IN MEMORIAM FLORIAN CAJORl HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA BY J. H. TANNER, Ph.D. PROFESSOR OF MATHEMATICS IN CORNELL UNIVERSITY NEW YORK .:• CINCINNATI •:• CHICAGO AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY The Modern Mathematical Series, lucien augustus wait, (^Senior Professor of Mathematics in Cornell University,) GENERAL EDITOR. This series includes the following works : ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. By J. H. Tanner and Joseph Allen. DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS. By James McMahon and Virgil Snyder. INTEGRAL CALCULUS. By D. A. Murray. DIFFERENTIAL AND INTEGRAL CALCULUS. By Virgil Snyder and J. Hutchinson. HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA. By J. H. Tanner. ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. By J. H. Tanner. ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY. By James McMahon. The High School Algebra and the Elementary Algebra cover substantially the same ground : each of them is designed to meet college entrance requirements in elementary algebra ; the High School Algebra, however, presents the briefer and simpler treatment of the two. COi'VKlGHT, 190T, BY J. H. TANNER. TANNBB'8 HIGH 8CH. ALG. W. P. I. -3+ PREFACE In the preparation of this book the author's aim has been : (1) To make the transition from arithmetic to algebra as easy and natural as possible, and to arouse the pupil's interest by showing him early some of the advantages of algebra over arithmetic. (2) To present the several topics in the order of their sim- plicity, giving definitions only where they are needed, and insur- ing clearness of comprehension by an abundance of concrete illustrations and inductive questions. (3) To provide a large, well-chosen, and carefully graded set of exercises, the solution of which will help not only to fix in the pupil's mind the principles involved, but also further to unfold those principles. (4) To omit non-essentials, and yet provide a book that fully meets the entrance requirements in elementary algebra of any college or university in this country. Among other features of this book to which attention is in- vited are: (1) the careful statement of definitions and principles; (2) the emphasis laid upon translating formulas and equations into verbal language, and vice versa; (3) the inclusion of many formulas from physics which the pupils are asked to solve for the various letters which they contain; and (4) the extensive cross-references, as well as the many " hints " and " suggestions " found among the exercises and problems, all calculated to throw sidelights upon the work. On the request of several prominent mathematics teachers the author has put an elementary chapter on quadratic equations (Chap. XII) before the chapters on radicals, imaginaries, and the theory of exponents. This arrangement is made possible by the treatment of radicals of the second order given in § 121 (only such iv PREFACE radicals are met with, in Chap. XII), and it has important peda- gogical as well as practical advantages over the more usual arrangement. Those teachers, however, who prefer the usual order, may omit § 121 altogether, and take Chaps. XIV and XV, except §§ 162, 163, and 170, before taking Chap. XII. In order to avoid unnecessary repetition, the work on graphs has nearly all been collected into a single chapter. This arrange- ment has made it possible to give this topic a somewhat more adequate treatment than is usual in a book of this kind, and to do so without giving it more than its rightful amount of space. By this arrangement also those schools w^hich do not take graphs in their first year's work will find their algebra work unin- terrupted, while appropriately .placed footnotes indicate the connection in which the parts of this chapter may be most advan- tageously read by those who wish to include graphs. Scattered through the book are a few articles (marked with a *) which, should be taken in connection with the review work when time permits ; the omission of these articles, however, does not anywhere break the continuity of the work. For the benefit of the brightest pupils in a class there have been inserted here and there references to the author's Elementary Algebra, where the topics concerned are discussed somewhat more fully ; a few copies of the Elementary Algebra placed in the school library can in this way be made to serve a very useful purpose. It is with great pleasure that the author acknowledges his in- debtedness to the many experienced teachers of Algebra in High Schools and Academies in all quarters of our country whose sug- gestions to him have added so much of value to this book. Special acknowledgments are due to Prof. J. M. McPherron of the Los Angeles High Schools for reviewing the manuscript before it went to press, and to Miss Cora Strong of the State Normal School of Greensboro, N.C., who secured a leave of absence from her school so that she might give her entire time to assisting in the work on this book ; to her mainly belongs the credit for the excellent exercises which are found in the following pages. CONTENTS [See Index in back of book for particular topics.] CHAPTER PAGE I. Introduction I. Literal Numbers . 1 II. Elementary Operations 8 11. Positive and Negative Numbers 16 III. Addition and Subtraction — Parentheses' I. Addition 27 II. Subtraction 32 III. Parentheses 35 IV. Multiplication and Division I. Multiplication . . . . . . . .38 11. Division 45 V. Equations and Problems Review Exercise — Chapters I-V 67 VI. Type Forms in Multiplication — Factoring I. Some Type Forms in Multiplication ... 71 11. Factoring 77 VII. Highest Common Factor — Lowest Common Multiple I. Highest Common Factor 98 II. Lowest Common Multiple 105 VIII. Algebraic Fractions 109 IX. Simple Equations 125 X. Simultaneous Simple Equations I. Two Unknown Numbers 144 11. Three or More Unknown Numbers .... 156 Review Exercise — Chapters VI-X . . . . .166 V VI CONTENTS C^KVT^^ PAGE XI. Involution and Evolution I. Involution 170 II. Evolution 176 XII. Quadratic Equations (Elementary) I. Equations in One Unknown Number . . ' . 190 II. Simultaneous Equations involving Quadratics . 206 XIII. Graphic Representation of Equations . . . 219 XIV. Irrational Numbers — Radicals 234 XV. Imaginary Numbers 257 XVI. Theory of Exponents (Zero, Negative, and Fractional Exponents) 265 XVII. Quadratic Equations (Supplementary to Chapter XII) 277 Review Exercise — Chapters XI-XVII .... 284 XVIII. Inequalities 287 XIX. Ratio, Proportion, and Variation I. Ratio 293 II. Proportion 295 III. Variation . 301 XX. Series — The Progressions I. Arithmetical Progression 307 II. Geometric Progression 313 XXI. Mathematical Induction — Binomial Theorem . 321 XXII. Logarithms 329 Table of Common Logarithms 341 INDEX 343 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA • CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION I. LITERAL NUMBERS 1. Algebra. In the following pages, we shall continue to use the symbols 0, 1, 2, 3, etc. to represent numbers, and the signs +, — , x, -^, and =, to denote addition, subtrac- tion, multiplication, etc.; that is, we shall use all of these characters just as we used them in arithmetic. We shall presently see, however, that algebra greatly simplifies the solution of certain kinds of problems (§ 3), that it introduces new kinds of number (§§ 13, 146, 164), and that it makes extensive use of letters to represent numbers. 2. Numbers represented by letters. In arithmetic, num- bers are almost always expressed by means of the symbols 0, 1, 2, 3, etc., but letters also are sometimes used. For example, in interest problems p often stands for principal^ r for rate^ t for time^ i for interest^ and a for amount. In algebra, on the other hand, the use of letters to repre- sent numbers is very common ; thus, just as in arithmetic we speak of 4 books, 7 bicycles, 85 pounds, 3 men, etc., so in algebra we use, not only these expressions, but also such expressions as a books, n bicycles, x pounds, y men, etc. Numbers represented by letters are often called literal numbers. In the case of literal numbers the operations of addition, subtraction, etc. may be indicated just as these operations are indicated with arithmetical numbers. Thus, for example, 1 2 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Ch. I if n represents one number and k another, then n-{-k stands for their sum, n — k for their difference, n x k for their product, n-i-k or - for their quotient. k EXERCISE I If a stands for 3, b for 2, and x for 12, find the value of each of the following expressions : - 2 a -\- X o 3 abx — ah 3. • o. • h ab-{-hx ^ a-\-hx ^ X 4:a x 1. a-\-h. 2. x — a. 3. x-i-a. 4. 5b--* 3a a 2b 2 7 ah -{-2 X —10 ^ 10 ^ 4- ^~^^ 4a-f 46 a b 11. If s represents 16, what number is represented by 2s? s 3 s by Js, or (as usually written) -? by — ? 4 8 12. If a suit of clothes costs 8 times as much as a hat, and if h stands for the cost of the hat, how may the cost of the suit be represented ? 13. Does h-\-Sh (i.e., 9h) represent the combined cost of the hat and suit in Ex, 12 ? Explain your answer. 14. The side of a square is 5 feet long. How long is the bounding line of this square? How long is the bounding line if the side is x feet long ? 15. A boy's present age is 15 years ; indicate, without perform- ing the subtraction, his age 4 years ago. What was his age n years ago ? What will it be y years hence ? 16. At 5 cents each how many erasers can be bought for 15 cents ? for x cents ? for n dollars ? 17. What number multiplied by 8 gives the product 40? If 8 a; = 40, what is the value of x? If 5y -\-2y = 21, what is the value of y ? * 6b means 5 times b ; so too ab means a times b ; and 3 ax means the product of 3, a, and x. 2-^ INTliODUCTION 3 3. One advantage of literal numbers. The following ex- amples show how the solution of problems may often be simplified by using letters to represent numbers. Prob. 1. A gentleman paid $45 for a suit of clothes and a hat. If the clothes cost 8 times as much as the hat, what was the cost of each ? ARITHMETICAL SOLUTION The hat cost "a certain sum/' and since the clothes cost 8 times as much as the hat, therefore the cost of the clothes was 8 times " that sum," and the cost of the two together was 9 times " that sum." Hence 9 times "that sum" is $45, and therefore 'Hhat sum" is $5, and 8 times "that sum" is $40; i.e., the hat cost $5, and the clothes $40. This solution may be put into the following more systematic form, still retaining its arithmetical character. A certain sum = the cost of the hat ; then •.• * 8 tim,es that sum = the cost of the clothes, 9 times that sum = the cost of both, i.e.j 9 times that sum = $45. that sum = $ 5, the cost of the hat, and 8 times that sum = $ 40, the cost of the clothes. ALGEBRAIC SOLUTION The solution just given becomes much simpler if we let a single letter, say x, stand for the number of dollars in " a certain sum " and " that sum " as used above, thus : Let X = the number of dollars the hat cost. Then Sx = the number of dollars the clothes cost, and x + S x = the number of dollars both cost ; i.e., 9 a; = 45. a; = 5, and 8 a? = 40 ; i.e., the hat cost $5, and the clothes cost $40. N.B. The letter x, above, stands for a number, not for the cost of the hat. * The symbols •.• and .-. stand for the words "shice" and "therefore," respectively. 4 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Ch. I Prob. 2. If a locomotive weighs 3 times as much as a car, and the difference between their weights is 50 tons, what is the weight of the locomotive ? SOLUTION Let w = the number of tons in the weight of the car. Then Sw = the number of tons in the weight of the locomotive, and, since the difference between their weights is 50 tons, 3w — w = 50, i.e.f 2w = 50, whence iv = 25, and 3w = 75; i.e., the locomotive weighs 75 tons. Prob. 3. Of three numbers the second is 5 times the first, and the third 2 times the first ; if the sum of these numbers equals the third number increased by 42, what are the numbers ? SOLUTION Let n = the first of the three numbers. Then 5n = the second number, and 2 71= the third number ; now since the sum of the three equals the third number increased by 42, .-. n-{-5n-j-2n = 2n + 4:2, i.e., Sn = 2n-\- 42, hence 6 n = 42. [Subtracting 2 n from each of the equal sums above.] n = 7, 5n = 35, and 2 n = 14 ; i.e., the numbers are 7, 35, and 14, respectively. Remark. Observe that the steps in each of the foregoing solu- tions are : 1. To let some letter, say x, stand for one of the unknown numbers (preferably the smallest). 2. To express the other unknown numbers in terms of x. 3. To translate into algebraic language those relations between the unknown numbers which the problem states in words ; this 3] INTRODUCTION 5 translation gives an equation, and from it the required numbers are easily found. Observe also that while the above problems can be solved by arithmetic, the algebraic solution is much simpler. EXERCISE 11 Solve the following problems : 4. In a room containing 45 pupils there are twice as many boys as girls. How many boys are there in the room ? 5. If a horse costs 7 times as much as a saddle, and if the difference in the cost of the two is $ 90, find the cost of each. 6. A house is worth 5 times as much as the lot on which it stands, and the two together are valued at $4200. Find the value of each. 7. If the house and lot of Ex. 6. differ in value by $4200, how much is each worth ? 8. The double of a certain number taken from 10 times the same number leaves 72. What is the number ? 9. If n represents a certain number, how may we represent: (1) the number, plus 4 times itself, plus 5 times itself ? (2) the sum of the number, its double, and its half ? What does 5 -a? -f- 7 n — 3 n represent ? 10. A number, plus twice itself, plus 4 times itself, is equal to 56. What is the number ? 11. Divide 98 into three parts such that the second is twice the first and the third is twice the second. 12. Divide 160 into three parts such that two of them are equal, while the third is twice either of the others. 13. In a yachting party consisting of 36 persons, the number of children is 3 times the number of men, and the number of women is one half that of the men and children combined. How many women are there in the party ? 14. If I have s nickels, how many cents have I ? How many cents in s dimes? in s quarters? in the sum of s nickels, s dimes, and s quarters ? 6 TUGn SCHOOL ALGEUnA [Ch. I 15. A boy found that he had the same number of 5, 10, and 25 cent pieces, and that the total amount of' his money was ^ 3.20. How many coins of each kind had he ? 16. Alice buys Christmas gifts at 25 cents, 15 cents, and 10 cents — the same number at each price. If she spends $2 in all, how many gifts does she buy ? 17. If a; stands for a certain number, what would stand for (1) the double of the number, increased by 7 ? (2) the difference between 3 times the number and 8 ? 18. How would you represent two numbers whose difference is 4 ? two numbers whose sum is 13 ? 19. Find the number whose double, with 4 added, equals 46. 20. Find two numbers, differing by 7, whose sum is 35. Also find two numbers whose sum is Q^ and whose difference is 15. 21. William has 8 cents more than his sister Harriet, and together the two have 80 cents. How much money has each? If Harriet's money is made up of an equal number of nickels and one-cent pieces, how many nickels has she ? 22. In a family of seven children each child is 2 years older than the next younger. If the sum of their ages is 84 years, how old is the youngest child ? 23. A father's age is now 3 times that of his son ; 5 years hence, the sum of their ages will be 62 years. Find the present age of each. (Cf. Ex. 15, p. 2.) 24. Four years ago Isabel was twice as old as Mabel ; the sum of their present ages is 32 years. How old is each ? • 25. In a business enterprise, the combined capital of A, B, and C is f 21,000. A's capital is twice B's, and B's is twice C's. What is the capital of each ? 26. In the triangle MNP, NP'is 2 inches longer than MN, while PM and JfJVare of equal length. If the sum of the three sides is S6 inches, find the length of each. 27. An east-bound and a west-bound train leave Chicago at the same hour, the first running twice as fast N P 3] INTRODUCTION 7 as the second ; after one hour they are 90 miles apart. Find the speed of each. 28. In a fishing party consisting of four boys, two of the boys caught each the same number of fish, another caught 2 more than this number, and the fourth, 1 less. If the total number of fish caught was 29, how many did each catch ? 29. An estate valued at $24,780 is to be divided among a family consisting of a mother, two sons, and three daughters. If the daughters are to receive equal shares, each son twice as much as a daughter, and the mother twice as much as all the children to- gether, what will be the share of each ? ^ ^ 30. ABCD represents the floor of a room. Find the dimensions of the floor if its bound- ing line is 48 feet long. 31. A gallon of cream is poured into two (a;+4) feet pitchers, one of which holds 7 times as -D G much as the other. How many gills does each pitcher hold? 32. If i of a number is added to the number, the sum is 120. What is the number ? Suggestion. Let 3 x = the number. 33. If ^ of a number is added to twice the number, the sum is 35. What is the number ? 34. Of two numbers, twice the first is 7 times the second, and their difference is 75. Find the numbers. Suggestion, Let 1 x = the first number, then 2 x = the second. 35. An estate of f 19,600 was so divided between two heirs that 5 times what one received was equal to 9 times what the other received. What was the share of each ? 36. A tree whose height was 150 feet was broken off by the wind, and it is found that 3 times the length of the part left standing is the same as 7 times that of the part broken off. How long is each part ? 37. If two boys together solved 65 problems, and if 8 times the number solved by the first boy equals 5 times the number solved by the second boy, how many did each boy solve ? 8 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Ch. I II. ELEMENTARY OPERATIONS 4. Addition. In algebra, as in arithmetic, such an ex- pression as 7 + 3 is read " 7 plus 3," and means that 3 is to be added to 7. To perform this addition we begin at 7 and count 3 for- ward, obtaining the result 10, which is called the sum of these two numbers.* So also if a and b stand for any two numbers whatever, the expression a-\-b is read "a plus 5," and means that h is to be added to a. The result obtained by adding two or more numbers is called their sum, and the numbers that are to be added are called the summands. 5. Subtraction. To what number must 3 be added to obtain the sum 8? If 8 was obtained by adding 3 to some number (i.e.^ by counting 3 forward}, how may we, starting with 8, find the number at which the counting began ? Here, as in arithmetic, the operation of finding this num- ber is indicated by the expression 8 — 3, which is read " 8 minus 3." We may say that 8 — 3=5 because 5 + 3 = 8. The process of finding one of two numbers when their sum and the other number are given, is called subtraction. It consists, as we have just seen, in counting backward, i.e., in undoing the work of addition, which consists in counting forward. If a and b stand for any two numbers whatever, the ex- pression a — b is read " a minus 5," and means that b is to be subtracted from a. The result obtained by subtracting one number from an- other is called their difference (also the remainder). The number which is to be subtracted is called the subtrahend, and * If fractions are to be added, we first reduce tliera to a common denomi- nator and tlien add their numerators ; it is still a counting process. 4-C] INTRODUCTION 9 the one from which the subtraction is to be made is called the minuend. 6. Inverse operations. Of two operations which neutralize each other when performed in succession, each is called the inverse of the other. Thus the operations of addition and subtraction are each the inverse of the other (cf. Exs. 8-10, below). EXERCISE- III Read each of the following expressions, then name its parts : 1. 8 + 12 = 20. 2. 9-7 = 2. 3. 12y-9y = 3y, 4. Since 4 + 9 = 13, therefore 13 - 9= ? 13 -4 = ? 5. In subtraction, what name is used to denote the given sum ? the given summand? the required summand ? Illustrate, using Ex. 2 above. 6. Add 4 to 7 by counting. Where do you begin to count ? In what direction do you count? 7. By counting, subtract 4 from 11. Do you count in the same direction as in Ex. 6 ? 8. How may you combine the subtrahend* and remainder to get the minuend ? Why ? 9. How would you test the correctness of an answer in sub- traction? Illustrate. Could you use subtraction to test the correctness of a sum ? 10. When is one operation said to be the inverse of another ? Using the numbers 8 and 6, illustrate the fact that subtraction is the inverse of addition. 11. If m and n stand for any two given integers whatever, can you, by counting, find the value of ?7i + n ? of m — n ? 12. What is the value of 5 - 3 ? of5-4? of5-5? of5-6? of 5 — 8 ? In order that subtraction be possible, how must the subtrahend compare in size with the minuend ?"* * With our present (arithmetical) meaning of number such a subtraction as 5 — 8 is, of course, impossible ; in Chapter II, however, we shall so extend the meaning of number as to make the subtraction a — b possible even when b is greater than a. 10 niGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Cit. I 7. Multiplication, (i) In arithmetic, multiplication is usually defined as the process of taking (additively) one of two numbers, called the multiplicand, as many times as there are units in the other, called the multiplier. In this sense, 6x4 (read "6 multiplied by 4") means 6 + 64-6 + 6; i.e.^ this multiplication may be regarded as an abbreviated addition. Strictly speaking, however, the above definition of multi- plication applies only when the multiplier is an arithmetical integer : under this definition, for instance, we could not find such a product as 8 x 51, because we could not take the mul- tiplicand two thirds of a time any more than we could fire a gun two thirds of a time. (ii) A broader definition of multiplication, and one bet- ter suited to our present purpose, may be stated thus : Multiplication is the process of performing upon one of two given numbers (the multiplicand) the same operation as that which is performed upon unity to get the other given number (the multiplier) ; the result thus obtained is called the product of these numbers. The multiplicand and multi- plier are called factors of the product. To illustrate, consider again the question of multiplying 8 by 5|-. The multiplier, 5|-, is obtained from unity by tak- ing the unit 5 times, and J of the unit twice, as summands, i.e., 5f = 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1+ J; and, therefore, by this new definition of multiplication, 8x5f = 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + | + f = 40 + J^ = 45f (iii) Just as 6 X 5 means that 6 is to be multiplied by 5, so 5 X 3 means that b is to be multiplied by 3. Similarly, kxn xy means that h is to be multiplied by n^ and that their product is then to be multiplied by y. Instead of the oblique cross ( x ), a center point (•) placed between two numbers (a little above the line to distinguish it from the decimal point) is frequently used as a sign of 7-8] INTttOhVCTlON . 11 multiplication. And even the center point is usually omitted if doing so causes no confusion. Thus, 8xri = o-'/i=3n; so, too, p xr xt=p • r ' t=prt, and 3 x 7 = o • 7. But the sign (cross or center point) must not be omitted between two arithmetical numbers. (Why not?) EXERCISE IV Kead each of the following expressions, then name its parts : 1. 8x3 = 24. 2. f. 15 = 10. 3. 5«.4 = 20a. 4. What is the value of 5 • 3 ? How is this product obtained under the old definition of multiplication [§ 7 (i)] ? 5. Using the new definition [§ 7 (ii)], show that 5 • 3 means 5 + 5 + 5. Similarly, explain the meaning of 9 • 4; of 4 • 9. 6. Show that 2| • 8 has the same meaning under the old defi- nition of multiplication as under the new. 7. To get f from 1, we divide 1 into how many equal parts ? How many of these parts do we take '? What, then, should be done to 10 in multiplying it by J ? As in Ex. 7, find the following products : 8. 16. f. 9. 12. 2f 10. 7.5f. If a = 2, 6 = 5, and a? = |, find the value of each of the follow- ing expressions : 11. Sabx. 13. 2bx — ax + 3b. 15. Saax + 4:bx. 12. 5b + 6x-ab. 14. 7abx + 3a-2b. 16. aab — 10 x. 8. Division. Division is the inverse (i.e.^ihe "undoing") of multiplication. Thus, since 4 x 9 = 36, therefore 36 -=- 9 = 4, and 36 -4 =9. The expression 36 -^ 9 = 4 is read " 36 divided by 9 equals 4." Here 36 is called the dividend, 9 the divisor, and 4 the quotient. In multiplication we have given two numbers, and are asked to find their product ; in division we have given the product (now called the dividend} and one of the factors HIGH SCH. ALG. — 2 1^ tilGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Ch. 1 (now called the divisor')^ and are asked to find the other factor (now called the quotient). Hence we may say : division is the process of finding from two given numbers, called dividend and divisor, respectively, a third number (called the quotient) such that the divisor multiplied by the quotient equals the dividend. E.g., 36 -- 9 = 4, because 4 x 9 = 36. If 8 and t represent any two numbers whatever, then each of the expressions, s -?- f , -, s/U and s : t indicates that s is to be divided by t. If the divisor is not exactly contained in the dividend, then, as in arithmetic, the indicated division is called a fraction. E.g.^ ^, -— , — , and — ^t_ are called fractions. 6 D n y . It is to be remarked, however, that literal numbers may be fractional in form but integral in value, and vice versa. Thus, -, though fractional in form, has the inte- gral value 3 if a = 12 and 5 = 4. 9. Powers, exponents, etc. (i) In algebra, as in arithmetic, such a product as 5 • 5 • 5 is usually written in the abbrevi- ated form 5^, the small 3 showing the number of times that 5 is used as a factor. Similarly, 23 z= 2 • 2 • 2, a^^a-a-a, 2^ . 52= 2 • 2 • 2 • 5 • 5, 7i2jt>4 z= n^ ' p^ = n ' 71 • p ' p ' p • p, etc. The expression k^ is usually called the fourth power of h. In this expression, 4 is called the exponent and h the hase of the power. (ii) Hence the following definitions : A power of a number is the product arising from using the given number one or more times as a factor. An exponent is a number placed (in small symbols) at the 8-9] INTRODUCTION " 13 right and slightly above a given number, to show how many times the latter is to be used as a factor. Thus, if X represents any number whatever, and n any arithmetical integer,* then the expression x^ is called the nth power of 07, and means the product arising from using x as a factor n times ; n is the exponent of the power. Note. Observe that under the above definitions a^ has the same mean- ing as a ; the exponent 1, therefore, need not be written. The second and third powers of numbers are, for geometrical reasons, often called by the special names of square and cube respectively. Thus a^ is called " the second power of a," " the square of a," and also " a squared." EXERCISE V Eead each of the following expressions, name its parts, and test the correctness of the results : 1. 18-6 = 3. 4. ?5^ = 4a. 7. ^ = Z2. 2. 28^14 = 2. 5. 9.^81. k^^4a^ 3. 6_|o = 70. 6. 2^.32 = 288. * 32 3 * Read the following expressions and tell what operations are indicated in each case; then find the numerical value of each expression when a = 5, 6 = 2, 7i = l, and ic = 4. .5 ,^ 3 6^ „ a^-lOW 9. a\ 12. ^^1^. 15. 16 3 a 10- «' + ^'- 13. 8W-10a^. ^^ 75 -aW 11. 7wV. 14. 7i^ + bax\ ' y?-a ' 17. Write 7«7-7«7 by means of the exponent notation. Also a ' a'a\ 5 • 5 • a; • a; • a; ; and 9 • 9 • 9 • 9 • a • a • ?/ • ?/ • 2/. 18. How may we use multiplication to test the correctness of an example in division ? Why ? 19. The sum of any two integers is integral. Is this true of their difference ? of their product ? of their quotient ? Illus- trate your answers. * We shall later (Chapter XVI) enlarge the scope of such a symbol as x" by giving it a meaning even when n does not represent an arithmetical integer. 14 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Ch. I 20. When the dividend is not exactly divisible by the divisor, what name is given to the indicated quotient ? 5 21. How are fractions defined in arithmetic ? Is — a frac- tion under the arithmetical definition ? If not, why not ? 10. The order in which arithmetical operations are to be performed. What is the value of 2 + 6 • 5 — 8 ^ 2 ? Is it 28, 16, 'or 12? In order that such an expression shall have the same meaning for all of us, mathematicians have agreed that, when there is no express statement to the contrary : (1) A succession of multiplications and divisions shall mean that these operations are to be performed in the order in which they occur from left to right. (2) A succession of additions and subtractions shall mean that they are to be performed in the order in which they occur. E.g., 9 . 8 -- 6 . 2 = 72 -- 6 . 2 = 12 . 2 = 24, but 9 • 8 -J- 6 • 2 is 710^ equal to 72 -h 12, i.e., to 6. So, too, 7 + 9-6 + 3 = 16 -6 + 3 = 10 + 3 = 13, but 7 + 9 — 6 + 3 is 710^ equal to 16 — 9, i.e., to 7. (3) A succession of the operations of addition, subtrac- tion, multiplication, and division shall mean that all the operations of multiplication and division are to be performed before ani/ of those of addition and subtraction, and in accord with (1) above. The additions and subtractions are then to be performed in accord with (2) above. E.g., 2 + 6- 5-8--2 = 2 + 30 -4 = 28. Note. While such an expression as 3 • a -^ 2 • a; • ?/ means [(8 a) ^ 2] • a; • y, the expression Sa -^2xy is usually understood to mean (3 a) ~ (2 xy) ; i.e., 3 a and 2 xy are here understood to vei>resent products rather than unper- formed multiplications. 11. Signs of aggregation, (i) Any desired departure from the order of operations given in § 10 may be indicated by employing one or more of the so-called signs of aggregation ; 1-11] tNTROTWCrtON 15 among these are the parenthesis ( ), the brace \\, the bracket [ ], and the vinculum . (ii) An expression within a parentliesis, brace, or bracket, or under a vinculum, is to bo regarded as a whole, and is to be treated as though it were represented by a single symbol. U.g., (2 + 6) . 5 - 3 - (7 + 8 -^ 2) = 8 • 5 ^ 3 - 11, i.e,, '2^. So, too, (4 + 6) -^ 2 = 5, while without the parenthesis its value would be 7. It may sometimes be useful even to employ one sign of aggregation within another, Mg., 72- J47-7(15-10)S =72- ^47-35? =72-12 = 6. EXERCISE VI Find the value of each of the following expressions: 1. 20 + 5-3. 4. 12-2x4. 7. 16-2-1-6. 2. 20-5 + 3. 5. 12 -(2x4). 8. 16 - (2 + 6). 3. 20 -(5 + 3). 6. 9.(6-2). 9. 11 • 4 - 6 • 3-2. 10. 28 -(6 + 13) -(10 -2). 13. 42-7x5-5 + 6x2. 11. 32-9 + 6--2 + 1. 14. 12 + 9-3-30-2 + 8. 12. 32- (9 + 6) --(2 + 1). 15. (12-f 9).3-(30-2 + 8). 16. J25 - (10 + 13)S -2 + 31-5 + 4. 17. 16- 9 -4(36 -3-2) +54 -(17 -12-5). Read each of the following expressions, and tell in what order the indicated operations are to be performed : 18. ac-^b. 21. (c-by. 24. 6a H-2c-2d ^ 19. a(c-^b\ 22. c'-^b'-2d. 20. c-b\ 23. c----(b^-2d). 25. ^ -— . ^ ^ ci and to this result annex the common literal factors, each with its proper exponent. It is usually more convenient to write the terms to be added under one another, as in arithmetic, thus : 3 XT/ 153 ahnx 18 aks 8 xi/ 74 a!^mx — 7 aks Wxy ' ? ? (cf. § 16) If the monomials to be added are dissimilar, they cannot be united into a single term, but their sum may be indicated in the usual way ; thus, the sum of 5 a and 2 a:^ is 5 a H- 2 a;^. Similarly, the sum of 3m and — 6a is 3m + (— 6 a), which equals 3m — 6 a (cf. § 16). EXERCISE XIII Add the following sets of similar termsf and explain your work: 1. 2. 3. 4. 6 n 18 a^ —9 mx 31 abvr 3 n - 10 a^ 5mx - 22 abx" — 2n — 3 a^ — 6 mx — 6 aba^ 30 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Ch. Ill 5. State a convenient rule for adding any number of like terms. Does your rule apply to cases in which some of the terms are negative ? Find the algebraic sum of: 6. 4 a?^, — 2 x^y — 5 x^. 10. 12 a^n, a^n, — 4 a% — 9 ahi, 7. 11 ax, ax, — 9 ax. 11. S xz, — 8 xz, — xz, 2 ics;. 8.-4 cs^, — cs^, 8 cs^. 12. — a6^, — 7 a6^, a5% — 5 ah*. 9. — 3 aa;"2/j ''^ cl^Vj ctx^y. 13. — ic^/? ~ ^ ^I/) 12 a;?/, — 3 a;y. Simplify the following expressions; i e., unite like terms, and indicate the results where the terms are unlike : 14. 3 bxy^ + (- 4 bxy^) + (- 12 bxij^ + 5 bxy^ + bxy^ + (- bxy^. 15. — 4 mp^ + 13 a'^x + 7 mp^ -f 3 mp^ -f ( — 5 ax^ — 2 acc^ + mp^ 16. 25 c^s^^ - 10 6^^ - bH - c^s^ -\-3bH-{- bH + cV - 8 (fs\ 17. 7.5a; + fx — a; — i£C + iic + i^x — 3.45 x + li a;. 18. 3d*-5 c/ + 2ic^^-11.5d^-7ic^'^-5d^ + d*-c^. 19. - 6 (a- 62) 4-3 (a- 62) _ («_ ^,2) _ 5 (ct_ 52^ j^^a-b"), 20. 23 a^ + 5 6" - 8 a^^** - 13 6« + 24 a^^" _ 19 a^ + a^ - 6" - a^ft". 21. How many a^'s in 5 a; + 3 a; ? in 10 a? — 2 a; ? in 8 a; — aa; ? in4aj — aj? ina; — Sa^ + lla;? in ma? -f na; — 3 a; ? 22. How many s^^'s in 8 s^^ + 2 sH ? in 3 sH + as't ? in 3^ s^^ + 2 ms^^ - s2^ ? in 3 asH + (- 2 fts^^) ? 23. Add 15 a;2, - 2 aa;2, - 7 a^^^ 4 fta^^^ and - 2 Za;^. [In Exs. 23-25 let «, 6, and ^ belong to the coefficients.] 24. 2 aa;?/) ~ 8 ^2/> ^^^ ^ ^^2/- 25. 5 xz^, — axz^, and 2 bxz^. 24. Addition of polynomials. Any two polynomials, e.g.^ S a^ — 7 xi/ -}- 12 7/^ ai^d 5 a^ 4- 6 2:3/ — 3 «/2, may be added thus: 3a2_7^y + 12^2 5 a^ _|_ (5 2;^ _ 3 ^2 8a2_ a;y+ 9?/2 28-26] ADbtriON OF ALGEBRAIC EXPRESSIONS 31 This procedure may be stated tliiis : To add two or more polynomials^ write them under 07ie another so that similar terms shall stand in the same column, and then add each columii sep- arately as in § 28. EXERCISE XIV Add the following sets of polynomials : 1. 2. 3. 4. 4a-26 6m 4-3^2 ax — 5 y 8|) + 2.s-3^2 2a4-56 4m -7 7l' 2ax- 1 Wp-bs-^lt^ 5. 6. 7. 6 m — 4 ^i + 7p Sa -40^ + 5?/ - a^a; - 8 6 -h 2 / - 2m+ n -5p 6a -i-5x'- y — 2 a?x —^'f -Sm-{-2n -4.P -4.a ^2^ 8 a-x + 2 6 - 9 .v*" 8. 12 ace — 5 a?^ — 9 2/, — 3 ao? — 6 a^^ + 2 ?/, and ax + x'^' — y. 9. 3 m — 7 71 + 2p, m H- 4 ?? — 6p, and n — 2m +p. 10. a^ — 2 .T + 1, a; — 3 + 8 a^, and 4 a; — 3. 11. 2a-76 + 3(a^-l), 4.b- a-6{x' -I), and 6+ (a;--l). 12. 3(a + &) - 2 c' - 5, 7 - 6{a + &) + 4 c', and c' - (a + h). 13. 2(?7i - n) + 4(|> + 1), 3 a — 5(m — w), and — 7{p + 1) — 9 a. 14. 2f A:-6.5? + 3im, 5fc-6im, and4m + 2Z. 15. s''-^t-^v,2t-^s\^.\i^i^v-^t+2s\ Supply the missing coefficients in the following equations : 16. 12a; — 4a?/ — 5aj-h7a2/= ^x + '^ay. 17. aoi? — 2 xy -\- dxy — CO? = ? x^ -\- ? xy. 18. 6rs-s^ + 5cs3+(2-3c)ns=?rs+?s3. 19. (a2-c)p + (3a4-5c-5)i?=?/>. 20. Add 3 a?2 + 4 a;/ — 2/"* — 7 a;?/ + 2 a:^?/, 10 a^y -f- (5 c - 10) xy-, (c + 1) a:^ — 3 2/% and xy -\- ^ xy"^ -{■ {2 d — l)x^y. 25. Checking results. If a result (iu addition, for example) is correct, then it must, of course, remain correct when we assign any arbitrary values to its letters. This is the basis 32 BIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA [^'h. Ill of a very useful test of the correctness of algebraic work (usually called a '' check "). Thus, find the sum of 10 a^ - 3 7/ and - 2 a;^ _^ 9 2/. SOLUTION CHECK . 10.^-3., = 10- 6=. 4 1 j^^^^^^^ -^^ + ^^ =-2 + 18=26 L,d ,= 2 80^ + 62/ = 8 + 12 = 20 J And since the sum of 4 and 16, the values of the summands, is 20, which is also the value of the sum, therefore the work is prob- ably correct. EXERCISE XV In Exs. 4-11, p. 31, check your results as above by putting any convenient arbitrary values for the letters. II. SUBTRACTION 26. Subtraction of monomials. Since subtraction is the inverse of addition, therefore (cf. § 23) : To suhtraet one of tivo similar monomials from the other, sub- tract the coefficient of the subtrahend from that of the minuend^ and to this remainder annex the common literal factors. The work may be arranged thus : 73 a2 27n^k mx^f Uax 24 a2 -Sn^k 19 2;^ - 9 ax 49rt2 ~J5M ~1 ~~f~ (cf. § IT) If the given monomials are dissimilar, the subtraction can, of course, only be indicated. A good practical rule for subtraction is : To subtract one of tivo similar monomials from the other^ reverse the sign of the subtrahend and proceed as in addition. In order to avoid confusion in reviewing one's work, it is best, however, not actually to reverse the written sign but only to conceive it to be reversed. 25-27] SUBTRACTION OF ALGEBRAIC EXPRESSIONS 38 EXERCISE XVI Perform the following indicated subtractions : 1. 18-5; -18-5; _18-(-5); 18-(-5); 9-(-9). 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7a 16ba^ - 18 m^ -ISr^a^ 26 ^V 4 a -Sbx^ Im^ - Tr^cc^ _ 9 ^y 7. 8. 9. 10. 3 ex" - 6 7nY 6. 8 k'a^y'- - 21 a^m* 11. Show that " changing the sign of the subtrahend and pro- ceeding as in addition" will give the remainder in each of the above exercises. 12. From 7 aoc^y take 3 ax-y ; from 5 njf take — 8 7q)^ ; from 4 (a - 2 b^) take - 11 (a - 2 ¥) ; from the sum of 13 2/"V and - 5 y-^'^ take 4 i/^a;^. 13. Indicate the subtraction of b^ from 3 a-; of 4(0^ + ?/^) from — 6 (c + 2/) ; of 2 a;?/ from the sum of x^ and 2/" ; of — a^ft" from the sum of 3 a* and — 6^**. 14. How many x^y's in 8 aic-^/ — 2oify? in mxry-{-nx-y—2 cx^y ? in 7 cx'y-(- 3 x'y)? 15. Supply the missing coefficient in : 125 7nz — 97 mz= ? Z', c2a2-(-9a2)=?a2; 5 ax^ + ? ao;^ = 2 aa;=^ ; 4:C8-?s = 2bs. 27. Subtraction of polynomials. One polynomial may be subtracted from another by writing the subtrahend under the minuend, similar terms under one another, and subtract- ing term by term, thus : 55_3^2+ Q^l 32:4-5 85 + 5:^2 _ 9^^ _7a;4 4- 4 -2:?: 2 6 - 8 ^2 _^ 15 ab 10ai^'^)-\-2x 34 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Ch. Ill EXERCISE XVII In the following pairs of expressions subtract the second from the first, and check your results as in § 25 : 1. 8a-562, 2a + h\ 3. ^x' + x, Zx-2x', 2. 3m2-7, m^-lO. 4. s' + ^t, 2t-5s', 5. a^-2ab + b', -3 a' + 12 ab-12b\ 6. x^-\-5oi^y + 7 xif — 2y^, 3 ic/ — ar' — 2 / — 5 a?y. 7. Check your answer to Ex. 6 by letting x = 2 and y = l. 8. From the definition of subtraction show that the minuend equals the sum of the subtrahend and remainder. What means of checking the result does this suggest (cf . § 17) ? 9. In each of Exs. 1-6, p. 31, subtract the second expression from the first. 10. From c^ -\-d subtract c^ — d — 4 A;. Check result in two ways. 11. From 5 x^ + 4 a'b take 8 a^6 — 2 x^ + 5 abx, and check result. 12. Subtract 15 y^ + 10 aV + 4 mV from 34 aV - 10 mV, and check result. 13. Subtract 15 — 3 a? + 10 aj^ from 12 a^ + 5 j also from — 2x; also from 0. 14. Subtract 5^ a^-2i + a;-4J a;^ from 7 a;^~2i- a; + a^-4; also from 0. 15. Subtract the sum of 5 a — 31 6^ + 2 a^ and 26 6^ — 4 a; from ix^-2a' + 7b\ 16. From what must a^b"" + 3 ca; + cZ*" be subtracted if the result is to be 4 a^b'' — d'-^2cx? In Exs. 17-20 let a, b, and m belong to the coefficients : 17. From 2ax — Sby-\- mxy take x — 2y-\-^^xy. 18. From (m - 2 6) ?/ + 3\z take 2z+(a- b)y\ 19. From Qr -l)xy -\- bY - 3 mx^ take 2 V'xy - 5 mx^ + af. 20. From (a^ - 3 a6 + m^)^ -f (4 a^ - 5 «?> + 2 6*' + 7 m^) ?/ + 2 amz^ subtract {cir - 5 o6 + &^ - m')^ - 3|- a^62^ + (a^ - 2 a6 + m") y. 27-28] PARENTHESES 35 III. PARENTHESES* 28. Parentheses removed and inserted. Such an expres- sion as 2 a; — (?/ — 3 0) means that i/ — 3 2 is to be subtracted from 2 X ; hence (§ 27) 2x-(iy-Zz) = 2x-y + ^z, Similarly, a — (^—h + c— d — e) = a-\-h — c + d-{- e; etc. These equations (read from left to right) show that a parenthesis inclosing any number of terms, and preceded by the minus sign, may be removed provided that the sign of each term within the parenthesis is reversed. Again, reading the above equations from right to left shows that any number of the terms of an expression may be inclosed within a parenthesis preceded by the minus sign, provided that the sign of each term so inclosed is reversed. Remark. A parenthesis preceded by the plus sign may, of course, be removed or inserted without changing the signs of the terms inclosed. (Why ?) EXERCISE XVIII By means of § 27 show that : 1. 5a — (3a + ^)=5a — 3a — & = 2a — &. [What is the sign of 3 a in (3 a + 6) ?] 2. ^x — 2y—{—^x-\-y)=^x — 2y-{-^x — y=zlx — Sy. 3. m^ — 3 np 4-p^ = m^ — (3 np —p^). 4. a — 2b-^c — 4.x = c — 4:X-{—a-\-2b). 5. Using § 11, show that 8 - (10 - 7) = 8 - 3 = 5 ; and then show that the same result may be obtained by using § 27, i.e., show that 8-(10-7)=8-10 + 7 = -24-7 = 5. Simplify each of the following expressions by two methods, , as in Ex. 5, and compare results : * " ^Parenthesis " here means any sign of aggregation whatever (cf. § 11). 36 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Ch. Ill 6. ll_(3 + 6). 9. 27 + (-5-3)-13-7. 7. ii_(_3 4.6). 10. 27 -(-5 -3) + 13 -7. a _(8-5) + 10. 11. -(6-4 + 9)+3-(-2 + 7). 12. In Ex. 9 what is the quality sign of 13 ? What does the minus sign preceding 13 indicate ? In Exs. 13-19 remove parentheses and unite similar terms : 13. 7x — Sac-\-(x — 2 ac). [Compare § 28, Remark.] 14. 3a — 46 + (6 — 2a). 17. x — y + {x-\-y) — {^x — y). 15. 2f-{-x' + f-xy). 18. a-2/2-(a-3)-(-3/-l). 16. 5a2 + 3?>-(-2a). 19. -(2m-5)-(-6+a^-3m). In each of the following examples inclose the last two terms in a parenthesis preceded by — : 20. 2s-3^ + w. 23. aa^ — 4 5x — 3 + 2^. 21. 6 4-5 X- — 3?/. 24. 2 /i — 3 A; — 7 a? — 5. 22. a^-f2 6 + c*. 25. 3 m* — 2 m"ic — 5 ma^" + a;*. 29. Parentheses within parentheses. It often happens that one parenthesis incloses one or more others. In such cases the expression within an inner parenthesis forms a single term of the next outer parenthesis [cf. § 11 (ii)]. These parentheses, too, may be removed as in § 28, thus : 3 a^ - J 9 m - [ - a^ - (4 s3 _ 5 ^^^) ^ ,,3-| j = 3 a^ — 9 m -f- [ — a^ — (4 s^ — 5 m) + s^] [Removing brace = 3 a^ — 9 m — a^ — (4 s^ — 5 m) -+- s^ [Removing bracket = 3a^ — 9m— a^ — 4s* + 5m + s^ [Removing parenthesis = 2 a^ — 4 m — 3 s'. [Collecting terms Let the pupil simplify the above expression by first removing the innermost parenthesis, then the next inner- most, and so on, and compare his work with what is here 28-29] PAIiENTHESES 37 EXERCISE XIX Simplify the following expressions; that is, remove the paren- theses and combine like terms : 1. s - [t^ -\- (u'^ ~ s)']. 5. (m — 4p) - (a —p + m). 2. s-[e-(ir-s)]. 6. Sx'-\2a-(-x'-{-a)l, 3. 6a-[6-(-2a-|-36)]. 7. _ J2a - (-ic^.^, ^^ j^ 4. a^^l-f-(2f-3x')l 8. -J_(-a^ + a)J. 9. mx^— [8?/— (6a; — W.1') — 2aj. 10. _ (60 - 25) -[92 -(18 + 27) I . 11. 3p + 4g + [7i)-2g-(5i)-3-5g)]. 12. a — y— \a — (—y — a — 2)1. 13. a;-S3a.--[-(-3a; + 22/)+o?/]-32/: 14. 8a;2^2a;?/-[3x2-?/2-(2a;.?/-.T- + /)]-2/2. 15. 2 a' - 5 [3 6" - (a' - 2 c - 5 a')] _ [7 6" + 5 c - 6« - 2 a'] \ . 16. 8a-25-{-(3c-f?)-[4c-d-(-8aH-2&)]-2d;. 17. 4.-[5y-l3-(2x-2)-4.xl'}- Ja; + 52/-^+3J. 18. In Ex. 2, how many minus signs affect u^? How often, then, will its sign be reversed by removing the parentheses ? What will be its sign finally ? Answer the above questions for - «2 in Ex. 7. 19. By considering the number of minus signs affecting the respective terms, remove together all parentheses in Ex. 9. Also in Exs. 11, 12, and 14. 20. In the expression 3 m — 4 a -f- 10 a;^ — 5 ?/ + 3 a^^ — 8 aa;, in- close the 4th and 5th terms in a parenthesis preceded by the minus sign ; then inclose this parenthesis, together with the two preceding terms, in a bracket preceded by the minus sign.* 21. Make the changes asked for in Ex. 20, in the expressions 3m + 4a-10a;2_5^_^3^^2_g^^^ 3m-4a -2a?2-h52/-3a6-, and — 5 a;'' + 3 ?/'" - 4 a - 14 6c + 8 A;2. * The value of the expression is, of course, to be left unchanged. CHAPTER IV MULTIPLICATION AND DIVISION OF ALGEBRAIC EXPRES- SIONS L MULTIPLICATION 30. Law of exponents in multiplication. What is the meaning of 5^ (cf . § 9) ? of o^ ? of a;" ? How many times is s used as a factor in the product 8^-8^? Is 8^ ' 8^ equal to 8^ ? Explain why. How may the exponent of the product ^ - 8"^ he obtained from the exponents of the factors s^ and 8^ ? Would your answer remain true if we were to put other exponents in place of 3 and 2 ? Is cc^x^a^ equal to x^'^, i.e., to 2^^+2+5? W^hy ? Is x"x^ equal toaj«+*? Why? The results of these considerations may be expressed in symbols thus : wherein a may stand for any number whatever, but m, w, and p are positive integers. Translated into common language, this law of exponents is : The product of two or more power8 of any number is that power of the given number who8e exponent i8 the 8um of the exponents of the factors. 31. Product of two or more monomials. The product of any two or more monomials may be obtained by a simple extension of § 30. J7.^., in the product of 2 ax^ and 3 ab'^x, how many numeri- cal factors ? What is their prodilct ? How many a\s in the 38 30-31] MULTIPLICATION OF ALGEBRAIC EXPRESSIONS 39 entire product? How many 5's ? How many a;'s ? ^\^rite down this product, using the exponent notation. What is its sign ? Why ? What is the product of 3 aV^ — 2 abaP'^ and 5 «5 ? Is it — 30 a'^h'^x^ ? Explain in detail, mentioning the sign, the coefficient, the letters, and their exponents. These considerations lead to the following rule for obtain- ing the product of two or more monomials: To the product of the numerical coefficients of the several monomials, annex the different letters which these monomials contain, giving to each letter an exponent equal to the sum of the exponents of that letter in the several monomials. EXERCISE XX Find the following indicated products, and explain your re- sults, especially the signs and exponents: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 3a2 3a2 6-3^ -Smh -7aV 5a^ -5a^ -2.3^ -3ms^ -2 2^ 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. -5-23 mV 2 a;" -Sa^^" _4a;2y 8.2^ -ba^x -QxP -Sab^ -9x^y^ 11. 7 s2 . _ 3 as . - 2 a\ 14. - 2 a"6 • 6f ab^'- 1 2| a'^bK 12. 3 mx^ • 2 m^ • — 7 am. 15. 7.5 mv'^ - — 4| am^ • —3 a"^. 13. _ 2i s? . - s^ . 3f a^^. 16. - 12 A;^/^ . _ aA:Z" • 2^ a"A:^ 17. 2 (a -6)2. - 5 (a -b) ' 3 x'y ' -2^ x (a-b) .2.5(a-6)Y. 18. Define and illustrate the meaning of exponent, power, base (of. § 9). May the base be negative ? May it be a frac- tion ? May the exponent be fractional or negative ? 19. If 7z represents a negative number, is n^ positive or nega- tive (cf. Ex. 13, p. 25)? How does 3^ compare with (-3)^? 2^ with (-2)^? 20. What is the meaning of 2/"~^ ? In this expression may n be less than 2 ? What is the product of 4 a^ and —Ta""-^? 40 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Ch. IV 21. Determine, by inspection, the sign of the result in each of the following products when a = — 2, 6 = 3 : (a — 6)^ ; (a — 6)^ ; (a + hy ; {att^Y ; (a^b^y ; (a^ — by. State your reason in each case. 32. Product of a monomial and a polynomial. From the definition of a product [cf. § 7 (ii), § 18], 5 . (2 + 9) = 5 . 2 + 5 . 9, since 2 + 9 is obtained by taking positive unity 2 times, then 9 times, and adding the two results. Similarly, a{m -\- x— y) = q^i -\- ax — ay^ whatever the numbers represented by a, m, x, and y. Hence we may say : To find the product of a polynomial and a monomial multiply each term of the polynomial by the mono- mial and add the partial products. The actual work may conveniently be arranged thus : Check 3 a%- 4x2 + 11 2/2 = 10 -2xy = - 2 - 6 aH^y + 8 x^y - 22 xy^ = - 20 EXERCISE XXI when a = 1, X = 1, and y = 1 1. How is 2 -\-a — x obtained from + 1 ? How, then, may 2/(2 + a — ic) be obtained from y ? 2. 3. 4. Multiply 3x-5y a-4a6 + 362 2 m — Sn^ — mn by 2x -56 — 4 mn Find the following products, and check results (cf. § 25) : 5. (2a^-4:y')'7xy. 9. -Sx^y^(2 x"" -4:X^y). 6. (4:ax-5xy)(-2x^). 10. 5 a\a^-~4 a^ -2 a-\-7), 7. (~2s^-Sst)(-9st% 11. -7ax'(Sax^-3a'x-5ax). 8. {-6u'-\-nv)(-4:v'x). 12. - 8 a^^" (3 - 4 a"* + 12 6"). 13. -12xy{2}x^-5lx-4:). 14. 2iabc(1.5a'-{-7.5ab'-6b'). 31-33] MULTIPLICATION OF ALGEBEAIC EXPRESSIONS 41 15. {^x'z-^x^^-4.xz''-^xz + ll){-^xz). 16. [a^+(a + iy4-(a-l)ic + l].2aa:2_ 17. («/ - 2 xy -.15 a;y + 4 ary - 7 a?y (- cc^^/^-s). 18. 2 (%2-3 i;) [(^2 - 3 i;)^ - 13 a; (?^2_3 '^^+2 a;2(^2_ 3 ^,)_l]. 19. 3a[7ar^-4(2a;2 + aaj) + «(2a-3a; + l)]. 20. Multiply da—bh-\-c—x — y by — 1, and show that the result agrees with § 28. 21. By what nust x — ly — 2az be multiplied, to obtain the product 12 ah: — 14 a^y — 4 ah ? 22. Find a monomial and a polynomial whose product is 6 ax" -10 a'x - 14 aV 4- 8 aV. 23. Are the values of m and n in Exs. 9, 12, and 18, limited in any way ? If so, how ? 33. Product of two polynomials. Since m + ^ is obtained by taking positive unity m times, then n times, and adding the two results, therefore (of. § 32) (a -\- h ■{- c) ' (m -\- n) = (a -\- h -\- c)m + (a + 5 + c)n = am -\-hm+ cm -\- an -{- hn -\- en. Similarly for any polynomials whatever ; i.e.^ the 'product of two polynomials is obtained by multiplying each term of the multiplicand by each term of the multiplier^ and adding the partial products. If any two or more terms of a product are similar, they should, of course, be united. Such a multiplication and its check may be arranged thus : Check a2 + 2 a& - 62 = + 2, a+ h =+2. (a2+2a&-&2).a= a^ + 2a%- aW' (a'^ + 2a&-62).6=: ggft + 2 a&2 _ &8 a3 + 3a-26 _f. aW- - 63 = + 4, when a — \ and 6 = 1 Remark. The product of three or more polynomials may be obtained by multiplying the product of the first two by the third, this product by the fourth, and so on [cf. § 10 (1)]. 42 BIGB SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Ch. IV EXERCISE XXII Perform the following indicated multiplications : 1. {x+2d)'(x-a). 9. (x^-xy + y^)'(x-y). .2. {Sa^-5x)'(2a''-{-3x). 10. (a^ -xy -i-y^) - (x + y). 3. (7-2m3).(3-5m=^). 11. (0^-2 ay -\-y^) • {a- y). 4. (a'A-ab-\-b')'{a-b). 12. (5 s^ - 2 i^^^ . (5 ^3 _^ 2 ^^^^ 3. (2s-Sf)-(Ss-4.t). 13. (7ey2-2c/«).(7ey2 + 2^). 6. {x-{-a)'(x-{-a), 14. (-4/g- 6 r) • (3^)-^?^)^ I.e., (ic + ay. 15. (m^ — w^ + p^) • (5 m — 2 np). 7. (3m2-10)l 16. (2a;-32/ + 0-4)2. 8. {Gx'-Sayy. 17. (a^- 3 a6 + 62_2 c)^. 18. (3m2 — 2mn) • (5m + 3w^) = ? Check your result by letting m = 1 and n — 1. If, in the product, the exponent of m should be wrong, would this check reveal the error ? Explain. Would the error be revealed if m were taken equal to 2 ? Multiply (and check your work) : 19. m* — 2 m^ — 6 m^ + m — 1 by 3 m^ + m — 2. 20. 2ii? — 1xy + Sx^ — 4.x-\-2y-\-lhjxy — Zx — 2y. 21. a2-62_c2_2a6-25c+2acby a-26 + c. 22. I.^x^-2xy-2.3y^-^x-2.^yhy3ly-l^x. 23. x"" + y"" hy X — y '^ hj y? -\- y'^ ', by a?" — i/**. 24. ic"" — 3 a;'"~^y + 3/"* — 3 x?/'"-^ by a?^ — 2 a;?/ + /. 25. 2x+(3n — l)?/by (n 4-l)a^ — (3n + l)y. 26. r2-(2ri-«2) by4?2_4 (^2r^-r2)-l. 34. Degree and arrangement of integral expressions. In multiplications with polynomials, and elsewhere, it is often advantageous to arrange the terms of a polynomial in a par- ticular order; such arrangements will now be explained. -^ A term is said to be integral if it contains no letters in its denominator ; it is integral in a particular one of its letters if that letter does not appear in its denominator. A polynomial 83-35] MULTIPLICATION OF ALGEBRAIC EXPRESSIONS 43 is integral, or integral in a particular letter, if each of its terms is so. U.g., 3 ax^ + ^^ — ^f ^ is integral in 6, m, x, and v ; a 3 it is fractional in a; its first and last terms are altogether integral, while its second term is integral only in 5, m, and ^. e^ By the degree of an integral term in any letter (or letters) is meant the number of times this term contains the given letter (or letters) as a factor. Thus, 7 a^x^ is of the second degree in x, and of the fifth degree in a and x together. ^The degree of an integral polynomial is the same as the degree of its highest term. Thus, Sa^ — 5 a^jp^y — 2 bx^y^ is of degree 4 in a;, 3 in ?/, and 5 in a; and 7/ together. A polynomial is said to be arranged according to ascending powers of some one of its letters if the exponents of that letter, in going from term to term toward the right, increase ; and that letter is then called the letter of arrangement. If the exponents of the letter of arrangement decrease from term to term toward the right, the expression is said to be arranged according to descending powers of that letter. Thus, 2x^ — 5 ax^y — 7 Pxy^ 4- 3 m^y^ is arranged according to descending powers of x, and ascending powers of y, 35. Multiplication in which the polynomials are arranged. If each of two polynomials is arranged according to powers of some letter which is contained in each, then their product will arrange itself according to powers of that letter, and the actual multiplication will take on an orderly appearance. E. g. , Ito 6nd the1>roduct«l 7 ic - 2 ic^ + 5 + x^ by 3 ic + 4 a;2 - 2, arrange the tft)rk-S xY — 6 T^y^ + x^y — Sf-{- 5 y^ according to ascending powers of y. How is it then arranged with reference to aj? Of what degree is this expression? What is the degree of 3 x^y^ ? Multiply : 8. 6x^-2 + 5x + Si^hj x^-\-5-x. [In Exs. 8-16 arrange both multipUer and multiplicand according to some letter contained in each, and observe that the product has then a correspond- ing arrangement.] 9. 2a + a3-a2_iby 4-a2-fa. 10.^-{-x''-a^hj a^-ax-^a^. 11. 3xy'^-f-Sx^y-^x''hy-2xy-\-a^-^y\ 12. x-y'^ — xy^ -f y^ — x^y-\-x^ by x^-\-xy — y^. 13. 4.hh-hr^-h^-\-27^\)yh-2r. 35-37] DIVISION OF ALGEBRAIC EXPRESISIONS 45 14. Q>y^ + ^ xY + 2x'-3o?y-xfhy y'' + Zx'-2xy. 15. af — 5 aj^2/^ —^f — &xy^-\- 15 ^y^ + 2 x^y hj 'd y"^ -{- x^ — 2 xy. 16. 4.f-lQ>s^t^-^&^-\-^sH + ^st^hj^s'-f-^sH. 17. a"+i - 3 a"+- + a "+^ - 2 «"+'* by 2 a"-i + 3 a"-^ - 4 a'*-=^. 18. x^'y^ + i»"+^?/ + 0^**+^ — £c"+^?/2 by or^ + 2/^ — ic?/^ — x^y. 19. In Ex. 8, of what degree is the multiplicand ? the multi- plier? the product? The term of highest degree in the product is the product of what two terms ? 20. Of what degree is the multiplicand in Ex. 11 ? the multi- plier? What, then, should be the degree of the product? Should all the terms of the product be of the same degree ? Why ? II. DIVISION 36. Law of exponents in division. Since division is the inverse of multiplication (§ 19), therefore the results of § 30 may be employed to find the law of exponents in division. Thus : since a^ - a^— a^ therefore a^ -j- a^ = ? Is o^ -r- oc^ equal to x^^ i.e., to a:;^^? Why? . Write the following indicated quotients and explain your answer in each case : aJ -^a^\ 8^ -i- s^; 2^" -^ 2^ ; x^ -i- x. How is the exponent of the product of two powers of any given number obtained (cf . § 30) ? How, then, should the exponent of the quotient be obtained ? If m and n are positive integers, m greater than /t, and x any number whatever, then (cf. § 9, also Exs. 18, 20, p. 39) the above results may be expressed in symbols thus : j,m _j^ w-re __ j,m — n This equation states the law of exponents in division ; translate this law into common language (cf. § 30). 37. Division of monomials. Since the quotient multiplied by the divisor always equals the dividend (§8), therefore 12 a^-f- 3 a:^ = ? that is, what is the number which, when multiplied by 3 x'^., gives 12 a^ as product (gL § 31) ? 46 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBliA [Ch. IV Similarly: 8 a^rr^ ^ 4 aV = ? Why? 24mV-^8mY = ? Why? -18 a^^"-^ 6^362=? Why? Sml^xy^ -i- (^-^.m^xy) ^^^ How is the sign of the quotient determined ? the coeffi- cient? the exponents? How may § 8 be used 'to test the correctness of the quotient ? From the above write a rule for dividing one monomial by another, mentioning the sign, coefficient, letters, and exponents of the quotient (cf. § 31). EXERCISE XXIV Perform the following divisions ; check results by § 8 : 1. Q>a^^2a. 4. - 1^ a^h' ^ (S ah\ 2. 15aV-f;3ax2. 5. 10 c«dV -- 5 c^de. 3. 12 mV -T-4:X^. 6. — 45 m^n^ -^ ( — ^ m^n). ^ -48aV ^^ -lmh\ ^^ 3.1 (xyz)' 12 aV ' ' --i-mV' ' -.Sa^yV' g * 15 7ty ^2 -<33mny ^^ - 12 g^^c^^ -mfgY\ 13 _J/^. ,„ 2^ ,»»+3 25 //p2 -T\fh' 6x^ 10. — :r—rr' 14. 18. . — 7 a^6 4^ m"?^'^ 2 a;" 19. If two monomials have like signs, what is the sign of their product ? of their quotient ? How do we find the exponent of any given letter in the quotient of two monomials ? In Exs. 20-25, multiply the first monomial by the second; also divide the second monomial by the first : 20. - 16 «^ 51 m''. 23. I c (m + n), - 10 c' (771 + 71)1 21. 42 (p + qy, — 14 (p + qy. 24. 8 ax^Y'"+% — 2 ^^^+2^2 (m+»)^ 22. 5afy% 15 a^^+y. 25. 13 (.t-:^)^, -26(x-zy. 38. Division of a polynomial by a monomial. Since (§ 32) a (m + 2; — ^) = «m + ax — ay, therefore (am + t«:r — ay} -i- a = m + x — y, whatever the numbers represented by a, w, a: and y. Hence, ;}7-;]8] niVTSlON OF ALGKliUAIC EXPRESSIONS 47 To divide a polynomial hy a monomial^ divide each term of the polynomial hy the monomial^ and add the quotients so obtained. E.g., (15 aV - 10 hx^y + cV) -^ 5 x^ =^ S a^x - 2 bx^y + i c\ EXERCISE XXV Perform the following indicated divisions : , 4a»-12a^ ^ 9 mhi^ + 12 mn^ - 30 m^n* D. 4 a^ — 3 mn^ -2Axy + lSiK^y\ ^ -18a^-81a; + 9a^ xy c2 14 7-2- -3^0^ 2l7-2s^ + 8 -39> 26 a^m' 7 r ^-52 aV- «%® 1 a'W- 13 a-m^ -4a«6^ + 6 a^«Z>^ ^ 3 m - 2 n + 11 a; ^ 9mV + 12myi2-30mV ^ 3m7i2 ' • -2a26« 11. How may any polynomial whatever be divided by a mono- mial ? How are the signs of the several quotient terms deter- mined ? their coefficients ? their letters ? their exponents ? Divide [and check the work in each case (cf . Ex. 10, p. 2Q>)'] : 12. 07-1-4 ax^ — 3 m^x — 6 a7nx by — x. 13. a^6%i3 - 4 a36V« + 12 ci'ft'ic by 4 rt^^s^ 14. 1 7-^5 + J cr^^s^ — I r^s^ by 2 rs ; also by f rs. 15. a"* — 2 a^'^^ - 5 a"*+2 + 9 a"»+^ by a"* ; also by a\ 16. 2«+* — 3 z""^ -h 4 aV — 2;^ by — 1 2:1 17. - 10 (h - 1)*-' - 6 (/i - 1)^A: + 15 (7i - 1)^A:2 by - 5 (h - 1). 18. x(x-\- yy —^(x-\- yf + x'^ (x +yy by — a? (aj + ?/)l 19. 2 (s - ^)- - s^ (s - O'^+i - 5 (s - ^)-+3 by i (s - O'"-^ Separate each of the following expressions into two factors, one of which is a^ : 20. c^a^-hd^^. 22. -Sx^y-{-5x^z-7x^. 21. aV — a^x^ + aj2. 23. —x^ + Q eV -f — - • 4 48 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Ch. IV In Exs. 24-26, group the like powers of y (cf. Exs. 20-23) : 24. ty^ -f c?/' - ry' -~3sy^-{- y\ 25. ay* --2by — S cy^ — my* + dy^ — 9 y. 26. (a + l)/-(«-l).v' + /-3 2/^-(3a4-4)2/3 + a/. 39. Division of a polynomial by a polynomial. Since, by § 35, the product of (4:a^ + 2>x-2^ and (jx^ -2x^+1 x^b) is 4 a:^ — 5 a^ + 20 a;^ + 45 a:2 + a; — 10, therefore, with this last expression as dividend, and a^— 2a:^+7a7 + 5as divisor, the quotient must be 4:x^-\- S x — 2; i.e., ( 4 rcs _ 5 ^4 + 2 :z^ + 4 5 2^ + a; - 1 ) -f- (2^3 _ 2 2^ + 7 rr + 5) = ^x^ + Sx-2, The process of obtaining this quotient from the given dividend and divisor will now be explained. Since the dividend is the product of the divisor by the quotient, therefore the highest term in the dividend is the product of the highest term in the divisor multiplied by the highest term in the quotient (cf . Ex. 19, p. 45) ; and therefore if 4 x^, the highest term in the dividend, is divided by a^, the highest term in the divisor, the result, 4a^, will be the highest term in the quotient. Moreover, since the dividend is the algebraic sum of the several products obtained by multiplying the divisor by each term of the quotient, therefore if 4 a;^ — 8 ic* + 28 a^ 4- 20 a^, the product of the divisor by the highest term of the quotient, is subtracted from the dividend, the remainder, viz., 3a::* — 8a^ + 25a:2^^_;1^0^ ^[n }yQ ^\^q g^^ Qf ^\^q prod- ucts obtained when the divisor is multiplied by each of the other terms of the quotient except this one. For the reason given above, if 3 a;*, the highest term of this remainder, is divided by a^, the highest term of the divisor, the result, 3 x, is the next highest term of the quotient. By continuing this process all the terms of the quotient may be found. The work may be arranged as follows : J9] DIVISION OF ALGEBRAIC EXPRESSIONS 49 DIVIDEND x3-2a:2+7x+5 4x2 + 3x-2 (x3-2x2 + 7x+6).4x2= 4 x5-8a;H 28x3+20x2 3x4- 8x3 + 25x2+ x-10 — -' (a;3_2a;2+7x + 5).3x = Sx^- 6x3+21x2+ 15 x Quotient - 2x3+ 4x2-14 X- 10 (x3-2x2+7x+5) .(-2)= - 2x3+ 4x2-14 x- 10 Check When X = 1, dividend = 55, divisor = 11, and quotient = 5, as it should. Even if it is not known beforehand that the dividend is the product of two polynomials, the process of division may still be applied as above. This process may be formulated thus : (1) Arrange both dividend and divisor according to the descending powers of some one of the letters involved iii each, and place the divisor at the right of the dividend. (2) Divide the first term of the dividend by the first term of the divisor y and write the result as the first term of the quotient. (3) Multiply the entire divisor by this first quotient term^ and subtract the result from the dividend, (4) Treat the remainder as a new dividend^ arranging as before^ and repeat this process until a zero remainder is reached^ or until the remainder is of lower degree in the letter of arrange- ment than the divisor. EXERCISE XXVI Divide (and check your results by § 25) : 1. ar^+7a; + 12by ic + 3. 5. IS x +6x^-i-6 by 3x-{-2. 2. ay^-x-20hj x-5. 6. 8 + 3 a^- 14 a; by 2-3a;. 3. b'-6b-16hjb + 2. 7. 10a^+lla2_8byl-2al 4. s2-14s + 49by s-7. 8. Sx^ -4.a^-7 hj - sc^-l. 9. c3 + 6c24.12c+8by c+2. 10. 2a^-{-llx''-\-19x-\-10hy2x''-i-7xi-5. U. 75 m- + m^ - 15 m' -125 by 25-\-m'- 10 ml 50 HIGB SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Ch. IV 12. p*-\-4:p^-\-6p'' + 5p + 2hjp'+p + l. 13. 2ic^-f6a^ — 4a; — 5a^ + lbya^ — a; + l. 14. 3a^+3a^ + 3 + 3a + a^ + 5a3by 1 + a. [Here, as in arithmetical "long division," labor may be saved by "bring- ing down " at any stage of the vs^ork only so much of the remainder as is needed for the next step.] 15. Divide 6 a^o^ - 4 a^x-4:ac(f + a"^ -\- x'^ hj a^ -\- x^ - 2 ax. SOLUTION X* -iax^ + 6 a^x^ - 4 a% + a* bc^ - 2 ax + a^ x^ — 2 ax^ + (i^x^ ^•■^ — 2 ax -{■ a^ — 2 ax^ + 5 a'^ic-^ — 4 a^x -2ax^ + 4 a^x^ - 2 a^x a-x- — 2 a^x + a* a-x^ -2a^x-\- g^ Note. To make the explanation of § 39 apply when two or more letters are involved, replace "highest term" by "term of highest degree in the letter of arrangement." 16. In Ex. 15 perforin the division when both dividend and divisor are arranged according to the descending powers of a. 17. Divide 4 a^i/^ + 8 a^ + 2/^ + 8 ic^2/ ^J ?/ + ^ x. 18. Divide 2 a^ + A;^ - 5 o^k - 4 ak^ + 6 a'k' by ¥ + a^- ak. 19. (10 x^y^ -^ ii^ -10 xhf -\-5 xy' - 5 x'y -f)-^(a^+y^-2 xy) = ? 20. If the partial quotient, at any stage of the process of divi- sion, is multiplied by the divisor, and the corresponding remain- der added, how must the result compare with the dividend ? 21. What check for division is suggested by Ex. 20 ? Is this check more or less complete than that given in § 25 ? Explain. 22. Divide 2a^ + a;^ + 49a^-13aj-12by a^-2«2 4.7aj4_3. [Since there is no term in x^ in the dividend, care must be used to keep the remainders properly arranged.] Divide (and check the results as the teacher directs) : 23. v^ — 'v* — l-}-2v-\-v^ — v-hjv — l-\- v\ 24. 0(^^-41 a-120 by a2 + 4a-|-5. 39] DIVISION OF ALGEBRAIC EXPliEbSIONS 51 25. m* + 16 + 4 m^ by 2 m + m^ + 4. 26. T\x*-ia^'y + lixY + ixfhy^x-\-iy. 27. 1.2 aa;^ -\-a^x^-2a'- 3.4 a-V + 6 aa; by 6 aa; -2 al 28. {2x-{-3a^-l+2x^){l-\-a^-x)hjl + x + x^. 29. a^ - 6^ by (a^ + 63^) (a + 6) + a'b\ 30. a^ 4- 6^ + c^ — 3 a6c by a^ -{- b^ -{- c^ — ab — ac — be. 31. a;*-3a^ + a^ + 2a;-l byaj2-aj-2. fin Ex. 31 the complete quotient is ic'^ - 2 x + 1 + ~ ^ '^ .~| 32. v^ — v-{-7hjv-\-A. 34. 2 s^ — 3 s + 8 by s^ — 4. 33. a^ — 1 by a + 1. 35. a^ + a; — 25 by a; — 3. 36. a*-7a2-9a-6a3-6by3+a2-2a. 37. 3 a;^ 4- 11 a^ + 11 a;^ + 9 a; + 10 by 4 x + 5 4- a^. 38. Divide p^ -{- q^ by p -^ q until 4 quotient terms are obtained ; divide 1 by 1 — r to 8 quotient terms ; 1 by 1 — mx to 4 quotient terms ; and a by a — a; to 5 quotient terms. Divide : 39. cd-d2 + 2c2by c + c?. 42. h^ - 7i^ by h^ + Ic^. 40. oc^ — i/ by x — y. 43. a-" — a;-" by a" — a;". 41. a*-166^by a-26. 44. u^'' -^ 11 u"" -{- 30 by u"" -\- 6. 45. a5'"+'* — a?**?/""^ — a:*"?/** +2/^""^ t>y ^"^ ~ 2/**"^- 46. af"+"-^ - 3 xY" "^ — 5 a;"*" V + 1^ /''-^ by a;" - 5 y. 47. Divide a6c + aoif + a^ + a6a; + 6a;^ + ca;^ + aca; + bcx by a^ -\- ax -\- ab -\- bx. Solution. Since x occurs in more terms than any other letter, it will be best to arrange the work thus (cf. Exs. 24-26, p. 48) : or^ + (a + ?> +c) x2 + (ab -\- ac ■{- bc)x + abc \c^ + (a + b)x + ab x^ + (a + h)x/^ + ahx cx^ + {ac + bc)x + ahc cx/^ + {ac + hc)x + cthc I 62 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Ch. IV Divide : 48. 1/ -\- cy -\- cd -\- dy by 2/ + c. 49. -ab-\-ay + y^-byhy y-b. 50. f-\-2 dy' + 2 / + ^^2/ + 4 d?/ + 2 d- by / + 2 ^2/ + d^- 51. a-f{a-\-&)+^y'-y^-2,ay' + aY-2ayhySf-y + a. 52. Divide a^ — 21 by x — a) note that the remainder is what the dividend would become if a were substituted for x. 53. Divide a^ + Sa^ + l by x — a] note that the remainder differs from the dividend only in that a replaces x. 54. Divide m^4-7 by m — c and compare the remainder with the dividend. Similarly, divide v^ — 1 by v — 2 ; 5 m^ — 8 m + 3 by m-3; 2/^-4/+ 32/-1 by y-h-, 2?-* -7^ + 10 by r-1; by r — 2 ; by r — 3. 55. Divide 2 xy^ + Sx* — 4: x^y^ — 7a^y-\-y^ by a^-\-y^ — xy,' ar- ranging first according to powers of x, then according to powers of y, and compare the results. 56. As has just been seen in Ex. 55, the form of the quotient depends upon the choice of the letter of arrangement when the division is not exact ; is this the case when the division is exact ? 40. Finite numbers. As we pass from left to right the numbers of the series 2, 2^, 2^ 2*, etc., increase without end ; and the numbers of the series 1, J, |^, etc., decrease without end. Hence we see that, in mathematical operations, there may arise numbers which are greater, and others which are smaller, than any fixed number that we can name or even conceive of; such numbers are called infinitely large and in- finitely small numbers, respectively. All other numbers are called finite numbers. An infinitely large number is repre- sented by the symbol 00. 41. Zero. Operations involving zero, (i) The result of subtracting any given finite number from itself is called zero (cf. § 13). Thus if a represents any finite number, then I a — a == 0. 39-41] DIVISION OF ALGEBBAIC EXPRESSIONS 53 (ii) From this definition of zero and the definitions of addition, subtraction, etc., already given, it follows that, if k is any finite number whatever, then k-\-0 = k-0 = k, and A; . = . ^ = 0. J£^.^., ^ . = because k • = k • {a — a) — ka — ka = 0. (iii) If k is any finite number whatever, then A; -7- = no finite number whatever. For, if A; -7-0=/, a finite number, then/- would equal k (§ 19), but this is impossible (ii). (iv) 0-^0 =/ [i^iiy finite number for /•0 = 0. (v) From (iii) and (iv) above it follows that we must not divide hy zero^ since doing so leads, at best, to an inde- terminate result. EXERCISE XXVII 1. When the values 1, \, \, \, y^g, • • • are assigned to x, how do the successive values of the fraction 5/a; compare ? Can you name a number so large that none of these values will exceed it? Can you name a number so near that none of the series of num- bers 1, -^, \, ^, yi^, • • • will be still nearer to ? 2. What is meant by an infinitely small number ? by an in- finitely large number ? 3. Define zero. How does it follow from your definition that (1) 3-0 = 3? (2) 0-5 = 0? 4. Can the equation ax = be' true if neither a nor x is zero? Does it require that both a and x should be zero ? 5. What is the value of f ? Why ? What is the value of 0/a, wh^re a is any number except zero ? 6. May ^ = 5? 1000? -72? ^? Explain. What is meant by saying that ^ gives an indeterminate quotient ? 7. The quotient ^ cannot be a finite number. W^hy ? Will it be an infinitely large or an infinitely small number (cf. Ex. 1)? 54 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBllA [Ch. IV 42 * Some elementary laws. What is the meaning of the expres- sion 5 + 2 + 8 (cf . § § 4 and 10) ? of 2 +5 + 8 ? Wherein do these expressions differ? (i) Although a change in the order in which operations are performed may, in general, change the result (cf. § 10), yet some such changes of order do not affect the result. Thus : 5 + 2 + 8=2 + 5 + 8 = 8 + 5 + 2, 5.2.8 = 2.5.8 = 8.5.2, 5 + 2 + 8 = 5 + (2 + 8) = 5 + 10, 5.2.8 = 5. (2. 8) = 5. 16, and 5.(2 + 8) = 5.2 + 5.8. (ii) Moreover, based upon our experience with particular sets of numbers, we have silently assumed, in the preceding pages, that the above changes may be made with any numbers whatever without affecting the result. Thus, if a, 6, and c represent any numbers whatever (positive, negative, integral, etc.), we have as- sumed (without proof) that : a + & + c = 6+a + c = c + a + 6, etc., (1) a 'h ' c = h ' a • c = c • a 'h, etc., (2) a^h + c = a-\-(h + c), etc., (3) a 'b ' c = a ' (b ' c), etc., (4) and a- {b + c) = ab-^ ac. (5) Of these equations, (1) states what is known as the commutative law of addition; (2), the commutative law of multiplication; (3), the associative law of addition; (4), the associative laiv of multipli- cation; and (5), the distributive law of multiplication as to addi- tion: all of them taken together are often spoken of as the combinatory laws of algebra. These laws are easily verified in any particular cases : through- out this book we shall continue to assume their correctness. We wish, however, to point out to the pupil that mere verifications, however numerous, do not establish a general law. * This article may, if the teacher prefers, be omitted till the subject is reviewed. For a full discussion of these laws see El. Alg. Chap. IV. CHAPTER V EQUATIONS AND PROBLEMS 43. Equation. Members of an equation. A statement that each of two expressions has the same value (i.e., repre- sents the same number) as the other, is called an equation. These two expressions are called the members of the equa- tion, the expression preceding the sign of equality being the first member, and the other the second member. Thus, Sx—16 = Sx-i-4: is an equation ; 8 a; — 16 is its first member, and S x -\- 4: its second member. Remark. In algebraic work, the equation is a most important instrument ; to it is due the chief advantage of algebra over arith- metic. We have already seen some evidence of this in § 3, but much more is to follow. In a recent book Sir Oliver Lodge says : " An equation is the most serious and important thing in mathe- matics." 44. Conditional equations. Identical equations. Is the statement Sx — lQ=Sx-\-4:, true when x = l? when x=2? when a: = 3 ? when a^ = 4 ? when x = 5? Answer the same questions with regard to 2x= (x -{- 1)^ — Qa^ + 1). The equation Sm-\- ^n = 22 is true if m = 4 and n = 2, but is not true for any other positive integral values of m and n ; while the equation Sx^ + k — a^ = k-\-2x^is true for all values that may be assigned to x and k. An equation which is true for all values that may be as- signed to its letters is called an identical equation, and also an identity; while one which is true only on condition that certain particular values be assigned to its letters, is called a conditional equation. In the following pages we shall use the word equation to mean conditional equation unless the contrary is expressly stated. 55 56 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Ch. V As we shall see later, by performing the indicated opera- tions the two members of an identity may be reduced to exactly the same form; hence the name "identical equation." 45. Roots of an equation. Checking. The roots of an equation are those values which satisfy the equation; ^.e., they are those values which, when substituted for the letters the equation contains, make the two members identical. Any process by which the roots of an equation are found is called solving the equation. The final test of the correctness of supposed roots is to substitute them for the letters in the equation ; if they satisfy the equation they are roots, otherwise not. This process is called checking the roots. Thus, 4 is a root of the equation 8a;-16 = 3a:H-4, because 8-4 — 16 = 3-4+4. [each member being 16 46. Some axioms and their uses. The following principles, usually called axioms^ are useful in solving equations : 1. If equals (i.e., equal numbers^ are added to equals^ the sums are equal. 2. If equals are subtracted from equals, the remainders are equal. 3. If equals are multiplied hi/ equals^ the products are equal. 4. If equals are divided hy equals, the quotients are equal. Here, however, as elsewhere, it is not permissible to divide by zero [cf. § 41 (v)]. The correctness of these axioms rests upon the fact that equal numbers are in reality the same number, differing at most in form. Thus, 24 + 11, 7 • 5, and 6^ — 1 are merely different forms of writing 35. Suggestion to the Teacher. It is strongly recommended that the teacher illustrate the physical meaning of an equation, and also the meaning of the above axioms, by means of a pair of balances (easily made, if not provided by the school). 44-47] EQUATIONS AND PROBLEMS 57 47. Solution of equations. To show how the above axioms may be used in solving equations, let it be required to solve the equation H x—lQ = '^ x -\- 4, ^.e., to find the value of X which satisfies it. SOLUTION Since Sx-16 = 3x-\-4r, therefore Sx -16 + 16 = 3x + 4+16, [Axiom 1 i.e., 8 a^ = 3 a; + 20, and therefore 8x-3^ = 3a; + 20-3a-, [Ax. 2 i.e., 5x = 20, whence x = 4.. [Ax. 4 CHECK On substituting 4 for x in the original equation, that equation becomes 8. 4- 16 =3. 4 + 4, i.e., 16 = 16 ; hence the equation is satisfied, and 4 is a root (cf. § 45). EXERCISE XXVIII 1. Is 2 a root of a^ — 5 07 + 6 = ? Is 3 also a root ? Explain. How may we check a supposed root of an equation ? Solve the following equations, give the reasons for each step in the work, and check the roots : 2. 10a; = 40. 10. 3m + 2 = m4-30. 3. Sy = -32. 11. 7a;-10 = 5x + 18. 4. k + l = 7. 12.-4^ = 3 + ^ — 15. 5. m-9 = 4. 13. 20-12w + 5 = 0. 6. 2i; + 7 = 63. ' 14. 13s-9-2s = 24. 7. 2v-7 = 63. 15. 7x-55 = lS-2x-l. 8. 46 = 5s-4. 16. 6v-(v-3)-12 = 0. 9. -13 = 3a; + 8. 17. 2/'-(/+2/ + 8) = -6. 18. In Exs. 7-13, point out the members of each equation. Which is the first member of the equation in Ex. 14 ? What is the other member called ? 58 BIGII SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Ch. V 19. What is meant by solving an equation ? Describe briefly the process used in solving an equation. 20. Are the equations in Exs. 2-17, above, conditional equations or identities ? Why ? In which class of equations would you place 2x + S = 2(4:X-{-3)-(6x + 3)? Why ? 21. If 2 a is subtracted from each member of the equation 5x-\-2a = 3x-\-4:b, what is the resulting equation ? What does this show with reference to removing a term from the first to the second member of an equation ? Is the same thing true when a term is removed from the second member to the first? Show this by adding —3 a; to each member of the given equation. 48. Transposition. Directions for solving equations. Re- moving a term from one member of an equation to the other is called transposing that term. If x-}-a = b, then x-\-a — a = b- -a. [Ax. 2 i.e., x=h- -a. [•.•a-a = Again, if x = b- -a, then x-\-a = b- -a-\-a, [Ax. 1 i.e., x-^a = b. [... -a-i-a = Hence, since a msij represent any term whatever, a term may he transposed from one member of an equation to the other by merely reversing its sign (cf. also Ex. 21, above). For solving equations such as those considered in § 47 the following directions may now be given:. 1. Transpose all the terms containing the unknown number to the first member of the equation., and all other terms to the second member. 2. Unite the terms of each member., and then divide both members by the coefficient of the unknown number. 3. Check the root thus found by substituting it in the given equation. 47-48] EQUATIONS AND PROBLEMS 69 Ex. 1. Solve the equation 4 s — 15 = 2 s + 11. SOLUTION Transposing, we have 4 s — 2 .s = 11 + 15; uniting like terms, 2 s = 26; dividing by 2, s = 13. Check: 4-13-15 = : 2 • 13 + 11. f each mem Lber is 37 EXERCISE XXIX Solve (and check) the following equations : 2. 32/-5 = 22. 3. -10 = 6 a + 8. 13. ^-7 = 12. 4 4. 3(aj-5) = 48. 14. 2^ + ^ = ??. 5. iz-\-2-z^n. 3 6 6. A.-x = -ll-\-2x. 15. ^ ^^^ = m + 10. 3y-7 = A-2y-5. 7. {d-\-lf-d'' = -ll, a 20-5fc = 3A; + 3. 9. -8a; = 4(aj-2) + 10. 16. 17. 10. 4(-3 + /i') = (2/i-3)2. XX. 1^-1 = 10. 18. 19. i(2/-6) = K2/-2). x-{-l x + 6 o - 7 + 2 - ^* [Multiply both members of the 20. 3ia = 5a-9ia-16. equation by 12 (see Ax. 3).] 21 12-3a; + 20 = 44 + 3a;. • ^'- f'-ro-''- 22. x-9 x-5 ^ 3 ~ 12 ' 23. 14A;-(20-7A:-2)=:6A:+68. 24. (c + 5)(2c-l)-(2c-3)(c + 7)=0. 25. What is meant by transposing a term from one member of an equation to the other ? What change must be made in a term thus transposed? 26. State in order the axioms thus far used in solving equa- tions. Illustrate the use of each. Why does the division axiom not apply when the divisor is zero? [Cf. § 41 (v).] HIGH SCH. ALG. — 5 00 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Ch. V 27. Point out the fallacy in the following reasoning : If X = a, then x^ = ax, and xF — a^ = ax — a', [subtracting a^ from each member i.e., (x + a)(x — a) = a (x — a) ; therefore 2a(x — a)=a(x — a), [since x = a and, therefore, 2 = 1. [dividing by a (x — a) 49. Translation of common language into algebraic lan- guage, and vice versa. Tlie equation a^ — 8 = 3 is an algebraic sentence ; it may be translated into common (verbal) lan- guage thus : " X exceeds 8 by 3 " or ^^x is 3 greater than 8." Similarly, the verbal statement " the excess of a over the product of 8 and t is 9," when expressed algebraically, be- comes a — st=9. In order to use equations easily in the solution of prob- lems we must learn to translate freely from either of these two languages into the other. EXERCISE XXX Write as algebraic sentences : 1. Nine is 2 greater than x. 2. 2/ is 8 less than 3 x. . 3. a^ exceeds 2 a by 1. • 4. The excess oi Sx over 6 a; is 2 a?. 5. The difference of two given numbers is five less than three times their sum. [Hint. Let a and b be the given numbers.] 6. The product of two given numbers exceeds half the larger number by 17. 7. Twenty-one is divided into two parts, the smaller of which is p. What is the larger part? Express by an equation that the larger part exceeds the smaller by 3. 48-49] EQUATIONS AND PROBLEMS 61 8. Translate into verbal language the equations in Exs. 5-11, p. 57. In how many different ways may we translate the equa- tion in Ex. 8 ? 9. A father is now 4 times as old as his son. Eepresent the age of each 5 years ago ; 5 years hence. Also express by an equation the fact that 5 years ago the father's age was 7 times that of his son. [Hint. Let the son's present age be s years.] 10. Translate into algebraic language the following statement : a rectangular flower bed whose length is y feet, and whose width is 6 feet less than its length, contains 40 square feet. 11. If butter costs m cents a pound, eggs n cents a dozen, and milk r cents a quart, express in algebraic language that (1) the combined cost of 8 qt. of milk and 6 doz. eggs is $ 1.90. (2) the cost of 9 qt. of milk is 30 cents less than the cost of 2i lb. of butter. 12. Express as common fractions : 50 % of n dollars ; 26 % of k bushels ; m % of $ 525. Show that the amount of x dollars at 5 % simple interest for 3 years is cc -f- -^^ x. 13. If the units' digit of a number is 2, the tens' digit 4, the number itself is 4 • 10 + 2, i.e., 42. What is the number whose units' digit is 8 and whose tens' digit is 3 ? the number whose tens' digit is x and whose units' digit is a; 4- 7 ? 14. The smallest of three consecutive integers is a ; what are the other two ? If n is any integer, 2 n is an even integer ; write the even integer next higher than «2 n ; next lower than 2 n. Write the odd integer next lower than 2 n ; next higher than 2 n. 15. A walks 2i miles an hour ; B, 3 miles an hour. How far does each walk in 3 hours ? in f hours ? How much farther than A does B walk in 1 hour ? Express by an equation that in t -\-2 hours B walks 3 miles farther than A. 16. At the rate given in Ex. 15, in how many hours will A walk 10 miles ? 15 miles ? s miles ? Answer the same ques- tions for B. 62 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Ch. V 17. If I can do a certain piece of work in 6 days, what part of it can I do in 1 day ? in 5 days ? in a? days ? If I can finish a job in d days, what part can I finish in 1 day ? in 3 days ? 50. Problems leading to equations. A problem is a ques- tion proposed for solution; it always asks to find one or more numbers which at the beginning are unknown, and it states certain relations (conditions) between these numbers, by means of which their values may be determined. In solving a problem the important steps are : 1. To represent one of the unknown numbers involved in the problem by some letter^ as x. 2. To translate the common language of the problem into algebraic language. 3. To solve the equation thus founds — called the equation of the problem. 4. To check the result. These steps are illustrated in the solutions of the follow- ing problems. Prob. 1. The sum of the ages of a father and son is 54 years, and the father is 24 years older than the son. How old is each ? Solution. Stated in verbal language, the given conditions are : (1) The number of years in the father's age plus the number of years in the son's age is 54. (2) The number of years in the son's age plus 24 equals the number of years in the father's age. To translate these conditions into algebraic language, let X stand for the number of years in the son's age ; then, by the second condition, 0? + 24 stands for the number of years in the father's age, and, by the first condition, a? + cc + 24 = 54, which is the equation of the problem. Solving this equation, we find x — 15, whence a; + 24 = 39. On substitution in the problem, these numbers are found to satisfy 49-50] EQUATIONS AND PliOBLEMS 63 its conditions (i. e., to check) ; therefore the father's and son's ages are, respectively, 39 years and 15 years. Prob. 2. A boy was given 39 cents with which to buy 3-cent and 5-cent postage stamps, and was told to purchase 5 more of the former than of the latter. How many of each kind should he purchase ? Solution. Stated in verbal language, the given conditions are: (1) The total expenditure is 39 cents. (2) There are to be 5 more 3-cent stamps than 5-cent stamps. To translate these conditions into algebraic language, let X stand for the number of 5-cent stamps purchased, then 6x stands for the number of cents in their cost; and, by the second condition, a? -f 5 stands for the number of 3-cent stamps purchased, and 3 07 4-15 stands for the number of cents in their cost; hence, by the first condition, 5aj + 3a;-f 15 = 39, which is the equation of the problem. Solving this equation, we have cc = 3, whence a; + 5 = 8. Sub- stitution in the problem shows that .these values check. Hence the number of 5-cent stamps is 3, and the number of 3-cent stamps is 8. Prob. 3. If a certain number is diminished by 6, and twice this diiference is added to 5 times the number, the result will equal 88 minus 3 times the number. What is the number ? Solution. To form the equation of the problem, let n represent the number sought, then 6 n = 5 times the number, and 2 {n — 6) = twice the difference of this number and 6, and 88 — 3 71 = 88 minus 3 times the number. Hence the given condition becomes 5n-f 2(n-6)=88-3w. The solution of the equation gives n = 10, which checks; there- fore 10 is the required number. 64 nWU SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Ch. V Prob. 4. A number consists of two digits whose sum is 5 ; if the digits are interchanged, the number is diminished by 9. What is the number ? Solution. Let x represent the digit in the units' place ; then, by the first condition, 5 — a? = the digit in the tens' place, and 10 (p — x) -\- X =^ the number, [cf . Ex. 13, p. 61. and 10 X + (5 — ic) = the number with its digits interchanged. Hence, by the second condition, 1 a; 4- T) - a; = 1 (5 - a?) + a; - 9, whence x — 2, and 5 — a? = 3. These two digits are found to satisfy both conditions of the problem ; therefore the number sought is 32. EXERCISE XXXI 5. John has 14 cents less than Henry ; together they have 60 cents. How much money has each ? 6. Divide 28 into two parts whose difference is 4. 7. The sum of two numbers is 63, and the larger exceeds the smaller by 17. What are the numbers ? 8. If 16 is added to a certain number, the result is the same as it would be if 7 times the number were subtracted from 56. What is the number ? 9. Of four given numbers each exceeds the one below it by 3, and the sum of these numbers is 58. Find the numbers. 10. Divide $2200 among A, B, and C in such away that B shall have twice as much as A, and C $ 200 more than B. 11. I take a trip of 90 miles, partly by train, partly by trolley. If I go 42 miles farther by train than by trolley, how far do I go by each ? 12. Three boys together have 140 marbles. If the second has twice as many as the first, but only half as many as the third, how many marbles has each boy ? 60] EQUATIONS AND PROBLEMS 65 13. After taking 3 times a certain number from 11 times that number, and then adding 12 to the remainder, the result is less than 117 by 7 times the number. What is the number ? 14. I spend $ 2.50 for 3-cent and 4-cent stamps, getting 25 more of the former than of the latter. How many of each kind do I buy ? 15. A man who is 32 years old has a son who is 8 years old. How many years hence will the father be 3 times as old as his son (cf . Ex. 9, p. 61) ? 16. The sum of two consecutive integers is 73. What are the integers (cf. Ex. 14, p. 61) ? 17. Find three consecutive integers whose sum is 51. Show that the sum of any three consecutive integers is 3 times the second of these integers. 18. The difference between the squares of two consecutive integers is 19. Find the integers. 19. Find two consecutive even integers whose sum is 98. • 20. Find the even integer whose square subtracted from that of the next higher even integer leaves 52. 21. The accompanying diagram represents the floor of a room. If the perimeter (the dis- tance around it) is 5 times the width, how wide is the floor ? how long ? How many square yards in its area ? 22. The length and breadth of a rectangular floor differ by 5 ft. ; the perimeter is 60 ft. Find the dimensions and area of this floor ; also make an accurate diagram of the floor. 23. If each side of a square lot were increased by 2 yd., the area of the lot would be increased by 96 sq. yd. Find the side of the given lot. Draw an appropriate diagram. 24. A certain rectangle is 5 ft. longer than it is wide ; if each dimension were increased by 2 ft., the area would be increased by 38 sq. ft. Find the length, the breadth, and the area of this rectangle. (aH-6)feet 66 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Ch. V 25. Five boys agreed to purchase a pleasure boat, but one of them withdrew, and it was then found that each of the remaining boys had to pay $ 2 more than would have been necessary under the original plan. How much did the boat cost ? 26. A laborer was engaged to do a certain piece of work on condition that he was to receive $2 for every day he worked, and to forfeit 50 cents for every day he was idle ; at the end of 18 days he received $28.50. How many days did he work? 27. A number consists of two digits whose sum is 8; and if 36 is subtracted from this number, the order of its digits is reversed. What is the number? 28. In a certain two-digit number the tens' digit is twice the units' digit, and the number formed by interchanging the digits equals the given number diminished by 18. What is the number ? 29. A two-digit number equals 7 times the sum of its digits ; the tens' digit exceeds the units' digit by 3. Find the number. 30. What principal at 5 % interest yields an annual income of $250 ? What principal at 4 % simple interest amounts in 5 years to $2400 (cf. Ex. 12, p. 61)? 31. I make two equal investments, one at 6%, one at 4%. If the difference in the annual income from the two is $80, find the total sum invested. 32. Two trains which travel, respectively, 30 and 50 miles an hour, start toward each other at the same time from two cities 240 miles apart. How long before they meet ? Suggestion. Let x = the number of hours before they meet ; then 30x + 50x = 240 (cf. Ex. 15, p. 61). 33. Two bicyclists ride toward each other from towns 104 miles apart, the first at the rate of 12 miles an hour, the second at the rate of 14 miles an hour. If they start at the same time, how long before they meet (cf. Ex. 15, p. 61) ? 34. Two bicyclists, A and B, whose rates are, respectively, 12 and 15 miles an hour, start from the same town and rid^ in the same direction. If A starts 1| hours before B, how long before B overtakes him ? 60] EQUATIONS AND PROBLEMS 67 35. A walks m miles at the rate of 3 miles an hour, returning at the rate of 2i miles an hour. If the entire walk is made in 5^ hours, what is the value of m ? Hint. The first half of the walk can be made in — hours, the second in ^ hours (cf. Ex. 16, p. 61). 5 36. A tourist climbs a certain mountain at an average rate of 2 miles an hour, and descends at an average rate of 3 miles an hour. If the round trip takes 6 hours, how long is the path ? 37. The diiference of the radii of two circles is 4 inches ; the sum of their circumferences is 88 inches. Find the radius of each. (The circumference of a circle equals 27r times its radius ; and 7r = 3|, approximately.) 38. Divide $351 among three persons in such a way that for every dime the first receives, the second shall receive 25 cents, and the third a dollar. 39. Divide 48 into two parts such that twice the larger part equals 10 times the smaller part (cf. Ex. 34, p. 7). 40. Three times Harry's age equals 5 times the age of his sister ; the sum of their ages is 24 years. How old is each ? 41. A, working alone, can do a certain piece of work in 3 days; B, in 6 days. In how many days can they complete it, working together (cf. Ex. 17, p. 62)? Hint. Let x = the required number of days ; then - = -+-. aj 3 o 42. Solve Prob. 41, if A can do the work in 8 days, B in 6 days ; also, if A can do the work in 4|^ days, B in 4 days. REVIEW EXERCISE-CHAPTERS J-V 1. Define : negative number, absolute value of a number, coef- ficient, exponent, term, polynomial, degree of a term, finite num- ber, equation, root of an equation, identity. Illustrate each of your definitions; 2. Define and illustrate : inverse operations, multiplication, division. Point out at least one advantage which the definition of multiplication given in § 7 (ii) has over that in § 7 (i). 68 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Ch. V 3. If distances above sea level are called positive, what would — 25 feet mean? +35 feet? What is the difference between these elevations ? 4. A walks east at the rate of 3 miles an hour, B at the rate of —2 miles an hour. How long before the two are 15 miles apart? Illustrate by a drawing. 5. Translate into algebraic language : (1) The number formed by interchanging the digits of a cer- tain two-place number exceeds the number itself by 18. (2) A certain number diminished by 5 % of itself equals 76. (3) The sum of two consecutive even integers equals half the difference of their squares. 6. Point out at least one advantage in using letters to repre- sent numbers. 7. How are two or more similar monomials added? State a rule for subtracting one polynomial from another. 8. How may a parenthesis which incloses several terms, and which is preceded by the minus sign, be removed without affect- ing the value of the expression ? Why ? 9. State the law of signs for multiplication ; for division. What powers of —3 between the 1st and 12th are negative in sign ? Why ? Find the value of ( - 1)3 . ( - 10)^ -- ( - 5)4. 10. State the exponent law for multiplication ; for division. By reference to these laws find the value of ^^"^'^' ' ^^"'^^^" . If c = 9, d = -5, e = -2,/=-2,^ = l^ find the value of; 11. 5c + 3d-e4-/-c--/+2c.3^--e + 8/. 12. 4 c'f -i-6eg^-\-d^-\-5[e- 3/+ c'-3 ed]. 13. -^i^llc-(12g'-6efg)^-\-(c'-^d^^{c + dy. Perform the following indicated operations : 14. (x—5y){4:y — x). 17. (a^ — 1)1 15. (am — en) (3 a -f 5 c). 18. (m^ ~mn-{-7')(m^-{-mn — r). 16. (k-2qf. 19. (62- + c^)(&2-_c-). 50] REVIEW EXERCISE 69 20. (a^« + 2/^-i)(a:-l). 22. (x"^+* -5x''+'+6)--r(x'^+^-3). 21. (r2"' — r"*H-l) (3 + ?•'»-'). 23. {x^' -y^'^) ^ (y^ — x"). 24. (1x2+ ia;-i) + (f a.'- 3 x^-r"')- (-2x^ + 1^-1).' 25. 4p - [p2 4. 22)r - (2 q +p') j + (1 -j^r + g). 26. 5m — Sn—\ — 7n-\-m — 5n — 3ml. 27. 2a;-a;-2/ + 22-[-S-(y + 42;)|]. 28. a(6 + c — cZ) — 6(a — 2 c + d) — 3 c(— a — d). If itf=7a6-3Z>2_4a2, ^=36^-4 a^- «?>, P=a-b, and Q = ?,* _ 4 a^ft - 4 a6^ -h 6 a262 + a^ find the value of : 29. M-\-N. 33. J»f2. 37. Qh-P. 30. Jf-iV: 34. itfP. 38. Q^M. 31. |(4jlf+iV^). 35. MN. 39. 2Q-NP. 32. P^-5N. 36. ^-J-iJf. 40. Q--P'^ + 3P2. 41. Check your work in Exs. 32-37. What two checks may be used for Ex. 30 ? for Ex. 36 ? 42. In Ex. 44 below, insert the second and third terms in a parenthesis preceded by + ; place the fourth and fifth terms under a vinculum preceded by — (see footnote, p. 37). 43. In Ex. 45 below, inclose the first three terms in a paren- thesis preceded by — ; place the last two under a vinculum pre- ceded by + . In each of Exs. 44-49, collect the coefficients of r, s, and t (cf. Exs. 24-26, p. 47). 44. 2 a^s — 3 ar — 6s — cs — 4 r. 45. -r-\-5fh + 2s+fh-lft. 46. -nH-{-5<^ds-2hH-'ieft-\0). 16. K« + &) + cn(« + &) -cj. 6. (G /) — 5 q) (6 ji) + 5 q). * 17. (m + n +p)(m + n — p). 7. (2a;2/— 7)(2a;?/ + 7). 18. (c - d + 5)(c — d — 5). 8. (4m2-3n)(4m2 + 3w). 19. j2-(a;4-2/)n2 +(^4-2/)S. 9. (9 + 5pV)(9 — 5pV). 20. (7 + m + rz)(7 — m — w). 10. (a^ + i/)(a^-i/). 21. {a-h^x){a-\-h-x). 11. (10mn-6)(10mn + 6). 22. (2 A: - Z + 3)(2 A: + Z-3). 23. (9lx''-4.f)-^(^x-2y) = ? Why? 24. (16a2-2562)-f-(4a + 56) = ? Why? 25. (a;^-2/')^(a;^-2/0 = ? Why? 26. (a;«-2/*)-(ar^-/)=? 27. (a;i« - ^/S) -^ (a^^ + 2/') = ^ 28. Find, by the above method, the product of 22 by 18, i.e., of 20 + 2 by 20-2; of 17 by 23; of 42 by 38; of 56 by 44. 54. Product of binomials having a common term. By ac- tual multiplication, (2^+3)(:r+5) = a;2 + 8:r4-15 = rr2^(3 + 5)2:4-15; and (a:+3)(a:-5) = a:2-2a;-15 = a;2 + (3-5>-15. And, in general, (jr + a)(jr + 6)= jr2 + (a + 6)jr + ab, whatever the numbers represented by a, h, and x. Translating this formula into words, it becomes: The product of two binomials having a term in common equals the square of the common term, plus the algebraic sum of the unlike terms multiplied by the cornmon term, plus the product of the unlike terms. 74 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Ch. VI EXERCISE XXXIV Write down the following products (check as teacher directs) : 1. (a + 5)(a + 7). 16. {xy - ^)(xy + U). 2. (a-5)(a-7). 17. (-8-fmV)(2 + mV). 3. (a + 5)(a-7). 18. (s4- 7'2)(3s + r^). 4. (a_5)(a + 7). 19. \{l + m) -2\\{l^m) -^, 5. (2/-c)(2/ + 2c). 20. 5(Z + m) + 8n(^ + m)-15i. 6. (a^-f.4)(ar' + 5). 21. (m -n- 5)(m-n- 9). 7. (a^ + 4)(^2_5>)^ 22. (s-« + 4)(s-^-4). 8. (a^_4)(aj2_5)^ 23^ (,.p_ 10)(r^ + 15). 9. (a^_4)(aj2-|.5). 24. (a;^- + 3)(a^2- -7). 10. (3 4-m)(5 + m). 25. (3 a^-a;)(2.T + 3 a^). 11. (6 + a)(c + a). 26. (&^ + 2/)( -c + 2/). 12. (2a; + l)(-5 + 2aj). 27. \^{axY + 2\\^{a.xf -\-l\. 13. (a-&)(a-c). 28. (5 - 4 i«y ) (5 + a^y ) . 14. (4 + 3a)(-6+3a). 29. .(m2-c)(- 7 m^- c). 15. (4s2-5)(4s2-|-i). 30. (3j9-g-7)(3p-g + 7). 31. When 6 = a, what does the formula of § 54 become ? What does it become when b =— a? Are the formulas of §§52 and 53 only special cases of (x -{- a) (x -\- b) = a^ + (a -\- b)x + a&? 55. Product of two binomials whose corresponding terms are similar. By actual multiplication we obtain ^x -1y 15 x^ + 20 xy — ^ xy —%y^ 15x^-{-Uxy-Sy^ Here the term 14 xy is the algebraic sum of the " cross products " 5x'4:y and — 2 y • S x. With a little practice the final product of two such bi- nomials may be written down by inspection, i.e.^ without first writing the partial products. 54-66] TYPE FORMS IN MULTIPLICATION 76 EXERCISE XXXV Write the following products by inspection : 1. (3a; + 2)(4a;-3). 4. (o- 11)(3 a- 1). 2. (5m-l)(2m-3). 5. (3x-^2 y){Ax-\-3y), 3. (2r + 5)(r-5). 6. (x-S y)(5 x-h 6y). 7. In each of the above products, how is the first term ob- tained ? the third ? the second ? 8. What is meant by the expression " cross products " as used in § 55 ? Illustrate from Ex. 3, above. Write down the following products by inspection, and check results as the teacher directs : 9. (7-2m)(7-m). 18. (ia-2)(|a+4). 10. (3 - 4 a) (4 -f 3 a). 19. {x-{- a){x-^b). 11. (9x — 2y)(x-\-y). 20. (3x+ c){x-^d). 12. (2a-4 62)(5a-6 62). 21. (3x-c)(x-d). 13. (7(y'-{-d'){3c^-\-Sd^. 22. (3 x-{- c){5 x + d). 14. (a"'-2e)(a'"-e). 23. (3 x-c){5 x-d). 15. (6ic^-f4)(3a;^-2). 24. (ky -\-l)(ny-l). 16. (11-7 cd^){6-{- 3 cd^). 25. (Jcy -^a){ny + b). 17. (ic + 2)(ic + l). 26. Qcy-a){l-cy). 56. The square of any polynomial. By actual multiplica- tion it is found that (a 4. 5 + c)2 = ^2 4- 52 + c2 + 2 a6 + 2 a^ + 2 he, (^a-^b-{-c-\-dy = a'^-{-P + c'^-{-d^ + 2ah-\-2ac + 2ad + 2bc-{-2bd-h2cd, (^a-]-b-^c+d+ey=a^-^h^-{-(P + d^-{-e^ + 2ab-^2ac-{-2ad + 2ae-{-2bc-{-2bd+2be-\-2cd-\-2ce-{-2de, and so on for any polynomials whatever; that is, The square of any 'polynomial whatever equals the sum of the squares of all the terms of the poly)fiomial, plus twice the product of each term by all the terms that follow it (for proof see § 209). HIGH SCH. ALG. — 6 76 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Ch. VI EXERCISE XXXVI Expand by inspection (check as teacher directs) : 1. {c + d + ey. 12. (4a3-&_5)2. 2. (m + n — sf. 13. (5-^x-fy, 3. (a-b-cf. 14. (-5-x + yy. 4. (m + r + l)2. 15. (a — b-\-c — dy. 5. (^m-r-Sy. 16. (ax-\-by-\-czy. 6. (2x-\-y-^zy. 17. (ia-ic + iey. 7. (2x-j-3y-zy, 18. (mn — np—pqy. 8. {2x-3y-\-zy. 19. (abx — acy — bczy. 9. l-(2x + 3y^l)y. 20. (2x-3y + 4.z-ay. 10. (3c2 + d-4)l 21. (x^-\-x + iy. 11. (4.a'-\-b' + Sc'y. 22. (/+m+w+p+^4-r+s)2. 23. Could any of the above products have been found by means of formulas alrfea^dy used (cf. § 52, also Ex. 28, p. 72) ? 24. Give a rule for writing down the square of any polynomial whatever. What does this rule become when the polynomial is a binomial (cf . § 52) ? 57. Cube of a binomial. The cube of a binomial is another product which, because of its frequent occurrence, should be memorized. By actual multiplication we obtain and (a-by = a^-3aH-{-Zab^-b^ whatever the numbers represented by a and b. By means of these formulas (which the pupil should trans- late into words) we may write by inspection the cube of any binomial whatever. Note. § 52 and § 57 are particular cases of what is known as the binomial theorem; this theorem is considered in § 112. Ex.1. (x-\-2y = a^-\-3 x''2-\-3x-2^-\-2^=x'-{-6x^-{-12x-\-S. Ex. 2. (2 a-5 by = (2 a)«- 3 (2 ay • (5 b) +3 (2 a) • (5 by- (5 by = 8 a«- 60 a'b + 150 ab' - 125 b'. EXERCISE XXXVII Expand the following : expressions : 3. (x-^yf. 7. (c + l)«. 11. 4. (m-ty. 8. (a -3)3. 12. 5. (2x-yy. 9. (d' + c^y. 13. 6. (z-Syy. 10. (2yz-5y. 14. 56-68] FACTORING 77 (l + 2m)3. (3a2-2 67^ (_5_v)3. 15. What is the difference in meaning between "the cube of the sum of two numbers" and "the sum of the cubes of two numbers " ? Illustrate, using 3 and 4 as the two numbers. 16. Give a rule for finding the cube of the difference of two numbers. 17. Expand (c-\-dy, also (—c—dy. If we change the signs of an expression, do we change the signs in its cube ? Why ? II. FACTORING 58. Definitions. In a broad sense, any two or more num- bers whose product is a given number are factors of that number. Thus, since J -1^. 15=6, therefore ^, |^, and 15 are factors of 6; so also are ^, 18, and ^; the important factors of 6 are, however, 2 and 3. In order to exclude fractional and other unimportant fac- tors, we shall (as it is customary to do) define factors thus: The factors of a number or algebraic expression are its rational* integral exact divisors. JEJ.g.^ the factors of 3 a; (a^ — b^} are S, x, a-\- 6, and a — b, as well as the product of any two or more of these. Observe, too that if 3, a + 6, etc., are factors of any given expression, then — 3, — (a-f-J), etc., also are factors of this expression. A factor (or expression) is said to be prime if it contains no factors except itself and 1 ; otherwise, it is composite. * An expression \\raUonal with regard to a particular letter if it contains no indicated root of that letter (see § 113). 78 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Ch. VI By factoring a number (or expression) is usually meant the procetis of separating it into its prime factors. Factoring an expression, as will appear later, often greatly simplifies algebraic work ; it is therefore important that the pupil should early master those cases of factoring which present themselves most frequently. 59. Factors of a monomial. The literal factors of a mono- mial are evident by inspection, and the factors of the numer- ical coefficient are found as in arithmetic. E.g.y the factors of 30 a^x^y^ are 2, 3, 5, a, oi?, and t/^. (The ic-and ^/-factors are as evident in the forms ni? and y^ as from x-x- x and yy-) 60. Monomial and polynomial factors of a polynomial. If a polynomial contains a monomial factor, the latter is readily discovered by mere inspection. E.g., in 12aVH-4a6a^?/ — 8aicy, it is seen that each term contains the factor 4 ax^, hence (see § 38) the other factor is Sax-\-by—2y^; i. e., 12 a V + 4 abx^y — 8 ax^y^ = 4 aar^ (3 ax -{-by— 2 y^). To factor a polynomial completely/ requires (1) the removal of all monomial factors, and (2) the factoring of the poly- nomial thus freed from its monomial factors. The simpler cases of (2) are considered in the next few articles; (1) may always be accomplished as above. EXERCISE XXXVIII Factor : 1. Qa'x^. 3. 42 s¥. 5. 408 mVt/l 2. WmjA^ 4. 210 2/V. 6. 572 a'(fwv\ 7. The expression 5 a — 10 6 + 30 a^ has what monomial fac- tor? what polynomial factor? How do you find the former? the latter ? Separate the following expressions into their monomial and polynomial factors, and check your results : 58-61] FACTORING 79 8. 17a;2-51^. 14. 3 a' - 6 a'b + a'b\ 9. 4 ar' — 6 x-y. 15. 7nIn'^-\- m^w^ + m^/i^. 10. 4a-^62-26a-6l 16. 3 r^ - 12 r^s^ + 6 rs^ 11. 10 mhi^ — 15 m%\ 17. ac — bc — cd — abed. • 12. -16x--2abx. 18. 32 .^ry - 28 a^y + 12 .ti/. 13. 15a;^-10ar^ + 25a^. 19. Uxyz^-2 afyh''-{-Sxyh\ 20. 60 mhih^ — 45 m^nh'^ -\- 90 m*n^r^. 21. 12a;267/-18a.7y«6 + 24a;y?>*. 22. 14 a^mii^ — 21 aSnhi^ — 49 a*mn^. 23. 35 c^cZar^ + ^ c\? V - 55 c^d V. 24. 51i«?/V-68ar^/22_^85a;y^l 25. 52 a%V- 65 ^6=^6^ + 91 a2?>V. 26. Write (m + 7?.)^ — 3(m + 7i)^ + (m + n) as the product of two factors, one of which is m + 71. 27. Write 2(3 0- - 1)2 - 5(3 a; -1) + 4(3 0^-1)3 as the product of two factors; also 6 (2 -a)^ - 8 (2 - a)^ - 12 (2 - a)«; also x\a - c)-(l-3x') (a-c)-(a- c). 28. If — 5 mhi^ is one factor of 10 m'^71^ — 15 mhi^, what is the other (cf. Ex. 11) ? Factor again the expressions in Exs. 12-16, in each case taking the monomial factor as negative. 61. Factoring by means of type forms. Expressions of the type a^ + 2 a6 + 6^. Factoring being the inverse of multipli- cation, it follows that to every case of multiplication there corresponds a case of factoring. Ease in factoring, as in every inverse process, depends upon a ready knowledge of the corresponding direct process. Thus, if we promptly recognize the form a2 + 2 a5 + 52, [see § 52 then we can as promptly write down its factors, viz. : a-\-h and a-{-h. So, too, the factors of ^2 _ 2 a5 + 52 are a — h and a — h. [see § 52 80 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Ch. VI The expressions 6 mn + m^ -f 9 w^ and 4 a;^ + 25 — 20 rr be- long to this type form, for, in each case, two terms of the trinomial are the squares of certain numbers, and the third term is twice the product of these numbers. These expres- sions may, therefore, be written as (m + 3 9i)(m + 3 w) and (2 2: — 6) (2 a? — 5), or as (m + 3 ^)2 and (2x — 5)^, respectively. EXERCISE XXXIX Factor the following expressions : 1. x'-'Zhx-^W. 8. a'V'-2ah-\-l. 2. u^ + 2uw + 'u^. 9. l-12?/ + 36i/2. 3. a^-6a; + 9. 10. aJ^-4a^ + 4. 4. 2/'-42/H-4. 11. 30a^ + 225 + a;i». * 5. l-\-2a + o?. 12. 9 a;2 - 12 a;2/2 + 4 2/V. 6. m^- 10 m + 25. 13. 6 a5cd + 9 c^d^ _^ a^ftl 7. 49 - 14 s 4- s'. 14. 4-36a^&2^81a^6l 15. What first suggests to you that a;^ + 9 ?/^ + 6 xy may be the square of a binomial ? How do you test the correctness of this supposition ? When is a trinomial the square of a binomial ? 16. Write out a carefully worded rule for factoring expressions of the types ar + 2ab-\-W and a^-2ab + h'^'? How do we find the terms of the binomial ? How do we determine the sign by which they are to be connected ? 17. Is a* + 2 c^Jf — W the square of a binomial ? Explain. Factor the following expressions, and check your work. 18. 5 a7? — 80 aa? + 320 a. [Remove monomial factor first.] 19. 7 n^ + l^ahri'^l o?h''n. 25. a^P-6cM" + 9 6^ 20. 18a3t/-60a% + 50a6Y 26. ic^-ic + f 21. 27 cV- 36 0^^^7134-12 c^c^V. 27. l + f^s^ + fs. 22. — a^ + 2 0^2/ — 2/^. 28. m2p+2 + 2 mP+V+3 + 7i2'+« . 23. — m* H- 2 m^n^ — m^n^ 29. (a -f x)^ + 2(a + cc) + 1. 24. a:2n4.4ajy4.42/6. 30. i6_8(ic + 2/) + (» + 2//. 31. 9(m — n)2 — 6a7(m — n) + a;^ 1. /-^^. 2. y'-^z\ 3. 4 2/2 _ 49 62. 4. 2^a?W-lQ>. 5. 9 /-I. 6. 225 a;^- 9/. (Jl-62] FACTORING 81 62. Expressions of the type a^ — 6^. From § 53 it follows that the factors of aP' — b^ are a -\- b and a —b. Again, the expression 25 n^ — 9 t^ is of the above type, and its factors are 5^4-3^ and 5 w — 3 ^. EXERCISE XL Factor the following expressions : 7. a^x-h^x. 13. 49-36a^/. a 36aV-81dl 14. m^^-n^-. 9. i»2n_4 3^5 49a^/-16 10. 121a^-36 6^ 16. 64a^/-81. 11. 64 0^2/'" -144 21 17. 2S^o^z^-f^z. 12. {x + yf-\. 18. 4.d?-{x-yy. 19, In factoring the difference of two squares {e.g., a^—b^), how are the terms of each factor found ? How are these terms connected in the first factor ? in the second ? 20. Write a rule for factoring the difference of two squares. By rearranging and grouping terms factor the following ex- pressions, and check your work : 21. b^-2bc-d^-{-c\ 28. - a^+ 6*-2 a^-l. [i.e.,62_26c+c2-d!2,i.e.,(6-c)2-d2]. 29. - 18 A: + 81 + A;^ - 25 ^^^^ 22. c^ + 2cd-{-d'-e'. 30. -9 ^^ + 49-12 wv -4^^^ 23. x^-b'-2xy-^y\ 31. S cH^ - 4: -{- c* -\- 16 d\ 24. x^ + 4:xy-4:z' + 4.yK^^^ 32. s^ -4.7^ -^f-2 st. 25. m2-6m + 9-p2. / 33. -524- ^2_4^_4 ^^^ 26. l-s'-2st-t\ 34. 36c2-aV-36 + 12aa;. 27. 25-m24-2m7i-n2. 35. - 22 a;?/ + 121 - 2^ + aj^^/^. 36. Supply the required factor in each of the following: a'-b' = (-a-{-b)'(?)', 16x'-9y' = (-4rX-Sy).( ? ). May the factors in Ex. 4 be written ( — 5a6— 4)(— 5a6H-4)? Explain (cf. §§ 18, 58). 82 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Ch. VI 63. Expressions of the type x^+ mx-\- n. From § 54 it fol- lows that the factors oi aP' -{- (^a -\- b) x -\- ab are x-\- a and x -\- b. Again, since the expression A;^ + 7 A; + 12 may be written in the form A;^ + (3 + 4)A: + 3-4, therefore its factors are A: + 3 and k + 4:. So, too, j92 4-2jt?-15=jt?2+(5-3)jt? + 5.(-3) = (^ + 5)(p-3). From these illustrations we see that we can separate the trinomial x^ + mx -\- n into two binomial factors whenever we can separate n into two factors whose sum is m. Hence, whenever such an expression as x'^ + mx + n can be factored, its factors may be found by a few trials — the number of trials never exceeding the number of pairs of factors of n. EXERCISE XLI I. If the expression cc^ + 5 aj — 36 is the product of two bino- mial factors, what is the product of the unlike terms in these two binomials ? Have these terms like or unlike signs ? Why? What is the sum of these unlike terms ? Is the larger of them positive or negative ? Why ? Factor the following expressions and check the work : ax — 90 al nx^^i2x [i.e., x(x2- 17 a; + 72)]. 2x'-Qx + 4.. Uv^-S2v'\ 8. r- 122? + 35. 18- ax'-i-Ta^x + ea^ 9. m2 + 15m + 50. 19- 66 + 39/ + 3/. 10. Jc'-Sk-AO. 20. -a2-27 + 12a. II. 'y2-7v-18. 21. a2&2_7a& + 10 12. f + 13 ^ - 30. • ^ U-e-, (aby - l{ah) + 10]. 2. x--^x + 2. 13. 0? 3. x'-\-x-Q. 14. v' 4. :^-x-2. 15. :^ 5. s2+_i2s4-36. \i. 6. f^^y^h. 16. 2i 7. o2 + 7a-30. 17. v' 63-64] FACTORING 83 22. 4ic2 + 4a;-3 30. ^-'"-24r + 63. [i.e., (2a:)2 + 2(2 x) - 3]. 31. ^^2 _ ^^ ^^^ _^ 28 n\ 23. 4a;2-8a;-21. 32. s'^-st-4t2f. 24. Oo.'^ + eaj-S. 33. -12a;2/2 + ar/ + 32 22. 25. 9x2-21a;-8. 34. (m + ri)^^- 7(m + n) + 6. 26. 9x' + 21x + U. 35. (s-A;)2-26(s-A:) + 69. 27. 16ar^-56ic + 33. 36. Q-y-y\ 28. 15 + 32a;H-16a;2^ 37. r^ - {b - f)r - bf. 29. 25a:2_8_;l^()^ 33^ ic2 + (3a- 2 5)a;-6a&. 64. Expressions of the type kx^ + mx + n. Every trinomial of this type which is the product of two binomials, may be readily factored by an extension of the method of § 63. For example, to factor 6 x^ — 11 x — Sb^ we proceed thus: 62:2_ii^_35^ 1 (36 2;2- 66 a; -210) = i[(6^)2-ll(6.'c)-210] = 1 (6 ^ - 2 1) (6 2; + 10) [§ 63 = (2x-l}(Sx+5). The given expression is first multiplied by 6 so as to make the first term an exact square, and the factor ^ is then inserted so as to keep the value unchanged. Note to the Teacher. The above method may, if the teacher prefers, be replaced by the following ; in that case § 64 should follow § 67. Let 6 x^ — 11 a; — 35 = (ax + b) (ex + d), wherein a, &, c and d are to be determined ; then 6 aj2 -11 X - 35 = acx^ + (ad + bc)x + bd, whence — 11 = ad + be and 6 ( — 35) = ac . &d (i. e. , ad • be). If, therefore, we separate 6 (—35), le., — 210, into two factors whose sum is — 11, we shall then have found ad and be ; these factors are — 21 and 10, hence we have 6 a;2 - 11 X - 35 = 6 x2 + ( - 21 + 10) x -35 = 6x2-21x+10x-35 = 3x(2x-7)+5(2x-7) = (2x-7)(3x + 5). When this method is used with young pupils, special care will be needed to keep the work from becoming merely mechanical. 84 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Ch. VI EXERCISE XLII 1. In factoring 3a^ + 13a;-fl4 by the method of § 64, what multiplier should be used ? Why ? What divisor must then be used ? Why ? Factor the following expressions and check your work : 2. 3a^ + 13aj + 14. 19. 10-19a:4-6a^. 3. 6a2-lla + 4. 20. 56 x-\- 15 + 20 a^, 4. 322 + ^-10. 21. Sc^-10cd-3(^. 5. 4a^ + 16a; + 15. 22. -28 + 39s-8s2. 6. lOy^-lSy-S. ^ 23. - 30 i2_;i^9 ^.^5 7. 9a^ + 7x-2. 24. 12j92_ 28^ + 11. 8. 10ar^ + a;-2. 25. 16 ar' + 4 a^^^^ _ 3Q ^^4^ 9. 12i»2_j_43._5^ 26. 4: at)'- 73 abc-\- IS ac\ [Multiply and divide by 3.] 27. — 14: y — 16+15 /. 10. lSs^-9s-5. 28. 15a^'* + 16a;"2/ + 4/. [Multiply and divide by 2.] 29. 14 k^ — 27 A;^'' — 20. 11. 12m2 + 7m-10. 30. 3(a + &)' + 10(a + &) - 8. 12. 20m2-7m-6. 31. 5(c-dy -7(c-d) -6. 13. 2a^ + a-55. 32. 15 a.-^^ - a;^ - 28. 14. 8^2_^7^-18. 33. sx'+(7 s-t)x-7t. 15. 10/ + 7 2/ -12. 34. cz^+(fc-d)z-fd. 16. 8^2 + 14 71 — 15. 35. locP — Ikx — mx + km. 17. 6i)2-29p + 35. 36. 6ay^ + 2aby — Scy -be. 18. 10 62 + 37 6-12. 37. 90 a;^/^^ - 98 a^a??/^ + 8 a^a^y. 38. Is a product altered when two of its factors are changed in sign? Explain (cf. § 18, also Ex. 36, p. 81). Change the signs in each factor found for Ex. 2 above, and thus write the factors of 3 x' + 13 a? + 14 in a new form. Similarly, in each of Exs. 3-8 write the factors in a new form. 65. Squares of polynomials. Cubes of binomials. These types may be recognized by comparing them with the for- mulas of § 56 and § 57. 04-65] FACTORING 85 Thus, since the expression a^ + z^ — 4:2/z + 2xz-\-4^^ — 4ixy consists of three square terms and three double products, it may be the square of a trinomial. On rearranging its terms thus : x^ -\- ^y'^-\-z'^ — 4:xy -{-^xz — -^yz, and compar- ing with § 56, we see that the given expression is the square oi x — 2y -\- z. Again, the expression 12 am^ — 6 a^m — 8 m^ + «^, consisting, as it does, of four terms, two of which are cubes, may be the cube of a binomial ; further examination shows that it is the cube oi a — 2 m. EXERCISE XLIII 1. Is a^ — 2a6 + c^ + 26c — 2ac -\- h^ the square of a trino- mial ? What suggests to you that it may be ? How do you find the terms of this trinomial ? Which of them are alike in sign ? Which unlike in sign ? Why ? Factor, and check your results as the teacher directs : 2. m^ + w^ -h s^ + 2 mn — 2 ms — 2 ns. 3. 4: x^ -\- y^ -\- 2 yz -{- 4: xy + 2- + 4 xz. 4. ^v^-{-2kx + x'-Q>kv-&vx-^'k?, 5. 6ac + 8 6c + 9a- + c2 + 24a6 + 1662. 6. 4c2-f 9a2-12ac-fl6ftc-24a6-fl662. 7. l-\-2r — 2m + m^ — 2rm + r^, 8. 2lm — 2ln +/ — 2lp-^m- + l--2mn — 2mp + n^-\-2np. 9. If an expression {e.g., 3 pq- — (f -\- 2)^ — 3 p^q) is the cube of a binomial, how do you find the terms of this binomial ? By what sign do you connect them ? Illustrate. Factor, and check by § 25 : 10. a^-Sa''y-{-3ay'--y\ 13. - y^ - 12 x'y -^ 6 xy^ -\- S x\ 11. m^-f-{-3mf-37nH. 14. - 27 yh -\- 27 y^-z^ + 9 yz\ 12. 3a*-f 1-f 3a2 + a«. 15. S - c^ -12 c' -{-6 c\ 16. a;«-2a^ + 10a;2 + cc*-10aj3 + 25. 17. 216 - 108 s¥ -f 18 s¥ - sH\ 18. 25-^6m^n-10n-\-9m*-30m^-\-nK 86 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Ch. VI 66. Factoring the type forms jr^— /" and x" +/". By actual division we obtain the following results : (^x^ — a^^ -^ (^x — a') = X -{■ a, (ar^ — a") -7- (x — a^ = x"^ -^ ax -{- a^^ (^x^ — a^ ) ^ (x — (i) = x^ 4- ax^ + oP'x + a^, (a^ — a^) ^{x — a) = x^-\-ax^ + a?x^ + a^x + aS etc. I. 11. III. (^x^ — a^) -^ (x -{- a) = X — a, (a;^ — a^) -^ {x + «) not exactly divisible, {x"^ — rt^) -h (x -]- a) = x^ — ax^ + a^x — a^ (x^ — a^ ) -V- (^x -\- a) not exactly divisible, etc. (^x^ + «2) _^ (2; — a) not exactly divisible, (^x^ 4- rt!^) -^ (a; — a) not exactly divisible, (a^* + a^) -r- (x— a) not exactly divisible, etc. (x^ + a^) -7- (2: + «) not exactly divisible, T V J (^^ + «^ ) ^ (a: + «) = a;2 — a:r 4- ^^ (2:* + a*) -f- (2; + a) not exactly divisible, (^x* 4- a^) -=- (2: 4- «) = ^* — «a;3 4- oP'x^ — (^x 4- a*, etc. These quotients illustrate the following principles (for proofs see Exs. 17-19, p. 94): (i) From I, x^ — a^ is always exactly/ divisible hy x — a; the quotient terms are all positive. (ii) From II, x^ — a^ is exactly divisible by x -\- a only ivhen n is even; the quotient terms are alternately positive and negative. (iii) From III, x^-\-a^ is never exactly divisible by x— a. (iv) From lY, x"-\-a^ is exactly divisible by x-\-a only ivhen n is odd ; the quotient terms are alternately positive and negative. (v) The order of the letters and exponents is the same in all the quotients ; the exponent of the first letter decreasing., and that of the second increasing^ in passing toward the right. 66] FACTORING 87 EXERCISE XLIV Write the following quotients by inspection and then verify them by actual division : 1. :^— ^. 7. •" '^•'^ . 13. ■ x-\-y 2. x^- -r X -y T^- -f X- -y a'- -b' a -b m^ -n« m + rt u'- -v' u- — V u'- -v' ^jj-jf^ T, x^y x + y x^ 4- y^ x + y [i.e., W^-OTh . L x2 - y-i J x' -f (x^r - (y^r X2 - y^ ^10 + P s^ + ^^ ^ao -?/" s' -/ x'' _y2 x' -t x'' -f' 9. '£±^. 14. m-\-s 4. •.^^. 10. ^^!±A'. a-\-b 5. :^^. 11. (■^7' + 0/y. 16. i^ + f u-\-'\} (J? — & x? — y^ 18. In Exs. 5-11, above, express the dividend as the product of the quotient and the divisor. 19. Of which of the following binomials is r — s a factor : ,.8 _|_ ^8 . ^10 _ ^10 . ^.7 _ ^7 . ^.11 _|_ gU 9 Answer the same question for the factor r + s. Write each of the following as the product of two factors : 20. m^ — n^. 26. x^-^y*^, 32. l^p'^ — q'^, 21. d^' + e^ 27. r^ — s^. 33. 32.^'^4-l. 22. x'^-y'^. • 28. 2/^ + 8 34. 8-27r^. 23. F-Z^. [Le.,?/3 + (2)3]. 35^ Ho x' -'^l. 24. 2/3 +z3. 29. 0^3 + 27. 36_ 27v^-64m;«. 25. aio + &''. ^^' 8^'-l- 37. / + 32a.'io. [Cf.Ex. 14.] 31.^^-32. 38. 64r-r^ 39. Factor a^ — & in two ways : (1) by taking out tlie factor a — c, (2) by using § 53 (cf. Ex. 12, above) and then refactoring the two factors thus found. Which is the better plan to use when the prime factors of a^— c^ are sought ? Show that this plan is advis- able in general, e.g.^ with a^ — y^ and p^ — q-^. 88 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Ch. VI Resolve the following expressions into their prime factors : 40. x*-y\ 45. aiV^-2/i«. 50. a^-\-y^ 41. a^-b^ 46. 64a^-l. 51. x^^-xy^. 42. a^-b^ 47. a«-81. 52. Sas^'-Saf^ 43. m«-l. 48. SI a*b*- 16 xy. 53. 64ic« + 2/^ 44. r^^—n^, 49. a;^ — 2/^ 54. /4-1- 67. Factoring by rearranging and grouping terms. A re- arrangement and grouping of the terms of an expression will often reveal a factor which could not be easily seen before. E.g., ax— 3 by-{-bx — Say = ax-^bx — 3by — Say = x(a-hb)-Sy(a-^b) = (a-\-b)(x-Sy), i.e., ax — 3by + bx — S ay = (a-\-b) (x — 3y) . Again, a;(a; + 4) — y(j/ -f- 4) = a;^ + 4a; — / — 4?/ = xF - y'^ -\- 4:(x — y) = (x-y)(x-{-y)-{-4:{x^y) = (x-y){x + y-\-4:). I.e., x(x + 4:)-y(y + 4.) = (a;-?/) (a; -h2/ + 4). EXERCISE XLV - Factor the following expressions and check your work : 1. cx — cy-{-Sx — Sy, 12. m^ — n^ — (m — ny. 2. ay-^1cx-\-ax-i-ky. 13. 'Sxy(x^-{-y)-^16(x^ + f). 3. p3_p2_^7^_7^ 14_ x^ _ xy^ — ax^ -{- ay\ 4. p3_y_7^_^7^ 15, ab-\-bx'' — x''y'^ — ay'^. 5. ac + bd — ad— be. 16. a^ — 9 a;^ + 4 c^ — 4 ac 6. 9cy — 6cx-12mx-\-lSmy. [i.e., (a2-4ac+ 4c2)- 9 a;^]. 7. aV-acd-a6c + 6d. 17. - Uk^ - A9 b^ -\- A k' -\- 121. 8. 7mr-3rs + 21ms-9s2. 18. ac^ + M^ - ad^ - fec^. 9. 5a^-«2 + 2-10a;. 19. 1 + ds - (c^ + c(^y. 10. 5a^-hl-x^-5x. 20. (a + 1)2 -(4 a + 3)2. 11. aa^ + l + a + ar\ 21. (p^ - q^ - (p^ - pqy. 00-68] FACTORING 89 22. a^x + ahx + ac 4- b^y + a6?/ + &c. 23. (ar' + 6a; + 9)2-(aj2 + 5a; + 6)^ 24. a^-a2 + 2/=^-62 4.2a;2/-2a6. 25. h'-m^-\-10m + k^-25-2hk. 26. (a; + 2/)^ + 12(a; + 2/)-85 (cf- Exs. 34-35, p. 83). 27. x2 + 4a;^ + 4i/2-f.3a;H-62/ + 2 (cf. Ex. 26 above). 28. 4: x"^ + 10 X — 6 — 5 a — A ax -\- a\ 29. Show that by changing the signs of two of them at a time the factors in Ex. 10 may be written in three different forms (cf. Ex. 38, p. 84). Is the same true in Ex. 18 ? 68. Factoring by means of other devices. It often happens that the factors of an expression will become apparent by adding a certain number to, and subtracting the same num- ber from, the given expression ; this, of course, leaves the value of the expression unchanged. Ex. 1. Find the factors ofx^ + x^ + l. Solution. If the second term in this expression were 2x^ instead of x^, then (§ 61) the expression could be written (x^ + 1)" ; this suggests that x^ be both added and subtracted, which gives x*-{-x^-{-l=x' + 2a^-{-l-x' ==(^^^l+x)(x^ + l-x), [§62 i.e., x* + x'i-l=y' + x + l)(a^-x + l). EXERCISE XLVI 2. Find the factors of a* + a^b^ + b\ Suggestion. By the method of Ex. 1, a4 _,. ^2^2 + 54 = (^4 _^ 2 a-^62 + 54 _ ^252 = (a2 + &2)2_(a5)2. 3. Find the factors of a^ - 4 a; - 32. Suggestion. Here the first two terms, plus 4, form an exact square ; this suggests the following arrangement : x2_4x-32 = ic2-4x + 4-32-4 = (x-2)2-36. 90 EIGH SCHOOL ALGEBUA [Ch. VI 4. What must be added to ic^H-3a^+4 to make it an exact square? What must then be subtracted to leave the value un- changed ? Factor the given expression. 5. Can the sum of two squares be factored (cf . § 66)? Is a;^ -f 4 the sum of two squares ? Can it be factored ? 6. What must be added to a;^ -f- 4 to make it (a^ + 2)^? Is the added term a square ? Factor x"^ + 4. Factor : 7: p^^q^\ 16. 4a8-21a46^ + 96^ a x^-f-64 2/^ * 17. ^x^-lOxY + ^y^' 9. m^ + mhi^^-n\ 18. ^ a"" ^2Q> a'h'' + 25 h\ 10. x''^a'x^ + a\ 19. o? + 2 ab -d''-2hd, 11. a^ + a;y-f/. 20. 4a^ + 81. 12. a^ + 6a;4-5. 21. a^/-h4aj/. 13. 9 s^ -f 30 si 4- 16 ^^ 22. m^-\-4:m7i\ 14. a^6^ + «'&Vd2 + c4d^. 23. a' + Sa'-12S. 15. 9 a;^ + 8 a^2/^ + 4 2/^ 24. 5 na;^ — 70 wa;^ + 200 n. 25. Find the four factors oi x* i-y' + z^-2 a^/ - 2 a^2;2 _ 2 ^^V. 69. General plan for factoring a polynomial. 1. By inspection, find and remove all monomial factors. 2. By comparison with type forms, by rearrangement and grouping of terms, or by some other device, separate the resulting polynomial factor into two factors. 3. Then, if possible, separate each of these factors into two others, and so continue until all factors are prime. Note. By the above plan the simpler expressions can usually be factored. For determining the binomial factors of longer polynomials, see § 71. EXERCISE XLVII Factor : 1. 4aa^-4a/. 4. s^ + 16 s^ -]- 15 s. 2. 49A;-fc3^ 5. x*-Sx^-^15x\ 3. fp—p\ 6. mV + my. 68-69] FACTORING 91 7. tv - nw - nv -\- tw. 14. k* — 17 k^ -\-16. . 8. v^ -7?;--2i; + 14. 15. Sx-^ — lOxy + 37f, 9. 1 - 24 .s -h 144 si 16. 49mV + 42wms-h9n2. 10. a''b'-4.abhj-^4:by. 17. c- + a;2-2 ex- 1. 11. p^ — Sr\ 18. &* + 6y + 2/^ 12. 1-2/'. 19. 2u^-Uu^ + 70-107L 13. c2-5c-14. 20. 4.c'-25a^-\-b^-4:bc. 21. Give two methods for checking an exercise in factoring. Illustrate, using Ex. 15 above. Factoi: and check as the teacher directs : 22. 71^ — 1. 38. a^x^ — oc^, 23. q*p — t^*. 39. s^^ — t^^. 24. 216 + 2/3. 40. Tr'-.QOT. 25. a« + 4. 41. a^^ + l. 26. 3(a;-2/)^-27. 42. (a -6)^-03. 27. rsv^ — ar^st — 4: cr^ . 43. /c^^ + 4p^ 28. x^-\-ax-ay-yx. 44. 12 4-s(^2_4) _3 ^2^ 29. m(d2-3)+d2_3^ 45; x^''^^-{-2x''-'by + by, 30. m^" — 4: m^b -\- 4. b\ 46. m^ — 1 — 3 m(m — 1). 31. fc(Z2-4)-/2 + 4. 47. 3a2p-28rg-21ri94-4aV 32. mV + 4-5mV. 48. (5a + 2/)2-7(5 a +?/) + 10. 33. 7(a; + a)-ll(a;2-tt2). 49. 8 -12 mn + 6 mV-m%l 34. y^-y^L 50. m2 + 6m/i-16.T2/ + 9nl 35. -a;y-;2(3 2/-a;-3 2;). 51. (a? -1/)^- 2 2/ + 2 aj+l. 36. x^ — y^ — 3xy + 3a^y\ 52. m^n^ + 2 mVrV + mV W. 37. 6x'' + 12a^~lS. 53. (a2 + 5a4-4)2-(a2-5a-6)l 54. a;2-2x2/ + l+/ + 2(a;-2/). 55. (c-3)«-l-3(c-3)2 + 3(c-3). 56. m^~2mn-[-n^-s--{-2st-f. 57. {c'-2cd-\-dy-(Sc'-cd-2d'y. 58. «2 + 9/ + 2522_6iC2/-10^^ + 302/«. 59. 2(a262_aV-6V) + a^ + 6* + c*. HIGH SCH. ALG. — 7 92 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Cii. VI 60. a¥ ^ yiy. _ ^2g _^ ^2^ _|_ 52^2 _ ^2g^ 61. a2_2a6 + 6'-2ac + 26c + c2-2ad + 26d + 2cd + d2. 62. iB2-9a;-|-14 = (aj-7).( ? ) = (7-a;).( ? ). 63. c3-r3=(c-r).( ? ) = (r-c).( ? ). 64. 7'3_36r = r(r+6).( ? ) = -r(r + 6).( ? ). 65. Write the four factors of a;* — 10 a^ + 9 in seven different ways (cf. Ex. 29, p. 89). 70* Remainder theorem. In Ex. 53, p. 52, it was seen that if oc^ -^ 3 X -\- 1 is divided by a; — a the remainder is a^ + 3 a 4- 1 ; i.e., the remainder is what the dividend would become if a were sub- stituted for X. (Cf. also Ex. 52, p. 52.) And this relation between dividend and remainder is not acci- dental ; it is true for all such expressions. For, let Ax"" + Bx""-^ + Cx""-^ H [-Hx -\-K • be any polynomial in x, let it be divided by x — a, and let Q and Rj respectively, represent the quotient and remainder; then Ax^ + Baf-^ + Cx^-'-^ ...j^Hx + K= Q(x-a) + R. Moreover, since the second member of this equation, when multiplied out, must be exactly like the first, therefore this equar tion is true for all values that may be assigned to x; but if the value a be given to x, the equation becomes Aa'^ + 5a"-i + Ca^-^ + - -- + Ha -\- K=: R,f hence, in every such division, the remainder may be obtained by simply substituting a for x in the dividend. 71.* Application of the remainder theorem to factoring. By means of the remainder theorem (S 70), and without actually performing the division, write down the remainder resulting from dividing a^— 3a^ + 3a;-f2 by a; — a. Also write the re- mainder when aj^ — 3a^-f-3a; — 2 is divided by a; — 2. What is * Articles 70 and 71, with Exercise XLVIIJ, may, if the teacher prefers, be omitted till the subject is reviewed. t Since, in that case, Q(x — a) becomes Q'(a — a), i.e., zero; and M is the same as before substituting, since it does not contain x. 60-71] FACTORING 93 the value of this last remainder? Does this show that a;— 2 is a factor of y? -'d x^ + Sx-2'! Binomial factors of many polynomials may be found in this way, for, from § 70, it follows that if ^a" + BoT-"^ + (7a"-2 -\ +Ha + K^ 0, then, and then only, is Ax"" + Bx""-^ + Ca;"-^ -\ h ^a; + /f ex- actly divisible by ic — a ; for in that case, and in that case only, is the remainder zero. Thus, we know that a? — 3 is a factor of y? — 2y? — ^:X -\-Z because 3^ — 2-3-— 4.34-3 = 0; and a;-f-l, ?.e., a?— (— 1), is a factor of a;2 + 7 a; -f 6 because (- 1)2 ^_ 7(_ i) + 6 = 0. Again, if a; — a is a factor of a^ — a;^ — 2 a; + 8, then a is a factor of 8 ; hence, in seeking such factors of a?^ — a;^ — 2 a; -f 8 we need try only 1, — 1, 2, — 2, 4, — 4, 8, and — 8 in place of a. When, by any process whatever, any factor of an expression has been discovered, this factor may be divided out; the remain- ing factors may then be more easily found. EXERCISE XLVIII 1. If a;^-f 6a^— 12 a; + 5 is divided by x — a, what is the remainder ? Without performing the division, find the re- mainder when the divisor is x — 2; also when it is a; — 1 and when it is x-\-l. Which of these divisors is a factor of the given expression ? 2. If the expression x^ — 3a^ — a;-f-3 has a factor of the form X— a, what are the four possible values of a ? Find all the binomial factors ofa;^ — 3ar^ — a;-f3. By the above method, factor the following expressions : 3. a^_7a;-f6. 7. T')- Find the H. C. F. of each of the following sets of expressions: 26. 2a^-a;-3 and2a^ + llar^-a;-30. Suggestion. Find the factors of 2 x^ — x — 3 and determine by trial which of these are factors of 2 cc^ + 11 a;^ _ ^ — 30 also. This plan may be used whenever any one of a given set of expressions is easily factored. 27. (a;+3)(aj2-4) anda;^-h4a^ + 2a.'2-aj + 6. 28. a^ + 1, Sa^-4.a^-\-4.a-l, and 2 a^ + a^- ^ + 3. 29. b^-S, b'^b' + 2b-4., ^ndb'-\-2b'-b'-10b-20. 30. Of what is the H. C. F. of two or more expressions com- posed ? State a rule for finding the H. C. F. of two or more ex- pressions which may easily be separated into their prime factors. 31. Is the H. C. F. as above defined the same as the greatest common divisor (G. C. D.) in the arithmetical sense ? What is the H. C. F. of a^(a; - 1)^ and xia^-l)? Is this also the G. C. D. of these expressions for all values of x? Try a; = 3, also a; = 4. 76.^ H. C. F. of polynomials neither of which is easily factored. The H.C.F. of two or more polynomials can always be found by what is known as the Euclidean (division) process. This process is essentially the same as that used in arithmetic to find the G. C. D. of two numbers. The steps in the arithmetical process are : (1) Divide the larger number by the smaller ; (2) if there is a remainder, divide the smaller number [I'.e., the divisor in step (1)] by this remainder; * Articles 76, 77, and 78, with Exercises LI and LIT, may, if the teacher prefers, be omitted till' the subject is reviewed. :(J] HIGHEST COMMON FACTOR 101 (3) divide the remainder in (1) by the' remainder in (2); (4) so continue, dividing each remainder by the one following, until there is no remainder; (5) the last divisor is the G.C.D. sought. This work may be more compactly arranged thus : 2639 2866 Thus, to find the G. C. D. of 1183 and 2639. 1183)2639(2 2366 273)1183(4 1092 91)273(3 273 The last divisor, 91, is the G. C. D. of the given numbers. Similarly, the H. C. F. of a:* + 3 a;^ + 2 ic-^ - x - 5 and x^ + x^ - 2 may be found thus : 1183 1092 91 QUOTIENTS 273 273 QUOTIENTS x* + 3 x3 + 2 x"^ x*+ x3 X 2x 2 x3 + 2 x2 + X 2 x3 + 2 x2 X- 1 x + 2 a;3 4x2-2 X3-X2 2x2-2 2 x2 - 2 X x2 + 2 X + 2 2x -2 2x -2 Hence x — 1, the last divisor, is the H. C. F. of the given polynomials. EXERCISE LI By the above method, find the H. C. F. of each of the following pairs of expressions : 1. a^ + 5i»4-6and4a^ + 21a;2 + 30a; + 8. 2. 6a2-13a-5andl8a3-51a2 + 13a + 5. 3. 5 m''' — 2 m — 3 and 15 m^ — 6 m^ — 4 m -f- 3. 4. c3_2c2-2c-3 andc^-c3-3c2^4c-2. 5. 12x'-Sa^-55a^-2x-^5and6a^-x'-29x-15. 6. lSx^-\-75a^-{-17x'-2Sx-lSand6a^-}-2Sx^-3x-10. 7. S0y' + 16y* + 16f-Sy^-3y-2a,nd20f + 4:y'-y-3. 8. 4.k'-\-201(^-10k'-^SJc-\-S5sind21i^ + llk'-25, 9. 5n*-10n3 + lln2-67i-hl and 10 5n*-7n^ + ldn'-Un-{'2. 102 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBHA [Ch. VII 11* Proof of principle involved in § 76 (see footnote, p. 100). The success of the method employed in § 70 is due to the follow- ing considerations : Let A and B represent any two polynomials in ic, the degree of A being at least as high as that of B, and let q and R represent the quotient and remainder respectively, when A is divided by B\ then A = qB^R. [Ex. 20, p. 50 This equation shows that: (1) every divisor common to B and II is a divisor of A also (why ?), and (2) every divisor common to A and ^ is a divisor of H also (why?); hence the H. C.F. of B and R is the same as that of A and B. If now B is divided by R, giving p and M as quotient and remainder respectively, then, by reasoning as above, we see that the H. C. F. of M and 7^ is the same as that of B and R, and therefore the same as that of A and B. Suppose now that this series of divisions is continued ; then, by the above reasoning, the H. C. F of ^ and B is the same as that of any ttvo successive remainders. If now the last one of this series of divisions is exact, i.e., if the final remainder is zero, then the H. C. F. of the two preceding remainders is the last divisor itself ; hence the last divisor is the H.C.F. of A and B, which was to be found. Remark, The H. C. F. of two expressions is evidently not altered by multiplying (or dividing) either of them by any num- ber which is not a factor of the other ; this fact enables us to avoid fractional coefficients in the division process. Thus, to find the H. C. F. of 3 x^ -|- 8 x'^ -h 3 x - 2 and a;^ - 2 a;^ + x + 4 : 3x3 + 8x2 + 3x- 2 3x3-6x2 4- 3x + 12 14)14x2-14 x2-l x2-f-X -x-1 -x-1 x-2 x=^ - 2 x2 4- X -f- 4 - 2 x2 -}- 2 X + 4 - 2 x2 -H 2 2)2x4- X4-1 Before beginning the second division the factor 14 is sup- pressed (see Remark above), and later 2 is suppressed also ; fractional coeffi- cients are thus avoided. Hence x 4- 1, the last divisor, is the H. C. F. of the given expressions. 77-78] HIGHEST COMMON FACTOR 103 As a further illustration, let us find the 11. C. F. of x4 + 4 x^ + 2 x2 - X 4- 6 and 2 x^ + 9 x^ + 7 x 6. xH4x3 + 2x2-x+6 2 X, +1 2x-l 2x3+ 9^2_^ 7a^_6 i 2x3+10x2+12x 2xH8xa + 4x2-2x+12 2x4+9x3 + 7 x2-6x -x-i- 5x-6 -x2- 5x-6 - x3-3x2+4x+12 -2 2x3+6x2- 8x-24 2x3+9x2+ 7x- 6 _3)_3x2-15x-18 x2+ 5x+ 6 Before beginning the division the fac- tor 2 is introduced so as to avoid frac- tional coefficients in the quotient ; later — 2 is introduced for the same pur- pose ; and finally — 3 is rejected. Hence x2 + 5 x + 0, the last divisor, is the H. C. F. of the given expressions. 78.* Supplementary to § 77 (see footnote, p. 100). (i) If the polynomials whose H. C. F. is sought contain monomial factors, these should be set aside before the division process is begun. Monomial factors that are common to the given polynomials must, of course, be reserved ; all others may be rejected. (ii) The H. C. F. of three or more polynomials is found by first finding the H. C. F. of any two of them, then the H. C. F. of that result and the third polynomial, and so on until all the poly- nomials have been used. (iii) To find whether polynomials which involve more than one letter have a common factor containing any particular one of these letters, they need only be arranged according to powers of that letter, and divided as already described. By a repetition of this process all the common factors of such polynomials, and hence, their H. C. F., may be found. [For fuller discussion of H. C. F. see El. Alg. pp. 116-121.] EXERCISE Lll Find, by the Euclidean method, the H. C. F. of : 1. ar^-3a;2^3^_j^ andaj4-2ar^+-2a;2-2ic + l. 2. c^ + 4c3-12c2-f c + Gaud c^- 0^-2 C2+-C + 1. 3. 5z^ + lSz^-3Sz-\-10sind2z^-{-5z^-22z-\-W. 4. 2ii^-{-Sx'-\-2x-2sindx' + 2a^-{-x'-2x-2. 5. r^-2r^ + 2r2-4andr^+-2r^-7'3-2. 104 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Ch. Vll 6. 1 — 4 m^ 4- 3 m'' and 1 — 5 m^ + 4 m'* + m — m^. 7. 63 + A:^ - 9 A; - 7 A;2 and 40 A; + A:^ - 5 Ar^ + 111 - 23 fe2^ 8. ar^- 4 a;3_ 2 a^ _ 8 H- a;4 and 2 a^+ 9 ic^-a^- 4 ar^ + 14 a; -16. 9. 8a^-22a^ + 17a;-3and6x=^-17a^ + 14aj-3. 10. 2a;2-3a;-35anda;4 + 14a!--9cc3 + 35a;-25. 11. What is meant by the H. C. F. of two expressions A and B ? If a is not a factor of A, how does the H. C. F. of A and a • B compare with the H. C. F. of ^ and B ? Explain. 12. If a is a factor of A, but not of B, how does the H. C. F. of A and a • B compare with the H. C. F. of ^ and B? In intro- ducing and suppressing factors during the process of division (§ 77), what precaution must be exercised, and why ? Find the H. C. F. of the following expressions : 13. m* — 3 m^ + 1 and m^ — 2 m - 2 — m*^ — m^ + 2 m^. 14. a' + 2a'-5a'-10anda'-{-a^-a'-2a-2. 15. a^-4x'-2-\-3x-3i^-{-Ba^Siudx-\-2s(^-{-2-5x'. 16. s^-2s^-2s3-lls=^-s-15 and 2s^-7s^ + 4s3-15s2 + s-10. 17. a;^ + 3 ar^ - 2 «2 _ 6 a; and 4 iK^ - a^ + a^ + 4 a;^ - 12 + 4 a^. 18. 21 ax — 17 ax^ — 5 aar^ 4- ax^ and 5 aa^ — 34 aa^ — 7 ax. 19. 7 mV— 49 m-^x + 42 m^ and 14 a^mx^ + 14 a^mx^ — 56 a^mx — 56 a^m. 20. 48 s^to* - 162 ^tx^ + 54 s^^ and 18 ^fu -9 s fux - 48 ^fux" -f 24 sH'uo^. 21. 4a;*-12a^2/ + 5a^2/^-fl2a;i/3-92/*and 12 a;^ - 36 a:^^^ + 11 a;y + 48 aJ2/3 _ 36 2/4. 22. x^-x^y-llxy^-4:f and a^^+a^y - 12 a^/ - 30 a;^ - 8 /. 23. The H. C. F. of any number of expressions must be a factor of the H. C. F. of any two of these expressions. Why ? Must it be the H. C. F. itself of any two of these expressions ? Explain. 78-79] LOWEST COMMON MULTIPLE 105 FindtheH.C.F. of: 24. a^ + 4a3 + 4a2, a^b-4:ab, and a*6 4- 5 a^fe + 6 a%. 25. Sx*-9a^+6a^, a^-9x^-\-26 x-24:, and a:^- 8 0^24. 19 a; -12. 26. a + a^a; — 2 a^, a + 3 a^a; + 4 ax^ + 2 a;^, and 2a3 4-3a2a;4-2aa^-2a^. II. LOWEST COMMON MULTIPLE 79. Multiples of algebraic expressions. A multiple of an algebraic expression is another algebraic expression that is exactly divisible by the given one ; hence it contains all the prime factors of the given expression. A common multiple of two or more algebraic expressions is a multiple of each of these expressions. j5^.^., 12 a^Q^{]f'— 1) is a common multiple of 3 aVQy + 1) and 2a%(^ — 1). The lowest common multiple (L. C. M.) of two or more algebraic expressions is the algebraic expression of lowest degree which is exactly divisible by each of the given expres- sions ; hence it contains all the prime factors of each of the given expressions, but no superfluous factors. E.g.^ a common multiple of 2 a%'^o[^ and 3 a^a^y^ must con- tain the factors 2, 3, a^, 5^, x^^ and ?/* ; it may contain other factors also, but it need not do so. Therefore 6 a%^j[^y^ is the lowest common multiple (L. C. M.) of 2 a^h^a:^ and 3 a^j(^y^. So, too, the L.C.M'. of 12 m\x^-lc^) and 8 JV.2(s+0(^-^)^ is 24 m%\s -\-t')(x — k')^(^x -|- ^), — show that this last expres- sion contains all the necessary^ but no superfluous^ factors. The procedure for finding the L. C. M. of two or more expressions whose prime factors are known (or easily found) may be formulated thus : To the L. C. M. of the numerical coefficients annex all the different prime factors that occur in the given expressions^ and give to each of these factors the highest exponent which that factor has in any of the given expressions. 106 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Ch. VII EXERCISE LIII Find the H. C. F. and the L. C. M. of : 1. 8 a'h'', 24 a^6V, and 18 ahc\ 5. x" - ?/' and aj^ + 2 ic?/ + if. 2. 15a^6^ -20a26V, and 30 ac^ 6. 21 a;^ and 7 ^^^(x -h 1). 3. lQ>o?h\ 24:aMc, and 36 a^ft^dl 7. ic^-l and a^ + a;. 4. 18a^6r^, 12 pV^, and— 54a6y. 8. 4:X^y — y Siud 2 x^ -\-x. 9. Is 12a^6''(a^ — 1/^) a common multiple oi 2 a^b {x — y) Siud 3 ab\x -y)? Is it their L. C. M. ? 10. What factors must an expression contain in order that it may be a common multiple of two or more other expressions ? that it may be their L. CM.? 11. Are both 6 ax^ and — 6 ax"^ multiples of 3 a; ? Explain. If a multiple of an expression has its sign reversed, does it remain a multiple of the given expression ? 12. Does a change in the sign of an expression affect the de- gree of the expression ? If the L. C. M. of several expressions has its sign reversed, it may still be regarded as their L. C. M. Why ? (Cf. Exs. 14-15, p. 99.) FindtheL. C. M. of: 13. a + &, a — b, o? + W, and a* + b\ 14. 3 + a, 9 - a^ 3 — a, and 5 a + 15. 15. a^ — if, :ii? -\-xy + 2/^, and a^ — xy. 16. 4a + 4&, Q>o?-24.b\ and a--3 a& + 2 ftl 17. a? -f 2/^, ^y — y^, and a;^ — 2/^. 18. y'^-^y + Q and i/^ - 7 2/ + 10. 19. a^— (a+6)a;4-aft and a;-— (a— 6)a; — a&. 20. 3s2-7s + 2and6-s-s2. Hint. 6 - s - s^ = - 1 (s2 + ^ _ 6). 21. c2-4c4-4, 4-c2, andc^-16. 22. 3p«-13p4-14 andl3p-5i)2-6. 23. r^" — s^" and (.s« — r^'f. 24. (m + ny—p^ and (m + w +i))^. 79-81 j LOWEST COMMON MULTIPLE 107 25. 63^262-46-8, 86-12 + 62-63, and 6^ + 4 6^-3 6-18. 26. Find the L. C. M. of each of the sets of expressions in Exs. 19-25, p. 100. 80.* The L. C. M. of two algebraic expressions found by means of their H. C. F. The use of the H. C. F. in finding the L. C. M. may be shown as follows : Let it be required to find the L. C. M. of 3x* — a:r^ — x'^-\-x — 2 and2ar^-3a;2-2a; + 3. By § 76 it is found that the H. C. F. of these expressions is x^ —1', they may, therefore, be written thus : Sx*-x^-x^-\-x-2={x''-l)(3x'~x + 2), and 2aj3-3a;2-2aj-f-3 = (x2-l)(2x-3), wlierein Sx- — x-\-2 and 2 x — 3 have no common factor. Hence the L. C. M. of the given expressions is (x'-l)(3x^-x + 2)(2 X - 3). This shows that the L. C. M. of the given expressions may he found by dividing their product by their H. C. F. Obviously, the L. C. M. of any other pair of expressions may be found in the same way ; hence. To find the L. C. M. of two algebraic expressions, divide either of the given expressions by their H. C. F. and multiply the other expression by the resulting quotient. 81.* The L. C. M. of three or more expressions. The L. C. M. of three or more algebraic expressions whose factors are not easily found, may be obtained by first finding the L. C. M. of two of the given expressions, then the L. C. M. of that result and another of the given expressions, and so on. EXERCISE LIV Find the L. C. M. of : 1. a;3_6a^_^lla;_6anda.'3-9a^ + 26a;-24. 2. a^- 5x--4i» + 20anda^ + 2ar^-25a;-50. *Articles 80 and 81, with Exercise LIV, may, if the teacher prefers, be omitted till the subject is reviewed. HIGH SCH. ALG. — 8 108 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Ch. VIl 3. 2 2/3 - 11 / -h 18 ?/ - 14 and 2 2/^ + 3 / - 10 2/ -h 14. 4. 6a^x-o a?x - 18 aa; - 8 a; and 6 o?h - 13 c^h - 6 a6 + 8 5. 5. 4 a;^ - 17 ^f 4- 4 / and 2y^-Qi?y-?, xY -^xf-2y^. 6. 2a;^-9a^ + 18i»2-18a; + 9and3a;*-llar'H-17a^-12a;+6. 7. If ^, B, and stand for any three given expressions, and if i»f is the L. C. M. of A and B, while iV^is the L. C. M. of M and (7, show that iVis the L. C. M. of A, B, and (7; that is, show that N contains all the factors necessary in such a multiple, and no superfluous factors. Find the L. CM. of: a s*-2s^-i-s^-l, s'-s^^2s-l, ands*-3.s2-fl. 9. c3 + 3c2-6c-8, c^-2c--c + 2, andc^ + c-G. 10. a52-4a2, ar5 + 2aa^^-4A-}-8a^ anda^-2aa^ + 4a2a;_8a3. 11. a3-j-7a2 + 14a + 8, a^ + Sa'-e a-S, and a3 + a'-10a+8. 12. Ar^-9 A:24.23 k^W, k'+k'-17 k+W, and ]i^+7 k'+7 k-15. CHAPTER VIII ALGEBRAIC FRACTIONS 82. Definitions. An algebraic fraction is an indicated divi- sion in which the divisor is an algebraic expression : the dividend may be either an algebraic or a numerical expres- sion. (Cf. § 8.) Here, as in arithmetic, the fraction A-i-B is usually written A in the form — or A/B ; A and B are called the terms of the B fraction, A being the numerator and B the denominator. If A is exactly divisible by B, then A/B is, in reality, an integral expression, but is written in the form of a fraction. E.g.^—- , — -•,and — are algebraic fractions; while ab—oj^ m—2n -.a^— a;^ . , . , , and are integral expressions written a 1 a— X in fractional form. If both terms of a fraction involve the same letter, and if the numerator is not of lower degree than the denominator (in this letter), then the fraction is said to be improper ; otherwise it is proper. An expression that is partly integral and partly fractional is called a mixed expression. E.g.^ ^ — and — — — are improper fractions, and X — 1 a 4 2: — 3 H — ^^—— is a mixed expression. x — \ 83. Operations with fractions. The reduction of fractions, and the various operations with fractions (addition, subtrac- tion, etc.), are essentially the same in algebra as in arith- luetic. 109 110 BIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Ch. Vlll A Thus, if — and ~ are any two fractions whatever, then ^ ^ B D~BI)' ^ ^ B^I)~b'~C' These formulas state the rules for finding the product and quotient, respectively, of two fractions ; the pupil may trans- late each formula into verbal language. (i) The proof of (1) follows directly from the definition of a fraction (cf. §§ 82, 8). Thus, let — = a;and — =?/, then A = X'B •Awdi 0=y'D, [§§82,8 hence A- C= xByB = xy'BD, [Ax. 3 AO and therefore — — = xy [Ax. 4 BB ^4 O fsince A/B = x ~ B' B' L and C/B = y A C^AO B' D BB" which was to be proved. (ii) To prove (2) above, let - - - = t, B B then | = ^'|' [§§82,8 hence A.^=t.^.R [Ax. 3 B Q BO •- n i.e.^ I.e., ^'{b'o)^*' ^^^^ ^^^^^ and therefore A^^=4.^ B B B O' which was to be proved. Kemark. The reciprocal of any given number is 1 divided by that number; e.g., the reciprocal of 3 is ^. Hence it follows from (ii) that the reciprocal of a fraction is that fraction inverted. Note. Observe that the validity of § 42 is assumed in the proofs of (i) and (ii) above. 83-85] ALGEBRAIC FRACTIONS 111 84. Reducing an improper fraction to a mixed expression. This change in form is made in algebra precisely as it is made in arithmetic. E.g.f just as -ijQ=3|^, i.e., 3 + J, so, too, since a fraction is an .,.",,... x^-^-'Jaf + B ' ,-,, 4r-2x indicated division, — -^ -— = a? + 1 + — -. EXERCISE LV Reduce each of the following improper fractions to an equal integral or mixed expression, and explain your work : a^ — 2ab-\-ac 8. 2. a 3ar^+9a; + 2 3a; ^ 2a;'^ + 4aa; + 2a^ __ x-{-a 2s-l. 11. 12. ar^-ar^-2ar^- -2a;-l a^-x- 1 6-hQc-oc^- -2c3 + c* c'-3 8a;''-10a;2_3a; + 5 4x^^-3 3a,6_^2a;-5 a;» + 2a;4-l 15^^-13 i;2- 8i;-l A: + 2 Sv'-^ + S'y + l g^ + g^ + l 7fe^-l a + 1 * Jc' + k + l a^4-7a;2_5 I8a;^-a^-2a;^- 7 a;2_i • ■»•*• ^3_:3^_^1 ^3 2 a 4- 1 15. Is ^^^-^ a proper or an improper fraction ? Why ? 16. Write the reciprccal of 11 ; of —a; of — |; of each frac- tion in Exs. 1-5 (cf. Remark, § 83). 85. Reducing fractions to lowest terms. In algebra, as in arithmetic, a fraction is said to be in its lowest terms when its numerator and denominator have no common factor. Hence, to reduce a fraction to its lowest terms, divide both numerator and denominator by their H. Q. F. Instead of dividing at once by the H. C. F., we may, of course, divide 112 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBUA [Ch. Vlll by any common factor, then by another, etc., until all com- mon factors are divided oat. Multiplying or dividing both terms of a fraction by any given number leaves the value of the fraction unchanged; for, whatever the algebraic ex- pressions represented by A, B, and m, ^ = i.^ [§83 (i) Bm B m l^ \ J = — , [since m/m = 1 which was to be proved. -" 3 ax^ 3 ax E.g., ~ = , which is in its lowest terms ; so, too, 4 bxy 4 by , ^~^ — = (a? + l)(a;- l) ^ x±l^ ^^.gj^ .g .^ .^g lowest terms. a^-2a; + l {x-l){x-l) x-l' EXERCISE LVI Beduce each of the following fractions to its lowest terms : a^ — ah m^ -\-2 mn -f- w^ „ m? -\-if a^ — h^ m® + n^ x^ + x^y"^ + y^ 34«^6V 2a^ + 3a; + l ^ 3a^-2a-l Sla^ft^c* ' a^ + 5x + 4 * ' l + a-a^-d"' c'-d^ {r-qY-s^ a*-a^-20 {c-df' ' (r-q-sf' ' a'-9a'-{-20' 10. May equal factors be canceled from the numerator and denominator of a fraction ? May equal parts (or factors of parts) be thus canceled ? Is 1^L±^ equal to -^? Is P^^^^, obc-^x obc ox — on^ equal to ^ + ^y ? Explain fully. Eeduce the following fractions to their lowest terms, and check your work by § 25: n ^-t\ T« xy-zy-x + z ^^' '^r~t' ^®- f^^ c3-17c^ + 72c 50-40m + 8m^ c2(cd4-16-2c-8d)* ' 125-8m« 85-86] ALGEBRAIC FRACTIONS ' 113 16. ^^:^ 21. ^"-^ (a -«)(«- 6) l + Ai^"* (s-2)(8-3) . (a^-5)(a.- + 2) , (2-s)(3-s)(s-4) • aj3-7a^ + 2a; + 40 18 p^-llp + 24 3a^ + 8a -3 56+i)-i)^ 3a3 + 17a2 + 21a-9 ^!±l!. 24 10^ + 20 a:'-a?- 2 * y'-x^' ' 3a^ + 6a^ + 21a;+42' 86. Reducing fractions to equal fractions having given de- nominators. Since multiplying both terms of a fraction by the same number does not change its value (§ 85), there- fore any given fraction may be reduced to an equal fraction whose denominator is any desired multiple of the given denominator. E.g., to reduce - — - to an equal fraction whose denominator shall be 12 cx^y, multiply both terms of the given fraction by 12 cx^y -7- 4:X^, i.e., by 3 cy, EXERCISE LVII Find the required part in each of the following equations : 1 ^ = L. 1 m-2 _ (m-2y 3. 4 12 Sab^ ? 4 12^' 2 cd 16 cH^ 8. 6t 9 3c- 2d' 1 ? Scd* 4:X 9 1 7x^-5 a-b a'-b' 10. 5. ^ = , ; ^ ' 11. a-\-b ? "■ 2(2a;-5) -6x{5-2x) 9m 9 — r 9 r2 + 3 r^ + 10r2+21 2u-v ? ^f +2 V Su ^j^5uv-2v'' u^ — uv-\-v^ _2{u' + if)^ lu^-1 9 3m-8 9 2a;-5 - -2.TH-5 3m-8 9 114 ' HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Ch. VIII 13. If the denominator of a fraction is multiplied by any given expression, what must be done to the numerator in order to pre- serve the value of the fraction ? 14. Change { to an equal fraction whose numerator is J9^ — 9 — 3j9 — 2; to one whose numerator is 3jp^''H-5p^4-2j9; to one whose denominator is 9p— p^; to one whose denominator is 3y4_p2_27p_9. 87. Reduction of fractions to common denominators. To reduce any given fractions to equal fractions having a com- mon denominator it is necessary only (1) to choose some common multiple (§ 79) of the denominators of the given fractions as the new denominator, (2) to divide this com- mon multiple by the denominators of the given fractions in turn, and (3) to multiply both terms of the given fractions by the respective quotients (cf. § 86). 3 h hn E.g., to reduce -^^ — and — - to equal fractions having a com- 2 ax 3 x^ mon denominator, we choose 6 ax^ as the new denominator, and find, by § 86, that 3h _ 9 hx T hn _ 2 dbn 2 ax 6 ax? 3 x- 6 ax^ The lowest possible common denominator is, of course, the L. C. M. of the given denominators. EXERCISE LVIII Reduce the following to equal fractions having the lowest pos- sible common denominator: 1. -, — T' '^"^^ -r—^' 111 inr 5 m"* ^ 3a + l T 3i»-f4 2. — and ■ 4 6 ^ 9-3 a ,34-5a^ 3. and — ^ „ - 16 h 20 h^ 4. « + ^and^-^ a — h a-\-h 5. ^, ¥, - 1^ 6. rfyl|."0|^ 86-88] ALGEBRAIC FRACTIONS 115 7. -^:z^and ^ + ^ ar + aic 2 aa^ — 2 a^a; and 9. — !-^^ and ' -^ 10. a;2 + a-2/ + t/'^ and 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. (m — l)(m — 2) m — 3 * x + y'x — y^ x^ — xi/ Hint. First multiply both terms of by — 1, so as to arrange and 2 — m' m + 2' m- — 4 2 - m the denominators in the same order. m and -^ m — n rr — m' m 4-^*' 6x 2 J 3 . and ar^-1 3 a and 3 a — 6 X ^ ^-2 and ^ + ^ , 5 — a' a^ — 8 a + 15' a^ — 6 o + 5 and (aj-l)(a;-3) (x-8)(3-a^) 17. Show that Hint. equal (x-S)iS-x) -7 (x-S)(x-S) Cf. Hint, Ex. 11. (c-l)(2-c) (c-l)(c-2) 2-a; x-2 18. Show that _ ^^ ox — / Kx/ ox- (5 — x-)(aj — 3) (a;-5)(a;— 3) Reduce to equal fractions with the lowest common denominator ; ? , ? , and — (cf.Ex.l6). (a; _ 7) (a? - 2)' (2 - x)(x - 4)' (4 - aj)(a; - 7) ^ ^ 1 2.-3 19. 20. and (.y _ 2)(v - 5) ' (v - 5)(3 - ?;)' (v - 3)(7 - v) ' 21. a+ 5 a-2 and a + 1 a2_ 4 a + 3' 8 a- a2_ 15' 6a -5- a^ 88. Addition and subtraction of fractions. From § 38 it follows that a h a + h -.a h a — h - -4- - = and = ; c c c c 116 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBBA [Ch. VIIl that is, ill algebra, as in arithmetic, the sum (or difference^ of two given fractions which have a common denominator is a fraction whose numerator is the sum (or difference^ of the given numerators, and whose denominator is the common denominator of the given fractions. ^ m^ 2h ^ m^^2h . 2 a b^c ^ 2a-l?c '^'"^ax Sax Sax ' ^^ 6(x-l) 5(a^-l) 5(a:-l)* If the given fractions have unlike denominators, they must, of course, be reduced to equal fractions having a common denominator (§ 87) before they can be added or subtracted. 3 7 Ex. 1. Find the sum of and x — 2 x-\-l Solution. The L. C. M. of the denominators is (x — 2) (a; -j- 1) and, by § 87, and 3 ^ 3(a;+l) ^ 3a; + 3 x-2 (x-~2)(x + l) (aj-2)(a! + iy 7 ^ 7(a;-2) ^ 7a;-14 x + 1 (x + l)(x-2) (a;-fl)(a;-2)' 7 Sx + 3-{-7x-U 10a!-ll + x-2 aj + 1 (x-{-l){x^2) (a; + l)(a;-2) 7 3 Ex. 2. Subtract from x-^1 x — 2 Solution. Proceeding as in Ex. 1, we obtain _3 7 ^ 3a; + 3- (7a;-14) ^ -4a; + 17 x-2 x-\-l (^x-\-l)(x-2) (^x + l)(x-2) Note. The minus sign before the second fraction means, of course, that all of this fraction is to be subtracted, hence the need of the parenthesis in the numerator of the next fraction. EXERCISE LIX Simplify the following expressions and check your results : 3 ^4.^ 5 a?-l x-^3 x-\-7 ■ 3 "^6 • ' 2 5 "^ 10 * . a + S a-{-5 c-^-d b_ 5 7 * ' d 2d' 88] ALGEBRAIC FRACTIONS 117 - 1 +^. 16. 1 3 x+y x — y 2s^—s — l 6 s- — s — 2 - X a; # _ _ ct^ — aa.' H- 0^ a + a; 1 — a^ 1 + a^ a^ + ax + a;^ a — x 10. ^Lz^H-^^I^ + ^r:i^. [Suggestion. x = ^.] ah he ac L 1 J 11. r-j_^r+^__r^--^> ^^ _a c^ ^ s. 2rs s — as^ — w (a5-2/)^ a;^ + 4a;?/-5/ a^-7a; + 12 a^-5a;+6 13. ft + ^-c a-6 + c ^ 21. 1 I ^-?/ a:^-a;y ^ a? — ih — cf {a—hy—c^ ' x-\-y x^—xy-\-y^ 3^-\-'if 14. J~-^ 22. -i- + -^ 1. a;2_i aj2_^_2 s(s — t) t{s + t) st 15 a? 4- 7 a; + 2 ^^ 2a;-3c 2a;-c ^^ a^_3a;-10 a^4-2a;-35' * a;-2c x-c Remark. Since a fraction is a quotient, its sign (the sign before the fraction) is governed by the law of signs in division; hence, whatever the expressions represented by a and hy __a_ — g _ a h~ b ~-h' Exercises in subtraction may therefore be changed into exercises in addition ; the results of such exercises are often called algebraic sums (cf. § 16). E.g., Ex. 23 may be written ^^~^^ + ~^^"^^ + 3 a;. X— 2 c x~c 24. Write Exs. 6, 8, 11, 13, 14, 15, 19-22, above, as exercises in addition. * Cf . Ex. 2, Note. 118 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Ch. VIH Write the following as exercises in addition, and find the alge- braic sum in each case : a a + 1 a + 2 s—1 2(s + 1) 26. h « — :i 30. 1 ic — 1 1 — X a — 1 a(a — 1) 27. -i L.-.!^. 31. 1 1 a + 6 a-6 5'^ - a^ 2a^-a;-l 3-aj-2a^ d cd cc?2 ^^ 2h-a 3x(a-b) , ?^-2a G + d {c-\-df (c + df x-b b'^-x" x + b Simplify : {a-b){a-c) {b-c){b-a) (c-a){c-b) [Hint. The given expression, witli the letters in alphabetical order, is ^i + -I + J .1 (a-6)(a-c) (,b-c)(a-b) (o-c)(6-c)-l 34. "" + * + <' (a — b)(a — c) (b — a)(b — c) {c — a){c — b) 35 a;-l 2(a^-2) x-S (x-2)(x-3) {3-x){x-l) (x-l)(2-x) 36. ., . ^ .. „ - „ . V „ „ + ' x^ — 5 xy -\- 6 y^ x^ — A xy -{- 3 y- x' — 3xy-^2y' 37. ~ H f- ^ x^ — 5x-{-6 3a7 — 2 — ic- 4a; — 3 — a;'-' 38. ^^ [ ^^ I «^ (a-c)(a-6) (6_c)(6-a) (c-a)(c-6) 89. Reducing mixed expressions to improper fractions. Since an integral expression may be written in the frac- tional form with the denominator 1, therefore reducing mixed expressions to improper fractions is merely a special case of addition. E.g.,x + 1+ 1 ~»' + l . 1 a; — 1 1 a; — 1 x—1 x — 1 x — 1 88-90] ALGEBRAIC FRACTIONS 119 EXERCISE LX By the method of § 89 simplify the following expressions : af — l a + 2b , -i 2x „ 9 oX'^-j-oi^ — x-\-l 2. x-\-l • 7. X — or — XT ■ — x — 1 l-\-x-{-x~ c^— 2c + l 1 — 2a; + a;- a4-& 2aH-36 _ -, 2 1— V^ -.r* -1 I, ax-\-bx-\-ab 5. 1 — y — if — ^ • 10. 1 — aa; — 6ir :; — 1 — 2/ 1 — ax 11. May the numerator in the answer to Ex. 1 above be found by multiplying x~l by a^ — 1 and adding x'^ to the product ? Explain this method fully (of. § 84, also Ex. 20, p. 50). 12. By the method of Ex. 11, solve Exs. 2-5, and 8-10, above. 90. Product of two or more fractions. In § 83 it was shown that, whatever the expressions represented by A^ B, (7, and i>, A O^AO B ' J) BD' This principle is easily extended to finding the product of any number of fractions ; A ^ ^ ^ = A^ ^ Oi^ACE a^ACEa ^*^*' B' d' f' H BB' f' H BBF ' H BBFH Hence, the product of two or more fractions is a fraction ivhose numerator is the product of the numerators of the given fractions^ and whose denominator is the product of their denominators, Ex. 1. Find the product of ^^^ ~ ^ and , ^^ ^^ • '6xy a (or — 1) SOLUTION a(x — l) 6x _ Gax{x — \) _ 3xy a(ar — 1) Saxy{x^ — 1) y{x + l) [§85 120 HIGH aCHOOL ALGEBRA [Ch. VllI Remark. Observe that the factors 3, a, x, and a^ — 1 might have been " canceled " even before the multiplication was actu- ally performed. Pupils should cancel wherever possible, and thus simplify their work. EXERCISE LXI Find the following products, and simplify your results : 2. ^ . ^. 9. xyz ac^ m- — mn ef—f^ g Qxy l^yh\ ^^ x-1 . a; + l . * 82 * 9a^ * ' a^ + 2a; + l x-1 ^ - 5 iH^ Sr^t ^^ x-1 x2 + 4a; + 3 12iu^ lOs^v^ 3aj2-|.8i» + 5 ar^-1 — Ix^yz f 6 fey^ Y /-^ — ?-8 + s^ j? — 1-6- 3s-21* 23. 24. a + 25 2b-a 1 ^'" V x' + fj x'-f Sa(a-b) V af-9x-^20j\'jf-6x + 9 J\ x J b(x^ a 9x-^ -hx + y 3 a' + 3 a'bx + 3 a*by ax — 3by—Sbx-\-ay 1 ^a + b^(a-\-byi\ (a-\-by\a a_b__c 2\A 2c V 5a 6c ac a6 « A a + 6 + cy l^ — a — b (a + 6)2fa + 6 + c 30. What doesr-Y mean [cf. § 9 (ii)!? Show that (^-Y Ve/ \/-i \o/ and that ("^ = i^?!^' = ^^ . fey f rs' Y / m - 2 n V / -Sc V / a + 6 31. Raise the following fractions to the powers indicated : b-c\\ r 2. '> - i - 2 • ^V ' -5q^' ' (a+6)2-9 ' a + 6 + 3 4. l^!i£±fU-^. , 13. ^l±^^(t^-^2tv + 2v^y 7'.s — .9^ r — s —or ^ oc^ — a" (x — ay , ^ -y^ — 25 5 — 'i? 5^ J.- N z_ , 2,4. r- • a^ -j-a^ x^ — a^ v^-\-v-\-l v^—1 ^ Ux^-7x 2aj-l „ x^-1 x''-12x+?>n 15. 12x^-\-24:X^ x'^ + 2x lO-^'Sx-a^ x^ + 3x + „ p(^ Q„4 5 r)V ^ /h 2cd \ d — c 7. OO^rrs^-? '- — 16. 1 ' • a. (.^-3.-10).-^;. 1. ^14-.-^^ a^-b* , (g - by r'-l , 1 - r^ • a^ + a2^2_^6* • a'-b' ' t^-dr ' 3-r' 0^^-5^-36 V ^'-y 20. 2r^-21r-ll ^/^_r-3 ^^-^-ISr-T • V r-7 ^. 22. i»2_49 a;2_^_42 5 m^n — 5 ri^ urn + 2 mrr + n^ V wi 23 2a^ + 13.T + 15 . 2a?^ + lla; + 5 4x^-9 ■ 4x2-1 2^ x^-nx- + l^ . / a^2_3^_4 9rt^-34a2 + 2o V 3a2 + 8a + 5 91-92] ALGEBUAIC FRACTIONS 123 {p — qY P — Q p^-\-q^ p^ — q'^ 25- f:^=^,^^~^^ + z^ ■ P-'P\^1 (cf. § 10). I'oTj—WjfY ^ (^ — ^y^ P^^ — 4 py—^p^y+px ' \p-q J p^ — pqj \p—qj ^ -\- ^ xy -\- ^ if 92. Complex fractions. In algebra, as in arithmetic, a frac- tion whose numerator or denominator, or both, are them- selves fractional expressions, is called a complex fraction. 1 1 a X ^'Q--> ^ and r- are complex fractions. X Since a complex fraction is merely an indicated quotient, it may be simplified by means of §§89 and 91. ^g ^ _ ^ _aP — 1 X _ ^ — 1 '.,. .1" x^-\-2x-\-l~ X ' x^-\-2x-{-l~ x + 1 X X In many cases, however, a complex fraction is most easily simplified by first multiplying both its terms by the L. C. M. of their own denominators. Thus, in the above example, multiplying both terms by x gives o^ ^ T") which (by § 85) equals ~ , as before. X^ -}- ij X -\~ J~ X -J- JL EXERCISE LXIII Simplify the following expressions : ^ (m — nf -4-i s—p _m- g. s s 1 =— . 3. . 9. • ■ s +p m^ — n^ 1 _ I p^ mn V s c-^d (x-S)(x-5) 1_1 ^ c— d x — 7 6 ^ -^ (^-d^ x-n i^_j. c^-fd^ (a!-3)(.T-7) e" f HIGH SCH. ALG. — 9 124 7. 8. c HIGH SCHOOL AH 1 + 7 9 ^ a 6 c 9EBRA [Ch. VIII 3 a-c 11. «-f . ah' x — 6 x-2 ' X a (a - 6)^ 2a-3&+c ^ ,.4 oca a 1+- + J a — 3 18. "^^ 6 a-\-h ^^ 1 ^ a^-b' a^ + W a-{-h a—h 15 & ' a + 6 a — b a + b 1 1 I ^ a «-l ^ + 1 + 0. a; a+1 " 1 / 1 ^ * To simplify such an expression we begin at the end and work backward. The first step here is to add ^ to 1 , then divide 4 by this sum, then add this quotient to 1, and finally divide 3 by this sum, obtaining the result j\. CHAPTER IX SIMPLE EQUATIONS 93 Introductory remarks and definitions. As we have already seen in Chapter V, an algebraic problem states a re- lation between numbers whose values are known (called known numbers), and others whose values are at first un- known (called unknown numbers). It is by means of this relation, translated into an equation, that we can find the values of the unknown numbers. Besides the numerals 1, 2, 3, ••• the letters a, 5, to find the value of x. X 2 3x 6 Solution. Clearing of fractions by multiplying each member by 6 Xj the L. C. M. of the denominators, we obtain 18-3x = 10 + », whence x=2; moreover, this value of x checks, hence 2 is a root of the given equation. Ex.2. Given = — ? — ; to find a;. 2(a;-l) 7(x + l) x + l 7(0^2-1)' Solution. On multiplying each member by 2 • 7 (a;-|-l) • {x—1), to clear the equation of fractions, we obtain 3-7(a; + l)-2(a;-l) = 8-2.7 (x-l)-20, le., 21a; + 21-2a; + 2 = 112a;-112-20, whence ^ = |> which checks, and is, therefore, a root of the given equation. 7 af — 1 Ex. 3. Given - + — = x: to find x. 6 ar — 1 Solution. On multiplying this equation by 6 (a^ — 1), to clear of fractions, we obtain 7 (x"" -1)+ 6 (x^ -1) = 6 x(a^ -1), i.e., 7x^-7-\-6x^-6 = 6a^-6x, whence 7 a^ + 6a;-13 =0, i.e., (a;-l)(7a;H-13) = 0, and the roots of this equation are 1 and — J/. [§ 72 On substituting these values of x in the given equation, it is found that — -y- checks, but that 1 does not check ; hence — 4^ is (and 1 is not) a root of the given equation. 96-97] SIMPLE EQUATIONS 131 Note. This shows that clearing an equation of fractions may introduce extraneous roots, i.e., roots which do not belong to the given equation. ~3 _ 1 In this example the fraction might have been reduced to its lowest x'^ — 1 terms before clearing the equation of fractions. In that case the multiplier 6(x + 1), instead of 6(x^ — 1), would have sufficed to clear of fractions; the unnecessary factor x — 1 brought in the extraneous root 1. No extraneous roots are brought into a fractional equation unless an unnecessary factor is used in clearing of fractions (cf. El. Alg. § 99). Such roots, if introduced, are always discovered in checking. EXERCISE LXVI Solve and check the roots : 4 0^-3 a;-f >^ ^ a; + 26 ^ _3 ?_ =0 73 6 ' '.T + 1 x-l~ ' ic-l,ir-2 11-13a; o^/-l i 1 23 12 y + 1 y X 16 8a; 10 ^y by 10. ^(2-a;)-|(3-2a:) = ^±i^. 11. -M_H--^_=-A_ + 3. x^ —1 x—1 x-\-l 12. Clearing Ex. 11 of fractions, we obtain a;^ — 2a;— 3 = 0; are the roots of this equation, viz., 3 and — 1, roots of the given equation also (cf. Ex. 3, Note) ? 13. Define a fractional equation. Which of the equations in Exs. 4-11 are fractional ? Explain. Solve the following, and check as the teacher directs: 10a;4-17 5a;-2 12a;-l 14. 18 9 11 a; -8 Hint. Multiply both members by 18, and combine similar terms ; then multiply both members of the resulting equation by 11 aj — 18. 5 (^-4-4) 7 a;- 3 ^ 3 (3 a; + 1) 11 3a;H-2 22 132 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Ch. I.\ 3-2/ 8^ 2/ + 3 8(2/ + 3) 17 g-5 g-lQ ^g-4 g-9 '^ + 5 2; + 10 2 + 4 ;2 + 9' Hint. Simplify each member before clearing of fractions. lo> — — — ——^— • x + 2 x + 'd x-\-Q> x-^7 19 ^~^ I -'^ — '^ _ ^ — 5 , g; — 3 03 — 2 0?- 8 x — 6 X— 4: 0^ + 2 a^-2 ^ 10-2a^ 2a; + l 8 ^ 2a;-l ^°* oj + l ic-1 x'-l ' ' 2x-l 4.0^-1 2x4-1' 21 1 + ^_ = ^±^. 25 ^-^II^-?: = 0. • 2 2(07 + 1) cc + 6 X bx a 2 s 5 s- 3 1 ^^ 2c , 6 c(a-2a;) 22 — • =-• 26. \--=— -• 3 10s2_l 3 a x a{2-x) 23. 1 ^ 6 (1 - a?) ^ - g; ^7. ^ + ^a^ =^-^. 1 — x X x — 1 ' x^ — cx-^ax — ac c — x 3v 15 ^ 10 g v + l 3v2 + v-2 3v-2 2 5 m ^ m + 29 _ ^ • ^_5 3m + 2 (m-5)(3m+2) ^^ 07 + 7 a, x — a x-^7 a a — x 30. — --: h — aj + 6a x — 3a x-\-a 2a-\-x a(b — x) o{c — x) a {c — x) 17+3 ,^18 21 _^ 100^5 „ « . X X X 3 ^^- -§- + — 5- -9- + -T5— 33. If C represents the circumference of a circle whose radius n is Rf then - — = 7r(cf. Ex. 37, p. 67) ; solve this equation for O; 2 7? for i? . Taking tt = 3|, find the value of it when 0—56. 34. v = -- t 37. II'=-ii'.s'. 35. at = v. 38 F^^". 36. Z> = f 39. V =u — gt. PROBLEMS 07] SIMPLE EQrATlONS 183 Solve each of the following equations for each letter it contains: 40. i(F-32) = a 41. s = ig(2t-l). 42. - + -=-• ^ J?' / 1. Three fourths of a certain number exceeds | of it by 25. What is the number ? 2. The sum of a certain number, its half, and its third is .36. Find the number. 3. If f of a certain number diminished by J of that number equals 3 more than i of the number, what is the number ? 4. The sum of two numbers is 18, and the quotient of the less divided by the greater is \. What are the numbers ? 5. Divide the number 32 into two parts such that -^ of the larger shall equal ^ of the smaller. 6. Divide the number 80 into two parts such that -| of the smaller shall exceed ^ of the greater by 2. 7. Divide the number 25 into two parts such that the square of the greater shall exceed the square of the smaller by 75. 8. Wliat number must be added to each term of the fraction YY so that the resulting fraction shall be equal to J? 9. If a certain number is added to, and also subtracted from, each term of the fraction |, the first result exceeds the second by i; find the number. How many solutions has this problem ? 10. B's present age is 18 years, which is | of A's age ; after how many years will B's age be | of A's age ? 11. The combined cost of a table and a chair is $ 11, of the table and a picture, $ 14, and the chair and the picture together cost 3 times as much as the table. What is the cost of each ? 12. Divide a line 28 inches long into two parts such that the length of one part shall be | that of the other. 184 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Ch. IX 13. A field is twice as long as it is wide, and increasing its length by 20 rods and its width by 30 rods would increase its area by 2200 square rods. What are the dimensions of this field (cf. Exs. 23-24, p. 65) ? 14. An orchard has twice as many trees in a row as it has rows. By increasing the number of trees in a row by 2, and the number of rows by 3, the whole number of trees will be increased by 126. How many trees are there in the orchard ? 15. An officer in forming his soldiers into a solid square, with a certain number on a side, finds that he has 49 men left over ; and if he puts one more man on a side, he lacks 50 men of com- pleting the square. How many men has he? 16. A boy was engaged at 15 cents a day to deliver a daily paper, with the added condition, however, that he was to forfeit 5 cents for every day he failed to perform this service ; at the end of 60 days he received $ 7. How many days did he serve ? 17. A man was hired for 30 days on the following terms : for every day he worked he was to receive $ 2.50 and board ; for every day he was idle he was to receive nothing, and was to pay 75 cents for board. If his total earnings were $49, how many days did he work ? 18. The square of a certain number is diminished by 9, and the remainder is divided by 10, giving a quotient w^hich is 3 greater than the number itself. Find the number (two solutions). 19. If a certain number is subtracted from each of the four numbers 20, 24, 16, and 27, the product of the first two remain- ders equals the product of the second two. What is the number ? 20. Find a fraction whose numerator is greater by 3 than one half of its denominator, and whose value is f . 21. The numerator of a certain fraction is less by 8 than its denominator, and if each of its terms is decreased by 5, its value will be i ; what is the fraction ? 22. What principal at 4% interest for 3 years amounts to f 784 (cf. Ex. 12, p. 61) ? Solve the same problem if the amount is $ 10,140. 97] SIMPLE EQUATIONS 135 23. I invest $6000, part at 6 %, part at 5%, thus securing a total yearly income of $ 325 ; how large is each investment? 24. A gentleman made two investments amounting together to $ 4330 ; on one he lost 5 % , on the other he gained 12 % . If his net gain was $ 251, how large was each investment ? 25. In a certain quantity of gunpowder, made up of saltpeter, sulphur, and charcoal, the saltpeter weighs 6 lb. more than i of the whole, the sulphur 5 lb. less than ^ of the whole, and the charcoal 3 lb. less than ^ of the whole. How many pounds of each constituent does this gunpowder contain ? 26. A boy bought some apples for 24 cents; had he received 4 more for the same sum, the cost of each would have been 1 cent less. How many did he buy ? 27. Knowing the time consumed by an automobile in making a run of a given number of miles, how can you find the average speed ? How, from the distance and the rate, can you find the time ? How, from the rate and the time, can you find the dis- tance ? Illustrate your answers (cf . Exs. 15-16, p. 61). 28. A tourist ascends a certain mountain at an average rate of 1^ miles an hour, and descends by the same path at an aver- age rate of 4^ miles an hour. If it takes him 6J hours to make the round trip, how long is the path (cf . Exs. 35-36, p. 67) ? 29. A north-bound and a south-bound train leave Chicago at the same time, the former running 2 miles an hour faster than the latter. If at the end of 1|- hours the trains are 141 miles apart, find the rate of each. 30. In running 180 miles, a freight train whose rate is f that of an express train takes 2 hours and 24 minutes longer than the express train. Find the rate of each. 31. If the freight train of Ex. 30 requires 6 hours longer than the express train to make the run between Buffalo and New York, how far apart are these two cities ? 32. An express train whose rate is 40 miles an hour starts 1 hour and 4 minutes after a freight train and overtakes it in 1 hour and 36 minutes. Find the rate of the freight train. 136 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Ch. IX 33. An automobile runs 10 miles an hour faster than a bicycle, and it takes the automobile 6 hours longer to run 255 miles than it does the bicycle to run 63 miles. Find the rate of each. How many solutions has the equation of this problem ? Is each of these also a solution of the problem itself ? 34. A steamer now goes 5 miles downstream in the same time that it takes to go 3 miles upstream, but if its rate each way is diminished by 4 miles an hour, its downstream rate will be twice its upstream rate. What is its present rate in each direction ? 35. A steamer can go 20 miles an hour in still water. If it can go 72 miles with the current in the same time that it can go 48 miles against the current, how swift is the current? Hint. Let x = the rate of the current (in miles per hour) ; then 20 — jc = the steamer's rate upstream, and 20 + x its rate downstream. (Why ?) 36. A man rows downstream at the rate of 6 miles an hour, and returns at the rate of 3 miles an hour. How far downstream can he go and return if he has 2^ hours at his disposal ? At what rate does the stream flow ? 37. At what time between 2 and 3 o'clock are the hands of a clock together ? Hint. Make drawing, or use model of clock face. Let x = the number of minute spaces over which the minute hand passes after 2 o'clock before the two hands come together ; then — = the number of minute spaces over which the hour hand passes in the same time (why?); and ic = -^ + 10. (Why?) ^^ 38. At what time are the hands of a clock together between 8 and 9 ? between 5 and 6 ? 6 and 7 ? 11 and 12 ? 39. At what time between 3 and 4 o'clock is the minute hand 15 minute spaces ahead of the hour hand ? 40. At what time do the hands of a clock extend in opposite directions between 4 and 5 ? between 2 and 3 ? 7 and 8 ? 41. The tens' digit of a certain two-digit number is ^ the units' digit, and if this number, increased by 27, is divided by the sum of its digits, the quotient will be 6^1^. What is the number (cf . Prob. 4, p. 64) ? 07] SIMPLE EQUATIONS 137 42. Divide 72 into four parts, such that if the first is divided by 2, the second multiplied by 2, the third increased by 2, and the fourth diminished by 2, the results will all be equal. 43. M can do a certain piece of work in 8 days, and N can do it in 12 days ; in how many days can the two do it when working together (cf. Ex. 41, p. 67)? 44. Two plasterers, A and B, working together, can plaster a house of a certain size in 12 days, while A, working alone, can plaster such a house in 18 days. In how many days can B alone do the work ? 45. A reservoir is fitted with three pipes, one of which can empty it in 4 hours, another in 3 hours, and the third in 1 J hours. If the reservoir is half full, and the three pipes are opened, in what time will it be emptied ? 46. The first of three outlet pipes can empty a certain cistern in 2 hr. and 40 min., the second in 1 hr. and 15 min., and the third in 2 hr. and 30 min. If the cistern is f full, and all three pipes are opened, in what time will it be emptied ? 47. A can do a piece of work in 6 days, and B can do it in 14 days. A, having begun this work, had later to abandon it ; B took his place and finished the work in 10 days from the time it was begun by A. How many days did B work? 48. A certain number is increased by 1, and also diminished by 1 ; it is then found that twice the reciprocal of the second result minus 3 times the reciprocal of the first result equals \. What is this number ? How many solutions has this problem ? 49. A picture whose length lacks 2 inches of being twice its width is inclosed in a frame 4 inches wide. If the length of the frame divided by its width, plus the length of the picture divided by its width, is 3^, what are the dimensions of the picture ? How many solutions has the equation of this problem? Is each of these a solution of the problem also ? 50. A gentleman invested ^ of his capital in 4% bonds (i.e., bonds yielding 4 % interest per annum), f of it in S^ % bonds, and the remainder in 6 % bonds, purchasing all these bonds at par. If his total annual income is $ 3412.50, find his capital. 138 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Ch. IX 51. At what time between 9 and 10 o'clock is the hour hand 20 minute spaces in advance of the minute hand? 52. A pedestrian finds that his uphill rate of walking is 3 miles an hour, and his downhill rate 4 miles an hour. If he walked 60 miles in 17 hours, how much of this distance was uphill ? 53. A wheelman and a pedestrian start at the same time for a place 54 miles distant, the former going 3 times as fast as the latter ; the wheelman, after reaching the given place, returns and meets the pedestrian 6| hours from the time they started. At what rate does each travel ? 54. In a mixture of water and listerine containing 21 ounces there are 7 ounces of listerine. How much listerine must be added to make the new mixture J pure listerine ? Hint. Let x = the number of ounces of listerine to be added. Then 7 +x (Wliy?) 21 +rc 4 55. In an alloy of silver and copper weighing 90 oz. there are 6 oz. of copper ; find how much silver must be added in order that 10 oz. of the new alloy shall contain but f oz. of copper. 56. If 80 lb. of sea water contains 4 lb. of salt, how much fresh water must be added in order that 45 lb. of the new solu- tion may contain 1 J lb. of salt ? 57. If a mixture of water and alcohol is y% pure alcohol, how much water must be added to one gallon of the mixture to make a new mixture ^ pure alcohol ? 58. Solve Prob. 57 if the given mixture is 80 % pure alcohol and the required mixture 50 % pure alcohol. 59. How much alcohol must be added to one gallon of a mixture 40 % pure to make a new mixture 75 % pure ? 60. What fractional part of a 6 % solution of salt and water (salt water of which 6 % by weight is salt) must be allowed to evaporate in order that the remaining portion of the solution may contain 12 % of salt ? that it may contain 8 % of salt ? 10 % ? 07-98] SIMPLE EQUATIONS 139 61. A physician having a 6% solution of a certain kind of medicine wishes to dilute it to a 3| % solution. What percent- age of water must he add to the present mixture ? 62. If the specific gravity of brass is 8^,* while that of iron is 7|-, and if, when immersed in water, 57 lb. of an alloy of brass and iron displaces 7 lb. of water, find the weight of each metal in the alloy. 63. If, on being irtimersed in water, 97 oz. of gold displaces 5 oz. of water, and 21 oz. of silver displaces 2 oz. of water, how many ounces of gold and of silver are there in an alloy of these metals which weighs 320 oz. and which displaces 22 oz. of water ? Find the specific gravity of the alloy ; also of gold. 98. General problems. Formulas. Interpretation of results. A problem in which the known numbers are represented by letters, instead of by arithmetical numerals, is often called a general problem ; it includes all those particular problems which may be obtained by giving particular values to these letters. Some problems of this kind are given below. Prob. 1. A yacht was chartered for a pleasure party of 12, the expense to be shared equally ; 3 members of the proposed party being unable to go, the share of each of the others had to be increased by $ 2. How much was paid for the yacht ? How much was each to pay under the original arrangement ? SOLUTION Let X = the number of dollars each member was to have paid, then x-\-2 = the number of dollars each participant did pay ; hence 12 X and 9 (a? -f 2) each represent the number of dollars charged for the yacht ; therefore 12 a; == 9 (a; + 2), i.e.y 12 a; = 9 a; + 18, and therefore • x = 6j and 1 2 a; = 72 ; hence the amount each was to have paid is $ 6, and the rental price of the yacht is $ 72. * This means that a given volume of brass weighs 8f times as much as an equal volume of water. HIGH SCH. ALG. — 10 140 BIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Cii. IX Prob. 2. Substitute p, q, and d, for 12, 3, and 2, respectively, in Prob. 1, and solve the problem thus formed. SOLUTION Let X = the number of dollars each member was to have paid, then x-\-d = the number of dollars each participant did pay; hence 2}x and (/) — q) - {x-\-d) each represent the number of dollars charged for the yacht ; therefore px =z {p — q) {x -\- d)= px -\- pd — qx — qd ; whence x = ^^^ ~ -^^ , the amount each was to pay, and px=:p • ^^~^\ the rental price of the yacht. Remark. The solutions of Probs. 1 and 2 are alike except in this: In the solution of Prob. 1 the numbers given in that problem (12, 3, and 2) have, by combining, completely lost their identity before the result is reached ; but in the solution of Prob. 2 the given numbers {p, q, and d) preserve their identity to the end. For this reason the result in Prob. 2 may be used as a formula, by means of which the answer to Prob. 1, or to any like problem, may be immediatel}^ written down. E.g., substituting 12, 3, and 2 for p, q, and d respectively, in the solution of Prob. 2, gives the answer to Prob. 1. The solution of Prob. 2, therefore, includes that of Prob. 1. The first problem, and all like numerical problems, are merely particular cases of the second, which is called a general problem. Prob. 3. Divide m golf balls into two groups, in such a way that the first group shall contain n balls more than the second. Solution. Let a? = the number of balls in the first group. Then m — x = the number of balls in the second group, and, therefore, by the condition of the. problem, x = m — x-\-n] whence x = -, the number in the first group, 2 m — x = m second group, and m — x = m ^~- = — — ^, the number in the 98] SIMPLE EQUATIONS 141 As in Prob. 2, so here, the general solution may be employed to solve any particular problem of the same kind. For example, if m = 30 and n = 4, then the two groups contain, respectively, — ^^ and — ^^^— balls, i.e., 17 and 18 ; while, if w = 10 and w = 2, then the two groups contain 6 and 4 balls, respectively. If, however, m = 10 and n = 14, then the number of balls in the two groups, as given by the above solution, is — ^ — and - — ^^- — , respectively, i.e., 12 and — 2 ; but since there cannot be an actual group containing — 2 golf balls, therefore this last problem is impossible, and the impossibility is indi- cated by the negative result. Eemark. Some problems admit of negative results, and some do not, just as some problems admit of fractional results, while others do not. The nature of the things with which any particu- lar problem is concerned will always make it evident whether or not fractional or negative solutions are admissible. Prob. 4. Two boys, A and B, are running along the same road, A at the rate of a, and B at the rate of h, yd. per minute ; if B is m yd. in advance of A, and if they continue running at the same rates, in how many minutes will A overtake B ? Solution. Let i)j = the number of minutes that must elapse before A overtakes B. Then by the conditions of the problem, ax = hx 4- m, whence x = , the number of minutes before A overtakes B. ^ ~ As in the two previous problems, so here, the general solution may be employed to solve any particular problem of the same kind. QO E.g.,\ia = 280, h = 270, and m = 90, then x = — = 9; i.e., A will '' ' ' ' ' 280 270 overtake B in 9 minutes. Again, if a = 280, b = 280, and m = 90, then x = = '— ; i.e., an '280 - 280 infinite number of minutes will elapse before A overtakes B ; in other words, A will never overtake B. Compare § 41 (iii), also Ex. 7, p. 53. QO But if a =280, b = 290, and m = 90, then x = — = -9; i.e., the 280 - 290 two boys are together — 9 minutes from the moment they were observed, i.e., the two boys loere together 9 minutes ago. Let the pupil show that this interpretation of the negative result accords fully with the physical cuuditions of the problem. 142 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Ch. IX Prob. 5. The present ages of a father and son are respectively 50 and 20 years ; after how many years will the father bfe 4 times as old as the son ? Solution. Let x = the number of years from now to the time when the father's age shall be 4 times that of the son. Then, by the conditions of the problem, 50 + a; = 4(20 + a;), whence a? = — 10. This means that 10 years ago the father's age was 4 times the son's. N.B. The general problem of which Prob. 5 is a particular case, may be stated thus : The present ages of a father and son are, respectively, m and n years ; after how many years will the father be p times as old as the son ? EXERCISE LXVII 6. The sum of two numbers is a, and the larger exceeds the smaller by b. What are the two numbers ? 7. By substituting in the formula obtained from the solution of Prob. 6 above, solve Probs. 6' and 7, p. 64. Could Prob. 16, p. 65, be solved by means of the same formula ? 8. Is Prob. 9, p. 64, a particular or a general problem ? Why ? Make a general problem which shall include this one as a par- ticular case. Solve the new problem and thus find a formula by which Prob. 9, p. 64, may be solved. 9. Answer the questions in Ex. 8 above, supposing them to have been asked with regard to Probs. 4 and 12, p. 133. 10. Which of the following admit of fractional results : Probs. 14, 15, 18, p. 134; Probs. 24-26, p. 135? 11. Do any of the problems mentioned in Prob. 10 above admit of negative results ? Explain. 12. By a slight change in the wording of Prob. 5 above^ make an equivalent problem whose answer shall be positive. This an- swer should agree with the interpretation of the negative result oriven in Prob. 5. 98] SIMPLE EQUATIONS 148 13. By slightly changing the wording in the last particular case under Prob. 4 above, make an equivalent problem whose answer shall be positive. 14. What principal at c % for t years will earn i dollars simple interest ? By substituting in your answer, find the principal when c = 5, I = 270, i = 3 ; also, when c = 3i, i = 224, t = 8. 15. A father is now m times as old as his son; in p years, the father's age will be n times that of the son. Find the present age of each. Also interpret your result when m is less than n. Is p positive or negative in this case ? 16. Solve the equation of Prob. 2 above for d, and then find the value of d corresponding to p = 12, g = 2, ic = 4. May d be fractional in value ? negative ? Explain. 17. M can do in a days a piece of work which N can do in 6 days. In how many days can they do it when working together ? Use this answer to solve Prob. 43, p. 137. 18. A merchant has two kinds of sugar worth, respectively, a and h cents a pound. How many pounds of each kind must he take to make a mixture of n pounds worth c cents a pound ? 19. How many solutions has Prob. 18 if a = 5 = c? ifa = 6 while c differs from a ? Does the answer to Prob. 18 show these facts [cf. § 41 (iii) and (iv)] ? 20. An alloy of two metals is composed of m parts (by weight) of one to n parts of the other. How many pounds of each of the metals are there in a pounds of the alloy ? 21. A bell made from an alloy of 5 parts (by weight) of tin to 16 of copper, weighs 4200 lb. ; how many pounds of tin and of copper in the bell ? How is Ex. 22 related to Ex. 21 ? 22. At what time between n and n + 1 o'clock will the hands of a clock be together ? By means of your answer write down the answers to Prob. 38, p. 136. 23. At what time between n and w + l o'clock will the hands of a clock be pointing in opposite directions if n is less than 6 ? if n is greater than 6 ? if n equals 6 ? By means of your answer write down the answers to Prob. 40, p. 136. CHAPTER X SIMULTANEOUS SIMPLE EQUATIONS I. TWO UNKNOWN NUMBERS 99. Indeterminate equations. A simple equation in one unknown number has but one solution (i.e., one root, cf. Chapter IX), but an equation that contains two or more un- known numbers has many solutions. E.g., in the equation 3x+2y = 6, which, when solved for y, becomes ^ o ^' b — ox we see that if the values 1, 2, 3, — 1, etc., are assigned to x, then // will take the corresponding values 1, — ^, — 2, 4, etc. That is, this equation is satisfied by the pairs of numbers : a; = 11. x = 2 1. » = 3 1. ^ = -11. ^^^ An equation, such as the one just now considered, which has an infinite number of solutions, is for that reason called an indeterminate equation. EXERCISE LXVm By the method of § 99 find five solutions of each of the fol- lowing equations : 1. a; + 3 2/ = 7. 3. 5 a; + 3?/ = 11. 5. 2^y = 5 + 32;. 2. a; 4- 2/ = 5. 4. 5 m + 2 ti = 15. 6. v — vj — 1. 7. How many solutions has each of the above equations ? Why ? What are such equations called ? 8. How many positive integral solutions (i.e., solutions in which both x and y are positive integers) has the equation 3a; + 22/=ll? Hint. Solve the equation for y, and thus show that x cannot exceed 3. 144 99-100] SIMULTANEOUS SIMPLE EQUATIONS 145 9. By the method of Ex. 8 find four positive integral sohi- tions of the equation 2x-\-y = 9. How many such solutions has this equation ? 10. If possible, find positive integral solutions of the equations in Exs. 1-6 above. Show that the following have no positive integral solutions : 11. 2x-4:y = l. 12. 3x + 6y = 5. 13. 9x-{-3y = 17. 14. Find three solutions of the equation 2x — 5y + Sz = 6', also, three solutions of the equation 2 x + 3y -\-4:Z = 20. 15. A farmer spent $22 in purchasing two kinds of lambs, the first kind costing him $3 each, and the second kind $5 each. How many of each kind did he buy ? Hint. Let X = the number of the first kind, and y = the number of the second kind ; then Sx -\- 5y = 22, where x and y are positive integers. 16. A man spends $300 for cows and sheep costing, respec- tively, $4:5 and $6 a head; how many of each does he buy? 17. In how many ways may a 19-pound package be weighed with 5-pound and 2-pound weights ? 18. How many pineapples at 25 cents each, and watermelons at 15 cents each, can be purchased for $2.15? 19. Divide a line which is 100 feet long into two parts, one of which shall be a multiple of 11 feet, the other of 6 feet. 20. Find the least number which when divided by 4 gives a remainder of 3, but when divided by 5 gives a remainder of 4. 100. Simultaneous equations. Independent equations.* The equations Sx-\-2i/ = 5 and x—2y = l^ have, individually, an infinite number of solutions (cf . § 99) ; they also have 07ie solution, viz., x=3 and «/= —2, in common ; I.e., these values of x and y satisfy each of the given equations. xA set of equations, like those above, having one or more * If time permits, read §§ 137-140, also § 142, in connection with §§ 100-101. This plan will make the definitions, and also the operations, more concrete. 146 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Ch. X solutions in common, is usually called a system of simul- taneous equations. Simultaneous equations are often called consistent equa- tions, while two equations which have no solution in com- mon are called inconsistent equations. Thus, x-\-^ = 4: and 2 a; -f 2 ^ = 9 are inconsistent equations. Two or more equations, no one of which can be derived from the others, are called independent equations. Thus, 3 a?+^ = 11 and 7 x — i/=9 are independent ; but 3 a;-|-^ = ll and 6 a; H- 2 ?/ = 22 are not independent, the second being obtained by multiplying each member of the first by 2. 101. Solving simultaneous equations. The solving of a system of simultaneous equations is the process of finding the solutions which these equations have in common. x-\-y = 4., (1) Ex. 1. Solve the equations , ^ 'x-y = 2. (2) Solution. Adding these two equations, member to member (Ax. 1), gives 2i. = 6, whence x = 3. Substituting this value of x in Eq, (1) gives whence 2/ = 1- Moreover, these numbers, viz., x = S and y = l, when substi- tuted in the given equations, check; therefore they constitute a solution of these equations. 3x-\-2y = 26, (1) Ex. 2. Solve the equations , ^ '5x + 9y = SS. (2) Solution. On multiplying both members of Eq. (1) by 5, and of Eq. (2) by 3, these equations become, respectively, 15aj-f-10i/ = 130, (3) 15ic + 27?/ = 249; (4) and (Ax. 2) subtracting Eq. (3) from Ex. (4) gives 17 2/ = 119, whence y=T, 100-102] SIMULTANEOUS SIMPLE EQUATIONS l-iT Substituting this value of y in any one of the equations con- taining both X and y gives a; = 4; and since these numbers, viz., x = 4 and y = 7, check, therefore they constitute a solution of the given system of equations. 102. Elimination. Any process of deducing from two or more simultaneous equations other equations which contain fewer unknown numbers is called elimination. Such a process eliminates (i.e., gets rid of) one or more of the unknown numbers, and thus makes the finding of a solution easier. That particular plan of elimination which was followed in the examples given in § 101 is known as elimination by addition and subtraction. It is evident, moreover, that this method is applicable to any pair of such equations. The procedure may be formulated thus : (1) Multiply the given equations hy such numbers as will make the coefficient of the letter to he eliminated the same (in absolute value) in both equations. (2) Subtract or add these last two equations (according as the terms to be eliminated have like or unlike signs). (3) Solve the resulting equation for the unknown number which it contains. (4) Substitute that value in any one of the earlier equations and thus find the other unknown number o (5) Check the results. Note. Number (2) above is permissible only because the letters have the same value in both equations (of. § 101). EXERCISE LXIX Solve each of the following systems of equations and check the results : {2x 4. -2/ = 5, g ja; + 3y=ll, H-32/ = 17. ' |3a;-4.y = 7. = 15, = 33, |a;4-2?/ = 9, {2v-\-du 1 2 a; + 2/ = 15, ' [4^ + 9?^ 148 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Ch. X 3a; + 7?/ = 6. [12x-9y = 0. 2x-\-5y=:S, f5s + 6f = 17, 8. ^ _ _ . _ 11. 7 a: + 10 2/ =-17. [6.9 + 5^ = 16. 15 oj + 77 2/ = 92, f 4 m - 15 7i = 32, 9. i 12. ' 5aj-32/=2. [10m-9w = -34. 13. What is meant by saying that two equations are simul- taneous ? consistent? inconsistent? independent? Show the appropriateness of these terms. 14. If in two simultaneous equations the coefficients of the letter to be eliminated are prime to each other (cf. Ex. 11), what is the simplest multiplier for the first equation ? for the second ? Answer the same questions when the coefficients under considera- tion are 7iot prime to each other (cf. Ex. 12). Solve the following systems of equations and check the results : 5p-{-3q=6S, {3m-2n = 7, 15. r. . ' 19. 2^ + 5^ = 69. [4 m — 7w=— 47. 22 .T- 8 ^ = 50, (4r-f 5s=-19, 26x-\-6y = 175. ' [2 r-\-3 s= -10^-^. 15 it- -f 14 ?/ = - 45, f 35 a; - 27 ?/ = - 19, 25 a^ - 21 2/ = - 75. [ 21 2/ -f- 40 a; = 82 18 t^ + 10 V = 59, f 28 a; - 23 y = 33, 18. ; to find r and s. Solution. On multiplying these equations by r (r — 3 s) and 3, respectively, they become r + 4 (r — 3 s) == 16, and r_3_3s = 0; whence (§ 101) r = 4 and s — \. When substituted in the given equations, these values check ; they are, therefore, the solution sought. Ex. 3. Given 1 + 1 = 3 ?-? = ! to find u and v. 162 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Cn. X Solution. Instead of clearing of fractions here, it is better to treat - and - as the unknown numbers ; we may even substi- tute a single letter for each of these unknown fractions. Thus, on substituting x for - and y for -, the given equations u V become x + y = 3, and 2x-3y=l, respectively. Whence x = 2 and y = lf [§103 i.e., whence i = 2and ^ = 1; U V u = ^ and v = l', [§97 and these values are found to check. EXERCISE LXXI Solve the following systems of equations^ and check the results ; eliminate before clearing of fractions when practicable : 4. 7. M=i^' 4 2 3 + 3 ' 2. X y 6 2 6i. -4-^-7 2 + 3" ' 3^4 + 5;2 = -4, 10. 11. ^^ + 5 = 3, X y ?-? = l X y s r ^-? = 7. s r 2r + 3t , ^+6 5 7 2r — bt , r + 7 3 h-2 3 2/^-7 4 = 2, = 1. 3 13-J = 0, 10. 104j BIMULTANEOUS SIMPLE EQUATIONS 153 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 3x-{-2y-\-6_. 4:x-2y ' 3-7.v_2 2ic + l • 8 15 y 20. . 21. . llr 5^ ^o |l2 8=^^- r3 6 _17 2.T"^5.y 40' 7 4 11 2x 5 ;y 120 5x + 16y 3x—4: Sy-2x = 7. n 0, 2w-5 3m-7 2n-3 3m + l r 3a;-2y + | _16 a; -2/ 15 + y — 2a; _g 4a7— 5?/— 2 2a;H-i/-50 = 0, ? = ?l4-3. 4 3 5 + ? = 20, a; y ^ + ^ = 10. a; i/ 3' 2v IV = -3, :|- + - = 23. 2^ w 22. 23 24. 25. 26. -4s + i^-? = 0. 7« 7 |-i(2/-2)=K^-3), ^-i(2/-l)=i(^-2). 0, ^ + ' x-2 3-y x-1 _2y + 11 6 5.5 .2y + .5 ^ .49a;-.7 1.5 4.2 ' .5 a;-. 2 ^41 1.5.^ 1.6 16 11 27. '5« + 6: / + 13_ 3 42/-2 .'K + e 2' 13 1 x—y _ 2i x-y- ■3- . r 1 2 1 4 ?,i + V u — u (4 u -f-v)' -8 v 2 1^ 1 5 1^— V I ^(2^^- -V) 154 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Cii. X 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 7; + i (3 V - w - 1) = J- + f (to - 1), ^(4^ + 3^(;) = 3-V(7^o+24). 2^-x 2 ' ^ - |f^ = ^^ + 3^-^ ^(.^ -g^ ^^^ p ^3^^ s o_5i + 2s,s — 3 2~^-~t::7'"^~2~^ 2t-^s «+l ' 22,. A or A- a; 2 ' 17- -3a; 50 2'- -1 + ^ = 12--^ -2^ 2 16 a; -f 19 3(^-2) = 8?/ + 147 - 24 y U2x I 3^ I ^^ + ^y -31 I 3a; + 4 8t/ + 7 6a;-3.i/ ^^ 4y-9 10 "^2(2/-4) "^ 5 J^, given ; to find X and y. 105. Literal equations. Literal equations may be solved by the methods already employed in solving numerical equations. ax-\-by — c hx -^ky= I Solution. On multiplying the first of these equations by k and the second by b, they become aJcx + hky = cJc, and bhx 4- bky = bl. Subtracting member from member, we obtain akx — bhx = ch — bl^ i.e. , (oik — bh)x = ck — bl\ ck — bl whence ak — bh 104-105] SIMULTANEOUS SIMPLE EQUATIONS ir,5 If we multiply the first of the given equations by h, and the second by a, and subtract, we eliminate x, and find ch — al y = • hh — dk Moreover, these values of x and y check, and are, therefore, a solution of the given equations. EXERCISE LXXII Solve the following systems of equations and check the re- sults ; eliminate without clearing of fractions where practicable : I ax -f hy = m, 1. 2. 3. 4. x + y = c, x — y = d. ax = by, x-{-y = ab. 'y-\-az = 0, by + z=^l. X y + 1-2 = 0, a b ' — ay = 0. a b ^ + JL = a + b. ab ab [Hint. Let s = - and« = ^; a cf. Ex. 3, p. 152]. 7. X y ^4-^ = 1. X y HIGH 8CH. ALG. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. I bx + ay = n. x — y=a — b, ax-\-by = a^ — b^. 0, x-{-y x — y a b X -\-y _ x — y a 1 c 1 b b a b X y c _a X y 1. ax by & bx cy 0? (a + &)aj4-(«+c)2/: = a+6. (a+c)a;4-(a+% = = a-\-c. a; + l a + & + l ^z + l^a-ft + l' x-y=^2b. 'hx + lcy = 4.h\ 1 . 1 _ h x—k y — h k(y — h) 11 150 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBllA [Cii. X 16. Under what circumstances has Ex. 8 above no finite solu- tion ? Explain [cf. § 41 (iii)]. Answer this question with regard to Ex. 9 also ; and with regard to Ex. 3. II. THREE OR MORE UNKNOWN NUMBERS 106. Equations containing more than two unknown num- bers. The methods already emploj^ed in the solution of systems of equations containing two unknown numbers (§§ 101-105) are easily extended to systems containing three or more iinknoAvn numbers. Thus, to solve the system of equations r a^ + 32/-« = 5, (1) 3a^-j-62/ + 2^ = 3, (2) [2x-3y-2z=^e>, (3) we first eliminate some one of the unknown numbers, say 2;, between (1) and (2), then eliminate the same unknown number between (1.) and (3); in this way we obtain two new equations, each containing the two unknown numbers x and y. On solving these two equations we find x and y, and substituting their values in (1) we find z, which completes the solution of the given system. r x + ?.y- z = r,, (1) Ex. 1. Given \Zx + (Sy -{-2z = ^, (2) [2x-^y-3z=:Q', (3) to find X, 2/, and z. SOLUTION Adding 2 times Eq. (1) to Eq. (2), member to member, gives 5x + 12y = l^, (4) and subtracting Eq. (3) from 3 times Eq. (1) gives a^-fl2y = 9. (5) Now subtracting Eq. (5) from Eq. (4) gives 4 a! = 4, whence x — 1. On substituting this value of x in Eq. (5), we obtain 2/ = |; and, with these values of x and y in Eq. (1), we obtain z = — 2. Moreover, these values of x, y, and z check ; therefore they constitute a solution of the given system of equations. lOo-luej SIMULTANEOUS SIMPLE EQUATIONS 157 Note. Had the given system coiisisttd of four equations, containing four unknown numbers, the same method of solution would still have sufficed. For, by eliminating- some one of the unknown numbers, say x, between (1) and (2), (1) and (3), and (1) and (4) in turn, we should have obtained a system of three equations containing the remaining three unknown numbers, which could then have been solved as in Ex. 1. And the vakies of these three unknown numbers, being substituted in any one of the given equations, would have determined the value of the remaining unknown number. Similarly, a system consisting of five equations containing five unknown numbers can, by eliminating some one of these, be made to depend upon a system of four equations in four unknown numbers ; and so in general (see also § 107). (2x-3y-2z==-l, (1) Ex. 2. Given 1 3 .« + 2; = 6, (2) l-c-\-y + z = S; (3) to find the values of x, y, and z. SoLUTiox. Since the second of these equations is already free from the unknown number y, therefore it is best to combine Eqs. (1) and (3) so as to eliminate y, and thus obtain another equation involving only x and z. On adding Eq. (1) to three times Eq. (3) we obtain 6x + z='6, (4) and on subtracting Eq. (2) from Eq. (4), we obtain 2a? = 2, whence a; = l. (5) On substituting this value of x in Eq. (2), we obtain 2^=3; and on substituting these two values in Eq. (3), we obtain Moreover, these values of x, y, and z, viz., 1,-1, and 3, check, and therefore constitute a solution of the given equations. EXERCISE LXXIH Solve each of the following systems of equations: (2x-\- 3 // + 4 :^ = 20, Ux-y-z = 5, 3. J3.r + 4//-f-r);^ = 26, 4. hx-Ay-\-16 = 6z, [3x + oy-}-(Jz = 'Sl. [3y + 2(z — l) = x. 158 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Cii. X 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 7x + 3y-2z = W, 2x-^5y-\-Sz = 3d, 5x — y-\-5z = 31. 5x — 6y-\-4:Z = lo, 7x-\-Ay-3z = 19, 2x-\-y-^6z = 4.6. 2x-{-Ay-\-5z = 19, -3x-\-5y-{-7z = S, Sx-3y-\-5z = 23. 5x-{-6y-12z = 5, 2x-2y-6z = -l, 4:X — 5y + 3z = 7^. y^z-S6 = 72-5x, 93-ix-ly = ^^y-2z, ix-^ly-\-lz = 5S. ix-{-ly = 12-iz, iy + lz==8-\-lx, 2x-5y-\-19 = 0, 3y-4:Z + 7 = 0, 2z-5x-2 = 0. 5 4"^5~ ' 4 3^2 X y 1 + 1 = 8. 2 a; 10, 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. .S 2 1 X y z 1+^=1. x + z = 3a-\-h, x-\-3y = ^c, y-{-2z = x, y-{-z=^x-2d. s + e/i+l'j^o, X yj 0, u-3(!.l)=.. a^y ^1 x-\-y a yz 1 5-2(1 + 1 y ^ 19. 2/ + 2; 5' xz _\ x-{-z c [Hint. If ^^ = 1, then x + y a xy y X (2v-{-Sx + y-z = 0, 3y-2x-\-z-4:V = 21, 2z — 3v — y-\-x = 6, v+4:X-^2y-3z = 12. IOC] SIMULTANEOUS SIMPLE EQUATIONS 159 20. v-}-y + z = 17, V -\-x + z = 16. Hint. Adding these equations and dividing the sum by 3 gives 'y-\-z-\-v — x = 22, z-\-v-^x — y = lS, V -\- X -{- y — z =14:, x + y-\-z — v = 10. 21. 22. 23. y-\-z — Zx = 2a, z-v-3y = 2b, y-\-x — 3z = 2cy l2v-{-2y =a-b. (3u-\-5v-2x + Sz = 2, 2u-{-4:X-3y — z = 3, u-{-v-\-z = 2, (Sy-\-4iV + u = 2y 5 2; H- 4 a; — 7 v = 0. PROBLEMS [Leading to simultaneous equations in two or more unknown numbers.] 1. Find two numbers whose difference is 3^5 of their sum, and such that 5 times the smaller minus 4 times the larger is 39. SOLUTION Let and Then, by the conditions of the problem X = the larger number, ?/ = the smaller number. x-y = ~35"' and 5 y — 4 aj = 39. Solving these equations, we obtain X = 54: and y = 51 ; and these numbers, which constitute a solution of the equations of the prob- lem, also satisfy the problem itself, and are, therefore, the numbers sought. 2. Find two numbers snch that 3 times the greater exceeds twice the less by 29, and twice the greater exceeds 3 times the less by 1. 3. A lady purchased 20 yd. of gingham, and 50 yd. of linen, for $ 29 ; she could have purchased 30 yd. of gingham, and 20 of linen, for $ 16. What was the price of each material ? 4. If A's money were increased by $ 4000, he would have twice as much as B. If B's money were increased by $5500, he would have 3 times as much as A. How much money has each ? ir>o UIGIl SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Ch. X 5. One eleventh of A's age is greater by 2 years than 1- of B's, and twice B's age equals what A's age was 13 years ago. Find the present age of each. 6. ABC represents a triangle whose perimeter is 82 inches. If AB = BC and 7 5(7= 17 AC, find the length of each side of the triangle. 7. A man having $45 to distribute among a group of children, finds that he lacks $1 of being able to give $ 3 to each girl and $ 1 to each boy, but that he has just enough to give $2.50 to each girl and $1.50 to each boy. How many boys and how many girls are there in this group ? 8. John said to James, " Give me 8 cents and I shall have as much as you have left." James said to John, " Give me 16 cents and I shall have 4 times as much as you have left." How much money had each ? C 9. ABCD represents a flower bed in which BC = ^ AB. If the perimeter of the bed is 40 feet, find the length of each of its sides. 10. A pound of tea and 6 lb. of sugar together cost $ .96 ; if sugar were to advance 50%, and tea 10%, then 2 lb. of tea and 12 lb. of sugar would cost $2.28. Find the present price of tea, and also of sugar. 11. A grain dealer sold to one customer 5 bushels of wheat, 2 of corn, and 3 of rye, for $6.60; to another, 2 of wheat, 3 of corn, and 5 of rye, for $5.80; and to another, 3 of wheat, 5 of corn, and 2 of rye, for $5.60. What was the price per bushel of each kind of grain ? 12. The perimeter of the triangle CDE is 68 in. ; four times CE equals CD increased by four times DE, while twice CE equals DE increased by twice CD. How long is each side of the triangle? 106] SIMULTANEOUS SIMPLE EQUATIONS 161 13. Divide 800 into three parts such that the first, plus -J- of the second, plus |- of the third, shall equal the second, plus f of the first, plus J of the third : each of these sums being 400. 14. Divide 90 into three parts such that ^ of the first, plus -| of the second, plus i of the third, shall be 30 ; while the first part increased by twice the second shall equal twice the third. 15. A boy spent $ 4.10 for oranges, buying some at the rate of 2 for 5 cents, some at 3 for 10 cents. Later he sold all at 4 cents apiece, thereby clearing $ 1.58. How many of each kind did he buy ? 16. If a certain rectangular floor were 2 ft. broader and 3 ft. longer, its area would be increased by 64 sq. ft. ; but if it were 3 ft. broader and 2 ft. longer, its area would be increased by 68 sq. ft. Find its length and breadth. 17. Three rectangles are equal in area ; the second is 6 meters longer and 4 meters narrower than the first, and the third is 2 meters longer and 1 meter narrower than the second. What are the dimensions of each ? 18. The sum of the ages of a father and son will be doubled in 25 years ; the difference of their ages 20 years hence will just equal ^ of their sum at that time. Find the present age of each. 19. A merchant sold to Mrs. A. 2 yd. of cambric, 4 of silk, and 3 of flannel, for $5.05, and to Mrs. B., 4 yd. of cambric, 5 of flannel, and 2 of silk, for $4.30. If 2 yd. of flannel cost 10 cents more than 2 yd. of cambric and -J yd. of silk combined, find the price of each per yard. 20. The tickets to a concert were 50 cents for adults and 35 cents for children. If the proceeds from the sale of 100 tickets were $39.50, how many tickets of each kind were sold ? Solve this problem also by using but one letter to represent an unknown number. 21. Find three numbers such that the sum of the reciprocals of the first and second is y\, the sum of the reciprocals of the first and third is -f-g, and the sum of the reciprocals of the second and third is ||. 162 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Cii. X 22. The sum of the reciprocals of three numbers is 34 ; the re- ciprocal of the second minus that of the third equals 4 ; the sum of 3 times the reciprocal of the first and twice the reciprocal of the second is less by 1 than 5 times the reciprocal of the third. Find the three numbers. 23. In a certain two-digit number which equals 8 times the sum of its digits, the tens' digit exceeds 3 times the units' digit by 1. Find the number. 24. The sum of the digits of a two-digit number is 12, and if the digits are interchanged, the number thus formed will lack 12 of being twice the original number. What is the number ? 25. The sum of the digits of a 3-digit number is 11 ; the double of the second digit exceeds the sum of the first and third by 1, and if the first and second digits are interchanged, the number will be diminished by 90. What is the number ? 26. The third digit of a 3-digit number is as much larger than the second as the second is larger than the first ; if the number is divided by the sum of its digits, the quotient is 15 ; and the number will be increased by 396 if the order of its digits is reversed. What is the number ? 27. A capitalist invested ^4000, part at 5%, part at 4%, and found that his annual income from this investment was ^175. How much was invested at 5 %, and how much at 4 % ? Solve this problem also by using only one unknown letter. 28. A capitalist invested A dollars, part at p %, part at q%, and found that his annual income from this investment was B dollars. How much was invested at p % ? at g % ? Show that this problem includes Prob. 27 as a special case. 29. Divide the number N into two such parts that 1/m of the first part, plus l/^i of the second, shall exceed the first part by M. Specialize this problem, and find the solution of the special problem by substituting in the general solution. 30. Three cities. A, B, and C, are situa,ted at the vertices of a triangle ; the distance from A to C by way of B is 50 miles, from A to B by way of C is 70 miles, and from B to C by way of A is 60 miles. How far apart are these cities ? (Make diagram.) 106] SIMULTANEOUS SIMPLE EQUATIONS 163 31. In the triangle ABC, AB = 12 inches, BC = 10 inches, BE^BF, FC=GG, AG = 4.iBF. If the perimeter of the triangle is 42, find AG, AE, BE, FC. 32. A quantity of water which is just sufficient to fill three jars of different sizes, will fill the smallest jar exactly 4 times ; or the largest jar twice, with 4 gallons to spare; or the second jar 3 times, with 2 gallons to spare. Find the capacity of each jar. 33. Two men, A and B, rowed a certain distance, alternating in the work ; A rowed at a rate sufficient to cover the entire distance in 10 hours, while B's rate would require 14. If the journey was completed in 12 hours, how long did each row ? 34. Two boys, A and B, run a race of 400 yards, A giving B a start of 20 seconds and winning by 50 yards. On running this race again. A, giving B a start of 125 yards, wins by 5 seconds. What is the speed of each ? Generalize this problem. 35. If A and B can do a certain piece of work in 10 days, A and C in 8 days, and B and C in 12 days, how long will it take each to do the work alone ? 36. A and B together can build a wall in 5^^ days; being unable to work at the same time, A works 5 days, then B takes up the work, finishing it in 6 days more. In how many days could each have built the wall alone ? Generalize this problem. 37. A man can row m miles downstream in c hours and m miles upstream in d hours; what is his rate of rowing in still water, and what is the rate of the current ? 38. From the solution of Prob. 37 find the solution of the special problem in which m = 6, c = 1^, d = 4. 39. Two trains whose respective lengths are 1200 feet and 960 feet run on parallel tracks; when moving in opposite directions, the trains pass each other in 24 seconds ; when moving in the same direction, each at the same rate as before, the faster passes the slower in 1^ minutes. Find the rate of each train. 164 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Ch. X 40. Two trains are scheduled to leave the cities A and B, m miles apart, at the same time, and to meet in h hours ; but, the train from A being a hours late in starting, and running at its regular rate, the trains met k hours later than the scheduled time. What is the rate at which each train runs ? 41. From the solution of Prob. 40 iind the sohition of the special problem in which m = 800, /i = 10, a = If , and k = Jq. 42. A train was scheduled to make a certain run at a uniform speed. After traveling 2 hours it was delayed 1 hour by an accident, after which it proceeded at -y- its usual rate and arrived ^ hour late. Had the accident occurred 36 miles farther on, the train would have been 36 minutes late. Find the usual rate of the train and the entire distance traveled. 43. Two boats which are d miles apart will meet in a hours if they sail toward each other, and the second will overtake the first in b hours if they sail in the same direction. Find the respective rates at which these boats sail. Also discuss fully your solution, i.e., interpret the results (cf. Prob. 4, p. 141). 44. Find an expression of the form ax^ -\-bx-\-c whose value is 6 when x = 2, 3 when x= —1, and 10 when a? = 4. Hint. 4 a + 2b + c is the value of ax^ + bx -\-c when x = 2 ; therefore, 4a+26 + c = 6, etc. 45. Find an expression of the form ax^ + &x + c whose value is 7 when x = S,9 when x= —1, and 17 when x = — 5. 46. Find an expression of the form ax^ + bx^ -\- ex -\-d which equals — 16 when x= —1,-4 when x = l, — 43 when x = — 2, and — 100 when x= — 3. 47. Of three alloys, the first contains 35 parts of silver, to 5 of copper, to 4 of tin ; the second, 28 parts of silver, to 2 of copper, to 3 of tin ; and the third, 25 parts of silver, to 4 of copper, to 4 of tin. How many ounces of each of these alloys melted together will form 600 oz. of an alloy consisting of 8 parts of silver, to 1 of copper, to 1 of tin ? 10(5-107] SIMULTANEOUS SIMPLE EQUATIONS 1()5 48. If Prob. 47 demanded merely that the alloy should contain 8 parts of silver to 1 of copper (without specifying the amount of tin), how many ounces of each of the given alloys would then be required ? Why is this problem indeterminate (of. § 107) ? 107.* Determinate and indeterminate systems of equations. As we have already seen, a system containing as many inde- pendent equations as unknown numbers, can always be solved, i.e., the unknown numbers can be determined (§§ 101-106). Such a system is, therefore, a determinate system. On the other hand, a system in which there are fewer inde- ])eudent equations than unknown numbers is an indeterminate system. It is easy to show that this statement — already seen to be true in the case of a single equation containing two un- known numbers (§ 99) — is true generally. Thus, suppose we have three equations containing four unknown numbers. By regarding one of these numbers temporarily as kuown, we can solve the given equations for the other three ; i.e., we can express any three of the four unknown numbers in terms of the fourth. To every assigned value, therefore, of this fourth un- known number, there corresponds a set of values of the other three (cf. § 99) ; hence the system is indeterminate. Again, there can never be in a system more independent equa- tions than there are unknown numbers. For, if that were possible, suppose there are three independent equations, viz., ax-{-hy = c, (1) hx+jy^k, (2) and Zfl? -f my = n. (3) containing but two unknown numbers, x and y. On solving (1) and (2) we obtain cj — bk -, ch — ak X = -^ and y = , aj — bh ' bh — aj and on substituting these values for x and y in (3), we obtain \aj — bh) \bh — qjj * This article may be omitted till the subject is reviewed. 166 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA ICu. X i.e., the known numbers of these equations are not independent (n, for example, is expressed in terms of a, b, c, Z, etc.), hence the given equations are themselves not independent. REVIEW EXERCISE-CHAPTERS VI-X Find the H. C. F. and also the L. C. M. of: 1. 6a^ + 13a;-5 and3a^ + 2a.'2-f 2a;-l. 2. 12a^-29a; + 14and8a.-2-30 + 6a;*-f-lla^ + 33a;. 3. Chanere '^ ^^~ to an equal fraction whose denomi- nator is 24 a? — 6 a^x^ ; also to an equal fraction whose numerator is 1 — 10 ay — 5 a + 2 y. Simplify : go;'" — bx'^"^''- 1 + x l + o^ ** a^ftic-dV * „ 1 + aJ- 1+a^ l-hx^ 1 + a^ 5. 4a^ 6xy-\-9y^ . Sa^-27f r^«I-^)_yAp-l) ^ 4^ ^4 _ ^ _ J ,^.2 _|_ ^, _j_ g 4 ic^ — 6 ict/ 1^1 1 10. (a-6)(6-c) (c-6)(c-d) {d-c)(b-a) k-1 1-k (]c - l)(k -m)(n- Tc) (I -k){n- k){k -p) 11. Why may a term be transposed from one member of an equation to the other by merely changing its sign ? 12. When are equations conditional ? identical ? integral ? fractional ? literal ? numerical ? indeterminate ? Illustrate each of your answers. Solve, and check as the teacher directs : 13. 3a;2_5i»-12 = 0. 2 -\- x ^ 19 14. 6m2-13m = -6. ' 2-a;~ 21 107] SIMULTANEOUS SIMPLE EQUATIONS 167 16. 1---^ 3^ 2s 3s X a 17 = a-\-b. 19. {x-2y+(x+oy=(x + 7y. 20. 7x + 5fl-^^ = a(x-a). 3 2 ic a 18. 6x'-\-7x^-20a^ = 0. y — 4: ?/ — 6 _ y — 5 _ y_ 21. + 8v 2vH-5 2v-5 25-4^2 22. 2/-5 2/-7 2/-6 2/-8 23. (a? — a)(a — & + c) = (icH-a)(6 — a + c). 24. Show that while 2 is a root of the integral equation which results from clearing — ^ + — rr- = 8 H of fractions, x-^o {x + 5)(x-2) x-2 it is not a root of the given fractional equation. How could we avoid introducing this extraneous root ? 25. Form the equations whose roots are: 2,-9; — 3|-, 4; I, f ; -2a, -6a; 1,3,-7; l-c,c-l. 26. When are two equations equivalent ? inconsistent ? simul- taneous ? independent ? Illustrate each of your answers. 27. Explain the term '^ elimination" as applied to simultaneous equations, and outline three methods of elimination. Solve the following systems ; check as the teacher directs : 28. 29. 7-2a; ^3 5-37/ 2' y — x = 4:. 2x- y = 4, 31. 32. 30. 32, + ^ = 9. 1 + 1-1 X y 4 33. 1_ 12 5 ahx -\-2y = 166, 3 a5a.' + 4 ?/ = 18 6. a 6 3a 66 3 y — z x-\-z 1 2 4 '2' x—y x—z — 5 6 '-'> ?/ 4- 2; _ a) 4- ?/ 4 2 -4. 168 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Ch. X 34. If asi^ -\-hx-\-c becomes 8, 22, 42, respectively, when a; becomes 2, 3, 4, what will it become when x becomes — \ ? 35. The sum of two numbers is 5760, and their difference is \ of the greater. Find the numbers. 36. What number added to its reciprocal gives 5.2 ? 37. It takes 2000 square tiles of a certain size to pave a hall, or 3125 square tiles whose dimensions are 1 inch less. Find the area of the hall floor. How many solutions has the equation of this problem ? How many has the problem itself ? 38. Divide the number a into two parts such that the second part shall equal n increased by m times the first part. 39. What number must be added to m and to n in order that the first sum divided by the second shall equal p/q ? What does your answer become when p = q"} What does this indicate (1) when m = n, (2) when m and n are unequal ? 40. In order to build a new clubhouse, a country club assessed each of its 200 members a certain sum ; later an increase of 50 in the membership reduced the individual assessments by ^10. Find the cost of the proposed house. 41. At what time between 3 and 4 o'clock is the minute-hand 25 minute spaces ahead of the hour-hand ? 42. The freezing point of Avater is marked 0° on a Centigrade thermometer, and 32° above zero on a Fahrenheit thermometer. If 100° Centigrade = 180° Fahrenheit, find the reading on a Centi- grade thermometer corresponding to 68° Fahrenheit. (Make a diagram of each scale.) 43. State and solve the general problem of which Prob. 42 is a particular case. By substitution in the formula thus obtained express in the Centigrade scale the following Fahrenheit readings : 44°; 212°; -10°; 0°. 44. A man rows a boat with the tide 8 miles in If hr. and returns against a tide 1 as strong in 4 hr. What is the rate of the stronger tide ? At what rate does the man row in still water ? 107] REVIE]r EXEliCISE 169 45. A man selling eggs to a grocer counted them out of his basket 4 at a time and had 1 e^^ left over ; the grocer counted them into his box 5 at a time and there were 3 left over. If the man had between 6 and 7 dozen eggs, how many must there have been (cf. § 99) ? 46. Of two wheelmen, A and B, A starts c hours in advance of B, and travels at the rate of a miles in h hours, while B follows at the rate of p miles in q hours. How far will A travel before he is overtaken by B ? Under what conditions is this solution positive ? negative ? zero ? infinite ? Interpret the result in each case. CHAPTER XI INVOLUTION AND EVOLUTION I. INVOLUTION 108. Introductory. For the meaning of the words hase^ exponent^ and power ^ as used in algebra, see §§9, 30, and 36. The process of raising a number or expression to any given power is called involution. In this chapter, as in the earlier treatment of powers, we shall use only positive integers as exponents. Later on (Chapter XVI), however, we shall find it advantageous to employ such symbols as aP^ a~^^ and or also, and we shall then assign suitable meanings to such symbols. 109. Even powers, odd powers, powers of fractions, etc. A power of any given number is called even or odd according as its exponent is even or odd. From the law of signs given in § 18 it follows that : (1) All integral powers of a positive number are positive. (2) All even integral powers of a negative number are positive. (3) All odd integral powers of a negative number are negative. And from § 83 (i) [cf. also Ex. 30, p. 121], it follows that a^ fmY w* . J5' [nJ^V''- Let pupils fully explain each of the above statements: 170 108-110] INVOLUTION AND EVOLUTION 171 EXERCISE LXXIV 1. Answer again questions 18-20 on p. 39. 2. Write that power whose base is k and whose exponent is m — 3. Are there any limitations here on the value of A;? on the value of m? 3. From the definition of an exponent show that a^ • ar^ = a^. Also that 2^. 2. 22 = 2^ 4. For what values of n between 1 and 10 is (—3)" • (— S)^" positive ? Explain. 5. Show that an even power of a negative number is positive. 6. How is a fraction raised to a power (of. Ex. 30, p. 121) ? Illustrate your answer. Simplify each of the following expressions : 8. (-!!)■■ - (-drj 110. Exponent laws. The following formulas state what are known as the exponent laws. The bases (<2, 5, and c) stand for any numbers or algebraic expressions whatever, but the exponents are positive integers. (i) First exponent law. a"" - a"" = a"*+«. [§ 30 For, just as a^ • a^ = (a • a • a) • (a • a) = a^ i.e., «^+2. so, too, a^ ' a" =: (^a ' a ' a '" to m factors)(a - a • a ••• to n factors) = a ' a • a '•• to (m + n) factors Similarly, a"^ - a"" - a^ = o^^^'-^p. HIGH SCU. ALG. — 12 172 BIGH SCHOOL ALGKhRA [Cn. XI (ii) Second exponent law. (a'"y — a"***. For, just as {aF)'^ = {a - a ■ a^ = (^a ' a ' a^ ' (^a ' a ' a) = a^, i.e.^ a^'2; so, too, (^a'^y = (a - a ' a ••' to m factors)** = a • a • a • • • to mn factors (iii) Third exponent law. a^ - b^ = (aby. For, just as a^ • b^ = a • a ■ a - b - b -h = ab • ab ' ab ^(aby; so, too, a"b^ = (^a • a • a ••' to n factors) - (b - b • b -" to n factors) — ab ' ab • ab "• to n factors = iaby. Similarly, a^^c"" = (obey. (iv) Fourth exponent law. a'" -r- a" = a""-". [§ 80 This law is an immediate consequence of (i) above, and of the definition of division (§ 8), for since therefore a"» ^ a" = «"*"". EXERCISE LXXV Simplify, and explain your work in each case : 7. (-5a)2. 9. (IT^S^)^ ^ \2 11. ' ^ 1. a'h^ ' ah\ 2. 3A-(- 2a?f). 3. a ' 0? ' gC ■a'. 4. 5. ccPe 6. {x'zy. m- 12. X'^ ' oc^. 13. X"" -T-Olf. 14. (x-y. 15. (2x'"'y, 16. s« . s^. 17. V^ ' V^ ' v^. 18. c^r 110-111] INVOLUTION AND EVOLUTION - (-ir' - m. - C-^J- - (5T- - c^; 21. (H^)*. 22. (-c)2- 25. (,,,•.->)'. ^^ r.„_ 26. (5 »•")». • H^a + 173 Write the following as powers of products [cf. law (iii) above] : 30. /i%2. 33. o?if. 36. a' • (2 6)»^. 31. r^s¥. 34. a^2/*- 37. 3* • ( - m)^ • (?i/. 32. c^d^ 35. — 2» . 3^ 38. ir-" • /« • 2^". 39. What does a represent in the proofs of § 110 ? May it rep- resent a polynomial as well as a number ? 40. Translate the first exponent law (§ 110) into verbal lan- guage (cf. § 30). 41. Translate the second, third, and fourth exponent laws into verbal language. 42. Is (a • 6 • cf equal to a^ • 6^ • c^ ? Is (a + 6 -f c -h df equal to a'- -f ^^ + c^ + c^^ ? Explain your answers. 43. Is [(-2)3]2 equal to [(-2)^^? Why? Is (a^)* equal to {xy^ Why? 111. Powers of binomials. We have already seen (§§ 52 and 57) that and (a + hy = a^-\-^a%^2>ah'^ + h^. These powers (expansions) were obtained by direct multi- plication, and the higher powers may, of course, be obtained in the same way. Thus, (a + 6)4 = ^4 4. 4 ^35 ^ 6 ^252 + 4 aJ3 4. 54^ (a -f 6)5 = ^5 + 5 a^i + 10 ^352 4. 10 aW 4- 5 aft* _|_ js^ (a 4- 6)6 = ^6 4. (3 ^56 4. 15 ^4^2+ 20 a%^+ 15 ^254 4. 5 ^554. je, etc. 174 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Ch. XI The following questions may serve to bring out the strik- ing similarity of these expansions : 1. How does the exponent of the first term in each ex- pansion compare with that of the corresponding binomial ? 2. How, in each expansion, does the exponent of a change as we pass from term to term toward the right ? 3. In which term of each expansion does b first appear ? How does the exponent of b change from term to term ? 4. How many terms in each expansion? What is the sign of each term ? 5. What coefficient has the first term of each expansion ? the second term ? 6. Multiply the coefficient of any term in any of the ex- pansions by the exponent of a in that term, and divide this product by the number of the term ; how does this quotient compare with the coefficient of the next term ? 7. Assuming that the expansion of (a + by is similar in form to the expansion of (a + ^)^ (a+i)^ etc., complete the statement : (a + 5)8 = a8 + 8 a^b + 28 a%^ + .... 112. Binomial theorem, (i) The answers to the first six questioHS in § 111, when combined, may be expressed sym- bolically thus : (a + by = a--\-'^ a^-'b + ^(f -^) a"-2^,2 ^ "^ 1 1.2 1 . ^ . o This formula, which was discovered by the celebrated English mathematician Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727), is called the binomial theorem; its correctness is proved in §§ 206-207. 111-112] INVOLUTION AND EVOLUTION 175 (ii) Since a — 5 = aH-(— 5), therefore (a_5)3=[a+(-*)]3=«H3a2(-5) + 3a(-6)2 + (-6)3' ?'.e., (a — by differs from (a + b^ only in having the signs of its even terms negative. So also for other powers of a — b, ^.e., (a -by=a^-^ a^-'b + ^i(!L:^^«-2j2 1.2.3 « ^ + • EXERCISE LXXVI Write down the expansions of the following binomials : 1. (a + xy. 5. {a-\-cy. 9. (m2 + 6)3. 2. (mH-f)^ 6. (i» + 2/)*. 10. {m-\-hy. 3. (1* + ?;)^ 7. (2/ + ;^)'. 11. (m^+fty. 4. (p + g)'. 8. {k-\-iy. 12. (m2 + 63)6^ 13. Expand each of the following expressions : (x-\-yy, (^+2/)^ and (x + yy ; then multiply the first two expanded forms together and thus verify that (x -\- yY • {x -\- yy = (a; + yy. 14. What terms in the expansion of {c — dy are negative? Why? 15. Write the first five terms of (s — 2 ty and simplify your result (cf. Ex. 3, p. 71). 16. How many terms are there in the expansion of (m-f-?iy? How many in (a — by ? How many in (3 s — 2 ty ? Write each of the following expressions in its expanded form : 17. (k-cy. 23. (4c + ^')'. 29. {v'-2y. 18. (r — sy. 24. (mii. — rsy. 30. (2 xy — ly. 19. (m — ny. 25. (ab + cdy. 31. (c + a)». 20. (c4-dy«. 26. (3a2 + c«(^)^ 32. (2 771+3)1 21. (x' + yy. 27. (A;4-l)'. 33. (2 -3 0-2^)5. 22. (2r-ay. 28. (^^-2)^ 34. (2-a'by. 176 HiGn SCHOOL algebea [Ch. xi 35. (.r-.9vy. gg_ fr-'lW 40- [.ci + (b + c)J. 36. (2xy^-\-x'yy. V ^^ 41. (c + d + e)^ 37. fa-j-fl] . 39. - + - • ^ ^ ^ V a?; V« V 43. (2a^-m-l)^ 44. Write the first four terms of (a + x)'-^ ; the first three terms of (a; — y)^ ; the first three terms of (2 ax — 3 k^y. II. EVOLUTION 113. Definitions. Here, as in arithmetic, by the square root of any given number we mean a number whose square equals the given number. Thus, since T^ = 49, therefore 7 is a square root of 49. Similarly, the third or cube root of a number is a number whose third power equals tlie given number. Roots are usually indicated by the radical sign ( V)i which is a modification of the letter r, the initial letter of the Latin word radix, meaning root. A small figure, called the index of the root, is written in the opening of the radical sign to indicate the particular root to be extracted. When no index is written, the index is understood to be 2. U.g., -yja indicates the second or square root of a, (1) -^a indicates the third or cube root of a, (2) and -y/a indicates the seventh root of a, (3) and, in general, ya means the rith root of a, t.e., i^ay = a. (4) An indicated root is said to be an even root or an odd root according as its index is an even or an odd number. The process of finding a root of any given number is called evolution ; it is the inverse of involution (cf. § 108). Note. In practice the radical sign is usually combined with a vinculum (§ 11) to indicate clearly just how much of the expression following the radi- cal sign is to be affected by that sign ; thus \/9 + 16 means tlie square root of the sum of 9 and 16, while VO + 16 indicates that 16 is to be added to the square root of 9. 112-115] INVOLUTION AND EVOLUTION 177 114. Law of signs of roots. From the definition of root (§ 113), and from § 109, it follows that : 1. An odd root of any number has the same sign as the number itself. Thus, V8 = 2, and V— 8 = — 2, because 23=8 and (-2)3= -8. 2. An even root of a positive number has two opposite values, i.e.^ one positive, the other negative. Th us, VSl = + 3 or— 3, since (+ 3)* = (— 3)*= 81. Instead of writing V81 = -f 3 or — 3, we usually write V81 = ± 3 ; this expres- sion is read, ''The fourth root of 81 equals plus or minus 3." 3. An even root of a negative number is neither a positive nor a negative number. Thus, V— 9 is neither + 3 nor —3, since ( -f 3)2 = ( - 3 )2 = + 9, and not - 9. Note. Such indicated roots as V— 9 are called imaginary numbers (cf. §§ 146, 164) ; all other numbers are, for distinction, called real numbers. To provide for such roots as V— 9 we must again extend the number system, just as we did when subtractions like 3 — 8 first presented themselves (cf . Chap. II). 115. Roots of monomials. If a monomial is an exact power, the corresponding root can usually be written down by inspection. E.g.y f=±3xy, because (+3 ay'y'y=(-Sxyy=9xY', i/-32x'^ = - 2 x% because (-2x'y = -32 x''; ^ = 2^^ because f2^Y = 8™\ EXERCISE LXXVII 1. What is meant by the square root of a number ? Are both 5 and — 5 square roots of 25 ? Why ? 2. What are the square roots of 64 ? the fourth roots of 16 ? Why ? If a is any ecen root of a number, then — a also is a root (with the same index) of that number, — explain, 178 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Ch. XI 3. What is the cube root of 27 ? of - 27 ? of 64 ? of -64 ? Explain. How does -^32 compare with V— 32 ? 4. How does the sign of an odd root of a number compare with the sign of the number itself ? Why ? Answer these questions for an even root also. 5. Give the cube of each integer between 1 and 7. Name the cube root of : - 8 ; 1000 ; - 1728 ; - f 7 . ii5 . _ 216 ; 8000. 6. What is the sign of any even power of a positive or negative number? Can, then, an even root of a negative number be positive ? negative ? Illustrate your answer. 7. Is — 13 a square root of 169 ? Why ? Is 5 as^ the cube root of 125 aV ? Why ? How can you tell whether one given number is a square root of another given number? a fifth root? 8. How do we find the exponents in the cube root of 8 o}^y?'}f ? in the 4th root of a%^h' ? in the 6th root of m^^^^ ? in the nth root of a^^n^in 9 Explain. Find the following indicated roots, and check your answers. Also, tell which are even and which are odd roots, and name the index in each case : 9. Va'6V^ 16. V128a^^6i^. 3/ 21^ &d}'' 22. 343 (c-df 10. Vl6aV2/^ 17 3 125.=2k = 4s C. D. =2^ + w=4s-7<5 - 2«.s'«' + 49 «6 - 28 st^ + 49 ^ = (2 A: + m) w Checks : (1) Square 2 s — 7 f, or (2) substitute special values for s and t (gL § 25). Ex. 2. Find the square root of 9 x^ -\- 6 x^ — 11 x^ — 4: x -{- 4. Solution. At any stage of the process of finding this root, let k represent the term or terms already known, and let ii represent the next term ; then 9x^-{-6x^ — lla^ — 4:X-\-4: contains k^-{-2ku-\- \C\ [§ h^ Here the first term of the root is 3 a^, i.e., k = 3x^, and the next term (u) may be found as in Ex. 1, thus : 9x*+6a;3-llx2-4x+4 I 3 y.2 + X - 2 k^ = (3 a;2)2 = 9x4 T. D. = 2 ^• = 6 a;2 C.I).= 2k-{- u = 6x^ + x T.B. = 2k* = 6x^ + 2x C. D. = 2 A; + u = 6x^ + 2X-2 (5 x3 - 1 1 x2 - 4 X + 4 y3 + .7:2 = (2 A: + it) u 12x2 -4x + 4 12 x2 - 4 X + 4 = (2 k*-h n) u Checks : (1) Square Sx'-{-x-2', or (2) use § 25. Note 1. Before applying the process of Exs, 1 and 2 a polynomial should be arranged according to ascending or descending powers of one of its letters. Note 2. Exs. 1 and 2 show how to find the square root of a polynomial which is an exact square ; i.e., if the above process is continued until a zero remainder is reached, then the square of the root thus found will be the given polynomial. If, however, the same process is applied to a polynomial which is not an exact square, then as many root terras as desired may be found, and the square of this root, at any stage of the work, equals the result of subtracting the corresponding remainder from the given polynomial ; such a root is called an approximate root, and also the root to n terms. * Here k represents 3 x2 + x, and u represents — 2. Observe also that the first and second subtractions in this solution are together equivalent to the subtraction of (3 x2 + x)2 from the given expression. 182 IIIGB SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Ch. XI EXERCISE LXXIX Find the square ropt of each of the following expressions, and check your work : 3. 9 m^* - 66 m2 + 121. 5. 4: -\- S x - 4: a^ -\- x\ 4. 16/ +104 7-^ + 169. 6. l + 2m-3m2-4m3 + 4m^ 7. l-6y-{-5y^-\-12f-\-4:y\' 8. 9a* + 30a^a; + aV-40aa^ + 16a;*. 9. 4a^ + 17a^-22.r^ + 13a;*-24a;-4a^ + 16. 10. 4 a^ + 64 6* - 20 a^b + 57 a^b^ - 80 a¥. 11. 6a^2/ + 2a;«i/^-28aj.v^ + 9.T« + 42/« + 45a^/ + 43icy. 12. 3x''-2:f^-af-i-2x + l-\-x\ 13. 48a* + 12a2+l-4a-32a3 + 64a«-64a^ 14. 46x' + 25x'-Ua^-^0x + 4:xr'-\-25-12xi', 15. x'^ - 2 x'^y + 2 afz^ -2 yz^ + y^ -hz\ 16. ^ + 16ay + 8a^v'. 18. 9 a;2_24a; + 28-^^ + i. 17. aj2_j.2a;_i_?+l :* 19. 4^2- 20« + 21 + — + i. X x^ a a^ 20. n^ + 4 71^ + -i + 2 7i + 4 + 4 n^. 21. a)'' + i + 4aj3 + i + 6a^ + -i- + 5 + 5a; + 5. cc* ar 4 ar x 22. ^4_^_L..ii_. r / ^ 4e^ 23. (a; - 2/)2 -2{xy -i-xz- y^ - yz) + (y + zf. 25. 1 + », to three terms (cf. Note 2, p. 181). * Observe that this expression is already arranged according to descending powers of x. 117-118] INVOLUTION AND EVOLUTION 183 26. 1+2 m-, to four terms. '27. a^ -f 1, to three terms. 28. 1 -f-.aj — a^, to four terms. 29. X* -\- 2 afy -{- y* -\- xy^ + ar^2/^ ^o four terms. 30. In Ex. 1 is not — 2 s, as well as -f 2 s, a square root of the first term ? Solve Ex. 1, using — 2 s. Does your result check ? 31. Solve Ex. 2, using —Sx^ as the square root of the first term, and compare your answer with that found in the text. 32. By extracting the square root until a numerical remainder is reached, show that x*-\-4:a^-{-SQif-\-Sx—5 equals (ic-+2a; + 2)^—9, and thus find the factors ofic'* + 4a^ + 8a:^ + 8ic — 5. 33. As in Ex. 31, find the factors of x'*'-\-6af-\-llx^-\-6x — S; also of a« - 6 ci^ + 10 a^ + 9 a^ _ 30 a + 9. 118. Square roots of arithmetical numbers.* In order to proceed systematically, and find the successive digits of the root in their order from left to right, we first separate the given number into periods of two figures each, toward the right and left from the decimal point. The root may then be extracted by virtually the same process as that used in §117. Note. The reason for the separation into periods lies in this : the square of any number of tens ends in two ciphers, and hence the first two digits at the left of the decimal point are useless when finding the tens' digit of the root ; they are, therefore, set aside until needed to find the units' digit of the root. So, too, the square of any number of hundreds ends in four ciphers, and hence, for a like reason, two periods are set aside when the hundreds' digit of the root is being found, and so on. Similarly for the periods at the right of the decimal point. Ex. 1. Eind the square root of 1156. Solution. This number consists of two periods, hence its square root consists of two digits. Again, since 9 is the greatest * For a more complete discussion of this topic see El. Alg. § 126. 184 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Ch. XI square in the left-hand period, therefore 3 is the first figure in the root. Now, let k represent the known part of the root at any stage of the work, and u the next root figure, then 1156 contains Tc^ + 2ku-\- u^, and the work may be arranged as follows : k^ = (30)'-^ = T. D. = 2 A: = 60 C. D. = 2 ^' + w = 60 + 4 11'56 I 30 + 4 : 900 34 256 256 {2 k + u)u Check: (34)2 = 1156. Ex. 2. Find the square root of 315844. Solution. Using k and u as in Ex. 1, we have 315844 contains A;^ + 2 ku + u% and the work may be arranged as follows : fc-^ =(500)2 = 31'58'44 1 500 + 60 + 2 = 250000 562 T.D. CD. = 2 A = 1000 = 2k + u = 1060 = 2k* =1120 = 2k + u = 1122 65844 63600 =(2 A; + u)u T.D. CD. 2244 22U =(2 k-\-u)u Check: (562)=-' = 315844. Note. When some familiarity with the above process has been gained, the work may be abridged by omitting unnecessary ciphers, as shown below in finding the square root of 315844 and of 10.5625. 31'58'44 25 10.'66'25 9 13.26 106 1122 658 636 2244 2244 62 645 156 124 3225 3225 * Here k = 560 ; compare footnote, p. 181. 118-119] INVOLUTION AND ^VOLUTION 185 EXERCISE LXXX Extract the square root of each of the following numbers, and check your results : 3. 1296. 6. 9216. 9. 667489. 12. 17424. 4. 841. 7. 12.96. 10. 26.2144. 13. 36.8449. 5. 2209. 8. 62.41. 11. 1664.64. 14. 101.0025. 15. How may the square root of a fraction be found? Illustrate, using the fractions ^\ and f||. Is — 14 also a square root of the latter fraction ? Why ? 16. A number contains one decimal place ; how many decimal places in its square? How many, if the number contains two decimal places ? if it contains three ? if it contains n ? Explain. 17. Show from Ex. 16 that if the right-hand period of a decimal is incomplete, we must annex a cipher to complete it. Is this true of the left-hand period of an integral number also ? 18. Extract the square root of 2 to two decimal places (cf. p. 181, Note 2). How many periods of ciphers must be annexed to 2 for this purpose ? Why ? Find the square root of each of the following numbers, correct to two decimal places : 19. 13.5. 21. .017. 23. |. 25. 4|. 20. |. 22. 1.1105. 24. ■^. 26. .049. 27. Is V36 equal to V9- Vi? Is V27 (i.e., V9T3) equal to 3V3 where the roots are extracted to two decimal places? to three decimal places ? 28. Is V450 (i.e., •\/225 • 2) equal to 15 V2 where the roots are correct to two decimal places ? Show that V96 and 4 V6 are equal, to at least two decimal places. 119.* Cube root of polynomials. The procedure here is like that in § 117. * Articles 119, 120, with Exercises LXXXI and LXXXII, may, if the teacher prefers, be omitted till the subject is reviewed. 186 HIGir SCHOOL algebra [Ch. XI Since Qc^uy = 7c^-{-^k^u-h3ku^-hu\ therefore VA;^ + 3 k'^u -\- 3 ku^ -{-u^ = k-{- u. And this equation shows : (1) that the j^rs^ tei^m of the cube root (viz., k) is the cube root of the first term of the polynomial ; (2) that the trial divisor for finding the next term of the root is3A^; (3) that the complete divisor is 3 A;^ + 3 ku -{-u^. The actual work may be arranged thus : F + 3 khi + P> ku^ + v^ \k-\-u J^ T. D. = 3 k^ C. D. = 3 A:2 + 3 ku + u 3 A:2m + 3 kv!^ + u^ 3 k'^u + ^ku^ + m3 = (3 k'^ + 3 A;?( + ifi) u If now we let k represent the part of the root already known at any stage of the work, and let u represent the next term, then the above method will serve to extract the cube root of any "arranged" polynomial (cf. § 117, Exs. 1 and 2). Thus, the cube root of ofi -9x^ + 30 x^ - i^x^ + SOx'^ - 9x + 1 may be found as follows : I a;2 - 3 a; + 1 5c6 _ 9 a:^ + 30 0^4 - 45 a:3 + 30 ic2 _ 9 X + 1 (x^y = x6 T. D. =3(^2)2 = 3 X* CD. =3x4-9x3 + 9^2 T.D. =3(x2-3x)2 = 3x*- 18x3 + 27x2 C. D. = 3 (x2 - 3 x)2 + 3 (x2 - 3 X) + 1 = 3x*- 18x3 + 30x2 -9x + 1 - 9x5 + 30x4 -45x3 + 30x2 -9x + l -9x5 + 27x4-27x3 3x4- 18x3 + 30x2 -9x + 1 3x4 - 18x3 + 30x2 -9x + l EXERCISE LXXXI Find the cube root in Exs. 1-14, and check your results ; 1. Sa^-12x^ + 6x-l. 2. 27x^-189x'y-hUlxy^-34.Sf/ 3. 125 n"" - 150 mn^-Sm^-\- 60 m'n. 4. 225uh + lS5uv^ + 125u''-\-27'i^. liy-120] INVOLUTION AND EVOLUTION 187 5. a;^-20a^-6aj-f 15a;4-6x-^4-15ic2 + l. 6. 3aj^ + 9a;^-|-ic'' + 8 + 12a; + 13a^ + 18a;l 7. 342 x^ - 108 a; - 109 a^ + 216 + 171 x"" -21x^ + 27 x\ 8. 156a;*-144aj«-99a^ + 64aj6 4-39aj2-9a; + l. 9. u X ■\- - -112 -^ + — + 0^-12 xUai. Ex. 17, p. 182). 10. 20 + i^ + 15c2 + c« + | + i + 6o^ 11. 25 + ^ + 82/« + 302/-12 2/-^-25-i|. 2/ 2/ y 12. 6 aV-4aV -2 aV + 6 aV + 3 a^a; + «' + a^^ - 3 a«8. 13. 108 'ifz -21 f- 90 2/V + 8 2« - 80 y V ^ 50 yh^ + 48 2/2^ 14. 'y3» -f- 9 ^Sn-S ^ 21 i;3"-2 — 42 'y3«-4_ 35 -y3n-5_9 ^3«-l_g ,y3«-6^ 15. Find the first three terms of v 1 + x. 16. Find the first four terms of V 1 — 3 a? + aj^. 120* Cube root of numbers. The cube root of a number may be found by virtually the same process as that used in § 119 for finding the cube root of a polynomial (cf. §§ 118 and 117). The number should be separated into periods of 3 figures each, begin- ning at the decimal point (why ?), and the right-hand period, if incomplete, should be completed by annexing ciphers. Ex. 1. Find the cube root of 42875. SOLUTION k -\- u 42'875 1 30 + 5 = 35 27000 15875 T^ = (30)8 = T.D. = 3 A:2 = 3 . (30)2 ^ 2700 CD. =Sk^ + 'Sku + u^ , = 3 (30)2 + 3 (30)5 + 52 = 3175 1 15875 * See footnote, p. 185. HIGH SCH. ALG. — 13 • 188 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEliRA [Cii. Xi Ex 2. Find the cube root of 9825.17, correct to tenths. SOLUTION F = (20) 9'825.'170 |20+ 1 + .4 = 21.4 8000 564.170 539.344 T.D. = 3 k-^ = 3 (20)2 ^ 1200 1825 CD. =3^•2 + 3^•« + M2 = 3 (20)2 + 3 (20) . 1 + 12 = 1201 1261 T.D. = 3A;2=: 3(21)2 =1323 CD. = 3 (21)-^ +3 (21) (.4) + (.4)2 = 1348.36 24.826 Check. (21.4)=^ = 9825.17 - 24.826 (cf. Note 2, p. 181). EXERCISE LXXXII Extract the cube root of each of the following numbers : 1. 1728. 3. 31855.013. 5. 39304. 2. 571787. 4. 148877. 6. 426.957777. 7. 75.686967. 9. .04, to two decimal places. 8. 34.7, to two decimal places. 10. 3^, to two decimal places. 121. Transformation of indicated roots.* From the defini- tion of the symbol -Va (§ 113) it follows that, whatever the values of h and k, ■Vm = hVk: (1) for (h-Vky^JiVk-h^k = hh--Vk^ = h^k, [since Vk Vk = k~\ i.e., (hVky=h%, and h VJ is, therefore, a square root of hj^k. Equation (1), read forward, tells how to simplify an indi- cated square root of a number which contains a square factor ; and read backward, it tells how to insert a coefficient under * Omit § 121 if radicals are to be studied before quadratics : see Preface. 120-121] INVOLUTION AND EVOLUTION 189 a square root 8i(/n. Let the pupil translate this eqiuttion into verbal language, reading it both ways. It also follows from the definition of -Va (§ 113) that (V^^0^=-^- (2) Equations (1) and (2) will be useful in Chapter XII. EXERCISE LXXXIII Simplify the following expressions [cf. Eq. (1), § 121]: 1. Vl2. 2. V50. 3. V48. 4. V63. 5. V4a26. '■4- ■ "■ x/f- 20. |V9. 23. —5cVb. 6. V54ajy. Insert the following coefficients under the radical signs 15. 3V2. 19. -i-VS. 22. aV2^. 16. 5V7. 17. — 4V5. 18. 7ViO. 21. f Vii. 24. |aV6'-4ac. Expand the following expressions, and unite like terms : 25. (3+V5)l 28. (6-V^2)l 31. [^(3-2V5)?. 26. (3 + V^^)'. 29. (&-V6'-4ac)l 27. (-H-V3)'. 30. (6-V4ac-62)^ 32. D & + V62 - 4 ac 2a CHAPTER XII* QUADRATIC EQUATIONS (Elementary) I. EQUATIONS IN ONE UNKNOWN NUMBER 122. Definitions. A quadratic equation has already been defined (§ 93) as an equation wliicli, when simplified, is of the second degree in the unknown number or numbers. Thus, 3 §2 _ 4 = 7 s^ aoiP' + 5a; + c = 0, and dm = 4:m^ are quadratic equations in s, x^ and 7n, respectively. By transposing and uniting terms every quadratic in x^ say, may evidently be reduced to the standard form ax^ -{- bx -^ c = 0, wherein a, 6, and c represent known numbers, and are usu- ally called the coefficients of the equation. The term free from X, viz., c, is called the absolute (also constant) term. U.g.^ by transposing, etc., 2x'^-^b — Sx = lx— S becomes 2:^2 — 10a;-|-13 = 0: hence, for this particular equation a= 2, 5 = -10, and c = U. Similarly, 6x^- 2x=Sx^- 4:-2x becomes 3 a:^ -}- 4 = ; here a = 3, 5 = 0, and c = 4:. An equation of the form ax^ + c = is often called a pure quadratic, while one containing both the first and second powers of the unknown number 'is called an affected quadratic. 123. Solution of pure quadratics. All pure quadratic equa- tions may be solved like Exs. 1 and 2 below. Ex. 1. Given 3 a;^ _ 12 = ; to find x. * Chapter XII may, if the teacher prefers, be omitted until Chapters XIV and XV have been studied: see Preface. 190 122-123] QUADBATIC EQUATIONS 191 Solution. On dividing through by 3, and transposing, the given equation becomes a;2 = 4, whence x= ±2,* i.e., a; = 2ora;=— 2; and each of these values is found to check. 45 s^ Ex. 2. Solve the equation 5 -— - = 0. 16 Solution. On dividing the given equation through by 5, clear- ing of fractions, and transposing, we obtain whence 3 s = ± 4, I.e., s=4ors = — I; and each of these values is found to check. EXERCISE LXXXIV Solve and check : 3. 4a^ = 36. 11. 3cx'-10Sc^ = 0. 4. x' = ^. 12. (a + l)V = 4a2. 5. i_a^=_48. 13. (k-6y = 72-^12k. 6 — = 27 ■*■*• <^-^) = 2-^^' 4 * 15. a;(a;4-l)+3a^ = x + |. 7. ^-Sy = 0. 16. (r-Sf = 25. ^y 17. (u+iy-^%=o. 8. 4('y2 + 3)=32. 18. (a?-a)2 = 9&l 9. a^ + 3a; = 3(a;+ll)-ll. 19. 4a^-l = a2 + 2a. ^ (, + 3)(r-3), 20. ^(x-^)=(l-f 9 8 16^ ^ V 8. * Using the double sign in each member here gives ± x= ±2, i.e., either x = 2, (1) or - a; = 2, (3) or a; = - 2, (2) or - ic = -2. (4) But (3) and (4) give the same values of x as (2) and (1), respectively; hence in solving such an equation as x^ = 4, the double sign need be used in one member only. 192 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Ch. XII 21. If X and y stand for unknown numbers, tell which of the following equations are simple, and which quadratic (cf. § 93) : aV -\-a^x-{-a = 0\ ~ =-; 6x—ly = ll; b x + xy — 1 y — 11', Z X y 2/ + 2 22. Reduce 5a:^H-2 — 8a; = 4(8 — x) to the " standard form." What are its coefficients ? What is its absolute term ? 23. Are the equations in Exs. 3-14 pure or affected? Explain. What is the absolute term in Ex. 9? 24. Show that the equation of Ex. 16 is a pure quadratic in r — 3 but an affected quadratic in r. Solve each of the following equations for each letter it contains : 25. S = \qt\ 26. 1 = ^. 27. E=^^ 28. R = K-- s V- 2 d- A 29. The square on the hypotenuse (longest side) of a right-angled triangle equals the sum of the squares on the other two sides. In the right-angled triangle ABC, the hypotenuse AO = 5, while -B(7=| AB; find AB and BC. 30. The area of a square is 169 square inches; find the perime- ter and the diagonal of the square. 31. How many rods of fence will inclose a square garden whose area is 2^ acres ? E B 32. From a rectangular field, ABCD, whose width is f of its length, there is cut off a square field, AEFD, whose area is 10 acres. Find the area of the rectangular field. 33. The surface area of a cube is 150 square inches. Find one edge and also the volume of the cube. 124. Quadratics solved by factoring. A quadratic equation ma}^ often be easily solved by reducing it to standard form (§ 122), and then factoring its first member (§ 72). 123-124] QUADRATIC EQUATIONS 198 Ex. 1. Solve the equation 3 ic^ + 4 = ar' — li a; + 16. Solution. On transposing, uniting, and dividing through by 2, the given equation becomes ar -h a; — 6 = 0, i.e., (x-2){x-{-3) = 0. Now, as in § 72, this last equation is satisfied when a^-2 = or ic-|-3 = 0, I.e., when x = 2 or when a; = — 3 ; and each of these vahies of x, when substituted in the given equation, is found to check. Ex. 2. Solve the equation x (a; — 3) + a; + 2 = 2 (1 — .-c^). Solution. On transposing, etc., the given equation becomes 3ar'-2a; = 0, i.e., a;(3a;-2) = 0, wlience x = or -; 3' and these values of x are found to check. EXERCISE LXXXV Solve the following equations by factoring, and check the roots in each case : 3. /-5?/-24 = 0. 4. m--16 = 0. 5. a^ + 5x = 21 + x. 6. 5 a;-=a^- 14. 7. 5s- = Ss. 8. 2v--30 = 9v-v- 9. 2ar'-x=3. 10. 4. 0^ = 9. 11. 2c^ = x(x-^r). 12. (4 x)- = 14 (4 x) — 13. 22x + Sx' = 4:x'- 14. ^-^"- = 38. 15. .t'--4a; = 117. 16. 13y + 2f=.5y-^4.y\ 17. 2iK2-20x = x- -51. 18. 3a(3a-l)=3a + 24. 19. 2/-72/ 4-3 = 0. 20. ic (a; + 7n) =n{—x—m) 21. ~U0 + x^=^-23x. 22. 7-2_5r = 5r-25. 23. Zaj^ — Ikx -}- A:w = ma;. )•). 24. 5^2_3 =10^-3^1 48. 25. ao(? -\-bx — ex. 26. XT _X i» , -j bo be 194 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Ch. XII 27. If a quadratic equation in one unknown number has no absolute term, show that one root of the equation must be zero. 125. Completing the square. What must be added to x^+Qx to make it the square oi x+ S? What must be added to m^—14:m to make it the square of m — 7 ? Since Qx ±k')^ = x^ ±2kx -\- k^, therefore the expression x^±2 kx, whatever the value of k, lacks only the term k^ of being the square of x±k; hence, if the square of half the coefficient of the first power of x he added to an expression of the form x^ + bx, the result will be an exact square. Such an addition is usually spoken of as completing the square. j^.^., if (f )2 is added to «/2 + 5 ?/ it becomes (?/ + 1)2. 126. Solution of quadratics by completing the square.* There are many quadratic equations which cannot easily be solved by the method of factoring given in § 124. All quad- ratic equations, however, may be solved by the method of completing the square, which is illustrated below. Ex. 1. Solve the equation 2a;^ — 3— 5a; = 7a;+ll. Solution. On transposing, etc., this equation becomes Now, adding 9 to each member (§ 125, and Ax. 1), we obtain a^-6x + 9 = 16, i.e., (a; -3)2 = 16, whence (§ 123) a; - 3 = ± 4, i.e., a; — 3 = 4 or a; — 3 = — 4, and therefore a; = 7 or — 1. Moreover, these values check, and are, therefore, the required roots. *For the solution of quadratic equations by means of a formula, see § 178. 124-126] QUADRATIC EQUATIONS 195 Ex. 2. Solve the equation x^ + 11 a; + 1 = 8 a:. Solution. On transposing, the given equation becomes a^-|-3ic = — 1, whence, adding (f )2, x'-\-Sx + (^f = - 1 + (f )', [§ 125 i.e., (^-\-iy = h and hence . a; + f = ± V|= ± iV5, [§121 3^1 /- -3±V5 ^ = -2^2^^ = ^ Moreover, these values otx, viz., ~'^^ ^ and ~^~ ^ , check (cf. Ex. 25, p. 189), and are, therefore, the required roots. EXERCISE LXXXVI 3. Solve the equation ax^ -\-bx+ c =0. Solution. On transposing and dividing by a, this equation becomes whence a a 5 \2 12 c b^-4ac a \2al ^a^ a 4 a^ ' '■* \ 2a/ 4 a^ therefore ^ + A = ± J^!^ ^ ± ^Z"' - 4 ac ^ [5121 2 a ^ 4 a^ 2 a ig ^^ b ±Vb'^-4ac ^ -b±y/b'^-4:ac _ 2a 2a 2a Moreover, thesevaluesof a;, viz., -h + ^b^ ^^^ -b-Vb^-4a c^ 2a 2a check (cf. Ex. 29, p. 189) and are, therefore, roots of the given equation. 4. What must be added to each of the following expressions in order to complete the square (cf. § 125): x^-\-Sx', P^ — 5P; (x + yy-4.(x + y)? 5. How do we find the number which added to r^ + ar com- pletes the square ? Explain. 6. m^ -6 m =40. 7. y'-10y = 75. 8. W = 2x-hx'. 9. -S = 2x^-h'^0x. 10. a^ = x-\-l. 11. Sx'-2x = l. 196 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Ch. XII Solve the following equations by the method of completing the square, and check the roots in each case : 20. a!2-3a;-2 = 0. 21. ar^- 3 a; H- 4 = 0. 22. |c^— 7c = c(cH-l). 23. 6 + ot = et\ 24. 12a^- x = 6, 25. «- = -j6' + 2. 12. 2a;2-f3 = 7a;. 26. r'-er=f. 13. 3a^-10 = 7a;. 27. 3 x^ -\-5x-7 =x^-2 x. 14. (2 2/-3)2 = 6 2/ + l. 28. 8m-10 = 3m^. 15. m(m + 4) = 7. 29. A-a;-|ar^+2=0. 16. a2-6a + 10 = 0. 30. (y -Sf -4.(y-3) = 117. 17. 3 ('y^-'?;) =2^2.^ 5 V + 4. 31. (2m-3)2-6(mH-l)4-8=0. 18. y^ — 2cy = l. 32. cV + 2(Za;=— e. 19. r2 + 2ar = d 33. (n + 1)2- 8 (n + 1) = 16. 34. Write a carefully worded rule for solving such quadratic equations as those in Exs. 6-33 above. 35. Show that the rule asked for in Ex. 34 will serve to solve such an equation asa^ + 6i« = 0. Is this equation more easily solved by completing the square or by factoring ? 127. Avoiding fractions in completing the square. The method employed in § 126 for completing the square often introduces fractions into the work, and these sometimes be- come troublesome (cf. Exs. 2 and 3, p. 195). A method which avoids fractions is illustrated below. Ex. 1. Solve the equation 5 x^ —6x= — 1. Solution. On multiplying through by 5, we obtain 25aj2-30a;=-5, i.e., (5aj)2-6(5a;) = -5, whence, adding 9, (5 a;)^ — 6 (5 a;) + 9 = 4, i.e., (5 X- 3)2 = 4; 12(i-127J QUADRATIC EQlATIOlSfS 197 therefore 5 ic — 3 = ± 2, from which 5a; = 3±2=:5orl, i.e.f x = \ or I ; and each of these values is, on substitution, found to check. Ex. 2. Solve the equation as? -{-hxz^ — c. Solution. On multiplying through by 4 a, we obtain 4 a^ic- + 4 abx = — 4 «c, i.e., (2 axf + 2 6 (2 ax) = - 4 ae, whence, adding 6^, (2 aa;)^ + 2 6 (2 aa;) + 6^ = 6^ — 4 ac, t.e., (2 ax -j- 6)- = 6^ _ 4 ^f^ . therefore 2ax-\-h = ± V 6^ — 4 ac, from which x = -l>±^h^-^ ^^^^ Ex. 3, p. 195. • 2 a Note. From the above solutions we see that, if an equation of the form aofi + &a; + c = is multiplied through by a or 4 a, according as b is even or odd, fractions can be avoided in the solution. EXERCISE LXXXVII 3. What must be added to each of the following expres- sions in order to complete the square : 4 x- -f 8 x; 9 m* + 12 m^; 25 cH"" - 10 cd; and 4 cV - 4 cm ? In each of Exs. 4-11 belo^, (1) name the factor 'by which both members of the equation must be multiplied if fractions are to be avoided in completing the square; (2) solve the equation by the method of § 127. 4. 5 0^4-6 x = 8. 8. 322 = 2 + 52. 5. 3/ + 4?/ = 95. 9. 7 = 2x + 3.^;^'. 6. 2m2-f3m = 27. 10. 6x^-x-^ = 0. 7. 2^2^7^ + 6 = 0. 11. 15a;2-7a!-2 = 0. 12. By the method of § 127, solve Exs. 12-14 and 20-25, p. 196. 198 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA • [Ch. XII Solve the following equations by the method of § 127 : f^3t-{-5 ^ t + 1 u'-^u '^^ + ^ ^0 2 3 * 3 "^ 4 14. ma^ — 6 a; + 3 = 0. 18. 3/ — 4% + 2 = 0. 15. x^-\-px + q=:0. 19. mx^ -^ nx -\- p — 0. 16. mx^ = 2nx — k, 20. ax^ — 5ax = a — 11. 128. Fractional equations which lead to quadratics. As in § 97, so here, we first clear the given equation of fractions, then solve the resulting integral equation, and finally check the results so as to guard against the introduction of extra- neous roots (§ 97, note). Ex. 1. Solve the equation —^ — |- 1 = 3 a;. ^ x + 2 Solution. On clearing of fractions, etc., this equation becomes 3 a;2 + 4 .T - 7 = 0, whence, solving as in § 127, we obtain aj = l or — 1^; and each of these values, when substituted in the given equation, is found to check. Ex. 2. Solve the equation -^— _^4a; + 3_ 2 x" 1 — x x-\-l x^ — 1 Solution. On clearing of fractions, etc., we obtain a^_2x-3 = 0, whence a; = 3 or - 1, [§ 126 of which 3 checks, but — 1 is extraneous (§ 97, note). EXERCISE LXXXVIII Solve the following fractional equations, being careful to ex- clude all extraneous roots : 3. 15 a; + - = 11. 5. - = -• X bx-{-b x-\-± 4. l-2 + .. = 2. 6. -1- + _!- = §. X X 1— sl+s3 127-129] qUADRATlG EQUATIONS 199 7 __3 L_ = l. 11 2y + l 5^y-8 ' 2(a^-l) 4(aj + l) 8 ■ 1-22/ 7 2 8 ^"^ I ^ + ^ = 2/^ ^"^^ Y 12 ^^ + ^ I ct-2a; ^22. 07 + 2 a;— 2 V^~^/ 2a — x a-{-2x 9. _l_ + ^_= J_. 13. -*^ + 6 = «J£+26). a; — 1 a;— 2 3 — a; a — a; a-{-b 10. ■20.+ 40 ^_3M:7. ^^_ . __ ._.__,. :+3 s'+is-\-3 S + 1 X— 1 2 + 1 15.^^ + ^ -=8+ ^ x + 5 (a; + 5)(a; — 2) a; — 2 129. Problems which lead to quadratics. As in § 50, so here, the important steps in the solution of a problem are : 1. To translate the verbal language of the problem into algebraic language, i.e., into equations. 2. To solve these equations. 3. To check, and interpret, the results. Special emphasis should be laid upon testing and interpret- ing results: a problem often contains restrictions upon its numbers, expressed or implied, which are not translated into the equations, hence the solutions of the equations may or may not be solutions of the problem itself (cf. § 98). Prob. 1. A farmer purchased some sheep for $ 168, and later sold all but four of them for the same sum. If his profit on each sheep sold was $ 1, how many sheep did he buy ? SOLUTION Let X = the number of sheep purchased. Then — - = the number of dollars each sheep cost, X 1f>8 and = the number of dollars received for each sheep. A I. 168 168 ^ and hence = 1 , X — 4: X therefore (§ 128) a; = 28 or -24. "Profit on each sheep being $1 200 BIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Ch. XII The first of these values, viz., 28, is found to be a solution of the problem as well as of the equation, but while the second satis- fies the equation it cannot satisfy the problem, since the number of sheep purchased is necessarily a positive integer. Prob. 2. At a certain dinner party it is found that 6 times the number of guests exceeds the square of | their number by 8; how many guests are there ? SOLUTION . ^ Let X = the number of guests. Then the expressed condition of the problem is «-(¥)'=»■ i.e., 2x^-27 x + 36 = 0, whence x = 12 or |. Here, too, an implied condition of the problem is that the answer must be a positive integer ; hence f , although it satisfies the equation, it is not a solution of the problem. Prob. 3. The sum of the ages of a father and his son is 100 years, and one tenth of the product of the numbers of years in their ages, minus 180, equals the number of years in the father's age ; what is the age of each ? SOLUTION Let X = the number of years in the father's age. Then 100 — x = the number of years in the son's age, and the condition of the problem states that whence cc = 60 or 30. Although both 60 and 30 are positive integers, yet 30 is not a solution of the problem : it would make the son older than the father. Hence the father is 60 years old, and the son 40. If, in the above problem, " two persons " be substituted for " a father and his son," etc., then both solutions are admissible, and the ages are either 60 and 40 years, or 30 and 70 years. 1210 QUADliATlC EQUATIONS 201 EXERCISE LXXXIX 4. Divide 10 into two parts whose product is 22f . 5. Find two numbers whose difference is 11, and whose sum multiplied by the greater is 513. 6. A man bought a flock of sheep for $ 75. If he had paid the same sum for a flock containing 3 sheep more they would have cost him $ 1.25 less per head. How many did he buy ? Is each solution of the equation of this problem a solution of the problem itself? Explain. 7. A clothier having bought some cloth for $30 found that if he had received 3 yards more for the same money, the cloth would have cost him 50 cents less per yard. How many yards did he buy ? Has this problem more than one solution ? 8. Find two numbers whose sum is 10 and whose product is 42. Can these numbers be real (see Note, § 114) ? 9. Find two consecutive integers the sum of whose squares is 61. How many solutions has the equation of this problem ? Show that each of these is a solution of the problem also. 10. Are there two consecutive integers the sum of whose squares is 118 ? Are there two numbers whose difference is 1, and the sum of whose squares is 118 ? What are they? How does the second of these questions differ from the first ? 11. Find three consecutive integers whose sum is equal to the product of the first two. 12. Is it possible to find three consecutive integers whose sum equals the product of the first and last ? How is the impossibility of such a set of numbers shown ? 13. In selling a yard of silk at 75 cents, a merchant gains as many per cent as there are cents in its cost. Find the cost. 14. A cow staked out to graze can graze over a circle 616 square feet in area ; how long is the rope by which she is tied ? [The area of a circle of radius r is tt • ?'^ ; 7r = 3|, approximately.] 202 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Ch. XII 15. Two circles are such that the difference of their radii is 3 inches, and the sum of their areas 279|- sq. in. Find the radius of each circle. 16. Find two numbers whose sum is |, and whose difference is equal to their product. How many solutions has this problem ? 17. The product of three consecutive integers is divided by each of them in turn, and the sum of the three quotients is 74. What are these integers ? How many solutions has this prob- lem ? Explain. 18. If the product of two numbers is 6, and the sum of their reciprocals is ff, what are the numbers ? How many solutions has the equation of this problem ? How many solutions has the problem itself ? Explain. 19. A merchant who had purchased a quantity of flour for found that if he had obtained 8 barrels more for the same money, the price per barrel would have been f 2 less. How many barrels did he buy ? How many solutions has this problem ? Explain. 20. Why is it that the solutions of the equation of a problem are not always solutions of the problem itself ? (Cf. § 129.) 21. In a rectangle whose area is 55i sq. in., the sum of the length and breadth is 15 in. ; find the length. 22. Find the length of a rectangle whose area is 464 sq. in., and the sum of whose length and breadth is 16 in. Interpret the imaginary result in this problem (cf. § 98). Does an imaginary result always show that the conditions of the problem are impossible of fulfillment (cf. Prob. 8, p. 201) ? 23. The number of square inches in the surface area of a cube exceeds the number of cubic inches in its volume by 8 times the number of inches in one edge. Find the edge of the cube. How many solutions has this problem? Explain. 24. In the trapezoid ABCD, whose area is 75 sq. in., the altitude BE equals BCy and AD is 5 in. longer than BC \ find BC and AD. A E ^ [The area of ABCD = \{BC-\- AD) • BE.-] 120 j QUADRATIC EQUATIONS 208 25. A triangle whose base is 2 in. longer than its altitude has an area equal to that of a rectangle 10 in. by 4 in. Find the base and altitude of the triangle. [The area of a triangle equals half the product of its base and altitude.] 26. A boating club on returning from a short cruise found that its expenses had been $90, and that the number of dollars each member had to pay was less by 4i than the number of members in the club. How many members were there in the club ? 27. If in Prob. 26 the expense of the cruise had been $145 the other conditions remaining unchanged, how many members would the club contain ? What is the significance of the fractional and negative results in this problem ? Do such results always indicate that the con- ditions of a problem are impossible of fulfillment ? 28. The number of miles in the distance between two cities is such that its square root, plus its half, equals 12. What is this distance ? Has this problem more than one solution ? Explain. 29. When a certain train has traveled 5 hours it is still 60 miles from its destination. If by traveling 5 miles faster per hour, it could make the entire trip in 1 hour less than the sched- uled time, find the entire distance ; also the actual speed. 30. The hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle is 10 inches, and one of the sides is 2 inches longer than the other ; required the length of the sides (cf. Ex. 29, p. 192). 31. It took a number of men as many days to dig a trench as there were men. If there had been 6 more men, the work would have been done in 8 days. How many men were there ? 32. A crew can row 5|- miles downstream and back again in 2 hours and 23 minutes ; if the rate of the current is 3-^ miles an hour, find the rate at which the crew can row in still water. 33. From a thread whose length is equal to the perimeter of a square, one yard is cut off, and the remainder is equal to the perimeter of another square whose area is -| that of the first. What was the length of the thread at first ? HIGH SCH. ALG. — 14 204 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Ch. XII 34. The diagonal and the longer side of a rectangle are to- gether equal to five times the shorter side, and the longer side exceeds the shorter by 35 yards. Find the area of the rectangle. ■ 35. A ladder 13 ft. long leans against a vertical wall. When the distance from the base of the >vall to the foot of the ladder is 7 ft. less than the height of the wall, the ladder just reaches to the top of the wall. How high is the wall (cf. Frob. 30) ? 36. If one train, by going 15 miles an hour faster than another, requires 12 minutes less than the other to run 36 miles, what is the speed of each train ? 37. A tank can be filled by one of its two feed-pipes in 2 hours less time than by the other, and by both pipes together in 1|- hours. In what time can each pipe separately fill the tank ? 38. The owner of a lot 56 rods long and 28 rods wide divided it into 4 equal rectangular lots, by constructing through it two streets of uniform width. If these streets decrease the available area of the lot by 2 acres, what is their width ? 39. One of two casks contains twice as many gallons of water as the other does of wine ; 6 gallons are drawn from each cask, exchanged, and emptied into the other; it is then found that the percentage of wine in each cask is the same. How many gallons of water did the first cask originally contain ? 40. A and B together can do a given piece of work in a certain time ; but if they each do one half of this work separately, A works one day less, and B two days more, than when they work together. In how many days can they do the work together ? 41. In going a mile, the hind wheel of a carriage makes 145 revolutions less than the front wheel, but if the hind wheel were 16 inches greater in circumference, it would then make 200 revolutions less than the front wheel. What is the circumference of the front wheel ? 42. In the figure, AB = BC= CD = DA = 10 inches, the diagonals AC and DB bisect each other at right angles, and DB is 4 inches longer than AC. Find the lengths of AC and DB, and the area of the figure. l-2i1-K30] (QUADRATIC KQrATIONS 205 130. Equations in quadratic form. Equations which con- tain onl}^ two different powers of the unknown number, one of these powers being the square of the other, are said to be in quadratic form. Thus, a^+1 x^=S, av?"" + 6m" + c = 0, and (2 s^ + 1)^ — 5 (2 s^ 4. 1) = 4 are in quadratic form. Such equations may be solved as follows : Ex. 1. Solve the equation 2y?{y? -\-X)=h — oi?. Solution. When simplified, the given equation becomes or, putting y for a^, 2 2/^ + 3 ?/ — = 0, whence y=\ oy -\, [§126 Li i.e. (since y — oc^), a^ = 1 or — -f , whence a; = ± 1 or ± V — |. Moreover, each of these values (1, —1, V— f, and — V— f)* checks (§ 121), and is therefore a root of the given equation. Ex. 2. Solve the equation Vx' — 5 x + 10 = 2 .'e^ — 10 aj + 14. Solution. This equation may be written thus : Va;2-5a^ + 10 = 2(a.-2-5a; + 10)-6; and, on putting y for Vaf — 5 ;r + 10, the given equation becomes 2/ = 2/-6, whence y = 2 ov—l, [§ 126 i.e., Vaj^ — 5 a; + 10 = 2 or — -|, and therefore aj'^ — 5 a; + 10 = 4 or f , [Squaring whence a; = 2, 3, ^ ^ ~- ^ ^ or ^-V^ ^ ^^ ^26 all of which values check (cf. Ex. 28, p. 189), and are therefore the required roots. EXERCISE XC Solve, and check as the teacher directs : 3. wt^ -16 = 0. 5. ?/' - 25 ?/2 + 144 = 0. 4. a;*_8x2 + 12 = 0. 6. n* = 18n2-32. 206 BIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA CCh. XII o r» /- Hint. Write equation thus : 8. x = 3 — 2-Vx. ^ , (2 k^ _ 1) - 6 \/2 A;-^ - 1 = 7. 9. 20x'-23x' = -6. , 19. y?-x-\-^x^—x-?, = ^. 10. 4 — ?ii^ = 18 m^. 20. 5a;2 + 2V5a;2_a; = 8 + iK. 11. 13 V^! — 5 = 62;. . 1 21. ?2^±2 + --A_=2. 13. (x' + iy + 4(a^ + l) = 45. Hmx. Let»: = <±2 j^^^i^y 15. x-2=Vi^+6. 23. '^±5 + ^^ = 7. r r' + b 16. (m + l)-5Vm + l = 6. y + 2 2(/ + 4) ^51 17. 2s-3 = 7V2i^^-12. ^*' / + 4 2/ + 2 5* 25. 5Vm2-10m + 42 = m2-10m + 6. 26. ^2_7i_pVi2_7^^18^24. 27. a;4 + 4i»3-8x + 3 = 0. Hint. By extracting the square root of the first member this equation may be written in the form (x^ + 2 a; - 2)^ = 1. (Cf. Ex. 32, p. 183.) 28. 2/' + 22/^ + 52/' + 42/ = 60. 29. 16a;^-8aj3-31i»2 + 8a; + 15 = 0. 30. 9a;* + 6a^-83a;2_28x + 147 = 0. II. SIMULTANEOUS EQUATIONS INVOLVING QUADRATICS [Two Unknown Numbers] 131. One equation simple and the other quadratic. Wlien one equation is simple and the other quadratic, we may alwa.ys eliminate by substitution [§ 103 (i)]. Ex. 1. Solve the following system of simultaneous equations: (1) (2) I 3 a; - 2 2/ = 3, 1 l;jo-l3l] QUADRATIC EQUATIONS 3 + 2j »- 3 : Solution. From Eq. (1), whence, by substituting this value of x, Eq. (2) becomes and, on expanding and simplifying, Eq. (4) becomes 102/^ + 32/-27 = 0, whence (§ 126) ^ = f or - 1. Substituting these values of y in Eq. (3) shows that 207 (3) (4) 2/ = |or -f. according as ia? = 2, ix = — h and \ g satisfy the given system, and are therefore the solutions sought. EXERCISE XCI Solve the following systems of equations and check your results: 6. 'I 8. x'-f = SO, 9. x-\-y = 10. x^-\.xy = 12, x-y = 2. 10. 3 uv — v—lOuj u-^2 = V. 4=x + Sy = 9, 11. 2x'-{-5xy=:3. (a^ + 3)(2/-7) = 48, 12. x-{-y = lS. ■st=A2, 13. s-t = 19. 1 + ^ = 10. 14. f-f=^- 2s + 3^=10, 8. f2s + 3^ = \t(s + t) = x^y 15' x—y = — 10. faj + f 2/ = 15, 3ir- — = 24. y 1.5 ic— .52/ = 6, .1 x^ -\- .1 xy = 16. 16 + 4'y + 2w2 = 5i^v, 11 v — 5 w = 4. -H-l^ = J + % xy ar ^/^ 2-1 = 7. o; y 208 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Ch. XII 132. Both equations quadratic : one homogeneous. An equation is said to be homogeneous if all of its terms are of the same degree in the unknown numbers (of. §§ 34, 93). If one of two given quadratic equations is homogeneous, the system may always be solved as follows : Ex. 1. Solve the following system of equations : 6£c24-5a;2/-^6/ = 0,l (1) 2x2-2/2 + 5 0^ = 9. J (2) Solution. On dividing Eq. (1) by y^, it becomes whence (§126) ^^|or^^-|, (4) i.e., x = lyov x = -^y. (5) On substituting the first of these two values of x, viz., ^y, in Eq. (2), we obtain 2(t2/)^-/ + 5(f.v)=9, • i.e., /- 30 2/4-81 = 0, whence (§ 124) 2/ = ^^ or' 2/ = 3, and, since x = ^y, the coiTesponding values of x are 18 and 2. 'x = 2 Moreover, these pairs of values, viz., j, and substituting these values of y and v in x=vy, we obtain, as corresponding values, a? = — 2 or 4-2, and also + 9 V^^^ or — 9 V^; and, checking, we find the solutions of the given system to be : Note. The success of the '■'•vy method" employed above is due to the fact that by eliminating the absolute term from the given system of equations we obtain a homogeneous equation (cf. § 132). EXERCISE XCIII Solve the following systems, and check your results: 2. 3. 6. 7. ar^ + 2/2 = 29, xy = 10. m^ — mn = 8, mn -\-n^ = 12. af — Sxy = — 14, xy-\-2f = S9. f + 2xy = -% x^ — xy=z70. 2x^-xy = 2S, a^ + 22/' = 18. ?/2 4. 15 = 2 xy, x' + y' = 21 + xy. 8. 10. 11. 12. x^ + xy — 40, 27 + 2y'-3xy = 0. 2a?- + 3a!?/ + / = 20, 5a;2 + 42/' = 41. xF — xy — y^= 20, a;2_3(»2/ + 22/2 = 8. i*^ H- 3 wv + 'y^ = 61, u^-v^^Sl-2uv. 3f_5y2x_ ^ 4 iC ~3" '^ _ y^ + 2xy l~2{l-x)' 13. Solve Ex. 1 by eliminating the absolute term and then applying § 132. By the method suggested in Ex. 13, solve : x'-3xy + 4:f=:Sy, ^^ i3x'-5 xy -4.f = Sx, x^-4:xy-^2y^ = 2y. ' [9 a^ + xy- 2 y^=6 x. x'-4.xy-^3f = -3y, ^^ Ux' -^6xy -f = ^,y, 3x^ — 5xy = 6y. \6x-—9xy + 2y- = 2y. 14. 15. 138-134] QUADRATIC EQUATIONS 211 134. Special devices. The kinds of systems of equations specified in §§ 131-133 occur frequently, and, although they present themselves in a great variety of forms, they may always be solved by the methods there given. Special devices for elimination, however, often give sim- pler and more elegant solutions; some of these devices are illustrated below. (i) Solving hy first finding x-\- y and x — y, x-y = 5, (1) Ex. 1. Solve the equations , [xy = -6. (2) Solution. From (1), x" - 2xy -^y^ = 25, (3) and from (2), 4 a;?/ = - 24 ; (4) adding (4) to (3), x^-\-2xy-{- y' = 1, . (5) whence x-\-y = ±lj (6) and from (1) and (6), « = 3 or 2. The corresponding values of y are y = —2ov — 3 ; . • P 1 . (x = 3, (x = 2, i.e., the solutions of the ffiven system are: J ^ and J ^ ^ \y = -2, l.y = -3. (a;2 + 2/' = 5, (1) Ex. 2. Solve the equations i „ , „ ^ [x'-xy + f^^- (2) Solution. Subtracting (2) from (1), xy = 2, (3) whence, adding 2 • (3) to (1), x'' + 2 xy + 2/^ = 9, (4) and subtracting 2 • (3) from (1), x^ — 2xy -{-y'^ = l\, (5) therefore, from (4), a; + ?/ = ± 3, (6) and from (5), x — y = ±l] (7) from (6) and (7), we now easily find the following solutions : \y = l, \y = 2, U = -l, U = -2, all of which check. 212 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Ch. XII (ii) Solving hy dividing one equation hy the other. a^^-/ = 3, (1) Ex. 3. Solve the equations . '^-2/=l. (2) Solution. On dividing (1) by (2), member by member, we obtain x-\-y = d, (3) whence, from (2) and (3), a; = 2, and y = l. ar^ + ^« = 26, • (1) Ex. 4. Solve the equations , ^ [x +y= 2. (2) Solution. On dividing (1) by (2), member by member, we obtain x^ — xy-^y^ = 13, (3) and (2) and (3) may now be solved either like Exs. 1 and 2 above, or by the method of § 131. (iii) Solving by considerations of symmetry. An equation is symmetric with regard to two of its letters if it is not changed by interchanging those letters. Thus : x + y = S^ and §2 ^ st -\- 1^ = 5 (^s -{- f) are symmetric equations. Two equations which are symmetric (or symmetric except for the signs of one or more terms) may often be solved by substituting u + v and u — v, respectively, for their unknown numbers. ^ + 2/^=6, (1) Ex. 5. Solve the equations ^xy = 2(x^y)-5. (2) Solution. On putting x = it-{-v and y = u — v, the given equa- tions become, respectively, 2u^ + 2v^ = 6, Sindu^-v^ = 4:U-5', (3) therefore, eliminating v^ and simplifying, u'-2u + l = 0, whence u = l. Substituting this value of u in either one of Eqs. (3), gives v=±V2, whence (since x = u-^ v, and y = u — v), x=l± V2, and y~lT V2. 134] QUADRATIC EQUAIIONS 213 ( oc^ -^ Tf = xy — 5f (1) Ex. 6. Solve the equations { ^ ^ \x-^y + l = 0. (2) Solution. On putting x = u-\-v and y =u — v, (1) and (2) be- come, respectively, 2u^ + Quv'-u^ + v^ + b = 0, (3) and 2 2^ + 1 = 0. (4) From (4) u = — |, and substituting this value in (3) gives whence a; = 1 or — 2, and 2/ = — 2 or 1. EXERCISE XCIV By the method of 134 (i) solve the following systems : ja^ + / = 13, |a^ + 2/' = l, ^' \xy = ^. ^^' |25a^y + 12 = 0. 1^2 + ^2^61, 'm4-n = 24. [5mn-2 = 0. mn Q |a;2 + 2/2 = a, — y. 12. 9 [a;-f-y = 6. By the method of 134 (ii) solve the following systems : 13- „ 15. ^ \r — s = l. [r— p = 7. 14. \ 16 r4-s= 7. aj^ + 2/3 = a, a: + 2/ = 6. By the method of 134 (iii) solve the following systems : 17. |-^ + -"-* = 26. f2(. + ,) = -§f^, I a; + 2/ = 6. 20. ] 5 a: -2/ = 7. 18. \ ■ -2/) = -^^2/' f2x2_ _^22/^ = 62, 2. 21. { _ ^. [ a; — 2/ — o 0^2/ = ~~ "1- ^^- [ar^ + 2r'' = 37. ^^' 1^ + 2.9/4-^-22. ^ |3(a;-2/ [a; + 2/ = 214 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBBA [Ch. XII Solve the following systems of equations, choosing for each the method (§§ 131-134) which seems to you best: 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. ^_?/_16 y X lo' a;-2/ = 2. xF — xy = 6, a;2-f2/2 = 61. ^+^. = 74, a;- 2/ . 1-1 = 2. rcf. Ex."! 13, §104. J ;i-^ y^ i+l= = 91, 7. •1 + 1-1 X y Z .^2/ 18 a; + ?/ . X —y _ 10 a; — ?/ x-{-y 3' a;^ + 2/^ = 45. 1 1 = 119, -7 = i. aJ^ + 2/^ + i» = 2/ + 14:, a;?/ = 6. = 96 — 4mn , 6. m -\-n 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. x-^y = 25, V^+ ■Vy = 7. a^ + 2/ + 2Va; + 2/ = 24, a; — ^ -f- 3Va/' — 2/ = 10. 2(a^2 + /)=o.r2/, x^-2xy = S y% y{x + y)=4.. (2+^(2/ + l)=4, V2 + aj-V// + l = -J-. {a' + h' = n, |a262 = 4. 39. I 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. a^ 4- 2/^ + 6 Va;^ + 2/^ = So^ a;2_2/2 = 7. tv=- 26. ^' + sV + ^^ = 9, s2 + 6-^ + 2/' = 3. s^-t^ = 37, st(s-t) =12. x^ + 2/^ = 97, a; + 2/ = — 1- o , 3 771 f. 3 mn H = o, n 3^n + — = 2.5. m 2/ a; ' i;U] qUADHATIC EQUATIONS 215 PROBLEMS 1. The sum of two numbers is 14, and the difference of their squares is 28. What are the numbers ? 2. Find two numbers whose difference is 15, and such that if the greater is diminished by 12, and the smaller increased by 12, the sum of the squares of the results will be 261, 3. Find two numbers whose difference is 80, and the sum of whose square roots is 10. 4. Given that one root of a quadratic equation is 4 times the other and that their product is ^, find the roots ; then form the equation which has these roots (cf. § 72). 5. The sum of the roots of a quadratic equation is 12, and their product is — 189. What is the equation ? 6. The sura of two numbers, their product, and also the dif- ference of their squares are all equal ; find the numbers. 7. If the length of the diagonal of a rectangular field, contain- ing 30 acres, is 100 rods, how many rods of fence will be required to inclose the field ? 8. Find the dimensions of a rectangular field whose perimeter is 188 rods and whose area "will remain unchanged if the length is diminished by 4 rods and the width increased by 2 rods. 9. The sum of the circumferences of two circular flower beds is 56|^ feet, and the sum of their areas is 141^ square feet. Find the radius of each. (Cf. Ex. 14, p. 201.) 10. A circular table whose radius is 3J- feet has the same area as a rectangular table whose length is 5 inches more than its breadth. Find the dimensions of the rectangular table. 11. A sum of money lent at a certain rate of interest gives an annual income of $ 450 ; if the sum were ^ 500 more and the rate 1 % less, the annual income would be $ 50 less. Find the principal and the rate. 12. A sum of money at interest for one year at a certain rate amounted to $11,130. If the rate had been 1 % less and the principal $100 more, the amount would have been the same. What was the principal, and what the rate? 216 IHGU SCHOOL ALdKliRA [Ch. XII 13. A formal rectangular flower garden is to be enlarged by a border whose uniform width is 10 % of the length of the garden. If the area of the border is 900 sq. ft., and the width of the old garden is 75 % of the width of the new one, find the dimensions of the garden and the width of the border. 14. A certain kind of cloth loses 2 % in width and 5 % in length by shrinking. Find the dimensions of a rectangular piece of this cloth whose shrinkage in perimeter is 38 in., and in area 8.625 sq. ft. 15. The perimeter of a right-angled triangle is 24 ft., and its area is 24 sq. ft. Find the length of each side in the triangle. 16. In the right-angled triangle ABC, BD is drawn perpendicular to AC. If BC =12, AC =11, and BD=^AD'DC, find BD, AD, and DC 17. The combined capacity of two cubical coal bins is 2728 cu. ft., and the sum of their lengths is 22 ft.; find the length of the diagonal of the smaller bin. 18. Find two numbers whose product is 8 greater than twice their sum, and 48 less than the sum of their squares. 19. Find two numbers such that the sum of their fourth powers is 881 while the sum of their squares is 41. 20. The total area of the walls and ceiling in a room 9 ft. high is 575 sq. ft. Find the length and breadth of the room if their sum is 24 ft. 21. A farmer found that he could buy 16 more sheep than cows for $ 100, and that the cost of 3 cows was $ 15 greater than the cost of 12 sheep. What was the price of each ? 22. If 5 times the sum of the digits of a certain two-digit number is subtracted from the number, its digits will be inter- changed; and if the num.ber is multiplied by the sum of its digits, the product will be 648. What is the number ? 23. Find two numbers such that the square of either of them equals 112 diminished by 12 times the other. 1;)4-135J QUADRATIC EQUATIONS 217 24. If 5 is added to the numerator and subtracted from the denominator of a given fraction, the result equals the reciprocal of the fraction ; and if 2 is subtracted from the numerator, the result equals J of the original fraction. Find the fraction. 25. The distance (s) in meters, through which a body falling from a position of rest passes in the ^th second of its fall is given by the formula s = \g (2t—l) ; and the total distance (S) fallen in t seconds is S=^gt^. How long has a body been falling when s = 44.1 meters and S = 122.5 meters? If g is less than 10, what is its value? 26. Solve the problem of Ex. 25 if s and S are each expressed in feet, and s = 112^7^ and S = 2571 27. In going 40 yards more than ^ of a mile the fore wheel of a carriage revolves 24 times more than the hind wheel ; but if the circumference of each wheel were 3 ft. greater, the fore wheel would revolve 16 times more than the hind wheel. What is the circumference of the hind wheel ? 28. A merchant paid $125 for an invoice of two grades of sugar. By selling the first grade for $91, and the second for $36, he gained as many per cent on the first grade as he lost on the second. How much did he pay for each grade ? 29. Two trains start at the same time from stations A and B, 320 miles apart, and travel toward each other. If it re- quires 6 hr. and 40 min., from the time the trains meet, for the first train to reach B, and 2 hr. and 24 min. for the second to reach A, find the rate at which each train runs. 30. After traveling 2 hr., a train is detained 1 hr. by an acci- dent ; it then proceeds at 60 % of its former rate, and arrives 7 hr. 40 min. late. Had the accident occurred 50 miles farther on, the train would have been 6 hr. 20 min. late. Find the distance traveled by the train. (Cf. Ex. 42, p. 164.) 135.* Simultaneous quadratics not always solvable by methods already given. While many systems containing quadratics (and * § 135 may, if the teacher prefers, be omitted till the subject is reviewed. '21S HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Ch. XIl some containing still higher equations) may be solved by the methods of §§ 131-134, these methods do not always suffice for the solution of such systems. Thus, inspection shows that the system a^-3a; + 82/ = 4, 3a;^-16/ + 20 2/ = 9, cannot be solved by the methods of §§ 132-134; and elimination by substitution (as in § 131) leads to an equation of the fourth degree in one unknown number, viz., to a,>4 _ 6 ar^-i»2- 6 a; +12 = 0, which cannot be solved by the elementary methods already studied. Such equations are discussed in higher algebra. For all systems like the above, however, approximate solutions may be obtained by means of graphs (cf. § 143). 136.* Systems containing three or more unknown numbers. Some systems containing three or more simultaneous equations, some of which are quadratic, may be solved by elementary methods. E.g., if one equation of a given system is quadratic, and all the others are of the first degree, then a slight modification of the method of § 131 will provide a solution (cf. El. Alg. § 180). The solution of such systems in general is, however, beyond the limits of this book. * This article may, if the teacher prefers, be omitted till the subject is reviewed. CHAPTER XIII GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION OF EQUATIONS* 137. Introductory. Although an equation in two unknown numbers has (§ 99) an infinitely large number of solutions, and is in that sense indeterminate, yet by a beautiful device, due to the celebrated mathematician and philosopher Des- cartes (pronounced da-kart', born 1596, died 1650), a perfectly definite picture of such an equation may be made (cf. § 139). 138. Axes. Coordinates. Let us draw (as Descartes did) two perpendicular straight lines X'X and Y' Z", cutting each other in the point 0, and call these lines the coordinate axes. If we now agree that distances measured toward the right from Y'Y^ or upward from X'X^ shall be positive, while dis- tances toward the left, or downward, shall be negative, then any point in the plane of this page can be located as soon as we know its distances from the axes X' X and Y' Y. Thus, to locate the point P, 3 inches from F'^and 2 inches from X' X^ we measure off 3 inches (represented in the diagram by 3 spaces) toward the right from 0, to the point M^ say, and then 2 inches upward from M. The numbers which serve to locate a point (in this case 1 ( p — -1 , r J M - - - p? / 1 *This chapter should he included in the course whenever possible omission, however, will not break the continuity of the work. HIGH SCH. ALG. — 15 219 its 220 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Ch. XIII 3 and 2) are called the coordinates of the point. The point P may be represented by the symbol (3, 2). Similarly the point ^ (— 3, 4) is located by measuring 3 spaces toward the left from 0, and then four spaces upward. The point i2 (— 2, — 3), also, is represented in the figure. Note. This plan of locating points in the figure somewhat resembles that used to locate places on the earth's surface by their latitude and longitude. The coordinate axes correspond to the equator and the prime meridian. y 1 p X , ^ X Q s , 1 EXERCISE XCV 1. Name the ic-coordinate (i.e., the distance from the axis Y'Y) of each point located in the figure below. Also name the ^/-coordinates of these points. Draw a pair of axes as in § 138 and locate the following points : 2. (5,4); (3,7); (4,-2); (-3,1); and (-4, -6). 3. (-i,l); (i,|); (H, -3); (4,1); and ( — I, —5). 4. (3, 0); (-5, 0); (0, 8); (0, 0) ; and (0, -2). 5. Where are the points whose ^/-coordinate is ? Where are those whose ^-coordinate is ? those whose ^/-coordinate is 3^ ? 6. Locate five points each of which has its a7-coordinate equal to its ^/-coordinate, and draw a line through these points. Does this line contain any other points whose two coordinates are equal ? 7. Where are the points which have their ^/-coordinates oppo- site in value to their respective ic-coordinates ? 8. Verify that the equation 2 x — y==3 is satisfied by each of the following number-pairs : (0, — 3) ; (1, — 1) ; (2, 1) ; (3, 3) ; (4, 5) ; then locate the point corresponding to each pair. On what kind of a line do these points lie ? 9. Measure the coordinates of several other points on the line mentioned in Ex. 8. Are these coordinates solutions of 2 x—y=3? i;W-140] (lliAPlIJC liEPIiESKNTATION OF EQUATIONS 221 10. Locate the following points : (0, 5) ; (0, — 5) ; (5, 0) ; (-5,0); (4,3); (-4,3); (4,-3); (-4,-3); (3,4); (-3,4); (3, —4); ( — 3, —4). On what kind of a line do they lie? 139. The picture (graph) of an equation. Consider the equation 2 a; — y = 3. This equation is, manifestly, satisfied by the following pairs of values of x and 7/ (§ 99) : (-1, -5); (0, -3); (1, -1); (2, 1); (3, 3); (4,5); etc. If we now locate (as in § 138) the points A, B, (7, etc., corresponding to these number-pairs, we find that they are not scattered at random over the page, but that the^ all lie upon the straight line US in the figure (cf. Ex. 8, p. 220). Moreover, the co- ordinates of every point in the line RS, and those of no other points whatever, satisfy the given equa- tion.* For these reasons, the line MS may be regarded as the picture of the equation ; it is usually called the graph, also the locus of the equation. That is, the graph (or locus) of an equation is the line (or lines) containing all the points (and no others) whose coordinates satisfy the given equation. 140. Drawing of graphs. The method illustrated in § 139, for finding the graph of an equation in x and «/, may be stated thus : (1) Solve the given equation for ?/, in terms of x. V /a 7 t 7 T X o~r^ zE. / M t i f ^ t. -hi v^ ^ r * Let the pupil test this statement by careful measurement on a large and well-drawn figure. The proof of its correctness follows easily from the theory of similar triangles in geometiy. •>•^:> Hid 1 1 S(1I(K)L ALGEBRA [Ch. XIII (2) Assign to rr a succession of values, such as 0, 1, 2, 3, ••• (also —1, —2, — 3, •••), and find the corresponding values of y ; ^.e., find a succession of solutions of the given equation. (3) By means of a pair of axes locate the points corre- sponding to these solutions, — use cross-section paper. (4) Draw a line connecting these points in regular order ; this line is (approximately) the graph of the given equation. E.g., to find the graph of the equation 3y—x^ = 0, we solve the equation for y in terms of x, and tabulate the corresponding values of x and y, thus : Locating the points 0, A, B, C, etc., and connecting them in order, we obtain the line NML •••£/, which X-. X y Points 1 i A 2 1 B 3 3 C -1 i H — 2 i K -3 3 L • : ' II ITT ~E ji T j-i^ 4 t " 7 \ t \ I -M^ J? A i^ t -> f- X ~K- % t \ / T ' k\ /(^ t. ^ Tt- -^ ^ ± :£ ^ vr' is a good approximation to the graph of the given equation. By assigning to x values between and 1, 1 and 2, etc., and finding the corresponding values of y, we can locate points between and A, A and B, etc., and thus draw a closer approxima- tion to the required graph. Note. The graph of a first decree equation in x and y is (cf. § l.SO) a straight line (hence a first degree equation is often called a linear equation). In this case, of course, only two points (i.e., two solutions of the equa- tion) need be found in order to draw the complete graph. UO-Ulj GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION OF EqUATlONti 228 EXERCISE XCVI 1. Find six solutions of 2x-{-y = 12, locate the points determined by these solutions, and draw the graph of the equation. Using the plan of Ex. 1, draw the graph of : 2. a; + 2^ = 8. 5. 2a;-3?/ = 0. 3. x-2y = l. 6, 'Sx + 2y = 12. 4c. 3x = y. 7. 2 2/ - ar = 0. 8. Draw the graph of 3 a; = 2 [i.e., 3x-\-0'y = 2, cf . Ex. 5, p. 220]; of 22/ = 5; of x' = -l; of ar = 9. 9. What is the graph of x = ? of ?/ = ? Without making a drawing, show that the graph of 2 x — 7 y = must pass through the point in which the axes intersect. Is this true for the graph of every equation of the form ax -\-by = 0? 10. In the equation Ax — 5 y = 10, when x = 0, y=? When y = 0, x=? From these two solutions of the equation draw its graph (cf. § 140, Note). Draw the graph of : 11. x-y = 0. 17. 5x-2y = 20. 12. x-\-y = 0. 18. Sx + 5y = 7^. 13. 3 a; = — 11. 19. 7x — y = S^. 14. ?/2-16 = 0. 20. Dx-\-2y=21. 15. 2x-\-Sy = 6. 21. 4:X = y\ 16. 2x-3y = 6. 22. 3a^-4i/ = 0. Calling the coordinate axes S'S and TT instead of X'X and Y' Y, draw the graph of : 23. 4:t = Ss. 24. s-t = 5. 25. 2t-3s^ = 0. 141. Drawing of graphs (continued). Thus far we have considered only the simplest kind of graphs ; the method employed will serve, however, for any equations whatever in two unknown numbers. 224 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Ch. XIII Ex. 1. Construct the graph of 2y — x^ = 0. CoxsTRucTiON. Solving this equation for y in terms of x, and tabulating the corresponding values of x and y, we obtain : X y Points 1 2 4 A B -1 -2 -4 H K : : ' Yi- T L it -4^ jT ^ t V- ^^ - ,-i^ i v^ iy if ^ J j I I ' ^ • X On locating these points and connecting them in order, we ob- tain the required graph, viz., : KHOA •••. Ex. 2. Construct the graph of 4 a^ + 9 2/^ = 144. Construction. Proceeding as in Ex. 1, we obtain : a; = |Vl6- 2/^. y X Points 6 or -6 ^or^' 1 1 Vis or - 1 \/l5 BovB' -1 1 Vis or - f Vl5 Hov H' -2 3 V8 or - 3 \/3 Kov K' .IjL AJ^"--^ ^^ ^. V ^/ S ^44- -2.]"-^ 4^ XaT n\ t #s.± n' ^^ \7 I On locating these points, using approximate values of the square roots, and connecting them by a smooth curve, we obtain the graph ABNAN'A. 141-142 ] GliAPHIC liEPRESENTA TION OF EQ UA TIONS 225 Note. The limitations of the graph in Ex. 2 are interesting. Thus, since X = |\/16 — 2/2, X must be imaginary when y is greater than 4 ; hence, as our graphic representation admits real values only, there are no points on the curve whose ^/-coordinate is greater than 4. Similarly, it may be shown that there are no points on the graph below y = — 4. And solving the given equa- tion for y in terms of x shows that there are no points on the graph at the right of ic = 6, or at the left of aj = — 6. Ex. 3. Construct the graph of xy = 4. Construction. Proceeding as in Exs. 1 and 2, we obtain: 4 X X y Points 00 1 4 A 2 2 B 3 1 C . • • • • • . • • -1 -4 H -2 -2 K Y 1 1 \a V \ B X ^, N '< — - — . ^ o X N K \ \ fl\ - On locating these points and connecting them by a smooth curve, we obtain the graph AB • • • HK. 142. Intersection of graphs. Since (0, — 3) and (4, 0) are solutions of the equation Z x — ^y = 12, therefore its graph is the line AB in the figure (of. § 140, Note). If we now draw the graph of 3 rr + «/ = 2, using the same axes as before, we obtain the line HK. Moreover, since P, the point in which AB and HK intersect (i.e, cut) each other, lies on each of these -L4-F- kY^ r X ^ B , >^ -_U ^^ - xT o^H 7^ -x W- ^^ ^'^ -t ^^ t ^^ \h v' X 226 IIIGa SCHOOL algebra [Ch. XIII graphs, therefore its coordinates (§ 138) must satisfy each of the given equations (cf. § 139). Hence, we may find the coordinates of P by merely solving the given equations as in § 101, and without even drawing their graphs. Approximate values of the coordinates of P may, of course, be found by direct measurement of OM and MP ; this measurement constitutes a graphical solution of the given equations. Let pupils use both methods for finding these coordinates, and compare results. Remark. From what has just been said, and from the defini- tions in § 100, it follows that (let pupils explain why) : (1) The graphs of consistent equations intersect each other. (2) The graphs of inconsistent linear equations are parallel lines. EXERCISE XCVII Construct the graph of : 4. y' = Sx. 8. xy = 5. 5. y={x-iy. 9. 3x' + 4.f- = 12. 6. x' + y' = 25. 10. 3x'-4.y' = 12. 7. 16a^+/ = 64. 11. 4.f- = a^. 12. Show from the equation of Ex. 4 that no part of its graph lies to the left of the ^/-axis (the line Y' Y) . 13. Show from the equation of Ex. 6 that no part of its graph lies outside a certain square whose side is 5 ; similarly, show that the graph of Ex. 7 is contained within a certain rec- tangle whose dimensions are 16 and 4. 14. Show from the equation of Ex. 8 that its graph consists of two infinitely long branches, one in the quarter XOY and one in the quarter X'OY'. 15. If the graph of xy = — 5 were drawn, how would it differ from that of xy = 5? Why ? 142-143J GEAPHW REPRESENTATION OF EQUATIONS 227 16. Draw the graph of 2x-\-y = dr -{-S and show that this graph differs from that of Ex. 5 only in being moved two divi- sions upward. Explain why this should be so. 17. Find, both by solving the equations, and by measurement, the coordinates of the point in which the graphs of x-{-y = ^ and 2 a; — 2/ = 4 intersect ; compare your results. In each of Exs. 18-23 below find, as in Ex. 17, the coordinates of the point in which the graphs of the two equations intersect : 18. i ' 21. ' ^^ ' \2y-x= 6. 2a; + 2?/ = 8. ^^ 1 2.^^72/, . 22^ [^•+2/=3, U-4- \\x y-x=5, ^ [^x + ^y=li. 2^ {Sy + 2x = 17, ^^ \2x-y = S, (cf. §§ 139, 2x-y = 5. [3y-x' = 0. 140.) 24. How are the graphs of two first degree equations in a; and y related when the equations are inconsistent (cf. Ex. 21) ? when they are simultaneous and independent (cf . Ex. 20) ? simul- taneous and not independent (cf. Ex. 22) ? 143. Graphic solution of simultaneous equations. If the graph of one of two simultaneous equations is drawn across the graph of the other (^i.e., if the same axes are used in both drawings), then the measured coordinates of each point in which these graphs intersect constitute an approximate solution of the given system (cf. § 142). The following examples will illustrate this procedure. Ex. 1. Solve graphically the simultaneous equations Sx-4:y = 12, 3x-^y=2. Solution. The graphs of these equations are the lines AB and HK (figure, § 142) ; and the (measured) coordinates of P, their point of intersection, are approximately .x- = | and y =—2, which, by trial, are found to be a solution of the given system. 228 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Ch. XIII Ex. 2. Solve graphically the system J ^ ^' \y + 3 = 2x. Solution. The graphs of these equations are, respec- tively, SPOQT and AB. The coordinates of P, one of their points of intersection, are approximately a: =3.4 and y = 3.7, which constitute an approximate solution of the given equations. So, too, the coordinates of Q (viz., X = .65 and y = —1.6) constitute an approximate solution of the system. -y^ y Ml ^- l! ^-^"^ 2^^ ^^ VI 4^ ZJ- ~t X "--jt X- ^^t M f\ / ^s. ^ ^^ ^ >- ~ ^r Ex. 3. Solve graphically the system xy = 4:. Solution. The graphs of these equations are, re- spectively, AB'A'B and CPQC'P'Q'-, and the co- ordinates of P, one of their points of intersection, are approximately x = 1.4 and y= 2.9, which constitute an approximate solution of these equations. So, too, the coordinates of Q (x= 5.75 and y = .7), P'(x = -1.4 and y= -2.9), and Q' (x = — 5.75 and y = — .7) are approximate solutions of the given equations. Note to the Teacher. In the case of a pair of simple equations the solution by the method of § 101 is usually easier than the graphic method, and its results are exact instead of approximate. There are, however, many other cases in which the graphic method is advantageous ; hence some prac- tice with it, even on simple equations, is recommended. Y J 1 c [ \ \p ^*-'"*'^ " "-k"** ■^s t^ Si X X Ar ^^ " I ) n A X - ^; s^^ y _'^-^»: -^ pTi 5^ - T- 7- 14^-144 J GRAPHIC liEPRE^EN TA TION OF EQ UA TIONS 229 EXERCISE XCVIll Solve graphically the following systems of equations, and check your results as the teacher directs : ^ {x-^y = 3, ^^ ja.'- + 2/' = 25, 5. 6. 8. 10. 11. 12. x — y = 3. 12/ = ^- 2x-y = 5, 14. ■x' + f^ = 2o, 4.x = W-y. x-\-y=^l. 4?/4-3a; = 5, 15. y = 3x + 2, 0^=5. x^ = 4.-y\ x + y = A, y = 2-x, 5x-10y = S6, 2x-\-3y=-S. 16. 17. { . 4.x x = l. xy=- 10, x+y = 2. 4a.- + |2/ = 6, ix-^y=S. 18. ix'+9==y, \y = x^-5x-\-G. 2x^y\ 19. 'x'-^y^ = 25, 2y=.x. [xy=-^. 2a;-/-l = 0, 20. '4.x'-9y' = S6, 2a; + 6v/ + T = 0. y4-r = 25. x-2y=-12, 21. y = Bx—15, y-x^=-2x-2. x^-9x- + 23x-15 = 'y. By referring to the graphs in the above exercises, find the number of solutions of a system consisting of: 22. Two simple equations. 23. A simple and a quadratic equation. 24. Two quadratic equations. 144. Graphic solution of equations containing but one unknown number. By slightly extending the method of § 143, we may find graphic solutions for quadratic equations in one unknown number. 230 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Ch. XUI IT -\ \- w jfe M -j^ r- ^-4 X t \ I ^ f "^r lo j_ :S -^^ m 7^ _^ L ^-4- v/ ^ F -^ |2/ = ^= 12/ = 0. Thus, the roots of x- — 2x — 2 = are manifestly the values of X found b}^ solving the pair of simultaneous equations : 2x-2, (1) (2) Now the graph of (2), viz., the a>axis, cuts the graph of (1), viz., the curve MQS, in the points P and E, whose coordinates are (approximately) ic = 2.75, y = 0, and x= — .75, y=0. And since (§ 143) each of these pairs of values constitutes an approximate solution of (1) and (2), there- fore 2.75 and — .75 are approximate roots of a;2_2,^_2::=0. EXERCISE XCIX Find graphic solutions of : 1. x:'-6x + S = 0. 3. 6a;H-5x-4 = 0. 2. x''-Sx-\-5 = 0. 4. a^_3a;2-6a; + 8 = 0. 5. Show graphically that Ax^— 4:X-—llx-\-6 = has one root between and 1, and a second root between — 1 and — 2. What is the third root of this equation ? 6. Show that one root of cc^ — 7 x- + 9 .^• = 1 lies between 1 and 2. Between what integers do each of the other two roots lie? 7. Corresponding to any given value of x, how does the value of y \\\ y = x' — 6x-\-6 compare with its value in y = x^ — 6 x-{-7 ? Could, then, the graph of the second equation be obtained by merely moving that of the first upward through one division ? 8. Compare the graphs of 2/=2a7^—10a;— Sand ?/=2ic^—10aj+l; also those of y = 3-\-4:X — x''^ and y = 10-\-4:X — x"\ 9. By first constructing the graphs of y = oi^ — 6x + 6, y = x^ — 6 X -\- 7, etc., compare the roots of X- 6 a; + 6 = 0, X' - 6 X -\-7 = 0, x' - 6 X + S = 0, x^ - 6 X -{-9 = 0, X- - 6x -{-10 = 0, anda;2-6a;4-ll =0. 144-14.-.] linAPlllr UEritESENTATION OF EQUATION t> 281 10. As in Ex. 9 compare the two smaller roots of ic3 - 7 a;2 + 9 a; - 1 = with those of a;"^ - 7 a;^ _^ 9 ^ _ 3 ^ q ^^^^ jB3_7a;2_j_9^_5^() Note. Exercises 9 and 10 illustrate how, by changing the absolute term in an equation, a pair of unequal roots can be made gradually to become equal and then imaginary. 11. Show that the roots of x'^-2x-2 = (§ 144) can be found from the graphic solution of the system y = ^, (1) y-2x-2 = 0. (2) 12. Show that the graph of Eq. (1) in Ex. 11 may be used in the solution of other quadratic equations {e.g., x^ -f 5 a? = 7) also. 13. Is the method given at the top of p. 230, or that suggested in Exs. 11 and 12, to be preferred when we have several quadratic equations to solve graphically ? Explain. By the method of Ex. 11 solve : 14. a;^-2a^-2 = 0. 17. x' = x-\-^. 15. a;"^ — a; = 0. 18. 12 a; — 4 a;"' = 5. 16. x' + x-4. = Q. 19. 2a;^-a; = -3. 145. Use of graphs in physics, engineering, statistics, etc. Descartes's plan for graphically representing equations has now been adopted by practically all scientific men to repre- sent simultaneous changes in related quantities. Physicists, chemists, engineers, physicians, statisticians, etc., all find that this graphic representation of related changes often gives at a glance information which could be secured other- wise only by considerable effort, and that it often brings out facts of importance which might otherwise escape notice. As a simple example of the use of graphs in this way let us consider the following temperature readings, taken from the U. S. Weather Bureau report, for 28 hours beginning at noon on Feb. 5, 1906, at Ithaca, N.Y. ^32 UIGII SCHOOL ALGEnnA [Ch. xm IIR. Tem. - -11 ^°H - T ■V, s 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 10° 9 8.5 7 6 5 3.5 3 2 1 0.5 -5 -6 -7 -6 -6.5 -6 -8 -9 -11 -3 2 3 3.5 5 3 Si s — 3 =1 s \ ^i \ \ Z^ V " z:^ \ z -Ji ^, \ I i£ ^O 1 1 HOURS l_ - ^ O i 4 6 8 JO \ 1;2 1 2 4 6 8 10/ 12 2 4 \ - T- \ r \ - ^ - _^o \ 7 \ -^^^ / - / sy^'^s, 1 _ 5 J : si: -10° \t yz . / 1 the mi hi^ tal sti Her 3sa ich, ;hes ^Ids nila idie e Ql a ,t t Lt( d t e .n a h id a d n is \ nc } t les he a ] ir igi Ic ab tic )W o^^ ifo ire om ul )n r re rn s P at s H st aa y ai ed fig as to i )idly ] point Ltion £ iekl i ed. 'ures and the graph answer :he temperature — when, how t rose or fell, what were its s, etc. The graph, however, it a mere glance, while the b only after they have been Note. For other interesting applications of graphs see Tanner and Allen's Analytic Geometry, pp. 73-78. Also, and especially, " Graphic Meth- ods in Elementary Algebra," by Prof. William Eetz, in /School Science and Mathematics, vol. 6, pp. 683-687. This article gives many good suggestions as well as valuable material and references. EXERCISE C By reference to the above temperature graph (usually called thermograph)^ answer the following questions : 1. Between what hours was the temperature below 0° ? When was it lowest ? 2. When was the temperature falling most rapidly ? Explain. 145 J GRAPHIC liEPBElsENTATlON OF EQUATION H 233 The following tables give the population (in millions) of the countries named, for certain years between 1800 and 1900. British Isles Lands now in the German Empire France Unitei States Year Population Year Population Year Population Year Population (millions) (millions) (millions) (millions) 1801 15.9 1816 24.8 1801 27.3 1810 7.2 1811 17.9 1837 31.5 1821 30.4 1820 9.6 1821 20.9 1847 34.7 1841 34.2 1830 12.8 1831 24 1856 36.1 1861 37.3 1840 17 1841 26.7 1865 39.4 1866 38 1850 23.2 1851 27.8 1872 41 1872 36.1 1860 31.4 1861 28.9 1876 42.7 1876 36.9 1870 38.5 1871 31.4 1885 46.8 1881 37.6 1880 50.1 1881 34.9 1895 52.2 1891 38.3 1890 62.6 1891 37.7 1896 38.5 3. Taking the number of years after 1800 as the cc-coordinate and the population (in millions) as the ^/-coordinate, locate the several points represented by the above table for the British Isles, and join these points by straight lines. Similarly, draw graphs for the remaining tables. 4. By reference to your graphs, compare the population of the countries named in 1830; in 1856; in 1880. By reference to the tables compare the populations in 1871. 5. In making comparisons like those of Ex. 4, is it easier to use the tables or to use the graphs ? Why (cf. § 145)? 6. By reference to the graphs answer the following questions : (1) When did the population of the United States first exceed that of the British Isles ? that of France ? that of Germany ? (2) During what years has the population of the United States increased most rapidly ? CHAPTER XIV IRRATIONAL NUMBERS - RADICALS 146. Preliminary remarks and definitions. A number which may be expressed as the quotient of two integers, positive or negative, is called a rational number. J^.^., 3( = f); -7l( = ^); 2. 75( = |f|), etc., are rational numbers. Nearly all the numbers thus far used have been rational, although we have met a few such forms as V2 and V — 5. In this and the next chapter we shall examine more closely such numbers as V2 and V— 5. These numbers are particular cases of a/^, which is defined (§ 113) by the equation (VaY^a; hence ( V2)2 = 2 and (V^=~5)2=-5. The numbers V2 and V — 5 resemble each other in that neither of them is rational (since no rational number squared is 2 or — 5), but, as we shall soon see, they differ widely in another regard. By squaring 1 and 2, we find that V2 is greater than 1 and less than 2 ; then by squaring 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, •••, we find that V2 is greater than 1.4 and less than 1.5; similarly, V2 is greater than 1.41 and less than 1.42 ; etc. Since V2 lies between 1 and 2, 1.4 and 1.5, 1.41 and 1.42, etc., therefore, if 1.4 (or 1.5) is taken for V2, the error is less than 0.1 ; if 1.41 (or 1.42) is taken, the error is less than 0.01; and, by continuing this process, we can find rational numbers which approximate V2 to any required degree of accuracy. 234 140-147] IRRA TIONAL NVMBEIiS — liADTCA LS 235 On the other hand, since the square of any rational num- ber is positive, therefore we cannot express V — 5, even approximately, by means of rational numbers. Numbers like V2, which are not rational, but which may be expressed approximately to any required degree of accuracy by means of rational numbers, are called irrational numbers. ^.g., V2, 5 — V7, and 10 4- v2 are irrational numbers. Numbers like V — 5, wliich cannot be expressed, even approximately, by means of rational numbers, are called imaginary numbers (cf. § 114, Note). Rational and irra- tional numbers taken together are called real numbers. Note to the Teacher. Emphasis should be laid upon the fact that although such numbers as V2 can be expressed only approximately by means of rational numbers, they are, nevertheless, just as exact and definite as are integers and fractions. n Thus, let ABCD be a square whose side AB is 1 foot long, and let x represent the number of feet in its diagonal AC, then it is easily proved by geometry that cc2 = 2, i.e., that x=y/2. The numbers 1, 1.4, 1.41, 1.414, 1.4142, etc., are successive approximations to the length of this diagonal, but its exact length is V2 ; hence the necessity of including such numbers as y/2, in our number system. It will be worth while also to connect this latest extension with the exten- sions previously made (see p. 16, footnote). Thus fractions arose from gen- eralizing division ; negative numbers arose from generalizing subtraction ; and in the present article it appears that generalizing evolution introduces two further new kinds of numbers, viz., the irrational and the imaginary. In other words : while the direct operations (viz., addition, multiplication, and involution) with positive integers always produce results that are positive integers, the inverse operations (viz., subtraction, division, and evolution) lead respectively to negative, fractional, and irrational and imaginary num- bers, and demand for their accommodation that the primitive idea of number be so enlarged as to include these new kinds of numbers. 147. Further definitions. An indicated root is usually called a radical; the number whose root is indicated is called the radicand. If the root is irrational, but the radi- cand rational, the expression is often called a surd. Thus, HIGH SCH. ALG. — 16 236 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Ch. XIV V2, a/8, 6-v/45, V — 2, and V5 + VlO are radicals, whose respective radicands are 2, 8, etc. ; of these radicals V2 and 6V45 alone are called surds. The coefficient of a radical is the factor which multiplies it, and the order of the radical is determined by the root index. Two radicals which have the same root index are said to be of the same order. Thus, the surds 12V5 ax^ and m2V674 are of the same order, viz., the 7th, and their co- efficients are 12 and m^ respectively. Surds of the second and third orders are usually called quadratic and cubic surds, respectively. Radicals which, when simplified, are of the same order and have their radicands exactly alike are called similar (also like) radicals ; otherwise they are dissimilar (unlike). Expressions which involve radicals, in any way whatever, are called radical expressions ; they are monomial, binomial, etc. (cf. § 20), depending upon the number of their terms. Thus, V5 and 3V5 are similar, monomial, quadratic surds, while b a -\- 3 V7 and 2 V9 + 3 Va: are binomial surds. 148. Principal roots. We have already seen that a number has two square roots (e.^., V9 is + 3 or — 3), and we shall see later that every number has three cube roots, four fourth Yoot^^ five fifth roots, etc. E.g., a/8 = 2, -1+V":r3, or - 1 -V^^, since the cube of each of these numbers is 8 ; and VI6 = 2, — 2, 2V— 1, or - 2V^^. Although the number of roots always equals the order of the radical, not more than two of these roots can be real; and when there are two real roots, they are opposite numbers. By the principal root of a number is meant its real root., if there is but one real root, and its real positive root if there are two real roots. E.g.., if attention is confined to principal roots, V9 = 3 (and not - 3), -V^^ = - 2, ^125 = 5, a/T6 = 2, etc. 147-148] IRRATIONAL NUMBERS — RADICALS 237 EXERCISE CI 1. What is a rational number ? Use your answer to show- that 7, f , — 8|-, and V36 are all rational. 2. What is an irrational number ? Is ^/8 an irrational num- ber ? Why ? 3. By the method used in § 146 for V2, find two approximate values for V3 (one larger and the other smaller than the true value) which differ from V3 by less than 0.001. 4. Find two successive approximations to the value of V5. Compare these approximations with the result of extracting the square root of 5 by the method of § 118. 5. What is an imaginary number ? Give several illustrations. For what values of n is-v^'— 5 imaginary ? 6. Is the number 2l4-Vl7 rational or irrational? Why? What kind of number is 84 V5 - ^^-^ ? Why ? 7. Are both ^'21 and v 2 + V7 radicals ? Are they surds ? Are all radicals surds ? Are all surds radicals ? 8. In Exs. 44-54, p. 242, point out the coefficient of each surd. May the coefficient of a surd be fractional ? negative ? 9. Write a surd of each of the following orders : 2d, 5th, 3d, 7th. 10. Define similar surds, and illustrate your definition. May the coefficients differ and the surds still be similar ? 11. What factor do two similar surds necessarily have in com- mon? What kind of a number, then, is the quotient of two similar surds ? Illustrate your answer. 12. Write a monomial cubic surd ; a binomial quadratic surd ; a trinomial surd of the 5th order. 13. How many values has Vl6? What are they? What is the principal square root of 16 ? What is the principal fifth root of — 32 ? Define the principal root of a number. 238 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Ch. XIV 149. Principles involved in operations with radicals. If we exclude imaginary numbers, the principles employed in operations with radicals may be symbolically stated thus: (i) Vlcy = ^Hc • Vy^ (ii) 4-=—^ (iii) 'Vx = ^'Vx = ^x, wherein n and t are positive integers, while x and y may have any values whatever, except that they cannot be nega- tive when the root index is even. 150. Proof of the principles in § 149. For the sake of sim- plicity, we shall (1) limit the proofs to principal roots, and (2) assume that a change in the order of the factors of a product, even when these factors are irrational numbers, leaves the product unchanged (cf. § 42). With these restrictions the correctness of (i), (ii), and (iii), § 149, follows from the meaning of the symbol Va (§ 113). Thus, to prove (i) we proceed as follows : Qy/xVyY = VxVy • Vx Vy- •••to n factors [§ 9 = xy ; [since ( Va)" = a whence Vx^y^^'xy, [§113 which was to be proved. This principle may be translated into words thus : The nth root of the product of two numbers equals the product of the nth roots of these numbers. The proofs of (ii) and (iii) are left as an exercise for the pupil. 149-101] IHRATIONAL NUMBERS — liADICALS 239 EXERCISE Cll Verify the following equations : 1. V9- V25 = V9.25. 3. Vi6T9 = Vl6. V9. 2. ^/38.^27=^-8.27. 4. ■v'lOOO a« = ^125 a' • -y/S. 5. Show that Exs. 1-4 are special cases of § 149 (i). 6. Find V5 • v3 correct to two decimal places (§ 118) ; then find Vl5 (i.e., VS • 3) correct to two decimal places, and compare results. Does this exercise illustrate any jwactical advantage in knowing that -\/x • -s/y = -Vxy ? Explain. 7. By means of § 149 (ii), show that V35-^V7=V5, and that VlOa^-^- V— 2a = V — 8a. State § 149 (ii) in words. 8. Find (correct to two decimal places, § 118) V7 -^ V5, also Vl.4 (i.e., VT^S), and compare results. Does this exercise n/ ni illustrate any practical advantage in knowing that ^^ = -y- ? -\/y ^y 9. Show that f^X^^ and thus prove that V*/^-^. Verify that "Vx = yjm=Ujm, [§i5i(i) EXERCISE CIV Reduce each of the following to its simplest form : 4. V18 (^.e., V9^). 6. V45. 8. S^IG. 5 V24. 7. V75. 9. S^^^^. 242 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Ch. XIV 29. 45 /27 a? 10. 2\/54. 11. ^32. 12. VI 0-.e.,ViT7). 30. Va^ (cf. Ex. 2). 46. i^f. 13. VS 15. ^^ ^ 16. VJ (cf. Ex. 3). 34. V216. 17. vi- 31. V^ 32. Va;y. 33. a/25. 47. 3^125 a^a^. 48. y\^±y. ^ x-y 18. lOVf 19. /a2"a;"+\ 50. 64 m« 37. V 32 a VI 39. 125 51. 6^320. 52. V- 486^2^ 53. |V2|. 23. V27a;l 24. VSw?. \9^ 54. Vl8a-9. 25. Va«6^'. 26. VV^/*. 40. 41. yV 55. Var+Wy^\ 11, 2x 56. Va2''ft.""+^ 4 25a« 57. V^^ by W^^. Solution. 5V^ = 5 V2 • V^, and 4 V^^ = 4 V7 . V^=l, hence the product is 20 V2 • V7 (V — 1)^ i.e., — 20Vl4. Note. Observe that this product is not +20Vl4, as it would be if tlie factors were i-eal numbers. Beginners should be especially careful to guard against errors in the sign of a product of imaginary numbers. Ex. 3. Multiply 3 + V^^ by 2 - V^^. Solution. Writing these imaginary numbers in terms of the imaginary unit, the work may be arranged thus : 3H-V5. V^ 2-V3. yiTi 6 + 2V5.V^^ - 3 V3 ■ V^ - Vl5 (V3i)2 6+ (2 V5-3 V3) . V=3 + Vi5. Ex.4. Divide 12 + V- 25 by 3- V- 4. Solution. Such divisions are easily performed by first mul- tiplying both dividend and divisor by the conjugate of the divisor, thus : 12 + V- 25 ^ 12 + 5 V ^=n: ^ (12 + 5 V^I)(3 + 2 V^:i) S-V"^^ 3-2V^=^ (3-2V^(3 + 2V^ri) ^ 36 + 39 V^i: + 10 ( V"^)' 9 _ 4 ( V^^)' 26 + 39V^^ 9 + 4 2 + 3V-1. 170. Important property of complex numbers. By a method altogether like that used in § 161 it may be shown that if a + 5V— 1 = ^ + (^V— 1, then a = c and b = d. Moreover, this fact may be used, as in § 162, to extract the square roet of any complex number (cf. Ul. Alg, §§ 151, 182). 16l>-170j IMAGINARY NUMBERS 263 EXERCISE CXVI 5. Add 3 + 5 i and 7-|- v — 4 as in § 169; then add these numbers graphically, and check your work by comparing results. Simplify Exs. 6-13 below, and check as teacher directs : 6. 7-6^+2 + 3^. 8. (3 + 2 i) - (3 - 2 *). 7. (3 + 2*) + (3-2i). 9. (-4-A/^^=^)+(-4-V^. 10. V-4 + 4V-9 + V-25. 11. 3 + V-16 + V-4-5-V-9. 12. 3 + V-36-(l+2 V-25) + 3 V-16. 13. V-49 + 5 V-4-(6 + 2 V-9). Simplify each of the following expressions (cf. § 162): 14. V^--(2V^ + o~3 V^24) + 3V^^18. 15. V-16 a^x" +VI-5 + 2V0-3O-V-9 a2«2 + V- aV. 16. a; V— 4+V — ar' — 2if — 1 — V— 32. 17. Solve the equation x^ — 1 = (cf. § 72) and find the sum of the roots; check your addition graphically. Similarly find the sum of the 3 cube roots of 8; of the 3 cube roots of —27. Find the product of : 18. 3 V^=^ by 5 V-12. 20. 2 V^^ by V-4aV. 19. 5 V^^ by 2 V^^. 21. —1-6 r^ + i*^ by i\ 22. V^^ + V^=^ by V"^ - V^=^ 23. 3+2V^^by 5-4V^=n:. 24. V^r50_2V^^n^by V^^-5V^^. 25. 3P-4.i^hy2i^-3i^\ 26. Show that the sum, and also the product, of a-\-bi and a — pi is real (a and h being any real numbers). Show that the same is true also for V— 4 — 3 and — V — 4 — 3. 27. Show that both the sum and also the product of any two conjugate complex numbers is real. 28. Multiply V^a + V^^ + V"^ by V^^ — V^^ + V^^ 264 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Ch. XV 29.. (l-}-V^)'=? 30. (2-3if=? 31. (2a-3a;V^)'=? 32. Find the product of a V— ^ + 6 V— ot, a V— a + 6 V— 6, and h V— h — a^ — a. 33. Show that — ^ + i V— 3 and — i — i V — 3 are conjugates of each other, and also that each is the square of the other. 34. Reduce -^ ~ -\ — ^ to its simplest form. 3-V^4 3 + 2i 35. Simplify each of the following indicated quotients : V^T5 . V^24. V^. Vc V^. V84 v:r6-i-2V^:r8~ V^^^' V"^^^' V^=^' V^^' V5 ' 2V^^' v^^ 36. Show that ^ + ^^zl = «c + ?>^ + (^c-ad)V-l . c+dV-1 ^^^ Perform the following indicated divisions (cf. Ex. 4), and check your work by multiplying the quotient by the divisor : 37. -i-,. 40. ^-±^^. l^i 5-2z 38 — 41 V2a;-3ai ^■' + ^' ' V2^ + 26^ 39. 2W^. ^2 V^-lV6. 3 + V-2 ?:V6H-Va 43. If a and h are positive and unequal numbers, show that V— a ± V— 6 cannot equal a real number (cf. § 161). 44. Show that if cc + V— 2/ = aH-V— 6, wherein y and h are positive numbers, then x = a and ?/ = ft. 45. Find the square root of 5 —12 V— 1. Hint. Let y/x-y/y. V^^l = Vs - 12 V^HT (cf. § 162). Find the square root of : 46. 10-6V^^. 48. 3 + 2V^=l0. 47. 6V^^-17. 49. 5|-3}V^^. CHAPTER XVI THEORY OF EXPONENTS ZERO, NEGATIVE, AND FRACTIONAL EXPONENTS 171. Introductory, (i) As originally defined (§9) an exponent is necessarily a positive integer, and it is in this sense only that we have thus far used it. Under this restric- tion we have established the following exponent laws (§ 110), wherein a is any real number except : I dT" 'dP' = a"^+», II {^ory = a*»% III {ahy = d^ . 5% IV a"' : a» = a^-**. (ii) We now propose to extend the meaning of an expo- nent so as to include such symbols as a^ a~^, and a^, along with our former exponent expressions. In extending the meaning of any symbol already in use, however, the extended meaning should be such as not to disturb any rules of operation already established for the symbol in question. Hence, we shall admit such symbols as a^ a"^ etc., into our algebraic notation if, and only if, we can assign to each of these symbols a meaning consistent with the above exponent laws. 172. Meaning of such symbols as a^, a~^ and ai (1) If, following the plan given § 171 (ii), wa let ?^ = in law I, § 171, we obtain a"* ^0 = a"*, [since a^^^ = a^ hence a^ = 1 \ i.e., if law I is to admit the symbol a^ then this symbol must have the value 1. 266 266 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Ch. XVI (2) Again, if in law I, § 171, we let m = 5 and n=—3, we obtain a^ - a~^ = a^ = 1, [since a^~^ = a^ whence a~^ = — ; aP i.e., if law I is to admit the symbol a~^, then this symbol must have the same meaning as — . (3) And finally, if law I, § 171, is to remain valid for such symbols as a^, then a^ -a^ -a' = a\ [since a^^'^'^^ = or and therefore a^ = Va\ [§11^ i.e., if law I is to admit the symbol a% then this symbol must have the same meaning as ~va^. p 173 Definitions of a^, a"^ and a^. Using as a basis the special cases considered in § 172, we shall now define the p symbols a^ a~\ and a"" ?ls follows: (1) aO=l, (2) «-' = -,. a'' and (3) a^-=^- 19 a;l 22. (4c^d)i 25. (^^'y. Write in the fractional exponent notation : 26. a/^. 30. -v/oV. 34. -V-^m^. 27. -v/m. 31. %V. 35^ &-^'l6^. 28. V 6. 36. 2\x y-^. ^\ 23 _i 29. V^24. 33. \-^,' 37. acv^a^c-^^. 38. Find the numerical value of: 5« ; 3"^; 4'^; 9* ; (i)^ ; 4-2-2^. 39. Show that if law II, § 171, is to admit the symbol a^, then a^ must equal 1 (cf. § 172). 40. Show that if law IV, § 171, is to admit the symbol a"'*, then a~^ must equal —• a 41. Show that if law II, § 171, is to hold for a^, then a^ must equal Va^. 174.* The symbols a^ and a~* obey all the exponent laws. That a^ and a^^ as defined in § 173, satisfy all the exponent laws may be shown by assigning zero and negative integral *The proofs given in §§ 174 and 175 may, if the teacher prefers, be omitted until the subject is reviewed. HIGH 8CH. ALG. — 18 268 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Ch. XVI values to m and n^ both separately and together, in the equa- tions which express those laws. Thus, if we let w = in law II (n remaining a positive integer), we obtain (a^y = a^ [since a" • « = a" i.e., r = l, which is correct ; hence a^ =1 is consistent with law II. Again, let m = in law I V (ri remaining a positive integer), and we obtain a^ : a"" = a~\ [since aO-"= a~" i.e., l:a^ = a-% which is a correct equation [§ 173 (2)] ; hence a^ = l and a"" = — are consistent with law IV. Once more, let m = — r and n= —s (where r and s are positive integers) in law II, and we obtain (a-0"* = «""""' = «'■*; but this is consistent with § 173 (2), for <-=(r=^ [§ 173 (2) [§§ 109, 92 or Moreover, if we similarly test the remaining combinations of positive and negative integral and zero values of m and 71, in the four exponent laws, we find that definitions (1) and (2) of § 173, and the exponent laws of § 171, are entirely consistent. Hence we need no longer regard the definitions of a^ and a~* as tentative (cf. § 173, last part). The testing of some or all of these remaining cases may be assigned as an exercise to the pupil. p. 175. The symbol a' satisfies all the exponent laws. That p a^=:^aP is consistent with the exponent laws may be shown as follows : 174-175] THEORY OF EXPONENTS 269 Let p, r, s, and t represent any positive integers, then PI . _ = Va^^ • Va''^= VaP' • a'' [§§ 154, 149 (i) pt+rs P,i ^.e., law I holds good for such symbols as a^, p s^ s Similarly, (n ^ + m"^ — 2 m^ + 4 m~^ by 1 + 2 m^ — -^— • Vm 3 *_ 4 — i 38. ^r^ + q-^-^ — p-'^^q ^ by p~-^^ + Q" ^. 39. If Jx^/x + 2 n Vn + f a.'^« + 6 n^/^ by V7i - 3 a;^ + ^,«^- 40. 5 a-'x* + 3 a%"x-' - b'-V by x-^ - 3 ^"~%-' + ah 274 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Ch. XVI 41. Divide x^ — y^hj Va? + Vy. Solution. Since \/x + v^ = a;^ + y^, this solution may be put into the following form : x2 — ?/3 x3 + y^ x^ — x^y^ + xy - x'^y^ + x^y^ - y^ — x^y^ — y^ — x^y^ — x^y x^y - y^ x% + xy^ - xy^ - y^ 3 2. — xy^ — x^y"^ 1 X^y^ — y3 a; V + x^y^ - x^y^ ■ -x^y^ r The above quotient may also be written thus : VxP — Vx^ Vy -\- xy — y/o^Vy^ + Vx • y^ — y/y^. Note. To appreciate one of the advantages of fractional exponents the student has only to perform the division in Ex. 41, using the radical notation, and compare his work with the above solution. Perform the following divisions : 42. a + x^hy a • + x^. 43. m^ — n^ by m^ — n®. 44. x-^ + 3y~^ — 10 xy-'^ by x''^ Vy — 2. 45. J +2 ^ah-'^ + ^ by ^a + 6"^. b 46. x^ + x^ -\/y — X -y/x y'^ — xy-{- -Vx y^ + y'^ by Va; 4- -y/y. Simplify the following expressions : 47. / Va? + -v^.v Y. y/x-Vy ^^ x-y y^-yt a;— +r'*'aj-"-r"** ' 2/ + V2/+I ' yt-1 176J 51. THEORY OF EXPONENTS 1 . 1 275 a^ + Write down, by inspection, the square root of each of the following expressions: 52. 1 — 2i6^ + wi 54. p^ — 4 + 4p"i 53. x^ + 4 x^ + 4. 55. ax^ + 2 a^x^ -\- a^x, 56. 771 -\- n -{- p — 2 m^n^ + 2 n^p^ — 2 m^pK 57. Extract the square root of ^x* — 2 Va^ '+ 5 Va^ —4 Va? + 4. Solution. This expression written in the equivalent fractional-exponent form is cc^ — 2 a;'^ 4- 5 x^ — 4 x^ + 4, and in this form its square root may be extracted just as though it were a rational expression (cf. § 117) ; thus : 2 x^ + 5 x5 -ix^ + A\x^ -xM- 2 x^ — x^ -2x^ + 5x^ 2x^ + x 2x^ 2x^ + 2 4x^+4 4x^ 4 x^ — 4 x^ 4- 4 hence the required root is xs — x? + 2, i.e., Vx^ _ vx + 2. Extract the square root of each of the following expressions : 58. ar^ + 2 a;^ + 3 a; 4- 4 a;^ + 3 + 2 a."2- 4- x'K 59. a3 — 4 ot^ + 4 a 4- 2 a^ — 4 a^ + aK 60. n'^ — 2 wr^ii^' + 2 m^n^ + imT^n 5—2 mW 4- m^ Extract the cube root of the following expressions ; write the results with all exponents positive, and then replace all fractional- exponent forms by radical signs (cf. footnote, p. 185): 61. 8 4-12a;t4-6a;^4-aj2. 62. 8a;-i-12a;"%4-6aj-V-2/^. 63. r^_6ri4-15r^-204-15«^-6^4-^i 64. 8 a^h--^ 4- 9 a&^ 4- 13 a^ 4- 3 a^6 4- 18 a^h'^^ 4- ^' 4- 12 ah-\ 276 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Ch. XVI Solve the following equations: 65. m^ = 4. 67. x~^ = 5. 69. a;"^ = — 27. 66. ^^ = 8. 68. \yi = 25. 70. yjm^ = 3\js. 71. 2r^ + 5r^ — 3 = 0. [Hint. Put?/ = ri]. 72. £c"^ 4- 5 a;"^ 4- 4 = 0. 73. (2A;-3)-2 + 7(2A:-3)-i-8 = 0. 177. Rationalizing factors of binomial surds. Another advantage of the fractional-exponent notation is that it fur- nishes an easy method for finding the rationalizing factor of any binomial surd whatever, — only quadratic binomial surds were considered in § 157. Ex. 1. Eind the rationalizing factor of x^ + 2/^- Solution. Since (x'^y — (y^y is exactly divisible by x'^ -j- y^ when n is any positive even integer [§ 66 (ii)], and since 6 is the smallest value of n for which both (x^y and (y'^y are rational, therefore the rationalizing factor (cf. § 157) is (X^y—(yh'^ X^—f 5 4 1 2 3 1, 6 -^^ — 7 1 — = ^ 7 = a?3 — x^y^ -\- xy — x^y^ -^ x^y^ — y^ ' .^3 -f ?/^ x^-\-y^ Ex. 2. Find the rationalizing factor of x^ + y'^. Solution. As in Ex. 1 [cf. %66 (iv)], we find this factor to be (X^y^ + (yh^^ X^ -f V^^ M 13 2 , J 2 4 11 x'5 _|_ 2/^ a;^ -f y^ EXERCISE CXX Find the rationalizing factors of the following expressions : 3. s^+A 7. Sv^ — 2vK 11. ah'^-^3v\ 4. s^ — t^. 8. s~^-\-t\ 12. x~^-\-2y\ 5. a^ — xK 9. 2m^ — ?ii 13. .'i;"* — Zi 6. m^ + ni 10. 2x^-3yk 14. 2r~h-'^-t' CHAPTER XVII QUADRATIC EQUATIONS [Supplementary to Chapter XII] 178. Solution of quadratic equations by means of a formula. Since every quadratic equation in one unknown number may be reduced to the form ax^ -\-hx-{- c= ^ (§ 122), and since the roots of tliis equation are ^whatever the number 8 represented hy a, 6, and c (Ex. 3, p. 195), therefore the roots of any particular quadratic equation may be found by merely substituting for «, 5, and = 0. 5. 3^^4-ll^ + 17 = 0. 3. a;2-6a; + 9 = 0. 6. 1(3.^2+ 2) -i = i (a; -5). 4. ^^-1^-11=0. 7. 25?^2_20^^ + 7 = 0. 8. In each of Exs. 4-11, p. 197, determine the character of the roots without solving the equation. 9. For what value of h will the roots of 3 .t^ — 10 ic + 2 A; = be equal ? Suggestion. The roots will be equal if (- 10)2 _ 4 • 3 . 2 A; = 0. Why ? 179-180] QUADBATIC EQUATIONS 279 For what values of m will Exs. 10-15 have equal roots ? 10. mic^— 6x4-3=0. 13. my^ — 5my-\-ll = m. 11. ^ + 3ma; + 7 = 0. 14. y\l - m) -\-7 y = 9 -3my. 12. 3a^-4mic-f 2 = 0. 15. -4i/2-32/-3 = m(2/-f 2/ + 4). 16. Translate into verbal language the conditions for the char- acter of the roots of a^i? -\-hx-\-G — 0. 17. Show that if one root of a quadratic equation is imaginary, then both are imaginary, and each is the conjugate of the other. 18. For what values of A; are the roots of 36 a?^ — 24 A;a; -f- 15 A; = — 4 imaginary ? Solution. Here the discriminant Ifi — ^ac= ( — 24 ky- — 4 • 36(15 Jc -\- i) = 144(4 A;2 - 15 A; - 4) = 144(4 A; + 1) (k - 4) [cf. § 64]. Hence the roots are imaginary for those values of k which make {4:k + l)(k — 4) negative, and for those values only. Now (4A; + l)(^• — 4) is negative only when one of its factors is positive and the other negativ^; hence the roots of the given equation are imaginary when k lies between — ^ and 4. (Why ?) 19. For what values of k are the roots of 36 f — 24:kt-\-15k = — 4 real ? How do the roots compare if k= — ^? k = 4:? 20. Without actually solving the equation, find the values of m for which the roots of 4 mV + 12 m^x -\-10 = m are equal ; also those values of m for which the roots are real ; also, those for which the roots are imaginary. 180. Relation between roots and coefficients. If we let r and / represent the roots of ax^ -^ bx -\- c — 0^ i.e,^ if _54.V52-4a(? ■. , -b-Vh^-iac 2 a 2 a then r + r' = _5 + V^2_4^^ _5_V52_4ac_ 6, 2a 2a a and r-r'^ _ J 4- V52 _ 4 ac -b- V62 -4:ac_c 2a 2a a (2) Let the pupil work out (1) and (2) in detail, and translate each of these equations into verbal language. 280 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Ch. XVII EXERCISE CXXII In the following equations, name the sum of the roots, also their product ; then check your answers by solving the equations. 1. x' + 5x-2 = 0. 4. a;2_30a; + 25 = 0. 2. a^-10x = — 16. 5. a^-\-px = -q. 3. 4s2-6s=3. 6. ax^-{-2bx^c = 0. 7. In each of Exs. 4-11, p. 197, write down, without solving the equation, the sum and the product of its roots; explain your work in each case. 8. If one root of ic^ + 5 a; — 24 = is known to be 3, how may the other root be found from the absolute term ? from the co- efficient of the first power of a; ? Do the results agree ? 9. If one root of any given quadratic equation whatever is known, how may the other root be most easily found ? 10. What is the sum of the roots of 3 mV -j-(Sm — l)x 4-5 = 0? For what value of m is this sum 3? 11. If one root of2a^ — 3(2A: + l)a;-}-9A; = is the reciprocal of the other, find the value of k. Hint. Equate one root to the reciprocal of the other and solve for k. 12. For what value of k will one root of the equation in Ex. 11 be zero ? With this value of Zc, what will be the value of the other root? 13. Answer the questions of Exs. 11 and 12 for the equation 2(k+iyx'-S(2k + l)(k + l)x-{-9k=0. 14. Show that if one root of ax^ -\-bx-\-c = (whatever the values of a, b, and c) is double the other, then 2 6^ = 9 ac. 181. Values of simple expressions containing the roots. If r and / are the roots of a given quadratic equation, § 180 enables us to find the value of such expressions as - + — , r^ + r'^, etc., without first solving the equation. 180-182] QUADRATIC EQUATIONS 281 E.g., the value of - + — , for the equation fl:;^ — 5 a; -f 3 = 0, may be found thus : 1 l_r|-f-r. r r rr but, for this equation, r' + r = 5 and ri^' = 3, therefore - + - = -. r r' 3 Similarly, since r^ + r'^ = (r-{- r'y — 2 rr'j therefore, for the above equation, 7^4-/2 = 25-6 = 19. 182. Formation of equations whose roots are given numbers. (i) Sum and product method. If r and r' are the roots of the equation ax^ -\- bx + e = 0, i.e., of a^-\--x-\--=0, then a a (§ 180) this equation may be written in the form : 2^ — (r + r'}x -\- rr' = 0. And from this we learn how to write down a quadratic equation whose roots are any two given numbers. E.g., if the roots are to be 2 and — 5, we have — (r + r') = 3, and rr' = — 10, whence the equation is a^4_3aj-10 = 0. (ii) The factor method. An equation whose roots are any given numbers may be written down as follows (cf . § 72) : The roots of (^x — r}(x — r') = are evidently r and / ; hence the equation whose roots are 2 and - 5 is (x - 2)(x + 5) = 0, i.e. , as before, a^ -^Sx — lO = 0. EXERCISE CXXIII 1. If r and r' denote the roots of x^ — lx + 12 = 0, find, with- out solving the equation, the value of J- J- -I- , -L 9 ■ 19 ——,, —,, - + -, r^-\-r". ly. _l_ y.1 n.iy.1 n. y>^ 282 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBliA [Cii. XVII Find for each of tlie following equations the value of - + - , 11 r r" T^ + ?''^, r — r', and '- r r 2. f~-12t = -m. 5. a;2 + 2a; = 4. 3. 6m2 — m = 2. 6. si? -{-px-\-q = 0. 4. 32/^-162/ + 5 = 0. 7. ax^ + hx-\-c==0. 8. Solve each of the above equations and thus verify the results in Exs. 2-7. By each ol the methods given in § 182, form the equations whose roots are : 21. 1±V5. 16. r^, r'^. 2 17. V6±4. 22. 5, -^. 18. 5±2V3. 23. Vc±V^. 14. r, — r'. 19. 2 ± 5 ?:. 24. r±-,- r 25. The roots of x' — ^x-\-2 — being ?♦ and ?•', form a new equation whose roots are - and -. (Cf. Exs. 1 and 15 above.) r r' 26. If r and r' are the roots of 3z^ — llz-20 = 0, form an equation whose roots are - and _ ; also one whose roots are r^ r r' and ?''^; also one whose roots are r -\ — andr' + -. r' r Write the equations whose roots are : 27. - 1, 2, - 5. 29. 1 ± V5, 5. 28. -a, -b, —c. 30. ± Vc, c + c?. 183. Factors of quadratic expressions. As in § 182, if r and r' are the roots of the equation ax^ -{-bx-{-c = 0, then a^ + - X + - = x^ — (r -{- r') X -\- rr' = (x — r^Cx — rO, a a V yv ^ 9. 5, -3. 10. -4,4. 11. -a, -6. 12. i|. 13. i-f 182-184] qUADUATlC EQUATIONS 288 ^.e., multiplying by a^ ao^ -\- hx -\- c = a (x — r)(x — r^) ', hence, if the roots of the equation aa^ + bx-i- c = are r and r\ then the factors of the expression ax^ -{- bx -\- c are «, x — r^ and x — r'. 184. A quadratic equation has two roots, and only two. By actually solving the equation ax^ -\- bx + c = (§ 126) we find that it has two roots, say r and r^ That it can have no other root, as r", is evident if we write the equation in the form a(x-r')(x-r^)=0 [§ 183 and observe that a (r" — r}(r" — r'} cannot be zero if r'' differs from both r and r', EXERCISE CXXIV 1. Since 2 and 7 are the roots of x^ — 9 x-\- 14: = 0, what are the factors of a^ — 9 ic + 14 ? 2. By first finding the roots of the equation 15 a^ — 4a?— 3 = 0, find all the factors of the expression 15 a^ — 4 a; — 3. Check your answer by finding the product of these factors. 3. Write a carefully worded rule for factoring quadratic expressions by the method of § 183. Find (in accordance with the rule just made) all the factors of the following expressions, and check your results : 4. 5a;2-12a;-9. 11. (2y-iy-5(y + l)+8. 5. Sz'-4:5z-lS. 12. a^+px-^q. 6. a)2 + 9. 13. ax^ + bx-\-c. 7. s^+s+l. 14. 3m2 ^ -— m — 5. 8. 9. 4m2-24m-13. 8a^_2a;-3. 15. 10. (^ + l)(2-a^)+9 HIGH 8CH. ALG.— — X. •19 16. m^ + 6 m + 13. 284 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Ch. XVII 17. Are the expressions in Exs. 4-16 equal to 0? What justi- fication have we, then, for writing them so ? 18. How many roots has a quadratic equation ? Verify your answer for the equations 28 x^ -f- 29 a; +6 = and m^— 10 m= —25. 19. Show that the cubic equation 27 2/^ — 1 = has three roots and only three (cf. Ex. 17, p. 263). REVIEW EXERCISE- CHAPTERS XJ-XVIi 1. Find the square root of x^ -\- 20 a^ -\- 16 — 4: oc^ -{- 16 x ; also of a;'* — 2 x^y~^ — 4 cc^ + y~^ + 4 x^y + 4 xy^. 2. Find (correct to three decimal places) the value of Vll-7 ; VA; V23561. 3. Expand by the binomial theorem : (a^ — 2/^" ; ( 9" ~^ ^ (l + c-y- (l-Sm^y-, ^-l + a;i 4. Use the binomial theorem to find (correct to five decimal places) the value of (10.001)^ i.e., of (10 + .001)^ Simplify : 5. ^1 + -^^+^. 7. a5 + g = are two consecutive integers, show that 2>' — 4 g — 1 = 0. 286 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Ch. XVII 36. A rectangular plot of ground contains 42 acres; find its sides if its diagonal measures 1243 yards. 37. In a regiment drawn up in the form of a solid square, the number of men in the outside five rows is -fj of the entire regiment. Find the size of the regiment. 38. In a quarter of a mile drive, the fore wheel of a carriage makes 22 revolutions more than the hind wheel ; if the circum- ference of each wheel were 2 ft. less than it now is, the fore wheel would make 33 revolutions more than the hind wheel. Find the circumference of each. 39. A crew can row a certain course upstream in 8^ minutes, and were there no current, they could row it in 7 minutes less than the time it now takes them to drift downstream. How long would it take them to row the course downstream ? 40. Two men, A and B, have a money box containing $ 210, from which each draws a certain fixed sum daily, the two sums being different. Find the sum drawn daily by each, knowing that A alone would empty the box 5 weeks earlier than B alone, while the two together empty it in 6 weeks. CHAPTER XVIII INEQUALITIES 185. Definitions. The symbols > and < stand for "is greater than," and " is less than," respectively ; thus, the expression a- 9, since -4-(— 9) = +5. A statement that one of two numbers is greater or less than the other is called an inequality ; thus, 5a;— 3>2yis an inequality, of which 5 a; — 3 is the first member, and 2 y the second. Two inequalities are said to be of the same species (or to subsist in the same sense') if the first member is the greater in each, or if the first member is the less in each ; otherwise they are of opposite species. Thus, the inequalities a > 6 and c + e are of the same species, while 2-2 ^ y'2 -> 2;2 and m^<,n^ + mn are of opposite species. 186. General principles in inequalities. Before memoriz- ing the following principles (1-7), the pupil should illus- trate each by one or more numerical examples; he should also try to invent a proof of his own for each principle before reading the printed proof. Principle 1. If the same number is added to, or sub- tracted from, each member of an inequality, the result is an inequality of the same species. 287 288 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Ch. XVIII For, if a 5, then a-\- c>b -\- c^ and a— c>b — c. Principle 2. If each member of an inequality is multi- plied or divided by the same positive number^ the result is an inequality of the same species. For, if a>b^ and n is any positive number, then an — bn, i.e.^ (a — b^n^ is positive (why?), and therefore an>bn. Similarly if we divide by n ; and so, too, \i a 6, and n is negative, then an — hn is negative (why ?) and therefore an < hn. Principle 4. If several inequalities of the same species are added^ member to member^ the result is an inequality of the same species. Hint. Let a 6 and 6 > c, then (a — &) + (& — c), i.e. , a — c, is positive (why ?), and therefore a>c. 186-187] INEQUALITIES 289 Pkinciple 7. If two or more inequalities of the same species^ whose members are positive^ are multiplied together^ member by member^ the result is an inequality of the same species. Hint. Let a > 6 and c> d, then, by Prin. 2, ac > he and he > hd^ whence, by Prin. 6, aC^^hd -, and similarly for three or more such inequalities. 187. Conditional and unconditional inequalities. An iden- tical or unconditional inequality is one which is true for all values of its letters. Thus, a + 4 > a and (x — yY + 1 > are unconditional inequalities. A conditional inequality is one which is true only on con- dition that certain restricted values are assigned to its letters. Thus, a;-f4<3a;— 2 only on condition that x>'^. A conditional inequality is solved by means of the princi- ples of § 186, and in much the same way that an equation is solved by means of the ordinary axioms. Ex. 1. If 3 .'» — -2^ > -^ — X, find the possible values of x. Solution. On multiplying each member of this inequality by 3, it becomes 9»=-25>ll -3x, [§186,2 whence 9 a; + 3 a; > 11 + 25, [§ 186, 1 I.e., 12 a; > 36, whence ic> 3 ; [§ 186, 2 i.e., if the given inequality is true, x must be greater than 3. By means of the principles established in § 186 the student may show that each step in the above reasoning is reversible, and hence that the converse is also true ; viz. , that if a; > 3, then 3 x — ^^ > ^^^ — ic. rx- ^i_ . 1 .• (2a; + 32/>5, (1) Ex. 2. Given the two relations \ . / /o\ I a; + 42/ = 6; (2) to find those values of x and y that will satisfy them both. Solution. On multiplying each member of (1) by 4, and each member of (2) by 3, we obtain 8a;-}-122/>20, and 3a;-|-122/ = 18; whence, subtracting, 5 a? > 2, [§ 186, 1 and therefore a^ > f • [§ 186, 2 290 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Ch. XVIII Now substitute for x in (2) above, any number greater than |, and find the corresponding value of y (this value of y will always be less than J ; why ?) ; these values of x and y, taken together, will satisfy both (1) and (2). EXERCISE CXXV 3. Using the definitions of "greater" and "less" in § 185, show that 5 > 2 ; that - 23 < - 12 ; and that 2 > - 9. 4. It x-^y > z — iv, show that x-\-w ^ z —y. Hint. Apply Principle 1 twice. 5. May terms be transposed from one member of an inequality to the other ? If so, how and why (cf . Ex. 4) ? ^ j^ m-n^ m-\-2n ^ ^^^^ ^^^^ 3(m -ii) < 2(m + 2 n). How may an inequality be cleared of fractions ? Why ? 7. Show, from Principles 2 and 3, how to remove a common factor from both members of an inequality. 8. What happens if the signs in each member of an inequality are reversed ? AVhy ? Hint. In the proof of Principle 3, put — 1 for n. 9. If a > 6 and c — d, show that G — a & and c < d, then the sum of these inequalities may be either a + c = 64-d, ora + c>&4-(?, or a + c<54-d; (2) if a > 6 and c > d, then the difference of these inequalities may be either a— c = h^d, a — c^h — d, ova — c hd. Is this inconsistent with Principle 7 ? 13. If a, b, c, and d, are positive numbers, and if a > 6 while c2 ah except when a — h. Hint, (a — 6)2 is positive whether a> 6 or a < 6. 17. Distinguish between a conditional and an unconditional inequality. To which of these classes does a^ + h^ -\-l>2 ah belong ? Why ? 18. To which class of inequalities does 6 £c — 5 > 3 a? belong ? AVhy ? Solve this inequality. 19. If 3 a; < 5 X — 9, show that x is greater than 4^ (cf. Ex. 1). 20. If x^ -\-2^ lla;. 25. Q^ 10 — a;>5. 23. 30>x-f4^>25. ) 2 r3-4a^<7, 24. 28>3a; + x2. 26. |^_^2<4. 27. Show that no positive number plus its reciprocal is less than 2 5 i.e., n being any positive number, that n 4- - < 2.* n 28. Show that 4 ic- + 9 < 12 ic. 29. Show that 2 6 (6 a - 5 6) > (2 a + &)(2 a-h). If a, &, and c are positive and unequal, show that 30. a' 4- ?>' > a%\ 32. a^ + 6^ > a^ft + ah\ g- a4-26 a4-3 ?> 33. a" -{■ h" -\- c^ > ah -\- he + ca. ' a-\-Sb a + 46 34. a^-{-]/-^cy^>3ahc(Gt'Ex.30,]).51). 35. If a=^ -f &2 = 1^ and (r' + cJ- == 1, prove that ah-\-Gd>l. * Cf. Ex. 16. The symbol < stands for " is not less than," and > stands for " is not greater than," 4x-ll>| 292 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Ch. XVIII 36. If both m and *i are positive, which is the greater, m-i-n ^^ 2mn ^ 2 m 4- ?i Solve the following systems : 37 (2x-Sy<2, (y-x>9, \2x-\-5y=6. 39. |7^_^j_^^ r3 a; + 2 2/ = 42, I 20 15 I 7 1 4 a; < 3 2/. 41. Find the smallest integer fulfilling the condition that ^ of it decreased by 7 is greater than J of it increased by 6. 42. The sum of three times A's money and 4 times B's is $ 1 more than 6 times A's ; and if A gives $ 5 to B, then B will have more than 6 times as much as A will have left. Find the range of values of A's money and B's. CHAPTER XIX RATIO, PROPORTION, AND VARIATION I. RATIO 188. Definitions. The ratio (direct ratio) of two numbers is the 'quotient obtained by dividing the first of these num- bers by the second. The numbers themselves are usually called the terms of the ratio, the first being the antecedent, and the second the consequent. E.g.^ the ratio of 15 to 5 is 15 -^ 5, i.e., 3 ; the antecedent is 15, and the consequent is 5. The ratio of a to 5 may be vsrritten as « : 6, a -^ 5, or - ; it is read "the ratio of a to 6," or "a divided by 6." The inverse ratio of 6k to 5 is 6 -h a, i.e.^ it is the reciprocal of the direct ratio of these numbers. Two numbers are said to be commensurable or incommen- surable with each other according as their ratio is rational or irrational (cf. § 146), i.e.^ according as they have or have not a common measure. E.g.^ 1.5 and f are commensurable with each other; so also are 3\/2 and 5 v'2 ; but 3V^ and 5 are incommensurable. 189. Ratio of like quantities. The concrete quantities with which algebra is concerned are expressed by means of numbers, and the ratio of two like * quantities is therefore the ratio of the numbers which represent these quantities. E.g., the ratio $6 : $9 is the same as 6 : 9, i.e.., as 2 : 3. * Unlike quantities can, of course, have no ratio to each other. 293 .294 TIIGU SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Ch. XIX 190. Properties of ratios. Since ratios are quotients, i.e.^ fractions, therefore they have all the properties of fractions. Thus, a ratio is not changed if both antecedent and consequent are multiplied or divided by any given number. Again, if a, ^, and k are positive, and ar when a>b. b —k b 21. By a method similar to that used in § 190, show the cor- rectness of (1) and (2), Ex. 20. 22. If X, y, and z are positive numbers, which is the greater ,. , -, i r>x 2ic4-5?/ ic-|-2?/o x — y-\-z x-\-y-\-Zo ratio (and why ?), — — ^ or —^ — ^ ? ^L-L_ or ^ ^ ^ ? 2x-[-ly x-\-3y x-\-y — z x — y — z 23. Show that the following ratios are all equal: $12 : $9; 8 bu. oats : 6 bu. oats ; 4 T. of coal : 3 T. of coal ; 10 in. : 7^ in. ; 4:3; i:^^. 24. Eind the value. of each of the following ratios: 4V2 : V2; 4V2:2; 7V3 in. : 14V2 in.; $5.80 : 29 cents. 25. Eind two integers whose ratio equals 15| : 9f . Can the ratio of any two numbers whatever be expressed as the ratio of two integers (cf . Ex. 24, also § 188) ? 26. Which of the pairs of numbers (or quantities) in Ex. 24 are commensurable ? Which are incommensurable ? Why ? II. PROPORTION 191. Definitions. If a, 5, c, and d are any four numbers such that a : b — c : d, then these numbers are said to be proportional, or to form a proportion ; i.e., a proportion is a statement that two ratios are equal. 296 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Ch. XIX The proportion a :b = e : d (sometimes written a : b :: c : d^ is read : " the ratio oi a to b equals the ratio of c to c?," and also "a is to 5 as • +^ ^^^e b+d+f-\-h^-- + y f which proves the principle. Note. As in the proof just given, so it will often be found advantageous to represent a ratio by a single letter. 192] RATIO, PROPORTION, AND VARIATION 299 EXERCISE CXXVIII Using Prin(3iple 1, find .*; in each of Kxs. 1-4 : 1. 14 : 3 = 56 :x. 3. - 16 : .^• = 18 : 7. 2. aj : - 5 = 20 : - 2. 4. J : ic = x : g^^ . Find a mean proportional between each of the following pairs of numbers (cf. Ex. 4) : 5. 3, 27. 7. 25, — 4. - 9. ain'^, a^m. 6. -2,-5. 8. .25, .09. 10. a + h,a-b. 11. How many answers has each of Exs. 5-10 ? Why ? Show that the mean proportional between any two numbers equals the square root of their product. 12. Find the third proportional to 1 and 4 ; to — 25 and — 40 ; also the fourth proportional to m — n, m^ — rr, and m + n. 13. Using Principles 2-7, make seven different proportions from the equation cd = mn. 14. Add 1 to each member of the equation a:b = c: d; write the result as a proportion and thus prove Principle 5. 15. Prove that like powers (also like roots) of proportional numbers are proportional, i.e., prove that if a:b = G: d, then a" : ft** = c" : d\ 16. If a: b = c: d and e:f = g:h, show that ae :bf= eg: dh ; also translate this principle into verbal language. 17. li a: b = c:d and e : /= a : h, show that - : - = - : -• e f g h Hint. Use a single letter to represent a ratio (cf. proof of Principle 8). li p : q = r : s, Siud m and n are any numbers whatever, show that the proportions in Exs. 18-25 are true. 18. mp : 7iq=mr : ??s(cf. § 190). 21. s^: q^ = r'^ : p^ 19. op:r = 5q:s. 22. p -\-q :2 p = r + s : 2 r. 20 r:s=-: ' 23. pr : qs= r^ : s\ q p 24. j9'^-4r-:^"-4s'»=-|": -^• HIGH ^ClI. ALG. — 20 300 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Ch. XIX 25. 2) + q: r+ s = Vp~ -f g^ ■ V?^T^. 26. li a:b = c: d = e :f=g : h= •", and I, m, 7i, p, -" are any numbers whatever, show that (ma -\- Ic — ne -i- pg -^ •••) -.{mb -\- Id — nf -\- ph -{ ) = a:h. Hint. Compare § 190, also Principle 8. 27. If {p-\-q^-r+s){p—q—r-{-s) = {p-q^r-s){p + q—r—S), show that p : q = r : s. 28. If ax + cy ^ay + cz^ az + cx ^ ^^^^ ^^^^. ^^^,^ ^j jj^^^^ ?>.?/ -|- dz bz +dx bx+ dy ratios equals ^LjL^ (cf. Principle 8). b -\-d By the principles of proportion solve the equations : 29. a;:15 = aj-l:12. 33. a: : 27 = 2/ : 9 = 2 : a; -?/. 30. a;-:32 = a; + 2:12. a;+Va;-l 13 34. ^=iiiz = — 31. {\cx+V)rdx'=\c\ x--Jx-l 7 'x-y=2, Hint. Apply Principle 7. 32. \ Q^-^f ^5 32 Va; + 7 + V^ ^ 4 + Va? ^ (a? + 2/f 9 ■ Va; + 7 - V^ 4 — Vx 36. AVhat number must be added to each of the numbers 7, 9, 11, and 21 in order that the four sums may be proportional ? 37. In the triangle ABC^ ^/^ divides BC into two parts, 5^ and KC^ respectively proportional to AB and AC. If ^J5 = 10 in., AC = 16 in., and 5(7= 20 in., find BK and KC (Draw a figure to illustrate.) 38. Find two different numbers, m and w, such that m-\-n\m — n\ m^ + n^ = 5:3: 51.* 39. The perimeter of a triangle whose sides are in the ratio 5 : 6 : 8, is 57 meters ; find the lengths of the sides. 40. How may $10 be divided among three boys so that for every dollar the first receives, the second shall receive 15 cents and the third 10 cents ? * The expression a:h:c = x:y'.z, means that a : h ■= x : y, a : c = x : z^ and b :c = y : z; and also the equivalent statement a : x = b : y = c : z. 192-194] RATIO, PROPORTION, AND VARIATION 301 41. Two rectangles are equal in area. If their widths are as 2 : 3, find the ratio of their lengths. 42. The sides of a certain rectangle are in the ratio 7 : 3. Compare the area of the rectangle with that of a square which has the same perimeter. 43. If a:b, c : d, e\f, g : h, ••• are unequal ratios, in which a, b, c, '" are positive numbers, and if a: b is the greatest and e : / the least among these ratios, show that is less than a : b, but greater than e : / (cf. proof of Principle 8). III. VARIATION 193. Variables, constants, and limits. Many questions in mathematics are concerned with numbers whose values are changing ; such numbers are usually called variables, while numbers whose values do not change are called constants. If the difference between a variable (in the course of its changes) and a constant may become and remain less than any assigned number however small, then this constant is said to be the limit of the variable. Thus, your own age, the height of the mercury column in a thermometer tube, the length of the shadow cast by a given flagstaff, etc., are variables ; while the difference between the ages of two given men, the weight of the mercury in a given thermometer, the length of a certain flagstaff, etc., are constants. Again, the decimal .3333 ••• (i.e., .3 + .03 + .003 H — ) is a variable whose limit is I ; this decimal grows larger and larger as more and more places are included, and may thus be made to differ from i by less than any assigned number however small. So, too, 1 + J + I + I + Jg ••• is a variable whose limit is 2 (cf. § 202). n n 194. Interpretation of the forms -, -, and -• Two of these oo forms were first hiet with in § 41, and were there inter- preted by assuming that the definition of division, given in § 8, remains valid for infinitely large numbers and for zero. 302 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Ch. XIX It is better, however, to interpret these forms from the standpoint of variables and limits. (i) If the values 1, -jIq-, y^^, -f^foo^, •••, are successively assigned to x^ what are the corresponding values of -? of -, where a is any finite constant whatever ? Answer the same questions when x takes the successive values 1, 10, 102, 103, .... These examples illustrate two important facts, viz. : (1) ^8 the divisor grows smaller and smaller^ approaching zero as a limit (the dividend beirig a finite constarit^^ the quotient increases without limit. (2) As the divisor increases without limit (the dividend being a finite constant^ ^ the quotient approaches zero as a limit. For the sake of brevity, (1) and (2) are often expressed by the equations - = 00 and — = 0, CX) respectively ; but the interpretation of these equations is as stated in (1) and (2) above. (ii) In the fraction -— , as x takes the successive x—1 values 1.1, 1.01, 1.001, 1.0001, what limit is approached by the numerator? by the denominator? by the value of the fraction? Answer the same questions for — -, as x approaches 2 as a limit. These examples illustrate the fact that as a dividend and its divisor each approach zero as a limit, the quotient may approach any value whatever ; this is often expressed by saying that - is indeterminate. 194] RATIO, PROPORTION, AND VARIATION 303 EXERCISE CXXIX 1. Which of the following quantities are constants and which are variables : (1) the circumference of a growing orange ? (2) the length of the shadow cast by a certain church steeple between sunrise and sunset? (3) the length of the steeple itself? (4) the time since the discovery of America ? (5) the interest earned by an outstanding note ? (G) the principal of the note ? 2. A point P moves through half the distance AB {i.e., to P'), then through half the remaining distance p pn pu (i.e., to P"), then through half the remain- i i i ing distance (i.e., to P"), and so on. Show ^ that the distance from A to P is a variable whose limit is AB. 3. In Ex. 2, is the distance from P to J5 a constant or a variable ? What is its limit ? Explain both answers. 4. If X takes in succession the values .6, .06, .006, .0006, •••, what is its limit ? Why ? 5. What is the limit of the variable sum .6 + .06 -f- .006 -\ (i.e., of the decimal .6666 ••-) ? Explain. 6. If r is any finite constant, trace the changes in the quotient r/s as s passes through the values, 3, 1, ^, ^, -^j, •••; also as s passes through the values 3, 9, 27, 81, •••. Is there a limit to the quotient in the first case ? in the second ? Explain. 7. Translate into verbal language [cf . § 194 (i)] : (1) ^ = 00; (2) ^=0. 8. As X approaches the limit 1, what limit does approach X —1 in form f in value f Answer the same questions for the fractions a; — 1 x^ — x 1 3 a^ — 2a; — 1 a^-1' a;-l' ar 9. By means of your answers to the questions in Ex. 8, illus- trate the fact that - is indeterminate in value. 304 IlIGIl SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Cii. XIX 195. Direct and inverse variation; etc. Of two variables which are so rehited that, during all their changes, their ratio remains constant, each is said to vary (also to vary directly) as the other. The symbol employed to denote variation is ^ ; it stands for the words " varies as," and the expression acch is read '•^ a varies as 5." If a Qc ^, ^.g., if a : 6 = A;, a constant, then a = kb (why ?) ; hence a variation statement may be converted into an equation. E.g., if a tank contains v cii. ft. of water, each cubic foot weighing 02.5 lb., and if the total weight of the water is to lb., then : (1) When V changes (as it must, for example, while the tank is filling), w changes also. (2) Since, no matter how the quantity of water changes, to = 62.5 -w, or w : V = 62.d, therefore wcav; i.e., the weight of watisr varies as its volume. One of two numbers is said to vary inversely as the other if the ratio of the first to the reciprocal of the second is constant. If a varies inversely as 5, then a ' h = k: let pupils fully explain why. Again, if x, y, and z are variables such that x = ki/z^ where k is Si constant, then x is said to vary jointly as ^ and z ; and if a; = -^, then x is said to vary directly as y and inversely as z. z E.g., the time required for a railway train to travel a given distance varies inversely as the speed ; for if t, r, and d represent, respectively, the time, rate, and distance, then t 'r = d, i.e., t: ~ =d, where d is constant. r Again, the cost of a railway journey varies jointly as its length and its cost per mile ; while the number of posts required to build a certain fence varies directly as the length of the fence, and inversely as the distance be- tween the posts. Note. It should be remarked in passing that such an expression as wccv above (i.e., the weight of water varies as its volume) is merely an abbreviated form of the proportion w:w' =v:v', wherein w and w' stand for the respective weights, and v and v' for the volumes, of any two quantities of water. 195] RATIO, PROPORTION, AND VARIATION 305 The theory of variation is, therefore, substantially included in that of ratio and proportion, and the only reason for even defining the expressions "varies as," "varies inversely as," etc., here, is that this convenient phraseology is so well established in physics, chemistry, etc. EXERCISE CXXX 1. Explain and illustrate the following statements : (1) The interest earned by a certain principal varies as the time. (2) The circumference of a circle varies as its radius. 2. State (1) and (2) of Ex. 1 as equations (cf. § 195), also as proportions (cf. § 195, Note). 3. It xccy and if a? = 12 when y = 3, find the equation connect- ing X and y ; also find x when y==7. Solution. Since xccy, therefore x = ky where k is constant (why?) ; moreover, when x = 12 and ?/ = 3, the equation x = ky gives k = 4. There- fore, under the given conditions, x = 4y; hence, when y = 7, x = 28. 4. li aocb and if a = 89 when b = —3, find a when 6 = 2; also when & = I ; also find b when a = — 65. 5. If ^ X -B and BccC, show that AccC. Hint. Show that A = kC\ where k is some constant. 6. If m cc n and pccriy prove that m±pccn. 7. If 3 m^— 18 oc 2n + 1, and if m = 4 when n = 2, find m when n = 23.5. 8. The area of a circle varies as the square of its radius. If a circle whose radius is 10 ft. contains 314.16 sq. ft., find the area of a circle whose radius is 5 ft. ; of one whose radius is 12 ft. 9. Find the radius of a circle whose area is twice that of a circle 10 ft. in radius (cf. Ex. 8). 10. If X varies inversely as y, how is the value of x aifected if y is doubled ? if ?/ is multiplied by 10 ? ii y is divided by — 6 ? Explain. 11. Give three numerical examples of inverse variation. 306 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Cii. XIX 12. If X varies inversely as y, show that : (1) xy = k (where k is constant). (2) x' :x" = y" : y' (where x' and y', x" and y" are correspond- ing vahies of the variables). 13. If x varies inversely as y, and if x = 4 when y = 2, find y when x = — 8; when x = l^ ; when x = 2.5. 14. If x varies directly as y and inversely as z, and if a; = — 12 when 2/ = 2 and z = 7, find y when x = 2 and 2 = 3. 15. Solve Ex. 13 by drawing the graph of the equation con- necting X and y (cf. § 141), and then measuring the ^/-coordinates of the points whose respective .^-coordinates are — 8, 1^, and 2.5. Also show, from the graph, that any change in x makes an oppo- site change in y. 16. If the volume of a pyramid varies jointly as its base and altitude, and if the volume is 20 cu. in. when the base is 12 sq. in. and the altitude is 5 in., what is the altitude of the pyramid whose base is 48 sq. in. and whose volume is 76 cu. in. ? 17. The distance (in feet) through which a body falls from a position of rest, varies as the square of the time (in seconds) during which it falls. If a body falls 257^ ft. in 4 sec, how far will it fall in 5 sec. ? how far during the 5th second ? how far during the 7th second ? 18. If the intensity of light varies inversely as the square of the distance from the source of light, how much farther from a lamp must a book, which is now 2 ft. away, be removed so as to receive just one third as much light ? 19. The weight of a body comparatively near the earth's sur- face varies inversely as the square of its distance from the earth's center. Assuming that the radius of the earth is 4000 mi., find the weight of a 4-lb. brick 2000 mi. from the earth's surface. (Two solutions.) 20. The number of oscillations made by a pendulum in a given time varies inversely as the square root of its length. If a pen- dulum 39.1 inches long oscillates once a second, what is the length of a pendulum that oscillates twice a second? CHAPTER XX SERIES — THE PROGRESSIONS 196. Definitions. A series is a succession of numbers which proceed according to some definite law. The num- bers which constitute the series are called its terms. E.g.^ in the series 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, eacli term after the second is the sum of the two preceding terms ; in the series 2, 6, 18, 54, 162, each term after the first is 3 times the preceding term ; and in the series 1, 4, 9, 16, ••., 81, each term is the square of the number of its place in the series. A series which consists of an unlimited number of terms is called an infinite series ; otherwise it is a finite series. The present chapter considers only the simplest kinds of series — the so-called "progressions." I. ARITHMETICAL PROGRESSION 197. Definitions and notation. An arithmetical series, or arithmetical progression (designated by A. P.), is a series in which the difference found by subtracting a term from the next following term is the same throughout the series. This constant difference, whether positive or negative, inte- gral or fractional, is known as the common difference of the series. E.g.^ the series 2, 5, 8, 11, 14, ••. is an A. P. whose common difference is 3. So, too, the series 18, 11, 4, — 3, — 10, is an A. P. whose common differ- ence is — 7. The elements of any given A. P. are the first term (desig- nated by a), the last term (Z), the common difference (c?), the number of terms (n), and the sum of all the terms (s). Thus, in the series 2, 5, 8, •••, 32, the elements are « = 2, Z = 32, (?= 3, 11 = 11, s= 187. 307 308 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Ch. XX EXERCISE CXXXI 1. Does a row of numbers written down at random constitute a series ? Explain. 2. Show that 1, 7, 13, 19, 25 is an A. P. What are its ele- ments ? 3. What is d in the A. P. 7, 11, 15, 19 ? Extend this series four terms to the right ; also three terms to the left. 4. If the 1st, 3d, and 5th terms of an A. P. are 18, 24, and 30, respectively, find d and write 8 consecutive terms of the series. 5. Write 10 consecutive terms of the series in which 19, 9, and 4 are the 1st, 5th, and 7th terms, respectively. 6. What are the elements of the A. P. 5, 5 + 3, 5 + 6, 5 + 9, 5 + 12 ? How is any term of this series formed from the pre- ceding term ? 7. Show that x,x+y, x-\-2y, x-{-3y, ••• is an A. P. What is d in this series ? How many times must d be added to the first term to make the 2d term ? to make the 3d term ? the 7th term ? the 10th term ? the nth term ? 8. Show from the definition of an A. P. that such a series may be written in the form a, a+d, a-j-2d, a + 3d, '•-, I — 2d, l—d, I, wherein a, d, and I represent, respectively, the first term, com- mon difference, and last term. 198. Formulas. The elements of an A. P. are connected by the two fundamental equations (formulas) numbered (1) and (2) below. Since each term of an A. P. may be derived by adding d to the preceding term (cf. Exs. 6-8, above), therefore, if I stands for the nth term l = a-}-(n-l)d. (1) 107-198] SERIES — THE PPiOGnESSIONS 309 Again, since the sum of the terms of an A. P. may be written in each of the two following forms, s = a-^ (a-\-d)-^(a-\-2d)-h--' + (I- 2 d) -h (I- d) -^ I and s = I i- {I - d) -{- {I - 2 d) -\- •" + (a -^ 2 d) -{- {a -\- d) -^ a, therefore, by adding these equations, term by term, i.e.^ 2s = n(^a-\- Z), [n terms whence * = -^-^ — ^ ; (2) or, substituting the value of I from (1), n [Za + (n-l) 1). 15. If, in a G. P., r is positive and less than 0.5, show that any given term of the series is greater than the sum of all the terms that follow it. 16. A point traversing a straight line moves in any given second 75 % as far as in the preceding second ; if it moves 24 ft. in the first second, how far will it move before coming to rest ? 318 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Ch. XX 17. If a sled runs 80 ft. during the first second after reaching the bottom of a hill, and if its distance decreases 20 % during each second thereafter, how far will it run on the level before coming to rest? 18. If a ball, on being dropped from a tower window 100 ft. above the pavement, rebounds 40 ft., then falls and rebounds 16 ft., and so on, how far will it move before coming to rest ? 19. Although s^ for the series ^, i, ^, ••• is 1, show that for the series -J, J, J, ^, •••, 6\ grows larger beyond all bounds, by suffi- ciently increasing 7i. Suggestion. Write the series thus : s« = I +(i + i) + (^ + i + 7 + i) -i , putting 8 terms in the next group, 16 in the next, and so on, and show that each group is greater than |. 203. Geometric means. The two end terms of a finite G. P. are called its extremes, while all the other terms are called geometric means between these two. E.g., in the series f, i, ^, |, and ^, the extremes are | and ^4^, and |, ^, and I are geometric means between them. In a G. P. of three terms, the (one) geometric mean be- tween the extremes equals the square root of their product ; for if Gr is the geometric mean between a and 5, then — = -77, [definition of a G. P. a Gr whence G- = ± Vab, Ex. 1. Find the geometric mean between 6 and 24; also between 10 and 8. Solution. The geometric mean between 6 and 24 is ± V6 • 24, i.e. ±12; and the geometric mean between 10 and 8 is ± VlO • 8, i.e. ±4V5. Ex. 2. Insert four geometric means between f and — -^. Solution. In this series, a = i Z = — y, and (since four means are to be inserted) n = 4 + 2 = 6 ; hence by § 201 (1), - -V- = | • ?-^, whence ?*^ = — 2^^- and r = — |. Therefore the required series is 4 _2 1 _4. 9 __2 3? 1. -I. I. -¥• 202-204] SERIES— THE PROGRESSIONS 319 EXERCISE CXXXVII Find the geometric mean between the following number-pairs : 3. 18,8. 5. }, -ff 7. (a + b),(a-by, 4. 5,20. 6. 0.5,3.5. 8. 2x-3, {x-{-:iy. 9. Insert 4 geometric means between 3 and 96. 10. Insert 3 geometric means between 2 and ^ (two answers). 11. Insert 6 geometric means between — 3125 x^^ and ^^y • 12. If m geometric means are inserted between a and b, show that r for the series thus formed is "''^b -^ a. 13. What does the formula of Ex. 12 become when m = l? Is this consistent with the formula for G obtained in § 203 ? 14. Two numbers differ by 24, and their arithmetical mean exceeds their geometric mean by 6. Find the numbers. 204. Harmonic series. An harmonic series, or harmonic progression (H. P.), is a series of numbers whose reciprocals form an A. P. A supposed H. P. may therefore be tested, and problems in H. P. be solved, by an appeal to our knowledge of A. P. E.g., the numbers f, ^, -^j, ^'j, ••• form an H. P. because their reciprocals, viz., I, 4, J^, -2/, ..., form an A. P. Again, if we were asked to extend the H. P. f, \, y\, f^, ••• one or more terms toward the right, we should need merely to form the corresponding A. P., viz., I, 4, -^5% ■^, ..-, extend it as required (cf. Ex. 3, p. 308), and then write the reciprocals of its terms. EXERCISE CXXXVIII 1. If the 6th term of an H. P. is ^, and the 17th term is ^, find the 37th term. Hint. First find the 37th term in an A. P. whose Oth and 17th terms are 3 and ^, respectively. 2. Insert 5 harmonic means between 2 and — 3. 320 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Ch. XX 3. Assuming x to be the harmonic mean between a and 6, show that = , and hence that x = — ^— • X a b X a-^b 4. The arithmetical mean between two numbers is 5, and their harmonic mean is 3.2. What are the numbers? 5. The difference between two numbers is 2, and their arith- metical mean exceeds their harmonic mean by ^. Find the numbers. 6. Given (b — a): (c — b) = a: x, prove that x equals a, b, or c, according as a, b, and c form an A. P., a G. P., or an H. P. 7. If a and b are two unequal positive numbers, and ^ is their arithmetical mean, G their geometric mean, and .H their harmonic mean, show that : (1) A> G>Hj and (2) A:G=G: H. CHAPTER XXI MATHEMATICAL INDUCTION — BINOMIAL THEOREM 205. Proof by induction. An elegant and powerful form of proof, and one that is very useful in many branches of mathematics, is what is known as "proof by induction." To illustrate : suppose it to have been found by trial that a; — ^ is a factor of x^ — ^^, oi^ — «/^ and a;* — ^*, and that we wish to know whether it is a factor of x" — y^^ x^ — y^^ ••• also. Actual trial with any one of these, say ^ — y^, would show that it is exactly divisible hj x — y, but besides being somewhat tedious, this division gives no information as to whether a; — ^ is or is not a factor of x^ — y'^, ••• also ; each successful trial increases the probability of the success of the next, but it proves nothing beyond the single case tried. That X — y is a factor of x^ — ^™, for every positive inte- gral value of 7i, may be shown as follows : Since a^^ - ^» = x(x''-^ - y''-^) + y""'^ (x - y), therefore, if a; — ^ is a factor of x^~^ — y^~\ then it is a fac- tor of the second member of this equation, and therefore of x^—y^ also (why ?) ; i.e.^ if x — y is a factor of the differ- ence of any two like integral powers of x and y, then it is a factor of the difference of the next higher powers also. But since, by actual trial, a; — ^ is already known to be a factor of a;* — y^^ therefore, by what has just been proved, it is a factor of a:^ — ^^ also ; again, since it is now known to be a factor of a^^ — ^, therefore it is a factor oioc^ — y^ -, and so on without end : ^.e., x — y is a factor of ot^—y"^ for every positive integral value of n, 321 322 BIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Ch. XXI The proof just given is an example of what is known as a proof by mathematical induction ; such a proof consists essen- tially of two steps, viz. : (1) Showing hy trial or otherwise the correctness of a given law when applied to one or more particular cases^ and (2) Proving that if this law is true for any given case, then it is true for the next higher case also. From (1) and (2) it then follows that the proposition under consideration is true for all like cases.* EXERCISE CXXXIX 1. Prove that the sum of the first n odd integers is n^. Solution. (1) By trial it is found that 1 + 3 = 2^ and 1 + 3 + 5 = 32. (2) Moreover, if i + 3 + 5 + . . . + (2 A: - 1) = A;^, then, by adding the next odd integer to each member, we obtain 1+ 3 + 5 ... + (2 A: - 1) + (2 A; + 1) =: ^•2 + (2 A: + 1) = (A; + 1)2 ; i.e., if the law in question is true for the first k odd integers, then it is true for the first k + I odd integers also. But, by actual trial, this law is known to be true for the first 3 odd inte- gers, hence it is true for the first 4 ; and, since it is now known to be true for the first 4, therefore it is true for the first 6 ; and so on without end : hence the sum of any number of consecutive odd integers, beginning with 1, equals the square of their number. By mathematical induction prove that : 2. 14-2 + 3+.. -+71 = 1.71(71 + 1). 3. 2 + 4 + 6+.-. + 27i = 7i(7i+l). 4. 12 + 2^ + 32+.. . + 7l2 = ^n(71 + l)(271 + l). * The student should carefully distinguish between mathematical induc- tion, as here defined, and what is known as inductive reasoning in the natural sciences. A proof by mathematical induction is, from its very nature, absolutely conclusive. On the other hand, the inductive method in physics, chemistry, etc., consists in formulating a statement of a law which will fit the particular cases that are known, and regarding it as a laio only so long as it is not contradicted by other facts not previously taken into account. From the nature of the case step (2) above cannot be applied in physics, etc. 205-206] MATHEMATICAL INDUCTION 323 5. l« + 2« + 3«+"-+^' = i-n2(n + l)2 = (l+2 + 3+--+ri)'. 6. A + A4-A+..-+ ' 1.2 2.3 3-4 n(n-\-l) n + 1 7. 1.2 4-2.3 + 3.4+...+w(n + l) = in(n + l)(w.-f-2). 8. a + ar + ar^-] f- ar^'-i = ^^i^— 1^ . 1 — r 9. a;" — ?/'' is divisible by ic + 2/ when 71 is even. 10. Having established (1) and (2) in the inductive proof of any law, show the generality of the law by showing that there can be no Jirst exception, and therefore no exception whatever. 206. The binomial theorem. The method of induction furnishes a convenient proof of what is known as the bino- mial theorem; this theorem, which was presented without formal proof in § 112, may be symbolically stated thus : wherein x-\-y represents any binomial whatever, and n is any positive integer. To prove this theorem by mathematical induction, observe first that it is correct when n = % for it then becomes 2 ^ • 1 (x + ?/)2 = a;2 _|_ ^^ _^ rL_^ a;V ; i'e.,{x -^ yy^ = x^ -\-1xy -^ ?/2, which agrees with the result of actual multiplication. Again, if (1) is true for any particular value of n^ say for n = k^ i.e., if {X -f yy = x^-\-\ x'-^y + ^^f=^ x^'Y + ^^^-y-^> .-¥+-, (2) 324 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Ch. XXI then, on multiplying each member of (2) by x-\-y^ it be- comes {X + yy^^ = x'+^ + J x'y + ^^^"^^ x'-y 1.2-3 "^ which is of precisely the same form as (2), merely having k-\-l wherever (2) has k. Moreover, (3) is obtained from (2) by actual multiplication, and is therefore true if (2) is true ; hence, if the theorem is true when the exponent has any particular value (sa}^ A;), then it is also true when the exponent has the next higher value. But, by actual multiplication, the theorem is known to be true when 7i= 2, hence, by what has just been proved, it is true when ?i = 3 ; again, since it is now known to be true when n = 3, therefore it is true when n = 4 ; and so on with- out end : hence the theorem is true for every positive inte- gral exponent, which was to be proved. EXERCISE CXL 1. In the expansion of (x -f- ?/)", what is the exponent of y in the 2d term? in the 3d term? in the 4th term? in the i2th term ? in the rth term ? What is the sum of the exponents of X and y in each term? 20r,-207] BINOMIAL THEOREM 325 2. In the expansion of (x + ?/)** what is the largest factor in the denominator of the 3d term ? of the 4th term ? of the 10th term ? of the rth term ? In any given term, how does this factor compare with the exponent of y? 3. In the expansion of (aj-f?/)'*, what is subtracted from n in the last factor of the numerator in the 3d term ? in the 4th term ? in the 5th term ? in the 9th term ? in the rth term ? 4. Based upon your answers to Exs. 1-3, write down the 6th term of (x + yy. Also write the 10th term ; the 17th term ; and the ?-th term. 207. Binomial theorem continued. Strictly speaking, all that was really proved in § 200 is that, for every positive integral value of the exponent, the first four terms of the expansion follow the law expressed by (1) ; that all the terms follow this law will now be shown. In multiplying (2) of § 206 by a; + ?^, the 2d term of the product (3) is x times the 2d term plus i/ times the 1st term of (2) ; so, too, the 10th term of (3) would be found by adding x times the 10th term to ?/ times the 9th term of (2), and the rth term of (3) by adding x times the rth term to 1/ times the (r — l)th term of (2). But the (r — l)th and the rth terms of (2) are, respec- tively, 1.2.3....(r-2) ^ and K^-l)(^-2)...(^-r+3)(y^-r + 2) ,_,^, , . 1.2.3. •(r-2Xr-l) ^ ' therefore the rth term of (3) is ' k(k - l)(Jc - 2) ... (k - r -\- ^) 1.2.3. ...(r-2) ^(^-l)(^-2)...(^-r + 3)(^-r + 2) 1 ,_,^, ^ 1.2.3. ...(r-2)(r-l) J ^ ' (k+l}k(k-l) ... (^-r+ 3) ,_,^, 1 1.2.3. ...(r-1) "^ ^ ' 326 IIIGII SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Cn. XXI wliicli conforms to the law for the rth term expressed by (1) of § 206. Hence the rth term, i.e.^ every term, in (3) con- forms to the law expressed by (1), which was to be proved. EXERCISE CXLI 1. Write down the expansion of (a+by-, also of {p — qf. Explain why the alternate terms in the expansion of (^ — qf are negative. 2. Write down the 1st, 2d, 3d, and 8th terms of {x + yf^. 3. Write down the 4th and 7th terms of {a — xy\ 4. How many terms are there in the expansion of (x+yy^? Write down the first three, and also the last three terms of this expansion, and compare their coefficients. 5. Write down the coefficient of the term containing ay, in the expansion of (a — yy^. 6. Expand (3 a^ - 2 xff ; compare Ex. 2, § 57. 7. Write down the 4th and 9th terms of (f ic — | ?/)". 8. How many terms are there in [a; ) ? Write down the \ xj _ 10th term. Also write down the 5th term of (J^-^J'^J. 9. Write down the term of (3 a^-^- 2 x'y, i.e., of (xy(S a^-2)^ which contains a^^. 10. Write down the term of f a^ ) which contains a". 3 a, 11. Expand (a^ + 3 a^x'^y, and write the result with positive exponents. 12. Expand (l — x-{- of)* by means of the binomial theorem (cf. Exs. 40-41, p. 176). 13. By applying the law expressed in (1) of § 206 show that the coefficient of the (n + l)th term of (x -f yy is 1 ; also show that the coefficient of every term thereafter contains a zero factor, and hence that {x+yy contains only n-\-l terms. 207-208] MATHEMATICAL INDUCTION^ ETC, 327 14. Show that the sum of the binomial coefficients, ^.e., of 1, 71 n(n-l) n(n-l)(n-2) ■ o,, r 2~~' 1.2.3 '••'^'^- Hint. After expanding (a; -f y)**, let cc = y = 1. 15. Show that the sum of the even coefficients (i.e., the 2d, 4th, . . •) in Ex. 14 equals the sum of the odd coefficients, and that each sum is 2"~\ Hint. In (x + 2/)** let x = 1 and y =— 1. 16. Show that the coefficient of the rth term in (x 4-?/)" may be obtained by multiplying that of the (r— l)th term by ^~^"'~ , ?' — 1 and thus show that the binomial coefficients increase numerically in going from term to term toward the center. 17. Show that the coefficient of the rth term is numerically greater than that of the (r — l)th term so long as r < ^ (n 4- 3) ; and thus write down the term whose coefficient is greatest in the expansion of (x + 3/)" ; and also in (x + ijy^. 208. Binomial theorem extended. It may be remarked in passing that the binomial theorem (§ 206), which has thus far been restricted to the case where the exponent is a posi- tive integer, is greatly extended in Higher Algebra, where it is shown that under certain restrictions it admits negative and fractional exponents also. Although the proof of this fact is beyond the limits of this book, its correctness may be assumed in the following exercises. EXERCISE CXLII Using the binomial theorem, write the first 5 terms of : 1. (a;4-2/)i 3. (a-c)i 5. {l-as^^. 2. (l + w)i 4. (a-^b)-\ 6. (2m-Jc)-K 7. Write the 6th term of (3 r — sy^ ; also the 5th term of {\-3x)\ 8. Show that in such cases as the above the binomial theorem leads to infinite series (cf. Ex. 13, p. 326). , 328 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Ch. XXI 9. Expand (1 — x)~'^ to 8 terms by the binomial theorem and compare the result with the first 8 terms of the quotient 1^(1-0;). 10. Show that, when expanded by the binomial theorem and simplified, (25 + 1)^ = 5 + ^^ - wo^ + sirio^ > compare this result with VW as found by the usual method. 11. By expanding (9 — 2)^, find an approximate value of V7; similarly, find an approximate value of VM (i.e., V27 + 4), and of ^40 (i.e., ^^2 + 8). 209. The square of a polynomial. In § bQ it was pointed out that, by actual multiplication, the square of a polyno- mial consisting of 3, 4, or 5 terms equals the sum of the squares of all the terms of the polynomial, plus twice the product of each term by all those that follow it. It will now be shown that if this theorem is true for polynomials of n terms, then it is also true for those of w + 1 terms ; and from this it will follow, as in § 205, that it is true for poly- nomials of any finite number of terms whatever, since it is already known to be true for polynomials of five terms. Let a+h-[- c-\- -•■ -\- p -[- qhQ 2i polynomial of n terms, and let (a+h-\-c-\- ••• +Jt?4-g)2= «2 + h^-\ \- q^ -\- 2 ah -{■ 2 ac+'-' -\-1aq-\-1hc-\ h 2^g + [-2jt?g. In this identity replace a everywhere by ic + ^ ; then the number of terms in the polynomial in the first member will become n + 1, and the second member will still consist of the sum of the squares of all the terms of the polynomial, plus twice the product of each term by all those that follow it (the student should work this out in detail) ; therefore, if the theorem is true for polynomials of n terms, then it is also true for those of n + 1 terms, which was to be proved. CHAPTER XXII LOGARITHMS 210. Introduction. Early in tlie seventeenth century, two British mathematicians, Lord Napier and Henry Briggs, con- ceived the idea of expressing all real positive numbers as powers of 10,* arranging the exponents of these powers in a table for convenient reference, and then employing this table to simplify certain arithmetical computations, especially multiplication. E.g., to find the product of 3.578, 7.986, and 48.67, we find from the table that 3.578 = 10°^^, 7.986 = 10«-^23^ and 48.67 = lO^^^^^ whence 3.578 x 7.986 x 48.67 = 10«^^ x lO"^^^ x lO^-^^ __ -j^QO.5536+0.9023+1.6873 Tfi 3Q we now find from the table that 10«-i^ = 1390.6, whence 3.578 x 7.986 x 48.67 = 1390.6. Thus, by performing an addition (of the exponents), we have found the product of the given numbers. Other advantages of such a table of exponents (loga- rithms) will be shown later (§ 218) ; some necessary defini- tions and principles must now be given. 211. Definitions. The logarithm of a number (iV) to any given base (5) is the exponent (x) of the power to which this base must be raised to equal the given number. * That it is possible to do this, either exactly or to any required degree of approximation, will be assumed in this chapter. 329 330 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Ch. XXII The logarithm of iV to the base b is usually written logjiV; and the two statements iV=5^ and log(,N=x are, therefore, only different ways of saying the same thing. E.g., •.•2^ = 8, .•.log28 = 3; •.•3^ = 243, .•.log8243 = 5 and •.• 10i-^'3 = 48.67, .-. logjo 48.67 = 1.6873. EXERCISE CXLIII 1. rrom the equation 3^* = 81, find logg 81 . Translate into logarithmic equations (cf. Ex. 1) : 2. 4^=64. 5. 2^ = 32. 8. 10« = 1. 3. 9^ = 81. 6. (|)' = ^V 9- 10-' = .001. 4. 10-* = 1000. 7. 2-^ = ^2- 10- (i)"' = 125. Express the following statements in the exponent notation, and then verify the correctness of each : 11. log7 49 = 2. 14. Iogiol0 = l. 17. log3i = -2. 12. log2l6 = 4. 15. logiol = 0. 18. logio.0001 = -4. 13. log.5 .125 = 3. 16. Iogiol0000 = 4. 19. loga256 = -8. 20. Find the value of the following logarithms : logg 27 ; log2 64; log_8 64; log_6(-216); log4l; logio.l; log.ilO; 21. Between what two consecutive integers does each of the following logarithms lie: logio83; logio2224; logio4; logio.007; logio .1256 ? Explain your answers. 22. May the base of a set of logarithms be fractional ? nega- tive ? May a logarithm itself be fractional ? negative ? May negative numbers have logarithms ? Illustrate your answers. 212. Principles of logarithms. Since logarithms are expo- nents (§ 211), therefore the principles of logarithms are easily obtained from those governing exponents (§§ 171-175). 211-212] LOGARITHMS 331 Principle 1. TJie logarithm of 1 to any base is 0, and the logarithm of the base itself is 1 ; i.e.^ logj 1 = and log^ 5 = 1. The correctness of tliis principle follows at once from the definition of a logarithm (§ 211), and from the fact that Z>o=l and 51 = 6. [§§ 173, 9 Principle 2. The logarithm of a product equals the sum of the logarithms of the factors ; i.e.^ log, (M/if) =log, M -{-log, /if. For, if M= b"^ and iV^= ^>^ then M]sr= b^'^\ [•/ b'' - by = b'^+y whence log<. {MN) =x-\-y = log^ M-\- log^ N. Similarly, log (MZVP • • •) = log^ M+ log^, iY+ log, P + • • •• Let the pupil translate Principles 3-5 below into verbal language, and prove each in detail (cf. Principle 2 above). Principle 3. log^^=log;, Af-log^/l^. Hint. 11 M=h'' and N = &", then M^ N= b''-^. Principle 4. log^ N^ = p' log^ N. Hint. liN= &^, then N^ = (b^y = b^». Principle 5. log^ ^N = ~ • logj N. r 1 _ 1 Hint. If iV^= ^)^ then Vi\^=(^,-)^ 1 = 47.45 x 3.514 x .0064. SOLUTION log p = log 47.45 + log 3.514 + log .0064 ; [§ 212, Prin. 2 but log 47.45= 1.6763, [§216 log 3.514= 0.5458, and log .0064 = 7.8062 - 10 ,^ [§ 216, Note therefore log p = 10.0283 - 10 = 0.0283; and therefore p = 1.067. [§ 217 This product found in the ordinary way is .10671+. Ex. 2. Find 3.041^ Solution, log (3.041^) = 4 x log 3.041 [§ 212, Prin. 4 = 4 X 0.4830 = 1.9320 ; [§ 216 therefore 3.041^ = antilog 1.9320 = 85.5. [§ 217 Obtained by ordinary multiplication 3.041* = 85.5196+. Ex. 3. Find ^:0572. Solution, log V.0572 = ^ x log .0572 [§ 212, Prin. 5 = I X 2.7574 = ix (1.7574 -3) t = 0.5858-1 = 1.5858; therefore V.0572 = antilog 1.5858 = .3853. Obtained by the method of § 120, -^;0572 = .38529+. * The form 7.8602 - 10 (instead of 3.8062) is used for log .0064 because, in computation, negative characteristics increase the danger of errors. t In order to divide 2.7574 by 3 without mixing positive and negative numbers it is well first to write 2.7574 in one of the following forms: 1.7574 - 3, 4.7574 - G, 7.7574 - 9, etc., i.e., to add (and then subtract) some multiple of 3 which will make the characteristic positive. 217-218] LOGARITHMS 339 „ , J. 37.22 X (-19.86) n , '^•*- ^'^= (12.33y -^"^"' Solution. In such examples we first find the numerical value of the result by regarding all the factors as positive, and then prefix the proper sign as determined by §§ 18 and 19. Thus, ignoring the minus sign, we have log X = log 137.22 + log 9.86 - 2 x log 12.33 [§ 212, Prin. 2 and 3 = 1.5707 + 1.2980 - 2 x 1.0910 = 0.6847 ; therefore x=- antilog 0.6847 = - 4.84. Ex. 5. Given 47.5^ = 293.64 ; find x. Solution. On taking the logarithm of each member of this equation we obtain X . log 47.5 = log 293.64 ^ log 293.64 . log 47.5 ' 2.4678 whence I.e.. x = 1.6767 1.472. Note. Equations in which the unknown number appears as an exponent are called exponential equations. Such equations cannot be solved by the methods given in the preceding pages, but are easily solved by the method illustrated in the above solution of Ex. 5. EXERCISE CXLVIII By logarithms find the value of : 6. 376x58. 12. 380.7 -^ 9.8. 7. 2.29x8.7. 13. 10 -^ 3.141. 8. 69.5 x. 00543. 14. 3 -r- 5.963. 9. -42.37 X. 236. 15. 30.07 -?- .002121. 10. .2912x3.141. 16. .005918 -f- .0009293. 11. .0695 x .002682. 17. 13 x 753 ^ .06238. 340 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA [Ch. XXII By logarithms simplify : 18. 23\ 23. (2)8. 28. V675. 19. .08^1 24. (If)^. 29. ^:0500l. 20. .395^-1^ 25. (62)i 30. ^(.3192)«. 21. (-3.813)'. 26. (991.7)^. 3^^ -;/:i277^l7. 32. '^18^V2574. 22. (1.228)10. 27. (.1183)? 33. 34. 19x(-700) 4635^« X 200.4* 970 X 1.4 X .0616 36. 10123 3-1^1 X .0711 ^^ 13^n^2^5 .8331x51 • 57o^7)j2l 33^ 1.78 X. 0052x16. 2^x(#X^f ^ .339x4.315 38. ^2J^ ^. 39. If a, b, and c are the sides of a triangle, and s is one half their sum, the area of the triangle is -\/s(s — a)(s — b)(s — c). Find, by logarithms, the area of the triangle whose sides are 13.6 ft., 15.1 ft., and 20.1 ft. ; also the area of the triangle whose sides are 260 ft., 319 ft., and 464 ft. Solve for x (cf. Ex. 5) : 40. 16-"= 354. 43. 6"^ = 5'=+\ 41. 7^ = 9.59. 44. 2'^ = 113-+!. 42. 28.8^ = 12750. 45. 152»<^«^ = 3275. 46. From (1), § 201, show that in a G. P. log r = ]2K1zl}^.^ n — 1 also find r when a = 10, w = 10, and I = 196830. 47. If A is the amount of P dollars at r % compound interest for n years, show that A = P(l + r)" ; also solve this equation for each letter it contains. (Cf. Ex. 25, p. 316, also Ex. 46 above.) 48. Find the amount of $700 for 5 years at 4% compound interest; also the amount of $450 for 10 years at 3% compound interest. 49. In what time will $ 800 amount to $ 1834.50 if put at com- pound interest at 5 % ? 218] LOGARITHMS 341 Table of Common Logarithms N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lO CXXX) 0043 0086 0128 0170 0212 0253 0294 0334 0374 II 0414 0453 0492 0531 0569 0607 0645 0682 0719 0755 12 0792 0828 0864 0899 0934 0969 1004 1038 1072 1 106 13 1 139 1173 1206 1239 1271 1303 1335 1367 1399 1430 14 I46I 1492 1523 1553 1584 1614 1644 1673 1703 1732 15 I76I 1790 1818 1847 1875 1903 1931 1959 1987 2014 i6 2041 2068 2095 2122 2148 2175 2201 2227 2253 2279 17 2304 2330 2355 2380 2405 2430 2455 2480 2504 2529 18 2553 2577 2601 2625 2648 2672 2695 2718 2742 2765 19 2788 2810 2833 2856 2878 2900 2923 2945 2967 2989 20 3010 3032 3054 3075 3096 3118 3139 3160 3181 3201 21 3222 3243 3263 3284 3304 3324 3345 3365 3385 3404 22 3424 3444 3464 3483 3502 3522 3541 3560 3579 3598 23 3617 3(>3^ 3655 3674 3692 37" 3729 3747 3766 3784 24 3802 3820 3838 3856 3874 3892 3909 3927 3945 3962 25 3979 3997 4014 4031 4048 4065 4082 4099 4116 4133 26 4150 4166 4183 4200 4216 4232 4249 4265 4281 4298 27 43H 4330 4346 4362 4378 4393 4409 4425 4440 4456 28 4472 4487 4502 4518 4533 4548 4564 4579 4594 4609 29 4624 4639 4654 4669 4683 4698 4713 4728 4742 4757 30 477^ 4786 4800 4814 4829 4843 4857 4871 4886 4900 31 4914 4928 4942 4955 4969 4983 4997 501 1 5024 5038 32 5051 5065 5079 5092 5105 5"9 5132 5145 5159 5289 5172 33 5185 5198 5211 5224 5237 5250 5263 5276 5302 34 5315 5328 5340 5353 5366 5378 5391 5403 5416 5428 35 5441 5453 5465 5478 5490 5502 5514 5527 5|3? 555' 36 5575 5587 5599 5611 5623 5635 5647 5658 5670 37 5682 5694 5705 5717 5729 5740 5752 5763 5775 5786 38 5798 5809 5821 5832 5843 5855 5866 ^Hl 5888 5899 39 59" 5922 5933 5944 5955 5966 5977 5988 5999 6010 40 6021 6031 6042 6053 6064 6075 6085 6096 6107 6117 41 6128 6138 6149 6160 6170 6180 6191 6201 6212 6222 42 6232 6243 6253 6263 6274 6284 6294 6304 6314 6325 43 6335 6345 6355 6365 6375 6385 6395 6405 6415 6425 44 6435 6444 6454 6464 6474 6484 6493 6503 6513 6522 45 6532 6542 6551 6561 6571 6580 6590 6599 6609 6618 46 6628 6637 6646 6656 6665 6675 6684 6693 6702 ^?'^ 47 6721 6730 6739 6749 6758 6767 6776 6785 ?Zt4 6803 48 6812 6821 6830 6839 6848 6857 6866 6875 6884 6893 49 6902 691 1 6920 6928 6937 6946 6955 6964 6972 6981 50 6990 6998 7007 7016 7024 7033 7042 7050 7059 7067 51 7076 7084 7093 7101 7110 7118 7126 7135 7H3 7152 52 7160 7168 7177 7185 7193 7202 7210 7218 7226 7235 53 7243 7251 7259 7267 7275 7284 7292 7300 73Sf 7316 54 7324 7332 7340 7348 7356 7364 7372 7380 7388 7396 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 342 HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA Table of Common Logarithms N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 55 7404 7412 7419 7427 7435 7443 7451 7459 7466 7474 56 7482 7490 7497 7505 7513 7520 7528 7536 7543 7551 57 7559 7566 7574 7582 7589 7597 7604 7612 7619 7627 58 7634 7642 7649 7657 7664 7672 7679 7686 7694 7701 59 7709 7716 7723 7731 7738 7745 7752 7760 7767 7774 60 7782 7789 7796 7803 7810 7818 7825 7832 7839 7846 61 7853 7860 7868 7875 7882 7889 7896 7903 7910 7917 62 7924 7931 7938 7945 7952 7959 7966 7973 7980 7987 63 7993 8000 8007 8014 8021 8028 8035 8041 8048 8055 64 8062 8069 8075 8082 8089 8096 8102 8109 8116 8122 65 8129 8136 8142 8149 8156 8162 8169 8176 8182 8189 66 8195 8202 8209 8215 8222 8228 8235 8241 8248 8254 67 826i 8267 8274 8280 8287 8293 8299 8306 8312 8319 68 8325 8331 8338 8344 8351 8357 8363 8370 8376 8382 69 8388 8395 8401 8407 8414 8420 8426 8432 8439 8445 70 8451 8457 8463 8470 8476 8482 8488 8494 8500 8506 71 8513 8519 8525 8531 8537 8543 8549 8555 8561 8567 72 8573 8579 8585 8591 8597 8603 8609 8615 8621 8627 73 8633 8639 8645 8651 8657 8663 8669 8675 8681 8686 74 8692 8698 8704 8710 8716 8722 8727 8733 8739 8745 75 8751 8756 8762 8768 8774 8779 8785 8791 8797 8802 76 8808 8814 8820 8825 8831 8837 8842 8848 8854 8859 77 8865 8871 8876 8882 8887 8893 8899 8904 8910 8915 78 8921 8927 8932 8938 8943 8949 8954 8960 8965 8971 79 8976 8982 8987 8993 8998 9004 9009 9015 9020 9025 80 9031 9036 9042 9047 9053 9058 9063 9069 9074 9079 81 9085 9090 9096 9101 9106 9112 9117 9122 9128 9133 82 9138 9143 9149 9154 9159 9165 9170 9175' 9180 9186 83 9191 9196 9201 9206 9212 9217 9222 9227 9232 9238 84 9243 9248 9253 9258 9263 9269 9274 9279 9284 9289 85 9294 9299 9304 9309 9315 9320 9325 9330 9335 9340 86 9345 9350 9355 9360 9365 9370 9375 9380 9385 9390 87 9395 9400 9405 9410 9415 9420 9425 9430 9435 9440 88 9445 9450 9455 9460 9465 9469 9474 9479 9484 9489 89 9494 9499 9504 9509 9513 9518 9523 9528 9533 9538 90 9542 9547 9552 9557 9562 9566 9571 9576 9581 9586 91 9590 9595 9600 9605 9609 9614 9619 9624 9628 9633 92 9638 9643 9647 9652 9657 9661 9666 9671 9675 9680 93 9685 9689 9694 9699 9703 9708 9713 9717 9722 9727 94 9731 9736 9741 9745 9750 9754 9759 9763 9768 9773 95 9777 9782 9786 9791 9795 98CX) 9805 9809 9814 9818 96 9827 9832 9841 9845 9850 9854 9859 9863 97 9868 9872 9877 9881 9886 9890 9894 9899 9903 9908 98 9912 9917 9921 9926 9930 9934 9939 9943 9948 9952 99 9956 9961 9965 9969 9974 9978 9983 9987 9991 9996 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 INDEX [Numbers refer to pages.] Absolute, term, 190. value, 19. Addition, 8, 21, 29, 30, 115, 243. Algebraic, expressions, 27. fraction, 109. numbers, 19. sentence, 60. sum, 21. Alternation, 298. Antecedent, 293. Antilogarithm, ,336, Approximate root, 181. Arithmetical, mean, 311. numbers, 19. progression, 307. series, 307. Arranged polynomial, 43. Associative law, 54. Axioms, 56. Axis, of coordinates, 219. of imaginaries, 259. of real numbers, 259. Base, of logarithms, 329. of power, 12. Binomial, 27, 236. , cube of, 76. square of, 71. theorem, 174, 323. Brace, bracket, etc., 15. Briggs logarithms, 332, Character of roots, 278. Characteristic of logarithm, 333. Checking results, 31, 56. Clearing of fractions, 126. Coefficients, 27, 190, 236. Commensurable numbers, 293. Common, difference, 307. factor, 98, logarithms, 332, multiple, 105. ratio, 313. Commutative law, 54. Completing the square, 194. Complex, fractions, 123. numbers, 257. Composite numbers, 77. Conditional, equation, 55. inequality, 289. Conjugate, complex numbers, 257. surds, 249. Consequent, 293. Consistent equations, 146. Constant term, 190. Constants, 301. Continued, product, 25. proportion, 296. Coordinate axes, 219. Cube, 13. of a binomial, 76. root, 176, 185, 187. Cubic equation, 126. Decreasing series, 316. Degree, of term, 43. of equation, 125. Denominator, 109. Determinate system, 165. Difference, 8. Discriminant, 278. Dissimilar, radicals, 236. terms, 28. Distributive law, 54. 343 U4: INDEX Division, 11, 26, 45, 121, 250, 298. Divisor, dividend, 12. Elements of A. P. and G. P., 307 313. Elimination, 147, 149. Equations, conditional, 55. consistent, 146. determinate, 165. equivalent, 127. exponential, 339. fractional, 130, 151, 198. graph of, 221. homogeneous, 208. identical, 55. inconsistent, 146. independent, 146. indeterminate, 144, 165. in quadratic form, 205. integral, 125. irrational, 255. linear, 125. literal, 125, 128, 154. locus of, 221. numerical, 125. of tlie problem, 62. quadratic, 126, 190, 277. radical, 255. simple, 125. simultaneous, 146, 206. solution of, 57. symmetric, 212. Equivalent equations, 127. Even, power, 170. root, 176. Evolution, 176. Exponent, 12. fractional, negative, zero, 265 laws, 38, 45, 171, 265. Exponential equation, 339. Extraneous roots, 131. Extremes, 296, 311, 318. Factoring, 78, 90, 282. solving equations by, 94. Factors, 10, 77, 78. of quadratic expressions, 282. Factor theorem, 92. Finite, numbers, 52. series, 307. Formulas, for A. P., G. P., 308, 314. for solving equations, 140, 277. Fourth proportional, 296. Fractional, equations, 130, 151. exponent, 265. Fractions, 12, 109. clearing of, 126. lowest terms of. 111. General problem, 139. Geometric, infinite G. P., 316. means, 318. series, 313. Graph of an equation, 221. Graphic solutions, 227. Graphical representation of complex numbers, 259. Greater than, 287. Harmonic series, 319. Highest common factor, 98. Homogeneous equations, 208. Identical equations, 55. Imaginary, numbers, 177, 235, 257. unit, 257. Improper fraction, 109. Incommensurable numbers, 293. Inconsistent equations, 146. Independent equations, 146. Indeterminate, equations, 144, 165. systems, 165. Index of a root, 176. Induction, mathematical, 322. ^ Jnequalities, 287. -^Infinite series, 307, 316. Infinitely, large, 52. small, 52. Insertion of parentheses, 35. Integral, equation, 125. expressions, 42. Interpretation, of results, 189. of the forms «-, .5, 301, 00 Inverse, operations, 9. ratio, 293. INDEX 345 Inversion of proportion, 297. Involution, 170. Irrational, equation, 255. numbers, 235. Known and unknown numbers, 125. Laws, of exponents, 38, 45, 171, 265. of operations, 54. of signs, 25, 26, 177. Less than, 287. Letter of arrangement, 43. Like, and unlike, radicals, 236. terms, 28. Limit, 301. Linear equations, 125. Literal, coefficients, 27. equations, 125, 128, 154. numbers, 1, 3, Locus of an equation, 221. Logarithms, 329. table of, 341. Lowest common multiple, 105. Mantissa of logarithm, 333. Mathematical induction, 322. Mean proportional, 296. Members of an equation, 55. Minuend, 9. Mixed expression, 109. Monomials, 27. Multiples, 105. Multiplicand, multiplier, 10. Multiplication, 10, 38. Negative, exponent, 266. numbers, 18. term, 28. Numbers, absolute value of, 19. commensurable, etc., 293. complex, 257. constants and variables, 301. finite and infinite, 52. imaginary, 177, 235, 257. known and unknown, 125. literal, 1, 3. negative and positive, 18. opposite, 19. Numbers, prime and composite, 77. rational and irrational, 234, 235. real, 177, 235. Numerical, coefficient, 27. equation, 125. Odd, power, 170. root, 176. Operations, with literal numbers, 1. with imaginary and complex num- bers, 261. Opposite, numbers, 19. species, 287. Order, of operations, 14. of radicals, 236. Parentheses, 15, 35. Polynomials, 27. square of, 75, 328. Positive numbers, 18. terras, 28. Power, 12. Powers of imaginary unit, 258. Prime, numbers, 77. to each other, 98. Principal roots, 236. Principles, of clearing of fractions, 126. of elimination, 147, 149. of inequalities, 287. of logarithms, 303. of proportion, 296. Problems, 62. directions for solving, 62. general, 139. Products, 10, 24, 38, 40, etc. of fractions, 119. of sum and difference, 72. Progression, arithmetical, 307. geometric, 313. harmonic, 319. Proof by induction, 321. Proper fraction, 109. Property, of complex numbers, 262. of quadratic surds, 253. Proportion, 295. Pure, quadratic, 190. imaginary numbers, 257. 346 INDEX Quadratic equation has two roots, and only two, 283. Quadratic equations, 126, 190, 277. form of, 205. graphs of, 229. roots of, 278, 279, simultaneous, 206. solution by formula, 277. special devices for, 211. surds, 253. Quotient, 12. Radicals, radical equations, 235, 236, 241, 255. Radicand, 235. Ratio, 293, 294, 313. Rational numbers, 234. Rationalizing factor, 249, 276. Real numbers, 177, 235. Reciprocal of a number, 110. Relation between roots and coeffi- cients, 279. Remainder, 8. theorem, 92. Removal of parentheses, 35. Review exercises, 67, 166, 284. Root, principal, 236. to n terms, 181. Roots, of an equation, 56. character of, 278. extraneous, 131. relation between coefficients and, 279. Rule of signs, 25, 26. Series, 307. Signs, of aggregation, 14. of deduction, 3. of inequality, 287. of operation, 1 , 10, 19. of quality, 19. Similar, radicals, 236. terms, 28. Simple equations, 125. Simultaneous equations, 146, 206. Solution of equations, 57, 146, 206, etc. by factoring, 94. Species of inequalities, 287. Specitic gravity, 139. Square, 13. of a binomial, 71. of a polynomial, 75, 328. Square root, 176, 180, 188. of binomial surd, 253. of complex number, 262. Standard form, of complex number, 257. of quadratic, 190. Subtraction, 8, 22, 32. Subtrahend, 8. Sum, 8, 21. Summands, 8. Surds, 235. conjugate, 249. Symbols, •.• and .-.,3, > and <, 287. Symmetric equations, 212. System of equations, 146. indeterminate, 165. Table of logarithms, 341. Terms, 27, 109, 203, 307. Theorem, binomial, 174, 323. Thermograph, 232. Third proportional, 296. Translation of common language into algebraic language, and vice versa ^ 60. Transposing, 58. Trinomial, 27. Type forms, 71. Unconditional inequality, 289. Unknown numbers, 125. Unlike terms, 28. Variable, variation, 301. Vary, 304. directly, 304. inversely, 304. jointly, 304. Vinculum, 15. Zero, 52. exponents, 266. ^N INITIAL FINE OF 25 CEKTS OVERDUE. ■= I,D2l-100rrv-7,'40 (6936s) T3^ THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY