<:<;t:i:<:i'.<^4.'. .-^m ■'•'/•' •>' .'^%r>- '^•>: ^■'p m^. i"' ^- ; .'♦ ■."^■l ^1 m^: f ■*_!•' ri-"^y'-^vMft^.',>..;;'A.-.v-^/U--; '•-:*--:; »^^ ;■•■.'-■ •■ ■» ;^i^' ■>*■'■'•>. -'.':':>^'.- -«»,,?v>/ / >.-^, ■; -o-iip*.' • -T. . ...vj. •: yf'J'iT'y f"' 't'^' '.v j|M^HBt-fHf '-■"'■■■ ■'' 4-'^<^-'' " ■' ^ - " ■■■'■ ■ •'''■■ ' ^ms^m?^:i:£i ^i.: >^;<^ ?^ .-^^'. *^'K:5s'^'''^ • '!•'> . WELLS "WILLS a "\Y E L L S ^^ I L L S AEKANGED IN PARISHES, AND ANNOTATED BY FEEDEEIC WILLIAM WEAVER, M.A. SOMEUSET EDITOR OF "SOMERSET AND DORSET NOTES AND QUERIES," EDITOR OF " TUE VISITATIONS OF THE COUNTIES OF SOMERSET AND HEREFORD," ETC, LONDON KEGAN PAUL, TRENCH, TRUBNER & CO., Lt^ 1890 • » .» > > > 7 3 » > » « . ' » • ' > 1 ' 3 > > ? » I J J J > J > > 3 (77k i-ightf of translation and of re;,roduclion arc refervrd.) * •- k • •• • > C • • • • • ••: .V. :.: .•::•.• •: : •: .-.•..•:.• •. •■.• c . - , (olO 'JO CO CO !2 PREFACE. O ^ o By the kind permission of the President of the Probate, etc., I . Division of the High Court of Justice, accorded to me through the Senior Kegistrar, I have been enabled to take '^ extracts from the whole of the Wills contained in the first ^ two books of Wills at the District Probate Registry, Wells. These number about six hundred, and are copies,^ the originals being lost. The date is 1528-1536, though afeiv of .,3 the Wills bear earlier dates. It was first intended to print ?} some of the Wills in the " Proceedings of the Somersetshire _^ Archaeological Society," but as the work went on, and grew too lengthy for the Society's volume, it was thought better to print the whole of the first two books in a separate form. Much light is now being thrown on Church life in pre- Reformation times by the publication of early church- wardens' accounts ; several of these are now being edited by ^ the Eight Rev. Bishop Hobhouse, and will form the fourth volume of the Somerset Record Society. By the kindness of the Editor, I am able to quote from p. 208 of that work the following passage relating to " the stores " of the parish of Morebath in the county of Devon : " One of the ^ There are many slips and inaccuracies on tlie part of the copyists. The Wills are irregular as to date and place ; the arrangement in parishes has been made by the editor. The "Old Style" is kept throughout. See note, p. 2. <: s> 242.'i63 Yi PRE FA CE. noteworthy features is the number of stores, each iu the interest of a separate devotion, supported by an associated body, with a separate balance sheet, audit-day, and feast- dav, the audit sometimes held by separate wardens, some- times by the high-wardens. There were no less than eight separate accounts." There is no doubt that the words brotherhood (hrotherhed), gild {yeld), fraternity, store (instaurum and siaurum), and service (servieium) are synonymous, and these Wills show that in some parishes such " associated bodies " v.'ere very numerous. At the end of this preface I have appended a list of parishes, showing their several " Devotions," from which it will be seen that Cutcombe (pop. 5G4) had nine stores, Dulverton (pop. 1337) had twelve stores, Luxborough (pop. 418) had five stores, Winsford (pop. 485) had nine stores, Wootton Courtney (pop. 278) had six stores. In each case the population given is that of to-day. In proof that all the above terms are synonymous, I may refer to the case of Stoke Gomer. The Brotherhood of our Lady of Stoke Gomer is spoken of as " Fraternitas B. M." (p. 152), "instaurum B. M." (p. 153), "our Lady servys " (p. 154), and " the Stowre of our Lady " (p. 154). The " Store of our Lady," or " our Lady Service," will be found to exist in most of the parishes under notice. The store of St. Katherine or light of St. Katherine is mentioned in seventeen parishes. The Dead Light '^ and the Almes LigJit.'^ — It was not 1 A light kept burning in memory of the dead. 2 'I'lic Alms li;iht was one of the stores of Morfhath (Devon). See PBEFACE. VII until this book was printed ^ tliat I became aware tliat these lights were identical ; I base the supposition on pp. 152, 154. At p. 152, Eob* Swytynge leaves iiij** apiece to the V liglits of Stoke Gomer, the lights of the B. M., St. Anthony, St. George, St. Christopher, and lumen elimozinarum ; while at p. 151, Joan Laurens leaves xx" and a ryng to " our lady service in Stoke Gomer," and iiij'^ apiece to the lights of St. Anthony, St. George, St. Christopher, and the Dead Light. Again, in the case of BrushforJ, the lumen elemosi- naruni of p. 33 is, without doubt, the same as the lu7?ien deftmctorum of the other Brushford Wills. The table below shows the names by which this light is called in these Wills, and the number of times each name is used. Times. 11 Allsolen Light. Ashbrittle, p. 1; Bagborough, p. 5 ; Bradford, p. 11; Brompton Kalph, p. 30; Charlincli, p. 47; Heatbfield, p. 90; Nettlocombe, p. 110; Nynshead, p. 112; Okc, p. 112; Ti-eborough, p. 173 ; Trull, p. 175. 1 Alsolen Store. Cothelstone, p. 62. 4 Lumen Animabtjm. Elworthy, p. 81 ; Fiddington, p. 87 ; Huish- cbampflower, p. 93 ; West Quantockshead, p. 136. 1 Almes Light. Cutcombe, p. 71. 4 Lumen Elemosinarum. BicknoUer, p. 9 ; Brusbford, p. 33 ; Cbipstable, p. 57 ; Stoke Gomer, p. 152. 6 Dead Light. Clatwortby, p. 59; Dulverton, p. 73; Dunster, p. 80 ; Holford, p. 93 ; Stoke Gomer, p. 154 ; Wootton Courtney, p. 202. 1 Lumen Mortuum. Brusbford, p. 33. 2 Lumen Mortuorum. Lnxborougb, p. 103 ; Whitestanton, p. 195. 3 Lumen Defunctorum. Brush lord, p. 32; Exton, p. 86 ; Wins- ford, p. 196. 1 Lumen pro Defunctis. Elwortby, p. 81. [1 Lumen in Perpetuum.^ Mcriet, p. 104.] Somerset Record Society, iv. 208. Some think that tlie meaning is sotd- light ( 'pour les clmes). 1 Hence the notes on pp. 1, 9, 33, e'c, are inadequate. * It is not certain that this is the dead li-iht. viii PliEFACE. 1 beg to thank very heartily all my frieuds and cor- respondents for their kind help, and especially the Eight Rev. Bishop Hobhouse, who has ever been willing, even in the midst of his own work, to help me in mine; and the llev. F. C. Hingeston-Randolpli, Iviiral Dean, Rector of Ringmore and Prebendary of Exeter, who has most kindly read these pages as they were issued from the press, and has given me much very valuable information. F. W. WEAVER. Milton-Clevedon, Ascension Day, 1890. THE SAINTS AND SERVICES OF NORTH AND WEST SOMERSET, AS SEEN IN THE DEVOTIONS OF THE SEVERAL PARISHES. AsHBRiTTLE. Light of AUsowUys, our Lady store. AsHTON, Long. High light;' (4 altars), high altar, St. Katheriiie, St. Luke, St. Thomas, our Lady chapel. Backwell. High light, our Lady light. Bagborough, West. High cross, alsolen light. Banwell. Eood light, our Lady light, St. Katherine's light, brotherhood of our Lady. Barrow Goukney. High beam, our Lady. Batheaston. Image of St. John, our Lady, St. Katherine, St. Chris- topher. BiCKNOLLER (3 lights). Lumeu elemosinarum, high cross, St. Salvator. Bradford [near Taunton]. AlsoUyn light, two services in the church. Beidgwater (6 altars). High altar, Trinity, our Lady, St. George, rood altar, St. Katherine. Bristol. (See pp. 17-29.) Bromfield. Sepulchre service (see p. 82), [The service or light of the Easter Sepulchre is mentioned nine times (see Index).] Beompton Ealph. High cross, Assumption of our Lady, alsolyn light. Brompton Kegis (6 stores). Our Lady, our Lady of pity, St. Souday, St. Michael, St. Maures, high cross. Brushford (4 stores). St. Michael, B. M., St. Katherine, Lumeu Defunctorum, Buckland St. Mary. Our Lady light, our Lady service. BucKLAXD, West. Brotherhood service. Burnet. Our Lady of pity. BuRRiNGTON. High light, our Lady light, St. John's light, St. Thomas* light, chapel of B. Butcombe. Our Lady light, sepulchre light, Quatuor Tempora. CanNington. Brotherhood of the Trinity, our Lady of pity. Chaffcombe. Brotherhood S. Salvatoris (p. 66). Chard (3 altars). High altar, B. M,, St. Katherine, our Lady service, St. Katherine service. ' This light is also called cross light, high cross light, rood light, and high beam light (see Index). X SAINTS AND SERVICES. CuAULiNca. All solyuie light. Chedzoy. Our Lady service, the best cross. Cheuiton, North [dedicated to the Decollation of St. Jolin Baptist]. High cross light, our Lady light. Chew Magna. Chapel uf our Lady in the churchyard, high cross. Chewstoke. High light, light of ^laide Buconibre,' St. Antony. Chilton Tuikity. Our Lady, St. Katherine (images of), B. M. de Edstoke (p. 39). CnipsTABLE. Elemozine Lumen. Clapton. High heme, St. Radygon, St. Michael, our Lady, our Lady of Capua. Clatworthy. High cross, dead light, brotherhood. Combe St. Nicholas (p. 35). Service of B. M., light of the high cross. CoMPTON Martin. Our Lady of pity. Cothelstone. High cross, alsolon store. Creech St. Michael. High cross, B. M. Crewkerne. Brotherhood of the Trinity. Crowcombe. The gi'omon light, the maiden light, the brotherhood. CuTCOMBE (9 stores). High cross, our Lady, St. John, St. Antony, St. Lawrence, St. Katherine, St. Sonday, our Lady of pity, almes light. UuLVERTON (12 stores). AUhalon, St. Katherine, dead light, St. Eras- mus, St. Christofer, our Lady in the chapel, St. Blase, St. James, St. George, St. Michael, high cross, St. Peter. DuNDRY. Chapel of St. Giles, our Lady in the chapel, our Lady in the porch. Dl'nster. Four lights, of which two were the dead light and the rood light. Elworthy. Brotherhood of St. Martin ; St. Martin, St. Mary, St. Anthony, dead light. Enmore. Brotherhood, our Lady service [these may he identical'}, Exford. Our Lady, high cross, sepulchre light, brothereden light. Exton (5 stores). St. Mary, St. Katherine, dead light, [St. Peter]. Farmbo rough. All Saints. FiDDiNGTON. Lumen Animarum, St. Martin. GoATHURST. Brotherhood. Heathfield. Alsou light. HiNTON St. George. Brotherhood of the Trinity. HoLFORD. Dead light. HuiSH Champflower. St. Mary, sepulchre, Lumen Animarum, All Saints (see p. 94). Huntspill. High cross, our Lady service, St. Nicholas service. Ilchester. The holy relics of this church are mentioned. * Compare "Maid llidibone'.'i Chapel" in Cromer Church (see Ilye'.s "History of Cromer," \y,>. 10, Hi). SAINTS AND SERVICES. xi Keyxsham (pp. 54, 96). Brotherhood of the rood U:^ht, higli altar, Trinity altar, holy rood, chantry. Kingston IJiixta Taunton]. Our Lady service. LiDEARD St. Lawrence. Our Lady service. Ling. Lumen bcati Bartholomei. LuccOMBE. Our Lady, St. Katherine, high cross, chapel of our Saviour. LuxBOROUGH (5 stores). St. Mary, high cross, St. Thomas, dead light, brotherhood. Meeiet. Lumen illuminandum in perpetuum. MiNEBEAD. Our Lady, St. Michael, our Lady of pity, St. Erasmus, St. Mark, our Lady mild, St. George. Monksilver. Brotherhood, St. Gyles' chapel. MoNKTON, AVest. Our Lady service, high cross service. Nettlecombe. Alsowles light, St. Antony, high cross, brotherhood of our Lady. Norton sub Hamdon. Our Lady of pity, high cross, St. Savyer's light. Nynehead. Alsoleu light. Oake. Alsolyn light. Orchard Portman. High altar of St. Michael. Otterhampton. Store of SS. Peter and Paul. Overstowey. Our Lady, St. Katherine, Alhalon light, our Lady of Addiscome. Pennard, East. Three lights. Petherton, North. Our Lady store, high cross [high altar and two other principal altars]. Petherton, South. Our Lady brotherhood. PiTMiNSTER. Our Lady service, St. Andrew, high cross, sepulchre light. PoRLOCK (pp. 102, 129). St. Savyour, chapel of St. Oiave, St. Dubricius, B. M., high cross, chantry. PoRTBURY. Sepulchre light, chapel of St. Helyn, our Lady awter, high altar, [St. Anne's heme, St. Helyn's beame, the Trinite beame, Book iii. ful. 2 6.] Portishead. Brotherhood of the Quatre Temps. PuBLOw. Image of St. Mary. Quantockshead, West. Dead light, St. George. Eaddington. Store of St. Katherine. KoiSHTON. Our Lady service. Sandford Brett. Light of St. Saviour (see p. 136). Selworthy. Alhalowyn, our Lady, high cross. Skilgate. High cross, St. Mary, St. Eoche, St. Katherine. Stapulgrove. Sepulchre service, our Lady service, high cross. Stawley. St. Michael, our Lady, high cross. ' Stoke Courcy. Our Lady service, St. Anne. Stoke Gomer. B. M., St. Anthony, St. George, St. Christofcr, St. Michael, dead light, brotherhood or store of our Lady, xii SAINTS AND SERVICES. Taunton (St. Mary ^Magdalen). Iiii;li cross service aud sepulchre service, St. Anne's Chantry (p. 15'.)). Taunton (St. James). Our Lady service, St. Katherine service, high cross. Thurloxton. Brotherhood. TiCKENiiAM. St. Sythe [or Syre], St. Clere, high heme. Trebokougu. High cross light, alsowlyuc liglit, our Lady, St. Kathcriuc, St. Peter. Trull. Our Lady service, sepulchre light, alsolyn light, high cross light- Upton (5 stores). High cross, St. George [or St. Gregory], our Lady, St. Anthony, St. Luke, St. Nicholas. Walton-in-Gokdano. Image of our Lady in the porch. Wellington. Brotherhoods of the Trinity and of St. Saviour, Sf. Katherine's aisle, image of the Trinity. Wells (St. Cuthbert). Gild of St. George, high altar, St. John's altar, our Lady altar, Jesus altar, cross altar. Wembdon. Our Lady service. Whitestanton. High cross, dead light. Winford, Chapel of our Lady in the churchyard. WiNSFORD (9 stores). St. Peter, B. M., high cross, dead light, St. James, St. Katherine, St. Anthony, B. M. pietatis, St. David. WiTHYCOMBE. Four lights. WiTHYPOOL. Store of St. Andrev^^ Wollavington. Our Ladj' store and three chantries. WooTTON Courtney (6 stores). [Chapel of our Lady and imnge of our Lady], high cross, Alhalon, our Lady, St. Katherine, St. Margaret, dead light. Wraxall. Fraternity of the Quatre Temps. Wrington. Eood light, St. Nicholas light, our Lady light, our Lady service (p. 208). Yatton. St. James' chapel. Yeovil. High heme light. WELLS WILLS. 1528-1536. was made. The earlier wills have no date ASHBRITTLE. Will. Graunte. 1 Aug;. 1530 (l). d) The sepeliendum in cimiterio de Aishbritell — Cath. Well, viij*^ madT''^ — ecdesie de A. vj^ viij'^ Residuum. — Johan. iix. mee. ofproo. Testihus. — Dno. Tho. Rede, curato meo ; Job. Luscombe. Alex. Luscombe. 30 Sep. 1530. in cimiterio de Aisbrytell — Cath. Well, iiij^' — ecclesie de A. meam optimam tunicam — Dno. Tbome Rede, curato meo iiij'^. Res. — Rob. et Job. filiis meis. Supervisor. — Job. Luscombe. Test. — Dno. Tho. Rede, Job. Wardrope, Tbo. Browne. Robert Pyers. 27 Oct. 1532. cbyd. of Aysbebryttell — Catb. Wells iiij*^ — Reparacion of tbe cb. of A. and tbere to be prayed for iiij^ — ligbt of Allsowllys (2) a sbepe — Jobn my son my best pan and (2) There was in every crocke and v sylver sponys — Joban my d. v sponys cimrch an *''•*' •' 1. J altare ani- of sylver, a platter, a podynger and a sawsar — Isabele '"[^erT' Wryge my seconde pan and a broken krock, a plater, sutfforThf a podynger and a sawcer, and these bequests shall be where^lghta 2 WELLS WILLS. werekept delvverecl after the deceese of my wyff — Alys my nurmng m •' j j j j memory (see servantc bcsjd liyr wages vi® viij*^ for liir reward — John reface), .^^ ^^^^ ^j^^ third part of my goods. Res. — Alson my wyf (see her ivill heloiv). •'Somf' Wifn.—Siv Tho. Kyse (i), John Exeyll, Jenkyn Oloud, biFTol. Will. pytt. Alson Peerse, wedow. 30 Dec. 1533. in churchyard of Ayshebrytel — Wells iiij** — church of A. (2)L. Lat. iij^ iiij'' to be prayed for — our ladys store (2) of same instauriim "quuiquifi church iii^ iiii'^ — Sir Thos. Kyce if f to say v ad supcUfc- .) J J J o J lia^clm" masses of the v wounds — to the same to remember my (DuMnge). sowle in his prayer xvj'' — Isabell my d. my beste bedde, my best gyrdell and my best bedes — to my kynneswoman Agnes borege the thurd chosyn of all my beests with my syde saddell — my servant Alson Yjs viij'^ for hir reward to pray for me — Jone my servant a kerchefif price viij'^ — John Peerse my best vate and my harrowse and my carte — Thos. Duncombe ' xx'^ and a coffer — John Warren a cote without slyvys. Bes. — Thos. Wryghte and Joh. Exell. Witn. — Sir Thos. Ryse, Joh. Gaylor, Nich. Applye, Joh. Peerse. Prob. in eccl. par. de Wellyugton, 20 Ap. 1534. Summa inventarii, v" xviij^ ix*^. ASHOLT. (3) i.e. Alyce Nacion. 16 Jan. 1533 (3). so ail through in churchyard of Ayssheholt — Wells ij" — church of A. Ma"!-"oid^* my best gowne— ch. of Spaxton my best kirtell — John '^'^'*^" Horley oon whether — John Horley son of Eichard (4) A Horley ij yewes — Thos. Trott a yow hogge (4)— Elynor young ewe- iii -ii ^ • • ^ sheep. leker my best bedes with the rynge that is in them. Res. — Iiich. Horley my son. Witn. — Kich. leker, John Hurleye. WELLS WILLS. 3 Prob. in eccl. par. de Brudgwater, 23 Jul. 1535. Summa iij" xiiij" ij''. ASHTON, LONG. Will. Whytte. 8 Oct. 1531. in chiircliyard of Assheton — Wells ij'' — higlie awter of A. iiij"^ — liygli lyglits iiij'' — S. Katerine awter, S. Luc' [Luke] awter, S. Thomas awter, ij*^ (each) — Jone my d. vj shepe to be delivered att shere tyme — Edward my son j shepe — harry my son all my plow gare. Res. — Agnes my wyffe. Wifn.— Sir Will. Cooke, Vicar of A., Eic. Welles, John Howell. Thos. Martyng or Mertyug of long Ayshton. 11 Oct. 1535. chyd. of L. A. — hye crosse lio;ht (l) I bushell of whete — (0 The hygh auter ij"^ — St. Katheriue auter ij*^ — St. Lucks *.g|/°°^ . auter ij*^ — St. Thomas auter ij*^ — our lady chapell ij*^ — Jone M. my d. ij kyne — Joue Mays my goddau. Bes. — my wyf Elizabeth and John M. my son. TVitn. — Eich^ Thomas, Edwd. and Joh. Martyng. Summa xP vij''. John Cotrell ye elder of longasheton. 24 Nov. 1535. in the church of L. A. — Wells iiij'^ — Ch. of L. A. vj^ viij'' — hye crosse lyght xij*^ — liyg^ awter a pan — every auter xij** — 6 lady chapell xij'' — St. Thomas chapell viij'^ — every godch. xij'^ — Joh. horyte my serv*^ vj hede of rowder (2) bese, Thos. Shurburne corae inowe (2) rother, to sowe and fynde hys howsehold tyll he rype, and beast la.s. the howse that I dwell in for the terme of yeres that ys specyfyed apon a dede indentyd between my lord Henri Dawbenay and me, and a cote or tenement namyd Thornes. Res. — my brother Eob. Coterell. WELLS WILLS. ill't]^ Wiin.—Thos. Pryston of Clyftim and Sir Hen. How (i) merset xix^gsT' roy gostly father, chantry prist there. *• Somerset incum- Prob. Keynsham, 3 Feb. 1535. Summa xlviij" xvj^ iiij". Edward Mays, of Longasheton. 11 Dec. 1535. in chyd. of L. A. — mayntenance of the high lyght viij^ — hye awter ij'* — every auter in the s*^ ch. j"* — owr hiydy chapell iiij'' — Eych'' M. my son iiij sylver spones — my holdyng of Westwood to my son John and to my sone Eich. to have the iij""'' parte. Bes. — John my son. Witn. — Sir harry how, prist, Rich. Mays. Prob. Keynsham, 3 Feb. 1535. Summa viij" vij* iii^. BACKWELL. Wm. Eston of Bake well. 5 Jan. 1533. chyd. of S. Androw of B. — [ch.] of B. a bushell of barley — Wells iiij*^ — my d. Jone — Wm. my son — Elsabet my d. — John, Isbell, Ric, Thomas. Bes. — Alyce my wyff. &T' Witn.— Sir Rob. Deratt (2) V. of B., Wm. por, Ric. Crede. instituted in 1526 inrc- thren, whose nanus wore read out of the bead-roll by a priest from the pul- pit, wliile each brother went up with his mass penny to tlie altar at olTer- tory time. See Ruck's " Church of our Fathers," ii. 395-445. (1) The beam (per- ■tica') was a board over an altar, with liodks on which offer- ings were hung. ["To the hye beame a bushell of barley, to our lady beame and to S. Anne's heme } bushell of barley." — Will of Ric. Hurne, of Port bury (153G). Wells, bk. III. f. 26.] that my wif to purchase my hold that I dwell iu to my sou John or else to gyve hym when he shall cum to nature age vj" xiij* iiij''. Bes. — Chrystyan my wif. Test. — Ric. Sawer, Joh. Kynkotte, Will. Kyuman. Prob. Wellie, 26 Oct. 153i. Summa xxviij" iij^ viij''. BARPtOW GOURNEY or MINCHIN BARROW. Thos. Crosse, husbandman. 1533. in churchyard of Barowe — hye beme(l) of the s*^ churcli ijd — our lady ij** — every godchild ij'' — Wells iiij''. Bes. — Elizabeth my wife and Thos. my son. Witn. — Sir Rich. Wryght, prist of the s'^ ch. of Barow, hary Scewlond, Tho. Consell. Will Crosse, husbandman. 1533. in churchy'^ of Barowe — hye heme ij'' — our lady ij'' — Wells [ij'']. Bes. — Margaret my wyf. Witn. — Sir Ric. Wryght, priste of Barowe, Nye. Broke, Will, ffermer. Prob. in capella B. M. V. juxta claustrum eccl. Cath. Wellie, 2 Jun. 1534. (2) i.e.. the Prioress of the nunnery. Thos. Broke, husbondman. 21 Oct. 1534. in ye holy buryall of Mynchyn Barrow — to my lady (2) of Barrow for tithes forgotyn [ ] — Wells iiij*^ — every godchild iiij''. Exoi's — my wyf and John Broke the yonger ; after her tyme, the said J. B. to have ye plow and all belongyn therto, cheyns, yowgs [yokes] and such other — An Coll a bullock. Witn. — Thos. hart, Joh. Broke, Sir Joh. Warrham, curet. WELLS WILLS. BATH. Thomas Dennam. 31 May, 1530. pai'ochie S. Jacobi infra civitatem batlion. sepeliendum in cimiterio S. Jacobi. Res. — ux. mee. Test. — Dno. Will, bloxam, Rectore ibidem, Job. Alston, Job. Gay. Joh. Slogge. 4 Jun. 1530. parocbie S. Jacobi infra civitatem batbon. in ecclesia S. Jacobi sepeliendum — Catb. Well. ij*^. Bes. — ux. mee. TesL—Ifno. Will, bloxam, Rectore, Will, pytte, Will. Hayes. BATHEASTOK John Stybbe. [No date, probably 1530.] in cburcbyard of Batheston — cb. of Wells ij'' — ymage of S. Jobn a busbell of barley — same, to our lady — S. Katberine and S. Cristofer balf a busbell of barley (eacb) — Nicolas, Water, and Tbomas my sons — Alyse and Johan my dowgbters — my eldest son, a wayn. Bes. — Johan my wyf. Witn.— John Humfrey, Will Smytbe, Tho. Skyrell. Supervisor. — Jobn lytberyg. BATHFORD. Rich. Palmer. 1533. in chyd. of Stepilaston (i) — cb. of Aston oon sbepe — cb. of (0 stepie forde (2) wb. is my parish cb. oon sbepe — cb. of Colerne cwnts). [VYiltsj oon lambe to tbuse of the bells — Mr. Bonbam Bathford. oon sbepe to be good master to my wife and cbilderne. 8 WELLS WILLS. (1) St. Mary de Stalles, Bath. (2) Insti- tuted >Iay 2, 1520 ("So- merset In- cumbents," 237). Bes. — Editli my wife. Wztn.—Siv James Ingram, prest, Jolin Troman. Prob. in eccl. par. de Stalles (i), 29 Ap. 1534. Summa iij" viij^ ij'*. Thos. Adams, the son of Thos. Adams of Ford [Batliford]. 10 Aug. 1533. cliyd. of S. Swithime of Ford— Wells ij'^— ch. of F. a sLepe— Johane my wyf— my fader Thos. Adams shall kepe and ordre my child, wh. my wife is with child with all, yf it please God it doo lyf, then to ordre it as he wold do to his owue child— my brother Koger, iij shepe. Bes. — to my fadre. Witn.— Sir John Marshall (2) V. of Forde, John Wilshare, Jas. Gogen. Prob. in eccl. de Stalles, 29 Ajx llSl Summa vij^' 0- ij''. (3) Notices of church building and repair are very I're- qu?nt. (-1) R. Gib- bons, insti- tuted in 1527 ("Somerset Incum- bents," 239). BATH-HAMPTON. Jacobus Fysher. 1 Dec. 1532. in cimiterio S. Nicholai de Hampton— Well, iiij''— eccl. de H. unam ovem— ad edificacionem (3) turris ejusdem ecclesie x^ Cetera. — Kic. filio meo juniori. ^es^.— Eic. Gybbys(4) Vicario, Will, poll, Rob. Sheperd. John Osburne. 6 Nov. 1535. in churchyard of S. Nicholas of Hampton — Wells ij'' — my parish ch. xx'' — my v children xx*^ apece. Bes. — Jone my wyfe. 2es^.— Sir Eich. Gybbons, his gostly father, John Showt, Will. Powle, Eic. ffycher. Prob. in eccl. de StaJlys mensis Mali, 1536. Summa iij" xv' x**. WELLS WILLS. BATHWICK. John Webbe, husbandman. 20 June, 1535. in churchy'' of our lady of Bathwyk — Wells ij'^ — Marie my d. a cow. Bes. — Alyce my wyf. Witn.— Sir Kic. langley (i), John Webbe the elder, Ric JJ^\;'S°- tycon. ^3r,,^. Prob. Stalls, 4 Feb. 1535. Summa iiij'' vij'. BICKNOLLEK Steph. Crosse de Byknalre. 15 Aug. 1530. Cath. Well, ii'^ — reparacionibus lumiuis elimosinarum ("2) (2) The •' ■■• ^ -' alms-light, existentis in predicta ecolesia [i.e. Bichioller] unam "^llwy^out ovem — alte cruci, unam ovem — lumini S. iSalvatoris ^xTorthere unam ovem — cuilibet filiolo (3) meo iiij''. ^en a'fund for providing Res. — Johan ux. mee, ughtsatthe funerals of Test — Dno. Sioione Attwell, Will. Skynner. the poor. means some- times, a Johane Shottocke, wedow. 7 Mar. 1533. Ihfbene'at in churchy'^ of Bekenaller — S, Androw iiij*^ — to the (seePreSce). reparacions of Crocombe a pan and a standerd (4) — ch. ^^^} ^'"^' of B. xii** — reparacion of Kvlve bells a shepe — Sir W T^e J i. « X common Symon Atwell a shepe. Tn DevTn-'^ Bes. — Sir Thos. Shottoke my son, and John Grant. Lng'^ovli* Witn. — Sir Symon Atwell, John More. of wood ana often hooped, ill which Robert Culverwell. 2 July, 1533. arepickied. Wells iij*^ — reparacion of the iij lyghts of Bycknaller church iij^ — every godchild iiij'^ Bes. — Will, my son. Witn. — Sir Symon Atwell (to him xij'^), Jolin More, Will. longe. Prob. in eccl. de Stowgummer, 22 Ap. 1534. Summa Iv* vij'\ 10 WELLS WILLS. BOURTON, FLAX. John Blanclie, of biirtown iu the p. of Wraxall. 1 June, 1532. Chy'i of W.— Wells iiij"— ch. of W. a bushell of wheet— the chappell of burtown a b. of whete — ch. of barow a b. of w. — Agnes Morgan my d. vj yeves. Res. — Isbell my w. and my son W"'. Overseers. — Rob. Cocks and Job. Blanche of Fyland. Witn. — Sir John Dave, W™ Taylor, Job. Gynnynges. Will. Jenyngs, of Burton. 25 Nov. 1533. chy*^ of Allhalows at Wraxall— eh. of Wr. ^ b. of w— Wells ij*^ — chapell of Burton — my gostly f. Sir Will. Webster iiij'' and to Sir Will, ij drays of wood — • my son John — his dauter — Will, my son — W" Cocks my godson one shepe hog — my godson Edm. Blaunche — W" Jenny ng's d. Res. — Johane my wife. Witn. — Sir Will. Webster my gostly father, John Jones, Rob. blaunche, John Jennyngs. (1) Chap- lain of Bourton, in parish of Wraxall. (2) Nun. (3) Breviary ( portifor- ium). (4) A clasp, or buckle (Jibula). (.5) Crop- well (Notts). (6^ Bridge- lord (Notts). iij' iiij"- Sir Will. Webster (i) of Barton. 1535. to be buryd in church of Wraxall — same ch. chapell of Borton xij'' — my brother, my horse, my brydell, my botts, my spurres, and if he dye then to the children of my brothers and sisters — Johne the d. of my brother John — W" blanche my godson xij'' — — W^'" Tayler — my serv* Margaret — Mawd my sister — my brother Henrye, Persyvell Tayler, Marg' tennell mynchyn (2) of Barrow my coffer and a payre of bedes of whytte evory — Sir Mich. Harneyge my porteyse (3), my hatte, my sleppers and my 3'''' tache (4) — to Gregory xij'' and his child" — Sir John Wyld vicar [of] Crap- well (5) my best ciippe and my 2"'' tache — to Sir W"' Wodward parsone of Brygeforth (e) my best tache — Sir WELLS WILLS. 11 Rob. Dyrancl V. of Bakkewell my forthe tache — Gregory's wyf ij^ — Rob. herres of bakkewell my 3'''^ hatte and a chyrkyn — my sister IMaude a payre of bedes of bonne [bone] and another of tynne with a ryng — to Sir John of Barrow my best chyrkyn — to the mynchyns of barrow vj^ viij'' — dame Elzabeth Cogen sumtyme prioress of B. iij** iiij*^ — Rob. Cockes a payre of way3htes to way gold — no other goods. Overseers. — Rob. Cockes, Joh. Parsons. Wit7i. — Sir Mich, harneyge, Will, blanche. Prob. in eccl. de Keynsham, 3 Feb. 1535. Summa liij^ BRADFORD [near Taunton]. John Atwey. 19 March, 1529. in church of Bradforde — Cath. Wells iiij'' — brotheredyn in church of B. xx'' — torches (i) iiii*^ — alsollyn lio^ht iiii'^ (0 These ^ ' •> JO J ^gre kept by — Mr. Thos. Rowswell my gostly ffather xx'^ — Sir John t^e church- J <-' J wardens to busy (2) is service, xx*^ — John Wytwill, Clarke viij'^— funerals, at Sir Thomas my son vj^ yiij'' — Johan and Alice my ds. Zuch was T -\^- 1 / 7\ --ri charged for and JN icolas my son {each) xij . the " waste " of the BeS. Alice my Wlf. torches. (2) "Ca- Witn. — Tho. Rowswell (3) my mostly father, Will. Shewt. peiianuscan- ^ *' ° •' ' tariEb" ("So- merset In- cumbents," John Sowthey. 2 May, 1533. ''(gj i^sti- in church of Bradford — Wells xij'^ — ij servyces in B. ch. ("Somerset vj^ viij*^ — to the towrches (4), the bells, and to Allsowlyn tents," 315). light of the ch. of B ij^ — hilfarryns ch. vj^ viij*^ — Jang- higt?auar''^ ford ch. ij^ — Jone Wheler xP — John Hake x® — Mr. two torches, which were Vicar v^ — Sir John Hussey ii^ vi*^. lighted at •' ^ ^ the elevation i?es.— Jone my wyff. -^f.^i^e Host ; J J others were JVitn.—Siv Tho. Rowswell my gostly father, Thos. tyme- a'^unerX well, Rog. Everyd. ^""''*^^'^' Prob. in Maria Magd. Taunton, 7 Mar. 1533. Summa Ivij" x''. 12 WELLS WILLS. (!■) Job. Mvrilie and Rob. Gre- gory, who attest many of the wills, were pro- bably two of the parish clerks. (2) "Ca- pellanus " ("Somerset Incum- bents," 319), BRIDGWATER. Geo. Mathew. 22 Ap. 1530. in cimiterio ecel. paroch. S. Marie de Brugewater — ante- dicto altari ad solucionem novorum vestimentorum ij* — cailibet altari dicte eccl. iiij'' — Cath. Well. ij''. Res. — Katherine ux. mee. Test.—Di\o. Joli. Inkar, John Unkyng, Job. Myrthe. (i) Rich. Edney. 5 Ap. 1529. chyard of our blessed lady in Brigewater — St. And. in Wells iiij'^ — liighe altar in par. ch. of Brugewater, iiij*^ — to every aultar in the same ch. ij*^ — Joban my eldest d. and Tomasyn my d. {each) a crok and a pan — the said croks, etc., to be delyvered at the discrecion of my wif — my son Thomas half a heyfar — Johan my youngest d. a yerlyng. Ees. — Agnes my wif. Overseer. — Sir John Saunders (2), to whom iij' iiij''. Witn.—Sh- Will. Alyn curate of B., Will. Cutler, Rich. Wills. Petrus Carvall de Brugewater. 8 Sep. 1530. Catb. Well ij^'— Dno. Job. Pyers xij-^— Job. Watts iiij^ Res. — lucie, ux. mee. Test. — Dno. Job. Piers, burato. (3) i.e. the church of St. John's Hos- pital (or Priory). (4) This would in- clude a pro- cpssion, with cross, lights, and banner, Ric. Grygg de Brugewater. 20 July, 1530. to be bur*^ in the church of St. John (3) in B. for the which I bequethe to the sayde bowse a pere of sylver [. . .] and a s ilt with a cover of silver and v coshyns of carpett worke — unto the convent of the said bowse to feche (4) me to the church and to pray for me a table clothe of dyaper — St. Andr. Ch. in Wellys iiij*^ — every altar of the par. ch. of B. xx"^ — Sir Will. Alyn my WELLS WILLS. 13 gostly father my best gowne — I wold that John baker from the rm 1 • 1 /> house of the and Thomasyn his wyi were payd of xxv^ — they to deceased to •' ^ ^ '' •'the church returne unto my exor. a grete panne, a grete crok and ^bor '^w'' V potts of pewter the wh. they have of mine. ^^'' ^°^^' Bes. — Will. pope. Witn. — Sir Will. Alyn, John Saunders, John Myrthe, Will. Chute. 21 July, 1530. in cimiterio de Brugewater — eccl. de Wemdon vaccam — fratribus minoribus de B. ut orent pro anima mea juvencam — altaribus dive Katerine, S. Marie, S. Trinitatis unam vaccam — Thome Bygegood duos vaccas — John Myrthe xx'^. Bes. — Will Chute et Tho. Bygegoode. Test. — Joh. bygegoode, John Pouse. Joh. Pyleman, 17 Dec. 1530. in cimiterio de Brugewater — summo altari predicte eccl. viij*^ — altari B. M. in eadem eccl. iiij*^ — singulis aliis altaribus ij'' — Cath. Well, iiij*^ — fratribus minoribus iij^ iiij'^ — Dno. Joh. Pyers confessori meo xij*^ — domui pauperum xvj*^ — Alex, pyleman meam optimam togam. Bes. — Marge rie ux. mee. Test.—Bno. Joh. Pyers, Job. Myrthe, Will. Cley. Johanna Jamys de Brugewater. 23 Oct. 1530. sacre sepulture in eccl. S. ffrancisci (i) de B. — singulis (i)t.e. m altaribus dive V. M. de B. iiii'^ — Cath. Well, vi'' — Dno. of the Grey *' •' Friars, Fran- Joh. Pyers lintheolum. ciscans, or .' Friars Bes. — Joh. Cury. Test. — Dno. Joh. pyrys, Joh. Myrthe, Mich. Marwode. John Captyng. 10 May, 1531. churchyd. of Brudgwater — hye auter yn the s*^ eh. ij'' our lady auter ij'^. — Agnes my d. a yerlyng heffer. Bes. — Agnes my wyffe. Minors. 14 WELLS WILLS. Witn. — Sir John Peerys, cuvat, Rob. Gregori, Nye. Potter. John Everard. 22 May, 1531. chyd. of Brygwater — all my goods to Eliz. ['paper torn]. Witn. — Sir John Peerys, curat, Rob. Grigori, [Nye] Potter. Harry Bodman, of p. of Brygewater. 4 July, 1533. chyd. of the p. of B. — Wells ij'' — hye auter of p. c. of B. viij"^ — trinite auter iiij'' — our ladys auter iiij'^ — S. George auter iiij'' — Rode auter iiij'' — S. Katheryu's auter iiij'' (^^l ..g^,. — Sir Thos. Strete (l) perpetuall Yicar of B. for my L^cum- tithes forgotvn a bussell of whete — Sir John Peerys bents," 318. , ,. -m /. p my gostly father to pray for me xij*^ — grey iryers ot Brugewater to pray for me ij shepe — harry colman my russett cote — Crystyan my d. xx\ Res. — Jone my wyif. Witn.—^iv John Peerys curate, hary colman, W"" Byckam, W"" Allyng. Johan popam, wydo. 20 Ap. 1533. churchyard of the p. c. of Brugewater — Wells iiij''— hye auter of the p. c. of B. iiij'' — trinite auter ij'^ — our lady auter ij'' — Johane bulpam my d. a cowe — henry (2) Tun- popam my son tenyger pott (2), a charger, and ij platers — Johane dere my d. a gowne. Bes. — Roger popam my son. Witn. — Sir John, curat, hary Colman, hary popam. Wm. Chrystofer ah. Cutler, of Brygwater. 16 Oct. 1533. chyd. of B. — Wells iiij'' — hye awter of B. xij''— our lady awter xij'' — trinite auter viij*^ — St. George awter viij'' — (3^ Obit, holve Rowde auter viii''— St. Kath. auter viij'^ ••chnrdl'of i?es.— Johane my d. (ExTx) on condicion she and her m'gS^"'' assygns to kyepe yerely anniversary (3) for the space nrgar, a funnel (West). WELLS WILLS. 15 of XXX yers for my sowle, my wiff and cliildrens sowles, with all my frynds sowles in the par. ch. of B. with all the prists and clarks belougyn to the forsai 1 church, gyving them suffycyently for their labors. Wiin. — Sir John Peyrs, curat, Rob. Gregory. Joh. Bowrne de Brydgwater. 18 Nov, 1533. in cimiterio eccl. par. de B. summo altari viij'' — cuilibet alteri iiij** — Well, iiij"^ — Dno. Tho. Strete (i) Vicario (o insti- pro dec. obi. ij^ — Cristine Rawly filie mee iij" vj' viij*^ ("Somerset — Johane Davy ux. Ric. Davy xxxiij® iiij''. ''ents.- sis). Bes. — Dno. Tho. Crane et Alicie ux. mee. Test. — Joh. Watts, Will. Jonys alifer nyghtyngale, Joh. page, Ric. Davy. Prob. Cath. Well. 29 Nov. 1533. Summa inventarii, xxiij^' iij^ iij*^. Ric. Gadcombe de Brugewater. 5 Mar. 1533. chyd of the p. of B. — hye awter iiij"^ — our lady iiij-' — the Trinite auter ij'' — St. Greorge awter ij*^ — Wells ij'^ — Grey ffryers of B. a shepe — p. ch. of Chedze a bushell of whete — Thos. my son, a mare, a cole — Will and John my sons — iij godchildren xij'' — Alys my d. iij^ iiij'\ Bes. — Annys my wyf. Witn. — Sir John Peyrs, Thos. Danyell, Joh. Pelocke. Prob. in eccl. de Brugewater 24 Ap. 1534. Tho. Horlocke de Brugewater. 9 Ap. 1534. chyd. of tbe p. of B. — my son Will — Mr. Vicar of B. iiij*^ — every pryste singing in the p. ch. of B. ij*^ — gray ffryers a shepe to be prayed for. Bes. — Alyce my wyf. Witn. — Sir James Harwod, Will, day, John Alyn. Prob. (same). Summa xxj^ 16 WELLS WILLS. (1) i.e. Principali, Wright's Vocabs., 496 (16). Will. Kytt. 10 Ap. 1534. iu ciin. eccl. poch de Brygewater — autentico (i) altari ac cuilibet altari dicte ecclesie iiij'' — Well, iiij'' — Magistro Tho. Strett, Vicario dicte eccl. xij''. Duo. Jacobo harrwoode, ciirato dicte eccl. xij''. Bes. — Agneti ux. mee. Test — Mix) Job. Davys, Will. Nyglityugule, Jac. Harwode, curato. (2) In Bridgwater. (3) Arch- ripacon of Bath, 1536-70. Mergery Castelman. 8 Feb. 1536. wydow, of the p. of Brugewater — in the chyd. of B. — bye auter of B. iiij'' — o lady auter iiij'' — ye trynite auter iiij*^ — Mr. Strett, Vicar of B. iiij*^ — Sir James Harwoode, curate of B. iiij'' — Rob. Gregory j'' — my weddyng ryng to our lady yu the ch. of B. — Wells ij''. Ees. — W^ Townsyn of hame (2). Witn. — John Castelman, Rob. Gregory, Sir Jas. Har- woode. Prob. in eccl. par. de B. 1 Mail 1536, coram Walter© Cretyng (3) Archidiacono bathon. Summa xxvj^ x''. Wyll. Grandon. 16 Feb. 1536. chyd. of our lady yn Brugewater — hye auter, 5 lady auter, ye trynyte auter (each) iiij" — Sir James Harwoode iiij** — John Myrthe iiij''. Bes. — W™ my son and my d. Mawde. Overseers. — W"^ Alyn, John henbury. jyitn. — Water Kyrig, Thos. Henbere, Sir James Har- woode. Prob. (same). Summa xxxviij' x'\ (4) No Yvan Pendyve (4). 24 Feb. 1535. menuoned; in sac. scpultura sub ordine fratrum S. franscisci villa de probably a . ^..^ ^ ^ . . , „ parish near Watcrford in Hibemia — VVeilen. )i" — iratri meo Jeodi- Briilgwater, ^^ will wM^ wyco pendyve meam tunicam optimam — Rico Roche Fs mentioned diploidcm mcam. WELLS WILLS. 17 Bes. — JoLne nx. mee. in the wm Test. — John Toker, Eic. Roche, leodewico Pendyve, wyikvns •' of Ottcr- Prob. in Bru'xewater 1 Mali 15oG. han.ptoa o {post). Summa xxxj" xiij' ij''. Wyll. bedyll. 12 Ap. 1536. chyd of o lady in Brugevvater — v prests to pray for my sowle V grotys. Bes. — Johne my wyf. Witii. — John awoode, tokar, Sir Jamys Harrewode, Wyll. Grene, Rob. Gregory. Prob. in Brugewater 3 maii 1536. Summa vij'' xij' vj' ^(1 John Whyte of Brugewater. 21 Feb. 1536. chyd. of B. — hye awter of B. iiij*^ — every auter iiij^ — Wells iiij*— Mr. Thos. Strette V. of B. viij''— Sir Jamys Harrewoode curett of B. x*^ — Rob. Gregorye ij"^ — W"^ my son a nox — Issabell my d. a cow. Bes. — Jone my wyf. Witn. — W"' Potter, Rob. Gregory, Sir Jas. Harrewode prist. Prub. in Brugewater 1 Maii 1536. Summa xxxviij^ x*^. BRISTOL (S. Mary Redcliffe). Yoice Yonge of the towne of brystowe and of the parishe of Redclef in the diocese of B. and W. wydow. 4 May, 1530. to be burd. in the chapell of St. Jamys the Apostell in the church of our lady of Redclif — Oath. Wells xij*^ — hygh water (sic) in the said Ch. of R. for thethes and offerings forgotyn iij^ iiij*^. I will that my weddyng ryng(i) be delivered and ofiferyd to the ymage of our (i) This is lady in the porch of the said Redclif church to the ^vay of be- queathing use of the same ch. wedding- rings. My Exors to percure and cause an honest pryste to 18 WELLS WILLS. (1) The Rosary con- sisted of I.IO small Iteads {Are Maria), every ten of which were partsyn of pewter vessells perforrayd (5) and half a dosyn of cooshyns. WELLS WILLS. 19 Joan Malet syster to the said Hugh M. a fetherbed with hys bolster, a paire of bhinketts, ij paire of shytts oon pr. of woUen and the other of canvas, a tabuU clothe of fyne hollon, a coverlet of small flowres, a potte of brasse, a posnett, a pan, ij caiidelstyks, a pott of pewter, half dosyn pewter vessells performyd, half dosyn cooshyns. Eychard Malett brother of Hugh M. a ffetherbed with hys bolster, a payre of blanketts, ij payre of shytts, oon hollon, the other canvas, a grete arise (i) coverlet, a (i-) Arras, plane tabull cluthe, tewell of lockram (2), vj napkyns of tapestry named from lockram, a posnett, brasse pott, a pan, ij candelstyks, a ^^ras, the pottell pott of pewter, half doz. vessells of pewter per- ^.''A'^veriet form yd — to the said Hugh Malet vj cooshyns of ares, wa'diey-s " Bristol Wills," 147.] Rich. Jonys. 24 Mar. 1531. raSla'Sud" in churchyard of our lady of Katclif — Cath. Wellys ij''. Len!*^ Bes. — Elizabeth my wif. Witn.^Sir Thos lawrence, curate, Will. Wilkyns, Eic. Thyngall. Will lewys als. Taylor. 2 Feb. 1533. of the p. of Ratclyf in the suburb of the towne of Bristovv — in chyd of our bless id lady of R. — Wells vj'' — hye auter xij*^ — my son John v marcs. Bes. — Johane my wyf. Witn. — Sir Edmond dawnser curate, Davy thomas. •' (3) Cam- Prob. in eccl. Cath. Well. 2 Jun. 1534. Je* a sort of cloth origi- nallj' made of cavi el's Ric. fFoster, jentilman. 17 Oct. 1533. hair(skeat). ** (4) These in the chapell of S. James in the ch. of our lady of ^^""^^ '^'^''^ Eedclyf— Wells vj"— Thos fowkes my chamlet (3) gown, £fft,:^' saten dowblet and my sleveles cote — to my Master Sir tabieT/use John Sentlow my gray gelding with sadall and brydell board with trestlps. See — Aves Phihpps my awntes doughter, a pankyn — pin, and Watkyn P'^ser x^ to by a cote — Arthur Peynton my o/worf'^'^ lasste foldyng tabill in my parlor (4). ue^i's?.^^ 20 WELLS WILLS. Bes. — Jolm Fawkner. Witn. — Sir \\i\\. Philipps prost, Job. Brampton, Tho. ffowkyns. Prob. in Keynsbam, 30 Ap. 1534. Summa iij'' v^ (1) Thpse were I?lack Friars (l)o- niiniciiii). Grey (Fran- ciscan), White (Car- melites), Austin (Ere- mites). (2) 30d., for 11 trental -of masses. Hugh Yonge. 30 Dec. 1533. of the par. of o bl. lady of Ratcliff in the t. of Bristowe, gentihnan — to be bur'' in the s*^ ch. — Wells xij'' — liep"^ of Ch. of R. xl** — every of the iiij orders of ffryers (l) in the towne of Bristowe ij'* vj'' (2). Also the A^icar and the prysts with the clerkes of the same Ch. of E. to be present at my funerall obsequies. Vicar to have vj*" viij'' — every of the prists xij'' — every dark vj'' — my d. Margaret xx" to be dely vered to her at maryage yf she be rulyd by her mother as it besemyth her to be. John Yonge my son and heir apparent to be in the governance of xVlyce my wyf and of Antony Cliampneys gentilman durynge his nonage, they to have the leceipts of all my lands in and near Bristol and to find all necessary 8 for his living — my sylver plate to be divided betwyxt Alyce my w. and Jolm my son [his porcion at full age] except a bason and a yowre [ewer] with ij standynge cuppys of sylver that my s'' wyffe's father gave unto hir, which shall be holely at the distribu- cyon of my s'' wyff. Bes. — Alice my vvif and John my son, in witn. I have put my scale. Witn. — Mr. James Percivall, Antony Champneys Esquire, John ffloke my curate, and V. of Ratclifif. Prob. in domo solite residencie civitatis Wellie, 18 Mar. 1533. Summa cxx" viij^ iiij''. Wm. Harper, wever, of the p. of Ratclif in Bristowe. 4 Aug. 1535. chyd of the p. of R. — Wells ij'' — highe auter of the Ch. of Redely f iiij". WELLS WILLS. 21 Bes. — Alys my wyf. Witn. — My gostly father Sir Thos. Atwall, Sir John Carlyon. Prob. in ecel. par de Keyusbam, 3 Feb. 1535. Summa iiij" ij^ iiij''. Edmonde Dauncer. 10 Feb. 1535. chauntre pryst of Eedclif in the towne of Brystovve churchy'^ of the oh. of o lady of E. — Wells vj** — Sir Thos. Atwell my black cliamblett (i) coote — Sir Hugh (nseep. 19 CLTite Jenkeuson oon coyffe (2) — Sir Will. Cowper my typped ^2) a ffnrryd black cony — Jone Bygges dau to Margret uTe'd byThe Bennett my cobbord standing in my pari er — Sir lews covering for the tonsure. morfran my short gowne — after I depart out of this "Promp. ^ '' ° ^ Parv.,6l(i.). world my forthfare (3) to rynge iij peales with all the (3)Passing- bells, and afterwarde at all devvne service, butt the /'-"-^f^^ran, ' " ' to die (see grete bell — to Mr. Vicary for dirige (4) and masse xx'^ — "^^acre"'^ every prist of the same ch. for d. and m. viij'' apece — iij i^gy'^" 286). clerks for d. and ni. iiij'' apece— John Beche for d. and offic^f^^g m. xij'' — ij chauntre prysts of St. Nicholas Church for caUed7rom d. and m. viij'' apece — to poure peple within thys parysh rlgl'Domi-' , ,, . , , , . , " - nus mens." dweliyng in every howse where nede ys j' apece to the sum of xx^ — at the month mynd (5) for d. and m. to the (5) y^^ ^^ V---,\ • J. ••••cl 1 1 "il account of icar VI ij, every prist iiij apece, every clerk ij' a pece thecere- - 1111 monies at also the greate bell to be rong. the month, ; ° ^ _ mind B.es. — my gossypp W"^ Benet and Merget his wyf. da''''^lfter Overseer.— John Beche, Clerk, i\f iiij''. pSiJs^''" Witn. — Sir lewys Morgan his gostly father, Sir. Thos ourFaThers,'' Atwell, Clerk, lewys Evans, tayler, Peter Charite habardessher. Summa y'' xiij'' viij'' ob. BRISTOL (Holy Rood, alias Temple). Cristyan Perkyns, wydowe, of tempyll paryshe alias holy rode paryshe wythyn the towne off brystowe yn the dioc. of Bathe and Wellys. 8 Mar. 1531. WELLS WILLS. (1) Enabled, empowered. (2) See next will. (3) Har- nessed — or- namented. *' A hariiest gyrdyll of silver," "'a dagerliarnest with silver " (" Test. Ebor.," iv. 118) (4) i.e. dyeil before weaving. (5^ The kerc!iief(Fr., couvi c ch iff) was a cover- ing fur the head. C'liau- cer, in the " Man of Law'.s Tale," calls it a lc':rrher. " Troiiip. I'aiv.," 272 (2>. to be buryde before St. John's autter yn the said Ch. — xij" to fynde a Liwffiil prieste being a quereman to synge and prayo for me and all cristen sowlys at the sayde autter off St. John's, the sayd prieste to be presentyd at all tyrays necessary by myne exofs, abnllyd(i) allways by the vycker off the Ch. or hys depuyt for the tyme being, receiving quarterly of myne exors for his whole yere's stypend vj" i.e. xx" every quarter unto the tyme the said xij'' be fully payde after the sayd ordynans. I wyll that master Bed forth shall have custodi of the sayd xij'' to the use of the sayd priest — mother Ch. of Wellys vj'' — bye autter of my paryshe ch. xij'' — to our Ladye autter of the same ch. ij'' — to St. Kat- teryn's autter xij*' — to our lady of towre (2) wythyn the same ch. my best harnys (3) gyrdell — iij" to be stowyde to powre peppyll within one yere of my departyng — to Thomas Eatts xx* — to every one of his fyvc cliilder a nobull apese, Eliz. Eatts my best gowne, Jone E. the yonger, my best coverlet for a bed, Jone E. the elder, a crocke and a pan the beste — Eliz. E. a crocke and a pan next best. Will Newe, a crock and a pan iij'' best. Elizabeth that kyppyth me my iij'' gowne off vyolett — Thos. Kydwellytt vj"* viij'' — Maud K. my gowne off vyolett yn grayne (4). Eliz. K. my second best gyrdyll and ij kercliarffs (5) — Margett K. a curcherfs), Sir John Sharraan priest a flocbede and a bolster and a pere off shetts. Att my monythys mynde xx^ to be bestowyd — residue to Thomas Eatts, and Thos. Kyd- wellytt ; Sir John Sharman priest shall be overseer. Witn. — Sir Edmunde Long my Curatt, Mr. Thos. Brocke Alderman of bristowe. Isabella Champneys of bristow in the diocese of B. and W. 16 IMay, 1531. to be buried in the par. ch. of temple — mother ch. of Wells iiij'' — high altar in the p. ch. of temple iiij'' — WELLS WILLS. 2P> ymage of onr lady in the tower a wax taper — Jolian Clinmpueys ray sonys d, the bed that I lye in, a payer of blanketts and a payer of shets a bolstar and a pyllow, a coverlett, a mantell, ij coffers, a cupborde, a table clothe ij platers ij potyngers a crok and a pan. Res. — John Champneys my sonys son dwelling in the parish of Chew : my Exors to have the use of such goods as be bequethed to the foisayd Johan unto the tyme that she be maryed and that she be ordered by the said John Ch. her brother in law unto the tyme that she be maryed and otherwise to lose her bequest, or if she ibrtuue to die before the age of xx vers myne exoTs to dyspose them for my soule. Edwd. Barkehowse. 28 Dec. 1533. of the liode of temple — in churche haye (i) of the temnul (i) Encio- — Wells ij''— Eliz. my wyf — Rich. Bouell [or Bovell] auy. ;i6(/tfe. my sword — John Mason Clerk, a bonet. Ees. — Eliz. my wife and Edw'' my son [imder age]. Witn. — 31r. Geo. Dogyen (2), Vicar, Ric. Bovell, John (2) in 1553 Geo. Dogj'on I\IaSOn. ^^is «ctor of Chew Magna Prob. in Keynsham, 30 Ap. 1534. Siimma iij" iv'^ vj'\ ^I'^^Z"''' bents," 252). John Sherne de Temple. 8 Ap. 1 534. chyd of the [Ch.] of TempuU in bvistowe — Wells iiij'' — hye auter of the T. eh. iiij' — to have the prists and clarks of the s'' ch. to my dyryge and masse — Evan Toker a puke (3) gowne — my cosyn Ric. Snyg (4) a (-3) a . „,. , * colour dubiett and a lacott — my cosvn Eliz. a puke gowne. between ms- ^ J . X- D set and black Bes. — Maro:aret my wyf. (Haiiiweii). ^ (4) See Witn. — Master lewvtt, Joh. Ivouas. weaver's "Visitations Prob. in capella dive V. juxta claustrura eccl. cath. Well, of somerset," 2 Jun. 1534. Eic. Apwyllym. 1 Ap. 1534. in the chapell of S. Kutheryn within the Ch. of the holly 24 WELLS WILLS. (1) Here yeld = gild, elsewhere it — aisle. (2) Im- print, figure, image (•• Test. Kbor.," iv. 155). crosse in bristowe otherwise callyd the temple — liye auter iiij'' — Wells ij'' — to the yeld (l) of S. Katlieryii fowndett in the cb, of the holy crosse afs'' iij^ iiij'* — my d. Johane a masor bownd ab' with sylver havynge a prynt (2) of sylver in the bottome — Alyee my d. a [s^Jn^7ar] masor having a crestall stone in the bothome — Joh. yrlorne so much white clothe as Avyll suffyce to make him a pnyre of bosses. Bes. — Margaret my wyf. Wifn. — ]Mr. George Dogyion, Joh. Yerlome, Christopli. Goldsmyth. Prob. in ecel. Catb. Well., 2 Jim. 1534. (3) I.e. ■wardei s of Our Lady Guild. (4) Dole of a penny to the pijor. Margt. Gerves, wydowe, late the wyf of Symon Gerves of the Towne of Brystowe, toker. 20 Dec. 1530. in the churehe of the holy crosse of temple and within the cbapell of onr blessed lady before the auter of the sayd cbapell — Wells xx'' — bye auter in the s'' eh. of T. xx'' — our lady servyce in T. ch. vj^ viij'' — St. Katli.'s auter a grete maser with a sylver bonde and a prent (2) in hym of sylver and gylte — o lady in the tower in the same ch. a payre of bedes of white amber gauded with sylver and gylte conteyning xiij setten and lix stones of sylver and gylte upon this condycion that the proctors (3) of our lady and ther successors doo never sell them, but always to be forthcomyng to the honor of God and 5 lady at every principall feste — to all the almes howses in B. xx" [2)aid guarterhj] — Alex. Palmer of B., toker, my systers son all that belongyth to my crafte of tokyaige and sberynge and x'" — Marg' P. his eldest d. xv" if she do not mary before age of XX — Marg*. P. his yongest d. — Roger Apowell my godson, son of W" A. xiij sponys callyd the xij apostells and a salte — to xxiiij pore men xxiiij black gownes and to xxiiij pore women xxiiij white peticotes at my burynge to pray for me — also xv'' to be delte penydole (4), v'' WELLS WILLS. 25 at my bnrynge, v" at my montlies mynd, v" at my yere's mynd— xl" to the Ch. of T. to fynd a pryste to pray for my soul and ray liusband, and Eicli. Bowyer, Joh. Yownge, my father, and Esabell my mother— iiij orders of ffryers in B. so that they be at my burial, month-mynd and yere-mynd xP (equalhj). Res. — W" Apowell, and I put my seale. Witn. — Joh. Brykeman of B., toker, Thos. Kymsam, sher- man (i). (i) The ^ ' .. man wbo to Roger Koke, tanner, for the maryge of liis ds. vj" ^3,^^^^ •• "s ••■ M cloth in ■^^y ^'^J • manufactur- Prob. in C. Well., 13 Oct. 1534. "^''• BRISTOL (S. Thomas the Martyr). Davy Appryse. 7 July, 1531. in churchyard of S. Thomas ye Martyr in Burstow — Cath. Wells iiij''— hygh altar of S. Thomas iiij'^ for offerings forgotyn — Alys and Cyssely my doughters each a gowne. JRes. — jMarget my ^vyffe. Witn.—^u Will. Phylyps, Thos. Topcleffe, Thos. Broarde. Tho. Nashe. 15 Nov. 1532. chyd of S. Thomas the Martyr [in Brystowe] nye unto the body or buryall of my father — Wells vj'' — hygli auter of S. Thomas for tethes wythholden ij^ — alter of S. John ye Baptiste in Ch. of S. Thomas a pere of vestments price xx^ — Jone my d. howsehold stuffe the valore of xx^. Bes. — Alys my wyff. Witn.~^u Rog. Sturges, Sir W" Philypes, Tho. More, John Warren. Morgan Muter \or Water, margin] of Bristoll. 15 Mar. 1533. of the p. of S. Thomas the Martyr in the towne of 2G WELLS WELLS. Bristowe — cIjviI. of S. Thomas — Wells ij*^ — hye auter of S. Thos. for tytbes xij''. Exor. — Rob. Sawbryf^e. Overseer. — Sir Will, Philypps. I do gyve tliis my dwellynge bowse in Rateliff St. to (1) Rock's tbe s'' R. S., be to kejDe an obytte (i) yerely in tbe oi.ri-athers," cbappell of S. Erusmus in tbe s'' cb., tbe s'' obytte to begyn upon Ax Wednysday tbe dyryge, and on tbe morow tbe masse of Ivequiern for my sowle and all crystyn sowles to be prayed for and tbe gret bell to be tollyd to tbe s'' dyryge and masse. (2) Tucker, Witn. — Kicb. Edmonds, wever, Rich. Myllyn, towcker (2). Prob. Catb. Well., 2G March 1533. Summa {not given). Thos. Rogers. 13 Jan. 1533. cbyd of S. Thomas tbe martyr in Brystow — Wells iiij'' — hye alter of S. Thos. for tithes withboblyn xij''. Res. — Margarett my wyf. Witn. — Sir Will. Pbips, Rob. Hanwortb, Morgan Thomas, Marg* Jordeyn. Prub. in Keynsham, 20 Ap. 1531:. a fuller. a coo silko (3) "Item, i,;;;;.f,^ Cecylie Bedford. Sept. 1533. sJmily^s." of the towue of Bristowe, wedowe and parisbion of S. vcntories." Tbomas in tbe same towne — in chyd. of S. Thomas — 1552, p. .'i2). -.-^ ,. ... - . , .. (4) sic MS. Wells xij" — my curate tor tithes torgotyn iij^ iiij" — p. ch. midland of S. Thos. for to bye a Soudays cope (3) iiij'' — Jobane counties pip means a d. of Joliu Bramoton a hunderd pounds in plaete and esiKci'^iv of Wiires to be praysed by indifferent men — tbe same ^^TacL Joliane a gyrdell of pyppes (4) of silver— Eliz. tiie wif of Jr's'or''"''^* Rob. bannar my kyneswoman xx", a paire of beades of (6) 1611 amber gawded duble with svlver and ffilt, weinsr ix unces Biblo(Zcch. ^ J to » t> clniiusticke "J quarters— a salte parcell gylt, weyinge xix unces, ^'ith abowic lialf a garnyshe (5) of pewter vessells, a bason, a yowre of^^'-^^New of latyn, ij boll candellstyks, (g) a coverlett tbe wb. (bowl). ' is at morgag for viij' iiij' yf tlic partye that owthe WELLS WILLS. 27 it paye nott viij'' iiij' that it lyeth for, and also the worst baukers(l) in my hall, a Sondays gowne of blak (o a ^ carpet, or lyned with sattyn of sypers (2) and a worsted curtue ^,°''^^'jj.'^'f^^j. of blak lyned with white lynyng — my Exors to give j^^*)^™ "'g^^ v" for the weltlie of my soul when they shall think Parv™^" best to bestow it, that is to say, to my burrynge, " ^^' ^^^^ monthesmynd and yeremynd — my servant W" Nor- Jj^-pTusVas lett (3) jj ton of iron — Thos. N. his brother in ware uTs'i'ik. ""^ parysen xP — Margarett iHett in led and tyne, the^j-^j^^' valure of vj" xiij* iiij'' — John Trappe my servante xP — ^'^ "" " Simon ifossell my serv* xP — Alys Durban my servant — Edy Ball x^— Julyan Butler the w. of Thos. B. a gowne of grayne clothe lynyd with satyn of sypars — W. Butler my godson xx* — Alice Nasshe a standyng cup of sylver weyinge viij unces iij quarters — John Bys the yonger a fflatt cuppe of sylver — Marg' Ap Ryce a roond warkynday gownd and x* — Cecylie her d. x'' — x\lyce my d. my sister (4) a gowne of puek (4) sic ms. furryd with grey, a partlett (5) of velvat, and my best (5) a ruff roond bonett 01 velvett — W" lucye her son a ton oitueueck. iron — to the repar. of the hye wayse abowte Biistow viij^' — iij ds. of Mr. Bedeford, Johane, Agnes, and Marg* iij'^ — Mr. Davy Hutton xx^ — my son in lawe Joh. Brampton merchaunte a Imnderd pound of such parte of goods that he shall think most necessary to have — same John the hole apparell tliat pertyneth to the hall of my liowse and ij gold rings — my d. Eliz. w. of the s'^ J. B. — Eic. Coslye [overseer] of ffrome Selwod, clother, in plate and wayres x" — John Coulte, turner. Ees. — John Brampton. I have put my scale. Witn. — Davy hutton, grocer, John Warren, capper (e), (n) cap- John ffawkener. Codicil, 6 May, 1534. whereas I bequethed to W" Norlett late my servante ij ton of iron, for certyn resonabull cousyderacions raovyng 28 WELLS WILLS. (n Insti- tuted Sept. 25, 1533 ("Redcliffe ' Cliurch," by ArchiJeatou N orris, p. 64). me I do revoke that legacy to liym and y do now by this present codycill bequeath to him only iij'^ the rest of my will to stand. Witn. — Mr. John nloke (i) my curate, John ffawkener, bur- gesse of bristowe. Prob. in eccl. Cath. Well., 7 June, 1534. Summa ccelxxxvij" xv\ (2) "Vita Jesu." Tliere were miiiierous edilicjiis by Ludolplius de SaxDiiia (O.xf. Hist. Soc. (Collec- tanea, 1. iii. 161). Sir Roger Turges. fi Oct. 1535. in 8t. Thomas chyd. in bry.stowe — liighe auter of Wells iiij'^— highe auter of St. Thomas iiij"— Sir Thos. xVtwell my best gowne — W" Ssaller my 2"'^ gowne— Sir John Sherman my ffryce gowne, Sir Rich. Betty viij'' and a boke callyd ludiilfus (2), Sir Joli. Stylympes viij'\ Sir Thos. Carter viij'', John CUirke, vj'^— W" Sexton, viij'\ Alys that kypithe me a red mantell and a payre of hosyn — to the pore ffollis in the Almyshowse to bye wode, xij''. Ees.— Sir Thos. Atwall. Witn. — Sir Thos. A. hys gostly father. Overseers. — Sir Juh. Sliermau, Sir Ric. Betty. Prob. in Keynsham, 3 Feb. 1535. Summa xxxix' ij''. (3) See p, 19. John Cable de Brystow. 17 Sept. 1535. in chyd. of S. Thomas the martir in Bristowe next to my wyves — John C. my sonne and Alys my wife to be my exoi^ and David Harries to be overseer — to D. H. my Scarlett gowne— J. C. my sonne my violett in grane gowne furryd with fechets, my sonne John my blukk gowne— D. H. the ffurre of the same gowne on con- dicion that the s'^ D. shall putt a lynynge of blake into the s,^ gowne for my sonne John — my wife Alys my crymsyn gowne, my sonne John a foldying table (3) wyche standeth in my chamber afore the streyte — my sonne" John my beddc wh. I lye in— Thos. Carter my WELLS WILLS. 29 blew furryd gowne of fecbets — Sir Job. Phyllipps my saten dowblett. Bes. — J. my son and A. my wyf. they to pay my detts. Witn. — John Calte, David Cradock, Will. Gybbs. if John my son die then my overseer to keep every [year anj obitte in the Ch. of St. Thomas with the prists and clarks that be servynge there at that tyme to every prist iiij'^ — every clarke ij'^ — and for the weax for my overseer shall think best and the Eest to poor people as far as vj* viij'^ will extend both for the obit and for the poore peopul and this to be done yerely as longe as the fors'' goods will last. • Prob. in Keynsham, 3 Mar. 153o. Summa xxv^' iij^ iij^ Joh. Taylor ah. bocher. 22 Aug. 1533. in eccl. fratrnm predicatorum couventus(i) sacri si ibi p^^^is" contigerit me mori — conventui pro sepultura mea et Iristoi'is* .„ ..., meant, pro exeqUllS Vl VllJ. where the ^ i. o Dominicans Hes. — Agneti ux. mee. iiad a con- ° vent. Test. — Nich. Cook, Grefifyth Bakare. BROCKLEY. Walter Wyllyng. 9 Feb. 1531. to be buried in the Church off S. Nycolas in Brockley wythin the cownte of Somersettshere — Cath. Wells iiij'\ Church of B. a bowsshell of whette — same to Church of Yaytton — my brother John my best dublett wytbe my sworde — my syster Joy (2) a colt — my sister-in-law (2) For IMarg. Pinare a youhoge (3) — W"' Wey als. Smyjth my o) Ewe- hog, i.e. Olde ffryse COtte. young sheep. Bes. — Jone my wyffe. Witn.—RohQxi tynt, Thos. Myke. ♦ 30 WELLS WILLS. (1) There ■was a chapel ■with a simi- lar Ui'dica- tion on the briilgo at J^ristol (Wadlev's " Rilstol Wills," p. 8). BKOMPTON RALPH. Christian Dye. 8 July, 1532. to be bur'' in the hole grave of tlie Assumption (i) of our blissyd lady of Brumpton Raffe — St. Androw of Wells ij'' — church of B. my best gyrdell and my weddyng ryug — by crosse of same ch. a shepe — Sir Thomas to pray for my sole and all cristyn sowles xij'' — Rob. Clarke iiij'' — all my sou's chylder, to ether of them a shepe. Bes. — Thomas Hone. Overseers. — John Tod boll, John Arnoll. Witn. — John Arnoll, Rob. Taylor. (2) Insti- tuted March 30, 1.V24 (".Somerset Incum- bents," 320). (3) i.e. heads of pewter vessels (see p. 91).. Thomas lyddon of Brumpton Raff. 1533. in holy grave of o blessed ladye of Assumpcion of B. R. — same ch. iij*' iiij'' — assumpcion of o lady afors'' a shepe — Alsolyn lyght a shepe — W"' Howe my sone in lawe xP — iij children of W" Howse afors'' each iij shepe Jone bussupe and Alyce B. the ch. of Job. Busshup ij shepe — Thos and John the children of Rt)ger Busshupe ij shepe — John my son x markes, his mother to kcpe him until xv yeres of age, yf the s'' John do fortune to dye before, the money to go to a convenyent pryst for one hole yere to pray for me and my frynds. Res. — Cristian my wyf. Tes^.— Master Thos. Treble prist (2), Job. Tudboll, Job. AVeber, Job. Busshupe. Brob. Cath. Well, 29 Dec. 1533. Summa xxiij'' o' xj'\ John Yere of Brumpton Raufe. 15 Sept. 1534. in the holy erthe of the Assumption of o ladye of B. R. — hye crosse of tha s'' ch. a shepe — o lady, a shepe — Wells ij'' — Marg"^ and Anncs my ds. iij powles(3) of peauter vessell. WELLS WILLS. 31 Bes. — Joliane my wyf. Witn. — Tho. Trebnll, preest, parson of the s'' Ch., Jolian hynborow, Rob. Taylor. Summa iiij" x* viij''. BROMPTON REGIS. Will bryant of Kyn!:!;s Brompton. 15 Ap. 1533. chyd. of K. B. — Wells iiij'' — iij stores of the ch. of Bromp- ton iij shepe, the wh. ys — our lady — the hye crosse — Savnt morsse(i) each of them a shepe — to my son John (n i.e. J \ ' r J Maurice. a stere, a yerlyng — Mathow my son v copple of yowys and lame — my eldest d. a cowe — Johane yongyst dafter a cowe — Roger my son ij sters — my son Will, a cowe — ■ Eliz. my wyff iij^' the wh. mony xlij^ viij*^ restyth yn the hands of . . . ffryryn her father — viij'' iiij'^ in hugh fryryn her brother. Res. — Christopher my son. Ruler.— W Crosse. Witn. — Thomas Wynde, Will. Smalle, Rob. Rice. John Kympe of Kyngsbromton. 14 Ap. 1536. chyd. of K. — hye crosse of the Church of Bromton one shepe. Res. — Johane my wyf. Witn. — John hoi worthy, Nic. Were. Prob. in Stokegummer, 28 Ap. 1536. Summa xiij^' xviij* ij'^ John Whyte als. hyll of Kyngs Brompton. 28 Ap. 1535. in the chyd. — Wells iiij'' — v storys of the ch. of B. viz. our lady, our lady of pety (2), St. Sounday (3), St. (o) sea Michaell, St. Maures (each) a shepe — Angnes my d. ij (^Z]. kye [i.e. kine] — my sons children John, Cristofer and i^abi^sJ"* Angnes — my sonne John, my iij children Joane, Agnes see "Test. Ebor.," V. and Alson (exors). 299 ("the 32 WELLS WILLS. plctor of S. S)nday "). Auotlier in- Ptiince occurs in Ciitcotnbe (.7.1'.), and is. ami (^, 4th S., x. :i5U ; 5tb S., ix. 2r)i. There was a gilil of S. Sunday at Jrorebalh (Devoa). (1) Jnstaic- rum or stau- rum = store, Slock. " In- staurum ec- clesuc, quid- quid ad 8U- pellectilcm ecclesiasti- cain spectat " (Ducauge). (2) In the Croscombe (Somerset) church- wardens' accounts there is a fund called "dead monfy," which served for main- taining lights at the altare animarum, and for the general obit. (3) Rector of Brushford and Vicar of "Wiiisford ("Somerset Incum- bents," 322, 467). (4) See attestations of previous Brushford wills. Witn. and Bulers. — Roger bryant, W" Grenoslad, John Wynde. I'rob. Stokegummer, 20 Ap. coram Waltero Cretyng. Siimma xix" ij' ij''. BRUSHFORD. Rich. Rumbylow. 16 Sep. 1531. Cath. Well, vj'' — ecclesie de Rnicheforde meam optimaTi tunicam — instauro (i) S. Michaelis unam ovem — B. M. imam ovem — S. Katherine unam ovem — lurainibiis defunctorum (2) unam ovem — omnibus filiolis meis cui- libet agnum — Katerine filie mee unam ovem matricem. Bes. — Agnete ux. mee. Test. — Dno. Thoma Tliorne, Job. Tborne. Job. Rodford. 14 Nov. 1531. ecclesie de Brustheford meam optimam togam — instauro S. Michaelis — instauro B. M. — S. Katherine — luminibus defunctorum — cuilibet, unam ovem — Tliomizie filie mee unam vaccara — Johane tobare, famule mee, unam juvencam. Bes. — Cristine ux. mee. Test. — Dno. Thorn. Tborne, Joh. Nycoll, Rad. Rosse. Thos. Melhuyshe do Bruscheford. 17 Jan. 1533. eccl. de B. vj' viij'"— Wellie iiij'— S. Michaeli, B. Marie, S. Katherine, luminibus defunctorum, [cuilibet] unam ovem. Jarmano filio meo duas oves — Eliz. filie mee unam juvencam — Christine Rumbelow unum agnum — Dno. Will. Vicare (3) xij-^— Dno. Tho. Tborne xij^'— omnibus filiolis meis cuilibet iiij"*. Bes. — Alicie ux. mee. Tes^— Dno. Tho. Tborne, Rob. Nicholl, Joh. Melhuyshe. Dom. Edward Nycoll (4) de Brusford, clericus. 1534. 28 Mar. WELLS WILLS. 33 sep. ubicumque Deus vult — iiistauro S. Michaelis de B. xx^ — instauro B. M. xx*^ — iustauro S. Katherine xx'' — liimiui elemosinarum (i) xx'^ — instauro S. Georejii de ,P\The ^ ^ <-' Alms Light, Morebath [Devon] iiij* — Jobni patri meo secundam {^eptup^om togam meam — matri mee primam togam — lioberto bix'^: This fratri meo vij^ vj*^ — Georgio fratri meo xl^ et omnia often men- tioned (see ornamenta mea. Preface). Res. — patri meo. Test — Dom. Cbristoph. tricbay V. de Morebatb (2), Job. (2) He rj 11 was vicar bylly. from 1520 , till his death Prob. iQ eccb par. de Stowgummer, 22 Ap. 1534. in 15:4. Will. Come. 12 Mar. 1534. instauro S. Micbaelis unum agnum — stauro B. M. unum agnum — instauro mortui luminis unam ovem — cuilibet filiolo ovem — Willo filio meo meam bigam — Kic, Alicie, et Eliz. filiis meis cuilibet ovem. lies. — Alicie ux. mee. Test. — Dno. Eoberto Kobarte, Ricb. Wely, Eob. Nicoll. Prob. in Stowgummer, 22 Ap. 1534. Summa ix^' v* ij". Rob. Darche. 22 Mar. 1534. stauro B. M. — stauro S. Katb. — stauro mortui luminis [cuilibet] ovem. Bes. — Jobane ux. mee. Test— Dm. Eob. Eobarte, Eic. Wely. Prob. (same). Summa v" ix^ x*^. Jobn Melhuyshe de Brusford. 6 Oct. 1535. in cimiterio B. M. eccl. par. de Brusford, stauro B. M. unam ovem, stauro mortui luminis unam ovem, ecclesie unam tunicam. Res. — Elinore ux. mee. Test. — Dno. Eob. Eobart, Jobn Benet. D 34 WELLS WILLS. Prob. in eccl. par. de Stokegummer, 28 Jan. 1535. Summa xviij^' iij^ iiij*'. Alex. Bruer. Ult. die Junii, 1535. Micbaeli j ovem, dive Marie j ovem, luminibus defunct- orum j ovem, dive Katberine j ovem — Well, iiij'' — ij filiabus meis ij oves — unam ollam eneam uxori mee fdiim] vixerit et post decessum ux. ij filiabus meis (I) obif. (debitis meis persolutis) anniversali (i) meo et beuefac- For an ac- . , count of the ton bus. obit, or year- mind see Jles. — Katberine ux. mee. KocK s ou^Flttrt- Test.—Tho. Tborne, Job. Cberyton, Job. Melbuysbe. '"■ ^'" Supervisor. — Will to Bere, Tbo. Melhuysbe. Prob. {same). Summa iij'' xviij' iiij^ BUCKLAND S. MAKY. John Zegar. 26 Mar. 1532. in eburcbyard of Bucklond — Catb. Wells, iiij'^. — our lady of B. my best sbete — our lady lygbt, iiij'' — every godcbild iiij'' — my sone bys dowgbter Jone my best crocke — Annys Surford — ber syster Crystyn — Alson Surford my servant. Res. — my wyffe and my son Jobn. Overseers. — Hary Tanner, Tbo. . . . Witn. — Clement payne, Eob. Marday. Alys Zegar. 1532. (2) Aisle. to tbe byldyng of tbe yeld (2) xij'* — every yone of my godebildren iiij'' — my gowne to our lady service — to Sir Will. xif. Res. — my son Jobn Zegar. Witn. — Sir Will. Genyngs, Kobt. Markeday. Agnes Walle, vidua in Bnkloud Marie. 9 Sept. 1533. in cimiterio B. M. de Buklond. Wellen. iiij'' — servicio B. WELLS WILLS. 35 M. de Cnmbe S. Nicholai iij^ iiij'' — lumiui alte crucis de Cumba predicta viij'' — eccl. de B. M. iij** iiij'' — Thome Walle Alio meo diias lodices (l) laneas et duas (i) cover. lineas et duas patellas eneas, unum modium continent. iiij lagunculds, unam ollam eneam, ij parapsides (2), j (2) Dessert. acetabulum (3) viij modios tritici, avene totidem — Alicie (3) vine- filie Willi Walle— Willo Walle filio meo— Job. Walle perhaps a' sort of salad- filio meo— Alicie filie Job. Walle. ''"^i- Bes. — Eoberto Gallope. Tes^.— Willo Tbocbynge, Willo Stone, Job. Dunell (4). ^wor Prob. in eccl. par. de bache becbame, 17 Ap. 1534. Summa xlvj^ vj^ BUCKLAND, WEST. Alice Towker, wydow. 19 April, 1530. in boly grave of South (5) (sic) Buckland — Cath. Wells (5) There ij^ — for tythes forgotyn iiij'' — church of S. B. vj'' — suckiandia p T-» • 1 Devon. brotbertbed (e) service of B. vj''. (e^ some ■r, 1-11 guilds ad- lies. — my iiij children. mitted wo- men (see Overseers. — Sir Thos. fforte, curate, Nic. Towker, Tho. "s-mprset ' ' ' Chantries," Wall. pp- ^'J' 207 ; **'*'-^* and"Eng- Witn.— John Churchill, John Combe. E^'ou'itif ' " I will that my goods be devyded in three parts accord- iTe. t.s.). ing to the overseares dyscrecion." BURNET. Rob. Warne. 2 Apr. 1531. in churchyard of S. Michael of Burnett— Cath. Wells ij'' ofthefiLTn — church of B. a whether — brotberhede of Keynsham repre'^nteZ' V? viii'^ being in John Hoppers hand the yonfrer — our over the dead , J . JO Clirlstwith lady off pyte (7) in the same church iij^ iiij 'I beru'^'"^"" Eo^or.- John Rede. l.|i|,„, Test.— Dao. Rob. Roscell, Rectore ibidem, Will. Bydfyld. m.^nj''''" 36 WELLS WILLS. John Rede. 5 June, 1533. chyd. of Burnett — Wells iiij'^ — Ch. of B. ij shepe and a bushell of malte — parson of B. j shepe — Ch. of Compton Dundoo and. Ch. of Staunton prior a b. of malte (each) — to John and W" my sous aud to Annez, Jone, Mary, and Anne my d\ v marks each to be p'' at the tyme of their maryage, if any die then the share to my wyff. Res. — Isabell my ^vyff. Supervisor. — Thos. leuwelyn. (1) insti- Witn. — Sir Will. Cockes (i) parson there, harrye Baylye, tutedl530 \ / r J J J ' ("Somerset John BrokewcU, Joh. Comba. Incum- bents," 246). BURRINGTON. Joh. Edys. 5 Aug. 1530. in cimiterio S. Trinitatis de Bnryngton — matrici eccl. Well, ij'' — lumini capelle de B. iiij'' — lumini B, M. ij" — lumini S. Johannis ij''. Bes. — Johane ux. mee. Test. — Dno. Tho. Pykstoke, curato, Will. Marrys jun., Joh. Andrews, Will. Hoges. Joh. Parsons. 22 Dec. 1532. chyd. of Buryngton — Wells ij*^ — hye lyght of B. viij" — lady light iiij'' — St. Thomas lyght iiij'' — Margaret my d. Bes. — Alice my wyff. Witn. — Sir Thos. Pycstocke, curat, Joh. bechame, Eic. and Joh. Parsons. Joh. Androws. 19 Ap. 1533. chyd. of Buryngton — Wells iiij'' — hye ly3ght of B. a (2) A coat bushell of whete — our lady lyght a b. of barley — St. Med7c(Iu is John's lyght a b. of barley — Thos. Willyams my godson £eT'-" a medlye cote (2). Somerset- -n k £c shire. Bes. — Agues my wyll. WELLS WILLS. 37 Witn.— Sii Th. Pyrstoke, curat, Nic. Dethyke, Kic. Wattleye, Eic. Parsons, Ric. Hogges. Jone Crydnell. 11 Oct. 1533. in chyd. of tbe Trynyte of Buryngton — liygh lyght xij'' — 6 lady lyglit iiij'' — lyght of S. John ij'^ — ch. of B. a cowe of the piice of xiiij*' — John Crydnell — Jone Creduell — llliz. Crydnell a pan being in the custodye of John Hotkyns her gramfather — pro dee. obi. iiij'^ — Wells iiij'' — curat of B. ij shepe — church of Chedder iiij'' — curatt of Cheddre iiij'' — crosse light in Cheddre iiij^ Bes. — Joh. Whyttynge of the par. of Chelvey (Exor). Wiln. — Eob.Bulpayn, priste, Joh. Hardwyke, Joh. Kendall . John Budde of Burryngton. 14 Jan. 1532. chyd. of B. — Wells j" — hyghe lyght of B. viij'' — our lady light iiij'' — iSt. John's lyght iiij'' — John my son ij^ — Margarett my d. ij"^ — Rie. my son. Bes. — Agnes my w. and W"^ my son. Witn. — Sir Thom. Pycstoke curatt, John Parsons. Prob. Cath. Wellie, 3 Dec. 1533. Summa inventarii xxvj^ v''. John Surges, senior, de Buryngton. 21 Mar. 1534. chyd. of B, — Wells iiij'' — hygh lyght of B. v' — our lady lyght xij'' — St. John lyght viij'' — John my son, Joane B. my sons d. — Joane Mason. Bes. — Joane my w. — Blakdon ch. iij^ iiij''. Witn. — Sir Thos. Pykstoke, curat, Ric. Watlay, Joh. Grove, Joh. Parsons. Thos. Pycstoks, curat of buryngton. 10 Sep. 1535. chyd. of B. — Wells iiij'' — chapell of B. x*, and a dyaper twell (i) to make an auter clothe — Thos. Pycstoke my (i) Toweu brother sone iiij coshyngs, my best cappe and a 24.2.'i(i.'5 38 WELLS WILLS. (1) A poke, or bag (Skeat). (2) And- irons (see " Test. Ebor.," iv. 120). (3) A saucepan. (4) Stanil or stand, an open tub, used in brewing (see " I'ronip. Parv.," 477). (5) Vicar of Shiphani, 1525-5U (" Somerset Incum- bents," 182). powche (i) — Thos. Hogp;e ij andiers (2), a cbaferue (3), a grete stande (4) — John Hoggs — Kicli'^ Hogges a wether — W" Hogges. Res. — Rye. Hogges. Witn. — Sir John Goldwedge(5), Will. Morrys, Thos. Hand. Prob. in Keynsham, 3 Feb. 1535. Summa iij" viij^ John Schowte the elder of Buryngton. 25 Sep. 1535. chyd. of B. — Wells iiij'' — p. ch. of Churchyll a bullocke and a kene — ch. of B. a stond (4) — John and Rich'' my sonues — John my yonger son — John Mayse — my v chylder. Bes. — John my sone the elder. Witn. — John bell, clerk, my curett, John baran, John ffere. Prob. in Keynsham, 3 Feb. 1535. Summa iiij" xij^ iiij''. (6) The four Ember seasons {quatre temps), at which it was customary to read out the bede-roll, or list of bene- factors. (7) The Easter Sepulchre. See Inde.x, and p. 159, note (3). (8) Silk riband woven or braided (Halliwell). It is some- times called seynt or ceinct (see " Prom p. Parv.," 94, 451). (9) A cup made of maple wood. BUTCOMBE. Will. Thatcher alias lowtre. 14 Dec. 1530. to be bur'' in chyd. of Butcombe — Ch. of B. a bushell of whete — lyght of our ladie in same ch. | a bushell of whete — to the mayntenance of diryges and masses in iiij tempora (e) for all the benefactors of the same -| a bushell whete — the sepulcre light (7) in same ch. iiij'' — Ch. of Blakdon xij'' — Will, the son of John T. a cow — Elsabeth T. a harnes girdill, the cors (s) of gold wire, a cow one of the best, a brason pott and a payre of shets if she will mary to her fathers and mothers gootl wills and if she do the contrary that they do gyve all these things aforesayd (the gyrdell excepted) to Margery T. her. younger syster and the said girdel] to remain to the said Eliz. — Margery T. a gowne and a pair of shets, Johan T. a little rnaser (9), a pyl- WELLS WILLS. 39 lobere (i) — John Bustell the son of Thomas Bustell a (i) Pinow. bn 1 p ••• case (Halli- ullok 01 iij year age. weii). Sir Will. Kertiiigale (2) to pray for all cristen sowles viij' tutedDec!'" iiij'' — my exors to cause ij trentalls (3) to be said in ("'somerset [B.] ch. for the welthe of my sowle and all cristyn bems." 248). sowles — every of my godchildren ij'*. of thirty*'^* Res. — John Thatcher my son. the dead. Wifn. — Will. Kertingale parson there, John Vowlet, Will. Hippesley. CAMEL, QUEEN. Nick Peper (or Pyeper) de Estcamell. 25 Aug. 1532. chyd. of E. C— C. Wells iiij'*— Ch. of E. C. viij'*— every lyght of the same ch. ij'' — John Dovell (i) vycar of (4) "So- E. C. viij'^ for tythings forgotyn and to be prayed for. cumbents/ Ees. — Alys my wif . Witn. — Will. Morrys the elder, Joh, Longdon, Rob. traw, Nic. Whyffyn. CANNINGTON. Joh. Myllor. 19 Jun. 1530. Cath. Andree iiij'' — fraternitati trinitatis de Canyngton iij^ iiij** — per susteutacionem luminis B. M. de Ed- stoke (5) unam vaccam. (5) al Bes. — Will. Spavell (exor.). capelia de' Tes^.— Will Cauke, Tho. Evans. Joh. Kyne. 7 Mar. 1531. in cimiterio de Canyngton— Cath. Well, iiij'' — fraternitati S. Trinitatis de C. iij^ iiij'\ Res. — Alicie ux. mee. Tes^.— Joh. Yellows, Tho. Evans. Chilton. 40 WELLS WILLS. (1) i.e. the brotherhood of the Triuity. (2) The Prioress of Caniiington. (3) i.e. complete. (4) Insti- tuted 1532 ("Somerset Incum- bents," 324). (5) "Ta- pisterium, a testour," Wright's Voi-abs., 615 (17). (6) Lat. avricalntm, a hard mixed metal resem- bling brass. (T) Pro- bably for podinger8 (i.e. por- ringers). Walter Pollard of Canyngton. 20 Sep. 15[33]. cbyd. of our lady of C— Wells vj"— Ch. of C. vj"^— trynyte (l) in the same eh. vj" — ^^my lady (2) of C. for tethyngs forgotyn vj'" — ]\Ir. Vicar vj'^ — Maude my chyld vj sylver spones, etc. and a bed perforinyd (3). Res. — Marget my wyf. Witn. — Sir John Bowne (4) Y. ther, Ric. Eowswell, Joh. Yylows. Prob. Cath. Well. 29 Xov. 1533. Snmma iiiventarii viij" ix^ vij'\ John Hyeyt of Cannyngton. 20 Jan. 1533. chyd. of our lady of C. — Wells iij* iiij'' — Church of C. iij* iiij'^ — service of the trinite in the same Ch. iij^ iiij*^ — to my lady Prioress for tethyngs forgotyn viij'^. Res. — John lawrens my kynsman. Witn. — Sir John Bownde Vicar, Joh. Philypps, Thos. decon. Prob. in eccl. par. dive Magd. Taunton, 7 ]\Iar. 1533. Summa xlv^ viij''. Johan Kene, wedow, of Cannyngton. 2 Feb. 1533. chyd. of our lady of C— Wells iiij''— Ch. of C. xij'— my lady of C. [i.e. the Prioress] for tethyngs forgotyn iiij'^ — the ladyes of the same xij'* — Margt. my d. a tester (5) of white, a harnys gyrdell of sylver and gylte with a pair of corrall bedes dowbyll gaudyd with sylver and gylte — ij candelstylvs of latyn (e) vj dyngers (7) of pewter— AVater my son a borde cloth. Res. — Wat. my son and IMargaret my d. Witn. — Sir John Bonde, Vicar there, Joh. burcombe, Joh. Funtany. Prob. Bridg. 5 Mar. 1533. Summa xxxviij'' xviij^ iiij^ Wiil. Tylly, gentylman, of Cannyngton. 20 Oct. 1533. in church of lady of C— Wells xx''— holy store of our lady of pytie xij'' — to the trinite xl''. WELLS WILLS. 41 Bes. — Jane my wyff. Witn.—^iv John bowne, V., Mr. John Walron, Master W" Waller. Prob. Brydg. 5 Mar. 1533. Siimma v" xiij^ viij'. John Tremayle of Cannington Esquyer (i). 12 Nov. 1534. ^y^^J;^ in par. ch. of o blessid lady of C— I will that the day of ;'f^^t:Ji'»"« my buryall be solemply sayd or songe dirige, with these (Hisfiret'' thre masses folowyng, i.e. thone of o blissid lady, the euz. speue.) other of the Tryiiytye, and the iij''*^ of Eequyem — to be bestowed among poore peopill at the same day to pray for me xx^ — Wells xij'' — pryoresseof C. for tithes forgotyn xx^ — Margery my d., wife unto Nich. Halsewell gent, my best coverlett havyng a story of Sampson in hym (2) — to f J^^peici'' Nich. Halsewell and the same Margery his wife all my ciSh ""o^ur goods beinof in the manor of Halsewell — John H. son of sone." ^ *= , ("Test. the s'^ N. H. oon mayre of sorell color with her colt or Ebor.."iv •' 287). Imi- xx^ in money — Mary my wif half the rents of my lands [ry^^exiX^" in the burrow of Wellyngton wh. I purchased of my Zf^!^^ brother Thos. Broke gent. — every of my servants (in naufeoV^ service at decease) iij^ iiij'^ — every godch. in the p. of cioth- Cannington iiij'^ — Rob. H. son of N. H. xiij^ iiij'^ — Marg. ^J^^^^l H. d. of N. H. xiij^ iiij''— Vicar of C. iij^ iiij'^— Sir Rob. i»' "''' Stone xx'' — Sir Rich, fifelane [or ffelaue] xx'^ — Sir James, servyng in the same ch. xx*^. Ees. — Mary my w. and N. H. my son in law (my wyfe to have this for her natural life). Witn.—^iv John Bonde, V. of C, Rich. Whiting, Walt. Pyle, Walt, ffroman, Job. Wynter. Prob. in domo solit. res. Mri. Walt. Cretyng legum doc- toris Vic. in spirit, gen. et sequest. principalis 3 maii 1535. Summa cix" ij^ Isabella dowdyng de Canyngton. 12 Nov. 1534. chyd. of C— Wells iiij" — Sir William Wever xij'^ — ray 42 WELLS WILLS. (1) "San guisMiga, a liorsliclie," Wriglit'3 Vocabs., 70ti (26). lady priorisse off C. my mantyll of horseleche cowler (i) — \V'" D. a hefer — Job. Wyllyams — W™ Portyng a pyce of sylver and my best gyrdell — Mawde Yngram my best bedes. Res. — Job. Yngram and Jobne bis wife. Witn. — Sir Wylb Wever, Jobn Dowdynge, bary byll. Prob. (same). Summa viij" viij^ ob. (2) See p. 36. Wm. Govett of Cannyngton. 13 Nov. 1535. cbyd. of C— Wells iiij'^— Stokgnrsye Cb. iij^ iiij''— Cb. of C. iij^ iiij'' — Stokcdand Gante cb. iij^ iiij'' — to Comyge [^Comhivich] Cbapell my gowne — Jobn my eldest son my best melly cote (2) — Joane my d. iiij kyen. Res. — Agnys my wyf. Witn. — Sir Will. Wever, Ric. Lauman. Prob. in Brudge water, 29 Jan. 1535. Summa vij" xix^ viij'\ Johane Porker [Porter, marg.] vidua de Canyngton. 24 Aug. 1535. in cim. S. M. de C. — Well, iiij'' — S. Trinitatis iij^ iiij''. Res. — Eob. Gover. Test. — Dno. Job. Bond, vicario, Ric. Rowswell, Joli. DanyelL Prob. (saine). Summa xxij^ viij''. CHAFFCOMBE. (3) "So- Dom. Rob. Macy (3). 31 Jan. 1531. cumbents," Rector ecclcsie parocb. S. Micbaelis de Chafcombe — 327, 380. *• (4) This means god-sons and god- daughters. sepeliendum in cimiterio de 0. — Catb. Well, ij" — ecclesie de C. x^ — filiis atque filiabus (4) unicuique ipsorum viij*^ — fratri meo Ric. Macy x^ — Dno. Job. Sorell unam togam. Res. — Roberto Hawkyns. WELLS WILLS. 43 Test.— J)no. Job. Sorell, Will. Lambert, Job. Tailor, Job. Grynfylde. CHAED. Robt. Tybbys burgensis de burgo de Cbarde. 2 May, 1528. sepeliendum ubi Deo [placet] — suinmo altari ecclesie de Cbarde xij'^ — eccl. Catb. Wellen. iiij'^ — unico Alio meo [Jolianni] Tybbys decern libras legalis monete Anglie que qiiidem summa librarum restat in manibus Margarete us. mee quousque predictus filius meus ad annum sue etatis vicesimum pervenerit, et si contigerit quod predictus Jobannes filius meus morte preoccupatus fuerit ante etatis sue annum vicesimum predicta summa pecuniarum per Marg. ux. meam donetur Dno. Abbati de fforde (i) et monacbis ibidem deo servientibus, o) Ford Abbey is qui pro predicta decem librarum summa per iij annorum four miies successive tempora pro animabus mee ux. et filii orare tenebuntur. Bes. — Marg. ux. mee. Test — Dno. Kic. plebano (2) de Cbard, Job. Bayly, Will. (2)"Parfle- cus curio Symes, Job. Selwod, Tbo. Aston. eacerdos, qui plebi priest ; plebanum vero maxime Steph. Warry. 2 June, 1530. iSis^ca- cimiterio de Cbard bumandura — eccl. matrici Sci. Andree seucoiiogi-, de Wells iiij'^ — summo altari de Charde pro decimis cum, cut , plebis earum oblitis iiii — altari beate j\rarie iiii — altari See. Katlie- jurisdictioni " •' subditK cura line iiij'' — Job. Antony et Eliz. Antony nepotibus meis j°"',w^'^'. pate] lam maximam cum duabus parapsidibus. cange). Res. — Waltero Warry et Alicie liberis meis. Test. — Eico Antell (or Autell), curato, Symone bayball, Tboma Purnell. Rob. Selewod. 17 Sep. 1530. in cimiterio de Cbarde buraandum — fab. eccl. matrieis Wellen. iiij'* — ffabrice eccl. de Charde x^— summo 44 WELLS WILLS. Cl) Will of John Sel- wood of Chard, dated June 13, 1560 ("So- merset Wills," 3rd series, 62). altari in eadem eccl. pro decimis oblitis iiij^ — Niclio. Bolynger et uxovi sue vitulum et ovem unam supel- lectilibus meis domesticis universis — iiij liberis ejusdem Nich. singulas oves femellas. Res. — Job. (i) et Will. Selwod filiis meis. Test. — Duo. Eic. Antell curato, Job. Selwod, ^Yill. Selwod, Will. Smytb. John Colles of Cbard. 2 June, 1534. cbyd. of C. — Wells iiij'' — bygbe auter of C. for titbes forgotyn iiij'' — 6 lady auter iiij'' — S. Katb. auter iiij'^ — mayntayning of C. Cb. vj^ viij'' — my son Jobn all the stuff of my occupacyon that longitb to my sbope. Res. — Jobane my wyf. Witn. — Sir Eic. Antell, Curat, Will. Webber, Job. Dean. Prob. in eccl. de Cbarde die lune viz. 6 Julii, 1534. Summa ix'^ X® viij''. (2) The forms cul- cita and ail- citra both exist and mean bed, mattrnss (see Wright's Vocabs.). (3) Cover- let. Ric. Bowdyche aJs. liowper of Cbard. 24 June, 1534. cbyd. of C. — Wells iiij'' — tliigbe auter of C. xij'' — Ch. warke of C. a bras pott — 6 1. servys iiij'' — S. Katb. servys iiij'' — iij cbildren of mine xx^ apece. Res. — belen my wy^f. Witn.— ^ir Eic. Autell, Curat, Job. Deaue, [WiU.J Webber. Prob. in eccl. de Cbarde, July, 1534. Summa ix^' iij* viij''. Tho. Beflfes de Cbarde. G Nov. 1533. in cirn. de C. — Well, iiij'' — summo altari de C. pro decimis oblitis ovem femellam — alturi B. M. ovem — altari B. Katb. ovem — Willo filio meo bovem, culcitram (2) flocceam, duas lodices laneas et totidem lineas cum tborale (3). Res. — Isabelle ux. mee. Test. — Eic. Antell, curato. Job. Bowdycbe, Eub. xVbbowell. Prob. (same). Summa viij" x^ viij''. WELLS WILLS. 45 Ric. Drake de Chard. 30 June, 1534. in church of C — same ch. to be prayed for vj' viij" — 0. ladys servys viij*' — S. Katherine servys xij'' — highe auter viij'' pro decimis oblitis — Alyce my d. x? — same to Elziibeth and Elene my ds. — my son Thos. my furred gowne paying to my wife, his mother, vj^ viij'' — my son John my best cote paying, etc., vj' viij''. Bes. — Johane my wyf. Witn. — Sir Eob. Drake, prist, Kob. Drake my brother, John Deane, Joh. Shepard. Prob. {same). Summa xv'' vj^ Agnes Dune, wydow, de Chard. 12 Jan. 1531:. chyd. of C— Wells ij"— hye auter of C. iiij"— St. Kath. servys iiij'' — o lady servys in ch. of C. my wedynge rynge. Bes. — Water Dune my son. Overseer. — my frynd, Joh. Bragwyge. Witn. — Sir Rich. Antell, curat, Joh. Bragwyn, Joh. Carswell. Prob. {same). Summa lij^ vij''. Joanna lumbard, vidua, de Chard. 25 June, 1535. summo altari de C. pro dec. obi. viij'' — Well, iiij'' — servicio B. M. de C. viij'' — servicio S. Katerine xij" — fabrice eccl. de C. vj^ viij'' — Joanne filie mee x oves, tres parapsides, tres patinas staneas, tunicam muliebrem alias a curtell — Agneti filie mee vaccam, etc., tria catina(l) — Wyllo filio x oves cum jugero tritici. (X)Catinu -r\ X •jt->- ir»i" • means a disb , Bes. — Joanni et Kicardo nliis meis. piatter (Wright's Supervisor. — Tho. et Will, lumbard. vocabs.). Catinum is Prob. in Keynsham, 3 Feb. 1535. Summa viij" viij^ not given. CHARLCOMBE. Tho. ffugell of Cherlcombe. 27 June, 1533. in the Church of Cherlcombe— Wells iiij''— Ch. of C. ij 46 WELLS WILLS. (1) J.,h. Puutcr iii- 6tiluted Jan. 8, 1D18 (■' So- merset lii- cumbcms," 249). (2) The bede-roU was some- times writ- ton on a leaf of a service- boolt. " Wni. Fil- berd, Bur- gess of Bris- tol (1391), to be enrolled in the great Jli-iisal of the biph altar of the chapel of S. Thomas " (Wadley's '• Bristol Wills," 29). (3) A pair of hose. See " Pronip. Parv.," 248 (2), where there is a valuable nn wiiu," °°"' ' p. 150, "con- filiis meis quos de sacro Rich. Huddy, Esquyere, of Cherlynch. 28 Mar. 1536. «.S!"'but to be bur'' in the cliauntrey of Wollavyngton— Wells, llroTDu-'" there to have a mass song of the v woundes xx'" — to jie^osfs""^ another have V masses of the s v woundes at other certayn meaning: •' JUiolus\%thB placys as my Exix wyll xx*^ — hyghe aiiter for tithes JJ^"''|,^°n'^ forgotyn xii'' — to all solynie lyght(i) in the same ch. (i) Lumen ,/, ./o\/ animarum. viij'' — reparyng of the kyngs hyghe way as my Exix seythe most nede iij* iiij'^ — v howsses of lazarus pepyll xx*^ — Kobert my son ij key — to be dystrybutyd among • power peple being my nyxt neghbors xx^ Bes. — Edythe my wyf. Witn. — Sir John Whyte, Edm. huddy (2), Geo. Clement, (2) see -iTT-n n t n Weaver's Will. Col wyll. "Visitations "^ of Somer- Summa xxvj" xv® iiij"^. ^<=''" p- ^^• CHAELTON, QUEEN. Edwarde Broke of Charleton (3). 15 Aug. 1533. (3) i.e. chyd. of S. Margaret of C. — Wells iiij'' — ch. of S. Marg*^ chariton, capella ab my best gowne — my ij children (each) xx^. f?'^'- '^f^ iJeS.— Edithe my W. dependens. Witn. — Sir Joh. lyllywhite, curate, Thos. heyward. Job. Jonys, Kic. Smygge [? SniggeJ (-l). W For Bristol, see AVeaver's "Visitations CHEDZOY. Bev-ri3o. Joh. Hogis. ultimo die Sep. 1529." in cimiterio de Chedsey — Cath. Well, ij'^ — summo altari de C. pro decimis oblitis ij'' — patri meo spirituali ut ipse oret pro anima mea unum liutheamen (5) — ecclesie (5) shect. de C. iiij modios ordei. Bes. — iiij filiis meis. Supervisores et guhernatores. — Joh. Cornwall, Joh. Hoba. 48 WELLS WILLS. Test. — Dno. Nicb. Eaif, ciirato meo, Job. Parke, clerico, Eob. Cabull. Joh. Key. 7 Sep. 1530. in cimiterio B. M. de Cbedsey — Cath. Well. iiij*^. Hes. — Joliaiie ux. mee. Test. — Dno. Eob. ffarley, Job. Parquier, "Will. Crane, Hie. Pill. Philippiis Sparke. 26 Oct. 1530. in cimiterio B. M. de Cbeddesey — Catb. Well, iiij' — servicio B. M. unam togam. Res. — Agnicie ux. raee. Test. — Dno, Rob. farley, Joh. Crane, Eob. Cogan, Eic. Sparke, Will. Bone. (1) Plough beom, queve de la charrue, " Prompt. Parv.," 405 (2) ; burris, the plowe- beme, Wright's Vocabs. (WUlcker), I. 569. (2) "So- merset In- cumbents," 38, 218. John Stevard. 23 Jan. 1533. in p. church of Cbedsey — p. c. of C. to be prayed for in the bedroll xx® — our ladys servys in C. xx^ — Erne my wyf all my croppe — Jone my d. my first wyfes gowne — Jone Cogan my god d. — Antony my son — John my son, my dragge, olde plowe beme (l), my yokes and my ropes — Sir Xtofer Webster (2) prist xij'' — Exors. Erne, my wyf and Ant. and Joh. my sons, they to bury my body after the laudable custom of the church. Overseers. — Eich. brice, Hen. Cogan. Witn. — Xtofer Webster, prist, Joh. Pyll, Joli. Crayn. Prob. in eccl. par. de Brugewater, 5 Mar. 1533. Summa xxx'' viij'. Tho. Hobbys of Chedsey. 23 Oct. 1534. in par. chyd. of C. — iiij of my chyldren iiij sters. Ex. — Jone my wyf. Witn. — Emott ye wyf of Wyll. Kympe, Agnes (sic) ye wyf of the afsd. Tho. Hobbs. WELLS WILLS. 49 John Bond of Chedsey. 18 Nov. 1534. Wells xij'' — hey alter of C. for tithes forgotyn iij*' iiij'^ — Sir Cristofere Webbster xij'^ — Jone my d. j cople of sterys, half j doseyn shepe, xij b. of barley — John my servand ij shepe — owr laydy serves in Chedsey x^ — ye maynteyning of y° best crosse xij''. Overseers. — Eob. Bryce, Will. Bond. Ex. — Jone my wyf. Witn. — Crystofer Webster, prist, Rob. bryce. Will. Bond. Thos. Henbury de Chedsey. 16 Ap. 1535. in cim. of p. c. of C. — ij daus. Isabell and Jone a cowe. Bes. — Isabell my wyf. Witn. — Cristofer Webster, prist, the wyff of Water dosse, the wyf of W™ Kympe. Prob. in Brugewater, 23 Julii, 1535. Summa iij'' xj^ x''. John Wyllyams de Chedsey. 4 Nov. 1534. cim. of the p. c. of C. — Wells iiij'' — Marg* my d. the elder j coffer — Anthony my son j yew &c. one culter, a yerynrope (i) — Johane my d. — Marg*^ my d. the yonger. (i) oear- Ex. — Marg' my wyf. ^"'^^' Overseers. — W" Boude, Thos. Dosse. Witn. — Cristofer Webster, prist, W^" Bonde, John Crayne. Prob. in Brugewater, 23 Julii, 1535. Summa iij" xv^ iij'' ob. Wm. Rod of Chedsey. 12 Jan. 1535. cim. of p. c. of C. — Wells iiij'' — o. lady servys in C. xiij'' iiij'' — Sir Cristofer Webster xij'\ Res. — John my son and Alys my wyf. Overseers. — Thos. Pawgns and Job. Huchens. Witn. — Cris. Webster, prist, Thos. Pawgns, John Mychell. Prob. in Brudgewater, 29 Jan. 1535. Summa iiij'' xvj* ij'' ob. 50 WELLS WILLS. 0) The only men- tion of a mortuary (corse-pre- sent). The usual mor- t\iary for a rich man was his best horse; it was a general custom in Yorkshire (see "Test. Ebor.," passim, and Kock's "Cljurch of our Fathers," III. i. 25). AValcott de- fines a mortuary as a composi- tion for ovulations wrongly de- tained, or forgotten tithes (" Sacred ArchiB- ology," 392). CHELVEY. Ric. Brether or Bryther of Cbelveye. 8 Nov. 1529. in the Ch. of St. Bride of C. and my mortuary (l) after custom to be payed — St. Andrew iiij'^ — Ch. of C. iiij bushells of whete — Rich. Wliitinge my tawny cote — Rich. Beny my servante j bullok — iij ds. (each) v marks and the childe that my wif is grete withall v marks if it please God to send hit cristendom and if it fortune any of tliem to dye or [i.e. he/ore] they be maryed, the V marks to be departed amongst the other, and this legacy and all my other detts and funeral expenses to be taken of my hole goods. Bes. — equally betw. Johan my wif and John my son. I will that my wif delyver the dede of the park wh. I assigne to John my son, but I will that she (to bringe up my other children) occupy hit duryng her wydow- hode, and when she is on poynt to be maryed, John to have hit, also if it fortune John to die before he be maried, his part is to be dejDarted betw. my other children, and if John depart before he is maryed, then the assigne of the dede of the parke remayne to Alyce my d. and so to all my children successively — 1 will that Rob. Cope have my son John delyvered with his part of the goods and he to se hym gyded as my trust is in hym. Overseers. — Thos. Taylor, Joh. Sawnders. Witn. — Sir Raff Stakhowse my curate, Joh. Whiteynge sen"", Joh. bryghtshall, Joh. Whiting jun^ CHERITON, NORTH. Edward Stacy de N. Cheryton. 13 Mar. 1535. in the chansell of the decollacion of St. John Bapt. of N. Chyryton — for my sepultur vj^ viij'^ — to the hye auter WELLS WILLS. 51 of the s"^ Ch. iiij'' — Wells iiij'* — hye crosse lyglit iiij'' — d lady lyglit iiij'' — ch. of Ch. vj* viij'* — Ch. of Horsyngton xii'' — Ch.of Charlton Camfeld(l) xii'' — my dalis Crystyan (O i.e. •^ \ / J J J J Charlton and Margaret — Jone Clavells dau. of my d. Margaret — Horethome. Ambrose hannam ij oxson, a wayne, a payre of wells [wheels] bownd with yeron. Bes. — Jone my wyf, Witn. — Sir Will. Baron (2) my curatt, Eic. Troeh, Ambrose (2) insti- ^ '' J ' ' tuted Sept. Hannam. 28 1509 (" Somerset Prob. in eccl. par. de Yevell, 6 July, 1535. b"'54). Summa x" xvij" iiij''. CHEW MAGNA. Joh. Walys. 20 Jan. 1530. in cimiterio de Chew — Cath. AVell, iiij*^ — Dno. Joh. Barry Kectori de Stoke [i.e. ChewstoJce] pro decimis oblitis iij^ iiij*^ — ecclesie de Chew iij^ iiij'^ — capelle B. M. de Chue iij^ iiij*^. Bes. — Agnete ux. et Will, meo filio. Test— Dno. Joh. Barry, Joh. Smyth, Will. Hows, Will. page. John Jonys. 1 June, 1531. in churchyard of S. Androw off Chew — Cath. Wells iiij'' — St. Androwe off Chew vj^ viij'' — our lady chapell off Ciiew iij* iiij'* — Elisabeth and John, the children of Will. Jonys — children of Bob. bayly — Cristian, John, Thomas, and Alys, the children of Thomas Jonis. Overseer. — Sir Roger my curett ij^ Bes. — Thomas Jonis my son. Witn. — Roger Jonis, priest, Joh. Smy3th, Nic. Hart. John Chalnor. 1 May, 1533. chyd. or church of Chew — Wells iiij'' — p. ch. of C. a shepe WELLS WILLS. (.1) Or Jeymson. (2) Aubrey thus de- scribes a Whitsuii ale: "In every parish wus a church- house, to which be- longed spits, creeks, and other uten- sils for dress- ing food. Here the housekeepers met. The young people were there too, and had dancing, bowling, shooting at butts, etc." A tree was erected near the church door, where a banner was placed, and maidens stood gather- ing contribu- tions. An arbour called Robin Hood's Bower was also put up in the churchyard (Fosbroke's " Antiqui- ties," ii. G53). Tim Guard- ian (Aug. 21, 1889) contained an interesting paper on the old" Church- house." (3) Travers [dispute]. (4) The last will in Bk. I. (5) Seep. X. (6) Candle- sticks in old times were furnished with long spikes, or prickets, on which to stick the candle. Afterwards pricket came to mean the candle itself. A pricket was 12 in. long, and there were 8 to the pound (" Pronip. Parv.," 393, 413). C7)"Broche — to the chappel] of o blessid lady in the chyd. of Chew a shepe. Bes. — Jone my w. and John my son. Witn. — John Jaynson (i) then curat at Chew, Rob. Wade, Joh. Smyth then clerke of Chewe. Joh. Hylseye. 24 Mar. 1533. ch. or chyd. of Chew — Wells iiij'^ — eh. warkes of C. vi^ viij'^ — o lady Chapell use in the chyd. of C. iij^ iiij'^ or the vaylor thereoff — every godchild iiij*^ — John bowcher and ]\rargery blacke my servants. Bes. — Isabell my wyf. Witn. — John Jeymson, curat at Chew than, Joh. at halle, Th. loscombe, Joh. Smythe then clerke at Chew. I bequeth to the howse of the Churche (2) of Chew a met- clothe, and a croke to the Chapell howse yn the Churche hay of Chew which metclothe was in travers (3) betwyxt Jone harden and me, gyvyn to the Churche and Chapell by the assent of me and the said Jone harden. CHEWSTOKE. W" Dewden (4) husbandman. 19 Ap. 1530. chyd. of S. Andrew in Chustok — Cath. Wells iiij'' — Chapell at Chew a shepe — hyghe crosse at Chew a bushell of whete — highe ly3tht in the Cli. of Stoke a b. of whete — to the lyght of maide bucombre (5) a b. of make and also a prykett (e) of ij'^ afore S. Antony and it to be renued yerly in the s'' ch. of Stoke — a boshell of corn to the Cliapell of Wynforde — a b. of whete to Butcombe — a b. of corn to Nemnett — a b. of corn to Blakdon — a broche (7) to the par. of Wryngton — every of my godchildren a shepe, of these v foloyng ffirst, Bushes son of Brodfeld Downe, Rich. Waren his son, Joh. Spence his son, John Pructts doughter, W"^ Balls son. WELLS WELLS. 53 Res. — To my wif. withafoto;- •' a spikfi on Witn.—Sir John Glyn curate of Stoke, Ric. Tovyo, Tcl^ie!''* "English Gilds" (Glossary). Joh. Tovy, otherwise called Garland, of Stoke within the p. of Chew. 12 Dec. 1533. bur'' in church of Chew — Welles viij'^ — Ch. of Chew Yjs yiij'i — Qi^_ of Stoke vj* viij'' — chapel of Chew iij^ iiij'^ — Ch. of Wynford vj^ viij'^ — Sir John Barry (i) parson, 0) insti- my gostly father vj^ viij*^ — Will and John my sons xx^ g[oke''T524 each— Isaball my d. xx^— every godchild iiij''. ^unT''' Bes. — Katheryn my w. and Rich'* my son. '^'^'*' Wifn.— Sir John Barry (i), Ric. Bullok, Tho. Webbe, Tho. Hogges, Joh. Palmer. Prob. in Keynsham, 30 Ap. 1534. Summa lij" xv^ viij'^. Katheryn Garland, wydow, of Chewstoke. 6 Feb. 1534. in the ch. of Chew — Wells i'lif — Ch. of Chew vj^ viij'^ — Chapell of Chew iij'' iiij'* and my weddyng rynge — Ch. of Stoke iij* iiij'' — Ch. of Wynford xx*^ — Will, my son — John my son a chafyn disshe(2) — Isabell my d. xx^ c2)Aport- •' •' ^ ^ •' able grate Bes. — Richard my sonne. i° ^"^'ch .' charcoal was Witn. — Sir John Barry psori of Stoke, Joh. baber, Tbos. burnt for warmin? a ■y\T 11 room. There W eDDe. are two in the York Museum. (Ijat. focu- Isabel Baybyr, wydow, of Chewstoke. 25 Sep. 1535. '"*''■ in Church of Chew — Wells iiij'' — Ch. of Chew vj^ viij*^ — Chapell of Chew my weddyng ryng and xx'' — Ch. of Wynford xx'* — Ch. of Nemnett xx*^ — Ch. of Buckan (s) (s) But- combe. xij'* — Ch. of Stoke xij'* — John Sage vj^ viij". Bes. — John my yongest sonne. Witn.— Rich'^ bullock, W" Benyng, Joh. Sage, Sir Joh. Barry pst., parson ther. Summa vj" xvij® iiij'\ 54 WELLS WILLS. CHEWTON IN KEYNSHAM. (1) It was usual to have a large stone rood at the south side of the churchyard (Rock's "Church of our Fathers," m. i. ic). Kpynsh:im Abbey stood at the east end of the parish church (Dugdale, vi. 452;. Thomas Abbot, of Chewton. 26 Dec. 1532. ill the est churchyard of Keynshara before the holy Rode (1) — Wells xij"^ — hye alter of K. xij'^ — the trinite altar xij'^ — holy rode xij'^ — to the bells xij'' — at the day of ray bnryall xij'' to the pryst that dothe bery me — to the Chauntre prist viij'' — to the Clarke iiij'' — I will that my d. Alyce be payd xx^ wh. I do owe her and I do gyve her, besyde that, a panne wh. coste me \'f — I will that this raoneye be payd and this panne be delyvered within the space of xij monythis — to 6 lady of Chwe [Chew] iij^ iiij'' — John Abbot my brother my best doubletts — Eich. my brother his sonne my best cote — to my sister Elzabethe hales, a kercheow — ij godchildren eythyr of them iiij^'. Res. — W™ Abbott my son. Overseers. — Sir W™ Stableton my gostly father and curate of K., John A. my brother (each xij''). Witn. — Thomas Alyn, Eob. fowler, John Holbroke, Will. Hilbert. CHILTON-TRINITY. (2) Insti- tuted to Chilton- Trinity, March 17, 1526 (see " Somerset Incum- bents,"333). (3) This Priory was the patron of testator's benefice. Will Davye (2) Rector eccl. par. de Chilton. 17 Dec. 1530. sep. in chore prefate eccl. — eidem eccl. xP — Cath. Wellen. vj^^ — priori domus sive prioratus divi Johannis Baptiste de Brngewater (3) duos boves — fratribus ejusdem domus unam vaccam — fratribus minoribus de Bruirewater juvencam unius anni etatis — henrico davie fratri meo equam et lectum — Johane pyry sorori mee equam et lectum — Will, pyers pullum et juvencam unius anni — eccl. de Durley vj^ viij''. Res. — Rubt. Davie patri meo. WELLS WILLS. 55 Supervisores. — Magister Rob. Walsh prior domus sive prioratus de B. et Joli. Swell. Test. — Dno. Tiioiua butler, Rob. Cliute, Rob. Bolde. Joh. Eendall als. Peppyn. 10 Oct. 1531. in cimiterio de Chilton [Trinitatisj—ecclesie de C. bovi- culum — fratribus miuoribus arietem — eccl. de Wembdon xij'' — duobus pueris primogeuitis meis ij boviculos et tercio vituluin et qui diucius vixerit illoruui predictos ij boviculos cum vitulo et si ante etatem matrimonio congrnara predicti pueri ab hac luce migrarent, lego predictos boviculos etc. ecclesie de Chilton. Bes. — Johane ux. mee. Test. — Dno. Rob. Blunt (i), Joh. Dormer, Rob. Chute. (i) insti- ^ ' tuted 1529 ("Somerset Incum- John Pyme of Chylton. 4 Jan. 1533. beats," 333). in churche of Chylton — to the payutyn of 6 lady and St. Katheryn withyn the s'^ Church to be payd of the dette of Alleaud Clyve xP — to the fors*^ work vj^ viij' — Wells iiij'' — brothered of S. John of brugewater TJ^ viij'^ — o lady brotherrede of the p. ch. of Wemdon vj® viij'' — Ch. of Cannyngton vj* viij'^ — Ch. of Chylton x^ and a maser — Ch. of dorlyeghe [Diirleigh] iij'' to be payd of the dette of John Cleve — gray ffryers, ij quarters of barley and ii of drege (2) — Sir Rob. Blunt, curat of (2) Barley ail 1 oats Chylton, a horse colte — Isabell Babe xx^ — Isabell mixed, Craudon xx® — Will. Hooper x^ — John Symson x^ — every godchild a b. of barley. Bes. — Annys my wyff. Witn. — Sir Rob. Blunt parson, Thos. Pyme, Joh. Pyme the elder, Rob. Chewte. Overseers. — Sir Rob. blount, and Rob. Martyn. Prob. in eccl. par. de hunespylle, Jan. 1533. John Larcum of Idstoke (3). 5 Jan. 1534. in ye church of I. — Wellis xij'^ — par. ch. of I. for my (3) Capella curata de Chilton. 56 WELLS WILLS. (1) This probably Ilit'llIlS Chilton. (2) See p. 61. (3) Insti- tuted May 17,1524 ("Somerset Incum- bents," 380). buryall a cowc — p. ch. of Wylsen (i) iij' iiij'^^^John my elder sonne, my son Tlios., my son John the yonger, leonard my son, my d. Jone the ehler, my d, Jone the yonger {each) v hed of rother (2) bests and one colt — if all the children dye before xviij yers nott marryed then halfe to remayne to my w. Jone, the other halfe to the par. ch. of I. — to a poore chyld yn my house namyd Harry Mylward a cowe and a colt — my brother John L. in recompens of hys wages v'' — John, Jone and Edythe ye children of John Eygges {each) j you shepe — every on of my brother Rych. L. and Rob. L. ther chyldren iiij'' — every godchild iiij'^ Bes. — my w. Jone. Witn. — Rich. Stone, Joh. Grove. Overseers. — Sir Thos.' Schakyll (3) prist, Rich, and Rob. larcum, Will. Crosse, Joh. Kene, Joh. Rygges (each These be my detters — Rob. Nacion, bocher, debet iij" iij^ iiij'^ — harry amer xxvj^ viij'' — John Colwyll, toker, xj* iiij'' — Joh. Sele xxiij® iiij'' — pomer brwer of Taunton xxvij** viij''. CHINNOCK, EAST. (4) Pax- bord«; ; a enwU tablet of wood or metal, used in the ser- vice of the Mass to com- municate the kiss of peace. See " Promp. Parv.," 388 (i.). (5) Insti- tuted 1527 ( " Somerset incum- bents," 59). Joh. Northe de Estchynnock. 7 Sep. 1532. sep. in eccl. B. M. V. apud Est Ch.— C. Wellen xij''— eccl. B. M. V. de Est Ch. unum osculatorium (4) par. argen. — eidem eccl. pro sepultura mea vj^ viij" — Willo Whytt servo meo duos boves et duas vaccas et Ix oves. Res. — Alice Northe ux. mee. Test. — Duo. Joh. Leonardo (5) confessori meo, Ric. Slade, Joh. Taylor, Joh. Cocker. WELLS WILLS. 57 CHIPSTABLE. Joh. Tudbole. Ap. 1531. in semitcrio omnium sanctorum de Chypstcapule — Cath. Well, iiij'' — ecclesie de C. iij'' iiij'' — Alicie filie mee xx\ Res. — Alicie ux. mee. et Tiio. et Joh. filiis meis. Test.—Dno. Tho. Kowsetor (i), Kic. Colman, Kic. Crosse. J^^ ]^lf Incum- Joh. Perett de Chipstable. 10 Jan. 1534. in. eccl. omnium sanctorum de C. — Well, ij'' — eccl. de C. j mappam — cuilibet filiorum meorum iiij''. Res. — Isabelle ux. mee. Test. — Dno. Tho. Eeede, Eic. Crosse, Joh. Chubworthy. Prob. in Stowgummer, 22 Ap. 1534. Summa c' xj*^. Tho. Gyttesham de Chipstable. 17 Mar. 1534. in cimiterio de C. — Well, iiij" — eccl. de C. meam optimam tunicam — elimozine lumini de C. j ovem. Res. — Johane matri mee. Test. — Dno. Tho. Eede, curato ibidem, Joh. Atway, Eic. mersthe, Joh. Cherles. Prob. in Stowgummer, 22 Ap. 1534. Summa v^' ix^ "viij''. CLAPTON. John Jamys de Clopton. 25 June, 1530. chyard of S. Mychaell in C— mother Ch. of Wells ij''— highe heme in Clopton a bushell of barley— St. Eadygon one b. of whete— Tho. and Joh. Jamys half an acre of barley (each) — Johan Long a cow and a calf. Res. — Eye. Jamys. Overseers.— Rio. Warrey, Morgan Gryffithe. Witn.—Joh. Cotrell, Eic. Warey, Morgan Gryffithe. ' Somerset icum- bents," 334). 58 WELLS WILLS. Joh. Scalparde de Clopton. 8 May, 1530. in cimiterio SJIich. de C. — Cath. Wellen ij'' — S. Radegunde j modium fiumenti — Willo fratri meo unam timicam, a zytbe, a liok and a hachcchett — Isabell S. the wif of W'" S. XX'' — Jolian her dau. xx'' — Denys hilsey and his wife iij^ iiij'' — Johan my wif iiij shetes. Res. — Jamys my son and Marget my dou. Overseers. — Joh. hilsey and W"^ S. Witn.—Tho. Bryott, Joh. Kiche. Eliz. Scalpard de Clopton. 1 Sep. 1530. in cimiterio de C. — Cath. Well, ij'' — mayntayninge of the beame one bushell of whete — my godson Philipe AValshman a b. of whete, and iiij b. of barley — Ricarde and Margarete the doughters of my son W" S. one shepe (each) — Marget the d. of John S. a shepe — Isabelle helsay a shepe — every of my godchildren j''. Bes. — W. S. filio meo. ' Test— Will. Kyng, John Biryett. (1) A string of 150 + 15 beads, so put IvCTysrtor Joh. Gregory. 16 Dec. 1531. ten smaller . • • • i /^i /~i i itt n •••■i i • i ^ beads for the in cimitcrio dc Ulopton — Uath. Wells iii ' — higlie beame Ave Marias ^ .) a is parted by a ^f ^be Cli. of C. a busliell of malt — every of my godchil- larger one, to j j >d J-ate^l^Mel ^rcn ij'' — XXX poro people xxx pence to say xxx ladies dt«i, caued spalters (i) for my sowle — I make John Tyler of Portes- I'saiterhe- bed and John Warren overseers of all my goods with cause the number of thc shlppo to dclyvcr it self unto my wif yf God do hit wUhThT'^' well by me— of the wh. goods I bequeth to John Tylar thTpfilms my carde [i.e. chart] and my compas — John Warren a (Rock's pair of white close hosis (2) — James Mulgrey of Weston a our Fathers," pair of bUxlv closc hosis — John barbar of Weston a pair *ii. 318). ^ ^ _ *■ (2) This of blak briches — Rich. Adye a blew jerkyn with slyvys means and a short pair of blak hosis — every of my ds. a breeches and ■*• stockings in kcrchefcloth and to every of them a gyrdell — to my one ; but see •' c •' •' Ttoni?*''^^" brotherlaw Thom. Blynchard my red cap and to my WELLS WILLS. 59 syster Johan a kercheff — Rich. Warren of C. a blak poche [bag]. Exix. — Johau my wif, she to have a trentall of masses for me and I make my brother in law the parson of Clopton and Philip my son overseers ; but if so be that God do his will by my wif before this [i.e. the ship\ come home, then I make the parson and Philip my son hole exors and they to receve the forsayde goods of John Tyler and John Warren. Witn. — Thorn, browne, Will. Stevyns, Joh. barbar. Johanna Gregory, vidua. 27 jMay, 1532. to be beryd in St. Mychaells ch. of Clopton for the wyche I geve St. Mycliaell my best bedys — ch. of Wells iiij'' — our hye heme a busshell of barley — St. Mychael and our lady a cowe to mayntayne iiij tapers off wax of a powne apyce before them — to our lady of Capuer (i) my (i) An , , •• 1 , 1 i 1 account of weddyng ryng — my ij dowters my weryng clothes — a famous picture of John Gregory a yowe — Jone My lie a yow — Phyllype the b. v. m. Pope a yow — every of my godchylder ij'^. "'vetoa i?e..-Phyllyp, my son. ^^T Witn. — Sir John Squyer parson, Eich. Warren, Will. ckmp\ni, fekalperd, John pope. (ii. cap. There was a shrine to our Lady of Capua in CLATWOETHY. Po?tishead Church (Bk. III. fol. 1). Thos. Jamys of Clottworthy \iio date]. chyd. of 5 lady of C. — hye crosse, ded lyght, each, a shepe — each of my children a shepe — Wells iiij'\ Res. — my wyf Agnys. Witn. — John Skelton (2) priste, Eic. bugge. (2) insti- Prob, in Stowgummer, 22 Ap. 1531 Summa v". 1525 c'sJ-^' merset Id- curabents," 335). John Wever of Clotteworthy. 22 Mar. 1536. chyd. of C. — Wells viij'* — ye brotheren of C. vj^ viij'' — each godchild a lam. 60 WELLS WILLS. Bes. — my son Alexander. Witn. — Sir John Skelwo prist there, Joh. Stevens, Joh, Ure. Prob. in Stokegummer, 28 Ap. 1536. Hewe Stevyn of Clotteworthy. 18 Feb. 1536. chyd. of C. — Wells iiij'' — hye crosse a shepe — ye dede lyght a shepe — ye brotherende there iij' iiij** — my d. Johne a she^je. Mes. — Eliz. my wyfe. Witn.— John Skeltun prist, W" Toway, Thos. Stevyns. Prob. {same). CLAVERTON. Will. Bewsham. 22 Jan. 1535. chyd. of Claverton — Wells iiij** — p. c. of C. a cowe — every godson iiij^ — to xx powre men and wowmen where mos nede ys xx'^ to pray for me. iies. — Mergarett my wyffe. (1) See Witn.—'^iv John Waytte, Mr. Thos. beushen (i), Gvlb. "Somerset ^ ' V /' J 1"'='^°'.". o.. Maroke. bents," 256. Prob. in eccl. par. de Stalls, 4 Feb. 1535. Summa xiv" xix^ ij''. CLEVEDON. Margaret Pryston, wedowe, of Clevedon. 7 Jan. 1533. in p. churche of S. Androwe in Clevedon — Wells iiij'' — Eich. P. my son a bolloke, &c. — I do forgyve all the detts the s'' Eich. dothe owe me, xxxiij^ for that he wyll be good and kynd to his brother Thomas, also yf my son Eich. do showe uukynducss to his brother Thos. I wold that he shall have nothyng and then Thos. to recover all the sayd detts — every child of my son Thos. WELLS WILLS. 61 a Rother(i) beste— my son Tlios. to fynd my d. Elyno (i)^^,^^^, mete and driuke and clothe as long as she doth lyve, ^rlge,-)!"^" yf she do byde and dwell with my son Thos,, and yf my son Thos. dye afore hyre, then he shall delyver to her xx^ and a flocke bede, etc. Bes. — Thos. Pryston my son. Witn. — Sir Rych. baker my go.stly father (2), Will, parsons, (2) "So- Thos. Pache, Will. Cottrell, Joh. Yonc:e, Joh. bovy, incum ' ° •' bents," 300. Rob. Gary. Prob. Oath. Well. 19 Jan. 1533. Summa ix^' v^ viij". Edmund Austen of Clevedon. 5 Ap. 1535. chy'' of S. Andrew of Clevedon — Wells ij'' — my son W"" Austen — my d. in lawe Margaret Scory [or Story] — son in law Rych. Thryng — Johan my dali. in law. Res. — Angnes my wyf. Witn.— my g. f. Sir Rich^^ Baker, Will. CoUyns, Ric. Pryston. Prob. in Keynsham, 3 Feb. 1535. Summa xiv". John Byne of Clevedon. 14 Ap. 1535. in chyd. of C. — Wells ij'^ — p. ch. of C. a b. of barley. Bes. — Johan my wyf. Witn. — Sir Rych. Baker then beyng curat ther, Ric. Blanche, Will. Parsunnys. Summa iij" xv^ viij'\ CLUTTON. Joh. Merry s. 9 Sep. 1533. chyd. of S. Augusten of Clutton — Wells ij'^ — ch. of C. xij'^ — Ch. of ffarberow iiij''. Bes. — Syslye my wyf. Witn. — Sir W" Smalcum, Joh. Polle, Ric. Cockes, Joh- Nafse. 62 WELLS WILLS. (1) This is Probatum (i) in eccl. Cath. Well. 2 Dec. 1533. the first will . , ■ • ■, • • .„ in Book II. feumma luventani, Ixxvin . to which a note of proof is attached. Will. Clude de Cliitton. 1500 {sic). cbyd. of S. Austen of Glutton — Wells iiij*^ — to my parish of C. a heffer. Bes. — Dennyse my wyff, Witn. — Sir Job. Jamys, Sir Will. Smalcum, Nic. barbur, Tho. Colman. Prob. Cath. Well., 13 Jan. 1531. Summa vij" iij' ij^ (2) i.e. forcet, a coffer. See •' Promp. Parv.," 170 (2). (3) Insti- tuted to Walton in Gordano, May 15, 15U7 ("Somerset Incum- bents," 293). (4) Insti- tuted Sept. 20, 1533 (" Somerset Incum- bents," 262). (5) i.e. to be put on the bfde-roU. At the lour Ember sea- sons there ■were diriges and masses fur all bene- factors of the Church (see Will of W. Thatcher, p. 38), and the bede-roll was publiclj' recited. COMPTON MAKTIN. Elsabeth Mayne, wedowe, de Compton Martyn. 5 Ap. 1534. chyd. of S. Michaell of C. M.— AVcUs iiij''— hye auter of C. M. a lawnd kerchew — same to o lady of pyte and a rynge — the Ch. of Ubley xij'' — ch. of Harptre xij'" — ch. of Walton xij'' — parson of C. to pray for my soul xij'* — Elsabeth Wykes a nold shett — Agnes Mayne a lytell fossett (2) with certyn lynnen in hit — John Radforth — John Mayne — Alice Mayne a napron — Johane Mayne. B,es. — Sir Symon Mayne (3), my son. Witn. — Sir Hen. Bonefaunt (4) priste, Will. Plummer, John Mayne. Prob. Wellie, 26 Oct. 1534. Summa iij^' xiv' vj". COTHELSTONE. Rob. MorelL 14 Jan. 1530. chyard of Cothelston — Cath. Wells iiij"^ — ch. of C. a greate vate, ij towells of dyaper — hye crosse of the same Ch. to be benefactor (5) \]^ viij'' — Alsolon store ij shype — Ch. of Enmer vj* viij'' — Thom. Bekham my godson vjs yiij'i — iij godchildren with Eic. Morys, ij with Eob. Marshall, ij with James lantrow, every one of them a shepe, every of my other godchildren iiij'* — par. clarke WELLS WILLS. 63 a shepe — John Demnay my blak cote — James lautrow my blak liosys, and a canvas diiLlett with blak slyvys, a ryk of hay, and a pair of hose clothe (i) — Michaell (d i.e. P_ ^ , . liose made of Holme my violett frowne — Johan Marshall his servante cioth, in dis- " tinction to a pair of blanketts, a pair of shets, a coverlet, a flok- uen'^e h°e"-' bed, a bolstar, my best pan, ij platters, the best kyrtill, hole^of iiij kyne, a coifar with a lok — Rich. Morys a ffurred nr463)':^*^' gowne with a gyrkyn of wosted, payeng to the children also some- of John Marshall xiij* iiij*^ — Joh. Huchyns my best j,|'f^^gj. ^'^• dublett— Izott Marshall my wifs best kappe, Margery It^T^' Coke, Agnes Atwater, Helynor Gowle, a petycote (each) p?oben>' — John Davy a vyolett kyrtill — Agnes Davy a blak kyrtill, to the Church of Bishoplydeard for me and for my wif to be benefactors xiij^ iiij'' — Eob. Marshall iiij calvys, iij bushells of wete, ij of Rye, xvj of barley, XX of otes — The howshold of the children of John Marshall fulfilled, the rest of my howshold to Rob. Marshall, whom I make my exor — The rest of my goods I put in the hands of Sir George Houpar curate, John Cole, John Kylatre, and John Huchyns, they to fulfill my will — rest of my goods to be bestowed in a pryst syngyng for me and my fryndes and yn other dedys of charytie. Witn. — Sir Geo. Houpar curatte, John Cole, Rob. Marshall, Joh. Huchyns. CREECH S. MICHAEL. Thomas Broke. 9 Dec. 1530. in cimiterio omnium Sanctorum de Creche — alte cruci optimam meam togam — B. M. xij** — Cath. Well, iiij'' — Johanni filio meo unamjuvencam etscutellam (2) unam (2) Asai- post decessum sue matris — Rico, filio meo unam juven- "Tcutra/'T cam et scutellam — Robto Wyrall juvencam unam — Johanni, Rogero et Margarete filiis meis juvencum bovem. 6i WELLS WILLS. Bes. — Cristine filie mee. Test. — Dno. Rico. Webbar, Rie. Ricards, Geo. Chede. John Wylcocks of Creche. 17 Feb. 1532. to be buryd yn the holy beryall of all halon of the paryshe of Creche — hye awter of Creche a tabulcloth of dynper — Ch. of Ryston a tuell [toivell] of dyaper — Sir Will. Vincent my f^bstly f. to pray for me xij'' — C. Wellys iiij'\ Bes. — John More, Exor — my exor to mayntayne and fynd like a honest woman Jone Wylcocks my wyf duryng the terme of her lyfe. Jte^'o'"' Witn.—Siv Will. Vincent (l), Vicary of Creche, Will. ftSllf' poyer, Nich. Mason. April 2, 1524 (" So- merset 111- /-NT X r» cumbents," Roger Maynerd of Creche. 13 June, 1533. in chiirche of C. next to the place whereat the body of Elyn late my wyf was burryd — Wells iiij'' — gyltynge of the hye crosse in Creche Church vj^ viij'' to be payd by John Persse of the xxvj^ viij'^ that he nowe owyth me and now restyth in his hands — brotheredyn of the hye crosse of Ilmyster vj^ viii'' to be payd of Rich'^ Swenger of the xxvj^ viij'^ and also x'^ that he owyth me — John Curtes vj^ viij*^ of J. P.'s debt — Thos. Swenger vj^ viij'' of R. S.'s debt — Master Vicar of C. to pray for me xij''. Bes. — Alson my wyf. Witn. — Rob. Smallond, John Persse, W" peperell, Thos. Cross, W" power. Prob. Cath. Well., 17 Dee. 1533. Summa x^^ xix^ ij". QREWKERNE. Thos. Kyng. 8 Sep. 1530. in cimiterio S. bartholomei apud Crukhorn — instauro eccl. de C. unam partem ovis et altera S. TriDitati in prefata WELLS WILLS. 65 eccl. — unam partem ovis B.M., et altera divo Leonardo in capella de Mystertou — Catb. Well. iiij'. lies. — Johaue iix. mee. Test.—Koh. Dorsett, Will. Trotte. Philipp Gille. 2G Dec. 1530. sep. in cimiterio de Crukhorne — Catli. Well, vj'' — eccl. de C. vj^ viij'" — capelle de Mysterton vj-^ viij"^. Res. — Isabelle ux. mee. Test. — ifrancisco ffreke, Will, farnam. Rich. Welman. 15 July, 1531. in semiterio S. Bartholomei apud Cruchorne — Cath. Well. iiij'\ JRes. — J\Iawtlielde ux. mee. Test.—Soh. Freyll, Will. Parker. He we Tayler of durhill in Crukeliorne. 18 Dec. 1532. chyd. of C— C. Wells iiij"— hye auter of C. a lame — hye crosse a shepe — trynyte brotherhed (i) a sbepe — mayn- "^P '^!'"^ tynance of tbe cbapell of Wayforde a sbepe— bye auter aisotutn-^ yn Wayforde a lame— trynyte brotberbed (i) of Wyn- Tv^2^ fore {sic) a sbepe — my son Jobn balf my plow3tbe (2) "'L ^ viz. iij oxen witb all tbe parell that longetb tbereto. & con- i?es.-Margarett my wif. Sfiy o7e&t Witn. — Sir Jobn Webbe (3), Curate of C, Geo. butyryt^e number J •' ' varied (see Eob. Toker, Tbos. Mantle. seebohm-s "English Village Com- munity," Hugo ffarnam de Crokeborn. 24 Nov. 1533. fhe'iL/r" •. • 1 • T -.1 . 1 r^ set dialect, sep. m cimiterio beati bartnolomei de Crukeborn — C. ^'^'^ """"J • • r "plough " Well, liij" — eccl. de Krokeboru ovem — capelle de [gam"'''* "'^ Mysterton ovem — Dno. Kob. Wylson curato vi". (3) "So- _ merset lies. — Margerie ux. mee. incum- Test.—^oh. Wylson, Kob. dorsett, Cbristopb. vyldew. Prob. in eccl. par. de bacbe becbame, 17 Ap. 1534. Summa xv" vij'' iiij". F bents," 59. 66 WELLS WLLLS. land (1) Fur- Joh. hamynge de furlong (i) in p. de Crokehorne. 13 Ap. 1534. Well, iiij'' — ecel. de C. iij^ iiij'' — fratevnitati ibidem iij" iiij'^ — filiabns meis Joliane et Edytbe iiij". Bes. — Jobane ux. mee. Test. — Dno. Job. Webbe, Bob. Eydyn, Job. Pewry. Prob. in Catb. Well., 5 May, 1534. (2) Rector of i;iickct Wallii-rbie, 15'J2-31 (see " Somerset Incum- bents," 346). (3) See Cliafcombe (_Iiob. Macy), and " So- merset In- cumbents," 327. (4) Hector of Cr icket S. Thomas ("Somerset Incum- bents," 347). CRICKET MALEERBIE. Will Macy (2). 22 June, 1531. Sep. in cancello B. M. jMagd. de Crikett IMallerbe — eideni ecclesie unam vaccam pretii xiij^ — fabrice eccl. AVellen. xij'' — fraternitati S. Salvatoris de Chafcombe iij^ iiij'' — Rectori de Crikett Toraas ij'' vj'' — Rectori de Cbafcombe ij* vj'^ — Rectori de Cbafcombe (3) iij'* iiij'', quem ordino meum supervisorem. Bes. — Jobanni Macy nepoti meo. Test— Dno. Rob. Macy (3), Dno. Will. Hayball (i), Ric. Towker, Will. Macy, Tbom. Rawlyn. (:,) i.e. to the lifclit of tlie younc men's guild (A.S. ;/ro?n, a lad, from which groom). (6) i.e. to the light of tlie maidens' guild. For another in- stance of viaidertlight, see " Test. Ebor.," iv. ].'?2; "to the youR-men iinhtadossen wax " (" Test. Ebor.," iv. 262). CROWCOMBE. Robert Mylwarde of Crocombe. 4 May, 1530. to be buried in cburcbyard of Crocombe — to the Church of C. my violett cote — to the gromon iigiit ij'' (5) — to the mayden light ij'' (e) — my gostly father Sir Rovvswell iiij". Bes. — to my unkyl, Thos. IVIilward. Wit7i. — Sir Rovvswell, John Cowche, Will, doderyge, Will. Pole, John bacon. Joh. Wythe de Crocombe. 1534. in church of C. — Wells iiij'' — bye crosse of C. ij yowes — brotherhede of C. ij yowes — Johane my d. xV — John WELLS WILLS. 67 my son vj' viij^ — every godcliild iiij'" — gostly f. iiij*^ — to the Clarke iiij'' — Johane Armystrouge a shepe. Bes. — Edythe my wyf. Sujpervisors. — Sir Nich. Philypes and Geo. Oliver [xvj** each]. Witn. — Sir N. Philypy.'?, Water Baken, Kob. Clarke. Prob. in eccl, par. de Bruge water, 24 Ap. 1534. Summa x" viij''. John Mansell of Crocumbe. 30 Sep. 1535. in the chyd. of C— Wells ij'*. Res. — Ed i the my wyf. Supervisor. — W" Mansell my son. Test. — Wyll. Slape, Eob. taberer, Rob. Olyver. Summa vj" \f \f, CUERY MALET. Walter Cole de Cory Malett, husbandman. 17 Sep. 1533. in chyd. of Corry IMalet— Wells iiij"— Church of C. M. a liefer boleke(i) of ii ryers] of acre — St. Jam vs. (i)Thisis ^ ^ J L.7 J o J stillaSomer- Chapell xii'' — Ede and Jone fiuy dausl. set name for L J L J J a cow. Bes. — Alyce my wyf. Test. — John Enfyld, Rich. Carter, Rob. Mede, John mefe lynge (2). (2) ms. obscure. Prob. in eccl. par. de Hache bechame, 17 Ap. 1534. I/effl"n™^ Summa v'' xviij". index).*'''^ CURRY RIVELL. Joh. More. 12 June, 1530. sep. in eccl. par. de Coryryvell — Cath. Well, iiij" — eccl. de C. vj^ viij" — eidem eccl. v' iiij" levand. de debito Willi Squyer — eidem eccl. iij^ iiij" levand. de debito . . . mew de pytney — Agnete filie mee vj oves — Nich. filio meo agnellum — filie Johis Beke filiole mee 68 WELLS WILLS. affnellum — Willo lilio meo diias oves — lanrencio filio meo juvencum, taurioluni, vitulum ad dispositionem ux. mee, bigani cum pertineiitibus suis (vestibus ferriis omnibus exceptis) — Alicie filie mee duos tauriolos — Cristine iilie mee duos vitulos — \yaltero filio meo duas oves — David fdio meo unuui agiiellum— Duo, Will, goode ibidem curato medium frumenti. Res. — Johan ux. mee. Test. — Job. Beke sen., Job. Beke jun., Job. More, Will. More. John Collyns. 28 Oct. 1531. in semiterio omnium sanctorum de Curryvell — Catb. Well, iiij'' — eccl. de C. modium tritici — curato meo xij'' — Jobanni Merely iiij'" — Rich. Collyns filio [meoj duas equas et optimas meas rotas — . . . Collyns filio meo duas equas et alias rotas meas — Editbe filie mee unam juvencam et duas oves — Katberine filie mee, unam juvencam et duas oves — filio meo Jobani Eowlond unum ao;num — filie mee Matilde Dolman unum aiifnum. Cetera. — Isabell ux. mee. Test. — Duo. Eicb. Wattes, Job. Lycbfylde, Ricb. Palpyt. Joh. Bobet. 4 Oct. 1532. sep. in eccl. S. Andree de Coryryvell — C. Wellen. iiij'' — eccl. de C. vj'^ viij*^ — Alicie filie mee unum buculura trium annorum — benrico filio meo unam juvencam duorum annorum — Alicie filie mee unam juvencam unius anni — eccl. de Stoke [S. Gregory] viij''. Res. — Isabelle ux. mee. T'est. — Job. Tollo, ben. bond. Job. Hunt. CUTCOMBE, Hich. Baron. 20 Sep. 1531. to be bur**, in cbyd. of S. Jobn off Cuttcumbe — v lyjgtbis off tlie cb. v sbepe — j to tbe crosse, j to our lady, j to WELLS WILLS. GO St. John, j to St. Antorii, and j to St. Laurence — cb. of S. Salv. of Exforde xij"— St. And. [Wells] iiij". JRes. — Agues my wife. Witn.—iiiv Eob. Davyd, Will, lianty, Hen. at Wallon (i). (D There J ' J ' \ / are places in Cutconibe called Jolm Pers [or Pyers] off Cutcumbe. 18 Oct. 1531. stowey""' to be buried in the churchyard of St. John of Cutcumbe — an.i Luc'k- well, from St. Androw iiij'' — our lady a cowe — ly3th off ye^fj^^^°™^ crosse(2) iiij'*— St. John's ly3th iiij"— St. Katheryn Cloned ly3th iiij"_ij godchylder ij". S^^ B.es. — Rob. Blake, Gregory Stowey, and Will. Redlere. (2)^some- mY/i.— Sir John Goore (3), John Sully. '-Tyl Sc' " rode light," and "cross light." Gregory Stowey of Cutcumbe. 12 April, 1532. (3) "So. to be buried in the chyard — our Lady a shepe — another cumbents/ 340. to St. John — another to the ly3ght of the crosse — another to St. Anthony — another to St. Kateryn — another to St. Laurens — for my tethyngs forgotyu iiij^ — St. Androwes iiij". B,es. — Annys my wyf and John and W™ my sonnys. Witn. — Sir John Gore, hen. Robyns, Will. Redder, Will, bowrynge. William Stowey of Cutcombe. 20 June, 1532. to be bur" in the yle of our lady in the ch. of St. John of C. — our lady vj^ viij" — crosse ly3ght one shepe — St. John one shepe — St. Androwes iiij". i?es. — Geo. Cranmore my son-in-law, and John his son. Witn. — Sir John Gore, my gostly father, John Prestoke, " Phylype Clement, Peter Trumpe. John Blake of Cutcombe. 22 June, 1532. bur" in chyard — our lady a shepe — another to St. John — another to St. Anthony — another to ly3ghte of the crosse — another to St. Kateryn — another to St. Laurens — St. Androw iiij". 70 WELLS WILLS. Res. — Jone my wyffe. Witn. — Sir John Gore, Robert Blake, John Morley, John Bedow. (l)".So- niersit Iii- cuiiibents," 406. Thomas Gonne of Cutcombe. 27 Feb. 1532. chyd. of St. John of C. — church store of C. ij shepe — St. Laurence iiij'' — St. Audrow j''. Bes. — Alys my wyff. Witn. — Sir Geo. Toode (i), prist, and my gostly father, John to Barren, Eych. Thorne, [John] Soler. tioiied. This will follows the preceding one, so the testator pro- bably lived in the ncigh- biiurhood of Cutcombe. (2) No Thomas Goar (2). 3 Mar. 1532. place uicn- ii/> ni ii/» to my ^vyff Agnes the one halfe, and the other hall to George my sone and to my d. Jone. Ex. — my wiff Agnes. Witn.— lloh. Westelake, Will. Pyeton. Johanna Murley of Cutcombe. 9 Feb. 1532. chyd. of St. John of C. — our lady a shepe and a kyrtell — St. John a shepe — the li3tht of the crosse a shepe — St. laureuee a shepe — St. Katerine a shepe — S. Antony iiij'' — Saint Sonday (3) iiij'' — C. Wells iiij'' — every god- child that I have, unmaryd iiij'' — to j godchild maryd iiij'' — to every chyld of John ]\rurley a shepe and to every chyld of Philyppe Eedler a shepe — Rob. Gregory a shepe — John Murley a shepe. Res. — Henry my son and W™ Hellyer. Witn.— Siv Geo. Tood, Eye. Blake, John Zele. Gregory Stowey of Cutcombe. 22 Feb. 1532. chyd. of St. John of C. — St. John iiij" — the ly^gth of the crosse iiij'' — St. laurens iiij'' — our lady ij'' — S. Kathe- rine ij'' — St. Androwe j''. Res. — Agnes my d. Witn. — Sir Geo. Tood my gostly f., Will, lucwyllc, Will. barne. (3) See ante (Brotnpton Regis), p. 31. This may inean St. Dominica, & hermitess of Shapwick, near Glas- tonbury. Her cultus existed in Somerset and Devon (see Stanton's " Meno- lofjy." P- WELLS WILLS. 71 Johane luckwill of Cutcombe. 6 July, 1533. cbyd. of John of C. — Wells iiij'' — iij stowrs [s^or(?s] vj* viij'^ and to our lady a pere of bedys and a ringe — to St. Lawrens a yow and a lame — to St. Antony iiij'' — to o lady of pety iiij'' — to the Abbey of Clyve a shepe — Heniy Dun stun my godson \'f viij'^ — and to a childe of W" bowringe a shepe and to a goddau iij** iiij''. J?es.— Martyn Myld. Witn.—^iv Geo. Tood, Eob. Blake, Will. Pulthan. Hen. Howper of Cutcumbe. 26 Sep. 1533. chyd. of S. John of C. — iiij stores of C. iiij sliepe and to our lady of pyttye ij'^ — S. Antony ij'' — to the Almes Lyght (i) ij^'— Wells iiij^'— Henry my son x"— Will, ^^^l^^;' Puthani my godson iiij''. Mes. — Jone my wyff. Witn. — Sir Geo. Tood my gostly f., Kob. Clyve, John Zole. Prob. Cath. Well., 29 Nov. 1533. Summa inventarii xvij'' xvij^ viij*^. Thos. Joyce de Cutcombe. 5 Ap. 1531. chyd. of S. John of C. — hye crosse — 5 lady — St. John — each, a shepe — S. Lawrens iiij'' — Wells iiij'' — vj children {each) xP. Res. — Johane my wyf. Witn. — Sir Geo. Toode, Kob. Thome, Eic. lucwyll, Kob. Blake. Prob. in Stowgummer, 22 Ap. 1534. Summa xxvj'' xviij* iiij''. Joh. hawtynge of Cutcombe. 2 Ap. 1534, chyd. of S. John of C. — iij stors of C. iij^ — St. Lawrens xij'' — 6 lady of pytye ij'' — St. Antony ij" — Wells iiij'' — Rich, my son vj* viij'' — John how vj* viij'' — Will, my son xP — Joh. hawtynge a v galon pan — my ij ds. Johne and Kv chard xP each. wjlLls wills. Bes. — Thos. my son. Wit7i. — Sir Geo. Toode, Job. Zolye, Ric. hawtynge. Prob. (same). Summa viij" ij' vj''. (0"So. merset In- cumbents,' Harry Davy of Ciuleuinbe. 9 Feb. 1535. yn tbe cburcb of Cutcumbe — Wells iiij'' — tlie storye of St. Joliii yn tbe Cb. of C. vj" viij'' — bye crosse lygbt j sliepe — our ladye storye j sbepe — St. laurens storye a sbepe — to our lady pety iiij'' — Jobn, W" and Augues my chyldren not maryed tbe iij''' part of my goods. Bes. — Johne my wyf. Witn. — Sir Rob. Darclie (i), Job. Solye. Prob. in Stalls, 'Mail, 1530. (2V'Po- miT.-it lii- cuui bents," 4M. DINNINGTON. John Isacke. .3 Dec. 15.'>1. in semitoiio S. Nicbolai de Denyngton bumandum — S. Andree de Welles iiij''. Bes. — Aguete ux. mee. Test. — ])uo. Hugone Webb (2), Edvv. Isacke, Hen. Condon. (3) Koctor of Dowlisli- wako, insti- tutPd June 9, 1517 ("So- merset In- cumbents," 35'<). (4) See Weaver's " Visitiitions of Somer- set," p. 4. The Spekos ■were patrons of tbe benefice. DOWLISII WAKE. Tho. Preston, Gierke (a). 4 May, Ib'X}. to be bur' in boly grave — Wells ij* — p. cb. of Dolyge wake xiij** iiij'' — p. ch. of Ilmyster xiij* iiij'' — p. cb. of Columpton yn Devonsbire vj** viij'' — brotbernred of tbe Crosse witliyn the p. ch. of Ilmyster iij"* iiij'' — gray fryers yn Brugewater iij** iiij'' — wbit fryers yn Brystowe iij'' iiij'' — to my lady Elizabeth Speke (i) vj* viij'' — John Preston my brother sonne vj" xiij** iiij'' — same to Agnes P. my brother's dougbter — to my father vj'' a wyke durynge bis naturall lyff, tbe wycbe vj'' wykely my exors after namyd to pay — p. cb. of Cbarde vj' viij'' — WELLS WLLLS. 73 my exors to fynd a pryste to singe for my sowle and all cristyn sowles by the space of one yere within the p. ch. of Ilmyster. Jles. — John Preston my brother and Thos. P. his sonne (Exofs). Witn.— Sir Will. Pytts and Tho. Bragge. DULVERTON. Will. Wulcote. 2 Aug. 1530. chyard of Dulverton — St. Andrew of Wells iiij'^ — every one of my godchildern iiij'' — to Allhalon a pound of wax (i) — S. Katheryne a pounde of wax — the dedde (2) (1) The ^ ' J I / price of wax Ivght a pownde of wax — St. Erasmus a pound of wax — yas about J o I I fuurpence a St. Crystofer a iDounde of wax — our ladye in the chapell p°""''- . . ........ (2) Alight a pownde of wax — the hicjhe crosse iii"* iiii'\ kept burning i O J J at the altars Bes. — my wif Elizabeth. Witn. — John Skynner, John Rawlyn. thread (see Pre- face, and -• .- -./^ Walcott's Thos. Raynold. b Aug. 1530. " sacred Archico- chyard of Dulverton — highe crosse a shepe — ded light a^o|y."p- shepe — Alhalowne light iiij'^ — our lady in the chapell animarmn in comme- moration of iiij'' — Ch. of Wythipole a shepe — St. Andrew of Wells Bes. — John Coppe. Witn. — Sir Will. Squyer, John Borde. John Catvoord of Mountsee (3) in the par. of Dulverton. (3) For tlie family of 17 Feb. 1532. Blounceaux, si-e CoUin- to be bur'^ in the ch. or chyard of Alhalon in Dulverton — to son, iii. 556. Alhalows there a shepe — our lady, a shepe — St. Blase (4), ^-^^ j,,g a shepe — St. Jainys, a shepe — St. Gorge, a shepe — St. of wooi-^'"" Mychaell, a shepe — the ded ly 3ght, a shepe — the brydge, a shepe — the hye crosse iij* iiij'^ — Ch. of Haukeryge iif iii/ — every of my godchylder iiij'' — our ladys servyce in WELLS WILLS. (1) Walter [CatforJJ of Mouuuce. (2) "So- merset In- cunibents," 3tiU. Dulverton xx" — Jone hyndan my dau vj sponys of sylver, iij panys, a brasse pot of iij gallons, v platers and podyn- gers, vj sawcers, and to Jone her dau a bason — to Jone my dau an oxe, a bullock of one yere hold and a mare colte and to every one of her chylder one shepe apyce — also to Jone hyndati my dau a coffer — W"' the son of Wat' (i) of Mouutsee a shepe — to Robert and Johane ... a shepe — to the wyffo of Water of Mountsee a platter, a podynger, and a saucer. Res. — Johan my wiffe. Wit7i. — Sir John [SlocockJ (2) vicar of Dulverton, Eye. cruse, Thos. Hyndan. C3) "To the parish cliurih of Wanstre co. Soin' x'' so that a cow may be bought, and with the prcilit thereof testator's obit kept therf, the s<'. legacy to be publicly reliearsed every year in the pulpit of that church before the parisljioners that th' y may speci- ally' liray," etc. (Wad- ley's " Bris- tol Wilis," 121). Agnys ffysher. 27 July, 1532. chyd. of JJulverton — hye crosse of D, j shepe — Alhallou a shepe — to the ded lyghte a shepe — St. Peter a shepe — our lady servys a shepe — Wells iiij'' — I love to Johane ray d. a cowe(3) and panne to kype my obyt ons by the yere wyles she lyvyth. Res. — Rych. my sone and Jone and Agnes my d.s. Witn. — John Slococke V. of D,, Joh. Chylcat, Rob. ffysher. Robart Catford. 7 Dec. 1532. chyd. of Alhalon yn Dulverton — every store in same eh. a shepe — to the payntyn of the hey crosse there vj*" viij'' — our lady servyce xij'" — Wells iiij'' — every of my godchildren a shepe. Res. — my son Will. Witn. — Sir John Slowcocke V. of D., Water Comyn, John Slad. Alyce Jurdayne of Dulverton. 3 IMar. 1534. Allhalon in the Cli. of I^. a shepe — hye crosse iiij'' — lady a carcheffe— liye autcr a carcheffe — St. Jamys a shepe — to our servys iiij''. WELLS WILLS. 75 ' Res. — Eoger my son. Witn. — Sir John Slowcoke Yicar, John bord. Prob, in eccl. par. de Stowgummer, 22 Ap. 1534. Sunima xlj^ iiij*^. John Cheryton, syngleman of Dulverton. 9 Apr. 1534. hye crosse in D. iiij"^ — to the sepulcre clothe (l) there iiij'^ Rock-^*^ —6 lady service a shepe. oilrFYttrs!'' Bes. — my father John C. of Brusheford. Witn. — Sir John Slocoke, Vycar, Joh. Slocoke. Prob. (same). Sunima iij" vj^ viij''. Will ffysher de Dulverton. 9 Ap. 1534. Wells iiij'' — Alhaloyes of D. a shepe — hye crosse a shepe — our lady, S. blase, S. Katherine, S. Peter, ded lyght (each) a shepe — 5 lady servys ij* vj'' — ch. of Wynsford, Ch. of Hawkaryge, Ch. of Wythepole (each) a shepe — every godchild iiij'^ — Ric. and Rob. my brothers, Agnes and Jone my sisters (each) vj^ viij'^ Bes. — John, Edw'' and Eliz. my chyldren. Witn. — Sir John Slococke V., Joh. Chilcote at Vere- Well (2). ^.(2) Nov. \ ' Virdle, in Overseers.— Sir J. S. and J. C. (vj^ viij'* each). Duivertoa. Prob. {same). Summa xvj^' xij^ viij'\ Juliane Jordayne de Dulverton. 14 Mar. 1533. Wells iiij'^ — Alhalows of D. iiij'^ — hye crosse iij^ iiij** — St. Kath. — ded ly3ght — 5 lady chappell — each, iiij'^ — lady serv. vj'^ viij'"- Bes. — Robt. Pawle, Roger and Will, my sons. Witn. — Sir John Slowcocke, John bord. Overseers. — Rob. Wether, harry hodgys. Prob. (same). Summa xx*' ix^ iiij*^. ' 7G WELLS WILLS. DUNDRY. Rob. Stevyn of Dondrye in the dioc. of Bath (sic) husbond- mau. 16 Sep. 1513.'). ^^p,_^'' in the chapell hey(i) of Diindiy— Wells iiij'^— Ch. of S. Andrew of Cliew viij' — j\rarg' Jukestry — chapell of S. Micba.iis Giles (2) of Dondiy — Jone Baten — every godchild a incum- shepe — my childien half of my croods. beuts."252). r . JO Res. — helynor my vvyf. Overseer. — Will. Weke. Witn. — Sir Nich. Coke my g. f. and curate, John Baten. Prob. in domo residencie doraini commissarii Well., 8 Mail, 1534. Sumina xxviij" xv'' vj''. John Hassyll of Dundre, husbandman. 2o Aug. 1534. to be bur'> in the Chapell of D.— Wells iiij"— Ch. of S. (3)Capeiia Audrowc of Chwc viiV' — Chapell of D. (3) iii' iiij''— o de Chew •' ^ \ / J J incmn"'** lady ID. thc Chapell iiij'' — o lady in the porche iiij'' — my beats," 252). ^^^ y^m ^^^ — ^^ g^^ Edward vj" xiij' lilj'^ — my son Thos. c^ — to my sons children John and W" — every godchild iiij''. Res. — John ray son. Overseers. — John byrd, Joli. Hassell, W" Collyns. Witn. — Sir Nicolas Coke, my g. f., John byrd, W" Collyns. Summa xxxvj" iiij\ DUNSTER. Stephan Thomas. 15 Nov, 1531. ecclesie de Duuster iiij'' — vicario de D., duploidem (doublet). Res. — Margarete, nx, mee. (0 "So- Test. — Dno. Joh. Rysse (4), Thomas Juuer [Joyner]. tnerspt In- cumbents," ^^'- Johan Wedmore of Dunster, wedow. 26 Jan. 1531. to be buried in chyard of D. — iiij ly3ghts off ye Ch. of D. xvj". — Ch. off Wells iiij'' — fryers of Brygewater vj'' — • WELLS WILLS. 77 vicari off D. ii platers and a seme (i) off wode — ^O) ^ my servante Margery a g:owDe, ij pannys, a crocke, a °^j^^^^f^j^ flockebed performyd (2), ij platers and ij sawcers — Thos Jovner iiii'^ — y*^ bells off D. viii''. as a west horse-load s Rural Kco- nomy," i. 398, gives it Devonshire Ees. — Tecke Arundell. word(Haiii- well). It Witn. — Sir John Eysse, vicar, Thos. Warman, Eog. Hopper, ^^^l^^l ^j eight bushels. John Wether of Dunster. 1 June, 1532. (2) i.e. to be bery'^ yn chyd. of D. — Ch. of Wells ij'^— iij lyghts of Tppurte- c 1 1 11 '^ nances. the Ch. of D. and to the reparyng ot the bells my gowne — dowter Jone ij platers ij pongers [porringers] ij sawsers ij chandelers (3) ij sylver spones, a basyn and a (3)Candie- t /I 1 1 * StlCKS, crocke — same to dowter Alys — my wyfe shall geve to''i''omp. ■' '^ ' " Parv., 71(3). the vycary iij'' vj'^ for to say a trentall (4) yf he wyll say (4) Thirty it, els to some other priest. the dead, said ' '■ daily on i^es.— Agnis my wyfe. se^nLT' Witn.—SlT John Eyse, Will. Owen, Thomas Joyce. tne'L7,u thirty priests could be Adam White of Dunster. 10 March, 1533. °^"^'°«'^- chyd. of D. — Wells ij"^ — reparacyon of the bells of D. and iiij lyghts my gowne — Agnes my d. the valure of xx" of my goods. Bes. — Agnes my wyff. Witn. — Sir John Ryse, vie, Th. Skynner, Kic. Adams. John Toker of Dunster. 22 Ap. 1533. chyd. of D. — W^ells ij"* — to the byldynge of the tower of Old Clyve my tokers shers (5) that be wyth Barnard C5)ruiier's Dovell — to the lyghts of the ch. of D. and to the vicary my best shers. Bes. — Eliz, my wyff. Wibi. — Sir John Eyse, vie, Joh. Whitte, Will. Keper. John Gervys of Dunster, Last day of May, 1533. chyd. of D. and the lytell goods that I have I gyve to my wyff Margett. Witn. — Sir John Eysse, Joh. Whytt. shears. 73 WELLS WILLS. Eich. Holcumbe of the towne of Diinstcr. 4 Oct. 1533. in the par. ch. of D. — iiij lights of D. iiij* — bells xij^— Wells iiij" — my d. Agnes xx' — my d. Xtyan xx' — if either or both dye, the goods to my Exix — John my son minor xij" — John my elder son xx" — Thos. my son iij' iiij'' — Vicar of D. ij^ Res. — ]\Iaro:aret mv wvf. Witn. — Sir John Kyse, V., Job. Slocumbe, Rub. Geringe, Nich. horman. Prob. Cath. Well., 29 Nov. 1533. Summa iuventarii xiv" vj** iij". Robert Jankyn in the towne of Dunster. 27 Aug. 1533. chyd. of D. — iiij lights of the p. c. of D. iiij^ — bells xij'^ — AYells iiij'^ — vycar of D. iij' iiij'^ — ffryers of Brydge- water iij^ iiij" — John Melett vj** viij" and my blew cote — my brother John my best chamlett doblett and my furryd gowne — my brother Owen a cote cloth — John (1) Gaber- Sanger my grene cotte — my sister, my gaberden (l). dine (Fr.), ' a coarse J^gg. — Elnor mv wyn. cloak or -' •" lm\nmT' Witn. — Sir John Kyse, V., John pypys, Rog. Howper. (iaiU). Prob. Cath. Well., 29 Nov. 1533. Summa inventarii xxviij" viij^ viij". Agnes Wether, -wedowe. 3 Oct. 1532. late the wvf of John Wether of Dunster — bur" in ch. of D. — Repar"^ of p. c. of D. my best gownde — to the vicary of D. a latyn bason. Bes. — Alice my younger d. Overseer. — Thos. Jay of Caramton, he to keep the goods till my d. be of lawful age. Witn. — Sir John Ryse, V., Thos. joyner, John Whyther. Prob. Cath. Well., 17 Dec. 1533. Summa inventarii iij'' iiij** viij". Roger Clawsey de Dunster. 18 Feb. 1533. in par. ch. of D. — iiij lyghts of D. xx". WELLS WILLS. 79 Bes. — Alys my wyf. Witn. — Sir John Kyse, V., Tho. Holcombe. Prob. in Stowgummer, 22 Ap. 1534. Summa xiv^' xiv^ Geo. Stonys of Dunster. 10 Dec. 1533. chyd. of D.— iiij lyghts of D. xvj^'— Wells ij^— V. of D. a wether — John my eldest son (i) a stere of ij yere age — gonPnlmed* to the 2'^'^ John a stere — Will my son — Thos. my son — John my yonger son — ffryers of Brygewater vj^ viij*^. Res. — Margarett my wyf. Witn. — Sir John Eyse, priste, Joh. Blakewyll, Rob. tapescott. Prob. in Stowgummer, 22 Ap. 1534. Summa xiij^' xviij'^ Joh. Hooper de Dimster. 5 Feb. 1533. in church of D. — Wells xij*^ — Eep. of the bells of D. a gowne so that iiij* of the price of it be gevyn to the iiij lights of D. — V. of D. iij"" iiij'^ — John son of Roger hoper a maser. Bes. — Anne my wyf and Roger my son. Witn. — John Whytlake, John at Wode, Tecke Arundell. Prob. {same). Summa xxxij^' x® v'^ ob, John Whyte of Dunster. 12 Mar. 1534. oh. or chyd. of D. — Wells xij*^ — ch. of D. for my grave vj* viij'' — iiij lyghts in the ch. of D. xiij* iiij'' — Rep" of the bells vj^ viij'' — Eliz. my wyf iij^ iiij'' — Agnes my d. XX angell nobles — Johane my d. oon payre of sylver croks gylt — Jone Stephyns — W™ Marchant oon gold noble — John Wodde iij^ iiij'' — Rob. Goghe iij* iiij'' — Joh. Stokcombe iij* iiij'' — Sir John Ryse V. of D. iij^ iiij''— Sir John Bayly \\f iiij'' — Sir Will, heyle xx'' — Sir John of tyrabrescumbe iij^ iiij'' — Rob, my son vj" xiij* iiij'', xviij polls (2) of pewter vessel], xx shepe, p/a^.^** 80 WELLS WILLS. O) "I gyff 11 hyeff of beis to kcip the lyght afore Peynt Sontlay and Sfynt Krasnius " ("Test. Ebor.," V. 299). twoo lioggetts — Tho. Evered oon quarter of barley — John Chester oon fresecote — Will, hogans oon murray cote — my children Agnes, Jonc, John, Eliz., Robert. Res. — John mv son. Witn. — Job. Stockcombe, Thos. Evered, Sir Job. Myrth, Will. Marchant, Job. Woodde, Will hogans. Prob. in domo solit. res. Mri. Walt. Cretyng, 9 Ap. 1535. Summa xxxiij'' xix'' iiij''. Tho. Skynner of Dunster. 3 Mar. 1534. in cliurcb of D.— the prior of 1). v"" — iiij lights of the Ch. of D. my best gowne — Wells xij'' — ffryers of Brigewater v^ — pore people liij^ iiij*' — Vycary of D. a wether — my exori to mayntayn a priste to synge in the p. c. of 1 ). the space of a hole yere to gyve him for bys stypendary vjii — each cbyld xx nobles apece, xij wethers and viij yewys — I will that they have all the beeys (i) that I have owt with other men. Bes. — Johan my wyf. Overseers. — Joli. Skynner my brother, Peter Beryman. Witn. — Sir Job. Ryse, pryst, Job. Blakewell, hugh Stronge, Jankvn archer. Prob. (same). Summa Ixx" xiv** iij'\ Margaret Deey of Dunster. IG Aug. 1535. in chyd. of D.— Wells ij"— ded lyght in the Ch. of D. ij"— Rode lyght ij". Bes. — Jolme my dan. and bir children. Witn. — Sir John Ryse, vycar, Job. Syche, Rob. Tapscote. Prob. (same). Summa Iv^ viij". ELWORTHY. (2) "So- John Cridlond(-2) de Elvvorthe. 1 Oct. 1531. inerset Wills," 1st series, 39; 4th eericB, 91. scpeliendum infra eccles. S. Martini de E. — cath. Well, ijij'i — fraternitati S. Martini de E. viij'' — lumini S. WELLS WILLS. 81 Martini unum arietem — lumini Animarum (i) duas oves (ij The , . , . , , same as the matrices — de paracione quadriceriorum (2) xij'^ — volo "dead- ut celebratur pro anima mea quolibet meuse per (2) Pro- ,., , bablythe spacium 111 annorum sumptibus executoram meorum. four torches ■*• "^ ^ used on the Bes. — Johane C. ux. mee et Job. filio meo. wax te"ng'' Test—Dno. Eob. Bayly (3) Eectore ibidem, Job. Hayes, pSffour* T^ 1 TT 1 T 1 T-> tapers of one Davyde H ugne, J oh. t^aynys. pound each would come to twelve- pence (.see Wadley's Joh. Ingram de Elworthe. 9 Dec. 1533. "Bristol ° Wills," 94, in cimiterio de E.— Wells ii'^— S. Martino iiii"— S. Marie "2). (3) "So- iiii'^ — S. Antbonio iiii'' — lumini pro defunctis iiii''. merset in- '' J r J cumbents," Bes. — Johane ux. mee. 365. Test.—Roh. Davyd, Walt. Gover, Tho. Taylor. Prob. in Stowgummer, 22 Ap. 1534. Siimma vj" \'f ij'\ Thos. Tayler of Elwortby. ult. Feb. 1536. chyd. of Elmerworthy — Wells iiij'^ — St. Martyn a shepe — to be brother in the brotherhede of St. Martyng iij* iiij"^ — my d. Crystian a pan, vj female shepe — my other iiij children ij*^ apece. Bes. — my wyf. Witn. — Sir Eob. Davy curat, Joh. Wellesman, Thos. harrys, Joh. Gover. Prob. in Stokegummer, 28 Ap. 1536. Summa vj" xiij''. ENGLISHCOMBE. Thos. Londesdon of Engliscombe. 5 Jan. 1534. chyd. of E. — Wells iiij'' — par. ch. of E. j heffer — my son John — my d. Agnes. Bes. — my son in law Thos. Cullverhouse and Jone my W win. •' •' Regeleue, dau. (exo"rs). j^unessf Witn.— ^ir: Will. Eoglyne (i) f V. of E., John Gravell, "^l^^. -r> • m cumbents,' Eic. Evan. 271). G 82 WELLS WILLS. (1) Insti- tuted Marcli •ii, 1498. lie was suc- ceeded by Tbo. Wat- kyns ("So- ineraet In- cumbents," 366). (2) Re was instituted Rector of Gotehurst Oct. 19, 1530 ("Somerset Incum- bents," 371). (3) Aisle. (4) "Sex coclinriacuni capitibus puellarum" ("Test. Kbor.," iv. 133). (5) A vessel which held coke for heating a room. I, at., foculus. (6) Insti- tuted June 9, 1530 ("So- merset In- cimi bents," 366). ENMORE. Job. Danyell (i), clericus, Rector de Enmer. 16 Mali, 1530. sep. ill cancello S. Micbaelis de Enmer — Cath. Well, viij'' — fraternitati parocliie de Earner duas vaccas — Eliz. holcombe imam vaccam — Tho. holcombe meam maxi- mam ollam eneam. Ues. — Hugoni Mallet armigero. Test. — Dno. Will. Rod (2) curato de Gotthurst, Dno Tho. AVatkyns, capellano, Job. Attwell, Job. bolcombe. John Atwell de Enmer. 5 Ap. 1535. in par. cb. of Enmer — Wells viij'' — cb. of E. for my buryall ther vj" viij'' — o lady servyce of E. to pray for me and all crystyn sowles my best gowne — Sepulcre servys in tbe p. cb. of Bromfelde to pray for me vj® viij'' — to tbe Agmentacun of tbe warke in makyn and byldyn of tbe new yeld (3) in tbe cb. of B. xP — Jobane my wyf vj sylver spones witb maydenbeds (4) and after ber decease to "VV™ my son — to W" my son a cbaffynge dyscbe (5), xl sbepe now going npon my ground in B., my plowe gere and weyne — John Payne — Hen. Jenkyns, Jobn Grobbam, Jobn Colford, Jobn a Castell tbe yonger, my feoffers of all my lands in B. during tbe mynority of W" my son — W"^ Bulte now bolding in B. for terme of bis life, tbe wb. annuate I bave bad of tbe graunte of Jobn Walford. Res. — Jobane my wyf. Witn. — Sir Tbos. Watkyns (6) parson of tbe p. cb. of Enmer, Job. Grobbam, ben. Jenkins, Jobn Colford. Piob. in Brugewater, 23 Julii, 1535. Summa xxxiij'' vj® vj*^. EXFORD. Thomas Almysworthy. 3 May, 1530. cbyard of Exforde — same cburcb ij sbepe — our lady WELLS WILLS. 83 light and hy crosse, a shepe [each) — sepulcre light xij" — Cath. Wells iiij'' — Will. Crocombe my godson a shepe — to my goddaii at Norrys a shepe — to every other of my godchilder iiij*^ — my dou and her child a yew and a lambe — Will. Daw my servante ij yewys and lammys — to a prist to sing for me by the space of half a yere V marks — I wold a cow to be sett owte to kype a myn- day (i) for me. p^ ^ Bes.— hdliQ to Annys my wif with iiij marks in money, ^ann^ver- the other halfe of my quyck bests (2) I gyve to Gregory death," and Will, my sonnys and the half not quik to Will, my day"(Haiii- son whom I make Exor with his mother. °°''^' p- ''* (1') Cf. Witn. — Sir Will. Glos, curate, Joh. hancok. Will, tranjre, "quy^e' ' is ' good " (live Will. Crocombe. fSf"^)- " Test. Overseers. — my brother Gregory and Joh. Pyers my son m""^' in law. IV. Richard Coppe (3). 5 Sep. 1532. (3) res- , - tator was cnyd. 01 Lxford — same ch. iiij shepe — sepulcre lyght ^y''^':""f ^ there iiij"^ — Cath. Wells xij'^— iij" towards the making of an vied (4) yf the paryshe will sett and begyn upon (4) Aisie. hit within three yers after my dethe, else to be dysposed after the dyscrecion of my Exix — Wm. Coppe my sons a anvyll, ye bylles (5), ij slogys (e), a hammer, ij thongys (5) Bei- and a pere of pynsars — he also to have his part of my °r"g,gj g, goods excepte of the yre [iron] and cole and suche stuf ^^™™«''- of my shope wh. shal be to the discreciou of my ExTx., for me, my friends and hers to dispose for our sowles helthes — Thomason my d. a gyrdell and a pan after the dessese of my wyff — I bequeth a cawdrin [chaldron] to hold a mynd for me and them I am bound [for] (7) (7) His i • p T /> 1 m godchildreu. yerely to my wiie and alter her to remayne to Tomsyn my d. and she to kepe hyin. Res. — Alls my wyff. Witn.—G^eo. Eliswor (s), parson, Sir Will. Gouls, John J;ll!l Frogwill, harry Kentt. cumbents," 84 WELLS WILLS. Roger Rudler of Exford. G Jan. 1532. chyd. of Exford — C. Wells iiij'' — my brother John Rudler a heyfer price x" — my iiij godchilder iiij shepe price iij" iiij'' — mayntynance of the brothereden light in Exford viij''. Bes. — my father John Rudler. Witn.—^ix Will. Glosse, Rob. Philips. Will. Crocombe. 3 Mar. 1532. chyd. of Exford — same ch. a shepe — Sepulcre lyjght there a shepe — to the parson iiij'' for thethes forgotyn — C. AVells iiij*^. Mes. — Mawde my wyf. Witn. — Sir "Will. Glosse, curate, John Philyps. Overseers. — Rob. Crocombe, Joh. Rudler, Rob. luckes. (1) See note, p. 74. (2) Hoart, etc., of an animal. Rob. Crocombe. 28 Jan. 1532. chyd. of Exfforde — store of our lady a sliepe — sepulcre ly5ght a shepe — the byldyng of a yeld [aisle] xij*^ — C. Wells vj'' — parson for t. f. a shepe — a myudey cowe (l) that I had of my mother I wold she shold remayne to the churche so that the parson or his depute to have for dyr^'^ge and masse yerely iij'' to pray for suche sowlis as I was bownd to pray for, and the wardyn j*^ for his labor as long as hit shall piece God the thyng to yndure and the ynges [hinges] (2). Bes. — Isote my wyff. Witn.—^\v Will. Glos, curate, Rob. Philipe, Will. Elys- worthy, Rob. Luckes. tutedjur'' ^®°- Elsworthy, Rector (.3) eccl. de Exford. 24 Ap. 1532. 2'2, 1522 (■' Somerset Incum- bents," 367). C. Well en. iij*" iiij'' — fratribus de Brugewater ad orand. pro anima mea et pro animabus quibus teneor xx^ — eccl. S. George de Dunster ad vitrandam fenestram in occidentali parte dicte eccl. iiij^ — monachis apud Clyve ad orandnm pro anima mea &c. xx^ — eodem WELLS WILLS. 85 monasterio omnes libros meos sub hoc condicione quod iufra uuum annum post obitum meum in aliquo loco ad hoc apto tanquam librarium [i.e. a library] facerent et ibidem libros predictos ponerent ad usum monachorum dicti monasterii — Willo Codgan fratri meo unum le salte et goblet pro quibus debet mihi iiij" — Johane sorori ejus vj^ viij'' — Joh. Germyn famulo meo omnes oves meas — Heri fratri meo an olde noble viz. x^ — omnibus confiliis (l) meis viz. Georgio ci) see Pers, Anthonio Wood et Georgio Germyn cuilibet eorum iij"* iiij'^ — aliis confiliis cuilibet xij'^ — Rob. Gow3th yjs viij'' — Duo. Will. Glosse ad. orand. pro anima mea &c. per unum annum vj" — Willo Mathent et Johi Wode cuilibet eorum x^ pro labore eorum quos constituo supervisores. Bes. — Custodibus bonorum eccl. par. de Exford ad usum ejusdem eccl. ita quod volunt parochiani predicti facere ambulatorium (2) in aliqua parte eccl. predict, infra (2^ The spacium x annorum post datum presentem, alitor ad which other •^ *■ *■ testators left disposicionem W. M. et J. W. in pios usus convertend. bequests (see Jr »■ ante). "Sep. pro salute anime mee et animarum fidelium defunct- j^ed^o^ambu- latorii ante Orum. crucifixum " / K rpst Test. — Duo. Will. Glosse, Joh. Jermyn, Joh. piers. Ebor.,"iv. in eccl. in deambu- John At Cowrte de Exford. 28 Mar. 1534. boriaiies opposito in chyd. of E.— Wells iiij'^'— to the Church of St. Salvym (3) fontr-^ of Exford a bolocke price x^ — to my [children] Roger, ^^r.," v. Johan and Xtian {each) xx^ soSi^aif Ees.-Margery my wyf. 11,^ Witn. — Sir John Devonges, curat, Joh. Peyrs, Joh. dedTcltedto German, Roger baker. Magdalen. Prob. in Stowgummer, 22 Ap. 1534. Summa xj" xj^ ij''. 86 WELLS WILLS. EXTON. ' Thomazia Vicari, vidua. 5 April, 1531. sep. in ecc'l. divi Petri de Exton — dive Marie optimum (1) A pair velamen et par precularum (i) — S. Katherine secundum rosary ' vclameu — Cath. Wellen. iiii'' — luminibns defunctorum (precula, a ^^<^)- ovem unam — filiolis meis innuptis cuilibet eorum iiij . Jles. — Jobanne, Alicie, Katherine, Silvestro, Elezabetbe, Margarite, Olivero, Thomizie, pueris Eobarti filii mei. Supervisorihus. — Rob. filio meo, Eic. baylye, Dno. Will. Vicare, Job. Vicare. Test. — Dno. Will. Vicare, Rog. Vicare, Ric. baylye. John Dyer. 1532. in cimiterio de S. Petri, Exton — iiij stauris eccl. de Exton iiij oves — singulis meis filiolis iiij'' — S. Andrew Well. iiij". Res. — Alicie ux. mee. Broffiiay (=ec Test.—Dno. Olivcro Braneley (2), Ric. Brayle, Job. Bryant. next wills). John Vicar of Exton. 1 Dec. 1533. chyd. of Exton— Wells iiij'^ — v stores of ye cb. of E. V sbepe— ffriers of brygewater xij'^— curet of E. iiij"— every godchild iiij''. Bes. — Jobane my wyf. Witn.— Sir Oliver Bromlay, Joh. baker, John Vicar. John Pers. 1536. cbyd. of S. Peter of Exton— Wells ij"— ch. of Exton to iiij stowres iiij sbcpe — Dave my sonne v shepe. Bes. — John my sonne. ■fYitn. — Sir Olyver Bromlay curat, Joh. Thomas, Joh. lucwell. Prob. in Stokegummer, 28 Ap. 1536. Summa iiij" vij^ viij". WELLS WILLS. 87 FAEMBOROUaH. Rob. Coks de ffarnebarrow. 4 May, 1532. in cimiterio Omnium Sanctorum de F. — matrici eccl. Well. iiijJ — Omnium Sanctorum de F. unam juvencam etatis ij annorum — aliam juvencam etatis unius anni Johane Warkman filie mee — Cristine Warkman unum vitulum istius anni. ;^es. — Elene ux. mee, Thome Coks, filio meo, et Rico Coks, filio meo. Test, {none given). FIDDINGTON. John Gooddeman. 4 Sept. 1530. sep. in cimiterio de S. Martini de ffedyngton — eccl. de F. unum iuvenculum(l) — Catb. Well, ii'' — sanctissimo 0) a •' ^ ' "^ _ steer. altari de F. pro Dei oblationibus meis oblitis ij*^ — Will, filio meo seniori unam iuvenculam (2) in etate duorum (2) a annorum — Will, filio meo junior! unum juvenculum — Johanne filie mee unam juvenculam — Nicolao filio meo unum vitulum. Bes. — Jobanne ux. mee. Test. — Dno. Tboma Puffe (3), Rectore de ffydyngton, (3-1 insti- ^ ^ J •> ° ' tutedl516 Hug;. Scballdow, Galfr. Redde. ("Somerset o ' Incum- bents," 369). Hugo Lynte de ffyddyngton. 3 Mar. 1533. in eim. divi Martini de F. — eidem eccl. iij^ iiij'^ — lumini Animarum ibidem iiij'^ — summo altari xij*^ — eccl. de F. post decessum ux. mee, " my best vate." Bes. — Agneti ux. mee. Supervisor. — Walter Rede. Test. — Dno. Tho. Puffe Rectore ibm, Galfrido Rede. Prob. in eccl. de Stoway, 21 Ap. 1534. Summa x*^ xij' v*^. 88 WELLS WILLS. Angnes lynte of fedyngton. 1536. cbyd. of F.— AVells ij"— 8. Mertyng of F. a cowe— Eliz. Kede one potte of a g ^ ' ' (2) One of Prob. in eccl. de Wellenton, 22 Ap. 1534. iMtiSto Summa Ivj^^ vij^ x^ S^^ll 1554 ("St- merset In- cumbents," Will. Martyn de Hunspyll. 14 July, 1535. 303). chyd. of alhalone in H. — Wells iiij'^ — hie crosse iiij*^ — 5 lady servyce iiij*^ — S. Nicolas servyce iiij* — Johne my eldest d. a coffer, ij pelowtowes (3), a salte, a gyrdell wh. (g-jpmo^. was of the bequeste of Alyce my fyrste wyf — Nycolas puwbere ^ n .1 IT 1 1 •• p both mean my son a heier to be delivered at vij yere 01 age — piuow-case. Rychard my yongest dau a cow to be delivered at Mychaelmass next follynge. Res. — Jone my wyf. Witn. — Sir John Hankoks, Joh. Martyn, Thos. leker, Will. Cobb, Eob. bloer. I gyve to Church of H. ij gyrdelles harneste after the decesse of Johne my wyf. Prob. in Stokegummer, 20 Jul. 1535. Summa xvij^' x^ ILCHESTER. Thos. Layer of Yvelchester. 2 Dec. 1532. in par. ch. of our lady majoris in Yevelchester — to the same ch. toward the sustentacion of the same viij^ iiij* — parson of the same for tytlies forgotyn xij'' — maynte- 96 WELLS WILLS. (1) "Test. Kbor.," iv. 116, 274. nance of the holy relyks (i) of the same ch. xij'' — C. Wells viij'' — my iiij chyldren iij sons and j doughter vj" xiij*' iiij'' equally to be devydyd and payd to them at there full age or when they shall happyn to be maryd, and yff hit happyn any of them dye before, the said summe be destrybuted unto [tlie survivors] and if all dey before the sayd dystrybucion, as God defend, then I will tliat all the said sum be dysposed unto summe honest prist to syng and praye for my soule and the soules of the said children by the space of j yere, to take by year viij marks. Bes. — Alys my wiff. Overseer. — My father John laver. Witn. — Mr. Manfyld parson of yevelchester, Will, hogges. (2) Insti- tuted 1504 ("Somerset Incum- bents," 381). ILE BRUERS. Johes Lykyer de Ilebruers. 22 Mar. 1533. sep. in cimiterio Ilbruers — Well, vj'' — eccl. de I. xij''. Res. — Alicie ux. inee. Test. — Dno. Tho. bennett (2) vie. ibidem, hen. Edwards, Steph. Sewill. Prob. in eccl. par. de hache bechame, 17 Ap. 1534. Summa xxxYJ*" ^j''. C.-?^' Alight kind of armour, used originully in Germany (Wright) See " Test. Ebor.," V. 3 76. (4) "A Rode gylde " isnienlioncd in "Test. Ebor.," iv. 2:59; also another, p. 218 n. KEYNSHAM (see p. 54). John Beyse {or Byese). 10 Sep. 1530. chyard of Kynsham — Cath. Wells ij'' — a pair of almayn ryvetts (3) to be delyvered between the brothered of the rode light (4) and the bells — to the torches ij''. Bes. — Alice my wif. Wiin. — John Hopthong, Rob. Paynter, and my gostly father. WELLS WILLS. 97 KILTON. Joh. Gonyngham. 7 Oct. 1533. in cim. beati Nicholai de Cutcum (i) — Well, xij'^ — filiis (i) sic • • Ti ••• ^ c\ t • ^ f MS., in error meis spintiialibus iif — eccl. d. aeacoui(2) modium fru- probably for ^ "^ ^ ' Cultun (Kil- menti — patri meo spiritual! iii^ ton) wwch ■T r J was dedi- ^a^.— Alicia ux. mea. ^^Hho^Ls-: Supervisors. — Alex. Gonyngham et Joh. Crebutt. cJtcombe"°' Test. — Joh. Gonyngham, Rich. dant. (2)'st. Prob. Cath. Wellie, 29 Nov. 1533. ^''='''"""'- Summa inventarii Ixxviij® j"*. KINGSTON SEYMOUR. 1533. Alice Large, wedow. in Church of Kyngston Semer — Wells ij''. Bes. — John my son. Witn. — Sir Thos. Hobbys, Rob. jarman, Joh. Philyppes. KINGSTON [juxta Taunton]. Rich. Whyte de Kyugeston. 1534. in church of K. — Wells iiij'' — ch. of K. vj^ viij*^ — 6 lady servys of K. xiij^ iiij'^ — to the Torches xij'^ — Agnes Whyte ij shepe — Agnes bult ij shepe — if these ij maydens dye the best bedes \left to Agnes W. or Agnes B. if she dye] to Rob. Whyte. Res. — Tamsen my wyf and Rob. my son. Prob. in eccl. de Taunton, 5 July, 1534. Summa xv'' xiij^ j''. Syr Rych. Playce (3), priste, Vycar of Kyngeston. 12 Jun. (3) insti- tutedAug. 1534. 11. 1511 ("Somerset in holy buryall of the p. of K.— lady church of K. iiij*' benw"39o). — servyce of 6 lady in the same ch. my medow — each 98 WELLS WILLS. (1) Fichct, a stoat. (2) A gold piece worth fifteen shillings. (3) At Glastonbury. (4) There ■was a shrine on the cliff near Old Cleeve. It was destroyed by a landslip temp. Ed. IV.. and another chapel was built further inland ("Som. Arch. Proc." vi. ii. 43). (5) Dorset. (6) Devon. (7) Ed- mund Lacy was Bishop of E.xeter (1420-55). He was buried on the north side of the choir of the cathe- dral. John Hoker(lf)24- 1601), the first historian of Devon, says that pil- grimages were long made to his tomb. (8) Curate of Norton Kitzwarrcn (see p. 95). godch, xij'' — Wells xij'' — Isotte Merchefyld my god-dali xP — Job. Hobbys my serv' and Jobn Marcliefyld my lad eacb xx^ — Chapell of S. Elen in the p. of Chelfrome in the shere of dorsett liij'' iiij'' to bye a payre of veste- ments — to the same chapell a masse boke and a sirples — Water Shorte my gowne furryd with ffechowe (l) — my exors to find a pryste the space of iiij yers in the p. of K., ther to synge for the sowles of Walter Playce my father and Govett P. his wife my mother and Sir John Myll, and for my soul and all the souls of my goode doers — to John Stowell and Thos. Stowell my godsons, a ryoll (2) of gold (each) — Mastres Stowell a ryoll — all my stuff of howshold (the bedds excepte) and all such napery as is in my coffer to be delt amongest poer people. Bes. — Thos. Warr and Eob. ffarthinge (ii'j'' eacli). Wihi. — Sir Water Short, priste, Eic. Knyght, hughe howell, Joli. decon. Also I will that my exors do go or cause one to go to Josephe Abarmathia (3) in pylgremage and ther to offer iij* iiij'' and ther to delyver to powre people v'^ — and lekewyse to 5 lady of Cleve (4) and there to offer xx'' and in almes v*' — also to the crosse of Chaldon (5) xx'' and in almes V^ — also to our lady of petye yn Syd- bery (e) xx'^ and there to delyver v*" — and to Bysshope Lacy (7) there to offer xx'' and to delyver in almes v® — and every wyke the space of xij monethes to dele amongyste pore people in the parishe of K. v''. Prob. in eccl. Cath. Well., 14 July, 1534. Summa xxxiij'' viij^ vij^'. John Slape dwellynge in -p. of Kyngeston. 20 Ap, 1535. in church of K.— ch. of K. x^— Wells viij''— Sir Joh. Treble xij'' — Eic. Kyngeston clarke of the s'' p. iiij''. Res. — my son Eich. S. Witn.— Sir Olyver hyll (s), Eob. Stowell. WELLS WILLS. 99 Prob. in eccl. par. de Taunton, 16 July, 1535. Summa ix" v^ KINGWESTON. Joh. Whithet de Kingweston. fest. S. Andree 1532. in cimiterio eccl. omnium sanctorum de Kenweston — C. Wellen. viij'^ — eccl. de K. \\f iiij'' — eccl. de Babcary iiij*^ — eccl. de Buttley iiij*'. Res. — Agneti Whithet ux. mee. Test. — Dno. Ric. Worthyngton (l), Rectore, Will boler. (i) insti- tuted 1504 (" Somerset Incum- bents," 119). LIDIARD S. LAWRENCE. John BoTiryng. 26 Aug. 1530. in cimiterio eccl. de lydierde laurencii — Cath. AVell. iiij'^ — eccl. de L. x* — cuilibet filiorum meorum iiij'' — Johanni filio meo unam patellam, ollam eneam et sex parapsides — dicto Johanni omnia pertinencia aratro (bobus exceptis). Res. — lucie et Johane filiabus meis. Supervisores. — Dom. Tho. bourynge, Tho. Riche. Test. — Dno. Will. Wardrope, curato, Georgio Soly, Thoma how. Joh. Bouryng ah. Atwell. 2 Sep. 1530. in cimiterio eccl. par. de laur. lydearde — eccl. de L. unam tunicam. Bes. — Joh. Hall, Will, borying. Test. — Dno. Will. Wardrope curato meo, Johanna Tanner. John Macy. 13 Feb. 1532. to be bur. in chyd. of St. Lawrence of lydyerd — Cath, Wells xij'' — gostly father xij'' — paryshe clerke viij'' — ch. of lydyerd Vf viij'^ — every godchild iiij'^ — enter- sage''b^we?u 1 /\^ 11 1 ••,! t'^o rooms close (2} 01 sayd church xij . in a house, 100 WELLS WILLS. or leading from ihe door to the ball (Ilalli- well). Sec Parker's "Glossary of Architec- ture "(lS-15), i. 157. The Latin word for '• enter- close " is inter- clausum, or interclusut7i, and in one case, at any rate, this seems to mean the chancel screen. See a very interesting papiT Iiy I'reb. F. C. Hiugeston- Randolph, in tlie Newbery House Magazine, ii. 2. 225. Bes. — Thomsyn my wyf. Overseers. — Symon ffew, Thomas Daw. Witn. — Sir Will. Waydrepe, curet, Will. Geffres, Thorn. Pire. Richard Toker. 15 June, 1531. to be bur'' in chyd. of S. Lauerens off I^yddyard — mother ch. of Wells iiij'' — ch. of L. vj* viij' — to our ladys serves a yew — my gostly father xij''. Bes. — Alson tokar my wyffe and Richard my son, my wife Alson to have her goods wych she brought with her to me ynto her owne usage. Witn.-~^u Wyll. Wardrojjp curate, John Knappe, clarke of the Parish, Job. Alderman, Will. Strete, Will Davye, Job. Kene, Job. Stodyn. (1) In these wills the word " godson " is expressed in seven ways : — 1. Filiolus. 2. Confilius. 3. Filiu.s Dei. 4. Filius in baptismo. 5. (Is) cui teneor. 6. Puer quern de sacro fontesus- cepi {or levavi). 7. Filius spiritualis. (2) See " Somerset Chantries," 226. (3) Offl- ciuni 30 Missarum. (4) See ante, p. 98 ; and " Test. Fbor.," iv. 202 ; V. 95. (5) The holy blood of the Abbey of llayles (Glos') ; an account of it is given in Dugdale, LILSTOCK. Joh. Dey de Lylstok. 23 Jan. 1532. in cimiterio ecclcsie S. Andree de Lylstok — Well, iiij'' — fabriee ecclesie de L. iiij"* — cuilibet puero (i) quem suscepi de sacro fonte ij''. Bes. — Willo Dey filio meo. Test — Dno. Gervaso curato ibidem, Will, et Job. Thorne. LING. Edmund Tayler de Lyng. vigilia S. Valentini, 1531. sep, in eccl. S. Bartbolomei do leng — altari eccl. Catb. Wellen. iiij'^ — Fabriee eccl. de leng vj"" viij'' — capelle S. Michaelis de borrowe (2) x*' — abbati et conventui de Atheluye iij"* iiij'' — pro trigintali (3) celebrando x'' — cuidam qui nomine meo visitabit causa peregrinationis(4) sanctum Christi sanguinem apud Hayles (5) x^ — gladium imagini dive Katerine apud leng — fratiibus minoribus WELLS WILLS. 101 de brigewater \\f iiij'^ — Willelmo Eayman optimam tunicam meam — eidem Will, scutum meum. Res. — Dno. Johanni Androwe (i) Vicario de lenff. (i) insti ^ ^ ^ tuted Sept. Test. — Will. Kayman, Joh. Keybard, Eych. Androwse V.:^^^^^^^ alias brian. . benw" 396). John Austen de Lenge. 28 June, 1532. sep. in cimiterio divi Bartholomei de leng — Cath. Well, ij'^ — mee ecclesie iiij*^ — Johanni filio xx*^ — Margarete filie mee vitulum quemdam etatis unius anni; ea mortua, lego ilium vitulum predictum Johanni filio meo; eo mortuo, filie mee Thomasyn successive. \ Bes. — Agnete ux. mee. Test. — Joh. Castlake, Joh. Gregori, Thos. Baber. Tho. Dyttye de borow in p. de lenge. 1533. in cim. divi Bartholomei de L. — eccl. de L. meam optimam togam. Bes. — Johane ux. mee. Test. — Walter Squyer, Joh. Squyer, Joh. templar. Prob. in Brugewater, 24 Ap. 1534. Samma lxxvij^ Will. Oliver. 9 Sept. 1534. in cim. eccl. de lynge — eccl. pro sepultura mea ibm xij'' — Well, ij"^ — eccl. de Stokegummer meam togam — lumini B. M. in eadem eccl. iiij'^ — lumini Beati Bartholomei de Lynge iiij*^ — Alicie G-regury viij'^ — Johanni Gregory ^ meas lone;as caligas (2). long hose. Bes. Eliz. Olvver ux. mee. man orator, J supplicator, Test. — Dno. Joh. Andrew, vicario ibm, Joh. Gregory. ("Promp. Parv.," 28) ; i.e. a man in receipt of alms on con- dition of LUCCOMBE. praying for tbe lounder. The word is Nicholas Tolman. 2 Jan. 1531. "x^st.'* off ye p. off luccombe, pore bedmau (3) of the chantre of im. " 102 WELLS WILLS. (1) See " Somerset Chantries," 49, 223. (2) The site of this chapel is on the side of the high- road between Pollock and Luccombe ; some mounds are still visible. (3) Fuller's shears. Porloke (i) — ch. of Luccombe vj'" — chnpell of S. Savyor of L. ij'' — Sir Eye. Slye to pyrforme xij''. Res. — Elene Tolman my wyffe. Witn. — Sir Eich. Sly, harry Mathow, John Scaplond of luccombe. 10 Nov. 1532. cliyd. of our ladye of 1. — the store of our lady of 1. j shepe — store of S. Katheryn j shepe — ch. of 1. my best dublett — store of St. Savyour of Porloke iiij'' — Cath. Wells iiij'»— Sir Eich. Sley ij'^ Bes. — Maryn Schaplond my wyff. Witn. — Will. Kennttc, John Hoge. Margaret Dollyn or Dowlinge, wyldowe. 7 July, 1533. chyd. of o lady of Luccombe — store of our lady of Luccombe iiij'' — St. Katharine of L. iiij'' — hye crosse lyghte iiij"^ — Wells ij'^ — unto the Chappell (2) of our blessyd Savyor of the p. of Luccombe my wedynge rynge — my d. Agnys DoUynge ij heffers and all my cloth ynge lynyn and wollyn and a bed holle performyd, a pane and a cavdryn [chaldron], ij platters, a podynger, and a nobell of mony sterlynge— my youngest son Thomas a fiflocke bed, a coffer, a lytyle croke, a plater, a podynger, a peyre of tokers shers (3) — my son hugh a grette croke — my son Thomas the elder a horse, ij pere of tokyne sherys and a grett vaytt, for the wh. vaytt he yerely to kype a mynday for me and all my frends. Res. — my chihlren Thos., hue, Thos., and Agnes. Witn. — harry stone and John Dowvyll. Mich. Soly de luccombe. 8 Oct. 1533. in cimiterio de Porloke — Well, iiij'^ — ad staurum eccl. de P. ij oves — ad staurum eccl. de L. unam ovem matricem. Cetera. — Johane ux. mee. Test. — Mro. W. England, hen. dier, Joh. Edwardes. Prob. Cath. Well., 29 Nov. 1533. Summa inventarii xxxiij" iij'*. WELLS WILLS. 103 Thos. Torre of luccombe. 21 Aug. 1533. chyd. of 1. — hye crosse lyglit of 1. ij'^ — 6 lady of 1. ij*^ — St. Kath.'s lyght ij''— Wells ij''. Res. — my wyfe Margaret to pay my dettes. Wifn. — Sir Kich. Slye his curatte, Job. Vyllow, Edw. Kenne, clerke. Prob. Cath. Well, 17 Dec. 1533. Summa iij" v^ ij'^ LUXBOKOUGH. Joh. Coppe. 5 Oct. 1530. in cimiterio da luxborow — Catb. Well, iiij*^ — stauris dive Marie, alte crucis, S. Tbome, mortuorum, et frateruitatis, cuilibet eorum unam overa. Res. — Joban ux. mee. Test. — Dno. Job. Portar, Kico. Westro. Anthonius Hyll alias Stodey. 10 Jan. 1531. in par. de luxborow — sep. in cimiterio dive Marie de L. — Catb. Wellen iiij'^ — cuilibet stauro eccl. de L. unam ovem, deinde dno. Pbilippo curato ibidem ovem unam. Res. — Eliz. ux. mee. Test. — Ricb. byll, Laurenc. Cbepman. MALMESBURY [Wilts]. Thomas Mychell(i). 12 IMay, 1532. (p No- T)fl,risli iR sep. in monasterio de Maumsbury — S. Andree Well. iiij'\ mentioned as Ees.— Jobane Micbell ux. mee. wraVamOy Datum apud Mamesbury, 12 May, 1532. i^''c^i7" Test. — Ric. Adams, Rog. bucber. Visitauon," p. 98). MERIET. Will. Garlande. 16 Nov. 1530. in cimiterio omnium sanctorum de Muryett — eccl. matrici 104 WELLS WILLS. Wellcn. iiij'' — eccl. de M. imiim vitiilum valoris unius anni. Res. — Edithe ux. mee. . P] ,^^"?"; Test. — Dno. Job. Stacy (i), will, browne, will, laureuce. tuted I-cb. 9, J \ J> ' 1520 ("Su- incrsft In- cumbcn.s.' ^j^^^ Mettfoid. 16 Dec. 1532. infra eccl. omnium sanctorum de Meryett — eccl. Wellie iiij'' — Dno. Joh. Stacy, confessori meo, pro decimis oblitis xij*' — eccl. de M. unam vaccam propter lumen in (2) On eadem eccl. yluminandum in perpetuum (2). lights in churches, J{es. — Joliaue M. ux. mee. Bee Rock's frFathcrf •• ^'es^-— Dno. Joh. Stacy, Will, laurence, Micb. Pyme, Job. our Fathers,' iii. 413. Asbe. MILVERTON. Thomas Courtte. 14 Oct. 1530. boly grave of Mylverton— Cb. of Wells ij^'— S. Mycbaell of M. a wetber — Nynelied Cb. a wetber. Bes. — Agnes my wif and Alice my dougbter. Witn. — Jobn Lane priest, Will. Denys, Tlios. Jennyng. MINEHEAD. Johan Baton. 3 Oct. 1530. cbyd. of Mynbed— Catb. Well, iiij"— rode ligbt of tbe cb. of M. iiij'' — to tbe ligbts of our lady, St. Micbaell, our lady of pytie, St. Erasmus, St. Marke, to every of tbem iiij'' — Nicolas my son a ffetbcrbed, a bolstar and a blaukett — my servante Joban iij'' iiij'', a blak mantell, a old cupborde, a coffar, a brasse potte, ij old pewter plates. Bes. — George my son. Overseer. — My brotber Kicbard. Witn. — Sir Jamys bakett, Sir Jubu Davagp. WELLS WILLS. 105 Thomas Williams. 10 Feb. 1531. yn holy grave of St. Mychaells of Mynhed — my best gowne to St. Mychael and to the hye awter for tyethyngs forgotyng xij-^ — Cath. Wells iiij'^— Symon my sonne a masar(i). ^W.V"^ Bes.— won halfe to Eich. Williams, the other halfe to^^f^<^-"'°^- Jone, Tamsyn and Toyly (2) Williams. n,i?bJshovt Witn.— Sir Jamys hacket, John Broke, Harry mason. f"-- ^^^'^'^''■ Agnes Smythe. 15 Jan, 1532. chyd. of St. Michaell of Mynhed— to the rode of the s" ch. XX'' — to our lady myld (3) iiij'^ and my ringe — to our g,C3)J^e^ lady petye ij^-St. Marke ij'^-St. George ij^-hye alter £!£' xij'i-Sir James hakket iiij^'— St. Andrews warkes of^^^l^jt Wells iiij" — our lady of Wutton [Courtney] one gyrdell luduiucuon — every frodchild luf — to xx pore men xx" — John hylls o/puy, *' ° ** where she Is eldest sone a shepe and his eldest dowter a cape and a we^epingover knytter (4)— to the ij"** dowter a aprone and a knytter. gj'^'^^f 'd^'*'' i?es.— Henry Smyth my son. htriap"" Witn.—Siv James hakket. Curate of M., Job. Smyth, Job. Jf^)^^?^ /-^ 1 woman's vvOian. dress, not to be found in the diction- aries. " All John LaWghill. 20 Ap. 1533. my werlnge ° ^ clothmge ij holy grave of St. Mychells of Mynhed— a cowe to the excepted of repar"^ of the s*^ church— the hygh awter viij^'— Wells '^^Tol " iiij'^ — my best gowne to Jone my wyff and all my ray- uowdun, ment besydes — John lawghill my son and W" Pound my sone in law x bed of shepe and lams. Res. — Eobt. my son and Jone my wyff. Witn. — Sir James hacket, John DobuU, John Powlyn, Job. Deke. Will. Pyers. 3 Dec. 1533. Wells iiij*^. Bes. — Annys my w. and Thos. my son, and Alyce P. my d. Witii. — Sir Thomas ffuger, Job. Kitnor, Job. Squyerell. 106 WELLS WILLS. Prob. ill Stowgummer, 22 Ap. 1534. Summa iij" xxi'f viij''. Joh. Crastman. 31 Dec. 1534. Well. ij". Bes. — helene ux. mee. Test. — Tho. ffugere eurato, Eog. lange. Joh. Kytner. 8 Sept. 1534. Wells vj'* — par. cli. of Mynhed a cowe — Tone Eoger a nox and a cowe — John Badde x shepe — p. ch. of Selworthy ij shepe — harre Glas x shepe — p. ch. of Wotton ij yowes — John Sqyrell a lame — John Wyks iiij*^ — every god- child iiij'^ Res. — harre Sqyrell and John hurborde als. Koger. Witn. — Sir Thos. Fuger curat, John Sqyrell. (1) "A barrel of berrying shold coii- tene looo, and a aide 600 " (" Promp. Parv.," 57). (2) Kinder- kin, another form of kilderkin. (3) A trawl-line used in tish ing ("New English Diet."). The word is used in Cornwall. Thos. Browne. 28 Oct. 1535. Wells xij'^ — church of Mynhed a barell (l) of herynge — to the weare of Mynhed a b. of h. — Sir John Wykes a kynterkyn (2) of herynge — my serv' Denys all my clothes with a bed performyd — same Denys a quarter of sallte — Simon ffeston iij* iiij'' — Jone ffeston my wyf's best kyrtell — Eliz. F. a aprone — Peter Bowys iij^ iiij*^ — Joh. langley — John Hill a biiltow (3)— Will. Hill a bultowe. Bes. — Alys Tyddys. Witn.— Roh. Makynley, Joh. Hill, Simon ffeston, Pet. Boys. Prob. in Stowgummer, 28 Jan. 1535. Summa xj" v* viij'^ Uy chard Wryte. 1 May, 1535. Wells xij*^ — ch. of Mynnehed xxx shepe — every godchild a yewe shepe. Bes. — Eliz. my wyf. WELLS WILLS. 107 Witn.— Sir Thos. fugurs curate, peter boys, Thos. hyet. Prob. in Stowgummer, 28 Ap. 1536. Summa xij^' viij' j' MONKSILVER. Hen. Comer (i) of Monksylver. 1 July, 1530. (i) see chvcl. of M.— brothered of M. vi' viii*^— Oath. Wells vj'^— - il^nded Gentry ' St. Gyles a yew — Tomasyn the d. of John Comer a pan (p^omer of of viij gallons — Isabell the d. of Jamys Comer a yew — John and Radygon the children of John Comer a calf — every godchilde a yew — Tomasyn Dodryge a yew — John Wyne vj^ viij'\ ^es. — Johan my wif and John and Thos. my sonnys. Witn.—Siv Hughe Soly curate, Thos. Verewill (2), Rob. ^(^)or Pylsdon. (see below). Johane NychoU de Munksylver. 10 June, 1533. in cimiterio de M. — fratribus de Brugewater unam ollam eneam. Bes. — John Nicoll filio meo. Tesf.—Dno. Tho. Cokks, Rob. Smyth. Prob. in Stowgummer, 22 Ap. 1534. Summa liij' viij'^ Johanna Comer of Monkesylver. 12 Dec. 1534. chyd. of All halows of M.— hedde Ch. of S. Androw iiij''— Ch. of M. iij' iiij-^— Ch. of Bickenaller vj^ viij^'— Thos. Comer a flocke bedde — Isabell Comer a potenger and a cap with a knytter(3) — v chyldren of John lyddon xx'' (3) see — vj godchildren vj shepe — Radagonde Comer a crocke — the lyght of S. Gylles Chappell v'^ — John Comer a shepe. Bes. — John Comer the junior. Witn. — Sir John Gore (4) pryste, Tho. far well, Rob. (4) "so- merset In- Helarde. cumbents,' 340. 108 WELLS WILLS. (1) i.e. growing on the ground (see p. 112), (2) The only mention of a pig in these wills. MONKTON, WEST. Rob. Harlle. 15 Ap. 1533. chyd. of the ch. of S. Augustyn of West Monckton — S. And. ij'^ — o ladys servys of Monckton iij^ iiij'' — hye crosse xx'' — Sir Nic. ray gostly f. xx'' — Sir Thomas xij*^ — the par. clerke iiij'' — Jone my wyff a cowe with a heffer, half of my crope of come apon the growne (i) with vj* viij'^ of mony or as myche come as comyth unto the same summe, with a pygge (2) of iij quarters old — John longe a heffer with ij shepe — Ric. my sone v brasse pans after the detli of my wyff. Bes. — Rye. my son and John my son. Witn. — Sir Nye. Raffe, Raffe and John Wallford. Ric. Crofte of West Muncketou. 4 June, 1533. to the grave of St. xVugustyn in M. — hye crosse servys xij'' — ch. of Cheddon xij" — W'" Crofte a cowe and a crocke and a pan of brasse. Bes. — Juhane my wyf. Witn.—iiiv Nich. Eaff, Will. hare. Rich. Gode. 13 May, 1533. holy grave of the p. c. of Muncton — church of M. xx** — to the byldynge of the tower of Ryston xx'' — lady serves of St. James [Taunton] xij'' — the serves of St. Katheryn yn St. James xij*^ — ij servyces (hy3e crosse and sepulcre) in Mary Mawdlin [Taunton] viij'' apyce to pray for me — my cosyn Thos. Knollys, under this condycyon that he wyl be a priste, xP in monye and my best gowne and best doblett and a cuppe of home, sylver and gylte, to helpe him to his scoole — John Knollys a pyeace of grownd with a tenement under this condycyon that he will kepe every year onese an obyte for me and my frynds — my cousin Alys Knollys a panne —Wells iiij". WELLS WILLS. 109 Res. — my cosyn John Knollys and Agnys his wyff. Witn.—Mahiev W. Bury V. of Mawcllin(i), John Eowsewyll, „i;2et"in°" hary Cooke, Tho. Mors, Joh. Stucldyer. 452! ^"*' To my lytell maide, Jane Chanon, a pan to pray for me. Prob. in eccl. par. Taunton, 7 Mar. 1533. Summa xxviij" xix* ij''. Joh. Markes de Westmonkton. 10 Ap. 1534. chyd. of W. M. — forsaid Church j shepe — hye crosse lyght a shepe — gray fryers of Brugewater xij'\ iJes.— Walthean (2) my wyf. .tS.X^r Witn. — Sir Nich. Eaff my curatt, Rob. Smyth. MissYonge •' •' in her Prob. in eccl. par. de Taunton, 18 Ap. 1534. "Christian Summa iiij" iiij'^ Names." It is sometimes spelt Welthean. NAILSEA. Will. Wytyng of Naylsey in the p. of Wraxall. 9 Ap. 1534. chyd. of Wraxall — Wells iiij*^ — my d. Tomesyn Hogges — ij spons of sylver to remayne emong my godchildren after ye rate of iiij'^ apese of them — a bushell of rye to Ch. of Wraxall — same to Ch. of N. Bes. — Isabelle my d. and her husb'^ Joh. Wylmott. Witn.—^\v Robert curet of N., Will Twytt, Joh. Webbe. NEMPNETT. John ffowlys de Nempnett. 1530. to be bur^' in the ch. of K— Cath. Wells iiij^'— ch. of N. vj^ viij'^ — S. Michaell of Butcombe iij'' iiij"* — John my son a cow and a calf — John his son, a hayfar — Richard my son all my plough harness — Thos. Kyng, my servante, a yerlyng. Res. — Cicely my wif. Witn. — Sir Roger Russell, Eobt. Hippesly, John ffowles. 110 WELLS WILLS. He (ll Or Cavell. was Rector in 1518 ( " Somerset AVills," 1st series, 41). (2) Clit- some in Nettle- combe. (3) Aisle. NETTLECOMBE. Joh. Thorne de Notylcombe. 11 Jan. 1533. chyd. of N. — Wells iiij'' — Church of N. iij' iiij^ Res. — Alys my wyf (ij parts), my chyld (j part). Witn.—Tho. Goodgrome, Joh. Sad worthy, Mr. Will. Cabell (i) parson. Prob. in Stowgiimmer, 22 Ap. 1534. Summa Ixvj' iij'^. John Goodynow de Clottesbam (2). 15 Jan. 1533. in chyd. of o lady of Netylcombe — Wells ij*^ — to the light of Alsowles iiij'' — John my son. Res. — Joliane my wyf. Overseer. — John G. my father. Witn. — Thos. Thorne, Will, Gover, Prob. (same). Johane Bulworth de Netylcombe. 27 Jan. 1533. chyd. of N. — Wells iiij'' — Alsowllys light a shepe — light of St. Antony a shepe — Jhone and Annys my daus. Witn. — Thos, harrys, John Attyou, Eob. Zoley. Prob. in Stowgummer, 22 Ap. 1534. Summa iiij" xij" ij''. Joh. Chapman de Netylcumbe. 30 Doc. 1534. chyd. of N. — lyght of all saules a shepe — Wells iiij'' — hye crosse lyght ij'' — every godchild syngyll and not maryed iiij'' — to the byldynge of the new yeld (3) of the norths syd of the Ch. of N. iij^ iiij''. Bes. — my wyff. Witn.— Mayster Will. Cavell, Thos. Thorne, Zyble Zoley. Geo. ffermer de Netylcombe. 10 Sept. 1535. chyd. of N. — Wells iiij'' — All sowlys lyght iiij'' — the fra- ternitye of o lady of N. iij* iiij'' — Joane my d. iiij" — every godch. a shepe — parson of N. my curat xij'^ to pray for me — Sir Geo. To;le sij'' — Thos. Thorne parish clerke iiij''. WELLS WILLS. Ill Bes. — Alson my wyf. Witii. — barry Knyght, [Thos.] Tliorae. Prob. in eccl. p. de Stokegummer, 28 Jan. 1535. Summa xix" xij^ iiij'^ NEWTON ST. LOE. Thos. Champneis of Newton Sentlow. 18 Oct. 1535. in the chyd. of N. — Wells vj'' — hyghe awter of N. vj^ — to the use and profett of parish of N. a bushell of barley. Bes. — Jone my wyf. Witn. — Sir Crystofer Storke (i), Thos. Gylson, Eye. Gyb- o) "So- merset Tn- bones, Joh. Godfray, Joh. Cockes, ye elder. cumbents," Prob. in Stalls, 4 Feb. 1535. Summa inventarii xl" xviij* viij". NOETON SUB HAMDON. Edmund Wills. 4 Oct 1532. chyd. of Norton under Hamton — hye alter thereof for tethes forgotyn one pane conteyning ij gallons — our lady of petie there iiij bushells of malte — hye crosse lyght iij b. of malte — St. Savyer's lyght ij b. of malte — my son John vj silver spones and my gret pane and one whit wymshete (2) — John Salysbury my godson (2) a sheet one blake heyfer and j shepe — John Glover a shepe- °° ^'^""^ corn IS winnowed. Edmond Style j shepe — Joh. Abbote my servant j [Xhemean- calfe and j chest — W™ baylyf and his wif j coverlet «''«e'] and j white wymshite — John his son the elder iij^ iiij*^ — John his son the yonger vj^ viij'' — Cath. Wells iiij^' — paryche ch. of Norton vj^ viij'' towards the byyng of a payre of vestements of blewe velvet. Bes. — Wyll. Salusbury and Thomas Eowle, baker. Supervisor. — Will. Baylyf, he and every of the ExiTrs each Uf lllj". 112 WELLS WILLS. (1) insti- Witn. — Sir Rob. riiilypson (i) parson of Norton, Joh. mted 1506 ("Somerset Hucliyns, Thos. Roll the elder, Joh. havolyns. tuted 1506 ("Somersc Incum- bents," 153). NYNEHEAD. Will. Lamprie of Nynhed. 4 Nov. 1531. in chyd. of Allhalows in N. — Wells iiij' — church of N. iij** iiij'' — John, Geffery, Edmund, my sons (each) xij'' — Alys, Mary, Jone, my doughters (each) ij shepe. Bes. — Johane my wyffe. (2) Insti- Witn. — Sir John Merler (2), Joh. Klyffe, Thos. Py . . . tuted 152H ("Somerset Incuni- bents,;'4os). John Stute de Nynehed. 15 Nov. 1532. His will was 8.T537.^"' in cimiterio de N.— Cath. Wellen. iiij^^— eccl. de N. xij" — Johi Marler curato meo iiij''. Res. — Joh. et Tho. filiis meis. Witn. — Joh. Marler curato meo, Sym. Gybon, Joh. Cliffe. Eliz. Peyre de Nynhed. 13 May, 1535. chyd. of N. — Wells ij'' — ch. of N. iij*" iiij" — alsolen lyght iiij'^ — ch. of Stayllye [Stawley] iij* iiij''. Bes. — Robart my son. Witn. — Sir John Marler vycar, Joli. Burton, John Denys. Prob. in eccl. de Taunton, 16 July 1535. Surama xxxix^ OAKE. Elizabeth Gredye of Oke. 19 Dec. 1532. chyd. of Oke — Wells iiij'' — p. c. of Oke iiij akers of wheyte growynge yn the fylde — person of Oke, my grette panne — Anstes my d.'s d. a croke with a gallon panne if she die unmar" then these to Oke church — Alsolyn lyght of Oke iiij'' — every godchild iiij'' — Alson Philype my best gowne — Jone Gregory my best kirtell — my sister Isabell my best bonett and a canvas apron — the parson of Oke x" to synge for me or cause to WELLS WILLS. 113 be songe in my churche of Oke xxx masses callyd a trentall to be don after his discrecyou. Res. — Raff Martyn [Exor]. Wifn. — Harry Dyer, John Dyer. Prob. in Cath. Wells, 10 Jan. 1533. OARE. William Rowle. 28 Nov. 1531. bur*^ in churche off owr ladye off Ore — ch. of Ore iij' iiij'' — Cath. Wells xij'^ — my syster Jone a kowe. Bes. — my naturall father, Davyd Rowll. Wifn. — Rog. Hyewode (i), Rector ibidem. Will. Rowll. di^j^JJ? ("Somerset Incum- David Warman. 18 Jan. 1531. ^'°*''" *"^- chyd. of our lady of Ore — ch. of Ore iij^ iiij^ — Ric. Wenner a stere. Res. — my mother Anys Werman, and my syster Jone Warman. Witn. — harry Arvyche (2), Gregore Redder. (2) or Arnyche. ORCHARD PORTMAN. Thomas Ketter of Orchard, husbandman. 25 July, 1532. chyd. of S. Peters in Taunton — Cath. Wells iiij'' — hye alter of St. Mychaells of Orchard for thethes and oblacions by necligence forgotyn, and to be prayed for, xij'' — tower of Orchard vj^ viij'^— Ch. of Stoke xij^'— Thurlbar Ch. xij'' — Ch. of Stapull a bushell of whete — Ch. of Corffe viij-' — every of my godchildren iiij'^ — W" and Thomas the children of John my son every of them a lame — same to Robert and Jone the children of W™. my son. Res. — Margery my wyff and John my son. Overseer. — Will, ray son. Witn. — my gostly father, Sir John Skyppwyth (3), Joh. ..^orae^et Venycom, Nich. Wyenter, Joh. Macy, hen. Mabrell. bentT;' 4i.i). 114 WELLS WILLS. OTTERHAMPTON. John Hall. 22 Oct. 1530. chyd. of Othei-bampton — Catli. Wells viij'^ — liyg^ aulter of 0. XX'' — Eob. Hall my somiys cbilde my wayne and whelys and all the harnes that belongeth unto hit after ne^tl\^Hr!^"' *^® dcthe of my wif and viij barrey (i) netts and xij ^""'^' hangyng and fowlyng netts and vj sylver sponys. Bes. — Isabell my wif. Witn. — Walt. Everard, The. Camplyng. David Selake. 1 Jan. 1530. chyd. of Oterhampton — Cath. Wells xij'^ — Ch. of 0. x^ — W'" Selake my son after the maryage of my wif all my plough gere with wene and wheles. Bes. — Elinore my wif. Overseers. — Sir Will. "Wever, Thos. Wyther. Witn. — John Taunton, Johan blower. William Babe yn the parish of Otherhampton. 10 Mar. 1531. St. Andrew of Wells iiij'^ — Ch. of Oterhamton balfe a dossyn of sylver spones and to my to dahtorrs a kow and. every of them shall have a brasse pote and a pan and a dyesshe performyd of peuter. Bes. — Eliz. my wyffe. Witn. — [Sir] Wyllyam Wever, Symey Stodyng, Wyll. Grove. Symon Stoddyn of Otterhampton. 4 Jan. 1533. chyd. of 0. — Wells ij'' — my son Robt. — my daus. Eliz. and Tomyson. Bes. — Jone my wyf (2) "So Witn. — Sir Cuthbert Hylacre (2), Job. hyer, Job. haryll. cumbents," Prob. iu Brygcwator, 5 Mar. 1533. 18t Summa iij" ix* vj'' ob. WELLS WILLS. 115 Joh. Wylkyns of Otterhampton. 10 Jan. 1533. churchyerth of 0. — Wells iiij'^ — Ch. of O. a shepe — my son John. Res. — Jone my wyf. Debts. — W"' hyet owes xlvj'' viij'', Caywtygale of Uphill vj^ viij'^Rob. ffarmer and Jone Portyn wedowe of fry (l) ji^[J^,,g,^J^ mony iij'^ vj' viij", Evan pendye xxxiij^ iiij". (Hl/rk). Witn. — Sir Cuthbert [Hillacre] curatte, harry hylway, John hyer. Prob. Brygewater, 5 Mar. 1533. Summa xvj" ix* ix*^ ob. John Colwyll de Otherhampton. 26 Mar. 1534. churchyerthe of O. — Wells iiij'^ — ch. of 0. iiij'' — Johane my dau — Eliz. j'' — Ric. my son j''. Res. — Isabel 1 my wyf. Witn. — Sir Cuthb. hillacre, Will. Gove, Joh. toryton. Prob. Brugewater, 24 Ap. 1534, Summa iij" iij''. Ric. Hadryche of Otherhampton. 5 Ap. 1534. in churchyerthe — Wells iiij'^ — Ch. of 0. x^ — Will, my son x^ that ys owyd me by Joh. hillacre in the par, of Brygewater. Res. — John Powyn. Witn. — Sir Cuthburt hillacre, Will. Marys, Joh. hyre. Prob. in eccl. par, de Brugewater, 24 Ap. 1534. Summa iij" xvj^ ij'^ Hen. Hylway. 1536. in ceraiterio SS. Petri et Pauli de Oterhampton — W^ell. j'^' — instauro SS. P. et P. iiij'^ — Thomasie filie mee unara ollam vocatam vulgariter a posnett et unam juvencam et j agnum — Esabelle filie mee j agnum. Res. — Johne ux. mee. Test. — Dno. Joh. Jackson, Eob. lyper, Rob. Dodyng. Prob. in Stokegummer, 28 Ap. 1536. Summa xxxv^ viij''. HG WELLS WILLS. OVER STOWEY. John Mersthe of the p. of Overstowey. 28 Sep. 1532. chyd. of SS. Peter and Paule — Cath. Wells iiij'' — Sir John Watkyns my gostly f. to pray for my sowle every fryday this twellmouth j''. Mes. — Agnes my wyff. Witn. — Sir John Watkyns, Thom, Grove. (1) "Test. Ebor.," iv. 174. (2) In Overstowey. (3) See p. 9. (4) Cowl, a tub. (5) A small box. C6) " So- merset In- cumbents," 306. Johane Broke de Overstowey. 9 May, 1535. chyd. of O. betwyn the crosse and the tumo bysyds my husband — Wells ij*^ — our lady of O. one shepe — St. Kateryn on shepe — alhalon lyght a swarme of beis (i) — o lady of Addiscome (2) j shepe — Church of O. ij vates, a standerde (3), a barell and a kole (4) — Oh. of Strengstou iiij'' — Oh. of Dodyngton iiij"^ — Ch. of Nether Stowey ij* iiij'' — Ch. of Ayscheholfc a laten bason — ch. of Spaxton iij^ iiij'^ — Margt. my d, a cowe the wh. is with John Wysser — Johane Lewys a red mantell — W"' Leker, John, Alice and Elinor Leker — Pascowe Lethall a wymeshit and bushell of rye — Eich. Leker a croke, a tye (5), and v silver spones to kepe for me ons by the yere a dyryge and a masse. Bes. — Margt. my dau. Witn. — Sir Thos. Northbroke (6), Eic. Hurley. Prob. in eccl. de Brigewater, 23 July, 1535. Summa vj" ix^ vj''. PENNAED, EAST. John Gregory alias Eston. 15 Aug. 1532. in cimiterio omnium sanctorum de Estpenard — tribus luminibus de Est peuard xviij'^ — Wellen. vj'* — Marie [filie] mee iij agnos, filio meo Willo plaustrum cum uno rotarum pare — predicto Willo juveucum et vaccam — WELLS JVLLLS. 117 lilie mee Mavgarete jiivencam — Johanni filio meo iu baptissrao (i) vituluui — Willo facy vitulum — Willo W «ee Adams juvencum — Dorithce Adams' juvencum — ffra- tribus meis Job., Stephano, Petro — Jobanni, togam — Stepbano, optimam ovem — Petro, agnum — Job. bannam opt. tunicam — Job. tooker secundam tunicam. Bes. — ux. mee, Katerine. Test. — Dno. Job. Nutt, Job. Tookar, Job. Harryson. PETHEETON, NOKTH. Radulphus Englishe. 12 May, 1530. in cimiterio B. M. de Nortb petberton — matrici eccl. Well, iiij'' — stauro B. M. de N. P. iij'' iiij'' — summo altari de N. P. iiij*^ — Will, filio meo vaccam et juvencam — Waltero filio meo vaccam et juvencam et equam, duos pullos [coZfe] et xij oves — Katberine filie mee duas juvenculas — Aleanore filie mee juvenculam et ovem. Res. — Jobane ux. mee. Test. — Job. Morys, Job. Nowell, Job. Paynell, Job. Trotte. John Gyll. 1 Aug. 1530. in semiterio de Nortb Petberton — eccl. Well, iiij^ Res. — Elizabet ux. mee. Test. — Maiestro parcos [Parkbows] curato, Kob. templer, Jobn ffyner. Thorn, ffox. 2 Oct. 1530. cbyd. of Nortb Petberton — Catb. Wells iiij'' — bie altar of N. P. iiij'^ — our ladye store of N. P. a cowe. Bes. — Agnes my wiff. Witn.—M.T. Jobn Parkbows curate, Eic. Quarell, Jobn Quarrell. Raff Norryngton. 3 Oct. 1530. cbyd. of Nortb Petberton — Catb. Wells iiij'' — every altar 118 WELLS WILLS. in the Ch. of N. P. iiij'' — our ladye store a hayfiir yerlyng. Bes. — IMargarett my wif. Witn. — John Norrynton, Ric. Quarell, John Parkhowse. Joh. Nekke. 20 Nov. 1530. chyd. of North Petherton — Cath. Wells iiij'' — hygh altar of N. P. iiij'^ — our lady store a heyfar or vj^ viij'' — grey ffryars of Brugewater a kow — my brother John Neke a styer — Martyn gryfyn a hayfar — my father Jeffray Nek (1) "xxij' all my corne excepte the corne (l) that shall be necessary bestowed in for mv burvall and at the monyth day, and the forsade halfpeny J J J J^ dole of Geffray to have nother hay nother straw — I will that bredde amon »' •' 0° wens'''° ' Will Bryge shall receve of John Norrynton xxvj' viij'' i).'f.^22 6)!' for an oxe that I have sold unto hym, to pay all such things that shall be necessary for my buryall, the monethe day and the xij monthe day and to by a (2-) "Unum kyrtilcloth (2) for my mother. curtell -t-iT-n ciotii" Jies. — Will, bruo-e. C.VacUev's ^ wus''' H')) Witn. — John Parkhowse curatte, Joh. Bennett, What [Walter] fflatcher. Thorn. Brige. 28 Nov. 1530. chyd. of N. Petherton — Cath. Wells iiij'^ — hye altar of N, P. iiij'' — our lady store xij'' — our ladyes chapell of Northcory xij'^. JRes. — Alice brige my wif Witn. — John Parkhows, curate, Tho. Norrynton, Joh. Garlond, Joh. Norrynton. Wm. Standerd. 22 Feb. 1531. in semiterio B. M. de N. Petherton — Cath. Well, iiij" — stauro B. M. de N. P. iiij". Res. — Margerie ux. mee. Tes^.— Joh. Babe, Joh. Trote. WELLS WILLS. 119 Thorn. Kolegg of N. Petherton. 2 May, 1531. cliyd. of N. P. — Cath. Wells xij*' — our ladye store a hayfei of ij yers age. Bes. — Johan holeg my wif. Witn. — Sir John langdon, Job. Parker, Will Honper. John Venycombe. 21 May, 1531. to be buried in cbyd. of N. P. — ch. of Wells iiij'^ — to our lady store of the par. cb. of N. P. x'\ my best cote and my Dublet — Jone Morys my dowgbter xij'^ — Annys Eycbarde my dougbter xij'' — Avys Venycumbe a cote — Symon V. a Jakett. Bes. — Jone V. my wyffe. Witn. — Sir John Longdon, John Morys, Jobn Benett. John Hasleve (i). 2 May, 1531. (0 no ^ *' place meu- Catb. Wells ii^ tioaed;this J will comes i?es.— Margarett my wyffe. f ven;.'"^ Witn. — Ricb. Harforde, Tbom. Fysber. N™th " Petherton. John Dobyn. 4 Oct. 1531. to be bur'^ in cbyd. of our blyssyd lady of N. P. — mother cb. of Wells iiij'^ — our ladys store of N. P. a befer — my Dowgbter Alys Spyrkyll a pype of syder, a quarter of malt and a quarter of other corne — John Dobyn my servante iiij befers, also to Elsabet Large vj sbepe — to Angnes Woodrof that was my servante ij sbepe — Eicb D. the eldest son of Stypben D. vj oxyn, my wayne and all things thereto belongyn — xx sbepe to be devydyd among Stephen Dobyn bis cbylder — Margery my dowgbter vj sbepe — every one of my godcbylder iiij''. Bes. — Jone my wyff. Witn. — Sir John Longdon, Jobn Toker, Step. Dobyn. John Baker. 3 [23aper torn] 1532. cb[yard] of our lady of N. Petherton — Wells ij'^ — our 120 WELLS WILLS. ladyse store viij'' — cbappell of S. Peter in par. of N. P. xij'' — Sir Job. Sawader of N. P. Bes. — Isabell my wyf. Witn. — John Rope. (n This rare name (not given by Mis3 YonRc) occurs as Jiabage and Kubijye in bk. iv., in all cases the persons being of Korth Petherton. Robert Andersay. 13 April, 1532. to be bur*' incbyd. of our b\dy of K P. — Cb. of Wells iiij'^ — to our ladys store of N. P. a yerlyng and another yerling to the grey fryers of brydgwater — I will that Eobegge (i) my wyff have all her weryng clothes and one gowne of myne and iij kyen and a stere — that Will, ray son have all my weryng clothes not bequethyd and v oxon, a cowe and a stere and all the parell belongyn to the plowe — Rob. Quarull my godson a busell of wete and to every of ray other godchylder iiij^ Res. — to be devyriyd betwyxte Robigge my wiffe and Will, my son. Witn. — Sir John Longdon, Ric. fyche, junior, Rob. Styvins. Joha Warner. 29 Dec. 1582. chyd. of our blessyd lady of N. Petherton — Wellys ij** —our lady store of N. P. iiij'' — Cbappell of N. P. of St. Peter viij". Res. — Margaret ray wyff. Witn. — Water Clowter, John Rope. (2) i.e. gild. Jone Fyldew, wedow, of N. Petherton. 16 Marche, 1531. c'uyd. of N. P. — Wells iiij'' — ^hye auter of N. P. for tithes forgotyn ij^ — towards a blake vestement to the use of the s'^ Ch. viij^ viij'' — our lady store, that as sone as there shal be any prest provydyd to synge for the bretherynge and systers of our lady store (2) vj* viij'' — to my sunne Will. flSldew vj sylver sponys the best — to my d. Joue bawe vj sylver sponys the next [best] — ray d. Eliz. Benett ray ij"'' grett pan — ray d. Eliz. Benett my best bedes and my best gyrdell — to Eliz. Batten WELLS WILLS. 121 my iiy*^ crokke and my iij'''^ pan — my wedyng gere and apparell pertayiiing to my body to the pore pepuU of N. P. at the oversyghte of John Came the elder and John Taylor — I will that at the day of my buryall there be bestowed to prests and clarks to pray for my sowle and all cristyu sowlys iiij^ — and at the day of my burynge to the pore peple in almes at the oversyght of my son W. F. — John Came and John Taylor xP — every godchild iiij*^. Bes. — my son W. F. Witn. — John Came the elder, John Taylor, John Paynell of Southbroke (l). (l) There is a place called Brook Farm in Andrew Wilcok. 17 June, 153o. North Newton. chyd. of N. Petherton— Wells iiij"^. Res. — Jone my wyff. Wit7i. — Sir Joh. Longdon, Sir Water Jonis. John Burgys. 5 Ap. 1533. chyd. of N. Petherton — Wells iiij'' — o lady store of N. P. a stere — grey fryers of Brugwater a stere — bye awter of N. P. xvj'' — to the other to awters xij'' — my son John Burgisij oxyn — my son Thomas a kow — my son Edward a stere and iij shepe — Agnes my d. a cowe — Tomsyn the d. of Kic. Cape a stere, a heffer — Johane my servant iiij shepe — every godchild iiij'*. Bes. — Agnes my wyff. Witn. — Sir Langdon, Eob. Ayshe. Rich, ffyshe. 23 Feb. 1532. chyd. of N. Petherton— Wells ij'^— ch. of N. P. vj^ viij^'— 6 lady store xx"^ — hye auter xij*^ — every auter iiij*^. Bes. — Alys my wyff. Witn. — Sir John langdon, Nic. Claffe. Joh. Bulpayne. 28 May, 1533. chyd. of N. P. — Wells iiij'' — o lady store in N. P. a stere 122 WELLS WILLS. — my son Sir Eobt. v sponys of sylver — my son John [a] doblett and a pan. lies. — Jone my vvyff. Witn. — Sir Eob, iferle, Job. Mustard the elder, Joh. Thurlvnjre. John Howsse. 25 Dec. 1532. chyd. of N. Petherton — my sou Stevyn — my d. Agnes — Mary my d. a bason of latyn — Sir John Longdon viij*^. Bes. — Cristyn my wyff. Witn. — Sir John Langdon, Tho. templar. Prob. in eccl. cath. Wellen. 29 Nov. 1533. Summa inventarii xlvj® v'\ ^^f^l.^% John Warre (i) gent., dwollynge in N. Petherton. 27 Nov. •' Visitations 1 ."^Oq of Somerset," -LOOO. ^' ^^' to be bur'' in Church of S. lawreuce of Waltham holy crosse there as is most convenyent place may be found — ch. abovenamyd for the s'^ intente vj* viij'' — Wells vj'^ — lady store a heffer of iij yer age — the chapell of S. Peter of N. P. iij^ iiij'' — Johane Popham and Johane Cause (each) vj^' xiij*" iiij'^ — Joh. Standerd my servante — John Martyn. Bes. — Kath. Warre my lovynge wyfe. Overseer. — Sir Eich. Warre Knyght. Witn. — Water Clement, Joh. and Gyles Churchill, Stevyn TomlynsoD, prist. Will, furse, Philipe Chambure. Prob. in Brugewater, 5 Mar. 1533. John Coke de N. Petherton. Feb. 1534. chyd. of N. P.— Wells iiij"— the store of 6 lady of N. P. a cowe — to the ch. a gowne — John dar a cote — his wife — Johane Palmer vj^ viij'' — Johane my d. — John and Eich. hays. Bes. — Annys my wyf Witn. — Sir Joh. Langdon, hugh Eowsewcll. WELLS WILLS. 123 Prob. in eccl. de Stoway, 24 Ap. 1534. Sumina xxj'' w" vj''. Rob. ftuarell of N. Petherton. 8 Jan. 1533. cliyd. of N. P.— Wells iiij". Bes. — Jone my wyf. Witn. — Sir John langdon, Alex. Martyn. John Martyn de N. Petherton. 1535. chyd. of N. P.— Wells ij'^— store of o lady of N. P. my best cote — my son ffrances — ch. of Thurloxton iiij*^ — Thos. Tauntton — Eich. and Alex. NoweU. Bes. — Agnes my wyf. Witn. — Sir John Langdon, John Nowell. Prob. in domo solit. res. Vic. gen. VVellie, 1535. Sumraa Ivij* iij'\ Robert Cox de N. Petherton. 1535. chyd. of N. P. — Wells iiij'' — hye crosse and lyght of N. P. ij'^ — John Cocks my son a mare colte after the death of Margery my w. — my wolle that I have to halfe score to be devydyd between my mother Eliz. gyll and my wyf. Bes. — Margery my wyf. Witn. — Sir John laugdon, John harle. Prob. in eccl. de Brigewater, 23 July, 1535. Summa xxxij'* v'\ Agnes Surges de N. Petherton. 1534. chyd. of N. P.— Wells iiij'^— hye awlter of N. P. xij^— every of the two principall awlters iiij'^ — our lady store of N. P. a bull — every godchild iiij'\ Bes. — John, Thos., Edw*^" and Agnes burges my children — my brother W" Andersey, Rob. Ay she and Hob. Eyve to have the governance of my s'^ children. Witn. — Thos. harle, Rob. Ryve, W'" Andersey. Prob. in eccl. de Bruge water, 23 July, 1535. Summa xj'' vij"" iiij''. Ili4 WELLS WILLS. John Cave de N. Petlierton. 1535. chyd. of N. P. — Wells iiij'' — my son Eich. Cave, servants Edethe, Styvyn Batt and Ediths his \yyf — Will, my brother my best hossys — Kic, Doble to bs ovsrsssr — Sir John Longdon iiij'^ — every godchild iiij*^. Bes. — Johans my wyf. Witn. — Sir Joh. langdon, Eich. Doble, Will Cave. Prob. in eccl. ds Brugewater, 23 July, 1535. Summa iij'' vj'* v'^. Rich. Magyorne de N. Petherton. 31 Mar. 1535. chyd. of N. P. — lady store xx" — o lady of lenge xx"" — my moder half my corne that I have sowne this yere fully — my brother John a doblet with sieves of fustyan — John Helyer his son at AVod xij*^. Bes. — Agnes my wyf. Witn. — Sir Kich. falane [or Falaue], Mr. Alex' Popham, Joh. Benett. Prob. in eccl. de Brugewater, 23 July, 1535. Summa iij" xij^ iiij''. Thos. Coosyn. 1535. chyd. of N. Petherton — Wells iiij*^ — store of 5 1. of N. P. xij'' — every godch. iiij'' — John Cosyn my son all my plow gare. Bes. — Alys my dau. Witn. — Sir John langdon, W™ Howse. Summa xxvj^ viij*^. John Gayle. 1536. chyd. of N. Petherton— Wells iiij''— ch. of N. P. viij''— store of 5 lady xij'' — every auter iiij*^ — my v children v j^erlyngs my wyf to kepe them unto they be iij yeres of I age for ther profett. Bes. — Margaret my wyf. Witn. — Joh. ffynner, Joh. Perkar. Prob. 1536. WELLS WILLS. 12' PETHEKTON, SOUTH. John Stokye. 3 Mar. 1532. chyd. of Sowthe Petherton — Wells iiij'^ — Sir Stephyn fforeste (l) my gostly f. xij"* — cb. of S. P. a wether. ml^Lt'fn i^es.— Purnell my wyf. cumbents." Witn. — Edm. Rapchyn, Joh. Stokye, Tho. Tacbell. Tho. Dyper of S. Petherton. 6 Feb. 1532. chyd. of S. P.— Wells iiij'^— ch. of S. P. a yow— Eich. Yax a yow — Rich. Dyper all my werynge gere — Edm. Eapchyn a swarme of beys (2). (2) "Test. ^ •' J \ / Eb(ir.,"iv. Mes. — Margery my wyf. 92n., 175. Witn. — Sir Stephyn fforest, Water vax, Edm. Eapchyn. Thos. Wescotte of S. Petherton. 31 Aug. 1533. in church of S. P.— ch. of S. P. vj^ viij'^— Wells iiij*^— hye auter for tithes forgotyn xij'* — to lady bretherhed of ■ the same Ch. ij^ — Sir Ste. forreste my gostly father xvj*^ — Sir Peter curatt of Sevyngton xij'^ — every child of John Wescotte xij'^. Bes. — John W. my son. Witn. — Sir Styphyn fforeste, John Sybly, Edmunde Eapchyn. Prob. in eccl. de Hache Bechame, 17 Ap. 1534. Summa xxviij^^ viij" iiij*^. Dom. Jac. Lylly. 28 Maii, 1534. in cim. S. Petri de Sowth Petherton — Well, viij"^ — eccl. S. Petri de S. P. vj^ viij"^ — eccl. de Sevyngton Marie unam eneam oil am. Ees. — Alicie Webbe ac Tho. et Eob. filiis ejusdem Alicie, necnon Johane sen. ac Johane jun., Alicie, Avisie, Marie, Elizabeth, Margerie, filiabus predicte Alicie [equaliter]. 126 WELLS WILLS. (1) "So- Test. — Dno. Hugone Webbe(i), Tho. baker, Tlio. llyche. mersct In- o \ / cumbents," Prob. in eccl. Catli. Well., 2 Jiiu. 1534. 431. ' PITMINSTER. Will. Segar de Pytmyster. 25 May, 1530. in cimiterio S, Andree de P. — Cath. Well, xij'^ — S. Andree in eccl. par de P. xij'^ — alte cruci xij'' — campanis xij'' — torticiis vj'' — lumini sepulcri iiij'' — servicio B. M. in eadem eccl. unam. tunicam sive loco tunice vj^ viij'' — celebracioni triginalis die sepulture x'' — ciiilibet filio- lorum meorum ovem unam arbitrio ux. niee — Constituo (2)Tapers, Eniotam Se<^ar, nx. meam, executricem, ad lumen (2) ornamented . ^ . with flowers, coram imagine B. M. in eccl. de P. septem annis dura- used on high " ■• bum'^blfore turis sustinendum et maintenendum ; item lego unum fmlges?and poudus cere ad comburendum coram ymagine B. M. in to be borne i i -i-» t i , in proces- cccl. de P. quamdiu potest. sions (Fos- brokc's Cetera. — Jiimote oegar, ux. mee. "Mona- _ ... cbism,"206). ygg^ — Will. Spiring, Rico Scading, Job, powey, jun., hen. Paule. Nicolas Mydlam. 18 Aug. 1530. chyard of Pytmyster — Cath. Wells iiij''. Res. — Alice my wif and Nicolas my son. Overseers. — Eic. Mydlam and Nic. Cornyshe to have the rewle of Nicolas my son unto the tyme he come to the age of XX yeris. Witn.—^iv Nicolas Wagstaff, Will. Knollys, Thos. Combe. Alice Mydlam, wydow, late the wif of Nycolas Mydlam. 20 Aug. 1530. chyard of Pytmyster — Cath. Wells, iiij'\ Bes. — Nicolas my son, Exor. Overseers. — Richard Mydlam and Nic. Cornyshe to have WELLS WILLS. 127 the reule of my Exor and goods till he come to the age of XX yerys. Witn. — Sir Nicolas Wagstaff, Will Knollys, Thos. Combe. ThoruHS Kent of Pytmister. 6 Sep. 1530. cliyd. of S. Andrew of P. — our ladies service there iiij*^ — high crosse iiij'' — sepulcre light iiij'^ — Cath. Wells iiij'' mayntenance of the bells iiij'' — to the torches iiij'' — every of my godchildren iiij'^ — my mother-in-law ij kyrtills and vj* viij''. Bes. — my doii Anne. Overseers. — Rog, Hopkyns, Thom. Wythers (each iij* iiij''). Witn. — Sir Nic. Wagstaf, James spiring, hen. lowton. "Will. Bowie. 7 Nov. 1530. in cimiterio beati Audree de Pytmyster — servicio B. M. de P. vj^' xiij' iiij'^ — instauro S. Andree predicti iij' iiij'' reparacioni campanarum xx'^ — reparacioni tortisiorum xx*^ — magnis luminibus alte crucis xij*^ — luminibus se- pulcri xij'\ Bes. — Joh. Thorne. Test. — Dno. Thoma David, curato, Joh. Hervy, Rob. Lambert, Tho. Alwyn. John Prist. 16 Feb. 1531. in churchyard of Pytmyster — our ladyes store in the Ch. of Trull xij'^ — our ladys service in St. Jamys in Taunton xij<^ — Wells iiij'' — John Prist the elder xiij^ iiij'' — Christofer P. xiij^ iiij'^ — Henry P. xxvj^ viij'' — Agnes Bowie xiij*^ iiij'^ — Mary Powle xiij® iiij'^ — I ordayne John Prist, the yonger, to find a prest to syng for my soul the space of half a yere — also the same John to pay all such bequest that I have gyvyn to hys brothers and systers as dothe apere before wrytyn — he to have iiij yers of lybertie for the payment of the bequests. Bes. — Johan my wiffe. 128 WELLS WILLS. Witn. — Sir Thos. Helyer, curate, Job. Parson, Job. CoUyns, Thos. Harvo. John Segar. 23 May, 1532. to be bur'' in cbyd. of St. Androwe of Pyttmyster — to our ladys service of P. xx^ — lySS^^ ®^ 7® ^Y^ crosse iiij*^ — St. Andrew's store iiij'' — bells iiij*^ — to Sir Tbomas ij^ — Sir William xij'' — Sir John xij'' — St. Andrew of Weils iiij'' — Will Segar my best croke — Nycolas Crosse a lytyll heffer — Jone Crosse my best bason — my sister my mantell — Sybly Crosse one of my best shots. Bes. — Will. Eichard the yonger. Overseers. — Thom. Hyglit, Nycolas Crosse. Witn. — Sir Thomas helier, cur,. Rich. Shadyng, John Tavy, John Loue. Agnes Billynge. 19 May, 1532. chyd. of St. Andrew of Pytmyster — our lady of P. iij' iiij*^ sepulcre lygth iiij" — torches iiij" — St. Androwes store of P. iiij" — C. Wells iiij" — our lady service of Trull xij" — Water byllyng my son a hefer — Elyn Combe my best kyrtell — Margaret Gill another kyrtell — Agnes B. a hefer calf, a coffer, and a pan — Alson B. my lytle brason pott — Sir Thomas my curate xviij". Res. — John B. my son. Witn. — Sir Thomas [helier], Will, lambert, Joh. Spyryge. John Lewys. 8 June, 1533. ■ chyd. of St. Androwe of Pytmyster — Wells iiij" — St. Andrew's store in pytmyster xij" — to our lady servys in the same ch. xii" — sepulcher lii^hte viij" — live crosse lighte iiij'' — to the torches iiij" — the bells iiij'' — our ;;;d 0) Braden ladv of Brodestockc (l) vf viii stoke Priory ^ \ J J J (Wilts). jjgg — Robarte Waylonde. Witn. — Sir John Skote, curat, Joh. pawle, Joh. Alen. WELLS WILLS. 129 Joh. Trubb. 14 May, 1533. Wells xij'' — St. Androw in Pytmyster xij*^ — 5 lady servys in P. vj^ viij^' — sepulcre ly^jlit xij'' — higli crosse lyght xij'' — to the torches xij'' — Bells viij'' — o lady servys of Trull xij'' — my godson John Manyng xij'' — Joh. Wells my godson xij''. Bes. — Rob. Manyng. Wttn. — Sir John Scotte my gostly father, Will. Collyns, Joh. Lambert, Joh. Collyns, clerk — also the s'' Rob. M. to fyud the said wife of Joh. Trubbe mete and drink, fyer and flelt (i) and xii'' a quarter and if she like not this, she (i) sic ms. , . , .'shelter. to have xxvj* viij'' and to find herself — my detts that I do owe; to John Netheway of Taunton x" — John Genyng iij" — John tubull of Brompton Raufe iij" — John toball of Trulle xiij^ iiij'' — John Smythe xxiiij^ viif — Water Sandorvyn v* — John Adams of Taunton xx^ Prob. in domo solit res. vie. gen. Wellie, 3 May, 1535. Samma iij'' iij^ viij''. John lambarte of Pytmyster. 18 May, 1535. chyd. of St. Androw of P.— Wells iiij"— St. Androw in P. iiij'' — 6 lady serves in P. vj^ viij" — sepulcre lyght iiij'' — hye crosse lyght iiij" — torches iiij" — bells iiij" — bells of Trull iiij'' — every godchild iiij". Bes. — Jone my wyf. fl/'itn. — Sir John Skote, curate, John Collyns, clarke, Tho. Baker, Will. Collyns. Prob. in eccl. de Taunton, 16 July, 1535. Summa vj" vj^ viij". PORLOCK. John Upyngton. 2 Oct. 1532. in staurum ecclesie de Porloke iij^ iiij" — Wellen. iiij" — ad staurum Salvatoris aput Porloke iiij" — ad staurum S. Olavi iiij" — Henrico filio meo meam optimam togam K 130 WELLS WILLS. (i)cioak— et optimam duploidem (i) et xx^ — Johanni filio meo {doauut). meam optimam tunicam et xx** — IMargere filie mee iij". Cetera. — ux. mee. nirirf.?-' TesL—l)no. Job. Harys (2), Tho. Squyrell. cuui bents," 2. John Kentte. 12 Nov. 1533. in cimiterio eecl. de Diibrieii de Porlocke — Well, ij'' — instauro S. Dubricii, instauro B. IM., iustauro S. Olavi (cuilibet) unam ovem — sorori race xP. Bes. — Thomesine ux. mee. Test. — Dno. Joh. JacksoD, ciirato, Magistro Waltero Popham, Will. Dryll, Walt, botler. Prob. ill Cath. Well., 29 Nov. 1533. Summa cxiij'' v"^. John Symon. ult. Sep. 1533. in cimiterio eccl. dubricii [de Porlock] — capelle >S. Olavi j ovem — filiis meis Edvvardo et Waltero j tonicam de Eusset (each). Bes. — Johane ux. mee. Test. — Dno. Joh. Jackeson, curato, henrico Webber, Will. Trott. Prob. in Cath. Well., 17 Dec. 1533. Summa xP x''. Joh. HoU de Porlocke. 26 Jan. 1535. in cim. de P. — Well, iiij*^ — filio j juvencam— filie j ovem — ad staurum eccl. de P. ij'' — eccl. de Selworthye ij*^. Cetera. — helene ux. mee. Test. — Dno. Kob. laurens, Kob. Willyams, Joh. Coram. Prob. in Stowgnmmer, 28 Jan. 1535. Summa xviij'' xiiij^ viiij''. Joh. Coppe. 10 Ap. 1536. in cem. eccl S. Dubricii de Porlock — Well, ij'' — generali rotulo ad habendum nomen meum iif iiij'^ — alte cruci iiij'' — S. Olavo iufra parochiam predictam ij^ Bes. — Thomasie ux. mee. WELLS WILLS. 131 Test. — Dno. Job. Jackson, curato ibidem, Will. Erell, Joh. El worthy. Prob. in Stokegummer, 28 Ap. 1530. POETBUJRY. John Evans (i) al. Gorvey of Hamgrene in Portbury. 20 Feb. (i) This is 1529. in Book I.. but not the to be bur'' where it shall please G-od — Cath. Wells ij*^ — which is that high aultar of P. for ty thes forgotyn ij''. Bartktt of 75 T 1 •£■ ' Wellington lies. — Johan my wit. (i52b). Witn. — Thomas Colyns, ffarmer. Agnes Powell de Porbury. 19 Sep. 1531. Cath. Wells iiij*^— Ch. of Portished xij<^— every of my god- y^^^^l'^^^^ childeryn iiij'^ — every heme (2) withyn my par. oh. of tlirc^'offer- Porburi viij'^ — sepiilcar lyght of the same ch., a cowe appended. continual to be mayntayned as lawfull custome hath light was been usyde — chapull of bt. helvu a pere bedes and ^^^^^ ■*• J 1. burned be- a ryng — I give a schette to make ij auter [cloths] — one sac^ment -^ to our ladys auter, and another to St. . . . (3) awter — to cauTe sel; on the hygh awter a diaper clotli and x j'^ in mony — Edw. beam above Grayle lialfe a dossyn of svlver sponys for term off hvs distinction '' J J f J •'to a light set lyfe and after his dysease to remayne to hys children, upon a perch •' •' .' •' or swnigmg Bes.—'Rjch. aodwyne my son-in-law. tw'pTaced Overseers. — Rych. Passer, and my sone Eich. Grayle. plnded^rom Witn.— Sir Phylyp iprico, curatte, Denys Tirry. (\vaicotfs Arch:v- oloffv '* Rich Passer. [No date, probably 1533.] p. e^)'. chyd. of o lady of Portbury — Wells iiij'' — hye auter of p. x?. ' "^^ lady of P. iiij'^ — hye heme of P. a busbell of whete, &c. — to every heme in the Church i bushell of barley — John my son — Alice my d. shall obey his moder and hir brother Robt., and they to do for hyr as my trust is in them. Bes. — Jone my wyf and Eob. my son. 132 WELLS WILLS. Witn. — Sir Gryffyth apthonias my gostly f., denys tere, Joh. Passer. Will. Yonge of Portbury, husbanman. 19 Sep. 1535. simitory of the p. c. of P. — Wells iiij'' — high awter of my p. c, for tithes forgotyn v^ — I will that Sir John Edwards say^ a trintall of masses for my sowle, he to have x* — to him also ray gray horse — Thos. Russell of P. a hefer and a litell red boloke that I have goinge in the parke of P. — Alice Ward, Joh. Edmunds and Anne his d. — maynte- nance of the lights of the hemes in my s'^ p. c. a bushell of barlvc — Thos. Pascall — Ane the d. of Eich. Prior a ewe — W™ Yonge (a minor) my^ late brothers son ij stagis of fysshinge with iiij netts to them belongynge. Res. — Eich. Prior, and James Tegge of P. husbanman, my late brother John Yonge and Johne late his wife. (1) "So- Witn. — Mr. John ffloke (l) Vicar of P., Sir John Edwards merset In- cumbeuts,' Jate curate ther, Denis tyrry parish clerke ther, Joh. Edmunds, Tho. Eussell. Prob. in domo sol. res. dni. judicis, ult. Nov. 1535. Rich. Prior of Portbury, husbaiKl[man]. 28 Oct. 1535. chyd. of P. — W^ells iiij'' — highe auter for t. f. vj'' — my dau Agnes P. iij" vj'' viij'' — my diiii Edithe vj" xiij^ iiij'' to be payd in mouy or catall, and my byggest panne that I browght from Wylshere — to the mayntenance of the liglits in the highe beme of p. c. a bushell of barley — and to the maynt. of the lights to every other beame of the same ch. halfe a b. of b. — every godchild iiij'' — my brother Nicolas P. my best coote — John my son, Anne my dau. Res. — Agnes my wyf. Overseer. — Bennet frrvffith. Witn. — James Tegge, Joh. Howell, Joh. Bonewey, Prob, in eccl. par. de Keynsham, 3 Feb. 1535. Summa xxxj" v* vj''. WELLS WILLS. 133 Rich. Germyn of Portbury, busbandman. 18 Feb. 1534. chyd. of P.— Wells iiij'^— awter of P. for t. f. ij"— bye beanie ly^'bt of P. a busbell of wbete, every beame of lygbt (sic) in P. balf a b. of w.— every godcb. iiij'— my brotber Jobn Gerrayng a bullock and a blak coote and my seyve. Bes. — Alice my wyf. Witn.—^ir Jobn Edwards (i) my curet, Kyc. byll, Jobn Jll"f^_^^ Pykarde, James Hiirne, Denys Tyrry. 45™ '°*'' To every one of my iiij daus a befer to be deliv*^ at tbe age of xij years. Prob. in Keynsbam, 3 Feb. 1535. Summa xix'' viij' ij^ PORTISHEAD. Jolm Buell of Portesbed. 28 Ap. 1531. chyd. of P.— Catb. Wellys ij'^— Cb. of P. a busbell of barley — I will that my wif sball pay to tbe iiij tens (2) f^ff2n^['^ of P. iij* iiij'^ tbat was my motbers bequest to pray for Q,(a^re ber sowle and all cristyn sowles — James my son my best (Ember sea- sons), at cote and my best boses — mv son James tbonger [the ^i^icii time younger] a motley jakett and my best cappe — Jobn my (^^g ^yrax-*"' son my best dublett — to Tbos. and Richard all otber ''"^* my weryng rayment. Bes. — Jobau my wif. Wit7i. — Will. Adams parson of Weston (3), Eic. hardy ng, (3) insti- Ric. bonwey, Will, kympe. weston-in- •' ' J r Gordano in 1521 (" So- merset In- cumbents," John Toker. 1535. 300). Wells iiij'' — my grate croke to portessed Cb. — Weston Ch. xij". Bes. — Jobane my wyf. Witii. — Sir Wyll. Adams, Rich, boune. Summa xxv^ viij''. 134 WELLS WILLS. (1) "A puyr of bekldes of geit [jet] •with a ryng of svlver " ("Test. Ebor.," iv. •Hi). PIUSTON. William James. 1531. chyd. of Priston — Cath. Wells ij'' — Roger my son a bollock — Edethe my d. a bras croke and a pane and a pere of beydes of jette (i) with sylver gaudes — Alys my d. a vyolet gowne and a gyrdell the wyche sayd gowne and gyrdell and beydes restyth yn the hands of John bristow in the parish of AVeston. Bes. — Jone my wifFe. Witn.—^\v Thos. Clarke, Tlios. Clement, John Colls, Joh. Sanders. (2) "So- merset In- cumbents," 266. PUBLOW. Tho. Huys de Publow. 11 Nov. 1530. in cimiterio de P. — Cath. Well, iiij'^ — eccl. de P. togam meam optimam et ollam eueam — Tho. Trubody (2) curato meo xx**. Bes. — Cristine ux. mee. Tes^.— Mag. Tho. Trubody, Tho. balthazar, Will. Cokks. (3) A des- •ert dish. Cristina Huys do Publow. 21 Apr. 1531. in cimiterio de P. — Cath. Well, vj'' — eccl. de P. viij'^ iiij*^ — Imaffini dive Marie in eadem eccl. unum annulum argenteura — eccl. divi Thome de Pensford viij* iiij'' — eccl. de Compton Dandow unam ollam eneam — Magistro Thoraa Trubody, curato de Publow, unam parapsidem (3) — Dno. Willo Talbote curato de Pensford unam parap- sidem — Edithe Cotrell meam togam optimam et unam ollam eneam — Agnete Cokks unam parapsidem — Ao-nete Bayn quam levavi de sacro fonte unam togam et unam parapsidem — xiguete Norcatt unam tunicellam [jpetticoat]. Jles. — Joh. Joys et Thome Cottrell. WELLS WILLS. 135 Tes^.—Magistro Thorn. Trubody, curato, Will. Cokks, Will. Byshope, Hen. Molde. Eliz. Chokke, wydow, of Publow. 27 Dec. 1535. churc'herthe of P. — Ch. of P. my best kyrtell — Chapell of St. Thomas a ryng of sylver — Oh. of Brysttyllton my best girdell — Sir Thos. Trewbody my g. f. a s. spone — to my [dauj Johan Dandovv of Pensford j covve called prinkled — W" Daudow the smyth iij* iiij'^ — Eliz. Cokke Marget Dandow, a neckercheff — Eliz. Cockes — John Dandow a posnet — my son John Dandow of hallow- trowe. Bes. — W™ Dandow my sonne. Witn. — Mr. Thos. Trewbody curet, W" Bysshopp, John Stokes. Prob. in Keynsham, 3 Feb. 1535. Summa Ivij* vj*^. PUCKINGTON. Geo. More de Pokyngton. 23 June, 1530. in cimiterio de P. — eccl. Cath. Well, iiij'^ JRes. — Johane ux. mee. Tes!!.— Job. Baly, Will. Tiley, Job. Harrys. Johanna More, vidua. 18 Sep. 1530. in cimiterio de Pokyngton — Cath. Wellen. iii*^ — eccl. de (i") *■«• P. togara mariti mei et meam meliorem cortelam (i) — summo altari ejusdem eccl. iiij*^* — Dno. Thome curato ibidem iiij^. -Res. — Johane filie mee. Suijervisor. — Joh. Baylie. Test. — Joh. Harris, Joh. Kye, Joh. Cole. Walter Hiks ah. Baylie. 25 Sep. 1530. in cimiterio divi Andree de Pokyngton — Cath. Well, iiij'^ — summo altari de P. iiij'". 136 WELLS WILLS. Bes. — Jobane ux. raee. Test. — Job. Rey, Joh. Harris, Rog. Sadler. (1) See Bicknoller. (2) Caliga ~-hose. In the sixteenth century the term hose ■was used to denote tlio entire nether garment, comprising tlie upper Blocks or breeches, and the nctlier stocks of hosen or Blockings. " Promp. Parv.," 248 (2). QUANTOCKSHEAD, WEST. Hen. Conybar. G Ap. 1530. in cimiterio de Westqiiantoksbed — Catb. Well, vj'' — eccl. de W. Q. binos tritici raodios, duos ordii modios, binos avene modios — lumini animarum unain ovem — lu- mini S. Georgii unam ovem — lumini S. Sabatorum (i) de Bvknalre aj^num — lumini S. Sabbatorum de San- forde [Brett] unum agnura — Jobane filie mee sen. liij^ iiij*^ par lodicum liniarum par lodicum laniarum et torale togam et tunicam et post mortem Alianore ux. mee vj cocliaria argentea — Baldwino filio meo sex vervices [wethei's] unam vaccam et meam optimam togam — Jobanni filio meo sen. iij oves ac panni tantum quantum sufficit par caligarum (2) et tunicellam sibi facere — Jobanni filio meo jun. vj oves — W^illo \j oves — Katerine filie mee iij oves — Jobane filie mee jun. iij oves — Margarete filie mee vervicem — cuilibet filiorum Job. Pyne agnum, cuilibet puero quem levavi de sacro fonte iiij''. Bes. — Alianore ux. mee. Tes;;.— Rob. Wbite curato de W. Q., Job. Wbite, Tbo. Hadryfe, Job, Pyne. Johan Cokford, vidua. 5 Jan. 1531, in cimiterio de AVest Quantokksbede — Catb. W^ell. ij'^ — eccl. de W. Q. ovem. Bes. — Alicie filie mee. Test. — Tbo. Hadryge, Job. Colverwyll, Tho. Parson. Ric. Chedsey de West Quantoksbed. 7 July, 1535. in cim. de ^Y. Q.— W^ellen. ij"— eccl. de AV. Q. iij' iiij*^— WELLS WLLLS. 137 luminibus aniraarum de W. Q. unam ovem — nnicuique filiorum meoruni v*. Bes. — Johane ux. niee. Test.—Dno. Rob. Whyte, Tho. Downe, Tho. Haddrysse. Prob. in Stokegummer, 20 July, 1535. Sumina iiij" iij* j*^. EADDINGTON. Alicia Milton. 1 March, 1533. sacra sepultura eccl. par. de Eedyngton — eccl. de R. x^ — Wellen, iiij'^ — Eectori de R. iij'^ iiij*^. Cetera. — Job. Willo, et Jobane Mylton. Test — Job. Skynner, Job. Hill. Job. Sherman de Radington. 23 Mar. 1534. in cimiterio de R. — Well, ij*^* — stauro S. Katb. ovem. Bes. — Agneti ux. mee. Test.—Dno. Ric. byll (i) Rectore ibidem. Will. Milton. Prob. in Stowgummer, 22 Ap. 1531. Summa iiij'' xviij^ iij^ (1) Insti- tuted Oct. 18, 1526 ('-So- merset In- cumbents," 426). RUISHTON. Ric. Odam of Riston. 1 April, 1531. all my goods to Margarett my wif. Wit)i. — Nic. Bassley, cbapleyn, Ric. Gonstone, Tho. Gun- stone. John Tuttyll of par. of Ryston. 20 Dec. 1532. in boly beryall of Peter and Pawle yn Taunton — Welles ij*^ — servys of our lady in Ryston my best cotte — every of my iij cbilderyn xx^ apyce. Bes. — Crystyan my wiff. Witn.—SiT Will. Salmon, curat of R., barye bowcbyns, Ric. More. 138 WELLS WILLS. SEAVINGTON ST. MARY. Nicolas Vyell de Sevyngton Mary. 8 April, 1529. in cimiterio de Petherton [South] — Oath. Well, iiij'' — eccl. de Petherton unain ovem — Juhanni filio Robti Vyell duos boves. Bes. — Johane ux. mee et Robto. filio meo. Test. — Dno. Jacobo litlye, Tho. Swayn, Tho. Riche. Joh. Webbe de Sevyngton Marie. 10 Dec. 1533. in cimiterio S. Petri de Sowth Petherton humandum — ■ Well, iiij'^ — Johane filie mee juniori vitulnm — capelle S. Marie de Sevyngton arietem — eccl. de S. Petherton arietem. Bes. — Alicie ux. mee. Test. — Tho. Swayne, Dno. Jacobo lylly, Tho. Chapell, Rob. Vyell. Prob. in eccl. de Hache Bechame, 17 Ap. 1534. Summa viij''. SEAVINGTON ST. MICHAEL. John Stower. 4 Jun. 1534. in cimiterio S. Michaelis de Sevyngton — Well, iiij'^ — eccl. de S. iij^ iiij'' — eccl. S. Petri de S. Petherton iij^ iiij'' — eccl. S. Marie de Sevyngton iij'' iiij'' — Tho. Stower sen. filio Rob. S. xP. Bes. — Rob. S. filio meo. Test. — Thoma , Ric. lucock, Tho. Baker jun. Prob. in Chard, 6 July, 1534. Summa vij" vj^ viij''. SELWORTHY. Thomas More. 13 Nov. 1531. in churchyard off Selworthe — Wells iiij'' — hye crosse of S. WELLS WLLLS. 139 ifj'' iiij** — Annys my do3ghter x sliepe and a bollocke — Alson my d. (same). Res. — Eliz. ray wifFe. PF«Yw.— Mychall Stodon, Eob. Teryll. Robert Upping^on. 4 Dec. 1531. in churchyard off Selworthi — Wells iiij'' — Ch. of S. my best gone — our ladys store a stalle (i) of beyes. suu is^a''^^' i?es.— Jone my wyfie. see'-'New Witn. — Willyam Coffin, Eob. Teryll. Drcuiniry" Thos. NycoU. 10 Ap. 1533. in chyd. of Selworthy — Ch. of S. my best gone — Alhalowyn — our lady — hye crosse, {each) a shepe — Wells vj*^. Res. — Jone my wyff. Witn. — John and Hary Sporyer, John Eawle. Thos. Coppe de Selworthe. 20 Nov. 1533. to be burvd in holy turow (2) — Wells iiii*^ — the stores of arjThrough, •1 -i ^ ■> •> or trough, a Alhalon in S., hye crosse, (each) a shepe — lady store g>"^,^e^ ^<^^ iij'* iiij'' — our lady store of Luccombe a shepe — St. fs'^g^wheJe Savyor a shepe — paryshes of Carhamton, Stoke [Pero], means a flat Colbon, each a shepe — par. of Conysberre (3) a shepe — (3) co^q. my s. Eic. — my d. Jone. (Devon). Res. — my brother Eic. Coppe. Witn. — Sir Eic. Denys priste (to him iiij*^), Job. Hermon, Eliz. Sporryer. Prob. in Stowgummer, 22 Ap. 1534. Summa iiij" xvj'' iiij'^ SKILGATE. Eliz. Hill, vidua. 2 Aug. 1530. ° (4) This 13 in eccl. de Skylgate— eccl. de S. x'— lumini S. Marie ^^t"^; ■'^;^t'-i^ unam ovem— capelle de Petten (4) iij^ iiij^— capelle S. of Dron% Katerine xx'^ — eccl. de Chipstaple v* — unicuique filio- Bampton.'" 1-10 WELLS WILLS. larum mearum ultra etatem xx ann. unam ovem et unicuique infra etatem xx ann. unum agnellum — Alicie filie mee imam patellam — Eliz. filie Joh. Chykryge vj oves et ollam eneam — Johane filie mee xP. Bes. — Jacobo filio meo. Tes^.— Duo. Thoma Tristram, Joh. Hill, Will. Wythy. Walter Hikks. 25 Aug. 15:10. in ciraiterio de Skilgate — instauro sancte crucis unara ovem — instauro B. M. V. unam ovem — instauro S. Roclii unam ovem. Cetera. — Georgio filio meo. (1) Pro- Test. — Joh. Milton, Jacobo Playsted (i). bablythe *' ^ parish clork, who in the ^es'i^Te^ft'in- Jolm Browne. 30 Aug. 1530. made the compos meutis, quadam tamen detentus intirmitate ex qua michi mortem imminere vereor — sacre sepulture eccl. de Skylgate — instauro sancte crucis unam ovem — instauro B. M. unam ovem — instauro S. Eogi unam ovem — cuilibet filiolo meo unum agnellum. Cetera. — Johane filie [mee]. Test. — Joh. Myltou, Jacobo Playsted. John Hill. 2 Sep. 1530. in cimiterio eccl. de Skilgate — instauro alte crucis unam ovem — instauro B. M. V. aliam ovem — instauro S. Kochi unam ovem. Cetera. — Alicie ux. mee. Test. — Joh. Hill, Jacobo Plaistred. Alice Hyll. 29 Mar. 1532. detenta infirmitate ex qua mortem mei imminere vereor — sep. in cimiterio de Skylgate — instauro sancte crucis unam ovem — instauro S. Marie Virginis aliam ovem — instauro S, Rochi aliam ovem — instauro S. Katerine WELLS WILLS. 141 aliam ovem — eccl. de S. vj^ viij'' — cuiliLet filiolo queai de sacro fonte siiscepi unam ovem. Cetera. — Jolianne filie mee et Thome filio meo. Test. — Job. Hyll, Jacobo Plastred. SPAXTOK Elinor Hancok, widow. 1530. chyard of Spaxton — to the bulding of the said Ch. v^ — mother ch. of Wells iiij'' — John my son a stere or a bull — Isabell my d. one cow, a heyfer, one crok and my best panne and half a dosyn powlls (i) of pewter vessells, ij (i) poiis, candilstyks, a bed, iij sylver sponys, a gardell and beds (cf! capita, [beads] my best gowne and curtill with other small gere — Ursula my godddu a heyfor of ij yere age — Isabell Genys iij® iiij'' — every godchild iiij''. Mes. — Tho. Hancok my son. Overseer. — Tho. hemyng. Witn. — Sir Cuthbert hilacre (2) curatt, John Walforde, ci) "So- merset In- Joh. Hancok. cumbents," 184. Joh. Armystronge de Spaxton. 1533. Sep. in ede sacra Dei de Spaxton — Well, iiij*^ — eccl. par. de Spaxton bovem et vj® viij'' — Johane filie mee vaccam et lectulum suffertum cum lodieibus laneis &c. que ad thorum pertinent. — Joh. et Thome filiis meis, et Edithe, IMarie, Eliz. filiis meis — omnibus quibus sum ego fideiuSSOr (3) Viij'^ (2) surety, i.e.god- Cetera. — Johane ux. mee. father. Test. — Dno. Tho. langham [or laughara], Tho. Hemmynge, Sim. Cole. Prob. in Brygewater, 5 Mar. 1533. Summa xxij^' xij® viij''. STANTON DREW. John Sage, husbanman. 8 Dec. 1531. in chyd. of Stawntou Drew ny to my wyfife — Cath. Well. 142 WELLS WILLS. (1) John Frampton was insti- tuted Jan. 23, 1505 (" Somerset incum- bents," 285). (2) "A trental of S. Gregory- Pope to be celebrated according as it may be lawfully sung at cer- tain festivals in the year, viz. thru' the octave of the Lord's Epipluiiiy and during other feasts " (Wad ley's " rSristol ■Wills," C6). " Gregory of Rome relates that he once ordered a priest to offer sacrifice for thirty days con- secutively for the soul of a monk who had broken his rule. It is probab'y owing to this Btatement that the practice of trcntals was said to have originated with him ; we do not hear of it till the eighth century " ("Diet, of Christian Antiqui- ties"). (3) These are names of the fields. For other Sage wills. Bee " Somer- set Wills," 3rd series, pp. 91, 92. xij'' — parycbe of S. D. a heyfer my next best — par. ch. off Chelvvorth a bushell of malte — chapel of St. Thomas off Pensforth a b. of malte — Rych. Sage my son a pan next the best — every chylde of my chylderns j shepe — every of my godchildren iiij'' — fframpton (i) prist liij^ jiij'' — myne Exor shall cause St. Gregory trintall (2) to be sayde in the Ch. of S. D. at the vicars wyll for my sowle and all cristen sowlys — as touching the grounde that I hold of maister weks that lyeth in S. D., as Currell changer, penning and woodland (3) that I have purchased to John Sage and to Rye. Sage my sonnes, my will is that R. S. my sonne shall be the first holder theyroff after my desese and John S. my sonne after hym yf he lyve so long — Thomas S. shall holde woodland under R. S. his brother paing the said rent unto Rich, accord- ing to the valure thereof. Bes. — Tomas Sage, my son. j^/^rt._Mathewe Whytte, Tho. Sampton (sic) priste. Sage, Ric. Sage, John STAPLE FITZPAINE. John Hardman, husbandman. 4 Sept. 1531. to be bur'' in the chyd. of St. Peter the apostill of Stapull — Ch. of Stapull my best gowue — Ch. of Tlmrlbere xij'' — mother Ch. of Wells iiij''. Bes. — Maude my wif. Witn. — John Gay, Rob. Smyth, Thos. Hardman. Walter Somerton. 30 Nov. 1531. to be bur'' in chyd. of Stapull — mother Ch. of Wells iiij'' — Ch. of Stapull a bulluk— Westhache Ch. iiij". Bes. — Eliz. my wife. Witn. — John Cagge, Thos. Chaunte. WELLS WILLS. 143 STAPLEGEOVE. John Bartlet of Stapullgrove. 6 April, 1532. chyard of Peter and Paule by Taunton (i)— our lady of J^^]^;;^^-^^ Staplegrove a sliepe — to the sepulchre servys ij* and a prlory. shype — to our ladys servys of the par. ch. viij'' — Kobt. son of Thomas Smyth a sylver spone and a shype — W°' son of W" Shute a shepe— Isobell d. of Thos. Smyth a shepe — Sir John Eowswell xij'' — John Guune clerke viij'\ Bes. — my son Thomas. Witn.—^ir John Eowsvell (2), John Chute, John Sawser. (2) "So- ^ ' merset In- cumbents," 139, 185. John Harper of Stapulgrove. 16 June, 1535. in holy grave of P. and P. of T. — sepulcre servys of S. xx*^ — Wells ij*^ — gostly f. xij'^ — clarke iiij'\ Res. — Elyn my wyf. Witn. — Will, batcoke, curate, Joh. Harper, John Gune. Summa iij'' xiij* iiij''. Thos. Smythe of Stapull grove. 24 Feb. 1535. to y*^ holy grave of Peter and Paule by Taunton — Wells iiij"^ — hyghe crosse off S. xx'^— -ye sepulcre servyce of the same xx^ — our lady servyce of St. Jamys xij'^ — St. Katheryn servyce viij'' — my d. Esbell v'' — Eliz. iiij'' — Joane iiij" — if any of them dye before they be maryed, then to my wife — my gostly f. Sir Wyll. Batcock xij'' — John Gonne p. clerk there iiij'^ — every godchild iiij''. Bes. — Crystyan my w}f. Witn. — W. Batcock curate, Joh. Shutt, W" Brymsemede. Prob. in eccl. par. de Stokegummer, coram Mag. Walt. Cretyng, 30 Ap. 1536. Summa xxx'' ij'' 144 WELLS WILLS. (0 Urowne (" Somerset Incum- bents," 440). STAWLEY. John Chapell. 14 Aug. 1531. cliyard of Staule3th — mother ch. of AVells iiij'^ — parson for forgotyn off thewthys vj*^ — ch. of S. my best cotte — ch. of gyttysforde [Kittisford] iij^ iiij'^ Bes. — Elsabet my syster, Witn. — Sir^ John Crowme (i) parson, Eic. gowyer, Joh. Chapell, Joh. Benett. (2) Ilfn. Punscoinb instituted 10 'J'reburrow jn ir>41 ("Somerset iiirum- bents," 460 ; Bee also 440). Agnes How of Stauligh. 19 May, 1535. to be bur'^ in the tower of S. — to St. Mychaell there iij^ iiij'' — o lady xx'' — high crosse xx*^, to bye wax to burne before the sayd saynts — to fors'' cluirche my best bord clothe to make an aiiter clothe for the high auter — Wells iij"* iiij'' — chs. of Kytford, Badyalton, luxborow, ffyffyd, and Ayshebrytell (each) iij^ iiij'' — high auter for t. f. xij*^ — Jone my d. a pott that was Thos. farmers, my ij'^'' best fate [vat], my best canstyke — to James ffoster all the detts that W'" popam owed me — every godchild a sylver spoue — every chyld of my chyldren vj* viij'^ — Eliz. Illary my dowter wyle she lyvythe vj"* viij'' to be payd of John Budd of Wellyngton or by his assynges — to John Budde all such detts as had of my husband and of me by indenture and all such detts as John South- hell of Cleanger and Thos. Goddynge of Otterford owed to my husband and to me, he John Budde to pay to an honeste priste praying for me iij yere xviij''. — Richard and Harry my sons to kepe my anniversary ons a yere — Sir harry dunscome (2) to have vj'' for one yeres servyce at Oxforde payd by the hands of John Budde for one of the iij yeres above namyd. jRes. — Jone my dau, Alex. Howe, and Agnes H. d. of Rich, Howe. Overseers. — Jamys ffoster, Joh. Budde, hare howe, Rich. WELLS WILLS. 145 howe — to John Benott iij^ iiij'' and Nich. Bniford a bra son pott with longe legs. Witn. — Thos. Wakley, curate, Sir harry dnnscome. Prob. in eccl. de Taunton, 16 July, 1535. STOCKLAND BRISTOL, alias GAUNTS. William Everard. 19 Oct. 1530. to be bur'^ in cluirch of Stoklonde Gaunts — Oath. Wells! iiij'' — ch. of S. G. xP — also to Stoklond Ch. xxvj^ viij'^ wh. is in the hands of John Gallington of the same parish — I will that a prist have vj^ viij'^ to sing in the Ch. of S. for me and my fryndes a hole yere — my brother Thorn. Everard of hunspyll ij kyne, a yew, xij polls (i) of pewter vessell and ii loods of wod — the childer en see note, p. 141. of John Webb als. Cokk ij kyne — Ric. Dowdynge iij** iiij'' — Vicar of S. pro decimis oblitis iij* iiij'^ — Johan hurtt my wyfes best cap, her best gowne, her best knytter, her best nysett (2), her best apron, a cow and (2) jviced, a lifjilit wrap- vi polls of pewter vessell — also to Maud Gunyngham p^r for ti^e •'*■•'- JO bosom or my wyff's best curtill a peticote a cow and ij platters — "Tu)*-"^^"' Alson Hatrige a gowne — John Paivire a gowne — Ricli. r>r/v.°"%io) H. a cow and to his childer a yerlyng^John Webbe a "hoodYpe- wene Fwainl and to his childer ii kyne — John Peke a (si">i). and '- -■ J J says that cupbarde a stere and a cote, to his wyfe a kyrtyli and g^^g^tnTof a peticote and to his childer a yew and a lambe — John fasTtling for Peke a vowlyng nett and a ffyshing nett — Walter (capu Hatrige a cote — Will. H. a coote — Rich. H. a cote John H. a coote — childer of John Everard a cote and a gowne. Overseer. — Rich. Dodyng. Bes. — my brother John Everard. Witn. — Rich. Dowdinge, Rob. Everard, Rich. Hatrige, John Pyke, Will. Prewett. Tho. Hurtte of Stoklonde Gaunts (3). 30 Jan. 1530. w^ihlme- chyard of S. — Cath. Wells iiij" — cli. of S. x' which remains places." L the hood ium or cheveraille). 146 WELLS WILLS. (l)Tabl€- clotb. in the bauds of Eich. hale of Otterhampton — gray ffryers of brugewater vj* viij'' — Johan Garatt . . . which remaineth in her hands — Will. Garett a hayfer — my sister Annys Gregory a bordeclothe (l), a towel 1, a knytter — Alice Bykham the servante of W"^ Hurte a knytter, a apron and a nysett — W™ Standfaste a cole and a dnblett — John Ilatryge a shert — Isabell Garett a shert. Bes. — Will. Hurte my brother. Witn. [Ulegible). (2) Wall Cciiiimoii iu StockliUid. (3) Insti- tuted Nov. 21, 1526 (" Somerset Incum- bents," 441). Richard Dodyng. 22 March, 1530. chyd. of Stockland Gaunts — Oath. Wells iiij'' — ch. of S. the profitte of v acres of medow the which I hold of W'" Everard at Wall (2) for as many yeris as ys coming to me by a bill of his owne hand — V. of S. pro decimis oblitis iij^ iiij'' — my d. Alson c* with suche goods as she hath alredy and in like manner so much more to my d. Editlie — to my kinsman Bennett two kyne — my son John ij kine. Overseer. — Sir John Coche (3), Vicar, to see that my childe John dodyng shall have such goods as shold remain to the name of the dodyngs at the deth of my father. Mes. — Mawde my wif. Witn. — Joh. dodyng, W°' Morysh, Philipe baylie. (4) The Hospital of S. Mark of Billeswyke in Bristol (s -e CoUin- son, i. 247). John Everard of Stokelond Gaunts. 13 Jan. 1533. churchyerthe of S. G. — Wells iiij'' — p. c. of S. G.. vj'^ viij*^ — graye ffryers of Brugewater iij^ iiij'' — howse of the gawnts (4) by brystowe vj*^ viij"^ — V- of S. G. pro dec. obi. iij"* iiij'' — my iij children John, John and Jone xx^' — if all dye, this to fynde a priste to pray for him — John Webe — Jone and Agnys Webb his children — Philipe daye — Kobt. Everard — my dettes [i.e. debts owed to me] to my wyffe Edythe — those be the names of my dettors — Thos. Sonder (owyth) xxxiij'' iiij'', John Yong WELLS WILLS. 147 at Pawlat xxv', John Velows xxxvij', Thos. V. xiij', W. brytton x^ Res. — my wyfF. Witn. — John Everard the elder, John Webb, Will, pruet. Pi'ob. in Brugewater, 5 Mar. 1533. Summa xxviij" x^ iij". John Hurtte de Stokelond Gaunts. 7 Feb. 1533. in churcheyerthe of S. G. — church of S. G. iij^ iiij*^ — my chyldren Hughe, William Water. Mes. — my wyf Alson. Witn. — John Mylward, Will, flemynge, Will. Stondfaste. Prob. in Brugewater, 24 Ap. 1534. Summa iiij^' xj^ viij'\ Wm. Maryshe of Stokeland Gaunts. 2 Oct. 1535. in chyd. — ch. of S. iij* iiij'^ — my son John the yelder, a sorell mare — my d. Alson — my yonger son John a yew — yongest d. Johne a calf of xij monythes — ch. of Wells ij^ Bes. — Eliz. my wyf. mVre.— Will, flemyn, Joh. Davy, W" Standfast. Prob. in Brugewater, 29 Jan. 1535. Summa xvj" iiij^ ix'^ STOCKLINCH OTTERSEY. Ric. Ketynge de Stokelynche Othersey. 8 Ap. 1534. in the church — Wells xij'' — ch. of S. 0. a cowe. Hes. — Joh. Brage my son in law. Witn. — Sir Joh. Dangard (i) parson of S., Thos. Jefery, (i) insti- T 1 fv> 1 1 tilled Dec. Joh. fterherd. 12,1511 Prob. Cath. Well., 2 May, 1534. Summa ix" x^ inclT'"' bents," 443). STOKE COURCY. Philipe Stronge of Stokegurcy. 12 July, 1531. our ladys service xij'^ — Ch. of Wells ij'' — for my mysse 148 WELLS WILLS. (I) A cas- ket or cabi- net (forcer). See note (2), "Promp. Parv.," 170. [forgotten] tythyngs iiij'' — I have v sylver sponys of the wh. my wif shall have thre of them and the other too my Sonne shall have — my wif shall have her coffer and her fostler (i) to her own use with all things per- taining. Exoi's. — my wife and my son. Witn. — Sir John Webbc my gostly father, John Hall, liic. Bydford, Will, umfiay. Walter Kydner. I) Dec. 1531. chyd. of St. Androw of Stokegurcy att the este ende — Cath. Wells ij'^ — highe altar ij'' — to the rode a altar clothe — my son W'" ij oxen. Overseers. — Ric. hoge, Eob. Grove. Bes. — Johan, my wif. Witn. — Sir Nicolas Philips, Clement Hale, clerk. (2) " Promp. Parv.," lal (i.). (3) Gene- rally called the bede-roU. Margarett Bere. 2 June, 1533 of the p. of Stowgurcy — to be beryd in churche of S. — Wells iiij'' — to the gyltyng of the ffrownt (2) at the hye auter of S. ij oxyn — 5 lady servis of same ch. a cowe — to the church to have my name regestryd witli other of my frends in the calender (3) and there con- tynually to be pray for, xij busshells of whete — St. Anne in the same ch. my best gowne — to v par. churches, i.e. ffydyngton, Stokelond Gants, Oterhampton, Kylton and lylstoke, to eche of them v yooys and v lamys — paryshe of Kylf a panne — my gostly f. being Curate of S. a flokebed and xij'' of mouy — to the d. of Thos. Bartlat being my godch. vj sylver sponys — John Wether a croke and a pan — John Bery and his d. honor a cowe — Johane bud my best curtyll — grey friars of Brygewater iiij bushells of whete. Bes. — Thos. Bartlett and Thomas Wether. Overseers. — iiich. Cavx and Water Byry (a cow between them), I WELLS WILLS. 149 Wifn.—Siv Nye. curate, Clement hale, Job. Wether, Thos. Bydford. Will. Dimscombe. 6 April (or March) 1533. chyd. of Stowgursy — Wells ij'l Res. — my wyff, Jone. Supervisor. — John thorne. Witn. — Sir Nye. curate, Tho. hurtt. Johane Howchyns, wedow. 15 Mar. 1534. in chyd. of Stowgursey — Wells iiij'' — payntynge of the hye aucter of S. ij bushells of wette — our lady servyce of same ch. my weddynge ryng — Johane my d. — Maude my d. a borde clothe — Alys my d. a nysett(l) — Elinor (i) Aiivht wrap for the mv d. . "'^'^'^ ^^^^ J p. 145). JRes. — my son, John Hochens. Supervisors. — Harry God, John brawse. Witn. — Will, bacon, Eie. VoUer, John Camplyn. Prob. in Brugewater, 24 Ap. 1534. Summa iij^^ xviij' xj''. Eliz. Pole de Stokegursy. 10 Ap. 1534. in church of S. G. — to 5 lady of Addescombe (2) my best (2) in •^ \ / J OverStowey, bedes — to the store of 5 lady of S. G. my best curtell — p- ne- hye auter iiij'' — Wells iiij'' — Will, my son — Water my son ij of my oxen, the on is callyd browne and his felowe. Bes. — Eich, Water and my children. Overseers. — Wather ]\Iore, Joh. More, Rob. Grene. Witn. — Harry hauley, Vicar of S., Will. Strange, Tho. E-ede. Prob. in Brugewater, 24 Ap. 1534. Summa xx" v^ iij''. Will. Yerde de Stoke gursie. 18 Sep. 1534. in ecclesie divi Andree de S. G. — Wellie iiij'^ — summo altari de S. G. ut scribant nomen meum in kalendario apud ejusdem altave ut orent pro anime mee salute 114. 150 WELLS WILLS. y'f viij'' — servicio dive Virg. IMarie in eccl. predict, vitulum — Margarete iix. mee omnia mea burgagia que habeo in burgo sive villa de Netberstowe ad terminura vite sue tenenda et post ejus decessum Eliz. filie mee (testes Job. Storke, Job. Zole, Alicia burlond, Jobana (1) The Zele) — Eliz. Amry (i) filie mee vi^ viii'^ — Dno. Job. i\illof John ' J ^ / J .) stog"r«Vi3 Peres ut oret iij' iiij'^ — Tbo. Eede iiij'' — Margarete Bkfv.'foi. fflyiiiyng sorori mee iij^ iiij'' — cuilibet puero quem de sacro fonte levavi iiij'\ Bes. — Marg. ux. mee. Test. — Dno. Job. Pyers, curat, Tbo. Eede, Job. Stork, Eye. Amry. Alex. Eede de Stoke Gursey. 12 Ap. 1535. in p. cburcb of S. G. — gyltynge of tbe bye auter iij^ iiij'' — Wells iiij'' — o. lady servys of S. G. iij* iiij'^ — Sir Jobn Body to pray for me &c. iij* iiij'' — Will, and Water my sons — Alyse and Jobne my dowters in lawe — Jobn my son in law. Bes. — belyn my wyf. Witn. — Sir Job. Body, Tbos. burtbe, Jobn Trobbe. Prob. in eccl. de Brugewater, 23 July, 1535. Summa Ivij^ xj''. Rich. Bydford of Stoke Gursey. 13 May, 1535. cbyd. of S. G. — to tbe forsaid cb. to bave my name regystred in tbe Kalender at tbe bye auter of tbe s'^ cb. vj* viij'' — Wells iiij'^ — my son Will, a borsecolte — my son Jobn tbe elder xx* — my son Pbilyppe a yew and a lame — my son Jobn tbe yonger — my son Eicbard — Jobane my dau, — Jobane Borland — every godcbild unmar'' iiij'' — Sir Jobn Peyrs to pray for me xij'' — Sir Jobn Body iiij** — Jobn lyddon iiij''. Bes. — Elyz. my wyf. Witn. — Sir Jobn Pers, curat, Job. Lyddcn, Jobn Geffre, W" Bydford. WELLS WILLS. 131 Prob. in eccl. de Brurrewater, 23 July, 1535. ma xx" ij'* j' Sum--" — " "^ ^'' STOKE GOMER. Alicia Soly de Stokegummer. 1 Oct. 1530. in cimiterio de S. — volo et consencio quod mea ultima voluntas combinatur cum voluntate ultima sponsi mei et quia eram iu possessione bonorum Johannis Soly ut ejus ExJx — ideo ordino et facio meam executricem Matildam filiam meam sub couditione in testamento J. S. Test. — Magistro Will. Cavell (i), Hugone Ropar. (d in isis son of Nettle- combe (" So- Joh. Ball de Stokegummer. 3 Oct. 1530. avius," ist '~ _ series, 41). in sacra sepultura — Oath. Well, iiij'^ — reparacionibus com- munibus eccl. paroch. de S. xij*^ — reparacioni trium luminum existentium in eccl. pred. cuilibet iiij'^ — pro decimis oblitis iiij''. Res. — Agnete ux. mee. Test— Rico. Hill, Willo Selyr. Will. Genynge. ultimo die Feb. 1531. sop. in cemiterio de Stokegummer — reparacionibus eccl. Oath. Well, iiij'' — rep. eccl. de S. vj^ viij'' — curato meo pro decimis meis oblitis iij® iiij''. Bes. — Margarete ux. mee. Test. — Job. Stevyns, Tho. dier. lego cuilibet puero quern levavi de sacro fonte iiij**. Joh. Tytht de Stokegummer. 23 Oct. 1532. Reparacionibus eccl. Cath. Well, iiij'^ — Reparac. eccl. par. de S. unam patellam heneam continentem xvj lagenas — lego curato meo tam pro decimis oblitis quam ad celebrand. pro salute anime mee iij^ iiij'' — Isabelle filie mee unum coopertorium (2) rubii coloris, unum par let. 152 WELLS WILLS. liiitlmminum, imam mappara, et unnm manutergium liberanda per meum executorem post meum discessum. Res. — Will, filio meo. Exor. — Will, pyke fylium meum. Test. — lienrico lawham, Job. Svvete, Tho. Cowrt. Johaiie Chepman de Stowgummer. ult. Feb. 1532. repar. Well, ij'' — repar. eccl. par. de S. unam ovem — repar. luminis B. Marie unam ovem — Eliz. filie mee duas oves, unam parapsidem, unum podynger, unum salsa- (n Saucer num (i) — curato meo pro dec. obi. imam oveiu. or'^elit'lceiiM. -^^^- — Johaiie et dionisie fiiiis meis. Supervisore. — hugone Stevyiis. Test. — Nic. Gyllys, Rico, lyddon. Rob. Swytynge de Stowgummer. 2 Mar. 1533. Well, iiij'' — Reparac. eccl. par. de S. vj* viij'^ — fraternitati B. M. existenti in eadetn eccl. iij'* iiij'' — Reparacioni luminis B. M. iiij'' — Rep. luminis 8. Anthoni iiij'' — Rep. [luminis] S. Georgii iiij'" — Rep. luminis elimozinarum iiij'' — Rep. luminis S. Christoferi iiij'' — Rep. eccl. par. S. Decumaui vj^ viij'' — Rep. capelle de Wyliton iij' iiij*^ — - Johui curato meo pro decimis meis oblitis quod ad celebrand. pro salute auime mee — Dno. Job. Webbe iiij''. Res. — Job. et Rob. fiiiis meis. Supervisores. — Tbo. Cowrte, Will. Pyke [cuilibet, viij'']. Test. — Hugone Stevyns, Job. Kytbe. Prob. in Stowgummer, 22 Ap. 1534. Summa xiij'' vj' viij''. (2-) Tn>.ti- Sir Hughe Roper (2), Vicar of Stokegummer. 1 Oct. 1534. 1470 ("So- ' in tbe cbauucell of" tbe Cb. of Stokegummer — Wells xx^ — luei'set In- cumbents." par. of S. one swte of vestemeuts of ffyne wbite sattyn witb one cope of tbe same — one masse boke imprentyd of parcbement or vollain — to tbe Oh. of Martuke towards tbe makynge of a intvr of or^^ans v'' — to tbe 445) WELLS WILLS. 153 repar"* of the bells of Monksylver x^ — rep"^ of the bells of Kylve vj'* viij'' — par, ch. of Sampford Peverell [Devon] vjs viij'' — John Patwyn v" xiij" iiij'' — Hughe Stevyn the yongerxP — Agnes Stevyn my best beads of correll — Isott S. my best girdell — Sir John Webbe my best typpott (l) ^. <^y]. ^jj^^^^j and my best cappe [cope] — to the new bewyldynge of ];^^:J,^|'/' the Clawster in the Abby of Clif Ix^' — a pryste to synge for my soul for x yeres after my decesse — Ivj'' xiij^ iiij*^ to be distrib" at the day of my buryall, and monetbis mynd — to my uncles dau. at Sampford Peverell xP — to my unkles sonnes dau. in Northcory xP — to M'' Trevylyan of halsway vj* viij'^ — hughe hill of halsway vj^ viij'' — every of my other godchildren xij'' — I do forgyve all my debetts, owynge to me, except the delts that M"^ Sydnem of Brympton and Symon Byrtte owthe me. Bes. — to be dysposed at the discrecion of W™ Dovell, Abbate of Clif (to whom xl") and Hughe Stevynge of Stokeguramer (to him x''). Wifn. — Sir John Webbe, Sir Symon Atwill. Will. Affryan de Stoke guramer, 20 Jnnii, 1535. Wellen. ij*^ — instauro B. M. meam opt. tunicam — ad usum eccl. de S. G. unam ovem matricem — Edwardo oveiu mat. — Johauni ovem mat. — Elizabethe iiij'^ patella de ij galons — lego curato vicario ij^ vj^' pro dec. obi. — cuilibet filiolo meo iiij^. Res. — ux. mee et Anne filie mee. Test. — Dno. Joh. Webbe, Eico. Byrde, Will. Stevens. Prob. in eccl. par. de Stokegummer, 20 Julii, 1535. Summa xviij" xix* ob. John by the way. 24 Nov. 1535. Wells ij'' — ye church of Stokegummer vj^ viij'' — a panne of V gawlons to my sone Thos. — my d. Johan. Res. — my wyf Angnes. 154 WELLS WILLS. Witii.— Sh John Webbe, pryste, Joh. Laurens, Will. Pecke. Prob. in Stowgummer, 28 Jan. 1535, Summa x'' viij* iiij^ ob. Joane Laurens. 15 Oct. 1536 [? 1535]. AVells iiij'' — ch. of Stokegummer a borde clothe of diaper — mayntenance of our lady servys in S. xx*^ and a ryng of sylver and gylte — the lyght of St. Anthony iiij'^ — lygbt of St. George iiij''— lyght of St. Crystofer iiij''— dede lyght iiij'^ — St. Mychaell iiij' — Elnor ponter my best gowne and her children (each) iiij" — every godch. iiij'' — Alee Koke and Thomas Cowrt iiij''. Bes. — Thos. Cowrt. Witn. — Sir John Webbe, harry lawham, Joh. Swetyng with other of my powr neghbours. Prob. Stokegummer, 28 Ap. 1536. Summia ix" iij* viij''. Rob. Hankoke. 1536. chyard of Stokegummer — Wells ij'^ — mayntenance of ye lyght of St. George ij*'— of St. Anthony lyght ij"— of the dede lyght ij" — the stowre of o lady a shepe — to the Ch. of o lady of Stokegummer a coote — Sir Joh. Webbe iiij-i. Bes. — Joane my wyf. Witn. — Sir John Webbe, Joh. Morell, Eob. Swetyng. Prob. in Stokegummer, 28 Ap. 1536. i Summa vij'* xiv'' iij''. STOKE ST. MARY. (1) JLs. John Luckis. 14 Feb. 1532 [or 1533 (i)]. of Mary Stoke — grave of Peter and Paul in Taunton — ch. of Mary Stoke my best gowne — Wells iiij" — John Tllary my ij"'' gowne — John Gierke of Stoke a cote with yelow lynyn \Uning] — Thomas Budd a vyolat cote — obscure WELLS WILLS. 155 the brotherbed of Ilmyster iij'' iiij'' — the brotherhed of West Buclond iij' iiij'' — Sir W. Salmon xij'' — Helyn Vicary a pan of brasse and a croke of brasse and a svlver gyrdell and. a pere of shets — every godch. iiij'^ — W" my son my best brasse panne and iij sylver sponys, the wayne and the dragge and the wrynge (l) and the (i) cider- vate. Bes. — Alee my wyfp. Wit)i. — Sir Williain Salmon, Joh. More, Eye. harrys. STOKE, SOUTH. Rich. Pole of Southstoke. 1530. to be buried in cristen sepulture — Chapell of Come (2) ij (2) ^onk- shepe — St. Andrew's workes iiij'" — John my son a pan "^'^^^.I'^l' with ropys and yokes — Johan my dou. a pan, ^""^ ^'°''^" Bes. — Alyce my wif. Witn. — Sir Thom. Beyt (3) vicar, Joh. Lypyat. (3) xho. instituted April 13, 1529 ("So- merset In- cumbents," SWAINSWICK. 289). Juliana Wehbe. 11 Jan. 1533. chyd. of our lady of Swaynyswyke — liglites of the Ch. of S. xij'' and viij busbells of barlye — Wells viij'' — Alyce my d. si shepe, iiij oxen, iij kyne, a dymye gyrdell (4) my (4) Demy- beste gowne, my best cappe, a pere of bedes of ambure, ^^f^ u^'^Va my best carchyve, my best apron, my best nycette, a ^''"^[^jJn ^®^® fetherbed, a flockebed, ij blankett?, a coverlet, a bolster, ij peloweberys, a pere of shets, my best bering shete (5) (5) a a tester, my ij"*^ croke and the next croke, my best tuning robe, panne, my best cawdren, a pape panne, iiij platers, iiij (6) Tub. podyngers, iiij sawcers, ij standards, a payll, the mooste ^^j <^"'-'«' * [biggest] knedynge kowle(6) of iij, a payre of woll combes o) comb- with a kemynge (7) stoke, a payre of cardes (s) with a (s) avooi- turne, ij coffers with the stufle therin, ij candelstyks, cards. 156 WELLS WILLS. (1) The petticoat, at the time when the " I'rompto- rinm " was compiled, was a gar- ment worn by men (" Pronip. Parv.," 395). Smock is shirt, "P. P.," 461. (2) The will of John Pontynge of Swainswick is given in bk. iii. f. 19 b. (3) This means to be treated in respect of obituary services as one of the Priory bro- therhood. In colleges and chapters benefactors could be admitted " fratres per- petui " of the house if the benefaction were assured in perpe- tuity. In the will of Martin Col- lins, trea- surer of York (1508), "Gil- da^ S. jlarga- rete Leices- tre xl", ita quod me re- cipiant in confratrem " (" Test. Ebor.," iv. 278). ij salt-selers, my best kyrtell, and iiij" to be payd oi' John Sliete — a pay re of bedes with stony s part of coral 1 — Julian Woodman vj shape, a cowe &c. a salteseller, a knede cover, a stand, my ij"'^ apparell of my body, a flockebed &c. ij pelowberys — W" Chegy vj shepe a cowe and vj* viij'' — W'" Kodman a shepe — Julian Wikes a shepe and to hir mother a pere of bedes of gette — every godch. iiij'' — every of my servants a lamme — W" Smyth a petycote (i) and his wyf a smoke &c. — Juliane Champyne a canvas apron — John Pole a petycote, a payre of hoollyn [sheets] &c. a nycett, a cape &c. — Thomas Smythe a petycote — Agnes Arkyn a kyrtell &c. — John Stote a petycote. Exors. — Edw. Webbe and John Webbe. Witn. — Edmond Saunders, — pontyng (2), W" Smyth. TAUNTOX. Will. Collake of par. of St. Jamys in Taunton. 8 July, 1530. chyard of Peter and Pawle in T. — mother ch. of Wells iiij'' — our ladys servyce in St. Jamys Ch. in T. xij'' — St. Katherins servyce in the same Ch. xij'^ — ij servyces in Maudlyn Ch. viij'^ — Brodway Ch. xvj'^ — hye crosse in the same Ch, iiij'' — vj my godchildren ij^ Res. — Johan my wif. Witn.—^iv Kob. Arundoll, Tho. Bryghtyn, Will. Graynt. Albert Rowley. 16 Aug. 1530. to rest in holy grave of Peter and Paule within the Priory of Taunton — St. Andrews, Wells iiij'' — the servyces in Mary Mawdlyn called the hyghe crosse and sepulture service to pray for me, betwyxt them both xvj'' — to the convent of the priory to make one brother emonge them vjs viij'' (3) — Maister Vicar of Maudlyn my gostly father to pray for me and my frynds viij'' iiij'' — to . . . WELLS WILLS. 157 Smekyng my best gowne and iij** iiij'' to pray for me — (i) as no priest could Laniard my servante all my ware to occupy bit till celebrate •' •' -^ "^ more tbau Leonard or liis depute come to Taunton, also to him, my t,''*s*',nus'7' best horse, cum suis pertinenciis and also a sworde — |j,'^,^g ^y^" the day of my buryinge a trentall of xxx masses to be priests, a . trentall was songe tor my sowle (1). a service ° "^ ^ ■' of thirty Bes. — Francis my brother and Leonard ffvsher. masses. •' - simulta- Witn.—\Ni\l. Bury, V. of Mawdlyn (2), Eob. Lewcett, Jone 'I^ZcU Smekyng, John Goldsmyth. tutedin^'sos I will tbat John Goldsmyth alias Storell be my overseer incum-^'^'^ bents," 452"). and to have xx** — J. G. shall se my child Leonardo (s) i.e. tiie •' listofbene- founde and kepte to Lave mete and drynk till Leonard o'{ft'°o\"g*'^ be come to Ingland and they [give] the child to pay for Ember soa-''^ 1 • sons as they his expenses a yeu. passed the " pulpitum " (see " Somer- set Wills," Magister Henry Scoryer, Cliauntry Pryst of the par. churche JJ'J .^"xe'st of Mary Mawdlyn of Taunton. 25 Aug. 1530. ^^:'" ''• ' in the holy beryall of the priory of S. Peter and I'oll of is a^piace"! m 1-1 • p-nrTTm •••T this name launton — highe crosse service 01 M. Mawdlyn vin — nearLang- , . ... . J J ford Bud- sepulcre's service viij"^ — service of our lady in the Ch. ^'H'ljj,^^ of St. James viij'^ — high crosse in the said Ch. viij'^ — feaves^"7o service of St. Katheryne in the same ch. viij'^ — St. Andrew, house in'the Wells xij'^ — buylding of the towre of Eyston xx*^ — Ch, York vl''"° of Combeflory to be prayed for yn the bede roll (3) strangways •'^ i./ ./ \ y leaves " to viif iiii'^ — repayring of the hyghwayes between the ^^'^'^ *""" "«' i. J o J a J and woman towne of Taunton and the lane called our Lady of fo"r'iepor'' Sandylane(4) v^— the Ch. of M. Maudlyn of T. viij''— Yo^yjd^to" to the almys people dwell yng in the almys lane of T. mysauie" xviij*^ — to the lazar (5) people beyng at St. Margarets fg'^°[^C*''- nyghe the towne of T. xij"— Sir W"^ Bery, Yicar of T. ^fi\S-''^ at the day of my buryall to pray for me xij'^ — every fhlpaHsh '"r pryst of the same ch. to pray for me viij'^ — Sir Henry ton. it was founded in Powle curate of St. James xii — to every pryst of the the 12th '' J I. J century, and same ch. \iij'' — I will that my exors distrybute among R^h'^ggf^g powre people at the day of my beryall wher hit semythe G^stonbury, most of nede iij* iiij'^ — to the prior of Taunton and his century! 158 WE..LS WILLS. (1) i.e. stepfather. (2) Insti- tuted Sep. 1, 1514 (".So- merset ]n- cumbeuts," 337). covent there to be prayed for vj^ viij'' — I will that all such detts as AVill. pepar of Dunster is in debet to me be distributed for my sowle and the sowles of my ffryndes there as he shall [think] moste necessary. Bes. — Johane ffaundery, my mother, and [Will.] Scoryer my brother. I will that my fatherlaw (i) and my uncle Sir John Hill (2) parson of Combflory be my overseers, they to have for there labor xx** among them. Witn. — Sir John Powie cur^ite of St. Jamys, Sir . . . AVylye, Sir Robert Browne, Rich. Sylmayn. Alson Barbar. 3 Sept. 1530. chyd. of Peter and Powle of Taunton — Cath. Wells ij'' — ij services in Maw'dlyn iiij'' apece — John lyddon a white bed — Sir Raffe Hatter ij bilding candilsticks. Res. — umfray Spelar. our lady servyce in Maudlyn a ryng of silver. Witn. — Sir Raff Hatter, John Bennett, Thos. Bryghtyn. John Pycher. 8 Sep. 1530. holy grave of peter and pawle in the priory of Taunton — Cath. Wells ij'' — sepulcre service in Mawdlyn viij'' — hygh crosse service viij''. Bes. — Joyce my wif. TF^i!'>^.— Sir Raff Hatter, Will. Tree, Geo. Sprike, Tho. Vox. Isabella [margin, Eliz.] Harrys of the parish of Taunton. 10 Sep. 1530. chyard of peter and pawle of the priory of T. — Cath. Wells ij'' — ij servyces in the church of Mary Maudlyn viij'' — to my felow ... a red cap and a knytter. Bes. — Bog. Browne to dyspose for the welfare of my soule and the soule of Sir John Harrys to whom of late I was ExTx. WELLS WILLS. 159 Witn. — Sir Kaff Hatter, curate, harry harding, Kog. Hill. Sir William Mors, priest. 16 Jan. 1530. chyard of priory of Taunton — Oath. AVells iiij'' — raayn- tynance of the high altar in Mary IMaudlyn oh. xij*^ and a meteclothe of diaper — services of the highe crosse and sepulcur in Maudlyn viij'' — my sister Alys a bed per- formed, with blanketts, shetsj, ij platters, ij podyngers, ij saucers — my chalys to the Church so that St. Anne (i) (!>, There prieste use him his days if he lust to call for him. try^'f s."" Anne in Bes. — Isabell hurley. «• Mary ■' Magdalene Overseer. — Eob. Pycher. church cso- *f nierset In- IVitn.—Mr. Will, bery, Vicar of Maudlyn, Sir Job. Harvy, ™^)^«°'^'" Eob. Pycher. Thomas Chilcote of St. James [Taunton]. 2 Feb. 1530. chyard of the Priory of Taunton — our ladies service my best dublett of wursted — St. Katherine's service a borde (2) or xii'^ — Oath. Wells iiii*^ — Sir Rowswell viii'^ (2) Board, \ / o «' "'an old cant — Thom. Edwards my wif's son half my shope with half ^^^^^^^^^^^ " the apparell belonging to the same — my daii Elsabeth ovngiit)- Gray vj sylver sponys after my wifs departyng. Bes. — mv wife Margery — John Soper owithe me xxv^ — niche gene- •' o J i- rally at the Job. Adams owithe me xx^ "hfaitar? °^ Witn.—f^ir John Rowswell, Sir Eobt. Arundell, Alex. ^;?^^ii°4re- -j-j- , sentations of XlaClyer. our saviour's burial and resurrection. It was appa- WilUam Stabbe. 2 April, 1532. umeTmove-" to be buried in the holy grave of Peter and Paule in the f^'l'io^jnl Priorey of Taunton — ye crosse servys and sepulcre (3) in ."Jbytwix" L Mary Mawdlyn, betwyxt them both xvi'' — to Andrew in next ye aitar •' J ' J J as at ye tym Wells iiii'' — to helpe to mayntayne the Torche before of Esturitt J i. 'I •! IS used to the sacrament iiij'^ — to Eoger my son, after the decease chreof jtefu of my wyffe Jone, all my browing wessells concernyng f.'.Test. my browyng howsse — to Als bertylmew a flockebed, a 179°)?' IGO WELLS WILLS. (1) A chafing-dish ; a vessil of a peculiar shape, in which char- coal was burnt for warming a room. (2) Pledges were often given to be held for debts, indi- cating a scar- city of coin. pere of slietts, a pere of blaucketts, a bolster, a coverlett, a brason crocke, a panne — Item John Adam the elder clemys [claims] of me afether bed, a chavyng dyshe(i), a payre of shetts for tlie wh. y knowledg being in the mercy of God that he ys full content and payd — jMargaret baker clemyth a per of bedes ye wh. lyse to pleyge (2) for xiiij'' — iif slie bryng her money I wyll that my executrix delyver them unto her. Res. — Johan my wiffe. Witn. — Master Will, bery, vycar, Ricli. Gylman, Rich. Grey, John bowne. (3) " Visita- tion of Corn- wall "(1620), J)p. 127-129. (4) i.e. step- daughter. (5) Pro- bably Launceston (often spelt Lauuston), with which place the liPy family were con- nected. See "Visitation of Cornwall " (1620), p. 126 re. (6) A simi- lar charge on property is to bo found in " Test. Ebor.," iv. 184. Nicolas Lye (3) of heydon in the p. of Mary Maudlyn of Taunton. 18 April, 1532. sepulture of Peter and Paul in the priore of Taunton — Cath. Wells viij'' — ij servicys in the eh. of Mary Magd. xvj'^ — Mr. Will, burye Vicar of M. M. iij^ iiij'' to piay for me — Isabell my wyff all such goods and cattell as she had in her wydowhode and brought to me in tyme of our mariage — also to the said Elzabet (sic) my wyff a heffer of red color and iiij sponys of sylver that were my one before ourmaryge — Jone tredwyn my dowghter in law (4) iij* iiij'' and wereas I the abovesay'' i!^ic. leye by my dcde of enfefment 16 Oct. 15 Hen. viii. have enfefyd Thos. Morton, Jolm Sopper jun'', John Wetherton, Hob. hyll and John Roke jun"^ in all my medow lends and rents &c. in burmyn in the par. of lawncbone (5) and ley in the par. of Marchamchurche in the Co. of Cornewall to have and to holde unto them and to there erys for evermore — first that my said feoffees sufer myne exors to take as moche rentes &c. of my manor of burwyn above xv'' charged by Inven- tary for the needful expenses the day of my buriall with a trentall the same day, and also att my monethe mynd: I bynd my ere that he kype yearly for ever- more in the ch. of M. M. in Taunton an obit (e) to be WELLS WILLS. IGi kept the morow next after St. Thomas Day and there his eyrys to dispose of tlie rents of my manor of bursvyn yerly for evermore iij* iiij'^ among prieste and clerks and other charytabull works and almesdeds to pray for my soule and my frynds soils and all crystyn souUs for evermore — to hye crosse servicys in par. eh. of lawns- low CO. Cornwall the best elme tre growyng on my manor of terley (l). (i) Tro- •' ^ ^ leigh, in Res. — Elzabeth my wyff and Thos. Lye my son. Marbam- Overseers. — Thos. Morton, Rob. Hyll — Thos. IMorton to have for hys labor the ij"^'^ best elme tre growyng on my manor of tyrley, Rob. Hyll to have a baye mare. Thos. Ley my son to sett and yerly bring home my wyffe's lonture to her duryng hyr lyfe at his one cost. m'ifw.— Master Will, bure V. of M. Magd., Rob. and Will. Peprell, Nich. Crosse, W. Rowswell. to the dau of John Howe named Elizabeth being now within, a mare colt blacbay to have after my decease. Will. Huchyns [or Hychens]. 29 Oct. 1532. holy grave of peter and paule within the priore of Taunton — ij servyces in Mary Maudlyn, the hye crosse and sepulcre xij'^ to pray for me — our lady servyce of Troll iiij'^ — our lady servyce of St. Jamys xij'^ to pray for me — Raffe my [. . .] all my howsehold stuffe that lyath at my place called Strete, as broches (2), crockes, pannys, (2) spits. except a fetherbede wh. I wold my wyff shold have hit to ly in when she comys, tliat is, duryng her lyff and after her [. . .] to have hit — to M'" Vicar of Maudlyn xij'^ to pray for me — Alls hychins the wyff of my son a chaffer of brasse to hete water. Res. — Eliz. my wyff. Witn. — M'^ W. Bery (3), Vicar, Geo. henly, Rob. hvgons. (3) "So- merset In- cumbents," 452. John Hamwode otherwyse callyd gentte. 26 Mar. 1533. holy grave of S. Peter and Paule of the Priory of Taunton M 162 WELLS WILLS. (1) "To- wards costcs of the frame fur tlie bollys to be new bong, xiij» iiij>l " {'• Test. Kbor ," V. 137). (2) i.e. profit. (,3) Barton Grange in I'itniiiister, the home farm of Taunton I'riorv. Sir ^V. li'iyly was one of the canons of Taunton Priory, and received a pension of £6 13s. id. at the Dis- solution. He was still living in 1553. Cosinerius, the kitchener — the officer who was overseer of the kitchen ; be also visited the sick every luornitig, and saw thut the broken meat was reserved for the poor (Walcott). (4) i.e. the wardens of our lady service (or (5) Some- times the names were only recited at the Qaa- tuor Teni- }'ora (Ember s-^asons), sometimes every Sun- day (seep. 161). — Wells iiij'" — Ch. of (^orff vj* viij'^, to the byklynge of a new ele to the same ch. — to the torches of the same ch. viij'' — the belbed (i) of the same ch. xij'' — St. Audrow of Pytmyster xx'' — our lady servyce ia the same xx*^ — fraternyte of Orchard [Portman] j bus. of whete when hit ys rype — Hob. Vanner a cow with her yncresse (2) and vj^ viij'^ — Rob. Welond j plater and j polynger of pewter — every godcliild iiij'^ — ij sorvycesof Mary Mawdelynge xij'^ — Rye. love iiij bus. of whete wlien hit ys ripe — same Eich'^ my byggyste brasse croke and a brass panne the iij"^' best — the cosyner of Barton (3) my gostly father to pray for me xx'^ — fraternyte of the priory of Taunton ij' viij". Res. — my daus. Jone Gybbys and Margaret Gachyll. Overseers. — Jolin Gybbys and Water Gachyll. Witn. — Sir AVill. bayly, cosyner (3), Joh. Ilurman, AVill. lialsse, Rob. Weylond. John Hill. 17 Ap. 1533. chyd. of p. and p. in Taunton — xij^' to have a prist to pray for me the space of ij yerys and he to sing in the ch. of S. James of Taunton — our lady servys of St. Jamys xx** with a gylt cuppe on the condicion that our lady Wardyngs (4) shall hold my obitte by the space of xx yerys and to distribute at every obitte unto the pristes and clerkes there being present and to other necessarys therto belongyn xvj'' — St. Katheryn servyce of tlie same ch. vj' viij'^ with a goblet parcell gylte to the intente that the prist of tyme there being shall dayly (5) recyte my name among other benefactors — to the hygh crosse of the same ch. xij'' — convent of priory vj* viij'' — brotherhed of Combefiory vj* viij'' — Wells iij" iiij*^ — Church of Stapul grove vj' viij'^' — Ch. of Wylton vj* viij** — Ch. of TrooUe vj* viij'' — Ch. of Pytmyster vj' viij^ — sepulcre servys of Maudlyn xij*^ — hygh crosse servyce of the same ch. xij'' — W" Scoryer a salte ungylte and WELLS WILLS. 1G3 halfe a doson sponys — I will that every prist of Towiie being present at my dyryge and masse saying a tryntall masse for my soule to have xij'^ — in the day of my buryall I will have distributed for the wellth of my soule unto poore people v". Bes. — I will that my syster Jone ffayndrell with lycence (l) caVf],Ma"2i of her husband to have hit. he? wS?"^'' TT7^w.-Eoger Hyll, John Adamys. per Ten"''* Calf mari- tum meum' (Wadley's " Bristol Will. Nacyon, Chauntre priste of the p. of ^L M. in Taunton. gsT'^''^" 7 June, 1533. holy grave of p. and p. in T. — Wells iiij'' — to both servyces hye crosse and sepulcre xij'' — to my servys a tuell and ij half partes — to vij godchildren iiij'' apyce — my sister Margery a pare of bedes of gete gauded with sylver stonys — to the same syster my bed and all that belongyth to hit. Res. — my mother Alson N. Overseer. — Sir John GuUve (2). (2) "So- '' ^ ^ merset In- Witn. — Joh. Hochyns, Thos. N., Audrowe Gutter. zT'fsT"' ' John Swattoke. 6 July, 1533. chyd. of Peter and Paul in Taunton — Wells iiij'' — d. Elsabeth xx nobbles — my son John all my yer [<7ea>'] in my shoppe as well as v [£] worth — Thomas my son vj" xiij^ iiij'' other he to have the mansion other [or] tenement the wh. I dyd dwell in — Jone my d. xP — hye crosse in the ch. of Stapulgrowe xx*^ — sepulker of the same ch. xx'* — Sir John Hykelege xij'' — John Gune viij^ Res. — Alice my wyff. Overseer. — John Saiiser. Witn. — Thos. Smyth, Thos. Gymmose. Prob. in eccl. Cath. Well., 29 Dec. 1533. Summa inventarii, xxix" ix* xj''. IG-t WELLS WILLS. Johane Stradlyng, wedow, yn Taunton. 3 Sep. 1533. holly grave of peter aucl paiile in the pryory of T. — sepiilcur servys and hygh cross servys in Mary Mawdlin viij'' (each) — Wells iiij''. Res. — Rich, my sonne. Witn. — IM"" W" bery, John Gore, Lewys Davy. Ric. Warman. 18 Feb. 1518. sep. in cimiterio Apostolorum Petri et Paiili juxta Taunton — Wellen. iiij'^ — servicio B. M. in eccl. S. Jacobi juxta T. xij'" — alte cruci in eadem eccl. iiij'^ — Dno. Rob. Bowne curato meo iiij'' — Johane filie niee de Stapulgrove j ovem, cuilibct filiorum et filiarum predicte Johane filie mee iiij*^ — cuilibet filiolorum et filiolarum meoruin iiij''. Res. — Johni filio meo. Test. — Dno. Rob. Bowne, Tho. Mors, Joh. Stalinge. Prob. in eccl. dive M. Magd. Taunton, 7 Marcii, 1533. Summa inveutarii iiij" ij'' viij''. (1) One of Will, fferyer. ] 8 Ap. 1508 (i). tlie earliest . „ ... -n, • t-» i • • • i dates among scp. luira cimiterium Petri et Pauli in prioratu de ..Taunton— Well, ij''— iustauro B. M. de Trull iij' iiij'^— lumini sancti sepulcri iiij'' — campanis ibidem iiij''. Res. — Margaret ux. mee. (no witn.). Prob. in Magd. Taunton, 7 IMar. 1533. Summa iiij" j''. Alyce Malacke, wedow. 31 [ — ] 1532. holy buryall of SS. P. and P. of the priory of Taunton — Wells xij'' — every godch. iiij'' — o lady servyces of my parish church [St. James] my best gyrdell and bedes on tbis condycyon that my name be putt yn our lady bede- {2) i.e. the roll (2) with my howsebands, there to be prayed for bcdc-roll of o i i ^ i ^ tiie service cvcry bondav yn the yere as other be, ana my name or gild of our lady in the to be sctt with mv howsebands in the anniversarys — parish of •' •' Tailmon!"' serves of St. Katheryn xij'' — hye crosse and hye auter WELLS WILLS. 1G5 (each) viij'' — my daughter's children John, Rich., Ixobt. — my d.s. Crist ian and Jone. Bes. — my son Sir John Gylley (Exor). Witn. — Sir Joh. Hyckley curat of my par. ch., Joh. Morys. Overseers. — (each xx'^) Joh. Stone, Thos. hiwrence. Prob. in Magd. T., 7 Mar. 1533. Sumina x^' xix« iij'\ Bob. Marecke de Taunton, 10 Sep. 1532. of the par. of St. Jamys — in chyd. of the holy A pes tells P. and P. — o lady servys of St. Jamys xij'^ — to St. Kath. of the same ch. viij*^* — Wells iiij'^ — my sone John xx* — my son Raff xx* — my servant Harry a croke and ij bushells of rye and his bar^ryue (i) at Mirton. . (') '^, iJes.— my son Robt. usuri'lycon- Witn. — Sir Rowsewell, Mr. Rob. Hill, Joh. Sowthhaye. Ibout sixty Prob. in eccl. par. Taunton, 18 An. 1534. ploughed '- ' ^ land Summa iiij^' xvj' iij*^. " A"smlii farm hold- ing" (New Isabella Hurley of Taunton, wedow. 10 Mar. 1534. ^"^- ^'''•^* in ch. or chyd. of SS. Peter and Paule of the priori of Taunton or else where in any other holy grave and sepulture as it shall please Almyghty God — Wells xij'^ — prior of T. and his convent dyscharching my con- ciens for oblations forgotyn iij'^ iiij'' — and to the s'^ prior and convent to be made sister ther vj^ viij'' — tow*'^ the mayntenance of Gods devyne servyce and in the Ch. of Mary Magd. in T. iij^ iiij'' — to the servys of the hye crosse and sepulcre (to each) iij* iiij'' — 6 lady servys in the par. of St. James to be sister ther xx'' — to the Repar''* and mayntynance of the Churches of Ryesshe- ton. Stoke, and Hill Bysshops in Tawnedene and Thurl- bere each vj^ viij"— M^ Will. Bury, Clark, V. of M. Magd. to pray for me, John Hurley my husband, my frynds and all cristen sowles vij^ vj'' — a priste immedyatlye after my decease to synge a trentall for me, Joh. H. my husband, my father and mother, Sir W" Mors priste, IGG WELLS WILLS. and all fi-onds, in the Cli. of M. Mag.l., by the space of j yere, he to have for his labor and stepend viij^' — I hold the buriranfe in Taunton in fforo St. of leese of the Lord Marquies Dorsett for the terme of Ix yeres — whereof ther be iiij years past — I grant to the Church- wardens of M, Magd. in T. for the mayntynance of the same ch. and to their successors, the s"^ burgage for xx yeres, they to kepe one dyryge and masse of llequiem with other dyvyne servyces, to pray for the sowles afores'', and dyspose at the same tyme yerly YJ** viij'^ ; i.e. the Vicar of the s'' Ch. being present at dyryge and masse to have for his labour iiij'' and to every pryste of the same Ch. being present ij'' — and to every clarke j'^ — to each churchwarden iiij'' — the overplus of the s** vj' viij'' to be given to powre people — My furnes and all other vessells belonging to my brewhowse holely to remayne in the s'' liowse for the s'' terme of xx yeres and that yerely to be seen by the s'' chwardens to be well and suffycyently repared, and when the xx yers be expyred, then the s*^ furnes &c. and the reste of the s^ terme to be soldo by my exors or their assignes and the mony to be given to the s'' chwardens, the one halfe therof tow''* the Rep"^ of the s'' Church and the residue to be dysposed for the welthe of my soul, according to their discrecyon — My brother Roger Hyll one goblett with a cover of silver and gylte, and to my sister Margery Hylle my best gowld ringe — to W™ and Rob. sons of my brother Roger, each vij^ vj'' — Isabella, Alyce, and Jone daus. of my s** brother Roger hyll — John Tose and his wife; Nich., John, Isabell, MargHheir children — John o) A cup Soper and his wife my uutte (i) — Alex. TogwvU and his niaile out ot ■•• .^ \ / o j a cocoa-nut. yf[j-Q g^j^(j John his son — my godchild" xij'' — Johano Weste my servante, my bed performyd, my beste petye- cote — John Hylle the elder and his wif, Margery hill and John Hill, their child" — Elyn, Isabelle, Katherine, my servants, John Gwyer my serv^ WELLS WILLS. 167 Res. — my brother Roger hyll. Overseers. — Job.. Soper, Job. Tose, Alex. Togwyll. Test. — Will, bury clerico, Job. Goly capellano, Rob. Gooddemond capellano. Prob. in eccl. p. de Taimton, 4 July, 1534. Summa clxvij" viij'^ viij'*. Jone Roke, wedow, of Taunton. 31 Aug. 1532. in the holy grave of Peter and Paule in the pryory of Taunton — awter of St. Antonye a clothe of diaper — sepulcre servys viij'' — Elyn Samplyn my serv' a copull of berches (i) and a forslet — Jone Roke my son's d. shall made of linen (see have my house that I dwell in the space of Ix years p''""™'?- after my decease, not to mell [jneddle] with it durynge my life, so that she or her assignes will kepe an obyt every year ons in the Ch. of M. Magd. during the terme of the s'' iij score years, for the sowles of John Roke and Jone his wife, Henry Capteyn and Ales his wif, John Roke and Katherin his wife, with vij preestes and M'' Vicarye and ij clerks. Bes. — Johan Roke my sones dau. Overseers. — Rob. Hill, baylif (to him iij^ iiij'O- Witn.—Uv. W. Bery Vicar, Rob. Hill, balif of the liberties of Taunton, Rob. Pitcher. Prob. in M. Magd. Taunton, Jan. 1534. Summa xlviij^ iiij'l John West de Taunton. 21 Aug. 1534. in cim. beatoriim P. et P. — Well, ij'^ — ffraternitatibus summe crucis et sancti sepulcri viij''. Bes. — Johane ux. mee. Test. — Dno. Joh. daw, curato, Rob. Nubery, Tho. fibx. Prob. in M. Magd. T. [Jan. 1534-5]. Summa xxxiij' viij^ John Slocum de Taunton. 17 Nov. 1534. in cim. beatoruni P. et P. — Well, ij'' — ffraternitatibus 168 WELLS WILLS. summo crncis et sancti sepulchri in eccl. dive M. JMugd. xvj'". Bes. — MargaretG ux. mee. Test.— Diio. Joh. daw, ciirato, Tho. ffox, Job. Buruard. Prob. ill M. Magd. Taunton [Jan. 1534-5]. Summa xxxiij* v''. Rich. Garret, goldsmyth, of Taunton. 10 May, 1534. Wells iiij'' — to both the servyces in Mawdlyn Ch. xvj'' — to my sone Osmund xP — my son John xP — when they shall be of lawful age. (nHehad Hes. — to my wife Jone Valdron (i). probably ■' ^ ^ i t i /-< "Tdowone Witn. — Sir Jolm daw my g. f., my father Joh. Garret, Jl/rL^"'" goldsmyth, my brother, Rob. Garret. Osmund (see c< 'li ■••« ■ — il next Will). bumma vj'' xuj luj". Roger Yoode [or Yede]. 9 Mar. 1534. holy burial of the priore of SS. Peter and Powle in tho towne of Taunton — sepulcre servys and the high crosse servys in the ch. of M. Magd. in Taunton viij'' — Wells iiij". Res. — Agnes my wyf. Witn. — Sir John Daw, curate, Osmond Walron, Rob. Nubery. Agnes Lawrence ah. Bower, wydow. 23 Aug. 1531. in the towne of Taunton — holy grave of P. and P. in the priory of T. — high crosse servys and the sepulcre servys in the ch. of M. M. ij'' — o lady servys of Corfe xij" — ch. of Wilton xij'' — Joane Smyth a bason — Master Will. Bery V. of T. to pray for me iij^ iiij'' — Johane my dafter my beste salte upon this condycion that it after her decease shall remayne to the use of ]\Iargery Love her daii — Johan IMounte. Bes. — Margery Love. WELLS WILLS. 109 Overseers. — Johan Mefflyn my dau. to Gryffyn Johannes and Weltham his w. a floke bed. Witn.—Mv. W. B., Vicar of T., harry cok. Alex. Goodyere. 23 Feb. 1534. holy grave of P. and P. under the helme before the sowthe dore of the Chiirche — Wells viij'^ — hye crosse of St. James in Taunton iiij'^ — servys of 6 lady iu the same ch. xx'' — same servys of 5 lady a salte seller of silver with the cover, to be delivered after the disease of my w. Anne — to the servys of S. Katheryn in the s'' ch. of St. James xx'\ Bes. — Anne my lefull vvife — to Mr. Bailiff of the liberties of T. iij^ iiij^'— Kich. Hawkins xij''— Sir Will. Badcoke my g. f. viij^ Humfrey Speller de Taunton. 28 Ap. 1535. holy grave of P. and P. in the pryorye of T. — sepulcre servys of M. Magd. in T. x'' — hye crosse servyce there x'l— Wells iiij'\ Bes. — Agnes my wyf. Witn. — Sir Rob. Brome, Rob. Pomry. Prob. in ecel. de Taunton, 16 July, 1535. Summa cxvij** iiij'\ John Thomas of p. of St, James by Taunton. 18 Nov, 1535. iu holy grave ol P. and P. of T. — Wells ij'^ — 6 lady servys, St. Kath. servyce, and the high crosse of the same parish a cote. Bes. — Mawde my wyf Witn.— Will Batcok, Rich. Myller, Joh. Morrys. Prob. in M. Magd. Taunton, 27 Jan. 1535. Summa xx^ John Coke aJs. Lyme de Taunton. 18 Dec. 1535, chyd. of P. and P. of T. — Wells ij'' — soue Roger [a minor]. 170 WELLS WILLS. a bed performed — sone John [a minor] — 6 lady servys of St. Jamys viij'' — St. Katb. servyce viij'\ Res. — Jone my lawful! wyfe. Witn. — Sir Will. Badcoks, curat, Job. mors, clarke, Nic. Gentelcors. Summa W viij'\ Will. Jonys de Taunton. 28 Nov. 1535. holy buryall of SS. P. and P. of T. — sepulcre servys and high crosse servyce in the ch. of M, M. in T. viij'' — Wells ij". Res. — Margaret my wyf. Witn. — Sir John Dawes, Rog. hill, Tbos. ffox. Prob. in Taunton, 27 Jan. 1535. Summa iiij" iiij^ Hary Dungan de Taunton. 5 Aug. 1535. holy Sep. of P. and P. in T. — Wells vj'' — my mother Elyn — John Dory — John Howper my best bosses [Jiose] and my wode knyjff — Water Colverwyll my dagger with the mete knyf — 6 lady servj^s of St. James in T. xij'' — St. Katb. servys viij'' — Cornell Harbord my old cote, to bis wife an old coverlet — Nycolas Gylte my jerkyn. Res. — Isabell ray wyf. Witn. — W. Badcok, curat, Water Colverwyll, Job. Dory, Job. Howper. Prob. in Cath. Welleu. 24 Feb. 1535. Summa lij^ iiij-*. Thomsyn Whyte. 28 Nov. 1535. holy sepulcre of P. and P. by Taunton — Wells vj"* — our lady servys at S. Jamys xij'' — S. Katb, servys viij'' — ch. of Mownton [ West MonJdon] iij* iiij'' — ch. of Culve iij* iiij'' — ch. of Quanteck iij* iiij'' — ch. of Kyngston a sacke of barley — berry pymes sonne John a cow and a calf — Elyn dongayne a bedde of canas [canvas] of cane and a demye gyrdell. Res. — berry pymme and berry spicer. WELLS WILLS. 171 WUn.—'&'w: W" battcok curett of St. Jamys, Sir David Thomas, Joli. Dore, Job. Herres. to iiij pore folkes ij busliells of Rye— to herry pymmes wyfe a gowne, to berry spycer wyf a gowae. Prob. ia eccl. par. de Tauutou, 1535. Sumiiia viij^' xiij' iij*^. TELLISFORD. Thomas Byrtt. 18 June, 1532. chyd. of Tylyfford — cb. of Rodde a ko.ve and to tbebellys xij'^ — Will. Byrtt, a wayne, a fallo-drage, and all apariell — Peter Godvyn, a pauue and a cowbord [ciip- hoard] — John Godvyn a tabylbord (i). boildwith T, -f^ 11 a* trestles, lies. — IszoJi my wyiie. which was -t-» T-> 1 TT moved away Overseers. — WvHyam Bvrt, Kob. Vygor. after dinner, J J ^' ' •> ^ was the Wit)i. — Sir Alyn curat, Tbos. tocker. Will. pope. formTAabie at this date (see Noake's " Monastery of Worces- ter," p. 14C) The folding THURLOXTON. STna only used by the rich (see Ric. Nowell. 8 Feb. 1532. ^P' ''' '"^• chyd. of S. Gelys of Tburloxton— Wells iiij-^— Ch. of T. my grette croke — bye auter for tetbes forgotyn viij'' — parson of T. xx"* — brotberdred of T. ij yowys and xx** — Rich. N. my eldest son — Robt. N. my son — John N. my son — Rich, my yongest son — Agnys my d. Bes. — John N. and Robt. Smale overseers. Sir James Dodyng (2) my gostly father to have oversygbte (2) insti- indyfferently. ("Somerset •' •' Incum- Witn.— my gostly father. Water Woodlond, Will, lowys, ten's," 456). Job. Hoper. Prob. in Catb. Wellie, 29 Nov. 1533. Summa inventarii iiij'' ij' ij''. 172 WELLS WILLS. (1) IM- tciideil for S. Syre. Tickonliam Cliurcli was tledicati'd to S. Ciiicus and his mother Ju- litta (" So- merset In- ciiiubents," 292). Tithes forgotten were pencTally left to the liigh altar, as a mor- tuary (see AValcott's " Sacred Archae- ology," p. 392). (2) Insti- tuted Feb. 19, 1518 (" Somerset Incum- bents," 292). TICKENHAM. John Thi-ynge of Tykuam. 10 Sep. 1530. to be bur'' in the church of T. — to St. Sythe (i) for tythis forgotyn vj^ viij'' — Cath. Wells iiij'' — ch. of T. a bushell of barley — St. Clere ^ bushell of b. — my gostly father iij^ iiij" to distribute for the sowle of John Nythwey and all cristen sowles — hyghe beme a bushel of barley — to an honest prist to syng for me and my frends xxx" and this prist to be elected by the V. of Tyknam and this to begyn att Cristmas next. Res. — my wif Annes. The other part of all my goods I will to be distributed among my children Rob. Thring, John Thringe, and Agnes : yf my wif do mary then T will that she shall pay to Robert, John and Agnes my children every of them xP — also I will that Robert and John shall pay of their part to Agnes my eldest d. xxxiij^ iiij'\ Bes. — Agnes my wif. Overseers. — Will, and John Russell. Witn.—Sir Owen Walter (2), Sir Thom. Williams, Sir Rob. ffell. Thos. Nethway. 5 Ap. 1533. bur'' in par. church of St. Syre of Tykenham — Wells iiij'' — my gostly f. vicar xij'' — ch. of T. x^ — When I was maryd to Agnes my wyff I made her promysse, worthe XX marks or better, besydes her one proper goods that she browght to me or ells my holde that I dwell in — Ric. my son a cowe &c. — Thos. my son a cowe &c. — W" my son to see my last will performyd x^ — Ric. my son my gowne — Eliz. my d. a cowe &c. — Thos. Eton a hefer. Res. — Agnes my wyff. Witn. — Sir Owen AValter Vicai', Thos. Hyre, Thos. hygans, Joh. Priste. WELLS WILLS. 173 John Jorge of Tykenam. 8 Nov. 1535. chyd. of St. Syth of T.— Wells ij'^— Bennet my son vj sliepe — ]\rargarett my eldest dau. x sliepe — Nicholas my son — Margaret my dau. — Jone my dau. Bes. — Jackelyn ray wyf. Witn. — Sir Owyn Walter, John Bayly, Bob. Bassett. Summa iij" ij^ x'\ TEEBOEOUGH. Joh. Chepman of Treborow. 20 Ap. 1533. in holy grave — Wells viij'^ — high lyghte of T, ch. a shepe — to Alsowline light ij shepe and xvj*^ in mony — my sone John the youger xiij'* iiij'^ — John my sone the elder all my plowgh gere excepte my oxon, also a brason pott conteyning iij gallons. Bes. — Eliz. my wyff, and Will, my son. Witn. — Will. Squyer, clerke, Joh. Chepman the elder, pet. trevinse. Thos. Hill de Treborowe. 1533. chyd. of T. — Wells xij^^ — my par. ch. vij shepe — first to St. Peter there, a whether — also to mayntayne a taper before the hygh crosse ij youes — also to mayntayne a taper before o lady ij youes — also to the mayntenance of all sowlys lyght ij yowes — Joh. Hill sumtyme my lade Yjs viij'\ if he dye before his covenant be out, then this vjs yiij'^ to my par. ch. Bes. — Margaret my wyf. Witn. — Sir Eoger Yercombe, Joh. Hurford. Prob. in Stowgummer, 22 Ap. 1534. Summa Ixxviij^ vj''. John Steven of Treborow. 15 Nov. 1535. in church of St. Peter of T. — a candelstyke of iij lyghts to o lady and to St. Katheryn — Wells iiij'^ — St. Marg* of Thorn iiij'' — 5 lady of Badyallton iiij'^ — to Stoke Pyro 174 WELLS WILLS. (1^ I.e. Wm. atte AVell. ij'^ — my vvyf a cowe and panne for to mayntayn masse and dyryge therwith. Thos. my sone my plow and all my plow gere. lies. — Jobane my wyf. Witn. — Sir Peter Johns, Job. Cbepman, Rob. Wyther, Will, to Well. (1). Prob. in Stowgummer, 28 Jan. 1535. Siimma ix" v^ (2) Ham- wood and Wild Oak House are both in the parish of Trull. TRULL. Thos. Miller. 5 July, 1533. to tlie boly grave of Trull — Rep"' of Wells ij''— our lady servys of T. ij^ — torcbes iiij'' — Jobn my son a bason and a laver. Bes. — Margery my wyf. Witn.— Sir Jobn Sabyn, Thos. Atwey, Job. Babbe. Prob. in M. Magd., Taunton, 7 ]Mar. 1533. Summa Ivj" viij''. John Gyhbons de Trull. 7 Ap. 1535. chyd. of Alhalon of Trull — Wells iij* iiij*^ — 6 lady servys of Trull vj^ viij'' — sepulcre lygbt ibm iij^ iiij'' — bells there xx^ — torcbes xx'' — Sir John Sabyn curate there iij'' iiij'' — Sir John Jordayne iij"" iiij'" — Rep"* of the Ch. of Wylton vj^ viij*^ — Sir .John Slolvoke xx'^— every godcb. xij'' — my son Cristofer Gybbons to find a priste syngyng for me and my frends the space of xij months in Trull, the s^ Cristofer to bestowe to the Re})" of the hyeways betwyne Wylton and Trull xP— also to pay to John Peyrs the son of James Peirs iij'' vj^ viij'" and if be die then to Jone pers his suster — C. G. to pay to Jone peyrs vj'* xiij® viij'' or slie to have the grouiide callyd John Hamwoods(2) pyrry hays lyinge by wele oke(2), if she dye then to John Peyrs her brother — C. G. to pay to Eliz. d. of yonge John Gybbons vj" viij'', and to pay to Jone Peyrs iij" vj" viij'' besyd the grownde callyd Pyny WELLS WILLS. 175 hays — I wyll that John G. my sone receve of Thos. Mefflen x? to the behove of W'" Gybbons his sone. Res. — Johane Gybbons my wyff. Witn. — Sir John Sabyn, Job. Heuoght, Thos. Atway, John Myller. Prob. in eccl. de Taunton, 16 July, 1535. Summa liij'^ xiij^ vj'^ Tone Gybbons de Trull. 12 Aug. 1535. holy grave of Trull — Wells iiij'^ — 6 lady servys at T. xx"" — John Gebons the serv* of Hen. Gebons a cow — John the son of Cristofer Gebons a kow — Mathew son of C. G. a kow — JohnPeirs a yerlyng — Joane Atwey — Joan Peyres — Isabelle the wyf of Cristofer G. — Joan Seton — Joan Myller — my peace of clothe halfe to hary Gebons, halfe to C. G. — every godch. xij'' — Sir Sabyn my gostly father xx'^ — Nic. Barlett, clarke, viij'^ — Eliz. G. d. of John G. iij^ iiij'' — Will. G. son of John G. iij'' iiij'^ — 'Margaret wyf of Henry G. Bes. — Cristofer G. my son. Witn. — Sir John Sabyn, Thos. Atwey, Roger Oke. Prob. in ]\I. U. Taunton, 27 Jan. 1535. Summa Iviij'' xiv'' vj'\ Antony PMllypps of Trull. 2 Oct. 1585. holy grave of T. — Wells ij'' — 5 lady servys of T. my baste cote — Alsolyu lyght ij'" — hyghe crosse lyghte ij' — torches ij''. Bes. — Edithe Philype my wyf. Witn. — John Babe, Roger Oke. Prob. in eccl. mag. de Taunton, 27 Jan. 1535. Summa xiij^ viij''. Robert Bayle. 31 July, 1535. Wells iiij**— lady servys of Trull iij" iiij*^ — alsolyn lyght iiijfi — gepiilcre lyght ij' — torches iiij'' — bells iiij*^ — Ch. of 176 IVELLS WILLS. Corf xij'^ — Alys Downc d. of Jolm Downe xx'' — Aune Downo xx'^ — Joan D. her suster xx'' — Jolm bale my brother — Joane Spycer my suster at Colyford a shepe &e. Res. — Thos. Kyte. Witn. — Rob. Smyth, John Atlane, Eob. Symon. Prob. in eccl. Cath. Wellen. 24 Feb. 1535. Summa v'' iiij^ v'^. (1) His will (cuile). John Phyllypps de Trull. 5 Aug. 1535. holy grave of T. — Wells ij'' — o lady servys of Trull my best gowne — Alsolyn lyght ij'' — bells iiij'' — torches iiij^^ — Jone buncom my godchild iiij'' — Antony Phylype (l) my son shall have all the stuffe of howsehold after decesse of my wyf. Bes. — Jone my wyfe. Witii. — John Babbe, W'" Morconibe. Prob. in Cath. Wellen. 24 Feb. 1535. Summa xx'. (■2) "One yoiinge vault in the house at Tolland " ("Somerset AViUs," 3ra sorics, 87), " A yotynge stone " ("Wills at Wells," 15k. V. iol. ;i:i). I'robalily llic word has some con- nection with 2eten, to puur; Xotun, molten. (3) Voider, a basket. (4) Insti- tuted April 3, 1529 ("So- merset Ju- cuuibents," 295;. TWERTON. Johane Babiir, wydow, of twyverton. 2 Feb. 1534. in eh. or chyd. of T. — Wells iiij'' — ch. of T. a shepe — hye awter of T. my weddyng ryng — ye ch. of T. a bonde of a maser — Johane Gravell a petycote — John babur a jottingston (2), a vawder (3), a small broche, a vath [vat] — Davyd babur, a cow. Res. — Eleyn babur my d. Witn. — Sir Gilbert Newton (4), Davyd Babur. Prob. in eccl. p. de Stalls, 19 Feb. 1534. John Husburne [Osburne]. 1 Jan. 1535. in chyd. of Teverton [Twerton] — Wells xij'^ — p. c. of T. iij^ iiij'^ — ch. of St. Nicholas of Kelston xx'' — ch. of St. Rychard of By tton xij'' — Sir John Slayde a noble and x* to say a trentall masse ffor my sowle — each godchild WELLS WILLS. 177 TJ'' viij'' — my brother John H. xxx^ and a payr of bedys wyche I hadde of hym to pledge for x' — and the s*^ John Osbiirne shall have a nox — to Rich'' Aprice alias Tayllor iiij'' — Will. Chapman xx*' — my syster Margery a cowe — yong Rede a cow — my howsold servants each iij^ iiij'' — John Bayley and his brother Thomas shall have the howse that John Holland ys in, att Myghelmas nex foloyng — my exors to sowe the grounde pertenyng to yt redy to hys honde — John Holland to have his howse rent ffree betwyxt and Myghelmasse. Bes. — my son John H. and my d. Johan — my son to have all my londs, Johan to kepe him till he is of age. Overseers. — my brother John H. and Rob. Aprice al. Tayloyr. Test. — Dno. Joh. Slayde, Will. Chapman, Rob. Aprice. Prob. in eccl. par. de Stalls, 4 Feb. 1535. Summa Ixij^' iiij^ j''. UBLEY. Agnes Hyppesley, wydow. 18 Mar. 1531. chyd. of Ubley— Cath. Wells ij''— Ch. of U. a ryng of sylver — Johan White my servante my best peticote, my smokk, ij kerchiffs, one apron, and my best pair of hosys. Bes. — my fyve children, viz. John, John, Richard, Thomas and Edw'', and if it chance that any of these die within the years of discretion, then the goods to the survivors. Test. — henrico harrison (l) presb., Edw. loxton, Nic. Sporyer. (i) insti. tuted Feb. 22, 1521 • (" Somerset Incum- UPTON^ bents," 296). Hugh Webbar, husbandman. 2 Sept. 1530. chyard of Upton (2) — Cath. W^ells iiij'' — v storys of the (2) Upton church of Upton v shepe, that is to say, the highe iscombe. crosse— St. George — our lady — St. Antony — St. Luke. 178 WELLS WILLS. (1) i.e. brotherhood. (2) SuUow, a plough. (3) i.e. Altarage, the revenue arising from offeriMRS or fines to the High Altar. Res. — Jolian iny wyf. Witn. — John Wilton the elder, John Kaks, Thomas Milton. Symon Coksleghe. 25 Sep. 1530. chyard of Upton — Cath. Wells iiij' — stores of Upton v shipe. Res. — Johan my wif. Witn. — Will. Adam, John ]\tore. John Mylton of Upton. 13 Oct. 1585. to the Ch. of U. vj shepe — high crosse ther j shepe — 6 lady j shepe — St. Gregory j shepe — St. Luyke j shepe — St. Antony j shepe — St. Nycolas j shepe — Wells xij*^ — poor of Brugewater iij' iiij'' — to the brother (i) of St. Katheryn in Brompton [Eegis] Ch. ij"* — Ch. of Exton vjs viij"— Ch. of Skylgate iij^ iiij"— Will. Mylton and Nycolas my godsones each j shepe — John, Thomas and Alys mylton {each) j shepe — Joane Vycary j shepe — every of my god^hyldren besyde these, iiij" — my greatest brasse pott to have one obyete keypt yerly for my sowle — Thos. my son a payre of whelles, a 30I0W (2) with all other apparell for vj oxen, also to Thos. I leve my parte in the bargyn for the proctorsheype [or proctor sheype] of the Auter laege (3) of Upton — John and Symon ray sons do clayme no further parte of my goods hereafter then that they have had suffycyently before this. Res. — Margery my wyf. Overseers. — Job. Skynner, Thos. Croke, Job. Vycary, {each llj^ 1"J }• Witn.—^u Thos. Wyther, Thos. Mylton, Thos. Zelye. Prob. in Stowgummer, 28 Jan. 1535. Summa xv^'. ' WALCOT. Alyce Saunders of Walcote, wydow. 2 Dec. 1535. to be bur" in the church of Allhallows of Walcott — WELLS WILLS. 179 Wells ij'' — ch. of W. ij shepe to be delivered att Mydsoraer next foloyng after they be sliorne — beldyng of the Towre (l) of the s'^ par. ch. of W. xx shepe price x^ (n ms. Towne. — my son Nich S. thre of my best sylver spones and home cuppe bound with sylver — Alyce Colyns my other best sylver spones — John Culyns and Alice a shert of locrame (2) — Rich, langley a sylver spone. common and ^^ ^ 1 • n cheap sort of Ees. — JSJich. and ihos. my sons they to see to my buriall, unen. my monythes mynd, xij monyth mynd, done and kept for my sowl. Wit7i. — Sir Eych. langley (3) prist, Vicar of Bathwyke, [^^^°' Sir Eoger Nicholls and Sir John Maysye (4) prests. cumbents." Prob. in eccl, par. de Stalls, 4 Feb. 1535. w "So- merset In- Summa viij" xiv*^. cumbents," WALTON-IN-GOEDANO. John Gage, Senior, of Walton [in Gordano]. 1534. to be buryed before ye image of owr lady in y*' porche at my par. churche of W. — Wells ij'^ — my par. ch. vj^ viij'^ — ye churche of Weston a bushell of malte &c. — Elener Cham plane— every godchild a bushell of whete. Bes. — Wyll. Warne and Jone his wyff. Witn.— Sir Simond Mane (5) my g. f., Tho. Horte, Tho. J^) insti- EuSSell. ??C'n!frl Incum- bents," 298). John Gaynerd. 7 Nov. 1535. in the par. ch. of Stoke super mare, otherwyse called Walton — Wells iiij'^ — par. ch. vj^ viij'' — Ch. of Porteshed a bus. of whete — Ch. of Weston my goune — Ch. of Clevedon a bus. of wete — I will to have a trintall of masses s'' for me in my p. ch. and he to be wel con- tented for his labor — my gostly father ij bus. of whete — to my carnall father vj^ viij*^ — my &ister Eh"z. iij shepe — my brother John — my godson Ambrose hay ward — 180 WELLS WILLS. my godson Kich. Hayward — Thos. Mylward — Tlios, Camplen. Res. — my wife and my dau. Johane. Witn. — Sir Symon Mayne my g. f., Rich. Gaynord my father, John Camplayeu. Prob. in Keynsham, 3 Feb. 1535. Summa vj'' x^ iiij''. (1) Insti- tuted 1532 ("Somerset Incum- bents," 205). AVEARE. William Donett of Were, husbandman. 22 Dec. 1532. chyd. of Were — Wells ij'' — Agnes, my doffter, a heffer of ij yere olde — Robert, my sone, a calfe of tvvelmonth olde. Mes. — Jone my vvyffe. Witn. — Sir peter lane (i) vicar, Androrve Wall, Rob. CoUyns. (2) This must be Panipford Arundcll. It is impos- Bible to tell from tlie MS. wlicthcr the word New- churchay eliould be joined to Saiupfordc, or whether it is a separate church. WELLINGTON. John Bartlett de Wellington. 17 Dec. 1526. Cath. Well, iiij'' — instauro cujuslibet eccl. qnarum nomina subscribnntur vj** viij'^ — viz. Wellington, Bukland, Brad- forde, Nynehed, Sampforde (2), Newchurchay, Thorne, Rouyngton, Combdavy et Hilfarens — Ricarde ux. mee quinque marcas legalis monete Anglie et totam terrani meam durante vita sua — Johane Elys xij'* et lumini S. Georgii xij'^. Res. — custodibus bonorum fraternitatis S. Trinitatis de Wellington, quos ordino meos exors ut disponant ad usum ejusdem fraternitatis. Supervisor es. — Will. Squyre, Vicarius de W., Will. W^hit- knight et Ricarde ux. mea. Test. — Will. Whitknyght, Georgio Crumwell, Tho. Hukker, aquebaiulo, Will. Squire, Vicario. WELLS WTLLS. 181 Agnes Hamwod de Wellington, vidua. 10 May, 1530. eccl. Cath. Well, ij'' — instauro eccl. de Wellington xij'' — Dno. Hen. Tegbere vj'' ac Ric. Horsay ij''. Res. — Will. Squyre, Vicario de W. Supervisor. — Ric. Grygge. Test. — Dno. hen. tegbere, capellano, Rico, horsey, aque- baiulo. Will ffrye de Wellyngton. 4 Sept. 1530. Cath. Wellen. ij'' — summo altari nuam mappam — instauro S. Salvatoris unam ovem — vicario viii'^ et Dom. Hen. Tef?ber (i) viii'' — duobus clericis eccl. viii*^. times writ- '^ \ y J J teu Tifgler. Res. — Ric. ffrey, filio meo. Test. — Duo. Hen. Tegber, Ric. Horsay. Ric. ffrye de Wellington. 1 Dec. 1530. eccl. Cath. ij'' — novo calici xij'' — cuilibet filiorum meoruni unuin vitulum. Res. — Alicie ux. mee. Test. — Duo. humf. vere, Ric. Horsav. (2) Aque- bajuli {lioly John Hukker de Wellyngton. 11 Sep. 1530. wr,Sfs Cath. Well, ij'^ — instauro S. Salvatoris unam meliorem rhe^vesse'rof -KT • TTT-n r( • • 1 • • the holy tnmcara — Magistro Will. Squyre vicario pro decimis water in *" processions. oblitis xii'' — Dno. Hen. Teo-ber ad orandum pro me in -miu •) <-> •»• parishes the viii'' — cuilibet filiolarum mearuin que foras sunt cum aqueb^uuius magistris suis, iij^ iiij'' — cuilibet filiorum meoruni qui sacriltln, , 1 . . and ranathe niecum manent domi, unam juvencam. beiiccath. _, . T ■ Anglicum," ites.— Alicie ux. mee. ni). it wiii be seen, by Test. — Will. Squyre vicario de W., Ric. horsey aque- ti^ev,iii^of^^^ Ininln ('o'l there "were UaiUlO \^Z). t^vo of these " clerici" at Wellington Will Shepton de Wellington. 14 Sep. 1530. Hukker and Ric. Horsey, instauro S. Salvatoris xii'' — Cath. Well, ii'' — Dno. Hen. Theaqueba- '' "^ julus was Tegber iiii'" — et ii aquebaiulis iiii'' — Rob. Baker meam usMiiy a O J J TL •' scholar m in minor tunieam. ^.^s 182 WELLS WILLS. jRes.— Margarete ux. mee. Test. — Duo. Hen. Tegber, Ric. Hoisay. (1) Sky- John Skybow (i) of Wellynj^ton. 10 Oct. 1530. uevon chyard of AV. — Cath. Wells ii'' — store of Ch. of Wellino-ton ("Somerset •' J n elrie^ 73-75- ^y gowne — to the new vestyments xx'' — Vicar of W. to ySH'' pray for me and my ffrinds xi^— Sir Hen. Tegler iiij"— Ti"raassM^y. the clcrk ij'' (2) — Maude Skybow \f y'nf — ELsabeth S. bow Rector , • • i . . , ofDodyng. my grete panne, a brasse pott, ij platters, ij podyngers, (2) It was ij saucers, with my bed that 1 ly on — Johan S. a brason any rate, in pott — Johu S. a j)anne. Yorkshire) to irave the lies. — Thomas S. and Alson S. ;ekls°"'-' Witn.—^'w Will. Squyer, Vicar, Eicli. Horsay, Will. SfP"^^ Geldrayk. hearse ; or " lii.jJ for rvnityiig wasseand John Skjbow the yonger of Wellyngton. 10 Dec. 1530. S7I59, chyard of W.— Cath. Wells ij"— Store of St. Savyar my '^' ^'"•'' cote — my ffather a heyfar — John Grene a hayfar — Eliz. Skybow a hayfar — John Grene a shepe — Johan Grene a shepe — Rob. Grene a shepe — Johan Skybow a lambe — Blanche S. a lame. Res, — Maude my wif. Witn. — Sir Hen. Tegler, Rich. Horsaye. Will. Shirforde de Wellington. 19 Sept. 1530. Cath. Well, ij"— instanro S. Salvatoris de W. xij"— cuilibet filiorum et filiarum meorum ij". Bes. — Isabelle ux. mee. Test. — Dno. Hen. tegber, Ric. horsay. Alex. Myll de Wellyngton. 20 Sept. 1530. cath. Well, iiij" — stauro S. Salvatoris xij" — reparacionibus campanarum xij" — patri meo xij modios carbonum viz. (3) t.e. smythe cole (3) — Will. W\\\ lilio mco tria coeliaria mineral coal (Wriubt). argentea et [par] precularum — cuilibet filiorum meorum viij". WELLS WILLS. 183 Bes. — Eliz. ux. mee. Test. — Magistro Will. Squyre, vicario, Dno. hen. tegbor, capellauo, Will. Gififorde. Thos. Budd [or Bude] of Wellyngtoii. 12 Dec. 1532. to be bur'' in St. Kateryn ys yeld [a^s?eJ of the Ch. of W. — Cath. Wells xx^'— Ch. of Wellington xx^~Ch. of Buc- lond iij^ iiij'^ — Ch. of Nynehed iij' iiij'* — Ch. of longe- ford [Budville] iij' iiij'' — Ch. of 8. Margaret Thorne iij'' iiij'^ — John Bude my son my burgage and the halfe burgage whereyn I now dwell leying in the Bowrowe of Wellyngton in the hye stre [street] between the burgage of M"^ Kobt. Bluett of the yeste parte and the halfe burgage belongyn to the Ch. of W. in the weste parte, to have the s'' burgage and a halfe to the said J. B. my son and to his herys of his body lawfully begotten, in fee for evermore, and in tlie defanlte of such herys the s*^ burgage and halfe holy to remayne to Agnes B. my d. and her herys for evermore, doyug sute and servyce to the lorde according ; and in defaulte of such herys the burgage to remain unto Roger Everard his sou if he have any by Auastays my d. and the halfe burgage unto Jone Awood his [lier] illys [eldest] son and yf Anastays and Jone my daus have no sons the burgage and halfe to remayne to their eldest dafters, and if my children above named have no herys, the s"^ londs to remayne to the herys of my brother John B. and to their herys in fee — Annys my d. unto her maryge xiij'' vj* viij'' — every godchild viij^'. Res. — Margarett my wyff and J. B. my son. Witn.—^iv Will. Squyer V. of W., John Bude the elder, "W™ Warryner, constabull of W. Alyce Shapcotte, wydow, of Wellyngton. 13 Jan. 1533. Wells iiij'^ — St. Savyors serves my redde gyrdell — Ch. of Wellyngton my beste gowne — every godchild iiij*' — (O i.e. cobbler. 184 WELLS WILLS. Nich. Peratt my burgage being in Mylway between the burgage of John Cole sett in the sowthe partye and the burgage of Thos. Trowc in the northe partye — to Nicholas a latyn bason — Will. Domett vj sylver spones — Will, boste — John Peratt — John Bell the yonger — Annys Alway — Wyll. Domett the yonger — to Thorn Church a latyn bason — Rest of household stuff to Will. Domett the elder. Bes. — Nich. Peratt. Overseers. — W'" Sqnyer my gostly f., Will. Jefford the elder. Witn. — Rob. hancoke, John [Bude] the ekler, Will. Jefford the yonger, constable, Will, i^pyrynge. Prob. in eccl. par. de Wellyngton, 20 Ap. 1534. Summa vj" iij* x**. Joh. Raynold, husbandman, of W^ellyngton. 30 Ap. 1533. Wells ij'' — the store of St. Salvyor of Wellyngton iij'' iiij'' — high lyght of W. iij' iiij'' — gostly father iij^ iiij'' — church of Bucklond a brason potte. Mes. — Johane my wyf. Witn. — Mr. Will. Squyer, Vicar of W., Ric. Grygge, Joh. Skaden. Prob. in eccl. par. de Wellyngton, 20 Ap. 1534. Summa xj" vij' viij''. John Lye, cosyer (i), of Wellyngton. 14 Mar. 1532. AVells iiij'' — Church of W. my murrye cote — St. Savyor's store xij'' — Will., Thos., Johane, my children {each) xx* — my brother at Ilmyster my blew cote. Res. — Alice my wyf. Witn.—\V\\\. Squyer, V. of W., Joh. Thomson, Will. Googyes, Will. Colwill. Prob. {same). Summa xiij" TJ*^. WELLS WILLS. 185 Joan Taylor, wyddowe, of Wellyngton. 10 Sept. 1533. in chyd. of W.— Wells xif— Wellyngton Ch. vj^ viij"— St. Savyor's light iij^ iiij'' — to the payntynge of trynytey xx*^ — every godchild iiij''— Alyce my d.'s daughter all my stuff except such as I give to Thos. her son — Robert and John and Robert and John and lawrence, these her V sons, to each vj® viij*^. Ees. — Agnys my dau. Wifn.—Wm Squyer, V. of W., Job. Bude the elder, Job. Bysboppe, Rob. Mogryge. Prob. (same). Summa ix" ij^ vij''. WELLS. Will. Revell, faber (i). 8 May, 1530. (n a ' -r . . . . . smith. in cimiterio de S. Cuthberto Wellie — matrici eccl. ibidem ij'' — pro decimis oblitis iiij'' — Capelle divi Georgii dicte eccl. ij'' — fabrice ejusdem eccl. iiij''. Bes. — Agnete ux. mee. Test. — Dno. Rob. Carter (2), Job. leug, Job, Robynson. (2) "So. cumbents,' 237. Thomas Jennyngs als. Glasyer. 6 Oct. 1530. to be bur*^ in chyard of St. Cutbbert in Wellys — Cath. Ch. xij*^ — high aulter of St. Cuthbert for tythes forgotyn iiij'^ — reparacyons of the same ch. iiij'' — aulter of our lady ij'" — my mother my best gowne, vj sponys of sylver and a great panne wh. were her owne before. Bes. — Johane my wif. Gyven and granted at Wells, 6 Oct. 1530, being present Sir John Jentill, Will, pope, John Cole. I bequethe to Margaret my dowghter a boll candilstick (3). (3) sea p. -iG. Jone Jonys, wedow, of St. Cutbert yn Wells. 26 Jan. 1531. chyard of St. Cuthbert — Cath. of St. Andrew iiij"^ — bye awter of St. Cuthbert iiij'^ — aulter of our lady a ryug of 186 WELLS WILLS. (1) These haiiilsome girillcs were Irt'quent be- quests . A similar one, with " the corse of blew Bilke with peii- nand and bokyll and viij stothis," is men- tioned in " Test. Ebor.," iv. 16. (2) i.e. Weston Zoylaiid, possibly the birthplace of the testatrix. golde and a liarnes gyrdell(i) with a blew cors with buckyll and pendant and stodys of sylver — to every other aulter yn the same Ch, ij'' — mayntynance of the servyce of our lady in the perysch of AVeston by Bryge- water (2) xx^ Bes. — My son John Jonys. Present. — Sir John Ivyse, John Brynscumbe, Eob. Tayler. John Robartts of Wellys. ]2 Feb. 1532. chyd. of St. Cuthbert of Wells — hey awter of St. Cuthe- berts for tethes forgotyn ij'" — awter of Jhesus ij''. Res. — Agnys my wif. Witn. — my gostely father Sir John Hackworthy, Joh. Clarke, Water Bocher. (3) The " Said priests to be present daily and sing matins, mass, and vespers in the choir" (Wadley's " IJristo'l Wills," ICO). (l) Miller or baker. Will. Joyse. 1 Aug. 1532. de par. divi Cuthberti Wellie civitatis — in cimiterio S. Cuthberti — niatrici eccl. de Well, xij'' — pro dccimis oblitis iij' iiij'^ — summo altari beati Cuthberti et singulis altaribus ejusdem eccl. iiij'' — septem filiabus, viz. Alicie, Emote, Katherine, Isabelle, Ursule, Agneti, Isabelle cuilibet earura quinque marcas, cum venerint ad annos discrecionis vel ad suum maritaginm ; et si contingat quod una earum discedat antequam venerit ad annos discrecionis vel maritagii tunc volo quod ejus legacio equalibus distribuatur inter viveutes et sic de singulis — si omnes discedant citra tempus limitacionis legacio- que attingit ad summam xxiij" vj^ viij'", disponatur uni honesto capellano ad celebrand. in ecclesia S. Cuthberti viz. matutinas, missas, et vespras (3), ad altare B. Kathe- rine quousque predicta summa expendatur. Bes. — Alicie ux. mee. Supervisores. — Joh. Godwyn, jim., et Walterus Wall, cuilibet iij' iiij"- Test. — Dno, Rob. Carter, Juh. line, pistore (4), Tho. lewse, jun. WELLS WILLS. 187 Johan Genyngs. 8 A p. 1532. late the wvf of Thomas G.(l) — chvd. of S. Cuthbert rWellsl (i) see his . .... Will, p. 135. amonge Xtian burial] — mother Ch. of Wells iiij'' — hye auter of St. Cuth* iiij'' — auter of the trinyte there iiij'' — our ladye in the same ch. a payre of beedis of amber, jasper and corell — to the body of the same ch. iiij''. Bes. — my son Audrowe Boole, Mary G. my d., and Nich. More (exors). my s*^ goods to be bestowed to fynd my s*^ children Andrew and Mary, and if hit happen ether of them do departe he or she so overlyvynge to have all that shall then remayne and yf both decesse before they come to yers of discrecyon, then N. M. to dispose my goods unto an honeste priste who shall singe at the auter of St. Katherine in the Ch. of S. Cuthberts to pray for my sowle and my husbands and childrens sowles. Witn. — Sir Andrew Thorne, Richard Bound, Vicars in the Cath. Ch. of S. Androws in Wells. (2) The scallop-shell of Gallicia Jone Porter. 5 Nov. 1529. was the bacige of a wyddow, of the p. of St. Cuthbert of Welles— to be beryd |;"f ^e"n ^ nygh the crosse of the southside of the church ey of the s^jamesof s'' parish — St, Andrew iiij'' — for tethes forgotyn viij'' — °(™ro/cor- Eepar"^ of every auter of the par. ch. iiij'' — repar''^ of sec7ated''°''' the church iiij'' — Master Sabyn my grene gowne and (see'Promp. my bedes with scallapps (2) — to Thomsyn Jonys j payre (4) Prior of bedes of amber v sett, with j spoue — to every maid- pitaiofs.' (• Tr r( 1 • • T ^ i John the servante 01 Mr. babyns j sawcer, j dishe, j plater of Baptist at pewter — iij of my best kerchers to make iij corporas (3) (5) a light for my par. ch. — to the prior of St. Jonys (4) j rynge of the neck. sylver and gylt havynge a stone in hit — to Alys bery a of cILt ^'°*^ kerchow — to Jone compane a smoke and a nysett (5) — (kaiHweii) : ... . . it may, how- Johane Aliorth mv godchild ii sawcers ii dishes ii ever, mean a " " •' '' '' girdle (see platers — to our lady yn the par. ch. mydeamy (6) — Rob. p- i'^")- Hopper a rynge sillver and ffvlte with a stone — Kath. aiinekind ' ^ ^ '' ° ^*' of crystal. Vowell a standynge beryallt (7) cuppe — every onp of ^^^.^""^'^(.3. 188 WELLS WILLS. my godch. lyvyng a sawcer, a dishe, a plater — to M*" Sabyn for his labor only xx^ [ray exor]. Supervisor. — Sir Eob. Carter. Witn.—T]ios. Body, Will. Byry, Simon Smyth. JohQ Cornyshe. 18 Aug. 1532. pryst yn the par. ch. of St. Cutliberts of Welles — to be buryd in the Churche of St. C. of W. were my father is beryd yf hit may be convefayently — Cath. Church iiij"* — every auter yn St. C. ij'' — churche warks there iiij'' — (1) i.e. repar"^ of the best crosse (l) viii'" — Rob- C. my brother a the rood ^ , V / .) J (seep. 19). cote, a jyrkyn, a doublett, a payre of hosys and a shert. Res. — Thos. C. my brother. Overseer. — W'" bultynge tlie wever, to whom vj* viij''. Witn. — Sir Joh. Eyce chantre pryst of St. C. cliurch, Tho. peyrce, weffer, John a powell, fuller (each iiij''). Margaret Pratte, of St. Cuthberts, Wells. 13 Nov. 1533. chyd. of St. C— W^ells ij'^— hye auter in St. C. iiij"— the crosse auter ij''— o lady auter a payre of bedes of evorye — Jone my dau. Mes. — John and Will., my sons. Witn. — Sir Hob. Eede, Thos. lewys, Peter Curtis. Prob. in capoUa B. M. V. juxta claustrum ecel. Cath. Well., 16 Ap. 1534. Summa v" ix^ iiij'*. Sir John Bradon. 14 Feb. 153.'). priste and vicar chorall perpetual in the Cath. Ch. of Wells — to be buryd withowt the weste dore of St. Andrew's Ch. before the image of o lady — s*^ ch. works xij'' — to Charterhowse Wytham vj'' viij'^ — covente of Mayden bradley to have my dyryge and masse vj* viij*^ — my brother John broden my doblett, my best hosys and a shirte — Cristofer Maior my systre son xx^ — Maude d. of John jMihvard my bed hole as I ly in save the flock bed and the matres — Agnes hayne and Cris- WELLS WILLS. 189 tofer my godsone my short black gowne and vj" viij'' — to my gossepe Johane bulman my gowne furryd with black lame, and to my god. dau. and Will., her children, x^ — Job. Wytcombe my chihl [i.e. servant] vj^ viij''. Bes. — to be desposyd among pore pepill. Exor. — Sir Edvv'' Prowse (to him my best sirples and vj^ viij'"). Witn. — Sir Thos. \Yeston, Sir John White (each iiij*^). Overseer. — my specyall good master Tho. Gierke (x^). Prob. in Catb. Well., 6 Jun. 1534. Summa ix'' xj^ j^. Joh. Bulman, one of the burges of the cytye of Wells. 28 Ap. 1534. in chyd. of St. Cuthberte of Wells— Cath. Well, iiij''— hye anter of St. C. for t. f. xij'' — repar. of same iiij'^ — every auter in same ij'' — to the ch. warks there viij*" — to St. George ylde (i) in the for'^ ch. half a garnyshe (2) of pewter (i) oiid, vessells — Ch. of St. Andrew in Ramsam (s) where I was ^^l ^®® borne iij® iiij*" — Almyshuse in Wells concernyng repar. .(3) Ram- iiij'' — the priste ther iiij'' — every poure body j'" — the i^orset.' Charterhouse of Wytham iij" iiij'' — every godchild iiij'^. Bes. — Isabel my wyf. Overseer. — my brother W"^ Bulman (xiij'' iiij*^). Witn. — Sir Rob. Rede, my curat, Sir Joh. Ryse, Ric. Appowell, Will, holbyn. Prob. in Cath. Well, 9 Jun. 1534. Alys Atkyns. 11 Dec. 1534. in churchyard of St. Cuthbert in Wells — hye auter of St. C. ij'' — St. Johns auter ij'^ — our lady auter ij'^' — Jhesus auter ij'" — to the chapell of Mary Magd. in longelode (4) (4) Near • .,1 Martock. XIJ^'. Bes. — John Griffith and Joue his wiff. Test. — Dno. Joh. Ryse, Joh. Bornham, Jac. Petye. Prob. in eccl. Cath. Well., 23 Dec. 1534. 190 WELLS WILLS. WEMBDON. Will. Tappar do ^Yemrlon. 11 Ap. 1530. ill cimiterio eccl. divi Georojii martyris de W. — snmmo altari de Wemdon iij' iiij'" — eccl. divi Andree Wellie iiij". Bes. — Johane ux. mee et Joh. filio meo. Test. — Dno. Joh. Pyers, curate, hen. pyers. Will. Alyn of Wemdon. 12 IMar. 1530. chyard of St. George of W. by my mother — St. Andrew of Wells xij'" — ch. of Wemdon vj yewys — Gray ffryars of Brygewater a hayfor or ix^ for the same hayfor — (1) i.e. to tryny tie (l) of Cannyngton \'f viij'^ — Ch. of Chilton vj° hoociofuiT viij'' — Sir Andrew Stokye to say x masses and x diriges ^^iiiofjoh. for ray sowle iif iiii'' — Edithe Almysworthv a yerlyns, JlillorCCan- ^/ ^ J J J J J J Of iiington). a calf and a petycote. p. 39. ^ •' Res. — Thorn. Alyn my father. Wit7i. — Kich. Yellows, John Gore, Sir Andrew Stokye. Alys Hurtt. 25 j\ larch, 1533. chyd. of Wembdon— Wells ij'^ — grey fryers of Brygewater a cowe — Will. Symons and Jone Symons the children of Christopher Symons a heffer — my gostly father to pray for me v* — the brotherhed of the servyce of Cannyng- ton iij^ iiij'' — to Chilton Ch. to be prayed for iij* iiij'' — 5 lady servyce of Wembdon a gyrdell of sylver — the warkes of St. George of Wembdon xij'' — hye auter of AVembdon a dyaper tuell [toivell]. Bes. — John Pyn. (2) "So- Witn. — Sir Nic. Mason, vicar (2), John IMill. merset In- cumbents," 4t>3. John Alen, late of Wembdon, decessed. 6 July, 1535. chyd. of W. — my ij chyldre ij yerlyugs — my brother a jaked. WELLS WILLS. 191 Bes. — my wyf. Witn. — my gostly father, John blythe, Joh. Pymo, Joh, Mylls. Prob. in eccl. de Brugewater, 23 July, 1535. Summa vij" vj* viij''. Thos. Kymrige, late of Wemdon. [1535.] in W. chyd. — Wells ij'^ — p. c. of W. a bushell of whete — my d. Johne. Res. — my wyf Johne. Test. — Rob. Grove, Thos. Martyn. Summa xxij^ Thos. Mertyn, layte of Wemdon, 26 Mar. 1536. in churcherthe of W. — Wells vj'' — ray d. Syble a cow — my d. Johan a braysyng panne — my sonne Thos. my weyne and viij oxen with all thyngs perteyniiig to a plowe, of the wh. viij oxen and portenans to a plow, I will that my wyfe have the governans with the chylde and the dede of xix acres of grouiide bowght of Mayster Peinand for hime — to my d. Margett that dyed [deed] of the howse that I dwell yn bowghte of Mr. Mychell (i) for her, a (i) coiim- cowe and braysyng panne — to my d. Johan the yonger a cow — my d. Mary a cow — every one of my wyf childryn a cow — Sir Nic. Mason Vicar there for t. f. iij** iiij*^ — hye auter of W. xij*' — o lady auter xij'\ Bes. — my wyfe. Overseer. — my g. f. Sir Nic. Mason. Test — Thos. Wecam, Joh. Ruge. Prob. in Brugewater, 1 Maii, 1536. Summa Ixij^' xiij' viij''. WESTON juxta BATH. Ales Blecheley. 13 Ap. 1533. chyd. of Weston — Wells ij*^ — ch. of Weston a bushell of whete — Sir John Arnold a ew sbepe to pray for me — 192 WELLS WILLS. I'atrik A\'ilslure — my son Will, of Batheston — John my sou — Thos. my son, a qnarte pan. Bes. — my son Will, of Weston. Wit7i. — Sir John Arnold, John Carter, Will. Blecheley. Prob. in eccl. de Stalles, 29 Ap. 1534. Summa xP viij'^ Roger Laurense of tho p. of Weston. 1 July, 1535. in p. churche erthe of alhoUawis of Weston — Wells ij''. Mes. — to my poore wyf '' to dyspose for my sowles helthe as nyghe as God shall gyffe her grace." Witn. — Sir John Shayde, Rob. apresshe. (1) The fernierer or infimiarer ■was that officer in a monastery ■who had care of the in- firmary, and also had charge of the burial of the dead. The advow- 6011 of Wes- ton belonged to Bath I'riory. (2) i.e. if they recite my name in the Bede-roll at the four Ember seasons. (3") 1G2.^, •' Visitation ofSomerset," 119; and 64, 84, 122. (i) This is often used for or. Joh. Ryng. 9 Aug. 1535. cliyd. of Weston — Wells iiij'' — ch. of W. xij'' — my dau. in law Alys a hefer and a laver — my son Eich. R. halfe a lond of barley — Merget a bushell of whete — Isbell my d. (same) — ^Alys House — JobnMarshe a bassyng [hason], a chafyndyshe. Res. — my wyf Agnes. I'est. — Duo. John Slayde, curate ib™, Rob. aprice, fer- merow (i), Sir Brystow. Prob. in eccl. par. de Stalls, 4 Feb. 1535. Summa iiij'' xiij^ WES TON-IN-GORDANO. James Kyng of Weston in gorden. 30 Jan. 1531. to be buried in the church off Weston, at the wylle and mynde of M"" Jamys Percevall where he semyth best — mother ch. of Wells iiij'' — par. ch. of W. vj'' viij'^ — ch. of Kyng.^ton Seymour iij** iiij'' yf they make quatuor tempera (2) — ch. of Porteshed iij** iiij'' — Alis Wornell (3) ij kyne other (4) elsxxvj^ viij'' — Thos. W. vj^ viij'' — Rich. W. vj* viij'' — I am wyllyng to have a prieste syng for my sowle and a\\ crystyn sowles the space of a hole yere, desyeryng my godfather Jamys Percevall to be overseer WELLS WILLS. 193 to see saide priest payde off hys wagys and tlie sayde })rieste to syng in the said par. cb. of Weston — Margarete Dobdon xx^ — wages to pay s'^ priest and all otber legacies and funerall charges before reverside to be take up off my lauds in Weston except hereafter ex- ceptyd — Jone my wyffe shall have my dwyllyng howse in Westou with the orchard and gardyng there, wyth sufficyent housebote (l), heybote, fyrebote, ploughbote, ^otPand"^^ growyng upon any growne belonging unto the saide (hJdRr-bote) -**- W P T P flip house without any wast doyng — James P. to be overseer, common rights of Bes. — Jone my wyffe and Edward my son. copyhoid •' •' •' tenants to M"" Edraunde Gorge, M"^ John Kyne [Kenn] and M"" ^^f^i^^^^'^^^y James P. esquier stond and be sesyd of and in all my rep^7 '° lands in Kingston Seymour with all the appertenances and^" stuEf ■ callvde Watkyns fylde to the use of Johane my wyffe amend •^ •' J J hedges" durynge her lyfe joynture, and of and in my saide f™™]'],®^*'^'* londes in AYeston to paye my bequests, detts and the iar™'flreb™te wagys of the said priste — that my said feoffers make a fulh^^mm- suff letter of attorney unto John Kympe and Eob. nsht to take ■' . ^ '■ sti-aw for Hilsey to delyver unto my saide wyffe full and hole tiiatchmg, * *' ./ •' orcnrs in occurs in church- ardens' peasyble possession and seison of and in the saide ^!^ Watkyns ffylde according to this my last wyll. mTvllll Witn.—Siv Will. Adams (2) parson, Sir Edw^^ Gorge, Kt., J^^.J;;'^*^- M' Jamys Percevall, Eich. Eblache, Eich. Vowll. (:> somerset James King of Weston in Gordon, 7 Feb. 1531, in the bents!^' 300). presence of W™ Adams, parson, and Edm'^ Percivall, gentellman, made the following condycion to his will — I will that the s'^ Johane my wyffe shall have the s*^ dwellynge house &c. during the tyme of hyre wydow- hode only — the good that longyth to my sone to be delyvered to him before my wiffe marry again, and yf he dye, I will that a priste synge for him and me and all crystyn sowles as long as that goode doth endure. o 194 WELLS WILLS. (n TuaVa for tlio altar. See liNliop Stiiffoni's EoRistcr OVills). The " ker- cheflf" would be Kiven to make a co?- poras (see p. 187). (2) A larfiedisli.St. Matt. xiv. 8 ("Test. Ebor,," iv. 17). (3) For suhnibeum, i.e. of a reddish colour. AVHATLEY. Alice Risse, wydow, of Wbatley, 3 May, 1532. cliyard of W. — mother ch. of Wells iiij'^ — parish ch. a new pott, a kercheff and a towell (i) — Johan Palmer my dowghter a mantell, and a kercheff — Eien Palmer a kurtell and a carcheff and a charger (2) — Alys Joys a charger. Res. — John my son. Witn. — Dno. llich. Dylwerthe, cur., Thom. ffepps, Ste. Dorsett, Joh. AVebbe. WHITESTANTON. Symon Brette de Whitstaunton. 24 June, 1530. sepeliendum in ecclesia de Whitstaunton juxta gradum summi altaris — eccl. cath. Wellen. iiij^ — cuilibet filiolo meo xij'* — John Brette sen., avunculo meo, xP et equiim meum suburbeum (3) — 'thome Thresher servo meo xP et equum super quern equitare solebat. Res. — Johaue IMaunsell famule mee. Test. — Dno. Ptico. Trent curato meo, Joh. Trencher, Joh. Stere, Rob. Trent. (4) A rare Christian name, from comely. (6) The game as Jfonerine (se.- Will of Tlios. Baylie). John Batley [or Bayley] de Whitstaunton. 4 July, 1530. in cimiterio Sci. Andree de Whitstaunton — eccl. matrici Wellen. xij'' — eccl. S. Andree de Whitstaunton iij** iiij*^ — frateruitati de Ilmyster vj'' viij'' — Will. Baylye filio meo juvencam — Euprepe (4) filie mee juvencam — Alicie bayly filie mee juvencam — Emerenciane (5) filie mee juvencam — Joh. bayly fratri meo ij crojjyired [crop- eared] heyfers — omnibus et singnlis filiolis meis ovem — Joh. Trencher patri uxoris mee juvenculara. Res. — Johaue baylye ux. mee. Test. — Joh. Trencher, Dno. Rico. Trent, Joh. Stere, Nich. Russell, Joh. Alford. WELLS WILLS. 195 Will. Combe. 8 Oct. 1530. in ciraiterio S. Andree de Wliitstaimton — Cath. Well, iiij'* — eccl. de Whitstauntou boviculum. Bes. — Alicie nx. race. Test. — Ddo. Kic. Trent, Joh. Stere, Rob. Trench. Thos. Baylye als. Browsey de Whitestantoii. 19 Dec. 1535. in cim. de W. — Well, xi j'" — funalibus (i) eccl. de W. xij'' — (i) Funa- lumini alte crucis xii — lumini in pred. eccl. vocato torches •' '■ formed of lumen mortuorum vj'^— Dno. Rico. Trent clerico iij* iiij*^ to^'eu'er'uK? — Euprepie Bayly, filie Johannis B. filii mei, juvenculam pSjX'^ '" — Alicie B., filie predioti J. B. vaccam, que est in par. de parv.""T39). Ilton — Honerine, filie predicti J. B. j juvenculam et si aliqua earum moriatur ante etat. xx annorum vel ante diem nuptialem tunc vacca et juv. cum incrementis earundem pueris predicti J. B. dentur. Res. — Willo filio meo et letisse ux. mee. Tesi.— Will. Pegger, Will. Stapull. Prob. Iq eccl. p. de Bucklond Mary, 26 Jan. 1535. Summa xix" xv^ x*^. WINFORD. John Grossman, hosbanman, of Wynfryth. 30 Nov. 1531. holly sepulture within the cliyard of the holly Rode off Winfryth — mother ch. of Wells ij^^ — hye awter of my par. ch. for tethyng and offerings forgotten ij'^ — parish ch. xvj*^ — chapell (2) of our lady wythin the churchyard (2) -so- of Winffryth [. . .]. IP ^''•^°' Res. — Isabell my wyffe and Nicolas my sonne. Overseers. — harry wylls, Thos. Sanders. Witn. — Sir John Edwards my curate, Raffe Buck, Robt. Hyppesley. Thos. Broocke. 27 Ap. 1533. cbyd. of Wynford— Wells iiij'^— Ch. of W. viij"— lady ' 106 WELLS WILLS. cliappcll in the cliyd. of Wynfford xij'' — Sir Kob. Eice curat in W. ij^ to pray for my sowle and all crystyn suNvles. Res. — Joli. Broke my son. Witn. — Sir Eob, Rice, curate at W., Ric. Nayler, yoman. Thos. Hiscok of Wynford. 29 July, 1533. in the churclie hey of W. — Wells iiij'' — oh. of Wynford viij'' — lady chapell in the churche hey xij''. Res. — Johane my wyf. Wiin. — Sir Eob. Eice then curat of W., Eawf bucke, Mathewe Eo. Prob. in eccl. de Keynsham, 30 Ap. 1534. Summa iiij" v^ viij^ WINSFOED. Will. Thorne de Wynyfforde. 13 Nov. 1531. iiij principalibus instauris eccl. de W., cuilibet unam ovem — tribus aliis instauris cuilibet iiij*^. Res. — frediswyde ux. mee. (1) insti- Test. — Dno. Will. Vicare (l), Tiio. Thorne, Eogero Vicare. tuted in 1513 ("Somerset bents," 467). Frediswlda Thorne, vidua. 11 Dec. 1531. instauro S. Petri unam ovem — instauro B. M. ovem et annulum argenteum — instauro alte crucis ovem — in- stauro luminum defunctorum ovem — instauro S. Jacobi ovem — instauro S. Katerine ovem — instauro S. Antonii ovem — instauro B. M. pietatis meam optimam togam — Eich. Lokyll unam ovem — famule mee Johanne Torr unam tunicam, unam ovem et velamen — Elene filie mee duo cocliaria argentea. Jles. — Thome Thorne, John Monsey, Eich. Lokyll. Supervisor. — Dno. Will. Vicare. Honda Baker. 12 Mar. 1532. instauro S. Petri vj^ viij'' — instauro B. M. unam ovem — WELLS WILLS. VM instauro luminum defunctorum unain ovem — instauro B. M. pietatis unam ovem — instauro allte crucis viij'' — instauro S. Jacobi viij'' — instauro S. David viij'' — cuilibet filiolo iiij'' — fabrice ecclesie ij'". JRes. — Johanni filio meo. Test. — Dno. Will. Vycare, Tho. Holle, Eogero Vicar. Joh. Peyrs de Wynesford. 15 Ap. 1534. in ecclesia de W. — sex instauris principalibus de W. vj* — instauro B. M. pietatis j ovem matricera — monasterio de barlyclie (l) vj'^ viij'' — cuilibet filiolo et filiole ovem — (d Bar- .. Ill linch Priory Joni Nee li oves cum candelabro— Joh. haddon ii oves '""Wie '' advowson of — Alicie hobbis j ovem — Kob. Herley j ovem — Well. ^^'nsfOTd. iiij'' — fratribus de Brugewater xij'' — capellano pro tribus quarteriis unius anui celebranti in eccl. predicta iiij'' — eccl. de Exton ij"* — eccl. de W. par vestamen- torum — Willo Norman j agnum — pro trigintali ij* vj**. Res. — Jobane ux. mee. Test. — Dno. W^ill. Vicary, Rob. Norman, Joh. Hobbe. Supervisors. — Ric. brayly, Tho. Mylton, Joh. Hill. Prob. in Stowgummer, 22 Ap. 1534. Summa xxxvj'' xvij^ vij*' ob. Tho. Peyrs de Wynsford. 30 Dec. 1533. eccl. de Wynsford iij' iiij'' — instauro luminum defunctorum j ovem matricem cum agnello — cuilibet filiolo iiij'' — Well. iiij". B,es. — Johane ux. mee. et Rico, filio meo. Test. — Joh. Hobe, Ric. locwell, Joh. Pers. Supervisores. — Dom. Will. Vicary, Ric. et Tho. Whitfild. Prob. in Stowgummer, 22 Ap. 1534. Summa xiiij" xj^ Thomazia Torr de Wynford, vidua. 8 Dec. 1534. in cem. S. Petri de Wynford — instauro alte crucis — B. M. — S. Petri — B. M. pietatis — luminum defunctorum, cuilibet, unam ovem — fabrice eccl. Well, iiij" — Johane 198 WELLS WILLS. et Alicie filiabus Will. Ton filii mei v^ ad maritagium earum. Bes. — Thome Ton- filio meo. Test. — Dno. Nich. Patriige, Rogero Vicar. Simond Brodford de Wyneford [Winsford]. 26 Dec. 1534. iustauro S. Petri iinam ovem — B. M. iinam ovem — S. Katerine unam ovem — altecrucis vj'' — Inminum defunct. TJ'^ — S. Jacobi iiij'' — cuilibet filiolo iiij'' — Well. iiij''. Bes. — Joanne ux. mee. Test—Bno. AVylL Vicare, Thoma Brodford, Will. Kympe. (1) Sic Petrus Brodford de Wynsford. 3 Mar. 1535 (l). lis., but it , . . . , , ^^j Biiouidbe feancto Petro \y \ny — qumque instauns eccl. de \V. iij'^ iiij'' — omnibus filiolis meis, cuilibet iiij'' — W^ell. vj'' — (2) Ho8- domui S. Johannis (2) xij'' — Johanni filio meo ij vaocas, pital of St. ' . . . John the et XXX oves cum biffa mea optima pro anniverHano JJ.iptist at _ ° _ ^ _ ^ Bridgwater, j^qq et parcntibus meis anniiatim, durante vita dicti Johannis. Bes. — Alicie ux. mee. Test. — Dno. Will. Vicare, Nich. Paternge, Job. Edbroke. Supervisores. — Eic. Howell, Dom. W. V., Tho. Thorne. Prob. in iStokegummer, 20 July, 1535. Summa xxxvj'' xix'* x''. Joh. Dwythye de Wynford [Winsford]. 23 Sep. 1535. instauro S. Petri — B.M. — alte crucis — luminisdefuuctorum — cuilibet, uu;im ovem — fabrice Wellen. iiij'' — quatuor filiis meis vj"" viij'\ Bes. — Alicie ux. mee. Supervisor. — Will. Holl, filio meo. Test. — Dno. Will. Vycarye, Rog. Vycarye, Job. Wythye. Prob. in Stowgummer, 28 Jan. 1535. Summa xij" iiij' iij'. WELLS WILLS. 199 Wyll. Vicary(i), Vicarius perpetuus eccl. de Wynnyfford. (i)"So. merset In- 30 ]\Iarch, 1536. cumbcnts." ' . 467. in sacra sepultura — Well, xij*^ — eccl. par. de Wynford x'' — ecclesie predicte xx* ut parochiani teneant anniver- sariuin meum annuatiin — Dno. Nicholao Patrydge pro stipendio unius anni ut oret pro me, parentibus meis et omnibus benefactoribus meis in eccl. prodicta vj'' xiij" iiij'' — Dno. N. P. ut oret pro me xx' et omnes libros meos ad placitum et electionem — filiolo meo Rob. Cody xP et oranibas aliis filiolis meis (cuilibet) j ovem vel xii'^ — omnibus pueris fratrum meorum et sororum mearum (cuilibet) j angnuin — Joanni Vicarr de hyll vj^ viij'' — Johni Vicar de Wheddon vj** viij'' — Thomasie Koppe \f viij'^ — Agneti Cokyslyghtli Vf viij'' — Wil- lelmo howell \f viij'^ — Rob. Vicar vj'' viij'^ — eccl. de Exton ut parocbiani custodian! anniversarinm meum et omnium benefactorum illius eccl. de Exton quatuor temporibus anni ab anno in annum xx* — Dno. Olivero Bromley vj^ viij'' — eccl. de Cuttcumbe pro anniversario meo xx^^ — Dno. Rob. Darche vj^ viij'^ — Magistro Eglonde vj* viij' — Magistro Cavvell vj^ viij'' — monasterio de Cleve xx^ — monasterio de Dunster vj'' viij'' — ^Dno. Job. Bayle vj'' viij*^ — Job. Vicar servo meo xx^ — eccl. de Dulverton pro anniversario meo (quatuor temporibus) xx^ — Job. Slocock vj^ viij'' — eccl. de Brusford (2) omnia (2) w. , , , . , , Vicary was catella mea et oves meas que sunt ibiclem — eccl. instituted to Brusbford iu predicte pro anniversario xx"" — Dno. Rob. Robyns i^ia ("So- i^ i- •> merset In- vj« viij^— Job. Syddenbam et Will, filiolo meo— Georgio 3^'2?''°'''" Syddynbam xP — Magistro Tbo. Syddenbam xP — Job. blandon vj* viij'' — monasterio de Braylycbe [Barlincb] xP — Jobanue Syndynbam uxori Edwardi, et Joane filiole mee xP — Dno. Waltero Sbapton vj* viij'' cum suo libro— Joanne sorori fratris Will. Vicare vj^ viij''. Res. — Will. Vicare et Rogero Vicare servis meis. Supervkores. — Mag. Edw. Syddyaliam, Tbo. Holla, Will. Vicare, Rob. Cody (xP eacb). 200 WELLS WILLS. Test. — Job. Syddenham, Edw. Hyddenham, Dno. Nic. Patrydge. Prob. in Stokeguramer, 28 Ap. 153G. Summa {none given). WITHYCOMBE. Joh. How de Wythicombe. 28 Mali, 1530. in cimiterio eccl. par. de W. — Catb. Welb ij'' — fratribus (1) The ordinis S. ffrancisci de Brngewater ij*^ — iiij lumiuibus (l) three lishls in the church eccl. de W. xvj per equaies porciones. p.nnard jfjgg^ — Affneti ux. mce, were the " life'iVofr' Test.— Dno. Rob. Apres, curato meo, Job. Blundell, Will. Sacrament, -p» -• the sepnlcre JOOWClOn. light, the high cro«s light (Bli. V. f;''- «)• Joh. Philipps. 1 July, 1530. These were ^ ^ •> "'Inncima'^ in cimiterio eccl. par. de Wytbicombe — Catb. Well, iiij'^ lomlumeH"^ — fratribus ordinis S. Augustiui de Bruge water ij*^. lights." If lies. — Johane ux. mee. dead-light," Test. — FDno. Fiobt.l Apres clerico, Kico. . . . Job. libeteff. so often *■ -* ■*■ mentioned in tliese Wills, Tur'nglts' Jone Hundell. 23 May, 1533. John iiow in cbyd. of St. Nycolas of Wbytbycombe — Wells x''. lott xvjJ. TXes. — lawrens Westcote. Witn. — Rob. bolue, elerke, Job. Croke, Ric. Westcott. WITHYPOOL. Alicia Dunscome, vidua, de Wetbepole. 8 Marcii, 1533. sep. in eccl. S. Audree de Wetbepole — Wellcn. iiij'' — ■ ~ instauro S. Andree unam ovem. l^es. — Jobni D. filio meo senior! et Jobni D. filio meo juniori et Jobane D. filio mee. Test. — Dno. Tboina ffakerley, Job. Drake, Job. Dunscome, Nye. Passon. WELLS WILLS. 201 WOLLAVINGTON. John Barnard of Wollavyngton. 18 July, 1535. chvd. of Wullavyngton — 6 lady store of W. a cowe — Wells )]'• — the Vicar my curate xx'' — every cliantry (i) (i) There priste xij'', to say dyryge and masse at my burynge and (see"Somer- monthes mynd — Alyce my sons dau. iiij sylver sponys ;j«nts," p. or els xiij"* iiij'', and a blewe gowne and a payr of blanketts — ffryers of Brygewater a bushell of whete. Bes. — John Stor. Witn. — John Nicol, John Gyllynge, hughe Salmon. Prob. in eccl. par. de Graynton, 24 Julii, 1535. Summa xiv" xj* x''. WOOTTON COUETNEY. Nicolas Hensley. 10 Oct. 1528. ecol. de Wotton Courtney meam optimam togam — omnibus instauris ecclesige, viz. cuilibet instauro iiij'' — eccl. de Luccombe iij'^ iiij'' — cuilibet filiolo iiij'' — ffabrice eccl. Oath. Wellen. vj'' — Eliz. filie mee par precularum de amber cum gaudiis (2) argentatis, cum zona optima (2) a pair , of rosaries aeaurata. (,precuia,a. bead). Every Bes. — Margarete ux. mee. tenth large '-' bead in the Test—Dno. Petro Trotte, John ffolantyne sen. et jun., J^;;^^^JJJt Will, lore, Will. Prelatt. f^^^S Johannes filius mens habebit omnia mea bona post deces- smaiier'bTad • stands for sum Marg® ux. mee. an Ave " Maria (see probatum f uit coram nobis ofiSc. Dni. Archid. Taunton in p- ^*> eccl. par. de Toland, 19 Nov. 1528. Margaret Hensley. 29 March, 1531. sep. in cimiterio de Wotton Courtney — Cath. Well, vj*^ — ymagini B. M. in eccl. de W. meam optimam zonani — eccles. de Wotton meam togam optimam — lumini S. Katherine in eadem eccl. iiij'' — lumini dive Margareto 202 WELLS WILLS. (1) The kirtle was worn by both soxes; as fiinale attire it was a close-fitting gurmpnt. See Inngnote in " I'ronip. Parv.," -277 (1)- (2) Dark red. iiij*^ — lumiiii summe crucis iiij'' — lumini omnium sanc- torum iiij'' — Joliane Glosse unam tunicam vocatam a hyrtill (i) murrey (2) coloris et unum par precularum optimum — Eliz. famule mee unam tunicam vocatam a hyrtill taivny coloris — ]\Iarg. Syraes unam tunicam — Eliz. Honsley unam patellam [disJt] et unam ollam eneam. Ees. — Jobanni Hensley. Test. — Dno. Tlioraa ffygurys capellano, Thoma. Stelly. Roger Hurford. 16 March, 1532 [paj^er to7vi in sojiie places]. to be bur'' in the Chapell of our lady in the Cli. of AVotton — St. Andrew in Wells vj'^ — the parish [church] of Wotton for my buryall a heffer — to allhallon a shepe — the ded ly3ght a shepe — St. Kateryu ly^ght and St. Margets ly3ght ij shepe — • . . . yem my goddaughter a shepe — every of my godchelder iiij'' — Agnes to Combe my dowefter after the decesse of her mother, my best panne and crocke — ye parson of Wotton for forgetyn tethytig xij'" — to the Ch. of Allhallowyn in Wotton to have my name wrytyn and Re-ersyd [i-ehearsed^ in the generall Dyryge a heffer. Res. — Jone my wyffe. Witn. — Sir Petrus [Trotte], Sir Thomas fugur. Hen. to Combe, Robert Tyrell, Will. Smyth. Joh. Hensley de Wutton Cowrteney. 2 Mar. 1534. humandum infra eccl. B. M. de W. C. — church of W, C. my best gowne — Rich, my servant my ij"'' tawny gown — godchildren iiij'' apyce. Res. — Elsabeth my wyf. Witn. — Joh. Valantyne, Thos. Hill. Prob. in Stowgummer, 22 Ap. 1534. Summa xxv" xviij'' viij''. Hen. Holl de Wotton Courtney. 5 Mar. 1533. Wells ij' — my best gown to the p. c. of Woyttyn — vj stores WELLS WILLS. 203 in tbe s'' cliurcli vj shepe, i.e. hye crosse, alhalon, 5 lady, St. Katheryn, St. Margaret, ded lyght— Alys Vyldary yjs viij'' — Davyd boll my son xlvj" viij''. Hes. — hely (l) boll my son and Johne my wyf. (i) eh. Witii. — harry stronge. Job. Holle, Will. boll. Prob. in Stowgummer, 22 Ap. 1534. Summa xxx^' viij' j''. Sir Peter Trotte parson of the p. c. of Wotton Cowrtney. 22 Jan. 1534. to be bur'^ in the Cbancesell of Albalous in Wotton — Wells viij'' — I gyve and bave delyvered unto tbe forsayd Cb. of W. a cawdron and my best fate [vat] (2) — bigbe (2) These *' \- A \ y clerke, Eob. Durban. YEOVIL. John Maunfeld of p. of Yvyll. 29 Aug. 1532. chyd. of Yvyll — Wells iiij'' — bye beme lyght in the Ch. of Yvill iiij'^ — V. of Yvill for tythes forgotyn xx'^ — my brother Sir William Maunfild (2) xvi^ viii'^ — my mostly (2) capei- ^ ' *' '' J o J lanug can- father Sir William Harvey ii" — to my syster at Dor- '*"* C" «°" chester \f viij'^ — my brother William Stone my best 22™."^^"'*'* gowne and after the decess of my wyf I will that my brotber Will. Stone bave my bowse — my wyffes d. Alys v^' in money to be delyvered to her when sbe comyth to age of xviij yers, if she die before I will that sbe dispose iij" vj^ viij'' of the said v'' where she thinketh best. Res. — Cristian my wiff. Witn.—W Stokton, Vicary, Sir W" IMandfild, Sir W" Harvye, Gregory Everton. p 210 WELLS WILLS. David Jonson of the p. of Evyll. 8 May, 1535. chyd. of St. John Bapteste in Evell— Wells ij". Bes. — Crysten my wyf. Wit7i.—Andvoyf Stoketon Vicar, Will. Slape, Joh. Bache- ler, clerke. Prob. in eccl. par. de Yevell, G July, 1535. Summa iiij" iij' ij'^ INDEX IlERUM. Abullyd, 22 Acetabuliiin, 35 Addisconibe, 6 Lady of, 116, 1-19 Aisle, 69, 82, 83, 84, 91, 110, 162, 183 Aldei-man, 22 Alliens, 46 Allsouls light, 1, 5, 11, 30, 47, 81, 87, 90, 93, 110, 112, 136, 173, 175 store, 62 Almayn rivets, 96 Alms, 98 house, 24, 28, 189 light, 9, 33, 57, 71, 152 people, 157 Altarage, 178 Altar cloth, 37, 131, 144, 148 , the rood, 14, 148 Altare animarum, 1, 32, /3 Ambling horse, 203 Ambulatorium, 85 Andirons, 38 Angelett, 204 Angell nobles, 79 Anne, St., 148, 159 Anniversalis, 34 Anniversary, 14, 144, 164, 198 Annuate, 82 Anthonv, St., 69, 81, 110, 152, 177, 196 Apostle spoons, 24 Apron, a canvas, 112 Aquebajulus, 181 Aries, 89, 138 Arras, 19 Assumption, Church of the, 30 Athelney Abbey, 100 Audres, St., 94 Augustine, St., 61, 108 Auricalcum, 40 Autenticus, 16 Ave Maria, 18, 58, 201 B Bargain, 165, 178 Barliuch Priory, 197, 199 Barrow Nunnery, 10 Barry net, 114 Beads, 11, 40, 134, 163, 187 of V setts, 18, 187 of xiij setts, 24 Beam, high, 6, 57, 131, 133, 172, 205 Bede-roll, 46, 48, 157 Lady, 164 Bedman, 101 Bees, 125, 139 hehove, 175, 205 Belbed, 162 Benefactor, 62, 162 Bering-sheet, 155 Beryl, 187 Best cross, 49, 188 Bilding candlestick, 158 Blacksmith, 83 Black vestment, 120 Blase, St., 73 Body of church, 187 Boll candlestick, 26, 185 Bond of maser, 176 Bonet, 23 Books, 28, 85, 98, 152, 199 Borde, 159 cloth, 144, 154 Bradenstoke Priory, 128 Breeches, 58, 167 Brewing, 159, 166 Bride, St., 50 Bridge, 73, 89 Bristol, St. Mark's Hospital at, 146 Broche, 52 (spit), 161, 176 Brothereden light, 84 Brotherhood, 11, 35, 59, 66, 82, 84, 89, 103, 107, 155, 171 of St. Andrew, 127, 200 of St. George, 33, 189 of the high cross, 62, 64, 72, 156, 167, 194 of St. Katherine, 24, 137, 156, Bailiff, 167, 169 Banker, 27 178 152 of our Lady, 5, 55, 110, 120, 125 212 INDEX BERUM. Brotherhood of maitlens, 6G of St. Martin, 80 of St. Nicholas, 95 of SS. Peter and Paul, 115 of the Quatro Temps, 133, 192, 205 of the rood light, 96 of St. Saviour, G6, 129, 181 of the sepulchre, 82, 143, 156, 167 of the Trinity, 39, 65, 92, 180, 190 of youn<^ men, 66 Baconibre, lig-ht of maid, x-, 52 Bullock, 67, 85 Bnltow, 106 Burgage, 150, 166, ]83 Burgess, 189 Bylles, 83 Cade, 106 Calendar, 118, 149, 150 Caliga, 4G, 101, 130 Camisia, 4G Camlet, 19 Candelstick of iij lights, 173 Cannington Priory, 40 Canstike, 88 Canvas, 63, 112, 170 Capellanus, 11, 12, 82, 1G7, 181, 209 Capita de vasis, 91 Capper, 27 Capua, our Lady of, 59 Carcheffc, 74 Carde, 58 Gardes, 155 Carnall father, 179 Catinus, 45 Chaferne, 38, 161 Chafing-dish, 53, IGO, 192 Chalice, 159, 181 Chandelers, 77 Chantry, 47, 101, 159 priest, 21, 54, 92, 157, 163, 188, 201, 209 Chapel hay, 76 house, 52 Charger, 194 Cheddar, cross light in, 37 Christopher, St., 7, 73, 152 Church ales, 203 building, 8 hay, 23, 187, 19G house, 52 Churchyard cross, 54, 116 Cider, 119, 155 Ciricns, St., 172 Clamis, 91 Clere, St., 172 Cleve Abl)ey, 71, l.J3, 199 , our Lady of, 98 Close hose, 58 Cloth hose, 63 , Irish, 18 Clothes woUe, 90 Coat, a sleeveless, 19 , a frese, 29, 80 Cocleare, 82, 93 Coll are, 92 Common lights, 200 Confilius, 46, 100 Conf rater, 157 Constable, 183 Coopertorium, 151 Cope, 152 Corn for burial, 118 Corporas, 187, 194 Corse, 38, 186, 209 Corse-present, 50 Cortela, 135 Cosyer, 184 Cosyner, 162 Cote (tenement), 3 clothe, 78 Covenant, 173 Coverlet of flowers, 19 , a painted, 41 Cow for obit, 74, 83, 174 Cowl, 116, 155 Coyf, 21 Cristendom, 50 Crock silver, 79 Crop-cai'ed heifer, 194 Cross, the best, 49, 188 Crossbow, 92 Cross light, 37, 69 Culcitra, 44 Culter, 49 Custom, 48, 131 Cyprus, satin of, 27 D Dagger, 170 David, St., 197 Dcaconus, St., 97 Dead light, 32, 59, 73, SO, 81, 86, 93, 103, 154, 195, 196, 202 mouey, 32 Deamy, 155, 170, 187 Decollacion of St. Church of, 50 Demysent, 18 Debts, 67, 146, 153 Deed, 50, 146, 191 Diaper, 12, 131, 154 Dirige, 6, 21, 202 Dominica, St., 70 John Baptist, INDEX RERUM. 213 Domus panperuni, 13 Dowry, 208 Dray, 10 Dredge, 55 Dubricius, St., 130 Dunster Priory, 199 Duplois, 130 Dynger, Aii E Easter sepulchre, see Sepulchre Ele (aisle), 162 Elemosina, 9 Elen, St., 98 Elevation of Host, 11 Elm-tree, IGl, 169 Enfiefment, 160 Enterclose, 99 Erasmus, St., 26, 73, 80, 104 Evorye, 188 Faber, 185 Fallow-drag, 155, 171 Feoffers, 193 Fermerer, 192 Fichet, 98 Fidejussor, 141 Filiolus, 9, 100 Filius Dei, 100 Firebotc, 193 Flat cup, 27 Foculus, 82 Folding table, 19, 28 Forcet, 148 Ford Abbey, 43 Forthfare, 21 Fraternitas, see Brotherhood Fratres perpetui, 156 Friars preachers, 29 Friday, to be prayed for on, 116 Front of altar, 148 Fry money, 115 Funalia, 195 Funeral procession, 12 Furnace, 166 Fustian, 124, 208 G Gaberdine, 78 Garnish, 26, 189 Gaud, 134, 163, 201 George, St., 14, 33, 73, 105, 152, 177 Gild, .see Brotherhood Gildus, 92, 157 Gilting, 64, 148, 150 Girdles, 155, 186, 190 Glasing, 84, 91 Glastonbury, 98 Godson, 100 Good-doers, 98 Gossip, 189 Gramfather, 37 Grayno, 22 Gregoiy, trental of St., 142 Grey Friars, 13 Gromon light, 66 Grote, 17, 206 Gyles, St., 76, 107 H Harness, 109, 114 girdle, 22 Haybote, 193 Hayles Abbey, 100 Head of sheep, 105 Helmbote, 193 Helyn, St., 131 Hex-rings, 106 High beam, 6, 57, 131, 205 cross light, 3, 4, 69, 127, 173, 175 High cross servicel see Preface High cross store / Highways, 27, 47, 157, 174 Hinges, 84 Hogge, 10, 46 Hold, 6, 172 Holy store, 40 Horseleech, 42 Housebote, 193 Imagines, 7, 17, 126, 134, 188, 201 Increase, 162, 195 Instaurum, 2 Interula, 46 Jointure, 161, 193 Juvencula, 87 Katherine, St., 7, 13, 32, 44, 69, 73, 86, 102, 116, 137, 140, 156, 173, 183, 196, 201 Kemynge stock, 155 Kerchief, 22 Keynsham Abbey, 54 214 INDEX liERUM. Kirtle, 202 Kirtlecloth, 118 Kitclienor, 102 Knitter, 105 Kye, 31 Kynteikin, 106 Lacy, Bishop, 98 Latyn, 40, 122 Laver, 174, 192 Lanrul kcrchew, 62 Laurence, St., 69 Lazars (lei>ers), 47, 157 Load, a ton of, 89 Liberty of payment, 127 Library, 85 Licenciata, 163 Lining, 154 Linthcamon, 47 Lintlieolum, 13 Lockeram, 19, 179 Lodex, 35 Ludulphns, 28 Luke, St., 3, 177 Lumen alto crucis, 3, 69 aniniarnm, 81, 87, 93, 136 defunctorum, 32, 86, 196 elemosiuaruni, 9, 33, 57, 152 in perpetuuni, 104 mortnoram, 33, 103, 195 pro defunctis, 81 Luniina quatuor, 76, 200 tria, 9, 116, 151, 200 M Maiden light, (Sij Maidens, niain-iago of, 25, 89, 198 Mahnesbury Abbey, 103 Manutcrginm, 152 Mai)pa, 57, 152 Margaret, St., 202 , Hospital of, 157 Mark, 90 Maser, 38 Mass book, 98, 152 penny, 6 Matins, 186 Mayden Bradley Priory, 188 Maydenhcad spoons, 82 Medlevcote, 36 Moll, 167 Mctc-cloth, 52, 159 Mild, our Lady, 105 Mind-day, 83 cow, 74, 83, 174 Month-mind, 21 Morse, St., 31 Morter, 18 Mortgage, 26 Mortuary, 50 Motley, 'l33 Murrey, 202 Mynchyn, 10 N Names of cou-s, 135, 119 Natural father, 113 Nature age, 6 Nets, 114, 132, 145 Nicholas, St., 95, 178, 205 Noble, 102 Nonage, 20 Notary, 206 Nother (neither), 118 Nutte, 166 Nysett, 145, 149, 187 O Obit, 14, 178 Olave, St., 129 Old stylo, 2 OUa, 91, 115 Organs, 94, 152 Ornanienta, 33 Osculatorium, 56 Other (or), 163 Overliving, 187 Overpark, 205 Oxford, 144 Painting, 55, 74, 149, 185 Pap ]ian, 155 Par caligarum, 46, 136 preculariim, 86, 201 Parapsis, 35 Parell, 120 Parish clerk, 12, 110, 181, 182 Park, 132 Partlet, 27 Passing-bell, 21 Paternoster, 18, 58 Patella, 153, 202 Paxbrode, 56 Pcnydolo, 21 Peri'orinyd, 18, 40, 77 Perpetual vicar, 14 Pertica, 6, 131 Petticoat, 156 Pig, 108 Pilgrimages, 98, 100 INDEX JiERUM. 215 Pillowbere, 39, 95 Pillovvtowe, 95 Pip, 26 Pistor, 186 Pity, our Lady of, 31, 35, 40, 62, 71, 104, 111, 196 Placebo, 6 Plebanus, 43 Pledges, 160, 177 Plough beam, 48 bote, 193 gear, 173 team, 65 Podiuger, 1, 182 Polls (heads), 30, 79, 91, 141, 145 Ponger, 77 Poore child, 56 Porch, our Lady in the, 17, 76, 179 Portas, 10 Portatives, 94 Posnett, 18, 115 Pottell, 18 Pouch, 38, 59 Precnla, 86 Prices, 2, 19, 25, 37, 41, GQ, 84, 93, 118, 126 Pricket, 52 Principal lights, 196, 200 Print, 24 Proctors, 18, 24 Proctorship, 178 Psalter, our Lady's, 18, 58 Puke, 23, 91 Pnlli, 117 Purgatory, 18 Q Quadriceriorum, 81 Quatuor Tempora, 38, 133, 192, 204, 205 Quereman, 22 Quick beasts, 83 R Radigond, St., 57 Red scoryd, 208 Relics, 96 Requiem, 6, 41, 166 Reward, 2 Richard {female name), 95, 119 Robegge, 120 Roche, St., 140 Rood altar, 14, 148, 188 light, 5, 80, 96, 206 Rosary, 18 Rother beast, 3, 61 Rotula, 46, 130 Rye, 109, 116 Ryoll, 98 S Salsarium, 152 Salvator, St. {or St. Saviour), 9, (jQ, 102, 111, 129, 136, 181 Sampson, story of, 41 Scabella, 92 Scallops, 187 School, 108 Scutella, 63 Seam, 77 Sepulchre cloth, 75 light, 38, 83, 126, 131, 174 service, 82, 93, 143, 156, 159 Service, our Lady (passim). Setts of beads, 18, 24, 187 Seyve, 133 Sheaf, 5 Sherman, 25 Ship, 58 Shop, 18, 44, 83, 159, 163 Side-saddle, 2 Sigillam, 27, 92 Slogys, 83 Smock, 156, 177, 187 Smythe coal, 182 Sonday, St., 31, 70, 80 Sorell, 41 Stages of fishing, 132 Stall of bees, 139 Stand, 38 Standard, 9 Standing-cnp, 27 Staumm, 32 Store, our Lady {passim). Stypendary, 80 Suburbeus, 194 Sullow, 178 Sunday's cope, 26 Sute and service, 183 Swithun, St., 8 Sypers, 27 T Tablebord, 171 Tache, 10 Tapers, 23, 126 Taper before high cross, 173 Tapestry, 19, 41 Taunton Priory, 157, 162 Tenyger, 14 Tester, 40 Thorale, 44, 136 Tippet, 153 Tithes forgotten, 50, 144, 172, 195 oblytyd, 207 withholden, 25 Tools, 88 Torches, 11, 126, 174 216 INDEX REEUM. Torch before sacrament, 159 Tower, our Lady in the, 23 Towers, 77, 108, 113, lU, 179 Travers, 52 Trental, 39, 77, 112, 157 Tualla, 37, 190, 191 Tucker, 2G Tucker's shears, 77, 102 TuniceHa, 134 Turow, 139 Tye, 116 Velamen, 86 Vervix, 136 Vestments, 25, 111, 120, 152, 182, 197 Vicar chorall, 188 Voider, 176 W Walthean, 109 Wardens, our Lady, 24, 162 Wax, 29 , price of, 73, 81 Wedding-ring, 17 VVeffer, 188 Weights, 11 Wen-, lOG Whitsun ale, 52 Wife, my poor, 192 Wimshete, 111 Witham Friary, 188, 189 Wool, 123 Wounds, mass of the five, 2, 47 Wrynge, 155 Year-mind, 14, 179 Yeld (aisle) 34, 82, 110, 183 (gild), 24, 189 Yer (gear), 163 Yerynrope, 49 Yokes, 6 Yotyngo stone, 176 Youhoge, 2, 29, 46 Zythe, 58 INDEX NOMINUM. The names in italics are those of testators. Abbot, Alice, 54; Eliz., 54; John, 54, 111; Eich., 54; Thos., 54; Will., 54 Adam, John, 159 ; Will., 178 Adams, Dorothy, 117; Joan, 8; John, 129, 159, 160, 163; Eich., 77, 103; Eog., 8; Thos., 8; Sir Will., 133, 193; Will., 93, 117 Adye, Eich., 58 Affryan, Anne, 153 ; Edw., 153; Eliz., " 153 ; John, 153 ; Will., 153 Aiston, John, 7 Albert, Thos., 89 Alderman, John, 100 Alford, John, 194 Alforth, Joan, 187 Almy swortluj , Anuvs, 83 ; Edith, 190 ; Greg., 83 ; Thos., 82 ; Will., 82 Alway, Annys, 184 Alwyn, Thos., 127 Alyn or Alen, John, 15, 128, 190, 207; Eich., 207; Thos., 54, 190; Sir Will., 12, 13, 14, 16 ; Will., 190 Amer, Harry, 56 Amry, Eliz., 150 ; Eich., 150 Andersay, Eobegge, 120; Robert, 120; Will., 120, 123 Andrew, Sir John, 101 Androws, Agnes, 36 ; John, 36; Eich., 101 Anger, Alice, 46; John, 46; Walt., 46, 93 ; Eich., 46 Autell or Autell, Sir Eich., 43, 44, 45 Antony, Eliz., 43; John, 43 Apowell, Eob., 44; Eog., 24; Eich., 189; Will., 24, 25 Applye, Nich., 2 Appryse, Alice, 25 ; Cicely, 25, 27 ; Davy, 25; Marg., 25, 27; Sir Phil., 205; Eich., 177; Sir Eob., 200; Eob., 177, 192 Apthomas, Sir Griff., 132 Apwyllym, Alice, 24 ; Joan, 24 ; Marg., 24; Rich., 23, 24 Archer, Jankyn, 80 Arkyn, Agnes, 156 Armstrong, Edith, 141 ; Eliz., 141 ; Joan, 67, 141 ; Johii, 141 ; Mary, 141 ; Thos., 141 Arnold, Sir John, 191, 192 Amoll, John, 30 Arundell, Sir Eob., 156, 159; Tecke, 77,79 Arvyche, Harry, 113 Ashe, John, 104 Aston, Thos., 43 At Cowrfe, John, 85 Atford, Eob., 89, 90 Atkyns, Alice, 189 Atlane, John, 176 Atnashe, John, 205, 208 Attwell, Joan, 82 ; John, 82 ; Sir Symon, 9, 153; Sir Thos., 21, 28 ; Will., 82 Attyou, John, 110 Atwater, Agnes, 63 Atwey, Alice, ]1; Joan, 11, 175; John, 11, 57; Nich., 11; Sir Thos., 11 ; Thos., 174, 175 Austen, Agnes, 61, 101 ; Edmund, 61 ; Joan, 101 ; John, 101 ; Marg., 101 ; Thomasyn, 101 ; Will., 61 Awoode, Joan, 183 ; John, 17 Ayshe, Eob., 121, 123 B Babe or Babbe, Eliz., 114; John, 118, 174,175, 176; Will, 114 Baber, David, 176 ; Elyn, 176 ; Isabel, 53 ; Joan, 176 ; John, 53, 176 ; Thos., 101 Bacheler, John, 210 Bacon, John, 66; Water, 67; Will., 149 Badcoke, Sir Will., 143, 169, 170, 171 Bakehouse, John, 94 Baker, Greffvth, 29; Honda, 196; Isabel, 120; John, 13, 86,03,119, 218 INDEX NOMINUM. 197; Marg., ICO; Sir Rich., 61; Rob., 181 ; Rog., 85 ; Rose, 93 ; Thos., 126, 129, 138; Thomasyn, 13; in?/., 93 Bale, Jolm, 176 Ball, Agnes, 151; Edmund, 4; Edy., 27; Isabel, 4; John, 151; Marg., 4 ; Will., 4, 52 Balthazar, Thos., 134 Bannan, Eliz., 26; Rob., 26 Baran, John, 38 Barber, Alson, 158; John, 58, 59; Nich., 62 Barkehowse, Ediv., 23; Eliz., 23 Barlett, Nich., 175 Barnard, Alice, 201 ; John, 201 Bame, Will., 70 Baron, Agnes, 69 ; Rich., 68 ; Sir Will., 51 Barren to, John, 70 Barry, Sir John, 51, 53 Bartlett, John, 143, ISO; Rich., 180; Thos., 143, 148 Basset, Rob., 173 Bassley, Sir Nich., 137 Batell, John, 90 Baten or Battyn, Eliz., 120; Joan, 76; John, 76, 93 Batt, Edith, 124; Stephen, 124 Bawghewell, John, 203 Bayhje, Alice, 194, 195; Chrystyan, 94; Emerenciane, 194; Euprepe, 194, 195 ; Harry, 36 ; Honcrine, 195; James, 92; Joan, 194; Sir John, 79, 199; John, 43, 135, 173, 177, 194, 195 ; Letisse, 195 ; M , 94 ; Philip, 94, 146 ; Rich., 86 ; Sir Rob., 81 ; Rob., 51, 175; Thos., 195; Sir Will., 162; Will., 194, 195 Baylyf, John, 111; Will., Ill Bayn, Agnes, 134 Bechame, John, 36, 207 Beche, John, 18, 21 Bedford, Agnes, 27 ; Cecylie, 26 ; Eliz., 27 ; Joan, 27 ; Marg., 27; Mr., 22, 27 Bedow, John, 70 Bedyll, Joan, 17; Will., 17 Befes, Isabel, 44; Thos., 44; Will., 44 Beke, John, 67, 68 Bekes, John, 207, i20S ; Marg., 208 Bekliam, Thos., 02 Bell, Sir John, 38 ; John, 184 Bcnct or Bennet, Eliz., 120; John, 33, 118, 119, 124, 114, 158; Marg., 21; Rich., 145; Sir Thos., 96; Will., 21 Bony, Rich., 50 Bonyng, Will., 53 Bcre, Honor, 148; John, 148; Marg., 118; Walt., 148; Will, to, 34 Bcrtylmew, Alice, 1F3 Beryatt, Will., 89 Beryinan, Peter, 80 Betty, Sir Rich., 28 I?eu>s/to)H, Marg., 60; Thos.,60; Will., 60 Beyae or Byese, Alice, 96 ; John, 96 Beyt or Boys, Sir Thos., 155 Billy nge, Agnes, 128; Alson, 128; John, 128 ; Water, 128 Blacks, Margery, 52 Blake, Joan, 70 ; John, 69 ; Rich., 70 ; Rob., 69, 70, 71 Blakewyll, John, 79, 80 Blanche, Agnes, 10; Edmund, 10; Isabel, 10; John, 10; Rich., 61; Rob., 10; Will., 10, 11 Blecheley, Ales., 191; John, 192; Thos., 192 ; Will., 192 Blocr, John, 114 ; Rob., 95 Blo.xani, Sir Will., 7 Bluett, Rob., 183 Bluudell, John, 200 Blynchard, Thos., 58 Blythe, John, 191 Bobet, Alice, 68; Henry, 68; Isabel, 68; John, 68 Bocher, Water, 186 Bodman, Christian, 14; Harry, 14; Joan, 14 Body, Sir John, 150; Thos., 188 Boke, John, 20G Bokerel, Marg., 92 Bolde, Rob., 55 Boler, Will., 99 Bolne or Bone, Rob., 200; Will., 48 Bolynger, Nich., 44 Bo?ui, Henry,-68; Joan, 49; John, 49; Will., 49 Bonefaunt, Sir Henry, 62 Bonell or Bovell, Rich., 23 Bonevvay, John, 132; Rich., 133 Bonham, Mr., 7 Boole, Andrew, 187 Booy, John, 61 Borde, Agnes, 89, 90; John, 73, 75 Borege, Agnes, 2 Borland, Joan, 150 Bornhani, John, 189 Boste, Will., 184 Botler, Walt., 130 Bonne, Sir Rich., 187; Rich., 133 Bowcher, Jolin, 52 Bowdon, Will., 200 Bowdyche, Helen, 44; John, 44; Rich., 44 Bowie, Will, 127 Bownc or Bownde, Sir John, 40, 41, 42; John, 160; Sir Rob., 164 Bowrne, Alice, 15; John, 15 Bowrynge, Joan, 99; John, 99 (bis) ; INDEX NOMINUM. 219 Lucy, 91) ; Sir Thos., 99 ; Will., 69, 71,99 Bowyer, Rich., 24 Boys, Peter, 100, 107 Bradon, Sir John, 188 Brage, John, 147 Bragge, Thos., 73 Bragwyge, John, 45 Brampton, Joan, 26 ; John, 20, 26, 27 Brawse, John, 149 Brayle or Brayly, Rich., 86, 197 Brether, Alice, 50 ; Joan, 50 j John, 50 ; Rich., 50 Brette, John, 194 ; Simon, 194 Brice, Rich., 48 ; Rob., 49 Brige or Bruge, 118 ; Alice, 118 ; Thos., 118; Will., 118 Bristow, John, 134 Broarde, 'Ihos., 25 Brocke, Thos., 22 Bradford, Alice, 198j Joan, 198; John, 198 ; Peter, 198 ; Symon, 198 ; Thos., 198 Erofce, Alice, 92 ; Christine, 64; Edith, 47; Edw., 47; Joan, 63, 116; John, 6, 92, 105, 195; Marg., 63, 116; Nich.,6; Rich., 63; Rog., 63; Thos., 6, 63, 193 Brokewell, John, 36 Brome, Sir Rob., 169 Bromlay, Sir Oliver, 86, 199 Bronsford, Alice, 94 ; Thos., 94 Browne, Joan, 140; John, 140; Sir Rob., 158; Rog., ]58; Thos., 1, 59, 106; Will., 104 Bruer, Alex., 34 ; Kath., 34 Bruford, Nich., 145 Bryan, Thos., 90 Bryant, Chris., 31 ; Eliz., 31 ; Joan, 31 ; John, 31, 86; Matt., 31 ; Rog., 31, 32 ; Will., 31 Bryghtshall, John, 50 Bryghtyn, Thos., 156, 158 Brykeman, John, 25 Brymsemede, Will., 143 Bx-ynscumbe, John, 186 Bryott, Thos., 58 Brystow, Sir, 192 Brytton, W., 147 Bucher, Rog., 103 Buck, Raffe, 195, 190 Budde, Agnes, 37, 183 ; Anastasia, 183; Annys, 183; Joan, 148, 183; John, 37, 106, 144, 183, 184, 185 ; Marg., 37, 183; Rich., 37; Thos., 154, 183; Will., 37 Buell, James, 133 ; Joan, 133; John, 133; Rich., 133; Thos., 133 Bugge, Rich., 59 Bullock, Rich., 53 Buhua/i, Isabel, 189; Joan, 189; John, 189; Will., 189 Balpam, Joan, 14 Bulpayn, Joan, 122; John, 121,122, ; Rob., 37, 122 Bulte, Agnes, 97; Will., 82 Bultyng, Will., 188 Bulworth, Joan, 110 ; Annys, 110 Buncom, Joan, 176 Burcombe, John, 40 Burduys, Sir John, 209 Burge, Agnes, 94 Burges, Agnes, 121, 1S3 ; Edw., 121, 123 ; Joan, 37 ; John, 37, 121; Thos., 121, 123 Burlond, Alice, 150 Burnard, John, 108 Burton, John, 112 Bury, Sir John, 109; Sir Will., 157, 159, 160, 161, 164, 165, 167, 168, 169 Busshe, Heniy, 208; Will., 46; — , 52 Busshup, Alice, 30; Joan, 30; John, 30 ; Rog., 30 ; Thos., 30 Bustel, John, 39; Thos., 39 Butler, Julyan, 27 ; Marg., 46 ; Sir Thos., 55; Thos., 27; Will., 27 Butyry, Geo., 65 Byckam, Alice, 146; Rich., 89; Will., 14 Bydford, Eliz., 150; Joan, 150; John, 150; Phil., 150; Rich., 148, 150; Thos., 149 ; Will., 150 Bydfyld, Will., 35 Bygegood, John, 13; Thos., 13 Bygges, Joan, 21 Byne, Joan, 01 ; John, 61 Byrd, John, 76 ; Rich., 153 B!/v«e, Symon, 153; Thos., 171; Will., 171 ; Yszoll, 171 Byry, Will., 188 Bys, John, 27 Byshope, John, 185 ; Will., 135 Bytheway, John, 153 C Cabhell, Joan, 91 ; John, 91 Cable, Alice, 28, 29 ; John, 28, 29 ; Rob., 48 Cagge, John, 142 Calte, John, 29 Came, John, 121 Camplyng, John, 149; Thos., 113 Cape, Ric, 121 ; Tomasyn, 121 Capteyn, Alice, 167 ; Henry, 167 Captyng, Agnes, 13; John, 13 Carlyon, Sir John, 21 Carswell, John, 45 Carter, John, 192; Rich., 07; Rob., 185 ; Sir Thos., 28 220 INDEX NOMINUM. Carvall, Liicv, 12; Pete); 12 Gary, Atni., 208 ; Kob., Gl Castell, John a, 82 Custelman, John, 10; Marg., 16 Castlake, Jolm, lOl Catford or Catvoord, Joan, 74; John, 73; J?o6., 74; Walt., 74; Will., 74 Cauke, Will., 39 Cause, Joan, 122 Cave, Joan, 124; John, 124; Rich., 124; AVil!., 124 Cavcll, Sir Will., 110, 151, 199 Caywtygale, — , 115 Chalnor, Joan, 52 ; John, 51 Chamberlayne, Thos., 46 Chanibure, Phil., 122 Champlane, Eleanor, 179; John, 180 Champneys, Antony, 20; Isab., 22; Joan, 23; John, 23; Thos., Ill Champvne, Julian, 156 Chamyll, Will., 46 Chapell, Eliz., 144; Sir Jas., 209; John, 144; Thos., 138 Chapman or Chepman, Dion, 152; Eliz., 152, 173; Joan, 152; John, 110, 17S, 174; Laur., 103; Will., 173, 177 Charite, Peter, 21 Chaunte, Thos., 143 Chede, Geo., 64 Chedsey, Joan, 137 ; Rich., 136 Chegy, Will., 156 Cherles, John, 57 Cheryton, John, 33, 75 Chester, John, 80 Chesterton, Sir Rob., 02, 93 Chilcote, Margery, 159 ; John, 74, 75 ; Thos., 159 Chokke, Eliz., 135 Chrystofer als. Cutler, Joan, 14 ; Will, 14 Chubworthy, John, 57 Churchill, Giles, 122; John, 35, 122 Chufe, John, 143; Rob., 55 ; Thos., 90 ; Will., 13 Chykryge, Eliz., 140; John, 140 Chylde, Joan, 208 Claffc, Nich., 121 Clarke, John, 28, 154, 186; Sir Rob., 186, 188; Rob., 30, G6; Sir Thos., 134; Thos., 189 Clavells, Joan, 51 Clawsey, Alice, 78 ; Rnri., 78 Clement, Geo., 147 ; PLiil., 69 ; Thos., 134; Water, 122 Cley, Will., 13 Cliffe, John, 112 Clowter, Water, 120 Clude, Denys, 62 ; Will., 62 Clvvc, Rob.,71 Cobb, Will., 95 Coche, Sir John, 146 Cocker, John, 56 Cocks or Cox, Agnes, 134; Elene, 87; Eliz., 135; John, 111, 123; Marg., 123; Rich., 61, 87; Boh., 10, 11, S7, 1;?3; Sir Thos, 107 ; Thos., 87 ; Sir Will., 36; Will., 10, 135 Codgan, Will., 85; Joan, 85 Cody, Rob., 199 Coffin, Will., 139 Cogen, Eliz., 11; Henry, 48; Joan, 48 ; Rob., 48 Coke, Annys, 122; Joan, 122, 170; John, 122, 169, 170; Marg., 63; Sir Nich., 76; Rog., 170 Cokford, Alice, 136; JrJian, 136 Coksleglie, Agnes, 179; Joan, 178; Symon, 178 Colan, John, 105 Colbcre, John, 94 Cole, Alice, 67; Ede, 67; Joan, 67; John, 63, 135, 184, 185; Simon, 141 ; Walt., 67 Colford, John, 82 Coll, Ann, 6 CoZ/a/ce, Joan, 156; Will., 156 Colles, Joan, 44; John, 44 Collyns, Alice, 179; Edith, 68; Isabel, 68; John, 6S, 128, 129, 179; Kath., 68; Rich., 180; Rob., 180; Thos., 131 ; Will., 61, 76, 129 Colman, Harrv, 14; Rich., 57; Thos., 62 Colston, Will., 88 Coln-yll, Eliz., 115; Isab., 115; Joan, 115; John, 56, 115; Rich., 115; Will., 47, 184 Combe, Agues to, 202; Alice, 195; Ellen, 128; Henry to, 202; John, 35, 36; Thos., 126, 127; Will., 195 Come, Alice, 33 ; Eliz., 33; Rich., 33 ; Will, 33 Comer, Henry, 107; Tsab., 107; James, 107; ,7oan, 107; John, 107 ; Eady- gon, 107 ; Thos., 107 ; Tomasyn, 107 Compane, Joan, 187 Comyn, Water, 74 Condon, Henry, 72 Consell, Thos., 6 Conyhar, Alianora, 136; BaUiwiu, 136; Henry, 136; Joan, 136; John, 136; Kath., 136; Marg., 136; Will., 136 Cooke, Harry, 109; Nich., 29; Sir Will., 3 Coosyn, Alice, 124; John, 124; Thos., 124 Cope, Rob., 50 Coppe, Alice, 83; Joan, 103, 139; Joltn, 73, lOS, 1.30; Iiirh.,SJ,r3'.^; INDEX NOMINOM. 221 Thomas, 139 ; Thomasine, 83, 130 ; Will., 83 Coram, John, 130 Cornvvell, John, 47 Corny she, John, 188; Nich., 126 Eob., 188; Thos., 188 Coslye, Rich., 27 Cosyer, Marg. , 95 Cofrell, Alice, 205 ; Edith, 134 ; Edm., 205; Eliz., 205; Joan, 205; Johii, 3, 57, 205; Rich., 205; Roh., 3, 205; Thos., 134, 205; Will., 61 Coulte, John, 27 Court, John At, 85 ; Christian, 85 ; Johan, 85; Marg., 85; Rog., 85 Courtte, Agnes, 104; Alice, 104; Thos., 104, 152, 154 Cowche, John, 66 Cowper, Sir Will., 21 Cradock, David, 29 Crane, Alice, 15 ; John, 48, 49 ; Thos., 15; Will., 48 Cranmore, Geo., 69; John, 69 Crastman, Helen, 106; John, 106 Crebutt, John, 97 Crede, Rich., 4 Cretyng, Mag. Walt., 16, 32, 41, 80, 90 Cridlond, Joan, SO ; John, SO, 81 Crocomhe, Mand, 84; Roh., 84; Will., 83, S4 Crofte, Joan, 108; Rich., 108; Will., 108 Croke, John, 200; Thos., 178 Crosse, Eliz., 6; Joan, 9, 128; John, 203; Marg., 6; Nich., 128, 161; Rich., 57; Steph., 9; Sybil, 128; Thos., 6; Will., 6, 31, 56 Grossman, Isab., 195; John, 195; Nich., 195 Crowme, Sir John, 14 4 Crumwell, Geo., 180 Cruse, Rich., 74 Crydnell, Eliz., 37; Joan, 37, 207; John, 37 Cullverhouse, Thos., 81 C^dveriuell, John, 136 : Roh., 9 ; Walt., 170 ; Will., 9 Curtis, Peter, 188 Cury, John, 13 Cutler, Will., 12 D Bale, Elyn, 207 ; Rich., 207 Dandow, Joan, 135; John, 135; Marg., 135; Will., 135 Dangard, Sir John, 147 Dant, Rich., 97 Danyell, John, 42; Sir John, 82; Thos., 15, 88 Dar, .John, 122 Darche, Joan, 33; Boh,, 33; Sir Rob., 72, 199 Baton, Geo., 104; Joan, 104; Nich., 104; Rich., 104 Bauncer, Sir Edm., 19, 21 Davage, Sir John, 104 Dave, Sir .Tohn, 10, 147 Bavy, Agnes, 63, 72; Henry, 54, 72; Joan, 15, 72 ; John, 63, 72 ; Lewys, 164; Rich., 15; Rob., 54; Thos., 95; Sir Will., 54; Will, 72, 100 Davyd, Sir Rob., 69, 81; Sir Thos., 127 Davys, John; 16 Daw, Sir John, 167, 168, 170; Thos., 100; Will., 83 Dawbeney, Lord Hen., 3 Day, PhiL, 146; Will., 15 Dean, John, 44, 45 Decon, John, 98 ; Thos., 40 Beey, Joan, 80; Marg., 80 Demnay, John, 63 Bennam, Thos., 7 Denys, John, 112; Sir Rich., 139; Will., 104 Deratt, Sir Rob., 4, 5, 11 Dethyke, Nich., 37 DevoDges, Sir John, 85 Bewden, Will., 52 Dei/, John, 100; Will., 100 Dobdon, Marg., 193 Dobull, John, 105 ; Rich., 124 Bobyn, Joan, 119; John, 119 ; Marg., 119; Rich., 119; Steph., 119 Doderyge, Thomasyn, 107 ; Will., G6 Body7ig, Alson, 146 ; Edith, 146 ; Isah., 41 ; Sir Jas., 171 ; John, 41, 94, 146 ; Maud, 146; Rich., 146; Rob., 115; Will., 41 Dogyen, Sir Geo., 23, 24 Bollyn, Agnes, 102; Hugh, 102; Marg., 102; Thos., 102 Dolman, Matilda, 68 Domett, Will., 184 Donett, Agnes, 180; Jone, 180 ; Rob., 180 ; Will., 180 Dorsett, Marq. of., 166; Rob., 65; Steph., 194 Dory, John, 170, 171 Dosse, Thos., 49; Water, 49 Dovell, Abbot Will., 153; Barnard, 77 ; Sir John, 39 Downe, Alice, 176; Anne, 176; Joan, 176; John, 176; Thos., 176 Dowvyll, John, 102 Brake, Alice, 45 ; Elene, 45 ; Eliz., 45 ; Joan, 45 ; John, 45, 200; Rich., 45 ; Sir Rob., 45 ; Thos., 45 Dryll, Will., 130 Duncombe, Thos., 2 Bune, Agnes, 45 ; Water, 45 222 INDEX NOMJNUM. Duncll or DuvoU, John, 35 Dunt/an, Ellen, 170; Harry, 170; Isab., 170 Dirnscouihe, Alice, 200; Sir Harry, 114, 145; Joan, 1-19, 200; John, 200 ; Will., l-iO Dunstan, Henry, 71 Durban, Alice, 27 ; Eob., 209 Dwythye, Alice, 198; John, 198 Dyckynson, Sir John, 93 Due, Christian, 30 Dyer, Alice, 86; Henry, 103, 113; John, S6, 113; Sir Eob., 92, 93; Thos., 151 Dylwerthe, Sir Rich., 194 Dypcr, Marg., 125 ; Rich., 125 ; Thos., 125 Dyttye, Joan, 101 ; Thos., 101 E Eatts, Eliz., 22 ; Joan, 22 ; Thos., 22 Eblache, Rich., 193 Edbroke, Jolin, 198 Ede, John, 4, 5; Kath., 4 Edmonds, Anne, 132 ; John, 132 ; Rich., 26 Edncy, Agnes, 12; Joan, 12; Rich., 12 ; Thomas, 12 ; Thomasyn, 12 Edwards, Henry, 96; Sir John, 132, 133, 195, 204; John, 102; Thos., 159 Edys, Joan, 36; John, 36 Elliot, Alice, 46 ; Deonisie, 46 ; John, 46 ; Kath., 46 ; Thos., 46 EUivorthv, Sir Geo., 83, 84; Hon., 85; John, 93, 131 Elys, Joan, 180 EnfyUl, John, 67 England, Mag. W., 102, 199 Entjlishe, Eleanor, 117; Joan, 117; Kath., 117 ; Ralph, 117 ; Walt., 117 ; Will., 117 Erell, Will., 131 Eston, Alice, 4; Eliz., 4; Isab., 4; Joan, 4; John, 4; Rich., 4; Thos., 4; Will, 4 Eton, Thos., 172 Evan, Rich., 81 Evans, Joan, 131 ; John, 131 ; Lewys, 21 ; Thos., 39 i'verarcZ, Edith, 146 ; Joan, 146; John U, 145, UG, 147; Rob., 145, 146 Rog., 183; Thos., 145; Walt., 114 Will., U5, 146 Evered, Rog., 11 ; Thos., 80 Everton, Greg., 209 ExcU, John, 2 Eyre, Agnes, 94 Facy, Will., 117 Fawknor, John, 20, 27, 28 Ffakcrlcy, Sir Thos., 200 Ffalane, Sir Rich., 41, 124 Ffarley, Sir Rob., 48, 122 Ffai-mer, Rob., 115; Thos., 144 Ffarnam, Hugh, 65; Marg., 65; Will., 65 Ffarthinge, Rob., 98 Ffaundery, Joan, 158, 163 Ffell, Sir Rob., 172 Ffcpps. Thos., 194 Ffero, John, 38 Fferherd, John, 147 Ffermer, Alson, 111; Geo., 110; Joan, 110; Will., 6 Fferi/er, Marg., 164; Will., 164 Ffeston, Eliz., 106 ; Joan, 106 ; Simon, 106 Ffew, Simon, 100 Fflatcher, Walt., 118 Ffloke, Sir John, 20, 28, 132 Ffolantyne, John, 201 Fforest, Sir Steph., 125 Fforto, Rob., 93 ; Sir Thos., 35 Ffossell, Simon, 27 Ffoster, Jas., 144; Rich., 19 Ffowkyns, Thos., 20 Ffoivhjs, Cicely, 109; John, 109; Rich., 109 Ffox, Agnes, 117; Thos., 117, 167, 168, 170 Ffreke, Francis, 65 Ffroman, Walt., 41 Ffrye, Alice, 181; Rich., 181; Will, 181 Ffryryn, Hugh, 31 Ffuqel, Alice, 45; Thos., 45; Will., 46 Ffuger, Sir Thos , 105, 106, 107, 202 Ffyner, John, 117, 124 Ffyshe, Alice, 121 ; Rich., 120, 121 Fflisher, Agnes, 74, 75; Edw., 75; Eliz., 75; Jas., 8; Joan, 74, 75; John, 75; Leon., 157; Rich., 8, 74, 75 ; Rob., 74, 75 ; Thos., 119 ; Will., 75 Fitzwarynge, Lord, 94 ; Lady, 95 Fleniynge, Marg., 150; Will., 147 Ford, Thos., 207 Foweraker, Thos., 94 Fowkes, Thos., 19 Fowler, Rob., 54 Freyll, John, 65 Frogwill, John, 83 Fuller, Rob., 46 Funtany, John, 40 Fnrse, Will., 122 Fyhlew, Eliz., 120; Joan, 120; Will., 120, 121 INDEX NOMINUM. 223 G Gachyll, Marg., 162 Gadcomhe, Alice, 15 ; Anice, 15 ; John, 15; Rich., 15; Thos. 15; Will., 15 Oage, John, 179 Gaine, Richard, 5; Thos., 5 Galliugton, John, 145 Gallope, Rob., 35 Garett, Isab., 146; Joan, 146; John, 168; Rich., 168; Rob., 168; Will., 146 Garland (see Tovy), Edith, 104; Isabel, 53 ; John, 53, 118 ; Kath., 53 ; Rich., 53 ; Will., 103 Gavdys, John, 204 Gmj, Eleanor, 88 ; John, 7, 142 ; Rob., 88 ; Will., 88 Gayle, John, 124 ; Marg., 124 Gaylor, John, 2 Gaynerd,E\iz.,179; Joan, 180; John, 179 ; Rich., 180 Geffre, John, 150 Geffres, Will., 100 Geldrayk, Will., 182 Gentelcors, Nich., 170 Genynge,M.arg., 151; Will., 151 Genyngs, Andrew, 187; Joan, 187; Mary, 187 ; Thos., 187 ; Sir Will., 34 Genys, Isab., 141 Geringe, Rob., 78 ■, Germyn, Alice, 133 ; Geo., 85 ; John, 85," 133; Rich., 133 Gervys,Joan,QO; John, 77,91; Mai-g., 2Jf, 25, 77 Gifforde, Will., 183 (?i«e, Eliz., 117, 123 ; Isab., 65 ; John, 117; Marg., 128; Phil., 65 Glasse, Harry, 106 ; John, 46 Glosse, Joan, 202 ; Sir Will., 83, 84, 85 Glover, John, 111 Glyn, Sir John, 53 Goar, Agnes, 70 ; Geo., 70 ; Joan, 70 ; Thos., 70 Gode, Harry, 149; Rich., 108 Goddynge, Thos., 144 Godfrey, John, 111 Godwyn, John, 171, 186; Peter, 171; Rich., 131 Gogen, Jas., 8 Goghe, Rob., 79 Goldsmyth, Chris., 24; John, 157 Goldwedge, Sir John, 38 Gonne, Alice, 70 ; Thos., 70 Gonstone, Rich., 137 ; Thos., 137 Gonyngham, Alex., 97 ; Alice, 97 ; John, 97 ; Maud, 145 Gooddeynan, Joan, 87; John, 87; Nich., 87; Sir Rob., 167; Will., 87 Goode, Sir Will., 68 Goodgrome, Thos., 110 Goodijere, Alex., 169 ; Anne, 169 Goodynow, Joan, 110 ; John, 110 ; Googyes, Will., 184 Gore, John, 164, 190; Sir John, 69, 70, 107 Gorge, Mr. Edmund, 193; Edward, 193 Gove, Will., 115 Gover, John, 81 ; Rob., 81; Walt., 42; Will., 110 Govett, Agnes, 42; Joan, 42; John, 42; Will., 42 Gowle, Eleanor, 63 Gowyer, Rich., 144 Gow3th, Rob., 85 Grandon, Maud, 16 ; Will., 16 Grannie, Joan, 1 ; John, 9; Will., 1 Gravell, Joan, 176 ; John, 81 Gray, Eliz., 159 ; Rich., 160 Grayle, Edw., 131 ; Rich., 131 Graynt, Will., 156 Gredye, Eliz., 112 ; Isab., 112 Greene, Joan, 182; .Tohn, 182; Rob., 149, 182 ; Will., 17 Gregory, Alice, 101 ; Annys, 146 Jocm, 59, 101, 112 ; John, 58, 59 101, 116 ; Kath., 117 ; Marg., 117 Mary, 116; Peter, 117; Phil., 59 Rob., 14, 15, 16, 17, 70; Steph., 117 Will., 116 Greneslade, Will., 32 Greye, Thos., 91 Grolham, Alice, 89; John, 82, SO; Will, 89 Grove, Eliz., 88 ; John, 37, 56; Rob., 148, 191 ; Thos., 88, 116 ; Will., 114 GryfEyth, Bennett, 132; Joan, 189; John, 189; Morgan, 57 Gryfyn, Martin, 118 Grygge, Rich., 12, 181, 184 Grynfyld, John, 43 Gullye, Sir John, 163, 165, 167 Gunne, John, 143, 163 Gurman, Alice, 209 ; Joan, 209 Gutter, Andrew, 163 Gwyer, John, 166 Gyhho7is, Chris., 174; Eliz., 175; Henry, 175 ; Isab., 175 ; Joan, 175 ; John, 174 ; Marg., 175 ; Matt., 175 ; Ric, 111; Sir Rich., 8; Will., 175 Gybbys, Joan, 162; John, 162; Will., 29, 46, 93 Gybon, Symon, 112 Gyllynge, John, 201 Gyllys, Nich., 152 Gylman, Rich., 160 Gylson, Thos., Ill Gylte, Nich., 170 Gymmose, Thos., 163 Gyttesham, Joan, 57; Thos., 57 224 INDEX NOMINUM. H Hackctt, Sir Jas., 101, 105 Hackworthy, Sir John, 18G Haddon, John, 197 Hadniche, Alson, 145 ; John, 115, lit) ; Rich., 115, 14o; Thos., 13C, 137; Walt., llo; Will., 115, 145 Hadyer, Alex., 159 Hake, John, 11 Hale, Clem., 148, 149; llich., 116 Hales, Eliz., 5-1 Hall, Isabel, 114; John, 99, lU, 148; Rob., 114 Halle, John at, 52 Halsewell, John, 41 ; Marg., 41 ; Nich., 41 ; Rob., 41 Halsse, Will., 162 Hamwode, A^nes, 181 ; John, 161 Hamyncj, Edith, 66; Joan, 66; John, 66 Hancock, Elinor, 141 ; Eliz., 47 ; Isab., 141; Joan, 154; John, Jfi, 83, 141; Bo6., i54. 184; Thos., 141 Hancocks, Sir John, 95 Hand, Thos., 38 Hannam, Ambrose, 51; John, 117 Hanty, Will., 69 Hanworth, Rob., 26 ITarbord, Cornell, 170 Hard, John, 94 Harden, Joan, 52 Harding, Harry, 159; Rich., 133 Hardman, John, 142; Maud, 142; Thos., 142 Hardwvke, John, 37 Hare, Will., 108 Harfordc, Rich., 119 Harle, Joan, 108; John, SO, 108, 123; Lucy, 89; Rich., 108; Roh., 108; Thos., 123 Harneyge, Sir Mich., 10, 11 Harper, Alice, 21 ; Elyn, 143 ; John, 143 ; Will, 20, 21 Harrys, David, 28 ; Isabel, 158 ; Sir John, 130, 158 ; John, 90, 135, 136 ; Rich., 155; Thomas, 81, 110 Harryson, Henry, 177; John, 117 Harte, Nich., 51 ; Agnes, 90 ; John, 90; Thos., 6; Will., 90 Harvo, Thos., 128 Harvy, Sir John, 159 ; Sir Will., 209 Harwod, Sir Jas., 15, 16, 17 Haryll, John, 114 Hasleve, John, 119; Marg., 119 Hassyll, Edvv., 76; John, 76; Thos., 76; Will., 76 Hatter, Sir Haffe, 158, 159 Haulcy, Harry, 149 Havolyns, John, 112 Hawkyns, Rob., 42 Hawti/nge, Joan, 71; John, 71; Rich., 72 ;" Thos., 72 ; Will., 71 Hayball, Syraon, 43 ; Sir Will., 66 Haves, John, 81, 122; Rich., 122; Will., 7 Hayne, Agnes, 188; Christian, 6; John, 5, 6 Hay ward, Ambrose, 179 ; Rich., 180 Helarde, Rob., 107 Bole, John, 206 Hellyer, John, 92, 124 ; Will., 70 ; Sir Thos., 128 Hemmynge, Thos., 141 B^e?ifc!(*V. Isabel, 49; Joan, 49 ; John, 16; Thos., IQ,49 Henly, Geo., 161 Hensiey, Eliz., 201, 202; John, 201, 202 ; Marg., 201 ; Mch., 201 Here, Rich.,' 89 Hermon, John, 139 Herres, John, 171 ; Rob., 11 Hervy, John, 127 Hethefyld, John, 204; Rich., 204 Heuoght, John, 175 Hoyle, Sir Will., 79 Heyward, Thos., 47 Hiks, Geo., 140; Joan, 5, 136; Walt, 135, UO Hilbert, Will., 54 Hill. See Hyll Hippesley, Agnes, 177; Edw., 177; John, 177; Rob., 109, 195; Thos., 177; Will., 39 Hiscok, Joan, 196 ; Thos., 196 Hoba, John, 47 Hobbe, John, 197 Hobby s, Alice, 197; Agnes, 48; Joan, 48; John, 98; Sir Thos., 97; Thos., 48 Hodgyes, Harry, 75 Hogans, Will., 80 Hogge, John, 102; Rich., 148 Hogges, John, 38, 4^; Rich., 37, 38; tomasyn, 109 ; Thos., 38, 53 ; Walt., 46, 47 ; Will., 36, 38, 96 Holbrokc, John, 54 Holbyn, Will., 189 Holcumbe, Agnes, 78 ; Christian, 78 ; Eliz., 82; John, 78; Marg., 78; Rich., 78 ; Thos., 78, 79, 82 Holegg, Joan, 119; Thos., 119 Holl, David, 203; Eli, 203; Helen, 130; Henry, 202; Joan, 203; John, 130, 203; Thos., 197, 199; Will., 198, 203 Holland, John, 177 Holme, Michael, 63 Holworthy, John, 31 Hone, Thos., 30 Hooper, Anne, 79; John, 79; Roger, 79 INDEX NOMINUM. 225 Iloper, John, 171 Hoph/ns, Edith, 207; Joan, 207; Rich., 207 ; Rog., 127 Hopper, Rob., 187 Hoppers, John, 35 ; Rog., 77 Hopthong, John, 96 Horley, John, 2; Rich., 2 Horloche, Alice, 15 ; Tho s., 15 ; Will., 15 Herman, Nich., 78 Horsay, Rich., 181, 182 Horsyngton, Will., 46 Horte, John, 200 ; Marg., 206 ; Rich., 206 ; 'J'hos., 206 Horyte, John, 3 Hotkyn'i, John, 37 Houpar, Sir Geo., 63; Will., 119 How, Agnes, I44, 200; Alex., 144; Eliz., 161; Sir Henry, 4; Henry, 144 , James, 94 ; Joan, 144 ; John, 71, 161, 200; Rich., 144; Thos., 99 Howchi/ns, Alys, 149; Eleanor, 149; Harry, 137; Joan, 149; John, 149; Maud, 149 Howe, Will., 30 Howell, Hngh, 98; John, 3, 132; Rich., 198 Howper, Henri/, 71 ; Joan, 71 ; John, 170; Rog., 77; Thos., 203 Hoivsse, Agnes, 122; Christine, 122; John, 122; Mary, 122; Steph., 122; Will., 51, 124 Huchens, Alice, 161 ; Eliz., 161 ; John, 49, 6.3, 112, 163 ; Raff, 161 ; Will., 161 Huddy, Edith, 47; Edm., 47; Rich., 47; Rob., 47 Hughe, David, 81 HvkJcer, Alice, 181 ; .Tolin, 181 ; Thos., 180 Humfrey, John, 7 Hvndell, Joan, 200 Hunt, John, 68 Hurborde, John, 106 Hurford, Agn., 202; Joan, 202; John, 94, 173; Rog., 202 Hurley, Isabel, 159, 165; John, 165; Rich., 116 ; Rob., 197 Hurman, John, 162 Hurne, Jas., 133 Hurtte, Alice, 190 ; Alson, 147 ; Hugh, 147; Hugh, 147; Joan, 145; John, 147; Thos., 145, 149, 150; Will., 146, 147 Husburne or Oshurne, Joan, 177 ; Johjt, 176, \11 ; Marg., 177 Hussey, Sir John, 11 Hutton, Davy, 27 miys, Christine, 134; T/in.f., 134 Hycon, Rich., 9 Hyer, John, 114, 115 Uyewode, Sir Rog., 113 Hi/eyf, John, 40; Thos., 107; Will., 115 Hyght, Thos., 128 Hygons, Rob., 161 ; Thos., 171 Hykelege, Sir John, 163, 165 Hylacre, Sir Cuth., 114, 115, 141; John, 115 Hyll, Alice, 1^0, 166 ; Antony, 103 ; 'EUz., 103, 139; Harry, 42; Jas., 140 ; Joan, 140, 141, 166 ; Sir John, 158; John, 105, 106, 137, W, 141, 162, 166, 173, 197 ; Marg., 166, 173 ; Sir Oliver, 95, 98 ; Sir Rich., 137 ; Rich., 103, 133, 151 ; Rob., 160, 161. 165, 166, 167; Rog., 159, 163, 166, 167, 170; Thos., 141, 113; Will., 1U6, 166 H/lsey, Denys, 58 ; Isab., 52, 58; John, '52,^58; Rob., 5 Hylivay, Henry, 115; Isabel, 115; Joan, 115; Thomasine, 115 Hynborow, Joan, 31 Hyndan, Joan, 74; Thos., 74 Hyre, Thos., 172 I Illary, Eliz., 144 ; John, 154 Imp-am, Sir Jas., 8 ; Joan, 42, 81 ; John, 42, 81; Maud, 42 Inkar (or Jukar), Sir John, 12 Iprico, Sir Phil, 131 Isacke, Agnes, 72 ; Edw., 72 ; John, 72 Jackson, Sir John, 115, 130, 131 Jaoxes, Agnes, 59; Alice, 134; Edith, 134; Joan, 13, 134; Sir John, 62; John., 57; Ric, 57; Rob., 134; Thos., 57, 59; Will.,\^4> Jankyn, Eleanor, 78 ; John, 78.; Owen, 78 ; Rob., 78 Jarman, Rob., 97 Jay, Thos., 78 Jaymson, Sir John, 52 Jeffery, Thos., 147 Jefford, Will., 184 Jenkenson, Sir Hugh, 21 Jenkyns, Hen., 82 Jennyng, John, 129 ; Thos., 104 Jennyngs, Joan, 10, 185, 187; John, 10; Mary, 187; Thos., 185; Will., 10. See Genyngs Jentil, Sir John, 185 Johannes, Gryffyn, 169 ; Weltham, 169 Johnson, Peter, 92 Jonson, Crystyn, 210 ; David, 210 Jonys, Alice, 51 ; Christian, 51 ; Eliz., 19, 51 ; Joan, 185 ; John, 10, 47, 51, 186, 204; Marg., 170; Rich., 19: Q 226 INDEX NOMINVM. Sir Roger, 51 ; Thomas, 51 ; Thoma- syn, 187 ; Sir Walt., 121 ; Will., 15, ItJ, 51, 170 Jordeyn, Alice, 71 ; Sir John, 174 ; JuJiane, 75; Marg., 26; Kog.,75; Will., 75, 95 Joiye, Bennet, 173 ; Jackolyn, 173 ; Joan, 173 ; John, 173; Marg., 173; Nich., 173 Joyce, Agnes, 186; Alice, 186, 191; Emote, 186; Isab.,186; Joan, 71 ; John, 131; Kath., 186; Thof!., 71, 77 ; Ursula, 186 ; Will., 186 Joyner, Thos., 76, 77, 78 K Ke7\e, Joan, 40; John, 56, 100; Marg., 40 ; Walt., 40 Kenne, Edw., 103 Kent, Anne, 127; Harry, 83; John, 130; Thos., 127; Thomasine, 130; Will., 102 Keper, Will., 77 Ketter, Joan, lis ; John, 113; Marg., 113; Rob., 113; r/tos., 113; Will., 113 Kettjnge, Rich., 147 Keybard, John, 101 Klyffe, John, 112 Knappe, John, 100 Knollys, Agnes, 109; Alice, 108; John, 108, 109; Thos., 108; Will., 126, 127 Knyght, Harry, 111 ; Rich., 98 Koke, Rog., 25 Koppe, Thomasic, 199 JCijdner, Joan, 148 ; Walt., US ; Will., 148 Kydwcllytt; Eliz., 22; Marg., 22; Maud, 22; Thos., 22 Kyeper, Joan, 46 ; John, 46 Kyetingale, Agnes, 207 ; John, 208 ; Rowland, 207 ; ITios., 207; Sir Will., 39, 207 Kylatre, John, 63 Kympe, Emott, 4-8, 49 ; Joan, 31 ; John, 31, 193 ; Will., 133, 198 Kymrige, Joan, 191 ; Thos., 191 Kymsam, Thos., 25 Kijne, Alice, 39 ; John, 39, 193 Kyng, Agnes, 205; Edward, 193; .Tas., 192 ; Joan, 65, 193 ; Thos., 04, 109 ; Walt., 16; Will., 58 Kyngeston, Rich., 98 Kyngman, John, 92 Kynkotte, John, 6 Kynman, Will., 6 Kyte, Tiios., 176 Kythe, John, 152 Kytner, John, 105, lOG Kytt, Agnes, 16 ; Will., 16 Lambert, Joan, 129 ; John, 129 ; Rob., 127; Will., 13, 128 Lnmprie, Alice, 112; Edm., 112; Geff., 112; Joan, 112; John, 112; Mary, 112; Will., 112 Lane, Sir John, 104 ; Sir Peter, 180 Langdon, Sir John, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124 Lange, Rob., 106 Langham, Sir Thos., 141 Langley, John, 100 ; Sir Rich., 9, 179 Lantrow, Jas., 62, 63 Larcum, Joan, 56; John, 55; Leon., 56; Rich., 56; Rob., 56; Thos., 56 Large, Alice, 97; Eliz., 119; John, 97 Latre, Will., 208 Lauman, Rich., 42 Laver, Alice, 96 ; John, 96 ; Thos., 95 Lawghill, Joan, 105; John, 105; Rob., 105 Lawham, Henry, 152, 154 Lawrence, Agnes, 168; Edm., 207; Joan, 154, 168 ; John, 40, 154, 207, 208, 209 ; Sir Rob., 130; Rog., 192; Sir Thos., 19; Thos., 165; Will., 104, 207 Leker, Alice, 116; Elynor, 2, 116; John, 116; Rich., 2,116; Thos., 95; Will., 116 Leng, John, 185 Leonard, Sir John, 56 Lere, AViU., 201 Lethall, Pascowe, 116 Lett, Humph. , 209 Leuwelyn, Thos., 36 Lcvvcett, Rob., 157 Leiois, Joan, 19, 116; .Tohn, 19, 2,?.7; Will, 54, lOo INDEX NOMINUM. 229 Peggen, Will., 195 Peke or Pyke, John, 145 Pelocke, John, 15 Pendtjvp, Ivan, 16, 17; Joan, 17; Leodiwyc, 16, 17 Peper, Alice, 39 ; Nicholas, 39 Peperell, Will., 6i, 161 Per, Hany, 94 Peratt, Isab., 57 ; John, 57, 184 ; Nich., 184 ; Rich., 94 ; Will., 95 Percivall, Mr. James, 20, 192, 193 Perkar, John, 124 Perlciins, Cri-itian, 21 Perye, Thos., 93 Petye, Jas., 189 ; Marg. , 208 Pewry, John, 66 Peynton, Arth., 19 Peyre, EJiz., 112; Rob., 112 Phillips, Antonxi, 175, 176; Ave's, 19 ; Edith, 175; Joan, 176, 200; John, 40, 97, 17G, 200; Sir Nich., 67, 148, 149 ; Sir Will., 20, 25, 26 Philype, Alson, 112 Philypson, Sir Rob., 112 Phipun, Joan, 205; John, 205, 208; Thos., 207 ; Will., 205 Pill, John, 48 ; Rich., 48 Piuare, Marg., 29 Pire, Thos., 100 Plai/se, Govett., 98 ; Sir Rich., 95, 07 ; Walt., 98 Playsted, Jas., 140, 141 Plummer, Will., 62 Pokysley, Sir Hen., 204 Pole, Alice, 155; Eliz., 149; Joan, 155; John, 155, 156; Rich., 155; Water, 149; Will., 66, 149 Poll, John, 61 ; Will., 8 Pollard, Marg., 40; Maud, 40 ; Waif., 40 Poniry, Rob., 169 Ponter, Sir John, 46; Eleanor, 154 Pontyng, — , 156 Pope, John, 59; Phil., 59; Will., 13, 171, 185 Popham, Alex., 124; Henry, 14; Joan, 14, 122; Rog., 14; Walt., 130; Will., 144 Por, Will., 4 Porlier or Porter, Joan, 42 Porter, Sir John, 103; Joan, 187 Portyng, Joan, 115 ; Will., 42 Potter, John, 47 ; Nich., 14 ; Will., 17 Pound, Will., 105 Ponse, John, 13 Powell, Aqnes, 131 ; John a, 188 Power, Will., 64 Powey, John, 126 Powle, Agnes, 127 ; Sir Henrv, 1.j7, 158; Mary, 127; AVill., 8 Powlyn, John, 105 Powyn, John, 115 Poyer, Will., 64 Pratfe, Joan, 188; John, 188; Marg., 188; Will., 188 Prelatt, Will., 201 Prestoke, John, 69 Preston, Agn., 72; John, 72, 73; Sir Thos., 72, 73 Prior, Agnes, 132 ; Anne, 132 ; Edith, 132; John, 132; Nich., 132; Rich., 132 Prist, Christopher, 127 ; Henry, 127 ; Joan, 127 ; John, 127, 172 Prouse, Sir Ed%y., 189 P-'ser, Watkyn, 19 Prnetts, John, 52 Prwet, Will., 94, 145, 147 Pryston, Ellen, 61; Marg., 60; Rich., 60, 61; Thos., 4, 60, 61 PnSe, Sir Thos., 87, 88 PuUhan, Will., 71 Purnell, Thos., 43 Pitcher, John, 158; Jovce, 158; Rob., 159, 167 Pucstocke, Sir Thos., 36, 37 Pyeton, Will., 70 • Pykard, Johu, 133 Pvke, Will., 152 Pyle, Walt., 41 Pi/leman, Alex., 13; John, 13; Mai-g., 13 Pyll. See Pill Pylsdon, Rob., 107, 152 Pi/me or Pymine, Annys, 55 ; Honi'v, "l70, 17l'; John, 55, 191; Midi., 104; Thos., 55; Will., 93 Pvne, John, 136, 190 Pynkerd, Joan, 91, 92 ; John, 92 Pypys, John, 78 Pyry, Joan, 54 Pytt, Will., 2, 7 Pytts, Sir Will., 73 Q Qeke, Joan, 91 Qimce?/, Joan, 123; John, 117; Rich., 117, 118, 123; Rol., 120, 123 Quicke, Will., 88 R Radforth, Johu, 62 Raff, Sir Nich., 48, 108, 109 Raks, John, 178 Rapchyn, Edm., 125 Rawle," John, 139 Rawly, Christine, 15 Rawlyn, John, 73; Thos., 66, 205 Rayman, Will., 101 Q 3 230 INDEX NOMiyVM. It/iiinold, Joan, 184; JoJin, 184; Thos., T3 Kaynye, Thos., 205 Kede, Alex., 150; Anice, 36; Anne, 36 ; Eliz., 88 ; Galf ., 87 ; Helen, 150; Isab.. 3'6; Joan, 36, 150; John, 35, 3G, 88 ; Slary, 36 ; Sir Rob., 188, 189; Su- Thos., 1, 57; Thos., 149, 150; Walt., 87, 150; Will., 36, 88, 150 Eedlere, Greg., 113; Phil., 70; Will., 69 Bendall, John, 37, 55 ; Rob., 91 lievell, Agn., 185; Will, 185 Bey, Joan, 48 ; John, 48 Rice, Rob., 31 Richards, Rich., 64 Riche, John, 58 ; Thos., 99, 126, 138 Ris.hn, 18J! Skelton, Sir John, 59, 60 Skite, Sir John, 128, 129 Skyhow, Alson, 182 ; Blanche, 182 ; Eliz., 182; Joan, 182; John, 182 {his) ; Maud, 182 ; Thos., 182 Skininer, Joan, 80; John, 73, 80, 137, 178; Thos., 77, SU; Will., 9 Skyppwj'th, Sir John, 113 Skyrell, Thos., 7 Slade, Sir John, 176, 177; John, 74; Eich., 56 Slape, John, 98 ; Rich., 98 ; Will., 67, 210 Slocock, Sir John, 71, 75, 175, 199 8locumbe,John, 78, 94, 167; Marg., 168 Slogge, John, 7 Slye, Sir Rich., 102, 103 Smalcum, Sir Will., 61, 62 Smaie, Rob., 171 Smalle, Will., 31 Smallond, Rob., 64 Smekyng, Joan, 157 Smyth or Siiii/fhe, Agnes, 105; Chris- tian, 143 ; Henry, 105 ; Isabel, 143 ; Joan, 143, 168; John, 51, 52, 94, 105, 1^9 ; Rob., 107, 109, 142, 143, 176; Simon, 188; Thos., US, 156, 163 ; Will., 7, 44, 156, 202 Snigge, Rich. , 23, 47 Soler, John, 70 Soly, Alice, \o\; Geo., 99; Sir Hugh, 107 ; Joan, 102 ; John, 151 ; Matilda, 151; Mich., 102 Somerfon, Eliz., 142 ; Walt., 142 Sender, Thos., 146 Soper, John, 159, 160, 166, 167 Sorell, Sir John, 42, 43 Southell, John, 144 Sowfhey, Joan, 11 ; John, 11, 165 Sparke, Agues, 48 ; Phil., 48 ; Rich., 48 Spavell, Will., 39 Speke, Lady Eliz., 72 Speller, Agnes, 169; Humph., 158, 169 Spence, John, 52 Spicer, Henry, 170, 171 ; Joan, 176 Spiring, Jas., 127; Will., 126 Sporyer, Eliz., 139 ; Harry, 139; John, 139; Nich., 177 Sprike, Geo., 158 Spronnesforde, John, 90 Spyrkyll, Ahce, 119 Spyryge, John, 128 Squyer, John, 101; Sir John, 5, 59; Walt., 101; Mag. Will., 73, 95, 173, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185 Squyerell, Harry, lOG ; John, 105, 106 ; Thos., 130 Ssaller, Will., 28 Stable, Joan, 159, 160; Rog., 159; Will, 159 Stableton, Sir Will., 54 Stacy, Christian, 51 ; Edw., 50 ; Joan, 51 ; Sir John, 104 ; Marg., 51 Stakhowse, Sir Raff., 50 Stalinge, John, 164 Standerd, John, 122; Marg., 118; Will, 118 Standfast, Will., 146, 147 Stapull, Will., 195 SteUy, Thos., 202 Stere, John, 194 Stevard, Antony, 48 ; Eme, 48 ; Joan, 48 ; John, 48 Stevyn, Eleanor, 76; Eliz., 60 ; Hewe, 60 ; Joan, 60, 174 ; John, 173 ; Rob., 76; Thos., 174; Will., 146, 147 Stevyns, Agn., 153 ; Hugh, 152, 153 ; Isott, 153 ; Joan. 79; John, 60, 151 ; Rob., 120 ; Thos., 60 ; Will., 59, 153 Sboddon or Stodim, Eliz., 114; Geo., 204; Joan, 114, 204; John, 100, 204; Mich., 139; Rob., 114; Symon, 114; Thomasyn, 114 Stokcombe, John, 79, 80 Stokes, John, 135 Stokton, Mag. Andrew, 209, 210 Stohie, Sir And., 190; John, 125; Purnell, 125 Stone, Harry, 102 ; John, 165 ; Rich., 56; Sir Rob., 41 ; Will., 35, 209 Stony s, Geo., 79 ; John, 79 ; Mary, 79 ; Thos., 79 ; Will., 79 Stor, John, 201 Storke, Sir Chris., Ill; John, 150 Stote, John, 156 Stowell, John, 98 ; Rob., 98 ; Thos., 98 Stoiver, John, 1.38; Rob., 138; Thos., 138 Stoivey, Agn., 69, 70 ; Geo., 69; Greg., 69,70; John, 69; Will, 69 Stradling, Joan. 164 ; Rich., l64 Strange, Will., 149 Strete, Sir Thos., 14, 15, 16, 17; Will., 100 Stwn.qc, Harry, 203 ; Hugh, 80 ; Phil, 147 Stiiddyer, John, 109 Sturges, Sir Rog., 25 Stute, John, 112; Thos., 112 Stybbe, Alice, 7; Joan, 7; John, 7; 'Nich., 7 ; Thos., 7; Water, 7 Style, Edmund, 111 Stylympes, Sir John, 28 Snlly, John, C9 23:; INDEX NOMTNUM. Snrfonl, Alson, 34 ; Annys, 31 ; Chris- tian, 'i \> Sivattoke, Alice, 1G3 ; Eliz., I(i3 ; Joan, 163; John, ]G3; Thos., 1U3 Swayn, TIios., 135 f>\vell, John, 55 ,Swen]n:or, Rich., G4; Thos., 64 iSweto, John, 152 Swytunge, John, 152, 154; Roh., 152, 154 Sybly, John, 125 Sychc, John, 80 Hyihionham, Sir Edw., 199, 200 ; Geo., 199; Joan, 199; John, 199, 200; ]\rr., 153 ; Sir Thos., 199 ; Will., 199 Sylly, John, 33 SvhiKivn, Arch., 158 Symos; j\rarj^., -13 ; Will., 202 Symms, John, 46 Siimon, Edwin, 130; Joan, ]30; John, 130; Robert, 176; Walt, 130 Svmons, Chris., 190; Joan, 190; Will., "190 T Taberor, Rob., 67 Tachcll, Thos., 125 Talbot, Sir Will., 134 Tailor, John, 43 Tamsun, John, 91 ; Peter, 91 Tanner, Joan, 99 ; Harrv, 34 Tapcscott, Rob., 79, 80 " Tn/ipar, Joan, 190; John, 190; TTW., 190 Taunton, John, 114; Thos., 123 Tavy, John, 128 Taiilor, Asrnes,, 25, 89, 185 ; Alice, 209; Chris., 81; Edm., 100; Uuqh, 65; Joan, J So, 209; John, 29, 56, 65, 89, 121, 209; Kath., 89; Marg., 65; Persyvell, 10; Rob., 30, 31, 186 ; Thos., 50, SI, 89, 209 ; Walt., 88; Will., 10, 209 Tebot, An-nes, 91 ; Thos., 88 Tcfrber, Sir Henry, 181, 182, 183 Teprge, Jas., 132 Templar, John, 101 ; Rob., 117; Thos., 122 Teryll, Rob., 139 Thatrhcr, Eliz., 38; Joan, 38; .John, 38, 39; Mars., 38; Will.,^S Thochynge, Will., 35 Thoum>^, Davy, 19; Sir David. 171; John, 86, 'l€D; Marpr., 70; Maud, 169 ; Morgan, 26; Rich., 3 ; Steph., 76 Thomson, John, 92 Thome, Alice, 110 ; Sir Andrew, 187 ; Ellen, 196; Fredim-i'ln, 196; John, 32, 100, l/i), 127, 149: Hieh., 70: Rob., 71 ; Sir Thos., 32 ; Thos.. 34, 110, 111, 196, 198; Will., 46, 94, 100, 19G Thresher, Thos., 194 Thrinuje, Agnes, 172; Annes, 172; Joan, 61 ; John, 172 ; Rich., 61 ; Rob., 172 Thurlinge, John, 122 Thvngall, Rich., 19 Tillov, Will., 135 Tirry, Dcnys, 131, 132, 133 Tobaro, Joan, Wl Todboll, John, 30 Togwyll, Ale.v., 166, 167 ; John, 166 Tokcr or Towl-er, Alice, 35; Al.-:on, 100; Eliz.,77; Evan, 23; Joan, 133; John, 17, 77, 93, 117, 119, 7.W; Nich., 35 ; Rich., 66, 89, 100; Rob., 65 ; Thos., 171 Tolle, John, 68 Tolman, Elene, 102; Nich., 101 Tomlynson, Sir Steph., 122 Toode, Sir Geo., 70, 71, 72, 110 Topcleffe, Thos., 25 Torre, AJice, 198; Joan, 197; Marg., 103; Thos., 103, 198; Thomazia, 197; Will., 198 Toryton, John, 115 Toso, John, 167 Toiu/ (alias Garland), Isahe], 53; John, 53; Kath., 53; Rich., 53 ; Will., 53 Toway, Will., 60 Toivgood, Alson, 94; Sir Edw., 95 ; Joan, 94; Sir John, 94 Townsyn, Will., 16 Trange, Will., 83 Trappc, John, 27 Traw, Rob., 39 Treble, Sir John, 98 ; Thos., 30, 31 Tredvvyn, Joan, 160 Tree, Will., 158 Tremaiile, John, 41 ; Marg., 41 ; Mary, 41 Trencher, John, 104 Trent, Sir Rich,, 194, 195; Rob., 194, 195 Trevinse, Peter, 173 Trevylyan, Mr., 153 Trichay, Sir Chris., 33 Tristram, Sir Thos., 140 Trobbe, John, 150 Troch, Rich., 51 Troman, John, 8 Trotta, John, 117, 118, 203; Sir Peter, 201, 202, i^rjj; Thos., 2; Will., 65, 130, 203 Trowe, Thos., 184 Truhh, John, 129 Trubody, Sir Thos., 131, 135 Trumpo, Peter, 69 Till. nil, Jol:ll, 129 INDEX NOMINUM. 233 Tudbole, Alice, 57; Johii, 30, 57; Thos., 57 Tuke, John, 91 Tiirges, Sir Bog., 28 Turner, Sir Will., 91, 92 rit«2/?, Christian, 137; John, 137 Twytt, Will., 109 Tybbote, Agnes, 91 ; Thos., 88 Tyhbys, John, 43 ; Rob., 43 ; Marg., 43 Tyddys, Alice, 106 Tyler, John, 58, 59 Tyllard, Sir John, 94 Tyllij, Jane, 41 ; Will, 40 Tymewell, Thos. 11 Tynt, Eob., 29 Tyrell, Rob., 202 Tytht, Isab., 151; John, 151; Will., 152 U Umfray Will., 148 Unkyng, John, 12 Upyngton, Henry, 130; Joan, 139; John, 129; Marg., 130; Rob., 139 Ure, John, 60 Vagham, Annys, 18 Valantyne, John, 202, 204 Valdron, Joan, 168 Vanner, Rob., 162 Vax, Rich., 125; Water, 125 Yellows, John, 39, 40, 147 ; Rich., 190; Thos., 147 Venycoiii, Avys, 119; Joan, 119; John, 113, 119 ; Symon, 119 Verewill or Farwell, Thos., 107 Vicare or Vicary, Alice, 86 ; Eliz., 86 Helyn, 155; Joan, 86, 178, 199 John, 86, 178, 199; Kath., 86 Marg,, 86; Oliver, 86; Rob., 86 199 ; Rog., 86, 196, 197, 198, 199 , Silvester, 86 ; Thoniazia, 86 ; Sit Will., 32, 86, 196, 197, 198, 199, 203, 205 Vincent, Sir Will., 64 Voller, Rich., 149 Vowell, Kath., 187 ; Rich., 193 Vowlet, John, 39 Vox, Thos., 158 Vyell, Joan, 138; John, 138; Nich., 138; Rob., 138 Vygor, Rob., 171 Vyldary, Alice, 203 Vyllow, John, 103 W Wade, Rob., 52 Wagstaff, Sir Nich., 126, 127 Wakley, Thos., 145 Walford, John, 82, 108, 141; Ralf, 108 Walker, Will., 94, 95 Walle, Agnes, 34 ; Alice, 35 ; Andrew, 180; John, 35; Thos., 35; Walt., 186; Will., 35 Waller, Will., 41 Wallon, Henry at, 69 Walron, Isab., 93 ; Joan, 93, 168 ; John, 41, 93 ; Osmond, 168 Walsh, Rob., 55 Walshman, Phil., 58 Walter, Morgan, 25 ; Sir Owen, 172, 173 Walys, Agnes, 51 ; John, 51 ; Will., 51 Ward, Alice, 132 Warden, John, 207 Wardrope, John, 1; Sir Will., 99, 100 Warkman, Christine, 87 ; Joan, 87 Warman, Annys, 113; David, 113; Joan, 113, 164; John, 164; Rich. 164; Thos., 77 Warne, Joan, 179.; Rob., 35; Thos., 208 ; Will., 179 Warner, John, 120; Marg., 120 Warrant, Joan, 206 Warre, John, 122; Kath., 122; Mary, 18; Sir Rich., 122; Thos., 18, 98 Warren, John. 2, 25, 27, 58, 59 ; Rich., 52 Warrham, Sir John, 6 Warry, Alice, 43; Rich., 57; Steph., 43 ; Walt., 43 Warryner, Will., 183 Watkyns, Sir John, 116; Sir Thos., 82 Wattleye, Rich., 37 Watts, John, 12, 15; Sir Rich., 68 Waylonde, Rob., 128 Waytte, Sir John, 60 Webbe, Agnes, 89, 90, 146; Alice, 9, 125, 138, 155 ; Avis, 125 ; Edward, 156; Eliz., 125; Sir Hugh, 72, 126; Joan, 125, 138, 146; Sir John, 65, 66, 148, 152, 153, 154; John, 9, 89, 90, 109, 138, 145, 146, 147, 156, 194 ; Julian, 155 ; Marg., 125 ; Marie, 9, 125; Rob., 125; Thos., 53, 89, 90, 125 Webber, Heni-y, 130; Hugh, 177; Joan, 178; John, 30, 44; Rich., 64 Webster, Christopher, 48, 49 ; Henry, 10 ; Joan, 10 ; John, 10 ; Maud, 10, 11 ; Sir Will, 10, 204 Wecam, Thos., 191 Wedmore, Joan, If, 76 ; Thos., 4 Weke, Will., 76 Well, Will, to, 174 Welles, John, 129 ; Rich., 3 234 INDEX NOMINDM. Wfllcsman, John, 81 Wel/naii, Mawtholde, 65; Rich., 65 Welond, Kob., 162 Welv, Rich., 33 Wcimer, llich., 113 Were, Nich., 31 WvtiCotte, John, 125; Thos., 125 West, Joan, 1G6, 167; John, 167 Westclako, Rob., 70 Weston, Sir Thos., 189 Westro, Rich., 103 M'ether, A(jnes, 77, 7S ; Alice, 77, 78; Joau, 77; John, 77, 78, 148, 149; Rob., 75; Thos., 148 Wetherton, John, 160 Wevt;r, Alex., GO; Julin, 59; Sir Will., 41, 42, 111. ^Voy, ^Vill., 29 AVhelcr, Joan, 11 AVhippie, John, 89 W}iite or WJiyte, Adam., 77 ; Agnes, 77 ; Alson, 31 ; Christofer, 31 ; Eliz., 79, 80; Henry, 93; Isabel, 17; Joan, 17; Sir John, 47, 189; John, 17, 31, 79, 136; Rich., 93, 97 ; Sir Rob., 136, 137 ; Rob., 79, 80, 97; Thomasine, 97, 170; Will., 17,93 Whithet, Allies, 99 ; John, 99 Whiting, John, 50; Rich., 41, 50; Thos., 206; Will., 206 Whitknyght, Ricarde, 180; Will., 180 WhvfTyn, Nic, 39 Whytlake, John, 79 Whytte, Agues, 3 ; Eclw., 3 ; Harry, 3; Joan, 3; John, 77; Matt., 142; Will., 3, 56 Whyttynge, John, 37 Wikes, Julian, 156 Wilcok, Andrew, 121 ; Joan, 121 Tri'iA:i/?is, Joan, 115 ; John,\\b; Will., 19 Williams, Anthony, 49 ; Joan, 49, 105 ; John, 42, 49, 94 ; Marg., 49 ; Rich., 105; Rob., 130; Syraon, 105; Tamsyn, 105; Thos., 36, lU5 ; Toyly, 105 ; Sir Thos., 172 Williamson, Sir Thos., 90 Willo, John, 137 Wills, Edmund, 111 ; John, 111 ; Rich., 12 Wilshare, John, 8 ; Patrick, 192 Wode, John at, 79, 80, 85 Wodward, Sir AVill., 10 AVofid, Anthony, 85 Woodloud, Water, 171 Woodman, Julian, 156 Woodrof, Agn., 119 Wornell, Alice, 192; Rich., 192 Thos., 192 Worthyngtou, Sir Rich., 99 Wryge, Isabel, 1 Wnight, Wiz., 106; Sir Rich., 6; Rich., 106; Thos., 2 Wulcote, Eliz., 73 ; Will., 73 Wyenter, Nich., 113 Wykes, Eliz., 62; Sir John, 106 Wylcocks, Joan, 64; John, Gi Wyld, Sir John, 10 WiHll/ng, Joan, 29; John, 29; Joyce, 29 ; Walt., 29 Wylmott, Isab., 109 ; John, 109 Wylson, Sir Rob., 65 Wyhvaye, John, 203, 204 Wylye, Sir — , 158 Wyndo, John, 32 ; Thos., 31 Wyudsore, John, 93 AVyne, John, 107 Wynter, John, 41 Wyrall, Rob., 63 Wysser, John, 116 Wytcombe, John, 189 Wythe, Edith, 67; Joan, 66; John, 66 Wyther, Rob., 174; Sir Thos., 178; Thos., 114, 127 Wythie, Alice, 90; Helen, 90; John, 198 ; Kath., 90 ; Will., 90, 140 Wytwill, John, 11 Wytyng, Thos., 206; Will., 109 Yeman, Will., 5 Yercombe, Sir Rog., 173 Yerde, Eliz., 149; Marg., 149; Will., 149 Yere, Annes, 30; Joau, 31 ; Jvlm, 30 ; Marg., 30 Yerlome, John, 24 Yonge, Alice, 20 ; Denys, 207 ; Hiigh, 20 ; Isabel, 25 ; Joan, 132 ; John, 20, 25, 61, 132, 146, 208 ; Joice, 17 ; Marg., 20 ; Thos., 207 ; Will., 132 Yoode or Yede, Agn., 168; Rog., 168 Z Zegar (see Segar), Alice, 34; Joan, 34 ; John, 34 Zelye, Thos., 178 Zole (.see Soly), Joan, 150; John, 70, 71, 72, 150; Rob., 110; Zyblo, 110 Note. — Page 12, Dno. Joh. lukar or Jukcr (see " Somerset lucunibents," 319). Page 25, Morgan Muter \_07- Water]. According to the Old Index Morgan Water is correct. Page 34, the testators John and Alice Zcgar belonged to West Bv.ckhnid, not to Buckland Si. Mary. PRINTED BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, LIMITED, LONDON AND BECCLES. \ ^fv 3 CT^ UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY ^^-OriS^ik is DUE on the last date stamped below I I l&im^ Fnrm Ii-!> 1 fvfrt-T.'Hfi 670 Weaver - S49W3 Wells^ wTIlsJ DA 5f9W5 ■' , '^i- .-i". j^.i "w.-:i^!:'-':.r:.. . ''*-'.■».:.'• . ' ',■•'''.■',.?■>■ ;. ••-■■.J, i,j.- :,-*-■ ■ ■■•i'\,'<^-"':'v^'.'.;- >i5^ -!."<' UC SOUTHERN RFGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 000 400 921 3 ■.r.v:';r f. ^j