o UC-NRLF 351 o ur Total Christianity CHARLES REYNOLDS BROWN Our Totai Christianity BY CHARLES REYNOLDS BROWN AUTHOR OF FAITH AND HEALTH, THE YOUNG MAN-S AFFAIRS, THE SOCIAL MESSAGE OF THE MODERN PULPIT, THE MAIN POINTS, ETC. This series of seven sermons was delivered on seven Sunday evenings in the First Congregational Church, Oakland, California. WOOD & COWDREY Publishers 876 Broadway, Oakland, Cal. PROGRESS PRESS PRINT March, 1910 . , . When these addresses were given in the First Congregational Church of Oakland, California, the three hymns sung at each service were selected from hymn writers belonging to the particular denomination to be considered that evening. It is an interesting and significant fact for the cause of Christian unity that these many hymns, written by members of these different communions, were all contained in the "Ply- mouth Hymnal' ' in use in the church where the addresses were given as indeed they would be found in almost any standard hymnal. Doc- trinal discussions may divide us, but we all come together in prayer and in praise. The list of these various hymns may be of interest to those who read this book. 3GOG13 BAPTIST. Softly fades the twilight ray. I need Thee every hour. Blest be the tie that binds. EPISCOPAL. little town of Bethlehem. The Church's one foundation. For all the saints who from their labors rest. METHODIST. Love divine all love excelling. Jesus lover of my soul. A charge to keep I have. PRESBYTERIAN. 1 heard the voice of Jesus say. Go labor on, spend and be spent. Stand up, stand up for Jesus. ROMAN CATHOLIC. Lead Kindly Light. Jesus. Thou joy of loving hearts. Jerusalem the golden. UNITARIAN. Again as evening's shadow falls. In the Cross of Christ I glory. Nearer my God to Thee. CONGREGATIONAL. My faith looks up to Thee. I love thy kingdom, Lord. Master let me walk with Thee. TABLE OF CONTENTS I. THE BAPTIST PART II. THE EPISCOPAL PART III. THE METHODIST PART IV. THE PRESBYTERIAN PART V. THE ROMAN CATHOLIC PART VI. THE UNITARIAN PART VII. THE CONGREGATIONAL PART THE BAPTIST PART O UR total Christianity is a very large affair. "Like a mighty army moves the church of God." It is not all Infantry, nor all Artil- lery, nor all Cavalry, nor all Red Cross,- each one of these arms of a common service is useful in its own way. And because Christianity is large and diversified it is good now and then for a man to move out of his own particular corner of the field and take a look at the army as a whole. It is good for him to get something of the swing and movement of these far- flung and variously formulated efforts to have right- eousness and peace and joy bear rule. It will have a tendency to lift him out of the pettiness and meagerness into which the best of us sometimes fall and to bestow upon him some of the breadth and bigness, some of the sympathy and catholicity of spirit which belong to citizenship in the Kingdom of God. It is well for an individual Christian to occasional- ly take another man's gait. There are bodies of Christians who move always in a regular and digni- fied walk the Presbyterians, for example, in the 8 OUR TOTAL CHRISTIANITY general quality of their church life have learned to "walk and not faint.' There are others who oc- casionally strike a round trot, and others, less con- ventional in their methods, are accustomed to pace, while some even break into a splendid gallop. Well and good if they are only headed right, God be praised for this variety of movement ! And for the man who, on the whole, prefers his own gait, it is de- sirable that for an hour he should catch some other man's mood and movement he will come back to his own place in the procession a more limber and a more useful Christian. The purpose of this series of addresses is not con- troversial. If I could not find anything to speak about for seven Sunday evenings except to make a series of attacks upon my fellow Christians in those other camps, I should certainly stop preaching and under- take to earn my living in some more reputable way. In the newspapers much is made oftentimes of "the divisions of Christendom,' but these jokers know not what they say. The divisions on the face of them are many, but the agreements are more numerous and more significant. And the deeper meaning of these divisions lies in the fact that each group of Christians which has any right to be, has made some special and characteristic contribution to the total Christianity. There are bigots and sectarians who do not view the matter in this way. They are so taken up with the beauties of their ow r n little cob-houses of doc- THE BAPTIST PART 9 trine and polity and ritual that they have no ad- miration left for anything outside. They have no admiration for the great cathedral-like structure of Christian faith and worship and life with its nave and choir, its added transepts and out-reaching chapels representing a long and varied process of growth. But there are not many of these precious bigots left and they do not count for much even in their own denominations. The theology, the polity and the worship of one branch of the church are not roomy enough to include all the facts of human nature, to say nothing of drawing a com- plete circle around the divine love. We wish to stand for these evenings in the presence of that larger Christianity which shall more completely com- mand the admiration and allegiance of our hearts. In this series of addresses then I will ask vou to *> look at seven of the leading branches of the Christian Church, the Baptist, Episcopal, Methodist, Presby- terian, Roman Catholic, Unitarian and Congregation- al churches. I have simply arranged them in alpha- betical order, except that I have left my own to the last. There are other branches of the church which are larger numerically than some that I have named. The Campbellite, or Christian denomination, for example, is much larger than three of the ones named -but it is so much like the Baptist Church in its general methods that it did not seem to demand separate consideration. The Lutheran Church is a large body, but its general position is so much like 10 OUK TOTAL CHK1STIANITY that of the Presbyterian Church that its contribu- tion will easily be considered under that head. I have selected these seven because they are the best known and because each one in my judgment has made some distinctive contribution to our total Chris- tianity. If in the spirit of intellectual hospitality we may undertake this consideration, we shall bring back bits of information, stirrings of sympathy, wiser judgments and refreshing breezes from other quarters of the infinite heaven of spiritual forces which will inevitably broaden and inspire us all to a finer and fuller service of our common Lord. The name "Baptist" dates back to about the year 1G64. It is applied to a certain body of Christians because of the peculiar emphasis they lay upon the mode and upon the proper subjects of bap- tism. They insist that the literal meaning of the Greek word Baptize is "to dip,' and that inasmuch as baptism by the immersion of the whole body in water was common, if not universal in Christ's day, this mode is the one acceptable mode of administering that sacra- ment. They also insist that the church should be composed only of regenerate believers ; and that only people sufficiently mature to make conscious ac- ceptance of Christ as their Savior can therefore rightly be admitted to the church through the ordi- of baptism They therefore do not practice THE BAPTIST PART 11 the baptism of children as is done in the larger part of the Church of Christ. I shall not discuss either of these claims. There are many of us who believe as Dean Stanley did that the mode of baptism in the first century was commonly if not universally by immersion, and who believe also that the departure from that mode, which occurred very early and which has come to prevail so widely, represents for colder regions where different styles of dress obtain, "the triumph of convenience and good taste over a literal attach- ment to ancient custom.' But I am not here to argue the differing claims as to the mode or the subjects of baptism, but to undertake rather to indicate the distinctive contribution made by this body of Christians to our total Christianity. These seem to me to lie in three directions first, in their intense loyalty to personal conviction. Our good friends in the Baptist Church believe that Jesus Christ was baptized by immersion in the river Jor- dan. They believe that the early Christians were thus baptized by the apostles. They believe it is essential that in this far-off land and time every believing Christian should be baptized in the same way. Because of their loyalty to this conviction they are ready to make all necessary sacrifices in maintaing that mode. This loyalty to conviction becomes oftentimes a serious handicap. In a warm country like Palestine where most of the people lived near running streams, 12 OUR TOTAL CHRISTIANITY where the loose outer garments could be readily laid aside without unseemliness or immodesty, the custom of immersion was one thing. In colder countries where water must be artifically heated in tanks or where people in the country must go to ponds or to streams and in the winter season cut holes through the ice in order to perform this rite in that way, and where the style of dress is such as to involve much inconvenience and discomfort, immersion is quite another thing. "Well and good,' the Baptists say -"even though we find ourselves in many cases compelled to overcome a measure of reluctance on the part of thousands of people to that mode of baptism, we believe it to be right and we gladly accept that difficulty.' However, the rest of the Christian world may differ with them as to the importance of that par- ticular mode of baptism, we cannot but admire their intense loyalty to conviction. I have been present, as no doubt many of you have been, at baptisms in country places where candidates for baptism were driven several miles from their homes in the coldest weather, where a hole had been cut through the ice and where believers were immersed in freezing water and were then compelled to drive several miles to the nearest house to secure a change of clothing. And the physical discomfort was accepted as a mat- ter of course in no spirit of complaint but as an op- portunity for bearing witness to their faith in Christ. Let that loyalty to conviction, that tenacity of pur- THE BAPTIST PART 13 pose extend to matters which seem to us more vital than the mode of baptism, as indeed it has in large measure extended among the Christians of that faith, and one can see what a power for good it may be- come ! Let loyalty to conviction be directed to the consecration of one's powers to Christian service, to the devotion of one's means to benevolence and to the development of a sincere attachment to the church of one's choice and it will become a mighty influence for good! Great emphasis is laid among the Baptists upon the sacredness of the individual conscience. This lies at the root of their refusal to baptize children. The helpless child must not be carried into the church and there baptized by sprinkling, or by im- mersion for that matter this Avould equally offend their sense of right. We must wait until the con- scious moral life of this child has taken shape and has made its own choice as to the mode of baptism, until it has made a personal decision as to the whole question of Christian worship and service. "Every- one of us shall give an account of himself to God, ' is a favorite text with the Baptists, and their very insistence upon the right and obligation of individ- ual judgment in all matters of religion has helped to develop that intense loyalty to personal convic- tion. The second contribution may be found in the simplicity of their creed. For more than a century they had no formulated creed at all. They simply 14 OUB TOTAL CHRISTIANITY referred believers to the Bible. Even now they have no authoritative creed statements or symbols. What is known as the ' * New Hampshire Confession of Faith ' is widely published throughout the north, and an- other known as the "Philadelphia Confession of Faith' is current through the south. But these statements are for instruction rather than for en- forcement. They are not binding in the sense that the Thirty-nine Articles of the Episcopal church or the Twenty-five Articles of the Methodist Church or the Westminster Confession in the Presbyterian Church are binding upon the teachers of religion in these bodies. The creed of the Baptists is the Bible, and they have not undertaken to formulate its teach- ings in any authoritative creed statements. Two of the points which come in for special em- phasis in this church are indicated in their favorite text "He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved.' He that believes, not certain creed state- ments contained in the Thirty-nine Articles or in the Westminster Confession; he that believes on Christ, in His gospel, in His purposes for the world, and is ready to bear witness to that belief in baptism, shall be saved. The inner attitude of the moral nature toward Christ and the open confession of that atti- tude in baptism are the two essentials for salvatiou. As compared with the elaborate dogmas of some branches of the Christian church, there is among the Baptists great simplicity of creed. The very simplicity and comprehensiveness of this THE BAPTIST PART 15 basis has given them a certain facility in securing and utilizing men of striking personality and of un- conventional methods as ministers of their faith. Take five men, well known to our own generation- Charles H. Spurgeon of London, George C. Lorimer of Boston, Russell H. Conwell of Philadelphia, P. S. Henson of Chicago and Robert J. Burdette of Los Angeles. All extraordinary men, and all useful Baptist preachers! Spurgeon preached to more people than any other man of the Nineteenth Century. He preached to seven thousand of them Sunday after Sunday in his own Tabernacle, there in South London. His sermons were printed in pamphlets and in book form, and are being printed yet, although he has been dead nearly twent}^ years, and the circulation of them has extended into millions of copies. He was in no sense a scholar* he knew nothing of the Bible critically, nor of church history, nor of philos- ophy. But "he believed what he believed, and for the man whose main business it is to produce faith in other men this is more valuable than all technical scholarship.' He proclaimed Christ and Him cru- cified with wonderful effect. He was unconvention- al he would joke in the pulpit; he would shock the taste of his hearers ; when preaching about hell and certain other doctrines he would indulge in language so extravagant that we would scarcely credit it did we not find it in print in volumes published under his own supervision. But he knew the common peo- 16 OUK TOTAL CHRISTIANITY pie and they knew him. He won thousands of them to Christian life and service. He accomplished re- sults in which every thoughtful Christian rejoices. His later life was somewhat clouded by the fact that he felt the Baptist denomination was becoming too liberal in its views on the fall of man, the atonement, the inspiration of the Bible and the fate of the wicked, and consequently he withdrew from the Bap- tist Union. During the latter part of his ministry he and his church stood alone, but his bow abode in strength, and his power of appeal w r as mighty. George C. Lorimer, for many years pastor of Tre- rnont Temple Baptist Church in Boston, was an Irish- man, a little over five feet high, with a voice like the filing of a hand-saw. He was equally unconven- tional but he gained for himself a wide hearing, especially from the non-church going public. His message was direct and it found response in the hearts of men. He had an immense influence for good among those who were untouched by the more conventional methods of religious effort. Russell H. Conwell, whose lecture on "Acres of Diamonds' has been given some eight thousand times, earning for him a large amount of money, which he has promptly put back into the philan- thropic work of his own church, is one of the most striking figures in the modern pulpit, His work in the Temple Baptist Church in Philadelphia, especially in the educational and social facilities offered to THE BAPTIST PART 17 young men and young women unable to go to college, has been greatly blessed. P. S. Henson of Chicago built up a tremendous congregation and by his exceptional powers of speech, which remained with him until he was almost eighty years of age, successfully occupied a large field of usefulness in that busy city. And "Bob Burdett" in Los Angeles, widely known as a newspaper man and a humorist, has consecrated his abilities in these later years to the work of the ministry at the Temple Auditorium and thus became an effective preacher of the gospel in that southern city. The very simplicity and breadth of their creed basis has given the Baptists special facility in en- listing men of striking personality. The third contribution has been in their strong insistence upon the entire separation of church and state. This separation of civil and religious author- ity may seem to many people in this country like one of those things which goes without saying, but it has not always been so and it is not so now in other lands. "Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's" but only the things which are Caesar's -this has been the steady contention of the Baptist in all lainds and in all times. Roger Williams, one of the early Baptist heroes in this country, was, not driven out of Massachus- etts because he was the apostle of religious tolerance or because of any special religious tenets he held. At that time he was not even a Baptist for he was 18 OUR TOTAL CHRISTIANITY immersed after he went to Ehode Island. He was driven out because of his extreme individualism in insisting upon the separation of church and state. As soon as he landed he stirred up trouble by urging that the Christians of Massachusetts should join in an act of public repentance for having communed with the Church of England, which was a state church. He wrote against the Massachusetts Patent claiming the King of England had no right to grant land to the colonists. He censured the Colony for requiring oaths from citizens on the ground that to exact an oath from an unregenerate person involved the sin of taking G-od's name in vain. He denied any power to the civil magistrate in matters of re- ligious faith. This was not acceptable to the people of Massachusetts Bay at that time. They still main- tained a close relation between church and state. Thus Koger Williams was unacceptable to them and he was invited to leave as a troublesome agitator. He went to Providence, was immersed, became a Baptist and founded Rhode Island, the first state in the Union to guarantee entire religious freedom. It was a protest sorely needed in that day. Mas- sachusetts had passed laws against Baptists because of their attitude touching these matters in 1644, had imprisoned them in 1651 and banished them in 1669. This was religious persecution by civil authority, which the Baptists have always opposed. New York did the same thing and so did Virginia. The Pro- testant churches of Zurich, Switzerland, having just THE BAPTIST PART 19 won their own liberty and still in dread of Rome, nevertheless passed an ordinance that any minister administering the rite of baptism by immersion should be drowned with some idea of poetic jus- tice perhaps, making the punishment fit the crime. And they actually executed that sentence against one Felix Mantz, a Baptist minister, by drowning him in the lake. In the year 1863, the new code of the State of Georgia provided in Section 1376 that "it should be unlawful for any church or society to license any slave or free person of color to preach or exhort or otherwise officiate in church meetings. ' This aroused the Baptists of that state. They declared that it was seizing by force the things that are God's and rendering them unto Caesar. They insisted in a communication to the legislature that the State of Georgia was undertaking to dictate to the Almighty what color his preachers should be. And they an- nounced that even with such an enactment before their eyes they would ordain negroes to the minis- try if they were godly men. They then proceeded to ordain two, and the protest of those southern Baptists became so effective that the effending sec- tion was at once repealed. In England at this hour John Clifford, a Baptist minister, is one of the forces to be reckoned with politically. He is a great tribune of the people, a voice for the non-conformist conscience of Great Britain. He supported Gladstone, opposed the Boer 20 OUR TOTAL CHRISTIANITY war, fought the brewers when they lined up with the Lords, opposed the Education Act, urged the dis-establishment of the church. He helped in the triumph of the Liberal party in 1906, the party just returned to power, representing the people as against the interests and the hereditary aristoc- racy. When I was in England a year ago I heard him speak repeatedly at great public demonstrations in Hyde Park and elsewhere and I could understand how in that land of tradition, of class feeling, of close connection between church and state, he had become a mighty influence for good by his steady insistence upon this fundamental Baptist principle of entire separation of civil and religious authority. The history of the Baptist people in regard to missionary effort has been a curious one. When the idea of sending missionaries to foreign lands was first suggested, it split the church. The anti- missionary party said 'If God wants the heathen converted he will convert them without our help.' And because of their extreme Galvanism they said that the missionary societies would be "an unjus- tifiable encroachment upon the divine sovereignty/ for God by his eternal decrees had determined from all eternity who should be saved and who should be lost. And the Baptists who held this view split off arid became a separate denomination. But the missionary spirit grew and "the mission- ary Baptists' were the first in England to organize a missionary society and in 1793 William Carey went THE BAPTIST PART 21 out to become one of the noblest missionaries in the history of India. In 1812 Adoniram Judson, who was a Congregationalist and was sent out by the American Board, changed his views on baptism dur- ing the voyage and reaching Calcutta became a wide- ly known and honored missionary of the Baptist denomination in that land. And the world-wide, generous interest of the Baptist people in missionary enterprises has been a leading note in their church life for the last hundred years. It was Macaulay who said " There were many cultured minds during the latter part of the Seven- teenth Century, but only two great creative minds, one of them the author of Paradise Lost and the other the author of Pilgrim's Progress.' John Bun- yan, the author of Pilgrim's Progress, was a Bap- tist preacher and the gospel he preached may be fitly indicated in the simplicity of this phrase "He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved.' Let the individual attitude toward Christ be one of per- sonal trust and loyalty, let that attitude bear its testimony in the act of baptism and the soul will find acceptance with God ! THE EPISCOPAL PART T I I HE full legal title of the Episcopal Church tells us something of its attitude and of its history "The Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America.' This name distinguishes it from those Christians who acknowledge the supremacy of the Pope at Rome on the one hand and from those Christians who are not governed by bishops on the other; it also indicates that it is a branch of the older church, the Church of England, adjusted to the needs of this particular country. The Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America ! It is a long and somewhat awk- ward title. Many efforts have been made by the members of this communion to have it changed. There are those who would like to call themselves ' The American Church, ' ' but this has been opposed by the broader-minded men among them as being decidedly bigoted, for it is neither the largest, the oldest nor the most useful of the various churches in America. Such a title would prove an embarrass- ment even as the name "The Christian Church,' which was assumed by the followers of Alexander Campbell, has been a hindrance to them "The THE EPISCOPAL PART 23 Christian Church," as if the other churches were not Christian, but were made up of some sort of heathen. No satisfactory name has been found by the Epis- copalians and so the legal title of the church stands as indicated above. The three distinctive contributions made by this body of Christians to our total Christianity have been these they have indicated clearly the value of system. "Let all things be done decently and in order,' in good taste and in a systematic way! Nothing is left at loose ends among them. The Episcopal Church with its three orders of ministers, bishops, priests and deacons; with its wardens and vestrymen among the laity, and with its many care- fully constituted societies, is a highly organized body. The minister is not left to work out the ill-con- sidered ongoings of his own individual preferences and eccentricities. The church puts into his hand a 'Book of Common Prayer,' indicating what he is to say when he prays. It prescribes the scripture lessons which he shall read in public on each Sun- day of the year. Its well-defined Church Year, with the Gospel and the epistle for the clay, indicates the general program for his sermons. The choir is not left free to introduce as it may please any piece of pious doggerel set to religious ragtime or to some love song, as is done in some quarters. The Te Deum, the Venite, the Benedictus and the other 24 OUR TOTAL CHRISTIANITY offices of this church hold the music up to a high and dignified standard. The church year itself, following in its lessons and in the other appointments for the day the main events of Christ's life, is one fine illustration of the value of system. About the first of December comes the season of Advent, leading the people to think upon the power of scripture, the value of the ministry and the preparations for the coming of Christ. Dur- ing the Christmas season they think upon the nativity of Christ, upon the mystery of childhood, the duty of parents, and the dignity of human life, as taught in the doctrine of the Incarnatiotn. Epiphany comes and they follow the wise men with their gifts and think upon the larger appeal of Christ's message. Lent comes with its self-denial, its humiliation, its separation from worldly pleasure for the deepen- ing of the devotional life. Good Friday comes and they stand beside the Cross, witnessing the glory of sacrifice, reflecting upon the reconciliation ac- complished between God and man. Easter comes, speaking of the triumph of good over evil, of life over death. Forty days later comes Ascension Day bearing its witness to the widening influence of Christian truth as it emerges from a local into a universal faith. Ten days later Whitsunday com- memorates the outpouring of the Spirit at Pente- cost. Then Trinity Sunday and the Sundays after Trinity calling upon men to worship God in the fullness of His being ! Then at the end of October THE EPISCOPAL PART 25 stands All Saints, a day of general remembrance for all those who having finished their course in faith do now rest from their labors! This noble outline of lessons and themes and prayers helps to save the minister and the congre- gation from becoming scrappy, narrow and queer. It prevents the preacher from playing all his re- ligious music on one stop like a bagpipe, and en- courages him to be a full church organ with many stops. It aids him in declaring statedly the whole counsel of God instead of dwelling solely upon those themes which he personally enjoys. And when we see the pettiness and the limitations of many pulpits and many church services, we wish some larger scheme might be there introduced instead of trusting everything to the subjective impulses of John Smith. We feel like calling upon the House of Bishops or some caucus of presiding elders or some Synod or General Assembly to outline a more varied and ade- quate program for the instruction, the worhip, the inspiration of the people who represent many moods, many temperaments, and many forms of capability. In the Prayer Book nothing is left to chance or impulse or the extemporaneous output of some man, who may or may not be possessed of judgment and taste. Here in black and white is printed what is to be said and all that is to be said, in the baptism of a child, in the confirmation of the believer, in the sacrament of the Lord's Supper. Here is what is to be said at a marriage ceremony, in the visitation 26 OUR TOTAL CHRISTIANITY of the sick, at the burial of the dead. Here is the form for the laying of a corner stone, for the ordina- tion of a minister, for the dedication of a church, or for the holding of family prayer. It is all laid down in systematic fashion so that everyone will know in advance what is to be done, and said and sung. "Decently and in order' -good taste and the value of system are both strongly emphasized in this branch of the church ! Because of this emphasis upon system, the Epis- copal Church does not attract or develop so many men of striking personality as would be the case in the Baptist or the Congregational Church. It does not tend to the development of strong preach- ers. Phillips Brooks, whose inheritance and early training by the way were Congregational, became, indeed, one of the greatest preachers of the Nine- teenth Century, but he stood almost alone. There was no other preacher in that denomination to be named in the same connection during that period. The four men who have done so much to make the Episcopal Church strong and useful beyond all others in the City of New York, Bishop Potter, Dr. Rainsford, Dr. Huntington and Dr. Greer, were none of them great preachers. They were men of extra- ordinary ability in organization and administra- tion. They enlisted the interest of men of means, they organized a vast body of workers, they pointed the way of advance with the vision of statesmen along lines of noble Christian usefulness. All this THE EPISCOPAL PART 27 havs high value and it belongs naturally to that branch of the Church of Christ which has placed its emphasis upon administration more than upon preaching. The same idea of system extends to their creed statements. In the Baptist denomination as we saw, there are no authoritative creed statements the New Testament is their creed and large liberty is left for individual interpretation. In the Congrega- tional denomination each church forms and adopts its own creed. The creed in the church which I serve was written by the present pastor and after a few verbal amendments was adopted by the peo- ple, and it stands today as the expression of our theological belief. But in the Episcopal Church nothing is left to the judgment of some local church or some individual minister. The Thirty-nine Ar- ticles of Religion, the Apostles Creed, the Nicene Creed, the Catechism, where the belief of each Christian is set forth in definite terms, all serve to introduce and maintain the idea of system and */ method in religious conviction. "Let all things be done in order/ this church says in worship, in reading the scriptures, in shaping those convictions, which are vital. It has made a distinct contribu- tion in thus asserting and demonstrating the high value of system. In the second place, it has been distinctive in the exaltation of good taste. Let all things be done decently as well as in order. "Worship the Lord" 28 OUR TOTAL CHRISTIANITY not only in the integrity, but ' * in the beauty of holi- ness!" This church has shown in all the expres- ions of its life a high sense of the artistic values in spiritual ministry. And why not ? God is not indifferent to beauty- He is the God of good taste as well as of righteous- ness. He has filled the world with beauty, rain- bows and sunsets, twinkling stars and dew drops, lovely flowers as well as fruits and vegetables! In that section of the world untouched by the hand of man, beauty rather predominates, for there are more wild flowers than there are wild fruits or wild vegetables. He is a lover of beauty and He has placed deep within the hearts of men the capacity for ad- miration. Worship the Lord therefore in the beauty of holiness ! The Episcopal Church beyond any other stands for good taste in religion, for the decorum of worship. It shows this attitude in its architecture. The Episcopal churches here in Oakland are not fair examples they do not justly represent the general method of this denomination. When we travel through the country at large we ordinarily find the observance of good taste in the archi- tecture of their places of worship. Even where the building is inexpensive it has a churchly look. And the exterior as well as the interior of a church should suggest the thought of worship. When peo- ple see it they should know at once that it is not a place to play billiards or to take a Turkish bath, THE EPISCOPAL PART 29 but a place to worship. And the habit of fitting up churches with opera chairs or decorating them as one might decorate a restaurant or a ladies' par- lor in a fine hotel has made against the spirit of reverence and aspiration. This good taste in architecture has a profound influence. Episcopalians do not go to church so much to hear a sermon or to be entertained by splen- did music as to worship, to bow down, to pray to the Lord, their Maker. Everyone has put into his hand a Prayer Book indicating that he is there not merely to be preached to but to pray on his own behalf. And when one enters an Episcopal church any day in the week, he finds there an atmosphere of reverence, of aspiration, of yearning after fellow- ship with the unseen, which has high value in the development of noble religious life. The habit of good taste shows in their liturgy. These aids to worship are not only systematic, cov- ering almost all conceivable form of human aspira- tion, they are also beautiful. I have used the Prayer Book for twenty odd years and many of its prayers I know by heart. Let a man open his Bible and as he begins to read utter that little collect: 'Blessed Lord who hast caused all holy scriptures to be written for our learning, grant that we may in such wise hear them, read, mark, learn and in- wardly digest them, that by patience and comfort of thy Holy Word we may embrace and ever hold 30 OUR TOTAL CHRISTIANITY fast the blessed hope of everlasting life which Thou hast given us in our Savior Jesus Christ.' Let him begin the day with that collect, which I often use as an invocation at the opening of our own church service : "Almighty God unto whom all hearts are open, all desires known, and from whom no secrets are hid; cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of thy Holy Spirit that we may perfect- ly love Thee and worthily magnify thy Holy Name, through Jesus Christ our Lord/ When he gathers his family around him to offer the evening prayer before they lie down to rest, let him conclude his devotions with that beautiful prayer of Saint Chrysostom: ' Almighty God who hast given us grace at this time with one accord to make our common supplica- tion unto thee and dost promise that where two or three are gathered together in thy name thou wilt grant their requests, fulfill now, O Lord, the desires and petitions of thy servants as may be most ex- pedient for them, granting us in this world knowl- edge of thy truth aind in the world to come life everlasting. ' We find in these and in other sections of their beautiful liturgy the acme of good taste, the perfec- tion of form, as well as a rich vein of spiritual de- votion. When we hear some man praying awkwardly, ungramatically perhaps, or still worse oratorically, we long for the chaste simplicity of the ritual. When THE EPISCOPAL PART 31 some man begins to pray and then ceases to pray, although he keeps on talking with his eyes shut in a kind of general harangue to the Lord on the good points of some reform or presenting an argu- ment for some pet conviction of his own, losing all sense of direct, devout personal address to God, we wish that more men had in their hands some competent guide for their public petitions. I would not advocate the surrender of what is called extempore prayer, a minister voicing the needs and aspirations of those whom he would lead in prayer, with words of his own choosing. Where this is done thoughtfully and devoutly I believe its helpfulness may rise above that of all fixed liturgies, but where it is done in thoughtless or slovenly or oratorical fashion it becomes an offense to taste and conscience alike. This contribution of good taste is no light matter. A refined and well-mannered saint is much to be preferred to one who lacks those qualities. His devotion to principle and his strength of conviction are all very well we must have these but if you are coming into close contact with him. if you are to marry him, for example, you would also like to have him well-bred and refined. The Episcopal Church undertakes in its whole method of nurture and culture to accomplish just that. And the sat- urative influence of good architecture, tasteful in- teriors, good stained glass in place of those com- binations of color which eat each other up, nobly 32 OUE TOTAL CHRISTIANITY framed liturgies and the spirit of decorum in wor- ship, all exercise a refining influence upon even the rudest nature which in the course of years registers itself in qualities that have value. This is one reason, perhaps, why the Episcopal Church has more influence among the actors and artists of the country than all other denominations combined. The Episcopalians have no doubt been more generous patrons of the theater and of the arts than have the other groups of Christians, but their mode of worship and their general method has also been attractive to those who are constantly striving for the artistic. The Actors' Church League has been an influence for good in a much needed quarter by promoting higher standards of conduct upon the stage. Let all things be done decently, beautifully, artistically, as well as righteously and in order ! Along the line of good taste this branch of the Christian church has made an important con- tribution to our total Christianity. In the third place the Episcopal Church has main- tained a high sense of historic values. The word Episcopal comes from the Greek word, episcopos, one who overlooks, oversees a bishop. The Episcopal Church is ruled by bishops. They attach great impor- tance to what they call "the Historic Episcopate,' believing that they can trace their title deeds clear back to the time of the Apostles. Each minister is or- dained by some bishop, who in turn was ordained by another bishop, and he by another, and so on THE EPISCOPAL PART 33 back to the earliest periods of Christian history. Some of these men who are poets rather than exact historians, like to think that a mysterious grace has come down directly from Christ through his apostles, and has been handed down through this long line of bishops to the ministers of this church, which is governed by bishops. I will not discuss this claim, for as already indi- cated, the purpose of this series of addresses is not controversial. I have never been able to find much about bishops in the New Testament, nor have I been able to see any exceptional usefulness attach- ing to a man merely because he was ordained by a bishop. His usefulness as a minister of Christ de- pends upon his physical, his mental, and his moral make-up, together with the measure of his consecra- tion to God and his ready sympathy with the needs of his fellows. The question of his efficiency turns upon his possession of these qualities rather than upon the fact of his having been ordained by a bishop or conversely by a group of elders. But while there seems to be very little in the Bible about bishops, they appeared early in the history of the church, as was almost inevitable. The world was ruled by kings and nobles, and a church governed from above by a Pope and by bishops, rather than by the vote of the congregation from beneath, was natural to those periods which had made little pro- gress in the spirit of democracy. The Episcopal 34 OUR TOTAL CHRISTIANITY Church is devoted to ancient custom and attaches considerable importance to these historic forms. The Episcopal Church of America stands closely related to the Anglican Church. Its bishops attend the Lambeth Conference of Bishops in London; its first bishops were consecrated by English bishops. The Anglican Church has historic relations with the Roman Catholic Church it broke away from it in the time of Henry the Eighth, mainly because of Henry's quarrel with the Pope over the question of divorcing his wife Catherine, in order to marry Anne Boleyn. Henry resolved to throw off the rule of the papacy, and the Church of England then became independent of the authority at Rome. And back through these title deeds, seemly and unseemly, this church traces its connection with ancient Christian- ity and thus maintains this sense of historic rela- tions. The same sense of historic values is to be found in the prayer book. Here are the Psalms of Israel, the finest expressions of the devotional spirit in the ancient Jewish church ! Here are the words of Christ and of His apostles in the gospel and the epistle for the day! Here are the liturgic forms of the ancient church, the prayer of Saint Chrys- ostom and all the rest ! Here are prayers and col- lects taken from the Greek and Latin churches of mediaeval times ! Here are choice bits of liturgic expression from the early English church! The THE EPISCOPAL PART 35 Prayer Book is a great cathedral, reaching back to the time of Solomon's Temple and to the Songs of David, carding with it the contributions and en- largements made in all those succeeding periods of religious development. And it has become a choice collection of fine phraseology, of deep piety, of fer- vency of spirit, and of exalted expression. We join with ancient saints, with the churches throughout the world and with an innumerable company of fel- low believers in humbly and heartily voicing our worship to Almighty God. Because of this high sense of historic values the Episcopal Church has been ready to go all reasonable lengths in avoiding any division in its ranks. At the time of the Civil War the Methodist Church of the United States was divided into two sections the "Methodist Episcopal Church" and the "Methodist Episcopal Church South" are identical in polity, in their articles of religion and in the general spirit and method of their work, yet they stand apart be- cause of the questions which almost divided our nation in 1861. The Baptist Church and the Pres- byterian Church were similarly divided over the question of slavery. But the Episcopal Church, while the meetings of the General Convention were interrupted during the Civil War, was never divided. The General Convention met again in 18S5, in Phila- delphia, the City of Brotherly Love, and the southern bishops took their places, and everything went on as before. 36 OUR TOTAL CHRISTIANITY This was due in some measure to the fact that the Episcopal Church had not been very outspoken in its condemnation of slavery. Members of that communion were not disciplined for holding slaves as they were in the Methodist, in the Congregational, and in several other churches. The Episcopal Church shows considerable tolerance on many such questions, temperance, civic reform and other cur- rent issues. It is generally understood that the rec- tor of an important church in San Francisco lost his place recently because he had been too outspoken touching the recent graft prosecution. And the quiescent attitude of the Episcopal Church toward slavery had something to do with the avoidance of disruption. This is all true, but still the deep sense of their historic past, which brought all sections of this communion together promptly at the close of the war, is a bulwark at all times against the spirit of schism. In emphasizing the value of system, in promoting the spirit of good taste in religious worship, and in relating present day Christianity to a noble and an inspiring past, they have rendered splendid service. We can never forget that in the hour of our country's peril, Abraham Lincoln sent two men to England to influence public sentiment there in favor of the Union cause. He sent Henry Ward Beecher, the leading orator of the Christian pulpit in America, a Congregationalist, and Bishop Mc- Ilvaine of Ohio, representing the Episcopal Church. THE EPISCOPAL PART 37 While Beecher addressed and won the masses in Birmingham and Manchester, in Liverpool and Lon- don, Bishop Mcllvaine went quietly among the nobil- ity and the ecclesiastics, as his position enabled him to do, helping to produce that public sentiment which turned the tide in England in favor of liberty and the Union. All honor and gratitude to that branch of the Christian church which, doing all things decently and in order, has made its royal contribution to the total Christianity of the land. THE METHODIST PART I N PRACTICAL efficiency few religious lead- ers since the time of Paul have been equal to John Wesley. He came of virile stock his grandfather had twenty- five children, and his own mother gave birth to nineteen, John Wesley being the fifteenth. He was a man of culture and scholarship as well as a flaming evangelist. He was a graduate of Oxford and a fellow of Lincoln College. He read the Latin and Greek classics at sight and spoke French, Ger- man, Italian and a little Spanish. He was indefati- gable in his labors in his evangelistic tours he trav- elled over two hundred and fifty thousand miles, far enough to have taken him around the globe ten times. He preached over forty thousand sermons. He arose at four o'clock in the morning and was busy all day, oftentimes far into the night. He lived this strenuous life up to his eighty-fifth year, and when he passed away at eighty-eight he had been preaching with all his accustomed zeal until six days before his death. That is the kind of a Methodist Brother Wesley was, and he has bequeathed a gen- erous portion of his spirit to the largest Protestant denomination in this country. THE METHODIST PART 39 He had also his limitations. He shared in many of the superstitions of his time. He believed in witchcraft. He believed that hysteria was demoniacal possession. He was accustomed to decide questions by opening the Bible at random and taking the top verse on the page. He preached a rousing sermon, a copy of which I have in my library, on * ' The Cause and Cure of Earthquakes/ -if his diagnosis were correct and his claims verifiable it would have had great value for this community a few years back. He felt that a large number of the events in his life were the direct results of miraculous interven- tion, from the stopping of a headache to the cessa- tion of a rain storm, that he might preach. His familiarity with the Bible was in no sense critical ; he had rather a popular or homiletic knowledge of it. But he flung himself into the task of inducing men to forsake their sins and to accept salvation through Jesus Christ beyond any man of his age. He did it with a magnificent success, in which the hearts of all Christian people rejoice. And although he never severed his own relations with the Church of England, he started Methodism upon its world- wide career of Christian usefulness. "The Methodist Episcopal Church" is the full name of this branch of Christ's church. The term 'Methodist' was at first a nickname. It was given derisively to a group of Oxford students, John and Charles Yfesley among the number, because in their determination to deepen their Christian life they 40 OUR TOTAL CHRISTIANITY lived methodically. They read the scriptures and prayed and took communion, they visited the sick, the poor, the imprisoned, and performed other acts of Christian service, according to a settled rule and program. They were so exact and conscientious in it that their fellow students called them " Metho- dists.' They accepted the title, and it has come to be the honorable designation of this great branch of the church. The "Methodist Episcopal" Church, because it too is ruled by bishops, as is the Protestant Episcopal Church ! The Episcopalians deny the validity of the ordination of the Methodist bishops because the first one was not ordained by a. bishop who stood in the line of what they like to call "The Apostolic Suc- cession.' But the Roman Catholics turn round and deny the validity of the ordination of the Episcopal bishops and their clergy, so the honors are even. The origin of this "historic episcopate' is so lost in the twilight of fable as not to occasion any serious disturbance either in the minds of those who think they have it, or in the minds of those who are per- fectly content to be without it. But whatever meas- ure of practical value or ancient sanction may be- long to the office of a bishop, the Methodist Church, with several others, possesses it, because it too is governed by bishops. The three characteristic contributions made by the Methodist Church to our total Christianity would seem to be these : first, its splendid Christian xeal. THE METHODIST PART 41 The Methodist Church shows an earnestness and enthusiasm for the conversion of men, for the en- listment of believers in active service and for the extension of the Kingdom of God in frontier and needy communities beyond any other church. When an ignorant woman heard John Wesley preach she reported to her neighbors, "He preaches as if he was just dyin' to have ye converted.' It was the earnest desire of Wesley to reach the hearts of men and lead them to Christ which led him to break away from the little religious essay common to the Angli- can pulpit in his day, and to preach without notes in the language of the people, that he might move them by his message. It is that same quality of earnestness which gives fervor and directness to the preaching of the Methodist pulpit to this hour. The church stands as a splendid fulfillment of the Apostolic injunction, "Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort.' It was their zeal which led them to utilize lay preachers and other untrained men so largely in their early history. Wesley and his followers licensed local preachers and sent them to needy places, where it was impossible to furnish theologic- ally trained clergymen. And their labors have been abundantly blessed. The old circuit rider who went from place to place, preaching in school houses, in the homes of the people, in tents or out of doors, wherever a congregation could be gathered, often had little theological training or literary equipment. 42 OUK TOTAL CHRISTIANITY He carried a Bible, a hymn book, a copy of the Meth- odist discipline, and perhaps a volume of Wesley's notes in his saddle bags, placing his main reliance upon the sincerity and fervor of his own heart as he called upon men to forsake their evil ways and follow Christ. It was a time when books were not common as they are now, when newspapers and magazines were not in general circulation, and these unschooled men found ready acceptance for their message, and they rendered a noble service in laying the foundations of the Kingdom of God out on the frontiers and in thousands of neglected communities. When I speak of "zeal' ' I do not mean mere noise, although many thorough-going Methodists have learned to observe the injunction of the psalmist- "Make a joyful noise unto the Lord.' I do not mean mere excitement and hysteria, which are often- times symptoms of disease rather than of health. I mean that measure of spiritual warmth and desire which shows itself effective in moving and chang- ing the hearts of men. This genuine zeal has borne solid and verifiable fruit. It was one of England's reliable historians who said that in his judgment John Wesley and the Methodist revival did more to save England from the horrors and excesses of the French revolution, which worked destruction as well as renewal among their neighbors across the Channel, than any other single influence which could be named. And in our own country it is universally believed that the work of those circuit riders and THE METHODIST PART 43 pioneer preachers, pushing out into all parts of our land and establishing there the institutions of re- ligion, had much to do with the development of that moral fiber which made our country equal to the exacting demands upon it in the struggles of the Civil War. Lincoln said one day to a group of Methodist preachers who called at the White House to pay their respects to the head of the na- tion, "The Methodist Church has sent more prayers to heaven for the Union cause and more men into the field than any other branch of Christ's church.' It has been a "zeal according to knowledge' -a knowledge of the human heart and its needs and it has borne splendid moral fruitage throughout the English speaking world. This quality of zeal has tended to elicit the preach- ing ability in the constituency of this body. The Methodist Church has developed a great number of effective preachers. Some of these have been notable in the history of the country, Stephen Olin and John P. Durbin, Bishop Matthew Simpson and Bishop Randolph S. Foster, Bishop Thoburn of India and Bishop William Taylor, a street preacher in San Francisco in '49 and afterward conspicuous for his missionary labors in South America, in India and last of all in Africa. And of men not sufficiently famous to be noticed in history, this church has de- veloped a great number of useful preachers, who, perhaps lacking in the finest literary finish and in the fuller measure of scholarship, have shown, never- 44 OUR TOTAL CHRISTIANITY theless, by their practical efficiency in interpreting the scripture and in bringing help to men, the power of direct and influential address. The Methodist Church has trusted to the zeal of its clergy, and to the warmth and reality of its own spiritual life, for the maintenance of evangelical faith rather than to any elaborate creed statements or standards of belief. John Wesley abridged the Thirty-nine Articles of Religion of the English Church into twentj'-five and these briefer articles have constitiited the creed statement of the Method- ists since the year 1784. They have never been changed in all the one hundred and twenty-six years and by vote of the General Conference in 1832 it was made unconstitutional to thenceforth propose any change in the Articles of Religion. The fact that this creed statement contains only simple and general references to the fundamental articles of religious faith has saved it from being an embarrass- ment to this body of Christians. The Methodist Church has been troubled very little by heresy trials. The earnestness and zeal of the clergy leave them little time for that purely speculative discussion which often engenders heresy and strife. And it is one of the significant facts of modern church history, that while their standards are broad and simple the Methodist Church through- out the world is in substantial agreement with it- self in the substance of its message, and it has re- THE METHODIST PART 45 mained, through all these one hundred and twenty- six years, profoundly evangelical in tone. The second contribution lies in its large utiliza- tion of the emotional nature in the formation of Christian character. "With the heart man be- lieveth unto righteousness/ more than with the head ! The main appeal, therefore, should be to the feelings because people, taking them by and large, do what they feel like doing. They may not have reasoned it all out; they may not make it a matter of strict conscience, but they do certain things or fail to do them because they feel that way. Not a closely reasoned argument on the appropriateness and desirability of Christian life, but the direct appeal to the affections becomes the most useful instrument in the hands of men who would lead others to Christ. We find this emphasis on the emotional life in the general quality of their preaching. We find it in the greater prominence given to feeling in the hymns of Charles Wesley and other Methodist hymn writers. We find it in the heartiness of their con- gregational singing, which is better than that of any other church in America the people who sing are the people who feel. We find it in the hearty responses in the shape of round "Amens' which sometimes come back from the pew when the speaker has made a telling point. We find it also in their emphasis upon the doc- trine, which they call "the witness of the Spirit.' 46 OUR TOTAL, CHRISTIANITY How is a man to know that he is saved, that he has found acceptance with God? "The church will tell him" one group of Christian people say, let him accept the testimony of the church on that point as given from the lips of its priest.' "The Bible will tell him," another group replies "let him stand on the promises of the Lord as made in His own Holy Word.' "Let his own reason tell him,' others answer; "if he has met the conditions of salvation, then as a logical result he has found ac- ceptance with God.' No one of these replies would be satisfactory to the followers of "Wesley. "He need not ask the church, or the Bible, or his reason, ' the Methodist asserts. "God will tell him in his own heart. He will feel it. The Spirit Himself beareth witness with our spirits that we are the children of God.' And the joy of being saved and of knowing it and of being able to tell it has been a leading note in the religious life of this branch of the church. It was a beautiful and a blessed message to bring to that despondent age to which Wesley preached. It was a time when the full rigor of Calvinism was in the saddle and it rode the patient people to their hurt. It was believed that God by His immutable decrees had from all eternity determined who should be saved and who should be lost, and that nothing that man could do would change those decrees. This was a comforting doctrine to those who by their own spiritual conceit perhaps had concluded that they belonged to "the elect," but as the great major- THE METHODIST PART 47 ity of people were either too ignorant or too modest to believe that about themselves it was also a de- pressing doctrine. They had an old hymn they used to sing : ' ' Tis a point I long to know Oft it causes anxious thought, Do I love the Lord or no Am I His or am I not.' It all depended upon those eternal decrees which had been established from all eternity. It meant everything then to have men go about asserting that, "The elect are whosoever will and the non-elect are whosoever won't.' They had not reasoned it all out. They did not undertake to combat on philosophical grounds \vhat the theo- logians called "predestination,' what the man on the street calls "fate,' what the scientist calls "determinism.' But out of the fullness of their own experience of God's loving mercy, of Christ's offered redemption and of the Spirit's witness to their acceptance in their own hearts, they went about preaching the good news of salvation. "The Spirit and the Bride say, Come. Let him that is athirst, Come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.' This joyous message touched, and moved, and renewed the hearts of the people, the Methodist Church grew by leaps and bounds. The joy of their songs, their testimonies, their inner satisfactions became a mighty influence in extending that branch of the church. "We have 48 OUK TOTAL CHRISTIANITY not received the spirit of bondage again to fear,' they cried, "we have received the spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.' It would be easy to carry the emotional element in religion to excess where it might result in a use- less and unseemly form of self-indulgence. If we fix the attention solely upon the raptures and ferv- ors of people it is not always easy to distinguish sham from reality. Jumping up and down or shout- ing so that one can be heard in the next block has no particular value even where it is done in a relig- ious meeting, unless it leads to something. The final test of anything, feeling, ritual or belief, is life, con- duct, service. The Methodist leaders have shown great wisdom in undertaking to speedily harness these floods of emotion to some form of practical ef- fort. When this is done the fervor may have great significance. The heart ha-s its rights as well as the the head. And in that section of human interest where the two great commandments are not "Thou shalt know" or "Thou shall do," but "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself,' this emphasis upon the emotional life has shown good statesman- ship. The third contribution lies in the value of their organization. I believe the polity of the Methodist Church is the best in the world, not even excepting the Roman Catholic. The Catholic Church makes entirely inadequate provision for the growing spirit THE METHODIST PART 49 of democracy, which it is compelled to reckon with in this country, and must reckon with increasingly in all countries. The Methodists combine monarch- ical authority, which is entrusted to its general superintendents or bishops, with the spirit of democ- racy in making large provision for the influence and activity of the laity. It is therefore able to offer what seems to me the most effective form of church polity in the field. Take this single instance of it the organization of their ministers into conferences under what is known as the ''itinerant system.' Every preacher ready for service belongs to some annual conference which covers a certain geographical area. Here in California we have two conferences the California and the Southern California covering the entire state. Once a year all these preachers meet togther in conference with the Presiding Bishop, and the Bishop appoints them to the places where they shall preach for the next year. He has absolute power to do this. He could, if he were a man without sense or conscience, entirely override the wishes of any preacher or any congregation. He may receive information and advice from whatever source may offer, but the final decision rests solely with him. In early days pastorates were limited to one year; then the time limit was extended to two years, then to three, then to five. Now it has been removed altogether, so that a minister may be reappointed to the same church indefinitely, but always for a 50 OUK TOTAL CHRISTIANITY period of oue year. No Methodist minister is ever invited or appointed to the pastorate of any church indefinitely, as would be the case in a Presbyterian or a Congregational church. Such a system does sometimes work disappoint- ment and hardship. A church may not always secure the pastor it wants, or the pastor who would be best for it. The minister may not always go where he would like to go and could go. The bishops are not omniscient, but they desire the peace and prosperity of the churches, and they desire the highest use- fulness of the ministers. They listen to the repre- sentations of the laymen who represent the various congregations, they listen to the wishes of the preachers themselves, and then make such appoint- ments as seem wise and right. And as a matter of fact the system works well. Every Methodist church in the United States has a pastor all the time, and every Methodist pastor has a church all the time. There are no discouraging and disintegrating per- iods when the church is without a minister. The changes are also made on tjie whole with very little friction. The task of getting rid of a minister who has come to be unacceptable to the majority of his cpngregatiofn is in other communions oftentimes an unhappy experience for him and for them. It r may be as painful as having all one's teeth pulled. But under the Methodist polity when the Annual Conference comes the change can be made quietly, without splitting the church into factions, and with- THE METHODIST PART 51 out painful embarrassment to the minister. When the Sunday after conference arrives, every church has its own pastor and every pastor is preaching in his own church. It is a system which works/ and that after all is the best test of any method. The limiting of the pastorate to short periods in the early history of the Methodist Church enabled it to use large numbers of untrained men, and men of moderate resources, to the glory of God and for the good of society. There is no reason in the nature of the case why a man's ministry in any church should be of a certain length, five years, or ten years, or twenty years it all depends on the length of the man. There are men who are preached out at. the end of a year or two, and both preacher and con- gregation need what the farmers call a "rotation of crops.' It is an exacting demand which the,,pas- torate of ten or twenty years makes upon a man, standing as he does in the same place twice a week to speak to many of the same people, touching the truths of religion. The wise men of the Methodist Church knew that in the rapid growth of their work and in the absence *of a srfficient number of thoroughly trained men, they would be able to use ministers of fewer resources with splendid effect under their itinerant system. They have shown a genius for organization. Not content with building up strong churches they have been fertile in the promotion of more extended ef- forts. The Chautauqua movement is non-sectarian, 52 OUR TOTAL CHRISTIANITY but Bishop Vincent of the Methodist Church was the founder of it, and that church has furnished its largest support. The Freedmen's Aid Society for the education and evangelization of the released slaves has rendered a magnificent service to the nation. The Epworth League, which ranks almost with the Christian Endeavor Society, as a movement for the training of young people in Christian life and serv- ice, is exclusively a Methodist body. The Order of Deaconesses and the Methodist Hospitals in most of the large cities have given evidence of the same spirit of practical efficiency in this branch of the church. By their splendid enthusiasm and zeal, by their wise and wide use of the emotional element in human nature, and by their practical, efficient organization they have made large and rapid growth in member- ship until the Methodist Church is the largest Protes- tant denomination in our country. It was John Wesley who said, ''The world is my parish.' He meant it intensively, as well as extensively, desir- ing that the religion of Christ should ally itself with every human interest, as well as spread into all lands. And that body of Christians who revere him as the founder of their branch of the church has moved ahead in splendid fulfillment of that great hope. THE PRESBYTERIAN PART I T IS scarcely too much to say that the Presbyterian Church represents more money, more brains and more piety than any other one church in America. It has no more money per capita perhaps than the Episcopal Church, but it is a large church, numbering almost two millions of members, while the Episcopal Church is one of the smaller churches. It has no more brains per capita than have the Congrega- tionalists, but the whole Congregational body only numbers some seven hundred thousand communi- cants. It ranks well with any denomination in its sense of duty, its attachment to high ideals, its adherence to principle and its consciousness of the spiritual world. When we come to add up its material, its intellectual and its spiritual resources, it may be said to make a larger showing than any other branch of the Christian church in this country. The word Presbyterian comes from the Greek word presbuteros, which means "an elder.' It is a church ruled by elders. The ordained ministers are "teaching elders,' and in each congregation there are laymen elected as "ruling elders.' The pastor with the elders and the deacons compose the Session, which is the ruling body of the local 54 OUK TOTAL CHRISTIANITY church. A number of churches conveniently located are organized into a Presbytery, which is made up of all teaching elders resident within its borders and a ruling elder from each congregation. These Presbyteries are organized into Synods, which sometimes comprise entire states and above these Synods stands the General Assembly, made up of ministers and ruling elders in equal proportions, representing all the Presbyteries of the church. The Presbyterian Church stands closely related to the Reformed Churches of Germany, of Holland and of PYance, both in doctrine and polity. It holds a position midway between the monarchical form of church government by bishops, and the pure de- mocracy of the congregational polity. The four distinctive contributions made by this branch of the church to our total Christianity seem to be these* first, its habit of conservatism. It is a cautious, deliberate church. It does not readily lose its head. It is never easy to stampede a com- pany of Presbyterians. They are ready in their own good time to "prove all things,' but they are strongly bent on "holding fast that which is good.' Its three main standards of doctrine are the Shorter Catechism, the Larger Catechism and tfhe Westminster Confession of Faith. This remarkable Confession was wrought out by an assembly con- vened in England's most famous place of worship, Westminster Abbey, in 1643. This assembly was made up of one hundred and twenty-one Doctors THE PKESBYTEBIAN PART 55 of Divinity, eleven Lords, twenty Commoners and seven commissioners from Scotland. It continued in session for five years and a half and held some twelve thousand meetings. They met every day in the week except Saturday, and sat from nine o'clock until two. Each session was opened and closed with prayer and one day in each month was set apart for prayer, when they came together and continued for four hours in continuous supplication. The Westminster Confession thus issued from an atmosphere of earnest devotion. It w r as in the time of Bacon and Shakespeare. The King James version of the Bible had just been published. It was a period when the English lan- guage was at its best. It was also a time when men were not satisfied with easy-going standards or superficial statements. The age demanded a creed which would be an impregnable statement of religious truth, to serve as a bulwark against the errors of Romanism, as a basis of ecclesiastical fellowship and as an effective instrument for the religious instruction of the people of God and their children. The Westminster Confession came forth in response to that demand. It is no milk-and-water affair. It undertakes to be the most logical, fundamental and explicit setting forth of man's relations to his Maker anywhere contained in the creeds of Christendom. And when you read it with an open mind you realize at once that it is designed to build up a massive and mas- 56 OUR TOTAL CHRISTIANITY culine type of piety in the lives of those who give it their adherence. It is the great digest of Calvinism, the system of that man of iron, who stood forth as a theo- logian and a reformer in Geneva. It plants itself firmly on the five points of Calvinism. Human depravity man is hopelessly corrupt and has no power in himself for moral recovery. Uncondi- tional election God from all eternity has, by His immutable decrees, determined that certain men should be saved. A limited atonement Christ died for the elect ; He did not die for the nun-elect, for that would have been shedding His blood in vain. Irresistible grace in order to make God's decrees of election effective there must proceed from Him a moral influnce which cannot be successfully op- posed. The final perserverance of the saints- 'once in grace, always in grace' -for if a man once renewed and numbered among the elect should fall away into sin it would negative one of those eternal decrees. And upon this theological state- ment, heading up in the Divine sovereignly and dependent for its action not upon the moral choice of the individual, but upon the assertion of an In- finite Will, the Presbyterian Churches of England and America take their stand. It would be easy to poke fun at or to pour scorn upon some of the statements of belief included in such thoroughgoing Calvinism popular novelists, sensational preachers and the secular press have THE PRESBYTERIAN PART 57 all taken their turn at this interesting diversion. But by their fruits we must judge statements of belief and these great convictions have nerved men and women to live nobly and to die heroically be- yond those of any other single religious creed which can be named. When spiritual tyrrany showed its ugly head in England and in Scotland, in Ger- many, in France and in Switzerland, men and women of heroic build, fed upon the great convic- tions of Calvin, stood up to resist and they present a magnificient array of martyrs, who sealed their testimony in their own blood. It was John Morley, a careful and critical his- torian, an outspoken agnostic in his own religious attitude, who said: ''Calvinism has inspired incom- parable energy, concentration, resolution. It has exalted its votaries to a pitch of heroic moral strength that has never been surpassed. They have exhibited an active courage, a resolute endurance, a cheerful self-restraint, and an exulting self-sacri- fice which men count among the highest glories of the human conscience.' It is impossible for any man to dismiss such a system with a sneer. It was John Fiske, the philosophical historian, standing himself on the borders between Unitarian- ism and agnosticism, who paid this tribute to the sturdy influence of Calvinism upon the cause of human freedom: "It would be hard to overrate the debt which mankind owes to Calvin. The spiritual father of 58 OUK TOTAL CHRISTIANITY Coligny, of William the Silent, and of Cromwell must occupy a foremost rank among the champions of modern democracy. Perhaps not one of the mediaeval popes was more despotic in temper than Calvin; but it is not the less true that the promul- gation of his theology was one of the longest steps that mankind has taken toward personal freedom. Calvinism left the individual man alone in the pres- ence of his God. His salvation could not be wrought by priestly ritual, but only by the grace of God abounding in his own soul ; and wretched creature that he felt himself to be, through the intense moral awakening of which this stern theolog}^ was in part the expression, his soul was nevertheless of infinite value, and the possession of it was the subject of an everlasting struggle between the powers of heaven and the powers of hell.' 'In the presence of the awful responsibility of life, all distinctions of rank and fortune vanished ; prince and pauper were alike the helpless creatures of Jehovah and suppliants for his grace. Calvin did not originate these doctrines ; in announcing them he was but setting forth, as he said, the Institutes of the Christian religion; but in emphasizing this aspect of Christianity, in engraving it upon men's minds with that keen-edged logic which he used with such unrivalled skill, Calvin made them feel, as it had perhaps never been felt before, the dig- nity and importance of the individual human soul. It was a religion fit to inspire men who were to be THE PRESBYTERIAN PART 59 called upon to fight for freedom, whether in the marshes of the Netherlands, or on the moors of Scot- land." Now the Presbyterian Church has taken that theo- logical system known as Calvinism and has held on to it with a tenacity which amazed the Nine- teenth Century, and will amaze this light-hearted Twentieth Century accustomed as it is to say that it does not care what a man believes, if he is only sincere. The Presbyterian Church cares. It is a doc- trinal church, doctrinal in its preaching, doctrinal in the tone of its periodicals, doctrinal in requiring theological soundness in its office bearers. From candidates for admission to the membership of the church it requires nothing but repentance for sin, faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and the consecration of the life to God it is exceedingly simple and broad as to its doctrinal requirement. But from its ministers and ruling elders it has required until recently assent to the entire Westminster Confession, and even now its demands are more rigorous than those of any other Protestant denomination. It stands ready to accept whatever odium or hardship may come with this conservative habit of mind. Men may declaim against the positions of Calvinism as being incredible to reason, as being unscriptural, as dishonoring to God, as intolerable to men, but until it believes that, from the teachings of the apostles and of Christ himself, it has been dis- 60 OUR TOTAL CHRISTIANITY lodged from these positions the Presbyterian Church does not propose to change front. The most famous heresy trials of the Nineteenth Century have naturally occurred in the Presbyterian Church. Robertson Smith of the Universitv of i Aberdeen in Scotland, one of the most gifted students of the Old Testament in modern times, was deposed from his chair for heresy. David Swing of Chicago, one of the most popular preachers in that busy city, was compelled to leave the Presby- terian Church because of heresy. Professor Charles A. Briggs of Union Seminary was expelled from the Presbyterian Church for teachings which seemed to conflict with the Westminster Confession. Pro- fessor Hemy Preserved Smith of Lane Seminary, Cincinnati, was similarly deposed, and the agita- tion regarding Professor A. C. McGiffert, the lead- ing church historian in this country, made it seem appropriate to him to voluntarily withdraw from the Presbyterian denomination. Now where conservatism does not spring from any narrow-minded bigotry or from sheer pig-head- edness, we honor it. Personally I could no more hold up my hand and swear that I believed all the theological statements in the Westminster Confes- sion than I could swear that I believed two and two might make five. But here is a large, thoughful, conscientious body of Christian men and women, who do believe that these statements are true and because of their loyalty to conviction they are pre- THE PKESBYTEKIAN PAKT 61 pared to accept whatever hardship or odium may attach to insistence upon these standards. We need the conservatives no less than the liberals and the radicals in the everlasting struggle for human progress. We need those men who. by their very habit of mind, will be sure not to abandon anything that has value. We need those, who rever- ing the great accomplishments of the past, are ready to bring out of their treasures things new and old the old as well as the new. And in these days when great numbers of people do not know what they believe or why they should believe any- thing, it is of great significance that we have this sturdy, faithful, conscientious body of Christians bent on holding fast all that has shown itself good. In the second place the Presbyterian Church has kept alive a profound sense of the enormity and the ill-desert of sin. This church takes the moral life of the race seriously. It has never fallen into the way of thinking of evil as only good in the mak- ing or of saying that wickedness is a kind of im- mature, half-baked goodness. It would have no sympathy with R. J. Campbell of London in his claim that "the drunkard reeling through the streets in brutal fashion is after all only engaged in a mistaken quest for God.' It does not believe that the sinner will naturally and easily grow up out of his sin into the goodness of a saint by a process of evolution. It believes as the apostle did that "men have given themselves up to uncleanness 62 OUR TOTAL CHRISTIANITY through the lusts of their hearts; that they have become vain in their imaginations and their minds have become darkened; that they have changed the truth of God into a lie and that the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness.' The Presbyterian Church has the sense of sin. It may be questioned if any more terrible bat- teries have ever been turned upon the wrong-doing of the world than those of Calvinism. When certain branches of the church were granting indulgences on easy terms, allowing men to clear up their moral accounts by private arrangements with their con- fessors; when others were insisting that the waters of baptism would instantly wash away whatever stain or corruption might cling to the moral nature ; \vhen others were speaking gently of the evil in the world as a kind of childish aberration, ' ' a grow- ing pain/ the Presbyterian churches have been steadily insisting that sin is an act of rebellion against rightful authority ; that it is an insult and an outrage to the love of a holy Father ; that it is a heinous and fatal corruption of the nature, to be cured only by supernatural grace and divine re- demption. The chief end of man, as they view it, is not to have a good time or to cultivate his own powers or to ' ' evolute ' ' into his own completer self- 'the chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.' And as the beginning of that life which is riot self-centered, but finds its center in THE PRESBYTERIAN PART 63 the Divine glory, there must come a recognition of the fault and the corruption of the individual life. And is there not cause ! We have put rubber tires on our consciences and upon the words we apply to evil in these comfortable days, lest any malefactor should receive shock or jar. Lying is only "prevarication!' Stealing is "an unfortunate kleptomania!' Lust is only "the unschooled throb- bin gs of nature" according to many a problem play and modern novel. Graft, of the Patrick Calhoim type, is not civic treachery and crime as it once was -it is only "one of the exigencies of business life under the intricate conditions of modern industry.' So on down the list ! If we keep on mixing our icolors, by and by nothing will be wrong ! And when nothing is wrong, when the power of hating evil is lost, then the race will be morally bankrupt. All honor to that branch of the Christian church which has maintained its keen sense of the ill- desert, the enormity and the infamy of sin against God in all its ugly forms ! The wholesome effect of this attitude has been witnessed on many fields. You may recall, for example, the austere morality of Cromwell's Army, which is unparalleled in the military annals of the world. Army life is often a school of vice ; it be- comes the crucial test of morals and religion. But the army of Ironsides became the wonder of the world for its moral purity no less than for its in- 64 OUR TOTAL CHRISTIANITY trepid valor. They marched against the most re- nowned battalions of Europe, chanting their psalms and relying upon the Unseen God and somehow they seemed never to fail in destroying whatever op- posed them. It is the testimony of Macaulay, of Goldwin Smith, of Morley and of all the historians who touch upon that period of history that no army has ever so combined heroism and purity. 'In that camp no oath was heard, no drunkenness witnessed, 110 gambling seen. The property of man and the honor of woman were alike safe. No servant girl was compelled to mourn by the rough gallantry of these red-coats. Not an ounce of plate was stolen from the shops of the goldsmiths.' All this from Macaulay's "History of England," and Taine adds, 'They raised the national morality even as they had saved the national liberty!' And this was an army of Calvinists, taking scripture texts for their watch-words and countersigns, singing the hymns of the faith as their battle cries ! They cherished a profound sense of the malignity and the hatefulness of sin, and thus they trampled temptation under their feet even as they put their enemies to flight. The third contribution of the Presbyterian Church has been its devotion to the Bible. No other denomination has equalled it in attributing, as the result of painstaking scholarship, such unique and final authority to the Bible. The head and front of Dr. Briggs' offending was not so much that he taught that the Pentateuch was composed THE PRESBYTERIAN PART 65 of manv and sometimes conflicting documents, or / that the book of Isaiah was the work of more than one man ! It was that he claimed in his celebrated address that there were three sources of authority in religion the Bible, which was the classic utter- ance of the mind of the Lord in literature ; the Church as the utterance of the Divine Spirit to be found in the great consensus of human experience and testimony throughout the ages of Christian history ; and Keason, the noblest faculty in man act- ing at its best in pronouncing upon the validity of the claims of religion. The Bible, the Church and Reason were concurrent sources of authority ac- cording to Dr. Briggs, and this exaltation of two other sources of instruction to the place where they would share in the unique honor attributed to the Bible became to a large majority in the Presby- terian Church insupportable. This exaltation of the Bible by the Presbyterians has not been like the position of Salvation Army officers, or other earnest mission workers, voicing merely a traditional and sentimental attitude. The Presbyterian Church has been distinguished from the first for painstaking and profound scholarship. The Westminster Confession is not made up of a lot of pious, well-meaning, but ill-considered plati- tudes it is painfully and rigidly learned. The Pres- byterian Church has had great doctors of the faith -the Hodges and the Alexanders of Princeton, Shedd and Schaff, James McCosh and Francis L. 66 OUR TOTAL CHRISTIANITY Patton, Roswell D. Hitchcock and Marvin R. Vin- cent, Francis Brown and B. B. Warfield. They were men who had studied the subject; they were com- petent to speak. They knew exactly what they be- lieved and why they believed it, and were not to to be badgered out of it by the flourishes of a few popular novelists or the flings of some newspaper reporters, who, theologically speaking, did not know their right hands from their left. And out of their scholarship these scholars came with one accord to exalt the Bible for its inspiration, its final authority, its inerrancy. Now we may not hold with these men in all their views I for one cannot hold with them but that attitude has given an impetus to Bible study. It lay at the root of the strong insistence of the Pres- byterians upon high standards of ministerial educa- tion. One reason why the Presbyterian Church stands third today in this country in point of num- bers is that it was not ready to utilize men without college or seminary training as were the Baptists and Methodists in their frontier work. This exal- tation of the Bible has promoted a thorough and systematic study of the scriptures in their Sunday Schools and in the homes of their people. It has encouraged all the members of the church to be- come competent to understand and rightly divide these words of truth which are the final source of authority in all matters of faith and practice. And in these days, when critical study and the purely THE PRESBYTERIAN PART 67 literary treatment of the Bible have been unsettling the faith of many and have been lowering the Bible in the estimation of others, this supreme honor placed upon the word of God by this branch of the church has been of inestimable worth. In the fourth place, the Presbyterian Church has stood strongly for the value of an intelligent Chris- tian nurture. You might indicate a certain difference here by the words "crisis' and "process.' The sacramental idea of religion makes much of the crisis the unbaptized individual is unregenerate, but holy water in the hands of an officiating priest ap- plied to the child or to the believing adult will cause him to pass instantly from death unto life. The emotional type of religion makes much of the crisis -if there can only come an overturning, an over- whelming crisis in the feelings of the individual then in that hour he may enter upon a regenerate life. But, according to the other view, religion is phrased rather in terms of domestic life, the Father bringing up his children gradually into conscious, obedient, joyous fellowship with himself; or it may be phrased in terms of education, the Master of our spirits leading 'his disciples, pupils, learners out into self-realization by self-expression in wor- ship, in service and in fellowship with Him. Here salvation is a moral process, conducted by the Spirit of God in the hearts of teachable men. The Presbyterian churches have made much of this. 68 OUK TOTAL CHRISTIANITY By thorough religious instruction in the homes oil its people it has aimed to hold its own children within the power of Christian nurture. It main- tains that the ideal is for the child never to know the hour when he does not live in the love and the service of God. Family discipline, family prayer, the instruction of children in the catechism and the maintenance of the offices of Christian culture in the home have been of unspeakable advantage to this branch of the church. Its course of action has been a lesson and an example to Christian peo- ple of all communions. In recent years the Pres- byterian Church has shown more interest in revivals, putting its strength behind J. Wilbur Chapman and other evangelists, but formerly it held aloof from the sudden and startling modes of awakening re- ligious interest. It placed its emphasis upon the quieter and in the long run the more reliable modes oi Christian nurture for the extension of the King- dom. This church has rendered noble service in the his- tory of our country. It has had great preachers of the gospel of Christ John Hall and Theodore Cuyler, Howard Crosby and Charles H. Parkhurst, Herrick Johnson and Henry Van Dyke! By their strong, winsome and effective presentation of the truths of religion they have made us all their debtors. It has written a noble record in the work of Home and Foreign Missions Jessup and Thomp- son in Syria. John G. Pat ton in the New Hebrides THE PRESBYTERIAN PAKT 69 and Sheldon Jackson in Alaska, Arthur T. Pierson, one of the most useful writers on missions in our century, and other men honored in the field of Chris- tian effort. It has reared up a splendid body of intelligent, conscientious and influential laymen. When we call the roll of Presbyterian presidents, senators and jurists, we find it a long- and worthy roll of honor. By its conservative temper, by its sense of the awfulness of wrong-doing, by its de- votion to the Bible, and by its emphasis on the Chris- tian nurture of the child, it has made a distinct and valuable contribution to our total Christianity. THE ROMAN CATHOLIC PART T HERE is not and never was on this earth a work of human policy so well deserv- ing of examination as the Roman Catholic Church. The history of that church joins together the two great ages of human civiliza- tion. No other institution is left standing which carries the mind back to the times when the smoke of sacrifice arose from the Pantheon and leopards and tigers leaped upon their victims in the Coliseum at Rome. The proudest royal houses are but of yesterday when compared with the long line of Supreme Pontiffs in the Vatican. The Roman Cath- olic Church was great and respected before the Saxon set foot in Britain, before the Frank had passed the Rhine, when Grecian eloquence still flour- ished in Antioch and idols were worshipped in the temple at Mecca. And she may still exist in undim- inished vigor when some traveller from New Zea- land shall in the midst of a great solitude take his stand on a broken arch of London Bridge to sketch the ruins of St. Paul.' Thus spoke Macauley, one of the most widely read historians of the English speaking race, in his celebrated essay on Von Ranke's "Lives of the THE ROMAN CATHOLIC PART 71 Popes.' Make all due allowance, as we must, for the superabundant rhetoric and enthusiasm which rendered him more admirable as a brilliant essayist than as an accurate historian, and we still have a judgmeint which causes men to reflect. It directs the mind toward a subject which must be taken into serious consideration by everyone interested in human progress. The Roman Catholic Church, how- ever we may disagree with many of its dogmas or condemn great sections of its history, is not only ajncient and august, it is a world-wide and tremend- ously significant fact. I have not time to sketch its history, whole periods of which are so dark as to have utterly destroyed the influence of any institution less pa- tient or less resilient. I have not time to discuss its various doctrines, of which it has more, and more incredible ones, than any other branch of the Christian church. I have not time to indicate all of the points at which I dissent radically from its posi- tions touching questions of education, civil author- ity and intellectual outlook. It would take at least seven sermons cm this one church alone for me to do that with anything approaching seriousness or thoroughness. I am not of those who either fear or hope that it will at last swallow us all up. In the last three hun- dred years it has been far from holding its own in the world at large, either in numbers, in influence or in vitality. Within the last two months a notable 72 OUR TOTAL CHRISTIANITY volume has appeared on "The Leakage of Catholi- cism,' basing its calculations upon the figures and statements, the estimates and opinions of Romatn Catholic authorities. A well-known Roman Catholic bishop had shown that by the natural increase of their share of the population and by the immense gains through immigration from Catholic countries, the adherents of that communiotn in this country should number today at least thirty-tw r o millions, whereas, they only number about eleven millions. It was the judgment of this writer based upon Ro- man Catholic testimony that the total leakage from that church during the Nineteenth Century amounted to at least eighty millions of communi- cants. These people did not all become Protestants -alas, the great majority of them became nothing at all ; they became unbelieving, irreligious, spirit- ually indifferent, if not scornful toward all religion. It was James Anthony Froude, Professor of His- tory iln Oxford University, who said, "During the last three hundred years the Roman Catholic Church has lost her hold on nine-tenths of the educated laymen in her own communion ; she has compelled every Catholic government to take from her the last fiber of secular and civil authority, depriving her even of her control over education.' Her oftce world-wide temporal authority is now limited to a single building in a single city, the Vatican at Rome. The Pope, once elected and consecrated, in order to keep up his vain pretence of temporal authority. THE ROMAN CATHOLIC PART 73 never leaves the walls of the Vatican, for by doing so he would become at once a subject of the secular government of Italy. "In the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries the the Roman Catholic Church destroyed by fagot and sword the lives of hundreds of thousands of men and women in the effort to recover that former dominion. But today if it should attempt that, if it should lay hands upon a single 'heretic and dis- pose of him as it used to do at the stake ; if one helpless man should now be burned at Rome for his Protestant heresy, every sane man believes that the whole ecclesiastical fabric, mighty and imposing as it is, would be torn to shreds by the moral indigna- tion of the race.' No, the world moves, even in the Vatican at Rome, and when we take the wider view we see that there is no danger that the old preten- sions, which once struck terror to the hearts of the nations, should again become anything but the sen- timental mutterings of an impotent bigotry. But as I have indicated repeatedly, the main pur- pose of this course is not controversial, and I wish to ask what positive and distinctive contributions the Roman Catholic Church has made to our total Christianity. The first one lies in their inculcation of the habit of worship. All church people worship, but Catholics we may say, not irreverently, have the habit beyond any others. Little children as soon as they are able to toddle up the aisle of the church and cross themselves with holy water and bow be- 74 OUR TOTAL CHRISTIANITY fore the pictures and statues they find there, are steeped in the habit of worship. When they be- come men and women they still feel strangely moved to statedly visit the church and kneel before the Lord their Maker, offering unto Him the adoration, the trust and the allegiance of their hearts. Every Catholic Church stands open every day in the week,, inviting the passerby to come in and worship. No service of any kind may be in progress, but there are the symbols of his faith, there is the atmosphere of reverence and devotion, and there he will ever find a number of fellow beings seeking to unburden and refresh their hearts in personal worship. I remember once entering the great Cathedral at Milan early in the morning, when it was scarcely light. As I passed in, I saw by the door a dozen or more huge, rough market baskets, some con- taining produce, others articles of clothing and oth- ers such trinkets as are sold on the street. As I moved up reverently near the altar there were a number of peasant women to whom these baskets belonged. Their faces were bronzed, wrinkled, and scarred by hard work, age and exposure. They had stopped for a few moments on their way to their work to worship in that magnificent cathedral, that famous shrine visited every year by thousands of people from every part of the world, who come to stand awe-struck and silent before the dignity and beauty of its architecture. And the rough, shab- bily dressed old market women were perfectly at THE KOMAN CATHOLIC PART 75 home there in their simple devotions, no one except an American Protestant would have thought of giving them a single curious glance. And when they rose from their knees and passed out, they had gained some feeling of spiritual refreshment, some new consciousness of the sacredness of human life, even under its rudest conditions, some added sense of kinship with the Unseen One in Whose honor this mighty temple of worship was reared. The habit of worship firmly established in the sentiments and practices of the two hundred millions of people in that communion, how wonderful and how beauti- ful it all is ! The second contribution lies in their habit of obedience to authority. 'Poverty, chastity, obedi- ence,' these are the three VOW T S taken by an army of devoted men and women of that faith. Renounc- ing all right or claim to private property, and re- ceiving only a bare support, they "belong to the church' in a very vital sense, to be used by it as may seem good. For the sake of the service, which according to their belief can be better rendered by those who are free from any domestic responsibility and thus at liberty to go and come as their superiors may direct, they refuse the sweet joys of family life. And obedience immediate, unquestioning and un- limited to the head of the Order, this becomes for them the rule of life ! This example has its influence upon the entire body of Catholics until obedience to authority becomes a leading note in their religious 76 OUR TOTAL CHRISTIANITY life. Private judgment and personal inclination are trained to submit themselves to spiritual direction and authority. I am fully aware how deadly the habit of obedi- ence to unworthy authority may become in its ulti- mate influence. And for the development of the freer, braver type of person ality this whole attitude of unquestioning obedience may not be the most promising. This may be one reason why for three centuries none of the leading men of letters in all the world owe anything to the patronage of the Roman Catholic Church. It is one reason why in all the centuries only one of the great poets, Dante, has come from the Catholic Church, although it out- fciumbers all the other churches put together Shakespeare, Milton and Goethe, Wordsworth and Byron, Browning and Tennyson were all of them Protestant poets. This whole habit of obedience to authority has to reckon with the growing spirit of democracy and with the advance of popular intel- ligelnce in this country more than in some of the countries of the old world, and it will have to reckon with all that everywhere in larger measure during the Twentieth Century. But after making full al- lowance for all this, the habit of obedience to author- ity for great numbers of men and women in their present stage of development has tremendous sig- nificance and value. When I say my prayers I thank God for the Eo- man Catholic Church. I could not belong to it. THE ROMAN CATHOLIC PART 77 Some of its doctrinal positions, the infallibility of the Pope, the power of priestly absolution from sin, the notion of the sacrifice of Christ ijn the Mass, its belief as to the real presence of the body and blood of Christ in the bread and wine at Communion, the doctrine of purgatory, are not only incredible to me, they seem impossible to any discriminat- ing mind. I shrink with horror from some of the pages of history this church has written under papal sanction and for which no word of disapproval or regret has ever been uttered by its official repre- sentatives. I would be ready to oppose with all my might some of its pretensions to temporal authority and some of its encroachments upon the work of public education if it ever undertook to assert those pretensions in this country as they have been as- serted in other countries in former centuries. And yet with all this I thank God for the Roman Catholic Church. We have not so many moral forces these days that we can afford to boycott any of them. "Un a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and of earth.' And with all its limitations which seem to us so serious the Catholic Church does stand, and stand effectively through the habit of obedience on the part of its members, for reverence towards God, for righteousness of life and for the prevalence of spirit- ual ideals. It has at this moment under its direction vast numbers of utntaught men and women in Italy and 78 OUR TOTAL CHRISTIANITY in Spain, in Austria and in South America, that we would not know what to do with if they suddenly threw off their loyalty to the Catholic Church and undertook to become Protestants. We have in this more enlightened land great numbers of people in all our cities who are better cared for in their pres- ent stage of spiritual development and with the temperaments it has pleased God to give them, in the Eoman Catholic Church than they would be by the Presbyterian Church or the Congregational Church. My good friend and neighbor, Father McNally, himself ain abstainer, goes about in West Oakland urging the claims of his Father Mathew Temper- ance Society upon many a rough man who, by his inheritance and surroundings, is in danger of being overcome by the habit of drink, and by virtue of that authority which belongs to the Catholic priest the good Father accomplishes what no Protestant clergyman could at present accomplish. And this is a single illustration of a single virtue in a single field. In keeping alive the sense of the unseen world, in promoting the feeling of moral obligation, in causing men to know that there is open to us a divine source of moral strength to aid us in our struggle, the unique authority of the parish priest among his people has a value which we are not ready to relinquish from the moral forces of the community. In mediaeval times it was this spiritual despotism THE KOMAN CATHOLIC PART 79 which alone showed itself mighty enough to con- trol and subdue the turbulent elements of society, to put the yoke on military tyrants and to infuse some measure of the spirit of mercy in those who otherwise would have been the cruel oppressors of their weaker fellows. And today in great sections of modern society the same result in other terms and under other conditions is being wrought out,- spiritual despotism is holding in check certain evil forces before which less autocratic methods might find themselves helpless. Over against a materialism which is no closet theory but a base manner of life, over against a revolutionary type of social agitation which would burn and slay to accomplish its desires, over against the spirit of unchecked self-indulgence and wild Bohemianism which fears neither God, man nor devil, the Roman Catholic Church stands with a brave front, and lifts before the people in picture and statue, in anthem and prayer, in sermon and in the personal word of the confessor, the nobler ideals of the Son of Man. We are not far enough along toward the millennium to turn round and seek to break in pieces that vessel of honor, even though it seems to us to contain so much of wood and of earth. The letogth to which this spirit of obedience will go, almost passes belief. The story of the Jesuits, the great order founded by Ignatius Loyola to offset the Protestant Reformation, reads like a romance. 80 OUK TOTAL CHRISTIANITY The spiritual forces of Protestantism have been compared to local militia, useful in cases of inva- sion but incapable of being sent abroad for spiritual conquest. Rome has her militia, but she has also her standing army, made up of forces disposable at a moment's (notice for any foreign service, however distant or disagreeable or dangerous. If it is be- lieved at headquarters that a certain Jesuit in England or in America would, because of his talents or character, be valuable among the Hottentots of Africa or the Bushmen of Australia, or the Es- quimaux of the frozen North, the next week he will be sailing to that quarter of the world, and in a mointh's time he will be preaching, catechising and holding mass amid those strange surroundings. The Roman Catholic Church encourages and is able to command a measure of obedience to authority which is both a menace, where it is unworthily used, and a mighty prophecy of spiritual achievement where it is directed to noble ends. "Whatsoever he saith unto you, do it,' -this was the word uttered at Cana of Galilee aind in that atmosphere of com- plete and unquestioning obedience the water of life was turned into wine. The third contribution lies in their promotion of the spirit of trust. The Roman Catholic Church meets the human soul at the very threshhold of life and offers to provide some satisfying measure of moral consecration and spiritual direction for every important crisis. This is the meaning of the THE ROMAN CATHOLIC PART 81 seven sacraments of that church. Here is Baptism for the new born babe, the recognition of its spirit- ual kinship with the great body of aspiring souls in the church, and of its kinship with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, ijnto whose Triune name the child is baptised. Here is Confirmation for the child when he reaches the age of moral decision and is ready to stand before the world as a professing Christian, prepared to take his first communion. Here is the sacrament of the Lord's Supper, the bread and wine transformed into the veritable body and blood of the Savior according to their belief, that the inner life may feed upon Him and become indeed like Him. Here is Penance, where the bur- dened soul in the confessional, seeking to relieve itself by breathing the story of its moral failure into the ear of a* trusted and merciful friend, gaining in the assurance of human forgivness a deeper con- fidence in the divine forgivness, has prescribed for it certain acts of devotion or service to be rendered as an offset to the wrong done. Here is the sacra- ment of Orders, the formal setting apart of one man to become a priestly mediator on behalf of his fellows. Here is the sacrament of Marriage, the union of one man and one woman for life, and all honor to the Roman Catholic Church for its steady opposition to the inroads which easy and hasty divorce has been making upon the integrity of the home a copy of the mystic union of Christ and His church. And then at the very end of one's 82 OUR TOTAL CHRISTIANITY career here is the sacrament of Extreme Unction, when the soul is finally prepared for its solemn and mysterious journey into the unseen world of eternal values. All these become to the devout Catholic outward and visible signs of inward and spiritual grace. At all the important crises of his life and touching all its vital interests, the church places these symbols of an unseen economy of mercy and helpfulness ; and by the perpetual recurrence of these rites in the appointments of his church the believer is main- tained in that attitude of trust which bestows the sense of peace. In these practical days, when so many people fall into the way of believing only in those things which can be seen with the eyes, hajndled with the hands and purchased with gold, when the things which are seen and temporal expel from their consideration those unseen things that are eternal, it is good to have one great branch of the church inculcating steadily, by methods which have shown themselves effective, the spirit of trust itn those intangible aids which mean so much in the gaining of the more abundant life. No church has made so much of that manifesta- tion of the divine mercy and sacrifice for sin wit- nessed on Calvary. Catholics go to Mass and the Mass is to them a visible enactment and repetition of the sacrifice on Calvary offered in atonement for sin. ''The hosts of people hurrying through the THE ROMAN CATHOLIC PART 83 streets in every city of Christendom at early dawn on Sunday morning are not going to hear some bril- liant man discuss an interesting problem or to hear a few gifted singers sing; they are going to cele- brate the death of the Savior of the world and to confide afresh in the great mystery of divine re- demption there proclaimed.' On every altar, and in many a home, is the crucifix. The Stations of the Cross are stages in Christ's progress toward Cal- vary. The divine mercy revealed on Calvary may be as the apostle said, "to the Jews a stumbling block, and to the Greeks foolishness,' but it is the power of God unto salvation to every soul that trusts. And the Catholic Church, beyond all others, has awakened within man the feeling of trust in the great fundamental offers of the Christian gospel. In the fourth place, they have shown a wonder- ful readiness for personal sacrifice. This quality is present in all Christian churches, but I believe the Roman Catholic Church can show a larger measure of it than any other single church. It faces every man who would rise to a position of influence in the organization with a strong demand for self-sacri- fice. The Pope has a palace and the priests have their clergy houses, but not a man among them has a home, -it takes a woman, a wife and a mother, to make a home. Making all necessary allowance for unfaithful priests, there remains a great body of pure and true men who have met that demand for self-sacrifice. It is the very jewel and crown of a woman's life to love and to be loved by her hus- 84 OUR TOTAL CHRISTIANITY band and her children, and to busy herself with the furnishing and the maintenance of a home. But here a vast company of women, Sisters of Mercy, Sisters of Charity, Little Sisters of the Poor, teach- ers of youth and friends of the aged, the sick and the outcast, surrender those joys, and go about the streets, sweet-faced, quiet-voiced, pure hearted mes- sengers of the Divine purpose in self-sacrificing serv- ice. You cannot go through any city with an open mind and not recognize that this church has repro- duced in generous measure the spirit of Him who went about not to be ministered unto but to minister and to give His life a ransom for many. Its noble self-sacrifice on many a mission field has written a record as full of romance and heroism as the story of apostolic Christianity. Father Damien among the lepers of Hawaii, Pere Marquette among the Indians of our own Northwest, Juniper o Serra in his mission work in California! "I, if I be lifted up, will draw all mein unto Me," said One of old who knew what was in man. It was the sober estimate of the Son of God upon the power of sincere love for the souls of men and the habit of uncomplaining sacrifice on their behalf. And with all the errors of its long and checkered career, the Roman Catholic Church does make a splendid showing in its display of heroic and beautiful self- sacrifice. I join with you in profound regret that an insti- tution so ancient, so extended, so wonderful, is dis- figured by faults so serious and menacing. That THE ROMAN CATHOLIC PART 85 intolerance toward the rest of us as being unchristian and without hope of heaven because we are outside its pale seems altogether inexcusable. That intol- erance of which we had a fresh illustration in the recent action of the Pope withdrawing his permis- sion for Vice-President Fairbanks to visit him be- cause the Sunday before Mr. Fairbanks, himself a Methodist, had spoken at a Methodist Church in Kome, is a moral blot on its escutcheon. That big- otry which makes friendly association between that branch of the church and the other branches almost impossible, which renders marriages between Cath- olic and Protestant almost uniformly productive of friction and trouble, is a thing to be deplored ! Its attitude toward the public schools is un-American and it seems to us unchristian. Its assumption of the right of temporal authority would be intolerable if the church attempted to enforce it. Its readiness to cover up its own faults in the past and its pres- ent unwillingness to confess them or correct them is a matter of profound regret. Its unfriendly feel- ing for modern knowledge and for many of the modern movements which make for progress occasions sorrow to us all. But with all these off- sets we recognize that by its habit of worship, by its spirit of obedience to authority, by its profound feeling of trust in the unseen and by the readiness of large numbers of its adherents for self-sacrifice, it has made a great and distinctive contribution to our total Christianity. THE UNITARIAN PART T HE doctrine of the Unity of God is much older than William Ellery Channing. It is much older than the Arians of the Fourth Century who stood up to resist the stout orthodoxy of Athanasius in the Nicene Coun- cil. Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Moses, David and Isaiah were all Unitarians in their thought of God. The vast Moslem world, whose faith at its incep- tion was a stern protest against the weak idolatry of the Orient, is to this hour a world of Unitarians -"There is no God but Allah, and Mahomet is His prophet.' The whole array of Old Testament saints, of Moslem believers and of a great company of thoughtful men in all lands and in all periods of religious history, might stand together in saying, 'To us, there is but one God, the Father.' But Unitarianism as we ordinarily use that term in its more restricted sense, applying it to a certain branch of the Christian Church, dates back in this country to about the year 1815. One hundred and twenty Congregational churches of New England at that time separated themselves from the Ortho- dox wing of the denomination which still held to the general system of belief known as Evangelical. THE UNITARIAN PART 87 In Boston every Congregational Church except the "Old South" joined in this new departure. They re- tained the Congregational form of polity and in most cases retained the historic names and the property which had belonged to those churches in the days when they still gave their adherence to orthodoxy. The ' ' Half-way Covenant, ' ' in vogue in New Eng- land, an arrangement by which men who were not ready to profess themselves full-fledged Christians might, at least, sustain that relation to the Church which was demanded at that time for participation in civil affairs, had brought into the churches many to whom Calvinism had been unacceptable. There was a thoughtful and conscientious reaction against some of the excessess and some of the preaching connected with ' * the Great Awakening. ' Reason and conscience alike were uttering substantial protests against such teaching as that found in Jonathan Edwards' terrible sermon on "Sinners in the Hands of An Angry God.' The time was ripe for some radical modification of the religious teaching which had become traditional with the orthodoxy of New Eng- land and the Unitarian movement was the clearest and most influential expression of that demand. The liberal party was not very large numerically. The Unitarian denomination today is still one of the smallest of the sects, numbering, in this country, only some seventy-five thousand members. It is a party to be weighed rather than counted. But it has registered a profound and wholesome im- 88 OUR TOTAL CHRISTIANITY press upon the religious belief, upon the literature, upon the philanthropy and upon the civic purposes of the Nation. No one who understands its early / history and the real quality of the men who gave direction to its development in those days will ever speak scornfully or even slightingly of the Unitarian Church. The main contributions which it has made to our total Christianity seem to me to be : First, its steady insistence upon a reasonable faith. In those early days when the most rigorous form of Calvinism was to the fore the Unitarian movement had also its 'five points/ and very different points they were from the five points of Calvinism. It stood for the real and universal Fatherhood of God. "To us there is but one God, the Father," they said, and all these legal, forensic, mediatorial schemes of salvation must either square themselves with that fundamental fact or they must stand aside to give men the open vision of the Father. It stood for the actual humanity of Christ. In their insistence upon his divinity the orthodox party had obscured the fact that whatever else Christ may be He was a man, born of a woman, tempted in all points like as we are, subject to the laws of growth, of pain and of death. The Unitarian stood for the actual humanity of Christ, not a mask, or a pretense, but a genuine humanity which tasted the human situation to the full for every man. It insisted on the function of historv, not onlv THE UNITARIAN PAET 89 Hebrew history, but all history, as a revelation of God. The Unitarians boldly affirmed that God had not left himself without witness in any land or in any age. It placed the Bible at the center of a vaster reve- lation of the mind of the Lord through literature the relation of the Bible to other books of spiritual worth being germinal rather than exclusive of their claims to some measure of inspiration. It insisted that salvation is a moral process con- ducted by the spirit of God in the lives of thoughtful, obedient and aspiring men a moral process not a legal or mechanical arrangement im- puting man's guilt to an atoning Savior or imputing the righteousness of Christ to unrighteous men by some sort of theological shuffle. It was a moral pro- cess in which the spirit of the living God was utiliz- ing not only dogma and sacrament but many other competent agencies which could be made to con- tribute to moral growth. Here are five points the Fatherhood of God, the humanity of Jesus, the function of history as a reve- lation of God, the germinal relation of the Bible to a vaster body of sacred literature and the con- ception of salvation as a moral process all of them reasonable, all of them scriptural, all of them help- ful ! They have been so far accepted by all the more intelligent and open-minded branches of the church as to seem to many of us commonplace, but time was when it cost many a man the affection and 90 OUK TOTAL CHRISTIANITY confidence of his associates in Christian effort to openly insist upon these five points of a reasonable faith. It was a protest sorely needed. The Unitarians of that day stood out against a doctrine of the Trinity, which meant practically three distinct Gods. They opposed a view of Christ which altogether slighted his humanity in the interests of a certain plan of salvation. They condemned that narrower view of history which left great sections of human interest, past and present, quite outside the pale of God's love and care. They put their strength against that conception of salvation, which represented it as something outward, legal, mechanical. They re- fused to set religion in conflict with the intelligence and moral wealth of the world where these were found not allying themselves with the theological positions of Calvinism. And as Dr. George A. Gor- don of the Old South Chuch, Boston, has pointed out, their protest at these points was ''Tremendous, magnificent, wholesome.' It was reason and con- science in such wise and godly men as Channing and Dewey, Theodore Parker and James Freeman Clarke, William C. Gannett and William H. Furness arraying themselves against certain theological claims which were neither reasonable nor moral. It was therefore an ethical no less than an intel- lectual protest. It would be difficult to name two men in the Nineteenth Century in whom the moral sense was more keenly alive than in William Ellery THE UNITARIAN PART 91 Clianning and James Martineau. It was the spirit- ual passion of their own great, warm hearts which moved them to defend the character of God against the unworthy implications put upon it by some of the orthodoxy of that day. Certain theories of the Atonement represented God as only allowing His anger against faulty men to be appeased by the sufferings of Christ, upon whom the full penalty of the guilt of the whole world was visited it was a frightful doctrine and there is no shred of it in the Four Gospels. The claim was made that God in determining from all eternity by an unconditional election that certain men should be saved was under no obligation to respect our rights or interests it was a doctrine as immoral as would be the claim that adultery is not sin. Go back and read some of the current religious literature in the last half of the Eigh- teenth Century and you will understand how some of the choicest spirits this country has ever pro- duced went out from the larger orthodox body of Christian believers, impelled, indeed, by reason and by a truer knowledge of what the Bible actually teaches, but impelled still more by their own honest hearts and faithful consciences. It was a protest overdone in many instances when the pendulum swings it sometimes swings too far. In the minds of many people God the Father became grandfatherly, the thought of moral rigor and disciplinary purpose in His attitude toward us 92 OUR TOTAL CHRISTIANITY was obscured. In some minds ' * the dignity of human nature' ' was such that man did not need a Saviour, did not need forgiveness, renewal, strengthened purpose in order to attain. To certain light-hearted people today all literature is so full oC what they are pleased to term 'inspiration' that it does not matter whether men's minds are ever fed on the great conceptions and aspirations of David and Isaiah, of John and Paul, or of our Lord Himself- Emerson and Hegel, Shelley and Walt Whitman will be quite enough. These friends, as a rule, speedily reveal the fact that they have been reared on spiritual gruel altogether too thin to make them morally robust. But the Unitarian movement is not to be judged by its worst nor altogether by its best, but by the main trend and drift of its influ- ence upon the religious life of the Nineteenth Cen- tury. It was at its inception an emergency move- ment shaped up with reference to the necessities of a specific historic situation it has continued until in a very substantial and wholesome way it has made good its protest in the more reasonable and scriptural positions held by all the churches of Christ. And when we come to view it as a movement of thought and life, rather than a single denomination, we find that Unitarianism represents today and has represented straight along not so much a body of churches as 'an individual way of looking at the facts of life and its problems." It is sometimes THE UNITAKIAN PAKT 93 said by the uncircumcised that Boston is not a place on the map it is " a state of mind. ' There is a great deal more truth than humor in that epigram. If we had some sort of chemical analysis by which we could detect the "traces' of the wide influence of those men and women who for the last two hundred and fifty years have been speaking, writing and acting in and around Boston, we might all agree that Boston is a very noble and useful state of mind. And in similar fashion Unitarianism is not so much certain columns of figures in the Year Book where religious statistics are compiled Unitarianism is " a state of mind, ' ' an individual way of looking at the problems of life which is characterized by reason- ableness. And the influence of this way of looking at things can be discovered in the entire religious life of this nation. Hundreds of thousands of people who walked in darkness have seen a great light. Only a small percentage of them have been enrolled as Unitarians, but the more winsome, reasonable and creditable message of religion, to which the influ- ence of this small denomination has so largely con- tributed, has won their hearts to an open allegiance to Jesus Christ. Even the Salvation Army, with all its "blood and fire' methods and theology, is a nobler institution to-day, because it lives and works in a land where Emerson and Channing, Lowell and Longfellow, William Cullen Bryant and Oliver Wen- dell Holmes, all of them Unitarians, have spoken 94 OUR TOTAL CHRISTIANITY to the mind and conscience of the nation. The king- dom of heaven in some of its manifestations is "like a grain of mustard seed,' the outward, visible, or- ganized expression of a finer quality of life. The kingdom of heaven is also "like leaven,' silent, pervasive, contagious but gradually leavening the whole mass of which it is an inconsiderable part, thereby rendering it more palatable and useful in meeting human need. The emphasis of the Uni- tarian upon the reasonableness of his religious faith has been like leaven. The second contribution made by this denomina- tion lies in the breadth of its culture. When it in- sisted that all history had a function as a revelation from God, it summoned the devotion as well as the intelligence of the race to stand in the presence of all lands and of all ages as on holy ground, put- ting the shoes from off its feet as it listened every- where for additional accents of the divine voice. When the Unitarian insisted that the Bible was pre- eminently the sacred book, but that all literature worthy of the name might have indeed some breath of the divine and share in that wider sacredness, he gave a new impetus to the interest thoughtful and devout men and women might feel in the best that had been thought and said in literature. And it has been characteristic of this branch of the church throughout to stand for a noble breadth of culture. As a consequence it has produced men of letters in numbers out of all proportion to the size of the THE UNITARIAN PART 95 denomination. "Thou Bethlehem of Judea art not least among the provinces,' for out of thee has come a movement of mind which has exercised a renewing and controlling influence upon the thought of our entire country! How many of our noblest names in literature are the names of Unitarians. Ralph Waldo Emerson was the pastor of a Unitarian church in Boston. Lowell and Longfellow, Bryant and Holmes, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Frances Park- man and George Bancroft, William H. Prescott, John Lothrop Motley and John Fiske, Charles Eliot Norton and Thomas Wentworth Higginson were all Unitarians. In the year 1823 Lyman Beecher, himself a war- horse of orthodoxy, wrote as follows- 'All the lit- erary men of Massachusetts are Unitarians. All the trustees and professors of Harvard College are Uni- tarians. All the elite of wealth and fashion in Bos- ton crowd the Unitarian churches.' They have, in the last hundred years, produced a royal company of seers and of singers whose messages of spiritual insight and moral uplift have made us all their debtors. It would indeed be difficult to name any other single influence upon our youth, emanating from an American mind, which has counted more or counted for better things than the writings of Ralph Waldo Emerson. Unitarianism is seen at its best in Massachusetts, ciid to this day more than half of its total strength is to be found in that one small state. In the Mid- 96 OUR TOTAL CHRISTIANITY die West it makes only a meager showing. In the South it is scarcely in evidence at all. Here on the Pacific Coast the Unitarian church often lacks the distinctive notes which belong to it in its home- it may be made up in large measure of people re- ligiously disaffected or from a company of religious nondescripts who do not know what they believe or whether they believe anything, and so decide that they must be Unitarians. All this is an un- worthy travesty upon the true character of this branch of Christ's church. The First Unitarian Church here in Oakland suf- fered in this way under the leadership of a man who was once wildly unreasonable in his flaming ortho- doxy as a popular evangelist, then at a later period of his career equally unreasonable in some of his erratic heresies. But we have had also under other pastors noble illustrations of those positive quali- ties for which the Unitarian church stands. Charles W. Wendte, insistent upon a faith which seemed to him reasonable, actively and intelligently interested in the charities and philanthropies of the commu- nity, the founder of the Starr King Fraternity, and a helpful lecturer on literature, on music, on his- tory, seeking ever to relate his church in some help- ful way to the broader culture of the community- in Charles W. Wendte we had an illustration of those qualities for which the real Unitarian Church undertakes to stand ! It was a Unitarian who founded the "Lowell THE UNITARIAN PART 97 Institute' in Boston, an endowed lectureship so well maintained that from fifty to one hundred lec- tures are offered free every winter, delivered by the most eminent men in this country, and oftentimes by men from Europe. In my college days there I heard James Russell Lowell give six lectures on the "Early English Dramatists,' and George Kennan give his course of lectures on Siberia, when he first returned from his trip through Russia. I heard Richard S. Storrs lecture in his matchless way on Bernard of Clairvaux, and Theodore Roosevelt lec- ture on Civic Reform. The service of this nobly endowed lectureship to the community can scarcely be overestimated. It was a Unitarian who generously endowed the " Boston Symphony Orchestra/' which by his ample provision became the first organization in this coun- try to present, in a manner which ranks with the best in Europe, the great musical compositions of the masters of melody and harmony. It was a Unitarian who founded "Cooper Insti- tute,' in New York, which through its popular ap- peal and the variety of its activities has become one of the most useful institutions in that mighty city in leading the thoughts of the plain people to higher things. It has been characteristic of the Unitarian denomination to stand for breadth of culture, be- lieving that into the redeemed life of the race, and as far as might be into the life of the individual, "the kings of the earth,' the leaders and masters 98 OUR TOTAL CHRISTIANITY in every field of human values, should "bring their glory and their honor' as into a city that lieth four-square. In the third place, the Unitarian Church has been conspicuous for its contribution of a wise interest in philanthropic effort. This has been no mere cold-hearted, technical skill in dissecting the prob- lems of poverty and crime, of civic wrong and so- cial injustice. Some of the mightiest of the reform- ers have sprung from this branch of Christ's church, bearing with them the moral passion no less than the wise judgment which belongs to this denomina- tion at its best. The men and the women who waged the earliest and the hottest battles for the abolition of human slavery recruited their ranks in large measure from the Unitarian churches. Channing himself, and Theodore Parker, who made Music Hall in Boston a modern Forurn for the voicing of the public con- science; Charles Sumner and Wendell Phillips, Ger- ritt Smith, Samuel J. May, and Julia Ward Howe were all of them Unitarians. And in more recent times, in dealing with vice and crime, in meeting the demands which the chari- ties and the corrections of the country are making upon brain and heart, there are few more honored names than those of Edward Everett Hale and Samuel J. Barrows. I was a visitor for the Asso- ciated Charities in Boston twenty years ago, and at that time more than half the money and a great THE UNITARIAN PART 99 deal more than half the time and wisdom and love spent in personal service came from that denomina- tion, although it was one of the smaller branches of the Christian church If one should measure the Christianity of any group of people by the showing they make in embodying in their lives the teach- ings of the parable of the Good Samaritan and of the noble utterance of Christ in that judgment scene portrayed in the twenty-fifth chapter of Matthew- ' Inasmuch as ye have done it unto the least of these, ye have done it unto me' -he would find the Unitarians meeting that test in a most satisfac- tory way. It has been a broad-minded philanthrophy. It was Dr. Samuel G. Howe who gave impetus and direction to an awakening sentiment in Massachu- setts for the more efficient care of the blind. The Perkins Blind Asylum in South Boston, where Laura Bridgman and Helen Keller received their train- ing, sprang out of his efforts. It was Horace Mann who led the way in broadening the scope of educa- tion, making it include Manual Training for boys. When he was once urging the importance of these trade schools because of the influence, of the use of tools and material, upon the character of a boy, he said, "If it only saved one boy from vice and crime it would be worth all it costs.' At the close of his address the man next him whispered, "Don't you think that your statement about 'one boy' was AGO OUR TOTAL CHRISTIANITY extravagant?" "Not if it was my boy," he re- plied. It is Edwin D. Mead who, more than any other single man in our country, is arousing and educat- ing that sentiment which will oppose increased arma- ments and urge the reference of international dif- ferences to properly constituted international courts as a substitute for the barbarous and bur- densome habit of war. It is Charles F. Dole, who is a leader in the work of scientific temperance agi- tation, bringing to bear upon the menacing evil of the rum shop, the best judgment and largest ex- perience of the nation to replace the inefficient and intemperate zeal of certain reformers who only serve to cloud the issue. It was George Angel James who aroused the pity of the country for dumb animals and led the movement which resulted in the organization of a society for the prevention of cruelty. In every form of philanthropic effort you will find the intelligent heads and the warm hearts of Unitarians bearing an honorable part in these efforts which make for some just solution. In civic affairs the Unitarians have also rendered notable service. The people of California can never forget the debt of gratitude they owe to Thomas Starr King, pastor of the First Unitarian Church, San Francisco, for the far-reaching influence he exerted in helping to save California to the Union, and enlisting her on the side of the struggle for the liberty of all men. Some of the noblest men we THE UNITARIAN PART 101 have had in the councils of our nation have been men of that faith Charles Sumner and Senator Hoar, John Hay, John D. Long, and many others whose names would fill a worthy roll of honor. The movement for Civil Service Reform was greatly in- debted for the advancement of its interests to in- dividual members of this church and to the organ- ized utterance of the church itself along that line. George William Curtis, Thomas Wentworth Hig- ginson and many another honored citizen stood up to resist the idea that "to the victor belongs the spoils' -they insisted steadily that a public office is a public trust. Piety and patriotism should ever go hand in hand. When the intelligent Jews prayed for the peace of Jerusalem, they did it both as citizens and as churchmen, for Jerusalem was the capital of their country, as well as the site of the temple of God. And in the Unitarian branch of Christ's church there has been throughout an intelligent insistence upon the sacredness of civic life and the importance of those duties which belong to citizen- ship in the republic. "One God, the Father' -ours no less than theirs! They have not been able to accept certain interpre- tations of the eternal mystery which we accept. We cannot receive their estimate upon the person of Christ, nor agree with certain views they hold, touch- ing other matters which seem to us vital. With all the gratitude I feel for the service they have ren- 102 OUR TOTAL CHRISTIANITY dered, I personally could not be a Unitarian. But even here, though the distance between ourselves and them seems greater than that between us and some of the other branches of the Christian church, we still rejoice that the agreements are more signifi- cant than the differences. And we have been told upon the highest authority that the vital thing is not the ability or the inability to say, "Lord, Lord!' but the doing of the will of the Father who is in heaven. In that day many obedient, aspiring souls, who have differed widely in their intellectual in- terpretations, will come, moved by one common de- sire to live in the vision and service of the best they saw, and sit down with Abraham and Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of God. THE CONGREGATIONAL PART T HE Congregational body takes its name from the fact that all power is vested in the "congregation' of the local church. Any company of Christian believers asso- ciating themselves together for the worship of God and the service of man constitute, according to this view, a complete church. This single congregation standing alone, acknowledging only Christ as the head of all the churches, is competent to formulate its own creed, to arrange its own mode of worship, to elect and set apart its own officers, pastor, dea- cons and the like, to manage its own affairs as to sacraments, benevolences and other matters of church life, as may seem good. It receives and dis- misses members by the vote of the congregation, and does all this looking to no outside authority whatsoever, bishops, presbyteries, conferences or assemblies, but only to such guidance as may come by the Spirit of the unseen Head of the church. All earthly authority inheres in the congregation, and consequently such a church is called a " Congrega- tional Church.' The four main contributions which this branch of Christ's church seems to have made to our total Christianity are these first, its high confidence in 104 OUR TOTAL CHRISTIANITY a pure democracy. It trusts the people. It trusts any group of Christian people anywhere, large or small, rural or urban, simple or cultured, who have been led to organize themselves under the leader- ship of Christ into a Christian church. The whole idea of dependence upon some set of officers placed over them to tell them what they shall believe in their creeds, what they shall say in their prayers and their other forms of worship, who their pastor shall be and how he shall be set apart to that office, is foreign to their methods. They would no more accept it than they w r ould accept the idea that domestic life needs some such official supervision. We are a family in the Lord, they :say "One is our Master, even Christ, and all we are brethren.' We acknowledge no other authority in questions of creed, ritual, ministry or service. al] these matters are to be determined by each church family for itself. "From within outward, from beneath upward, is the direction of life' as Dr. Storrs has pointed out. "in the spiritual no less than in the physical world. To undertake to re- verse this process in church life seems to us as unreasonable as trying to set a growing tree on its branches instead of its roots.' Power goes up, not down ; it is derived immediately from the consent of the governed. You can readily understand how such a form of w church government came to be. It was a protest THE CONGREGATIONAL PART 105 against the monarchical spirit in religion. The prin- cipal of local self-government indicated that the unit of sovereignty in religious matters should be the local congregation of believers. The Congrega- tional polity, therefore, is not monarchical in that it refuses to be governed by bishops. It is not a representative form of government in that it de- clines the rule of elders. It is a pure democracy in that it commits all power directly into the hands of the people. Whatever is done in the Congregational Church is done directly by the vote of the congregation. If a pastor is to be called, if some young man is to be ordained to the ministry, if a change is to be made in the creed, if any innovation is desired in the ritual or the forms of worship, if a new member is to be received, if a member is to be dismissed to some other church, if money is to be given in benev- olence, if anything whatsoever which pertains to church life is to be done, no outside authority has anything to say in the matter. In every one of these instances the initiative is taken by the congrega- tion. The pastor has no authority to issue a letter of transfer to a member desiring to unite with another church, as would be the case in the Episcopal or the Methodist Church this, too, must be done by the vote of the congregation. In the Congregational Church the pastor himself does not belong to a separate class. He is not a member of a conference, as is a Methodist pastor, 106 OUR TOTAL CHRISTIANITY or of a diocese as is the rector in the Episcopal Church, or of a Presbytery, according to the usage of that denomination. He is a member of the church he serves, uniting with it by letter from the church with which he was last connected, like any other member. He is pastor, not because he belongs to a separate priestly or preaching order, but by virtue or. his election to that office by the votes of his fel- low members of the congregation. It is the idea of the New England town meeting incorporated into church life. It is pure democracy, in that authority is not handed down from above, nor delegated to certain chosen representatives, but retained throughout in the hands of the people themselves. It is a form of polity which is shared by the Baptist and the Unitarian churches, but the Oongregationalists were the first to practice it, and they have placed upon it peculiar emphasis. It is their belief that the earliest churches of apostolic times enjoyed this simple form of government. We do not find in the New Testament any one central authority controlling all the churches, but each con- gregation proceeded upon its way with the words, "It seemed good to the Holy Ghost and to us," as a sufficient sanction for its action. We find refer- ences to "the church at Jerusalem," "the church at Antioch," "the churches of Asia," and "the churches of Cilicia,' indicating the common usage. In similar fashion the Congregational people do not use the term "The Congregational Church" as com- THE CONGREGATIONAL PART 107 prising all the people of their faith they speak of "The Congregational Churches,' for each congre- gation is a church in itself. In committing all au- thority as to creed, ritual, and government into the hands of the local congregation they assert their confidence in the value and efficiency of pure de- mocracy. The second contribution lies in their intellectual breadth. The Congregational attitude in matters of belief may be indicated by these familiar words,- "In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; in all things, charity.' We would not place a man in a Congregational pulpit who was an atheist, or one who denied the validity of those principles of right living contained in the words of Christ, or one who set at naught what are universally regarded among Christians as the eternal verities of the spiritual world. But upon the basis of certain great funda- mentals we build a church life which is character- ized by large intellectual hospitality. We have among our laymen, and in our ministry, men of very conservative views Joseph Cook, a kind of arch-defender of an old-fashioned orthodoxy, was to the day of his death a Congregational minister. We have also men of exceedingly liberal and radi- cal opinions Lyman Abbott, editor of the Outlook, is an honored and useful Congregational minister. John Robinson urged the Pilgrims when they were about to sail for America, to "believe that God had much more light to fall from His Holy Word, ' ' and 108 OUR TOTAL CHRISTIANITY we have sought to live with eyes and minds open for that fuller life. We find it more easy to maintain this theological hospitality because we have no formulated articles of religion or creed statements, which are univer- sally binding as are the Articles of Religion, or the Westminster Confession in the Episcopal, the Meth- odist and the Presbyterian churches. Each local congregation formulates its own creed. If the pas- tor is in agreement with the creed of his own church, and if his teaching is acceptable to that congrega- tion to which he ministers, no outside authority can disturb him. Touching things fundamental, we maintain a gen- eral consensus of belief among our churches, suf- ficient for harmony of action, by the second prin- ciple of our polity, known as "the fellowship of the churches.' Each church is expected to live on terms of fellowship with its sister churches. In the decision of vital questions each church is en- couraged to ask counsel from other churches, and in turn to give such advice when it is sought by neigh- boring churches. It is understood, however, throughout that this relation is advisory and not one of compulsion. And thus the churches living in fellowship with one another maintain sufficient doc- trinal agreement among themselves, each one form- ulating and adopting its own particular creed, to secure that harmony of action which lias been ours for centuries. THE CONGREGATIONAL PART 109 We strive to exhibit this breadth, not only in questions of doctrine, but in matters of Christian usage. We prescribe no form of worship, as is done in other branches of the church if any congrega- tion should wish to adopt a full-orbed liturgical service, with prayers, collects and lessons all pre- scribed, it would have that privilege. If some other congregation wishes to observe the utmost sim- plicity, it enjoys the same liberty. We prescribe no fixed form for any of the Christian rites we leave the mode of baptism to the conscience of the can- didate. In my own ministry I have sprinkled hun- dreds of people, and I have also immersed a goodly number, who preferred that mode. If any Congre- gational Church should decide to limit baptism to adult believers, and to baptize only by immersion, it would have that right. We build no barriers, doctrinal or otherwise, around the Communion Table. We cordially invite "all who love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity and truth' to commune with us whatever may be their church affiliations or their particular theo- logical belief. In matters of doctrine we are happy in having men of conservative temper among us we dc not wish to make them uncomfortable because or their conservatism. We are happy in having liberals we believe that wherever they are sincere followers of Christ the church He founded should be roomy enough to make them also at home. As we view it the ultimate test of Christian disciple- 110 OUK TOTAL CHKISTIANITY ship is not theological theory, but love and devo- tion to the Master "By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye love one another.' The third contribution may be found in the special emphasis laid upon education by Congregationalists everywhere. I am not intimating that the Congre- gational Church stands alone in this all branches of the church stand for intellectual training, but its contribution to the work of higher education in this country was the earliest and has been the most remarkable. The Pilgrim Fathers, a little company of empty-handed people in a new and wild country landed at Plymouth in 1620 and only six- teen years later, in 1636, they founded Harvard Col- lege, the oldest and perhaps the most influential institution for higher education in America. The Congregationalists founded Harvard and Yale, Bowdoin and Dartmouth, Williams and Am- herst, Oberlin and Beloit, and other colleges to the number of forty-two in the United States a number out of all proportion to our size as a de- nomination, for we are not one of the larger sects. And for the higher education of women the Con- gregationalists founded Wellelsey and Smith, Mount Holyoke and, here at our very doors, Mills Col- lege, that women might become the intellectual com- panions and associates of men in all the wider in- terests of their lives. The one man who has influenced the theological thinking of experts in this country more than any THE CONGREGATIONAL PART 111 other, the man who ranked as the greatest theo- logian of the Eighteenth Century in any country, Jonathan Edwards, was a Congregational minister at Northampton, Massachusetts. The two men who did more, perhaps, than any other two who could be named to influence the popular mind to accept more reasonable and more helpful views of Christian doctrine, Horace Bushnell, with his em- phasis upon Christian nurture, and Henry Ward I'eecher, in his mighty protest against the more awful aspects of Calvinism, were both Congrega- tional pastors. And because of this emphasis upon the value of college and seminary training this denomination, although one of the smaller, has produced a splen* did list of great preachers in America- -Beecher and Bushnell, William M. Taylor and Richard S. Storrs, Lyman Abbott and Theodore T. Munger, Washing- ton Gladden and George A. Gordon, Charles E. Jefferson and Amory H. Bradford, Newell Dwight Hillis and F. W. Gunsaulus ! They have been great preachers, reaching the ears, the minds and the hearts of the many by the power of their message conveyed, as it has been, through the medium of trained and consecrated personality. This church has produced a long list of noble aad useful educators Mark Hopkins, of whom Gar- field said ''Mark Hopkins at one end of a log and myself at the other would be college enough for me"; Timothy Dwight, Noah Porter and Theodore 112 OUR TOTAL CHRISTIANITY Wolsey of Yale, Austin Phelps and Edwards Park of Andover, Charles G. Finney of Oberlin and William J. Tucker of Dartmouth, Mary Lyon of Mt. Holyoke and Alice Freeman Palmer of Welles! ey all of them Congregationalists. The two most widely read religious periodicals in this country, the "Outlook" and the "Independ- ent, ' were both founded by Congregationalists and both of them have Congregational ministers as their managing editors to this hour. The same emphasis on education has enabled this branch of the Church to produce an unusual number of great hymn writers Isaac Watts and Phillip Doddridge, who set the praise of the fathers to music, were both Congregationalists. And in more recent years Ray Palmer, whose "My Faith Looks up to Thee' has been sung everywhere, Timothy Dwight, Leonard Bacon and Washington Gladden have contributed hymns which now belong to the universal church. Lowell Mason, who for eighty years gave his strength and taste to the improvement of church music in such a way as to be called "the father of American church music,' was also a loyal member 01 the Congregational body. It has been a teaching church and while it may have lacked some of the warmth and fervor of the Methodists, while it may have been less tenacious of its doctrinal positions than the Presbyterian Church, it has effectively construed the religious life in terms of education, seeking to lead men to know THE CONGREGATIONAL PART 113 Him who is the truth, that knowing Him they might be made free from all that hurts and hinders life. Time would fail me to tell of all of the less famous colleges and academies established by the people of this church, north, south, east and west, each gather- ing its pupils to confer upon them those benefits which belong both to the life that now is and to the life which is to come. In the fourth place, this church has been notable for its missionary spirit and zeal. The first mis- sionary organization in this country to send the gospel to heathen lands was the " American Board of Foreign Missions, ' which resulted from the Hay Stack prayer meeting at Williams College more than a century ago. The largest gifts per capita for the work of foreign missions are made by the Congre- gationalists, excepting only that little group of Christians known as Moravians, whose warm and generous missionary zeal has exceeded that of any other church in Christendom. And some of the most useful and famous mission- aries in the foreign field have been of this faith. In many lands their work has been nothing less than epoch-making John Eliot, the apostle to the Indians and Cyrus Hamlin in Turkey, Hiram Bing- ham of Hawaii and Robert A. Hume of India, Arthur H. Smith of China and James H. de Forest of Japan, men with the hearts of saints and the minds of statesmen. 114 OUR TOTAL CHRISTIANITY This church was the first to organize a foreign missionary society and the first also to organize a home missionary society for the evangelization of our own land. It was the first to undertake the education of the freedmen at the close of the Civil War a comparison of statistics a few years ago showed that it had put more money into Christian schools in the South than all the other denomina- tions combined. It was the first to introduce Chris- tian education in Utah, making it a potent instru- ment there to offset the influence of Mormonism. Its scholars have taken high place in making translations of the scriptures into foreign languages for missionary work. Hiram Bingham reduced to writing the entire language of the Gilbert Islanders in Micronesia and made a translation of the entire Bible for their instruction. In all. twenty-seven languages have been reduced to writing by mis- sionaries of the American Board and one hundred and eighty translations of the Bible into other tongues have been made by their hands and brains for the extension of: the influence oi~ the Gospel of Christ, And with all its intellectual breadth which has sometimes disturbed our mora conservative breth- ern, with all its apparent lack of close-knit organi- zation, the missionary spirit of the Congregational body has been so real and so warm that it has been an evangelizing church. How many of the great historic revivals and of the mighty leaders in wide- THE CONGREGATIONAL PART 115 spread religious movements have come from this branch of Christ's church. Jonathan Edwards more than any other man was responsible for "the great awakening' in the Eighteenth Century. Charles G. Finney of Oberlin was the one man who did more than any other to promote the religious awak- ening which came in the decades preceding the Civil War. Dwight L. Moody was regarded as the most successful evangelist in the last third of the Nine- teenth Century. In noble evangelism it would be difficult to name three men who have accom- plished more for our country than Edwards, Fin- ney and Moody, all of them life-long Congregation- alists. This branch of the Church has furnished other widely known religious leaders Francis E. Clark, founder and head of the Christian Endeavor movement, has been all these years a Congregational minister. R. J. Campbell of London is at the head of one of the most significant religious movements of the Twentieth Century, and however w T e may dis- agree with his theology, or deplore some of his eccentric methods, he is a force to be reckoned with. And other leaders whose later work may seem less satisfying illustrate the power of this branch of the Church to develop leadership. Benjamin Fay Mills, for many years a most successful evangelist. was ordained as a Congregational minister, and was for a long time a member with us. Mrs. Mary Baker G. Eddy, the founder of Christian Science, 116 OUR TOTAL CHRISTIANITY was the product and in early life a member of our branch of the Church. Its missionary spirit and its intellectual breadth have combined to give the Con- gregational body a certain genius for the develop- ment of widely influential religious leaders. Its men and women, strong and free, constantly com- pelled to manage their own affairs have had a way of moving to the front. It has shown the same missionary zeal in all the great reforms. The real beginning of the temper- ance movement in America as a distinct effort dates from the series of sermons preached against the evil of intemperance in New England by Lyman Beecher at a time when tippling was common both with the ministers and the laity of the evangelical churches. In the early agitation against slavery few more con- spicuous figures are to be found than those of Henry Ward Beecher, Leonard Bacon and Harriet Beecher Stowe. The first social settlement to transplant liv- ing Christianity into the less favored section of a large city by sending a group of cultured men and women to live there was the Andover House in Boston now the South End House taking its name originally from the fact that Andover Sem- inary stood behind it. And one of the most useful men in that work today is Graham Taylor in the Chicago Commons, a professor in one of our semi- naries. The earliest institutional churches to achieve success along the line of varied efforts were THE CONGKEGATIONAL PAKT 117 Berkeley Temple in Boston, the Tabernacle in Jer- sey City and the Fourth Congregational Church of Hartford. And in every form of good work that same missionary zeal, cherished and handed on, has found some useful expression. We have spent these evenings looking upon the distinctive contributions made by these various denominations to that larger Christianity in which we all alike believe. We have been happy to find in other denominations elements of strength and points of excellence which are not conspicious in our own. We are glad that these various notes are being struck by men of different moods and tem- peraments, of different tradition and training, in order that the fuller, richer volume of worship and of service may thereby become possible. Let every man stand up in his own chosen place and say with new gladness of heart "Other sheep He has which are not of this fold them also He will bring.' We have in this day a generous supply of religious tolerance we are not fighting our fellow Christians in the other camps but we need a fuller measure of actual and effective unity. We need to exchange "the poor charity of mutual forbearance" for "the benign consciousness of inward sympathy and active co-operation.' In the smaller communities the struggling rivalry of the churches sometimes crowds out the usefulness of the church. As a wise man once said, "Effective blows are not struck with ex- 118 OUB TOTAL CHRISTIANITY tended fingers, but with the solid fist. We may threaten the devil with the Baptist finger or the Episcopal finger, with the Roman Catholic finger or the Methodist finger, and he faces the assault with great serenity; but when our total Christianity comes to make an undivided assault, he may be led to meditate upon retreat.' This finer and firmer unity will not be attained by the harsh suppression of differences, but by the full development of the distinctive contributions which each branch of the Mighty Vine of Chris- tian organization is making to the aggregate result. 1 'Sink deeply into the inmost life of any Christian faith and you will touch the ground of them all.' The city that hath foundations, is surrounded by walls great and high, but they>are pierced by many gates of entrance, three on every side. And when we enter that city of God, we shall find that the various guests of the divine bounty, though fed at separate tables have all been fed upon the same bread of life and their lips have all been touched alike with the same wine of remembrance. The apostle of old was in the spirit on the Lo :d's Day, and he heard a voice from heaven ' saying, "What thou seest, write in a book and' send it unto the seven churches.' We all recognize the fact that 'Not to one church .alone,,, but seven The voice prophetic spake from heaven And unto each the promise came Diversified, but still the same." THE CONGREGATIONAL PART 119 "We may in our differing tastes as to ritual and polity, and in our varying interpretations of the eternal mystery, be as distinct as the fingers of the hand. But we may also in that suggestive and use- ful variety be so knit together and held within the power of a common passion for righteousness and peace and joy that, in a more splendid unity of the Spirit we shall go forth conquering and to conquer. March 13, 1910. UNIVEESITY OF CALIFOENIA LIBEAEY BEEKELEY THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW Books not returned on time are subject to a fine of SOcVer volume after the third day overdue, increasing > $100 pe? volume after the sixth day.. Books not in demand may be rene^yed if application is made before expiration of loan period. 5 Om- 7, '16 f UNIVERSITY OF CAUFORNIA LIBRARY