structure or other perma- nent method of memorizing the dead or a public service or benefit, or for the service of the public or similar memorial shall be cared for and i)rcser\ed from abuse, injury, defacement or other damage by man or animals and all of such memorials or monuments are hereby placed in charge of the Board of Park Commissioners and it is made their duty to have constant in- spection made of them and to take such means as may be nec- essary to secure same from injury, defacement or destruction. Sec. 1761. Defacement — Injury — Penalty. — Any person de- facing, injuring, removing, in whole or in part, ov in anvwise damaging any of the structures mentioned in preceding section, shall be deemed guilty of an oft'ense, and on conviction in the Recorder's Court shall be punished by a fine of not exceeding one hundred dollars or imprisoned on the streets of the City for not exceeding thirty days, either or both penalties to be inflicted in the discretion of the Recorder. 32 498 I'KACK— :>< \ i^:\iM»*i UK CHAPTER LXVII. ]'i: All-:— (i< )( )i) ()KI)i:k wd M( )kALS— ( )KI)I.\ \\ci-:s Tc ) i'K( >.\i< y\\-: s ami:. Sec. 1762. Public Indecency — Disorderly Conduct — How Pun- ished — Penalty. — Any pcixm. \\h>< -hall, wiiliin iho cirj)! irate limits of Atlanta, he guilty t>i an act of puhlic indecency, tend- ing; to (lehaiioh the nmrals of any of the citizens, or of (|narrelin^, or of usinja^ obscene. \nl.i;ar, profane lanjL;^ua«.;e, or malicious mis- chief, <^r otherwise act in a ilisorderly manner (whicii offense is not recognized as ])enal by the laws of this State) shall, on con- Aiction, pay a tine of not e.\ceedinj.i^ one hundred dollars and costs, or be imprisoned in the stationhouse not more than thirty- days, in the discretion nf the Recorder's Cturb the pviblic peace, or to annoy any of tlie citizens, shall (if done in the presence of the Chief of Police) be arrested by him, and carried before the Mayor's Court for trial, and, if not done in the presence of said Chief of Police, then upon com- plaint made, he or she shall be proceeded against as in other cases of a violation of this provision and be fined not exceeding- one hundred dollars and costs, or be imprisoned in the station- house of said county not more than thirty days in the discretion of the Court. Sec. 1765. Drunkenness on Streets — Disorderly Noises — Pen- alty. — Anv person, who shall be found drunk, hooting, hallooing, or making any other unnecessary or unusual noise, to the dis- turbance of any citizen, may be fined not exceeding one hundred dollars and costs, or he imprisoned not exceeding thirty days. Sec. 1766. Drunkenness— Penalty— Relieved of Penalty by In- forming as to who Unlavi^fully Furnished the Liquor Causing the Drunkenness. — It shall be unlawful for any person to be and appear on the -streets of said City in an intoxicated condition ; and any person so offending shall, on conviction thereof before the Recorder of said City, pay a fine of not exceeding one hun- dred dollars, or be imprisoned not longer than thirty days, either or both, in tlie discretion of the Court ; provided, that any per- ERRATA. l^ecli'-n 17()S >houl(l read a^ follows — Sec. 1768. Dives Defined. — .\nv person, who shall keep a place, where licjuors, either alcoholic, malt or vinous, are kept and sold, and where men and women come and drink, either in the room where such licpiors are kept and sold, or in a restau- rant or other place connected therewith, or in a place not con- nected with such place, where the liquors are kept or sold, where men and women rlrink. and there is connected with any such place any immoral conduct, or it is a place where men or wo men loiter and idle, who are withcut means of support, or. who being without such means of sui)pori. hiitcr and idle away their time, and do not work, such place shall be known as a "'dive." 49S PEACE — GOOD ORDER — INDECE^JCY — EXPOSURE CHAPTER LXVII. PEACE— GOOD ORDER AND MORALS— ORDINANCES TO PROMOTE SAME. Sec. 1762. Public Indecency — Disorderly Conduct — How Pun- ished — Penalty. — Any person, who shall, within the corporate- limits of Atlanta, be guilty of an act of public indecency, tend- ing to debauch the morals of any of the citizens, or of quarreling, or of using obscene, vulgar, profane language, or malicious mis- chief^ or otherwise act in a disorderly manner (which ofTense is not recognized as penal by the laws of this State) shall, on con- viction, pay a fine of not exceeding one hundred dollars and costs, or be imprisoned in the stationhouse not more than thirty days, in the discretion of the Recorder's Court. Sec. 1763. Indecent Dress or Naked — Indecent Exposure of Person — Scattering Obscene Literature — Lewd Dances — All Unlawful — Penalty. — An}- person, who shall, in the City of At- lanta, appear in any public place naked, or in an indecent or lewd, dress, or shall make any indecent exposure of his or her person, or be guilty of any indecent or lewd act or hplTniMr.t- ^.- .-i-.^.n - — PKACE — GOOD OUIJKR — \OISE — DItl\KEX>KSS — DIVES 499 Sec. 1764. Noise at Night — Disturbing the Peace — Arrest — Penalty. — Any person, who shall make any noise at night calcu- lated to disturb the public peace, or to annoy any of tTie citizens, shall (if done in the presence of the Chief of Police) be arrested by him, and carried before the Mayor's Court for trial, and, if not done in the presence of said Chief of Police, then upon com- plaint made, he or she shall be proceeded against as in other cases of a violation of this provision and be fined not exceeding- one hundred dollars and costs, or be imprisoned in the station- house of said county not more than thirty days in the discretion of the Court. Sec. 1765. Drunkenness on Streets — Disorderly Noises — Pen- alty. — Any person, who shall be found drunk, hooting, hallooing, or making any other unnecessary or unusual noise, to the dis- turbance of any citizen, may be fined not exceeding one hundred dollars and costs, or be imprisoned not exceeding thirty days. Sec. 1766. Drunkenness — Penalty — Relieved of Penalty by In- forming as to who Unlawfully Furnished the Liquor Causing the Drunkenness.— It shall be unlawful for any person to be and appear on the streets of said City in an intoxicated condition : and any person so offending shall, on conviction thereof before the Recorder of said City, pay a fine of not exceeding one hun- dred dollars, or be imprisoned not longer than thirty days, either or both, in the discretion of the Court ; provided, that any per- son so convicted of such offense may relieve himself or herself from the penalty thus incurred and imposed by forthwith giving information and evidence, which will lead to tlie conviction of the person or persons unlawfully furnishing him or her with the liquors, ' y which ie or she became thus intoxi'^ared Sec. 1767. Court Shall Inform the Prisoner of this Method of Relief. — It shall' be the duty of the Court convicting the offender under the provisions of the foregoing section of this ordinance to inform the Defendant of the manner therein provided for re- lieving himself or herself from the penalty to said offense. Sec. 1768. Dives Defined. — Any person, who shall keep a police or sanitary purposes and any person violating such or- ry^)() I'KACI-: -«iooii oiiiii:it iii\f:«. i,f:\\ i» \\u>ii:\ — hiim;h (linaiices, within said territory, shall, on coiivicti<»n in Recorder's place, where li(|Uors, either alcoholic, nialt or vinous, are kept ami sold, and where men and women come and drink, either in tlie room where such li«|uors are ke|)t and sold, or in a restaii rant or otlu-r phicc coniK-ctctl ilu-rewilli, it in a place not con- nected with such place, where the licpiors are kept or sold, where men and women drink, and there is connected witli any sucli j)lace any immoral conduct; or it is a place where men or wo- men loiter and idle, who are without mean> of supi)ort, or. who being without such means of support, loiter and idle away their time, and do not work, such place sliall he known as a "dive." Sec. 17G9. Penalty for Keeping a Dive — or Frequenting Same. — Any person keej)ing such a place, or any person going to slich a place for the purpose of drinking there, or, if not to drink, to loiter and idle their time, shall, upon conviction be punished by the Recorder of the City of Atlanta by a fine of not exceeding $100.00, or imprisonment on tlie i)ublic works not to exceed thirty flays, cither or both in the discretion of the Recorder. Sec. 1770. Lewd Women not Allowed in Public Places at Night. — it shall be unlawful for any jjrostitute or woman of no- toriously lewd character to walk the streets, alleys, or other pub- lic thoroughfares of the City of Atlanta, or ride around the same during the night season. Sec. 1771. Men Shall Not Talk Familiarly with Lewd Women on Streets. — And it shall be unlawful for any male person to talk in a familiar manner to any such woman or women, or be in com- pany with any such woman or women, knowing the same to be such, upon the streets, alleys, or tlioroughfarcs of said City. Sec. 1772. Penalty for Violation. — Any person or persons vio- lating the above provisions shall, on conviction in Recorder's Court in said City, be punished by a fine not to exceed one hun- dred dollars, or imprisoned not to exceed thirty days. Sec. 1773. Alabama Slings or Flips not to be Kept or Carried. — It shall be unlawful for any person in this City to have, carry, l-KAf>:_<;««» ohi>kk_o|.i:n noons > vi.oons-m n„a v sales 5Q1 or use on the streets in said City what is commonly known as the "Alabama slinj^s or flips." Sec. 1774. Penalty for Violation.— Any person so offering, on conviction thereof in the Recorder's Court, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars, or imprisoned not le>^s than thirty days, one or both, in the discretion of the Court. Sec. 1775. Keeping Open Doors After Hours Unlawful— Pen- alty.— (State law, however, governs as prohibition is effective throughout the State.) Any retailer of spirituous or fermented liquors, who shall keep open doors after the hour of ten o'clock at night, and before five o'clock in the morning, within the City of Atlanta, for the purpose of vending spirituous liquors, or other intoxicating drinks, shall, upon conviction, be fined in a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars and costs, or be imprisoned in the callaboose or common jail of said county not more than thiriy days, in the discretion of the Recorder's Court, and forfeit hi> license as a retailer. Sec. 1776. Keeping Open Stores, Etc. on the Sabbath— Unlaw- ful— Penalty.- Any merchant, billiard-table, or ten-pin alley keeper, or other dealer who shall keep open doors on the Sab- l)ath day, or trade or traffic on that day; and any person, who shall do work, or in anywise labor, or cause work to be done on the Sabbath-day (except it be work of necessity) shall !)e fined in a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars and costs. ..r be imprisoned in the stationhouse not more than thirty days, in the discretion of the Court; provided that the Mayor and Gen- eral Council may not punish for violating the State laws as on the Sabbath day. Sec. 1777. Milk— Bread— Ice Cream— Soft Drinks— Cigars. Etc.— May be Sold on Sabbath.— It shall be permissible in said City to keep open for selling and delivering milk, bread at restau- rants and milk stands, ice, ice cream at soda fountains and res- taurants, .soda and mineral waters, newspapers, and also cigars. cigarettes, tobacco, pipes and other tobacco dealers' supplies at retail on the Sabbath day, and for doing such other work of nec- essity or charity as is permitted by the general laws of this :)()'j i'i:\« i: «.i:i( — iiiti-: <»am:s — i.orrioKi n<; — >ii\ok."«« -,(|;> count of "fires," "wrecks," etc., when in fact said sales are not bona fide, but are fakes and frauds, and the advertisements and representations are untrue and false, shall be held to be guilty of disorderly conduct, and a breach of morals, and shall on con- viction in the Recorder's Court be fined not more than $200.00, or imprisoned not more than tTiirty days, one or both penalties to be inflicted in the discretion of the Recorder. Sec. 1782. Loitering or Sleeping in Stairways — or in Streets or Alleys^-or in Boxes or Hogsheads — Prohibited and Punished. — It shall not be lawful for any person or persons in said City to loiter or sleep on or at the foot of the stairway of any build-* intj in said City, or to loiter or to sleep in or on boxes or hogs- heads, or other things in streets or sidewalks or alleys or on pul)- lic grounds, or on the private premises or grounds of another Without the consent of the person in control of any such prem- ises or grounds, or to habitually loaf around the hotels anrl pub- lic places of the Lity. Sec. 1783. Parents or Guardians Must Not Allow Minors in Their Charge to Become Loiterers. — It shall be unlawful tor any f)arfiit. guardian or any per>on or persons within the cor{)orate limits of the City of Atlanta, having the custody or control of any minor, male or female, to permit, allow or encourage such minor-i to become a comm(»n loiterer nn any street, alley, or any other public place. Sec. 1784. No Proprietor of a Pubhc Place t© Allow Minors to Loiter Around. — It shall be unlawful f(jr any proprietor, man- ager, <-liall, on conviction thcrc<»t. lie fined not e.xceedin;^ (jne hinidied dollars, or he imprisoned nut exceedinj^ thirty days, either or hoth, in the (liscretion of the Recordt-r's C"onrt. Sec. 1787. All Ordinances to Promote Peace and Good Order Extended to Cover Piedmont Park. — .Ml laws and ordinances now in force j)ertaininj.( to the maintenance of peace and j^ood order within the corporate limits of said ("it\. are lierel)\- de- clared of force within the limits of the territor) embraced in Piedmont Park. Sec. 1788. No Females Shall Enter Bar-rooms to Drink or Loiter. — It shall he unlawful for any woman or ;L;^irl to enter any bar-room or room connected with a bar-room in the litv of Atlanta for the purpose of drinkino; or loiterinj:^ therein. Sec. 1789. Penalty for Violation. And an\ woman or y;\r\ vio- latinjj^ this ordinance, and proprietor or employee in a bar-rm permittinf;- such \iolation. shall be arrested, and, on conviction in the Recorder's Court, shall be punished by a fine not less than five dollars, nor exceedinj^ ouc luii.iii\un shooting with any firearms in said City, unless it be in a licensed shooting gallery, or by permission of the Mayor and (Jeneral Council, on military parades, shall be fined, on conviction, in a sum not exceeding One Hundred Dol- lars and costs, or be imprisoned not more than thirty days in. the stationhouse or public works, in the di.scretion of the Re- corder's Court. Sec. 1795. Defacing Buildings — Penalty. — .Any person, who shall write, jiaint, draw, carve, or cut any letter or letters, word, words, or device, or in any way mutilate or deface any cluirch, public building, private house, wall, or fence, belonging to an- other in said City, or shall post any bills on same without the owner's consent, shall, on ccjnviction. be fined not exceeding One Hundred Dollars and costs, or be imprisoned not. more than thirty days, in the discretion of the Recorder's Court. Sec. 1796. Cock Fighting — Unlawful — Penalty. — Any person. who shall tight chicken cocks, in the corporate limits of this ')()6 ••K-^<^'K «1l*H city, cither with or without ^VLiis, and any i)ir>oM. who shall htt aiiv money, or other things of value at a chicken cock fijj^ht. i,hall be liable, on conviction, to pay a fine of not exceeding fifty dollars and cost of trial, or be iinjjrisoncd in tlie stationhousc or I'ublic W'ork.s not more than thirty days, in the discretion of thf Recorder's Court. Sec. 1797. Injuring Street Lamps — Penalty. — Any person or ])ersons, who shall break, injure, i^r deface any of the street lamps, or lamp posts, or gas fixtures, belonging to the City, or the Atlanta Gas Light Company, sliall. on conviction, pay a fine of not exceeding Due Hundred Dollars and costs, or be impris- oned not exceeding thirty days in the stationhouse or Public Works, in the discretion of the Recorder's Court. Sec. 1798. Gas and Gasoline Lamps Not to Be Interfered with in any Way — Penalty. — An}- ])ersi)n or persons, who shall break, deface, or otherwise wantonly and improperly interfere witit any of the gas or gasoline lamps in this City, shall, on convic- tion before the Recorder's Court, pay a fine not exceeding fifty dollars, or be imprisoned not exceeding thirty days. Sec. 1799. Barbers Prohibited from Keeping Open Shops on Sabbath — Penalty. — It shall be unlawful loi any barber to keep open on the Sabbath day, or to pursue his vt^cation in any man- ner on said day within the said City, and any person so oflfend- ing shall, on convicti(~>n before the Recorder's Court of said City, be fined in a sum not exceeding fifty dollars, or imprisoned not longer than thirty days, either or both, in the discretion of the Court. Sec. 1800. Barber Shops Must Show on Signs Whether White or Colored are Served Therein — Except. — It shall be the duty of all persons, firms, or corporations conducting barber shops to show on their barber shop signs whether white persons only, colored persons only, or both races are served in such shops, excepting in buildings where no signs are displayed. Sec. 1801. Penalty for Violation. — A violation of the first sec- tion of this ordinance shall be punished upon conviction in the peace: — GOOD OHDKH — SI MlAV SAI.KS — Ii4»l SKS IM, FAME 5Q7 Recorder's Court by a fine not exceeding One Hundred ($100.- 00) Dollars, or iniprifionincnt not exceeding thirty days in the discretion of the Court. Sec. 1802. Sale and Delivery of Fresh Meats, Fish, Etc. on the Sabbath Day Prohibited — Penalty. — (See previous section, however, as to delivery to hotels and restaurants of perishables.) It shall be unlawful for any butcher, grocer, or dealer in fresh meats, vegetables, fish, oysters, fruits, or melons to keep open doors in said City on the Sabbath day. or send out that day to his customers any of such goods previously sold. Any viola- tion of this ordinance shall, on conviction before the Recorder's Court, be punished with a fine not to exceed fifty dollars for each offense, or imprisonment not longer than thirty days, either or both, in the discretion of the Court. Sec. 1803. Owners of Houses of Ill-Fame— Penalty for Such Use Shall Abate the Nuisance Upon Notice.— Any owner, or agent of such owner, or any house or houses, who may rent, or cause to be rented, or occupy, or allow to be occupied, anv house or portion of a house, to be used as a house of ill- fame, in the City of Atlanta, shall, upon conviction thereof, l)av a fine or not exceeding One Hundred Dollars, and shall be imprisoned in the calaboose not exceeding thirty days, in the discretion of the Recorder's Court, and any owner, or agent of such owner, of any house or houses in said Citty, who shall suf- fer r>r permit any woman of ill-fame t-> occupy any such house or houses, within said City, for the purpose of fornication or adultery, for the space of two days after notice thereof by the Chief of Police, shall, upon conviction thereof, be subject to all the pains and penalties specified in this section. Sec. 1804. Both Owner and Occupant Subject to Punishment — Nuisance May be Summarily Abated — How — By Whom. — Any person, being the owner or occupant of a house of ill-fame, who shall continue the same, or allow the same to be continued for two days after the same has been so adjudged by the Record- er's Court, on conviction thereof, shall be fined in a sum not exceeding One Hundred Dollars and costs, or be imprisoned .')(»h l'i;\« K <.<•<) 1 1 •>!( Ill II IIOI ols 11 I. I ^ Ui: \ II \ I I Ml \ I iK.t cxcecdiii^^ lliiriv ila> > tii ilic calal>.».)>c. nr both, m the discretion i>{ the Court; and it shall he lawful for the Chief of i'olice hy the ..rdcr of the Recorder. Ma\or. or. in his aloence. the Ma><.r pro tein.. or three nieinher> of Council, tt. ahate such nuisance hy den)olishinJ^^ tearing down, or closing up such house or houses, for which he shall receive such sum as niav he ad- judged reasonable hy the said Recorders Court. f«.r his serv i. . . to he paid hy tlie owner. Sec. 1805. Occupants of Houses of Ill-Fame— Conviction- Penalty. .\iiy per>on or persons, who >hall occupy, or allow to be occupied, any house, or i)ortion of a hou>e. to be u>ed a> a house of ill-fame in the City of Atlanta, shall, upon conviction thereof, pay a tine not exceeding Five Hundred Dollars, or be imprisoned not exceeding thirty days, or both, in the discre- tion ol the Recorder's Court. Sec. 1806. Evidence Admissible — Circumstantial or Otherwise. —Circumstances, from which it ma\ l)e reasonably inferree is iidiabited by disorderly persons of immoral character and notoriously bad fame, shall be sufficient to estab- lish the fact that such house is a disorderly house, or house (^f ill-fame. Sec. 1807. Tenants Ejected from Houses of Ill-Fame.— When any house or houses shall be adjudged !)y the Recorder's Court to be a house or houses of ill-fame, and the occupant or occu- pants is or are not the owner or owners thereof, it shall be the duty of the Chief of Police to eject the tenant or tenants there- from. Sec. 1808. Disorderly Houses — Rough Houses — Penalty. Any person or i)ersons. who shall permit i)arties of disorderlv character to assemble in his or their house or houses, within the corporate limits of the City of Atlanta, to the disturbance of the citizens residing in his, her, or their neighborhood, shall be guilty of keeping a disorderly house, and shall, on convic- tion, be fined not exceeding One Hundred Dollars, or be im- prisoned not exceeding thirty days, or both, in the discretion of the Recorder's Court. PKAr.:-,...,,,, ,KK_ ,M 1„.M MKK, ,N,.s ,„:,., I,A,,0>S ^qO Sec. 1809. Public Meetings— How Regulated.-The Presi- dent, Chairman. .,r other officer, or Committee of men, or any persons. who desire or intend to call a public meeting of the citizens of Atlanta, for political purposes, shall notify the Mayor or Chief of Police, of such desire or intent, and of the time and place ot meeting:, before said meeting is called, and upon failure to do so, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not evceedino- hfty dollars and csts. or be imprisoned in the calaboose of the City not e.xceeding thirty days, in the discretion of the Re- corder's Court: and up<.n receiving such notice, it shall be the duty of the Mayor or Chief of Police to attend such meetino with sufficient police force to preserve peace and order- pro"- v.ded It shall not be lawful to hold anv such meeting in anv of the public street.. .>f the City of Atlanta without the consent ot the Mayor and General Council, or the .Mavor and Chairman of the Board of Police Commissioners of the Citv of Atlanta- and any person calling or h..Iding any public meeting, in anv of the streets of the City of Atlanta, without such consent shall upon conviction thereof i„ the Recorder's Court of said City be fined in a sum not exceeding One Hundred Dollars or im- prisoned not exceeding thirty 4>I> OMnKM^ IIOMJx — I nllllirri ICK security, at discretion, payable to the City of Atlanta, in the sum of not exceeding- Two Hundred IJollars, f(jr the appearance of any party or parties accused or suspected of being guilty of a violation of any ordinance or ordinances of the City of Atlanta^ to stand to and abide his, her, or their trials before the Record- er's Court; and also of Witnesses to testify in any case or cases j)ending, or about to be commenced in said Court. Sec. 1812. Failure to Give Bond Confinement. — If either party or parties, or witness or witnesses, shall fail or refuse to give the bond and security, or bond, as required of them, or cither of them, such person so failing or refusing may be con- fined in the stationhouse, or common jail of the County of I'ulton, or be kept under a guard, so as to be present to abide the trial or trials, or to testify, as the case may be. Sec. 1813. Bonds Forfeited — Usual Procedure as in Other Court. — All bail taken under this ordinance shall be special bail, and the power of the security over the principal shall be the same as in special bail. Upon the failure to appear, of any principal, in any bond or recognizance given by a person charged with a violation of any ordinance of the City of Atlanta, or by a witness, to appear and testify, the Recorder, Mayor, or- Mayor pro tem., or member of Council presiding, shall pass a rule, requiring the principal and sureties on such bond to show cause on any day therein named, not to be less than ten days from the passage of such rule, why they should not be required to pay the amount of such bond. Sec. 1814. Service of Rule — Within What Time. — A copy of said rule shall be served upon the principal and security or securities by any offtcer or member of the police force, if to be found in the City, at least five days before the time therein se* for hearing the same. Sec. 1815. Judgment on Bond — How Entered — Execution and Collection. — If no sufficient cause is shown, the Recorder, Mayor, or Mayor pro tem., or other officer presiding, shall pro- ceed to enter judgment against such principal and sureties for I'K\< K_«i«MU> »HtDKK_MAIIII,ITV_vrATK I.WVS \KKl<\^s rii the anujunt of said bond, and the Clerk of Council shall issue execution for the amount of such judj^ment. and place the same in the hands oi the City Marshal, who shall proceed to collect the same by levy and sale as in case of tax executions. Sec. 1816. Surrender of Principal Discharges Liability — Pro- vided This is Done Before Judgment is Entered. — Any survey upon a bail-b(jnd of any person or persons charg^ed with a viola- tion of a City ordinance may surrender his, her. or their prin- cipal at any time to the officer on duty at the stationlKiuse. who shall confine such principal until dischari^ed by order of the Court, or by i,nving other and good security. The delivery of the principal, as aforesaid, siiall discharge the suretv or sureties of all further liability upon such l)ond. provided that such delivery shall be before any judgment or forfeiture upon said bond shall have been enterelice force, shall be arrested by them, or either of them, and carried before some ])r. .per officer for examination, and, if ordered by the Mayor, or any member of Council, or by the Court, to i)njsecute any such offender, he shall do so. Sec. 1818. Persons Summoned to Suppress Affrays — Failure to Do So — Penalty — Resistance of Officer in Discharge of Duty — Penalty. — Any i)ers. .n or persons in said City, between the ages of eighteen and hfty years. wh(j. ui)on being summoned by a member of the police force, or Mayor, or a member of Council, to aid in suppressing an affray, breach of the peace, or other outrage, shall refuse so to do, or refuse to arrest or aid in arresting any oft'ender against the laws < oiii»i:ii — 1\ 11:111 i:iti m. w i i 11 i*uii«i:mi:\ Sec. 1819. Interfering with Policemen in the Discharge of Their Duty — Penalty. — ii >liall hi- imlauiul ai'ti-r ilic |»a>>a^'e of this ordiiiancf f<»r an\' pt-r.^oii to liiinlcr. <>l)>truct, or impftlc any |)licfmaii. in ilic (li>oliar^e i)f any tliu\ ; it .shall be unlawful to menace «»r threaten such of- ficers, or men. while in the ilischartje oi such «luty. and no per- son or persons shall follow up said officer, or men. while in charge of prisoMer> after he or she has been commanded to desist, or after any crowd shall have been commandeil to dis- perse, and any person or persons, who shall or may be .u^uilty of the foregoing acts, shall, upon conviction of the Recorder, or Ma}'or, or other officer presiding in the Recorder's I ourl. be fined in a sum not exceeding One Hundred Dollars, or be con- fined at hard labor on the streets of said City for a space not exceeding thirty days, in the discretion of tl\e Court. Sec. 1820. Firing Cannon in City Limits — Unlawful — Except With Permission — Penalty. — li >ha!l be unlawful for any per- son or persons, or company, within the incorporate limits of the City, to fire ofY a cannon, or other piece of artillery, without special permission of the !Mayor and (ieneral Council. Any per- son, or pers(^ns. who shall violate this ordinance, shall each be fined not exceeding C)ne Hundred Dollars and cost, or be im- prisoned not more than thiri}- ila\ s. or both, in the discretion of the Recorder's Court. Sec. 1821. Fireworks — Permission of Mayor Necessary — Pen- alty. — Any person who shall burn rockets or crackers, or any kirn.! of fireworks, within the incorporate limits of the City of Atlanta without i)erniission in writing from the Mayor, shall, on conviction of such offense, pay a fine of not exceeding fi\e dollars and cost, in the discretion oi the Recorder's Court. Sec. 1822. Assembling and Loitering on Streets — Notified to Disperse — Penalty for Failure. — Any persons assembling and loitering on the streets in sufficient numbers, or in any such manner as to be an obstruction to free passage on the streets, or sidewalks or crossings, and failing to disperse upon notifica- tion of any officer or member of the police force, or any citizen, shall, on conviction, be fined not exceeding One Hundred Dol- i'i:\«K — (.iM>i> oni)i:u — 11)1. iN<.. (iiii{, ii\i{N«« — i'i:i:i>i\(; -^;> lars, or be iniiJrisoiied not longer than thirty days, in the discre- ticm of tlic Recorder's Court. Sec. 1823. Idling in Front of Churches or Other Public Places Prohibited. — Any and every person, who. in said C'itv. after havinj; been directed by any ofificer or member of the police force to move away therefrom, shall remain or loiter in front of any church or other place of public worship duriiro;- service therein, or in frc^nt of any theatre, concert hall, ball room, etc.. or in front f)f any coffee house, bar room, or beer saloon, or shall loiter or idle his or her time on the sidewalks or public streets of this City, shall be deemed an idle and disorderly person, and. on conviction thereof, shall be punished, as hereinafter ])rovided in Section 1S2."). Sec. 1824 Lodging in Barns and Outhouses — Fraudulent Alms Seeking — Public Playing and Betting — All Prohibited. — Any or every ])erson in said City, wanderinj^' abroad, lodf^inj.; in any barn or outhouse, or in any deserted or unoccupied build- iny". or in the open air. and not having any means of subsistence, and not i,M\in;.j:' a _<,'^ood account of himself nr herself, and an\ and e\ery person, who shall in said Cit\', endeavor to prtjcure charitable cf»ntributirtns imder fraudulent pretense, and every person, who shall, in said City, play or bet in any street or pub- lic |)lacc at any <.;ame or ])retendcd t^ame of chance, shall, on conviction thereof, be punished, as hereinafter provided in Sec- tion 1><2.'). Sec. 1825. Penalties— Refers to Sections 1823 and 1824.— .Vny persf)n, who shall be convicted of vi»jlatin<^ any or either of the provisions of the two preceedin^ sections, shall, for each offense be fined not exceeding- ( )ne Hundred Dollars, or imprisoned not exceedin«^ thirty days, either or both, in the discretion of the Recorder's Court. Sec. 1826. Feeding Animals on the Streets — Must be from Buckets or Bags — Penalty for Violation. — Any person or per- sons, who shall feed any horse, mule, cow, or other animal, on the streets of the City, except it be from feed buckets or bags ■i:\('i: <^(Miii oii:i{ — i>i:i*o'i's • Mispciidcd from llic head of ^luli animal, shall, on oninicliDn, 1)1' punished 1)\- line not excecdin^^ One Hundred lX)llars, or be inii)risuned not more than thirty da\s, in the discretion of the Reeiu'der's Court. Sec. 1827. Passenger Depot — Not Entered by Porters Without Permission — Penalty.- It shall not be lawlul fur any i)er>on or ])er.sons to enter the (leneral TassenfT^cr Dejxit in said City in the cai)acit\' of porter or porters for any hotel or boarding' house, except with the consent of the railroad authorities in charq-e of said depot, and any person violatint;- this ordinance shall be tried ])\- the Recorder's Court, and. upon conviction, shall pay a line of not excee oi(iii:i( sm\ii. i'o\ i'ni.i> — iiii(i><4 Sec. 1834. Guards of Small-Pox Patients Not to Allow Anyone to Pass — Penalty. — Am pcisim or persons tillinj^ the position oi Liiuiid or guards at any place in the lity, where snuill-po.v patients are confined, who shall i)ennit any person or persons to enter or leave the premises without the permission of the I'.oard of lleallh. shall, on conviction, he lined not more than ( )ne llimdred l)ollar>. or imprisoned not lonrrer than thirty da\s. ill the discretion of the Recr hy imprisonment not longer than thirty days, either or hoth, in the discretion of the Court. Sec. 1837. Limitation of Prosecution for Violation of City Or- dinances — Two Years. — All prosecutions for \iolations of City ordinances shall be commenced within two years after such violation, and any oflense against said ordinances, for which no prosecution is begun within two years after its commission, shall be barred, unless the ])arty shall have been beyond the City of Atlanta, in whicli case the time of absence from the City shall not l)e eml)raced or com])nted as within said two years. Sec. 1838. Entry Fee Must be paid where Charged. — It shall not be lawful for any person to enter into any enclosure, where an entry fee is charged, in any other than the usual and ordinary wav. im: A< K — <;i)it « \i.i>i:iis «.\>ii'> i*i:i(>iii inort' than ( )iii- lliiiidrfil dnllars. or iiii|)ri>iiiu' i'i:\« i: — «.ii ttidiiit ^i-i i MM. — «■ \ M I \n\ he c«»iistriit' as to authorize any person to carry <>ii the busi- ness of telling fort'ines in the Citv of Athinta under the guise of seances nr otherwise. Sec. 1854. Spitting or Throwing Litter on Sidewalks— or in Public Places — Penalty. — It >hall be disorticrly conduct and un- law lul idr any i>it i tr throw hulls, peelings, or <»ther litter upon the sidewalks, or upon the tlnors nf churches, public hall>. theatres, >irett cars, or I'ther public place>, over which ladies are accustomed to pass in this Cit\. Anyone violating any of the i)rovisions of this Section, shall, on conviction before the Recorder's L'ourt, ai'.d in the Court's discretion. i)e fined nc'i less than oik- nor more than h\e dollars, and. in default of immed- iate payment of such fine, shall be sentenced to work in the City cliainijanL,^ not k>< than two nor luore thati ten days. Sec 1855. Police or Sanitary Limits — All Ordinances Extend- ed Over Such Territory. — All the ordijiances of the City of At- lanta, i)enal or otherwisf, esi)ecially the <-)rdinances providing for sanitation or sanitary re«|uirements, the sale of near beer and similar soft drinks, and all police re.gulations are hereby ex- tended to and made co-existi-nt with all the limits or territorv includod within the corporate limits of the City of Alanta for police or sanitary ])urposes and any |)erson viay the amount named in the annual tax ordinance for such business for each day he, she i:>r they shall otter any goods, wares or mercandise for sale in said City. Sec. 1857. Penalty for Violation. — If any such person shall of- fer any goods, wares, or merchandise, for sale in the incorporate limits of said city, without first having obtained a license from the Clerk of C'<»uncil. the Chief <>r some officer <:)r member of the police force, shall arrest such jierson, and carry him, her, or them before the Recorder's Court for trial, when he, she. or they shall be fined in a sum not exceeding One Hundred Dollars each, for every day he, she, or they shall violate the preceding section, or be imprisoned in the stationhouse or common jail of the County not more than thirty days. Sec. 1858. Peddler Defined. — Any person, firm, or corporation who purchase goods or produce, or other things of value, with- out the City, and bring same within the City, and otter same for sale, to either merchants or consumers, shall be deemed a peddler, and shall be required to obtain a license as such, wheth- er he offers for sale eggs, chickens, farm products, or other things of value. Sec. 1859. Penalty for Violation of Above Section. — Any per- son, firm, or corporation, violating the provisions of the fore- TOO i*i:ui>i-KH«» r\riliiiaiK-c> -hall. «iii com ictioii in the Rcfurder's Ce hnetl not exccccliiiL; < )iic lluii>r l>c imprisinicd not exceedinjj: thirty days, cither or both in the ilisoretion of said Court, and execution shall be issued by the Clerk of Council for said tax. which shall be levied and collected by the Marshal as other tax ti fas. Sec. 1860. Peddler Must Have Tags, Signs on Wagon, and Name and Number. — All peddlers of fruits and nuts, or of pro- duce, where using- wagons, shall have their respective wagons tagged and also the name of the owner painted on both sides of the Avagon in plain and legible letters not less than five inches in height. The tags shall be not less than -i 1-2 x .'> 1-2 inches, having numbers thereon, and are to be issued by the Clerk of Council in numerical order to licensees as their licenses are issued. Names of licensees with date of license and number •of tag furnished shall be kept in a book by the Clerk. Sec. 1861. Confederate Veterans Must Comply Herewith. — Said provisions shall apply to all Confederate veterans carrying on either of the businesses covered by the terms of this ordin- ance. While said Confederate veterans are not required to pay a business license, they are hereby required to conform to the terms of this ordinance in order that the City may be informed of the number of wagons peddling as aforesaid and the names of the owners, and bona fide licenses shall be protected from imposition. Sec. 1862. Penalty. — Any person or persons owning or operat- ing peddling wagons (except actual producers selling only the products of their respective farms, orchards or vineyards), and violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall, on con- viction in the Recorder's Court, be punished by a fine of not ex- ceeding One Hundred Dollars for each offense, or imprisoned not exceeding thirty days on the public works, either or both penalties to be inflicted in the discretion of the Recorder. Sec. 1863. Peddling without License — Penalty — Bound Over — When. — If any itinerant trader or peddler shall offer any ^oods, wares, or merchandise for sale within the City of Atlanta, I'EDDI.KItS — PKUDLERS I.UKNSi: — ItKTI It\S OK SALES -,90 without license from the Ordinary of l-'ulton County, he. she, or they shall be immediately arrested by the police force, and carried before the Recorder, Mayor, or some member of Coun- cil, where, upon proof of such charo^e bein^ made, he. she, or they shall be bound over to the next term of the Superior Court of said County thereafter, to answer said offense. Sec. 1864. Peddlers Must Carry and Show License — Penalty for Refusal. — Any person or persons selling or peddling goods, wares, or merchandise of any kind, from wagons or places other than their regular place of business, shall be required to carry their license for such business with them, and any person or persons who shall fail or refuse to exhibit his or her license on the demand of an oflficer of the City having the right to make an arrest, shall, on conviction before the Recorder's Court, be fined not exceeding twenty-five dollars, or imprisoned not ex- ceeding thirty da\s. either or both, in the discretion of the Court. Sec. 1865. Itinerant Traders Must Return Sales in 24 Hours to Clerk and Pay Tax — Penalty. — On each hundred dollars of the amount of sales of goods, wares, merchandise, produce, shingles, 'umber, and all other articles sold by itinerant traders, includ- iig th<:>se who ship their produce, goods, wares, etc., into the City and sell the same' either from cars, depots, or hotels, or go around the City and sell the same by samples, there shall be levied a tax of one dollar and twenty-five cents (sales less than one hundred dollars in proportion), excepting those, who raise their jjroduce in the country adjacent; and in case of any personj or perstjns making any of the above-mentioned sales do not re- turn the correct amount sold, to the Clerk of Council, and pay the tax on the same within twenty-four hours after the sann have been made, the Clerk of Council shall issue an execution against the delinquent, and plac^ the same in the Marshal's hands for collection, which shall be collected as other tax fi fas. by levy and sale. Any person or persons failing or refusing to make returns, as above provided, luay I)e arrested, and brought before the Recorder's Court, and on conviction, be fined in a sum not exceeding One Hundred Dollars and costs, or impris- oned not exceeding thirty days, either or both, in the discretion of the Court. -.,1 ri:i»m in^ imiiniin*. .. licit (.rdt-r- imm ..tlR-r- than rc^'istered cl..ihicrs (.r MUTchaiU taili)rs of this City l.-r iiR-n'> iiiidcrwear. Miit> ..I clothin).; or i)art> tlurcol. wh<. arc imt cniph-ved hv rc^istere*! cl.)thiers or merchant tailors, an.l no person or firm shall take or solicit orders from others than rej^ailarly re;.(istere(l neus-prmt- iii^r ,,1- hook manufacturinj; houses for any class or kind of prmt- iIlk^ <»r blank l)o..k lnaMufacturin.!.,^ without having first obtained a license to (h) so from the Clerk of Council, and payin^^ therefor the sum fixed in the annual tax ordinance, and the sum • f one dollar and fift\i cents on each one hundred dollar> of all >ale< and orders taken. Any one violatimj the provisi..ns of this Section shall, on conviction, pay a tine of ( )ne Hundred l)ollar>. or be imprisoned thirty days, in the (liscretion of the Court. Sec. 1867. License of Street Drummers— Not Applicable to Representatitves of Wholesale Houses Selling Registered Mer- chants. .\nv person soliciting trade or custom for any mer- chant or merchants in said C ity. on the streets (.r elsewehere. away from the store of any such merchant, shall be re<|uire(l to re^nster as street drummer, and pay svich a tax for carryinp^ «)n said business as is fixed in the annual tax ordinance; provided that this ordinance shall not ajjply to rei>resentatives of whole- sale houses in this l"ity solicitint^ l)usines^ from or selliuL,'' .i^'-oods to other reiLjistereil iiierchanls. Sec. 1868. Penalty. — .\ii\ person doin.!:; business, as above stated, and failino^ to register and pay the tax above required shall be arrested by any officer or member of the police force, and taken before the Recorder's Court, and. (m conviction, shall be fined not to exceed One Hundred Dollars, or be imprisoned not to exceed thirty days, either or both, in the discretion of the Court, and execution shall be issued by the Clerk of Council for said tax. which shall be levied and collected by the Marshal as other tax fi fas. Sec. 1869. Persons Must Pay License— Return amount of Sales Within 24 Hours After Made— No License Issued for less Than Current Quarter — Penalty for Violation.— All persons engaged im:ihii.i:ics — i.h i;\si: — i:\k( i rio\s -.)-, in sell in- «;. waro. ur merchandise to others than rej^istered merchants in this City dealing in that j^articular line of g^oods offered by said drummers, shall be re(|uired before offering- to sell such articles above mentioned, to take a license, for which he. she. ..r the\ shall pay the sum of Three Hundred Dollars per annum. In no case shall a license be issued for less time than the current t|uarter. and, in addition to paying the above license, the party ..r parties above referred to in this section shall be re(|uired to return the gross amount of such sales to the Clerk of Council within twenty-four hours after they have been made, and pay the tax <>n the same, of one dollar and twentv-five cents on every hundred dcdlars: and on failure or refusal to make such returns, and pay the tax on the same, the Clerk shall issue an exe- cution and have the same collected as other h fas. by lew and sale. Thi^ includes such partie> as either stop at hotels or rent rooms at other places to display their goods and sell the same b\ sample, or take orders for shirts, clothing, or articles of like character. Any person selling as aforesaid and refusing or fail- ing to take a license, and pay fur the same as aforesaid, shall, on convictitMi before the Recorders Court, pay a fine not exceeding Two Hundreon>. firin>. or corpora- tions doiug business of any description or character whatever in said City, who are re(|uired to register and pay license there- for, who shall refuse or fail to register such business by the oth day (>i July, li)07, or those taking out license quarterly, who fail or refuse to do so by the .'>th day after the beginning of the (|uarter. shall have execution issued against them by the Clerk of Council, which shall be levied and collected by the Marshal as other tax executions, but this fi\c days indulg-ence does not api^ly to li(|uor or beer dealers. Sec. 1871. Executions Issue Against Persons Failing to Regis- ter Their Business. — And any person, whose duty it shall be to register their business, and who shall fail or refuse to do so, may be arrested and brought before the Recorder's Court, and on conviction, fined a sum not exceeding One Hundred Dollars Tilm; i'i:iii>i.i:i(> i.M i:nm; — I'i;n \ i i \ I'KKH— i;\ i < i i idN' ami costs, (»r he imprisoned not exceeding' thirty days, or hoth, in tlic (hscrction of the Court, for each day such husiness has hccu done after the .')tli of Jul>. 1!HJ7. without rev;i>terin.; tlie same. Sec. 1872. Penalties Prescribed for Those who Fail to Take and Pay for License. — L'pon failure of any person, firm, or cor- p(jration, or company, a^^ent, ui aj^^ency, to make the proper returns of sales or receipts, merchandise, cash, and solvent dchts as the case may be, within five days after the same are recjuircd to be made, it shall be the duty of the Clerk of Council to issue executions aj^^ainst such defaulters for whatever amount he may deem sufficient to cover the tax on their sales or receipts, mer- chandise, cash, and soFvent debts, and other property, and such execution shall be collected as other tax fi fas. .\nd upon fail- ure of any person to make such returns within the time rei|uired l)y law or City ordinance, such person may he l)rou«;ht before the Recorder's Court, and on conviction tined a sum not exceed- ing One Hundred Dollars and costs, or be imprisoned '-)r re» (juircd to work on the rublic Works not exceeding thirty days, or both, in the discretion of the Ctnirt. Sec. 1873. Persons Coming into the City Must Procure License Before Beginning Business. — .\ny person or persons, lirms or corporations, coming into the City for the purpose of engaging in any business, for which a license is re(|uircd b}" this ordi- nance, shall apply to the Clerk of Council, and procure the same before commencing said business, and on failure U) do so. the Clerk shall issue a h fa., and i)lace the same in the Marshal's hands for collection, the same to be collected as any other fi fas. for licenses are collected. Sec. 1874. City's Fees in Matter of Executions. — The fees of tlie City shall be as follows : Issuing fi fas $ -50 Levying fi fas over $100 LOO Levying fi fas under $100 35 For advertising Actual cost For settling fi fas without levy $1.00 I'^or making and executing: deed 1.00 i'i:i)i>i.i-:iis — i.u KNsh: — kkks — ihmik \<;i:\'I's— hi: s( \i.i:s Cost on each fine collected in Record- er's Onirt 75 Sec. 1875. Sale of Meats from Wagons Regulated. — Xo person shall sell any fresh or green meats upcjn the streets of the City from any wagon or other conveyance without first obtaining a license from the Clerk of Council ; and having such wagon or other coiueyance duly numbered and regibtered, and any person or persons violating this section shall, on conviction, be fined not more than One Hundred Dollars, or imprisoned ncjt longer than thirty days. Sec. 1876. Book Agents to Register. — Every person or firm engaged in the sale nf books, maps, charts, uv mathematical instruments within the corporate limits of this City, whether they shall occuj)y an office, or sell the same upon the streets, shall be required to register his. her, or their business. Sec. 1877. No License to Peddle* Groceries — Penalty for Do- ing So. — Xo license shall be issued to peddle groceries, and any jjcrsun so peddling, as aforesaid, shall, on conviction thereof be- fore the Recorder's Court, be fined in a sum not exceeding One Hundred Hollars, or be imprisoned not longer tiian thirty days, either or both, in the discretion oi the Court. Sec. 1878. Peddling Meat from Wagons— Tag Required.— All persons i)eddling meats from wagons shall be recjuired to obtain a tag from the Clerk of Council, at actual cost, to be placed on the wagon, and any failure t s i.i:»» iiciii si\ni»s — ki i.i i. \ i ions t\M.iit\ -fi\ c dollars, or serve not more tliaii thirty (hi\> upon the » I'liblic Works of tlie City, either or both, in the (li>cretioii of the Court. Sec. 1880. Peddlers' Licenses Fruit Stands — License — By Whom Granted. — The matter of issuinj; licenses i.» i)e(l(ller> to Lanv on the business of peddling' in the City of .\tlanta, or to an) |)erson or persons to carry on I'rnit stands near the streets or .sidewalks in said City, shall hereafter be one for the action and decision of tlie Mayor and General Council, acting upon the recommendation ui the Tax Committee, to which Commit- tee all i)etition for such licenses shall be referred for considera- tion. And neither the Committee on Relief nor the Mayor shall ha\e or exercise jurisdiction to ^rant licenses to peddlers or fruit stands as aforesaid, except that the Mayor shall have the li^lu of apj)ro\al or \eto of such licenses, as of any other action of the (ieneral Council; prtjvided the Committee on Tax may, in l)ro|)ei- cases, s^raiit permits to conduct such stand or such ped- dling business, to be and remain of force only until the next rei;^- ular meeting; of the (ieneral COuncil, and subject to the action of such (ieneral Council on the ])etition in each case. Sec. 1881. Fruit Stands — Manner of Procuring License, Etc. — Regulations — Boot-Black Stands — License Subject to Revoca- tion — When — How. — .\n\- person, tirm or corporation desirinj; to conduct a fruit stand business near any street or sidewalk in the City of Atlanta, shall, before bes^inning such business make petition to the Mayor and Ceneral Coimcil, dcscribinj^" the location of such proposed fruit stand, which said petition shall be referred to the Ta.x Committee, .\fter careful investis^a- tion, the Tax Committee shall promptly report its recommenda- tion, and the Mayor and General Council shall, in the exercise of its discretion, had with a proper regard for the preservation of the public health, the peace and good order of the City, as well as the proper regulation of trade, grant or refuse such license. No li'cense shall be issued to any person to carry on any business stand on any street or sidewalk in the City, except by permission of the Mayor and General Council; provided, however, the Chief of Police shall have the right to locate boot- black stands on the sidewalks in his discretion, ^sleither the i>Ki)i>i,i:isi;.-siin:\\ m.ks )2n Mayor nor tlie Tax Committee shall have or exercise the rij;ht to g-rant licenses for fruit stand. In proper cases, however, for the interval between the filinj;^ of a petition for a fruit stand license, and the probable approval of the same by the Mavor. the Tax Committee may grant a permit for such fruit stand. which permit shall be revocable by said Committee at anv time in its discretion. Sec. 1882. i-'ruit Stand Licenses May Be Revoked — Must Be Kept Cleanly — Must not Obstruct Passage on Sidewalks. — .Ml licenses for fruit stands shall be issued subject to the power and right, which arc expressly reserved by the Mayor and (icn- eral Council, to revoke any or all such licenses whenever such revocation is. in the judgment of the Mayor and General Coun- cil, necessary or proper as a means of better promoting the |)ublic health, peace, and good order, or the proper regulation of trade in the City, bailure U) keep a fruit stand in a cleanly manner, or any unnecessary obstruction of any street or side- walk by the dealer in charge, or by any customer trading there, shall be sufficient cause for the revocation of the license in an\- case. Sec. 1883. Must Not Use Sidewalks or Streets — Printed on Fruit Stand Licenses — Penalty, Revocation. — .NO fruit stand ^hall ^ccujjy or use an\- jjortion of any street or sidewalk with fruit, fixtures, heating, or co(»king apparatus, or other article of stock: and a vicjiation of this law shall work a revocation of the license. This i)aragraph shall be printed on all fruit stand licenses. Sec. 1884. Peddlers' Licenses — Regulations — Restrictions — Also Regulations of Fruit Stand Licenses.— .Ml licenses to ped- dle >ha!i be paid for at the prices fixed in the annual tax ordi- nance, and the class of goods to be sold by each peddler, and the person or persons to whom peddler's license shall be issued. shall rest in the discretion of the Mayor and (ieneral Council, acting on the recommendation of the Tax Committee, in the in- terest of health, peace, and good order, and the proper regula- tion of trade in the City: provided, that no license shall issue to any person to carry on any business stand on the streets or -i;jj) i'i:iiiii,i:i{s I. n i:\sio — sr\i.i: i.mms — ■•uuiti < iio sidewalks dI the City, (jr to peddle wares, fruits, c:jndy. pop- corn, or similar articles from any waj^^on or cart on the streets (»r sidewalks in the City. Any fruit stand licensed to do busi- ness near the sidewalk shall take antl hold such license subject to a revocation at any time in the discretion (jf the Maxor anhall cause the person so otYending to be i)unished, upon conviction thereof in the Recorder's Couri, of said City, by a fine not exceeding One Hundred Dollars, or imprisonment not exceeding thirty days ; and a forfeiture of the license of such peddler or other person shall be declared ui)on conviction. Sec. 1887. Producers may Sell Individual Products. — While the legal right of the producer to sell the products of his own farm, vineyard, dairy, etc., is distinctly recognized, this right shall not be construed so as to authorize burners or producers of charcoal, or traders in country produce other than the pro ducer of such country produce, to peddle or sell the same to con- sumers in the City of Atlanta; but every such trader must have a license. % i>r.i>i>i.i:iii I s— ui:\ 1 Sec. 1888. Peddlers Permits — How Issued — By Whom — How Applied for. — .\n\' perstju, hrni, >n- citrporatiou desiring" tt) l)eddie any goods or articles other than tfiose enumerated in the "Schedule of Licenses" shall make petition to the Mayor and General Council, describing the article to be peddled, and the time, for which license is wanted. Said petition shall be re- ferred to the Ta.\ Committee, which C i>i':iiiii.i':i{s I \Noi N i» I i( I I I N Ml r I i;n, i:n ««i'iiKi;'i' \ i: mm k- Sec. 1891. Sale cf Unsound Fruit — Unwholesome Eggs or Fish — Rancid Butter — Unlawful — Penalty. I'lic r>clliiij( «»r nntTiii^- for Nak- hy any peddler in the City of Atlanta i»f un- sound or unwholesome fruits, meats, e<4J4s, fi>h. or stale or ranei 1 ])Ultcr. shall cause the person so (jft'eriuj^ to he punished u|K>n conviction thereof in the Recorder's C'oiut of >aid C"it\ hy a line of not excecdiuiL; ( )iie lluiidred Hollars or imprisonment not cxceedinjj;- thirt\- days, and a forfeiture of the license of such peddler shall he declared upon such coiuiction. Sec. 1892. Chief of Police Locates Street Traders. — It shall he within tlie authority and duly of tlic I'hiet of I'olice to d^sij;- nalc the portic.ns of streets in the central i)ortions of the City, wherein peddlers and other street traders may ply their voca- tions. Sec. 1893. Penalty for Violation of Chiefs' Directions.- -'V-iy l)eddler. or oilier si reel trader, who siiall ply his trade at any other ])laces than those designated hy the Chief of Police, •..hill he i)unished. on conxiclion hefore the Recorder's Court hj' fiUe of not exceedin.^- ( )ne I hmdred Dollars, or imprisonmcni uol to exceed thirty days. Sec. 1894. Medicine Venders — How Restricted — How Rcj^u- lated — License Subject to Revocation for Cause. — No license shall he ij^ranted to any hrm or person to sell from streets or paxenients. tents, hooths. or stands of any description, not he- iii^- a regular store-house, an}' ])atent medicines or concoctions of medicinal ])roperties. or other articles claimed to he remedies lor ])hysical ills, and any j)erson eni,''a<^ing- in such occupation, shall, on convictic^n for each ottense, jjay a hne of not excecdinc^ li\e Hundred Dollars, or he imprisoned at lal)or in thi! stockade or on the Puhlic streets not longer than thirty days, either or hoth, in the discretion of the Court; provided that ncl.lii.ig' con- tained herein shall he construed so as to dehar any hona fide resident of the City of Atlanta from selling- mcdicitie:; manu- factured and prepared for sale in said City from a tent, when a license therefor has heen granted by the Mayor and (general Council ; provided, further, that no license shall be granted for a longer time than three months; and provided furthei- that PKDDLEUS — COAL, GUANO, ETC. — LICENSES — ADVERTISING 533 said license shall be issued subject only to the right of the Mayor and General Council to revoke the same in their discretion at any time. Sec. 1895. Coal, Guano, or Other Stock Companies, or Their Agencies Must Pay License. — All mining, chemical, coal, fertil- izer, or other stock or manufacturing company, or other compa- nies or corporations, having either their business proper or their general or branch offices located within the corporate limits of this City, and are either represented by the officers of the com- pany, or any agent, for the purpose of soliciting patronage for the same, or for the transaction of any business pertaining thereto, shall be required to pay a license as set forth under the head of "Schedule of License." Sec. 1896. All Business Subject to Pay License — Minimum. — All other business not herein enumerated or otlierwise provided for by this ordinance, shall pay a license of not less than $25.00 per annum, unless otlierwise directed by the Tax Committee. Sec. 1897. All Business Must Register — Must Pay License — When Due and Payable. — .Ml persons, firms, or corporations engaged in any business, trade or occupation, specified below in the City of Atlanta, shall be required to register their various business, trade or occupation and obtain a license, for which he, she, or they shall pay the amount hereafter set opposite such business, trade or occupation, to be due and payable on the first day of July. 1907, and ending June 30th, 1908. Sec. 1898. Anyone Advertising Himself as in Business of Any Kind Subject to Pay License. — Any person, firm, or corporation advertising by signs, cards, circulars, newspaper advertising or otherwise, that anyone is in a business of any kind shall be held liable for the license required of such business. Sec. 1899. Classification of Business for Purpose of License. — Different branches of business shall be carefully classified and defined as to what constitutes a legitimate line of goods for each particular business, and in every case where more than one of the pursuits, employments, or occupations, which by charter and 5:u I'EDDLKRS_I(K— FIll'ITX — MTH_WAGO.^»— CAHTS ordinance are especially authorized to be taxed, shall be pursued or carried on in the same place by the same persons at the same time, the tax shall be paid according to the rates severally pre- scribed by ordinances retaliating'- the same, for each pursuit, em- ployment, or occupation, and for each ditTcrcnt and separate lino and character of goods, especially cnuuR-ratcd in the "Sched- ule." Sec. 1900. Ice Sellers or Peddlers to Secure Permit— Applica- tion — Contents — Revoked. — I'.ach person scllinj.,^ ice, in stores or at t)tlicr fixed locations, or scllini; same from wai^ons, or peddling upon the streets, shall register their name and location, or wagon, first receiving a permit therefor as follows: Such person shall make application to the Tax Committee, setting out their location or their wagon, and the Tax Committee shall pass upon the char- acter of said applicants, their reputation, etc., and, if approved, such person shall thereupon register their name, location or wag- on, with the Clerk of Council and receive a certificate to this ef- fect, and shall thereupon be authorized to sell ice from said loca- tion, or peddle ice upon the streets without being recpiired to pay any charge therefor. Said permit may be revoked at any time by said Committee on complaint, after two days notice to such licensee or person holding permit, and an opportunity to be heard is given. Sec. 1901. Penalty. — Any person, their agents or employees, selling ice at any location or from any wagon, without first re- ceiving the permit and registering same as required in preceding section of this ordinance, shall be deemed guilty of an offense against the general w-elfare of the City of Atlanta, and on con- viction thereof, in the Recorder's Court, shall be punished with a fine not exceeding two hundred dollars, or sentenced to work on the public works of the City for not exceeding thirty days, either or both penalties to be inflicted, in the discretion of the Recorder. Sec. 1902. Peddlers in Fruits and Nuts Must Have License — Names on Wagons or Carts. — All peddlers of fruits and nuts, and of produce, where using w-agons or push carts, shall, before beginning operations, secure from the City Clerk the license for PEDDLKRS—CARRV LICENSES—EVIDENCE Vqc the current quarter, and, also shall have the name of the owner entered on both sides of the wa-on or push cart, in plain and leg- ible letters not less than five (5) inches in height on wagons, and three (3) inches in height on push carts. Sec. 1903. Such Peddlers to Carry License with Them-Ab- sence, Evidence.- Ml peddlers of fruits and nuts and of produce shall be required to carry with them for exhibition to any City of- ficial authorized to make such inquiry, the license as above de- scribed, and failure to produce such license when requested by the License Inspector, or other City Official, shall be prima farie evidence that such peddling wagon or push cart is being operated without license. Sec. 1904. Penalty.— Any person or persons owning or oper- ating peddling wagons (except actual producers selling only the products of their respective farms, orchards or vineyards), and violating any of the terms of this ordinance shall upon conviction in the Recorder's Court, be punished by a fine not exceeding $100.00 for each oflfense, or imprisoned not exceeding thirty days on the public works, either or both penalties to be infiicted'in the discretion of the Recorder. jlJQ I'II%SICIA.\M— flTV — ULTIKS— I'OOIl— I'OLICKMKX CHAPTER LXIX. I'llVMCJANS, Lil V— MhUlLAl. Ivl.LIia'' (Jl- l'(J(JK. Sec. 1905. City Physicians — Their Election. — Tlic Mayor and General Council may, when other oflicers arc elected, elect as many City I'hysicians as they may deem necessary for the prop- er treatment of the poor of the City. Sec. 1906. Their Compensation. — Said City I'hysicians sliall receive such salaries as may be lixed by the Mayor and General Council, and the amount of such salaries shall be determined prior to their election, and not be chanjjed during; their terms. Sec. 1907. Their Duties — Offices — Where Located. — Each of these physicians must have his residence and ull'ice in the divis- ion for which he is elected. It shall be the duty ot the City Physicians to attend to all kinds of practice among the poor free of charge, viz.: medical and surgical cases, including, besides or- dinary diseases or injuries, obstetrics, venereal diseases, and small pox. It shall also be their duty to vaccinate every poor child in their respective divisions free of charge, to which no ob- jection is offered. Sec. 1908. City Physicians to Attend Policemen Injured on Duty. — It shall be the duty of the City i'hysicians in their re- spective wards to attend all policemen, who may be injured while on duty, when requested to do so, and it shall also be the duty of the policemen to use every effort to secure the aid and attendance of the City Physicians, when they may be needed for the treatment of injuries received by the policemen, while on duty, before calling in any other physician. Sec. 1909. Monthly Reports Made — Filed with Board of Health. — The City Physicians shall make monthly reports at the first regular meeting in each month of the number of patients treated, number of street where they live, name of disease, num- FHVSICI A\ — SMALL POX — IIKALTH OFFICER — SUPPLIES — SIGNS 537 ber of visits to each patient, deaths, cures, relieved, improved, etc. These reports, after being read, to be filed with the Board of Health. Sec. 1910. Small-Pox Emergency Hospital — Health Officers' Duty. — If small pox prevails to the extent of necessitating the opening of a small pox hospital, the Board of Health may in its v'iscretion during sucii emergency, employ a physician to take charge of such hospital, at such salary per month as said Board may deem adequate, and it shall be the duty of each City Phy^ sician to report to the Health Officer all cases of small pox oc- curring Ml his division. The medical and other supplies furnished the small pox hospital to be at the expense of the City. Sec. 1911. City Physicians under Supervision of Health Offi- cer. — The Health Officer shall have supervision over the City Physicians, and see tiiat they perform their duties faithfully. In case of neglect of duty, lie shall report the case to the Board of Health, and, if, alter due investigation, the physician be tound guilty, he shall be reprimanded, hned, or dismissed from office, at the discretion of the City Council. Sec. 1912. Shall Vaccinate Free of Charge. — It shall be the duty of City Physicians to vaccinate free of charge all residents of the City who may apply to them for that purpose. Sec. 1913. Health Officer Furnishes Supplies to City Physi- cians. — The Health Officer shall maintain an office in the City Hall of the City, and shall keep on hand medical and other sup- plies, to be furnished at the expense of the City, which he shall furnish free to all the City Physicians under such restrictions as will secure the proper and economical use thereof. Sec. 1914. City Physicians to Display Signs — Size — Contents. — All Ward Physicians are hereby required to display a sign at their offices and residences not less than 12 inches by 36 inches in size, giving the name, the Ward they represent, and their of- fice hours. f^l^g i'ii%siciA>» — TKi.i^riioM:*. — \\ vans kvii)I-:.\( i:: Sec. 1915. City Physicians Shall Install Telephones — Their Expense. — ICach Ward Physician is required to install at hi^ res- idence a teleplujiic and the expense thereof shall be borne by tiie physician. Sec. 1916. Shall Attend Patients in Other Ward than His own Upon Direction of Health Officer. — J'ach W aid I'liysician shall be subject to be called to any W ard or Wards other than his own, in case of enierj^ency to be judged by the Health Officer, and, when such lieallh Officer may direct any Ward I'liysician to attend a patient, or otherwise discharge the duties of a phy- sician, in W ards other than the W ard of such Ward i'liysician, he shall promptly attend and serve, as in is own W ard. Sec. 1917. City Calls Take Precedence of Personal Business. — liacli W ard i'hysician shall give the City's business — that is, calls upon him as Ward i'liysician — the preference over his per- sonal business, and shall in no case neglect, or delay, the Lily's work, that he may attend to or perform his private practice. Sec. 1918. Shall Give Evidence in Court at Request of City At- torney — Shall not Take Cases Knowingly, Where Damage Suits May Result, and They be Required to Appear as Witnesses Against City. — When so requested by the City Attorney, it shall be the duty of any Ward i'liysician to attend Court, and give expert evidence, when material, without further charge or cost to the City; and such Ward Physician shall not take cases, nor attend patients, where they know, or have reason to believe, that such patients may have an action at law against the City for damages, whereby- or wherein such City i'hysicians shall appear as witnesses against the City. POLICE — BOAKD — MKMBKRS — OIIG AMZ.VTIOX 539 CHAPTER LXX. POLICE DEPARTMENT— BOARD OF POLICE COMMISSIONERS. Sec. 1919. Board of Police Commissioners — Govern Police Force — Board, How Composed — Board, How Guided and Con- trolled. — The police force of the City of Atlanta shall be gov- erned and controlled by a Board consisting of one police Com- missioner from each of the wards of the city, of whom the Mayor shall be one, and the Cliairman of the Committee on Police shall be one ex-officio member of this Board for and during his Chairmanship. During his membership on said Board, he shall have all the rights and privileges of any other member thereof, and his vote and voice shall be respected as sucli. The Board, in the management of the police force shall be guided and con- trolled by the City Charter, existing ordinances, and such addi- tional ordinances as may hereafter be passed by the Mayor and General Council. Sec. 1920. Organization of Board — Mayor to Preside in Its Organization — How Organized. — The Mayor, who is an ex-offi- cio member of the Board of Police Commissioners, shall be and shall act as Chairman of the Board of Police Commissioners at the regular, adjourned or called meeting of the Board, and until the Board is reorganized. At the expiration of every Board of Commissioners, it will be the duty of the Mayor to preside until a new Chairman is elected. When the :\Iayor is acting as Chair- man, he shall appoint a Secretary pro tem. to serve until his suc- cessor is duly elected. At the next regular, adjourned or called meeting of the Board of Police Commissioners of the City of Atlanta, it shall be their duty to reorganize said Board by the election of a Chairman, Chairman pro tem, and Secretary, and, when such organization is effected, it shall continue until the first meeting of said Board occurring after the election of Police Commissioners in March annually, when the Board shall be re- 540 iMU.n I.— no\ni» V \r \>< ii.x — im:i.m;iiii.i: (.r}^:mi/c-(l, :is proviilfd for in this ordinaiuo. 'llic Mayor shall (liscliar^i- all diitii's of Cliainnan, while acting; fhairiium. Sec. 1921. Vacancies — How Filled — Chairman Votes— If any vai-aiuy occurs in cither of said jjosilioiis, it may he fdled hy an elect ion ;it the nieelin;; of said I'.oard occurring' next after the liappiiiinL; "f snch vacancy or vacancies. In votinj; for Chairman, Chairman pm Iciii, and .Srcrclary of the Hoard, ami in voting for I'olicc olliccrs and policemen of the City of Atlanta, and in vot- ing; ill ,ill trials held hcfore said P.oard. the Mayor and the Chair- III. Ml. and llic Chairman pro tem. antl .ictini; t'liairman, shall he enlilU-d to vote on all (lucstioiis, withont reference to any qucs- lioii of a tic Vi'te, the intent heini; to i)rovide that each niemhcr of I he I'.oaid shall h;i\ f ili>' i iidit to cast a vote, ami only one vote in any i'\cnl. Sec. 1922. The i*olicc Department — How Composed. The Po- lice hcparlmcnt of the L'ity of .Atlanta consists of a Board of I'o- lice C ommissioners composeil of i»ne Commissioner from each of the warils of the C'ity (elected hy the Maym- and Cencral Conn- cih, and a police force ami officers appointed hy said IJoard. The MayiM of the City of .\llanla, and the L'hairman of the Committee on I'ldicc of the C'ity lomicil, are ex-officio nuMnhers of the Board oi Tolice Con\missioncrs. They are elected for three years, one retirinli iM\e year, and two the next. Sec. 1923. Board Members Ineligible for Succeeding Term. — C\>n\missioners of Tolice shall he inclii^ihle to snccced thcm- seKes; I'roN ided, that mcndnMs of the Board of Police Commis- sioners nuiy sncceed themselves from one term, and after serving two terms in succession, the foregoing provision shall then be- come applicable and be enforced. Sec. 1924. Cannot Succeed Other Members, Whose Term Ex- pire at Same Time. — In addition to preceding section prohibiting re-election of Police Commissioners, it shall be further unlawful for said Commissioners to either succeed themselves, or other Commissioners whose terms expire on the same day with them- selves, and it shall be further unlawful for any member of the Board of Police Commissioners to resigti his term of office, and be eligible for nomination and election at which this term of iMii.M i: — lit) \|{|> — im;i,m.iiii,i:s ( \ m>ii) xnos :)4i office othcr\vi>c w.ul.l have expired. It >hall l)e further unhiw- fiil for any member of Council to nominate said menil)ers to suc- ceed themselves, or for re-election, to said L5oard at the time at which their terms expire, or at the times at which their term.^ would have expired, but for resij^nations during- the term of office immediately ])recedin^ said election. Sec. 1925. Police Board Nomination — Duty of Council — Ineli- gibles, — 'i'hat it shall be a breach of duty on the part of any mem- 'ler of Council to nominate any member of said Hoard, under :he i)recedin<:j section, and members *of said Hoard shall be ineli- gible for election or nomination to said Hoard under the tcrm.-^ as above prinided. Sec. 1926. Unlawful for Candidates for National, State, County or Municipal to Formally Address Members of Police Force ai Police Barracks — Officers in Charge of Police Barracks Shall Prevent Such — Speaking to Individual Members of the Force Personally Allowed. — That it shall be unlawful for candidate> for officf either .\ational. State. Count\" or Municipal, to address lormally members of the l*olice I'orce at the Police Harracks. and the Chief. Captain and other officers in charj^je of said barracks are hereby directed to prevent and i)rt)hibit any furthci speaking by candidates at said barracks advocatinj^ their elec- tion for office. It is not the intention of this (ordinance to jjre- vont candidates for office visitini:i> \ic'I'mi:n'I' i(I':(.i i. \'I'I(»ns < iiii:i' nK"flin,i;s of the huard. and will imtify the chairman or l.'hicf »»l' Police before absenting; themselves from the City. Sec. 1928. Government and Discipline of Police Department. — Liovernment anil (li>ci|)line of the I'olice Ucpartment ^hall be such as is prescribed by existing ordinances of the City of At- lanta, and such as the (jeneral Council may hereafter pro\ ide. Sec. 1929. Police Officers Suspended or Removed Only on Trial by Board — Majority Vote Necessary for Conviction. — Tiie Chief of the Department of Police, ol^cers or any member of the Police Department shall not be suspended during- their term of office, or remoxed from their position b\- the I'.oard of Police Comm'ssioners, unless upon a trial of said Chief or officers or members for cttenses against said department, or in whatever manner said Board may undertake to try tliem, that there shall be cast for their conxiction or for their suspension or removal irom office a majority of tlie entire lloard. Sec. 1930. Unlawful for Member of Board Police Commission to Discharge Duties of Chief of Police. — That it siiall ])e unlawful for any one of the Board of Police Commissioners to hereafter undertake to discharge the duties of Chief of Police, or to have special control and direction of officers and members of tiie Police l-'orce in the arrest of criminals or the discharge of their* duties as policemen, or from expending the ai)propriations of the City in special or dectectivc work whicli would otherwise, or usually is, in charge and under direction of the Chief of Police Sec. 1931. Police Board to Discharge the Duties of an Admin- istrative Board Only. — Said Board shall discharge heereafter the duties of an administrative Board, and shall not be permitted nor shall they designate any of their mendjers to carrv out the orders or direction of the Board as to matters over and about which the City has selected officers or patrolmen to cover or perform, and compensates them therefor. Sec. 1932. Meetings of Board, — The Board of Police Commis- sioners shall meet once every month, or oftener if necessary ; the day and hour left discretionary with the Board. A majority iioAieii — « II \ii{>i \\ — si:< itirr \i{\ — iiotions ors i.f ilie Hoard may call an extra session whenever the emergencv demands. In emergency the chairman is authorized to convene the board. Sec. 1933. Chairman Presides. — The Cliairman shall take the chair at tl.e hour appointed for any meeting, and shall call the members to order, and on the appearance of a quorum (fou'- members) shall cause the minutes of the preceding meeting to be read and ap])roved. Sec. 1934. Chairman Pro Tem Presides. — When.— In the ab- sence of the Chairman, the Chairman pnj tem, is vested with all the ])owers of the Chairman during snch absence. In absence of both, the Commissioners present shall select a Chairman to act during the time of such absence Sec. 1935 Secretary Keeps Records and Records Aye and Nay Votes. — The Secretary shall keej) a record of all proceedings of the Hoard of Tolice Commissioners and record same in a book kept for that purpose. Whenever the "ayes"' and "nays" have been called for on any (piestion, the same shall be recorded when desired by any member of the lioard. Sec. 1936. Committees and Their Reports. — The Chairman shall ai)i)oint all ct)mmittees ; and they shall report at the suc- ceeding regular meeting on any matter referred to them, or show cause of failure to report. Sec. 1937. — Motions Written — Majority Rule. — All motions nnist be reduced to writing if the Chairman or any member of the iJoard desires it; and in all matters commg before the lioard. a majority shall govern. Sec. 1938. As to Discussions. — Xo member of the lioard shall sin-ak on the subject under discussion until nrst rising Kj his feet. When uKjre than one member shall rise ait or near the same time, the Chairman shall decide in favor of the meml^er first attracting his attention. Every speaker shall address the chair, and no meniber shall interrupt him except to call him to order. Sec. 1939. Questions fo Order .-'1 he L liaii man >Wall ilccidc all questions dI -.nlcr. but any .uc-nilR-r atisficlice Commissioners may enact, modify and repeal, from timi- to lime. an\- orders, rules and rci^ulations !.;^overnin<:j the I'oli'-e |)epartmenl iji the C'it\- of Atlanta, the same not to contlici with the Constituion of the I'nited States, the laws of the State of t'leor.i^ia, or the ordinances of the City. Sec. 1944. Suspension of Rules. — The rules df the I'.oard shall not be suspeiuK'ij e\ce])t by a unanimous \-ote of all the members present. Sec. 1945. Parliamentary Law Enforced. — The Chairman when the l5oard is in session, shall enforce parliaiuentary rules St) far as they may be api)licablc to such a body. Sec. 1946. Adjournment. — A motion for adjournment shall al- \\a\ s be in order. I>CII,I<>: ^IKKTI.XO — HK«;i LATIONS fU' SKI.KfTIONS 54,') Sec. 1947. Order of Business. — Tlic order of business >liall he : 1. Readiiio; the minutes of previous re^ailar and called meetings. 2. Trials. •i. I'etitions and communications. 4. .\uditin<^ hills and accounts. ."). Reports of committees. H. Reports of special committees. 7. Rej)orts of officers. 8. Resolutions. I». I-'lections. 10. New business. Sec. 1948. Rules and Regulations for the Selection, Retention, Promotion, Reduction and Dismissal of the Members of the PoUce Department — General Provisions — That all appointments, promotions or selections for officers. j)atrolmen and employees as hereitiafler prescribed of tiie Police Department shall he made according to the merit and fitness of candidates therefor, to he determined by 'mental and physical examinations, and in the manner prcscriheointnient of any officer. i)a- trolman or member of the INjlice Dei)artment shall in any man- ner be affected or influenced by the choice of such officer, patrol- man or member of the Police Department of any candidate for any office. .\o incpiiry shall be made of any applicant, nor any question in any form of application or in any examination shall be framed so as to elicit, and uo answer shall be given so as to disclose, any intormation whatsoever concerning such choice in elections for public office, and no application or recommenda- tion invoKing any such disclosure shall be received, filed or considered by the Board of Police Commissioners. Sec. 1950. Practical Examinations — Physical and Mental Capacity the Test. — That all c.\aniination> shall be practical in their character, and shall relate to such matters as will best, fairly 35 -,.. I'oi.u i: i;\ VMiN V I IONS — MKTiiou inn: and adequately test the relative physical and uieiiial titncs.-, and capacity of the persons to be examined for the discharge of the duties of the position nilo which the\ >eek to enter. Sec. 1951. Written Examinations.- That all cxaininatioi'- -hall l.c in wrilin-. except >uch as relate to physical (pialities. Sec. 1952. Examinations Semi-Annual— Oftener if Necessary. That examinations of api)licant> >hall oc^-uv -cmi-aiimia!l\ . and as much oftener as may 1)C necessary in order to have m liand at all times an cli.i,Ml)le list sufticient to meet the necc-sitio tif the Police 1 )c])artment. Sec. 1953. Examinations at Police Station— Special Room— Ad- vertised Two Weeks in Advance in Daily Papers.— That exam- inations shall be held at the Police Station buildinjr in the room set apart for use by the Board of I'olice Commissioners, or in some oilier room suitable for the purpose, two weeks after pub- lic notice of the time and place of the examination shall have been given by advertisemcnr in each of the daily papers pub- lished in the City of Atlanta each day for three consecutive days. Sec. 1954. Free Application Blanks Furnished. -That applica- tion blanks aj^proNcd by the Board oi Police Commission,;rs shall be furnished to all applicants on request, free of charge to them. Sec. 1955. Filed Applications in Handwriting of Applicant, Ac- companied by Certificate of Four Reputable Citizens— Not Pub- lic Officials.— That all applicants shall tile applications addressed to the Board of Police Commissioners on the prescribed form, in the handwriting of the applicant and accompanied by the cer- tificate of at least four reputable citizens of Atlanta (not public officials that they have personally known the applicant f«;>r not less than one year, and that they have read his statements and believe them to be true, and answering such further cjuestions with reference to the applicant as may be slu)wn on the applica- tion blank, and that they will, upon request, give such further facts concerning him as they may possess, for the hies of the Board of Police Commissioners. I'oi.K K — vi'i'i.K A'ri<»\> — < rnzK\«sHii' — ivruioi x-iion :ai Sec. 1956. No Member of Force can Engage in Other Business. That iiu iiieml)fr of the force shall he tile or other business while on the force. — That iiu inemher of the force shall he ensilaged in any niercan Sec. 1957. Secretary Shall Mark Applications in Order Handed Him. — That all ajjplications shall be marked, filed by the Secretary of the Board of Police Commissioneers in the orcb-r in which they arc handed to him. Sec. 1958. Applications Must Have Tax Vouchers Attached. — 'I'hat each application must have attached to it a certificate tbat the applicant has paid all his taxes due for the precedinj^ two years. Sec. 1959. Two Years Citizenship Required. — That all appli- cants must have been citizens of .\tlanta for tw(j years preceding- the date of their a]:)plication. Sec. 1960. Application Must Contain Full Information Regard- ing Applicant — Birth, Weight, Height, Residence, Married or Single — Past Record — Present Occupation and Occupation for Past Four Years. — That applicants must state in their applica- tions their names in full, their height and weight, the day. month' and year of their birth, and where born, their residence, and how long they have resided in the I'ity of .\tlanta; whether married or single; whether they have ever been indicted or held under accusation of a court of record convicted of violations of the State or I'nited States law. if so, what; to what extent, if any. they now use or have used in the past intoxicating ]i(|uors or narcotics ; whether they have ever before applied for a position in the Atlanta Police Department, and the result; their present occupation and their occupation for the past four years. Sec. 1961. Applications Under Oath. — That the statements of applicants in their applications must be under oath, properly attested. Sec. 1962. Examinations Permitted if Applications Meet Re- quirements Specified.— 'J'hat all applicants vouched for as herein required, except as hereinafter provided, shall be permitted to .4M roi.n i; vrri.i* \iiu\* i \\min\iii>\> he cxuniined after tiliii}^ upplicatioii^ iiciciii »si(U-(l their answers to the (|iie>tinus contained in the apphcaiiuns shall ^hnw that they liave heen citizens of AtUmta for two years next l)efore filing' of their applications, that they are of a^'c, heijjht and weij^dit recpiired hy the rules, that they are not addicted to the habitual use ui intoxicants or narcotics, that they have not heen convicted of an\ crime of any infamous i»r dis}.;raoeful nature, and ha\e not within two years heen iu the public ser- \ice for cause as specified in the rules, and ha\e not intenti«)nally made a false statement of a material fact, and have not practiced or attem])ted to jjractice any fraud or deception in their applica- tions and ha\e paiil all ihcir taxe> ilue lor the precedim^ two years. Sec. 1963. Applications Filed with Secretary Three Days Be- fore Examinations. That applications must be filed in the re- (|uired form, with the Secretary of the lit)ar(l of Tolice (commis- sioners, at least three days before the date on which examina- tions ai'e advertised to occur. Sec. 1964. Lack of Established Preliminary Requirements Pre- cludes Examination. -That the 1'.. lanl of I'olice Commi>sioners shall not i)erniil any applicants to be examined whose state- ments in their api)lications show that tlie\' lack any of the estab- lished preliminar\ re(|uirements as indicated in .Sec. lOliO. Sec. 1965. Board Can Refuse Examination if Satisfied General Character of Applicant is Not Good. — That the I'.oard <>i I'olice Commissioners through an in\estigation made midcr its direc- tion or otherwise, if satisfied that the general character or rejui- tation is not good, shall refuse to permit him to be examined. Sec. 1966. Board Shall Designate Applicants Not Permitted Examination. — That the lioard of J'olice Commissioners, aft-."" examining applications and making such further investigations as thev may deem proper, shall, by a resolution entered on its minutes, designate the candidates who have filed applications who are not permitted an examination. IMtl.K I-: — Al'I'l.U \TIONS — K.\AM1.\ATI«).\S 549 I'HVSICAL 1<:XAMI\ATI()XS. Sec. 1967. Secretary Shall Deliver to Board of Surgeons Names of Eligible Applicants. — That tlie Secretary of the Board shall deliver to tiie lioard of Surgeons who arc to make the phy- sical examinations, on the day that the examination is to be held, the names of all applicants who arc indicated by the Board's resolution as eligible to be examined. Sec, 1968. Examinations by Three Physicians. — That physical examinations shall be conducted by three physicians, one of whom shall be the City Health Officer, the other two to be selected for that purpose by the Board of Police Commissioners prior to each examination from the Board of Physicians of the llrady Hospital. Sec. 1969. Surgeons Shall Report on Blanks Furnished for Pur- pose. — ihat blanks suited to the purpose shall be furnished t'. the lioard of Surgeons, and they shall rei>ort thereon the physical c«)ndition of each candidate, together with his rating, and they shall be furnished with a copy of the indispensable standards indicated b\ tiioe rules ..f physical cNaniinati»)ns, Sec. 1970. Indispensable Standards for Physical Examinations Shall Be as Follows: Age.— .\"ot less than twenty-three at the time of application, nor more than forty at time of appointment. General Appearance. — The applicant must be free from auv marked deformity, free from all parasitic or systemic skin dis- ease, and from evidence of habitual intemperance in the use of stimulants or drugs. The body must be well proportioned, of good muscular development, and show careful attention to per- gonal cleanlines.s. Obesity. — Muscular weakness, or poor physique must reject. Nose, Mouth and Teeth.— Obstructions to free breathing, chronic catarrii, must reject. The mouth must be free from deformities or conditions that :.')() •oi.n i: \ I'i'i.n \ ri«»\s i:\ \ «ii \ \ i iu\s ititiTtiTc with (lisliiu'l spcccli, or tliai |)rc(li>pt>>c':> tn (IImmm.- of flu- t.';ir, noso it tliii 'al. Kupturc in an\ torm, must rojfct. (lonitalia must In- iwc froiii ilctcniiilics aiul from \aric()CC'lc, liydrocolo, cnlaim'iiUMit cf the testicle, stricture, or iucinitinence i>t" urine. An\ acute and all \enereal ili>^ear internal pile^, nuist reject. Anns and le^s. hands and fei't niu^t he free from atVections of the joints, sprains. stitVness 'ir other conditions, such as Hai- fcH>t. iui^nnviuo- nails i>r liauiuier-toes. which would jirexeut proper and easy perforutance oi duty. p \'rR( M.Mi-:x. AriM.UAX'rS Ml'ST COM!'. IT I'O TllK !•( )L1 a )\V1XG A.^ A MiXlMlM. ll«-'i,!4ht W eii^lil l-".\pan>ion Mohilitv ■") feet S inches .140 pounds IJiM-'J inches 2 1-2 inches .') feci !• inches 14.") pound> ."N inches 2 1-2 inches .") feet 10 inches 1 ,')(> ponnd-^ -"U inches 2 1-2 inches .') feet 11 inclio l.').'. pounds ;>4 1-2 inches 2 1-2 inches (i feet () inclic-^ l(iO pounds :!4 1-2 inches :> inches (i feet 1 inches Ui.') pounds :\[ 1-2 inches :> inches () leei 2 iuchc-^ 170 pounds .'!.") inches :{ inches (i feel ;» inches 17.'> pounds •'!.'> 1-2 inches :! inches t) feet 4 inches 1S() pounds ;5.') 1-2 inches ."> 1-2 inches (i feet .') inches IS.') pouTuls :U\ inches .") 1-2 inches llei^lu taken harefiK)! ; wcij;lu and uieasurenieul, naked. In the case of patrolmen, the minimum heii^hi recpiired is 5 feet 8 inches, the wcii^lu 140 pounds, and the chest measurement 33 1-2 inches. Eyes. — The applicaiu must be free from color l>lindness. and be able to read with each eye. separately, standard test tvpes at a distance of twenty feet. Loss of either eye, chronic iuHamnia- tion oi lids, ov perniauent abnormalities oi either e\ e must reject. nti.ich: — KX.\>ii\ATn>\s — «n AMKH .\TH>>s 551 E^rs. — Normal lu-ariiii;- witli eacli car is rcquircl. Kesj)irati()n must be full, easy aud regular: the respirat. are indispensable, but it is understood that tlie medical examiners will ])ut such other questions or tests, bearing upon each case, as he may think nee essary and proper, and that the whole examination will be thor- ough, and exact and circumstantial Sec. 1972. Strength cf Back, Legs and Arms to be Tested. — The medical examiners >hall also tc>t the strength, activity and phy- sical cai)acit\- of all ap])licants who come up to the standard re- quired in the medical examination by suitable examination into the strength of back, legs, arms. etc. Sec. 1973. Medical Examiners Prohibited from Examining Candidates in Their Private Capacity as Physicians. — The medi- cal exainincrs are prohibited froui examining candidates in their private capacity as a physician, and applicants will therefore not call upon them for information or special examination. Sec. 1974. Two Medical Examiners' Report Unfavorable, Can- didate Can be Rejected. — That if two of the medical examiners certifv to the Hoard of Police Commissioners that a canrlidatc fails to meet the indisjiensable ref|uirements of Rule 23 in any particular, the candidate shall l)e rejected and his papers filed. Sec. 1975. Each Applicant Meeting Requirements of Sec. 1970 Given Rating. — That each applicant who meets the indispensable standards of Sec. 1070. shall be given a rating by the medical ex- nno POLHK KX \>II\A'IH)\S — tH AI.IKK ATIONS ainiiiers which shall indicate un the examination hlank-^^. wn the fi)ll()\vino- subjects : (1) Measurement of ueij^^ht, height and chest expansion. (2) Sight and hearing. (3) Strength. (4) Habits as to the use of stimulants and narcotics. (5) General organic condition. (6) Previous condition of liealth. (7) Present condition of health. Each subject shall be marked upon a scale of 100, which shall represent the maximum possible attainment. If the medical examiners differ as to the rating on any subject, the rating given on that subject shall be the average of their judgments. The same weight shall be given to each subject and all candidates who meet the requirements of Rule 23, who are given an average rating of 70 on the physical examination, shall be permitted to take the educational examination, and the Board of Police Com- missioners shall, by resolution or otherwise, cause the names of all such candidates to appear on their minutes. Results of the physical examination shall be reported to the Board of Police Commissioners by the Examiners. EDUCATIONAL EXAMINATION. Sec. 1976. Educational Examination Conducted by Three Selected Persons. — That the educational examination shall be conducted by three persons not officials of the State, County or City, selected by the Board of Police Commissioners. Sec. 1977. Secretary Shall Give Certificate to Candidate Who Pass Physical Examination — Can Then Take Educational Exam- ination. — That the Secretary of the Board of Police Commis- sioners shall give each candidate who has successfully passee perniitlcd to take the edu- cational examination. Sec. 1978. Candidates Given Papers. — That all candidates hav- m^ certificates and reporting for examination as aforesaid, after entering the examination room shall be given the following- papers : (1) A preliminary sheet containing the number applicant is to use, and general instructions for his guidance. (2) A declaration sheet, with an appropriate blank for the applicant's signature, and also showing the number he is to use, containing the following questions, which the applicant must iinswer, to-A\'it : Said sheets shall be placed in an envelope immediately and not opened until the papers are marked. Applicants shall upon a separate sheet of paper state what examination the applicant desires at this time and hand same to examiners, and showing the applicant's nunrber only. (a) What is your name in full? [h) What was the date of your birth? (c) Where were you born? (d) Where is your legal residence now, and how long hav" you been a legal resident there? (e) What has been your place of abode and occupation (or each of the past four years? (3) A sheet appropriate for a written examination in spelling twenty words, the words to be pronounced by one of the exam- iners. The words shall not be catch words, but such words only as are in every day use. (4) A sheet appropriate for an examination of arithmetic, in- cluding for patrolmen and supernumeraries, addition, subtrac- tion, multiplication and division^ for each of which there shall be but one problem. The problem shall be simple; for example, the numbers to be added shall contain no more than five figures, and there shall be seven numbers given. In division, the divi- dend shall consist of five figures and the divisor of two; and in multiplication, the multiplicand shall consist of live figures and the multiplier of two. The examination in arithmetic for ser- geants, captains and chief shall be more difficult, and general 554 M)i,i<;i': — K\ \iii\ \'ru>\s i'M'khs — it \' rules indicating" its extent shall be prescribed by the lioard of Police Commissioners and given to the Kxaminers on or before the day when such examinations.are to occur. (5) A sheet ai)propriate for an examination in letter-writin-^ ; one letter to be required of not less than twenty-five words, the subject to be given by the examiners. 'I'he examiners may give two subjects and the applicant shall choose either. The subjccl shall relate to the police department and its duties. (6) A sheet appropriate for an examination on the Manuel, which shall contain, first, questions asking" ward locations of tivc well-known buildings ; second, the street locations of five well- known buildings, and. third, five practical (|uestions as to tlie duties of policemen under stated circumstances ; the answers to which are to be f(»nnd in the jManuel. The Manuel, however, is not to be set before the applicants at the time of the examin- ation. Sec. 1979. Name of Applicant Shall Remain Unknov^^n to Ex- aminers — Violation Will Cause Rejection or Dismissal. — That the name of the applicants shall not api)car or 1)0 in an}- manner disclosed to the examiners on any ]ia]K'rs gi\-en the examiner^ bv the applicants further than handwriting will disclose them. A violation of this rule will cause an a])plicant to l)e rejected, and it shall be the duty of the examiners not to place an ap))l'- cant on the eligible list wdio has violated it. and if the exaniiners shall place anv violator of the rule on the eligible list, he shall not be eligible to appointment, and if the\- discover it after ap- pointment, the offender shall be prom]:)tl}" dismissed from the service. Sec, 1980. Papers Signed by Number — One Exception. — That all papers except the declaration sheet shall be signed by the a])- plicant onlv by the number appearing on that sheet. Sec. 1981. Prompt Rating Given. — That the examination pa- pers shall be rated by each of the examiners as soon as practica- ble on each subject. Sec. 1982. Rated on Scale of 100.— That the rating on each sub- IMH^ICK— -ICXA.MINATIONS — AVKK AfiK J555 iect shall be made upon a scale of 100, which shall represent the maximum possible attainment. The average of the rating- by tlie Examiners of the several answers on any one subject shall be the standing on that subject. Sec. 1983. General Average Determined by Weight of Subjects. ■ — Thai the general average standing of each competitor shaV. be made np in accordance with the weight attaching respectively tt) the several subjects, as for example, as follows: Weight Product of .Stan iding on given to standing .Subject s ubject sul)ject and w't. IT) 1 Handwriting 90 15 1350 10 2 Spelling 75 10 750 10 :\ Letter writing- 85 10 850 1') 4 Arithmetic 70 15 1050 50 f) Practical questions Total product 80 50 4000 8000 Dividing product by sum of weig hts 100 ( leneral average standing 80 As indicated, the standing on each subject, shall be nuiltiplied bv the weight given such subject, as shown above, and the j)ro duct placed in the third column, and the smii of these products divided 1)v the sum of the weights, shall give the general average. Sec. 1984. Three Physicians — Examiners — Board Appoints. — '['he IV.ard of Police Commissioners are liereby authorized to designate three practicing physicians to examine all applicant^ for i)ositions in the department of police and to fix the charges therefor. Sec. 1985. Minimum General Average of 50 Required — Exam- iners shall Forward Papers in Sealed Envelopes to Police Board Commissioners. — That every candidate who shall receive from the Examiners a general average of not less than 50 and not les-- than 20 on any sui)ject except practical questions, and not less than 50 on practical questions, shall be certified to the Board of I'olice Commissioners bv the Examiners as suitable for the eli- f-t-n IMH-H K i;X AMI NATION S — i:i.K< TIONS gible list, and the Board shall open the envelopes and place the names of all such persons on the eligible list. The rating by the examiners shall be made on the preliminary sheet and signed by them. They shall forward the papers, including the envelopes, with the seals unbroken, to the Board of Police Commissioners. Sec. 1986. Method of Determining Relative Standing of Eligibles.— That to determine the relative standing of eligibles the Board of Police Commissioners shall in each case give the physical examination a weight of 60 and the educatit)nal examin- ation a weight of 40. The general average of each candidate in the physical examination shall be multiplied by GO and the general average in the educational by 40 and the two products added together and divided by 100; the quotient shall be the rating the candidate is entitled to on both examinations. Sec. 1987. Eligibles Listed According to Relative Ratings as Determined in Both Examinations — Precedence Given First Filed Applications.— That the eligibles of each shall be placed on the lists in accordance wath their relative ratings for the two examinations determined as aforesaid, the highest coming first, the next highest second, and so on. If tw^o or more candidates have the same rating, precedence shall be given those whose ap- plications were filed first. Sec. 1988. Election by Promotion from Supernumerary Force. — That election to the force of regular patrolmen shall be by pro- motion from the supernumerary force in the following manner : The Board shall elect one at a time. The first election shall be from the first three names on the supernumerary list. The next election shall occur from the first three names on the supernum- erary list including the two names rejected in the first election, and the two not taken shall be restored to the supernumerary list. The third election shall be in the same manner, and so on until the whole number to be elected shall have been chosen. But any person that has in any manner come before the Board five times without being elected shall be dropped from the super- numerary or eligible list altogether until he shall have been re- stored to the list by another examination. The Board shall elect POLICK — KXAMIXATIOX — SI PKH.M MKRAHIKS 557 superrmnieraries from the eligible list in the same manner as above prescribed. Sec. 1980. Rules Governing Selection of Supernumeraries. — Anv persons elected as a supernnmerary shall be duly notified, and upon acceptinfj and reporting for duty, shall be appointed for a probationary period of six months as a supernumerary. If his conduct and efficiency shall at any time during- said probationary period be unsatisfactory to the Board of Police Commissioners, he shall be notified in writing, relieved from duty and. his name stricken from the list. If his services have during such proba- tionary period been satisfactory to the Board of Police Commis- sioners, he shall be so notified in writing, his name placed on the list of regular supernumeraries and so continued until he is pro- moted to a position on the regular force, as provided in Section 1988; but if his conduct or efficiency shall during this term be- come unsatisfactory to the Board of Police Commissioners, they shall have authority to dismiss him from said supernumerary force with or without trial as they may elect — provided that this section sail not apply to any of the men on the present force. Sec. 1990. Probationers Declining Appointment Stricken from List — Exceptions Made. — That the name of any person for a probationary period who shall decline such appointment, shall be stricken from the eligible list, unless such declination be for the following reasons : Temporary inability, physical or other- wise, the evidence of which must be acceptable and approved by the Board of Police Commissioners and set forth in its minutes. The failure of an eligible person to respond within four days to an offer of appointment sent his post-ofifice address, shall be considered a declination. When a person named in a certification has declined appoint- ment, and on receipt from such officer of such declination in writing, or evidence of the failure of such person to respond to a notice propertly sent, his place shall be filled by election in the manner hereinbefore prescribed. Sec. 1991. Appointees Required to Fill Out Identification Sheet to be Filed With Application Papers — Revocation.— That every person selected for appointment shall be required to fill out and r-U IMM-M K— 1:.\ A>ll.\ VIIONS I'HOMOTKI \ !s sign in the presence of the Secretary uf the Board of Police Commissioners an identification sheet, rei)eatini4 the essential facts stated by him at the time of examination, which shall be filed with the ai)pointee's ])apers. If a person who is not entitled to certificatit)n. is certified and appointed, his appointment shall be revoked. PROMOTIONS. Sec. 1992. Official Positions Filled by Competitive Examina- tions. — That vacancies in the positions of Chiefs, Captains or Sergeants shall be filled by competitive examinations, so far as possible. Sec. 1993. Examinations for Promotions Ordered When Nec- essary — Notice Given to Eligibles Thirty Days in Advance. — 'i'hat examinations for promotion shall be ordered as often as necessary to meet the needs of the Department. Such examin- ations shall be open in each case to all persons who have served with fidelity, not less than six months as patrolmen, supernum- eiary or officer of the Police Department. Notice of such ex- aminations shall be given by the Secretary of the Uoard of Police Commissioners to all eligible persons at least thirty days in ad- vance thereof. Sec. 1994. Subjects of Rating — Relative Weights in Any Com- petitive Promotion Examinations. — That the subjects of rating and the relative weights thereof in any competitive promotion examination shall be as follows: For seniority of service in a position or grade below that to which promotion is to be made, 10; for comparative conduct and efficiency in previous service, 50; for written papers on pertinent subjects. 40; provided that in lating for seniority, such rating shall be based upon the ser- vice of the candidate in the grade in which he is at the time em- ployed ; and provided further that the maximum term of service in a position or grade to be considered in rating for seniority shall be five years. Sec. 1995. Basis of Rating — "Efficiency Record" — That to pro- vide a basis of rating for previous service, there shall be kept I*«)I,ICI-: — l'KO«()TI(>.\ — KFKHIKXtV — UFCOitU 55J) in the orticc of the Chief ai INjlice, a record continuous and permanent of the eflficiency, character and conduct of all per- sons in the Department. Such record shall be known as the. "Rflficiency Record," and the entries made therein, shall have reference to the quality and degree of excellnce of the service or work peformed by each employee or officer; second, the (juan- lity of work performed by him; third, his punctuality and at- tendance; fourth, character and habits in so far as thev afifect his proficiency or trustworthiness. .Such record shall be subject to the prior approval of the Commissioners as to its scope and form, before it is established. Sec. 1996. What Constitutes "Efficiency Record." — That the record as to efficiency shall include the number of arrests made for the following- offenses: Murder, burglary, arson, assault with intent to murder, in- cluding all cutting and shooting scrapes, pocket book snatching, larceny from the house and from the person, assault and battery. The record shall likewise show with reference to a patrolman or supernumerary, the offenses (jf the above named nature com- mitted in his beat for which arrests were not made by him. .Ar- rests for the above named t)tTenses by patrolmen uv supernum- eraries shall likewise be credited to the sergeant or captain o\er them at the time, and failure to make arrests, shall also go to the discredit of the sergent or captain over them at the time, unless in each case arrests are made by otlier patrolmen or supernum- eraries under the sergeant or captain at the time on duty. Fail- ure to make arrests shall not be charged to an officer or patrol- man, provided he shows to the Hoard of Police Commissioners tiiat he is not at fault. Sec. 1997. Age Determining Promotions. — That no person shall be promoted to the position of Chief unless he is .30 years of age, and no person shall be promoted to the position of Cap- tain unless he is 28 years of age, and no person shall be promoted to the pcjsition of Sergeant unless he is 2") years of age. Sec. 1998. Promoted Officers to Serve Probationary Period. — That an}- person promoted to the position of sergeant, captain, or chief, shall serve in such position for a probationary period rnr\ I'Ol.iri:— EXAMINATIONS — Oll'H Kits of not excecdino- six months. If cluriii;.,' the six months proba- tionary, period, at the expiration thereof, such person is notified by the Board of Police Commissioners that his service .s not satisfactory, such ])crs()u shall ])e reduced to ranks. Jf such per- son receive no such notification, his emi)loyment shall be consid- ered to hold j>-ood during .good behavior and efficient service, to be finally and exclusively judged by the I'.oard of Police Con-- missioners. Sec. 1999. Educational Examination for Sergeant. — That the educational examination for the pr()motit)n to position of ser- geant shall include an examination on spelling, letter-writing, arithmetic and hand-writing, and fifteen practical cjuestions, the answers to wkich are found in the Manuel, pertaining to the duties of i)atr()lmen and the duties of sergeant. The examiuci- tion for spelling, letter-writing and arithmetic shall be some- what more difficult than that prescribed in the rules for examin- ation for patrolmen. Sec. 2001. Educational Examination for Captain. — That the educational exaininaticju iov promotion to the position of cap- tain shall be the same as that 'i-rovided for examination for pro- motion to the position of sergeant, except that it shall be more difficult than the sergeant's examination, and the fifteen practical questions shall relate to the duties of patrolmen, sergeants and captains. Sec. 2001. Education Examination for Chief. — That the edu- cational examination for promotion to the position of chief shall ii-iclude the same subjects as are prescribed for the examination for promotion to the position of captain, fexcept that it shall be more difficult than the captain's examination, and the practical questions shall be fifteen in number and shall relate to the duties of patrolmen, sergeants, captains, detectives and chief. Any citizen of Atlanta may take the examination, whether on the force or not. Persons outside the force shall be required to have a rating of 80 before being allowed on the eligible list, and they shall be rated on the educational examination only. The chief may be elected from among the persons on the force who secure a rating of 70, and those not on tli^ force who secure d I'OI.IflO — KXAMIXATIO.V — DKTKCTI VKS — RKDtCTIOX 561 ratins::^ of 80, but it shall require a vote of six members of the Board to elect a chief from eligibles not on the the force at the time. Sec. 2002. Examinations for Signal Service Men and Linemen. — Conducted by City Electrician. — That examinations for sij^nal service men and linemen shall be the same as the examinations prescribed for patrolmen, including both the physical and mental examinations, except that the practical questions for the signal' serN'ice men and linemen shall be conducted by the City Elec- trician. The rating for linemen shall be the same as for patrol- men. The examination blanks shall also be the same as the examination blanks for patrolmen. DETECTIVES. Sec. 2003. Detectives Elected from Force. — Detectives shall be elected from the force of patrolmen and supernumeraries. The examinations for detectives shall be conducted at the same time as the examinations for patrolmen, when possible. The examinations for the detectives shall be the same as the examinations for patrolmen, with this exception, that the prac- tical questions to be put to applicants for positions on the detect- ive force shall relate to the duties of detectives under stated cir- cumstances. RE I ) CCT 1 ( ) XS A XD J ) I SC H A RGES. Sec. 2004. Judgment by Trial. — That any regular member of the Police Department, whether chief, officers or men, shall be subject to be discharged at any time by the Board of Police Com- missioners, after a trial according to existing ordinances of the City of Atlanta, either for violating the rules as laid down in the Manual, for laziness or inefficient service, to be finally and ex- clusively judged of b}' the Board of Police Commissioners. Sec. 2005. Discharged Persons Shall Have no Claim Against City — Ineligible For Two Years. — That any person discharged as aforesaid shall have no claim against the City of Atlanta on account thereof, and shall not be eligible for examination or election for two years. 36 562 -I'losio.vs — Aoi-: — wtn .m»» Sec. 2006. Age Limit and Terms of Service Constituting Eligi- bility for Pension. — That all persons who shall have served the City of Atlanta as chief, captain, sergeant, patrolman or super- numerary, or in any two or more of these positions combined for a period of thirty years, and who shall have attained to the age of sixty-five years, may be retired by the Board of Police Commissioners on a pension to be paid to him monthly at the rate of One Dollar per day. Said retirement shall not occur and said pension shall not be paid unless, in the judgm.ent of thv Board of Police Commissioners, further service of any kind of the person to be retired is impracticable on account of age or wounds received or impairment of health which has occurred during such person's service. Service rendered prior to the adoption of this ordinance, on the Police Force, shall be counted in estimating the period of thirty years. The foregoing provis- ions for pensioning members of the Police Force shall not apply in age limit and terms of service to the members of the present police force who may be re-elected whenever the force, to be elected April 1907. or at such earlier period as may be determ- ined, 'but any member of the present force who may be so re- elected and who has served the City as a member of said force for not less than twenty years, may, in the discretion of the Board of Police Commissioners, be placed upon the pension roll and paid therefor as provided in this section, ' Sec. 2007. Pensions for Wounded Members of Police Force — Death — Pension to Widow and Children. — That whenever any member of the Police Department has received wounds while acting in the discharge of his duty, which unfits him for the service or other labor, he shall be retired on a pension to be paid him monthly at the rate of One Dollar per day. If any member of said department shall die from injuries received while in the discharge of his duties, and shall leave a widow, or if no widow, any child, or children under the age of ten years, a sum not ex- ceeding three hundred dollars may be paid by way of annuity to such widow as long as she remains unmarried, or to any such child or children so long as he or they continue under the age of ten years, and the Board of Police Commissioner;- may from time to time order such annuity to be reduced. I'OMCIO—rKXSIONS— PRESENT FORCE 563 Sec. 2008. Pension for Widow and Children of Policemen Who Die From Wounds Received While on Duty. — In the event of the death of an officer of the Department of Police, caused from wounds received while in the discharge of his duty, the widow and minor children, or if no minor children, then the widow, shall be paid the salary of such officer in monthlv installments, for and during twelve months following his death. If said officer leaves no widow, hut minor children, then a guardian shall be appointed for said children, and the salary of such officer for a like period of twelve (12) months shall be paid to such guardian. This ordinance is enacted for the good of the service, as it is believed that officers will be more fearless in the discharge oi their duties if they know that at least some provision is made for their families after their death; also because it is believed, aside from considerations of the kind mentioned, some recognition or reward should be made to such officer and his family in consideration of the loss of his life for the pro- tection of the public. The word "officer" as herein used, mean- ing both patrolmen, as well as appointed officers. The Board of Police Commissioners shall pay the sums alxjve apportioned from the appointment to salaries in the I3epartment of Police, and shall keep the name of such officer on the pay-roll for said period of twelve (12) months, in order that the provision of this ordinance may be executed. Sec. 2009. Present Force Not Affected by Adoption of This Ordinance, Except as Provided — Eligible Without Examination or Probationary Period — Date of Election.— The Chief, officers cers and all men of the Police Force as now made up shall not be affected by the adoption of this ordinance in their p.csent positions, except as hereinafter provided; and at the expirarton of their present term of service, whether by resignation or limit- ation, they shall be eligible to election on the force as chief^ officers or men without examination and without serving proba- tionary period. A chief, officers and men for the Police Depart- ment of said City, shall be elected by the Board of Police Com- missioners on the second day of April, ]90r, or prior to that 564 IMH.KK < 11 IKK — OHUKKN — OHKDIKX'K date, if said chief, officers and men sliall resit;ti from their i>-es- cnt term, and thus relieve the City from its contracts, and when so elected shall serve without any fixed term of cnii)loyn!ent .^nd subject to the terms of this ordinance. Said ciiief, officers ;tnd men so elected sliall serve durin<^ "^ood behavior and efficient service, all of which to be judg^ed of by the Hoiird of Police Com- missioners. Said Uoard of Police Commissioners shall be au- thorized at an\- time to discharg^e the chief, officers or men. or other employees of their department, without any liability it- tachinj;- to the City on account of said discliar^t. Sec. 2010. Chief of Police, Chief Executive Officer — General Supervision of all Departments — Orders Obeyed. — The Chief of Police is the chief executive officer of the Police h'orce. He will have the general supervision of every department of the force, and will be held accountable to the Board of Police Commis- sioners for the promulgation of all orders or regulations made or given by the Board. Every member of the police force shall respect and obey all orders issued by the Chief. It shall be his duty to faithfully execute all rules, regulations and orders adopted by said Board of Police Commissioners at any regular or called meeting of the Board, and between Board sessions in situations or emergencies not dealt with or provided for by said Board, has entire control of his department. Sec. 2011. His Orders Obeyed. — He shall ha\e power to give such orders to the captains, members of the police force and the Detective Department as he may deem proper; and it shall be their duty to render to him and his orders imi)licit obedience. Sec, 2012. His General Duties — Streets, Bridges, Etc.— It shall be his duty at all times, day or night, to preserve the public peace ; to protect the rights of persons and property ; to provide proper police force at fires; to protect the firemen and property thereat; to protect strangers and travelers at railway staions ; to suppress riots and insurrections, disperse unlawful or dangerous assem- blages, and assemblages which obstruct the free passage of piib- lic streets, sidewalks, parks and places; to preserve order at elec- tions and all public meetings and assemblages ; to prevent and regulate the movement of teams and vehicles in the streets ; and POI.K i: < HIKK V — SISPENSIOX 565 prevent the violation of all laws and ordinances in force applica- ble to the Police Department. It shall also be the duty of the Chief of Police to require the police force of the city to make daily rci)orts of the condition of the different bridges in their re- spective beats in the city, and in case of any of said brido-es or walls are reported by the police in a dangerous condition, it shall then be the duty of the Chief of Police to notify the Mayor, whose duty it shall then be to notify the Street Committee, and ii the extent is such as to recpiire the expenditure of city funds ather than ordinary repairs, it shall then be the duty of the May- or or committee to call a special meeting of the General Council to consider saiue. Sec. 2013. Responsibility and Some Special Duties.— lie will be held responsible for the good order of the city and the general good conduct of the officers and men of the police force. He will, as often as possible, pay frequent visits at uncertain hours to various portions of the city that he may be able to know of his own knowledge that the officers and men are performing their duties. Sec. 2014. Suspensions.— Neither the Chief. Assistant Chief. Captains or Sergeants shall be removed from office or reduced to ranks, or suspended for a longer time than until the next reg- ular or called meeting of the Board, without a trial by the P.oard of Police Commissioners, after charges have been preferred and the officer has been given an opportunity to be heard, and then only by a majority of the Board, and not simply a majority of a c[Uorum present. Sec. 2015. May Suspend Subordinates.— The Chief of Police shall have the power to suspend any member of the force any number of days in his discretion for violation of any rule for the government of the Police Department, until the charge against him is disposed of by the Board of Police Commissioners at any res-ular or called meeting. If the violation is of such a nature as demands an investigation by the Board, he will at once fur- nish the Secretary with the name of the olificer suspended, a copy of the charges, and the names of the witnesses to be sub- poenaed, that the charges may be fully investigated by the Board -<;(; roiACE — ASST ciiiki' — ((I \i,ii-i( \Tio\s — sToi.KN i'itoi'i:iir\ of Police Commissioners; all such tu he rc^)urtetl to the Hoard at the first called or lej^MiIar mettinf^ tlit-ri-afti-r for their approval. Sec. 2016. Assistant Chief Police — Duties of Office. — llic office ui Assistant Chief of Police is herehy created, to be elected by the Police Commissioners. Said Assistant Chief shall perform the duties of Chief in case of the sickness, absence or disabilitv of the Chief, and. otherwise, he shall perform such other duties as may be required of him by the Chief or the Hoard of Police' ( "omtnissioners. Sec. 2017. Qualifications for Assistant Chief.— Ihe <|ualifica- tions for said position arc the same as arc now jjrescribed for the position of Chief. Furthermore, all the provisions of the Civil Service ordinance prescribing^ rules for examination, are hereby ordained as applicable to and coverint;- the ])osition of .Assistant Chief, except the age limit of forty, shall not aj^plv to present menvbers of the force. Sec. 2018. Salary Assistant Chief.— That said Assistant Chief be paid the sum of $1,")0.0() per month to be taken from ai)]ior- tionment to salaries in Deparment of T'olice. Sec. 2019. Stolen Property. — Hereafter any property which may be taken in possession of by the police force from persobs who have stolen the same, or otherwise, shall be disi)ose(l of in ;he following manner: AH such property shall be taken to the sta- tion house and safely kei)t for 60 days, and if after that time the same shall be unclaimed by persons making satisfactory proof of title, the Chief of Police shall advertise the same for sale for ten days by posting in three of the most public places in the city a v^ritten notice which shall fully specify the articles to be sold, and the time when, and place where each sale will take place. Sec. 2020. Disposition of Stolen Property. — At such time and place the property shall be sold to the highest bidder for cash ;' such sales shall take place between ten a. m., and four p. m., in front of the stationhouse ; provided, that any perishable property may he sold after such notice, or such disposition made of the FOMCK — PHOTOGRAPHS — LMKORMS — MIXOUS ^gy same as the MavDr may direct. The Chief of Police shall keep a 'Complete record of when such property came into the possession of the police force, where found, or from whom taken, a descrip- tion of the property, when the same is claimed, and by whom, or when advertised, and when and for what amount sold. All money arisinhall, on conviction in the Recorder's Ccnirt, be jjunished by a fine not exceeding $100.00 and imprisoned not exceeding thirty days on the Public Works, either or both penalties to be inflicted in the discretion of the Recorder. Sec. 2023. Minors Under Ten Shall Not be Conveyed in Patrol Wagon. — That minors under the age of ten, when arrested for offenses against the city, shall not be conveyed to the station- house in the police patrol or similar wagon. When such minors are arrested the officers shall serve them with a copy of charges and thereupon they shall be released without bond. Sec. 2024. Detective Agency Business Abolished — Hovi^ Li- censed Hereafter— Subject to Police Supervision.— No person, firm, company or corporation shall carry on or be engaged in the business of a private detective or detective agency, unless such person, tirni or corpcjration has been reconiniendcd for li- cense or ])erniit for such detective business or aj^'ency by the Iniard (if I'dHcc L'oiuniissioners of said City; Init in all cases in which such recommendation is made and certilied I^y the i5oard of J\)lice Commissioners to the Clerk of Council, a license or permit shall be thereupon issued for >uch business. When so licensed, the licensee shall take the oath oi a citv detective, and be subject to police supervision. An\- person, firm or corporation who shall be hereafter cncraged in the busi- ness of a detective or detective agency in said City, outside of the ])olice force of said City, and without a license issued as liereinabove provided for, shall be punished by a fine of not ex- ceeding Five Hundred Dollars, or imprisonment for not exceed- ing thirty days, either or both, in the discretion of the Court. Sec. 2025. Detective Agency — Bond Required — Use of Persons Injured by. — All persons, firms or corporations, licensed under authority of the Mayor and General Counciol, for the purpose of operating a detective agency, or following the occupations of detective, shall give a bond in the sum of $1,000. payable to the City of Atlanta, for the use of any person, firm or corporation, in- jured or damaged on account of any illegal act of such agency or detective or persons employed as detectives by such licensed agency or detective or any employee in and about their business licensed as aforesaid. Sec. 2026. Penalty. — Any person, firm or corporation carrv- ing on a detective agency or following the occupation of de- tective, without giving l)ond as required in foregoing section, shall on conviction in the Recorder's Court, be punished bv a line not exceeding $500.00, or sentenced to work on the streets or public places of the City, not exceeding thirty days, either or both penalties, to be inflicted, in the discretion of the Recorder. Sec. 2027. Certificate as to Character. — Xo detective agencv now or hereafter licensed by the City of Atlanta, shall send out or employ for detective work any person or agent whose character and proficiency has not been approved by the r>oard I'oi.KK — di:tk< Ti\ 10 .\<;i:n(v — Assi >ii><; to bk i'm police station to the custody of the Sherifif, or other arresting officer of this or any other county or State, it shall be the duty of the stationhouse keeper, as aforesaid, to de- liver anv weapon belonging to such prisoner to such arresting officer, but to deliver any valuables or money belonging to such prisoner to the ])risoner himself, and to take receipts from the prisoner and arresting officer f(jr the articles delivered to them respectively. Except in cases of intoxication of the prisoner, as afcjresaid. it shall not be allowable for the stationhouse keeper to remove their valuables from their persons, unless under au- thority of a search warrant, duly sworn to by a person claiming such valuables, but it shall be allowable for such stationhouse keeper to receive for safe keeping any such money and valuables at the request of such prisoner, and in such case the same shall be listed, docketed and receipted for as hereinbefore provided for. :>7(> IM>I.I('I'- l>l TIK.S — TIMK «ilVK.\ — >l \ltSII \l. (Statioiiliousc kcTpcrs arc now NtationlioiiM- scrj^'caiits. May 5, 1897). Sec. 2031. Patrolmen Give Whole Time — Always on Duty. — 'i'lic officers and nicinbcrs of ihc i)t)licc force .shall devote their whole time and attention to the business of the department, and arc expressly prohibited from following any other calling, or be- ing employed in any other business while connected with the ]K)lice departnieni. Altlu)ugh the "members of the force are, by the rules and regulations of the service, relieved at certain liours from the actual performance of duty on ordinary occasions, vet they are held to be at all times on duty, and must be prepared, while relieved as aforesaid, to act immediately on notice that their services are required. Provided, that the Probation Offi- cer may have an office with the Rescue Association, said .\sso- ciation now maintaining a place at Xo. .");} Decatur Street, and be authorized to exercise general superintendence over the work of said Association and be permitted to receive such compensa- tion therefor, in addition to salary paid by the City, as said as- sociation may desire to pay. Sec. 2032. Duties of Deputy City Marshal.— Each officer in the office of City Marshal, who is sworn in and entrusted with the powers, and given the duties of Deputy City Marshal, shall each and all be vested with the rights and powers of a regular police officer, of the City of Atlanta. They shall each be sworn in as such by the J>oard of Police Commissioners, and be furnished with a badge as a regular police officer, and are hereby empow- ered with the duty and authority to make arrests, in proper cases, as other policemen, or when so directed by the Chief, or other directing officers of the Department of Police. Sec. 2033. Selling Cigarettes. — The police authorities are hereby specially charged and instructed to most rigidly enforce and bring to trial all parties who violate the State enactment in regard to selling or furnishing cigarettes or cigarette material to minors. Any dealer or agent keeping on hand for the purpose of selling, giving or furnishing cigarettes or cigarette materials that have 'been adulterated with opium, Indian hemp or any compound thereof, shall, upon conviction before the Recorder's Court, for POLICK — flG.VnETTKS— LKAKS— B.VnOK SPECI.VI, OFFICKUS ryi each offense, pay a fine of not less than ten ($10.00) dollars, nor more than one hnndred ($100.00) dollars, or serve not more than tlie discretion of the Conrt ; provided, that nothing? herein con- thirty days npon the pnblic works of said city, either or both, in tained shall apply to wholesale dealers in fnrnishino- the whole- sale or retail trade outsirle of Fnlton County. Sec. 2034. Leaks in Water Pipes.— It shall be the duty of the policemen to report to the Superintendent of the Water- works any unnecessary leaks in the water pipes, hydrants or private sprinklers that they may notice in their rounds, and they shall have authority to enter any premises where anv useless waste of water mav appear, and notify the tenant or owner of the same, and if such waste is not stopped, a case shall be made before the Recorder's Court against the person allowing- such waste, and on conviction, the offender shall be fined not exceed- ing ten dollars and costs, or imprisonment not exceeding thirtv days. Sec. 2035. Special Policemen — Badge — Duty. — Special po- licemen appointed u()on any emergency or apprehension of riot, tumult, mob, insurrection or invasion, or during any day of pub- lic election, shall have all the powers and privileges and perform all the duties that may be. by the rules, orders and regulations, from time to time, prescribed. They shall wear a badge pre- scribed and furnished by the Board of Police Commissioners. Sec. 2036. Private Watchmen — Subject to Officers of the De- partment. — Pri\ate watchmen appointed ui)on the application or at the expense of railroads or other corporations, or of individ- uals, shall have the powers and exercise the duties of patrolmen, onlyf at the place designated in their license, and during their hours of duty, or when called upon by regular officers of the force. They shall be subject to the orders of the Chief of Police, cap- tains and sergeants, and shall obey the rules of the Board of Po- lice Commissioners. They shall be removed at any time by the Board of Police Commissioners without assigning any cause therefor, after due notice being given to the person or persons who applied for the appointment aforesaid. They will be re- quired to wear a special police badge. rr'} I'oi.n K sri:ri \i. .hi: \\\'hhmi:\ i:n<.im:kiih Sec. 2037. Requisites of.— No i)tr>tm will l)c- apiujimci a pri- vate watchman who is under twciity-oiic <>r (jvcr sixty years of a.q-e. or who is not a citizen of the City of .\tlanta ; or who is not al)le to read and write the i:nj,dish lan<,aia«,'e nnder>tani — sthkkis nn i) t 4 physician, a ccrtiticati- »>f tin- physical i..iuliii..M <»f .>ai(l ap- pHcant. Sec. 2043. Clear Streets for Military Parade. — It >hall hi- within the authority of, and shall be the duty of the chief of police and other police officers and patrolmen, upon applicati(^n to the chief of police for such purpose, to clear the roadway, or as much of the roadway, of any street or streets in the City of Atlanta, in advance of a parade of the military forces of the United States, or of the State of Georgia, or any portion of such forces of the General or State Government, as the officer or of- ficers of such forces shall desire to use for the purpose of sucii parade, preference being given, however, to L'nited States mail, ])olice patrol wagon and the fire department. The chief of police shall indicate the location of street traders on the streets, as l)rovided elsewhere in this Code. Sec. 2044. Also for Civic Parades. — It shall likewise be within the authority of, and shall be the duty of, said chief of police and other police officers and patrolmen, upon like application, to clear the roadway of any street or streets necessary, in the judgment of the chief of police, to be used for civic parade or procession. Sec. 2045. Shall Remove All Ordinary Traffic — Animals. — Vehicles — Pedestrians. — In clearing the roadway, or designated portion of the roadway, of any street or streets, in advance of such military parade or civic procession, it shall be within the authority, and shall be the duty of said chief of police or other police officer or patrolmen, to cause the removal therefrom of all ordinary traffic and travel, including animals, vehicles and pedestrians. Sec. 2046. Penalty. — Any person, firm or corporation refus- ing to remove himself, or animals, or vehicle in his possession or under his control from the roadway or designated portion of the roadway of any street intended to be used for any such mil- itary or civic parade or procession, upon notice so to do by the chief of police or any, other police officer or patrolman, or com- ing upon a roadway or designated portion of a roadway of any POLICE— STATE LAW— RIVER LINE A.\U IMRK 575 such street, so as to prevent the free use thereof by such mil- itary or civic parade or procession, over the objection of such chief of police or other officer or policeman, or over the oh- jection of the officer or person in charge of such parade or pro- cession, shall be guilty of a violation of this ordinance, and, on conviction thereof in the Recorder's Court of the City of At- lanta, shall be subject to a fine not exceeding One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars, or imprisonment not to exceed thirty days, either or both of these punishments, in the discretion of the Court. Sec. 2047. Arrest for Violation of State Laws as to Parades. — It shall likewise be the duty of the chief of Police or other police officers or policemen to arrest any person, firm or corpor- ation whose obstruction of any military parade shall amount to a violation of the ])enal laws of the State, and to prosecute such ofifenders in the State Courts in the manner prescribed by law. law. Sec. 2048. Disorderly Conduct Not Allowed on or Near the Cars of the Collins Park and Belt Railroad at any Point on the Line of Said Railroad, Either at or Between the Terminals of Said Line. — It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to tight or quarrel, or use profane or vulgar language, or otherwise act in a disorderly manner, on or near the cars of the Collins I'ark and I>elt Railroad Company at any j^oint between its ter- minus on Marietta Street, near Broad Street, in the City of Atlanta, and its other terminus at the Chattahoochee River, the whole line of railroad of said company having been incorporated as a part of the City of Atlanta, for police purposes, by an act aj^proved December 3d, 1896, Sec. 2049. Disorderly Conduct not Allowed at the Park at the Terminus of Collins Park and Belt Railroad at the Chattahoo- chee River. — It shall likewise be unlawful for any person or persons to fight or quarrel or use profane or vulgar language, or act in a disorderly manner, at the pleasure resort of the termi- nus of said roacP on the Chattahoochee River, said pleasure re- sort also being incorporated under the Act mentioned in above section. r,Y({ IMU.HK— KIVKIl I.IMO M VKMI.i: roi HT— SKXSIONM Sec. 2050. Employees of Collins Park and Belt Railroad Made Policemen for Enforcing Sections 2048 and 2049.— The co!iductt)rs. motornu'ii and other employees of the said CdUIms Park and Belt Railroad Company, are hereby vested with the full power and authority of policemen for the purpose of ar- resting- and bringing to trial persons guilty t)t auy violation of Sections 2048 and 204}). Sec. 2051. Penalty. — Any person convicted of violation of Sections 2048 and 2049 shall be liable to a tine of not exceeding one hundred dollars, or imprisonment not e.xceeding thirty days, in the discretion of the Recorder's Court of the City of Atlanta, and said court shall, also, in its discretion, bind over persons guilty of the violation of State laws to the courts having juris- diction of such violations. Sec. 2052. Juvenile Court. — From and after the hriht day of April, 1904, the Recorder, or other authorized officer sitting as Recorder pro tern, shall hold sessions of said court for the trial of offenses committed by t)r charged against juveniles, under the age of fifteen years, separate and apart from the sessions of said court. Sec. 2053. Held in Recorder's Court Room. — That said ses- sions shall be held in the Recorder's Court room, or any con- venient place in the building where the Recorder's Court is held, and under the authority of law providing for its establish- ment and authorizing it to try for oiifenses committed against the law and ordinances of the City of Atlanta. Sec. 2054. Time Fixed by Recorder. — The time for holding said sessions shall be fixed by the Recorder under order signed by him and entered upon the minutes or docket of said court. Sec. 2055. Juveniles. — All cases against juveniles under the age of fifteen years shall be entered upon a separate docket, and shall be heard and determined in said court, sitting, for the time being, for the especial purpose of trying juveniles, except in cases where said juveniles are jointly accused with persons POLICE — RKCt»RI>KIl — ,Al 'riI«HMT\ — I'KOM ATIO.V OFFICER gyy older than fifteen years, in which last named contingency said juveniles sliall be tried as at present. Sec. 2056. Authority of Recorder — Final Judgment. — In the trial of the cases herein provided for, the Recorder shall have the right and authority to render final judgment, as provided un- der existing laws, but in addition to said poAver and authority, he is hereby empowered to continue cases against such juve- niles in his discretion, without rendering final judgment in cases filed against them, and pending such continuance, to retain such cases upon his docket for further consideration and deter- mination. Sec. 2057. Discretion of Recorder to be Used. — In any case where such continuance is had, it shall be in the power and dis- cretion of the Recorder to set down said case pre-emptorily for trial, and to cause such juveniles to attend said pre-emptory hearing, without additional process than the one first served, and, wdien so brought before him, to determine the case as a continued case, and to make such disposition thereof as the laws and ordinances of the city direct. Sec. 2058. Recorder May Dismiss a Case. — In any case, where a continuance is had, as aforesaid, it shall be in the power and discretion of the Recorder to order the pending case dis- missed, provided he is satisfied from the conduct of the juvenile accused that such a disposition of the case is advisable, and 'such accused has given sufficient assurance of good behavior for the future. Sec. 2059. Probation Officer Appointed by Recorder. — The Recorder shall, from time to time, designate a member of the police force to perform the duties of probation officer, and as such, in addition to the usual duties of a police officer, he shall have special charge of juveniles apprehended under the age of fifteen, and shall fully investigate their history, the nature of the offense charged, their surroundings and sucl^ other facts as will enable him to make a proper recommendation as to the disposition of the charges preferred. 37 578 I'oi.ich-. II \ i:mi,i;s >i \iii«»N'« — i>i 'iii:s Sec. 2060. Duties of Police Department as to Juveniles. — It shall be the duty of the memlx-rs of the Police Department, in any( case where the detention of a juvenile is determined upon by the probation ofificer prior to the heariii.i^, or by the Recorder after investigation, to detain them in wards, separate and apart from other prisoners, and to prevent contact by them with older criminals, provided, however, this provision siiall not be en- forced until provision is made for a separate place for the de- tention of such juvenile offenders. Sec. 2061. Duty of Probation Officer— Shall Advise With Recorder and Assist Juveniles. — It shall be the duty uf the probation officer to take charge of, supervise and control all juvenile offenders of the city; to investigte their circumstances surrounding the charges against them ; to advise the Recorder, as often as may be necessary of the conduct of all juvenile of- fenders; to make such recommendation as he may think proper as to the individual off'ender, or the general conduct of his de- partment; keep a full and accurate record of all juvenile offend- ers and their offenses ; to make rules and regulations governing reports to him by juvenile offenders, pending the continuance of the case against them, as to their conduct, employment and such other proper requirements as will enable him to advise with, assist and be informed about such juvenile offenders. Sec. 2062. Police Matron. — The office of Police Matron be, and the same hereby created, the term of which shall be for two years, beginning April 1, 1901, and until her successor is elected and qualified. Sec. 2063. Requirements — Experience — Intelligence — Char- acter. — Said office shall be filled by a woman of experience, in- telligence and strong moral character, who shall be elected by the Board of Police Commissioners at their regular meeting in March, 1901, and every second year thereafter. Sec. 2064. Duties of Police Matron. — Said Police Matron shall be provided with a suitable apartment at the Police Bar- racks, and be required to spend such time there as the Board of Police Commissioners may direct, and be subject to call at IMM,/< I-: MVTHON — Itl Li:s KOU — SAl.AItlKS 579 any time, night and day. She shall have charge of and min- ister to all women and children who are taken in charge of or arrested by the police authorities, or who come under the pro- tection or custody of the police department. It is not intended that said women and children shall be under her care as an ar- resting officer. If they are held for any offense, the police de- partment shall see that they are safely imprisoned. But said Police Matron shall see that they receive such attention as women and children require; she shall advise with and furnish such information as her discretion may suggest, not inconsistent with the rules and regulations adopted by the Board of Police Commissioners. She shall see that no improper persons visit, or improper license is taken with said women and children, and, in short, she shall discharge all the duties that appertain to such ofTice. Sec. 2065. Subject to Rules and Regulations. — Said Police Matron shall be subject to all rules and regulations adopted by the Board of Police Commissioners which are not inconsistent with this or any other ordinance by the Mayor and General Council. Sec. 2066. Salary of PoHce Matron. — Said Police Matron shall receive a salary of Thirty Dollars per month, to be paid during the current year, from a special apportionment to the Department of Police, and after the current year to be paid from the regular apportionment to the Department of Police. S.\L.\RIES ACCORDING TO SERVICE— RETIREMKXT —REDUCED PAY-TRIALS— EPFICIENXY Sec. 2067. Pay According to Years Served — Amount. — The pay of all patrolmen in the department of police, that is the members who do actual and active patrol service, shall be fixed and paid as follows : For the first year of their service with the city, they shall re- ceive the sum of $60.00 per month. For the second year of their service with the city, they shall receive the sum of $65.00 per month. For the third year of their service with the city, they shall receive the sum of $70.00 per month. 580 i-oi.i. I vM.vnii:s_\rroi«mN.. I" ^1 itM. I h x \ mi i m For the fourth year ui their service wuh Uic eii\ , they shall receive the sum of $75.00 per month. For the fifth year of their service with the city, they shall receive the sum of $80.00 per mouth. For the sixth year of tlieir service with the city, they shall receive the sum of $85.00 per m. I rt thereof made to such reg- ular meting. Sec. 2072 Trial — Method — Physicians Report.— At said hearings, eacii case .sliall be called .separately, a statement of the cause of inefficiency read, the report of the phy.sicians read, and such additional evidence .shall be heard witli reference thereto as the Board of Police Commissioners may desire or such officer or member may present. Sec. 2073 Judgment. — If said Board of Police Commission- ers, at said hearing, find any officer or member to do inefficient service for any reason whether by age, disease, injuries or other cause, they shall enter a judgment to that effect on the minutes of the Board. Sec. 2074. Effect— Light Service— Reduced Pay.— In all cases where such judgment is entered by the Board of Police Commissioners, they shall thereupon place such officer or mem- ber at light work in the department, such as policing parks, 582 IMM.K r: ici; I ii«i:>ii:\ I — >i:n\n i: mi >iiii.i(s cemetery or similar vsmk ur at service in ami aruiiml the police station or elsewhere wiicre active patrol diitv is not re(|uire(l and the pay of such officer or men shall thereupon be likewise reduced to the sum of $43.00 per month, provitled. the Hoard of Police Commissioners are hereby j,Mven the authority and dis- cretion to pay the sum of sixty ($GO.(-M)) dollars per month to any more of said reduced patrolmen, as, in their judj^jment should receive same, if the duty is more active than that in- dicated in this ordinance for men of this class. It is the purpose of the Mayor and General Council to make this ordinance effect- ive with the be^inuiii^ of the |irc>enl calendar year but l)y rea- son of the fact that some time will be re(|uired to j^ive a full and fair hearing to the otTicers and mendjers concerned, the compensation of such officers and men who arc found inefficient, and herein provided shall not be reduced for the month of Jan- uary, 1910, or up to the loth of h'ebruary. HMO, payable monthly, but such reduction shall begin with the 15th day of l'\'bruary, 1910, and shall continue thereafter while such officers or men are doing such service as herein provided. Sec. 2075. Continue as Members of Department — Subject to Orders. — Such officers and men, as are found inefficient as lierein provided shall continue as members of the dejjartment of police, and shall be subject to perform such duties as their strength will permit and shall be subject to the orders of the Board of Police Commissioners at all times. iM.w i»i;i(— now KKi'T i.n KN«*i-: lou 533 CHAPTER LXXI POWDER Sec. 2076. Powder — Minimum Amount to be Kept — How Kept — Penalty for Violation. — .\«) merchaiu, ur other person, shall, within the City of Atlanta, keep in any house, or over night, except in a public warehouse, more than one keg :i powder at a time, which shall be kept in a tin can; and foi a violation of this ordinance the offender may be fined not ex- ceeding one hundred dollars and costs, or imprisoned not ex- ceeding thirty days, in the discretion of the Rccorde •"s Court. Sec. 2077. Must Have License to Sell Gun Powder— Fees Go Into City Treasury — Penalty for Violation.— It shall nut be lawful for any i)er.son or persons t.» sell gunpowder without f^rst having i)rocured a license from the Clerk of Counci'.. wh(j shall receive a fee of fifty cents for each and every license grrinted lor the term of one year; and any person or persons sellmg without first having obtained such license, shall, on conviciioii before the Recorder's Court, pay a fine of one hundred dollars and costs of trial, for each and every day the parly so con- victed shall have violated this ordinance. .»r be imprisoned not more than thirty days. Sec. 2078. Mode of Procedure to Obtain License— Bond- When anv i>ers_Ul l.l-S 585 CHAPTER LXXII. PRISON— PRISONERS— PRISOX CCJMMl i 1 Ei:— i'Ki^ON COMMITTER IN CHARGE STOCKADE PRISON- ERS, now KEPT AND WORKED— SUPERIN- TENDENT— POWERS AND DUTIES. PHY- SICIANS, DUTIES. P.ONDS. EXAM- INATP >^'^ Sec, 2081. Prison Committee Controls City Prison. Stock- ade. Grounds. Prisoners — The city prison, the city stockade qnd -rounds connected with the same, city convicts and all em- plovees connected witli the city prison, city stockade and city convicts and the building and grounds connected therewith, except the .stables at the city stockade and horses and mules, feed and employees in charge of the stables, horse, mules and feed, be and the same are hereby placed under the control, su- pervision and management of the Committee on Prisons. This control, and the supervision shall include not only such officers as now e.xist and such employees as are now employed bV the city but such additional officers and employees as may hereafter be furnished by the city to cis( in.i m: to be used vvhereliy such clothing sliall be kept clean and how same sliall be worn, as well as the care and custody of the clothing of the prisoners durini; their confinnient in the city prison, and, Sec. 2085. Bedding. — 3rd. The (|uaniitv of bedding to be fur- nished city prisoners and how same shall be kept clean and sanitary, as well as how same shall be used by the prisoners. Sec. 2086. Sanitation — Waterclosets — Whitewashing — Lime. 4th. They shall super\ise aiKJ conln'l the general >an- itary conditions (jf the stcjckade, such as the location and use of waterclosets, the cleaning of floors and the whitewashing of walls and the furnishing of lime for such portion of tlie city prison, other buildings and grounds as may be necessary to secure health. Sec. 2087. Shackling, Sterilization, Separation of Prisoners. — 5th. They shall prescribe the time antl methoil of shackling prisoners and what prisoners shall be shackled, and how the shackles shall be worn, providing for the sterilization of shack- les when removed from one prisoner before being placed upon another; like rules, with reference to separation of healthy and unhealthy prisoners at night, or when the beds are changed, or in custody of clothing, etc. Sec. 2088. Discipline, Guards, Order, Punishment, Records. — 6th. They shall prepare and promulgate full and complete rules, regulations concerning the discipline of prisoners in and about the city prison, and requiring the guards, in control of such prisoners to keep order, especially in the large main room provided for colored prisoners while such prisoners are in the city prison, and to prevent gambling, fighting and cursing among the prisoners and other disturbances. Such rules shall under- take to govern, as far as possible, the methods of punishment, time and infliction of same, and extent of the punishment and the parties of guards by which such punishment shall be in- flicted and the records be kept of same. |.HlHO\_Ul I.KS— SI l'Klll\TE>iDKM— W HII'IM><; 587 Sec. 2089. Additional Rules.— 7th. Such other and further rules and rejculations shall be added as may. from time to time. be deemed advisable by the committee and as experience may suggest or change of condition require. Sec. 2090. Superintendent, Term, Salary, Nominations, Elect- ion Authority. — The ultice of Superintendent of City i'rison is hcrchy created to be elected by the Mayor and General Coun- cil at the first meeting following the approval of this ordinance, except that the committee on prisons, of the General Councd. shaH iiave the exclusive right of nomination and, in case one nominee is rejected, then said committee shall report another and so un until one is finally elected by the General Council. This otYicer .shall be elected for a term of one year, to begin at the date of his election, and is to be paid a salary of eighteen hundred dollars per annum, payable in monthly installments, and the committee is hereby required to nominate some man competent, cfTicient, of sound discretion and of humane feeling. Said superintendent shall be held absolutely responsible for all conditions at the city prison, in the other buildings connected therewith, and upon the ground> around same as far a> herein placed under the jurisdiction of the Committee on i'risons, sub- ject to the rules and regulations provided by the said committee. He shall have entire control of all guards and other employees in the city prison, and the buildings connected therewith, and of the grounds as above described, subject to the rules and reg- ulations of the committee aforesaid. He shall be responsible for the discipline existing within the city prison, in other buildings and grounds connected therewith, as herein described and also for the sanitary conditions at said place. Sec. 2091. Whipping— Weekly Reports — Contents —Xo jjris- oner shall be whipped except upon his order and under his per- sonal supervision and he alone shall decide the extent and nature of the punishment and after examination by city prison physi- cian. Both the superintendent and foreman, if any under whom the convict works, if the cause for the whipping occurred while outside the city prison, shall be present at the time the punish- ment is inflicted. Reports weekly in detail shall be made to the committee on prisons of all the conditions existing at the stock- ade, with reference ti) the city prisoners, conneclinp buildings and grounds, shovvinj^ briefly the history of same during the preceding week, including such things as the number of pris- oners, sex, disorder, whipping, cause and extent of whippings, health of prisoners, complaints, care and changes of food, con- ditions of clothin- and bedding and buildings as to cleanliness. sanitation, etc. Sec. 2092. Inspections — Committee Makes — Monthly. — The Committee on Prisons shall make personal msi)ectinns of city prisons, outlying buildings and grounds and also of the city pris- oners, and these insi)ections shall not be less than once a month and same shall be iIk .rough, complete and exhaustive as to all the matters covered by this ordinance. Sec. 2093. Prison Physician — Term — Nomination — Election — Duties. — The office of city prison i)hysician is hereby created at a salary of Twelve Hundred Dollars per annum, payable monthly. Said physician is to be nominated by the Committee on Prisons subject to confirmation by Mayor and (leneral Council. The term of oft'icc shall be for one year, from date of election, and he shall Ik- elected by vote of the Mayor and (leneral Council, as other ofTicers are now elected by that body, at the first meeting following the approval of this ordinance. He shall give his entire time to the city prison, police station or barracks, and all prisoners while in charge of any of the ofTicers of the city, especially the prisoners at the city prison and while at work upon the streets, going to and from their work, or wher- ever they may be. The purpose being that he shall give his im- mediate and full attention to the physicial condition of these city prisoners so that they may not be used, worked, or treated in any manner except such as may be humane and consistent with their physical condition. He shall examine all prisoners when taken to the city prison or stockade and, as frequently thereafter as may he necessary, to ascertain if they are suffering from any infectious or contagious disease and it shall be his duty at this prison to see that no healthy prisoner shall be furnished or occupy a bed previously occupied or furnished to a diseased prisoner, until cleansed or sterilized, nor shall such healthy ]^rri- Mtl««l»N — It I M.I I. \ ri(»N> — nlS \<;itKKMK>TS 589 oner be furiiishctl with or use eating or drinking vessels pre- viously used by diseased prisoners. The physician shall make such inspections as to secure the frequent washing of blankets, bedding, clothing of prisoners and the cleansing of building and closets, and of the compartments and furnishings thereof and see that same are kept in a healthful and sanitary condition. The city prison physician shall report and confer with the super- intendent of city prisons, but, in case of any disagreement be- tween them, all such disagreements shall be immediately re- ferred to the Committee on City Prisons, whose decision sliall be fmal. Sec. 2094, Disagreements, Who Decides. — In case of disa- greement between >aid ph\>ician and the police autlnjrities. con- cerning prisoners at police station, the Police Board shall finally decide. 590 It \ii.iio \ i>s i-i.\«.mi;n — ritoHs|\(.* «Miii>rH CHAPTER LXXIII RAILROAD C( >M1'AX11<:S— DUTIES AS TO IT-ACMKN— CROSSIXC;S. F.TC. Sec. 2095. Flagmen — Number Maintained — Speed of Trains — Limit — Penalty for Violation. — It shall be the duty ui the railroad companies using the tracks across \\ liiteiiall, l'\)rsytii. Castleberry, Pryor, Loyd, Simpson, Thurmond, I*"oundry, Peter> and Mitchell Streets, in the City of .\tlanta. to place and kcej) a sufficient number of tlaj^inen at said crossings, whose duty it shall be to prevent all railroad-trains passing said streets frcjm g"oing; at a greater rate of speed than four miles per hour; and further to protect the lives L>f persons jjassing along the street- at the points mentioned. All railroad engineers or firemen, who drive or run an engine or train across said Whitehall Street, or across Pryor, Loyd. Peters, Mitchell or I-'oundry Streets in said city, at a greater rale of speed than four miles per hour shall be deemed guilty of a violation of this section and ujjon con- viction thereof before the Recorder's Court shall be j)unishcd by a fine of not less than twenty dollars, nor more than one hun- dred dollars, or imprisonment not to exceed thirty days. Sec. 2096. Official Orders Shall not be Issued Violating This Ordinance— Official Doing so Liable — Penalty. — Any railroad officer or oft'icial, who shall issue, or cause to be issued, any order providing for the passing of engines or trains over the streets mentioned above at a greater rate of speed than four miles per hour shall be fined by the Recorder's Court fifty dollars for is- suing said order, and tw^enty-five dollars for every day that such order shall remain unrevoked. And in default of the payment of such fine the oft'icer shall be punished by imprisonment in the station house not to exceed thirty days. Sec. 2097. Flagmen Have Police Powers— Shall Arrest Dis- orderly Persons— Prefer Charges, Etc.— It shall be the dutv of U\ll,UO\ll> — i.KTTIN*; ON AMI OKT 'IlttlNo -|»|:( l\l. IM»|.I(K "fn the flag^man to Hag each passing train as it approaches and leaves Whitehall Street; and said tlagman shall be clothed with all the powers of policemen for the purpose of arresting any and all per- sons violating the provisions of this ordinance. And it shall fur- ther be in their power, and their duty, to arrest all persons en- deavoring to rush ahead of passing trains, in a disorderly man- ner, and to prefer charges at the station house against such per- son, who shall be tried by the Recorder's Court, and, if found guilty, may be fined in a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars, or imprisonment not to exceed thirty days, in the discretion of the Court. Sec. 2098. Getting on and off Trains Prohibited — Fine — Con- ductors Clothed with Pohce Powers. — .\11 persMius connected with railr(.«ad trains, 'including street cars and dummy lines," are prohibited from getting on or off the engine or cars within the city, unless for the bona fide purpose of taking passage on the same, and all oflfenders shall be arrested by any special or other policemen of this city, and, on conviction, shall be fined not ex- ceeding five dollars, or be imprisoned not exceeding twenty-four hours, in the discretion of the Recorder's Court. .\ny person, not a bona fide passenger, jumping on or swinging to or getting otT a moving train in said city shall be subject to same punish- ment. The conductors of such railroad trains, and the con- ductors or drivers of such street railroad cars or dummy lines, shall be clothed with all the powers of policemen, for the pur- pose of arresting any and all persons violating the provisions of this ordinance, or any part thereof. Sec. 2099. Special Policemen — By Whom Recommended — and Appointed — Duties — Serve Without Expense to City — Limit of Requirement of Ordinance. — The Board of Police Commis- sioners is authorized to appoint and empower as special police- men a sufficient number of the employees of each railroad com- pany, whose names shall have been furnisheci the Board by such company, to enforce the above ordinance ; and said special po- licemen shall, in every instance, serve without expense to the city; such authority shall cease, whenever such employee ceases to be an employee of the railroad presenting his name to the r().) H \iMco \i>>_i.«»i I i:aiN«. «)N— w ii/«»ti.k«» -IM u mi i «. board, or whenever revoked l)y the board ; provided, howc-vcf, that nothin^^ in this ordinance shall be construed so as to interfere with persons mectinj,'- friends, or seeing' thcni ofT the train or cars, when the same are not in niotiun. Sec. 2100. Loitering Around Railroad Track Prohibited — Arrest Penalty, — h siiall be unlawful for persons un operating locomotives drawing passenger trains to blow the whistles of their engines for the purpose of preventing accidents, and where it is necessary to thus signal the engineers of op- posing trains of the approach of the said passenger train or any section following same. Any railroad company, that may desire to lay down any railroad track, or tracks, along or across an\ street, public alley, or square within the corporate limits of the city, shall, before doing so, present in writing to the General Council an application for permission to do so, which application shall show the streets, alleys, or squares, which they desire to cross, or run upon, and to what width or length, and at what grade. If the General Council shall require, the engineer of the city shall make an examination, and report what changes the proposed work will make to such streets, alleys, or squares as It VII.HO \I)S — SI'KKD — OUSTRl tTI\ti STItl.llTS oi);? will be affected thereby, and whether the proposed plans are proper and .sati>factory. Said body may authorize, modifv. or reject and refuse the application, as may, in their judgment, be for the best interest of the public. Sec. 2102. Penalty for Violation. — Any person or persons, who shall enter upon any street, alley, or scpiare, within the city, and do any work thereon, either by excavating earth, or bv laying cross-ties, stringers, rails, (^r otherwise, for rtie purpose of constructing railnjad track or tracks along, across, or upon the same, without first making application to and obtaining the consent of the .Mayor and (ieneral Council, shall, upon convict- ion, be fined not more than five hundred dollars, or imprisoned not longer than thirty days, either or both, in the discretion of the Recorder's Court. - Sec. 2103. Speed of Train— Penalty for Running Faster Than Six Miles in the City.— An\ engineer or other perscretion of the Recorder's C(ii: I'l. \i{i. ri»\\i:i,i. \m> ^i « \i.i.» tnossiM.s Sec. 2106. Pearl and Powell Street Crossing — Watchman Required — Between What Hours. — 1 lie (Jcorgia Kuilmad aii«l Daiikini; C'lMupaiiy >hall keep and inaiiilain a watchman at ihc intersection of its tracks with I'earl Street and said watchnian shall be niaintainetl and kept at said intersection, kntnvn as I'earl Street crossing' irnm six o'clock A. M. to ^i\ «>'cl«>ck I'. M. each day. Sec. 2107. Shall Not Operate Trains There Without Watch- man — Penalty. — li shall be uidawlul for said railroad conii)any, its agents ur employees, to run or operate a locomotive on or over said crossings, beiwevn said hours, utdess a watchman is mainlaincd and kept during said hours, on said crossings, and any agent, engineer, brakeman. tlagman. coiuluctor, or other em- ployee of said railroad, who shall be ct)nvicted in the Recorder's Court of running or operating, or assisting in miming t>r oper- ating of a loconiLttive on or across said crossings during sai(t hours, in the absence of the maintenance of a watchman, as herein provided, shall be punished by a fine not e.xcceding one hundred dollars or imprisoned in the station house, or stockade, not exceeding" thirty days, or both these i)enalties in the di>cre- tion of said Loin-t. Sec. 2108. McCall's Crossing — Watch.nan Required.— The railroads shall inainiain a watchman. H — < u(issi\tis — >\\n -().j Sec. 2110. Discharging Freight on Railroad Crossings — Companies or Shippers Liable — Penalty.— li ^iuili nut he lawful to disL-har-e car- l.-adcd with any character of freight whatever, by drays, at Whitehall. Loyd. or Pryor Street crossings, ^r in any manner obstruct said crossings or sidewalks. Shippers will be held liable for all cars consigned to them, and placed on side- track at the south end of the passenger depot for their benefit, who will be recpiired to see that their cars, loaded or empty, do not obstruct .said crossings or sidewalks. Any railroad company, through its hostlers, switchers, conductors, or other employees, shippers or consignees, private or public draymen, violating this section shall, on conviction, be fined not exceeding fifty dollars, or imprisoned not exceeding thirty days, in the discretion of the Recorder's Court. Sec. 2111. Switching Prohibited on Certain Crossings Within Certain Hours — Penalty.— It ^liall be unlawful for any railway company or crp .rati-m. i.r the agents of any railway company or corpoartion, to .shift, switch, or make up trains of cars, or run cars or cngiii. Whitehall, I'ry-r. l.oyd. or Mitchell Street cr«>ssings, between nie hour!> of (i A. M. and H» 1'. M., and any railway company or corporation, or any of its agents, violating the provisions of this ordinance, shall, upon conviction before the Recorder's Court, pay a fine of not less than one hundred dollars, nor more than five hundred dollars, for each oflfensc ; provided, that nothing herein c«»ntained >hall be construed to ])revent pas- senger trains from entering «»r departing from the L'nion iJcpot. or from transferring loaded «.r eny>ty freight cars to connecting roads, or to prevent the delivery of through freight or of local freight to consignees having ^ide track privileges.but at no time shall any car or engine pass over the above named crossings be- tween the hours of ♦; .\. M. and 10 V. M.. without being preceded by a llagman. Sec. 2112. Regulation of Movements at These Crossings — Penalty for Failure to Observe Same.— W lien two or more en- gines or cars are approaching either of the above-named cross- ings at the same time, all l>ut the one car nearest the crossing shall come to a dead stand, and remain so until the first has com- pletely cleared the crossing, and so on until all engines or cars have- passed. ihis shall nut ai>i>ly tu rcj^ulur pa.^>ciij;cr tram* lioiiiK int.. and eut of the Vu'um Dt'ixn ; prinidcd that i.nly i>nc train shall he in motion at the same time. Any en^'ineer or aj^cnt hein-- in char-;c violatin*,' the pn-visiiMis of this secti(»n. shall. upon oonvictii.n helMic the Recorder's Court, he tinetl not less than twenty-five dollars, nor more than one hundred dollars, for each otYcnsc. and upon failure to pay said fine shall serve not less than ten days, nor more than lhirl\ day>. on the puhlic works. Sec. 2113. No One Shall Pass Between the Flagman and the Train — Penalty for Violation.— It shall l)e unlawful for any per- son to pass (M- attempt l<. pass helween the Hat,Mnau and the en- i^ine or cars that he s precedinj^, over any of the ahove-nanied crossini^s. .-\nv persou violatinsj this section shall, upon convic- tion l)efore the Recorder's Court, he fined not less than five dol- lars, nor mure llian iwenty-five d«>llars, n.>r serve not less than i\\c (lavs, nor more llian twenty days, on the pul)lic works. Sec. 2114. Stone Posts to be Placed by Railroad at Each End of Dividing Line. — The Lenlral of ( ieorj,i[ia Railway Company shall place a stone post at each end i^i said dividinj.,' line, sti as to enable the police officials to detect any violation of this ordi- nance. Sec. 2115. Regulations as to Sunday Switching. — It >liall not be unlawful for the several railroads entcrin.^; said city to switch freight trains arriving- in said city after midnight on !*^aturday night up to eight o'clock on Siuulay morning; nor shall it be nn- lawful for such railroads to switch freight cars containing live stock or perishable freight at or after the hour of ten o'clock Sun- day night. Sec. 2116. Certain Hours, No Switching Within 250 Yards of Churches. — No railroad cars shall be switched in said city, other than passenger or perishable freight cars, on the Sabbath day, between the hours of 11 A. M. and 1 P. M., and 7 T. M. and 9 P. Al., within two hundred and fifty yards of any church, when divine services are being conducted. ItAII.Itl) VI>S MMJAAs — W Mil i:il \l.l IK l)VMi:i. of .\tlanta where same pass over the right of way and tracks of such companies, makings what are known as street cro.ssinjjs by the process known as "Kicking-." namely: By send- ing car or cars over such crossings without having attached thereto an engine or engines, such cars being forced over the crossings by having been put in motion prior thereto bv an en- 598 lt\ll.l(0\n> IvHKINt. t \lt' lll«IIMiK«« «UU'.s|N<. g;itie. and bciiii;' iiii»-.>u|mC'1. i^ i im ■■\ii .^. ...-•- havincf an engine attac-hctl thereto. Sec. 2123. Penalty for Violation. — Any railrt^iad i.oni[ian\. its ctinduelKis. cn.i;inccr>. aL;cnt>, it exccedini; tliirty days, one or both, in the discretion of the Ke- corder. Sec. 2124. Amending Ordinance as to "Kicking Lars — Not to Apply However to Certain Crossings. The or»linance ap- pro\ ed April 4:li, I'M)], which jjrohibits railroads and their em- ployees from "kicking;" cars across street crossings is limited and restricted to such car ov cars as are "kicked" across street cross- ings, without sufficient brakes in charge oi an experienced brake- man on front end of car being kicked so that said cars may be stopi)cd in case of danger. provided%hat said railroads have taken the additional precaution to maintain a watchman at such cross- ings. The i^rovisions of this ordinance do not ap|)ly to tin- i loss ings on Central Avenue. Pryor and I'orsyth .Streets. Sec. 2125. Jumping On or Off Trains at Piedmont Park Pro- hibited — Penalty. — li shall be unlawful for any person to jump on or oft" a moving train at I'iedmont I'ark. and any persv)n con- victed before the Recorder'* Court of violating this section, shall be punished by a tine not exceeding one hundred dollars, or im- prisoned in the stationhouse (^r stockade not exceeding* thirty days, or both these penalties, in the discretion of the Court. Sec. 2126. Railroads to Build and Repair Bridges and Cross- ings — When — Notice to Company — By Whom. — In all cases in which a railroad Compau}', or street railroad company, is re- quired to build bridges in said City, or to keep bridges or cross- ings in said city in repair, on or across a street, or streets crossed by the tracks of a railroad company, or a street railroad compau}-, such railroad company shall, when the building of a new bridge, or the repair of a bridge already built,' is declared by the ISIayor and General Council of said Cit}- to be necessary or proper, be notified by the Chief of Construction to commence the building I( VII. Uo \l)«i — liKlUliKS — \OTICK — EXECITIOXS 599 of said Ijridge within ten days, and prosecute the same in good faiili h> completion. That when in the judgment of the Commit- tee on Streets and Chief of Construction of said City any such 1 'ridge or crossings shall be in need of repair or work to render it ife, such railroad Company or street railroad company shall be notified by said Chief of Construction to commence the repair thereof r.r work thereon within ten days, and prosecute in good t'.;-'! -iioh repair"'- ^'.f' » ■ "^])lction. Sec 2127. Notice Served by Chief of Construction or Assistant — Contents. — 1 lie notice provided for in the preceding section shall be in writing, and served by the Chief of Construction or his assistant, on the principal officer of any such railroad company, or street railroad company in said city, or by leaving the same at the principal office of such company in said City. Said notice shall contain a general plan and character of the bridge to be built or repaired, and materials of same, or description oi work to bo done at a crossing, as also a reference to the subject mat- t. r of fill!. .wing vi-.t;,,!i Sec. 2128. If Railroad Company l^ails or Refuses, City to Do \A^ork, and Issue Execution. — Should a railroad cumpan\ or street railroad company so notified as above; fail or refuse to commence in good faith the building or repairing of a bridge or the repairing of a crossing within the time specified in said no- tice, and in accordance with the foregoing provisions, or notify said City of a refusal to comply with the notice served, then, and in that event, said City will proceed and do such work of build- ing or repairing such bridge or crossing at the charge and ex- pense of such railroad Company or street railroad company, and within five days after the completion of said work by the City, the Chief of Construction shall report under oath in writing to the City Clerk of said City the amount and value of the services per- formed or expense incurred in said work, whereupon said city shall issue execution (as other executions are issued by said City) for the amount of such value or expense and the costs of the pro- ceeding against such defaulting railroad Company, or street rail- road comi)any by said city ; said notice to be in writing signed by the Lity Clerk, and served in the manner prescribed in the pre- ceding section by the City Marshal or Messenger. GOO It Mi.itit M>^ .s'iiii:i:'r < \i( i(i.i'\iitH on siici:i:rH Sec. 2129. Street Car Track Crossings — How Constructed — Penalty for Violation. — .\11 >trtci railroad (.< •nipaiiit- "peratiii}^ lines of railway in the City nf .Atlanta be. and they arc. hereby reqnirnl to dose all opc-nini^s in the street beside their tracks with asphalt, so as to make such street level and safe for the |)as- sas^c of vehicles alon^ or across such tracks. .\ viulatiun of this ordinance, or a ne ri.its — TAX t ULLECTOR — LISTS gQI CHAPTER LXXIV. REGISTRATION' ( )!• \( )TF.kS— RI£GL'LATIUXS. Sec. 2130. Registration Necessary to Vote in Municipal Elec- tions. — X<) person shall I>c all<'\vecl to vote at any niunici])al elec- tion in the City of Atlanta, who shall not have (|ualifiecl and caused himself to he re.ij;i>tered as a voter in the manner herein- after j>rc-crihed. Sec 2131. Tax Collector to Register Voters — To Be Sworn on Printed Blanks — Oaths to be Preserved and Books Made from Them — Names and Places of Residence Shown on Lists.— It siiall Ije the duty of the Ta.\ Collector of Fulton County or his assistant to rejj^ister the qualified ^voters of said City as they pay their taxes annually. For this jjurpose. he shall have prepared printed hlanks. containinpf the oath rec|uired of voters proposinti: to rc;iister. in the form procrihcd in this ordinance; and it shall be his duty to administer t(j such tax-jiayer wishing- to register the required oath: and the voter shall subscribe to said oath in the presence of such collector or his assistant, who shall preserve all of said affidavits, and from them shall compile a book for each \\'ard. showing the names and residences of the (pialified voters for each Ward, giving streets and numbers, tjr if n(j num- ber, then giving the streets on each side. If on an Uflley. giving streets on each side, or nearest numbers on street in front. Sec. 2132. Lists Close November 25th. — Only the names of those taking such affidax it by the 2.jih day of November in each year shall be placed on the registration books as aforesaid. Sec. 2133. Shall Register and Who are Qualified.— riic Col- lector or his assistant, shall also register c|ualified voters taking the prescribed oath, even if they do not pay, or oflfer to pay the taxes of the current year, and place their names on the books of their respective wards, as provided for the preceding sections. (502 UKfJlsTii vi'ioN — n \ I II — i(i:(;i>. rii \it Sec. 2134. Oath of Registration — Form — Qualifications of Voters. — The nath tu he re(|uirt'fl of all V' Jstcrinj^; their names sliall he in tlie fnllDwinL;- form, tn-wn: Qr.\l,ii'ir viiuNs (i,\i^ii;i) d \rii K<;i.\. i'uii..ii ("nniit.v : I till sweiir. or afflrtiT. ■!i:ir I nru n -lilznr: that I linvo paid all tin- taxes which since the adoption of the t'onstl- tutlon of IST" have licen r''<|iilred of 3. GOOD CHAHACTEU AND KXOWL- me, except taxes for this year, that I EDGE OF DUTIES OF GOOD possess the iiiotH'Icat Ion of an elector CITIZEXSHII' rciinlrcd by the Constitutional .\nicnd- nient adopie. . . !:--icribc Ijcforc such Registrar the oath prescribed by the above ctinii in this Chapter, such oath? to be made upon slips or blanks prepared in accordance with the section above in this chapter, and from such slips, said Registrar shall prepare sepa- rate biujks of registered vi»ters living in each ward (if said City, and upon the closing of such books of registration previous to anv election, such Registrar shall furnish twenty-five printed lists of such registered voters for each ward to the Clerk of the Council, for use ttf Managers of Election, which lists shall be fur- nished at least two (2) days prior to any^ such election, ai the expense of the City. All voters eligil)le for registration shall have the right of registration, no: only at the time of i)aying taxes, but upon taking the prescribed oath at other times as pro- vided for I»y preceding sections in this chapter of this Code. Sec. 2137. Registration Books— How Long Kept Open- Special Elections— Books Opened When— Closed When.— Hie books for >uch Lity registration shall l>c kept oj^en until and in- cluding the 2r)th day of November, in each year, and then closed, .IS i)rovideil for in a preceding sectit)n of this Chapter of this Lode, but in case of special elections to fill vacancies, or on the issue of bontls. or otherwise, such books of registration shall be kept open until ten days before the date of such election, and then clt)sed. Sec. 2138. Only Persons Registered Can Vote.— Xo person shall be authorized or permitted to vote in any general or spe- cial election ordered in said City unless duly registered in the bot.ks herein authorized to be kept, and all persons so registered 'shall be authorized and permitted to vote in any election unless challenged and rejected for legal cau-e. at any election. cot ui:<;isiii \'iniN in \\««iT.ns i.i«,is_\\( \\> n Sec. 2139. Transfer of Voter's Name on Removal. -Tlu' transfer of a voter's name, in case of rcmo\al fioui (»iu- ward to anotlicr in said City, shall he made hy said Rei,Mstrar. Sec. 2140. Books Not Open on Sunday — Hours During Last Six Days — When Books Closed. — The hoolo f^r rej^islralinn of voters shall he kept open dnrins.,^ office hours of the Tax Collec- tor; provided that the hooks f(tr registration shall not l)i- kept open on Sunday, and shall not he closed earlier than !) o'clock V. M. on the last six days, and shall not he closed more than ten (la\s l)efore any election, in which rei,MStration is recpiired. Sec. 2141. Consolidated Lists — Shall Certify Number of Voters — When. — It shall he the duty of the Kei^istrar of voters for the City to consolidate the naiues of the voters for each ward. and then count the numbers of rci^istered voters and certify the same for each ward to the Mayor and ( leneral Ciauuil at the first luecting- after the close of each reL;istration. :ind it shall be entered on the minutes of the Council. Sec. 2142. As to Voters in Elections to Fill Vacancies. — X«) ])erstni shall be allo-wctl to vote in any election to till a \acancy. or for other purposes, unless his name api)ears ])ri)perly re!.;:is- tcred, qualifyinsj^ him to vote at the last rcij^ular municipal elec- tion, or unless he shall have registered before such election to fill \acancv. UKST VI U IN IS \\ 11 1 11 > it I. \« K •».*.!<; \s — I.H KNSK bOo CHAPTER LXXV. Ri':s'rAikA.\ rs. Sec. 2143. Restaurants — Sell to Whites or Blacks — Not Both. — All i)crs()ns. their aj.jciUs t)r cniplnyces, licensed to coiuluct a restaurant or lunch-room, shall serve either white i)e()i)lc exclu- sively or colored people exclusively and not sell tt» the two races within the same rooiu or at ditTerent tables within the same room, or at ditil'erent portions of the same table within the same room or serve the two races anywhere under the same license. The purpose oi tlii.s ordinance beint^ that each license shall serve either oue race or tlie other and the license shall not authorize sale t>> the two races named at or near the same place. Sec. 2144. Restaurants to Display Sign of Race Served — l*-ach Iicen>e >hall di>[)hi_\ . prt>niinenl[y in trijut ol their place of bn>ine>s thereof, a notice as follows: "Licensed to serve white people oidy" ur "licenseil to sell colored jjeopie oidy" >o thai tiie public may be informed of the character of trade served at ijinate therein the character of trade aiuhorized tt> be served under such license as "for white pe jple oid} " ■ r "for colored pe ijile iinlv." Sec. 2146. Penalty. — .\ny person, firm or corjjoration, tnelr aj.jents or empluyees. serving meals or limches, in violation of this ordinance, or violatinii^ any of the terms of this ordinance. shall be deemed .LTuilty of an offense and on conviction thereof in the Recorder's Court shall be hned not exceedin;,^ ( )ne lluuilred l^ollars or sentenced tt) work on the public works of the City for not exceedini;: thirty dax^s. either or both penalties to be inflicted in the discretion of the Recorder. iii:sTAiH\M in i:nm: iii;\«»uii» \\iii:> Sec. 2147. Violation Revokes License Ipso Facto. A \ii»la- tion .'1 tlic i)rovi.sion.s o\ this cnlinane-f by any licensee, their agents or employees shall ipso facto work a forfeiture of their license. Also, the conviction in the Recorder's Court shall like- wise ipso facto work a forfeiture of this license. Any sales i»r business done after the forfeiture, as lu-rein provided, shall con- stitute an offense punishable as provide. 1 in the preceding,' section. >AMT\I{V I V\ — I.IH>_ INM.KCTOUS pn- CHAPTER LXXVI. SAXITARY TAX. Sec. 2148. Sanitary Assessment— Amount — When and On What Levied. — An assessment of three dollars shall be levied each year upon each improved lot and the owiur thcreut witliin the City limits for sanitary i)urposcs. Sec. 2149. What Constitutes a Lot for Sanitary Assessment. — Eacli It.t liavin;,'- a rc.-idcncc tlicrei>ii. t.r a sturchMU>c, ur each separate tenement, where there are more than or each twen- ty-five feet of any hotel, manufact'>ry. depot ur machine shop,;.l| .-, ii.ritMf,- •, 1,,. r. .r said i)iirposc. Sec. 2150. Sanitary Inspectors Furnish Lists of Lots Liable to Ta.x Assessors— Tax Collector Collects Taxes. — The Sanitary Inspectors shall, hy the first day of I'ebriiary of each year, fur- nish Xo the Tax Assessors a full list of lots and lot owners throuf^hout the City liable f«»r sanitary taxes, which shall be en- tered l)y the Tax Assessors upon the tax ditjest. and the Tax Collector shall collect such sanitary taxes at the same time, and in the saiu- -Iiat other property taxes are collected. (jyy SA.MT VTI(»\ — < I :i.l. \ l{><^I.O'l's sr\(.N\\i \\\ii:n |'itl\ii«. CHAPTER LXXVII. SAX iTATlUX— SAX ITA R V TIA' M 1 '. 1 \( .— DK A I X \( \ 1-: Sec. 2151. Lots and Cellars to Be Drained — Penalty for F'ail- ure. — All lots and cellars within tiic Citv limits shall, 1)\- their owners and occupants, be kept in such cundition as not t-- allow any water to sta!.,niate, or otherwise become otTensive or un- luallliy, or any other nuisance to exist thereon; and, ujxm con- viction of a violation of this section, >uch owners or occupants, upon conviction in the Recorder's Court, may be fined not ex- ceeding^ ten dollars, or impriosned not exceedin<,'- ten days, for each day such nuisance exists after the notice hereinafter pro- vidcd for has been ser\cd. Sec. 2152. Nuisances from Stagnant Water— How Abated— Penalties.— The Marshal, or l)ei)uty Marshal, or any policenum or sanitary inspector, shall }j;ive said owners or occupants writ- ten notice of tlie existence of said nuisances, and after three days from the time of said notice,, the .Marshal shall proceed to abate the nuisance by drainin.i,^ said lots and cellars, or otherwise, as may be necessary; and the Clerk of Council shall issue execution for the costs of sucli al)atement against said owners or occu- pants, and the lot, on which such nuisance mav exist. Sec. 2153. Filth from Privies — How Disposed of — Penalty for Violation. — It shall l)e unlawful for any person to c^anev. discharge, or deposit the filth of his or her ])rivy. or allow the same to be done, upon the streets of the City, or the propertv of another person; but it may be discharged by any private sewer into any public sewer discharging into running water. An\- per- son violating this section shall be arrested, and. upon conviction, fined by the Recorder's Court in a sum not exceeding ten dollars and costs for every day, or twenty days' work upon the chain- gang, if such nuisance so committed continues; and the nuisance. «i \ M r \i II) N — iTi >iiii\(; i)it\i\\<.i: — imim:-. 609 it>n it not aljated by the offender, shall be abated by the Marshal at the offender's expense. Sec. 2154. Obstructing Water — Unlawful — Penalty — Except- tions. — Aiu' person, who shall by the erection of a dam. or ob- struction of any kind, prevent the natural flow of water, and cause the same to be damned up, or collected in pools upon any lot in this City, or any street or allc} . or shall cause to be (lone any work, the etlect of which will be to cause such damnin;tj up or collection in a pool or pools, shall be arrested and brought before the Recorder's Court, and. upon conviction, shall be fined in a sum not exceedinj^ (jiie hundred dollars and costs, or be im- prisoned not to exceed thirty days, or either, or both, in the i creti(»n of the Recorder's Conrt. for each day such obstruct shall remain, or such work shall be carried on; provided that t!ie above shall not jjrevent owners, or others, from filling up lots as they may desire, if sufficient drainage or surface is provided through or across the same for such natural flow; and. provided, that the above shall not prevent the changing of the grade of an\- -trcet as may be for the public interest. Sec. 2155. Plumbing and House Drainage — Rules Prescribed by Board of Health. — All i)lumbing and lunise drainage, in Ixjth public and jtrivate buildings within the City of Atlanta, shall be done according to the rules and specifications herein contained, and it shall be the duty of the Board of Health to provide regu- lations to insure the enforcement of this ordinance. Sec. 2156. Material and Workmanship. — .All materials shall be of good (piality and free from defects: the work shall be exe- cuted in a thorough and workmanlike manner. Sec. 2157. Scil and Waste Pipes and Traps — Location. — The arrangement of soil and waste pipes shall be as direct as possi- ble. Sec. 2158. Drain, Soil, and Waste Pipes Exposed for Inspect- tion. — The drain, soil, and waste pipes and the traps shall, if prac- ticable, be exposed to view for ready inspection at all titnes, and 39 (ill) V \ M I \ I IIIN - I'll Mill M. for com ciiiciuc in i(.|taiiiii.L;. \\ litii iiccosanly place*! within partitions or in recesses of walls, soil and waste pipes shall he covered with woodwork, so fastened with screws as to he read- ily renio\eel conipartnient> shall be ventilated by windows into the open air, or into air shafts of not le>s than three s(|uare feet in area. Sec. 2160. Separate Sewer Connections for all Buildings — Exceptions. — \\ here there is a sewer in the street, every house or huildini; shall he separately and independently connected with it, unless the IJoard of Health shall ^^ive permission, which said Hoard is hereby authorized to do, to the owner of two or more contig^uous houses to ct)nnect them all with the sewer in the' street throui^h a single opening. \\ hen possible, such connec- tion shall be made directly in front of the house. Sec. 2161. Glazed Sewer Pipe — When Used Directions. — \\ here the soil consists of a natural Ijed of loam. >and, or rock, the house sewer ma\ be of hard, salt-glazed and c\ lindrical earth- enware pipe, laid on a smot»th bottom, free from all projections of rock, and with the soil well rammed to present any settling t)f the pipes. Each section shall be wetted before applying the cement, and the space between each hub and the small end of th next section shall be completely and uniformly filled with the best hydraulic cement. Care should be taken to prevent any cement being forced into the drain to become an obstruction. No tempered up cement shall be used. .A straight edge shall be used inside the pipe, and the different sections shall be laid in perfect line on the bottom and sides; provided, always, that only cast iron pipe shall be used from the lower end of the main ver- tical soil-pipe to a point beyond the house, foundation or area line. Sec. 2162. Private Sewers — How Laid. — Where there is no sewer in the street, and it is necessary to construct a private sewer to connect with a sewer in an adjacent street or avenue, "VMIxriON IM.IMIIIN4. Itl(\l\v |MI>KS ,-11 it ?>hall be laid outside of the curb, under the roadway of the street, on which the houses front, and not, when (Otherwise prac- ticable, throuj^'h the yards or under the houses. Sec. 2163. Cast Iron House Drains — Fall Necessary — Diam- eter of Pipe.— 1 he house drain shall be of cast iron, with a fall of at lea>t one-c|uarter inch to the foot, and, when water closets discharj,'e into it, the house drain shall be at least four inches in diameter. Sec. 2164. Straight Lines, If Possible.— It shall be laid in a straijjdu line, if possible. .\11 changes in direction shall be made with curved pipes, and all connections with V-branch pipes and one-si.\teenth or one-eighth bends, if jjossible. L'nder no cir- cuni^t;iMre> -.luil! more than one-sixth bends be used. Sec. 2165. Traps on House Drains — Shall Have Handhold — How Constructed.— .\ running or half-S trap shall be placed on the hou>^e .Irain at an accessible ixjint near the house. This trap shall be furnished with a handhold for convenience in clean- ing, the cover of which shall be properly fitted and made gas and airtight with >ome suitable cement properly applied. Sec. 2166. Fresh Air Inlets— Diameter.— There shall be an inlet for fresh air to enter the drain ju>t in-ide of the tra]> de- scribed in the foregoing section, t.f at least four inches in diame- ter, leading to the outer air and opening at some suitable place not le>N than ten feet from the nearest window. Xo cold-air box for a furnace shall be so placed that it can possibly draw air from this inlet pipe Sec. 2167. Ventilators— Prohibition of Certain Kinds.— Xo brick, sheet metal, earthenware or chimney flue shall be used as a sewer ventilator, or to ventilate any trap, drain, soil or waste pipe. Sec. 2168. Iron Waste Pipes— Shall Extend Through Roof- Diameter.— livery vertical soil and main waste-pipe shall be of iron, and it shall extend at least two feet through the roof, and have a diameter above the roof not less than that of the pipe 612 s A M'l" \'i'i(>N fi.i MmN«i -I'M \rs — i'iim:s — n)i \ rs proper, and in no case shall it be less than t'unr inches in diani- eter above the roof. Sec. 2169. To go Above Roof. — Soil, waste and vent pipes in an extension shall be extended above the cornice or roof of the main building when otherwise they would open within twenty feet of the windows of the main house or of the adjoining house. Sec. 2170. Size of Pipe Connections of Lead. -When lead pipe is used to connect fixtures with vertical soil or waste pipes, or to connect traps with \ertical \ent-pipes. it shall not be light- er than D-pipc. Sec. 2171. No Traps on Vertical Soil or Waste Pipes. — Tliere shall be no traps on main \ertical soil or waste pipes. Sec. 2172. Gas-Tight Joints Required. — All joints in iron drain-pipes. soil-])ipes and waste-pipes shall be so filled with oak- um and lead and hand-calked as to make them iras-tiirht. Sec. 2173. Lead and Iron Pipes — How Connected. — All con- nections of lead with iron pipes shall be made with a brass sleeve or ferrule of the same size as the lead pipe, put in the hub of the branch of the iron i)ipe and calked wath lead. The lead pipe shall be attached to the ferrule by a wiped or overcast joint. Sec. 2174. Wiped Joints. — All connections of lead, waste, and vent pipes shall l)e made by means of w^ipcd joints. Sec. 2175. Traps for Closets, Etc. — Every water-closet, uri- nal, sink, basin, wash-tray, bath and every tub or set of tubs, and hydrant w^aste pipe, and every area and courtyard drain connected with a sew^er, shall be separately and effectively trapped. Sec. 2176. Traps as Near Fixtures as Possible — Maximum Distance. — Traps shall be placed as near the fixtures as practi- cable, and in no case shall a trap be more than two feet from the fixture. S WIT \ TION — I' 1. 1 >llil\K l)l< \l NS \ i:\'IS II \SI\S (ii:{ Sec .2177. Strainers to Prevent Obstruction. — .Ml waste pipes from fixtures, other than water-closets, shall be provided at the inlet of such fixtures with strotifr metallic strainers to ex- clude from such waste-pipes all substances likely to obstruct them. Sec. 2178. Bath Tubs Separately Trapped.— In no case shall the waste from a bathtub (jr other fixture be connected with a water-closet trap. Sec. 2180. Vent Pipes Through the Roof — Continuous Slope. — \ ent jjipes shall extend at least two feet throuf^h the roof, or the single or combined pipes may be connected above the hi<^h- est fixture with the main vertical vent-pipe. They may be com- bined by branchinf:^ tos^ether those, which serve several trai)s, but the area lA the combined ])ipes shall not be decreased. 'J'hese air-pipes shall always have a continutais slo|)e to avoid collect- ini^ water by condensation. Sec. 2181. Restriction as to Vent-Pipe. — Xo trap \ent-pipc shall be used as a soil or waste pipe. Sec. 2182. Overflow Pipes. — ( )vert1ow ])ipes from the fixtures shall in eacli case be connected on the inlet side of the trap. Sec. 2183. Special Pipes for Wash-Basins, Bath, Etc.— Out- lets Covered with Flap- Valves. — Every safe under a wash-l)asin. bath, urinal, water-closet, or other fixture, shall be drained by a special pipe not directly connected with any soil pipe, vvaste-pi])e. drain, or sewer, but discharging into an (jpen sink upon the eel- (il4 s \ Ml' \'i i(»N I'l.i >iMiN«. — < i.«)>»i:'i'»» i.i:\iii;nN lar floor or upon tlic <;rouiHl outside the house. 'J "he outlets of such pipes shouUl he eo\ere(l hy fhii)-\al\es. Sec. 2184. Refrigerators, etc. — How Drained. — Ilie iiii\(. _m i: \ >i— n.oMirs— < on lit \< is ,;|- Sec. 2189. Steam Exhausts— How Connected— How Dis- charged.— Xo slcani exhaust or blow-oft' pipe from a steam boiler shall connect with any soil or waste pipe, or directly with the house drain or >ewer. They should discharge into a tank or condenser, the waste from which, if to be discharged into the >ewer through the house drain, shall be connected (ju the sewer -ide of the house or running trap. Sec. 2190. Tenements — Closet Accommodations -How Lo- cated.— The general water ch^set accommodations of tenement or lodging houses, or of office f)uildings. or of any building, in which said accommodations are permitted to be \\ been entrusted with the work, or has secured a contract, to onnect a building or lot with the i)ublic sewers, and. after .securing this contract, fails t > complete >aid work or contract within a reasonable time, it >hall be the duty of the Sanitary Inspector to notify said i)lun>l)er of hi> default, and that said work or cc.ntract must be carried on expeditiously t(. completion, and. should said plunder or contractor, after receiving said notice, fail or re- fuse to carry on said work or contract to completion within a reasonable time thereafter, or fails or refuses t(. attempt t.. complete said work or contract, then he >hall be deemed guilty of a violation of this ordinance, and .mi conviction in the Re- corder's Court, shall be punished by imprisonment not exceed- ing thirty days, or f^ned not exceeding $1()0.(K). or both, at the discretion of the Recorder. Sec. 2192. Copy of This Ordinance to Each Contracting Plumber.- A copy of this ordinance shall be mailed or handed in person to each contracting plumber within the City of At- lanta so that they may have notice thereof, but failure to receive said notice shall not in any way prevent prosecution under the (;i(; s \ Ml' \iu»\ — I -I. I Mill \«. I II \ -II I \-ri « I niN provisions of this ordinance, nor he made a (.■tMnHtion >,\ its en- forcement. Sec. 2193. Unlawful for Trash to be Thrown Into Catch- Basins, or Anything to Stop Them up. — It >hall he unlawful to throw into, or at tiie niouih of. or to dejjosit so near the mouth therc(jf. that same may run. fall, or wa>h into said catch-^hasins. any litjuid or solid substance of any kind, quantity, or conditii)n. Sec. 2194. Penalty for Violation. — Any ])erson violatinc^ the above section shall, on conviction in the Recorder's Court, be fined not exceedin.ij^ one hundred di)llars. or be imprisoned not exceeding^ lhirt\' days, one or both penalties to be inflicted in the discretion of the Recorder. Sec. 2195. Notice by Plumber to Board of Health of Work Required — Work Open to Inspection — Who Responsible for De- fective Work, Etc. — .\oiice in writ in*; shall be i^ixen to the Board of Health b_\ the contractor, builder, or pluml)er, in all cases of new work, or the remodeling of old work, or in any and all cases, in which repairs involve the removal of fixtures, or changes in the location or arrangement of fixtures when the work is sufficiently advanced for inspection, no part of the work shall be covered or concealed in any way until after it has been examined by an inspector of the Board of Health. -And the contractor, builder, or plumber shall test the work to the satisfaction of the Inspector, after plugging all openings, by filling the soil-pipes with water for the purpose of detecting any imperfect joints, or any other defect in the material or work- manship, which ma} permit the escape of foul air into or under the house, and all such defects, that may exist shall be made good, as provided in this ordinance. .Any plumbing work, or any house sewer, or any house drain i)ut up and covered without due notice to the Board of Health shall be uncovered for inspection by direction of the Inspector. And the con- tractor, builder, or plumber, who may be in charge of the work, and who may be responsible therefor, shall be subject ti;> the penalties prescribed in this ordinance for anv violation of the sAMiviioN I'l.i MiiKif— iti;roi{ i>i i-u i:nsi:s (,17 provisions nf this section, upon conviction of such violation in the Recorder's Court. Sec. 2196. Penalty for Violation by any Plumber or any Per- son Permitting Such Violation. — Any plumber or other person, who shall violate any of the provisions of the foregoing sections, (.r any person, who shall knowingly permit any violation of anv of saihall hereafter he unlawful for any i)lumbcr or gas titter m putting gas fixturo in\o any hou>e in the Lity of .\tlanta to use any cement comp inliam- mable. combustible, <.r which melts or softens under the in- fluence (»f heat. Sec. 2198. Penalty for Violation. — Any person ct»nvicted in the Recorders C<.urt of vi.)lating the preceding section shall be l)unished bv a fine not to exceed one hundred dollars, or im])rison- meni not exceeding thirty days for every such violation. Sec. 2199. Plumbers to Report— In its Absence. Approval of Plumbing Inspector Sufficient. — In any case where a plumber fails to make a return, the appn.val of the IMumbing Inspector .shall be sufficient, or any licensed, competent i)lumber may make a report or return, whether he did the whole work or not. of repairs (repairs t oconsi>t of leaks in pii)cs) or the installing Sec. 2200. Plumbers Must be Licensed as Such.— Xllli:il»« — .1 : \ \ >l I \ \ I in N > ll Sec. 2201. Every Plumber Must Stand an Examination. — Am person dcsirint; to cMii;ai;t' in or work at the ni l)liniil)in\M I \ I loN_l'l.l Mlli:i(^ l.l« l.\SKS — III \«.U \MN ,;lf) as t.. the competency of the applicants, ^hall issue a certificate to that effect. Said certificate shall be signed by the Secretary, who shall keep a record of them, and is valid until revoked by said lioard. There shall be no compensation for the services performed by the members of said Board. <.ther than that now received under existing- laws and ordinances. Sec 2206 Penalty for Violation, Besides Revocation of Cer- tificate.- \nv pcr.on ..r persons violatin.^^ any of the provisions of thi. ..r Sec 2207 Plumbers Shall not Allow Other Persons to Use Their' Licenses for any Purpose.-No per>on. firm, or corpora- tion carrvmg on the l.u>me.> of plumbing shall allow his. her. ur their name to be used by any other person, d.rectlv or m- directlv. either to <.btain a l-ermit. or permits, send m notices, make ;eturns. or to do any work under his. her. or their licenses. Sec 2208 Before Beginning Work. Shall File Description. Diagram. Specifications. Etc.. With Board of Health-24 Hours for Approval.— Every plumber, before commencing any portion ui anv w..rk. drainage, or sewerage, or extending .>r altering old or new work, shall file at the office of the lioard of Health, on blanks furnishe.l. an applicati<.n and a diagram, giv- ing a complete description of the plumbing and fixture to be placc.l in the building and location of same, the names of owners and architects, if any, and street and number; also location ot and descripti.Mi of proposal sewer connections, except in cases of repairs (repairs to consist of leaks in pipes) or the installing of onlv vard closet and outside work, then full description wdl be sufficient. These plans or descriptions must be in office 24 hours before api^roval. unless earlier approved. Sec. 2209. Plans Drawn in Ink— Vertical Section of Plumb- ing Displayed— Black and Red Ink Both Used Where Altering 020 swi'i't'iioN ri.i ^iiiiin-* i'i.\N«« — " om>i:>im:i» Old Work, — rians must he 1c<^mI)I\ drauii in ink. ( )iic vertical section ttf the plunibiii}; arraiij^einents will he sut^cient. it it can be made to show all the work, if not two or more VMr\ri(.N |.|.i MiiiN<._-i\M.i;rrn.\ ^oi which cannot be practically constructed in accordance with all the provisions of this chapter, a special permit in writing may be issued by the Plumbin- Inspector for such work. if. in his iiido^ment. the conditions require it. and all reconstruction of old or condemned plunibin- shall be in accordance with the pro- visions (»f this chapter. Sec. 2215. Plumbing Must be Done by Plumbers With Cer- tificates—Other Work by Competent Men Under Licensed Plumbers— If Incompetent. Plumbing Inspector Orders Their Removal.— All plumbin- work to be done by skilled workmen, havin- been examined, and having a certificate from the Board of Plumbing Examiners. The laying of sewers and placing of wrought iron i)ipes may be done by competent men under the direct supervision of licensed plumbers, the plumbing inspector to be the judge of their ability; and whenever any of these plumbers, pipers, or drain layers are found to be incompetent. the Plumbing Inspector is to order their immediate removal and their employer immediately notified. Sec. 2216. Engineers of Buildings— Firemen— Porters— Can- not do Plumbing Work.— Engineers of buildings, firemen, or poricr>. general wt»rkmen around hotels, factories, etc., are not allowed to do any work under this ordinance, except the re- pairmg of leaks, unstopping pipes, where it is not necessary to remove .'uiy ])art of the work or fixtures. Sec. 2217. Plumbing Inspector Judges Material and Work- manship—Appeals From His Decision to Board of Health- Copy to Plumbing Inspector in Six Hours— Otherwise His De- cision Governs.— The IMumbing Inspector is to be the judge of the quality and material and workmanship, and the construction of the ordinances as their meaning. Shouhl any difference of opinion arise, appeal from his decision must be made at once, in writing, to the Board of Health, stating full particulars of dis- puted points clearly, and copy of same furnished plumbing in- spector in six hours, otherwise his judgment will govern. Sec. 2218. Plumbing Inspector has to Inspect Entire Work. — llie plumbing inspector has the inspection of the entire work 622 s\M'i'\rn»\ ri.i >iiii:i(s inm'im rnt\ m\ii.i(i\i. ami the details, from main scwcr in tlic street to the roof joint, and anytliinsj^ that may have a bearini; npon the successful work- ing- or protection of all work. Sec. 2219. Plumbers Must Obtain Certificate From Plumb- ing Inspector — Water Will Not Otherwise be Turned on. — ihe plumbers shall obtain a certificate of final ins])ection from the plumbing; inspector, when the work has been completed and under water, stating- that such work has been inspected, and is put in according to the City ordinances. (The water will not be allowed turned on new work until this certificate is exhibited to the proper of^cials of the Waterworks Department.) Sec. 2220. Notice for Inspection — When — Morning — After- noon. — All notices for morning inspecticjn must be in the ottice before 9 A. M., and for afternoon inspection before 1 MO V. M. Sec. 2221. DifTerent Notices for Different Inspections — Num- ber of Inspections — Large Buildings, as Work Progresses. — As much of the work as is possible to put in shall be ready, when the notice of inspection is sent in. Two notices for sewer on job should be sufficient, one in the street and one in the yard. Two for inside work should be sufficient, one for test, and one for finish. After the first visit for any of the above, if it is necessary to return to reinspect any part of the work, whether from defect or not entirely completed, the Inspector will return only on another written notice and not less than twenty-four hours thereafter, all other notices taking precedence. In large buildings the Inspector will of course inspect as tlie building progresses. Sec. 2222. Best Materials — Cast Iron Pipe Tar-Coated in and Out. — All material shall be of good quality and free from defects. Cast iron pipe is to be tar-coated in and out. Sec. 2223. Extra Heavy Pipe where Inspector Requires. — Ex- heavy cast iron pipe to be put in where ordered by the Inspector. Sec. 2224. Wrought Iron Pipes and Fixtures — When Used. Wrought iron pipes and fixtures to be galvanized iron, where al- lowed to be used. s AM I \ I M»\ I'M >ii«iN<; — «n.i» ii\iiui:s — ^i\ri:i{i\i, (;2;] Sec. 2225. Old Fixtures or Material — When Used.— Old fix- tures or material, or such that have been used, will nut be allowed to be put on jobs except by permission of the owner of the prop- ertv. on which the work is done, and shall pass inspection. Sec. 2226. Durham System of Pipes — Must be Standard Thickness — Changes in Direction of Pipe — How Made. — \\ hen- ever the Durham system or wrought iron pipes are ])ermitted to be used for soil, waste, vent or sewer pipes, they shall he of standard thickness, and shall be galvanized, unless by permission. All changes in direction of pipe shall be made with Y's 1-16. l-fi or 1-8 bends, threaded inside, and so constructed as to form uni- form bore without pipe without any ])urrs and recesses. Xone Init regular drainage fittings and sockets will be allowed. Sec. 2227. Ferrules — Material. — I\rrules and cleanouts shall be ui brass or cast iron and brass. Sec. 2228. Underground Pipes — Material. — .Ml drains and underground pipes in yards and streets shall be salt-glazed vitri- fied terra cutta sewer pipe, burned through and liard, homogen- eous in texture, free from tlaws and perfectly smooth inside. Terra cotta traps alltiwed to be used only outside of buldings in ground. Sec. 2229. Wooden Unlined Sinks Not Allowed— Half-Lined Sinks Not Allowed. — Xo wotiden imlined sinks will be allowed; they shall be of non-absorbent material. Sinks, when lined, must be lined througiiout ; no half-lined sinks allowed. Sec. 2230. Where Acids Used— Permit Obtained.— Where acids are used, a j^ermit may be i»htaincd for the use of terra cotta l)ipes, wiicre the work is nt>t of sufficient permanency to permit of the use of enameled or lead i)ipes. Sec. 2231. Lead Pipes — Weight Required — Must be Support- ed. — Leatl iji])e> u>cd as waste, vent, (jr back air jjipes .^liall not be lighter than what is known to the trade as "extra light X. L." All lead pipes must be supported entire length of pipe. ♦ ilM S\MI \llllN I'l.l >1IIIN(. — IHXI' Sec. 2232. Traps — Material — Size — Prohibition of Certain Kinds. — All traps to he plain full hoic traps. lr<»ii. lead, brass, or terra cotta. No traps to be less than 1 1-2 inches inside diain- ctcr, unless special brass tra|)s. All small tra|)s. two inches or less, to have traj) screws. I-Our inch iron traps to have cover ])ut on with clamp and rubber gasket; no iron lid with catches. \o l>ottlc. grease, I'owers, Sanitas, or other traps allowed unless first approved by inspector. 1 1-4 inch brass traps alhnved for wash basins. Sec. 2233. Nickel-Plated Work— Must Be Roughed in First — Inspected. — Where nickel-plated work i> to be used, the work must be rou.nhed in with lead stid)S and escutcheons must be left loose until inspected. Sec. 2234. Water Closets — Material — Designs Approved. — All water closets within tiie house shall be of j^la/.etl earthenware or of enameled iron, inside and out. supplied with water from spe- cial tanks or cisterns, the water of which cannot be used for any other purpose. No jjan. pluns^er, lonp;- iiopj^er. or any direct suj)- ply closet of an}- kind, or haxinsj^ an un\entilated space, or the walls of wiiich are not Hushed at each discharge, shall be used. Syphon jet wash-out or wash-down closets of design api)rove(l by the Plumbing Inspector will l)e allowed. No closet will be con- sidered complete without proper seat. Sec. 2235. Urinals — Material — Location. — L'rinals must be of glazed earthenware, and the floor beneath the same shall be of non-absorl)ent material. Urinals should not be set higher than twenty inches above the floor. If floor is lined, it shall be of heavy lead. Urinals outside of house may be of enameled iron. Sec. 2236. Gratings or Strainers — When Used — Size. — Grat- ings of strainers must be over all openings, except closets, to sewers, no strainer less than one and one-half inches. No open- ings in iron gratings to be larger than one-half inch. Sec. 2237. Soil and Main Waste Pipe — Where and How Laid — Restrictions. — The soil or main waste pipe shall, wdiere prac- s\Mr\ I ioN_\ i:\T imi'i:n-^m/,i;s ,0- tical. 1)0 run aloii- cellar walls, or laid under floor of building, and must he hun-' with iron hangers securely fastened to floor joists or fastened to wall with wrou-ht in mi hooks or straps and screws, one fastener or hanj^er for each length of pipe. When it is not possible to run or fasten the cast iron pipes as above di- rected, it may run in trench, cut to uniform -grade, and, if laid under ground in a permanent building, it luust be extra heavy cast iron pipe in all cases. Xo wrought iron pipes allowed un- der ground f<.r drainage. The pipe must extend beyond and outside of building at least three feet. Sec. 2238. Vertical Soil Pipe— Material— Extend Through Roof— Diameter.— Rvcry vertical soil and main waste pipe shall be of in.n. and it >hall extend at least two feet through the roof, and have a diameter above the roof not less than that of the pipe proper, and in no case shall it be less than two inches in diame- ter above the roof, for branch water vents. Sec. 2239. Eliminate Bends from Vent Pipes— Increase in Size— When.— \cni ])ipc> nui>t be run with as few bends as pos- sible, and be increased in size every thirty feet. Sec. 2240. Buildings Four Stories or Less — Vent Pipes In- creased in Size — How. — W hen combined vent pipes must be in- creased in size, according to the following tab!e, in buildings four stories or less. IJranch vents of water closets shall not be less than the fol- lowing: (The term "branch vents," as here applied, shall be construed to mean all that vent pipe located between the fixtures and the j>oints where the vent joins into the main vertical sack or vent. ) Three closets may be vented into two inch cast iron branch vent and two and one-half inch wrought iron vent. Five to eight water closets may be vented into three inch branch vent, six baths, basins, or similar fixtures may be vend- lated by two-inch vertical vent pipe. When there are more than twelve fixtures, they may be vented by four inch vertical vent. Two inch and one and one-half inch traps luay be vented by one and one-half inch pipe, and vent must not exceed fifteen feet, and. when fixture is not over twenty-five feet from main vent. 40 ,..,,. s \M'i\i i«>\ — \ i:ni> — Hit \ \« Mi> — oi'i:m\«.«» W hen in excess of either itf above, two inch waste pipe must con- tinue past fixture full size. \\ hen one and one-iialf inch !)rancli vents are used on fixtures, branch must not exceed ten feet. Sec. 2241. Ratio of Fixtures to Vents. — In the calculation of the relation of basins, baths, and similar fixtures towanls water closets, it shall be reckoned that four basins, baths, or >imilar fixtures shall e(|ual two closets, and so on at that ratio. W hen more than sixteen l)asin>, ])atlis, or similar tixlures are <>u a line, and situated in a buildinj^r hve stories hijjh ('r more in heii^ht, and below the fifth floor, then the vertical vent from the fifth H'or up must not l)e less than four inches. Sec. 2242. Vent Pipes Branch — Fitting above Floor — How High, — A\ here vent pi])e> branch into one another, and where thev branch into soil l)il'c. the branch fittini; must not be les> than three feet and six inches above the tloor. Sec. 2243. Specifications as to Branches Etc. — I' into traps for vents shall be as near the crown of trap as possible, and arise at once. Xo branches to be made on side of traps or bends for vent connections. Horizontal line of vent below top line of fixture, over two feet in lent^th. to be avoided, if possible. .Ml connections of lead, waste, and vent pii)es shall be made by means of wiped joints. All connections of lead with iron pipes shall be made with a brass sleeve or ferrule of the same size as the lead pipe. i)ut in the hub of the branch of the iron pipe, and calked with lead. The lead pipe shall be attached to the ferrule 1)\' a wi])ed or o\-ercast joint. Sec. 2244. All Openings Securely Calked. — All openings left in soil, waste, or vent |)i])es. for any purpose, and not used in finising-, shall be securely calked up with iron i)lu^-. if lead pil)e. then openings l)e wiped u\). Sec. 2245. When Parts Removed, Insertable Joint Used Di- rected by Plumbing Inspector. — \\ henever it becomes necessary to remove part of the cast iron waste or sewerage system to ob- tain an opening, or for the other purposes, and both ends are perinanentlv fastened, a Sisson insertable joint shall be usetl as directed by the I'lunibin^- Inspector. • Sec. 2246. No Holes Cut, That Cannot be Closed by Plugs.— Xu holes will be allowed to be cut in any cast iron, wrou-iit iron, or sewerage connection, for any purpose, that can not be properly closed by plugs. When it is necessary to open a pipe. the pipe broken to be removed and a clean cut placed instead that it may be accessible for future use. Sec. 2247. Waste-Pipes — Size.— The waste pipes to receive the discharge from not less than eight sinks, baths, wash basins. wash Vubs. urinals or similar fixtures shall n(jt be less than three inches inside diameter. W a>te pipe to receive the discharge from less than eight sinks, tubs, or similar fixtures shall not be less than two inches inside diameter, and lead branches not less than one and one-half inches. Xo waste \)\\)c shall be less than (jiic and one-fourth inches inside diameter, and that only for ba- sins. Sec. 2248. Cast Iron Pipes— When Not Used.— Cast iron pipes ^hall not be u>ed belwien wr..ught iron <>r terra cotta pipe, or vice versa. Sec. 2249. Cleanouts— Material — Thickness, etc.— Where cleanuuts are used, they shall be heavy brass, male threads, oi at least 1-8 inch thickness, with 3-10 inch thickness in the cover. The same to have solid cast square heads. W henever cleanouts are necessary, they shall be used in iron pipes, calked in. Sec. 2250, When Y-Fittings Required— How Constructed.- All horizontal four-inch or larger pipes below or above the ground shall have a '•Y" fitting with 4 inch brass cleanout in- serted in ends, and on main lines not over thirty feet apart, and three inch lines or smaller shall have "Y" fittings with two inch brass cleanouts not over twenty feet apart, and also at ends, for the purpose of cleaning same when stoppages occur. These cleanouts must be accessible, extending from "Y" fittings either straight ahead or from branch to surface where underground in a straight line, or when otherwise not accessible. 62S s\M'r\'rin\ I'lri;" — i'M'imni.*; imxi's Sec. 2251. Pipes — Material — Must Be Supported. — 1-very soil or drain pijic wilhiii the huildiiiL,^ ti» a distance of three feet l)e^•ond ttie foundation lines sliall be of either cast or wrought iron. Small waste pipes may be of lead used as branches to connect with iron pipes. Said branches shall not exceed five feet in leng^th. and be supported the entire length, liranches into lead bend will not be permitted, where it is possible to enter the stack. Where lead ])ipes are used, they must intersect at the same angles given by the Y's, 1-6 and 1-8 bends. Sec. 2252. Restrictions As to Tapping Cast Iron Pipes — Calk- ing Joints or Wrought Iron Pipe. — Xo waste or vent pij^e shall be tapped, when of cast iron, nor cast iron fittings with hui)S and tapped threads, they must be uniform, cast-iron hub fittings, and where wrought iron pipe is used, no calking of joints will l)e used, but ]M-oper drainage screw fittings must be used. Sec. 2253. Roof Joints — Material — How Constructed. — Roof joints, or where any vent goes through the roof, sheet lead of 10 ounce copper 4 lb. weight per foot must be used and calked into the hub Hush with the roof, and a tight workmanlike joint made. Sec. 2254. Traps of Cast Iron — Packed from Frost Where Possible. — Traps, where put in for baths, basin, or sinks, in ex- posed places shall be of cast iron, ajul, where it is possible, prop- erly packed from frost. Sec. 2255. Grease Traps, Where Ordered Put in — Material. — Grease traps, when put in by order of the Inspectors or owners, shall be of heavy cast iron enameled or brass water jacketed or of an approved pattern. Sec. 2256. Sinks Under Counters — Refrigerators — How Con- structed — How Connected. — Sinks under bar counters and all drains, such as pumps, refrigerators, etc. in a bar, may be con- nected indirect through deed cast iron sink with a four-inch waste, or to a catch basin in yard, or an open four-inch running trap with vent in front of trap as the Inspector may direct under existing circumstances. Each fixture shall be trapped, the S VMT\TH)\_KIXTl Uf:s_\V\TKI< < I.OSETS (j9n waste, tested, and conform to all other ordinances governint;- drains. The above does not include any fixture in the bar-room away from counter, such as wash basins, urinals, sinks, or similar fixtures. Sec. 2257. Fixtures Using Fresh Water— Connected to Sew- er as Inspector May Direct.— Elevators, motors, cellar drains and similar fixtures, using only fresh water, may be connected to sewer, only as the Inspector may direct, the surrounding circum- stances governing same. Sec. 2258. Drain Pipes — How Discharged — Rainwater Lead- ers—How Emptied.— The drain pipes leading from sinks, bath tubs, or basins, or wash trays, may discharge into proper con- structed .catch basins placed outside of buildings, and in that case the traps for said fixtures need not be ventilated, if the hori- zontal ditance from outlet of fixture does not exceed five feet, and vertical distance does not exceed four feet. Rain water leaders may empty into catch basins. Sec. 2259. Owners Shall Provide Water Closet Accommoda- tions — Shall Comply with the Sanitary Laws — One for Every Twenty People.— Every person, who shall be the owner, lessee, keeper, manager or agent of any tenement house, boarding house, lodging house, workshop or manufactory, shall provide, or cause to be provided for the accommodation thereof, and for the use of tenants, lodgers, boarders, or workers therein, adequate priv- ies or water closets, and same shall be adequately ventilated, and shall be at all times kept in such cleanly and wholesome con- dition as not to be offensive or dangerous or detrimental to health, and no offensive smell or gases from or through any out- let or sewer, or through any privies or water closets, shall be allowed by any such persons aforesaid to exist in such house or any part thereof. Said privies or water closets shall not be less than one for every twenty people inhabiting or employed in such buildings, houses, shops or factories. Sec. 2260. When Sewer Connection Is Made, Arrangement for Disposal of Waste Water Shall be Made.— Hereafter, where ii:;() s \ Ml' \'ilo\ — i \ r« II iivsiNs — ( i.ovi:i scwcr connections arc made, or where they ha\e aheaily been made, to anv jjremises, and only a closet put in, it will he neces- sary to su])|)ly convenience for the disposal of waste water, cither a sink in the honsc. or a catcli basin in the yard. In all old work of this kind, the lnspectt)r is to serve a notice on the owner, or a.Li^cnt of the property, where from condition (jt i)renii>es it becomes necessary. Sec. 2261. Catch Basins— Material — Size — No Bell Trap Al- lowed. — \\ here a catch basin in the \ard is used, it must be ])uilt of non-absorbent material. If of terra cotta pipe, it shall not l)e less than twehe inches with four inch terra cotta trap in the i;round below the frost line; the openin;.,^ to be protected by lieav}- iron grating;, fastened in : openinii^s in the i^ratini:^ to be not lari^er than one-half inch. Catch basins to be sui)plied with wa- ter by hydrant or waste of some fixtiwe. Xo bell trap allowed. Sec. 2262. Vent May Be Dispensed With in Certain Cases. — ^\'herc a neptune closet or other ti.xture is put in with a "l*" or "half S" trap, calked into sanitary tee in vertical stack, not over one foot from stack, the back vent of the two inch ])ipe may be dispensed with. Also syphon jet closet or lead bend, not over two feet from stack, may have the two inch vent dispensed with, provided in both of the above cases that no waste from other fixtures enter stack above closets, and that the fcnir inch pipe is continued through the roof. Sec. 2263, Hoppers or Yard Closets — Type — How Installed. — Hoppers or yard closets shall hereafter ht of tiic pattern known in catalogues as new or New York "enameled." The iron pipe shall extend beyond the foundation or building- line, and the closet shall be calked into the hub of same or set securely on lead extension, wiped on brass ferrule. The house or room to be substantially built and properly floored. All old seats to be removed. The closet to be provided by plumber with proper seat, and shall be hard wood and brass-hinged. Sec. 2264. Drain Pipes Three Feet from Walls. — Where drain pipes are constructed of terra cotta or any material liable to al- low leakage, when laid parallel with or in the same directions as > \ M I \ HUN — < KOSKTS— < 0NM;< TU»NS — \ \I,\ i:s (;;•] the walls of any Ijuilding-s. they shall, where jjossible. he situated a distance of at least three feet from said walls. Sec. 2265. More Than One Closet on a Pipe — Conditions — Arrangement for Clean Out. — \\ here more than one closet is upon the pipe in any huildinfj. the pipe shall extend beyond the room to the outside, and have a four-inch clean out of brass. When a sewer is laid in rear or front of the building, a "Y," properly closed, must be left at end for the purpose of a clean out. Sec. 2266. No Full S-Trap under Hoppers — Must Be Three feet from House. — Xo full "S"' irajj allowed under a hopijcr closet. Traps with hand lids must be supplied with clamps and rubber j^askets. The building- must be at least three feet from main house, buildinj^;, or dwellini,^ and not closely connected, and situated on the jjround. Sec. 2267. Must Have Valves or Shut-Offs Suitable to In- spector—No Putty Joints— Sufficient Water Supply.— These closets >liall have valves or .shut-oil's of suitable pattern satisfac- tory to the plumbinj,^ Inspector. Xo putty joints allowed, a brass fan flush must be used, and sufficient water supply to thorouij^hly flush closet. Sec. 2268. Sewers on Uniform Grade — Terminate Not Less than two feet under Ground— Where Elevated Lot, Grade May be Broken— Minimum Fall One-quarter Inch to Foot.— All sew- er.s >hall be laid on a true uniform ,«;rade aufl from ••V" in mam sewer to the end at the buildin*,^ line, where possible, and to ter- minate not less than two feet under ground. Where the prop- erty is above the street to such a height that the digging of such a ditch would be unnecessary, the grade may be broken into two separate grades. f»ne from '•V to the property line, and one from 'the projK^rty line to terminus. X'o sewer allowed where a fall of at least one-quarter inch to the foot cannot be obtained, unless by permit from City Engineer. Sec. 2269. Sewers on Unimproved Streets— Paved After- wards — Owners on Notice Make Connections before Paving So As to Prevent Tearing Up.— Where sewers are laid upon unim- (J32 s AM'i' \'ii<»\ — i'm\ v'i'i-: sr,\\ Kits — ukah hits proved streets, and the paving or otherwise improving the streets is begun immediatey thereafter, it is desirable that said inij^rove- ments may not be immediately torn up by the laying sewer con- nections, the laying of branches as far as the inside curb-stone may be ordered done at once by serving notices on owners of property along said street or streets to that effect. Sec. 2270. Parallel Private Sewers Not Allowed — Must Con- nect with Existing Sewer — Become Part Owner and Responsible for Its Repair. — Hereafter no parallel lines of private sewer will be allowed in any street or alley where sewer is already of suf- ficient cai)acity, but the owner of any private sewer already in must allow connection to be made to said sewer for a reasonable portion of the cost of said sewer, the person or persons so con- necting becoming a part owner, and responsible for all of the sewer in said street or alley, should it become necessary to re- pair or replace same for any cause. Sec. 2271, Houses in Rear of Lots Cannot Use Surface Clos- ets, If Sewer is Accessible, Public or Private. — Houses in the rear of lot, where the houses on street are connected with sew^er, will not be allowed to use surface privies, if the sewer is accessi- ble, and the property-owner or his agent, may be ordered to con- nect said house or houses on rear of property at the same time, when notice is served for connection for houses in front, also, any house situated on a lot, where there is no City sewer accessible, but is accessible to a private sew^er and water, may be made to connect with said private sewer, if the District Inspector is so directed by the Board of Health. Sec. 2272. No Sewer Empty Into Manhole Without City En- gineer's Permission. — No sewer shall empty into a manhole, or be tapped into a sewer, only on the written permit from the City Engineer furnished to the Plumbing Inspector. Sec. 2273. Fresh Air Inlets not Necessary, When Job Con- nected with Modern City Sewer. — The trap or fresh air inlets will not be necessar}', where the job is connected to modern or new lines of city sewers, which have flushed tanks and perforated manholes. On long lines of private sewer, although coiinected SAMTATIOX— I'M ^1 III Mi— THAI'S — SKW KKS — l)l« \l\ \<.K (,33 into modern sewer, the trap and fresh air inlet will be required, as directed by Inspector. Sec. 2274. House Trap Fresh Air Inlet— Size— Pattern.— The house trap, where used, must have a fresh air inlet -i-inch diameter finished by a return bend on an approved pattern cap of iron gratings, so arranged as to freely admit a supply of outer air, and, at the same time afiord protection to the trap from for- eign matter being introduced therein. Sec. 2275. Old Sewer on Lot, When Building Is Placed on It — What Is Done. — Where either an old or new building is placed upon a lot, which has an old sewer within the lines of any part of the foundation, said sewer must be either removed or replaced with cast iron pipes, run in accordance with these rules and reg- ulations. Sec. 2276. No Drain Near Cistern or Well — Liable to Infect Drinking Water. — Xu terra cotta or earthenware drain shall run near a cistern or well, the water of which is liable to be used .for drinking or cooking purposes. Sec. 2277. Drainage of Lots to Prevent Trash Accumulation. — Drainage of lots, where there is any amount of wash of lots, that may be liable to fill the sewer with trash or sand, must have connection made through a D or box trap of brick, similar to the catch basins on street corners. Sec. 2278. Taking Up and Relaying Old Lines of Sewers. — In taking up or relaying old sewers for any reason, only sound pipes can be used, and must be inspected. The Inspector may, if he desires, order "Y's" placed in lines of sewers for the purpose of cleaning same, especially in any old lines, that are or have been civiii"" trouble. Sec. 2279. Size of House Drains. — All main house drains, or sewer pipe of terra cotta, connecting to city sewer, shall be six inches, inside diameter, continuing full size inside of property line. Four-inch sewer not allowed for a distance of over five 6:u s \ M r v'lioN — I'M >iiii \<; I'li'i: siy,i:M:\\ i;i{s feet wlicre a (.-loscl cinplies into >anic. Smallei- drains of tcna cotta pipe tliaii fmir inches inside diameter ni»i allowed. Sec. 2280. Reduction and Increase in Size of Sewers — Re- strictions. — For no reason shall sewers i>e reduced in size toAv- ard main sewer. After leaving opcninc;^ in main sewer, the pijjc must not increase in size, unless a special permit in wrilinj^ is ■obtained from the City ICni;ineer, slating' the particulars for such ])ermit. Sec. 2281, Mistake in "Y" Connections — How Corrected. — Where a "Y" ibelonging to any premises has been taken by mis- take or otherwise, a "Y" may be inserted into line at main sewer "Y," gi\ing the ])ro])er owner the straight end, and the other shall be connected into the '■^'■' branch. Sec. 2282. Permits for Use of One Line of Sewer for Two or More Houses — When and By Whom Revoked.— W here from an\ cause a permit has been gi\en to use one line of sewer for two or more lots or houses by the Hoard of llealth. and for any reason it afterwards becomes necessary \.o have each of the prem- ises or houses separately connected, the permit allowed or issued will have no etTect, and the IJoard ma\- at au}' time order sepa- rate connections, when, in their judgment, it is necessary for the same to be done. Sec. 2283. Openings in Sewers — With What Provided. — All openings in sewers must be provided with traps and water sup- plies to retain a seal. Sec. 2284. Sewer Ditch Must be Inspected — If Defective, What is Done. — The man in charge of the sewer ditch must be present, when the work is inspected, and have all permits, if nec- essary, with him. iHe must have a good level and line, and must give all information that the Inspectors may require. No- tice will be given this man whether the work is satisfactory, and. if passed, also if improperly put in and not passed, and he should so inform his employer immediately. ADDENDA. Sec. 2383 (a). Bond — How Registered.— 1 l..l(lcrs of ouu- pitn bonds issned b)' llie City of Atlanta, may. if tliey so de- sire, ha\'c such l^onds registered. iJonds for registration shall be presented to the City Treas- urer, who shall detach the c(nipons from such bonds in the pre>ence of the Mayor and Chairman (jf the h'inance Commit- lee, and shall stamp on said bonds the form set out below, with his name signed thereto, or the following form may be l>rinted, lith\ — I'l.i >ini\(; — i'ii'i> — i:\im»si itr.s (j;>- Sec. 2285. Back Pressure Avoided if Possible — Damage to Property, Owner's Risk. — Where from any reason plumbing' is so located that there may be back pressure, valves must be put in. Such arrangement will not be allowed where it can possi- bly be avoided ; any damage occurring to property will be at owner's risk. Sec. 2286. Water Pipes — Material — Size. — The main water supplies, both hot and cold, shall be of lead or galvanized iron pipes, and in no case less than '^-4, when of iron, and ."i-S, when of lead, inches in diameter, the branches to be of not less than 1-2 inch, when of iron, and 8-8 inch when of lead; these branches not to extend over twenty feet to supply one fixture. All lead pipes to l)e of (juality known as extra strong. Sec. 2287. Connections of Lead with Iron — How Made. — All connections between lead and iron to be made b\' wiped joints on brass nipj)les or one-half brass solder unions. Sec. 2288. Water Pipes Under Ground — How Deep. — .All wa- ler pipe>. where it is j)l(\INS — linil.KIIS — KVI'OM Hi;s feet apart and screwed to board. Hurizdiilal runs of lead pipe may rest on strip of wood put in for that purpose. In no case shall pipes be put in plastered partitions, that are inaccessible. Sec. 2292. Shut-Offs and Drains Accessible from Within the House — Should Be Located Together, if Possible. — The >liut-otts and drains for emptying pipes in house to prevent freezing must be located in such a manner as to be accessible from within the house. No globe valves allowed to he used as drains or shut-offs in dwellings. When it is possible, the shut-ofF and drains should be located together ; they should not be placed where they are liable to become covered up with mud or trasii. Sec. 2293, Traps Not Allowed Above Ground Between Fix- tures and Drains. — Xo pipes allowed trapped above the ground between fixtures and drains. Sec. 2294. Boilers — How Connected. — All boilers shall be properly connected to stove and supplied with drain to empty same. The pipes must not be trapped between kitchen sink and boiler, where it can possibly be avoided. Sec. 2295. Water Pipes Under Floors Must be Accessible. — Water pipes placed under floors or in recesses of walls shall be so covered with plank, put up with screws, or floor put down with screws, as to be easily accessible. The plumber in charge of the work to see that this is done. Sec. 2296. How Pipes Are Supported in Hotels, Factories, and Large City Buildings. — In hotels, factories and buildings where there is no danger of frost, being always occupied and having engineers in charge, the pipe may be hung in basement from joists. Sec. 2297. Board of Health May Except Cases from the Ef- fect of these Ordinances — Conditions. — The Board of Health is hereby given the power to except particular cases from the oper- ation of any of these ordinances, whenever circumstances may demand, where, in their judgment, it will be to the interest of S AMT VTION — IMA MIH\<; — l'K\ Al/I V 637 the health of the City or citizens ; and they may pass such rules and regulations, from time to time, as they may deem necessary for the protection of the public health. Sec. 2298. Penalty for Violation. — Any owner, builder, con- tractor, or any other person, firm or corporation, who shall vio- late anv of the foregoing provisions, shall, on conviction in t>.e Recorder's Court, be fined not more than one hundred dollars, or imprisoned not more than thirty days, either or both penalties to be inflicted in the discretion of the Recorder. (j;5^ v«lluni.s iioVKii IM lll> « :i) ( )!•■ i:i)i\A'ii( ).\. Sec. 2299. Number of Board Members— Ex-officio.—'l lie r.uard of l-".(liKati(in of the City of Atlanta shall con>i>t of one nicnihcr from each ward besides the Mayor and chairiuan of the Conimiltce on Schools of the L'ity Council, u iio shall each be cx- officio members of said iioard. Sec. 2300. One Member from Each Ward — Vacancies — How Filled — Term. — The Mayor and (leneral Ltutncil shall elect a citizen from each of the wards of the City as a member of the ]V:)ard of Education from their respective wards, and their terms of office shall ])e for h\e \ears. X'acancies, in case tif death, res- it^nation, or otherwise, to be filled as vacancies in other lioards of the City Government arc filled, by election to hll the unex- l)ired term. Sec. 2301. Board of Education — Duties. — The 15oard of lulu- cation shall have control of the whole sivbject of public schools in the City, and shall ha\ e full and amj)le power to provide the requisite buildini^s, and open aird conduct a suffcient niuuber of schools to meet the wants of the population, so far as they can do so by a prudent and judicious apjjlication of the means made subject to their administration and management. Sec. 2302. Public Schools— Fire Engine Houses and Other Public Buildings to be Built by Contract — Highest and Best Bid to be Accepted — Right to Reject All Bids Reserved. — All pul^lic buildings, such as public schools, fire engine houses, and similar structures, when built by or for tl>e City, shall be built under contract, after advertisement two weeks prior to the letting of the bids, and such bids shall be submitted, imder and according to plans and specially prepared specifications, and the contracts for such buildings shall be given to the best bidder, in the opin- ion of the body advertising for and accepting the bids, provided s« iiotii.s in» MM> — 1'<»\\ i:n*i — m»oi\»<— 1*1, AN (;;{<) that the body advertising for sucli bids shall have the ri-ht to reject any or all bids. Sec. 2303. Miscellaneous Powers of the Board— School Dis- tricts—Superintendent and Teachers.— .\niono- the powers here- by inferred, the foUowin- are. for greater certainty, specially enumerated: To contract, lease. ..r purchase buildings for school- houses, and to make all neehall. in compliance with the duty now resting upon it. carefully consider and adopt the text-books to be used by the chiU.'.ren in the i)ublic schools ..f this city, in each and every gra--'rm-; \>i ui:n— t \x viion — hkpok is g^l Sec. 2310. Deposits — When Made — How Made — When Rep- ported — Salary of Treasurer. — Whenever directed hy a resolu- tion of tile Board, the 'IVeasurer shall keep the funds on hand deposited in some bank in the City (specified in the resolution), and, if any profits can be realized from such deposits, they shall be added to the fund pr()tlucinli account, as fol- lows: The ^um of One Hundred Dollars shall be paid to the of- ficers of said Board, and they are authorized to expend same for minor expenses of said department, and when the first appro- priation is exhausted, another sum of One Hundred Dollars shall be likewise appropriated, to be used in the same manner, and this method shall be followed as each approjjriation is exhausted ; provided, however, that no second or additional sum shall be made unless vouchers are submitted, or statements rendered to the Comiptroller showini,^ each item iur which the previous One Hundred Dollars have been expended. Sec. 2315. Moneys Reported to Comptroller — By Whom — By Whom Handled. — The I'rcsident of the Hoard (•! lulucatiL-n shall report to the Comptroller all money comin<; into that l)ei)art- ment from tuition, donation, becpiest. or from State. County, and from any and all other sources, and the amount so reported shall be charged for collection to the 'JVeasurer of the lioard i;)f Edu- cation, who shall receive credit upon exhibition of receipt of de- posit of same with th'e City Tax Collector, with whom he shall deposit daily, and report to the Comptroller daily and monthly. Sec. 2316. Board of Lady Visitors Created — One from Each Ward — When Nominations Made — When Approved. — There shall be a Board of Visitors for the public schools, to be com- posed of eight ladies, selected one from each Ward of the City. Said mem'bers shall be nominated at the meeting of the General Council to ibe held November 21, 1898. by the Mayor, and such nominations approved by a majority vote. Sec. 2317. Duties of Board of Lady Visitors Defined — Visit Schools — Make Reports and Recommendations — When.^ — The said Board shall have authoritv, and it shall be their duty, to *»tHOUl-S — LAUV \ IMTOIIS — Ti;il>I 643 visit the dift'ercnt public schools, faniiliari/.e themselves with the conduct of both teachers and pupils, the studies, methods of teaching, discipline, etc. and at the close of each term make a re- port to the Board of Education of their work, with such recom- mendations as they deem proper concerning the further man- agement of the schools; provided, further, that reports may be made during terms, if occasion arises. Sec. 2318. Term of Office. — The term of service of said mem- bers of the Board of Visitors shall be two years from date of election, or until their succe<^ors are dualihcd. (i44 si;\\ i:ics row Kit o\i;m — i)\>i\«.j> r\ri>iN«. CHAPTER LXXIX. SEWERS, r'r.RMiTS. i-:tc-. Sec. 2319. Authority of Mayor and Council to Construct Sewers — Chief of Construction. — The Mayor ami General Coun- cil shall have full i)()\ver ami authorily to lay tlowii sewers and drains in said city, and assess the amount of tiie cost and laying and constructing^- the same upon the real estate abutting on streets throtigh and aloiiL;' which sewers and drains mav he placed and constructed, and upon any real estate through or ujjon which the same may he constructed or jdaced. All work oi laying down or constructing sewers and tlrains shall be done under the direction and supervision of the Chief of Construction. The Chief of Construction shall furnish to the Mayor and (ieneral Council information and advice as to the necessities of any par- ticular locality or sewerage, the kind of sewerage that may be desirable, with estimates of the cost of the same, and shall fur- nish plans and profiles and such other like work as may 'be necessary and proper. Amounts of assessments on real estate for constructing sewers may be collected by execution, levy and sale as in street assessments. Sec. 2320. Damage to Private Property, but See General Laws as to Condemnation. — The Mayor and General Council are hereby authorized to construct and lay down sewers through property in said city, provided that before doing so. any damage done to private property thereby shall be ascertained and paid, In order to ascertain the amount thereof, assessors shall be ap- pointed, who shall act and report as in cases of opening streets in said city, and from whose award either party may appeal to the Superior Court of Fulton County within four days. Sec. 2321. Tapping and Connecting with Sewers — Under Di- rection and Supervision of Chief of Construction. — It shall not be lawful for any person to tap or make connection with any sew- er in the City of Atlanta, for any purpose whatsoever, except by m;\\ i:k«> — < ()\.\K( Tio.Ns — uk(;i i.atio.ns j^^- perinission of the Mayor and General Council, and upon comply- ing with the following:;- terms and conditions: Whenever a con- nection is made with any such sewer it must be done under the direction and supervision of the Chief of Construction; and the person or persons at whose instance the connection may be made shall be liable for any damage resulting- therefrom, and shall replace the street and sidewalk along and through which such connection is made, in as good condition as it was before the work was commenced, and shall pay to the city such an amount in proportion to the whole cost of the sewer to which he connects, as the frontage of the lot bears to the double length of such city sewer. Sec. 2222. Permission to Connect Discretionary — Description of Application. — Permission to connect with such sewer or sew- ers may, in the discretion of the Mayor and General Council, be confined to such character and kind of water and other deposits as in their judgment is necessary and proper, considering the lo- cality and size of the sewer. The application must set forth fully the size and character of the sewer which is to be put down, the point or points at which connections are to be made with the Citv sewer, and the jjurpose for which the sewer is to 'be used. Sec. 2323. Instructions for Keeping Connections in Good Condition, and Penalty for Failure Thereof. — The occupant or occupants of premises from which any such connection is made, shall be bound at his, her or their own expense to keep such con- nection in good order. Any person or persons who shall make connections with any sewer of said city, except by permissi^m as aforesaid, or who after permission shall fail to perform, or violate any of the terms and conditions of such permission, or shall fail to keep such condition in good order, shall, upon con- viction thereof before the Recorder's Court, be fined in a sum not to exceed one hundred dollars, or be imprisoned not to ex- ceed thirty days, or either or both, in the discretion of the Court. Sec. 2324. Putting Down Sewers or Gas Pipe— Penalty.— Any person who desires to excavate any street, to any extent, for the purpose of laying sewers or gas pipes, or for any other purpose, shall get permission in writing from the Chief of Con- 646 Slow i:ns i:\< v\ \iio\s i>i:i<>ii'i> i«i:«.i i.\ini\s >tnK-lii>n, who shall si)ccifv the streets and ixjriiims thereof which arc to be S(j excavated, and the leii_L;lh of time for which such permission is granted. During the time such work is pro- gressing, lighted lanterns shall be placed, at night, on either end of said excavation, and any piles of dirt or material. The top soil and rock, if any, shall be carefully kept apart from the day or lower eorth, and sliall be placed in as good condition as the same was before, or to the satisfaction of tiie Chief of Construc- tion. Any person or ])ersons \iolating this section, or any ])art thereof, shall, on conviction, be fined not more than one hundred dollars, or imprisoned not more than iliirty da_\s, in the discretion of the Recorder's Court. Sec. 2325. Excavating in Streets Regulated by the Permis- sion of the Chief of Construction. — Penalty. — Any person who may desire to excavate any street whicii has been permanently improved, for the purpose of laying sewer, gas or water pipes, or for an\- other ])urpose. sliall tirsi appl\' and obtain permission from the Chief of Construction, and deposit with the Chief of Construction, such sums as, in the judgment of such Ciiief of Construction shall he sufficient to cover the cost of replacing said permanent improvement, tiie surplus, if any, to be returned when the work is completed, who shall si)ecify in writing the streets and ])ortit)ns thereof which are to be excavated, and the length of time for which such permission is granted, and any person who shall remove any ])ermanent inipro\ement upon such streets without first having obtained such permission, shall, up- on c'onviction thereof, be fined not more than one hundred dol- lars, or imprisoned not more than thirty days, in the discretion of the Recorders Court. Sec. 2326. Instructions for Refilling and Replacing Excava- tions and Improvements by Chief of Construction. — Penalty. — All permanent improvements which may be removed, and all excavations which may be made as aforesaid, shall be refilled and replaced by the Chief of Construction, and all debris re- moved by said Chief of Construction, and the entire cost of such work shall be collected out of the person to whom such permit has been granted, and shall be, by such Chief of Construction, paid over to the City Treasurer, and by him conveyed into the !m:u i;hs -i-kioiits— ni: Kfcs- i{i:i'i,\< i;i> i w i m imi-i^ cccdiiif;- one hundred dnllars, or iniprisonincni not l.»nL;cr than thirty days. Sec. 2330. Earth Replaced Must be Puddled and Packed- Duty of Chief of Construction. — it shall ho the duty of the C'hief of Construction in replacinj:^ any earth removed, as aforesaid, to have the same properly packed before the permanent imj)rove- ments are replaced thereon, and to retpiire each portion of the work referred to in this ordinance, includinir the replacement of permanent imi)rovcments. to he done by skilled workmen. Sec. 2331. Laying of Gas Mains, Water and Sewer Pipes May 7th, 1888.— All i;as mains to be laid three feet bclnw the surface of tlie street, and that all water pipes l)c laid throe and one-half feet below the surface; and all sewer pipes to bo laid four feet below the surface, whore it is necessary to lay such pipes. Sec. 2332. Restoring of Fences Removed in Grading by Chief of Construction. — It shall bo the dul\ <•! the Chief of C'Mistruc- tion to restore all fences removed by the street force in grading lots as soon as practicable after such removal. Sec. 2333. Laying of Drain Pipes— Chief of Construction. (May 19th, 1896)— It shall likewise bo the duty of said Chief of Con- struction to lay drain pipes under fills made in the streets in front of lots in all cases where said fills will cause water to pond and stand on such lots. Sec, 2334. Sewers Laid Under Act Nov. 8, 1889.— All sewers laid or constructed by said City shall be laid or constructed un- der and in accordance with the Act of the Gf?neral Assembly of Georgia, amending the charter of said City, approved November, 1889. Sec. 2335. Ninety Cents per Lineal Foot on Each Side As- sessed against Property Owners. — Privilege of Abutters to Con- nect. — In all cases where a sewer shall be laid by or under the authority of said City in any street, the sum of seventy cents SKW Kits \>Si:!SSMi:.\'l> — MATKIIIAI, — 1>KFEXCE!» (j4(J per lineal foot shall be assessed upon the property and estates respectively abutting on said sewer, on each side of said street, on which said sewer is laid or constructed, and in consideration of the payment of said assessment, the owners of said estates shall have the right to connect their drains from said abutting pro])crty f(jr the discharge of sewerage into said sewer, and in case any such sewer is laid down or constructed through or over any pri- vate propertly along the course of any natural drain or other- wise, a like sum of seventy cents shall be assessed upon said property abutting on each side of said sewer for every lineal foot, making in all (jne dollar and forty cents for every lineal foot to be assessed upon such property through which sewers are con- structed as aforesaid, and in consideration of the payment of said assessment, the owners of said estate respectively on each side of said sewer, through or over which said sewer shall be con- structed, shall have the right to connect their drains from said abutting prnpi-rfy for the discharge of sewerage into said sewer. Sec. 2336. Material, Etc. in Discretion of Mayor and General Council. — The extent and character, material used, and expense of sewers cart of the amount for which the execution is issued, and stating what amount he admits to be due, which amount so admitted to be due. shall be paid or collected before the affidavit is received, and the affidavit received for the balance, and all such affidavits (;.')() .si:\\i;i{N ( ()\ m:« I ii> N N i>\>i\4.i> — vsvisnuic SO received, shall be returned to the Superior Court of l-"ulton County, and there tried and the issue determined as in cases of il- legality, subject to all pains and |>cnalties provided in cases of il- legality for delay. Sec. 2338. Under Government of Council as to Time and Manner of Connections. — For the preservation of all sewers in said City for the use and easement aforesaid, said Mayor and General Council shall ha\e the authority to direct and control the time and manner in which connection shall be made with such sewers; and b\ whom the work is done, and u])on what terms and conditions, and upon what point and to what extent surface water or drainage shall be permitted to How into sewers, and generally all matters relating to the use and control and re- pairs of sewers and sewer connections, and replacing of j)a\ing and other adjacent structures in good condition, shall be at all times under the regulation and control of the said Mayor and General Council in its fair and legal discretion. Sec. 2339. Damages of Property Owners — How Ascertained. — In case of any sewer or sewers or parts of the sewers being built or laid over or through private i)roperty, if the owner of such property claims damages for the occupation of said lands by such sewer and construction of the same thereon, such owner may. within thirty days after the adoption of an ordinance f(>r the construction of the same thereon, give notice of such claim, but a failure to give notice of such claim shall in no wise affect or prejudice the right of such owner to bring suit for damages sustained. Sec. 2340. Assessors Appointed — See General Laws on Sub- ject of Condemnation. — But on giving notice of such claim of damages, as aforesaid, assessors shall be appointed to assess dam- ages to said land by reason or on account of the construction of any such sewer through or upon the same. Said assessors to be appointed, notice given, and their award made as in cases of property taken for opening, widening or straightening streets under the charter and laws of said citv. .(*>um:i{ i.u r'»_i.ii:\> \i)\ i:it'MM:Mi:\-f (i.-)! Sec. 2341. Corner Lots to Have Deduction, When. — In the case of real estate situated on street corners, and havin^^ front- age on two streets, the owner and real estate thus situated shall be assessed by this Act provided for the frontage of the street in which a sewer is first laid, and there a sewer is laid on the other street seventy-five feet of frontage shall be exempt from assess- ment on the owner and real estate f(^r the last-named sewer. Sec. 2342. Cost of Sewer a Lien on Property. — The amount of such assessment for sewers on each piece of real estate shall be a lien on said real estate from the date of the passage of the ordinance providini,' f<>r the work and making the assessment. Sec. 2343. Notice of Kind and Line of Sewer to be Published. — The c< instruction of all >ewers under this ordinance shall be provided for by ordinance. After the first reading of an ordi- nance for the construction of a sewer, a notice -ame shall be published in one or more of the dailv papers of the city, .^uch notice shall contain a statement of the line along which the i>roi)osed sewer is to be laid, and a statement of the general character, material and size of such sewer, and said notice shall be published at least as many as ten days before the adoption of said ordinance, and said ordinance may be adopted at the next meeting after the injtroduction or at any subsequent meeting after said notice has been published. Substantial com- pliance with the abo\e re(|uirenu'nt- as to notice shall be suffi- cient. Sec. 2344. All Sewers to Be Built Under this Ordinance. — The foregoing ordinance and provisions thereof are to apply and have reference to, and be constructed in connection with each or- dinance hereafter passed, for laying or constructing a sewer by or under the authority of said city. Sec. 2345. in Case of Abandoned Culverts, Etc. — (See Sec. tion 2'.Wn I. The Uoard of Health of the City of Atlanta is hereby authorized to require the owners or agents in charge of property in front of which new sewers are built, to take the place of old . -.> >K\«i:i<» (Mil < I I. \ in I" « oNM « I r«.N«. rici\ \ rr. Hi:\\ I :i«H culverts, abaiuluiu-cl for scwcra^a- |)uri)Oses, to (|uit u>iii^' the old culverts for ilrainaKc purposes, and to connect their draina^je with the new sewers. Sec. 2346. Sewer Connections.— .Ml couneclions hereafter made with sewers havinj; "Y's" already prepared for lot connec- tions, shall ct)nnect with such "Y's" and not put in other •■^■'^" for the purpose of niakin},^ such connections. Sec. 2347. Violation of Above Ordinance — June 10. 1892.— A violation of this ordinance shall be punished by a fine not excecd- ins^ fifty dollars, or imprisonment not e.xceedin},' thirty days, or both these penalties, in the discretion of the Recorder's Court. I'KIXATl-: SlCWl-.KS— KlJ.lLA 1 K >.\S. Sec. 2348. Private — Permits for— Profile — Chief of Construc- tion — Inspectors — Pay — Xo private sewer shall be laid in the streets or public places of the City without application shall first have been made for a permit or ^rant therefor to the Mayor and General Council. ICach application shall be accompanied with a profile or sketch showing the street or public places to be en- tered, the part thereof to be occupietl by such sewer, the grade of same„ its extent and this shall bear the approval of the Chief of Construction. When such ai)plication shall have been ,L;ranted. same shall be inspected during its construction and while the work is in progress, by an Inspector appointed by the Chief of Construction. The compensation of said inspector shall be paid by the applicant, at such times as may be designated by the Chief of Construction. Cpon refusal to pay such compensation, the permit or grant granted such applicant shall ipso facto cease and be of no effect. Any work done under such permit or grant, the applicant having failed to comply with this provision, shall con- stitute an offense and subject the applicant, his agents or em- ployees to the penalty fixed in following section. Sec. 2349. Penalty. — Any person or their agents or employ- ees, constructing private sewers, or continuing same after fail- ure to comply with the provisions of the foregoing section, shall be deemed guiltv of an offense, and each day any work is done «i:\\ i;n^ — rni\ ati-: skw kus — i»i:umiis — ruoi-ii.Ks Gr):j e on >aul ^-ewer shall be held a separate offense and on conviction thereof in the Recorder's Court, shall be punished by a fine not exceedini,^ one hundred dollars, or sentenced to work upon the streets or public works for not exceeding thirt\- days, eitlicr or both penalties to be inflicted in the discretion of the Recorder. Sec. 2350. Permits for — No Charge.— Permits for entrance into such private sewers shall be granted by the Chief of Con- struction in tiie same manner as permits are granted for en- trance ijito public sewers, but no charge shall be made by the City for sewer assessments or for any sum on account of the con- struction lit private sewers. Sec. 2351. Conditions — Public Sewers, Must Pay For — As- sessments. — All permits f(jr the constructi<)n of a private sewer or for connection therewith shall be granted and accepted upon condition tiiat thereafter when the City constructs a public sewer the abutting property-owners shall be subject to an assessment, in the ma.-'.ner jjrovided by the charter and ordinances ni the City, without regard ti — « onm:< rioNSM i«i-v( k < i.osiri' i,i>ii'is (m.") service of notice, shall be ijunished, on conviction before the Re- corder's Court, by fine not exceeding- one hundred dollars, or im- prisonment not exceeding thirty days. LUXX ELT R)XS. Sec. 2358. Connections when Made Shall Be Indicated by the Committee on Sewers and the Chief of Construction to the Board of Health. — Connections shall not be required or permit- ted I.; be maile with any sewer already laid and not connected with until such time as shall be indicated by the 'Committee on Sewers and the Chief of Construction teck- with street to Chestnut street ; thence along Chestnut street to Cireensferry avenue: thence along Greensferry avenue to Culver street; thence along Culver street to Ella street; thence along- Ella street to Chapel street : thence along Chapel street to Hum- phries street; thence along Humphries street to Stephens street; thence along Stephens street to Cooper street ; thence along Cooper street to Ormond street; thence along Ormond street to (i.)ii Slow i:i«s M iii-\ri-: ri.osK'i's -i.i^iiih -timI': CluTokoc a\ciiue: llK-iice aloiifj;' Llicrokec a\fmic tn ( iIciuvixkI street ; tlR'iKf aloiii; ( ilciuviiocl street to Si»iitli l'.i»ule\ ard : thence alon^- South Houlcvard to Bryan street; thence alonp^ Bryan street to I'earl street; thence aloii}^ I'earl street to Delta IMaee; thence alont:^ Delta Place to Decatur street ; thence along Decatur street to Bradley street: and in addition to the above described territory, said limits shall extend beyond the streets as above de- scribed by distance of loO feet from the center of the several streets described as forming; the above boundary. The territory included within tlic Ixmiidary of said street> and for a distance be- yond same for 150 feet from the center of said streets shall be known as the inner sanitary limits. Sec. 2361. Penalty — Any i)erst)n, tirm or corporation, owner or tenani. ihcir agents or employees violatin^^ the provisions of foregoing- section of this ordinance, shall on conviction in the Recorder's Court, be punished by a fme not exceeding one hun- dred dollars or sentenced to work on the public works of said City for not exceeding thirty days, either or both i)ena!ties to be inflicted in the discretion of the Recorder. Sec. 2362. Time Of — Enforcement. — In order that ample time may be given for making sewer connections for all the i)remises included within said inner sanitary limits, this ordinance shall be- come effective on and after Mav 1, 1011. Mlou 11 N«. ti \l,i,KHn:s — >ii \ou> I'n \( ru i: |;-,j CHAPTER LXXX. siK )( )'ri.\(i (iAi.Li:Kii':s. Sec. 2363. License to Be First Deposited and Permission Granted before Any Shooting Gallery Can Begin Operation. — Any and all persons desiriiij^' Vj '.'pen a pi>i<^l or shuoiing gallery in the City of Atlanta .shall first deposit with the Clerk of Council one hundred dollars license tax, and then make a written appli- cation at a rej^ular meeting of the Mayor and (iencral Council, who shall i^TdUi a permission, if they see ])roi)er. Sec. 2364. After License Issues — Subject to All Restrictions and Liabilities — Violations Punished. — Any and all persons hav- inj,^ <.})iameil a licence sh-ill he subject to the same restrictions and lial)ilities, both as to orderly houses, days and ni}.jhts, that re- tailers of spirituous lit be lawful for persons conducting any shooting gallery to allow mi- nors, except hereinafter provided, or drunken persons, to prac- tice shooting, under a penalty of a tine not e.xcecding one hun- dred dollars, and cost of trial, or be imi)ri.soned not exceeding thirtv days, in the discretion of the Recorder's Court. Sec. 2366. Minors May Practice — When. — It shall be lawful to allow minors with the written coii-ent of their parents or guardians to i)ractice shooting at any of the regularly licensed shooting galleries of this City. 42 iy'iH snows KIM.s sK\||S«. UINK' CHAPTER I.X.WI. SHOWS. ( ik( IS i'i:ki()KM.\xlks. kinks, i-i.nixc I i:\XlKS, ETC. Sec. 2367. Skating and Other Rinks — Regulation of License. — Xo license >1ki11 be issued l^y llie Clerk of Cuuiicl to any per- son, tirni. ur corporation, for >kaiini; rinks, walkin}^ rink>. or rinks of like character except 1)\ order of ilie Mayor and ( iencral Coun- cil. An\- person, firm or corporation doiring >ucli license shall make application to Council for such license, slatin^^ the h>cation. size and the kind of structure to he used, and the same >hall he acted on by tlie Mayor and ( ieneral C'ouncil at their discretion. Sec. 2368. Throwing Rings — Lung-Testers— Flying Jennies, Etc. — I'ersons usinj^ as a source of profit devices known as throw- halls at figures, $50.(X) per annum. < )ther devices, such as throwing ringf., luachines for testiuij the lungs, strength, etc. $2."» per annum, payable (juarterly, and no license to be issued f-^r less than full price of one cpiarier. X'o license shall be issued for any i^ame of chance. Persons using "dying jennies" (amount, con- ditions, and price of license to be fixed by the Mayor and General Council, and no license to issue in residence sections except by consent of all heads of families liviuj.; within one bhjck in every direction: not to apply to amusement parks) : pri>\ided, no game of chance is played thereat; and provided, further, such person obtaining such license shall pay the expenses of a policeman to be selected by the Police Commissioners, and subject to the con- trol of the Chief of Police. Sec. 2369. Circuses — Sleight-of-Hand Performances — Regu- lations as to License and Admission. — All circus shows exhibit- ing, or which parade streets in this City, which charge more than seventy-five cents for admission, including the best reserved seats, shall pay a license tax of five hundred dollars for each day or part of day ; and shall pay an additionl license of one hundred dollars for day or part of day to cover any and all side shows, «iii<>\\v — \\ii.i> w i:>i' — rii{< I s Ki;<;i I, \ rioNs (i.')!) slcij^lU-tJi'-hand pcrturniances. throwingr balls at hjrures, throwiiiL^ rings, selling popcorn, lemonade and similar things, by shows and parties connected with and forming a part and parcel of said circus show. Such circus shows charging more than fifty cents, but not over seventy-five cents for admission, including the -best reserved seats, shall pay a license tax of four hundred dollars per day C)r part of day, with an additional license of one hundred dollars l)cr day for side >hows. etc., as above provided. Such circu> >hows. charging not o\cr hiiy coiUs a(! sliall pa> a li«.cns«.- of two hundred dollar- per day or frac- tion thereof. Sec. 2371. Further Regulation of Circuses, Shows, etc. — .\ny person, firm or cori)oration. agent or employee thereof, having in charge any of the following shows or exhibitions ; namely, circuses, horse-shows, dog-shows, antlKr pfrxMi aidiii}.,'' or a>si,stiiij^ the inaiuif^crs or owiuts of such cxhil)iti(jiis to overcrowd their lciit> or otherwise violating this Section, shall, on conviction in the Recorder's Court, be pun- ished in the same manner as provided in the preceding section. «.| NKI N». I I Ml ( «»>l Ml vsHO M KM IIKH S - l< I l.KS U(il CHAPTER LXXXII. SIXKIXG Vl'SD COMMISSION'. Sec. 2373. Sinking Fund Created — How Composed — Ex-offi- cio Members. — A Siiikinj^^ Fund Commission for the City of At- lanta is hereby created, in conformity to the law of the State, which Commission shall be composed of three freeholders of the City of Atlanta, and (jf which the Mayor and Chairman of the I'inance Committee shall be additi<»nal and ex-officio members. Sec. 2374. Terms of Members (Elective) of the Commission — Vacancies — How Filled. — llic term t>i office oi the cicclise members of said Commission shall be six, eij^ht. and ten \ ears. The Mayor and General Council, at the time of electinjj^ the first members of said Commission, to ilesij^nate which member elected shall hold each of the respective terms, and all vacancies occurinjj by the expiration of the terms of the members first elected, shall be f(jr terms of ten years ; provided that any person, who shall be a mendjer of said Ci>mmission, shall vacate his of- fice by ceasini( t«> be either a frecludder or a resident of the City of Atlanta. \ acancies occuring in said Commission, otherwise than b} the expiration of the term of office, fnii»«sin\ iii.i.i i.\'rio\> — ( i.ritK Aincrica. and aftcruard.^ In iii\c.>t all accrcliDii.-, ti» >ai(l Miikinj^ fund in the desii,Miatc'(l securities. All bonds bought by the said C nminissinn shall be rej^^istered as the pmperty nt the City of Atlanta, in accordance with the laws reguiatini^ the rej^istru- ticju of bonds of the City, State, or l-'ederal Co\ernnient. l'"unds awaiting inxestnient by the Sinkinij^ h'und Commission shall be kept in the Treasury of the City of Atlanta, or other desin^natcfi depositor} of the L ity of .\tlanla. NO warrant shall be drawn on the Sinking" l^und account except at the recpiest of the .*~^ink- ing I'und Commission, on regular City vouchers on that fund, such \Muclur> gi\ iiig ;in accurate- description i)y name, num- bers, and amoimt of the btjnds to be- purchased for in\e>tment of said Sinking hund, such xouchers to be receipted for by the Sinking I-'und L'ommission in triplicate, the original to l)e re- tained by the City Comptr(-)ller, the dui)Iicate by the Mayor, and tile lri])licatc by the .^inking I'und C'ounnission. The warrant based on said vouchers to be signed by the Mayor, and coun- tersigned by the City Comptroller, ami made payable to the or- der of tile Sinking hund C'oinmission. Theu the C il\' Treasurer is authorized to pay such wai'ianl. W hciu'\er the ."^inking himd Commission may desire to change the investment they have made, it shall be competent for them to do so, but tiie money obtained by such sale must immediately be deposited by them wilii ihc City Treasurer, and placed in the .*^inking hund account, taking duplicate receipt.s, retaining the original, and reporting the transaction to the I'ity Coni])troller accompanied with the duplicate receii)t of iju- Treasurer. Sec. 2376. Commission Shall Require the Mayor and General Council to Conform to the Requirements of this Ordinance, — It shall be the duty of the .Sinking I'und Commission to recpiire that the Mayor and lieneral Coimcil shall at all times comply with the requirements of the ordinances, now of force, creating a Sinking I-'und, and with any other ordinances, that may l)e here- after passed, enlarging said Sinking Fund. Sec. 2377. Clerk of Council to be Clerk of Commission — Keep Minutes — Treasurer Keeps Accounts — Records — How Kept — Transfer of Funds — When. — The Clerk of Council of the City of Atlanta shall be the Clerk of the Sinking Fund Commis- ^iMvi\(. II M> ( o>\ — iNii:ui:.sT_iM«i:>iii >is fJG.} ^il'n, and shall kfc\) niiiiutcs of its proceedings, and the Treasu- rer of the City oi Atlanta shall keep the accounts of said Sinking I'und Commission on his official books as Treasurer of the City oi .\tlanta, and shall receive and keep an account of moneys of the City of Atlanta in the Sinking Fund provided for the redemp- tion of bonds seijarate from his accounts of the general fund of the City of Atlanta. In ample time before the maturity of any City of Atlanta bond>. for which payment has been provided by the creation of a Sinking Fund, the Sinking I'Tmd Commission >hall instruct the City 'iVeasurer to transfer a sufficient amount from the Sinking ITnul Account to the I'.ond Account, to i)ay such maturing bonds; and such action to be reported to the Citv Comptroller by the .Sinking l-'und Couimission. and the Citv Treasurer the same day such transfer is ordered. Sec. 2378. Interest and Premiums to Be Added to Sinking Fund — Except of City of Atlanta Bonds. — All accretions to said Sinking l-'und from interot or from j^remiums on bonds sold shall be added to said .Sinking I'und. and invested in interest- bearing .securities, as hereinbefore designated in this ordinance by said .Sinking I'uiul Commission. Such accretions, premiums, or interot. so deposited with the Lity Treasurer shall be reported to the City Comptroller by the Sinking I-'imd Commission, and the Cit\ ireasurer the same day such deposit is made, with du- plicate receipt. .Ml premiums on sale of bonds by the City of .\tlanta and also all interest on bonrls of the City of Atlanta, registered and held by the Sinking I'und Commission in trust for the City of Atlanta, shall not be i)aid to said Commission, but shall be retained by the Mayor and General Council of the City of Atlanta, and used by it in the pa\ment of the current expenses of said City, but all »jther accretions than those obtained from City of Atlanta bonds, shall go to the credit of the .Sinking l-'und, as heretofore pro\ided. Sec. 2379. Purpose of Creating Sinking Fund Distinctly De- fined. — It is the intent and purpose of this Ordinance to create a Sinking I'und. which shall, by annual accumulation, pay off the bonds issued since the year 1877, which aggregate $810,000.00 (1003). and for the payment of which no Sinking Funds were provided at the time of their several issues. There are now in ii(i4 siMiix; I'l Ml « o>i >iissioN \ >ii:m»mi:n r» iiom»«. the liaiuls of the KkiuI Sinkiiij^ i'lind Commission $«.'i,8l().(X) for this purpose, and the annual deposit of $."{(), 'i.'iH. 00 hereto pro- vided by this ordinance (see section 2:iHl), will accuniulate in 24 years— say from VMY.i to l!)2hall have the force and effect oi law. and shall be held and considered as part of the contract l)e- t.vveen the City of Atlanta, and the acceptors or holders of bonds sold by said Sinkinj^f J'und Commission, or of bonds hereafter sold, to which the .^inkiuL;- I'uud i> applicable, and the L'ity of Atlanta shall not alter this orilinance except to make provision lor additions to the Sinkint;" h'und from time to time, as may be necessary to fully meet the recpiirements of law with respect to outstanding bonds to be hereafter sold. Sec. 2381. Amount to be Annually Set Apart to Sinking Fund. — JJcgiiiniiii^' with the year IKO^J, and continuing;' aniuial through succeeding" years until and including the year l!>2ti, $30.2r)8.00 shall be placed in the .Sinking I'und and invented by the Sink- ing Fund Commission to ])ay as they become due bonds of the City of Atlanta issued since the adoption of the Constitution of Georgia in 3877. and for which no sinking fund had been pre- vit>usly provided. Sec. 2382. Bonds to Be Paid Off— How.— It shall be the duty of the Mayor, City Comptroller, Treasurer and the l-'inance Com- mittee of the Ceneral Council to pay from the Sinking Inind so provided for the principal of each and every series of bonds c'' the City of Atlanta issued under authority of the Constitution o; 1877, and law pursuant thereto, as such bonds mature. Sec. 2383. Sinking Fund Above Provided for in Addition to Those Heretofore Created. — The Sinking l-"und above provided for shall be in addition to those heretofore created, and at pres- ent maintained. SI'Kt IKU V riON** — ^*l VM>*»»I» h'OHMS—« A STINGS (jgr, CHAPTER LXXXIII. SPEClFlLA'l'K )XS— STAXDAKl) 1-UKMS. Sec. 2384. Specifications for Catch-Basins and Man-Hole Covers — Valves for Sewers. — .\11 castinjj^s shall be of touij;!! .i^ray iron, free from injurious cold shuts or blovv-out.s, true to pattern and of workmanlike finish and made in accordance with the pat- tern> now in use. or of such other desij^ns as may l)e furni.shed or approved by the City Knj^iueer. liids for 8. 10 and 12 inch valve> shall be made at a specified price for each delivered on the work. X'alves to be complete, in- cludin;^^ rod. and water ti.^ht when closed. IJids will be made in a specified amount per i)ound for catch- basin and man-hole covers, steps, {grates and frames, delivered on the work on the order of the Chief of Construction. The castinj^'s mu>t not e.xceed the following- weights: Man-hole castings, solid covers, each 4.')! pounds. Man-hole castings, perforated, each 4:12 pounds. Corner catch-basin covers, each :J81 pounds. Square catch-basin covers, each ^^74 pounds. 24x;i6 inch grates and frames, each 350 pounds. Catch-basin bars, wrought iron. 2V2xr'^x3 feet. H pounds. Steps, per dozen, cast iron. 96 pounds. A certifieii;\'i' Tile ri;;lit is rescr\ cd to caiKcl the contract l'<>r the work called for under these si)eciticati()iis September :{(>th. 1!). .... or extend the same lo December IHst. 19 to be determined by the Mayor and General Council at any time during tlie i)roi;rc>'i of the work. 'Hie riyiit is reserved to reject any or all bids. CF.MKXT. Sec. 2385. Specifications for Cement. — I'or such trunk and lateral sewers as may be ordered built during- the year, not in- cluding' such sewers as may be provided in the proposed bond issue. 1. 'I'lie I'orlland cement must be projjerly seasoned, neithtr too fresh or too stale, must >how no si.i^ns of swellinj^- alter being mixetl. It must be in the uriginal packages and be free from injury by moisture or other causes. Not less than !)G per cent, to pass through a r)()-uiesh sieve, and not less than 1'.: per cent, to pass through a 100-mesh sieve. 2. When made up into wedge shaped pats about three inches in diameter and one-half an inch thick at the center and tapering to a fine edge, the cement must show no signs of cracking or warping after it has had its tinal set. when placed in boiling wa- ter for six (()) hours, or in water at normal temperature fi>r twenty-eight (28) days. 3. The tensile strength shall be as follows: 1 day (in air until hard set, rest of day in water), neat cement, 200 pounds. 7 days (in air 1 day, in water 6 days), 1 cement to 3 sand. 12r) pounds, 7 days (1 day in air. in water 6 days), neat cement. 500 pounds. 28 days (in air 1 day, in water 27 days), neat cement, must show appreciable increase. 28 days (in air 1 day, in water 27 days), 1 cement to 3 sand, 200 ])ounds. «.im:«ii-m \ ri(»\s — st a\i>ahij — ckmext qq'j 4. Samples of cement must be submitted to the Chief of Con- struction for testing" before the l:)icl is filed. ."). Cement shall be tested during- the prog^ress of the work and samples furnished in such manner as may be required. All cement not coming up to the requirements of these specifications will be condemned and must be immediately removed from th work. tj. Jhe c to .specify the price j^er hundred pounds at which the cement is furnished and to be weighed on the City public scales. 8. The contractor will be required to give a Security Company bond satisfactory to tiie Mayor in the sum of one thousand i$l,000.(M)) dollars for the faithful performance of the contract, and in case of failure to furnish cement in such quantity and at such times as is re(|uired. he and his bondsmen will be held re- sponsible or any damages the City of Atlanta may sustain by reason of such delay and shall also be responsible for any amount the City may have to pay to furnish the cement over and above the contract price. [). The Chief of Construction's estimate of cement required is 4000 barrels, but this estimate is merely approximate and is not to be held as entitling the contractor to any claim for extra time in furnishing the same or to any claim for damages if the quan- tity should prove to be greater or less than here estimated. 10. Payments will be made on monthly statements rendered bv the contractor, showing weighers certificate and receipts of fciremen for whom material was ordered. 11. A certified check payable to the City Clerk in the sum of five hundred ($500.00) dollars must accompany each bid. to be forfeited to the Citv of Atlanta, in case such bidder to whom the work is awarded shall fail t«> execute tlie contract and give bond to the satisfaction of the Mayor within ten days after the award of the contract. Checks to be returned to bidders after the con- tract is signed. 12. The right is reserved to cancel this contract for the mate- rial called for under these specifications September 30, , or extend the same to December 31st , to be determined by the Mayor and General Council at any time during- the progress of the work. CURBING AND SIDEWALKS. Sec. 2386. Specifications for Curbing and Sidewalks. — 1. Bids will be received for granite curbing, concrete curbing, brick sidewalks, sheet cement sidewalks, and hexagonal tile sidewalks. All work to be done in accordance with the specifications as pro- vided herein. 2. Bids will be considered separately on every item called for and the right is reserved to reject any or all bids; and the right is further reserved to divide the work and award part of it for granite curb and part for cement curb and also to divide the side- walk work and award part of it for brick and part for sheet ce- ment or tile. 3. Any material which does not in the opinion of the Chief of Construction or Inspector fully comply with these specifications will not be received and must be removed from the work imme- diately. 4. All material placed on the street will be at the contractor's risk and he shall hold the City harmless from any and all dam- ages resulting from the obstructing of the street or streets dur- ing the progress of the work. 5. Bids will be made giving the property-owners the option of paying all cash, or one-fourth cash and the balance in three equal annual installments of one, two and three years at 7 per cent, in- terest per annum. *iPF(IFI( VTIONS — ST AM) \UI> — < I Hni.X; — SIDKWAMvS g(]9 6. Bond in the sinn of three thousand ($3,000.00) dollars sat- isfactory to the Mayor will be required for the faithful perform- ance of the contract and in the event the contractor does not en- ter upon the work on the different streets within ten days after written notice from the Chief of Construction and prosecute the same in good faith to completion, it shall then be lawful for the Street Committee to relet the work, or put a day force on and complete the same, and the contractor and his bondsmen shall be responsible to the City for the cost of the work over and above the price at which the contract was awarded. 7. A certified check payable to the City Clerk in the sum of five hundred ($500.00) dollars must accompany each bid, to be forfeited to the City of Atlanta iTi the event such bidder shall fail to properly execute the contract within ten days after the award. 8. Any person who appears to the Chief of Construction to be incompetent or disorderly shall be discharged immediately on the request of the Chief of Construction and such person shall not again be employed. [}. All grading will be done by the Chief of Construction, but any damages caused to such grading by washing or otherwise, occasioned by the delay of the contractor to furnish material and lay sidewalks, shall be repaired at the contractor's expense. 10. Bids will be made per lineal foot for the curbing and per square yard for the sidewalks. 11. The sum of eight cents per square yard will be allowed for furnishing sand and relaying the old sidewalk necessary to remove, to make the ofd work correspond with the new. 12. Cement used in the work shall be of the best brand of Portland Cement capable of withstanding a tensile strength of 500 pounds per square inch when mixed .neat and allowed to stand 24 hours in air and 6 days in water; samples must be sub- mitted in ample time for test before the work is commenced, and also during the progress of the work. r-:() SIMOril'IC A'llONS — ST \M) \l«l> — « I »UIN«i — <.it \ MTi: 13. Sand used shall be of the best quality of clean, sharp sand, free from loam, sewage contamination or other extraneous mat- ter. 14. .Stone for concrete shall be of hard, sound and durable stone, broken to measure not more than one-inch in any direc- tion and must be free from dust, so that the ])n)i)orti<)n called for in the specifications can be rigidly adhered to without being weakened by sand and dust in the stone. 15. All paving around openings aiul hxlures must be done in a neat and workmanlike manner, and all openings or spaces ex- ceeding one square foot are to be deducted from the measure- ment of said work and no allowance shall be made for the same. IG. No charge shall be made by the contractor for hindrance or delay from any cause during the progress of the work em- braced in these specifications ; nor shall any claim be allo-wed for extra work unless the same shall be done in pursuance of a writ- ten order from the Chief of Construction. Any work not herein specified, which may be fairly implied as included in this con- tract, of which the Chief of Construction shall judge, shall be done by the contractor without extra charge. Sec. 2387. Granite Curbing. — 1. Curbing shall be five inches thick, not less than 18 inches in depth and not less than five feet long and made of hard and durable stone. 2. Must be uniformly and evenly drafted to a perfect line on top surface and sides for a depth of one inch from the corners and then closely pointed to a perfect surface corresponding to the draft on top and sides to a depth of ten inches on the face next the roadway and four inches on the face next the sidewalk. Quarry surfaces will not be received. Curbing must show full joints on the ends for the entire depth of the curb so that when the curb is set in line a perfect joint will be made from top to bottom of the curb. Curb must show not less than 4 inches in thickness at the base for the full length of the stone. ■ 3. Top surface must be so dressed as to make a right angle with the face next the roadway. M'K( IKK \l M>\S— S'I\M> \ISI) (ilt VM'I F: — ( 0\f KfOTK — ( ritlll\<; (171 4. Curbstone to be cut on a curve at the corners, with true and even joints to be of the same descri])ti()n as curbing before mentioned or described, with a radii as directed by the Chief of Construction. Twice the price of straight curl) per foot will be a'lowed for circle curb and this applies only to granite curb. f). Curbing must be set to tlie lines and grades as gi\en ])y the Chief (jf Construction and thoroughly rammed and mauled in place and any settling that occurs within six months after the completion of the work must be corrected at the contractor's ex- pense on the requirements of the Chief of Construction, unless it is apparent that the settlement was not caused by the con- tractor's negligence. ('). The sum of three cents per lineal foot will be allowed for an\ curb ordered reset by the Chief of Construction, necessitated bv the change of grade after the curb has been set originally, and this to apply only to streets where new curbing is set. 7. All curbing shall be similar in every respect, except as to length, to sample at the Chief of Construction's office, of hard, durable granite, out of wind, and dressed to tlie true line and surface as above described. Sec. 2388. Concrete Curbing. — 1. Shall be tive inches in thick- ness. ]8 inches in depth and cut through in lengths of approxi- mately 12 feet. It shall be composed of one part Portland Ce- ment and two parts of sand and four parts of broken stone, or approved gravel, all as above described, thoroughly incorporated and rammed in position so as to form a compact mass of material. The top 10 inches next to the gutter and the top surface of the curbing to be finished with a grout of neat cement to be put on the face by insering a flat sharj) spade l^etween the concrete and the form and filling this sjjace with the grout. The top to be trowelled to a smooth and true surface with neat cement and the edges rounded with a beveling trowel. All to be done before the concrete takes its initial set. so as to form a compact and ho- mogeneous mass. Xo plastering will be allowed after the ce- ment has set. Curved concrete curb will be jiaid for at the same price per foot as straight curb. G72 sPKriri .si:\\ ions 2. AH boards used both in the front and back in making forms must 'be smooth and true to line and long stretches of these forms must be erected before beginning the concrete, to insure perfect alignment and grade. These boards for front and back, except on curves, must not be less than 2 inches thick, substan- tially put together and braced, and as soon as they become warped or out of line, nmst be discarded and new and good boards put in their place. 3. The work niusL be done in an expeditious manner to avoid premature setting and the finished surface must be thoroughly protected from the sun or weather. Any disfigured work must be immediately repaired while green, and if allowed to set must be taken up and rcplacd with new work. SEWKRS. Sec. 2389. Specifications for Sewers. — 1. Excavations. llie ground shall be excavated in open trenches, three (3) inches wider on each side of the exterior diameter of the sewer, at the springing line of the arch, and the in\ert shall be cut to the exact size and shape of its extrados. 2. Rock Excavations. — \\'here\ cr rock is encountered in exca- vating these trenches, it shall be stripped of earth in sections of not less than fifty {'')0) feet, and the Chief of Construction in charge duly notified in order that he may measure or cross-sec- tion same. All rock removed before such measurement is made, or rock exterior to the lines herein prescribed, will not be esti- mated. When rock is blasted it shall be removed, at least 'M feet in advance of the laying of the sewer, and (3) inches outside of the lines of the extrados of the invert of the sewer. Only such ledges of rock as require blasting for its removal, and bowl- ders of one-half cubic yard or more, in volume, shall be estimated as rock excavation. After the removal of the rock as above spe- cified, the trench shall be filled with sand or gravel to the level of grade, thoroughly rammed. In all cases of blasting the blast shall be covered with heavy timbers and brush. AX'henever a line of main water pipe interescts the lines of the trench, any rock necessarv to be removed for a distance of five feet in the SI'K< II'IC VIIONS - NT \M) \HI) SKW KltS 673 clear, on each side of the main pii)e. shall in all cases be re- moved withonl blasting-. ;{. Drainage. — The contractor. . .shall at his... expense keep the excavation clear of water, while the fonndations, masonr\ or jMpe are beiiiL;- laid, and shall do all pum])in,n-. bailing-, torminj:;- of dams or other work necessary, in affecting- the drainage the water shall not be allowed to flow over the invert sewer, except under special conditions for protecting; the work, approved by the Chief of Construction. 4. Shoring.— The contractor. . . shall furnish and put in place at his own exj)ense suitable sheet plankin^^ and bracing; wherever necessary t(j support the excavation. The sheetinj;- and bracing shall be removed as the work progresses in such a manner as to prevent the caving in of the sides of the excavations; and wdiile being drawn all vacancies left by the ])lank shall be filled by ram- ming with special tools, as may be directed by the Chief of Con- struction. 'J"he sheeting shall be drawn to the level of the spring- ing line, before any filling is placed on the arch, when the Chief of Construction directs. Secontl or inside sheeting shall be used whenever directed by the Chief of Construction. The second sheeting shall ))e drawn before any filling is placed on the arch, and in all cases the space left by the plank shall be filled with sand and thoroughly rammed. The Chief of Construction may order the sheeting and bracing left in. when, in his opinion, it is necessary for the protection of the work, and such lumber shall be paid for. The contractor. . .shall at... own expense, shore up, protect and restore, and make good, as may be necessary, al' bridges, buildings, fences, sidewalks, walls or other i)roperties. which may be disturbed or injured during the progress of the work; and the said contractor. . .will be held responsible for all damages which may happen to neighboring properties or in any other way from neglect of this ])recaution. I ."). Passage way on sidewalks to gates, etc., shall be kept open. — The material excavated shall be laid compactly on the side of the trench and kept turned up so as to be as little inconvenience as possible to public travel or the adjoining tenants and so that free access may be had at any time to all hydrants and gates. In ()74 M'i;< ii'M \ iioNs — s r\ M> \icii - m;\\ i.ns case llic stifct is iidI wide eu()ii>;li l<> throw the earth without stoi)i)in^ the passajjje-way on the sidewalk, the contractor shall at own expense erect a board fence and keep a passage-wa\- of two feet six inches open on the sidewalks. (i. Backfilling. — The work >hall be back-hlled carefully and packed and rammed under and around the sewers with {)ropci' tools. The back-tilling to the level of the springing line of the arch shall be done before the arch is turned, in refilling all the trenches, the earth shall be failhfull) rammed in layers oi not more than six inches in depth with heavy rammers. Whenever the material excavated from the trenches is. in the opini«m of the Ivngincer. not suitable for filling around the sewer, the contrac- tor shall at own expense, provide satisfactory material. Whenever any back-filling is done, the number of men back-fill- ing shall never exceed the number of men ramming. 7. Foundation. — If, in the opinion of the Lhief of Construction, the material at or below grade is of an improper nature for a foundation, it shall be removed to such depth and width and in such manner as he may direct, and other material, as directed ])y liim, ])ul in its place. 8. Cement Mortar. — The cement mortar shall be composed of the best quality of Portland cement, mixed in the proportion ot one part — by measure — of cement, to four parts — by measure — of clean, sharp sand, free from loam, unless otherwise ilirected by the Chief of Construction. The cement and sand shall be carefully mixed dry, the water afterwards added, and the mortar made fresh for the work on hand. Any mortar that may be left over night or that may have been standing more than two hours is not to be retempered and used in any way. Water used for cement shall be free from sew^erage or other contagious contami- tions. 9. Concrete, when required, shall be composed of one part of cement, 2V2 parts sand (made as previously described), and five parts of clean gravel, or broken stone free from dirt or dust, un- less otherwise directed by the Engineer, and broken so as to pass through a two-inch ring. It shall be quickly and thoroughly M*K< IKH VTIO.NS — STA.NDARD — SKW KRS ^^- '^ mixed, and ininiediately deposited in place, thorouglily rammed, after which there shall be no walking or working over it before it is sufficiently set. 10. Rubble Masonry. — Rubble stone masonry, when required, shall be built of sound and durable quarried stone, of shape and form to make neat and substantial work of this class. They shall be thoroughly cleaned of earth and dust, and be bedded in cement mortar, of the quality already described. Every joint and space being well filled with mortar; no spawling up under a stone will be allowed. The headers must be of sufficient size and frequency to insure a strong bond. 11. The brick masonry >hall be constructed of brick equal to the best Chattahoochee River clay, burned hard entirely throui^l regular and uniform in shape and size, and laid in cement mor- tar of the quality before specified. They shall be culled as thyy are brought ujxjn the gr(»und. and all brick of an inferior quality, and all bats shall be immediately removed. J'lvery brick shall be thoroughly wet immediately before being laid and shall have full cement joints under bottom, sides and ends, which for each brick shall be formed at one operati(jn, and in no case shall it be made by working in the mortar after the brick is laid. livery course of brick shall be laid to a line with the beds in the line of the radii of the curve, and with joints not exceeding one-quarter of an inch for the face work. Xo bats shall be used, except in man-holes as closures only. In laying the sewers the best skilled mechanics only shall be employed. The brick sewers shall con- ft)rm in shape and dimensions to the cross-secti(jns shown on the jjlans, models and drawings on file in the Chief of Construction's office. All unfinished work must be toothed, and when new work is added to it the brick must be scraped thoroughly clean, and well moistened. All joints on the interior of the sewer shall be scraped and pointed while the mortar is fresh, atul the work left in a neat and smooth condition. 12. Centers and Templets. — All centers and templets shall be strong and smooth, and conform to sections as shown by draw- ings on file in the Chief of Construction's office, and before use shall be scraped clean. The center shall not be drawn until the tilt; si'iuirn \i'i«»\> «.i' \ \ i> \i{i) si:\\i;hs l>ack lilliii^- is at least tw<« feel (2 ft.) al)(»ve the 1^]) oi tlie arch, witlmut tile pennission of the t'hit.t of lOnstrueliDii. i:!. Man-holes. — .Man holes and ealeh-basins shall l)e eonstruct- ed iif such si/e and at such ])laces as the C"hief of l"i )nstrnctii>n max direct. 'i'he\ siiall be huilt i<> conform to liic i)lans. drawings and models of the same on tile in the C'hief of Construction's of- fice. The walls shall he worked up within nine inches (!) in.) of the arch of the street, where the opening- shall be twenty-two inches diameter. Projections of iron or brick, as the Chief of Construction may direct, fifteen inches a])art to ser\ i- as steps, shall be built in the sides of the nianliolcs as shown on the plans, or as the Chief of C onstruction may direct. The iron to be furn- ished bv the city. All maidioles and catclid)asins shall be built of brick. 14. Timber Foundations. — h'oundation ])lank. cradlin'i^- or plat- form of L;()od heart pine shall be furnished, excavated for and laid in the manner shown on the drawings or as directed by the Chief of Construction as tlie work procuresses. 1."). Pipe. — The pipe for pipe sewers and i>ipe connections with brick sewers, shall be of the best vitrified salt i^dazed sewer pipe, shall be homogenous in texture, and burned hard entirely through. The area shall not be less than that of a circle of the specified diameter, and the variations in diameters shall not ex- ceed ;} per cent., and in no case be more than one-half of one inch. \o pipe shall be used wdiich varies from a straight cylin- der more than three-eighths of an inch in two feet. The pipe must be fitted together before being laid in the trenches, so as to form a true and smooth line on the lower part of the pipe when permanently laid. Joints are to be formed of equal parts of gcKDd cement (as previously specified), and clean sharp sand, mixed dry, the water afterward to be added to give it the proper con- sistency. The mortar to be made in small quantities as required for immediate use. The joints to be carefully wiped inside and outside, and the inside carefully cleaned of all dirt, cement and other material, by the use of a swab tilling the entire base of the pipe and attached to a rod long enough to pass two joints of pipe from the end of the pipe last laid; and drawn forward as «;rM:«* iKn viions — s'l- \ mi \ im — ».i;\\ i:us . manholes, catch-basins and other i)arts of the work shall be carefully freed from dirt, rubbish or superfluous cement, as the work proceeds, and shall be left clean and smooih upon the com- pletion of the C( >ntracl. Us. Setting Iron Work. — All ca-ting or other iron work re- (juired shall be put in place and fitted by contractor — in the man- ner directed 1)y the Chief of Construction. III. Manner of executing work. — In no case from the com- mencement to the completion of the work aforesaid, without previous written j^ermission of the Chief of Construction, shall more than two hundred feet of trench be oi)ened in advance of the completed grading and cleaning of the street. The suri)lus earth, sand and rubbish remaining more than two hundred feet tractor's expense whenever the Chief of Construction may so di- rect, but the Chief of Construction shall allow twelve hours for .■-u si'i:( ii'n \iioNS — s'i'AM»\itn m:\\i.ii> I) ( n -aid i-fuidval at'lcr wrillcn nolilicatioii tlKTcof ha-, bci-ii -ivcii the contractor. 20. Ill all cases the street nuist be piU in as j^nod coiidilioii af- ter the work is done as it was before the said work was com- menced. Any surplus earth or rubbish of whatever nature, whether from the sewer trenches or already existinyf on the street shall be removed by the contractor. . .and the street thor- oug^hly cleaned up by the contractor ... with to interrupt as little as possible the use of the street \^'" ''^" li^'ld responsible f(jr all practicable and legal no- tices and signals to the public, of the condition of the street while the work progresses, and shall keep a bright red light burning during the entire night at each end of the trenches, and at such other points as may be necosary. or the Chief of Con- struction directs. . . shall also provide watchmen, fences and take such other precaution^ a> may be necessary to protect life and property.. . .shall take all risks as t<» the (piality f)f excavation, also its condition as to the presence or absence of water or rock and all contingencies attending this work. 2S. Superfluous earth.— 'Ihe superfluous earth and other ma- terials from the trenches and excavations must be deposited at >uch j.oints as the Chief of Construction may direct : provided, the average haul of same shall uot exceed fifteen hundred feet. 'J'he contractor. . . shall furnish all necessary labor to level off the su- perfluous material, where deposited, and at own expense. 2!t. Power to vary work. — The wf)rk shall be carried on in such portions as the Chief of Construction may direct, and he shall have the power also, with the consent of the City Council, to vary, extend or diminish the quantity of the work during its l)rogress without vitiating the contract, but no part of the work ,..,. sim:« II i< \ I n»N'* sivMivHii Hi:\\i:its shall l)c alttTcd 1)_\ tlu- cr I' ihat >h«>wii .>ii the (hawiiii;s or (lcsi-nl)e(l by the specification, without the express sanction of tlie Chief of Construction in \vritinJ,^ :{(). Disputes. — In case of any dispute a> to the nieanini; of any ])art of this speciticatiou. the decision of the I'hief i>i C 'instruc- tion, oivon in \\■^itin.<^^ shall he tinal and conchi-^ive. ;{1. Omissions. — Any work not here specified w hicli may I>e fairl}- implied as included in the contract, of which the thief of C'onstructitMi shall be judge, shall be performed by the contrac- tor without extra chars^e. 'A2. Ring Stone. — Kim^-sloue for head \\all> >hall be • t cut granite, "four cut patent hammer" work, cut to i-xacl dimen- sions, as shown on sections in the (d'fice of the Ciiief of Con- struction. They shall be ])ai(l for by the cubic foot, allowing a rectangular cubical form that will enclose such stone. 3;{. Flagging. — {"lagging for bottoms of drops and man-holes will be of cut granite six inches thick and not less than rtve feet long, and of such widths as shown on the ])lan>^ and sections, as shown in office of the Chief of Construction, and to be of "four- cut ])atent hammer" work. ;54. Lumber. — Lumber will be of heart pine, sound in every respect, free from shakes and large knots or other defects. 85. Classification, of excavation. — All materials excavaterl other than that cla.ssified as solid rock, as jjrovided in section 2 of this specification, will l)e classed as earth. 86. Cement will be furnished by the cit}'. but the contrac- tor... will be held responsible for its safe keei)ing and protec- tion from rain, etc. X'itrified pipe and cast-iron manlioles, catcli- basins, etc., will be furnished by the City. 37. Old Stone. — The contractor. . . .wall be required to use the stone owned by the city in bridges, culverts, walls, etc., on the line of the work, and build them into the new work as directed mm:< iin \ I IONS st\m»\iu) ««i.\\ i:hs OS] bv the Lliicf nf C()n>lriKli<>ii. i'<>r wliioli will be charged diic dol- lar ($1.(X)) ptT cubic yard, measured iu the new work. Stone to be taken out of old work without cost to C ity. ;i8. Extra measurement. — No extra or customary mea>ure- nients (jI any kind will be allowed in measurini.,'- the work un- der these specihcalious. Hut the actual lenj^th. areas, cubic contents or lunnbers shall be considered. 'I\venty brick to the cubic lo»n will be allowed in measurinj.,^ the work under these specification, and one rinj; work will be estimated four inches thick; two rin^' work ei};ht inches thick; and for every rins.:: of brick, additional, four inches additional will be estimated f<)r. Ivxcavation for brick sewers will be c(>ni])Ute^ections. The excavation on pipe sew- ers will be computed six inches wider than the exteri(jr diam- eter of the pipe. ;;!». Chief of Construction.— Wherever the word Chief of Construction is used in this sjiecification. it refers to the Chief ni Construction, or such a}.jents as he may select, to supermtend the construction of the sewers, and all exi)lanations or directions necessar\ to completiii;.,^ satisfactorily the different classes of work contemi)lated and provided for under these specifications, will be i^iven l)\ >aid Chief of Construction. 40. Contractor. — Wherever the word contractor. .. is used in this specification, it refers ti» the i)arly or parties oi the second l)art. of the ai.creemenl for the construction of the w(jrk herem specified. 41. Payments.— Payments will be made on nnjuthiy estimates furnished by the Chief of Construction, or as provided in resolu- tions of Council as shown above, ten i)er cent, of which will ))e retained until the completion and acceptance of the work, but no claim whatever shall be made .^r allowed the contractor .. for damaijes or interest in the event said estimates are not pormptly l)aid by the Lity. or for any delay caused by the city or her airents. ,..,., S|'i:< II l< t I K'N^ s|\M>Vlll» >I\\IIIN 42. Completion. — Sc\\cr> that arc l'» lie assessed a};aiiist the piopcrtv-lioldcrs imi>l be cciupleled 1»> the hr>t (hiy ..f ( )ct<>l»er of each year. ( )ther wi'ik to he finished hy the first day of De- cember of each year. 4:5. Bond. — A security company bund in the >nm of. . dollars satisfactory to the Mayor will be recpiired fur the iaiih- ful performance of the work in strict accordance with t'"- r.-. quircnients of the >pecihcatii)ns. 44. Proposals. -I'ropo.sals must be made np«)n l)hiiiks furn- ished herewith, and all proposals will be considered inl«)rmal which arc not in all respects in conformity with this notice. 4.J. Car tracks. — The contractor. .. will be re(|uired to art'ord the necessary facilities to the company or companies owning railroad tracks, pipes or conduits on the line of the work, or to their accents, for the preser\ation of the same from injury, either b\' renii^va! or otherwise, without extra charj^e therefor, and shall keep said tracks open for the passaj^e of cars on their rei;- ular schedule. 46. Certified Check. — A certified check payable to the L'ity Clerk in the sum of hundred dollars must accom|)any each bid, to be forfeited to the city of .Atlanta in case such bid- der, after the acceptance of his bid shall not furnish the rc(piired bond and execute the contract within ten days after the award of the work. Check to be returned to bidders when the con- tract is executed. 47. Concrete. — When concrete is used for the construction of sewers the proportions shall be as specified by the Chief of Con- struction, and shall be thoroughly rammed in ])osition. using heavy forms and turnplates made to conform accurately to the cross-sections of sewers as furnished by the Chief of Construc- tion, and laid true to grade and alignments. After ft)rms and turn])lates are removed the entire inner surface of the sewer must ])e plastered to a smooth and even surface with nmrtar mixed in such proportions as the Chief of Construction may direct. si'ij II n \ I i«»\s— STANM Mil) ^i:\\i;hs ii^:i _\._Aiul it i> further a^jreed that if any time during a period of twelve montlis from the date of the final estimate, the road- way over the sewers shall have settled, the contractor shall, after three days' written notice, make such repairs, and on paved streets take up and relay the pavement to the satisfaction of the Chief of Omstructic'U. and if iiej^dect. . . .tu make such re- pairs, and bondsmen shall become liable for the cost of such work. li.— The said part of the second part further agrees that the return of the Chief of Construction shall be the final ac- c.unt by which the amounts of materials furnished, and work dune in terms of this contract shall be computed, and the con- tractor. . .shall not be entitled to demand or receive payment f<»r any work upon, in or about the said work as extra work, un- less ordered in writing by the Chief of Construction to do the same as e.xtra work, and a price therefor agreed upon previous to its commencement. C. The said part... of the second part further agrees that in case of failure to furnish materials or execute the work in ac- cordance with the plans and specifications to the satisfaction of the Chief of Construction, or shall not proceed with the same as rapidly as he shall direct, that it shall be lawful for the Mayor and (ieneral Council after three days' written notice so to do, served .n the contractor..., to cancel this contract, and re-let the work or put a force on the same, and if the sum paid for the completion of the said contract shall exceed the amount that would have been r railing; across the ends and sides, where nece>sar\ . of thi- excavation, and place snfficicnt red liy:hts on or near the work and keep them hnrnin^ from twilii^iit nntil >unri>e, and al>o t" employ a watchman as an additional secnrity wherever necessary. ]\. — The said part.... of the second part fnrther a>^ ^i\e notice at least twent-four honrs l)eft)re hreakin;^ j^ronnd. to all j)ersons in charge of water pipe. ;;as pipi'. railroad tracks, steam pipes, conduits and lire department, etc., that may he af- fected by said work and to cause no hindrance or interference with such perscjns, comjjany or companies in i)roteclin|Lj their said ])ipes. etc. l'\^lt is hereby fnrther aj^reed. that in case an\ ilamaj^e or injury shall nv may residt to the said water pipe, ijas i»ipe. lamp ])ost and tither works of any persons or any compan\. thron.i^h or by reason of any ne}.;ligence, carelessness or want '>f skill on part of said part. . tif the second part, the part. . .of the second part shall become liable to pay snch amonnt as shall or may be snflicient to cover the e\])ense and damage occasioned bv such nej^lij^^ence, carelessness or unskillfulness, and such amount shall be charged against said part... oi the second part, and may be dedticted from any sum or sums due or payable to said party on account of this contract and ])aid 1)\ the party of the first part or parties entitled thereto. Ci. — The said i)art\ of the second part hereby agrees to re- ceive the following prices as full compensation for fnrtiishing all material except such as is specified to be furnished bv tiie City of Atlanta, and all labor, materials, etc., necessary for the com- pletion of the work aforesaid in the manner and under the con- ditions before specified: Brick masonry per 1000, at Rnbble masonry per cubic yard, at Cut stone per cubic foot, set in place, at Cut flagging per square foot, at Lumber per 1000 B. M., at M'K< ii'n \'ri«»N«i — SI \M) \iti> — si;\\ KU> — mim;\\ xi.ks (;g.- I"lxcavaliiin> ami back hllinsj;> — I'cr cubic yard. 10 feet in depth and under, at. . Per cubic yard. IT) feet in depth and under, at. . I'er cubic \ard. 20 feet in depth and under, at. . Per cubic yard, 23 feet in depth and under, at . . Concrete, .set in place, per cubic yaril. at Solid rock excavation, per cul)ic yard, at l^iyin-^ S in.. 10 in., and 12 in. pipe, per fi m it at ... I^yinjr 13 in. and 18 in. i)ipc, per foot, at Layinj.j' 20 in. and 24 in. pipe. i)er foot, at 11. — The >aid party of the second i)art further aj^recs that., will not assign, transfer or sub-let the aforesaid work, or any jnirt thereof without the written consent of the Mayor and (Icn- eral C'ouncil, and that any assignment, transfer or subdettinj; without «uch written consent, shall be absolutely void. In witness whereof the parties to these presents have hereto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. THE LITV (J\' .\TL\\T.\. \\ itne"- : Contractor. .S[l)i:\VALK.^. Sec. 2391. Brick Sidewalks. — 1. After the foundation has been prepared, the contractor will furnish and cover the same with clean sharp sand, as above described to a depth (»f two inches, after beinjj rolled with a 400 jxjund roller. 2. Upon the sand as above prepared the l)ricks will be laid herringbone to a smooth and even surface and covered with sand sufficient to fill all the interstices, 3. The bricks shall be of the best (piality of whole bricks of clay or shale, must be hard burned entirely through and true in shape, with square edges and laid in close contact; no bats will be allowed except ft-r closures aiul all cnii.lemiied material shall be removed from the work. After beiiiK' laid sufficient sand shall be put on the walks and raked in with a rake until all the interstices are tilled. 4. Three samples of the bricks proposed to be used, marked with the name of the bidder, will i)e placed in the Chief of Con- struction's office previous to the consideration of the bids and all bricks used on the work must be e<|ual in all respects thereto. Sec. 2392. Sheet Cement Sidewalks. — 1. Shall have a total depth of four inches and shall be cut ihro\ij;h from top to bottom in squares of not less than 4 feet or such other dimensions n-. excess of this as the Engineer may determine. 2. The bottom 3 inches will be composed of one part ceme:r. . two parts of sand and four parts of broken stone as above de- scribed, rammed thoroughly in position. The top surface, oui inch in thickness, will be composed of one part cement and two parts sand to be trowelled to a smooth and even surface and to be pu: on before the bottom layer takes its initial set. This class of work to be used in ])a\ing driveways to lots and shall be corrugated in such nianuer as to afford a foi^thold to horses. Sec. 2393. Hexagon Tile Sidewalks.— h i ile shall be 18 inches by 1 3-4 inches in thickness. The base for one-inch in depth shall be composed of one part cement, three parts of sand, the top 3-4 inch, one part cement and one part sand, all thor- oughly rammed in molds and shall not be laid on the street in less than 20 days after being made, and must be kept sprnkled until thoroughly set. 2. They shall be laid on solid foundation, two inches in thickness, composed of sand and cement in the proportion of one barrel of Portland cement to one cubic yard of sand, well mixed and thoroughly tamped, 3. After being laid they shall be washed in with a grouting made of neat cement, until all the joints between the tile are well filled, and the edges or sides of the walk to be thoroughly pro- SPEflKICATIONS— STANDARD— VITRIFIi:i» IMI'K ggj tcctcfl with cciiKMit mortar with an average width of not less than one inch at the top and three inches at the bottom, smooth with surface of sidewalk. \ ITkll-lF.n ril'l-.. Sec. 2395. Specifications for Vitrified Pipe. — Pipe for sewers shall be of tiic be»t vitrified, salt glazed pipe with socket joints. Shall be homogeneous in texture, and burned hard entirely through. The area shall not be less than thai .-i .i v-ircie of the specified diameter and the variation in diameter shall not exceed -i per ent. and in no case be nxjre than one-half of an inch. \o pipe shall be used which varies from a straight cylinder more than' three-eights of an inch in two feet. i'ipc shall have six-inch hubs or s\\ iui; tliiikness: G, 8 and 10 inch pipe, ^^ iA an inch. ]- inch pipe, 1 inch. jr> inch pipe, 1** inch. 18 inch pipe 1^ inch. 20 inch pipe, 1 *^ inch. 22 inch pipe, 1^ inch. 24 inch I)il>e. 1^ inch. Sewer pipe must be delivered F. O. B. cars in Atlanta, the contractor to be responsible for all breakage en route. Bidders will be required to furnish a sample of their pipe to the Chief of Construction prior to the letting. Such sample- to be subject to tests such as the Committee on Sewers and the Chief of Construction may determine as to quality, strength un* der pressure, etc., and the right is reserved to select such pipe as the Committee and Chief of Construction may determine to be for the best interest of the City. The pipe furnished will be required to conform to the samples submitted. ♦IHS •.i'i:« irir \ rio\> ^i\NM\itii \riniiiii» i-iri-: 'I'lu' (|ii:mtitv to l»c ».oiisi(lcrc(l ;i> approximate f'»r coinpariitK bids and iKtt tn l)c held as entitling the contractor to any claini for daiuaj^a-s if llie (|iuuitity shouUl pr«»ve t<> he ^;reater ttr less than here estimated. The contractor will be reipiired to j^mvc a sccnrity company bond in the sniu of two thonsand ($2,(HK)) dollars acceptable to the Mavnr fi'i- the faithfid j)erformancc of the ct»ntract and in case of failure to furiii>h the pipi" "f >iuh ipiantity and at such times a> liie Chief of t oustructiou may direct within 20 da\> from the date <>f the order and in case of failure to furnish the pipe in the specified time, he and his bondsmen shall forfeit to the City of Atlanta ten dollars ($10.00) |icr «lay for i-\ ery da\ thereafter that is taken to hll the order and >uch amount will be deducted from the amount of the bill. I'ayment will be made on monthly .• furni.^hed b\ the Contractor and aj)pri>ved b\ the I hief of Construction. The following- are api)ro.\imate (pianiitio upon which the rel- ative rates of bids will be calculated and are to be used for comparison oidy : 14,(KJU feet (ji 6 inch pipe and U3o Vs. 3,000 feet 10 inch pipe and 100 Vs. 20.000 feet of 12 inch pipe and !)()() Vs. (i.OOO feet 15 inch pipe and 2()0 Vs. 4,000 feet iS inch pipe and 2(K) Vs. 500 feet 20 inch i>ii)e and 20 Vs. 500 feet 22 inch pipe and 20 Vs. 1,000 feet 24 inch pipe and 40 Vs. Contract to take effect after apprmal by the Mayor and to expire December 'Jlst. 19. . A certified check payable to the City Clerk in the sum of five hundred ($500.00) dollars to accompany each bid. to be for- feited to the City of Atlanta in case such bidder after the ac- ceptance of his bid shall not furnish the required bond and exe- cute the contract within ten days after the award of the work. Checks to be returned to bidders after the contract is executed. ^i>»:< ii'K \'iio\s — s'|- \ \ It \ It II « i(i:«isu ri:it \\<>«ii> mm k^ t,,^:i Sccuriis coaipany bund m the .->vun «>l two tlu»u.-Naml (i^2.(MH(.(M)» dollars satisfactory to the Mayor will be required for the faith- ful perfr.rmance of the contract in strict accordance with all the rc(juireinints of these specifications. Sec. 2396. General Specifications for Crcosoted Wood Block Paven:ients. — 1. All l)id> must he <>n the printed t<>rin attached and enclosed in a sealed envelope and atldressed to the City Clerk and marked "proposal to pave. '2. I'id(ler> mu>t fill out their l)id> in wriliuj.; and in htjnrcs, and must j^ive their names and addre>ses in full. \\ hen a tirin is a bidder, the member of the firm or aj^ent who sij^jns the firm's name to the proposal, must state in additi(»n, the full names of all the individuals composinj^ the firm, .\nyone sij^ninj^ the pro- posal a^ the ajfent of another or of others mu>t file with it the lejjal e\ idence of his auth(^rity to «1 ■ ; Certified Check. — I'.ach i>ro|)o>al shall be accompanied by a certified check for five hundred dollars ($r>(J in case an award is made and the contract and bond is not i)r»»m()tly and properly e.xecuted within ten «la\^ from the date of the award. 4. Bond. — The contractor shall furni>h a bund to the City (»f Atlanta to be given by a surety company authorized to do busi- ness in the State, subject to the approval of the Mayor and i;i an amount equal to one-fourth of the amount of the contraci for the faithful perfi irinanie of tji,- uiirk. b. Any employee of the contractor who shall use profane i)V abusive language to the Inspector, or other employee of the City, or otherwise interfere with Jiim in the performance of his duties, or who shall disobey or evade his instructions, or who is careless or incompetent, shall be discharged on the request ot the Chief of Construction and shall n^i a^^ain be employed, ex- cept with his c(jnscnt. »1. Prepared to Do Work. — I'.idders mu — « ici;osoi i;i> \\ evick-iico that they have l)ccii nj^iilarly cii-aj^Lil in lay in;; the l)avenient wliich they propusc to put (li>wi). ur are reasunahly fa- miliar tlierewith, and that they are tnll\ prepared with the nec- essary capital, labor, material and machinery to conduct the work for which they propose to contract, to the satisfaction of the Street Committee, and to bej^in promptly within fifteen ( 1")) days after notice to do so, and to comi)Icte the same uithin. .. ( ) workini; days, after the date iji >aid notice, delays due to bar! weather onl\ exce])ted : and the (."hief of ( on- struction shall be the judLje of what days are "bad" 7. The contractor must complete the work by the time named and shall he fail to complete the work by that time, he >ha!l for- feit to the Citv as li(piidated damat^es, and not a^ a penalty, the sum of ten dollars ($10.00) for each and every working- day, which may elapse between the limitiuL,^ et. and then, if re(|uired by the Chief of Construction, only on planks laid down for the purpose. In hauling stone, sand and cement or other material upon the work, the sub-grade surface shall be properly planked and protected from injury, and no materials shall be dumped except on proper l)lanking. 11. Old Material.— During the progress of the work all mate- rial taken up ant.- I'l aii\ iii--i>iiu iniwuii ilic I'-iiiuiL- lor I >r his rci)rescntative and tlif lnsj)cctor as to materials or llu- iiiamur of iti,L,' the wtirk, the Inspector mx the part of the I itv shall have the authority to stt>p the work wen in liis jndj^'- nitiil if is not in acc(>ui- can he referred to and decided 1»\ the Chief of C"on>tnutioii, and lii^ decision >hall he final. The hlockN shall he insi)ected l)\ the (hief of Ci instruction or .some authorized aj^ent. actin!^- under him. at the place of manufacture: ami, said thief of I'iMistruction or his aiient. shall satisfx himself hefore passing; said hiocks that ilu' same ha\e heeii treated with creosote in accordance with the terms of these Specifications. is. Ihe failure of the Inspector to tliscover and condemn wurk not in accordance with these specifications shall not re- lie\e the contractor of his ol)li<;atii>n to the t ity to furnish jjiop. cr materials and work as jyrovided in these specifications. 19. Work Suspended. — The contractor shall susjiend all work under this contract when notified hy the Chief of Construction that the weather or other condition^ are imsuitahle for carryin!;.j il on. \i the work is allowed during; had weather the contrac- tor shall take such additional precautions as the Chief of Con- struction shall re(|uire without additional expense, and under n«» circumstance shall materials which have been afTected hy weath- er, or otherwise damaged be used. 20. Contractor's Responsibility. — 'I'hc bidder is expected to examine the site before biddiufj, and no allowance will be made tor any unusual difficulties which may arise either affecting- the original construction or maintenance of the hnished work. 21. He must verify the approximate quantities given. 22. The contractor shall be responsible for au}- work done up- on the street over plumber's cuts or other work dcjue before the base is laid. 2;]. The contractor must take especial care to protect all wa- ter, gas, sewer and other fixtures found on the line of the wt)rk. and must have thcin raised «.r lowered, and set to conform l.. tin.- new grade <>i the pavement at the expense of the owner <•! >aitl fixtures. 24. The contractor will he held responsihle for any dama-e dune to person or property during the progress of the work, lie must display lights as retpiircd by the City nr of the wt)rk. if any extra work, not pn>vidempany the t)ption of paying all cash rmi.:r or « on vi m « rio>_..M mm n.. t>,l4 lion ..I" ilu- Street wlu-n tlur are wtlicr porli-.n^, wIktc uork c^u 1)C (li)IK'. ;j(). Grading and Sub-Foundation.— Liiic^ uikI ^'radcs will be (Iclcniiincd by ihc Chief uf Construction, and no work will be cuniinenced before the same are <,nven. The bed of the street will be L^raded to the depth and must cnforni to the cross-sec- tion furnished by the Chief of Constructiub-.L,'rade shall bt removed and filled with clean, sharp sand or <,M-avel or other ma- terial satisfactory to the ('hief of eonsiruction. anr n>ll ii with a steam roller weighing not less than five ( "> ) tons, uidess the Chief of Construction in charge shall be satisfied that the sub- foundation is sufficient!) hard without it. 'i'he excaxation be- tween the sub-grade and the finished surface to be included in the price for paving. All other grading to be paid for one way at a price per cubic yard. 33. Concrete Foundation. — After the sub-foundation has been prepared to the satisfaction of the Chief of Construction, a con- crete foundation six inches (6) thick will be laid on it. 34. The grading and sul)-foundation must be completed at least fifty (50) feet in advance of laying of the concrete. The contractor will be required to furnish and drive stakes to the true grade and crown of the concrete at intervals of from 5 to 10 feet, as directed. Care must be taken to preserve these stakes, and if disturbed they must be replaced by the contractor. 35. When there are tracks, or in narrow streets, when re- quested to do so, the contractor must furnish templets for use on the work, as directed. «iPi:t IKir\TIO\.S_< ON< RKTK— SAMIM.KS — STHi:>tone. These proportions are by volume wJien the material-- are well shaken or compacted in the measure. The Lliief of L'on>truction shall decide all (piestions as to how tiie barrows or other measures are to be tilled to obtain the above proj)orli(.)ns. and the contractor shall be recpiired tu furnish such means of measurinL,^ the materials as the Chief of Construction may direct. :{7. 'Ihe contractor >hall be recpiired to furnish at his own expense sucli >amples of materials as are rcfpiired to make tests of tlu- -ame. :{h. 1 he Tortland Lement mu>t be properly seasoned, neither too fresh nor loo stale, must show no signs of swelling after be- ing mixed. It must be in the original packages and be free from injurv by moisture or other causes. .\\)t less than 'J8 per cent, to pass through a .'>(! mesh sieve, and not less than !)2 j^er cent, to pass a 100 mesh sieve. :{!». When made up mat into wedge shape pats about three inche> in ile slrtngth shall be as follows: 1 day (in air until hard set. rest of day in water), neat ce- ment, 200 pounds. 7 days (in air 1 day. in water days), ] cement to :{ sand, 12.') pounds. 7 days (in air ] day, in water 6 days) neat cement. .')()() pounds. 28 days (in air 1 day. in water 27 days) neat cement, must show appreciable increase. 28 days (in air 1 day, in water 27 days) 1 cement to 3 sand, 200 pounds. 696 M'i: allw\sc»l lo he usctl hcl'oic ihc 7 thiy tot is iiiadf. tests will he iiiadt- of neat cciucnt bi-twcfii the one and seven dav tests when there is donht as to its (|nalit\. anand n>ed on the street in the proi)orlion of 1 part cement to :{ part> >and. and these tests nuist show at least 8.") jjcr cent, of the strenjjth uf mortar made with the cement and standard sand. 4^5. The sand shall he clean, hard and sharp, free from organic matter or other impnrities. It shall he testeil fur impurities by shakin<4' or stirrinj; the sand in a snitahle i^lass vessel partly tilled with water and allowing the same to settle for one honr. riu' sand in the J4lass shall be at least Do per cent, of the total contents exclusive of clear water, otherwise the same ^hall be rejected. 44. .Sand must also be rejected when the cement stainis the test with crushed cpiartz but docs not stand the test with the sand as given above. 4."). The broken stone shall be solid, hard, trap, j^neiss, gran- ite or limestone, free from dirt or dust, and of a size that will l^ass through a 2V^ inch ring and be held on a Vi-indi screen. The stone must be screened before it is brought on the street. 46. Mixing and Laying Concrete. — If the concrete is mixed by a concrete mixer, the cylinder must ha\e at least four complete revolutions after all the materials are put in and must be thor- oughly mixed. 47. If the concrete is mixed by liand. it must be done on wa- ter tight boards 10 feet by 14 feet. The sand and cement must be mixed dry and turned over until they are thoroughly mixed ; then enough water added to make a stiff mortar, and thoroughly- mixed; after this the stone, previously wet, is to be put on the mortar which has been spread out on the concrete board. The SI'Kl IKIt ATIt).\>i_CO.\CUi:Ti: WUOli III.IH KS (lilT whole mass is then to be turned over four times with shovels initil all the stones are thoroughly incorporated in the mortar. 48. The whole operation of mixing and laying the concrete must be done as quickly as possible, and no concrete or mortar will be used that has been mixed for thirtv i'M)) minutes. 41>. After the concrete is thoroughly mixed, it is then to be spread evenly on the sub-foundation and thoroughly rammed until free mortar covers the entire surface. If any spaces show a deficiency in mortar, it is to be supplied at once from the ma- chine or mortar boards and thoroughly rammed. It is essential that the concrete be thoroughly compact and that all spaces be- tween the stone be filled with mortar. r>0. All curbing necessary to be re-aligmd or reset will be done by the contractor and the price allowed will be five (5) cents per lineal foot. .')!. .\11 excavation needed in excess of liic amount re(|uired for the depth of the pavement, which will be the sum of t'^e depths of concrete, cushion and blocks, will be paid for at the rate of 30 cents per cubic yard, and the material will be disposed of by the contractor. WOOD r.i.( )L K i'A\ i;.\ii:xr. r>2. Inspection of Blocks. — 1 lie wood blocks shall be in.s[jected by the Chief of L"«->nstruclion or authorized agent at the i)lace of manufacture and on arrival in the City where they are to be used, or when piled adjacent to the street to be paved. All blocks not in conformity with the requirements of these specifi- cations will be rejected and must be removed from the locality of the pavement to be laid. o'-i. The wood blocks shall be of the following dimensions. 3 inches or 3^ inches in depth, 3 inches in width and from six to eight inches in length, with the fiber of the wood running in the direction of the depth, shorter blocks than those specified may only be used in starting courses or for making closures. 698 SPKCIFKA'I'IO^X — \V(H»n III.OCKS -ck shall vary in width and depth more than one-sixteenth of an inch from the other used on the same street or contract, 'i'he depth shall be that of the thickness spec- ified in bid. 56. The blocks shall be treated with creosote or some other approA^ed antisei)tic or water proof mixtures as hereinafter spe- cified, and each block shall contain at least 20 pounds of the mix- ture per cubic foot of wood, or when a block contains nuich nat- ural pitch, it shall receive as much of the mixture as can be forced into it by the same [)rocess and ))ressure as is used in the treatment of the blocks of the same kind of wo(k1 which w ill re- ceive 20 poimds of the mixture per cubic foot. 57. Creosote Oil. — The creosote oil shall be a dead oil of coal tar or coal tar product. It shall not contain more than 8 per cent, of water and if it does contain this amount of water a cor- responding correction must be made so that an equivalent addi- tional amount of creosote is forced into the blocks. It shall contain only traces of acetic acid and acetates. The specific gravity of the creosote oil with which the blocks are treated shall )be at 68 degrees Fahrenheit, be not less than 112, nor more than 115; the specific gravity residue not less than 115; the oil with which the blocks are treated shall not contain more than 2 per cent, free carbon, nor more than 2 1-2 per cent, soluble in ben- zole. A sample of at least one quart of the mixture with wdiich. the blocks are to be treated must be submitted with the bid. 58. After passing inspection, the blocks shall be placed in an air-tight chamber, where iby use of superheated steam or dry heat, the timber shall be properly seasoned ; after the removal of SPKCIKK \TIO\S — WOOD IlI.fXKS — l.\VIN— i.i\ I'.io i.o« \ I io\_i'i;n>ii-»^i<»> CHAPTER LXXXIV. STABLES, Li\"J':RV AND l'Rl\ All".— Kl-t -I'L A'lK >NS. Sec. 2397. Livery Stables Must Have Permits. — It shall he unlawful for any person, tirm or oorporaiiitn. to open and carry on a livery stable, feed and sale stable, or other similar institu- tion in the City of Atlanta, at any place not occupied f<»r such purposes at the date of the passage of this ordinance, without first api)lying to the Mayor and (ieneral C'ouncil, ami f>t)taining special permission to open and conduct said business at the i)lace to be so occupied. Sec. 2398. Location to Be Considered before Permit is Granted — Not Kept near Churches and Schools. — In c'>n. tirin « ir corporation to erect or use a pri\ate stable nearer than thiriy feet to any residence or place of business without the consent of the owner and occupant of such adjacent residence or place of business, and a violation of this section shall subject the offender, upon conviction in the Re- corder's Court of the City of Atlanta, to punishment by fine not exceeding one hundred dtillars, or imprisonment not exceeding thirtv davs. 7(i'J STRKKTS— i>tri«<>\ K>it:\'r— assk**>mi:ni ♦« ririiiioN CHAPTER LXXXV. STREETS AXIJ ALIJIVS. Sec. 2402. Petition for Street Improvement — Signed by City Attorney, — All petitions for street iinj)rtn enienis niu>l he siijiied in ink 1)_\- the owners of the property sitjiied for. or their duly authorized ag-ent, and all ordinances for >treet improvements must be approved as to tiieir furni and sufficiency of jjruperty signed for, by the City Attorney before being considered by the (ieneral Council. Sec. 2403 Power of Mayor and Council to Grade and Pave Streets. — 'i'hc Alayf)r and Cieneral Council of the C"itv of At- lanta shall have full power and authority in their discretiou to grade, pave, macadamize and otherwise im])ro\e for travel and drainage of the streets and public lanes and alleys of >aid citv. and to ctjnstruct sidewalks and pa\e the same : to i)ut down cin-b- ing. cross-drains, crossings and otherwise improve the same. Sec. 2404. Power of Mayor and General Council to Assess Cost Against Owner of Property. — In order to fully carry into efifect the authority abo\'e delegated, said Mayor and (reneral Council shall have full power and authority to assess the cost of paving and otherwise improving the sidewalks, including all nec- essary curbing for the same on the real estate abutting on the street, and on the side of the street on which the sidewalk is im- proved. Sec. 2405. Manner of Obtaining Jurisdiction — Petition of Owners of One-half Frontage of Abutting Property. — Said Mayor and General Council shall also have full power and au- thority to assess one-third of the cost of grading, paving, ma- cadamizing, constructing side-drains, cross-drains, crossings and otherwise improving the roadway or street proper on the real es- tate, abutting on each side of the street improved ; provided, that '••iKi:!:'!^— \««sh:>vMi;> r.