mBHH '111 LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. GIF"T Ol^ i,"I^2ir^-^~T^T"*2- ^uo=>\ . oT lu.\a. J.Y Accession 8 5 4 1 THE School Laws OF SOUTH DAKOTA REVISED 1897 WITH THE AS APPENDIX. 1900 STATE PUBLISHING CO. PIERRK, S. I). O o 05 CQ CO CO H H Cfl i 5 O H " g . g CO .C 9 J % H (D I PQ CO H etition. Second. Upon receipt of such petition, the county super- mdent shall call a committee to decide upon granting .or re- the petition, said committee consisting of himself, the nt of the board of education, and the chairman of the board of the district in which the petitioners re- The committee shall consider the interests of the two c^ljporatjons concerned, the convenience of the petitioners and the^peimlanent school interest, and if they deem it proper, shall graniJt]2|7 petition and issue an order authorizing the at- taching <5iX^S4njritory to the city, town or village to which it [is] adjacem- N anchs|jecify in such order to what ward or wards such territoryelong for all purposes; Provided, that when territory rt^s b3attached prior hereto the board of edu- cation shall at any^egu^r meeting determine to what ward of [or] wards such teiatitorC^hall belong for all school purposes. Fourth. The committee shall also have power to adjust all property interests invmWd in the change which concern the REVISED SCHOOL LAWs80xt 41 two corporations interested. Before the issu>ncd$bf an order authorizing the change they shall make an equable S^ustment of any question of indebtedness involved. ^ O* Fifth. A record of the decisions of the conimitteeishall be transmitted to the clerk of the school board and t^teboard of education interested and a copy forwarded to the off county auditor by the superintendent upon ratification ^ tion of the committee by the district school board board of education. y^ Sixth. Such territory shall from the date of the order aur thorizing its attachment, be considered a part of the corpora tion of said city, town or village; Provided, that such order shall not be issued until after the actions and decisions of the committee are ratified by the board of education and the dis- trict school board. The taxable property of such adjacent ter- ritory shall be subject to taxation and bear its proportion of all expenses incurred in the erection of school buildings and main- taining the schools of such corporation; Provided, that terri- tory more than two miles from the limit of such city, town or independent district, shall not be considered adjacent territory to which the provisions of this section may apply, unless the electors of such territory shall unanimously petition to be thus attached and considered as adjacent territory; Provided, fur- ther, that where an independent school district of any corpor- ated city, or town is situated so near the center of a civil town- ship as to leave a fraction of said civil township impracticable or inconvenient for school purposes after attaching adjacent ter- ritory to said independent school district to the two-mile limit as provided by law, then in that case the committee provided for in this may upon the petition of a majority of the electors of such civil township attach the surrounding territory and make the independent district to comform to the civil township line, for school purposes only. 5. SHALL BE A CORPORATION. ] Every district organ- ized under the provisions of this chapter shall be a body corporate, and shall possess the usual powers of corporations for public school purposes, and may sue and be sued, and be capable of contracting and being contracted with, and of taking and holding any land for a school site, not exceeding two acres, chosen by the board of education at a regular meeting of said board, and in case the owner or owners of said land, or any part thereof, shall refuse or neglect to grant such site to the district, then said district shall have power to take such land for said site in the manner provided by law for the taking of private property for public use. And shall have power to hold and convey such personal or real property as it may at any time possess. All actions brought by or against such corpora- tion shall be in the name of the board of education of the city, 42 REVISED SCHOOL LAWS 1887 town or village (as the case may be) of the county of the State of South Dakota. 6. CONVEYANCES OP PROPERTY. ] All conveyances of property in cities and incorporated towns mentioned in the preceding section, shall be signed by the mayor of said civil corporation and attested by the clerk, and shall have the seal of the corporation affixed thereto, and be acknowledged by the mayor in the same manner as other conveyances of real estate. 7. A BOARD OF EDUCATION. ] When any city or town is divided into wards, at each annual city election there shall be elected a board of education consisting of two members from each ward who shall be elected by the qualified voters thereof; one of whom shall be elected annually and shall hold his office for the term of two years and until his successor is elected and qualified; Provided, that at the first election under this act, two members shall be elected from each ward, one of whom shall hold office until the next annual election, and the other until the second annual election; Provided, that in all corporations not organized as cities and in all cities and towns not divided into wards, there shall be elected as many members of the board of education as there are members of the township board or board of trustees to be elected at the same time and places and for like terms; there 1 shall also be elected at the first election held under the provisions of this act in such cities and towns, one member of such board of education who shall be voted for by the qualified electors at large in such city or town and shall hold his office for two years or until his successor is elected and qualified. In all cases where there is no organization for civil government, there shall be three members of the board, one of whom shall be elected annualy; Provided, further, that no member of the city council shall be a member of the board of education. 8. POWER TO FILL VACANCY. J The board of education shall have power to fill any vacancy which may occur in their body; Provided, that any vacancy occurring not more than thirty [days] previous to the annual election shall be filled at the first annuall election thereafter. 9. SHALL MAINTAIN AND CONTROL SCHOOLS.] The board of education shall have power to organize and maintain a system of graded schools, to establish a high school when- ever, in their opinion, the interests of the school corporation demand the same, and to exercise sole control over the schools and school property of the corporation. 10. ORGANIZATION HOW MADE.] The board of edu- cation at its regular meeting in April of each year shall organ- ize by the election of a president and vice president, each of whom shall serve for a term of one year, and they shall also elect a clerk not a member of the board who shall receive such kftfa REVISED SCHOOL LAWS 1897. 43 compensation for his services as the board may allow; Pro- vided, that in districts newly organized under this act the board shall within twenty days after their election, proceed to organ- ize and elect officers as aforesaid who shall serve until the time of the regular meeting in April following. 11. DUTIES OF PRESIDENT AND CLERK.] It shall be the duty or the president to appoint all committees and to coun- tersign all warrants drawn upon the treasury for school mon- eys. It shall be the duty of the clerk to be present at all meet- ings of the board, keep an accurate journal of its proceedings, take charge of its books and documents, sign all warrants for school money and perform such other duties as the board may require. Before entering upon the discharge of his duties the clerk of the board of education shall give a bond in a sum to be fixed by the board, not less than five hundred dollars, with good and sufficient sureties to be approved by the board. 12. TAX LEVY. ] The board of education shall, on or before the fifteenth day of August of each year, levy a tax for the support of the schools of the corporation for the fiscal year next ensuing, not exceeding in any one year thirty mills on the dollar on all personal and real property within the district which is taxable according to the laws of the state, and which levy the clerk of the board of education shall certify to the county clerk, who is hereby authorized and required to place the same on the tax roll of said county to be collected by the treasurer of the county as other taxes of the county and paid over by him to the treasurer of the board of education, of whom he shall take a receipt in duplicate, one of which he shall file in his office and the other he shall transmit to the clerk of the board of education. 13. TREASURER HOW CHOSEN BOND OF DUTIES.] At the annual municipal election there shall be elected mem- bers of the board of education provided for herein and a treas- urer of the board of education. The treasurer shall be elected each year, to hold for one year, or until his successor is elected and qualified. Any vacancy in the office of treasurer shall be filled by the board of education by appointment; such ap- pointee shall not be a member of said board. The treasurer shall execute a bond in such sum as that body may require with sufficient sureties to be approved by the board, conditioned for the faithful discharge of his duties as treasurer of such board. He shall prepare and submit in writing a monthly report of the state of the finances of the corporation, and shall when re- quired produce at any meeting of the board all books and pa- pers pertaining to his office. He shall pay money only upon a warrant signed by the president, or in his absence the vice president, and countersigned by the clerk. 44 REVISED SCHOOL LAWS 1897. 14. TAXABLE PROPERTY. ] The taxable property of the whole corporation, including the territory attached for school purposes, shaJl be subject to taxation. 15. REGULAR MEETINGS.] The regular meetings of the board of education shall be upon the last Friday of each month, but special meetings may be held from time to time as circum- stances may demand. 16. REPORT OP CLERK. ] The clerk of the board of ed- ucation at the close of each school year shall make an annual report of the progress, prosperity and condition, financial as well as educational, of all the schools of the corporation, a copy of which shall be sent to the county superintendent. Said report or such portion of it as the board of education shall consider ad- vantageous to the public shall be printed in a public newspaper or in pamphlet form. 17. CONTRACTS. ] No expenditures involving an amount greater than one hundred dollars shall be made except in accord- ance with the provisions of a written contract, and no contract involving an expenditure of more than five hundred dollars for the purpose of erecting any public buildings or making- any im- provement shall be made except upon sealed proposals and to the lowest responsible bidder. 18. MAY READ BIBLE. ] No sectarian doctrine shall be taught or inculcated in any of the schools of the corporation; but the Bible without sectarian comment may be read therein. 19. BONDS HOW ISSUED. ] Whenever it shall become necessary in order, to raise sufficient funds for the purchase of a school site or sites, to erect suitable building or buildings there- on, or to fund a bonded indebtedness, it shall be lawful for the board of education of every corporation coming under the pro- visions of this act to borrow money, for which they are hereby authorized and empowered to issue bonds bearing a rate of in- terest not exceeding seven per cent per annum, payable annu- ally or semi-annually, at such place as may be mentioned upon the face of said bond, which bonds shall be payable in not more than twenty years from their date; and the board of education is hereby authorized and empowered to sell such bonds at not less than par; Provided, that no bonds shall be issued until the question shall be submitted to the people and a majority of the qualified electors who shall vote on the question at an election called for that purpose shall have declared by their votes in fa- vor of issuing such bonds. 20. BOND ELECTION. ] It shall be the duty of the mayor of such city or town upon request of the board of education, to call an election to be conducted in all respects as are the elec- tions for city or town officers, in the same corporations (except that the returns shall be made to the board of education), for the purpose of taking the sense of such corporation upon the REVISED SCHOOL LAWS 1897. 45 question of issuing such bonds, naming in the proclamation of such election the amount of bonds asked for and the purpose for which they are to be issued; Provided, that where the corpora- tion is not organized for civil government, the board of educa- tion may call and conduct the election provided for in this sec- tion. 21. SHALL SIGN BONDS.] The bonds, the issuing of which is provided for in the foregoing section, shall be signed by the president attested by thQ clerk, and countersigned by the treasurer ^fe