OK* C* <5 i.OF-CAUF (%, s = i 5 r* cc w i I a ^ I 1 ^D O 1 I % s ^[UNIVERV^ ^lOS-Wfflft S 1 I * lOSANCflfo * f/Or-l ic mr tit jsatlg fttrbfce* tfte SLftans, iuttft PLAIN-TUNE, arrovBmg to t^e use of t^e fjurcf) of (!?ttglan0 anU JTtelanU HontJon : ^amefi fturitf, ^ortman Stmt. RIGHT REVEREND FATHER IN GQD ; EDWARD, LORD BISHOP OF SARUM, PRECENTOR OF THE PROVINCE OF CANTERBURY, I of $lafttong ACCORDING TO THE USE OF THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND, IS, BY PERMISSION, HUMBLY INSCRIBED. 20GG629 editor'* tf itf/icr, IT was in the first instance designed that the following manual of Plain-chant for the use of choirs should have been preceded by an attempt to define the intentions of the Church of England with respect to the use of music in divine service. But the materials which seemed to be indispensable for this purpose accumulated so rapidly, and the inquiry, as it proceeded, embraced so many topics of a collateral kind, which could scarcely have been satisfactorily discussed without swelling the volume to nearly double its present size,* that it has been judged more convenient to reserve the subject for a future occa- sion, and to send forth the present work unencumbered by any but merely necessary explanations. In a general way, no doubt, the intentions of the Church are expressed in such rubrics of the Book of Common Prayer as relate to the use of music ; but the meaning of the rubrics is very far from being obvious. On the one hand, they make no allusion to certain choral practices which, beyond dispute, are authorised by the Church, and intended to be observed ; while, on the other, * The whole history of English church-music, from the begin- ning of the sixteenth century downwards, must, in fact, have been re-written. This may, perhaps, seem to be a startling assertion to those who have been accustomed to look upon Hawkins and Burney as high authorities ; but, in truth, neither the one nor the other inquired into the subject ecclesiastically; and Hawkins, in particular, often betrays ignorance so gross, as to shew that, for this part of his undertaking at least, he was utterly unfit. What can we think, for example, of his ascribing the composition of four or five of the Gregorian tones for the Psalms to an organist of Windsor in the reign of Edward the Sixth ? they give directions which, if interpreted literally, and according to the modern use of words, seem to be at variance with the established manner of choral service in cathedrals and collegiate churches. These points, accordingly, were to be cleared up. For this end it was necessary to ascertain the choral usages of the Church previously to the revision of the ritual- books ; to determine the bearing of the changes that were introduced on previous usage, how far they implied its abolition, how far its continuance ; and, lastly, by these means, to arrive at the true interpretation of the orders relating to the use of music in the first Service-book of Edward Sixth. This, again, must have become a fresh starting-point: the same kind of inquiry would have had to be carried on to the last revision of the Prayer-book in 1662. In relation, however, to the purpose of these observa- tions, the main question is this : How comes it that, in cathedrals and collegiate churches, those portions of the service which are ordered by the rubrics to be " read," " used," " said," or " pronounced," are now, and always have been, sung ; sung, not any how, but with a specific kind of intonation termed plain-tune ? Is there any autho- rity but custom for the one or for the other? Whence did the custom of singing such parts of the service origin- ate ? how came the music sung to them to be reckoned authentic and invariable ? Are we to consider that the practice of cathedrals has been, for the last three hundred years, a violation of the rubrical directions of the Prayer- book? If not, does the word "say" mean to "sing?" or if not to sing any how, does it mean to use certain intonations ? It will be seen, that on the reply to these questions the credit of the following manual of Plain- chant, as the authentic choral book of the English Church, depends. Now, without entering at large on the subject, it may be observed, in the first place, that there is an implied, as well as an expressed, meaning of the rubrics relating to music. In this, as in other matters of ecclesiastical order, ancient custom is assumed to be still in force, unless it has been set aside by special enactment. For example, we shall search in vain for a single direction, given by the Church since the Reformation, for the antiphonal chant- ing of the Psalms ; yet no one ever doubted that she intended the continuance of this practice, and signified as much by the pointing of the Psalms, and by the anti- phonal division of the Gloria Patri to be sung after each psalm. Again, in the Service-books of Edward VI., in that of Elizabeth and James I., the lessons, the epistle, and gospel, were directed to be sung in plain-tune, after the manner of distinct reading ;* but there is apparently no order for singing the Psalms of the day, Te Deum, Benedicite, Benedictus, and Jubilate, nor, in the Evening Service, for singing Magnificat, Cantate Domino, Nunc dimittis, and Deus misereatur. All these are simply directed to "follow in order," "to be said," or "to be used and said;" and the reason is very plain: every one knew that they were intended to be "said" or "used" after the accustomed manner, i.e. sung to the chants proper to the Te Deum and the greater and lesser Psalms.f The case of the lessons was diiferent. Whole * This rubric was omitted at the revision of 1662; and if one may judge by the practice of cathedrals since that time, it was possibly intended that the ancient usage was thenceforward to be discontinued. It is not certain, however at least with respect to the epistle and gospel ; for in the ordination services the office of the communion, with an appointed collect, epistle, and gospel, are directed to be said or sung. f Anciently the Psalms were thus divided : the greater Psalms being those sung daily, and the hymns of the B. Virgin, Zacharias, and S. Simeon, &c. ; the lesser, the Psalms appointed for the day ; all of which, on ordinary occasions, were chanted to the Gregorian 2 chapters of the Bible had been substituted for the short readings, or capitula, of the old Breviary ; on which ac- count it was not unreasonable to imagine that the usual manner of choral reading might be dispensed with. But this exception the rubric guarded against by the direc- tions above mentioned ; which accordingly signify, not that the lessons, the epistle, and gospel, alone, of all the reading parts of the service, were to be sung in plain- tune, but that they, as well as all other portions of the office, were to be chanted in the accustomed manner.* Secondly, the terms in which the rubrics are expressed must be interpreted according to their technico-ecclesias- tical meaning in the 16th century. In the case just cited, the term plain-tune did not, as it probably now does to the majority of modern ears, signify any kind of plain- tune or melody, but a certain specific, recognised, and well-known chant, appropriated from time immemorial to the reading of Scripture in the choir. And so of other parts of the offices sung in plain-tune : each (as will be seen hereafter) had its particular, assigned, and accus- tomed species of melody or intonation ; and as all the species were comprehended under the term plain-song or plain-tune, an order for the use of this throughout the service implied the use of all the specific varieties, in their proper places, and in the accustomed manner; it implied, in short, the use of greater part of the very music given in the following work, the adaptation of which to the English words was coeval with the first publication of the Prayer-book. It was not necessary, therefore, that the direction tones. The Te Deum had a chant (the.music of SS. Ambrose and Augustine) peculiar to it ^ * T . 1 this was ^tended, is proved by the injunctions of Queen Elizabeth, 1559 (in c. 49), in which plain-song is ordered SJ^* service - See Heylin ' Eccles - "to be sung" should in every case be prefixed to por- tions of the office really intended to be sung in plain- tune. To "say" or to "use and say" the service signi- fied that it was to be said after the use of some diocese or province, which use was one of singing as well as saying.* If there were no choir, it signified recitation in the ordi- nary tone of voice ; if a choir, secundum modum legendi choraliter, that is, in the peculiar chant proper to the portion of the service. If, for instance, a collect was directed " to be said," and there were a choir, the cantus collectarum was understood ; if a portion of Scripture to be read, the cantus prophetarum, evangelii, or epistolarum, as the case might be. In few words, the rubric to "say," "use," or "read," signifies, in choral language, to sing in some manner appropriate to the particular office ; and, accordingly, the direction to be "said or sung" is not so much an order to sing those portions of the service which the direction precedes, as a license to read them in the ordinary tone of voice, provided there is no choir. If there be any singing at all, those portions are to have the preference ; if not, they, as well as the rest, may be read in the usual voice, f * Previously to the Reformation, there was properly but one use of singing in England, viz. the Roman, though there were several of saying. It was accordingly this one use of singing, so far as it was necessary, and the new ritual, which together consti- tuted the "one use of saying and singing" referred to in the Pre- face to the Book of Common Prayer, and therein ordered to be had from henceforth throughout the realm. That this use of singing was both prepared and generally received, is sufficiently proved by the existence of the documents from which this work is compiled, and by the present practice of cathedrals, in which, though, resting as it does almost entirely on tradition, much of the music has been lost or disused, enough has been preserved to identify it with that of the ancient Church of England. f It will be seen that three cases are thus contemplated : first, that of cathedrals or collegiate churches having complete choirs, in which the whole service is to be chanted or used chorally ; the second, that of churches with imperfect choral arrangements, i: But if, as has been assumed, the Church designed that the ancient and accustomed choral chant should be adhered to, and if we are able to determine what this was, it is obvious that we not only have the means of testing the accuracy of the formularies of plain-song drawn up and used at the period of the Reformation, but of correcting them and adding to them, if need be; or, reversing the case, if those formularies prove, on ex- amination, to have been framed with exactness on the ancient model, they afford undoubted evidence that the intentions of the Church are such as they have been as- sumed to be. It will have been gathered from the preceding obser- vations, that plain-song is not an indeterminate kind of melody,* but a mode of intonating, chanting, and sing- ing in the Church, which implies an adherence to certain rules, and, to a great extent, the use of certain well- known melodies, that are severally appropriated to par- ticular parts of the service. There is, in fact, one species of plain-song for such parts of the offices as are read ; another for those that are chanted antiphonally ; a third for anthems, the creeds and hymns in prose, such as the these the portions to be sunjj in preference to others are indicated Sthe direction to be "said or sung;" and, lastly, the case of urches or chapels in which there is no singing, whose circum- stances are provided for by the license to read those parts of the Liturgy which, if any, ought properly to be sung. In the 16th century, the term plain-tune was sometimes used to express any kind of unisonous singing. Thus, in the Confes- sion of the Puritans, 1571 (Neale, p. 480), they say, "Concerning the singing of psalms, we allow of the people's joining with one voice, in a plain-tune, but not of tossing the psalms from one side to the other," &c. ; that is, they allowed the use of metrical psalm- tunes in unison. At first, however, the greater part of the psalm- tunes (that even the Puritans used) were adaptations of the old melodies of the hymns in the Breviary to modern versification. Afterwards, when the psalm-tunes ceased to have any relation to Gregorian music, the melodies continued to be termed the plain- tune, as distinguished from the harmonies that were set to them. Te Deum,* Gloria in excelsis, &c. ; and a fourth for metrical hymns. The first two kinds may be termed chants or intona- tions, in which there is, more or less, a perpetually re- curring burden ; the latter two, melodies. The former differ from one another, as well in the sounds employed as in the manner of their use, the use of the one being mainly regulated by the real punctuation and the sense of the words ; that of the other, by the artificial division of the Psalms into verses and half verses. Of the one kind of intonation there are five principal sorts ; of the other, eight, or, if the chants for litanies be included under the second kind, several more. Each kind, also, admits of being varied under certain restrictions. , The third and fourth species of plain-song are charac- terised by the want of the continually recurring endings peculiar to the intonated manner of reading and chant- ing, being, in fact, airs or melodies that follow the course of the words, whether in prose or verse, and which are accordingly sung to those words only. Some of these melodies are of great antiquity ; as, for example, that of the Te Deum, attributed to SS. Ambrose and Augus- tine ; but it has been the custom of the Church to allow composers of every successive age to exercise their skill on the parts of her offices to which these two kinds of plain-song are appropriated ; and this license must be understood to apply to the melodies in the following work. If there be some difficulty now in identifying all of them with their ancient prototypes, it must be borne in mind that the compiler was at liberty, according to the practice of his time, to choose, out of the many that were extant in choral-books, those which seemed to him * Originally the Te Deum was not chanted antiphonally, that is, verse about by each side of the choir. the best, or even to substitute new melodies for the old, provided they were composed according to the rules of Gregorian music.* Supposing he had availed himself of this liberty to its fullest extent (which is not the case, for the greater number of the melodies are traceable to the old Salisbury use), the authority of his book would not have been lessened, since this depends on its adherence to ancient usage in such parts as admitted of little or no variation. But before shewing that there is such adherence (for which a very few words will suffice), it is necessary to give some account of the sources from which the present work is more immediately compiled. That part of the Book of Common Prayer, as is well known, which ap- peared first, nearly in its present form, was the Litany. It was published in 1544, by authority of Henry VIII., in a work entitled " An Exhortacion into Praier thought mete by the Kynges Majestie and his Clergie to be read, &c. Also a Litany, with Suffrages, to be sayd or sung, &c. T. Berthelet, May 15, 1544." f To this Litany the * After the invention of counterpoint, this license extended to the substitution of figured music for plain-song, in the very same portions of the service. In the first instance on festival days only ; hut as the taste for figured music increased, the plain-song was gradually displaced on ferial days. With us in modern times the license has gone a step further. About the end of the 16th century, the practice of setting harmonies to the Gregorian tones for the Psalms was introduced, and they were so sung on festivals. Gra- dually they came into use thus harmonised on ordinary occasions ; and to put a difference between these and feast-days, modern chants were composed for the latter, which, in their turn, have driven the Gregorian tones out of the Church. With the exception of the first tone, absurdly called Tallis's chant, the Gregorian chants for the Psalms are scarcely ever heard in our cathedral service. t A copy (which has been made use of for this work) is in the library of Brazenose College, Oxford. In the same year, 1544, June 26, it was republished by Grafton with harmonies in five parts, " according to the notes used in the Kynges Chapel;" and some twenty years afterwards it was again harmonised by Tallis ; to which circumstance, perhaps, it is mostly owing that the chant music given in the following work, and which is still sung note for note in our cathedrals, was set.* In 1550, shortly after the issue of the first Service- book of Edward VI., a manual of plain-tune for the per- formance of matins, even-song, the office of the Holy Communion, and the Burial of the Dead, was compiled and published by John Marbeck, for the use of the Cha- pel Royal ;f and this, with the Litany already known to the Litany has been used in a more entire and unmutilated state down to these days than any other part of the plain-song. That the Litany was both translated and set to plain-chant by Arch- bishop Cranmer is very probable ; but it is not certain, as Burney concludes from a letter in the State- Paper Office, given by Collier (Eccl. Hist. vol. ii. p. 206). The letter, in fact, is dated a year after the Litany in question was published, and refers to it as being already set forth in English with notes; which notes, or similar ones, Cranmer recommends for the new procession which, at the request of the king, he had prepared, and to which, by way of experiment, he had adapted the old music. This new proces- sion was possibly an altered translation of some of those included under the head of processions "pro variis necessitatibus publicis;" and, as such, was only complementary to and to be used along with the Litany already published. Whatever it was, Strype says he was unable to discover a copy of it. Mem. of Cran. b. i. c. xxix. * The following collation of the Latin and English use will shew from what source the music of this Litany was derived : Pater de caelis Deus, miserere nobis. em IK O God the Father, of heaven, have mercy upon us, I H * II miserable sinners. t The title of the work was " The Book of Common Praier noted." "In this booke is conteyned so much of the order of and received, and the Gregorian tones for the Psalms,* constituted a complete Antiphonarium for the reformed Liturgy. It is not very easy now to discover the precise extent to which the manual of Edward VI. was used in cathedral-service during the 16th and earlier half of the 17th century ; but its adoption on the whole, as the authentic choral-hook of the Church, so far as the altera- Conunon Praier as is to be song in churches." Grafton, 1550. Cum privilegio, fyc. Burney calls Marbeck organist of Windsor ; but Strype says (on what authority it does not appear) that when his Prayer-book was published, Marbeck belonged to the Chapel Royal. At all events, it appears that his book was for the use of the Chapel Royal, and, if so, intended for adoption in all choral establishments throughout the kingdom. Dr. Burney properly remarks, that in England, on the substi- tution of the regal for the papal authority in matters ecclesiastical, the Chapel Royal became the model for all other English churches, in the same sense as the Papal Chapel had formerly been ; and this fact will account for the immediate and general adoption of the use established in the King's Chapel, in the absence of any positive injunction to that effect. Besides, there was nothing, or comparatively nothing, new in the music ; no change was intended farther than the adaptation to English words rendered necessary. Marbeck' s work was intended to facilitate this adaptation ; an injunction to use it, therefore, would have been superfluous. * Marbeck, it is probable, thought it unnecessary to print the whole of the Gregorian tones for the Psalms, for the same reason that he omitted the Litany they were already too well known to require republication, and no difficulty could occur in their adap- tation to the English words. But that they were intended to form part of the received plain-song is sufficiently apparent from his having set one to each of the greater Psalms. As a matter of fact, down to the beginning of the last century, they were always employed in the choral chanting of Psalms. Thus, in Playford's " Introduction to the Skill of Music," edit. 1702, an arrangement of the tones for the Psalms of every day in the week is given as the established and customary practice of cathedrals at that time. That the same arrangement was in use in the earlier half of the 17th century, we have the testimony of Edward Lowe, who, in his " Short Directions for the Performance of Cathedral Service," 2d edit. 1664, has printed the whole of the tones, with nearly all their " endings," according to the Roman Antiphona- rium ; and as, he says, they were sung in the Cathedral of Salis- bury, where he had been a chorister, before the Rebellion. tions of the service permitted, is placed beyond any doubt. The whole of the music may never have been generally used, some of it, perhaps, not at all, owing partly to. the changes made in the Prayer-book at the revisions of 1552 and 1559, and partly to the growing taste for figured music, and the tacit allowance of its substitution for plain-song; but it is quite certain that, so far as plain-chant has been retained, even down to the present time, it has been sung, with more or less accuracy, from the formulary set forth under the patronage of Edward VI. Now, analysing the music in Marbeck's publication, we find it to consist of three out of the four kinds of plain- song which have been described. There are, first, the reading intonations ; secondly, the Gregorian chants for Psalms ; and, thirdly, the melodies of anthems, the creeds, &c. The exclusion of metrical hymns from the reformed Liturgy abolished the use of the fourth kind. The plain-song for reading, which is described by old writers under the name of ecclesiastical accent,* is of two kinds, one for reading prayers, termed cantus col- lectarum, and which is monotonous f throughout : the other for reading Scripture, which, by being slightly * " Neither have the grammarians cause to be angry, if they find here any thing contrary to their laws. For we go not about to handle the grammatical accent, which Priscian and others have thoroughly taught, but the ecclesiastical." Andreas Ornithoparcus his Micrologus, translated by Douland. Lond. 1609, p. 70. See also the Opus Aureum de Musica Gregor. et figurata. Col. 1501 ; Tetrachordon Musices J. Cochlei, Norimb. 1511. It is unneces- sary, however, to multiply authorities for the statements in the text, which are to be found in every old writer on the subject. f Ejus accentus planus est semperque ejusdem quasi notse. Tet. Mus. lib. iii. c. x. This was the usual practice ; but in the Sarum use there was some- /^ times the fall of a perfect fifth, H M I J// lfc|ilMlB I M M- i. e. the grave accent, used on -^ I the last syllable of the word R L preceding the Amen, thus : Per, 8fc. filium tuum. Amen. varied, was formerly termed either cantus prophetarum, epistolarum, or evangelii. The general rules, however, for reading Scripture were as follow. A comma or colon was intonated by the fall of a minor third from the key- note* on the ultimate or penultimate and ultimate sylla- bles of the clause; a period, by the fall of a perfect fifth on the same syllable or syllables,! thus : g ft ft ! B|B M|M| |BH|B Parce mihi, Domine : nihil enim sunt dies mei. The former of these was termed the accentus medius; the latter, gravis. If the clause or sentence ends with a monosyllable, the two following intonations are severally substituted : Dominus locutus est, Ego exaudiam vos. Of which the one was termed accentus moderatus ; the other, acutus. The moderate accent was also termed interrogative, and used at the end of sentences in which a question is asked. It was, besides, frequently employed with and in lieu of the medial accent at the end of short sentences, such as the suffrages in morning and evening prayer ; of which, though each be complete according to the punctuation, yet, as the subsequent response is always understood, the sense is carried on, and the whole into- nated as if members only of one sentence. Lastly, in addition to these final reading intonations, The term key-note must be here understood to signify the pitch of voice at which all but the accented syllables are sung, and which was sometimes changed at the commencement of any new portion of the service. t These rules respecting the syllables, of course apply to the Latin : for English a somewhat different arrangement is necessary. BlBBB a leading note, commen- cing a minor third below ]fl the key, was anciently in use, thus : Dominus vobiscum. It will be seen that these rules were observed by Mar- beck in the preparation of his manual. The collects and prayers are intonated in the manner described ; and in other parts there are plain indications that his observ- ance of the rules was not a matter of accident. In the following instance, where his notation varies from the Salisbury use, the variation is precisely that which the rules dictate : e B BB|BB|B B|B >B Ostende nobis, Domine, misericordiam tuam, B IBBBB [BB I B |B Et salutare tuum da nobis. g"l I ! IBHI Lord, shew thy mercy upon us, E I ! I I And grant us thy salvation. Both sentences in the Latin, it will be observed, end with a word of two syllables, and each accordingly re- ceives the medial accent. In the English suffrages one sentence ends with a monosyllable, the other with a word of three syllables ; and hence, to the one the moderate accent is assigned, to the other the medial. * Manual, edit. 1543, fol. 4. Throughout the remainder of the suffrages the same rule is observed : those sentences that end with a mono- syllable receiving the moderate accent; those ending with a word of two or more syllables, the medial.* Respecting the other two kinds of plain-song in Mar- beck's work little need be said. A reason has already been assigned for his omission of some of the Gregorian chants for the Psalms ; but the fact that he has set one to each of the greater Psalms is sufficient to indicate that the whole were to be used both for those and for the lesser Psalms, as the occasion required. In adapting the remainder of the music, he seems to have followed the practice of his time. Some of the melodies are easily traceable to their originals, from which they only vary where the syllabic arrangement of the English words requires it ; others are partially copied from the old ritual- books, the principal phrases only being preserved. Of the former kind are the Te Deum, the music of which is that by St. Ambrose ;f the Alleluia (the Lord's name be praised) ; the Kyrie of the Communion ; \ and the Lord's * In the following work an error occurs at the versicle, " O God, make clean our hearts within us," to which the medial accent is assigned. It ought to have been the moderate ; in proof of which the reader is referred to the tenor part of'Tallis's harmonised responses, where the true intonation is preserved. For the refer- ence, however, an old copy must be employed. In nearly all recent publications containing these responses, the editors, fancying themselves able to improve Tallis's composition, have, in their ignorance, altered the plain-chant. It is necessary to observe, nevertheless, that the rules were not always strictly adhered to even in the old ritual. t A collation of four copies of the Ambrosian Music to the Te Deum has been made by Stafford Smith, in his Musica Antiqua ; from which it will be found that of these Marbeck's version (though the number of notes is greatly reduced) is, on the whole, the near- est to the most ancient copy known, viz. that published by Mei- bomius (Antiq. Mus. Auctores. Elzev. 1652). The Ambrosian Te Deum in the Roman Processional (edit. 1827) is, in many parts, note for note the same as Marbeck's version. J The Kyrie given by Marbeck will be found in the Sarum Prayer in the post Communion. Of the latter are the Nicene Creed, the Gloria in excelsis (both of which seem to be only slightly altered from old melodies), and the oftertory sentences. Manual (in Missa pro defunctis), edit 1543. The two are here given in juxta-position, as a specimen of his adaptation. I* M 1*H Ky - rie e - le - ison. Christe e - le - ison. Ky - - le - - ison. _ft Lord, have mercy upon us. Christ, have mercy upon us. Zorrf, ^at^e wzercz/ wpon M*. The great object of Marbeck, in adapting the old music, seems to have been the preservation of the leading character of the melody, and its simplification. Throughout his whole work there is scarcely an instance of more than one note set to a syllable ; and this, it is extremely probable, was the result of the known wishes of Arch- bishop Cranmer, who not only went the length of desiring the banishment of figured music from the Church,* but the simplifi- cation of the plain-song in such sort that it should be " clarus et aptus ut ad auditorum omnia sensum et intelligentiam proveni- ant" (Reformatio Legum, de Div. Off. cap. 5) ; or, as he expressed it in the letter before noticed, " In my opinion, the note that shall be made thereunto (i.e. to the procession he had composed) would not \3efull of notes, but, as near as may be, for every syllable a note, so that it may be sung distinctly and devoutly ; as be in the matins and even-song, Fenite, the hymns Te Deum, Benedictus, Magnifi- * Vibratam illam et operosam musicam, quse figurata dicitur, auferri placet. 5 It now only remains to say a few words of the follow- ing compilation. That something of the kind was much wanted is admitted by Dr. Burney ; and when it is con- sidered that above a century and half have elapsed since the publication of the most recent work professing to be a directory for the plain-song of cathedral service,* and, owing to the extreme rarity both of that and the earlier formularies already noticed, that the practice of choirs has for a long period rested solely on tradition, it is hoped that no apology will be required for the present under- taking, even though the Editor is unable to boast of the qualifications which Dr. Burney seemed to reckon indis- pensable for the labour.f If the book has no other merit, it has at least that of completeness, so far as the Order of en', Ntmc dimittis, and all the psalms and versicles" (Collier, p. 206). In which opinion he doubtless had in remembrance the practice of the primitive Church, which, according to Isid. Hispa- lensis, " ita psauebat ut modico flexu vocis faceret psallentem re- sonare; ita ut pronuntianti vicinior esset quam canenti" (De Eccl. Of. lib. i. c. 6). Another reason for inserting the Kyrie of Marbeck, was the necessity of shewing what alteration has been made in the notes to suit the present form of the Kyrie. * This was Edward Lowe's little work, already referred to. It went through two editions the first printed in 1661, at Oxford ; the second in 1664. In the first impression Lowe set down the plain-song of such parts of the Common Prayer as he remembered to have heard sung in the Cathedral of Salisbury, where he had been brought up ; and this edition being sold off, he reprinted it with additions, naving, in the interval between the two editions, met with a copy of Marbeck's Manual ; of which, however, he seems not to have availed himself. Part of the plain-song in Lowe's publication was reprinted several times, during the seven- teenth century, in editions of Playford's Introduction to the Skill of Music. t Speaking of Lowe's book, Dr. Burney says, " Nothing of this kind had appeared since Marbeck's book in 1550 ; . . . and as it is now more man 120 years since the second edition of Lowe's little tract was published, it seems high time for another to be drawn up by some able and regular bred organist or choral per- former in one of the choirs of the metropolis." Hist., vol. iii. p. 485. Daily Service and the Office of the Holy Communion are concerned. The publication of Marbeck, as has been already stated, wanted the Litany ; that of Lowe, nearly all the plain-song given in Marbeck's book, except the intonations of the versicles and suffrages, which are in- accurately printed : there was not, therefore, in existence any publication in which the scattered fragments of plain- song were brought together. Besides, the first Prayer- book of Edward VI., to which Marbeck adapted plain- song, differs from that now in use, both at the commence- ment of the Morning and Evening Prayer, and in the office of the Communion : the music, accordingly, re- quired to be re-adapted, to suit the changes made at the revision of 1662 ; and though Lowe, in the preface to his work, professed to do this, it is quite certain that he made no attempt of the kind. Whether the attempt has suc- ceeded in the present work must be left to the judgment of the learned and musical reader. Few changes have been made that were not absolutely necessary ;* and the additions are such as no one versed in the ancient rules of choral reading would find any difficulty or have any scruple in making. * The wish to preserve every portion of the ancient plain-song that was at all compatible with the present form of the Liturgy has in one instance been carried further than may be, perhaps, easily justified. The rubric now prefixed to the offertory sentences does not certainly contemplate their being sung as anthems by the choir, as they were in the ritual of Edward VI. ; but it was thought desirable to give the music to which, according to Marbeck, they were then sung, even though its use be now dispensed with. flote. IN using this work, it is to be observed, first, that though the music is set in the ^ .. ^ tenor and bass clefs which C 3Z are severally thus marked - any pitch of voice for the C or F most convenient to the singer may be used, so that the relation of the notes is properly preserved ;* secondly, that, except the sign t> is placed immediately after the clef (in which case the notes occurring on that line are flattened throughout), it must be understood to affect only the note before which it occurs ; and, lastly, though three varieties of notes are used, answering in modern notation to the breve, semi- breve, and minim, the length of the sounds is intended to follow, as near as may be, that of the syllables when read in the ordinary manner. * These clefs are placed on different lines for the convenience of bringing all the notes within the usual Gregorian staff of four lines. WILLIAM DYCE. She Contents! of tftfe Boofc. reface. Concerning the Serbice of the Church. (!*onrcrm'ng Ceremonies, lulu; some be niiolt&heo, anlr some retaineo. Ci)r cOriJrv tjoU) tin- psalter is appointet) to be mo. a^ljf toer fjoto tfje rest of tlje ijolg Scripture is appointee to be reaH. a ^able of proper lessons anil psalms. 2T))r Calendar, Until tijr Catilr of lessons, tables anU Uulea for t^e jFeasts an& jFasts tfiroust) tfje toljole iear. S^f vlier for iHftoming Prager. Sije rtter for bening Draper. 3Tije reett of Saint &tJ)anasius. 3Tlje litang. Drapers anb Sijanfesgibings upon seberal ottasions. Jje olletts, pistles, ano Gospels, to be useo at tl)e |ttini^ stration of tljr l)olr> Communion, throughout the 1?rav. She rfter of the Ittim'stration of the fiolg Communion. She psalter. preface. Bfiatft if en tfte toisbom of tfte fiurtft of nglanb, eber tnee tfte first compiling of fter publicfe liturgg, to feeep tfte tean bettoeen tfte ttoo extremes, of too mttcft stiffness in refusing, anb of too mucft fastness in abmitting ang bartatton from it. jFor, as on tfte one sibe tommon experience sftetoetft, tijat tuyere a eftange Ij.itl) brrn mabe of tilings abbiseblg esta blisfjefc (no eJjiftent netfssitg so requiring) sun&ri? inconbfni fntf s Ijabf thereupon ensuelr ; an6 tJjose manj? times more anlj greater tfjan tije ebils tJjat iuere inten&efc to be reme&ieij ig suci) tJjange: So on t^e ottjfr siiif, tlje particular forms of Dibine luovaijtp, anb ti)e Ivitrs anb Ceremonies appointed to ie useb therein, being tfjings in t!)f ir oton natutf inbifffrfnt, anb alterable, anb so ar¬olebgeb ; it is but reasonable, tijat upon toeigijitj) anb important tonsiberattons, auorbing to tije barious exigents of times anb occasions, sucft changes anb alterations sfjoulb bf mabf tljfrftn, as to tljose that are in place of 8Utti)orit8 sftoulb from time to time seem f itijf r nf cf s sarp or fxpebient. accorbinglg toe finb, tijat in tfte reigns of seberal princes of ble ssf b memorg since tfte Uf formation, tftf tiurci), upon fust anb tofigljtg constbfrations her tfjfrfunto mobtng, bat!) giflbeb to mafee sucf) alterations in some parti* culars, as in tijeir respecttbe times toere tftougijt conbenitnt: get so, as liiat tfte main bobg anb essentials of it (as tor II in tfte cfttefest materials, as in tfte frame anb orber tftereof) ftabe still continueb tfte same unto tftis bag, anb bo get stanb firm anb unsftafeen, nottoithstanbing all tfte bain attempts anb tin* petuous assaults mabe against it, bg sucft men as are giben to cftange, anb ftabe altoags biscobereb a greater re garb to tfteir objn pribate fancies anb interests, tftan to tftat butg tfteg obje to tfte publicfe. B? biftat unbue means, anb for bjftat miscftiebous purposes tfte use of tfte liturgg (tftougft enfoineb bg tfte latos of tfte lanb, anb tftose latos neber get repealeb) came, During tfte late tin ftappg confusions, to be biscontinueb, is too toell Unoton to tfte toorlb, anb toe are not toilling ftere to remember. 3Sut toften, upon ^is f&afestg's ftappg restoration, it seemeb probable, tftat, amongst otfter tftings, tfte use of tfte liturgg tooulb also b return of course (the same habingneber been legallp abolisheD) unlf ss some time IP means toere uset) to present it ; those men toho unDer the late'usurpeD potoers haD maDe it a great part of their business to renUer the people DtsaffecteD thereunto, sato themselbes in point of reputation anti interest tonterneli (un les thep tooulD freelp aefenotoleDge themselbes to habe erreD, tohieh such men are berg ijarDh) brought to Do) toitl) their ut most enDeabours to IjinUer the restitution thereof. 3fn orDer tohereunto Dibers pamphlets toere publisheD against the Soofe of Common Draper, rlje olo objections mustereU up, toiti) t^e aDDition of some neb) ones, more tfjan formrrlj? ijao Seen matte, to mafee tfje number atoell. n fine, great importunities toere uaeU to fcia Sarreo fttajest, tijat tJje aaio Coofe might be re= biseD, anD surl) alterations therein, anti aoDitions tljereunto maDe, as sljoulo be tbougftt requisite for Hje ease of tenDer ton= sciences: toJjereunto^isfttafestp, out of Jjis pious inclination to gibe satisfaction (so far as coulU be reasonable expecteH) to all ins subjects of toljnt perauasion soeber, DiH graciouslr conoescenO. 3>n totjict) rebieto toe Jjabe enlieaboureU to obserbe tlje Itfee moderation, as toe find to f)abe been usei) in ttjr lt1ir case in former times. &no therefore of ttje sunlirp alterations pro= poseo unto us, toe babe rejected all suet) as toere either of oan* gerous consequence (as secretly striding at some establisbeH Doctrine, or lauDable practice of the Churci) of nglanD, or in= DeeD of the tofjole ffiatbolicb hurcb of Christ) or else of no consequence at all, but utterlp. fribolotta anD bain. 13ut sucb alterations aa toere tenDneD to us, (bp iu ij.it persona, unDer iuli.it pretences, or to ujljat purpose soeber tenDereD) as seemeD to us in anp Degree requisite or errpeDient, toe habe toillinglr, anD of our oton accorD assenteD unto : not enforceD so to Do bj? anp strength of argument, conbincing us of the necesaitp. of matting the satD alterations : for toe are fullp perauaDeD in our fuDgements (anD toe here profess it to the toorlD) that tije Boofe, as it stooD before establisheD bij lato, Doth not contain in it anp thing contrarp to the toorD of (SoD, or to sounD Doctrine, or tohich a goDlp man map not toiti) a gooD conacience uae anD submit unto, or tohich is not fairlp Defensible against anp that shall oppose the aame ; if it ahall be allotoeD such, fuat aitD fa= bourable construction as in common equitp ought to be allotoeD to all human toritinga, especiallp auch as art- set forth bp authoritp, anD eben to the berg best translations of ttje holg Scripture itself. Our general aim therefore in this unbertafeing toaa, not to gratifg tbia or that partg in ang their unreaaonable bemanba ; but ufbo that, tohich, to our best unberatanbinga toe conceibeb might moat tenb to the preserbation of peace anb units in the hurch ; the procuring of reberence, anb exciting of pietg anb bebotion in the publicfe toorship of ob ; anb the cutting off occasion from them that aeefe occaaion of cabil or quarrel againat the ILiturgg of the hurch. &nb aa to the seberal bariationa from the former 35oofe, tohether bg alteration, abbition, or other= toise, it ahall auffice to gibe thia general account, &hat moat of the alterationa toere mabe, either firat, for the better birectt'on of them that are to officiate in anp part of Uibine aerbice ; tohich ia ci)iefl|> bone in tlje alenbara anb i&ubrictta : r aeconblg, for the more proper expreaaing of some toorba or phrases of ancient usage in terms more suitable to the language of the present times, anb the clearer explanation of some other bjorbs anb phrases, that ioere either of boubtful signification, or other* totae liable to misconstruction : r thirbl, for a more perfect renbering of such portions of holj> Scripture, as are inserteb into the 1/iturgg ; tohich, in the pistlea anb (Soapela rape* ciallg, anb in aunbrg ot|er placea, are noto orbereb to be reab according to the laat 2franalation : anb that it toaa thought conbenient, that aome lirapera anb Srhanltagibinga, fitteb to special occasions, shoulb be abbeb in their bue places ; parti* cularlg for those at Sea, together toith an office for the Baptism of auch aa are of iUprr i?rars : tohich, although not ao nrrrs aarj> tohen the former Book toaa compileb, set IIP the grototh of ^nabaptiam, through the licentiouaneas of the late times crept in amongst us, is noto become necessary, anb mas be altoapa useful for the baptising of natibes in our plantations, anb others conberteb to the faith. ;ff an$ man, toi)o shall besire a more particular account of the seberal alterations in ang part of the 3Littirgr>, shall ta&e the pains to compare the present 13ooU tottf) the former ; toe boubt not but the reason of the change mag easilg appear. dnb habing thus enbeaboureb to bischarge our buttes in this toeigfjtg affair, as in the sight of ob, anb to approbe our sincerttg therein (so far as lag in us) to the consciences of all men ; although toe Unoto it tmpoaaible (in such barietg of ap prehensions, humours anb interests, as are in the toorlb) to please all; nor can expect that men of factious, peebish, anb perberse spirits shoulb be sattsfieb toith ang thing that can be bone in this Uinb bg ang other than themselbes : get toe babe good hope, that tohat (a here presented, and hath been bg the eonbocations of both$robinees toith great diligence examined and approbed, toill be also toell accepted and approbeD bg all aobrr, peaceable, and trulg conscientious sona of the Church of Gngland. Concerning $* Setbto of tye Cfwref). 1.\(!? bias nebcr am; tiling far the lint of man so lucll i or eo eurr eatabliahed, luljteh in continuance of time Ijart) not been corrupteU : as, among pttjer ttjinga, it map plainlp appear bg the Common ^rapera in tlie Churcl), commonlg calleo Sibine Serbice. STfje first original an& grounD tuftereof if a man toottlD searcft out bp. tlje ancient jFatfjers, he afcall find, that the same bias not orHaineil but of a gooft pur^ pose, and for a great aDbancement of go&linesa. jFor theg so oroereU tije matter, that all the tohole Sible, (or the greatest part thereof) ahoulD be reatt ober once eberg gear; intenoing thcrebg, that the lergp, ano eapeciallj? auch as toere f&inis* ters in the congregation, sboulti (b$ often reaoing, and mebita^ tion in <@od's biord) be stirred up to godliness themselbes, and be more able to exhort others tr Wholesome doctrine, and to confute them that torn adbersaries to the truth ; and fur. ther, that the people (b$ dailg hearing of hol$ Scripture read in the hrrh) might continuallg profit more and more in the Unobjirdgr of @od, and be the more inflamed bjttf) the lobe of his true religion. ijut these mang gears passed, this godlg and decent order of the ancient Jfathers hath been so altered, brofeen, and ne- glected far planting in uncertain stories, and legends, toith multitude of reaponda, berses, bain repetitions, commemora. tions, and agnodala ; that commonlg, b>hen ang iiooh of the fiible toaa begun, after three or four chaptera bjere read out, all tt>e rest lucre unread. Slnd in this sort the iJooU of Jsaiai) teas begun in adbent, and the Boofe of enesis in Septua. geaima ; but theg toere onlg begun, and neber read through, after lite aort toere other boobs of holg Scripture used, and moreober, tohereas St. ^aul toould babe such language apoften to the people in the Church, as theg might ur.deratand, and habe profit bg hearing the aame ; the aerbice in thia hurch of Cngland theae mang gears hath been read in latin to the pe ople, tohieh theg unde rstand not ; so that theg habe heard tint!) tijn'v rara onlr, and tljr t'v firavt, spt'rit, and mini) ijaur not been edified therebg. &nd furthermore, nottoithstanding that the ancient ^Fathers babe dibided the iSsalms into seben portions, luljmof rurrr one bias railed a ilortunx : nob) of late time a feto of tljrm hate been dailg said, and tiir rest utterlp omitted, ittoreober, Hje number ano Jjartneaa of tije rules rallcD tiir $ie, ano tijr manifold rfjangings of tiir serbite, bias tlir cause tljnt to turn tljr book onlr bias so iiavQ and intricate a matter, tfjat mang times tfjere toas more business to find out toijat sljoullJ be read, fljan to read it bjften it toas found out. Sijese inconbenieixces therefore considereti, here is set fortlj sucf) an order, mijerebg tfte same sftall be redressed. &n& for a readiness in tftis matter, iirrr is drabm out a Calendar for tijat purpose, Uiijiti) is plain and easg to be understood : toijerein (so muct) as mag be) tfie reading of ftolg Scripture is so set fort!), tftat all things sliall be done in order, bntfiout breafeing one piece from another. Jpor this cause be cut off anthems, Responds, gnbitatories, and such Kfee things as did breafe the continual course of the reading of the Scripture. get, because there is no remedp, but that of necessitg there must be some ftules ; therefore certain Uules are hm set forth ; tobich, as theg are friu in number, so then are plain and easg to be understood. So that here gou fiabe an rder for pragef, and for the reading of th? h"lg Scripture, much agreeable to the mind and purpose of the old jFattjrra, and a great deal more profitable and commodious, than that tobfcb of late bias used. 3ft is more profitable, because hrce are left out mang things, bibereof some are untrue, some uncertain, some bain and superstitious ; and nothing is ordained to be read, but the berg pure S2Iord of (Sod, the holg Scriptures, or that bibich is agreeable to the same ; and that in such a language and order as is most easg and plain for the understanding both of the readers and hearers. 3ft is also more commodious, both for the shortness thereof, and for the plainness of the order, and for that the rules be febi and easg. &ni> tohereas heretofore there hath been great dibersitg in saging and singing in Churches tmthin this l\rnlm: some follotoing Salisburg use, some Hereford use, and some the use of Sangor, some of I?or6, some of lincoln ; noto from henceforth all tijr bibole Kr aim shall habe but one use. < nD foraaimirb as nothing tan tie so plainlp set fort)), tut doubts map arise in tljr use anb practice of the same ; to np - pease all sue!) bibersitp (if anp arise) anb for the resolution of all boubts, concerning tljr manner hoto to unberstanb, Ho, anb execute, tljr things contained in tljts UooU ; the parties tij.it so Doubt, or biberslp t.iUr anp tiling, shall altoap resort to tljr Bishop of tljr Diocese, luljo bi; his Discretion shall tnUr orber for the quieting anb appeasing of the same : so that the same orber be not contrarp to anp tiling containeb in tins UooU. ,1na if tiir i3isf)op of tiir Diocese be in Doubt, tiirn lit map senb for ttir resolution thereof to tiir ;lrrl)bt'sl)op. it be appointeb, tfjat all things shall be reab anb sung in tfje fturcfj in rfte nglish tongue, to rbe enb that rbe congregation map be tberebp ebifieb ; pet it is not meant, but tbat tohen men sap fttoming anb bening Draper pribatelp, tbep map sap the same in anp language tftat tbep tbemselbes bo unberstanb. Clnb all priests anb Deacons are to sap bat'lp rbe fBoming anb Cbening Draper pribatelp or openlp, not being let b sicfe= ness, or some other urgent cause. anb the urate that ministereth in eberp ^arishchurch or Chapel, being at home, anb not being othertoise reasonable binbereb, shall sap the same in the $arisfKhurch or Chapel tohfre he ministereth, anb shall cause a bell to be tolleb ti>ere= unto a conbenient time before he begin, that the people map come to hear ob's 8orb, anb to prap toith him. OJFsuch Ceremonies as be useb in the Church, anb habe hab their beginning bp the institution of man, some at the first toere of goblp intent anb purpose bebiseb, anb pet at length turaeb to banitp anb superstition : some entereb into the Church bp unbiscreet bebotion, anb such a jeal as 2i^ft^ toas toithout fenotolebge ; anb for because tbep toere toinfteb at in the beginning, thep snto bailp to more anb more abuses, tohich not onlp for their unprofitableness, but also because tbep babe much blinbeb the people, anb obscureb the glorp of (ob, are toorthp to be tut atoap, anb dean refecteb : other there be, tohteh although the? babe been bebiseb bp man, set it is thought gooU to reserbe them still, as toell for a becent orber in the burtft, (for the tohich thep toere first UebiseU) as be cause tljep pertain to eoification, iufjereunto all things Uone in tbe eburtb (as tije Apostle teatbetb) ought to be referred 3nU altijougb rfje feeeping or omitting of a eremonj), in itself const'OereU, is but a small thing; pet tbe toilful antj"ton= temptuous transgression auo breaking of a common order nntj Utsctpline is no small offence before (SolJ : let all things be bone among pott (saith St. $aul) in a seemlp anb bue orber: the appointment of the tohich orber pertaineth not to private men; therefore no man ought to tafee in hanb, nor presume to appoint or alter anp public^ or common orber in (Jthjtet'B ffihurch, except he be latofullp calleb anb aujort>eb thereunto. anb fohmas in this our time, the minbs of men are so biberse, that some thtnft it a great matter of conscience to be part from a piece of the least of their Ceremonies, thep be so ab&icteb to their olb- customs; anb again on the other sibe, some be so neto=fangleb, that thfp tooulb innobate all things, anb so bespise the olb, that nothing can lifte them, but that is neb) : it toas thought expebtent, not so much to babe respect hoto to please anb sattsfp either of these parties, as hoto to please (Sob, anb profit thm both, ^nb *t I*st anp man sijoulb be offenbeb, tohom goob reason might sattsfp, here be certain causes renbereb, tohp some of the accustomeb~ to GoD, b some notable an& special signi= fitation, toherebp he migbt be eHifieD. jFurtbermore, the most tejeigbtp cause of tbe abolishment of certain eremonies te)as, tij.it tijcr teiere so far abuseU, partlr br tlje superstitious blinti ness of" the ruDe anD unlearneD, an& partlr bp the unsatiable abarice of such as sought more their otem lucre, than the glorp of (TtoD, that the abuses coulD not lurll be taUrn atoar, the thing remaining still fiut note) as concerning those persons, teihich peraDbenture to ill be offenDeD, for that some of the olD Ceremonies are re. taineD still : ,?if tlirr consider that teiithout some Ceremonies it is not possible to keep any orDer, or quiet Discipline in the Church, tljer shall easily perceibe fust cause to reform their fuDgements. ilnO if tljey tljtnU much, that any of the olD Do remain, anD bionlD rather habe all DebiseD anete) : then such men granting some Ceremonies conbenient to be haD, auvrly tobere the olD map be toell useDnTffte theg cannot reasonablg reprobe the olD onlg for their age, toithout betoraping of their oton follg. jTor in suc^ a case theg ought rather to babe reber ence unto them for their antiquitg, if ttjeg bull Declare them* selbes to be more stuDtous of unity anD concorD, than of inno* nations anD nete)*fangleDness, toht'ch (as much as mag be tenth true setting forth of Christ's religion) is altoags to be eschetoeD. jFurthermore, such shall habe no fust cause tenth the Ceremo* nies reserbeD to be offenDeD. Jpbr as those be taken atoag tohich toere most abuseD, anD DiD bur&en men's consciences toithout ang cause ; so the other that remain, are retaineD for a Discipline anD orDer, tohich (upon fust causes) may be altereD anD changed, anD therefore are not to be esteemeD "equal toith GoD's lato. anD moreober, theg be neither Darfe nor Dumb Ceremonies, but are so set forth, that eberg man mag unDer stanD tohat theg Do mean, anD to tohat use t|ep Do serbe. So that it is not Uitc that theg in time to come shoulD be abuseD as others hafct been. anD in these our Doings toe conDemn no otiirr nations, nor pvesmbr nnr tl)ing but to our olun people onlg : for toe ttjinfe it ronbenient that eberg rountrg 'shoulb use sue!) eremonies as theg shall thinfe best to the setting forth of (Soft's honour anil glovr, and to tijr re Curing of tijr people to a most perfect anb goblg libing, bnthout error or supersti- tion ; anb that tljeg shoulb put atoag otter things, tohicf) from time to time fheg perreibe to be most abuseb, as in men's orDi- nanres it often cbantet!) iiiberslg in Dibers countries. tijc be reaU. to flMVf^0 psalter shall be veab tljrougl) onrr eberg jttontti, as 4PL it is tbere appointeU, boti) for Attorning ant) C?D ruing w ^rager. But in jFebruarg it sfiall be reaO onlp to tlje ttoentg=eig|)tt), or ttoentgnintlj bag of t^e montfj. anh, toijereas .gfanuarg, Jttartb, |Stag, $ul$, August, ttober, anb Setember fjabe one=anbtf)irtg bags apiete ; 3(t is orbereb, tftat tije same psalms sftall be reab the last bag of the saib months, tulnri) tuere reab the bag before: so that the $Jsalter mag begin again the first bag of the next month ensuing. anb, tohereas the H9t!j psalm is bibibeb into tfoentg=tfoo portions, anb is ober4ong to be reab at one time; 3t is so orbereb, that at one time shall not be reab abobe four or fiur of the saib portions. Slnb at the enb of eberg psalm, anb of eberg suri) part of the 119th psalm, shall be repeateb this %gmn, lorg be to the Jfatijr t , anb to the Son : anb to the olg Jjost ; 0s it bias in the beginning, is note, anb eber shall be : toorlb toithout enb. flmen. {I ote, that the psalter follotoeth the bibision of the ^ebretos, anb the translation of the great nglisf) Bible, set fortf) anb useb in the time of Iting ^enrg the Eighth, anb btoarb the Suth. (C 2Tf)f <9rBer fcoto tfje rort of fjolg Scripture w be mfl. 'O- (^ID {Testament is appointed for the first lessons at jttorning anD evening Draper ; so as the most part the reof toill be read eberg gear onte, as (n tlje Calendar is appointed. Slje jifto Scstament is appointed for tije setond lessons at fttorning and C?bening liraper, and sijall be read ober orderly eberg rear tfjrite, besides t!je pistles and osprls ; ertept'ttje apotalnpse, out of tohit!) tfjere are onlg tertain proper lessons appointed upon dibers Jpeasts. nQ to Unoto luijat lessons sljall be read eberr day, look for the da of tfje tnontf) in t!je Calendar follotoing, and tljere rr stiall find tljr tbapters tbat sljall be read for ti>e lessons boll) at fttorntng and ?l)ening Draper ; except onlg tfte Jttol)e= able Jpeasts, toljitl) are not in tfje Calendar, and tije 3fm motoeable, ntljere there is a blanfe left in the toluntn of lessons, the proper lessons for all tohirh dags are to be found in the able of proper lessons. Jtnd note, that tohensoeber proper |JsaIms or lessons are appointed ; tijen tlie psalms and lessons of ordinar eourse appointed in the psalter and Calendar (if theg be different) sljall be omitted for that time. fiote also, that the Collect, Cpistle, and Gospel, appointed for the Sundap shall serbe all the toeefe after, tohere it is not (n this Soofi othertoise ordered. (C proper fLe&efotw Co be reatt at {Horning ano" Cbentng Draper, on tl;c |5>unUai)f antJ otljcr SlolD^awS ttjrougjout tye Star.' (C Hcssons proper Dor tmto&. Stmftass ot fMwrt. 2 Stm&aps after fjrtstmas. 1 Stmftajjs after tye pipijanj. 1 Septttage' st'ma. SfiagesC. ma. Ouu'nqtta- gretma. Mattins. Isaiah 1 5 25 30 37 41 44 51 55 57 65 Gen. 1 3 9 tow. 20 Even- song. Isaiah 2 24 26 32 38 43 46 53 56 58 64 66 Gen. 2 6 12 1&&Z, Sunday 1 2 5 1 Lesson. 2 Lesson. (Paste r- IJsp. 1 Lesson. 2 Lesson. Sun&apo after aster. 1 ^ Mattins Gen. 19 (tov.30 27 39 43 Exod. 3 9 Even- song. Gen. 22 34 42 45 Exod. 5 10 Heb. 5 (tow. 11 Ex. 14 Acts 2 (v. 22 Num.22 25 Deut. 5 7 9 13 Matt.26 Ex. 12 Rom. 6 Num.16 23, 24 Deut. 4 Q Starts; after ftstrnsfon Dap. - 12 C Stmbap. 1 Lesson. 2 Lesson. Deut.16 (tov.18 Acts 1(J (v. 34 1 Lesson. 2 Lesson. Sunbaps after 1-^ 2 Gen. 1 Gen. 18 Matt. 31 John 5 .23 dg. 5 Josh. 10 Josh :Judg. 1 Sam. 21 Sam 12 15 2Sam.l2 21 lKing.13 IKingl? song. Isa. 11 Acts 19 (tov.21 13 17 2 Sam. 19 Sunbars afttr &r(mtp. Mattins. Even- song. IKingl 8 IKingl 11- 12- 18- 14- 16- 10- 17- 18- 19- 20 Joel 2|Mic. 6 10J 18 _ 19! 2 Jerem.5{Jer. 22 35 36 Ezek. 2Ez. 1 14 is 20i 24 Dan. 3! Dan. 6 24 26 JHab. 2Prov. 1 iProv. 2 11 1 14 ]( U G Hi0fton0 proper for $ol= j.Slnbvtb). s.iCtjomas tye&postle.j of Mattins. Prov.20Prov.21 -j:5 Lesson. Isa. 9 to Is.7v.10 2 Lesson. song. 24 (tov.17 (v.8 Lu. 2 to ...<,s. :ucs&ar> in Mattins. Even- ong. Mattins. Even- song. KUrfe. Ecclus21 Ecclus22 1 Lesson. I Sam.19 (r. 18 Deut.30 S. Bartfjol. 24 29 2 Lesson. Thes. 5 1 John 4 * ittattfifto 35 38 (.12to (tov.14 * Sb. Barna- (. 24. S.f^tt^afL (t.5 baa. 1 Lesson. Gen. 32 Dan. 10 1 Lesson. EccluslO Ecclusl2 2 Lesson. Acts 12 Fudev.6 2 Lesson. Acts 14 Acts 15 (tow. 20 (tov.16 (tow. 36 S. Infet. Ecclus51 Job 1 Baptist. 1 Lesson. Mai. 3 Mai. 4 r S. 3fu6r. Job24,25 42 2 Lesson. Matt. 3 Matt.14 0111 Saints. (tou.13 1 Lesson. Wisd. 3 Wisd. 5 Softer. (tor.10 (tor. 17 1 Lesson. EccluslS Ecclusl9 2 Lesson. Heb.llt*. Rev. 19 2 Lesson. Acts 3 Acts 4 (33.&cA (tov.17 (12tor.7 C proper $)&almB on certain Oas. Mattins Even- Mattins. Even- Christmas Dap. 19, 45, 85 song. 89,110,132 Caster. Dap. 2, 57, 111 song. 113,114,118 tusDap. 6,32,38 102,130,143 &strnsion. Dap. 8, 15, 21 24,47,108 6006 jFrt&aj?. 22.40,54 69,88 isatiit. SunDap. 48,68 104,145 C Zfyt eafettBar ; tofty tye faille of lions one. JANUARY hath XXXI Days. I A 2b 3 c 4 d 6 e 6 f 7g 8A 9 b 10 c 11 d 12 e 13 f 14 g 15 A 16 1. 17 v 18 d 19 e 20 f 21 g 22 A 23 b 24 c 25 d 26 e 27 f 28 g 29 A 30 1. 31 < MORNING. EVENING. 1 Lesson.^ Lesson. 1 Lesson. 2 Lesson. ' Gen. 1 3 5 7 Matt. 1 2 3 4 Gen. 2 4 6 8 Rom. 1 2 3 4 eptpfianj?. 9 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 38 40 42 44 46 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 37 39 41 43 45 47 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 Cor. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Lucian, P. & M. Hilary, Bishop. Prisca, V. & M. Fabian, Bishop. Agnes, V. & M. Vincent, Mart. <>A-d 1 9 i I 2TJje (i 27 H it H i p n Fast f IS. fltattljiaBr" (Apostle. 5 7 9 11 13 8 9 10 11 Matth.7 6 8 10 12 14 X t> c ! m t \ b 1 \ f 1 d David, Abp. Chad, Bishop. MORNING. EVENING. 1 Lesson Deut.15 17 19 21 24 26 28 30 32 34 Josh 2 2 Lesson Luke 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 John 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 Lesson. Deut.16 18 20 22 25 27 29 31 33 Josh. 1 3 5 7 9 23 Judg. 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 2 Lesson. Ephes.6 Philip. 1 2 3 4 Colos. 1 2 3 4 iThes. 1 2 3 4 5 2Thes.l 2 3 1 Tim. 1 2,3 4 5 6 2Tim.l 2 3 4 Titus 1 2,3 Philem Perpetua, Mar. Gregory, M. B. 4 6 8 10 24 Judg 2 Edward,King of West Sax. 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Benedict, Abb. Fa"t anntuu.ofF.flt. 18 20 Ruth 1 3 1 Sam. 1 3 19 21 Ruth 2 4 lSam.2 4 Hebr. 1 2 2T!)e (KaTenBar ; tottlj tlje Stable of ILcsoons. MAY hath XXXI Days. 1 b 2 c 3 d 5 f 6g 7 A 8b 9 10 ,1 11 e 12 f 13 g 14 A 15 b 16 c 17 d 18 e 19 f 20 g 21 A 22 b 23 c 24 d 25 e 2G ' 27 '. 28 ' 29 b 30 31 ct S. iBStltp and S. (3fam*. MORNING. EVENING. 1 Lesson. 2 Lesson. 1 Lesson. 2 Lesson. Jude Rom. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 Cor. 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 Kings 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 2 Kings 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 Ezral 4 6 9 Neh. 2 5 8 10 Esther 1 3 Acts 28 Matt. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Mark 1 1 Kings 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 2 Kings! 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 Ezra 3 5 7 Neh. 1 4 6 9 13 Esther 2 4 Invent, of Cross. S. John Port. Lat. Dunstan, Abp. Augustine, Abp. Ven.Bede,Pres. K.f)av. II. Rest. Sty ealenBar ; toifl) tije tfafcte of lUasoitft. JUNE hath XXX Days. 1 e 2 f M 5 b 6 c 7 d 8 e 9 f 10 g 11 A 12 b 13 c 14 d 15 c 16 1' 17 p 18 A 19 b 20 r 21 d 22 c 23 r 24 g 25 A 26 b 27 r. 28 d 29 e 30 f ^icomede, M. MOKNIXG. EVENING. 1 Lesson. Esthers 7 9 Job 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 2 Lesson. Mark 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 I Lesson. Esther 6 8 Job 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 2 Lesson. I Cor. 15 16 2 Cor. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Boniface, Bp. . Barnabas, A. 16 19 21 23 26,27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 12 13 14 15 16 Luke 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 17, 18 20 22 24.25 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 9 10 11 12 13 Galat. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Ephes.l S. Alban, Mart. Translat. of K. Edw. Fast 5. 3Jol))t fcaptial. Prov. 1 3 5 7 8 9 10 11 Prov. 2 4 6 8 2 3 4 5 9 12 10 6 fjf ealtittar ; bntfj tfjc ffaWe of Eeon. JULY hath XXXI Days. 2! 3 b 4 c 6 d 6 e 7 f 8 ? 9 A 10 b 11 c 12 d 13 14 f 15 g 16 A 17 b 18 c 19 ,1 20 e 21 f 22 g 23 A 24 b 25 c 26 d 27 e 28 f 29 g 30 A 31 b MORNING. EVENING. 1 Lesson. Prov.ll 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 Eccles. 1 3 5 7 9 11 Jerem.l 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 2 Lesson. Luke 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 John 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1 Lesson. Prov.12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 31 Eccles. 2 4 6 8 10 12 Jerem.2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 2 Lesson. Philip.l 2 3 4 Colos. 1 2 3 4 iThes. 1 2 3 4 5 2Thes.l 2 1 Tim. 1 2,3 4 5 6 2 Tim. 1 2 3 4 Titus 1 2,3 Philem. Hebr. 1 2 3 Visit.ofV.Mary. Trans. S. Martin Swithun, Bp. Margaret, Virg. (and Martyr S. Mary Magd. Fa-t S. ||aittea, Ap. 17 19 21 23 25 27 18 20 22 24 26 28 &fa CalatUar ; toftf) tije Sable of HfQgons. AUGUST hath XXXI Days. 2 .1 3 r 4 f 5g 6 A 7 b 8 c 9 d 10 e 11 f 12 or 13 A 14 b 15 c 16 d 17 e 18 f 10 g 20 A 21 b 22 c 23d 24 e 25 f 26 g 27 A 28 b 29 e 30 10 A 11 b 12 c 13 d 14 e 15 t 16 u f 17 A 18 b 19 c 20 d 21 e 22 f 23 24 A 2-3 26 27 28 e 29 f 30 g Giles, Abbot. MORNING. EVENING. 1 Lesson. Hos. 14 Joel 2 Amos 1 3 5 7 9 Jonah 1 4 Micah 2 4 6 Nah. 1 3 Hab.2 Zeph. 1 3 Hag. 2 Zee. 2, 3 6 2 Lesson. Matt. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Mark 1 2 3 I Lesson. Joell 3 Amos 2 4 6 8 Obad. Jon. 2, 3 Micah 1 3 5 7 Nah. 2 Hab. 1 3 Zeph. 2 Hag. 1 Zech. 1 4,5 2 Lesson. Rom. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 Cor. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Enurchus, Bp. Nativity of Vir. (Mary Holy Cross Day. Lambert, Bp. Fa"t S. Ittattijeto, A. 8 10 12 14 Malac.2 4 Tobit 2 9 11 13 Mai. 1 3 Tobit 1 3 S.Cyprian, A bp. S. 4ttfc$arl, A. S. Jerom. 4 6 !)* eafentar; toffl& tte 2TaWe of fcejwm, OCTOBER hath XXXI Days. 1 A 2 b 3c 4 d 5 e 6 f 7 g 8A 9 b 10 c Jl d 12 e 13 t 14 g 15 A 16 b 17 c 18 d 19 e 20 f 21 e J-J 1 23 b 24 c 25 d 26 e 27 f 28g 29 A 30 b 31 c Remigius, Bp. MORNING EVENING. 1 Lesson Tobit 7 9 11 13 Judith 1 2 Lesson Mark 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 L.I to 39 .. qq 1 Lesson. Tobit 8 10 12 14 Judith 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Wisd. 2 4 6 8 10 2 Lesson. lCor.16 2 Cor. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Galat. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Ephes.l 2 3 4 5 6 Philip.l 2 3 4 Coloss.l Faith, V. & M. 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 Wisd. 1 3 6 7 9 S. Denys, Bp. Trans. K. Edw. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Etheldreda,V.Q. S. lutu, Evan. 11 13 15 17 19 Ecclus2 4 6 8 12 14 16 18 Ecclus 1 3 5 7 9 Crispin, Mart. Fn<:t S.jSfmon and, (frt*. 10 12 14 11 13 15 Fast. 2Tfje Calendar ; toftfj tfie 2Tafte of ILessons, NOVEMBER hath XXX Days. 1 d 2 e 3 f a 6b 7 c 8d 9 e 10 f 11 g 12 A 13 b 14 15 d 16 e 17 f 18 - 19 A 20 h 21 c 22 d 23 24 t 25- 20 27 28 C 29 d 30 e ail Saints' Bat? MORNING. EVENING. 1 Lesson. 2 Lesson. 1 Lesson 2 Lesson. Ecclul6 18 20 22 24 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 Baruc.2 4 6 Bel&Dr Luke 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 John 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Acts 1 Ecclul7 19 21 23 (a) 25 28 (b)30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 (c)46 48 50 Baruc.l 3 5 Hist.Su. Isaiah 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 Colos. 2 4 IThes. 1 2 3 4 5 2Thes.l 2 3 1 Tim. 1 2,3 4 5 6 2 Tim. 1 2 3 4 Titus 1 2,3 Philem ijJapt'ats' cmsjj. Leonard, Conf. S. Martin, Bp. Britius, Bishop. Machutus, Bp. Hugh, Bishop. Edmund, King. Cecilia, V. & M. S. Clement, Bp. Catharine, Vir. 4 6 8 10 12 Hebr. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Fast & &n&to, Ap. Note, that (a) Ecclus. 85. is to be read only to ver. 13. and (b) Ecclus. 30. only to ver. 18. and (c) Ecclus. 46. only to ver. 20. ! P Nicolas, Bishop Concept, of Vir. (Mary. Lucy, V. & M. O Sapientia. Fast b. 2tJjoma6, Ap. >2 f 55 57 59 56 58 60 2 3 4 23 g 4 Fa r t 25 b 26 c i >7d CJ)U3tmas.B, (a3ter*J3ap is the after. is always the nearest to the Feast of Sauit SntJrcto, whether before or after. ("Five Weeks "j J Forty Days I after Seven Weeks f Easter. LEight Weeks J 3 OB!LC> of an tfje Jfcaste tfjat are to obsertjeB fit tfje rav. All Sundays in the Year. (The Circumcision of our LORD JESUS CHRIST. The Epiphany. The Conversion of Saint The Purification of the Blessed Virgin. Saint iHattl)tfl3 the Apostle. The Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin. Saint fHavh the Evangelist. Saint^fttltp andSaint Janif 3 the Apostles The Ascension of our LORD JESUS CHRIST. Saint JJarnabas. The Days The Nativity of Saint ^oftn Baptist. of the Saint tytttt the Apostle. Feasts of Saint 3>ameS the Apostle. Saint 33arti)olonufo the Apostle. Saint jfHattljefo the Apostle. Saint iHtdjacl and all Angels. Saint Ettfec the Evangelist. Saint J*>tmmt andSaint Sfufccthe Apostles. All Saints. Saint 3fottrito the Apostle. Saint CfjomaiS the Apostle. The Nativity of our Lord. Saint >tqpf)fn the Martyr. Saint 3Jol)n the Evangelist. The Holy Innocents. l&onttap and Cuetfttaj) in atf&ifS; ti)e Ftgtis, tt*tfn*nc*, to fa Bags of m The Nativity of our Lord. The Purification of the Blessed Virgin The Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin. Easter- Day. Ascension-Day. rpk e Pentecost. Evens Saint Vigils Saint Peter. , ? oamt Saint Barfljolomcto. Saint jHattyefo. Saint dimmi and Saint Saint Saint Cftoi All Saints. Note, B&irt (f an? of tfjew JFlrasMiaja fall upon a Monday, t!)v tf)t Ft'gfl or^ast-BaB afjall be fefpt upon tfjc Saturday, anU not upon tye Sunday ntxt bf fore it. Says of jFastmg, . The Forty Days of Lent. II. The Ember- Days at the Four Seasons, being the Wednes- day, Friday, and Saturday after [II. The Three Rogation-Days, being the Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, before Holy-Thursday, or the Ascension of our Lord. IV. All the Fridays in the Year, except The First Sunday in Lent. The Feast of Pentecost. &pfcmbcr 14. Ucctmbcr 13. 'NH^Pf!!^:: Certain Solemn Days, for toiurt) particular j&ertoices arc apjiomtrti. I. The Fifth day of jtobembrr, being the Day kept in Memory of the Papists' Conspiracy. II. The Thirtieth Day of ^amiari), being the Day kept in Memory of the Martyrdom of King CijarUa I. III. The Twenty-ninth Day of 4fftat>, being the Day kept in Memory of the Birth and Return of King Cljarle* II. IV. The Twentieth Day of -June, being the Day on which Her Majesty began Her happy Reign. (E Z\\t (Drtter for fronting and toemng g Bail to be satU anB useo* throughout the itlovmng antt (Pbrumg Draper 5ljall br ttsrD in tljc arc ustome U |DIace of tfjr Cljayel, or Chancel; except it he otijertoise UetrnnineU b tfje rKmari) of tije |)lace. ^nti t^e Cftancels'^aU remain" as tf>ei> ^abe Done in times past anU 1[)ere is to be noteU, rt)at sueij Ornaments of the (Ktjurr^, anU of tfje fftinisters thereof, at all times of rfteir Ministration, si)all be retained, anO be in use, as toere in tins ^ure1|) of nglanfl, b tbe ^ut^orit of parliament, in tft.e SeeonU ^ear of tfje JXeign of Bing <5UbjartJ C t tfie fcestnnmg; of Ittorninff pr nfster jtfjall reati iuttij a louD tootce some one or more of tljrsc Btntcttces of tije tfjat foUob. Stun tijcn ije sljall a|? tfjat if)fd) bjrttten after te satD Sentences* ttje ujteReH man turnetij atoag from ijts totefteKness tijat fje ftati) eommftteD, anD Ooet^ tfjat bjfjtei) is latoful anD rtgfjt, Jje (MrtW i)tft SOttl altbe. Ezekiel xviii. 27- :!f aeftnotoletfgr m transgressions, ant) inn sin * * T is eber before me. Psalm li. 3. $?itie ti)j> faee front nu> ins, anU blot out all mine iniquities. Psalm li. 9. STJje saeriftees of oB are a broken spirit: a brofeen anU a eontrite beart, < <&o&, tijou toilt not Despise. Psalm H. 17. fienfi gour beart, anU not gour garments, anU turn unto tlic ILortl ro ttr Sotf : for ijr is graeious ant) mereiful. slob) to anger, antf of great iunt)= ness, antt repentcti) Jjint of tije etril. Joel ii. 13. 2? o tlje HorD our <5oU belong ntereies anD for* gibenesses, tljougi) toe ijatoe rebelled against ^im : neither Ijabe toe obe^eU ttje boiee of tije HorU our <&ott, to toaln in tjis latos tol)iei) be set before us. Dauiel ix. 9, 10. <9 ILorD, eorreet me, but toitij fuUgment ; not in tfjine anger, lest tl)ou bring me to notijtng. Jeremiah x. 24- ; Psalm vi. 1. Repent e: for i^e itingBom of i^eaben is at nU. St. Matthew 111. 2. & toill arise, anU go to nu> fatijer, anU toill sa unto inm, jFati)er,0 ijabe sinneB against beabetf, anti before ti)ee, anU am no more toortftw to be ealleD t^ son. St. Luke xv. 18, 19. ntef not into fuUgment toitlj rlj serbant, iortJ ; for in ttw siojt sljall no man Itiring be ius= tiUfB. Pealmcxliii.2. 3ff toe sa tbat toe babe no sin, toe Deeeibe our= selbes, anti tije trutf) is not in us : but if toe eon- fess our sins, ty is faitijful anB fust to forgibe us our sins, anD to cleanse us from all unrigi)tcouB= ness. 1 St. Johp 1,8,9. e-*-+ &%%&$ belobefc brethren, tije Scripture moUrti) us in sun&nj places, to acimbtolcttgc anU confess our manifolb sins antf toicftctmcss ; anU tijat toe sijoulB not Otssemile nor clofee tijem before tte faee of 3Umtgf)tj> oO our ^eabenlg .dFatfjcr ; but confess tijem totti) an ^untile, lotohji jienitent, ana ofceUient ijeart; to tije enB t^at toe mas obtain forgiveness of tije same, bg J)is infinite gooBness anD merc, 3toU altfjougi) toe ouoijt at afl times i)ttmbl to acfenotolclige our sins before <&oU ; get ouQijt toe most cin'eflw so to do, toljcn toe assemble anU meet together to"renUer tfjanfcs for tije great beneuts tijat toe ^abe receibeH at ins ijanDs, to set fortij ijis most toortijD praise, to ijear ijis most ^olD asaorU, anU to asft t|ose tijings tojjicij are requi= site anD necessarw, as toell for tije bobg as tije soul tBijerefore^ prag anU beseech gou, as mang as are ^ere present, pang me toitij a pure anB ijumble boice, unto tijrone of tije ijeabenig grace* saging after me; (C ^ general Cottfeaatoti to be aO> of tije to^ole Congregation after tije itt mister, all kneeling* 1 * 1 . f*- ^HQ 1 1 antr most merciful dFatijer ; 21He ijabe erreb, anK strageU from tijg toags Use lost sfjeep. Wit ijaue follotoefc too murf) tfie Be* toiees anB Desires of our oton hearts. Wit ijabe offenBeB against tijp f)ol latos. Be tyatoe left un* onr tijosr tilings toljirf) hie ougijt to ijaUc Dour ; InD toe iialir Dour tijosr tilings toijiri) toe ottglit not to iialif Done ; 3nD tiirvr ts no ijcaltij in us. But t Ijo it, 's t^rager butt an aufi title boiee ; tte $m* pie also uneeling* antt repeating it biitt iM'tn, lott tere, anK bjt^^oeber else it is usetf in Sibine Serbiee. ' I I Bl^jFatter, iuttet art in teaben, i>e ttg i^ame. 2Tt fcing&om eome. 2Tt bjill Bone in eartt, a it is in teaben. Sibe us ttis Ba our UailD breaU. ^ntt forgibe us our trespasses, ^s toe forgibe ttem ttat trespass against us. ~ leaU us not into tempta* tion ; But Beliber us from r ^ \\ ebil :,dFor ttine is tte Ring* 6- Dom, 2Tte potoer, antf tte ~ eber anK eber. ^men. Itftcbjtse te stall sag, (C 1 B: -. - - "I , open tijou our lips. ' ' ' ' ''' * our mout^ stall sijeto fort^ ti)g praise* . <$ <5oB, mafce BjieeB to aatoe us. 3ns. <$ ILortf, mafee fjaste to fjdp no. C &rve all standing tip, tljr IJvt'r st jiijall , anU to tije Son : ana to Hjc ^ol$ ijost ; tiir lie Qinning, i& no to, antf rl) rv Bljali tie : toorltr $rate ge t|>e ILorD C STijen jrfjall be jsaftt or Btwff tfife ' lototng: exeept on Easter -Day, upon ** v ** 9 another antfjem is appointett ; aho on t^e ia,tne* teentft Ua of etoeru |ont!) ft (ft not to be reaB , but in tfje orDinarg eottrae of tfte Pjialm^ Venite, exultemus Domino. Ps. xcv. g..i" I come, let us sing unto tij c EorB : lift KHH us ijcartil n rrjo trr in tljr strrngtij of our sal= bation. Het us come before ins presence toiti) tfianfcs* gibing : antt sijeiu oursclbes glaD in ijim Jfor rtie HorD is a great <5o& : anti a great Iving at)oUr all goDs. Jn J)is i)anK are all tJ)e comers of t^e eartf) : anU t^e strengt^ of tfje ijills is ty* also, our fathers tempteB me : probeB me, anB sab) m bjorfts. JFortw gears long bias JT griebeB bjitf) tljis ge- nerattonT anB saiB : :?) t is a people tijat Bo err in ttjeir hearts, for t^e i)abe not fcnobw m toas. ? into tofyom JT stoare in mn unviti) : tijat tijen sfjoulD not enter into nt rest ~ <5lor be to tije JTatfjer, &e. &a iftoaft in tije beginning, &e. C iTfjru ftljall f olloto tfjf psalms in ovDn* as tf)e are appointed. ^utJ at tijc enO of ebenj ^salm ttirougftout tfje ear, anU liftetote at t|e enU of Benedicite. Benedictus, Magnificat, anU Nunc dimittis, JaU ie repeated, iLijl|| ie to ie jFatfjer, anD to ie Son: anti to rJje^oI tiic JFirst Hcssou, taben out of tljr e ttjat reatieti) so atantitng anO tunting ijtmsrlf, as fie map best be iiearti of all sttdj as are present* ant after tijat, ftiiaH be saiJi or sung, in English, tfje l&gntn ealleti Te Deum laudamus. 5aug tijrougijOttt t^e gear. (C Jiote, t^at before eberg Heftfton tfce ^iniftter ft^all a, Here beginneth such a Chapter, or Verse of such a Chapter, of such a Book : 8to& after eberg ieftftOn, Here endeth the First, * the Second Lesson. Te Deum Laudamus. praifte tljee, : toe aefcnofo* tfjw to te tye &ortf* 3H tye eartfj tuotfj all Angels trg alouti : continually tto ctg : eo5 of Safcaotft ; anti ear) are Ml of t^e Ittajestg of tfjg <&lor. glorious company of tfje jostles D tt)<*. tje goo&ls feUotost)t|) of tijr ttje tootlU Uot^ acftnotoIeUge tijee ; : of an infinite |ajet5 ; 2Tf)tm nourabu, true, antt onls Sott ; also tfje ^ol art tf)e tng of of fljc jFatfjer. eetyen tfjott tooftest upon to BeKber man, tfjott BiBst not afrfjor of Beatf), tijou Htlist opat tfje iungDom of fjeaben to all toliibrc*. stttwt at tf>* rigfit fianU of oK, in tip glotrg I fteltebe tfjat tfiott f>alt I come to be ottr rljee, fjelp ti)g aerbante, tofjom tijou fiast re* BeemeB toitf) ti)g precious fcloo&. i&afce tfjem to tie muniifvrt) U)ttlj tljij tf) people : anU t^em up for eber. Oag tfiee ; .HUB toe toorJ)ip fl)g jlatne eber toorltr toittjout en&. > oue^safe, tin's Dag tottfjout sin, HorD, fiatoe upon us, ijabe merct> upon us. i|M|*|y I M^wi t^ mercg ligijtctt upon us, as our trust ts m a HorB, m tljee fjatie JT trusteB : let me CL e Horti : praise 1) tm, anD magnify fjtm for eber. <& vt Stars of ^eabett, bless ge tfjc lLorU : praise i)im, anD magnift) Ijim for eber. ^ ge Si)otoers anli'Seb), bless ge tfje i,orD : praise l)im, anU magntfg Ijim for eber. ge feinUs of oU, bless ge ttye HorU : praise Ijtm, anU magnify l)tm for eber. ge .dftre anU i^eat, bless ge rlje 2.ortt : praise "ijtm, anti magnify tjim for eber. O S^ SKinter anU Summer, bless ge tfje ILortf : praise linn, ant) magntfij iiim for eber. ge Oetos anti Jfrosts, bless m rl)e ILortf : praise Ijim, anU magntfw l)im for eber. ge JFrost anD ColO, bless ge rlje S.orU : praise ^im, anD magntfn Ijim for eber. ge JTee anD Snobj, bless e rlje LorD : praise i)im, anD magnifp Ijim for eber. * i^igfjts anD Sas, bless e rlje ILorD : praise ijim, anD magntfg fjtm for eber. 0re ILigfjt anD Darkness, bless ge rlje HorD : praise f)im, anD magnify ^tm for eber. $ ge ILigi)tnings anD ClouDs, bless ge tlje iLorD : praise ijim, anD magnifi) ijim for eber. let ttje (Parti) bless tije ILorD : pea, let it praise ljim, anti magnift) Ijim for eber. <$ c iftountams anB 4l>tUs ? bless ijc tfjc HorB : praise ijim, anB magnify ijim for eber. $ all ge reen Swings upon tije f jfFotols of tijf 3[tr, iilrss ijr tljr Lortl : praise ijtm, anU magnify ijtm for ctoer. ^ all pe Beasts altU Cattle, bless e t^e ILortf : praise ijim, anti magnif ijim for efcer. ge CijtlDren of Itten, iless ge tije HorU : praise ijtm, aD magntfn ijim for fbrr. ^ let JFsrael bless tije l.orU : praise ijim, anD mag^tifi) Jim for eber. ^ ge priests of tije HortJ, bless ge tije LorO : praise litm, auD magnifg ijim for eber. <$ ge Serbants of' tije 2,orH, bless ge t^e HorH : "praise ijim, anU magttifw %im for eber. $ j>e Spirits anU Souls of tije J-lig^jteous, bless ge tije &or& : praise ijim, anU mag^tifg ^im for eber. $ ge ijolg anH bumble l^en of beart, bless ge tije HorU : praise tytrn, anti magnifg ijiw for eber. t Ananias, ^^arias, anti fHfsael, bless ge orU : praise ijim, anD magnifw ijit for eber. <$lorg be to tije.dFatijer, ^e. ^S it'bjas in tije beginning, &c. cfjen ftftatt be read in like manner rlje Wesson, taften out of % ileiw Testament. after tfjat, tije #mn foUotoing ; except toijen ttat sijall happen to be reaD in rije Chapter for rpe Oa, or for tf>e ospel on St. John Baptist's Day. Benedictus. St. Luke i. 68. of be tfje i.or& 0oO of JTsrael ; for IjC ijatij btsttrU antt rrUrrmrU ijts pr o^lr, !tntJ ijatf) ratscB up a mtgijtii sjilu.it ton for us in tijr iiousr of tits sr vUiut DaUtD ; a fje spafet i) rlje moutf) of f)ts })ol pro- pijcts, bjijiri) ijabt b(cn since rlje toorltJ began : (Tljat be siiouio be sabeD from our enemies, anU from ilie iianU s of all tijat iiatr us ; (To perform rlje merer promtseO to our fore= fathers, anB to rememijer'tis t)ol eobenant ; iTo perform tfje oatJ) to^iei) Ije stoare to our forefather abra^am, tf)at ije toouID gibe us, Tf)at bje being tieliberelD out of tfje j^a our enemies, migtt serbe i)im bjitfjout fear, 3In holiness anil righteousness before all tiir tiavs of our life. anB t|ou, CljilU, sljalt be eaUeU i^e |3r of rlje l^tgljest : for tijou sJ)alt go before tf)e faee of tiir fLortt to prepare i) is toaijs ; (To gibe ftnotoleUge of salbatton unto ^ts people, for tl)e remission of tljeir sins, t fjrougi) tf)e tenUer mere of our oO, toljere- bn tiir Uaijssprmg from on tiigij ijatij btsttrtj us, 2To gibe ligf)t to tfjem tijat sit in tarfeness ant) in tfje slatoto of Heart), ant to guite our feet into tfje toai> of peace. 6loh> be to ti)e jFatfjer, ant to tlje Son, ant to tf)e $?oli> 0f)ost ; 3s it bfas in tfje beginning, is noto, antr eber lie, hjorio iuit^out enHu C Jubilate Deo. tt I" I * 13(? joyful in tije iioro, all nr I ! I -+ I sevue tijr liortJ tottli glatiness. ant) come before -- f ijis presence luirlj a song. Be e sure tijat tije 3Lorti ijr is 0oO : tt is ijr tijat ijafi) maDe us, ant not lur ourselves ; toe are tu's people, ant tijc stirrp of fjis pasture* C go our bja into Jjis gates Ujitij ttjanfcs* gibing, ant into ins courts uiiti) praise; tic tlianlvfttl unto ijim, ant speaU gooQ of ins ilamr. jpjr tfje Hort is gracious, ^is mere is etoer* lasting, ant fjis trutf) enturerl) from generation to generation. &loro be to tije jFartjer, ant to tije Son, ant to tfje HOfolv tjost ; as it luas in tije beginning, is nob), ant eber sijaU be, Uiorlt U)iti)0ttt ent. Sntrn. xwirx iTfjcu sljali be sung ov aaifl tfje (TrcrtJ fcii rtjc *initer antt tljc 13f ojjlr, ing: except only sue!) Bays as tfje Crectf of Athanasius is appointed to I I" I in mtgf)t, Rafter of ^eaben an& ^n0 in JFt stts Christ iji onlg Son our ILortJ, MHjo toas r onrr tUrt) fip tijr ?i>olr> c^liost, Born of t^e Ftrgin ^larg, Suffered unUer pontius UJAG rvurtftrtT, Or at), ant) fourtrfc, l>r Cf= into iirll ; iTi)r tl) irB Uai? ijr rose again from tijc DraD, 3i>r asrcntiftJ into ijratorn, linti sittetfj at tfje rigi)t i)anD of (5oD tfje .dFatijer 311* mtgf)t; JFTom tijotc* ije sijall tome to fuDge tfje anU tfje &eatu licft C^urd) ; 2T^e Communion of Saints ; 2Tf)e of Stnss ; 2T^e 1U suvvrrtion of t^e , H nti ti) r life r Ur rlaeting. ^Imrn. CC 3nD aftn tljat, tfjesc IJraijrrs follotomg, an treboutln ftneeling; tfie piiniater firt pro* nouneing Ujttij a lout) tooiee, I !' iorU ie toitt sou. ains, ^nD tf) spirit Minister. ILet uaprag, merrg upon us. Cijrist, fjabr mrvrn upon us. 3LorB, Jjaur merei> upon us. C ^en tfie Minister, Ierfcs, ana $eople, sfcaii sag ti)j bora's ^rago: toitfi a louU i>ow. 2i3a xJFatfier, loujtD ie % i^ame. ujtll ie Bone in eart^, rtjis tia our irail art in ftingUom eonte. t is in ijeaben. forgibe us our tit s= & passes^stoe fo vgibc tljnn tijat trespass against us. Hnti IcaU us not into temptation ; 13ut Heliber us from etoil* CC m siiall folloto fljree Collects; tfie ftrst of fljf Oai, toin'cl) siwll fre tfjc same ti)it is ,i|j= jjomtrti at tijr Comm union; tf)c srronU for ft*a<*; tfie t^trU for <&ra to libe toelt ^nU tf)c ttoio last (Tolk cts ftljall nrDrr alter, tint 5atli> lir gaitt at Corning ^Jranrr tfirousijout an tje gear, a folloiuet^ ; all fcneeling* ^ijc second Collect, for peace* . i.i. , to^o art tije author of peace and lober of concord, in Rnotoledge of toijom standet^ our eternal life, tofjose serbtce is perfect freedom ; Ocfcnd us tt)i? ijumlilr scrbants in all assaults of our enemies ; tljat toe, surelg trusting in tfjg defence, mag M ^ - not fear ti)e potoer of ang ad* K " P toersaries, tijroug^ t^e migfjt - ' - of JTesus Christ our Lord. STfje t^ird Collect, for race, U01UX our ^eabenls JFatfier, ^llmigJjtg and eberlastino: <&od, luljo ^ast safelB faro ugiit us to ti) c far ginning of tin's dag ; i^Pi fefej D rfr nD us in tijr same umi) tin; nuglitn polurr ; anU grant tijat tin's Dai> toe fall into no sin, nrttljf r run into an n UmD~ of Hanger ; but tijat all our Doings mat) iir orDercD fc tin; goUcrnanrr, to Do altoaws tijat is righteous fn tfjg sigftt; tiiroiiQl) cstts (Tijrist our !LorU. 3men. (C JTn Quires anU plates hjfjere tfjcg tng, !>a:e (C ST^en t^ese be Drapers follotoing arc to t>e rcatJ Jjrrr , r .rrc pt toijrn tije Hitani? is read ; antJ tijru onli? tfjc ttoo last are to if raft, as tfieg are tliere ^laceK. H IJraijer for tfie (Queen's i^afesti). our i)f abrnlij jfatijc v, i)igi) anO iting of lungs, UorD of lorUs, tijr onlij littler of pn'nr rs, Uiijo Dost from tl)i> tijronc bdjoID all tfjc DtorUrrs upon rarti) ; l^ost fjeartilg toe beseecf) t^ee toit^ rl) fabour to irijolD our most gracious Sovereign 3LaDi?, (Tiurrn V3fCZn3}& ; anD so replenish fjer toit^ tije grate of t^ ?^ol Spirit, t^at s^e ma albjau incline to tinj toill, anD lualfc' in tijij ujai> : (?nDttc $er plenteousls toitf) ^eabcnl gifts ; %r^^ ijer in ijealt^ anD toealtf) long to Itoe ; strengthen fjer tljat si)e map banquisl) anD overcome all iicr ene- mies ; anD finallp, after tijis life, slje mag attain eberlasting JOP anD feliciti); ti)rougf) JTesus Christ our HorD. - _ _ ~ - 3, rtje fountain of all gooD- ness, toe iwmtjln tirorrrii tiirc to bless Adelaide tije (Stttfen Sotoager, l)e prince Albert, atttt all t&e l&ogal jFamilg : (&nBue tfjem britf) tfj 39ol Spirit ; otrtdj tijem toitf) tfyg tyea* benlp grace ; 'prosper tijem britf) all Jjappihess ; an& 'bring tfjem to tf)ine eberlasting ftingUom ; tt)vougf) .?/ rsus Ctjvtst our iiovD. a |3raer for % ^lergp anft people. antr eberla^ttng eotf, alone borUrst g vrat tnarbel^ ; Senti Oolun upon our &t8i)0p0, antl Curates, anu all Congregations* committed to tijeir e^arge, tfje ijealnjful Spirit of tij graee ; anB tijat tfjeg wag tniln please tiirr, pour upon tlinn tiir eontinua'l Uehf of t|) Blessing* 0rant tijts, i,or0, for tlje honour of our &Btoocate anU ^eBiator, JTesus Cljrist. Of ftt Chrysostom. j toiio i)ast giben us graee at tin's time imti) one accoru to mafec our common supplications unto tijrr ; anU Host promise, tijat toijcn ttoo or tijrcc are gattjcrcU to= getfjer in tf) i^ame, tf)ou toilt grant tfjeir reo^uests : dNlftl nobj, HorU t tfje Desires anD petitions of tiin serbants, as map be most expedient for rtjcm ; granting us in tins bborlO ftnotolcDge of tijn tvutij, anD in t?je toorlD to come life eberlasting. " 2 Corinthians xiii. grace of our 3LorK STesus Christ, . anD tl)r fdlotosinp of tiir ?!>o!ij OMiost, be umi) us an cbmnorr. cnticti) H)c cOrUcr of Doming iJvam tijvougijout tfjc |?car. CD at )e bf ginning of bentng ^raj?er ttj nwtrr sijaH reati tottf) a louU botce son one or more of tfjejje Sentences of t^e Sertptttres tiiat folloto. antt t^en l>e sijall au t torttten after tf)e saiU Sentenees. i^e^ ttje totefeetJ man tumeti) atoa^ from fr'0 fcoteftetiness tijat fie ijartj eommitteO, i . i ,inO DorHi tlj.nt tolittii is latoful anB vigOt. tie l sball sabe bis soul alibe. Ezekiel xviii. 27. CB| B B |B | B B. ^ ^ | B|B|< mg anti m t3 eber before me. Psalm 11. 3. g p I "I " I IB ' " I ' "l"! 5 faee from ms m, anti blot out mine mt^tttttes. Psalm li. 9. Stye saertftees of (5ot( are a fcrofcen sptrit: a broften an5 a eontrite fjeart, 0ot(, tfjott tutlt not Despise. Psalm li. 17. HenK gottr fieart, anU not gour garments, anlr turn unto tijc Hort) nour Soti : for ijc is graeious anti mereifttJ, sloto to anger, anU of great ftinK* ness, anlf repented ^im of tfje etoil. Joel u. 13. 2To tfje ILorO our oU belong meretes anti for^ gibeness, tijougi) toe babe rebelled against bint: netrtjer babe toe obegeti tbe boiee of tbe Horti our Soft, to toalft in tjts latos iDljtrfj ijc set before us. Daniel ix. 9, 10. Hort), correct me, but toitfj judgment; not in t1)tnr anger, lest ttjou living inr to notiung. Jeremiah x. 24 ; Psalm vi. 1. ivcpent i>e, for rtje femgDom of ijcabcn is at f)ant). St. Matthew iii. 2. S toOl arise, ant) go to mg father, ant) tottl sag unto bim, JFatber, JT babe sinnet) against bfaben, ant) before fljee, anU am no mow toortyg to te taHeO tijg S0n St. Luke xv. 18, 19. (?nter not into juDgmntt iutti) tijj? srvbant. iO ilorD, for in tinj stgi)t siiail no man Itting lir jus^ tififlK. Psalm cxliii. 2. jrf b?e sag tfiat toe $atoe no sin, toe Beceibe ourselbes, anp tiif truti) is not in us : but if toe confess our sins, $e is faithful anD fust to forgibe us our sins, ant) to cleanse us from all unngijt* eousness. i St. John i. 8, 9. belobeK brethren, t^e Seripture mobetf) us in sunttro places to acftnotolcttge auU confess our manifold sins ant) toicftctmcss ; antj liiat toe si)oult) not Oissemble nor clot; r tlir in before t^e face of aimicrttp ot) our J)cabenl.dFatf)er; but confess tijcm toitt) an fumble, lotobT penitent, ant) obeKient ijf art ; to flje ent) tijat toe mau obtain forgtbeness of tlje same, b ijis infinite gooDness ant) merci). Slnt) altfjougif toe ougijt at aH times Jmmblp to acfenotoletJge our sins before 0oB ; get ougtjt toe most d)tr fin so to Do, tofjen toe assemble ant) meet together to rentier rtjanfes for tije great benefits tfjat toe Ijabe receibet) at ^is tyan&s, to set f o vt 1) ins most to o rtti i> praise, to bear bis most li olij 151 ortj. ant) to asft tbose tilings toijtrii are requi^ site ant) nceessarg, as toell for tije botJ as tije soul. OTljerefore JFprag antf lie sr r ri) you, as maun as are ijere present, to accom* ^ M M , , ^1 pang me toitf) a pure fjeart, u" * I ^ I || - anD 'Jnimblc boice, unto tije throne of tfje ijeabenlg graee, saging after me; (C a general confession to be sat& of tije tofiolt Congregation after tije ^mister, all ftneelmg. -HH- anU most mereiful dFat^er ; ijatoe errelj, anO straetf from tf) toas lifte lost sijrrv. 12 Ir i)abe fclfoUirti too m'ttri) t'iir Dr= btees antj Desires of our oton iir arts. H2tr ijatir offrnDrD against tlnj i)pln laUis. 15 tr ijatir left un= Done tijosr things ujiurJ)" toe ottgljt to IjaUr nonr ; ^InD toe iiabr Done tljosr things toijirij toe ougiit not to ijafce Done ; ^nD tijrrr is no Ijraltij in us. But tijou, O Hortf, tjaUr mrrrn upon us, miserable offr nBers. Spare tliou tijrm, (.0 (Po t), toljtrfi confess tl)eir faults. Restore tijou t^em tfiat are penitent; 3 ccorUmg to rlji? promises UcdarcU unto ntaniu'nb in Christ JFesu our Hort>. Slnti grant, most mer= ciful jFatijer, for^is safte; 2T^at toe mag ijereafter lite a goUlg,wj righteous, anU sober life, 2To tije glorg of tfjg " CC Cije Absolution, or lie mission of sins, to be pronounced b tfje priest alone, stanUing; je people still ftneeling. .fcsus jeJFatijer of our HorU not rtjc Dcarti of a sinner, but ratfjer r&at !>e map turn from i)is toicfc* e&ness, anD itur ; anO twtij gtUrn potorr, antf com- mauDmrm, to fits iitimsters, to Declare anD pro^ nounee to inc. people, being penitent, ti) c abso itttt on anD l\r mission of tfjetr dins : W.t parDonctf) anD absolbefj) all tijem t^at trnlu repent, anU unfeign* roln lirlirbc ijis tjoln gospel. WXijrrrforr let us lirsrrd) ijim to grant us true repentance, anU IJI.Q li?oln Spirit, tij.it tijosc tijings map please ijt'm iuJjicti toe Do at tijis present : anK ti)at tfc rest of our life hereafter map tie pure, /^ anK ijolp ; so tfjat at tfje last toe C . ma^ roinf ^ l)ts eternal fop; t^roug^ jr0ti0 Christ our HorU. tijc Minister sijall ftneel, and sag rfje HorD's Draper ; t^e people also ftneeling, anU repeating it tottfj fjtm. 3t& JFatljer, tofn'cf) art in ijeaben, eD be tfjp ilame. 2Tf)5 UingDom come. 2Tfjp to til be Done in cartij. &s it is in iicabcn. &ibe us tins Dap our Dailp brcaD. ^InD forgibe us our trespasses, 3ls toe forgibe t^em tiiat trespass against us* ^inD leaD us not into temptation ; But Deliber us from ebil : g-z- dFor tfjine is t^e ftingDom, &ty potoer, anD tijr glorn, for eber anD eber. (L fijen Iturtotsc ijc stjall saij, * H * 1 1 1 a 1 M l 1 1 1 .. C2 , open tijou our lips* our motttfj atyall styeto forty tf> praise, pt teat <&o&, mafcc specB to 0abe us, inaftr ijastf to ijclp (E l^m an fitanUmg up, tfje |)ncst sJjall saj>, . anU to tft^ Son : tfje ii^stnntng, is noto, antr eber C 2rton sfjall be saiB or sung tije $Jsalms in orBcr as tfjry arc appointed flTijen a ilesson of rtjc IB (Testament, as is appointed n& after tfiat, Magnificat (or tyt Song of tfie Firgin Mary) in <5nglif), Magnificat. St. Luke i. i? soul Dot!) magnify tljc Horti : anD r r my spirit i)att) refoicetf in antimaitfen tfor beiiolB, from ijenceforti) : all generations sliall call me blessett, jpor ty tfjat is mighty ijatl) magnifteB me : anir i)0ly is i)is ilamr. %nti J)is mercy is on t^em tijat fear ijim : tin ouQiiout all generations. "&* ^at^ stebjeU strengti) foitf) ^ts arm : ^e iiati) seattereO ttjr proutf in tljr imagination of ti)eir ijearts, e liat!) put Uobjn t^e miojtj) from t^eir seat : antf tatl) exalteti tije i)umi)le antt meeu. ?t?e Ijatij ftlleU tije ijungry bjiti) gooti tilings : anU t^e riei) i)e ijati) sent empty atoay. e remembering i)is mercj) ijatj ^oipen i)is serbant Israel : as i)e promiseti'to our forefathers, xlbraijam anU ijis seeS, for eber. 1 1 j[ ?I?JfS fa to t^e dFat^er, anU to t^e Son : anti s it toas in tfje beginning, is noto, anU rbrv sijall be : tomltJ toitijout ntO. 3wcn. C <$r else rtjt's psalm ; except it tie on tf>( iltnc- teentf) flag of tfje i*lontfj, tofjen it id reaa in tfje orininarg Course of tf)c psalms, Cantate Domino. Psal. xcviii. ttnto tfie LorU a neto song : for t: ijr ijattj Done marbellous things. JBitb bis obm rigijt bantu, anO Until bis fjoin arm : batb ije gotten fjimself tbe bietorg. 2Tbe Horn BeelareB bis salbation : ijts rigf)t= eousness ijatij IK openly sijrtuf tj in ti)c sigi)t of t^e Jjeat^en. ^e ^at^ remembereD bis mereg anU trui^ to* U)arBs tijr bouse of srael : ant) all tijf entjs of t1)f tuovIU babe seen tijr salbation of our <5oD. ibebj gourselbes joyful unto tbe ILortf, all ijr lands : sing, refoiee, anif gibe tbanbs. praise tbe Hor& upon tbe |arp : sing to t^e $arp toitb a psalm of rbanusgibing. aitb trumpets also antr sbatoms : s^eb) gourselbes fogful before tbe Horti tbe iting, net tbe sea matte a noise, and all tijat therein is : tije rounB toorltr, anO tte tljat Ubjell tberein. net tbe noolns elap tfjeir fjantis, anU let tijr ijtlls be {oijfttl together before tijr norm : for ijr romctij to juBge tfje eartb. tt^itb rigbt anD tijr people tottij rqttitij. be to tfjejFatijer, an& to tfje Son : anti Us it bias in tfje beginning, is noto, anB rtoer sfjall lie : toorlO toifljottt cnO. 3mrn. C fjen a Hesson of rtje fleto ^Testament, aft it is a^pointfiJ. &nB after tijat, Nunc dimittis (or fte Song of Symeon) in lobjctf). Nunc dimittis. St. Luke ii. 29. , nob fcttest tijott tf)g gerbant D^art in mate : according to t^ iuortJ. ^or mine ee fjabe seen : tfj salbation, t^oit ijat prepareU : before tije faee of an people ; o be a ltgi)t to lighten tljr entiles : anU to J>e tf>e glor of ti)D people JTsraet lor be to tlje JFat^er, anD to tfce Son : anO it toas in tije beginning, is noi, antJ eber : toorlU toit&out enO. (L r else tins ^salm ; except it tie on rtje iThjelftii Deus misereatur. Psal. Ixvii. be mereifuJ unto us, anO bless us : anU slKti) us tiir ligijt of ins rouutruanrr, auU be mereiful unto us : iTljat tfj toai? ntai> be it no tun upon earti) : tijn saUtng ijraftt) among'aU nations, net fte people praise tyee, <& <5oK : ea, let ail ttje people praise tijrr, O let t^e nations rejoice anU iie glaU : for tijou sijalt f'uUgr tijr folk rigijteousltj, anD gobern tijr nations upon earti). Eet ti)e people praise tijee, <&oB : gea, let all tfje people praise tijrr. ff'fjen s6all tlje eartf) iring fort^ ijer inerease : ann <&otf, eben our otan 0oO, sijall gibe us i)is blessing* sijall bless us : anfl all tijc enUs of tije siiall fear in'in. be to t^e iFat^er, anD to tije Son : anB to t^e i^ol eijost as it toas in tije beginning, is note, anD eber si)all be : toorltf iDttijottt enU. 3men. CC e Jfatijer &l* migijtD, fttafeer of ijeaben anU earti) : anU inJTesus ijrist i)is onlg Son our ilorti, toas eoneeibeU bj> tlje olp <&ijost, Born of tlje Virgin |8arg, Suffered trotter $ontius $)ilate, toas erueifteD, BeaU, anH fcurieB, ie Be* seen&eD into ijell ; 2Ti)^ tfnrB Bag $e rose again from tfje BeaB, e astenUeU into ijeafoot, lint> sittert) on tyt riojt ^anU of <5oB tfje jFatijer ^11* migfjtj?; jFrom tfjewt Jje sijall tome to juBge tije qutrU anU tlir Beatf* J ieliebe in t^e $o!g ijost; 2Tf)e Jjolg Catijo* lie ft , 5Lortr, Ijabe i mereg upon us. Christ, Ijabe mereg upon us. -5-* HorU, ^abe mereg upon us. (C &i>en tfie Minister, Clerfts, anK people, sag tijc Hortr* |)rager Uitti) a louti tooiee. etm Jfatfier, tofnrfj art in fieaben, loiurtJ lie ti)ij ilame. Tl)i> fcingBom come* iTijj> foill fce Bone in eartf), &s ft is in fjeafcen. toe us tins 0a our tiailD iireaK forgibe us our ttes* C I M I B| H passes, tiiat trespass against us. 3nti leaD us not into temptation ; But Keliber us from ebil &men. (L Cijcn tfjc priest standing up ijaH sijj, , sljeiu tfji? merci) upon us. grant us tijw saltation, priest Horlr, satoe t^e Otueen. Ens. ^ntr mereifulfo ^ear us hjljen toe eall upon t^ee. priest. 0nt(ue fHintsters toiti) righteousness. &ns. ti)g efjosen people jogful. Driest <9 ILortf, sabe tf) people* &ns. &n& Bless tfjine infjerttanee Driest ibe peaee in ottr time, O ILorD. Beeause tijere is none otijer tfjat tioAtetf) for ws, tout onlg tijou, <9 otf. Driest, o 005, mafee elean our hearts hjitftin us. Sins. &ttB tafte not j ^olg Spirit from us. Cf)en si)aU foHoto t^ree CoHeets; tije first of p; t^e seeonU for peaee; t^e tfjirO for against all perils, as ijereafter folloiuet^ : to!)tci) ttoo last (Tolleets sfjall be trails aaiB at ijer luttiiout alteration. srconB Collect at bcning prager. ** , from toijom all ijolg Desires, all gooB counsels, anD an fust toorfts Ho pvorrrti ; @ibe unto tijn serbants tfjat peace toind) tljc toorlo cannot gibe ; t|at botfj our hearts mag be set to otieg tijg commanOmcnts, antl also rljat tij tijce tor being OefenUeU from tije fear of our _ /r\ enemies, ma pass our time in rest C . antJ qtuietness ; tijrougi) rlje merits of JTesus Cijrist our jcatoiour. ilinrn. Tljc rijivt Collect, for &ft against all perils. /^?i?irc?il our HarUness, toe beseech tfjce, onl Son, our Sabiour, JFesus CL jrn (Quires and places iuljcvc tljci? sing, ijcrc follolurtfj tfjc ^Intijcm. a prager for t^e Queen's |a|estg. our t^abettlg JFatfjer, Ijigij anD mtgijtij, i\ mg of kings, ILortt of lorDs, tijr ouhj l\ulrr of princes, iutjo Dost from rl)g throne befjolD all tije Dtoellers upon cartf) ; iif ost Ijearttlw toe bcsced) tijr r ID ttij tijij fab our to bcj)olD our most gracious J&obercign ILaDi', (!5tuccn CTCiT^^S a ; anD so replenish Ijer toit^ tije grace of t^ l^olg Spirit, t^at s^e ma albiai? incline to tiji? bill, anD bjalfe in ti)n toaij : banquisl) an& obcvcomc all ijr r enc= nur.tj ; anD finally, after tin's Itf r, sljc man attain eberlastingjop anU fclicit; throng!) JfcsusCTfjrist our 3LorB. &men. J, ii)f fountain of all gooD= ness, toe innnbhi beseeci) tijrr to bless Adelaide tije &ufen IBotoager, ^e prince Albert, anU all tfje Ho^al jFamilw : nBue rljem toitf) ti) |^ol Spirit ; enricl) ttem toirlj tijy l)ea= benln graee ; "prosper tijcm bjirij all i)appfness ; anU "bring tijem to tljine eberlasting tungDom ; i Jesus Christ our HorD. ^Imem ant) everlasting Son, alone luovUest great ntarbels ; Sent) upon our Uisijops, ant) (Titrates, anD all Congregations eommittelj to rtyeir eijarge, tije Jjealrtjful Spirit of tl) graee ; anU t^at tijei) map truli? please t^ee, pour upon tijem t|e eontinual tieto of rtj ilessing. (Srant tijis, ILorfl, for rtje ijonour of our Efiboeate anU iileDiator, Jfesus Christ amen, a Drawer Of St Chrysostom. bj^o ^ast giben us graee at tijis time toitij otte aeeorQ to maue our eommon supplications unto tijee ; anD Cost promise, tfjat toi>en ttoo or tijree are gatijereti to= getijer in %> iiame, tfjou luilt grant tfjeir reo x uests : l nob), HorB, tfje Besires anB petitions of rtj servants, as mai> fce most espeBient for tijem ; granting us in tf)is toorlO fenotoletrge of tij trutf), anU in ti)f toorltf to come life everlasting. *3mrn. 2 Corinthians xiii. graee of our ILorB fTesus Christ, antf )e lobe of otJ, anU t^e fellotost)i|> o l^olw 0f)ost, lie iuitij us all ebermore. ^men rtrer of oln Sijost eternal. ant get tijeg are not tijrrr eternals : font one eternal. as also tijere are nottijree ineompreijenstfoles, nor HUT r unereatet : font one unereatet, ant one ineomjjreijensifole. So lifcetotse tije JPatijcr is Hlmtgijtn, tije Son ant 'get tijeg are not tijree aimigijties : font one aiiuigtjti?. So tije jFatijer is Sot, tije Son is Sot : ant Hir 31? oiij Sijost is Sot. &nt~get t^eg are not tijree Sots : font one Sot. So lifcetotse tije Jfatijer is Hort, t^e Son &ort : ant tije ?i?oli> Sijost Hort. ant get not tijree Horts : font one Hort. 4^or ittte as toe are eompellet fog tije Christian berttg : to aeftnotoletse eberg person fog ijtmseif to foe Sot ant ?Lort ; SO are toe forfoitten fog tije (Eatijoltc Religion : to sag, rijeve foe tijree Sots, or tijree ILorts. ^rije JFatijer is mate of none : neitijer ereatet, nor lit cjottrn. grfje Son is of tije JFatfjer alone : not mate, nor ereatet, font tic gotten. STfje 39olg Sijost is of tije JFatijer ant of tije Son : neitijer mate, nor ereatet, nor foegotten, fout proeeeting. So tijere is one JFat^er, not tijree ^Fattjers ; one Son, not tijree Sons : one ?l>olg Sijost, not tijrrr 1i?oln Sijosts. M in rtjts tTrimtn none is afore, or after otljer : none is greater, or less tljan anotijer ; But tlje toljole tijree persons are co^eternal together : anB co-equal, So tljat in all tljtngs, as is aforesaitu : tfje 5Hlnit in STrinitg, anti tlje 2Trinitg in HHnits is to 2e therefore tljat toill be sabetf : must tints tfjinu of tlje e also beliebe rigljtlg )e 0near- nation of our 3LorU i[esus Cljrist JTor tlje rigi)t jFairt) is, tljat toe beliebe anU eonfess : tijat our ?LorD JTesus Cljrt'&t, tlje Son of 000, is c^oO ant) 1-tlan ; oti, of tlje Substanee of tfje^at^er, begotten before tlje toorlBs : anU |an, of tlje Substatiee of Ijis f*l otljer, bom in tlje toorltt ; ^erfeet oB, anB perfeet |Han : of a reason* able soul anD ljuman flest subsisting; oljeaD : anti inferior to tlje jFatljer, as touelitng ijts iitan= fjooO. 22Jljo alrtjottglj Ije be Soti anO fttan : ijet lie is not ttuo, but one Cljrtst; itf ; not bi> eonbersion of tlje @oDljeaD into flesli : but bp talung of tlje itlanljooti into (TSoti ; One altogether; not bi> confusion of Sub= stance : but bi> unttij of person. JFor as tlje reasonable soul anti fleslj is one man : so (5ot anU iilan is one Cljrist ; ljo suffereU for our salbation : Descentieti into Ijell, rose again tlje tijirU Da from tlje UeaU. e aseenUeU into Ijeaben, Ije sitteflj on tlje rig^t IjanU of tljejFatljer, (&oD 3llmigljt : from tofjencc ije sljall come to juttge tlje qutrU anU tijr OraD. &t tofjose coming all men sfjall rise again Uiitij ttirir bot if s : ant) stjall gibe account for fijriv oUm toorfes. nt tijeg tfjat fjabe Done goot sijall go into life eberlasttng : ant tijcij tijat Ijabe tone ebil into eberlasting fire. gfyiz is tije (Kat^olieft jFaitij : to^ie^ e^eept a man fceliebe faitljfttlli?, ijr cannot <5lor be to t^ejfatfjer, tot. ^8 it toas in tlje beginning, ^e. C ^ere foUqtoetl tfie Xjr^^iap, or eneral Suypltcattou, to be sung or sait after i-Horn- ing ^rager Upon Sundays, Wednesdays, antl Fridays, ant at otijer times to^en it sijaU be eommantet bi> tijf . tl>e JTat^er, of : iiabe ! ! mriT n upon us miserable sinners. i r i * i**g | 5ot t^e jTat^er, of i^eaben : ^abe mereg upon us miserable sinners. tfje Son, iUeemer of flje toortt : *-r+- mr rrn upon us miserable sstunrvs. t^e Son, ^etieemer of t^e inovw : mercw upon us jntserablc sinners* Sijost, proeeeBing from tije JFatfier anH tije Son : ijabe mereg upon us miserable sinners. (5oU tije ?l?oli> ijost, proreetJtng from ti)f jfatfier anU tijc Son : ijabr meren upon g I I I I , ilee5, anK glorious 2Trimtg, i i i f I i * i IJrrsons anD one iToD : liaUr mr vrn upon mt'Sf ratilc sinners. ijolg, ilee5, anD gloriotts Stonitg, t^ree persons antf one (TJotJ : fjalie mevew upon ntiseraiilc sinners. Bememiier not, Horn, our offenees, nor offences of our forefathers ; neither tafce tfjou bengeanee of our stns : ^pare us, goo& spare tiji? people, toljom tijou Ijast rrtJrnnrO U)ttij tf)i> most preetous tilooU, auU dr not angrn Ujttij us for rUrv. Spare us, gooO i.orD. JTrom all ebtl anir nttsefjief : from 0m, from erafts antJ assaults of t^e Debtl; from tijs toratf), anK from everlasting Uamnatton, 0ooB Horn, Oriftjrr us. jFrom all fclinOness of fjeart ; from priOe, bain* glorg, anO tygpocrisg; from enbg, ijatreO, anO malice, anO all uncfjaritafoleness, 0ooO SLorO, Oelitoer us. jprom fornication, anO all otfjer OeaOlg sin; anO from all tfje Umitjs of rlje toorlU, tyt flesf), antj tlir orUil, oorr SLora, tieliber us. jrrom lightning anU tempest ; from plague, pestilence, anD famine ; from fcattle anO murlier, antf from sutften tiearl), 0ooO i.ortr, tueliber us. jftom all sedition, pribg conspiracy, anH re= ieltton; from all false Doctrine, ijeresg, anU scljism ; from Baroness of ijrart, anU contempt of tfij? 2Eortf anU CommanUment, (5oo3 ilorti, Oeliber us. 33$ tfje mgsterg of tijij Ijoli? incarnation ; lii? tiji) ifoli> ilattbttn anU Circumcision; fan tf)> Baptism, pasting, anU temptation, 0ooti 3Lorti, Keliber us. 13$ ti)ine Qigong anU iilootJij j&toeat ; tip ttjw Cross antt passion; tii> tijn precious catij an5 iSurtal ; tig ti>5 glorious iaesurrectton antJ ^s* cension; anO bg tfje coming of tfje %olg Sliost, 0oo!) SLortf, Oeliber us. 0n all time of our tribulation ; in all time of our toealti) ; in t^e liour of Oeatf), an in t|>e Bag of futt gment, HorO, Oeliber us. *1 !!' sinners tro beseecf) tfiee to Ijear us, e. . . || I j. Hortf <5oB ; an& t^at ft wag please fytt to g * I * I I I B | I-EHMI rule ana gobern tijg Jjolg ^ in tijf ngijt beseccl) tijcc to fjeav us, goott 3LovU. Styat it mag please tijee to fteep an strengthen in t^e true toorsfnppmg of tijee, in righteousness anH holiness of life, t^g Serbant FjrC^&Sa, our most gracious <^ueen anu Sobernor ; Wit beseed) t^ee to ijrar us, gootf ILorti* ri)at it mag please tfjee to rule ^er lieart in tfjg faitl), fear, anD lobe, anti tljat s^e mag eber* more Ijabe affiance in tijee, anD eber seeft th fjonour anti glorg; a^e ieseec^ tljee to ftear us, gooU or&. rfiat it mag please tijee to be jjer UefenOer anU fceeper, gibing t)er tlje bictorg ober all fjer enemies ; a^e iteseecf) t^ee to l)ear us, gooti iLorU. ft map please tfjee to bless attB pre- serbe Adelaide tf>e (Suteen Hotoager, STije prince Albert, anH all tf)e ilogaljFamtlg; OTe beseeef) tbee to bear us, gooB 3LorD, f>at it mag please tijee to illuminate all Bishops, priests, auU Scar cms, Untt) true unotu~ leBge anB unBerstanBing of tip OTorB ; a& t^at l)otl) tin tljeir pveaeijing anp libing Hjen mai> set it (ort^, anO sjelu it aeeortrmglg; ijesee dj tfjee to ije ar , gooO HortJ, ft ma^ please ti)ee to entue tije of t^e Couneil, antt all tfje ^oiili^, toit^ gtaee, UjtsUom, anU unUevstantmg ; 2iHe tie^fedj tfire to ijcar us^ gooO HorD* 2T^at it ma$ please t^ee to bless anO Ueep tijc Magistrates, gibing t^em graee to eseeute fus= ti ee, anD to maintain trurtj ; Wit Iteseee^ tljce to (jear us, gooti Horn. ^at it ma please tfjee to bless auU fteep all is people; Wit beseee^ t^ee to Ijear us, gootf !Lor3. 3$at it ma$ please tijee to gibe to all nations units, peaee, anU eoneorD ; Wit beser d) t^ee to bear us, tjootf iLorU, ^at it mas please tbee to gibe us an ijeart to lobe ant) DreaO tt)rr, anD tuiligentls to libe after ti) n eommantiments ; , We beseeef) t^ee to Ijear us, gooO ILorU. ffijat it mas please t^ee to gibe to all % people inerease of graee to bear nirdUi> tbn WlorU, anU to reeeibe it bjitlj pure affeetion, anO to bring f ortb tbe fruits of tbe Spirit ; Wit beseeef) tljee to bear us, gooU HorO, ijat it map please ti)ee to bring into tijr to an of truti) all surf) as babe erreD, anD are DeeeibeD ; 5U fcrsf erf) tijee to ijeav us, good HorD. iTijat it mav please tijee to strengthen suei) as tio stanD; anb to comfort ant) ijrlp tljr toeau^ tiearteD ; anD to raise up tijrm tijat fall; ant finally to beat Doton Satan unDer our feet ; ILJLtc lirsfrri) tfjc c to ijcar us, gooO HorU. Cljat it mag pltase rtjee to sueeour, iirlp, ant) romfort, all ttjat are in Danger, neeessit^, anD tribulation ; &e beseeei; tf) to ijr av us, gooD HorD. (TJiat it map please tfjee to preserve all tliat trabel tin lanD or bij toater, all toomen labouring of riniD," all sieit persons, anD noting riulDrrn; anD to sijeto tljg pitg upon all prisoners anD eap* tibes; ^JU beseeei) tijrr to ijear us, gooD iLorD. 2r^at it ma please t^ee to DefenD, anD probiDe for, rlje fatherless e^ilDren, anD toiDotos, anD all tfjat are Desolate anD oppresseD ; Wtte beseeeb tfjee to Ijear us, gooD ILorD. *!T^at it mag please tfiee to ijab^ mere^ upon an men; beseeei) tijcc to ijear us, gooD ilorD. it map please tfjee to for gibe our ene* mies, persecutors, anD slanDerers, anD to turn tfjeir hearts ; 2LiLtc beseeet) rtjce to Ijear us, gooD 5i.ovtj. Sfjat it mag please tfjee to gibe anD preserbe to our use tije ftinDlp fruits of tfje eartf), so as in Due time toe map enjop tijem ; (L2U beseeei) tijee to ijear us, gooD HorD. it mai> please fljee to gibe us true repent- anee; to forgitoe us all our sins, negligences, anU orances; an& to cnDuc us Umt) tljr grace of ?i? oln Spirit to amcno our libes according to icseetfi t^ee to ^ear us, gooK on of ot : toe Hami) of Soti : t^at taUrist atoaw tijr SUMS rant tut tf> peace. . |.| . | , |. .!.,!.. 3Lamij of fotf : ti)at taftcst atoan tijc sins Cl)rtt, ijabe merts upon u. Cijnst, ijabc mcrcg ttpon us. (E tffcen s&all tfje Driest, atrtu e people ijim, sag tf>e flora's $raer. JFatfjer, toijici) art in ^eaben, come. lutll lie Done in rarri), ils ft is in ijratorn. 0tbf ui tfjis Haw our Dail forgibe us our trcs* C I passes, Us toeforgibertjcm tijat trespass against us. 3nU IraD us not into temptation ; I3ut uehuer us from r \jil. priest. HorB, Deal not toi) us after our sins, ^eit^er retoartr us after our iniquities. , merciful jFat^er, t^at Desptsest not tfje signing of a contrite tyeart, nor tfje Desire of sucf) as ie sorrotoful; ittercifull assist our praters ttjat toe mafte before tfjee in all our troubles anB aBbersities,toi)ensoeber tfjeg oppress us; anB graciously ijear us, tfjat tfjose efcils, tofjtrf) tfje craft anB ~subtilt of tije Bebil or man ujorUr ti) against us, be brought to nougijt ; anB IIP tijr probtBcncc of tijij gootiness tijnj rnaij be tjfsperseU ; tijat toe tijg servants, being f)urt bj? no persecutions, tnag ebermore gibe tijanfts unto ti)ee in ti) $Ie. Ujitfj mcrei? fjear our Drawers, Son of abfr, fjabc meres upon us* i>otfj nota anti eber boudjSAfr to ijear us, -*> raeiousli? fjear us, fjrtst: graeiousfo I w 1 1 1 H 1 M!" EEE -1 fjear us, ILorlf Christ. ^ ILotfi, let tf> mereg be 8f)etoe upon u. 90 toe Oo put our trust in tijce. ILet u iuunlilp lieseet^ t^ee, JFatijer, me vr if ulln to loot* upon our infirmities ; ant) for tije glor of ti) Lame tunt from us all rfyose ebils tiiat toe most rigi;tcou&h> ijaUr DrsrrbfU; auti grant, ti>at in all our troubles toe map put our tofjole trust anU eonfiUenee in tt) mere, anti rbermore serte rljee in ijoliness anU'pureness of libtng, to tl)i? ijououv anU glon>; tijrougi) our onlp ItteUiator anti attooeate, Jfesus Cijrist our ILorU. &men. ft $JrafT Of St. Chrysostom. iLl*l:3K I *?l>*ri? c^oD, toijo ijast gtoen us grace at tl)is time ujitij one accortt to malic our common supplications unto tfjcc ; ant) bost promise, tijat toijcn ttoo or tijrcc are gatljcret to= gctijcr in tij i^ame, t^ou toilt grant t^eir requests : ^Fulfil nob, O iLorB, tijc Hesircs anD petitions of tijn scruants, as mag tie most c.vprtucm for tljcm ; granting us in tin's toorlB unotolc&gc of ti)p trutii, anD in tijc toorlti to come life everlasting. Hmcn. 2 Corinthians xiii. grace of our fLortu .? csus anti tfje lobe of <&o, an& t^e felloto^t^ ?i?oli> t^fjost, be Ujitij tta all ebermore. Hmrn. C ifraw0 ana SfianftjSsffatnssJ j ilpon scfarral Occasions, C 2To be useB ((fore tfje ttoo final Drapers of ttyc i-ttang, or of jttornmg anto bening proper. jror Ham, I , toljo i> rljg ;K r sits (Ti) vtst iiast p vomt s r D to all tt) nn tiiat srru tiji) funcjQo w, ant) tiir vt gi)trott5= thereof, all tf)mg ntcessarp to tifmr io0il ; ^r uO us, toe lirsrrd) tlirr , in ti) iq. our ttn, Gttri) moDrratr ram antf sliolurrG, tliat toe map reeetbe tiir fruits of tlir rartij to our r o m= fort, ant) to tluj Ijonour ; tlirougij .f/rssus (Tijrtst our iLorti. Hmrn. JTor 3LorD c^oD, toijo for tiir 5 m of man D tu 5 1 onee trroton all tij r toorlO, eoreept eigtyt persons, anU aftertoarH of ti) great mere DiUst promise neber to 5estro it so again ; 2X& immbls iieseeei) tf)ee, tijat alti)oug^ toe for our iniquities i>atoe toortijtln UrserbrU a plague of rain anU toatrrs, get upon our true re= pentanee tijou toilt sent) us surf) toeatiier, as tiiat toe mag reeeibe tije fruits of rl)e eart^ in Due sea* son ; ant) learn I) oti) b n tinj punishment to ament) our libes, ant) for tin.' elemenr n to gibe tijrr praise ant) glorg; tijroug^ JFesus Christ our ILort). amen. JTn tfie time of Ceartfj anti Jfcmin* . ijcaucnly jfattjcv, lutjosc gift it tfmt tfje rain trofl) fan, fte eartf) is _ fruitful, toasts increase, anti fishes Bo multiply ; 33ri)olt), toe fceseecf) rtjcr, ti)r afflictions of tijy people; anti grant tiiat tijc scarcity anti Hcartfj, totjict) toe Do noto most justly suffer for our iniquity, may ttjvottgi) tiiy gooDncss lie mcr= cifully turneU into efjcapness anD plen^ ; for t^e lobe of JTcsus (Tljrtst our lLorti, to toiiom tottlj rljee anO t^e |t?ol <5^ost ie aU fjonour anD glory, noto anti for ever. 3mcn* , merciful jFat^er, tofio, in t^e time of lis^a t^e prophet, UiUst suDBenly in Samaria turn great scarcity anU Deartf) into plenty anti cheapness ; li>abc mercy upon us> tijat toe, to^o are noto for our sins pumsijct) toitij U'Uc aDbersity, man U'Uctoisc ftnD a season* atle relief: increase tje fruits of tfie eartf) iiy ttjy fjcab culy tcucp i ction ; anti grant tijat toe, re* cefbing rijy Bountiful liberality, may use tijr same to ti) glor, tfje relief of tfyose rjat are neeUy, anU our oton comfort ; t^rougf) Jesus Christ our ILorO* Jto t^e time of SHar and tumults. , i^ing of aH ftings, anti <5obernour of all things, to^osc potoer no creature is ajble to resist, to it ticlongctl) fttstly to punisi) sinners, anti to fte merciful to tfjeml^at truly repent; Satoe anU tielitjer us, toe fwmfclu i>eseec^ tfjee, from tlje ijanUs of our enemies ; abate tijciv jmU e, asstoagc tijeir malice, an& confounD rljeir Bebic es ; tijat toe, being armcB britij tij Befence, mag be presetted ebermore from an perils, to glorifB tijee, toijo art tije onto giber of all bictoru ; tfjrougij tije merits of tijg onlg Son, JTesus efnst our ilorir. JFn tfie time of ani? common league or Sieftncse, in tin; iurati) sent) a plague upon ttrinc ou.ni people in tije totlUernesB, for tijetr obsti= nate rebellion against fftoscs anti 3aron ; anu also, in tije time of iting O abiU, tiiOst Slav tottij ttje plague of pestilence threescore ant) ten"Hjou= santi, anir pet remembering t^ mercg UiUst sabe tije rest ; ?ija\i c pits upon us miserable sinners, luiio nob) are bistteti toitij great sickness anO mortality ; tljat Itli r as tl) ou OiDst ttjen accept of an atonement, anU ti iust commanti tijc Uestromng nngcl to cease from punishing, so it map noto please Mire to tottijUraUj from us tin's plague anD grtebous sicimess; tijrougij JTesns Christ our ilorO. amen. (C JTn t^e C?mber fcSHeefcs, to be saiU eber 0a, for t^ose tl)at are to be a&mitteH intol^oU) our l)eabenl jFatfjer, iiast purchased to tlnnself an uniber- sal Cijurc| b tije precious blootf of rh Dear Son ; |ercifull loofc upon ti)e same, anS at tins time so gutUc antf gobern tije minus of tij servants tijc Bisijops anU pastors of tijij flocu, tijat tije mai? lag ^anUs suUUenlD on no man, but fattijfullp an toiseln mafte cijoice of fit persons i to serbe in tije sacreD Iftinistri? of tfjg Cijurcf). 3toD to tijose tofuel) sljall be orDaineB to an bolg function gtoe fl) grace anD ijeatomlj) bcneDiction ; tfjat botf) b fljeir life anD Doctrine tfjeu ma set forti) tJji? glovg, anD set fortoarD tije salbatton of all men; tfirottQi) STesus of rtjr forma:. , toijose nature antf propcrtn is eber to tyatoe mercg anO to forgibe, re* ceitoe our fumble petitions ; anU tiiougi) toe be ttr tJ anU bounO toiti) tiic cijain of our sins, net let tijc pitifulness of tijn great mcrcn loose us ; for fte fjonour of Jfesus Christ, o~ ator anU HDtiocatr. amen. (C ~l iJraj>er for tijc $tg$ Court of parliament, to be rcaD During tfjeir Session. &&& gracious <5oD, toe ^ttmblg be* seecf) tiier, as for tin's iiingDom in general, so especially for tiir Court of llarliamem, under our most religious and gracious (Huiccn at tin's time assembled: 2TJ)at tfjou toouldest be pleased to direet and pro* sper all tijeir consultations to ttje adUaneemntt of tf)j> glorj?, tfje gooti of tf)g Cfyurei), tfje safety, ijonour, and Welfare of our Sovereign, and iier Oominions ; tfjat all things mag be so ordered ant) settled bn tlieir entJeabours, upon ti)e best ano surest foundations^ tijat peaee and ijappi= ness, truti) and justice, religion and pietn, mag be established among us for all generations. is not appointed to be said. (JDB, t^e Creator and $resertoer of all mankind, toe iittmb IP beseeeii tljee for all sorts and eondittons of men ; tljat tijott toouldest be pleased to malie tijij toans fcnoton unto tliem, tijij saving ijealtij unto all nations. fore espeeialli), toe praj? for tfie good estate of tfje Cartjolie Cf)urei); tljat it mag be so guided and gobemed bn tljn good Spirit, tijat all toijo profess and rail" tbemsellies Christians man be led into tfje toa of trutb, and bold tfie faitj in unitg of spirit, m ti)e bond of peaee, and in rigljt- eousness of life. ,^inall, toe eommend to t^5 fat^erto goodness all fljose, tofjo are ans toaus aWtrted, or distressed, in mind, bodg, or estate ; [ * espeeialb t^ose for totyom our pragers are de= congregation. sired,] tfjat it mag please tfjee to \m \ m M' " ' . .; : ; ~" !^ ^ ' ' '" ' J^\T / an comfort anB reliebe tfjem, according to fljeir beral necessities, gibing tfjem patience unDer tfjeir sufferings, anU a i)appi> issue out of all tfjeir afflictions. &n& tf)is toe beg for SFesus Cfjrist f)is safce. eneral iHjanftsgibmg. o5 t< drat|)er of an merries, toe tijtnr unUjortijij servants t)o gibe tijrr most ijumlilr anO ijcartij tijanUs for all tljn gooDncss anD lobing=Umtiness to us, anU to alfmen ; [ * particularly to tijose to^o Desire noto to offer up t%eir * &&< to bf MO praises anU tfjanftsgibings for f. tij s late mercies boucljsafcU un* STtSSSiSSS to tijem. 3L2le bless tijce for our creation, preserbation, and all ttje blessings of tJjis life; but abobe alt for tfjine inestimable lobe in tfje redemption of tlje toorltJ be our HorU STcsus Tbrist ; for rlje means of grace, anU for tlje l)0pe of glow. 3nti, toe bcsecci) tijec, gibe us tijat Due sense of all ti) n mercies, tljat our tjcarts man be unfcignctJto ttjanUfuI, anD rljat toe sijcto forfi) tiji? praise, not onhj tottij our lips, but in our libes ; bi? gibing up ourselbes to tijn serbtee, anD bn toaliung before tijcr in bolincss anD righteousness all our Oaijs; tijrougij JTesus (Tijrist our HorD, to luljom toiti) tijrr auU ttjc ?8?ol Ijost be all ijonour anO glorg, toorlU toitfjout enD. JFor Ham. our ijralirnhj jFatljrr, to !io Im tijn gracious probtBcncc Dost cause tijc'fov= mer anB rtje latter ram to BeseenB upon tfie eartfj, tfjat it mag bring fortij fruit for tfje use of man; He gibe tijcc inunblc tijanfts tiiat it fjatf) pleaseU tljee, in our great neeeasits, to senD us at rtje last a lonfttl rain upon ti) tnr tnijrrttanrr, anU to refresh it tofj^n it toas Uri?, to tfje great comfort of us tijij unluortijn scrUauts. anB to tlic glonj of tinj liolij jlamc ; tiTrougij rijij mercies in ,esus Cfjrlst our HorD. dTor fair Wit afyer. 31 (DUD i^oti, li)1)0 ijast instln liumlilrti us b tfj late plagtte of immoderate rain anU toaters, anU in ) mereg fjast re* licDcD ant) eomforteb our souls tip tin's season^ able anO iblesseD riiangr of tocafljer ; JL^e praise anU glorifg tl) ljol ilamr for tfjis tf) mere, ant! U)tll altoags Declare tinj lol)tuQ=tnntinrss from generation to generation ; tijrouglj 0esus (Ti)vtst our llorD. ^Imen. ^S2T mereiful JFatiier, tofjo of t^ graeious goodness ijast ijr arD tiir Uebout pragers of t^p Cfjurelj, anti tumeD our ocartt) ant) srarcttn into cheapness anB plentD ; Wtr gibe titrr inuulilr tiiantis for tins tinj special liounti;; lirsrrrinng tiirr to continue tin/lolnng= RinlJness unto us, ftat our lanU ma gielti us ^er fruits of increase, to fl) glor anUTiur eomfort; tijrougi) Sesus Christ our HorU. amen. ,ifor $eace anU Dcltbevancc from our Gunnies. art a strong totocr of Defence unto tfji scrbant& against tijr fate of tijctr enemies ; 51 r melB tfjee praise anD tfjanfesgibing for our fceli- berancc from tljose great ant) apparent Dangers Uiiirrrlimt) toe turn compassctf: ol=&ai> rtjat fjart) a Figtl or er Collects in SWbent, until Christmas be. 2T^e Epistle. Rom. xiii. 8. 2.5 1(? no man an rijutg. but to lobe one another ; for ije rljat lobeti) another ^atfi _ fululleD t^e lato. jFor tfjis, ST^ou s^alt not commit a&ulterD, STfjou s^alt not feiH, sijalt not steal, rijo tt sijalt not bear false umness, (JTijou sfjalt not eobet ; anB if tijere be an otfjer romnunUmf m, it is briefly eompreijrnUetJ "in tins saving, namely ST^ou sffalt lobe tij neighbour as'fljrself. ILobe toqrfteti) no ill to l)i* neigh- bour;* therefore lobe is tye fulfilling of tfje lato. 3nU tliat, iwobJtng tljr time, tijat noli) it is ijtgti time to abiaiie out of sleep : for nob) is our saU bat ton nearer lijan bjijen toe iieliebeD. (Tiie nigtjt is far spent, rlje 5a is at IjanD ; let us therefore east off ilje bjorhs of Uarftness, anO let us put on tljr armour of ligijt. ILet us Uialii ijonestln as in tlir Dai> ; not in rioting anU Drttnit eiiness.'iiot in rijamiienng anO toantonness, not in strife anU enbping. But put e on ti)e EorD JFesus Christ, ant) mau r not probision for tije first), to fulfil tljr lusts thereof. 2H[)e Gospel. St. Matth. xxi. 1. &&& tijep Urebj nigfj unto JTerusa- lem, anti 'bjere eome to iSet^pijage, unto tli r mount of Olibes, tljen sent tbjo triseiples, saing unto tfjem, (5o into ti)e billage ober against POU, anU straigi)tbja e Bijali finD an ass tiett, anb a eolt toitij tier: loose ti) em, ant) bring tijem unto me. Hnti if anij man sap ougljt unto you, ije sijall sap, (Tije Hord ijatii neeU of tl)em ; anD atraigljtuiaij e bjfll senB tfjem. ail t^is bias Bone, rljat it mipjt be fulfilleB toti'r^ toas spoften bp Hje prophet, sawing, ^ell e tije Uaugijter of Sion, Be^olB, tip ifing eometifunto tijee, meeft, anU sitting upon an ass, anB a eolt, tije fole of an ass. 3nB rlje Uiseiples toent, anU Dflj as .fFesus eommanBeU tt)em ; anU brought tfje ass, anU ttje eolt, antf put on tijem tlirtr elotijes, anU tfjeg set i)im thereon* SlnU a ber great mul* titudc spread tljeir garments in ttjr toay ; o tlicrs cut doUw fcranrljcd from tljc trees, and" dtratord tljcm in tljc toaij. 3nd tljc multitudes tijat toent lief ore. and ttjat'folloujcd. cried, daytng. 1l>oBauna to tije don of IBavid ; Bledded id % ftat eomet^ in tije $Lame of t^e 2.orti ; $?o8anna in tije Jjigijest. EnO luijeu ije toad eome into Jerusalem all tije etti> load moved, daring, 22Ujo id tijid ? 3nfl tije multitude dai'Di, JTind id J^edUd tije ^Jvopiirt of |ia?aretf) of (Salilee. anil jtomg toent into t^e temple of c^oQ, and eadt out all tiicin tijat dold and I}oug1)t in tlje temple; and ouertijreU) tije tallied of tije monej?=ei)angerd, and tije deatd of tijem tijat d o Id dobed ; and daid unto tljem, JTt id Written, ii? liouse dljall ibe called tije Ijottssc of praner ; but W ijaue made it a den of tljtrUrs. 2T|)e deeond ^undag in Advent iTIje eollect. tLord, to^o ^adt cauded a g Seripture to 6e Written for our learn= tug'; tyrant tijat toe may in sttrij totde ij ear tljem, read, mar ft , learn, and tnloardli) digest tljem. tliat by pattenee, and comfort of tijw Ijoly KBorO, toe may emBraee, and ever ijold fadt tije bleddcd ijope of everladting life, uiijieij tljou 1jadt given ud in our Sabiour .?/ edttd Cljridt. Hmrn. Rom. xv. 4. tfjingd toere torit^ ten aforetime, vjcrr Written for our learning ; tijat toe tljrouglj patience, and comfort of t^e Scriptured, migljt jabe Ijope, tijc iT*oO of patience antt conso lation grant poit to be liUc=minttctt one totoartts auotljrr, ar= ccrtting to Orist ;?/ cstts : tijat PC map toiri) one mintt, antt one mourt), glorift) <5ott, etoen tije jfa* iijer of our ILortt Jfesus Christ fcHtyerefore re* eeibe ijr one anotijcr, as (Tin'ist also rccciuctt ue, to tiir glovi? Of c^oti. iloU) ;?/ saij, ttiat .f/rsttG C^rtet tuas"a minister of ttje rireumetsion for tije trutij of c^oO, to confirm tiir promises matte unto t^e fathers : antt tijat tfje (Bentfles mtgijt glorifo ^ott for in's mercn ; as it is luritten. ,-ffor tfjis cause ;?/ U) t II eonfess to Hire among tije Gentiles, antt sing unto tiuj ilame. 3ntt again tie sat'tij, 3ae|oiee, e Sentiles, toiti) t)is people, ^[ntt again, praise te iLortt, all m Sentiles, antt lauti f)im, all PC people. 2lntt again, (?saias saitij, rtjerc siiafl be a root of JFesse, antt ijc tijat sijall rise to reign oUrv tiic Gentiles, in imn siiall ttje Gentiles trust ilolu tiic t^ott of Jjope fill nott toitij all )OD antt peaee in lirhrbinn, riiat ijc mai? abountt in liopr, tljrottgl) ttje potoev of tijc ?i>olij 0^ost iTije Gospel. St. Luke xxi. 25. flS tijere sfjall I'c signs in tljr sun, antt in tije moon, antt in tijc stars ; antt upon tijc cadi) Distress of nations, toitlj per- plcxtti), lije sea antt tijc toabes roaring ; men's ijearts" failing tf)em for fear, antt for looking after tljose things to^ici) are coming on tije eart^ : for tiir potocvs of iicatmi siiall be sijaiicn. .3ntt itjrn sijall tijcn see tiic Son of iilan coming in a eloutt ujttij potber antt great glonj. Hntt luiirn tfjesc iljings begin to come to pass, tljcn look up, antt lift up pour !)catts ; for ijour rettemption tt vabjciij nigi). ^[ntt Ije spafte to t^em a parable, i3el;oltt rlje fig=tree, antt all tfje trees ; toljen tl)eD noto fovtt), i>r see anti iwoU) of gour oiiw sriur 5 tfjat summer is noto nigl) at fjanD. So lifcetoise e, toljen j>e see tfjese things eome to pass, fcnoto Be tfjat tffe BingDom of oB is nigl) at fjantt. Fertlg S sag unto gou, 2Ti)ts generation styail not yiass aU)at>, till all tie fulftlletf : i)eaben anti eavtij stiall pass atoaij, lut mij toorUs s^all not pass aU)ai> tlTije eolleet. gesu Cijrist, luijo at tfjn first eoming Dittst senti tijn messenger fo pre= pare tt) toag before t^ee ; Srant tijat t^e ministers anC steiuartis of ttjn masteries man lilieUjt'se so prepare anU rnaiie reatJij" tljn U)ai>, tin turning tije ijearts of tijr tit's olietiient to' tl)f iutQ= tiom of rje just, tijat at tf)g seeontf eoming to juttge ttje toorltj be mag lie fount! an aeeeptable people in rtjij sigi)t, biijo'libest anti reignest toitij rlje jFat|)er anU tfje ^ol Spirit, eber one 00, iuitijout entr. 1 Cor. iv. 1. a man so aeeount of us, as of tlje . ministers of Christ, anti steiuarUs of tijr ' masteries of Sou. jittoreotoer, it is re* qutreti in stetoartis, t^at a man be fount! faithful. But tout) me it is a berg small tijing tijat .9 sijoulU tie futigetf of gou, or of man's judgement: gea, Jf tutige not mine oton selt Jfor S ftnobj nortjing ibg mgself, et am S not Ijereig justified ; iut Ije tijat juBgeili me is tlje 2,ortr. 2T^erefore jutige nothing Before tijr time, until tije Horn eome, U)ijo boti) U)tll I) ring to ligijt tijc ijtDDrn tilings of DarU= ness, anD toill maiir manifest tije counsels of tije jjearts ; anD tfjen sijall eberg man ijabe praise of Gospel. St. Matth. xi. 2. toijen JFoijn IjaD ijcarfc in tij c prison tije toorfes of Cijrtst, ije sent ttoo of ijis Disciples, anD saiD unto ijtm, art tijou i?c tiiat stjouiD come, or Do toe looft for another ? JTcsus anstoereD anD saiD unto t^em, <&o anD sijcU) :?J oijn again tijose tilings toiu'cij nc Do ijcar anD see : (Tiie ijItnD rccetUe tijeir stgijt, anD tije lame liniiu, tijc lepers are clcanscD, anD tije Deaf ^ear, tije DeaD are raiseD up, anD tije poor jfjabc tije Gospel preac^eD to t^em: 3lnD blesscD is ^e toijosocUcr siiall not be offcnDcD in me. anD as tijci) DeparteD, JTesus iicgan to san unto tije mul= tittibes concerning JFoijn, Wtijat toent nc out into Hit toilDcrness to see? a reeD sijaUcii toitij tijc U)inD ? But iuijat Uicnt vt out for to sec? a man clotijeD in soft raiment f ieijolD, tijew rftat toear soft clotijing are in lungs' ijouscs. But taijat ID en t pr out for to see ? a prophet ? ijea, 3f saij unto ijou, anD more tijan a prophet jFor tijis is ^e of toijom it is Written, BefjolD, JT scnD m messenger before tijij face, Ujijicij sijall prepare tiin tuap before tijee* CTiir fourtij ittnDan in atibrnt. 3Tij* Collttt H(OUD, raise up (toe pra tijeo tiji> potoer, anD come among us, anD Until great migijt succour us; tijat toijercas, tljrouglj our sins ant) Umfcctmcsss, toe are sou let anU ijinBereB in running tfje raw tfjat is set before us, tip bountiful grace antr mercg ma spceBtfo fjelp anB Beliber us ; tijrottoj tije satis* faction of tijn con our ?LortJ. to ujJiom toitij tiirr anD tljr 51>oln (^i)05t be tionouv inU Qlovn, luorlti tutrtjout entif 2Tf>e Epistle. Phil. iv. 4. anir again saij, -Uejoiee. lirt nour moderation be Unoimt unto all men* iTiir ?.ort) is at Be careful for no tin'ng : but in ebert> tij tn g. IIP pvaijrv ant) supplication lutti) tijanUsgiUtng, let vour requests be maDr unoUm unto Soti. ^nlft^e peace of (5oD, bj^ie^ passerli all unBer* stanKing, sijall Urcp ijouv ijcarts anti minfis 2Tf)e (Gospel. St. John i. 19. is tfje recortJ of JHoijn, toijen tiir J^eius sent priests ano Hebitcs from .?/c= intsaltm to aslUjtm, 2.5X1)0 art tijou ? Hno lie eonfesseU, anU UenieD not ; but eonfessetr, jr am not tije Christ, ^nti tfje asfteU fyim, S^fjat t^en? &rt t^ou lias ? ^nlfJje saitf), jr am not. art tfiou ttjat ^ropfjet? ^nB ^e anstoerett, |lo, STijen saiU t^eg unto l)im, aia^o art rljou? ti[jt toe ma gibe an anstoer to t^em t^at sent us. fcBijat safest t^ou of rjjgself ? 39e sattr, Jf am tfje boiee of one erging uftije toiltiemess, ftlafte straight t^e toag of t^e HorD, as saiU t^e propfjet ^?saias. anD tijep bj^ief) biere sent bjere of tl)e fi^arisees. ilntJ fljcij asfeeti Inm, anO saiti unto 2L5ti)j> baptt>esf tijou tljrn, if tijou be not tijat (Tbnst, nor (Plias, uritijrr tbat JToim anstoeret tbem, samng, jr baptise toitb toatrr : but tijcrc stantctb one among yon, tobom nr lutoUi not : ill? r it is tobo coming after me is preferred before me, toljose shoe's fatcbet Jf am not toortbn to unloose. (Tbcsc things toerc tone in Urtiiaijava iir ijonD .?/ orOan, iDijerr ;?/ ol)u toas T^e $atibit of our EorK, or tije Birti)*t(a of eommonlg eallefc fflje Collect , tofio lattt giben us tf>i> onlp^begotten Son to taUe our nature ttp= on ijtm, ant as at ttjts time to tie bom of a jpure Virgin ; rant tljat tue being regenerate, ant mate tijn rijiltrrn bn atovtion ant grace, man tat In be fenetoet b n titn ?1> o In Spirit ; tijro u gij tijc samr'our Hort JTesusC^rist, totjo ItUrti) ant reignetfj toit^ rtjee ant rlje same Spirit, etoer one ot, toorlt toirijottt cnt. amen. tobo at suntrn times ant in tibers manners spaUe in time past unto tbr fatbers bn tbr propbets, batb in tbese last tans spoken unto us bn bis Son, tobom br batb ap'pointet bnv of all ttjmgs, bn tobom also be mate tbe toorlts ; tobo being tbe brightness of bis glor, ant tbe express image of bis per* son, ant upbolting all ttn'ngs bn tbe toort of bis potorr, tobrn be bat bn bimsclf purget our sins, sat toton on tbe rigbf bant of tbe fajest on ijigij ; being maDe so mud) tirttcv tijan tijc angels, as ije ijatfj bg inheritance obtaineD a more ejccel* lent name tijan tijeg. JPor unto luijicij of tije an* gels satfl ijr at amj time, iTijou art mi? Son, tijts Da jjatoe $ begotten tfjee? &nD again, jr toill lie to ijim a dfatijer, anD ije sijall be to me a Son? ^nD again, iuten ^e iringerl) in tfje first=begotten into tlic toortt, ijc saitij, .HnD let all tijc angels of iT^oD tajorsin'v l)im. 3lnU of tije angels Ije saitfj, 2.211)0 mafceti) ijis angels spirits, anD fn's minis* ters a flame of fire. But unto tijr Son ijr sairtj, 2T^ throne, <&o&, is for eber anti eber; a seeptre of righteousness is tlje sceptre of rlji? UingUom : iTIiou fjast lobeO righteousness, and tateti iniquitj? ; therefore (5oK, etoen ti) <5oD, ijart) anointed tijee Uiiti) tije oil of glaDness atiobe ti)i? fcUolus. JlnU, rijou, HovtJ, in tije beginning ijast laid tlje foundation of tije eavtij ; anD tije ijeaUens are tije UiorUs of tijtne ijantis : tijei? sijall perisfj, buttfjou remainest; anD ttyeg all s^all taaa: olU as totij a garment; antf as a besture stjalt tijou folti t^em up, an5 tijen sijall be eijangetJ ; but tijott art tije same, anO ti)'i?ears sijall not fait C^C OSpfl. St. John i. 1. {I rlje beginning bas tijc ^Eortf, anl> tije S^lortJ U)as luttij Soti, anD tije aLtorD tuas (5oD. 2T^e same toas in tije begin* ning toittj ^oD. ^11 fljings tpere maDe b ^im ; anD toitijout ijim iuas not anj> tfjing maDe tfjat toas maDe. JTn $im tuas life,' anD fte life iuas tlje ligijt of men. ^nD tlje ligijt sijinet^ in Darlutess, anD tije Dar&ness eomprejenDeD it not. STijere toas a man sent from <5oD, toijose name toas JToijn. 2T^e same eame for a toitness, to bear toitness of tye ligi)t, tfjat an men tijrougf) Ijim migijt beliebe. 39e foas not tfjat ligijt, but toas sent to bear toitness of ttjat itgtjt crtjat toas tfic trite ligi)t, toljicf) ligfjtefl) eberg man tfjat comert) into tlje toorlB. 3&e toas in t^e toorltr, anU tlje toorlU teas maKe b J)tm, anO t^e toorio Unrto tjtiu not ??e came unto iu's oiuu, antf ijis oton reeetbeO i)tm not But as maun as rcceftett linn, to t1)f m gabr ijr polurr to become tijc OOUQ of 0oO, eben to ttjriu tijat bcitebe on ij t s ilamr : luijictj tbere born, not of blooU, nor of tijc lu til of t^e fle^, nor of rlje totll of man, but of <5oD. and ti) r 2.2.1 o rB lu as mat) r flrsi), anti u to el t among us (anti toe be^elD ins glow, tijr glonj as of tijc onln=lif gottrn of tlir jFatijer) full of grace ant) trutf). Saint Stephen's Sas 2Tfjc Collect, EorK, tfjat, in all our suffer* ings iirrr upon carti) for tijr testimony of tijn trtttl), toe man stcttfastlp lo oU up to ijeaben, anD b fatti) bdjol tlje glorr>'tf)at s^all be rcu cal cD ; ant), being fiUcU to ttij tljc ?i>"o lij 0^ost, ma$ leant to lobe anu bless our persecutors bn rl)e example of tf)j> first |artgr Saint Stejj^en, toijo praweU for l)is murderers to ttjee, blessctt Jfcsus, tofjo stanUest at rlje rigijt JjanD of 0oD to succour all tJjose t^at suffer for tljee, our onlg i cDtator anD aUuocatc. 3mcn. (L c^eit sijall folloto ti)e Collect of tijc flatfbftt?, toijtct' sfjall be satti continuant) unto fleto*- tf)e stanB = ing on tijr rigijt ijanB of vfio 0, anB satD, Urijolti, JF srr tijr ijeatorns oprnrB, anB tljc Son of 1*1 an stantJtng on tijr vt'gijt lianti of c^oO. (Tijf n tijrn rvtrti out Ujttij a loup Uotrr, antf sto^prti tijcir rare, anU ran upon 1)tm U) t'tlj one arrorD, ant) cast ijtm out of tijr r itn, ant> stonrt) iitm : anu tijr ID tt= nrssrs latD Botom tijrtr rlotijrs at a ijoung man's feet, Uj^ose name bjas Saul ^nB'tijet) stoneB Stepijrn, tailing upon <5oB, anB sawing, 3LovB Sesus, reeeibe m spirit &nB ije ftneeleB BOUJH, anB rrt'rB luttij alouB boiee, HorB, Ian not tijis sin to tijrtr rijarge. .HnB luijrn ijr ijaB'saiB ti)is, ijr fell asleep. St. Matth. xxiii. 34. unto gou prophets, anB Ujisr men, anB seribes ; anB some of tijrm nr sijall UtU anB rvttnfn; anB some of tijrm sijall nr seourge in ijour synagogues, anB perserute tifcin from rttn to riti? ;' tijat upon no u man eome all tijr righteous tlooB sijrB upon 'tijr rarfij, from tijr blooB of righteous iltirl unto tijr tilo oB of ^aeijarias, son of liararij tas, Uiij om ijr sleto iettoeen t^e temple anB tije altar. Feril JjT sa unto ijott, Jill tijese tilings sijall eome upon tijt's generation. 10 JTerusalem, JFerusalem, tijou tijat iullest tijr propijets, anB stonest tijrm hiijteij are sent unto tljee ; Johj often tooulB $ Ijabe ga* tijereB tij e^ilBren togetijer, eben as a Ijen gatijer- rtij ijrv rljieltrns unBer ijer luings, anB nr luoulB not ! Be^olB, nouv ijouse is left unto new Beso= late. JFor JT sag unto gou, ^e sijall not see me beneefortb, tin ge stall sap, BlesseB is ije tbat roinrti) in ttir ilamr of tljr ILorU. Saint JTobn tljr e sijall not tiie ; but, Jff JT toil! tfjat ije tarrp till JF eome, to^at is tijat to tijee ? CTi> eotl, toijo out of tijr moutijs of babes antf stttUlings bast or= tJatnrU strrngtij, anU matiest infants to glorifv fljee bv tfjeir Deaths ; Ifcortifv. anD fcttl aU bites in us, ant) so strengthen us bg tf) graee, tbat bv tfje innoeenev of out libes, antJ eonstanev of ouffaitf) eben unto Deatfj, toe mag glorify tijv fjolv liame; tfjroug!) JTesus Christ our ILorH. tlje OjplStlf. Rev. xiv. 1. , antJ lo, a llanili stooti on tijr mount Sion, anH totti) ijtm an ijuntivflJ fort anU four t^ousanU, ^abtng i)fe JTa- t^er r s ilame torttten in tijeir foreijeaUs. ^nti j)carD a boiee from ijeaben, as tije boiee of mani) toaters, an5 as tije boiee of a great tijunUer: anti ;?K ijrarD tijr boiee of Carpers ijarptng luttl) tijn'r ijarps: antf tijnj sung as it toere a neto song before Hir tijrone? antJ before tije four beasts, ant) tij r elD ers ; anD no man rottltj I earn tljat song, but tijr iiuutirrti antJ fortn auD four tijousanD, b)l)iei) toere reUeemeU from'tfje earti). 2T^ese are tlirn liiijtci) toere not OrftlrO lutH) biomrn, for tijr P arebtrgins : ti)ese are tije toijiel) follobj tf)e 3Lamb hjfjtrtjersoeber fje goetij : ti)ese toere reUeemeB from among men, being tijr first=fruits unto t^otj, ant) to t Jje liamb. 3inU in tijrt'r mottti) toas fount) no guile ; for tijen are U) trtj out fault before tije throne St. Matth. ii. 13. . Stugel of ti)e Ho vQ appearrtb to 3J o= seplj in a Oream, saving, ^Inse, auO taUe tije voting eijilt, anti i)is motljer, anU flee into ?gvpt, anD be t^ou t^ere until 3f bring rl)ee UiorD; for ?>eroB lutll seeti tije voting eiitlO to t> estro v i)im. 2.2 tiien ije arose, be t o oU tije voting rijtltJ aiit) ijis motijer b v ntgijt, ant) tieparteb into toas ftere unttt tte Deatij of ^eroU ; tfjat it mtgljt be fulfilled toljtci) toas spofeen of ti)e 3Lord bg tf)e prophet, saving, , or upon tlje uneireumeiston also ? jfor toe sag, tfjat fattlj toas reeftoneD to &brafjam for rigjteous=> ness. ?i>oU) toas it ttjru recfeonet ? iyiiru i]f toas in eireumeision, or in uneireumeision? i^ot in eireumeision, iiut in ttneireumeision. &nU ^e re= rctbrti tiir sign of eireumeision, a seal of tljr righteousness of t^e faiti) hj^ie^ i)e ^aD get fceing uneireumeiseD ; tf)at l)e migltf ie ti)e father of all tijem t|)at ieliebe, tijougij tijeg ie not eireumeiseU ; tljat righteousness mtgfjt lie impttteti unto tijr m also : lluti ti)r father of eireumeision to tijcm luijo are not of tfje eireumeision onlw, but also toalft in tlir steps of tijat faiti) of ouiF fatljer ^Hjraliam, hjljieij Ije IjaD being get uneireumeiseK. jFor t^e promise^ tfjat ^e s^oulU ie % l)eir of tlje toorlU, toas not to Hijvaijam, or to ijis srrt), tijrougi) tiir lali), but tljrougl) ti)c righteousness of faiti). JFor if ti)rp toi) id) are of tljr lab) be ijnro, faiti) is mati r ti)e promise matte of none effeet. "fjf OSpel. St. Luke ii. 15. it tame to pass, as tije angels toere gone atoau from tbem into beaben, tbe sbepber&s'saOJ one to another, Het us go eben unto Betblebem, ant) see tins tiding tobieij is eome to pass, tobieb tlir HorB JjatJ) matte imoton unto us. 3uD tbry eame hJt'tij ijastr, antJ fouuO iar anD Jrosepfj7an5 t^e babe lying in a man- ger. nn"Q toljen t^ep IjaB seen it, tf)ei> matie ftnobjn abroad tfje saijtng tuijirft bias to 10 tijrm ronrrvu= ing tiito rijtlD.' ^IntJ all tijen rtjat ijeart it toon= OereO at tbose things toljtd) brrr tolfl tljem bi? tljr sfjepberUs. But |arg ftept all t^ese things,* antt ponUereU tijem in i)er beart. flnb tije sbepijerUs retumeD, glorifying anD praising SoO for all tbe tilings tijat tijnj ijaU beartt anD seen, as it toas tolfi unto tijr m." 3lntJ U)bcn etgijt Hays tuerc ar* eompltsbeD for tije eireumeising of tljr rbilD, bts name toas ealletJ 3F@SStS, tobiei) toas so nameD of tiir angel before lie toas eoneeibeti in tije to omb. rfjf same Conert, C?pistk , and ospel snrbe for eberp Uap after unto tf)e epipljan?. (Ppipbany, or tije Manifestation of (Tbrist to tbe entiles. {) Collect <&, tobo by tbe leading of a star HitJst manifest tby onlp^begotten Son to tbe entiles; Mereifulto grant, tbat toe, . fcnoto tbee noto by faitb, ma after rj)is i / -, l life babe tije fruition of tip glorious" otHjcaO ; tbrougbJresusCbristourlLorH. ^Imen. tfl\ tijis cause, JT Paul, tije prisoner of " JFcsus Cijrist for gou entiles ; if ge ijatoe H.U ijearD of tije ttispcnsation of tije grace of o&, toijicij is gtimt me to gou=toartf : oto tfjat fog revelation ije matte fenoton unto me tije mgsterg (as Jf torote afore tn feto iuorUs, iu^ereijp, ituijen l?c rcaft, m map unOerstanti mn tmotolrUcfr tn H)c msterl)f Cfirtst) to^tdj tn ot^er ages ttias not matte imoton unto tljr sons of men, as it is nob) rcUealcp unto i)is ijoli? Apostles ant) ^ropijets tip tfje Spirit ; 2Tijat ti)e entiles sfjoulU ie felloto= iir IVQ, antf of tijr same lioOn, antf partakers of ijia promise in (Tiinst, IIP ti>r ospel : tpljereof S bias matie a minister, according to tije gift of tf)e grace of oB giben unto me fog tijc effectual toorfeing of i)is potoer. C t nt o me, lufio am less tijan tiir least of all saints, is tin's grace giben, tf)at Jf siiouiti preac^ among tije entiles tije unsearchable rteijes of (Tijrist ; anD to maUr all mm see U)1jat is tlic f cHotosiiip of tfje mgsterg, bjljici) from tije iegin* ning of tije toorlti ijati) been l)iU in oU, toljo ere= atrU all tilings fop JFesus (Tijrist: to tije intettt, tiiat nolu unto tije principalities antt powers in ijcatoenlp places migijt foe iutount fop tije (Tijurci) ti)c mamfolD luisOom of oO, according to tije eternal purpose toijic^ ije purposed in Cijrist Se* sus our iLort : in Uiljom toe ijabe fooltiness anO access U)ttij conn'Dcnce fog tije faitij of ijim. 2Tije osprl, St. Matth. ii. 1. ?i>C?ilJ)fesus bas foorn in Uetijleijcm of Jfuttea, in tije Bags of $?ero5 tije tiing, foeijolti, tijcre came ujise men from tije east to JTerusalem, waging, fcStijere is ije tijat is born 3.1 tug of tijr JFetos ? for tor ijabr sera ijis star in tijf east, and are come to Uiovsijty i)im. eroD, tofjen i)f Ijati pribili) eallet tije toise men, enquired of tijem Biltgr mhj Uiliat time tije star appeared, .3nD ijr sent tfjem to Uetijleijem, and said, So, and searet diligentl for tfje oung eijild, and iuljen e fjatoe found ^im, bring me toord again, rijat .ff map eome and biorsirip iu'm also. Waijen tljei) Ijad" beard tlje feing, rl)e de* parted ; and lo, tijr star toijieij rijei? sab) in tijr east toent before rljem, till it eame and stood ofcer Uitjere tije noting eijild toas. 5L2t ijen tijei? sab) tije star, tijew fejoieed toitt) exceeding great for, and Ujijen fijei? b)ere eome into tije ijouse, tijen sab) tije r-oung rijfltj toitij iilanj ijis motijer, and fell doton and toorsijipped ijim : and toijen tijeD ^aO opened tijeir treasures, tijeg presented unto ijim gifts; gold, and franfeineense, and mrrij and being toarncd of Sod in a dream tljat tijen sijould not return to i^erod, t^e departed into t^eir oton eountrg anotijer luaij. f)e first Sundag after tfje to rereibe ifye pragers of tijg people toljtef) rail upon tijre ; and grant tijat tijrn mag bonTpereeibe and fenoto totyat tilings tijeg Tmgijt to Oo, and also map tafce graee ant polur'r fattii* fulli) to fulfil tlje same; ftrottgi) JFesus ljrtst our HorU ^men. . Rom. xii. 1. sou therefore, firet^ren, ig tije merries of 0ot>, rtjat ijr present ijour boOtes a libtng saertfiee, iiolij, aeeepfable unto ^o, toljtrf) is i>our reasonable serbtee. EnO be not ronformeU to tijis toorlB ; but be ge trans- formed b rt)e renewing of gour in tuD, rljat e mag probe toijat is tljat gootr, antf arrrptablr, ant) per= feet toill of (5o5. J^or Jf saw, t^rougij t^e graee giben unto me, to eberi) man rfcat is among gou, not to t^inft of ^intself more ijigi)lg tijan i)e ougijt to tfjinft, but to \\}\\\i\ soberlg, aeeorDing as c^oD ijatf) Uealt to eberg man tfje measure of faiti). jFor as toe ijabe mang members in one bo&g, and all members i)abe not tijr same ontee ; so toe, being mam>, are one bodD in Christ, and eberg one members one of another. f)C ospri. St. Luke ii. 41. parents toent to JTerusalem eberg gear at tijc feast of ti)r passober. 'toben ije toas ttoelbe pears old, tf>e jent ttp to Jerusalem, after rlie eustom of tije feast ilnt) toijen tijeg bad fulfilled tije dags, as ti)eg returned, t^e efjild Jfesus tarried behind in Jerusalem; and Joseplj and ^is mother feneto not of it. But lijri), supposing i)im to iiaUr lire n w tiir company, bj'ent a Bay's journey, anB tljrij sougijt ijim among tijeir uinsfollt anB* acquaint^ anrr. 3nB iui)f n tijcy fount) inm not tiK y turneB baefc again to JFerusalem, seefcing l)im.~ &nB it came to pass, tijat after tljrrr Days tiiry fount ijim in tijr temple, sitting in tijr mtS^t of fijr Dor= tors, lioti) iiranng tlinn, anD a^Utng tijrm qur6= tions. HnO all tljat i)ravO ijt'm lurvr astontsijcti at ijts ttnOrrstanOtng anU anslurvG. Hnti toijrn t^e sato ^im, tfjei) toore ama^O : antf i)ts motijer satti unto 1)tm, x-on, totnj ijast tijou tints ticalt toiti) us ? ie^oKn, tij father anD Jf ijabe sougijt tljrr sorrotumg. ^Inb i)f satD unto tijc m, ?1? oUj is it tijat i?r sought me? toist ijr not tliat ;?/ must lie about ing jfattjer's business ? &nb tfteg unter* stooDi not tije saving toijteij lir spalie un't o tljem. antt ije toent Uoton tottf) t^em, anU eame to |ia* >aretij, an U toas sub j'eet unto tij em : but ins motijer itept all tijese samngs in ijer Ijeart. .^nD JFesus tnereaset in Uitsbom, ant) stature, anD in fab our Uiitij SoD ant) man. ant) everlasting (T>ot(, Uiiio Host gobem all tilings in ijeaben anU eartij ; iileretfttlln ijear ti)c supplieations of tijn people, anO granfus tijij prarr all tije Bays of our life ; tijrougf) 0esus frist our 3LorB. Rom. xii. 6. n gifts Biffering aeeorBing to tif graee tijat is giben to us, bJijetijer let us projrfjesg aeeorBing to tljf proportion of faiti) ; or nunistrp, let us tuatt on our ministering ; or f)e tfjat teaeijetfj, on teaeij* ing ; or i)r tljat e.rijortetl), on exportation : Jjr tljat g tb cti), let Ijtm Do it tutti) stmp liritn ; f jc ttj.it rttlr tij, totrt) Dtltgenee ; !je tfjat s.J)r xurtlj mereg, bntf) eijeer* fulness. Urt lobe lie imtfjottt Dissimulation. 3li= iio r tliat Ujijt rl) ts cb tl, eleabe to tljat lui)irl) is a o oD . ISe iuntiliT affrcttonro one to another lutti) bro= t^erlg lobe, in honour preferring one another: not sflotlrful in littsinrsis ; ferbent in spirit; srrb= ing t^e ?Lorli ; rejoieing in ^ope ; patient in triitt* lation; eontinuing instant in prager; distributing to tljr nreessiti? of saints ; giben to iiospttalitn. Bless tiirm toiifelj perseeute ijott ; bless, antf eurse not iae/otee toitt tljem t^af Ko rejoiee, and bleep Umi) tlif in tijat bieep. Be of tijr same mint) one tobmrtfs another, i-atntj not i)trji) things, but eontieseenti to men of lob) estate. St. John ii. 1. tijr tijt'rtJ Daw tijrvr bias a marriage in e motijer of JTesus saitl) un- to fiun, vTtin,' i)abe no luiitc. JTesus saittj unto tjrv, S.S.toman, lutjat fjabe $ to Do luiti) ti)rr ? mine ijour is not ijrt eome. tyis mother saitij unto tijr serbants, L2tbatsoeber ijc sattij unto IOH, Do it ^nD tljere bjere set t^ere sue bjater=pots of stone, after tfje manner of t^e purifging of tfje JFebjs, eontatning tiuo or tijree firftins apieee. jfestts sait I) unto tijem, ,-|FtU tljr biater^pots l tti) bjatrr. 2lnD tljeg ftlleD tfjem up to tfte brim. anD Ije saitb unto tijrm, IDrato out nob), anD bear unto ttjr 2 A gobcrnour of lijr feast 3nt) tiir p bare it. 2L2ti)f n tijr ruler of tijr feast tjat tastrti tijr toatrr tijat to as mate tome, ant Unrto not toiir ncc it bias, (tut tije srrbams tui) t rij t rrto tijr toatrr imeto >, tije gobrr= nour of tijr feast rallrt ti) r bvtD r g to o m, anD saiti) unto ijim. (PUrrn man at tijr beginning Uotlj set fortl) QootJ lu tnr,'antJ liiljru mm ijabr liirll DvtinU, tijrn tliat Inijtdj is toorse: but tljou ijast Urpt tijr gooti toine until noto. iTijts beginning of mirarlrs 5iO .ffesus in Cana of alflee, anD manifesteU forilj ins gionj, ant i)is tiseiples beliebet on Ijim. 2T|)e rt)ir5 S luas rlransrti. ^tntj ;? r QUO ssaitl) unto ij tin, $r c tifott tell no man ; ljut go ti)5 toai?, i)eto t^gself to tfje prtet, anU offer tijf gift tijnt itloscs e'ommanDeti, for a tesitt= monn unto tiirm, ^InD toi)en Srsus toao entercD into Capcntaum, tijevc came unto ijtm a centurton l)ceecl)tng Ijtm, anti saptng, LorU, m serbant It'eti) at ijomr 5trii of ti)c palsij, grt'cbo'ttsli) tor^ mcnteti. Hnti .f/rstts sat'tlj ttnto'ijtm, Uit'U come anfl ij^al ftt'm. iTljc centurton anstoeretf ant) satD, iLorti, iT am not toortfjg tfiat tijou ftfjoulDest come unUer m roof; but speafc t^e toorU onlg, attU m servant sljall lie fjealcIJ. dFor Jf am a man unDer atttljorttn, fjabtng soSDir vs ttntfer me : anU JT sar> unto tijt's man, ^>o, ant) ijc goetij ; anU to anotiief, Come, antJ l)e cometfj ; antu to mi> jserbant, IPo tljts, anU fy tuoetf) it aSJfjen JFesus ^eartJ it, ije martjclleti, antr saiti to tfjem t^at follotoeU, Feril gan unto 1,'ou, ijaUr not fount) so great faitif, no not in jTsrael. HnB JT sag unto ijott, iTijat man n sijall come from tljr east ant) tDesCant) sijall sit Uoton toittj ^bra^am, ant) .f saac, ant) JTacoi, in tl)c Ut'ngtJom of ijraUrn. But tijc cijilOren of tlir iu'ngtf om s^all br cast out into outer Bareness : ti)fvr sijall be freezing ant) gnashing of teeti). ^nD JFesus sail) unto t5e centurion, o t^ toag, ant) as tljou i)ast tidtrbrt), so lir it t)onr unto tiirr, .ant) i)is servant toas ijealct) in tijc self ^samc i) our. tTijr fourii) -citntiaij after tijr (?ptpi)anp, Stye Collect. U)t)0 UnoUjrst us to br set m tt)f in tti 5t of GO manp anD great Dangers, tijat fop reason of tf)e"frailtj> of our nature toe eannot altoaus stanD upright f i&rant to us sueij strength anD protection, as map support us fn all Dangers, anD carru us fljrougl) all temptations ; ttjrouglj Sesus Christ our ILorO* Hmrn. 2Ttje C?ptBtle. Rom. xiii. 1. etoeri? soul foe sufo/eet unto tt)r litgiirr polur i s ; for tijere ts no polurr fout of <5o5 : potoers ti)at foe are orDatnrD of <$o&. therefore resisteti) tije potoer resist* t^e orUinanee of <&o&: anU tfjeg tijat resist stall reeeitoe to tljcmselbrs Damnation, .ifov rulers are not a terror to gooD luorus, fout to tlir ciitl. 5L2liU tljou tljrn not t)f afraiD of UK potoer? Do timt totiiri) is gooU, anD tijott sljalt Ijator praise of tijr same : for lir is ttje minister of ^oD to tijr e for gooD. But if tijott Do ttjat toijieij is rtul, foe afraiD ; for ^e foearetlj not tije stoorD in bain : for Ije is tt)e minister of ^oD, a rebenger to exeeute toratl) upon trim tliat Doetli rlitl. 2.2lijerefore ne must neeDs foe sttfo (ert, not onln for toratl). fout also for eonseienee^saue. Jfor for tfjis eause pa e trifoute also ; for tljen are 0oD's ministers, attettD- ing eontinuallp upon tijts brrn tijtng. HenDrr therefore to alftfoeir Dues ; trifoute to luijom trifoute is Due. eustom to toijom custom, fear to toiiom fear, tionour to tofoom ijonottr. &ty Sosprl St. Matth. viii. 23. toijrn tjr toas enteret into a sijtp, ijis tiisn'plrs foIIotorU ijim. 3nB tieijolt , tijrrr arose a jjreat tempest in flje sea, tnso- mtiri) tijat rfjr sijip toas eotoeret toirij tijr toafces : tint ijr toas asleep, ant ijis tiseipies eame to ijun, ant alii oUr ijtm, saijtng, ?iort), sane us ; toe perts^. atnt tye satt^ unto t^em, ^Hf) are ge fearful, i>e of little faiti) ? STijen i)e arose, ant rebuUet tlic bints ant tijc sea, ant tijere bias a great calm. But rtjr men marbellet, saijtng, (LStiiat manner of man is tijt's, tijat eben tlje Un'nts ant tije sea oie ^im I &nt to^en ije toas eome to tije orljer site into tye eountrj? of tfje Serge- senes, tijrrr met tjim tiuo possesset luttii tebils, eoming out of tiir tomiis, e.reeet ing ft'eree, so ti)at no man mtgijt pass to tijat toai>. Hnt beijolt, Hjen eriet out, saying, 5L2lijat ijalJe toe to to luttij ti)f e, JTesus, tijoti ^on of Sot ''. art tfjott eome Jjitfjer to torment us before tije time? ant tfjere toas a goot tuaij off from rljem an ijert of mann siuine, fret in g. 'So tije tebils besought Ijim, saij* ing, J7f tijou east us out, suffer us to go atoan into tije ijert of stoine. ,3int ijr sait unto tijenf, <$o. ant toijen tijrn luere eome out, tiicn iurnt into t^e ijert of stoitte: ant beijolt, tije tojoje ^ert of sUJtne ran biolentlg t oUin a steep plaee into tije sea, ant perisijet in tije toaters. 3nt tijrij tijat ferpt tijem ffet, ant Ujcnt tijeir toans into tije ettn, ant tolt ebenj tijing, ant luijat Uias befallen to tij'r possesset of" tije teuils. lint beijolt, tijr taijolr eitn eame out to meet JTesus : ant toijen tijen saU) ijim, tijen besougijt ijim. tijat ijr Uioult tepart out of tijeir roasts. )e fifty Suntag after tfje our hearts to t^e 3Lort. Hnt toijat= socber j>e to, in toort or teet, to all in tlje ^Lame of tijr Hort JTcsus, gibing rtjaniis to 0ot ant tijc JFat^er bp ^im. St. Matth. xiii. 24. . feingtom of ^eaben is lifeenet unto a man uiinclj sotoet goot sect in ijis fl'cit. But tofjile men slept, rlje enem came ant sotoet tares among rl)e tofjeat, ant toent i)is toai>. But toljen tije blate toas sprung up, ant brought fort^ fruit, tyen appearet ftje tares also. So tfje servants of tlje bouseijolDer eame, ant) satB unto J)im, Sir, DiDst not tfjou soto gooD seeD in tfji> fielD ? from totyenee tfjcn ijatfj it tares? 9^e saiD unto tfjem, &n enemy tyatty Done tins, 2Tfie ser= bants satB unto inm, 2.2ttlt tljott tljru tijat hie go antt gather tiirni up? But Ijr sat'D, ilaij; lest tuijt'le ijr gather up ti)r tares, ne root up also lijr tojeat totti) tfjem. Let iot^ groto together until tfje fjarbest ; anU in tl)e time of ^arbest JT toill saw to tlje reapers, Satfjer j?e together ttrst t^e tares, anU iitnti tijicnt in iittnDles to burn tijrm : but gatiK r tlje toljeat into mj? bant e surt^ SunUag after tfje , fy Colleet. (FKOD, luijosr blesseti Son teas mani* festeU tijat iir migijt Destroy tije UiorUs of tije Debtl, anD mane us ti)e sons of <&oD, anD Ijetrs of eternal life ; rant us, toe be= seeel) ti)ee, tljat, i)ahin0 tl)is ijop^ toe map purify ourselbes, eben as Ije ts pure; tijat, to^en^e sljall appear again toittj potoer anD great glory, toe may be maDe lifte unto ptm ini)is eternal anD' glorious UtngDom ; tofyere toitt) tfjee, jFat^er, anD tijee, O 1?oly ^o0t t Ije lihetf) anD reignet^, eber one <&oD, to'orlD toitbout enD. 3men. 2T|ie (PpiStU. 1 St. John iii. 1. , to^at manner of lobe tijedFatljer ijatij bestotoeD upon us, tijat toe sboulD be ealUD tl)e sons of 0oD : therefore rlje toorlD fenotoetlj us not, beeause it ftneto l)im not BelobeD, noto are toe ttje sons of SoD, anD it Doti) not yet appear toijat toe sljall be : but toe unoto, Hint, toijen ijf sijall appear, toe sijall be Hue linn ; for toe sijall err ijnn as ijr is. 3nt eberi? man tijat Ijatij tin's ijopr in ijtm punfietij ijtmsrlf, eben as iir is purr. MUjosorbrr ronimittrti) sin trans= gressetij also tijr lato : for sin is tije transgres= sion of ttjc lato. 3nt ijr imoto tliat ijr toas mam- f rstrD to tatir atoan our sins ; ant) in it t m is no sin. Jl2li)osoeber atJiUrtf) in ijim sinneti) not: to^oso= rber sinnetf) fjart) not seen ijint, neitijcr ftnoton fiim. ii 1 1 1 Ir rtj i lUrr n. let no man Deteibe POU : ijr tijat Dprtti righteousness is rtgijteotis, rbrn as iir is righteous. ?*>r tljat romnutt rti) sin is of tlje Orlnl : for tije DrUtl sinneti) from tiir beginning, jfor tijts purpose tiir Son of OotJ toas mantfesteti, tijat ijr migijt Bestron iiir toorhs of tije Betiil. ST^e OSpel. St. Matth. xxiv. 23. if am? man sl)all sai? unto POU, Ho, is Cfjrist, or tijere; ieliebe it not. tijere s^all arise false ijrists ant false prophets, anu s^all s^eto great signs ant toonUers ; tnsomueij tijat (if it toere possible) tljen siiall Drrrtbr tlie berg eleet. Ueljolt, ,?) ijabe tolt POU before. Wtiierefore, if tijep sijal! sao unto j?ou, Be^olt, ie is in tlje tesert; go not fertf : brijolt, ^e is in tije seeret eijambers ; beliebe it not Jfor as tije lightning eometi) out of tlje east, ant sijiuetij eben unto tlje toest; so sljall also tlje eoming of tije Son of Hflan be. ,-fFor toijeresoeber tije earease is, tijere toill tije eagles be gatijeret togetijer. JTmmetiatelw after tije tribulation of tijose taps sijall tije sun be taruenet, ant tije moon sijall not gibe ijer It'gijt, ant tije stars sijail fall from iieaben, ant tije potoers of tije iieabens sijail be s^aften. UnU tjjen sijall appear tije sign of tije Son of $Han in ijeaben: ant tijen sijall all tije tribes of ti)e earti) mount, anB iijrij sijall see tiie $on of iilan ronitng in ti)e clott&s of ijeabcit, Until potocr ant) great glorg. 3nB tie sijall sent) tit's angels uritJj a great sounB of a trumpet, anU 11) eg si) all gattycr together ijis elect from tije four Un'nDs, from one entJ of ijcab en to tije otijer. 2T^e Suntrag eaneU Septuagestma, or sunttai? before ILent. 2TIje Collect. , toe ieseeef) tfjee fabourablu to ijear tije pragers of tf) people ; t^at Uie, U)i)o are justlij puntsijeD for our off enees, mag i>e meretfullg UeltbereU l) ti)i> gootiness, for tije glorw of t^ iptame ; tijrouoj Jiesus Christ our *abtour, toijo Itbeti) anU retgneti) Uitti) tyee anB tije j^olg (5i)ost,eber one <5otn, UjorlU Ujitfjout enD, ICor.ix. 24. ije not, tijat ttjei? luJnei) run tn a raee run all, but one reeeibet^ t^e prt^e ? So run tfjat m mag obtain. &n& eberg man )at strtbeti) for tije masterg ts temperate tn all things : nob) tijeu Do it to obtain a corruptible crobm, cut toe an incorruptible. JF therefore so run, not as uncertainlg ; so ft'gijt JF, not as one tiiat beatetj^ tije air: but jr feeep untier mg boOg, anU bring it into subjection, lest tijat b ang means, toijen JT ijabe preacijeB to otijers, 3T nwself sijoulU be a cast^atoag. %%t eovel St. Matth. xx. 1. fttngtiom of ijeaben is liitc unto a man t is an i)ousei)ol5er, toijtci) toent out earlg in tfie morning to i)ire labourers in* 2c to Ins binn>art). Hut) tobrn ijr ijaD agrrrD tottij tije labourers for a pen a Dag, b* sent tbem into bis bineuartJ. &nti b* toent out about tbe tbirtr jour, anb sato others standing ifcle in tbe market* Vlarr, ant) saitj unto tijrm, ramr tijat lurvr iitvrti about ttir elebenti) tj o ur, tlj n> reeeibeH rberi? man a p run. But U)t)f n tije first rainr , ttjri? su^poseti tljat tlirn sijottlU babe rrrnbrU more ; anti tijri? UUrluise rr= eeibeD eberg man a ytnv. %Mp bjljen tf)e IjaD re- eeibeD it, ttfri? nuirmuvrb against tijr gooO man of tljr ijottsr, samug, iTIirsr last babe lurougiit but one tioitr, antf tijou bast maUr tiicm equal unto us, iDijtri) babe borne tijr bttrUr n anD ijr at of tljr Dai;. But be ansbiereD one of tbem, anti saiU, ^rienB, jr no tbee no uirong ; KiBst not rbou agree toitb me for a peng ? 2Tafce tbat tbine is, anU go tb man ; JT null gibe unto tins last eben as unto tljrf. 31 & it not latoful for me to Do iwliat jr biill Until mine oton ? Jls tbine rnc ebil, brrausr JK am gooti v So UK last sball be first, ant) tljr first last ; for maun be rallrt). but feto ebosen. m f)e &unBa ealleB Sejragesima, or tfje seeontf ~ unDa before &ent 3U011D e t^e seeU of abraijam ? so am jr. are fl)ej> mini* sters of (Ktyrist ( JF speaft as a fool), jr anfmore : in labours more abundant; in stripes abobe mea* sure; in prisons more frequent; in Dratfm oft. Of tfje JTetos fibe times reeeibeU jr fort stripes sabe one ; tijnre toas jr beaten toirtj rods ; onee toas jr stonet) ; ti)riee 3T suffered sijtpujvrrU ; a nigtt and a Ba JT ijabe been in ti^e Ueep ; in four* nrinngs often; in perils of toaters; in perils of robbers ; in perils b mine oton eountrumen ; in perils bg t^e ijeatijen; in perils in tije eitg; in pe* rils in tfje toilDemess; in perils in t^e sea; in perils among false brethren; in toeariness antt painfulness ; in toatrij tugs often ; in ijttngrr anD thirst ; in fastings often ; in eoltf anU naftetiness ; besides fljose things tijat are toit^out, tijat ' comett upon me Dailg, tte care of all tte cturctes. 3.511)0 is tocafc, anD ;?/ am not toeafc '' tof) o 15 of = fenDeD, anD Jf burn not ? JFf Jf must neeDs glorg, :?/ brill Qlon; of ttjr things liitnri) r onrrvn mine infirmities. te 0oD anD .dFatter of our ILorD Sesus e tijat ijatfj ears to Ijear, let ijttn tear. 3nt ijts Uisetplcs asheti i) tin, saring, ilCUjat mt gijt tin's parable be ? 3nD ije saiO, 2Ento gou it ts giben to ftnoto t^e masteries of tfje ftingUom of 0o5 : but to others in parables ; tijat seeing tlinj migijt not see> anD ijearmg tfjcn inigljt not unBerstanb. ilolu tlir parable is tin's": Tl)e seeO is tlje ?ULtort( of <5ott. iTljosr bn tljr U)an=stB e are tljrw tijat tear ; tijen eo metli tlje Or= btl, ant) tabetlj alubai? tlje toortJ out of tljeir Ijeart 9, lest rljei? sljoulU belfebe, anD be satoeD. CTljrij on tte roeS are tfjeg, tutiel), totf" ttfS i*at reeeibe tte toorD tottt jog ; anD ttese tabe no root, toinrl) for a tattle beltetoe, anD in time of temptation fall tljat luljicij fell among tljorns, are tfieg, toljicl), toljen tfjeg f)abe IjearU, go fortf), anB aw cfjofeeB britfi cares, an& riches, anB pleasures of tijts life, anO bring no fruit to perfection. But tliat on tije gooft ground, are tijrw, briuci) in an ^onest anO gooB ijcart, ijabing ifcarti tijc toorti, tirep it, aniJ tiring fortij fruit toirt) patience. Dart ralleU (nttttnquagrsima* or ti)f nr.vt ^untiag before i,ent iTl)c $ rtir Collect. uiijo Ijast taugijt us tijat all our Doings toitfjout cijariti? are nothing toort^ ; Sentt tijg i^ob Ijost, anD pour into our fjearts tljat most excellent o,ift of djaritp, tfie berg oonti of peace anlj of all btrtues, toirljout bi^ic^ bjfjosoeber libeti) is counted BeaB before rliee: <&rant tfjtsfor t^ine onlg SonJTcsus Cfjrist's saftc. amen. 1 Cor. xiii. I. JT speaft bjtrt) tljc tongues of men anb of angels, anB Jjabe not cijanti), JT am become as sountiing brass, or a ttn&ling cgmiat &nti tijougt JT ^abc ti)e gift of propfjecg, anti unUerstanU all mgsteries, anU all UnobiletJgc ; ant) tljottgt) JF i)abe all fattij, so tliat fcouitj remobe mountains, ant) ijabc not e^aritg, am nothing. ^n5 tljoucjij JT bestobj all n> gooUs to feeU t^e poor, anD tfjougi) JT gibe mg 5ot(g to be burnett, anU ^abe not rfjaritg, tt profit* rti) me nothing. (Tbaritg sutfcrctlj long, anU is ftinD; c^aritg enbietj not; efjaritg bauntct^ not itself, is not puffeB up, Dotf) not beljabe itself un* seemlg, seefcefl) not |er own, is not easilg pro* 2 D bowel), ttjinfeetl) no ebil, re foieetlj not in iniquitg, but rejoiee tij in tlje trutl) ; bearert) all things, be* Itrbf 11) all tijtuQS, ijoprtij all tljtncjs, entutvc tlj all tljings. (Kljarttg neber failetb : but toljefljff rtjere be propljeeies, tljeg sljall fail; toljertjer tfjcre be tongues, rtjep sljall eease ; toljetljer tljere be fenoto= letjge, it si) all bamsst) a toaij. JFor toe Uno U.i in part, anU toe propijesij in part* But U)i>rn tfjat lulitri) is perfeet is ronir, tiirn tijat lutjiri) is in part sljall be Bone atoag. Kli)fn Jf toa a eijilD, JT spafee as a elnUj, unBerstooU as a etylU, S tijougijt as a eijtlfc ; but lufjen S beeante a man, Jf put atoa ditltiisi) things, jf or nob) toe see tf)rougi> a glass UarlUi>; but tijen faee to faee: noto S unoto in part ; but ii;rn si;all S iutoto ebeit as also .9 am Unoton. ^nti ncto abiUet^ faitij, i)0pe, rtjarit^, tljese rfcree; but ttje greatest of ti)ese is eljaritg. 2Tl)e 00SpeI St. Luke xviii. 31. JTesus tooli unto Ijtm rtje ttoelbe, ant) saiO unto tijem, 13eijolti t toe go up to .vir= / rusalrm, ant) all things tijat are toritten br> tije prophets eoneerning ti)e Son of iilau si) all be aeeompltsijetJ. .-ff or ijr sljall be DeltbereU unto tijt entiles, ant) sljall be mortirt), ant) spitefully r ntr r atet), ant) spt'tt eD on : ant) ttjen sljall seourge Ijtm, ant) put Ijtm to Cr all) ; ant) ilk t ijtrt) Bai? Ijc sljall rise again. ?utJ Hjrij unDerstoot) none of tljese tljtngs : ant) ti)is saving toas IjiD from tljejn, neitljer feneto rl)eg rlje things toljielj toere spoften. ^nD it eame to pass, tljat as ije toas eome ntglj unto Seriefjo, a eertain blint) man sat bg tlje toa= siDe begging : anU ij earing tljr multitude pass blj, be asBet> toljat it meant &nt) tljeij toiu Ijtm, tlj.it Sesus of ila>areiij passetlj bn. 31 nt) fje erieO, saving, Jfesus, tljou Son of SatoiD, ija^f merep on me. &nt tyeg fetyicl) toent before rebufeet tijat tjc siioulU ijoit) ijts peace : tntt ije crict 00 mueij tyc more, 2Tljou Son of H)abit, tyafee mercg on me. 3nt Jfcsus stootj, ant eommantet ijtm to be brougijt unto in'm : ant tuijen lie toas eome near, lie assUet In'm, eantng, aaHiat Unit tf)ou tijat JT si) o tilt to unto tijee y HnU ije satt , Hort , tiiat ;?/ mag reeetbe mi_> stgljt. r porei) anO tljr altar ; anD let tijem sap, Spare ti) people, ILorU, antf gibe not t^ine Heritage to reproaef), t^at tfje ijeatfjen sfjoultt rule on rv 1 1) r m : ml) r rrfovr sijoulD tijen sa n among tije people, ilWijere is ti^etr SoO ? St. Matth. vi. 16. ijr fast, be not as tije iji?po= erites, of a saD eountenanee: forlfjeg Disfigure t^eir faees, tfjat t^ep map appear unto men to fast Ferilp jr sap unto POU, 2Ti)f !)abe ttjeir retoarD. Buf fljou,li)en tfjou fastest, anoint tijine ijeaD, anD loasi) ti)i? faee, tiiat ti)ott appear not unto men to fast, but unto tiuj JFatijer Ujijieij is in seeret; anD tijpJFat^er, toijtrO seetf) in seeret, sijall retoarD tijee openlp. i.ap not up for gourselbes treasures upon eartfj, iuijere mot^ anD rust Dotf) eorrupt, anD toi)ere tijiebes b reaU tiirougi) anD steal : but lap up for pourselbes treasures in fjeatoen, tobere neither mot!) nor rust Dotii eorrupt, anD totiere tiueUes Do not breau t^rougf) nor steal: for tobere ^our treasure is, tijere toill ijour iieart be also. fie first SunDay m 2Lent. 3uo U D , toij o for our safer p tDst fast forty Dans anD forty nigijts ; O tor us grarr to use surf) absttnrnrr, tijat. our first) bring subpttrD to ffte Spirit, toe may eber obey % goDly motions in righteousness, anD trur tfoltnrss, to tijy ijonour anD glory, toijo librst anD rrignrst toftf) tijr jFatijrr anD fjjr ^olu <5^ost, one oD, toorlD hjttljout rnD. Hiurn. 2 Cor. vi. 1. fljw, as toorftrrs together in'm, brsrcri) you also, rljat ye re* rrt'Ur not tljr g'rarr of SoD in bain ; (for ^e sair$, JF ^abe ijearD tfiee in a time arrrptrD, anD in tijr Day of saltation tjaUr ;?/ surrourrD ttjrr: brljolD, nob) is tijr arrrptrp time; brljolD, noUi is tijr Dap of saltoatton;) gibing no offrnrr in any rljing, tijat t^e ministry be not SlameD ; but in all "firings approbing ourselbes as tijr ministers of c^oti, in muri) patirnrr, in afflirttons, in nrrrs= sitirs, in Distresses, in stripes, in imprisonments, in tumults, in labours, in ujatrijings, in fastings ; b pureness, by fenobjlrDgr, by long=suffering, by ntnDncss, by tije l^oly 5ost, by lobe unfeignrD", by tijr luorD of trutij, by tijr pobfer of ^oD, by tijr armour of righteousness on tijr rigijt ijanD'anD on tlje left, by ijonour anD Dishonour, by rbil rr- port anD goo'D report ; as Deeeibers, anD'yet true ; as unUnoiim, anD yet lurll fen ob)n ; as D ying, anD brijolD , U)f libe ; as djastrneD, anD not fetlleD ; as sorrobjful, yet altuay rejoieing ; as poor, yet maft* ing many rtrij ; as ijabing nothing, anD yet pos^ sessing all tilings. 2 E STijC OSpel. St. Matth. iv. 1. $L toas JFesus let up of tije Spirit into lijc toiltemess, to be temptet of ttjr tebil. 3nti ujljf n ije tjat fastet forty tags ant _ nigijts, iir tuas aftcrtoart amijungrct . 3nt toijen tije tempter came to ijim, ije sait, Jff tijou be ti)r Son of ot, eommant tijat tijese stones be mate breat. but ijc austoerct ant sait, Jit is Umttrn, iilan si) all not litoe by breat alone, but tin eberg Ujort tijat proeeetetif out of tijr mouti) of Sot. (Tijen ti)r tebil taiirti) ijtm up into tijr ijole city, ant setteti) i)im on a pinnacle of tije temple, ant saiti) unto ijim, jrf tj[)ou be tije Son of 0ot, east tinjsclf toton ; for it is Uiritten, ?i>r sijall gtbr i)is angels riiavgr concerning tijrr, ant in tijeir bants tijew sijall bear tijce up, lest at any time tijou tasb tij foot against a stone. JTesus sait unto ijim, M is toritten again, rijou sijalt not tempt tije ILort tijn <&ot. Hgatn, tije teUt'l taiirtii inm up into an cxceeting iugi) mountain, ant siirlurti) ijim all tije iu'ngt oms of tije Uiorlt , ant tije glory of tijem ; ant saitij unto ijim, 311 tijese tijings^toill JT gibe tijce, if t^ou toilt fall to urn ant luorsijip me. iTijen saitij JTcsus unto ijim, 0et tijec ijcnce, Satan; for it is toritten, rtjou sijalt tuorsijip tije Hort ti)i> 0ot, ant tjim only sijalt tijou serbc. ijcn tije tebil leabetb i)iw> ant beijolt, angels came ant ministeret unto ijtm. iTijr secont Suntag in Hent. ffijc Collect. ^?i> ri> Sot, toijo seest tijat tar ijabe no potoer of ourselbes to ijclp ourselbes ; Heep us botij outtoartly in our bottes, anD mUmrDlij in our souls ; tijat tor man tc Sr = frutJrti from all aDbersities toijirij map ijappen to tije boDn, anD from all ebil tijougijts'toijieij man assault'anD ijurt tije soul; tijrougjj JTesus Christ &men* . 1 Thess. iv. 1. beseeeij ijott, bretijren, anD r.vfjort gou b t|e &orD Sesus, tijat as ge ijabr recetbeO of us ijolu nr ougljt to anD to plrasr i^oO, so i>c UjotflD aijcuuU more anO more, jfor nr UnoU) \yijat eommanti- ments iue gatje ou bg tfje Hortr Jfesus. 4Tor t^ts is ti)f U)tH of 0'oti, e6en ijour sanetifteatton, tijat ijr siioultf abstain from fomieation ; tijat efoern one of sou sijoulli iutoli) ijoU) to possess ijt's bes* sel in sanetifieation anD ijonottr ; not in tije lust of eoneupiseenee, eben as t^e entiles to^ie^ ftnoto not Soft ; tijat no man go iienonD anD DefrauD ijt's irot^er in ang matter ; beeause tijat tije 3LorD is tije acenger of all sueiji, as toe also ijabe fore* toarneD gou, anD testifteD. jFor <5oD ^at^ not ealleD us unto uneleanness, but unto ijoliness. ?l?f therefore tijat Despisetij Despisetij not man, but oD, U)i)o ijatij also gtUrn unto us ijis |i>oli> Spirit 2T^e OBjpel. St. Matth. xv. 21. ^2IS toent tijenee, anD DeparteD into tije eoasts of (Tjjre anD SiDon. HnO beijolD, a tuoman of Canaan eame out of tije same eoasts, anD erieD unto ijim, saving, i^abe mereg on me, HorD, tijou Son of SalriD ; m Daugijter is grieuousln Ur.rrtJ bitij a Debit But ije an* stoereD ijer not a bjorD. &nD ijis Disetples eame anD besougijt ^im, saving, SenD ijer atoau ; for slje crietf) after us. But ty anstoereD anD satin, JF am not sent, but unto flje lost styeep of tl)e fjouse of JTsracl. l)en came stye anD toorslnjipeD inm, sawng, 3LorD, I)flp me. But i)c anstocrcD anD sat'D, .ft t$ not meet to taUr tijc rtjilDrcn's breaD, anD to east tt to UOQS. SlnB ssije satD, rutf), HorU ; get tlje Dogs eat of tf)e crumbs toinri) fall from tl)eir master's table. OTfjen STesus an? sUjcrcU ant) satU unto Jjcr, O too man, great is tljn fatil) : lir it unto tiirr eben as tijou torn. .Unti lirr Daughter toas maUe toijole from tfjat berg i)our. 2T^e arfjfeB SunUag in 2T<)e Collect. _ beseec!) rl)ee, ^Imtgtti? <&o&, loofe ujjontlje l)eart Desires of tlj ljumble servants, anD'stretri) forti) ttje rtgf)t fjanD of ti)i> itt a)cstP t to be our Defence against all our enemies; tijroug^ JTesus (Kl)rist our ILorD. Ephes. v. 1. therefore follotoers of 0oD, as Dear rfnlDren; anD toalft in lobe, as ebub, tije einef of tije Bebils. 3lnB otijrrs, tempting i)tm, sought of ijtm a sign from ijeaben. But ije, iutobiing tijrtv fijougi)ts, saiB unto tijem, beri> feingBom BibtBeB against itself is brought to Besolation; anB a ijouse BibiBeB against a ijouse falleti). JTf Satan also be BibtBeB against ijimself, ijob) sijall ijis ftingBom stanB ? beeause e sa, tijat JJ east out Bebtls tijrougi) Beelzebub. ^InBlf 0b Beelzebub east out Bebils, bi? luijom Bo ijottr sotts east tijem out ? therefore s^all tijeg be pour juBges. But if JT biiti) tije finger of <3>oB east out Bebils, no Boubt tije feingB om of 0oB is eome upon ijott. 2F a strongman armcD twpcti) bis palace, bis gootm are in peace ; but tobcn a stronger tijan be sball come upon bun, ant oU rvr omr bun, be tafc ctb from ijf m all bis armour tobcvcm be trust e&, ant) Dibits rtb ins spoils. ?i?e tfiat is not toitti me is against me: anD fie tbat gatberetb not toitb me scatteretb. tLClbcn ti)r unelean spirit is gone out of a man, IK toalhrtl) tijroucji) On; plaees, seeding rest ; anft ftnDing none, l)r saitii, JT lutll return unto inn i)ouse, Irilir nrr JT eame out .tints Iniir n ijr r omrtli', Je finUetf) it stoept anU gantis^eD. f)en goetb lir anD tatirti) to 1nm seben otijr r spirits more luirt;rD tiian in'mself, ant) tljr P enter in, ant) tilurU tJjrrr; ant) tijr last state of tiiat man is toorse titan tlir first Hnt) it eame to pass as tie spafte tijesr things, a certain tooman of tijc company lift up Ijrr liotrr, ant) saitJ unto ijtin, BlesscD is tljr bomb tiiat bare tijrr, anD t1)r paps iutjicij ti)ou bast sucfteB. But ijr satD, Pea ratijcr, blesseti are ti)cn tljat bear tbc luorti of oD, ant &eep it 2T^e fourrl) jfctmBag in Hent STfje CoUeet. , toe beseecb tbee, rljat toe, tobo for our ebil Ueets to toor ti) t li> tieserbe to be punisbeft, bn tb c rom fort of tb grace map mercifullp be" reliebeD, tbrougb our HorU anD Sauiour JTesus Cbrist be Epistle. Gal. iv. 21. me, ge tiiat Desire to be unUer tbe lato, Uo ge not bear tbe lato ? ,dFor it is toritten, tbat abrabam baD ttoo sons, tbe one bg a bonD^maiU, tbe ofter b a free^tooman. But i>e tofjo toas of tfje bonB*tooman toas bom after tfje flesf) ; but tye of tf)e free-tooman toas bg promise. JHJEijief) rljings are an allegorg: for tfjese are tiir ttoo cobenants; tiir one from tiir mount Sinai, teinri) gcnBcrcti) to bonBage, toiitrii is Egar, jFortfjis &gar is mount Sinai in Arabia, anB anstoeret^ to Jerusalem toijtci) noto is, anB is in bondage Until ijrv riulornu But Jferusalem luinri) is at) our is free ; ujiu rij is tijr mother of us all. JFor it is toritten, Rejoice, tfjou barren tijat bearest not ; breafe forti) anU erg, tijou t^at tra* bailest not: for tiir Desolate iiatii mang more riitlDvru tijan sl)e ujiitrij iiatij an iuisbanO. ilouj toe, brethren, as Ssaae toas, are tfie eijilHren of promise. But as tiiru, iir tijat toas born after tiir flesb persecute!* bint tbat toas born after tije Spirit; eben so it is noto. j^ebertbeless, Ujijat sattJj tiir Scripture ? Cast out tiir b onO -tooman anO iirr son ; for tiir son of tiir bonfctooman siiall not be Ijeir toitl) tf)e son of t|e free^tooman. So ttjen, brethren, toe are not cijil&ren of tfje bonU* tooman, but of tiir free. 8$e Gospel St. John vi. l. [<&S21tS toent ober tiir sea of Galilee, toinri) is t^e sea of Tiberias, ^nti a great mul- tituBe follotoeO ^im, because t^eg sato ^is miracles to^ie^ ^e BiB on tljem t^at toere Diseased. ^lutJ JTesus toent up into a mountain, antt tijrrr be sat uitti) bis Disciples, ^luti tijr passober, a feast of tfje JTetos, toas ntgt. rafjen gresus t^en lift up ins. eges, anB sato a great company come unto ijun, iir saiti) unto ^inltp, JClijrnrr sijall toe bug breaB tt)at tfjese mag eat ? (^nB tljis be saitf to probe bim; for fie himself ftneto toiiatbc tooulB Bo.) ^fjilip anstoereB ^im, &too ^unBreB penng* of brcaB is not sufficient for tijcm, tijat cb crn one of tijrm man tafoc a little. (Due of ins Bisciples, an&reto, Simon Jeter's brother, saitij unto ijtm, iTijcre is a laB ijcrc, tuijtdj tjatij fttir barlcij loabes anD tmo small ftaijes : liut toijat are tijrn among 00 mamj? ^luti ;?/r5tts GaiO, iHaUr tijr "mrn sit Doton, lloU) ttjrrr toad mud) grass fn tijr placr. x-o tijf men sat tiolun in number about fibe tfjousantf. anU JTesus tooft t^e loabes, anU toijen ije IjaD giben tijanfts, ije Distribute^ to tiir Diseivlcs, anO tijr Bisc iples to tljem tijat Uiere set Ooton ; ant) i tfceUJise of tije fisijes as mud) as tljrn U)oulO. 15 1 ijen tijrn lucre ft'UeD, ije saiD unto ^ts'Diseiples, 0at^er up tfje fragments t^at re main, ttyat nothing be lost S:i)erefore tijeu ga* ti)ereU t^em together, anB ftlleU ttoelbe baskets bjitij tije fragments of tbe ftlir barleij=loabes, tuindj remained ober ant) abobe unto tijem tijat ijab eaten. (Ti)en tfjose men, biijen tijen ijab seen tije miracle tijat .?esus BiU, saiD, ^is'is of a trutf) t^at pro* pijrt tijat sijouID come into tijr UjorlD. beseee^ tiiee, aimigijti? <5o&, mer* etfttllij to lo oU upon rljn people ; tijat bi; ti)B great gooDness tijei? man be gobemeti anU preserbeD ebermore, botif in boB anti soul; tijrougi) JTesus Christ our Horlf. Heb. ix. 11. being come an 3i>igij Driest of gooD tijings to come, bn a greater antf more erfect tabernaeler not maBe toiti) ijants ; tijat is to sa, not of tbis built ing- ; neitfjer IIP tfje bloot of goats ant rallies : but Iw bis oton bfoot b* enteret in once into tbe ijolg place, ijab* ing obtainet eternal retemption for us. jFor if tiir bloot of bulls ant of goats, ant tijr asfyes of an b cif cr sprinkling ti>e unclean, sanctifteti) to ti) r purifging of tijc flesf) ; fjoto mucfc more sjall tfje bloot of Christ, toijo, tijroug^ tfie eternal Spirit, offeret ijt'mself toitfjout spot to Sot, purge i?ouv eonseienee from teat toorlts to serbe t^e libing Sot ? &nt for tt)is eattse Ije is t^e f^etiator of tije neto testament, tiiat b means of teatf), for t^e retemption of tijr transgressions tijat toere unter t^e first testameitt, tljeg tof)icf) are eallet migf)t reeeibe tfje promise of eternal inijeritanee* St. John viii. 46. 0&sa& sait, ffiJI^ie^ of sou contoincetfi me of sin ? ant if Jf sag ti)e trutij, toiji) to ge not beliebe me? ?l?c tbat is of Sot bear= etf) Sot's toorts; ge therefore ijear tijem not, because ge are not of Sot. ^Tljen anstoeret tbe Jf etos, ant sait unto fjim, Sag toe not toell, tbat t^ou art a Samaritan, ant ijast a tebil ? Sesus anstoeret, jr babe not a tebil ; but JT honour m jFatijer, ant ge to tisbonour me. &nt JF seefe not mine oton glorg ; ttjcrc is one tijat seeftetti ant jutgetb. Ferilg, berilg, JF sag unto gou, Jff a man fteep m saging, ty sljall neber see teatfj. , tbat be is pour <&ot : get ge ijatoe wot fenoton i)tm ; tut $ fenoto btm : antlf Jf sboult sag, jr fenoto bim not, jr sball be a liar lifce unto you ; but fenoto i)tm, anU feeep ijts sainng. $>oufr father ^iraijam rejoteeti to see inn Hap, anU i)r sato it, anU toas gl.itJ. iTiir n saiU tlje Jfetos unto i)im, ^ijou art not get ffftg gears olU, anK ijast tijou seen aijra^am? Sesus saiU unto tijent, Ferilg, berilg, JF sag unto gou, before ^braijam toas, 3f am. 2T^ett toofe tijeg up stones to east at turn : but Jfesus inn himself, anU toettt out of tfie temple. S^e Sunftag next before (faster. ff^e Colteet. K eberlasttng Sotr, of tfjg tenter lobe totoarUs manftinU, bast settt B)g Son, our Sabiour STesus Ti)fist, talte upon bint our flesb> anO to suffer tieatfj upon tije eross, tijat all manfeinti sboulD folloto tbe example of bis great bumilitg; iWereifull grant, tljat toe maw botb folloto tbe example of bis patienee, anD also be maDe partafters of bis re* surreetion ; tbrottgb tbe same JTesus Cbrist our 2T^e e.ralte& ijim, anU giben ijim a jlame toijietj is abo'be ebcn? name; tijat at tijeilame of JFesus ebern Unee sijoul6 bob), of things in ijeaben, anB things" in tarti), anU tijings unfler tt)e earti) ; anU tijat eber tongue spotlit! ronfcsis tijat Jf esus (Tfjnst is 5LorO, to tijc glorg of oQ tijeJFatfjer. . St. Matth. xxvii. 1. \$L % morning teas tonte, an tfje djirf priests anU elUers of tfje people tooti eounsel against JTesus, to put i)im to Oeatf). ^uti toljru rtjen ijaD fcounU ijtm, leK ^im aiua, anU Uelibereti ^im to ^ontius Dilate ttie gobemour, 2Tijen JTuUas tofco i)aU ie* tra tjeti Ijtm, Ujijrn tjr sab) t Jjat t)r bas eonUemneD, repenteO ijimself, ant) tirottgijt again tije tijirtn pieees of silber to t^e efiief priests an5 elders', sawing, JT Jjabe sinneD, in t^at Jf ijabe betraeD Hje innoeent blooD. anB tijn> saiD, strangers in* ^iljerefore tfjat eIB iuas ealleD, STije fieW of fclooU, unto tfjis a. (fj*n toas fuiullelJ tljat iuljiei) toas spoiien J^erem t^e prophet, sag* ing, HnU tije tooft rife ftirt pieees of silber, t$e priee of ijim Ifjat iuas balueb, toijom tijew of ti)e ef)iIDren of J^srael DiO balue, antJ gabe tijem for tije potter's ftelD, as tf)e HorB appointed me.) jiFesus stooB before ti)c gob ernour ; a no" UK go= bernour asiteti ijtin, saving, 3vt ttjott tijr iting of ti)e ? etos ? 3ntt Jfesus sai& tmto tijem, erijou sawest &n& toljen ije toas aeeuseB of tije eijief prfests anti elDers, ijc anstoeretf notiring. {Tijen saiti) |J tlatr unto ijnn, ?i> rarr&t ttjou not ijoto rnani? tijings lijr i> tuitnr 5?5 against tijrc ? HnD lie an* 0U)f rrO i)tm to nrtm* a IDOVD, tnsomurl) tijat tiir goUmtour ntarbdleD gteatlg. iioto at t^at feast Hir golir rnouv toass to ont to release unto tijr people a pnsoitf r, toljom tljen tooulD. ^InU tijcn ijaU UK n a notable prisoner, ealleO Baraiiiias. Oeref ore to lien tijen tor IT gat IK reft together, Dilate saiK unto tijent, 2.5Ii)om totll re tijat .?/ release unto gou ? Barabfcas, or JFesus toijtel) fs ealletJ e IjaB scourgea Jfcsus fje BelibereB inm to be crucifteB. 2Tf)en tije solBiers of tfie gobernourtoofe [ jtontfl into tfje common fjall, anB gatfjereB unto ijim tfje tofjole banB of solBiers. &nB fljeu strippeB ijim, anti put on i)im a scarlet robe, inU toftcn rljc ^aD plattcB a croton of tfjoms tijcw put it upon J)ts ijeaB, anU a rcclf in i)is rig^t fjaitU : an0 ti)eg iotocU t^c ftncc before ijim, anO mocfteK ^im t saging, 39ail, Bing of rtjc 0etos, n& t^e spit upon ^im, anU tooft t^c rcetr, anO smote Jjirn on t^e fjeaK. &nB after t^at t|es ijatf mocftetr $im t^eg tooft t^e robe off from i)im, anU put $is otun raiment on inm, anU Irti ijtm atoaij to cntcifn in'm. ^nO as fljeg came out t^e founU a man of (!Srene, Simon b name; ijim ti)c compelleU to bear f)is cross. HnU luijrn tf)eg hTere come unto a place calleU iT>olgotl)a, tijat is to sap, a place of a scull, ti) rij gabe i) im binegar to Orinii minglcD Vutti) gall : anti to^en ^e JjaU tasteti thereof, ^e bjoullf not Brinft. aintr tte crucifieU l)im, anU partcD ^is garments, casting lots : tijat it migfjt be fulfilleU, luijtd) bias spolicn On liir prophet, iTijrij partcti mn garments among ti)cm t anQ upon mi/bcstttrc U tB tljri? cast lots. 3ntJ sitting Bobin tijciTujatcijcB ^im t^ere; anB set up ober Ijis ijeatf Ijis accu* sation Written, THIS IS JESUS THE KING OF THE JEWS. &l)tn bjcre t^ere tio rl)iebes crucifieB b)tt^ ^im ; one on tfje rigfjt ^anB, anB anotijer on rlie left. ^nB tfjeg t^at passeB b re= bilcB ijtm, bragging tijcir ijcalfs, antt saijing, iTijou t^at Bestrogest ti)e temple, anB buflBesf it tn ti)ree | Hans, sab r'rtjij self: if tijott be tijr &on of 0oU, come Boton from tfje cross. Hi&ctoise also tije rljtrf priests moctung ijtrn, bjitij tije scribes ana elUcrs, saiD, J$t sabcD others, Jimself ije cannot T sal) r : tf ij r tie tije iting of .?/ svael, let ijtm romr tiolun from tije eross, and toe bull beliebe tj tin. 3i> e trusted in (Sod ; let ijtm drl tber i) tin noto, if fje bnil ijabe ijim : for ije said, JT am tfje Son of 0od. "ije tijiebes also, toijieij toere eruciffed toitfj ijtm, east tijr game in ijis tretii. iloto from tije sutlj ijoitr tiirre bad Uarlutrss ober all tije lanU unto tije ntnti) tjottr. HnO atiout tijr nt'ntlj ijour JFeftus erietf toit^ a louU boiee, atng;, <5li, <5lt, lama Babaeijrljam? tljat is to a, | <5oD, m <5oB, tp^g fjast tljou forsaften me ? Some of tfjem tijat stoob tijere, Uifjen tijen i) earD tijat, sat'D, *Ti) 1 5 man ealleti) for Olt'as. ifnD stratgljtUiai? one of tljrm ran, anti toofe a sponge, anD nllrti' it Uiiti) btnegar, anD put it on a reen, anO gabe l)im to Ormtt. 2Ti)e rest satU, 2.et tie, let us see tofjetfjer (?ltas U)tU come to sabe ijun. JFesus, toijen lie IjaU rrteD again UJtrij a lout) botrr, meltcU up ttir Qijost. !lnp tieljolfl, tijr bail of tifr temple bias rent in ttuatn from tije top to tije bottom, and tije eartfj DiD quafee, and t^e roefts rent, anU tije grabes Uierr opened, and matuj bodies of saints bjijt'rij slept arose, and eame out of tije grabes after ijis resurreetion, and luent into tije ijoln ntn, and ap- peared unto man. ^Loto to^en tfje eenturion, and tfjeg tijat toere toitfj ijim, taateijing JFesus, sabj tfje eartijrjuafte, and tijose tijings tijat toere done, tfjeg feared greatln, saving, CTrulij tijts bias tije Son of od. * l^ondag before (faster. Jfor tije Gptfttl*. Isai. Ixiii. 1. is tijts tijat eontetij from (?dom, itlj d^ed garments from Bo>raij ? tfjts tijat is glorious in ijis apparel, travelling in tfje greatness of Ins strength ? jr tijat speaft in righteousness, mighty to saUe. fury it ttpiielD me* .ituti JT bill treat Coluu tije people in mine anger, ant mane tijem trunli in my fury, ant & toill iring toton t^eir streitgt^ to tije earti). jr bjtU mention tfje lotjing^intnesses of tije Hort, ant tije praises of tije lLort, aeeorting to ail tijat tije ilort ijatij iiestoUjrt on us, ant tije great gooti= ness totoarts tije ijouse of JFsrael, toijiei) ^e ijat^ bestoiuet on tijem, aeeorting to ijis mereies, ant aeeorting to tije muititute of ijis loDing^iunt- nesses. jFor ije sait, Surely t^ey are my people, eijiltren tijat bill not lie : so ije bas tijeir Sabiour. SFn all t^eir aflSietion ^e bas afltietet, ant tije angel of ijis presenee sabet tijem: in ijis lobe, ant in ijis pity, ije reteemet tijem, ant ije bare tijem, ant earriet tijem all tije tays of olt. But tijey reiieilet, ant bexet ^is i^oly Spirit ; tijere* fore ^e toas tuniet to be tijeir enemy, ant ije fougijt against tijem. 2Tijen ije rememberet t^e tays of olt, i&oses ant ijis people, saying, tuao tbis toasstr of tbe ointmrnt mate? for it migbt toe been solD for more tliau tbree buntret penee, ant babe been gtben to tbe poor : ant tijep murmuret against ber. &nt JTesus sait, 3Let ber alone; tob trouble m ber? sbe Jjatb torougbt a goot toorft on me: for !>r t)abe tijc poor lutti) nott alUiaijs, and lui}rnso= etoer e toill ge ma Uo tfjem gooD ; but me ge fjabe not alU)an0. $ijr Ijatij tour toljat jsijr eoulb ; slir is eome af orrliant to anoint mi? boBn to tljr bun;= ing. Fertlp JT sai> unto ou, Si)^soeber t^ts ospel sfjall be preaeijeO rljrougbottt tf)e toijole UjorlO, tiji'B also tijat slje ijatij Uone sijall be spoitrn of for a memorial of l)fr 3twU JTuOas JTseariot, one of tiic ttudUr, toent unto tbe riitrf priests to betrai? l)tm unto tijem. 3UiD toijrn tijrn iiearti it tijeg tbere glaD, anU promtseK to gibe i)im moneg. Hub ijr sought bob) Ijr mtglit ronUrnt rutln betrai? b our, JTd it Jf ? anO another daiti^ Jte it JT ? &nti i)e andtoereB anD daitf unto tijiem, St id one of ti)e ttoelbe ti)at Btppert) toitl) me in tlje Bidl). 2T^e Son of fttan tntirft) gortl), as it is toritten of inm: but too to ti)at man lj luiiom rtjr Son of iit an id betvaijeU : gooO toerelt for tijat man if Ijr ijatJ neber Been Corn. HnD ad tijeij OiO eat, .^estts tool* breaU, anp blrssrD, ant) brafte it, anD gab r to tijem, anU satD, JTaUe, eat : tijis id nuj both). 3nD ije tooU tfje euj>, anD tofjen ije ^aU gtben t^anfts ije gabe it to tfjem: anD ti)e all Uranft of it anU ije jsaiB unto ti)em, 2"i)is id m blooD of ti)e neto tedtament, tofu'rf) id d^eU for mang. Ferilg da unto ou, .?! bjtll trinli no more of tfje frutt of tlje bine, until ttiat Hap tijat IF Ortntt it neto in tlje itingtiom of tT>oti. ^nti luijen tfjeij ijaU dung an Ijnmn tijei? bjrnt out into tijr mount of cOlt'bed. Hut) JTedUd sattij unto tijem, ^lll re dfjall be ofFrntirtJ beeaude of me ti)id nigijt : for it id torttten, jr bjill dmtte tlje d^epljerD, anU t^e dJjeep di)all be deattereB. But, after tijat 5 am riden, JT toai go before ott into Galilee. But peter daiU unto i)tm, aitfjougi) all d^all be offenBeB, et bjill not .fL 3lnD jTedttd daitl) unto ijtm, FerilB 3 da unto tfjee, 2Tbat tlpid Dap, eben in tins nigfjf, before tijr ro rli rrob) tuiir r, t^o'u dljalt 5en me tfjrtee. But ije dpafce t^e more beijementlg, 0f JF dboulB tiie toify ti)ee, toill not Ucni> tljrr in ann Uiise. liiUebJtde also daiO tljen all. HuD tijri? eame to a place toljtri) toad nameO etijdemane: anD ^e daiti) to f)id Dideipled, Sit i?e ijere, toijile Jf d^all prai>. nB l)e taftetl) toitf) Ijtm petrr, antJ Jfamed, anb .? oljn. antt began to be dore ama>eD, anU to be berg beabn, ant) saitlj unto tfjem, |H doul id eweeUing dorrotoful unto deati) ; tarrg ge Ijere, and toatefj. and Ije toent fortoard a 'little, ant) fell on tiie ground, and praged, tfjat, if it toerr possible, ti)e tjour mtgin pass from Ijim. and tje said, abba, .-|Fati)ev, all tilings arc possible unto tfjre ; taue atoai? tins eup from me ; neberttjeless, not toijat jr toilCiut toijat tijou Ujilt. ^ntl iir ccmr tij ant) ftnDrti) tijrm slrrp= ing, antJ sattij unto ^Jrtrr, $imon, slrrprst ti)ou? (oultJest not fl)ou toatcf) om ijour? 8iat^ g* anU praij, lest ijr enter into temptation : tijr spirit tntlij is rratJij, liut tiir firsi) is Uiralu BnD again lir ujrnt atuan, anU praijrD, anD spaUr rljr same UjorUs. 3ntf luijcn fjr 'vrtuvnrtJ ijr found tljrm asleep again, (for ttyeir ees toere fjeaViD,) neither toist tiirij toijat to answer turn. 3nU IK eometf) tir tiiirU time, and satti) unto tijem, &leep on noli), ant) talir ijottr rest : it is enou gi), tijr ijottr is eome ; fcefjolB, tfje Son of f8an is ietraDeB into t^e Ijantis of sinners* 5aise up, let us go ; lo, $e t^at ie= tragetf) me is at JmnU. ^InU immetiiatelg, toijile ^e get spaiie, eometi) JTuBas, one of lijc ttor lUr , and foitf) J)im a great multitude toitf) stuords and stabes, from tf)e efiief priests, and tfje seribes, and tfje elders, &nd ty rljat ietraged J)im fjad gtben rtjem a toften, saging, 2fjiomsoeber s^all fiiss, tfjat same is fy ; take ijim, and lead Jim atoan safrlij. and as soon as ije ujas eome iir Qorti) stratginujaij to i)tm, and satti), fttaster, master; and ftissed ^int ^Ind rl)ej) laid tfjeir ^attds on ^im, and toofe Inm, and one of t^em tijat stood bg drebj a stoord, and smote a serbant of tijr fjigt) priest, and eut off ins ear, and Jfesus ansbiered, and said unto tfjem, are ge eome out as against a tijirf, toitij sluords and Uiitij stabes, to tafte me ? bias dailg toitfj gou in tije temple teaefnng, and ge toofe meltot : but flje Seriptures must l)f f ttl ft llr ft. 3nD tiin> all f orsoou Ijt'm, ant flrti. ant) tijrrr follotort "ijim a certain ijoung man, ijalung a linrn riotij cast about ijts nalict to Dn ; anU tijr noting men latt ijolt on imn : ant ijr left tijr Itnrn cloti), ant filet from tijrm naUrt. 3nt tijrij let Jl cstts atoaij to tijr ijtgii priest : ant linti) ijtm mere assembiet all tlir rijtrf prirsts, ant tije rltrre, ant tijr ^rntire. .nnt $eter fol= lotoet f)tm afar off, eben into rlje palaee of tije iit'gij priest; ant lie sat uiitij tijr servants, ant toarmet Ijimself at tije fire, ^nt % eijief priests ant all tijr council sougijt for Witness against JTesus to put ijim to teaftj ; ant fount none. jFor maiuj bare false koitness against ijtm, but tijeir Witness agreet not togetijer. UnD tijere arose certain, ant bare false tbitness against ijun, san- ing, 2.5U ijcart ijim sap, .?/ bill trstron tijts temple tijat is mate mtttj ijants, ant ujttijin tijrce tas JF toill buttt anotijer mate toitijout ijants. But ncitijer so tit tijeir toitness agree togetijer. nut tijr ijigij priest stoot up in tije mitst, ant aslirt cstts, saving, ^nstoerrst tijou notijing y Hiijat is it tnijicij tfjr&r Witness against tijrr ''. Uttt ije ijelt iits peace, ant anstoeret notijing. again tijr ijtQij priest asfect ijtni, ant sait unto ijim, art t^ou tije Christ, tije Son of tije Blesset ? ^nt .?/ csus sait, ;?i am ; ant nr sijall see tije Son of iilan sitting on tije rigijt ijant of poiucr, ant coming in tije clouts of ijeabrn. CTiicn tijr ijigij priest rent ijis clotijes, ant sattij, Wlijat neet me a ni? furtijer toitnesses ? PC ijabe ijrar t tije bias- pijfmp: luijat tijtnh PC? ant tijcp all contemnet iitin to be guiltp of teatij. ant" some began to spit on ijim, ant to cotoer ijis face, ant tolbuffet ijim, ant to sap unto ijun. ^Jropijcsp: ant tije servants tit strine ijim ujuij tijr palms of tijeir ijan&s. 3nS as iJrtrv tows beneatt) in tijr palarr I] ti&ere e ometf) one of flje maiDs of ttye lucjl) priest "^ ant) toljen sf)r sati) iJrtrv Unarming t) tins elf looftrti upon ijim, anti satB, 3nD tfjou also toitf) Jfesus of |ia?areti). But be UettteU, s jr fenoto not, nettijef utttJcrstanU ST toiiat sanest. 3nO ijc lurnt out into tijc port)) ; ant) ttjr c ocU rvrU). Slni) a maitf sato ijim agatn ; anfi lir= gan to sai? to tijcm tijat stooti bi>, (P HortJ 0oti ijati) openetf mine ear, antr .?/ toas not rebellious, neither tumeD aluan bacli. gabe mi) baeft to tijr smttcrs, anfi mj? d;eefts to tfjem tfjat plueftetf off t^e bair: $ jjtD not mg faee from s^ame antt spitting. jFor tljr iLorti <&o~B U)tll fjclp me, therefore sfyall JF not be eonfountiefl : therefore fjabe JT set m faee lifte a flint, anB Jf ftnotu t|jat JF stall not befasljameB. i^e is near tijat I'ltsttfietb me ; U)ijo bill eontentf iijitij me? Het us stant) together; bjijo is mine attoersarg? let btm eome near to me. BeijolD, tije rB eo"D U)tU ijrlp me; toijo is ijc tijat sijall 2 K r out r inn me? &o, tijey all sijall lua.v olfc as a garment: tije motij sijall eat tijrm up. Hlfjo is among DOU tfjat fearetf) tfje HortJ, tfjat obeetfj tije tioiee of ins serUant, tijat toalurtij in BarUness, ant) ijatlj no Itcjiit ? let iiim trust in tijr ilamr of tije Ho tU anD stag upon ijis SoO 13ri) o in , all ijr tli.it UinD le a ft vr, tijat eomjiass ijottrsrlUrs about toitf) sparlis ; lunlU in tije ligljt "of your fire, anD in tfje sparfes tijat ge Ijabe ttinHleti* ST^is sl)all ge of mine liant)," PC si/all lie tfoton in sorr otu. 2TI)* 0&p*l. St. Mark xv. 1. 9121 stratgfjttoay in tije morning tfje eljief priests ijelt) a consultation Umij tije elDers, anD scntirs, anD tije toijolc council, anD uottnD JTesus, anD earriet) ijtrn aU)ay, anD Deli* bereD ijim to Dilate, .UnD Dilate asueD ijnn, 3rt tijou tije 1\ tng of tijc J cU)S ? ^InD i)c ansUiertng saiD unto ijtm, iTijou sayest it. 3nD tijc eijief priests aeeuseD ijim of many tinngs : but lie an* stoereD notijing. ilnD Dilate asUcD ijim again, saying, ^nstoerest tijou nothing? beijolD ijoto many tilings tijcn Untncss against tijee. But 3f esus yet anstoereD notijing : so tijat Dilate mar* uciicD. ilolD at tijat feast iic releaseD unto tijem one prisoner, toijomsoeber tijey DesireD. ZlnD tijere bias one nameD Barabbasfbiijie^ lay bounD linti) tijem tijat ijaD maDe insurrection bntij ijim. luiio ijaD eommttteD murDer in ti:c insurrection. anD tije multttuDe, erying alouD, began to Desire ijim to Do as ije ijaD eber Done unto tijem. But Dilate anstoereD tijem, saying, SHiH ye tijat jr release unto ou tije Hing of n>e Jfebjsl jFor ije fenebj tijat tije eijtef priests ijaD DelibereD ^im for enby. But tt^e 4tef priests mobeD t^e people, tijat iie sijoulD ratijer release Barabbas unto tijem. Dilate anstoeretf, anU sail) again unto tfjem, QLHijat brill pe tijen tijat Jf sijall Bo unto f)tm tobom ge call tfje Bing of tije JTetos ? &n& tjje rnro out again, (Tructfn ijim. riirn Dilate saf5 unto tijcm, 2.511) n, toijat ebtl ijatij tir Gone? 3nD tijfi> rrirti out tije tnore txtttitixt$lD, Cructf fitm, anB so Dilate, tutllmg to content' tfj* people, re* leaseD ijavatitias unto tlirm, ant) Or UUrrrt) .ilrsus, lutirn iir iiati srourgcU i)im, to be cntrtftrH, ^nO tljr soIUt'rrB Ifti i)tm atoatj into ti)r ijaU, rallrO |3raetorium; anufteg eall together t|eh)^ole ianU. llntf tijrn clotijrti iiun tuttl) purple, anti platted a rroiun of tijorns, ant) put it about ijts lirati : ant) began to salute ijim, ?l?atl, liing of tijr ,?/eUjs. ilnD tijen smote in'm on tije iieaU Uritf) a reeD, anU Ut'D spitltpon 1)tm, anD tioUiing ttjctv iutees Uior* sijtppeD Jnm. HnU toijcn tijeij iiaD morUrO ijtin tijen tooft off tiir purple from ijim, anD put tjis ottm elorlies on ijim, anU let) ium out to rrurtfn linn. Hnti tlinj eompel one Simon a (TijiTniaif, lulio passeti In}, eoming out of tijc roun'tnj, tijr father of ^llexahDer anU &ufus, to bear t>is eross Hnti tljrn bring i)tm unto tije plaee c^olgotija, luijirf) is, being interpreted, CTlic plaee of a seull. .Tlnti tijen gate ijtm to DrtnU Uitne minglet) iuitij mijrri) ; but i)f reeeiucU it not ^nU ujijcn tijen ijatj cruciftet) ijim tijen parteO ijis garments, east* ing lots upon tijem, totjat ebern man sijoulti taite. HnO it toas tije tijirU ij our, anO tijen eruetftet ijim. HnU tije superseription of ijis aeeusation Uias Written ober, THE KING OF THE JEWS. 3ni3 Uiitij ijim tijen evuetfn ttoo tijiebes, tije one on ijis rigijt ijanD, ant) tije otijer on ijis left* HnU tije Scripture bias fulftllet), toijicij saitij, HnD be bias numbereD mitij tije transgressors. HnU tijen tijat passet) bn raileD on bint, fragging tij eir ij eafl s" and sawng, 3i), tijott tijat dcstrorcst tlic temple, ant) (wildest it in Hirer daijs, sa'br tljnsrlf, and tome tJoUw from tfjc evossC 5Libctoisc also tlir elurf priests moeiuntj said among; tfjemselbes, toifl) tije scribes, ?e sabed others ; Inmsclf fje can* not sabe. 3Let (Eijrist tfje iting of JFsracl DescenD nob from tijc cross, tijat be map sec and brltrbr. HntJ tijrij tljat lurrr rvttrtfirU toitlj ijim rcbileD ijim. 3nU (ulfrn tijc si.vtij ijour toas come, tijcrc bias tarftncss ober tljc bifjolc lanD until tijr ntnti) ijour. ^nti at t!)c ninft tjour JTesus erieU bjit^ a louD boice, saging, 0loi, loi, Jama sai>aei)tijani ? bjfjirt) is, Jietng interpreteU, |8r> oo, mi? ott, biijij tot ttjott forsaUcn me ? ^uD some of tljcm tliat stoot IIP, bjijcn tijcij ijcarU it, saitf, BdjoIU, ije rallr H) (?lias. 3nU on'c ran ant) fillcU a spungc full of binegar, anU put it on a reeD, ant) gabe 1)tm to Urinft, sawing, 5,et alone; let us see toijetijer <^lias toill come to taUr ijun Doum. ^nt> Jfcsus crtcB bjitl) a louU Uotrr, anU gabe up ttjc gijost. It nti ti) r bail of tiir temple bias rent in ttoain from tlir top to tijc bottom. Hnti bjtjcn tijr centurion, bjijtci) stood ober against linn, sab) tljat ijc so cried out, and gabe up tfjc gijost, lie said, rul ti)is man bias ttjr Son of Sod. (ULlcdncsdaij before Oastcr. Heb. ix. 16. a testament is, tfjere must al60 of necessity be tijr dcatij of tijc testator : for a testament is of force after men are dead ; otfjertoise it is of no strcngtfj at all toijile tijc testator libefl). fcHfjereupon, nrttijrr tijr first testament toas tirDiratrU totttjout lilootJ : for toijcn ittoscs ijaD spolicn cbcnj pre- cept to all tijr people, arcor&ing to tijr lab, fie toou tijr iilooti of calbcs anU of goats, toiti) toatcr, anU scarlet U)o ol, anB ijpssop, anti sprinulcD botij ti)t boon, antJ all tijr pr'oplr, sam'ng, (Tins ts tijr blootJ of tijr trstantrnt. toijtci) 0otl ijati) rnj omrt) unto DOIU morcoUo:, ije sprinfeleti tott^ iilooD ijortj fijr talirinaclr, ant) all tijr besscls of ti)r iniut'strij. ^InU almost all tilings are Jji? tijr lab purgeH bitij blood : anD luttijout sijrDDtng of iilooD ts no remission. Jrt toas therefore neeessar t^at tijc patterns of things in tijr ijcaUens s^oulO tie pur ifieo to itij tijr se ; But tt) r ijr.iU rn In tij ings tijem= selbes toiti) better saeriftees tljan ftese. jFor Christ is not entereti into tije ijolg plaees maUe toiti) ijauDs, toijirij are tijr figures of tijr true, tint into iiraurn itself, no to to appear in tijr presence of &otf for us ; nor mi tijat ijr should offer ijtin= self often, as tijr ijigif priest rntrrrtij into tijr ijoli? place eberg gear toirt) ilooU of otijers : for t^en must ijr often ijaur suffer eU since tijr foundation of tij r to or lo ; tint no to once in tijr enO of tijr toorlQ ijatij ijr appeared to put atoan sin lii> tijr sacrifice of ijimseit and as it is appointed unto men once to Hie, iwt after ti)is tije futigement : so i)rist toas once offer eU to bear tijr sins of manw ; anU unto tijrm tijat looii for ijtin sijall ijr appear tijr scconU time tottijout sin unto saltation* Wfr OQpel St. Luke xxii. 1. tfjc feast of unleabeneti brrat) turrto ntgij, toijid) is callcU tijr ^assober. ^Inti tije eijief priests antJ scribes sought ijo to tijrn mtgi)t lull ijtm ; for tijr n feareU tijr people. entereU ^atan into JTuUas surnameD Ssca- 2L T riot, being of tije number of tije ttoelbe. and ije bent ins Irian, and eommuneB umi) UK ri)iff priests' anD eaptams, ijoU) i) c imntit betrag 1) tin unto tljrm. 3 IILJ ttjen toeiT rjlaD, anfi eolmiautr to QtUr linn moneg. ~ &n& ije promised, and sought opportu= nitg to betrag jjtm unto tijem in tije absenee of tije multitude. 2fijen eame tije Bag of unleatoenet breaU, luiiru tijr passouer must lir 'tullrti. ZlnU lie sent ^eter an0 .f oljn, saging, <5o anti prepare us tije passober, t^at toe ma eat. nU t^e saiU unto t)im, ffisa^ere toflt ti)ou ti)at toe prepare ? ntJ ^e safr unto tlirm, Briiolt), ujtjrn PC are entereti into tlir eitij, tiirvr oiiall a man meet you, bearing a piteijrr of toater ; folloto inm into tfje ijouse iDijrrr |e entereti) in. ^nO ge sijall saw unto t^e gooD* man of tije ijouse, iTije itl aster saiti) unto ttirr, 2L2ti)ere is tije guest^elljamber, toijere $ s^all eat ti)f passober initl) ntD U iseiples ? Tluti ijr sijall sijeto gou a large up'per room furnisijeU ; tijere mafee reaDg. anU t^eg toent, anU founD as i)e JjaU saitf unto tljem : ano ti) r P man r vraDij tije pass^ ober. nnti toijen tije ijour toas eome ije sat tiouju, anQ tije ttoelbe Apostles toitij ijim. ^luD ijr saiO unto tijem, SHit^ Besire Jf ^abe UesireU to eat tijis passober toit^ ou before JT suffer : for JT sai> unto DOU, JF toil! not an more eat tijereof, until it be fulfillft) in tije liingtiom of Oot. .^nU ijr toofe tije eup, anU gabe tijanfes, anU saiU, 2Tafte tijis, anU UibiUe it among wourseibes. jFor JT sa unto gou, i[ toiU not Urinft of tije fruit of tije bine*, until tije itingUom of <5oU sijall eome. ^nO ije took bread, antt gabe tijantis, ant) braiie it, anU gabe unto tijem, saging, rijis is mg botig, toijiri) is giben for gou : tijis Do in remembrance of me. Hifeetoise also tije eup after supper, samng, aruj eup is t^e neto testament in m biootC toijieij sbeB for uou. But befjolD, tbe JjanK of bint tbat betraetb me is toitb me on tbe table. &nD trufo tlic ^'on of iilan cjoetb as it to a 5 Determined ; tuft too unto tbat man bn tobom be is betraijeD. tben began to enquire among tbnnselbes, of fbem it toas tbat sbottlB Do tins tiung. tbere to as also a strife among tbem, toijielj of ttiem sijoulD lir aeeountetf tlje greatest .3mu lie saiD unto t^em, CTje feings ott^e entiles exereise lorDsijiji ober tijem, anD t^eg tfiat eorereise aut^o* run upon tijcm are ealleB ienefartors. But nr sfjaU not ibe so : but i)e tfjat is greatest among sou, let ijim be as tf)e uounger; anU f>e tljat is efuef, as Ije tijat Dot^serbe. jFortoijetfjer is greater, lie tijat sittetf) at meat, or ijc tljat serbeti) y is not iir tljat sittetf) at meat ? But .?/ am among DOU as ^e tbat serbetb. $e are tbeg tofiieb babe eon* tinueB toitb me in m temptations. ^InD JT ap- point unto sou a UmgDom, as mn jFatijrr iiatl) appointed unto me ; tbat ijr man eat anO Drinli at mn table in mn lungOom, anS sit on tbrones, luBging tbe ttoelbe tribes of JTsraeL &n& tbe 4iorO satu, Simon, Simon, bebplD, Satan ijatij u estreu to babe nou, tbat ijr mat) sift no u as tobeat : but jr babe praeU for tbee, tbat tbs'fait^ fail not ; anU toben tbou art eonberteU, strengtben tb bre* tijren. UnO tjr saitf unto bint, tlovQ , ;?/ am vraO n to go toitb tbee botb into prison antt to Oeatb' Hut) be saiO, JF tell tijre, ^J etrr, tbe cork sball not eroto t^is Hag, before tbat tbou sbalt tbriee Uen tbat tbou unotoest me. Hut) lie saiB unto tbem", HCtfjen ;?/ sent nou toitfjout purse, anQ serip, ant) sboes, laefteU se an tbing? ^nti tbe saifl, ^Lo* tiung. iTiirn saiD ijr unto tiiem, But noto, be tbat barb a purse, let bint taiie it, ant) liuetotse bis serip : anO be tbat batb no stoorU, let bun sell bis garment, anB turn cur. jFor jr saij unto i?pu, {Tijat ftis tijat ts toritten must vet ie aeeomplisijeB in me, &nB ije toas reefconelf among tije transgres- sors : for tl)f tilings eoneerning me ijabr an ent. 3nfl tijei? sat'B, ILorD, br ijoIO, ijr vr are ttoo stoorDs. Hut) ijr 'tsatH unto tfyem, ?) t is enougij. &nB ije eame out, an& toent, as ijr toas toont, to ti)r mount of )Iibes, anti i)is Diseiyles also foilotoeo ijim. anO U)i)ru ijr toas at tijc plaee, ijr saitl unto tijrm, 3Jran, tij.it ijr enter not into temptation. ?*nt) Ijr U)as'U)iti)9raujn from tfjem aiiout a stone's east, antJ ftneelen Dotun anU pranetf, samng, JFatijer, if tfjou ie toilling, remote rt)is eup from me : neber- t^eless, not mi? Ujt'U, imt tijtur lie Done. EnD tijere appeared an angel unto ijim from ijeaben, strength- ening Jjint anU ieing in an agon, i)e praeD more eavnestlw ; anU l)is sbieat bias as it toere great Drops of ilocB falling Uobjn to tlje nrottnti. linti biijen i)f rose up from prayer, anU bias eome to ijis Uiseiples, ^e founU tfjem'sleeping for sor* robj, anU satU unto tijem, Wifyv sleep ge? rise anti prai?, lest i?e enter into temptation. HnH biin'le ijr get spake, lidjoID, a multitude, anti tje tfjat bias ealleti Sutias, one of tije tbiettie, luent before tliem, anD breb) near unto Jfesus to lu'ss ijim. But JTesus sat'D unto ijim, JJut as, tirtvaij= est tijou tljr $on of iitan bjiit) a iu'ss ? ou in tije temple, ye stvctcijcD fovti) no ijanDs against me: tout tijis is your Jour, anO tije potoer of Barfcne ss. ijen toofc tijey ijim, anD letr ijim, anH brougijt ijim into ttjc ijtgij priest's ijouse: anD $Jeter follotocD afar off. 3nD toijcn tliri; ijaD feinBleB a ftre in t^e miUst of tiie ^all, antilere set tfoton together, %)eter sat Boton among tijrm. But a eertain maiD IdirlD iitm, as lir sat iiw tfje Are, anU earnestly looUrtJ upon ijim, ano" satU. *Ti)is man iuas also luirt) ijtm. anD tic UentrU linn, saving, ISloman, .?( Unotu Ijtm not HuD after a little to^ile anottjer sab) Jim, anB saiD, STfjou art also of tfjem. ^nti ^eter saiK, Ittan, ;?( am not* 3ui3 about tiir spare of one ijour after, anotijer eonfiOentlp afBrmeD, sam'ng, f a trut^ tijts felloU) also toas luttij iitm ; for lie is a Gali- lean. anU peter sart, jj&an, JT ftnoto not toljat ti) ou saijest. ^nO immeUtateln, U)i) tie Ije get spaUr , tiie eoeU rreto. 3nD tiir HorO tttrueU, ant) looUeD upon ^J eter ; ant) ^J eter remembereD tije toorti of tije ?LorD, tjoto lie ijaU satU unto l)tm, Before tlje eoefe eroto, tljou s^alt Oeng me ti)riee. ^InU ^eter bent out, anD luept littteily. EnD tije men tijat ijrlO Jfesus mocfteD ijtm, ant) smote tjtm. HnO toljen tljeg IjaD lilinUfolDeD ^im, t^e strueft fjim on tije faee, anB asheo ijim, saving, ^Jropijcsp, U)tj o is it tijat smote tijee ? 3nU maun o tijev tljtngs blaspijemo ttsli? spaUe t Jjeij against ijim. HnU as soon as it toas Ban, tije elbers of tije people, anu tije eijief priests, anU tije serites, eame togetijer, anU let) ijtm into tijetv roitnetl, saving, .;lvt tijou tije Cijrist ? tell us. ^nD ije saiUltnto t^em, JFf S tell gou, ve bill not belietoe: antf if JF also asft no it, PC bill not ansber me, nor let me go. ?i>ere= after sijall tije Son of |an sit on tije rigijt ijanU 2 M of tlje potoer of SoB. i)en saiti tfjeu all, &rt fl)ou tf)en tfje Son of oD? &nB lj* saiti unto tijem, $e sag tfjat JT am. &nU tf)eg saiB, SSlijat nrrt) tor ann further toimess ? for tor otivsrlbrs IjaUr tjravD of i)ts otou moutij. aflfjursBag before (faster, arfc* Epistle, 1 Cor. xi. 17. tfjis tfjat jr tieelare unto gou, JT praise gou not ; tijat ge eome together not for tfje better, but for tfje toorse. jFor first of all, eome together in tije cijurcij, 3J f)*ar tijat ttjrrr be tiibisions among gou, anD JT partlg br= liebe it. Jfor tijere must be also ijeresies among gou, tfjat tfjeg toljo are approbeD mag be maDe manifest among POU. ffiHb^w m eome together therefore into one place, tijis is not to eat tijr HortTs supper : for in eating cb erg one taUrtij b r= fore orljer {is ohm supper ; anti one is btmpjg, anti anotijer is Urunuen. ffiHijat, Ijabe ge not bouses to eat anti to Brink in? or tiespise ge tfje cfjttrdj of (^otr, anti sijame tijrin tijat ijabe not ? 2.2 lijat sijall .f/ sap to gou ? Sijall ;?/ praise gou in tijis y Jf praise pott not. JFor Jf ijabe receibeti of flje Horti tijattoijicb also tielibereD unto gou, ^at tijr HorO JTesus, tijr same nigijt in toijirij ijr toao betrageti, took breati; anti toijm ijr ijatJ giben tijauii's, ijr brake ft, anti saiti, rake, eat ; ti;ts is mg botig, toijirij is broken for gou : tijis t)o in re- membrance of me. &fter rlje same manner also ij r took tije cup, totjrn ijr ijati suppeB, saging, C"ij is. cup is tijr nrto testament in mg blooti : tijis Do ge, as oft as ge Drink ft, in remembrance of me. ,-ffor as often as ge eat tijis breaU, anti Drink tijis cup, ge Do sijeto tije Hord's deatij till i)e come. things of ijim ; anD ije ijopct to ijatoe seen some 'miracle Done bn ijim. {Tijr n ije qttcs- ttonct toitij ijim in mann toorDs ; but ije anstoereD ijim notjjing. ,lnt tije eijief priests ant) seribes stool) antf beijementltj acrusct ijim. 3nt 1i>eroD to t tij ins men of toar set ijim at nougijt, anD m o eh et) ijtm, anU arraijeD ijim in a gorgeous robe, ant sent ijim again to Dilate. anD tije same Dap Dilate anD 3&?eroD toere maDe frienDs togetijerl for before tijeg toere at enmitg bettoeen tijemseltjes. ^nD Dilate, toijen ije ijaD ealleD togetijer tije eijief priests, anD tije rulers, anD tije people, saiD unto tijem, i>e ijaDe brought tijis man unto me, as one tijat pertoerteti) tije people : anD beijolD, .?/, ijau tng examineD ijim before ijou, ijabe fount no fault in tins man toncijtng tijose tijings toijereof re accuse ijim : no, nor get l^eroD : for $ sent gou to ijim ; anD Jo, nothing toortijp of Deatij is Done unto ijim. Jf toill tijerefore e^astise ijint, anD release ijim. jFor of neeessitg ije must release one unto tijem at tije feast. &nt) tije erieD out all at onee, sawing, Utoan toitij tins malt, anD release unto us i>arab= bas : (to^o for a eertain seDition maDe in t^e eit, anD for murDer, toas east into prison.) Dilate tijerefore, toilling to release ,?/ estts, spaUe again to tijem. But tfjeg erieD, saving, rueif Jim, erueifg bint. &nD fy saiD unto tijem t|if t^irD time, Wliji?. toijat ebil ijatij ijc Done? ;?/ ijalic founti no eause of Deat^ in ijim : JT toill tijerefore e^astise ^im, anD let ijim go. &nD tijeu toere in- stant toitij louD boiees, requiring tljaf ije migijt be cructft ct : anD tije boiees of tijem anD of tije eijief priests pretoaileD. ^nDpilate gafce setttenee tbat it sboulB be as tbeg requires. &nB b* re* IcascO unto tijcm inm tbat for seBition anB murBcr toas cast into prison, tobom tbcw biB Bcsirctt ; but lie tJcltUrrctJ ,?/cstt9 to tbetr toilU 3nB as tbci? Irti Jjim atoan, tbcn lat'D boltt upon one Simon a e sabcB others ; let ijim sabe ijim* self, if ^e be Cijrist, t^e chosen of SoB. flnB tfje solBiers also moclicB bint, coming to bint, anB offering 1)tm binegar, anB saving, JTf tijou be tije of tbe JTetos, sabe tbsself. ^nB a super* scription also toas torittcn ober ijtm in letters of ereeft, anB ILatin, anB ^ebreto, THIS IS THE KING OF THE JEWS. &nB one of )e male* factors, tobtcb toere IjangeB, raileB on biw, sawing, ?/ f tljou fa (Tijnst, sabr tijijsr if, anB us, But tijr otijer anstoering rebufeeB ijim, saging, Sost not tfjou fear <5oB, seeing tijott art in tije same eon= Bemnation v &nB toe inBeeB f ustlg ; for toe reeeibe tfje Dur retoarB of our Urctts, btt't ti)ts man ijatii Hone nothing amiss. &n& ijr satO unto j?/esus, Horfl, rememier me to^en tljou eomest into tiji? Utngtiom. ^InU JTesus saiU unto J)im, Ferflg f sap unto ll)cr, ro=tini> slialt tljou be totti) me in aiaralnise. ^inti it toas about tje sixti) ^our: antJ tijere toas a Darfeness ofcer all tije eartij until tfje nitttl) tour, ^nti ttjr sun toas tiarftcnett, anB tijr bail of tijf temple toas rent in tijr mitist. rutH toijen JFesus fjaU erieD toit^ a louti boiee, i>e satU, jFatfjer, into t^ IjanDs JT eommenU nw spirit: anD ijabing saiB tf)us, i)f gabe up tije gfyost j^oto toljen tijr eenturion sato luiiat toas Dour, Ijr glo= rifieU Sot(, saving, Certainly tijis toas a righteous man. 3nij all tijr people tljat eame together to tijat sigijtt beijoltiing tijr things tljat toere Bone, smote tfjeir breasts, anB retumeB. ^nB all ty& arquatntanrr, anB tije toomen tijat follotoeB linn from Galilee, stooB afar off, beljolBing tijese things. (5oB, toe beseeef) tijee gra* eio us 1 r> to ti_di o IB tin's ti) n family for toll i ei) our librB Sesus (Tim'st toas eontenteB to be b r tranrB, anB giben up into tije iwnBs of toieneB men t anB to suffer Beat!) upon tije eross, toijo noto libetb anB reignetfj toitb tbee auB tije $?o! eber one aur meres upon aU.f/etos, (TurUs,.?/ nft'Dels, anD |i>eretieiis, anD tatie from tljem all ignoranee, barDness of fjeart, anD eontempt of tbs ZJSorH ; anD so fetrfj tijem borne, blesseD 3LorD, to tbs floefc, tbat tbeij mas be sabeD among tbe remnant of tbe true Israelites, anD be maDe one folD unDer one sbepberD,3Tesus Cijrist our HorD^o libetfj anD retgnetb toitb tbee anD tbe ?i?oln Spirit, one SoD, toorlD Uiitijottt enD. Hmni. 2Tbe ^?pt'6tU- Heb. x. 1 . lato ijabing a sbaDoto of gooD things to eome, anD not tbe bern image of tbe tbings, ean neber toitb tbosr saeriuees, t^e offereD s*ar bs Dear eontinuallD, mafee tbe eomers tbereunto perfeet : for tfjen tooulD tbes not babe eeaseD to be ofereD y beeause tbat tbe toorsbippers onee purgeD sboulD babe bap no more eonseienee of sins. But in tijcsr saerioees tbrrr is a remembranee again maDe of sins ebers sear. jFbr it is not possible t^at tbe blooD of bulls anD of goats sijo uID tair atoan sins, 2.2tberefore, tuijrn ije romctij into tije tocrlB, ije saitij, $aerifiee anB offering tijott tooulBest not but a boBn tost tijou prepareB me: JFn burnt*offerings anB saeri- ft era for sin tijou ijast ijaB no pleasure : rijrn saiB .?/, ILO, .?/ ronic (in tije Volume of tije boon it is toritten of me) to Ho tfj brill, <&oB. abobe, toijen ty saiB, Sacrifice anB offering, anB burnt- offerings, anB offering for sin tijou tboulBest not, neither ijaBst pleasure therein, luiitcl) are offereB bi> t^e 2.ato : ften saiB ije, ILo, JF eome to Ba tf) tofll, <5oB. i^e tafcetf) atoa je first, t^at ije maij establish tiie seeonB. 13i? tije U)f)td) totll toe are*sanetifieB, tijvougl) tije offering of tije boBij of JTesus Christ onee for all. ^InB eber priest stanBet^ Bail ministenng,anB offering oftentimes t1jr same saerifiees, u.ii)tri) ean neber tafcr atoai? sins. But tijis man, after i)e l)aB offereB one sa* eriftee for sins, for eber sat Boton on tyt rigi)t ^anB of one offering ^e Jjart) perfeeteB for eber tfjem ti)at are sanetifieB : HCtijrvrof tije ?i?oli> ^ijost also is a Witness to us : for after tijat ije JjaB saiB before, rij is is tije eobenant tijat .?/ bill malie Uiitij tijem after tijose Bas, saitij t^e LorB, Jf toill put m latus into t^eir fjearts, anB in tijeir minBs toill JF torite tijem ; anB tijeir sins anB iniquities bill JF remember no more, ilou toiijrre remission of tijese is, tijere is no more offering for sin. l^abing therefore, bre* tijren, bolBness to enter into tjje holiest bg t^e blooB of JFesus, tin a neb) anB lib ing bag, biijteij ije ijatij eonseerateB for us, tijrougij tije bail, tijat is to saw, i)is flesf) ; anB ijabing an ?|igi) Driest ober tije ijottse of 5oB ; let us Brab) near tot'tij a true ijeart, in full assuranee of faitij, ijabtng our Hearts sprinnleB from an ebil eonseienee, anB our toasjijeB UJitlj pure tuater. Het us Ijolt) fast tljr profession of our faitij bjt'tijout toabrring ; (for fje is fattijful tbat promised ;) ant) let us eon- sitier one another to probofce unto lobe, anD to gooD UjorUs; not forsalung tije assembling of ourselbes togetber, as tije manner of some is ; but e*borting one another: ant) so muei) tbe more, as i?r see tije Ban appro a eij ing. 8$* <5o0jp*l. St. John xix. 1. rm8T therefore tooftJTesus, anft seour* get) i)fm. ilutJ tijr soltfiers platteD a rrotun of tijorns, anO put it on bis ijrafc, anD tijen put on ijtm a purple robe, anti sat'D, ?i>atf, iting of flje JFetos : anD tt)ep smote f)im toittj tijetr banUs. Dilate therefore iuent fortb again, anB saiti) unto tlirut, UdjoltJ, bring fyim fortij to ou, tiiat e ma fenobj tijat jr finD no fault in Jim, STJjen eame JFesus fortf), bearing tije erotun of tijorns., anU tlic purple robe. ^nO Dilate saiti) unto rljem, i3ei)0lt( t^e man I 2LJaben tfje e^ief priests therefore anU oftteers sato biw> tbt^ ffieU out, saving, Crueifi? fjim, erueifp fyim. pilate sait^ unto tbem, r ouglit to t)ie, beeause i)r mat) r ijimself tije Son of <5ot). iLWijen Pilate therefore ijrarU tijat saving, ije bias tije more afraitJ ; ant) toent again info tije juUgement* ijall, ant) saiti) unto JTesus, JLStijenee art tijou? But Jfesus gabe fyim no ansbjer* 2Ti)en saitb Dilate unto ijtm, SpeaUcst tijott not unto me? Unoinrst tijou not tijat ;?) ijabe poUier to rntrifn ti)ee, anti babe pobjer to release ftee ? JTesus an^ sbiereD, (Tijo tt eouiDest babeno potoer at all against we, extent it toere giben tbee from abobe: tfjere* fore l) r tii.it DeliberetJ me unto tijrr batb tijc greater sin. 3nfl from tbeneefortb Dilate sougtit to rr= lease fjim : but tfje JFetos eriet) out, sawing, $f tljou let tbis man go, tijou art not Caesar's frient) : tobosoeber maftetb bimself a lung speafcetb against Caesar. 3lben jpilate therefore bearb tijat saning, b* brought Jesus fortb, anO sat Dobw tn tije juOgement-seat, tn a plaee t^at ts e aUeC tfje ^abement, iut tn tije l^eftrebj, (^aitiatfjau HnD it boas tije preparation of tiir $)assober, ant) about tije si.vtl) tour : anD i)e saitij unto tije .?) eUis, J3(1)oHi gour iting I But rljep erteK out, atoa bjitf) ^im, atoa toitf) i)im, erueifp ^im. Dilate sairt) unto tytvkS&aXl JT erueifg our i\ t u g ? e .i^etos. Dilate ansbjereU, SLStijat .if babe bjritteit,,f babe bjritten. ben tbe solUiers, toben tbeg ba& erueifieD JFesus, tooft bis garments, ant) maUe four parts, to ebern soltiier a part ; ant) also bis eoat: nob) rtje eoat bias biitbottt seam, tooben from tije top fljrougbout f)a> saiB tijere* fore among tijemselb es, 3L rt us not reiib it, but cast lote for it, toijosr it sijall tic : tijat ttje seripture migijt be fulfilleD, tuljid) saitij, iTijfij parteD mi> raiment among tijr m, anfc for mi) besture tijeg Dt'6 east lots. bese things therefore tfje solOiers UiB. ilouj liiciT stooB tin tijf eross of Jfesus, ijis mo- tijer, anD i)is mother's sister, iilanj tije toife of (Kleopfjas, anD i^lari) fttagDalene. OTf)en JFesus therefore sab) i)is mother, ants tije Uiseiple stanfc ing ijij, bjijom ije loUrt), fir saitij unto ijis motijer, ^Homan, beijoIO t^g son. sijall looii on ijim toijom tijrn piercctf. * aster r to cut to ^Jtlatr, anD lie ggrti ti)c li oti ij of .?/ rsus. iri) rn } J ilate co mmanDcD ti)f botin to be DelibcrcD. ^nO toijcu Jtosepi) ijaD taUrn tijr lioD n f tje torapprD tt in a clean linen do ti), anD la tD it in tjts oton neb) tomb, toittrl) ijr ijaU ijeton out in tii r vo rli ; antf tic r o UcD a great stone to ttir tio or of tiir sepulcljre, anD DcpavtcU. HnD tljrvr toas ittari) fttagtialene, anti t^e otfier iWar, sitting ober against tfje ftepulc^re, iloto tj)e nejt flap t^at folio torti tije 5a of tlje preparation, t^e efjief priests ant) ^Jijarisces came together unto iJtlatr, saving, Sir, toe remember tiiat tijat tcccitacr saiD, toinlr lie toas get altbc, lifter tljvrr Dags JT bill rise again* CommanU therefore ttyat tf)el>epulei)re ie maDe sure until tfje rljirD Da, lest i)is Disciples come lj ntgijt anD steal fjim atoaij, anD sag unto tljr people, 11? r is risen from tlir DeaD : so tijr last error si) all tir toovsr tlian tljr first Dilate saiD unto tfjem, $e ^abe a toatcij ; go gour toa, mafte it as sure as gou can, So rtjeu inent anD maDe flje sepulchre sure, sealing tije stone, anD setting a toatd). PPI fcW e at Doming |)rager, msteaD of tte iJsaJm, come, let us sing, ^e. tfiese atntliema sf)ali be sung or oaitr. >li.7/^iT our passober is sacrinceD for us : therefore let us fteep t1)t feast ; iiot bJit^ tije olD leaben, nor bjit^ t 2p I cab cu of malice nntJ tot cU rtmr ss : but toitf) ti) r un= I rab rnrU brea& of sincerity anB truti). 1 Cor. v. 7- ftjr&er bcmg ratscB from tijf DraD Uirtlj no mote : Bcati) tjati) no more Dominion obcr ijim. JTor in rtjat ije Biet(, ije Diet) unto 0m once : twt m rtjat ije Ubctlj, ije libertj unto 0otJ. ILtfecUjtse rccUon ge also ijoursrlbrs to i>e Drat) utUrrD unto sin : but alifce unto 0oti tijrougij jreus Christ our ILorO. Rom. vi. 9. C^mjr^s: w risen from tfje Keatt : anti be* eome tije first-fruits of tijem ti)at slept ,jfer since iw man came Ucatij : bi> man came also ttjc resurrection of tljr tr aU. .fbr as in &Bam all Hie : euen so in (Tljvtst sljall all be mafte alibe* 1 Cor. xv. 20. be to tfje jFattjcr, ant) to tijc Son : anti to tljr >6li> <5i)ost. 2& it teas in tfjc beginning^ is noto, anU cbcr sfiall be : toorlB toitijout enD. &men. gty Collect. begotten Son Jf esus Christ l)ast obercome Ueati), anU oprnrU unto us tfje gate of eber* lasting life ; Wit Immblw bcseed) tijce, tijat, as b ti)i> special grace presenting us tijou Dost put into our minus goott ticsircs, so bn tfjy continual belp iue ma bring tfje same to gboB effect ; tijroug!) JTcsus Cijrist our 3LorD, tuijo libetf) anO rcigncrtj Ujtrtj tijee anB t^e i^olt) (&Jjost,eber one <5o0, iuorltr gfyC 6#<0tfe Col. iii. 1. tijen if risen totti) Christ, seeft tijose things toijtei) are aliobe, toijere (Tijrist sit* teffj on tije rtgi)t ijant of f a trull) .71 perceibe tijat Soti is no respecter of persons ; but in ebcro nation iir tliat fearet^ fjim, antt toorfeett rigfjteousness, ts aecepteB toiti) Jjinu ^e bjoru bjijieij <5oB sent unto ttye eijilUren of Jterael, preaching peace i) JTcsus Christ ; (fje is ILorB of an ;) tljat toortJ ($ sap) ije lutoU), luijtri) bias publtstjcti tijrougtjout all JTuDaea, anU began from alilee, after tlje bap* tism h)l)tri) ;?lol)n pvcacijcD: iiolii ^oU anoimcU JFesus of ila>arct1j U)itij tiir 11>olij C^ijoet, antl Unti) potocr ; ujiio bent about Doing go oti, ant) liral tng all tiiat me rr oppressed of tfje orinl : for Sot) bias toitb bim. HuD toe are tottnesses of all tbings tobieb be BiB, totf) in tbe lanB of tbe JFetos, anB in Jerusalem ; tobom tbeg sleto, anB bangeB on a tree: B^im id tijc tijirD Day since tijcsc tilings lucre Done.' ^ea, anD certain' toomen also of our com- panv maDe us astonistjcD , toijicij lucre ravin at tijc sepulcijre ; anD toijen tfjeg founD not ijis boDg, tfjeg came, saving, tiiat tijcij ij'aD also seen a bision of angels, biijicij saiD tijat tjr bias altbe. 3nD certain of tijcm bJijtci) lucre Uittij us Uicnt to tijc scpulcljrc, anO fount! it cbcn so as tiic bioincn ijaU saiD ; but ijtm tijcn sab) not. XTijcn fjc saiB unto tljem, oh> c^ijost, eber one luovlt) U)iti)out rut). pfotle. Acts xiii. 26. anD brethren, e|)ilDren of tf)e stoeft of 3brai)am, anD toi)osoeber among gou f earetij c^oD, to gou is tijr tuorD of salbation sent .dfior tijeg tijat Dtuell at JTeru- salem, anD tf j eir rulers, beeause tijr n iuirto fj im not, nor get tijc boiees of tiir prophets luijici) are reaD eoerg sabboly (One to see corruption. .-ffor OabiD, after ije tab serbeD ijts oUm generation ton tijc bill of <&oD, fen on sleep, anD bas latD unto ijts fathers, anD sab eor= ruption : But ije btom ijaD seen a spirit anD ije saiD unto tijem, Mtijij are ye troubleD, anD bijn Do tijougfjts arise in'yottr ij'carts ? B eijo ID my ija nDs anD my feet, tijat it is myself: ijanDIc me, anD see; for a spirit iiatij not flesij anD bones, as ye see me ijabc. anD bfjen ije ijaO tints spofccn, fje stcbeD tijem ins ijanDs anD ijts feet anD bijtic tij cy vtt beliebeD not for joy, anD bonDereD, ij e saiD tint o 'tij em , 'li? abc ye ijere any meat ''. anD tijey gabe tint a piece of a torotleti flsij", anD of an ijoneyeomto. anD tf tooft it, anD DiD eat before ttem. anD tf saiD unto ttem, iTijese arc tije borDs bijt rij S spaU r unto ott, toll 1 1 c JF bias net Umi) POU, tiiat all things mttftfW fululleD toljicl) toere toritten in tfje lato of itloGfCj, anD in tfjr )Jropt)rta, anD in ttir psalms concerning me. 2TJ)en openeD ^e tfjeir unDcrfttanU* ing, rtjat ftej) mig^t unDerstanU tye Sctijitures, anO satD unto tijem, ^u it ii5 torittfn, anD tf)u it irijobrU Cljrist to suffer, anK to rise from rt)e tfeati tijr tijtrD Dai? ; anD tiiat repentanee anD IT = mission of sins siioulD lie pvrarijrD in i)is jlame among all nations, beginning at .f/erusalenu ije are Witnesses of tijese things. i)e first Sunttag after (faster, 2H[)e Collect fa^Sa^ra.f a>er,h)|)o fiast giben tfiine onin Son to Die for our sins, anD to rise again for our i ttst in ratio n ; Srant us so to put atoan tl)r leaben of malt r r anD UJt'rU rDness. tljat toe map a liuan serbe tti rr in pureness of lib ing anD mitt) ; tijroug!) rije merits of tijr same tljn Son JTesus Christ our ILorD. 1 St. John v. 4. ;ts born of <$oD ibcrcomctb tljc toorlD ; anD tin's is bebictorgtbatobercometbtbctoorlD, eben our faitlj. our libertg for a elofce of malieious* ness ; but as tijc servants of <&ott. l).>onouv all men. Hobe tljr brottcriiooo', ,-ffr ar iT>ot>, li>onour ti)C l\ mg. St. John xvi. 16. *5t * saiD to fits Biseiplcs, 3 little toijtlr anU ijc sijall not see me ; anfl again, a little totnl r ant ijc stall sec me ; lie cause JT go to tte Barter. S"$en saiB some of fits titscij>ies among tfjemselbes, iLCtiiat is tfiis tijat tjr sat'ti) unto us, n little U)l)tlc ant) ijr stall not see me ; anf again, a little toijilr ant PC s$all see me ; anU. Because Jr go to t^ej^at^er ? 2Tijei) saiU tfjerefore, aafjat is ttjis tijat ije saitf), a little toi)ile? te eannot tell to^at ijr sattij. iioiu JTesus Unclu tijat tlirn uirrr Desirous to ash ijtm, anD sait unto tl)nn, DO'PC enquire among no urs cities of tijat JT satti, 3. little Uiijilc ant ijc sijall not see me ; ant) again, a little tufjile ant ge s^all see me ? Ferib, beril JT sag unto gou, 2Tl)at ge stall toeep anU lament, littt tijr ujovlfl stall re/oiee : anU ge stall lie sor= rotoful, but gour sorrotu stall be tumet into joi>. il Uioman, liijcn ste is in trauail, tail) sovvoUj, because ijrv tour is eome: but as soon as ste is tjeliberetJ of tte etiltn, ste rememberett no more tte angtitsi), for |og tijat a man is born into tte toorljD. antj ge nouj therefore ijatjr sorroh) : but .11 toill see you again, ant) gour ticart stall re/oiee> autJ gouf jog no man taftett from gou urtt SunUag after (faster. e ^SorD of trut^, t^at toe sljouID be a fcinD of firsMruits of f)ts ereatures. 2J2tijerefore, m belobeD brethren, let eberrman be foujtft to ijrar, slouj to speaU, sloto to luvaii) ; for tlir iDvatij of man liio viif ti) not tije rigljteousness of oD. SSiiierdbre lag apart all filrtiness anD sujjerflttitp of naugijtinesTs, anD reeeibe toitfj meefe= ness tije engrafteD MlorD, toijieij is able to sabe $our souls. St. John xvi. 5. [(5S2H5 satD unto ijis Dtsetples^ob) .f go inn man to ijim tijat sent me, anD none of ^o'u aslieti) mr, 2.2 tijittjer goest ti) on ? But, jeeatise :?) ijabe satD tijese things unto ijotu sor= roto fjatf) ftlleD our i)eart. ^tebertbeless, JT tell gou tfje trut^ ; it is ejrpeDient for i>ou rl)at Jf go ataai?: for if JT go not atoa, rlje Comforter toill not eome unto sou ; but if J Depart, JF bjill senD Jjim unto sou. ^nD toljen $e is eome, fje to ill re* probe tije to or ID of stn, anD of righteousness, anD of fuDgement : of sin, beeause tijnj beliebe not on me; of righteousness, beeause JF gfo to mn.-ffattjer, anD ve see me no more ; of juDgement, beeause ti)e prince of tin's Uxnlfc ts I'uBgcB. .?) ijatir get m,ini, tilings to sag unto you, lint r>c cannot Ifcav tijcw noto. ^otobeit, toijen Jje, tfje Spirit of trutf), is come, ije toill guiBe gou into all trutf) : for ije sljall not spcaii of bimsclf ; tint toiiatsocbcr i)r ssijaU iicar, tiiat stiall tjr sprait : ant) f)e bill Giif Uj nou things to come. ?i> t sijall glortf i, me : for ijr siiall receive of mtnr, anB sijall sijrlu it unto nou. illl fljings t^at tfje JFatijer i)atf) are mine: therefore saiOJT, tljat i)r sijall taUe of mine, anfl sijall sijeb) it unto gou. 8T|e ftftf) SunKas after (faster. Sljr (ZTollert. 3H01HD, from toljom all gootf tilings Ho come ; ^rant to us tyv fjumiile servants, t^at bg t^g ^olg inspiration toe mag ttyinfc tiiose ttjtngs t'ijat'lir cjooD, antf tig tinj merciful f;tiUing mag perform tiie same ; tijrougl) our ^orD esus Cfirfet ^men 2T!j( <5pfStU\ St. James i. 22. ge Boers of tije ffl!aor0, anU not fjearers onlg, Ueceibing gour oton selves. jFor if _ ang be a fearer of tfje ffiJttorH, anB not a Boer, tie is It Ur unto a man def)olBing |is natural face in a glass, ,-ffor ije iieiiolBeti) ijimself, anB goetl) f)is toai), anB straigi)tbja forgettet^ to^at manner of man ijr toas. But toijoso looUetij into t^e perfect lato of liijertg, anB continued therein, Ije icing not a forgetful fearer, 6ut a Boer of ti)e toorft, tfjis man sfall i>e iilesseB in f)is BeeB. 0f ani> man among gou seem to be religious, anB briBletij not ijis tongue, but Beceibeti) ijis oton ijcart. tins man's religion is bain. 3 Jure r dig ton, ana unaefilea before 000 ana tte JFatter, is ttis, o Uistt the fatherless antt ujtOoujs in tijnr affliction. anO to Uccp himself unspotted from ttj r tooria. St. John xvi. 23. h berflp JT sap unto POU, &$at soeber pe stall asfc tte jFatter in mp ilanir, lie bnll gibe it nou. 1i? ttiimo ijabr i?r asUrtJ no tiling in mn jlamf: asfe, anO ne sijall rrrribe. tltat pour j on map be full, riiror things ijabr .IK spoiien unto mm in proberbs : tljr time comrtij ujiir n :? sijall no more speat* unto you in probed) s, butjr s^all s^ebj ou plainlw of tfe^a* tljer. ilt tijat tiaij ijr stall asR in mn flainr : antf JF sa not unto ou, fljat jr toill prap tf)e JFar&er for pott ; for ti)e JFatijer jimself lobett) ou, be* eause e ijabe lobeB me, anD fjabe beliebeB tijat jr eame out from SoK. JF eame f ortl) from tfjeJTattjer, anQ am eome into tlir UJD vlD : again, .if leabe tlir liiovlL), anU go to tlir .-fFatiirr. ll> is tiiseiples saiO unto tint, 3Lo, nob) speanest t'oou plainly, anD speaftest no proberb. i^ob) are toe sure t^at t^ou Unoujf s t all things, anO neeOest not ttiat any man sijoulD asa tijer : tiy tins toe beliebe tliaf tijou earnest fortl) from Sotf. Jfesus anstoereti item, Do yr noto beliebe v -briiolt), tij r tour romrtlj, pea, is noto eome, tfjat pe stall be seattereU eberp man to Ins oton, ana stall leabe me alone: ana pet ;?/ am not alone, because tije .-jfatljrv is toitt me. rij rse ttings .?) ijau r spoaen unto POU, ttjat in me pe migtt Ijaur peace. Jfn tljr tooria y r stall tabe tribulation ; but be of gooa eteer, Jf tabe obereome tiic tooria. Ojc Stoeension^ttaw. r, toe beseeef) tipee, ^llmtg^tg tfjat lifce as toe Do belietoe tfj onlg*begot= ten Son our fLortt Jesus Cljrist to ijalic ascrnUctJ into tijc ijeatocns ; 00 toe mai? also in Ijeart anti mintt ti)tti)cr asecntt, antt toitf) inm con- tinually tttoell, to^o libet^ anU mgnefl) toit^ t^ee and ti)c 3^ oil? 0l)ost, one 0otJ, toorlDf tottijout Acts i. 1 . former treatise Ijabc JT matte, cO CTjr * ojjljtlus, of all ttjat gcsus ^egan fcoti) to tto antt taidj, until tijc tta in Ujljtrl) tie toas tali en up, after tijat i)c tijrougl) ttjr ?l)oli> <^ijost fjatt gtuen eommanttments unto ti)c ^pos^ ties toljom 1)c ijatt eijosni : to toijom also tie s^etoett ijimsf If alibe after ijts passion, ti? manij infallible proofs ; i>f tug seen of tijem fortw ttai?s, antt speaU- mg of tijc tijings pertaining to tijc iungflom of <5ott : antt, being assemblett together tottfj tijem, eommanttett t^em t^at tfjep s^oultt not ttepart from ^Jerusalem, but toait for t^e promise of tije jFat^er, iDijtcf), saiti) ijr, ne i)abe ijeartt of me. ,-ffor .?) oiju truln bapti>ett iiJttf) toater, but ijc sijall be bap= tt>ett Ujttf) t^e ?l>oli) <&i)ost not inann ttaijs ijrnee. 2ili)cn t|eg therefore toere eome together, tijeg asftett of ijim, sawing, ILortt, toilt ttjou at tijis time restore again tijc itmgttom to JTsrael? Untt ijc saitt unto tljem, 3ft is not for POU to Unoto tijr times or tijc seasons, tofjicij tijc jFatljer ijatij put in ijts oton potoer. But we sijall receive potoer after tijat tijc ii>olt) Sijost ts eome upon ijou ; antt 2 T ne sfjall be tottnrsses unto me, 1) otii in Jerusalem, anti in all .IMiUaea, anB in ^amavta, anU unto tiir uttermost part of tlje eartij. 3nD toiien i)e Ij.iD spoken ti)ese tiling, tofjilr tijrn IirijrID. ije toas taUen up, anO a efouti veeetbetTlnm out of tfjeir sigljt. 3nD luinlr tijr loolirt) fitcofasrln toUiavD iiraUrn, as i)f tornt up7 tirijolD, tluo mr n litooQ (in tljrin in toijitr apparel ; Mn'rl) also saiU, i>r men of Galilee, hj^g stanU ge groing up into ijeaben ? inn's same .?> e'stts, Uiifirii is talien up from i?ou into ijcalirn, siiall so eome, in liUe manner as PC- seen ijim go into ijeaben. 2T^e <5opel. St. Mark xvi. 14. appeared unto tfjc eleben as ttjei? sat at meat, anD upfcrafteo' ttjtm toit J) tiieir unbelief anti iiarOness of Ijeart, because tljrn lirltr Urn not tljem tofrirl) ijati seen ijim after ije iaas risen, anti Ijr saiU unto tijem, So i>e into all tl?t iDorlD. anD prrari) tiir gospel to ebrrn mature. &t tfiat beliebetf) an is fcaptijeB stall ie sabeti ; but te ti>at ieliebet^ not sljall be DamneU. |i nu tfjese signs sijail folloU) tljem tija t beliebe : .?/ n mi? ilame sijall tlinj east out Oebils ; ti) nj sija U sprali U)it Jj nr to tongues ; tijen sljall taUe up ser- pents ; anD if ttjej) Urinft an BeaUfo t^ing, it sfjall not ijurt rljem ; t|e sijall la ^aiibs on tfie sieft, anU t^ei) s^all reeoijer. So tijen after tlje 3Lorb tatf spoften unto tljcnt, ije toas reeeibetr up into iiralirn, anD sat on tije rigtjt ijanD of <&otf. .3nU tijeg toent forfl) anD preae^eD eberg toljere, tfje ILortf toorfeing: toit^ rljem, anH eonurming t^e 5.^1 oru toitlj signs follotoing. ctmtsan after 3sentsion=Dai. tjfje ling of glor, brfjo ijast e** alteD fijine onto Son Jfesus (Jurist toitf) great triumpi) unto tijij iungDom in ijea= ben; SSSte beseeety ttyee, leabe us not eomfortless; but scnD to us tijinr ?i?oli> (fM)OGt to comfort us, nuD exalt us unto tijc game place totntljcr our Sabfour ^rtst ts gone before, bj^o libetf) anO i ctcjncti) toitJ) tljcc auti tl)c 1i?oli> t^ijost, one (Pot), luorlO bjitijout cnO. amen. 1 St. Pet. iv. 7. entt of all tfn'ngs ts at ijanu ; be ijc therefore sober, anD Ujatrlj unto praner. HnU abobe all rtjings babe ferbent eijaf itn among pourselbrs : for eijarttt) sljall eober tije multttuDe of sins. 21 se bospitalt t one to another tottijout grutigtng. 31 s ebenj man iiatb reeeibett t^e gift, eben so minister tfje same one to another, as good stebjavDs of tiic manifold graee of c^oti. .?/ f am; man speait, let ijim sprali as tije oracles of SoB : if ann man minister, let ijim Do it as of tiic abilttn UJljiri) SoU gibeti) ; tijat SoO in all tijings man be gloriuetf tiiroucji) .?) estts (Tijrist, to bjijom be praise ant) Dominion for eber and eber. OSpel. St. John xv. 26, and part of Chap. xvi. 1 && tf)e Comforter is eome, toij o m JF tpill senD unto ou from t^ejFa* tl)cr, eben tljc Spirit of trutl), toijirlj uroccciJctl) from tije , f Fat ijer, iic sijall testify of me. inD ne also sijall bear toitness, beeause we babe been toitij me from tbe beginning. Sfl&ese things ijabr spoUcn unto you, tijar yr GiioulO not tir offrnDct). iTi)f y sijall put you out of tijr siwa= yra, fljr time romrtti, tijat luijoGo'rlirr you toill tljtnU tijat lir tJorti) ^ot) srvbirr. tijfsr tilings totll tiiri? Do unto you, because f n ijatoe not iutouin tijr Jfatijrv, nor me. But se things fjabe 3f toID you, tijat, toijrn riie time ll roinr , yr mag remember tijat .?/ toID you of 2Tf)f Collect I, U)ijo as at tiits time trittst teaeij tijc ii rails of tiiy faithful people, by tbr senD* _ ing to ti)em t^e lig^t of tf) ?ol Spirit ; 0rant us by rtic same Spirit to ii.iur a ngiit juKgement in all things, anU ebermore to re/otee in i)i i)oi comfort; tijrougi) tije merits of Cijrist JTesus our Sabiottr, Uilio Itbrtij anU reignetf) liuti) tijee, in tfje unitg of t^e same Spirit, one <&oa, U)orID tottijotit enU. 3men. JTor tfje epistle. Acts ii. 1. e Oay of ^enteeost toas fully come, ttjeg ttiere all toittj one accord _ in xine place. &nB suDtienlu tljere eame a sounU from ^eaben, as of a rushing migi)t bjinti, anD it ulleD all tije ^ouse toljere rtjej) toere sitting. rinD tijere appeared unto tijrm eloben tongues, UUr as of fire, anD it sat upon eaeij of tijem: ant) tiiry Uiere all ftllrti bit!) ti)r 9i?oli? @i)ost, ant) began to speak tottij otiirv tongues', as tfje Spirit gabe tbem utterance. &nB tl)ere toere Dtodl m g at JTetusalem JTctos, Bebout men, out of cberi? nation unDrr bcabcn. Jtoto toijcn tijts toas noiseD abtoaO, tijr multitude came togetijet, anU toere ronfounDcD, because tijat ebetn man ijearU tijem speak in ijts oton language. HnD tijcn toere all ama>ctt, ant) marbelleD, samng one to another, BcijolD, ate not all tijese toijicij speak Galileans ''. 3nD tjoto beat toe ebetn man in out oton tongue toijerctn toe toete botn? ^Jartijtans, anD i-HcDrs, anD c?lamttes, anD tije Dtoellers in Mesopotamia, anD in .?( ttDac a, anD CappaDorta, in y ontus, anD asia, ^ijtggia, anU ^ampi)lia, in Sggpt, anU in tije parts of 5Liba about Cgtene, anD sttangets of Home, Setos, anD ^Jroselijtes, (Tretes, anD Arabians, toe Do beat tijcm speak in out tongues tijc toonDetful tootks of <5oD. 2T|e 00pel. St. John xiv. 15. &2t& safi> unto bi Uisctples, ^f ee lobe me, keep m commanUments. anD JT toiU prai? tije jFatijet, anD be sijall gibe ijou anotijet CTomfortet, tbat be mag abitie toitf) |?ou fot ebet ; eben tije Spirit of tt tttiil tobom tijr too'rlD cannot teeeibe, because it srrtij ijtm not, neitijet knotoetij ijtm : but ijr knoto ijim ; for ijc Dtoellctij toitb sou, anU s^alfbe in sou. jr toai not leabe 5ou comfortless ; JT toill come to gou. ^et a little toijile, anD tijr toorlD seetij me no mote; but nr see me : because .?/ libe, PC sijall libe also, n t tijat Hag we sijall knoto, tijat JT am in mijjfatijer, anD ijr in me, anD in ijotu JD.t tijat 'ijatij mn commanUments, anD keepetfj tijem, fy it is tijat lobetij me ; anD be tijat lobetij me sijall be lobetf of HUJ ^Fatijer, anD ?/ toill lobe ijtm, anD toill mani- fest mnself to ijtm. JFuDas saitij unto bim, (not JFscariot,) i,ort(, boto is it tijat tijou toflt manifest 2u tbnsrlf unto us, anB not unto tbr toovlti ? JTesus an'siLirrro anB satD unto b tin, 0f a man lobe me, be totll Urrp inn toovtis, ant) inn JFatber totll lobe bun, anB tor bull eome unto bun, anB maiir our aboBe tottb bun. ?!>r tbat lobetb me not tirrprtb not inn savings : anB tbe toorti tobt rb ge bear is not mfne, but tbejFatijer's tobtcb sent me. 2Tbf0e tilings babe .vl spoken unto nott, being get present tottb nott. But tbe Comforter, tobtrb is tbr 3i>oln (JMjost, tobom tbe JFatber bull senB in mi) flame, be sijall trarb nott all tbtngs, anB bring aft tbings to gour remembranee, tobatsorUrv 3f i)abe saiB unto nott. ^Jrarr .?/ leabe tottb nott, inn prarr .?/ gibe unto no tt : not as tbe too vl6 gibetb> gibe JT unto DOU. ^Let not gour ^eart be troubleB, neither let it fie afraiB. i>e"babe bearB bob) .?/ saiB unto sou, .?/ go atoan, anB eome again unto nott. .fff ge lobeB me, ge tooulB rejoiee, Ibeeause jr saiB, JT go unto tbe j^atber : for mgJFatber is greater t^an Jr. 3ntJ nob) Jf babe tolB nott before it eome to pass, tbat, tobrn it is eome to pass, ge migijt be- liebe. Hereafter .?/ totll not talU nut fi! tottb gou : for tbr prinee of tins toovlO romrtb. anB batb" no= tijing in me. But fljat tbe toorlB ma fenoto tbat jr lobe t^e jFatber ; anB as tl)e JFatljer gabe me eommanBment, eben so .?! Bo. in Collect. , ibo as at tbis time UiOst teadd ti>e rts of tbi> faitbful people, bi> tbe senti= ing to tbemtb* ligbt of tbg I?ol5 Spirit ; <5rant us b tbe same Spirit to tyabe a rigbt fuDgeinrnt in all tilings, anU ebermore to refoiee in Ijis fjoli) eomfort ; tfjrottgi) ti)e merits of Cfjrist JTesus our Sabiour, toljo Itoeti) an& reignetf) tfjee, in tfje unitg of tfje same Spirit, one too lit) tottijout rut). 3men. JTot tye Gtyfetle. Acts x. 34. &II $eter opcnrtt fn's moutfj, ant) sai&, f a trtttij .?/ percetbe tljat oU is no vr= specter of persons ; but tn cbr n> nation ttjat feareti) ^im, antf toorftet^ righteousness, is aeeepteB b)iti) i)im, 2Tfje ffiHorU iuiiiei) (5o5 sent unto flje e^ilUren of Israel, preaefnng peaee J> fesus Cijrist; (ije is HorO of all;) tijat SSUortT, saij, ije iutobj, toin'ei) Ujas puilislieU tJirougiiout all SuUiaea, ant liegan from Galilee, after t^e jbap* tism bj^iei) 0oljn preaeijeU : ^ohj <5oO anointetf JTesus of ila?aret^ iuitlj tije|t?oli? Sljost, anti toit^ poluer ; toi)0 tuent atiottt boing goot), anU Dealing all Hint tuere oppressed of rlje ticbtl : for (5ot boas toitlj ^im. ^nti toe are Witnesses of all tfjings bjljief) ^e tiiU, iotl) in tlje lanU of tije Sefos, anti in J( erusalem ; Uiijom tl)cn sleto, ant) ^angeQ on a tree : ?^im 0oti raiseU^up t^e t^irU Uag, anU si)ch)r9 tjt'm openli? ; not to all tijc people^ but unto Witnesses eljosen Tbefore of c^ot) ; eben to us toljo BiU eat anU Urinft toitf) f)im after f>e rose from tije Ueatt. ^InO Ije eomman&eB us to preae^ unto rlje people, anD to testifp tijat it is ijc U)i)td) toas or- Datnrt) of c^otJ to Ijr lijc .?/ uDge of quirli ant) Heat). eliebetf) in liim sljall re* eeibe remission of sins. SSHljile |Jeter net spafte ttiese bjcrtis, tijc ?i>ouj at on t^e Sentiles also toas pourcD out ti)f gift of tfjr 3i>oly e*M)ost. JFor tbri? tjrartJ tijrm speaft toitb tongues, anO magntfn <5oU. {Tljcn ansUiercD ^Jctrr, Can ani> man forbrtJ toatrr, tijat tijrsc sijoulU not be bap= torn, toimi) ijabr IT rnUctJ tljc ?!> oh> Si)0$t as torU as toe? 3uU ijc rommauUctJ tijcm to be baptt>cO in tiir ilamr of tljr 3Lo vfl. iTfjrn prarrti tijcj? i)tni to tavri? certain Hans. St. John iii. 16. SO lobcB tijr UiorlO, tijat ijr gabc i)ts onlg^fogotten Son, tfiat lufjosorljcr be* Ucbrtf) in ijim sijoulO not prrtsij, but Jjal) c eberlasting life* JFOr 0oQ sent not i)ts Son into H)c Ujorin to rouUrmn tijr toorlt, but t^at tf)c U)orlU tijvougl) ijtiu migijt be sabcU. tyt tijat beliebeti) on ijtm is not conUrmurtJ : but ije tijat beliebeti) not is eonOemnrO alrraDn ; beeause be ijatl) not beliebeO in ttjc ilamc of tijc onl^begotten Son of ?ol5 0I)ost: (for as et Je'toas fallen upon none of tfjem ; onl tl)ep toere baptt?e5 tn tije iiame of tije HorU Sesus.) 2Tf)en latU tfje? tf)etr ijanOs on tijcm, antJ tijew reeetUeti ti)c 11?oli) <5i)ost St. John x. 1 . , toertto JT sa unto ou, |^e t^at entereti) not ij tijc Door into tije si)eep= _ foIO, but elimijett) up some ot^er bjai>, tije same ts a tijief anD a robber. But ty tijat enter= eti) in bi> tije Door is tljc sijepfjerU of tije sfjeep : to ijim tije'porter opened) ; anU tije sijeep tear i)is liotrr, anD Jje railed) ijts obm sijeep bn name, antf leattetij tijem out anU, tojjen ije putteti) fort^ i)ts oton sijeep, Ije goeti) before tijem, anU tije sijeep folloU) tint; for tijen iutoU) ijts botcr. Hnti a stranger Uitll dicn not f olloui ; but toill flee from ijtm ; for dirn UnoU) not tije doiee of strangers. STijts parable" spafee JFesus unto tljem: but tfje ttnUerstooD not bJijat tijtngs tijen toere toijtcij ije s.paUr unto tijem. (Tijen saiD jfesus unto tijem again ; Feriiw, bertlg Jf sag unto gou, Jf am t^e Door of tljc sijeep. ~&ll tijat cUer came before me are tijtetoes anU robbers; but t^e steep UtU not 2 x bear tbem. JT am rtye door ; bg me if ang man enter in, ijr stjall be QabrU, ant) sijall go in and out, and ftnd pasture. Sfl&e tijief cometi) not but for to steal, and to fcill, and to destroy: S am eome tfjat tfjeg migfjt babe life, and tfjat tfjeg migbt it more aintnUantlij. as STtje Collect d eberlasting 0oO, lulio i)ast giben unto us tijn servants grace tin fte confession of a true faity to acfcnoto* leUge tije glor of ti)e eternal 2Trinit, anU in tije potocr of tijc'-DtUinc iitafcsti? to Ujorsijtp tijc Clnitij; 2.21 e bcsccci) tijcc, tliat ttjou luottlUcst U r rp us stetffast in tljis faiti), antf ebermore 5 rfrnti us from all aUbersities, toJjo libest anD reignest, one SoO, bjorlD li)tti)ottt enU. Hmen. jFor t^e <5pitle. Rev. iv. 1 . r^reil t^is jr looueU, anD beljolD, a Uoor bias opcnctt in ijcabcn : antJ tijc first boice to J) t cij Jf ijcarU bias as it bjcrc of a trumpet talatng bittlj me; bjtjicb saiD, Come up ijitijer, anti JF bjill sijebj t^ee things bjijic^ must be Jjere* after. anU immetJiatelp JF bjas in ftje Spirit ; anU bctjoiu, a ttjvonr bias set in iicabcn, anU one sat on tijc tijronc : and tie tiiat sat bias to loofe upon lifec a fasper and a sardine stone : and tijcrc bias a rainbobi round about tlir throne, in sigi)t line unto an emerald, and round about tijc ttivonc bicvc four and tbiento seats ; and upon ttjc seats JT sabi four and tbicntij elders sitting, clotiicd in biijite raiment; and tfje Jjad on tfjeir ijeads crobins of golt : &nt out of tije throne prorr rDrti ligijt* mugs, ant tijttntcrings, ant boiccs. .ant tiicrc torn seben lamps of fire bunting before tije throne, mijicij are tijc seucn ^pirits of (Sot. 3nt before tije tijronc tijcrc mas a sea of glass lihc unto eri?s= tal: ant in tije mitst of tije tijrone, ant rount about tiir tijronc, mere four beasts full of eijes before ant bcijmt. 3nt ttjc first beast mas lifte a lion, ant tijc seeont beast Itiic a calf, ant tlir tiitrt beast ftat a faee as a man, ant tijc fottrilj beast mas It'Ue a flijing eagle. Hnt tijc four beasts ijat cacfi of tijr nt s t'.r m ings about i)tm ; ant iijri? mere full of eges m ttinn : ant tf)e rest not tag nor ntgljt, sawng, ?tolj), $ob>, l)ol 5Lort (Sot nimtgljtij, miu'ci) mas, ant is, ant is to come, .ant mijcn tijose beasts gibe glorn, ant lionour, ant tiianUs, to ijim ttjat sat on tiir tiironr, Mio liUctij for eber ant euer, tije four ant tmcntn elters fall tomn before turn tijat sat on tijc tiironc, ant morsijtp inm tijat liucti) for eber ant cucr, ant east tijeir cr ouins before tije tijrone, saning, iTijou art mortijij, O IL ort, to reeeibe glonj, ant honour. ant potoer ; for tfjou bast ereatet all things, ant for 45 pleasure tfjeg are ant mere ereatet. Qfyt @00pel St. John iii. 1. mas a man of tfjc iJijarisccs, namct ilicotcmus, a ruler of tijc 0etos : tijc same came to JTesus bi> ntgijt, ant sait unto ijim, llabbi, me iuiom tijaf tijou art a tcacijcr eome from 1^0 1 : for no man ean to tijese miracles tijat tljou toest, except (Sot be mitf) tym. JFesus an* smeret ant sait unto ijim, Perils, toerilg JT sag unto tijcc, (?.rccpt a man be born again, ijc cannot see tije itingtom of Sot. j^icotemus saitij unto ijim, l^oto ean a man be bom toijen ije is olt ? ean ijc enter tijr scronti time into ijts mother's ujomt, antJ tie torn ? 3f csus anstoereO, Verily, bcrtlij Jf Gar unto tijrr, c^.vrrpt a man tie liorn of toater, anD of tije Spirit, ije eannot enter into tije itmgjBom of <&o&. 2Tijat totjieij is torn of tije flrsij is flesij ; anfl tljat toijicij is bom of tiir Spirit is spirit Ittarbel not tiiat JT saiO unto tljrr, i?r must iie torn again. iTlir toinO ttlotoeti) miirrr it Imtrti), anti tiiott Dearest tiir sounti tijrrrof, tut eanst not ten toijeme it eometi), anU toijitijer it goetij ; so is eber one tfjat is torn of ttje Spirit. jitcottemus ansUierrU ant) saiU unto ijt'm, ?l?olu ean t^ese things te ? Sesus anstoereti anD saiD unto Jim, ^rt rtjou a master of JTsrael, anU fenoto* est not t^ese tilings ? Fer% beril S saw unto tiir r, H5t r spc.m tijnt be Do iuioii), anD testify tliat lur iiaUr seen; ant) ijr reeeibe not our toitness. .flf 3t tialir told ijou eartijln tilings, anU ijr teliebe not ; ijoto sijafl e teliebe^ if tell POU of ijeabenlg tinngs ? anU no man ijati) aseenDeU up to ijea* ben, tut ijr tijat eame Ooiun from ijcab en, eben tij e Son of man, luijo is in iieaben. nnu as Closes lift rt) up tije serpent in tije uitlUerness, eben so must tije Son of man te lifteU up : tijat to^oso* eber teliebeti) in ijim sijoult not perisi), tut ijabe eternal life. lje first SunUag after 2Trinitg. ^fje Collect , tije strength of all tijem tliat put tijeir trust in ti)ee, mereifulb aeeept our praters ; ant) teeause tijrougij tije toeau= ness of our 'mortal nature be ean Do no goott tiding toiiijout tijee, grant us tije ijelp of tijij grace, tijat in Ueeping of tijij comman&mcnts toe man please tijee, botij in toil! anB Been ; tijrougf) JTesus Jjrist our 3Loro. &men. Stye fcfctle. 1 St. John iv. 7. SflL&V&to, let us lobe one another: for lobe is of <5oD, antf eber one tijat iouctf) is born of oD, and fcnotoetfj Soft, 2&e tijat lob e tii not imotoctij not act); for iftoti is lobe* JTn tin's toas manifested tijc lobe of Son totoartts us, beeause tiiat c^oti sent i)is onl= begotten Son into t^e bjorlO, tljat toe miojt libe rtjrouoj i)im. Herein is lobe, not tfiat toe lobeU Sot), but tljat ijc lobeO us, anU sent l)is Son to be tlif propitiation for our sins. BelobeO, if (Ron so lobeO us, toe ougljt also to lobe one another. &$ man tyatf) seen oU at ang time. Jff toe lobe one another, 0ot> Dtoelletb in us, anU ijis lobe is perfeeteti in us. ?i>rvrt)i? itnoto toe tijat toe tftoell in ijt'm, anU i)e in us ; beeause ije ijatij giben us of i)is Spirit. ^InO toe ijabe seen, anD Ho testify, tfjat tl)e Jfatfier sent ti)e Son to be tfje Sabiour of f ije toorltf. l! |* Gospel St. Luke xvi. 19. i(? bas a certain rt'cb ntan, ujbt efj bias in purple, anD fine linen, ant) f arct sumptuously cbcnj Daij. 3nD tijcrc bias a certain beggar namctj 3La>arus, toljtcij bias lait) at bis gate full of sores, anD Desiring to be feD limb tijc crumbs, biijicij fell from tijc rtcij man's table: moreober, tije Dogs came anD liciicD bis sores. 3nD it came to pass, tbat tijc beggar DieD, anD bias carrieD bij tijc angels into abraijam's bosom. arus in bid bosom. 3nD be crieD anD saiD, jFatijcr aibraijam, babe merej) on me, anD senD !.a?arus, tfjat be ma Dip tijc tip of bid finger in toatcr, anD cool inn tongue ; for JT am tormenteD in tijts flame. But 3brabam saiD, $on, remember tbat tijou in tijn lifetime receibcDst tb gooD tljings, anD lifeetaise Ha>arus ebil tijings ; but nouj be is comforteD, anD tijou art tormenteD. 3nD besiDes all tijis, bettoeen us anD DOU tbere is a great gulf fixeD : so tbat tijen biijo biottlD pass from benre to nou cannot ; ncitijcr can tijcn pass to us, tbat biottlD come from tijence. (Tijen be saiD, ;?) praij tijcc tijcrefore, fatijcr, tbat tijou tboulDest senD bint to m fatijer's bouse: for & babe fibe bretbren ; tbat be mag testify unto tij cm, lest tijcn also come into tijis place of torment ^braijam'sattij unto b tin, (Tijcn bane looses anD tiic propijets ; let tbrm bear tbent ^nD be saiD, |ia, fatfjer ^brabam ; but if one bent unto tijcm from tije Dead, tben bill re- pent. &nt i)e sait unto ijim, Jff ti)e tyear not iitoses ant tije prophets, neither toill t$eg be per* siuitet. ti)ougi) one rose from tlic teat. &i)e Secont Suntag after arrinitg. 83le Collect. 3UOKD, toi)o nrbrr fatlrst to iirlp antf gobern tijrin luiiom tijou Dost tiring up in tij P GtrOf ast fear ant) lobe ; iUrp us, be tJfGf rri) tifcr, unfler tiir protection of ti)n gootJ prob tOrnr r, anO maUe us to i)aur a perpetual fear antt lobe of tijij iiolij jlamc ; tijrougi) .?/ csus CijriBt , 1 St. John iii. 13. , m iretliren, if rlje toorlU iiatc nott. 2.51'r UnoU) tijat toe tjalir es from tiratij unto life, beeau^e toe lobe t^e brethren. |^e t^at lobeti) not i)ts brother abtOeti) in Bcatf). JLCtijosocUrr tiatett) i)ts brother is a murOerer : anD nc tuto to tij.it no murocrer ijattj eternal life abiting in tint. |^ereb pereeibe toe tije lobe of (SoO, because ijr lain tfoton ijijs life for us : ant toe ougi)t to lav toton our libes for tiir brethren. But toljoso iiatij ti)is toorlt's gooO, ant seetij ^is brother ^abe neet, ant sfmttert) up l)is botoels of compassion from ijim ; ijoto ttoeUctb tijc lobe of <$ot in ij tm y i*U> little cljilt ren. let us not lobe in toort, neither" in tongue; but in teet, ant in trutij. ^Int fjerebg toe fcnoto tijat toe are of tij e iruti), ant stjall assure our iicarts be- fore l)im. jFor if our ijrart contemn us, <&ot is greater tiian our ijeart, ant fenotoet^ all tilings. iielobet, if our ^eart contemn us not, tijen toe confluence totoarDs <&oD. 3nU tobatsoeber toe asft, toe reeeibe of bim, because toe fteep bis eom* manDments, anD Do tbose tilings tbat are pleasing in bid sigbt. 3nti tijis is bid commanDntent, c bat toe sboulD beliebe on tbe ilame of bid Son .flesus Cbrist, anD lobe one anotber, as be gabe us com* manDment &nD b* tbat fteepetb bid commanD* ments Dtoelletb in bfm, anD be in bim : anD bereby toe ftnoto tbat be abiDetb in us, by tbe Spirit toijieij be batb giben us. &$e <5ospeL St. Luke xiv. 16. <o out quicftly into tbe lanes anD streets of tbe city, anD bring in bttbrr tbe poor, anD tbe maimeD, anD tbe bait, anD tbe blinD. ^nD tbe serbant satD, HorD, it is Done as tbott bast commanDeD, anD yet tijrre is room. HUD tbe lorD saiD unto tbe serbant, <&o out into tbe bigb-toays anD beDges, anD compel tijem to come in, tbat my bouse may be filleD. JFor JF say unto you, iTbaf none of tbose men toiitcb toere biDDen sball taste of my supper. ty tfnrii SunBag after ar gfye Collect, 01UD, toe liesecri) tiiee mereifulin to ije.iv us; anB grant ttjat tor, to uifjom _ ttyott fjast gtoen an ijeartp Desire to prag, mag b ti) migf)t atU be DefenDeb anti eomforteb in all Dangers anB aDtoersities ; tiivottgi) <*Tf)rtt our HorD. Qty O'ptfttle. 1 St. Pet. v. 5. L of $ou be subject one to anotf jer, anti be elofljefl ujttij ijwmtlttn : for @oO resist* eti) tf)e prouD, anO gibet^ graee to tfie ijumble. ^nmble wourselbes therefore unUer tjje migijtn IjanD of 0oD, ttjat ije mai> exalt sou in Due time ; easting all nour eare upon 1)im, for ije ear etij for ijou. Be sober, be Vigilant ; beeause our aUuersars rlje Debil, as a roaring lion, toalft* eti) about seeiu'ng U)i)om i)e mag eu our : UJiioin resist stetnf ast in tiie fattij, iutolutug tijat tijc same afflietions are aeeomplisiieti in ijour brethren tijat are in ti)e torlt( But ti)e otfof alt graee, t|)o ijatf) ealleU us into fjis eternal giorg bg Christ 0esus, after tijat t>e i)abe suffereD a toijile, make POU perfeet, stablisi), strengthen, settle nott. reason of ijini toijo ijatij suli= jcctea tije same tit ijope : because tije creature itself also sijall be Bclibcrcti from tijr bondage of rov= ruction, into tije glorious libert of tjje cijiiBren of e, toijen tijou tijijself beijoltiest not tijr beam tijat is in ftine oton ege? sr^ou bgpocrite, cast out first tije beam out of tijine oton eve, anU tijrn sijalt tijou see elcarli) to pull out tije mote tijat is in tijv brotijer's ege. &ty fifty SunDas after 2Trtnttg. &ty ColUtt rl2r, &orB, toe beseecf) tijee, tijat tfje course of tins Vjorlfl map be so pracc= abln ortierrtJ bp tijn governance, ttiat tijn Cijurcij map" iopfullp srrVr tijrr in all gob IP quiet* ness ; fljrougfj JFesus Christ our i.orB. &men. |* 0pfetle. 1 St. Pet. iii. 8. nr all of one minU, tjabtng compassion one of anotijcr, lobe as iiretijren, be p ttt= fit I, be courteous ; not renDcring ebtl for ebfl, or railing for railing ; but contraritoise bless* ing ; Unoimng tiiat ijc are thereunto ra UcD, tijat ijr siiouio inherit a blessing, jrov ijr tliat lutll lobe life, anD see gooD Haps, let i)im refrain tjis tongue from cbtl, anfl iu's lips tiiat tfjeij spraii no guile: let ijim esci)eb) rUtl, ant) tio goott ; let ij im scch peace, antt ensue it. jFor tiir eves of tijr Horti are ober tijc righteous, and i)is ears are open unto tfjeir praters : but r^e face of ti)e S.orD is against tliein tijaf Oo ebil. ^nti luijo is ijc tijat bjill iiann ijou, if PC be followers of tijat ujiitcij is goott y But anulf e suffer for riigiiteousttess' safte, japp are e: anU be not afratD of t^eir ten*or, neither be trouble!) ; but sanctify tf>e He vt) i^oti in pour tearts. %ty e sat toton, ant tattgijt tfje people out of tije sfjip. |ioto toljen i>e tjaD left speaiu'ng, IK sait unto Simon, Haunelj out into tije tirrp, ant let toton gout nets for a traugi)t. ^nt Simon answering sait unto ijtm, iilaster, tor ijabe toilet all tijc mgljt, ant ijabe taUrn nothing; nevertheless, at ti)ij biort Jf Uitll let toton tie net &nt b)|jen t^ep liat t^is tone, tfteg ineloset a great multitute of fishes, ant tfjeir net brafte. ^Int tijeg fceefconet unto tfjeir partners U)l)t ci) toere in ti)e ofijrv sijip, rljat tfjrp sijoult eome ant ijelp tijrm. Huti tijrij eame, ant ullet totii rlje sf)ips, so tf)at tijcn lirgau to sinft* tLCtiiru Simon ^eter sain it, ijr fell tobn at JTesus' ftnees, saing, Separt from me, for jr am a sinful man, 3Lort. JTesus sait unto Simon, JFear not, from ijeneefortij tijou sijalt ratrl) men. toijen t^e^ ^at irougljt i^eir sfjips to lant, forsook all, ant follotoet ijim, 2T^e zixty Suntag after *!Tfje Collect (5(^13, to^o fjast preparet for t^em t^at lobe tijr c sueij goot tljings as pass man's unterstanting ; ^our into our ijearts mtij lobe toUiart tijee, tijat toe, lobing ti)rc abotoe all things, maw obtain ti)i> promises, toliiei) f.vr rrD all t^at toe ean tesire ; tijrougi) JTesus ^ijrist our llovti. &men. 3 A Rom.vi. 3. iHOWt IT not tiiat so in any of us as to ere bapti>et> into Jesus (Tt)vts>t lucre bap- ti?eB into tis to art) ? ^terefore toe are bttricti lutti) inm bi> baptism into tieati) ; tijat liiic as (Tijnst toas ra'tscD up from tiic UraD by tijr glorn of tijc ,-jFatijcr, (ben so toe also stouID toalu in ncuwc66 of life. JFor if toe iiabe iirrn plnntrO together in tl^e lifeeness of fji Ueatlp, toe stall ie also in tf>e lifteness of i)is resurreetion : fenototng tljts, tijat out olO man is rrurtff c U lutti) i)tm, tiiat tljr i) oDi? of din mi glj t lir Bestromtt, tijat ij cnr rf ortij toe sijoulU not gerbe sin. jFor iir tiiat is tie an is f rrrti from sin. jloto if toe tsr U f au toiti) (Tijvtst. toe beliebe tiiat toe stall also libe to ttij tint ; ftno to= ing tijat (Tijrist being raised from tijr He atj Utrtij no more ; t> r atij iiatij no more dominion otoer tint. jFor in ttat te DieO, te UieU unto sin onee ; but in tijat ijr UUrti), ijr liUrtD unto SoO. ILtUctoise reeUo'n ijr also rourselbrs to be traD tntirrti unto sin, but alibe unto Sotf tiirougi) Jfesus Cijrist our iiovO. St. Matth. v. 20. saiO unto !jt6 Dtsrtplrs, Uittij turn ; le*t at aui/time tijr atd)ersar tJeliber fljee to ti)e julfge, anUl^e fwfge Ueliber tfjee to tije ofKeer, anD tfjou ie east into prison. Ferilg JT sag unto ttee, STfjou si)alt li no means romr out tijenee, till tijou ijast paiD tije uttermost fartijtng. * S$* sebentti Suntiag after ^rinitg* fflje Collect. US of all potoer anK migtt, toijo art t^e autljor anB giber of all gooB tilings; raft in our hearts tije lobe of ti)i> ilamr, increase in us true religion, nourisf) us biti) all gooBness, anB of rijij great mcrnj iieep us in tljr same ; ri)rougl) JTesus Ciirist our HorB. " Rom. vi. 19. P<&3[!t after tfje manner of men, because of tijc tnfirmtti) of ijour flesi) : for as i?e fjabe ijirlBrB pour members serbants to uneleanness anB to iniojtitg unto inKjuitg ; eben so nob) yielB your members serbants to righteous- ness unto holiness* jFor toljc n PC luere tije scr= bants of sin, PC luere free from righteousness. 2L2lijat fruit tjaB PC tljcn in tijosc tilings, tuijereof ge are nobj as^ameB ? for tije enB of tfjose things is Beatt But nob) being maBe free from sin, anB Ijf romr srrbants to e^oti, yr tiaUr ijour fruit unto I)olwr5s>, ant ttjc rnt ebe'rlasting life, .-ffov ttje toages of sin is teati) : cut tije gift of Sot is eternal life, tijrougij .?f esus (Tijrist our ?Lort. &$* OSpft St. Mark viii. 1 . . tijose tags tljr multitut e being berg great, ant ijabiiig nothing to rat, Jfesus rallrt ijis tiseiples unto ijhn, ant saitij unto ttjrm, lir rom^assion on ttjr nut ititut r, tr rausr tijr r ijaUr nob been toiti) me ttjrrr tans, ant Ijabr no= fting to eat: ant if 3f sent tfjenfatoap fasting to ttjrir ou.ni Ijousrs, ttirn toill faint tin tijr to an ; for tibers of tijein eante from far. ant ijis tisriplrs anstoeret ijun. jrroiu to^enre ean a man satisfy tfiese men toiti) lirrat ijrrr in tijr toilternessl ant ije asUrt tijnu, ?i>oto mani? loabes ijalir ijr y ^nt t^e sait, Seben. ^Int e eommantet tije people to sit toton on tije grount. ant ije tooft tije seben loabr s, ant gabe tijanlis, ant bvaUr, ant gabe to ijis tiseiples to set before tijein ; ant tijrn tit set tije m before tljr people* ant tfjeij ijat a feto small fts^es ; ant ije blesset , ant com- mantet to set tljem also before t^em. So tljei> tit rat, ant toere ullet : ant tljei? took up of tije broken meat tijat toas left seben baskets, ant tijcn ttjat ijat eaten toere about four tiiousant. ant lie sent t^em atoag. * Sije eigijtf) Suntag after 2Trinitg. toijose neber^failing probitenee ortereti) all tilings boti) in ijeaben ant earti) ; 2.5 tr ijumbln beseeei) tijee to put atoan from us all ijurtful tilings, ant) to gibe us tijose tying* toijici) be profitable for us ; tyrougij JTesus e ioUp, e sijall litoe. ^or as man as are leU ftj? tije Spirit of Soft, tijeg are rlje sons of <5ot(. ^or ^e Jjabe not reeeibetfti)e spirit of bondage again to fear; but ijc ijabe reeeibeD tiir spirit of aD option, tuijcvdm toe er, Etiba, .dFat^er. &ty Spirit itself beared toitness toitfj our spirit, rljat toe are tljr eljilDrrn of c^oi) : anD if rinlDvcn, tijen ijeirs ; ijeirs of Ootf, ant) j'oint*i)ctrs tottij Cijrist: if so be tijat toe suffer toitl) ^im, tfjat toe mag be also giorift'eu together* St. Matth. vii. 15. of false propiirts, tofn'ci) route to ijou in sijerp's dotijtng, but intoarUln tijrij are rabrning toolbes. i?c sijall Uno to tljcm bn tljrt'r fruits: Oo men gatljer grapes of ti)orns,'or ugs of tfjistles '' (Pben so ebrrn goot) tree bringeti) fortij goo t) fruit ; but a corrupt tree brtngcti) forti) ebil fruit. H good tree cannot bring f ortf j ebil fruit ; neither ran a corrupt tree bring forti) gooU fruit <5ber tree tfiat bringeti) not forti) gooB fruit is ijrton Co ton, antJ east into t^e fire. SLStijerefore b tf)eir fruits e sijall ftnoto tijcm. ilot eberg onc'tijat saiti) unto me, lLorO, HorK, s^all enter into tije itingfiom of ijeaben ; but ije tijat Boeti) t^e toill of mg JTat^er toi)ie$ is in i)eaben, . 3B mra aG 2T!)e nintfj Sunday after 2rrinitg, 2$e Collnt. to us, ILord, toe fcesceefj tfjee, tije spirit to tlitnfi and bo altoaws sud) tfjings as tie rtfjfjtfttl ; tijat tor, toijo cannot do ann ti)tng tfjat is good toitijottt tijcc, maij In; tijcc lie enabled to libe according to tijjj toill ftijrougij JfeBtts Christ our lLorD. ^nten.' I Cor. x. 1 . jr tooirtH not tfjat ge i) br ignorant, ijo to tijat an our fathers toere wnHcr tijc cloud, and all passed tijrougJ) tijc sea ; and toere all faapthcd unto Closes in tijc cloud, and in ttjc sea ; and did all eat tijc same spiritual meat, and did all drinu tlje same spiritual drinft : (for ti)e dranfe of tijat spiritual liocfc tijat follotoed tijemf and tljat ROCK toas Christ) But toitij manij of tijcm ^od toas not toell pleased ; for tijr n toere ou crtiiro ton in tij c toildemess. ilo to tijese" tijings toere our examples, to tiir intent toe should not lust after ebil tijings, as tijcij also lusted, ^eit^er ie m idolaters, as toere some of tijcm ; as it is tortttcn, rijc people sat do ton to eat and drinti, and rose up to plaij. ficitijcr let us commit fornication, as some of tijcm committed, and fell in one dao tfjree and ttocnti? thousand. ilcttijcr let us tempt Cijrtst, as some of tijcm also tempted, and toere destroyed of serpents, ilcttijcr murmur PC, as some of tijcm also murmured, and toere destroyed of tfje destroyer, iioto all tijese tijings ijappened unto tijem for ensamples : and tije are toritten for our admonition, upon toijom tjje ends of tfje toorld are come. fcKlljerefore let ijim tijat tljinftctij ije standctij taiic ijrcd lest ijc fall tTijcrr ijatij no temptation taunt ijott, but sudj is common to man : but &ott is faithful, tuijo toil! not suffer nou to be tcmptrt) alioUe tijat we are able; but totll Imtij tfje temptation also m'ahc a luaij to escape, tijat ijc man be able to bear it Stye 0009(1 St. Luke xvi. 1 . sail! unto ins Bisciples, iTijcrc toas a certain ncij man tuiudj ijati a stetoarB ; anu ttir same toas aeeuseO unto ijt'm tijat )f ijati UiasteO ijis gootrs. Hut) ijr ealleti iitm, anfl sain unto tyim, ?i)oU) is it tijat JT ijrar tijis of tijee ? Sibe an account of t^i? stetoartisijip ; for tijou mancst be no longer stetoarU. 2T^en t^e stetoarB saiB lwtti)tu ijtmsclf, (ISti)at sljall Jf Do ? for nuj lorU tauetij aUjan from me tiic stcu)artisi)i)) : J cannot Dig, to beg JT am asliamctu .? am resolbefi Uiijat to Do, tijat, iuijcn .?/ am put out of tij c stcto= arUsijip, t^e ma receibe me into t^cir Bouses. So i)e calleD'eberg one of ijis lorU's Uebtors unto ijtm, anD saitf unto tljc first, ?i>olu mucij otucst tijou unto mn lorU V HnB ijc saiB, .Hn ijunUrrU measures of oil ^ntt ^e saiU unto i)im, 2Tafte tf) bill, anti sit tfoton quicftlg, and torite fiftj?. 2Tijen saitf ijc to another, Hut) ijoU) mud) obest tijou v Hut) ijr saiO, Hu ijuutrct! measures of tuijrat. Hut) ijr saiO unto ijtm, (TaUe tijn bill, aut) Invite four* score. Hut) tijr lovt) commenUetf tijc unjust steuj* arU, because Je i)alf Bone toiselu : for t^e d)il&ren of t^is toorlB are in fljeir generation toiser ti)an flje df)ilBren of lipjt ^nB sag unto sou, flflaUe to mntrsr ttics fricnBs of tijr mammon of unrigbt* eousncss ; tijat U)ijcu nc fail, tljen mag meitoe ijou into everlasting habitations. STije tenrl) Suntag after STrinitg* (?& tfii? merciful ears, ma obtain tfieir petitions mafte tljein to asfc suei) things as si)all please tijrc; rtn'ourjf) JTesus Cijvist our liort . Hmen. ICor.xii.l. tooult not ijabe ou ignorant i>rtmobj rtjat i>c iucrc <5rntilrs, rarrirt atoaw unto t^ese tumb itols, rtien as ge iutre let. Wttwt* fore JT gibe gou to unterstant, t^at no man speak* ing i t^e Spirit of c^ilUrcn tott^tn tljee ; anU ttjrij sijall not Icabe in tfjce one stone upon another ; because tl ou Uuctocst not tiir time of tinj Visitation. HnD ijr toent into tlir temple, anti egan to cast out tiicm tijat soft tijcrctn, anU t^em t^at bougfjt, saving unto tijem, JTt is toritten, IttD Jjouse is tfje ijouse of praer: but ge tabe made it a Den of tijtcUrs. HnD ijc taugljt Oaflg in tlje temple. 2TJ)C elebentt) SunUag after SWnitg. 2T^e Collect. O (T> D , Ujlio Beclarcst Hi n almigijtn po tocr most cijieflij in s^etoing mercg antu pitg ; lilcrcifuUi/ grant unto us siicij a mea- sure of tiiij grace, tiiat toe, running tijc toag of tiji? commandments, mat) obtain tijn gracious pro= mises, anB be maUe partafters *of tfj treasure ; tijrotiQf) JTesus Cijrtst our Horti. 2Ti>e Epistle. 1 Cor. xv. 1. &<ou first of all, tijat toijtci) JT also reeetbeB, i)oto tijat Christ BieB for our sins, according to tije Scrip* tures ; antJ tijat ije toas burieB ; anD tijat ije rose again tije tf)irU tag, according to tije Scriptures ; anU tijat ije toas seen of Cepijas, tijen of tije ttoelbe : after ti)at, f)e iuas seen of afcobe fibe ^unDreH ire= t^ren at onee ; of toljom t^e greater part remain unto tfjis present; but some are fallen asleep: after ti)at, Ije bias seen of Sames ; tijen of all tfje Apostles : anU last of all, ije bias seen of me also, as of one fcorn out of Hue time. jFor JT am tije least of tfje Apostles, tljat am not meet to fce ealletf an Apostle, heeause JT perseeutefl tije Cijure^ of &ott. But l)i? tijr graee of <&oU IT am Uiljat JT am : anU ijts graee tuind) bias bestobieti upon me bias not in bain; but ,?l laboured more abunUantli? t^an rl)e all ; get not JT, but tije graee of <5oK bjijtdj bias biitlj me. STfjerefore bjfjet^er it toere JT or tijeg, so bie preaei), anU so ge beliebeU. 2T|)e (!>00pei St. Luke xviii. 9. S spafee tl)is parable unto eertain bjfjiel) trusteU in tfjemselbes rljat tljeg toere righteous, ant) Despisett others : iTiuo men toent up into ti)e temple to praij ; tije one a ^1),i= rtsee, anB tije otijer a ^ubh'r.in. ^Tije |)ijarisee stootl anU pvaijetJ tijus to itlj ijimself, iT o , ;?) tijanU tijee, tijat J( am not as otijer men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or eben as tijis publican : JT fast ttoire in tije toeeu, JT gibe titijes of ail tijat JT possess. HntJ tije ^ubliean, standing afar oft, moult) not lift up so mueij as ijis eijes unto bea- ben, but smote upon ijt's breast, saving, 0oD be mereiful to me a sinner. S tell gou, tijis man toent tf ohm to ijis ijouse fustiftet) ratljrr tftan tlje otijer : for e berg one rftat exaltetft lumself sftall be abaseD ; ant) ife that immbletf) ftimself sftall be fte ttoelftft SunDag after STrinitg. antJ aIU)aws5 more rraBn to tear tijan lur to prai?, anU art iuont to gibe more tijan er toe tJfsivr, or tfeserbe; ^Jour tJoluu upon us tijr aiiunOan re of tf)ij mrrr ; for gib mg us tijo sr tilings toijcrrof our ro'nsrieure i& afratD, ant) gib- ing us ti)05f goot) tijings toijiri) IDC are not toortfnj to asft, but tijrougf) tijr merits ant) mediation of STesus Christ, rl) Son, our ilorB. ^men. ^f)e (PpiStle. 2Cor. iii.4. C3& trust Jjabr bje rljrougi) (Tljrist to

altlrr, ttjrouQl) H)c mtOst of tijr roasts of Seea* luB tijrn bring unto ijtm one tijat toas braf, ant ijaU atf impetiment in ins speed) ; ant tijrn trsrrrij ijtm to put ins tjant) upon ijtm. ^int Ijr too U i) un astDr from tiir multttuD r, ant put t) t s Angers into lits cars, ant ijc spit, ant tourijrt ijts tongue ; ant looking up to tirauru, ijr signet, ant sattl) unto fnm, (?pi)pfjati)a, tiiat ts, 13r openet. rinti straigijttoan (is ears toere openet, ant tljc string of ins tongue toas looset, ant ijr spaiir plain* &nt ijr eijargrt tijrm tijat tijrn sijoultJ tell no man : but tijr more tjr rijar get tijr in, so nut rij t ij r more a great teal tijnj pub I tsijrD it ; ant lu rvr bnjont measure astontsijrli, saijtng, ?i> r ijatij tone all things lu r U ; ij r maUrti) tofij tijr teaf to fjear, ant tije tumb to speah. (Tijc tijtrtrrntij ~unDan after (Tnnttn. CTjc Collect. iLtfUWi? jTi? ant mereiful oo\ of ujijosr on IP gift it r om rtij tijat tijn f a ttijf ul people to unto tijrr true ant lautable srvtnrr ; <5rant, toe lirsrrrij tijrr, tijat toe man so fattijfuUn sertoe tijrr in tijts life, tijat toe fail 'not ftnalln to attain tijn ijralirnln promises ; tijrott gij tijr merits of JTesus Cijrtst our $.ort. Hmrn. ty , tTtjat tijc eobe= nant tijat las eonftimeD fcefore of <5oD in (Ti)nst, tijr ILato, ujijtrl) toas four ijuuDreD anB tljt'rti? Dears after, eannot Disannul, tfjat it sijoulD mafee rtje promise of none effeet. JFor if tije infjeritanee be of tfje ILato, it is no more of promise ; but (SoD gabe it to &frraf>am i) promise. SH^erefore t^en serbett) tfje ILato ? Jf t toas aUUeDijeeause of trans* gressions, till tljr seetf sijoulti eome, to toijcm tijr promise bias matie; ant) it bias orDaineD tiij angels in tfie IjanU of a meUiator. i3toto a mediator is not a mediator of one ; fout 6>ol is one. JTs t^e ILabj tljen against flje promises of <5oU ? (Son fottitJ : for if t^ere JjaU ibeen a labj giben b)f)idj eoulD ^abe giben life, berilv righteousness sijouiu i>abe lice n tin tfje Lab). But tijr $rriptttre ijatfj eoneluUrti all unBer sin, tiiat tlje promise tn> faitlj of JFesus (Tijnst mt'gjjt be giben to tijrm tljat ieliebe. St. Luke x. 23. ate t^e eges to^te^ see fl>e things t^at m see. JFor JT tell gou, ST^at mang propljets anm feings fiabe Uesireti to see tljose tilings luiitrij ije see, antt ^abe not seen t^em; anD to tyear t^ose things bjfjieij ge Ijear, an |abe not fiearD tljem. ^Inti befjolln, a eertain iLatouer stooD up, anU temptefl ^im, ng, l^asterT toliat sfjall JT Do to inljerit eternal life ? li>r saiD unto ijim, a.2lijat is bmtten in ttjr Hab)? iiobj reattest tljott? Hnti ije answering sat B, iTijou si)alt lobe tijr ILorD tijij 0otJ toitl) all ti)t ijr art, anb Ujiti) all tijw soul, ant) ujtti) all ti;n strength, anD bjiti) all tl) minD ; anD t][) neiglj= iour as t^wself. ^InD fje saiD unto ^im, STJjou ijast ansUiefeD rigijt ; tijis Do, ant tijou sijalt libe. 3 D But be, to tiling to justify ijtmsclf. satti unto .ffcsus, "Inti ujbo is inn neighbour ? 3nt> .vJ rstts ansb)cr= ing saiD, a certain man toent Dobm from .f eru* salem to Sericbo, anD fell among tbiebes, tobfrfj stn'pprti t)tm of bis vatnirnt, anD tuounDcD bun, antf DcpavtcD, leabing bim ijalf OcaH. UnD tin tfjance tijr re eame DoUm a certain } J ricst tijat IB a P. anB, luijrn i) r satp ijiin, i)r passcO t) i> on tijc otijc'r QtiJr. ^nfl ltUcU)t?jc a ILrbttr, Uiljen ijc luas at tljr place, came anU loofteU on i)im, anB passeO i> on t^e otfjer siUe. But a certain Samaritan, as ty jo tirncnrt, came toijcre Ijr Uiass ; anti, U)1)cn fje sab) ijim, Ije ijaD compassion on ijim, anb bent to i) tin, anti bounti tip ijis toounQs, pouring in oil ant) toine, ant) set ijim on ijis oiun beast, ant) brought ijim to an inn, anD tooU care of inm. anti on tije inov= rob), bJijcn ije teparteD, ijc toou out tluo pence, anti gabe tfjem to tljr ijost, ant) sail) unto i)tin, (TaUe care of bint ; ant) biijatsocbcr tijott spent) cst more, tuijcn JF come again, JT b)ill repai? tijcr. 2.Sti)ici) nob) of tijese tijree, tijinUcst tfiou, b)as neighbour unto bint tiiat fell among t be tijiebes ? ant) be sait), |^e tbat sbetoet) mercj) on bint, 2T!)en saiD JFesus unto ijim, tijcn, OTalU in tiic Spirit, anB ijc sljall not fulfil tijc lust of tijc flcsij. jf or tijr flcsi) lustcti) against tijc Spirit, ant) tlir ;it against tf>e flcsf) ; anB tyese are contrary tfje one to tije ortjer; so tf)at ge cannot Uo tije tijings ti)at ge tooulir. But if ge iie leK i>j? t^e Spirit, PC are not uuOrr tljr lab. ilolu tljr UforUs. of il)c flesfj are manifest, U)1)ici; are tijese, atiultmj, fornication, uneleanness, laseili tousncss, t'Uo latnj. bjitcfjeraft, JjatreU, bartanee, emulations, toratj, strife, seUitions, heresies, enbgings, murBers, Krunftejtness, retellings, anti suei) lifce: of tije luliiri) .?/ tell ijou licfore, as JT ijabc also tolti ijou in time past, rijat tijen luijo Bo suci) tilings s_fjaU not inherit tlie UingOom of c^oU. But tlje fruit of tlje Spirit is lone, fop, peace, long*suffering, gen* tlencss, gooDness, fait^, meefcness, temperance: against sucf) tfjere is no lato. ^InU tfjej? tyat are (Tljrist's ijaue crttcittcO t JK flesij, U)tti) tl)t affections anti lusts* 2T^e CSoepCl. St. Luke xvii. 1 1 . ili it came to pass, as JTesus bent to JTerusalem, tljat f)e passed tijrougii tiic miOst of Samaria antt (Galilee, anti as jc entered into a certain uillage, tijcrc met ijtm ten men tliat lucre lepers, Uiijici) stooiD afar off. ^inD tijcn liftctj up tljcir voices, auO sat'U, .ffesus, ^tas- ter, Ijabe merep on us. ^InU toljen ^e sato t^em, ijc sat'U unto tiicm, 0o, sijcui pourselbes unto tijr priests. Hnti it came to pass, tljat, as tijcn toent, tijcn lucre cleansed. HuD one of ttjcm, ufiicn jjc sau) tljat ijr toas IjealcD, turnetf liacU, anD Un'H j a lout) voice glorificD OoU, autj fell boUin on ijts face at ins feet, gibing gim ttjanfcs ; anB ge toas a Samaritan. &nB Jfesus anstoering saiB, Here tijere not ten cleansed ? but totyere are tfie nine ? STJjere are not fount! tijat returwB to gibe glorg to Soti, sabe tins stranger. 3ntJ ije saiU unto tint, &rise, go tjjg toag, t^ faitt) ijati) ntaUe tijee S^fje fifteenth 2T^e Collett <$, toe beseeefj >ee, O Hor&, ty* ^Jttrri) iutrt) tf)i> perpetual merei? : ant)', because tije frailty of man imtiidut tijrr eannot tint fan, neep us eber lin tijp ijrlp from all tijings hurtful, antJ leatt us to afl tfnngs profitable to our salbation; ti)rougi) JTesus Christ our iiovD. &f)t (Epistle. Gal. vi. 1 1 . see ijoto large a letter JT liabr toritten unto ijott lintl) mine ohm ijanD. ^s mani? as Desire to malie a fair s^eto in tiit flesij, tijrij eonstrain i>ou to be eireumetset ; onli> lest tiirij oiiouio suffer persecution for tlir cross of ijrist jFor neither rl)eg t^emselbes tofjo are eireumctseD feeep t^e lato ; but Uesire to ijabe ou cireumciseB, tijat ti)ep map glorD in pour fles^. But <&otf forbtti tijat ;?J sijoulD gfonj, sabe in tijr cross of our ^LovB J^esus (Tijn'st, inj Uiliom tijc ujovlti is crucifiett unto me, anO JT unfo ti)r luorlO. ,-|Fov in (Tijrist .f esus neither circumcision abailetij aun tiiuiQ, nor uncircumcision, but a neb) creature. 3nb as uianij as ujalti according to tijts rule, peace be on tijemranU mereg, anD upon tjje JTsrael of (5 oD. JPr om ijeneef ortij let no man trouble mr ; for JT bear in mg froto tije marfcs of rtje 3Lor& .iFesus. Brethren, tije graee of our HorU gesus (Tijrtst l)f toitij gour spirit. 3men. $* OSpei. St. Matth. vi. 24. man can sertoe ttoo masters : for eftijer ije tut U ijate tijc one, anO lobe tije otijer ; or else ije tutU ijolD to tije one, anU Dr= _ t'sf ti)t otiier. i?e eannot sertie 0oQ antJ iit am- mon. (Tijerefore.^sapuntopou, raUenotijottgijt for gour life, to^at ge's^all eat, or toijat e sljall Crinu ; nor get for pour tioOn, uj ijat ije sljall put on : .?/ s not fiie life more tijan'meat, aiitJ Hje Iiotin t^an raiment? BeijoIO tije fotols of tfje air; for t^eg soto not, neither tio tf)e reap, nor gather into iants; get gour ^eabenlg'dTat^er feeDeti) t^em. are ge not muet) ietter tijan tijeg ? S2^^iet) of gou fcg tailing tijottgijt ean aflti one eumt unto Ijis stature ? xlnO to J tafte ue tfjougfjt for raiment ? TonsiUer tfje lilies" of tije" fielB ijoto t^eg groto : tijrn toil not, neither Uo tijeg spin : anU get ;?) sag unfo gou, CTJjat eben Solomon in all ijis glon} toas not arrageD line one of tfjese. 2.2Ujr ref ore, tf 0otf so rlotifr tije grass of tije ftrlt), luijtelj to-Dag is, anti to=m orroU) is east into tije ouen ; sijall ije not mueij more eiotije gou, <9 ge of little faitij ? CTijerefore taiie no tijougijt, samng, EClijat sijall toe eat? or toijat sijall toe Drini? or toijeretoitijal sijall toe tic elotljeU ? (for after all tijese tijings Do tije entiles seeft:) for gour ijeabenlg JFat^fr imotoetij tijat ne ijaDe ncrb of all tijese tijings. But seeit ije first tije UtngUom of 0otl, ant) in's righteousness, anU all tijr se tijings sijall tie atftett unto gou* iTaUe therefore no tijougijt for tije morroto ; for tije morroto sijall taiie tijougiit for T tfie things of itself: sufficient unto tf>e Bag is tije ebil tljrrCOf. (Tijr 5t.vtmul) *unBan after Cnnitg. te Collect J, toe licQcr rt) tiirr, let tinj rontm= ual p UP cleanse ant) Or f mD tiii> "Ciwvrtj ; anB, fie'rausr it raunot continue in safety biitijottt tijij sttrcottv, pvrsrvtor it evermore l)i? tijn lirlv anD g'ooOncss ; tijroucji) Jff stm Cijrtssf our iLorti. nmrn. Ephes. iii. 13. ge faint not at tng trftu* lattons for nott, Ujijirl) is ijour glovk JFor t^is rattsr & ioto nt fenees unto tije jFa* tf)er of our HorU Jesus Cijrtst, of to^om tije tofjoie family in ije ab c n anU earti) is name U , tijat ij r to o u IB Qvant'ijou, aeeorBing to tije rir lies of (is cjlo vi,n to fie strehgtljeiteB toit!) migi)t fi i)is Spirit in tlje inner man ; tijat Christ ma Btoell in gour hearts fig fatti) ; tiiat ije, fieing; rooteB auB grounBeB in lo'lir, mag fie afile to eompreijr nB toitij all saints, tofiat is t^e fireaBtf), anB length, anB Beptfi, anB Jjetgijt ; anB to fenoto t^e lobe of Cijrist, tofjtd) vassetij UnotolcBgr, tfiat ge mtgljt fie filleB toitij all tljf fulness of OB. iloiii unto lum tijat is afile to Bo exceeBing afiunBantli) afiobe all tiiat toe asft or rt)infc, aeeorBing to tfie potoer tfiat tooruetfj in us, unto fiim fie glorg in tfie Cfjurrij fig Gfirist Resits, tijrougijout all ages, toorlB tottifout enB. flnmi, -N^WM^ STlje (506prl. St. Luke vii. 1 1 . ft came to padd tfje Ua after, tyat jredud toent into a city called flain; and manw of ins Dtsetples Umu umi) inm, and mttcij people. iioto toljcn iie came niglj to tijr gate of the nti>, bciiold, tijcrc toad a dead man carrtett out, tijf only son of ins mother, anD sljf toad a tottfoto ; antT nutrij people of ti)r ritij toad tottij iicv. .;lnD Uiijrn ttje 3LorO sato fjcv, ifr JiaU eompaddton on ijrr, anil saiD unto ijrr, SHeep not 3ntJ l)r tame anO tour JjrU tije liter (anti ttjrn tljat bare Jim stooK dtfll), anU |je datO, ^oung'man, JT dap unto tijre, Hnsr. ilntJ tic tijat toad OeaDi dat up, autJ began to dpeaU : anU ijr cl tD rvrti tjtm to ins motijer. Enti tijrre eame a fear on all, anti t^eg glorifieD oD, daDtng, 2Tf)at a great prophet id risen up among us, and tljat c r >oD tjati) btsttr U ijts people* 3nO tins rumour of ijim toent fortij t^roug^out all JTuBaea, anU tljrougfjout aU t^e region round about setmtteenti.) Suntiai,' after iTnnttn- 2Tfjc Collect. toe pra tfiee tfiat ty$ grace mag altoaijd prebent ant) folloto us, and mane ud continually to be giuen to all good ; tljroug^ JTedUd Cljridt our 3Lord. ^I Ephes. iv. 1. f>e pridoner of tl)e Hord bedeeejE) pou, tiiat ije toalft toortiji? of tfje location to^eretoitf) yt are railed", toil!) all lotolincdd and meeimess, toitlj long=suf= frring, forbearing one another in lobe; rndea= flt3^3!ofe bouring to Uecp tijc unity of tijc spirit in tijc bont of peace. fjere is one botp, ant on* Spirit, cben as PC are ca Uct in one Jiopc of pour calling ; one Hort, one faitij, one baptism, one <5ot ant) Jfatijcr of nil, frijo t5 abobe all, ant ttirougij all, ant in j>ou all. St. Luke xiv. 1 . came to pass, as Jesus frent into tije ijouse of one of tije cljief $Jijarisecs to eat breat on ttjc sabbatt)stap,ttjat tijcp fratcijct ijnn. 3ntj beijoit, tijere fras a certain man before jun ujijtci) ijat) tije tropsp. &nt Jesus ansfr cr= ing spatic unto tije iLafrpcrs ant iHjansccs, sap* ing, Js it lafrful to ijcal on tije sabbatt)=t ai ? 3nt tijrp ijclU tijeir peace. 3nti ijc toofc ijtin, ant ijealet l)tm, ant let Ijim go ; ant ansfreret tijem, ig, e saiti) unto tijcm, ?i?otu ttjcn Oort) OabtD in spirit rail ijt'm 3LorD, samng, *Ti)f 3LorD saiD unto nu ILorD, ~it tiiou ontnD rigijt J)anD, till Jf nwfte tf)tne enemies t^ footstool ? Jff DaUtO tljcn rail i)tm 3LorD, JjoU) is ijr ijts son ? 3nB no man bias able to answer ijtm a toortr ; neittjer Durst an man from rftat Ba fortf) asft ijtm ann more questions. 2Ti)e nineteen^ SunUag after 2Trinitg. $%e CoUec t. , f orasmurlj as umijottt tfjee toe are not able to please t^ee ; ittereifullp grant, tijat tlji? ?i?oli> Spirit map in all tijintjs otrer t ant rule our ijearts ; tijrouglf .?/f sus Cljrist our ILorti. 2lmen. Ephes.iv. 17. 3t sa therefore, anU testify in t^e i-orU, fljat ge Ijeneeforti) toalfe not as oti)er Gentiles toalft, in ti)e banit of tijeir mintf ; tlje tmUerstanUing DarfteneU, firing alien* atett from tijr life of 0oD tiirougij tijr ignoranee tiiat is in tljem, if cause of tijc (jlinUncss of tijct'r Ijeart: iuljo, being past feeling, fjabe giben t^em- selbes ober unto laseibiousness, to uioru all tm= cleanness Uiitij greediness. But nc ijabc not so learncB Cljrist ; if so be tfjat DC l)abe ^eart> l)im, anU Ijabe been taught b ^im,*as t^e trut^ is in Sesus : tljat ge put off, concerning tf>e former con* bersation, tl)e olU man, toincl) is corrupt accorD* ing; to tije Deceitful lusts ; anD be rcncbjcD in tiir spirit of gour minD ; anD tl)at ge put on rlje neto man, toijtrfj after 0oti is created in righteousness an& true Holiness* tLCtfjereforc , putting atoan Ising, speafc eberg man truti) toitf) l)is neighbour : for toe are members one of another. 33e e angrg anB sin not: let not tlic sun go Bolim upon ijour torati) : neither gibe place to tfjc Bcb if. net trim tijat stole steal no more ; imt rattier let trim lalio ur, toorlung hriti) ins tjanps tije tiling toijiri) is gooU, tijat lie ma^ Jja^f to gibe to ijtm tijat neeDeti). ?Let no eorrupf eommunieation pvoeeeti out of spur moutfj, Iiut tijat toin'ri) is good to tlje use of e6if= ing, tjat it ma minister graee unto t^e fjearers. Slnb griebe not tfie l^olg Spirit of ob, tbljereiig l?e are sealeti unto tije Ba'p of redemption, ILet all Bitterness, anB toratl), anU anger, anU elamour, ant) et)tl=speatnng, be put atoan from sou, luttl) all malice. .Hnp ti e PC liint) one to another, tenDer* ijcartco", for gib ing one another, eben as Ooti for grist's safte ^aft forgiben gou. St. Matth. ix. 1 . S2^S entered into a sljip, ana passed ober, ant eame into iris obm cttin 3ntJ _ t)ei)oltj, tijeg brought to Ijim a man siefc of je palsst linng on a beO. HnD JTesus, seeing tjeir fait!), sliiU unto t^e steft of ttye palss, Son, be of gooB ef)eer, t^s sins be forgiben tljee. anti beijolt), certain of tlje seribes saiD lutttjin ti)cm= selUes, rtjts man blaspijemcti). 3nB .?( rsus, tinoU)= ing ttjeir tljougfjts, sait, L2lijerefore tijinU i?e ebil in sour hearts ? jFor toJjetyer is easier to sas, iTijn sins tie forgiben tijee? or to sas, ^irisr, anU toafit? But tfjat ije maw iinolu tijai tlie Son of man ^atf) potoer on eartt) to forgibe sins, (t^en saitfj ije to tlje sieft of tije palsi),) arise, talte up tijij lieD, anD go unto tijine ijousc. .anD i)e arose, ant) Urpavtrtt to ijis fiousr. But ujiirn ttir mttlti tuUr sato it, timj mavUrllrO, ant) gloviftrD toljo ijatJ gibr n s'urtj poujrv unto men. De tfoentieti) &unt)ai> after a ** CoUnt &2J3NBf9ra ana most mercifu of tf) bountiful gootiness Urrp iieeeri) tijee, from all rtnnastfjatmawlwrt us ; tiKit Ujr, bring reatto liotli in boUn ant) soul, ma^ rijrrrfulhj arromplisij tljosr tljing's tijat tijou tooultJest ^abe Done; t^roug^ Jesus Christ our ILortU toe Ephes. v. 15. tijrn tiiat rr UialU r irrumGp rrt In, not as foots, but as toisr, redeeming fljr timr, ieeause tfje traps are ebil. Witerefore be nr not untoisr, but untirrstanUing toijat tbr In til of tljr iLprD is, 31 nB be not tirttnU Intti) Intnr, Iniirrrtn is r.rrrss ; but be fillet) bit)) tije Spirit; speaking to pourselbes in psalms, ant) ijwnns, ant spiritual songs ; singing ant mafeing meloBg in sour 1) ran to tiir iLorfl ; gibing ttianUs alUjaijs for all tilings unto ^oO anD tijr .-jFattirr, in tlir name of our HorB JTesus Christ ; submitting gourselbes one to another in tiir fear St. Matth. xxii. 1. saiK, 8T|ie itingBom of ijeaben is lifte unto a eertain fting, Iniio matir a mar= riage for f)is son; ant) sentforti) ijis srr= bants to eall tiir in tiiat Inrvr bioUrn to tiir InrtiO tng ; anB tfjeg bioult) not eome. again, $e sent forttj ctijcr sr rbants, samng, iTcIl tfjera toljtd) are bin* ticn, 13d) olB, .?/ ijabe prepareD mi> Dinner ; mi? o.vru anD inn fatltngs are liiUeD, anD all things are reaDi) ;~eome unto tfje marriage. But flies maDe ligljfof it, anD toent fljeir toags, one to fjis farm, another to i)is mere^anUtse : anU tlje remnant tooft ijts sserbants, anD entreateti tijriu GpttrfuUij, anU sir U) ti)ciu. Uut U)i)f n tiir lung IjcarD tijcreof, I)f toas Ujroti) ; anti Ije sent f orti) ijm armies, anD r= stroeU ttjose murDerers, anU burnt up tijeir eit. CTijm saitl) lie to ijis serbants, (Tijc UjetJUing is reaUi>, liut ttjrn ii)i)o lucre itiDDen lurvr not ti)ortl)n. So ije therefore into tijr ijigljtoaijs, ant) as man'p as ije si) a II ft'nt bit) to rtje marriage* So tijose servants toent out into tije ^ig^tas, anU gatljereU together all, as manj? as tlje founB, iotlj taU anU gooD ; anD tijr toeDDing toas furnistjr'D toitlj guests. HntJ uiijen tijf feing eame in to see tijr guests, i)c sah) rtjere a man \ui)iri) IjaD not on a toeDDing- garment. ^nD Jje sait^ unto f)im, jFrienD, fioto earnest tfjou in Ijitfjer, not Ijatoing a toeDDing=gar* ment? &nD ije iuas speeel)less. S"i>en saiD tfje Uing to tije serbants, ISinD ijim ijanD anD foot, anD tafce ijim atoa, anD east l)im into outer Darfe* ness: tijrre sijalfiir keeping anD gnashing of teet^. ^or mang are ealleD, out feto are eljosen. Stye one anD ttoentiefl) jfcunDag after STrinitg. ee, mereiful fcorD, to tip faithful people parDon anD peaee, ^M^ t^at fljep ma be eleanseD from all tijeir sins, anD serbe r$ee totfl) a (juiet minD; tl)roug^ gesus Jjrist our 5,orD. ^men. 3 G Ephes. vi. 10. .. brethren, be strong in rt)e 3LorB, anB in ttjr polur v of ins mtgiit. put on tiir toiiolc armour of Soft, tiiat ijc mag l)r able to stanB against tfie toiles of tije Bebil JFor tor tore stir not against first) anB tilooB, but against principalities, against potoers, against ttir rulers of ti)e Barlmcss of tins toorlB, against spiritual toicUcBncss in iiigt) places. talie tijr fjelmet of saltation, anU tije stoorD of t^e Spirit, tpfjirt) i tfje MaorU of oB : pra* ing altoaps Uiiti) all praijcr anB supplication in tijr Spirit, anB toatdnng tijereunto toitij all per= severance, antf supplication for all saints; antt for me, tijat utterance man be gitoen unto me, tiiat jr mai) open mg moutf) bolBb, to mafte fcnoton t^e rngsterg of tl)e Sospel, for toljief) JT am an ambassador in bonus ; tiiat therein .?/ mag spcalt bol&ln, as .?/ ougijt to speafe. St. John iv. 46. a certain nobleman, luijosc son toas SICK at Capernaum. Mlfjen iie bearB tf)at.fcsus tuas come out of JTuBaea into Galilee, ty toent unto fjtm, anB besought ^im tiiat iir tooulB come Bo tun anB beal ins son; for iic toas at tiie point of Bcatij. JTijcn saiB .f/estts unto f)tm, (?.vrrpt ijr see signs ant to outers, ijr toill not lir Itrbr. (Tijr nobleman saiti) unto inm, Sir, eome toton ere mg efcilt tie. Jfesus saiti) unto i)im, <&o ti) toai>, tip son libeti). &nt tfje man toeliebet tije toort tijat Jfesus ijat spoiien unto ijim, ant ijr bent Ijis luan. 3nt, as ijr to as noto going t oton, fjis srrUants met ijim, ant tolt ijim, saving, iTijij son ItUrti). iTIjen enquire t Ije of rfjetn tije ^our to$en fje iegan to ament : ant t^e sait unto l)im, ||esterta at t^e sebentf) ijour tf)e fetter left Ijim. So tijr father iuteto rtjat it toas at tijr same ijour, in tije toijirij JTesus sait unto ijim, tTi)i> son litoetf) ; ant ijimself belietoet, ant ijis toijole ijouse. T)is is again t^e seeont miraele tijat Jfesus tit, toijrn Jje toas eome out of .?/utaea into alilee. e free from all atbersities, ant teboutto giben to serbe tfjee in goot toorfts, to tfje glorg of tt)g iiame ; tfjrougf) JFesus Cijrwt our Hort. Phil. i. 3. ffl O>3fH\ mi> <^ot upon ebern remem= 4B I iiranee of you", (altoavs in cberi? praijrr of Ajr mine for r6u all matting request toitf) fog,) for pour fellotosifip in tiir Gospel from tijr first tag until noto ; imng eonfttent of tfns berg tijing, tija't ije tofyo iiati) begun a goot toorU in gou totll perform it until fte tai> of Jfesus Christ ; eben as it is meet for me to tijmu tin's of gou all, beeause ;?/ ijabr i?ou in mi? ijcart, inasmucij as botij in mi? bonBs, a'nU in tijr'&cfmcc anU confirmation of tljc all arc partakers of mi? grace. ,-ffor mp record, fjoto grcatlp JT long after POU all in tijc botocls of Resits (Ttjnst. 3ntJ tfjis JF prai?, tijat i?our lobe mag abouno pet more antt mo fe in liiiouilrtj ge. antt in all futigment : tijat i?e ma a vvroue ttjings tl)at are exeellent, tfjat ge mag be sincere, anK 6itf>out offence, till tfje Ua of Jjrist: being fiUeD toirl) ti)e fruits of righteous* ness, to^tt^ are fc STesus Christ, unto tfje glor anO praise of <&o&. St. Matth. xviii. 21. saiti unto .f cstts, 3LorD, ijoto oft stall mi? brother sin against me, anU JT forgioel)im? till seben times? JTesus sairtj unto ijim, .? sap not unto tljrr, until seben times ; but until selienti? times seben. (Tljcrefore is tije l\ingBom of ijeabcn ItUrnrt) unto a certain lung, hjijtd) boultj talic account of ijis serbants. IlnD toljen ije ijatJ begun to reckon, one bias brought unto ijim, tul) icij oUieU Ijtm ten tijou* sanD talents. But forasmucij as i)c ijati not to pap, In's lorti commanUeB i)im to be solti, anD ijis Uitfc anU cijtlDrcn, anO all tliat fir IjaD, ant) pai?= ment to be maKe, 2T^e serbant therefore fell Doton aitu U}orsi)ippep ijim, sam'ng, ILovU, fjabe patience Ujttij me, ant) JT ujtll pap tijce all. (Tijcn tijc 3LorO of ttjat serbant toas mobet) luitij compassion, antf looset) ^im t anD forgabe ijim tije Debt. But tije same serbant tocnt out, ant fount) one of ijis frl= loto*serbants, toijicl) objeO ijim an ijunUreU pence ; ar.O ijc latU ijanUs on ijt'm, ant) tooli ijim bi? tije tijroat, sam'ng, ^J ai? me tijat tijou obiest Hn6 ijis fcUoU)=sei r bant fell'tiobin at ijts feet, ant) besougijt f)im, saving, $abe patience toifl) me, antj Jf bull pap tijcc all 3ntJ fir ID ottlO not ; tut tornt ant) cast l)im into prison, till i)C GfiottlU pnp tijr tirtit So toljw iu's fellob)=serbants sab) toijat "foas tour, tijrij tojcre bcrij SOITP, ant) tame ant) tolt) unto tijrtv lorl) all tfjat toas Hour. iTijcn ijis lorD, after tliat fjr ijati rallrti ijtm, saiD unto ijiin, (.0 tijou U)trUrD serbant, J^ forgabe tyee all t^at Ucit, because tijou DrsivrUst me : sljoulOrst not tfjott also iiabe iiati compassion on tlj n f clloto-scrbant, eben as .?! ijaD Sttij on tfjcr ? ilni3 ijis lovfl bias torotf), and tir = beretr i)im to tije tormentets, tin ije s^oulti paj? all tljAt bias Due unto tjim. So liftebnse sijall mi} ^eabenlgjFat^er 5o also unto gou, if we from gour ijearts forgibe not eberp one ijis Crotijer tijei'r trespasses. fljree anU ttoentiefy SuntJaj? after ,-fFor our eon= b rrsation is in brab en ; from toben re also toe lo oU for tbe Sabiour, tbe &or& S esus Christ; toljo sfjall ebange our bile boBg, tbat it mag be fashion* rti UUr unto ins glorious lioOij, aeeor&ing to tf)e toorlung luijcretiij ijr is able flicn to BiibUur all tijings unto Ijimself. St. Matth. xxii. 15. _ , limit tijr ^ Jijarisr r s antJ to o U eoun^el iiouj tljrn migijt entangle turn in ins tain. 3nD tlien sent out unto iitm tijrir HiseiplCB. t^e ^eroDtans, sawing, faster, toe unoto t^at H)ou art true, an0 teae^est flje toa of SoD in truti), neither rarest tijott for ann man : for ti) ott regarUest not tije person of men. 2Tell us, tfycvt* fore, toijat tijtnUest rljott? .?/s it lauiful to gibe tribute unto Caesar, or not? But JTesus per* eeibefc tijeir bJieReUness, anti saiU, Maijjj tempt ge me, ge ij^poerites? sljeto me t^e tribute=monei>. nntt tijei? brought unto ij tin a penni>. ^nt> ije saitl) unto tljrni, HCIiio^r is tijts image anD stipe rserip= tion ? 2Tfjei> sa unto i)im, Caesar's. STijen satti) be unto fljem, Rentier therefore unto Caesar tije ff)tngs iubief) are Caesar's; anO unto (5oB tije tijings tbat are (SoD's. aBben t^e ijaD b^arU tljese UjqrUs, tijew marbelleD, ant) le'ft l)un, anti ujent tijetr Ujaij. * 2Tbf four anti ttoentietb SunUag after Ettnitg. fflic Collect. toe beseeel) tbee, absolbe t^j> people from tbeir offenees ; tbat tbrougb tljjj bountiful gootiness toe mat) all be tfeliberett from tlje banBs of tbose sins, toijirb bi? our fvatltn toe ijabr committcB: tyrant tijts, ijeabenlg JFatfjer, for JFesus Christ's sake, our blesseB HorB anB Sabiour, #pfetle. Col. i. 3.

, anU of tlie lobe toijicf) i>r ijabe to an tijr saints ; for tije ijopr tofjiet) is lattJ up for DOU in ijcaben, toijcveof ije ^earU before tn t^e toortt of tt)e truti) of f^e os- pel ; toljiclj is eome unto you, as it is in all tijr toorlti, auD linngrtl) f ortij fruit, as it Dot!) also in ijott, since tije Dan PC ijcarU of it, anU Uncto tiir grace of 0o0 in'trut^. as ge also leameD of (!?papl)ras, our Dear fclloto=serbant, tol)o is for ijou a fattiiful minister of (Tijrist ; toi)o also tir= claret unto us nour lobe in tfjc Spirit JTor tijis cause toe also, since ti/r Ban toe IjcarB it, Bo not cease to pvan for ijott, anB to Besire tijat nr migijt be fillcB toifij tijr ftnotoleBge of tjis to ill in all toisBom anB spiritual unBerstanBing : tijat nc nu'gijt toalU toorrtjij of tijr HorB unto all pleasing, being fruitful in rbrrn gooB toorit, anB increasing in tijr into tolcB gc of SoB ; strcngtijcneB toiti) all intgijt, accorBing to ijis glorious potoer, unto all patience anB long-suffering toitij jonf ulness ; gil)= ing tfjanfts unto tte jFatter, to jtdf ^at^ maBe us meet to be partakers of tijr inheritance of tijr saints in ligfjt. CTje eospeL St. Matth. ix. 18. (*? JTesus spafte tijrsc things into JTolm's Biseiples, beljolB, t^ere rame a certain ruler, anB toorsijip= prD \}im, sawing, iilw Daugijtcr is rbrn nob) DeaD ; but come aiib lap tijijijanD upon Ijcr, anD stjc sijall Itbc. 3np .37 csus arose, ant) foliotocD ijim, anD 00 DiD ijis Dtsriplrs. (3nD beijolD, a tooman, toijici) bias DiscaseD tottlj an issue of blooD tturlur rears, eame bdjinD ijim, anfl toueiiet) tije ijem of 5is garment; for sije saitJ toir^in herself, jff $ mag but touei) ^is garment, Ji sljall be to^ole. ISut JTesus turneB iwu about, anU, Ujijen ije satu ijer, tie saiO, Oattgijter, be of gooB eomfort, tiji? faiti) ijattj matie tiirr toljole. 3lnD tije bjoman luas maDe toi)ole from tfjat Jjour.) ^nD tofjen JTesus eame into ti) e ruler's ijouse, anU sab) tiie minstrels anlJ tije people maaing a noise, Ijr saiO unto tiiem, 0ibe plaee ; for tijr main is not tieaU , but sleepetlj. anB ftep laupJeU inw to seorn. But biijen tfje people toere put fortij, lie bent in, anU toon ijer bi? tijr ijanU, anU tije main arose, ^ntf tije fame fjereof bent abroad in all tljat lanD. Wyt fibe anU ttoentieti) SunUaw after 2Trinitg. 2Tije Collect. jT.f H up, toe beseeri) tijee, HorD, tije bills of tijij faitijful people ; tijat tijeij, plru= teousTt) bringing fortij tijr fruit of gooO toorfts, map of tijrr be plenteouslp reuiarDeti; tijrottgij .?! esus Cijrist our ?LorC. ^fmen. GpiStlt. Jer. xxiii. 5. , tije 5as come, saitfj tije ^orD, tljatJF b)ill raise unto SabiU a rigijteous Uraneij, anD a 11 ing sljall reign, anD prosper, anD sijall c.vr cute iitDgement anD fustiee in tijr eartij. .?/ ijis Days JTuDalj sijall be sabeD, anD Jterael sljall Dtorll safety: ant) tins is ijis #ame tofcerebg fie sljall be ealleD, THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS. f)erefore befiolD, tijr Daws romr, satrl) tijr 3Lov0, ttjrit tijrn stjall no more s'arj, tTije HorD itlirtij, toijtrij brougijt up tijr eijtlDren'of Jfsrael out of tf)e lanK of gupt; but, rijr ilorO Itfofti), U)i)tri) tivoucjiit up, ant) U)i)irl) IrB tijr ^rrD of tljr iiousr of JTsrael out of tijr novtljsf ountrn, anti from all countries luiu'tiier JF ^aU Urtben t|em; anD tfieg |)aU BtoeU in tljeir olun lautJ. St. John vi. 5. JTesu t^en lift up fit's eges, anU sail) a great company romr un= to 1) tin, l)r sat tij unto } J i) il tp, 3.2 1 i)rn r r sijall be tittn breati tijat ti)ese maij eat ? ( JlnO tljt'e 1) r saiO to probe ium ; for ijr ijimself Uneto tuijat i)r luoulD Do.) i^inlfp ansbereD i)tm, 3Ttoo i)un= DreD prmtn=U)or.i) of fcreaD is not sunteient for tfiem, tljat'eberw one of lijrm man tafee a little, ne of fjis Diseiples, SlnDreto, Simon Jeter's fcro* t^er, saitf) unto $im, ST^ere is a laD fjere, tofjifi) iiati) nbe harlei?=loabes, anD ttoo small nsljes ; tint tolwt are tiirij among so mam; ? HnD Jfesus sat'D, iilalie tijr men sit Doton. iloU) tijrre toas murf) grass in tl)r plarr. ^o tijr men sat Ho ton, in num= tirv at) out ftbe tijousanD. ^nO JTesus tooU tijr loabes, anD, toipen tie fjaD giben tijanfts, l)e Distri* buteD to ti)e Diseiples, anD rl)e Disetples to ti)em tijat \urvr set Do ton, anD liftetaise of tijr ft'sijes, as mud) as tijrij Uioulb. 2L2li)en tijen torvr ftlleD, ijr saiD unto ijts Diseiples, <5atijrr up tijr fragments ttat remain, t^at nothing be lost ^erefore tijeg gafljereD rliem togetfjer, anD filleD ttoelbe baskets rlje fragments of rtjeftbebarleiMoabes,tolHri) 3 i remainet ober ant abobe unto ttjcm timt bat eaten. iTiien tfjose men, toijnt tijei; ijat seen tl-c miracle tiiat Jfesus tit, sait, 2Tins~is of a trutij tijat ^Jro= piict tijat siioult come into tije tuorlt. CC Sf tbere be anij more Sttntap before ^Itbent^ t|at torn otnittet after rlje (?i)ij)ljanw*sf)aU be taUen in to oupphj so mann as are iirre toant^ ing. 3ntf if tijeve be fetoev, tiie obcrplus man be omittet: ^Jrobitct tiiat t\m last Collect, <$istlc, ant (Gospel sljall altoans be uset upon tije Suntaw ncort before atbent, * Saint &ntreto's STije Colleet. ^00, toijo BOM gibe grace unto ti)p ijolij Apostle $aint SnBrcto, tijat ije reatjfli? oSeijeD tiie calling of tin; Son .^cstts (Ttjrist, ant folloujet bint toitijout t elan ; vT>raut unto us all, tiiat toe, being callet ^U ^''l' ^ob (IS tort, man fortijtotti) gibe up our- selbcs obetientlg to fulftftfjg bolsfowmantments; tbrougfj t^e same Sesus CfjrisUwr 2.ort. Rom.x.9. tiiott sijalt confess totti) tijn moutij tbr Hort .1) cstts, ant sijalt beliebe in tijtnr f)eart tijat (5ot batij raiset bint from tiie )cat, tiiou sijalt be sabct . ,-jFor to tti) tii r ijeavt man bclirtjcti) unto righteousness, ant totti) tiir moutij confession is mate unto saltoation. ,-f For tijc $ en v = ture sat'tij, SStiiosoclicr beiiebeti) on ijim sijali not be asljamet. jFdr tf)ere is no tifference bettoeen t^e Jfetu ant tbe ^reeft : for tfje same Lort ober an is drf) unto all tijat call upon turn. ,-fFov sorticr sljall call upon tiic ilamc of t!)c ILort siiall tic sabet. ?i?oto tlicu si) all ti)n> call on tjt'm, in luiiom tije i? tjabc not ticltrbrt) ''. ' Hnt 1joU) sijall ti)ci> licit cbc tn ijim, of lutjom tijcij fjalic not Ijcart ? 3nB ijoU) stjall ttjcij iicav Untijout a prcacijcr? ^Inti ijotu styall tijc 'prcaci), except tfjc i>c sent? &* it t iurtttcn, ^otu icauttful arc t^c feet of tfiem tijat pvcaci) Hit tftosycl of peace, ant living glat ttttngs of gootJ tijmg.Q I But tijci? i)abe not all odeijet ttjc Gospel. Jfov (Pgat'as ssaiti), iLort, U)l)o Ijati) licit cbet our report? So tljen fatti) coinrti) ftp Bearing, ant Bearing b$ tfje Wlort of <&ot. 3Sut JF saw, i^atie tl)e not Ijeart ? ^e bcrtlg, tijetr sottnt uient into all tijc cartij, ant tijeir tport^ unto tije cnts of ttjc ID or It). But ,?/ san, S it not JTsracl ftnoto ? JFirst i-Boscs saitf), Jftoill pr o = bofte gou to |calou i)g tljem tl)at are no people, ant to a foolisl) nation 3f toill anger sou, ISut 0saias is berj> iiolt, ant saitf), 3t toas fount of tijem tljat sought me not ; .K toas mate manifest unto tiicm tijat asUct not after me. But to JTsrael ijc saiti), illl tag long 31 ijatoe strctcijct fortf) mn ijant s unto a t usobct tent ant gainsaying people, 2T^e OSpel. St. Matth. iv. 18. ^SmS toalfeing to tlje sea of Galilee, sab tbjo brctljren, Simon callet ^ctcr, ant Stntreiu Ijts irotfjcr, casting a net into tijc sea, (for t^eg iuere wsficrs ;) ant ^e sait^ unto )em, jFolloto me ; ant & bill mafee gou fishers of men. ant tijeg straigl)ttoas left tijeir nets, ant follotoet i)im. ^nt going on from tijence Ije sato ofljer ttoo iretljren, JTames tlje son of 0d)ctee, ant JTofjn i)is irotljer, in a si)ip toitf) ^clictee tfjeir father, menting tfjeir nets; ant ije callet tfjem. &nB tf)e tmmeBiatel left tfje sfjip anB tfjeir father, anB follotoeB trim. * Saint iTbomas tije Apostle. fify Collect. LfK3r$CT anB eber^libing oB, bjljo for tiie more confirmation of tije faitf) BiBst suffer tfji? fjoli? Apostle iTtjomas to be Boubtful in tijn Son's resurrection ; rant us so perfectly, anB'bntbout all Boubt, to beliebe in tfie Son JFesus (Kf)rist, tfjat our faitf) in tf)s sigfjt mag neber be reprobeB. l^ear us, 3LorB, tfjrougf) tfje 'same JFcsus Christ, to b)f)pm, ujitii tfjee anB tfjc 1l>oln f)ost, be all ijonour anB glonj. nob} anBfbrebermore. iTftP (PptBtlr. Ephes. ii. 19. ^^t therefore e are no more strangers anir foreigners, but fellobj^ettttens tott^ tfje saints, antt of tfje ftousr ijolb of oO ; anU are built upon tfje foundation of tije jostles anti prophets, JTesus (Tijrist bimself being tijc rljir f eorner^stone ; in luliom all tijr built) ing, n'tii? frameD together, grobieti) unto an iioh; temple in tfje i.ort ; in uiijom vt also are builDeC together for an habitation of otJ, ttjrouglj tije Spirit $$* ban ; for be is a ebosen bessel unto me, to bear mn ilamr before tije (gentiles, ant tiings, ant tije eijtltren of .H srael : for JT toill rjijelu ijim ijoto great tijings ije must suffer for mi) ilame's salte. 21 nt Ananias toent ijts toa, ant enteret into tije ijouse ; ant, putting ijis ijant s on ijim, sait, Brother Saul, tije Hort, (eben Jfesus tljat appearet unto tiicc in ttir toa as tijou earnest,) J)atli sent me, tljat tijott mtgttest reeetbe tljw sigijt, ant lie fillet ujilij tfie ?i>qln 0i)ost. 3nf"imme= tiateln tljrvr fell from ijis enes as it ijat lirru seales"; ant ^e reeeibet sigf)tfortf)tottf),ant arose, ant toas ljapti>et. 3nt Uiijen ije ijat reeet'Uet meat, ^e toas strengt^enet. STfjew iwas Saul eer* tain tags UntJ) tijc tiseiples toijieft uieve at IDa= maseus. 3lnt straigi)tu)ai> fje preaeijet (Tljrist in tijr synagogues, ttjat tie is'tije Son of Sot. But all tifat Ijeart ^im toere ama^et, ant sait, Jte not tijis ije tijat testroijet tiienv Uiijtet) eallet on ttjis ilame in Jerusalem, ant eame in'tljer for tijat intent, tijat ije migijt bring tijem liount) unto tije eijtef priests ? But Saul inereaset tije more in strength, ant eonfountet tfje JTetos hj^ief) ttoelt at Oamaseus, probing tijat tijis is benj Cijrist. St. Matth. xix. 27. &&&& anstoeret ant sait unto JTestts, Beijolt, toe ijabe forsaken all, ant fol= lotoet tijce; Inijat sijall toe ijabe tijrre- fore ? &nt $ esus sait unto tijem, Ferilg JT sag unto pott, Tijat ije ujijtei) ijabe follotoet me, in tije regeneration tofjen tije Son of man sijall sit in t^e tijrone of ijis glon>, i>e also sijall sit upon ttoelbe tijrones, futging tije ttoelbe tribes of Ss= rael. ;lnt rberi? one tijat ijatij f orsahen ijouses, or bretijren, or sisters, or fatijrr, or motiier, or toife, or eijiltren, or iants, for mi> fame's safte, oijall vrrrtbr an InutDrrD^foID, anD stiall inijc n't everlasting life. But man ti)at are first sijall tie last, ant) tijr last sijaU lie first Mm STije presentation of Christ in tfie STemple, eom* mouli? rallrtt. {Tijr purification of Saint iil anj rfie Firgin. anD eber*litoing ijumiihj iieBf rrij tijij iilaje stij, tijat, as tijn oulij=t)egotten Son toas n)is Dag presented in t ti r t r inplr in substanee of our flesi),"so toe mai> tie prr seuteU unto tijr c toiti) pure anD elean lie arts". l)ij tijr same tijij Son JTesus Cijrist our ^fmen. (5)Stlf. Mai. iii. 1. JT toill sent! mn messenger, anti i)r sijall prepare tije toa^ before me: anD tijr iLorfl, toi)om i?r seeft, sljall sttBDenli? eome to jis temple; eben tf)e messatger of rl)e eobenant, toijom ijr u rligln in ; brijolU, lir sijall eome, saitl) tijr ilovD of ijosts. But totjo mag atjtDr tiir Bag of ijis eoming ''. anD toijo sijall stanD toijru ijr appearetii ? for ijr is lilir a refiner's fire, anD UUr fullers' soap. ^nD ijr sljall sit as a re* finer anD purifier of sflber ; anD ^e s^all purifg tfjr sons of lirbt, anD purge ttirm as golD anD si lu rr, tljat tljen mag offer unto tijr ILorD an offrv= ing in righteousness. (Ttjru sijall tijr otferings of ;7) utiai) anD Jferusalem te pleasant unto ti) r CorD, as in the Dags of olD, anD as in former gears. 3nD JT toill eome near to gou to fuDgement, anD .if toill be a stoift toitness 'against tl)e soreerers, and against tiir adulterers, and against false stoearers, and against tijose tiiat oppress tiir Ijtrelmg in Ijis toages, tiir toidoU), and tijc fatlicr= less, and tijat turn aside tiir stranger front ins rigijt, and fear not me, saitij tije Hord of ijosts. S'ije <&0p*l, St. Luke ii. 22. & toijen tije das of ijer purification, ae* eorUing to ti^e 3Lato of fBoses, toere aeeom- Vltsijeo, tijen fcrougijt i)tm to Jerusalem, to present irim to fije iiorti ; (as it is Written in tiir Hato of tije lLorD, (Ptoern male tijat openeti) ttjr iDomt) sijall lie ralleU l)oli?"to tiir tiovt) ; ) and to offer a saeriftee, aecorU mg to tii.it toinrl) is satU in tiir Hato of tijr 3LorD, E pair of turtlr-DoUes, or tluo ijottng pigeons, ^nti tir iiolO , tijrrr teas a man in Serttsalem, Urfjose name Uias Simeon ; anO tiir same man Uias fust anU Detoout, baiting for tiir eonsolation of Jfsrael: and tiir ?l>olr> ^tjost tuas upon iitm. .^IntJ it U)as rebealeU unto inin tig tije ?l?ohj <5ijoBt, tijat ije sijoulD not see Deatl), before i)e ijatJ seen t^e HorD's Christ. ^intJ ije eame ig tije Spirit into tijr temple ; ant) toijen tiir parents irougijt in rtje e^i!U JTesus, to Ho for ijim after tije eustom of tije ato, tijen tooft ty ijim up in ijts arms, anU blesseU Sot), antJ saiD, Horti, nob lrt= test tijou tin; servant depart in peace, according to tijp toprd : for mine eges ijabe seen tijp salba= tion,lijiei) tijou ^ast pfcpared before tije face of ail people ; a ligijt to lighten tije Gentiles, and tije glor of tijp people JFsrael and .f osep^ and ijis motijer mavbeUed at tijose things toijicij toere spoiicn of ijim. and Smneon blessed tiinn, and said unto |&ar ijis mother, Beijold, tijis eijiid is set for tije fall and rising again of mang in JTs= vari ; and for a sign tuinrii sijall be spoUcn against; 3 i. ( ijra, a stoort) sijall pierce tijrougij tijn oton soul also ;) tijat tiie tijougijts of mang tjcarts map be rcUcalcU. 3nb tijere toas one 3nua a pr optietcss. t tjr Daughter of }J ijanuel, of tije tribe of 3scv ; stye toas of a great age, anil iiaD ItUrfl toitij an tjus= banfl sefcen gears from ijer oirginiti?: anB sije toas a hjiu oui of about fourscore anD four gears ; Uiljtri) Departed not from tljc temple, but sctbct) (Tot) U)ttij fastings and praijcrs ntgijt anD Dan. UnU sl)e coming in tijat instant gabe tiianUs HUr = toise unto tiir HorU, anU spaiic of lum to all tlirm tijat lootirO for rcDc mption in .f/ crusalcm. .3nU luljcn tijnj tjaD performeO all things accorfling to ti) r ilaU) of ttir ?LorB tijcij r ctttrncU into @aiilce to t^eir oton eitg |ia>arct0. llnli tfje ci)iliJ greto, antf tua.vr LJ strong in spirit, fillet) toitf) U)isHom ; anU tt)e grace of Soti toas upon ijim. Saint tflattijtas's Dag. (je Collect aiLflrtJ^iTi? on, tofio into tije place of tije traitor jruttas Dittst choose tijij faitljfttl servant iilattiuas to be of tije number of tije tiuelii e Apostles ; rant tijat tijij (Tijureij, being altoag prcserbetf from false .Hpos= ties, map be orUerelf anU guiUcU bp faithful anU true pastors; tijrougij J7esus i)fist our HorD. dFor t^e epistle* Acts i. 15. . of tije Disciples, auti saiH, (tijc number of tfje names together tocrc about an fjunUrcU anti tiuentp,) ffitn anB bretfjreit, tljis Scripture Tl^T 7 * . x/ 3&ST A Cr^lsT f l must nrrtis ijabe lirni fulftlleD, toijteij tijc ?!>oh> &ijost i) tije moutt) of DabiD spafee before eon= eerningjf ubas, toijieij toas guttle to tijrm tijat toou .?/rsus : for ijr toas numbereD Umi) us, anD ijafl obtaineD part of tijis mtntstrn. iloto ttjis man purcijaseO a fidU totti) t^e rftnartf of mtQuitv; anU falling ^eaBIong Ije burst asunUer tn t^e nu'Dst, ant) all tjt's tjotucls cjusiirU out ^InU it U)as iutoteu unto all tijr Dtocllcrs at ^Jerusalem, 11150= mud) as tljat ftclO is callet) in tijr ir proper tongue, ^leelDama, tijat is to sap, transgression fell, tijat ^e migijt go to bi oton plaee. ^nD tijeg gate forti) tijetr lots ; anD tije lot fell upon fttatti)ias, anD ijr toas numbereD tot'tij tiir eleven Apostles. fffie 00pel St. Matth. xi. 25. tijat time JTestts anstoereD anD saiD, JT tijanfc t^ee, ^atijer, 3LorD of i)faben anD earti), beeause tijott ijast ijiD tijese tijtngs from tije totse anD pruDent, anD bast rebealeD tijem unto babes. (Pfoen so, .-ffatijer, for so it seemeD goott in tijn sigljt. 311 tilings are UrltbrrriJ unto me of m JFati)** : ant) no man fcnotoeti) ti>e Son, but iije jfatfjer ; neither unoujrti) am> man tije jFa* tijrr, sabr tijc Son, ant) iir to toijomsbrtier tije Son toill rctocal ijtm. Come unto me, all nr tijat labour ant) are ijcabij latjcn, antJ U)iU tftoe sou rest. (Tali c inn nolif upon nou, anU learn of me ; for JT am meeU antJ loluln tn ijrart: ant) nr jsljall fintj rest unto ijottr soul's. jTor mn iioUe'ts rasw. anO mg burtren ts iTijc ^tmunciatton of rtje blrssrtJ Ftrgtn iilanj. t^ee, Eortf, pour t^ grace into our ijearts ; tljat, as toe _ . $abe Unoiun tfje incantation of tf) Son JTesus (Tijrist bi> tijc message of an angcf, so tin tjis cross anH passion toe man be brought unto"tf)e glor of ^is resurrection ; Ifjroug^ tije same JTesus (Tijrist our ILort*. amen. JTor r^e C?j)istlr. Isai. vii. 10. >F(?1\, tijr liorU spatie again unto afja?, saing, ^SB t^ee a sigtt of tfje Hor0 fyv <5oD ; asft it either in tije Depti), or in ttje t)eigi)t abobe. But %%&} saiti, JT toill not asR, neither to ill tempt tlir liorti. ^nO i)e saiD, ?^ear ^e noto, ijouse of SabttJ ; Ss it a small tying for DOU to toear men, but toill m toearD mw Sot) also 2T^erefo*re tije tlort) ^im* self sijall gibe nou a sign ; Ucij olB , a Virgin sijall ronrrtbr, anO bear a son, ant) sijall call i)t5 name Jfmmanuet Butter ant) fjoneu sfiall ^e eat, tyat ^e ma ftnoto to refuse tye ebil, ant) choose tije goon. St. Luke i. 26. in tfje surtf) montf) ti)e angel abriel toas sent from ot unto a eit of (Salilee namet jla>arcti), to a Virgin espouset to a man toijose name toas J( csrpi), of tiir ijousr of Sabit ; ant tije Firgin's name toas $*arm ant iije angel eame in unto iw, anti satD, &atl, t^ou tljat art ^tgi)l faboureK, t^e !Lor0 (0 tott^ tijee ; iilrsGrli art tijott among toomen. HutJ luljrn sije sato ijim s1)f U)as troutiieti at i)ts saijtng, anD east in ijer mmO Ujfjat manner of salutation tijt's sljouiu fce, ^nO tije angel sat0 unto fjer, JFear not, ^CarD ; for tfjou jjast founti favour iuitt SoK. aniJ ie- fjolU, tJjou stjalt eoneetbe in tl)n luoml), anO tiring fortlj a $on, antt stjalt eall ijisf name JTesus. l?r sljall tie great, anD sijall lie ealleO tijr Son of tije ?i>igi)r5t ; anD tije ILorU Soti sijall gibe unto 1)iin tije ttjrone of i)ts jTat^er SabiU. EnB ^e gfjail reign ober t^e ijouse of 0aeotj for eber ; anU of ins fcing= Uom tijere sijall te no enO. rtjen satU iilanj unto tiic angel, ?l?oU) sijall tins Or, seeing .?/ Unolu not a man y . Hn0 tije angel ansuiereD ant satt unto ijrr, vTlic ?>olr> S^ost sijall eome upon tijee, anD tije poluer of fije |li)tgi)est sijall obersiiatoU) rijee : therefore also tija't i.joln tiling ujijtri) sijall iie liovn of rljee s^all be ealiet tfje Son of (Sot. &nt be- ijolt, tiin eousin (Plisabeti), sije ijatij also ron= eet'Uet a 'son in ijer olO age ; ant tins is tije si.rtij inonti) to t'tij ijer toijo toas ealiet barren : for toui) <&ot nothing sijall be impossible* .ant lilanj sait, BrijolO tije iiantmait of tije lLort ; be it unto me aeeorting to tij n toort . Unt tije angel tepartet from fier 3 M Saint #t aru's i3ai>. &\)t Collect. J, toijo tot instruct* rD tlji> ijoln CMjurctj toitij Hjr ijcabcn'i? _ Doctrine of tfjg bangclist Saint fHarftl us grace, tijat, being not litic cijtlDrcn car* ricD atoag toitij cbcrw blast of bain Doctrine, toe map lie establish cD in tljc trutti of tinj ijolij pel; tfjrougf) Scftuft Cijriat our ^orD. ff mnt* Ephes. iv. 7. S eberg one of m i giben grace, accorDing to ti)e measure of t^e gift of ^tirist SSWjerefore fie sattij, OTljcn ^e ascenDeD tip on ^ig^, ije leD ca^tibits eaptibe, anD gabe gifts unto men. ($oto ti)at ije ascenDcD, to Jjat is it but tijat lie also DesccnDcD first into Hjc loUicr parts of ttjc eartt) ? ?i? r tiiat DescettDeD is ti)r same also tijat ascenDeD up far abobe all ijea* bens, tijat tjc mtgljt fill all rljings. > .HnD ijr gabe some Apostles, anD some '^roptjcts, anD some (Pbangclists, anD some pastors anD (Tcacijcrs ; for ttie perfecting of tijc saints, for ttjc tocrii of tijc ministry, for tfje eDifping of tije boDg of Cfjrist; till toe all come in te unfto of ti)e faitl), anD of t^e ftnotoleDge of tije Son of <5oD, unto a perfect man, unto tijr measure of ttjc stature of tije ful* ness of (Tijrist; tijat toe licnccforti) be no more djtlDren, tosscD to anD fro, anD carrieD about toitij cbcnj toinD of Doctrine, bij tijc slctgtjt of men, anD cunning craftiness, toljcfcbi? ttjei? lie in toait to Deeeibe ; but speafeing tfje trutt inlobe, ma groto up into ijim in all tijtngs, toinctj is ttjc tjcaD, eben (Ttjust : from toijom tbc toljole boDi> fitlij t'otncD together, and compacted bg tijat toirictj cberg joint supijltrtl), according to ttjr effectual toortung in tijc measure of cbcrg part, mauctl) increase of tijr bodg, unto flje edifgtng of itself in lobe. (Tfje ospel, St. John xv. 1 . tfie true bine, and mg jFatijer is tijr Ijttsbandman. (!?berg bra'ncij in me tliat hearetfj not fruit ^elafeetij atoa; an0 eberg branet tjat iearet^ fruit, $e purget^'it, tfjat it man living font) more fruit, jloto nr are clean tfjrougl^ t^e toorD bj^tci) JT ijalie spofeen unto ou. ^trifle in me, anU JT in gou* ^s tye tirand) can* not l) far fruit of itself, except it nluDr in ti)c bine; no more can ge, except ge abiBe in me. JT am tf>e bine, ge are tfje branches, e tljat abiDetf) in me, anU .if in ijim, t^e same bringetf) fort^ mut% fruit ; for toitijout me ijr can Ho notijmg. Jff a man abiQe not in me, i]c is east fovti) as a brancij, anQ is bitijrrrli ; anU men gatijrr tiirm, anO cast tiirm into t^e fire, anK t^eg are bumeK. 0f ge abtUe in me, ant) mg biortis abiue in gou, ge sijall asU iuljat ge luilf, and it si) all be Done unto gou. |i> eret'n is mg* jFatfjer glorified, t^at ge bear muefj fruit ; so sljall PC be mn disciples, lls tiir .ffatijer ijatij lobed me* so $abe 3! lobed gou ; continue ge in m lobe. JTf ge fteep mg commandments, ge sfjall abide in mg lobe ; eben as $ ijabe Ucpt mg .-fFa= tijer's commandments, and abide in iris lobe. Zfyst things l)abe JF spoften unto gou, tljat mg toj) migijt remain in DOU, and t^at gour jog migfjt be'full. 1 Saint JTames's dollert. toiiom trulu to fenoto is eberlasting life ; <&rant us per* frctlw to UnoU) tijij Son ;?/rsus (Tljrtst to lie tijr toaij, ttfc trutlj, anU tijr life ; tiiat, following tf)r steps of tfjn ijoli? Apostles, Saint pfjilip anti Saint .if antes, foe map steDfasthj toalfc in tijr to an tfjat leaBetfj to eternal life ; tfjrougij tije same Son JTesus Christ our 3Lor&. $t Epistle. St. James i. 1 . liC?S, a servant of OoD anU of tlje ?LqrU JTesus (Tijrist, to tije tuieltie trites luijirij are seattereO atroaD, greeting, jftv bre- tfjren, eount ft all fo toijen j>e fall into Btbers temptations ; Unoumig tins, tija't tijr trmng of ijour fait!) U)ovUrti) patience. But let patience tabe tier perfect toorft, tijat i?c mai? be perfect ant) entire, toanting nothing, 'v/f an!? of ijott lacfc UjtsUom, let ijtrn astt of 0oD, ttjat Qt'orti) to all men liberally auD upiirattieti) not, anU it sijall be giben ijtm. But let turn asU in faitfi, nothing bjabermg ; for i)e t^at toaberet^ is lifee a toabe of tfje sea, Uriben totti) t1jc tointt, anD tosseD. JFbr let not ttjat man ttjtnU tljat i)c sijall reeetbe ann tiling of tijc ILorti. 31 3oble*mtnticD man is unstable in all ins toaijs. fLet t^e brother of lob) Degree rejoice in ftat ^e'is ea;alteB ; but tfie rief) in ttjat ty is maUe loto ; be* eause as ttjr floujcv of ttjc grass ije sljall pass atoan. jfor tije sun is no sooner risen but) a burning ijeat, but it UJitl;rrrtt) tijr grass, antj tije flouicr thereof fallrtii, anD tije grace of tijr fashion of it perisljeti) : so also sljall tij r n rij man faDe in ijis biaijs. ISlesseD is tiir man ttjat en* Duretb temptation ; for toben be is trieB, b* sball reeeibe tbe erobm of life, toJjtrij tbe Hor& batb promise!) to tbem tbat lobe Iwn. &i)e<50Bpel. St. Johnxiv. 1. ID $ rsus sat& unto ins Disciples, lift not gottr ijeart be troubled ; ge beiiebe in ou : an& if jr go anU prepare a plaee for gou, .if totll eome agatn, anU reeeibe a?ou unto mgself, tijat toljere am, tijere ge map tie also. &nD bjfjttijer ;?( 00 ijr iutolii, ant tljr uTan nr Unobj. ST^omas satti) unto Dun, HorD, b)e Unobi not brfjitfjer tiiott goest, anU ijoU) ean b)e luioU) tlir bjaij ? JFe sus saitt unto ijim, JT am tlje toau, fiie tnfti), anU t^e life : no man eometf) unto tije fatter but b me. J?f ir ijatt Unobjn me, i?e sf)OUlD Ijabe Unoufn niij Jfatijer also : ant) front ijcnr rfo vtt) ijr Unoln tjnn, anU fjabr seen ijtm. ^ijtlip saitij unto ijtm, iLorU, s^ebj us tl)e JFart)er, anU it suffieert) us. Jesus saitii unto inm, li>abe $ been so long time bjitij ijon, and pet bast tijou not Unobjn me, pijtlip y fi?r tiiat Ijatl) seen me iiatl) seen tijr ,-ffatJirr ; anU bob) safest tliou tl) rn f Sbeb) us tije .-fFatijr r ? 13f = liebest tljou not tijat am in ttjr Jfattjrr, antj tiir .-jFatlirv in me? (Tlir toortls tijat ;?) spealt unto POU JT speaft not of mpself; but tbe^atber tbat Dbfell- rt1i in me, tir Oor'ti) tiir bjovus. Beliebe me, tbat am in tbeJFatber, anD tbe jFatber in me ; or else beliebe me for t^e berp biorfts' safte. Uerilp., berilg Jjf sap unto POU, ?!? r tijat beliebetb on me, tije bjorfts tijat JF Do sball i)f Uo also ; anU greater biorUs ttian tijese sball ijr Do ; beeause go unto mn Jfatijer. EnD tobatsoeber se sball asfc in mg 3 N liame, rfcat totll Jf Bo, tijat rtje Rafter mag fce glo= rifteD in ti)e on. Jff ge sljall asfe ang tfjing in mg flame, Jf toill Ho it Saint Barnabas rlje apostle. rije Collect , U3l)0 tittJsst rntJtir tfjj> i)ol apostle Barnatas totti) singular gifts of tije 39ol (Sljost; &eatoe us not, toe ieseeci) tijee, Destitute of t^ manifolO gifts, nor pet of graee to use ttjrm altoag to ttnj ijououv ^ t^rougf) Sesus Cijfist our HorU. iFor tye epistle. Acts xi. 22. of tfiese tilings tame unto tije earsofti)el)urel)tof)iel)tasin.iferusa= lem ; anU tt)ei> sent fortl^ Bantatas, tf)at ijc siioulB go as far as anttor i). c Dags eame prophets from .fFentsalem unto nmtorl}.' ^nti tijrvr stooD up one of tiirin name U Slgafcus, antJ signifietf bn tijr Spirit, tijat tijrrr sijoulU tie great Dearti) tfjrougl)out all ttje toorlU ; eame to pass in tijr Dags of Claudius Caesar. n tijc JjanUs of iiarnabas ano *aul. , St. John xv. 12. ._S> t8 nt rommantimrnt, 2T^at ge lobe one another, as ;?/ ijabe I ob rD you. Greater lobe ijatlj no man tijan tiu^ tijat a man n iris life for tjis frtenDs. He are inn frienDs, if ije Oo U)1)atsoeber ;?/ eommanD ijou. }i>rurrfovti) JT rail ijott not servants ; for tije Serb- ant Uuolurtl) not U)liat ins lor U ti ortl) : but .?/ ijab e ealirD sou frienOs ; for all things tfjat .?K ijabe iiravtJ of mij jFatl)er J( ijabematie UnoUin unto ijou. i?e ijabe not eijosen me, lint .?/ ijabe eiiosen i}ptt, anD orDatnrD you, tljat ijr sijoulO go anti iiring forti) fruit, anB tijat sour fruit siiouiu remain: tijat UJijatsoeber ye stall asli of tlje ^Fattjer in mn jlame, ije man gibe Saint JToim Baptist's Dan. jjrobittenee tijn serbant Jfoijn Baptist bias Uiontier- fulls born, ant) sent to prepare tljr bias of ti)s )Son our Sabiour, bspreaeijing of repentanee; iifaur us so to follob) IH'S Doetrine anB lioln lifr, tijat toe map tvuln repent aeeorOing to Ins preaeij= ing ; anO after tn's example constant I n speait Hi c trut^, boltJln rebufce btee, anU patientls suffer for tlic trutii's sane; tiirougl) j?/esus (Tijrist our UorU. JFto tifje e ILorU ijatij spoften it 2Tije boiee first) is grass, antf all tijr gootiliness thereof is as tijr flotorr of tijr fidtJ. iTtjr grass U)itijrrrtij, tije flotorv fatir ti), iirrausr tije Spirit of tije & ova t)Ioiu= et^ upon it : sureiD tije people is grass. 2T^e grass toitijeretij, tije flotoer faftetij ; but tije toorft of our <5oa sijall stana for eber. boiee toitij strength ; lift it up, be not afraiB : sag unto tije eities of JTuaa^, BefjolB gour <5oa. Url) o la, tijr Hora SoB bill eome ujtttj strong liana, ana i) is arm sijall rule for ijim : beijola, ijis rruiara is U)ttf) ijim, ana ijis ujovii before iitnt. 9i>r sijall feea iji floeft lifte a sijepijera ; ije sijall gatijer t^e iambs Uiitij ijis arm, ana carry tijrm in bis bosom, ana sijall gentlg Iraa tijose tijat are toitij goung. upon i)er ; ant tbeg rejoieet toitb $er. &nt tt eame to pa^s, tiwt on t'ljr r tgljtij Dai? tijrn eame to rtvnunrtsc tiir rljiIO ; anD tiirij ralfrO turn a= ciiarias, after rijr name of fjt's fatijcr. HntJ ins motijcr anstoereB ant) satti, iiot so ; but ijr sijall be rallrO Soijn* ^nB tijeg saiK unto ^er, 2T^ere is none of t!>n luntirrO tftau's rallrD inj tins name. Jlnti tljri) mabe signs to i)is fattjrv, ijob ije tooulti fjaUe i)tm rallrtJ. ilnti ije asiieD for a Umtmg= table, aun luvotc, saijing, ?>is name is Jf oiju. ilutj tijew marbellf D all &ntt ijis mouti) bas oprurti immediately ant ))is tongue looset> ant fie spafte, ant praiset <&ot. ^Int fear eame on all tliat tuielt rount about ttjcm ; ant all t^ese savings bere noiset abroat t Ijro u gij o tit all tfjr ij t H*rountrn of JTutaeau ant all ti)e tijat ^at Ijeart tijtrii lait tijem up in tijrtr ijearts, saving, Wtljat man- ner of eijtlt sjjall ti)is be ? ^nt tije ijant of tijr Hort bas tajitij ijim. rint Ijis father 2arl)arias bias fillet taiti) tijc ?!>ol fjost, ant propijesiet, saning, Blesset be tije Cort Sot of Jfsrael : for be'ijartj bisitet ant reteemet Jjis people, ant Ijatij raiset up an ijorn of salbation for us in tije bouse of bis serbant Babtt ; as be spaiie bi> tije motitb of bis tjoln propbets, Inljiri) ijabr been sinee tiir toorlt began ; tijat b)e sboult be sabet from our enemies, ant from tbe bant of all tbat bate us ; to perform tbe mere promiset to our fatbers, ant to remember bis bob eobenant ; tije oatb ujinrb be stoare to our fatb'er ^brabam, tbat be UJOUID 3 o grant unto us, tijat tor, being fl r Itbr rcU out of tijc tjands of our enemies, mtgijt scrbc ijim Imtijout for, in ijolincss and rigijtcousncss before i)nn all tijc daws of our life. 3nd ttjou, cijtld, sijalt tie fallen tfje propijet of tije tyigfyezt: for tijou sijalt go before ttjc face of tijc ?LorU to prepare Ijis toans ; to gibe ftnotolettge of salbation unto Ijts proplr, bn tijr remission of tiirtv sins, tijvottgi) UK tender nurni of our 0otf, luijr vr bn tiir Baij=sj)rmg from on bigt ^atf) bisitefl us ; to~gibe lig!)t to tijem tf>at sit in Davtutrss anU in UK sbattoto of Dratb, to guiDe our feet into tiir toai? of peace. Hut tije cijilD Qvrlu, ant) lua.vci) strong in spirit ; anB uias in tijc Deserts till tiK Uaw of 1ns sbc totng unto Jfsraet ^at'nt Jeter's flTije Collect. ) )P Son (JTesus Christ Uitist gibe to t$5 Cpostle Saint peter mang eArcellettt gifts, anD cominanUrtJst turn earnestly to feed tin; florU; iilahc, inr beseeeb tijcc, all i^isbops and pastors diligently to pvcacij tijn ijoln 212 1 ord, and ttir peo- ple obedfentlg to folloto t^e same, tfjat tbcg mag receibe tijc crobm of eberlasting glonj ; tifrougil JTesus (Tlirtst our Uord. JTov tfje ptstle. Acts xii. 1. ri3rroD luoulti ijabr brought Inm forti), tiir same nigijt ^Jrtcr tnas sleeping between ttoo sol= Diers> bounD ixnti) ttoo rijains ; anU tijr beepers before tlir Door Kept ttir prison, ^nti tidiolD, tiir angel of tiir lLorU eame upon bint, anD a ligijt sfjtneti in tfjr prison; ant) iic smote peter on tlje GtOr, anU raiseti bint up, samng, ^Irise up QitieUIn. H nD bis eijams fell off from ins banDs. H nti tb e angel saiD unto bint, c^trD tbvself, anfi binti on tbij san&als : ant) so i)f tutt. 3 nti Jjr saitb unto litm, Cast ttii? garment about tbre, ana folio to me. itna ijc toent out ana follotoea btm ; ana toist not tbat it toas true toijidj toas aone bn tijr angel; but tbougbt lie sato a bision. SLSlben" tbew torre past tbe first ana tbe seeona toara, tben eame unto tlje iron gate tbat leaartb unto tbe rttij, toijtrb openra to tbem of bis oton aeeora ; ana tben toent out, ana pas sea on tbrougi) one street, ana fortijtottb tbe angel aepartea from bint. Hna tobrn peter toas eome to bimself, be saia, iloto :?l Unoto of a sureto, tbat tbe Hora batb sent bis angel, ana batb aeliberea me out of tbe bana of ?8?eroa, ana from all tlje r.vprctatton of tbe people of tbe j etos. 2T^e 6o0p*l. St. Matth. xvi. 13. il JTesus eame into tbe eoasts of Caesarea ^Jljtltppt, tjc asitea bt's aiseiples, saving, Mlbom Do men saw tfjat JT, tbe Son of man, am ? &na t^eg saia, T Some saw tijat tiion art JFotyn tijr Baptist, some r satti) unto tijrm, But toijom saw PC tijat Jf am? HutJ Simon jJrtcr anstocrcB anD satU, (Ti)ou art (Ti)rtst, ttjr 5- on of ttjr liuing SoB. anil JTC0U0 anstoereU antf satD unto J)tm, BltsseU art t^ou, Stmon 33ar*fona: for fles^ anU ftlooU ijatij not rr Ucalct it unto itjrr, but nuj JFa tijr r lui) t rij is in ijcabcu. Hntf .?/ sap also unto t$ee, JTijat rtjou art }Jf trr, autJ upon 'tins vorU ;?> lutU bttiltl m (Kturri) ; antJ ti)e gates of ijell sijall not prebail against it &nB .?/ toill gibe unto tfjee rt)e fee|?s of tijf ftingDom of ijeaben: anfl toijaisoftjcr tijoti sljalt bint) on eavtij sijaU be bounU in Ijr abrn ; anD U)ijatsoetoer tijou stjalt loose on rani) sijall be looseti in ijraUrn. Saint .ff ames tijc Apostle. mereiful <5ot(, t^at as tf)ine ijoln Apostle Saint James, leabtng ins. father anU all tijat i)f ijat>, bjtt Ijottt Brian toas obetiient unto t^e ealling of ti) Son ,f esus Cijrisf, anU f olloUirU ijtm ; so toe, formatting all tooritilij ant) carnal affections, map be ebermore reaUp to folloto tljp tol eommanDments ; tfjrougi) ifesus (Tijrist our HorD. Acts xi. 27, and part of ch. xii. il tijosr tiaps came propiicts from JTerusa^ lent nnto "anttod). ^nD tijrrr stooO up one of tijcm namcD ^ gabus, anB significD tfje Spirit, ttjat t^ere s^oultf be great Bearrt) :ottgi)out all ttje toorlti ; toljirij came to pass in Bfr^^jKSJBffiySi^ ^w^^^^^^^^^^^J^^^^fSsjs^^^f .L^^*^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^*^^^^^ B ^^^^ff^J^^^^^^tf^[^S tfje Daps of ClauDius Caesar. 2Ttjen tfje Dtseiples, eber man aeeorDmg to fjts abilttu, DetermineD to senD relief unto tfje bretfjren tofjiefj Dtoelt in JFuDaea. 2.2.li)iel) also tfjerj tut), anD sent tt to ilir elOrrs i)i> tfje fjanDs of Barnabas anD Saul, ^Loto about tfjat time ?S?eroD tfje fttng j5tretel)eD forti) ^ts ijanUs to bex eertatn of tije Cijurcij. ^nU ^e fttlleD JTames tf)e irottev of Jfofjn toitt tfje sujorU. anD, lirrattsc ijr sato tt pleased ttjr .?/ rUso, iir p vorrrtirD fttrtfjer to tafce peter also* St. Matth. xx. 20. eame to ijt'm tfje mother of ^rjjrUec's rai ^^ ^ tr sons, toprsijt'ppmg ijim, anU Uestrmg a eertatn t^tng of i) tin. ItnD saiD unto tier, Bl)at lutlt tliott? *tie sattij unto liun, Orant tliat tf)ese mn tujo sons man sit, tfje one on t^ rtgfjt fjanD, antilfje otfjer on tfje left, in tlin Uingtiom. But JFesus anstoereO anU satt, i>r UnoU) not tofjat ije asl. ^Ire ijr able to Drt'nU of rtje ettp tfjat Jf sfjall ovinu of,"anU to be bav= tort) Ujttfj tije baptism tljat JT am bapti>eti tottij ? iTijen san unto f jim, 2.2 te are able. HntJ fje sattf i unto tf jem, i?r sfjall UrinU iuDeeU of mij eup, anD be baptt)eD toitfj tfjr baptism tfjat .?/ am bapti>eD luttl) : but to sit on mi> rtgfjt fjanD, anD on mij left, t's not mine to gibe ; but it sfjall be gitoen to'tijrm for tofjom it is prepared of nu> Jfatfjer. .^InD Uiljen rfte ten fjearD it, tfjey tof re mobeD uiitij inDtgna- tion against tfje tujo'bretljren. But .?/ estts ealleD tljem unto f jim, anD saiD, i>r Unouj tfjat tfje prtnees of tije Gentiles e.rereise Dominion ouer tf jem, anD tfjen tfjat are great e.rereise atttijorttn upon tfjem. But it sfjall not be so among ott : but luf josoeuer bill be great among DOU, let fjtm be your minister; anD tofiosortoer toill be ebief among non, let fum 3 P Z5 fa gour servant: even as tiir Son of man came notto be ministereti unto, but to minister, anti to QtVr t)is life a ransom for maun. Saint ISartijolomcV) tijr apostle. 2Tf)e Collect, a#l.ir02fc>y blesseti Son Oittst eall iitattijrU) from tijr receipt of custom to be an apostle ana (Pban- gelist ; Srant us grace to f orsaUe all covetous acsires, ana inorainate lobe of rtcijcs, ana to fol= loU) tijc same Hjy Son JTesus (Tbrist. luijo liUetJi ana reignetf) toitlj tijee ana tijc 1i>oln <5l)ost, one e bangelist Cbe Collect jrm tbe lubolcsomc meDieines of tbe Doctrine DelibereD bij bun, all tbe Diseases of our souls maij be bcalcD ;' tbvougb tbe merits of tbs Son JFesus Cbrist our 5,orD. 2 Tim. iv. 5. !> tbott in all tbt'ngs, enDure afflictions, Do tbetoorft of an Gfoim? gelist, maiir full proof of tijn nu= nistrg. jFor & am noto reatg to be offeret, ant t i) r time of mg t eparture is at bant. Jf babe f ottgfjt a goot figbt, Jf babe finisbet mij course, & babe Kept tbe witb. l^enccfortf) tberels lait up for me a crobw of righteousness, tobict) tbe Hort, tbe rigbtcous Jfutge, si) all gibe me at tbat tag: ant not to me onlr>, but unto all ttjem also tfjat lobe bis appearing? >o tijij tiligence to eome sbortli? unto me: for Semasl&atb forsaken me, babing lobet tin's present toorlt, ant is tepartet unto STbessalonica ; (Erescens to Salatia, 2"itus unto Dahnatta, HURC is toitf) me. iTaiir iilarU ant bring inm imti) tijcc: for be is profitable to me for tbe ministry, ^nt 2Tcbicus babe JF sent to ^pbesus. 2Ti)e clofee tbat .f) left at froas lutti) Carpus, lui)f u tijou contest, bring b)itlj tljcc ; ant tiir boo&s, but especially tbe parcbmcnts. Hlr.v= ant cr tbe coppcrsmitl) t ft me mud) ebil : tbe Hort reuiart inm accorting to i)ts toorus. (? Hort appointet otljcr sebenti? also, ant sent tljcin ttoo ant ttoo before bid face into cbcri? citi> ant place Uibitiicr be bim= tuoult eome? rijcrcforc sait be unto tijem, barbest trulD is great, but tbe labourers are feto ; pras ge therefore tbe Hort of tbe barbest, tbat be tooult sent fortb labourers into bis bar= best. 0o your luans ; bdiolt , JT sent ijou fortb as lambs among toolbes. Carrg neither purse, nor scrip, nor sboes, ant salute no man bi? tbe toaij. ilutJ into Uibatsoebcr bouse ije enter, first saif, |)eace be to tins bouse. Hnt if tbe son of peace be tbere, gour peace sball rest upon it: if f& not, it sijall turn to ijou again. 3nfc in tijr same ijousr remain, eating ant) ti viuumg surij things as tfjeg gibe : for tfje labourer is toortfjg of i)is i)ire. Saint Simon ant) Saint .?/ tir, apostles. iTije Collect, 3!L#l.?e3? CTi? oB, ujijo ijast built tijn (Tijurrij upon tijr founbation of tl) r Hp o s,= ties ant) ^Jropljrts, .?/rsus (Tijrist i)tni= self being tijr ijeatJ eorner*stone ; errant us so to be (oinrU together in unitg of Spirit b tfoeir Doe* trine, tijat toe map be matte an iio In temple arrrpt= able unto t^ee; tjroug^ JTesus Christ our ILort). . St.Judel. : , tijr serbant of JTesus (Tijrist, ant) brother of j if antes, to tijrm tijat are sancti- fieB be Sot) rl)e JFatfjer, anU preserbcB in .Jesus Christ, antu calleU : jfftercp unto gou, anD peace, anO lobe be multiplied. ISelobet), toijrn ;?/ gabe all diligence to toritc unto JDOU of tijr com* mon salbation, it bas ncctjful for me to Usritc unto ijou, ant) r.vij o rt $ou, tijat ijr sl)oultl earnestly content) for tijr faitij" ujijtrij toas once BcIibcreS unto t^e saints. ,dFor rljere are certain men crept in unatoares, ujijo ui ere before of olt) orpaincti to tij is condemnation; uugoDln men, turning tijr grace of our Sot) into lascibiousness, ant) Denning tijr onl HortJ Sot), ant) our 3LorB Sesus Christ 3T bull therefore put DOU in remembrance, tijottgij DC once ftneb) tijis, ijo'ln tijat tijr HorO, ijabing sabctj tijr people out of tijr lant) of (Pgijpt, aftertaaarO Bestroget) rljem t^at beliebett not ilnU tl)e angels totitd) iicpt not tiirtr first estate, but left ttjctr ohm Habitation, Jje bati) reserbed in everlasting cijains under darfcness unto tije judgement of rje great Hag. ben as odom and Tomorri)a f and tfje cities about rtirm in lifte manner gibing tfjemselbes ober to fornication, and going after strange fieslj, are set fort!) for an example, suffering r^e ben= geanee of eternal fire. Hifcetoise also tfjese filtfji) dreamers defile ti)e flesi), despise Uominion, anS speak ebil of Dignities. St. John xv. 1 7. &(! things Jf eommanti ou, rljat ge lobe one another. &f tfje luorlU Jjate no it, nr Unouj tijat it tjateU me before it ijatcD .flf ije toere of tfjr toorlD, tije luovltJ u)oult) lobe ijis oUm : but because re are not of tfje toorltt, but babe cijoscn nou out'of tijc U3orlD, therefore tfje bjoriu batetb gott. Remember rlje toorU tijat ,?/ said unto i?ou, rbc serbant is not greater tijan tijc lorD : if tijen ijabe persecuted me, tijei? to ill also persecute ijou ; if tben babe uept mi> sam'ng, tbej? toin fteep gour's also* But all tbese tilings tuill tf)e Do unto gou for m fame's safte, be* cause tbeg ftnoto not bint fljat sent me. JFf Jjf fjaO not come anD sponen unto tijem, tijcn ijaU not baD sin: but no to tijrn ijabc no clone for tbeir sin. ?B?e tijat batetb mc'batetb m^JFatber also. Sf $ ijaU not Done among tijem tijc toorUs tobicij none ot^er man DtD, tbe baD not baD sin ; but noto babe tijnj botfj seen, anD batcD bottj me anD mn J^arljcr. 'But tijis comerlj to pass, tbat tbe toorD mtgbt be fulfilled tijat is torittcn in tijcir lato, iTijcij bated me toitijottt a cause. But toijcn tbe Comforter is come, tobom Jf toill send unto 5011 from tije jFatijer, eben tbe Spirit of trutb, toijicij T procceDetf) from rbe jFatfjer, be sijall testifg of we. 3nO ijr also sball bear tottncss, because ijc babe been foirh me from the beginning. CTfje Collect oB, tobo bast tmtt to= getber tbinc rlrrt in one communion anU fcllotosbip, in tbc mijstical boBi? of tin; Son Christ ottr ILorB ; rant'us graee so to fol= loto tf) blesseU Saints in all birtuous anO gotrt Itbingrttjat toe ma eome to tfjose unspeaftable I OPS., tobicb tijou t)ast prcparct for tbcm tbat un= feignetilp lobe tbec; tbrougb JTesus (Tbvtst our ILortJ. llmen. JFor tije |)lfttle, Rev.vii. 2. JT sato another angel aseentiing from tbe east, babingtbe seal of t^elibing 0otr; anD be eriet) tottb a lotto boicc to tbe four angels, to Urijom it toas giben to imrt tbc cartb, anU rlje sea, samng, l^urt not tije eartf), neither tbe sea, nor rfte trees, till toe babe sealeD rlje ser* bants of our iftot in tbeir forebeaDs. ^ntJ $ bcarD tbe number of tbem tobicb toere sealcD ; anti t^ere toere sealeQ an (uttOreO anU fort anB four tbousanU, of all tbc tribes of tbe ebilUren of 37s- raet f tije tribe of JTuBa toere sealed ttociur tbou= sant). 0f rlje tribe of 3Xeuben toere sealed ttoelbe tbousanti. f the tribe of aU toere sealed ttoelbe thou* santn. Of tf>e trite of &ser toere sealet) ttoelbe tfjou= snntJ. Of tfje trite of $epl)ti)ali torn sealeD ttorlbr tfjousanD, Of tfje tribe of Ifcanasses toere sealetJ ttoelbe tfje trite of J&gmeon toere ealeU ttoetoe O. f t^e trite of ebi iuere sealeD ttoelbe tfjou* t^e trite of Jtearfjar toere sralrtj tiurlUr nD, t^e trite of &atulon bjere sealeU ttoeloe ttye trite of Jfosepi) toere sealeD tiudbc ti)ottsant). Of tfje trite of iSenfamin toere sealeB ttoelbe after ttjis JT tetelU, anU lo, a great multitttte, no man eouttf ntnnter, of all nations, ant) fttnUretrs, anD people, anD tongues, stooD tefore tije throne, anB tefore t^e ILamt, elotfjeD toitl) luintf ro t rs, anH palms in tiirtv imnDs ; anO erteO luttl) a louD Uotrr, gaging, Saltation to our Soti luljtrt) sitteti) upon ti)f tijvonr , ant) unto tljr ILamt. ^nU all tf)c angels stooO rountt atout tlir tijvonr, anti atout tfje elOers, anti tiir four teasts, ant) fell tefore ti)e fljrone on ti)eir faees, anD toorstfjippcU otr, ssamng, ^mrn ; Blessing, ant) glorg, anfi lutsOom, ant) tljanUsgiUtug, ant) Ijonouv, ant) potoer, ant) migijt. te unto our <&ott for eber ant) etoer. 3mrn. St.Matth.v. 1. seeing tije multitudes, toent up into a mountain ; antj to Jjcn i>c toas set, ins Disciples eame unto ijim. 3uD ije opcncD mouti), ant) taugijt tiiem, saging, BlesscD are tijc poor in spirit : for tijeirs is tije iungtiom of Jjeauen. BlesseU are t^eg tl)at mourn : for ttyep s^all be eomforteO, BlesseD are t^e meeft : for t^eg sljall inherit tfje earti). BlesseD are tf)eg iuijiei) to hunger anlJ tijirst after righteousness*: for tijeg s jail Be filletf. Blesset are tje mereiful : for tijei} s jail obtain mereg. iSlesseO are tlje pttre in tear! : for tfje s^all see <5ott. BltsseU are ti)e peaee=mafters : for tjeg sijall be ealleU t^e cijilturen of Sot). Blesseti are'tijen toiiieij are persecuted for righteousness' salie : for tijetr's is tije lu'ngDom of ijeaben, BlesseU are ge, ii)en men sf)all rebtle gou, ant) persecute gou, ant) siiall sag all manner of ebtl against gou falselg for mg safte. llejotee, anU be exceeding glaO ; for great" is gour retoari) in ^eaben: for so persecuted t^eg tje prophets tof)ici) toere before gou. nn of tje Horn's Supper, or eommunfom C &0 mant? as intentf to be partakers of tbe Ijofo Communion stjall signifu tbeir named to tfje Curate, at least some time tbe Oa before. CC SlnO if ani> of tljosr be an open a no notorious ebtl libei, or ijabe Oone ani> lurong to iji5 neighbours li> Uioi tj or OeeO, so ti>at tijr (Totv= gi'f gntion lie ttjcvr tn> offettOeO; tijr (furate^ab^ tng UnouileOge tijricof, stjall rail tjim anO aO= bertise liiin, tljat in ani> toise i)e presume not to eome to tfje ILorO's S'able, until ty ijatfi openlij OeelareO Ijimself to ijabe truto repenteO auO amenOeO I)is former naugf)ti> life, ttjat H)c Congregation mat* thereto be satisfteO, tofjirfj before toere offenOeO ; anO ttj.it be ijattj reeom* yenseO tije parties, to bibom be batij done torong ; or at least Oeelare bim self to be in full purpose so to Oo, as soon as ije ronbententln (C irije same orOcr sijall tije Curate use bttf) tfjose betbjurt bj^om f)e pereeibetb maliee anO batreB to reign; not suffering tbe'm to be partakers of rfte ILorO's Arable, until be fenoto tbem to be reeoneileO. ^nO if one of tije parties so at barianee be eontent to forgibe from tlje bottom of ijts ijeart all tbat Hje otljer Ijatb trespassed against fjtm, auO to maUe amenfs for ttjat ^e ijimsflf imti) offt udrd ; and fljc otfjcr path? bin not be persuaded to a godl umti>, but remain sttU in ins frotoardness and malice: tljc i^ltni- ster in tirnt rase ougijt to admit ttjr penitent per* son to tf)e ijoly Communion, and not iwn tijat is obstinate. $irotoided ttjat etoer i*lintster so repelling anw, as is speeineti in t1)i6, or tijc next preeeOent ^aragrap^ of ti)is liubrtrfe, si)all be obliged to gibe an aceount of tfje same to tijc OrBinarij U) ttijtn fourteen Hags after at tije far* ti)est HnU ttir (f> vUmavy sijall pr or r rU against tijc offenDing person areortiing to ti)e (Tanon. CD ^e 2Table, at rl)e Communion=time ijabing a fair tointe linen eloti) upon it, s^all stand in ttye BoB of tt)e Ci)urc%, or in tije i)aneel, h)f)ere IBormng and C?Uening IDrager are ap* pointed to be said. 3nd tt)f Driest standing at tt)f ilovtl) side of tije (Table siiall sar ti)e ford's prawr, toitij tijc Colim following, tl)c people imeeling. jFatber, lotoed be ti)g iOtame. U)tU be done in rani), us tijis dan our dailn bread. our trespasses, 3$ toe forgibe tiirm ttjat trespass against us. ^utj lead us not into tempta^ tion; But deliver us from etril. 2T^e CDolleet art in Jjeaben, Kingdom eome. it is in tieaben. forgtoe us /7\ unto lu iio in all Jjeavts fce open, all Desires fenoton, anti from toftom no seerets are $iti ; Cleanse tfje r&ougfjts of our ijearts tip tije inspiration of tfjp &ob Spirit, tfjat toe maw perfectly lobe tfjee, anti toortijib magnifp tljp tyob i^ame ; t^rougfj Christ our 3LorD, ^men/ je Driest, turning to tfje people, w *= fjearse Bistinetb all Hje iTC^il CT(!^iiitt3lilD= IW^iaSTS ; anD tl>e people still itneeling s^all, after ebers CommanDment,asfc <5otf merep for tijnr transgression thereof for tijc time past, ani> graee to feeep ttjc same for tije time to eome, as follotoeti)* Minister. gp i i a-r-a H*- S spafee tfjese toortts, anti saiU ; JT am tiif ?L ovtj tijn H- our hearts to Keep tins lato. iil tuister. STfjou si)alt not mafte to tijijsclf am> graben image, nor tfie lifteness of an t^ing t^at is in lieaben abobe, or in tlr r arti) lirnrati), or in tijr Uiatrr untcv tijr earti). rijou sljalt not i)0b) D olun to ttjrm, nor b)orsi)ip tljrm : for ,?/ tljr ILorO tlji? SoO am a fealous ^oo, anti bisit tijr sins of tljr fathers upon tlir rijtlOrru, unto tlic tlitrD anO fourtf) generation of tiirni tijat iiatr me, anD unto tijousauDs in tijcm tijat lobe me, anD Urr p imj commanDmcnts. J) c opl r . HorD, ijabe mercg upon us, ant) incline our ijcarts to beep tijis lab). IBinister. i)ou sijalt not tafee tije #ame of tije 2.orD tij <5oD in bain: for tijc HorD bull not ijolD ijirn guiltless, tijat taUrtij ijis ilamr in bain. |J covlf 3LorO, Jjabe merc upon us, anU incline our ijrarts to Urep tijis lab). i^entemter rl)at t^ou ftcrp fjolij tijr &i Dags st)alt tijou labour,* anU Do all ttjat tiou ijast to bo ; but tijr srbr ntt) Daij is tlje ^abbati) of rije liorD tijn i^oD. ,?) n it tiiou stjalt Do no manner of toorlC tijou, anD tiuj son, anD tiji? Daugijtr r, ttjij man=serbant, anD tijij matD- srrbant, tin; rattle, anD tije stranger ttiat is* tottijin t^ gates, jfor in si* Daus ti)e LorD maDe Ijeaben anD earti), tije sea, anD all tijat in tijem is, anD resteD tije sebentfj D aij : b)ij c ref ore tije lLorD blesseD tijr sebentij Dag, anD'ijallobjeD it people. ILorD, Ijabe mere upon us, ant) incline our hearts to fecep tijis lab). Minister. Honour t^ fatfjer anD rlj mother ; tijat rlj Dans ma be long in flje lanD, tofjicfj rJ)e ilorD tijn 0oD gibetij tijee. people. LorD, Ijabe mere upon us, anD incline our ijcarts to fteep tijis lab). i*t {niftier. STijou sljalt Do no murDer. people. HorD, ^abe mereg upon us, anD incline our ijcarts to Urcp ttjts lab). i^ltmstcv. 2Tijou sijalt not commit aDultem People. LorD, ijabe mero) upon us, anD incline our ijearts to beep tijis lab)/ 2T^ou sijalt not steal. HorD, Ijabe mercg upon us, anU incline our i)r arts to Beep tins lalu. (Hfnietn . 2Tf)ou sijalt not bear false toitness against tfjg neighbour. fJeoplr. fLortJ, i)atoe mercw upon us, ana incline our ijrarts to Urrp tijis lab). ftt iniBt n- (Tijo u sijalt not eobet t^ net gi)i) o it r 's ijottse, tfjou jilwlt not robct tiji? neighbour's lutfr, nor i)is sertiant. nor Ijis maiD, nor 0is o.v, nor ijis ass, nor ani> tiling tijat is Ijis. Horn, fjabe merei? upon us, ant) torite all tfjese tf)g latos in our Jjearts, toe fceseerf) /7N tljee. (C iTtjen sfjall folloto one of ti)ese ttvo (Tollr rts for tfje CXtteen, tije priest standing as before, anU saijitig, Het us prag. toijosc ttingDom is everlasting, anU potoer infinite ; ^abe merej? upon tf)e to^ole (Kljurei); anD so rule flje ijeart of tiji? etosen Servant FJT eST^l^a, our <&ueen anO obemour, t^at s!>e (fcnotoing to^ose minister ste is) ma abobe all tttngs seefc tt ijonour anB glorg: anB ttat toe, anU all ter subjects (Buh> eonsiBering totose autii ontij oil r iiati) > mai> f airtj* fit Hi? srrUr, tjonour, anb tntmblp olinj ijrv, in tlirr, antf f or tijrr, arrovUmg to tijij J)lf ssefi J15 toi D anD orUtnance; tijrougfj .f esus Christ our HorlJ, tufjo tottf) tfjee atttJ ti)e i^olg (Styost Itbeti) anU retgneti), rtirr one 000, toorlB luitljout rut). 3mru. m^JTO^ril anU eberlastmg c^oO, lur are taught J> ti)D f)ol? smorD, )at rtje hearts of Btngs are m tt rule anU gobemanee, anU tljat Hjott Host Dispose antf turn tijrin as it ser inert) best to tinj g oD Ii> totsOom : 5L21 r ijuml) lij beseeel) ttjee so to' Dispose anO gotoem rtjr ijran of FJfCC^KJ ^ tf) Servant, our <9tueen anD obernour, t^at, in all ijer rtjougitfs, toorUs, anD iuorfes, sije mag eber seeft tij honour anU glor, anU stuU to preserbe )g people eommitteU to ijer e^arge, in biealtf), peaee, anU goDliness : (Srant tljis, merciful JFatfjer, for ) Hear Son's safce, .?/ csus (TlirtBt our iLorU. Hinrn. G. iTijcn stall tie saiD rt)e Collect of tfjc Oai. anD immcDiatele after ti&e Collect t^e Driest s^all reaB t!)e C?pistle, saing, S^e 0pistle, [or, 2Tijc portion of Scripture appointed for tt)e pistle] is toritten in tlje Chapter of - beginning attlje "Perse. 2tnU tl)e C?pitlc cntJct, Ije s^all sap, %ere enDert) tfje Epistle, 2Ti)cn stall fte real) rtjc Gospel, (ti)e people all stanCtna up) sawing, 2Tte tolg (Sospel is bjrit* ten in tfe eifapter of - beginning at fl)e Ferse. ^nU rtjc Gospel enoeO, stall be sung or saiH tte (Tvc ru foUoUnng, rtjc people still standing, as before. <mgl)t, #1 after of fjeaben antf eartft, of all tijings btstlilr anti begotten Son of <$o&, Begotten of ijijs jfarti & 65 ^> before all hwttft, 0ot( of <$o&, Ut Qiit of iLi gin. p | , ^ * i m i M of berg aoK, Begotten, not matte, Being of one gutotanee totH) tiicjFartier; lii> toijom all tilings torn mafcr, olP 0i)o&t of tijc Ft'rgtn i-Bavn, ant) U),IG maDr man, ^nti cructfteU also for u unOer |)ontttt p 11>r suffcrcD anU bas liuvirD, .anU tljr tlnrtJ Dan ije rose again accorUmg to ttje Scrtj)turc0, ascenUetJ into Jjcabcn, ^inU sittetf) on tije rtgfct ^iinti of rtje JFatfjer* <&vto ty styaU come again umi) giovi* to luUgr l>otf tfir quiru anO t^e UeaU : raijose tttngOom mjau tjabc no enU IJ M -hUL--hrtf1 ^ntf JT irtiebe m tfje anU i&iber of life, Wfto Mroee) from tfjc anK )e Son, Wfyo tottfj anK tye Son togetijo: t toors^tppeU anH glort* ftrt(, S2tf)o spaltc IIP tljr fceliebe one Cati&oliefc an& &postoliefc Cfmrei). jr aefcnotole&ge one Baptism for flie remission r of situs, KnO .?/ look for tlir Urstivvrcttou of fe Sta i-t tije DraD, -fib ^~r tlic life Of tijc HioviO to comr. r 9mm. (E C|>m tl)e Curate l>aU Ueelare unto tijc people luti.it 3i>oln=u,ip0, or dFating=Uas, are in tljc 2.2trr U foUolutnQ to iie o])&ei*brtf. ^tnti tijen also (if occasion lie) sijall notice lie giUcn of tf)e Communion ; antt Briefs, Citations, an& Gxeommtmirations rwlf. Stnll notljing sijall kc proclatmctJ or puiiltsftrD in tije CfmreJj, During tfje time of 13ft>ine irrbtrr, but l)i tije Minister : nor i>i> Ijim am; tij ing, but tofyat is prcscrifjctj in tije'Uules of tljis Boob, or rn= foinett ig t^e (Sltteen, or fcj> t^e (DrUinari? of tfje place. (C *Tf)f n sftall folloto tlic Sermon, or one of rtjr ftomflfrg alreaBg set fortf), or ijereafter to be set fortti, i)i) autiiontp. (C JTimt nfcalf tfje I3riet return to t^e Hortr *Tal)(f , anD iitght ti)t lOffc vtonj, saijtug one or more of ti)te Sentence follotaung, a fje ti)tnft* rti) most ron\)rnteut m i)t's fiittcrction. (52T gour Itgfit so sfjtne before men, tijat gourjFatfier tofyitf) in m ijeaben. St. Matth. v Hag not up for gourselbes treasure upon tiic ravtij ; U)1jrvr ti)c rust auU motlj Uotij corrupt anti ujljcrr ttjirtors lirrali tljrougi) ant) steal: but lag up for goursefties treasures in ijeatoen ; tof)m neither rut nor motf) Botfj corrupt, anH ujiirrr tine bn Do not l)rcaU ttjvottgi) anU steal St. Matth. vi. m toouIB tijat men sijotiiD no unto gou, eUen so Bo unto ttjem ; for )ts i tf>e ILato anU tfje propf)et. St. Mattb. vii. ilot eber one tfjat saitf) unto me, &orB, HorK, sijall enter into tij r itrngtiom of ij rau r n ; but lie jat tioet^ tt)e torn ijeaben. St. Matth. vii stooU fortij, anS satO unto tfce ILor&, BclioIB, SLorD, tljr ijalf Of mn QOOOG ;?/ gtur to ti)f poor ; antt if .9 ijabc Cone ang Ujvong to ang man, JT restore four^foUr. St. Luke xix. goet^ a Warfare at ang time of ouw cost? Wtijo plantctt) a UinrnavD, ano not of tfje fruit thereof? IJal IJ.,1 a flocU, anU eatetf) not of t^e mim of tl)e ftocu. I Cor. ix. d .7if toe Jjatoe aoton unto gou spiritual things, tt a great matter if toe styall reap gour toorl&fo tfjtngs ? 1 Cor. ix. ta e not ftnoto, tfjat tijej? h)^o mmtster nboit t i)ob t^mgs Jibe of tfje saerifiee; anU t^ew to^o toatt at tije altar are partafters hritf) t^e altar? so tyatfj tfje HorU also orHatneO, tfiat tijej? bjijo preaefj tfje Gospel si)oul0 Itbe of t^e aU men; antf &prrulin unto tljrm tijat are of i* great rief)e, tf a man be eon* B" I , I " lnl , I IJ , tent tottf) fl&at |>e fjatf) : for toe brought notijmg into tf)e toorHJ, neither mas toe earrg ang tiling Charge fljem to^o are rief) tn tina toorlU, )at tijcij be vraU n to gibe, ant) glatt to Distribute ; Nation against tfje time to tome, t$at tfteg mag attain eternal life, 1 Tim. vi. B <5oB is not unrighteous, t!;at ije bin forget gour toorfes, anU labour tfjat jjroccetretf) of lobe ; lobe ge Ijabe sfjetoeB for ijis fame's saue, ^abe ministereO unto tfje aint, anK get tto minister* Heb. vi. I . !*!": co 00 gooB, ano to Distribute, forget not ; for totti) suefi saeriftees oD i Hcb. xiii. 080 iKiti) ti)i8 UJOilO'o gooU, ant) srrtt) ijtft irotfter ftabe tteeD, anU ftutteti) up fits torn- passion from ijtm, ijott) Dine Urtl) tlic lobe of ibe alms of ti) gootis, anU mfcer turn t^ face from ani? poor man ; anU ttirn tiir fate of tfje HorU styall not fce turneti atoau from fljee. Tob. iv. 13e merciful after ii) potoer. JTf tfau J>at muei), gibe plenteouftlg: if tfjou fjast little, tuo tiji? tjtltgrucr glaUlu to gibe of tfjat little: for Ml M I y M I I y I gatijerest tfjou tijnsrlf a gooO rrUiarO in /T\ >e Hag of neeeitg. Tob. iv. #e )at ^ati) pitg upon t^e poor ImUet^ unto a!*f f ! I tDr HorD : anD looft, toljat ije laijetij out, it stall f be pain iron again. Frov. xix. IT ^tp 13lesset( tie tfje man tijat proUttJctij for tijr ii..i.lL> r t tU anO nrrDii : Hir lorB olwll BcliDrr inm in w tfie time of trouble, Psal. xli. (C &2!i)ilst tl)cse Sentences are in rcaDing, t$e son appo'tnteD for fljat purpose, shall receibe t^e Um0 for ttye $)oor, anfl otijer Oebottons of ti)e people, in a Decent bason to be probtDeU bijtiic jjarisii for tbat purpose; anD reberentlg bring it to tlie Driest, U)ljo stjall twmbln pre^ sent anD place it upon tije ijoli? (Table. (E SlnD toljen rljere is a Communion, tfje Driest sball tijcn place upon tije (Table so muclj BreaO anD H?tme, as be stall tfjtuU sufficient Sifter tobtc!) Done, tlie Driest sijall saw, 31 et us prag for rlje to^ole state of bnst's E I n I B in eartfj. _ _ . . _. anD eber*libing ilamr for all tljij servants aepartca tins life in tfnj fattij ana fear; bcsccein'ng tijce to gibe us grace so to folloto tijcir gooa examples, tijat tutti) rljrm toe map be partakers of tijij ijeabenln Uingtiom : erantttjis, jTatiier, for 3Tesus $rist's safte, our onln i-ardtatov anU HDborate. amen. C l!jen tljc Minister gtbet^ toarnfng for tfjc celebration of tijc Jjoli? Communion, (tofitcf) $e stall altoaDS Do upon tijc ^unUan, or some &olstto, immcHtatelj) preeeUing,) after rtjc Sermon or ?i?omib enBrti, fje stall veatr tf)ts Gorfjortatwn follotoing* i U 5. i? belobett, on Ua nejrt JT j>ur* poor, tijrouglj Pott's assistance, to atimt= nister to all suet as stall be religiottslij anU Deboutln Dispose Q tl)f most comfortable Sa crament of tte BoUs anU BlooB of Ctnst ; to be b ttcm reeeibcD inlremembrance of tis meritori* ous Cross ana passion ; totjcrebn alone toe ob= tain remission of our sins, ana are maae partati- ers of tte itingaom of tcaben. l Sacrament. (L2lijtei) being so aibine ana comfortable a tiling to ttcm toto receibe it toortijiln, ana so aangerous to tijrm tljat toill presume to rccctbc it unUwtljtln ; my Buty i to etfjort 5011 in tf)e mean season to consiBer tf)e Bignity of tfjat boly mystery, anB tfje great peril of ttje untoortfp receibing thereof; anB 00 to scarclj anB examine your oUm consciences, (anB tfjat not Iigi)tli>, anti after tye manner of Bisscmblers Umlj i^o'C ; lint 00) tijat i?e man eome Ijoln antJ clean to Bttcij a Ijrabrnln jFeast,"tn tijr mafria ge-gannent rcq utreD i) n c^ oD in i) oli> $er f v= ture, anU fie recetoeD aft toort^e partaftera of tfjat je toap anU means thereto ift ; jfirst, to c.v= amine gouflibes anU eonberftations ib tfje rule of ^oti'ft eommantimentft ; anD to^eretnftoeber e flljall pereeibe gourfteltoeft to ijaur offrntirti, either lip brill, bjorti, or tJcrd, t^ere to luebjatl ijour oluu sfnfulneftft, ant) to eonfeftft ^ourftelbeft to ~aimigi)tr> (^ o Q, b)iti) full purp o sr of amenDment of life. ^u6 if ijr Bfjall pcrceibe nour offence* to be duel) aft are not only againftt '^oU, but alfto against your neigijbourftl tfjen ye ft^all reconcile yourftelbes unto ti)cm ; being reaOy to malic refttitution antr ftatisfaction, according to tljc uttermoftt of your potoerft, for all in/urieft antu birongs Bone by you to any otfjcr : anti being liltebiiftc rcaDy to forgibc otljcrs tljat ijabc offcntfrtJ you, aft ye tooultf babe forgibeneftft of your offences at <$oD'ft iianti : for otbcrUiisc tijr reeeibing of tijr ijoly Communion Dot!) nothing else but increase your Damnation. bmfore if any of you be a blasphemer of <5oH, an ^inHerer or slanderer of bi tBorU, an aul= terer, or be in malice, or enby, or in any ottyer griebottft crime, repent you of your sins, or else come not to tljat ijoly Arable ; lest, after tbc taUing of tljat ijoly Sacrament, tlje tiebil enter into you. as Ije entered into .3? uBas, anB nil you full of all iniquities, .into living POU to Destruction botl) Of boDij ant) soul. ' nt) because it is requisite, tijat no man sljoulD comr to tl) r 1) o In Communion, but Until a full trust in tft oD's mercg, anD toitf) a quirt conscience; tijerc* fore if tiicvc be amj of nou, luijo b tins means can- not quiet ins oUm'conscicncc iicvctn, but required) further comfort or counsel) let turn come to me, or to some ottjcv Discreet anD learneD Minister of tftoD's tUTlorD, ant) open ijis grief; tijat bn tlie ministry of otJ's ijoln 5L51 o vU ijr mai; receive tiie benefit of absolution, together toiti) gjostlg coun* sel ant) atJlitee, to tijc quieting of bis conscience, anO aUoiUing of all scruple anU Doubtfulness. (E Or, in case ijc otjall see tijc people negligent to come to ttye Ijolj? Communion, insteaD of tfje fovmev, f;e oball use tins O.\ljovtation. m3L belobeD brethren, on $ in* tenD, bg <5oD's grace, to celebrate tfje LorD's Supper: unto iufjic^, in SoD's alf, JT biD gou all tijat are ijere present ; anD beseecf) you, for tijc iLorD JTesus Christ's saUe, ttjat ije tbill not refuse to come thereto, being so loUingb ealietJ ant) biDDen bn 0oD ijimself. i?e UnoUj fob griebous ant) unhinD a tiling it is, ujiien a man Ijatl) prepared a neij feast, DccUeD ijts table toitlj all iunt) of provision, so tiiat tiiere laeUetl) no tiling but tiie guests to sit Dotbn ; ant) get tiljeg tol)o are calleB (toitijout anp cause) most unttyanufulls refuse to come. 8Hf irij of gou in sueii a case boult) not be mobeD ''. H5 tiio uiottlt) not tijintt a great injun; ant) tovong Done unto tlim ? WKijevefove, most Dearlw bclobcD in Christ, tali e \}t gooD i)eeD, lest $e, U) ttljD vau) ing ijourselb cs from tins iioln Supper, probo&e SoD's inDigna- tion against pou. JTt is an e as matter for a man to saw, .ff toill not communica'tc, lirrattsr if am ofljertoise ftfnttmtt toitt) toorl&lw business, fcut surf) excuses are not so casiliTacccptet) ant) al= lotoeB before (5ot). Jff ani> man sa, Jf am a griebous sinner, ant) therefore am afraft) to eomc : therefore ttjen Ho m not repent ant) amenU? tijen <5ot) ralletf) DOU, are e not as^ametf to sap e tDtH not eome? fcEtljen e sijouia return to SoD, toill e exeuse nottrseiues, anD sa e are not reaBg? Consider 'eamestlw toirt) ourselbes ^oto little suri) feigneU eoreuses toill abail before <5otJ. 2T^e tfjat refuseU t^e feast in tf)e Oospel, beeause ti)n> ijaH bougijt a farm, or taoulO trn tfieir goftes of ooren, or because ttjes tuere marrietf, Uiere not so e.vcuseU, but eounteU unUjortijn of tije ^eatienlw feast JT, for m part, sljall be*reatii> ; anD, aeeorUing to mine ffiee, jf biD ou in ttje iiame of <5oH, JT eall ou in l)rist's'betalf, JT r.rtjort you, as ijr lobe pour obin salbatton, tijat m toill be partakers of tfjis $oli> Communion, antt as ttje Son of <5oB Biti bouef)safe to gieUj up ijis soul bn Deatij upon tije Cross for ijotu' salba- tion ; so it is ijour Dutn to reeeibe t Jje Communion in remembrance of tfje'sacrifice of ^is Heart), as Ije Ijtmsclf ijarl) eommanDeD : toljtri) if ije sijall neglect to fio, consider toitij rottrsclbcs ijoto great tujurn ijr Do unto i^oD, anU ifo to sore punishment ijangctfj ober ijour ijcaBs for tijc same; toijcn ije toilfiilli* abstain from tijc 31 orD's (Tab le, anD separate from ijottr brethren, toijo eome to feet) on tijc banquet of fijat most ijcabcnlij foot). places for tfje receding of tf)r !joli> Sacrament ~lriet sjhaU sa tfjis (Sxfeortatum. ?31iHi2 feelotfcD in tfjc ILorD, e tfjat minD to come to tlje l)ol Communion of tije 13oD anD BlooD of our Sauiour (Tiivtst, cons.tDcv ijoU) Saint i) aul r .xljo vtrtii all pr r= sous titltgrutlij to tri? anU examine ti)rms.dl) cs, lie = fore rljei) presume to eat of rl)at 13rea&, anU Drinft of rljat (Tup. JFor as tijr tirucfit is great, if totti) a true penitent t)eart anD Ubrlij fat'tti tur reeeibe tijat ^ol Saerament ; (for t^enTme ftmrituall eat r6e flesjfof Christ, anU Drink f)is blooU ; tfjen toe Ktoell in Cijrist, anU Cijrist in u ; toe are one toiti) Cfjriftt, anU Christ toiti) us ;) so is t^e Dan* ger great, if toe rer eitoe t^e same untoorrtjtU?. jFor tiicn toe are gutltij of tljr 13ot)ij anD BlooU of Cijrt'st our Sabiour ; toe eat anD Drinft our oton Damna* tion, not eonsiDering t^e ILorD's BoD ; toe femDle <5otTs toratti against us; toe probofte Jjim to plague us totti) Dtuers Diseases, anD sunDru fcinDs of Deat^. JTuDge therefore uourselbes, oretf)ren, t^at ge oe not juDgeD of tife LorD ; repent gou trttlij for $our sins past ; tiabr a ItUrln anD sfeD= fast faifl) in (Kijrist our Sabiour; amenD our libes, anD ie in perfeet e^arit toir^ all men] so sijall m oe meet partafeers of t^ose ^ob mpsteries, SlnD abooe all things j?e must gibe mosf i)umi)le anD fcearto tijanfes to eoD, ti>e JPafljer, tije Son, anD ti)e ^ob Stost, for rl)e reDemption of tfje toorlD tin rtje beatfj anD passion of our Satoiour Christ, bortj 0oD anD man; to^o DiD ^umi)le i)im= self, eben to t^e Dearl) upon ti)e Cross, for us, miserable sinners, toljo la in Darfeness anD sijaDoto of Dearl) ; ti>at fje ngf)t ma&e us rl)e ttrcn of ott, antJ watt us to eberlasting life. ?tnti to tije entt rtjat toe styoultt altoaw remember tbe ejcectting great lobe of our faster, antt onln Sab tour, Jesus Cijrist, tbus tti>ing for us, antt tfje innumerable benefits toijief) bi> ins preeious bloott'Sijetttting lie tjatl) obtainett to us; ije batij tnstttuteO antf orUatneD ijoli? mijstert'es, as pledges of tjts lobe, aut) for a continual remembrance of I) is Ueatl), to our great anD enUless comfort. iTo ^im therefore, toittj tije jFat^er anU tfje i^oli? <5ljost, let us gibe (as toe are most bountten) continual tijanns ; submitting ourselbes toijolli? to ins iioln toill anU pleasure, anO stuUmng to serbe twn in true ^oliness ant righteousness aH tije Dags of our life. C ff Ijcw ftljall tije Driest saw to tfjem tfjat tome to vccetbc ti)c tol Communion, 1^ t^at Bo trulg anti earnestly repent gou of our sins, anU are in lobe anti eijaritr? toiif) our neighbours, anti intenU to leaB a neto life, follotoing tije eommanDments of 0oU, anO toattung from Ijeneefortf j in bis bob toaijs ; Drato near toiti) faitb, anU tafee tijis ^ol 5aera= ment to ijour comfort; anD malic ijottr bumble eonfession to rdiiUQljtn Soti, meeUln tuieeling upon gour fcnees. C at)f mrrri? upon us> %abe inrvry upon us t most mrr= eifurjFattjer ; JFor ti)s Son our ILorO .fesus grist's safte, JFbrgtoe us all tijat is past ; ^InD grant r&at toe mag eber hereafter Serbe antJ please ftee Jfn netoness of life, 2To fl)e Honour anU glori) of tijs i^ame; 2T|>roug^ Jfesus Christ our 3LorQ. ^men* (E STtjen sfjali tf)e priest (or tije Bishop, being present,) stanU up, anU turning fjimself to tftc people, pronounee t|)is Absolution, .& &o, our Ijeabenlg JFatfter, tobo of ijis great merei? liati) promiseO forgibeness of sins to all tlinn tijat toitf) fteartg repentance anD true fatt^ turn unto him; fi?abe"meres upon jou; parflon antt Ueliber you from all gour sins ; eonftrm anU strengthen gou in all goodness; antt bring i?ou to eberlasttng life ; tftrougft JTesus efjrist our Hortn. (C ST^en s^an t^e Driest sag, p i5?ear toftat eomfortable toorKs our Sabiour /7N eftrist saiti) unto an tftat trulg turn to ftim* unto me all tfjat tratoatt anD arc fjeabg laBot, an& JT toill refresf) sou. St. Matth xi. 28. So eo& lobeD tije toorlB, tfjat fje gabe onlj)=tegotten Son, to tfje entf tf)at trti tijat ijf lietie in Inm sljoulti not jjcrtsfj, but ijatoe eucr lasting life. St. John iii. 16. ?!?ear also toljat Saint Vaul saiti) : a tn saging, anU 33 vtrst. a,et us gibe tfjanfeB unto our Hora otj. . STt is meet anU rigijt o to Do. (C ^en stall tije Driest turn to tfc Corn's olP * Cfttap toorUa [Holy Father] must tie omfttrfi on Trinity. Sunday CC &ere Gijall fol(oli) tfjc proper preface, rbrOtng to tijc time, if tijere fie aun spcnillij appointed: or el#e immeDiatelo sijifll folIotD,' | 1 B H | tottij angels an* rcf)== t l angels, antt toity aU tlje eompang of Ijeatoen, :! I + 1 * *!! "AJ i..*" toe laiiO antf magnify tf)S glori e i i I I more pratamg t^ee, anO agmg, of ijoste, anH eartfj are full of % gloru : proper tLipon Christmas-day, anU setieit 5ag after. tljinc onln Son to be born as at tins time for us ; toijo, b ~tfje operation of ti)e ??ol Sfjost, toas maDe toerp man of tije subfttance of tfje Firgin i^lari) i)t'mort)er ; anB tijat tottijout spot of sin, to maue us elean from all sin. riirrrforr uittij Angels, ^fe. Jtpon Easter-day, anft sebrn Das after. tCT rtnrfln are hie bottnU to praise tiirr for ti)e glorious Resurrection of ti) Son JTesus Christ our 3LorU : for i)e ts tfje berp $ascf)al amb, tolnrf) toas offereD for us, ant) ijati) taUrn atoan ttir sin of tiir toovID ; ID!;O i)i.) 1ns oratl) tjati) DcstrorcD Dcati), anD tin ins rising to life again ijati) rcs'torcD to us cbcrlastmg life, Styerefore toitf) &ngels, &e. Ascension-day, anti aebett 5as after. ttj most Ur arln lidoDrti Son DJjnst"our ILorD; ujljo after ijis most glorious licsuvrr rtton mantfrstln appravrt) to all i)ts ilpostlrQ, auO in tljrir stglit asrenUrlJ tip into tjrali ru to prrparr a plaee for us ; tijat inhere ^e is, rjjifljer toe migfjt also aseenD, anU reign toitt) 5im in glorg. 2T^erefore toiti) Angels, &e. Whit-Sunday, antt sfcp Bag* after, ; ac= corUing to toijose most true promise, tljc l ijost eame UoUm as at ti)is time from ijeabe n ujtttj a stiBU en great sounD, as it IjatJ ieen a migijtw toinB,(nti)elifteness of fter tongues, lighting upon tijr Apostles, to trad) tijr'm, anU to IraU tljem to all trutij ; giving t Jjr m iiotli tide gift of fibers languages, anO also OolUness tuitl) fer= bent >eal constant li? to pre.icli Hir Gospel unto all nations ; toijerclji? toe ijabc been brought out of UarUncss antJ error into ttic clear Itgijt anO true UnotolcOge of tijee, anD of % * on Jesus Cijrist. ST^erefore toitf) Angels, $re. Clpon Qe J^Wt Of Trinity onlg. . (^ art one 0oD, one ILorD ; not one only person, but tijrcc persons in one'Substanee. jFor tljat toiiicii toe tic lirbr of tfir glorn of tijr .-fFatijer, ti)t same be lirlirlir of rt)e Son, anD of tije $>ol fast, ferity* ojtt an Difference or ineajtalitg. ST^etefore toitfj "re. r/ ^ M R (C Sifter cacf) of toijtd) $)refaees sljall tmmtfiatclj* be gang or satD, moli>, i)oh\ lLorD 0oO of ijosts, iieaUcu aub rani) are of tin; glonj : c^lovn be to tijee, D liorD most imen. C CTje n ftijall tfjc |)rtest> Unceling Ooton at l!jc HorD's Arable, sa$ in tlje name of all tijem tijat ijall reeeitie t|)e Communion tlji |)raj)er fol* lototng. (? Do not presume to eome to tins tip ^alile, merciful &orD, trust* ing in our oton righteousness, but in tto manffolK anD great mereies. SKe are not ^ so muei) as to gather up tlie erumbs ttntirr tljn (Table. But tijott art Hjr same HorD t toliosr property id altoavs to tjatie mrrcn: Srant us therefore, graeious"S,orD, so to eat te fleslj of tt) Dear &on Sesus (Tijrist, anD to DrinU ijis lilootf, tijat our sinful boDies man be maDe elean IIP i)is boDn, anD our souls toasfieD tijrottgl) ijis most preelous blooD, anD tfjat toe ma evermore Dtoell in i)im, anD Ije in us. &men. (L SiLUjcn ii)t priest BtanDing before tlje iTabU, fjatij so orDereD ti)e 33reaD anD <&line, tljnt %c tna toiti) tljc more veaDmess anD Deeenci? tfje Ureaa before ttje people, an'o talie tfje Cup into f)is f>anBs,l)e sfjall sag tijc iUaw of Consecration, ns f ollotoetfj, , our ijeabenls jFattjer, totyo of rtjg tenfcer merci? BiBst gibe tfnne onl Son JFesus Cfjrist to suffer Heart) upon tijc Cross for our redemption; Uiijo mafle tijcrc din ins one oblation of ijimself onee offrvrD a full, prrfr rt, anB sttfRr tent saenfi'ee, oblation, anO satisfaction, for tijr sins of tfje luiiolr UjorlD ; ant) DiD institute, anD in ins iioln Gospel roni= nianD us to continue, a perpetual memorn of tiiat iit's preeious Dratl), until ins coming again ; ?i>e,ir us, merciful Jfatijer, toe most lwmfcl beseee^ )ee ; anU grant tl)at toe reeeibing tfjese rtjw erea* tures of treat) anD mine, aeeovDtng to rtjn Son our Sabiour Jfesus Christ's ijolij institution, in remembrance of ijts Heart) anD passion, man be partafeers of ins most li lesseD 13 oD n anD Blo'oD : Ujiio, in tije same mgin tijat lie toas betrageti, ( tooft BreaD; anD tofjen lie ijaU giben rtjanfts, (l) f)e brafte it, antf gabe it to ins Disciples, samng, iTaUe, eat, (c) rtjis is mBoi? toi)iejj is giben for you: Do rtjis in remembranee'ofme. Hifcetoise after supper i)e {'// toofc rtje Cup ; anD, toijcn iic itaD giben tiianiis, ijc gabe it to tijem, saijinej, {Drink PC all of rtjis ; for rtjis (e) is mg BlooU of rtje ilclu (Testament^ toijiei) is sijcD for gou anO for man for rtje remission of sins: Do rtjis, (a) t to tattc Ifjc IJatcu into fjia IjanDs : (*) SlnliljErftobrfaft tfjf iJi f ad : (c) anb fttrt to laj> tits ijano upon all ttje iirtafi. (^) Sert ftt ia to tafce tljt Cup into tjia JjauO : () ao tjtre to lap l) SCliiu to far tonsetratt&. as oft as re sfjall Brink it, in re membrane r of me. CD be prr - sent,) ant) after ttjat to tije people also in ortifr, into rfjeir ijants, all meeUli? Kneeling. , toi)f n Ijr t elt\)eretij ttje BIT atJ to an one, B o n ij of our Horti Je*u* (Tfjr t s t, ID t) t el) ba gitien for tfjee, preserbe tf) boD anD soul unto eberlasting life. aite ant eat In remembranee tijat Christ tiet for t^ee, ant feet on i)im in ti>e Ijeart BS faitf) toit^ tfjanfeft* gibing. C ^(nt tfir Jftiniftter rtjnt tdibrrftij t^e Cup to ant> one sstyall saw, Bloot of our Hort Jfesuts (Tijrist, fjici) bias sijet for tijee, preserve tij ij 1) o t n ant soul unto everlasting life. Orintt tins in remenrbranee tijat Christ's bloot iuas sl)et for tljr r, ant be tijanUful. CC Sf tl>e eonseeratet Breat or fcBttte be all spent before all iiabc rommunir atett, rtjc Airiest t's to eonseerate more aeeorting to fijc jTorm before preseribet ; beginning at [Our Saviour Christ in the same night, &c.] for tfjeblessing Of tf)e JSreat; ant at [Likewise after Supper, &c.j for tijc blessing of tfjc Cup. all Ijabc rommunieatct, tijc return to tfie ILorB'a arable, anB retoe* rentfo place upon it fofjat remainctfj of tije eon* ftecrateti Cfomtvto, eotoering tije same toitf) a fair linen dotij, (D $en f>a tfie Driest a ttie 3LortJ' fJraiw, tfie people repeating after Jjim eberg IJetttiom art in fieaben, |^al lotoeK be t^ i^ame. Qfy% fcingBom eome. , us tf)i a our Uatls breaK. ^nD forgive ua our trrspaesr s, 3$ toe forgibe tljr in tljat tre** ^ass against us. anO IcaD uo not into trmvi.v tion; But Beliber us from ebtl: jTor tfjine w I I J =t tijr iungDom, iTlir poly rv, ant) liir Qlovn. .-JFo r JL eber anB eber. C Sftcv ijall lit att aft follotortf). 3UOUD antf ijrabenlij .father, tor tijij iiumble serbants entifelg Desire t^g fa= _ tfierlg gooUness meretfufip to aeeepf tfjia our saerifiee'ofjpratse anU tfjanfesgttJtng ; most fwmbfo ieseeetjmg tijee to grant, tfjat ij) ti)e merits antf Ueati) of tijw Son Jf esus Christ, anU t^rougij faitlj in ins tilooU, toe anD all tijij Uitiolr e r 1jurri) man obtain remission of our shfs, anU all otijrr benefits of ins passion. 3nt) ijrrr toe offer anO present unto tfjer, O 3LorU. ottrsriurs, our souls auU jbotiies, to be a reasonable, liolij, anU It'ueln saerinee unto tijer ; iutmb In beseeririitg tlirr, tijat all toe, toiio are partakers of tijis II?O!P Com- munion, man be fulfillrtj toiti) tijn graee anD ljra= brnln brnrflfrtion. 3ntJ alti) ottglj'toe be ttnluovtiiP, tijrougij our manifoltf sins, to offer unto tijer ani? saerinee, ijet toe beseeei) tijer to arrrpt tins our bounDen D'utn ant) serbiee ; not toeigiung our in r= rits, but pardoning our offenees, tijrottgl) JTesus Christ our 2.or5 ; b to^om, anU toiti) toijom, in tlje unitD of tije ?^oi <5i)ost, all ijonour anO glorw be unto tijee, JFat^er aimigijtu, toorlU toitijotft enU. amen. Or tins 3re&^ and eber^libing <5oD, toe most ^earttb tlianti tiirr, for tiiat tijou tJost boueijsa'fe to feetf us, totjo iwb e fiuhj recetocB tfjese ijol musteries, toitf) tfje spiritual fooD of ttjf most precious UoDy ana BlooB of liin Son our *abtour .?/ estts (Tijnsf ; ana Dost assure us ttjcrcbn of tlii; faUour ana gooBncss totoaras us ; ana that toe are ben? members incorporate in tije mijsttcal 1) oDn of tiji/* on, Uiiitrl) is tije blesscU companij of all fait^fufpeople ; anO are also Ijeirs ti)rougf)^ope of ti) eberlasting ftingtiom, ft t^e merits of ttje most precious Bcatij anO passion of ti)i? Uear Son. .^InU toe most inunliln ijcscecl) tlicc, iO'ijeaUenlij .ffatijcr, so to assist us toiti) tin; grace, Hjat toe map continue in tijat iiohj f ellotosinp, anD tio all suci) gooU toorUs as ttiou ijast prepared for us to toalU in ; tijrouglj JTesus (Tijrtst our ?LorD, to totjom, toiti) tijce antJ tijc 11>olij (Jiijost, lie all tjonour anD glorn, toorlD toittjottt cuU. amen. (E fffjf n ftaU be aiti or sung, peace, goott toill totoaras men. 2.2U praise Hire, toe tiltso tlirr, b)( toorofnp ilirr. tor 3 glorifg t^ee, toe gibe tfjanfts to t^ee for t^g vi * great glorg, HorU oh> <5ijost, be amongst nou ant remain toitij gou altoaijs. 3mrn, (C Collects to fce satt after tiie cOfferton?, tofjen tijeve is no Communion, eben? sucfj tag one or more ; ant tije same man tfe sait also, as often as occasion sijall serbe, after tije Collects either of Corning or , i) tfje Uiscvetion of tfjt iiltnistcr. us mereifullw, O i.orC, in tfjese onr supplications and praners, anft Dis pose ti)c toaij of tinj serbants totoavDs tije attainment of eberlasting salbation ; ttjat, among all tije Ranges anD cijances of tijis mortal life, tijen mai> eber be BefenCeD tip tfjp most gracious anD reatf ijelp ; tfjrougi) .?/cstts Cljrist our HorD. anU eberlasting c^ oti, b oucJ)saf e, toe beseeci) ti) cr, to Direct, sanetifD, ant> gobern, iotf) our ijearts anD bodies, in ttje toaijs of tt)i_> latos, anU in tijc toortts of tij eommantimentsrtijat tljroug^ ti) most migijtl) protection, iioti) ijcre ant) eber, toe man tie preserbeB in fjoBw ant soul ; tlirougi) our ant Sabiour JTesus ^rist r, toe beseee^ tijee, tljat tfje toort s, toijici) toe ijabe ijeart tijis tan toitfj our outtoart ears, man tfjrougi) tijn grace tie so gvaftet intoartli? in our ijearts, tijat tijen man bring fortij in us tije fruit of goot libing, to tije ijonour ant praise of tiji? flame ; tfjrougi) JFesus Christ our &ort. fl glorifp ti) ijofo flame, anU finalto bp tijp mercp obtain eberlasting life ; tijrougi) JFe= sus Cijrist our 3LorO. amen. , tfje fountain ,of alltois* Bom, luljo ftnotoest our necessities before aou. anu our ignorance in asaing; beseeci) tiirr to iiabe compassion upon our infirmities ; ant tijose tilings, toinrij for our un= toortf)iness toe Hare not, anu for our blinDness toe cannot asft, bouciisafc to gibe us, for tiir toortf)iness of rtjn Son S^tts (Tljnst our i.orb. (Sou, toiio ijast promised to jear rl)e petitions of i iicm t tjat asii in tin; on's flame ; Ute beseeci) tt)ee mercifullp to incline tinne ears to us tiiat ijabr mate noto our praters anB supplications unto tlirr; anti grant, tlfat tf)ose things, to^irij toe ijabe faitfjfulli) asfteO accorting to t^p toill, ma etfectuallw be obtained, to tijc relief of our necessity, anO to tiic setting f ortl) of tijn glorn ; tiirougt) Sesus (Tijrist our ILorD. (C Clpon fyt SunUano anB otljer ??olp=fiars (if tijcre be no Communion) stall be saitJ all tijat ts appointed at tijc Communion, until tfc enU of ti)c general |)rar>cr [ jFor tije toijole state of Christ's Cijurri) militant f)ere in earti)] toge* rfjer tofrtj one or more of tijcse Collects last before re|earseO,conclut)ing tottij rt;e Blessing. mt (L &nO fyere sijall be no celebration of tijc 3Lortr Supper, except tijere be a convenient number to communicate totti) ttje $)ricst, according to i)t Discretion* (C &ntt if tbere be not abotoe ttoenti? persons in tf)e 3)arislj of Discretion to receive tljc Com* thunion; get ttycrc sliall be no Communion, except four (or tyree at tlje least) communicate C &ntt in CatfjeBral ant> Collegiate Cfmrcj&es, anti Colleges, tDijere t^tre are many priests anU Oeacons, tfjeg sjall all receive tlje Com- munion toitlj U)e Driest ctaeri? ^unUar at tftc least, except tljci? Ijabe a reasonable cause to tf)e contrary* C &ntt to talte atoaw all occasion of ttissmtion, anH superstition, tortncti ani? person Ijatft or miojt ijabe concerning tbe UrcaB anU Mitne, it sfjali sufKce ttjat tijc 'UrcaU be surtj as is usual to be eaten; but ttjc best antt purest SZlljrat ISreaQ ti)at conveniently man be gotten* (C if ant? of tijr Breatf antt ?tinc remain uneonsecratett, t^e Curate sfjall fiabe it to ijis oton use : but if any remain of that toJnrij to'as consecratett, it s^all not be carriett out of rtic Cijurcij, but tlje Driest antt suet) otljcr of tljc Communicants as lie sljall tiirn call unto i)im, s^all, immettiatelg after tlje Blessing, rebe* re'ntln eat antt ttrinft tl)e same. (C &ty Breatt antt S9tinc for t^e Communion sljall be probittett bg >e Curate antt tije Ci)ttrcl)*toarttens at t^e charges of tije l^aris^. note, tfjat ebere $arislu'oner s^all com* municatc at tf>e least tfjree times in tfce gear, of toJnrtj aster to fce one. O fe o ^7WNV$OV^ u^