*- — i.ii:n — ctiM.FXTiox ro3 any other street, or a portion of a street, shall be so inipro\'ed. the persons owning the real estate, which has at least one-half i)i the frontage of the street, or portion of a street, the iniprove- nuMit of which is desired, shall, in writini^'. rc(|uest the Mayor and (jeneral (^ouncil to make such improvements and the Chief of Construction shall have approved the same, and shall forward the same with their api)r()val. to the Mayor and Cieneral Council with a statement of the character of the improvement proposed to he made, and an estimate of the cost of the same, and said Mayor and (ieneral, Council shall, by ordinance, direct the said work to he done, after advertising- the fact oi the filing of the petition and the time and j)lace of its consideration, and action thereon ; provided, that the law authorizing the assessment by the abutting property-owners of the whole cost of paving side- walks (including cost of curbing) is in no way affected hereby. Sec. 2406. Assessment Shall Be By Ordinance, and Discre- tionary. — i^aul Ma}ur and Central Council shall have full power to adopt, by ordinance, such a >ystem of ctjualizing assessments on real estate, for the above purpose, as may be just and proper, estimating the total cost of each improvement made, and prorat- ing the cost thereon on the real estate, according to its frontage on the street or portion of a street so improved. Jt shall be wholly discretionary with the Maycir and Central Council whether any work asked for is necessary or desirable and shall be done or not; and no application shall be received, and no work done for less than an entire block; provided, that the own- ers of not less than one-half o{ the frf)ntage on a block shall not, by a failure to apply for work, or by objection thereto, defeat an application of the owners of one-half of the frontage of more than a block, when such application shall have been regularly made. Sec. 2407. Lien of Assessment. — The amount of assessment on each piece of real estate shall be a lien on said real estate from the date of the passage of the ordinance providing for the Work and making the assessment. Sec. 2408. Collection of Assessment, Defence. — The Mayor and General Council of said city shall have authority to enforce the collection of the amount of any assessment so made, for 704 sTiiioKTS vsskss>ii;ms— i:xi'i:m)iii i«i> \< roi m> work cither upon streets or sidewalks, by execution, to be issued by the Clerk of Council against the real estate so assessed, and against the owner thereof, and the date of the ordinance making the assessment, which execution may be levied by the .Mar>hal of said City on such real estate; and after advertisement and other proceedings as in cases of sales for said city taxes, the same shall be sold at public outcry to the highest bidder, and such sale shall vest in the i)urchaser title, as in the case of tax sales; pro- vided, that the defendant shall have the right to file an affidavit denving that the whole, or any part of the amount for which the execution issued is due, and stating that the amount he admits to be due. which amount so admitted to be due shall be paid or collected before the affidavit is received, and the affidavit re- ceived for the l-alance. and all such affidavits so received shall be returned to the Superior Court of l'\dton County, and there tried, and the issue returned as in cases of illegality, subject to all the jKiins and penalties provided in cases of illegality for de- lav. Sec. 2409. Chief of Construction to Keep Separate Accounts of Expenditures for Specific Appropriations, etc. — The Chief of Construction is recpiired to keep an accurate account of the money expended on the difterent appropriations which may be made for any streets and sewers each year, and specify the same ■on each weekly pay roll, with the name of street and sewer, and that they be required to stop the work when the amount appro- priated for any street or sewer is exhausted, and comnumicate the same to the Mayor and General Council. Sec. 2410. Approval of Accounts and How Paid. — All ac- counts for work done on streets and sewers are to l)e paid out of the regular appropriations, set apart and appropriated by the Mayor and (General Council for such work, shall before they are paid, be made out as other accounts against the City are made out, be appro^'ed by the Chief of Construction and shall then ])C approved by the Committee on Streets or Sewers, and shall then take such course as other accounts against the City. Accounts created under the supervision of the Chief of Construction shall have his approval. sTitioiors — siL>ii:\\ \i,iv> — i'wino — t i-ka.m.\« ,(j5 Sec. 2411. Widths of Sidewalks and Granite Walks. — All sidewalks for pedestrians in the City hereafter constructed shall be of the followini,^ widths: On streets sixty feet wide the side- walks shall be ten feet in width ; on streets fifty feet wide, the sidewalks shall be nine feet in width: on streets forty feet, side- walks shall be eight feet: and on streets thirty feet wide side- walks shall be six feet in width. All sidewalks shall be laid full width, except where the sidewalk is ten feet wide and parties wish to put down expensive sidewalks of granite or other mate- rial, where the walk may be reduced to seven and a half feet wide, and the parties be then recpiired to sod the border and keep it in good condition so that it will not wash, it being understood this is in no case to apply to the law as it nmv stands in regard to the laying of brick sidewalks. Sidewalks laid with brick shall be laid full width from property line to curbstone, except a space of twelve bv twenty-four inches around shade trees. Sec. 2412. Paving of Sidewalks in Inman Park. — lierealter, all sidewalks in Inman Park, and the street bordering thereon, when ordered to be jjaved by the Mayor and (jeneral Council by resolution, shall be paved from the property lines out, as follows: Un sidewalks twelve feet wide and above, the paving shall be seven feet wide : on sidewalks under twelve feet wide and above eight feet wide, shall be paved six feet wide, on sidewalks not exceeding eight feet wide, shall be paved six feet wide, provided sidewalks shall be laid with cement tiles. Sec. 2413. Paving of Space between Curbst ones and Side- walks in Inman Park. — The space between the paving and the curljstoiKj on all .sidewalks ordered paved by the Mayor and (jen- eral Council in Inman Park shall be kept neatly sodded in blue- grass l)y the abutting property-owners, or the Agent in charge of said property, and the same to be kept properly trimmed: and upon the failure of any property-owner to keep said space prop- erly sodded and grassed, the entire sidewalk in front of said property shall be paved at expense of said property-owner. Sec. 2414. Duty of Occupants to Clean Snow from Sidewalks. — When there is a fall of snow sufficient to cover the sidewalks in the City of Atlanta, it shall be the duty of all occupants of 45 7()»; STRKETS — SlUKWAI.IvS — OIISTItl ( 'IIOVS — IVWINt; houses fronting on said sidewalks to have the said snow clcaiRiI off of said sidewalks in front of their houses, within twelve hours after the snow ceases to fall. Sec. 2415. Penalty for Violation of Above Law. — Any per- son failing to comply with the provisions of section 2414 >hall pay a fine of not less than three or more than five dollars, upon conviction in the Recorder's Court. It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police, to see that the requirements of this ordinance is carried out. Sec. 2416. Encroachment on Sidewalks. — Xt» encroachments on the sidewalks or streets of said city, in the erection of build- ings, for area walks or otherwise, shall be permitted, unless spe- cial authority therefor is expressly granted on petition setting forth the encroachment desired, with the reason therefor. Sec. 2417. Penalty for Violation of the Above Section. — 1 he owner of the ground adjoining any sidewalk or street, where an encroachment is made in violation of section 2416, and the ar- chitect and contractor who cause such encroachment to be made, shall each of them be subject to a fine of not less than twenty-five ($25.00) dollars, nor more than five hundred ($500.00) dollars, or to imprisonment not to exceed thirty (30) days, one or both, in the discretion of the Recorder's Court. Sec. 2418. Removal of Such Obstruction by City Marshal. — Should such encroachment be made as is prohibited in section 2416, the obstruction shall be removed, and the street or side- walk be put in the condition that it was theretofore, by the City Marshal, at the expense of the owner of the adjoining ground, should such owner fail to remove the obstruction and place the street or sidewalk in its former condition on ten days' written notice from the Chief of Construction to do so. Sec. 2419. Sidewalks — How Put Down — Notice of Chief of Construction. — It shall be the duty of persons owning lots front- ing on streets, or property abutting on private alleys, in said city, upon notice of the Chief of Construction to put down in front of their property, upon the grade given them by the said STRKKTS — SIDKW AI.KS — I* A\ I.\(; — roi,l,KCTI<»N yf)— Chief ol' Construction and in accordance with his discretion, good and substantial curbing and sidewalks of such character and material as the General Council shall, by resolution, prescribe. In the event the sidewalks laid under this ordinance need repair, the Chief of Construction shall give the property owner, or if such property-owner be a non-resident then to his agent, notice that such sidewalk is in need of repair, and, after the expiratioa of ten days after such notice, same shall be put in repair by the said Chief of Construction at the expense of the lot owner, pro- vided, that if the lot owner dispute the correctness of the facts stated in such notice he may petition the Mayor and General Council for an order directing said Chief of Construction to re- frain from such repairs and the decision of the Mayor and Gen- eral Council, as to the necessity thereof, shall be final ; pending such decision the repairs shall not be made, but if such decision, sustain the Chief of Construction no further notice is necessary before making the repairs; provided, that should said sidewalks be in a condition dangerous to passers-by, that ten days' notice shall not be necessary, but the said Chief of Construction may have such repairs done at once, and collect therefor in the same manner as though such ten days' notice had been given. Sec. 2420. City to put Down if Owner Refuses or Fails — Exe- cution for Cost — Fees of Clerk and Marshal. — If any property- owner who shall be notitied as provided in the preceding section,. and shall fail within thirty days to comply therewith, the City -hall have such curbing and sidewalks put down at such proper- ty-owners' expense. In all such cases the Chief of Construction shall have a bill for the cost of such work and material presented to the property-owner, and if same is not paid within ten days the Chief of Construction shall deliver the bill to the Colletcor of Street Improvements, who shall prepare an execution for the amount of such bill against the property owner or owners, and against his, her, or their lands, goods or chattels. Such execu- tion shall be delivered to the Marshal, who shall proceed to col- lect the same by levy and sale, as by law provided in cases of tax collection. The fees of the Clerk and Marshal shall be the same as in tax executions, and shall be collected and covered into the Treasury through the Tax Collector. 7,|l: STItKin> Sll>i;\\ AI.KS— I" A\ IXi— < I UIII\«i— Gl ITKHING Sec. 2421. Sidewalk Material. — All sidewalks, which may hereafter be laid within the City limits, shall be constructed of either of the following materials : Stone, of not less ilimcnsions than two feet by ten feet, asphalt, cement, cement blocks, Au- g-usta, Macon or River, or other first-class hard brick, in such manner as is prescribed in Section G47 of the Code of the City of Atlanta for 1883; provided, that new sidewalks which may be hereafter laid within the limits hereinafter indicated, shall be laid of stone of not less dimensions than two feet by ten feet, or the width of the sidewalk, the limits herein prescribed being as Jollows : Whitehall street from Trinity avenue to the railroad: Alabama street from Loyd tn J-"ursytli street: Tr^or street from Hunter to Aul)uru a\cnue : L(jyd street Ironi llunler tn Deca- tur street: Broad street, frum \\'-est Mitchell to I'cachtree street: Peachtree street from the railroad to l"^llis street : Marietta street from Peachtree street to horsyth street: Hunter street from Pryor to Loyd street; Wall street from Loyd to I'eachtree. Sec. 2422. Curbing and Sidewalks — How Paid for. — The whole expense of setting curbing and laying sidewalks shall be assessed against and ccjllected from the propert\' abutting on the streets where sidewalks arc laid, and the owners of such . abutting lots. Sec. 2423. Guttering to be Included in Sidewalk and Curbing Resolutions. — All resolutions providing for the construction of sidewalks and curbing shall have included therein a provision covering and providing for the constructi(Mi of guttering for the full length of such curbing and sidewalks, and, further proxiding, that the cost of such guttering shall be included within the costs of the construction of such sidewalks and curbing, and as- sessed and collected from the abutting property-owners as a part of the cost of the construction of said sidewalks and curbing. Sec. 2424. Curbing and Sidewalks — How Assessed on Alleys. In all cases where private alleys, which intersect with side- walks, from the dividing line between adjoining lots, that the assessment for curbing and sidewalks at the point where the alley intersects with the sidewalk, shall be divided between the lots on each side of such alley, treating the private alley as belonging STin-KTS—SIOKW \I,KS — DIM KCTS—I.OOSE \AII,S, I:T< — It i:i' \ I U 7()(j fiiuallv 1«» the two adjoining lots. Private alleys belonging- to only one of the adjoining lots shall be treated as part of that lot in making the assessment of curbing and sidewalk. Sec. 2425. Dangerous Places in Streets Fixed. — Order of Chief of Construction. — The Chief of Construction shall keep employed a suitable man. and have under liim a sufficient fcjrcc of men, whose sole and exclusive duty shall be to repair danger- ous places on the streets, sidewalks and bridges of the city, and any place of the kind coming to their knowledge shall be fixed at once. Sec. 2426. To Prevent Placing Loose Nails, Etc. on Streets or Sidewalks. — It shall be unlawful fur any person or persons to place on the streets or sidewalks in the City of Atlanta any loose nails, tacks, spikes, broken glass, or any similar substance or thing which would be likely to injure the feet of person or animals or cut or puncture tires of bicycles or other vehicles. Sec. 2427. Penalty for Violation of Above Ordinance.— The violation of the preceding section of this ordinance, shall subject the offender, upon the conviction thereof in the Recorder's Court, to a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars, bv imprison- ment not exceeding thirty days, either or both of these punish- ments, in the discretion of the Court. Sec. 2428. Owners to Keep Sidewalks in Good Repairs. — It shall be the duty of all owners of property in the Vity, in front of wdiich the sidewalks have been paved, to keep such sidewalks in good repair, and to do such repairing and other work as may be necessary to keep the same in good, smooth con-lition. Sec. 2429. Duty of Occupants and Owners to Keep Sidewalks Clean. — It shall be the duty of all occupants of improved prop- erty and owners of vacant property, in front of which the side- walks have been paved, to keep such sidewalks clean, and to do such sweeping and scraping as may be necessary to remove clay, dirt and trash therefrom, and to render the same passable,. comfortable and sightly. '-ij) STRKKTS SIUKWAMiS— l>IOHKIS — (ill V'l I >(i— OHSTItl < TIONS Sec 2430. Penalty— Cleaning Up of Debris by Property- Owners- — Any person failing to comply with the conditions of the foregoing section shall be reported by the police force, and may be summoned to appear before the Recorder's Court, or may be arrested by an officer or member of the police force and taken before said court, and such person may, on conviction, be fined in a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars, or be impris- oned not exceeding thirty days, either or both, in the discretion of the court, for each offense. In all cases, where the owner or agent shall suffer dirt, trash, weeds, etc.. to accumulate on paved sidewalks in front of or adjoining their property it shall be the duty of the several Sanitary Inspectors, in addition to the prosecution herein provided for, or where after five days written notice of the necessity of the cleaning of such sidewalks, and to such works as may be necessary to render such walks clean and shall render a bill covering the cost of such cleaner to the owner or agent of such property, in person, or if such i)erson or agent be a non-resident, then by mail, and upon the non-payment of such bill within ten days after service of same as aforesaid, the Clerk of Council shall issue an execution against the owner of the abutting property, and said execution shall be a lien upon such property. Such execution shall be collected as other exe- cutions for the repair of sidewalks. Sec. 2431. Gratings — Width of — On Sidewalks. — No person, in building upon any of the business streets of the city, shall occupy more than two feet of the sidewalk for area, grating and lights, without special permission of the Mayor and General Council. Sec, 2432. Obstructions — Penalty. — No person shall place any trash, lumber, wood, glass, or other obstructions, in any pub- lic street, alley or way, in said city, or on any sidewalk. Any person who shall place any obstruction, as aforesaid, in any street, alley or way, or on any sidewalk, failing or refusing to /remove the same within six hours after being notified by the Chief, or any member of the police force, or, having removed the said obstructions, shall replace the same or similar obstruc- tions, shall, on conviction, ibe fined not exceeding one hundred dollars, or imprisonment not exceeding thirty days, in the discre- tion of the Recorder's Court. STRKKTS— Oll-S— OIISTItl ( TION S_I>ISOKUKKl, V 1 OMU < T ~]\ Sec. 2433. To Prevent Dripping or Spilling, etc. of Oils of Any Description on Streets Etc.— Xo person shall pour or spill or permit to drip upon any asphalt pavement laid on any street, alley or public place in the City of Atlanta any kerosene, benzine or other similar oil, or oily substance or liquid. All oil wagons or tanks shall have securely fastened under the taps or faucets thereto attached an absolutely oil tight pan or tray and in fill- ing any measure or other vessel from such tray or faucet, such measure or other vessel must be held so that any drip or over- flow shall flow into said box or tray, and in removing the same over the asphalt pavement, no drip or overflow from such meas- ure or vessel must be permitted to fall upon such pavement, and no receptacles for holding oil shall be placed on the asphalt pavement. Sec. 2434. Chief of Construction to Remove any Obstruc- tions from Sidewalks.— When any street or sidewalk in the City is being paved or graded, the Chief of Construction shall have authority to have any obstructions moved, such as fences, that are over the surveyed line on the sidewalks, and trees that are too far from the curb on the sidewalk that obstruct the free and open passageway of said sidewalk. Sec. 2435. Disorderly Conduct on Streets — Penalty.— Any one who stands or walks upon any sidewalk or street in front or near a store or business of any kind or so near the sidewalk as to obstruct its use, for the purpose of soliciting customers or trade thereof, by calling out or "barking" or -speiling" for such business, or by taking hold of passers by, and undertaking to persuade or force them into said store, or place of business, or does any acts similar to these mentioned and for the purpose named shall be guilty of disorderly conduct, and on conviction thereof in the Recorder's Court, shall be fined not exceeding $200.00, or imprisoned not exceeding thirty days, one or both ])enalties to be inflicted in the discretion of the Recorder;s Court. Sec. 2436. Barbed Wire Fences Next to Sidewalks Prohib- ited— Penalty.— It shall be unlawful for any person to erect, build or maintain any barbed wire fence along the margin of any lot facing or bordering on any public street in the City of At- ry) sTUioKTs_iivi..n or persons actually building, or about t^» l)uild "r repair any building, may collect and lay all such materials as may be nec- essary for such building or repairs in the street, lane or alley next adjoining to or in front of, such building or repairs, and any person or persons so building or repairing, shall have the privil- ege of using one-half of the sidewalk and one-half of the width of the street adjoining, or in frOnt of said building or repairs; provided that no person so building or repairing shall interfere with the running of the cars upon any street railroad ; and pro- vided further, that such person or persons shall keep any exca- vation securely covered, and keep one-half of the sidewalk open and in good passable condition. During all such time as such materials shall so lie in any street, lane or alley, the owner or proprietor of such materials, shall cause a lamp or lantern, with a good and sufficient light therein, to be securely hung up, placed or fixed on a post, or otherwise, at each of the two corners of such inclosures projecting into the said street, lane or alley, and in such manner as clearly and plainly to show the place and ex- tent occupied by such materials. The said lamp or lanterns shall be lighted by said owner or proprietor at or before dark in the evening in such manner as to reasonably suppose it shall continue to burn until daylight. The use of one-half of the sidewalk and one-half of the street shall only be allowed twenty days before a building is actually commenced, and ten days af- ter its completion. Any one violating the provisions of this sec- sIHKKTS — ( I.OM\<. lUH \\U|{K — >li:il(H\\r«« ()\ — TWO ll-.K.r y];{ tioii shall, upon conviction in the Recorder's Court, be lined not exceedinr^ one hundred dollars, or be imprisoned not exceeding thirty days, or both, in the discretion of the Court. Sec. 2438. Public Work of City Using Roadways for ^ch Work to be Closed — Mayor Shall Have Power to Keep Any Portions Thereof Open by Recommendation of Building Inspec- tor. — Whenever the City undertakes a public work. >ui:h as the construction of bridges, viaducts, or such work, which necessi- tates the use of the roadway for the erection of such public work, that the entire streets and sidewalks to be covered by such pub- lic work shall be closed, provided that the Mayor shall have the power on the recommendation of the building inspector to keep anv i)ortions thereof temporarily open, under such requirements to secure the i)ublic safety as may be necessary, but any permits to alhjvv any portions of such streets or sidewalks to be kept • 'pen as above jjrcnided, shall be subject to be revoked at any time in the discretion of the Mayor. Sec. 2439. IVierchants, Etc. not to Obstruct Sidewalk Longer than Necessary in Receiving or Delivering Goods. — Xo i)erson I occupying an}- store, stall, shop or (jtlur ])lace of business, shall obstruct the sidewalk in front of the place so (jccupied by him, or the view from the street, to or acr(jss the sidewalk, by placing goods of any kind on or over such sidewalk, longer than is really necessarv to get the goods or other articles into or away from such place of business in receiving and delivering such goods or other articles. .\ny person violating this ordinance shall be >ubject to tine not exceeding one hundred dollars, or imprison- ment not longer than thirty days, one or both in the discretion of the Recorder's Court. S^c. 2440. Sidewalks — Merchants May Use Two Feet to Dis- play Goods — Sidewalks — Boxes, Etc. Removed at Night. — Merchants shall be allowed tw(» feet of the Sidewalk next to their buildings on which to display their goods. All boxes, steps, stands or other things used in the display of such goods, shall be removed from the sidewalk at night and on the Sabbath Day. This shall apply to fruit stands, from which the fruit is removed. Parties thus using the sidewalks, shall, on Saturday night, thor- oughly and carefully clean said sidewalk. Any i)crson. firm or corporation violating' this ordinance, shall be fined any sum not exceeding- thirty dollars or imprisoned not exceediuf; thirty days, in the discretion of the Recorder's Court. Sec. 2441. Disorderly Riding and Driving— Penalty.— Any person or persons who shall drive a vehicle or ride in a disor- derly manner through the street, or place any wa^'on, cart or ve- hicle on the sidewalk, or stop such vehicle on a regular street crossing, shall, on conviction, pay a fine of. not exceeding thirty davs in the discretion of the Recorder's C'(»urt. Sec. 2442. Driving Over Bridges Faster than a Walk Prohib- ited — Penalty. — It .^hali be unlawful to drive any dray, carriage or other vehicle over or across any public bridge.' in this city, faster than a walk. Any person uv persons violatnig the above provision shall be arrested and carried before the Recorder's Court, and, upon conviction, be fined in a sum not less than one dollar, nor exceeding one hundred dollars, or be put under the public works not less than one day or exceeding thirty days, one or both, in the discretion of the Court. Sec. 2443. Vehicles Prohibited from Driving Over Iron Plates at Crossings — Penalty. — It shall be unlawful for any per- son to drive a vehicle on or across the i''f>n plates which are placed across gutters at the street crossings. .\ny person vio- lating this ordinance shall, on conviction before the Recorder's Court, be fined not exceeding one hundred dollars, or be impris- oned not exceeding thirty days. Sec. 2444. Vehicles Not to Stand on Street — Penalty. — It shall be unlawful for the owner or person in charge of any car- riage, hack, wagon, dray, cart, hand cart, or other similar vehicle to leave such vehicle standing on the street without a team at- tached to it and some person either in charge of the team or near at hand to move it if notified so to do, so as to prevent the ob- struction or blocking of the streets or endangering the public by- runaway or otherwise. Any person, firm or corporation violat- ing the provisions of this section shall be subject, upon convic- tion thereof in the Recorder's Court, to a punishment by fine of HTHKETM — \KHICXKS VI'WUIX; ON — IIK \ C I.KH «.ltVVKI. 0> "i" iMt exceeding fifty dollars, or imprisonment not exceeding thirty •days, either or both, in the discretion of the Court. Sec. 2445. Bicycle Whistles.— It shall he unlawful for the riders of bicycles to use whistles like those of policemen. Sec 2446. Bicycle Bells.— It shall not be unlawful hereafter for the riders of bicycles to use bells to give warning of their approach. Sec. 2447. Penalty for Violation of Section 2445 .—A viola- tion of Section 244.3 of this ordinance shall subject the offender, upon conviction thereof in the Recorder^ Court of the City of Atlanta, to punishment by fine of not exceeding one hundred dollars, or imprisonment <>\ u..t exceeding thirty days, in the dis- ■cretion of the Court. Sec. 2448. Digging Gravel, Etc. out of Streets — Penalty. — .V ])erson who shall r \nxh\\c work shall be rc(|uirc'd to accompany their bids with a certified check in such amount as to Chief of Construction, or the committee advertis- ing for proposals in each case, shall, designate in tlie advertise- ment. Such certified check to be an evidence of good faith on the part of the bidder, and to be forfeited to the City of Atlanta in case such bidder, alter the accei)tance of this bid by the City of Atlanta, shall not furnish the re(|uirfd IxukI and security for the performance of his ct)ntract, but to be returnetl to the bidder when such b^nd and security are given and acce]>ted. Sec. 2452. Duty of Chief of Construction tp Have All Curb- ing Turned at Corners. — it shall be the duty of the I hief of Con- struction, in future, in having curbing laid, to have all corners turned with curved curbing, cut on such radius as he may deem proper, and that the cost of the same shall be charged to the owners of corner lots. Sec. 2453. Curbing Laid at Owners' Expense After Notice. — If any property owner who shall be notified as provided in the preceding section, shall fail within twenty days after notice to comply therewith, in so far as to laying the curbing, the city shall have such curbing put down at each ])roperty-owner*s ex- pense. Each property-owner notified, as above provided, shall have ten days from the laying of the curbing and completion of grading, in which to complete and lay sidewalks, and on failure to so complete and lay sidewalks, within said ten days, the city shall have the sidewalks laid, and completed at each property- owner's expense. In all such cases the Chief of Construction shall have a bill for the cost of such work and material made out and turned over to the City Clerk, wdio shall have the same pre- sented to the owner, and if the same is not paid w^ithin ten days, after same is so presented, said City Clerk shall issue an execu- tion fur the amount ui such bill aj^ainst the property-owners, and against his. her. or their lands, goods and chattels. Such execution shall be delivered to the Marshal, who shall proceed to collect tl>c same by levy and sale, as by law provided, in cases of tax execirtion. The fee of the Clerk and Marshal shall be the same as in tax execution. Sec. 2454. Curbing and Sidewalks — Resolutions. — 1 he L'lin- mittee on streets shall ha\e no aulln'rity I') C'>n>itler and report on any resulutihall ii-i be legal to any reso- lution for laying curbing and sidewalk to be adoi)ted earlier than iwtj weeks after such resoluti{> front- ing on streets in said City uiK)n notice of the Chief of Construc- li(m. to put down in front of their jjroperty, upon the grade given them bv the Chief of Construction, and in accordance with his direction and in .>.uch a manner as to meet with his approval, good and substantial curbing and sidewalks <^f such character and material as the (ieneral Council shall, by res(jlution. pre- scribe. They shall keep the same in good repair whether jiut down by themselves or the City, and if they shouKl fail t(j do so after ten days notice, the Chief of Construction shall have such repairs done at the expense of the lot owner and collect for such repairs as is hereinafter provided in cases where lot owners re- fuse or fail to put down sidewalks after notice; provided, that, should said sidewalks be in such a condition dangerous to pas- sers by. ten days should not be necessary, but the Chief of Con- struction may have such repairs done at once, and collect there- for in the same manner as though such ten days notice had been given. 718 • the .Street Im- provement Collector, and by him presented to the property- owner, and, if same is not paid within thirty days, the Collector of Street Improvements shall deliver the bill to the Clerk of Council, who shall issue an execution for the amount of sucli bill against the property owner or owners, and against his, her or their lands, goods and chattels. Such execution shall be de- livered to the Marshal who shall proceed to collect the same by levy and sale, as by law provided in cases of tax executions. The fees of the Clerk and Marshal shall be the same as in tax execu- tions. Sec. 2458. Insuring Proper Repairing of Streets and Side- walks. — In order to insure the proper repairing of streets and sidewalks and to prevent the same being left in holes, and ruts, when paving on sidewalks or streets is broken under permit, the same shall be replaced by the Chief of Construction or his au- thorized Agents, and the cost thereof charged against said party or corporation to whom the permit was granted. Bills for said work to be made out by the Chief of Construction and turned over to the Collector of Street Improvements. Sec. 2459. Permit to Be Issued by the Chief of Construction, for the Opening of Streets, Sidewalks, Etc. — No street or side- walk whether paved or unpaved, shall be opened for the purpose of laying conduits, sewe'rs, setting of poles or for any purpose whatever by any person, firm or corporation, until a permit there- for shall be issued by the Chief of Construction. Sec. 2460. Driving, Walking or Using Portions Street Being Guarded, or Where Warned. — In all cases where streets, alleys or public places are obstructed for the purpose of being improved or excavations are being made therein or other circumstances exist, which render travel thereon liangeruus for either pedes- trians or vehicles of any kind and the officer or watchman in charge thereof, for the purpose of protecting such travelers, di- rect the travelers in a certain direction, it shall be unlawful for any pedestrian, driver of any vehicle such as buggy, wagon, au- tomobile, or rider of bicycles or any form of travel, to walk or ride or drive on such portions of such street or crossings or pub- lic places as may be guarded by such patrolman or officer and over which such travelers are warned not to pass, and any per- son violating the provisions of this ordinance shall, on convic- tion in the Recorder's Court, be fined not exceeding one hun- dred ($100.00) dollars or imprisoned upon the public works not exceeding thirty (30) days, for each offense. S€c. 2461. Permits for Opening Streets. — 1 he provisions of of Section 2459 of this ordinance shall be applied to grants here- tofore made giving general permission to open streets of the ■ ity, as well as to special applications or grants for that i)urpose. Sec. 2462. Penalty for Violation. — .\ny person violating the provibioiib »)i Section l!4.')!> hhall, on conviction in^the Recorder's Court, be fined not exceeding $100 or imprisoned not e.xceeding thirty days, one or both penalties to be inflicted in the discre- tion of the Recorder. Sec. 2463. Dimensions for Paving Sidewalks. — Hereafter all sidewalk.N ordered to be pa\e»l with tile t)r cement by resolu- lion, of the Mayor and Ceneral Ci>uncil or paved by the property- owner without resolution, shall be paved from the property lines lit as follows: On sidewalks 10 feet wide and above, the pav- ing shall be 7 feet wide; on sidewalks under 10 feet the paving ^hall be t> feet wide. Sec. 2464. To Protect Property Owners and the City from Inferior Work in the Paving of Sidewalks in the City of Atlanta. — All tile and sheet cement sidewalks laid up>on the walks of the City of Atlanta, whether by an individual, firm, or corporation as a contractor, or by the owner of the abutting property, him- self, shall be made and laid in accordance with the following specifications and none other: That is, all hexagon tiles shall be made of the thickness of 1 3-4 inches and the base of same, that 7l'(» sini:i:'is 'iii.i; iii.s <;i \n\\ii^:i: is, the l)i)tt(im of 1 iiicli in tluckiic.s.N. ^lullI be of ilucc parts clean sharp sand to one part of best iNjrtlaml Lenient. I he top of each tile tliree-fourths incli in thickness, shall be made one pari clean sharp sand, and one pari of the be>i I'ortland Cement, and sheet cement shall be laid (jii fonr inches of c<»ncrete, mixed i; the proportion of oik- ])art cenient, fonr parts sand and ei^h; parts broken stone or s^Mavel nieasnrini^ not more than 1 l-'i inches in out- direction and linisheil with one-inch of rortland cement niixeij (juc ])art cement and one part clean sharp sand. Sec. 2465. Usage of Tile. — No tile shall be permitted tu b. laid earlier than thirty days after same has been made. Sec. 2466. Foundation for Laying Tile on Sidewalks. I lb foundation for lavini; tile on sidewalks of the City of Atlanta shall l)c of a ba^e "f hard earth or concrete, with a bedtlinij on the top thereof, 1 1-2 inches deep, composed of sand and cement in proportion of one barrel of cement to one cubic yard of sand. Sec. 2467. Guarantee of Laying Tile and Sheet Cement Side- walks. — An\(iue conlractinj; to lay tile or sheet cement side- walks in the City of Atlanta shall be recpiired to guarantee the same for tive years, and during the life of said .L;uarantee shall be liable to repair and keep in order all of said work, if at an> time same proves necessary by reason of defective work or infe rior material, whenever ordered or notified by the City of At- lanta to do the same; and if at any time in the judgment of the General Council of the City of Atlanta, said work so done, js deemed worn out, said Contractor shall be required free of ex- pense to the owner or the City to entirely replace the same, and upon failure so to do within sixty days after notice the City of Atlanta may do such repair w-ork and recover the value thereof from the original contractor and the securi'.'.e-. of iii^ bond. Sec. 2468. Duty of City Sidewalk Inspector to Make Exami- nation of Materials Used. — The City Sidewalk Inspector shall, as often as may be necessary visit the shops and manufacturing sites of different Tile Companies doing business in the City of Atlanta whether the same are located within the limits of the City or outside thereof for the purpose of examination of ma- STREKTS TII.IN«. — llt» MI—MMII \1 IO\ v IIKI*K%I.KI> y^l terials and quantities of same used and work employed in the making of the tile themselves, and his report thereon shall be evidence of the fact as to whether said Company or firm is com- plying with the terms hereof, and his judgment upon inspection of the walks as being laid, shall be equally binding in the inves- tigation of any charge made against anyone doing work on the streets and walks in the City of Atlanta as in the provision for inspection of the shops as above specified. Sec. 2469. Permit for Laying Tile or Sheet Cement Walks.— iso person, firm or corporation laying tile or sheet cement walks in the City of Atlanta shall be allowed to commence work thereon until first gaining a permit in writing from the authori- licb of the City charged with superintendence of such work. Sec. 2470. Duty of Contractor to File Bond for Doing above Work. — i-or the faithful performance and carrying out of ihc obligations by this ordinance imposed each and every contractor of tile and cement work shall be re<. I»IHI Sec. 2472. Distance of Awnings from Sidewalk. — Penalty. — All awnings erected in the city of Atlanta, in front of booths. stores and residence, shall be at their lowest point eight feet from the sidewalk, and the pillars supporting said awning shall be placed on the extreme otiter edge of the sidewalk ; and any person violating this ordinance shall, on conviction in the Re- corder's Court, be fined not exceeding one hundred dollars and costs, or be imprisoned not exceeding thirty days, or both, in the discretion of the Court. Occupants of booths, stores and residences shall be responsible for the location of the awnings in front of said booths, stores and residences. Sec. 2473. Horses Not to be Fastened, Etc. — Penalty. — Any person who shall wilfully destroy any shade trees or who shall fasten any horse or animal to any sha> — •«\\ K.i:i*l\ — 11(1 XKS KOK — <; Altl -J-Q'^ with statiunary bottom, and with movable ends and sides not less than one and one-half feet high, so as not to spill any of the dirt on the streets ; and no wagon or other vehicle engaged in hauling or transporting dirt shall be driven faster than a walk. Any person violating this section shall be fined not less than h\'e dollars, nor exceeding one hundred dollars, or be imprisoned not exceeding thirty days, upon conviction in the Recorder's Court. Sec. 2476. Sweepings — Penalty. — .\iiy person or persons who reside on. or do business on any of the streets in the boun- daries known as the sanitary limits, or any other i)erson who shall deposit on any of the aforesaid streets, or the sidewalks of said streets, any sweepings from any stores, or dwelling houses, or place of business, or any paper, hair, fuel, slop or washings of any kind, watermelon rinds and seeds, fruit parings, any veg- etable matter, or any kind of garbage, shall, on conviction in the Kect»r(ler's Court, pay a fine of not exceeding one hundred dollars for each and every oflfense, or be impris(3ned not exceed- ing thirty days, or both, in the discretion of the Court. Sec. 2477. Box or Receptacle — Penalty. — li»r the convenience of all persons aflected by the preceding section, it shall be their duty to place all accumulations, therein mentioned, in a sound and suitable box, or other proper receptacle, and place the same on the outside of the sidewalk every morning between the hours of seven and eight o'clock except Sunday, on which day said boxes or receptacles shall not be placed on the sidewalks. Af- ter they have been emptied, they shall be immediately removed and shall not be replaced until the appointed hour on the follow- ing morning. Any person or persons violating the provisions of this section, shall, on conviction in the Recorder's Court, be punished by fine not exceeding one hundred -dollars, or imprison- ment not longer than thirty days, in the discretion of the Court. Sec. 2478. Separate Receptacles for Garbage and Ashes — Penalty. — It shall be the duty of every occupant of any build- ing, residence or place of business in the City of .\tlanta. to pro- vide and keep within or near such building, residence or place of business, two receptacles, one for garbage and the other for ashes. Ashes sliall be kept entirely sejiaraic iioiii ihe j^arba^e. etc. Receptacles for all buildings. ireet>. and whose lot> are below the street so as to make a dangerous f)ff-sct, shall bv required to securely enclose the same so as to prevent danger to persons passing along the streets. It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police, through the police force, to give notice to all per- sons wlio come within this section, to comply herewith, ami on failure to do so, after five day's notice such person shall be ar- rested and brought before the Recorder's Court, and on convic- tion, punished by a. fine of not exceeding one hundred dollars and costs, or imprisoned not exceeding thirty days, either or both in the discretion of the Court. Sec. 2480. Selling at Auction on Street Prohibited.— .\ny per- son who shall sell at auction on the streets or alleys of Atlanta any live stock, goods or merchandise of any character, shall up- on conviction in the Recorder's Court, be fined not more than one hundred dollars or imprisoned not longer than thirty days. Sec. 2481. Vending of Patent Medicines, Etc. at Auction on Streets Prohibited. — Xo person or persons, under an Auction- •eer's, or peddler's license, shall auction off in any street or alley within the corporate limits of the City of Atlanta, any patent medicine or articles or personal propertv. Sec. 2482. Penalty. — Any person or persons violating the foregoing section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, on conviction before the Recorder's Court shall be fined in a sum STREETS— VIC lOlS A M M MS MI M»K TIlKK.s—l'l, VTS_POLKS 72.> not to exceed $1UU.(X) or put to work in the public streets for a term not exceeding thirty days, either or both, in the discretion r.f the Recorder. Sec. 2483. Vicious Animals— Penalty for Allowing them to Run at Large.— it >liall be unlawful tor the owner of any vicious •r (lan^arou- animals to allow such animals t(. run at large, and any person who shall allow or permit such animals to run at large shall, on conviction in the Recorder's Court, be hned not exceeding $UM) or be imprisoned not longer than thirty days. Sec. 2484. Owners Shall Trim Shade Trees— Upon Failure Chief of Construction Shall Have Work Done.— it shall be the .luly of the property ■ovvner^ in this Lily to cau>e all shade-trees along the sidewalks in front of their property to be trimmed up to a distance of eight, feet from the ground. If said property- .wners shall fail to do the same it shall be the duty of the Park Commission to cause it done and report the same with the cost thereof to the Clerk of Council, who shall issue execution against ^uch for the amount, and .said execution shall be collected as tax executions. Sec 2485. File Plats of Property Laid Off for Sale— Penalty for Failure to Comply.— It shall be the duty of each and every property-owner or agent of such owner having property in charge who sub-divides any property in said City for the pur- pose of division or for sale, to file with the city a true copy ol the plat or place of such division, giving dimensions of such i)ro- l)OS€d lots and width of such proposed streets. Any person who shall fail to comply with the provisions of this ordinance within ten davs notice after such sale or su-b-division shall, (m conviction in the Recorder's Court, be fined not more than $25.00. Sec. 2486. Telegraph and Telephone Poles to be Painted. — All telegraph or telephone poles erected in the streets of the City shall be painted, and said painting shall be kept in good repair. The Chief of Construction may at any time notify the owners of said poles to paint or repair the same, and upon their failure to do so within ten days, the poles shall be removed. Sec. 2487. Telephone and Other Poles under Control of City. All Tclc^^raph and ickphunc Lonipaiiic>. l-Jcciric .^trcct Kail- Avay Companies and ICkctric Light Companies, owning or using poles heretofore or hereafter placed in the City of .Atlanta, slialf have the right to keep and use such poles, subject to the jKJwer and authority of the Board of Electrical Control, to regulate :he placing and removal of such poles, and the lioard of Klectrica! Control shall iiavc authority, in their discretion, to rcjecl atiy l)C)les already in use, or which any of said Companies propo>e lo erect, and in case of the rejection of any poles already in us' . t . require their removal and to prevent the use of the pole.s which they deem to be unsuitable or unsafe, and it shall also be witli-p the power and authority of the Hoard of Electrical Control to require the removal of i)olcs belonging to any of said C'ompanies when necessary, in their judgment, to facilitate the improve- ment of anv street, or portion of the street, or the improvement •or convenient use of any lot abutting on any street or ])ortion nf a street. Sec. 2488. Penalty for not Removing Condemned Poles. — Any person or Company owning or using any such poles, who shall fail or refuse within five days after notice from the said Board of Electrical Control, to remove any pole or poles deemed by them to be unsuitable, imsafe or im])roj)erly located, or the location of which they shall re(juire to be changed, shall upon •conviction thereof be punished by fine not to exceed $liK).()(>, or imprisonment not to exceed thirty days, either or both, in the ■discretion of the Court, and the erection and use of any pole re- jected or condemned by such Electrician shall subject the ofFen- ^der, on conviction, to the same penalty as hereinbefore described. Sec. 2489. Slectric Wires — Height Twenty seven Feet Above -Street. — All telegraph, telephone, electric light, burglar alarm. fire alarm, or other wires which shall be erected over the streets or sidewalks of said City, shall not l^c less than twenty-seven (27) feet in height, or higher, if this General Council should herein- after determine to increase the height of same, from the surface ■of said street; or sidewalk, and that all of said wires when con- nected with any building shall run at right angle from the poles ito the building, so that no portion of said wire being over the >TKKKT«» — WIRKS — IIO>\ itKM(tVi:i> lIKi: Mi:!"!- r| TS iii:i(;iri- -.>- street or sidewalk shall be of less height than twenty -seven feet from the snrface of said street or sidewalk. Sec. 24&0. Change— Thirty Days' Notice by Chief of Fire De partment. or Any Person Acting for Him, — All such wires. n(jw .stretched in .said City, shall coniorni m the provisitjns of jireced- iri;,' sections, and that all persons in charge thereof, shall, within thirty days after notification by the Chief of I'ire Department, or other persons acting for him. and under his authority, chanj^e their wire so as to comply with the provisions of this ordinance. A written notice signed by the Chief of the Fire Department an,s sthi:i;ts wiitKs i,i miii.ii \ siitKin sniNs si'uinui.i Nt. as in Section 24!H, ])cnalty. in the discretion «>t tlie Rec«)nler'> Court. Sec. 2494. City Not Liable for Any Accident by Electric Wires, Etc. — Nothing contained in any of the ordinances, resu- lutions, or acts of the General Council in relation to the erection of telegraph, telephone, electric, burglar ahum, or other wires shall be construed to mean that the City of Atlanta holds itself in any manner responsible or liable for damages to persons or property by reason of any accident, or occurrence, but that the city disclaims any liability whatever in the premises. Sec. 2495. Penalty for Injuring Street Directory Boards, etc. — Any peri^on or i)ersons who shall remove, or cause to be re- moved, or who shall mutilate, deface, destroy or injure any of the street directory boards, shall, on conviction before the Mayor. Recorder or three members of Council, pay fine of not more than Five Hundred Dollars, or be imprisoned not exceeding thirty days, either or both, in the discretion of the Court; provided, un- less it should become necessary to remove the same for building or repairing purposes, in which case the owner of the property, or the person who removes the board, must place the same in its correct or original position, immediately after the completion of such building or repairing. Sec. 2496. Street Sprinkling. — Sprinkling the streets, side- walks or crossings with water shall be, and is hereby prohibited, excepting between the hours of 5 and 7 o'clock A. M. ; 12 and 1 o'clock P. M., and 6 and 8 o'clock P. M. ; provided, that from September 1st to May 1st, the hours for sprinkling shall be from 6 to 8 o'clock A. M., from 12 o'clock M. to one o'clock P. M., and from 5 to 7 o'clock P. M. A violation of this section shall, on conviction, subject the oiTender to a fine not to exceed $100 and costs, or imprisonment not to exceed thirty days, one or both, in the discretion of the Court. It shall be unlawful for any person in sprnkling water in said city, from a hose pipe or otherwise, wilfully or carelessly to sprinkle the same against or upon any person or persons, horses or carriages; provided, that on the trial of any person charged with a violation of this section, it shall be competent for the accused to introduce testimony to STUKKTS— SIMtl.NKI,i:U.S_I'OLES_KKI'AlK*i KHOM 72'J the effect that proper diligence had been used, and precaution exercised, and that the occurrence was purely accidental and not the result of criminal negligence, or malicious or mischiev- ous purpose. Any person violating this section shall, on convic- tion, be punished as prescribed in this ordinance. The provis-, ions of this section, with reference to sprinkling and the subse- quent ordinance with reference to sprinkling or throwing water upon asphalt pavements, shall not be applied to regular sprink- ling wagons or carts, except as to Whitehall street viaduct, ap- proaches thereto, and the asphalt pavements north of Houston street and south and southwest of Trinity avenue, and those in charge of such wagons and carts shall be allowed to sprinkle all streets, save as herein excepted, at such hours as they shall deem best, provided asphalt streets, herein permitted to be sprinkled, shall be sprinkled with such force and quantity of water as to thoroughly cleanse same. Sec. 2497. Street Sprinklers Not Required to Cut Off Water at Crossings.— Ihe street sprinklers shall not be required to cut oft water when sprinkling crossings of streets on which belgian blocks or rubble stones have been placed. » Sec. 2498. Regulations for Setting Poles in Streets — Penalty. — All telegraph, telephone, electric light, and all other compa- nies who set poles for the purpose of business in this City, shall remove any and all surplus dirt after setting such poles. Any person who shall violate the foregoing ordinance shall, on con- viction thereof, be imprisoned in the calaboose not exceeding thirty days, or fined not exceeding, $100 either or both, in the dis- cretion of the Court. Sec. 2499. Sidewalks to Be Left in Good Condition when Poles are Removed. — Telegraph, telephone, electric and other companies which erect or remove poles on the sidewalks, shall leave the sidewalk in as good condition as it was found before said work was done, and it shall not be sufficient in removing poles, to saw off the said pole with a level with the sidewalk and leave the body thereof on the ground, but the same shall be re- moved, and the hole filled, and the sidewalk be replaced with material similar to that already on said sidewalk. 7;;() MUKirrs -i-|(\ \\ 1:11 - iiorsio m Miii:iti\r; — roNiuoi. oi- Sec. 2500. Penalty. — Any i)crsuii or persons violatinj*^ prccefl- ing section shall, on conviction before tlie Recorder's Court, he subject to a tine not exceeding twenty-tive dollars or imprison- ment nii> or iiiv\<.i-:i» known as Oak strt-c. l<. the corporate limits, ^hall he l.n<.un :i^ West I'eachtree street. Sec. 2518. Waverly Place (later closed).— That portion of East Alabama street from Loyd to \Vashin.<,-ton shall he knuwu as Waverly Place. Sec. 2519. Capitol Avenue— Logan Street— Park Avenue.— McDonough street, where it intersect.-^ Hunter street, running thence southerly to the City limits, is chann^ed to Capito' avr/nue. Johnson street, in the Third Ward, is chanp:ed to Looan street. The new sixty feet street donated to the City by Col. L. P. Grant, extending- from 1-air street to the L. F'. Cirant Park, is hereby £,nven the name of I'ark Vvenue. Sec. 2520. Magnolia Street — Magazine and Part of Cain Changed to. — 'J'he street known as Maj;iiolia street, and that part of Cain street between Marietta street and the W. lS: A. Rail- road, is changed to Magnolia street, and the bridge across the W. & A. Railroad, connectinj; the same, is known as Matj^nolia Bridge. Sec. 2521. Milledge Street — Courtland Street. — Rree street, in the Southeast of the City, is changed to Milledge street. The portion of Collins street beginning at Decatur street, and ex- tending in a Northerly direction to its terminus, is changed from 'Collins street, and named Courtland avenue. Sec. 2522. Berrien Street — Logan Street. — Mills Street in the Third Ward, from Tennell street south to East Fair street, is changed to Berrien street. The name of Pettis street, its entire leng'th, is changed to Logan street. Sec. 2523. Exchange Place — Edgewood Avenue — Jennings. Street. — The name of Line street, from Peachtree street to Ivy street, was first changed to Exchange Place, and afterwards from Exchange Place to Edgewood avenue. The name of Jennings- alley is changed from Jennings alley to Jennings street. STiiKET>! — \ \>iK> oi- < if v>(;i:i> I'A'y Sec. 2524. Hammock Street — West Harris Street. — Jhe al- ky situated between I'ulton and Richardson streets, and running- from Frazier to Martin streets, shall be called Hammock street. The name of that portion of Foundry street between Marietta street and Luckie street is clianged t<> West Harri-; >^trect. Sec. 2525. Earl Street — Smith Street. — The uanu- «•! that ])or- tion of 1-oundry street between Marietta street and Luckie street is changed to West Harris street. The name of that por- tion of West Harris street as heretofore known, between Ma- rietta and Luckie streets, is changed U> Ivari street, (iate City street is clianged to Smith street. Sec. 2526. Dercy Street. — The >treet running from Decatur >treet to (Jartrell street, running parallel with and between litz- gerald and Antionette streets, be and the same is hereby named and designated Deroy street. Sec. 2527. Linden Street. — .Mayer >treet is changed tn Lin- den street. Sec. 2528. Extension of Garnett Street. — The street connect- ing < jarnett street with J'ulliam street is named (iarnett street. Sec. 2529. Capitol Square. — That portion of JCast .Mitchell street from Washington street to Capitol avenue, and that por- tion of Capitol avenue between Ilimter and Mitchell street, shall be known as Cajjitol scjuare. Sec. 2530. Hill Street. — The name of South Bell Sereet, be- tween Bell street Bridge and Fast Hunter street, is changed to Hill street. Sec. 2531. Georgia Avenue. — .\nderson street is changed to Georgia avenue. Sec. 2532. \Voodward Avenue. — The name of Jours Street is changed to Wooflw ard avenue. Sec. 2533. Sunset Avenue. — 1 he name of .\rthur street is hereby changed tti Sunset avenue. TM .STUKKTH — N»»ll> OI-- foll: ICUa street from Leonard to L'il\' Luiiits. to Drake street ; Henry street frou' Elliott to Davis, to Tyler street; Herbert street, from Smipson to Belhvood, to (Iriffin street; Wallace street from l)ecati;r North to Richmond and Danville Railroad, to Krojj street: Pearl street from IJndeii to North avenue to Nuttinpf street. Sec. 2536. Heinphill Avenue. — I hi- new ;f\ eiuie to the reser- voir from the I'ity is j.,Mven the iiami- Hemphill a\emie in honor of the Mayir, under whose a(hninistration the new svstem of waterworks will be coiupleted. The name of Wallace street, from Marietta street to its terminus, i^ chanj.jed to .State strert. The name of Korbe street is changed to I'owell street. Sec. 2537. Porter Place. — I iu- name of Porter's .\lley. lead ing- from Peachtree street to West Peachtree street, is chanjjed to Porter Place. Sec. 2538. Gaskill Street. — The nanu- of Pisewald street i> changed to (Jaskill street. Sec. 2539. Auburn Avenue. — The name of Wheat street from Peachtree to Irwin street is changed to Auburn avenue. Sec. 2540. Madison Street. — The name of Thompson street is changed to Madison street. Sec. 2541. Kingsley Street — Keystone Street. — The street extending Northwardly from East I'air to East Hunter street, between Erazier and Terry streets, and immediately east of the jail property, is named Kingsley street. The street extending Eastwardly from Kingsley street to Terry street, between East Hunter and East Eair street, is named Kevstone street. Sec. 2542. Battle Hill Avenue. — The name of the street called "New Green's Eerry Road," which runs West from the work of >iiti:i:'i'.N _ N v>ii..«« ui- « II VN<.i:i> 7;;7 ( iititi l\rrv and Ma\si>n's anil Turner's l-'erry Roads at l'>aki.*r'> StiTi- tM the City limits, is chantjed to ISattlc Hill avenue. Sec. 2543. Piedmont Avenue — North Avenue. — liie name mi (. uIImuu street is chanj^ed to Piedmont a\enue. The name ot* ITnma street is chanj^ed to North .\venue. Sec. 2544. Whitehall Place. — The- street runnin<; from I'.roth- : ton street to |-air street is ^iven the name of Whitehall I'laee. Sec. 2545. Evans Street. — The name of Blanche street is .iani,'ed to I-l\an>- street. Sec. 2546. Murphy Avenue — English Avenue — York Avenue. —The name of Mel'liersun avenue is chan.i;ed to Murphy avenue. The name of Milledge street in hifth Ward is changed to lui- glisli avenue. Thf name of Caldwell avenue is chanj^ed to York .1 venue. Sec. 2547. Cherokee Avenue. — The name of Madison avenue. HI the Third \\ ard. is ehani,'ed to Cherokee avenue. Sec. 2548. Name of Railroad Avenue Changed. — The name of Ivailroad a\euue. from junction oi Whitehall and I'eters street •.i.> ( lordun a\enue is chan;.jed to Whitehall street. Sec. 2549. Glenwood Avenue. — The name of (ilynn street is haiii^'ed to (ilenvvocjil avenue. Sec. 2550. To Change the Name of Jenkins Street. — W hereas Joseph (jatins. and a number of other eiti/ens li\in<.j and ownini^ propert} on Jenkins street petition for change of the name of that street; and whereas the Mayor and (ieneral Council deem it tittinjL,' to i^rant such re(|Uest ; the name of Jenkins street froiu Piedmont .\venue to Pratt street is chan}.,'ed to .Xrmstronj.,^ street. Sec. 2551. Central Place. — The name of that j)ortion of Putler street lyini^ between Capitol avenue and Hunter street, is hereby ohaui^ed to Central Place. Sec. 2552. Whitehall Terrace. — The name of Smith street from Whitehall street to Clenn street is hereby changed to the name of Whitehall Terrace. 47 -..J, s'l'ieiiinx > \>ii-> «»•■. «ii\N«.i-:i» Sec. 2553. Lena Street. — I'lu- street recently laid .nit ilirou^il* tlie Elliott property at a point on Asliby street G50 feet north of Hunter street, and extending west to the City limits, is named Lena street. Sec. 2554. Continuation of Cherokee Avenue. — The newly opened street coininoiily called Thomas street, e.\ten(Ung north from Georgia avenue on the west side <»f L. 1'. Grant Park, it being a continuation of Cherokee avenue, ami reaching to l\ast Fair street, is named Cherokee avenue. Sec. 2555. Signs to be Placed Accordingly. I'roper sign>. having on them the name of Chercjkee avenue, shall be placed on said street throughout, and the houses thereon shall be cor- rectlv numbered imder the direction of the Chief of Construction. Sec. 2556. Continuation of Cherokee Avenue — Oakland Ave- nue. — The street heretofore known as Thomas street, extending from I'air street to Sydney street, is changed to Cherokee av. nue ; and the street heretofore known as (iullatt street extending from the Georgia Railroad to Glenn street, is changed to Oak- land avenue; and the unnamed alley extending from Decatur street to the Georgia Railroad between I'.utler street and Moore street is known as McCord Place. Sec. 2557. West Peachtree Place. — The nair.e of that portion Powers street between West Peachtree and Williams streets, is changed to West Peachtree Place. Sec. 2558. Columbus Avenue. — The name of the street in the First Ward of the City of Atlanta, which is called Mule street, is changed to Columbus avenue, in honor of Christopher C:>lum- bus, the celebrated discoverer of America. Sec. 2559. Central Avenue. — The name of Loyd street is changed from Loyd to Central avenue, and the street beginning at the South Side of Decatur street, and running south to Dodd avenue along east side of passenger depot, heretofore known as Loyd street, shall be hereafter known and recognized as Central avenue. MTRKKTS — >.%MKS OK. < llVXiKU 7;{<| Sec. 2560. Angier Place. — 1 Lowell street, extending from An- gier avenue to Kicc .street, is changed to Angier Place. Sec. 2561. Armistead Place. — The street two hundred and forty feet west of Fourth street, running from West Peachtree street to Spring street, is named Armistead Place. Sec. 2562. Cherokee Place. — The name of Glenn street, from Garden street to Oierokee avenue, is changed to Cherokee Place. Sec. 2563. Changing Name of Portion of Ivy Street. — The name of that portion of Ivy street between the south side of iMjrrest avenue, and a point two hundred feet south of the be- ginning p \\>ii:> oi , « ii\n«.i:i> Sec. 2569. Pie Street. — I he alk\ hit uicii .\<«rth I Ionics ard and Jackksoii strctt. will hr luicatU-r known and calli-tl I'p slrc'i-l, instead ol' llralcr's allf>. Sec. 2570. Grace Street. — I lu- name of street known as (iiaee street, soiilli of I lonslon >treet. he ehanj^'ed frt>ni (iraee street to ( Iracc I Mai e. Sec. 2571. Stewart Avenue. — (he name of ( )cmuli,'ee street from Whitehall >lreet to Well.'^ street. i> herehy chanj^'ed t .Stewart a\ enui-. and the name of Kries >treel Ironi \\ elU street to (ilenii street is herehy clian-ed to .Stewart a\enne. Sec. 2572. Tabernacle Place. — The name i^i that portion of West Harris street, which extend.s from Luckie to .Marietta .street, is chaiii^t-d from West Harris street to Tahernacle I'laee. and said street will he hereafter known and desii^natcd h_\ that name. Sec. 2573. Bedford Place. — That i)oition of I'.nt street from h'orrest a\enne north to the (,'ily limits is ehan;.;ed to I'.edford IMace. Sec. 2574. DeKalb Avenue. — That portion of Hieatnr street from W'addell street to the City limits is ehanj^ed to |)id\a!li avenue. Sec. 2575. Ccnnally Place. — The short street extending; from Crtimley street northwardly alont; the rear of Ira street school lot is named Corbally Place. Sec. 2576, Sinclair Avenue. — The nortliern branch of Lake avenue from Lake a\enue to Aui^usta avenue is chanq-ed to .Sin- clair avenue. Sec. 2577. Boulevard Place. — The name of l^ast Linden ave- nue from l>oulevard east to the City limits is chan.s^cd to I'oule- vard Place, and five dollars is appropriated from streets f)rdinar} to change the .street signs and numbers. Sec. 2578. Electric Avenue.— The name f)f street now called Love street is changed to that of Electric avenue.. , ««i'iih:i:'i"s — \\MKs oi". (ii\\(.i:i> 741 Sec. 2579. Eleventh Street. — llie street ti<.\v callt \\ est I'eachtree street is changed to Kleventli street, this heintj^ its numerical order in the position of those streets rnmiint^ east and west at ri^lu aiii^les with Peaclitree street. Sec. 2580. Western Avenue. — P.iish street from (lra\ Street west to the ("ity limit> i> elianj^ed t<> \\'c>^terii a\eiiue. Sec. 2581. How to Spell Forrest Avenue. — It is the >eiise of this Coimcil that the street known a> l"rre^t avenue was namet a\enue to Jackson street, is cliatiged to Summit avenue. Morris street from |ack■^<)n street to City limits, is changed to I""asl avenue. Sec. 2583. Trinity Avenue. — i'eters street from |"or>yth east to junction with I'air i>> changed to Trinity a\enue. Sec. 2584. Painting — Printing, Etc. — On Sidewalks and Win- dows Prohibited — Penalty. — It --hall he unlawful for any person to write, print, paint or paste, any letter or letters, or other ad- \ertising device, upon tlu- sidewalks of the C ity of .\tlanta, or u[X)n the walls, windows, doors, or fence of another without the consent of the owner. Any i)ersoTi violating this section shalL on conv-iction before the Recorder's LOurt. be fined not exceed- ing one hundred dollars, or be imprisoned not exceeding thirty days, cither or both, in the discretion of the C ourt. Sec. 2585. Ponce de Leon Avenue — Sidewalks. — The brick sidewalks on I'oncc de Leon Avenue shall be laid so as to leave a grass plat of four feet between the brick and curbing. Sec. 2586. Washington Terrace. — The name of the street now known as Love street, between Washington and Pulliam streets. is changed to Washington Terrace. Sec. 2587. Gammon Place. — The name of iJarron avenue ex- tending from Jonesboro Road to the rrammon Theological Semi- nary, is changed to Gammon Place. 742 IS'l'ltKIOTS N A>H:s OF, « li \ N<.i:i> Sec. 2588. Tift Avenue. — I'lu- namo oi Jaino slrcct and llen- janiin street, from (lleiin to i'ierce street, is chanj^ed to Tift avenue. Sec. 2589. North Lawn Street. — I he name of thai part of Ella street, e.xteiidini^ from Lawn street to Lee street, is chanj^ed to North Lawn street. Sec. 2590. Gordon Place. — ihc name of Wilson Place, a street in the Seventh Ward running from (iordon street to Oj^le thorpe avenue, is chanq^ed to (i^irdon Place. Sec. 2591. Boulevard Terrace. — The name of Morrison ave- nue is changed to lioulevard Terrace. Sec. 2592. Bradberry Street. — Lradberry .\lley. extending from Haynes street to West I'^air street, is hereby accepted as a .street and named Bradberry street. Sec. 2593. Griffin Street. — The names of Granger street, from West Hunter to l-'oundry street, and Herbert street, from Foun- dry to Simpson street, are changed to Griffin street, connecting with Griffin street, which extends from Simpson street to City limits. Sec. 2594. Flat Shoals Avenue. — The street beginning at W y- lie street, and running thence in a soutiierly direction to the southeastern limits of the city, is named Mat Shoals avenue. Sec. 2595. Blue Ridge Avenue. — The street known as Lavo- nia avenue, extending from Highland to (ilenwood avenue, is -changed to Blue Ridge avenue. Sec. 2596. Seminole Street. — The street recently graded, from the south side of Ponce de Leon avenue, between Highland and Moreland avenue, and running south to Cleburne avenue is named Seminole street. Sec. 2597. St. Charles Avenue. — The street beginning at the intersection of Moreland and St. Charles avenue, an extension of St. Giarles avenue, is made and named a part of St. Charles ^venue^ STRKKTS — NAMKS OF, ('iIA.\(iKI) J^lj Sec. 2598. Glenwood Avenue. — Glenvvood Avenue, liegins at the licvilevard aiul runs tu a point near the city limits, tliencc the road or street extends eastvvardly to a point near Marhut and Minor's store (now called Magazine road), thence continues castwardly, called W'ellham avenue ; all of said streets or road should have the same name within the city limits and it is hereby ordained that all of said streets tjr roads shall be called Glen- wof>d a\ enue. Sec. 2599. Cleburne Avenue. — The name of the avenue sit- uated in the eastern portion of the city, known as Augusta ave- nue, is changed to Cleburne avenue. Sec. 2600. Walker Street, from Cleburne A\e. east to ICuclid ^\eniie. is named lliunies street. Sec. 2601. Scott Street. — l-"rom luiclid a\cnue east to W'hilc- ioord avenue. i> named .Mien street. Sec. 2602. Edgewood Avenue. — l-"rom Candler street east to ^lell avenue, is named Iverson street. Sec. 2603. Baker Street. — IVom Mell avenue east to limits is named Ro.'^> street. Sec. 2604. Oak Street. — l-'rom DcKalb avenue north to Mc- LeiKJi'ii a\enue, i> named l'"crguson street. Sec. 2605. Stephens Street. — l>om Haas street northwest to .\!etroi)olitan a\enue. i> named (jranbury street. Sec. 2606. Central Avenue. — From LaFrance street south and Avest to Maude street, is named Lowrey street. Sec. 2607. George Street — I->om M(jre!and avenue east to I'lora street, is named Govan street. Sec. 2608. Peachtree Avenue. — I'rom Boulevard DcKalb north to Hardee street, is named Maney street. Sec. 2609. Baker Street. — 1-rom Flora street east to W'hite- foord a\enue, is named I-'inlev street. 744 N'i'ii i':i':'i'«> \\^ii> tty < ii\n<.i:i» Sec. 2610. Oliver Street. — Irmn \\ liitiilrcct. «^ Sec. 2611. Metropolitan Avenue. — lr«iin \\ IiiU'ftxird aviiiur fast t<) .\1< nitjL,'^' MiuTN . is naimd I.rwis strcit. Sec. 2612. Middle Street. Irom \\ liitittrret. Sec. 2613. Center Street. — l-rom .Middle sin-it north ii> .\lci- r<>j)()litan axciuu-. i> nanifd .^tralil >irfit. Sec. 2614. Newton Street. — Iroin Ltj^^fti aNciuic ca>i lu limits, is named .Mercer street. Sec. 2615. Capitol Street. — lroulh is named Stovall street. Sec. 2620. Porter Street, — i'Vom Lcj^gett avenue nurtli to Wylie street is named Walthall street. Sec. 2621. Clay Street. — l-rom Leggett avenue east t(j I'orler is named Manigault street. Sec. 2622. McDonald Street. — From (ieorgia Railroad to IMoreland avenue is named lirantley street. Sec. 2623. Arnold Street. — From Mayson venue east to Pearcc street is changed to Pearce street, as it is a continuation of the same street. «up- ,>«>>ed u> extend from lluelid avenue northward to Pairview avenue. ..r street, in Druid Hill>. be anaid street shall from and after the passage of this onlinance. be km.wn and called by the name of Candler street: That, as soon as is convenient, the said several streets, herein cmsolidaled and ,uade into n..t intended by this ordinance to make said streets exactly continuous in a direct line at McLendon street and Kucliireet runum- from W ells street cmi the- n..rth t<. the S..uthern Railroad in the rear, be shifted an «»'ruKi:i> \\>ii:s oiM:\i>oin i: iim. « iiii:r the 1^. iK: N. kailinad cxtciufinj; from the Eix^r I'-'int Koaoulh from (ireenwuod avenue to W ilhams Mill Road, between I'once dc Leon Sprinj^^ and lli^hlaml a\eiuie. and sometimes called, in part, JJarnett street, and at other places Kearsaf,je avenue, he hereafter calleil IJarnett >treet in memory of Dr. Harnett, the former beloved pastor of the h'irst Presbyterian Church. Sec. 2629. West Tenth Street — Change from Emmett Street. — The name of Emmett street, a >treet runninj^; fron> West I'eachtree street to the W. i\: .\. Railroad, be ehanj;ed from Emmett street lo West Tenth .street. Sec. 2630. Cooledge Place — Part of Boss Avenue Changed to. — The name of Mean^ ^lreet, between r.o>> asiinie and .Mur- phy street, is changed to Cooledge Place. Sec. 2631. Certificate as to Street Openings — By Whom Signed. — l-or every opening necessary tt> be made in any street paved or unpaved, a certificate shall issue, and be signed by tlie Secretary or Superintendent of the Waterworks, which shall show that the person doing the work is an employee of the wa- terworks department, and is authorized to do the j)articular work, upon which he is engaged. Such a certificate shall be necessary and sufficient for the protection of the workmen in the case of each opening made. Sec. 2632. Shall Notify Chief of Fire Department— Of What — When. — The workman in charge of each opening shall notify the Chief or Acting Chief of the Fire Department of such open- ing, which is not to be closed ])efore night, by two (2) o'clock 1'. M. daily, and shall also see to it that every such opening is prop- erly protected by lights at night to prevent injury to persons or property of persons traveling the street. Sec. 2633. May Notify Chief of Construction — His Duty. — sTHKKTs 4»i*i-:m\<.«» — \oriK\ ^■lul: « iiii;k — i*kiimit> -j-^-;- The workman in charge of any such opening, at which his WDrk is completed, may reheve himself and the Waterworks Depart- ment from responsibility therefor by notifying the Chief of Con- struction in writing by two (2) o'clock V. M. of the existence, location, and character of such opening, and that it is ready for re-filling, and it shall then be the duty of the said Chief of Con- -itruction to refill the same, antl until it is refilled to give the Kire Department notice of its existence and location, and also to have the necessary lights placed and kej)t in position at such openings. Sec. 2634. Cannot Remove Pavement without Permit or Cer- tificate. — Penalty. — .\ny person found by the «)fficers «)r mem- ber.s of the police force remtning the belgian blocks, rubble, ma- -cadam, or sand or earth from the streets or sidewalks without a permit from the Chief of Construction, or a certificate from the water office, as provided for by this ordinance, shall be arrested, and upon conviction shall be punished by fine of not more than one hundred dollars, or imprisoned not exceeding thirty days. in the discretion of the Recorder's Court, and any person vi(dat- ing any other provision of this ordinance shall be .subject to the same punishment herein stated. Sec. 2635. Notify Chief of Fire Department of Any Work in Streets. — It shall be the duty '>i all persons doing any kind of \vork on the streets of this City, such as paving, laying sewers, sidewalks, and curbing, moving buildings, t)r any other work, that in any way obstructs the free passage of the same, to non conviction before the Recorder's Court, by a fine of not over one hundred dollars, or imprison- ment for tliirtN days, or both. Sec. 2637. Old Belgian Blocks— City Takes^Pays Property- owner 25c per squeu-e yard — Used to Repair Other Streets. — Dn all streets where Belgian blocks are ordered taken up and the -_^^ sTiMMi'rs iii.ii iii:i.<.i\\ iii.tM ivs — I iii;iMi i um itoi>i. street ordered repav ed with otlier and ditTrrciit pavement, suclr I5elpiaii blocks, when so remo\ed. shall l»e taken pi>sscssii)n of by the t ity and used for the puri)()se of rcpairin;^'^ the streets and public places of the (ity, provided that in all such cases the ( ity of Atlanta shall pay to the tluii property-owjiers the sum of 2rK- per s(piare yard, on account of each yard of block paid for by said abuttini; property-owners or other person or corpora- t ii m. Sec. 2638. Property Owner Not to Take Old Blocks or Stone Removed in Re-paving— Same Used on other Streets.— No per- son or street car company shall take possession of any blocks, lieljj^ian or stone, when removed from the streets ordered re- paved, but such blocks, where condemned, shall be used by the City for the benefit of the jjublic in repairini,^ other streets or public places, and in all cases where such removed pavement is of material different from llel^Man block, then the Ceneral Coun- cil shall provide a resolution hxinj^- the value on such material and order same })aid over to the then abuttini;^ propertv owners or street car company thereon. Sec. 2639. Rope and Bridges for Excavations.— All persons, firms or cori)orations oi)enini; streets. >i(Iewalks or public places for any jjurpose. with or without special i)ermission therefor. shall ertxn around said excavation a rope fence, secured l)y iron stakes or iron j)ipe. these stakes to be driven at the corners of the excavation and alonq- same, where such excavation is lonj^er than fifteen feet in len.y^ distances not excecdinj:^ six feet ai)art. When the stakes are made of iron, same shall be not less than one inch in diameter, and when made of j)ipe, shall be not less than one and oire-fourth inches in diameter. The corner stakes shall have two braces and all of the stakes shall be sup- plied with rings or tees around which the rope shall be passed, and said rope shall stand not less than two nor more than four feet above the ground. The rope shall not be less than one inch in diameter and of good minally hemp. Sec. 2640. Bridge Over Sidewalk.^Where excavations are made across sidewalks, a bridge shall be constructed over such excavation for the use of pedestrians, same to be of wood or >riti:i:i'«» oi'i;m>«.<« iiitiix.i; o\ i:u w iii;n-- i.k.hi "^ — I'l.ioins y^i) iron, not lcs> than three feet in witltli. with j^nard rails on cither side; bnt. when this bridg^e is ci»nstructecl, tlie ahi>\c portion or [xirtions nf the excavation sliall l)e ])rotected as al)ove provided. Sec. 2641. Red Lights — Fastened. — That the al)ii\e i)rovi.s- it)ns shall not excuse the parties causini^' or niaintainint,'^ >ucii ex- cavations from placini; and niaintaininj.; red lij^-^hts alonj^ same as now provided by law. except that such red lij^hts shall be se- curely fastened to the stakes erected tindrr thi- nrdinancr and not set alon}^ the j^Tound. Sec. 2642. Penalty. — .\'o Person, tirin or corporation erecting or maintainin}.;. eitiier as principal or ai^ent. any excavation without complyinij with the provisions of this ordinance, both as to stakes. roj)e and lanterns, shall on conviction in the Recorder's Court be punished by a tine not exccedini^ 'I'wo Hundred ($200) Dollars, or imprisoned not exccedin}.,^ thirty days, <»ne or both penalties to be inflicted in tli,. d'~ r.-ti.m .,f ilu- Iv'i-.-, .rder. Sec. 2643. Streets Not to be Torn Up nor Disturbed — Permits Required. — .\o per>o!i. hrm or corporation shall enter ujjon any street crosMUg or public way and excavate therein or interfere with the surface therenf without a permit therefor from the Chief of ConstructitMi. and it shall be the duty of this official to see that indiscriminate interference and tearini; up of pa\ement>, streets and sidewalks shall cease and no permit >hall be i>sued therefor except in cases of absolute necessity. Sec. 2644. City Employees must Have Permit to Tear up or Excavate Streets. — This pr«)vision sliall appl> i" employees of the City as well as other persons. Sec. 2645. Penalty for Volaton. — .\ny person, firm or corpora- tion, their agents or employees, or City employees violating the terms of this ordinance, shall, upon conviction in Recorder s Court, be punished by a fine not exceeding $100.00 or imprisoned on the public works not exceeding thirty days, either or both penalties to be inflicted in the discretion of the Recorder. .')() sTitKKTS- >o'rn f; iikkoici: i-win*. \ii i mphm\ i;%n;Ni s Sec. 2646. Notice, Thirty Days, Before Street Paved— After- wards Not Broken without Permit of Council. — It is hcrcb> made the (Inly of tlie Cliiel of Coiistruclioii t.* j^'ive thirty (:iU> days' notice to persons owning property on whuh pavement of streets, sidewalks, etc., have been ordered by the Mayor and (ieneral Council, recjuiring such owners to enter into the street and make all connections recpiired for their property with pipe<. conduits, or similar service furnished either by the City or public service corporations, before the time at which >uch pavement i- beg-nn and thereafter said pavement or public improvement shall not be disturbed for the purpose of laying pipes, conduits or con- necting therewith except by permission of the Mayor and Gen- eral Council. The Lhief of C\)nstruction is likewise recpiiretl to give similar notice to persons or cor|)orations operating public utilities so that such persons or corjx^rations may make such changes of their pipes or conduits as are allowed by the ordinance of the City, prior to the begiiming of the j)avement or other im- provement, and. after such pavements or improvement is begun, and finished, same shall not be disturbed for any of these |)ur- poses except by permission of the Mayor and (ieneral Council. Sec. 2647. Permits Refused, Appeal to Street Committee. — Should said Chief of Construction refuse to issue a permit to any applicant therefor, as herein recpiired and said applicant shall be dissatisfied with the decision of said Chief of Construc- tion, he shall have the right to appeal to the Committee on Streets of the General Council and shall be given a hearing, be- fore said Committee, and the finding of the Committee on said hearing shall be final. If they decide in favor of the applicant, then a permit shall be issued as requested. If they find against applicant, no permit shall be issued. Sec. 2648. Stairs or Any Private Obstructions on Streets, Prohibited. — Xo person, firm or corporatioit shall liereafter be permitted to build stands, or windows or stairways or obstruc- tions for private or business purposes, on the streets and side- walks of this 'City, where such obstructions are permanent in character. Sec 2649. Council May Grant Permit for — How. — All appli- «TKEKTS_M. Htl i: l\\KMKM_Hl 1» OK TIIK ll»»AI) y.,! cations for permits to build such obstructions on sidewalks or streets, for private or business purposes, shall be held out of or- der when introduced in any meeting of the General Council and shall so be declared by the chair and -hall not \n- entertained nor referred to any Committee for consideration. S€C. 2650. Penalty.— .\ny person, hrm or corporation budd- ing any stand, window or obstruction of any kind, or making a staicway of the kind herein prohibited, on any street ur sidewalk of this City, shall on conviction in the Recorder's Court, be pun- ished by a fine not e.xcecding .)ne hundred dollars or imprisoned not exceeding thirty davi upon the public works, either or both penalties to be inflicted in the discretion of the Recorder. Sec. 2651. Free Pavement Unlawful.— N" street <'r public places shall hereafter be paved with chert anr.»perty-owne'-< and all resolutions or ordinances introduced providing for such free pavements s],aU be declared out of order. Sec. 2652. Petitions for Broken Stone and Chert or Similar Pavement.— .\ny pcr^.ns desiring streets paved with broken stone ..r chert, or similar i>avements. shall petition therefor in the manner now re(iuired for pavements of streets upon the as- sessment plan, and all such petitions shall be prepared with the formality required fo rassessment pavements and it shall have the signature of the owners of at least one-half of the real estate abutting on such streets, and shall otherwise conform to existing ordinances providing for such assessment pavement. RCLM^ OF IHE ROAD. S«:. 2653. Direction— Stopping— Passing.— It shall hereafter be unlawful for any person by himself or driver or agent to vif> late any one or more of the following rules of the road of the City of Atlanta. Rule 1. — Keep to the righf of the street. Rule 2.— Keep to the right when permitting another vehicle to overtake you, which vehicle shall pass to the left of the vehi- cle or street car overtaken. ; , --., siiii:i:'is — Id i.i> or riii. i«o\i) Rule 3.— Ill order that all vehicles on each •^idc of the street shall he headed in tlie same direction, o\vner>. (hivcrs or a^jcnts of vehicles are re(|nired lo turn, if necessary, when stoppinjr at the sidewalk so thai the >itle\valk will he to the v\'^\n .»f such driver when said stop is made. Rule 4. — \o vehicle shall sloj) or he left in front of the entrance to office huildinj^s, theaters, hotels. (le])artment stores or other entrances to places of cun<;estion for an\ time loni^'cr than is sufficient to deliver occupants or -oods intended for such huild- inj^- and the driver in charge of such \ehicle shall move up jiromptlv to permit others to arrixe for like purposes. Rule 5. — When a car >toi)> to take on or let olV pa>sen!^a-r>. all vehicles .i^oino in the same direction >hall check speeil and keep checkini;- so they can come to a standstill if same he nec- essar\ to kee]) from runninj^ over any jjcrson alit^htini; trom saiiandini; velncles must not only keep to the riL;ht hm near the curb, ^o as to permit other vehicles to overtake and pass them. This rule shall not apply to slow-j^o- in«>- vehicles, or resident streets, when o\ erhani;in|L,'- shade iree.s prevent the passage of such vehicles near the curb. Rule 7. — In overlakinj;- a street car. pass it on the right. If there is not sufficient sjjace to i)a>> the car on the right, lollow the car until there is space vn the right. Rule 8. — No street car shall stand so as to obstruct pa.ssage of vehicles in legal way longer than necessary to take on and let oil passengers. Sec. 2654. Vehicle Defined. — The word "vehicle" as herein used shall be construed to include bicycles and motor cycles, and all provisions of said .ordinance shall apply thereto. Sec. 2655. Penalty. — Any person violating this ordinance or causing the same to be done, shall, on conviction in the Record- ers Court, be punished by fine not exceeding Fifty ($50.00) Dol- ■ lairs, of iihprisoned on the public works not exceeding fifteen '"dayk, either penalty to be inflicted at the discretion of the Re- corder. STRKKTS M'HI NKI.INti — l:^« K«» V« IOIi;Nr«» lU ll.l)IN prohil)ition shall nut apply to that portion of West Mitchell street between the Atlanta Terminal Station and \\hite- hall street Sec. 2657. Penalty for Violation. — Any 'Hie convicted of vio- lating the above section shall be fined not more than ten and not less than iruction in. upon or below the streets or sidewalks of said City. Xo windows, steps or other such obstruction shall be put in any building so as to extend in or upon any sidewalk or street in said City or over- hang the same. Xo step shall be constructed from a cellar up to the sidewalk, where the same extends out upon the sidewalk. Any party in building or repairing, or a or railing; or to excavate and use space under sidewalk, shall obtain permission from the Mayor and General Council. The petition asking for such i)rivilege shall set out fully the plan of the building, the use intended therefor, and the reason for said obstruction desired. Sec. 2659. Penalty for Violation. — Any person violating pre- ceding section shall, upon conviction thereof before the Record- er's Court of said City, be fined in a sum not less than five dol- lars nor more than five hundred dollars, or be imprisoned not exceeding thirty (30) days. Said party shall also remove said obstruction instanter, and failing to do so. shall be liable to be punished as aforesaid for each day said obstruction is allowed to --I si'i«i:i:is_\ i:iin i.i> ni\mh\«. i m \ stHiul. 'Ihis ordinance >hall not in any wi>c interfere with the riglil of the City to tear llie same down, as now e\i>ts. (The above two >ections also a|)i)ear in Chapter on I'.niKIini; Inspec- tor.^l Sec. 2660. Vehicles Not in Use Must Be Kept off Streets.— Penalty. — it shall be unlawfnl for any person to leave on the streets any vehicle not then in actual use. without written con- sent of both the Chiefs of I'irc and Police Departments. Any person convicted of vie. It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police to assif^n each pers - III II.IHN*' >\l t.UMUM. I.O|v y - -^ Sec. 2664. Roller Skates on Sidewalks— Prohibited.— Xo per- son >hall ui^e roller ^katt•^ fur the purpusc of skatin^:,- upon any uf the streets or sidewalks of said City of Atlanta. Sec. 2665. Penalty for Violation. — Any person viuiaiiui; pre- ceding' ^ectu.n -shall be hned not more than twenty-five dollars. or imprisoned not more than thirty days, either or both, in the n nf Markliam street, conveyed to the South- ern Railway Company, in e.xchan^e. shall l)c vacated as a street. Sec. 2667. Building Material not to Occupy Both Sides of Any Street.— 1 1 shall be unlawful for any per.son or persons, tirm or firms, corporation or corporations, to make excavations, or place building' material on both sides of the same street on any block in the City at the same time, unless authority of the Mayor and General Council be obtained. .Any person, firm or corpora- tion, violating; the terms of this section shall, on convicticMi. be punished by fine not e.xceeding one hundred dollars, or imprison- ment not exceedini; thirty days, in the discretion of the Rec<.rrk is done in .setlleuKui of any claim tor damages, it must be done on the written request of the owner, which shall show what is to be done, and that it will be accepted, when done, in settlement of any claim for damages on account of grading of the street, upon which the property abut';. rj-r si'Hi;i:'i"s -( i.\i>i'» « o>ii'inoi,i,i:it — si; ri i.i;>ii:\ r«» v\\i. Sec. 2670. Release from Claims to be Filed with Comptroller. On the completion of the work, a release shall he drawn 1)> the City Attorney, si^^ned hy the property-owner, lor whom the work was done, which recpiest for the work and relea>e >hall he filed in Com]nroller's office. Sec. 2671. Comptroller to Keep a Book Showing the Work Done. — The LomptroUer shall keep a houk. in which ^hall he en- tered, in alphabetical e)rder. tlie names of all ))arties. for whom work is done, and the anionnt of work done, tlie place where it is done, and the anionnt of money paid. Sec. 2672. The Settlement to be Entered by the Comptroller in a Book. — The Comi)troller shall also enter in >nch book in like manner the names, date, and the anionnt paid by the City in all settlements made by the City on acconnt of daniaij:cs ft.r t^rail- ing streets and injnries to person or in-operty. Sec. 2673. Grade or Part of Marietta Street Fixed. — The pres- ent g-rade ol thai ])ortion of Marietta .Street, npon which the i)rop- erty of Dr. Abner W . Calhonn, between Forsyth and Spring- streets, abnts, is hereby fixed as the permanent grade of that portion of said street. Sec. 2674. Fifteenth Street Grade Fixed.— The grade of Fif- teenth street from Peachtree street to West Peachtree street, is fixed, as shown by the red line on profile hereto attached. Sec. 2675. Grade of Part of West Mitchell Street Fixed.— The permanent grade of West Mitchell street from Forsyth street to Madison street is established, as shown by blue line on profile hereto attached. Sec. 2676. New Sand to be Used in Replacing Paving Mate- rials — Penalty for Violation. — It shall be the duty of the Chief of Construction, whenever any Belgian blocks or other paving material laid in sand is taken up, to permit the laying of water pipes, sewer pipes, gas pipes, conduits, or other underground structures, or for the purpose of building, repairing or rebuilding street railway tracks, or for any other purpose, to use or to re- »*'iiti:K'i> — ni'i;M\<. — ui;r v\ i;>ii:\i — mu.t i. \ii«>\s y-y (juii'c lilt" use of new saiul. Any person i>v corporation violating the provisions of this section shall be fined not exceeding; the sum of one hundred ($100.00) dollars or be imprisoned not ex- ceeding thirty days, either or both, in the discretion of the Recor- der's Court. Sec. 2677. Citizens Opening Pavement Must Pay Wages of City Inspector. — Anv per.>»on or corporation, who shall take u]) or oi>en the pavement, or any portion thereof, of any street, shall pa\ the Inspector appointed by the City to inspect the repaving of the same the sum of three dollars per day for the time occu- l)ied in repaying said portion of the street pavement so removed or opened. The provisions of this ordinance not to apply to work di'iie by the City employees, for which other parties pay. Sec. 2677(a). Waverly Place Changed. -Waverly I Mace as now located be. and the >aine is, changed and altered >o that the said Waverly IMace will begin at a point on the Mast side of Central .\venue 174.8 feet North iunw the Northeast ci)rner of said Central Avenue and Hunter street, and running thence North along rhe luist side of Central .\\ enue tiO feel ; llience Ivast. in a straight line. 421.7 feet U) a point on the West line of Washington street 2.iO.\) feet North of the Northwest corner of Washington and Hunter streets; thence South «i() feet along the West >ide of Washington street; thence West parallel with the North line aforesaid 421.7 feet, to the beginning point, making said street HO feet wide throughout its length from Central ave- nue to Washington street. --C siiiKKT oii'uox i:mi;m t «u.i.i:< roit s\i.\im im»mi in tiks CHAPTER LXXXVI. STREET IMl'Kcni-MEXT COLLECTOR. Sec. 2678. Collector of Street Improvement Assessments — How Appointed — Removable by Whom. — Ihe officer known as Street Improvement Collector shall be appointed or elected by the Finance Committee of the General Conncil. and shall be re- movable by said Committee at its pleasure. Sec. 2679. Salary — Bond Required— Amount. — The Street Improvement Colleclur shall have an annual salary of $1,200, pavable in monthly installments, and shall ^ivc bond for the faithful ])erformance of his duties, and for the faithful account- ino- for and paying- over all moneys collected by him, in the sum of $5,000, with surety to be approved by the Mayor. Sec. 2680.. Duties — Prescribed by Whom.— The duties of Street lm])rovement Collector shall be such as are prescribed by existing- ordinances, and such as shall hereafter be made appli- cable to that office either by the Cencral Council or I^nance Committee. Sec. 2681. Chief of Construction Makes out Paving Bills — Street Improvement Collector Collects Them. — The Chief of Construction shall make out all bills for curbing, sidewalks, street paving, sewer assessments, etc., which shall be numbered consecutively, and entered by him in books prepared for that purpose, which he shall turn over to the Comptroller and the bills to the Street Improvement Collector for collection, and he shall be receipted for by the Street Improvement Collector to the Comptroller. Sec. 2682. To be Collected by Tax Collector— Daily Settle- ments and Reports. — The Street Improvement Collector shall receive credit for collections on above accounts, and the Tax Collector be charged with the same upon presentation of daily STHKKT l>ll'm)\ K>IK\T < OM.IU I'Olt — IH WSKKItS — XO'I'U i;s T.")!) receipts from the Tax Collector. Tlie Street Improvement Col- lector shall make execution dockets aj^ainst delinquents under this head, as set forth in cases of (lelin(|uents for general tax, and the Comptroller shall credit the Street Improvement Col- lector, and debit the Marshal for such ti fas. Sec. 2683. Transfers of Paving Bills — Executions for Street Curbing Etc. — in oriler to carry into effect the Act of the (ien- eral A?>embly oi ( ieorgia, apprt)ved August 22nd, 1891, provid- ing for the transfer of bills and executions for granite curbing and street i)aving, it is hereby made the duty of the City Tax Collector to transfer claims against the City of Atlanta against abutting property-owners and the street railroad companies for granite curbing furnished and set, and street paving done on the streets, on whicn such curbing and i)aving is done, in tlie fL>rm of bills or executions at the o])tion of the contractors or other l)ersons asking for such transfers, in either case to be made with- out recourse c»n the City of .\tlanta. Sec. 2684. Abutting Owner to Have Ten Days' Notice — Ap- plies to Venable Contract — Cash Installment — How Much. — So ^oon a> the granite curbing on any >treet has been furnished and set u]) under the order (jf the Mayor and (General Council, it shall bf the duly nf the Chief of (.'onslruction to make out bills against all parties liable to pay for such curbing, and place them in the hands of the City Tax Collector for presentation and col- lection, and upon presentation of a bill thus made out, it shall be the duty of any proi)ert\ -owner desiring to have the i^rivilege of paying f(^r such curbing in installments, shall give the con- tractor written notice of this desire, and the written notice shall state the time required by such abutting owner, and to pay the one-fourth (l-4j cash installment on said curbing within thirty (30) days from the presentation of the bill as aforesaid; and on the failure of any property-owner to give the notice, and make the cash installment payment, as aforesaid, then, upon the com- I)letion of the laying of the sidewalk in front of the propert}', where said curbing has been furnished, execution shall issue for the whole amount due for such curbing and sidewalk, and be collected without reference to the installment feature of the con- -,,, siui;i;i nii'uox i:mi:m < (m,i,i:< i ni{_iti:< oni»> < oi.i.ii rn)\s traol alorcsaid, such failure l<) i;ive writlcu n.aicc upcratiii^^ us a waivt-r of the rij^nit of such prupcrly mvncT to pay for such curh- iu^- in iiistalhncnts. Sec. 2685. Shall Keep Complete Record— Its Contents.— The Street Improvement Collector sliall keep a complete record of all hills for permanent improvements delivered to him for collec- tion, which shall show the names of the parties lialde. etc.. amount of each hill, for what work the hill is tine, the location of the prc^pcrty, and the disposition made of the bill, whether by collection, transfer and to whom, or the issue of the execution; and when such bill or executions are paid, this fact must be noted on said record in the office of the Street Improvement Collector, which shall be open at all times to the insi)ection of the public. And the daily reports of the Street Improvement Collector to the City Comptroller shall contain a full minute of bills for permanent improvements received by the Collector, the amounts collected thereon, the bills transferred by him and to whom, the bills handed to the City Clerk for the issue of execu- tions, and the nund^er of bills and executions reported to him as having- been collected and by whom and the amount> thereof. Sec. 2686. Books in Comptroller's Office Show Like Record — Check. — The lH)oks in the office of the City C'omptroller shall show a like record of all bills and executions for permanent im- provements, so as to furnish a complete check upon the records of the Chief of Construction, Collector, City Clerk and Marshal, with reference to all such bills and executions. Sec. 2687. Transferrees— How They Collect Bills Trans- ferred to them. — Whenever the contractors, or other transferees, after taking- the transfer oi any bill for paving- and curbing, or paving- or curbing, shall find it to be necessary to have execution issued for the whole or any part of the amount of such bill, they may return such bill to the Street Improvement Collector, and have such return entered upon the record of bills kept by that of- licer. whose duty it shall be to deliver said bill to the Clerk of Council, who shall issue execution in favor of the City against the party owning such bill for the amount due thereon, wdiich execution shall be transferred by the Tax Collector, and levied •»TKKKT IMIMtO\ 1:MK\ 1 < > ^jj] aiul collected by the Marshall fur the use of such contractors or other transferees as if issued and transferred in the tirst instance. Sec. 2688. Interest on Bills for Street Improvements — Rate — How Collected. — All bills for i)ul)lic iniprovenunts in the City of Atlanta against abuttinj^ property-owners and street railroad companies, whether for street pavini;. curbinj:]^. sidewalks or sewer assessments, shall bear interest at the rate of seven per cent, per annum from the date, when execution is. or by law oui;ht to be. issued for any such assessment, such interest to be collected with the principal of each execution from the defendant in ti fa. or from the property .subject to the lien t>f such assess- ment. Sec. 2689. Postponement of Collections not Allowed by Of- ficers — Permission in Certain Cases — By Whom — Limitation of Permission. — Neither the Tax t'ollector. Street Improvement Collector, nor the Marshal, shall have authn<^'er extension of time for special reasons in any case; nor shall the I-inance Committee postpone a collectif>n in apy case for more than three months from the date of the issue «)f the execution, without express ac- tion of the Mayor and (ieneral Council authori/.ini.^ them. Sec. 2690. Street Improvement Collector Must Report Monthly to Finance Committee — Contents of Report. — It shall be the duty of the .Street Impro\ement Collector and the Mar- shal U) rej>ort on the first day of each month to the Finance Com- mittee all uncollected bills and fi fas. due the City of .\tlanta for public improvements, licenses or taxes in their hands, and to state the reasons why such bills or executions have not been col- lected, these reports to show the names of the parties owing such bills or executions, and also the amount and character of the demand in each case. Sec. 2691. Penalty for Violation by Any Officer of Above Ordinances. — .\nv officer con\icted of violating- either of the 7(i2 STItlOIO'l' l^irUO\ KIIIONT ( OI.I.KC'I'Olt — toi,i-i:< 'IIO \ M foregoing" sections of this ordinance shall be subject to a line not exceeding one hundred dollars in the Recorder's Court, and upon such conviction the Mayor shall suspend the officer so con- victed until the next regular meeting of the (ieneral CDuncil. when such officer may be remoNcd from office in the discretion of the (Ieneral Council. Sec. 2692. Manner of Collecting Bills— Custody of Bills— Re- ports to Whom — General Duties Prescribed for Collecting Of- ficers. — The manner of making collections for permanent street improxements. sidewalk and curbing bills, sewer assessments, removing and re})lacing i)avement, repairs to sidewalks, and all other bills for work done for propert)-owners on the streets, al- leys, and sewers of Atlanta, whenever such work is done by the City, and collected from property-owners by the Citv. shall be as follows: iJills for work done, as above specified, shall be made out by the Chief of Construction, such bills to be made out on receipts with two stubs or coupons attached, and turned o\er by said officers to the CV)llector of Street lmpro\ements, taking his receipt therefor. The Collector of Street improvements shall keep all such l)ills in his custody, until they are called for to be paid, when he shall retain one stub to make u}) liis accounts, and send the receipt and other stub or coupon to the City Tax Collector, who shall receive the money and give the recei])t to the person paying the bill, and file the coupon to make up his accounts. On the same day the Collector of Street Improve- ments shall report to the Comptroller all coupons so turned over ■to the City Tax Collector, giving numbers, names, and amounts, and the City Tax Collector shall on the same day report to the Comptroller the amounts so collected by him, accompanied with the coupons, which had been turned over to him by the Collector of Street Improvements, with the receipt of the City Treasurer attached thereto. The Collector of Street Improvements and the City Tax Collector to make daily and monthly reports to the Comptroller. Sec. 2693. Street Improvement Collector Keeps Record — Shows Streets, on Which Curbing or Sewers Have Been Ordered Laid — Record Indexed. — From and after the passage of this or- dinance the Street Improvement Collector shall procure and keep STKKET l>ll'Kn\ lOMIONT ( IM.MOi 'i'oK — rol.l.KC 'riO> S Y(;;] Oil file a record showing- all the streets and portions of streets, on which curbing has been ordered to be laid by the General Council, and shall also procure suitable indexes to said records, and shall keep these records in his office for the inspection of the l)ublic. Sec. 2694. Above in No Wise Interferes with Existing Ordi- nances. — The provisions of preceding sections shall in no wise interfere with the existing ordinances providing- for a lien in fa- vor of the City on the passage of a resolution for the laying of curbing on streets or portions thereof, or for the laying of sew- ers in streets or jHjrtions thereof, but is only intended for the convcPK-nce of the public who may desire to inspect said iniex for such information as it mav furnish. ^LA s'liiKKi- u \ii,uo \i»s_«.i« \m:s ivi.i.r i i* '.inh:i: r»— imii:"* e CHAPTER LXXXVII. STREET R.\ll.l<< )A1) ( ( ).\1 1'AX II'.S. Sec. 2695. Conform to Existing Grades — Submit Plans of Proposed Railway Lines to Street Committee. — it shall be the duty of street railroad C(>nii)anies to conlurni to the surveys, ve^- ulations. and j^rades as they are now. or may hereafter be, estab- lished by law or an ordinance of the City «-)f .\tlanta. They shall submit all proposed i)lans. courses, styles of rails, and th manner of layino- the same, to the Street Connnittee. for their approval and sanction, which shall be t)btained betore tliey pro- ceed to break around or (jccujjy any of the liiL;h\va\> aforesaid. Sec. 2696. Maintain Streets, Upon which Tracks Are Laid — Clear Away Rubbish and Obstructions — Penalty for Failure. — The said railroad companies shall be at the entire cost and ex- pense of the maintaining;" and repairinc^, that mar be necessary upon any road, street, a\enue or alle_\'. occu[)ietl by tliem, for the width recpiired. It shall also be the duty of the Lonijiany to clear the streets or other public highways, that they may oc- cupy, of any obstructions placed upon them by said Company, when the same impedes the trade upon such highway; and for any neglect on their part to do so for a period of three days, they shall be punishable by a tine of twenty dollars for each otlensc, upon complaint of five citizens on oath or affirmation. Sec, 2697. Charges for Fare on Road — (This section had ref- erence to old lines of the Atlanta Street R. R. Company.) The charges for passage on said roads shall not exceed twenty cents for any through line, and ten cents for half lines or short dist- ances. Sec. 2698. Numbers Required on Cars — Penalty for Failure. — It shall be incumbent on all street car companies before plac- ing cars on their road to have the number painted on some con- STIIKKT l< Ml.ltli \l»s ( \|{ M Ml|i:us — lli;i.l.s s|»|:i:i) HI i.K«» yg-j spicunus place on each car. aiul any omission or neglect to com- j)l\' with this provision >hall he punishahle hy a fine of ten dol- lars. Sec. 2699. Street Car Bells Not Used near Churches During Worship on Sabbath — Penalty. — It shall he unlawful for any aj^eni. uiiiccr, or employee of a >treet car company to use hells on any animals, or street cars, within fifty yards of any church on the Sabbath day durinj^ divine wxjrship, and any person so rt'endinj^. on conviction thereof in the Recorder's Court, shall ,>u\ a fine unt to exceed one hundred dollars, or he imprisoned not to exceed thirty days, either or both, in the discretion of the Sec. 2700. Speed of Street Cars — Limit — Variations of Speed at Certain Places. — The runniu}.,' speed of street railroads in the City of Atlanta shall not he at a L;reater rate than ten miles per liour within a radius of one (juarter of a mile from the Northeast corner of the L'nioii I'assengcr Depot, and not j^reater than fif- teen miles jitr hour beyond .said radius, and never to be greater tlian si.\ miles per lu>ur at crossings within said radius of one- (piarter of a mile of said L'nit^n Passenger Depot, and the sj)eed at crossings outside of said radius shall not exceed ten miles per hour; provided the right to lower these rates of speed, if deemed wise hereafter, is reserved by the Mayor and (General Council. Sec. 2701. Macadamizing Streets — Amount to Be Done by Street Railroad Companies — Location of Tracks — Under Whose Supervision. — Said companies shall be re(|uired to macadamize -r pave the width of the track, and for tliree feet on each side of every line of track in cases of necessity, to be judged of by the Committee on Streets; they shall be governed in locating the tracks by the Street Committee; nor shall they locate any track without the c«jnscnt of said Committee, or a majority thereof. Sec. 2702. Rules for Company — ( lliis section had reference to the cdd horse-car lines.) The Mayor and Cieneral Council f the City of Atlanta hereby reserve to themselves the right, in conjunction with the President and Directors of said companies. -,;,; STKKKT l«\ll.l«0\l)^ I. K % l>|.:s_l' \ SSI :N «. I !« - IIVIinllMs Ic. make all needful rules and ret,nilati(.ns f..r ihe -..xerninenl ..f said L'onipanies. Sec. 2703. Grades Furnished on Application— Company May- Occupy Surface, Intermediate, or Permanent Grade. — W hen any street railroad company shall apply lor permanent grades of any street, on which it is proposed to construct a street railroad, it shall be furnished with b(jth the surface and permanent ^^rade. and said Company or Ct)mpanies may occupy either the surface, intermediate, or permanent ,L,M-ade. Sec. 2704. Duty of Companies as to Streets Adjacent to One Occupied. — W hen the said Company or Companies shall occupy the surface, intermediate, or permanent jjradcs, the said Company or Companies shall, at their own cost and expense, place the said street and sidewalks, and all adjacent cross streets, lanes and al- leys, in as good condition as they were before they were so occu- pied, and be held liable for any damage accruing to [)roperty- holders. Sec. 2705. Passengers Refusing to Pay Fare — Penalty.— Any person, who shall enter any of the cars of any street railroad company for the i)urpose of riding therein, and who shall fail or refuse, on request, to pay the usual and proper fare or charge for the same, with intent to defraud the said street railroad company, shall, on conviction, be subject to a fine not to exceed ten dol- lars and costs, or imprisonment for ten days, one or l)oth, in the discretion of the Recorder's Court, Sec. 2706. Obstructing Platform — Penalty. — Any person not being a regular passenger on such car or cars, who shall obstruct or occupy the platform of such car or cars, either by standing upon, leaning against, or swinging to the same, shall, on convic- tion, be subject to the same penalty prescribed in the section next preceding. Sec. 2707. Interference with Track— Willful Obstruction of Same— Leaving Vehicles on Track— All Unlawful— Penalty.— It shall not be lawful for any person willfully to place any ob- struction on the track or roadbed of any line of any street rail- <«liti:^.i It iii.Ku \ii» oils I HI « II \«. — |-|(\Mii|s|> (;it\\'i'«. -,- roa.l company locau-d or ruiuuiig^ m or lhroiij;th ihc .>aid Lily of Atlanta, or unnecessarily to interfere with or obstruct the free Ijassag-e of any car. or to endanger the safety of any car. or any person in any car. running in or through the City of Atlanta, bv willfully allowing their vehicles to remain on or about the track of said railroad company, or by any other careless, negligent, or willful means whatever. A vitdation of this section shall sub- ject the ofTender, on conviction, to a fine not exceeding ten dol- lars, or impriMinment not longer than ten day>. in the Recorders C'ourt, Sec. 2708. To Prevent Passage of Grants or Franchises at Same Meeting, at Which Introduced.— All applications by anv l)erson. firm or C"»rpt)rati.jii. for authority and consent to use the -treets, alleys, and public places •»f the City for the purpose of cijnstructing and electrically e<|uipping a line or lines of street railway or telephone poles and ducts or telegrai)h [Miles and ducts, or lighting p(jles and ducts, or heating ducts and connec- tions, or any other franchises requiring the consent of the City for the u>v of the streets, alleys, and public places of the City, <.r for any of the privileges and grants usually included in such' franchises. ->hall not be ctjnsidered or passed or granted in anv way or to any extent at the same meeting of the (ieneral C«nni- cil, at which same were introduced, but shall be referred to some Committee and consideretl. if desired, not before the next regu- lar meeting following the introduction of such apjdication. In no event shall such applications be read the second time and passed at such first meetings, and motions of that character -liall be out of order. Sec. 2709. Clerk Prepares Copies of Application— Submit to Each Member of General Council Within Five Days. — I'ollowing ihe meeting of the Liciieral Council, at which such applications are introduced, the Clerk of Council shall prepare typewritten copies of such applications, and furnish (Jiie s < oM)i:ii \ \i iu\ i'i:n \ I. rii:s Ordinance, Section l-oUowinj^^ ) — The Mayor and (jcncral Coun- cil of the City of Atlanta in i^ranting franchise to street railroads and street car companies of whatever niotixe power, reserves the rig^ht to p-ant a franchise to another company or companies, when, in their jnds^ment, the pnhlic interest and welfare is sul)- served thereby, over any j^art of any street or streets, not to ex- ceed three blocks, or 1200 feet, upon the petitioning party or company payinjj;' a pro-rata part of the orij^inal cost of construc- tion, and a pro-rata part of keepinii;- up in j^ood repair ui iliat part of the road-bed used by them jointly. Sec. 2711. Reservation of Right to Condemn Five Blocks. — (See above ordinance, saying three). — Tiie City ui Atlanta re- serves the right to subject any part of the lines and tracks of all street railway companies, not exceeding five blocks at any one point, on such line or lines, to use by other companies upon pay- ment of just compensation, to l)e judged of and fixed by the Mayor and Ceneral Council, either upon the basis (»f a certain sum in full for such use, or of annual payments therefor, except in so far as this ordinance may conllict with prior and subsisting grants to any comi)any or companies. Sec. 2712. Above Reservation Applicable to all Companies Asking Additional Privileges. — Any street railroad company or street car company, of whatever motive power, having the fran- chise granted prior to the passage of this ordinance, and petition- ing the General Council for additional privileges or amendments as regards power, or additional streets, or any other material change, agree to the provisions of the foregoing sectioiv, other- wise any material addition or amendment shall be denied to any such street railroad or street car company. Sec. 2713. Penalty for Laying Tracks Without Authority. — Any street railroad company, its servants or agents, who, with- out authority from the Mayor and General Council, shall lay any tracks on any street or portion of a street, or shall displace any permanent improvement for making repairs, without written au- thority from the Chief of Construction, shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined not more than five hundred dollars for each of- fense, or be imprisoned not exceeding thirty days, either or both, in the discretion of the Recorder's Court. It \ii.i(o \iii)s .^MidDiiF.s — nEr\in«« — <:iM-'.r.i> — «;k \i)ks 769 Sec. 2714. Extends to All Companies — Existing or to Exist — This ordinance is construed and hereby made a part of the agreement on the part of the City of Atlanta, against any indi- vidual c<»mpany or corporation, who may petition to extend rail- road lines, or for any material privileges or changes, or to con- struct new lines through any street or part of streets in said City. Sec. 2715. Cost of Privilege of Crossing Broad Street Bridge — Shall Help Keep it in Repair. — Every street railroad Company crossing liroad street bridge with its tracks or cars, shall be re- quired to pay into the City Treasury the sum of five thousand dollars for the privilege of crossing said bridge, and shall there- after be rtMjuired to pay such [)ropurtion of tiic expense of keep- ing saitl bridge in go(jd repair as may be just and proper in the judgment of the Mayor and ( Council in ..ffiic ;it the time when -«uch repairs are madt . « Sec. 2716. Street and Other Railroads— Taxed— On What— How Much. — < )n every hundred dollars in value of all property, both real and j)ersonal, including easements and franchises, and on all mtineys, lK)nds, stocks, and solvent debts of any street or other railroad company in the City ui Atlanta, held or owned by such Company on the 31st day of January, l'J07, and 11)08 res- pectively, there shall be levied a lax of one dollar and twenty- five cent.^ per annum. Sec. 2717. Not to Exceed Four Miles an Hour at Crossings, Etc. — And to Stop at Such Places. — (Later ordinance, however, in a preceding section in this C hapter.) — It shall be unlawful for any street car, electric, horse-power, or otherwise, to run over any street crossing, or at an intersecting street, at a greater speed than four miles an hour, and without giving warning by repeat- edly ringing a bell or gong; provided, this ordinaiKe shall not be so construed as to permit the violation of the ordinance ap- proved Septeml)er 5. 1887. prohibiting the use of bells on ani- mals or street cars within fifty yards of any church on the Sab- bath Day during divine worship. Sec. 2718. Line Having Heavy Grade Has Right of Way, But Must Stop. — When two roads or tracks cross each other, it 40 — ,) It vii.Ho \ii«._ni{ii*<.i;> 1 \i{i> I H wsi i;h«._im:n \i I N shall be the duty ui the i)ersons in charge of the motive power of the cars to come to a stand, to see tliat the crossing is clear. In cases of heavy grades the line having the heavy grade shall have the right of way. Sec. 2719. Cars Go To Right on Forsyth Street Bridge.— it shall be unlawful for any street railway company to run electric cars across Forsyth street bridge, excei)t by entering and passing across on the right side of the bridge, looking from the direction from which the car is approaching the bridge; or to cause a car to pass partly over the bridge, and return on the same track to the point of entrance. Sec. 2720. Penalty for Violation of Above Section. — Any street railway company convicted of a violation of above section shall be punished by a fine of not less than ten nor more than one Iiundred dollars, in the discretion of the Court. Sec. 2721. Limit of Charge for Fare by Street Railways. — It shall be unlawful for any company operating electric or other railways in or upon the streets of Atlanta, by itself or its agents, directly or indirectly, io charge or collect more than fi\e cents for the transportation of any person from any point on said line or lines' to any other point on any line or lines owned or ui)erated by said Company, w hether the same be for a cojitinuous passage on a through line or by transfer to any other line or lines owned and operated by said comi)an\. Sec. 2722. Transfers Shall Be Issued upon Payment of Fare — No Additional Charge. — L'pon the payment fo one full fare, as above provided, it shall be the duty of said railway company to transport such passenger to his destination, upon any line or lines of said company, and to furnish a transfer ticket, without additional charge, whenever it is necessary for such passenger to change to the car of any other line or lines operated by said company, in order to reach his said destination. Sec. 2723. Penalty for Violation of Above Transfer Ordi- nance — Proviso. — Anv violation of the above sections, or any I( \ll l(o \||<. — UKI'\IKs — KI.Kt IIIH IT\ — «.l \|(|) \\in|.> — . refusal to furnish a transfer ticket, as above provided for. by any officer or agent of any street railway company in said city, shall be punished by a fine of not less than ten ($10.00) dollars, nor more than one hundred ($l(X).0O) dollars, or imprisonment not less than thirty days, in the discretion of the Recorder; provided, that nothing herein contained shall apply to any transfer beyond the.cori>orate limits of the Cit\ on any outlining car. Sec. 2724. Street Railroads — Duty of— Must Repair Track- City May Do So at Their Expense- Clerk to Issue P^i Fas.— 1 he Street inspector, or per&on api>uinled by the Chief of Construc- tion, is directed to notify the several street railroad companies now, or hereafter, doing business in the City of Atlanta, what parts of the sidewalks or streets of the City crossed or used by >uch street railroad companies are out of repair on account of the tracks or running t>f the cars of such street railroad compa- nies, or from the manner, in which said street railroad is built and operated on the public sidewalks and streets of the City of .\i- lanta, and such street railroad company failing, on five days' no- nce. t(j keep and put such ^idewalks and streets so crossed or used by such street railroad company, in good, smooth, passa- i»le conhall collect and levy the same on any property of the street railroad company as usual in such cases for sales under City tax fi fas. Sec. 2725. Street Railways Using Electricity Shall Erect Guard Wires. — Street railway conipames u-'ing elcciricitv as a motive power with an overhead system of wires shall erect and keep in good repair a guard wire (of not less than No. 6 gauge) -■TO It \ii.m» \i>> i'oi.i:s wiitKs i-i.\r whkim.s — \\>ii:*( tiyi-htly striiii}^- two feet above the wire or wires used to convey the current to tlie car motor. Sec. 2726. Shall Set Poles for Stringing Wires — Re-set, when Required. — h shall he tiie duty oi any street railway company, electric lii;ht comi)any, or telephone or telegraph company, now- existing or hereafter authorized to set poles for the stringing of wires thereon, ui)on notice from the Mayor and (leneral Council or Chief of Construction or the City Electrician to that effect, to remove or re-set an) poles belonging to any such company, its successors or assigns, when such removal or re-setting of poles is necessary in the judgment of the Mayor and (iencral Council, the Chief of Construction, or City Electrician, to facilitate the improvement of any street or ]H)rtion of street by changing the grade thereof or otherwise, or to allow the improvement, or pro- mote the convenience of any lot t>n such street, the expense of the removal t(^ be borne by the ci>mpany using the poles. Sec. 2727. Flat Wheels Prohibited from Use— Penalty for Doing So — Proviso. — It shall be unlawful to run or use on the streets of Atlanta any street car or cars with what is known as "flat" wheels, and any superintendent or person acting as super- iiitcncUnt of moti\-e power for tlie company using such "tiat" wheels, who shall direct or permit any car or cars with such "flat" wheel shall, on conviction thereof, be fined the sum of ten dol- lars, or be imprisoned not exceeding five days, in the discretion of the Court: provided that there shall be no conviction for a violation of the provisions of this section until the motorman op- erating such car, or the Superintendent, or General Manager of such railway company, shall have two (2) hours notice of the condition of such defective wheel, such notice to be given by any police officer of the City, and the use of a car with such "flat" wheel is persisted in or continued after the expiration of the two (2) hours notice given. Sec. 2728. All Poles to be Stamped with Name of Company. — All companies or corporations having poles erected on the streets or sidewalks shall be required to have the name of said company or corporation stamped or printed on each pole. |{ \ll.m> \l>^ — W KKOS — OOOUM — IMU.KS — IM»M«» 77;j Sec. 2729. Shall Not Permit Weeds or Grass Between Tracks. — It >liall be unlawuil lor any street railway company opcrat- infj a line or lines of street railway in the City of Atlanta, to per- mit weeds or ^rass to grow between its tracks, or within one foot of the rails on either side thereof, within the incorporate limits of the City of .Atlanta. Sec. 2730. Penalty for Violation. — For a violation of the above section the .sui)crintcndent of the street railway company so offending shall be liable to fine and imprisonment by the Re- corder of the City of .\tlanta, and iqion conviction shall, for each offense, be fined not less than five nor more than one hundred dollars, or be imprisoned in the stockade not less than one nor more than thirty days, either or ln.tli in the discretion of the Re- corder. Sec. 2731. Passengers with Offensive Odors upon Them Must Not Board Streetcars. — It ^hall be unlawful for auNonc. who has on or about his or her per.son an>' disgusting or offen- sive smell or odor by reason of working in or about guano fac- tories, to bctard or attempt to board any street car in the City of .\tlanta f«>r the purpose of becoming a passenger thereon, or for any purpose whatsoever, or to ride upon any street car in the City of Atlanta. Sec. 2732. When Such Arc Ordered Off. Shall Not Remain on the Car. — It shall be unlawful for any such person m persons to remain on said car. when recjuested t»j quit said car by the conductor thereof. Sec. 2733. Penalty for Violation of Above. — If an\ person shall violate either .Sections 27.11 or 2732 he shall, upon convic- tion beft>re the Recorder, be fined in a sum nijt greater than $100 or be sent to the City Stockade for a period not longer than thirty days, either or both, in the discretion of the Recorder. Sec. 2734. Setting Posts for Fences — Not included in Restric- tions of Ordinances as to Setting Poles. — Persons, who are set- ting posts at the edge of sidewalks for the purpose of bulding fences, will not be required to apply to the Chief of Construction — , H \ii,Ho\i)S— HOHsr.s— >iKr.TiN«; oi'r\u> vi-i:i;i> for a permit to do so, but may remove the brick lu-ccssary to set said posts, and replace same after being set. The u(;rk of re- placing to be done in a proper and workmanlike manner. ;ind it not so done, then the Chief of Construction shall have it done at the expense of the property-owner. Sec. 2735. In Case of Frightened Horses— Motormen Slack- ens Speed.— When an engineer, or party in charge of the motive power of any car, shall see that his car is the cause of frighten- ing horses attached to vehicles, it shall be his duty to slacken his speed, and cease the cause of fright as much as possible, and give the party driving the horses an opportunity of getting off the street at the first crossing. In case of damage to life or prop- erty, that party in charge of the motive power of the car is to be held responsible, for it is clearly his duty to deep a close watch- out as to what is going o nin front of his car. Sec. 2736. Provision for Safe Meeting of Cars on Parallel Tracks, Where One Car is Receiving or Discharging Passengers. All persons operating street cars in this City, upon a street where there are parallel tracks, shall, when approaching a car, which has stopped at a crossing for the purpose of discharging or embarking passengers, check and keep checking the speed of their car until same is under control, and shall simultaneously give warning by sounding the gong, of its ai)proach, which checking of speed and warning shall continue until the stationary car is passed. Sec. 2737. Penalty for Violation. — A violation of foregoing section by any person shall subject the offender to a fine of not exceeding $25.00 or imprisonment of not exceeding thirty days, at the discretion of the Recorder. Sec. 2738. Penalty for Failure to Slacken Speed, when Horses Are Frightened. — Any engineer or person in charge of the mo- tive power of any car violating any of the provisions of the above ordinance, shall, upon conviction before the Recorder's Court pay a fine of not less than ten dollars and cost, or be im- prisoned not less than ten days upon the public works ; and any It \ii.ito \ii<> — i'\\i\«. inxriv^ \vrii M/r ini m> viion --- manager or agent in charge of any line of street railroad in thi? City, who shall give or cause to be enforced orders in conflict with the provisions of this section, shall, upon conviction before the Recc>rder, pay a fine of not less than twenty-five dollars, or serve ntreet. the width of eleven feet thereof being the space be- tween the track, and for three feet on each side therof, and said City shall pay of said amount so paid into abutting property- owners, the pro rata, to which they are entitled. Sec. 2740. In Case of Asphalt Pavement — Duty of Street Railroads. — \\ hcnevcr an ordinance shall i)e jjassed by the Mayor and General Council providing for the i)avement oi a >treet or portion of a >treet with asphalt pavement, and a street railway company has tracks there(jn, it shall be the duty of such railway company, and they arc hereijy required, i)ri(jr to the lad- ing of said pavement, to construct such foundation for their tracks as will prevent the vibration of the rails. The foundation thereof is hereby defined and established as follows, to wit : the preparation, construction, and laying of concrete under and be- Iwcen the ties and uj) to the sub-grade for street pavement; all to be thoroughly rammed in position, and left in this condition a sufficient length of time to become fi.xed and firm before cars are run over same. Sec. 2741. Alternate Foundation — How and of What Con- structed. — If de>irecl by such >ireet railway company, the foun- dation provided for in the alx)ve section may be substituted as follows, to-wit : the laying or re-laying of tracks on a concrete stringer, not less than eighteen inches in width at the base of the rail, and sixteen inches in width at the bottom of the trench, same to have a depth of not less than nine inches below the base of the rail. Said concrete stringers to be made by excavating a trench along the track between the ties, so that, when the con- — f> U Vll.UO.VOS— 10tM>\TI0N— IVV\ !>«.— IM.l III. I I l( M Ks creto is rammed in position, the rail, wlicn properly aligned, shall be in the center of the stringer. After the raiU are in proper position, the trench shall he tilled with cuncrete. nnder and around the rail, and brought to the proper height recpiired by the sub-grade ui the proposed pavement. " Sec. 2742. Concrete for Foundation — Material — How Mixed. — All concrete mentioned in the two foregoing sections shall be made from the best brands of I'ortland cement, and nii.xed in such proportion as to make first class work, acceptable to the L"liief of Construction. Sec. 2743. As to Paving of Eleven Feet. — Section L'Ta'J of this Code shall be the basis and rule of contribution to be retpiired of street railroad or street railway companies on account of the paving of streets paved before the occupancy of such >treets by any street railroad or street railway ct^mpany ; provided, nevertheless, that it shall be competent for the Mayt)r and Gen- eral Council, in particular cases, on account of the worn condi- tion of the pavement on any such i)avetl street, to ree|uire con- tribution of a smaller amount than the full cost of eleven (11) feet, as recpiired by .Section 2731) of such Code as aforesaid. Sec. 2744. Double Track Does not Make Railway Company Dqubly Liable — Must be Laid, However, In Proper Condition. — A second track shall not make any -street railway comp,any laying it liable for belgian blocks or other improvements al- ready made, but the ]:)locks or other improvements shall be re- placed after said second track is laid in condition acceptable to the Chief of Construction. Sec. 2745. Rebate on Street Paving — Disposition of Fund — To Whom. — In any case where a street railroad company pays into the City Treasury any money as a rebate on account of street paving done before the laying of railroad tracks on a par- ticular street, that part of such money going to abutting owners shall be distributed pro rata according to frontage amongst the owners of the property abutting on the portion of the street occupied by the railroad tracks. Sec. 2746. s^all Provide Fenders or Other Device to Pro- tect Life. — All electric railroad companies operatinj^ a line or lines in the City of Atlanta shall pro\ ide fenders, or souk* life- savinj; device in front of the truck or wheels of each car, and such lenders or device shall be of the best and most improved design, ttj the end that injuries to persons shall be prevented and human life preserved. Sec. 2747. Penalty for Operating without Fenders. — .\ny per- son, whether I're^iilent, \ ice-l're>ideni. NUperinicndent, mana- ger, conductor, mot«)rman, or i»ther officer or empK^yec i»f any such railroad company, who shall, after said date, operate in said City, or cause to be operated, any electric car. which is n(jt equipped with fenders or life-saving device, as hereinabove pro- vided, shall, for each offense, upon conviction thereof, he pun- ished by fine not exceeding one hundred ($1(X).(XJ) dollars, or imprisonment not e.xceeding thirty days, either or both, in the discretion of the Recorders Court ; provided, that nothing herein contained shall be construed to prevent a car that has been dis- abled out on a line fronj being operated thr«iugh any of thif streets of .\tlanta on its way to the sh«»ps of an> company for necessary repairs; or cju e.\traordinary occasions, when the Mayor, with the Klcctric and ( )ther Railroad Committee, in their judgment, may grant permission t<» oj)erate fenderless cars; the Company assuming all resjJonsibilitN . Sec. 2748. Transfers not Transferable. — .\o transfer ticket or written instrument giving or purporting t«j give the right ot transfer to any pers«jn or per.>ions from a street railroad car. oj)- erated upon the same or another line, or route, of said street railroa^l. in said City, shall be issued, sold, or given awav. ex- cept to a passenger lawfully entitled thereto, and by <.r from a duly authorized agent of the said strert railroad company. Sec. 2749. Penalty for Selling or Giving Away Transfers to Be Used by Other Persons — Applies Alike to Transferer anj Transferree. — .\iiy person, other than a duly authorized agent of the aforesaid street railroad company, who shall, in said Citv.. issue, sell, exchange, or give away such a transfer ticket with 778 lt\II.UO\l)s «UNs||(|« I ION lti:«.i I. \ I ION — IIC\N«inM:s intent to have the .^aiiie u^ed for passage, and any person or persons not hivvfully entitled thereto, wL'o shall offer for pas- sage such a transfer ticket. >hall be guilty of an offense for each and every act. and nn conviction tliereof shall he j)nnishcd hy imprisonment not to exceed thirty days, or fined not exceeding one hundred dollars, either or both, in the discretion of the Re- corder's Court for each an«| every such offense. Sec. 2750. The Construction and Regulation of Street Rail- ways — All New Lines, including Extension of Any Existing Line, Come under Provisions.— All street railways and lines, and parts of lines hereafter constructed, and put into operation within the limits of the City of Atlanta, as now or hereafter de- fined, shall he constructed and operated inidcr the provisions of this chapter, and amendments thereto, which may be hereafter made concerning the regulation of the operation of street rail- ways, and all existing street railway companies, having lines al- ready constructed, and in operation in the limits of the Citv of, Atlanta, which shall apply for an\l>^ l"\\IM. KIt.llVIKiN > « (ll.l.l* IKlNv --,( structioii .".hall, upon ihc direction ui the Street Lumniittee of the (jeneral Council of the City of Atlanta, require the street railway ouupany or companies, owning or usinj^ tracks therein, ti) pave «»r macadamize, ur pay for the paving or macadamizing of the >pace between the tracks, and for three feet on each side thereof, that is to say eleven feet in width. The paving, if done by the street railway company, to proceed and be executed at the same time that the paving or macadamizing »»f the balance of the roadway of the streets is all done by the City of Atlanta, to be in the proporti(»n that eleven feet bears to the whole roalreet. Sec. 2753. If Street Railway Fails to Pave or Macadamize — City Docs the Work — Collects for It — How. — 15c it further ur dained by the authority aforesaid, that in case of the failure of any street rialway company to proceetl with the work of paving or macadamizing the portion of the street accupied by its tracks, a> hereinbefore defined, at the time that the work of pav- ing or macadamizing by the City of Atlatita is commencehall be the duty of the Chief of Construction to pave or macadamize .>uch space with the same material as the balance of the roadway of the street, and to keep an account of the cost thereof «»n the basis of contribution prescribed in the first section of this ordinance, and present a bill to the street railway com- pany liable for such paving or macadamizing, and, if such bill is not paid within ten days after presentation, it shall be the duty of the Clerk of Council to issue an e.xecution against such street railway company, and its property, for said amount, which shall be levied anv any manner of means, direct or indirect, have the same or reciprocal management, or an understanding of any sort, as to the operation of such line in connection with any other existing line, in which event said five per cent, shall become at once a charge on said road, and the existing road entering into such combination or arrange- ment shall also be liable to pay such five per cent. : provided, a reciporctcal use of transfer tickets l)y two or more lines, if as- sented to bv the Mayor and fieneral C«nincil. shall not subject the companies to the payment t>f tax on gross receipts before the expiration of the grants rif May 2(lth. 1891. Sec. 2757. Street Railways Must Contribute to the Construc- tion and Maintenance of Bridges Crossed by their Tracks. — llie CiLv of Atlanta rc>erve> tiic right to rc(juire a n-asoiiable contri- bution, to be judged of by the Mayor and (ieiieral Council, from any and all street railways toward the cost oi building, rebuild- ing, and keeping in repair bridges crossed by their tracks, whether such bridge be erecte.>ocialion. hereafter obtaining authority or consent to construct or operate a line or >\.>lem of >treet rail- ways in the limits of the City of Atlanta, as now ur herealter de- fined, shall be permitted to collect fur fares for single passengers from one point of the line ur system of such company to any other point on the line or system of such company in the Lity limits as afuresaid more than for one continuous trip from '> a. ni. to 12 p. m. five cents, nor more than for one cermiited to liaul freights on any portion of its lines in the streets of the City of Atlanta. Sec. 2760. Section Intended Simply to Enlarge Previous Re- servations of Power on Part of City to Control Street Railways — Applies to Successors of Railway Companies. — Xo reserva- 782 ic \ii,itt> \l>s |-ic \ \» iiisi:> -i:\i'iit \ I ION • I i( \< i> tion of power heretofore made by the City in ^^eiieral or special ordinances, or contracts, with reference to street railways or other .business, is hereby repealed or niodifjed, except as the same may be liereby enlarged, nor is aivy reciuirement as to the payment of rentals by street railway companies for the use of tracks across any bridge or bridges in any way hereby impaired. All the provisions of this chapter and of amendments, which may be made thereto, shall apply to the successors or assigns of street railway companies e(|ually with (.xisting companies or those first taking the grants. Sec. 2761. Expirations of Grants to Extend Lines — When. — All grants of consent and authority to extend exi>liiig line>. or enlarge an additional system of street railway, shall expire with the date of the expiration of the first grant to the Company owning or operating the original line or system so added to or enlarged. Sec. 2762. Rails to be Laid to be Under the Direction of Committee on Electric and Other Railroads. — The style and size of rails, to be used by any street railway coiupany. in lay- ing new tracks or in renewing tracks, shall be subject to ap- proval by the Committee of the General Council on Electric and Other Railroads, and the City also reserves the rigiit to re- quire a change of the kind of rails used in order to conform to the pavement used, or to be used on the street or portion of street, or in order to promote the safety of travel along the street, (Applications for franchise must be advertised. This provided for in an ordinannce on another subject.) Sec. 2763. Conductors and Motormen Require State Laws to be Obeyed on their Cars. — It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police and other police officers and policement of the City of Atlanta to give special attention to the fact that conductors or other employees in charge of street cars and other railroad cars, while within the corporate limits of the City of Atlanta, require passengers in their trains or cars to comply with thQ provisions of the laws of Georgia herein above cited (as to sep- aration of white and colored races) and in case of the violation of the said laws by the conductors or other employees of rail- road or street railroad companies to arrest such persons so vio- lating said laws, and prosecute them in the Lriniinal Court of Atlanta for such offenses. Sec. 2764. Passengers Must Observe Penal Laws of the State — As to Separation of Races — Penalty for Failure to Re- spect Orders of Conductor in this Regard. — I'as^engcrs on -ireet cars operated in tlie limits of the City of Atlanta, and in territory outside of the regular limits of said City, which has been incorporated as a part of said City for police purposes, must observe and obey the re(|uirements of said penal laws «>f the State as to the separate seating of the races in >uch cars, and any passenger failing to obey tlie directions of the conduc- tor or persons in charge of the car in this respect, when and in >-<> far as it is practicable to do so, shall on conviction of such violation in the Recorder's Court of the City »jf Atlanta, he pun- i-^hed by fine not exceeding $100.(H), or imprisonment not longer than thirty day^, in the discretion of the Court. Sec. 2765. Oiling or Greasing Tracks — Dirt Removed. — In greasing, oiling or othcr\\i>c dealing with >lrecl car tracks lor the purpose of rendering the contact of wheels thereon easy antance is placed and, in such cleaning, the sand or dirt or similar substance removed therefrom shall be carried or caused to be carried to the gutter or side of the street so that when the grease or oil is used, as above stated, people stepping on same will not come in contact with sand or dirt fil- led with grease or similar substance, thus endangering their travel and unfitting the streets, at such points, for safe u>c. Sec. 2766. Penalty. — .\ny corporation, person, agent or cm- ploN ee, using grease or similar substance on the street car tracks of the city without removing or causing to be removed, the sand or dirt, or other substance, as herein provided, shall be guilty of an offense and on conviction thereof, in the Recor- der's Court, shall be fined not exceeding One Hundred Dollars for each offense or sentenced to work not exceeding thirty days on the public works, either or both penalties to be inflicted in the discretion of the Recorder. 784 'J'*^' < "M'RCTOK—KKECTIOX—BOXn—DUTIES CHAPTER LXXXVIII. TAX COLLECTOR— ASSESSORS AND RECEIVERS. Sec. 2767. Tax Collector — How Elected — Duties, Compen- sation, Bond — How Defined and Fixed. — The office of Tax Col- lector shall be a separate and distinct office, and he shall be elected by the people at the same time the other City officers are elected, and his duties shall be defined 'by resolution or ordi- nance — tog-ether with the compensation to be allowed him, and the bond and security to -be given — before his election each and every term. Sec. 2768. Bond— By Whom Approved— Oath of Office.— Before the Tax Collector of the City of Atlanta enters on the duties of his office, he shall give bond, with good and sufficient security, in such sum as the Mayor and General Council shall, by resolution, determine, for the faithful performance of the du- ties of his office, and take the oath prescribed for other officers. Sec. 2769. Office— Where Located.— The said Tax Collector shall have his office at the City Hall, in the room now known as the City Clerk's office. Sec. 2770. Returns to Comptroller— Other Duties.— The said Collector of taxes shall make a return to the Comptroller, who shall enter the same on his books, and pay over to the City Treasurer at least once a day all moneys belonging to the City of Atlanta, and shall do and perform all such duties as are now or may hereafter be designated by the Mayor and General Council. Sec. 2771. Collector and Assessors and Receivers Separate Officers. — The Tax Collectors and the Tax Assessors and Re- ceivers shall be separate and distinct officers, and shall each perform such duties as are prescribed for their conduct and ob- TAX COM.KCTOK — ASSESSOKS — IQLECTION — DUTIES 735 servance, and shall be known as Tax Collector and Tax Asses- sors and Receivers, respectively. Sec. 2772. Assessors and Receivers — How Elected — Duties. — The Mayor and General Council of said City shall elect three Tax Assessors and Receivers, whose duty it shall be to assess the real estate in said City for taxation, and to receive returns of property, both real and personal, and in cases of failure to re- turn personal property for taxation, or failure to make a true return, or attempted fraud in returning the same, to assess the value of personal property for taxation. Sec. 2773. Term of Office— Compensation— Oath of Office. — They shall be elected, as their terms expire, on first Monday in July respectively, and hold their offices for two years, and until their successors are elected and qualified. They shall have such compensation as the Mayor and General Council shall prescribe before their election, which shall not be changed dur- ing their term. They shall take such oath and give such bond as may be required by said Mayor and General Council. Sec. 2774. Collector, Assessors and Receivers — Give Whole Time to City — Hours Fixed by Mayor and General Council. — The Assessors and Receivers and the Tax Collector of said City shall give their whole time to the service of the City during such business hours as the Mayor and General Council may pre- scribe during their terms. Sec. 2775. Bond and Oath. — The Tax Receivers and Tax Col- lector of said City shall discharge the duties above specified, in addition to those now required by law, and shall give sufficient bond w^ith' sureties, to be approved by the Mayor and General Council, and shall take such oath before the Mayor as the Mayor and General Council may prescribe. Sec. 2776. In Case of Failure to Return — How Property As- sessed. — If an}' person fails, neglects, or refuses to make a r,e- turn of his or her personal property, subject to taxation under the charter and ordinances of the Tax Assessors and Receivers, or to truly answer such questions as may be asked, or to sub- 50 786 TAX mit his personal property for the inspection and valuation of the Tax Assessors and Receivers as provided, then it shall be the duty of the Tax Assessors and Receivers, jointly, from the best information they can get in reference to the amount and value of the personal property owned and posscscd by such person, to arrive at the true value of the same, and place it upon their books. Sec. 2777. Names of Persons Failing to Return Kept on Books — For What Purpose. — They shall also enter upon their books the name of any person, firm, joint stock company, or cor- poration, who shall either fail or refuse to give in their property, and of all they are unable to find, and whom they may believe to be subject to tax on personal property, and of all persons sub- ject to street tax. Sec. 2778. Shall Not Enter Private Residences Without Con- sent. — In the discharge of the duties above specified, the Tax Assessors and Receivers shall not enter the private residence of any person against the consent of the occupants. Sec. 2779. False or Fraudulent Returns — Procedure. — In case of false, fraudulent, or unfair returns, the Tax Assessors and Receivers shall cite the person making the same to appear before them on some day to be fixed by them, and show cause why the return should not be corrected. Sec. 2780. In such Proceeding, Shall Hear Proof — Failure to Appear — Return, How Made.— L'pou any such person so cited appearing before them, they may, and shall if requested, hear evidence as to the real value of the property in dispute, and de- termine the same. If such person so cited refuses or neglects to appear, his return shall be corrected by the Tax* Assessors and Receivers, accordng to the best information they can get. Sec. 2781. Tax Digest— By Whom Prepared.— After all the returns are in and corrected (where corrections are necessary), the Tax Assessors and- Receivers shall enter the same upon the usual Tax Digest of the City, in the proper column of said book. T\X < 0|,|,K« •riUt^ltKTl It.N.S — ltO(>K>t «» VTII — Ul KSTIONS ygy Sec. 2782. Books to Be Provided.— It shall be the duty of the Tax Assessors and Receivers to have prepared suitable books for the purpose of receiving returns, as provided in the foregoing sections. Sec. 2783. Oath Prescribed for Tax Receivers and Assessors. — The Tax Assessors and Receivers of the City of Atlanta shall take and subscribe before the Mayor the following oath or af- firmation : "Vou do solemnly swear (or affirm) that you will well and truly discharge the duties of Tax Assessors and Re- ceivers of the City of Atlanta, and that you will endeavor, to the best of your knowledge and ability, to obtain a just, full, and complete return of all personal property subject to taxation by the charter and ordinances of the City of Atlanta, and also a full and complete return of all persons subject to street duty in said City. And you do further swear (or affirm) that you will truly and correctly administer the oath prescribed by the City ordinance to each and every person making return for taxation, so iielp you (jod." Sec. 2784. Oath Prescribed for Personal Property Tax Pay- ers. — The following oath (or affirmation) shall be administered to each and every person makiiig returns for taxation to the Tax Assessors and Receivers: "You do solemnly swear (or af- firm) that the return, which ynu are about to make, shall be a just and true statement of all personal property of every kind, which you held or owned on the 31st day of January (inserting here the year), or were interested in, either in your right, or the right of any person or persons whomsoever, either as parent, guadian. executor, administrator, agent, or trustee, or in any other maimer whatsoever, to the best of your knowledge, infor- mation, and belief. You do further swear that you will cor- rectly answer all questions asked you by the Tax -Assessors and Receivers in reference to said return and that you have not con- veyed or assigned to others, or removed out of the city, any property to avoid returning the same for taxation." Sec. 2785. Questions to Be Propounded by Assessors in Re- ceiving Returns. — The City Tax Assessors in receiving and as- -t.'s>itig pr<,>|)criy in this City, subject to be assessed and taxed, -TOO TAX 1 OLI.K* TOH — iti/il HNS I OHM — tH i;sri.»>> shall require all persons, or their agents, inakin|L^ returns for them, to answer questions prepared in the form of blank return, as follows : 1. Real estate, see Assessors' Book, page .... 2. What amount of insurance do, or did, you carry on per- sonal property within past 12 months, exilusivc of stock of goods and merchandise. 3. Horses. 4. Mules. 5. Carriages, buggies, drays, wagon?>, bicycles, aiii'miobiles, etc. 6. Cattle and sheep. (Pianos, Organs, Musical Instruments and Sewing Ma- chines; Kinetoscopcs, Graphophones, Iron Safe, Office.) 7. Painting and works of art. (Diamonds, watches, jewelry, clocks, etc. Cold, silver and plate ware.) 8. Medical, Law, and other Libraries. 9. Billiard and Pool tables and Bar i-ixtures. 10. Merchandise of all kinds. (Money.) 11. Notes. (Accounts, including debts not wholly insolvent. Bonds and stocks of all kinds not exempt on face.) 12. Medical and Dental Instruments and Mechanical Tools. (Printing Presses, Type, Typewriters, Printing Mate- rials and machinery of all kinds. Store Fixtures, Guns. Pistols and all other personal property not heretofore enumerated). 13. Does your wife or children own any personal property? 14. Do you represent anyone as Guardian, Executor, Trustee, administrator, agent, or in any manner whatever?) 15. If so, whom? 16. Household and kitchen furniture? Street Tax. Sanitary Tax. Total. Each person or agent in making said returns shall, in addi- tion to answering questions aforesaid, in person sign and sub- TAX tOLLKCTUK — IlKTl U.\S— QlKSTIO>-»_KVKMI'l l«»N> -gg scribe in writing' in the presence of. and after beinj,^ duly sworn bv one of the Tax Assessors, the oath published in Section 1426 of the Code of the City of Atlanta 1899 (Section 2784 of this Code). No return shall be accepted by the Assessors unless the same is sij:i^ned and sworn to in writing^ as provided above. Sec. 2786. Assessors Shall Ask E^ch of the Above Questions — Repeal in Full the Oath. — The City Tax .\sscssurs shall fur- thermore be required, and it is hereby made their duty, to ask of each person making returns, as required by the ordinances f>f the City, each and every (juestion printed on said blank re- turn, antl then ami there note that answer of each person sepa- rately to each (juestion. and to repeat in full the said oath, be- fore receiving the signature and written affidavit of such person thereto. Sec 2787. Omissions in Returns — Ordinances as to Same to be Enforced Officer Aiding Tax-Payer to Elscape Taxes — Every- body Shall Make Return — Defaulters. — 1 he penalty provided by existing ordinances for not making returns or omissions therein shall hereafter be enforced, and it shall be a breach of duty c»ii the part of any officer to omit same, or to aid any i)rop- erty-owiier 'v • -■ tping same. It is hereby made the specific duty of the City Tax Assessors to see that each and every property-owner shall make returns of his personal property, and that both personal and real estate, owned by each property-owner, shall be taxed as required by law. If any jiroperty-owner shall fail to make any return <■! ins personal property, the City Tax Assessors shall enter same in default, under the provisions of existing ordinances, and see that the full amount thereof is assessed for taxation, and the penalties therefor fully and strictly enforced. Sec. 2788. Petitions for Exemption — Conditions Precedent. — Before any petition or application for exemption from the payment of any character of taxes, fx fas. or other costs, or for any such taxes or costs, or any portion thereof, that may have been collected by the City, to be refunded, shall be considered 790 TAX II'TH»>S — INVKS'lMi \'IIO>N - H A'lK by the Mayor and (Icncral Council, the facts set forth in such petition or apj)lication shall be made under oath. Sec. 2789. Consideration of Petitions for Exemptions — Pro- cedure. — In the consideration of all claims of the character pre- scribed in the foregoing section, the Committee of the General Council having the same under consideration, shall be author- ized to summons witnesses, and examine them under oath, in- cluding such examination of the applicant or apj^licaiits in all such cases. Sec. 2790. Assessors and Receivers Perform Duties of Tax Investigator — Investigate Doubtful Cases — Defaulters — Listed, How Often — Report. — Ihe City Tax Assessors and Receivers shall hereafter perform the duties hithert(j performed by Mr. Collier as Tax Investigator, and it shall be their duty to closely investigate the names of all persons or corporations, who fail to return their property for taxation, together with the amount of property, real or personal, concealed or not returned by them, as well as the names of all persons or corporations, who may have made inadequate or partial returns of their property, real or personal, and from the investigations thus made to cause the names of such persons or corporations to be properly entered upon the Tax Digest or book of defaulters, as required by ex- isting ordinances, together with a proper assessment of their real or personal property concealed, not returned, or in default. It shall further be the duty of said Assessors each month to make up a list of such defaulters, together with a statement of the property concealed from taxation, which they have caused to be properly assessed during said month, and transmit a copy thereof to the meeting of the Committee of Tax, as directed by said Committee, Sec. 2791. Rate of Taxation One and One-fourth Per Cen- tum Per Annum. — As provided by an amendment to the Char- ter of the City of Atlanta, made by Act of the Legislature of Georgia, approved on the 23rd day of December, 1896, the rate of taxation to be levied on all taxable property, real and per- sonal, within the corporate limits of said City, shall be one and one-fourth per centum, or one dollar and twenty-five cents on TAX 4 (tl.l.KCTOlt — DATK — UUOKM Ol'K.NKIJ — UIGKST 79^ every one hundred dollars in value of such taxable property; and the rate shall be the same for property of less value than one hundred dollars; such annual rate of taxation shall remain in force until lawfully changed. Sec. 2792. Real Estate to be Assessed at Cash Market Value — Date to Complete Assessments. — The taxes levied by the lore- going section shall be assessed and collected in the manner herein prescribed, to-wit: The taxable real estate in said City shall be assessed by the Tax Assessors and Receivers at its cash market value, and such assessments shall be compared by the first day of h'ebruary of each year. Sec. 2793. Books Open February 1st— Close March 15th — Tax Digest — Contents — Duties of Tax Collector. — The Tax Assessors and Receivers shall open their books for receiv- ing returns of taxable property on the first day of February of each year, and close such books on the fifteenth day of March of each year; and the returns of all property subject to taxation shall be made within the dates just before named, 'i'he said Assessors and Receivers shall receive returns upon blanks pre- pared in conformity with ordinances governing the same. They shall make one Digest annually, wHich shall be kept in the of- fice of the said Assessors and Receivers. .\ copy of this Digest shall be made, and kept in the office of the City Comptroller. The columns on these digests shall be so prepared as that the footings will show the amounts collectible on real estate, per- sonalty, street tax, sanitary assessments, etc. separately, and the amounts collected by the Tax Collector upon receipts writ- ten and turned over to him by the Assessors and Receivers, to- gether with the amounts of the blank executions prepared and turned over bv the said Assessors and Receivers for executions to be issued as prescribed by law, each year, shall equal, the sum of the footings on the annual tax Digest, less the discounts, that may be allowed any one year for the prepayment of taxes. The Tax Collector shall make daily deposits of taxes collected, as well as of all other collections, with the City Treasurer, taking his receipts for the same, and both the Tax Collector and the Treasurer shall make daily and monthly reports to the Comp- troller, who shall debit the one and credit the other. yc)2 ''-^'^ COLLECTOR — KKTUK.N S— IM;\ A I/I \ — I' \ ^ \lli.i: U III:N Sec. 2794. Property Not Returned — Ten Per Cent. Penalty Authority of Assessors and Receivers Continued in Force. — Any property, real or personal, not exempt from taxation by the laws of the State, or whose return is not otherwise provided for by the laws of the State of Georgia, which is not returned bv the owner, ajjenl, administrator, trustee, receiver, or other person in charge thereof, before the closing of the books for re- ceiving returns, shall have ten per centum added to the assessed value thereof as a penalty for failure to make returns, and be taxed on the basis of the assessment w^ith such i)eiialty added, unless such property be relieved from the penalty named by the Mayor and General Council. The power of the Tax Assessors and Receivers to make assessments of personal property not fully and fairly returned by its owners, or not returned at all bv such owners, is continued in full force. Sec. 2795. Taxes — How Payable — Installments — Interest on Deferred Payments. — The tax ts due the City of Atlanta on real estate and personal propert}- of all kinds shall be due and paya- ble in three installments, as follows: The hrst installment of twenty-five per centum of such taxes on the fifteenth day of April in each year; the second installment of twenty-five per centum on the first day of July in each year; and the third in- stallment of fifty per centum on the fifteenth day of October in each year. The first installment may be paid at any time be- tween the first and fifteenth days of April, inclusive of both days, in each year; and if not paid on or before the fifteenth day of April in each year shall bear interest at the rate of seven per centum per annum until paid. The second installment may be paid at any time between the fifteenth day of June and the first day of July, both inclusive, in each year; and this installment, if not paid on or before the first day of July, shall bear interest at the rate of seven per centum per annum until paid. The third and final installment may be paid at any time between the first day of September and the fifteenth day of October, both in- clusive, in each year : and this installment, if not paid on or be- fore the fifteenth day of October, shall bear interest at the rate of seven per centum until paid. TAX t tU.I.KCTOIl — UI(Ul \'|s — HVMi \it\ — STIlKKT 793 Sec. 2796. Discounts for Prepayment of Taxes — May Pay in Full When Any Installment is Due and Payable.— Am tax-payer >iiall have tlie option of payinj,' his taxes in full for the year with the first installment thereof, and in case of st) doing shall be allowed a discount of one-half of one per centum t-)n the taxes so paid. Any tax-payer shall likewise have the privilege of paying his taxes in full for the year with the second installment there»)f. and u{)on stj doing shall be allowed a discount of one- fourth of one per centum on the taxes due under the third in- stallment. Any tax-payer may stop the ruiming of interest on any ])ast due installment or installments of taxes upon paying the same after they are due. and before the issuance of an exe- cution theref(»r; that is to say that, upon the payment of such l)ast due iijstallment or installments, interest shall be comjiuted from the fifteenth day of April anr ii.'i\tm-iit Sec. 2797, Sanitary Tax — Divided Same Way — Amount. — 1 he sanitary a^se^.•«nlent tax i>f three dollars a lot shall be col- lected with tiu* general ]>rMperiy taxes, and divided into similar installments. Sec. 2798. Street Tax— Must Be Paid— When.— Ihc commu- tation ta.xes of one thereon, and the costs of collccuoii. as prcseiibd i.> vM>in.K w. - dinances; but only one execution shall issue annually aj^ainst each tax-payer, which executicjn shall cover all arrearages of taxes against such taxpayer for the year. Such tax execution shall be levied and collected by the Marshal of the City of At- lanta, as prescribed by existing ordinances under the rules and reg-tilations as to the manner of levy, advertisement, notice and sale prescribed by law. Sec. 2800. Oath of Person Giving in Taxes.— (Sec previous section of this chapter.) Tive oath to be administered by the Tax Assessors and Receivers for the City of Atlanta shall be as follows, to-wit: '"You do solemnly swear (or affirm) that the amount, which you now give in, is just and true account of all the taxable property, which you possessed, held, or claimed, on the thirty-first day of January last, or were interested in or en- titled to, either in your own right, or the right of any person or persons whomsoever, as parent, guardian, executor, administra- tor, agent, or trustee, or in any other manner whatever, accord- ing to the tax ordinances of the City of Atlanta, to the best of your knowledge, information and belief; so julj) you (jod. Sec. 2801. Persons Making False Returns — How Dealt With. — Any person, who shall knowingly make any false, incomplete, or unfaithful returns under these ordinances shall, on conviction, be fined at the discretion of the Recorder's Court not exceeding fifty dollars and costs, or be imj^risoncd in the calaboijse or com- mon jail of the county not more than thirty days, in the discre- tion of the Court. Sec. 2802. Superintendent of Schools — Makes Roster of Par- ents and Guardians of Children — Furnishes Same to City Tax Assessors — When. — The Superintendent of Public Schools shall cause a canvas to be made of the scholars enrolled in the schools of the City during each calendar year, and from this canvas shall have prepared a complete list or roster of the parents or guar- dians of each child in attendance ; and shall, on or before the first day of January of each succeeding year, furnish said list or ros- ter to the City Tax Assessors for information, and as an aid in their investigation of persons and property subject to be taxed TAX COLLKnoH « I.KKK— < <» >l I'l I \ I I o \_I.KV% 795 under ihc laws and ordinances of this Lity, a fund shall be i)ro- vided therefor. Sec. 2803. Chief Clerk to Assessors.— The office of Chief Clerk to Tax Assessors is hereby ordained and such officer shall have the powers heretofore exercised. Sec. 2804. Fund Fixed for Such Compilation — Work to Be Done — Condition, if Work Done by Assessors. — Said fund is fixed at the amount oi five hundred dollars ^$oOO.UO) fur the year 1904, and shall be paid to the Tax .\ssessors to cover this work from the special apix*rtionment therefor, and they arc hereby au- thorized to have same done at an amount not exceeding the above appropriation; provided, if saic. buil«ling-loi, or other real estate in said City, not exempt from taxation by law. which shall be assessed in accordance with the charter, and on all merchandise, machinery, cash, solvent debts, franchises or special privileges, and on all tether personal property of every kind held or owned by each merchant, trader, or other persons, whether held by them individually or as trustee, guardian, ad- ministrator, receiver, assignee, or agent, or otherwise, on the 31st day of January. 1907 and on the 31st day of January, 1908, there shall be levied a tax of one dollar and twenty five cents on every rjQQ TAX t (>M.1XT0U_UI:TI K\S_J»'HK KS_I10M)> one hundred dollars of the value thereof, and on less than one hundred dollars in value in proportion, for the respective years; and any person or persons, hrm, joint stock company or corpo- ration, who may have held or owned such real estate, merchan- dise, machinery, cash or solvent debts, franchises or special priv- ileges or other personal property on the 31st day of January, 1907, and on the 31st day of January. 1908, respectively, make return to the Tax Assessors and Receivers under oath, of the amount of such merchandise, machinery, cash, solvent debts, franchises or special privileges, and all other property of every kind, or real estate, and in default of making return as aforesaid, the defaulter shall be subject to execution, levy and cost. Sec. 2807. Stocks and Bonds— All except those Exempt on Face Taxed — Duties of Presidents of Corporations. — On every hundred dollars of the 'market value of all stocks. State, munici- pal and other corporation bonds, other than the bonds of the City of Atlanta, or State of Georgia, and all money loaned at in- terest, or money or solvent debts not exempt from taxation by law, owned or held by any person, firm, company or corporation, including brokers, residing or doing business in said City, in his, her or their own right, or as guardian, trustee, executor, admin- istrator, receiver, agent or otherwise, on the 31st day of January, 1907, and the 31st day of January, 1908, there shall be levied a tax of one dollar and twenty-five cents per annum, and on less than one hundred dollars in value in proportion, for the respec- tive years ; and it shall be the duty of the President, or other principal officer, or agent of any corporation, to make return, under oath, to the Tax Assessors and Receivers of the amount of their capital stock, surplus, and other property. Sec. 2808. Bonds and Stocks of Non-Residents Invested in the City. — 'On every hundred dollars in money and solvent debts, and the values of all stocks, State, municipal, or other corporate bonds and debts subject to taxation by the City, owned by non- residents, and in the 'City of Atlanta, there shall be levied a tax of one dollar and twenty-five cents per annum, and on less than one hundred dollars in value in proportion. TAX fOI.I.KtTOR — PKRSO.\AI/rV — DKFAII^TEKS — STKKKT ~i)-J Sec. 2809. Musical Instruments — Furniture — Patent Rights — Other Personal Property — All Taxable. — On every hundred dol- lars in value dollars in value in proportion, for the respec- tive years. Sec. 2810(a). Assessments Against Defaulters. — The City Tax Assessors and Receivers shall assess the personal prop&rty of all defaulters and of all making fraudulent or incomplete returns. Sec. 2811. Street Tax Commutations for Road Duty — Failure to Pay Same — Work on the Streets. On each and every male person, who is a resident of the City on the first day of July 1907, between the ages of twenty-one and fifty years, there shall be levied and collected a tax of one dollar as a commutation for road and street duty for the current year; and all persons liable to pay said tax, and failure after notification to do so, shall be re- quired to work five days on the streets, under the supervision of the Chief of Construction. Upon failure of any person lia- ble for said tax to pay the same by the time the books for the -gg TAX COI.LKCTOK — STKKKT- OKOIN ANfl-V— DOL'BI.K TAX collection of tax shall be closed, the clerk of the Council shall issue execution therefor against the person so liable; upon fail- ure to pay after five days' notice, said execution may be levied and collected by the Marshal as other tax executions; cost on same not to exceed one dollar and fifty cents ; and upon failure of any person to pay said execution, and the legal cost thereon, such person may be notified by the Marshal or his deputies to appear and work the streets, and upon failure to appear and work the streets, after five days, notification, such person shall be arrested by said officers and brought before the Recorder's Court, and, upon conviction, fined in a sum not less than five dollars nor more than fifty dollars, or hv imprisoned not ex- ceeding thirtyi days, either or both, in the discretion of the Court. There shall be no exception to this section, except those especially allowed by the United States and State enact- ments. Sec. 2812. Annual Tax Ordinances — By Whom Passed. The Mayor and General Council shall each year j)ass such tax ordi- nances, not contrary to the law, as they may deem proper. Sec. 2813. Powers of the Recorder's Court in Investigations as to Violation of These Ordinances. In all investigations un- der these ordinances, where charges of the violation of the same are being tried before the Recorder's Court, he or they shall have power to send for persons and papers, and compel attend- ance of parties and witnesses, and the production of books, papers, and other evidence on the trial. Sec. 2SI4. Mayor to Enforce — Do Not Apply to Vendue Masters. It shall be, and is hereby, made the duty of the Mayor to adopt such measures as he may think best and proper to insure a rigid enforcement of these ordinances. The provisions of these ordinances do not and are not to be applied to sales made by properly licensed vendue masters, nor to any property sold under legal process. Sec. 2815. Persons Failing to Make Returns — Double-Taxed — Executions Issue — How. In case any person or persons, TAX rOI,I.KfrOR—nEFAlI/rKKS—DKSCKII'TM»\ — HOOKS 799 firm or firms, corporation or company, subject or liable under the tax ordinances of the City of Atlanta, that may be passed in and for any year, to make a return or returns of sales or re- ceipts, of any business under said ordinance, shall fail to make said return or returns within, the time specified in said ordinance, he. she. it or they shall be assessed at double the amount of the immediately precedinj^ return, and, if no return shall have been made, then assessed in the discretion of the Clerk of Coun- cil, and in all such cases of default in makinj:^ returns, or in I)ayment of taxes so assessed, execution shall issue and be col- lected as other executions issued by the authority of the said Mayi the failure of tiie owner or agent, trustee, guardian, or person in charge of any property, which ought to appear on the tax books, to go to the office of the City Tax Assessors and Receivers, and take the oath, and make the returns retjuired by law, the Tax Assessors and Re- ceivers shall keep a digest, to be known as the "Defaulters' Digest," in which all ^uch names and the amounts returned by them asssessed against them i,hall be recorded; and it shall be the duty of the Marshal, before settling with them, to require, all defaulting Tax payers to go to the office of the City Tax Assessors and Receivers, and take the oath and make the re- turns recpiired by law. atul any defaulter, failing' to comply with this section, when thus retjuired by the Marshall, shall be sub- ject to a fine of not exceeding fifty dollars, or imprisoned not exceeding twenty «lays, upon conviction in the Recorder's Court. Sec. 2817. Assessors Books — Description of Property — Tax Assessors Records. The City shall order for each year for the use of the City Tax Assessors a book for each ward, in which shall be recorded an accurate description of each parcel of prop- ertv assessed, giving the numbers of ward, land lot. and district in which it is located, the number of front feet and on what side, whether north, south, etc. of street on which it is located, with number and name of street ; between what streets located ; 800 TAX «oi,i,i:< 'I'oii — •» \i.i:s — n«»i'u i; — k \ii.ito \i»«. how many feet runiiiiij:; hack and in what direction, whi-thi: Northerly, Southerly, etc; whether vacant or improved, ad- joining whose property; name of nwner, his or her street, and number of residence, and if non-rt^siilent, with correct address, tax assessment and remarks. The 'l\'ix Assessors are re- quired to keep their records so as to comply with this section as fully as practicable. Two blank books, comprising the eight ward books, shall be also (jrdered. with the following additional columns, viz.: whether returned f(^r taxes, and by whom, and for what amount. Sec. 2818. Selling Real Estate — Notify Tax Assessors and Receivers. All owners of real estate in the L ity selling a part or the whole of any lot, are hereby repuired to file within ti'.ree months of the date of such sale, with the Tax Assessors and Ri ceivers, information of said sale, or sul)- tji^jl .eneral of the State of (ieor^ia of the fact an,! aniMuiu (jf such unpaid in>tallnieiit or instaUments of tax, together with interest and amounts of all such executions shall be rejiorted V the Tax Assessors anr<.kcr or dcaKr is (Ictined to he one who huys or sells or otherwise deals in rail- road, railway, steamhoat. or steamship passenger tickets, or other evidences of passenger transportatiitn. which tnay he law- fully sold hy others than the duly authorized agents of tiie rail- road, railway, steamhoat. or steamship lines, over which such tickets purport to c-ntilc the lawful owner to ride. Sec. 2822. License or Occupation Tax — License Issued — for How Long — Contents — License for each Place. — ii per- son. ])arliK'rslii]), or corporation hcfori- entering into the business of being a ticket broker or dealer in the C"ity of .\tlanta shall pay to the City Clerk the sum of three hundred dollars as a license or occupation tax, in consideration of which a license shall be issued to the said person, partiurship. or cori)orati"n. ])ermitting said ])erson, partnership, or c*)rporation to engage in the business of ticket broker or dealer for a peritxl of one year at one l)lacc in the City of .-\tlanta. which said place shall be described by the street and number in the City of Atlanta and said li- cense shall authorize the said ])erson, partnershij) or corpc^ration, to have only one such place of business; and a like license shall be required for each place, in which the business of ticket broker or dealer is conducted by said person, partnership, or corpora- tion. Xo license shall be issued under this ordinance for a less period than one year. Sec. 2823. Shall Furnish Daily to Chief of Police Certificate Contenta — Places of Business Open to Inspection by Police. Each person, partnership, or corporation, engaged in the business of being a ticket broker or dealer in the City of Atlanta shall each day furnish to the Chief of Police of the City of Atlanta a certificate, stating the number of tickets, or other evidences of TH KKT HI<<>KI-:Hh MK«.I I. * IH» \ «>— I.H I \>I j^();j railroad, railway, steamboat, or steamship transportation bought r acquired by him during tl>e preceeding day, and also the num- ber "sold by him during the preceding day ; and said certificate jhall minutely describe each of saitl tickets or other evidences Qi transportation so acquired or bought i>r sold, giving the name of the Lonjpany issuing the same, the point of <»rigin, the place of destination, the route, the number and f<»rm of ticket or other evidence of transportati«jn, the date of issue, and shall also show irom whom the said ticket or other evidence of transportation was ac(|uired and to whom sold; the consideration paid for the -ame, anrt the purvha>e, aci|uiremeiil, or sale of any ticket or other evidence of transi>ortation. as above rc<|uircd, anhip. and each officer of the cor]>oration, if the same be a coriH»ration, to a fine not exceeding $5(KMK). or to -iO days imprisonment, one or both to he inflicted in the discretion of the Recorder. anliall be {.(ranted under tlu> ordinance until the person, partnersliip. or cori)oration applyini,' for the same shall ^Mve hon with two fjood sureties, conditioned upon the faithful performance of the conditions of this (irdinaiue. and the full amount thereoi may he recovered upon the information or suit of any person. and one-half of such recovery shall he paid to the informer, and the other half be paid to the Treasurer of the City of Atlanta. Said bond shall be made U> tlie Lit> ..f .\llanla. and >hall be ap- proved by the Clerk of the L'ity of Atlanta. Sec. 2827. Connot Do This Business Without License — Pun- ishable — Employees Punishable — In What Event. — Xo license for the business of beinj,^ a ticket broker or dealer, as defined herein, shall be issued, except on terms of this ordinance, and it is hereby declared to be a crime to do said btisiness without a li- cense, and upon convictit)n thereof the jjcrson or persons so con- victed shall be i)unished,as provided in the above section oi this ordinance. It is further ordained that every person accept ini^ employment in the business of such person, partnership, or cor- poration conducting said business without said license shall be g-uilty as though he was conducting said business, and on convic- tion shall be so punished. — Sec. 2828. Cannot Buy Passes or Free Transportation — Ex- cursion or Mileage Tickets — Punishable. — It shall be imlawful for any person, partnership, or corporation, to buy, sell, or other- wise acquire or deal in or solicit the purchase or sale of any pass, or other evidence of transportation issued by any railroad, rail- way, steamship, or steamboat line, or the person operating the same, which shows on its face that it was issued for free fans- portation ; it shall likewise be unlawful for any such person, part- nership, or corporation, to buy, sell, or otherwise acquire or deal in or solicit the purchase or sale of any railroad, railway, steam- ship, or steamboat passenger ticket, or other evidence of passen- ger transportation, which is by its terms plainly on its face a mil- eage, excursion, or commutation ticket, where it appears upon such ticket that the same was issued and sold below the regular 'l'l\>si:s y^fvr schedule rate under contract with the ori^nal purchaser entered upon such ticket, and si^rm-d by such orij(nal purchaser that such ticket is nun-transferable, and void in the liands of any other per- son than the orij^nal purchaser thereof. Such person shall upon conviction for any of the offenses provided f<»r in thi* section, be puni>hed as provided in the precedinjj section of this Chapter. 806 iiii: \i'ai:«» m ii mini." w m CHAPTER XC. THEATRf-:S— ( )I'i;k A IK >ISRS— IK ) ri'.LS— KTC. I 11I:A I Kl". klJ.lL \l K ).\S. Sec. 2829. Theaters — Halls — Building Regulations. -1 hai no buildini.,^ licroat'tcr cTt-clcd or uliicli. at ihc liiiic »'! llio passage of this ordinance, not in actual use as an assembly liall or theater. shall he used as such, or for public eiUertainuient or gatherings in which stage scenery or apparatus is employed, unless it shall conform to the rc(|uirements o{ this ordinance. .\nd all biiiUl- ings which, at the time of the i)assage of this ordinance, are in use or in the course of construction, as theatres. >hall immediate- ly thereafter comply with the re<|uirement-; of section 1»!, IS. 22, 25 (b). 82. :}7. ;W. 40. 41. 42. 44. 4.'. and 4»i ..f this ordinance. Sec. 2830. Walls — Fire Proof. — .\11 theatres containing a seat- ing capacity (.)f seven humlred and tifty (7.")()) people or more, shall have enclosing walls of brick the proper thickness as pre- scribed by the lUiilding Code. All theatres seating less than seven hundred and fifty (750) persons used without any balcony, or gallery, and located outside the hire Limits, may be of frame construction, provided, they comply with this ( )rdinance with reference to seats, aisles, exits, etc. Structures of any kind and for any purpose wdiatever erected above the ceiling of any audi- torium which has a seating capacity of five hundred (500) or more people shall be entirely of fireproof construction. Sec. 2831. Thickness of Walls, Where not Fire Proof. In all cases where fireproof construction is not used for the whole of such connected buildings, there shall be a fire-wall of such thick- ness as is prescribed for enclosing walls of same height, with each connecting opening double fireproof doors between such assembly halls and theatres, and the building connected there- with. TIIKITKKH — I--I.IMIIIH — < 0| MI'H — t OHnillOU^ 807 S€c. 2832. Floor Levels. — 1 lie following litnitatit>n> of rioor level> in theatres shall be observed in all cases «->f new construc- tion »»r alternatinii of exi>tinj^ builiiinjjs. 'Ihe floor level of the auditorium of theatres shall be maintain ed within the limits of the first story thereof, and where such floors are banked, the floor of the lowest bank shall not be above the siilewalk level. If the tlr of the first >tory is level it shall not be hi|L;her than four (4i feet above the sidewalk level, but in no case shall the th)or at the main entrance be more than two (2) feel at»o\f the building grade level. Sec. 2833. Don't Apply — Where. — W lure an assembly hall or theatre t»f less seating capacity than five hundred (7AH)) persi»n> is located in a building «)f fireproof construction and is provided with two (2) llights of stairs, each five (."i) feel wide in the clear, from the floor «»n wlrich it shall be located to the ground, the pr \ isions of the preceding section shall n«»t apply thereto. Sec. 2834. Open Court. — l-\er\ a>Nenibly hall and theatre shall, for service in case of emergency. I>e pr<»\ ided with an open 'urt or court-way on the side not boraid building is l ni»t »)ver one th«>usand (l.(XHh pe^)ple; alH»ve one thousand ( HMH)) people and not iimre than fifteen hundred I 1500) people, seven (7) feet in wiot shall be added f«)r every five hundred (.'»(M)) or part thereof in e-xcess of twi> tlh>usand (2000) people. Said open courts shall begin on a line with or near tiie pro- enium wall and shall extend the length of the auditorium proper, to or near the wall sefiarating tin- same from the entrance lobby t>r vestibule. Sec. 2835. Corridors. — If such court recpiircd in the preceding ^cciit-n fie an inierior court, a separate, distinct passageway, or corridor, shall continue to the street froni each open court through 0/-|0 TIIKATKKS — 4«>H It I IMilC ^ IMHiH". i;\iih such sui)er-structurc as he built <>n the street-side r>f the auditor- ium, with cuntinuiius walls of brick or other tirejjroof materials on each side of the entire lenj^th of said iiassa^eway or corridor, and tiie ceiling^s and floors thereof shall be fireproof. Said corri- dors shall not be reduced in width to more than two (2) feet less than the widtli of the oi)en court or court>. and there >hall be no j)rojectit)n in the same; the outer opcninj^'S shall be i)rovirs. shall not be used for storage or any other purpose whatsoever except for exit and entrance from and to the auditorium .iiul sta^e. Sec. 2836. Corridors — Doors — Levels. — The level of said corri- dors, at the street entrance of the same, shall not be more than six (tl) inches above the level of the sidewalks at such entrance. To overcome any difference of level in and between courts, cor- ridors, lobbies, passages, auditorium and aisles on the ground lloor, gradients shall he emjiloytd of not over otie foot in twelve feet, with no perpendicular rises; within the auditorium no steej)- er gradient than two (2) in ten (10). rising toward the exit shall be employed. h'loors at all exits shall be so ilesigned as to he level and flush with adjacent floors, and shall extend from an unbroken width of not less than four (4) feet in front of each exit, and shall be two (2) feet wider than such exit. • Sec. 2837. Exits. — h'rom the auditorium opening into the said courts or side street, there shall not be less than two (2) exits on each side, in each tier, from and including the parquet, and each and every gallery. One shall be located near the lowermost, and the other near the highest level of each such tier. Each exit shall be at least five (5) feet in width in the clear, and provided with doors of wired glass or wood, and if of wood doors shall be covered with metal. Said doors shall open out- ward, be hung from the inside corner of the jamb, and so con- structed as to project, when opened, beyond the outside face of wall, and outer shutters, shall not be permitted. All of said |lli:\ll(l^ ll\l«oMI.«. -IVIHWWS lUuN Woltlv ^^)9 doors, and all other c.\i: doors prescribed in this ordinance, shall open outwardl> and be unlocked or open durin^^ performances. Sec. 2838. Balconies. — Ihere shall be balconies not less than tour (4 I feet in width in the said open court or courts at each level or tier alnjve the partpiet. on each side of the auditorium, of suflficient length to embrace the two (2) exits, and from said balconies there shall be stair^vays extene of not over ei^ht (8) inches to a stej). and not less than nine (9) inch tread. The stairway from the upper balcony to the next below shall ni»t be less than thirty i'M)) inches in width in the clear, and from the first balcony to the jjround not less than three (3> feet in the clear where the seating capacaty of the auditorium is one thousand ( UMKh pe..ple i>r less; three feet six (G) inches in the clear, where abcr.e one tlujusand (KMK)). and n(»t more than fifteen humlretl (1.')) inches in the clerr where above twenty-five hun- dred (25(H)) people. The stairway from the upper balcony to the next below shall increase pr<»portionately. Sec. 2839. Stairways — Balconies.— W here one side of the bujldinj; borders on a public hi^'hway there .shall be stairways and balconies of like capacity and kind a> heretofor mentioned, and the buildinj,' set back or recessed far enough t.» admit such stairways with(»ut using any part of the public street, alley or courlway; if situateo the building has three (3) street fronts, exits must be made fnmi the three (3) street fronts, and con- structed with recesses as alM»ve described. Nothing in this lirdinance shall prohibit the building of such emergency exits and stairways inside the walls of the building, provided they are surrounded by a fire i>roof partition not less than four (4) inches thick sei)arating the exits and stairways from the audience room or auditorium, and .otherwise enclosed as an outside stair. Sec. 2840. Iron Construction. — .Ml of the above mentioned bal- ui,, iiiKVTUKM— NO i.ihk.i:h«* i>_in.nnN_si \«.i; ri«oTK« rn»^ conies and stairways shall he constructed of iron throu^^'hout. in- clndiuK^ the floors, and ho of ample strength t.> sn>tain tlie load to he carried hy them, and they shall he kept clear and free from snow and ice and all other ithstructions. Wherever any such cmeri^ency stairway p.i>-^e> o\er an exit door or window or other oijcninj^-. said stairway shall he com- pletely enclosed on the soffit for a s]>ace ni thrie (•'{) feet greater in width than said openiiii;. hy iron. stei-I or other incomhusti ble material. Sec. 2841. No Hotels — or Lodgings in. — No p<>rii<.ii <>i any Iniildinj,^ used •)r intended to l.c u-^vd for theatrical ])ur|)oses as herein specified, .hall he occupied or unccI as a hotel, hoardinp or lodging house, factory or work-shop, or for storage purposes, except as may he provided for in this ordinance. Said restriction relates not only to that portion of the building which contains the stage, but applies to the entire structure in conjunction therewith. No store or room contained in the building or the offices, stores or apartments adjoining as aforesaid, shall be let or used for car rying on any business dealing in articles hazardous in the discre- tion of the Chief of the I'ire Department. No lodging accomodations shall be allowed in any |)art of the building communication with the auditorium or stage. Sec. 2842. Doors — Open Where. — -Xit door >hall i>pen immed- iately upon a flight of stairs, but a landing of at least two (2) feet wider than the width of the doors opening shall be provided be- tween such stairs and such door. Sec. 2843. Stage, How Protected. — The stage shall be sepa- rated from the autlitorium by a brick wall and not less than two (2) brick thick, or its equivalent, the entire width of the building and topped out at least two (2) feet, and in non-fireproofed build- ings, six (6) feet, above the roof of the auditorium. 1 here shall be no openings in the wall except the curtain opening, and not more than three (3) others, two which are to be located below the stage. These later openings shall not exceed twenty-one (21) TMKATMKS— PM«»«»t KMl M^< I KTAI> — \ I:M II. \ 1 oK-* g|| superficial feet each, with tinnetl wu(»d and self-closinj^ doors se- curely hung to rebates in the brick work. The wall over the cur- tain opening shall be carried by a fireproof iron girder with a re- lieving arch above <»r by a brick arch of >utTicicnt capacity and abutment or security on each side of the opening, to insure sta- bility against the thrust of the arch. Sec. 2844. Proscenium Opening — Curtain — Material for.— 1 lie proscenium opening >hall be provided with a hreprof curtain of steel, asbestos, or other approvee attached to the top and l>oitom «»f same. All curtains shall be hung with steel wire cable parsing through metal blocks, and bal- anced to work easy fn»m both the stage fiiMjr and Hy gallery, and shall be raised anrmance. Said fireproof curtain shall be raised and lowere«l before and at the close i>f each perforniance. and once during each performance, and be placed at least three (3) feet distant from the footlights, at the nearest ixjint, if gas is used. Act drop curtain shall also be of fireproof material or mate- rials firepr«»ofed. Sec. 2845. Ventilators. — In all theatres two (2) skylighted ventilators constructed of incombustible materials, having total ftpcnings ecpial in area to one-twentieth (1-20) the area of the stage floor, having the whole top s«» constructed and counter- balanced to open automatically, <»perated by cords or wires from at least two (2) points near the exits on opposite sides of the stage, and having an arrangement of combustible cords or fu>ible connections to open the ventilating valves automatically by the action of the fire on the stage, shall be placed near the center and above he highest part of the stage. Skylight covering of ventilators shall be sheet metal frames set with (luul)lf thick Khi>>. ^'^^'i P»"^' thcrn.i mcaMirin;,' ivH mnrv tlian three hundred {'MX)) square inches, and immediately under- neath such j^dass there shall be a wired nettinj,'. W ired i^la- shall not l)e used as a substitute f«>r >uch nettinj;. Sec. 2846. Scenery— Material. — All permanent ami transient stat,^' sccncrv, made of c. .nd)U>tn)le material bel.>nj;in*>,' to the buildint,^ or to transient comi)anies performinj; therein, shall l)e l)ainted or saturated with >ome ii..n-combu>tible material c^r oth- erwise rendered safe ajL^ainst fire. (iasolinc must not be used for any purp. i^e in the buihliiiK. An iron receptacle must be provided to keep therein all powder, red fire, (puck niatclio. and Mther dan-;erous combustibles. Sec. 2847. Dressing Rooms — Protected.— 1 lie waii> >ep.ii.ii ing the employee or dre>.-inj; room- from the stai(e shall be constructed of tireproof material. All ( in same shall be constructed of iron or wood as heretofore docribed and be au- tomatic. Sec. 2848. Seats — How Constructed. — .Ml seats in the audi- torium, exceptintj those contained in l)oxes, shall be not less than thirty-two (32) inches from back to back, and twenty (20) inches in width on the main Hoor or twenty (20) inches by thirty (30) inches in any balcony or gallery, measured in a horizontal direc- tion, and shall be tirmly secured to the floor. Xo seMt in the auditorium on the main tioor shall have more than si.\ seats, in the first gallery or balcony, six {6) seats, and in the upper gal- leries, five (5) seats intervening between it, and an aisle leading direct without turn to within not m(.)re than four (4) feet of an exit. In assembly halls the intervening number of seats as herein provided may be increased by one (1), if the seats are fixed, but shall be decreased by one (1). if the seats or chairs are movable, and in such cases the allotted floor space shall never be less than twenty (20) by thirty (30) inches per seat or chair. In all auditoriums seating five hundred (500) and upward tTie seats shall be fixed. Provided, if an additional exit be placed on each side ground floor or aisles thereon, be widened two nil VIHI.>_t,s,.K% Oll^lm , |,,,N^ ,^ ,\,'\*tt\ >. inches, then and in that event the .eats mus be 30 inches from back to back. Sec. 2849. Aislcs-Sizc-Construction...... aisle, on the rc- >|»e tivc in the au-litoninn luivin^^ seats ..n both >ides ..| the same, shall not be less than two and one-half (2 l-2> feet wide where they begin, and shall be increased in width i..ward the exits in the ratio of one an.l one-half (1 1-2) inches m every five (5, rnnnin^' feet. Aisles havinjj .^eats one (1) >ide onlv. shall not be less than two (2) feet wide at their beginning? and increased in width the same a> aisles having seats on sides. Where the aisles are of uniform widin thronghont their width shall be the average width proiH.rtione u I.?.- >uj.^ ..i.ui I,., I be permitted in ai.sles except a> extending from bank to bank of .scats, and wherever the rise fr..m bank to I>ank is two (2) in ten (10) or less, the Hoor of the aisles shall be made as an inclined plane, and where steps arc plaved in outside ai>les or corridors, they shall not be isolated, but shall be ^roupe<| together, and a light shall be placed ami maintained .o ■IS to clearly light very place where then- ar. ...... ;,. . .., i.^j,,.^ lisls of corridor- Sec. 2850. No Stools, ct... m Aisles. All u:>lc> and passage- ways in assembly hall> an.l tluatre. shall be kept free fn,m canip tools, chairs, sofas and other obstructions, and no person shall be allowed to stand in or occupy any of the aisles or passageways, except in the f.ner or space behin.l last row of seals or railing on hrst fl(x>r. during any performance, serv- v.,if,itio„. lecture. 'Mcert. ball or any public assemblage. Sec. 2851. Capacity-Fixed.-The aggregate capacity of the vers, lobbies, corridors, passages and rooms, unless main exit pen directly on street, for the uses of the audience. n..t includ- ig aisle space between seats, shall on each Hoor or gallerv. be efficient to contain the entire number to be accommodatt^I .m lid floor or gallery, in the ratio of one hundred and f^fty (150) .uperficial feet of rtoor room ..r every one hundred ( KM)) person*^ uil TIIKATIIKS— KM r«» IMUillW \\ •• «>l i;\I'Ih — I \IM\N< K or part thereof, but iki i)ul)lic main liall. corridor, or lobby shall be less than six (H) feet wide in any of it^ parts. No foM-r shall open from the auditorium except throuj^li tlie exits. Sec. 2852. Exits — Additional. — 1"\ ery theatre accominodatin^j three hundred (IJOOj or more persons, shall have at least two (2( exits; when accomiuodatin^ five hundred (r>(M)) (»r more person-. at least three {A) exits or additional exit widths >hall be providc;euc\ exits, in assembly halls and tlieatres, shall l)e located directly and without turn in tin rear of the rear bank of seats, atid within not more than four (4) feet opposite each aisle provided in each floor, balcony or ijallery. Sec. 2853. Doorways of Exits — Entrance. — l)oorwa\> of ex- its or entrance for the general and rej^MiIar use of the public shall not be less than five ( ."> ) feet in width, and for every addi- tional one hundred (100) persons, or portion thereof, to be ac- commodated, in excess of five hundrcvl (500), an additional twenty (20) inches of exit door width and a two (2) foot increase of width for corridors lobbies or passageways shall be allowed. No single door shall be less than three (3) feet wide, but two (2) such doors may be used in lieu of each five (')) foot doorway prescribed in this ordinance, but no single door or leaf of a dou- ble door shall exceed four (4) feet in width. No mirrors shall be so arranged as to give the appearance of a doorway, exit, hailway, or corridor, when no such doorway, exit, hallway, or corridor is really in existence at said mirrors, nor shall there be any false doors or windows giving the ap])ear- ance of an opening where none really exists. there shall be no less than one (1) exit door, not less than three feet in width, for the stage, located on opposite sides of the stage and opening directly upon a street, alley, court, courtway leading to a public thoroughfare. THKATMK«_KM M \N, I IVII^ ^ I \ I U W \ \ s r\ssUiK« w1- ol i> Sec. 2854. Entrance— Exits— Stairways.— A aMiimon place c»f exit and entrance may serve for the main Hour of the auditorium and the rtrst gallery provided its capacity be etiual to the aggre- gate capacity i.f the outlets from main rio..r and the said gallery. Provided, that the lowermost run ..f any >tairvvay leading from a gallery does not (jpen directly at right angles with the central axis of a cx>mm<)n exit unless there is a clear space of landing of at least .>ne and one-quarter 1 1 M> times the width of the stairs, between the fuot of such stairs and such center liju >>r luar.-.t exit drway. Sec. 2865. Passages— Size— Corndors, Stairways— Size.-. \., passage leading to any .stairway comn.unicating with anv en- trance or exit shall be less than four (4) feet in wi.lih in anv part there«if. All corridors, passageways, hallways, and stairwavs. leading from any balony or gallery to any toilet r.M.nj. retiring nx»ni. smoking r,H,m. check room, or private office. ^haIl permit of free passage, without returning to an outer exit of the building. Said corridors, passageways, hallways and stairwa>s shall be at least three ('A) feet in width in every part between said balcony or gallery an ten (10) inches for every fifty persons or fractional part of fifty (50) of the seating capacity of such floor or galkry. but no such stair- way shall be less than five (5) feet in width in the clear, and there shall be at least two such stairways leading t(. the first gallerv. No circular or winding stair ..r fire escapes for the use of the piil.i;.- vhall be permitterl. Sec. 2857. Exits— Gallery.— Distinct and separate places of exit and rntrance shall be provided for each gallerv above the first, and where the seating capacity is more than one thou.^and (1000) people, there shall be at least two (2) indepen.jent stair- iMi:\iui;s i:\ii> s i \«;i:_m: \th ^i\iit\\\^s o 1 '• ways, with direct exterior outlet-, i)ru\ idcd for each gallery in the auditorium where there are not more than two (2) galleries, and the same shall be located ou opposite sides of said galleries. W here there are more than two (2) galleries, one (1) <^r more additional stairways shall be i)rovi(led, the nutlets from which shall connect directly with the principal exit or other exterior outlets. Where the seatiu- capacity i> for one tliou-and (1(MM)) people or less, onlv two (2) direct lines of stairs shall be re.piired. !<»- cated on opposite sides of the galleries, and in both cases shall extend from the sidewalk level to the upper gallery, with outlets from each gallery to each of -aid vt:iiru;i\s. All gallery stairways shall >tari \\ii;i a u! and galleries >hall not communicate ■with the basement or cellar. Sec. 2858. Exits — Stage.- At least twu (2) independent >tair- wavs or ladders, with direct exterior outlets. .>>hall be provided for the service of the stage, and shall be locatetl on opposite sides of the same. There shall be iron stairways or ladders from the gridircm and from the fly galleries above the stage to a scuttle hole in the roof of the building, leading t(^ a hre escape or to some fireproof pas- sageway or exit. All stairs or ladders on the stage side of the proscenium wall shall not be less than two (2) feet wide. Sec. 2859. Stairs — Construction. — Xo stairs in any assembly hall or theater shall have more than twelve (12) foot run without a level landing. The outer line of landings shallbe curved to a radius of at least two (2) feet to avoid square angles. Sec. 2860. Stairways — Enclosed. — All inclosed stairways shall have, on both sides, strong hand rails, firmly secured to the 'iiii.\iiiF> iiuii.t:ii<» 1(1^:1. is'i'i:itN — rii'i> — si/k ii«»sk ^jy wall, about three i'.i) inches distant therefrom and about three (3) feet hi^^h above tlie stairs. Sec, 2861. Boilers — Furnaces in. — Xu steam boiler or furnace which may be rec|uired fc^r heatinjj or t>ther purpose shall be !«>- < ated under the auditorium nor any passage or stairway or exit • f the building', and the space alloted to the .same shall be en- closed by walls of ma.snnry «>n ln>th sides, and the ceilintj of such -pace shall be constructed of rtre|)n)of materials. .Ml d« <»rwa\> in saihall be placed in any aisle or passageway usetl as exit ; but such coils or rai metal. Sec. 2863. Stand Pipe — Size, .^t.ui'i ^l!^>^•^ ii and two (2) ten foot hooks; on each tier or floor of the sta^'c. Sec. 2866. — Lights— Building — Exits — Electric — Gas Lights — Cut-Offs. — ICvery purlimi ol the InuKlin^ devoted to the ii>e> or accommodations of the public, exce|)t the auditorium, also all outlets ieadiut,^ to the streets, includini; the open court and corri- dors, shall be well and i)roperly lij^hted during every perform- ance, and the same shall be lighted until tiie entire audience has left the premises. All i;a<, or electric lif^jhts in the iialls. Itjbby or other parts of said buildings used by the audience, excejjt the auditorium, must be controlled by a sei)arate cut-otT, located in tile lobby and controlled only in that particular i)lace. Sec. 2867. Gas Mains.— The .i^as mains supply iiij.j the build- int,^ shall have independent connections f<»r the auditorium and the stage, and provisions shall be luade for cutting off the gas from the outside of the building. Sec. 2868. — Interior Gas Lights. — When interior gas lights arc not lighted by electricity, other suitable appliances, approved by the Chief of the Fire Department shall be provided. Sec. 2869. Gas Lights — Electric Lights — Where — Construc- tion. — No gas or electric light shall be inserted in the walls, woodwork, ceilings, or any part of the building unless protected by fireproof materials. All light in passages and corridors in said Iniildings, and whenever deemed necessary by the City Elec- trician or Chief of tire Department, shall be protected by proper wire net works. Sec. 2870. Foot-Lights — Stage Lights — Lime, Calcium Lights, — All foot-lights, except electric lights, in addition to the wire net works, shall be protected by a strong wire guard and chain placed not less than two (2) feet distant from said footlights and the trough within which said lights are placed, shall be formed of. and surroundedby fireproof materials. All border lights shall be •H1K% lUKH — Mlilll*— Kl.m IHU_»iH.>*— KXITS ^\\) electric, c. Sec. 2871. Electric Lights— Arrangement— Gas. Water Pipes, Metal.— .\sscn>bly halls and theatres lighted by electric lights unl> shall have at least three {.i) separate and distinct circuits; (a) for the stage, (b> and (c) for the auditorium, corridors and exits. The circuits referred to in (b) and (c) shall be so ar- ranged that half of the lights in each division of the auditorium and half of those in each corridor and exit sliall be on (b), and the other half on (c) circuit. When the current is supplied by a public lighting company these circuits shall be taken separately from the street mains. Under all circumstances complete metallic circuits must be employed. Gas and water pipes shall never form a part of any circuit. The number of lamps shall be so divided that no sub- circuit shall carry any more than sixty (GO) amperes, and each sub-circuit shall start from a distributing boarhi: aiuc, aiihall be directed by the Chief of the hire Department >liall be opened at the end of each entertainment or performance. Sec. 2873. Stand Pipes. — The >iand jjipes. pas pipes, electric wires, hose, footlights, and all apparatus f. »r the extin;;uishinj^ of tire or guarding against the same, as in this ordinance specified. shall be in charge of and under the control of the ['"ire Depart- ment and the Chief of said (le])artment. in c<»nnection with the Insi)ector of IWiildings and I'ity l-.lectrician. is hereby directed to see that the arrangement^ in respect hereto are carried out and enforced. Sec. 2874. Transient Companies — Plugging Boxes. — Transient companies shall be re(|uired to furni>h all neces.sary plugging l)(jxes and ])lugs. or use house plugs and boxes, and all necessary wire for the consruction of the lights carried by the conii)any . It shall he the duty of the City h'Icctrician to make inspection in his discretion of all electrical effects belonging to transient com- panies. The theatre electrician shall be a comj)etent electrician, and shall b required to pass a satisfactory examination to be con- ducted by the City Electrician. He shall notify City Electrician of all transient C(,)mi)anies that will use electrical aj)paratus, at least one day before the play, and on failure so to do his i)crmit shall be revoked. Sec. 2875. License — How Issued. — Xo license for theatre or assembly hall shall be i.ssued by the City Clerk until the Chief of the Fire Department, City Building Inspector, and City Electri- cian shall have given their written certificate that the building for which same is desired complies with this ordinance. Sec. 2876. Building Inspector.— The City Building Inspector shall construe this ordinance on all doubtful provisions herein in all matters regarding the construction, repairs and operation for riiK\ri{K> — \Mi»i;>ii:\i r\nK' — (ii'i:ic\ in»i m s ii\i.i. " M'l all buildinj^'s lu be used as theatres or assembly halls, and his ci»nstruction shall be binding and final. Sec. 2877. Penalty.— .\nv pcr>on. firm .;i t.-HiuuniMn, mcir aj,'ents ..r employees, violating any of the provisions of this ordi- nance, or maintaining, operating, leasing or controlling theatres or halls not constructed as herein provided, shall, on conviction in the Rec«.rder*s Court, be fined ni.t exceeding Two Hundred Dollars ($2(MM)0) or imprisoned nut e.\ceeding thirty (.iO) days, one ..r l>.>th penalties to be inflicted in the tliscretion of the Re- order. Provided, that all buildings used or in course of con- struction at the time t>f the passage i.f this ordinance, as theatre.s. in accordance with section 2H2i» .»f this ..rdiii.u.. .• .liall have until September 1. lD(»tJ, to comply herewith. Sec. 2878. Places of Amusement in Parks or ELsewhcre— Within Police Incorporation— Shall Be Licensed— Under One Management— .\ny person, firm .ir ci.rpi.ration owning, operat- ing or conducting a park or like place, where amusements «,f va- rious kinds are <.wned and operated— such as theatres, seating as many as r>(Ml. .,r small shows. merry-g«.-rounds. etc.— shall pay a license of $2->0.(H) per year, pn.vided such parks or places' of amusements shall be situated withr.ut the cor|M,rate limits of the City of .\tlanta but within the sectitms incorporated for police purposes, and provided such amusements shall be located at one general place and under one general management, wlure the theatres in such parks seat less than rWM). the park license shall br $2n( ).()(). Sec. 2879. Opera Houses and Halls— Indoor Shows— Shall Be Licensed — Panorama Exhibitions — Moving Picture Shows, Etc.— Regulation.— All theatres, opera Ik. uses or halls, where theatrical. >Ieight-ot-hand, legerdermain or minstrel performances are held or other performance of like character, shall pay the sum "f four hundred dollars pe annum, in semi-annual installments, or ten dollars for each exhibiti(»n or perf iuMtus \iM.i> i.\mi> m\i> all panorama exhibitions or other shows ^hall pay ten (l(»!lars fur each exhihilion or i)erf()riiiaiue : provided, that do<^ or |)i>n> shows be recpiircd to pay tvventy-rtve dollars i)er day, and tha minstrel troups showinj^ under,a tent he recpiired to pay a licen-' of tvventv-five dollars a performance. Electric or movinfj pi^ ture shows shall pay a license of $60.00 per aniuiin. Sec. 2880. Construction of Theatre Doors — Penalty for Fail- ure to Comply. — (Sec also chapter nn linildini; lnsj)ector.") — It shall not be lawful for the proprietor, or owner, of any theatre or opera house, to lease, rent, or permit to be used in any way, such theatre or opera house, unless all the doors of inj^ress and cjjfress to them are so constructed as to oj^cn outward fr<»m the inside. Any person or persons violating the provisions of this ordinan^ shall be fineuch pn.prui..r, losee. .>r other person in charj;e of an opera house or theatre, who shall violate the preceding section. upon c.»nviction shall be finetl in the Recorder's Court not ex- ceeding one hundred dollars. .)r imprisoned not exceeding thirty day^. Sec. 2884. Owners of Theatres— Construction of Interior.— The owners ..1 all ..i)era hou>e>. iheairo. and public i)lacc> ot amusements, where an orchestra is usec from the City Clerk, which license shall be five hundred dollars per annum. .\n> per- son violating this section shall be punished, on conviction before Ihe Recorder's Court, by a hue of mn le^s than .^ne hundred dol- lars and costs, and imprisoned not less than thirty days for each offense; but the Mayor shall have power, in his discretion, to re- mit the penalty of imprisonment. Sec. 2886. Gas in Hotels and Boarding Houses Not Cut Off Except When — Penally for Violation.- It >hall not be lawful for the proprietor or proprietors (either themselves or by their employees) of any hotel or boarding house in the City of Atlanta, where any kind of gas is used in bedrooms for lights, to cut the gas off at any time during the night, except in cases where the premises may be on fire. Any proprietor or proprietors of any hotel or boarding house violating this section shall, on conviction before the Recorder's Court, pay a tine not exceeding one hun- dred dollars for each and every violation. It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police to see that this ordinance is enforced. ELFXTRK"rill.\rKi:S. Sec. 2887. Electric Theatres — Moving Pictures — Permits — Construction. — Electric lhcalrc> nr aiulil<'riiiin>. where moving l)ictures are disjilaycd, hereinafter called electric theatres, shall not be conslriKted. lilted up. operated <>r licensed until a permit therefor has been issued by tiie r.uildin«; Inspector an«l City Electrician. Said officers are hereby directed and autiiorized to issue such permits for electric theatres j)rovidcd they are con- structed in accordance with j»lans api)ro\e(l by them an«l which plans secure the safety of jjcrsons patroni/.inj; them. Sec. 2888. Wiring — Condemned — Superintendent of Electri- cal Affairs. — All w iriut; in such theatres shall be installed under the direct supervi>ion of the Superintendent of Electrical Affairs, and where he coutlenms any such wirinj,^, same shall be rein- stalled under his direction and ap|)roval and where he condemns wiring- hereinafter installed, and in all ca>es where the owners or t)pcrators of such electric theatres refuse to confttrm to the di- rections of the Superintendent of IClectrical Affairs, in matters herein mentioned, the license thereor shall be ipso facto void and such electric theatres shall be immediately closed a> unsafe for patronai^e. Sec. 2889, Fuses — Enclosures — Space. — .Ml fuses used in con- nection with lii;-nts illuminatin!^ the parts of the house, room or auditorium used by the audience, nnist be installed in hre-|:)r(H^f enclosures, so constructed that there will be a si)ace of at least six inches between the fuses and the side and face of enclosure. Sec. 2890. Exits — Signs — Illuminated — Location — Size. — All exits shall be plainly indicated by a sii;n, same to be illuminated by other than electricity, and bear the word "Exit," the letters of which must not be less than four inches in height. I-lxits must be placed at that end of the auditorium opposite the operating room. No exit to be less than three feet wide, unless two such exits shall be used, then each not to be less than two feet wide. Sec. 2891. Inside Lights— Halls— Fed— Control— Circuits.— Inside lights and all lights in halls, corridors or any other part 'I'IIK\I'HKH — KLKCTHir — KXIT«»— >l\« MINI lli»\% m ii.l b2o i be kept burning during all perf(»rinance>. Sec. 2892. Building — Exits — Lights — Time. — Every portion of the buiMing i<» the u>e of ur the acciMiimodation of the pub- lic, all outlets leading to the streets, all (jpen courts, corridors, liallwa\s and exits shall be throughly lighted during every per- formance and the same shall remain lighted until the entire au- tlience has left the premises. Sec. 2893. Machine — Enclosure — Size — Openings — Automat- ic — Material. — The picture machine nnist be placed in an enclos- ure or house made (»f or lined with fire-priM»f material, thoroughly ventilated and large enough for the operator to walk freely on either side or back of the machine. Such enclosure or house inu>t have no openings into the auditorium other than the open- ing were the light for the picture is emitted and this must be provided with a fire pr«jof tUH>r hinged with spring hinges npened by a trigger which is in reach of the operator so it can be re- leased by hanns will be permitted in the i>peratiiig-rooni : City g26 '|||IO\TI»l>_i:i,i:< IHM >>lnlvl\«. I II >l^ HI I IS Electrician, Superintciulciit of Klectrical AlUiirs. lUiildiu},' In- spector, manager of the theatre, and the operator who has cliar^c of the machine. Sec. 2895. No Smoking or Drinking There. — No smokini; or drinking- will be i)ermittcd in the operating romn. Sec. 2896. Films — How Kept.— ( )nly one extra lilm will he al lowed in the operating room and that mnst he kept in ;i im-tal- lined box having a tight fitting cover. Sec. 2897. Machines — Kinds Allowed — Equipment — Wire — Capacity. — 1-lverv machine' n>ed as a moving pictnre machine mnst be ai^proved by the National I'.oard (if h'ire Underwriters and be cMiuippcd with tilm gnards and antomatic shnlter con- trolled onlv bv the operating of the machine. .Ml machines must, be fed by a wire having a carrying capacity of not less than Xo. 6 B, S. gauge. Motor driven machines will not be permitted. Sec. 2898. Reels — Encased — Iron Box — No Solder. — I '.oih reels must be encased in an iron box, which l>ox has a hole at the bottom only large enough for the film to pass through. Xo sol- der to be used in the construction fo this box. Sec. 2899. Rheostats — Requirements — Space — Asbestos Pro- tection. — Rheostats nuist conform to rheostat requirements as directed by the Superintendent of Electrical Affairs and must not be placed inside of the auditorium or operating room. There must be at least six (6) inches air space between the rheostat and any wood. All wood without eighteen (18) inches must be pro- tected by asbestos of not less than one (1-8) inch thickness. Sec. 2900. Operators — Examinations — Two Classes — Age — Requirements — Card — Revocation. — It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a moving picture machine until after he has passed the examination provided for this purpose by the Build- ing Inspector and the City Electrician and has received a certifi- cate showing that such examination has been passed. THKATHKS — (»IM:it Al'OKS — i; \ VMIN VIION HK«il ^%^lo^^ w.)- Operators shall be divided into two classes, to be known as op- erators and assistant operator. Any person receiving 7.'> per cent, or higher in the examination shall be claimed as an operator, any person receiving above 40 per cent, shall be classed as an assistant operator. Xo operator can be employed as an operator at more than one electric theater at the same time. Every electric theater shall emphn- at least one licensed oper- .'it'-r. \o person shall receive an operator's license unless he l)e 21 years of age or older, assistant operators shall be at least 18 years old. hvery op«"i wiicu operaimg ;i maciime ^hall keep his cer- tificate of examination \\itli !i:iii and show it upon ref|u«-t The operator shall i>l lirnl n -^i) .n>iblc for the condition .,i liie operating nK>m where he is employe*!, and upon conviction in the Recorder's Court for violating any part of this ordinance, his license shall become void. S€c. 2901. Examination — Fee — Expirations — Renewal. — 1 he examination fee shall I)e $.").tM) payable through the City Clerk's office to the City Tax Collector and shall constitute the first year's license which shall expire on the 30th day of June ToTlow- ing issuance of such license. Renewals of af>ove license shall In- $1.(M) per Near. Sec. 2S02. Board of Examiners — How Appointed. - The Building Inspector and Superintendent of Electrical Affairs shall have the power to appoint such person as they find necessary to compose a board of examiners, one member of this Board shall be a practical moving picture man. Sec. 2903. Second Examination — Time. — .\ny person failing to pass the examination shall wail at lea^t i'>rty-five (45) days be- fore be given a second examination. Sec. 2904. Operator's Name on Slide— Thrown on Curtain.— The upcraior nui>t provide a slide with h.s name or ..n it to be thrown on the curtain at every complete Ji-.u. Sec. 2905. Films— Kinds Shown— Patches Prohibited.— Films shall be either fust run (nut over one week old) or rtrsl class commercial. Side patched films will tiot be jjcrmitted to be used. Cross patched must not be over one and t>ne-lialf {\ 1-li) sprocket hole lap. Sec. 2906. — Seats — Chairs — Aisles— Size.— Xo more than six. chairs shall be permitted in a row without an aisle intervening'. This does not prohibit twelve chairs in oui- n»w with an aisle on each end. Center aisles shall not be less than thirty-si.\ (30*) inches wide, side aisle not less than thirty {'M)) inches. Seats shall not be less than twenty-ei^Mit (28) inches from back to back and shall be fastened securely to<,'ether and to the floor. Sec. 2907. Stoves Prohibited.- No >ioves shall be permitted in the auditorium for heating or other purposes. Sec. 2908. Penalty. — Any person, firm or corpt>ration, their as,a^nts or tnipk)yees. constructing::, ojjcratinjj or manaj^in^' elec- tric theatres, in violation of any of the terms of this ordinance. shall on conviction in tlic Recorder's Court, be punished by a fine of not exceeding $100.00 or imprisoned upon the public work< not exceeding thirty days, either or both penalties to be inflicted in the discretion of the Recorder. ■IHI-; \^l nun O \ I II ^HOMI — «. \l. \l|\ 111 IIK-H 829 CHAPTER XCI. TRKASlkKR. Sec. 2909. Oath— Bond— Salary— Of Treasurer.— The Treas- urer, before he enters on the duties of his office, shall take and ubscribe theusua! oath, and shall jpve bond, with two or more ^o(\ and sutTicient securities, in such sum as the Mayor and ( ien- eral Council may fix. but not less than the niinimun sum named 11 the Charter, and receive for his services such compensation per mnum as shall be fi.xehall keep a lair !>'».. k of eiiir\ of all Mim> of money he may receive and pay out. md shall furni>h the Mayor and (leneral Council with a detailed rep*)rt of all receipts and expenditures, and the different f)rders, upon which money had been paid mit by him. and all the differ- ent sources, throuj^h which he has received money; this report he -hall submit to the (*eneral C«nincil every three months, and his books shall at all times be subject to the inspection tif the Com- mittee on I'inance. He >hall pay out no money but upon orders properly passed up. and drawn up and sij^ned by the Comptrol- ler, and countersigned by the Mayf»r. or in his absence, or disa bility to act, the Mayor pro tem. .\n«l he shall make daily re- ports to the Comptroller of all moneys paid to him an ani;i"OMI'«« \\ VKMXVI"- tiN -« I II I II K \ TKH such excess of money shall he deimsited in the Maddox-Rucker j;aiikin<^^ Company, the l-'ourth National Hank, the I,.»vvry Na titmal r>ank and the Atlanta National I'.ank in et|ual prop.Ttiinis of one-fourth to each of said banks. f.>r and durin^j the year nine- teen hundred (11)07) and seven; I'rovided, each of the said Hank shall, before any of the said money is deposited with them, exe- cute separate contracts to receive said deposits, when offered as above provided, and to pay a rate of interest thereon ecpial tn two per cent per annum on daily balances in tluir banks • the credit of the City of Atlanta, and shall ^'ive ^ood security, subject to the approval of the Mayor, for the faithful acct)untin^ to the City of Atlanta for all money so dept)sited. Sec. 2912. Deposits One-Fourth With Each Bank. He it fi: iher ordained that the Treasurer shall ilepusit w ith the said banks each day, all money in his hands belonj^inj; to the City of Atlanta, in excess of five thousand dollars, and keep his acc«)unts of same in rej^iilar deposit books, dei)ositin|.,^ one-fourth of such excess with each of said banks. Sec. 2913. Warrants Drawn in Substantially Equal Amounts — By Whom Optional as to Drawing Whole Amount. He it fur- ther ordained that the Mayor and Comptroller shall issue war- rants upon said lianks payable to the Treasurer, to pay the debts or current expenses of the City of Atlanta, as the same may be necessary, such warrants to be drawn in substantially e(|ual amounts upon each of said banks, or withdraw the whole of said deposits from either or all of said banks, whenever the Mayor and General Council shall so direct. Sec. 2914. Certificate of Registration by Treasurer. The Treas. rer of the City of Atlanta be. and is authorized to issue the fol- lowing- certificate of registration concerning any bonds issued by the City of Atlanta, and presented to him by any National Bank for said registration, and to record in a book kept for that purpose all bonds so presented for registration, and in this case, provided it shall not be necessary for the Treasurer of the City of Atlanta to detach the interest coupons, and the certificate here- after described is so stamped, and the blanks therein properly u filled Diit ujx^n the l)ack of each bond so registered. Suvh certi- ficate shall be as follows: — "This is to certify that Bond number .for (Jne Th»nis- iiid I3<:>llars bearin;^ . .interest issued b\ the City of Atlanta on the. . . of is rejjistered in the name of the Treasure i i.u L'nited .*^iates, and his sue ce>surs in office, in trust for at the office of the Treasurer of the City of .\tlanla. at Atlanta « Jeorgia ; and is transferrable only on the surrender of this certiti cate properly cn«l- tered. •'In Witness \\'here<»f I 1 reasurcr of the City of Atlanta, have hereunto subscribed my hand and af fixed the seal of the City of Atlanta, this tl ' 19f) TRi: ASIRKR OF THR CITY OF ATLANTA. (Seal.) (A true copy of the entry on the back (A the above described bontl.) Attc«;tr Sec. 2915. Treasurer Cancels Registration — Certificate Stamp- ed. — 1 he Treasurer of the City of Atlanta is hereby authorized. upt»n the presentation to him for such pur|xise of such bonds, by the National Hank, to which the same has been assignef the l'nited States, to cancel such registration. anusand Dollars, bearing interest- is hereby can- celled, and thiv Imnd is hereafter payable to bearer. In Witness Whereof. I Treasurer of the Citv of Atlanta, 832 Tin: \Hi in: II — i(i:(.in i k \'i io\_i nu >i<. ha\c licTCiinto set my hand and aliixfd tlit- seal of the City of At Ian ta this da\ i»» . . . 1'' . . 'I"r(.a>ur(.T of the C'itv of Atlanta. .And thereupon such rcj^istratiou shall he al»olulel\ cancelled. and such hond he in all respects as if the same had never been rei^istered. and the ireasurer of the City of Atlanta shall enter such cancellation upon the record of such former re;^istration and the City shall he therel>y relieved from any liability on ac count of the f* — K g33 CHAPTER XCII. WAGON YARDS. Sec. 2916 Wagon Yards Must Have License — How Obtained Amount. \\'ajc ihc duly oi rcpci> oi wa- gon yarr hot I Sec. 2919. Drunkenness — Violence — Indecent or Obscene Lan guage — Punishable — Penalty. Any person guitly of u.>»c(I in this t)rdinancc, sliall be untUi>touil to have the meaning lierctt) affixed. In defining lines as running along streets, it is understood that the center of the streets is intemled unless otherwise ciianged by .special language. In describing streets as intersecting, it is un«lcrstood that the point of intersection is where the center line of one street inter- sects with the center line of the other street. Where land lots are mentioned, it is understood that the same lie within the 14th District of h^ilton County, (leorgia. except such land lots as are described as 1> ing in other districts. Sec. 2922. First Ward Lines Of.— 1 he I'irst Ward >hall be defined by metes and bounds as follows: Ilegining at a point in the center of Simpson Street where said street intersects the western limits of the City, and running thence in an easterly di- rection along Simpson Street to the western line of the right of way of the Western & Atlantic Railroad Co., thence along the western line of said right of way. in a southeasterly direction, to Whitehall Street; thence in a southwesterly direction along Whitehall street to the east side of right of way of the Central of Georgia Railway Company; thence northeasterly to the cen- ter of the eastern terminus of Park Street ; thence westwardly along the center of Park Street to Hammond Street ; thence northwestwardly along Hammond street to Lawn Street ; thence eastwardly along Lawn Street to Ella Street ; 'thence west- wardly along Ella Street to Lee Street ; thence north along Lee Street to Greensferry Avenue ; thence westwardly along Greens- ferry Avenue to Ashby Street ; thence north along Ashby Street to West Hunter Street; thence westwardly along West Hunter Street to the west line of the right of way of the L. & X. Rail- road Company, thence northeastwardly along the west line of said right of way to the beginning point. w \iti>^ — ^(:« i*N i>, I II I Id I \ \ II I III It I II \\ \iti>s g^K Sec. 2923. Second Ward— Lines Ot. — The Second Ward shall be ilcriiic.l \)\ iMctc> and Im.uikN a^ follows: lie<(innin}^ at a point in the center «)f Whitehall Street where said street intersects with the southern lines of the rijjht of way of the Western & .\tlantic Railroad Company and runnin;^ thence in an easterly direction alonjj the south side of the ri^jhts of way of said railroad and the Ge«^rgia Railroad & IJankintj Company to Butler Street thence ><»uthwardly alon^f lUitlcr Street aild Central place to Capitol Avenue: thence south alonj^ Capitol Avenue to the north- ern line of the rijjht of way of the S»uthern Railway Company, thence .southeast alonjj the northern line of said rij^ht of way to the >outh line of Miller Reed Avenue; thence westwar«lly along the south line of said avenue to its present terminus; thence west to the south line of Brown Street at its eastern terminus; thence west along the south side i>f Brown Street to the west line of LantI Lot 57; thence north along the west Land \^>i lines of Land Ixjts 57 and 56 to line of City limits; thence westwardly al«»ng City Limits to McDaniel Street; thence along McDaniel Street, northerly to Whitehall Street; thence along Whitehall Street, in a northeasterly direction to the beginning i>oint. Sec. 2924. Third Ward— Lines Of.— The ThinI Ward shall he detiiH-il by metes arul hounds as lollows: Begining at a point in the center of Butler where said street intersects the south side : the right of way <»f the Georgia Railroaoint five hundred feet cast of Hill Street ; tiience south, parallel with Hill Street to the northeast line of the right of way of the S»uthern Railway Company, thence north- west along said northeast line of sai — III III \NI>x|\lll WVKIIs ulit-rc 'lentil Street iiiter>ect> lledfonl place, in ihf center there of, and runninj^^ thence east alunj^ Tenth Street to the eastern boundary of the rij^du of way of the Soutliern Railway Company- thence followinj^ the eastern boundary of said rij^ht of way, in a southeasterly and soutliwestcrly direction, tn the south line of the right of way of the (iet)r<^ia Kailntad <}^' Bankin^j^ Cf>nipan\ thence westwardly alnnj^'- tlie south line i)f said rij^ht of way {• Butler Street; thence northerly along I'.utler Street to N'ort! Avenue; thence east along North Avenue to j'.edford place thence northerly ahmg Bedford place to the point of hcginnini;. Sec. 2926. Fith Ward— Lines Of.— 1 he Fifth Ward shall he defined by metes and bounds as follows: lleginning at a point in the center of .Simpson .Street where same intersects with tli' western line of the right of way of the Western & .Atlantic Kail road Company and running thence in a northwestely direction along the western line of said right of way to North Avenue; thence eastwardly along North .\venue to State Street; thence northerly along State Street to Hemphill .\ venue ; thence in a northwesterly direction along Hemphill .\venue to the City Lim- its; thence in a westerly and stnitherly direction along said C'ity Limits to the south line of the right of way of the Western \- Atlantic Railroad Company; thence northwestwardly along the south-west side of said right of way to the west land lot line of Land Lot 189. in the 17th District of b'ulton County; thence south along the west land lot line of Land Lot 189 to the City Limits, as fixed by the act of 1908; thence south and southeast- erly along said City Limits to Simpson Street ; thence east along Simpson Street to the beginning point. Sec. 2927. Sixth Ward— Lines Of.— The Si.xth Ward shall be defined by metes and bounds as follows: Beginning at a point in the center of North Avenue, where said Avenue intersects the western line of the right of way of the Western & Atlantic Rail- road Company, and running thence northeasterly and easterly along North Avenue to Butler Street ; thence south and south- westwardly along Butler Street to its intersection with the south line of the right of way of the Georgia Railroad & Banking Company, thence northwestwardly along the south and west lines of the rights of way of the Georgia Railroad & Banking w \i(Iih_«ik\>:n I 11 w \i(it sr, L >iiipany and tlu- \\ csttrii ^tint. Sec. 2928. Seventh Ward— Lines Of.— TIjc Seventh Ward shall he defined by metes and bounds as follows: Ue^inning at a point where the south land lot line <>f Land Lot 107 intersects the east line of the riijlu of way of. the Central of Georgia Kail road Company ; thence running; west alonj^ said land lot line and the ^outh land lot lines of Land LjIs IIH and \'.i\) to the south \%csl corner of 1-and Lot No. 139; thence running north along ihc west Land Lot Lines of Land I^ts 131) and 140 to the lii tits of said City, as fi.xed by the act of ll>08 ; thence following >a.d limits in a northwoterly, north and ea>l direction until same reach the western line of the right of way (if the L. &. N. Kail- road Company; thence southwestwardly along the western line of saihby Street; thence southwardly along .\shby Street l«» (ircensferry Avenue; thence eastwanlly along (ireens- ferry .Avenue to Lee Street ; thence southwardly along Lee Street to Klla .'street; thence MiUtheasterly along Klla Street to 1-awn .Street; thence southwesterly along I^wn .Street to Ham- mond Street ; the. ice Southeasterly along Hammond Street to Park .Street, thence eastwardly along Park .Street to its eastern terminus; thence from the center of the eastern terminus of Park Street in a southwc.Hlerly direction to the cast line of the right of way i)f the Central of Georgia Kailroad Company at i>oint where center t>f \\ hitehall .Street intersects same the following lines, last mentioned, following the Inmixlary of the I'irst Ward, thence southerly along the ea>tern line of saiil right of way to the be- ginning point. Commencing at a |)oint on the south line of the \\'estw(KuI Park Company's property where ;»aid south line cros- ses the west line of land lot 139 of the 14th District of originally Henry, now l*'ulton County. Cicorgia. and running thence west along south line HKK) feet; thence in a northerly direction and in a straight line to the southeast corner of the Westview Ceme- tery Company's property near Gordon J^treet ; thence northerly and along the line of Westview Cemetery Company's property to the center of (Gordon Street; thence southeasterly and along the center of Gordon .Street to the west line of land lot 140 of said District : thence south to the point of beginning. QOQ \\\UI>S Kl<;il I'll. MNill \ M) I IN III \\ VHI>> Sec. 2929. Eighth Ward— Lines Of.-'llu- I'-i^'hth Ward shall he (ictincd hv nictcs and hounds as follows: llc^^iiiiiin}.,' at a i)oiiit in the center of State Street where same intersect> N'orth Ave. and tliecne runninnr northwardly alonj.,'- State Street to Hemphill Ave; thence northwesterly alonj.,' Hemphill .\ve. to City Limits as fixed hv the act of liMiS; thence east following said limits to a ])oint two liundred feet west of the west side of Last Street; thence north parallel with Last Street tn a |>oint 2tM) feet west of East Street and in line with the north line of Woods Avenue or Sixteenth Street, if same was ])rojected from its present ter- minus in a westerly direction: thence east alonj^ said projected line and the north line of Woods .\vetuie or Sixteenth Street, to Citv Limits as fixed hy act of lilOS; thence foUowinj.^ said I'ity Limits to Tenth Street: thence aloni^- Tenth .'street, west, to I'led- ford riace : thence south alon^- lledford I'lace to N'orth A\-enue, thence west alonj^- North Avenue to hej^MiniuL: point. Sec. 2930. Ninth Ward— Lines Of.— The Ninth W ard shall he defined hy metes and hounds as follows: l>ej.,Mnninj,' at a point on the east line of the rii;ht of way of the Southern Railway Com- pany, where same intersects the north line of Land Lot No. 17: thence followin<; the cil\' limits, as tixed hy tiie acts of 1!)().S and 1909 in easterly, southerly and westerly direction until same in- tersects with the west line of the rip^ht of way of what is known as the A. & \V. l\ Railway I'.elt Line; thence in a northerly di- rection, along- west line of said right of way and along the west line of south-west line of the western hranch of said Belt Line connecting with the Georgia Railroad & Bkg'- Company, to the south line of the rig-ht of way of the Georgia Railroad & Banking Company; thence westerly along- the south line of said rig-ht of way to its intersection with the east line of the rignt of way of the Southern Railway Company, or to the line of the Fourth Ward, as above defined; thence northerly along the east line of the right of way of the Southern Railway Company to begining point. Sec. 2931. Tenth Ward— Lines Of.— The Tenth Ward shall be defined by metes and bounds as follows: Beginning at the north-west corner of Land Lot 119 and running thence south along the west land lot line of said land lot to a point one- half mile west from center of the Central Railroad tracks or where the present limiir. -. i uiklaiul City cross said laiul lot line; thence southerly parallel with said railroad tracks t»i the west side of the gate on the north side of the United States Army I'ost. known as Fort Mcl'herson, being a part of the line ui what i-i now known as Oakland City; thence east along the north line 'I said I-ort Mcl'ersim land to its northeast corner, being also .1 part of the boundary of what is now known as Oakland City; thence southerly along the east side of said Fort McPhersoii land to a point opposite the south line of what is known as the H. L. HaralM»n land, being the description used in the incori)ora- lion of Oakland City by an act of the General Assembly found in (Jeorgia Laws of 181)4, pp. 17.'); thence east across the Cen- tral Railroad, along the boundary i»f what is now kn«»wn as ( )ak- land City, and continuing in a straight line along said boundary iiid beyond its present terminus, to the cast land lot line «tf Land Ix>t No. 122; thence north along the cast land lot line of Land Lot 122. 121 aiif the right of way of what is known as the A. & W. V. Railroad Com- pany's Belt Line; thence easterly along the southern line of said right of way to McDaniel Street ; thence northerly along McDan' icl Street toint. Sec. 2932. New Wards Confirmed.— The action (A the City in re-districting the several wards, is ratified and c<»ntirmed and made effective, under the amendments to the Charter of the City of Atlanta passed at the last session of the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, extending the City limits so as to include the territory described in said ordinance and redistricted by said ordinance into ten wards. 840 \\ \itns «»i{<; \ \i/. V I ION »iii/.i;\> oi I H I. Sec. 2933. Ward Organization and Representation Extended to the Ten Wards. — All <>t' the > irdiiiaiu-cs ..f the City providing ffjr ward or<^anizatioiis and representations sliall he made appli- cable t'» the ten wards as ahove provided, and said wards shall he entitled to all rej^resentations accorded to the several wards nn- der the previous ordinances and Charter of the City of .\tlanta. Sec. 2934. All Citizens Eligible for Office— to Vote— Must Vote in Own Ward. — In all elections the citizens from any of the territory above described shall be clig-ible t»» be voted for any po- sitions to be filled in City elections, cither Mayor. .Alderman, Councilman, or other City offices, subject to the restrictions ap- phiui^' to the <|ualificatious for any of said offices; and the citi- zens residing in said territory, either the former or the annexed territory, are hereby ordained to be (jualified to vote in City elec- tions, provided, they arc otherwise (|ualifiehall cast their votes within their several wards and comply with all the ortlinances govern- ing City elections. Sec. 2935. Each Ward Has One Alderman and Councilman, and Equal Representation on Boards. — I'ach of the ten wards, as above provided, shall be entitled to one .\lderman, and two Councilmen, and each of said wards shall likewise be each en- titled to representation on the Boards, Commissions and Depart" ments of the City, as the present and future ordinances may pro- vide, and in all the ordinances of tiie City having references to fire, sanitation, schools and other public purposes, so far as pro- viding for ward benefits or improvements, or otherwise, are hereby made applicable to each of the ten wards as above provided. Sec. 2936. Power and Authority of City Extended Over All the Wards — Same as to officers, and Ordinances. — The pow er and authority oi the City of Atlanta, under the present Charter, or- dinances and all laws appertaining to the City of Atlanta as a municiplity, are hereby extended over and made efTective in \\ vui)> — iv\\iniN — <. \ I I H iiii\i(iis 4,^1 every part of the territory covered ur incluilcd witlun the limits as above described ; and the power and authority of the officers of the City are made co-extensive with the limits as above set forth and all t>ther rij^hts and powers necessary to carry out atie fi»r business, assessinjj property, issuing exe cutions therefor and, in default of payment, selling the property thereon, a^ now prescribed by the Charter and ordinances of the City, are hereby extended to all t»f the territory as aljove ^et forth. Sec. 2938 B-ards— Departments— Officers— Bond Liability- Extended to all Territory. — The power of the Hoard of Health. I'olice Department. Cuy Tax .Assessors and Receivers. Tax Col- lecr<»r. Marshal. Oerk of Council, Recorder. Muilding Inspector and all the other officers of the City are hereby extended t<. and made co-exten?.ive with the new limits (»f the City of .\tlanta. or the territory as above described a> fulls and completely as they now exist under the old limits and untler the f«»rmer provisions r>f the Charter, laws and <»rdinances governing the City of Atlanta an v,i:KUOHK>_IIU\HI> HK« lil-'^ l)|v|M.H\ CHAPTER XCIV. \\ A ri.KW ( >KKS. Sec. 2939. Board of Water Commissioners — Election — By Whom — Terms. — 'ihc I'.oard dI W aU-r Commi>>i')ncr.«, >hall on sist of one member from each \\ anl, besides the Mayor and Chairman of Committee cii W aterworks who are each ex-officio meml)ers. They shall be elected as vacancies occur by expiration of terms, at the second rej^ular meetin,!.,^ in December each year, of the Mayor and Ccneral Council, and shall hold office for three years. Sec. 2940. Water Receipts— How Collected— Daily Reports— To Whom. The Secretary ol the W aler JW)ard >hall make out a book, containing- the name, amount etc. each water consumer is due the City ; said books shall have two stubs, and both stubs and receipt shall be numbered alike, and, when the consumer tie sires to pay the same, the Secretary shall write up the stubs and receipt, verifying- same on each stub and receipt. He shall re- tain one stub to keep his accounts, and turn over the other stub and receipt to the Tax Collector, who shall collect and enter them upon his books. The Secretary shall make daily detailed report of receipts, also monthly reports so turned over, to the Comptroller, who shall hold the Tax Collector respousible for their collection, and the Tax Collector shall also make daily de- tailed reports to the Comptroller, accompanied with said stubs for verification. The Tax Collector shall receive credit, and the Treasurer be debited, upon exhibition of receipt of deposit of same, which shall be made daily. The Collector and Treasurer shall also make monthly reports to the Comptroller. Sec. 2941. Money Collected— By Whom— How Disposed of— By Whom— Sinking Fund. All money collected from water rents, and any other income from said waterworks, shall be paid, as collected, to the Tax Collector of the City of Atlanta, and the pavmcu. reponci daily .o .he ; a.ul allnecessary fund. U, carrv .,.. llu- waterworks shall be paid out of the L,ty Treasurv. u,K.n orders granted hy the Mayor and (k-neral O.un- cd. whiJh orders must be predicated on requisitions. ,n wrmng. from the Hoard oi Water Commissioners; prov.ded. that the Hoard «hall exercise no controll over the waterworks s.nk.ny flMid. Sec 2942 Estimate and Appropriation tor Wa.erworks-Esti mate Filed Whom-Appropriation Shall not Exceed An nual Income-Except. It shall he the duty oi the sa,d Hoard, by the hrst n,eet,n>; n. May ..." each year of the Mayor and Ueneral Council to be tiled w,th sai.l l»>dy an of the probable re. ceipts front water rents and other income, and of .he antoun. nee- ,.slrv to run such waterworks durtuR .be curren, year; and .he Mavor and .ieneral Council shall, at the same .i,ue ...her appr..- priati..ns are n,ade. make such appropriations and set apart such Imoun. (..r the operation and .nain.enance o( sa,d wa.erworks as „.av be necessary for .heir econotuical an.l successful opera- lion, provided sai.l an...un,. excep. in cases of enterK-ency (... be i„.Iee.l bv the Mavor and C.eneral Cmncil. shall n.-t exce.l the annual i-uome of the waterworks; and shall pay out the same upon re.,uisition of said Contn.issioners, as i. shall be neede.l an.l called for. Sec. 2943. Interfering With Founts, Hydrants Etc.— Pen alty. Anv person or persons injuring «»r interfering the pub lie founts, hvdrants. or any other appurtenances of the water- works in the public streets of this City, between the City and the waterworks, or at the waterworks, shall on conviction, bo hncd in a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars, or be impri.soncd not exceeding thirty days, either or l>oth in the discretion of the Re- corder's Court, for each offense. Sec. 2944. Obstructing or Covering Up Water Meters — Pen- alty. it >hall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corj>oration, their agents or emi)loyees. to ol)struct. cover up. or hide water meters, where same are c«mstructed on sidewalks, whereby the inspectors or meter readers cannot find or get to such meters, 844 W \li:i«\\<»Ulv^ IIIIMK". riKMIIv 1(1 MUN* OK and tlieir work is iiitfrcrcd with, and >iich pt-rst)!!. firm, or cor- poration, a^cnt or employee theretif, violatinjj this ordinance shall on conviction in the Recorder's Court he fined not exceed- ing- $50.00 or imprisoned thirty days, or put to work on the pub- lic works not exceeding' thirty days, in the discretion of tlie Re- corder. Sec. 2945. City to Repair Water Meters — Owners Furnish Broken Parts. — The City of .\tlaiita >hall keep all water meters in rcjjair free of cost to property owners; provided, that the own- ers of meters shall furnish broken parts at their own cost, it be- inj^r the intention of this orns as the Hoard of \\ aUr Commissioners may enact. Sec. 2946. Permit Issued— Return of All Work Must Be Made — Only Work Named in Permit Shall be Done — Plumber Violating, Penalty. — Afur an ai)plicaiu or his ai;ent has com- l)lic(l with ilie re}.(ulations of the Department of Waterworks, and a permit has been issued for the installation or construction of proper connections between the premises named, and the sys- tem of waterworks, the plumber or his aj^'ent. or whoever has charge of doiii!; the actual work of connecting said premises as aforesaid, shall make a return of all work done by him or them upon the premises so connected. In un case shall connection be made between the system of waterworks anl(K« < I I MM. ttl t INJI KM H Ivl \ o ^|- be unlawful lor any owner, or his agent, or a tenant of propertv, to violate themselves, or allow or permit the provisions of Sec- tion 2iM(> to be violated upon his premises, or to confederate or aid itr abet any violations thereof, and any person so offendinjj shall be subject to the >ame penalty provided in precedinir sec tion for a viglation thereof. Sec. 2948. Three Days Nonce Requisite before Cutting Off Water. - i ijc iJoard ol Water Liiinnn>>iontr> jr» rc.juirc.j i«' notice to the consumers of water before cutting off their water supply. Sec. 2949. Injurmg Founts or Hydrants of Old Artesian Well Punishable— Penalty.— .\n^ • • • ,„ ^a.d City, in- jure t>r interfere with the i tuts, or any other ai)|)urtenanco of the artesian well, or any system of supplying water, or willful waste of water therefrom, shall, on conviction thereof l»r •'• • •• • -- - — '■• 1 ,- till. iiicrcui. i»r . r impns- onctl not e.\. •,. ,r.i. r\ Court. Sec. 2960. Hydrant Keys— Who May Have and Use.— It shall be unlaw lul i ti, other than an employee of the ^^''' 11 wi ihc City of Atlanta, to have in his I*^-~ .• -«-•>• for turninf!^ water on or oflF from any fire hydrants, except such keys as may be furnished by the \\ a- terworks Department to the Sanitary, Fire, or Street Depart- ments of the City of Atlanta. Sec. 2951. Hydrant Keys Made and Numberd— Furnished to the Other Departments — Receipts Taken— Persons Receipting Responsible.— liic Waterworks DcpariiiKiu ^liall have li\ponsil>! • ' - the custody and use of such key. 84(i w VI i:i<\\ oici\s i\i;i> — rvi's — in.mkii.s m-i-ih \ihin' Sec. 2952. Other Persons Having or Using Such Keys — Penalty. — Aiu i)cTson, firm, or corporatiKn, wliich sliall have in its possession or use any key to any tire hydrant in the City of Atlanta, and not receipted for in accordance with the above sec- tion, and any person nsinj^ a key to any i)f the fire hydrants, other than an officer or employee of the Waterworks, Sanitary. Fire or Street Departments, shall he subject to a i)unisliment. upun conviction before the Recorder's Court ttf the City of Atlanta, with a fine not to exceed one iiundred dollars, or imprisonment not exceeding thirty days, at the discretion of the Recorder's Court. Sec. 2953. Unlawful to Interfere With or Tap Water Mains — Pipes — Reservoirs Etc. — Penalty for Such — A Misdemeanor. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, to inter- fere, or in any way intermeddle with wells, reservoirs, basins, or with the water in the same- or with the water mains, pipes, plugs, meters, or connections in or out of the City of Atlanta, of the wa- terworks of the said City, or to make any connections therewith by tapping any of said mains, or pipes, or otherwise, without the knowledge and permission of the authorities of the Water l)oard of the City of Atlanta; or to their premise or premises in their possession and control as owners, agents, tenant, or otherwise, or to know'ingly use the water from sucli unauthorized connect- ions. Any person violating this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction in the Recorder's Court, shall be fined in a sum of not more than one hundred dollars, or imprisoned in the City Stockade not over thirty days, or both, in the discretion of the Recorder's Court, Sec. 2954. Introduction of Water — Application Necessary. Water shall not be introduced into any premises without appli- cation having been first made at the waterworks ofTice, and granted officially. Sec. 2955. Application Made by Owner or Authorized Agent. Every application must be made by the owner of the property to be benefited, or his or her authorized agent, according to the form prescribed by the Board of Water Commissioners. \V\TI-:K\\0HK7« — PKK>IIT«< (JlNNKJlloW — v||iT OFF ^^"J Sec. 2956. Application Granted — Conditions. Application shall only be {ijraiited upon the condition that the owner of the prop- erty to be benefited shall pay for each tap for the first twelve months the sum of not less than eighty cents per month, subject to discount of twenty-five per cent, if paid on or before the tenth of the miiall be pro- vided with a separate stop-cock and bo.x at the curb of the side- walk, when practicable, for each tenement or premises to be sup- lied. On private pipes laid on streets, which have no mains, a stop-cock and b<.»x will be supplied to each consumer free of cost. Xo shut-off .shall I"- i <1 on private property, or on a private alley. Sec. 2960. Ownership of Stop-Cock and Box — for Whose Use. The stop-cock and bo.\ at the curli are the property of the water- works, placed there for their sole use. Sec. 2961. Repairs to Pipes — By Whom — Failure to Repair on Notice — Remedy. — The pipe from the property line into the premises of the consumer are his property, and all the repairs to 848 \\ \Ti;ii\\(n«K«* I'll >iiii>«. Mi:ii;ii.s m-himxI im. the same iiiiist be made at liis expense. U said |ji|>t> We corroded or stopped up. so that there is not sufficient force to operate the meter, consumer will he retpiired to renew the same. I-'ailure to do this ui)on proper notice from tiie water otTice. tl>e water will be cut off and not turned on attain until llie defect is remedied. Sec. 2962. Plumbing From Property Line Inward — V/hose Expense. All pluml)ini.,' fn>m the ])rnperly line inward mv.-t be done at tiic expense of ijie owner of the proi)erty. Sec. 2963. Two or More Parties on One Tap — Failure of Eith er to Pay Bill — Water Shut Off. . Whenever two or more panics are supplied l)y the same service pipe, the failure <>f any one of the number to pay the water bill, when due, shall authorize the Superintendent of the Waterworks to turn the water oil from the said pipe until the rates, terms and conditions are complied with. Sec. 2964. Water Used for Motive Power — Meter Furnished — Expense of Consumer — Attached Before Machine is Operated. iVll services intended to use City water as a motive i)ower. such as motors, elevators, organ motors, etc. must be provided with an approved meter by anil at the expense of the consumer, wdiich shall be attached before the machine is set in operation. Sec. 2965. City Water Introduced — Plumbing Must Be In- spected — Water Will not be Turned on Unless Satisfactory. Whenever the City water is introduced into any premises, or changes are made in water pipe or fixtures affecting the rates of supply, the plumber shall make a return of same to the water of- fice as soon as the work is completed, and the plumbing will then be promptly and carefully' inspected. The water will not be turn- ed on permanently in any case until the Inspector is satisfied that each and every rule relating to the subject has been com- plied with. Sec. 2966. Street Sprinkling with Wagons — Wagons Numb- ered — Meter May be Attached to Wagon by Board, if Desired. Persons intending to sprinkle the streets with wagons must ar- range in advance with the Board of Water Commissioners ; each \\ \'rKHUOHK«> — KIHK ritl» IKf TIllN ItlM.I l.\||nN' S4!» cart or wagon must be plainly numbered, so the Inspector can report the number of such carts or wagons in service. The Board reserves the right to attach a meter to each or any of these wagons for the purpose of metering the supply furnished bv them. Sec. 2967. Water for Fire Protection — No Charge — Water Department Ncliftcd. W henever water is u>ed on any unmcter- ed service f«>r (ire protection, in actual case of condagrati<»n, ii.. charge will be made for same; provided, that the Water Depart- ment is notified in writing within twcnty-four hours after all fires. Sec. 2968. Rcsulaticns as to Fire Pipes— May Require Meter. Pipes fur protection must be tittttl up with such li.\turts oniv a> are needed for fire protection. A valve must be placed just in- side the premises to control the entire sujiply. All such valves must be scaled by the Water Department, and in no case shall the seal be broken except in case of actual fire, .\fter notifica- rc-scal thoe valves. The Hoard of Water Commissioners shall have |H)wer. in their discretion, to require all such fire services to be provided with a meter to be put in at any time, such as said tion of >cal being broken, it shall be the duty «»f the Inspector to lioard may in each case prescribe, either at the time of making the tap or afterwards, and to make any changes or just and rea- sonable repuirements as gi>od service may from time to time re- quire in each ini.tancc. either as to .said meter, or as to any other part of said appliance^ pert.iiniiu' t.. tli.- > im,- Sec. 2969. Tests of Fire Apparatus — How Secured— Condi. tions. Parties basing cotmectioti-,. u-iiig i-t is desired, when date and hour will be assigned the applicant. Second — .Ml tests must be made in the presence of the pro- posed employee of the Waterworks Department, whose duty it is to remove and replace the seals of the Water Department. r)4 850 \\ \'i"i:n\\onKs — r\rs — i\i i:hii:im:n« i: iti i.k«« 'l"l,i,-(l — i.\,r eacli and every vi(dati<>n of the above, the offend- ing party shall have the water cut off, and he subjected to a fine of not less than $5.00, nor more than $50.00. in the discretion of the Recorder's Court, upon conviction of such violation therein. Sec. 2970. Owner Pays for Tap — Connections Only by Water- works Employees. — The expense of tapjjing the mains, making connections, placing valves, meters or any protective device, that the Board of Water .Commissioners may seem necessary to pre vent the illegal use of water, must in all cases be borne by the owner of the propert}' benefited. All connections to the property 'line and placing of meters must be made by the authorized em- ployees of the Water Department. Sec. 2971. Interference with Water Pipes Etc. Forbidden — Punishment Prescribed. — li .shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, to interfere with or in any way intermeddle with any of the wells, reservoirs, basins, or with the water in same, or with the water mains. i)i[)es. i)lugs, meters or connections in or out of the City of Atlanta of the waterworks of the said City, or to make any connection therewith bv tapi)ing any of said mains or pipes, or otherwise in violation of the laws and ordinances of the City, now or hereafter enacted, without the knowledge and permission of the authorities of the Water Board of the City of Atlanta, or to knowingly permit any such connection or tapping to be made on their premises, or premises in their possession or control as agent, tenant, or otherwise, or knowingly use water from such unauthorized connection. Any person violating this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction in the Recorder's Court shall be fined in the sum not to exceed $100.00, or imprisonment in the City Stockade not over thirty days, or both, in the discretion of the Court. Sec. 2972. Police to Assist in Enforcing Rules. It shall be the duty, of the police of the City of Atlanta to give vigilant aid to the Board of Water Commissioners in the enforcement of their rules and regulations, and to this end they shall report all viola- tions thereof, which comes to their knowledge to the waterworks office. %\ \TKi<\\ oKKs — KNTKU I'KKMISES — KMtntGKXCV — MtrTEll** g5J Sec. 2973. Board Has Right to Enter Premises — Inspect Pipes and Fixtures — Denial of This Right Subject to Penalty. The lk)ard of Water Coinniisviiuicrs. and pr(»pcr ( )lTiccrs <'j the W ater Department have the right at all hours to enter upon the prem- ises where the City water is taken, for the purpose of inspecting tiie pipes and fixtures, setting and reading and repairing meters, turning water otT and on, and enforcing the rules generally. Each and every denial of this right will render the offending par- ties liable to the penalties prescribed for the violation of the rules. Sec. 2974. Water Shut Off in Cases of Emergency — Notice Given, if Practicable — No Liability for Insufficient Supply of Water. The Hoard of Water Commissioners and proj>cr Officers uf the \\ ater IX'jiartment may .>top the supply of water in cases of emergency, and shut it off fur repairs or extensions; they being judges of the times and necessity. Reasonable nc direct, .\fter the adoption of these rules and regulations all meters will be set by the Hoard of Water Commissioners according to the rules and regulations made by them, and at a price to be fixed by them, .\fter the purchase «)f the first meter by the property-owner as herein pro- vided for, the City will keep the same in repair, and replace it with a new one, when necessary, without any further expense to the property-(»wner. The Hoard «»f Water Commissioners are hereby authorized, when any meter was put in service prior to June 18!>7. and is found not to register correctly, and is worn out, or so badly worn that it cannot be repaired without great ex- pense to the Department, to condemn the same, and put in a new- meter at the expense of the property-owners, the expense of same to be fixed by the Hoard of Water Commissioners. After the meter is put in, and paid for by the property-owner, the expense 8r)2 \\ \'ii:n\\ ouivs — >iMi:i:'i <»im:m\«.^ — i-m i i < i riri of kccpiiit; it in repair. aiilreel> "i the City of Atlanta, either under or without jjermil. shall pr- vide for the coveriiii;- and protection of water i)ipes. which may be exposed by such opening, whether e.xpjsed by excavation or otherwise, and said coverinj.^ and protection shall be sufficient to preserve said i)ipe.s from freezinj^ or breaking or from injury in any manner. This reL;ulation shall apply to all water i)ipes be- longing to the City of Atlanta, whether main, lateral, service. for connection, or for hre. tir otherwise. Sec. 2977. If Unable to Protect Pipes. Must Notify Depart- ment of Waterworks — When. — .\ny person, hrm, or corj)oration, who may open or excavate in the streets of tiic City, and Oiercby expose pipes of the City bearing water, whether large or small, shall secure same against freezing, or breaking, or injury, as r*.-- ([uired under Sec. 2970 of this ordinance: and. if unable to do so. it shall be their duty to notify the Department of the Waterworks prior to two o'clock P. M. of the day of said excavation or open- ing. The provisions of this, and the foregoing section shall apply to all persons, firms or corporatit)ns, including employees of pub lie service corporations such as electric light, telephone, steam heating or street cars, as well as to employees of the City, whether official or subordinate. Sec. 2978. Penalty for Violation of Above Sections. — Any jier- sons, firms, or corporations, violating any of the foregoing provis ions shall, upon conviction in Recorder's Court, be punished by a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars ($100.00). or imprison- ment not exceeding thirty (30) days, one or both penalties to be inflicted within the discretion of the Court having jurisdiction. w ITFIHW oitixo HI (.1 I. \ I ION- \\ \ I I II Ml I «.ii)i; i.nii I •• s.",;] Sec. 2979. Person Opening Streets Liable for any Damages. .\ii\ pcr-on, firm. <>r corpMraiitui, \vh«>se the water -pipes, as lierein provided iDr, shall be liable for all damajjes, that may be sustained by such <»pening or excavation, which may ari>e from a failure to comply with this ordinance. Sec. 2980. Regulations as to Furnishing Water to Persons Outside of City Limits. — .\o w.uer .^hall be lurni>hed to ci>n-ii:r. • tr> ui any docription outside the City linuts except u|>on the fal- lowing conditions :- .\pplication shall be made in writing to the IJoanl of Water Conunis^ioners b\ the party i>r parties desiring the service with their genuine signalure^ appended thereto, offering to give suita- able b.>n»l and >ecurit> . ami agreeing to pay all expen>e i>f mater- iai and lal>or for laying mains and making connectii»ns to the property-line, including the pipes, valves. hydrant> and all other fixtures; an«I concc«ling to the City the right, at its option, to pur- chase said mains and appliances anuld the City limits be extended over them, at actual cost with three per cent (.i) per annum deducted for depreciali«jn. These expenses are to be paid by the I'ctitioners upon approved bills and pay-rolls of the Water Department as the work progresses. S(j that the City shall be at n»» expense whatever therein. In said petition, said parties shall also agree for themselves and their successors, so as to become a covenant running with their lands, that the line, when laid, is to be unf the Water Department, now or hereafter made, governing similar services inside the City limits; with the same right to enter on premises, make inspec- tions, shut-off water t)r employ an\ other remedy provided by such laws, ordinances or rules. Hie applicants shall in each instance present witii their peti- tion the consent, in due fi)rm. of the I'oard of County Commis- cs:)4 \\ A TKIt — OITSIUIO rn\ I'l l« M^ni N<. HI l.l> 1*1.1 >IMi:H'«. sioners. or otlicr county authuritics. for placiiij^^ tlu- -^tnl^tllrl•^ in the public road. All such water consumers outside of the City limits shall pay each a miniiuuni rate of $1.(JI) (one dollar and sixty cents), less the discount, bein<>) more than manufacturers inside the City. X'o free scr\ice or free use of water shall be allowed outside the City imless first recommend- ed by the Water Department and especially approved by the ]\Iay"or and Ciencral Council. Jn all other instances, it shall be in the discretion of the Board of Water Commissioners to grant or refuse the petition ; except that when any main or pipe is sought to be laid that is above six (6) inches in diameter, the consent and approval, on recommendation of the Hoard of Water Com- missioners, shall also he obtained from the Mayor and ( ienerril Council before the i)erniit becomes elTectual. The City reserves the right te) connect said main or mains for connecting up circulation at any time, and the right to cut off wa- ter at any time, without notice, for rejiairs to mains ; or in case of a scarcity of water inside the City. The service shall also be subject to any further .-eastjuable rules of adn-.i'i'Stratioti for co • rect use and practice, as experience may show, to be necessary. just and proper. The City also reserves the right in the discre-- tion of the Board of Water Commissioners, to cut-off' water from said service or services, or any part of the same, and discontinue the service in case of violation of any abuse arising under the same. Sec. 2981. Restrictions Upon Plumbers. — Xo plumber shall be allowed to do any work or to make any connections on anv prem- ises in the City, that is calculated in any wise to effect a change in the water rates, without first making application to the Water D-'partment. and specifying the nature of the changes to be made. ' such as the number of fixtures, connections, etc., and getting a permit from the Water Department to do such work; and as soon as the \york has been executed, he shall make immediate re- W VIKItW UHK- —MKTKKS — OWNKHs — IM.I >llli;if hn.') turns to the Water Department oi all such work done by him. tie shall report all plumbing or use of water that is contrary to the rules, that may come to his notice. Sec. 2982. Duties of Property Owners as to Meters More Clearly Set Forth. — When meier>. ownecl by individuals, and put into >ervice prior to June "Jnd, IhJJT. and all meters in service over two inches in size, are repaired by said Hoard, and broken parts have been furnished in the course of said repairs, the cost thereof shall be paid by the parties owning. contr(dling, or us inj;( said meters, and if >aid parlies refuse to pay for the cost of replacing' said broken parts, within thirty days after the re-in- stallation of said meters, and notice lo tenants and landlords or agent of landlords by mail, if known, the record or memoran- dum of department showinjj that the mailing mnice has been mailed, is to be sufficient cvi«lence of notice, then said i'oard shall cause the water supply to be shut off from the premises supplied through said meter> until such time as the cost of said broken parts shall be paid. Provided that this ordinance shall be enforced only for cost of new parts placed by the Water De- partment after the passage of this ordinance. Sec. 2983. No Plumber Shall Allow Another to Use His Li- cense — All plumbing Work to be Done Properly — Good Ma. terial and Reliable Labor. Xo i 'lumber >hall allow hi> name to be usetrictly to the rules of the l'>oard of \\'ater Commissioners. Sec. 2984. All Plumbing Work Connected With Sewer Flush Tanks — Under Supervision of Waterworks Department — De- partment Repairs — Leakages. — .Ml i)luml)ing work connected with sewer Mush tanks, etc. necessary to erpiip and operate them as now or hereafter adopted by the City of Atlanta, shall be done imder the supervision, control and management of the Dei)art- mcnt of Waterworks, and said Department of Waterworks shall not only make necessary connections to flush tanks, but shall re- pair all leakages therein, or^)thcr defects, whereby the City ser- vice is injured. Li-f w \ ri:u\\ uitiv^ I'll >ii«i:hs — « i»\ m:« iions — \\i:i,i,s — (|sii:i(ns Sec. 2985. Plumber Cannot Turn Water Into Service Pipe — Except — Penalty for Violation. — Xd plumhcr will l)e pLTiniiicd til turn water into any service pipe (aside froni the purpose of testing;- his vvori<, when it must he immediately turned oft aj^ain). riumhcrs, who violate any of these rules, or others that the Board of Water Commissioners may prescribe, will be deprived of their certificate, subject to action of said Board. Sec. 2G86. Penalty for Violation of any of the Provisions of This Chapter. — .\ny person, firm, or corporation violating: any of the provisions of this Chapter, upon conviction thereof before the Recorder's Court, unless a special i)enalt\ is otherwise prescrib- ed, shall be lined not exceeding one hundred dollars, or impris- onment in the stockade not exceedini; thirty days. t)r both, in the discretion of the Court. Sec. 2987. Water Inspectors Have Police Powers. — Police pow- ers are herebx conferred upon the water meter readers and in- si)ectors of the Waterworks Department. Sec. 2988. Wells and Cisterns— Pits— Holes — Must be Cov- ered or Enclosed. — It shall be the dul} of all persons owning or occupying- lots in the City of Atlanta, or their agents or repre- sentatives, to keep all wells, cisterns and other pits and holes in the earth, therein ov on the same, securely covered or enclosed. so as to pre\ent injury resulting therefrom to the person or prop- erty of others. Sec. 2989. Penalty for Failure to Comply With This Regula- tion. — Any such person, who shall suffer or allow any well, cis- tern, or other pit or hole in the ground, to be or remain open, unenclosed, or otherwise so exposed as to be dangerous to the person or property of inhers. alter being notified by an officer of the L'ity. shall, on ccMiviction. be fined in a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars and costs; or not exceeding thirty days im- prisonment in the calaboose, or both, in the discretion of the Re- corder's Court ; and every twenty-four hours, that the same stands ojien anil unencloseil, alter conviction, shall constitute a se]Kirate oiYense. W \ I i:U\\ itUKs — \\ |;|,|,> — r \ M\> — INMMM TIO\ — S«HKK> 8r)7 Sec. 2990. Old Unused Wells Shall be Filled— Penalty for Failure. — Old and unused wells shall be tilled by the owners or aj^'ents in charge thereof, and it shall be the duty of the Sanitary inspectors to see that this is done as follows: A written notice shall be served personally upon the owner or agent, to fill said wells, and upon their failure to do so. they shall be summoned before the Recorder's Court, and upon conviction of violating this ordinance shall be fined'not exceeding one hundred dollars, or imprisoned not excececurely screened with good .wire netting of not less than l8-me^h, and shall be so knit together a^ to se- cure the water in such reservoirs from contact with mos(|uitoes or similar insects, and to entirely pre\ent ingre>> and egress by said mos<|uitos or similar insects from and after the first day of May to the first day of December of each year. Sec. 2992. Sanitary Inspectors — Police — Other Employees — See That This is Carried Into Effect. — It sliall be the duty of the sanilary in>pectors, police officers, and other emj)loyees of the City, tt) see that the prcnisions (jf this ordinance are carried into etlect. and upon tluir failure to re|)ort violations 'of this' ordi- nance known to them, such failure shall subject them to be charged in their respective dei)artments. and to dismissal for breach of duty in this regard. Sec. 2993. Any Person in Charge of Such Unscreened Tank — Punishable. — .\ny person, firm, or corporation, occupying land or houses, either as owner or tenant, who in any manner is re- sponsible for the presence or maintenance of the tank, cistern, or similar construction containing water upon any lot. land, or in or upon any building within the limits of the Citv of .Atlanta. h:)S \\ \'n:n\\ onus (is'i'i:u\s -i-ii{i> — i-itviMi\ isin«. or without tlie limits of tlie City of Atlanta, but withiu the po- lice limits thereof, shall, on conviction thereof, in the Record- er's Court, he hiK'd not exceeding one hundred dollars for each oiYense, or compelled to work upon the i)ui)lic works for not ex- ceeding thirty days, one or both punishments to he inflicted within the discretion of the Recorder. Sec. 2994. Each Day it Continues a Separate Offense. -The ])resence of water, not screened as herein provided. uj)on land or upon buildings as aforesaid, shall subject the offender, as above provided, to i)unishment for each day such violation con tinucs. Each da\ constituting a separate offense. Sec. 2995. Cistern Water Only for Extinguishing Fires — Penalty for Using Otherwise. — Any person drawing water from the i)ublic cisterns of the City, except for the purpose of extin- guishing fire, shall upon conviction, be subject to a fine of not ex- ceeding one hundred dollars and cost, or imprisonment 'not ex- ceeding thirty days, or ])oth- in the discretion of the Recorder's Court. Sec. 2996. Water Service Cut Off Where Tampered With Un- til Case Made. — in all cases, where it appears that water ser- vice furnished by the City has been tampered with by the party served, or his agents, in any way, either by using a by-pass and thus preventing the water from passing through the meter, or, in any other way securing water without the knowledge of the City, .where same is not registered and paid for. such service, upon ascertainment of this fact, shall immediately be cut oflF, and the officers and employees of the Department of AN'ater Works are required to see that such service is discontinued until such time as a case shall have been made against such persons, or their agents, in the Recorder's Court of the City of Atlanta, for a violation of the ordinances of the City, and a decision had. Sec, 2997. In Such Cases, Full Compensation Before Service Restored. — In all cases where such parties or their agents are found guilty, in addition to the sentence imposed by the Record- \\ \ I i:i<\\ UKKs — l'l(\lll IN I s|; m:\\ s|.:it\|(|.< 859 er, such party shall appear before the Board of Water Lominis- sioners and make a full and complete compensation, for the use of all water, v,, improperly received, before the service is reestab- lished. 860 \\i;M;iri> >ii;\m iti- — iwi'i:* run — m r\ CHAPTER XCV. WEIGHTS AND M ICASIKI'.S. Sec. 2998. Inspector of Weights and Measures — Appointment — Salary — Bond. — The position of Inspector of \\'eit;;:hts ior the City of Atlanta l)c. and the same is hereby created, .^aid Inspec- tor shall be appointed by the Mayor, and shall hold each appoint- ment for a period of two years, unless removed by the Mayor for incompetency or neglect of duty. Such Insi)ectnr shall re- ceive a salary of $1,200,00 per annum, payable uionilily. and shall give bond in the sum of $2,000.00 to be approved by the Clerk of Council of the City of Atlanta, payable to the City of .Atlanta, conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties of said of- fice. Sec. 2999. Duty — Tests Scales — Notice of Defects — Discon- tinue — Seize. — It shall be the duty of such Inspector to examine and test the scales of all dealers in the City of .\tlanla who sell their commodities, w^ares or merchandise by weigiit, at least once during each month, and to determine the accuracy or inac- curacy of same. It shall be the duty of said Inspector, in the event he finds any of the said scales to be inaccurate, to serve written notice of such fact upon the person, firm or corporation using or operating such scales, which said notice shall be served upon the person in charge of the place of business where said scales are located, and said notice shall contain a demand upon the person, firm or corporation using or operating said scales to discontinue the use thereof until required and accurately regu- lated, and unless such inaccurate scales are repaired and made correct within ten days after the service of such notice as herein provided, said Inspector shall seize the same in the name and under the authority of the City of Atlanta. Sec. 3000. Power — Enter Premises — Stop Wagons — City Scales. — Said Inspector is hereby given the power and the au- \\i:n.iii«. — IN""!'!! iii»N s« \i.i;s < itNMi :>i m:i) S«il tnority tu enter ui>un the premises occupieO by any dealer in tlie City of Atlanta sellinjj any commodity, wares, or merchandise by weight, for the purpose of inspecting the scales used or oper- ated by such dealer as herein provided, and said Inspector shall likewise have power ami authority to hail any wagon on the streets of the City of Atlanta delivering coal, coke, charcoal, or any other commodity sold by weight, and tt> compel the driver thereof to proceed to the nearest Official City Scales for verifica- tion of the weight n «if thi- Rrinrdi-r Sec, 3002. Unlawful to Use Condemned Scales — Penalty. — It shall be unlawful for any per>on. firm or C(jrporation in the City of .\tlanta. selling any conmiodity, wares or merchandise by weight, to use for the jnirpose of weighing any such com- modities, wares or merchatidise any scales which have been ad- judged inaccurate and defective by the Inspector of Weights of the City of Atlanta, and notice of such inaccuracy served upon such person, firm or corporation, and any person, firm or corpo- ration, violating this section hereof shall upon conviction be pun- ished by a fine of not less than SIO.C^' nor more than $100.00. or labor on the streets or public works of the City of .\tlanta for not exceeding thirty days, either or both, in the discretion of the Recorder. Sec. 3003. Coal — Coke — Must be Weighed — How.— That it shall l)t.' unlawful for any dcaKr in coal or coke to .sell same by weig-ht in the City of .Atlanta unless said coal or coke so sold shall have been weighed upon accurate scales of such dealer or of the i)arty from wh<»ni he purchasetl. or the of- ficial city scales, and certificate of such weight shall be delivered by said dealer to the purchaser, and any such dealer who shall sell any coal or coke in the City of Atlanta without weighing same, or who shall bver-certify such weight to an amount of 2o pounds, on deliveries of less than 500 pounds, and of 50 pounds on deliv- eries above 500 pounds, shall upon conviction thereof before the Recorder of the City of Atlanta, be punished Ly a tine of not less than $10.00 nor more than $100.00, or by labor on the streets or otiier public works of said City for not exceeding thirty days, either or both, in the discretion t>f the Recorder, and should it appear upon the hearing before the Recorder that such shortage in weight was intended to cheat or defraud the i)urchaser, it shall be the duty of the Recorder to bind the otTender over to the City Court for a violation of the State offense. Provided, however, that the terms of this ordinance shall not aj)ply to coal and coke sold in carload lots upon weights at mines, and where the same is not to be reweighed at point of delivery. APPKXDIX RULES FOR THE (.OVEKN.MENT OF THE MAYOR AND GENERAL COL NCTL OF THE CITY OF ATLANTA Rule 1. 1 he Mayur and < iencral Council will meet at the Council Chamber at :i:(H) «/clock 1'. M. on the first and tliird Mondays in each month, and continue in session from day to pecial meetinj^s of the General Council may be called l)\ the Mayor, whenever in his discretion the oxijjcncies of the case may require it ; such nieetinj^s shall be called, by the Mayor, at any time that a majority of the members of the Gen- eral Council shall rct the >amc in writnj,'. Should the Mayor refuse, or for any reason fail to call such special meeting of Council upon the written re<|uest of a majority of Council, the Clerk of Council shall be miuired to call such special meetinj^. Rule 3. A majorit) -i nn. iu^ii.i,<.i- -i Oi,. »,v...o.ii ^ ouncil shall constitute a (|uvrum for the transaction of business, and in all cases a less number may adjourn from time to time, and com- pel the attendance of absentees. Rule 4. 1 he Max-n j I'-iiin, --i m m-^ .in-<.iiiv. .lu^s mcndjer of the General Council, who may be desij^natcd by the members present, (a tpiorum beinj; present), shall take the chair at the hour api>ointed for any rej^ular, adjourneide durintj the election of officers. Rule 5. The presiding officer, whether the Mayor. Mayor Pro-tem «»r any member of the General Council, shall enforce the rules of this body, preserve order anrl decorum, and appoint all committees, unless the General Council shall otherwise direct, in which case they shall be appointed by the General Council, in such manner as mav be determined upon. 55 8GG iti t.r.s (M' (.-|':m:i( \i. foi %(-ir. Rule 6. 1 lie fullowinnr order shall be observed in the transac- tion of business, viz : 1. Roll Call. 2. Prayer, 3. Report of Committee on Minutes. 4. Reconsiderations. 5. Communications. 6. Report of ( )fftcers. 7. Unfinished Uusiness. 8. Changes made by Aldermanic Hoard. 9. Petitions. 10. Reports of Standing Committees. 11. Reports of Special Committees. 12. Resolutions, Orders and Ordinances. 13. Consideration of Franchises, 14. Adjournment. Rule 7. Xo account, not examined and certified to be correct by a member of the proi)er committee, or by the Mayor, will be passed. Rule 8. Every committee shall report u()on the subject mat- ter referred at the succeeding meeting, or shall show gooil cau-c why such report is not made. Rule 9. Every olificer whose duty it is made, by order or reso- lutions in the General Council, to report at the regular meetings of this body, shall punctually perform his duty, or be tined. in the discretion of t'he General Council. Rule 10. All ordinances requirng action by the General Coun- cil in joint session shall undergo one reading each at two differ- ent regular, special or called meetings before adoption, except that by a tw^o-thirds vote of the members present an ordinance can be read twice at the same regular, called or special meeting- and adopted. Rule 11. All motions shall be reduced to writing at the re- quest of the presiding officer or any member of the General Coun- cil. Itl LB.H OI-- (.KM':i<\i. roi X II S6T Rule 12. In all matters pending before the General Council, a majority >hall govern. In all cases of a tie, the presiding oflficer, shall give the casting vote, but at no other times, and under no other circumstances, shall he be jjcrmitted to vote. Rule 13. ilach member .»f the (Jencral Council, before speaking shall rise and respectfully address the Chair, and af- ter being recognized shall remain standing while speaking, and shall confine himself to the (juestion under debate, and avoid all personal or indecorous language. No member -«hall interrupt another while speaking, except to rise to a point of order, the point to be briefly stated to the presiding officer, or to ask a question, f«»r information only. Rule 14. The presiding officer shall decide questions oi or- der, subject to an appeal to the (ieneral Council. Rule 15. In all votes in their r<. ,.vw.,v .....<-. n.^v.i.i.v u-^ or ordinances, having for their object the increase of the indebt- edness of the City, or the expenditure of its revenue, except the payitient of its salaried officers, any one Alderman, or any twa Councilmen, may give notice t»f a motion t<» reconsider, which notice, in either case, shall delay the <|uestion until said reconsid- eration can be acted on at the next regular meeting. In all other cases, a motion to reci>nsider any of the proceedings of the Gen- eral Council will not be entertained, unless made by a member who i)reviously voted in the af^irmati\e. Rule 16. That a motion to refer to regular Council Commit- tee, or to lay on the table, is not a motion of final disjwsition. That an .\ye and Nay vote by roll call shall not l>e permitted ex- cept 1 >ii iniiv (if (lisp, i^ition. Rule 17. In the order of business established by Rule G when the head of Reports of Committees is reached, the reports oi the CoMiniittii- uill Ik- (.-ailed for in tin- f. -11. iwinL-- > TfU-r ■ 1. i. ' Mniiiil U'c I'll .XluiiUes. 2. Committee on Auditorium and Cojiventions. 'i. Committee on IJridges. 4. Committee on Cemeterv. SiiH III i.i'.s oi- <;i:m;h\i. < oi >« ii. f). CniiHiiittc'c on Claims. (i. Conimitlee uii J-Llcctric and ( )tluT Railways. 7. ConiniittL'C on J'llectric Li^Hit, 'l\-lfuiaph> and '\\-\c- phones. 8. Committee on lioard nf l-'lcctrical Ci>nti(d. 0. Committee on I-'ire. K). Committee on Board of I'irc Masters. 11. Committee on I'inance. 12. Committee on I'Veijjfht Kates and TranspMiiaiion. 13. Committee on Hospitals and Charities. 14. Committee on Library. 15. Committee on ( )rtlinance> and Legislation. 1(). Committee on Parks. 17. Committee on Police. 18. Committee on I'rintin;^-. 19. Committee on Prisons. 20. Committee on I'uhlic P>nildinj^s and (ironntls. 21. Committee on Public Lnprovements. 22. Committee on .*~^alaries. 23. Committee on ."^anitar}' .\ftairs. 24. Committee on Schools. 25. Committtee on Sewer and Drains. 26. Committee on Streets. 27. Committee on Tax. 28. Committee on \\'aterworks. Rule 18. \(t communication to the General Council shall be entertained unless the same be in writing-. Rule 19. The Clerk shall keep a separate l:)Ook. in w'hich shall be entered these and all other rules and by-laws which the Gen- eral Council may pass, and also a book in wdiich .shall be entered the several ordinances adopted by the General Council. Rule 20. Xo member of the General Council sliall speak more than ten minutes on any question under debate, except by permission of the General Council, nor more than once on the same question until all who wish to .>^peak shall have opportunil^y to do so: neither shall an}^ member speak twice on the same question without permission from the General Council. Rule 21. Xo person, not a member of the General Council, Ml i.Ks OK (;i-:\Kit\i. roi \« ii. HG'^ >«hall speak on any matter pending witliout the unanimous con- sent of the members present. Rule. 23. All reix^rts of Committees on matter-; referred to -•r originating^ with them, shall be written in ink. and •ibn'.l. in all cases, be so framed as to clearly indicate the action >>i the com- mittee; and if the report invol\•e^ tlie expenditure of money, it ^hall. in all cases, show the amount to be expended, or an ap- proximate thereto, and >hall state from what fuml to !)«• taken. Rule 24. \\ lule the (jcneral Louncil »> ni ^c^^lon. its mem- btrs, as well as the officers <»f the City in attendance thereon, ^hall occupy the scats, or positions, in the Council Chamber res- pectively assigned them. N'o member of the ( ieneral Council xhall absent himself from sessit>n, except by permission of the presiding officer. N'o reading of newspapers shall be allowed in the Council Chamber during the sessions of the (Jeneral Coun- cil. I'pon re(|uest of the i)residing officir> numbers <>i the (ieneral Council shall refrain from smoking. Rule 25. .\11 petitions presented shall be referred by the chair to the appropriate c»>mmittee for c<»nsiderati«jn ; such ref- erence, howevrr. being subject to the coir- ' •' 'hv < IrinTa! ("oun- cil. Rule 26. The presiding officer, when liic tnjin.i.ii *. ..uncil is in session, shall enforce parliamentary rules for its government,, so far as they are applicable to such a legislative b(^dy and do not ctmflict witli the rules adopted. Rule 27. Mell's Manual shall be the recognized exponent of parliamentary law. Rule 28. Any additional rule or rules may, from time to time, be made by the General Council, but no alteration of a rule shall take place, nor the suspension of any rule, without a two-thirds vote of the members present. Rule 29. That the Mayor shall not have the privilege of de- bate on the flloor of the Council Chamber except wlien the rules have been duly suspended for that purpose. Rule 30. X(. i)erson other than the members i.f the General ■Council, the Mayor, tiie Mayor's Secretary, the Clerk of Coun- cil and his assistants and the heads of the Departments or their immediate representatives and representatives of each of the dai- ly papers shall be allowed within the rail or bar of the General Council while the same is in session, nor shall any person other than the Mayor or a member of the General Council seek to in- fluence the vote or support of any member of the General Coun- cil on the floor of said General Council or inside the railings of the same during- its sessions. ALDERMANIC BOARD RULES. Rule 1. The regular meetings of the Aldermanic Board shall be held at three o'clock P. M. on Thursday following the regu- lar meetings of the Mayor and General Council. Rule 2. All rules of Council where applicable to this Board, shall govern its conduct of business. INDEX INDEX Figures refer to sections. Vumbers below oOS refer to the Charter; other numbers refer to the ordinauces. Abbreviation et 8. — gectioD& following immediately or nearly after. the Abandonment See Culverts; Streets. Abatement. See .\uisances Abolishment of Offices. Cl'y engineer, J75 Commissioner of public works. 375 .Marshal, power as to, IKi Sexto:., \s\, 797 Absence. See Condemnation. Absence of Accused. i*enalty. wht-re not. eicused, 911' Absence of Officers. .\l(l«Tmen, >.'. Board members, 504 Chief of Fire IX-partment. lu^O Commissioners of elections, 109 Committee members, 861 Councilmen, X5 Mayor; mayor pro tem. CJ, OS Recorder's «ourt, presidInK in. 909 Abesence of Witnesses. IViialty for, if not excused, 915. 935 Accouchers, Registry; reix>rt»; penalty, 1551-3 Accounts. Approval of. nIO, S8C Auditor to exan>iii*». 1»<7 Collection of, SSs Comptrollers dut\ .i^ ^^, 227. SIO, S72 et 3. Council examine, ISS Duplicate, to be made in, SSG Health iboard. 1200 Officers reports, S8S. 893 Reports to comptroller, SS8, S93 Sewer and street work, 802, 804. 810, 830 Accounts — Continued. Street and sewer appropriations, 2409 Actions at Law. See Suits Adulterations. Cigarettes, etc. 2033 Cream, butter, cheese, 1353 Milk. 1353. 1354 Advertisements. Se« Notice Hids for printing. 1705 Hids, leKulations as to, S31. 832 Buildings, erection of, 2302 Busuu'ss subject to license. 1898 Kxecutlon tmies by marshal, 1570 applications. 1463, 2762 Impounded anin>al8, 1393, 1403 Intoxicatlngdrink signs, 1653 .\»-ar l)eer licenses. 1637 Near beer signs. 14J71 Power of mayor and council to con- tract without. 2471 Street-injprovements, 2405 Tax committee's sales, 1582 Cnclaimed property taken by polic* force, 2019 Affidavit. Bid, to be filed with, 832 Affrays, ivlvl*^ Agents. Book agents register, 187€ Chief of construction may act by, 2.')S9 ("9), 2.39G (2S) Failure to return sales, 1872 Insurance, 1546-154S Percentage lax on, 1546-154S 874 imh;\ Ailantus. Destruction, as nuisance, Alabama Slings Prohibited. 1773 Alabama Street. Bridge authorized, 38" City to pay State, 381 Condemnation of way, 384 Extension authorized, 380 Provision for expense, 383 Railroad, extension over, 383, 3S4 Rights of W. & A. Railroad, 380, 3S2 Alarms. Fire- 1011, 10(53 et s. Alcohol. Drugs?ist selling, how protected, 15 18 Aldermen. See Mayor and General Council Act with council, save when, 72, 73, 80 JBoard of, who presides over, 59 Boards, membership on, 4G5, 4GG Contract with city, can not, 100 Eighth Ward, G Elected annually; general ticket, SO, 951 Eligibility, 77, 70, 4G4, 493 iHold till successors qualify, 100 Liability as individuals, 207 Liability to refund to city, 19S Limit, six continuous years, 79, 493 Minority, powers of, 85 Number, one for each ward, 7C Oath of office, 64, 69-71 Ordinances, concurrence in, 86, 99 Other office, can not hold, 464 Quorum of board, 84 Recorder, may act as, 425 Recorder's court, presiding in, 909 Removal from ward, vacancy, SI Salaries, 80 Separate body, when act as, 86, 99 Succeed selves one term, 79, 493 Term of office, three years, 76 Aldermen— Continued. Vacancies, and how filled. 81, 102 Vacancy by accepting other office, 4Gi; Vote In council, when none, 86, 87 West End. 11 Alleys. Authority over, by charter. 328 Changed to streets, 2512 Curbing and sidewalk assessments, 2421 Obstructions in, 2432 Alms; Uulawful Soliciting. 1459-00 Alteration. WeiKher's certificate. 1C09 Amendment of Ordinances. 2380. Amusement Parks. Flying jennies in, 2308 Licenses: regulations. 2S78 Analyses. Milk or cream, 1320. 1321, 1326 Animals. t'ruelt,y or al)use, 1416, 1419 Diseased, on streets. 1234, 1235 Diseased, rendering unfit, 1369 Escaped or strayed, 1393, 1394, 1405 Fastening to tree, fence, or lamp- post, unlawful, 2473 Feeding on streets, 182C Grazing; permiss'ion required, 1404 Impounded, regulations of, 1393 et s. Protection to, in parks, 1735-7 Slaughter regulations, 1365, 1367 et s. Vicious, at large, 2483 Annexation. See Extension. Battle Hill, 32 Conditions of, 8-23, 27, 28 Cook's District, 24 Copenhill, 24, 26 East Atlanta, 4, 24, 26, 27 Edgewood, 24, 26, 27, 30 North Atlanta, 5, 24 875 Annexation— Continued. Oakland City, 24 South, 21 West End. S-23 Annual Reports. See Reports to Coun- cil Annual Statement and Estimate. Entry on minutes, 194 Ta\ "s. 14G. 193 Trt-.i 1S5 Wben and how made, 193, 194 ;ir;ik;f iii imuhIiIii;, Apartments. Sleepini.' 544 SlefpiuK. uui iu theatre building, 2S4 ! Apparatus, Water. E^xaminutiun and ini»i)ecilon, 2G4 Penalty for i>rfvemlr.K Inspection, Appeal. Assessors' award, from, 269. 270, 29«. 33n, 409, 470 Appearance. Bail for, ZS. 950, lOlS, el fi Appointments. Seo KmpIoyeeB; Offi- cers. Pollrenu'ii and offlctT-j vis .•• < Apportionments. Expenditure not to exceed, S9S Financf committee, by, S14 Payments from regular, SIC Sewers and streets, SI 4 Appropriations. Apportionment to departments, 195 Books to show status of, 904 CarneRie Library, 46S Departments, of, SS5 Exceeded, must not be, 19S, 570 Fiscal year, estimate of income, 194 Appropriations — Continued. Grady Hospital. 1421 Health board, 1199 How made, 197, 2C1 Liability of mayor, etc. 198 Penalty for exceeding; suit, 198 Sanitary purposes, 325 Si)ecify fund, resolution must, 197 Street and sewer accounts, 2409 Varied, when, 196 Warrants must specify fund, SSC Waterworks, not over income, 260 Aqueducts. Construct, power to, 243, 275 Injury to, penalty, 262 Arrests. Appearance, for default of, 912 Chief of police to make, 58. 417 Children under ten years, 2023 Fires, for offenses at, 1122-3 .Marshal to make, 58, 417 Parades, for obstructing, 2047 Policemen to make, 409, 1100, 1111, 1122, ISIO, ISIS Powt-r to make, 1052 Property of persons under, 2030 Warrants for, 58, 417 Ashes. Kemoval from bouses, 1111 Separate receptacle for, 2478 Asphalt. See Street Railroads. Oil on, forbidden, 2433 Sidewalk paving, 2421 Assemblages. Dispersed, if unlawlul, l'yl2 Streets, when unlawful on, 2449 Assembly Halls, 2829 et s. Garage not to be In building, 544 Assessments. See Taxes Appeal from award, 269, 270, 293, 333, 469, 470 At cash market value, 193 Award, how made, 329 et s. 876 iM>i::x AssesEments— Continupil. Award may be rejected. 33o, 334, 384 Collection enforced. 240S Corner lots; deduction, 2341 Defenses against, 240S Delay of wor\i. forbidden, 2C9 Disagreement of price, 2CS Duties of assesors, 14'6, 208 Early in the year, 193 Entry pending appeal, 4G9. 470 Equalized how, 343, 345 Executions for, 357, 2408 •General State law obtains, 2G7 Illegality, affidavit of. 2408 Lien of, 355, 35(1. 24nT One third as per frontage, 344 Option to accept, city has, 334 Ordinances for, 2402, 240C Payment in two months, 270 Prorating of, 343, 345 Sewerage, 293 et s., S04 et s. Sewer connections, 802 Sewers, for cost of, 2334 et s. Sidewalks, 342, 2419-20, 2422, 2424 Street improvements, 329 et seq., 804 et s.. 2404 et s., 2652 Taxation, for, 121, 146, 193, 2776 et s. Water-pipe along street, 257, 258 Waterworks purposes, 267 et s. Assessors. Appeal from award, 2G9, 270, 295, 333, 469, 470 Award, when made, 268, 332 Ck)ndem.niation, 267 et s., 3S4 Court lappoints, when, 269 Freeholders, when to be, 329, 330 Meet when and where, 331 Notice to appoint, 329 et s. Number of, 329-331 Rejection of award, 333, 334 Sewerage, 295, 303, 2320, 2340 Streets, laying out, etc., 329, 333 Taxing. (See Tax Assessors.) Umpire, appointment of, 331, 332 Assessors — Continued. \Vai«M\vurks, 267 et 8. Assets. ' ?[ Edgewood assets transferred, 27 West Knd assets stated. 14 Assistants. Attorney of city, 1 J J5 Chief of construction. 374 Deputy city clerk, 455 Deputy marshals, 2032 Inspector of dairies. 1361 2 License inspector, 1471-2 Police chi.'f. 2016 IS Astrologers Prohibited, 18523 Asylum. Sff Hospital. Athletics, Permits for, 1847 ct s. Atlanta. S. .• City ui .\tl;uit.T. Attorney for the City. Assistant appointed by. 1445 Compensation, how fixed. 440 Duties prescribed, 117, 438, 144? et s. Elected by popular voto, 116, 436, 483, 1442 Investigator of claims employed on recommendation of, 1444 Notice from charitable institutions or hospitals, 1466-7 Oath of office. 117, 439 Physicians' evidence on request, 1918 Removal from office, 119, 436 Street-improvement ordinance, 2402 Salary, 440, 1442 Sues negligent officers, etc., 1445 Supervision by mayor and cou-ncil, 117 Terra of office, two years, 116, 436 Title abstracts furnished by, 1443 Vacancy declared and filled, 117^ 118 Attractions. Parks; regulations, 1733 et s., 1756- INDEX 877 Auction. Street, forbiflden on. 24SO-2 Auctioneers. See Vendue .Ma.ster>. Obstructing street, unlawful, 2\VJ Auditor. Actess to books and papers, 507 (a) Accountant, must be. oM Appointed by flnance committee, Si- Compensation. ]S*J Comptroller not relieved by, oil' Confirmation or rejection by major and general council. 51 U I>utle« prescribed, 1ST. 5uT(a), 51i' Elected by mayor and council, 18C Elected when. 1m: Examination and audltn. IS7. SOT (a) Examination of accounts by mem- bers of council not relieved by, ISs Experle.-.ce. Ave years. 511 l.e displayed, 520, 521 Numbers; eize of figures, 521 Owners of cars, duty of, 517 et s. Penally for violating law, 524 Permission of owner, written, 520 Persons and vehicles, safety of, Phv-slclans and surgeons, 522 Record kept by clerk, 517 Rojjistry with clerk. 517 Kiijli' of r-^nd, must keep to, 51S, Kult. .-; ... road, 2C5:i Signals, bell, horn, etc., 521 Speed limits defined. 522 Streets, risk of defects In. 525 Whitehall Viaduct and approiches, 522 XN'hltehall viaduct, no "speed on, llTs Award. See Assessment; Assessors. 878 Awnings. Regulation; penalty, 2472 Wood in, how limited, 109C Badges. See Hacks, Policemen. Baggage Transfer. Charges restricted, 1143 Penalty for overcharge, 1143 Bail. See Bonds. Admission to, by mayor, 5S Balance-sheet. Financial condition shown by, 191 Minutes, to be entered on, 191 Banks. Depositories of city's moneys, 180, 184 Taxation of, 584-588 Treasurer's deposits, 2911-12 Barbed-wire Fence. Sidewalk, next or near to, 243C Barber-Shops. "White" Or "Colored" signs, 1800 Sunday regulations, 1799 Barking, Spieling, etc. 2435 Bathing in Parks, 173G Battle Hill Marshal, 494 Beer. See Liquor Traffic; Near Beer. License tax on, 134 Begging Unlawfwui, 1459 60 Belgian Blocks. See Paving. Bells. See Gongs Bicycles, warning of, 244G Bellwood Avenue. Police jurisdiction, 52 Bellwood Crossing. Closing of, 491 Benzine. Quantity, and how kept, 1113, 1114 IXDKX Betting. See Disorder. Betting on Races. Office, etc., pruluhitfd, li:{5 Penalty, li:'.G Beverages. See Licenses; Liquor; .\f;ii- Hi'cr. Bicycles. Automobile law not applied, 516 Bells for warning, 529, 244l! Car moving, not to run before, with- in fifty feet, 531 Collision; presumption of fault, 532 Motor cycles, 535 et seq. Negligence presumed from injury. Penalty far violation, 530, 534 Rules of the road, must obey, 2653-4 Sidewalk, no riding on, 52S Speed limit, 530, 1178 Streetcars, not to run between, 531 Whistles, unlike pulicc. 533, 2445, 2447 Whitehall street viadmt. on, 1178 Bids. Advertisements for, 831 Affidavit filed with, 832 Catch-basin and manhole covers, 2384 Cement for sewers, 2385 Certified check required. 2'SSi et s. Collusion or combination, S32 Curbing and sidewalks, 238G Deposits with; forfeiture, 831. 23S4 et s., 2450 Open, when and how, 24^0 Option of installment payment giv- en, 2380 Paving with wood blocks, 239G Printing and stationery, S76 Public buildings, 2302 Rejection, right of, 2384 et s. Reward to informer, 832 Sewer work, 23S4 et s. Sidewalks, 23SG I.>DRX 870 Bids— Continued. Supplies for departments, ST8, SS9 Withdrawal not allowed, 831 Valves for sewer work. 23S4 Billiard-Roomt. Closing regulations, IGjC, ICoS, 1792 Sunday, not to be open, 1770 Billiards. Minors, consent of paienrs, IT'.ki I Billiard Tables. Lj(»'iis»- tax on, lUo Bill Posters. Bridge, must not post on, 5:^1 Consent of owner necessary, 334 Immoral or indecent deslfcn, etc.. License must be obtained, 55.'! Obscene pictures, etc., 555 Penalty for violating, 553 ct s. ParloKting in. 17.17 Permit to erect board fence. 5.') 7 Posts, what not to be used. 554 Registry required, 55:! Revocation of |>erniit. 55a Tax. must pay, 553 Bills. .>^i-.- \. 1- iiiit> Birds. .Mocking-birds, trapping. 1S3C Parks, protected in, 17o7 Births. R»>Klstry and rei)orr. 1551, 1555 Black Hall District. Police purposes, etc., embraced for, 47 Blacksmith Shops. Fir.' proof, in liiuiis. 1093 Blasting. Sewers, for, 2389 Blind Tigers. Traveling, unlawf\il. :»;4(t Boarding-Houses. Building resulations, 591, 729 Control and regulation, 4C3 Objections; judgment of council, 729 Permit, when granted, 729 Prior ordinances validated, 463 Prohibited, may be, where, 4u:] Theatre buildings, not allowed In, 24S1 Boards .\bsence frani meetings, 5C1 -Appropriation, not to excee29'.< Couipi roller's books, harmonv witii, SS7 Contracts, etc., when l>ind city, 241 Education. 429 et seq., 2299 el s. Klectrlcal control. 405, 400, 507, 960 et 8. ElltiiMIity to membership, 4»;.'i. 1G€. i.\ ' :ii;iiiiig for license.-*. 'J*J2 K\' cutive head, duty of. 507 Expenditures, examination of. 567, 50S Expenditures must he necessary, ^ t .> Fire e8cai>e8. board of. t>59 Firemasters. 405, 400, 507 Grady hospital trustees, 405, 5C7, 1422 ef .< Health. :; :,';7. 1194 et s., 2155 el 5. Illegal expenditures, 570 572 .Mayor ex-offlcio member of, 07. 235, 310. 1194. 2299 Meetings, how often, .SS7 Meetings; times and purpo.'jes. 563 j Neglect of member lo qualify. 5G2 880 INDEX Boards — Continued. New limits, ix>wers extend to, 35, 40, 2938 Park commissioners, 40,"), 4CG, 507 Pciy-rolls, supervision of, 890 Personal liability, 571 Police commissioners, :j90 et s., 507, 1919 el s. •Qualification in tliirty days, 5G1 Record of actions to be kept. 563 Re-eleotion, Ineligibility to, 564 Reports to mayor, 565 Salary, memibers serve without, 4S1 Secretary's duty, 565 'Telephone bills, when not paid, 576 Telephones, how obtained, 575 Telephones, not to contract for, 574 Vacarjcy. duty to fill, 117', 5i62, 564 Vouchers, authority for, 171S Vouchers; examination, etc., 566 et s. Wards represented on, 1422, 1423 "WTater commissioners, 230 et s., 567 West End's representation on, 12 Boating in Parks, 1757 Boilers and Furnaces. Restrictions as to setting, 1101, 1105-1.1, ISIO et s. Appearance, mayor or police officer can lake. 58. 1810 et s. Appearance of witness, for, 478 Children, net required of, 2023 Condemnation money, 469, 470 Condemnation of property, 469, 470 Condition of, on license, 467 Contract, to perform. 23S4 et s., 2451, 2470 Contractors to remove carcasses, 1212 Detective agency, 2024-0 Elect i-ical work, for, 990, 993 Entry on land assessed for public purposes, 4G9, 470 Forfeiture of, 1813 et s. Judgment on, 1815-16 Licensees, 467, 503, 1501 O'fflcers, 1701 Paving streets, 2396 Renewal at end of year, 467 Security, what acceptable, 2384-5 Sewer work, for, 2389(48), 2395 Taxable, what are, 2807-8 Vendue master, 803 Bonds of Officers. Attorney of city, 1701 Chief of construction, 803, 1701 Clerk of council, 451, 840, 1701 Comptroller, 225, 1701 Comptroller, 225, 1701 Fire chief, 1701 Inspector of weights, etc., 2998 Marshal. 162, 1701 Recorder, 1701 Sexton, 437, 1701 Street-improvement collector, 1701, 2079 Tax assessors and receivers, 1701, 2:77'5 Tiax-collector, 1701, 2769, 2775 INDKX 881 Bonds cf Officsrs — Continued. Treasurer, City, 175, 178, 179, 1701 Treasurer cf board of education, 2307. 2309 \\'eigher3, loSC Bonds of the City. Coupon bonds, 219 Edgewood debt assumed, 27 Election for issue of. 221 How issued, 221 Interest rate limited, 214 et s. Invest in, trustees etc. may, 220 Laws of State (general) applied, 221 New territory bcund, 35, 40, 2938 Payable where, 219 Redemption, to retire fundic^j, 214 Refund of maturing. 215. 21C Registration regrulated. £18 Registered, when to be, 2375 Sinkingfund commis.-ion, 2375 Waterworks construction, 289 \Ve;-t K :] cebt assumed. 14 Bones — Keeping regulated. 1283 Book Agents. Register, required to, 187G Bookkeeping. Charges and corrections, 888 Collector for street improvements, 804 Comptroller. 192. 229, 872 System, what required. 901-904 Treasurer, city, 2910 Weigher s, to show what, 1597 Books and Papers. See Records. Evidence, for use as, 4G1 Examinations of, 187, 188, 240, 4C1 Production of, compulsory, 401 Books. Stationery, etc. See Supplies. Sale of, registry of business, 1876 Bootblacks. Location, 1881, 2CG1, 2CG3 Penalty. 2CG1 Registration and tax, 2GG1 56 Booths in Parks, 1733 Borrowing. Limit of power as to, 204 Bottles. .Junk-shop regulations, 1434 et s. Parks, not to be thrown in, 1758 Boundaries. Edgewood and Copenhill, 2C Eastern Extension, 4 General Extension of 1908, 24 General Extension of 1909, 32 Grant Park Exter.ision, 7 Inman Park Extension, 3 Peachtree Street Extension, 5 Wards, 1921 et s. West End, Seventh Ward, 8 Boxing Contest. .\ot to be .shown i:: moving pictures, 1045. Bread, Sunday Sale of, 1777 Bricks. See Building Laws. Sidewalk paving, 2391, 2421 Bridges. Alabama street, 380-384 Building etc.; regulation, 3SC, 387 Chief cf construction, 812, 212G-8 Closed street, while building, 2438 Committee on, standing, 859 Co.ndemnation ; right of way, 384 Control of work, 812 Dangerous; special action, 2012 Department of bridges, 885 Driving; speed unlawful, 2442 Excavations, required for, 2040 Forsyth street, 458 Railroads^ duty; 3S5-C, 212G Repair of. 38G, 387, 212G Street railroads, 2715, 2719 Washington street viaduct, 389 Wliitehiall street viaduct, 522, 1178 Brokers. See Ticket Brokers. License-tax on, 1540 882 INDEX Brokers — •Continued. Regulation, subject to, 1540 Tax on capital, etc., 5&5 Bronze Tablet. Supervision cf Park Board, ITGf) Bucket-shops Prohibited, 1541 Building and Loan Associations. Taxation ol', iJ-Sl! Building Inspector. See next title. Bill-board permit by, 558, 559 Bond forfeited, 59i5 Bond, shall give, 592 Certificates, to give, 594, 595, G72 Chart:ered oflBice, 502 Duties prescribed, 117, 443, 44G, 502, 5(9'0 et s. Elected by popular vote, 117, 502, 589 Election', former manner of, 441 Elevators, duty as to, 671-G73 Freeholder, shall be, 441 Horse and buggy, must furnish, 589 Oath of office, 117, 502, 592 Office created, 502, 58-9 Office in city hall, 593 One instead of three, may be, 445 Permits, revocation of, 559 Powers, 444, 44'G Powers extend to new city limits, 35, 40 Qualifications, 44(5, 589 Recommendation and report, 443, 444, 590 Removal from office, 119, 502, 595 Reside m city, must, 441 Salary fixed, 589 Summary execution of recommenda- tions, 444 Supervision by mayor and council, 117, 50i2 Term of ofiice, 117, 442, 502 Vacancy, how filled, 117, 118, 502 Buildings, Laws of. Additions, CG9, C98 Aisles to be unobstructed, 070 Alterations, 59, C20, C21. C43, CG9 Anchored, walls to be, C18, 623 Apartment -houses; fire regulations, 1124-1132 Ashler fronts, C07 Awnings to be metal framed, CG7 Backings of facings, C07 Ba:lconies, C"0, C53, G58 Bars in fire-escapes, C55 Basement story defined, G02 Bay-windows, C31 Blank lorms for statements, 591 Boardir.ig-houses, 051, 729, 730 Boiler-rooms, 547, GG4 Brackets, how set, 652 Brick, 595, €07 et s., G44, G4G, G96, 731 Burnt frame buildings, 597 Business buildings, COO, Gil, G50 Buttresses, COG, G26, 644 Ceiling joists, 734 Chimneys, height of, G12, 614, 674, G99 Columns, how set, etc., 627 Concert halls, 714-721 Condemnation, 597 Contractor responsible, 724 Cornices, 630 Cover or roof material, 596 Cutting off wall, 620 Damages, city relieved from, 712 Division walls, '599, 609 Doors, repairs, etc., 723-725 Dormer windows, 630 Dwelling-houses, 610 Electrical signs, 708, 711 Elevators, freight and passenger, ■671-673 Enclosinig walls, 599 Encroachment forbidden; exception, '680 • Enter, officers' authority to, 668 Examination after fire, 597 INDEX 883 Building, Laws of — Continued. E.\its in j)ublic halls, C70, 717-719 Facings of cut stone, G07 Factories, C50, Col, CG2 Fire-escapes, power as to, 95, 90 Fire-escapes, what required, 651-CCl Fire limits, 59C, G4G, &C2, C83-CSS, C98, 732 Fireplaces, C37 Fireproof shutteis. ',:.» Fire regulations, 1124-1132 Fire walls, GIO. GU Flat roofs. CIO. Gil Floors, CSC, C51, GG3, G74 Flues, G12, C13, G18, G35, G45. 074, G75, 091, C99 Foundations for buildings, 015 Foundations for chimneys, C14 Frame buildings, 731 Front and rear walls, 599 Furnaces in masonry, C7C Garage regulations, 542 et s. Gas piiJfes, 735 Gates; repair, fU- 723-725 Girders, 03',' Glass in skylights, C32 Halls, public. C70, 714-721 Headers of brickwork, CIS Hearths, C37 Height, how measured, C03 Height, increase of, C04, 60S Height of stories, 598 Height of walls, 610-012, 617 Hoistway openings, 049 Hollow walls, restrictions, 019 Horizontal recess, 645 Hospitals, 729, 730 Hotels, 651, 1124-1132 Inspection monthly, 443, 590 Iron, 595, 651 et s., 731 Iron front, backing, etc., €28 Joists, dimensions of, 639, 734, 735 Joists entering brick wall, 638 Ladders on fire-escapes, 656, 058 Lamps or lanterns required, 078, 2437 Building, Laws of — ^Conlinued. Lodge rooms, G51 Loose-lumber, etc., when not al- lowed, 72C Manufactories, 050, GG2 Materials limited, 59G, C57 Metallic leaders for water, 033 Mills, 050 Notice of danger in, 041, 075 Notice to remove, 040 Notice to repair, CCl Obstruction of street, 078 082, 701- 703 Opening in party wall, 021 Opera houses, 714-721 Owner responsible, 724 Partitions. 599, C47, 048 Parly walls. COS, 013 Penalties, 590 et s., 730 Permits, to erect cr repair, 591 Permit to alter wall. C20, C21, 045 Piers, how built, etc., 624-C26, 696 Piles driven; dimensions, 616 Piles driven; double or single, 017 Pipes, how introduced, 735 Pitched roof, 733 Plans and specifications, 591 Plaster, 731 Projections, 031 Protection of life and limbs, 092 Public buildings, 93, 2302 Public halls, 070 Rafters, 733 Rails on) fire-escapes, 656 Rails, top and bottom, 053, 654 Ranges in masonry, 676 Removal of, 640 Roof exposure, 629 Roof material, 596, 732 Roof trussed, 605 Repairs, 596, 597, GG2, 669 Reports, on request of mayor, 590 Safety and security, 595 Sanitariums, 729, 730 Scaffold boards, 6^2 Scuttles on roofs, 034 884 Building, Laws of — Continued. Separation complete, when, C28 Shutters, C50, 723-725 Sidewalk obstruction, C78-C82, 701- 703, 722-725 Signs, regulations as to, 705 et s., 727 Skylights, G32 Stable to be 30 feet away, 694 Stairways, G47, G5G Statement of, 591 Steam-pipes, GGG Stone, 595, G07, G4G Storehouses, G50 Stove -flues, G91 Stoves in houses, C63 Streets, use of, 2437 Temporary supports, G20 Temporary Avalk and roof, 702 Tenants must secure signs, 727 Theatres, 714-721, 2829 et s. Thickness of walls, 598, 599, G04. C<]5, GOG, C09, CI 2 Timber in brick walls, G22 Trades excluded from fire-limits, CG2 Trap-doors, G49 Trussed roofs, CO 5 Unlawful without permit, 591 Unsafe structures, C40 Veneered walls, 731 Vertical recess, G45 Warehouse defined, GDI Water from roof, G33 Water-pipes, 735 Wholesale store defined, 601 Wood coriiStruction, 646 Wooden houses in fire limits, 683 Woodwork exposure, 635, GG3-GG6, G74 Workshops, 651 BiiPgiary, Suspects of, 1843 Burials. See Cemeteries; Board. Paupers, by city, 1461-3 Health Business. See Licenses; Tax. Advertised, license required, 1898 Classification for taxation, 1899 Corporations, licenses of, 1873, 1895 Corporations to register, 1897 Defined for taxation, 1899 Firms; license and re.2;istry, 1873, 1897 Licenses of all, 1873, 1896 et s. Licenses required, 1870, 1873 Licenses, when due, 1897 Penalties, 1857 et s. Registry required, 1897 Stock con:panies, license for, 1895 Taxation of. 125 et s. Eutchers; Sunday Regulations, 1802 Sutter. Adulteration forbidden, 1352 Imitations, sale of. 1271-1273 Sale, 1327 et s., 1886, 1891 By-laws. Power to make, 1, 92 Cabs. See Hacks. Charges, regulation of, 4G0 Calves. Fcod, when not to be sold for, 1259, 1263 Muzzling, penalty for, 1417 Candidates, Policemen, as affecting, 1926, 1949 Cancellation. See Contracts. Llcenises, 1177 Permits, 1166, 1170 Registry certificates; bonds, 2915 Cannon Firing, 1820 Cappers, Punishment of, 1842 Carcasses. Burying, regulation of, 1218 Dumping-ground, when not used, 1218 INDEX Carcasses — Continued. Removal of, 1210 et s. Carnegie Library. Annual appropriation for, 4C8 Council committee, 1451 Land set apart for, 1452 Mayor, member of board, 144S Trustee can hold other city office, 4C5, 4CC Trustees; elections, powers, etc.. 144C et s. Wards repreisented, 1449 Y. M. L. A. ordinance repealed, 1450 Carriages. Street regulations, 2441 et s. Whitehall viaduct, no speed on, 1178 Carriers. See Baggage; Drays; Hacks. Cars. See Disorder; Street Railroads. Carts. See Drays; Wagons Fruits, nuts, produce; peddling reg- ulated, 1902 4 Fruit, signs on; regulations, 1902 et s. Catch-Basins; Materials, 23S4 Cattle. See Cows. Cellars. Drainage; penalty, 2151 Cement. Paving streets, for, 2396 (3G et s.) Samples to be submitted, 2385-6 Sewers, for, 2061 Sidewalks, for, 2386, 2392, 2421, 24G3 et s. Specified for sewers, 2385 Tests of, 2385 Cemeteries. See next title. Abuse of privileges, 752 Bell signals what, 767 Brick-vault graves; prices, 782 Cemeteries — Continued. Burial; none without permit, 93, 1559 Birial out of, when unlawful, 765 Burials. (See Interments, infra.) Care of lots, perpetual, 741 Carriages, etc., on walks, 771 Charges, collection of, 756-760, 786, 787 Charges, schedules of, 785, 796 Collection of unpaid money, 742 Colored persons, burial of, 746, 772 Commissioners of, 737 et s. Committee of council on, 859 Contractor must be licensed, 775 Controlled by commission, 737 Control of contiguous, 93 Coping, what allowe.i, 747 Copirg, what forbidden, 743 Debris, removal of, 776 Defacing, disturbing removing, etc., penalty for, 762, 763 Department of cemetery, 885 Disinterments, 779, 784, 785 Drinks, fruits, etc., not sold, 764 Driveways, use of, 770, 776, 777 Employees; direction and pay, 737 Excavations, 777 Ebchumation of bodies, 779, 784, 785 Fees. (See Charges, supra.) Fences forbidden, 743 Fences, removal of, 743, 744 Fences, when allowed, 747 Flowers, etc., not given or sold for use outside of, 754 Flowers; storage, etc., 748-751 Foundations, 775, 777 Fraudulent misuse, 752 Gates, when opened, 766 Grass-sowing, 740 Grave and lot line, 777 Graves, applications for, 783 Graves, brick or plain, 782, 783 Graves, depth of, 780, 788 Graves, payment for, 784 Graves, protection of, 762 886 Cemeteries — Continued. Hodges, AvhaL allow(>d, 717 Hedges, what forbidden, 7}^; Hot-house regulations, 748-755 Interments, 784, 785, 790 Labor beside present force, 745 Lawn system required, 743, 747 Loose monuments, slabs, etc., 745 Lots, care of, 74.1, 74'5 Lots, purchase-price of, 742 Lots, repair of, etc., 745 Lots, speculation in, 761 Monuments, building of, 755-777 New, in four-mile limit, forl)idden, 94 Night guards; election, duties, pay, term, etc., 773 Notice to lot owners, 745, 795 Notice to pay or remove, 7G0, 787 Oakland and any other, 737 Obstructions forbidden, 743 Obstructions, removal of, 744 Opening graves, when forbidden, 780 Pauper field, burial in, 700 Paupers, how buried, 74G Paupers, where buried, 778 Payments, 756-758, 783-7S7 Penalties, 751, 755, 762-765, 767, 777, 780 Penalty for violating charter, 94 Permit for burial, 790, 1557-1559 Permit for exhumation, 779 Permit for removal, 759, 791 Plants, no charge fo.r keeping, 752 Plants not sold, wheni, 754 Police regulations, 767, 773, 774 Public-comfort places, 740 Races, separation of, 746, 772 Receiving-vault regulations, 756-760, 785-787 Record of deaths and burials, 789, 790 Record of sales, 792 Record of trust funds, 741 INDEX Cemeteries — Ctjntinuod. Reinforced cement recommended, 795 Remaining in, after hours, 767 Removal of bodies, 746, 759, 790, 791 Repairs by commission, 745 Repairs needed; notice, 795 Rock wall to be raised, 740 Rule3 and regulations, 738, 784 Sale of flowers, etc., when not law- ful, 754 Sale of vacant lots, 7S1, 792 Sales within, unlawful, 764 Sexton, 437, 438, 484, 737, 745, 752, 769, 788, 794, 797 Shrubs, removal of, 744, 769 Sign warnings, 768 Sodding unoccupied parts, 743 Speculating in lots, 761 Tombstones, monuments, etc., pen- alty for injury to, 763 Trees, removal of, 744, 769 Trust funds, how used, 741 Unknown dead, memorial to, 740 Vault. (See Receiving Vault, su- pra.) Vaults, erection of, 775 Vehicles upon: walks, 771 Wlalks, use of, 770, 776, 777 Wall, raising of, 740 Walls, what allowed, 747 Walls, what forbidden, 743 West View Cemetery, 778 Wire fences, removal of, 744 Workmen must have order, 770 Work on lots by owners, 794 Work on lots, permit for, 770 Work regulations, 770, 775-777 Cemetery Commissioners. Composed of whom, 739 Duties prescribed, 737 et s. Elected, how and when, 739 Office State or Federal, can not hold, 464 Other city office, may hold, 465 Powers prescribed, 737 et s. I.VDIO.V 887 Cemetery Commissioners— Cont'd. Records to be kept in duplicate, TS9, 790, 792, 793 Rules and regulations, 738, 784 Sales of lots, 781, 792 Term of office, 739 Center of City. Union passenger s.tation, post in, 2 Certificates. Alteration unlawful, 1C09 Building inspector to give, 594 Clerk of council, of. 847 Coal weight. IGDS, 3000-3 Death, cause of, 155G Detective must have, 2C27-S Electrical board of, 902, 978 Electrician of city, by, 9G7, 972 Health. 1377 Imitation unlawful, ICll Plumbers. 2205, 2215, 2219 Scales examined, 159G, 2999 Signed how, 1C02 Slaughterhouse employees, 1377 Street opening, 2631 Weights, gross and net, etc., 1598 et s. Certified Check. Deposited by bidder. 23S4 et s., 2389, 2395. 2390, 2450 Chaingang. Street work, hew used on, 829 Chance, Games of, 1824 Character. Detective's certificate of, 2'027-8 Charcoal Peddlers, 1887 Charges. Baggage transfer, 1143 Cabs, 4G0 Drays and wagons hauling, 1142 Hacks, 1147 et s. Schedule to be posted, 1148, 1154 Charitable Associations. Appropriations tc, 14G4 et s. Notify law department, 14CG Report to council, 14C4 Rules governing, 14G4, 1470 et s. Charities. Committee on, 859(29), 1457 et s. Charity. Objects of, how disposed, 14CS et s. Sunday works of, 1777 Transportation free, 1470 et s. Charter of 1874 as Amended, 1-502 Charts. Sale of; license and registry, 187C Chattahoochee River, Power of city to use, 288 Chattahoochee River Line. Police regulations, 49, 2048-51 Chauffeurs. See Automobiles. Checks Lost and Renewed. Record and transcript, S99, 900 Cheese, Adulteration of, 1353 Chemical Companies. Business license, 1895 Chickens, Sales cf, 1858 Chiefs. See Chief of Construction; Fire Chief; Health Officer; Police Chief: Sanitary Inspectors. Chief Executive. Mayor is, 50 Chief of Construction. Accounts, approval of, 81G, 2410 Accounts of street and sewer appro- priations, 2409 Approval of street work, 2405 Assistants; number and salary, 374, 800, 808 Authority conferred, 374, 798 Bills, duty to make out, 810, 830 Bond, $1,000, 374. 888 I Ml 10 X Chief cf Construction — (oiitiriued. Bridges; building and repair, 212C-8 Business, in no other, 824 Cement, estimate of, 2385 Chaingang, how used by, 829 Clerical help provided. 822 Clerk, control and direction, 823 Clerk, in on other business, 824 Clerk must give entire time, 824 Clerk's pay not over $1, INDEX Claims against City — Continued. Settlement before delivery of war- rants, 875 Suit not allowed before presenting, 471 Three months to act on, 471 Classification. See Licenses; Taxa- tion. Clerk of Board of Health. Duties prescribed, 1107 Election, 1198 Salary, 1198 Term, at pleasure of beard, 1198 Clerk of Council. Attends meetings, 840 Balance sheet read by, 191 Bids, reception of, 2450 Bond of, 451, 840 Bonds, record of, 2307 Books kept by, 842 Bridges, executions for building or repairing, 2128 Cemetery trust funds, 741 Chartered office, 502 Chief of construction, statements ■from, 815 Compensation for suing, 20O Compensation, how fixed, 453, 844, 84G Copies certified by, S47 Copies of ordinances, 849-852 Detective's license, 2024 Deputy clerks, authority of, 455, 847 Docket of executions, 1562 Dog-tags, law as to, 1409, 1411 Duties prescribed, 117, 452, 502, 840 et s. Elected by popular vote, 117, 449, 50i2 Executions for bond forfeitures, 950 Executions for delinquent bills, 1547 Executions for fines, 925 Executions for sewer and street work, 830 Clerk of Council — Continued. Eixecutions for taxes, 58G, 1528, 1547, 15C8 Executions; sidewalks, 2420, 2430, 2457 Fees, 258, 845 Fees for licenses, 1534, 1535 Fees on executions, 2420 Gunpowder license, 2078-9 Ice peddling, etc.; certificate of registry, 1900 Liability, when relieved of, 937 Licenses for drays, hacks, wagons, etc., 1138 et s. Licenses for milk depots, 1313 Licenses; fruits, nutis, produce, 1902 Licenses, issuance of, 841, 843 lx)st checks, record of, 900 Map of city furnished by, 1148 Minutes kept by, 842 Notices issued by, 841 Oath of office, 117, 450, 502, 840 Orders issued by, 841 Ordinances, duties as to, 842, 849, 851, 852 Penalty for failure to sue, 201 Powers, to new city limits, 35, 40 Records kept by, 840, 842 Redemption of property, 1572, 1578 Registry of occupations, 842 Removal from office, 119, 449, 502 Reports of bills and collections, 893-895 Returns to ordinary, 741 Schedule of rates furnished by, 1148 Seal of city, keeps, 907 Seal of office, 454, 847, 848 Signature of deputy clerk, 455 Sinking-fund commission, 2377 Street-car tracks; executions for cost of repairs, 2724 Street-railroad franchises; copies of applications, 2709 Suit by, against mayor, etc., 199 Summons and subpoena, 911, 913, 914, 937 I.XDKX 891 Clerk of Council — Continued. Supervision by mayor and council, 117, 502 Tags for hacks furnished by. 1155 Tax sales; list of property, 1581 Tax sales, records as to, 1576, 1577 Term of offiice, 117, 449, 502 Treatres; licenses, 2S75 Ticket broker's bond. 2S20 Vacancy, how filled, 117, 118, 502 Clerk of Recorders Court. Acts as recorder, when, 427, 428, 94G Compensation, i;o additional, 428, 947 Duties. 427, 93G Election. 936 Eligible as recorder pro tern., 428, 937, 948 Notice to councilmen, 949 Clerks of Elections. roiiiijen.-aiion of, 107 Closets. Health regulations, 1285. 1303 Clothing. Infected, sale of, 1222 Junkdealers and pawnbrokers deal- ing in, 1434 et s. License; registration; tax on saleiS, 1866, 1869 Prisoners, for, 942 Clubs. Annual application, 854 Drinks, serving of, 857 Entrance fees, 854 Inspection, open to, 855, 857 Open doors to be kept, 857 Penalties, 856, 858 Permission necessary, 853 Roll of members and oflBcers, 857, 858 Statement to be made. 854 Coal and Coke. j Certificate of weight, 1605, 3003 Inspectors' duties, 2999 et s. Penalties, 1610, 3001-3 Policemen, duty of, 1612 Scales; tests, concealment, etc., 2999, 3001 Shortages, 160S, 3003 Statement oa delivery, 1603 Ton, 2,000 pounds, 1604 Unlawful, what acts are, 1606, 30O1- 3 Wagons may be stopped, 1612, 3000 Wagons to be numbered, 1595 Weight on city scales demandable, for one ton or more, 1609 Weight; penal law, 3000, 3003 Coal Companies. Business license for, 1895 Cock-fighting. Forbidden, 1790 Collection of Revenue. See Coupon System; Licenses; Taxes. Licenses, business, 843 Officers to report daily, 1715 Collectors. See Street-Improvement Collector; Tax-Collector. Collins Park & Belt R. R. Co. Disorder on, 2048 Police pKJwers over whole line. 49 Collision. Automobiles run to avoid, 523 Bicycles; presumption of fault, 532 Colored Person. See Races. Commissioner of Public Works. Office abolished, 374, 375, 447, 448, 798 Comrhissioners of Streets and Sewers. Chief of construction substituted for, 813, 819 Commission Merchants. Business-license tax. 1538 892 Ccmmission Merchants — Continued. Sales, scope of, 15;'.S Commitrrent to Jail. By alderman or councilman, 417 By mayor, 58 By recorder, 420, 421 Committees. Absences of members, 8G1 Accounts ; approval by chairman, 880 Appointed by mayor, 59, C4, 859 Chairmen are members of boards, 235, 310, 391, 1919, 2373-4 Education, board of, 230C Finance, 814 List of, 859 Parks, G59 Police coimmissioners, 193G Police, of council, 1919 Prison (stockade), 490, 2081 et s. Reiports, each member, 8G0 Tax, 859, 1575, 1584 Wards; each represented, 859 Compensation. See Condemnation; Salary. Olerks of Elections, 107 Registrar of voters, 120 Waterworks engineer, clerks, etc., 252 Compilation. Tax assessors' fund for, 2804 Camplaint Book. Sewers and streets, 821 Comptroller. Accounts for work, course of, 816 Accounts reported to, 888, 893 Accounts to be kept by, 872 Accounts with all departments, 227 Audit and requisition clerk, 891 Auditor's duties independent, 512 Balance sheet iprepared by, 191 Bids to be asked for, 876, 878 Bond covers clerk's acts, 891 Bond of, 225, 871 Comptroller — ntracts, shall record, 881 Creatiar.i of the office, 222 Damages from grading; releases, 2670-2 Department of City Comptroller, 885 Dog-tags, law as to, 1409 Duties prescribed, 117, 224, 502, 872 et s. Education, board of, 2314-15 Elected by popular vote, 117, 223, 502, 869 Evidence, may require, 228, 874 Examinations by, under oath, 874 Fees of officers; record, 897 Fi. fas., entry of, 873 Fire-insurance policies, 879, 880 Health-board accounts presented to, when approved, 120O Inspection of books, etc., by commit- tee and council, 880, 897 InveEitories required 'by, 903 Lost checks, record of, 899 Marshal's deed book, keeps, 1578 Oath of office, .117, 502, 871 Pay-rolls, may supervise, 890 Postage-stamps, .payment for, 877 Powers to new limits, 35, 40 Printing for departments, 876 Record of bills, 2684-5 Record of covenants, 881 Record of fees, 897 I>DKX 893 Comptroller— Continued. Relieved in no way by auditor, 512 Removal from office, 119, 502, 870 Rents; collection, deposit, receipt, 882 Reports right to call for. 903, 905 Reports to, by officers, 8S3, 888, 893, 894, 895, 932 Sales of property: proceeds, 883 Sinking-fund reports, 2375. 2378 Sinking-fund, to pay bonds, *2382 Statements furnished by, 89G Stationery for departments, 87G Street improvement bills, 2C82-5 Supervision by mayor and council, 117, 502 Supplies for departments. 878, 889 Tax-collector reports to, 894, 2770 Term of office, 117, 502, 870 Transcripts of lost checks, 900 Vacancy, how filled, 117, 118, 502 Vouchers, when presented to, 5C9 Warrants countersigned by, 88C, 2375 Warrants, settlement of demands be- fore delivery of, 875 Warrants to treasurer, 2913 Weighers' blanks, etc., 1598, 1599 Compulsory Procec^s. Recorder's court, for, 910 Concert Halls. See Theatres. Concrete. See Paving. Condemnation. See next title. Live-stcck and meat, 13C3 et s. Scales, 3O02 Sidewalks, 837-ST;9 Condemnation of Property. Absence of owner, 2GS Appeal from award, 2C9 Assessors, 2GS, 295, 330-332 Award, payment or securing of, 4C9, 470 Benefit and damage, 329 Bridge, right of way for, 384 Condemnation of Property — Cont'd. Code of Georgia applicable, 329 Delay work, appeal does not, 2C9 Disagreement on price. 208 Entry pending appeal, 409, 470 Fee, title in, when acquired, 271 How and by whom instituted, 267 Infant or insane owner, 2G8, 271 Owners-hip unknown, 271 Parks, of land for, 4G9 Payment, when made, 270 Public-building sites, 4G9 Rights and remedies, 278 Sewerage, for, 295, 303, 308, 309, 2320 Streets, laying cut, etc., 329 et s. Title dispute of, 271 Waterworks, 207-271, 27G et s. Condemned Stock, Material, etc. Sale at auction, 820 Conduits. Electrical wires, for, 97G Confederate Veterans. Peddling by, 1537, ISCl Confinement. See Imprisonment. Consent. M;lk-depots, 1312 Near-beer saloons, 1G39 Soap factories, 1C87 Stables, livery, feed, sale, 1309 Consignment Sales. License-tax law, 153S Consolidation of Offices. Chief of construction, 374, 378, 447, 448 Commissioner of public works, 374, 378, 447-8 Comptroller, power as to, IIG Engineer, citj-, 374, 447 Marshal and Lax-collector, 116 Other offices, power as to, 378 894 INDEX Consolidation of Votes. See Elec- tions. Construction. Buildings, 591 et s. Ohief of. (See that title). Electrical, 9G2 et s. Contagious Diseases. See Health Regulations. Contempt. Appearance, default of, 912, 915, 920 Presence of court, in, 924 Contested Claims and Litigation. Ooimm'ittee on, standing, S59 Sxamination : settlement, 874-S75 Contests of Elections. Tried how, 112 Contingent, Department of, 885 Continuance. Recorder's court, in, 91G, 920, 923, 205G Contractor. See Bids; Contracts; Sewers; Sidewalks; Streets. Assessments paid to, 304 Bond of, 1711, 1712, 23i89, 2395, 2390 Building laws; responsible, 591-73C Cemetery work, 77'5-777 Convict labor, shall .not use, 833 Electrical work, 962, 978, 979 LlC€.nses, 962, 978, 979 Non-liability to, when, 371 Paving petition, not to procure, 346 Paving (wood blocks), 2396 Plumibing, 2155 et s. iSewerage, 304, 2319 et s., 2384 et s., 2395 Sidewalks, 2391 et s. Street improvements, 369, 24'0i2 et s. Contracts. Advertise'ment, repeal of law re- quiring, 2471 Bonds for performing, 2384 et s. Cancel, reserved right to, 2384-5 Contracts — Continued. Carcasses, for removal of, 1210 Convict-labor provision in all, 834 Copy, deposit and retention of, 247 Curbing and sidewalks, 2380 Dead animals; removal, 1210 et s. Edgewood; lights and railway, 27 Electrical work, to do, 902 Interest in, city officials can not ha^ie, 100, 249 Lights, contracts for, 10 Officers approving bonds for, 1711 Plumbing, 2191 Powers of city as to, 1 Record of, by comptVoller, 881 Risk of contractor, 2386 Sewer work, 2385, 2389 Sidewalks; bond required, 2470 Sidewalks; guaranty of, 2407 Siniking-fund ordinance, 2380 Supplies for departments, 878 Telephones, how made for, 575-577 Unlawful, what are, 100 Void, -what are, 207 Waterworks, materials for, 240-248 West End contracts, preserved, 13 Convict Labor and Material. Employed, not to be, 833 Exceptions, as to street work, 836 Pay for, city will not, 836 Penalty for violation, 835 Convicts. Clotbicg of, 942 Confinement at police station, 940 Council committee control, 490 County, on city streets, 475 Direction and s-upervisiou, 475 Farming out of, 474 Females, 941 Guards and employees, 490 Record and report of work, 938 Rules for control of, 490 Sentence, discretion as to, 940 Work, character and location of, 475 INDEX 895 Cook's District. Added tJ City of Atlanta, 24 Copenhill. Became part of city in 1909, 26 Copies. Clerk of council, by, 847 et s. Coroner. Certificate, cause of death, 155G Corporate Limits. Disorderly conduct, 17C2 Extensions of, 3-7, S, 24, 32, 41-54 One and three-fourths miles, 2 Corporate Name. Tlie City of Atlanta, 1. Corporate Powers. General recital of, 1 Corporate Seal. Affixed by order of mayor, 907 Described, 907 Kept where, 907 Corporations. Busines.s license of, 1895 Licenses required, 1870 Costs. ' License executions, 1536, 1539 Marshal's, on executions, 1570 Treasury, paid into, 1536 Council. See Mayor and Council; Department of Council, 885. Council Chamber. Enclosures, exclusion from, 906 Exception as to members, officers, and reporters, 906 Councilmen, Board of, who presides over, 59 Boards, membership on, 465, 466 Contract with city, can not, 100 Eighth Ward, 6 Elected annually, 75, 485, 951 Elig-ibility, 77, 465, 466 Councilmen— Continued. Half go oat yearly, 75 Hold office till successors qualify, 101 Legislative department, are part of, 72 Liability as individuals, 207 'Liability to refund to city, 198 Minority, powers of, 85 Number for each ward, 74 Oath of office, 04, 69-71 Other office, can not hold, 465, 466 Police board nominations, 1925 Quorum of board, majority of all, 83 Recorder, may act as, 425 Recorder's court, presiding in, 909 Salaries of, 80 Succeed selves one term, may, 72 Term of office, 485 Vacancy by acceptance of other of- fice, 466 Mayor and General Council. Vacancy by removal from ward, 81 Vacancy, how filled, 102, 480 West End, 11 Counterfeiting. Dog-lags, 1411 Inspecticn marks, 1379 Country Produce, Sales of, 1887 Coupon System. Collection of bills by, 802, 830, 892 Rents, receipt tor, 882 Courts. See Juvenile Court; Record- er. Absence of presiding officer, 909 Accused, rights of, 910 Appearance, default of, 912, 915, 935 Appraisers appointed by, 268 Bonds, forfeitures of, 950 Cases, docketing of, 929 Cases, sounding of, 950 Clerk of recorder's court, 936, 948 Compulsory process, 910, 933 Contempts, 912, 915, 920, 924, 935 Courts— Continued. Ck)ntin.uance, 910, 920, 92G Executions, 925, 950 Feigned name, no trial in, 930 Females, discretion to excuse, 930 Fines, enforcement of, 925, 92C Firemasters; trial of employees, 1055 Firemen, of efficiency, 1082'1'084 Implicated persons, trial of, 923 Mayor, etc., 909 et s. Mayor's, who may hold, 57 Penalties, '57, 915, 919, 922, 924, 925 Personal presence, 930 Plea of guilty, 930 Police commissioners, 933-935 Presiding officers, 909 Probation officer, 920, 921 Punishiment, 919, 922, 924, 933 Recorder, 909 et s. Recorder pro tem., 946-949 Rules of practice, 910, 917, 918 Service, 911, 913, 928, 934 Speedy trial, 910 Subpoena; issuance, etc., 911, 913, 914, 933 Summons; form, etc., 910, 911, 914, 934 Witnesses, 910, 913-915, 933-935 Covenants. See Cor.itracts. Cows. See Animals. At large on streets, 1398, 1403 Dairy and milk regulations, 1317 et s. Impounding laws, 1399 et s. Stables, regulations of, 1385 et s. Cream. See Ice-Cream; Milk. Crennatories. Damages from, 321 Establishment and operation, 321 Creosote Oil. Wood-blocks treated with, 2396 (56, 57) Crossings. See Railroadvs; Streets. Obstructions of, 1822 Vehicles on, 2441 et s. Crowds; Assembly and Dispersal, 1822 Cruelty to Animals. Punishment for, 141C-19 Culverts. Abandoned, 2345, 2357 Control of work, 812 Curbing. — See Sidewalks; Streets^ Assessments for, 2422, 2424 Bids, specifications, etc., 2386-8 Concrete, specified, 2388 Curved at corners, 2452 Executions for, 2453 Granite, kind, measure, etc., 2387 Lot -owners pay for, 2419, 2420, 2422, 2452 et s. Cyclorama. Lecturer's duties and term of office, 1743, 1744 Dairies. Inspection, etc., 1318, 13C1-2, 1334 Inspector's assistant, 1361, 1362 License for, 1322 et s. Location to appear, 1319 Wagons, signs on, 1319 Damages. Assessed in condemnation of prop- erty, 267, 295, 303, 329 Automobile drivers renounce, 525 Electrical accidents, from, 980 Liquidated, bidder's deposit treated as, 2389, 2'395, 2396 Penal prosecution .no bar, 1014 Sewers, 295, 303, 23i20, 2339 Signs; city released, 712 Streets, 329 et s. Streets, defects in, 525 Streets, grading cf, 2668-72 Suit not prevented, 303 IXDEX 89^ Dams. Waterworks construction, 275 Dance-Houses. Application to Mayor and General Council. 1846 Dead Animals. See Carcasses. Dead Bodies. Penalty as to, 15C0 Permit to bury or remove, 1559 Death. See Firemen. Deaths. Burial permits, 1557 Certificates of, 155G Firemen, 1077 Policemen, 20O8 Registry of, 1555 Reports of. 155G Debts Assumed by Atlanta. East Atlanta, 28 Edge wood, 27 Oakland City, ZS West End, 14 Dedications. See ir'arks; Streets. Deeds. Marshal's, 1570, 1578 Quitclaim, of property sold by tax committee, 15S4 Tax, admitted in evidence, 158 Defacing Auditorium Armory, Stj4 Defacing Buildings, Memorials, Polesi etc., 1707, 17CU, 1795, 1835, 2486 Default. Bond forfeiture, 950, 1810 et s. Non-appearance; contempt, 912, 915 Defaulters. Definitions. See Tax. See Words. Departments See Boards. Apportionments, must not exceed, 89S Departments — Continued. Appropriations, warraats on, 885 Bond commission acts with, 581 Bookkeeping system required, 901- 904 Books to show what, 904 Comptroller's books, harmony with, 887 Creation and list of, 885 « Examination of, 4C1 Extra help in, 1703 Fire. (See Fire Department.) (Heads of, to instruct employees, 850 Inventories continuous, 903 Law, 1442-1445 List of departments, 885 Parks, 885 Payments to tax-collector, 8S3 Pay-rolls, supervision of, 890 Police, 1922 et s. Postage-stamps, 877 Powers extended to new limits, 35 Printing for, 876 Relief, 1457 et s. Reports to comptroller, 883, 893 Statements to be filed by, 897 Stationery for, 876 Supplies for, 878 Waterworks, 230 et s. Depositories. Banks, of city's moneys, ISO, 1S4, 2911-12 Deposits. See Bids. Bids; not allowed withdrawn, 831 Certified check with bid, 2384 et s. Education board, by, 2310 Liquors, when unlawful, 1640, 1641 Treasurer, by, 2911, 2912 Depredations in Parks, 1737 Deputy Clerk of Council^ 455, S47 Deputy Marshals. Police officers, duty as, 2032 57 898 IM)KX Descriptions. Ward boundaries, 2&21 et s. Detectives. Agency; license, bond, oath, 2024-G Approval required, 2027-S Character and proficiency, 2027-8 Police force, part of, 2003 Private, 2024-S Diphtheria. See Health Regulations. Discharge. See Employees. Discrimination. Slaughtering services for the pub- lic without, 1375 Diseases. See Health Regulations. Animals, of, specified, 13C9 Contagious or infectious, 1337-1339, 1349, 1350 Infectious, report of, 1334, 1337 Slaughtered animals, 1370 Slaughter-house employees, certifi- cates as to, 1377 Dismissal of Officers. See Removal from Office. Disorder. Affrays; suppression, etc., 1818-19 Alabama slings prohibited, 1773 Animals; street feeding, 1826 Appearance of offenders, 1810 Arrest of offenders, ISIO Artillery, firing of, 1820 Assistance of police, 1818 Astrologers prohibited, 1852, 1853 Athletics; application, permit, 1847 et s. Barking, spieling, soliciting, on side- walk, 2435 Barber-shops closed Sunday, 1799 B arib e r-s h ops ; ra c i a 1 d i s t i n c t i o ns , 180O Barber-shop; signs, 18'0'0 Barrooms, females in, 1788 Begging; fraudulent pretense, 1824 Disorder — Continued. Betting on chance game, 1S24 Betting on cock-fight, 1790 Betting on races, 1135 Billiard rooms, closing of, 1<}5C, 1658,. 1792 Billiard-rooms, minors in, 1790, 1791 Billiard-rooms; Sunday law, 1776 Bread, sale of, on Sunday, 1777 Burglars, suspected, 1S43 Butchers; Sunday regulations, 1802 Cannon, firing of, 1820 Cappers, operations of, 1S42 Cars of Collins Park & Belt Rail- road Co., 2048 Cars, spitting in, etc., 1854 Chance, betting on games of, 1824 Charity, works of, on Sunday, 1777 Chattahoochee river resort, 2049 Churches, congregating around, 1830 Churches, defacing, 1795 Churches; disturbing worship, 1S30' Churches, rapid driving by, 1831 Churches, smoi\ing before, 1830 Cigars, sale of, on Sunday, 1777, 1779 City limits, within, 17G2 Cock-fighting i)rohibited, 179€ Confinement of offenders, 1810 Contractor's employee, 238G Crossings, obstructions of, 1822 Crowds, assembnng of, 1822 Crowds; failure to disperse, 1822 Dance-house, aipplication for, 1846 Dances, lewd, 17C3 Debauching of morals, 1762 Defacing buildings, etc., 1795, 1835 Depot rules, approved of iby mayor- and general council, 1828 Disorderly houses, 1803 et s. Dispersal of crowds, 18il9, 1822 Disturbing the peace, 1764 Dives defined, 17CS Dog laws, 1406-15 Driving or riding, 1831, 2441 Drunkenness on street, 1765 INDEX 899 Disorder — Continued. Drunkenness; relief from penalty, 1766 EIntrance fee, payment of, 1S38 Exhibition like flying jenny, 1840 Fake fire sales, 1781 Familiarity with lewd women, 1771 Feeding animals on street, 1SC6 Females in barrooms, 1788 Firearms, shooting of, 1794 Fire sales, misrepresentation of, 1781 Fireworks in city limits, 1821 Fireworks; permission of mayor, 1821 Fi&h-dealers; Sunday regulations, 1802 Flips prohibited on street, 1773 Floors public, spitting on, or litter- ing, 1854 Flying jenny, operation of, 1840 Fornication, house of, 1803 et s. Fortune tellers prohibited, 1852, 1S53 Fruit dealers; Sunday regulations, 1802 Funerals; regulations, 1833 Gambling, enticing to, 1842 Games athletic, applications for, 1847 et s. Games athletic, becoming nuisance, 1851 Girls entering bar-rooms, 1788 Grocers, Sunday regulations, 1802 Guardians liable for wards, 1783 Houses disorderly, etc . , 92, 1803 et s. Houses of ill-fame, 1803 Ice, ice-cream; Sunday sale, 1777 Idle and disorderly person, 1823 Idling and loitering, 1768-9, 1823 Immoral characters in houses, 1806 Immorality, 1763 Indecency, 1762, 2919 Indecent exposure of person, 1763 Interfering with police, 1819 Lamps, injurinig, etc., 1797-S Language indecent, etc., 1762, 2919 I Disorder — Continued. Lewd dances, 1763 Lewd women in public, 1770 Licentious publication, 1763 Litter; throwing on sidewalk or street, 1854, 2476 Loafing. (See Loitering, infra.) Lodging in outhouses, etc., 1824 Loitering, 17S2, 1783, 1784 Menacing policemen, 1819 Milk, sale of, on Sunday, 1777 Minors in billiard-rooms, 1790, 1791. Minors loitering, 1783, 1784 Mocking-birds, trapping, 1836 Move on, refusing to, 1823 Mutilation. See Defacing, supra. Nakedness in public, 1763 Necessity; Sunday works, 1777 Newspapers; Sunday sale, 1777 Noise at night, 1764 Noises unnecessary, 17C5 Novelties; Sunday sale, 1779 Obstructing policemen, 1818-19 Obstruction of passage, 1822 Offenders; arrest bail, etc., 1810 et s. Offenders, suspected, 1811, 1843 Openi doors of saloons, 1775 Ordinances as to, power to pass, 92 Ordinances, in Piedmont Park, 17S7 Parents liable for children, 1783 Parks, in, 1754 Passenger-depot regulations, 1827-8 Peelings thrown on sidewalk, 1854 Penalties, 1305, 1762 et s. Perishable meats and vegetables; delivery Sunday, 1780, 1802 Pickpockets suspected, 1843 Piedmont Park under ordinances, 1787 Pimps, operations of, 1842 Playing games of chance, 1824 Playing. (See Betting, supra.) Police duty, hindering, etc., 1819 Police limits, ordinances in, 1855 Police regulations in limits, 1855- Pool, minors playing, 1790, 1791 900 IXIJKX Disorder — ^Con tinned. Pool-rooms, closing regulations, 1792 Porters in passenger-depots, 1827 Posting bills. (See Defacing, supra.) Prevention and punishment, 92 Prisoner; information by court, 1767 'Probation, putting on, 920 Procession, breaking through, 1833 Profanity, use of, 17G2 Prose<;ution barred, two years, 1837 Prostitutes on street, etc., 1770-1 Psychic research demomstrators, 1853 Public amusements; permits, 1847 et s. Public indecency, 1762 "Public meetings; regulations, 1809 Public schools, disturbance of, 1829 Quarreling, 1762 Ropers; operations prohibited, 1842 Saloon hours, 1775 Sanitary limits, 1855 Sanitary limits, ordinances in, 1855 Schools, disturbing, 1829 Shooting firearms in city, 1794 Shooting fireworks, 1821 Shooting-gallery, licensed, 1794 Shooting on. military parades, 1794 Sidewalks, obstructions of, 1822 Sidewalks, spitting on, 1854 Sidewalks, throwing refuse on, 1854 Singing, indecent, etc., 1763 Smallpox, regulations, 1834 Soft drinks; Sunday sale, 1777 Solicitations on sidewalks, 1844 Spiritualists, 1853 Spitting on sidewalks, etc., 1854 Sports becoming nuisance, 1851 Sports, permission for, 1847 et s. State laws violated, 1817 Street-car floors, 1854 Street-lamps, injuring, 1797, 1798 Streets, crowds on, 459 Sundiay-closing, 1776, 1799 Sunday deliveries, 17S0, 1802 Sunday, what stores open on, 1776 Disorder — Continued. Suspects, laws as to, 1843 Telegraph and telephone poles, 1835 Ten-pin alley open Sunday, 1776 Threatening policemen, 1819 Ticket dealers on sidewalk, 1844 Tobacco; Sunday sale, 1777, 1779 Trading on Sunday, 1776 Trapping mocking-birds, 1836 Umbrellas; Sunday sale, 1779 Violence, 1762, 1818 et s., 2919 Wagon-yards, in, 2919 Wandering of Idle persons, 1824 Waters, mineral or soda; Sunday sale, 1"77 Women entering barrooms, 1788 Working on Sunday, 1776 Wreckage sales, 1781 Display of Goods. Persons stopping at hotels, 1869 Disposal. See Board of Health; Sew- ers. Disqualification. See Eligibility. Disturbing the Peace. See Disorder. Dives Defined, etc., 1768 Dockets. See Courts; Executions. Dogs. At large, capture of, 1406, 1415 Feimale, in heat, 1415 Grant Park, not allowed in, 1413 Impounded, recovering of, 1410 Killed, when to be, 1412, 1415 Muzzled, if vicious, 1407 Muzzling, when not required, 1408 Tags, must wear, 1406, 1409 Tags; sales and records, 1409, 1411 Dog-Shows. Regulation and penalty, 2371-2 Donation. Waterworks, for, 276 INDEX 901 Drainage. See Health Regulations; Sewers; Streets. Cellars and lots, 2151 Filthy liquids excluded, 12S2 House drainage, 2155 et s. Obstructing, jyena\, 12S1 Orays and Wagons. See Wagons. Charges regulated, 460, 1142 Charges subject to change, 1142 Contractors at large, 11 SI Drivers to stay on, when, 11S5 Driving disorderly, etc., 1144 Employing unlicensed drayman, 1141 Furniture wagons, rendezvous, etc.. 1183 Licenses, 1138, 1139, llSl Licenses to be numbei-ed, 1146 Overcharges, 1143 Peachtree, when excluded from, 1189 Penalties, 1140, 1141, 1143, 1144, 1145, I14G Powers of mayor, etc., 92 Refusing to haul, 1140 Removal of resident, must report daily, 1191 Rendezvous, how designated, 11S3 Running away of team, 1145 Standing in street prohibited, 1145 Tags required, llSl Unhitched horse, when penal, 1188 Whitehall, when excluded from, 1189 Drinking Fountains. Supervision of Park board, 1760 Drinks. See Liquors; Xear Beer. Cemetery, not sold in, 764 Clubs, where served in, 857 Soft; Sunday sales, 1776-7 Driveways in Parks, 1745-6 Driving. See Automobiles; Bicycles; Drays and Wagons; Hacks; Rail- roads ; Street-cars. Disorderly, penal, 1841 Improper, penal, 1144 Driving — Continued. Street regulations, 2441 et s. WTiitehall viaduct, no speed on, 1178 Drugs and Medicines. Free distribution; permit, 1279 Penalty, 12S0 Drug Stores. Liquor law as to, 1483 Drumming. Passenger-station regulations, 1163- 1IC5 Drummers. Licenses; taxation, 1869 et s. Wholesale houses, 1867 Drunkenness. Penalty, relief from, 1766 Probation, putting on, 920 Streets, on, 1765 Wagon yards, in, 2919 Dumping Grounds. Park, to be made into, 1755 Dumping-Grounds, Land Adjacent. Incorporated for police and sanita- ry purposes, 1304 Offenses and penalties, 1305-1307 Police powers over, 52 Dynamite. Not over 50 pounds kept, 1115 East Atlanta. Added to City of Atlanta, 24 Became part of city in 1909, 26 Conditions of annexation, 28 Fire protection, 28 Obligations assumed, 28 Police protection, 28 School facilities, etc., 28 Sewers, 28 Streets, 28 Water, 28 Edgewood. Added to City of Atlanta, 24, 27 902 INDEX Edgewood — Continued. Became part of city in 1909, 2G Conditions of annexation, 27 Contracts assumed and preserved, 27 Debts assumed, bonded and other, 27 Elxcepted territory not added, 24 Income for 1908, hovr expended, 27 Intoxicating liquor not to be sold, 27 Lights, 27 Schools, 27 Street railway fares and service, 27 Streets to be paved, 27 Education. See Policemeni. ^Education, Board of. Absence from meetings, 564 Appropriation, not to exceed, 435, 570 Bond of treasurer, 2307, 2309 Committee chairman one of, 430, 2299 Committees of board, 2306 Composed how, 430, 2299 Contracts, power to make, 435 Deposits, 2310 Disbursements, 2309 Districts, 2303 Duties prescribed, 2301 Elected by whom, 433 Elections by, 434 :E9timates and statements, 878, 897 Executive bead, duty of, 567, 568 Bx-officio members, 430 Expenditures regulated 566 et s. Existing board continued, 431 Govern schools, 434 Instruction, plan. of, 2305 Lady visitors, 2316-18 Mayor member ex-ofRcio, 430 ^leetings monthly, 563 Membersihip and succession, 430, 431 Moneys, 2307, 2309, 2314-15 Other city office, can hold, 465, 466 Personal liability, 571 3*etty cash account, 2314 Education, Board cf — Continued. Powers, 23^>3. 2306 Qualification in 30 days, 561 Records of actions, 563 Reports by, 565, 2309, 2313, 2315 Reports of treasurer, 2309 Rules and regulations, 2303 Schoolhouses; 'bids, contracts, etc., 2302 Secretary's duty, 565 Superintendent, 2303 Taxation for schools, 2311-12 Teachers, 2303 Text-books, 2304 Terms of office, 433 Treasurer, 2307-10 Vacancies, 431, 562, 564 "Vouchers; examination, etc,. 566 ete. Wards; each represented, 430, 2300 Eggs. Sales of, 1858, 1886, 1891 Eighth Ward. Extension — 'representation, 6 Election Commissioners. Appointed when, 105 Authority of, 106 Clerks may be selected by, 106 Compensation, bow prescribed, 106 Elections, how conducted, 109 Failure to attend, effect of, 109 Freeholders, when to be supplied, 109 Oath of, 110 Terms of office, 106 Vacancies, 108 Elections. Aldermen and councilmen, 37, 75, 951 Annual elections, 75, 951 Attorney for city, 436, 483 Biennial elections, 55, 75, 952 Building inspector, 442, 589 Cemetery commissioners, 739 Cbief of construction, 436, 483 Chief of fire department, 1049 Clerk of council, 449 IXDEX 903 flections — Ccntinued. Clerk of council reports return, 955 Clerk of recorders court, 936, 946- 949 Clerks; how compensated, 107 Commissioners for holding, 105 et s. Conducted how, 109 ^Consolidation of vote, 955 Contests, how tried, 112 J>ates of, 485, 951 Declaring of result, 955 :ESghth Ward, G Eligibility, 37, 50, 77, 79, 312 Preeholders may manage, 105, 109 JHealth-board members, 311 ^Managers added, 956, 959 ^Managers consolidated vote, 955 Mayor elected biennially, 55, 952 Mayor pro tem., 59, 04, 68 New election for mayor, 55 JNotice to be published, 55, 102 Officers elected by council, 103, 231, 311, 393, 519 Officers elected by people, 55, 74, 75, SO, 116, 117, 159, 418, 436, 449, 483, 502, 963 ^Physicians, city, 1905 J*olice commissioners, 393, 395, 1922 Police commissioners, by, 1920-21 J*oll3, opening and closing, 954 Precautions to be used, 957 Precincts additional, 953, 957, 958 Precincts located, 953 Prison superintendent, 2090 Recorder, 418, 927, 946-949 Recorder pro tem., 948 Registration before, 2130 et s. Registration lists compared, 958 Repeating of votes, 957, 958 Returns, entry of, 955 Sexton, 4S4 Sinking-fund commission, 2374 Tax-assessors and receivers, 2772 Tax-collector, 483, 2767 Time of holding, 103, 116, 117 Treasurer, 483 Elections — Ccntinued. Vacancies, to fill, 55, 81, 102, 108, 117. 118 Voters' qualifications, 114 Voting more than once, penalty, 115 Voting places in wards, 113, 114, 953 Wards; additional managers, 956, 959 Wards, votes cast in, 2934 Water commissioners, 231 West End, 11 Electrical Committee. Chairman of, 960 Telephone, duty as to, 575-577 Electrical Companies. See Street i Railroads. Poles regulated, 2486-8 Wires, laws as to, 2489-94 Electrical Control, Board of. CommiUee chairman a member, 960 Composed of whom, 960 Duties specified, 961, et s. Electrician, city, 972 Examinations for licenses, 962 Licenses; applications, etc., 962 Member can hold other office, 465, 466 Powers of, 962 et s. Superintendent's duties and powers, 963 et s. Telegraph and telephone poles, 2487 Electric Current. Garage regulations, 547, 549 Retention of, in proper channel, 1012 Electrician, City. Access and examination, 965 Chartered office, 117, 502, 963 Cut off current, may, 975 Duties, powers, rights, 964 et s. Duties prescribed, 117, 502, 964 Elected by popular vote, 117, 502, 963 Examination by, 2002 904 IXDEX Electrician, City — Continued. Oath of office, 117, 502 Permits by, 971 Police signalmen, etc., 2002 Powers and rights, 964 et s. Powers to new city limits, 35, 40 Record, to be kept, 969 Removal from office, 119, &02 Superintendent of electricity, is, 963 Supervision of lights, 968 Term of office two years, 117, 502, 963 Theatres, 2875, 2887 et s. Vacancy, how filled, 117, 118, 502 Electric Lights. Committee on, standinig, 859 Telephones; location, etc., 862 Theatres, for, 2871 et s. Electric Raliroads. — ^See Street Rail- roads. Committee on, standing, 859 Wiires; guards, 2726 Electric Theatres. Detailed regulations, 2887 et s. Examinations of operators, 2900 Licenses, 2901 Penalties, 2908 Electric Wires, Poles, etc. Acceptance of grant or franchise binds to conditions, 1003 Access and examination, 965, 989 Alterations, permit for, 971 Appliances, duty to provide, 1012 Approval, certificate of, 967, 972 Board, of control, 960 et s. Bond and security, 990, 993 Careless, incompetent, or intoxica;t- ed workman, 985 City not liable, 2494 Concealing or covering, 972, 973 Conduits, requirements as to, 976, 987, 991, et s., 1005 et s. Construction, guarding, etc., 964, 967, et s. Electric Wires, Etc. — Continued. Currents, retention of, 1012 Cut-off current, authority to, 975 Damages from accidents, 980 Damages, right to, not affected bj" penal prosecution, 1014 Defective w^ork rejected, 1007 Defective work removed, 102O Ducts for city's use, 991, 1008 Electrician of city, 963 et s. Electrolysis, prevention of, 1012 Examinations for licenses, 962, 97* Exception to requirements, 1023 E'xpense of raising wires, lOOl Expense of removing material, 1020' Fire-alarm gongs, 1011 Fire-alarm wires, reservation for, 99G Fire limits; underground conduits, 976, 1005, 1019 et s. Fires, duty of -power company in case of, 1011 Franchise or grant: conditions, 991 Franchise, sale forfeits, 993 Fuse; amperes to be marked, 982. Fuse, size of, 1015 Fuse-block, bridging of, 9S1 Heat, light, power, 904, 967, 976 Insi)€ction', 965, 967, 968 Licenses, requirements as to, 962,. 978, 979 Light wires; separation of, 991 Overhead wires, 1023 Penalties, 977, et s. Permits required, 971, 987, 989 Picture shows regulated, 1029 et s. Plans and specifications, 9S9, 10O€, 1027 Plum-bers and gas fitters, 994 Poles; placing and removal, 984, 996 et s. Power wires, separation of, 991, 997 Protection against accidents, fires, etc., 964 et s. Railroads, street, 2725 Regulations; penalty, 2489 et s. IXDEX 905 Electric Wires. Etc. — Continued. Removal of wires, 974, 999 Repairs; regulations, 974, 1€12 Reports to board, 992 Reservations by city, 991 et s., 1021 Rules and regulations, power re- served to change, 1010 Rules of national board, 970 Signs, regulations of, 1024 et s. Street, breaking, occupying, or ob- structing, 966, 987, et s. Superintendent; supervision, 9C3 et s.. 1019, 1031 Tape on joints, 973 Telegraph and telephone wires in separaite conduits, 991, 1005 Underground circuits, 9S6 Underground conduits, 976 et s., 1019 et s. Voltage, limit of, 1017 Electrolysis, Prevention of, 1012 Eligibility. Aldermen, 77, 79, 464-466 Building inspector, 5S9 Carnegie library trustees, 465, 466 Cemetery commissioners, 465, 466 Chief of construction, 374, 798 Councilmen, 77, 464-466 Education, board of, 405, 466 Electrical control, board of, 4G5, 460, 960 Firemasters, 465, 466 Grady hospital trustees, 465, 466 Health board members, 312 Investigator, 465 Mayor, 56, 464-466 Pension applicants, 496 et s. Police commissioners, 465, 466 Policemen, 494 Recorder pro tern., 947, 948 Water commissioners, 231 Eminent Domain. See Condemnation of Property. Eminent Domain — Continued. Power conferred on city, 305 Employees. Appointment, 252, 737, 817 Cemetery, 737 et s. Discharge, 817, 2386(8). Fire department, 1051 Sanitary. See Health Board. Speculation unlawful, 761 Streets, sewers, etc., 817 Waterworks, 252 Encroachments. Sidewalks or streets; penalty, 680- 1, 2416-18, 2658 W. & A. Railroad property, 382 Engineer, City. Office abolished, 374, 375, 447, 448, 798 Engines and Boilers. Licenses; police control, 2039-40 Entry on Land. On paying award, 469 Pending appeal, 469, 470 Sewerage, 295 Wiaterworks surveys, etc., 274 Entry, Right of. See Insipections. Electrician, 9C5 Health and sanitation officers, 1205 et s. Plumbing inspector, 2218 et s. Waterworks officers, 2973 Erskine Memorial Fountain, 1742 Estimates. By boards and chiefs, 878, 897 Chief of construction, by, 809, 814, 815 Specified, separately, 814 Supplies for departments, 87S Treasurer's, 185 900 IXDEX Estrays. See Live Stock. Evidence. Business, of doing, 1527 Deeds on tax sales admissible In, 15S Physician of city, 191S Power to compel, 461 Presumption of negligence, 532 Examinations. See Books; Inspec- tions. ■Departmental; powers, 401 Electric theatre operators, 2900 Insurance policies, 879 Plumbers, 2201 et s. Policemen and officers, 1948 et s. Weights and measures, 1587 et s. Examining Boards. Electrical work, licenses to do, 962 Expense to city forbidden, 962 Executions — Continued. Illegality, affidavit of, SOO, 2337, 2408 Levy of, 15C9 Marshal's duties and powers, 1564 et s. Kotice of levy, 1571 Percentage tax, for, 1547 Prepared by departments, 1561 Registration tax, for, 1528 Sales under, 1570 et s. Settlement of, 1563 et s. Shade-trees, for expense and trim- ming, 2484 Sidewalk cleaning, 2430 Sidewalk laying, etc., 2420 Sidewalks and curbing, for, 341 Street improvements, 357, 2683-4, 2687 Taxes, for, 141, 1566, 1568, 2799, 2815, 2820 Transferred, may be, 171 ExcavatTons. Sewers, for, 2389 Streets, in, 2325 et s. Executions. Assessments for street improve- ments, 2408 Bridge building, repair, 2128 Car-track repairs, 2724 Clerk issues, 170, 925, 1562 Collection of, 168, 1563 et s. Comptroller keeps docket or copy, 1563 Curbing and sidewalks, 2453, 2457 Delivered to marshal, 1503 Directed to marshal, 170, 1563 Endorsement iby marslial, 1564 Entries to be docketed, 1564 Entry of, .by comptroller, 873 Fees collected on, 1570 Pees for, 1874 Fees printed on back, 1570 Fines, to enforce payment of, 926 j Executive. Mayor is chief, '55 Exemptions. See Taxes. ! Sewer assessment, partial, 301 Exhibitions. See Disorder; Moving- Picture Shows. Expenditures of Money. Boards, by, 567, 568, 573, 885 Bonds, proceeds of, 581, 582 Cemetery trust funds, 741 Chief of construction, 819 Estimates annual, 814 Illegal, liability for, 571, 572 Limitations, 814, 816, 819 Necessity for, must exist, 573 Kot exceed apportionment, 898 Reports ;as to, 815, 1718 I Votes on, separate, 86 Warrants sipecify fund, 886 Eixpress Agent or Employee, Burial permits, to obtain, 1559 INDEX 907 extension of Limits. See Annexation. Amendment of l&OS, p. 12 et s. Battle Hill, 24 Cook's District, 24 Copenhill, 26 East Atlanta, 26, 28 Edgewood, 26, 27 Eighth Ward, 6 Inman Park, 3 fiOTth Atlanta, 24 Peachtree Street, 5 Repeal of old ward lines, 25 Extra Help. Departments, in, 1702-3 Factories. Box, broom, or trunk, 1117-1119 Permits, when required, 1117-1119 1^als« Reports of Disease, 1231 Fares. See Street Railroads. Farmers; Sales of Produce, 1S5S, 1862, 1865 Federal Officer. Can not hold city office, 464 Feeding Animals, 1S66 Fees. Automobile registry, 517 Bill of, how established, 479 Clerk of council, 258, 845 Clerk, on executions, 2420 Covered into treasury, 2420 Executions, for, 1874 Licenses, etc., 144, 978, 1534-1536 Licenses; liquor selling, 1479 Limits of, as to amount, 479 ' Marshal's, 258, 1570 Marshal's, on executions, 2420 'Motor-cycle registry, 536 JRecord of, 897 "Weighing (except coal), for, 1596 Fees — Continued. Weights and measures, for examina- tion of, 15S9, 1596 Feigned or Fictitious Name, 930 Females. See Disorder. Fence Gate, Door, Shutter. Construction and repair, 722-725 Contractor responsible, 724 Improvement ordinance, 723 Owner responsible, 724 Self-closing, required, 722 Sidewalk to be freed of, 722 Fences, Posts for, 2734 Fenders, Street-Car, 2746-7 Fertilizer Companies. Business license, 1893 Fertilizers. Sales of; health department, 1204 Fi. fas. See Executions. Fighting. See Disorder. Files. Cemetery, in duplicate, 793 Finance. See next title. Annual expense restricted, 203 Apportionment of revenue, 227, 814 Appropriations, 195 et s. Ascertainment of condition, 191 Assessment of property, 193 Balance sheet, 191 Borrowing, how far allowed, 204 Committee on, of council, 814 Comptroller's books to show, 192 Department of Finance, 885 Estimate of income, 194 Expenditures, 203. 213, 814-816 908 IXDEX Finance — ^Continued. Loans, temporary, repayment, 205, 206 Penalty for exceeding limits, 19S Purchases and renting, 209 et s. Receipts and expenditures, 192 Sinking fund for city hall, 20S Statement to council, 815 Suit for penalty, by clerk, 199-202 Waterworks, 285 Finance Committee. Chairman a member of sinking-fund commission, 2373 Clerical help furnishod by, 822 Contracts, award of, on bids, S78 Educatioin, board of; treasurer's books, 2309-10 Postponements of collections, 2GS9 Sinking-fund, payment of bonds from, 2382 Wards; each represented, 859 Fines. Collection; enforcement, 97, 925. 932 ■Limit of, 57, 97 Remission of; certificate, 932 Worked out; certificates, 932 Work OH' streets, to enforce, 926 Firearms, 1794 Fire Chief. See titles following. Absence; assistant acts, 1056 Absence; permission required, 1056 Assistants, foremen are, 1049 Authority conferred, 1062 Burned or damaged house, 597 Chimneys and stovepipes, 1088 Combustibles loose, 1099 Copies of letters, shall keep, 1069 Direction, (power of, 1062 Duties prescribed, ,597, 659. 1049 et s. Election of, 1049 Electric wires, 2490 et s. Fire Chief— Continued. Estimates and statements, S78, 897 Fine for non-attendance. 1062 Fire-escapes, 659 Inefficient men subject to, 1086 Inspections, lOSS, 1099, 1111. 1121 Minutes, duty to keep, 1048 Notice to occupants, 1088, 1104 Perquisites, has none, 1050 Police power, 1052 Salary, 1050 Secretary to board, is, 1048 Street opening, notice of, 2632-3^ 2635 Telegraph alarm, superintends, 1049 Theatre buildings, 2841, 2875 Fire Department. See titles following: Alarm gongs, 1011 Alarm wires and poles, 996 Appliances, council determines, 1048 Appropriation and expenditures, 88S Bell; exclusive use, 1066 Chief; duties, powers, salary, 597, 659, 1049 et s. Committee on, standing, 859 Control and supervision, 1047 Damaged buildings, 597 Division of companies and equip- ment, 1051 Employees designated, 1051 Employees, dismissal of, 1055 Employees subject to whom, 1070 False-alarm; information and pun- ishment, 1059 Fire-escapes, 659 Foremen, duties of, 1049, 1051, 1052^ 106S Oongs in power stations, 1011 Gongs, regulations as to, 1063-1067 Interference wuth alarm, 1060 Notices to chief, 1072, 1074 Obstructions of streets, 1057, 1061 Penalties, 1057 et s. Plugs, examination of, 1068 Right of way to be given, 1057, 105S,. 1064, 1076 I.\DEX 909 Fire Department — Continued. Rules and regulations, 1054, 1071 Vacancies may be filled, 1053 Vehicles to clear streets, 1064 Whistle; exclusive use, 1066 Water; cessation of use, 1073 Fire-Engines, Houses, Men. Contracts for, 2302 Powers of mayor and council, 92 Tests cf apparatus, 2969 West End, 18 Fire-Escapes. Board of, G59 Mayor and council can require, 95 Penalty for not placing, 96, 660 Penalty for not repairing, 661 Specifications, materials, etc., 651- 658 Fire Insurance. See Insurance. Fire Limits. Bounded, GS4, 685 Buildings within, 596, 616 et s. Enlargement of, 482 Nuisances within, 1686 Penalty, 688 Rules for buildings, 6S6, 6S7 Firemasters, Board of. Bills, when presented, 1072 Chief of department. 1048 et s. Committee chairman a member, 104S Committee of council, 859 Control fire department, 1047 Efficiency, examination of, 1082-1084 Inefficient men, how disposed, 1084- 1085 Judgment on minutes. 10'S4 Mayor a member, 1048 Meetings, when, 1072 3Iember can hold other office, 465, 466 Firemasters, Board of — Continued. Rules and regulations, 1054 Secretary, chief acts as, 1048 Trial for violations. 1055 Vouchers for expenditures, 567 et 8. Firemen. Chief, 597, 659, 1049 et s. Death from injuries, 1077 Drivers, pay of, 1079, 1081 Efficiency examination, 1082-1084 Faithful performance, 1080 Foremen, assistant chiefs, 1049 Hearing, opportunity for, 1080-1084 Hosemen, pay of, 1079, 1081 Inefficient; disposal and duties, 10'84- 1086 Laddermen, pay ot, 1079, 1081 Light work, assignment to, 1085 Pensions for, 406 et s. Physicians' report on, 1079, 1080 Police powers, 1052 Salaries; increase by years, 1079- 1081 Salaries; increase conditional, 1080 Salaries; reduction of. 10o5 Salaries, scale of, 1079 Stokers, pay of, 1079, 1081 Suspension, effect of, 1080 Trials of, by board, 1082-1084 Widow and children, pay to, 1077 Fires — Protective Regulations. Apartment houses, 1124-1132 Arrests for violations, 1100, 1112, 1123 Ashes in houses; disposal, 1111 Awnings or sheds, wood, 1096 Barrels, boxes, etc., 1099, 1121 •Benzine, how kept, etc., 1113, 1114 Blacksmith-shops in limits, 1093 Boilers; restrictions, 1101, 1105, 1106-1108 Boxes, brooms, trunks, 1117-1119 Chimneys dangerous, 1088 * Chimneys to be cleaned, etc., 1120 910 INDEX Fires. Protective Regulations — Cont'd. Combustibles (see Oils, infra): Barrels, boxes, etc., 1099, 1121 Night burning, when forbidden, 1092 Removal after six hours, 1099, ' 1121 Roofs to be freed of. 1120 Council's consent required, 1094 et c. Electric theatres, 2887 et s. Electric wires, 2490 et s. Factories, permits for, 1117 Fireworks, shooting of, 1821 Furnaces, 1101-1106 Garages, fire excluded rfom; excep- tion, 547 Gasoline, how kept, etc., 1113, 1114 Hotels; building laws, 1124-1132 Injuring engine, etc., 1109 Ins'pectioins required, 1099, 1101, \ 1121 Junk-shops, 1117, 1118 Kerosene; quantity kept, 1095 Kilns, open plank, excluded, 1087 Lights uncovered, 1089, 1090 Naphtha, how kept, etc., 1113, 1114 Night, unlawful burning in, 1092 Oils, quantity and manner of keep- ing, 1095, 1113, 1114 Orders, refusal to obey, 1122 Parapet walls to be cleaned, 1120 Penalties, 1087 et s. Permitting carrying of forbidden lights, 1090 Persons not allowed near fires, 1122 Ranges; restrictions, 1110-1104 Roofs to be cleaned, etc., 1120 Smoke-pipes, how surrounded, 1107 Stables, lights in, 1089, 1090 Stationary steam-engines, 1094 Stove-pipes dangerous, 1088 Stoves; restrictions, 1102-1104 Streets, fires in, 1091 Theatres and halls, 2841 et s., 2875 Thieves at fires, 1123 Trash, lumber, straw, etc., 1092, 1120 Fires? Protective Regulations — Cont'd. "Wagons, Avhen unlawful in, 1187 Water for protection, 2967 Wood and lumber yards, 1097 Wood not cut in street, 109S Wooden floors supporting boilers, ranges, stoves, 11021105, 1108 Fire Sales. Misrepresentation of, 17S1 Fireworks, Shooting of, 1S21 Firms. > t' Failure to return sales, 1872 License required for, 1870 First Ward Park, 1751 Fish. Display on sidewalk, 1267-1270 Licenses to sell, 1274, 1275, 1856 et i Sales of, when forbidden, 1258 et s.,. 188G, 1891 Fishing In Parks, 173G Flag and Colors of City. Described, 908 Flags. 7; Disease warnings, 1221, 1225 Flips Prohibited, 1773 Floors Public, 1854 Flowers. See Cemeteries; Parks Flying Jennies. Exhibitions like, 1840 Licenses and regulations, 236S Parks, not allowed in, 1756 Policemen, expense of, 2368 INDEX Oil Foodstuffs. See Health Regulations. Forfeiture. Bid; of money deposited, 531 Bonds, of, 950, ISIO et s. Check deposited with bid, 2384 et s. Damages liquidated, 2396(7). Deposits with bids, 2389, 2395. 2396, 2451 Franchise, of, by sale, 993 License, of, 979, 1046, 1505, 1513. 1514 Fornication, Houses of, 1803 et s. Forsyth Street Bridge. Charter power as to, 458 Fortune Tellers, 1852, 1853 Fountains. Supervision of Park Board, 1760 Fowler Street. Projection vacated, 492 Fowls, Sale of, 1258, 1262 Franchises. See Street Railroads. Advertisement of application, 1473 Electrical wiring, etc., 991 Piedmont Power Company, 489 Sale, when forfeits, 993 Streets; renewals restricted, 462 Vote on, to be separate, 86 Fraud. See Waterworks. Certificates; alteration, etc., 1C09 et s. Fire or wreckage sales, 1781 Misrepresentation of weight, 1615 Misuse of cemetery privilege, 752 Freight. See Street Railroads. Fruits. Decayed, not sold, 1258, 1886, 1891 Fruits — Continued. Licenses, 1881-5 Peddlers; license, etc., 1902-4 Sidewalk sales, 1267, 1274, 1S82-4, 2440 Sunday sales, 1S02 Fruit-Stands. Cleanly, must be, 1882, 1SS4 Licenses; revocation, 1881-5 Permit temporary, 1881 Sidewalk, obstruction of, 1SS2, 1884 Sidewalks, on. 2440 Freeholders. Assessors to be, when, 329, 330 Free Licenses. See Licenses. Free Lunch. See Lunch. Freight Rates and Transportation.. Committee on, standing, S59 Funerals. See Disorder. Private, when to be. 1246, 1250 Gaming. Betting, 1796, 1824 Devices to attract trade, 1133 Flying-jennies, at, 2368 Penalties, 1134, 1136. 1137 Races, betting on, 1135 Turf exchanges, 1107 Garages. Building; what other uses excluded, 544 Defined. 542 Electric current, 54S Electric dynamos, 547 Fire or heat prohibited; exception,. 547 Gasoline, how kept, 545 Inflammable liquid, regulatioa of, 546 912 i\i)i:x Garages — Continued. "No smoking" notice displayed, 549 Penalty for violating law, 552 Precautions to be used, 550 Pump-room regulations, 551 Smoking in, prohibited, 459 Volatile liquid, regulation of, 548 Garbage. Cans for, prescribed. 139© Not fed to cows, 1335 Receptacle for, 2478 Removal of, 1207 Street, unlawful to cast on. 2476 Gas. Lights for theatres, etc.. 2S71 et s. Gas Fixtures, Junk-dealers, 1434 et s. Gasoline. Oarage, how kept in, 545 Quantity, and bow kept, 1113, 1114 Gates on Sidewalks, 722 General Council. See Mayor and Gen- eral Council. General Manager of Parks, 1730-2 General Manager of Waterworks. Chartered office, 117, 502 iDuties prescribed by ordinances, 117, 502 Elected by popular vote, 117, 251, 602 Oath of office, 117, 502 Powers to new city limits, 35, 40 Removal from office, 119, 502 Supervision by mayor and council, 117, 502 Term of office, two years, 117, 502 Vacancy, how filled, 117, 118, 502 General Welfare. Powers conferred, 92 Gentlemen's Driving Club. Liquor-license; consent, 1512 Police purposes, embraced for, 45 Girls. See Females. Glanders. See Health Regulations. Glass. Junk-shop regulations, 1436 et s. Parks, not to be thrown in, 1758 Goats. At large, impounded, etc., 1393 et s. Gold. Junk-dealers and pawnbrokers deal- ing in, 1434 et s. Gongs. Bicycles must have, 529 Fire-alarm, in power stations, 1011 Fire-department regulations, 1063- 1067 Fire, hospital, and police, 526, 1065 Kinds used, restriction of, 526, 1065 New departure or rotary, 526, 1065 Penalty for violating law, 527 Prohibited for vehicles other than fire, hospital, and police, 1180 Street-cars, 2699. 2717 Goods. Display at hotels, 1869 Licenses to sell, 1869 Government. Inhabitants self-governed, how, I Powers of, 1, 92 Grace, Days of, 1870 Grades. See Cemeteries; Street Rail- roads; Streets. INDEX 913 Grading. See Streets. Sidewalks, for. 23SG Grady Hospital. Acceptance of, 1421 Baard of trustees, 1422 et s. Maintenance pledged, 1421, 1422 Maternity ward, 1429 Mayor ex-officio trustee, 1427 Notice to law department. 1466 Other office, trustee can hold, 465, 460 Powers of trustees, 1426 Rules for governing, 1426 Trustees; election, term, etc., 1422 et s. Grady Monument, 1742 Granite Curbing, 2387 Grant Park. See Parks. Contiguous territory incorporated, 7 Dogs not allowed in, 1413 Management of, 1728 et s. Police regulations, 43, 44 Sales of drinks, etc.. 44 Grass in Parks, 1737 Gratings. See Sidewalks. Grazing. Permission required, 1404 Groceries. Peddler forbidden to sell. 1877 Grocers. See Disorder. Guano. Keeping, regulated, 1283 Guano Factory. Limits in city for, 1691 Guaranty cf Sidewalk-s, 246'i Guardians. See Disorder. Guards. See Convicts. Gunpowder. Amount kept, 2076 Bond of seller. 2078 Display sign, must, 2080 License required, 2077-S Penalties, 2076, 2078, 208O Gutters. See Sidewalks? Filthy liquids excluded, 1282 Olistructing, penal, 1281 Habitual Drunkards. See Liquors, Near Beer. Hacks. Badge worn, showing number, 1168 Charges, regulation of, 460 Certificate of condition, 1177 Certificate of safety, 1153 Chairman of committee on transpor- tation, duty of, 1177 Charges; rates limited, 1147 Chief of police, duties of, 1153, 1155, 1161, 1166, 1169, 1170, 1177 Child, when no charge for, 1147 Clean and healthful, to be, 1173 Clean and in proper dress, 1175 Day rates, lit" Deportment of drivers, 1175 Distance; measurement and rate, 1147 Drivers leaving, 1157, 1160 Drivers not to congregate, 1160 Drivers on sidewalks, 1158, 1160 Eighteen years old, custodian or li- censee must be, 1152 Handle or knob inside, 1172 Harness, safe, clean, etc., 1175 Hiring, how determined, 1147 Horses, no sick, feeble, etc., 1174 indecency or insolence, 1175 Lamps lighted, 1151 58 914 INDEX Hacks — Continued. Lamps, numbers on, 1151, 11G7 Licenses, 1138, 1148, 1152. 1153, 1177 Map of city in, 1148 Night rates, 1147 Numbers displayed, 1151, 1167, 1168 Open space in line of, 1159 Passenger-depot, how placed by, 1158 et s Penalties, 1149 et s. Permits for drivers; good charac- ter; cancellation, 1166 Permits for substitutes, 1169 Refusal to carry passenger, 1152 Refusal to pay fare, 1150 Rendezvous, designation of, 1155 Rendezvous may be changed, 1155 Rendezvous, occupancy limited to, 1156 Safety and repair, 1173 Schedule of rates posted, 1148, 1154 Schedule, no congesting on, 1160 Sidewalks, no obstructio;n of, 1158 Solicitation of patronage, 1160 Solicitation of passengers, 1160 et s. Speed on time rate, 1147 Speed at and on viaduct, 1178 Street regulations, 2441 et s. Tags carrying number, 1151 Halls. See Buildings; Theatres. Halls, Public. Detailed regulations, 2829 et s. Hauling. Dirt-wagons regulated, 2475 Permit written, when required, 1186 Swill, slop, etc., 1277 Health, Board of. See following titles Abatement of nuisance, 1680 Absence from meetings, 564 Accouchers, 1551 Accounts, approval of, 556 et s., 887, 12 CO Health, Board of — Continued. Analyses, 1321 Appropriation for use of, 119S Appropriation, not to exceed, 570 Appropriation, sanitary, 325, 1199 Births, report of, 1551 Blanks furnished by, 1554 Burial permits, 791, 784, 1557 Cholera, 1220, 1222 et s. Clerk, duties, election, salary, etc., 1197, 1198 Clerk's report of bills, S93-S95 Closets, privies, etc.. 1292 et s., 1391 Committee chairman a member, 310, 1195 Composed of whom, 310, 1194 Contagious diseases, 1220 et s. Contract, power to make, 121<> et s. Crematories, operation, etc., 321 Dead animals; removal, etc., 1209 et s. Dead body, permit to remove. 759, 779, 784, 790, 791 Deaths, report of, 1556 Diphtheria, 1220, 1224 et s. Diseases, 1220 et s. Disposal of garbage, etc., 321 Drainage, may require, 318 Duties prescribed, 315 et s.. 5C1 et s., 1196 et s. Elected by General Council, 311, 1194^ Elections by, 1198, 1202, 1304 Eligibility of members, 312, 564 Employees, 1200, 1305 Employees, meddling with, maltreat- ing, etc., 1306, 1307 Employees, penal offenses by. 1305 Enforcement of ordinances, 13S4 Estimates and statements, S7S, 897, 1199 Executive heads, duty of, 567, 568 Exemptions, may grant, 2297 Expenditures, regulations -of, 566 et s. Expenditures, reports of, 1201 INDEX 915 Health, Board of — Continued. Fevers, 1220, 1224 et s. Filling lots and cellars, 318 Fumigation, 1225 Inspectors; appointment, pay, etc., 1203 Inspectors; duties and powers. 1205 Graves, permits for, 783 Health Officer. 1238-1244 Inspection marks furnished by, 1379 Investigation by, 1679 et s. Judgment conclusive, ICSO License of slaughter-houses, 1381 Live stock and meat inspection, 13C4 et s. Live stock inspection, etc., 13C8 et s. Marriages, report of, 15S0 Mayor ex-officio member, 310. 1195 M«asles. 1220 Meat inspection, 13C4 et s., 1374 Meetings, how often, 315, 563 Membership prescribed. 310-313, 1194 Membranous croup, 1220 Mid wives, 1552 Milk inspector, 1314 et s. Night superintendent of wagons and sweeping, 1208 Nuisances, abatement of. 316, 317, 1196, 1206 et s. Nuisances, powers as to. 1679 et s. Obstructing or hindering, 1227, 1306, Orders compulsory, 317 et s. Pay-rolls of employees, 1200 Penalty for not obeying, 319, 320 Permits, 1292, 1308. 1312, 1322 Permits: Drugs and medicines, free distri- 'bution of, 1279 Milk, sale of, 1322 et s. Renewal, 1325 Personal liability, 571 Physicians, 1220. 1223. 1552 Physicians (city), reports by, 1909 Plumber's notice, 2195 Plumbing rules, etc., 2155 et s. Health, Board of — Continued. Plumbing specifications. 220S-9 Plumbing supervision, 2211-12 Powers extend to new city limits, 35, 40 Powers of mayor and council, 92, 316 et s. Powers, ordinances conferring, 1196 et s. Powers over outside territory. 41-54- Qualification in thirty days, 561 Quarantine, 1228 et s. Quorum, majority of board, 314 Registry books, 1552, 1555 Regulations, duty to adopt, 1227 et s. Removal from dwelling, 1226 Removal from office, 572 Reports of bills and collections, S93- 895^ Reports to council, 316, 565, 1201 Rules and regulations, power to make, 2297 Sanitary inspectors, 1203 et s. Scarlet fever, 1220 et s. Secretary's duty, 565, 1204 Sewer connections, 2345, 235S et s. Sewers; old culverts, 2345, 2357 Slaughter-houses, 1363 et s., 1377 et s. Smallpox, 1220 et s. Smallpox hospital; physician, 1910 Stables, livery and private, 322, 323, 1308-1311, 1385 Stables, liverj', feed, sale 130S-13II Telephones how obtained, 574-577 Term of office, three years, 313 Typhoid and typhus fever, 1220 et s. Undertakers, 1245-1255 Vacancies, how filled, 327, 564, 1202 Vaccination, 320, 1236 et s. Vouchers; examination and approv- al, 566 et s. "Wages of inspectors, 1203 Ward, one member from each, 312, 1194 910 INDEX Health, Board of — rContinued. Warning-cards, or flags, 1221, 1225 Yellow, fever, 1220 et s. Health Officer. Certificate of, before milk sold, etc. 133S Certificate of, when required, 1338 Duties prescribed, 1244, 1254 Elected by board, 1239 Eligible, board member not, 1241 •Impeached, may be, 1242 Office created, 1238 Office, place of, 1243 Pensior.ers examined by, 496 et s. Physicians, city, 1911. 1913, 1916 Reports of diseases, 1337 Reports to be made to, 1337 Salary, and how paid, 1240 Supplies furnished by, 191*3 Term of office, 1239 Health Regulations. Animals diseased, 1235 Animals. (See Meat, infra.) Bones, keeping of, 1283 Burials, 1249 Butter imitations; sales. 1271-1273 Butter, sale of, 1327 Calves, when unfit to be sold for food, 1259, 1263 Carcasses; removal, etc., 1209 et s. Carcasses used for meat, what for- ibidden, 1259 Cellars, etc., 2151 Closets on cars to be locked, 1291 Clothing infected, sale of, 1222 Condemnation of decayed or un- wholesome foodstuffs, 1258 et s. Contagious diseases, death from, 1245 et s. Contagious diseases, report of, 1220 Conveyances at funerals, 1251, 1252 Cost or expense of removal, 1196 Counterfeiting inspection marks, 1379 Health Regulations — Continued. Cows, regulations as to, 1333 et s. Decayed flesh, fruit or vegetables. 1256-1258 Discharging liquid in, 1282 Disinfection. 1220, 1245. 1247. 1251, 1253 Drainage, 2151-2, 2155 et s. Drains or gutters, obstructing, 1281 Drugs or medicines, free distribu- tion; permit, 1279 Dumping-ground jurisdiction, 1304 Dumping-ground regulations, 1305 et s. Dumping ground, when not used, 1218 Examination of premises, 1206 False report of disease, 1231 Filth from privies, 2153 Fish, sidewalk sales of. 1267, 1274 Fish, spoiled, 1258, 1259 Flags, 1221, 1225 Foodstuffs on sidewalks, 1267 et s. Foodstuffs unwholesome; sale pro- hibited, 1258 et s. Fowls killed and undrawn not to be sold or given, 1262 Fumigation, 1220, 1225 Funerals, when to be private, 1246^ 1250 Game spoiled, 1258 Game undrawn, 1262 Garbage and excremem, 1207. 125S, 1286 et s. Garbage cans prescribed. 1390 Guano, keeping of, 1283 Hides, keeping of, 1283 Hotel-keepers' duty as to contagious disease, 1220 Housekeeper's duty as to contagious disease, 1220 Infected articles, sale of, 1222 Infectious diseases, report of, 1220 Interference with sanitary work, penal, 1227, 130G, 1307 INDEX 917 Health Regulations — Continued. Live Slock inspection, condemnation, etc., 1363, 1369 et s. Lot unoccupied by owner; duty, 1196, 1293 Manure, disposal of, 13S6 et s. Meats, fish, game, poultry, sale of, 1258 et s. Meat, sidewalk sales of 1267, 1274 M-eat-wagons to be covered, 1265 Milk-depots, report on, 1312, 1313 Milk regulations, 13151360 Milk, sale of, 1312 et s. Nuisances, abatement of, etc., 1256, 2151-2 Obstructing water, 2154 Odors, escape of, 1390, 1391 Obstructing or hindering, 1227, 1306, 1307 Penalties for violations, 1219 et s., 2151 et s., 2361 Physicians' duties; penalties, 1220, 1223, 1232, 1236 Plumbing laws, 2155 et s. Preservation of meat, 1378 Privies, keeping and examination of; penalties, 12S5-1290 Quarantine regulations, 1224, 1228 et s. Rags, keeping of, 1283 Railroad employees, 1229 Railroad trains, 1228, 1291 Removal of deleterious things, 1196, 1206 et s., 1256 et s. Removal of families, 1226 Removal of patients, 1225 School children, 1232, 1236, 1237 Sewer and water connections re- quired, 1292 et s. Sidewalks, displays and sales on, ^hen unlawful, 1267, 1274 Slaughter-houses, 1367 Slaughter regulations, 1263-1266 Stables regulated, 1385 et s. Surface closets, 1391, 1392 Surface closets; limits, 2360 Health Regulations — Continued. Stagnant water, 2151-2 Swill, slop, etc., hauling of, 1277 Undertakers; regulations, 1245-1255' Warning signs, 1221, 1225 Water-closets, 12921302 Weeds, order to cut, 1284 Heat. See Electric Wires. Hides. Keeping regulated, 1283 Sale of animals for, 1260 Hogs. See Animals At large, impounded, etc., 1393 et s. Horses and Mules. Driving unhaltered, 1395 et s. Fastening to tree, fence, or lamp- post unlawful, 2473 Glandered, excluded, 1233 Reins, when to be loosened, 141S Stables, regulations of, 1385 et s. Horse Shows. Regulations and penalty, 2371-2 Hospitals. See Grady Hospital; Sani- tariums. Committee on, standing, 859, 1457 Consent of council required, 1430 Location to be specified, 1430 Notice to law department, 14t»6 Smallpox, 1910 Hotels. Milk, temperature, etc., 1352 Porters on sidewalks, 1160, 1161 Sales of goods from, 1865 Theatre buildings, not allowed In, 2841 Hours. Saturday, for oflBcers, 171S^ INDEX 918 t Houses Disorderly, ISOS Houses, Moving of. Notice to fire chief, 1074 Penaltj', 1075 Houses, Numbers of, 2502-7 Houses of Ill-fame, 1803 Ice. Misrepresentation, etc.; penalty, 1615 Permit to peddle, or sell, 1900 Scales, wagons must have, 1614, IS79 WTeighed on demand, 1615 Ice-Cream. Butter-fat percentages, 1356 Sales Sunday, 1777 Ice-Cream Factories. Floors, tile or cement, 1356 Milk; temperature, 1352 Ice Sellers. Permits, 1900, 1901 Registry required, 1900 Regulations; penalty, 1900, 1901 Jdiing, Loitering, etc. See Disorder. Probation, putting on, 920 Illegality. See Executions. Illuminating Oils. Quantity, and manner of keeping, 1095, 1113, 1114 Regulations, 1113, 1114 Imitations. Butter, of; sales, 1271-1273 "Weighers' certificates, of, 1611 Immorality. See Disorder. Impeachment. City-court judge, when presides, 476 Health officer, 1242 Judgment, extent of. 476 Mayor, after trial, 71, 476 Trial by general council, 476 Voting to sell waterworks property, ground for, 283 Impounding. Animals at large, 1393 et s. Dogs, 1400, 1410 Imprisonment and Labor. Confinement of offenders, 1810 Jail, commission to, 58 Limit of, 57, 97 Public works and streets, 97 Income. Annual expense restricted to, 203 Appropriations of, 195 et s. Estimate of, annual, 194 Waterworks, to treasury, 259 Incorporation, 3 Indebtedness Assumed. East Atlanta, 28 Edgewood, 27 Oakland City, 38 West End. 14 Indebtedness* Increase of. Separate vote as to, by aldermen and councilmen, 86 Sewerage, restriction as to, 304 Indecency, Public. Penalty for, 1305, 1762 et s. Wagon-yards, in, 2919-20 Infirmary. See Hospital. Inflammable L,iquids. See Garage. Informer. See Penalty. lADEX 019 Injunction. Cemetery, when subject to, 94 Inman Park. Sidewalk paving. 2412-13 Inman Park Extension, 3 Fourth Ward, part of, 3 Territory described, 3 Inspections, See Buildings; Fires; Health; Milk: Officers; Oils; Po- lice. Ashes in houses, 1111 Boilers, furnaces, ranges, 1101 Buildings, walls, etc., 35, 117, 441 et s., 589 et s., 1121 Chimneys, pipes, etc., 1088, 1120 Clubs (social) open to, 857 Combustibles loose, 1099, 1121 Counterfeiting marks, 1379 Electrical construction, 965 et s. Electric lights, 968 Fire regulations, 1121 Insurance policies, 880 Junk dealers, 1434 et s. L.icenses, 1453 et s., 1903 Liquor business, conduct of, 1492 Live stock and meat, 1363 et s. Lumber, of, 1475-C Marshal's books open to, 1573 M'anurebins, 13SS Pawnbrokers' books, etc., 1529, 1533 Permits, 2329 Plumbing, 2195, 2199, 2211 et s. Prison, city, 2092-3 Sewer connections, etc., 305, 306 Sidewalk materials, 2408 Street paving, etc., 812 Street-paving work, 2396 (17, 18) Street; wages of inspector, 2677 Water apparatus, pipes, etc., 264 "Water connections, etc., 2965, 2987 Weights and measures, 1587 et s., 299S Inspector of Buildings. See Building Inspector. Inspector of City. Marshal to act as, 169 Inspector of Dairies and Milk. .Duties; assistant, etc., 1314 et s., 13G1 Inspector, Sanitary. See Sanitary In- spectors. Inspector, Waterworks, 29G5, 29S7 Inspector, Weights and Measures. Bond, 2998 Duties, 2999 et s. Powers, 3000 et s. Salary, 2998 Installments. Assessments paid in, 304, 369 Assessments payable by, 2684 Taxes paid in, 141 Taxes, payable by, 2795 Instruments Mathematical. Sale of; license and registry, 1876 Insurance. Committee on, standing, 859, S66 Comptroller's duty, 879, SSO Departments, duty of, 879 Distribution of, 867 Duties of committee, 867, 86S Fair treatment required, 868 Policies, change of, 868 Policies, examination of, 880 Policies, statement of. 867 Statements of property, etc., 879 Insurance Agents. License fee or tax on. 129 Insurance Companies. Agents, tax on, 1546-1548 920 IMJKX Insurance Companies — Continued. License and registration, 1546-1548 Taxation of business, 1546-1548 Interest. Sinking-fund, added to, 2378 Street-improvement bills bear, 2688 Taxes on, 141, 2795 Interference, Penal. Policeman, hindering, etc., 1S19 Sanitary work, with, 1206. 1207 Interments. See Cemeteries. Intoxicating Liquors. See Liquor Traffic; Near Beer. Hours of places where sold. 1775 Inventories. Departments to keep, 903 Stock-feed, by officers monthly, 1716 Investigator. Duties; police powers, 1444, 1466-7 Other city office, may hold. 465 Investments. Sinking-fund, 2375 Itinerant Traders. See Tax. License from city necessary, 1S56 Jail. Commission of offenders to, 58 Reception in; duty of jailer, 58 Junk Dealers. Articles kept or sold, restrictions as to, 1434 et s. Bent, disfigured or mutilated arti- cles. 1441 Consent to location required, 1431 Inspection by policemen, 1434 et s. License application, 1432 Notice to police, 1435 Junk Dealers — Continued. Pawn, articles taken in. 1435 et s. Penalties. 1433 et s. Permit by mayor. 1432 Purchases by, 1436-1439 Records to be kept. 1440 Jurisdiction. Justice Courts, 36 Nuisances, abatement of. 424 Police and Sanitary, 41-54 Recorder's court, 420, 421, 424, 909 et s. Juvenile Court. Regulations, 2052 et s. Justice Courts. Jurisdiction not extended to new city limits, 36 Justice of the Peace. Aldermen and councilmen as, 417 Mayor is. how far. 58 Kerosene Oil. Quantity that may be kept, 1095 Kilns. Open plank, excluded. 10S7 Lady Visitors of Schools. Appointment; duties. 2316-18 Lager Beei. See Liquor; Near Beer. Substitutes for; license regulations^ etc. 1G32 et s. Tax on. 134 Lamps. See Automobiles; Bicycles- Disorder; Hacks; Streets. Landlords. Permission to license and sale of near beer, 1638, 1G47 Land Lot 15, East Half of. Police jurisdiction. 51 IXDEX 921 Language Disorderly. See Disorder. Law Department, 885, 1442-5. 1466 Leaks in Water Fixtures, 2034 Lease. Market-houses, for, 456 Near beer dealers, 1638. 1647 Waterworks property, 276, 283 "Waterworks system, 284 Legislation. See Ordinances. Legislative Department. 72-102 Joint and several body, 73, 86, 89 Style of, 72 Vested in whom, 72 Levy and Sale. See Execution; Taxes. Personalty, when sold elsewhere than at city hall, 473 Lewdness. See Disorder. Library. See Carnegie Library. Committee on, standing, 859 License Inspector. Appointed by mayor, 1453 Arrests, may make, 1455 Assistant; duties of, etc., 1471-2 Bond, shall give, 1453 Confirmed by council, 14-53 Duties, 1454 Notices of water bills, may be re- quired to deliver, 1454 Oath of office, 1455 Office distinct from warden, 1456 Police power, 1455 Salary, 1453, 1458 Licenses. See Taxes. Advertisement of application, 1473 Agents' percentage tax, 1546 Annual, 1478, 1525 et s. Licenses — Continued. Application for, written, 503, 962, 1473 Automobiles, 517 et s. Beverages, 1545 Beyond limits, not granted, 1660 Bill-posters, 553 Bond may be required, 467, 505 Bond, renewal of, 467 Bucket-shops not licensed, 1541 Business advertised, 1898 Business or occupation, 842, 843, 1525 et s. Carried and exhibited, when, 1903 Circuses, side-shows, etc., 2369 et s. Classification for, 1899 Coca-cola, 1545 Collection, 843 Commission merchants, 1538 Confederate veterans, 1537, 1861 I Consent of residents, 2368 Consignment, sales on, 1538 Costs on, 1536, 1539 Damages, renunciation of, 525 Detective business, 2024-5 Drays or wagons, 1138 et s. Drays or wagons of contractors at large, 1181 Drays or wagons single, 1181 Electrical work, to do, 962, 978, 979 Electric theatres, 2901 Engineers (stationary) 2039 40 Examination for, 962 Execution; issuance and levy, 1528 Fees for issuing, etc., 1534-1536", 1539 Fish, to sell, to persons on side- walks, revoked, 127'4-1276 Five days grace, 1S70 Flying-jennies, 2368 Forfeiture of, 979, 1046, 1663, 1775 Free, from State, 1537 Free, granted only when, 1542 Fruits and meats, to peddle, 1902-4 Fruit stand, manner of issue, 1880, 1884 Fruit stand, referred to tax commit- tee, 1881, 1884 922 INDEX Licenses — 'Continued. , , Ginger ale, 1545 Groceries, not issued to peddle, 1877 i Gross sales, on, 1545 Gunpowder, to keep and sell, 2076-80 | Hacks, 1138. 1148, 1152, 1153, 1177 | Ice peddling or selling, 1900 Inspector of, 1453 et s., 1577, 1903 Insurance companies, 1546-8 Itinerant vendors, 1543, 1544 Junk dealers, 1431 et s. Law to be printed on, 1883 Liquor, to sell, 1473, 1478 et s. Lumber dealers, 1474-7 Machines for testing lungs, strengtli, etc., 2368 Mayor and general council to issue, 1880 et s. Meat, for sale of, from wagon, 1875, 1878, 1879 Meat, to sell, to persons on side- walks, revoked, 1274, 1276 Milk-depot, for, 1313 Milk, for sale of, 1322 e^ s. Milk-wagons to show, 1341 Near-beer, 1632 et s. Near beer, to sell, 1632 et s. Notice of application, 1473 Notice of default, by mail, 1539 Numbered, when to be, 1146 Parks, to sell in, 1733 Pawnbrokers, 1439, 1529-1533 Payment quarterly, 1479, 1545 Peddlers, 153", 1544, 1856 et s. Penalties, 1474, 1528, 1531, 1533, 1857 et s., 2040 et s. Percentage tax, 1545-1548, 1869 Plumbers, 2200-7 Plumbing, when withheld, 306 Pool-selling, none for, 1137 Posting, required, 204O Procuring and paying for, 1525 Produce, to peddle, 1902-4 Qualifications of licensees, 962 Refund proportional, 14SS, 1549 Refund pro rata on cancellation, 1177 Licenses — ^Continued. Registry, 842 Registration required, 1525, 1526, 1474, 1865 Residence section of limits, 1661 Restrictions printed on, 1275 Restaurants, 2143 et s. Return of money paid for, 1274 Revocation of, 1177, 1274, 1435. 1488, 1507, 1549, 1636, 1649, 1654, 1663, 1672, 2147. 2824 Revocation, cause for, 1882. 1884-5 Ring-throwing devices, 2368 Rinks, skating, etc., 2367 Selling merchandise by samples from hotels, etc., 1869 Shooting-galleries, 2363 Slaughter houses, 1381 Soft drinks, 1545 Street-stands not licensed, 1544 Street venders; consent, 1543 Tax committee, regulations by, 1888 Ticket brokers, 2822 et s. Transfer of, 1633 Turf exchanges, none for, 1137 Vendue master to obtain, 503 Wagons hauling, 1138 et s. Wagon-yards, 2916 Wild-west shows, 2370 Licentious Publication, 1763 Liens. "~ Assessment for paving, 355, 356, 368 Assessments, street improvements, 2407 Preserved, as to West End, 13 Priority of, 356 Sewer assessments, 302 Lights. See Electric Lights; Electric Wires. Automobiles, 521 Contracts for, 16 Department of street lights, 885 Edgewood, system for, 27 INDEX 923 Lights— Continued. Garage regulation, 548 Motor cycles, 538 Streets, warning lights on, 2396(24), 2437, 2641 Theatres and halls, 2866 et sT West End, how many, etc., 16 Limitations of Powers. See Powers; Tax. LJmits Territorial. 2, S, 24, 32 Edgewood, 27 Justice courts not extended to, 36 New limits, adjustment, 31, 34 Xew limits, authority over, 35 Wards. 25, 31, 34 West End, S Lines of Wards, 2921 et s. Liquids. Discharge on street, 2474 Liquors. See next title. Edgewood, not licensed in, 27 Grant Park and vicinity, 44 License taxes on, 126, 134, 136-13S Parks, not sold in, 1733 Traveling blind tigers, 1640 West End, not made or sold in, 15 .Liquor Traffic. See Near Beer. Advertising signs, 1653 Alcohol, amount limited, 1673 Alcohol, sale of, 1518 Amount of license, 1478, 1485 Application for license, 1478, 14S0, 1506, 1513 Basements, saloons in, 1495 Beer-kegs on street, 1511 Beer license; amount, 1479 Beer license; how issued, 1492 Blind tigers, 1640 Bond required, 1501, 1507, 1513 Breweries; empty kegs, 1511 Bulk sales unlawful, 1519 Liquor Traffic — Continued. Character of licensee, 1493 Cigars, cigarettes, tobacco, 1523 Closing and opening: Election days, 1499 Holidays, 1490 Hours for, 1498 Wholesale dealers, 1482 Connection with other business not allowed, 1523 Disorder forbidden, 1497 Drinking, not on premises, 1519 Druggists, 1483, 1518 Drunken persons, 1497 Empty beer-kegs, 1511 Entrance to saloon, 1494,, 1495 Expiration of license, 1507 Forfeiture of license, 1505, 1663 Games or music; no playing, 1496 Hotels, bars in, 1494, 1502, 1522 Inspection of business, 1492 Intoxicating, excluded from near- beer saloons, 1640 Keeping for unlawful sale, 1489, 1510 Licenses, 1478 et s., 1632 et s. Limits territorial, defined, 1491 Loitering not allowed, 1497 Lunch limitations, 1522 Malt liquors, 1478 et s. Minors not to enter, 1515-1517 Near-beer regulations, 1632 et s. No license to whom, 1509 Oath Of applicant, 150O Officer admitted on demand, 1503 Ordinances; amendment and repeal, 14S5, 1486 Penalties, 1484, 1487, 1492, 1500, 1503, 1520, 1521, 1524 * Piedmont Park, 1513 Prescriptions, 1483 Revocation of license, 1488, 1507, 1549 Retailing; quantity, 1481 Screens, obstructions, etc., 1494 Signs required, 1502, 1517 Street entrance, 1494, 1495 924 IXDKX Liquor Traffic — Continued. Transfer of license, 150S, 1521 Wholesale dealers, 1482, 1485 Litigation. Pending, not affected, 321 Litter on Floors, Sidewalks, etc. 1854, 2476 L. P. Grant Park. Management of, 1728 et s. Lumber Dealers. i Inspections required, 1475-6 I License and registration, 1474 ' Penalty, 1477 Little Switzerland. Police powers over, 54 Livery-Stables. Location, 2398, 2399 Permits and conditions, 130S;1311 Permits, must have, 2397 et s. Live-Stock. Escaped, or at large, 1394, 1405 et s. • ES'trays impounded, 1393, 140o Impounding regulations, 1393 Inspection, condemnation, 1363 et s. Meaning of, 1363 Slaughter regulations, 1365 et s. Loafing. See Disorder; Parks. Loans. By city employes, regulated. 1708 "Limited power to make, 204, 206 Repayment, how and when, 205, 2'0€ Reported, to be, 1708 Temporary, 204-206 Lodge-Rooms. BuildJ!ig to have no garage, 544 Lodging-Houses. See Buildings. Theatre buildings, not allowed in, 2841 Loitering. See Disorder. Railroad property, on, 2100 Lost Checks. Record and transcript, 899, 900 LumberSales Tax, 1865 Lumber-yards. Consent of council required, 1097 Lunch. Liquor saloons, in, 1522 No free, with near-beer, 1632 Lunch Rooms. Milk; temperature, etc., 1352 Machinery. Junk-dealers and pawnbrokers buy- ing, etc., 1440, 1441 Machines for Testing, etc. Licenses, 2368 Mail. Regulation of,' 877 Malt Liquors. See Liquor Traffic^ Near Beer. Mangum Street. Closing part of, 389 Manholes. Constructed how, 2389(13) Materials for, 2384 Manufacturers. See Factories. Manufacturing Companies. Business of, license for, 1895 IXDEX 925 Manure. Dairy regulations, 1344 Hauling on street, 1388 Removal by city, 13S9 Stable regulations, 1385 et s. Maps. Sale of, persons to register, 1876 Market House. Establishment of two or more, 457 Lease of buildings, 211, 456 Purchase, power as to, 212, 456 Regulation by ordinance, 457 Markets. Fish, sales of, 1258 et s. Meat, sales of, 1258 et s. Market Value. See Tax. Marshal. Additional help, 1702 Advertisement of sale, 1570, 1573 Awnings or sheds; removal, 1096 Bond, must give, 162 Books kept by, 1574 Chartered office, 502 Compensation, 163165 Consolidation of offices, 116, 168 Council chamber, duty as to, 906 Deputies, police officers, 2032 Distinct officer from police, 160 Docket of executions, 1563, 1564, 1574 Duties prescribed, 117, 161, 166, 169, 502 Elected by popular vote, 117, 159, 50£ Executions, collection of, 168, 170, 1528, 1563 et s., 2420, 2430, 2457 Executions directed to, 950 Fees and cost, to treasury, 1536 Fees collected by, 258, 1570, 15S9 Fees on executions, 2420 Marshal — Continued. File of newspapers kept, 1574 Indexed, books to be, 1574 Inspection, books open to, 1573 Inspector of city, to act as, 169 Levy of executions, 1569 Lost checks, record of, 9O0 Notice of levy, shall give, 1571 Notice to move street assembly, 2449 Nuisance; abatement, 2152 Oath of office, 117, 172, 502 Office may be abolished, etc., 116, 167 Payment of help, 1702 Perquisites, 163-165 Possession, putting in, 1577, 1585 Powers of, to new city limits, 35, 40 Processes" directed to, by clerk, 170 Records open to inspection, 1192 Redemption of property, 1578 Registry of sales and redemptions, 1573, 1574 Removal from office, 119, 159, 502 Removals, record of. kept, 1192 Removals, reports of, 1191 Reports of weights and measures, inspection, etc., 1587 Salary, council may fix, 164 Sales made by, 1570 et s. Service of summons by, 928 Settle, not before fi. fa. issued, 1565 Sidewalk obstructions, removal, 2418 Supervision of mayor and council, 117, 502 Term of office, two years, 117,"^02 Title deeds; execution, 1570 Title deeds; redemption, 1578 Transfer fi. fas., authorized to, 171 Vacancy, how filled, 117, 118, 50i! "Wiarrants directed to, by clerk, 170 Weighers, appointed by, 1586 Weighers supervised by, 1587 Weights and measures, duties touching, 1587 et s. 926 IXDEX Marriages. Board of health, reports to, 1550 Details of report, 1550 Forty-eight hours, report in, 1550 Penalty for non-report, 1550 Registry of, 1555 Matron of Female Prisoners. Appointed by committee, 941 Compensation, 941 Duties, 941 Employed at pleasure; no term, 941 Mayor. Absence of, who acts in, C3, 68 Administer oaths, may, 58, 70 Approval of ordinances, etc., 61 Bail, can admit to, 58 Boards, membership on, 67, 235, 310, 465, 4'66 Change order of work, may, 828 Chief executive officer, 56 Closed street; discretion, 2438 Commit offenders to jail, can, 58 Contract with city, can not, 100 Court, authority to hold, 57 Department of Mayor, SS5 Duties and powers of, 56 et s. Electioin biennial, 55, 952 Eligible to second term only, 56 Firemasters, is one of, 104S Holds till successor qualified, 101 Impeachment, after trial, 71, 476 Jail, can commit to, 58 Justice of the peace, how far, 58 Legislative department, part of, 72 iLiability as individual, on contracts, 207 •Liability to refund to city, 198 Oath of office, 69 Other office, can not hold, 464, 466 Penalties, may impose, 57 Permit to junk dealer, 1432 Police board, member of, 1920-2 Presiding officer, 59, 65 Quitclaim deeds executed by, 1584 Mayor — Continued. Recorder's court, presiding in, 909 Salary adequate, how fixed, 56 Sinking fund commission, ex-officto- member of, 2373 et s. Standing committees announced by. 59, 64 Tax laws; enforcement, 2814 Term of office, 55 Vacancy in office, 55, 68, 466 Veto power in four days, 61 Violation of oath, penalty, 71 Votes only in case of tie, 60 Warrants for accounts, how drawn, 886 Warrants issued by, 58 W'arrants to treasurer, 2913 Mayor and Council. See next title. Composed of whom, 72 License transferred, 1633 Ordinances, readings of, 98 Powers conferred on, 488 Mayor and General Council. Absentees compelled to attend, S5' Accounts, members must examine, 188 Adjustment of claims, 471 Advertisement, power to contract without, 2471 Aldermen, when do not vote, S6, 87 Apportionments to departments, S14 Appropriations of money, 325, S14 Attorney's duties prescribed by, A2S Automobile examiners, 519 Balance sheet, 191 Bids, opening of, 2450 Bill-posting structures, 557-559 Boards chosen* by, 231, 311 Bond commissions' work, 57S et s. Bonds of licensees, power, 467 Bonds payable to, 1711 Bridges, building and repair, 2126 Bridge dangerous; special action, 2012 IXDEX 927 Mayor and Gen'l Council — Continued. Building inspections, report of, 590 Building recommendations, summa- ry enforcement of, 444 Buildings, objections to, 729 Buildings, removal of, 482 Cabs, drays, hacks, etc., 460 Cemetery commission; electjon, etc., 739 Chief of Construction controlled by, 800, 818 City hall, powers as to, 208, 209 Clerk's duties prescribed by, 452 Committees of, how made, 59, 64 Committees of, standing, 859 Committees, reports of, 860, 861 Common seal to be fixed by, 454 Compel witnesses, may, 478 Composed of whom, 78 Condemn property, power to, 2C7 Convicts, authority to farm out, 474 Curbing and sidewalk resolutions, 2454-5 ■Education board of; treasurer, 2299 et s. Elections by. 948 Elections by. See Ofiicers, infra. Election of city physician, 1905 Estimates by departments, 878 Examination of departments, 461 Factories, permits for, 1117, 1118 Fee bill or>oflacers, 479 Finances of city, how known, 191 Financial statement, 815 Fire limits, enlargement of, 482 Firing of cannon, permission by, 1820 Firepro'of buildings determined, 482 Flying-jennies; licenses, 2368 Forsyth street bridge, 458 Franchise renewals restricted, 462 Fruit stand, license for, 1881, 1884 Fruit stand license, may revoke, 1882, 1884 Grades of streets, 805 et s. Gratings on sidewalks, 2431 j Mayor and GenI Council — Continued, Gunpowder license, 2078-9 Health board appropriation, 1199 House of ill-fame, closing of, 1803 Impeachments, trial of, 47G Incurring indebtedness restricted, 304 Janitor subject to, 1706 Janitor selected by, 1706 Lady visitors of schools, 2316 Legislative department, is, 72 License applications, 1632 Licenses, control issue of, ISSO et ». Licenses, may revoke, 1882. 1884 Licenses. (See that title). Liquor licenses, 1478 et s. Livery-stable permits, 2398 ■Market-house, may buy or rent, 211, 212 Market-house, powers, 211, 212, 456 Mayor pro tern, 59, 64 Minutes, balance sheet entry, 191 Minutes, entry of vote upon, 62 Near-beer regulations, 1632 et s. New election ordered by, when, 55 Nuisance, trial of, 1683 Officers elected by, 103, 145, 1S6, 231, 312, 485, 4S6 Officers removed by, 104, 119, 487 Officers supervised b}', 117 Offices, may abolish, etc., IIG Offices, may declare vacant, 117 Oils, permission to keep, 1095, 1114 Ordinances and resolutions, 02, S6, 92, 97, 98 Passage over mayor's veto, 62 Passenger transportation, 460 Paving; decision final, 348 Payments, manner of, 814 Pension applications, 499 Permits, revocation of, 559 Permission to fire cannon, 1820 Physicians, city, 1905 Piedmont Park, may purchase, 210 Police commissioners, elections, 1922 928 INDEX Mayor and GenI Council — Continued. Powers vested in, 78, 92 et s., 48S Prison superintendent, 2090 Quorum for business, eleven, 82 Railroad track, permit to lay, 2101 Beconsideration, notice of. 88 Recorder and his court, 418 et s. Reports of officers to, 938 Revocation of licenses, 14SS, 1507. 1509, 1G54, 16G3 Revocation of permits, 1095, 1114 Rinks, skating, etc.. licenses, 2367 Salaries, fixed by, 440, 447, 452 Salary of chief sanitary Inspector fixed !by, 1203 Sanitation, regulation of, 324 Schools; establishment, etc., 429 et s. Sessions, when held, 91 Sewer assessments, 2335 et 3. Sewers; authority, 2319 et s. Sewers, power as to, 290 et s. Sewer work, order of, 827, 828 Shooting galleries, 2363 Sidewalks and curbing, 2419 Sinking-fund commission, 2374 et s. Soap factories, may authorize, 16S7 Statements by boards and chiefs, 897(a) Statements by comptroller, S9G Stationary steam-engines, 1094 Stockade (city prison), 490 Street assessments, 2404 et s. Street improvements, 2403 et s. Street work, order of. 827, 828 Streets and sidewalks. 328 et s., 804 et s. Streets, obstruction of, public speak- ing on, etc., 459 Supervision of officers, 117, 502 Suretyship by, forbidden, 1712 Taxation, assessment, etc., 121 et s. Tax assessors and receivers. 2772 et 3. Tax collector, 2767 et s. Mayor and GenI Council — Cont'd. Tax collector's bond and duties, 2768, 2770 Taxes, property purchased for, 1582 Tax ordinance, annual, 2812 Two-fhirds vote, when required, 62, 98 Vacancy In office, duty to fill, 118, 486 Wagon-yards, 2916 Water commissioners' election, 2939 Waterworks and commissioners, 230 et s. Waterworks appropriation, 2942 Wood and lumber yards, 1097 Yeas and nays, record of. 90 Mayor pro Tempore, Absence, effect of, 68 Acts as mayor, when, 55, 57, Gl, 63 Election of, 59, 64. 68 Presides, when, 57, 59, 65 Recorder's court, presiding in, 909 Vacancy in office, how filled, 68 Veto power of, Gl Votes on all questions, when, 66 Votes only on tie, when, 60 Measles. See Health Regulations. Measurements. Police department may take, 2021 Measures. See Peddlers; Weights and Measures. Meats. Car-seals, breaking of, 1366 Condemnation of, 1258 Counterfeiting inspection marks, 1379 • Display on sidewalk, 1267-1270 Fresh, sales of, 1875 et s. Inspection of, 1364 et s. Interstate shipments, 1383 Licenses to sell, 1274, 1275 IM)1£X 929 Meats — Continued. "Meat" comprehends what, 1363 Penalties, 1878 et s. Preservatives, wbat used, 1378 Sale of, license tio be exhibited, 1878 Sale regulations, 1875, 1878. 1879 Stamp of acceptance, 1383 Tag required to sell. 1878 Unwholesome, not to be sold, ex- cept for tallow. 1258-1261 Wagons, sales from, 1875 et s. Medical Supplies. City physicians furnished, 1913 Medicine and Surgery. Buildings for sanitariums. 729 Medicines. Street-vending unlawful, 2481-2 JMedicine Venders. Booths, regulations for, 1894 License, limit of, 1894 License, revocation of, 1894 Pavements, regulation on, 1894 Regulations, 1894 Restriction, how, 1894 Revocation of license, 1894 Street, regulation on, 1894 Tents, regulation for, 1894 Meetings. Absence of officers. 63, 68, 85, 109, 564 Assessors, when and where, 331 Boards. 887 Board of Health. 315 Departments, 887 Firemasters, 1072 Mayor and General Council. 91 Police commissioners, 400, 1932 Membership. See Boards. Aldermanic board, 76 Council, 74 59 Membership — ^Con tinned. General Council, 78 .Health, Board of, 310-312 Mayor and General Council, 72 Police Commissioners, 390, 391 "Water Commissioners. 230-235 Membranous Croup. See Health Reg- ulations. Memorials. Defacement of, 1760, 1761 Supervision of Park board. 1760 Menacing Policemen, 1819 Merchandise. Persons selling, to pay license, 1S69 Sale of; failure to return. 1872 Taxable, 280G Tax on sales. 1869 Merchants. Sidewalks, uses of, 2439-40. 2449 Merchants, Sunday Regulations. See Di>order. Merry-go-rounds. Parks, forbidden in. 1756 Meters. See Waterworks. Milk. See titles following. Adulteration forbidden, 1353 Analysis, 1320, 1321 Bacteria, limit of, 134«, 1352, 1355 Bottled only at dairy, 1351 Bottles, dealing in, 1434 et s. Bottles not delivered to or talien from what houses, 1349. 1350 Bottles to be cleaned, how, 1358 Buildings clean and repaired, 1332 Cleanliness, 1329 et s., 1336, 1340 Copy of regulations with permit, 1359 Contagion or inspection, precautions against, 1337-1339. 1349, 1350 Cream; fat percentage, 1355 930 iM>i<:x Milk — •Continued. Cream must be free of coloring or foreign matter. 1355 Depots, 1342, 1352 Depots; consent, license, etc., 1312, 1313 Depots, etc., regulated, 1342 EHrt or manure forbidden. 1347 Diseased cows, 1333 et s. Feed, what not used as. 1335 Filth accumulation near stalls, 1331 Hotels and restaurants, 1352 Ice-cream factories, 1352 Impure, adulterated, or diluted, 131G Inspection of, 1318, 1320. 13C1-2 Licenses. 1341 Licenses. (See Permits, infra.) ■Light and ventilation. 1328 Lunch-rooms, 1352 Marketed as soon as possible. 1345 Milkers must be clean, 1336 Milkers must not enter infected places, 1339 Parturition, period before and after, 1317, 1333 Penalty for violation, 13G0 Permits, 1341 Permits for sale, 1322 et s. Posted, regulations must be, 1359 Refrigerator regulation, 1348 Sale of, 131G, 1777 Samples taken. 1320. 132C Skimmed, restrictions of. 1357 Sold as milked, shall be. 1344 Stables, stalls, etc.. 1328 et s. Strained, not separated. 1343, 1314 Sunday sale. 1777 Temperature below 50 deg., 1352 Vessels, how and when cleaned, 1358 "Wagons cleaned and repaired. 1340 "Wagons, regulations of, 1340. 1341 "Wagons, signs on, 131& Milk-Depots. Floors, screens, etc., 1342 Posted, regulations to be'. 1359 Milk Depots — Continued. Sanitary regulations, 1342, 1352 Milk Inspector. Assistant; election, dutie.-, and sal- ary, 13G1. 13G2 Duties prescribed, 1318 Diseases of cows. 1334 Powers and rights, 1318. 1320 Mining Companies. Business of, license for, 1^95 Minority, Adjournment by, 85 Compel attendance, may, 85 Minors. See Children. Billiard and pool-rooms, in, 1790-1 Cigarettes, etc., penalty as to. 2032 Liquor saloons, not to enter. 1515 Punishment of. 151C Shooting in galleries, 23C5-G feign warnings, 1517 Minutes. Clerk of council, 842 Committee on, standing, 859 Firemasters, 1048 ; Minutes of Council. Balance sheet entered on, 191 Mocking Birds, 1S3G Money. See Expenditures. Appropriations of, 195 et s. Borrowing of, by city, 204 Daily accounting by officers, 1715 Treasurer's duties, liability, etc., 174 et s., 2909 et s. "Warrants, not to be drawn without 183 Monuments. Control of property, 1742- IVDEX 931 Monuments — Continued. Defacement of. ITGO, 17C1 Supervision of Park board, 1760 Morality. Ordinances to promote, 1762 et s. Motor Cycles. Automobile law not applied, 510 Lights, front and rear, 53S Muffler attachment and brakes, 535 Number, fee for furnishing, 536 Number to be displayed, 536, 537 Numbers, size of figures, 537 Penalty for violating law, 540 Registry of number, 53C Rules of the road, 2653-4 Speed; checking and control, 541 Speed limit, 539 Street-car, how passed, 541 Moving Picture Shows. See Electric Theatres. Electrical regulations, 1029 et 3. Parks, forbidden in, 1756 Penalties, 1044, 1040 Prize fight or boxing contest not to be shown, 1045 Moving Vans. Reports of removals, 1191-1193 Muzzling. Calves, 1417 Dogs. 1407, 1408 Nakedness. See Disorder. Names. City of Atlanta, 1 Feigned or fictitious, 930 Milk wagons, 1319 Peddlers" wagons, 1860 Naptha. Quantity, and how kept, 1113, 1114 Near Beer. Advertised, applications to be, 1637 Advertising signs, 1653 Alcohol, amount limited. 1073 Amount of license, 1632 Applications for licenses, lt.;32, 1637' 1638. 1662, 1605, 1666, 1067, 1668, 1670 Blind tigers, 1040 Christmas day. 1051 Closing regulations. 1650 et s. Consent of neighbors, 1638, 1670 Deposits, what unlawful. 1640-1642 Drinking beer or whiskey, whera forbidden, 1640 Drinking limited to quart on prem- ises, 1676 Drinks known as, 1632 FVee lunch not allowed, 1632 Habitual drunkard, not sold to, 1674 Hours for open saloons, 1656 Intoxicating liquor excluded, 1640 Lease, dealer must own, 1647 License conditions and regulations, 1632 et s. •Limits established. 1659 et s. Minors, no sale or delivery to, 1632, 1672 Negroes, places for. 1665 et s. Neighbors' addresses, etc.. 1670 Notice by oflScer, 1674 Obstructions to view. 1G4S. 1650 Painted glass door or window for- bidden, 164S, 1650 Partitions in stores, 1650 Penalties, 1635 et s. Permission of landlord. 163S, 1C47 Racial regulations. 1665 et s. Revocation of license. 1630, 164y, 1054, 1663 Sales regulated, 1632 et s. Screens, etc. forbidden, 1648 Stamped with name of manufactur- er. 1634 Sunday selling forbidden, 1632 Territory for sales, 1659, IGOl. 1662 9:J2 Near Beer — Continued. Transfer of license, 1C33 Traveling blind tigers, 1640 ""WTiite" or •'colored," 1665 et s. Women, not sold, or given, or hand- ed to, 1643, 1672 Negligence. Auiomobiles, reckless driving of, 523 Bicycles; presumption in case of injur}-, 532 Officers and employees sued by city, on account of, 1443 Sprinkling, 2496 New City Limits. Powers extend to, 35. 40. 2936-8 Subject to burdens, 293S Newspapers. Sunday sales. 1777 Noises. See Disorder. North Avenue Parkway, 1741 Notes. Water commission may execute, 26G Notice. Advertisement, by, 1473. 1478, 1570 Agent, lessee, owner, or tenant, 95 Assessors, to appoint, 329 et s. Bond forfeiture, of. 950 Bridges, to build or repair, 2127 Cemetery lots, to owners of, 745. 795 Chimneys, parapet walls, and roof a to be cleaned, 1120 Contagious disease, of, 1220 Dead animals, of location. 1215 Dead bodies, to persons depositing, 760 Defective scales, 2999 Notice — Continued. Drunkard, to liquor seller, 1674 Election, notice of, 55, 102 Electric wires, to change. 2490 Electric wires; of removal, 974 Fire-escape, to install or repair, 660, 661 Franchise applications. 1473 House construction; to fire chief, 1121 House moving; to fire chief, 1074 Impounded animals, 1393, 1403 Junk dealers to give, 1435 Lnft- department; of injury on street, 1466-7 Levy, of, by marshal, 1571 License-tax, of fi. fa. for, 1539 Liquor-license application, 1478 Liquor saloons, on. 1502, 1517 Mail, under cover, 1539, 1567 Nuisance, to abate, 1206, 1256 Ordinances, of, 849 et s. Paupers, deaths of, 1461-3 Plumbers, from, 2195 Plumbers, to. 2192 Postcards, not to he on, 1567 Printing, bids for, 1705 Publication, notice by, 55, 102, 157, 294, 347, 660, 2343 Reconsideration, of motion for, 88 Recorder's court, to attend, 910-915 Recorder's court, to preside in. 909, 949 Resale, after tax sale, 1579 Scales defective, 2999 Sewers; of construction, 2343 Sewer and water connections, 1294 Sewers, laying of, 294 Sidewalk cleaning, 2430 Sidewalk, to lay or repair. 2419 Sign -warnings, 1517 Street assembly, to move,. 2449 Street improvements, 2684 Street opening, 2632-3, 2635 Street paving, 347 Street paving, of, 2646 IXDEX 93J Notice — Continued. Substantial compliance sufficient, 294 Tax assessors, of sales of realty, 2818 Tax-books, closing of, 157 Tax defaulters, to, 1567 Tenant in possession, to, 1580 Water-closets, to provide, 1300 Water, of cutting off, 2948 Weeds, to cut, 12S4 Nuisances. Abatement by whom; expense, 316 317, 424. etc. 16S0, 1682. 1683 Abatement of, 1196, 1206 et s. Ailantus so declared, 16S8 Board of Health, power of, 1679 et a. Cellars and lots, 2151 Complaint of citizen, 1679 Consent for soap factories, 1687 Decayed flesh or vegetables, 1256 et s. Defined and forbidden. 1690, 1694 Expense of abatement, 1682 Filth from privies, 2153 Guano or acid factory, 1691 Health officers investigate, 1679 Limit of continuance, 1690, 1695 Mayor and council, trial by, 1683, 1684 Notice to abate, 1206 Opium joints, 1693 Owner of premises summoned, 1679 Penalty for not abating, 1256 Recorders jurisdiction, 424, 1685 Slaughter-houses, 1689 Smoke, 1696, 1697. 169S Soap factories. 16S6, 1687 Stables as, 1311 Stagnant water. 2151-2 Summons and trial. 1684, 16S5 Trials of, 1684. 1685 Waterworks protected, 1689, 1694 Numbers of Houses. Regulations; penalties. 2502-7 Numbtrs on Wagons, 1341, 1S60 Nuts. Peddlers' license, etc., 19i"2-4 Oakland Cemetery. Ordinances regulating, 737 et s. Oakland City. Annexation of, 3S-40 Assets passed to Atlanta, 3S Bonded debt assumed. 3S Bound for Atlanta bonds, 40 Ordinances extended to, 40 Police officer, 3S Powers of Atlanta over, 40 Taxation, etc., 40 Territory described. 39 Oath. See Officers; Offices. Detectives, 2024 Licensees, 1500 Taxpayers, 27S4, 27S7. 2800 Oath of Office. Administration of, 70 Aldermen, councilmen, mayor, $9 .Assessors of damages, 26S, 295, 331- A.ttorney, citv 439 Building Inspector, 502, 592 Chief of construction, 377, 439 Clerk of council, 502 Comptroller, 502 Ejection commissioners. 110 Electrician, 502 Form, 69 General manager waterworks. 502 Investigator of claims. 1444 License inspector, 1455 •Marshal, 172, 502 Officers elected by people, 117 Penalty for violation, 71 Plumbing examiners, 2203 Police commissioners, 397, 398 Recorder, 502 Sanitary inspectors, 2307 934 INDE^X Oath of Office — Contir.ued. Sexton, 439 Tax assessors and receivers, 147, 2775, 27S3 Tax collector, 2775 Treasurer, 177 Treasurer of board of education, 2307 Warden. 502 Water commissioners. 237 Obscene Literature. See Disorder. Obstructions. Fruit-stands, l>iS3 Health regulations, 1227 License to contain law, 1SS3 Passageways, 1SS2 Policemen, 1S19 Railroad trains. 2104 SidewallvS, on. 1S82-4, 2416-lS, 2432, •2434, 2439-40, 2449 Streets, by building work, 67S et s.. 701-704, 1061 Streets, by encroacliiment, 679 Streets; fire regulations, 1057, 1058. 1064, 1076 Streets, by crowds, 459 Streets or alleys, on, 2432, 2437 et s., 2449 Street stands, windows, stairs, etc., not allowed, 2648-9 Water-meters, 2944 Water, natural flow of, 2154 Occupation. See Business; Licenses; Tax. Officers. Accepting other office, 1721, 1723 Accounts, ibooks, etc., examinations of, 187, 188 Additional, manner of employing, 170i2 Additional, when employed, 1703 Aldermen. (See that title.) Officers- -Con tinned. Appointed or elected ■when, 55, 75, 103, 116, 117 Appointment and confirmation, 513 Assessors of damages. (See Asses- sors.) Attorney of city. (See Attorney.) Audit and requisition clerk. 891 Auditor, 507 et s. Automobile examiners, 519 Board members. (See Boards.) Bond commissioners, 578 et s. Bonding of, 1710-1712 Bonds of, 162, 175, 178. 179, 225. 437, 592, 803, 871. 1586. 1701. 1710, 1712 Books ; changes and corrections, 888 Building inspector, 35, 40, 117, 119, 441 et s., 502 et s., 589 et s. Carnegie library trustees, 465, 466 Cemetery commissioners, 465, 737 et s. Cemetery lots, not to speculate In, 761 Chief clerk, tax assessors, 2803 Chief of construction. 374, 483 Clerk of council. 117. 449-455, 502, 1547, 1562 et s. Clerk of board of health, 1197, 1198 Collections reported daily, 1715 Compensation, how fixed, 440 Comptroller. 117, 191, 192, 222 et s., 502, 512, 569, 869 et s., 1557 Contents of reports, 1699 Contract with city, no interest In, lOO. 249 Contracts, bond for, 1711 Contracts not completed, 1717 Couincilmen. (See thiat title). Daily accounting for money, 1715 Daily work to be completed, 1719 Defense of persons, dn recorder's court, 1713 Duties prescribed by ordinance, 438 Education, board of, 429 et s., 465, 466. 567. 2299 et s. INDEX 935 Officers — Continued. Election commissioners, 105 et s. Elections by council, 59, 103, 118, 145. 231, 311, 393, 395, 433, 441, 502, 519 Elections by popular vote, 55, 74. SO, IIG, 117, 159, 173, 418, 483, 485, 502. 8C9 Elections, when and how held, 102 et s., 145, 159, 4S5 Electrical control, board of, 4G5, 4Cf) Eligibility, 5G, 77, 79, 231, 312, 374. 428, 464-46C, 493, 947 Engineer 374, 375 Examination of conduct, 461 Expenses, reports of, 1718 Expulsion on violation of oaih, 71 Federal, not hold city office, 404 Fee bill of, how established, 479 Fees, record of, S97 Fire department, 1049 Firemasters, 4C5, 46C Firemen; chief, foreman, 1049 et s. General manager of parks, 1730, 1731 Grady hospital trustees, 4C5, 4C6 Health board, 1196 et s. Health-board members, 310 et s., 5C1 et s., 1550 et s. Health officers, 1194 et s., 1239, 1550 et s., 1910-11, 1913 Health officers; duties, etc., 496 et s., 1190. 1202 et s.. 1238 et s. Holding another office, 1720 et s. Hold until successors qualify, 55, 101 Hours of duty, 1719 Impeachment, 283, 47C Impeachment, health officer, 1242 Indebtedness, outstanding, 1717 Indebtedness, reports of, 1717 Inspector of weights, etc., 2998 et s. Investigator of claims, 465, 1444 Janitor, by whom appointed, 1706 Janitor, duties of, 1706 Janitor, position created, 1706 Officers — Continued. Janitor, subject to, 1706 Lady visitors of schools, 231618 License inspector, 1453-6, 1577 Liquor saloon, admission to, 1503 Loans, to be reported, 1708 Loans to other officers, regulated, 1708 Mail matter of city, 877 Marshal, 159 et s., 1547, 1563 et ■, Matron, police station. 2062-6 Mayor, 55 et s., 1616 et s. Milk inspector, 1314, 1315 Money paid over promptly, 1715 Negligent, sued by city, 1445 Night superintendent of wagons and sweeping, 1208 Oath of, 04, 69, 70, 71, 117, 147, 172, 177, 237, 268, 295, 331, 377, 397, 439, 592, 871, IWS, 1444, 1453 etc. Office-holding dual, regulated, 1720 et s. Office, now holding second, 1725 Park commissioners, 465, 466, 561 et s. Payments to tax-collector, 882, 883 Pay of, in marshal's office, 1702 Penalties, 1707 et s. Penalty for non-report, 884, 1699 Personal liability, 207, 571 Physicians, city, 1905 et s. Physicians, prison, 2093 Plumbing examiner, 2262 et a. Police, 1919 et s. Police commissioners, 390 et s., 561 et s. Police marshal of Battle Hill, 494 Police, trial of, 933, 934 Postage-stamps, 877 Powers to new limits, 35, 40, 2938 Practice, in recorder's court, 1713 Presiding, mayor and mayor pro tem., 59, 65, 60 Printing for city, 1704, 1705 Prison superintendent, 2091 Probation officer, 920, 921 936 INDEX Officers — Continued. Quarterly payments due, hours of last day to pay, 1719 Recorder, 418 et s. Recorder pro tern., 426-428 Removal for cause, 104, 106, 117, 119, 145, 159, 173, 186, 190, 242. | 283, 413, 485, 487, 502, 513, 57Z. I 595, 871, 931, 1198, 1202, 1586, 2014. ' 2691 Reports by, 921, 552, 938, 1699 Reports concerning collections, 1715 Reports of, 1717 Reports to comptroller, 883, 888. 893, 895, 932 Recorder's court, forbidden to de- fend in, 1713 Recorder's court practice, 1713 Residence in city, 1700 Salaries. (See that title.) Salaries, 844, 1050, 1077, 1079 Salaries, how fixed, 374, 410 Salaries, none for board members. 481 Salaries not changed during term. 56, 80. 440, 480, 871 Salaries, when to be fixed, 480 Salary may be increased, for comp- troller, 226 Sales of pro'perty by, 883 Schools, of, 429 et s., 2999 et s. Seal of office, 454, 847, 848 Sinking-fund commission, 2373 et s. Speculation by, forbidden, 761 State, mot hold city office, 464 Stock-feed, inventory of, 1716 Street-improvement collector, 2678 et s. Succession of selves, 56, 77, 79 Sued, may justify by charter, 477 Suit against city, must not aid. 1714 Supervised by mayor, etc., 502 Suretyship forbidden. 1707, 1712 Suspension, 413, 414 Tax-assessors and receivers, 2771 et s. Officers — Continued. Tax-collector. 483. 1577, 27C7 et ». Taxes turned in daily, 1715 Terms of office. 55. 74, 96. 106, 117,. 232, 315, 392, 394. 396, 4S5. 502. 513, 579. 870, 2374 Treason. 483 Trial for violating oath, 71 Trustees of hospital, 1422 et s. Usurious loans forbidden, 1708 Vacancies. (See Offices, infra.)' Vouchers, approval of, 1718 Wiater commissioners, 230 et s. Weighers, 1586 et s., 1593-4 Witness, no payment as, 1726-7 Offices. See Officers. Abolishment and consolidation, 116, 107. 168, 374, 375, 447, 448, 797. 813 Chartered, 55. 74, 76. 116. 117, 145.. 502 Consolidated, 374, 378. 447. 44S Examination of, 461 Hours open, 1719 Saturday hours, 1719 Sexton, discretionary, 484 Supervision by mayor and council. 117, 502 Vacancies declared and filled, 55, 81,. 102, 108, 117, 118. 327, 3^5. 415. 486, 502, 562, 564, 595, 1102, 1721,. 1723, 1921, 2308, 2374 Oils. Asphalt, must be kept from, 2432 Illuminating, permission to keep.. 1095 Regulations of keeping, 1113, 1114 Revocation of permission, 10-95, 1114 Wholesalers and jobbers, 1114 Old Fair Grounds, Police purposes, embraced for, 41 Old Soldiers' Peddling, 1537. 1861 IXDEX 937 Old Waterworks Property. Contiguous land, extension of limits, 47 Laws as to, continued, 282 Lease limited to five years, 283 Police purposes, embraced for, 48 Sale forbidden. 2S3 Oleomargarine. Sale regulations, 12711273 Opera Houses. See Theatres. Regulations, 2829 et s. Opium Joints. Nuisances, 1C93 Option to Purchase. Waterworks, property for, 2SG Order and Morals. Ordinances to promote, 17C2 et r. Ordinances, 503 et s. Adoption, what essential to, 98, 99 Aldermen, separate action by, 86, 99 Buildings, etc., 589 et 3. Committee on, standing, 859 Copies to be served, 849 et s. Duties of officers, 438, 447, 452 JVIarket places, government of, 457 Oakland City, extended to, 40 Outside territory, how applied to 41-54, 307 Paving of streets, 348 Piedmont Park, of force in, 1787 Power to adopt, 1, 41-54, 92, 95, 97, 306 Publication of, 294 Readings before passage, 98, 99 Redistricting and readjustment, 31. 34 Sanitation, regulation of, 324 Schools, relating to, 429. 434 Ordinances — Continued. Sewers, as to, 294. 306 Sinking-fund; comtract limitation amendment, 2380 Stables, livery and private, 322, 323 Street improvements. 2402, 2406 Two-thirds vote, when required, 62, 98 Veto, and passage over. 62 Waterworks, as to, 287 West End, extended to, 9 Witnesses, to compel attendance. 47S Overcrowding. See Shows. Parades. Military and civic, 2043-4 Parents. Liable for child's conduct. 1783 Park Commissioners. See Boards. Amhority of. 1728 et s. Composed how, 1728 Election of. 1728-9 Eligibility to other office, 405-6 Erskine memorial, 1742 Estimates and statements, S78, S97 Expenditures; vouchers, 567 Grady monument, 1742 Prosecutions by, 1748 Secretary, general manager, 1730-2 Supervision and control, 1742, 1760 Terms of office. 1729 Trees, authority over, 1748-9, 2 484 Parks. See Amusement Parks. Animals, protection of, 1735-7 Attractions and devices, 1756 Avenues, use of. 1745, 1746 Bathing forbidden, 1736 Bill posting forbidden. 1737 Boating privileges, 1757 Booths, erection of, 1733 Bottles strewn, unlawful, 175S Committee on, standing, G59 938 Parks — 'Continued. Condemnation of land for, 4G9 Control of. 1742, 1752. 17tj(> Cyclorania, care of, etc., 1744 Davis street school, near, 1751 et s. Dedications, 1740-1 Defacing natural objects, 1737 Department of Parks, SS5 Depredations: notice to desist, 173S Depredations unlawful. 1737 Disorderly crowds excluded. 1754 Driveways, regulations of, 1745, 1746 Dumping grounds, public park. 1755 First ward, in, 1751 Fishing forbidden, 173G Flowers, breaking of. 1737 Flying-jennies prohibited, 175C Fountains, 1760 General manager; election, duties. salary, term, etc., 1730-2 Glass, thrown around. 175S Grant Park, 7, 43, 44, 1413, 1728 et s. Grass, walking on. 1737 Hunting prohibited. 1736 Lecturer at cyctorama. 1743 Licenses to sell in, 1733 Liquors not sold in. 1733 Loafers excluded. 1754 Maintenance of order, in. 1734 Mtanagement of, 1730 et s. Memorials, 1760 Merry-go-round forbidden. 1756 Missiles, throwing of, 1735, 1737 JVlonuments, 1760 Moving pictures. 1756 Nature to be protected. 1737 Nests, destruction of, 1737 North Avenue -parkway, 1741 Order, regulations for, 1734 Penalties, 1735 et s. Permits; regulations, 1756. 1757 Piedmont Park, 210. 17S7, 2125 Property, control of, 1742. 1752 Refreshment stands. 1756. 1757 Parks — 'Continued. Roller-coasters forbidden, 1756 ; Sales in, regulated. 1733, 1756-7 Shade trees protected, 1748 Shooting forbidden. 1756 Sports; regulations. 1736 Springvale park accepted. 1740 Stands, licenses for, 1733 Swimming forbidden, 1736 Trees, defacing of, 1737 Vehicles; regulations, 1745. 174G A^iolation of rules. 173S Passenger Depots. Disorder in. 1828 Drumming in, for hacks, etc., for- bidden. 1163-1165 Hacks, how placed by, 1158 et s. Penalties, 1827-8 Porters excluded, 1827 Refusal to leave, 1827 Passengers. See Hacks. Passenger Transportation. Charges for. regulation, 460 Paupers. Burials, 1461-3 Charities, 1464 et s. Relief, 1457 et s. Paving. See Sidewalks; Streets. Belgian blocks, 2501, 2637-8 Bills for, 2681, 2683 et .s Blocks, how laid, 2396(59) Blocks specified, etc., 2396 (52 et s.) Bond for performance, 2396(4) Broken stone, chert, etc., 2652 Cement specifications, 2396 (36 et s.) Certified check; forfeiture, 2396(3) Chief of construction controls, 2396 "Chief of construction" includes his agents, 2396(28) 939 Paving — Continued. City takes old materials: how paid for, 263S Concrete foundation, 2396 (30, 31) Concrete, liow mixed and laid, 239C (4G-49> Concrete materials, 2396(36) Contractor's responsibility, 2396(20 €t s.) Creosote oil, 2396(57) Damages, liability for, 2396(24) Disorderly or incompetent workmen, 2396(5) Extra work 2396(25) Fixtures, protection of, 2396(23) Free, not lawful, 2651 tractor's responsibility, 2389 Control and regulation, 305-6 Control of work, 812 Corner lot^, 301 Cost, record of, S02 Damages, liability for, 23S9 (21-25) Damiages; non-liability, 2389(41) Damages to property, 295, 303 Department of sewers, 885 Disconnected drains, 2389(21) Discretion of mayor, etc. as to, 299, 307 Disorderly or incompetent work- men, 2389(22) Disposal of sewage, 307, 308 Disputes, decision of. 2389(30) Drainage, 2389(3) Estimates of cost, 292, 814 Excavated material classified, 2389 (35) Excavations, 2389(1, 2) Excavations, risk of, 2389(27) Exemption; seventy-five feet, 301 Foundations, 2389(7) Fenices provided, 2389(27) Flagging specified, 2389(33) Illegality, affidavit of, 300 Implied work, where not specfied, 2389(31) Indebtedness restricted, 304 Installment collections, 304 Inspections authorized, 306 Inspections, duty as to, 812 Interest not allowed for delay in payment, 2389(41) Sewers and Drains — Continued, interrupted drains, etc., 2389(21) Interruption of street use, 2389 (27> Iron work, 2399(18) Land, how taken, pending appeal from award of assessors, 4G9, 470 Lien for, 2342 Lien of assessment, 302 Lights be displayed, 2389(27) Line and level marks, 23S9(2G) Lumber specified, 2389(34) Manner of executing work, 2389(19)' Material, discretion as to, 299, 307 •Materials; best required, 2389(24) Materials furnished by city, 2389 (3G) Measurements, 2389(38) Necessity, advice as to, 292 Notice of damages from, 303 Notice of ordinance published, 294. Notice published, 2343 Obstruction of streets, 2389(25) Old culverts, 2345, 2357 Order, keeping in, 2323 Order of work on, 827, 828 Ordinances, power to pass, 306 Ordinances, provided for by, 294^ 299 Outlet for sewerage, outside of city- limits, 307-309 Passage to be open, 2389(25) Passageway on sidewalks, 2389(5) Payments, 2389(41), 2395 Penalties, 2323 et s., 2347 et s. Permits, 2221 et s., 2350 et s. Petition for, not needed, 299 IPipe glazed, 21G1 Pipe vitrified, 2389, (15) 2395 Plans and profiles for, 292 Precautions to be taken, 2389(27) Private, how laid, 2162 Private, laws as to, 2348 et s. Private, no escape from paying for" public, 2351, 2355 Private property, through, 295, 305 Profiles, 2345 et s. Proposals on blanks, 2389 (43) INDEX 959 Sewers and Drains — Continued. Railroad tracks open, 2389(45) Rains, damages from, 2389(21) Refilling excavations, 232C, 2330 Rejected material, 2389(4) Resistance to assessment, 300 Ringstone for headwalls, 2389(33) Rubble masonry, 2389(10) Separate connections, 21G0 Setting iron work, 2389(18) Shoring, 2389(4) Signals to public, 2389(27) Specifications for, 2389, 2395 Specifications, strict oonformity to, 808 Stone, old, in new work, 2389(37) Street condition to be restored, 2389 (20) Superfluous earth, 23S9 (28) Time and manner of laying, 299 Times for completing, 2389(42) Timber for bracing, 2389(4) Timber foundations, 2389(14) Vary work, power to, 2389(29) Watchmen provided, 2389(27) Water-tight, must be, 2389(10) West End, lateral and trunk, 21 Sexton. Bond of, 437 Controlled by commission, 737 Discretionary office, 484 Duties prescribed, 438, 738, 745 Office abolished, 797 Shade Trees. Destroying or injuring, 2473 Park board supervises, 1748 Trimming, duty of, 2484 Sheep. See Animals. Shooting-Gal leries. Deposit with clerk. 2363 Drunken persons, 2365 Liabilities and restrictions, 23G4 Licenses, 2303 et s. Sewers and Drains — Continued. -Minors not to shoot, except by per- mission, etc., 2365-6 Order, days and nights, 2364 Penalties, 2364-5 Shows. Overcrowding, pe.ial, 2371-2 Side Shows. Licenses, etc., 2309 Sidewalks. Abutting lots liable, 2419 et s. Accumulations on, 2429-30 -> Alleys private, 2424 Awnings over, regulated, 2472 Barbed wire next to, 243G Barking or spieling on, 2435 Bicycles, no riding on, 2435 Bids, specifications, etc., 2386 Bond of contractor, 2386(6), 2470 Building, temporary use of half, ia constructing, 2437 Cement for, 2386, 2392, 2463 et s. Certified check with bid, 2386(7). Chief of construction; duties and powers, 2386 (6, 8, 9, 16) Clean, duty to keep, 2414, 2429-30 Curbing, 2419-20, 2422, 2424 Dangerous; summary repair, 2419, 2425, 2456 Disorderly conduct, 2386(8), 2435 Display of goods on, 1267-70, 2439-40 Encroachments, 2416-18, 2C58 Extra work, 2386 (16) Failure or refusal to lay, 2420 Foundations, 2464, 2466 Gates not to open across, 722 Goods delivered on, 2430-40 Gratings limited, 2431 Guaranty required, 2467 Gutters included, 2423 Hack drivers on, 1160 Hotel porters on, 1161 Inman Park, 2412-13 Inspectors; duties, 2468 960 I>1JBX Sidewalks — Continued. Laying and repair, 2419-20 Loose nails, tacks, glass, etc., for- bidden, 2426 Lot-owners pay for, 2453, 2456-7 .Materials prescribed, 238G(3,4), 2421 Merchants' use of. 2439-40 Notice to clean, 2429 30 Notice to lay, or repair, 2419 et s. Obstructions for buildings, 678, 682 Obstructions in general, 1882, 1884, 2418, 2432, 2434, 2437 et s. Paid for by lot-owners, 2419-20 Paving, 2411 et s.. 24G3 et s. Penalties, 2415 et s. Permits to lay, 2469 Permits to open, 2459, 2461 Poles, erection or removal, 2499 Relaying old, 2386(11) Repairs. 2419-20. 2428, 2456. 2458 Sand. 23SG (11, 13) Signs display of, etc., 1914 Skating forbidden. 2064 Snow, duty to remove, 2414 Stone for concrete, 2386(14) Tiles. 2393, 2463 et s. ■Width. 2411 Work, manner of, 2386, 2387 Signs and Signboards. Cemeteries, warnings in, 768 Damages, city released from, 712 ■Diseases; warning-cards, 1221, 1225 Electric, regulated, 708. 711. 1024 et s. Fastenings secure, 706, 708, 727 Fruit-carts, regulation, 1902 et s. Liquor advertising, 1653 Liquor licensees; requirements, 1502, 1517 Near-beer signs, 1653, 1671 Peddlers, 1860. 1902 et s. Penalties, 713 Permits, 710 Physicians of city, 1914 Projections, 705, 707 Removal of, 712 Signs — Continued. Restaurants, 2144 ' Sizes allowed, 706 et s. Wagon-yards, on gates, 2918 Sinking-Fund Commission. Amount in hand, 2379 Annual sum set apart, 2381 Bonds bought, registered, 2375 Bonds to be paid off, 2382 Clerk of council; duties, 2377 Committee chairman a member. 2373-4 Comptroller, reports to, 2375, 2378 Comptroller's duty, 2382 Contract of city, with bondholders, 2380 Created; how composed, 2373 Duties prescribed, 2375 et s. Elected by council, 2374 Finance committee's duty, 2382 Freeholders, must be, 2373-4 Fund additional to those before created, 2383 Intent and purpose, 2379 Interest and premiums, 2378 Investment of funds, 2375, 2381 Mayor ex-officio member, 2373-4 Ordinance not to be altered, except h'ow, 2380 Receipts in duplicate, 2375 Terms of members, 2374- Treasurer'iS duties, 2375, 2377, 2382 Vacancies in, how filled, 2374 Vouchers in triplicate, 2375 Warrants, how drawn, 2375 Skating-Rinks. See Roller-skating. Licenses, bow obtained, 2367 Slaughter Regulations. Animals unfit, specified, 1369 Charges for slaughtering, 1375 Clothes of employees, 1377 Discrimination, public to be served without, 1375 Diseased lanimal, 1368 et s. i>de:x 961 Slaughter Regulations — ^Continued. Employees; certificate of health, 1377 Horses; specifications and regula- tions, 13G7 Hours for slaughtering and dressing animals, 1373 Hours prescribed, 1372 Houses regulated, 12G3C Inapplicable to salted, canned or smoked meats, 137G Inspection stamp required, 13G4 Killiag and preparing, manner of, 1372 et s. Nuisances, law of, 1689 Post-mortem examinations, 1370 Preservatives of meat, 1378 Prices for slaughtering, etc., 1375 Refrigeration, 1373, 1375 Sleeping apartnventS' 544, 2S41 Sleight-of-hand Performance. Licenses, etc. 23G9 Smallpox. See Health Regulations. Guards permitting passing, 1834 Hospital Physician, 1910 Smoke Nuisance. 1G96-1G98. Smoke-Pipes. See Chimneys. Requirements as to, 1107 Soap Factories. Fire limits, in and out of. 168G. 1687 Petition necessary for, 1687 Soft Drinks. Beer. See Licenses; Near Soldiers (Old). License and registration-tax laws not applied to, 1537. 1861 Peddling, what reo\ver to, 339 Grading, system for. 335, 2008-72 Hacks on. 1140 et s. Hauling dirt, regulated, 2475 Hauling swill, slop, etc. 1227 Hexag'on-tile blocks, 837 Inspectors' wages to be paid by cit- izens, 2C77 Installment payments for paving, 2084 Interest on bills for improvements. 2C8S Inspections, duty as to, 812 Land, how taken pending appeal from award of assessors, 409, 470 Lien for paving assessment, 355. 350, 308, 370 Lights required, 204] Liquids discharged on, 2474 Live stock at large, 1393. 1394 Live stock driven on, 1395 Loose nails, tacks, glass etc.. for- bidden, 2420 Mangum, closing part of, 389 Marietta, grade of, 2073 Markhara; part vacated. 200G Material for paving, 352 ^^aterials placed on, at risk of con- tractor. 2380 Mayor's discretion, 2438 Medicine vending not allowed, 2481-2 Meetings or public speaking, 459 Merchants use of, 2439-40. 2449 Mitchell (West), grade of, 2075 Names changed or given, 2509-2630 Near-'beer sales limited, 1659 Notice of opening, 2032-5 Notice of paving petition, 347 Numbers of houses, 2502 et s. Streets — Continued. Obstructing drain or gutter, 1281 Obstruction by poles, 900 Obstruction by trains, 2104 O'bstruction of, 1057, 1001 Obstruction, prevention of, 459 Obstructions, 2432, 2434, 2437 et s. Oil on asphalt, unlawful, 2433 Open, authority to, 328, 987, 988 Order of work on, 827, S2S Ordinances for improvement, 2402 Parades, cleared for, 2043-7 Pave, authority to, 339 Pavement openings, certificate for, 2031 Pavement openings; penalties, 2631- 2030. 2039-45 Paving, petitions for, ^40, 347, 353, 354 Paving: street-railroads, 2701 et s. Paving; wood blocks, 2390 et s. Penalties. 2420 et s., 2057, 2659 et s. Permits to break, 2459, 2061, 2034. 2643, 2646-7 Petition for improvement, 2402 Petition, paving without, 359 Plats of subdivisions, 2485 Poles in, regulated, 2480-7, 2498-9 Postponement of collections for im- provements, 2689 I\)wer to improve, 2403 Punishment by work on, 920 Railroads assessed, 360 Railroads on streets pay what, 360 et s. Railroad tracks between, 2501 Red lights fastened, 2641 Rejection of improper work, etc., 809 Removal and replacement of im- provements, 2328 Repairs, after break under permit, 2458 Repairs, duty of city as to, 351 Repairs immediate, 2425 Repaved, how and when, 349 96 f) I\DFX Streets — Continued. Rhodes, closing part of, 3S9 Right of way, 1057 Risk of defects in, 525 Ropes around excavations, 2C3S Rules of the road, 2653-5 Sand, new, to be used, 2C7G Sewer work on, 2389 Shade-trees, 2473, 2484 Sidewalks, cost of, assessed, 342 Skating forbidden. 2G04-5 Sidewalks, materials for paving, 837 Sidewalks ordered laid, 340, 344 Specifications; strict conformity, 808 Speed on. (See Automobiles; Bi- cycles; Hacks; Street Railroads). Sprinkling, 2356, 2496-7, 2966 Straighten, authority to, 328 Superintendent's office abolished 813 Surveys, 801, 805 Tearing up; permit: penalty, 2643-5 Transfer of bills and executions, 367 Travel on, after warning, 2460 Vehicles not in use. 2660 Vehicles, animals on, 2483 Washington street viaduct, 388 Waterworks, authority to open, cer^ tified, by, 2634 2631 Waterworks, occupied for, 280 Waverly place changed; vacation of, 388, 2677 (a) Widen, authority to, 328 Width of, 2508 et s. Wires electric, 2489-94 Wood-cutting, when unawful, 1098 Work on, to enforce fines, 926 Street Sales. License regulations. 1880 et s. Street Traders. Chief of Police, regulation by, 1892, 1893 Street Tax. 122, 123, 142. 2785, 2798 Suits. Bar to, in charter, 326 Claim to be presented 'before, 471 Suits — Continued. Clerk of council sues, when, 199 Negligent officers and employees subject to, 1445 Non-liablity of city to, 288 Notice omitted, when no bar, 303 Officers forbidden to engage in, 1714 Precedence in trial of cases. 472 Sewers, damages from, 303 Waterworks, for trespass to, 262 Summons and Subpoena. Direction, and signature, 911, 914 Form and contents of, 910, 911 Recorders court, to attend, 910-915 Service of, 911, 913, 928 Sitnday. See Railroads. Deliveries on. (See Disorder.) Near-beer not sold, 1632 Near beer saloons closed, 1645 Open stores on Sunday, 1776 Registration books closed, 2140 Sales on. (See Disorder.) Work of necessity or charity, 1777 Superintendent of Electrical Affairs. ■Duties and rights of, 964 et s. Election, 963 Superintendent of Schools. Roster for taxation, 2802 Supernumeraries. See Policemen. Superintendent of Streets. Office abolished, 813 Supplies for Departments. Bids for, regulated, 878, 889 Contracted for, 878 Estimates, 878 Medical, how furnished, 1913 Required of comptroller, 889, 1599 Weighers, for, 1599 I>DKX' 967 Sureties. Forfeiture proceedings, 950 Liquor-licerse bonds, 1506 Officers must not be. 1707 Treasurer's bond, liability on, 178- ISl Surface Closets. 23G0 1 Surgeons. See Policemen. Surgery. See Medicine and Surgery. Surveys. Chief of construction, 798 et s. Sewei^, streets, etc., 801 et s. Waterworks sites, etc., 273, 274 Swill. Slop, etc. Not fed to cows, loo 5 Hauled, must be covered, 1277 Switching. See Railroads. Tags. See Hacks: Peddlers. Dogs required to have, 140G, 1409 Penalty for /not attaching, 820 Teams of city to have, 826 Tallow. Sale of meat for. 12S0 Tanyard Branch. Control for sewerage, etc.. 309 Tax Assessors and Receivers. See Ta.xe.':;. Assessment early made, 193 Bonds of, 2775 Chief clerk, 2803 Compensation, 2773 Compilation fund. 2804 Defaulters. 2787, 2790, 2810(a), 2816 Duties iprescribed, 14C, 193, 2772 et s. Elected biennially, 145 Elected by council, 2772-3 Tax-Assessors and Receivers — Cont'd. Entry into residences; none without consent, 2778 Investigations by, 2790 Market valuation (cash), 121, 146, 193 Notice of sales of realty, 2818 Oath of office, 147 Powers of, to new limits, 35, 40 Questions propounded by, 2776, 2785-G Railroad taxes, 2819 et s. Removal from office, 145 Reports to comptroller, 893-5 Returns, duty as to, 2770-87 Returns, when completed by, 193 Separate from collector, 2771 Stock shares, duty as to, 586-7 Terms of office, 2773 Time; whole given, 2774 Tax-Collector. Bond required of, 152, 2767 Cemetery charges, 756 Compensation of, 153 Comptroller, returns to, 2770 Deposits daily, 894 Deputies can serve sum^mons, 928 Distinct office, 2767 Duties prescribed by ordinances, 117, 150, 2767 et s., 2793 Duties prescribed may be required of other officer, 151 Elected by popular vote, 110, 483, 2767 Fees on executions, 2420 Fees paid to, 1598 Fines collected, 932 Lost checks, record of, 800 Oatb of office, 117, 154 Office can be consolidated with mar- shal's, 116 Office distinct, 149 Office with city clerk, 2761 Payments to treasurer, 894 Powers to new city limits, 35, 40 968 Tax Collector — Continued. Rec;eipts taken, hi duplicate, S94 Removal from office, IIS Rents, collected by, S8l' Reports to comptroller, cS94 Sanitary tax, 2150 Sales of i)roperty; proceeds, 8S?, Street improvement bills, 2GS1 et s. Supervision by mayor and council, 117 Term of office, two years, 11(1 Vacancy declared and filled. 117, 115 Water bills, 894 Water receipts, 2940 et s. Tax Collector, Fulton County. Registrar of city voters, 120, 2131-5 Tax Committee. Ice peddlers or sellers, 2900 License regulations, 18SS, 1889 License, to control issue of, 1880, 1884 Purchase and sale of property, 1575- 15S4 Standing — five members, S59 Taxes. See Licenses. Ad valorem, I14 per cent., 121 Agents, on, 154C Assessments for, 121, 14G, 193, 277U et s. Auction of watches, jewehy, etc., 128 Avocations, power to tax, 125 Banks, stock shares in, 584-588 Banks, surplus and profits, 585, 588 Billiard-tables, 135 Bill-posters, 553 Bonds and stocks, 2807-8 Books; digests, 2777, 2791-2 Books open and close when, 2793 Bootblacks, 2662 Brokerage business, 131 Brokers, stock and produce, 1541 Building and loan associations, 583 I Taxes — Continued. Business classified for, 127 Musinesses, power to lax. 125 Classification of businesse-;. 127,. J S99 Closing of books, 157 Collected how, 141, 148 et s. Committee on, standing. >r.9, 1575- et s. Commutations, 2798, 2S11 Daily accounting by officers, 1715 Deeds on sales for, admissible, 158 Defaulters, i)enalty on, 12!*. 2787,. 2SI(»(a», 2816 Department of tax, 885 Digests, 2777, 2781, 2792-3 Discount, when allowed, 141 Double tax, 2815 Due when, 141, 142 Kxecutions against stock shares, 5SC Executions for taxes, 141. 156C, 1568, 1569, 2799, 2815, 2820 Exemptions from, 250, 27S8-9 Exhibitions, license of, 133 Extiaordinary, i/^ per cent.. 124 False returns, 2S01 Fees for licenses and executions, 144 Installments, payable in, 141, 2795-7 Insurance agents, on premiums, 129 Interest on, 7 per cent., 141, 2795 Itinerant traders, 130 Lager 'beer, licenses for selling, 134 I^vy annual; purposes, 2805 Licenses, ordinances as to, 1525 et s. Licenses, powers as to, 125 et s. Limitation of amounts, 121, 124, 125 et s. Liquors, licenses to sell, 120, 136-13S Market- value (cash) of property, 121, 146, 193 Market value, true and full, 584, 585 New territory subject, 35, 40 Notice, publication of, 157 Oaths, 2783-4, 2787, 2800 Occupation, 2S22 969 Taxes — Continufd. Omissions in returns, 2TS7 Pawnbrokers, licenses, revocation, etc., 132 Payable how, 2795-7 Peddlers, 1S5C et s. Penalties, i.o, 137, 155, 2794 Penalty for not furnishing list of shareholders, oS7 Penalty, relief against, ISG Percentage, on business, 1545 15-lS Professional. 125 Property, limit of tax on, 194 Property not taxed, if represented in stock shares taxed, 5S4 Property subject to, 280C et s. Purchase for city by committee, 1575 et s. Purpose of, raising revenue, 121 Questions to taxpayers, 2770, 2S85-G Quitclaim dfeeds, 15S4 Railroads, 2710. 2S19 et s. Rate, 2791 Real estate, 2792. 2S0G Redemption l)y whom, when and how, 1572. 157S Registration, 125, 553, 152C et s. Resale of property, 1579 et s. Returns by presidents, etc., 583, 585 Returns; penalty for failure. 155, 2787, 2794, 2815 Returns, when made. 193, 2770 et s. Road duty, 2798, 2811 Sales for, 1576 et s. Sales; peddlers, etc., 1865 et s. Sanitary, 139, 2148, 2785, 2797 Schools, for, 121, 143, 2311-12 School superintendent's list, 2802 Separate sale of pieces, 1583 Shows, license tax on, 133 Special; none for public schools, 143 Street; demand before fi. fa., 156G Street, in lieu of road duty. 122. 142, 2798 Street railroads, 2710 Taxes — Continued. Streets, work on, compellable, IJS, Ten-pin alleys, etc., 135 Theatrical companies. 133 Valuation of property. 121. 140, 193, 2792 » Waterworks property not subject, 250 » Teachers. See Education, Poard of; Public Schools. East Atlanta School, 28 * Edgewood school, 27 Pensions for, 49G et s. West End school, 19 Telegraph and Telephone Poles. Defacing, tying to, etc., 1S35 Painting and repair, 2480 Regulation and control, 24S7-S Telegraphs and Telephones. Committee on, standing, 859 Franchise applications, 1473 Telephones. ' Bills, when not to be paid, 570 Boards, how obtained by, 575 City physicians, have, 1915 Contracts for, who make, 570 Electric-light committee supervises, SG2 ■ ^* Location and distribution, S02 Price reduction and uniformity, 577 Service, uniformity and superiori^. Tenants. Building laws relating to, OoO, 727 Ten-Pin Alley. License tax on, 135 Sunday; not to be open. 1776 Terms of Office. St^e Officers. «70 INUKX Territory. See Near Beer. DesignaUd, - Extended, :'., 4. ."., G, 7, S, 24. :;. foliee purposes, embraced fc-:. 29, 41-r.4 Testing-Machines, 2oGS Tests of Scales and Weights •' et 6., 2y!){» eL s. Theatres. Curtain, asbesios or steel, 7 '4 Dfl ailed regulations, 2829 e: ?. Doors, automatic fireproof, 7]r, Electric, regulated, 1020 el -. Exits, what required, 717 71.' Floor on or helow street, 7L ■ Galleries may be built, 721 •iotels, lodgings, etc., forbidd-r,. ->41 IJcenses, 2S75 Ladies' hats removed, 2882 Openings through walls, 7ir' Pei:alties, 720, 2877 et s. Speculation unlawful. 288u Walls, no wooden, when, 7 • Tiiieves, Police Tracing, 14oS Thieves at Fires. 1121! Ticket Brokers. Cond, shall give, 2820 Certificates by, 282:} faefined, 2821 Failure to report, 2824 ♦'orbidden to buy passes, ei. :r~Ion end mileage tickets, 2828 Inspection, 282?. licenses, 2822, 2825 fc^enalties, 2824 et s. fost licenses, shiall, 2825 Revocation of license, 2824 Tiles. See Sidewalks, Titles to Property. Al)stracts by city attorney, 1443 Condemnatinn proceedings, 2C8, 271, 278, 321' Coriiorate i)urposes, held for, 1 Dispute of. on condemnation, 271 Edgewood's i)roperties taken, 27 Fee, when taken in, 271 Infant or insane person, etc., 2C8, 271 Waterworks, for, 271, 272 West End's jjroperties taken, 14 Trade. Set' Hiisiness. Trading. Sunday, proliibited, 1776 Trains. See Railroads. I Transcripts. Record of lo^t checks, 900 Transfer. Bills for paving. 3C7 Pixecutions, of, 3G7 Liquor-license, of, 1508, 1521 Payment, acceptance as, 371 Record of. 1^2 Transfer Companies. Baggage, charges for, 1143 Baggage: "solicitation on sidewalk, 1100 Removals, reports of. 1191-1193 Transportation Free. Rules governing, 1470 et s. Traveling Blind Tigers, 1G40 Treasurer of the City. Bond given by. 175, 178, 179, 2209 Bonds of the city, 2914 Books; what kept, 2910 Certificates of registration; cancel- lation, 2914-15 INDEX 971 Treasurer — Continued. Compensation, 176 'Deposited moneys, how drawn, 182, 1&3, 741 Deposited moneys, regulation of, 184 Depositories; banks, 180, 2911-12 Duties prescribed, 117, 174, 2910 Elected by popular vote, IIG, 173, 483 Fees paid to, 2420 Iviability of sureties on bond, 178, 181 Lost checks, record of, 900 Oath of office, 117, 177 Powers to new city limits, 35, 40 Removal from oflace, 119 Rents collected, 882 Reports to mayor, etc., 185, 741 Salary, 2909 Sales of property: proceeds, 883 Sinking-fund, 2375, 2377, 2382 Statement and estimate, annually, 185 Street-improvement bills, 810 SuipervLsion by mayor and council, 117 Sureties on bond, liability of, 178, 181 Term of office, 116 Vacancy declared and filled, 117, lis Warrants, what payable to, 2913 Warrants on, when not paid, 885 Withdrawal of funds; warrants re- quired. 182183 Trees. Ailantus, destroyed as nuisance, 1688 Cut down, power to, 277 Destroying or injuring, penal, 2473 Trimming, duty of, 1749, 2484 Wires, stringing of, 1749 Trespass. Ou property purchased, 1577 Trials. See Courts; Recorder. Impeachment, 476 Nuisances, 1GS4, 1685 Police commissioners, 1929, 1941 Violation of oath, 71 Trust Funds. Cemetery lots, for care of, 741 Tuberculosis. Slaughter-house employees, certifi- cates as to, 1377 Turf. Hauling without permit, penal, 1186 Turf Exchange Prohibition and penalty, 1137 Typhoid and Typhus Fever. See Health Regulations. Umpire. See Assessors. Undertakers. Burials. 1248 Burial permits, must obtain, 1559 Contagious diseases, death from, 1245 et s. Conveyances, 1*251, 1252 Disinfection, 1245, 1247, 1251, 1253 Funerals private, 1246, 1250 Penalty, 1255 Rubber suit worn, 1253 Uniforms. ^Policemen. 2022. Union Label. City printing must bear, 1704 Union Passenger Station. See Disor- der ; Hacks. Center of City, 2 Undrawn Fowls, etc. Not to be kept, sold or given, 1262 972 Unwholesome Articles. See HealtH I Veterans. Regulations; Peddlers. Soldiei-s (old). Vacancies. See Officers Vaccination. Authority to require, o20 Children, 123C, 1237 Compulsory, 320, 123G Free to lapplicants, 1912 Penalty for refusal, 320, 1237 Value. See Condemnation of Proper- ty; Taxes. Vegetables. Decayed, not to be sold, 1358 Displayed on sidewalk, 1267-1270 Vehicles. Charge® by licensed, 460 Fire regulations, 1057, 1058, 1064, 1076 Open fire in, prohibited, 1187 Rulesi of the road, 2653 Streets, laws of, 2441 et s. Peachtree and Wihitehall streets, when excluded from, 1199 Unused, kept off streets, 2660 Wihitehiall viaduct, no speed on, 1178 Venders. See Medicine Venders; Peddlers. Vendue Master. Bond of, 503 License, how obtained, 503 Oath, on receiving license, 504 Penalty, subject to, 506 Quarterly return of sales, 505 Tax laws not applied to, 2S14 Taxes, etc., payment of, 505 Veneered Walls. Classed as framed, 731 Ventilation. See Plumbing: Sewers- Theatre?-, 2S45 Vested Right. Street grade, as to, 336 Veto Power. By wiioui, and when exercised, 61 Passing ordinance over, 62 Viaducts. See Bridges. Belhvood avenue (proposed), 491 Alabama street (proposed), 383 Washington street, 3S8 \Vhitehall street, 522, 117S Violence. See Disorder. Vital Statistics. Births, report of, 1551 Board of health, 1550-1560 Deaths, cause of, 789, 790 Deaths, report of, 155G Marriages, report of, 1550 Registry, 1555 Vitrified Pipe. Sewers, 2389 (15), 2395 Volatile Liquid. See Garage. Vote. Aldermen, in general council, S9 Aldermen, when do not vote, 87 Of mayor, GO Of mayor pro tempore, Q<), 66 Reconsideration; what notice, 88 Two thirds vote, when required, 9 Voters. Oaths of, 2134 Qualifications, 114, 2133 Registration laws, 120, 2130 et s. Repeating punisbable, 115 I.XDEX 973 Voters — Continued. Tax-collector (county), registrar, 120 Vote ia wards where, reside, 114 Votes, Repeating of, 957, 95S. Voting Places. See Elections. Vouchers. Approval of, 5GC et s. Boards, authorized by, 17 IS Comptroller, when presented to, 569 Examination of, by boards, 566 et s. Signing of, 56S Sinking-fund, 2375 Wagons. See Drays and Wagons. Fruits, nuts, produce; peddling reg- ulated, ] 902-4 Gongs not allowed, 11 Su Ice; regulation and penalty, 1900-1 Licenses of peddlers, 1902 et s. Milk, regulations as to, 1340, 1341 Milk, signs on, 1319 Open fire in, prohibited, 11S7 Peddlers; regulations, 1903 et s. Powers of mayor and council, 92 Sprinklers of streets, 2966 Street regulations, 2441 et s. Unhitched horse, when penal, IISS Wagon-Yards. License and police regulations, 2916- 2920 Walls. See Bill-Posters; Buildings and Wialls. Warden, City. Appointment. 1457 Burials by city, 1461 Chartered office, 502 Confirmation by council, 1457 I>eatbs, report of, 1461 Ihities prescribed, 117, 502, 1457 et s. Elected by popular vote, 117, 502 Oath cf office, 117, 502 , Warden, City — Continued. Paupers, relief to, 1457 et s. Powers to new -city limits, 35, 40 Relief Depai'tment, 1457 et s. Removal from office, 119, 502 Rules of free transportation, 1470 Salary, 1457 Supervision by mayor and council, 117, 502 Term of office, 117, 502, 1458 Vacancy, how filled, 117, 118, 502 Wards. Boards represented by, 1422, 1423, 2300 Boundaries, S, 10, 25, 30, 2921 et s. Elections and voters, 2934 Elections, managers of, 105 et seq., 955 956, 959 Election precincts in, 113, 953 Xew, confirmed, 2923 Lines of, defined, 2921 et s. Old and new rearranged, 31, 34 Organization and representation, 2933 Physicians of, 1905 et s. Powers extend over all, 2936 Powers of beards and officers extend to new limits, 35, 40, 2938 Representation equal, 74, 76, 231, 311, 391, 430, 589, 2300, 2935 Taxing and assessing powers, 2937 Voting places in, 113, 114 Wares. See Licenses. Warnings. See Lights; Notice. Disease, of, 1221, 1225 Warrants. Delivery withheld until cross-de- mands paid, 875 Directed to marshal by clerk, 170 Drawn on fund appropriated; must so state, 885 Funds not drawn without, 182, 183 974 INDISX Warrants— Continued. How drawn, 88G Sinking-fund, on, 2375 Treasurer of city, 2913 Warrants for Arrest. Aldermen and councilmen to issue, 417 Executed by whom, 58, 417 •Mayor enabled to issue, 58 Washington Street Viaduct, 388 Watchmen. See Railroads. Police powers, etc. 203G Water. See iollowing titles. Assessment for pipe, 257 Clear and pure, to be, 272 Contracts for, limit, 255 Distribution and use, 253 Fire, appliances to extinguish, 254 'Fires, not to be used during, 1973 Fire protection, 2967-8 lujury to pipes, liability for, 2G2 Mains on streets, 22 Obstruction of, unlaiwful, 2154 * Paymertt for, 256 Penalties in regard to, 258, 262, 265 Public hydrants, erection of, 253 Service domestic, fire, stanitary, 22 Shut off, may be, 256, 266 Supply, authority as to, 272 Water-shed, dominion of, 272 West End, 22 WaterClosets. Regulations, penalties, etc. 1292-1302 Water Commissioners. Apparatus, examination of, 264 Appointments 'by, 252 Assess for water-pipe, may, 257 Board of, continued, 230 Boolvs subject to examimation ,240 Committee chairman a member, 2939 Water Commissioners — Continued. Composed of whom, 231, 235 Condemnation of property, 207, 276 et s. Contracts by, 246-249, 255 Control of work by, 281 Damages to roads, etc., repair of, 245- Duties prescribed, 240 et s. Elections of, 232, 233, 234, 236 et s. Elections; term.s, 2939 Estimate filed by, 261, 2942 Inspection of apparatus in houses^ etc., 264 Inspection of works, 244 Legal acts bind city, 241 Membership, 230-235 Oath of office, 237 One from each ward, 231 Penalty for refusing to permit exam- ination, 265 Powers, 243, et s. President chosen by, 238 Promissory notes, may execute, 26G Quorum of, 239 Record of acts kept, 240 Removal for cause, 242 Reports of bills and collections,. 893-895 Reports to be made, 240 Roads and streets, use of, 245 Rules and regulations, may make^ 2C3 Sinking fund, no control of, 2941 Secretary's duty, 895. 2940 et s. Terms of members, 232-234 Use of water in control of, 253, 2QS Vacancies, 233, 234, 236 Ward, each represented, 2939 Ward, one from each, 231 Water Fixtures. Junk-dealers, 1434 et s. Waterworks. Apparatus, examination of, 264 Applications for, 260, 261, 2942 INDEX 975 Waterworks — Continued. Aqueducts, canals, dams, etc., 275 Artesian well, 2949 Bonds, issue of, 289 Authority preserved, 289 Bills; mode of collection, 894 Board of commissioners, 2939 Bonds, issue of, 289 Ciiattahoochee river, use of, 288 Cisterns, 2988-2995 Clerks, appointment of, 252 Committee on, standing, 859 Condemnation of property, 2G7, 219, 265 Control of work, 281 Cutting-ofE supply, 2948, 29C3, 2074, 299G 'Damages, liability for, 2979 Department of waterworks, 885 Donation, for, city may accept, 276 Emergency, 2974 Engineer appointed, 252 Enlargement and improvement, 272 Entry on, lands, 274 Examinations and inspection, 264, Existing laws effective, 282 Existing laws preserved, 282, 289 Financing, provisions for, 285 Fire apparatus, test of, 29C9 Founts or hydrants, injuring, 2949 Fraudulent uses, 299G-7 Freezing, prevention of, 2975 Funds, procurement of, 286 General manager, 35, '40, 117-19, 251 502 Gravel, stone, etc., 277 Hydrants and keys, 2040-52 Income of, to city treasury, 259 Income, rent money, etc., 2941 Indebtedness on account of, 266 Injury to pipes, etc., punished, 262, 2949 Ins.pections, 2965, 2973, 2987 Insufficient supply; no liability, 2974 Watef Aorks — Continued. In'erference; penalties, 2943-4. 2949,^ 2?53, 2971 Keys to hydrants, 29.50-2 LalK>rers, employment of. 252 L^ase of, forbidden, 2 Lease of property for, 276, 284 Mains laid on streets, etc., 280 Mains, tapping, etc., 2953, 295S, 2970 Me-.ers. 2944-5. 2964, 2975. 29GS. 29V5. 2f<32 Motive power, for, 2964 No rice of cutting off, 294S ' * Nuisances, protected from, 1689, 10'.M Otiscructions to meters, 2944 Ou'cide limits, conditions of fu#- r.ivhing, 2980 Oi'i^ion to i)urchase property, 2S& Payment of rates, 256, 258 Payments for taps, 2970 Penalties. 258, 262, 265, 283, 284. 287. 2946 et s. Per:nits, 2946. 2957 Plumbing, 2946, 2962. 2965. 29S3-6 Police powers, 2972. 2987 Pclioe and sanitary regulations. ^(K, 5;i, 287. 2943 et s. Private pipes on streets. 2959 Property, acquirement of, 276, 28ft 2S9 Protection of pipes, 2976-8 Racew.ayB, reservoirs, etc., 275 R*?ceipts and reports, 2940 Repairs, 2945, 2961 3 Returns of work. i9-i6 et s. Rights and remedies, 278 Rights of way. 275 Rules; police enforcement, 2972 Saie of property, 276, 283 Sal- of system. 284 Si^rinkling streets, 296G See [.-cock and box. 2959-60 Streams, power to use, 279, 2SX Street connections 2958 970 JVOFJ^ Waterworks — Continued. •Street openings; certificate, etc., 2631, 2634 Streets, use of. 280 Suits, non-liability to. 2b^ Surveys and location, 273 Tanks. 2991-5 Timber, obtainment of, 277 'Trees, cutting down. 277 . '-Wellt; and cisterns, 2988-9'l Waterworks (Old). Lease limited to five years. 284 .'Police and sanitary powers, 46. 47 Sale or exchange forbidden, 2S4 WaVerly Place. Vacation of. 388 Weapons. Prisoners; duly of police officers, .» 203P Weeds. Qut, order and notice to, 1284 Weighers. See following title. Appointed by marshal, loSG Bond, shall give. 1586 Books, shall keep, 1596-1599 Certificates. 1596, 159S, 1602 Confirmed by council, 1586 Duties prescribed, 1596 et a. Hours of service, 159S Marshal supervises, 158v Removal from office, 1586 Salaries, 1593, 1594 Term of office, 15SG Weights and Measures. Certificates for -scales, 1596 Certificates of weights, 1598, 1602, 1609, 1611, 3003 Certificates on demand, 1605 Coal, accurate weight of, 3003 Coal : statement ou delivery, 1603 Weights and Measures — Continued. Coal; ton, 3,000 pounds, 1604 Coal wagons numljered, 1595 Coal weight on city scales demanda- ble; one ton or more, 1607 Coal; unlawful to increase or re- duce quantity, 1606 Coke, weight of, 3000, 3003 Condemned scales; use unlawful, 3002 Examination and fee, 1589 Fees collectible, 1589, 1596 Hindrance or interference, 3001 Ice-wagons must have .scales, 1614 Ice weighed on demand, 1615 Inspections, 1596. 2999 et s. Inspectors' duties, etc., 299^8 et s. Marshal's duties, 1587 et s. Misrepresentation, 1615 Notice of defects, 2999 Penalties, 1590 et s., 3001-3 Public system established, 1592 Standard, i)rocured from ordinary, 1589 Wagons stopped, etc., 1682, 3000 Wood, in racks, 1591 Welfare Clause, 92. Wells. See Waterworks. West End Annexation, 6-23. Aldermen, how many, 11 Assets described; how vested, 14 Balances due, collection of, 9 Bonded debt assumed, I'i Boundaries, 8, 10 Contracts preserved, 13 Councilmen, how many, 11 Fire-engine house, men, engines. IS Liens preserved, 13 Lights, how many; contract for, 16 Liquors, prohibition as to, 15 Ordinances extended to, 9 Penalty for violating Annexation Act. 23 IXDEX 977 Annexation West End — Cont'd. Police protection, 20 Representation — Boards, 12 Rights preserved, 13 Sanitary service, 17 Schoolhouses, how many, 19 Seventh Ward, 8 Sewers, lateral and trunk, 21 Water-mains in streets, 22 Water service, domestic, fire, sani- tary, 22 Western & Atlantic R. R. Alabama street across, 383 West Peachtree Street. Police purposes, embraced for, 48 West View Cemetery. Paupers buried in, 778 Whipping. See Prison. Whistles. Friolion siren; exclusive use, lOGU Whitehall Street Viaduct. Speed on, limited, 1178 Wholesale Drummers. Tax not required, 18G7 Wild-west Shows. Licecse, amount of, 2370 Wires. See Electric Wires. Witnesses. City employees as, 1726-7 Compulsory attendance, 4G1, 478 Compulsory process, 910 Default of appearance, 915 Officer of city as, 1726-7 Physician of city, 1918 Women. See Disorder. Near beer not sold to, 1643 62 Wood. See Buildings. Fire limits; not cut on street, 1098 Fire regulations, 1587 et s. Measurement in racks, 1591 Wood Block Pavements, 2396. Wood-Yards. Council's consent required, 1097 Penalties, 1097, 1591 Racks for measuring, 1591 Words Defined. •'Adulterated milk," 1354 ■•Automobiles," 516 "Basement story," 60a "Business building," 600 • Charity," public, 1470 '•Chief of construction" includes his agents, 2389(39), 2396(28) "Oontractor" for paving, 2396 "Meat," 1363 "Nuisances," 1690, 1694 "Ofiicer" includes police patrolman, 2008 "Person," 1363 "Residence section," 1310 '•Retailers" of liquors, 1481 ''Speculation," 761 '■Transportation," free, 1470 "Vehicle" includes bicycles, etc., "Volatile liquid," 543 "Warehouse," 601 "Wholesale store," 601 Working. Sunday, prohibited on, 1776 Work on Streets. See Penalties. Fines, to enforce payment of, 926 Punishment by, 926 Wreckage. See Junk Dealers. Yeas and Nays. Call of, in council, 90 Yellow Fever. See Health Regula- tions. APPENDIX Ordinances passed after Code of 1910 pre- pared. APPENDIX 981 Whereas, the population in and near the central portions of the City of Atlanta, is very much congested and, in many in- stances, surface closets are still being used by the residents in such sections, and such use is a menace to health and tends to cause disease, and is liable to cause an epidemic, and the City, in that section is so well sewered that the houses located therein may be connected with sewers at a comparatively small cost and such cost is too small to be considered in comparisor\ with the danger to the public health on account of the mainten- ance of surface closets within said thickly settled portion of the City. Therefore, be it ordained by the ]\Iayor and General Council of the City of Atlanta as follows : Section 1. That it shall be unlawful for any person, owner or tenant, their agents or employees, to have, maintain or use surface, closets on any lot or in any place within the limits de- scribed as follows : Beginning at a point at the corner of Decatur and Bradley Streets, and thence running along Bradley Street to Edgewood Avenue; thence along Edgewood Avenue to Randolph Street; thence along Randolph Street to North Avenue; thence along North Avenue to Gray Street (North Ave. as just described, means East and West North Avenue) ; thence along Gray Street to Simpson Street; thence along Simpson Street to Vine Street; thence along Vine Street to Beckwith Street; thence along Beckwith Street to Chestnut Street; thence along Chest- nut Street to Greensferry Avenue; thence along Greensferry Avenue to Culver Street; thence along Culver Street to Ella Street; thence along Ella Street to Chapel Street; thence along Chapel Street to Humphries Street; thence along Humphries Street to Stephens Street; thence along Stephens Street to Cooper treet; thence along Cooper Street to Ormond Street; thence along Ormond Street to Cherokee Avenue; thence along Cherokee Avenue to Glenwood Street; thence along Glenwood Avenue to South Boulevard; thence along South Boulevard to Bryan Street; thence along Bryan Street to Pearl Street; .thence along Pearl Street to Delta Place; thence along Delta Place to Decatur Street; thence along Decatur Street to Brad- ley Street, and in addition to the above described territory, said limits shall extend beyond the streets as above described 9^2 APPENDIX by distance of 150 feet from the center of the several streets described as forming- the above boundary. The territory in- cluded within the boundary of said streets and for a distance beyond the same for 150 feet from the center of said streets shall be known as the inner sanitary limits. Sec. 2. Any person, firm or corporation, owner or tenant, their agents or employees violating the provisions of Section 1 of this ordinance shall on conviction in the Recorder's Court, be punished by a fine not exceeding One Hundred Dol- lars or sentenced to work on the public works of said City for not exceeding thirty days, either or both penalties to be inflicted in the discretion of the Recorder. Sec. 3. That, in order that ample time may be given for making sewer connections for all the premises included within said inner sanitary limits, this ordinance shall become effective on and after May 1, 1911. Sec. 3030. Be it ordained by the Mayor and General Council that the annual tax ordinance for the years 1910-1911 be amended by striking out on page 35 the classification "Motor Cycle, Dealers in, $10.00," and inserting in lieu thereof the fol- lowing classifcation : "Motor Cycles, Dealers in or Agents for, no license to issue for less time than to June 30, 1911, $25.00." Be it ordained by the Mayor and General Council of Atlanta that the Milk Ordinance be amended as follows: Sec. 1. In Section 31: After the word "Milk," the words "or cream brought or shipped into the City," be inserted. Also, after the word, "sale," the words "by dairymen or their agents." Strike out the word "in" and the word "kept," so that the section shall read as follows : Sec. 2. All milk or cream brought or shipped into the City for sale, or offered for sale by dairymen or their agents, milk depots, hotels, restaurants, lunch rooms, ice cream factories, etc., shall be kept at a temperature below 55 degrees Fahrenheit, APPENDIX 983 and must not contain more than 100.000 bacteria per cubic centi- meter. Sec. 3. In Section 34. "18 per cent." be inserted instead of "20 per cent." "100,000" to be inserted in the place of "500,000," so that the section shall read as follows : Sec. 4. Sec. 34: "Cream sold, or offered, or kept for sale as such must contain at least 18 per ent. butter fats, and must not contain any foreign substances or coloring- matter, and must not contain more than 100,000 bacteria per cubic centimeter. Sec. 5. Add to Section 37 "All bottles, cans and vessels m which milk or cream has been delivered must be thoroughlv cleansed before they are returned to the dairymen." Sec. 6. Add to Sec. 31 : "All milk or cream used in ice cream factories, bakeries, soda four^ts, etc.. must be kept at a tem- perature below 55 degrees Fahrenheit, and must not contain more than 100,000 bacteria per cubic centimeter." This ordinance to go into effect on the first dav of March, 1911. Section 1. That from and after the passage of this ordinance it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corpora- tion, their agents or employees to sell or offer for sale shell or shucked oyster to which more than 10 per cent, water has been added, either directly or in the form of melter ice. Sec. 2. Any person violating this ordinance shall on conviction in the Recorder's Court be punished by a fine of not less than one ($1.00) dollar nor more than fifty ($50.00) dollars in the discretion of the Recorder. 984 APPENDIX Sec. 1. lliat the ordinance adopted at the first meet- ing' of Council in Novenil)er changing the name of Oakland Avenue to Michigan Avenue be amended as follows: (2) That wherever the name of Michigan Avenue ap- pears in said ordinance, the name be changed to Avon Avenue. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and General Council that the street now known as Pine Street, extend- ing from McCall's Crossing to Jacob's Drive, and the street known as Jacob's Drive, extending to Evans Drive, both being an extension of Murphy Avenue be and the same are hereby changed to IMurphy Avenue. Sec. 1. Whereas Dover's Alley between Chapel and Markham Streets is used as a street and improvements are built along same and the City should take charge of the alley as a street, Sec. 2, Therefore, be it ordained by the Mayor and Gen- eral Council, that Dover's Alley, as now defined, be and the same is hereby ordained to be a street, to be known as Dover Street and that the general ordinance providing that no streets be less than fifty feet shall be amended by this ordinance and said Dover's Alley shall be accepted as a street notwithstanding it is of less width than the general provision. Sec. 1. That all fish and meat market licenses shall here- after be granted as follows: The applicant shall file a petition for such licenses, one or both, if desired with the Clerk of Council, and same shall then be referred to the Board of Health, who shall report thereon to te the Clerk either "favorably" or "unfavorably," the application shall then be read in the General Council and there granted or refused as they may desire. APPENDIX 985 Sec. 2. The General Council may revoke said license at any time, and the Board of Health is charged with the duty of making recommendations for the revocations of su'^' licenses, in all cases, where the market is kept in an unclean or unsanitary condition. Sec. 3. That any person conducting a fish or meat mar- ket without complying with this ordinance, or after the license has been revoked, shall on conviction thereof in the Recorder's Court be punished by a fine not exceeding $100.00, or sentenced to work on the public places of the City for not exceeding thirty days, either or both penalties to be inflicted in the discretion of the Recorder. Sec. 1. That each permit for a building or repairs to a l)uilding issued by the Building Inspector shall have written or printed thereon the following: Georgia, Fulton County. Personally appeared who on oath says that he is the applicant for the foregoing permit and that the work to be done thereon will be done by contract with contractor, or by day labor (erase one or the other. Sworn to and subscribed before me this day of, 19... Notary Public, Fulton County, Ga. Sec. 2. That no permit for a building or repairs to a building under existing ordinances, shall be good or valid unless secured on affidavit stating that same is either by contract or day labor, and, if by contract give name of the contractor. Sec. 3. That the Building Inspector or assistant shall see that the foregoing provision is carried into efifect and it is hereby made a breach of duty on the part of same for failing, refusinsr or neglectins: to secure the foregoing: affidavit before 986 APPENDIX issuing the repuired building permit, and this ordinance shall apply to each City Department where permits are issued. Be it ordained by the Mayor and General Council of the City of Atlanta, and it is ordained by authority of the same that the ordinance approved February 25, 1910, and the amendment there- to approved June 23, 1910, known as the "Near Beer Zone Ordi- nance," be and the same is hereby further amended as follows: to wit: by striking out the following lan^^uage : "Thence northward- ly along Fort St. to Edgewood Ave. ; thence along Edgewood Avenue ; thence along Edgewood Avenue to Pryor Street ;'' and by inserting in lieu of the above stricken language the follow- ing: "Thence northwardly along Fort Street to Armstrong Street ; thence to Piedmont Avenue ; thence to Edgewood Ave- nue ; thence to Pryor Street," said ordinance to be efifcctive July 1, 1911. Sec. 1. That all that certain tract or parcel of land being a part of the Dumping Ground property in the Fifth \\'ard of the City of Atlanta, and bounded on the north by Bellwood Avenue; on the west by the track of the Georgia Railway & Electric Co. (leading from Bellwood Ave.) to the rock crusher) and property of E. R. Elliott ; on the south by projserty of E. R. Elliott and the right of way of the A. B. & A. Railroad Co.) and on the east by the right of way of the A. B. & A. Railroad Co., and property of E. W. Grove, be, and the same is hereby dedicated and set apart for a public park for the use of the citi- zens oi tlie City of Atlanta, under the control and supervision of the Board of Park Commissioners. Sec. 1. That a regular Board known as the Board of Mu- nicipal Research and Statistics be, and the same is hereby created. Sec. 2. That said Board shall consist of three (3) mem- bers of the General Council, either Aldermen or Councilmen, three (3) citizens of the City of Atlanta, and the City Auditor. APPEXDIX 987 Sec. 3. That the members of Council and the Chair- man of said board shall be appointed by the Mayor, as are the Chairman of the regular standing Committees of the City Council, and three citizens shall be selected and appointed by the Mayor to serve for two (2) years, or until their successors are appointed. Sec. 4. That it shall be the duty and province of said Board to collect statistics of various municipal corpora- tions throughout the United States and foreign countries, and to advise the Mayor and General Council of the City of Atlanta, as to the statistics of such cities and of the progress made by other cities in the conduct of municipal affairs, that will be of benefit to the City of Atlanta. Sec. 1. That the ordinance creating the Bond Com- mission, approved February 25th, 1910, be and the same is hereby amended by inserting in section two of said ordinance after the word "Ex-Oflficio," and before the word "and." the following: One citizen from the city at large, to be elected by the Mayor and General Council as Chairman of said Bond Commission; said section when so amended to read as follows: Sec. 2. Sa'id Bond Commission shall at all times be composed of the Mayor and Finance Committee of the Gen- eral Council ex-offcio, one citizen from the City at large, to be elected by the Mayor and General Council as Chairman of said Bond Commission, and one citizen from each of the ten wards of the City, and in case of a vacancy at any time by death, resig- nation or otherwise from among said citizens, said vacancy shall be filled by election by the Mayor and General Council. Sec. 3. That the oft'ice of Chairman of the Bond Commission be and the same is hereby created, to continue for the term of two years unless sooner abolished by the action of the General Council. 988 APPENDIX Sec. 4. That some citizen of Atlanta, either from the pres- ent Bond Commission, or the citizens at larg^e, l)e elected by the Mayor and General Conncil to serve as such Chairman, and to continue at the will of the Mayor and General Council. Sec. 5. It shall be the duty of said Chairman, with the assistance of the Bond Commission and the various departments to see that all of the improvements provided for in the Bond Ordinance are carefully planned and pushed to com- pletion as rapidly as possible, and that all the provisions of the Bond Ordinance and the Ordinance creating the Bond Com- mission are faithfully carried out. It shall be the duty of such Chairman to keep, or cause to be kept, a record of all meetings of the Bond Commission, showing the members present, the subject matter under discussion or consideration, and the action of the body or joint bodies on each particular matter. He shall keep a record of all contracts recommended by the Bond Commission and the different departments of the City to the Mayor and General Council and of any changes made by the Mayor and General Council from said recommendations in the contracts or awards made by the City for such work, and when said contracts are signed he shall enter a memorandum of the same in a book to be kept by him, or under his direction, for that purpose, showing the name of the contractor, the date of the contract, the date when to be completed, the amount of the contract, and the particular work of constuction under said contract. He shall keep the Mayor and General Council informed of the progress of the work in each department and under each contractor and the amount paid on such contract and the amount remaining as available for the completion of such contract. AITEXDIX 989 All vouchers for the payment of the bond money under said Bond Ordinance, in addition to being signed by the heads of the departments and the Chairman of the respectiv^e committees, shall also be signed by said Chairman. He shall be ex-oft'icio a member of all committees of said Bond Commission, and shall as far as practicable, attend all meetings of such committees in each department of the City, and shall see that the reports pro- vided for in the ordinance creating the Bond Commission are properly prepared and filed with the Mayor and General Coun- cil. He shall generally perform such duties as are now or may hereafter be imposed by ordinance. Sec. 6. Said Chairman elected under this ordinance shall be paid a salary of $2,000.00 per annum, payable monthly, be- ginning January 1, 1911. Be it' ordained by the Mayor and General Council that the ordinance passed at the last session of this body, providing that applications for licence to sell fresh meat or to carry on the busi- ness of a butcher, or fish dealer be first referred to Board oi Health and that this Board return such applications to the Gen- eral Council with recommendation for or against the granting of such licenses — be and the same is hereby repealed. Sec. 1. That the ordinance creating the position of Chief of Construction and fixing the salary of same ap- proved on the ;3rd day of January, 1910, be and the same is hereby amended by striking the amount of salary, to-wit, $3,600.00, from the second line of Section 2 of said ordinance, and inserting in lieu thereof the sum of $4,000 so that said sec- tion, when so amended shall read as follows: Sec. 2. The salary of said office is hereby fixed at the sum of Four Thousand ($4,000.00) Dollars per annum, payable in monthlv installments. 990 APPENDIX That the Ordinance creating- the P.ond Commission, approved Februarv 25th, 1910. be and the same is hereby amended as follows: by adding- the word "City" in the second section of said Ordinance and before the word "and" in said section the following: And one citizen from the City at large, to be elected by the Mayor and General Council, at the first meeting of the General Council of 1911. Be it ordained by the Mayor and General Council that the ordinance passed by the General Council on December 8th, 1910, setting apart a described strip of land formerly used as a dumping ground, on the south side of Bellwood Avenue, be amended by adding thereto the following: The provisions in this ordinance shall not affect the stables and workshops and approaches thereto as now used by the City employees but same shall continue under the control of the Department now using same until such time as such stable and blacksmith shop and approaches thereto are no longer necessary for such purposes, in which event, the grounds and approaches as now used, shall be likewise put under the control of the Board of Park Commissioners in the same manner as the other ground described in this ordinance. Sec. 1. In all cases where eggs are sold or offered for sale, which eggs have been kept in cold storage, each package offered for sale shall be stamped "Cold Storage." That in all cases where eggs are not retailed from the original case, each egg shall be stamped "Cold Storage." Sec. 2. Any person, firm or corporation, their agents or employees, selling or offering for sale eggs which have been kept in cold storage, without complying with Section One of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of an offense and, on conviction in the Recorder's Court, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars or sentenced to work on the public works of said City for not exceeding thirty days, either or both penalties to be inflicted in the discretion of the Recorder, APPENDIX 991 Be it ordained by the Mayor and General Council, as follows: That the ordinance changing the name of Granger Street, a street running from \\'est Hunter to Carter Street be repealed and the name of Granger Street restored to said street. Section 1. That in all cases where spirituous liquors, wines, beer, etc., have been seized by the officers and members of the Department of Police in the detection of illegal sales th-^reof and held as necessary evidence in the prosecution of those guilty of violating the laws governing such sales and re- mains in the possession, custody or control of said department or any of its ofifcers for and during a period of two years from date of conviction in either the Municipal or State Courts such liquors shall thereafter be removed from the station house and deposited with the Grady Hospital and such other hospitals or charitable institutions as the Board of Police Commissioners may designate and in such proportionate parts as such Board may designate for such use and disposition as the authorities in charge of such hospitals or associations may see fit to make. Sec. 2. That the removal and disposition of such li- quors, wines, beers, etc., as provided by Section 1 of this Ordinance, by the Chief of Police, the officers and members of the Department of Police of the City of Atlanta, shall absolve such oflicers from any liability on account thereof and their action, under this ordinance, is hereby made ministerial and as being specifically directed by the authority of the City of Atlanta. That the Southern Railway Company be and they are hereby authorized to close Joiner and Jeanette Streets between Peters and the Southern Railway Company, pro- vided that said Company, by the acceptance of this ordi- nance, is bound to indemnify and save the City of Atlanta harm- less from all damages or claims for damages to persons or property on account of the work attending the closing or the maintenance of obstructions closing permanently said streets 992 API'KXDIX under this permission and furthermore that said Railway Com- pany be and they are hereby granted permission to lay railroad tracks across Castleberry and West Fair Streets and to make the changes in the grade and alignment of West Fair Street. both and all as shown on accompanying blueprint herewith filed, but upon the further condition that said Railway Company, by the acceptance of this permission, is held and bound to indemnify and save the City of Atlanta harmless to persons or property by reason of the work of laying said tracks on said streets and in making said changes in grade and alignment in West Fair Street during'the time of making same and laying said tracks and also on account of the permanent occupancy of said streets by said tracks and on account of the permanent change in the grade and alignment of West Fair Street. Section 1. That the ordinance approved January 7th, 1907, relative to social clubs, ])c and the same is hereby repealed. Sec. 2. That any firm, person or corporation desiring to op- erate, maintain and to have or open up any club where- in lockers are provided for the use of members, feesi charged, either for membership or for use of locker or for other purposes, having a club house, club rooms, parlors or other general place of meeting shall file a petition with the Mayor and General Council asking for license therefor and such petition shall give the name of the club, the name of the president, secre- tary or manager in charge thereof, its location, the number of members and the amount of entrance fees paid or to be paid, dues and charges for lockers, or locker service, and such other information as will put the general council in full possession of the facts surrounding such club, or proposed club, by which it can decide wehther same is a bona fide social or locker club. Sec. 3. That any club already licensed or hereafter licensed, shall when demand is made by any member of the General Coun- cil or of the Police Department, at the club room or place of meet- ing exhibit the roll of membership upon which only bona fide members of the club shall be written. Said club, its officers and employees shall at all times comply with this requirement and shall keep said roll of membership at the club room or place APPENDIX 993 of meeting- where same can at any time be produced when said demand is made. Sec. 4. That any social or locker club licensed as herein provided, charging membership dues and having or operating in connection with the club, lockers or locker service, or serving meals or lunches therein, or having any service such as billiards, cigars, etc., from which a revenue is derived, shall pay to the City of Atlanta the sum of three hundred dollars per annum as a license or registration fee, same to be paid as other business licenses are collected. Sec. 5. That any person, firm or corporation, their agents or employees who shall maintain, operate or carry on. or take part in the maintenance or operation of any club in violation of the provisions of this ordinance, or without securing the permit or license therefor as herein provided, or without jjaying the license therefor as fixed in the preceding section, shall, on conviction in the Recorder's Court be punished by a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars, or sentenced to -work on the public works for not exceeding thirty days, either or both pen- alties to be inflicted in the discretion of the Recorder. Sec. 6. That any club, (jflficer or employee thereof, who shall refuse to admit any member of the General Council or of the Department of Police therein on demand, or who shall refuse to exhibit the roll of membership provided for in this ordinance, or who shall not permit an inspection of such club room or meeting place, on demand, shall be deemed guilty of an offense and on conviction in the Recorder's Court shall be punished as provided in Section 3082 of this ordinance. Sec. 7. That no license or permit shall be granted to any club or similar organization unless it appears that same is a bona fide social or locker club and not instituted or operated either with or without a charter, for the purpose of providing a place wheein intoxicating liquors, beers, wines, etc., may be furnished under the form of a club, or in or at which there is now operated or maintained a bona fide social or locker club as herein provided for, and any person or persons, either by them- selves or others who shall undertake with or without a charter to operate a club or like organization for the purpose of supply- ing liquors, wines, beers, etc.. throiig-h the form of a club and 63 994 AI-l-KMHX without liaving-. maintaing' or operating a bona fide social or locker club, shall be deemed guilty of an offense and on convic- tion in the Recorder's Court shall be punished as provided in Section 3082 of this ordinance. Sec. 8. That no license or permit shall be issued to any club, either with or without charter, unless it appears that same is operated, maintained or proposed to be operated as a bona fide social or locker club, having a bona fide membership, club house, room or place of meeting maintained as a social club, at which meals, lunches, etc., are served, lockers are main- tained for the bona fide use of members only, charges made therefor, and not as a cloak or subterfuge for the sale of intoxi- cants, having a membership whose dues or entrance fees are sufficient to provide for the maintainance of such organization, and the expenses thereof and operated and maintained in an orderly manner complying with all the laws of the state and the ordinances of the Citv. That the ordinance approved on the 20th day of January, 1910, providing that the City Prison or Stockade shall be put under the charge of the Committee on Prisons of the General Council, be amended by striking the words "one year" from fourth line in section 6 and inserting in lieu thereof the words "two years.'' That the ordinance approved November 2-lth, 1910, referring to the pay and retirement of members of the Police Department, be amended by striking from section 2 thereof, in the second line, so that the employees there desig- nated shall hereafter receive said increase of pay as there pro- vided, after one years instead of two year's service. That the Auditor created by and acting under the ordinance approved on the day of 1911, be and he is hereby put under the direction and control of the Mayor and it shall be the duty of the Mayor to see that the APPENDIX 995 Auditor discharges the several duties imposed upon him by the ordinance of the City, promptly makes the reports required and furthermore does such special work as the Mayor may need or require from time to time. That Section 809 of the code of 1899 of the City of Atlanta be amended by striking therefrom the words "one dollar" and substituting therefor the words "two dollars," so that said section shall read : The Board of Health of the City of Atlanta is hereby authorized to contract for the removal of all dead carcasses of animals, such as horses, mules and cattle, from within the corporate limits of the City of Atlanta, and to authorize said contractor to charge for and collect from the owners of such dead carcasses not more than two dollars per head, and such contract to run not exceeding three years, on the following conditions : Be it ordained by the ayor and General Council that! Atlanta Ave., a street tAventy-five feet wide, between Pulliam and Washington Sts., be adopted as a public street, notwith- standing its width is less than 50 feet. Sec. 1. That the ordinance codified in Section 1068 of the City Code of 1899 which allows a merchant tw.o feet of sidewalk, next to their building, on which to display goods in regulating such use and display be and the same is hereby repealed. Sec. 2. That any person, firm or corporation, their agents or employees, using in any way any part of the sidewalk of the city within the close or inner fire limits for the purpose of displaying their goods or placing goods on any part of the sidewalk for displaying or having or using boxes, steps, stands or other things used in the display of goods on any part of the sidewalk within said fire limits or selling goods, wares or merchandise on or from any part of the sidewalk within said 99G MM'KMJIX limits shall be deemed guilty of an offense and on conviction thereof in the Recorder's Court shall be fined not exceeding- Ont Hundred Dollars or sentenced to work on the streets or public places of the City for not exceeding thirty days, either or both penalties to be inflicted in the discretion of the Recorder. Sec. 1. That the ordinance approved on the day of providing a building code for the City of At- lanta be amended by adding to Section 91 on Part 19 thereof, following the sul)-head "lUilkhead Stairs and Doors." the follovv- inir: "NiO goods, boxes or articles of any kind or enclosure, walls or like obstruction shall be placed in the way of exits or means of access to a fire escape^ nor shall any goods, wares, merchan- dise, or obstruction of any kind be placed or left upon the bal- cony or ladders of any fire escape and any person violating the provisions of this ordinance shall be subject to the i)unishment provided for under Section 1;j4 of Part 29. Sec. 2. That in all buildings having fire escapes where same are built along windows or at the termination of halls having exits or means of access to and from such fire es- capes, a sign shall be maintained at or over the window of sufficient prominence and clearness to be seen, stating that sai window or means of access opens to the fire escapes ; where the fire escape is built along the building, and is not reached through a window or other opening directly into the hall but through a room or assembly hall or like subdivision of the building, then three or four signs shall be displayed along said assembly hall, room or subdivision at equal distance apart, notifying all persons therein of the door leading to the room through which the fire escape is reached or the window of the assembly hall opening thereon or notifying such persons in what manner such fire escape can be reached from such assembly hall, room or subdivision. Any person maintaing such a fire escape without APPENDIX 997 complying with this provision shall be punished as provided for -under section 134 of Part 29. An ordinance abolishing City Physicians as now con- stituted, and creating two (2) assistant health officers to take their place and discharge their duties, same to be elected by the General Council under certain conditions, and for other pur- poses: Be it ordained by the Mayor and General Council of the City of Atlanta as follows : Sec. 1. That the positions of City Physician, as now provided in ordinance codified in Chapter 16 of the City Code of 1899, be and the same is hereby repealed but the other provisions of all of said chapter, and the amendments thereto, where applicable to the positions of assistant health officers, as herein ordained, are hereby ordained. Sec. 2. In lieu of the City Physician, as now pro- vided, the position of two assistant health officers are hereby created as follows: The General Council, on or before the first Monday in July, 1911. shall elect two assistant health officers to serve for a term of two years each, from the first Monday in July, 1911, or until their successors are elected and qualified. at a salary of eighteen hundred dollars per annum, each, payable' in monthly installments; provided, however, that the Medical Stall of the Grady Hospital shall first appoint three competent physicians as a Board of Examiners who shall hold an examina- tion of all applicants as to proficiency, experience, etc., and from the six who make the highest grades, in such examination, the General Council shall select two assistant health officers as herein ordained. Said Board of Examiners shall be appointed each time an examination is called, and shall have no fixed term of ofifice but shall be appointed by said medical staff, from time to time, as vacancies occur, and no one shall be permitted to participate in said examinations unless they are graduates of 998 vrin:>ni\ medical colleges of recognized standing-, with a two years cours as a prerequisite of graduation, and who shall have thereahei performed at least one year's hospital service. As vacancies occur, in said assistant health officers, the General Council shall select the successors from the six who made the highest aver- age in said examinations and such selections may be made from any one of said six and not necessarily from the highest aver- age, regard being paid to such other qualifications as such ap- plicants may have in addition to the average made bv them in said examination. Sec. 3. Said assistant health officer shall perform tlie duties now required of City Physicians and such other duties as may be provided by the ordinances of the Mayor and General Council or by the rules passed by the Board of Trustees of Grady Hospital. Sec. 4. Such assistant health officers, while having a term of two years as hereinbefore fixed, shall be subject to removal at any time within the discretion of the General Council after five days' notice shall have been given to health officers and after they have been given a fair hearing as to charges or other reasons ascertained for their removal. Causes for removal are not only lack of ability or inattention, neglect, in- aptitude, but anything which, in the opinion of said General Council affects the capacity of such assistant health officers for giving the public the services desired by and from such health officers. Sec. 5. The Board of Trustees shall have charge of the assistant health oft'icers, created by this ordinance, and shall require ithem to perform the duties herein fixed, as apper- taining to said officers, and to follow such other rules as said Trustees may, from time to time, showing in detail their labors during the previous calendar month and especially the number of patients treated, street and number where such patients lived, name of diseases, number of visits made, deaths, cures, reliefs, and such other information as such Trustees may require in order to keep them informed of the work and labors of assistant health officers. APPENDIX 999 Sec. 6. Each of said assistant health ofificers, in or- der to stand the examinations herein stated, must have resided within the city of Atlanta at least twelve months prior to making- application for examination, and in addition to the other pro- visions of this ordinance, if selected to serve as one of the assist- ant health officers, they shall be especially required to attend all kinds of practice among the poor without charge and furnish medical and surg-ical relief and attend not only the ordinary cases of disease of obstetrical nature, etc., small-pox and any or all other troubles that physicians are called upon to attend and relieve. It shall likewise be their duty to vaccinate all poor chil- dren of the City, free of charge, when requested to do so. It shall also be the duty of such physicians to attend to all police- men who are injured on duty, when requested so to do, and, it shall likewise be the duty of all policemen to secure the aid and attendance of such health ofificers when needed for the treat- ment of injuries received by policemen on duty before calling in other physicians. And also to make examinations of all persons claimed to have been injured and who have filed claims for damages with the ^layor and General Council, when required by the City Attorney, and also to make examinations of such persons who sue the City of Atlanta, after such examination, to appear and testify as to the results of examination when such cases come to be tried. These examinations to be made as often as required by the City Attorney, and proper reports in writing to be made thereof to the office of said City Attorney. The City Attorney may employ other physicians, if in his opinion the cases are of sufificient importance to require it, but said health officers shall serve whenever notified as herein provided by said City Attorney. Sec. 7. The oridnance codified in Section 73-1 of the City Code of 1899, is not repealed in any part except that the duties herein ordained to be discharged by the City Physi- cians shall thereafter be discharged by said assistant health offi- cers, under the direction of the Board of Trustees of Grady Hospital. Sec. 8. The ordinance codified in Sec. 735 of the City Code of 1899 provided that the relief Committee shall have su- pervision over all City Physicians is hereby repealed. ]()()() AI'I'K.MUX Sec. 9. Said assistant health officers shall not do any l)ri\atc i)ractice or follow their jjrofession except as same may be done under this ordinance but shall devote all tiieir time to the poor of the City, bettering^ of sanitary conditions, attending- persons under arrest, relieving of public officers, such as policemen, etc., vaccinating all persons when so required by this ordinance or by orders of JJoard of Trustees of Grady Hos- pital, or of the City Health Officer, attending small-pox cases, as ordered by the Board of Trustees of Grady Hospital, and generally to g-ive all their time and attention to relieving the unfortunate of the City or the servants of the City where a physician shall he furnished by a municipality and to keep in- formed of the best method of giving such service by research, comi)arison and study. In time of epidemics or the spread of contagious or infectious disease, where such disease exists in such numl)crs as to excite fear without to any epidemic, or otherwise when deemed advisable by said Board of Trustees, such assistant health oft"icers shall do this special work with ref- erence to such diseases and give prompt attemtion in aiding to arrest its progress, or to serve the City in such a way as said Board of Trustees of Grady Hospital or the ordinances of the City may hereinafter provide. Sec. .1. lliat all Boards, Commissions and other De- partments that have to buy mules for the use of their respect- ive departments shall follow this method in making such pur- chases, to-wit: The head or chief or Managing Officer of such Boards, etc., shall make requisition upon the Comptroller for the number of mules desired, the Comptroller shall thereupon advertise for five consecutive d^ys, in the official journal, stat- ing the number of mules desired by such Departments and that bids therefor will be received by such Board, etc., at its office on the day following the expiration of said advertisement at 12 M. and that the mules offered must conform to the specifications of the United States of America when receiving bids on mules for any of its departments, at the time named, the bids shall be opened, and thereupon the Chief or Managing Officer of such department, the Veterinary Surgeon employed by said Board, Department, etc., and the Chairman of the Council Committee, APPENDIX 1001 ex-oft'icio member of such Board, etc., shall inspect the mules offered under said bids, and as soon as possible, report to such Board, etc., their recommendations as to the acceptance or re- jection of said bids, and the Board shall when favorable recom- mendation is made, proceed to award or refuse to award the contract, and when awarded, the Comptroller shall be notified and the requisition granted. Sec, 2. That it shall be illegal to purchase mules for any department, boards, etc.. in any other manner than as provided in Sec. 3108 of this ordinance, and no vouchers, checks, or other method of payment shall be honored. It shall be a breach of duty on the part of any officer to take part in any purchase or payment of bills for mules in any other manner than as herein provided. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and General Council that whenever the money in the hands of the City Treasurer shall exceed the sum of Five Thousand Dollars, such excess of money shall be deposited in the American National Bank, The Fourth National Bank, Lowry National Bank, and the Atlanta National Bank, in equal proportions of one-fourth to each of said banks, for and during the year 1911, and thereafter until repealed; Provided, each of said banks have, before any of said money is deposited with them, executed separate con- tracts to receive said deposits when offered as above provided, and to pay a rate of interest thereon equal to two per centum (2*) per annum on daily balances in these banks to the credit of the City of Atlanta and shall give good security, subject to tlu approval of the Mayor, for the faithful accounting to the City of Atlanta for all money so deposited. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained that the Treasurer shall deposit with said banks, each day, all money in his hands belonging to the City of Atlanta, in excess of Five Thousand Dollars, and keep his accounts of same in regular deposit books depositing one-fourth of such excess with each of said Banks. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained that the Mayor and Comptroller shall issue warrants upon said banks payable 1002 AI-IMO.XUIX to the Treasurer, to pay the debts of current expenses of the City of Atlanta, as the same may be necessary, such warrant.- to be drawn in substantially equal amounts upon each of said banks, or withdraw the whole of said deposits from either or all of said banks whenever the Mayor and General Council shall so direct. An ordinance making- effective the provisions of the Charter Amendment of 1910. whereby the Mayor and Gen- eral Council were authorized and empowered to establish and maintain a system of pensions, and for other purposes. Be it ordained by the Mayor and General Council of the City of Atlanta as follows : Sec. 1. That all policemen, firemen, teachers and oth- er City employees, who may hereafter 'become disabled by reason of any personal injury received in the line of their employment and in the legal discharge of their duty, so as to render them unable to perform service, shall, during the con- tinuance of such disability, be retired upon one-half of the salary, payable monthly, that such employees received at the time of such injury subject to the examination and recommendation of the City Health Officer, approval of the Mayor and adoption or rejection thereof by the City Council as provided in Sec. 3117 of this ordinance. Sec. 2. That all policemen, firemen, teachers and other employees, wdio, after twenty years' continuous service in the employment of the City of Atlanta, may become disabled by reason of ill health so as to render them unable to perform ser- vice and who in their own name or v\/hose wife or husband, living with her or him as the case may be, do not own property of the value of ten thousand dollars, shall be retired for a period of one year at a time, upon one-half of his salary, payable monthly which such employees received at the time of such in- jury, upon the examination and recommendation of the City APPEXDIX 1003 Health Officer, the approval of the 3*Iayor and the adoption or rejection thereof by the General Council, as provided in Sec- tion 8117 of this ordinance. Sec. 3. That all policemen, firemen, teachers and other City employees who have performed twenty years' con- tinuous service in the employement of the City of Atlanta, and who have reached the age of sixty years and who, in their own name or whose wife or husband living with him or her, do not own property of the value of tien thousand dollars, shall be re- lieved of duty and retired for the remainder of their natural lives upon one-half the salary, payable monthly, that such em- ployees received at the time of such retirement, upon the recom- mendation of the heads of their respective departments, the ap- proval of the Mayor and the adoption or rejection thereof by the- General Council as provided in Section 3117 of this ordinance. Sec. 4. Xo retirement, as above provided, shall be eft'ectual or legal unless the following precedent conditions are met: First an examination of such officers and employees by the City Health Oft'icer and his recommendation that such officer or employee be retired. Second, in case of officers or employees coming under Sec. 3114 of this ordinance, the head of the department in which officer or employee sought to be re- tired is employed, recommends that they may be relieved of duty and retired. Third, the recommendations for retirement, as herein provided for, shall if the foregoing requirements are complied with, be filed with the Mayor of the City and he shall thereupon consider each recommendation separately and fix a time for passing upon same, giving notice to the person so rec- ommended and giving the head of the department like notice, in which such applicant has been employed, and, at such time he shall proceed to hear evidence thereon as to all the facts set forth in the application and as to any other facts suggested by either himself or the head of the department so served, and, if in his opinion the person so recommended should be retired, as herein provided, he shall approve such recommendation and sub- mit same together with the recommendations therefor and all other papers and facts connected therewith and copy of the evidence taken, as herein provided, to the next meeting of the 1004 AITIO.MJIX General Council and, at such mcetinf]^ or at such other meeting as the General Council may decide, the approval of the Mayor shall be adopted or rejected and such action by the General Council, shall l)c final. Sec, 5, The reconiniendalions for retirement, as herein provided for, shall contain a statement of all facts relating to service, age, physical and financial conditions of the ofificer or employee, sought to be retired, and a full and complete state- ment of the reason for retirement. Xo payment of pensions paid hereunder shall exceed the sum of fifty dollars per month. That the ordinance codified in Section ITf)") of the City Code of 1899 be amended by strikinj;- the words "2:30 o'clock P. AI." in third line and inserting in lieu thereof t>.f following: "One O'clock P. M." so that said section when so amended shall read as follows : The Recorder, or in his absence, the Mayor, Mayor pro tem., or one of the Council, shall hold a court at 8:30 o'clock A. M. and One O'clock P. M. each day except Sunday, at the Recorder's Court Room, for the trial of persons charged with violating any of the laws or ordinances of the City of Atlanta. Be it resolved by the :\Iayor and General Council, that Section 493 of the City Code of 1899 be amended bV striking therefrom the words Bond of the Recorder, $5,000.00. Sec. 1. Be it resolved that from and after the pas- sage of this ordinance the hours within w^hich pawn-brokers may open their places of business shall be from 7 o'clock A. M. to 8 o'clock P. M., except Saturdays and Christmas Holidays, when the hours of closing shall be 12 o'clock P. M. APPENDIX 1005 Sec. 2. That the Police Authorities of the City of Atlanta shall see to it that the fores^oing ordinance is in force the same as other laws and ordinances of the City of At- lanta. Sec. 1. That no person shall be elected or appointed by any of the heads of any of the Departments, Boards," Commissions of Departmental organization of the City to anv salaried position in or under said Department. Boards, eic, ex- cept upon the approval of the Mayor and by a two-thirds vote of the General Council with full knowledge of the fncts, who is related within the third degree either by consanguinity or afi'inity to the Heads of said Departments, Boards, etc.. or any member thereof, or who is related in like degree either to the Mayor or any member of the General Council, or the ir.e^ber of any Board, thereof, etc., in office at the time of such election or appointment. Sec. 2. 'ihat the provisions of this ordinance shall not apply to such Departments, Boards, etc., where the selection of the j^ppointee or employee is based upon eligibility and fitness for service, ascertained by mental or other exami- nation provided by rules, regulations or ordinances governing such Departments, Boards, etc. Sec. 3. That any member of said Boards, Depart- ments, etc., who shall appoint or vote for any person to any position in violation of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a breach of duty, and subject to removal from office on account thereof. Sec. 4. That the provisions of this ordinance shall not apply in a case where the Heads of Departments are elected by a vote of the people and announces prior to such elec- tion the names of assistants to be appointed in said departments, and in cases where candidates for any municipal office are elected by the people, and no person shall be disqualified from holding lOCiC) APi'Exnix any municipal office elected by the people by reason of kinship either with the Mayor or any member of the General Council. Sec. 1. That all ])ersons, firms or corporations, their agents or employees, in charge or working at meat markets, fish markets, restaurants, bakeries, retail grocery stores, milk de- pots shall thoroughly and securely screen all doors, windows or other openings into such places so as to prevent the ingress of flies or other insects thereto. Sec. 2. That no article of food except live articles such as chickens, ducks, etc. shall be kept on the outside of any market. restaurant, bakery, milk depot or other place where food is sold or offered for sale, or upon the sidewalks in front of such places for the purpose of display, or for purpose of advertisement or for any other purpose except to receive and deliver same to and from such i)laces. Sec. 3. That all peddlers of fruits and vegetables licensed by the City of Atlanta, or granted permission for such business, shall have tops to their wagons and shall furthcrmdre have their w^agons screened so as to prevent the ingress of flies or access by same to articles of foods contained in said wagons and ped- dled therefrom. Sec. 4. That it shall be unlawful for any person to run or operate bakery or deal in bread, or any employee of such ba- kery or dealer in bread to carry or cause to be carried, bread, cakes or pies and like articles of food through the streets unless transported in a fly proof or dust proof receptacle. All wagons used for transporting bread, cakes and pies and like articles of food shall be furnished with a fly-proof and dust proof com- partment that shall contain shelves on which the bread shall be placed and such shelves shall be covered with clean paper and this paper shall be changed at least once every twenty-four hours. Furthermore, all bread, cakes, pies and like articles of food of- fered for sale or kept on hand for the purpose of sale in grocery stores, bakeries, or other retail distributors of bread, etc., shall be kept in fly proof and dust proof showcases or like receptacles. APPENDIX 1007 Sec. 5. That any person, firm or corporation, their agents or employees, violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall on conviction thereof in the Recorder's Court be fined not exceeding one hundred dollars for each ofifense, or sentenced to work on the public works of the City for not exceeding thirty days, either or both penalties to be inflicted in the discretion of the Recorder. Sec. 6. The provisions of this ordinance as to screening articles of food and protecting same from flies shall be effective only during the months of April, May, June, July, August, Sep- tember and October. During the months of November, Decem- ber, January, February and March said ordinance shall not be effective nor a violation thereof subject the oiTender to punish- ment. Provided, that the provisions of this ordinance shall not be enforced during the present year, prior to June 1st, next, but thereafter the provisions of Sec. 3133 shall be enforced as re- ported. That the line of the proposed widening of Peach- tree Street, between its intersection with Baker and Ivy Streets, as prepared by the Chief of Construction, and a copy of which is hereto atached as a part of this ordinance, be and the same is hereby established as the building line of Peachtree Street, between Baker and Ivy Streets, and the property owners are advised that future improvements on property abutting on said portion of Peachtree Street should not be built over said build- ing line for the reason that the City contemplates the widening of Peachtree Street betvyeen said intersection and such im- provements would then have to be re-adjusted to the new line of Peachtree Street in accordance with the building line hereto attached. Said building line contemplates the widening of Peachtree Street between said intersections to the full width of sixty feet, as shown on said map. Sec. 1. That all railroad companies, express companies, and all common carriers doing business in the City of Atlanta 1008 \im"i:m>ix shall, oil receii)t of any spirituous or malt li(|ui)rs. wines or beers, in quantities in excess of three "gallons, on the day of the receipt of same, or on the day follovvinjj^ tliereof. make out a list of same, place of shipment, name of consignee, and the (piantity by cases or barrels, the contents as marked thereon. Sec. 2. J'hat in the event any person, firm or corporatior shall have consigned them in three gallon lots, more than one shipment in any one week, then a full report shall be made thereof in the same manner as provided for other shii)ments in Sec. 3135 of this ordinance. Sec. 3. That the books, bills of lading, weigh bills, rec- ords and other documents in the possession, custody or control of railroad companies, express companies, and all common car- riers, which show the receipt of delivery of any spirituous or malt liquors, wine or beer, to or for any person residing in the City of Atlanta, doing business in this city, shall be. at all times during the hours when their otYces are open for business, sub- ject to the inspection of the Chief of Police of the City of At- lanta, or any member of the Department authorized by said chief to inspect same and said common carriers, their agents and em- ployees shall permit the Chief of Police or his authorized officers aforesaid to inspect such books, records and documents fully and completely insofar as same refer to or show delivery or re- ceipt of any spirituous or malt lic|uors, wines or beers, to or tor any person residing within the limits of the City of Atlanta. Sec. 4. The reports provided for in Section 1 of this or- dinance shall be made Ijv the agent of said common carrier iri charge of its business in the Cit} of Atlanta, and shall be made on a printed blank, which blank shall be furnished by the city free of charge, and the reports provided for shall be written or typewritten thereon neatly and legibly. Sec. 5. Any person, firm or corporation, railroad company or express company, or common 'carrier, their oiTicers, agents, and employees, violating any of the provisions of this ordinance, or failing or refusing to furnish the reports provided hereunder, or failing or refusing to allow their books to be inspected as to the character of shipments herein designated, shall be deemed guilty of an oiTense against the peace and good order and gen- eral wellfare of said City, ond on conviction' thereof in the Re- APPENDIX 1009 corder's Court shall be punished by a fine not exceeding two hundred dollars, and by a sentence to work on the public works of the City of Atlanta for not exceeding thirty days, either or both penalties to be inflicted in the discretion of the Recorder. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and General Council cil, and it is hereby ordained by authority of the same, that the ordinance adopted by the General Council on March 20th, 1911, and approved by the Mayor on March . ,, 1911, having for its purpose the changing of the hours at which the Police or Record- er's Court of the City of Atlanta shall be held, and fixing a differ- ent hour for holding the afternoon sessions of said Court, be and the same is hereby repealed. Sec. 2. lie it further ordained, by the authority afore- said, that from and after the approval of this ordinance that the hours for holding the several sessions of the said Police or Re- corder's Court which prevailed and were in force prior to the passage of said ordinance repealed in Sec. 3140 above of this ordinance, be and they are hereby restored and made effective by this ordinance. Be it ordained by tlie Mayor and General Council that the name of the Street now known as Bunker Street, extend- ing from Oak Street to Gordon Street, be and the same is hereby changed to West End Place. Whereas it is the custom to fill vacancies in Boards, Com- missions, etc., at the same meeting at which same are announced and this is a bod custom for the reason that Council should be informed of the vacancies and have an opportunity to consider the most available person for the position. Therefore be it ordained by the ^Slayor and General Council of the City of Atlanta as follows : 64 1010 Arri:M)ix That no vacancy in any Board. Li'iuniisM<«n, etc.. shall be filled by the Mayor and General Council at the same meeting at which same is announced, but following the an- nouncement of the vacancy, an election to fill such vacancies shall not occur prior to the next regular meeting succeeding thereto. Sec. 1. That no telephone shall be installed or hereafter maintained, at the City's expense, in or at the residence of any city otticial. Sec. 2. That all appropriations therefor, either in Gen- eral Apportionment sheet or in the budget of any Board or Com- mission of the City, are hereby stricken and the telephone com- panies be directed to have same removed July 1. 1911. if the city is expected to pay therefor, and the Clerk of Council is hereby directed to forward a copy of this ordinance to each tele- phone company in the city. Sec. 1. That no drain for surface water from roofs, yards or otherwise shall hereafter be connected with sanitary sewers, meaning by this, the separate system of sewers by which a sew- er is maintained for the drainage of sewerage matter only. Sec. 2. That any person, firm or corporation violating this ordinance shall be punished by a fine of not exceeding one hundred dollars or by sentence upon the public works for not exceeding thirty days, either or both penalties to be inflicted in the discretion of the Recorder on conviction in the Recorder's Court. Sec. 1. That all money appropriated to Departments or Ofifices for telephone service shall be taken from such appor- tionment and are hereby specially apportioned to the Depart- ment of Telephone and hereafter all money appropriated for telephone service paid for by the City shall be likewise appro- priated to the Department of Telephones. APPENDIX 1011 Sec. 2. That all companies furnishing telephone ser\'ice to or for the City shall render an itemized statement therefor to the Superintendent of Electrical Affairs and this statement shall be furnished each month and shall cover the charges for the cur- rent month. Sec. 3. It is hereby made the duty of the Superintendent of Electrical Affairs to investigate each item in such statements and if the total bill is found correct draw a voucher therefor on the apportionment to telephone and these vouchers shall be signed by the Chairman of the Committee on Electric Lights, Telegraph and Telephones, Superintendent of Electrical Affairs and City Comptroller. Sec. 4. Any department or officer desiring additional tel- 'iplHjnes are hereby required to make requisition therefor to said Committee who shall investigate jsame^nd make a report thereon to the General Council for final action, and favorable ac- tion must be had thereon before such additional telephone ser- vice shall be granted. Sec. 5. The Department of Telephones is hereby placed under the general supervision of the Committe on Electric Lights, Telegraphs and Telephones. Sec. 1. That in all cases where a person pays into the Treasury of the City an amount on account of water ser\-ice in excess of the amount due thereon, such excess being caused by reason of duplicate bills or error in reading or for other pur- poses, the Board of Water Commissioners are hereby authorized and en^powered where same is brought to their attention to re- turn the excess to parties paying same by drawing voucher therefor on Apportionment to Refund on Taxes. Sec. 2. That the vouchers so drawn shall be approved by the Mayor and paid by the City Tax Collector and charged to the fund aforesaid. That from and after the passage of this ordinance all the offices in the City Hall shall be kept open continuously 1012 AI'1'1C.M>IX from 8 o'clock A. M. until 5 o'clock P. M. on all days except Saturdays, and on Saturdays from 8 o'clock A. M. to 2 o'clock P. M. Sec, 1. That the ordinance codified in Sec. 1042 of the City Code of 1899, which ordinance provides for the width of sidewalks on streets of named widths, to be amended by adding the following-: Sec. 2, Provided, however, that where sidewalks exist that have been laid out for use as sidewalks to a wider width than above provided that the full width of such sidewalks shall be and the same are hereby adopted as the correct width thereof notwithstanding the width of the street. Sec. 1. That the ordinance codified in Sees. 1910 and 1911 of Code of 1899 be and the same are hereby repealed. Sec. 2, That the ordinance approved on the day of fixing prices for transportation of passengers by hacks, etc., be amended by providing that the night rate, for one and one-half miles from the center of the City shall be fifty cents for each passenger; for each additional half mile, for each passen- ger, fifteen cents. Sec. 3. That the rates for the transportation of baggage shall be as follows : For the first two miles, or fraction thereof, twenty-five cents ; for two miles and one-half, thirty-five cents ; for the first article, and twenty-five cents for each additional ar- ticle ; three miles forty-five cents for the first article, and twenty- five cents for each additional article ; three and one-half miles sixty cents for the first article and forty cents for each additional article ; four miles, seventy-five cents for the first article and for- ty cents for each additional article ; four miles and one-half, eighty-five cents for the first article and fifty cents for each ad- ditional article. Sec. 4. That no persons having or using a licensed dray, transfer wagon or other means of serving the public for the transportation of merchandise shall charge more than the fol- APPENDIX 1013 lowing- rates, to-wit : For one horse dray, or other conveyance of similar character, a charge of fifteen cents for each load of merchandise or other articles weighing nine hundred pounds or less. For each load weighing over nine undred pounds, twenty^ five cents. For a two horse dray or conveyance answering thereto, a charge of twenty-five cents for each load of nine hun- dred pounds or less and a charge of fifty cents for each load in excess of nine hundred pounds. Where other character of vehicles are used, such as automo- bile or like conveyances, the charge shall be in the same propor- tion, that is a one-horse power answering for one-horse dray, and two-horse power to a two horse dray, etc. Parts of loads and small articles shall be charged in the same proportion as above fixed, the drayman or owner of the conveyance being entitled to charge for each article handled where the load consists of sev- eral articles for different people. The above prices are fixed for the first one mile and a half from the center of the City. When the delivery exceeds this one mile and a half from the center of the City or a mile and a half from the point of reception to point of delivery within the City without regard to the center of the city, that is to say, the charge above fixed are for hauling a load a mile and a half or less. Following the same rule, where the transporttion exceeds one mile and a half and not over two miles, there may be added ten cents to the above charges. Between two miles and two and a half miles there may be added twenty cents to the above charges. Between two and a half miles and three miles, there may be added thirty cents to the above charges. Between three miles and three and a half miles, there may be added forty cents to the above charges. In any case where the haul or transporta- tion exceeds three and a half miles, within the city limits, there may be added fifty cents to the above charges. Sec. 5. For the information of the public a schedule of distances, with prices for same, going north, east, south and west, and also northeast, southeast, northwest and southwest, are hereinbefore set out with this proviso, however, that when the half mile circle strikes the street, the minimum charge for that distance shall include both sides of the street. ]()]4 AIM»i:\DIX (]oin<4" north — I*irst mile and a half. Third street twenty-five cents; two miles, Tenth street, Thirty-five cents; two and a half miles, h'ifteenth street, forty-five cents; three miles, Peachtree Circle, fifty-five cents; to northeast corner of lot of J. H. Nun- nally and Peachtree street or road, sixty-five cents ; to city lim- its seventy-five cents. Going South. — First mile and a half, Atlanta Avenue, twenty- five cents; two miles, Boykin street, thirty-five cents; two and a half miles, Thayer Avenue, forty-five cents; to City limits (P»r()\vn street) fifty-five cents. Going east. — First mile and a half, Estoria and Waddell Streets, twenty-five cents: two miles, Stovall and W'etherby Street, thirty-five cents; two and a half miles, Dahls^reen Street, forty-five cents; three miles. Railroad and jiird .Streets, fifty- five cents ; to City Limits, sixty-five cents. Going West. — First mile and a half, Jeptha Street, twenty- five cents; two miles, Ollie street, thirty-five cents; two miles and one-half, Chickamauga .Avenue, forty-five cents; three miles, Joe Johnson street, fifty-five cents ; to City Limits, sixty- five cents. Going Northeast. — First mile and one-half, Sampson and Portia Streets, twenty-five cents ; two miles, Lud Street, at Co- penhill avenue, thirty-five cents ; two and a half miles, Moreland Avenue, forty-five cents ; three miles, Whitefoord Avenue, fifty- five cents ; three and one-half miles, Shadyside Park and Lulhva- ter Road, sixty-five cents ; to city limits, seventy-five cents. Going Southeast — First mile and one-half, Augusta and Dab- ney avenue, twenty-five cents ; two miles, Cottingham street and Robinson avenue, thirty-five cents ; to City Limits, forty-five cents. Going Southwest — First mile and one-half, Ocmulgee street twenty-five cents ; two miles. Lee and Beecher streets, thirty-five cents ; two and one-half miles. Smith and Warner streets, forty- five cents; three miles, Mildred and Avon (Oakland) avenues, fifty-five cents ; three and one-half miles, Connally street and Evans Drive, sixty^five cents; to City Limits, seventy-five cents. Going Northwest — First mile and one-half. Walnut and Ken- APPENDIX 1015 nedy street, twenty-five cents ; two miles, Bellwood avenue and Chestnut street, thirty-five cents; two and one-half miles, Fin ley and Jefferson street, forty-five cents; three miles, Collins ant Longley streets, fifty-five cents; to City Limits, sixty^five cents. The foregoing distances are herein ordained as a part of the existing ordinances governing hack rates and of the present or- idnances governing transportation of baggage and merchandise) and existing ordinances governing printing and posting of same are hereby amended as follows: The Zone limits above pro- vided shall be printed, in addition to existing ordinance govern- ing printing and posting of regulations for hacks and drays and shall likewise be posted in hacks or other vehicles transporting passengers and where drays or other public conveyances similar to those for the transportation of merchandise the man in charge of such dray as driver or operator shall always carry with him a copy of said ordinance for exhibition to patrons on demand and subject to the same penalties as provided in existing ordi- nances with reference to posting of hack charges. Sec. 6. That the ordinance codified in Sec. 1920 of the City Code of 1899 be and the same is hereby repealed as to the provisions thereof are covered by other existing ordinances. Sec. 7. That the ordinance codified in Sec. 1926 of the City Code of 1899 be and the same is hereby amended by adding thereto the following: "The provisions of the foregoing section are hereby made applicable to the Terminal Station, located at the corner of West Mitchell street and Madison avenue." Sec. 8. That the provisions of the ordinance codified in Sections 1932, 1933, 1934 and 1935 of the City Code of 1899 be and the same are hereby repealed. These provisions prohibit drumming at the car shed for passengers by hackmen or board- ing trains for the solicitation of business. As the railroads can permit chosen ones to do this business, under recent decisions, it is deemed advisable to take the municipal prohiliition against other parties doing the same thing and let all stand on the same footing. Sec. 9. That the ordinance codified in Sec. 1942 of the City Code of 1899 be and the same is hereby repealed as the provisions thereof are covered bv other ordinances. 2016 APPK.NDIX Sec. 10. That any person, firm or corporation, their aj^ents, enii)l()}crs and persons who own, operate or control drays, trans- fer-wagons, motor cars or other means of transportation of mer- chandise, or hacks, buggies, carriages, automobiles or other means of transporting passengers, and who hold themselves out as desiring and ready to serve the public, shall always accept an order when not engaged or when all other vehicles are not em- ployed for the transportation of baggage or the conveyance of passengers, and when such order is accepted, and time for ser- \;ce fixed, such service shall be rendered at the time fixed in or- der that baggage and passengers may reach the stations in time for trains, or reach their points of destination as agreed. On failure of any such parlies to accept orders, as herein ordained and, after accepting same, on failure to fill same as herein pro- vided, each or ail said parties shall be deemed guilty of an of- fense and on conviction thereof in the Recorder's Court shall be punished by a fine of not exceeding two hundred dollars, or sen- tenced to work on the public works of the City for not exceed- ing thirty days, either or both penalties to be inflicted in the discretion of the Recorder. Be it ordained by the Mayor and General Council that the name Mechanic street be changed to Manhattan Ave. That the following amendment be made to electric wiring rules of the City. That all wires installed in the future for electric lights or power in buildings must be run in iron conduits or steel covered cables, except in private residences and servant houses connected therewith, where said servant houses are not located over garages. Be it ordained by the Mayor and General Council that the name of McDonald street, from McMillan street to Cur- ran street, be changed to Turner Place. APPENDIX lOlT That the ordinance adopted by General Council on the 23d day of ^^larch, 1882, and all other ordinances fixing- the term of office of the Chief of Fire Department, be amended by increasing- the same to a term of four years instead of two. as now provided and the words "two years" in Section 2 of said ordinance are hereby stricken and the term of "four years" in- serted thereon. That the ordinance approved February 13th, 1911, abolishing City Physicians and creating two assistant Health Officers be amended as follows: (A) That the words "Assistant Health Officers" where used in said ordinance, as a substitute for the name "City Physicians" be stricken, and words "City Physicians" inserted in lieu thereof, this Section has reference to the two Assistant Health Officers provided for in said ordinance. (B) That the words "Medica IStaff" where used in said ordi- nance as the person or officer to select the Assistant Health Officers, provided for in said ordinance, be stricken, and the words "Medical Board" be inserted in lieu thereof. (C) That the words one year's hospital service provided in said ordinance as a qualification for Assistant Health Officer, be stricken, and the words "one year's actual practice or hospital service or other similar service" be inserted in lieu thereof. (D) That for this year, the General Council shall select the two Assistant Health Officers or City Physicians, from six men recommended by said Medical Board, with or without examina- tion, giving the preference to such as have successfully stood the required examination. After this year, the original require- ments as to examination shall be followed. Be it ordained by the Mayor and General Council of the City of Atlanta, that Section 1 of the ordinance ap- proved April 5th. 1911, regulating the display of food products and similar products be amended by adding after the word "de- pots" the word "fruit stores, fruit stands, or stores in which fruit is sold at retail" so that said Section, when amended, shall ead as follows : 1018 APPENDIX That all persons, firms, or corporations, their agents or employees in charge of or working at meat markets, fish markets, restaurants, bakeries, retail grocery stores, milk depots, fruit stores, fruit stands, or stores in which fruit is sold at retail, shall thoroughly and securely screen all do(^rs, windows or other openings in and to such places so as to i^revent the in- gress of flies or other insects tliereto. Be it ordained by the Mayor and General Council of the City of Atlanta that the names of the following streets in the City of Atlanta whch have duplicate names in other parts of the City, be changed as follows: Amy street, from Windsor to Sims Delaven street Anderson Avenue from W. Hunter street north . . Domar Ave. Anderson Ave. from Whitefoord Ave. to Mayson street Hodge Avennti Arnold Ave. from Mayson Ave. to Glendale Roark St. Atlanta Ave. from Wellington St. to Chick- amauga St Minis St. Bishop St. from Exposition St. to Edgehill Ave.. . . Watkins St. Bradley Ave. from Curran St. to Edgehill Ave \V. 3rd St. Center St. from Fifteenth St. to W. Peachtree St. . .Ruggles St. Chapel Road from W. Hunter St., North Peck St. Cherry Ave. from 15th St. to 16th St Barnes St. Clark St. from Hemphill Ave. to 14th St Dernell St. Collins St. from Marietta St. to Rice St Sharp St. East St. from R. R. St. east to near Clay St Rushton St. East St. from Lyman St. to 16th St Mecaslin St. Elizabeth St. from Fletcher St. to University Ave. . Coleman St. Elliott St. from Pelham St. to Bellwood Ave Whitaker St. Ella St. from DeaKlb Ave. to Edgewood Ave. . .Blackburn St. Fairview Ave. from -40 Vanira St. to Boynton Ave.. .Dunning St. Faith St. in Oakland City Osborne St. Fifth St. from Stovall St. to Atlanta and W. P. R. R Sherwood St. Finley St. from Pelham St. to Bellwood Ave Bullard St. Fourth St. from Holtzclaw St. to Stovall St Hobson St. Fulton Terrace from Pearl to S. Delta Sasseen St. George St. from Ethel St. to 14th St Flynn St. George St. from Vine St. to Ficken St Williford St. APPEXDIX 1019 Glendale Ave. from Bay St. to Bellwood Ave Simmons St. Golden Ave. from Lyons South to Alley Salmons St. Grady Ave. from Park Ave. to S. Boulevard Mead St. Hayne St. from Whitefoord Ave. to Maud St. Carr St. Hio:h St. from Piedmont St. to 14th St Snyder St. Hull St. Dekalb Ave. to Xew York Ave Casson St. Inman St. from Gordon St. to Greensferry Ave. , . Deyden St. Jefferson St. from 916 Marietta St. to Rice St Boring St. Jonesboro Road from Central R. R. to Ashby St. . . Langston St. Lee Ave. from Curran St. to Greenfield Ave Keely St. Lowndes St. from Forrest Ave. to Currier St Buchanan St. Martin St. near Exposition Street Thrower St. McDonald St. from Curran St. to Mc^Iillan St. . , Turner Place McDonough Road from Doane St. to Fortress Ave., Adamson St. Milton Drive from Central R R. to Jonesboro Road Mickelberry St. Morgan St. from Hardee St. to Meridian St Hutchison St. ^Murphy Ave. from 84:^ Marietta St. to W. & A. R. R Middlebrooks St. Xewton Ave. from Flat Shoals Ave. East to City Limits Stockdell St. Oak St. from Campbellton Road to Rankin St Day St. Oliver St. from Wylie St. to Kirkwood Ave Kinyon St. Pearse St. from Mayson Ave. to Mell Ave Kirkpatrick St. Piedmont St. from Hemphill Ave. to Tumlin St Calhoun St. Pine St. from 10th St. to 14th St Hirsch St. Powell St. from W. & A. R. R. to Wheeler St Garrett St. Prospect St. from Grady Ave. to A. & \V. P. Belt. .McBride St. Rice St. from Marietta St. South to Fulton Co. Stockade McWaters St. Railroad St. from West Ave. to S. Pryor St Holbrook St. Rankin St. from Lee St. to Church St Harman St. Ridge Ave. from Hemphill Ave. to Eighth St Reneau St. Ridge Ave. from 98 McLendon St. to Euclid Ave...Colvin St. Smith St. from Lee St. to Peeples St Dimmock St. Todd Road from North Ave. to Ponce de Leon Ave., LaHatte St. University Place from Magnolia St. to Car- ter St McCulIough St. West Ave. from Lee St. to Peeples St Sparks St. Western Ave. from Oliver St. to Ashby St Beutell St. Wood St. from Saxon St. to Hornady St Moran St. Wilson St. from Fort to Hilliard St Dodge St. 1020 APPENDIX Wilson St. from University Ave. to Rockwell St Welch St. Gardner St. from Stewart Ave. to Hobson St Hope St. Be it ordained by the Mayor and General Council that the name of Oak Street in formerly Oakland City be and the same is hereby changed to White Oak Avenue. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and General Council, from and after the passage of this act, that it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation conducting a junk business either wholesale or retail to keep open their place of business for the purpose -of purchasing or selling any kind of junk later than 6 o'clock P. M., or open said place earlier than 6 a. m. Sec. 2. That any violator of this ordinance may be pun- ished in the discretion of the Recorder by fine of not less than $1.00 or more than $100.00 or in his discretion sentenced to work on the public works not more than 30 days. An ordinance establishing fixed prices to be paid plumbers for filling in ditches and replacing pavement over the same where sewer connections are made in the city. Be it ordained by the Mayor and General Council of the City of Atlanta that the following prices shall be charged by the Chief of Construction against the plumbers in the City for refilling ditches and replacing pavements over all excavations that are made in the streets for this purpose. These prices prevail on all streets 50 feet in width and under, On streets over 50 feet in width, the prices will be charged pro- portionately. These prices are based on ditches running from the sewer approximately at right angle to the axis of the street from the sewer to the property line. For refilling and ramming $3.00 For repaving Belgian Block and Chert Streets 2.00 APPENDIX 1021 On all other pavements except Belgian Block and Chert, the price for repaying will be 30c per square foot for the amount of pavement that is to be relaid. This cost includes the side- walk and relaying the same in either brick or tile, but the plumber will be charged for any new tile or new brick that will have to be furnished for the completion of the work. The plumber is to clean off the old tile ready to lay. On all private sewers running parallel with the axis of the street, the prices will be charged proportionately, according to the lengfth of sewer built. Be it ordained by the 2^Iayor and General Council that the ordinance fixing the width of tile sidewalks on certain width streets be suspended insofar as it applies to Home Park Avenue, and that the property owners be authorized to lay a sidewalk on this street five (5) feet in width instead of six (6) feet in width, as required by the present ordinance. Be it ordained by the Mayor and General Council of the City of Atlanta, that Section 982 of the Code of the City of Atlanta of 1899 be amended as follows: By inserting in the fifth line thereof between the words "same" and "from" the words "in detail as listed." Also by inserting in line 7 thereof between the words "contracts" and "to" the words "for such articles separately and in detail as list- ed." Also by inserting in line 10 theeof between the word "re- ject" and the word "any," "in whole or in part." Also by in- serting in line 16 thereof between the words "departments" and "shall," "shall list the same and." Also by inserting in line 17 thereof between the words "articles" and "who," the words "sep- arate and in detail." Also by inserting in line 19 thereof be- tween the words "contracts" and "may" the words "separately and in detail." Also by inserting in line 20 thereof between the wods "cases" and "all" the words "preserving the right to re- ject in whole or in part any or all of said bids," so that said Sec- tion when amended shall read as follows : \i'im;m>i.v 1022 111 the month of January each year, every department of the City Government shall make out a detailed list of every article which may be needed for general use in the de- partment as near as can be estimated during the year, and hand to the City Comptroller, who shall ask for bids for same in detail as listed from houses in the City, where practicable, dealing in the line of goods needed, to be delivered during the year as may be needed for use from time to time. These bids shall be di- rected to the iMuance Committee of Council, and they may award contracts for such articles separate and in detail as listed, to the best bidders in their discretion, reserving the right to re- ject, in whole or in pari, any and all bids. The contracts having been awarded as above provided for, then'the heads of departments shall make requisition on the City Comptroller for such articles as they may need from time U~\ time (luring the year, who shall supply them l^y orders in the contractors, when contracts cannot be awarded for the entire year on account of fluctuations in prices or nature of articles wanted, the heads of the departments shall list the same and shall make requisition on the Comi)troller for such articles, sep- arately and in detail, who shall aks for bids for same, said bids to be opened by the Committee having supervision of the de- partment so making rcqiiisition. and contracts separate and in detail may be awarded to the best bidder in such cases, reserving the right to reject in whole or part any or all of said bids. All bids from contractors for supplies furnished the City must be accompanied with the order of the Comptroller for same, and he must see that the goods have been supplied at the price and the quality contracted for. An ordinance to repeal an ordinance approved March, 1909, in reference to repairs on sidewalks and the laying of curbing and sidewalks. Be it ordained by the Mayor and General Council, that the ordinance adopted by the Council on March 4, 1909, and approved by the Mayor on March 8th, 1909, in reference to re- pairs on sidewalks and the laying of curbing and sidewalks, be repealed, and that the original ordinance as shown in Sec. 1050 of the Code of 1899 be dopted in lieu thereof, with the following amendments. APPENDIX ^ 1023 Sec. 1. That wherever the words "Commissioner of Pub- lic Works" or the word "Commissioner" appears in said ordi- nance, the words "Chief of Construction" shall be inserted in lieu thereof, and that wherever the words "Ten days notice" is required, the words "Five days notice" shall be inserted in ileu thereof, so that the Section as amended will read as follows : Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of persons owning lots front- ing- on streets, or property abutting on private alleys, in said city, upon notice of the Chief of Construction, to put down in front of their property, upon the grade furnished by the said Chief of Construction and in accordance with his direction, and in such manner as to receive his approval, good and substantial curbing and sidewalks of such character and material as the General Council shall, by resolution, prescribe. They shall keep the same in good repair, whether put down by themselves or by the City; and if they should fail to do so after five days' notice, the said Chief of Construction shall have such repairs done at the expense of the lot owner, and collect for such re- pairs as in hereinafter provided, in cases wdiere lot owners refuse or fail to put down sidewalks after notice ; provided, that should said sidewalks be in a condition dangerous to passers-by that five days notice shall not be necessary but the said Chief of Construction may have such repairs done at once, and collect therefor in the same manner as though such five days' notice had been given. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and General Council of the City of Atlanta, that as soon as the President approves the Act of Congress, which provides for the cession of former Cus- tom House lot to the City of Atlanta, the permanent City Hall shall be established in building at junction of Marietta, North Forsyth and Fairlie Streets, beting the property heretofore con- veyed to United States of America by the City of Atlanta. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained that the ordinance hereto- fore passed establishing a temporary City Hall at the Auditorium and providing that the meetings of the General Council or Boards of Council or Aldermen or Board or other acts of the City, to be held at the Auditorium, or elsew^here, are hereby re- 1024 APPKNDIX pealed, and such meetings and acts, and all offcial duties shall thereafter be performed at the City Hall as herein established. All assessments, sales, and like acts done by the authority of the City and required to be done at the City Hall, shall be done at the said New City Hall. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained that all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance be and the same are hereby repealed. Sec. 4. However, this ordinance shall become effective only when said Bill is approved by the President. Sec. 4. That it shall hereafter be unlawful to make use of- mufifler cut-outs and all other kinds of noise devices attached to the exhaust of the engines of automobiles and motor cycles and similar machines, while on the streets of Atlanta. Sec. 2. That any person, driver or otherwise, using said muffler cut-outs and noise making devices shall be deemed guil- ty of an offense and on conviction thereof in the Recorder's Court, shall be fined not exceeding one hundred dollars, or sen- tenced to work on the public works of the City for not exceeding thirty days, either or both penalties to be inflicted in the dis- cretion of the Recorder. Sec. 1. That the ordinance approved February 13, 1911, abolishing- City Physicians and creating the position of Assist- ant Health Otificers be amended by striking therefrom, wherever same occurs, the words "Trustees of Grady Hospital" and in- serting in lieu thereof the following words: "Board of Health." Sec. 2. That the City Physicians created by said ordi- nance and its amendments shall be provided by the Custodian of City Hall oftices in the quarters assigned the Board of Health in the City Hall. Be it ordained by the Mayor and General Council of the City of Atlanta: APPExXDIX 1025 Sec. 1. That the Chief of the Fire Department is hereby named to act with the Building Inspector and the Superintendent of Electric Affairs, to pass upon all applications for permits for the erection of new theatres or other buildings requiring such joint action under existing ordinances. Sec, 4. That no portion of any building or structure of any kind used or intended to be used for the exhibition of mov- ing pictures shall otherwise .be occupied or used as a hotel, boarding or lodging house, factory or workshop or for the carry- ing on of any business dealing in articles known as hazardous, under insurance contracts. This restriction shall refer to and' cover not only that portion of the building in which the moving pictures are displayed but to the entire building or structure of which the moving picture department is only a part. The pur- pose of this ordinance is not to allow any building to be occu- pied for the purpose above named, where a portion thereof is used to disploy moving pictures, no matter how large the build- ing may be. Any person, firm or corporation violating this sec- tion and using themselves or permitting others to use a building or any portion of a building or structure in violation of this ordi- nance, shall be deemed guilty of an offense and on conviction thereof in the Recorder's Court shall be punished by a fine of nor exceeding five hundred dollars or sentenced to work on the pub- lic works of the City for not exceeding thirty days, either or both penalties to be inflicted in the discretion of the Recorder. Sec. 5. That all electric theatres or auditoriums where moving pictures are displayed having a seating capacity of over fou rhundred persons shall conform to all the requirements of the theatre ordinance adopted July 2, 1906, and for a violation of this provision shall be punished therein. Sec. 6. That all electric theatres or auditoriums where moving pictures are displayed, having a seating capacity of four hundred persons or less, shall be provided with at least two front doors each of which shall be provided with at least two front doors each of which shall not be less than four feet wide ; provided, further, that such electric theatres as have a seating ca- pacity of less than one hundred and fifty shall be provided with one emergency exit not less than two feet and three inches wide. Where the seating capacity of said theatres is greater than one hundred and fifty persons and not more than four hundred per- sons, they shall be povided with two emergency exits each with 65 1026 APPENDIX a width of not less than two feet and three inches. All such emergency exits shall be located in the rear of such theatres and the doors shall open outward, directly into an open court or al- ley, having- three unobstructed exits into an open street. Any person, firm or corporation violating the provisions of this sec- tion shall be subject to the penalty provided in the theater ordi- nance adopted July 2, 1907. Sec. 1. From and after January 1st, 1912, it shall be un- lawful for any person, firm or corporation, their agents or em- ployees to empty or discharge and trade refuse of any kind or character into sewer within the limits of the City of Atlanta without first securing a permit from the Chief of Construction authorizing the same'. '> Sec. 2. That any person, firm or corporation, their agents or employees violating the provisions of this ordinance shall upon conviction thereof in the Recorder's Court of the City of Atlanta, be fined not exceeding $200.00 for each offence, or sen- tenced to work for not exceeding thirty days upon the streets or public works of the City of Atlanta, either or both penalties to be inflicted in the discretion of the Recorder. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and General Council that the ordinance approved on June 21st, 1911, which changed the name of Anderson Ave. from Whiteford Ave. to Mayson Ave. to Hodge street, be and the same is hereby amended by changing the name of Hodge street to Miller street. Be it ordained by the Mayor and General Council that the name of the street now known as Pickert street from South Boulevard to the City's property, be changed to Hansel street, this street being practically a continuation of the present Hansel street between S. Boulevard and Park Avenue. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and General Coun- of the City of Atlanta, that the ordinance appoved April 5th, 1911, regulating the display of food products, protecting the APPEXDIX 1027 same from flies, be amended by adding thereto the following sec- tion to be known as Section 6-A. Sec. 2. That the screens to all doors and windows of res- taurants in which near beer is served, sold, or offered for sale, and which are required to be screened under the provisions of this ordinance, shall be so constructed as not to unnecessarily obstruct or hinder the view into such restaurant in which near beer is served, sold or offered for sale. Such screens shall be constructed under plans approved by the Building Inspector of the City of Atlanta, and the Chief of Police ; and it shall be un- lawful for any person, firm or corporation, their servants or em- ployees to maintain any screens in any door or window to any restaurant in which near beer is served, sold or offered for sale, unless the plan of construction thereof has been approved by the Building Inspector and the Chief of Police of the City of Atlanta, and the violation of any provision of this Section shall be punished as provided in Section 5 of said original ordinance approved April 5th, 1911. Sec. 1. That the City Code compiled by and under the di- rection of James L. Mayson and W. D. Ellis, Jr., City Attorneys, and now ready for publication, containing the City Charter and the ordinances of the City, the pages of which are numbered from 1 to 862 inclusive, without reference to the appendix or index, and the Sections of which are numbered from 1 to 3003, inclu- sive, a copy of which is filed herewith in the office of the Clerk of Council, be and te same is hereby adopted as the Code of the City of Atlanta, to be known as the City Code of Atlanta of 1910, except the provisions of 1811 of said Code of 1910 are stricken therefrom as the matters therein referred to are sufficiently cov- ered by the provisions of Sees. 1810 of said Code. Sec. 2. That the ordinance approved September 8, 1899, adopting a City Code compiled by then City Attorney, and all other ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance be, and the same are hereby repealed. Be it ordained by !Mayor and General Council that the fol- lowins: amendments be made to Citv Moving: Picture ordinance. 1028 APPENDIX All applicants for moving picture license must present written credentials from two known competent operators or employers of responsibility as to their experience in the picture business. The examination of applicants for licennse is to be held the first Saturday after applicant pays in the five dollars fee required. In an emergency the City Electrician may issue temporary permit to applicant after said applicant has paid into the City the sum of five dollars, and furnished the reference as above stated. When an examination is to be held the City Electrician is re- quired to notify all members of the Board of Examiners in writ- ing. Sec. 1. I'hat the ordinance approved January 7th. 1907, and January 21st, 1911, relative to social clubs, be and the s'ime are herel^y repealed. Sec. 2. That any firm, person or coporation desiring to operate or maintain or have or open up any; club or similar or- ganization wherein lockers are provided for the use of members, (Fees charged for membership or for use of lockers or for other purposes, having a club house, club rooms, parlors or other gen- eral places of meeting), shall file a petition with the Mayor and General Council asking for permit therefor and such petition shall give the name of the club, the name- of the president, secre- tary, or manager in charge thereof, its location, the number of members, the amount of entrance fees paid or to be paid, dues and charges for lockers, or locker service and such other infor- mation as will put the General Council in full possession of the facts surrounding such clubs or proposed clu'bs by which it can decide whether same is a bona fide social or locker club. Sec. 3. That any club or organization, coming under the provisions of Sec. 3223 of this ordinance, shall, when demand is made by any member of the Police Committee of the General Council, at the club room or place of meeting, exhibit the roll of membership upon which only bona fide members of the club shall be written. And also, the books and records showing amount of liquors, beer or wine received' by said club, to whom sold and the price received therefor, and, also the books or rec- APPENDIX 1029 ords showing manner, time and place of electing members. Said club, its ofificers and employees shall, at all times, comply with this requirement and shall keep said roll of membership at the club room or place of meeting where same can at any time be produced when said demand is made. Sec. 4. That any person, firm or corporation, their agents or employees who shall maintain, operate or carry on or take part in the maintenance or operation of any club in violation of the provisions of this ordinance, or without receiving the permit above provided, or after such permit has been revoked by Coun- cil shall, on conviction in the Recorder's Court, be punished by a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars, or sentenced to work on the public works for not exceeding thirty days, either or both penalties to be inflicted in the discretion of the Recorder. A conviction hereunder in the Recorder's Court shall ipso facto make a revocation of said permit, and, pending certiorari, the club shall cease to operate thereimder. Sec. 5. Tliat any club, ofificers or employees thereof, who shall refuse to admit any member of the Police Committee of the General Council therein on demand, or who shall refuse to ex- hibit the roll of membership or records or books provided for in this ordinance, or who shall not permit an inspection of such club room, or meeting place, on such demand, shall be deemed guilty of an ofifense and, on conviction in the Recorder's Court, shall be punished as provided in Sec. 4 of this ordinance. Sec. 6. That no permit shall be granted to any club or similar organization unless it appears that same is a bon fide locker club and not instituted or operated, either with or without charter, for the purpose of providing a place wherein intoxicating liquors, beers, wines, etc. may be furnished illegally under the form or guise of a club, or in or at which there is not operated or maintained a bona fide locker club herein provided for, and any persons, either by themselves or others, who shall undertake, with or without a charter, to operate a club or like organization, for the purpose of supplying liquors, wines, beers, etc., through the form or guise of a club, without having, maintaining or op- erating a bona fide locker club as herein provided, shall be deemed guilty of an ofifense and, on conviction in the Recorder's Court, shall be punished as provided in Section 3225 of this or- dinance. lo:50 APPENDIX Sec. 7. That no permit shall be issued to any club, either with or without charter, unless it appears that same is operated. or maintained or proposed to be operated as a bona fide locker club, having- a bona fide membership, club house or place of meeting maintained as a locker club at which lockers are main- tained for the bona fide use of members only, and charges made therefor, and not as a cloak or subterfuge for the sale of intoxi- cants, and having a membership whose dues or entrance fees are sufficient to provide for the maintenance of such organization, and the expenses thereof and same operated and maintained in an orderly manner complying with all the laws of the State and ordinances of the City. Sec. 1. That the ordinance providing that the polls open at each voting place at 7:00 o'clock A. M. and close at 6:00 P. M. being codified in Sec. 954 of the City Code of 1910 be amended by striking the words "6:00 o'clock P. M." therefrom and in- serting- in lieu thereof the words "7:00 o'clock P. M." so that said ordinance when so amended shall read as follows: Sec. 2. The polls shall be opened at each of the voting places at 7 o'clock A. M. and closed at 7 o'clock P. M. on the day of election. Be it ordained by the Mayor and General Council that the name of Rice street, beginning at Jackson street and extending eastward to the Southern Railway, be changed to Wa- bash Avenue. Sec. 1. That it shall hereafter be unlawful to erect, main- tain a billboard or like structure wherein advertisements are printed or posted within 200 yards of the limits of Grant Park or Piedmont Park. Sec. 2. That any person or firm or corporation, their agents or employees violating the provisions of this ordinance, shall upon conviction in the Recorder's Court be punished by a fine of $100.00, or sentenced to work on ,the public works for not exceeding thirty days, either or both penalties to be inflicted in the discretion of the Recorder. VSTf -THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY This book is DUE on the last date stamped below m L-0 -l,'-li;(8519) 551 Atlanta. Charterj A9A3 The charter 1910 and ordinances ~ 1 — of the city of Atlanta, UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY f ACIUTY AA 000 798 852 o J3 551 A9A3 1910 X ■^. ' y pa Irr It",'