CALIFORNIA State Board of Pharmacy SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. This pamphlet contains the amendments made by the Legislature in the year 1915 This is the latest official information. Destroy all previous issues. JULY 1, 1915 Robert L. Telfer, Superintendent of State Printing SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 1915 CALIFORNIA State Board of Pharmacy SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. This pamphlet contains the amendments made by the Legislature in the year 1915 This is the latest official information. Destroy all previous issues JULY 1, 1915 Robert L. Telfer, Superintendent of State Printing SACE \ M I \ in, CALIFORNIA 1915 CONTEXTS. PAGE REGULATING THE PRACTICE OF PHARMACY 3 to 12 SALE OF POISONS 13 to 22 ITINERANT VENDORS 23 to 24 HOURS OF PHARMACISTS 25 OFFICIAL ANTIDOTES 26 to 30 CIRCULAR OF INFORMATION— Pharmacy Law 31 to 37 Poison Law 38 to 39 TfSB ' 'A5- P resented with the compliments of the - California :.& late Board of r Pharmacy, San Francisco, Cat. oict, REGULATING THE PRACTICE OF PHARMACY Chapter 406 ( Stats. 1905, p. 535 i . approved March 20, 1905. Chapter 423 (Stats. 1907, p. 7GG). approved March 21, 1907. Chapter 675 (Stats. 1909, p. 1013), approved April 21, 1909. Chapter 529 (Stats. 1915, p. 865), approved May 27. 1915. An act to regulate the practice of pharmacy in the State of California, and to provide a penalty for the violation thereof; and for the appointment of a board to be known as the California State Board of Pharmacy. The people of the State of California, represented in senate and assembly, do enact as follows: Section 1. From and after the passage of this act it shall be unlawful for any person to manufacture, compound, sell, or dispense any drug, poison, medicine or chemical, or to dispense or compound any prescription of a medical practitioner, unless such person be a registered pharmacist or a registered assistant pharmacist within the meaning of this act, except as hereinafter provided. Every store, dispensary, pharmacy, laboratory or office far the sale, dispensing or compounding of drugs, medicines or chemicals, or for the dis- pensing of prescriptions of medical practitioners, shall be in charge of a registered pharmacist. A registered assistant pharmacist may be left in charge of a store, dispensary, pharmacy, laboratory or office for the sale, dispensing, or compounding of drugs, medicines or chem- icals or for the dispensing of prescriptions of medical practitioners only during the temporary absence of the registered pharmacist. Tem- porary absence within the meaning of this act shall be held to be only those unavoidable absences which may occur during a day's work, and when the registered pharmacist in charge shall be within immediate call, ready and able to assume the direct supervision of said pharmacy. No registered assistant shall conduct a pharmacy. Every store or shop where drugs, medicines or chemicals are dispensed or sold at retail, or displayed for sale at retail, or where prescriptions are compounded, which has upon it or in it as a sign, the words "pharmacist," "phar- maceutical chemist," "apothecary," "druggist." "pharmacy," "drug store," "drugs" or any of these words, or the characteristic show- bottles or globes, either colored or filled with colored liquids, shall be deemed a "pharmacy" w^Jim ±h£ ineajiing of this act. 4 ■ vl.ll ol/NIA &TATJ3 BOARD OF PHARMACY. Sec. 2. Any person in order to be a registered pharmacist must be a licentiate in pharmacy, or a practicing pharmacist. Sec. 3. Licentiates in pharmacy are persons who have had five years' experience in stores where the prescriptions of medical practi- tioners are compounded, and shall have passed an examination before the State Board of Pharmacy, or who shall present satisfactory evidence to the said board that they have had twenty years' actual experience in the practice of pharmacy, and have also been registered as a licen- tiate, or assistant pharmacist in good standing in any state or territory for a period of at least ten years prior to the date of their application ; provided, that graduates from a reputable college of pharmacy may be registered after eighteen years of like experience. Practicing pharma- cists are persons who, at the passage of this act, are registered as such, and who shall have on or before the first day of January next succeed- ing the passage of this act, paid to the Board of Pharmacy of this state all moneys due for renewal of registration as required by the acts of the legislature regulating the practice of pharmacy in the State of California, approved March 11, 1891, and March 15, 1901. Sec. 4. Registered assistant pharmacists are persons who at the time of the passage of this act are already registered as such, and who shall have on or before the first day of January next succeeding the passage of this act paid to the Board of Pharmacy of this state all moneys due for renewal of registration as required by the acts of the legislature regulating the practice of pharmacy in the State of Cali- fornia, approved March 11. 1891, and March 15, 1901; provided, that no person shall be examined or registered as a licentiate, unless such person has had five years' pharmaceutical experience in a pharmacy under the supervision of a registered pharmacist ; and provided further, that no person shall be examined or registered as an assistant pharma- cist from and after the passage of this act unless such person shall be not less than eighteen years of age and has had not less than three years' instruction and experience in a pharmacy, under a registered pharmacist ; or has been registered as an apprentice as provided in section 15 of this act for not less than three years ; and provided fur- ther, that an applicant for registration as an assistant pharmacist must first pass a satisfactory examination before the Board of Pharmacy. Sec. 5. The Governor shall appoint seven competent registered pharmacists, residing in different parts of the state, to serve as a board of pharmacy. The members of the board shall, within thirty (30) days after their appointment, individually take and subscribe before the county clerk, in the county in which they individually reside, an oath faithfully and impartially to discharge the duties prescribed by this act. They shall hold office for the term of four (4) years, and until their successors are appointed and have qualified. In case of STATUTES REGULATING PRACTICE OF PHARMACY. O vacancy in the Board of Pharmacy the Governor shall fill the same by appointing a member to serve for the remainder of the term only. The office of the board shall be located in San Francisco. The board shall organize by electing a president, a secretary and a treasurer. The secretary may or may not be a member of the board, as the board in its sound discretion shall determine. The secretary and treasurer shall each give a satisfactory bond running to the Board of Pharmacy in a sum of not less than two thousand dollars, and such greater sum as the board may from time to time require for the faithful discharge of their respective duties. Sec. 6. It shall be the duty of the secretary to keep a book of reg- istration open at the city of San Francisco, in which shall be entered under the supervision of the board the names, titles, qualifications and places of business of all persons coming under the provisions of this act. The secretary shall give receipts for all moneys received by him and pay the same to the treasurer of the board, taking his receipt for the same. The treasurer shall disburse the same by order of the board for necessary expenses, taking proper vouchers therefor. The balance of said money, after paying the expenses of the board, he shall pay to the State Treasurer, who shall keep it in a special fund to be used in carrying out the provisions of this act. It shall be the duty of the secretary of the board to erase from the register the name of any reg- istered pharmacist or assistant pharmacist who has died, or who in the opinion of the board has forfeited his right under the law to do business in this state. Besides the duties required by this act, it shall be the duty of the secretary to perform such other reasonable duties appertaining to his office as may be required of him by the Board of Pharmacy. The secretary shall receive such compensation as may be fixed by the Board of Pharmacy ; if he be a member of the board then such compensation shall be in addition to his per diem as a member of said board. Sec. 7. Four members of the board shall constitute a quorum. They shall hold a meeting at least once in every four months. POWERS AND DUTIES OP THE BOARD. Subdivision 1. The State Board of Pharmacy shall have power: (a) To make such by-laws and regulations, not inconsistent with the laws of this state, as may be necessary for the protection of the public, appertaining to the practice of pharmacy and the lawful per- formance of its duties. (&) To regulate the practice of pharmacy. (c) To regulate the sale of poisons. (d) To regulate the quality of all pharmaceutical preparations and medicines dispensed in this state, using the United States Pharmacopoeia or National Formulary, as the standard. 2— 18G12 6 CALIFORNIA STATE BOARD OF PHARMACY. (e) To investigate all complaints as to the quality and strength of all pharmaceutical preparations and medicines, and to take such action as may be necessary to prevent the sale of such as do not con- form to the standard and te?ts prescribed in the latest edition of the United States Pharmacopoeia or National Formulary. (/) To employ inspectors of pharmacy and to inspect during busi- ness hours all pharmacies, dispensaries, stores, or places in which drugs, medicines and poisons are compounded, dispensed or retailed, and to cause the prosecution of all persons whenever there appears to the board to be reasonable ground for such action. (g) To examine and register as pharmacists and assistant phar- macists all applicants whom it shall deem qualified to be such. All persons applying for registration, under this act, shall pay the follow- ing fees therefor to the secretary of the Board of Pharmacy. Every - applicant for registration, other than that of an apprentice, shall pay a fee of ten dollars on filing his or her application, which shall be compensation to the Board of Pharmacy for investigation or examina- tion of the applicant ; and if the board finds that any applicant for registration on experience and credentials is entitled to be registered, then he or she shall pay an additional fee of fifteen dollars upon the issuance of certificate of such registration ; and any licentiate found by the board on examination to be entitled to a certificate shall pay the additional sum of five dollars upon the issuance of certificate; all applicants for examination as assistant, if found satisfactory by the board, shall be entitled to their certificate without further fee; and provided further, that an applicant for registration on experience and credentials may at his or her option be examined as a licentiate without further fee for application. (h) In the event any person having registered shall have lost his or her certificate, or the same has been destroj^ed, or if he or she desires the renewal of the same, a new certificate may be issued by said board upon the applicant paying therefor the sum of three dollars; pro- vided further, that where the original certificate is not lost or destroyed, then the certificate shall be surrendered before a renewal of same shall be issued; and provided, further, that the board shall have power to require satisfactory evidence from the applicant of the loss or destruction of the certificate ; and provided further, that where the applicant is delinquent for the annual dues required by this art then he or she shall be required to pay to said board sufficient fees to cover his delinquency in that behalf before he or she shall be entitled to a reissue of the certificate in this subdivision provided for. (i) To provide by proper rules and regulations for the revocation by said board of licenses issued under the provisions of this act, whenever the holder of such license shall be guilty of habitual intern- STATUTES REGULATING PRACTICE OF PHARMACY. I perance or addicted to the use of narcotic drugs, or shall have been convicted of a felony. Sec. 8. No member of the board shall teach pharmacy in any of its branches, unless it be as a teacher in a public capacity and in a college of pharmacy. The members of the Board of Pharmacy shall each be paid the sum of eight dollars per diem for every meeting of the board which they attend, together with their necessary expenses, and mileage at the rate of five cents per mile for each mile necessarily traveled. All compensation of members and all other expenses of the board shall be paid out of the examination and registration fees and fines. Sec. 9. Every person holding a certificate from said board shall renew annually their registration with said board ; and every registered pharmacist, and every assistant registered pharmacist who desires to retain his registration on the books of the Board of Pharmacy in this state shall annually, after the expiration of the first year's registration and on or before the first day of July of each succeeding year, pay to the secretary of the Board of Pharmacy a renewal fee, to be fixed by the board, which shall not exceed two dollars for registered pharma- cist and one dollar for assistant registered pharmacist, in return for which fee a renewal certificate of registration shall be issued. In case any person defaults in payment of said fee his or her registration may be revoked by the Board of Pharmacy on sixty days' notice, in writing from the secretary, unless within said time the fee is paid, together with such penany, not exceeding ten dollars, as the board may impose. Upon payment of said fee and penalty the board must rein- state the delinquent's registration. No person having received, or who may hereafter receive a certificate of registration as a pharmacist or assistant pharmacist, shall engage in business as pharmacist or assistant pharmacist, in any county of this state in which he or she shall locate, or into which he or she shall afterwards remove, until he or she shall have had such certificate recorded in the office of the county clerk of such county, and it is hereby made the duty of the county clerk to record such certificate in a book to be provided and kept for that purpose, and the county clerk is authorized to charge a fee of fifty cents for the recording of such certificate — to be paid by the person offering such certificate for record. Each pharmacist or assistant phar- maeist holding a certificate of registration as a pharmacist, or assistant pharmacist, and being engaged in business as a pharmacist, or assistant pharmacist, shall have such certificate recorded, as is in this section provided, within thirty days after the taking effect of this act. The record of the certificate required by this section, or a certified copy thereof, shall be evidence in all courts that the person holding it was registered as evidenced by said certificate on the date of the same. Any 8 CALIFORNIA STATE BOARD OF PHARMACY. registered pharmacist or assistant registered pharmacist failing to comply with any of the foregoing provisions shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not less than five dollars nor more than twenty-five dollars. Upon the certificate being recorded as herein provided, it shall be the duty of the county clerk to notify the secretary of the Board of Pharmacy of the name of the party and the date of such record. Sec. 10. Every person upon receiving a certificate of registration under this act, or who has heretofore received a certificate of regis- tration in this state, shall keep his last receipt for re-registration con- spicuously exposed in his place of business. Every registered phar- macist, and assistant pharmacist, shall within thirty days after the changing of his place of business as designated on the books of the Board of Pharmacy, notify the secretary of the board of his new place of busi- ness, and upon receipt of said notification the secretary shall make the necessary change in his register. Sec. 11. Every proprietor or manager of a pharmacy or drug store shall be held responsible for the quality of all drugs, chemicals and medicines sold or dispensed by him, except those sold in the original package of the manufacturer and except those articles or preparations known as patent or proprietary medicines. Any person who shall knowingly, wilfully, or fraudulently falsify or adulterate, or cause to be falsified or adulterated, any drug or medicinal substance, or any preparation authorized or recognized by the pharmacopoeia of the United States or used, or intended to be used, in medical practice, or shall mix or cause to be mixed, with any such drug or medicinal sub- stance any foreign or inert substance whatever, for the purpose of destroying or weakening its medicinal power or effect, or of lessening its cost, and shall wilfully, knowingly, or fraudulently sell the same, or cause it to be sold, for medicinal purposes, shall be guilty of a mis- demeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than fifty dollars and not more than two hundred dollars, or by imprisonment for not less than fifty days and not more than two hundred days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Every regis- tered pharmacist shall file or cause to be filed all physicians' prescrip- tions, or a copy thereof, compounded or dispensed in his pharmacy or store, and any person who shall wilfully fail so to do shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be liable to a fine not exceeding fifty dollars; and for each subsequent offense shall be liable to a fine of not less than fifty dollars, and not more than one hundred dollars. The State Board of Pharmacy may at any time, when in their judgment it appears advisable, deputize one of their members, or any other competent person, to investigate any suspected violation of any of the provisions of this act, and if the result of such STATUTES REGULATING PRACTICE OP PHARMACY. 9 investigation seems to the board to justify such action the board shall cause the prosecution of any person violating any of the provisions of this act. Sec. 12. Any person who shall attempt to secure, or secures regis- tration for himself or any other person under this act by making or causing to be made any false representations, or who shall fraudulently represent himself to be registered, shall be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be liable to punishment by a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars, or by imprisonment for a term not exceeding fifty days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Any person who shall permit the compounding of prescriptions of medical practitioners, or the selling of drugs and medicines, in his or her store or pharmacy, except under the direct, immediate and personal supervision of a registered pharmacist, or any person not registered who shall retail medicine, poisons or chemicals, except in a pharmacy under the direct, immediate and personal supervision of a registered pharmacist, or any person violating any of the provisions of this act, when no other penalty is provided, shall be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be liable to punishment by a fine of not less than twenty dollars, and not more than one hundred dollars, or by imprisonment of not exceeding fifty days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. All fines recoverable under this act shall be paid by the magistrate receiving the same to the State Board of Pharmacy. Any person convicted of violating the provisions of this act the third time shall in addition to the penalties hereinbefore men- tioned have his or her registration as a pharmacist canceled. Nothing in this act shall apply to or interfere with any practitioner of medicine who is duly registered as such by the State Board of Medical Exam- iners of this state with supplying his own patients, as their physician, and by them employed as such, with such remedies as he may desire, and who does not keep a pharmacy, open shop, or drug store, adver- tised or otherwise for the retailing of medicines or poisons, nor does this act apply to the exclusively wholesale business of any dealer. Nor does this act apply to registered, trade-marked or copyrighted proprie- tary medicines, registered in the United States Patent Office nor to the sale of proprietary medicines, when manufactured under the super- vision of a registered pharmacist in the State of California, for which trade-marks may have been filed with the Secretary of State of Cali- fornia, by merchants possessing a license issued by the Board of Pharmacy as described in section sixteen of this act. Sec. 13. Any proprietor of a pharmacy who shall fail, or neglect to place in charge of such pharmacy a registered pharmacist, or any proprietor who shall, by himself or any other person, permit the com- pounding of prescriptions, or the vending of drugs, medicines, or 10 CALIFORNIA STATE BOARD OF PHARMACY. poisons, in his or her store, or place of business, except by or in the presence and under the direct, immediate and personal supervision of a registered pharmacist, or any person not being a registered phar- macist, who shall take charge of, or act as manager of any pharmacy, or store, or who, not being a registered pharmacist, retails, compounds, or dispenses drugs, medicines, or poisons, shall be guilty of a misde- meanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be liable to a fine of not less than twenty (20) dollars and not more than one hundred dollars, or by imprisonment for a term not exceeding fifty days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Sec. 14. Any member of the Board of Pharmacy, or inspector duly authorized by said board, may examine applicants orally, or in writing, and issue a temporary certificate to practice pharmacy, which shall authorize such practice for a period not to exceed four months from its date. The issuance of such temporary certificate shall not entitle the holder thereof to a permanent certificate, and no permanent cer- tificate shall be issued to such holder until he passes a satisfactory examination by the board. Only one temporary certificate shall ever be issued to the same applicant, and no temporary certificate shall be granted to any person whose application has been denied by the board. The member or authorized inspector conducting the examination as herein set forth shall be entitled to charge and receive the sum of three dollars for such certificate, said moneys to be paid to the Board of Pharmacy. Sec. 15. It shall be the duty of all registered pharmacists who take into their employ an apprentice, whose purpose it is to become a phar- macist, to report to the Board of Pharmacy such facts regarding his schooling and preliminary qualifications as the Board of Pharmacy may require for the purpose of registration as an apprentice. The Board of Pharmacy shall adopt a standard of qualifications regarding schooling and preliminary qualifications for all persons desiring to be registered as apprentices, as provided for in this section. The pharma- ceutical experience of every apprentice shall, after the passage of this act, be deemed to begin on the date on which he began the study of pharmacy, and such date shall be inserted in the certificate of registra- tion of said apprentice ; provided, the preliminary qualifications have been found satisfactory by the board. Sworn testimony shall be fur- nished the board upon which they shall determine the date as aforesaid. The date so determined and entered as aforesaid shall be deemed to be the beginning of the applicant's pharmaceutical experience for the pur- pose of this act ; provided, that the students matriculating and attend- ing any reputable college of pharmacy shall be registered as apprentices upon such fact being shown. The board shall keep a register for the registration of apprentices and furnish upon application proper blanks STATUTES REGULATING PRACTICE OP PHARMACY. 