'.* t Q X^^u-*^ t-^y THE WORKING ENGINEER'S PRACTICAL GUIDE TO THE MANAGEMENT OF THE STEAM ENGINE AND BOILER': WITH RULES AND INSTRUCTIONS FOR VALVE SETTING: SO AS TO SECURE A FULL DEVELOPMENT OE THE MOTIVE POWEB. ILLUSTRATED BY DIAGRAMS AND ENffkAVlMS. '''*,;' BY JOSEPH HOPKINSON, i Of the Firry^ (tfjjJ- Hopkinson Sf Co., Engineers, Huddersfield, LONDON: JOHN WEALE, HIGH HOLBORN ; AND SIMPKIN, MARSHALL, AND CO. MANCHESTER t THOMSON AND SON ; AND A. HEY WOOD. HUDDERSFIELD : B. BROWN. 1866. PRINTED BY B. BROWN, HUDDERSFIELD. PREFACE. WITH confidence the Author submits the present work, "THE WORKING ENGINEER'S PRACTICAL GUIDE," to the judgment of those whose duty it is to superintend the working of the Steam Engine and Boiler, in their many and varied forms and applications. The many encomiums the Author has received from parties who have benefited from following the instructions and advice contained in his larger work, "THE WORKING OF THE STEAM ENGINE EXPLAINED BY THE USE OF THE INDICATOR," (four large Editions of which have been published, and rapidly disposed of,) and the very general desire he has heard expressed that portions of the matter composing that work should be published in a form and at a price more accessible to the working Engineer, has induced him to prepare the work now presented, in the confident belief that it will be found to be of practical advantage to those for whose information and use it has been designed. The aim of the Author, in all he has published, has been, by means of homely language, accompanied with familiar and practical illustration, to instruct those who are entrusted with the care and management of Steam Engines, so that they may ascertain with certainty whether they are deriving the greatest amount of practical advantage from the several quantities of impulsive power they may generate and apply. Interspersed with these instructions he has given hints and examples, intended to show how practical improvements in the working of most Steam Engines may be effected at little cost, to the great saving of fuel, and the steady application of the motive power all these being points of manifest importance to the proprietors of Steam Engines, and of advantage to the practical Engineer. The conclusions recorded in this work have resulted from observation and study, not in the closet, but in company with the Steam Engine, in its various stages and alterations : and although the mere theorist, or the scientific literary writer, may object to the plain and simple manner in which the different topics descanted on are treated, the Author is assured, from the difficulties which in the early period of his own experience he himself had to contend with and overcome, that his plan of procedure is the best that he could possibly have adopted for the accomplishment of his main object in undertaking the work the instruction of the practical working Engineer. The chapters of the present work, on the management of the Boiler and Engine, will, the Author flatters himself, be found to contain instructions and hints, calculated if acted on and carried out to be of great advantage to working Engineers, as well as to the proprietors of Steam Engines, by enabling the former to pursue their avocations so as to produce something like certainty of results, and to know, in a great measure, the cause of any derangement in the working of either the Boiler or Engine that may occur. The section of the work devoted to the question of the Expansion of Steam, with the examples adduced, shows how this is to be effected in the most available manner with the best practical results. The Author knows of nothing else hitherto published which imparts the information on this important subject he has endeavoured to convey. Yet this is one of the real questions of the the day the main direction in which further improvements of the Steam Engine are to be effected. Economy in the working of the Steam Engine is known to be in the application of high pressures. The higher within the limits of safety we can get, the more economical. To obtain the whole benefit of high steam, we must apply the principles of Expansion, beginning with the highest pressure of steam we have, and parting with it at the lowest possible pressure. How this principle is to be applied with practical advantage, the Author has here endeavoured to indicate. The Tables appended to the work will also, it is believed, be found to be of service to the practical Engineer, aiding him in his calculations for various matters connected with the Steam Engine and its working. In those Tables, and indeed, throughout the work, decimals have been, to a great extent, dispensed with, and also fractional parts, with the exception of those expressed by the common signs |, , f , the calculations when so reduced and expressed, being near enough for all practical purposes, and more intelligible to a large portion of the class for whom the work is designed. In fact, throughout the treatise, the aim of the Author has been to express himself in simple phraseology ; and though his production may not possess the charm of literary embellishment, he trusts that it may be found to possess at least the merit of perspicuity in the treatment of a dry subject, and to be of practical utility. In short, he trusts that it will be found to be what he has endeavoured to make it, a " PRACTICAL GUIDE TO THE WORKING ENGINEER." BRITANNIA WORKS, Huddersfield, January, 1866. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. ON THE MANAGEMENT OF THE BOILER AND STEAM ENGINE. Duties of an Engineer, 1 General Management of the Boiler, 1 Boilers properly stayed, 1 Feed Valves, Self Feeders, Gauge Taps, Stop Valves, &c., 2 The Safety Valve should let off the steam, should the water become deficient, 2 Not Safety Valves, 2 A proper Safety Valve, 3 Length of Safety Valve Lever, 3 Boiler Fittings taken to pieces, 3 Boiler becomes Over-heated, 3 Lead Plugs fusible metal, 3 Open Column Pipes, 3 A proper Safety Valve, 4 Boiler well blown out, 4 Feed Water for the Boiler, 4 Where there are two or more Boilers, \ &c., 5 Junction Steam Valves, 5 Pipes fixed to the Boiler, 6 Boilers wear out faster when not in use, 5 Extra Boiler room, 5 Setting Boilers, 6 Be your own Inspector, 6 Steam Gauges, 6 Certain Sign of Slovenliness, 6 Feeding Steam Boilers with Water, 6 Expansion and Contraction of Boilers, 6 Getting up of Steam, 6 Internal Flues expand, 8 The two Forces, Expansion and Con- traction, 8 Boiler Plates overlap each other, 8 Thick and thin Plates of Boilers, 9 Unequal Pressure in Boilers, 9 Oval Flues without Stays, 9 Flues crushing .upwards, 10 Boiler Explosion Castle Mills, Sheffield, 10 Boiler stronger when hot, 10 Diagram No. 1, Exploded Boiler Flue, 11 Maximum Strength of Iron, 12, Form, Strength, and Staying of Boilers, 1 2 Double Fire-box or Flue Boiler, 12 Danger from Inner Tubes or Flues, 12 Pressure applied internally the best, 1 3 Double Fire-box Boiler by 0. Evans, 13 Boiler Explosions in America, 13 Pressure not uniform on Flues, 14 Diagram No. 2, Cross Section of Boiler, 14 Flat Ends of Boilers, 15 Boiler Stays, 1 5 Diagram No. 3, Boiler Stays, 16 Gusset Stays, as applied to Boilers, 17 Stop Valve placed between the Boiler and Safety Valve, 17 Diagram No. 4, Stop Valve, 18 Inquest Aspley Boiler Explosion Fair- bairn's Evidence, 1 8 Verdict of the Jury at Aspley, 19 Strength of Wrought-iron Bars and Plates, 20 Staffordshire and Yorkshire Boiler Plates, 20 Punching and bending Boiler Plates, cold, 20 Heating Boiler Plates, 21 Boring Boiler Plates instead of punching them, 21 Strength of Steam Boilers, 21 Rule for calculating the strength of Cylin- ders on Boilers, as generally applied, 22 Testing Boilers, 23 Cleansing Boilers, 23 Diagrams Nos. 5, 6, and 7, 24-25 Various modes of Cleansing Boilers, 26 The Safety Valve, 26 The Inventor of the Safety Valve, 27 Diagram No. 8, Safety Valve, 28 Hopkinson's Patent Compound Safety Valve, 30 Description and Cut of Valve, 31 Rule to ascertain at what pressure a Safety Valve is weighted, 32 Plan and Dimensions of a Nominal 40- Horse power Double-flue Fire-box Boiler, 33 Diagram No. 9, Improved Steam Boiler, 34 Longitudinal Section of a Nominal 40- Horse Steam Boiler, with Stay Pipes, 35 Diagram No. 10, of Steam Boiler, 36 Diagram No. 11, Section of Flue of a Steam Boiler, 37 Table showing the Increase and Decrease of the Strength of Iron at various tem- peratures from tests by the Committee of the Franklin Institute, 38-9 CONTENTS. CHAPTER II. THE FURNACE AND ITS ADJUNCTS. Grate surface to the absorbing surface of the Boiler, 40 To prevent the formation of a great portion of the Smoke, 40 Necessity of Stoking the Furnace when the Steam is up, 40 Diagram No. 12, of a Double Fire-box Boiler, 41 Evaporative Power of Coal according to Draught, 42 Newcastle-upon-Tyne experiments on the Evaporation of Coal and the Prevention of Smoke, 42 A dirty Furnace creating Smoke, 42 A dirty Ashpit a sure sign of bad manage- ment, 42 Diagram No. 13, Dead-plate of Furnace, 43 Additional air to the Furnace, 43 The Author's experience with Smoke Prevention Apparatus, 43 Furnace Doors, 44 Diagram No. 14, Grate Bar, 44 Form of Furnace Bridges, 44 Openings between the Grate Bars, 44 Careful Firing, clean Grates, c., 45 Table of the comparative Evaporative Power of different kinds of Coal, 45 Lancashire and Yorkshire Coal, 45 CHAPTER III THE ENGINE. Indicate the Engine every day, 46 Rule for the Horse-power example, 46 Diagram No. 15, clearing pump rose, 47 Unsteady Working of the Engine, 48 Crank Pin and other bearings, 48 Recipe for cooling Necks, &c., 49 Prevention is better than cure, 49 Proper attention to Packing, &c., 49 Pipes and Cylinders clothed, 49 Vacuum Gauge and Vacuum, 49 What is the Vacuum of a Steam Engine ? 50 Steam an invisible fluid, 50 The literal meaning of the term " vacuum " 50 The first Steam Engine, 51 Watts' first improvements, 51 Steam from an open vessel, 51 Pressure of the Atmosphere, 51 Atmosphere on the Safety Valve, 52 Engines vary in speed according to the Atmosphere, 52 Vacuum not power, 52 The term " suction " 52 Condensing Engines and Non-condensing Engines, 53 Engine not heavily loaded, 53 Expansion of Steam, 55 Discovery is due to Hornblower, 55 Hornblower's Specification, 56 Expansion of Steam strictly mechanical, 56 It is a saving, and not a gain, 56 The main-spring of a watch actuates its machinery, 57 Advantages arising from Expansion, 57 Working Steam expansively in one Cylinder, 57 The great benefit derived from Expansion in one Cylinder, 58 Resistance of the Atmosphere, 58 Example when calculating the pressure of Expansion of Steam on the Piston, 58 Diagram No. 16, representing the Cylinder of a Steam Engine, 59 Expansion of Steam in the Cylinder, 59 Diagram No. 17, of Expansion, with Examples. 60 Table showing the quantity of Steam used when worked without Expansion, and the power obtained ; also the quantity when worked expansively, 61 Steam passing through a number of Cylin- ders, 61 Table showing the average Pressure of Steam upon the Piston throughout the stroke, when cut off in the cylinder from one-eighth to one-twelfth the stroke, vary- ing from lOfos to 150ft>s pressure, 62-3 Examples of the foregoing Table, 64 Nominal and indicated horse-power of Steam Engines, 65 The term " Nominal Horse-power," 65 Example Nominal Horse-power, 66 Real power ascertained by the Indicator, 66 Non-condensing Engines Nominal Horse- power, 66 Examples of the power of Non-condensing Engines with various pressures of Steam, 66 To find the power of a Steam Engine on the basis of Watts' definition, 67 Rule to find the power of a Steam Engine by means of the Indicator, 67 Diagram No. 18, Friction Diagram, 68 Explanations of Figuring of Diagrams, 69 Rule to ascertain the power required to drive any quantity of machinery ; or the power the Engine is exerting, 69 Diagram No. 19, from a Condensing Engine, 70 CONTENTS. Example of the mode adopted to calculate Horse- power, 71 Example and Rule to ascertain the quantity of Coal consumed per hour per Horse- power, 72 Explanation of a Diagram, 72 Diagram No. 20, example, 73 General mode of measuring Diagrams, 74 Construction and Action of Valves, 74 Common Three-port Slide Valve, 74 Figure No. 21, Cylinder and Slide Valve, 75 Explanation of a Three-port Valve, 76 ^ Diagram No. 22, from a Non-condensing Engine, 77 Lap, or cover, of Three-port Slide Valve, 78 Figure No. 23, Cylinder and Slide Valve, with lap, 79 Balancing the working parts of an Engine, 81 The D Slide Valve, 81 Diagram No. 24, from a Non-condensing Engine with lap on Valve and V on the edge, 82 Explanation of D Valves, 83 Figure No. 25, Section of a Steam Engine Cylinder, with D Slide Valves, Rock Shaft, and Eccentric, 84 Figure No. 26, an Enlarged Section of Steam Engine Cylinder with D Valves, 85 The Cornish, or Double-beat Drop Valve, 87 Description of Figures 27 and 28, Drop Valves, 87 Figure 27, Section of Steam Engine Cylinder, Side-pipes with Cornish Drop Valves, 88 Figure 28, Side view of Cylinder and Side-pipes, with Cornish Valves and Revolving Tappets, 89 Improved Slide Valve, with Double Exhaust, 91 Figure No. 29, Improved Slide Valve, 91 Figure No. 30, Improved Slide Valve, 92 Opening of the Valve to admit the Steam to the Piston and the Condenser, 94 On the Setting of Steam Engine Valves, 94 Diagram No. 31, taken from the top of a Low-pressure Cylinder with Q Valves 95 Dingram No. 32, taken from the top of the Cylinder of a Condensing Engine, 96 Cushioning the Steam, 96 Tappet Valve, to cut off the Steam and open the Exhaust at any required distance, 96 Diagram No. 33, from a Condensing Engine, 97 Explanation of D Slide Valve of Diagram No. 33, 98 Two Engines coupled, working at right angles, 98 Diagram No. 34, another example of D Valve cutting off the Steam, 99 Proportions of a Pair of 28 nominal horse- power Condensing Beam Engines, show- ing the mode in which the Valves are set, 101 Diagram No. 35, from a pair of Beam Engines 28 nominal horse-power, 102 Table showing the amount of Lap required for Slide Valves, when the Steam is to be worked expansively, 103 Explanation of Diagrams, 103 Diagram No. 36, taken from the top of the Cylinder of a Condensing Engine, 104 To ascertain the power required for any particular machine, 1 04 Large Steam- ways, 105 Contracted Steam- ways, 105 Diagram No. 37, from the bottom of the Cylinder, 106 Comparison of various Engines, 106 Diagram No. 38, from the top of a Cylinder with Tappet Valves, 108 Diagram No. 39, from the same Engine as No. 38 Diagram, 109 Diagram No, 40, Derangement of Valves, 110 Difference of Indicators, 111 Extreme pressure being imparted to the Crank at " plumb centre," 1 12 Valve-setting with too much lead, 112 Small Indicators, 1 12 Diagram No. 41, from the same Engine as No. 40 Diagram, 113 Great changes have taken place amongst Engineers, in the use of the Indicator, 114 Diagram No. 42, from the same Engine as No. 41 Diagram, 115 Benefit of a better knowledge of this important portion of an Engineer's duty, 116 Equilibrium Valves, with inside Hoops, 116 Last three Diagrams show the advantage of good management, 116 Boiler Associations, Insurance Societies, &c., 117 Inspectors 1 services being dispensed with, 1851, 415 horse-power ; in 1860, the same Engines gave 670 horse-power, and the quantity of fuel required, .1 17 Had these Engines been compounded, 117 Diagram No. 43, another example of improper Valve-setting, 119 Pressure of Steam upon the Piston at " plumb centre," 119 Foundation of Engine gives way, 1 1 9 j Breakdowns from improper Valve-setting, 119 V-shaped Valve-edge, Figure 44, 120 Diagram No. 45, from same Engine as Diagram No. 43, 121 Messrs. Cook & Son's Letter, 122 Necessity of Engine being indicated, 122 CONTENTS. Were Engineers taught the principles of Indicating, 122 " Report "-maker has been elevated into the position of " Official Dictator," 123 Mr. Gledhill's Letter on the Alteration of an High-pressure Engine, 123 Too little lead of the Exhaust, 124 Direct-acting Horizontal Condensing Steam Engine, 125 CHAPTER IV. THE STEAM ENGINE INDICATOR. History of the Instrument, 126 Mr. Southern's Improvements, 126 Hopkinsons 1 Improvements, 127 M'Naught and Richards' Indicator, 127 Indicator manfactured by Messrs. J. Hop- kinson, much larger, 127 The American Indicator, 128 Advantages of the Steam Engine Indi- cator, 128 Description of the Steam Engine Indicator as manufactured by Messrs. J. Hopkinson, 129 Plate No. 46, Steam Engine Indicator, 1 30 How to affix and use the Indicator, 133 Explanation of a Diagram, 134 Office Engineering, 136 Mr. E. Ingham's Letter on Indicators, 136 Comparing Diagrams, 137 APPENDIX containing Tables and other information calculated to be of service to Engineers and others entrusted with the Management of the Steam Engine and Boiler. Table : Expansion of Air by Heat, iii. Imperial Standard Measures, iv. Rule to ascertain the Weight of Cast-iron Balls of any diameter, vi. Boiling point of Water under different pressures of the Atmosphere, vi. Geometry, vi. Table of Weights, vii. Weight of Cast-iron Balls from 3 to 13 inches diameter, useful for Safety Valves, &c., vii. Weight of Cast-iron Plates per superficial foot, as per thickness, vii. Weight of Boiler-plates 1 foot square, and from one-sixteenth of an Inch, viii. Weight of Square Bar-iron from \ inch to 6 inches square, 1 foot long, viii. Weight of Round Bar Iron, from ^ inch to 6 inches diameter, 1 foot long, ix. Weight of Sheet Lead per Superficial Foot, as per thickness, ix. Weight of Cast-iron Pipes, I foot in length, from | inch thick, and from 3 to 24 inches diameter, x. Weight of Materials, xi. Table showing the difference in the Strength of Metals, xii. Heat-conducting powers of different Metals xii. Table showing the temperature Metals melt at, xii. Table of Areas for Safety Valve Cylinders, Air-pumps, &c., from one-sixteenth of an Inch to 1 00 inches diameter, xiii. Table showing the Pressure of Steam from 2^ft>s up to 60Ibs, and the height of a column of Mercury, and the number of Feet and Inches of Water in a column at the different pressures, xxv. Steam produced from impure water is not of equal density to Steam from pure water, xxv. Table showing the Temperature of Steam at different pressures, from lft> to 240ft>s per square inch, and the quantity of Steam produced from a cubic inch of Water, according to pressure, xxvi. Advantage of generating and using High- pressure Steam, xxvii. Table showing the weight of Water in Pipes of various diameters, I foot in length, xxviii. Durable Cement for Steam and Water Joints, Gas Retorts, &c. xxix. Useful Cement for Reservoirs, Cisterns, Walls, Water Courses, &c., xxix. THE WORKING PRACTICAL CHAPTER I. ON THE MANAGEMENT OF THE BOILER AND STEAM ENGINE. THE duties of an Engineer, entrusted with the managenent of a Steam Engine and Boiler, are of more importance than at first sight would appear. He ought to be attentive, and conversant with all the details of the constructions placed in his charge, otherwise he will be liable to make mistakes, and may unwittingly cause much damage. Boilers require careful and constant attention : but under the control of judicious managers, with proper fittings, they are perfectly safe, when properly constructed. But when their construction and management fall into the hands of incapacity and ignorance, or where reckless folly and hardihood have their full fling, death and destruction almost inevitably follow. As this work is intended to be of practical service to the "Working Engineer, we shall, in homely style, and with familiar illustrations and examples, endeavour to make plain and understandable the several duties connected with his avocation. And first, of THE GENERAL MANAGEMENT OF THE BOILER. The Boiler and Furnace require the especial attention of the Engineer, these being the places where the power he has to apply and regulate is first generated, and from which the most dangerous consequences may arise, either from neglect or ignorance. The following short rules for good management ought to be deeply engraven on the memory of every one entrusted with the care of Steam Engine Boilers, viz : I. All dirt and lumber ought to be kept from the top of the Boiler, and from every part of the Boiler-house, and no person admitted into the latter, except on business. II. It should be ascertained that the Boiler is properly stayed, where stays are necessary, particularly if fixed with angle iron ; and the cotters 2 (if any) kept up, and repaired as they are worn down ; and it should also be seen that all fixings attached to the Boiler are well riveted on, and good joints made with proper cement, free from injurious compounds detrimental .to tjie- metal of the Boiler. All leakages ought to be or stopped as soon as they are discovered, or they will soon rlestroy the-B^ilei;. /-The 'flues and the surfaces exposed to heat should t^kept'' clean; Soot and dirt are non-conductors, and cause a loss of fuel, besides decreasing the heat-conducting power of the Boiler. III. See that the feed- valve is in good working order ; see also that the float (if any) and glass-gauge are well attended to. If a self- regulating feeding apparatus is used, it should be closely watched, and on no account be implicitly trusted. Self-feeders to Boilers are liable to get out of order, from friction in stuffing-boxes from dirt, and from other similar causes. Ascertain that the pipes and taps of the gauge are not made up with dirt or scale. If gauge taps alone are used, do not rely upon them to test the height of the water in the Boiler. If the water be below the tap, the moment the latter is opened to test the height, the water in the Boiler primes, and rushes to the tap, and shows water when the Boiler is actually short particularly where great pressure is used. Gauge taps have been the cause of many Boiler explosions, from having deceived the attendant. Where a float is used, see that the float-wire is not strained, or worn to a shoulder, but kept free in the packing ; and when worn smaller at the foot where the wire passes through the Boiler, see that it be renewed with a small wire the smaller the better. Where steam is at a pressure above lOIbs to the square inch, the common float is of little use. In most cases, with high steam they are positively dangerous, and should not be trusted. Stop-valves, or other spindle- valves, should be constructed so that the thread on the spindle is outside, and may be seen at any time. This may be effected by means of a bridge-casting attached to the part through which the spindle-thread passes. IV. Be provided with means to prevent the steam getting to a greater pressure than fixed upon. Should the water from any cause become deficient, the safety-valve should let off the steam and stop the working, independent of any control, until water is again supplied in the required quantity : thus saving the Boiler from explosion. Often ascer- tain that the safety-valve is properly adjusted. Be particular that the spindle or guides (if any) have sufficient room to work, and also to prevent the parts adhering. In no case have a stuffing-box or spring to a safety-valve. Safety-valves, as commonly made and understood, are valves simply for the letting off of steam under certain calculated circumstances of pressure. Thus constructed, they are, in fact, only steam-valves, and not safety-valves. A properly constructed safety- valve will not only liberate the steam when the pressure is too high from over-firing, but also when the water in the Boiler from any cause becomes too low for safe working. A proper safety-valve is also weighted in such a manner that when set at the pressure beyond which it is determined the steam shall not rise, that weight cannot be changed or tampered with whilst the Boiler is at work. V. Let the length of the safety-valve lever be as short as possible, to prevent the extreme pressure you are working at from being increased with the same weight. When the lever of a commonly constructed safety-valve is too long, the valve is easily tampered with. Indeed, the working pressure may, under such circumstances, be easily increased to or beyond the point of danger, by the weight being accidentally removed on the long lever. Let the joints of the fulcrum of the lever be of brass or some other metal that will not corrode, or cause the parts to oxydize and become fast. The fittings on the Boiler should be taken to pieces at least once a year, cleaned, refitted, and adjusted. This will prevent the parts becoming magnetised, and adhering to each other. VI. Whenever from any cause, the Boiler-plates become over-heated, open the damper and furnace-doors to the full, that the cold air may cool the Boiler. Closing the damper increases the heat in the flues, and by that means the danger is increased. Lead plugs or fusible metal inserted in the flues, do not melt at the temperature required, after being in use a short time ; therefore place no reliance upon such contrivances. They only tend to lull the proprietor of the Steam Engine and the Engineer into a fancied security. Above all, do not admit water into the Boiler or relieve the pressure suddenly : as either will cause a violent agitation or foaming of the water and this, washing over the heated plates, will generate more steam than the safety-valve can discharge creating most imminent danger of an explosion. Under extreme circum- stances of this nature, the water sent into the Boiler, or that brought into contact with the highly heated surface, will flash into high steam, just as if a quantity of gunpowder had been ignited within the Boiler, tearing everything asunder. The starting of the Engine is quite sufficient to produce a violent agitation of the water, by the pressure being relieved when the Boiler is overcharged with heat, and disastrous consequences may be the result. Above all, do not depend on open column-pipes inserted in the Boiler, as a means of safety from explosions ; for though they will relieve at times from over-pressure to the great danger in such cases of running the Boiler empty they are positively dangerous from another cause. It has been ascertained, by experiment, that though the water in the Boiler may be reduced so low as to lay some of the plates bare to the action of the fire, the water from the pipe will not descend below a certain point, but will hang from the bottom of the pipe in the form of a cone a striking illustration of what is known as the cohesion of adhesion. Should this cone, from any cause, agitation or otherwise, become detached from the end of the pipe, and be dispersed over the heated plates, the consequences above pointed out are almost inevitable. In fact, these open column-pipes are no safeguard whatever against a Boiler becoming low in water, or, indeed, practically empty. Where a proper safety-valve has been applied, these open stand-pipes, fusible plugs, and also water-gauging taps are wholly unnecessary as, with the former appliance it is impossible for the Boiler to become short of water and have pressure within it at the same time : the prevention of danger from this cause being, under the circumstances spoken of, sure and certain. VII. See that the dirt in the Boiler is well blown out. Some descriptions of water will require the Boiler cleansing every three hours, others not so often, according to the quality of the water. If this point be attended to, the Boiler will wear much longer, and seldom require opening ; the consumption of fuel will also be much less. In Marine Boilers, the blowing out at stated intervals from the surface and the bottom, prevents the deposition of salt and lime, and is the only thing required to keep the Boilers clean. VIII. Have the feed water for the Boiler as hot as possible, and sent into the Boiler near the surface of the water inside. The cold water will descend ; but before arriving at the bottom it will have become heated, thus tending to keep the Boiler at an even temperature. If the water injected be low in temperature, it should be well distributed in the mass of water already in the Boiler, and not allowed to impinge on any portion of the metal of the Boiler or that portion of the Boiler where the cold water thus comes into contact will be liable to crack and rend, from the continual action of contraction and expansion which such an arrangement inevitably causes. When the water is sent into the Boiler near the bottom, it does not rise till it has become heated ; and this mode of feeding therefore tends to keep the Boiler bottom cooler than the other portions an evil which ought to be avoided. The Cornish, Double Fire-box, and Tubular Boilers are more subject to this evil of unequal expansion and contraction than most others. The Engineer should there- fore have the feed-pipes raised in the Boiler, when they are inserted in or near the bottom, otherwise the Boiler may break in the centre, and cause much loss or damage by the parts of the Boiler separating. With round Boilers, with the fire under the bottom, and particularly where they are hard-fired, some mode should be devised to cause a continual circulation of the water near to the bottom of the Boiler : otherwise the steam generated at that place will partially displace the water, and thus allow the plates to become overheated and weakened. IX. When there are two or more Boilers, with feed-pipes connected together, without a self-acting stop-valve between each, shut off the feed- valve to each Boiler during the night, or whenever it is not working ; the water being liable otherwise to empty itself from one Boiler into another as the pressure in the Boilers varies, leaving one of the Boilers nearly empty ; more particularly where there are Boilers working at different pressures. A self-acting stop-valve is in the last case absolutely necessary. But where Hopkinson's Patent Compound Safety Valve is on the Boiler, this will be prevented. Should the water lower, the valve will let off the steam, and the water will then be equalised, thus being what its name imports a Safety- Valve under all circumstances. X. Where junction steam-valves are used, or a valve placed between the Boilers and the main steam-pipe, see that the valve-spindle is one without a weight or screw, and take every precaution to prevent the valve from being weighted down when the steam is up. Sometimes the safety-valve is on the steam-pipe ; in that case junction-valves are dangerous, where they can be fastened down. In the stop-valve for the Boiler, the spindle should be constructed with a screw-thread, and be outside. The nut for the screw can be fastened in the centre of a bridge cast to the valve-box lid. Where the screws are inside, difficulties often arise. In all pipes fixed to the Boiler, have them so arranged that the condensed steam will drain back to the Boiler, and not go through the Engine ; a great saving will be thereby produced the hot water supplying the place of cold, according to the amount condensed. The arrangement will also, in many cases, prevent breaks-down, from the water of condensation getting into the cylinder. XL Where there are two or more Boilers, do not keep any one out of action longer than is absolutely necessary for cleansing or repairs. A Boiler wears out faster when not in use, by oxydizing and corroding, than if moderately worked. It will be found more economical to work with " extra Boiler room," than to have one or more " standing." It will also tend to prevent " priming." The furnaces will be easier stoked by working a thick fire, allowing the heat to accumulate, thereby main- taining a high temperature in the furnace with slow combustion. The furnace doors not having to be so often opened as with thin-firing, the temperature in the flues will be more regular, the cooling down whilst firing much less, and the contraction and expansion also corres- pondingly less. By this mode of firing, furnaces will last much longer, and in the case of a Fire-box Boiler, the plates in contact with the hot fuel will generate steam much quicker, with less labour and attention, there being an extra amount of absorbing surface in contact with the fuel, with the same area of grate. XII. Where the Boilers are set in brickwork, do not use lime in contact with the iron. In setting the bricks, use fire-clay, or common clay. Lime with damp, quickly eats away the iron ; therefore do not use it at all about the metal of a Boiler. Where a " midfeather" is placed under a Boiler, it ought to be of cast-iron, in the form of a A, for the Boiler to rest upon. Should any leakage take place, there will be little surface for the water to lodge on. Whenever the flues are cleaned, examine the exterior and interior of the Boiler thoroughly, and do this yourself. Do this also whenever the Boiler is let off. By keeping the surface of the Boiler and the flues clean, the draught will be improved, more steam will be generated in the same time, fuel will be saved, and the Boiler will wear longer. Be your own Inspector, and become what you ought to be a practical Engineer. XIII. Have a good steam-gauge to the Boiler, one that cannot be tampered with, and one not liable to get out of order. Do not place a tap between the Boiler and the gauge : for this, by being opened and closed, will interfere with the correctness of the indications. Fix the steam-gauge in a situation where the frost or cold cannot affect it. A column of mercury is the truest indicator, when used without a floating stick, or " steam peg." " Pegs " can be made longer or shorter, to suit the convenience of the Fireman. Avoid all enclosed metallic springs, or India-rubber washers, to indicate pressure. Do not depend upon them ; for the springs corrode, and lose their elasticity, while India-rubber washers become indurated and the indications of the gauge will vary accordingly. There are various forms and makes of steam gauges ; but many of them are nothing better than philosophical toys. [In concluding this section, we would impress on all persons having charge of Steam Boilers, that there is no more certain sign of slovenliness than a dirty water-gauge or steam-gauge on the front of a Boiler, or the furnace-door covered with slime or dirt. Wherever these are met with, tliere is little hope of good management being found elsewhere under the same control.] FEEDING STEAM BOILERS WITH WATER. BETWIXT the Boiler and the Engine-pump have a self-acting stop- valve, independently of the pump, to prevent the water from returning when once it has passed the valve. It should be so placed that the water forced from the pump will lift the valve from its seat, and allow the water to pass into the Boiler but when the pump ceases action, the pressure in the Boiler should close the valve, and thereby retain the water which the Boiler has received. Betwixt the self-acting stop-valve and the pump have a tap, branching from the side of the pipe. When this tap is closed, the whole of the water will pass into the Boiler ; but in case the water from the pump is more than is required to supply the Boiler, the tap can be partly opened, so that one portion of the water forced by the pump may be sent through the small opening of the tap, and conveyed by a pipe to any required place, and the remainder forced through the valve into the Boiler. In proportion to the opening or closing of this tap, so will the supply of water to the Boiler be less or more. Another advantage of this arrange- ment is, that when no water for the Boiler is required, the tap can be set fully open, and the water will flow easily away, and offer no resistance to the action of the pump ; or it can be forced into a cistern, to serve as a reserve for any purpose. The ordinary method is to have a weighted escape-valve, which requires power to force the water through more power, in fact, than to feed the Boiler. The weighted valve also involves great wear and tear. A common inch tap will answer the purpose much better, at a twentieth part of the cost. A small tap may be inserted in the pump bottom, or in any part of the barrel. When the pump is required to force its full quantity of water into the boiler, the tap must be closed. If no water is required into the Boiler or cistern, open the tap. Air will then be admitted, and the pump will continue to work, without lifting or forcing water, and taking little power. This is all that is required to regulate the working of the pump, and that, too, without putting it in or out of gear. " The " Injector," for feeding a Boiler by its own pressure of steam, is now largely used, particularly for Locomotive Boilers. The greatest drawback to the use of the " Injector " is, that the water used must be cold, or not more than 80 degrees temperature, otherwise the " Injector" will not act. EXPANSION AND CONTRACTION OP BOILERS. A great difficulty to be contended with in the management and working of Steam Boilers, arises from the unequal expansion and contraction of parts of the structure. In some instances these are so great as to be the cause of more " wear and tear " than any other process to which the Boiler is subjected. In the "getting up" of steam, therefore, great care should be taken, otherwise a Bpiler may be seriously 8 weakened in the process. An instance is well known where, from this cause, a Double Fire-box Boiler, when quite new, was broken quite across the bottom, or under-side, the first time the fire was applied to " get up " the steam, from the fire being urged too rapidly. This caused the internal flues to expand at a much quicker and greater rate than the outward shell ; and the ends of the Boiler were thus forced outwards, until the strain tore the Boiler asunder. When the flues of Boilers of this form of construction are placed nearer to the bottom than to the top, the strain from unequal expansion and contraction is often such, that the plates of the under part of the outer shell are torn or broken ; and, in other cases, leakages take place in positions where they are most difficult to discover. Whenever a Boiler has been allowed to " cool down," the next time it is worked the firing should be slow and moderate at first, so as to allow the heat to be absorbed gradually and the evil arising from undue and unequal expansion and contraction prevented, as far as it is possible. In the " setting " of Boilers, all the surface possible should be exposed to the action of the heat of the fire not only that the heat may be thus more completely absorbed, but that a more equal expansion and contraction of the structure may be obtained. With round Boilers with " e gg" or " dished" ends, and with the furnace underneath, too much of the surface of the Boiler cannot be exposed to the action of the fire and the heated gases. In some instances, where convenience serves, it will be found of advantage to pass the flue over the top of the Boiler, to equalise, in some measure, the heat, and consequently the expansion. By this mode of " setting," fuel will be saved through a more complete application of the heat, and the prevention of its escaping. When a Boiler of the last-named description is " set " with only a small portion of its bottom exposed to the heat, and a great portion of the structure exposed to the atmosphere, as is the common practice, a powerful action is left at full liberty to work out most injurious results. The heat will assuredly expand that portion of the Boiler to which it is applied ; while the other portion exposed to the cold atmosphere will as assuredly contract. Thus the two forces are left to exert their respective powers against each other tending to tear the Boiler asunder, by means almost imperceptible ; and the ultimate result is not unfrequently a Boiler explosion, in spite of the fact that a structure in this form is the strongest possible, excepting the truly spherical. In the construction and fixing of a Boiler, there are other matters that require attention. Parts where the plates overlap should be exposed as little as possible to the direct action of the fire. Where this point is neglected, the outer plate is in danger of being burnt and 9 weakened, until in the end leakage is caused, and the plate is rent, both these tending to the destruction of the Boiler. The thickness of the plates of which a Boiler is composed is of importance in other respects besides that of requisite strength for the working pressure required. It is commonly supposed that a thin plate allows heat to pass through it into the water within, quicker than a thick plate can do. This is true, so far as getting the water heated to the boiling point. The Author has found, by direct experiment, that in a Boiler formed of plate one-sixteenth of an inch thick, water was brought to the boiling point in half the time it could be accomplished in a Boiler formed of plate three-eights of an inch thick, all other circumstances being the same. But he found, also, that when the fire in the respective cases had been three hours at work, the Boiler formed of the thick plate had evaporated much more water than the one formed of the thin plate. Repeated experiments were invariably followed with the same results showing the advantage of a moderately strong plate for the flues and furnace portion of a Boiler. The Author has found half-inch plate to be a desirable thickness for the fire-box and flues of Cornish Boilers, having regard to strength, economy, and dura- bility. It may not be amiss to observe also, that the quality of the iron, and the character of the workmanship are also necessary things to be attended to, in the construction of a Boiler. Another matter to be observed in relation to a Boiler at work, is the unequal pressure to which its several parts are subject at the same time. Take, for instance, a Fire-box Boiler, working at 50!bs pressure to the square inch. That would be the pressure exerted on the upper side of the flues, slightly covered with water. Suppose the flues to be three feet in diameter, on the under side of those flues the pressure would be 51 Jffis to the square inch the weight or pressure of the column of water having to be added to the steam pressure of 501bs. It is from this fact, that the pressure is necessarily greater on the under-side than on the upper side of internal flues, that, in cases of giving way from over- pressure, such flues crush upwards much more often than they crush downwards. There are also other actions going on in a Boiler of this construction, which add to this tendency the strain and tension produced by unequal expansion and contraction. This is aided, too, sometimes, by the ignorance of the Boiler maker, of which an instance was given by one at Stockport, who constructed a Boiler with an oval internal flue, and who stayed the upper side of the flue, but not the under side, where the largest amount of pressure necessarily had to be sustained probably from a notion that the only pressure to be provided against, at that part, was the weight of the water, s 10 The Boiler exploded the flue crushing upwards : and seventeen lives paid the forfeit. However ridiculous it may appear to suppose that such a notion as the one described above could be entertained by a Boiler-maker, the fact was sufficiently illustrated in the case of the Boiler explosion at the Castle Mills, Sheffield, some years ago. The first time that steam was " got up " in the Boiler in question, the bottom portion of the flat end at the back, below the flues, gave way, and the Boiler was sent like a rocket out of its seating, right across a public street, smash through some buildings on the opposite side of the street to the Mills, and on into the river Don four lives being lost. On an examination of the Boiler, the Author found that the flat ends had not been stayed at the bottom portion, where the greatest pressure would necessarily be ; and on the Boiler-maker being spoken to regarding this serious defect in construction, he excused himself by observing he did not think the Boiler required staying in that part, because where there was no steam there was nothing but water, and consequently no pressure. Nothing possibly could be more absurd ; and the two cases, out of many that could be adduced, show the necessity for all the parts of a Boiler being made suitable for the various strains to which the structure is subjected when in use. The accompanying engraving, Diagram No. 1, illustrates in a remark- able manner what has just been enforced and illustrates also the tremendous effects produced on the structure known as the Boiler, by a Boiler explosion. The drawing represents the blown-out flue of a Steam Boiler, taken exactly as it lay after it had been sent with artillery-force out of the Boiler, through the wall of the Boiler-house, and across a wide goit of water into a passage on the other side, near to where there was another Boiler at work, which narrowly escaped destruction from the flying missiles the large stone shown in the foreground of the engra- ving having been sent through the wall of this second Boiler-house, with one of its corners impinging on the Boiler at work, producing a large and deep indentation. In this case also, the flat ends of the Boiler were only stayed on the upper side. We shall subsequently refer more at large to this engraving, and the positions it illustrates. This brings us to another subject connected with the working of Steam Boilers, viz : whether the iron of which the Boiler is composed is stronger that is, better able to resist tension or a crushing force when cold, or when heated up to the ordinary temperature of a Boiler when at work, according to the pressure of the steam or from 212 to 300, or more. At a Coroner's Inquest held in Leeds, on the occasion of a Boiler explosion in the neighbourhood, the following question was put to an Engineer a witness called to show the cause of the explosion : 11 " Do you consider the Boiler to be stronger, or weaker, when heated by the pressure and temperature of the steam V Answer : " I consider that the Boiler is much weaker when the temperature is increased, than when cold." Question : " How much with steam at 50Ebs pressure 1" Answer : "Twenty-five per cent." It is lamentable that ignorance like this, though put forward with all the assurance of professional dogmatism, should pass current in a Court charged with a most important and delicate inquiry an inquiry into the cause of death consequent on a Boiler explosion. The very reverse of that deposed io, was the fact : for 12 iron, when heated up to about 600 degrees, increases in strength up to that temperature that is, it increases in power to resist tensile strain, or to carry weight, up to the temperature named ; and this is therefore held to be the point where the maximum strength of iron is attained. Thus, the internal flue of a Boiler at work, where the upper side is necessarily at a higher temperature than the under side, is the weakest in the latter part, as the result of two actions : first, less temperature and second, higher pressure, as before shown. Here, then, in the matter of difference of strength arising from difference of temperature, we have another cause to account for the fact that Boiler-flues, in cases of explosion from over pressure, are more often crushed in from the under than the upper side. The two actions we speak of, which are continually in operation when a Boiler is in use, tend to force the flue out of the form in which it was first made and thus, as it departs more and more from the perfect cylinder, to become weaker and weaker. THE FOKM, STRENGTH, AND STAYING OF BOILEES. THE Double Fire-box, or Flue Boiler, the form now in most exten- sive use, is generally formed of three tubes two lesser, and one larger. The two lesser are placed within the larger, and all are bound together by end flat plates. The space around these tubes, and between them and the outer shell, constitutes the water space and the steam chamber. The pressure, whatever it is, which the steam exerts within the Boiler, is exerted within this space that pressure being internal to the large or outer shell, and external to the smaller inner tubes or flues. That pres- sure also, whatever it may be, is exerted upon the flat ends of the Boiler. This form of construction, which is the prevailing and favourite form, is not only not safe without careful staying, but positively and of necessity unsafe ; and it follows, as a matter of course, that with the high pres- sures now worked at, this want of safety becomes in many cases absolute danger ; while, with all Boilers of this construction, unstayed, and at whatever pressures they may be worked, if that pressure be appreciable, their giving way is but a question of time. The great source of danger in this form of Boiler is the inner tube or flue, and the flat ends. When pressure is exerted within a tube or cylinder, with spherical ends, the tube can only give way by the metal being torn asunder ; and the tendency of the strain is to cause the tube to assume the true cylindrical figure, or spherical form the form of greatest resistance. With pressure exerted on the outside of a tube, the tendency of that pressure is to crush in the tube to flatten it. 13 It is a well-known fact that iron of any strength, when formed into a tube, will bear a much greater strain to tear it asunder if that pressure be applied internally, than it will bear without crushing in, when applied externally. A bar of iron, when used as a tie-rod, will resist a very large amount of tearing force ; but that same bar placed as a prop only under the weight exerted in the former case, would be doubled up, and crushed out of form. The inner tube of a Boiler of this construction is but a series of props placed to sustain the immense weight of the pressure exerted externally to its diameter. The constant and never-ceasing tendency is for those props to give way for the cylindrical tube to depart from the form of greatest resistance to become flattened or bulged ; and its ultimate crushing-in is, in the best of cases, where proper staying has not been resorted to, only a question of time. The Double Fire-box Boiler was invented in America by OLIVER EVANS, and was for a considerable period, and in some parts is still, known as OLIVER EVANS' Boiler. It was used in America so far back as 1786. Boiler explosions have been by no means uncommon in America, as is well known ; indeed, so numerous had they been, and attended with such dire results, that in 1817 a searching enquiry into their cause, with a view to prevention, was instituted under the sanction of the American Government. In reference to the Fire-box Boiler, the report presented after that investigation states : " Many respectable Mechanics and Engineers in this country considered that the improved Boiler invented by OLIVER EVANS obviated the objections to High-pressure Engines. The late melancholy occurrence on board the Etna, in the waters of New York Harbour, is evidence that they have been deceived." Mr. JACOB PERKINS, in his report on the same form of construction, says, " This form of Boiler should certainly be abandoned." Another eminent Engineer, Mr. C. J. JAR vis, wrote as follows : " A flue of this kind may be placed in such circumstances, that when the steam and temperature get unusually high, it suffers a minute change of form. Under these circumstances it will inevitably collapse sooner or later, according to the extent to which its form is altered at each time it is unusually heated and the frequency of that occurrence, let it be surrounded with as much water as it may." There is no doubt that, providing the flues were strictly cylindrical, their strength would be very great ; but such is not the case, nor is it possible to make them strictly true. The very weight of the material itself is sufficient to destroy the true figure of the flue, even providing it were made of one whole plate without rivets or lap joints ; but in the ordinary flue, as used in all Boilers, the figure of greatest resistance is let go at once by the overlapping of the plates. In the case of horizontal 14 tubes, as employed in Steam Boilers, the pressure is not uniform ; for, as has been already shown, while the pressure on the top part of a flue, three feet diameter, may be 50Jbs per square inch, the pressure upon the under side would be IJSbs more; because the weight of the column of water has to be added to the pressure on the lower part of the tube. What should be the cylindrical figure in that case is not the true figure of greatest resistance. We therefore need not be surprised at the explo- sions which occur from collapse of flues, when not properly stayed. The very form almost seems to invite the occurrence. It is by a continued working of such description of Boiler, and the always increasing weakness of the flue, from its varied pressure and temperatures, and its consequent change of form, that explosions ultimately occur. Heuce the reason why a tube that has been tested to a pressure of 80flbs or lOOlbs to the square inch may afterwards fail under a pressure of less than half that amount. Diagram No. 2. CROSS SECTION OF BOILER, UPPER ASPLEY, HUDDERSFIELD, A. Internal Flue, three feet diameter, B. Outer Case of Boiler, five feet diameter. The dotted lines on Flue show the form the Flue assumed when crushed upwards, as shown in Diagram No. 1. The accompanying Diagram, No. 2, is here given to illustrate what has just been advanced. It is from an exploded Boiler the blown-out flue being shown by Diagram No. 1. The one now presented illustrates the general form of constructing the Cornish one-flued Boiler, showing the relative sizes of the two tubes of which the Boiler is composed, and also their relative position. A is the inner tube, or flue, open at each end ; B is the outer tube, or case, closed at each end by the flat plates placed 15 between the inner edge of B and the outer edge of A. The inner circle, A, shows the form of the flue as originally made, and when at work. The small dotted lines on this inner circle show the form that flue assumed when it was crushed upwards by over-pressure, and sent out of the case like a tremendous bolt from a monster gun, torn, jagged, and rent in all directions, as shown by Diagram No. 1. The two lines of larger dots, radiating from the outer edge of A to the inner edge of B, indicate the position of the two gusset-stays placed at the fire-box end of the Boiler. It has already been pointed out that there are other changes in con- nection with this form of Boiler which cannot altogether be prevented from taking place. Plates crack and give way on the under side of the Boiler from unequal contraction and expansion, caused by the difference of temperature of the top and bottom side of the Boiler. A Boiler also is materially hastened in its destruction by the emptying of it while hot, and then suddenly cooling it by admitting cold water, to get off the scale. Double Fire-box Boilers have been fractured on the under side, both in the line of rivets and even across the plates, from this cause. Observe also, when starting a Boiler and getting up the steam, and notice the length of time the water on the under side of the flue is before it is even lukewarm. Here, also, is an important action taking place in reference to the safety of the Boiler. The flat ends of this form of Boiler are also a source of weakness. The reason of this will be at once apparent. The tendency of the force within the Boiler is to cause the flat end to bulge outwards to assume, in fact, the spherical form. This brings unusual and unequal strain upon the rivets which join the plates together. These at last give way, being either torn out, or the plate itself is riven asunder across the line of rivets, and then out the ends go. Instances of this kind can be seen in almost every explosion. In some cases the plates have been torn asunder as though they were but paper. When once any part of a Boiler gives way the other parts become exposed to unequal strain from the expanding contents, which exercise a tearing and impelling force equal to that of gunpowder. To counteract this tendency of the flat ends bulging outwards, it is usual to stay them. Stays, at best, are but inferior substitutes for the form of greatest resistance. Stays would be of no service applied in a sphere subjected to internal pressure the power of resistance would be exactly that of the metal to sustain the strain, exerted upon all parts alike. Stays could be of no advantage in such a construction unless they could be applied so as to strengthen that metal in all its parts ; and this, as will be seen at once, could only be accomplished by using metal of greater thickness or strength for the original 16 Boiler stays, therefore, are at all times but a substitute for real strength of construction ; but the manner in which they are almost invariably applied renders them insecure, and, at times, positively dangerous, because they incite to the idea of security where it is in reality absent. Diagram No. 3 illustrates the common method of applying stays inside a Steam Boiler. The reader is to suppose that the outer lines of the engraving represent a section of a cylindrical Steam Boiler, and that the straight and continuous lines across the centre, marked A, represent an iron stay rod, proceeding from end to end, to counteract the tendency of those flat ends to bulge outwards, or be blown off with the internal pressure. It will be at once apparent that if we desired to secure the utmost benefit this stay-rod is capable of rendering, we should let it proceed through each end of the Boiler, in a direct line with its own length ; and then by means of washers, screws, and nuts, secure it in that place. The strain would then be direct to its own length, and its power of resistance would be equal to the weight applied perpendicularly which the iron rod would sustain without tearing asunder. But stays are scarcely ever thus applied. The Diagram illustrates the usual mode of application. Diagram No. 3. 1 1 c A C Instead of proceeding through the Boiler-ends, the stay-rods are bent at a right angle, and riveted or bolted to the Boiler through the bent parts, as shown at B B of the Diagram. The strain, as will at once be seen, is mainly on the bent portions of the stay : and the tendency is for those bent portions to straighten out. Instead of the pull being in a direct line to the length of the stay-rod, as would be the case if applied as before described, the pull from each end is in the direction of the dotted lines from B B to A, and the constant tendency is for the rod to leave the Boiler-ends at C C, and for the end to bulge out by all the length the rod can obtain by straightening at those angles. This is on the supposition that the rod does not break at those angles or across the rivet holes the weakest part, but on which there is the greatest strain, and that a 17 bending one ; and also supposing that the rivets or bolts do not give way. When we apply tie-rods to a floor or a roof, or to a beam of any kind, we do not copy the mode of application adopted with Steam Boiler tie-rods ; we apply them so as to secure the full power of their resistance against strain or weight ; and we ought also to do so in the case of Steam Boilers. The principle of application appertaining to the gusset-stay is precisely that just described and illustrated. It is formed, as before stated, of angle iron and a gusset of boiler plate. An accurate representation of the actual stays used in the case of the Aspley Boiler is given at 0, in the engraving representing the crushed-in flue (Diagram No. 1.) The strain in the case of the gusset-stays is on the angles of the angle-irons, and on the rivets or bolts by which these are attached to the ends and sides of the Boiler, the same as in our illustration No. 3. The power of resistance is just the strain which these angles and rivets will bear with- out straightening, or breaking, or tearing out. It is not by any means the amount which the same metal differently applied would give. Samples of all the above recited modes of giving way were to be seen in connection with the gusset-stays of the Boiler at Aspley. In some cases the heads of the rivets were torn off, in others the metal was torn across the rivet holes, in others the angle was straightened, and in another the angle was broken, and appeared to have been so for some time. In a former page we warned the Engineer against the danger of having a stop-valve placed between the Boiler and the safety, or blow-off, valve. Many Boiler explosions have arisen from this cause, of which the one at Upper Aspley, Huddersfield, involving a loss of twelve lives, was a memorable instance. On the top of the Boiler in question there was affixed a stop- valve, which is here represented in section by Diagram No. 4. The lower lines of the Diagram represent the Boiler top, with the pipe A standing upon it. To this pipe two arms, B B and C, were attached, these also being pipes. B B led to the safety-valve, which was placed at a considerable distance from this point ; and C C led to the Engine. At A, a stop-valve was placed, its seat being BELOW BOTH THE APERTURES, B B and C G. This valve was worked by a wheel and screw, repre- sented at D. When the valve was open, the part which in our Diagram closes the passage at A, was raised up above the openings of the cross-pipes B B and C C, and then allowed the steam to pass either way, either to the Engine or to the safety-valve, or to both. When the valve was closed, it was screwed down as now represented at A, com- pletely " bottling up the Boiler," and preventing all escape of the steam, except by rending the Boiler asunder ! This was the exact state of this stop-valve stop-valve up to a point indeed it proved to be ! and of the 18 Boiler at the time of the explosion, and the state in which it had been for some time, perhaps for nearly an hour, before the explosion. This it was that prevented the steam from passing to the 'Engine, and induced the attendants to conclude that " the steam was down." Hence the injunctions to " fire up," although danger then existed ; and hence also the firing, until the limits of resistance within the Boiler had been Hence also the catastrophe and its fatal results ! ! Diagram No. 4. PLAN OF STOP-VALVE ON UPPER ASPLEY BOILER, IN SECTION. A, Pipe proceeding from Boiler. C C. Feed-pipe to Engine. B B, Pipe proceeding to Safety Valve. D, Wheel and Screw to raise and lower Stop-valve A. The Inquest held on one of the twelve persons killed from the cause above detailed, was attended by Mr. WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN, 0. E., in a professional capacity; and he on that occasion recanted, in a great measure, his former teachings in relation to the strength or power of resistance of the internal flues of Boilers, with the pressure exerted exter- nally to the diameter. His evidence on this occasion was : " I may mention that I have recently been making some experiments with regard to the collapse of tubes. It was found that some flues collapsed unexpectedly, 19 and when according to our ideas, they ought not to have collapsed. This induced a series of experiments interesting and conclusive. The Royal Society of London made me a grant for these researches. I took a Boiler of 36 feet, with a flue of three feet diameter, and another of 18 feet long, and I found that the long flue will go with half the pressure of the short one : that the strength is inversely as the length. I must confess that previously myself and other Engineers thought that the length made no difference at all ; but I find that the strength of all Boiler flues, all tubes whatever, whether of iron or copper, follow a certain law, that the resistance is inversely to the length." In relation to the explosion itself, Mr. FAIRBAIRN said in his report : " It will not be necessary to enter into calculations as to the forces generated in the Boiler, which led to such unfortunate results. Suffice it to observe that the flues and the ends were the weakest parts, and the first to give way. The former collapsed from compression on its exterior surface, and the fracture which gave vent to the elastic power of the pent-up steam was quite sufficient to account for the results that followed namely, the demolition of the buildings, and the projection of the Boiler, flues, &c., into the positions in which they were found." The result of a most searching, patient, and extended enquiry was the following verdict : " The jury find that the death of Joseph Lum was caused by the explosion of a Steam Boiler, the explosion resulting from the screwing-down of a stop-valve, placed on the top of the Boiler, which when closed, completely cut off all connection with the safety-valve ; but who closed that stop-valve, the jury have no evidence before them to show. But the jury, in returning that verdict, cannot but record their strongest condemnation of that combination of stop-valve and safety-valve which put it in the power of any one at any time to prevent the action of the safety-valve by merely closing the stop-valve ; and the jury con- sider that the Engineers who applied this dangerous construction are highly censurable, as is also the proprietor of the Boiler, who permitted it." With regard to the strength of iron, the table which follows is the result of a series of tests conducted by Messrs. ROBERT NAPIER & SONS, of Glasgow. 20 STRENGTH OF WROUGHT-IRON BARS AND IRON PLATES, BY MESSRS. ROBERT NAPIER AND SONS. IRON BARS. Tenacity in fbs per sq. inch. Tenacity in fts per sq inch. Yorkshire: strongest ... ... 62886 West of Scotland : weakest ... 56655 weakest 60075 Sweden: strongest 48232 (forged) ... ... 66392 weakest ... 47855 Staffordshire: strongest 62231 Russia: strongest 56805 weakest... ... 56715 weakest ... 49564 West of Scotland : strongest 64795 IRON PLATES. 56005 I Yorkshire : strongest crosswise 52000 I weakest crosswise 50515 46221 Yorkshire : strongest length wise weakest lengthwise NOTE. The strongest lengthwise is the weakest crosswise, and vice versa. According to these tests, Staffordshire bars were nearly equal to those from Yorkshire. Yorkshire Boiler Plates vary from the strongest, lengthwise, 56,005, to the weakest, crosswise, 46,221. These figures would represent the tenacity, or the resisting power of a Boiler, supposing that the plates were welded together ; but as this is not practicable, one- half, or thereabouts, of the resisting power is cut away by the formation of rivet-holes. The strength of the Boiler is thus at once reduced to 23,110, or half the strength of , the plate; and this, too, on the supposition that the rivet-holes in the plates are bored. In the case supposed, this rule would apply ; but in the ordinary way of Boiler- making, the rivet-holes are not bored, but punched out of the solid cold metal by powerful machinery. This punching to a great extent impairs the tenacity of the remaining portion of the plate betwixt the holes. Then follows another process more injurious than the former what is technically called " drifting." This " drifting " is a process whereby the holes of one plate are made to correspond with the holes of another plate, when the plates are in progress of being riveted together. When the holes do not exactly meet each other, so that the rivet will pass easily through both, the Boiler-maker uses an instrument called a " drift." This is a taper " mandril," which is driven into the two holes, and widens them out by the force of blows with the hammer. It often happens that the metal betwixt the holes at the edge of a plate is " cracked " with the " drifting " in many cases weakening, and in others so far destroying, the tenacity of the remaining metal, that the strength of the remaining portion cannot be taken at more than 20,OOOBbs. In some instances where the plate in its process of manufacturing has had but little cut from its edges, when being " squared up," the edges of the 21 plate are quite brittle ; and then, what with the before- mentioned mode of punching, and what with bending the plate in a cold state, such plate may be frequently seen " cracked " from hole to hole. From these and similar causes, a Boiler is often more than half destroyed before it leaves the Boiler-maker's yard. In the process of bending Boiler Plates cold, the fibres of the metal are stretched, and their tenacity impaired or destroyed. Were they passed between bending-rollers, when heated to a proper working heat, the fibre would be properly drawn out, and its tenacity preserved the same as in any other process of forging or shaping wrought iron. There cannot be a doubt that in the case of Boiler-flues bent cold to diameters varying from two feet to three feet, the plates are thereby weakened to a great extent. So long as the present mode of Boiler-making is pursued, we shall have weak and defective Boilers. The expense of heating the plates, for the purpose of bending them without injury, would be trifling. And there would be another resulting advantage : if there were any " flaws " in the metal, these would sooner show in the plate when in a heated state, than when bended in a cold state. The suggestion has often been thrown out, that were the rivet-holes of Boiler Plates bored instead of being punched, one part of the evil above pointed out would be remedied. There is no doubt but that process would be a great improvement upon the present practice j and if some independent firm would make Boilers with the same care and attention to material and workmanship as is done in Steam Engine construction, they would command a trade, although their prices would necessarily be higher than those who " make " in the ordinary manner. To the user, Boilers thus carefully built would be much cheaper in the end, to say nothing of the reduction to risk of life the loss of which cannot be compensated for ; and this to the humane is a consideration of importance. The rule laid down for the strength of Steam Boilers, taking the tenacity of the plates at 60,000, is, according to the tests of the Messrs. NAPIER, far too high ; and considering the before-mentioned methods of Boiler-making, we ought not to calculate the resisting power of Boilers at more than two-thirds the amount we have been in the habit of calculating. That is, instead of calculating the tenacity at 30,OOOS>s, we should not calculate that tenacity at more than 20,OOOIbs. Thus, the bursting pressure of a tube 30 inches diameter, made of f inch plates, under the old rule, would be 750Ibs to the square inch ; according to the new rule it would only be 500Ibs to the square inch. This new rule will be much nearer to the truth in practice than the former rule ; and the tube would also require to be of good material, and well made, to resist 5005>s to the square inch. 22 Whatever may be the strength of Boiler Plates before they are worked into shape, if care and attention are not paid to the bending, punching, drifting, and riveting, the best iron will become comparatively valueless. With the best material, the strength of a Boiler must greatly depend upon the manner in which it is made, and the care used in its construc- tion, even if its form be correct in principle. RULE FOR CALCULATING THE STRENGTH OF CYLINDERS OR BOILERS, AS GENERALLY APPLIED.* The tenacity of the metal of which a Boiler is constructed is about 60,0001bs, or six-sevenths that of good wrought-iron a bar one inch square being the standard. As, however, the cylinder which constitutes the Boiler is not whole, or in one piece welded together, but is composed of a number of plates riveted together the plates also being cut away for the holes it will be necessary to diminish the number which expresses the tenacity. Let, therefore, the tenacity be put at 30,OOOK>s, in place of 60,OOOS>s. Multiply the numerator of the thickness by the tenacity of the metal, and multiply the denominator by half the diameter of the cylinder in inches ; then divide the numerator by the denominator, and the quotient will give the strength of the cylinder, or bursting pressure. EXAMPLE I. Take a cylinder 30 inches diameter, made of f inch plate : thus 3 30,000 90,000 - x = then 90,000 8 15 120 120 = 750fts, the bursting pressure. EXAMPLE II. A cylinder of six feet diameter, made of inch plate : thus 6 feet = 72 inches 1 30,000 30,000 - x = then 30,000 -f- 2 36 72 72 = 416 and 17-18ths fts., working pressure. * This rule is the one generally acted upon, and is no doubt pretty nearly correct, when the metal is without flaws, and the workmanship without defects. But as these cannot always be relied upon, the rule and the deduction from it will be found to be far too high for ordinarily made Boilers. [See observations and deduction on preceding page.] 23 TESTING BOILERS. THE utility of testing Boilers to an extreme, or to considerably more than the strain sustained in actual use, is more than questionable. Practice has taught that it is better not to test Boilers, beams, or bars of iron, with more than the ordinary strain required. We may, by an extreme test, prove that the article tested has withstood such and such a strain : but we do not know how such strain may have injured the substance tested. For instance, a cast-iron beam was tested at the foundry of Messrs. MILLBURN'S, Staley bridge. The beam was 27 feet long. A weight of 24 tons was hung on the centre, with which the beam deflected 1 J inches. When the weight was removed, the beam assumed its former form. The same beam was shortly afterwards tested with 1 6 tons hung on the centre, when it broke though there were eight tons less than it had withstood before. Another instance was afforded in the test of a Steam Boiler at Messrs. HARGREAVES, at Accrington. The hydraulic test was resorted to. The extreme working pressure of the Boiler was a little under 40Ibs to the square inch, and the test the Boiler was submitted to was 703bs to the square inch. To all appearances, under the test the Boiler was safe at that pressure. In about three months after this testing, the Boiler exploded ; and on investigation, there was sufficient to show that the test to which the Boiler had been subjected injured the structure and from that time till the whole gave way, the Boiler had been gradually getting weaker. The flues had been strained by the test, the pressure being on the outside of the diameter. There can be no doubt that the testing of any structure or machine to the full strain the apparatus may be expected to resist, is highly neces- sary ; but beyond that, there is more risk of injury to the apparatus tested, than any chance of good resulting from an extreme test. The word " test " carries with it to the theorist and the casual observer an idea of security because such test affords proof that the machine or structure has withstood a certain force. This may be quite true : but it does not follow that the same machine or structure will resist the same amount of force again, or anything approximating to it. CLEANSING BOILERS. It is well known that water impregnated with earthy matters produces, when boiling in a Steam Boiler, a scum on the surface. If this scum be collected and blown out, the Boiler will seldom require to be opened and cleansed ; but if the scum be allowed to accumulate and settle upon the 25 plates where the fire impinges, the injury to the Boiler will be in propor- tion to the thickness of the accumulation, which, according to the nature of the deposit, assumes the form of scale, or mud. When it assumes the first-named form, the Boiler will require to be often opened and cleansed, or the injury from the burning of the plates will be great. An arrangement has been patented by Mr. NEEDHAM, of Duckinfield, near Manchester, for the collection and riddance of the scum, or deposit. His apparatus consists of a number of hopper-like mouthed vessels, introduced into the Boiler standing a little above and below the water- line. These vessels communicate, by means of vertical pipes, with a horizontal pipe that passes through to the outside of the Boiler. As the scum arises, and falls again in the water, the open-mouthed vessels collect it ; and, as at intervals, the valve at the end of the pipe spoken of is opened, the collected scum or deposit is " blown out," and the Boiler plates are thus kept clean. See Diagrams Nos. 5, 6, and 7. Diagram No. 7. In the above diagrams the longitudinal pipe, extending from end to end, is shown at A, which is perforated with two rows of small holes, communicating by the elbow pipe, C, to the cock or valve, D. At the top of the longitudinal pipe, A, there are vertical pipes, E, each mounted by a cast-iron funnel, F, at the level of the water, the mouth of which faces the front, or firing end of the Boiler. The cast-iron funnel in Diagrams No. 5 and 7 is supplied with elevated partitions, H, leading to the receiving chamber at the top of the vertical pipe, E. The heat from the firing end causes a continual roll or flow of water towards the 26 back end, by which means the scum enters the funnels, from whence, by opening wide the cock, or valve, D, it is swept away into the sewer or drain. The apparatus can be so modified as to suit every description of Boiler, whether multitubular, two-flued, or egg-shaped ; and in adapting it to the Boiler, the latter requires no cutting. Any length of Boiler can be cleansed from end to end in less than one minute, without stopping the working. There are other modes of collecting the scum, namely, by open trays placed in the Boiler ; and also by a pipe from the bottom of the tray to the outside of the Boiler, with a tap. By opening the tap, the heavy matter collected in the trays is blown out. Mr. ROBERT ARMSTRONG, formerly of Manchester, applied the tray principle to Boilers more than thirty years ago ; since then, various modifications have been adopted, and improvements made as shown by Mr. NEEDHAM'S plan. In water there is a great difference in quality for Steam Boiler purposes. Some waters scarcely give out any deposit, while with others the deposit is great ; and this is the cause of considerable difficulty, if not constantly removed. It therefore behoves the Engineer, when he has to work with water of the latter description, to be exceedingly attentive, and to look well after the interior, as well as the exterior, of his Boiler : and par- ticularly where the water has spent-dye wares and acids mixed up with it, as is often the case in manufacturing districts. In this matter, as in many others, he may lay it down as a rule, that the utmost cleanliness possible will result in a saving of fuel, and in the prevention of much " wear and tear " to the Boiler. THE SAFETY VALVE. THE form and construction of this indispensable adjunct to the Steam Boiler are of the highest importance, not only for the preservation of life and property, which would, in the absence of that means of " safety," be constantly jeopardised, but also to secure the durability of the Steam Boiler itself. And yet, from the manner in which many things called Safety Valves have been constructed of late years, it would appear that the true principle by which safety is sought to be secured by this most valuable adjunct, is either not well understood, or it is disregarded by many Engineers and Boiler-makers. Many of those unfortunate calamities Boiler explosions have occurred when, to all appearance, the Safety Valves attached have been in good working order: and Juries under the presidency of Coroners, have not unfrequently been puzzled, and sometimes guided to erroneous verdicts, by scientific evidence adduced 27 before them, tending to show that nothing was wrong with the Safety Valves and that the devastating catastrophes could not have resulted from over-pressure, because in such case the Safety Valve would have prevented them. If the inventor, Dr. PAPIN,* of that most useful and scientific appa- ratus, the Safety Valve, could but witness some of the forms given to the instrument, and some of the modes of construction adopted, he would indeed marvel to see the degeneracy which, in this day of general improvement, is but too often apparent in the manufacture and construc- tion of this essential and indispensable adjunct. The portions numbered 1 and 2 on the accompanying engraving, page 28, represent variations of the Common, or Mushroom Valve. This is usually constructed with a guide-pin, to pass through a hole or socket provided in the cross-bar inserted in the seating of the Valve such guide-pin and steadying-socket being underneath the Valve, and conse- quently within the Boiler, constantly and fully exposed to the action of the steam, the varying temperatures, and to the accumulations of dirt and other extraneous matters. With this form of construction alone, numerous Boiler explosions have occurred from the stem, or guide-rod, of the Valve having got bent, or otherwise damaged ; from its having become corroded in the steadying-socket of the cross-bar; from its becoming fast in its place, when closed ; or from many other and obvious causes. It is clear that when the Mushroom Valve is in any one of these states it is impossible for it to act, and the Boiler is then, to all intents and purposes, as if nothing in the shape of a Safety Valve had been provided. Another objection to this form of Safety Valve is, that the weight to keep down the valve till the limit of safety is approached, is applied in the worst form possible to ensure accuracy in the indications of the valve, or to allow of the free working of that valve when over-pressure requires it to open. In valves of this construction, there is generally provided on the lever a swell, or projection, rounded down at the end to a dull point ; and this dull point rests in a small counter-sunk hole in the outer tip, or central projection of the valve (as in the portion numbered 2 of the engraving, page 28) ; or the point on the tip of the valve rests in the counter-sunk hole in the projecting portion of the lever (as in the portion of engraving numbered 1). When the weight is hung on the other end of the lever, or at such place upon it as has been arranged for, the swell, or projection, on the lever bears upon the tip of the valve, and keeps that valve down on its seat until it is raised therefrom by over- * Dr. Denys Papin, a native of Blois, in 1680, invented the common Lever Steam Valve, mis- named the " Safety Valve." pressure of steam within the Boiler. But it is a question arising from this mode of applying the weight, whether the valve can act at the time and in the manner designed. In the first place, the joint at the end of the lever, where it is attached, must necessarily have some play given it. Oftentimes greatly too much is given j or rather, no care to have exact- ness of fitting is exercised. This play, from the action of the lever and wear and tear, becomes greater and greater ; and every departure from exactness, either in the original manufacture, or from subsequent wear, 29 takes the weight from the centre of the valve, and brings it more upon one or other of its sides than the rest. These deviations from exactness may be small, almost infinitesimal, in themselves : but multiplied as they are in fact, in the ratio of the length of the lever from its attachment to the point of bearing on the valve, they become anything but inappre- ciable, or non-detrimental to the free action of the valve. When the valve is thus weighted out of its centre, two separate but injurious actions take place : first, when over-pressure occurs, instead of the valve being lifted bodily from its seat, it becomes tilted, and the steam escapes at one side only : and second, in consequence of this tilting, the guide- rod often becomes bound fast in the guiding-socket of the cross-bar ; and the valve is thus prevented from operating, except in a very limited degree not nearly sufficient in cases of over-pressure. The worst is, that under the circumstances supposed, the higher the pressure that is, the greater the danger from which the valve is required to relieve the less capable does it become of operating in the manner for which it was calculated and designed : for the greater the force brought to bear upon the tilted portion of the valve (and be it remembered that this tilting exposes more of the surface of the valve-face on the tilted side than on the side which still remains covered by the seating) the more firmly does the valve become bound in the guiding-socket. From these and other causes of a similar nature, Safety Valves of this construction cannot be made to work accurately and they are totally inapplicable for high pressures, if " safety " is to be a consideration. The indications, however carefully the valves may have been weighted, are often most inaccurate. The Author has known valves of this description to be kept as perfectly down to their seatings as they are capable of being kept that is, without any escape of steam from over-pressure when the pressure in the Boiler, as measured by a more accurate test, has been 12Ibs more than the valve was calculated and weighted to blow off at. With a valve of this description, any one, by moving the lever to and fro, may cause the steam to escape at either of its sides. To counteract this tendency to tilt, other guides have at times been applied ; but it has been found in practice, that this attempt to remedy one evil has only been to create others, which equally tended, and in like manner, to prevent the proper and safe working of the valve. The main portion of the accompanying engraving, (Diagram No. 8,) is a representation of a Safety Valve which has been designed and introduced to prove that a valve of the ordinary kind may be made to act well, generally speaking to blow off from over-pressure, with far greater accuracy than either of the constructions before considered, and also with a uniform discharge of steam from all sides of the valve orifice, 30 when open. The valve is of the spherical form on its under side ; and it is placed within outward guides affixed to the seating. The weight is brought upon the valve from a low-fixed centre the centre-pin being jointed to the lever, or fixed thereon by other means, so that there be the requisite play for the pin always to bear on the centre of the spherical Valve. The small weight on the short or fastened end of the lever, is merely for the purpose of balancing the long end of the lever, so that when the ball-weight for weighting the valve is off, the valve is entirely free from outward pressure. Where this portion of the arrangement is dispensed with, the weight of the lever as it bears on the valve has to be taken into account, when calculating the weight to be used for weighting the valve, and also the several distances on the lever at which that weight will have to be placed for the various pressures required. In all cases it is advisable to have the face of the seating of the Safety Valve as narrow as the varying modes of construction will allow. The spherical-faced Valve is best adapted for this and other beneficial purposes : for it is found in practice that the sharp edge of the seating, taken off only by grinding it and the spherical Valve to a face, results in the greatest accuracy that can be obtained while this form and mode of construction also ensures the best fitting valve for " bottling up " the steam when it is not required to escape. The Valve shown in the foregoing illustration is not adduced and recommended as one perfect in every particular ; but it is believed to be as good a valve as can be made simply as a Lever Valve securing the greatest accuracy of which this form of construction is capable one providing for the discharge of steam better than any other mere Lever Valve yet introduced. In connection with this subject of Safety Valves, the Author would not be doing his duty to those for whom his work is intended, were he, from any feeling- of mock-modesty, to refrain from describing the construction and the advantages of what is now very well known as " HOPKINSON'S (PATENT) COMPOUND SAFETY VALVE" as that Valve possesses important features not to be found in connection with any other valve : and as it provides against that prolific source of Boiler explosions, deficiency of water, as well as for the copious discharge of steam at over-pressure, under the ordinary conditions of working. When the facts are stated, that this Compound Valve has been applied to upwards of four thousand Boilers and that in no single instance has a Boiler with this Valve attached, exploded or suffered injury, either from over pressure or deficiency of water while most numerous are the instances where Boilers have been saved by the simple, but certain, action 31 of the instrument, under circumstances which, with the ordinary valve, would inevitably have resulted in explosion, the Author feels that he may fairly claim to be exempt from the charge of " puffing his own wares " in giving the following description of a construction which has already effected mucli good, and which, as experience warrants him in saying, is the most effectual Safety Valve ever yet introduced into Steam Engineering. The description of the Compound Valve which follows, formed part of a Paper read before the British Association, at the Leeds Meeting in 1858 : "THE (PATENT) COMPOUND SAFETY VALVE comprises two distinct valves : a large 54-inch diameter valve, with, flat face, and a spherical, or ball-faced valve, 3 inches diameter, The smaller, or ball- valve seats upon an opening in the centre of the larger valve. The larger valve is weighted by means of a lever and ball, as in the common Safety Valve. There is an iron bridge, or cover casting, which fits to the large valve, and forms the centre for the centre-pin to give pressure upon the valve enclosed within the casing. Resting upon the holed-centre of the large valve is the ball- valve. This last is weighted by a dead weight inside the Boiler the dead weight being composed of iron-plate cast- ings. When the steam exceeds the pres- sure this ball-valve lifts, and the steam escapes through the openings in the bridge casting into the dome, or shell-casing, and out into the atmosphere. As soon as the ball- valve lifts from its seat, the large flat valve also lifts from it$ seat ; thus a, double means of discharge is given to the excess of steam. This feature is of importance, inasmuch as the whole construction forms a valve possessing an opening, or discharging area, equal to an ordinary Safety Valve 8 inches diameter. " The Compound Valve cannot be weighted beyond its working pressure whilst the Boiler is at work. Should an attempt be made to over-weight the outside lever, or even should a man press upon it with all his force, it would be useless. So long as the ball-valve is there, properly weighted inside the Boiler, all is right. Should the ball-valve be over-weighted intentionally, whilst the Boiler is standing for cleaning, it may instantly be detected on getting up the steam. 32 " Turning to the next feature, we come to an improved arrangement for deficiency of water. There is a lever suspended in the Boiler. The rod which bears the dead weight for the ball- valve passes through a large hole in this suspended lever. On this rod is fixed a collar, arranged so as to allow the lugs of the lever to come in contact with it. One end of the lever, or beam, suspended in the Boiler, bears a large float ; and at the opposite end there is a balance-weight, to counteract the buoyancy of the float when immersed in the water. The smaller weight is also to keep the tip of the lever up against the underside of the top of the Boiler. The float on the other end, or long arm of the lever, is immersed in the water to such a depth as is fixed for extreme "low- water mark." Should the water begin to leave the float, the specific gravity of the float will be brought upon the long end of the lever. This lever, it will be remembered, is hung to the Boiler, and works on a centre. By the depression of the long end, the lugs of the short end are brought into contact with the collar on the rod attached to the central, or spherical, valve, and that valve is thereby raised from its seat. Should the water still get lower, the valve continues to rise, and will continue raised until the water be again at its proper height, Should the first warning be disregarded, the steam will be discharged from the Boiler, stopping all working, and rendering explosion impossible. Timely notice is given of such first deficiency by the continual quivering of the valve on its seat ; and if this be not attended to, the valve will open to the full extent. " The advantages of the Compound Valve are as follow: Its combination of parts, which are such as to act for excessive pressure and deficiency of water ; its general mechanical and practical arrangement the Valve possessing neither spindles, guides, rubbing surfaces, nor parts liable to adhere. It is simple in construction, and certain in action, while it can be used as any other valve for general working ; it prevents the careless, the ignorant, or the wanton, from causing either injury to the Boiler, or Boiler explosions ; it is not liable to derangement, and is in every detail what a Safety Valve ought to be." To this the Author has only to add that he believes the Compound Valve, constructed as above described, has not hitherto been exceeded for accuracy, if indeed it has been reached. It is so sensitive in action, that when the steam is of that pressure as to just affect the Valve on its seat, should the Engine be then started, the revolutions of the Engine may be observed and counted by merely noticing the pulsations of the Valve as it will rise and fall according to the minute variations of pressure occasioned by the withdrawals and stoppages of steam from the Boiler to impel the piston. RULE TO ASCERTAIN A*T WHAT PRESSURE A SAFETY VALVE IS WEIGHTED. First ascertain the length, in inches, of the fulcrum, and the length, in inches, of the lever, from its attachment to the place where the weight is hung. Then ascertain the weight, in pounds, of the ball- weight. Multiply the length of lever by the weight of the ball- weight. Then multiply the area of the Valve* by the distance of the fulcrum from the attached end of the lever. Then take the product of the former, and divide by the latter. The quotient is the pressure for which the Valve is weighted in pounds per square inch. * The area of any Valve may be found on reference to the " Table for Safety Valves, Cylinders, Air Pumps, &c.," in the Appendix. 33 RXAMPLE. 42 fts, weight of ball. 10 inches, area of Valve. 50 inches, length of lever. 3 length of fulcrum. 2100 30 30 ) 2100 ( 70ft>s per square inch. 210- This illustration is from the Valve shown by the engraving on page 28, which has the respective measurements and weights figured thereon. The introduction of the above simple method of calculation is not for the purpose of superseding any readier method, or those usually adopted by the mathematician, and the skilled and practical Engineer. It is intended for those who have not any other means of arriving at the required result. PLAN AND DIMENSIONS OP A NOMINAL FORTY-HORSE POWER DOUBLE FLUE FIRE-BOX BOILER. Length, 30 feet ; diameter, 7 feet 6 inches. Two fire-boxes and flues, 3 feet diameter. The whole composed of J inch plate, except the ends, which should be f of- an inch thick. A Boiler of this size and strength is well calculated to resist a working pressure of 60Ibs to the square inch, and will generate sufficient steam, with a good draught, to drive an Engine working 150 indicated horse power, besides steam for warming and other purposes. The accompanying Illustration, Diagram No. 9, of a Steam Boiler, of the dimensions above set forth, shows also the Patent Spiral Circulating Pipes attached to the flue behind the bridge, six of which are placed in each flue. The engraving also shows an improved method of staying the fluea and ends of a Steam Boiler, and providing for the expansion and contraction of the flue, without injury to the Boiler ends or the angle irons. In the Illustration four hoops or rings are shown encircling the flue. These hoops or rings do not touch, nor are they attached to the flue, except by means of bolts or rivets, which are set so that there is a space betwixt the plate and hoop of about one inch. This space allows the water to have free contact with the whole of the surfaces, and prevents an undue thickness of metal being exposed to the fire an arrangement so objectionable in flues stayed with T iron. The improved hoops or ring-stays can be put together either whole, or in segments, 02 35 The staying of the ends is accomplished by riveting a plate on the inside of the end plate of the shell, that plate having slits or spaces for cross plates or bars of such thickness and width as may be deemed of sufficient strength to bear the pressure brought upon the ends of the Boiler. Bolts or rivets proceed through the end of the Boiler, and are drawn up against a collar on the edge of the plates or bars across the Boiler ends. These prevent the Boiler ends from buckling, or getting out of form. An expansion joint is also shown in the back part of the flue, provided to allow for the expansion and contraction of the flue an action which in the ordinary construction is very injurious to Boilers, from the sudden heating or cooling, and the various changes in pressure. There is a hoop, to which the sides or copper flanches are affixed, which flanches open or compress as required. The bridge, as shown with an inclined surface, is so formed that the flame and gases may have a free and unobstructed passage into the flue. The feed-pipe is also shown extending some distance into the Boiler, and is perforated with holes, to distribute the water near the surface. The (Patent) Compound Safety Valve is also shown in elevation on the Boiler. The raised manhole, with branch steam pipe, answers the purpose of a steam chest. LONGITUDINAL SECTION OP A NOMINAL FORTY-HORSE STEAM BOILER, WITH STAY PIPES, For strengthening Flue Tubes of Boilers, and increasing their evaporative power. THE Stay Pipes, of which illustrations are given in Diagrams No. 10 and 11, have been devised with the two-fold object of strengthening the weakest portion of the Cornish Boiler, and of greatly increasing the heat- absorbing surface. The Stay Pipes, when applied, act as a series of props or stays, against the crushing-in tendency of the pressure exerted on the outer diameter of the flue : thus enabling a flue to resist efficiently a much greater pressure than any flue of the ordinary construction could bear, without that change of form which, under ordinary circumstances, is constantly taking place while, as will be seen at a glance, they add in a very appreciable degree to the evaporative power of the Boiler. These Stay Pipes may be fixed in any position, and in considerable number each tube being so much of an addition to the former heat- absorbing surface. They can be applied to old Boilers as well as to new ones. They are fixed with conical collars into taper holes, and well fitted 37 with screws and nuts on the outer diameter of the flue, so that the latter is kept closely pressed up to the pipes. The pipes are made of cast iron, about | of an inch thick. When fixed, the whole flue and pipes or props, together, are framed into one compact mass, capable of resisting any pressure that the outer shell of the Boiler will sustain. Another advantage arising from the application of the Stay Pipes, is, that circulation of the water from the space underneath the flue is thereby secured. The pipes take in their supply from the bottom, and discharge the highly-heated water at the top of the flue thus tending to keep an even temperature in the Boiler, and to prevent that uneven expansion which in the ordinary Boiler is known to be very destructive. Diagram No. 11. SECTION OF FLUE OF A STEAM BOILER, With Cast Iron Pipes with Wrought Iron Ends, Conical Collars, and Nuts. In the preceding pages hints and suggestions have been put forth, as briefly as was consistent with the important subject in hand. At page 12, on the strength of iron at different temperatures, reference is made to the maximum strength of iron, when heated. The following Table, taken from experiments conducted by the Franklin Institute, in America, will be found worthy of consideration. - OF THE fUir/EESITY 38 TABLE: SHEWING THE INCREASE AND DECREASE OF THE STRENGTH OF IRON ) AT VARIOUS / Comparative view of the influence of High Temperatures on the \ strength of Iron* as exhibited by 73 experiments on 47 different > specimens of that metal, at 46 different temperatures from ) 15 4J e ta i a 2 *Ja 1 re observed ent of f ractu te ordinary ten periments temperature; if xperiments iperatures. variation iro y in the co nts. S9 1 II ,- 2s m >- | 21 1 2|| ^ll 8 *s If -8 |11 <3 1 fl of ||| |!' 1 si H" 35 ,"* * H 9 1 212 137 56736 1 67939 + 197 2 214 133 53176 1 61161 + 150 3 394 58 68356 1 71896 + 052 4 394 148 65143 1 69752 + 070 5 394 23 62646 2 67765 1041 + 081 6 394 125 57182 1 63322 + '107 7 394 61 55297 5 61917 2026 + 119 S 396 75 60433 3 62415 I 0444 + 031 9 440 224D 49782 4 59085 1 0908 + 187 10 520 224B 54934 4 58451 1 0992 + 064 11 550 199A 76986 4 79846 2 0936 + 037 The standard for the original 12 550 221A 60518 4 60322 1 1680 004 strength may 13 552 14 52542 1 55932 1 + 064 possibly be a little too high. 14 554 218A 58124 4 60412 1 0730 + 039 15 554 22 54372 4 61680 3 1919 + 134 16 560 224E 50528 7 58824 1 0605 + 158 17 562 224c 53385 5 59623 1 1919 + 104 18 563 60 60907 4 72588 2 0460 + 191 19 564 74 51030 5 58824 1 0764 + 142 20 21 22 568 572 572 9 219B 49 67211 66724 59607 2 2 3 76763 66620 62278 1 1 1 0601 0325 0878 + 042 002 + 045 {Standard pro- bably too high for the mean strength. 23 572 222s 56165 4 60117 2 1550 + 070 24 573 10 64511 1 67503 3 + '046 25 574 231 76071 5 65387 1 1373 + -014 26 575 220A 54263 4 60988 1 0280 + -124 27 575 62 58376 3 70081 3 0262 + -200 28 575 207 51924 5 63825 3 1225 + -229 29 576 221s 59234 5 66065 I 1190 -f -115 30 576 223B 43386 6 50068 1 0760 + -154 * Showing that Iron Steam Boilers become stronger as the temperature increases, up to about 600, beyond that temperature it becomes weaker. Copper decreases in strength from 56 upwards. 39 TEMPERATURES, FROM TESTS BY THE COMMITTEE OF THE FRANKLIN INSTITUTE. ( 212 to 1317 Fah., compared s of water can be evaporated with lib of Coal. When the Boiler has been some years at work, the evaporation will vary from 5Bbs to 75>s the work greatly depending upon the state of the flues and the cleanliness of the Boiler-plates, inside and outside. Inferior coal will not evaporate more than from 4Ibs to 51bs of water with IK) of coal. The strength of the draught has a good deal to do with the economy of fuel : the stronger the draught, and the greater the evaporative power of the coal. The greater the intensity of the fire, the more completely are the gases consumed. CHAPTER III. THE ENGINE. THE Engine itself requires but little attention when in good order, except the ordinary routine of packing, cleaning, and oiling the working parts, and occasionally adjusting the cotters, which on no account ought to be neglected. Indicate the Engine every day. Perform the operation when the load is on. Work up the diagram, and place it in a book, with the date, for reference at any future time. This mode will denote the difference of power required under different circumstances, and also make known any defective working, whenever any part of the Engine gets out of order, or whenever any shafting or machinery is taking more power at one time than another. It will not be necessary to work up the diagram each time. When the Indicated Horse-power has been once ascertained, the following rule will be found to be correct enough for all practical purposes, and much more ready than working the diagram each time thoroughly out. EXAMPLE: Say the Diagram represents 99 horse power, when the friction of the Engine and shafting is deducted. Divide by the average pressure, say...l2fos ) 99 ( 8fts horse power for each pound pressure per 96 square inch upon the piston. 3 remains ; this being ^ of 12, it makes the total to be 8^ horse power. If a diagram be taken from the same Engine, with less, or more, average pressure, multiply the average pressure upon the piston by 8 '25, to ascertain the horse power the Engine is then exerting. EXAMPLE : 1 5K>s the pressure upon the piston. 8'25 the number of horse power for each pound pressure upon the piston. 75 30 120 12375 horse power. 47 The horse power being 123JBbs. It matters not whether the horse- power be required independent of the shafting and Engine, the calcula- tions are made the same. Each Engine indicated will require the first diagram taken to be figured up, and worked out in the ordinary way, hereinafter described, to ascertain the horse power the Engine is turning. Diagram No. 15. Use a thermometer to test the temperature of the condensing water, which ought not to exceed 120 degrees of Fahrenheit. Work as much below that temperature as is consistent with the supply of water to the 48 Boiler, and the quantity the air-pump will discharge keeping the delivering- valve closed as long as possible. If the water in the air-puinp thump and plunge, a small air-pipe inserted in the" pump lid will often prove to be a remedy. Should the rose of the pump become choked, or stopped with dirt or leaves, as is often the case when water is drawn from rivers, pools, dams, streams, and even wells, the foregoing sketch of a pump-head, tail- pipe, and rose, illustrates a mode of clearing the rose without stopping the pump, or getting down to the rose. Insert a small pipe and tap under the low valve, or " clack," of the pump the pipe end being open to the atmosphere. When the pump is working, the tap will be closed, of course. By opening the tap, the pressure of the atmosphere will act upon the column of water in the tail-pipe of the pump, betwixt the low " clack " and the rose. The water in the tail-pipe will rush back with a force proportionate to the column, and force away the accumulations, as shown by Diagram No. 15. If the pump be not placed much higher than the rose, the column will be short, and have very little force to drive off the debris. In that case the pipe above the tap should be carried to an elevated cistern, containing water. Then, when the tap is opened, the rush of water will clear the rose. In performing these operations, no stoppage will be required. The attendant has simply to open the tap for a short time, while the water descends, and then close it again. This little simple apparatus is calculated to save much time and trouble ; for in some rivers the covering of the rose by refuse matter is a great annoyance, which, under the old method of clearing, involves a waste of time and labour. Unsteady working of the Engine is sometimes caused by the connec- tions between the governor and the throttle-valve being too weak ; in that case the parts spring and give way, and vibration is the consequence. When the throttle- valve is too large, a similar effect is produced ; and this is often the cause of Engines working unsteadily. Throttle-valves regu- lated by pumps, vary with the pressure of the atmosphere ; for the water is " high " or " low," in accordance with the varying pressure. Should the crank-pin, or the bearings of the fly-wheel shaft, or any of the other parts become hot, particular attention is required to prevent their destruction. Lead filings mixed with oil will be found to be useful. The lead coats the bearings, and interposes another body between the rubbing surfaces. Sulphur mixed with oil has also a similar effect ; and quicksilver may be said to be better than either. The following recipe for cooling necks of shafts will be found useful, not only for the crank shaft, but for all other descriptions of shafting particularly the feet of upright shafting : 49 ] Gibs of Tallow, dissolved in a vessel. 2fts of white Sugar of Lead. When the Tallow is melted, but not boiling, put in the Sugar of Lead, and let it be dissolved. Then put in 3B>3 of black Antimony. Keep stirring the whole mass till cold. It is an axiom that " prevention is better than cure." There would seldom be heating of necks of shafting, were those necks made of a proper length. They should, in all cases, be at least twice the length of the diameter of the shaft. The "brasses," or "steps," should be made of good metal, composed of three parts of copper to one part of tin. Good brasses involve more " first cost," but they secure a saving of oil, and also power. More attention than is now usual ought to be paid to the quality of the metal of which " steps," or the bearings of shafting, are made. Above all, be careful to keep dust away from the necks and " brasses" of shafting, and other bearers : for cleanliness in this particular is a great preventive of destruction. Pay proper attention to all packings, to prevent the escape of steam or water. Such leakages often cause more destruction than ordinary wear and tear. If the injection cock or the condenser be leaky, the water will get into the cylinder when the Engine is standing, in consequence of the partial vacuum ; and at starting afterwards, the water will, in all proba- bility, be the means of breaking the beam or some other part. Care should be taken that all taps connected with the cylinder are closed when the Engine is at rest, except a small tap connected to the condenser ; and whenever the Engine is stopped, this tap should be opened to destroy the vacuum, or the water may, from some cause, get into the cylinder. At starting the Engine, close the tap. This simple arrangement will be the means of saving much trouble, and probably prevent breaks-down. This tap will also be found useful in stopping the Engine at any required angle of the crank, by admitting air to the condenser, and destroying the vacuum. Keep the pipes and cylinders clothed with a non-conducting substance, to prevent the escape of caloric from the steam. It will pass away very quickly, if means are not used to retain it causing a loss of fuel. Have a vacuum-gauge fixed near to where you pass in the Engine- house, that the quality of the vacuum in the condenser, or the amount of the uncondensed steam, may be easily examined. The vacuum-gauge should be one that shows the pressure of the uncondensed steam left in the cylinder, and the pressure of the atmosphere at the same time. Otherwise it cannot be ascertained by the Indicator, when the vacuum varies, whether it be from the pressure of the atmosphere or the deficient vacuum of the Engine. In some states of the weather the pressure of the atmosphere will be under 1 4Ibs to the square inch, and at other times it will be upwards of 15R>s to the square inch. Steam may be 2( 50 above the atmosphere ; but when the pressure of the latter is 141fos, the steam will be 341bs. But if the pressure of the atmosphere be lolbs to the square inch, the steam in the Boiler will be '351bs ; and so on in proportion to the varying pressures of the surrounding medium. Have proper taps fitted to the top and bottom of your cylinder, that you may indicate your Engine with ease. By indicating each end, you will see if your valves are equally set. Both ends can be indicated on one paper. After using the Indicator, clean it well : a dirty Indicator is an indication of a slovenly Engineer. WHAT IS THE VACUUM OF A STEAM ENGINE ? IT is essential that we define and understand the term " VACUUM," as commonly applied to the Steam Engine (and unless this be well under- stood by the Engineer, he cannot clearly understand the Condensing Engine) before we enter into a description of the diagrams which are hereafter given. The following popular explanation is therefore attempted. Steam is an invisible fluid. When steam, as it is called, is seen like white smoke, it is not steam, but minute particles of water. Pure steam in a glass will not show at all but the vessel appears to be filled with air only. One cubic inch of water converted into steam at the atmospheric pressure of 155)8, the temperature 212, will expand to 1700 cubic inches of steam. If the temperature be increased, the pressure will be increased also in the ratio of the temperature. Thus, with steam at 251 J degrees, the pressure will be 15Bbs above atmospheric pressure ; the total pressure, 305>s to the square inch, and the bulk 883 times greater than the bulk of the water from which the steam was produced. If the total pressure be COBbs, or 451>s on the steam gauge, the bulk will be 470 times greater than the water the steam had been produced from. In proportion to the increase of pressure, so is the density.* The literal meaning of the term " vacuum," is space unoccupied by matter. The cylinder of a Steam Engine filled with steam, though vaporised from a small quantity of water, cannot be said to be void of matter ; but condense that steam to its original bulk into water, and withdraw this water from the cylinder, and the space formerly occupied by the steam will be unoccupied. No matter remaining in the cylinder, there is what is termed a " vacuum," or a void space. We have supposed this operation to have taken place under the piston of a Steam Engine, and in that case there is no resistance to be overcome in the descent of See the Table hereafter given, shewing the " Temperature of Steam at different pressures." 51 the piston. The pressure of the atmosphere alone, which is 1 55>s to the square inch, or thereabouts, would suffice to force the piston down with a power equal to the degree of vacuum formed, up to the limit stated 151bs, if the vacuum be perfect. On this principle the first Steam and Atmospheric Engine was constructed : a cylinder with its upper end open to the atmosphere ; steam was admitted below the piston to raise it, and this steam being condensed in the cylinder itself by the application of cold water, the pressure of the atmosphere alone caused the downward stroke in the manner above described. If steam be allowed to take the place of the atmosphere, as in WATT'S Engine, steam at atmospheric pressure will produce the same effect. 1700 cubic inches of steam, or one cubic inch of water converted into steam at atmospheric pressure, will have a force sufficient to raise a weight of one ton one foot high ; two cubic inches of water, two tons ; and each ton extra, one additional inch of water con- verted into steam. One of WATT'S first improvements was to attach to the Steam Engine a second vessel, in which to condense the steam. This he called a " condenser." He also introduced other alterations by which the vacuum was much improved, and the steam made to answer two purposes. First, by closing the cylinder with a cover, and admitting the steam between the cover and the piston, and connecting each side of the piston with the second vessel, or condenser the condenser being supplied with cold water the steam was admitted at the same time by valves opening and closing at each stroke of the Engine. The steam was thus condensed, and a partial vacuum formed ; and thus the power of steam at a pressure above the atmosphere was made available, in addition to the pressure of steam below the atmosphere. By admitting the steam alter- nately on each side of the piston, after a partial vacuum had been formed in the second vessel, or condenser, and the Engine cylinder, the Engine was thereby made to be double-acting, and its power increased in propor- tion to the pressure of the steam above the pressure of the atmosphere. Steam arising from an open vessel for instance, from the manhole of a Steam Boiler has a force greater than the pressure of the atmosphere, inasmuch as it has to displace the atmosphere before it can rise above the surface of the water. The resistance of the atmosphere is equal to about 151bs on the square inch. It varies from 13 Jibs to upwards of 151bs ; on the average it is about 14 Jibs to the square inch. 2'037 inches of a column of mercury balances lib pressure to the square inch. Therefore, steam enclosed in a Steam Boiler at 51bs pressure per square inch above the atmosphere, or, in other words, at 51bs on the steam gauge, is, in reality, a pressure of 201bs on the square inch, as applied to the piston of a Steam Engine under the conditions above stated taking the pressure of the atmosphere at 151bs. If the pressure be less, as it often is, say 141bs 52 then the pressure upon the piston would be 191bs, because the resistance of the atmosphere on the safety-valve and steam-gauge would be less, and the steam in the Boiler also less, in proportion to the reduced pressure of the atmosphere. Hence it arises that an Engine heavily loaded varies in its speed with the varying pressure of the atmosphere. Suppose that the vacuum is not perfect and in practice it never is so and that there remains in the cylinder a portion of uncondensed steam, the resistance of which is equal to 31bs to the square inch, then the steam on the upper side of the piston at 51bs to the square inch above the pressure of the atmosphere, would act with an effective force of 171bs upon the square inch : the upper side of the piston having exerted upon it a pressure equal to 201bs to the square inch, and the under side a pressure, or resistance, equal to 31bs to the square inch. Under these circumstances, the condenser will have exhausted steam from the cylinder equal to 121bs to the square inch, commonly termed a 121bs vacuum ; and uncondensed steam will have been left in the cylinder, having a resisting force equal to 31bs to the square inch. In proportion to the quantity of steam condensed to the whole, so is the value or available pressure upon the piston. If the uncondensed steam left in the cylinder were equal to Gibs to the square inch, then, in the other circum- stances supposed, the available pressure upon the piston would be only 141bs to the square inch a proof that vacuum is not power, as many are led to suppose. All power in the Steam Engine is derived from the pressure of the steam upon the piston. If there be no resistance on the other side of the piston, the whole pressure is available ; when there is resistance, whatever be the amount, it has to be deducted. The avail- able power of steam on the piston is what is left of the whole force when that deduction is made. The term " suction " is often used. There is no such process in nature, or in mechanics ; and the use of the term only tends to confound the practical worker. All power derived from air, steam, or gas, is the result of pressure, or density ; and in proportion to the pressure, so is the power. If 51)s more pressure to the square inch be added to the 55bs before described, the pressure of the steam above the atmosphere will be lOBbs to the square inch, making only 25Ibs as the available pressure. Many suppose that by doubling the pressure above the atmosphere, or double the pressure on the steam gauge, they double the power of the steam, and that they also double the power of the Engine. Such is not the case. They have only, in the case last supposed though the pressure of steam in the Boiler above the atmosphere is doubled added 5ft>s to the 20R>s already available. This only gives 25K>s to the square inch upon the piston of the Engine, in place of 201hs. The increased power 53 of the Engine is as 25 is to 20, supposing the non-resistance, or in other words, the vacuum, to be the same. In the practical working of Engines, it is seldom that the full pressure in the Boiler can be brought to bear upon the piston. To ascertain the real pressure operating on the piston at any given time, the Indicator has to be resorted to, in the manner hereinafter explained. These examples have reference only to Condensing Engines. High- pressure, or Non-condensing Engines, are constructed upon a different principle. In them, the power of the Engine is as the pressure of the steam above atmospheric pressure. Steam at SOEbs to the square inch above the atmosphere, that is SOIbs on the steam gauge, applied to the piston of a High-pressure or Non-condensing Engine, will exert a force equal to the pressure in the Boiler above the atmosphere, providing there be sufficient room in the passages betwixt the cylinder and the Boiler, so that obstructions in the steam course do not reduce the pressure before entering the cylinder the other side of the piston being open to the atmosphere, and the steam only having to overcome the atmospheric pres- sure in its escape from the cylinder, loflbs from the total pressure of 4ott>s is lost, provided the steam has been expanded in the cylinder to its full limit, which is not often the case in practice. If not expanded, the loss will be greater ; it will be in proportion to the pressure of the steam on the piston above the atmosphere at the termination of the stroke. If we double the pressure in the case just supposed, and bring the whole to bear upon the piston, and expand the steam to atmospheric pressure, the power of the Engine will not be doubled, but will be as 52 is to 31; because the pressure of the atmosphere added to 60 makes 75, not twice 45, which would be 90. Where a partial vacuum is formed, as in the Condensing Engine, steam at SOIbs to the square inch above the atmospheric pressure would press with a force equal to 421bs per square inch, supposing the resistance of the uncondensed steam to be only equal to 3ft>s to the square inch. As before observed, the one side of a piston of a High-pressure Engine is open to the atmosphere through the exhaust pipe, when the steam is exerting its force on the other side ; and as the resistance of the atmosphere is 151bs to the square inch, it follows that the power of the steam is as its own pressure above the atmosphere : or in other words, the pressure above the atmosphere is the available power obtained in the High-pressure or Non-condensing Engine, when the full pressure in the Boiler is brought upon the piston. The steam upon the piston of some Condensing Engines, is, at one portion of its stroke, below the atmospheric pressure. The pressure of the steam upon the piston at the commencement of the stroke or descent of the piston, is for one-seventh the length of the cylinder, equal to 321bs to the square 54: inch, or 1 Tibs to the square inch above the pressure of the atmosphere. The valve is then closed, and the communication with the Boiler cut off and the steam in the cylinder is expanded for the remainder of the stroke, decreasing as the piston approaches nearer and nearer to the end of the cylinder. Suppose the grease tap in the cylinder to remain open during the whole length of the stroke, the steam will rush out in proportion to its own pressure above the atmosphere, until the pressure is equalised. As the piston descends, the pressure of steam is reduced, by expansion, until it gets below the pressure of the atmosphere ; and then the atmo- sphere will rush into the cylinder. At the same time the cylinder will be full of steam. After crossing the atmospheric line, the steam is not equal to the resistance, or the power of the surrounding medium ; therefore, at one portion of the descent of the piston the steam will rush out, displacing the air for a certain distance of the stroke from the top of the cylinder ; and at the other portion of the stroke, or of the piston's descent, the air will rush into the cylinder, when the steam is below the pressure of the atmosphere, and will exert a force upon the piston equal to the difference in pressure between the steam and the air, because the pressure of the steam in the cylinder has been reduced by expansion below the pressure of the atmosphere ; but when steam below the pres- sure of the atmosphere is admitted into the cylinder at the commence- ment of the stroke, the air will rush into the cylinder at the time the steam from the Boiler is admitted, if the grease-tap be kept open from the commencement of the stroke to the end ; thus showing the Engine to be working with steam at a less pressure than steam from an open vessel ; or in other words, steam below the pressure of the atmosphere. Were the openings sufficiently large to admit a sufficient quantity of air, no steam could enter the cylinder against the superior pressure of the atmosphere. If the steam in the Boiler were below the pressure of the atmosphere, the Boiler would soon be filled with air. When steam at a pressure above the atmosphere is admitted into the cylinder, and kept up to the end of the stroke, the steam would rush out of the grease-tap, were it open the whole length of the stroke because the steam in the cylinder has not been reduced by expansion, but has to be condensed in the condenser by an extra quantity of water ; thus giving the air-pump more work to do, and losing a quantity of steam in proportion to the pressure. If the steam be reduced to the lowest practical working pressure by expansion, the most has been made of it ; but if not expanded to its full limit, the loss will be in proportion to the amount of pressure left in thejeylinder previous to condensation or the exhaustion into the atmosphere, if a High-pressure Engine. In a Steam Engine not heavily loaded, working with steam below the 55 pressure of the atmosphere from the Boiler and in the cylinder, were the Safety-valve lifted from its seat, air would rush into the Boiler, until the pressure became equal to the pressure of the atmosphere. Thus, air and steam would rush into the cylinder of the Engine with a force equal to the pressure of the atmosphere. As air cannot be condensed, like steam, the vacuum would be destroyed, and there would consequently be an equal pressure on each side of the piston. The result in such case, would be a stoppage of the Engine. EXPANSION OF STEAM. EXPANSION of steam takes place when the communication with the Boiler is cut off from the cylinder of the Engine, after the piston has travelled a portion of its stroke. The steam thus enclosed betwixt the piston and top (or bottom) of the cylinder, forces the piston forward to the end of the stroke. Supposing the valve to have closed when the piston had travelled one-fourth the length of the cylinder, and its pressure at that time to be 201bs above atmosphere on each square inch, or 351bs the total pressure per square inch upon the piston, it would begin to decrease in pressure as the piston were forced forward, till the piston reached the end of the stroke, when the pressure would be 8|lbs per square inch. For one-fourth the length of the cylinder, the pressure would be 351bs per square inch ; that is, while the communication between the Boiler and the face of the piston remained open. This communication being closed at that point, the steam would begin to expand, forcing the piston forward. When the latter arrived at half stroke, or at the half length of the cylinder, the pressure would be 17Jlbs upon the square inch ; when it arrrived at three-fourths the length of the cylinder, the pressure upon it would be 12|lbs per square inch ; and at the end of the stroke the pressure would be 8Jlbs per square inch, or 6Jlbs per square inch below the pressure of the atmosphere the steam having gradually expanded during the traverse of the piston, from 351bs at the commencement and up to one-fourth of that traverse, down to 8 fibs at the termination of the stroke leaving only the latter amount of steam to be condensed. Expansion is, perhaps, the most extraordinary property of steam. The merit of the discovery is due to HORNBLOWEK, who, in 1781, obtained a patent for the invention. He states that when steam is confined on one side of a piston, and a partial 1 vacuum is formed on the other, the steam will move the piston till its force is in equilibrium with the friction and uncondensed steam on the under side of the piston, and power is 56 communicated during the motion, in addition to the ordinary effect of the original steam pressure. To apply this power, which was lost before, HORNBLOWER used two cylinders in which the steam was to act. He employed the steam, after it had acted in the first cylinder, to operate a second time in the second and larger cylinder, by permitting it to expand. This he accomplished by connecting the cylinders together by proper apertures. We give his own description in the words of his specifica- tion : " I employ the steam after it has acted in the first vessel to operate a second time on the other, by permitting it to expand itself, which I do by connecting the two vessels together." The expansive property of steam is strictly mechanical, and is a pro- perty common to all fluids air, gas, &c. It simply consists in this that vapour of a given elastic force will expand to certain limits, and during the process of expansion will act on opposing bodies with a force gradually decreasing, causing a diminution of elastic power in an inverse ratio to the increase of volume, until it has reached the limits of its power, or is counterbalanced by the resistance of a surrounding medium. Thus, steam of any given pressure, expanded to twice its original bulk, will exert only one half its original power. If a partial vacuum be formed on one side of a piston, its motion will be continued until the density of the steam on the other side be as low as that of the uncon- densed vapour on the vacuum side of the piston. It is clear that the power which may be obtained by thus impelling a piston will be the average between the highest and the lowest pressure upon the piston. It must also be understood that IT is A SAVING, AND NOT A GAIN, that thus results from expansion : a power being made available which was before lost, by using the steam up to its last impelling force, and not allowing it to escape until the whole of that available force has been expended. This accounts for some Engines using more fuel and steam than others, because the steam is not expanded to its utmost limit, in consequence of the steam not being cut off by the valve soon enough ; or that the load on the Engine is great, and requires the steam to be longer on the piston before it is cut off. If the load on the Engine be such as to allow the steam to be cut off early, and to expand to its full available limits in the cylinder, then the most will have been made of it ; the highest pressure in the Boiler will have been used upon the piston, and down to the lowest point. Were atmospheric air compressed so as to exert a force of SOlbs on the square inch, and were the supply to be con- tinued throughout the stroke, an impulse would be given to the piston equal to 201bs to the square inch during the whole stroke ; but if the air was allowed to expand, the impulse would only be as the average, or lOlbs. It will be evident that, if in the former case the air was suffered 57 to depart from the cylinder at the same elasticity as that which it entered, we should lose the force which was necessary to compress it to its density ; while, by expanding it to its limits, we apply every part of that force. The main spring of a watch actuates its machinery in this manner : an increasing effort is required to wind up the spring, and a decreasing impulse is given back to the machinery. But, if after the spring had partially uncoiled itself, it were then liberated, the force which wound it up to its last impelling point would be totally lost. So in the Steam Engine : if the steam be allowed to escape from the cylinder before its force is expended by expanding to the lowest available pressure, the loss will be in proportion to the amount of the pressure not made available. A certain quantity of fuel is required to raise steam to a certain elasticity. If that steam be allowed, after having moved the piston, to escape into the atmosphere or condenser without having acted expansively, a portion of the fuel which was consumed to raise the steam up to that point of elasticity will have been lost. In one case a given bulk of fuel would produce fifty : in the other case it would produce fifty, added to all the intermediates down to the lowest expansive force. By this it will be apparent that the advantages arising from expansion increase with the density of the steam. In round numbers, 65 of high- pressure steam will perform more than seven times the duty of 25 of low-pressure steam : a fact greatly in favour of high-pressure steam and expansion. In Condensing Engines the steam expands to half an atmosphere, and sometimes below. In Non-condensing Engines the steam expands to one or two pounds above atmosphere, but often not so low. This entails a loss in proportion to the pressure of the steam thrown into the atmosphere. WORKING STEAM EXPANSIVELY IN ONE CYLINDER. THERE are two modes of applying the power of steam to the working cylinder, namely : one, allowing steam to flow from the Boiler during the whole length of the stroke ; and the other, cutting it off from the Boiler when the piston has travelled a determined distance the great and paramount object of this last arrangement being a saving of fuel. If steam be applied the full length of the stroke, the average pressure will be as the pressure per square inch upon the piston ; but if the steam be cut off at half stroke suppose the pressure to be Golbs per inch when the pressure of the atmosphere is added there will be a mean equivalent, or average pressure, throughout the stroke of 55R>s per square inch ; 58 being only lOIbs less than the full pressure, or 16 per cent, of a loss in power, though half the former quantity of steam has only been used. This alone effects a saving of 34 per cent, in fuel, and shows the great benefit to be derived from expansion in one cylinder. If this principle be true and its truth is undeniable it is quite evident that the greatest economy will result from extending expansion to its full limit, and making the cylinders of Steam Engines of sufficient capacity for this purpose ; though with the high-pressures with which expansion is most available, they will require to be less than are usually made, to allow the Engines to produce the maximum effect. The table which follows this section shows, according to the pressure used, the average pressure of steam upon the piston when cut off at any portion of the stroke. The table begins at lOEbs above atmosphere, and advances in 51bs up to 1501bs per square inch. This table will enable the Engineer to determine, by any given pressure, the amount of expansion required for the power to be obtained, and the saving thereby to be effected. The principle of expanding the steam in the Condensing Engine is the same as in the Non-condensing Engine, excepting that the steam, which exhausts into the atmosphere, cannot expand below 15Ibs per square inch, because the exhaust is open to the pressure of the atmosphere in all cases. The resistance of the atmosphere (15Ibs) must be added to the pressure of steam above atmospheric pressure, when calculating the pressure of the expansion of steam upon the piston. For example : steam at 20K>s pressure above the atmosphere upon the piston, cut off at one-fourth the stroke, will be 8|lbs at the termination of the stroke, as shown by the following calculation : 20fbs added to loBbs, the pressure of the atmo- sphere, equals 35Ibs. This divided by four, gives the quotient 8f Ibs. Thus, 8f Ibs is the pressure at the termination of the stroke, or GJBbs below atmospheric pressure. The diagram which follows, No. 16, and the explanation, illustrate the principle more fully. A represents the cylinder of a Steam Engine, divided into eight equal parts. The pressure of the steam used is supposed to be 50 Ibs per square inch above the pressure of the atmosphere. Suppose the steam to be cut off at one-eighth the stroke, and the piston to be travelling the other seven portions by the force of the expanding steam : in calculating what will be the pressure at the termination or at any other portion of the stroke, add the pressure of the atmosphere to the pressure of the steam above atmospheric pressure. Thus, in this case : 501>s added to 15tt>s, equals 65 ; this divided by 8, gives 8 J. To make this rule more per- fectly understood, let the Engineman add together the pressure of the steam and that of the atmosphere, and divide by the number of expan- sions, and the quotient will give him the pressure on the piston at the 59 end of the stroke. For the average on the piston throughout the stroke, see the accompanying table ; which average will be found to be 251bs throughout the whole of the stroke. Diagram No. 16. G51bs- 32 J- 21f- -16J- 13 10*- By using steam on the piston of an Engine throughout the stroke at 651bs pressure, the average is as the pressure, or 651bs : by cutting off at one-eighth of the stroke, the average is 251bs. It therefore follows that as we only use one-eighth the quantity of steam to obtain 25, as we use for the one stroke with steam throughout, we obtain additional power by expansion indeed, upwards of three times the power, or as 200 is to 65. The annexed figure, Diagram No. 17, illustrates the expansion of steam in the cylinder, and gives a mode whereby to ascertain the pressure at any portion of the stroke. In the figure the steam is repre- sented at the commencement as being at 651bs on the piston, cut off at one-eighth the stroke. The figures 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8, are the numbered divisions of the cylinder. To ascertain the pressure when the piston has travelled either one-fourth or one-third, or any other portion of the stroke, the pressure in the first division must be divided by the number of divisions, or portions, whose pressure is required to be known. Thus, if the pressure be required when the piston has travelled half the length of the cylinder, we must divide by 4, the piston having travelled four parts out of the eight into which the cylinder is divided. So also with each division, or number of divisions. Where the expan- sions are either less or more, the cylinder must be divided accordingly into the same number of parts as there are expansions. For example : steam at 20Jbs above the atmospheric pressure, cut off at one-third of the stroke, will be, at the end of the stroke, 1 1 |-R>s ; thus, 20S>s of steam and 155>s atmospheric pressure equals. 35K>s cut off 60 at one-third is 3-f-35 = ll f 2, or nearly 4fbs below atmosphere. If a High-pressure Engine, the pressure of the atmosphere must be added in th same way. Example : 805>s cut off at one-sixth the length of the cylinder : 80 added to 15, equals 95 ; 6 in 95 = 15-5. The steam in Diagram No. 17. Pressure at the end of the stroke. ft>s fts 65-8- 8 ,, 7 = 9? 6 = 10* 5 = 13 3 = 21 65 Pressure at beginning of the stroke, above atmosphere, SOfts, 15 added = 65ft s. 7. 50. 15. this case will have expanded down to the pressure of the atmosphere within five-sixths of a pound, and therefore will have been practically used up in a Non- condensing Engine before it is allowed to escape. In 61 a Condensing Engine, the 15'5Ibs would, in practice, expand down to 5Ibs or lOIbs below atmosphere : the difference being power lost in a Non-condensing Engine. In using steam of high-pressure, another advantage is obtained, iuso- inuch as it requires proportionately less fuel for the generation of increased high-pressure steam. The cost of the raw material, or fuel, for steam at various pressures will hereafter be shown, and the saving effected oy generating and working with steam at high-pressure will be noted. Steam on. Quantity of steam used. Pressure of steam above atmosphere. Pressure of steam with the atmosphere. Power obtained. Pressure of steam at the end of the stroke. Full length 100 80fts 95Rs 100 95fts 1 874 ... ... 97 83 I 75 ... ... 95 71 "S 1 621 ... ... 92 59 1 - 4 50 ... ... 84 474 tt 1 374 ... ... 71 3Ii i 25 ... ... 60 234 i i JJ ... ... 37 Hf The accompanying table shows the quantity of steam used when worked without expansion, and the power obtained also the quantity when worked expansively, varying from J to -J- the cut-off, and the pres- sure of the steam at the termination of the stroke. It will be observed that in proportion as the steam is expanded to the greatest limit, so is the saving : the principle of expansion being a saving, and not a gain. But the whole of the steam is made available when expansion is carried to its full extent. Thus, if steam at 601bs, or any other pressure, be brought upon the piston, and cut off at a point to enable it to expand to the lowest practical limit, the most will have been made of it, although the expansion has been effected in one cylinder. When the steam passes through a number of cylinders, there is a loss by condensation and friction, particularly if the pressure be high. The conducting properties of the metal rob the steam of its heat in pro- portion to the difference of the temperature. Hence the necessity of clothing high-pressure cylinders and pipes with felt, or other non-con- ducting substance, to prevent the absorption of the caloric ; or of casing them, keeping steam in the casings at the pressure of the Boiler. The higher the temperature at which the cylinders of Steam Engines can be maintained, the better. 62 A TABLE, Shewing the average Pressure of the Steam upon the Piston throughout the Stroke, when cut off in the Cylinder from -^ to {-^, commencing with lOfts and advancing in 5ft>s up to 150ft>s Pressure. Steam Cut off in the Cylinder. Pressure in Ibs. at the commencement of the Stroke. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Jfi 17 lii 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 28 29 30 31 33 34 35 .%' : " 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 Average Pressure in Ibs. upon the Piston. * 7 94 104 14 144 174 181' 231 21 241 28 314 35 ~46f 381 42 451 564 61 49 521 * 284 321 374! 42 514 654 704 i 6 9 12 15 171 201 231 261 291! 32 I 35 1| 381 411 441 4 1 81 121 17 21 254 294 331 38 434 424! 461 501 55 594 631 94 54 144 194 24 281 334 381 484 53 571 62| 674 724 | 71 104 13 19 151 23 184 261 201 234 26 281 314 34 361 39 i 74 114 154 18 194 304 344 384 42 46 491 "58| 534 574 671 f 9 13 141 221 231 27 314 364 401 454 491 531 544 634 t 91 294 344 39 44 201 "444 181 49 581 631 731 i 44 91 7 141 94 114! 14 164 184 234 251 iP 321 341 191 341 391 494 54 64 69 731 f 8 r 44 64 104 16 191 224 124 141 161 251 21 234 254 274 294 45 314 61 91 121 194 224 281 32 354 381 411 484 71 111 151 171 231 271 311 35^ 354 40 391 434 49 474 514 551 594 81 94 134 261 314 334 341 444 47| 534 571 621 661 6(>f 5 144 19 231 ~24| 281 384 421 444 524 544 214 574 62 714 91 141 191 Tlf 394 154 594 631 744 | 31 51 T84 221 131 174 194 23 25 27 281 551 ~T 74 11 141 184 224 -274 26 291 331 ~44| 37 401 1*4 541 441 554 52 94! 131 32 361 394 451 591 644 23 1 681 "744 f- 91 34 54 141 191 241 291 341 494 594 54 7 81 104 164 124 194 144 151 171 194 261 i 84 12 11 131 224 25 271 304 334 484 36 381 1 411 I 8 16 "174 20 24 28 32 36 394 404 444 524 564 60 i | 134 22 264 301 354 ~38f 44 484 521 564 611 66 -721 744 23 1 94 9| 144 194 244 29 34 431 484 494 534 584 594 68 I 141 44 191 6 241 291 341 391 444 544 694 TT 3 71 124 154 94 141 101 124 154 1<)'| 184 294 20 401 ~474 214 TT 91 174 211 19i| 22 244 314 27 344 361 A 64 94 124 181 25 28 344 374 431 TT 74 8 144 184 204 211 244 254 294 321 364 "401 404 431 481 51 541 ^T 12 164 284 324 364 444 521 561 601 651 ~694 TT 81 13 174 264 304 35 394 431 46 48 50| 521 561 61? T 7 r 94 94 131 184 23 274 324 334 361 414 554 60 644 R TT 144 141 141 19 231 244 "^ 21 -24J 281 384 ~39~ : 43 471 521 54 574 _62i 631 "64| TTT 91 194 294 344 44 49 581 681 734 JT T* 91 21 84 191 291 ~25j 341 10 391 441 13 491 541 591 694 744 44 51 114 144 151 174 181 204 211 TV 124 161 294 331| 38 424 464 501 55 594 j 631 3 o TIT 9|l 14f 191 291 341 391 441 491 541| 591) 64f 691! 741 40 63 A TABLE, Shewing the average Pressure of the Steam upon the Piston throughout the Stroke, when cut off in the Cylinder from ^ to -]-^, commencing with lOlbs and advancing in 51bs up to 1501bs Pressure. Pressure in Ibs. at the commencement of the Stroke. 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 Average Pressure n Ibs. upon the Piston. 56" 591 1 63 664 70 ~93f 73 "984 774| 804 84 874 91 944 98 1014 105 75 794 841 89 "56! 103 107? 1124 "714 117 121? 1264 "804 1144 131 135? 1404 47? 50? 53? 59? 62? 654 684 744 774 834 861 891 67? 72 764 87 804 84? 89 934 1064 974 111 1014 TT5? 105? 110 1184 122? TIo" 127 144| 774 41? 82 91? 964 1014 120? 1251 1304 1354 444 47 494 54? 574 60 624 654 67? 704 73 ToTJ 754 784 65 69 ~8l4 72? 764 804 844 88 91? 95? U34 991 1034 ill 115 72i 77 86 904 954 991 1044 108? 117? 1224 126? 1311 135 146? "69? 784 83 88 92? "444 97? "464 102? ~48f 1031 1074 1121 1174 1224 "58" 1274 132 136? "65" 141? 374 391 41? 514 534 55? 601 62? 674 78? 83? 88? "37? 934 981 1084 1134 "484 1184 504 1234 128 133 137? 142? 147 331 35? 40 42 44 464 524 54? 58? 90 61 "93| 63 514 541 57? 61 644 674 70? "87" 74 774 804 834 102J 86? 961 634 674 7H 754 79 83 ~93i 1004 91 94? 98? 106? 110? 114? 118? ^4 75? 80 844 89 98 1024 T09? 106? 1114 1204 128? 124? 1294 1334 1434 81 85? 90? 951 105 1141 1194 1231 1331 1384 79 84 89 93? 98? 103? 108? ^2? 113? 118? "461 1281 "50" 1334 1384 1431 1484 30? 32? 344 364 401 444 48 52 544 564 57? 591 63 66? 704 744 81? 854 105| 89 92? 1004 104 107? 1H4 137? 731 78 874 944 91? 961 101 109" 1104 114? 1194 124 1284 1334 794 844 894 99 104 114 119 124 128? 133? 138? "491 143? 148? 284 304 33? 374 39 40? 424 46 47? 75 514 791 1164 534 441 474 55 57? 554 584 61 63? 66? 691 1004 1211 724 77? 83 1204 644 684| 724 764 804 841 924 884 924 964 1041 1084 1124 123| 70J 74? 794 83? 88 97 1014 105? 119 127? 14T 14l~ 1324 77? 82? 874 924 974 102 107 1094 111? 1144 U94 1261 1314 1364 145 149" 794 844 891 944 994 1044 124 129 40 "63? 134 139 ^34 244 264 27? 294 30? 324 33? 351 37 59 381 411 44? 464 394 41? 444 46? ^591 49 511 54 561 664 68? 714 73? 50 534 564 65? 68? 72 754 87? 784 914 814 841 87? 90| 94 584 62 65? 73 694 73 814 76? 804 84 95 984J 1024 106 1091 65 69 77 854 894 931 974 1014 1054 109? 113? 117? T3l~ 1384 70 744 78? 83 874 924 964 100? 105 TTof 1091 113? 11841221 127 73? 784 83 87? 91 "93j 97 1011 T05j 1061 1154 120 124? 1294 133? 139" 76? 814 864 95? 1001 115 TT7? 119? 122? 1244 1241 1294 1324 1344 1434 784 834 884 103 108 112? 1274 1294 1374 1424 1474 1494 791 844 944 994 1094 1144 334 1194 1344 1394 1444 234 241 26 274 29 301 31? 34? 354 37? 39 404 42 T22? 431 67? 72 764 804 84? 89 1044 934 1091 974 1014 105? 110 1144 1184 1391 127 794 844 894 944 994 1144 1194 1244 1294 1344 1444 1494 64 THE FOREGOING TABLE SHOWS, according to the pressure used, the average pressure of steam upon the piston, cut off at any portion of the stroke, beginning at lOBas, and advancing in 5Ibs up to 1501bs per square inch ; enabling the Engineer to determine, at any given pressure, the amount of expansion requisite for the full power to be obtained, and the saving thereby to be effected. In all cases the pressure of the atmosphere must be added to the pressure of the steam above atmosphere, when reference is made to the table for the average throughout the stroke. Example : 151bs pressure on the piston above atmosphere, cut off at one-fourth the piston's traverse, will be thus: 151bs steam and lolbs the pressure of the atmosphere = 30 : then look for 301bs at the head of the table, and down the first column for J ; trace that J under 30, and you will find the average to be 17 jibs throughout the stroke. For other proportions follow the same principle that is, supposing the vacuum to be 151bs. If there be not 151bs of a vacuum, the amount of pressure below must be deducted from the average. If a Non-condensing Engine, where the steam is expanded into the atmosphere, the case will be different : because the steam cannot expand below 151bs to the square inch, that being the pressure of the atmosphere. Example: 451bs steam above atmosphere upon the piston of a High-pressure Engine, cut off at one-fourth the length of the stroke. The average pressure throughout will be allowing lib for friction and back-pressure to force out the steam in the cylinder 19 Jibs. Thus : 451bs steam cut off at one-fourth the stroke, with 151bs added, make 601bs. Look for 60 on the top line of the table, and J en the side. Trace that J to the figures under 60, and the average will be found to be 35 Jibs. Take 161bs from 35 Jibs, for atmospheric pressure and friction, and there remains 19 Jibs the available average pressure on the piston. Example: 301bs cut off at one-third. Add 15, 45. The average in the table will be 31 J : deduct 161bs, and there remain 15 Jibs, the available average pressure upon the piston. Another Example : 151bs cut off at half-stroke. Add 15, = 30. The average in the table will be 25J. Deduct 1 61bs and 9 Jibs remain, the average available pressure. In these examples the steam in the cylinder has expanded to atmospheric pressure. In proportion to the pressure of the steam, the cut-off will have to be varied, as shown by the examples, if the steam is to be expanded to its full limit in the cylinder of a Non -condensing Engine ; that is, down to 151bs, or equal to the pressure of the atmosphere. 65 NOMINAL AND INDICATED HORSE-POWER OF STEAM ENGINES. THE nominal horse-power of a Steam Engine, as laid down by JAMES WATT, the inventor of the Steam Engine Indicator, is 33,0001bs raised one foot high per minute, or any less weight a proportionately greater height in the same space of time. Upon this calculation he defined the power exerted. His first premise was to ascertain the average pressure of steam upon the piston ; and for this, as a standard, he laid down, as a rule, an available pressure of Tibs per square inch. The speed of the piston he computed at 220 feet per minute. These, in his day, were about the average pressure and speed Steam Engines were worked at. Thus, a Steam Engine with a cylinder 26 inches diameter, with an average pressure of steam and vacuum* on the piston of 7K>s per square inch when the friction of the Engine is deducted travelling 220 feet per minute, will be of twenty-four horse-power, or, as it is termed, a twenty-four horse Engine. It would, in fact, be no more when worked at the before-named pressure and speed ; that is, it would exert no more than twenty-four horse-power. This then is, nominally, a twenty-four horse Engine ; and were the Indicator to be applied, it would show the Engine to be working not more than twenty-four available horse-power ; for the " indicated " horse-power in this case would be precisely the same as the " nominal " viz., 33,OOOK>s raised one foot high per minute. The term " nominal horse-power " is used because we ascertain originally the power of an Engine by calculation on the basis above laid down ; and when we say " indicated horse-power," it is because we ascertain the power by means of the instrument known as the Indicator. A horse-power, whether termed " nominal " or " indicated," is therefore nothing more nor less than 33,OOOBc>s raised to the height before described independently of the friction of the Engine. But let us suppose the same Engine to be worked at an increased pressure say at 305>s per square inch average steam and vacuum ; and the speed, instead of being 220, to be increased to 350 feet per minute (and many Engines are worked at the speed and pressure here referred to) the power of the Engine would be increased to 168 horse-power or to seven times the amount of the " nominal " designation. Though still " nominally " a twenty-four horse Engine, it would, in reality, be an Engine of 168 horse-power. At the speed and pressure above stated, it would indicate that amount. Thus it is by the increase of speed and pressure that Steam Engines are made to exert more power than they were originally calculated for; or at least, more power than the "nominal" designation. Steam Engines are now made much stronger for the same * This term is here used as in general parlance : not that there is POWER in vacuum ; but to make the rule understood amongst those who use the term, the popular idea is here adopted. 10 " nominal " power, than in the days of WATT. With all Steam Engines, as the pressure and speed are increased, so is the power increased ; but this augmentation of power is not obtained without 'an increased quantity of steam proportionate to the increased pressure, except where steam is used expansively. It will therefore be apparent that the term "nominal" horse-power can only be legitimately used in the sale or purchase of an Engine. On this rule a twenty-four horse Engine means that the cylinder shall be 26 inches diameter, if a Condensing Engine ; and in the same proportion for a larger or a smaller Engine ; for 22 square inches of area in the piston is one " nominal " horse, if a Condensing Engine. If we multiply the diameter of the cylinder by the diameter, and divide by 28, the product will be the number of " nominal " horse-power. EXAMPLE. Diameter of Cylinder, 30 inches. 30 28 ) 900 ( 32 horse-power. 84 60 56 The purchaser of a Condensing Engine should have 22 square inches area of piston for each " nominal " horse-power, whatever the speed or pressure. The real power exerted can only be ascertained by the Indicator ; hence the term " indicated horse-power." This is the standard mode of ascertaining the real power for Condensing Engines, as laid down and established by WATT. It is now universally followed by Engineers. In a case tried at Westminster, where power had been " let by the horse," it was referred to arbitration ; and the question arose, " what constitutes a horse-power T After due enquiry, it was legally established, for the first time, that 33,0001bs raised one foot high per minute is one horse-power, which in the Steam Engine can only be correctly ascertained by the use of the Indicator. Non-condensing, or High-pressure Engines, are calculated for the " nominal " power by the following rule : Eleven square inches area of piston is one "nominal" horse-power. Multiply the diameter of the cylinder by the diameter, and divide by 14, the quotient will be the number of " nominal " horse-power. A High-pressure Engine, working with 40R>s steam above atmosphere upon the piston, cut off at one-third the length of the cylinder, and expanding the remainder, the piston travelling 220 feet per minute, 67 would only exert the power for which it was nominally calculated, independent of friction ; but take the same Engine and increase the speed from 220 to 440 feet per minute which is quite practicable in a Horizontal Engine, if the fly-wheel be not too large the power of that Engine would then be doubled, less the extra friction ; but double the quantity of steam would have been used. The exhaust steam would be thrown away at the termination of the stroke at 3 pbs above the pressure of the atmosphere. Suppose steam were introduced to the same cylinder at SOBbs pressure, and cut off at one-third, and worked expansively, as in the first case, the exhaust steam would be thrown away at 16pbs above the pressure of the atmosphere, being five and a half times the pressure, or loss, sustained from steam at 40Ebs. The power given out would also be less in proportion. Steam at 40R>s would yield 38 J horse- power, whilst steam at 80Bbs, and cut off at the same point, would only yield 66 J, thus showing that the steam has not been used up. A portion of it is lost, in consequence of not being expanded to its full limit, the lost portion escaping into the atmosphere, exerting a corresponding back pressure upon the piston. High-pressure Engines work at such varied pressures and speeds, that the real power can only be ascertained by the Indicator; but the " nominal " power can be calculated by the rules explained above. In the purchase of a High-pressure Engine, the buyer should have eleven square inches area of piston for each " nominal " horse-power, whatever may be the speed or the pressure the Engine can be worked at. One cubic foot of water evaporated per hour is taken to be one " nominal " horse-power, or 1,700 cubic feet of steam, at atmospheric pressure. TO FIND THE POWER OF A STEAM ENGINE ON THE BASIS OF WATTES DEFINITION. As before explained, a HOESE POWER is that amount of moving force which, besides overcoming all friction, will raise 33,OOOBbs weight one foot high per minute : or any smaller weight a proportionately greater height in the same time. RULE. By means of the Indicator, take off a friction diagram when the Engine has no machinery attached only the shafting. Divide the length of the figure into ten equal parts. Measure across the centre of each division by the scale of the instrument, or with a common rule. When the number of pounds to the inch has been ascertained, write them down on each division of the diagram ; then cast them up, and divide the product by ten. If the figure be divided into more than ten, the product must be divided by the number of the divisions on the diagram. The 68 quotient will be the average pressure in pounds upon each square inch of the piston see diagrams Nos. 18 and 19. No. 18 is a friction diagram, and No. 19 a diagram with the Engine loaded with machinery. It may be mentioned that the average friction of Stationary Engines with the shafting, is 3K>s to the square inch, and of Marine Engines 1 Jibs to the square inch upon the Engine piston. If a friction diagram cannot be conveniently obtained, the above is the calculation generally Friction Diagram, No. 18. Taken from the Top of a Condensing Engine Cylinder. -13-5--- 35 3-5 4-5 5. <- 13-5 > 3-5Ibs. Average Pressure, 3*5fbs to the square inch upon the piston. adopted by Engineers, when the available power is required to be known ; but where possible, it is best, for accuracy, that a friction diagram should be taken. For example, see Friction Diagram No. 18. In this diagram, the steam in the cylinder is below the pressure of the atmosphere the full length of the stroke. 69 EXPLANATION OF THE FIGURING OF DIAGRAMS. 3*5Ibs means three pounds and a half upon the square inch. Ten being the whole number, five is half ; and all figures from one to ten are in proportion. 2*5, with a dot between, means two and a half pounds ; 2-8 means two and eight tenths of a pound ; and so on with all figures below ten. 10 -5 also means ten and a half pounds to the square inch ; so with other numbers; 21 '6 means twenty one pounds and six-tenths of a pound. Our rule for calculating the diagrams from the Indicator is given in this simple way, that any person possessing only an indifferent knowledge of figures may understand that rule for many who were disposed to learn the use of the Indicator have been deterred by the use of Algebraic signs in the figuring and calculating of diagrams. These signs are as Greek to a great number of Enginemen, who have not had the benefit of a mathematical education. With the rule here laid down, the compara- tively uneducated amongst them can have no difficulty, and the result, for all practical purposes, will be sufficiently accurate. If the steam upon the piston be below the atmospheric line, the same as in No. 18 Diagram, there will only be one column to add up; but if the steam on the cylinder be above atmospheric pressure, as in No. 19 Diagram, there will be two columns to add up, one on the steam side, and one on the vacuum side ; and these two will have to be added together to get the whole pressure. They may be measured at one measurement when the steam and the vacuum are on the tenth scale, which is the case where the pressure is under 255>s upon the piston. In the case of a High-pressure Engine, there will only be one column the steam side ; and where there is a back pressure upon the piston, that must be deducted. In a compound High-pressure cylinder, sometimes there is a partial vacuum caused by the steam in the condensing cylinder being below the pressure of the atmosphere ; and in some cases, a con- siderable back pressure is the consequence of the steam on the condensing cylinder being above atmosphere. In the first case, there will be two columns one for the steam, and one for the vacuum. RULE TO ASCERTAIN THE POWER REQUIRED TO DRIVE ANY QUANTITY OF MACHINERY : OR THE POWER THE ENGINE IS EXERTING. With the Indicator take off a diagram when the load is on, or with the machinery in operation you wish to know the power it will take to drive. For example : Diagram No. 19 is taken from a Condensing Engine with the whole of the machinery in motion, belonging to Mr. GOADSBY, of Manchester that Engine being considered a good example of expanding steam in the cylinder, and also of the setting of valves. 70 RULE. The area of the cylinder being given in square inches, multiply by the speed the piston travels in feet per minute, and multiply by the available average pressure in pounds per square inch upon the piston, having deducted the friction of the Engine and shafting, as below : the multi- plicand will give the number of available horse-power independently of the friction of the Engine when divided by 33,OOOB)s. Diagram No. 19, Taken from the Top of a Condensing Cylinder. 4'6 steam. 10 '4 vacuum. 10*4 vacuum. 4 - 6 steam. Deduct friction diagram ; or the power 15-0 the average pressure upon the piston, required for Engine and shafting ... 3'OBbs. 12-Ofts., the available pressure upon each square inch of the piston. By giving the number of feet per minute traversed by the piston and the diameter of the cylinder, with a diagram, any person conversant with 71 the use of the Indicator will be able at any time to ascertain the state of his Engine, and what amount of available power it is exerting, or the power for the whole of the machinery the Engine is . driving, including shafting and its own friction. It will not be necessary to send for any one to examine the Engine ; the diagram will be quite sufficient to explain its condition. For example, examine Diagram No. 19. Multiply twice the length of the stroke in feet by the number of revolutions per minute ; the product will be the speed the piston travelled in feet per minute. EXAMPLE. Diameter of cylinder, 32 inches ;* speed of piston in feet per minute, 340. Multiply the cylinder's diameter 32 by the diameter 32 64 96 To ascertain the number of square 1024 inches, multiply by "7854 which is the decimal area of a circle of one inch, 10,000 being one square inch. 4096 5120 8192 7168 804-2496 square inches of the piston. Multiply 340 by speed of piston 340 feet per minute. 321699840 Multiply by the effective pressure 24127488 upon the piston when the friction of the Engine and 273444-8640 shafting has been deducted - 12fi>s., the average available pressure. Divide by 33000 ) 3281338-3680 take off four figures, being the decimal 297000 ( 99 figures of 7854 ; and the dividend 99 is - the number of horse-power. 311338 297000 14338 towards 33000. By the rule given, we find that this Engine was exerting 99 available horse-power, or 119 horse, including friction of Engine and shafting. At the time the diagram was taken, the Engine was consuming eleven tons of coal per week, including steam for mill, &c., with two boilers of FAIRBAIRN'S patent oval flue, and double fire-box construction. Suppose the eleven tons to be consumed by the Engine when working 60 hours per week, what is the quantity of coal consumed per hour ? * To save the trouble of squaring the diameter, see Table of Circumferences and Area of Circles, given afterwards, which gives the areas of circles per square inch. In this case it will be found to be 804 '2496 square inches area. ff^T OP THE $^ (/U3U7BK3ITT EXAMPLE. Multiply the number of hours GO by the horse-power 99 540 540 5940 hours and horse power together. Reduce the weekly consumption of 2240ft)9., or 1 ton. tons into fibs 11 the number of tons per week. Divide by the horse-power and the number of hours together 5940 ) 24640 ( 4lbs 2oz. 5dr., the consumption per hour 23760 per horse-power. If we deduct the steam for heating the mill, this will Multiply by the number of ounces 880 reduce the consumption for the Engine in the lb 16 under 41bs per available horse-power, or to 31bs per hour per horse, for the 5280 whole power exerted. 880 Divide by the divisor as before 5940 ) 14080 ( 2oz. 11880 Multiply by the number of drachms 2200 in the ounce 16 1 3200 2200 Divide by the divisor 5940 ) 35200 ( 5 drachms. 29700 5500 towards 1 drachm. EXPLANATION OF A DIAGRAM. Diagram No. 20 taken from the top of the cylinder of a Beam Engine. The steam corner A shows the valve at the commencement of the stroke to be rather too forward. It would be better were it a little later. Then the diagram would be a little rounded at the corner A, thus preventing the steam from pressing too much upon the piston when the crank is at the " plumb centre." The Engine is supposed to be working without expansion. The steam continues to the end of the stroke, as shown at B, nearly at the same pressure the whole length, showing that the valve on the steam side has been open the full length of the stroke. The commencement of the exhaust corner, C, being rounded, shows that the valve is too late. It would be better had the exhaust more " lead : " that is, were the valve on the exhaust side to open a little sooner. This would allow the steam to escape into the condenser earlier, and give more power to the steam at the commencement of the stroke. The termination of the exhaust corner D being square, shows the valve also to be too late 73 in closing the exhaust. If closed sooner, the Engine would work much better. Should the valve be a D, or a common slide three-port valve, add a little lap to the steam side, and set forward the valve by the eccentric. The valve in that case would not open full port. The exhaust would be opened sooner, and closed sooner, which is required. It Diagram No. 20. Taken from a Beam Engine with D Valves without Lap, from the Top of the Cylinder. B 10. 9-8 9-8 10. 10-5 10-5 11. 11-3 11-6 | 12-2 A ' Pressure of Steam, 10'67lbs above Atmosphere. 8-5 10. 10-5 11. 11-5 12. 12-3 12-3 12-3 D 10*641bs vacuum. 10'671bs pressure of Steam. 21'311bs average pressure of Steam upon the piston. would then show a rounding at the corner D in proportion to the distance the valve had been moved forward. (See Diagram No. 19, which shows the exhaust closed sooner, as explained.) If the valves are of the kind known as the tappit, they can be regulated independently of each other by the moving of the tappits. 74 The diagram being divided into ten equal parts, and each measured by the scale, and figured as shown, the average pressure of the steain above atmosphere, and the amount of vacuum, when added together, will show the average pressure upon the piston at each stroke. The average pres- sure as shown in the example is 21 '3 libs per square inch upon the piston. The bottom, or under side, of the piston should be indicated, and the average of the top and bottom taken for the mean pressure per square inch throughout the stroke. This mode of measuring a diagram viz., by dividing the length of the figure into ten parts, is the mode generally practised, and is found sufficiently correct for practical purposes. Where great exactness is required, a greater number of divisions can be resorted to, and the indication will thereby be the more correct, especially when the indication is from an Engine working steam expansively. THE CONSTRUCTION AND ACTION OF VALVES. THE reader, by this time, will have learned something respecting the form and the different points to be understood of a diagram. It has, therefore, now become necessary to explain the different forms of valves used in the working of steam in connection with the Steam Engine ; and as these parts may be said to be, as in the human frame, the heart of the structure, should the heart be diseased or deranged, the whole of the structure or system will be thereby affected. How necessary is it, therefore, that the form and proper working of valves should be fully understood. COMMON THREE-PORT SLIDE VALVE. The annexed engraving, Fig. 21, is an illustration of a Steam Engine cylinder with a three-port slide valve, without " lap." The arrow at H denotes the admission of steam into the valve chest, from thence to the cylinder, and from the cylinder, after having exerted its force upon the piston through the valve and exhaust port to the condenser or into the atmosphere, if a Non- condensing Engine. On reference to the illustration it will be seen that the steam and exhaust ports are of equal dimensions ; F F are the thoroughfares to each end of the cylinder, and E the thoroughfare for the exhaust steam to escape into the condenser or into the atmosphere, as the case may be. The valve, as now shown, is attached to the rod C, the traverse being attained by the usual means. When the Engine makes one-half of a revolution, or one stroke up or down, the valve changes its position accordingly. 75 Figure No. 21. CYLINDER AND SLIDE VALVE. 76 As before observed, the arrow H denotes the steam passage from the Boiler to the valve chest D. As the valve is shown, there is a direct opening for the steam through the steam-way F, to act upon the piston B ; and on the under side A, through the exhaust way F, there is a free passage for the exhaust steam into the condenser, or atmosphere, as shown at E. The valve being hollow on the under side, permits the egress, as shown. It will be observed that the faces of the valve will little more than cover the ports, and this construction is therefore appropriately termed " without cover " or " lap." Suppose, then, that the piston had proceeded in its traverse to the end of the stroke, the valve would also have changed in position and action ; the steam from the steam chest would be admitted at the other end of the valve on to the other side of the piston, and the steam, which in the former position of the valve had forced the piston to the end of the cylinder, would now be liberated, and allowed to exhaust or depart into the condenser, or atmosphere, through E. The traversing motion of the valve, which is effected by the eccentric, thus changes the application of the steam to each end of the cylinder, provides an inlet for the steam to the piston, and also an opening for exhaustion through the proper channels, after power has been exerted, producing a continuous backward and forward action of the piston of the Engine, and, by means of a beam and connecting-rod attached to the piston, communicating motion to the crank, or in some cases direct to the crank by a connecting-rod only. In the latter case the Engine is called a Direct-action Engine. The regularity of speed and economy in the working of the Steam Engine depends in a great degree upon the proper arrangement of the valves. It is of the utmost consequence that full and complete infor- mation on this branch of the subject should be acquired by all who are entrusted with the care and direction of this valuable instrument of power. Many Engines work inefficiently, not only from the defective construction of the valves, but also from imperfect " setting." It will work inefficiently if the thoroughfares are contracted, or the valve-box be too short, or both. In such cases there is little chance of effecting much improvement in the working. The three-port valve described above is, as we have said, without " cover" or " lap," being only just sufficient to cover the ports, and prevent the steam passing into both ports at one and the same time. It will be observed that as one port closes the other opens, and the exhaust also. Valves constructed and set in this manner admit steam upon the piston the whole length of the stroke ; the exhaust is also open for the full length of the stroke. Were an Indicator applied, the diagram would be similar to that of No. 22, which is from a High-pressure Engine 77 working without expansion the exhaust neither opening nor closing before the piston has traversed its full length. The working and economy of this Engine would be greatly enhanced by " lapping " the valve, as in Fig. 23 the steam being used expansively. The steam port has been s closed earlier, therefore the steam has been cut off before the termination of the stroke. The steam already in the cylinder would then expand and force the piston forward the remainder of the stroke. To produce the same power, however, a greater pressure of steam would be required on 78 the piston at the commencement of the stroke ; but as the Boiler in this instance is already pressed up to the limit of safety, the Engine neces- sarily consumes a greater quantity of fuel than- it would if the steam could be worked expansively. To enable this valve to cut off earlier and work expansively,. without adding " lap," would be to make up part of the thoroughfares at each end of the valve-box towards the outer edge, and cut away some of the metal in the inside of the ports, so that the ports would not be much contracted. In that case the valve would cut off the steam the same as if it had " lap." The hollow of the valve would require to be propor- tionately less, by being " bitted " in the same way as the thoroughfares. This mode is resorted to when the valve-box is too short, and where " lap " cannot be added to the valve ; this is called " lapping the thoroughfares." " LAP," OR COVER OP THREE-PORT SLIDE VALVES. Fig. 23 is a representation of a cylinder and a three-port slide valve. The same letters denote the same parts as in Fig. 21. In this instance the valve is shown with " lap " or cover, so as to cut off the steam to work expansively. This latter is accomplished to a greater or less degree according to the amount of " lap " or cover of the valve. It will be observed in Fig. 23 that the cover is three-fourths broader than the steam ports, and being worked by the same eccentric, with the same length of traverse, it does not open the steam port more than one-fourth of its width, which in some cases would not be sufficient to admit the full pressure of steam to the piston ; but where the ports are of sufficient width, and there is a proper pressure in the Boiler, no difficulty is expe- rienced by adding " lap " to the valve. Let us ascertain the effect of this additional breadth of valve face. When the valve edge arrives at the port, ready to admit the steam upon the piston, it will have moved three-fourths the length of its traverse. The remaining distance is the amount of opening given for the admission of steam to the piston, which will not be more than half an inch, if the ports be two inches wide : the valve is then reversed by the motion or throw of the eccentric, and it will therefore have opened and closed the steam port with one inch of traverse, half an inch each way. As this valve is V shaped on the edge, the steam is admitted to the piston easily, and cut off easily. This is technically termed " easy steaming." Were the Indicator applied, the diagram would be similar to Diagram No. 24. At the termination of the piston's descent, the steam is fully exhausted ready for the return stroke. This is called " lead of the exhaust." The full length of the traverse of the valve is four inches for one revolution 7'.) Figure No. 23. CYLINDER AND SLIDE VALVE, WITH " LAP. 1 ' 80 of the Engine. This arrangement cuts off the steam at about one-fourth the length of the stroke, the remainder of the stroke being worked by the expansibility of the steam. Each end of the valve is of the same width. The ports, being two inches wide, require that the face of the valve, with the same traverse, shall be 3J inches broad, being 1 J inches broader than the width of the ports. It will also be perceived that the exhaust side of the valve will be three-fourths open when the crank is at the plumb centre. By these means the steam in the cylinder is exhausted ready for the return stroke. The closing of the exhaust is also effected much earlier, whereby the uncondensed steam left in the cylinder becomes compressed towards the end of the stroke. This in practice is found to act as a buffer to the piston, preventing a sudden shock at the termina- tion and commencement of the stroke. The steam thus compressed is not lost, but gives back a portion of its power on the reversal of the piston. It is necessary for an Engine running quickly, with rapid reversals of the piston, that the valves should cut off the steam early in the cylinder, and the exhaust also close early. The example we have given is con- sidered an extreme amount of " lap " on a three-port valve. Other proportions of " lap," less or more, follow the same principle : that is, if the " lap " or cover be less, the steam will be longer on the piston before it is cut off. The opening and closing of the exhaust will be in like ratio. The traverse of the valve may be increased by a new eccentric, having more throw, or by moving the rock-shaft stud nearer to the centre, providing the valve-box be of sufficient length to enable the valve to travel a longer distance in the same time, by which the ports will be opened wider for the admission of steam to the piston than with its former traverse ; and the steam will be cut off at the same point as before, because the valve travels quicker. This is usually termed " travelling over port." This form and description of the three-port valve and slide is princi- pally used for High-pressure Engines. Various may be the alterations required, according to the width and distance of the ports and the length of traverse, which may be either increased or decreased, if worked by a rock-shaft. The makers of small portable Engines will find that attention to the form and setting of three-port valves will be attended with advantage by admitting the steam to the piston easily. They should also allow plenty of room in the thoroughfares, so that in the process of exhaustion there be no back pressure, that the speed of the Engine may be increased when more power is required. At the Royal Agricultural Show at Leeds, 1861, there was observable a general defect 81 in this class of Engines want of speed of the piston, which could not well be increased on account of the fly-wheel being too large. Defects such as these are serious drawbacks upon High-pressure Portable Engines, or to Engines of any other form. Attention to balancing the working parts of an Engine steadies the working, and requires less matter to be put and kept in motion to equalise the speed. If the pressure were increased from 45Ebs to 70 or 805>s to the square inch (which might be safely effected with small Boilers of the Portable class), the steam would be used more expansively : consequently, less fuel would be used, and an increased power obtained. We are aware that there is an objection to high-pressure steam among agriculturalists ; but how that arises it is difficult to understand, seeing that Railway Locomotives work steam at from lOOlbs to 1505>s pressure to the square inch with perfect safety exerting great power, and occupying little space. THE D SLIDE VALVE. This description of valve, which is in very general use for Condensing Steam Engines, when first introduced was worked without " lap," or extra cover, and the valve-boxes were generally of such a length that they would not admit of the valve travelling over port, consequently, the steam was admitted the whole length of the stroke, which caused the exhaust side of the valve to be too late both in opening and closing. For a long period Low-pressure Engines worked in the manner described ; but as the property of the expansion of steam became better understood, various methods were adopted whereby the D valve could be made to work on the expansive principle. It was found that by enlarging the valve-box to allow of more traverse, thus giving room for extra " lap," the steam could be cut off at almost any portion of the traverse. This fact was partially known previous to 1841 ; but in that year a Mr. BOULD, cotton spinner, of Halifax, in Yorkshire, took out a patent for " Improvements in Condensing Steam Engines," in which he describes tlje D valve and the mode of " lapping." As it appears from his specifi- cation that he clearly understood the subject of " lapping," and setting valves, extracts from that specification, in his own language, will be found of advantage. He says : " My invention relates to the mode of arranging the valves (which slide over the ports) of Condensing Steam Engines, in such a manner that the exhaustion port shall be fully open at the time the piston has completed its stroke, at either end of the cylinder, and at the same time allow of the steam being worked expansively by means of the same 12 82 Diagram No. 24. Irom a High-pressure or Non-condensing Engine, with ," lap " on the Valve, and V on the edge. ~ -s S g -3 1 I? I 2 I -I I ^ s per square inch. The valves are of the common D construction, worked with the ordinary eccentric. This case shows that valve-setting, with any description of valve, may be made to cut off at any part of the stroke, when the steam in the Boiler is of sufficient pressure. The valves and ports are not large, con- sequently they require an increased pressure of steam. When the steam is reduced to 455>s per square inch, the Engines begin to lose speed, although there is not more than 2 libs per square inch upon the piston when the Engines are at full speed, because the " lap " on the steam side is so much that the port is not more than one-fourth open when the valve is at the extent of its traverse. The whole value of valve-setting and working expansively consists in having sufficient pressure in the Boiler ; for in cases where the thoroughfares are small, the pressure 09 Diagram No. 34. Taken from the Top of the Cylinder of a Condensing Engine. 100 makes up the difference. If the steam ports be large, expansion, or cutting off in the cylinder, is effected with less pressure in the Boiler and that, too, without expansion valves or complicated apparatus. Expansion can be well effected with the ordinary valves, when the steam is at sufficient pressure ; and in constructing new Engines there can be no objection to having the valve boxes and thoroughfares so large that the Engineer may be enabled to set his valves in accordance with the varying pressure in the Boiler, or the load on the Engine. Diagram No. 34, shows that the steam is cut off at one-sixth the length of the stroke, without shock or vibration because the V in the valve face allows the steam to be cut off early and admitted easily, thus main- taining the pressure on the piston regularly. It will be perceived that the exhaust closes as recommended in the instructions on valve-setting. The steam side is a little late, allowing the cranks to have passed their centres, before the steam is admitted on to the pistons. At this pressure the valves are better without lead, so as to open steadily, and admit the steam on easily ; for when a valve allows the pressure to come upon the piston easily, it will be taken off in a similar manner. In all cases of valve-setting this is an important point to be attended to what is termed " easy steaming." In Marine Engines the valves have generally too much lead. Were this point properly attended to, Marine Engines would work much easier, and lasf much longer. Cornish, or drop valves, which are usually opened and closed by tappets, require to be accurately shaped according to the amount of expansion. Expansion also depends upon the pressure of the steam in the Boiler, and the dimensions of the ports. There is difficulty in forming tappets to raise the valves easily, so that the steam may not rush to the piston with too great a force while the crank is passing the centre. To effect this, hoops are fitted to the inside of the seat of the valve, so that when the valve is raised from its seat to admit the steam to the piston, it has to pass through the openings cut in the rims of the valves. Where the Indicator is used and understood, if the valve opens too quickly, the fault can be at once ascertained. 101 : \ , t > ,, , PROPORTIONS OP A PAIR OP 28* NOMINAL PCRSE-POWER CONDENSING BEAM ENGINES, SHOWING THE MODE IN WHICH" THE fofel&i A^.2 ^STJ 1 ' '' ' " / - \ (See Diagram No. 35, taken from these Engines.) Inches. Diameter of Cylinders 28 Length of Stroke 60 Length of Steam Ports 14 Depth of Steam Ports 3| Cover or Lap of Valve steam side Breadth of Valve face 5| Traverse of Valves 7| Both Exhausts open at each end when the Valve is in the centre .. Of Full extent of opening of Valve on steam side 0| Full opening of Exhaust side (being 1| inches more than width of Port) 4 Lead of Valve on steam side ... .. Lead of Exhaust at plumb-centre of Crank (being five-eighths of an inch more than width of Ports) ... ... ... ... ... 4f Traverse of Piston when the steam is cut off; or near one-third the length of the Cylinder 19 Traverse of Piston when the Exhaust Valve begins to open ... 48 Vacuum 134 Ibs Average pressure of Steam and Vacuum ... 12| Number of Strokes per minute 30 Working hours per week 60 Tons of Coal consumed per week 14 Pressure of Steam in Boiler 30 Ibs Injection Water 38 Water from Hot Well 90 Valves, long slides, with five-eighths of an inch bevel on the end of Valve, in place of a V exhausting down the centre. Two Beam Engines, coupled at right angles. Indicated horse-power of the two Cylinders, 121. * These Engines are at Bradford, in Yorkshire. They are called in that locality 25 horse- power Engines being three horses less than the calculated rule. 102 'Diagram No. 35. Taken from a pah' of 2*8 Nominal Horse Power Condenshig Engines, at Bradford. See Page 101. 103 A TABLE SHOWING THE AMOUNT OF " LAP " REQUIRED FOR SLIDE VALVES, WHEN THE STEAM IS TO BE WORKED EXPANSIVELY. The traverse of the valves being ascertained, and also the amount of cut-off desired, the following table shows the amount of " lap " required. Traverse of the Valve in inches. The traverse of the piston where the steam is cut off. n~fi~Ai'~rrAi~i"rii~flT The required " lap." 21 71 3 ! ! ! 8 I II TS i A H i i Hi m A' i H ii I A' 1* 1 1 i 1* J_!^ it ill lAIJiJ 2 i ill' IA 1 i i n 1 1 f if 2A 2A 2 | 11; 2A' 2 T \ 2 1 Ht! i f 1 2A! 2 if _LJ_rii JAIJLIJA 2 H I 2; If 3A 3 T V; 3 if f 3 T ^i if 3A' 3 4 I 3if 3| 3 2if if 2| 2 10 3 10J 11 4 3J 2 12 I 3] 21 Si EXPLANATION OF DIAGRAMS. WE now suppose the reader to have made himself practically conver- sant with the principles involved in the construction of the Steam Engine, and the construction of the common slide and other valves also of the expansion of steam. If so, he will readily understand the explanations of diagrams which here follow, and be able to apply the instructions therein conveyed to his own case with advantage. , - ro? THB 104 No. 36 Diagram was taken from the Engine at Castle Mills, Sheffield, at the commencement of work after dinner. The Indicator was in operation until the whole of the work was propelled by the Engine, the diagram showing by the various lines, as the various machines were set to work, the extra quantity of steam required, and the decreased vacuum Diagram No. 36. Taken from tlte Top of the Cylinder of a Condensing Engine. in proportion to the extra quantity of steam to be condensed. The different degrees on the diagram show, when measured, the power taken by each machine as it was put in motion. A similar result could be obtained where there are different rooms of machinery. Each room, as set to work, would describe on the paper the extra quantity of steam required to propel the machinery, and thus show the value or the cost of the power in each room. By this method we are enabled to ascertain the 105 power required for any particular machine, or number of machines, as well as the most economical amount of power the Engine will exert, in accordance with its construction, pressure of steam, size of condenser, dimensions of steam-ways, and the quantity and temperature of condens- ing water available. The diagram shows the steam to be on the full length of the stroke. The valves were D valves, without " lap," consequently the steam was not cut off before the termination of the stroke. The pressure at the end is lessened, the difference in this case being caused by the condensation of the steam from the low temperature of the cylinder. By Diagram No. 36 it is shown that the Engine has large steam-ways, as indicated by the great quantity of steam to be condensed at the termi- nation of the stroke. If the eccentric was moved forwards, and " lap " added to the valve, less steam would be used, because the steam would be worked expansively, and the exhaust would be closed earlier, making a diagram rounded at the closing of the exhaust. The Engine would then work better, and the consumption of fuel would be considerably reduced. It will be observed that the various lines on the vacuum side are in accordance with the amount of steam to be condensed. The greater the quantity of steam, the less the amount of vacuum. No. 37 Diagram was taken from an Engine belonging to Mr. JOHN DAVISON, corn miller, Gateshead, which has since been destroyed by the great fire at Gateshead and Newcastle-upon-Tyne. The pressure of steam in the Boiler was lOEbs to the square inch above the atmosphere. This Engine was supplied with cold water from the river Tyne ; therefore that useful agent for the Condensing Engine was in abundance. The valves were two short slides the pressure of the steam upon the back of the valves pressing them to the face. These slides required considerable power to work them a consideration that should not be lost sight of in the construction of an Engine, particularly where high-pressure steam is used. This diagram gives an example of contracted steam-ways, and shows the crippled state of the Engine. The average pressure upon the piston is 7'2Ibs to the square inch, with steam in the cylinder near atmospheric pressure at the commencement of the exhaust. Deduct the friction of the Engine and shafting at the regular allowance, 3Ebs to the square inch, and the available power remaining is 4Ibs to the square inch. Compare this diagram with Diagram No. 19. The average pressure upon the piston in No. 19 is 15Bbs to the square inch, with steam in the cylinder at the commencement of the exhaust 65>s below the pressure of the atmosphere. The one Engine has to condense fourteen, and the other nine, making a difference of 30 per cent, in favour of No. 19 Engine, in 15 IOC the steam used and the steam to condense showing the superiority of one Engine over the other. No. 19 Diagram shows 15fos to the square inch, which, with 35>s for the friction of the Engine and shafting taken off, leaves an available power of 12Ebs to the square inch upon the piston or three times the power of No. 37, with 30 per cent, less fuel used, and 30 per cent, less water for condensing. Diagram No. 37. Taken from the Bottom of the Cylinder. 4-3 6. 7. 7-6 8-1 9. 9-5 10. 11 Average vacuum, 7'21bs. The maker of the Gateshead Engine prided himself upon the superiority of this Engine over others, from the great noise the steam made on the exhaust side he mistaking the noise for a good vacuum, when as shown by the diagram, the contrary was the fact. At this mill there were two Engineers at work, two Engines, two sets of Boilers, and more than four times the quantity of fuel used than was necessary. Had the Engine, No. 37, been properly constructed, it would have been able to propel more than both Engines were propelling, to say nothing of the daily expen- diture being at least three-fourths reduced, and leaving out of question 107 the wear and tear, and the space uselessly occupied. Had either the maker or the proprietor been practically acquainted with the Indicator, it would have been of advantage to both. If the one had made a mistake, the other would have been able to point out the defect, and between them the Engine might have been put in proper working condition. Instead of this, however, they were both satisfied with it in its crippled condition ; the one believing that he had constructed an Engine which could not be exceeded, and the other believing that his Engine was one of the best. As a proof that it was a good one, several people were called in to hear the good vacuum the Engine was making. The noise produced by the exhaust was similar to the noise made by the escaping steam at the top of a Locomotive Engine chimney. This is not a solitary instance of this kind of Engineering, but a sample of what may be frequently met with. No. 38 Diagram was taken from an Engine belonging to Mr. RICKETTS, Corn Miller, Sheffield. By this diagram the state of the Engine will at once be apparent. The steam was too late, the exhaust was too late, and also closed too soon. In this state the Engine worked for a con- siderable time. There was a most irregular motion, causing the stones to tremble, and the whole machinery to appear in an agitated state. The Engine was consuming a great quantity of fuel, and by most parties it was considered overloaded. The valves were of the conical description, worked by revolving tappets. Several Engine-makers had examined the Engine, and various were their conjectures. At length, as a remedy, one of them applied several tons of metal to the rim of the fly-wheel. The result was not as anticipated : the additional weight which had to be propelled ! did not improve the working, and the conclusion come to, after this alteration was, that the Engine was too small for the work it had to do. Diagram No. 38 was taken when the Engine was in this state. Diagram No. 39 was taken from the same Engine, in the short space of one hour after the Indicator had been applied. The tappets which worked the drop valves had moved from their places, as will be seen on reference to No. 38 Diagram. The tappets were adjusted, the Indicator again applied, and No. 39 Diagram obtained. Examine the difference : the improved vacuum the steam on at the proper time, cut off at one-fourth the length of the stroke working by expansion and the exhaust sooner. The average pressure of No. 39 Diagram is 10'86Ebs, and the average pressure of No. 38 Diagram 1 4-305)8 ; thus showing that the Engine, before the valves were properly set, was consuming steam equal to 3 Jibs to the square inch to work itself more than No. 39. The result of the alteration was, that the Engine 108 consumed little more than half the fuel it did before, the stsnes run steadily, the whole machinery at the proper speed y and sufficient surplus power remained to have driven one-third more work. This case shows pre-eminently the advantage and use of the Indicator over the guess- Diagram No. 38. Taken from the Top of a Condensing Engine Cylinder. Steam 6'66R>s. 7-641bs. Vacuum. 6-66 Steam, 14'30 Average Pressure. work of some Engine-makers and managers of Steam Engines. By its use the real defects were at once laid bare, and the simple remedy applied. An Engineer without an Indicator is like the Captain of a ship at sea without a Compass. 109 Diagram No. 40 was taken November 24th, 1855, from an Engine belonging to Messrs. HYDE, SONS, AND SOWERBY. This Diagram is also illustrative of our present subject, " Derangement of Valves " ; and as there are numerous Engines working with valves set in a similar manner, Diagram No. 39. Taken from the Top of the same Engine as No. 38. 5-5 12-7 12-8 13. 11. Steam, l'94ft>s. 8-92fts Vacuum. 1-94 Steam. 10-86 Average Pressure. it is important that the facts and particulars of the case should be fully entered into and attentively considered j because a mistaken opinion exists amongst Engineers as to the cause of the irregularity which the diagram exhibits. Many suppose that the irregularity of the figure is no Diagram No. 40. Taken from the Top of the Cylinder of a Condensing Engine. O 7 o 111 19 11 121 12~6 129 150 15-1 lo Steam, 6'54K>s. 11-40K.8 Vacuum. 6-54 Steam 17'94lbs Average Pressure of the steam on the piston throughout the stroke. Ill caused by the irregularity of action in the Indicator, arising from a want of correctness in the working parts, or from the spring of the instrument being too weak, In the present instance this idea prevailed ; and, as a proof that the irregularity arose from this cause, other diagrams were taken by a differently constructed Indicator, with the pencil projecting at a right angle from the cylinder the barrel, or cylinder to which the paper is affixed being detached from the body of the instrument. This latter description of Indicator is not sensitive enough to show the true action of the steam upon the piston of the Engine, because the pencil- holder, with the pencil in fche position described, acts as a lever with a motion opposed to the motion of the piston, and adds additional friction, preventing a true tracing on the barrel of the Indicator. It thus arose that the valves of the Engine from which Diagram No. 40 was taken were in the state shown, because the Indicator formerly used did not exhibit the irregularity made apparent when a larger and more sensitive instrument was applied. It will be seen from the diagram that on the steam side, at the commencement of the stroke, the steam is exerting a pressure upon the piston of 19Ibs per square inch, the crank being then at the plumb centre. As soon as the crank has turned the centre, and the piston moved forward, the pressure of the steam is reduced to 13Bbs per square inch. Then again it is raised to 14B)s, until the valve begins to close nearly at the half-stroke. It will be observed that here another irregularity occurs, which was said to be produced by the faultiness of the Indicator. In many instances where similar diagrams are taken, these irregularities are considered to arise from defectiveness in the instrument. Of course it is much easier to blame the Indicator than to explain its action. But to proceed with our description : the diagram shows that the steam was forcing the piston of the Indicator upwards against the spring, the resistance of which was equal to a pressure of 19S>s per square inch. Were not this so, how could the piston have been sent up ? There must have been sufficient force to overcome the resistance of the spring. This extra pressure at the beginning of the stroke top and bottom has a very injurious effect upon an Engine, and is the cause of more breakdowns and the breaking up of more foundations, than almost all other causes put together. Were the art of valve-setting more fully understood, so as to bring judiciously the pressure of the steam to bear upon the piston, we should seldom hear of Engines being stopped to repair breakdowns, which are now of constant occurrence, from the cause just explained. Wherever the Indicator makes a diagram similar to that of No. 40, it will be found that there is a great strain upon the pillars, beam, centres, crank, and other fixings of the Engine, which may be easily detected by placing the hands upon the parts, and particularly upon the pillars. 112 In Diagram No. 40, the pressure of the steam in the Boiler was 25Ibs to the square inch. The diagram gives an average pressure throughout the stroke of 17 '94^8 to the square inch. The average pressure of steam above atmospheric pressure is 6'54K>s, with a pressure upon the piston at the commencement of the stroke of 191bs per square inch above the atmosphere. This extreme pressure being imparted to the crank at "plumb centre," every part of the Engine was thereby subjected to severe strain, there being on the beam, crank, and centres, a dead lift twice during every stroke. This was the result of the valve having too much lead, and of opening too quickly, so tbat the rush of the steam struck the piston of the Engine with great force in the same way as steam is applied to " the steam hammer." This caused the Engine to tremble, and be, to all appearances, heavily loaded. At the closing of the valve at half-stroke, the steam was reduced down too quickly. The diagram shews that the valve closed too rapidly, causing vibration and unsteadiness from the irregularity of the pressure upon the piston. This diagram exhibits the evil of steam being cut off too quickly, instead of being shut off regularly and easily : for it is as important for the steam to be taken off easily as for it to be let on easily, that the steady working of the Engine may not be disturbed. In the case we are considering, had there not being a heavy fly-wheel to overcome the sudden changes occasioned by the steam being thrown on and cut off too quickly, the vibration would have been much greater. This mode of setting valves, with too much lead, of which Diagram No. 40 is a faint example, is a relic of the olden times, when low pressure steam was used from 4Bbs to lOSbs per square inch. The practice is not nearly so objectionable with low pressure as with high pressure steam. Had there been a proper Indicator in use "at the time we speak of, we should not now have had to combat the deep-rooted prejudices and mistaken opinions which prevail amongst those who have been in the habit of using the small Indicator with its pencil fixed contrary to the traverse of the Indicator piston. We shall have to shew in our further explanations of diagrams the evils which result from this description of instrument, and the injury done by parties who, without consideration, report on Steam Engines from diagrams taken by this defective instrument. In so doing, we shall give practical examples and facts to bear out our representations. We have only one object in view, that of dispelling the errors of those who ought to be more fully acquainted with the use and utility of a sensitive Indicator for valve- setting ; and unless we give the names of the parties, and the circum- stances we are commenting upon, others might be blamed. Since the publication of the practical facts contained in the early editions of the 113 Diagram No. 41. Taken from the Top of the Cylinder of the same Engine as No. 40. Steam, 9-10Bbs. 12-441bs Vacuum. 9-10 Steam. 21-54 Average Pressure of steam on the piston throughout the stroke. 114 " Steam Engine Explained," by J. HOPKINSON, a great change has taken place amongst practical Engineers in the use of th'e Indicator, particu- larly in valve-setting, where great nicety is required. Diagram No. 41 was taken March 12th, 1856, from the same Engine, and by the same Indicator, after the valves had been adjusted so as to apply the steam easily at the commencement of the stroke, and also to cut it off easily. We here see that instead of the corner of the diagram on the steam side having a projecting point, the corner is rounded, because the full pressure of the steam on the piston is not applied until the crank has passed the centre, thereby preventing a dead lift at the foundation, the beam, the centres, the crank, and the pin. It will also be observed, that on the valve closing short of the half-stroke, it closes regularly, and the diagram does not exhibit the variations which are shown in Diagram No. 40. The pressure in the Boiler, when Diagram No. 41 was taken, was 25Ebs to the square inch, the same as in No. 40 ; average pressure on the steam side of the piston, as shown by the diagram, is 9'lOBbs, and on the vacuum side, 12'44K>s : average, 2r54fcs per square inch, being 3'60Ebs more than with Diagram No. 40 showing the Engine to be exerting twenty per cent, more power, with less strain upon the various parts than before. The greatest pressure in No. 40 Diagram is 18Ebs above the atmosphere, and that is after the crank has passed the centre, that being a more favourable position to receive the full pressure. After the valves had been altered, and more work put on the Engine, the straining of the parts was comparatively removed, as shown by the diagram ; another instance of the correctness of the Indicator in describing the changes effected by alterations of valves. No. 42 Diagram was taken from the same Engine, on August 23rd, 1856, by the same Indicator. Here will be seen a greatly increased power over No. 40 Diagram. The average pressure of No. 40 Diagram was 17-94S)s; of No. 41 Diagram, 21-54; and of No. 42 Diagram, 23'971bs ; being in the last case upwards of thirty per cent, more power performed by the same Engine. In both the last cases, the strain upon the parts was steady and regular, and the Engine was not nearly so injuriously affected as when the steam was introduced in full force upon the piston by the old method of valve-setting. The valves in No. 40 would by many be considered to be properly set ; and had the diagram been taken with a small Indicator, such as that made by M'NAUGHT and others, the irregularities would not have been shown, and the valves would in that case have been passed as being correctly set. A state of things like these is too often the case, and forms one of the obstacles to the further improvement of the Steam Engine. When this defective instrument is relied upon, where one set of valves are found to be as well 115 Diagram No. 42. Taken from the Top of the Cylinder. Steam, lM3ft>s. 12'84ft>s Vacuum. 11-13 Steam. 23-97 Average pressure. 116 set as in the instance we are illustrating, a greater number will be found to be worse. With valves set as in the case of No. 42, it would be almost impossible for a breakdown to occur from improper action on the part of the Engine itself, as the strain is nearly equal throughout the stroke, and without undue pressure upon the crank. The benefit of a better knowledge in this important portion of an Engineer's duty is apparent in the increased power in Diagrams Nos. 41 and 42, with very little increased cost of fuel, and with a great preven- tion of strain upon the parts of the Engine, decreasing materially the cost of wear and tear. This case also presents an example of an Engineer who properly understands the use of the Indicator ; and it makes manifest the advantages to be derived by employers from the use of the instrument in the hands of a man competent to apply it. There are Engineers who know, but who do not like to acknowledge, their former opinions to have been erroneous respecting the improved Indicator; and they have in some cases found it convenient to have one of the latter to set valves by, because they have found the facts stated in the " Steam Engine Explained " to have been of use to them. In this Engine the valves were of the equilibrium conical form, worked by FAIRBAIRN'S patent vertical revolving tappets. When the valves were altered, hoops were fixed to the inside of the valve, about one and a half inches deep, and of nearly the same diameter as the opening of the valve seat. The mode of working the valves was the same as before the alteration ; but openings, or thoroughfares, were cut in the rim of the hoops of such form and dimensions, that when the valves were raised from their seats, the openings in the hoops allowed the steam to pass in proportion to the distance the valve was raised, by which means the steam was admitted on to the piston at the pressure required, and at any part of the stroke. The steam was also cut off in the same manner. A similar effect may be produced by the tappets being so formed as to raise the valves at any required speed : but the former method is more permanent, and more easily accomplished than the other. Tappets are liable to wear, and to move ; but the placing of a hoop inside the valve is not liable to this defect. The plan of the hoop was introduced by the Engineer above referred to ; and it will be found to be a step in the right direction in the practical application of improve- ments to the valves of Steam Engines. To the equilibrium or double- cone throttle valves, the hoop has been found to be a valuable improve- ment, producing steadiness in turning. By studying the last three diagrams, those conversant with the improvements therein shown, as having been made in the working of the Engines, and of the increase of real power obtained from the same 117 nominal force, will at once see the advantage of good management over the bombast and guess-work of those who are ignorant of the use of the Indicator, and who rely upon the reports made to them by the Inspectors of "Boiler Associations," "Insurance Societies," &c., many of which are found oftener wrong than right. Unless the modern system of centralisation and company-making, intended principally to find places for theoretical Engineers, be discountenanced, the further progress of the Steam Engine will be much retarded. In the three instances, just referred to, the recommendations in the reports from the Boiler Association were found to be at variance with sound practice. Had the advice of the Inspector been followed, the results would have been very different. In one case, the suggestions in the report were adopted, to show the Inspector his own want of practical knowledge. The result was, that before the Engine had worked two hours, it had to be stopped, and the alterations reversed. This led to the Inspector's services being dispensed with. Where an Engineer is driving his Engines without using an Indicator, proper working will be merely the result of chance. In 1851, Messrs. HYDE, SONS, AND SOWERBY'S Engines were giving 415 indicated horse power, and consuming 83 \ tons of coal per week, being 7 Jibs of coal per horse power per hour. This included the steam for the mills, and other purposes requisite in the processes beginning with cotton in its raw state, and delivering it in the woven piece. In 1860, the same Engines were giving out 670 indicated horse power, with a consumption of fuel of 94J tons per week ; that is, under 5 Jibs of coal per hour per horse power : thus showing an increased power of upwards of fifty per cent, obtained from the same Engines, without the least alteration except the proper setting of the valves, and increasing the pressure of the steam from lOBbs to the square inch in 1851, to SOBbs to the square inch in 1860. Since the above date, this consumption of fuel has been further reduced by increasing the pressure in the Boilers, casing the cylinders, and using the boiler-pressure in the casings. Nothing can be more clear than this case. The facts speak for themselves. Had these Engines been compounded, and the pressure increased in the same ratio, more fuel would have been consumed, to say nothing of the great cost of compounding, and the increase of wear and tear. Instead of this, the Engines only required the usual outlay in repairs. There was no loss of time ; and the result was equally steady turning to that of others whose expenses had been much greater. What can this superiority of management be attributed to ? Simply to the proprietors and the Engineer using and understanding the Steam Engine Indicator ; for without this instrument they would not have been able 118 Diagram No. 43. Taken from the Top of the Cylinder oj a Condensing Engine. 119 to increase and regulate their power, but would have been like many continually guessing as to what the result of various alterations would be. Diagram No. 43 was taken from an Engine belonging to Mr. SAMUEL COOKE, of Mill Bridge. This is another example of improper valve- setting, and of the most frequent cause of Engines breaking down. The pressure of the steam in the Boiler, when this diagram was taken, was 30ft>s to the square inch. The diameter of the cylinder is 42 inches : the thoroughfares each 20 inches long, and 5 inches wide. The valves are two short slides. When the crank was at the " plumb centre," the steam side of the valve was one-eighth of an inch open the full width, and the exhaust side two and a half inches open. The pressure of the steam upon the piston, when the crank was at the " plumb centre " was 201)s per square inch above atmosphere. When the crank had passed the centre, the steam was reduced down to 5Ibs per square inch, which was all the Engine required for the work it had to do ; and this amount of pressure ought not to have been exceeded at any time for the amount of power given out, unless the valves had been set to work the steam expansively. As before observed, 20Ibs was brought upon the piston ; but this 205>s did not act as steam giving out power to work the machinery, but only as a force to break up the Engine. The great strain thus cast upon the Engine would in time have caused the foundation to give way j and there was every probability that either the beam, the beam centres, or the crank would break. Such occurrences are not un frequent. When they happen they are often ascribed to anything but the proper cause ; and to prevent the recurrence of such disasters, stronger parts to the Engine are substituted, as the others are deemed too weak when, in fact, they were fully strong enough had the valves opened and closed at the proper time, and at a proper speed. In the case now under consideration, the valves were set and left working without the Indicator having been applied, although the pro- prietor had one in his possession. The result was, the valves were in the state described. If the proprietor had not known the use and advantage of the Indicator better than the Engineers who erected his Engine, in all probability it would have continued in the state as left by them, until it had tumbled to pieces. To remedy the defect, the valves required more lap, and less lead on the steam side. With the size of steam-port provided in this case, the opening would be too large at the beginning. In such a case the required opening can be obtained and regulated by cutting the valve edge in the form of the letter V, as shewn in the following engraving. The V portion is taken out at A, that the steam may be admitted upon the piston gradually ; the dotted line shewing the amount of lead (or no 120 lead) on the steam side when the crank is at the plumb centre, before the valve opens to full pressure. It will at once be seen that as the valve moves forward, the opening increases in size. The crank will have passed the centre before the valve has opened to the whole length of the thoroughfare, or so much as is required ; the strain will thereby be taken off the Engine, and the piston and crank will be prepared to receive the full pressure of the steam. By these means the force exerted is properly applied, instead of being expended in a dead lift upon the beam, the centres, and other parts of the Engine itself. By adding more lap to the valve, the steam would be sooner cut off, and more pressure thereby brought upon the piston during the time the valve was open : thus working more expansively, and consequently more economically. This ought to have been the case No. 44. A, the^V shaped grove made in the Valve edge. in the instance under consideration, as there was SOIbs pressure in the Boiler. We often find that the pressure in the Boiler is no criterion or measure of the pressure in the cylinder, or the power the Enginejis exerting ; and it often happens that where there are no means of indi- cating the Engine, great discrepancies arise, and alterations are made without data, or knowledge of the real state of the Engine. These generally result in loss of fuel, in repairs, and in loss of time. Diagram No. 45 is from the same Engine as No. 43. It will be perceived that the steam expands to the lowest practical quantity, making the most of it, and taking little water to condense with. It will be apparent that the steam is not so soon on the piston, and that the exhaust opens earlier. A very slight alteration made the difference as before explained. The following letter was received with the diagram : 121 Diagram No. 45. 'taken from the Top of the same Engine Cylinder ax No. 43> IT 122 " Liverscdye, near Leeds, May 29lh, 1861. " Messrs. HOPKINSON & Co. " GENTLEMEN, We have made the alteration (suggested by your Mr. HOPKINSON, when last here) on the exhaust side of the valves. Except the wavy line on the steam side, we think we have now a very fair diagram. Enclosed we beg to hand a copy, " And remain yours respectfully, "SAMUEL COOKE & SON/' This example shows the necessity of the Engine being indicated every- day, and the diagram put into a book for reference : so that should any alteration take place in the working of the Engine or the machinery, or even an increase of friction from bad oil or other causes, it is easily detected. It is found out before it is visible in the amount of fuel wasted ; and instead of the fuel being lost, the defect is remedied. This is as it ought to be ; and were the practice followed up in all cases with the same exactness as the time of starting and stopping the Engines, it would be productive of great advantage to owners, and save Engineers many a late hour now spent in the examination of Engines after the work of others has terminated. It is as necessary for an Engineer to have the working interior of his Engine laid open before him in a diagram taken every day, as it is for him to see the exterior. Such a practice, if regularly attended to, would save many " break-downs " and expensive repairs, besides making the mind familiar with the internal working of the Engine. Any alteration in the working of his Engine would cause the Engineer to reason out the various changes that take place from day to day. The advantage would become so apparent, that he would continue to make improvements in the management and working of his Engine, to economise the fuel, and regulate the speed. These important benefits could all be attained with less labour than is entailed by the hap-hazard and guess-work system. Were Engineers taught the principles of indicating, and the nature of the machine entrusted to their care, Inspectors of Steam Engines and Boilers would not be required. These Inspectors are often more con- versant with report-making than with the practical management of the Steam Engine or Boiler. This system of extraneous inspection is retro- grade in tendency. By its means responsibility is taken from the proper parties upon whom it should be devolved, and placed in the hands of an irresponsible body, managed according to official routine. Experience has proved that this course does not result in progress ; for under it there is the want of practical information and competitive power to stimulate to progressive action. Many Steam Engine establishments and Mill owners do not possess an Indicator, but rely upon the Inspector, who may call once in three months with an instrument one adopted by 123 official power, small in construction, and not very sensitive. To carry a larger one would be too burdensome to the Inspector, although it is better calculated to give a diagram that could be properly read. Under such circumstances, the Engineer is left to grope his way, a state of things that may be sustentative of officials, but it is not advantageous to the manufacturers or the proprietors of Steam Engines, and it certainly is detrimental to science. If the amount of money expended in Lancashire and Yorkshire in the formation and sustentation of " Associations " to remove responsibility from where it ought to rest, had been expended in the scientific and practical instruction of the working Engineers of those two counties, the result would have been of a more valuable and permanent character : for the latent talent which often lies concealed in humble positions would then have a chance of development. Such a course, at any rate, would have taught the working Engineers, as a body, to understand scientific principles as applicable to their art and calling ; and also enabled them to understand in practice the motive power entrusted to their care. They would thereby have been enabled to understand the force and bearing of " Reports" emanating from any "Association," and practical science would thus have received a stimulus. Instead of this, however, the working Engineer has been considered to be only a machine to perform the functions prescribed by others, while the " Report "-maker has been elevated into the position of " official " dictator. The following letter from a working Engineer, on the principle of expanding steam in one cylinder of a Non-condensing Engine, is another proof of practical experience over "office" Engineering and official routine : " DucMnfield, April 5th, 1857. " Mr. J. HOPKINSON. " SIR, I wish to draw your attention to the particulars of an experiment with a High-pressure Engine, which I have been conducting at the Central Works, Sheffield, belonging to Mr. SHORTCLIFFE. The Engine had a nine-inch cylinder. The steam was admitted during the whole length of the stroke, without expanding. The Boiler evaporated 900 gallons of water in five hours, with a weekly consumption of twelve tons of coal. The pressure was 72fts per square inch in the Boiler, and yet they could not maintain the speed of the Engine when all the work was on. " The alteration which was made was simply replacing the nine-inch cylinder with one of thirteen inches diameter,* and arranging the valves so as to cut off the steam before the piston had travelled half the length of the cylinder, allowing the steam to expand the remainder of the stroke. " Sir, if I must state what was the general impression amongst the Engineers of Sheffield, it was to this effect: that the new cylinder would drive the work, provided there was an additional Boiler to supply it with steam. Only imagine their surprise, * The area of the nine-inch cylinder is 63 inches, and of the thirteen-inch cylinder, 132$ inches square nearly double the size. 124 when they found that the Engine was driving the whole of the work at the proper speed, and the Boiler only evaporating 415 gallons of water in five hours, at 551bs pressure less by one-half than what was required before ; and this, too, with half the firing. Instead of requiring another Boiler, we had half the present Boiler to spare for other purposes. " Since the alteration, additional work has been added to the Engine ; still the weekly consumption of coal is only seven tons. " This result, good as it is, is nothing more than you would expect from allowing the steam to expand, over that of no expansion at all. " In travelling the country, I find that a great number of owners of Engines have yet to derive the advantages which others are deriving, by allowing the steam to expand before leaving the cylinder. The reason of this is, that the means of carrying out expan- sion and early exhaust are but little understood by those who ought to have a practical knowledge on the subject. No doubt one great cause is a want of a more general know- ledge of the Indicator, and its frequent application, in order to obtain that information which it is enabled to convey respecting the interior of the Engine. " The diagrams from the Condensing Engine I enclose will show you the former and present state of the Engine alluded to. By the first figure it is apparent that the valves were in such a state that 63 indicated horse power was the very utmost the Engine could drive at the proper speed. It is now working 146 horse power, with a less consumption of steam than before. " I feel convinced that parties who wish to work their Engines with economy, can accomplish that purpose by applying the Indicator, and studying the cause of its peculiar delineations upon the paper. By this means they may obtain a sound knowledge of the working of any Engine, and ascertain where improvement is practicable. " I confess I am greatly indebted to that instrument, and remain, " Yours truly, "ENOCH GLEDHILL." In the case referred to, great advantages have been derived from the alteration detailed. Similar results would have been obtained by using the small cylinder, with an increased pressure of steam, worked expan- It is from the high-pressure expansive principle alone that we are enabled to travel at great speed on railways ; and it cannot be contro- verted that High-pressure Stationary Engines are, on the average for the effects produced consuming more than double the quantity of fuel to that consumed by Locomotives. So little do makers of High-pressure Engines appear to understand the principle of using steam expansively, that it is rare to meet with a High-pressure Engine with its valves set to cut off the steam until very near the termination of the stroke. The exhaust has almost invariably too little " lead," and the thoroughfares are too small ; thereby entailing a back-pressure upon the piston or, in other words, a loss of power. The hints here given will indicate to the practical Engineer how the remedy is to be applied ; and if this be effected judiciously, similar beneficial results to those detailed above will follow. 125 DIRECT-ACTING HOEIZONTAL CONDENSING STEAM ENGINES. The Frontispiece of this book represents a 20 nominal horse power Direct-acting Horizontal Condensing Steam Engine. It contrasts greatly with the beam construction hitherto generally applied to Condensing Engines. The great change now taking place with regard to the form, construction, and working of Steam Engines, is a subject on which we might dwell at great length ; but we here content ourselves by giving this plate as an example of one of the departures from the ordinary con- struction. The economy in construction and room, besides the advantage of strength combined with simplicity there being fewer parts for wear and tear should be inducements for its adoption. Should a breakdown occur, the damage will be much less, compared to such an occurrence with a Beam Engine, with its massive beam, connecting rod, pillars, &c. On reference to the plate, it will be seen that the condenser and air- pump are placed at the back end of the cylinder, in a place easy of access. The air-pump is worked by links from the back piston-rod attached to a bell-crank ; the cylinder valves are worked by the ordinary eccentric ; and the Engine is governed in the usual way. The whole of the working parts are bound together on one frame, and are, therefore, not liable to be separated or strained by the foundation or building giving way. By some parties it has been urged that the lower portion of the cylinder of a Horizontal Engine wears more than the other parts. This objection is not verified in practical working. With the cylinder placed horizontally, it is found to work equally as well as a vertical cylinder and piston and in the same way, too, wearing the cylinder a little wider in the centre. Of course the horizontal cylinder requires, like all other cylinders, to be made of a good quality of metal ; and then, when worked with a metallic piston, there is little chance of any uneven wear. All the parts of the Engine should be well balanced, to produce equal motion, and the air-pump should have as short a stroke as convenient. In a 40-horse Horizontal Condensing Engine at the works of the Messrs. HOPKINSON, the stroke of the piston is 4ft. 6in.; the stroke of the air- pump, single action, is 12in. The speed of the piston is 400 feet per minute. There cannot be a doubt that Direct-acting Engines are the best. Where there are numerous parts and great weights to be kept in motion, more power is required than where the parts are fewer and simpler. CHAPTER III. THE STEAM ENGINE INDICATOR HISTORY OF THE INSTRUMENT. THE Instrument known by the name of the Steam Engine Indicator was invented by the celebrated JAMES WATT a man whose name is indelibly associated with the improvement of the Steam Engine. The genius of WATT, combined with the facility of practical application possessed by him in an eminent degree, enabled him to become one of the greatest promoters of civilization, by placing at the command of his species a motive power for manufacturing and industrial operations almost illimit- able. Having by his improvements created, as it were, this new motive power the Steam Engine an instrument to enable him to measure the definite amount of the power of each Engine, and to indicate defects in construction or working, became to him an indispensable requirement. To supply that want, he devised what is at present known as the Steam Engine Indicator. For a considerable period WATT kept the knowledge of that useful instrument to himself ; but having at length to send a Steam Engine abroad, and the responsibility of its erection and proper working devolving upon the firm of which WATT was a member, he furnished a mechanic, whom he sent out to superintend the erection of that Engine, with an Indicator, having previously instructed him in the art of its application : showing him that by its aid he could set the valves of the Engine so as to produce the greatest effect from a given quantity of impulsive power. It was to this circumstance that the Engineering profession are indebted for this most valuable instrument ; for, as will readily be imagined, a knowledge of the important aid it was calculated to render to the practical mechanic having been thus imparted, it could not long be kept secret, as WATT had hitherto kept it. Since the period we speak of, the Steam JSngine Indicator has received several minor, but important, improvements. In principle, it is as it left the hands of WATT ; it is only in detail where alterations and improvements have been made. Mr. SOUTHERN, an ingenious mechanic in Messrs. BOULTON & WATT'S service, added the revolving cylinder, with its attached paper and pencil, in place of the former traversing board, to enable the instrument to register its own observations. Some 127 makers have this revolving cylinder detached, or apart, from the other portions of the instrument ; but Messrs. HOPKINSON find by experience the test of all improvement that it is best to have the revolving cylinder placed upon the steam cylinder of the Indicator, because it is in that place the most convenient and firm for the operation which has to be performed upon it. The pencil holder should be parallel to the cylinder piston, as by that mode the instrument is rendered the most sensitive, and, as a necessary consequence, the most correct indications are obtained. This improvement, though a minor one in appearance, will hereafter be shown to be of considerable importance. The difference of the indications given by this instrument will be shown by contrasting its diagrams with those given by the description of instrument called the M'Naught and the Richards, on which the pencil operates at right angles to the traverse of the piston, and where the revolving cylinder is detached from the body of the instrument, and as in Richards' Indicator, where the pencil is fixed to levers, to increase the size of the diagram. It will at once be seen that a tremulous or unsteady motion of the pencil on the revolving cylinder must impart a corresponding effect to the diagram, and is there- fore calculated to lead to erroneous conclusions in the modes of valve- setting points of extreme nicety as to the actual condition of the Engine, or the minute alterations of its working parts which may be required to secure the greatest effect with the least expenditure of power. In several other particulars Messrs. HOPKINSON have improved the Steam Engine Indicator for practical use. The instruments of their manufacture are not flimsy in construction : and care is taken to have all the working parts truly and accurately fitted, so as to produce true and steady motion, with the least possible friction. Messrs. HOPKINSON have no hesitation in asserting that in these particulars the instruments of their manufacture will commend themselves, and that the practitioner will find the new arrangement both convenient and useful. The diagrams taken by the Indicator manufactured by the Messrs. HOPKINSON are much larger than those usually taken by the instrument as commonly constructed, while the vacuum side of the diagrams is never decreased, whatever the pressure of the steam. The inch is divided into tenths on the vacuum side, one-tenth representing 15) pressure per square inch. This scale also applies to the steam side, for low pressures up to 25S>s. For high pressures up to 751bs, the inch is divided into thirtieths, one- thirtieth part of an inch representing 1 lb pressure. From this arrange- ment the diagrams are much more readily divided and " read off," and the defects in the working of the Engine more clearly shown, than by the ordinary mode. Experience has shown that the working cylinder of the Indicator should be drawn out of brass tubing. By this method it i 128 much truer and harder, and if the piston be well ground in, the working of the instrument will be more accurate, and assist the operator in setting his valves with greater precision : advantages which cannot fail to be appreciated by those for whose use and benefit the instrument has been designed and improved. At the Exhibition of 1862, an American Indicator was shown, and it was stated in its prospectus, and also by a portion of the press, that it possessed advantages over others in taking diagrams from Engines working at quick speeds. No doubt the editors of these journals thought BO, but had they been practically acquainted with the subject, they would have known that the reverse was the fact that the difficulty of indica- ting quick-speeded Engines with such an Indicator was the revolving of the barrel backward and forward with a coiled spring, the American Indicator being similarly constructed in that respect to the English ones, and in other parts even much more complicated. ADVANTAGES OF THE STEAM ENGINE INDICATOR. WITH the Steam Engine Indicator a person may, at any time when his Engine is in motion, ascertain the working condition of that Engine find out its defects measure the power it is exerting ascertain the difference of the pressure of steam upon the piston and within the Boiler and, at every part of the upward or downward stroke, know the exact pressure of the steam upon the piston at its various distances from the bottom to the top, and from the top to the bottom : also ascertain the amount of lead the valve is working with, on the steam and exhaust sides. The Indicator thus enables the operator to calculate with accuracy the pressure of steam exerted on the- average throughout the whole length of the stroke and learn at what part of the cylinder the piston is when the valve opens or closes, and what quantity (if any) of expansion he is working with. At one glance of the diagram he will have the interior the inner working of his machine, laid open as it were to view; its good qualities and its defects registered on paper by the Engine itself : thus dispensing with that system of guess-work often resorted to by Engineers who pretend to know defects and derangements by the working and beating of the Engine : a kind of fortune telling which many proprietors of Steam Engines have had to pay dearly for. Without the Indicator and some experience in its use, and without a proper knowledge of the diagram when taken, no man ought to be allowed to alter or set up a Steam Engine to work, or to take the management of its working ; for it is otherwise impossible to know anything of the inner working of 129 the Engine, excepting from mere conjecture. The Indicator is of as much importance to the Engineer and the proprietor of an Engine as a mariner's compass is to the captain of a ship navigating the seas. WATT placed the greatest reliance upon this valuable instrument ; and it is not too much to say that it contributed greatly to the success of his many improvements in the Steam Engine. In a Condensing Engine, by means of the Indicator, the vacuum can be minutely examined and its quality ascertained. The instrument will also show the exact pressure and time of the steam upon the piston the opening and closing of the exhaust very important to the proper working of the Engine. It will enable the Engineer to find the exact quantity of condensing water required, according to the temperature and quantity of steam to be condensed. In fact, by judicious observation, through the instrumentality of the Indicator, the working of an Engine may, in most cases, be improved, and the power increased, the quantity of fuel being at the same time decreased. By means of this instrument the proprietor of a mill may ascertain the whole of the power in operation, and the force required to overcome the friction of his Engine and machinery; or the power required for any single room, or any particular machine or number of machines. Thus, where power is " let off," he may with accuracy determine the value according to the power required. He may also calculate how much more power the Engine will exert by the increase of pressure, or the different degrees of expansion, according to the construction of his Engine and the other circumstances of the case. An extended knowledge of this instrument, therefore, becomes of importance to all connected with the Steam Engine, whether as makers, owners, or managers : for by its means they may obtain a correct knowledge of the working condition of every description of Engine, and also ascertain how to increase the power of each to its extreme limit of capability, with the least expenditure of fuel. DESCRIPTION OF THE STEAM ENGINE INDICATOR, AS MANUFACTURED BY MESSRS. HOPKINSON. PLATE No. 46 is an engraved representation of the Indicator, with the additions and improvements made by Messrs. HOPKINSON. The. plug A screws into the cylinder cover, or grease tap. The tap H forms a communication between the cylinder of the Indicator and the cylinder of the Engine. There is a small hole in the side of the tap, which opens into the tap-plug ; and when the tap is open to the cylinder of the Steam Engine and the Indicator, this small hole is closed by the plug being 131 turned with its perfect side against the hole. When the tap is closed, the connection with the Engine cylinder is cut off. The small hole in the tap is then open through the plug to the cylinder of the Indicator, so that any steam remaining between the piston of the Indicator and the plug of the tap may escape into the atmosphere, and allow the pencil attached to the piston of the Indicator to settle down to the atmospheric line. The cylinder of the Indicator is fitted with a piston, the rod of which is shown at R This piston is accurately ground into the cylinder, thereby avoiding packing ; and, when properly oiled and cleaned, it is steam-tight, except at very high pressures, where perfect tightness is not required, as any small portion of steam which may escape cannot affect the bulk of the pressure in the cylinder. From this construction, the piston works freely, with little friction. The piston-rod R is attached to the spiral spring S, within the tube or casing F, placed above the steam cylinder of the instrument. This spring is so adjusted, that when the piston index is forced one-tenth of an inch above the atmospheric line 0, marked on the scale E, it represents 15) pressure of steam. The pointer forced upward each tenth of an inch, up to 25 tenths, will represent as many pounds pressure to the square inch. In the same way, when the vacuum is formed in the Engine cylinder, the spring will be distended by the pressure of the atmosphere upon the upper side of the Indicator piston, and the piston will be forced downward as many tenths of an inch as the degree of rarity, or the quantity of steam extracted from the Engine cylinder in pounds per square inch below the pressure of the common atmosphere. Affixed to the casing there is the scale E, with the atmospheric line in the centre. The tenths below to 1/5, indicate the vacuum ; and above to 25 tenths, the steam pressure above the atmospheric pressure. The pencil-holder G is attached to the piston-rod K, through an aperture cut in the casing F, to allow the pencil-holder to move up and down with the piston-rod of the Indicator. The pencil can be screwed backward or forward to obtain the exact length required, and is adjusted by a spring to allow it to accommodate itself to any little inequalities there may be on the revolving cylinder or the paper. In all cases a soft and good pencil should be used. The less the pressure upon the paper, the less the resistance to the free action of the piston I is the revolving cylinder outside the casing F. This cylinder revolves on its own axis. The paper on which the diagram is to be taken is fixed around this cylinder, and held in its place by the clip J. On the bottom of the cylinder there is a cord round the pulley R, which, after passing over the swivel pulley A, is then attached to the radius-bar of the Engine. It will be obvious that the traverse of the radius-bar will pull the cylinder so far round as the string thus travels. On the relaxation of the string, caused 132 by the descent of the Engine piston, the pulley will again take up the cord, because an internal spring, similar to the spring of a self-winding- up measuring tape, is enclosed in the revolving cylinder. The traverse of the radius-bar pulls the cylinder one way round, and the spring the other. By means of the cord attached to the radius-bar of the Engine, there is thus produced a regular traversing motion of the cylinder I ; and as the pencil presses at the same time against the paper affixed to the cylinder, and also moves up and down with the Indicator piston, which piston is propelled by the same force as the Engine piston the pencil will describe a diagram according to the circumstances. The area of the cylinder of the Indicator is a quarter of a square inch ; and each tenth of an inch on the index represents lib pressure to the square inch on the piston of the Engine. The spring S, compressed, shows the steam pressure ; distended, it shows the atmospheric pressure upon the piston of the Indicator caused by the formation of the vacuum in the Engine cylinder, varying in accordance with the pressure of the uncondensed steam left in the cylinder. This spring is so adjusted as to meet the requirements of the pressure as it increases. When the steam exceeds 25Ibs to the square inch above the pressure of the atmosphere, there is an additional spring enclosed in a case for higher pressures, up to 7 5 Bos to the square inch or for a still further increased pressure, if required which is to be screwed on to the top of the casing F. This additional spring is represented at M. The piston-rod of the Indicator passes up the centre of the spring M, when it is fixed on the top of the casing F, and comes in contact with the top attached to the second spring so that instead of the resistance of only one, there is the resistance of two springs for high-pressure steam. On the scale E for high pressure, the distances are marked thirty to the inch for steam above 25ibs, one-thirtieth of an inch representing 1K> pressure to the square inch on the steam side. The scale on the vacuum side is ten to the inch : or one- tenth of an inch represents lib pressure to the square inch, whether with high or low- pressure steam. It should be borne in mind that whatever may be the pressure of the steam, high or low, when the Engine is a Non-condensing or High-pressure Engine, the vacuum side of the Indicator is not required. Means must be adopted to get the proper extent of traverse of the cylinder I. If the Engine be of the Horizontal or Cross-head kind, sometimes a lever is affixed to the cross-head of the piston, and the string from the Indicator attached to that lever at the requisite distance for the traverse required. Sometimes a stand with a moveable pulley is fixed to the Engine cylinder-cover by one of the bolts, to carry the string from the radius bar of the Engine to any part of the cylinder where the 133 Indicator may be fixed. With a Beam Engine, however, the Indicator is best fixed under the radius bar into a proper tap made for the purpose, screwed into the cover, or the bottom, of the Engine cylinder, where it can remain as a fixture ready for use at any time. For Locomotive Engines another and larger pulley may be attached, the circumference of which should be equal to the length of the stroke of the piston. The string may in that case be fixed direct to the cross-head or slide of the piston rod. The large pulley on the barrel of the Indicator will give out a sufficient length of string for one stroke of the Engine. For Engines working at higher pressures than 75K>s, say as high as SoOIbs per square inch, the Indicator is provided with another spring similar to the 75Ib spring, and attached to the instrument in the same manner. Each case enclosing the spring to be used has marked on the outside the amount of pressure the spring will work up to. The measuring scale accompanying the Indicator is also so marked, that any figure taken by any of the three springs can be measured by it ; thus dispensing with more than one portable scale. The 25B6 spring is at all times a fixture, enclosed in the barrel of the instrument. The other springs require to be attached to the provision made at the uppermost part of the instrument for them. HOW TO AFFIX AND USE THE INDICATOR. BE particular before using the Indicator that the parts are well cleaned that the piston of the instrument freely vibrates in the cylinder and that all the working parts are carefully oiled with clean sperm oil. If the instrument be new, let it be worked a few days on the Engine, and be well oiled and cleaned three or four times each day. To affix it, first screw the plug of the Indicator into the grease-tap, or into a tap in the cylinder cover provided for the purpose : or to the bottom of the cylinder, into a tap there inserted. The Indicator will work horizontally as well as perpendicularly. When the plug or tap is thus fixed, open the tap, and blow the steam through, so that any dirt which may have accumulated may be blown away, instead of being sent into the cylinder of the instrument. Then screw the Indicator on to the plug, or tap. Take one end of the string which is wound round the grove of the pulley on the bottom of the revolving cylinder, and connect it with a string on the radius bar of the Engine, if it be a Beam Engine. If a Marine Engine, or Cross-head Engine, attach to some convenient part which will give the string the requisite traversing motion, which must be from the direct action of the stroke, or the piston's traverse. The string must be so adjusted as to pull round the cylinder of the Indicator only about 134 three-fourths of a revolution. There is a stop or catch to prevent the cylinder being pulled round too far. On the string to be attached to the radius bar, there is a small brass plate, called a running loop. By pulling this loop backward or forward, the proper length of the string may be easily obtained, without detaching either from the Engine or the Indicator. When the strings are properly adjusted, unhook them, and open the tap between the cylinder of the Engine and the cylinder of the Indicator to allow the Indicator-piston to be worked a few strokes, so that the temperature of the cylinder of the instrument may be raised to that of the Engine cylinder. Then affix the paper round the moveable cylinder. When the paper is properly affixed, close the tap previously opened. The piston of the Indicator will then settle with the index or pointer opposite the atmospheric line 0. Put down the pencil upon the paper, taking care that the pencil does not press too much on the paper fixed on the cylinder. By means of the adjusting screw of the pencil- holder, the required amount of pressure upon the paper can be obtained to trace the diagram. When all else is ready, connect the two strings together by the hooks on each end. The traverse of the string attached to the radius bar of the Engine, will pull the revolving cylinder as far round as has been arranged for ; and its own internal spring will cause it to recede back again with the return stroke of the Engine. During these motions the pencil will make a line on the paper round the cylinder. This line is called the atmospheric line. When that line is well defined, open the tap gently, so as to make a connection between the cylinder of the Engine and the cylinder of the Indicator. The piston of the Indicator will then partake of the motion, and travel up and down with the piston of the Steam Engine, each stroke of the Indicator being exactly that of the stroke of the Engine both being propelled by the same force. By these motions a diagram will be traced on the paper of the revolving cylinder by the pencil. Then shut the tap and disconnect the cord. Take off the paper, and the diagram will be found delineated thereon. By the aid of the scale sent with the Indicator, or the one affixed to the instrument, or by means of a common rule, the distances on the diagram from the atmospheric line on the steam side can be measured, which will give the exact pressure of steam per square inch, upon the piston of the Engine. Pursue the same means with the vacuum side of the diagram, and the amount of vacuum obtained, and also the quantity of uncondensed steam left in the cylinder, will be ascertained. Thus, every change and every deviation of the Engine will be exhibited, including those of expansion, lead, traverse of the valve, and closing of the exhaust. Expansion produces, to all appearance, an irregular or defective diagram (see Diagram No. 19); but this is not the case, 135 because the diminished pressure of the steam at the end of the stroke, or at the termination of the piston's descent, is much below the pressure of the atmosphere, thereby reducing the steam to a low degree, which is more than compensated by the saving of fuel. A very little lead of the valve is required if the pressure be high. A diagram with the steam corner rounded shows the valve to have little or no lead, the steam being admitted upon the piston easily. A diagram square and pointed shows the valve to have too much lead, that it opens too quickly, admitting the steam upon the piston with too great a force before the crank is in a proper position to receive it. This will in most cases cause the Engine to tremble, and, by consequence, the Indicator also. Too much rounded at the commencement of the exhaust corner shows also a defect for want of lead, or a quicker opening of the valve, or longer traverse of the valve on the exhaust side. In a great many instances the steam passages are too small. When that is the case, the exhaust valve ought to be fully open when the crank is at the plumb centre. If the diagram be square at the termination of the exhaust, the valve closes too late. It would be better for the Engine were the valve to close sooner, more particularly if the speed of the Engine be great. Then the diagram would show a rounding at the bottom corner (see Diagram No. 19). This is important for the steady working of the Engine preventing, in many instances, a rapping noise in the centres, which is often mistaken for loose cotters, or steps. The closing of the exhaust before the termination of the stroke, is called " cushioning the piston." This will have to be regulated according to the speed of the Engine. The exhaust should be closed when the piston has to travel one-tenth the length of the entire stroke. The piston and most of the working parts of an Engine having to be reversed, require to be brought to a stand before the return stroke. The steam left in the cylinder will be compressed, and check the speed of the piston at the end of the stroke. The elasticity of the compressed steam between the bottom or the top of the cylinder and the piston, is ready, by its force, to commence the return stroke with ease, preventing an undue strain upon the Engine. The steam side of the valve does not require to be as forward as when the exhaust is open the full length of the stroke, because the compressed steam between the piston and the top or bottom of the cylinder will act with a force according to its compression on the return stroke. For a very quick speed of the piston, the opening on the steam side requires to be earlier, and as much steam admitted before the stroke is completed as will check the speed, and act as a cushion or buffer to the piston. If the valve be of the D kind, or if a tappet valve, it should be constructed so as to admit the steam on easy, before the valve opens full port. The Engine will in that case work much steadier with less 136 strain upon it. When the steam side of the valve has too much lead a serious defect, which has already been noticed a rapping takes place. This is too often the result of imperfect valve-setting, and causes the Indicator to rebound by the suddenness of the pressure upon the piston, giving to the diagram an irregular line on the steam side. This irregu- larity is too often attributed to defection in the instrument, instead of the real cause, viz. : too much lead of the valve, and opening too quickly. In the working of an Engine, and in the taking of a diagram, care should be exercised to ascertain whether any defect of this kind exists, or an erroneous conclusion from the appearance of the diagram may be the result. We fearlessly assert, that if either the Manchester, or any other Association, continue to work to the indications given by such a class of instrument as they have hitherto employed, they are liable to serious mistakes, particularly where high-pressure steam is used. And then, the system adopted may be objected to on principle. " Office-Engineering " has not brought the Steam Engine to its present state of efficiency ; nor has the cotton manufacture grown to its present national importance under red tapism, or official routine. It has acquired its status by fair, free, and unshackled competition, independently of all " authority"; and if the continued progress of the Steam Engine is desirable and worthy of being promoted, that progress can only be secured by Engineers remaining free from divided responsibility the industrious Engineer left at liberty to apply correct principles to sound practice without the fear or favour of official prejudice. On the occasion of a recent vacancy for the Chief- Inspectorship of the Manchester Association, Mr. EDWAED INGHAM, of Oldam, a prac- tical Engineer, was one of three candidates selected by the Committee as most eligible for the office, and, we believe, was placed second in the vote. The following letter received from him, treating upon this branch of our subject, we here give, as corroberative of the remarks made : " Croft Bank Mills, Oldham, Oct. 20^, 1857. " Mr. HOPKINSON : " SIR, Last night, in our Lecture-room, we had a most interesting discussion on the comparative merits and demerits of ' MCNAUGHT'S versus HOPKINSON'S Indicator." 1 I endeavoured to shew that most of the objections raised against HOPKINSON'S were based upon prejudice and false notions. 1 told them how I myself had been deceived with respect to the weight and area of the piston ; how you had kindly and lucidly explained to me the fallacy of those notions; and how we were all of us apt to form erroneous notions when led by the judgment of others, without examining for ourselves. I was surprised to find that many in our Association had long entertained correct notions with respect to the sensitiveness of your Indicator, but had not had the moral courage to enunciate their views in opposition to currently received notions, until some one, upon 137 whose authority they placed some little weight, had the courage to express similar views to their own. The moment some one whom they durst venture to chime in with* advanced similar ideas to those they had entertained for a long time, they began to give vent to their pent-up feelings, which before they durst not even moot, because different to the views entertained by the majority. I assure you we had a large number present who for a considerable length of time have looked upon your Indicator as giving a truer index of the internal workings of the Steam Engine than any other. I hope you will send me your work as early as conveneint ; I shall then, perhaps, be able to discover some other important features, upon which I and the rest of my fellow Engineers may have entertained somewhat mistaken notions. " I am, " Yours most respectfully, "EDWARD INGHAM." We have often been called in to deal with cases where the Engines have been labouring under difficulties. One instance was at Messrs. ADSHEAD BROTHERS, at Staleybridge. Here we found the Engines labouring under extraordinary difficulties 605>s pressure upon the piston, and a lifting at the centres sufficient to break the Engines down. After indicating, and comparing diagrams with those sent in by the Manchester Association, we found that those taken by the larger arid more sensitive instrument were just the reverse of the diagrams of the Association, as it regarded the working of the Engines and the setting of the valves. The cause of the tremendous strain on the Engine was at once made apparent by the large Indicator. The valves were re-set, and the Engines are now in proper working order. In very many instances we have demonstrated the superiority of the larger and more sensitive instrument, as a real Indicator, to that of the construction used by the Manchester Association. We have proved this by altering the Engines, showing the Engineers the various stages of the process taking diagrams at each slight alteration until the Engines were brought, so far as regards their working, into a state of comparative perfection : showing also, at the same time, that the small Indicator would not indicate the difference of the changes made. The American Indicator is of even worse construction than that used by the Manchester Association. APPENDIX: CONTAINING TABLES AND OTHER INFORMATION CALCULATED TO BE OF SERVICE TO ENGINEERS AND OTHERS ENTRUSTED WITH THE MANAGEMENT OF THE STEAM ENGINE. TABLE. EXPANSION OF AIR BY HEAT: SHOWING THE INCREASE OF BULK IN PROPORTION TO THE INCREASE OF TEMPERATURE. Fahrenheit. Bulk, i Fahrenheit. Bulk. Ternp. 32 Freezing Point 1000 Temp. 75 1099 33 1002 76 Summer Heat 1101 34 1004 77 1104 35 1007 78 1106 36 1009 79 1108 37 1012 80 1110 38 1015 81 1112 39 1018 82 1114 40 1021 83 1116 41 1023 84 1118 42 1025 85 1121 43 1027 86 1123 44 1030 87 1125 45 1032 88 1128 46 1034 89 1130 47 1036 90 1132 48 1038 91 1134 49 1040 92 1136 50 1043 93 1138 51 1045 94 1140 52 1047 95 1142 53 1050 96 Blood Heat 1144 54 1052 97 1146 55 1055 98 1148 56 Temperate 1057 99 1150 57 1059 100 1152 58 1062 110 Fever Heat 112 1173 59 1064 120 1194 60 1066 130 1215 61 1069 140 1235 62 1071 150 1255 63 1073 160 1275 64 1075 170 Spirits Boil 176 1295 65 1077 180 1315 66 1080 190 1334 67 1082 200 1364 68 1084 210 1372 69 1087 212 Water Boils 1375 70 1089 302 1558 71 1091 392 1739 72 1093 482 1919 73 1095 572 2098 74 1097 680 2312 IV. IMPERIAL STANDARD MEASURES. L MEASURE OF LENGTH. 12 inches 1 foot. 36 3 1 yard. 198 16J 5J 1 pole or perch. 7920 660 220 40 1 furlong. 63360 5280 ., 1760 320 8 1 English mile. 2240 1 Irish 1984 1 Scotch SPECIAL MEASUKES OF LENGTH. Nautical Measure. 1 nautical mile ... 6082-66 feet. 3 miles 1 league. 20 leagues ] degree. Land Measure. 7-92 inches 1 link. 100 links 1 chain. 80 chains 1 mile. 69-121 miles 1 geo. deg. 360 degrees = earth's circumference 6 feet = 1 fathom used in measuring ropes, chains, &c. 2. MEASURE OF CAPACITY. General Measure of Solidity. 1728 cubic inches ...... 1 cubic foot. 27 cubic feet ...... 1 cubic yard. 42 cubic feet ...... 1 ton of shipping. 3. IMPERIAL GALLON MEASURE FOR LIQUIDS, CORN, &c. WATER. Cubic Inches. Ibs. av. 8-665 & 34-659 1J 69-818 2J 277-274 10 554-548 20 2218-19 80 17745-5 640 1 gallon 1 1 gill. 4 1 pint. 8 2 1 32 8 4 64 16 8 256 64 32 2048 512 256 of sea water weighs . . . oU ... proof spirits quart. 1 2 8 64 ... JO ... 9 ... 9 gallon. 1 peck. 4 1 bush. 32 8 1 qr. 32Ibs avoirdupois. 32 3 Thirty-two gallons of proof spirits in winter will, without being diluted, measure thirty-three in summer. All fluids expand with heat, and contract with cold down to 40 degrees, but expand when freezing. 32, freezing point ; 56, temperate heat ; 76, summer heat ; 96, blood heat ; 112, fever heat ; 176, spirits of wine boil j 2 1 2, water boils, when the pressure of the atmosphere is 155>s to the square inch ; if the pressure be less, water boils at a less temperature. These temperatures are Fahrenheit, by which we are guided in England. The centrigrade rule is used in France, where the freezing point is zero, or 0, and the boiling point 100. Reaumur's rule is used by many continental nations freezing point, or zero, 0, and boiling point 80. V. 4.- TROY WEIGHT. 24 grains 1 pennyweight. 480 20 1 ounce. 5760 240 12 1 pound. By this weight are weighed gold, silver, jewels, electuaries, and all liquors. The standard for gold coin is 22 carats of fine gold and two carats of copper melted together. For silver, 1 1 oz. 2 dwts. of fine silver, and 18 dwts. of copper. lOOBbs 1 cwt. 20 cwt. 1 ton of gold or silver. To reduce pounds troy into avoirdupois, multiply by 144, and divide by 175, the quotient will be the number of pounds avoirdupois. 5. AVOIRDUPOIS WEIGHT. 16 drams 1 ounce. 256 16 1 pound. 3584 224 14 1 stone. 7168 448 28 2 1 quarter. 28672 1792 112 8 4 1 cwt. 573440 35840 2240 160 80 20 1 ton. A keel of coal at Newcastle is 21 tons 4 cwt., and a chaldron is 53 cwt. A chaldron of coal in London is 28| cwt. About 426 cubic inches of cast iron ... ... 1 cwt. 8520 or nearly 5 cubic feet ... 1 ton. 13 cublic feet of stone 1 23 sand 1 29 coal 1 38 tallow 1 39 oil 1 40 rough timber ... 1 50 squared timber ... 1 6. MEASURE OF SURFACES. 144 inches 1 square foot. 1296 9 1 square yard. 39204 272J 30J 1 square pole. 1568160 10890 1210 40 1 rood. 6272640 43560 4840 160 4 1 acre. By this measure are measured all things that have length and breadth, such as land, painting, plastering, flooring, thatching, plumbing, glazing, &c. vi. RULE TO ASCERTAIN THE WEIGHT OF CAST-IRON BALLS OF ANY DIAMETER. Cube the diameter, and divide by 7 -27. The quotient is the weight. EXAMPLE : 9 inches diameter. 9 81 9 7-27)729-00(100 T | T lbs. 727 2-00 BOILING POINT OF WATER, UNDER DIFFERENT PRESSURES OF THE ATMOSPHERE. Barometer, 26 inches 26J 27 "'2 " 28 28J 29 29 J 30 30 J Water in vacuum boils at about 98 degrees Fahrenheit, and assumes a solid at 32 degrees in the atmosphere, when it expands T Vth its original bulk. At a temperature of 212 degrees it becomes vapour, or steam, nor can that temperature be increased in an open vessel. In a closed one it may be heated to redness. Mercury will fall T Vth of an inch for every 100 feet perpendicular height. In ascending Snowden, in North Wales, the mercury fell 3 T ^ths inches, 3,720 feet above the sea. The velocity of wind in a strong gale is 30 to 35 miles per hour ; hard gale, 40 to 45 ; storm, 50 to 55 ; and a hurricane, 80 to 100 miles per hour. GEOMETRY. 45 degrees ... of a circle. 90 ... 1 quadrant, or quarter of a circle. 360 ... 1 circle. When divided into part, are called degrees. Many calculations are founded on this division of the circle. Pressure. Boiling Pt int. 1 31bs per square inch 205 degrees. 13} , 2051 . )? 131 206^ 13| 207^ 14 208J M 34J 209J n id 210} a 14f 211 3) 15 212 J) 15|- 212} 154 213| VII. -+* r-frj c^' -* r 1 o 01 WS* r-:^ rH CO o ~3 i 1 CO NO Hcq M!^ g- ^ 4 CO i i I 1 * I co' CO cT rH rH^ Hoc N CO ^ O C7i o CO g CO ^s 01 "^ CO -g - r-H 02 ft:-** r^ S NO CQ o 01 11 CO 'o o e M cci^ jQOi *H -!?i CO e$*n r-^q EH 01 z/3 S Oi 01 *-H o EH - Hc^O co|oo^ C H0 HCM .2 * ooioo oi ~ h* !> * ,IQ H*ytj* HOO-KN ^H ;CO Hoocq ^oo'f^ ^ cc;^ io|oo iO co co ars ^ .s s aia ko S^ a H05 wH. rHlOO ^ frrt I X. Weight of Cast-iron Pipes 1 foot in length, from | inch to 1 J inch thick, and from 3 to 24 inches Diameter. Diameter of Bore in Inches. THICKNESS IN INCHES. 1 I Mil 1 i H! H frs 1)8 B&s fi)s 5s j fi)s Ibs | fts 3 84| i2i in 22i 274 I 1 3} 9J| 14i 191 25i 35 1 4 10 16fi 22 281 4| 11|| 18 241 31J 38| 5 13 19} 27 34|: 42| 501^ 59 5i| 15 21i 294| 37J 46 | 541: 63} 6 | 231 32 40| 49} 59 68J 78| 88| 64| 25i| 34*1 43}; 53^ 631 73j 781 841 95 7 27i! 36J| 46jj 56| 67} 89} 1014 74| 29 39 50 60| 72 83i 9511071 8 30}i 41| 53 64i| 761 88i lOOf 1131 y 33 | 44J 56i 684| 8 ! 93i 106|-120 9 34i 46J 59 71| 84| 981 111} 125| 91 36i 49 62 75^ 89 103 1171 132 10 38i 51J 65i 794! 931 108 122} 138 10J 54 68i 82| 97j 112| 1281 1441 11 564| 71i 86J 102 117| 134 1504 111 59 76i 90 |I061 122|139il56i 12 6H 77J 1271 145 162J 13 82}|101J|118i 137^154 1731 14 89i 108J 126J 14611654|1854 15 95ill5||135| 15641761198 16 1234 143 166 |187i 2111 17 1304 152^ 1781 1981 2231- 18 137 1614 1854 209 2351 19 1691 195| 222|- 247 20 178 2051 2334 259 21 ! 214 2431 2731 22 223J 254| 2851 23 23-31 2651-J2981 24 2454 277^310^1 xi. WEIGHT OF MATERIALS. Weight of a cubic foot in Ibs. Weight of a cubic inch in ozs. No. of cubic inches in a Ib. Weight of a cubic inch in Ibs. Mercury 848 7-851 2-037 4908 Lead 709 6-456 2-437 4103 477 4.-14-0 3-623 276 Cast Iron . 454|- 4-203 3-802 263 Sheet Copper ... Cast Copper 557 5491 5-159 5-086 3-103 3-146 3225 3178 Cast Brass 5241 4-852 3-223 3037 Brick "'4 125 1-456 13-824 0723 Stone 151 1-396 11-443 0873 Water 62 27 1 uwig 1 2 Thirty-six feet of common water make 1 ton. 35 feet of sea water make 1 ton. One cubic foot of water = 6 J imperial gallons, or 62ilbs. 1 cylindrical foot = 5 gallons, or 4 9 Ibs. 11 '2 imperial gallons 1 cwt. 224 imperial gallons = 1 ton. 1 gallon of fresh water = lOibs. 1 gallon of sea water = 10 Jibs. At; a temperature of 62 Fahrenheit, between 62 and 42, water attains its greatest density ; and the pressure is as the perpendicular height, independent of quantity. Water is not compressible. It presses in every direction, and finds a level ; thus, a small quantity will balance and support a great quantity, whatever the difference in dimension. The centre of the pressure of a column of water is two-thirds of its depth from the surface. Ten pounds of distilled, or rain, water equals the standard gallon at 62. 2-004 inches of a column of mercury lib. 27-648 water lft>. 26-895 sea water.. . 1R>. Xll. A TABLE SHOWING THE DIFFERENCE IN THE STRENGTH OF METALS. Wrought Iron 1000 Gold 273 Copper 550 Zinc 199 Platinum 494 Tin 63 Silver 349 Lead 50 A copper bolt or rod of the same thickness as iron, will sustain little more than one-half the weight iron will. Iron- wire one-sixteenth of an inch diameter is capable of sustaining a weight of 5005>s. A bar of wrought iron one inch square, when sound and good, will require 25 tons to pull it asunder. HEAT-CONDUCTING POWERS OF DIFFERENT METALS. Gold 1000 Iron 374 Silver 973 Zinc 368 Copper 898 Tin 304 Platinum 391 Lead 108 A TABLE SHOWING THE TEMPERATURE METALS MELT AT. Degrees, Degrees. Gold 2016 Lead 612 Platinum 3280 Tin 442 Silver 1873 Zinc 773 Copper 1996 Cast Iron 2786 Brass ., ... 1900 Mercury boils 672 Tin 2 parts, Lead 2 parts, mixed, melts at 332. With Cast-iron, melted from the pig, its strength may be represented by 1 ; the second time by \\ j the third time by 2, and so on until it has been melted nine or ten times, when it will have attained its maximum strength that being about four times the strength of the first casting. This shows how important it is to have all toothed wheels, particularly the first driving wheels, beams, cranks, shafts, or other parts of a Steam Engine and going gear, made from good old metal, and not new Pig-iron. By being re-melted, the metal becomes refined, closer in the pores, works smoother, and wears longer. Metal melted in a blast furnace is not equal in strength to the same metal melted in an air furnace. A TABLE FOR SAFETY VALVES, CYLINDERS, AIR-PUMPS, &o., Containing the Circumferences and Areas of Circles from j*$ of an inch to 10 inches, advancing by T V of an inch ; and by ^ of an inch, from 10 inches to 100 inches Diameter. Diameter. Circum. Area. Diameter. Circum. Area. , .1963 .0030 2 in. 6.2832 3.1416 1 .3927 .0122 A 6.4795 3.3411 A .5890 .0276 f 6.6759 3.5465 1 .7854 .0490 T 3 6 6.8722 3.7582 A .9817 .0767 i 7.0686 3.9760 | 1.1781 .1104 T 5 g- 7.2649 4.2001 1.3744 .1503 1 7.4613 4.4302 I 1.5708 .1963 TB" 7.6576 4.6664 A 1.7671 .2485 \ 7.8540 4.9087 1 1.9635 .3068 A 8.0503 5.1573 2.1598 .3712 1 8.2467 5.4119 f 2.3562 .4417 \\ 8.4430 5.6727 2.5525 .5185 I 8.6394 5.9395 * 2.7489 .6013 if 8.8357 6.2126 *f 2.9452 .6903 I 9.0321 6.4918 9.2284 6.7772 1 in. 3.1416 .7854 A 3.3379 .8861 3 in. 9.4248 7.0686 i 3.5343 .9940 j^. 9.6211 7.3662 A 3.7306 1.1075 * 9.8175 7.6699 3.9270 1.2271 * 10.0138 T.9798 ft 4.1233 1.3529 10.2102 8.2957 1 4.3197 1.4848 A 10.4065 8.6179 & 4.5160 1.6229 f 10.6029 8.9462 4.7124 1.7671 A 10.7992 9.2806 A 4.9087 1.9175 i 10.9956 9.6211 5.1051 2.0739 A 11.1919 9.9678 A 5.3014 2.2365 i 11.3883 10.3206 3 4 5.4978 2.4052 11.5846 10.6796 5.6941 2.5801 t 11.7810 11.0446 I 5.8905 2.7611 if 11.9773 11.4159 6.0868 2.9483 I- 12.1737 11.7932 XIV. Diameter. Circum. Area. Diameter. Circum. Area if 12.3700 12.1768 \ 20.4204 33.1831 ft 20.6167 33.8244 4 in. 12.5664 12.5664 | 20.8131 34.4717 A 12.7627 12.9622 H| 21.0094 35.1252 i 12.9591 13.3640 f 21.2058 35.7847 ft 13.1554 13.7721 it 21.4021 36.4505 i 13.3518 14.1862 1 21.5985 37.1224 1% 13.5481 14.6066 H 21.7948 37.8005 I 13.7445 15.0331 A 13.9408 15.4657 7 in. 21.9912 38.4846 i 14.1372 15.9043 A 22.1875 39.1749 A 14.3335 16.3492 i 22.3839 39.8713 1 14.5299 16.8001 ft 22.5802 40.5469 14.7262 17.2573 22.7766 41.2825 t 14.9226 17.7205 ft 22.9729 41.9974 it 15.1189 18.1900 f 23.1693 42.7184 1 15.3153 18.6655 ft 23.3656 43.4455 tf 15.5716 19.1472 23.5620 44.1787 ft 23.7583 44.9181 5 in. 15.7080 19.6350 1 23.9547 45.6636 ft 15.9043 20.1290 ft 24.1510 46.4153 i 16.1007 20.6290 3 4 24.3474 47.1730 ft 16.2970 21.1252 H 24.5437 47.9370 i 16.4934 21.6475 1 24.7401 48.7070 * 16.6897 22.1661 if 24.9364 49.4833 16.8861 22.6907 ft 17.0824 23.2215 8 in. 25.1328 50.2656 i 17.2788 23.7583 :nr 25.3291 51.0541 ft 17.4751 24.3014 | 25.5255 51.8486 f 17.6715 24.8505 T 3 25.7218 52.8994 ft 17.8678 25.4058 I 25.9182 53.4562 I 18.0642 25.9672 1% 26.1145 54.2748 it 18.2605 26.5348 26.3109 55.0885 f 18.4569 27.1085 A 26.5072 55.9138 *f 18.6532 27.6884 $ 26.7036 56.7451 A 26.8999 57.5887 6 in. 18.8496 28.2744 I 27.0963 58.4264 ft 19.0459 28.8665 \l 27.2926 59.7762 1 19.2423 29.4647 f 27.4890 60.1321 A 19.4386 30.0798 it 27.6853 60.9943 i 19.6350 30.6796 f 27.8817 61.8625 A 19.8313 31.2964 H 27.0780 62.7369 f 20.0277 31.9192 A 20.2240 32.5481 9 in. 28.2744 63.6174 Diameter. Circum. Area. Diameter. Circum. Area. A 28.4707 64.5041 | 41.2338 135.2974 I 28.6671 65.3968 x 41.6262 137.8867 tV 28.8634 66.2957 I 42.0189 140.5007 } 29.0598 67.2007 42.4116 143.1391 A 29.2561 68.1120 1 42.8043 145.8021 I 29.4525 69.0293 1 43.1970 148.4896 A 29.6488 69.9528 Q 43.5897 151.2017 * 29.8452 70.8823 A 30.0415 71.8181 14 in. 43.9824 153.9384 1 30.2379 72.7599 l 44.3751 156.6995 W 30.4342 73.7079 i 44.7676 159.4852 f 30.6306 74.6620 | 45.1605 162.2956 H 30.8269 75.6223 ^ 45.5532 165.1303 f 31.0233 76.5887 | 45.9459 167.9896 if 31.2196 77.5613 3 46.3386 170.8735 | 46.7313 173.7820 10 in. 31.4160 78.5400 1 31.8087 80.5157 15 in. 47.1240 176.7150 1 32.2014 82.5160 l 47.5167 179.6725 3 32.5941 84.5409 JL 47.9094 182.6545 1 32.9868 86.5903 J 48.3021 185.6612 33.3795 88.6643 | 48.6948 188.6923 J 33.7722 90.7627 49.0875 191.7480 s 34.1649 92.8858 4 49.4802 194.8282 5 49.8729 197.9330 11 in. 34.5576 95.0334 J 34.9503 97.2053 16 in. 50.2656 201.0624 | 35.3430 99.4021 | 50.6583 204.2162 1 35.7357 101.6234 51.0510 207.3946 I 36.1284 103.8691 \ 51.4437 210.5976 36.5211 106.1394 1 ! 51.8364 213.8251 j 36.9138 108.4342 52.2291 217.0772 | 37.3065 110.7536 52.6218 220.3537 9 53.0145 223.6549 12 in. 37.6992 113.0976 $ 38.0919 115.4660 17 in. 53.4072 226.9806 I 38.4846 117.8590 l 53.7999 230.3308 | 38.8773 120.2766 l 54.1926 233.7055 | 39.2700 122.7187 | 54.5853 237.1049 39.6627 125.1854 I 54.9780 240.5287 S 40.0554 127.6765 55.3707 243.9771 1 40.4481 130.1923 T 55.7634 247.4500 | 56.1561 250.9475 13 in. 43.8408 132.7326 XVI. Diameter. Circum. Area. Diameter, Circum. Area 18 in. 56.5488 254.4696 23 in. 72.2568 415.4766 I 56.9415 258.0161 | 72.6495 420.0049 1 57.6342 261.5872 73.0422 424.5577 3 57.7269 265.1829 | 73.4349 429.1352 i 58.1196 268.8031 I 73.8276 433.7371 58.5123 272.4479 74.2203 438.3636 J 58.9056 276.1171 | 74.6130 443.0146 I 59.2977 279.8110 i 75.0057 447.6992 19 in. 59.6904 283.5294 24 in. 75.3984 452.3904 i 60.0831 287.2723 i 75.7911 457.1150 60.4758 291.0397 I 76.1838 461.8642 | 60.8685 294.8312 | 76.5765 466.6380 _! 61.2612 298.6483 i 76.9692 471.4363 1 61.6539 302.4894 1 77.3619 476.2592 3 4 62.0466 306.3550 | 77.7546 481.1065 1 62.4393 310.2452 1 78.1473 485.9785 20 in. 62.8320 314.1600 25 in. 78.5400 490.8750 i 63.2247 318.0992 l 78.9327 495.7960 I 63.6174 322.0630 l 79.3254 500.7415 3 64.0101 326.0514 | 79.7181 505.7117 | 64.4028 330.0643 f 80.1108 510.7063 64.7955 334.1018 80.5035 515.7255 | 65.1882 338.1637 | 80.8962 520.7692 s 65.5809 342.2503 7 8 81.2889 525.8375 21 in. 65.7936 346.3614 26 in. 81.6816 530.9304 i 66.3663 350.4970 i 82.0743 536.0477 I 66.7590 354.6571 82.4670 541.1896 a 67.1517 358.8419 | 82.8597 546.3561 1 67.5444 363.0511 i 83 2524 551.5471 67.9371 367.2849 83.6451 556.7627 J 68.3298 371.5432 3. 84.0378 562.0027 i 68.7225 375.8261 I 84.4305 567.2674 22 in. 69.1152 380.1336 27 in. 84.8232 572.5566 1 69.5079 384.4655 | 85.2159 577.8703 69.9006 388.8220 85.6086 583.2085 | 70.2933 393.2031 f 86.0013 588.5714 | 70.6860 397.6087 I 86.3940 593.9587 71.0787 402.0388 86.7867 599.3706 | 71.4714 406.4935 4 87.1794 604.8070 1 71.8641 410.9728 I 87.5721 610.2680 XV11. Diameter. Circum. Area. Diameter. Circum. Area. 28 in. 87.9648 615.7536 33 in. 103.6728 855.3006 i 88.3575 621.2636 i 104.0655 861.7924 ^ 88.7502 626.7982 1 104.4582 868.3087 | 89.1429 632.3574 1 104.8509 874.8497 I 89.5356 637.9411 -k 105.2436 881.4151 89.9283 643.5494 \ 105.6363 888.0051 4~ 90.3210 649.1821 i 106.0290 894.6196 I 90.7137 654.8395 7 8 106.4217 901.2587 29 in. 91.1064 660.5214 34 in. 106.8144 907.9224 91.4991 666.2278 i 107.2071 914.6105 i 91.8918 671.9587 I 107.5998 921.3232 | 92.2845 677.7143 3 107.9925 928.0605 i 92.6772 683.4943 I 108.3852 934.8223 93.0699 689.2989 108.7779 941.6086 "4 93.4626 695.1280 "4 109.1706 948.4195 I 93.8553 700.9817 I 109.5633 955.2550 30 in. 94.2480 706.8600 35 in. 109.9560 962.1150 i 94.6407 712.7627 i 110.3487 968.9995 1 4 95.0334 718.6900 l 4 110.7414 975.9085 I 95.4261 724.6419 1 111.1341 982.8422 1 95.8188 730.6183 i 111.5268 989.8003 | 96.2115 736.6193 I 111.9195 996.7830 3 4 96.6042 742.6447 3 4 112.3122 1003.7902 I 96.9969 748.6948 1 112.7049 1010.8220 31 in. 97.3896 754.7694 36 in. 113.0976 1017.8784 i 97.7823 760.8685 f 113.4903 1024.9592 1 4 98.1750 766.9921 1 113.8830 1032.0646 98.5677 773.1404 1 114.2757 1039.1946 1 98.9684 779.3131 i 114.6684 1046.3941 | 99.3531 785.5104 1 115.0611 1053.5281 "4 99.7458 791.7322 | 115.4538 1060.7317 100.1385 797.9786 I 115.8465 1067.9599 32 in. 100.5312 804.2496 37 in. 116.2392 1075.2126 i 100.9240 810.5450 i 116.6319 1082.4898 101.3166 816.8650 i 117.0246 1089.7915 | 101.7093 823.2096 f- 117.4173 1097.1179 i 102.1020 829.5787 1 117.8100 1104.4687 102.4947 835.9724 1 118.2027 1111.8441 | 102.8874 842.3905 | 118.5954 1119.2440 i 103.2801 848.8333 1 118.9881 1126.6685 XVill. Diameter. Circum. Area. Diameter. Circum. Area. 38 in. 119.3808 1134.1176 43 in. 135.0888 1452.2046 1 119.7735 1141.5911 i 135.4815 1460.6599 j- 120.1662 1149.0892 135.8742 1469.1397 i 120.5589 1156.6119 | 136.2669 1477.6342 i 120.9516 1164.1591 i 136.6596 1486.1731 | 121.3443 1171.7309 137.0523 1494.7266 J 121.7370 1179.3271 1 137.4450 1503.3046 i 122.1297 1186.9480 1 137.8377 1511.9072 39 in. 122.5224 1194.5934 44 in. 138.2304 1520.534i i 122.9151 1202.2633 i 138.6231 1529.1860 _L 123.3078 1209.9577 l 139.0158 1537.8622 | 123.7005 1217.6768 | 139.4085 1546.5530 | 124.0932 1225.4203 | 139.8012 1555.2883 124.4859 1233.1884 140.1939 1564.0382 1 124.9787 1240.9810 a 140.5866 1572.8125 1 125.2713 1248.7982 i 140.9793 1581.6115 40 in. 125.6640 1256.6400 45 in. 141.3720 1590.4350 i 126.0567 1264.5062 i 141.7647 1599.2830 I 126.4494 1272.3970 142.1574 1608.1555 1 126.8421 1280.3124 I 142.5501 1617.0427 ^ 127.2348 1288.2523 I 142.9428 1625.9743 | 127.6275 1296.2168 143.3355 1634.9205 | 128.0202 1304.2057 1 143.7382 1643.8912 I 128.4129 1312.2193 I 144.1209 1652.8865 41 in. 128.8056 1320.2574 46 in. 144.5136 1661.9064 i 129.1983 1328.3200 i 144.9063 1670.9507 l 129.5910 1336.4071 1 145.2990 1680.0196 | 129.9837 1344.5189 1 145.6917 1689.1031 1 130.3764 1352.6551 i 146.0844 1698.2311 | 130.7691 1360.8159 1 146.4771 1707.3737 "4 131.1618 1369.0012 3 4 146.8698 1716.5407 I 131.5545 1377.2111 1 147.2625 1725.7324 42 in. 131.9472 1385.4456 47 in. 147.6552 1734.9486 | 132.3399 1393.7045 i 148.0479 1744.1893 132.7326 1401.9880 .1 1484406 1753.4545 | 133.1253 1470.2961 I 148.8333 1762.7344 i 133.5180 1418.6287 149.2260 1772.0587 1 133.9107 1426.9859 I 149.6187 1781.3976 3 134.3034 1435.3675 | 150.0114 1790.7610 1 134.6961 1443.7738 I 150.4041 1800.1490 I Diameter. Circum. Area. Diameter. Circum. Area. 48 in. 150.7968 1809.5616 53 in. 166.5048 2206.1886 I 151.1895 1818.9986 i 166.8975 2216.6074 i 151.5822 1628.4602 1 167.2902 2227.0507 | 151.9749 1837.9364 | 167.6829 2237.5187 I 152.3676 1847.4571 i 168.0756 2248.0111 | 152.7603 1856.9924 1 168.4683 2258.5281 J 153.1530 1868.5521 I 168.8610 2269.0696 I 153.5457 1876.1365 7 8 169.2537 2279.6357 49 in. 153.9384 1885.7454 54 in. 169.6464 2290.2264 1 154.3311 1895.3788 i 170.0391 2300.8415 i 154.7238 1905.0367 170.4318 2311.4812 i 155.1165 1914.7093 | 170.8245 2322.1455 I 155.5092 1924.4263 i 171.2172 2332.8343 1 155.9019 1934.1579 171.6099 2343.5477 3 156.2946 1943.9140 j 172.0026 2354.2855 1 156.6873 1953.6947 i 172.3593 2365.0480 50 in. 157.0800 1963.5000 55 in. 172.7880 2375.8350 i 157.4727 1973.3297 i 173.1807 2386.6465 1 157.8654 1983.1840 1 173.5734 2397.4825 | 158.2581 1993.0529 | 173.9661 2408.3432 i 158.6508 2002.9663 1 174.3588 2419.2283 159.0435 2012.8943 1 174.7515 2430.1833 1 159.4362 2022.8467 I 175.1442 2441.0772 159.8289 2032.8238 7 i 175.5369 2452.0310 51 in. 160.2216 2042.8254 56 in. 175.9296 2463.0144 i 160.6143 2052.8515 | 176.3323 2474.0222 I 161.0070 2062.9021 176.7150 2485.3546 161.3997 2072.9764 | 177.1077 2496.1116 | 161.7924 2083.0771 i 177.5004 2507.1931 | 162.1851 2093.2014 177.8931 2518.2992 | 162.5778 2103.3502 j 178.2858 2529.4297 i 162.9705 2113.5236 I 178.6785 2543.5849 52 in. 163.3632 2123.7216 57 in. 179.0712 2551.7646 i 163.7559 2133.9440 | 179.4639 2562.9688 164.1486 2144.1910 i 179.8566 2574.1975 "8 164.5413 2154.4626 | 180.2493 2585.4509 | 164.9340 2164.7587 | 180.6423 2596.7287 165.3267 2175.0794 181.0347 2608.0311 3 165.7194 2185.4245 | 181.4274 2619.3580 i 166.1121 2195.7943 1 181.8201 2630.7095 XX. Diameter Circum. Area. Diameter. Circum. Area. 58 in. 182.2128 2642.0856 63 in. 197.9208 3117.2526 182.6055 2653.4861 i 198.3135 3129.6349 182.9982 2664.9112 1 4 198.7062 3142.0417 s 183.3909 2676.3609 199.0989 3154.4732 i 183.7836 2687.8351 I 199.4916 3166.9291 | 184.1763 2699.3338 199.8843 3179.4096 J 184.5690 2710.8571 J 200.2770 3191.9146 i 184.9617 2722.4050 7 8 200.6697 3204.4442 59 in. 185.3544 2733.9774 64 in. 201.0624 3216.9984 i 185.7471 2745.5743 A 201.4551 3229.5770 1 186.1398 2757.1957 i 201.8478 3242.1782 | 186.5325 2768.8418 1 202.2405 3254.8080 1 186.9252 2780.5123 i 202.6332 3267.4603 | 187.3179 2792.2074 203.0259 3280.1372 J 187.7106 2803.9270 | 203.4186 3292.8385 1 188.1033 2815.6712 1 203.8113 3305.5645 60 in. 188.4960 2827.4400 65 in. 204.2040 3318.3151 1 188.8887 2839.2332 | 204.5917 3331.0900 189.2814 2851.0510 204.9894 3343.8875 | 189.6741 2862.8934 | 205.3821 3356.7137 | 190.0668 2874.7603 i 205.7748 3369.5623 190.4595 2886.6517 206.1675 3382.4355 J 190.8522 2898.5677 3 206.5602 3395.3332 I 191.2419 2910.5083 I 206.9529 3408.2555 61 in. 191.6376 2922.4734 66 in. 207.3456 3421.2024 l 192.0303 2934.4630 l 207.7383 3434.1737 1 192.4230 2946.4771 J 208.1310 3447.1676 1 192.8157 2958.5159 | 208.5237 3468.1901 f 193.2084 2970.5791 i 208.9164 3473.2351 193.6011 2982.6669 | 209.3091 3486.3047 J 193.9931 2994.7792 3 209.7018 3499.3987 i 194.3865 3006.9161 1 210.0945 3532.5174 62 in. 194.7792 3019.0776 67 in. 210.4872 3525.6606 i 195.1719 3031.2635 i 210.8799 3538.8283 1 4 195.5646 3043.4740 211.2726 3552.0185 195.9573 3055.7091 1 211.6653 3565.2374 I 196.3500 3067.9687 i 212.0580 3578.4787 | 196.7427 3080.2529 1 212.4507 3591.7446 j 197.1354 3092.5615 3 4 212.8434 3605.0350 7 8 197.5281 3104.8948 I 213.2361 3618.3300 . Diameter. Circum. Area. Diameter. Circum. Area. 68 in. 213.6288 3631.6896 73 in. 229.3368 4185.3966 | 214.0215 3645.0536 i 229.7295 4199.7424 214.4142 3658.4402 I 230.1222 4214.1107 I 214.8069 3671.8554 | 230.5149 4228.5077 1 215.1996 3685.2931 * 230.9076 4242.9271 215.5923 3698.7554 i 231.3003 4257.3711 3 215.9850 3712.2421 i 231.6930 4271.8396 1 216.3777 3725.7535 i 232.0857 4286.3327 69 in. 216.7704 3739.2894 74 in. 232.4784 4300.8504 i 217.1631 3752.8498 | 232.8711 4315.3926 217.5558 3766.4327 233.2638 4329.9572 3 217.9485 3780.0443 | 233.6565 4344.5505 1 218.3412 3793.6783 i 234.0492 4359.1663 218.7339 3807.3369 | 234.4419 4373.8067 3 219.1266 3821.0200 j 234.8346 4388.4715 1 219.5193 3834.7277 1 235.2273 4403.1610 70 in. 219.9120 3848.4600 75 in. 235.6200 4417.8750 I 220.3047 3862.2167 A 236.0127 4432.6135 1 220.6974 3875.9960 i 236.4054 4447.3745 3 221.0901 3889.8039 1 236.7981 4462.1642 J 221.4828 3903.6343 | 237.1908 4476.9763 221.8755 3917.4893 237.5835 4491.8130 4^ 222.2682 3931.3687 | 237.9762 4506.6742 I 222.6609 3945.2728 I 238.3689 4521.5600 71 in. 223.0536 3959.2014 76 in. 238.7616 4536.4704 i B 223.4463 3973.1545 i 239.1543 4551.4023 I 223.8390 3987.1301 i 239.5470 4566.3626 1 224.2317 4001.1344 | 239.9397 4581.3486 i 224.6244 4015.1611 i 240.3324 4596.3571 225.0171 4029.2124 1 240.7251 4611.3902 4T 225.4098 4043.2882 | 241.1178 4626.4477 i 225.8025 4057.3886 7 8 241.5105 4641.5299 72 in. 226.1952 4071.5136 77 in. 241.9032 4656.6366 | 226.5879 4085.6631 f 242.2959 4671.7678 226.9806 4099.8350 242.6886 4686.9215 | 227.3733 4114.0356 a 243.0813 4702.1039 | 227.7660 4128.2587 i 243.4740 4717.3087 228.1587 4142.5064 243.8667 4732.5381 | 228.5514 4156.7785 J 244.2594 4747.7920 7 I 228.9441 4171.0753 1 244.6521 4763.0705 XXll. Diameter. Circum. Area. Diameter, Cireum. Area. 78 in. 245.0448 4778.3736 83 in. 260.7528 5410.6206 1 245.4375 4793.7012 i 261.1455 5426.9299 245.8302 4809.0512 261.5382 5443.2617 | 246.2229 4824.4299 | 261.9309 5459.6222 f 246.6156 4839.8311 i 262.3236 5476.0051 247.0083 4855.2568 262.71G3 5492.4118 } 247.4010 4870.7071 | 263.1090 5508.8446 1 247.7937 4886.1820 i 263.5017 5525.3012 79 in. 248.1864 4901.6814 84 in. 263.8944 5541.7824 | 248.5791 4917.2053 | 264.2871 5558.2881 i 248.9718 4932.7517 264.6798 5574.8162 | 249.3645 4948.3268 | 265.0725 5591.3730 i 249.7572 4963.9243 i 265.4652 5607.9523 | 250.1499 4979.5456 | 265.8579 5624.5554 J 250.5426 4995.1930 266.2506 5641.1845 I 250.9353 5010.8642 1 266.6433 5657.8357 80 in. 251.3280 5026.5600 85 in. 267.0360 5674.5150 i 251.7207 5042.2803 i 267.4287 5691.2170 l 252.1134 5058.0230 267.8214 5707.9415 | 252.5061 5073.7944 | 268.2141 5724.6947 1 252.8988 5089.5883 i 268.6068 5741.4703 | 253.2915 5106.4060 268.9997 5758.2697 253.6842 5121.2497 f 269.3922 5775.0952 1 254.0769 5137.1173 269.7849 5791.9445 81 in. 254.4696 5153.0094 86 in. 270.1776 5808.8184 J 254.8623 5168.9260 | 270.5703 5825.7168 255.2550 5184.8651 270.9630 5842.6376 | 255.6477 5200.8329 | 271.3557 5859.5871 i 256.0404 5216.8231 i 271.7484 5876.5591 f 256.4331 5232.8371 272.1411 5893.5549 i 256.8258 5248.8772 I 272.5338 5910.5767 1 257.2105 5264.9411 i 272.9265 5927.6224 82 in. 257.6112 5281.0296 87 in. 273.3192 5944.6926 | 258.0039 5297.1426 1 273.7119 5961.7873 258.3966 5313.2780 I 274.1046 5978.9045 | 258.7893 5329.4421 I 274.4973 5996.0504 | 259.1820 5345.6287 I 274.8900 6013.2187 259.5747 5361.8391 275.2827 6030.4108 j 259.9674 5378.0755 | 275.6754 6047.6290 1 260.3601 5394.3358 1 276.0681 6064.8710 )iameter. Circum. Area. iameter. Circum. Area. 88 in. 276.4608 6082.1376 93 in. 292.1688 6792.9248 | 276.8535 6099.4287 I 292.5615 6811.1974 1 4 277.2462 6116.7422 292.9542 6829.4927 277.6389 6134.0844 | 293.3469 6847.8167 i 278.0316 6151.4491 I | 293.7396 6866.1631 | 278.4243 6169.8376 294.1323 6884.5338 'j 278.8170 6186.2591 4" 294.5350 6902.9296 1 279.2097 6203.6905 1 294.9177 6921.3497 89 in. 279.6024 6221.1534 94 in. 295.3104 6939.7946 | 279.9951 6238.6408 i 295.7031 6958.2636 280.3878 6256.1507 296.0958 6976.7552 3 280.7805 6273.6893 3 296.4885 6995.2755 } 281.1732 6291.2503 i 296.8812 7013.8183 281.5659 6308.8351 297.2739 7032.3853 3 281.9586 6326.4460 ~4b 297.6666 7050.9775 1 282.3513 6344.0807 I 298.0593 7069.5940 90 in. 282.7440 6361.7400 95 in. 298.4520 7088.2352 i 283.1367 6379.4238 i 298.8447 7106.9005 283.5294 6397.1300 299.2374 7125.5885 3 283.9221 6414.8649 3 299.6301 7144.3052 | 284.3148 6432.6223 i 300.0228 7163.0443 284.7075 6450.4039 300.4155 7181.8077 f 285.1002 6468.2107 | 300.8082 7200.5962 I 285.4929 6486.0418 s 301.2009 7219.4090 91 in. 285.8856 6503.8974 96 in. 301.5936 7238.2466 i 286.2783 6521.7772 i 301.9863 7257.1083 286.6710 6539.6801 I 302.3790 7275.9926 | 287.0637 6557.6114 1 302.7717 7294.9056 ^ 287.4564 6573.5651 i 303.1644 7313.8411 1 287.8491 6593.5431 303.5571 7332.8008 1 288.2418 6611.5462 J 303.9498 7351.7857 1 288.6345 6629.5736 I 304.3425 7370.7949 92 in. 289.0272 6647.6258 97 in. 304.7352 7389.8288 i 289.4199 6665.7021 1 305.1279 7408.8868 i 289.8125 6683.8010 305.5206 7427.9675 3 290.2053 6701.9286 3 305.9133 7447.0769 I 290.5980 6720.0787 | 306.3060 7466.2087 290.9907 6738.2530 306.6987 7485.3648 | 291.3834 6756.4525 | 307.0914 7504.5460 I 291.7661 6774.6763 1 307.4841 7523.7515 XXIV. Diameter. Circum. Area. Diameter. Circum. Area. 98 in. 307.8768 7542.9818 i 311.4111 7717.1563 1 308.2695 7562.2362 J_ 311.8038 7736.6297 1 308.6622 7581.5132 | 312.1965 7756.1318 | 309.0549 7600.8189 i 312.5892 7775.6563 1 309.4476 7620.1471 312.9819 7795.2051 5 309.8403 7639.4995 | 313.3746 7814.7790 | 310.2330 7658.8771 7 8 313.7673 7834.3772 1 310.6257 7678.2790 100 in. 314.1600 7854.0000 99 in. 311.0184 7697.7056 ! XXV. A TABLE Showing the Pressure of Steam from 2JBbs up to 605>s ; and the height of a Column of Mercury, and the number of Feet and Inches of Water in a Column at the different Pressures. Pressure of Steam. Inches of Mercury Column. Feet and Inches of Water in height at the Temperature and Pressure. Pounds. Inches, Feet. Inches. 2J 5-15 5 9 3 6-18 6 11 31 7-21 8 Of 4 8-24 9 2J 41 9-27 10 4 5 10-30 11 6 ^i 11-33 12 8 6 12-36 13 10 6J 13-39 15 7 14-42 16 2 7J 15-45 17 4A 8 16-48 18 5 10 20-60 23 12 24-72 27 8 15 39-90 34 6 20 41-20 46 1J 25 51-50 57 7J 30 61-80 69 1J 35 72-12 86 8 40 82-41 92 2J 45 92-70 103 9 50 103-00 115 3 55 113-31 126 9 60 123-60 138 3J Additional Column of 2 feet 3J inches of a 2-037 Inches of column extra for Mercury for each extra each increased pound pound pressure. pressure. Steam produced from impure water is not of equal density to steam from pure water. Steam from pure water at a temperature of 212 degrees, supports a column of mercury 30 inches ; and steam from sea water at the same temperature supports only 22| inches. Common water, at a temperature of 220 degrees, supports 35 inches ; and sea water, at the same temperature, 26 J inches of a column of mercury. Pressure and temperature in this case varies. In all cases where accuracy of pressure is requisite, an open column of mercury is the most sensitive and correct indicator. XXVI. A TABLE Showing the Temperature of Steam at different Pressures, from lib per Square Inch to 240K)S, and the quantity of Steam produced from a Cubic Inch of Water, according to Pressure. NOTE. Add the pressure of the atmosphere, 15ft>s, to the pressure on the stearn gauge, to correspond with the table. Total Pressure of Steam in fibs per Square Inch. Corresponding Temperature of Steam to Pressure. Cubic Inches of Steam from a Cubic Inch of Water according to Pressure. Total Pressure of Steam in tbs per Square Inch. Corresponding Temperature of Steam to Pressure. Cubic Inches of Steam from a Cubic Inch of Water according to Pressure, 1 102-9 20868 32 255-5 833 2 126-1 10874 33 257-3 810 3 141-0 7437 34 259-1 788 4 152-3 5685 35 260-9 767 5 161-4 4617 36 262-6 748 6 169-2 3897 37 264-3 729 7 175-9 3376 38 265-9 712 8 182-0 2983 39 267.5 695 9 187-4 2674 40 269-1 679 10 192-4 2426 41 270-6 664 11 197-0 2221 42 272-1 649 12 201-3 2050 43 273-6 635 13 205-3 1904 44 275-0 622 14 209-1 1778 45 276-4 610 1 K Press, of O 1 9-8 - 1 - " Atmsnhr ""-"<-' 1669 46 277-8 598 16 216-3 1573 47 279-2 586 17 219-6 1488 48 280-5 575 18 222-7 1411 49 281-9 564 19 225-6 1343 50 283-2 554 20 228-5 1281 51 284-4 544 21 231-2 1225 52 285-7 534 22 233-8 1174 53 286-9 525 23 236-3 1127 54 288-1 516 24 238-7 1084 55 289-3 508 25 241-0 1044 56 290-5 500 26 243-3 1007 57 291-7 492 27 245-5 973 58 292-9 484 28 247-6 941 59 294-2 477 29 249-6 911 60 295-6 470 30 251-6 883 61 296-9 463 31 253-6 857 62 298-1 456 XXV11. Total Pressure of Steam in fts per Square Inch. Corresponding Temperature of Steam to Pressure. Cubic Inches of Steam from a Cubic Inch of Water accoi ding to Pressure. Total Pressure of Steam in fts per Square Inch. Corresponding Temperature of Steam to Pressure. Cubic Inches of Steam from a Cubic Inch of Water according to Pressure. 63 299-2 449 89 323-5 328 64 300-3 443 90 324-3 325 65 301-3 437 91 325-1 322 66 302-4 431 92 325-9 319 67 303-4 425 93 326-7 316 68 304-4 419 94 327-5 313 69 305-4 414 95 328-2 310 70 306-4 408 96 329-0 307 71 307-4 403 97 329-8 304 72 308-4 398 98 330-5 301 73 309-3 393 99 331-3 298 74 310-3 388 100 332-0 295 75 311-2 383 110 339-2 271 76 312-2 379 120 345-8 251 77 313-1 374 130 352-1 233 78 314-0 370 140 357-9 218 79 314-9 366 150 363-4 205 80 315-8 362 160 368-7 193 81 316-7 358 170 373-6 183 82 317-6 354 180 378-4 174 83 318-4 350 190 382-9 166 84 319-3 346 200 387-3 158 85 320-1 342 210 391-5 151 86 321-0 339 220 395-5 145 87 321-8 335 230 399-4 140 88 322-6 332 240 403-1 134 This table shows that the saving of fuel is in proportion to the increase of pressure. The advantage of generating and using high-pressure steam is thereby made apparent. The table shows that the last lOlbs of additional pressure only requires four degrees of heat to raise it ; whereas the first lOBbs of pressure above the atmosphere requires 29 additional degrees of heat to raise it a difference of 25 degrees. Hence a small accession of heat at a high temperature produces an increase of elastic force ; and a small abstraction of heat reduces its bulk, by the application of cold, in the ratio of its density ; proving the advantage of clothing cylinders, steam-pipes, boilers, &c., with a non-conductor of heat or cold a sure saving of fuel, where adopted, and more particularly required where high -pressure steam is used, xxvm. A TABLE SHOWING THE WEIGHT OF WATER IN PIPES OF- VARIOUS DIAMETERS, ONE FOOT IN LENGTH. Diameter iu Inches. Weight in Pounds. Diameter iu Inches. Weight in Pounds, Diameter in Inches. Weight in Pounds, 3 3 121 51 23 1804 4 j llf 531 551 24 2 1881 1961 8| 13 4 571 241 2041 4 5| i^i 59| 25 213 44 6; 13| 624 251 2211 7' 641 26 2301 4 *l 14 ? 66| 261 2391 5 8j 141 691 27 2481 54 9j \ 141 711 271 257| 4 10; 14| 744 28 267^ 5| 11; 15 76f 28j 276f 6 12} 154 794 29 286J 6| 13; 151 82 29J 2961 14; 15 j 84J 30 306f e| 15i 16 874 30J 3171 7 *j [ , 164 90 31 327^ 18 161 924 31J 3381 ti 19- 16| 95| 32 349 7f 20; 17 98A 32J 360 8 21^ [ . 171 1011 33 3714 8* 234 17J 104; 33^ 3821 81 24J r 107i 34 394 8f 26 18 4 110^ 34J 405f 9 27^ f 1^4 113; 35 4171 91 29; t 181 1161 35j 4291 9 i 30| ; 18j H9f 36 441f 9| 32 j | 19 123 36J 454 10 34" 1^4 1261 37 4661 104 35J ' 191 1291 37J 4791 li 37i r 19| 132 38 4924 11 4lj , f 20 201 1361 1434 39 2 5054 5181 Hi 43; ' 21 150| 39J 531f iii 45 21| 1571 40 545J 47 22 165 12 49 22J 1721 XXIX. DURABLE CEMENT FOR STEAM AND WATER JOINTS, GAS RETORTS, &c. Take 1 05>s of Ground Litharge, 4tts of Ground Paris White, |S> of Yellow Ochre, 2ft>s of Red Lead, Joz. of Hemp, cut into lengths of half- an-inch. Mix all together with Boiled Linseed Oil, to the consistence of very stiff Putty. Make the joint with the Cement in the usual way. The above mixture well made, will set quickly when heat is applied. It answers well for the joints of steam pipes, for leakages in Boilers, for cisterns, gas retorts, or any other purpose requiring a durable Cement. It resists fire, and will set in water. See that the whole is well ground and mixed together. Be particular that the Litharge is good. It is too often adulterated by the retail dealers. Since this receipt was first published, several parties make and vend the Cement, but of a very inferior quality the greatest portion of the ingredients being Bristol Brick and Sea Sand, with a little Litharge. The Cement may be had, mixed, of Messrs. HOPKINSON AND Co., Britannia Works, Huddersfield, in Casks at 42/- per Cwt. USEFUL CEMENT FOR RESERVOIRS, CISTERNS, WALLS, WATER COURSES, &c. Take 90 parts of well-burnt Brick or Clay (Fire Brick is the best) and 10 parts of Litharge, well pulverised and mixed together with Boiled Linseed Oil, to the consistency of thin plaster. Use it in the same manner as plaster, previously wetting the parts to be covered with water. This last precaution is indispensable, or the Oil will be absorbed, and prevent the Cement from hardening. Applied in the mode stated, in three or four days the Cement will become firm. B. BROWN, PRINTER, HUDDERSFIELD. PREPARING FOR PUBLICATION, the Fifth Edition of THE STEAM ENGINE EXPLAINED BY TflE USE OF THE INDICATOR. Of the Firm of J. Hopkinson $ Co., Britannia Works, Huddersfield. PRICE 12s. 6d. OF '0SIVBRSITY 1344 MTO wsc ocr o 3 51 GENERAL LIBRARY -U.C. BERKELEY THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY