DOCUMENTS DEFT. Forest Products Statistics (Pulp and Paper Edition) A Classified List of United States Government Information Adapted from a Compilation By U. S. Central Bureau of Planning and Statistics, " Washington, D. C. Reprinted from PAPER, vol. 26, and vol.xxiv,no. 1 PAPER, INC. 131 East 23d Street, New York DOCUMENi DEPT, f Reprinted from Paper, official journal of the Technical x\ss()ciation of the Pulp and Paper Industry, Alarch 5, and March 12, 1919] Forest Products Statistics (FULP AND PAPER EDITION) A Classified List of United States Government Information Adapted from a Compilation By U. S. Central Bureau of Planning and Statistics. Statistical Clearing House Washington, D. C. ALMOST two centuries ago the celebrated Eng- lish philosopher, Dr. Samuel Johnson, tersely said that half of a man's education consisted of knowing where to get information. With the increas- ing accumulation of recorded information since that time, and the more complex organization of social, business and economic activities, there is no one who doubts that Doctor Johnson expressed an enduring idea. Its application to this presentation is direct and obvious if one knows of the immense mass of infor- mation in various stages of digestion that the numer- ous offices of the United States government have col- lected and developed during many years, with a greatly stimulated activity during the recent war period. Lists of government information in the form of official publications have already been made available (for pulp and paper, see biblio- *The letter of transmittal under date of February i, 1919, from Henry E. Surface, Chairman, Committee on Biblio- graphy, Technical Association of the Pulp -and Paper Indus- try, reads as follows: *'The committee on bibliography transmits herewith as its eighth contribution a manuscript of title indicated, the data for which has very kindly been released for the use of this committee by the U. S. Central Bureau of Planning and Statistics. The value of this contribution to the technical and business men in the industry is stated in the introductory memorandum, and the list itself will fill a long felt need of those members who have found it necessary or desirable to hunt up information at the various government offices in Washington." The last previous contribution of the Committee was "Lit- erature of the Paper Industry : A Bibliography adapted from Akesson-Everling-Fliickiger," by M, Hubbard, appearing in Paper, vol. 23, no. 23, pp. 54-80, New York, Feb. 12, 1919, also reprinted in the 1919 volume of Technical Association Papers. [I] 445162 graphics listed in the appendix hereto), but the pe- cuHar value of this present compilation is that, when followed up, it puts one in touch not only with the issued publications, but also with all nonconfidential information that may have been recorded and filed in manuscript, cards, correspondence or other forms; and, even further, with that which is still unexpressed in the minds of many men who are connected with the several government activities having either a di- rect or indirect bearing on the subject in question. The United States government has been at enormous ex- pense in developing this information, and most fortun- ately it is willing and anxious that its people shall have the freest possible access to it in order to render it of the greatest public benefit, entirely aside from its use in national administration. The material in this list and the prefatory explana- tion are adapted from a manuscript entitled "A List of Forest Products Statistics, issued by the Statistical Clearing House, Central Bureau of Planning and Statistics, November, 1918," with the purpose of con- fining this presentation to the pulp and paper aspects of the subject. The character of the material omitted is variously indicated. The changed circumstances since the signing of the armistice 4^n November 11, 1918, have led to the total elimination of listed mate- rial, references and instructions in regard to the sev- eral war procurement offices of the government, as they are no longer functioning as before. The records of statistics of continuing and permanent value have been retained, however, and it is the object of this presentation to make them easily accessible to the tech- nical and economic men of the pulp and paper indus- try through correspondence or personal visit. This should prove an invaluable finding list even though the normal and reorganized functions of certain gov- ernment offices could not be included at this date. EXPLANATION OF LIST The purpose of this compilation is to show the prin- cipal source of statistics on forest products. It in- cludes both original and secondary sources and the various offices in Washington from which the tabula- tions may be secured by properly accredited persons. Should statistical information which does not ap- pear here be desired, a telephone call to the Central Bureau of Planning and Statistics, Statistical Clearing House, Room 113, New Interior Bldg., Washington [2] — telephone: War Industries Board (Main 5780), Branch 404 — will give the benefit of any additional sources which have been listed after this issue. There is also available in the Statistical Clearing House information regarding all statistical data com- piled by the various governmental agencies in* Wash- ington. DEFINITION OF TERMS USED IN THIS COMPILATION "Lumber" refers to the regular cuts known as lumber lengths, either rough or dressed. It includes matched lumber of any kind, such as flooring or ceiling. Lumber: Lumber Products: Timbi Timber Products: "Lumber Products" refers to planing mill products such as sash, doors, blinds, etc. More remote products, such as furniture, are not included in this compilation. "Timber" refers in general to raw mate- rial which may be fashioned into lumber. It includes the timber as it stands in the forest and that cut and still in rough, un- dressed form. "Logs" is a class included here but is also treated separately. "Timber Products" refers to saw mill products which are rough and undressed, excluding the regular lumber lengths. It includes forms such as ties, shingles, lath, veneer stock, cooperage stock, poles, posts, mine timbers, piHng, masts, spars, wheel stock, handle stock, excelsior, slabs, head- ing, staves, etc. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS From the following sources may be obtained all informa- tion concerning amounts and values of imports and exports of the United States, with data covering every commodity, whether of domestic or foreign origin. I. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Foreign and Do- mestic Commerce : Imports Tables, compiled monthly, quarterly and annually, show amounts and values of all articles imported into the U. S., together with duties collected thereon. Exports Tables, compiled monthly, quarterly and annually, are arranged by articcs and by customs districts and are grouped according to degree of manufacture and use. II. War Trade Board, Bureau of Tabulation and Statistics : Import and Export Tables, compiled in ten-day periods, in- clude all imports and exports of the U. S., by countries of origin and destination. [3] III. War Trade Board, Bureau of Research : Collects and compiles special reports covering an extensive field of commodities imported and exported by the U. S. and other countries. » PRICES Price fixing: All information relative to price fixing may be secured from the War Indus|:ries Board, Price Section. Price Histories: Detailed information may be secured from the records of the Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, aTid the War Industries Board, Price Section. REQUIREMENTS (Note — The list of government departments and war or- ganizations maintaining procurement divisions interested in pulp and paper products prior to the suspension of war equip- ment activities, is omitted.) research The Department of Agriculture, Forest Service^ is the chief agency doing scientific research work on forest products. Its activities include both research and advice on the application of results. The supply and production, properties, specifica- tions, inspection, purchase, conditioning, manufacture and use of wood and other forest products for war purposes are more or less completely covered. The range of utilization includes aircraft, ships, lumber, military vehicles, boxing and crating, gas warfare offensive and defensive, grain and wood alcohol, explosives, pulp and paper, implements, and miscellaneous uses of forest products in modern warfare. The Forest Service also determines the best methods of protecting standing timber and of cutting in different forest types in order to secure the best natural reproduction. It ob- tains' information on the mechanical and chemical properties of wood and its various uses. Studies are made of hardwood distillation, of veneers and of the handling of bark. Because of the numerous phases of research work done by the Forest Service only the more important subjects are listed under the heading of the commodities to which they pertain. It should be particularly noted that this index is confined exclusively to statistics and does not cover technology or economics. Forest Products Information Available (Abridged to cover pulp and paper subjects only.) Note — Not all the information indicated is available to the public inasmuch as the confidential reports of individual con- cerns are not disclosed. [4] Aspen: Balsam Fir: Basswood: Cottomvood: Consumption fir. Balsam: Consumption ; Fir, White: Consumption : Forests: Facilities for Production : Forest Products: Shipments : See Pulpwood, Aspen. Se^ Fir, Balsam. See Pulpwood, Basswood. See Pulpwood, Cottonwood. Quantitj'- and value, used for woodpulp. U. S. 1914. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. See Pulpwood, Fir (Balsam). Quantity and value used for woodpulp. U. S. 1914. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. See Pulpwood, Fir (White). Quantity and value used for woodpulp. U. S. 1914. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. Forest resources of the U. S. and foreign countries. U. S. Department of Agri- culture, Forest Service. See also: Ashes, Wood; Charcoal; Co- pal; Hardwood Distillates; Hardwood Distillation By-Products ; Nitro-Cellu- lose; Creosote, Wood; Gas (Wood Dis- tillation); Lumber; Lumber Products; Naval Stores; Oil, Rosin; Pitch; Pulp- wood ; Rosin ; Rubber ; Sizing ; Tar ; Tim- ber; Timber Products; Turpentine; Wood Pulp. (This entry shows the na- ture of much of the material eliminated from the original list.) Tonnage carried on railways. U. S. An- nually. Interstate Commerce Commis- sion; Department of Agriculture, 1917. Year Book, Table 188 — compiled from Interstate Commerce Commission data. Tonnage originating on road and received from connecting carriers, by districts and classes of carriers, also total class i and 2 roads compared with previous years. [5] Groundwood Pulp. Gum : Consumption : Hemlock: Consumption : Logs: Costs Prices : Pine: Consumption Pine, Jack: Pine, Southern: Consumption Pine, Yellow: U. S. . Annually. Interstate Commerce Commission, Bureau of Statistics, Statis- tics of Railways. Tonnage originating on road and received from connecting carriers. Separate for each principal operating company. U. S. Annually. Interstate Commerce Commis- sion, Bureau of Statistics, Statistics of Railways, Preliminary Abstract. See Pulp, Ground wood. See Pulpwood, Gum. Quantity and value used for woodpulp. U. S. 1914. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. See Pulpwood, Hemlock. Quantity and value used for woodpulp. U. S. 1914. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. Detailed statement showing costs of log production ; by companies. U. S. Month- ly. Federal Trade Commission. Selling expenses ; by companies. Monthly. Federal Trade Commission. Information on logging costs. U. S. Current. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service. Information on, U. S. Current. De- partment of Agriculture, Forest Service, Quantity and, value used for woodpulp. U. S. 1914. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. Sec Pulpwood, Pine (Jack) Quantity and value, used for woodpulp. U. S. 1914. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. See Pulpwood, Pine (Yellow). [6] \ Poplar: Consumption Poplar, Yelloiv: Pulp: Trade Lists : Ptdp, Groundtvood: Consumption : Production, Facilities for; Prices Production Receipts at Markets : Sales : Quantity and value of poplar, domestic and imported, used for pulpwood. U. S, 1914. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. See Pulpwood Poplar (Yellow). See also Woodpulp. Lists of manufacturers. U. S. 1914. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. Quantity and value of groundwood pulp, imported and domestic, used by paper manuufacturers. U. S. 1914. Depart- ment of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. Amount used. U. S. Monthly. War Trade Board, Bureau of Research. Yearly capacity of mills. U. S. 1914. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. Prices at the mill. U. S. 1914. Depart- ment of Commerce, Bureau of the'Census. Ditto. Annually to 1918. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service. Net price per ton f .o.b. mill ; by companies. U. S. Monthly. Federal Trade Commis- sion. Amount produced by mills for consump- tion and for sale. U. S. 1914. Depart- ment of Commerce, Bureau of the Cen- sus. Ditto, Annually to 1918. -Depart- ment of Agriculture, Forest Service. Amount produced ; by companies. U. S. Monthly. Federal Trade Commission. Amount produced. U. S. Monthly. War Trade Board, Bureau of Research. Quantity received; by companies. U. S. Monthly. Federal Trade Commission. Contract or current transactions ; by com- panies. U. S. Monthly. Federal Trade Commission. [7] Shipments: Stock. Trade Lists Pulp, Screenings: Consumption : Prices : Production : Pulp, Soda: Consumption Facilities for Production: Prices : Amount shipped; by companies. U. S. Monthly. Federal Trade Commission. Quantity. U. S. Monthly. War Trade Board, Bureau of Research. Amount on hand at end of month; by companies. U. S. Monthly. Federal Trade Commission. Amount on hand. U. S. Monthly. War Trade Board^ Bureau of Research. Lists of buyers, sellers and manufacturers. U. S. Monthly. Federal Trade Commis- sion. Quantity and value, mechanical and chem- ical, used by paper manufacturers. U. S. 1914. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. Price at the mill for mechanical and chemical. U. S. 1914. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. Amount, mechanical and chemical, pro- duced by mills, for consumption and for sale. U. S. 1914. Department of Com- merce, Bureau of the Census. Quantity and value of soda pulp, imported and domestic, used by paper manufactur- ers U. S. 1914. Department of Com- merce, Bureau of the Census. Amount used. U. S. Monthly. War Trade Board, Bureau of Research. Yearly capacity of mills. U. S. 1914. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. Price at the mill. U. S. 1914. Depart- ment of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. Ditto. Annually to 1918. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Net price per ton f .o.b. mill ; by com- panies. U. S. Monthly. Federal Trade Commission. [8] \ Production Receipts at Markets : Sales Shipments : Stock : Trade List; Pulp, Sulphate: Consumption Facilities for Production : Prices ; Amount produced by mills for consump- tion and for sale. U. S. 1914. Depart- ment of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. Ditto. Annually to 1918. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service. Amount produced; by companies. U. S. Monthly. Federal Trade Commission. Amount produced. U. S. Monthly. War Trade Board, Bureau of Research. Quantity received ; by companies. U. S. Monthly. FederalTrade Commission. Contract or current transactions ; by com- panies. U. S. Monthly. Federal Trade Commission. Amount shipped; by companies. U. S. Monthly. Federal Trade Commission. Quantity. U. S. Monthly. War Trade Board, Bureau of Research. Amount on hand at end of month; by companies. U. S. Monthly. Federal Trade Commission. Amount on hand. U. S. Monthly. War Trade Board, Bureau of Research. Lists of sellers and buyers. U. S. Monthly. Federal Trade Commission. Quantity and value of sulphate pulp, im- ported and domestic, used by paper man- ufacturers. U. S. 1914. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. Amount used; U. S. Monthly. War Trade Board, Bureau of Research. Yearly capacity of mills. U. S. 1914. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. Price at the mill. U. S. 1914. Depart- ment of Commerce^ Bureau of the Census. Ditto. Annually to 1918. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service. [9] Production Shipments Stock : Pulp, Sulphite: Consumption Consumption : Facilities for Production. Prices Amount produced by mills for consump- tion and for sale. U. S. 1914. Depart- partment of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. Ditto. Annually to 1918. ^De- partment of Agriculture, Forest Service. Amount produced ; by companies. U. S. Monthly. Federal Trade Commission. Amount produced. U. S. Monthly. War Trade Board, Bureau of Research. Amount shipped; by companies. U. S. Monthly. Federal Trade Commission. Quantity. U. S. Monthly. War Trade Board, Bureau of Research. Amount on hand at end of month; by companies. U. S. Monthly. Federal Trade Commission. Amount on hand. U. S. Monthly. War Trade Board, Bureau of Research. Quantity and value of sulphite pulp, im- ported and domestic, used by paper man- ufacturers. U. S. 1914. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. Amount used. U. S. Monthly. Trade Board, Bureau of Research. War Yearly capacity of mills. U. S. 1914. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. Price at the mill for bleached and un- bleached. U. S. 1914. Department of Co^nmerce, Bureau of the Census. Ditto. Annually to 1918. Department of Agricul- ture, Forest Service. Net price per ton f.o.b. mill, by com- panies. U. S. Monthly. Federal Trade Commission. Chart showing fluctuations of, since Jan- uary, 1913, at New York. U. S. Month- ly, quarterly and annually. Department of Lahor^ Bureau of Labor Statistics. War Industries Board, Division of Planning and Statistics, compiled from data of Bureau of Labor Statistics. [10] Production Receipts at Markets : Sales Shipments Situation Stock Trade Lists Ptilp By-Products. Prices : Amount, bleached and unbleached, pro- duced by mills for consumption and for sale. U. S. 1914. Department of Com- 'merce, Bureau of the Census. Ditto. Annually to 1918. Department of Agri- culture, Forest Service. Amount of sulphite pulp, news grade, bleached or easy bleaching produced; by companies. U. S. Monthly. Federal Trade Commission. Amount produced. U. S. Monthly. War Trade Board, Bureau of Research. Quantity received; by companies. U. S. Monthly. Federal Trade Commission. Contract or current transactions ; by com- panies. U. S. Monthly. Federal Trade Commission. Amount of sulphite pulp, news grade, bleached or easy bleaching shipped; by companies. U. S. Monthly. Federal Trade Commission. Quantity. U. S. Monthly. War trade Board, Bureau- of Research. Trade Conditions during the war. U. S. Annually. War Industries Board, Divi- sion of planning and Statistics, compiled from d^ta of Federal Trade Commission. Paper Trade Annual Review and Conven- tion Number. Amount of sulphite pulp, news grade, bleached or easy bleaching, on hand ist of month ; by companies. U. S. Monthly. Federal Trade Commission. Amount on hand. U. S. Monthly. War Trade Board, Bureau of Research. Lists of manufacturers, sellers and buy- ers. U. S. Monthly. Federal Trade Commission. Price at the mill. U. S. 1914- Depart- ment of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. [II] Pulpwood: . Consumption : Costs Prices : Pulpwood, Aspen: Consumption : Prices : Quantity and value by kinds, by states, by processes of manufacture, and accord- ing to condition when received at mill; with charts, diagrams, percentages, and comparisons. U. S. Annually. Depart- ment of Agriculture, Forest Service. Quantity and value, used for woodpulp ; rough, peeled or rossed as delivered at mill. U. S. 1914. Department of Com- merce, Bureau of the Census. Total cost of wood used in manufacture of woodpulp. U. S. Annually. Depart- ment of Agriculture, Forest Service. Range of prices, by conditions of wood. Average prices by states and by kinds. U. S. Annually. Department of Aqri- culture, Forest Service. Quantity and value consumed. U. S. An- nually. Department of Agriculture, For- est Service. ^ Price per cord. U. S. Annually. De- partment of Agriculture Forest Service. Pulpwood, Basswood: Consumption : Quantity and value consumed. U. S. An- imally. Department of Agriculture, For- est Service. Prices : Price per cord. U. S. Annually. De- partment of Agriculture Forest Service. Pulpwood Cottonwood: Consumption : Quantity and value consumed. U. S. An- nually. Department of Agriculture, For- est Service. Prices: Price per cord. U. S. Annually. De- partment of Agriculture Forest Service. Pulpwood, Fir (Balsam): Consumption : Quantity and value consumed. U. S. An- nually. Department of Agriculture, For- est Service. Prices: Price per cord. U. S. Annually. De- partment of Agriculture,' Forest Service. [12] Pulpwood, Fir (White): Consumption : Prices Pulpwood, Gum: Consumption : Prices Quantity and value consumed. U. S. An- nually. Department of Agriculture, For- est Service, Price per cord. U. S. Annually. Depart- ment of Agriculture, Forest Service. Quantity and value consumed. U. S. An- nually. Departm,ent of Agriculture, For- est Service. Price per cord. U. S. Annually. De- partment of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pulpwood, Hemlock: Consumption : Quantity and value consumed. U. S. An- nually. Department of Agriculture, For- est Service. Prices : Price per cord. U. S. Annually. De- partment of Agriculture, Forest Service. Pulpwood, Pine (Jack): . Consumption : Quantity and value consumed. U. S. An- nually. Department of Agriculture, For- est Service, Prices : Price per cord. U. S. Annually. De- partment of Agriculture, Forest Service. Pulpwood, Pine (Yellow): Consumption : Quantity and value consumed. U. S. An- nually. Department of Agricutlure, For- est Service. Prices: Price per cord. U. S. Annually. De- partment of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pulpzvood, Poplar (Yellow): Consumption : Quantity and value consumed. U. S. An- nually. Department of Agriculture, For- est Service. Prices : Price per cord. U. S. Annually. De- partment of Agriculture, Forest Service. Pulpwood^ Spruce: Consumption : Quantity and value consumed. U. S. An- nually. Department of Agriculture, For- est Service. [13] Prices : Price per cord. U. S. Annually, De- partment of Agriculture^ Forest Service. Ptilpwoodj Tamarack: Consumption : Quantity and value consumed. U. S. An- nually. Department of Agriculturet For- , est Service. Prices : Rosin: Prices : Research : Stock : Trade Lists Screenings: Slabs: Consumption : Soda Pulp: Spruce: Consumption Price per cord. U. S. Annually. De- partment of Agriculture, Forest Service. Wholesale prices at New York market, showing monthly quotations from Janu- ary, 1913, to date. U. S. Special Report. War Industries Board, Price Section. Wholesale prices per bbt. at N. Y. Bi- weekly. In Chemical & Metallurgical En- gineering. To promote the production of higher grades of rosin, simplify and lower the cost of production, and increase the yield of rosin from the gum. Department of Agriculture Bureau of Chemistry. Quantity on hand July and October, 1918. U. S. Special Report, October 14, 1918. War Industries Board, Division of Plan- ning and Statistics. Lists of producers. U. S. Special Report. War Industries Board, Division of Plan' ning and Statistics. See Pulp, Screenings. Quantity and value, owned and purchased, used for w.oodpulp. U. S. 1914. Department of Commerce^ Bureau of the Census. See Pulp, Soda. See Pulpwood, Spruce. Quantity and value of spruce, domestic and imported, used for pulpwood. U. S. 1914. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. [14] 1 Sulphate Pulp: Sulphite Pulp: Tamarack : Consumption : Timber: Facilities for Production : Wallboard: Production IVood: Substitutes : Use: VVoodpulp: Consumption Costs : See Pulp, Sulphate. See Pulp, Sulphite. See Pulpwood, Tamarack. Quantity and value, used for woodpulp. U. S. 1914. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. Estimates for standing timber in the east- ern states, by species, states and totals. U. S. Special Report, 1917. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service. Stand of timber. U. S. Special Report, 1917. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service. Acreage and value of timberland owned by manufacturing establishments. U. S. 15H4, Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. Amount produced; by kinds, by states. U. S. 1914. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service. Estimated present substitution for woo^ in all forms. U. S. Special Report, 1917. Department of Agriculture^ Forest Serv- ice. Quantity of wood consumed in the prin- cipal wood using industries; by kinds. U. S. Special Report. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service. See also Pulp, Groundwood; Pulp, Soda; Pulp, Sulphate; Pulp, Sulphite. Quantity and value, used by paper manu- facturers. U. S. 1914- Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. Quantity consumed by mills. U. S. Monthly. Federal Trade Commission. Cost of wood consumed, with average cost per cord, by states, by kinds, by pro- [i.S] Facilities for Production : Importation Prices : Production Shipments : Stock cesses, according to condition in which received at mill. U. S. Annually. De- partment of Agriculture, Forest Service. Quantity of pulpwood used, by states; and by species. U. S. Annually. De- partment of Agriculture^ Forest Service. Number of mills by states. U. S. An- nually. Department of Agriculture, For- est Service. Number of grinders or digesters. U. S- Monthly. Federal Trade Commission. Comparison of imports with estimated re- quirements. U. S. Monthly. Shipping Board, Division of Planning and Statistics. Inventory. By arrangement with the De- partment of Commerce, reports (basis of this inventory) are rendered by the Di- vision of Customs Statistics, New York, about 12 days after the end of each per- iod. U. S. Ten-day periods. Shipping Board, Division of Planning and Statis- tics. Average price per ton ; by kinds and pro- cesses. U. S. 1916 and 1917. Depart- ment of Agriculture, Forest Service. Price at the mill. U. S. 1914. Depart- ment of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. Amount produced; by states, by species and processes. U. S. 1905-11, 1914 and 1916-1917. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service. Amount produced by mills for consump- tion and for sale; by kinds. U. S. 1914. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. Amount produced, by kinds and by mills. U. S. Monthly. Federal Trade Com- mission. Amount shipped ; by kinds ; by mills. U. S. Monthly. Federal Trade Commission. Quantity. U. S. Monthly. Federal Trade Commission. Amount on hand at end of month ; by kinds; by mills. U. S. Monthly. Fed- eral Trade Commission [16] APPENDIX Bibliographies of Official Publications A. LISTS PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry^ — Bibliography Committee — Contribution No. i. A select paper bibliography: United States government publica- tions pertaining to pulp and paper, by Henry E, Surface, Engineer in Forest Products, Forest Products Labora- tory, Madison^ Wis. In Paper, vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 25-30, New York, Oct. 4, 1916. Also reprinted with corrections, 16 pp. 6"x9". Being a second edition, revised and enlarged, of "A list of United States public documents pertaining to pulp and paper, by Henry E. Surface. In Journal of Indus- trial and Engineering Chemistry, vol. 5, no. 7, pp. 614-616, Easton, Pa., July, 1913. Copies on file : U. S. Forest Service. -Contribution No. 5. Government paper bibliography: United States government publications pertaining to pulp and paper : supplement no. i, by Helen E. Stockbridge, Librarian, U. S. Forest Service. In Paper, vol. 22, no. 11, p. 38, New York, May 22, 1918. Also reprinted with corrections, 6 pp. 6"x9". Copies on file : U. S. Forest Service. — Contribution No. 7. Literature of the paper industry: a bibliography adapted from Akesson- Everling-Fliickiger, by M. Hubbard, special assistant, Committee on Bibliography, T. A. P. P. I. In Paper, vol. 23, no. 23, pp. 654-680, New York, Feb. 12, 1919. Also reprinted in Technical Association Papers, 1919, p. — . Copies on file : U. S. Forest Service. Scattered throughout this compilation are the titles of various U. S. government publications not covered in any other bibliography. -Contribution No. 8: Forest products statistics : (pulp and paper edition) : A Hst of United States government information : adapted from a com- pilation by the U, S. Central Bureau of Planning and Statistics, Statistical Clearing House, Washington, D. C. With an appendix. Bibliographies of official publications, by M. Hubbard, Committee on Bibliography, TT- A. P. P. I. In Paper, vol. 23, no. 26, pp. 971-974 and vol. xxiv, no. I, New York, March 5 and March 12, 1919. Copy on file : U. S. Forest Service. — ^Contribution No. 9. Paper research liter- ature : A list of contributions by members of the United States Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, 1910- 1918, by Etta L. Matthews, Library Assistant, Forest Products Laboratory. With an appendix list of con- tributions by other members of the service, 1877-1918, by Helen E. Stockbridge, Librarian, U. S. Forest Serv- [17] ice. In Paper, vol. — , no. — , p. — , New York, 1919. (To be published soon.) Copy on file : U. S. Forest Service. B. ADDITIONAL PUBLICATIONS (Not included in foregoing bibliographies) Agriculture Department, Forest Service. Smith (Franklin H.) and Rufus K. Helphenstine, Jr. — Pulpwood consumption and wood pulp production : 1916. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, in co- operation with the Newsprint Manufacturers Associa- tion. Washington: privately published, 191 7. 30 pp. 12 tables. 6"x9". Gratis. Contains tabulations from mill reports of pulpwood consumption and wood pulp production, arranged vari- ously; also, recompilations of U. S. Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce tabulations of United States pulpwood and woodpulp importations and exportations for previous years. Similar data for earlier years back to 1905 is con- tained in bulletins of similar title prepared by the For- est Service alone or in cooperation. Commerce Department, Foreign and Domestic Commerce Bureau. United States Commerce Dept., Foreign and Domestic Comt MERCE Bureau — Foreign commerce and navigation of the United States for the year ending June 30, 1916. VVash- ington: Govt. Pr. Off., 1917. 950 pp. 9"xii^", tables. Cloth. Contains tabulations of amount and value of mer- chandise, including pulp and paper materials, suppHes and products, imported and exported to and from the United States, during the year, in comparison with earlier years, arranged variously. Table No. VI — "Summary of imports, by articles, years ending June 30, 1914-1916." VII — "Summary of exports of domestic merchandise, by articles" 1914-1916. VIII — Ditto, foreign merchan- dise, 1916. IX — "Values of imports, by articles, grouped according to degree of manufacture and uses, years end- ing June 30, 1915, and 1916." X — Ditto, exports, domes- tic merchandise, ditto. XII — "Values of leading articles of imports entered for consumption," 1915-1916, free of duty and dutiable. Table No. 3— "Imports of merchan- dise ... by articles and countries," 1912-1916, quan- tities and values, free and dutiable. 4 — "Imports . . . by articles and customs districts," 1916, quantities and values. 5 — ^"Exports of domestic merchandise . . . by articles and countries," 1912-1916, values. 6 — Ditto, by articles and customs districts, 1916, quantities and values. 7 — "Exports of foreign merchandise ... by articles and countries," 1916, quantities and values. 9 — "Imported merchandise entered for consumption . . . [18] with rates and amounts of duty," 1916, by articles, quan- tities and values. 11— "Articles exported with benefit of drawback, together with imported materials from which . . . manufactured, and drawback paid there- on," 1916, quantities and values. Index to . . . im- ports and exports, by articles . . ." Similar data have been published annually in earlier days and continue after 1916. . —Trade of the United States with the world: 1916 and 1917. U. S. Dept. Com., Bu. For. Dom. Com. Misc. Series— No. 63. Washington': Govt. Pr. Off., 1918. 2 vols.: Part i — Imports, 112 pp.; Part 2 — Exports, 317 pp.; tables, 6"x9". Paper, loc and 20c. Contains tabulations of amount and value of mer- chandise, including pulp and paper raw materials, sup- plies and products during years ending June 30, 1916, and 191 7, arranged by countries, by principal articles. Similar tabulations for 1914 and 1915 are in Misc. Series — No. 38, by same bureau; for 1912 and 1913 in its Misc. Series — No. 15; for previous years, back to 1906, in its annual "Commerce and Navigation of the United States" as Table No. 19; for previous years, in volume 2 of its annual report. Congress, House of Representatives. Dillon^ Charles H. — Embargo on print, book, and linen pa- per, pulp and its products. Extension of remarks in House of Representatives, by Charles H. Dillon, of South Dakota, including communications from the Fed- eral Trade Commission. In Congressional Record, vol. 54, no. 18, pp. 890-1, Washington, Jan. 2, 191 7. Hastings, W. W. — Embargo. Extension of remarks in House of Representatives by W. W. Hastings of Oklahoma, including text of resolution directing President to place embargo on print paper; and articles from magazines on print paper situation. In Congressional Record, vol. 53, no. 203, pp. 14772-3, Washington, Aug. 15, 1916. Tavenner, Clyde H. — Urgent need of government paper mill. Extension of remarks in House of Representatives by Clyde H. Tavenner of Illinois. In Congressional Record, vol. 53, no. 219, pp. 16038- 16040, Washington, Sept. 2, 1916. United States, Congress, House — Tariff on paper and books. General debate in House, May 3, 1913. In Congressional Record, vol. 50, no. 20, pp. 996-1008, Washington, May 3. 1913. United States, Congress, House, Pulp and Paper Investi- gations, Select Committee (j. r. mann, chair.)— Pulp and paper investigation hearings : April 25, 1908 — Feb. 19, 1909. In United Stales House Documents, 60th Cong., ist sess., vols. 132-136, Washington : Govt. Pr. Off., 1909. [19] Also as United States House of Representatives, Doc. No. 1502, 60th Cong., 1st sess., Washington: Govt. Pr. Oflf., 1909. 6 vols., 3690 pp., tables, 6"x9". Vol. I, 691 pp. Cloth, $0.75. Gives details of in- creased price of print paper to newspapers, cost of man- ufacture, payrolls, etc. Vol. 2, 693-1425 pp. Cloth, $0.80. Includes tables showing average wages and hours, 1905-19(06, in paper and wood pulp occupations, tariff effects, imports and ex- ports, 1898-1907, articles on strike of pulp and paper workers in Norway^ defense of paper trust, forest con- ditions, etc. Vol. 3, 1427-2134 pp. Cloth, $0.80. Includes testi- mony, brief of publishers, report of chemist on paper material, etc. Vol. 4, 2135-2782 pp. Cloth, $0.70. Includes report on forestry in Sweden, table showing paper material trade of foreign countries to 1907, experiments with cornstalks, etc. Vols. 5, 6, 2783-3366+224 pp. Cloth, $1.00. Includes foreign trade in paper material to 1908; timber and water powers of Canada; reprint of tariff hearings, 1908, with briefs and letters ; wages and hours of labor in newspapers, 1900, 1905, 1907; and Bureau of Chemistry circular 41 on paper-making materials; and statistics of manufacture of pulp and paper from replies of 500 com- panies. Vol. 6 is Index. Congress, Senate. Cummins, Albert W. — Wood pulp and paper. Speech in Sen- ate, by Albert W. Cummins of Iowa. In Congressional Record, vol. 47, no. 62, pp. 2459-2463, Washington, June 22, 191 1. Federal Trade Commission. United States, Federal Trade Commission— (i) Statistical summary of the paper markets for the month of ( ). April, 1918, to date, i.e., Jan., 1919. (2) Production and stocks of wood pulp for (month stated). July, 1918 to date. (3) Stocks of hanging paper and production and stocks of finished wall paper for the month of ( ). April, 1918 to date, (4) Review of the newsprint paper market for the month of ( ). October, 1917 to date. (5) Review of the book paper market for the month of ( ). October, 1917 to date. (6) Publish- ers statistics for the month of ( ). December, 191 7 to date. Issued by Federal Trade Commission, Washington, as mimeographed statements, released for publication within 3 weeks after the end of the month, and published in cur- rent issues of the several paper trade periodicals. In- terim statements are sometimes issued to cover the first 2 or 3 weeks of the month. [20] 1 Contents cover summaries of producers, jobbers or consumers individual reports on monthly production, ship- ments, stocks, consumption, prices, loss of production, im- ports and exports, etc., for the lo important classes of paper and boards, also for pulp; and general comments on the state of the market. Other similar announcements are similarly issued, but at irregular intervals, covering pulp and paper investiga- tions, hearings, etc., before the Commission. Bound set on file: U. S. Forest Service. Superintendent of Documents. United States, Superintendent of Documents — Commerce and manufactures: (government) publications relating to the above subjects for sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C. Price list 62 — 2nd edi- tion. Washington Govt. Pr. Off., June, 191 7. Gratis. Works classified under cellulose, paper, pulp, and wood pulp have been Hsted in Contributions Nos. I, 5, 7 and 8 of the Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry, Committee on Bibliography. . Forestry: tree planting, wood tests and lumber industries: list of (government) publications re- lating to above subjects for sale by Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C. Price list 43— nth edi- tion. Washington: Govt. Pr. Off., November, 1917. Gratis. Works classified under cellulose, paper, pulp, pulp wood and wood pulp, have been listed in Contributions Nos. I, 5, 7 and 8 of the Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry, Committee on Bibliography. Tariff Board. United States, Tariff Board— Report on the pulp and news- print paper industry, by the Tariff Board (to the Presi- dent). Washington: Govt. Pr. Off., 1911 134 PP-» 87 tables, I folded chart, sample schedules, 6"x9". Also issued as United States Senate Doc. 31, (62nd Cong., 1st sess.) M. Hubbard, Special Assistant, Committee on Bibliography, T. A. P. P. I., Washington, D. C, Feb, i, 1919. 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