ON FREE PUBLIC VIEW AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH. NEW YORK BEGINNING SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 12th, 1916 (LINCOLN'S BIRTHDAY) AND CONTINUING UNTIL THE MORNING OF THE DATE OF SALE. INCLUSIVE THE FAMOUS Catholina Lambert COLLECTION TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE IN THE GRAND BALLROOM OF THE PLAZA HOTEL FIFTH AVENUE. 58th TO 59th STREET. NEW YORK ON MONDAY. TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY EVENINGS FEBRUARY 21st, 22nci (Washington's Birthday) . 23rd AND 24th BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT 8 O'CLOCK Subscriber's Copy Xo.,JJ^. EDITION LIMITED TO SIX HUNDRED COPIES yitti {LmaA}^ ("UC/ UC-^t-JtO V ILLUSTRATED CATALOGl t OF MABLE PAP^' SCULPT ^ BY U ' OLD AND MODERN MA5TE THt PAMOUS T.., ^NA I ^ COLLECTION Rf MO\ ED FROM BELLE VI5TA CASTLE, PATER50N. NEW JERSEY TO Bb 50. NkESTRICTED PUBl h : R OF THF. PATERV'N ->-\i L I'LU'-M \MJ .Ki 3. lOMPAN^ OF PATER50N. NtW JERSEY, TRU5TEF AND MORTGAGEE IN THE GRANin RM ! ROOM OF THF ! 1 STREtT ON THE EVENINGS HEREIN STATFO Df.SCRIPllUN^ ,\M> ATTRIBUTIONS OF THE PAINTINGS BY THi THE OLD MASTERS BY WILLIAM ROBERTS. LONDON AUTHORITATIVE ART PUBLICATIONS. ANI MODERN PICTURES BY WILLIAM SI ,1 i>ii I'AINTtRS AND OF SEVERAL 'It T.HR SALE WILL BE CONDUCTED B ( MR. THOMAS E. KIRBY Ant) his Assistant, MR. OTTO Bf RNEl, ol :^ A550» NEW YORK 1916 No. 328 THE HOLY FAMILY, BY ANDREA DEL SARTO d.J4xMjLt C^O-^O-^^ ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF THE VALUABLE PAINTINGS AND SCULPTURES BY THE OLD AND MODERN MASTERS FORMING THE FAMOUS Catholina Lambert COLLECTION REMOVED FROM BELLE VISTA CASTLE. PATERSON, NEW JERSEY TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY ORDER OF THE PATERSON SAFE DEPOSIT AND TRUST COMPANY OF PATERSON, NEW JERSEY, TRUSTEE AND MORTGAGEE IN THE GRAND BALLROOM OF THE PLAZA HOTEL riFTH AVENUF. 5S(h TO 59ih STREET ON THE EVENINGS HEREIN STATED DESCRIPTIONS AND ATTRIBUTIONS OF THE PAINTINGS BY THE EARLY ENGLISH PAINTERS AND THE OLD MASTERS BY WILLIAM ROBERTS, LONDON. AUTHOR OF SEVERAL AUTHORITATIVE ART PUBLICATIONS. AND DESCRIPTIONS OF THE MODERN PICTURES BY WILLIAM A. COFFIN, N.A. THE SALE WILL BE CONDUCTED BY MR. THOMAS E. KIRBY And his Assistant, MR. OTTO BERNET, of THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS NEW YORK 1916 (s^q l(^ 7 cy THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION DESIGNS ITS CATALOGUES AND DIRECTS ALL DETAILS OF ILLUSTRATION TEXT AND TYPOGRAPHY THE LAMBERT COLLECTION INTRODUCTION TIr' fonniitioii of i-i)llcrti()n^ of iiicturcs by Aiiui-icaiis of t;isfe ;iiul .jiulg- iiiiiit in;i\ l)c idiinlilN divided into two periods — the time when modern con- tinental artists wei'e almost exclusivelv tlie von'ue, and llie time wlien the Old Masters of various countries became wlial may l)e described as the "ruling passion." Of the former period we have an ample and exhaustive survey in Edward Strahan's "Art Treasures in America," issued in tliree hirge vol- umes some thirtv-si\ years ago. 'I'lie taste in those bygone days was largely for pictures which told a stor\, soniethiiig wliu'h the mind could grasp without anv great efl'ort. The wcalthv American in those days was a man whose busi- ness occupations were so exacting and vai'ied that he had little or no time tor tlie Icisuri'ly tour in Europe where, and where only, lie could study the great masters of other days. During till' last thirt\ or forty years, collecting, so far as pictures are concerned, has bei-ome almo'~t entirely revolutionized: the gods of former times hiive become displaced and other and totally diH'erent gods reign in their stead. This evolution i> not |)eculiar to ,\merica, but it has been effected more ra])idlv and with more thoroughness tluri' than would be possible in anv lOurojiean coinitrv. It is not that pictures by modern artists are not collected, or that, in the words of Tacitus, rctcni iwtcMinins rccentinm in- curiosi, but that tastes have developiil into other groo\-es ; ;ind certain plia.ses of pictorial art, once ])opular, lia\'e long ceased to attract. Picture collecting is of a jirogressixe character, and but for the tastes of fortv vears ago there would be to-dav but few collections of Old jNIasters in tlu' I'nited States. At some future time it will be interesting to inquire into the causes which lirouglit about this revolution; to the names of those who contributed to it, such as Mr. John (i. Johnson, Mr. J. Pier])ont Morgan, :\Ir. P. \. B. Wideiier and Mr. 15. Altnian must be adiled that of .Mr. C'ath- olina Lambert. All these men began to collect on the lines that were pop- ular at the time, but as their intimate ac(]uaintanceship witii the old masters grew, so tlieir lo\e for them increased. Mr. Lambert, who has been one of the most enterprising and energetic of American collectors for iiearlv half a ceiiturv, has made a wise and admirable compromise between the old masters and the modern, by collecting and retaining such of the latter as have everv promise of what may be termed permanency. The Old ^Listers can always take care of themselves, for thev will always remain more or less unaffected by the changes in fashion and taste. JNIr. Lambert has succeeded in getting together one of the largest collections now existing in jirivate iiands. In forming it lie lias relied largely upon his own judgment. This large and varied collection is now to be dis- persed; its many units will in the immediate future find new homes and help to adorn other collections, and the pleasure which they have given to the present owner will be transferred to others. No one, and least of all ]\Ir. Lambert, will be disposed to insist that all these pictures are masterpieces. All collections, public as well as private, contain pictures which are interesting rather than great ; and it is not always the important pictures which give the greatest pleasure to the owner. And it is the interesting jiictures, perhaps, which constitute the backbone of the Lambert collection. There are, nevertheless, many of the first rank of importance, both among the Old Masters and the modern. Special attention may be drawn to the Andrea del Sarto, to the Botticelli, to the Luini altar- piece, and to the Rembrandt portrait of a Rabbi. As in the case of so many other early pictures scarcely anything is known of the provenance of these pictures: the first three having been conveyed out of Italv into Eng- land without any flourish of trumpets. They were bought by Mr. Lambert on their artistic merits and are now offered for sale under the same con- ditions. The Rembrandt is an unquestionably fine picture, and the fact that another version of it exists in Berlin does not invalidate its authenticitv. The quality of the early Spanish pictures is generally good, and among them are some important examples of the men who followed Velasquez and Murillo, such as Carreno de Miranda, Cocllo and Pereda. The Dutch and Flemish portrait ])ainters of the Seventeenth Century are represented by a number of first-rate examples in good condition. Particular attention maj' be directed to the Marc Geeraerts jjortrait of Lady Kenelm Digby, who sat to many painters for her portrait and whose intellectual gifts inspired so man}- of the poets and writers of her time; to the ^'an der Heist portrait of a gentleman, the Ue Keyser grou|) of the Parker family, to ;\Iierevelt's portrait of Pieter de Schilde, Councillor of Brabant, to Moreelse's portrait of another public official, the Sheriff of Dordrecht, and to Verspronck's por- trait of Mynheer Ten Eyck. In subject pictures, the same schools are also well represented — Van der Werff by a marvelous piece of flesh painting in "The Incredulity of St. Thomas," from the famous Ho]ie of Deepdene Collec- tion; Honthorst by an "Adoration of the Magi," with its curiously Flemish conception of Oriental life and costume; the big Jordaens picture of "Da'dalus Fastening the Wings on Icarus" — to select only a few of the works worthy of the attention of the amateur and others. The early English school forms a very im])ortant section of Mr. Lam- bert's collection. The pictures range from William Dobson, whose art greatly profited by his friendship with Van Dyck, down to Sir Thomas Lawrence and his friendly rival Sir William Beeche3\ In the interval we liave — and Iicre again we can only mention a few without jjrejudice to tiiu otlicrs — Wil- liam Hogarth's group of the Price family; Thomas Gainsborough's portrait of General Johnson; two particularly fine Lawrences, "The Two Sisters" and "Mrs. Inglis," as well as a most imjiosing and attractive group "At the Ojwn- ing of the Gate. Wni. Bennett and Richard Yeo may l)e specially mentioned among the Sir Joshuas, whilst the fine series of Richard Wilsons and good examples of other and later English landscajie and portrait painters help us to realize the greatness and excellence of Knglish art from its origin down to the latter half of the last century. Mr. Lambert's pictures by modern artists are in a manner dominated by the splendid series of the works of Monticelli — by far the most imj)ortant to come into the market for many years, and })robal)ly the finest grouj) which can occur during this and the next generation. As this feature is ilealt with separately, it need not be enlarged upon here. Another striking feature is the large number of pictures by the American artist, Ralph Blakelock; among them a wonderful moonlight landscape of large size. Yet a third feature, hav- ing regard to number and (juality, is seen in the many works of Georges Michel, the French artist who has depicted for us the Montmartre of Paris as it had been for centuries and as it was until the middle of the last centurj'. The story of modern French art is brought up almost to our own day. Nearly all the Barbizon painters are represented, as well as the artists who rank with them and yet do not fall quite into the same group. The important picture of Gustave Courbet and the brilliant Diaz may be specially mentioned. Several large and important examj)les of Puvis de Chavannes and of the Russian artist Verestchagin are among the features of the collection — gallery pic- tures which should find permanent homes in some jjublic institution. In no phase of modern art is the collection more remarkable than in that of the modern Impressionists — Monet, Renoir, Sisley and Pissarro are all represented by brilliant examples of their art done at their most spontaneous periods. The interest which Mr. Lambert took in American artists is also fully manifest, not alone in the Blakelock pictures already mentioned, but in the large number of works by the leading men in American art u]) to the end of the last century. It should be added, in conclusion, that, since comparatively few of the pictures have been exhibited either in Euro]ie or in this country, so far as can be traced, and as the owner kept few notes of his numerous and varied purchases, many of the details have been furnished by INIr. Lambert from his retentive memory'. W. Roberts. London, Januanj, 1916. MONTIGELLI NOTES ON MONTICELLI Monticelli is one of tlie most tragic figures in the history of modern art. As an artist and as a colorist he is sui generis, a law unto iiimself, a problem and u j)u/zlc to students and critics. With many friends and admirers, and witli wealtli and fame just witliiii his reach, Monticelli abandoned everything at tile outbreak of the l'"ranc()-(ieniian War of lfS70-71, and tramjied back to his native city, where lie remained to the end of his life, ])ainting pot-boilers to bring iiim in a crust of bread and a glass of absinthe. Other painters survived the shock of the war, but for ]\IonticeIli the sun went down, never to rise again. He would liave had the first ciaiiii to a niciie in Sainte-Beuve's proposed temple to the neglected and misunderstood, but tiie irony of fate and the mutability of fashion have transformed the neglect of a ((uarter of a century into a widespread appreciation, although his theories of art as exem- plified in liis pictures are not yet clearly understood. The biograjihical details concerning Monticelli are exceedingly few. He was born at Marseilks in \H'2i of Italian ])areiitage, and "grandit solitaire et sauvage, en ])leine nature, courant tcte nue au soleil Pete: dans la neige, en sabots." At about the age of sixteen he had attained to considerable efficiency in drawing, and at twenty-two he won the first prize at the Ecole des Beaux- Arts in Marseilles. He visited Paris in 18-17, remaining there a year studying in the museums and in the atelier of Paul Delaroche. For a year or more he traveled about Prance, anil in 1856 he was once more in Paris, where he became acquainted with Diaz, and, through him. with other artists. His works never appealed to the public, hut artists and amateurs admired his extraordinary talents. Napoleon HI ])aid 5,000 francs for one of his jiictures (which was burnt in the Tuileries), and the Empress Eugenie had commissioned a series of large pictures (two of them are in Mr. Lambert's collection), and, but for the war, ^Monticelli, doubtless, would have taken his place among the great ])ainters of the dav. The outbreak of the war of 1870 sounded the death-knell of the artist's lio))es and ambitions. He returned to ^Marseilles, where he led a precarious Bo- hemian and solitarv life, parting with his jiaintings for the value of a few francs. The death of his mother in 1888 still further hastened his decline, but his pas- sion for bright colors survived to the last. There was no sale of "remain- ing works" or public dis])ersal of the elaborate and costly equipment of a fashionable painter's studio, to give Monticelli's name a new lease of life, for his atelier consisted of a bedroom with a bed, an easel and two chairs, and, above all, a large red silk curtain which was placed over the window and which served to batli.r the whole room in purple. Roughly speaking, ^Nloiiticclli's work may be grouped into tliree periods. The first of tlicse includes liis semi-allegorical grou])s of women, dressed in the fashion of the Second Empire, walking in parks, with ruins of aqueducts and other buildings. To liis second period, that by which he is most generally known, belong the charming little ])ictures inspired by stories in the "Decam- eron," by tlie legend of Faust and Marguerite, little fi'tcs-cluimpiire.i remin- iscent of Watteau and Pater, romantic dells with statues and fountains, and peopled with ladies, gentlemen, horses and birds. In his third period may he classed ])rovincial landscapes, marines and flower j)ieces. There is vet a fourth ])eriod into which fall iiis latest works, but in these the brain no longer guides the hand; the color is as brilliant as ever, but the tliscordant notes, the amor2)hous masses of bright Inies, all too effectively tell of the paralysis of mind and body. It is not in Monticelli that one seeks perspective of line or accurate drauglitsmanshi]), any more than one goes to the novelist for strict historical accuracy. But like the novelist, he clothed the dry bones of fact witli the brilliant and varied fancy of imagination. He is the Prospero of French art of the nineteenth century ; his brilliant chromatic effect, his "maids glim- meringly grou])ed" in their dazzling dresses, antl his cavaliers in their medieval costumes, revealed a new beauty in art. As a silk manufacturer as well as a collector, JMr. Lambert from the first had a profound admiration for ]Monticelli and his brilliant color schemes. He knew the artist, and has fornu'd what is probably the finest collection of his works in existence. He has twenty-nine examples which cover the three best periods of the artist's career. Dr. ^Nlireur of ^Marseilles had eighty-eight, and Monsieur Delas had sixty-nine, but both these collections were scattered fifteen years ago. Four of Mr. Lambert's pictures are superb and unrivaled. Two of these, which are among the largest wliich Monticelli ever ])ainted, were connnissions from the Fmpress Eugenie, and, but for the downfall of the Second Em])ire, would have adorned the boudoir of one of her majesty's residences. Two others are the luxuriant ])ictures — oblong in shape — which Mr. Lambert obtained direct from the artist. These four jiictures more espe- cially represent Monticelli at the height of his remarkable ])owers of creative fancy, and arc among the greatest pictures of the period. But examples of the other phases of Monticelli's art are in the sale — from flowers to jjortraits — and it cannot be doubted that when this wonderful scries of pictures is placed on public view it will excite admiration for an artist whose genius has only bei'ii fully recognized within recent years. W. R. CATALOGUE FIRST EVENING'S SALE MONDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1916 IN THE GRAND BALLROOM OF The Plaza FIFTH AVENUE, 58th TO 59th STREET BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT 8 O'CLOCK VASILI VASILIEVK II VEIlKSn IIACUN Russian: 1842— IDO-t \-THE CAVE OF EN DOR Before the battle, as we know, Saul went to eonsiiit the Witch ol" Endor. His mission was not without danger, as the village of Endor is on the north side of little Hermon, at the foot of which was the camp of the Philistines. Saul turned to the right, and so could reach Endor "in two hours time." The witch predicted to the King his defeat and death. "And to-morrow shalt thou and thy sons be with me" (said the spirit of Sanmel to the King) ; "the Lord also shall deliver the host of Israel into the hands of the Philistines" (1 Samuel xxviii., 19). Height, 41/) iiulics; width, '•iy-> inches Front the artist's sale, Xew York, 1891. VA8ILI VASIJ.IEVICH VERESTC IIAGIN Russian: 1842—1904. 2— THE STABLE OF THE NATIVITY Strong light, falling from above, illumines the stone walls and stair- way of an interior in which is seen, with back to the spectator, a figure in a long black cloak and a crimson fez. Height, lOV. inches; zvidth, 71/; inches. Signature at the lower left partly effaced hij fading of pigment and the action of time. From the artist's sale, Xew York, 1891. AEHT VAN DEK NEER Dutch: 1G04— 1G77 3— EARLY MORNING View on a broad winding river with numerous sailing crafts, houses and trees on either side, with figures; early sunrise effects. Panel: Height, sy^ inches; length, 13 inches. Signed mth initials in lozeer left-hand corner. JOHN CONSTABJ^E, li.A. English: 1776—1837 4—STUDY Study of an autumnal scene witli two groups of trees, and a pond with fisherman. Panel: Height, 91/. inches; length, 121/^ inches. STANISLAS J.EPINE Fkench: 1836—1892 5— RIVER SCENE A GRAY day in the outskirts of Paris. The Seine, with some boats moving slowly along, occupies the left foreground, while on the right is an expanse of sandy shore witli figiu'es near the brink of the river. In the distance are the l)uildings and smoke stacks of manufacturing establishments, and on the bank, at the left, are some suburban dwell- ings. Height, I2V2 inches; length, 201^ inches. Signed at the Io-uti- right. MARTIN RICO Spanish: 1850—1908 6— OiV THE RIVERSIDE Masses of trees, at the left, on the bank of a stream, are reflected in the jjlacid waters. Tlie sky is filled with cumulus clouds, tinted pink b}^ the light of the sun at early evening. Height, 15 inches; length, 23 inches. Signed, llu o, at the lower left. EVERT JAN BOKS Belgian: 1838— 7— CASUS BELLI A MAN and his wife have had a tiff' over a milliner's bill or some other domestic cause of discussion and have both given up talking. The man, on one side of the table, smokes his meerschaum and taps his fingers on the back of his chair. His impatience is counterbalanced bj' the resigned attitude of his wife, who, chin in hand, gazes fixedly be- fore her. Panel: Height, Ki inehes; length, 2'2y.> inehes. Signed iit the Uncer left. Oil tlic hack till' artist lias jiaiiitcd liis signed declaration that lie is the painter of tjie ])icture, finished at Antwerp in March, 1881. PKOl ESSOK LLDW l(i KNAl S German: 1829—1910 S— LANDSCAPE AND PIGS A HERD of pigs lyiii^i>' in coiafort in the shade, at the foot of a hill. Snnlight illumines the distance. Height, 19 uiclict; width, 1-4% inches. Signed and dated, 1878, on tree trunk at the left. From the Albert Spencer Collection, New York, Febniar/j 28, 1888. AUUU8TE VAVL CHARLES ANA8TAS1 French: 1820—1889 9— LANDSCAPE A BKOAi) river winds between its banks on wbich are seen trees and cottages. Sailing vessels are depicted on its surface and in the fore- gi'ound are various figures and a boat. The effect is in moonlight. Panel: Height, 121/) iiiehes; length, 17 inches. Signed at the lower left. JOHN LEWIS lUiOWN French: 1829—1890 W—CHEJAUX AU BORD DE LA MER Grooms exercising and bathing their horses in an inlet, with a high cliff rising, on the right, above the sea. Panel: Height, O'/^; inches; -width, 7 inches. Signed at the lower right. ADOLPIIE :M0N TICELLI French: 1824—1886 U—LADV WITH A FAN A i.ADY, in a fjfown of cramoisi velvet and white satin, seated before a lectern with a fan in lier hand. The figure is depicted in profile view. Companion piece to No. 12. Panel: Ilnijlil. 10 inches; xcidtli, i inches. ADOLPIIE MONTH EELI French: 18-2-1— 1880 12— THE CAVALIER A CAVALIER in black velvet costume, mounted on a white horse, ap- proaching on a road at the edge of a forest. Companion piece to No. 11. Panel: Height, lOVl' inches; width, ^i/o inches. Signed at the lower left. ADOLPIIE MONTICELLI French: 1824—1886 13— FAUST AND MARGUERITE Faust, Marguei'ite and JNIephistopheles grouiJed closely together. A color harmony with strong notes of red, light and dark hlues, quali- fied with gray and, in the hackground, hlue and green. I'tnirl : IlcUjht, 12 inches; ic'idth, 8 inches. Signed at the lower left. ADOEPIIE MONTICELLI French: 1824—1886 14~F LOWER PIECE A WHITE and brown Chinese vase filled with field daisies. On the left of the bouquet is a large red blossom. Panel: Ileiylit, 11 inches; tciilth, ()',■_> inches. Signed iif the loicer left. RALPH AIJiKRT RLAKELOCK, A.N.A. American: 1847 — 15— LANDSCAPE AND MOONLIGHT A LAKE framed in with trees on either side of the coiiipositiou. The full moon, rising over the hills of the farther shore, is reflected on the waters. Height. 8 iiuhcs; xchltli, fi inclirs. Signed at the Joxcer right. KAI.PII AJJJEllT BLAKELOCK, A.N.A. Ajierican : ISJ'T — \Q— LANDSCAPE This landscape is especially notahle for the frank, clear tints of blue and white in the sky. It is nuich less subdued in color than most of the landscajies by this individual artist, but it is most convincing by its rare brilliancy. Dark tree foliage and gray greens and browns in the foreground harmonize in charming fashion with the clarity of the sky. Panel: Height. 10 inehes: length. 12l^_, inehes. GEORGES MICH El. French: 1763—1843 17— LANDSCAPE A LANDSCAPE hamiony in brown and g'l'ay. On the left is rising groinid, mostly in shadow, crowned with trees; on the right, beyond, the wide stretch of a plain batlied in sunlight. The sky is composed of gray clouds, graduated into warm but delicate-vellow light on the left. Height, 1-i iiichat; length, 18 inches. GEORGES MICHEL French: 1763—1843 IS— LANDSCAPE WITH CASTLE A LANDSCAPE with an attractive scheme of color. The sky is blue with white clouds. At the left is a group of forest trees with a castle, on a hill, silhouetted against the sky. Some cattle are seen in the fore- ground ; there is a river in the middle distance, and beyond, at the right, is a stretch of hills in atmospheric tones of blue. Height, 17 inchrx: length. 27 inches. GEOKGES MICIIEE French: 1763—18^3 \9— LANDSCAPE WITH TREES A COMPOSITION of classical aspect with large, full-foliaged trees on either side of a roadway. The dark masses of the trees showing against the sky and the sky itself, with its great white clouds, are so placed as to form a very striking ensemble. Canvas: Hclcjht, 19 inches i length, 231/2 inches. \' K 1 < ) K P I ERIIE HIT G 1 1 FJV Fuench: 1835—1902 20— THE ARRIVAL A PARTY of JNIoorish horsemen at the entrance of a white-walled house with a green, railed balcony over the doorway. One of the riders has dismounted and his horse is being led through a doorway at the left of the picture. The effect shows full sunlight. Height, 15 inches; length, 18 inches. Signed at the loiver left. JOHN LEWIS BriOAVN French: 1829—1890 21— THE MEET A BKOAJJ .stretch of Hat country with hills in the distance. A lady and two gentlemen, seated in their saddles, await the beginning of the chase. Panel: Height, 15 inehes; zcidth, liO\(, inches. Signed at the Jorcer left. STANISLAS LEPINE French: IH.'JG— 1892 22— MOONLIGHT The composition shows a pond in the right foreground and, at the left, a group of trees. In the middle distance a church tower is seen. Over all, a gray, night sky with saffron moon. Canvas: Height, 18 inehes; length, 211/, inches. Signed at the hncer left. AUGIST FRANZEN, A.N .A. American: 1863 — 23— A VISTA IN FRANCE From a sandy dooryard, enclosed with a low stone wall and with a fruit tree in the left center, the view comprises the walls of country houses and the spire of a church. Water Color: Height, 171 /. inches; ^'idth. 111/, inches. Signed (it the h)7i'er right. AKTIIITR QUARTJ^EY, N.A. Amekican: 1839—1886 24^31 A R IN E A HEADLAND, with houses and a church, juts out from the right of the composition. Two sailing vessels are seen approaching and the sky, of quiet hlue-gray with clouds in the upper portion, is illuminated by the rising moon, which is just appearing over the headland. Height, 13 inches; length, 21 inches. Signed at the loicer right. F. K. M. REHN, N.A. American: 1848—1914 25— LANDSCAPE A SUNSET landscape with marshes and stream in the foregronnd. At the left, on the horizon, are a windmill and some other huildings. At the horizon the sky is reddened by the setting sun and warm tones are gradated up to the top of the composition. Well up. on the left, is seen the thin crescent of the new moon. Height. 10 inclic.i; U'lKjfh. 23V^ inches. Signed tit the hncrr left. FKM Rkhn. EDWAlil) LAMSON HENRY, N.A. American: 184^1 — 1Q~UNINVITED GUESTS A FARMHOUSE scene wherein the master, probably a bachelor, who is a portly man of middle age, has fallen asleep after Ills meal at a small table and the chickens, as is their wont when not kejjt away by a watchful housewife, have invaded the kitchen. Tlirou^h an open door is seen a cheery yard under the light of the summer sun. The work is marked by the excellent drawing and complete rendering of detail that is characteristic of one of the most po])ular of American genre painters. Height, 181/2 inches; length, '2-i\'-2 inches. Signed at the loicer right, K. I.. Henry. SI U JOHN GILUEKT, 11. A. English: 1817—1897 27 —THE 11 Eli A LD OF THE TOWER Full-length figure of a herald in a scarlet tunic trimmed with black and gold, and wearing a black velvet cloak. The head is turned to- ward the spectator and the right hand supports a silver trumpet from which hangs a richly embroidered banner. The setting for the figure is formed by the massive pillars of a castle porch and a sky with gray clouds. Height, 'ZSy^ inches; width, 16 inches. Signed at the lower left. This is ])rol)!il)ly "j^ Triiiiipittr''' uxliibitttl at tho Britisii Institution in 1866, No. 76. AUGIST I IIANZEN, A.N .A. American : 1863 — 2S— HEAD OF A GIRL The liead of a young girl whose shoulders are covereil by a white kerchief. The background is composed of vari-colored foliage. Water Color: Height, 211/o inches; zcidth, 13 inches. Signed at the lower left. JOHN LEWIS BROWN French: 1829—1890 29— LA BAIGNADE DES CHEVAUX A LAD with three horses in the surf in the foreground. On the left, farther out, a groom with two other horses. Beyond is a headland with a low, white tower, and overhead there is a fine sky of white clouds with spaces of blue in the upper portion. Height, '2\\(. inches; xcitlth, 13Vl' inches. Signed at the lower right. ST A M S L A S L E V 1 X 1 ] French: 1830—1892 mSTlilJET SCENE A NARROW street witli lioiises at tlie left and a .steep iiieline of rock at the right, with overhanging foHage. A woman vendor in the road- way is bargaining with one of the tenants of tlie houses, wlio appears at a window. In the distance a priest is apjjroaching. Ilc'njiit. 22 hnlus: 7ciilth, 15 incites. Signed at the I(>7cer left. CllAllLES JJAIUU E French: 1856—1883 31— PEASANT nor OF THE APENNINES Half-lkngth head of a httle lad, whose back is toward the specta- tor, with head tiu'ned to look over his right shoulder. The wide- brininied hat which shields his face is decorated with Howers. Height, '2'2 inches; 7ci(Ifh, ISl^ inches. Signed, Barc.i'e, nt the loxccr left. AD01.P11E MONTICELLI French: 1824 — 1886 32— THE GRIFFIN Beside a garden statue of a griffin a woman and a child are seen, the child holding a bunch of lilacs. Panel: Height, 11 inches; width, 7^ inches. Signed at the lower left. ADOLPiiE :monticelli French: 182-1—1886 33— THE CA VA LCADE A GROUP of horsemen. On the left a cavalier and a lady are seen look- ing at the riders. The setting for the figures is composed of trees and a sky of blue. Panel: Height, 61/) inches; length, 19 inches. ADOLPirE ^rON TICELLI French: 1824—1886 " 34— ON THE TERRACE A LADY and gentleman are seen, at the right, standing near a bakis- trade, ready to greet a lady in a yellow gown, the train of which is held np by two pages, who is approaching from the left. Panel: Height, 7 hnhes; width, 19 inches. Signed at the lozver left. ADOLPHE MONTR EL LI French: 1824—1886 35— FEEDING THE CHICKENS A WOMAN, in blue and white, feeding a flock of chickens. The combs and plumage of the cock and hens give brilliant notes of red, yellow and white in the resonant ensemble. Panel: Height, ll' incJies; icidth, lOy^ inches. Signed at the lower right. A I )0 L 1 * 1 1 1 : .MON TIC E I . L 1 French: 1S2-1— 1886 S6—SA3ISON AND DELILAH The figure of Sanison is seen lying prone in sleep at the right of the composition. On tlie left is the nude, seated figure of Delilah. Panel: Height. 1 .'J inches: n'idth, HVi; inches. Signed rcith initial. M. GEOlKiKS .MICHEL French: 1763—1843 ii7- LANDSCAPE A VEKY simple motive of rolling country with a hill on the left. Light masses in tlie foregroimd, a middle distance in somher tones and a sky of gray, with varied cloud forms, complete a most effective ensemble. Height. 1!) inelies; length. -4' ^ inches French: 1763 1843 SS— LANDSCAPE WITH WINDMILL A SKY with storm clouds of dark gray overhangs a diversified land- scape with a windmill, villages and farm lands. Beyond, on the left, is a glimpse of the distant sea. An impressive, dramatic composition. Height, 171 o 'mcJux: hiu/t]i, 251^ hiclics. GEOEGES MICHEL French: 1763—1843 59— LANDSCAPE A VERY skilfully composed gray landscape. The foreground is cov- ered with a broad shadow and the principal elements of the composi- tion are a group of cottages with white walls and thatched roofs, on the roadside, at the right ; in the left center a fine oak, standing alone, and a sky of gray clouds with dark masses, at the right. On the left of the canvas through a rift in the clouds a broad gleam of sun- shine illuminates the white walls of the cottages with fine effect. Height, 19 inches; length, 25l/o inches. yiCTOli riERPvE IIUGUET French: 1835—1902 40— ORIENTAL SCENE A GROUP of Arabs, with their white horses, on the shore of a lake. On the right are high, rocky cliffs, crowned with verdure. The sky is of atniosjjheric blue. Height, IS^/o inches; width, 241/0 inches. FREDERIC MONTENARD French: 1849 — 41— A VIEW IN THE MIDI The foreground is occui)ied by a sandy jilain, with rocks and trees. In the distance is a range of niomitains. The sky is of blue with white clouds, and the effect is one of bright sunlight. Height, 16^2 inches; length, 27^2 inches. Signed at the lorccr right, and dated "89. AJ^FIJET) STSLEY French: 1 839— 1899 42— ON THE SEINE The river Seine is depicted in tliis landscape at some point between Rouen and Paris, where it winds its way among hills covered with trees in autumn foliage. In the distance, where the river makes a turn around a headland, are some tugs with red smokestacks and nearer the foreground is a skiff, with people in it, crossing in mid- stream. Poplars on the hank, at the right, reach upward in the sky, which shows an expanse of lilue with whitish-gray clouds. Height, ISy^ inches; length, 2\\(> indies. Signed at the lo-wer left, and dated '74'. CAMILLE rissArviio French: 1830—1903 43— OX THE HIGHWAY A RROAD roadway extending from the foreground to the middle tlis- tance on the left, with a house and a low, tile-roofed building on the right. Trees line the highway on either side and the sky is of gray with some dull white clouds. Height, IG inches; length, '1\ inches. KALrU ALBlviri J5J.AKELOC Jv, A.X.A. American : ISiT — 44~MOOXRISE A NIGHT effect with rich tonality, with the moon rising. In tlic mid- dle distance is a group of trees. Height, 121^ inches: length. 17'^. inches. Signed at the lower right. IIALPII ALBEIJT liLAKELOCK, A.N.A. American: IS^T — 45~~LANDSCAPE A POOL ill the fore<)i-ouiul and dark trees .showing against a bright sky with clouds in the ujiper portion. H fight, 1(5 iiulic.s; length. 24' inches. Signed at the hncer right. HAJ.Pll AJ.BEHT BLAKELOCK, A.N. A. American : 1847 — 4Q— LANDSCAPE A BROOK tunililing through a rocky slope in a forest. The rich autumn foliage of the trees fills the greater part of tlie canvas and in the upper center there is a glimpse of sky. Height, 1(3 inches: length, '2^ inches. Signed at the right. ADOLPHE MONTICELLI French: 1824.— 1886 47— THREE LADIES A GROUP of three yoiinjr women, clad in robes of blue, red and yel- low, seated on a garden bench. The setting for the figures consists of tree foliage, on the right, and on the left is a glimpse of a sky in- tensely blue. Panel: Height, 18 inches; xcidth, 141/2 inches. Signed at the lourr left. ADOLPHE MONTICELLI French: 1824-1886 4S-~THE ARRIVAL OF CUPID Standing in the middle of a group of five ladies in multi-colored robes, and a man at the outer edge of the company, in the background, is the nude figure of Cupid, whose presence seems to evoke keen interest in the members of the party. Height, 15 inches; length, 18 inches. Sign-ed at the lower left. Cut out from a panel of a door in tlie stuilio of Diaz the artist. ADOI.PIIE MONTKELLI French: 1824—1886 49— A LADY'S PORTRAIT Three-quarter length seated figure of a young woman dressed in a frock of yellowish white and wearing a hat of black velvet with crown of light blue. Panel: Height, 19 inches; length, 121/2 inches. Signed at the right, and dated 1875. ADOI.rilE MONTICELLT French: 1824—1886 50— THE POULTRY YARD A FI.OCK of chickens and ducks in an enclosure with a gateway, open- ing out on a perspective of sea and shore. Panel: Height, 13 inches; length, 19 inches. Signed at the lower left. GEOHGES MICHEL French: 1763—1843 51~LANDSCAPE A CLASSICAL composition showing a group of dark trees on a bank at the left. Other masses of trees appear on the right of the picture and tln-ough the middle ground runs a stream. Dark, gray clouds fill the ujjper part of the sky, and the lower part, nearing the horizon, is brightened by a stronger illumination. Canvas: Height, 20 inchcf!; length, 26 inches. GEORGES MICITEE French; 1763—1843 52— THE EUINEl) CHATEAU In the left foreground is a ruined structure, with an archway span- ning the water, and the remains of a massive tower. Beyond are a few trees. On tlie riglit, heyond intervening plains, is a hillside, gray- blue in the distance. Ovcrliead are somber masses of cloud forms with the sky gradated, in the upj^er part, into a simple expanse of gray. Height, 201/2 i>i(-h(s; length, 20 inches. (iEOKGES MICHEL French: 1763—1843 53— LANDSCAPE In the foreground are some great trees which have been partly de- stroyed by wind and weather. Their trunks and branches grow upward in twisted forms. On the right, beyond, is a liill witli thick- foliaged trees. Tlie sky is composed of gray clouds. Height, 20 inches; length, 27 inches. eni;lii^ii school 54— landscape A LANDSCATE witli a gToup of trees in a dell and a gentleman on horsehaek aceonipanicd by a dog. Pigs in pasture on the left. Heiylif, "JO'-, hulic.s-; length, '29 inches. BENJAMIN WILLIAMS LEADER, R.A. English: —1831 55—ENaiASII E. I XDSC A PE A VIEW of rolling eountry, showing fields and woods and, in the fore- ground, a stream. Over all is a sky of white and gray clouds with a glimpse of blue at the upper right. Height, '20 inches; length. 80 inches. Signet! at the hncer left, innl dtited l,S.S(i. AVILLIAM II. ( HOMK English: 1826—1848 5Q— LANDSCAPE An aged oak tree occupies the center of the view; seated peasant and cart wheel near dilapidated cottage and hills in distance to right. Height, 28 inches; length, 313 inches. GEORGE V IN (EXT Exglish: 1796—1880 51— LANDSCAPE Landscape with cottages and tall overhanging trees; a peasant in red cap and white smock seated on a log to left, pool in foreground ; dog, boat and cows. Height, 2'iV-> inches: length, 291/^ inches. JOHANN MAKTIN MKTZ (of Cologne) German: 1730—1800 5S~F LOWER PIECE Tulips, primulas and other flowers loosely arranged on a ledge. Canvas: Height, 28 ^A inches; zcidth, 21 inches. Signed, and dated 1771. Companion piece to No. 59. JOITANN MAirrrN METZ (of Cologne) German: 1730—1800 59— FLOWER PIECE Tulips, lilies and other flowers, and hird's nest with eggs. Height, 281/2 inches; mdth, 21 inches. Companion piece to Xo. 58. GEORGES MICTTEE French: 1763—1843 QO LANDSCAPE A HARMONY in grays and sober browns. A road winds into the pic- ture from the immediate foreground; a group of trees is seen on the left, and farther away in the right of the composition there is a single tree, on the roadside, and a cottage nearljy. The sky of gray is dark in the lower right, gradating to large masses of tempered white at the left. Height, '21 inches; length, 271/2 inches. GEORGES MICIIEE French: 1763—1843 Ql—SEACOAST WITH BOATS AND FIGURES A COAST view on an estuary of the sea with vessels and, on the shore, groups of fishermen. To the left is seen a tall mast with hoisting ap- paratus for putting up lights at night. The foregroimd shows a sandy beach and across the water is a line of hills. The sky is composed of gray clouds. Height, 20 inches; length, 27^/2 inches. Purchased from Messrs. Durand-Ruel. ALFRED SIS LEY French: 1839—1899 62— iO UVECIENNES A ROADWAY, lined with trees in antumn foliage, leading into a vil- lage. The effect is in sunliglit with a sky of graj^ blue and white clouds. Height, 18 iiichfs; length, 22 inches. Signed at the lower right. On the back of the canvas is a sketch of another winter scene with house and carriage and figures. Both scenes were painted before the war of 1870, wlien Sisley lived at Louveciennes, close to Marly-le-Roi and Bougival. Nearly all the pretty N])ots in these districts have been preserved to us in Sisley's pictures. CLAUDE MONET French: 1840 — 68— OiV THE COAST OF NORMANDY The sea appears, in the foreground, within one of the curious cliff- rock formations on the Xorniandy Coast near Etretat. Through an irregularly shaped opening in the rocky wall there is a view of the sea and a distant headland and a steeple-like rock. Height. 281/; inches; width, 231/; inches. Signed, and dated '80. PlEKriE AUCiUSTE HEN Oil? French: 1841 — Q4^0LIV1E11S BE L'ESTAQUE, MAIISEILLES An olive grove on a hill in the foreground which overlooks the waters of the INIcditerranean. Beyond is the distant shore of the bay with a range of mountains. Height, 14 inches; length, 25l/> inches. Signed, Renoir, at the loicer tight, ht whicli falls from a break in the clouded sky from a jjoint above, and outside of, the picture. Height, 22 inches; length, 351/0 inches. Signed tit the hncer left, and dated "90. ALl KED W All J JU:HG Swedish: 1834—1906 71— LANDSCAPE In the foreground the somewhat marshy shores of a lake, with reeds and other herl)a<>e. On the right, on a slight eminence, a mass of trees showing against the strong color harmonies of a sunset sky. Effective contrasts are produced by the well-handled opposition and the entire ])icturc is characterized ])y ])readth and unity. Height, 211/0 inches; length, 34 inches. Signed at the hncer left, Al. Wah i.iiKur,, and dated 1879. RATMIXDO DE iSIADHAZO Spanish: 18-il — 72— CONFIDENC 'KS A LADY, in white, seated in her boudoir, is drawing on one of her pink satin shippers. Standing ])eside lier is a lady visitor, wearing a cos- tume of bhie and tan eolor of the mode of the Second Empire. The figure in white is notable as one of the best pieces of painting of a ver}^ talented artist of the contemporary French school. The furniture and accessories of tlie apartment are carefully and simply rendered. Height, 'M) inches; xcidth. 2H\[. iiirhe.i. Signed at the left. ¥ V: 1 M ) I N AN \) no Y 1 i 171^ French: 184.0— 7S— THE SULTAN'S FAVORITE The nude figure of a young woman of brunette type reclining on a leopard skin and draperies, her head supported by a cushion. A negro servant, who is seen behind her, with a large white feather fan, makes an effective foil for the nude body. Among the accessories are a cock- atoo, perched on a table, a guitar and a smoking stand. Height, 28l/i; inche.i; length, 38 inches. Signed, F. Rovuf.t. at the lorcer left. JEAN 1U( HARD GOUBIE French: 1842—1899 7 4 —THE HIDE An equestrian scene in which we see a party consisting of a gentle- man, two ladies and two children, on ponies, riding through a grassy lane, while a flock of white turkeys, alarmed at their approach, are scurrying across in front of the horses to the shelter of the hedges on the right. The landscape is depicted in an agreeable color scheme in which green predominates and the sky of l)lue with white clouds is veiled with the light vapors characteristic of the summer season in northern and western France. Height, SGly-o inches; width, 39 inches. Signed at the lo-icer left, R. Gouiuk, luid dated 1883. JOSEPH STANNARD ExGiJsn: 1797—1830 75— AN OLD MILL, NOliWICll View of an old mill on the edge of river, with cottages and overhang- ing trees; in the center is an old man in a hoat, a child and dog to right. Canvas: Height, '25l/> inches; length, 37 inches. JAN MOLENAER Dutch ; Dikd in 1(585 7Q—THE VILLAGE FETE An open-air evening scene, with numerous peasants drinking, smok- ing and dancing; houses and trees in the background with inns and canvas tents; church spire in distance to right. Canvas: Height, 28 inches; length, 41i/> inches. Purchased from i]fessrs. Diirund-Iiuel. JOHN BEKNAY CliOME English: 1793— 18J<2 17 ^VILLAGE ON THE TARE The river Yarc, witli numerous sailiii"- Iroats on either side, a rough wood jetty with figures in the eenter ol' the river; windmills and trees to right and left, church sjjire and houses in the distance; cloudy sky with moonlight effects. Camas: Height, 271/; inches; length, 39 inches. Purchased from Messrs. Wallis of London. JULIAN KIX American: 1851—1903 7S—A DEVONSHIRE FARMHOUSE TiiK broad, jjlacid surface of a river fills the foreground and stretclies away to the horizon, on the right. On the left of the composition a high bank, with trees, extends in perspective to the middle distance. Amid the trees appears a white-walled house, long and low, with thatched roofs. Height, 24 incites; length, ■i2 inches. Signed at the lower left. FKANK M. BOGGS American : 1885 — 79— IN THE HARBOR In the "basin" of a French fishing port, surrounded by high walls, are two fishing boats. On the quays above appear the houses of the town, old-fashioned and picturesque architecture with high gabled roofs and a multitude of chimneys. Over all is a sky of pearly gray. Height, SlYi inches; width, 211/2 i»chcs. Signed at lower left, Boggs. Purchased from the artist. FRKDKIUCK W. KOST, N.A. Ameukan : 1861 — S0~MOONRISE A FINE example of the work of a well-known land.sea2)e painter. Crossing' a stream in the center of the composition is a horse and cart. The horse lias stopped to drink and the di'iver waits till his thirst is quenched. On either side are masses of trees which admirably hold their places in receding distance from the spectator. The effect is at tlie hour of mooin-ise in summer, and tiie moon itself is seen coming up over the hills. The sky vibrates with atmospheric quality. Height. •52 inclics; length, -10 inches. Signed at the loxcer right, Kost. AXCIKXT 1)1 J (II S( IIOOL s\—inti:nior of a catiikdkal In a Dutch cathedral iiuinei-ous fi^'ures in seventeenth century cos- tumes are seen, grouped, for the greater {)art, around tlie |)ul[)it from which the pastor is preaching his sermon. Height. .'{!) iiiclns; -ic'uUh. ■'J+'u iiiclws. Purchased from the late II. <). ]Vatsu)i. GVA)\Ui\] iii.Hr»i:irr .Mccoim). a.x.a. Amehkax: 1848—1909 S2--fVIXl)S()N CASTLE The massive round towers of the castle on the hill at the right rise high up in the composition, the more distant walls being partly lost in the vaporous atmosphere which is well depicted in the hazy but vibrating sky with great clouds and the sun faintly shining through the mist. In the foreground is the river with the bridge and a stiu'dily built saihng vessel moored in the quiet water. Height, GOi-_> inches; width, 401/2 inches. Signed at the lower right. LOUIS KITTER S3— THE VILLA CASTELLANI A riCTUKE of springtime in its smiling aspects in svmny Italy. A roadway, garden walls and terraces with trees in fresh, green foliage are the elements of the composition and the ensemble is harmonious and pleasing. Height, 311/2 inches; length, 40 inches. Signed at the lower left. Villa Castellani, Bellaguarda, and dated 1888. PII:TER NEEFIS Dutch: circa 1577 — 1G61 Si—INTERIOR OF A CATHEDRAL The central aisle of a Cathedral (probably Upsala), with elaborate architectural details; to left a celebration with kneeling worshippers, and numerous figures walking to and fro. Height, 281/. inches; length, 44'Vo inches. IMJOFESSOK KAKL IIEFFNEK' German: 1849 — 85~LANDSCAPE On the shore, at the right, an ancient church is seen towering above the trees and on the left are the distant banks of a river. The sky is clouded with gray, after the passing of a shower, and a band of light at the horizon indicates clearing weather. Height, 33l/> inches; length, 47 inches. 8CTIOOL OF VAN IIUYSDAEL SQ— LANDSCAPE AND WATERMILL ViEAV with tall trees overshading a watermill, a thatched-roof cottage and other houses; two figures approaching to front. Height, 39 inches; length, 47 inches. (^I()^ ANNl BATTISTA CTPTilANI, H.A. English: 1727—1785 S7— WOMEN BATHING View in a deep ravine with rocky river surrounded by high, well- wooded hills; eight women bathers, some on the banks and others in the water; a Cupid on the branch of a tree to left, a waterfall to right, and in the distance a castle on the top of a hill. Height, -iO inches; length, 50 inches. Purchased from M. Eugene Fischhof. LU( IKN ALPIIONSE (;H08 French: 184-5— {Pujjil of Meissonlcr) 88— THE PERSECUTION OF THE HUGUENOTS A GREAT assemblage of soldiers and civilians, among the latter a woman with a child clinging to her for protection, in a vast hangar the roof of which is supported by stone pillars. The central group is composed of the Catholic seigneur of the locality before whom the Huguenots are dragged for judgment, a suppliant, on his knees Avith back bared for the lash, and an officer of the soldiery who holds in his hand a rope, ending in a noose around the prisoner's neck. Excite- ment reigns among the people thus herded together at the command of the seigneur, and their vigorous efforts to shield themselves from the brutality of their captors is in strong contrast to the stern placid- ity of the judge and his entourage of officers and retainers who are grouped around him. Height, 42 inches; length, 55 inches. Signed at the loxver left, and ihttetl 1871. A DIM EN MORE A U French: 1843—1906 H9—UNE REPETITION BE LA TUAGEDIE "MIliAME CHEZ LE CARDINAL RICHELIEU In a richly furnished apartment, carpeted with red, are a dozen ladies and gentlemen of the com't of IjOiiis Treize. who are grouped, some seated, some standing, aroimd the armchair of Cardinal Richelieu. The Cardinal, in his red rohes and with his feet resting on a cushion, listens to the great comedian and dramatist, who is reading a new play to his powerfid ])atron. The picture is adinirahly composed and exhihits the work, in his hest ])eriod, of a celehrated French painter of historical genre. Height, 46 inches; length. 58 inches. Signed at the loxcer left, and dated 1879. The author of "Miraiiic," 1642, was Desmarets, Scignuur do Saint SorHn, tlie writer of a hxrge miniber of now forgotten plays. He was one of tlie first forty members wlio constituted the Academie Franc^'aisc at its institution in 1634. SOLOMON \ AX RITYSDAKL Dutch: 1608—1670 90— DOIWRECHT ViEAV of the Ciillicdral at Dordrecht and houses, fully ri,y\ui'e of a young woman seated on a couch, with drapery of white and red, and holdin<>' up a bhie vehet cloak. A piUar and the foHa<>e of a lar<)e plant compose the background. The figure is well drawn and modeled and the ensemble is characterized by luminositj' of effect. Heighl, (il- iiiclu-s; tciiltJi, 4.51 ^ 'niches. Sigiwil lit Ihf hncir r'ujJtt, and dated 18GG. From the A. T. Stewart Collection, Nerc York, 1887. and the Daniel Powers Collection, A'rro York, 1899. Mentioned in Edicard Strahau's '"The Art Treasures of America," 1879, Vol. 1, p. 52. AVIEIIELM YON LIN DEXSC IIMIT German: 1829—1895 9S— LUTHER AND THE REFORMERS AT MARBURG, 1529 A WELL-COMPOSED grouji of some thirty figures, of whom sixteen are portraits. JNIartin Luther is depicted, on the left of the composition, standing beside a large table covered with a green cloth, and reading his address to the reformers. Height, 55 incites; length, 79 inches. (With key to the personages.) From the D. W. Powers Collection, .fannari/ 19, 1899. JAN LOOTEN Dutch: 1618—1681 94^THE SIGN-POST Broad view of undulating country with ancient oak and other trees on either side; on left two travelers, one mounted on a donkey and reading a sign-post; near them a peasant woman taking a cow to water; a cavalcade of horsemen approaching from the right. Height, -151/. inches; length, 561/2 inches. JAN VAN IIUY8UM Dutch: 1682— 17J<9 95— FLOWERS Large sculptured vase with a massed arrangement of various bril- liantly colored flowers which occupy nearly the whole canvas. Height, 71 inches; width, 46 inches. E I. E IITE IIIO PAGE I AN O Italian: 1826—1903 9Q— NAPOLEON BIDDING FAREWELL TO THE EM- PRESS JOSEPHINE IN THE PALACE OF FON- TAINEBLEAU A FINELY composed group of two figures, near a window in an apart- ment with furnishings of green. The Empress, seated, is seen holding her handkerchief to her face, with her elbow resting on a table, while her left hand is held in the affectionate grasp of the Emperor. The Emperor's military dress, comprising the tints of the tricolor, and the Empress's elegant gown of white satin, with lace over-dress, are painted with restraint of color and excellent breadth of handling. The head of the Emjjeror, in half-tone, and the neck and shoulders of the fair Josephine, with light falling on them from the window, are cleverly depicted. Height, 801/. inches; width, 50 inches. Signed at the upper left: dated 1880. Exhibited at Milan in 1885 and in nutuij places on the continent of Europe and in the United States. SECOND EVENING'S SALE TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1916 IN THE GRAND BALLROOM OF The Plaza FIFTH AVENUE, 58th TO 59th STREET BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT 8 O'CLOCK UNKNOWN AKTIST r~ T^ ^1—LAST SUFFER A GROUP of twelve small half-length figures seated at the sujjper table, with the Saviour in the center; gold background. Panel: Height, 11 inches; length, 16 inches. VICTOK PIEliPvE IIUGUET French: 1835—1902 98—^ PASSING CALL A JNIooR, mounted on a black Arabian horse, has stopped at the door of an Oriental dwelling to chat with a young woman who is leaning out over the lower half of the door. Sunlight gleams on the upper part of the white walls of the house, while all the foreground of the picture is in cool shadow. Canvas: Height, 18 inches; width, 15 inches. Signed at the lower left. EUGENE LOUIS BOUDIN French: 1824—1898 9SA—TROUFILLE A VIEW of the fishing port of Trouville. The sea is at low tide and vessels are seen near the walls of the quay. The sky is of blue with white clouds. Panel: Height, IOY2 inches; width, 8V2 inches. Signed at the lower right, V,. Boudin, and Trouville, '81, at the lower left. Purchased from Messrs. Diirand-Iiuel. ADOLPIIE MONTICELLI French: 1824—1886 99— TWO dogs- Two dogs facing each other, nose to nose, as if in conversation in their own language. One wears a collar of red, the other one of tan color. The background is composed of green foliage and blue sky. Pane]: Height, 11 inches; length, 14^/^ inches. Signed at the lower right. ADOLPHE MONTICELEI French: 1824—1886 \00—GliOUP IN A PARK A GROUP of ladies and courtiers in a park with a great ornamental vase behind them. One of the men, on the left of the group, is costumed in brilliant red and holds a long cane, or wand, in his hand. Another effective color note is produced by the green gown of one of the ladies on the right. Panel: Height, 18 inches; width, 14^/^ inches. '&' Signed of the lower right. ADOLPHE MONTICELLT Feench: 1825—1886 \0\—MAllRIAGE SCENE A BRILLIANT gi'oup of seveii figures, all standing. The central point of interest lies in the figures of three young women clad in rich cos- tumes of various hues. The center figure in white forms an effective note amid the luxm-iant harmon}' of reds, tawny yellows, cramoisi and blues. Panel: Height, 18 inches; length, 241/2 inches. Signed lower left, Monticeli.i. ADOLI'IIF. MONTIC ELLT French: 1824—1886 102— Gi?Ot7P OF LADIES A GROUP of five young women in an open sjiace between buildings, which are seen behind them. The costumes are of blue, red, white, yellow and other glowing tints, forming a brilliant bouquet of color. Signed at the lower left. Panel: Height, 18l/> inches; width, 121/^ inches. RALPPI ALBERT BLAKKJXX K, A.N.A. American : 1847 — 1 OS— LANDSCAPE A STKEAM occupies the center of the foreground with some tall trees on the left of the picture. Near the center of the middle distance is another tree and at the left another. These trees stretch across the conijiosition with fine effect and the whole is completed by a sky of delicate opalescent tone. An example of Blakelock's work of much distinction. Canvas: Height, 16 inches; length, 24 inches. Sigjied at the lower left, R. A. Blakelock. : V No. 104 LANDSCAPE BY RALPH ALBERT BLAKELOCK, A.N. A. RALPH ALIJEKT BLAKELOCK, A.N.A. American : 18-i7 — 104— LANDSCAPE A SYMPHONY of delicate autumn color, the whole infused with pearly, misty atmosphere. The foreground shows a brook, its waters divided by a little island, with shrubs and bushes growing amid tlie rocks on its banks. On the left is a tree, standing alone, its pale foliage tinted with touches of russet pink. The central portion of the comjjosition shows mountain sides, full-timbered and enveloped in the pearly au- tumn haze. Over all is a sky of delicate gray. Canvas: Height, IG inches; length, 24 inches. Signed at the lower center. ^- '•••sftn% No. 105 LANDSCAPE BY IJAI.l'II ALH1:KT BLAKELOCK, A.N. a. RALPH ALBERT BLAKELOCK, A.N. A. American: 1847 — 105— LANDSCAPE A LANDSCAPE witli a blond color scheme of tender distinction. The foreground shows a field and stream, while trees, admirably placed in the composition, extend across the middle distance. The sky is white and blue of delicate tone. Canvas: Height, 16 inches; length, 24 inches. Signed at the lower right, R. A. Blakelock. GEOllGES MICHEL French: 1763—1843 106— TH^; OAKS A SANDY road in full light leads from the right of the canvas into the left middle distance. P^mhovvered in a group of great oaks, on the right, is a cottage with high-peaked, thatched roof. Over all is a sky of gray. A notahly well-halanced comjiosition. Canvas: Height, 20 inches; length, 261/2 inches. GEOHGES MICHEE French: 1763—1843 107—^ SEAPORT A BEACH, with figures, in the left foreground. From right to left extend the waters of an estuary and beyond is the wide expanse of the ocean. On the right are seen the high walls of the port and the square towers of a castle, while a fleet of sailing vessels rides at anchor nearby. The sky is of fine, clear blue with masses of vaporous white clouds. Canvas: Heiyht, 20Y_> inches; length, 201/. inches. EUGENE EOUIS BOUDIN French: 1825—1908 lOS— THE SHORE AT PORTKIEUX A MARINE view in gray weather with a glassy sea on which are numer- ous boats. The sky of gray clouds and the similar tone of the water and the beach form a quiet, impressive harmony. Canvas: Height, 151/4 inches; length, 25l/> inches. Signed, E. Boudin, '73, at the lower left, and Porteieux at the lower right. GUBTAVE COUllBET French: 1819—1877 W9—3IARINE Breakers r()llin<>' in in the iniinediate foreground, with tlie green sea, beyond, meeting at the horizon a stormy sky filled with dark clouds. At the top of the canvas, above the clouds, is a space of blue. Canvas: Height, 17 inches; length, 2-i inches. Signed G. Courbet, at the lower left. 'W \^* ADRIAEN VAN J3E VELDE Dutch : circa 1635 — 1672 110— .i SCENE IN THE NETHERLANDS View of a shallow river leading to open sea, with numerous hoats rigged; cottages and trees on left, two cows and peasant in fore- ground, village and church to right; moonlight effect. Panel: Height, 121/^ inches; length, 21 incha KLAES MOLENAEK Died in 1676 1 11— DUTCH LANDSCAPE SuMMEK scene with cottages, trees and gateway to right, two wind- mills in the distance ; in front a river with numerous figures of women washing and spreading clothes to dry; in the foreground peasants in conversation, one in a red coat entering a gateway. Panel: Height, 18l^ inches; length, 2414 inches. Purchased from Messrs. Durand-Ruel. CA^riLLE PI8SARRO French: 1830—1903 1 1 2 — .SC ENE DHIJER A WINTER landscape showing rising ground with a plowed field and a bare tree near which a peasant is passing with a l)ig huncli of fag- gots on his back. Another figure, a woman, is seen approaching from a distance. The skj% tj-pically wintry with its gray-blue and its strata of white clouds, and the pinks, grays and greens of the fields form a color scheme of distinguished beauty. Canvas: Height, 15 inches; length, 18 inches. Signed at the lower left. ALFRED SISLEY French: 1839—1899 113— L^ BARRAGE BE ST. MAMMES A SCENE on a canal with a lock, in France. A boat is floating along in the canal and some houses are seen beyond the lock as well as a rows of poplars. The right foreground shows a field with rocks crop- ping out here and there and overhead is a sky of blue and gray. The general aspect of the picture is remarkable for its frank, but well- tempered, scheme of color. Canvas: Height, 15 inches; length, 22 inches. Signed at the lower right, Sisley. 4 %\ I.; ^:-' >.''". -SI PIEllRE AIIGU8TE RENOIR French: 1841 — 114~li()CHKHS DE L'ESTAQUE A BRILLIANT suiili^lit ett'cct Oil a hillside of rocks with, here and ther.e, trees and bushes growing among them. Canvas: Height, 121/2 inches; length, 151/^ inches. Signed at the lower left. CAM I EEE PISSARIU) French: 1830—1903 l\5—PONTOISE A viEAv of the town of Pontoise in gray weather. The foreground shows cultivated fields and the buildings are clustered on rising ground in the middle distance. In the sky, a rift in the clouds discloses a space of blue. Canvas: Height, 15 incites; length, 211/2 inches. Signed at the lower right, and dated 1872. TIIEODOIIE PIERRE ETIENNE ROUSSEAU French: 1812—1867 1 1 6— LA N DSC APE The composition shows a road winding through a fine forest, the hght from the sky illuminating the foliage in the middle distance. A peas- ant woman with a bunch of faggots is seen in the roadway. The man- ner in which the foliage is painted shows a method characteristic of the great landscape painter which he followed, both somewhat ana- lyticallj', as in tiiis example, and at other times and at a later period, more synthetically. The greens in the foliage are relieved by the dark notes of the trunks of the trees. Panel: Height 9 inches; length, 131^ inches. Signed at the lower left, Th. Rousseau. Purchased from L. Crist Delmonico. PlEllKE AUGUSTE REXOIll French: 1841 — 117— PORTRAIT OF A CHILD A PICTURE, in profile, of a little girl whose blond luiir falls over her shoulder and down her back. The face is turned to the spectator's left. A frock of purple-blue and a background of green and brown complete the color effects in which the delicate complexion of the child is the central keynote. Canvas: Height, 18 Indies; width, 15 inches. Signed at the upper left. PHILIPPE KOUSSEAU French: 1816—1888 US—TJVO DOGS A PAIR of hunting dogs on leash, the one black and white, the other white, black and tan, in front of a wall on which is suspended a cor de chasse. An excellent example from the brush of the distinguished French painter of still-life and animals. Canvas: Height, 11 inches; length, ISl/o inches. Signed at the lower right. CONSTANT TROYON 1810—1865 ^ *-^t2fe?i3-< 119— 7iV PASTURE A EEMARKABLY effective picture with the simplest of subjects. In the left foreground there is a black and white cow, lying down in the pastures which stretch away to a low horizon. A gleam of sunshine from a darkly clouded sky illumines a wide strip of country in the middle distance, where some cattle and a figure or two are seen in miniature. Panel: Height, 12 inches; h'ngth, 18 inches. From the artist's sale, rcith the cachet: Vente Troyon. Purchased from Gustave lieicharJ, New York. JEAN BAPTISTE CAMILLE COIJOT French: 1796—1875 120— ON THE RIVE ESI BE The scene is in the outskirts of a town with a stream flowing through meadows and sloping liills on its banks. In the left center is a French willow, its trunk forming the imjjortant dark note found in practi- cally all of Corot's landscapes. The branches, with graj'-green foli- age, are not "arranged," but are depicted with the truth of observa- tion that gives a veracious aspect, and the usual accessory flgiu'e, a peasant woman with gray, red, blue and white in her costume, stoop- ing over to gather a wild flower, appears in the immediate foreground. Camas: Height, 13 inches; length, IS inches. Signed at the lower left, Corot Purchased from Messrs. Durand-Ruel. CHAKLES FJIANCOIS DAL 13IGNY » French: 1817—1878 V2\— LANDSCAPE IN FRANCE A LANDSCAPE witli e\ening effect just after sunset. In tlie foreg-roiuid is a stream with slojjing green banks on the right, and a church and cottages. The sky is luminous with the slowly fading light of day. Panel: Height, l^l/j inches; length, 211/) inches. Signed at the lorvcr right. Purchased from Messrs. Durand-Ruel. FRANCOIS MILLET, fils French: Contempohahv 122~~FEEDING THE CHICKENS In the courtyard of a French farmhouse a peasant woman stands, near the kitchen door, looking at her flock of chickens, eating the grain she has just thrown down for them. The grayish-wliite walls, some green vines, and the green shutters of a window form a pleasing color set- ting for this domestic scene. . Pastel: Height, ITVa inches; length, 191/^ inches. Signed at the lower right. FERDINAND VICTOR EUGENE DELACROIX French: 1798—1863 123— L/OiV FEEDING A LION devouring a gazelle. Crouching flat, the lion holds his quarry between his strong paws while he tears it in pieces and watchfullj' en- joys his meal. Beyond are dunes and blue mountains. The sky of broken blue and gray is in happy color contrast to the tawny yellow browns in the coat of the lion and the sandy foreground. Height, 17 inches; length, 271/2 inches. Signed at the loxver right, Euo. Delacroix. Purchased from Messrs. Durand-Rnel. JII.ES DirUK French: 1811—1889 r24~CAUGHT IN THE STORM A YAWL, with sails lowered, in a tempest, the how of the hoat tilted up high by the force of the storm and masses of spray breaking over it. The tempest-tossed water is forced into high waves and a dark sky over all completes a composition of dramatic power. Canvas: Height, 22 huhcs; u-idth, 18 inches. Signed at the lo7eer right. Jules Dupre. From the Albert Spencer Collection, Xew York, February 28, 1888. JEAN BAPTISTE CAMILEE ( OROT French : 1796—1875 '. ti,'r 4. r^a^a, Aif^' r25— EVENING The wide expanse of a placid stream fills the right foreground of the picture, while on the left are meadows with two cows and a peas- ant woman, at the edge of the water. Tall trees, growing on the bank of the stream, rise to the ujjper part of the composition and the whole landscape is filled with the (juiet atmosphere of evening. Vaguely perceived through the mists in the distance appears a glint of light made by the setting sini. Canvas: Height, 211/0 inches; width, 17^/) inches. Signed at the lower left. Purchased from M. George Petit, Paris, 1890. No. 126 THE APPLE ORCHARD BY CHARLES FRANCOIS DAUBIGNY CHARLES FKANCOIS DAL IJTGNY French: 1817—1878 126 THE APPLE ORCHARD An apple orchard in blossom. This picture, like others of similar motives by the great landscape painter, is characterized Ijy sturdy, frank and sober rendering of a charming effect in nature. The virile Daubignj' greens and one of his atmospheric skies combine in pro- ducing a most pleasing ensemble. Canvas: Height, I'J inchc/i; Iciiijtli, 291/^ inches. Signed, and dated 1872. I'urchused in Paris from M. Munkaesij, the artixt. No. 127 LANDSCAPL BY JULES DUPE juj.es dupre French: 1811—1889 1 27— LA NDSCA PE The composition sliows a mass of trees on tlie i-iglit. In the left fore- ground is a pond with a peasant woman in a punt. The sky is com- posed of white and gray ch)uds with intervening spaces of somber blue. Canvas: Height, 2^\U inches; length, 2S\/-, inches. Signed at the lower left, Jules Dupri':. Purchased from Messrs. Durand-Uuel. No. 128 rOHTHAir OF JLEX.iXDHE JULIE 1) LA BOUT li AYE, COMTESSE HA) MONO DU TILLET BY F. V. EUGENE DELACROIX FERDINAND YI( TOIJ EUGENE DELAC liOlX French: 1798—1863 riH— PORTRAIT OF ALEXANDRE JULIE I)E LA BOUTRAVE. COMTESSE RAYMOND DU TILLET Bust portrait on an oval canvas of a young lady in a white <^'own with her dark hair dressed in the fashion of 1830. The head is turned to the spectator's left. From aromid the neck falls a hlack necklace with a cross at the end of it which is slipped into her girdle of hlue. Cditvas: Height, 'IlY-, iiiche.i: zcidtli, 2'2 inches. Signed, Eug. Delachoix. at flic right. Painted iti 1834. Exhibited at the Trneadi'ro, Pari.f, 1878, Xo. 85.5, /)// tlie Comte Nai/moud dii Tillet. Alfred UoJiaiit, "'UiEuvre complet d'Kngcne Delacroix," 1885, No. 554. With the "medaille commemorative" bij Eugene Andre Ondine dwarded to the ■portrait at the Exposition Unirersclle of 1878. Purchased from Messrs. Durand-Uucl. JOTIX LEWIS IJHOWN FiiENcn: 1.V29— 1890 V29-^SOLDATS AU BOlil) DE LA MER (Water Color) A PAKTY of cavalrymen of the eighteenth century richng out for exer- cise on the greensward of high ground overlooking the sea. A camp- fire is seen in the left foreground. In the middle distance a carriage and four and other horsemen. Millboard: Height, ISy^ inches; length, 22 incites. Signed inches; length, 40 inches. Signed at the lower right, Monticelli. Purchased direct from the artist. ■»* ,^i£m' Mf- K*!; No. 163 FLORAL FESTIVAL BY ADOLPHE MONTICELLI AJJOJ.niE MONTICELJ.l French: 1824—1886 lQ3—FL01iAL FESTIVAL This picture, showiii<>- a group of brilliant-costumed ladies, effec- tively placed in a composition including the high arches of a viaduct and a forest as background, is a notable example of the work of the renowned colorist in that it belongs to a period of his art earlier than his broader style. His usual color qualities, however, are found here in compelling brilliancy and the ensemble is one of unified harmony. Canvas: Height, 'iOl/o inches; length, 40 inches. Purchased direct from the artist. No. 16^ AUTUMN BY ADOLPHE MONTICELLl AJ>OLrHE MONTICELLI French: 1824—1886 164^AUTUMN A VIEW in the grounds of a chateau wliich is seen amid the trees on the right. A roadway through the park leads into the middle dis- tance. On the left is a wall with a statue on a stone jjedestal. In the foreground two cliildren with a go-cart are seen at play. This picture is a harmony of delicately tinted autumn foliage with hues of jjink, dusky reds, tender, pearly greens and quiet yellows, the en- semble of delightful color being brought into charming effects by the dark masses of jjine trees which form its background. Panel: Height, 191/2 Incites; length, 39 inches. Signed at the lower right, Monticelli.. Purchased direct from the artist. CZTFTD'S OFFE: AIXI'U razEXL No. 165 CUPID'S OFFERING BY ADOLPHE MONTICELLI ADOLPHE MONTICELLI French: 1824—1886 165— CUPID'S OFFERING The full-length nude figure of a boj% with curly blond hair, empty- ing roses from a piece of thin, white drapery that he holds out with both hands. One corner of the cloth hangs over his left arm. Three large flowers lie on the ground at his feet. The background is formed by a blue curtain. Canvas: Height, 351/) inches; rmdth, 231/0 inches. Signed at the lower left. No. 166 CATTLE IX PASTURE BY EUGENE LOUIS BOUDIN eugJ]:n^e louts boudt^^ French: 1825—1908 1Q6— CATTLE IN PASTURE In the foreground, pastures and a stream, with a herd of cattle, some of them standing in the shallow water near the brink. On the farther shore other cattle are seen grazing, and beyond is rising ground, with houses and trees. Over all is a sky of gray clouds with one or two open spaces of blue. The fine restrained color qualities characteristic of Boudin are admirably exemplified in tliis picture, and the cattle are drawn with complete knowledge. Canvas: Height, 29 inches; length, 401/2 inches. Signed at the lower right, dated '80. Purchased from Messrs. Durand-Ruel. PIERKE Cl^CILE PUMS DE CIIAVANNES French: 1825—1898 167— AUTU3IN The two nude figures in tliis composition, one holding up a basket of fruits, the other, in the center, her arms reaching upward to a brancli of the fruit tree, and the more mature figure in pale violet drapings, seated on the left, are all drawn with fine simplicity and a complete grasp of the value of great lines. The color scheme is in the subdued but impressive style of the master, and the noble composition is imbued with artistic individuality. Canvas: Height, 40 inches; width, 32 inches. Signed at the lower left, I'. Puvis de Chavannes. GUSTAYE COURBET French: 1819—1877 16S—THE CASTLE OF CHILLON The Castle is seen on the left, its towers and keep rising amid brown- foliaged trees. The right-hand portion of the picture shows the lake with a boat in its waters, and beyond is the steep, rocky shore. The warmly-tinted sky depicts the effect of evening and the ensemble is one of striking virility. Canvas: He'ujht, 34 inches; length, 411/2 inches. Signed at the lower left, G. Courbet. From Messrs. Duraud-Ruel. No. 169 IX THE PARK BY N. V. DIAZ DE LA PENA XARCISSE \ IIIGILE DIAZ J)E LA PENA French: 1807—1876 169— /TV THE PARK The center of interest in this admirably balanced composition is the seated figure of a j'oung woman, of the most gracious type of French femininity, in eighteenth century costume of pink bodice and cream- white skirt. Behind her, leaning forward, is a young man with a dark-hued beret. On her right are two little girls in blue with a spaniel. The group is framed by a background of foliage and there is a sky of subdued blue and white forming a central note behind the figures. Canvas: Height, 35 inches; length, 45 inches. Signed at the lower left, Diaz. Purchased from Messrs. Gonpil &; Co., Paris. No. 170 LANDSCAPE BY GEORGES MICHEL (ii:()UGES MRIIEJ. Fkench: 1763—1843 170— LANDSCAPE TiiK coinjjosition shows a wide view over diversified country, with gently rolhng hills on the right. The landscape is animated by fig- ures, among them being horsemen garbed in red. Canvas: Height, 35 inches; length, 51 inches. Tliis })icture was imported into the United States over forty years ago by one of tlie leading collectors of Boston, and is generally regarded as one of the three finest examples of Michel in this country. Purchased from Messrs. Knoedler ^- Co. GUSTAVE COUR15ET French: 1819—1877 17 i— PARC DES CRETE S The coniiJosition shows a great tree in green leaf whose upper branches reach to the top of the canvas. Beyond are masses of trees and a hillside with cottages; and above and beyond lies a range of blue mountains. The sky is of gray and blue with one or two ac- cents of white. Canvas: Height, 32 inches; width, 25^/^ inches. Signed, G. Courbet, at tlie lower left. Tlie Chateau des Cretes is near Vevej, in the beautiful vilhage of Clarens, Jean Jacques Rousseau has made historical. This picture of the Pare dates from the time of Courbet's exile in Switzerland. MAIU ELLIN (ilLUEUT I)LSIU)l TINS Fuench: 1823—1902 172^L'II()MME A L'EPEK This, the work of a modern French jjainter of repute, nii^ht he taken for the work of a master of the earlier schools. The hlack costume and the black hair, framing the brilliantly illuminated head of the subject, give an asjjcct of sober elegance that is characteristic of the work of some of the masterpieces of the Dutch and Flemish seven- teenth century painters. Canvas: Height, 48l/{) inchcfi; zc'ulth, 37 inches. Signed at the loTcer right, M. Dkshoi tins. Purchased from Messrs. Durand-Ruel. No. 173 ENGLISH LANDSCAPE BY EDWARD CHARLES WILLIAMS AND WILLIAM SHAYER EDWAIJI) ( riAKI.ES WILLIAMS Exoi.isii: ExiiiiiiTEi) 1839 — 18()5 AND WILLIAM SHAYER English: 1788—1879 \72— ENGLISH LANDSCAPE A EUKAL scene in summer time. In the left foreground are some tall trees and on the right a farmhouse witli tliatched roof. In the left center a boy is taking a pair of work horses into a shallow stream to drink. In the middle distance a girl, carrj'ing a pitcher on her head, is seen passing over a bridge that spans the stream. Tlie figures arc by W. Shaycr. Canvas: Height, 35 inches; length, 481/; inches. Signed, E. C. Wms., and dated 1856. Painted for L. V. Fhttou, a zeell-known London dealer. Purchased from S. T. Smitli of London. No. 174 ITALIAN RUINS BY GIOVANNI PAOLA PANNINI GTOVANXI PAOLO PANNINI IrAi.iAx: circa 1691 — 176-i 1 74— IT A LI A N R UINS View on the seacoast in Italy, with figures, and numerous hoats moored to the quaj^; to riglit ancient high gateway partly in ruins; in the center a circular temple, and in distance a triple triumphal arch. Canvas: Height, 39 inches; length, 49 inches. From the collection of Lord Youny, Februnry 29, 1908, No. 59. No. 175 LAKE ALB AN AND MONASTERY BY RICHARD WILSON, R.A. in( IIAKl) \\ IJ.SOX, U.A. English: 1714—1782 \15~LAKE ALBANO AND MONASTERY JNIouNTAiNOUS scene in golden sunlight; the figure of a man standing at the edge of a lake is seen in the distance; seated peasant woman and tall trees to left, rocks and dead trees to right. The dome of St. Peter's, which is sixteen miles distant, can he seen through the golden glow of an Italian sunset. Canvas: Height, 3914 inches; length, 49 inches. Vurchused from the lute T. J. lilakcslec. WILLIAM UEDMOin: lM(i(i, K.A. English: 1755—1828 17Q—SATUKDAy iMORNINGj or, FAVORITE CHICKENS GOING TO MARKET Group of five peasants and two donkeys at the door of a red brick cottage overhung with trees and creeping plants. In the center, a seated market-woman with basket of fowls beckons to a reluctant child who holds a rooster in her arms and is evidently unwilling to part with it; two other fowls have taken refuge on the roof of the cottage; distant landscape and church tower to right. Canvas: Height, 37 inches; length, 50 inches. Exhibited at the Roijid Academy, 1791, No. 68. Engraved by T. Burke, I8V2 inches by 23 inches; and printed in colors, January 4, 1797. Purchased from Messrs. Dowdeswell ^- Dowdesioell. JOSEPH MALLOKD WILEIA^I TUIINER, H.A. (Ill the early style of) English: 177.5 — 1851 \n— CLASSICAL SCENE Italian lake scene with sailing boats, classical temples and buildings on either side; to right a man in red robes receiving visitors who have landed from an official barge or gondola; to left three female figures, in the middle distance a round tower in mid-river, and in the distance a small island. Canvas: Height, 39^/2 inclies; length, 591^ inches. Purchased from the late H. 0. Watson. inC IIAIM) WILSON, U.A. English: 1714—1782 \7^— WATERFALL NEAR TlVOLl View of waterfall near Tivoli, with mountains in the distance; in the middle distance is a rustic wayside cross; waterfall to right with figures on the edge, in the foreground various figures, and a man on horsehack disappearing over the bend. Canvas: Height, 38 inches; length, 5i5 inches. Purchased from the late Benjamin Altman. No. 179 THE DEATH OF THE GRAND- FATHER BY JEAN BAPTISTE GREUZE JEAN BAPTISTE GREUZE French: 1725—1805 179— TH^ DEATH OF THE GRANDFATHER An interior with six figures; the aged grandfather lying at length on his bed, his hands outstretched to receive a young girl who is being assisted forward In' her mother; a boy in red and blue is at the head of the bed ; a nun is seen in the background to the right. Canvan: Height, 45l/o inches; length, 571/2 inches. This is stated to be one of four pictures painted by Grcuze for tlie Museum at Lyons, but it was never delivered. It was purchased in tliat city by Messrs. Durand-Ruel, wlio sold it to Mr. Lambert. It is evidently the version in oils of the sketch in ink and bistre (in wiiich there are tliirteen figures) exhibited by Greuze at the Salon of 1769, No. 160, with tlie title "La mort d'un Pere de famille regrette par ses enfants," described in Jean Martin's "Catalogue Raisonne" of the works of Greuze, 1908, No. 338. No. 180 A GROUP OF LADIES BY ADOLPHE MONTICELLI A D( )LPHE MON TICELLI French: 1824—1886 180— .i GROUP OF LADIES One of the two pictures in the CathoHna Lambert Collection known as "The Enijjress Panels" (see No. 181). The composition shows a grouj) of five young women, the three nearest figures being seated, one of whom, in a gown of cramoisi, is easily recognized as a portrait of the Empress Eugenie. Two little children, with a kitten, com- plete the group. The background is composed of forest trees. Canvas: Height, 621/2 inches; zddth, Siy^ inches. Signed at the lower left, Monticelli. Painted for the Empress Eugenie. No. 181 LADIES AND CHILDREN BY ADOLPHE MONTICELLI ADOI.PIIE MOXTK KLLI French: 1824—1886 ISl—LADIES AND CHILDREN A GROUP of four female figures in vari-colored costumes, with two children at their feet, in a setting of forest background. The children are occupied with a white ring-dove which is seen on the ground, about to enter a large birdcage. This i)icture and its companion piece (No. 180) are known as the "Empress Eugenie Panels," having been painted by her order for one of the apartments in her private suite in the Palace of the Tuileries. Canvas: Height, 62^^ inches; icidth, '37^2 inches. Signed at the lower left, Monticelli. No. 182 MOONLIGHT ' BY RALPH ALBERT BLAKELOCK, A.N.A. It:VLrU ALliKUr IU.AKKIaH K. A.N -A. 1S2 -MOOSUGHT , A ;5- s»le- ~ es into F- nairtiSKf Awav -•ee. ofcs- _ ? water at the bottom off : - T&c? cdfefecaitiai pacteini mat* forirg: im tfe glaiee of as & axasJtefpoeee «£ ft&e sctsfit auud its ess aBe^*j«fe ®f Sis best r-- ■ UALril ALBERT BLAKELCX K, A.X.A. Amebican : 18-47 — 182 -MOONLIGHT The horizon in tliis fine composition is placed low, about one-quarter of the total height of the canvas from the bottom of the frame. A pond, or stream, is seen in the immediate foreground with steep banks on either side, while on the farther shore, where a brook tumbles into the main body of water, are several trees and, beyond, a hilly country occupies the distance. From the high bank on the right rise two great trees with foliage reaching to the top of the canvas, and on the left is a smaller tree, farther away from the spectator. The sky, light and pearly in tone in the lower portion, fades into blue and still darker blue as the eye looks upward. High up on the right the full moon is seen, partly obscured by foliage, and its disc is reflected in the water at the bottom of the picture. Canvas: Height, 72 inches; icidfh. -l<7Vo inches. Signed at the hneer left. Tills cek'bratwl picture was liung in the place of honor in the Vanderbilt Gallery at one of the annual exhibitions of the Society of American Artists in New York. Its fine sentiment and poetic conception have long made it known as a masterpiece of the artist and its execution sliows the cliaracteristic metiiods of his best period. 1*. MAIH US SIMONS American: 1867—1909 183—^ DREAM OF YOUTH A FETE in proj>Tess with a misc-cn-sccne of a fountain basin and luxurious couches in the foreground, and a background of various architectural forms including domes, towers and spires. Among the personages the chief figure is a young man, surrounded by a bevy of fair women. While he holds aloft a festal wine cup, musicians and choristers join in a grand chorus. The skeleton-like hands and arms of an armored figure are seen in warning gesture on the right-hand side of the composition. Canvas: Height, l-Gl^ inches; length, 66 inches. Signed, P. Makcuis Simons, at the lower left. CIllLJ>i: IIA8SA.M, N.A. Amekican : 1859 — 184^^ HOOF GARDEN The misc-cn-sccnc (jf this notable example of one of the most cele- brated of the American artists is the terrace, or roof garden, of a house in the JNIontmartre quarter of Paris. On a green bench at the left is seated a young woman in a white gown, and near her stands her companion, also dressed in filmy white. The faces and attitudes of both yoimg women show an air of expectancy as if waiting for the arrival of a visitor. In the right foreground are azaleas, hydrangeas and other flowering plants in jjots. Over the low wall which encloses the spacious terrace are seen the buildings, roofs and chimneys of the French capital. The picture was painted in Paris and some fin- ishing touches put on it by the artist in New York in 1893. Canvas: Height, 49 inches; length, 7(3 inches. n >*,fliV'i 1 IIAMILTOX ri AMI LION American : Contemporary 1 ^5— SUMMERTIME Under an old apple tree two young women are chatting. One is seated on the grass, while the other leans on a low, bending limb of the ti'ee. At the left are farm buildings and, in the distance, a range of mountains. Canvas: Height, 48 inches; length, 7-i inches. Signed at lotcer left, Hamilton Hamilton. PUVIS I)E CIIAVAXNES French: 1825—1898 IHQ—THE MEETING OF SAINT GERMAIN AND SAINT E GENEVIEVE, IN HER CHILDHOOD. AT NANTERRE In the year 429 Saint Germain d'Auxerre and Saint Loup do Troves, traveling to England to combat tlie heresies of Pelagius, arrive in tlie suburbs of Nanterre. In the crowd wliich has assembled at their approach Saint Ger- main notices a child who, to his perception, bears the divine seal, and he pre- dicts to her pai'ents the lofty destiny to which she will be called. This child was Sainte Genevieve, the patron saint of the city of Paris. The subject is depicted in tliree sections, forming one composition. The first shows, in the foreground, fishing boats with oarsmen and sailors drawing up at a landing place, and people carrying the body of a man out of a rustic dwelling. The second shows the holy men in the center of a group of people, with Saint Germain in the act of remarking the child, on whose head he places his right hand. The third depicts, as a balance to the first section, other people of the country- side engaged in their various domestic occupations. The entire com- position is enclosed by a border of bay leaves, with gilt monograms, S. G., and an inscription in French (a translation of which is given above) in the lower center of the second section. Height, 52 inches; length, 102 inches. Signed uit the third section, and dated 1879. One of the most notable and representative works of the great Frencli artist in existence outsitle of liis mural paintings permanently incorporated in the decoration of groat public buildings. No. 187 FRIEZE BY PUVIS DE C'llAN ANNES PUVIS DE CHAYAXXES French: 1825—1898 1H7 —FRIEZE A PROCESSION, proceeding from right to left, of twenty-two full-length figures, all with halos. In the center panel is a winged monster moving along the floor with its tail ciu'led forward. This comjiosi- tion, painted, as was No. 18(), as tlie finished picture for the execu- tion of the artist's renowned mural jjainting in the Pantheon, at Paris, belongs to the best period of the master's work. Border of bay leaves witli gilt inonograiiis, S. G. Canvas: Height, 30V) inches: length, 351/2 inches. Signed. \ ASILl \ ASll^IEVICH VERESTCIIAGIN Russian: 1842—1904 \SH—THE PEARL 31 OS QUE AT AGRA The interior of the Pearl JNIostjue at Agra. The marble columns and arches, beautiful in line and simplicity of design, form a sumptu- ous setting for two long lines of worshippers, in turbans and long gowns, at prayer. The greater number are clad in white, but here and there a figure in blue, green, yellow or other hues gives a valuable note of color. Canvas: Height, 58 inches; length, 78 inches. Exhibited at the Grosvenor Gallery, London, 1887, iVo. 56a; and at the Ameri- can Art Galleries, New York, where the Verestchagin Collection was sold in 1891. The most famous, if not the greatest Russian artist, and the only one with a world-wide reputation. The son of a rich landowner, he studied at the St. Petersburg Academy of Fine Arts and gained a silver medal in 1802, and in Paris from 1864 under Gerome; exhibited at the Salon in 1866. After travel- ing in Turkestan, India, where he lived for two years, 1874-76, he again returned to Paris; visited India, Syria and Palestine in 1884, and China in 1901. He held public exhibitions of his various series of pictures at different times in England, on the Continent of Europe and in the United States, where they attracted large numbers of visitors. Many examples of his work are in the Tretiakoff Museum at Moscow, and others are in private collections in Europe and America. VASTLI VASILIEYICII VERES T( IIAGIN Russian: 1842—1904 189— THE KREMLIN, MOSCOW The Kremlin viewed from the opposite shore of the river Moskva. In the left foreground appears tlie quay, or railed eniljanknient, with figures and a hlue shadow cast hy a huilding outside of the picture. Across the stream is the line of the quays, with a row of trees. Be- yond, and forming the main body of this impressive composition, are the pink walls and the great buildings of the fortress enclosure with towers and domes gleaming in the sunlight. Over all is the great expanse of a hlue sky with white clouds. (With key to tlie buildings.) Canvas: Height, 89 inches; length, 178 inches. Exhibited at tlie Grosvcnor Gallery, London, 1887; and at the American Art Galleries, New York, where the Verestchagin collection n'as sold in 1891. Illustrated in Eugen ZabeVs "Weresehtschagin," 1900, p. 5G. Key to No. 199. 1. The Orujfinniii Palatn (Treasury), containing a rare collection of historical treasures. 2. The Great Palace of the Kremlin. 3. The Church of the Conce])tion. This is the private church of former Tsars and Grand Dukes. The Tsarinas attended religious service in its chantry. 4. Terema, or Old Palace of the Tsars. 5. Church of the Archangel. Here are Imried the Tsars and Grand Dukes. (In more recent times the Russian Emperors are Imried in St. Petershurg.) 0. Church of the Assumption. Here the Metropolitans (as formerly the Patriarchs), of the Russo-Greek Church, are elected and inducted; here, too, the Tsars are crowned, and State ceremonies are .solenmized. 7. Tower of Jvan X'eliki (John the Cireat). The largest of its monster bells, named after the Tsar, fell to the ground, where it lay till raised on its present pedestal. 8. Chudof Monastery. 9. Small palace of the Kremlin. 10. Convent. Burial-place of the Tsarinas and Grand Duchesses. 11. Gate of Our Saviour. Every one passing through it nmst uncover the head. 12. Church of the Blessed St. Basil. 13. WaUs of the Kremlin. 14. River Moskva. SCHOOL OF CIMABUE Italian i91—3IADONNA AND CHILD Small half-figure of the Virgin seated, in red draperies and head- dress lined with white; Infant in scarlet and blue dress, seated on His mother's lap; gold background. I'inic] : HcUjht, 10 inrhis; w'nlth, 7'/'^ inches. EARLY ITALIAN SCHOOL W2--HEAD OF A MONK Smai.i. lialf-fi<)ure of an old monk, face seen in profile, white robe and cowl, holding a volume. Pomi: Height. 18 inches: width, Ki inches. With an inscription on the buck in wliicli tho name "Richard di Benedetto" and the date "23 di febbrajo 14-17" occur. THIRD EVENING'S SALE WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1916 IN THE GRAND BALLROOM OF The Plaza FIFTH AVENUE, 58th TO 59th STREET BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT 8 O'CLOCK EAKLV FLEMISH 1 93— THE CB UCIFIXION The figure of Christ on the Cross in the center of the composition, the Virgin in bhie and white to left, St. John in red to right; at foot of tlie Cross are a skull and bones: a winding valley, with hills and buildings on either side, forms the background. Patwl: Height, 1514 inches; width, IIV2 inches. Painted in the manner of Jan ]\Iostacrt. KLSSIAN ICON Byzaxtixe Period \94— MADONNA AND CHILD IlALF-rJGUUK of the ^ladonna, seated, in red and blue draperies, liead inclined slightly to left, holding the Infant in red and dark draperies embroidered with gold. His left hand is ontsti-etehed and holds a globe; the nimbus in each ease of beaten silver with leaf and flower pattern. I'liiul: Hc'ujht, 1!) iinlii's; icidlli, 15 inches. I'urchusid fruiii the hitc II. O. Wat.soii. PI Ell 1 KANCESCO lilSSOLO Italiax : circa U'92-1530 l95^MADONNA AND CHILD Half-length figure of the Virgin in gold-embroidered white dress and blue robe, auburn hair; she is holding the Infant, who is clad in reddish drajjery, to her breast. Panel: Height, U'J iiichc.t; zcidth, 17 inches. EAULV ITALIAN SCHOOL W6—NATIJITY OF CHRIST View near the stable, with the Infant on a yellow cushion, and the Virgin in l)r()wn and gold-i)atterned robe kneeling in adoration; St. Joseph in dark dress; various figures, in ecclesiastical and other cos- tumes, in adoration; two angel figures above, and traveler with staff to right. runcl: Ili'ujlit, \H\U iiulu's; width, IC inches. riirr]i(isiil ill Xiijilcx. FRANCIS POl REUS THE YOUNGER Flemish: 1569—1622 197 —HEAD OF A CHILD Small half-figure of a little girl in jellow gold-embroidered dress, auburn hair with pearl bands, pearl necklace, holding a robin in right hand. Millboard: Height, Sl/'o inches; width, ly^ inches. From the San Donato Collection of Prince Demidoff. Purchased from Messrs. Durand-liuel. PIERRE MIGNARD French: 1610—1695 19S— PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN Bust of a young gentleman in costume of black, white lace collar and long dark wig. Canvas: Height, 121/> inches; length, 181/2 inches. KlLMlUiANDT SCHOOL 199— W03I AN AT PRAYER {Rcmhmndi's Mother) Small bust of an aged woman with long, black shawl over head and shoulders, jeweled ornaments in corsage; eyes closed, one hand only seen. I'liiicl: Height, 1'.^%'4 Inclicfi; jcidth, 9-y^ inches. PiircJifisetl ill MoHco-iV by Messrs. Durand-Iiuel and sold to Mr. Lambert. I'robablfj derived from the etching by Riedel, reproduced in the "Klassi- hcr der Kiinst" volume on liembrandt, p. 519. rvEMBHAXjyr school 200— AX APOSTLE {RvmJ>raiidt'.s Father) Head of a bald, elderly man in dark-colored costume, red beard. Canvas: Height, 17 inches; rcidth, ISlo inches. Purchased in Moscore by Messrs. Durand-liuel and sold to Mr. Lambert. Probably a x-ersion of the picture at Kassel, Dr. Bode, Xo. 136, and "Klassiker der Kunst," "Rembrandt," p. 115. Ql ENTIN MAT8YS (or METSY8) Fi.k.mish: 1460—15:30 201— VIliGIN AT PliAYER Bust of crowned youthful Virgin, in gray low dress, white head- dress, long auhurn hair falling over shoulders; hands joined as in prayer; green background. Panel: Height, IG ineJie.t; rt-idtJi, Hy^; incites. Pin-chasecl from M. C. Sedelmei/cr, J'nrix. Ki-oin tlic saiiR' model as tliu "VitT^c on Prieros" in tlic Antwcrj) Gallivv, No. 242, and of wliicli tliorc is a repetition in tlie National (Jallery. MAPilOTTO ATJ^ERTINELLl Italian: l-i74 — 1515 202— II OLV FAMILY Group of four figures. Fair-haired youtliful figure of the Virgin in center, in pink and green draperies and green headch-ess, holding the Infant, who carries a cross and embraces St. John; St. Joseph to right; background conventional mountains. Panel: Height, 'l-^\'-j, inches; ■width, 21 inches. Purchased from the lute T. J. Blakeslee. In carvL'il UcnaissiiiRu traiiio similar to tliu Scljast laiio drl Pioinbo, No. 20;3. SEBASTIAXO DEL PIOMBO (SEBASTIANO LUCIANI) Italian: 1-185 — 1547 20'd~3IADONNA AND CHILD The Madonna seated to front, in yellow dress, yellow-lined green cloak and white headdress, fair hair, holding the nude Infant, whose hands are on His mother's sleeve; distant hills to right. Panel: Height, lJ5l/o inches; iddih. 20 inches. Purchased from the late T. J . Blakeslee. In carved Renai^isaiicc franiu .similar to tlic Mariotto Albcrtiiulli, No. 202. CIMA DA CONEGLIAXO (GIOVANNI BATTISTA DA CONEGLIANO) Italian: Died circa 1517 IQ^^MADONNA AND CHILD Half-figuke of youthful Virgin seated in the open, in red dress, blue cloak, long white headdress ; the Infant in greenish garment, holding rosebud in left hand; conventional trees to right, with castle on the edge of a cliff. Panel: Height, 25l/o inches: xddth. 1!)K. inches. From the collection of the Duke of Marlborough, May 14, 1904, A'o. 19. ^ , l' ^ t 1 '->!^i T'f ^ ( t ; >' r No. 205 HOLY FAMILY BY GIOVANNI BATTISTA TIEPOLO GT()\ ANN! 1?ATTI8TA TIEPOLO Italian: 1696—1770 205— HOLY FAMILY Figure of the Virgin enthroned, in red and yellow draperies, hold- ing the Infant, to whom the elderly St. Joseph is speaking; to right an angel holding a rosary in left hand and flower in right; Infant St. John asleep. Canvax, (trchcd top: Height, 231/^ inches; rvidtit, 15 inches. From a private eolleetion in XorlhiniihcrJdud anil jiiirehiixeij in Lonilon. JAN \'AN liAN'ESTF.YN (Attributed to) 1572—1657 "im— PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN Head and shoulders of a young man in dark dress, white and gold- striped sleeves, pink sash across shoulder, white lace collar; brown hair, mustache and chin-tuft. Canvas: Height, 25 inches; 7cidth, 20 inches. Purchased from M. C. Sedelmcyer, Paris. FRANCOIS IIIBERT DKOl AIS (Period ot) French: 1727—1775 207— AN AUNT OF KING LOUIS XVI OF FRANCE Half-figure, seated, of a young lady, in gray low-neck dress pat- terned with white, short sleeves, flower patterned corsage; powdered hair with flowers ; bracelet on left arm with a miniature of an elderly man set with diamonds, fan in hand; bouquet of roses to left. Canvas: Height, 251A inches; width, 21 inches. From the Ralph Bcrnal Collection, March, 1855, \o. 761. FKAX(()IS III l^Kirr DPiOlAIS (rei'iocl of) French: 1727—1775 20^— AN AUNT OF KING LOUIS XVI OF FRANCE Half-figure of a middle-aged lady, seated, in blue low-neck dress covered with floral designs, white lace collar with neckband similar to dress, powdered hair dressed flat; brown curtain to right. Canvas: Height, 25l/o inches; width, 211/^ inches. From the Ralph Bcrnal Collection, March, 1855, \o. 7G0. This and tlic preceding are probably portraits of IMadamc Adelaide (1732—1800) and Madame Victoire (1733—1799), daughters of Louis XV. A IP Ell R EM lUi AN I YV 209— POHTliAIT OF A LADY Head and shoulders, in brownish low-neck dress cut square, blue and white patterned corsage, long chain of pearls and precious stones over shoulders, pearl necklace and drop earrings; three-row pearl bracelet on right wrist; dark hair with pearl rope and black feather. Panel: Height, 26 incites, width, 19i/(; inches. Exhibited (it South Kensinfjtoii in 1891. From the Hope of Deepdenc Collection, purchased from Mr. A. Wertheimer of London, who bought the collection en bloc. Xo. XXIII in the Hope Catalogue of 1898, rcith plate. Slli (iODFlJEY KNELLEli English: 1646—1723 110— FAMILY GROUP CiRorr of four small three-quarter-length figures, seated in the open near a sculptured bust of a man; the father in green costume, long yellow wig, the mother in yellow low-neck dress, the two children in brown and blue. Canvas: Height, 261 o inches; nidth, 16 inches. FEKDINAXI) HOI. Dutch: Kill— 1081 {Pupil of Rembrandt) 2\\— PORTRAIT OF REMBRANDT Half-figure of a stout, somewhat elderly man in red robes and black cap, brown hair, slight mustache and chin-tuft. Canvas: Height, 2() inches: rddth, 22 inches. Purchased in London by H. P. Watson. bi:hnahi)in() li ini Italian: circa 1460— 15;i0 -■eyT^jiip.^HiijIwwiiH 1 a****Tl ^^'" 'HB 1 i i l S i 1 - *■ .-..-je . H 2V1~HEAB OF ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST Bust of the Saint with white drapery, auburn hair and beard, hold- ing cross in left hand. Panel: Height, 26\'-, inches; width, 19^2 inches. Purchased from Messrs. Dowdeswell i^- Dowdeswell. GI()\ ANXI HI 81 CARIAM Italian-: circd 1514 — 1541 213— //OLl' FAMILY The Virgin in blue and red draperies, seated in a high-backed red chair, holding the Infant, who looks down at the Donor, an elderlj' man kneeling with his hands joined as in prayer; a female saint on either side. Panel: Height, 20 inches; length, 291/1; inches. From the San Doniito Collection of Prince Dcmiiloff. SPANISH SCHOOL 214— AT. MARK Half-1'igure of the Saint as an old man in red draperies, and with long gray beard, seated at a table writing in a book. Canvas: Height, 29l/ii inches; width, 2;j incites. Purchased from M. C. Scdelmeijcr of Paris as by liibera. Ca ILTA^rO SAMANO Italian 1\5—VIliGIX AND CHILD Small half-figure of the A^irgiu, in red and hlue draperies, with yel- low jjatterned headdress falling over her shoulders. She is holding the nearly nude Infant, who is seated on a white cushion, on her lap, the child's left foot in her left hand. Panel: Height, 291/2 inches; width, 22^/2 inches. Purcltascil from Messrs. Dowdeswell cj- Dowdeswell. SIR PETER EELY English: 1617—1680 2\Q— PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN Head and shoulders of a middle-aged man, in dark-colored dress, white lace collar, brown curly wig. Ctinvas — ova]: Height, 29 indies; xeidth, 24 inches. FRANCIS POURBUS THE YOUNGER Flemish: 1569—1622 217— PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG LADY Half-length figure of a young lady, in black gold-embroidered dress, broad white lace collar and cuffs, a string of pearls over her shoulders, pearl necklace with gold and jeweled pendant; auburn curh' hair with pearl ornament; black and red cap. Panel: Height, 291/2 inches; width, 241^ inches. GEORGE HENRY HARLOW English: 1787—1819 2iS— PORTRAIT OF JOHN PHILIP KEMBLE The actor, born in 1757, died in 182:5. Half-length, seated; red dress and dark-colored cloak, white collar, right elbow resting on folio volume, hand against face. Canvas: Height, 291/0 inches; width, 24-1/2 inches. Purchased from the late T. J. Blakeslee. GEOPtGE KOMNEY English: 1734—1802 219— PORTliAIT OF A LADY IIali'-i.kngth figure of an elderly huly, seated and with head turned to left; gray dress, white fichu, black lace shawl, white headdress with satin ribbon tied in a bow luider chin, gold earrings, hands (partly seen) on lap. Ciiin-dx: Height, '29\-2 iiichcfi; zc'kUIi, '2i\U inches. riirrhascd from Messrs. Dowdesicell &■ Dowdeswell. SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS, P.R.A. English: 17:J2— 1792 '221— RICHARD YEO, R.A. Medalli.st Jiiid M'ulptor. T'luiiulutioii iiR'iiibcr of tlii.' l{o_\;il Aciukiiiv; died 1779. Half-length fi<^nve of a middle-aged man seated at a table with drawing board and eompass, brown dress embroidered with gold, white neckerchief and cuffs, gray wig. Canvas: Height, 291,^ inches; width, 2iU inches. Engraved by A. W Sanders, 1877, on a small scale. Graves and Cronin's "Works of Sir Joshua lieijnolds,"' 1899, Vol. III. SIR WILLIAM BEECH LV, K.A. English: 1753—1839 221— PORTRAIT OF A LADY Half-length figure of a young lady in white low-neck dress and white fichu; golden hair, with white lace cap. Canvas: Height, 29V^ inches; width, 25 inches. From the collection of the Maiqness of Xuinianbi/. Purchased from the late S. P. Avert/. ANDREW GEDDES, A.K.A. English: 1789—1844 223— HEAD OF AN ELDERLY MAN Half-length figure of an elderly man, in dark dress, brownish felt hat, gray hair and beard; head turned to the right. Canvas: Height, 30 inches; width, 24 inches. Andrew Geddes was a deep student of Uenihrandfs work. He visited Holland in 1839 tor the express purpose of studying the Henibrandts there; his etehing;s also more nearly approaeh the high quality of those of the great Duteh master than any other modern artist's work. WILLIAM DOBSOX English: ICIO— IG-iG 224— PHILIP, FIFTH EARL OF PEMBROKE Born ill 1(516; died in 1669. Half-length figure of a younu; man, seated in red plush chair, look- ing up to riglit, l)lack dress and wliite collar, fair hair, mustache and chin-tuft, right elbow resting on back of chair. Ccnic'fi.t: Height. 30 inches: -ccUllh, 241/2 inches. Pin chased from the late T. J. Bltilrslee. BUI J08III A IIEYXOLDS, IMJ.A. Exci.isii: 17:52—1792 225— PORTRAIT OF HIMSELF Half-length figure, when elderly and wearing spectacles, in green plush suit with high collar and neckerchief, gray wig, lips slightly parted. Canvas: Hc'ujhl. ."!() inches; 7ciiltli. 25 inches. sii{ riio.MAs LAWin:x( i:, imj.a. Exulish: 1769—1830 226— PORTliAIT OF A GIJXTLE3IAN Half-lkngth figure, seated, of a iiii(l(lle-a<;e(l man, dark green coat with high collar, yellow Avaistcoat and lace handkerchief; striped red and }'ellow neck-rihbon with pendant of an order, gray hair; yellow background. Canvas: Height. 30 inches; widtli, '25 inches. Tlic pcrsuiiayx' il(.',-,tribi-(l aljuvu was I'ltsiduiit of Dulwicli College, London. GEOHGE KO.MNEY English: 173-i— 1802 227— WILLI A3I HEliSCHEL, ESQ. Half-length figure of an elderly man. seated in red chair, directed and looking to right, black coat, yellow waistcoat, white neckerchief, gray hair; hands clasped, holding walking stick. Canvas: Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches. Purchased from Messrs. Dowdeswell &,• Dowdeswell. GEOiiGE HENRY HARLOW English: 1787—1819 22H—POKTIiAIT OF A LADY Half-length figure of a young woman seated in the open and look- ing upward; low-neck red dress edged with white, short sleeves, dark curly hair falling over forehead; left elbow on arm of chair, hand raised to hair. Canvas: Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches. Purchased frovi the late T. J . Blakeslee. WIEEIAM DOBSON English: 1610—1646 229— rOHTli A IT OF A GENTLEMAN Head and shoulders of a full-faced young man looking up to right, dark-colored coat, white shirt, fair curly hair. Canvas: Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches. This is said to bu a portrait of tliu pout Joliii Milton. SIR HENRY RAEBURN, R.A. (lYiiod of) English 2^0— PORTRAIT OF A LADY Half-length figure of a young woman, seated, tliicctcd to left, looking at speetator, light green square-neck dress, white collar, black shawl over shoulders, curly hair, green cap. A good early English portrait more resembling Hoppner than Raeburn. Canvas: Height, 30 inches; width, '25 inches. Purchii.scfl from S. T. Smith, London, son of the author of Smith's "Catalogue Raisonne." EARLY ITALIAN SCHOOL 23^— CHRIST RISING FROM THE SEPULCHRE The figure of Christ, depicted in half-length, assisted from the sepulchre hy an angel ; Martha and Mary on either side. Panel: Height, 32 inches; width, 28 inches. Purchased from Dr. Paul Mcrsch of Paris. FRANCISCO ZURBARAN Spanish: 1598—1662 232— PORTRAIT OF A SYRIAN BISHOP Whole-length figure, standing, in golden robes, face seen in profile, long gray beard, right hand outstretched. Canvas: Height, 35 inches; -width, 21 inches. ELISABETTA SIRANI Italian: 1638—1665 2SS— HOLY FAMILY Half-length figure of the Virgin, seated, in pink and blue drap- eries, golden hair, holding nude Infant towards St. John the Bap- tist, the two embracing; landscape background. Canvas: Height, 30 inches; length, 3514 inches. Purchased from the htte T. J. Blakeslee. SCHOOL OF TITIAN Italian 234— THE MAURI AGE OF ST. CATHERINE The Virgin in red, yellow and blue draperies, seated to left, hold- ing forward the Infant Christ, who is placing the ring on the finger of St. Catherine; St. John to left. Canvas: Height, 301/0 inches; length, 37 inches. Ascribed to T.ODOVICO CAIIRACC I Italian: 1555—1619 235~MADONNA AND CHILD Three-quakter-length figure of the Madonna, seated, in blue and red dress, hands joined as in prayer; she is looking down at the Infant, whose hands are outstretched towards her; on either side a youthful angel. Canvas: Height, 361/2 inches; width, 30 inches. Purchased from the late T. J. Blakeslee. ITALIAN SCHOOL 2SQ~TUE HOLY FAMILY The Virgin enthroned, in red, blue and white draperies, holding the Infant to her shoulder; angel head to left, St. Joseph to right. Below the child St. John is holding a cross and is standing on a pedestal in- scribed "S R C D P C V"; on either side a cardinal and a monk. A girl is seen behind the latter. Canvas, arched top: Height, 37 inches; width, 23 inches. BERNARD VAN ORLEY 1491—1542 liSl— MADONNA AND CHILD Three-quarter-length figure of the Virgin in green and red gold- embroidered draperies cut to V-shape at neck, close-fitting embroid- ered cap and transparent white veil, holding up nude Infant close to her face; gold background. Carved frame with angels' heads. Panel: Height, 38 inches; width, 221/2 inches. ANDKEA DEL SAKTO (Attributed to) (ANDREA D'AGNOLO) Italian: 1487-1531 23S^3IADONNA AND CHILD Half-length figure of the Virgin in blue and red draperies and white lieaddress, seated, and holding the Infant in her lap ; St. John to left, holding cross ; pillar background. Canvas: Height, 39 inches; width, 30% inches. FEKDIXAIS^D BOL Dutch: 1611—1681 (Pupil of Rembrandt) 239~POIiTliAIT OF A LADY Half-length figure of a young lady in dark-colored, gold-embroid- ered dress, corsage edged with white, dark hat embroidered with gold; fair hair, pearl earrings and necklace. Canvaft: Height., 32 itiches; width, 25 inches. Purchased from Edward Uranduti, This portrait was presented in 1787 by the Due d'Orlcans to Alexandre Pieyre, tutor to tlie Due de Chartres (afterwards Louis Pliilijipe), and eanie from tlie Palais Royal Collection. It was afterward the j)roperty of Madame de Genlis, the famous authoress. BROXZIXO (CRISTOFANO ALLORI) Italian: 1577 — 1621 240— PORTRAIT OF LEONORA DE TOLEDO Half-length figure, in full-front view, brown dress embroidered with gold, pearl rope around shoulders, pearl necklace, brown hair with flat cap adorned with pearls; handkerchief in right hand, left hand just above the waist. Panel: Height, 321/2 inches; width, 26 inches. A version of the portrait in the Royal Gallery, Berlin. CATHERINE READ English: Died in 1778 241— CHILD AND PARROT Nearly whole-length figure of a young girl in yellow-patterned dress, long brown sash and pink and white lace bonnet, walking in a landscape; a parrot perched on the back of her left hand. Canvas: Height, 33 inches; width, 27l/> incites. Purchased from Messrs. T. WuUis tjj- iSun, Luiuiun. STK THOMAS LAAYKEKCE, P.T^.A. (School of) English 242^MRS. JULIANA DINE HiU.F-LENGTii figure of a middle-aged lady, seated in front view, white dress edged with white lace, yellowish cloak over shoulders, ruby and pearl brooch at center of corsage, two-row pearl necklace, pearl rope earrings, fair hair, white turban; landscape background. Canvas: Height, 36 inches; width, 28 inches. Purchased from Messrs. Arthur Tooth Sf Son. PvEMBPtANDT SCHOOL 243— POBTRAIT OF A LADY WITH A FAN Half-length figure, in green di-ess, brown fur cloak, pearl chain, necklace, bracelets and earrings; black cap with brown feather; left hand resting on right and holding fan. Canvas: Height, 36% inches; width, 29 inches. Purchased from Messrs. T. Wallis i^- Son, London. Prohahly by Ferdinand Bol (1611-1681). GA]iPilEL METSU Dutch: 1630—1667 244~THE TOAST An interior with seven figures, tlu'ee men, tiu'ee women and a boy; the hostess standing, with hacli: to the sjiectator, in white satin dress and pink jaclvet edged with white fur; the others are seated at a table and toasting the health of the lady ; a page boy is bringing in refresh- ments; guitar on sofa to left. Canvas: Height, 37 Inches; width, 'il'l/o inches. Purchased from M. C. Sedelmeyer, of Paris. JOHN RUSSELL, R.A. English: 1745—1806 1\5— PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG GENTLEMAN Three-quakteu length, standing; in brown coat, yellow waistcoat, green breeches, white stock, long, fair hair falling over shoulders; left arm i-esting on ledge, hand holding gloves, right hand on hip, green background. Canvas: HcUjht, JJ8 inches; width, 311/2 inches. Purchased from Mc.ssr.s. A(jnna i.^- Suns, London. REMBRANDT SCHOOL 24Q— PORTRAIT OF A RABBI Half-length of an elderly man, seated and looking at spectator, in robes of office, with belt and white turban ; hands clasped. Canvas: Height, 38 inches; icidth, 32 inches. A study of the Duke of Devonshire's picture, described by Dr. Bode, No. 199, and illustrated in the "'Klassiker der Kunst" volume on Rembrandt, p. 186. KAREL Dl^ JARDIN Dutch: 1625—1678 247~PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN Hai.f-length figure of an elderly man, seated, in dark-colored dress and gray robes; long gray curly hair or wig. Canvas: Height, 391/^ inches; width, 24I/(. inches. SIR ANTON VAN DYCK (Period of) Flemish: 1599—1641 248— PORTliAIT OF A GENTLEMAN Three-quarter length of a middle-aged man, in dark gi-een dress, white gauffered ruffle, white cuffs, brown hair, mustache and closely trimmed beard ; yellow gloves in right hand ; red covered table to right. Canvas: Height, 39 inches; imdth, 31 inches. CORN E LIS DE VOS Flemish: circa 1585 — 1651 '249^LADV AND CHILD Half-figure of a middle-aged lady, seated, in dark gold-embroidered dress and white gauffered ruff; the child, standing to left, in yellow dress with pendent cross, is holding an apple in her left hand and a toy dagger in the right. Panel: Height, IQl/o inches; width, 31 inches. Bought from Meniirs. Dowdeswell 4- DowdesweU, by the late T. J. Blakeslee. ITALIAN SCHOOL 250~PORTRAIT OF POPE JULIUS II Three-quakter length of an elderly man, seated in a red chair, scar- let cape, white gown and white edged cap, gray beard and mustache; arms resting on elbows of chair, a ring on index finger of right, and third finger of left hand. Canvas: Height, 41 1^ indies; width, 311/^ indies Apparently/ a version of RaphaeVs portrait in the Uffizi, Florence. Purchased from Messrs. Dowde swell ^' Dowdesxeell. ANl^KKA PirEVITALI Italian: 1480—1528 L 25 1 —THE ANNUNCIA TIOX Small whole-length tigure of the angel Gabriel, in a flowing gown of white and blue, with richly-brocaded vest and white sleeves; long massed golden hair: he is kneeling on his left knee, his right hand holding an upright lily-branch, his left hand against breast. Canvas: Height, 42yo inches; width, 271/0 inches. I'urchased from Professor Lara of Ovcrzo, I tali/, 1902. From the collection of Clement A. Griseoin, Esq., Philuileljihia. GIOVANNI SANTI Italian: circa 1435 — 1494! (Father of Raphael) 252~HOLV FAMILY Nearly whole-lenr:srEO sctitdoxe Italian-: 1560—1616 2QS-~MAVONNA AND CHILD The Madonna seated in red draperies and wliite loose headdress; holding up with riglit hand a white rohe on wliich tlie Infant rests; to rio-ht St. Elizabeth and St. John, towards whom the infant Christ is leaning. Canvas: Height, 4.51/o inches; unclth, 371/2 inches. Purchased from the late T. ./. Hlakeslee. ERCOEE 1)1 liOHEKTO (iHAXDI Italian : Died in 1495 264— THE MARRIAGE OF ST. CATHERINE The Virgin seated, in i-ed ilress, blue gold-enihroidered cloak and white transparent headdress, holding the Infant, who is in the act of placing the ring on the finger of St. Catherine; she is kneeling to right and is dressed in blue and red ; behind her a female saint is stand- ing and writing in an open book, and overhead a cherub; to right St. Sebastian with loin clotli and arrows in chest and leg; St. John with ci-oss and scroll inscribed "Ecce Agnus Dei," and near him St. Joseph; landscape and chiu'ch tower in the distance. Panel: Height, 43 inches; width, 381/^ inches. Purchased from Messrs. Dozcdeswcll <^- Dowdeswell. GH)\ AXXI FRANCESCO liAinUKHI (Callkd "GUERCINO") Italian: 1591— 166G 265— THE DOUBTING ST. THOMAS Interior with five figures; in the center half-length life-size figure of Christ, who has drawn back His white robes and is exposing the wound in His side; three elderly disciples in the background. Canvas: Height, -il^^ inches; width, 49^^ inches. Purchased from M. C. Sedelmeyer, Paris. TAD DEO GADDI SCHOOL Italian 266— Tiro SAINTS Two female saints in red, gold-embroidered robes, one holding pen and book and the other a small box; gold background. Panel zt'ith double archeJ top: Height, 55y^ 'niches; uidth, 2714 inches. Purchased from the late Mr. Martin Colnaghi, London, DUTCH SCHOOJ^ 2Q7— ADORATION OF THE MAGI Intekior with numerous figures. To left the Virgin in red dress trinmied with white, and flowing blue cloak, is holding the Infant towards the kneeling figure of the venerable-looking leader of the Wise Men; behind him a fair-haired youth and three men, one in red cloak and white turban, the two others in armor ; the elderly St. Joseph is seen behind the Virgin. Canvas: Height, 46 inches; length, 50^2 inches. Purchased from Messrs. Dowdeswell ^ Dowdeswell. Esteemed by tlie owner as one of the finest pictures in his collection. PAOLO VEKONESE (Attributed to) Italian 208—^ LADY HOLDING A MINIATURE Half-figure of a lady seated, in red low-neck dress, edged with white lace; a jewel case on her lap, and holding in her extended hand a locket with a miniature which seems to awaken tender recollections. Canvas: Height, SQl/o inches; width, 40^ inches. (JEORGE TIENRV IIAREOAV English: 1787—1819 2Q9—3IRS. DUDLEY RYDER {nee Nasmith) Three-quartek length, age about twenty-five, standing, looking to left, low-neck white dress with rosebuds, pink and white shawl, pearl bracelet and earrings. A male portrait — a coiniJiiiiioii |)i(tui-e — hangs in tlic Tiiilf Museum in France. Canvas: Heir/hf. ryl inclu's; :dilt]i, H- inrlirx. From till' collfftioii (if lur (/iiiiul-iiiccc. Mis.s Fdiujiiliaraon. I'liiclid.ifd j'ruiii the lute S. /'. Avtrij. siPt MAiniN Ai{( iii:h siike, p.h.a. English: 1764—1850 270— POKTEAIT OF MRS. DILLINGHAM Three-quarter leni>th, standing by a pillar and red curtain, black low-neck dress, witb short sleeves; dark hair in ringlets, bound with pearl band, brilliant and ruby brooch at corsage, brilliant bracelet on left arm, white gloves; landscape to left. Canvas: Height, 55l^ inches; width, 41 inches. SIR PETER PAUL RUBERS Flemish: 1577—1640 21\— VIRGIN AND CHILD The Virgin, in red dress and flowing white headdress, seated to left holding the Infant on her lap; elderly St. Elizabeth in black dress and white turban, leading St. John seated on a lamb; pillars in back- ground, sky to left. Canvas: Height, SCy^ inches; width, 431/^ inches. Purchased from Messrs. Dnrand-Iiuel. IL TIN TOHF/nO (JACOI'O ROBUSTI) Italian: circa 1519—1594. 272~TIIE MARRIAGE OF ST. CATHERINE Whole-length figure of the Virgin, in blue and red draperies and light transparent headdress; she is holding the nearly nude Infant with her left hand; His open right hand, with the ring, is extended towards the young St. Catherine. Panel: Height, 57 inches; ■width, 45l^ inches. Purchased from Messrs. Durand-Ruel. ANTONIO PEJiEDA Spanish: 1599—1699 21'6~THE BREAKING OF BREAD Interior with tliree figures seated at a white carved table. Christ in scarlet cloak, attended by two Disciples, is holding a loaf of bread and invoking a blessing. Canvas: Height, 44I/2 inches; length, 68I/2 inches. Purchased from Messrs. Durand-Ruel. No. 274 THE MARRIAGE OF SAINT CATHERINE SCHOOL OF SIR ANTON VAN DYCK SCHOOL OF SIl? ANTON VAN DYCK Flemish 214— THE MARRIAGE OF ST. CATHERINE Whole-length of the Virgin, seated, to left, in brown and blue draperies ; the Infant in white, seated on her lap, placing the ring on the finger of St. Catherine, who is in red and brown draperies with long auburn hair, and is kneeling to right ; to left pillar, curtain over- head. Canvas: Height, 571/2 inches; length, 60 inches. Purchased in London as a Van Dyck hy the late T. J. Blakeslee. No. 275 THE DEAD CHBIST BY TITIAN TITIAN (TIZIANO vp:celli) Circa 1484.— 1576 275~THE DEAD CHRIST Group of eight life-size figures. The dead Christ at full length with white drapery extended across the whole length of the picture, the crown of thorns on floor to left; the background occupied by seven male and female saints weeping, one to right holding the nails drawn from the body of the Chi-ist. The agony of grief displayed upon the faces of the attendant figures dis])lays the master liaiid and wonder- ful conception of the artist. Canvas: Height, 551/. incites; length, 781/) inches. Purchased from M. ScJelmeijer, Paris. ALLAN KAMSAY English: 1713 — 1784 276— GEORGE THE THIRD King of Great Britain and Ireland; bom in 1738; succeeded to the Throne in 1760; died in 1820. Whole-len'gth. life-size, standing, looking to left, in state robes with ermine cloak, gold coat and breeches, white stockings and shoes with gold buckles: pillar and pink curtain background. CaiKOi: Height, 82 inchgi; iridth. -52 inches. Of the same provenance as the companion portrait of Queen Charlotte, No. 277. ALLAX PiAMSAV EIxglish: 17ia— 1784 '277 —QCEEX CHARLOTTE Wife of Gieorge the Third, bom in 1744, married 1761, died 1818. Whole-lzxgth. life size, standing by a pillar, in state robes with ermine cloak, left hand on crown which rests on green cushion to right. In the original carved frame. Can-as: Height. 82 inches: tcidth, 52 inches. Presented to General Lord HUL a distinguished officer in the Peninsular cam- paign, for bravery. .Allan Ramsay, who was Portrait Painter to George III. painted a large number of state portraits of the King and Queen. ALLAN liA.MSAY English: 1713—1784. 27Q— GEORGE THE THIRD King of Great Hritaiii and Ireland; horn in 1738; succeeded to the Throne in 1760; died in 1820. Whole-length, life-size, standing, looking to left, in state robes with ermine cloak, gold coat and breeches, white stockings and shoes with gold buckles; pillar and pink cin-tain background. Canvas: Height, 82 inches; width, .52 inches. Of the same provenance as tlie companion portrait of ^ueen Cliarlotte, No. 277. ALLAN KAMSAY English: 1713 — 1784 277 —QUEEN CHARLOTTE Wife of George the Tliird, born in 1744, marrieil 1701, died 1818. Whole-length, life size, standing by a pillar, in state robes with ermine cloak, left hand on In the original carved frame. ermine cloak, left hand on crown which rests on green cushion to right. Canvas: Height, 82 inches; width, 52 inches. Presented to Gencnd Lord Hill, a distinguished officer in the Peninsular cam- paign, for hraverij. Allan Ramsay, wiio was Portrait Painter to George III, painted a large number of state portraits of the King and Queen. DANIEL MYTENS Dutch: —1656 (?) 27 S— THE MARQUESS OF HUNT LET Gcoi'go Gordon, second j\I inches; length, 2i inches. The study described above hung for many years in the studio of Jules Dupre. JAN MIENHE MOLENAEK Died in 1668 2m- MAN DRINKING Bust of smiHng man in brown coat and large hat, holding up a large earthenware jug. Panel: Height, 26^2 inches; width, 191/^ inches. Signed to right. Purchased from Messrs. Dowdeswcll (§• Dowde swell. JAN VAN GO YEN Dutch: 1596—1666 2S1~3IARINE View of seacoast and river, a double tower with spires and other buildings jjartly in ruins to right, boats and figures at foot; flat land- scape in the distance. Paiul: Height, 15^2 inches; length, 20^/0 inches. Signed with initials on the barrel in center of the river. No. 282 MADOXXA .t\I> CHILD BY GIROI.AMO DA SANTA CROCE GIROLAMO DA SANTA CROCE Italian: circa 1519 — 1549 2H2— MADONNA AND CHILD Small half-figure of the Virgin enthroned, in blue, red and white draperies, nursing the Infant, who rests on a white cushion; to left elderly bearded saint carrying a miniature tower, to right a monk. Panel: Height, ITl/o incites; length, 2-tl/^ inches. Purchased from the late Mr. Martin Colnughi, who obtained it from a palace in Rome. EAKLY ITALIAN SCHOOL 283— TH^ MARBIAGE OF ST. CATHERINE Small whole-lengtli figure of the Virgin, in red, blue and green draperies, seated in the open, liokling the Infant forward towards St. Catherine, who is in yellow and pink draperies, kneeling and holding a palm branch in left hand; overhead two youthful angels holding wreaths. Panel, arched top: Height, 16l^ inches; width, 11 inches. ADPtTAA:N VAN DER A\ ERFF Dutch: 1659—1703 2^4— THE INCREDULITY OF ST. THOMAS Interior with numerous liighly finished figures smaller than life; Christ standing to right, in white loin drapery and red loose cloak; St. Thomas seated to left, in hrown and hlue rohes, holding a volume in left hand, index finger of right on the woimd in the Saviour's side. Height, 21 iiiclu-s; cddtli, 18 iiulic.i. Exhibited at the British Institution, 1818, Xo. IT, /;// //. P. Hope, and at Soutli Kt-nsinc/fon Mnscnni, 1891, rcith the Hope Collection. Catalogue of the Ilojic of Drrpdcne Collection, 1S!)8, \o. 51, 7C'ith illustra- tion. Bought from Mr. A. Werlheinier of London, -tclio jiurchased the Hope Collec- tion en bloc. IL SASSOP^EERATO (GIOVANNI BATTISTA SALVI) Italian: 1605—1685 2S5— MADONNA PRAYING Bust of the \"ir<>,iti in wliite and red dress, l)lne eloak, white liead- dress, fair hair; liaiids joined as in praj'er. Cinivds: Height, 181 o inches; width, 15 inches. GIROLAMO DA TREVISO (GIROLAMO DI PIER-MARIA PENNACCHI) Italian: 1497 — 1544 2m~HOLV FAMILY Sm.u.l half -figure of the Virgin in red and green robes, white head- dress, standing near a balcony, on which the Infant is seated on white drapery and holding an open book; St. Joseph, in yellow cloak and with staff, is behind the Virgin; overhead a pink curtain; a border of green leaves bound with pink ribbon surrounds the group. Canvas: Height, 24 inches; width, 18l/o inches. From the collections of the Duke of Roxburglw and Henri/ Doetsch, sold at Christie's, June, 1895, No. 70. ( KSAKi: DA sKsro Italian: circa 1480 — 1521 '2S7—MADO.\XA AND CHILD Half-figure of the Madonna in red and blue draperies and with auburn hair, the Infant resting His arms on His INIother's neck; St. Joseph to right, in red dress and looking over his shoulder at spectator; green curtain background. This picture is noted as the only ]Madonna whose face bears a resemblance to the features of Christ as portrayed in all schools of art. Panel: Height, 251/^ inclws; width, 20 inches. From the collection of the Marchexc Marsiylia of Bologna. ANDREA SAJ.AI Italian: Boun circa 1480 288— MADONNA AND CHILD Half-figure of the JNLidonna in red and blue draperies, seated and nursing the Infant, whom she liokls with both hands. Panel: Height, 25 Vo inches; width, ^O',- inches. From the collection of the Uev. W. IL Wtii/ne. of Will// Hectorif, liroseley, Salop. Exhibited at liuriuujton House, London, in 18«2, .\o. 'MO: and at the Nem Gallery in 189J^, \o. 200 {as by Andrea Solario). TAULUS MOPiEELSE Dutch: 1571—1638 .^H . .^jM^ "^'^^^K \ ■■li^i^il ^^fS^^^K .^••*1*** ■«r ir '2H9~-nAliTIIOLOMEUS VAN SEGWAEBT, SHERIFF OF DOliDRECIIT, 1607 Hai,f-fi(;ui!K of middle-aged man in hlack and gray dress, and elab- orate white laee eollar; brown liair, mustache and chin-tuft. Paiul: Hck/lit, 201^ iuchc:^: rcifJth, 201/. inches. Purcliancd from Mcftxru. Diirinul-li iicl. Tile (l:ifc l(i2;5, at the tiip of tlic ])()i-h-ait, is |)rob:il)ly tlic yiur of van Seffwacrt's dcatli. BARTHOLOMEl S TAN DEli HELST Dutch: 1611—1670 290~PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN Head and shoulders in an oval of an elderly man, in black dress, plain white collar with tassels ; long black curly hair, slight mustache and chin-tuft. Canvas: Height, 27 Yj i'lclics; width, 211/2 inches. Signed to right. CORNELI8 JANSSENS VAN KEULEN Dutch: circa 1590 — 1662 291— PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN Half-figure of middle-aged man in an oval; black dress, white circular collar, fair hair and mustache. Panel: Height, 281/0 inches; width, 231/^ inches. Signed with initials and dated 1625 in lower right-hand corner. sill THOMAS LA WHENCE, IMI.A. English: 1769—1830 292— THE SISTERS Half-figures of two golden-haired girls, in gray and white dresses, in a landscaj^e, holding a dove. Canvas: Height, 281/) inches; width, 23^ inches. Purchased from Messrs. T. U'allis ^- Son, London. i I lOM A8 BAIJKEK (Known as BARKER OF RATI!) English: 1769— 1847 293^TUE OLD MEliCIIANT Head and slKHilders of an old man with lonn' ^ray hair and l)eard, looking at the spectator; dark-colored dress, holding with left hand the leaf of an ojjen volume, apparently a ledger. Canvas: Height, 29 inches: xcldih, 2\ inches. Purchased in London through the late T. J. Blakeslee. This is a fine exanii)Ic' of the skill with whicli Barker of Bath so cleverly imitated Rembrandt that some of his pictures have passed as genuine works of the great Dutch master. SIK PETEK LELV English: 1617— 1G80 294~TIIE DUCHESS OF LEICESTER Half-figuke of young lady, in an oval, directed to right and looking at spectator ; hrown and white low-neck dress with short sleeves, gar- nished with pearls and precious stones, pearl necklace; fair curly hair falling over shoulders and hound with pearls. Canvas: Height, US) inches; zcidth, 2-i inches. Purchased from Messrs. Arthur Tooth i^- Son. JAN VAN RAVESTEYN 1572—1657 295— POKTK A IT OF A LADY Hai.f-length of a young lady of quality, in dark-colored dress em- broidered with gold, large white gauffered collar, four-row pearl neck- lace, white lace cap, pearl earrings; left hand gloved and holding glove of right. Canvas: Height, 291/0 inches; undth, 241/0 inches. Purchased from M. C. Sedelmeyer, Paris. JAMES WAIJI), H.A. Enci.ish: 1769—1859 29Q~POIiTliAIT OF A GEXTLEMAN H.vLF-FiGURK of Rii elderly, fresh-eolored man in jj'reen coat with white shirt and front, scant gray hair and side whiskers. Canvas: Height, 29y^ incites; width, 'i-J-l/ij inches. Purchased in London. SIR THOMAS lawim:xci:, imj.a. (V) English: 1760—1830 297— FORTH AIT OF A LADY A FINE and most attractive picture. Half-figure of young woman seated, looking at spectator, in deep red dress cut to V-shape, white collar, dark curiy liair falling over ears, large red hat lined with white and black feather. Canvas: Height, 291 ^ inches: width, 25 inches. CORNELIS JANSSENS VAN KEULEN Dutch: circa 1590 — 1662 2m—POHTliAIT OF A GENTLEMAN Half-length of middle-aged man, in gold studded armor, yellow sash, white lace collar; long dark hair, slight mustache and chin-tuft. Canvas: Height, 291/2 inches; width, 2-il/^> inches. Purchased from M. C. Sedclmeyer, Paris. SIK JOHN WATSON GORDON, R.A. English: 1790—1864. 299— PORTRAIT OF A LADY Hai.f-figure, seated, of a lady about thirty years of age, in red, low-neck dress trimmed with white, jeweled pendant at center of corsage, blue cloak across shoulders, end held by left hand; straw hat with pink feather, dark hair. Canvas: Height, 291/4 inches; width, 25 inches. Purchased by Mr. Lambert in Edinburgh. JAN VEH8PH()X( K Dutch: 1597—1662 300~POKTIiAIT OF MYNHEER TEN EYCK Half-figure of an elderly man with rubicund face, seated; in black dress and large black hat, white muslin collar, brown mustache and chin-tuft. Canvas: Height, 291/0 inches; width, 251/0 inches. From the T. Humphrij Waiil Collection. Purchased from Messrs. Dowdeswell 8f Dowdeswell. SIK JOSTTl A RKYXOLDS, P.K.A. English: 1732—1792 301— PORTRAIT OF 31 RS. BENNETT HAI.F-FIGURE of elderly lady, white dress, red and gold corsage trinmied with blue ribbon, white crossover, blue ribbon bow at neck, white lace cap, gray hair. Canvas: Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches. Purchased from Mr. Thomas McLean, London. Painted about 1760, and jirobahly the picture sold with that of Mr. Ben- nett at Greenwood's auction rooms in London, April 14, 1796, No. 24. As in many of Sir Joshua's pictures the colors have somewhat faded. Slli W1LLIA]M BEECIIEY, P..A. English: 1753 — 1839 302~FOliTRAIT OF MRS. N OS WORTHY Half-figure of a young lady seated at a balcony, in white low-neck dress, with short sleeves; lace collar, fair curly hair falling over fore- head, gold earrings; left elbow resting on red-covered table, yellow gloves, fan in left hand ; trees in distance to right. Canvas: Height. 30 iiiclws; width, 25 inches. Purchased from Messrs. Arthur Tooth c^- Sons. FHAXC IS C DIES, IJ.A. English: 1720—1770 303—77/7; COUNTESS OF MEXBOROUGH Sarali Delaval, married first in 1760 Lord Pollingtoii, afhrwards Earl of Mexborougli ; and secondly, in 1780, the Kev. S. Hardcastle ; died in 1821. Hai.f-figure of middle-aged lad}', in red low-neck dress garnished with pearl ornaments, short sleeves trimmed with white, dark hair, of which a plait falls over right shoulder; red curtain to right. Canvas: Height. 30 incites; rcidth. 25 inches. Purchased from the late T. J . lilakeslee. JOHN IlOPPXEPv, R.A. English: 1758—1810 304— POUT HA IT OF A LADY Hai,i<'-figure of a inlddle-aged lady, .standing; in white low-neck di-ess, white lace head-dress, the ends of which fall over shoulders; yellow waistband, white shawl with black pattern and edged with red. Canvas: Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches. Purchased from M. C. Sedelmeyer, Paris. WILLIAM OWEN, R.A. English: 1769—1825 S05~PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN Half-figure of a stout elderly man, painted in the manner of Rae- burn, with rubicund face and brown hair, seated in a red chair; in blue coat with large collar, yellow waistcoat and white stock. Canvas: Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches. Purchased ■from the late T. J . Blakeslee. No. ;iofi I.ISDSCAPE BY THOMAS GAINSBOROUGH, R.A. THOMAS GAIXSBOROl GH, R.A. English: 1727—1788 306 —LA NDSCA PE On the right a river with numerous boats and figures, on the left trees and field of grain; a windmill in the distance near the center of the picture. Canvas: Height, 211/2 inches; length, 33 inches. Purchased from Messrs. Arthur Tooth 4- Sons. AERT VAN DER NEER Dutch: 1604—1677 307— RirER SCENE Moonlight scene on a broad river, with boats, figures and ducks swimming ; houses, trees and figures, with buildings, a church spire and a windmill, are seen on either side. Canvas: Height, 201/2 inches; length, 321^^ inches. Signed xiith initials in loxcer rightlian/l corner. BERNARD VAN ORLEY 14.91—1.54.2 SOS— r I RGIN AND CHILD Half-length of the Virgin seated in a carved niche, in blue and white draperies, white transparent headdress; the nude Infant, seated on her lap on white draper}', is taking a fig from his Mother; conven- tional landscape to right and left. Panel: Height, 29 inches; width, 25 inches. Purchased from Messrs. Durand-Kuel. JAKOIJ VAN BUY8DAEL Dutch: circa 1630—1682 309— LANDSCAPE Landscape with evening effects ; an old cottage and trees on the brow of a liill ; a rustic wood bridge over a stream, througli which a man is driving a flock of sheep. Panel: Height, 2414 inches; length, 33 inches. Signed in lozcer left-hand coiner. Purchased from Messrs. Durand-Ruel. No. ^10 ON THE HIVER BY JAN \ AN GOYEN JAN VAN GOYEN Dutch: 1596—1666 310— OiV THE RIVER A BROAD river with numerous boats, some fully rigged and flying pennants, figures rowing and fishing on the left; ancient building and landing stage, from \\\w\\ a man is fishing with a line, to rifflit. Height, 27 inches; length, 38 inches. Signed with initials on stern of boat to left. From the San Donato Collection of Prince Demidoff. Purchased from Messrs. Dnrand-Iiuel. No. 311 GROUP OF WORSHIPPERS EARLY GERMAN SCHOOL EAKI.V GEIIMAN SCHOOL 3U— GROUP OF WORSHIPPERS A GROUP of four figures. Three female saints, one (perhaps St. Bar- bara) in blue and red draperies holding a cross in her right hand, and a miniature carved tower in her left, in conversation with a companion in bluish white dress and red headdress; the third saint, in red and blue, holds an open book; to left a Pope holding a crozier, and point- ing with finger to right ; gold background. Panel: Height, 26l/o hiches; length, 30 inches. Purchased from the hitr If. O. Watson. JAN BRUEGHEL Flemish: 1568—1625 312— THE RAISING OF LAZARUS A. CROWDED and animated scene in the open with numerous men and women in brilliant costumes, Christ in scarlet robes appearing from the right and pointing towards Lazarus, who is in loin cloth and white head bandage ; evening effects. Panel: Height, 24 inches; length, 39 inches. TL PAIIMIGIANO (FRANCESCO MAZZUOLA) Italian: 1504—1540 313— //OLF FAMILY The Virgin seated in red and blue robes, holding the Infant, who is stretching forth His right hand towards an inscribed scroll held by the child St. John; elderly St. Joseph to right. Pan^l: Height, 35 inches; width, 26 inches. AL\ isi: \ n AiUM Italian: circa 14-i6 — 1502 3i 4— 31 A BONN A AND CHILD Small wliole-length figure of the Madonna enthroned, in red dress and blue gold-enibroidered cloak and headdress, lily branch in right hand ; the Infant in yellow dress and blue sash, on her lap ; two male saints holding cross and staff, to left; a male and female saint, the former holding sword and book, to right; gold background. Panel, circular top: Hcighi, yjj inches; width, 18 inches. From the Borghcsc I'alacc, Home. No. 315 .ST. FUAXCLS OF ASS LSI liV EL GRECO EL GlIECO ( DOMKNICO THEOTOCOPULI) Si'Axi.sii : circa 15-18 — IGl-i 315— *VT. FEAXCIS OF AS SIS I St. Francis of Assisi in the costume of his order kneehng and hold- ing a skull with hoth hands ; to left a young monk, also in Franciscan dress, his hands clasped, gazing at the ohject held by his companion. Canvas: Height, '.Mi inches; icidfJi, -5l/o inches. Purchased from M. C. Sedelmeyer, Paris. A version of the pictui-e in tlio Colegio de Donccllas at Toledo, described by Cossio, "El Greco," 1908, p. 587, and illustrated on Plate 102. No. 316 MADONNA AM) CHILD BY ANDREA DEL SARTO ANDPvEA DEL SAKTO (ANDREA D'AGNOLO) Italian: 14.87—1531 31G~MADONNA AND CHILD Hai.f figure of the Virgin in red and blue robes, and brown headdress, supporting the Infant who is seated on table to right; he is smiling at St. John, who, on tlie left of the composition, is holding a cross; dis- tant landscape. Cativa/i: Height 3.51/) ivchea; width, 27 inches. Purchased from the late II. 0. Watson. BERXAPil) VAN ORLEY 1^91—154.2 317— THE ADORATION OF THE MAGI The Virgin seated, holding the Infant, to whom one (Caspar) of the richly attired Wise JNIen is offering a gold casket, his companions car- rying other presents; the Ethiopian and attendants to right; St. Jo- seph in red in the hackground ; distant landscape seen hetween pillars. Panel: Height, IJO inches; rcidth, 3i inches. Passmore Edwards Collection; seals with coats-of-arms on back of panel. TNNOCEXZO DA TMOLA (INNOCENZO FRANCACCI) Italian: 1494—1550 318— /^/7?C;7.V AND CHILD WITH SAINTS Virgin in red draperies and white headdress, seated in center convers- ing with a crowned female saint, and holding the Infant towards St. John, who is standing on a cradle and who holds a cross in his hand; female saint with left hand upraised to right. Pand: Height, 39 V- inches; -.ciilfh, 311/o inches. From fJie demnJished church of the Misercordia Pontii CdstigUone, Bologna. I'nreliiisciJ from Mr. Eugene Fisehhof. I'aris. SIU THOMAS l.AWKEXC E, P.H.A. Excn.isii: 1709—1830 SW—POliTIiAIT OF MHS. INGIJS Three-quarteu length figure of a young lady, seated to front beneath trees, and looking up to right; white low-neck dress with high waist and short sleeves, white lace shawl flowing across shoulders, gold waistband and arndets ; curly auburn hair falling over ears and tem- ple; left hand raised to shoulder, right arm hanging down by side (hand not seen). Ciin7-a.i: Height, 30 inelies; 7citltli, 27 indies. I'urchased from the late S. P. Averij. MICHEL WOLGEMIIT (Attributed to) 1434—1519 320— THE HOLY FAMILY The Virgin entiii-oned on a green patterned and jeweled chair, in green, red and white draperies, and long flowing headdress; she is holding an open JNlissal, and above her is the emblem of the Holy Spirit; to right a female saint (probabh' St. Elizabeth), in white, green and gold, is holding the Infant; He is reaching up to a red apple held by St. Joseph, who is seated to right, in red and gold dress; beneath, numerous figures of cherubs, one of whom holds a rose and another an apple; to left a soldier; gold background, castellated build- ing to right. Pniifl: Height, 40 inches; width, 22 inches. rurchnsed from the late H. O. ]]'(it.snn. THOMAS DE KEYSEli Dutch: 1596—1667 S21— THE PARKER FAMILY OF AMSTERDAM Group of seven small whole-length figures, the father, mother and five children in the open, near a plaster cast of a classical figure of a man crowned with bay leaves; all in dark-colored dresses and white plain collars, except the youngest child, who is in brown dress and who holds a pail of flowers ; trees in background, a brown curtain, form- ing a tent, suspended from the trees. Panel: Height, 27^/2 inches; length. 35 inches. Purchased of M. Durand-Ruel. rcho obtained it direct from the family. Note: The Parker family was long prominent in Holland, and portraits of a number of them are now in the Rijks Museum at Amsterdam. 1JAKT1IOI.OMEU8 VAX DKll IIKI.ST Dutch: 1011 — 1(570 322— PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN Three-quarter-length portrait of a stout middle-aged man, seated on a red chair; in dark dress with large white sleeves, white necker- chief; brown hair falling over shoulders, slight mustache; right arm resting on Ijack of chair. Canvas: Height, 44^/2 i'lclies; reiclth, 321.4 inches. Purchased from M. C. Sedelmeyer, Paris. KEMUKANDT IIARMEN8Z VAN RUN Dutch: circa 1603—1669 323— PORTRAIT OF A RABBI Thkee-quarter-length fifi-ure of an elderly man, seated to front looking at spectator full face; dark-colored dress with red sleeves, edged with white f m- and trimmed with brown ; gold neck-chain, gray hair and beard, flat l)lack hat, the brim throwing a shadow over the upper part of face; right arm resting on elbow of chair, left hand holding edge of cloak. Canvns: Height, 37 V^ inches; width, 30 inches. This very fine portrait is a version of tliat in the Kaiser Friedrich Museum, Berlin, signed and tlated 164.5, described by Dr. Bode, No. 297, and illustrated in the "Klassiker der Kunst" volume on Rembrandt, p. 359. Note: This painting teas purchased mun/i years ago by Mr. Lambert from Messrs. Durand-liiiel as a work of the School of liembrandt. Since then it has been seen by numerous connoisseurs and persons of authority who have judged the picture as being by the great master and many flattering offers for its purchase have been made. Very recently in cleaning the picture the signature and date have appeared. In view of these facts Mr. Lambert feels justified in accepting the picture as an example of Rembrandt, l>ut he does not, however, desire to assume the position of an infallible expert, and therefore places the picture before the public for it to determine whether or not it is an example of the greatest of Dutch masters. No. 323 PORTRAIT OF A RABBI BY RKMRRANDT HARMENSZ VAN RUN * 8S8 .o7i \aaksi k ^10 T\kftTftO°t KEM1U^\XD1 HARMENSZ VAN RUN Di kh: circa 1603— 1669 32S—P01iTRAIT OF A RABBI Three-quaktkk-length figure of an elderly man, seated to front looking at spectator full face; dark-colored dress with red sleeves, edged with white fur and trimmed with brown; gold neck-chain, gray hair and Ijeard, t)at black hat, the brim throwing a shadow over the upper part of fat;-: right arm resting on elbow of chair, left hand holding edge of . loak. Canvas: Height, 371^ inches; width, 30 inches. This very fine portrait is a version of that in the Kaiser Friedrich Museum, Berlin, signed and dated 1645, described by Dr. Bode, No. 297, and illustrated in tlie "Klassikev der Kunst" volume on Rembrandt, p. 359. Note: This painting wa* purchased many years ago by Mr. Lambert from Messrs. Durand-Ruel as a work of the School of Rembrandt. Since then it has been seen by numerous connoisseurs and persons of authority who have judged the picture as being by the great master and many flattering offers for its purchase have been made. Very recently in cleaning the picture the signature and date have apptnred. In view of these facts Mr. Lambert fecU justified in accepting the picture as an example of Rembrandt, but he does not, however, desire to assume the position of an infallible expert, and therefore places the picture before the public for it to determine whether or not it is :ut example of the greatest of Dutch masters. No. 324 PORTRAIT OF A RABBI REMBRANDT SCHOOL KiLM uPtAN j:>t school Dutch ?>2\— POUT U AIT OF A liAlilil Hai,1'-1'iguiie of a venerable-looking- old man, seated, in red and gold robes, broad jeweled belt, blaek bat witb pearl and jeweled band, gray beard; fingers of rigbt band partly under belt. Canvas: Height, -JyVl; 'iiflicn; icldtJi. ''W\-2 inches. Purchased from Messrs. Dnraiid-Riwl, about 1900. The scIr'iiic of anil iiioilcl for this portrait arc similar to M. JuU's Pougcs' picture described by Dr. IJode, No. 292, and illustrated in tlie "Klassikcr der Kunst" volume on Kemhraiidt, p. 353. REMBliANDT SCHOOL Dutch 325— PORTRAIT OF AN OLD GENTLEMAN READING Three-quarter length of an old man looking up to left, dark dress and skull cap ; left hand, holding an eyeglass, resting on an open vol- ume inscrihed "Ego sum resurrectio," etc.; to right table witli writing materials, lamp and open letter. Canvas: Height, 411/2 inches; width, 34 inches. Purchased from M. Eugene Fischhof. MARC GEERAERTS THE YOUNGER 17th Century 326— LADY KENEL3I DIGBY Venetia, younger dauglitur and co-heir of Sir Edward Stanley, K.B., of Tong Castle; born in 1600, married Sir Kenelni Digbj, author and naval commander; died in 1633. Three-quarter-length of a j'oung lady seated in hioli-baeked cliair; in black dress, large white gauffered collar, black high-crowned hat, white cuffs, three-row pearl necklace with jeweled miniature of elderly man, jjcarl bracelet; to left table with writing materials, right hand holding pen, which rests on open jjaper ; green curtain. Canvas: Height, -lOl/o inches; icidih, 31- inches. Purchased from Messrs. Dowdeswell S,- Dowdesztell. This distinguished lady, who was commemorated in elegies by Ben Jon- son and others, sat to many artists for her ])ortrait, the best known of which is by Sir A. A'an Dyck at Windsor Castle. Except that he studied under Lucas de Heere, little is known of Marc Geeraerts. Apart from the great picture of the "Spanish Ambassadors" in the I^ondon National Por- trait Gallery, and the signed ("]\I. G. F.") portrait of Queen Elizabeth at Welbeck Abbey, ascriptions to him are largely a matter of conjecture. REMBRANDT SCHOOL ^^'ll— PORTRAIT OF A LADY Three-quarter figure of a middle-aged woman, seated; in dark- colored dress, white gauffered collar and lace cuffs; brown hair and close-fitting black cap. Canvas: Height, 36^ inches; zeriJth, 281/2 inches. Inscription on the upper left corner, ^TATIS • S^E • 62, 1635. Purchased from Messrs. Dowdeswell 4- DowdesweU as a Franz Hals. ANDREA DEL 8ARiO (ANDREA D'AGNOLO) Italian: 1487—1531 32H— THE HOLY FAMILY A GROUP of five figures. The Virgin seated, in yellowisii and scarlet robes, lidding on her lap the nude Infant Christ, who is leaning for- ward and embracing the child St. John; the latter is in pinkish dress edged with white fur, and by his side is a cross with scroll inscribed "Ecce Agnus Dei"; to the left is a youthful figure (possibly intended to represent St. Joseph) in green robes with pearl and gold pendant of a winged angel-face; to right St. Elizabeth in scarlet and white robes, smiling at the two children. Panel: Height, 49^/. inches: 'width. 3S1 •_. incliea. This excccdiiifrly important picture was acquired by tlie late Mr. IMartin Colnaghi, who intended it for liis private collection, which he bequeatlied to the National Gallery, London, but he was prevailed u])on by Mr. I^ambert to sell it. The same model for the Virgin appears in the Budapest group, 1516, and the same model for the St. Elizabeth figures in the Holy Family at Munich, which dates from 1515-151(5. Tiie same St. John appears in se\eral of Andrea del Sarto's pictures of the Holy Family. The smiling Child-Christ is char- acteristic of the Master. (See Frontispiece) No. 329 MADONNA AND CHILD BY SANDRO BOTTICELLI SANDRO BOTTICELLI (ALESSANDRO FILIPEPI) Italian: 14.47—1510 229— MADONNA AND CHILD Small three-quarter-length figure of the Virgin, seated to right, in blue, scarlet and white draperies, her head inclined to the left, eyes nearly closed; she holds the Infant on her lap with both hands, His arms are around her neck, and His face is pressed close to hers ; He is lightly clad in a red garment and is earnestly gazing at His mother. On the left is a youthful saint, in white robes and red bands and sleeves, and with long hair, holding open towards the Virgin and Child an open volume with the Magnificat; blue and gray back- ground. Pancel, circle, 37 inches. Purchased by a private collector in Italy, and sold to Messrs. T. Agnew ^• Sons of London, from whom it was obtained in 1902. The central figures of the Virgin and Child are ahnost identical with those in the Virgin and Child with St. John and Angels in the Pitti Palace, Florence. \\ M. SANi ^-v 6S8 .oYi A^ijaoiTToa ofia>iA8 SANDRO BOTTICELLI (ALESSANDRO FILIPEPI) Italian: 1447—1510 329— M^DOiViV^ AISIB CHILD Small three-quarter-length figure of the Virgin, seated to right, in blue, scarlet and white draperies, her head hiclined to the left, ej'^es nearly closed; she holds the Infant on her lap with both hands. His arms are around her neck, and His face is pressed close to hers ; He is lightly clad in a red garment and is earnestly gazing at His mother. On the left is a youthful saint, in white robes and red bands and sleeves, and with long hair, holding open towards the Virgin and Child an open volume with the Magnificat; blue and gray back- ground. Pancel, circle, 37 inches. Purchased by a private collector in Italy, and sold to Messrs. T. Agnew <§• Sons of London, from whom it was obtained in 1902. The central figures of the Virgin and Child are almost identical with those in the Virgin and Child with St. John and Angels in the Pitti Palace, Florence. a5rir-:i:i^j^-rdri:^^ '^ q-* ^ ■ M^w>gj ii!SBHw*»aiP i»» B »tfiJgt^&:^ :^':i c: a-^'.-.jic-t^i.'. .■■'4. cici^^i; A::^^'i- FEKJ)INAND 150L Dutch: 1611—1681 {Pupil of Rembrandt) 330— REM nii AN DTS MOTHER Half-length of an elderly woman, to front, in deep red dress trimmed with fur, pearl necklace, reading in an open book, hair dressed with flowers and white feather. Canvas: Height, 43 indies; width, 381/2 inches. Purchased from the late T. J. Blakeslee. ANGELICA KAUFFMANN, R.A. English: 1741—1807 3m—iM()TIIIJH AND CHILD Half-length figure of a young lady standing in the oi)en, in white and gold low-neck dress, brown hair with white headdress and pearls, pearl necklace, left hand on a child sleeping on a red sofa; circular temple to right. Canvas: Height, 45 inches; width, 331 ^ inches. This has been described as "Queen Catlicrinc Awakeninfr tlic Spirit of the Arts," but it is not the picture with a similar title engraved by T. Burke in 1772. When Mr. Lambert purchased the picture the figure of the sleeping child had been painted over. COKNELIS JANSSENS VAN KEULEN Dutch: circa 1590 — 1662 332— PFINCESS ELIZABETH, QUEEN OF BOHEMIA Eldest daughter of Jaiiics I. of England; born 1596; married, 1618, Fretlerick V., Elector Palatine, afterwards King of Bohemia; died 1622. Small whole-length of a child seven or eight years of age, in long green dress embroidered with white, starched white high collar and reflexed cuffs ; brown hair with pearls and white feather, fan of white feathers by side, small red-covered volume in right hand. Canvas: Height, 47 inches; width, 34 inches. From the collection of the Duke of Fife, June 7, 1907, No. 60. Purchased from the late Stanford White. MICHAEL MIEREVELT Dutch: 1567—1641 SS3—PIETER BE SCHILDE, COUNCILOR OF BRABANT (Born 1584) Three-quarter-length figure of a middle-aged man, seated; in dark fur-lined robes, white gauffered ruff, white cuffs and black skull cap ; dark hair, mustache and chin-tuft, hands resting on arms of chair. Coat-of-arms to right. Canvas: Height, 48 inches; width, 35 inches. From the colU'ction of the late Marius Vlierhoom Van Hohoken. Amsterdam. SIR THOMAS LAWRENCE, P.R.A. English: 1769—1830 334— 3IOTHER AND DAUGHTER The elder lady seated in red chair to right, in low-neck black dress, short sleeves edged with white, long gold chain and bracelets, dark curly hair, flower in left hand; younger woman standing to left, in white low-neck dress with green cloak, brown curly hair; red curtain background. Canvas: Height, 48 inches; width, 371/2 inches. Purchased from Messrs. Durand-Ruel. These two figures are said to represent the wife and daughter of a Spanish Ambassador to London. GEORGE HENRY HARLOW English: 1787—1819 335— PORTRAIT OF SHERIFF JOHN JOHNSON Three-quarter length, seated in red chair, in robes and chain as Sheriff' of London ; black hair, white lace cravat and cuffs, right hand holding paper inscribed, "That the thanks of the Corporation be given to John Johnson, Esq. Sheriff of London, 1817." Canvas: Height, -iQ inches; width, 391/2 inches. Purchased from the late T. J. Blakeslee. TIIOMA8 GAIN8BOKOI GH, R.A. English: 1727 — 1788 S3Q— PORTRAIT OF GENERAL JOHXSON Probably tlic ^liijor, afterwards General, "Johnston" of Hawlcy's Dragoons, mentioned on p. 270 of Sir Walter Armstrong's "Gains- borough," 1904. TiiREK-QUARTEK-i.EXGTii figure of an elderly man. seated in red chair, blue dress embroidered with gold, white neelvereiiiet" and euft's; gray wig. Caiiras: Height, I'O inches; width, 391/^ inches. Purchased from Messrs. Arthur Tooth i^- Son. NI(()LAi:S .MAi:s Dutch: 1632—169:3 'SS7— PORTRAIT OF A LADY Portrait of a lady standing by a pillar; in white satin low-neck dress with short sleeves, edged with gold, blue shawl over shoulder; pearl rope and pendant at corsage, pearl necklace and earrings ; graj^ wig. Canvas: Height, 491/o inches; xmdth, 42 inches. Signed at the left and dated 1672. JOIIX CKOME English: 1769—1821 33H~THE OLD WINDMILL An ancient windmill, witli tall spindly trees, a red-capped man seated at foot of bridge: moonlight effects. Canvas: Height, 391/2 inches; length, 49 inches. Purchased from Messrs. Dowdeswell Sj- Dowdeszcell. DUTCH SCHOOL 18th Ckntury 3SHA—SCENE IN HOLLAND A WELL-WOODED dell with peasants working in a roughly constructed woodshed beneath trees; to right a group of rustics playing cards, to left winding road, windmill, and church in the distance ; masses of gray clouds. Panel: Height, 351/2 inches; length, 52^ inches. Purchased from the late H. 0. Watson. liKIlAHl) WILSON, H.A. English: 171 J-— 1782 339— THE BRIDGE: SCENE NEAR TLVOLI A MOUNTAINOUS sccne with stone bridge over a river; boat with fig- ures and trees to left, brushwood to right. Canvas: Hciglit, 38 inches; length, 521/0 inches. Purchased from the late T. ./. Blakeslce. No. 340 LANDSCAPE BY JAMES STARK JAMES STARK (Norwich School) English: 1794—1859 S-^0— LANDSCAPE An early summer view over a flat, well-wooded landscape, with masses of trees to left, to wliich a peasant and dog are approaching; cottages and figures in the distance; in the center foreground a road- way, to right trees and rustic cottage with figures; masses of white clouds and blue sky. C/nn'(i.i: Height, •391{> inrlirx; Iciir/th. r>'2 incJief!. Purchased from Messrs. Dowdeswell S,- Doivdesicell. ,"^Jv ,:li^. yj^^PyW^ 1 iW '''i^IhB£I^^9b SHilk ^^^m ■ :■ IP'-' ^H iPi Jft ' ,lt ..... i '' '^'4£vSh^c9^^^SvS .:s^-*^ *^ No. 341 PASTORAL SCENE BY DAVID TENTERS, THE ELDER DAA 11) TKNIEKS, TTIi: KLDEIJ Flemish: 1582—1649 34^1— PASTORAL SCEXE Broad view of undulating country, with shepherds guarding flocks of sheep and cattle; cottages on hills to right; masses of overhanging rocks to left; effects of bi-iglit sunshine partially obscured by dark clouds. Canvas: Height, I'.') iiuhf.t; length, 58 iiiehes. Pnrchdsed from M. Sedelmei/er. No. 342 INTERIOR OF A CATHEDRAL BY ANTON DELORME No. 342 INTERIOR OF A CATHEDRAL BY ANTON DELORME Dutch: circa 1631—1666 342— INTERIOR OF A CATHEDRAL The central aisle of a Cathedral in Flanders, with massive marble pillars and other elaborate architectural details; puljjit to right, and in various niches full-length casts emblematical of Justice and other virtues; numerous figures jjassing over the gray and white slated floor, on which may be distinguished two vaults with the names and dates of the personages interred. The figures are by Palamedes. Panel: Height, 46 inches; length, 61 l/G inches. Signed to left, and dated 1631. Purchased from Messrs. Dowdeswell !$• Dowdeswell. One of the earliest pictures known of tliis rare master. sill AL GUSTl 8 W. CALLCOTT, K.A. English: 1779—184-1 ■U3— ENGLISH LAN DSC A PE Gkoup of country cottages amid tall trees, numerous cows pasturing and watering; to left a peasant girl in red dress carrying pitcher, and a kneeling boy; the whole of the forei)art of the picture is taken up with a lake, with ducks and dead tree; early morning effect. Cnnvas: Hc'ujlit, ■151/. inches; length, GOl/. inches. From the collection of Sir Kdiciii Lanclsecr, U.A., M(uj !), 1874', Xo. 841. WILLIAM D0B80N English: 1610—1646 344— JAMES, FIRST DUKE OF HAMILTON The Royalist, born in 1606, behcadud in 161S). Three-quarter length, standing near a pillar; dark-colored dress, lace collar and cuffs, blue ril)bon from which is susjjended an Order, Star of the Order of the Garter on shoulder; long brown hair, mus- tache and chin-tuft, right hand hanging down by side. Canvax: Height, 50 inches; li'idth, 40 inches. Purchased from the late T. J . Blakcslce. No. 345 THE LARGILLIERE FAMILY BY NICOLAS DE LARGILLIERE NIC O LAS DE LARGILLIERE French: 1656 — 174'6 345— THE LARGILLIERE FAMILY Three richly-attired half-length figures of the artist, his wife and son. The artist is seated to the left in pink and white embroidered dress, trimmed with lace, graj' long wig, and bluish cloak across his shoul- ders. To right his wife, seated, in pink and white low dress, a blue cloak across her shoulders, and a gray curly wig or powdered hair. Their j'oung son, a youth, is standing in the center, in gold dress with white lace cuffs and collar. Canvns: Height, -l^l^ iiiclic.i; length, 57 inches. A group of tlio artist, liinisclf aiul their daugliter, on a larger canvas (59x79) is in tlie Louvre, and another group of liiniself and family, a composi- tion with eight figures, is at \'ersailles. ANTOINE PE8XE French: circa 168-1 — 1757 346~CHARLES ALEXANDER OF LORRAINE Governor General of the Netherlands, and a distinguislied officer; born at Luneville in December, 1712; married the Archduchess Maria Anna and appointed Governor of the Netherlands in 174'4, in which year he drove the Prussians out of Bohemia; died near Brussels in July, 1780. His portrait was also painted by Nattier, by J. le Gendre, Martin de Mytens and others. Theee-quarter-length figure of a niiddle-aged man, standing, in yellow and gold-embroidered coat, white neckerchief and cuff, red fur-lined cloak, red neck ribbon with an order as pendant; baton in outstretched right hand, and pointing to equestrian figures in the distance. Canvas: Height, 57J/> inches; length, -il inches. Purchased from the late H. 0. Watson. WILLIAM! HOGAinil English: 1697 — 176-i 347— THE PRICE FAMILY Group of fourteen figures in eighteenth century English costumes. Uvedale T. Price, Esq. (he died in 1764), of Foxley, Herefordshire, assisting his cousin. Miss Rodd, from a boat; his son, Robert (1717- 1761 ) , leading another cousin. Miss Greville, her sister Hester feed- ing swans. Their brother, called Jockey Greville, fondling a grey- hound; other relations and attendants around. Canvas: Height, 40 inch-es; length, 62 inches. From the collection of T. Price, Esq., of The Albany. Sold at Christie's Maij 6, 1893, xYo. 49. Austin Dobson's "Hogarth," 1907, p. 219, ANTOINE PESXE French: circa 1684 — 1757 34H—PORTEAIT OF A LADY Nkauj.v wliolc-lcnutli of a lady, .staiuliiiL>' in the oijcii, in hliic and white eiiihi-oideird (hx-ss with short slrevcs triiniiicd with lace, hiee collar; powdered hair with white and blue lace cap, large earrings and three-row pearl bracelet; she is holding a black and white toy dog with red neck-ribbon under her right arm. Canvas: HeUjlit, 58 '/o tnclicn; ic'ulth, -15 inches. 1 RAN( TABIGIC) (FRANCESCO BIGI) Italian: 1482—1525 M9—HOLV FAMILY Whole-length figure of kneeling JNIadonna in bright red dress and brown waistband, fair hair in plaits over neck; she leans towards the Infant St. John and looks down at the Child Christ who is seated on the floor and looks up at His ]\Iother; to left St. Joseph in yel- low dress, kneeling, chin resting on his left arm. PdiicI: Height, 471/. inches; width, 39l/o inchex. Exhibited at Leeds, 1868, hii F. W. Cosciis, Esq.. hut apparently too late to be included in the Catalogue. From the collections of the late S. J. Harrison, Esq., of Haughleij House, Suffolk, and W. W. Hasler, Esq., of Aldingbourne House, Chichester. Purchased from Messrs. Dowdeswell ^ Dowdeswell. GIOVANNI BATTISTA TIEPOLO Italian: 1696—1770 350— ASCENSION OF ST. 31 A RG A RET Whole-length figure of St. Margaret surrounded by youthful an- gels, one of whom holds a crozier ; to left a table with book and carved ivory figure of Christ crucified, to right a flower urn. Camas: Height, ^ll/j inches; length, 49^/2 inches. Parchascd from tlic Bishop of York. No. .351 THE ASCENSION I)Y ANTONIO PEREDA AN TON I ( ) VFA I KDA Spanish : 15!)!)— KUii) 35\—THE ASCENSION Whole-length of the Virgin standing to front, in pink and blue robes, and with long flowing auburn hair, looking upwards, and hold- ing in her right hand the symbol of the Sacred Heart; she is accom- panied by four angels in pink and blue flowing draperies. Canvus: Height, 58VL' inches; widtli, i7 inches. No. 351 THE ASCENSION I)V ANTONIO PEREDA fc.C .oVI 7.e>\?.7/A':)?.k AWT Yll ANTONIO PEUEDA Spanish: 1599— 1GG9 ^5 1 —THE ASCENSION Whole-length of the Virgin standing to front, in pink and blue robes, and with long flowing auburn hair, looking upwards, and hold- ing in her right hand the symbol of the Sacred Heart; she is accom- panied by four angels in pink and blue flowing draperies. Canvas: Height, 58^/. inches; width, 47 inches. JAKOB JORDAENS DrTrn: 1593—1678 352— D.EDALUS FASTENING THE WINGS ON ICARUS Life-size nearly whole-length figures; Da?dalus is fixing the left wing on Icaius ; the latter is in red drapery, and occupies the center of the picture; he is holding the other wing in his right hand. Canvas: Height, (i'i inches; width, 46^/o inches. Purchased in London. The same subject is dealt witji by Jordacns in a picture now in the Stuttgart ]\Iuscum. BARTOLOME ESTEBAX MURILLO (Attributed to) ■ Spanish: 1617—1682 S5S—THE MADONNA WITH THE ROSARY Whole-length Madonna of the dark-haired Spanish type seated to front and looking at spectator, in red and hkie draperies, white head- dress or mantilla, rosary in right hand; the fair-haired Child in pink dress holding up in right hand the small cross attached to the rosary with pink ribbon; angels' heads at top to right and left. Canvas: Height, 63 inches; xeidth, 44I/2 inches. Murillo painted a number of pictures known as "Our Lady of the Rosary," the more important examples being in the Prado, Louvre and Duhvich Galleries and in the Northbrook Collection. They all differ in de- tails, and are described by C. B. Curtis in "Velasquez and Murillo," 1883. Purchased from Messrs. Durand-Ruel. No. 354 ASCEXSIOX OF THE VIRGIX BY FRANCISCO OSOIIIO MENESES FBANCISCX) OSOIIIO AfENESES Spanish: 1630—1705 {Pupil of Murillo) 354— ASCENSION OF THE VIRGIN Whole-length of the Virgin on clouds, in white and hkie draperies, looking ujiwards, right hand on Ijreast, left extended; she is sur- rounded hy cheruhs, one of whom holds a hranch of white lilies. Canvas: Height, 63^/. inches; zcidth, 45 inches. Purchased from Messrs. Durand-liuel. No. 355 ST. JOHX THE BAPTIST LHIDIXG HEROD BY FERDINAND BOL FEKDINAND BOL Dutch: IGl 1—1681 (Pupil of licmhraiidt) S5^~ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST CHIDING HEROD Group of four figures. In the center Herod, a black-bearded middle- aged man in red dress, white jeweled turban and gold necklace, liold- ing a dagger in his left hand ; near him a middle-aged woman in black dress with gold chain, })earl necklace and black jeweled hat, looking towards the partly-draped St. John, who holds a staff and whose right hand is extended; to left the figure of a child is seen; in back- ground a hill and a glimpse of sky at the left. Canvas: Height, 5-^ inches; length, 07 V^ inches. Purchased from Messrs. Dowdeswell Sf Dowdeswell. No. 356 ADORATION OF THE MAGI BY GERAKU \ Ax\ HOXTHORST GERAKD \ AX IIONTIIOIiST Dutch: 1590—1656 35Q— ADORATION OF THE MAGI The Virgin in blue and red robes to left, holding up wliite drapery on which rests the Child, with long golden curly hair ; a richly attired Wise man (Caspar) from the East is kneeling and offering a golden casket to the Child; he is attended by another man ( IMelchior ) , and a negro (Balthasar) with red turban; behind the Virgin is a bare-legged Flemish peasant as St. Joseph. Canvas: Height, 58 inches; length, 72 inches. From on anonymous sale at Christie's, February 1, 1902, No. 77. Purchased from Messrs. Dowdeswell 6)- Dowdeswell by the late H. 0. Wat- son. No. 357 POET BAIT OF THE DAUGHTER OF VELASQUEZ BY FRANCISCO PACHECO Fl{ AN CISCO I'ACIIECO Spanish: 1571 — 1654< 357—POETnAIT OF THE DAUGHTER OF VELASQUEZ Nearly wliole-length of a young ladj', in j)ink dress embroidered with white, black and white bows at center of corsage and sleeves, which are lined with white lace, white lace-edged collar, pearl neck- lace, long brown curly hair bound with ribbon ; yellow gloves in left hand, right hand on back of chair on which a toy dog is seated; to right pillar and silver flower-urn. Canvas: Height, 00 iuclic!; ic'idth, -l-ilo inches. Purchased from ^fessrs. Dowdeswell (§• Dowdcswell. No. 358 LADY ARABELLA STUART BY MARC GEERAERTS THE YOTTNGER MARC GEEKAEIiTS THE YOUNGEK 17th Century 35S—LADr ARABELLA STUART Diiiitrliter of Cliarles K.iil of Lennox, next heir to tlie Eiif^lish throne after James I.; born in 1575, married secretl3' to Sir Wil- liam Seymour; died in the Tower of London, 1G15. Whole-length figure when young, standing, directed to front; in gray and gold i)atterned dress garnished with precious stones, jjcarl necklace, white high collar, white lace headdress; hrown hair dressed high, with jeweled ornament; hrown curtain. Canvas: Height, ()7 inches; -cidth, 'ill inches. From the collection of Lad// Penelope Gage, Hengrave Hall, Suffolk. Several portraits exist in English collections of this unfortunate ladv> mostly by unidentified artists of foreign origin who were working in Eng- land during the Tudor and early Stuart periods. They differ considerably from one another. One of the earliest, which represents her at the age of thirteen, belongs to the Duke of Portland, and was formerly attributed to Zucchero, but that artist was not in England as late as 1589. KEMJUiANJJT SCHOOL Dutch 359— JOSEPH RELATING HIS DREAM The youthful Joseph in gold-patterned dress standing to left relat- ing his dream to his father Jacoh, who is seated to right in red robes, white turban and with long gray beard; three brothers in eonversation to left, girl in rich dress to right. Canvas: Height, 67 inches; zcidth, G5 inches. Purchased from Messrs. Dowcleswell ^- Dowdeswell. Thf above desc-ribfd ])icturc was purchased by .Mr. Lambert some fif- teen or twenty years ago from Messrs. Dowdeswell & Dowdeswell of London as a work of Jan Victors, a pupil of Rembrandt. Many English cx{)erts have declared tlie work to be an examjile of the great master, and Mr. Lambert, after a long study of the picture, is also of the opinion tliat the work is by Rembrandt. SCHOOJ. OF SIR ANTON VAN DYCK Flemish: 1599—1641 i i^QO— VENUS AND CUPID Whole-length of an uiiidealized Flemish woman as Venus, stand- ing to front in .'•jli<>lit white drapery and a brown fur cloak, jeweled arndet, dark curly Iiair with pearl rope; l)y lier side, Cui)id, with blue drajjeries, holding her cloak; to left piidv high-heeled shoes and carved figure of a lion's head. Ca/nvas: Height, 69 inches; xcidth, 45 inches. JUAN C ARREXO 1)E :MiriAXDA Spanish: lf>14— 1685 m\—THE ASSUMPTION OF THE VIRGIN Whole-length figure of the youthful Virgin on clouds in gold and blue draperies, looking up towards the Dove; hands joined; cherubs' heads at foot and above. Below is a landscape with the sea in tlie distance, vessels, coast with buildings, and a castle to right. Canvas, circular top: Height, 70 inches; uddth, 461/2 inches. Purchased from Messrs. Durand-Ruel. FRANCISCO OSOlirO .MENESES Spanish: 1630—1705 (Pupil of MurUlo) 362— THE ASSU3IPTIOX OF THE VIRGIN The Virgin in white, pink and blue draperies, and with long flowing auburn hair, on clouds, surrounded at foot by a group of cherubs, one of whom holds a mirror and another a spray of roses; other cherubs' heads are distinguishable in the clouds above. Canvas: Height, 70 inches; width, 50 inches. From the collection of Cardinal AntonelU (1806-1876). \o. 3(53 THE ELEVATIOX OF THE HOST BY FRANCISCO DE RIBAI/rA FRANCISCO I)E RIBALTA Spanish: circa 1550 — 1628 SQ3—THE ELEVATION OF THE HOST A GRAND altar-piece with mmierous candles; two kneeling priests and an attendant, one holdin<> a medallion of the Crucifixion, the nnde half-figm'e of Christ revealed by angels holding white draperies apart; above the figure of Christ are the Dove and the First Person of the Trinity, giving a blessing. Cainns: Height, Hy^ inches; width, 50 inches. Purchased from Messrs. Durand-liuel. No. 3G4 ST. CHRISTOPHER AND THE CHRIST CHILD ALOXZO CANO ALONZO CANO Spanish: 1601—1667 364— ;^r. CHRISTOPHER AND THE CHRIST CHILD Whole-length life-size figure of St. Christopher in richly embroid- ered robes, walking over a flower-strewn floor; staff', crowned bj' a dove and roses, in left hand, leading with right hand the richly-dressed Christ Child; youthful cherubs above, to right and left. Canvas: Height, 80 inches; width, 58 inches. Signed. Purchased in London from a Danish banker 'tcho sold it for a client. No. ,364 .V7'. CHRISrOPHER AX J) THE CHRIST CHILD i'BS .oVI OVIAO OSVIO.IA ALONZO CANO Spanish: 1601—1667 364—ST. CHRISTOPHER AND THE CHRIST CHILD Whole-length life-size figui-e of St. Christopher in richly embroid- ered robes, walking over a flower-strewn floor; staff, crowned by a dove and roses, in left hand, leading with right hand the richly-dressed Christ Child; youthful cherubs above, to right and left. Canvas: Height, 80 inches; rcidth, 58 inches. Signed. Purchased in London from a Danish hanker who sold it for a client. No. 365 THE MADOXXA ENTHRONED BY BERNARDINO LUINI BERXAKDIXO JAUXI Italian: circa 1460 — 1530 365— THi; MADOXNA ENTHRONED Whole-length figure of the Virgin enthroned on a carved wood and red jjlusli chair ; in blue robe and red mantle, holding the Infant who stands on elbow of seat ; on either side a youthful angel in blue drapery is playing a guitar; at foot three angels are playing flutes and fife; two angels above. Panel: Height, 94> inches; width, 5-1 inches. From a private collection in North Cuviherland, where it had been for over a century, purchased by Sir WiUiam Agnew, who ranked this painting as one of the three greatest Madonnas in the world, the other two being Mr. Morgan's Raphael and the Blenheim Palace Raphael now in the National Gallery, London. No. :m\ MOTHER JXD CHILI) BY CLAUDIO COELLO CL AUDIO COEJ.LO Spanish: 1621—1093 ^QQ— MOTHER AND CHILD Whole-length figure of a young lady seated to right ; in dark dress, elaborate white lace collar with pearls, brown hair with pearl orna- ment, pearl earrings; white cuffs, left hand holding partly-opened book, right on child's shoulder; to left child in black dress embroid- ered with silver, white lace collar and cuffs; red curtain background. Canvas: Height, 72 incites; zvidth, -i^l/o inches. From the collection of Forster M. Alleyne, Esq., of Porters, Barbadoes, December 12, 1903, No. 129. Purchased from the late T. J. Blakcslee. ^31^ No. 367 AUIXGDUX OX THE THAMES BY GEORGE BURRELL WILLCOCK UEOHGE lU IMJKLL WILLCOCK English: 1811—1852 S67~ABINGDON ON THE THAMES Wkli.-woodej) view of the Thames, with hoats, numerous figures and the spire of church and graceful trees to left, towpath in center with figures; golden clouds. Purchased in London throngh the late T. J. lilakcslce. No. .308 AT THE OPENING OF THE GATE BY Sm THOMAS LAWRENCE, P.R.A. SIPt TPIO^rAS LAWRENCE, 1M?.A. English: 1769—1830 368— .IT THE OPENING OF THE GATE A GROUP of three whole-length figures of young ladies in a richly wooded park. Tlie eldest, to the right, in gold low dress with hrown shawl, is leading a donkey, on which is seated the youngest of the party, in yello^v dress and white lace collar; the second sister, to the left, in red low dress, is ojjening the rustic gate. Camas: Hi'ight, 95 iiiclics; xc'tdth, 82 inch-es. Purcliascd in London from a picture-restorer wlio liad it in his possession for twenty-five years and who obtained it from tlie family. It was then stated that the tliree young ladies were members of a now extinct branch of the Marquess of Londonderry family. This fine and im])osin7Q— SUSANNAH Whole-length crouching figure of Susannah with draperies around her waist, and hair flowing over her back. White marble, 37 inches high; on colored marble pedestal, 35 inches high. {Illustrated) CHAUNCEY B. IVES American: 1810—1894 *S77 —THE JEWISH 31 A I DEN Whole-length seated figure in classical draperies with turban, and sandalled feet, leaning on a harp. Dated Rome, 1888. White marble, 51 inches high; on green marble pedestal, 30 inches high. [Illustrated) G. B. LOMBARDI Italian : Contemporary 37^— RUTH Small whole-length of Ruth, seated, holding a sheaf of corn with both hands. White marble, 37 inches high; on marble pedestal, 35 inches high. This is presumably the "Ruth" once in the collection of Mr. Marshall Woods of Providence, and mentioned in Edward Strachan's "Art Treasures of America," Vol. II, p. 97. {Illustrated) S-v* ■-■'T = f" ' -^ ■.rx No. 376 No. 377 No. 378 IN KNOWN im)~Louis xri Bust, in robes and wi 5 JNIoonlight 22 Street Scene 30 LINDENSCIIIMIT, Wilhelm von Luther and the Reformers at Marburg, 1.329 93 LOOTEN, Jan The Sign-Post 94 CATALOGUE NUMBER liUINI, Bernardino Head of St. John the Baptist 212 The ]SIadonna Enthroned 365 MADRAZO, Raimundo de Confidences 72 MAES, NicoLAES Portrait of a Lady 260 Portrait of a Lady 337 MATSYS (or METSYS), Quentin Virgin at Prayer 201 McCORD, George Herbert, A.N. A. Windsor Castle 82 MENESES, Francisco Osorio Ascension of the Virgin 354 The Assumption of the Virgin . 362 IMETSU, Gabriel The Toast 244 METZ (of Cologne), Johann Martin Flower Piece 58 Flower Piece 59 MICHEL, Georges Landscape 17 Landscape with Castle . 18 Landscape with Trees 19 Landscape 37 Landscape with Windmill 38 Landscape 39 Landscape 51 The Ruined Chateau 52 Landscape 58 I^andscape 60 CATALOGUE NUMBER MICHEL, Georges (Conf.) Seacoast with Boats and Figures 61 The Oaks 106 A Seaport 107 Landscape 145 The Churcli on the Hill 146 The Cascade 147 The Waterfall 148 Landscape 170 MIEREVELT, Michael Pieter de Schilde, Councilor of Brabant 333 MIGNARD, Pierre Portrait of a Gentleman 198 MILLET, rRAN(;ois, fils Feeding the Chickens 122 MOLENAER, Jan The Village Fete 76 MOLENAER, Jan Miense Man Drinking 280 MOLENAER, Klaes Dutch Landscape 111 MONET, Claude On the Coast of Normandy 63 The Lake 66 View of Argenteuil 136 Sea and Land 150 Marine 158 The River 159 MONTENARD, Frederic A View in the Midi 41 On the Road to the Monastery 68 CATALOGUE NUMBER MONTICELLI, Adolphe Lady with a Fan 11 The Cavalier 12 Faust and JMarguerite 13 Flower Piece 14 The Griffin 32 The Cavalcade 33 On the Terrace 34 Feedin"' the Chickens 35 Samson and Delilah 36 Three Ladies 47 The Arrival of Cupid 48 A Lady's Portrait 49 The Poultry Yard 50 Two Dogs 99 Group in a Park 100 Marriage Scene 101 Group of Ladies 102 In the Forest 130 The Necklace 131 The Cavaliers 132 A Castle in Ruins 133 The Chateau Kitchen 134 A Concert in the Forest 161 A Woodland Fete 162 Floral Festival 163 Autumn 164 Cupid's Offering 165 A Group of Ladies 180 Ladies and Children 181 JSIOKEAU, AnRiEN Une Repetition dc la Tragedie "Mirame" chez le Cardinal Richelieu 89 MOREELSE, Paulus Bartholomeus vnu Segwaert, Sheriff of Dordrecht, 1607 28'J ISIOKLAND, George Gamekeeper and Dog Feeding Pigs MUKILI.O, Bartolome Esteban {Attributed to) The ]Madoinia with the Rosary MYTEXS, D.^^iEL The Marquess of Huntley NEEFFS, PiETER Interior of a Cathedral OWEX, Wjeliam, Jl.A. Portrait of a Gentleman PACHECO, FuANcisco Portrait of the Daughter of Velasquez PAGLIANO, Eleuterio Napoleon Bidding Farewell to the Empress Josepliine in the Palaee of Fontainebleau PANNINI, Giovanni Paolo Italian Ruins PARTON, Arthur, N.A. Landscajje and Cattle PEREDA, Antonio The Breaking of Bread The Ascension PEREZ. Antonio The Consecration of a Bishop PESNE, Antoine Charles Alexander of Lorraine Portrait of a Lad}' PIOaiBO, Sebastiano del JNIadonna and Child CATALOGUE NUMBER 154, 3.53 84 30.} 3.57 90 174 144 273 3.51 340 348 203 CATALOGUE NUMBER PISSARRO, Camiixe On the Highway 43 The Carrefour 67 Scene d'Hiver 112 Pontoise 115 Environs of Pontoise 135 The Church Tower, Eragny, Bazincourt (Oise) 138 Woman in a Courtyard 151 POURBUS THE YOUNGER, Francis Head of a Child 197 Portrait of a Young Lady 217 PREVITALI, Andrea The Annunciation 251 PUVIS DE CHAVANNES, Pierre Cecile Autumn 167 The Meeting of Saint Germain and Sainte Genevieve, in Her Childhood, at Nanterre 186 Frieze 1^7 QUARTLEY, Arthur, N.A. Marine 24 RAEBURN, Sir Henry, K.A. {Period of) Portrait of a Lady 230 RAMSAY, Allan George the Third 276 Queen Charlotte 277 READ, Catherine Child and Parrot 241 REHN, Frank Knox Morton, N.A. Landscape *-5 Marine "0 Marine 141 CATALOGUE NUMBER REMBRANDT HARMENSZ VAN RUN Portrait of a Rabbi 323 REMBRANDT (After) Portrait of a Lady 209 REMBRANDT SCHOOL Woman at Prayer {Rembraiidt's Moiher) 199 An Apostle {Rembrandt's Father) 200 Portrait of a Lady with a Fan 243 Portrait of a Rabbi 246 Portrait of a Rabbi 324 Portrait of an Old Gentleman Reading 325 Portrait of a Lady 327 Joseph Relating His Dream 3.59 RENOIR, Pierre Auguste Oliviers de I'Estaque, Marseilles 64 Rochers de TEstaque 114 Portrait of a Child 117 Girl Knitting 152 REYNOLDS. Sir Joshua, P.R.A. Richard Yeo, R.A. 221 Portrait of Himself 225 Portrait of JMrs. Bennett 301 RIBALTA, Francisco de The Elevation of the Host 363 RICO, Martin On the Riverside 6 RITTER, Louis The Villa Castellani 83 RIX, Julian A Devonshire Farmhouse 78 CATALOGUE NUMBER ROMNEY, George Portrait of a Lady 219 William Herschel, Esq. 227 ROUSSEAU, Philippe Two Dot>-,s 118 ROUSSEAU, Theodoke Pierre Etienne Landscape 110 ROYBET, FERDIN.VND The Sultan's Favorite 73 RUBENS, Sir Peter Paul Virgin and Child 271 RUSSELL, John, R.A. Portrait of a Young Gentleman 245 RUSSIAN ICON JNIadonna and Child 194 SALAI, Andrea IMadonna and Child 288 SAMANO, Guiliamo Virgin and Child 215 SANTI, Giovanni Holy Family 252 SARTO, Andrea del Madonna and Child 31(5 The Holy Family 328 SARTO, Andrea del (Attributed to) Madonna and Child 238 SCHIDONE, Bartolommeo Madonna and Child 203 CATALOOUE NUMBER SHAYKK, AViLi.iAM, tcitli Eowakd Chaklks Williams English I^andscape I73 SHEE, Sir Martin Archer, P.K.J. Portrait of Mrs. Dillingham 270 SIMONS, P. Marcius A Dream of Youth 183 S IRANI, Eijsabetta Holy Family 233 SISLEY, Alfred On the Seine 42 Louveciennes 62 Landscape 6,5 Le Barrage de St. Mammes 11, '3 Apres-midi de JMai a Bry 1,37 A Winter Day 149 La Plaine de Verveux I57 Landscape 100 SPANISH SCHOOL St. Mark 214 STANNARD, Joseph An Old IMill. Norwich 75 STARK, James Landscape 340 TENIERS, David (The Elder) Pastoral Scene 34 1 TIEPOLO, Giovanni Battista Holy Family 205 Ascension of St. JMargaret 350 TITIAN (TIZIANO VECELLI) The Dead Christ 27.5 CATALOGUE NUMBER TITIAN (School of) The JNIarriage of St. Catherine 234 TROYON, Constant In Pasture H^ TURNER, Joseph Maixord William, R.J. Classical Scene ^'^'^ UNKNOWN ARTIST Last Supper ^"^ UNKNOWN FLEMISH ARTIST Portrait of a Lady as a Nun 254 VAN DER NEER, Aert Early Morning 3 River Scene 307 VAN DER WERP F, Adrl\an The Incredulity of St. Thomas 284 VAN DE VELDE, Auriaen A Scene in the Netherlands HO VAN DYCK, Sir Anton {Period of) Portrait of a Gentleman 247 Portrait of a Gentleman 248 VAN DYCK, Sir Anton [School of) The JNIarriage of St. Catherine 274 Venus and Cupid 360 VAN GOYEN, Jan Marine 281 On the River 310 VAN HONTIiORST, Gerard Adoration of the Magi 356 CATALOGUE NUMBER VAN HUYSUM, Jan Flowers 95 VAN KEULEN, Cornelis Janssens Portrait of a Gentleman 291 Portrait of a Gentleman 298 Princess Elizabeth, Queen of Bohemia 332 VAN ORLEY, Bernard Madonna and Child 237 Virgin and Child 308 The Adoration of the Magi 317 VAN OSTADE, Isaak Landscape 91 VAN RAVESTEYN, Jan Portrait of a Lady 295 VAN RAVESTEYN, Jan {Attributed to) Portrait of a Gentleman 206 VAN RUYSDAEL, Jakob Landscape 309 VAN RUYSDAEL, Solomon Dordrecht 90 VAN RUYSDAEL, (School of) Landscape and Watermill 86 VERESTCHAGIN, Vasili Vasilievich The Cave of Endor 1 The Stable of the Nativity 2 The Pearl Mosque at Agra 188 The Kremlin, Moscow 189 VERONESE, Paolo {Attributed to) A Lady Holding a JMiniature 268 CATALOGUE NUMBER VERSPRONCK, Jan Portrait of JNIynheer Ten Eyck 300 VINCENT, George Landscape 57 VIVARINI, Alvise jNIadonna and Child 314 VOS, COKNELIS DE Lady and Child 249 WAHLBERG, Aifred Landscape 71 WARD, James, R.A. Portrait of a Gentleman 296 WIGGINS, Cakeeton, N.A. A Frosty JMorning 69 WILLCOCK, George Burrell Abingdon on the Thames 367 WILLIAMS, Edward Charles, mth William Shayer English Landscape 173 WILSON, Richard, R.A. Lake All)ano and INIonastery 175 Waterfall near TivoH 178 The Bridge: Scene near Tivoli 339 WINTERHALTER, Franz Xaat:r Susannah and tlie Elders 92 WOLGEMUT, Michel (Atfrlhiitcd to) The Holy Family 320 ZURBARAN, Francisco Portrait of a Syrian Bishop 232 MARBLE STATUARY ANTIQUE (FROM THE) Ca?sar CjEsar Night Pandora Ruth TADOLINI, GiuLio Cupid and Psyche TANTARDINI, Antonio A Girl Reading CATALOGUE NUMBER 371 395 BARIZANLI. N. Crouching Venus 375 CAMBI, Professor Ulisse Woman Reading g^Q 372 373 FREEBORNE, Zarah Malcolm Ret'Hning Venus Deborah IVES, Chauncey B. Sans Souci gr- • The Jewish JNIaiden 377 JModesty gj^i Vanity oq.^ 39G 398 LOMBARDI, G. B. Susannah g-j-g 378 POWERS, Hiram Hiawatha ggj, ROMANELLI, Professor Pasquale A Struggle for Breakfast 384 The Rose of Sharon g87 399 386 CATALOGUE NUMBER TORELLI, Lelio The Youthful Tasso 383 TRENTANOVE, Gaetano Bianca Capello 388 UNKNOWN A Sleeping Child 369 Louis XVI 379 Marie Antoinette 380 Rebecca at the Well 385 Spring ^^^ Summer 390 Autumn ^^^ Winter ^^'^ Bust of a Lady 393 Diana of the Ephesians ^.00 WOLFF, A. E. M. The Young Apollo 397 ^ 1 1 « 8 9 UC BERKELEY LIBRARIES ii||l||ii|iip||iii!ii|n|||||i|i|ii|ii|iiiiii CD0fia03734