11 for this purpose. No apprentice shall be permitted to sell drugs, medi- cines, or poisons, or compound prescriptions except under the direct, immediate and personal supervision of a registered pharmacist. No registered apprentice shall ever be left in charge of a pharmacy. Xo applicant for registration as an apprentice shall be registered as such if such applicant has had more than three years' experience in a pharmacy, but must apply for registration as assistant pharmacist. Sec. 16. The Board of Pharmacy shall issue a permit to general dealers in rural districts in which the conditions, in their judgment, do not justify the employment of a registered pharmacist, and where the store of such general dealer is not less than three miles distant from the store of a registered pharmacist ; which said permit shall authorize the persons or firm named therein to sell in such locality. but not elsewhere, and under such restrictions and regulations as said board may from time to time adopt, the following simple household remedies and drugs, and no other, in such manner and form as may be hereafter authorized by said board, as follows, to wit : Tincture of arnica, spirits of camphor, almond oil, distilled extract witch-hazel, paregoric, syrup of ipecac, syrup of rhubarb, hive syrup, sweet spirits of nitre, tincture of iron, epsom salts, Rochelle salts, senna leaves, carbonate of magnesia, seidlitz powders, quinine, cathartic pills, chamomile flowers, caraway seed, chlorate of potash, moth balls, plasters, salves, ointments, peroxide of hydrogen, copperas, gum camphor, blue ointment, asafcetida, saffron, anise seed, saltpeter. The board shall charge an annual fee of five dollars in advance for such permit, and it shall be unlawful for any dealer to sell any drugs or ordinary household remedies without complying with the require- ments of this section. Whenever a registered pharmacist shall estab- lish a pharmacy within three miles by the shortest road from the place of business of such dealer, no further license shall be granted, and the license already issued shall be void ; provided, that the fallowing drugs, medicines and chemicals may be sold by grocers and dealers generally without restriction, viz: Glauber salts, vaseline, turpentine, condition powders, cream of tar- tar, carbonate of soda, bay rum, essence of Jamaica ginger, essence of peppermint, ammonia, alum, castor oil, bicarbonate of soda, chloride of lime, glycerine, witch-hazel, sheep dip, borax, sulphur, Milestone, flaxseed, insect powder, fly paper, ant poison, squirrel poison, an. I gopher poison, and arsenical poisons used for orchard spraying, when prepared and sold only in original and unbroken packages and labeled with the official poison labels. Sec. 17. It shall be the duty of the Board of Pharmacy, by reso- lution, at least annually to request of the chief of police, marshal or constable of every city, town or township in this state, to furnish a list 12 CALIFORNIA STATE BOARD OF PHARMACY. of all drug stores, together with the names of the owners, managers, and all employees in said stores, and a brief statement of the capacity in which said persons are employed in said stores, and also the firm name of all stares retailing drugs, medicines or poisons. Upon such request in writing, it shall be the duty of the chief of police, marshal, or constable of said city, town or township to require the patrolmen or deputies under their command, upon their respective beats, to obtain such lists as are in this section specified, and deliver the same to the Board of Pharmacy. It shall be the duty of the owner or manager of any drug store or other store retailing drugs, medicines or poisons, when called upon by an officer as above set forth, or by a member of the Board of Pharmacy or a duly authorized inspector, to furnish said officer, member of the Board of Pharmacy or duly authorized inspector with the information required. Any person refusing to furnish the information, or wilfully furnishing information that is false or untrue, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than twenty dollars nor more than fifty dollars, or by imprisonment for not less than ten days and not more than thirty-five days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Sec. 18. The several penalties prescribed in this act may be re- covered in any court having jurisdiction, by a civil action instituted by the Board of Pharmacy, in the name of the State of California, or by criminal prosecution upon complaint being made; and it shall be the duty of the district attorney of the county wherein violations of the provisions of this act occur to conduct all such actions and prose- cutions at the request of the board. Sec. 19. All persons registered under this act shall be exempt and free from jury duty. Sec. 20. This act shall take effect sixty days from the date of its approval. STATUTES REGULATING SALE OF POISONS. 13 SALE OF POISONS Chapter 102 (Stats. 1907, p. 124), approved .March 6, 1907. Chapter 279 (Stats. 1909. p. 422), approved March 19, 1909. Chapter 5S3 (Stats. 1911, p. 1106), approved April 25, 1911. Chapter 342 (Stats. 1913, p. 692), approved June 11, 1913. Chapter 605 (Stats. 1915, p. 1066), approved June 1. 1915. An act to regulate the sale and use of poisons in the State of California and pro- viding a penalty for the violation thereof. Th( people of the State of California, represented in senate and assembly, do enact as follows: Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person to vend, sell, give away or furnish, either directly or indirectly, any poisons enumerated in schedules "A" and "B" in section seven of this act as hereinafter set forth, without labeling the package, box, bottle or paper in which said poison is contained, with the name of the article, the word "poison," and the name and place of business of the person furnishing the same. Said label shall be substantially in the form hereinafter provided. It shall be unlawful to sell or deliver any of the poisons named in schedule "A" or any other dangerously poisonous drug, chemical, or medicinal substance, which may from time to time be designated by the State Board of Pharmacy of California, unless on inquiry it is found that the person desiring the same is aware of its poisonous character, and it satisfactorily appears that it is to be used for a legitimate purpose. It shall be unlawful for any person to give j, fictitious name or make any false representations to the seller or dealer when buying any of the poisons thus enumerated ; provided, that this prohibition shall not apply to an officer or inspector of the State Board of Pharmacy in the performance of the duties enjoined by law upon said board, or to any person acting under authority of said board in the performance of said duties. Printed notice of all such additions to the schedule of poisons named and provided for in this section, and the antidote adopted by the Board of Pharmacy for such poisons shall be given to all registered pharmacists with the next following renewal of their certificates. It shall be unlawful to sell or deliver any poison included in schedule "A" or the additions thereto, without making or causing to be made, an entry in a book kept solely for that purpose, stating the date and hour of sale, and the name, address and signature of the purchaser, the name and quantity of the poison sold, the state- ment by the purchaser of the purpose for which it is required, and the name of the dispenser, who must be a duly registered pharmacist ; pro- vided, however, that said entry shall be made out ir full, in ink before 3—18612 14 CALIFORNIA STATE BOARD OF PHARMACY. said signature of the purchaser is made thereto, and that said entry shall be made by said dispenser himself, and not by any person who is not a duly registered pharmacist or duly registered assistant pharmacist. Said book shall be in form substantially as follows: Date and hour. Name of purchaser. Residence. Kind and quantity. Purpose of use. Signature Signature of of druggist, purchaser. This book shall always be open for inspection by the proper authorities, and shall be preserved for at least five years after the date of the last entry therein. Sec. 2. The label required by this act, to be placed on all packages of poison, shall be printed upon red paper in distinct white letters, or in distinct red letters upon white paper, and shall contain the word "poison," the "vignette" representing the skull and cross-bones, and the name and address of the person or firm selling the same. The name of an antidote, if any there be, for the poison sold, shall also be upon the package. No poison shall be sold or delivered to any person who is less than eighteen years of age. Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of the State Board of Pharmacy to adopt a schedule of what in their judgment are the most suitable common antidotes for the various poisons usually sold. After the board has adopted the schedule of antidotes as herein provided for. they shall have the same printed and shall forward by mail one copy to each person registered upon their books, and to any other person apply- ing for the same. The particular antidote adopted (and no other) shall appear on the poison label provided for in section two of this act, or be attached to the package containing said poison. The board shall have power to revise and amend the list of antidotes from time to time, as to them may seem advisable. The entries in the poison book and the printed or written matter provided for in sections two and three of this act shall be in the English language; provided, that the vendor of said poison may enter the same in any foreign language he may desire, in addition to said entry and label in English. Sec. 4. When in the opinion of the State Board of Pharmacy, it is in the interest of the public health, they are hereby empowered to further restrict, or prohibit the retail sale of any poison by rules, not inconsistent with the provisions of this act, by them to be adopted, and which rules must be applicable to all persons alike. It shall be the duty of the board, upon request, to furnish any dealer with a copy of the laws relating to articles, preparations and compounds, the sale of which is prohibited or regulated by this act. Sec. 5. Wholesale dealers and pharmacists shall affix or cause to be affixed to every bottle, box, parcel or other enclosure of an original STATUTES REGULATING SALE OF POISONS. 15 package containing any of the articles named in schedule "A" the additions thereto, or in sections eight and nine of this act, a suitable label, or brand, with the word "poison," but they are hereby exempted from the registration of the sale of such articles when sold at wholesale to a registered pharmacist, physician, dentist or veterinary surgeon duly licensed to practice in the state; provided, that the provisions of this act shall not apply to the sale of such upon the prescriptions of practicing physicians, dentists or veterinary surgeons who are duly licensed to practice in this state. Sec. 6. It is hereby made the duty of the district attorney of the county wherein any violation of this act is committed, to conduct all actions and prosecutions for the same, at the request of the Board of Pharmacy; provided, however, that the board may employ special counsel to assist the district attorney in such actions and prosecutions. Sec. 7. Any person violating any of the provisions of sections eight or eight a of this act shall upon conviction be guilty of and shall be punished as follows, viz: for the first offense said person so con- victed shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be pun- ished by a fine of not less than one hundred dollars, and not to exceed four hundred dollars, or by imprisonment for not less than fifty days and not exceeding one hundred and eighty days, or by both such fine and imprisonment ; for the second offense said person so convicted shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine of not less than two hundred and fifty dollars, and not to exceed five hundred dollars, or by imprisonment for not less than ninety days and not exceeding six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment : and for the third offense said person so convicted shall be deemed guilty of a felony and shall be punished by imprisonment in the state prison for not less than one year and not more than five years. Any person violating any of the provisions of this act, except those contained in sections eight or eight a, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined in a sum not less than thirty dollars. nor more than two hundred dollars, or by imprisonment for not less than thirty days and not more than fifty days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. All moneys, forfeited bail or fines, received under the operation of this act shall be paid by the magistrate receiving same, seventy-five per cent to the State Board of Pharmacy, and twenty-five per cent to the city treasurer of the city, if incorporated, or to the county treasurer of the county in which the prosecution is conducted. The following is schedule "A" referred to in section one, viz: Schedule "A," arsenic, its compounds and preparations, corrosive sublimate, and other poisonous derivatives of mercury, cyanide of potassium, strych- nine, hydrocyanic acid, oils of eroton, rue, savin, and tansy, phosphorus and its poisonous derivatives and compounds, strophanthus or its 16 CALIFORNIA STATE BOARD OF PHARMACY. preparations, aconite, belladonna, mix vomica, veratrum viride, their preparations, alkaloids or derivatives, ant poison containing any of the poisons enumerated in this schedule. The following is schedule "B": Hydrochloric or muriatic acid, nitric acid, oxalic acid, sulphuric acid, bromine, chloroform, cowhage, creosote, ether, solution of formaldehyde or formalin ; cantharides, cocculus indicus, all their preparations ; iodine, or its tinctures, oil of pennyroyal, tartar emetic, and other poisonous derivatives of anti- mony, sugar of lead, sulphate of zinc, wood alcohol, lysol and com- pound solution of cresol. Sec. 8. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to sell, furnish or give away or offer to sell, furnish or give away or to have in their or his possession any cocaine, opium, morphine, codeine, heroin, alpha eucaine, beta eueaine, nova caine, flowering tops and leaves, extracts, tinctures and other narcotic preparations of hemp or loco weed (Cannabis sativa), Indian hemp, or chloral hydrate or any of the salts, derivatives or compounds of the foregoing substances or any preparation or compound containing any of the foregoing sub- stances or their salts, derivatives or compounds excepting upon the written order or prescription of a physician, dentist or veterinary surgeon, licensed to practice in this state, which order or prescription shall be dated and shall contain the name of the person for whom pre- scribed, written in by the person writing said prescription, or if ordered by a veterinary surgeon it shall state the kind of animal for which ordered and shall be signed by the person giving the prescription or order. Such order or prescription shall be permanently retained on file by the person, firm or corporation who shall compound or dis- pense the articles ordered or prescribed, and it shall not be again compounded or dispensed if each fluid or avoirdupois ounce contains more than two grains of opium or one-quarter grain of morphine, or one grain of codeine, or one-eighth grain of heroin or ten grains of chloral hydrate, or four grains of Indian hemp or loco weed excepting upon the written order of the preseriber for each and every subsequent ci mpounding and dispensing. No copy or duplicate of such written order or prescription shall be made or delivered to any person but the original shall be at all times open to inspection by the preseriber and properly authorized officers of the law and shall be preserved for at least three years from the date of the filing thereof ; provided, that the above provisions shall not apply to sales at wholesale by jobbers, whole- salers and manufacturers to pharmacies, as defined in section one of an act entitled "An act to regulate the practice of pharmacy in the State of California and to provide a penalty for the violation thereof; and for the appointment of a board to be known as the California State Board of Pharmacy," approved March 20, 1905, and acts amend- STATUTES REGULATING SALE OF POISONS. 17 atory thereof; or physicians, nor to each other, nor to the sale at retail in pharmacies by pharmacists to physicians, dentists or veterinary surgeons duly licensed to practice in this state; provided, further, that all such wholesale jobbers, wholesalers and manufacturers, in this section mentioned shall keep in a manner readily accessible, the writ- ten orders or blank forms required to be preserved under the pro- visions of section two of the act of congress, approved December 17, 1914, relating to the production, importation, manufacture, compound- ing, sale, dispensing or giving away of opium or coco leaves and salts, derivatives or preparations. And said records shall always be open for inspection by any peace officer or any member of the Board of Pharmacy or any inspector authorized by said board and such records shall be preserved for at least two years after the date of the last entry therein. The taking of any order, or making of any contract or agreement, by any traveling representative, or any employee, of any person, firm or corporation, for future delivery in this state, of any of the articles or drugs mentioned in this section shall be deemed a sale of said articles or drugs by said traveling representative, or employee, within the meaning of the provision of this act; provided, further, that a true and correct copy of all orders, contracts or agree- ments taken for narcotic drugs specified in this section shall be for- warded by registered mail to the secretary of the California State Board of Pharmacy within twenty-four hours after the taking of such order, contract or agreement, unless such order, contract or agreement is recorded as required under the provisions of section two of an act of congress, approved December 17, 1914, relating to the production, importation, manufacture, compounding, sale, dispensing or giving away of opium or coca leaves, their salts, derivatives or preparations of some wholesale jobber, wholesaler, or manufacturer permanently located in this state, as provided for in this section. It shall be unlaw- ful for any practitioner of medicine, dentistry or veterinary medicine to furnish to or prescribe for the use of any habitual user of the same, or of any one representing himself as such, any cocaine, opium, mor- phine, codeine, heroin, or chloral hydrate, or any salt, derivative or compound of the foregoing substances or their salts, derivatives or compounds ; and it shall also be unlawful for any practitioner of medicine or dentistry to prescribe any of the foregoing substances for any person not under his treatment in the regular practice of his profession, or for any veterinary surgeon to prescribe any of the fore- going substances for the use of any human being; provided, however, that the provisions of this section shall not be construed to prevent any duly licensed physician from furnishing or prescribing in good faith as their physician by them employed as such, for any habitual 18 CALIFORNIA STATE BOARD OF PHARMACY. user of any narcotic drugs who is under his professional care, such substances as he may deem necessary for their treatment, when such prescriptions are not given or substances furnished for the purpose of evading the purposes of this act ; provided, that such licensed physician shall report in writing, over his signature, by registered mail, to the office of the California State Board of Pharmacy, within twenty-four hours after the first treatment, each and every habitual user of such narcotic drugs as are enumerated in this section, whom he or she has taken, in good faith, under his or her professional care, for the cure of such habit, such report to contain the date, name and address of such patient, and the name and quantity of the narcotic or narcotics prescribed in such treatment; provided, further, that the provision im- mediately foregoing shall not apply to any licensed physician treat- ing such habitue in good faith who personally administers such nar- cotics, enumerated in this section, after writing a prescription there- for; and provided, further, that the above provisions shall not apply to preparations sold or dispensed without a physician's prescription containing not more than two grains of opium, or one-fourth grain of morphine, or one grain of codeine, or one-eighth grain of heroin, or ten grains chloral hydrate or four grains of Indian hemp or loco weed in one fluid ounce or, if a solid preparation, in one ounce, avoirdupois. Sec. 8a. The possession of a pipe or pipes used for smoking opium (commonly known as opium pipes) or the usual attachment or attach- ments thereto, or other contrivances used for smoking opium, or extracts, tinctures or other narcotic preparations of hemp, or loco weed, their preparations or compounds containing more than four grains to each fluid or avoirdupois ounce (except corn remedies containing not more than fifteen grains of the extract or fluid extract of hemp to the ounce, mixed with not less than five times its weight of salicylic acid combined with collodion), is hereby made a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by the penalties prescribed in section seven of this act. Sec. 86. All narcotic drugs specified in section eight and also all pipes used for smoking opium (commonly known as opium pipes) or the usual attachments thereto, flowering tops and leaves, or extracts, tinctures, or other narcotic preparations of hemp, or loco weed, their preparations or compounds containing more than four grains of Indian hemp or loco weed to each fluid or avoirdupois ounce (except corn remedies containing not more than fifteen grains of the extract or fluid extract of hemp to the ounce, mixed with not less than five times its weight of salicylic acid combined with collodion), may be seized by any peace officer, and in aid of such seizure a search warrant or search warrants may be issued in the manner and form prescribed in chapter three of title twelve of part two of the Penal Code. All such narcotic STATUTES REGULATING SALE OF POISONS. 19 drugs, pipes used far smoking opium (commonly known as opium pipes) or the usual attachments thereto, and all such hemp or prepara- tion of hemp or loco weed seized under the provisions of this act shall be ordered destroyed by the judge of the court in which final conviction was had; said order of destruction shall contain the name of the party charged with the duty of destruction as herein required; provided, however, that the judge shall turn all such evidence over to the Cali- fornia State Board of Pharmacy for such destruction; and provided, further, that any narcotic drugs specified in section eight, opium pipes and the usual attachments thereto, or smoking opium, seized under the provisions of this act, now in the possession of any city or county official or officials, or the California State Board of Pharmacy, or which may hereafter come into their or its possession, in which no trial was had, shall be delivered to the California State Board of Phar- macy for destruction by said board; provided, however, that none of the narcotic drugs specified in section eight, opium pipes and the usual attachments thereto, or smoking opium coming into the possession of said board, as above described, shall not be destroyed within a period of six months from the date of such seizure ; and provided, farther, that the board of pharmacy may dispose of all narcotics now on hand or hereafter coming into their possession (other than smoking opium), either by gift to the medical director of California state prisons or state hospitals or by sale to wholesale druggists, the funds received from such sales to be applied by the Board of Pharmacy to the carrying out the provisions of this act or of the act creating such California State Board of Pharmacy. Sec. 8c. The board may revoke the registration of any registered pharmacist or assistant pharmacist upon conviction of the second offense for violating any of the provisions of section eight or eight a of this act, and in such case said registration shall not be restored before the period of one year from the date of said revocation. Sec. 8d. The State Board of Pharmacy is hereby charged with the enforcement of the provisions of section three hundred and seven of the Penal Code and all fines, moneys or forfeited bail imposed far violation of said section upon collection shall be disposed of as is provided for the disposition of fines, moneys or forfeited bail, in section seven of this act. Sec. 9. The sale or furnishing of carbolic acid (phenol) in quan- tities of less than one pound, paregoric in quantities of more than one fluid ounce, is prohibited unless upon the prescription of a physician, dentist or veterinary surgeon duly licensed to practice in this state, but this prohibition shall not apply to solution of carbolic acid (phenol) containing not over ten per cent of the carbolic acid (phenol) and 20 CALIFORNIA STATE BOARD OF PHARMACY. not less than ten per cent of ethyl alcohol. All sales of carbolic acid (phenol) thus diluted so as to contain no more than ten per cent of carbolic acid (phenol) may be made under the same conditions as the drugs enumerated in schedule "B" as found in section seven, but sales of carbolic acid (phenol) containing more than ten per cent of said acid shall be registered subject to the same regulation as the poisons enumerated in schedule "A" as found in section seven. STATUTES REGULATING SALE OF POISONS. 21 ASSEMBLY BILL No. 589 Note. — There is a conflict between the provisions of this act and the one on pages 13 to 22. The one on pages 13 to 22 was approved later than the one below In such cases we are advised by counsel the last act controls. We insert act below therefore simply as a matter of information, and with the advice that the terms of the act on pages 13 to 22 will be adopted by the Board as controlling and governing its actions. An act to amend section seven of an act entitled "An act to regulate the sale and use of poisons in the State of California, and providing a penalty for the viola- tion thereof," approved March 6, 1907, as the title of said a;t and said act were amended March 19, 1909, and as said act was amended April 25, 1911, and as said act was amended June 11, 1913. The people of the State of California do enact as follows: Section 1. Section seven of an act entitled "An act to regulate the sale and use of poisons in the State of California, and providing a penalty for the violation thereof," approved March 6, 1907, as the title of said act and said act were amended March 19, 1909, and as said act was amended April 25, 1911, and as said act was amended June 11, 1913, is hereby amended to read as follows : Sec. 7. Any person violating any of the provisions of sections eight or eight a of this act shall upon conviction be punished as follows, viz : for the first offense by a fine of not less than one hundred dollars, and not to exceed four hundred dollars, or by imprisonment for not less than fifty clays and not exceeding one hundred and eighty days, or by both such fine and imprisonment; for the second offense, by a fine of not less than two hundred and fifty dollars, and not to exceed five hundred dollars, or by imprisonment for not less than ninety days and not exceeding six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment; and for the third offense by imprisonment in the state prison for not less than one year and not more than five years. Any person violating any of the provisions of this act, except those contained in section eight or eight a, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined in a sum not less than thirty dollars, nor more than two hundred dollars, or by imprisonment for not less than thirty days and not more than fifty days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. All moneys received under the operation of this act shall be paid by the magistrate receiving the same, seventy-five (75%) per cent to the State Board of Pharmacy, and twenty-five (25%) per cent to the city treasurer of the city, if incorporated, or to the county treasurer of the county in which the prosecution is con- ducted. The following is schedule "A" referred to in section one, viz: Shedule "A," arsenic, its compounds and preparations, corrosive sublimate, and other poisonous derivatives of mercury, corrosive sub- limate tablets, antiseptic tablets containing corrosive sublimate, cyanide of potassium, strychnine, hydrocyanic acid, oils of croton, rue and 22 CALIFORNIA STATE BOARD OP. PHARMACY. tansy, phosphorus and its poisonous derivatives and compounds, com- pound solution of cresol, lysol, strophanthus or its preparations, aconite, belladonna, nux vomica, veratrum viride, their preparations, alkaloids or derivatives, ant poison containing any of the poisons enumerated in this schedule. It is provided, however, that the following drugs, medi- cines and chemicals may be sold by grocers and dealers generally without restriction, viz : Glauber salts, vaseline, turpentine, condition powders, cream of tartar, carbonate of soda, bay rum, essence of Jamaica ginger, essence of peppermint, ammonia, alum, castor oil, bicarbonate of soda, chloride of lime, glycerine, witch-hazel, sheep dip, borax, sulphur, bluestone, flaxseed, insect powder, fly paper, ant poison, squirrel poison, and gopher poison, and poisons used for orchard spraying, when prepared and sold only in original and unbroken packages and labeled with the official poison labels as provided in and by section sixteen of an act entitled "An act to regulate the practice of pharmacy in the State of California," approved March 20, 1905, as said act was amended March 21, 1907, and as said act was amended April 21, 1909, known as the "Pharmacy Act"; it being the intention and purpose of this act that its provisions shall be in conformity and harmony with the provisions of said pharmacy act. The following is schedule "B": Hydrochloric or muriatic acid, nitric acid, oxalic acid, sulphuric acid, bromine, chloroform, cowhage, creosote, ether, solution of formaldehyde or formalin; cantharides, cocculus indicus, all their preparations; iodine, or its tinctures, oils of savin and pennyroyal, tartar emetic, and other poisonous derivatives of antimony, sugar of lead, sulphate of zinc, and wood alcohol. STATUTES RELATING TO ITINERANT VENDORS. 23 ITINERANT VENDORS Chapter 233 (Stats. 1903, p. 284), approved March 20. 1903. Chapter 422 (Stats. 1907, p. 765), approved March 21, 1907. Chapter 277 (Stats. 1909, p. 419), approved March 19. 1909. An act imposing a license tax upon itinerant vendors of drugs, nostrums, ointments, or appliances sold for the cure of disease, injuries, or deformities. The people of the State of California, represented in senate and assembly, do enact as follows: Section 1. No person as principal or agent, shall conduct as an itinerant vendor the business of selling or in any manner disposing of drugs, nostrums, ointments or any appliances for the treatment of disease, deformities or injuries, within this state, without previously obtaining a license therefor as herein provided. Sec. 2. A license fee of one hundred dollars is hereby levied upon all such itinerant vendors doing business in this state. Said tax shall be paid to the State Board of Pharmacy, for the use and benefit of the State of California, and shall constitute a special fund for the enforce- ment of this act, and of the provisions of the act or acts creating such Board of Pharmacy. Upon the receipt of said sum from any persons desiring to conduct such business within this state, the secretary of said Board of Pharmacy shall issue a license to such person to carry on such business within this state for the term of six months next ensuing ; pro- vided, that nothing in this act shall be construed to prevent the collec- tion of any tax or license that may be imposed by any county or munici- pal authority; and provided, further, that nothing herein contained shall prevent manufacturing pharmaceutical firms from placing their products on the market through their agents and managers, subject to the provisions of section three of this act. The said Board of Pharmacy may allow such license to be transferred during the life thereof on such terms as the Board of Pharmacy may deem proper; provided, however, that nothing in this act shall be held to repeal or modify the provisions of an act approved March 20, 1905, entitled "An act permitting all ex-Union soldiers and sailors of the civil war, honorably discharged from military or marine service of the United States, the right to vend, hawk and peddle goods, wares, fruits or merchandise not prohibited by law, in any county, town or village, incorporated city or municipality in the State of California, without paying a license." Sec. 3. Itinerant vendors under the meaning of this act shall include all persons who carry on the business above described by passing from house to house, or by haranguing the people on public streets or in public places, or use the various customary devices for attracting 24 CALIFORNIA STATE BOARD OF PHARMACY. crowds and therewith recommending their wares, and offering them for sale. Sec. 4. Said Board of Pharmacy shall on the first day of July of each year make a verified and itemized statement in writing to the Controller of this state, of all receipts and disbursements of money coming into their hands by reason of this act. Sec. 5. Any person violating any of the provisions of this act, who shall without such license, sell or offer for sale any of the above described drugs, nostrums, ointments, or appliances, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and for such breach of this act upon convic- tion therefor, shall be punished by a fine of not less than one hundred dollars nor more than two hundred and fifty dollars, or by imprison- ment in the county jail far not less than fifty days or more than one hundred and twenty days, or both such fine and imprisonment. All fines recovered under this act shall be paid by the magistrate receiving the same to the State Board of Pharmacy, and by said board placed in the special fund created by section two of this act. Sec. 6. In all actions or prosecutions under this act it need not be alleged in the complaint nor proved by the prosecution that the defend- ant has not a license as required in this act, but the fact that he has such a license may be plead as a matter of defense. Sec. 7. All acts or parts of acts conflicting with this act are hereby repealed, in and so far as they conflict. Sec. 8. This act shall take effect and be in force sixty days after its passage. STATUTES RELATING TO HOURS OF PHARMACISTS. 25 HOURS OF PHARMACISTS Chapter 34 (Stats. 1905, p. 2S). approved February 28. 1905. Chapter 224 (Stats. 1907, p. 273). approved .March 15, 1907. An act to regulate the work and hours of employees engaged in selling at retail drugs and medicines, and cormounding physic : ans' prescriptions, and providing a penalty for the violation thereof. The people of the Stal< of California, represented in senate and assembly, do enact as follows: Section 1. An act entitled "An act to regulate the work and hours of employees engaged in selling- at retail drugs and medicines, and com- pounding physicians' prescriptions, and providing a penalty for the violation thereof," approved February 28, 1005. is hereby amended by adding thereto a new section to be known and numbered section five. Sec. 2. As a measure for the protection of public health, no person employed by any person, firm or corporation, shall for more than an average of ten hours a day or sixty hours a week of six consecutive calendar days, perform the work of selling drugs or other medicines, or compounding physicians' prescriptions, in any store, establishment or place of business, where and in which drugs or medicines are sold at retail, and where and in which physicians' prescriptions are com- pounded; provided, that the answering of and attending to emergency calls shall not be construed as a violation of this act. Sec. 3. No person, firm or corporation employing another person to do work which consists wholly or in part of selling, at retail, drugs or medicines, or of compounding physicians' prescriptions, in any store, or establishment, or place of business where or in which medicines are sold, and where and in which physicians' prescriptions are compounded, shall require or permit said employed person to perform such work for more than an average of ten hours a day, or sixty hours a week of six consecutive calendar days. Sec. 4. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the pro- visions of this act shall be deemed guilty of misdemeanor and shall be punished therefor by a fine not less than twenty dollars nor more than fifty dollars, or by imprisonment for not exceeding sixty days, or by both such fine and imprisonment, at the discretion of the court. Sec. 5. The commissioners of the State Bureau of Labor Statistics are hereby authorized, directed and empowered to enforce the provisions of this act. Sec. 6. All acts or parts of acts inconsistent with the provisions of this act are hereby repealed. 26 CALIFORNIA STATE BOARD OF PHARMACY, OFFICIAL ANTIDOTES Adopted by the California State Board of Pharmacy, April 24, 1S07. Revised and approved June 3. 1913. Emetics. — When a physician is at hand the most prompt emetic and the one most easily administered is one-tenth grain apomorphine hypodermically. Demulcent Drinks. — Flaxseed tea, slippery elm tea, barley water, thin starch water, etc., milk, white of eggs with water. Acid, Arsenous. Emetic of mustard, hydrated oxide of iron a cupful ; follow with olive oil or white of eggs, mucilaginous drinks. Laudanum (20 drops) if much pain. Acid, Carbolic. Dilute alcohol or whisky, and albuminous substances, milk, white of eggs, etc. Acid, Hydrocyanic. Cold water to head and spine. Give stimulants. Inhalation of ammonia. Artificial respiration. Acid — Muriatic, Nitric, Nitro-Muriatic, Sulphuric. Give no emetics. Give at once large draughts of water or milk. Soft soap or soap and water, or white of eggs beaten up with water, or give olive oil. Acid, Oxalic. Give chalk or whiting (a tablespoonful) or plaster off the wall, suspended in water. Emetic of mustard, large draughts of warm water, olive oil, mucilaginous drinks, stimulants (whisky, etc.). Apply warmth to the extremities. Aconite, its preparations or derivatives. Emetic of mustard, followed by large draughts of warm water; then strong tea or coffee or whisky. Keep patient in horizontal position. Keep up artificial respiration. Antimony, and its preparations (Tartar Emetic). Assist vomiting with warm water, give tannin or tannates (cold tea, infusion of oak bark), freely. Antiseptic Tablets (Corrosive Sublimate). Give white of eggs, flour or starch mixed with water: emetic of mustard. Give strong tea or coffee, stimulants (whisky, etc.). If needed afterward, demulcent drinks. OFFICIAL ANTIDOTES. 27 Arsenic. Emetic of mustard, hydrated oxide of iron a cupful ; follow with olive oil or white of eggs, mucilaginous drinks. Laudanum (20 drops), if much pain. Belladonna, its preparations or derivatives. Emetic of mustard, followed by large draughts of warm water ; then strong tea or coffee. Arouse patient and keep him in motion. Bromine. If inhalation: Fresh air. inhalation of ammonia. If swallowed: Emetic, starch, followed by magnesia, bicarbonate of soda, white of eggs, milk, flour and water. Cantharides. Avoid oils. Emetics first of all. Demulcents, stimulants. Employ artificial heat, externally. Chloral Hydrate. Horizontal position; cold water to head, and stimulants. Emetic of mustard. Chloroform. Horizontal position ; cold water to head, and stimulants. Emetic of mustard. Cocculus Indicus. Emetic of mustard, followed by large draughts of warm water. Give pawdered charcoal. To relieve spasms let patient inhale pure chloro- form or give chloral hydrate (25 grains) . Conium. Emetic of mustard, followed by large draughts of warm water ; then strong tea or coffee. Arouse patient and keep him in motion. Corrosive Sublimate. (rive white of eggs, flour or starch mixed with water; emetic of mustard. Give strong tea or coffee, stimulants (whisky, etc.). If needed afterward, demulcent drinks. Corrosive Sublimate Tablets. Give white of eggs, flour or starch mixed with water: emetic of mustard. Give strong tea or coffee, stimulants (whisky, etc.). If needed afterward, demulcent drinks. Cotton Root, and its preparations. Emetic of mustard, followed by large draughts of warm water, strong tea or coffee, stimulants (whisky, etc.) freely. Keep patient in hori- zontal position; employ warmth and friction to the extremities, arti- ficial respiration. 28 CALIFORNIA STATE BOARD OP PHARMACY. Cowhage. Large doses of olive oil. Creosote. Emetic of mustard, white of eggs beaten up with water, olive oil, magnesia, stimulants (whisky, etc.) freely. Keep patient in horizontal position, employ warmth and friction to the extremities. Croton Oil. Give white of eggs or flour mixed with water, emetic of mustard. Give strong tea or coffee, stimulants (whisky, etc.). If needed, demul- cent drinks. Cyanide of Potassium. Cold water to head and spine. Give stimulants. Inhalation of ammonia. Artificial respiration. Digitalis, its preparations and derivatives. Emetic of mustard, followed by large draughts of warm water, strong tea or coffee, stimulants (whisky, etc.) freely. Keep patient in hori- zontal position ; apply warmth and friction to the extremities ; artificial respiration. Ether. Horizontal position ; cold water to the head, and stimulants. Emetic of mustard. Formalin, or solution of formaldehyde. Give ammonia in diluted solution with demulcent drinks. Also inhalations of ammonia. Fowler's Solution. Emetic of mustard, hydrated oxide of iron a cupful ; follow with olive oil or white of eggs, mucilaginous drinks. Laudanum (20 drops), if much pain. Gelsemium. Coffee, brandy, emetic of ipecac. Hyoscyamus, its preparations or derivatives. Emetic of mustard, followed by large draughts of warm water; then strong tea or coffee. Arouse patient and keep him in motion. Iodine, and its preparations. Give starch, white of eggs or flour mixed with water; emetic of mus- tard. Give strong tea or coffee, stimulants (whisky, etc.). If needed, demulcent drinks. Lysol. Dilute alcohol or whisky, and albuminous substances, milk, white of eggs, etc. OFFICIAL ANTIDOTES. 29 Nitroglycerine. Cold to head. Horizontal position. Give emetics and cathartics. Ergot. Nux Vomica, its preparations or derivatives. Emetic of mustard, followed by large draughts of warm water. Give powdered charcoal. To relieve spasms let patient inhale pure chloro- form, or give chloral hydrate (25 grains). Oil of Bitter Almonds, Essential. Cold water to head and spine. Give stimulants. Inhale ammonia. Phosphorus, and its poisonous derivatives. Emetic of mustard, or blue vitriol (3 grains), every five minutes until vomiting occurs. A teaspoonful of old thick oil of turpentine (avoid other oils), also epsom salts half ounce in tumblerful of water. Pennyroyal, Oil of. Give white of eggs or flour mixed with water; emetic of mustard. Give strong tea or coffee, stimulants (whisky, etc.). If needed, demul- cent drinks. Red Precipitate. Give white of eggs, flour or starch mixed with water ; emetic of mus- tard. Give strong tea or coffee, stimulants (whisky, etc.). If needed afterward, demulcent drinks. Rue, Oil of. Give white of eggs or flour mixed with water; emetic of mustard. Give strong tea or coffee, stimulants (whisky, etc.). If needed, demul- cent drinks. Savin, Oil of. (live white of eggs or flour mixed with water; emetic of mustard. Give strong tea or coffee, stimulants (whisky, etc.). If needed, demul- cent drinks. Santonine. Evacuate stomach ; use stimulants and emetics. Stropanthus, and its preparations. Give zinc sulphate and mustard as emetics; also tannic acid; stimu- lants (brandy or whisky) ; epsom salts. Strychnine. Emetic of mustard, followed by large draughts of warm water. Give powdered charcoal. To relieve spasms let patient inhale pure chloro- form, or give chloral hydrate (25 grains 30 CALIFORNIA STATE BOARD OF PHARMACY. Sugar of Lead. Give epsom salts (one-half ounce) dissolved in a tumbler of water, emetic of mustard, large draughts of warm water, milk, demulcent drinks of flaxseed or slippery elm. Tansy, Oil of. Give white of eggs or flour mixed with water; emetic of mustard. Give strong tea or coffee, stimulants (whisky, etc.). If needed, demul- cent drinks. Tartar Emetic. Assist vomiting with warm water, give tannin or tannates (cold tea, infusion of oak bark) , freely. Veratrum Viride, preparations and derivatives. Emetic of mustard, followed by large draughts of warm water. Then strong tea or coffee, stimulants (whisky, etc.) freely. Keep patient in horizontal position ; apply warmth to the extremities, artificial respir- ation. White Precipitate. Give white of eggs, flour or starch mixed with water ; emetic of mus- tard. Give strong tea or coffee, stimulants (whisky, etc.). If needed afterward, demulcent drinks. Wood Alcohol. Give warm water and salt (two teaspoonfuls to a tumblerful) imme- diately. Repeat at short intervals. Stimulate the respiratory move- ment, and give strong coffee. Yellow Jasmine. Coffee, brandy, emetic of ipecac or mustard. Zinc Sulphate. Give white of eggs, flour mixed with water, baking or washing soda, emetic of mustard. Give strong tea or coffee, stimulants (whisky, etc.). If needed, demulcent drinks. No antidotes are given for morphine, codeine, heroin, opium, and cocaine, their salts, compounds or preparations, or hemp, its compounds or preparations, as under section eight of the poison law their sale is prohibited except on the prescription of a duly licensed physician, dentist or veterinary surgeon, except preparations of opium contain- ing less than two grains of opium to the fluid ounce. In all cases of poisoning, a physician should be summoned at once. "When a physician is at hand, the most prompt emetic, and one of the most easily administered, is one-tenth grain of apomorphine hypo- dermically. California State Board of Pharmacy, San Francisco, Cal. CIRCULAR PHARMACY LAW. 31 CIRCULAR OF INFORMATION PHARMACY LAW The board meets at least quarterly for the transaction of Date of meetings. regular business and conducting examinations. For dates of meetings, apply to the secretary of the board, San Francisco, California. Every application for registration, whether as assistant, licentiate, Fees. or on credentials, must be accompanied by a fee of $10 00 For licentiate certificate (if granted), an additional 5 00 For registration and certificate on credentials and experience (if granted), an additional 15 00 For temporary certificate 3 00 For reissue of certificate 3 00 For re-registration as licentiate 2 00 For re-registration as assistant 1 00 Fee of $10.00 which accompanies application is retained in ^ ned all cases. For the registration of an apprentice, no fee is charged. £ l e , e ^ pairi ' All fees must be paid when applications are filed. If you have had three years' actual experience in the prac- Pharma- • • /> -i • CClItlCJil tice of pharmacy in stores where the prescriptions of medical exam- * J .... inations. practitioners are compounded (actual time spent m a reputa- ble college of pharmacy being counted) you may be examined by this board for registration as an assistant pharmacist. Applicants will be registered as ' ' assistants ' ' upon the licen- by Ce e n ^a- s tiate examination, in cases where the ratings justify registra- matlon - tion as such, but do not prove sufficient for the licentiate. Applicants for examination as assistant making (or who Assistants rr on lieen- have made) in this state a general average of 75 per cent not tiate exam- ' o o j. inations. falling below 60 per cent in two or more branches, will first be registered as such, and if (or when) they have had five (or more) years' experience will be registered as licentiate without further examination upon filing an application therefor and paying the necessary fee. If you have had five years such experience and are regis- J^'J^. tered as assistant, licentiate, or registered pharmacist in any licentiate x examin- state or territory, you are eligible for examination as a licen- "on. tiate in pharmacy. The same examination is given both the licentiate and assistant. The licentiate, however, must make a general average of 75 per cent and not less than GO per cent in two or more branches; and the assistant 65 per cent and 32 CALIFORNIA STATE BOARD OP PHARMACY. not less than 50 per cent in two or more branches. Applicants are examined in the following branches : chemistry, materia medica, pharmacy, practical pharmacy, identification and toxicology. The examination requires three days. Must All applicants for registration by examination must fur- fiirnish 1 r ° J photo. nish and file two photographs 3 by 3^ inches in size, taken within sixty days preceding the date of application. Hours The experience claimed by the applicant as per the above experience, three sections must comprise not less than six hours per day, or thirty-six hours per calendar week (usual vacations not deducted), substantiated by affidavits preferably from the persons under whom the experience was had, or by others cognizant of the facts, assistant" -^ applications must be accompanied by a fee of $10.00. tiate lice " -^° f UI> ther fee is required from the assistant for issuance of certificate; but when registration as licentiate is granted, before he is registered as such, an additional fee of $5.00 must be paid for issuance of certificate. fiurf a° r ii ^ n or( ^ er that proper investigation of applications may be cations. made, it is necessary that they be filed at least five days before the date of examinations, permiwo ^ ne n ^ n & °f an application alone does not permit the appli- P pharmacy cant to practice pharmacy. If he desires to do this, he must apply for and be granted a temporary certificate, proceeding under section fourteen of the pharmacy law. The fee for such temporary certificate is $3.00. The application, properly executed, with a fee of $10.00, must be forwarded to the sec- retary of the board. This fee is retained by the board whether application is granted or denied. If granted, an additional fee of $5.00 must be paid upon issuance of certifi- cate. (Pharmacy law, section seven.) apply for Experience gained prior to the age of fifteen will not be examina- allowed. If the applicant has had less than five years experi- tion. ence, but over three, he should apply for registration as an False regis- assistant. Any person who shall attempt to procure registra- tion. ^ on ] D y f a i se representation is liable to fine and imprisonment. Appiica- (Pharmacy law, section twelve.) Applications not properly tions not _ . . . . „ ... n properly executed, or not accompanied by the proper fee, will not be made out. . , , considered. Affidavits The time set forth in the application and affidavits must covering c r experience. De specific. It will not be sufficient to state from 1912 to 1913 and from 1913 to 1914. but must state, for example, "from January, 1912, to July, 1913," and "from August, CIRCULAR — PHARMACY LAW. 33 1913, to December, 1913," and "from January, 1914, to April, 1914." etc., as accurately as can be determined. The California pharmacy law does not permit the board to ^ l0 ^ ifl . recognize the diplomas of any college of pharmacy or the ^^ °f ol , certificates of any State Board of Pharmacy for the purpose {J s a e , S ds° r of registration. No application for examination or registration for licentiate Proof of ? xperienoe will be entertained unless the applicant furnishes proof of not for n< less than five years' experience. (Vide section four of the law. ) Candidates for examination as licentiate or assistant, or for Educational require- registration as an apprentice, are required to present evidence merits. of having completed the grammar course in the public schools of this state, or credentials of equal value, or a certificate of a licensed teacher showing qualifications of equal value. Credit will not be given for pharmaceutical experience gained before the applicant was fifteen years of age. The pharmaceutical examination may be oral, written, and subject * . examined practical. Subjects : chemistry, toxicology, pharmacy, mate- in. ria medica, identification (of drugs, chemicals, and prepara- tions) ; "practical," including the reading, translating, criti- cising, and dispensing of prescriptions ; the use of metric weights and measures, and their relation to apothecaries' and avoirdupois weights and wine measure; specific gravity and thermometry. Licentiates by examination are persons who have had five Licentiates, ^ , . who are years' experience in stores where the prescriptions of medical practitioners are compounded, and who are registered as assistant or licentiate in this or some other jurisdiction, and who have passed the examination of the State Board of Pharmacy. Assistants by examination are persons who are not less than Assistants, J c who are. eighteen years of age, who have had not less than three years' instruction and experience in a pharmacy, or who have been registered as an apprentice (vide section fifteen) for not less than three years, and who have passed a satisfactory exam- ination before the Board of Pharmacy. After three years' apprenticeship in pharmacy, a person Apprentice can not be registered as an apprentice, but must take the exam- re ination as assistant pharmacist. (Vide section fifteen.) Persons of good moral character who present satisfactory evidence to the board that they have bad twenty years' actual experience in the practice of pharmacy, or graduates from a 34 CALIFORNIA STATE BOARD OF PHARMACY. Registration on creden- tials and experience, without written ex- amination. Registra- tion, not granted upon. Re-Regis- tration fees. Blanks for regis- tration. Applica- tions, when not ac- cepted. Re-issue of certificate. Jury duly. Examination questions. recognized college of pharmacy after eighteen years of like experience, who can produce evidence of registration as licen- tiate or assistant in some state or territory for a period of at least ten years, may be registered as licentiates by the board (vide section three). Registration under this section will only be granted by the board after personal appearance before it, and after an oral examination in practical pharmaceutical subjects only, and the requirements of the law will be applied with the utmost strictness; the experience must be actual, bona fide, and to the full time requirements of the law; the college must be a recognized college of pharmacy. Registration is not granted on applications founded upon the following: (a) Certificates from other boards of pharmacy. (6) Diplomas from colleges or schools of pharmacy: if less than eighteen years' experience. (c) Certificates showing the length of time in business; if less than twenty years. (d) Petitions, statements, or recommendations from physi- cians, public officials, influential citizens, or others, as to ability, character, etc. (e) Physicians can not be registered as pharmacists on their diplomas or credentials as physicians. Assistants will not be registered on certificates of having passed examinations by colleges of pharmacy. Re-registration fees are payable yearly on or before the first of July. Fee for re-registration as licentiate $2 00 Fee for re-registration as assistant pharmacist- 1 00 Blanks for application, for registering, for affidavits and for photographs will be furnished by the secretary upon request therefor. When filled out they must be sworn to before a notary public, and returned to the secretary, with the fee, at least a week before the meeting. Applications not properly executed, or not accompanied by the proper fee, will not be considered. In case of loss or destruction of a certificate, a duplicate may be obtained by forwarding to the secretary an affidavit setting forth the facts in the case, on blank forms which will be provided. Fee, $3.00. All persons registered under the Pharmacy Act are exempt from jury duty. Sets of questions are not kept for distribution. CIRCULAR PHARMACY LAW. 35 In case any person defaults in the payment of his or her Failure t0 registration fee, the registration may be revoked by the Board jf™ 1 ™?, of Pharmacy on sixty days' notice, in writing from the secre- J^"^ tary, unless within said time the fee is paid, together with such penalty not exceeding $10.00, as the board may impose. Every registered pharmacist and assistant pharmacist who desires to retain his registration on the books must pay the respective re-registration fees on or before the first day of July of each year. If failure is made in so doing for sixty days, such registration may be revoked by the board and he may be reinstated only by qualifying in the regular manner, by examination or on credentials. Registration may also be revoked, and license canceled, if Revoca- the holder thereof has been convicted of a violation of the pro- registration, visions of the pharmacy law three times or for habitual intem- perance, addiction to the use of narcotic drugs, conviction of a felony, or upon second conviction of a violation of sections 8 or 8a of the poison law. Every pharmacist and everv assistant must have his eertifi- Recording . . . of original cate registered with the county clerk (vide section nine). It certificate. need be recorded only once in the office of the county clerk of the county where he is engaged in business. If he removes to another county, he must have it recorded in the county to which he moves. It must be recorded once in each county where the holder thereof does business. Every person must keep his last receipt for re-registration Re-registra- conspicuously exposed in his place of business. (Vide sec- cate ex- ' . , nosed. tion ten.) Every person registered under the law shall, if he change chai his place of business, notify the secretary of the Board of '" Pharmacy of his new address. A duly licensed physician may supply his own patients, as Vh their physician and by them employed as such, with such patfents g remedies as he may desire, but he may not keep an open shop dies. "' or pharmacy for the sale of medicines. (Vide section twelve.) For explanation of what is considered under the law as a pharmacy, see section one. An assistant pharmacist can not legally conduct a drug i, store or pharmacy, and may be left in charge of a pharmacy uf charge only during the temporary absence of the registered pharma- macy. cist, who must be within call. Temporary absence is defined by the law to moan only those Temporary , ' ' absence unavoidable absences which mav occur during a day's work, defln e* 36 CALIFORNIA STATE BOARD OF PHARMACY. and when the registered pharmacist in charge shall be within immediate call ready and able to assume the direct supervision of said pharmacy. Apprentice Persons desiring to be registered as apprentices under sec- registra- ° ° ^^ tion. tion fifteen of the pharmacy law must present to the board evidence of having completed the grammar course in the public schools of this state, or credentials of equal value. No pharmaceutical experience will be allowed before the appli- cant was fifteen years of age. schooling 6 -^ graduates of a grammar (or high) school, the certificate tioiil fica under oath of the principal or other person knowing the fact will be received. Otherwise they must furnish a certificate from some competent regularly certificated teacher in the pub- lic schools of this state, that they have examined the applicant and find his education equal to that required to be graduated from a grammar school. Complete blanks will be furnished on application. Apprentices are not charged any fees. General Dealers other than pharmacists are not permitted ta sell merchants x r d eUing drugs, poisons, medicines, or chemicals fox medicinal use medicines. im i ess their store is more than three miles from the store of a registered pharmacist, and in that event they must obtain from the Board of Pharmacy a permit so to do, which permit shall name the drugs, the manner and form in which they may be sold, and for which an annual fee of $5.00 is charged. (Vide section sixteen.) owner of Anv person is permitted to own a pharmacy, but he must pharmacy. ■ c x x wh o° is not place a registered pharmacist in charge of said store and keep one there at all times. (Vide section thirteen.) By being in charge, the board holds, means having direction of the pharmaceutical affairs of said pharmacy. Require- Anv person making application for registration on creden- ments to - l o jrx reg d te ti is" ^^ an( * ex P er i ence > must appear m person before the board and experi- a ^ a resrular meeting, or his application can not be considered. ence with- out written jj e mus t file an application on a regular form provided by GXtiniinii- t ti0M - the board, properly sworn to, and furnish the board with affidavits from responsible persons or firms covering the time such person or firm can testify of their own knowledge that the applicant has been actually engaged in stores where the prescriptions of medical practitioners were compounded, also must pass a satisfactory oral examination in practical phar- maceutical subjects only. The affidavits must cover, in the aggregate, a period of at least twenty years, unless the applicant is a graduate of a recognized college of pharmacy, in which case the affidavits CIRCULAR — PHARMACY TAW. 37 must cover a period of not less than eighteen years, which may include college experience. For periods of two years or less one affidavit will be sufficient ; for periods of more than two years but less than ten, two affidavits will have to be fur- nished; for periods of ten years or over three affidavits will be required. Affidavits from immediate members of the applicant's family will not be accepted. Evidence must also be presented showing registration in good standing, for not less than ten years, in same state or territory. A fee of $10.00 must accompany the application, which fee is for investigation, and is retained by the board whether the application is granted or not. If granted, an additional fee of $15.00 must be paid for registration and issuance of certificate. The appli- cant may be examined as a licentiate without further fee for application. The diploma of a college of pharmacy or certifi- cates of registration of other states are supplementary cre- dentials, but are not necessarily evidence of actual practical experience. No person making application for registration on creden- ^X'at?' tials can practice pharmacy until his application has been g° n tf p }£. acted on by the board. If the board is not in session, he must ^^den- take out a temporary certificate. Fee, $3.00. If a temporary tials - permit is granted the applicant must at the time of receiving such permit also file an application for permanent registration and pay the fee of ten ($10.00) dollars therefor. Any member of the board or duly authorized inspector may ^XaS issue a temporary certificate, after examination, which will ^™ ™& be good for not to exceed four months. Only one temporary issue - certificate can lie issued to the same applicant. Fee for same, $3.00. Where the board lias denied a person's application no temporary certificate can be granted. (Vide section fourteen.) Pharmacists arc requested to promptly report any violations itinerant i i i , x . vendor no of the itinerant vendor law to the board, and the board will lalil " ls - cause the prosecution of all such violations. Blanks for all purposes required will be furnished by the ^ M ? l 3 . for secretary of the board upon application. ,, " SI ' S - 38 CALIFORNIA STATE BOARD OP PHARMACY. POISON LAW. Sens™ Poisons may only be sold or dispensed by duly registered poisons. pharmacists or duly registered assistant pharmacists. Labels and The label must be printed in red letters on white paper or antidotes . ^ r for poisons, vice versa: must contain the name of the article, the "vignette" representing the skull and cross-bones; the antidote, and the name and address of the person or firm furnishing the same. The list of antidotes for all poisons shall be furnished by the board, and only the antidotes so specified shall appear upon the label. be 0i r°egis- t0 A11 P oisons mentioned in schedule "A" or additions thereto tered. must be entered in the poison register. nol'neces- ^e list of poisons mentioned in schedule "B" need not be register registered, but the poison label with proper antidote, etc., shall be affixed. mOTphtae ^e sa * e °^ mor ph me - codeine, heroin, opium, and cocaine, cocahle and a lP na an d Deta eucaine, nova caine, their salts, compounds or cotk drags, preparations, and hemp, its preparations or compounds (except corn cures as designated in section 8a of the poison law), is prohibited, unless upon the prescription of a physi- cian, dentist, or veterinary surgeon, licensed to practice in this state, except preparations of opium containing less than two grains of opium to the fluid or avoirdupois ounce. Pos- session of these drugs, except under conditions provided for in section eight of the poison law, is illegal. (Vide section eight.) ttonTcon- Prescriptions for certain narcotic drugs can not be refilled cotic" s " ar ^ °^ more than a given strength, nor can proprietaries con- drugs - taining more than the amount of such narcotic mentioned in section eight, be dispensed or sold. (Vide section eight.) Copies of narcotic prescriptions can not be given except upon the written order of the physician writing the same. re'fster ^e poison register must always be open for inspection by Section an ^ memDer of the Board of Pharmacy or duly authorized boused" fw inspector or officer of the law. poisons N° poisons shall be sold or delivered to any person who is less than eighteen years of age. Date and hour. Name Kind ol Residence. and purchaser. ' quantity. Purpose ol use. Signature , Signature of of druggist. purchaser. Carbolic Carbolic acid (phenol) in quantities of one pound or more acid, how x r * A to be sold. ma y De so id undiluted, but in quantities of less than one CIRCULAR PHARMACY LAW. ,39, pound, must be in solution containing not more than ten per cent carbolic acid (phenol) and not less than ten per cent ethyl alcohol. (Vide section nine.) When sold undiluted in quantites of one pound or over, it must be registered, but the ten per cent solution need not be registered. The sale of paregoric in quantities of more than one fluid how S to C 'be ounce is prohibited. sold - Address all communications intended for the board, SECRETARY, California State Board of Pharmacy, San Francisco, Cal. N. B. — The following laws are not under the jurisdiction of the Board of Pharmacy. For information regarding them, address as indicated: Pure Food and Drug Law: "Secretary of State Board of SSS* k52b? Health, Sacramento, Cal." Ten-Hour Law : ' ' State Labor Commissioner, San Fran- Ten - Hour - cisco, Cal." Insecticide Act: "Department of Agriculture, University of insectide California. Berkeley, Cal." UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. I f « . / /— /f MAR 21 1960 Wr ?'60ftt FEB S 1973 LD 21-100m-9, , 47(A5702sl( 5)476 vm Caylord Br Makers Svracu^e, N PAL JAN. 21, 191 California I 312802 Lays, sttoes eta. __ua±iro rnia sta't e^o-a ri ph armac yTBSnTrancis co7' Amend - UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY