REESE*LIBRARY* OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY, FOR THE USE OF ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS. BY CHARLES A. LEE M. D. 5 LATE PROFESSOR OF MATERIA MEDICA AND MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE, IN THE UNIVERSITY OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. " The proper study of Mankind is Man. ITH TJHIV NEW YORK: TURNER, HUGHES, & HAYDEN, NO. 10 JOHN ST. RALEIGH, N. C.-TURNER & HUGHES. 1843. iOLOGY J3RARY G Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1838, BY J. ORVILLE TAYLOR, In the Clerk's office of the District Court of the Southern District of New York. / STEREOTYPED BY SMITH & WRIGHT, 21G WILLIAM ST. N. Y. Piercy & Reed, Printers, 9 Spruce St. N. York. TO CHARLES ANTHON, L. L. D. JAY PROFESSOR OF LANGUAGES IN COLUMBIA COLLEGE, THIS HUMBLE ESSAY, IS BY PERMISSION, GRATEFULLY INSCRIBED, IN TESTIMONY OF PROFOUND RESPECT. PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. In presenting to the public the present stereotype edi- tion of this work, it is proper to state, that no labor or expense has been spared to render it still more worthy of the kind approbation with which it has been received. A large proportion of it has been entirely re-written, many corrections have been made, and numerous and highly valuable illustrations introduced ; these improve- ments, together with the questions at the end of each chapter, cannot but render the work better adapted to the objects for which it was written. The author flatters himself that this treatise will be found to contain the substance of what is yet known on the subject of Human Physiology, and most that is valuable, which is scattered through many learned and ponderous volumes. In preparing it, more than fifty different works have been consulted, from all of which the author has freely taken whatever he found adapted to his purpose. Originality has not been aimed at, as it was precluded by the very nature of the subject ; in- deed it would have been unsuited to the object in view. Vlll PREFACE. From the rapid sale of the first edition, and the nu- merous orders for the work from all parts of the United States, it may safely be concluded, that Physiology is henceforth to be one of the common branches of know- ledge taught in our schools, academies, and other semi- naries of learning. Indeed it is remarkable, that sciences, so closely connected with the health and hap- piness of our race, as those which teach us the structure and functions of the human body, should so long have been confined to those who intend to pursue the practice of medicine and surgery as a profession, espe- cially when the practical application of such knowledge is daily and hourly of the utmost importance to every individual, connected as it is, with the preservation of health and of life. That such studies are not above the comprehension of children I can testify, not only from my own observation, but from the experience of numer- ous teachers, such as those whose names are appended to the testimonials, on the first pages of this work. If this is not sufficient, I have to commend to the attention of the reader, the following extract from a lecture of Mr. George Combe, the distinguished phrenologist of Edinburgh, which he was so kind as to communicate to me by letter : " I take the liberty to urge very earnestly on your at- tention, not only the advantage, but the necessity of in- troducing instruction in anatomy and physiology into popular education. The great laws of health cannot be understood, nor can their importance be appreciated PREFACE. iX without this knowledge. I do not mean that you should teach your children all the minute details of these sciences, which would be necessary if you intended them for the practice of medicine and surgery : all I desire is, that the structure of the leading organs of the body should be explained so far as to render the func- tions of them intelligible, and that on this knowledge should be founded a clear and practical elucidation of the laws of health. I can certify, from observation, that this instruction may be communicated to children of ten years of age, and upwards, with great success. The structure addresses their observing faculties, and an explanation of the functions is as interesting to them as a romantic story." In treating of physiological subjects, I have unavoid- ably employed some technical terms, but only in cases where there was an evident advantage attending their use; but in all such cases the exact meaning of the term has been assigned it. This explanation saves the necessity of a glossary, which was appended to the first edition, and it is, therefore, omitted in the present. It will be perceived that the present edition contains more anatomy than the former. This has arisen from the full conviction, that in order to understand the functions of an organ, its structure must first be learn- ed To aid in the accomplishment of this object, nu- meious well-executed wood cuts have been introduced, alike creditable to the artist and useful to the learner. Vlll PREFACE. From the rapid sale of the first edition, and the nu- merous orders for the work from all parts of the United States, it may safely be concluded, that Physiology is henceforth to be one of the common branches of know- ledge taught in our schools, academies, and other semi- naries of learning. Indeed it is remarkable, that sciences, so closely connected with the health and hap- piness of our race, as those which teach us the structure and functions of the human body, should so long have been confined to those who intend to pursue the practice of medicine and surgery as a profession, espe- cially when the practical application of such knowledge is daily and hourly of the utmost importance to every individual, connected as it is, with the preservation of health and of life. That such studies are not above the comprehension of children I can testify, not only from my own observation, but from the experience of numer- ous teachers, such as those whose names are appended to the testimonials, on the first pages of this work. If this is not sufficient, I have to commend to the attention of the reader, the following extract from a lecture of Mr. George Combe, the distinguished phrenologist of Edinburgh, which he was so kind as to communicate to me by letter : " I take the liberty to urge very earnestly on your at- tention, not only the advantage, but the necessity of in- troducing instruction in anatomy and physiology into popular education. The great laws of health cannot be understood, nor can their importance be appreciated PREFACE. il without this knowledge. I do not mean that you should teach your children all the minute details of these sciences, which would be necessary if you intended them for the practice of medicine and surgery : all I desire is, that the structure of the leading organs of the body should be explained so far as to render the func- tions of them intelligible, and that on this knowledge should be founded a clear and practical elucidation of the laws of health. I can certify, from observation, that this instruction may be communicated to children of ten years of age, and upwards, with great success. The structure addresses their observing faculties, and an explanation of the functions is as interesting to them as a romantic story." In treating of physiological subjects, I have unavoid- ably employed some technical terms, but only in cases where there was an evident advantage attending their use; but in all such cases the exact meaning of the term has been assigned it. This explanation saves the necessity of a glossary, which was appended to the first edition, and it is, therefore, omitted in the present. It will be perceived that the present edition contains more anatomy than the former. This has arisen from the full conviction, that in order to understand the functions of an organ, its structure must first be learn- ed To aid in the accomplishment of this object, nu- " meious well-executed wood cuts have been introduced, alike creditable to the artist and useful to the learner. X PREFACE. The work is, therefore, presented to the public in its present shape, with the hope and belief, that it will subserve the cause of human knowledge and happi- ness. NEW YORK, April, 1839. CONTENTS. CHAP. I. Organic and Inorganic Bodies . . . . 13 CHAP. II. Division of the Animal Kingdom ... 20 CHAP. III. Structure of the Human Body .... 24 CHAP. IV. Structure of the Human Body continued . . 39 CHAP. V. Chemistry of the Human Body ... 56 CHAP. VI. The Human Skeleton 63 CHAP. VII. Properties of Animal Bodies . 95 CHAP. VIII. Relation of Animal Bodies to Heat, Light, and Electricity 105 CHAP. IX. The Nervous System . . . ' . . 110 CHAP. X. Intellectual and Moral Faculties ... 123 CHAP. XI. The Spinal Marrow and its Functions . 135 CHAP. XII. The Nerves and their Functions . . . 144 CHAP. XIII. The five Senses Sense of Touch . . 156 CHAP. XIV. Sense of Taste 167 CHAP. XV. Sense of Smell 177 CHAP. XVI. Sense of Sight 190 CHAP. XVII. Sense of Hearing 225 CHAP. XVIII. Respiration . 237 CHAP. XIX. The Circulation of the Blood . . . .256 CHAP. XX. Nutritive Functions Digestion . . . 274 CHAP. XXI. Secretion 286 CHAP. XXII. Absorption 292 CHAP. XXIII. Nutrition 298 CHAP. XXIV. Animal Heat ...... 304 CHAP. XXV. The Voice 312 CHAP. XXVI. Locomotion, and its Organs, . . . 319 CHAP. XXVII. The Teeth* 326 CHAP. XXXIII. Sleep and Death 331 * Written by Solomon Brown, A. M. Scientific and Practical Dentist of this city. HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY. CHAPTER I. DEFINITION ; ORGANIC AND INORGANIC BODIES. 1. PHYSIOLOGY is " the science of life," or that branch of knowledge which explains the uses of the various. organs of living beings. Vegetable physiology treats of the func- tions of plants ; and Comparative physiology, of those of the inferior orders of animals ; while Human physiology treats exclusively of man. 2. The kingdom of nature embraces three great classes, ANIMALS, VEGETABLES, and MINERALS. According to a more scientific arrangement, it is composed of organic and inor- ganic bodies. By' organic bodies, we mean those which possess organs or instruments for the performance of certain functions ; and by inorganic, those which do not. It is by a knowledge of these works of God, that we derive our ideas of his power, wisdom, and goodness. 3. Organized bodies are divided into two great classes, animals and vegetables ; which differ from inorganic matter in several respects, the most important of which are the following : 4. Organized bodies have a certain determinate form, peculiar to the species to which they belong. Every species of plant or animal may be known by its external shape ; as 2 14 PHYSIOLOGY. a horse, a cow, a tree, or a rose. They differ so much from all other kinds, that we are seldom in danger of mistaking them. This will not apply to inorganic bodies, except, perhaps, to a few minerals which crystallize in a certain shape. 5. In organized bodies, we find the parts of which they are composed, distinguished by round or oval forms ; as the body and leaves of trees ; the petals of flowers ; the bodies and limbs of animals. We scarcely ever see straight lines, or sharp angles among them, as in mineral substances. Every species of animal or vegetable has its own proper size, from which it varies but little. But minerals may be large or small ; the substance called granite, for example, may make a pebble or a mountain. 6. Inorganic bodies contain either a single element, as carbon, sulphur, &c., or several of the elementary or simple substances, which are fifty -two in number, as lime, silex, and magnesia ; while in organized bodies, we find at least three of these elements, as carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen in veget- ables ; and the same, with the addition of azote or nitrogen in animals. In organic bodies, there have been discovered in all eighteen simple substances, though they generally con- tain but three or four. 7. But these two classes of substances, not only differ as to the number of the elements which enter into their com- position, they also differ, as to the mode in which these elements are combined. Thus in minerals, two element- ary substances unite and form a compound, and this again, combines either with another simple substance, or with a compound composed of two other simple substances. Thus, for example, carbonate of ammonia is composed of car- bon, oxygen, hydrogen, and nitrogen, but combined as follows : The carbon and oxygen unite to form carbonic acid ; the hydrogen and nitrogen, to form ammonia ; these two com- pounds thus uniting, form carbonate of ammonia. ORGANIC AND INORGANIC BODIES. 15 In animals, we find the same simple elements uniting, each with all the others, forming the peculiar principles of organic bodies, such as fibrin, gelatine, &c. 8. Organized bodies contain small particles of matter of a round or oval shape, both among their solid and fluid parts. These are supposed, according to their different arrangement, to make up all the elementary forms of organized bodies ; as when arranged in lines, they form nerves, tendons, and muscles ; in sheets, the various membranes and coats of ves- sels ; and in masses, the solid substance of the glands, as the liver, kidneys, and pancreas. 9. There are but few changes in inorganic bodies. The elements of which they are composed remain at rest. Rocks and mountains are the same now, as they were five thousand years ago. But in organized bodies, compounds are con- tinually forming to be again separated ; animals feed on vegetables, and vegetables on animals ; " See dying vegetables life sustain; See life dissolving, vegetate again ; All forms that perish, other forms supply- By turns we catch the vital breath and die." 10. In organized bodies the parts are mutually dependen on each other for support. If we cut off the limb of a tree, it dies, because it can receive no sap ; if we amputate a finger, it mortifies, because the circulation of the blood has ceased ; but if we break off a piece of marble, it will remain unchanged as long as the original mass. 11. Inorganic substances exist either in solid, liquid, or gaseous forms. They are wholly solid, liquid, or gaseous. But organic matter always presents a combination of solid and fluid parts. We find fluids circulating in regular ves- sels, and the solids and fluids mutually dependent on each other for support. In vegetables, we discover various parts, 16 PHYSIOLOGY. such as wood, bark, leaves, roots, and flowers ; and in ani- mals, muscles, nerves, tendons, vessels all of which are organs, or instruments for the accomplishment of certain purposes. Inorganic bodies are formed of homogeneous parts, or parts perfectly similar. 12. Organic bodies are composed of two kinds of elements, chemical, such as oxygen, carbon, and hydrogen, which exist in minerals ; and organic, or proximate, such as albumen, gel- atine, fibrin, &c., such as are never found in inorganic mat- ter. It is because these organic substances are produced by the peculiar forces of organic life, and not by chemical laws, that we cannot decompose and then re-form them, out of the same elements, as we can minerals. For example, we can dissolve alum, salt, or copperas, and then by evapora- tion, crystalize them in the same shape again. 13. The general properties of organic or inorganic bodies differ in many particulars. In the first place there is a constant warfare going on, between the chemical and phys- ical laws, which govern inorganic matter, and the vital laws which maintain animal life. This conflict commences at the first period of our existence, and is kept up to the moment of our dissolution. Life is enabled, for wise purposes, to wrest portions of matter from the domain of the laws of matter, for a certain indefinite period ; for a while, the vital powers maintain a successful contest, but at last they have to yield, and death gives over the body to the action of the chemical forces. 14. This power of resisting the mechanical and chemical laws of matter, is shown by the faculty which animal bodies possess of maintaining the same degree of temperature, amid the great changes from heat to cold to which they are exposed ; in the power of changing to chyle and blood, the various forms of food on which they subsist ; and also in their power of forming from these the various tissues and organs of which they are composed, and all in opposition to the general laws of matter. ORGANIC AND INORGANIC BODIES. 17 15. The growth of organized bodies proceeds from within, that of inorganic matter from without. If minerals increase in size, it is by attracting matter to their external surface, while animals and vegetables grow by a process, called nutrition ; that is, laying hold of nutritious substances and converting them to their own nature, by means of internal organs. 16. Organized bodies possess the power of being affected with disease and recovering from it. They also have a determinate duration, beyond which they do not often live. This period varies for each species of animal and vegetable. Some insects live but a single day ; most plants live but a single year ; but some trees, such as the oak and cedar, are supposed to live more than two thousand years. The average duration of human life in this country is not over thirty years. 17. But the great distinction between a living being and an inorganic body is, that the former carries on a number of processes, not performed by the latter. A plant, for example, absorbs food, converts it into its own proper substance, arranges it into bark, wood, leaves, and other organized structures, grows, arrives at maturity, generates and main- tains a certain degree of heat, decays, and finally perishes. No such phenomena are exhibited by a stone, or other inor- ganic bodies. These processes, therefore, are called vital, be- cause they are peculiar to a state of life, and afford characters by which a living being is distinguished from all others. 18. Organized beings are divided into two classes, animals and vegetables, differing from each other in several well- known features. 19. Sensation and voluntary motion are possessed by ani- mals, but not by vegetables. Had animals no sensibility or feeling, they could not know their wants ; and if they knew them but had not the power of motion, they would perish for want of food ; hence the necessity of these two faculties being joined together. 20. An animal, like a plant, receives food, transforms it into 2* 18 PHYSIOLOGY. its own proper substance, and builds it up into certain struc- tures ; it also generates and maintains a certain degree of temperature, and after having arrived at maturity decays and dies ; but in addition to these vital processes which are similar in both, the animal possesses the faculty of feeling and moving spontaneously, or according to the dictates of its will, a property peculiar to itself. 21. Vegetables are nourished by the substances immedi- ately around them, such as air, water, and the saline proper- ties of the soil. They draw their support from without, by absorption at their surface, or by means of roots. But animals draw their nutriment from a great variety of sources, and they are furnished with an internal cavity to receive and prepare it for the purposes of nourishment. 22. Vegetable matter is composed chiefly of three elements, viz. carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen ; besides these, animal matter contains azote, which gives the peculiar smell that we perceive on burning flesh, hair, bones, or feathers. Eighteen simple substances, however, have been found in vegetables, in very small quantities ; such as lime, sulphur, iodine, silex, potash, soda, &c. 23. Animals and vegetables both consist of solid and fluid parts ; the fluids, however, in animals, exist in much the largest proportion. This is the reason why decomposition occurs more rapidly in animals than in vegetables. Veget- ables, abounding in fluids, decay sooner than those of a more solid or fibrous texture. 24. Though the differences between animals and veget- ables, are in general sufficiently obvious and striking, yet in some few instances, their distinguishing characteristics are not so evident. This is apparent from the fact, that some animals have been mistaken for vegetables, and some vegetables for animals. Some animals we find to be as firmly attached to the soil, as most vegetables are, as is the case in many of the zoophytes, or lowest order of animals, as the sponge, coral, &c. ; while on the other hand, some ORGANIC AND INORGANIC BODIES. 19 vegetables float in the water, as many kinds of sea-weed, and are never attached to the soil. Questions. What is physiology ? What does vegetable physiology treat of? What human ? What classes does the kingdom of nature embrace ? What other division ? What is meant by organic bodies ? What by inorganic ? How are organic bodies divided ? How do or- ganic and inorganic bodies differ from each other ? How do they differ as to form ? as to size ? as to their number of elements ? as to their mode of combination ? as to the shape of their particles ? as to the changes they undergo ? as to the mutual dependence of parts ? as to the kinds of elements ? as to their general properties ? How as to their mode of growth ? of disease ? What is the grand distinction between the two classes of bodies ? How are organized beings divid- ed? How do animals and vegetables differ? How are vegetables nourished? What is vegetable matter composed of ? Do animals or vegetables possess the greatest amount of fluids ? What animals have been mistaken for vegetables ? CHAPTER II. DIVISION OF THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. 1. CUVIEE has divided animals into four great groups. 1. The vertebral. 2. The molluscous. 3. The articulated. 4. The radiated. The three last are destitute of vertebrae, or a connected series of bones to form a spinal column. They are, therefore, called invertebrated, while the term vertebrated is applied to the former. The vertebral are again divided into four classes, viz. 1. Mammalia. 2. Birds. 3. Reptiles. 4. Fishes. These are also distinguished by the terms warm, and cold-blooded ; the warm-blooded, in- cluding the two former, which possess a temperature con- siderably above that in which they live ; while the two latter, or the cold-blooded animals, are but little warmer than that of the medium by which they are surrounded. The mammalia are divided into nine orders ; Birds into six ; while Reptiles include Tortoises, Lizards, Serpents, and Frogs. Fishes are divided into the Cartilaginous and Bony. 2. Molluscous animals, as the name signifies, are. those which have no bones corresponding to those of the higher orders of animals. They include all those animals with soft bodies, which dwell in calcareous habitations, constructed by themselves ; many of them are accordingly called shell-fish, such as the oyster, muscle, clam, &c. This division also embraces the snail, slug, and the nautilus. The articulated class includes such animals as are furnished with joints, with a hard external crust, or skeleton, to which are attach- ed the organs of motion. It embraces the annelides, or red- blooded worms, the Crustacea, (the lobster and crab,) Spiders, and Insects. The Radiated class includes the Zoophytes, or Plant animals, so called from their resemblance to the veget- PHYSIOLOGY. 21 able kingdom. Most of these are of a soft texture, as the Polypus, so well known from its being capable of existing when turned inside out, and of reproducing any part of Its body when destroyed by accident. To this class belongs the Sponge, and the numerous families of the Coral. 3. The mammalia are placed at the head of the animal kingdom ; not only because it is the class to which man himself belongs, but because it also enjoys the most numerous faculties, the most delicate sensations, the most varied powers of motion, and the highest degree of intelligence. 4. The peculiar characters of these different classes must be learned from works which treat especially of Comparative Anatomy. It will be proper, however, in this place, to point out some of the peculiarities which distinguish man. 5. In structure and external shape, man bears considerable resemblance to some varieties of the ape tribe, particularly the ourang outang. But we find his position to be upright ; his foot is large, and the leg placed vertically upon it ; while the toes are short and but slightly flexible, and the great toe is horizontal with the others, so that his feet is well adapted to support the body, but cannot be used for seizing or climbing. Apes have thumbs both upon their hands as well as feet, so that they can seize with both equally well. The head of man is also very large and heavy, owing to the magnitude of the brain, and the smallness of the cavities of the bones ; yet the means of supporting it, except in a per- pendicular position are very small, as the ligament of the neck, which in quadrupeds is very thick, in him is almost wanting. 6. Besides this, the spinal column is so constructed, that its flexure forwards is not prevented, so that should he at- tempt to walk on all-fours, his mouth and eyes would be directed towards the earth, and he could not see before him, while in an erect attitude he preserves the use of his hands, and at the same time his organs of sense are most favorably situated for observation. 22 PHYSIOLOGY. 7. Though man surpasses all other animals in dexterity, yet there are many that exceed him in strength, swiftness, and the acuteness of many of the senses. The eagle excells him in acuteness of vision, the grey hound in delicacy of smell, and a vast number of animals in strength, yet reason makes up for all other deficiences. Though physically defenceless, yet the whole brute creation is subjected to his control. 8. It was formerly supposed that man, because gifted with the highest mental endowments possessed the largest of all brains. But as elephants and whales surpass him in this respect, and the sagacious monkey and dog have smaller brains ,than the comparatively stupid ass, hog, and ox, the opinion was relinquished, and man was said only to have the largest brain in proportion to the size of his body. But more extensive observation proved that canary and other birds, and some varieties of the monkey tribe, have larger brains than man in proportion to the body, and several mammalia to equal him in this particular ; and as rats and mice too, surpass the dog, 1 horse, and elephant in the com- parative bulk of their brains ; this opinion gave way to the one now generally adopted by physiologists, viz. that man possesses the largest brain in comparison with the nerves arising from it. 9. In consequence of the great size of his brain, man has a larger facial angle, which is the space included by lines drawn from the centre of the ear to the root of the nose, and from thence to the forehead. In the best formed human heads, this angle is equal to 80 or 90 degrees. In man also, the chin is more prominent, and the lower front teeth more perpendicular ; his teeth also are of the same length, which is not the case in the inferior animals. Man only can adapt himself to the great varieties of climate, and of food, which exist on the surface of the earth. 10. Lastly, man is possessed of faculties that enable him to trace effects to their causes, to distinguish between virtue and vice, to reflect upon events that have passed, to anti- STRUCTURE OF THE HUMAIty^DY. 23 cipate the issues of the future ; and, abo mind to the Supreme Intelligence, the whom all nature owes her existence, and to more or less clearness of conviction, he feels conscious of responsibility. Questions. How is the animal kingdom divided ? .What is meant by vertebrated, and what by invertebrate^ animals ? How are the vertebral divided ? What is understood by a warm-blooded animal ? What by a cold-blooded ? Into how many orders are the mammalia divided ? Birds ? Reptiles ? What are molluscous animals ? What does the articulated class include ? What the radiated ? What class is placed at the head of the animal kingdom? and why ? What species of animals does man most resemble ? How does he differ from the ape tribe ? Is man excelled in any respect by the inferior animals ? Mention some of the peculiarities of man. CHAPTER III. STRUCTURE OF THE HUMAN BODY. 1. THE human body is composed of solids and fluids. These terms, however, are merely relative. There is no fluid which does not contain some solid matter in solution ; and no solid however dense, which does not contain some fluid. The nature of both fluids and solids is essentially the same, for we see one readily passing into the other ; indeed no fluid long remains a fluid, and no solid a solid ; but the fluid is constantly passing into the solid, and the solid into the fluid. . 2. The relative proportion of the fluids in the human body much exceeds that of the solids, the excess being about 8 to 1. But the excess varies according to the age. The younger the age, the greater the preponderance of the fluids. As age increases, the fluids gradually diminish, till in old age, they become so much lessened, that the body assumes a dry, wrinkled, shriveled and stiff appearance. In this manner we explain the softness and roundness of the body in infancy and youth, and its hard, unequal and angular surface in advanced life. 3. The fluids, then, are very important, as they furnish not only the material out of which every part of the body is formed, but they also furnish the medium by which the noxious and useless matter is carried out of the system. Every part of the body is a laboratory in which complicated and translorrhing changes are constantly going on ; the fluids are the materials on which these changes are wrought, and the vital forces are the agents by which they are effect- ed. The fluids either contribute to form the blood, or they STRUCTURE OP THE HUMAN BODY. 25 Constitute the blood, or having performed some special office, is moistening the various surfaces, are returned to the blood ; icnce according to their nature, they are called aqueous, ilbuminous, mucous, serous, &c. 4. The solids are composed of the same chemical prin- ;iples as the fluids, and by analysis are reduced to the same iltimate elements. In the formation of solids, the particles if matter are supposed to be arranged in one of two modes, r iz., either in the form of minute threads or fibres, or of thin dates or laminae ; hence every solid of the body is said to v fibrous, or laminated. These fibres, or laminae are vari- ously interwoven, and interlaced, so as to form a net-work ; tnd the spaces included between them are called areolae, or ells. According to some microscopical observers, the ulti- mate animal solid is a minute sphere or globule of matter, lot exceeding an eighth thousandth part of an inch in diam- iter, 5. The fibrous or laminated matter is often so arranged s to form a structure, possessing distinct and peculiar Toperties ; and each of these modifications is considered a eparate form of organized matter, and is called a primary Issue. These tissues have been variously classified by dif- srent anatomists and physiologists, some making them to onsist of five, viz., the membranous, the cartilaginous, the sseous, the muscular, and the nervous; while others make ut three, the cellular, the muscular, and the nervous. An- ther arrangement is into filaments, fibres, tissues, organs, pparatuses, and systems. 6. A filament is made up of a series of minute or primi- ive molecules, arranged in a row. A fibre is composed of everal of these filaments united together, as the muscular nd nervous fibres. A tissue is supposed to be composed of bres disposed in planes, forming in this manner an expan- ion, or when crossing each other, forming spongy solids, rith cells interspersed throughout. In this" way are the ellular, serous, and mucous membranes formed. When 3 26 PHYSIOLOGY. these tissues are so arranged as to form a piece of animal mechanism, designed for the performance of a certain office, they form what is called an organ, as the lungs, brain, liver, &c. The action of this organ is called its function. The liver, for example, is an organ ; the conversion of the blood which passes through it into bile, is its function. When several organs are associated together for the accomplish- ment of a common object, such an assemblage is called an apparatus. The apparatus of digestion consists of the mouth, teeth, esophagus, stomach, intestinal canal, liver, pancreas, lacteals, &c., as all these concur in the process of digestion. By system, is understood an assemblage of organs, possessing a similar structure, as the nervous system, the muscular system, &c. 7. Membrane may be considered as the first or primary tissue. It is the simplest form of organized substance, and is extensively employed in the composition of the body. In- deed, it is the principal material used in forming covering, containing, protecting, and fixing every other component part of it. It is this which contains in its cells the earthy matter which goes to form the bones ; the canals in which are deposited the substance which composes the muscular and nervous tissues ; which forms a covering for the whole body ; which lines all its internal surfaces ; surrounds all its internal organs ; which makes up the solid portion of every part of the system; forming the tubes and vessels, such as the arteries and veins ; it connects all parts of the body together, and fixes them in their several situations ; in short, it is the substratum, or mould, in which all the other particles are deposited, thus giving form and outline to the whole body, so that if every other kind of animal matter were removed, this tissue alone would preserve the exact figure and present a perfect skeleton of the whole, and of every one of its parts. 8. There are several kinds of membrane ; the simplest form of which, and that from which all the others arc supposed to STRUCTURE OF THE HUMAN BODY. 27 be produced, is termed the cellular. It is this which I have already alluded to as entering into the compositions of every organ, and forming the basis of the solid structure of the body. Into its cells all other kinds of animal matter are de- posited as phosphate of lime and gelatine, which form the bones. It forms sheaths for the muscles and nerves ; composes a great- er part of the ligaments, tendons, and cartilages, and even the hair and nails, thus constituting not only the basis of all the solids, but serving as a bond of union by which the organs are connected together. By its softness and elasticity, and the oily fluid by which its cells are filled, it also promotes the mobility of the parts on one another. It possesses the property of contractility, and is composed chiefly of gelatine. 9. One remarkable circumstance connected with this tis- sue is, that as it exists throughout the body, it forms a con- nected whole, or an immense net-work, every where accessi- ble to air. This is shown by forcing air into its cells, in any part of the body ; which is found gradually to penetrate and pervade every part till the whole body is inflated. Butchers often avail themselves of a knowledge of this fact, by blowing their meat, or in other words, inflating animals by making a puncture in some part where the cellular tissue is loose, and from this one aperture forcing the air to the most distant parts of the body, in order to give the meat a fat appearance. If we raise up a portion of cellular mem- brane, in the form of a thin slice, it appears as a semi-trans- parent and colourless substance, composed of minute threads which are seen to cross each other in every possible direction, leaving spaces between them, and thus forming a mesh, similar to the spider's web. As to the precise form of these cells or cavities we have no accurate knowledge. They are generally supposed to be narrow spans with acute angles, the sides of which are flattened, and when not forcibly expanded, we may suppose to be in contact. Some physiologists in- deed deny that any cavities at all exist, but the weight of evidence is altogether in favour of their existence. 28 PHYSIOLOGY, A single film of the cellular tissue lifted up, and slightly distended. 10. In health, the spaces between these lines are filled with a thin exhalation of a watery nature, which serves to keep the tissue always soft and moist. This is composed of the thinner part of the blood, which is poured out by a process called secretion, but is speedily taken up again by absorption. These two operations exactly balance each other in health, but when from any cause the equilibrium is disturbed, the fluid accumulates, constituting the disease called dropsy. This is often relieved by the operation of tapping, or draw- ing off the water. Cellular membrane is dense or loose, coarse or fine, according to its situation and office. Where it is subject to pressure, as in the palm of the hand and sole of the foot, it is dense and firm ; around the internal organs it is more loose and delicate. Although cellular tissue en- ters into the composition of all the organs, it never loses its own character, nor participates in the functions of the organ, of which it forms a part. Though present in the nerves it does not share in their sensibility, and though it accompa- nies every muscle and every muscular fibre, it nowhere par- takes of the irritability which belongs to these organs. The microscope shows that the minute particles of this tissue are of a globular figure, arranged like strings of pearls, as repre- sented in the following cut. STRUCTURE OF THE HUMAN BODY. 29 A portion of cellular tissue, very highly magnified, showing tho strings of globules of which its ultimate fibres are supposed to consist. 11. The principal varieties of membrane, which are formed by the cellular tissue, are thefadipose, the serous, the mucous, the dermoid, the fibrous, the cartilaginous, and the osseous. The adipose is that tissue which contains the fat which is so disposed as to form distinct bags in which the fat is con- tained. Now it should be recollected, that while the cells of the cellular tissue are continuous over the whole body, each adipose vesicle is a distinct bag, having no communication whatever with any other. While also, the cellular tissue is universally disposed, the adipose is placed only in particular 2 2 1, A portion of adipose tissue : 2. minute bags containing the fat ; 3. a cluster of the bags, separated and suspended. 3* 30 PHYSIOLOGY. parts of the body, principally beneath the skin and the ab- dominal muscles, and around the heart, kidneys, &c. while none is ever found in the cranium, the brain, the eye, the ear, the nose, and several other organs. 12. The Serous Membranes.-fThese line all the closed cavities, or sacs of the body, and are reflected over the or- gans contained in them; Thus the cavities of the (brain and chest, the abdomen and joints, are lined by serous membrane. By its external surface, it is united to the walls of the cavity, or the substance of the organ it invests ; by its internal sur- face it is free and unattached ; whence this surface is in con- tact only with itself, forming a close cavity, having no com- munication with the external air. 13. If it were possible therefore to dissect serous membranes from off the parts which they invest, they would have the form of a sac, without an opening, the organ invested by one of these folds being altogether external to the cavity of that sac ; just as happens when a double night-cap is worn, of which the part immediately covering the head is analagoua to that portion of the serous membrane which adheres to and invests the organ, whilst the external portion of the cap represents the lining of the cavity in which that organ is said to be contained. Hence it will readily be understood that the serous membranes never open, or allow of any per- foration for the passage of blood-vessels, nerves, or ducts, to or from the enclosed organs ; but that they are always re- flected over them, forming a sheath around them, and accom- panying them in their course. It also follows as a necessary consequence, that their free surfaces completely isolate the parts between which they intervene. 144' The serous membranes are of a whitish, shining col- our, and smooth on their free or inner surface* They are kept constantly moist by a fluid which is exhaled in a gaseous state from the serum of the blood, whence they derive their name. They are also elastic and extensible, and are said to be destitute of blood-vessels and nerves; STRUCTURE OF THE HUMAN BODY. 31 being composed of condensed cellular membrane. Accord, ing to Rudolphi, serous membranes line not only the closed cavities of the body, but the interior of the vessels also, and the canals which open outwardly, as the alimentary canal and the air passages, forming a cuticle over the mu- cous membranes, which line these passages. \he uses of the serous membranes are to separate different organs, to diminish friction, and to facilitate the motion or gliding of these parts upon one another, by means of thin smooth, moist, and polished surfaces?! 15. Mucous Membranes.-?YhesQ membranes are also another form of the cellular structure, and derive their name from the nature of the fluid, which it is their office to secrete by means of numerous minute glands imbedded in their sub- stance. As serous membranes form a shut sac, completely excluding the air, mucous membranes on the contrary, line the various cavities, which are exposed to the air, such as the mouth, the nostrils, the windpipe, the gullet, the stomach, the intestines, and the urinary organs. Their internal sur- face, or that by which they are attached to the passages they line, is smooth and dense, while their external surface, or that which is exposed to the contact of the air, is soft and pulpy > like the pile of velvet, or the rind of a ripe peach. 82 PHYSIOLOGY. A portion of the stomach, showing its internal surface or mucous coat. 16^ The mucous coat is the seat of some of the most im- portant functions of the economy ; in the lungs, of respira- tion ; in the stomach, of digestion. ; and in the mouth and nose, of taste and smell, &c., and forms, with scarcely an exception, a continuous wholeJ That portion which lines the eyes and eye-lids, is connected with that which lines the nostrils, by means of the nasal canal ; while that which lines the mouth, meets in the throat with that which comes down from the nose. In the fauces it divides, and while one portion goes down the windpipe into the lungs, the other passes down the esophagus into the stomach, forming a lining for the whole tract of the intestinal canal. 17. Mucous membranes are of a loose, spongy texture, of a reddish colour, and are largely supplied with blood-vessels and nerves. They are also numerously supplied with small glandular bodies called mucous glands or folicles. (The chief use of these membranes is, to sheath and protect the inner surfaces of the body, as the skin does the outer, and by means of the mucus, with which they are always covered in a state of health, to guard them against the contact of irri- tating substances. STRUCTURE OF THE HUMAN BODY. 33 18. We find a remarkable sympathy existing between all the mucous membranes ; accordingly their diseases, particu- larly the catarrhal affections, to which they are often sub- ject, are very apt to spread in -them. By reason of this sym. pathy, the state of one part of these membranes may be as- certained by examining another part ; the state of the tongue for example, indicates the condition of that of the stomach and intestinal canal. There is also an extraordinary sym- pathy between the mucous membranes and the respiratory organs. 19. Dermoid Membraite. This membrane, called also cutis or skin, is not only directly Continuous with the mu- cous membranesTJthat line the internal passages, but is also analagous in its structure. We see them passing into each other at the orifices of the internal canals, as in the lips, nos- trils, eye-lids, external ear, &c. We find it varying in thick- ness according to its situation ; in the face and body being thin and delicate, and on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet, considerably firmer and thicker. The skin is abundantly supplied with blood-vessels and nerves ; so nume- rous indeed, that the finest needle cannot enter the skin without piercing many of both, which is proved by the bleed- ing, as well as the pain which follow. 20. The skin, in man, is made up of four parts, or layers^ the cuticle, rete-mucosum, corpus papillare, and corium. It is covered externally by the;fcuticleSor epidermis, which is destitute of nerves and blood-vessels, insensible, and probably inorganic. It is the cuticle which is raised by the applica- tion of a blister, or by a burn or scald, fit is supposed to be a secretion from the true skin which concretes on the surface becomes dry, and thus offers protection to the parts beneath, and also serves to prevent excessive absorption or the escape of the fluids by evaporation.^ It is pierced by little pores, for the passage of hairs, sweat, -&nd the fluids, taken up by ab- sorption, although Humboldt asserts that he could not discover them with a miscroscope which magnified 312,000 times. 34 PHYSIOLOGY. 21. The next layer of the skin is the fate mucosum, or mucous web.) It has been supposed to consist chiefly of mucus, as it is of a soft pulpy texture. It is the/seat of the coloring matter in the different races$ In the European, it is white, in the African black, and in the Mulatto and Malay, copper-coloured. In the Ethiopian race, it is much thicker than in the light-coloured varieties of the human species, and may easily be separated both from the cutis and cuticle, and made to appear as a distinct membrane. 22. The dark color of the skin in the inhabitants of the torrid zone, is ascribed by most physiologists, to the influence of the sun upon the surface of the body ; but the tinge pro- duced on the skin by exposure to a bright light, appears to have no connection with the permanent colour of the negro. Dr. Bostock states, that the blackest complexions are not found in the hottest regions, and that there are some tribes nearly under the equator, whose skin is whiter than that of many Europeans. Besides, the tinge produced by the sun is not transmitted from parents to their offspring, whereas the children of negroes are equally black in whatever climate they are born, and their com- plexion is not altered by any number of generations. When a person is tanned, as it is called, by the influence of the sun, it is the cuticle only which is affected ; if this be removed by a blister, in a few days new cuticle will be formed, and the skin in that place will appear as white as it ever did. 23. Albinos. In the Caucasian race, from which Europe- ans and Americans have descended, there is usually a mix- ture of red or brown, with white in the complexion ; but where the skin is of a uniform, clear, pearly whiteness, the individuals are called Albinos, from albus, white. In these persons, the hair is generally white, corresponding with the colour of the skin, while the eye is without that substance which gives the various colours to the iris. The iris, in such STRUCTURE OE THE HUMAN BODY. 35 cases, is generally of a bright rose-colour, and the eyes are so sensible to light, that they cannot be kept open in the sun-shine, although in the shade, or dusk of the evening, the vision is perfect. It is now well ascertained that the red- ness of the eye and the whiteness of the skin in albinos depends on the same physical defect in their organization, and that it is owing to the absence of the colouring mat- ter in the rete mucosum. In the eye, this matter, spread over the retina, is called Pigmentum nigrum, or the black paint. 24. What is called thefCorpus papillarej is merely a col- lection of small papillae, formed by the extremities of nerves and blood-vessels, and lying immediately under the mucous web, &c. It is|m this layer that the sense of touch resides ; the papillae can easily be seen when the cuticle has been removed by a blister. 25. The Cutis vera, or true sldn, is the innermost of the four layers above mentioned, flt is a firm stratum of dense fibres intersecting each other in every direction, and having holes for the passage of vessels and nerves^ 26. The true skin is composed chiefly of gelatine, and hence is ijsed for the manufacture of glue^ Gelatine combined with tannin, which is a proximate vegetable principle ob- tained from oak and other barks, forms a compound that is insoluble in water ; and it is to this circumstance that leather owes the properties it possesses. Leather, then, may be considered as the product of the union of tannin and gelatine. 27. Though the skin consists of four distinct strata, yet it is only^rom one-sixth to one-fourth of an inch in diameter. The true skin is united to the structure below by cellular membrane, and this, with the layers above described, consti- tute the common integument. The following sketch repre- sents the several layers entering into the composition of the skin. 36 PHYSIOLOGY, 1. Cuticle. 2. Rete inucosura. 3. Corpus papillare. 4. Cutis vera. 5. Cellular membrane. 6. Faniculus carnosus. (There are in certain parts of the body, and especially in animals, muscular fibres passing up through the cellular membrane, and inserted obliquely into the cutis verq) as at 6 in the plate. These form the muscular web, or paniculus carnosus. It is this which raises the feathers in birds and which in the hedgehog and porcupine rolls up the body, and erects the spines ; and by means of this, animals shake off flies from their skin. 28. The skin is defended from the action of moisture, and is also \kept soft and pliant by an oily fluid, which is separ- ated from the blood by numerous sebaceous follicles.^ We find these the most numerous where there are folds of the skin, or hairs, or where the surface is exposed to friction. We sometimes see the oily matter secreted by these glands assume a dark appearance, in the form of black specks, scat- tered over the face, which are called by many worms, because when pressed out they assume that aspect. 29. The hair is usually treated of by physiologists as an appendage to the skin, fine hair takes its origin from the cellular membrane in the form of bulbs, each bulb consisting of two parts ; an outer, which is vascular, and from which the hair obtains its nourishment ; an inner, which is mem- braneous, and which forms a sheath or tube to the hair during its passage through the skin. ..The external covering of each hair is of a horny structure, while the central part is STRUCTURE OF THE HUMAN BODY. 37 soft and pulpy, and is called medulla, or pith. The colour of the hair varies in different individuals, and isfgenerally supposed to depend on the fluids contained in the pith! The hair, it is said, has been known in several instances to have changed from black to grey in the course of a single night, from the effects of grief, fear, or some other great mental agitation. Vauquelin supposes that as the colouring matter of the hair is destroyed by acids, this phenomenon is owing to the production of some acid in the system. Others sup- pose that the effect depends upon the sudden stagnation of the vessels which secrete the colouring matter, while the absorbents continue to act and remove that which already exists. There are probably two causes which act in chang- ing the hair to grey ; (the first is a defective -secretion of a colouring fluid, and the second, the canals which convey the fluid into the hair become obliterated) In the first case, the hair will remain ; in the last, it inevitably dies and drops out. 38 PHYSIOLOGY. 30. The figure on the last page represents the pulp of a iiair injected ; 1, cut surface of hair ; 2, the pulp ; 3, inject- ed vessel ramifying in it. The figure on the right shows the hair in its fallicle, though the drawing was made from the whisker of a Walrus ; 2, the cutis ; 3, external sheath of the fallicle ; 4, internal sheath continuous with the cuticle ; 5, pulp ; 6, shaft of hair ; 7, large nerve going to it. 31. The nails are also an appendage to the skin. Their chief use seems to be to support the pulp of the finger while it is exercising touch. Animals are provided with struc- tures analogous in their physical and vital properties, such as horns, beaks, hoofs, nails, spurs, scales, &c. Some physi- ologists consider the teeth as belonging to the same class. The various and peculiar functions of the skin, so important to be understood in order to the preservation of the health, will be fully described hereafter. Questions. Of what is the human body composed ? What is said of the identity of solids and fluids ? What proportion do the fluids bear to the solids ? How modified by age ? What purposes do the fluids serve ? What is said of the solids ? How are their particles arranged to form the different organs ? How are the areolae formed ? Of what shape is the ultimate animal solid ? What is a primary tissue ? How many primary tissues are there ? What is a filament ? a fibre a tissue an organ a function ? Give an example ? What is an apparatus ? a system ? membrane ? What are its uses ? What is the simplest form of membrane ? its use ? What property does it possess ? What its chemical composition ? What remarkable circum- stance connected with it ? What is the seat of dropsy ? What varie- ties of membrane are formed by the cellular tissue ? Describe the adipose ? What are serous membranes ? where found ? their use ? structure ? What are mucous membranes ? Describe their structure, situation, use, &c. What is the skin a continuation of ? Of how many parts is it composed ? What is the external layer called ? what is its use ? What is the layer next ta the cuticle called ? Of what is it the seat ? the next layer ? its use ? Describe the cutis vera ? What is it used for ? How thick is the skin in ma-n ? By what contrivance is the skin susceptible of motion ? How is the skin kept soft and pliant ? What is said of the hair ? what is its structure ? what is its colour owing to ? What causes it to turn grey ? What is said of the nails ? CHAPTER IV. STRUCTURE OF THE HUMAN BODY CONTINUED. 1. ANOTHER form of cellular structure is called fibrous, from the arrangement of its component parts, which consist of longitudinal fibres, plainly visible to the naked eye, placed parallel to each other and closely united. These fibres are sometimes so combined as to form a thin, smooth, dense, and strong membrane, like that which covers the external surface of bones, termed periosteum, or the internal surface of the skull, (dura mater.) At other times it forms a firm sheath, which dips down between the muscles, separating them from each other, or it may be spread over them, binding them firmly down in their placejk 2. In the loins and along the back bone there is a strong binder of this kind, which greatly facilitates the motions of the body and powerfully contributes to the action of the muscles. Where this is weak, a belt round the waist is of considerable service, but in a well-formed person it is a clumsy substitute of art for nature, and ultimately tends to weaken the back, for exercise strengthens and invigorates all parts of the frame, while artificial substitutes invariably weaken the parts they are supposed to strengthen. 3. It also constitutes the strong, tough, and flexible band, used for tying parts firmly together, termed ligaments, such as are found about the joints, connecting the bones ) and it also forms those white cords in which muscles terminate, called tendons, which serve to attach the muscles to the bones, thus acting as mechanical instruments of motion. This tissue forms a firm covering or envelope to the bones, muscles, tendons, cartilages, the eye, kidneys, spleen, and most of the organs of the body. 40 PHYSIOLOGY. 4. Every joint is enclosed by a firm fibrous bag, called the capsidar ligament, the internal surface of which secretes a fluid, termed synovia, which lubricates the joints, and serves the same purpose that oil does in a piece of machiner>\ . At the wrist and ankle, and along the fingers and toes, the liga- ments form strong bandages to bi'nd down the muscles and tendons, and enables them to act with greater precision and steadiness ; otherwise when the muscle contracted, the ten- dons would start out like the string of a bow, and thus not only destroy the symmetry of the parts, but entirely prevent motion, When sprained by over exertion or accident, an artificial bandage becomes ncccssar^; we then find how su- perior the natural ligaments are to any artificial bandage that can be contrived. 5. Tendon or Sinew. This well-known structure is plainly perceptible(at the wrist, on the back of the hand, at the heel, &c. (They have a white, pearly lustre, possess great strength, but little elasticity. They are composed of bundles of parallel threads, bound * together by trans- verse threads, and they vary both in figure and extent ; some being cylindrical and tapering to the point of insertion, and in others forming broad expansions., So insensible are tendons, that when ruptured, as the tendon of Achilles at the heel, not the slightest pain is felt, but the person feels that he has received a smart blow, or that a part of the floor has given way under him.^ 0. Where force is to be exerted upon some distinct point, it is transmitted along a tendon, as forces in machinery are by ropes?* When a tendon passes over a joint, a bone is formed sometimes where it crosses, as the knee-pan in front of the knee joint ; which is a bone placed directly in the centre of the tendon, and (serves, to throw the force farther -from the centre of motion, thereby increasing the lever, and conse- quently the effect.) Similar bones are often found in the tendons of the feet. STRUCTURE OF THE HUMAN BODY 41 7. Another primary tissue, or modification of cellular structure, is termed the cartilaginous. (This seems to be a substance intermediate between membrane and bonej It is firm, smooth, highly elastic, of a pearly white colour, and ex- cept bone, the hardest part of the animal frame. It is des- titute of red vessels, and neither nerves nor lymphatics have been discerned in it ; though as it becomes highly sensible, like the fibrous tissue, by disease, it no doubt is supplied with nerves*} It is placed at the ends of the bones, particularly about the joints, where by its smooth surface, it facilitates motion, and by its yielding nature, prevents the shock or jar which would be produced were the same kind and degree of motion effected by a rigid and inflexible substance. Where strength and flexibility are required to be united * we there find cartilage, as in the spinal column, between the ribs and breast bone, in the larynx, the ear, nosej&c. Portions of cartilage seen in section. 8. ClBy immersing cartilage in nitric acid and then in wa- ter for some little time, we find its intimate structure so un- folded, that we can perceive it to be composed of an infinite number of minute fibres, arranged perpendicularly like the pile of velvet^ Thus we see that in the construction of the joints, millions and millions of springs of the most curious and ex- cellent contrivance stand perpendicular to the direction of the force applied, bend to pressure, and on its removal, regain 42 PHYSIOLOGY. their form by their elasticity. When we stand in the erect posture, the number of minute but efficient springs on which the weight of the body rests, in the several joints of the back, in the hip, knee, and ankle joints, infinitely surpasses the powers of the human mind to calculate or even to imagine. 9. There is a peculiar tissue, allied to ligament in its tex- ture, distinguished by a high degree of elasticity, fibrous structure, and tawny colour, and is hence often called elastic tissue. This structure is very conspicuous in the neck of those animals, which have to support a heavy load horizon- talljl at the the extremity of a long neck, as in the elephant, the deer, and our domestic cattle. Had their heads been supported merely by muscular action, as that is liable to fa- tigue and requires intervals of rest, as well as the exercise of volition, the postures could not have been sustained for any length of time without pain and exhaustion. This tissue, which is liable to none of these objections, is accordingly | substituted for muscular power, in fixing the forms, preserv- ing the attitudes, and contributing to motionj The strong fibrous band, stretching along the back part of the neck to the head of these animals, enables them with perfect ease to support the head. It is the elasticity of this membrane which causes the head of these animals to be bent back after death, the action of the muscles having ceased. It also re- tracts and retains the sharp claws of the cat tribe within their sheath when not in use. A ligament of this tissue also retains the wings of birds in a bent position when they are in a state of rest. 10.-|TAe osseous fabric$The osseous or bony tissue is another form of cellular matter. The bones constitute the hardest and the most solid parts of the whole system, and are the principal parts thatjgive it form and stability, forming as it were, the frame work of the animal machine,/ The num- ber of bones in the human adult, including the teeth, is; 245. When we examine the broken surface of a bone, with a mi- croscope/we find it abundantly supplied with minute blood- STRUCTURE OF THE HUMAN BODY. 43 vessels]! without any appearance of fibres or plates. The different densities of bones (depends on the different mechani- cal arrangements of the parts composing them^ 11. The bones not only constitute the frame work of the human fabric, but they also protect the vital organs, as the heart and lungs, the brain and spinal marrow, and also con- stitute a series of levers, by means of which, through the agency of muscles, locomotion is performed. The bones in man also furnish cavities for the secure lodgment of the deli- cate organs of the senses, as the orbits of the eye, ear, mouth, and nostrils. In man, and the higher order of animals, the bones are for the most part in the interior of the body, and when near the surface, as in the skull, they are covered by muscles or membranes; bufin the Crustacea, insects, &c., the bones compose an external case within which all the soft parts are containe(Jf 12/If we divide any of the long bones longitudinally, we find two kinds of structure, the hard or compact, and the alveolar or spongy/ Indeed there is no bone that does not exhibit to some extent both of these structures ; the compact forming its external, and the spongy its internal part. These two formations are clearly seen in the bones which compose the skull, (as in the following cut,) with the spongy or cancel- a. External plate. 5. c. Internal plates. lated structure between them. This will serve to illustrate the structure of all the flat bo/ies. i 13. The above cut represents a section of the thigh bone. 44 PHYSIOLOGY. a. a. the extremities having a shell or thin plate of compact texture, crowded with small cells, diminishing in size, but in- creasing in number as they approach the articulation ; c, the cavity for containing the marrow ; 6. b. the walls of the shaft very firm and solid. The compact part is thickest near the middle of the bone where the greatest strength is required. This structure admirably combines the greatest degree of strength, with the least degree of weight aud expense of ma- terial. It tfan be mathematically demonstrated that the re- sistance of a cylindrical body, such as a pillar or mast, to a force applied transversely is increased in proportion to its diameter. The same quantity of matter, therefore, placed in the circumference of a circle produces a stronger bone than if united in the centre with proportionally diminished diame- ter. 14. How admirably adapted is the arrangement of the parts of the long bones to the purposes for which they are destined. Their extremities are the fixed points from which the muscles re-act, and where greater space was required for the insertion of the tendons ; their diameter is on this ac- count considerably increased, and their osseous matter*is disposed in nearly an equal degree through their whole sub- stance ; while in the middle of the bone, which is more exposed to external violence^ and where nothing was want- ing but mere strength, the bony plates are all consolidated together into a compact dense ring, leaving the centre nearly hollow. 15. While the long bones of the lower extremities are adapted for the support of the body, and its various progres- sive motions, those of the upper extremities are equally fitted for acting upon contiguous bodies, being so attached to the trunk as to be easily applied to them in all directions. {The flat bones on the other hand offer an extensive sur- face of defence, as those of the skull, or for the origin and insertion of muscles, as the shoulder blade.^ The rounded bones composing the spinal column and the angular bones of STRUCTURE OP THE HUMAN BODY. . 45 the wrist and ankle, have the bony matter extended over a considerable space, in order in the most era^fijfcbfenner to combine the properties of lightness and strength. The whole assemblage constitutes an apparatus which is capable of executing all the various movements that are necessary for the purposes of life, with a degree of precision and velocity that is truly wonderful. 16. {The bones are covered with a fibrous sheathing of dense membrane, called periosteum, which seems to nourish the bone, for where it is abraded the bone perishes^ fit con- tains an abundance of blood-vessels which run from it into the bone ; besides these, a large blood-vessel enters the shafts of the long bones near the centre, and branches out in each direction, while numerous others enter at their extremities^ These blood-vessels, though generally too minute to convey the red particles of the blood, yet they readily transmit the colouring matter of madder. Numerous experiments have proved that when animals are supplied with food mixed with that substance, in a few days |he bones are coloured red, or of a pinkish colourjland on the discontinuance of it, in a short time their natural colour is restored, showing the rapidity with which deposition and absorption are carried on in the healthy state. This is shown in cases of fracture, where the broken ends of a bone become speedily united. I have lately had a case of fractured thigh bone in a child, where it became united with considerable firmness in one week. 17. stfarroiv is a species of fat deposited in the central canals of the cylindrical bones, and in the lattice work of the spongy bones!/ t is contained in the cells of a delicate membranous web) and ;has been supposed by some to serve as a reservoir of nourishment, and by others, to keep the bones from becoming dry and brittle^ ^t is found in greater quantity in thef adult and aged than in the youn^; in the latter, indeed, its place is occupied by a gelatinous fluid. 18. Chemical examination shows that{ bone is composed 46 PHYSIOLOGY. of earthy and animal matter, the former constituting about two-thirds, the remaining! one-third being animal matterl As we find portions of both these substances in the minutest particles of bones, both are therefore considered essential to its composition, and existing in a state of chemical union, and not as a mere mechanical mixture. These two sub- stances can be readily separated from each other. ' If we immerse bones for some time in diluted nitric acid, or muri- atic acid, though they retain their size and form, their weight is considerably diminished, and they are rendered soft, pliable, and elastic. The earthy portion, phosphate of lime, has been dissolved, and is held in solution in the fluid, and the animal portion, gelatine, remains uninjured^ Membranous, or gelatinous portion of bone ; the earthy portion being so completely removed, that it is capable of being tied in a knot. 19. If bones are subjected to a strong heat, as in a char- coal fire, on cooling they appear to have undergone no alter- ation in figure or bulk ; but they are rendered white as chalk ; their weight is lessened, and they become very brittle. In this case, the animal matter has been wholly consumed by the fire, while the earthy part remains un- changed ; in the former case, the very reverse happened ; the animal matter remaining, and the earthy being removed. 3* STRUCTURE OF THE HUMAN BODY. 47 Earthy portion of bone. 20. {The proportion between the animal and earthy sub- stances varies in different individuals, and in the same indi- vidual at different periods of life, and under various condi- tions of health} In youth, the former, in old age, the latter predominates. The earthy matter is sometimes so deficient that jthe bones have not the necessary degree of firmness and rigidity. |*The consequence is, that those parts of the skeleton which have to support any considerable weight bend under it, as the spine, the bones of the pelvis, and the lower limbsy This is one cause of spinal distortions, though they are generally caused by debility of the muscles from want of proper exercise. In many cases of the former kind, by the subsequent deposition of earthy matter, the bones be- come sufficiently dense and compact ; but the distortion remains fixed and permanent, and mechanical means, such as pulleys, screws, inclined planes, &c., only serve to torture the patient, without affording the slightest prospect of a cure. No one who understands physiology will attempt to correct such distortions by mechanical means. |Where there is a deficiency of animal matter, the bones want a poper degree of tenacity, and are therefore easily fractured by slight blows or fallsj 21. The ends of the bones which are used for motion, as already mentioned, are tipped with cartilage or gristle, which is very smooth and hard ; and it is constantly wet, in a state of health, by a fluid which answers the same purpose as oil in machinery, or tar upon wagon wheels. The joints are 48 PHYSIOLOGY. enclosed in membranous bags, and in health the fluid which moistens them is of just the right quantity and quality ; but if we do not take proper exercise, or if we take food or drink that is too heating or irritating, the joints grow stiff, or rheumatism or gout may be the consequence. 22. In those parts where bones are to be formed, a mould of gristle or cartilage is first deposited, of the exact shape that the future bone is to take ; and as bony particles are secret, ed by the blood, the cartilage is taken up by the absorbent vessels. In the long round bones, this process begins in the middle, and in the flat bones, like the shoulder blade, or those of the skull, it begins in the centre and extends gradually towards the circumference^ But in the skull, all the bones are not completely formed, till several months after birth. 23. The bones are variously connected by joints or arti- culations, which admit of different degrees of motion, both in extent and variety. Some of these connections allow free, easy, and conspicuous motion, as the shoulder and hip joints, which are called ball and socket joints ; in others, there is motion in only two directions, as the knee, elbow, wrist, and ankle. These are called hinge-joints, from their resemblance to a hinge. Some bones, like those of the skull, though connected by a kind of articulation, are nevertheless immoveable. 24. Another form of animal matter, differing essentially from those we have been considering is, muscular tissue. This is familiar to all under the name of flesh. It is a sub- stance of a peculiar nature, arranged in fibres of extreme delicacy. |It is distinguished from every other texture in the body, by an innate power of contraction j on examin- ing it with microscopes of great magnifying power, it is found to b^[ composed of filaments so fine as the one forty thousandth part of an inch in diameter] These filaments collected together, form fibres, which are plainly perceptible in boiled flesh v {A collection of these fibres form a bundle, and these bundles collectively constitute a muscle ; and STRUCTURE OF THE HUMAN BODY. 49 muscles appear coarse or fine according to the size of these btuxDejp 25. frhese fibres appear to be very uniform as to shape, size, and general appearance, being delicate, soft, flattened, and though consisting only of a tender pulp, still solid,/ (The fibrous and fascicular arrangement appears to be chiefly con- fined to muscles of voluntary action, as they are scarcely perceptible in the heart, and not at all in the alimentary canal, or urinary bladderjl In the stomachs of birds, how- ever, the fibrous structure is very distinct, especially in hawks and owls. The appearance of the ultimate fibres and of their transverse lines, as seen under the microscope of Mr. Lister, when the object is magnified 500 diameters. 26. The muscular fibres are every where penetrated by cellular tissue and numerous blood-vessels and nerves. /The colour of the muscle of course varies, according to the quan- tity and quality of the blood.) In adult animals it is of various shades of red ; in young animals, of a cream colour, as in veal ; in birds, it varies in different muscles ; in fowls, for example, it is white, on the breast, and a deep brown on the legs ; whilefin fishes, it is bluish, or white,)&c. 27. No part of the body except, perhaps, the organs of sense, is so abundantly supplied with blood-vessels and 6 50 PHYSIOLOGY. nerves, as the muscular tissue. There is reason to believe that every filament, however fine, is provided with the ulti- mate branch of an artery, vein, and nerve. f*The direction of the fibres of muscles varies ; in some, being parallel ; in others, radiating in different directions. In some instances, they form nearly or quite a circle, as the muscle which closes the eye, and those of the intestinal canal ; in others, they are penniform, or having their fibres disposed like those forming the feathery part of a quill jj Two portions of muscle ; one of which, cr, is covered with mem- brane ; the other, b, is uncovered ; c, the muscular fibres terminating in tendon. 27. [Muscular tissue is supposed to consist chiefly of Jibrin, though some chemists state that it contains albumen, gelatine, and osmazomefc These latter substances however, are probably obtained from the cellular tissue which encloses and dips down between the fibres of muscles. Fibrin con- tains a larger proportion of azote, the element peculiar to the animal body, than any other animal substance. The flesh of young animals affords a large proportion of gelatine, while STRUCTURE OP THE HUMAN BODY. 51 it is deficient in fibrin in adult animals, the fibrin pre- dominates, and the gelatine is deficient. 28. |The peculiar property of muscular tissue is vital, and consists in the power of diminishing its length, or shortening on the application of stimulus J All the motions of the body are performed by means of it, and without its incessant action, respiration, digestion, nor circulation could be carried on for a moment. Tendons, ligaments, cartilages, and bones seem to be mechanical contrivances to aid the muscles in accomplishing their varied purposes, so that the only source of motion in the body is muscular tissue, and the only mode in which motion is generated is by contractility^ 29. The last primary tissue which we have to describe, is termed nervous. ^It consists of a soft and pulpy matter, of a brownish white colour, and appears to be composed of solid, elongated threads, differing in thickness from that of a hair to the finest fibre of silk^j Like the muscles, the nerves are enclosed in a sheath of condensed cellular membrane, called neurilema, or nerve coat^ and like them also, each nerve is composed of many bundles ; these of many fibres ; and the fibres of many filaments. In one respect the nervous fibres differ from the muscular, and that is, while the muscular fi- bres generally run parallel to each other, those of the nerves cross and penetrate each other, so as to form an intimate in-, terlacement, as represented on the following page. When we come to describe the vascular system, it will be seen that either all the vessels proceed from one large trunk, which goes on progressively to divide and subdivide, until its branches become so minute as to be invisible ; or that they arise by numerous and invisible branches, which unite to form larger and larger vessels, until they ultimately consti- tute only a few trunks. But the muscular and nervous fila- ments never divide and subdivide in this manner. It is the opinion of the best anatomists, that there is a diameter be- yond which they no longer dimmish. That diameter they maintain is quite uniform in each. 62 PHYSIOLOGY. Nervous fibres, deprived of their neurilema and unravelled, showing the smaller threads, or filaments, of which the fibres consist. 30. The nervous tissue is also abundantly supplied with blood-vessels, like the muscular ; so that there is not a fibre or filament, minute, which is not supplied by a dis- tinct blood-vessel./ /The nervous structure forms the brain, STRUCTURE OF THE HUMAN BODY. 53 spinal marrow, nerves and their ganglions/ The nervous tis- sue appears to consist of two substances, which as far as the eye can distinguish, appear to be entirely distinct from each other. vThe one is called cineritious, or gray, from its col- our ; from its position, cortical, and from its consistence pulpjrj This last appears to be composed chiefly of blood-vessels. The other is termed white, or medullary. It is of firmer consistence than the pulpy. This is decidedly fibrous in its nature. In every part of the nervous system which consti- tutes a distinct nervous apparatus, both substances are con- joined. Neither the pulpy, nor the fibrous alone, forms a distinct organ ; the union of both is necessary to constitute an instrument capable of performing a specific function. Ultimate fibres of nerve highly magnified ; showing the strings of globules of which they consist. 31. Much controversy exists in relation to the shape of the ultimate particles of nervous matter ; but while micro- scopical observations differ as much as they have done hith- erto, the question may fairly be considered as unsettled, ffhe common opinion is, that the ultimate filaments of which they are composed, are formed of globules of extreme minute- ness,) But then, when we consider the peculiar difficulties attending investigations of this nature, that they require un- wearied perseverance, extreme accuracy, great patience, and a dexterity with the hand, united with a delicate discrimina- tion of the eye, that belong to few ; and when we consider moreover, that these very endowments can only be acquired 5* PHYSIOLOGY. by long practice, we shall be led to pause, before we adopt the opinions of every microscopical enthusiast who enters on this very extensive, and deeply fascinating field of discovery. Portion of the trunk of a nerve dividing into two branches. Questions. Describe the fibrous structure. What are its uses? What are ligaments ? What is a capsular ligament ? What use do ligaments serve ? When sprained, what is a good remedy ? What is a tendon or sinew ? Where are they found ? What their use ? Of what composed ? Have they much sensibility ? Why are bones sometimes placed in a tendon ? What use does the knee-pan serve ? Describe the cartilaginous tissue. What are its uses ? How may its structure be shown ? What is the elastic tissue ? Where is it found ? What are its uses ? What constitutes the most solid portion of the sys- STRUCTURE OF THE HUMAN BODY. 55 tern ? What are the uses of the bones ? How many are there in the human skeleton ? Is bone supplied with blood-vessels ? What is the different density of bones owing to ? What situation do the bones occupy in man ? In the Crustacea and insects ? Describe the structure of the long bones 1 of the flat bones ? What is the chief use of the Hat bones? What covering have the bones ? What is the structure of the periosteum ? What its use ? How are the bones nourished ? What effect has madder upon bones when taken internally ? What is marrow ? Where is it deposited ? What its use ? At what period of life is it most abundant ? What is the composition of bone. What pro- portion is animal matter ? What earthy ? How are these different sub- stances shown ? Are their proportions affected by age or health ? What is the consequence when the earthy matter is deficient ? What when the animal ? How are spinal distortions best remedied ? How is bone formed ? Are all the bones formed at the time of birth? What is muscular tissue ? By what property is it distinguished ? Of what composed? What are fibres ? What bundles? How do the fibres appear? Do all muscles possess the fibrous arrangement? To what is the colour of muscle owing ? Of what colour is the muscle of fishes ? Of what shape are muscles ? What is the chemical composition of muscular tissue ? Does age affect the quantity of fibrin in animals ? What peculiar property does muscular fibre possess ? What its use ? Describe the nervous tissue. What is the neurilema ? Does nervous tissue abound with blood-vessels ? What does it form ? How many kinds of substance is contained in it,? What is the cineritious ? What their cortical portion ? Does either- alone form any organ ? What is said of the shape of the ultimate particles of matter ? CHAPTER V. CHEMISTRY OF THE HUMAN BODY. Ultimate and Organic Elements. l.fBy the chemical composition of the. body, is meant those ultimate elements of which it is made ;^ such asjbxygen, carbon, hydrogen, and azote.j By the organic composition, we mean the proximate elements, which are formed out of these by the power of the living principle ; such as albumen, Jibrin, gelatine$&c. S.^The ultimate elements of animal matter have been divided into non-metallic, and metallic substances ; the former consisting of oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, azote, phosphorus, sulphur, chlorine, and fluorine ; the latter, 1, the bases of the alkalies, viz., potassium, sodium, and calcium ; 2, the bases of the earths, magnesium, silicium, and aluminum ; 3, the ponderous metals, iron, manganese, and copper.} Of the first class, or the non-metallic substances, oxygen, hydrogen, carbon and azote exist in much the largest pro- portion, and are in fact the only essential elements of animal matter. 3.| All the solids and fluids of the body contain oxygen., It is essential to all the proximate elements. United with hydrogen, it forms water, which is calculated to constitute nine-tenths of the whole weight of the body. In union with carbon, it forms carbonic acid, which exists in the blood, and is thrown out by the lungs and skin. 3. Oxygen forms with phosphorus, phosphoric acid, which with lime constitutes the earthy portion of the bones ; it also exists in some of the secretions. In union with their metalic bases, it forms potash, soda, and lime. It also is a consti- CHEMISTRY OF THE HUMAN BODY. 57 tuent part of albumen, fibrin, gelatine, and mucus. Oxygen is derived partly from the air we breathe, and partly from our food and drinks. It is given off in all the secretions and excretions. The air contained in the swimming bladder of fishes, is pure oxygen. 4. ^Hydrogen exists in all the fluids and most of the solids, constituting as it does one element of water. In venous blood, it exists in a larger proportion than in arterial blood, which contains more oxygen. In the bile, it is very abund- ant, and in fat and oil, is one of the essential elements. It is this gas which often causes so much distress in a weak state of the stomach. Hydrogen is introduced into the system by means of food and drinks, and is discharged in the same manner as oxygen^ 5. {Carbon abounds in the vegetable as well as animal kingdom. In oil, fat, albumen, gelatine, fibrin, and mucus, it always forms a part. In bile, and in venous blood, it exists largely. If we burn a piece of animal substance, what is left is found to be chiefly carbon. We obtain it from our food, and give it off by breathing and the secretions. It is carbon that makes venous blood darker than arterial, and the change from purple to bright crimson which takes place in the lungs, id supposed to be owing chiefly to the fact, that the excess of carbon contained in venous blood is discharged by respirationj Q.^Azote exists in large quantities in all animal matter. It also exists to some extent in a few vegetables, but it is an essential element in animal substances. It is more abund- ant in fibrin, of which the muscular flesh is chiefly formed, than in any other portions of the body, though it is found in the brain and nerves. The peculiar smell of burning animal matter is owing to azote. When animal substances putrefy, it combines with hydrogen, and forms ammonia or hartshorn^ 7. Azote is chiefly taken into the system by means of animal food. It is also taken into the blood by respiration, 58 PHYSIOLOGY. as it forms a constituent part of the atmosphere. This, however, is denied by some chemists. It is discharged from the system in the same manner as oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon ; though chiefly through the kidneys. 8. Phosphorus exists both in animal and vegetable sub- stances. Nearly every part of animal bodies contain it, though it is found more abundantly in the bones. It gener- ally exists in combination with oxygen, forming phosphoric acid. It is discharged mostly through the kidneys. The spontaneous combustion of human bodies, of which we have some well-attested cases of drunkards, is supposed to be owing to an accumulation of phosphorus in the system, from some unknown cause. 9./Sulphur is always united, in animal substances, with other elements, as soda and potash. It is found in albumen, in the hair and nails, and in muscular flesh. It is given off by the intestines and by the skin. 10. Chlorine is found in most of the animal fluids com- bined with hydrogen. This forms hydrochloric acid. In the blood it is combined with soda and potash. It is found also in the gastric juice, in sweat, milk, saliva, &c. 11. Potash exists more abundantly in plants than in ani- mals. It is, however, contained in the blood, bile, urine, sweat, milk, &c. 12. Soda is more abundant in animals than plants. It exists in the same fluids in which potash is found ; also in bones and muscular flesh. It is always combined with some acid. 13. Lime forms a large part of the bones, in union with phosphoric or carbonic acid. Silex exists in human hair, and in some of the secretions. Magnesia is contained in bones, and in some animal fluids, as milk. It is also found in the brain. Iron forms the colouring principle of the red globules of the blood, and is therefore pretty extensively found in animal bodies. * CHEMISTRY OF THE HUMAN BODY 59 14. fThe organic or proximate elements of the body are formed from the ultimate elements already described^ We cannot explain their formation on any chemical or mechan- ical laws, but refer them solely to the influence of the vital forces. 15. These proximate elements are mostly formed from a combination of oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, and azote, and are jdivided into two classes, acids and oxyds) 16. The acids found in the human system are the acetic, oxalic, the benzoic, and the uri% The three first are also found in the vegetable kingdom, and are composed of oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon. When these organic elements are made of three simple elements, they are called ternary oxyds; such are sugar, resin, and the fixed and volatile oils. 17. Milk contains a considerable quantity of sugar. It can be obtained from whey by evaporating it slowly to the consistence of a syrup, and then allowing it to cool. It may then be purified by the white of an egg, or albumen, and crystalized again. It has a different taste from the sugar of the cane. 18. The bile contains a peculiar resin. Fat and the mar- row of the bones contain fixed oils. Butfthe most important compounds of the body are albumen, fibrin, gelatine, mucus, and osmazomej 19. tAUwmen exists in the body, both in a solid and fluid formj Combined with water it forms the white of eggs ; hence its name, fit exists most abundantly in the serum, but is found in all the fluids of the body. It is transparent, without colour, taste, or smell, and coagulates by heat, acids, and alcohol; 20. Solid albumen is also a white and tasteless substance. It forms the basis of the nerves and brain, and is contained in the skin, hair, nails, glands, and vessels. Tumours and wens are mostly composed of albumen. It is composed of 60 PHYSIOLOGY. Carbon 52 parts; Oxygen 23 parts ; Hydrogen 7 parts; Azote 15 parts. 2l.{Fibrin is the basis of muscular fleshj and enters largely into the formation of the blood, chyle, and lymph. It is owing to the presence of fibrin that blood coagulates when removed from the body. Fibrin is a solid, white substance, of a fibrous structure, destitute of smell and taste, and in- soluble in water. 22. Fibrin may be obtained by washing the thick part of the blood with cold water, and thus separating the colouring matter, or the red globules/ It differs from albumen by possessing the property of coagulating at all temperatures. jFibrin is composed of Carbon 43 parts ; Oxygen 19 parts ; Hydrogen 7 parts; Azote 19 parts J It contains more azote and less oxygen than albumen. 23. Gelatine is found in none of the fluids of the human *ody. lit is, however, found in nearly all the solids* It is known from all the other animal principles/by its readily dissolving in warm water, forming a kind of jelly) /When dry, it forms a hard, shining, brittle substance, called glue. This is mostly prepared^ from the skins and hoofs of animals, by boiling them in water, and then evaporating the solution. Isinglass is obtained from the sounds of the sturgeon, and is a very T>ure gelatine. 24. (Gelatine exists largely in the skin, cartilages, liga- ments, tendons, and bones, and it forms the basis of the cellular tissue/ As it does not exist in the blood, it is pro- bably a modification of albumen. It is composed of Carbon 47 parts ; Oxygen 27 parts ; Hydrogen 7 parts ; Azote 16 parts. 25. It appears that gelatine contains less carbon than albumen, by 5 or 6 per cent., and a larger proportion of oxygen in the same ratio. ftfow, if we suppose, that near the skin, and in the various tissues of the body, the albumen of the blood gives off a portion of its carbon, a part of which ; CHEMISTRY OF THE HUMAN BODY. 61 is taken up by the veins, and a part thrown off by the skin, lungs, and various secretions, we shall see how gelatine may be formed out of albumen^ 26.fOsmazome is an element which exists in all the animal fluids^ and in some of the solids, as the brain and muscular fbre. It is of a reddish brown colour, of an aromatic smell and agreeable taste^ fit is this which gives the strong flav- our of roasted meat, and the peculiar taste of the various kinds of animal food. It is supposed to be tonic and stimu- lating, but to possess no nutritive properties^ 27. pfwcws is that bland fluid which moistens the surface of all the mucous membranes^' 'n some of the hard parts of the body, which are destitute of sensibility, it is found to exist in considerable quantities, as in the nails, hair, and cuticle of man, and in the scales, feathers, and wool of dif- ferent animals. That part of the skin called rete mucoscum, is supposed to be compacted mucus. Mucus is transparent, has no colour or taste, and has a ropy and viscid consist- ence. When dry, it is insoluble in water. It contains much azote\ 28. uThere are some other substances found in the human body, such as caseine, or that principle of the milk which forms the basis of cheese, curd, &c. ; but they are not of sufficient importance to need a particular description^ Questions. What is meant by the chemical composition of the body ? What are some of the ultimate elements ? What are some of the proximate elements ? How have the ultimate elements been divided ? Is oxygen essential to all the proximate elements ? What is said of hydrogen ? Of carbon ? Of Azote ? How do oxygen, hydrogen, and azote get into the system ? Is phosphorus found in animal bodies ? What other elements are met with in animals ? How are the organic elements' of the body formed ? How divided ? What acids are found in animal bodies?^ What are the most important compounds in the body ? What is said of albumen ? In what is it found ? What is fibrin the basis of? How may it be obtained from 62 PHYSIOLOGY. blood ? Of what is it composed ? Where is gelatine found in the animal body ? How known from the other animal principles ? What does it form when dried ? Of what is glue prepared ? In what does gelatine exist ? How may we account for the productions of gela- tine ? What is osmazome ? What peculiar properties has it ? What is mucus ? Where found, what is its use ? Are any other substances found in the human body ? CHAPTER VI. THE HUMAN SKELETON* 1. OF all the wonderful works of the great Architect, none bears such convincing proofs of divine wisdom and good- ness as the mechanism of ^he human body. Every part, down to the minutest fibre or blood-vessel, bears the impress of the Creator's hand, and the marks of design and contri- vance are so obvious throughout, as to lead the mind irre- sistibly to an all-wise, Omnipotent designer ! 2. The human skeleton consists of about (252 bones, in- cluding the sesamoid, the teeth, and the small bones of the ear ; though they are generally reckoned at 21 1/. They are divided into those of the head, trunk, and extremities, some of them being single, others in pairs. (VVhen the bones com- posing the skeleton are connected together by natural liga- ments, they form what is called a natural skeleton; when by wires, it is termed an artificial skeleton. The latter is the common and most useful mode of articulation to the anato- mist, as the joints can be easily moved and examined. The skeleton has been called the bony frame work of the body, because by its form and solidity, it not only retains every part of the fabric in its proper shape, but also affords a hard surface for the attachment of muscles, and the protection of many important organs.) If we suppose a plane to pass down from the top of the head through the middle of the skele- ton, the latter will be divided into two equal portions, called the right and left side of the body, which are perfectly alike in shape and size. ^Those bones which are situated in the centre, such as the spine and breast bone, and are inter- sected by it, are said to be symmetrical,' because they are divided equally ; the others, such as the bones of the arm and leg, are in pairs. 64 PHYSIOLOGY. THE HUMAN SKELETON. t The bone* of the head are 55 in number, a* follow* : Fronlal, (On Front!*, a,) . . .1 Parictala, (Own Parictalia, ft,) Temporal ..... 2 Occipital, (OB Occl[>iti> ... 1 Bphenoidal, (Os Sphertoldc*, <*,) . . 1 Ethmoid, (Os Ethmoidcs) ... 1 Nasal, (Oeaa Naai, ,) 2 Malar, (Onsa malarum /,) 2 Lrfchrymal, (Oasa Luchrymalia,) . . 2 Upper Jaw bones, (Ossa maxillaria superiora) 2 Palate bones, (Otsa palatina) . . 2 Inferior turbinatcd bones, (Ossa turblnata) . 2 Vomer, ...... 1 Lower Jaw, (Oa maxillare inferius, A,) 1 Teeth, (Denies) .... 32 Tongue bone (Oa hyoldes) . . I Total, 55 55 To these are sometimes added the proper bones of the car, contained in the tempo- ral bone*. Mallei, (hammer) . 2 Incudes, (anvil) . 2 Stapedes, (stirrup) . 2 Orbicularla, (round bones) 2 Total, "8 4. The trunk contains 57 boncs,'viz: Vertebras, (a,) . . 21 Ribs, Co*to, ,/,#,) . 24 Breast bone, (Sternum, c, d t ) 2 Hip bone*, (Otwa innoruinata, i,) 2 Rump bones, (Os sacrum, &,) 1 Coccygcal bones, (Ossa coceygln) 4 Total, 5T 57 5. The upper extremities contain 08 bonea/viz: Collarbones, (Clavlculffi, ,) \' . 2 ' Shoulder blades, (Bcapultu, b,) fjf . 2 Arm bones, (Oa humeri, c,) fi, . 2 Fore arm boneu, Radii ct ulnte, d, c,) . , 4 WrlHt bones, (Oa carpi,/,) . . 18 Hand bones, (Onsa mctacarpl, g, . . 8 Finger bones, (Phalanges digitorum maima, A, t, A,) 24 Thumb bones, (Onapolicis, /,) Sessumoid bones, (Ossa vessamoidua) i; 4 Total 68 6 The inferior cjxtntmiti^s contain 64 bones, viz: Thigh bones, (Osoafemoris, a,) ; ; ... f Knee-pans, (Patelie, ft,) . . ; r .* f Shin bones, (Tibiw, c,) .... 2 SmalllKmoofthelegs, (Fibula) JM ; v . ' f TarHal,(0w tarsi, e,) . . . .14 Metalareal, (Orfa metatarsi,/,) . . 10 Toe bones, (Phalanges digitorum pudli, A, i, A,) 28 Sessamoid, (Ossa sessamoldca) . 4 Total, "64 154 Grand Total "235" 66 PHYSIOLOGY. THE HUMAN SKELETON. 67 7' The second plate represents a back view of the male skeleton, while the first is a front view. a. The parietal bone. b. The occipital bone. c. The temporal bone. d. The cheek bone. e. The lower jaw bone. Neck and Trunk. a. The bones of the neck. b. The bones of the back. c. The bones of the loins. d. The hip bones. e. The sacrum. Upper Extremity. a. The collar bones. b. The blade bone. c. The upper bone of the arm. d. The radius. e. The ulna. f. The bones of the wrist. g. The bones of the hands. h. The first row of finger bones. z. The second row of finger bones. k. The bones of the thumb. Lower Extremity. a. The thigh bone. b. The large bone of the leg. c. The small bone of the leg. d. The heel bone. e. The bones of the instep. /. The bones of the toes. 8. It does not fall within the plan of the present work to give a description of the individual bones which go to make up the skeleton ; this must be sought in treatises on anatomy. Still there are many points connected with the subject of ex- treme interest to every reflecting mind, to which the atten- tion of the young may be profitably directed, particularly as connected with the marks of wisdom and design in the Al- mighty architect. If our curiosity is excited to see a piece of ingenious machinery, or a new engine, shall we neglect to raise the covering which displays in the body the most strik- ing proofs of design, surpassing all art in simplicity and effectiveness, and without any thing useless or superfluous. 68 PHYSIOLOGY. 9. If we compare the human body, as a work of art, with any forms of human architecture, how vastly superior does it appear. A watch, or a musical automaton are highly in- genious specimens of inventive skill; but where is the watch or the automaton that can, without repair, for the space of 80 or 100 years, continue to perform its movements with regularity and precision. And yet how much less complicated is their machinery, how vastly more solid, and durable the materials out of which they are formed ! 10. If we examine a ship, we find it built for passive mo- tion, and for resisting force externally applied ; a house or a bridge is constructed for solidity and firmness, on the prin- ciple of gravitation ; a railroad car is built for rapid motion, and its wheels so adjusted, that they may not run off the track ; but in the human body, we find not only securi- ties n gainst the gravitation of the parts, provisions to with- stand shocks and injuries from without, but at the same time, the frame work is calculated to sustain an internal impulse from the muscular force which moves the bones as levers, or like a hydraulic engine, propels the fluids through the body. 11. The human fabric is admirably adapted to resist the influences to which it is subjected ; in other words, there is a nice balance between the power of exertion and the capa- bility of resistance. A deer or a giraffe is never injured by any leap which their muscular powers enable them to make, because the inert power of resisting the shock, bears a rela- tion to the muscular power with which they spring ; and so it is in man. The elasticity of his limbs is proportioned very accurately to his activity ; he readily resists shocks and im- pulses upon the lower extremities, because they are adapted to this end ; but if the same are applied to the upper, the bones are broken or displaced, because they are adapted rather for extensive and rapid motion, than for resisting vio- lent shocks. 12. It has been truly remarked that the foundation of the Eddystone light-house, the perfection of human architecture THE HUMAN SKELETON. 69 and ingenuity, is not formed on principles so correct, as those which have directed the arrangement of the bones of the feet ; that the most perfect pillar is not adjusted with the accuracy of the hollow bones which support our weight ; that the in- sertion of a ship's mast into the hull is a clumsy contrivance compared with the connexions of the human spine and pel- vis ; and that the tendons are composed in a manner supe rior to the improved chain cables of Bloxham. 13. As the head is the noblest part, and the brain the most essential organ of the animal system, let us first direct our attention to it. The brain is liable to injuries, not only by sharp bodies touching and entering it, but by a blow upon the head, which shall vibrate through it, without the instru- ment piercing the skull ; and such a blow would more effec- tually destroy a man's senses, than even if a sword pene- trated into its substance. It is obvious, that if the bony case were soft it would be easily pierced ; if of a brittle nature, it would be easily cracked, and if very firm and solid, like metal, it would ring and vibrate, and thus communicate the concussion to the brain. 14. To obviate these dangers,(we find the skull composed of two plates of bone, one external, which is fibrous and tough, and one internal, so dense and hard, that it is called by anatomists the glassy tdble% Now, as the brain is liable to be hurt both by sharp and blunt instruments, the inner table is hard and brittle, calculated to resist any thing pene- trating ; while the outer table is tough to give consistence, and stifle the vibration which would take place, if the whole texture were uniform. This may be illustrated by an ex- ample. If a soldier's head be covered with a steel helmet or cap, the blow of a sword, which does not penetrate, will yet bring him to the ground ; but if it be lined with leather and covered with hair, the vibration is not transmitted to the brain, and the wearer escapes without injury. 70 PHYSIOLOGY. a, the external, 6, c, the internal table ; the intermediate cellular texture, being soft and spongy, and conveying vessels and nerves from one part to another. 15. It is worthy of particular remark, how the changes in the structure of the bones of the skull are adapted to the changes in the mind at different periods of life. /At birth, the skull is soft and yielding, there being considerable inter- vals between the adjacent bones of which it is composed ; during childhood, it is highly elastic, so that the heedlessness of that period may not endanger concussion, to which it is so often exposed from falls ; and during youth and up to manhood, the parts which are exposed to the contact of ex- ternal bodies, are thicker, and the bones are still not firmly consolidated at their sutures or seams, by which they are united. As old age approaches, man grows more timid, and is little disposed to feats of agility or activity ; something teaches him that falls or blows, which could once be borne with impunity, can no longer be encountered with safety ; and if we examine the skull, we find the two layers of bone consolidated into one. The result of which is, that con- cussion at this period would be far more dangerous than in early life, or at the age of manhood. 16. The sutures, or joinings of the bones of the skull, in- terrupts, in a measure, the shock of the vibration produced by external violence, and also prevent fractures from extend- ing as far as they otherwise would do, in ofl'e continued bony substance/ No one can examine the joinings of two of the bones of the cranium, without admiring the minute dove- tailing by which one portion of the bone is inserted into, and surrounded by the other, whilst that other pushes its processes out between those of the first in the same manner ; THE HUMAN SKELETON. 71 and the fibres of the two bones are thus interlaced, as you might interlace your fingers. But f this dove-tailing exists only in the external plate^ on the internal surface the bones are simply laid in contact. 17. Sir Charles Bell compares the human skull to the dome of a building, which is acknowledged to be one of the most difficult pieces of architecture. The dome of St. Sophia, in Constantinople, built in the time of the Emperor Justinian, fell three times during its erection ; and the dome of the Cathedral of Florence, stood unfinished 120 years for want of an architect. " Yet," says this writer, " we may, in one sense say, that every builder who tried it, as well as every labourer employed, had the most perfect model in his own head." The difficulty in constructing a dome, is the tendency of the weight of its upper part, to disengage the stones from each other which form the lower circle, and crowd out the circular wall on which it rests. This is guarded against, either by soldering the stones into each other, or by hooping them together by strong iron hoops. The dome of St. Paul's, in London, is secured by several strong double iron chains, linked together at the bottom and along the sides of the cone. Now, In the bones which com- pose the dome of the cranium, we find the edge of a bone at the suture lying over the adjoining bone at one part .and under it at another ; which, with the dove-tailing above- mentioned, holds each bone securely in its placej But while a dome is calculated to resist one kind of force, viz. that acting perpendicularly, or in the direction of gravity, the skull is equally calculated to resist forces operating in all directions. Thus it can be shown, that no other form of equal strength could be devised. When we reflect on the strength displayed by the arched film of an egg-shell, we need not wonder at the severity of blows which the cranium can withstand. 72 PHYSIOLOGY. a, a, the coronal, suture, from the Latin corona, crown, so called from its situation on that part of the head, upon which the ancients placed the laurel, or olive crown, given to the victors in their games. It connects the frontal to the parietal bones ; 6, the sagittal suture, from a Latin word, signifying arrow, from its straight course. It runs from the middle of the frontal to the angle of the occipital bone, con. necting the two parietals ; c, the lambdoidal suture, extending from tne sagittal suture down to the base of the brain on each side ; e, e t the scaly overlapping of the temporal upon the parietal bones ; hence called squamons suture. 18. The frontal bone is one of the most important in the skull. It has been compared to a clam-shell from its shape, and it forms the fore-head, part of the temples, and the roof of the orbits of the eyes. Like the other bones, it is com- posed of two plates, which often recede from each other, immediately over the nose to a considerable distance, leaving a space between them called the frontal sinuses. These cavities communicate with the nose, and are supposed to increase the intensity of the sound of the voice, and also to render it more melodious. The change of voice, observable in a person affected with a cold, is owing to a closure of the passage between the nose and cavity, preventing the access THE HUMAN SKELETON, 73 of the sound to this reverberating sinus. Snuff-taking, it has been supposed, injures the voice by obstructing this canal. A front view of the frontal bone ; *The brain is formed before the case which contains it, and it is not till after several years that the bones of the cranium become perfectly consolidated. In a child of ten years of age, afflicted with dropsy in the head from infancy, and which was exhibited a year or two since in this city as a great curiosity, although the head measured thirty-two inches in circumference above the ears, yet nearly the whole surface was protected by a bony covering. 25 The Spine. However admirably the skull may appear to be adapted to the objects for which it was obviously designed, the spine exhibits no less evidence of wisdom and skill in the divine Architect. In addition to the firmness which was required in the joinings of the bones of the cra- nium, a new principle is now introduced, viz. the attainment of mobility or pliancy. -The spinal column indeed serves three important purposes ; it is the great bond of union be- tween all the parts of the skeleton ; it forms a tube for the safe lodgment of the spinal marrow ; and lastly, it is a pillar to sustain the hear& 26. In order (o accomplish these various purposes, the back bone, so called, is composed of/twenty-four distinct bones, or \vertebra, from vertere, to turn, ns the body turns on them, which are /arranged into three classes, the cervical, dorsal, and lumbar, The first seven are the cervical, because they belong to the neck ; the next twelve are the dorsal, be- 76 PHYSIOLOGY. cause they belong to the back ; and the last five are the lumbar, because they are situated in the loins. The bones comprising these classes, differ somewhat from each other in shape ; a description of the dorsal pieces will prove sufficient for our purpose. A lateral view of the spine divided into its cervical, dorsal, and lura bar portions. 27. Each of these twelve bones consists of a body, four articulating processes, two transverse processes, and one spi- nous process. The body is formed of soft and spongy bone, which is circular before, flat towards the sides, hollowed out behind into a crescent shape for containing the spinal mar- row, and concave above and below for the accommodation of the intervertebral substance. On the side of the bone are THE HUMAN SKELETON. 77 situated the four articulating processes, each bone being con- nected with the two immediately adjoining it. Two of these processes are situated near its upper surface to articulate with corresponding processes belonging to the bone above, and two are placed near its under surface to join with those of the bone below. The two superior articulating processes of one vertebrae are thus connected with the two inferior articulating processes of another, and these points of union not only co-operate with the intervertebral cartilages in keeping these two vertebrae together, but permit a slight rotatory motion of the one upon the other* The spinous process projects directly backwards from the body of the ver- tebrae, and may be felt externally by passing the hand along the spine ; the two transverse stand out on either side, and have the ends of the ribs attached to them. A vertebra of the neck ; a, body of the bone ; 6, the spinal process ; c, d, the transverse processes double, showing circular holes for the passage of the vertebral artery ; e, e. the superior ; /, /, the articular, or oblique processes ; g, the spinal hole for the spinal marrow. The roots of the articular processes are hollowed out above and below into notches ; and these, when the bones are fitted together, form aper- tures on each side of the spine, through which the nerves pass out from the spinal canal. 7* 78 PHYSIOLOGY. A vertebra of the loins ; a, a, their bodies, larger and more spongy than those of the others ; b, b, 6, the superior ; c, c, c, the inferior ar- ticular processes, strong and deep, the superior concave ; the inferior convex ; d, d, d, the transverse processes, small and long, serving as levers for the attachment of muscles ; e, e, the spinous processes, strong, horizontal, and flattened at the sides; /, the spinal foramen. 28. The vertebrae, as I have stated, are not in contact, but separated by a considerable interval, which is filled by a peculiar gristly substance of a highly elastic nature, which is pressed out from betwixt the bones, and therefore permits them to approach, and play a little in the motions of the body. This compressible cushion of cartilage and ligament serves indeed the triple purpose of uniting the bones to each other, of diminishing and diffusing the shock in walking or leaping, and of admitting a greater extent of motion than if the bones were in more immediate contact. These separate vertebras are firmly bound to each other in such a way as to THE HUMAN SKELETON. 79 admit of flexion and extension, and a certain degree of rota- tion, while by their solidity and firm attachment to each other, great strength is secured. 29. We can now readily perceive how great the influence of these twenty-four joinings must be in giving elasticity to the whole column, and how much this must tend to the pro- tection of the brain. Indeed, were it not for the interposi- tion of this elastic material, every motion of the body would produce a jar to the delicate texture of the brain, and we should suffer almost as much in alighting on our feet, as in falling on our head. 30. But there is another very curious provision for the protection of the brain, and that is the curved form of the spine. By looking at the cut, you see that it is shaped like an italic f. Now, suppose it were straight, and stood per- pendicularly, it is evident that when we alighted on our feet it would recoil with a sudden jerk, like a straight steel spring pressed between the hands, from its extremities. In such a case, the weight bearing equally, the spine would neither yield to one side or the other, and consequently, there would be a resistance, from the pressure on all sides being balanced. |But shaped as it is, we find it constantly yielding in the direction of its curves ; the pressure is of necessity more on one side of the column than on the other, and its elasticity is immediately in operation without a jerk. It yields, recoils, and so forms the most perfect spring, admirably calculated to carry the head without jar or injury of any kind, 3 jl When we reflect that the spinal column is composed of so many separate parts, so nicely adapted to each other, and kept in place by such a complicated array of ligaments, tendons, and muscles, we might expect that injuries and dis- eases of the structure would be very frequent. But fortu- nately this is not the case, except where undue restraint and confinement are imposed ; and it is only within a few years 80 PHYSIOLOGY. since a t change has been introduced into the system of edu- cation for young ladies," that the spine disease, so called, has become a common affection. 32. Every one who has paid the least attention to physi- ology, is aware that a certain degree of exercise is as neces- sary to the growth and strength of the body, and of every part of it, as nourishment itself; and that if such exercise be withheld during the period of growth, the body never ac- quires its due form and proportions, and often is permanently crippled. How cruel it is, then, to repress that overflow of life and energy, which nature has given to young creatures, to prompt them to that exertion which is necessary to the full development of their physical powers ; and instead of allowing the young of both sexes to jump, and skip, and dance, and play, as nature dictates, to curb all propensity to such vulgar activity, for fear that they may not receive the praise of being well-bred. How preposterous, unnatural, and ruinous is the practice of confining delicate females for hours together every day to sedentary employment, the sure consequence of which will be, weakness of the body generally, and of the back in particular, especially if the seat be a stool which has no back, or even a narrow chair with a perpen- dicular back. 33. The effect of such a practice is, that in consequence of the fatigue induced by such a posture, the spine gives way in some part and bends, and in a little time the curvature becomes permanent. And often when a bend has taken place in one direction, there immediately follows an opposite bend above or below, to keep the centre of gravity of the body always directly over the base ; the curve accordingly thus becomes double, like an italic f, and the distortion is rendered complete. 34. The means employed to remedy this affection almost invariably make it worse. In the first place, strong, stiff stays are put on, to support the back, as it is said ; and so. they do, perhaps, while they are on ; but as they supersede THE HUMAN SKELETON. 6 81 the action of the muscles, placed there by nature as the sup. ports, they cause these to lose their strength | and when the stays are withdrawn, the muscles are found toolitttK%tij3* port the body. Other mechanical expedients maynowDe employed, the back may be forcibly stretched by pullies, or the patient may be kept all day and night lying on an inclin- ed plane. The victim of fashion may next, perhaps, be placed under the charge of a regular spine doctor, who, by means of pulleys, screws, paddings, stays, and close confine- ment, destroys what little chance there still remains of a cure. A decline now sets in, and the sufferer sinks into an early grave. 35. Dr. Arnott justly remarks, " it would be accounted madness to attempt to improve the strength and shape of a young race horse or grey hound, by binding tight splints or stays round its beautiful young body, and then tying it up in a stall ; but this is the kind of absurdity and cruelty which has been so commonly practised in this country to- wards what may well be called the most faultless of created beings." /This disease may always be prevented by suitable exercise, and the same remedy so applied, as directly to , strengthen the affected part, will hold out the best prospect of a cure. Boys never suffer from the spine disease, because steel and whalebone in them are never made to perform the office which God designed for the bones and muscles. 36. The Chest. The thorax, or chest extends above from the first bone of the neck, by which it is connected with the head, to the diaphragm below, by which it is divided from the abdomen. It is composed of bones, muscles, and car- tilages, so disposed as to sustain and protect the most vital parts, the heart and lungs, and to turn and twist with perfect facility in every motion of the body, and to be constantly in motion in the act of respiration, without the least cessation during a whole life. In front, the chest is bounded by the sternum, or breast-bone ; behind by the spinal column, or back-bone, and at the sides by the ribs. Below, the 82 PHYSIOLOGY. diaphragm forms a membranous partition between it and the cavity of the abdomen. It is conical in shape, with its apex above, where, indeed, it is so contracted, that there is barely room in the aperture to contain the tubes which go to the lungs and stomach, and for the larger blood-vessels that go and come from the heart. Thorax or chest ; a, the sternum ; b, 6, the spine ; c, c, the ribs, the cartilages being in front. 37. The ribs are 24 in number,- twelve on each side, of which/ the seven upper are united to the sternum by car- tilage, and are called true rib&Ahe cartilages of the other five are united with each other, and are not attached to the sternum ; these are called false ribsfc all of them are con- nected behind to the spinal column. The ribs increase in length as far as the seventh, by which the cavity of the chest is enlarged ; from the seventh, they successively dimin- ish in length, thus diminishing the cavity. The direction THE HUMAN SKELETON 83 of the ribs from above downwards is oblique, forming, as it were, a bundle of hoops playing on each other. 38. The curve of the ribs diminishes considerably from the first to the twelfth ; the sfecond, however, is usually more curved than the first. The inferior ribs are very flat ; the twelfth is sometimes straight. The external surface of each rib is convex, the internal concave. Each rib on its outer surface near the spine presents an oblique ridge, occasioned by the insertion of a muscle ; and at this point there is a curvature somewhat abrupt, called the angle of the rib. Fourth rib ; a, vertebral extremity, called the head, which is connect, ed with the bodies of the two contiguous dorsal vertebrae. At i, the bone is contracted, forming the neck ; c, is the tubercle at the back of the rib, which is articulated with the transverse process of the ver- tebrae ; d, the angle ; e, the sternal extremity ; /, a groove for the inter- costal vessels. This will serve for a general description of the ribs. Twelfth rib, nearly straight. r* 39. Sternum. -Between the forward ends of the ribs, directly in front of the chest, lies the sternum, or breast- bone.) fit is light and spongy, depending chiefly for its strength on the numerous ligaments which cover it. In tho child, it is divided into eight pieces by cartilaginous portions, 84 PHYSIOLOGY. which as life advances, are reduced to three ; and, in old age, are united into one. It terminates below in a sharp- pointed cartilage, which lies over the stomach, and may be felt externally. It is somewhat hollowed beneath at its upper end for the passage of the treachea or wind-pipe, which lies directly under it ; and on each side there are seven oval depressions for admitting the cartilaginous ex- tremities of the first seven ribs. 40. The sternum in this cut consists of two bones. The first is broad and thick above, and contracts as it descends. It is convex before and concave behind. At the upper angle a, the collar-bone is articulated ; b, the articular surface for the cartilage of the first rib ; 6, for second rib ; e, d, e, f, g, mark the articular surfaces of the 3d, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th ribs ; h, the ensiform cartilage, terminates the lower extrem- THE HUMAN SKELETON. 86 ity of the sternum. In old people, this cartilage is often changed into bone. 41. The manner in which the ribs are attached to the sternum by means of slips of elastic cartilage, is worthy of particular notice, fit is to this circumstance that it is owing, that the ribs are so seldom injured by blows and falls ; for if they were wholly bone from one extremity to the other, life would be endangered by any accidental fracture, and even the rubs and jolts to which we are continually exposed, would be too much for their delicate and brittle texture. When we lean forward or to one side, the ribs accommodate themselves not by a change of form in the bones, but by the bending of the cartilages. It is owing to this elasticity that the blows of boxers so seldom succeed in fracturing the ribs ; as they yield in proportion to the violence of the force in- flicted. But this is not the case in old age. Then the car- tilages of the ribs become bony, and the whole arch unyield- ing and inelastic ; so that blows which formerly would have caused little or no injury, are now attended with fracture of the rib. The influence of the elastic structure of the ribs, in the action of breathing, is highly interesting and import- ant, and will be fully explained when we come to treat of Respiration. < 42. (The next division of the trunk is called the pelvis or fom'n, 1 which{consists of a circle of large firm bones, situated between the lower portion of the trunk and the inferior extremities? They are the sacrum, the coccyx, the ilium, the ischium, and the pubis. The ilium forms the upper, the ischium the lower, while the pubis is situated at the fore part of the pelvis ; and each one of these bones contributes to form the large and deep socket, for the head of the thigh bone. {The pelvis not only affords lodgment for the organs contained within its cavity, but it also sustains the entire weight of the body, and furnishes sockets for the heads of the thigh bones to roll in, and a broad surface for numerous mus- cles to spring from, 8 PHYSIOLOGY. The pelvis. / 43. The last division of the body comprehends the upper and lower extremities), The upper consist of the shoulder, arm, fore-arm, and hand. (~The bones composing the shoulder are two, the clavicle, or collar bone, and the scapula, or the blade bonej |jThe clavicle, named from its resemblance to a key, resembles the italic s, and extends across the upper part of the chest, from the shoulder to the breast bone, and it serves not only to sustain the upper extremity and connect it with the chest, but also to prevent its falling forward upon the thorax, and to afford a fixed point for steadying the arm in the performance of its various actions. 44. f The scapula, or shoulder blade, is a large, flat, trian- gular bone placed upon the upper and back part of the chest, and extends from the second to the seventh ribs. It lies em- bedded in muscles, and has no connection with any other bone except the clavicle at a single point. It is separated from the thorax by a double layer of muscles, on which it is placed as on a cushion^ fit serves for the attachment of six- teen muscles which go o the ribs, the bone of the tongue, the arm, the head, and the spine. It thus serves not only as a support, but a fulcrum for every action of the superior extremity. THE HUMAN SKELETON. 87 Scapula, a, superior angle ; d, the glenoid cavity, or socket for the round head of the arm bone ; m, the aeromion process : w, the coracoid process, which serve to protect the joint ; /, the base ; g, the costa, or inferior border, and 7i, the superior border of the triangle ; Z, the spine ; o, the semi-lunar notch, for the passage of an artery, vein, and nerve. 45. As a general rule, in the joints, strength and security are sacrificed, in some degree, to obtain great freedom and latitude of motion. Accordingly, we find that the shoulder joint, which allows of more extensive motion than any other* is also more frequently dislocated. In the hinge joints, such as the knee and ankle, such an accident is comparatively rare. Where a bone is dislocated, a regularly educated sur- geon should, if possible, always be employed to reduce it, as there is great danger in trusting to a natural bone-setter, so called, who is entirely ignorant of the anatomy of the parts. 46. The os humeri, or arm bone, is of a cylindrical shape, and forms at the elbow a perfect hinge-joint with the two 88 PHYSIOLOGY. bones of the fore-arm, called radius and ulna.\ |This bone is susceptible of all kinds of motion, elevation, depression, ad- vancing, retreating, circumlocution, and rotation Its scap- ular extremity is lodged in a strong membraneous bag, called the capsular ligament, and when the arm is raised up, the bone slides downward in the glenoid cavity, and thus distends the lower part of the capsular ligament. In every motion of the arm, except in carrying it backwards, the scapular readily moves or follows it ; it is therefore during motions of the latter kind, that dislocations of the joint are most apt to occur. If, therefore, the scapula could always follow the motions of the arm, it would rarely be forced out of its socket, and then only by extreme violence. 47. In the fore-arm we find two kinds of motion, one at the elbow, backward and forward, and also a rotary motion, by which the palm is turned upward or downward, as occasion requires. These motions are called supination and pronation. Flexion and extension of the arm are performed by means of the ulna, which being articulated, with the os humeri, by a hinge joint, carries the radius along with it in all its move- ments. Now while the larger part of the ulna is above, the larger part of the radius is below, so that while the former presents a large surface for articulation at the elbow, the lat- ter does the same at the wrist, and this inverse arrangement also contributes to the uniform diameter of the fore-arm. While the fore-arm is thus attached to the os humeri, the radius is attached to the wrist ; so that when we turn the palm of the hand, the radius rolls on the ulna carrying the hand with it. Indeed so admirable is this contrivance, that both motions may be performed at the same time, for while we are bending the arm, we may also be rotating or turning it upon its axis. To facilitate these motions, it will be observed that near the elbow, a tubercle of the radius plays into a socket of the ulna, whilst near the wrist, the radius finds the socket, and the ulna the tubercle. THE HUMAN SKELETON. 89 g t the ulna ; a, the radius. 48. It has been remarked that the ulna has a hooked pro- cess, the olecranon, e, which catches round the lower end of the humerus; forming with it a hinge joint. The radius also, has a neat, small, round head, &, bound to the ulna by ligaments, which, as it turns, carries the hand, which is attached to its lower extremity along with it. Now in animals that have solid hoofs, such a motion would be useless and a source of weakness, according!/ we find these bones united together and consolidated in such animals. By an examination of these bones alone^the anatomist is able to determine whether the animal to which they belonged, perhaps thousands of years ago, was carniverous or graminiverous, that is, whether he was an animal or a vegetable feeder ; whether he had claws or hoofs. If he finds merely the end of the radius, and notices in it a smooth depression where it bears against the humerus, and the smooth surface that turns on the cavity of the ulna, he concludes at once, that the animal had a paw, and a motion of the wrist which implies claws. It was in this way that Cuvier and Buckland made those singular and interesting discoveries in relation to antediluvian fossil bones, which have given such importance to geological researches. 49. But let us examine this point a little further. If the 8* 90 PHYSIOLOGY. examination of a single bone, or even the end of a bone, like that of the radius, shows that the animal to which it belonged was carniverous, like the tiger, lion or leopard, it also shows the form of all the other bones ; not only that the animal had teeth to rend his prey, and claws to hold it, but a spinal col- umn to admit of such motion, such writhing and turning as is necessary to secure it, and such a stomach and intestines as are adapted to digest it, in short, such as belong to the carniverous class. How beautiful is that process of reason- ing, and how interesting that science which enables us from a small portion of a skeleton, to determine the existence of a carniverous animal, of a fowl, or a bat, a lizard, or a fish ; which teach us the wisdom and the extent of that plan, which adapts the members of every creature to its proper office ; which exhibits a system extending through the whole range of animated beings, whose motions are conducted by the ope- ration of muscles and bones. 50. Twenty-nine bones enter into the composition of the human hand, of which eight constitute the wrist. The meta- carpal bones support the fingers, and are four in number, the thumb being directly articulated with the wrist. From this arrangement there results great strength, mobility, and elas- ticity. Indeed, it may be said, that on'the length, strength, free lateral motion, and perfect mobility of the thumb, de- pends the power of the human hand. In strength it is said to be equal to that of all the fingers, hence it is called pollex, from " pollere" to have much strength. If we examine the thumb of the monkey, we find that it extends no farther than to the root of the fingers, p^he fingers would be compara- tively of little use, were it not for the fleshy bed of the thumb. | THE HUMAN SKELETON. 91 Bones of the hand. 51. (The bones of the lower extremity consist of the thigh, leg and foot.! The thigh bone (os femora,) is the longest bone of the human skeleton, and is remarkable for its great strength, supporting, as it does, the whole body, and often several hundred pounds in addition. ^ The hip joint is a perfect specimen of the ball and socket joint. This is for the pur- pose of giving great extent and variety of motion to the legs, as in walking. The end of the hip bone is perfectly round like a ball, and covered with a smooth, shining cartilage ; and this is received into a deep cup, also lined with cartilage and moistened with the synovial fluid. Besides all this, there are strong ligaments all around, binding the bone firmly in its place, so that it is a very rare thing for it to be dislocated 1 . 52.^ The knee is a hinge joint of singular construction. The rubbing parts are flat and shallow, and therefore would easily get out of place, were it not for the very strong liga. ments which surround it. When the ligaments on the inside of the joint are too weak, a person is said to be knock-kneed, because the knees knock together. In weakly children, this deformity may frequently be cured by exercise. It can also be shown that, owing to the air being completely shut out of the joint, forming what is called a vacuum, the bones of the knee are held together by a constant pressure of the atmos- phere equal to sixty or seventy pounds. On the fore-part of 92 PHYSIOLOGY. the knee, is a movable bone of a flat, round shape, called pa- tella, or knee-pan, over which a cord or tendon passes, which is made by a contraction of all the muscles on the fore part of the thigh. This serves as a pulley, and enables the mus- cles to act to greater advantage, by increasing the distance of the rope from the centre of motion. 53. \ The leg below the knee, is composed of two bones, tibia and fibula, of a three-cornered or angular shape, like those of the fore-arm ; and the design no doubt is, to form a pillar of greater strength than one bone would make ; and also to furnish a greater surface for the origin and attachment of the numerous muscles required for the feet. ;f The ankle, like the wrist, the elbow, and the knee, is a perfect hinge of great strength. In front of it there is a narrow strap, or ligament, which binds down the cords which go to move the toes. There is a small groove just within the inner ankle, for the passage of a tendon, exactly like a little pulley) The heel is a lever for those strong mus- cles to act by, which form the calf of the leg. It is the ac- tion of these muscles, pulling on the heel, that lifts the body, in walking, dancing, standing on the toes, dec. In the negro, the heel is longer than in any other race of mankind. 54. The bones of the foot are divided into the tarsus, which is composed of seven bones, reaching from the heel to the middle of the foot.) The metatarsus consists of five long bones, parallel to each other, which extend from the tarsus to the roots of the toes. The bones of the toes are called phalanges, from being in the form of a phalanx. There are in all thirty-six bones in the foot, and as each bone forms a joint, and as each joint not only permits motion, but bestows elasticity, the obvious design of this number is to render the foot elastic, and thus save the body from shocks... It should be recollected that each bone is tipped with cartilage, that the fibres composing cartilage are disposed longitudinally or perpendicularly to the surface of the bone and the pressure made upon it ; thus acting like THE HUMAN SKELETON. 93 an infinite number of springs of the most delicate structure. Besides this, the foot is a double arch ; [it is arched from the toes to the heel, and from side to side, and the bones are so wedged together, and bound to each other by ligaments, that solidity is combined with elasticity and lightness.^ 55. In reviewing the human skeleton, we cannot but re- mark the nice adaptation of all the parts to each other, and to the shares which they have respectively to bear ; how the objects of strength and lightness are combined, and how the nature and strength of material in different parts are so admirably adapted to the purposes which the parts are designed to serve. No one can contemplate the marks of wisdom and design displayed in the osseous fabric, without being led insensibly to acknowledge the hand of an all-wise and benevolent Master Builder. 94 PHYSIOLOGY. Questions. Of how many bones does the human skeleton consist ? How are they divided ? What is a natural skeleton ? What an arti- ficial ? What uses does the skeleton serve ? What bones are said to be symmetrical ? How many bones are there in the head ? -in the trunk I : in the upper extremities ?r-r-m the lower ? How does the skeleton compare with works of human art ? How is the brain pro- tected from injuries ? How many plates do the bones of the skull contain ? What changes does age produce in the bones of the skull ? What are the sutures ? what their use ? To what does Sir Charles Bell compare the skull ? How does it resemble a dome ? What are the principal sutures ? Describe the frontal bone. What is said of the national peculiarities in the shape of the head ? What shaped heads had the ancient Egyptians ? Does the texture of skulls vary ? What changes occur in the thickness and weight of the bones of the skull ? What is said of the cavity of the cranium ? What is formed first, the brain or the skull ? What uses does the spine serve ? Of how many bones does it consist 1 What are they called ? How divided ? Describe a vertebra. What sort of substance is placed between the vertebrae ? its use ? Why is the spine curved like an /? What is the spine disease? its causes? its cure ? f What effect have mechanical remedies ? Do boys ever have it? Describe the thorax. How many ribs are there? What are true ribs ? What false ? Which are the largest ? Where is the sternum situated ? Describe it. What is the use of the cartilages between the sternum and ribs ? What is the next division of the trunk ? What is the pelvis ? Of how many bones composed ? What its use ? The last division ? Where is the clavicle ? its use ? DCS- cribe the scapula, its use ? Is great freedom of motion compatible with great strength in a joint? Describe the os humeri. Of how many kinds of motion susceptible ? Describe the fore arm ? the radius ? the ulna. What is the contrivance for rotating the arm ? What is the olecranon 1 its use ? In graminivorous animals, how are these bones constructed ? How can the anatomist tell to what kind of animal any bone belongs? How many bones are there in the hand??- how many in the wrist ? ^ What is said of the thumb ? Of the fingers ? What are the bones of the lower extremity? Describe the hip joint ? the knee. Does the pressure of the atmosphere affect the joints?' Describe the leg below the knee? the ankle. How are the bones of the foot divided? How many bones in the tarsus? the metatarsus ? the phalanges lj the foot ? What is the use of so many bones ? What is the use of the arched form of the foot ? CHAPTER VII. - - PROPERTIES OF ANIMAL BODIES. 1. There are various properties which distinguish living from dead animal matter. jBoth, in common, possess certain 'physical properties, such as weight, extensibility, flexibility, &c. ; but" Jiving matter has certain physiological or vital properties peculiar to it.| It is these which bring it under the influence of external agents. 2. ^A.11 the phenomena of life are the effect of impressions made upon the various organs of the body, by external or internal agents^ and each organ has its own proper sti- mulus. Thus the eye is stimulated by light ; the ear by sound, the nose by odours, the organs of taste by condi- ments, &c. 3. (The chick in its shell is developed by the influence of heat J the seed germinates under the combined effect of warmth and moisture ; and so the growth of the human body requires the application of the appropriate stimulants, such as food, drink, air, exercise, &c. 4. Every tissue and organ has its own mode of activity. For example, the lungs react under the influence of the air ; the heart under that of the blood ; the muscles under that of the will ; the stomach under that of food, &c. Every gland, though supplied by the same blood, is excited to secrete or form that particular fluid for which it was so designed ; and why the liver does not secrete urine and the kidneys bile, it were useless to inquire. 5. This property of living matter has three principal modifications in the solids and fluids, which have been called {sensitive, motive, and alterative.] fey the sensitive powers, are meant sensibility and its modifications^ (he motive are con- tractility and expansibility '$ jthe alterative are those which 96 PHYSIOLOGY. preside over the formation and nutrition of the different organs and tissues of the bod)| 6. [Sensibility belongs exclusively to animals provided with a nervous system) It enables us to receive impressions from external objects, or from changes going on in our own bodies ; and to the accuracy of this power, we owe our ability to guard ourselves against the influence of noxious agents. 7. .' Sensibility may be divided into two kinds, general and special^ By general sensibility is meant, that universal sense, of which we are conscious over the whole body, in the mouth, &c. The same also exists in the interior of the body, and conveys to the mind a knowledge of the wants of the system ; and when disease attacks any part, it immedi- ately apprizes us of the danger, in order that we may take early measures to remove itj (By special sensibility, we mean that property which renders the eye sensible to light, the ear to sound, &c. Every organ has its own special sensibility 8. (The brain is the common centre of sensibility, both general and special) No impression can be felt on any part or organ, unless it has a connection with the brain. If the nerves going from that organ are divided, or if their function is lost from palsy or any cause whatever, there can be no sensation perceived, as none is excited. 9. j|By perception is meant, the faculty which the brain has of perceiving or taking notice of these impressions}! Perception and thought then, are owing to the property of matter, called sensibility. Without it, we would be like stocks or stones, alike unconscious of pleasure or of pain. 10. According to some physiologists, there, is another kind of sensibility, which is termed organic. This resides in the several internal organs, where it is called into exer- cise, and does not require the action of the brain.) It de- pends for nervous influence upon the great sympathetic nerve. That such a kind of sensibility exists is very probable, but PROPERTIES OP ANIMAL BODIES. 97 we have no proof of its existence in our own feelings and consciousness, as we have of the other kinds of sensibility. 11. p5y organic sensibility, we mean that the stomach is sensible to food, the heart to the blood, ice. ; and that this feeling is confined to the organ and not transmitted to the brain. It presides over the process of digestion, circulation, secretion, absorption, and nutrition. 12. Although the internal organs of the body are not sensible to the presence of the fluids or solids with which they are usually in contact, yet if foreign bodies are brought in contact with them, or substances calculated to injure them, we are immediately made sensible of it. Thus let a person drink a quantity of brandy, or spirits, to which he is not accustomed, and he will at once feel a sensation of heat in the region of the stomach, altogether unnatural to that organ. This proves that ardent spirits are not designed for the drink of man, and are therefore hurtful. 13. Certain parts of the body, which, in a healthy state, are nearly insensible ; yet, by disease,{become the seats of acute pain) This is particularly the case with the bones, cartilages, and ligaments parts usually wholly destitute of feeling. 14. ^Contractility, or the property of contracting, is the chief motive power of the system^ It exists in various degrees, in different kinds of animal matter. {That element which pos- sesses it in the greatest degree is Jibrin p and those tissues which have the most fibrin, have the greatest degree of con- tractility. The same is true of muscles, for the heart, which is in constant motion, is almost pure fibrin. 15. It is supposed that the coagulation of the blood is owing to this contractile power of fibrin. In the living vessels, the blood is kept fluid by the vital influence of the walls of the vessels themselves ; but as soon as it is with- drawn from this influence, the particles of fibrin immediately rush together and form a solid mass. 16. Those tissues which contain but little fibrin and are 9 98 PHYSIOLOGY. made up mostly of gelatine, as the membranes, cartilages, skin, vessels, &c., have but a slight degree of contractility ; that they possess it, in some measure, is evident from the contraction of blood-vessels by the application of stimulants. 17. There are two modifications of contractility); one of which depends for its exercise on the brain, and the other does not. For example, if we wish to bend the arm, we have but to transmit to the muscles of the arm, through the nerves with which it is supplied from the brain, a volition, or act of the will, to that effect, and the arm bends. Here we per- ceive that the influence of the brain is necessary to contrac- tility or motion. 18. {When certain muscles are deprived of this power of contracting, they are said to be paralyzed, or the limb is called paralytic.} (When they have it in excess, they are in a state of spasm, or convulsion^ We see such a state often brought on by excessive drinking. There is no cure for this but by entirely breaking off the habit. 19. The other kind of contractility belongs to every part of the body. It does not depend for its existence on the brain, nor is it at all under the influence of the will, or accompanied with consciousness. Thus the heart and the stomach contract constantly under the application of their proper stimuli, but the brain is not conscious of it ; their action is entirely beyond its jurisdiction. This form of con- tractility has been called insensible. 20. It is owing to the insensible, organic contractility, that the blood circulates in the capulary vessels ; the lymph and the chyle in the absorbents and lacteals, and all the secreted fluids through the vessels that prepare them. In all animals destitute of a heart, the fluids can only be moved by this insensible contractile power. A similar force is supposed to exist in the vessels of plants. 21. These two kinds of contractility, viz., the sensible and insensible, have been compared to the hour and minute hands on the dial of a clock, which are both moved by the PROPERTIES OF ANIMAL BODIES. 99 same power ; yet the motion of one is insensible to the eye, while that of the other is distinctly visible. 22. {By means of the alterative powers, all the changes which take place in the composition of the solids and fluids of the body are effected. By these, the food is changed into chyme, and then into chyle ; chyle into blood, and blood into bone, muscle, cartilage, &c. By these, animal heat is pre- served uniform ; and the solids preserve their cohesion, and the fluids their fluidity} In short, it is these powers that for a time successfully resist the agency of chemical laws. 23. Some physiologists attempt to account for every thing that takes place in the body, on chemical or mechanical principles. But the vital laws, or organic forces, form com- pounds which could never be produced by chemical affinity. In fact, they are antagonistic forces, fighting against each other. The chemist can decompose blood, bile, saliva, al- bumen, gelatine, and fibrin, but he can not re-form one of them. He can no more make a piece of bone, than he can make a diamond. 24. The physical properties of the animal tissues are usually reckoned as five in number, viz.^elasticity, extensibil- ity, flexibility, imbibition, and evaporation.} 25. f Elasticity is one of the physical properties of animal matter. It is that power which tends to restore parts that have been stretched OF extended to their former state. It is possessed in the greatest degree by the cellular tissue, which enters largely into the composition of all the structures in the body. All the organs and membranes of the body are in a constant state of extension. All the hollow organs, as the stomach, gall-bladder, and blood-vessels are kept distend- ed by the volume of their contents. The extensor and flexor muscles, when in a state of inaction, are in a state of extension. If such were not the case, all the organs would contract and shrink to a comparatively small size) 26. (When the stomach is empty, its sides contract till jy almost touch each other. When a muscle is cut, the 100 PHYSIOLOGY. wound gapes open, owing to the two parts receding. The cartilages of the ribs are highly elastic, and this facilitates much the function of respiration. The same is true of the substance of the lungs themselves. The cartilages between the bones and the spine are highly elastic. The loss of this elasticity makes a difference of an inch or more between the height of a man in the morning and at evening. It is not unusual for a very tall person to lose an inch in height by dancing all the evening. x During sleep, the force of elasticity restores these cartilages to their usual dimen- sions. 27. The elasticity *of the arteries contributes much to the circulation of the blood. The blood as it is forced into these vessels, is constantly reacted upon, by their elastic coats, and in this way driven along towards their termination in the capillary vessels. The same power assists in circulating the lymph and chyle in the vessels which contain them. It is the last function that ^ceases to act, and it is not wholly destroyed even at death./ 28 ^Flexibility and extensibility are properties existing in various degrees in different parts of the body. The liga- ments, or little bands, which tie together the bones, are more flexible than any other part. By observing the astonishing feats of the rope-dancer, we see how flexible these parts are. The tendons which connect muscles with the bones they move, are capable of little, if any extension. If they stretch- ed, when the muscles to which they belong contract, the (imbs would not move, and the moving force would thus be lostj 29. Imbibition, is another power possessed by living animal bodies. ^.It means the act of drinking in, or taking up fluids, which may be in contact with any part.? For example, if a certain fluid be placed in contact with an animal tissue, it. will penetrate into the latter, as water would into a sponge, and this property is possessed by all the soft tissues to a greater or less extent. All the serous membranes absorb PROPERTIES OF ANIMAL BODIES. 101 with great facility. The epidermis or cuticle of the skin permits fluids to pass with difficulty. That water is taken up in considerable quantity, however, is proved by the fact, which has often been proved by experiment, that a man in- creases in weight by remaining for a considerable time in a warm bath. 30. The following experiments prove the nature of this process. |lf we fill the intestine of a chicken with milk, and place it in water, we shall see the milk pass through its coats into the water, and the water will pass through in an opposite direction to supply its place. In the same manner, if a bladder be filled with hydrogen gas, and suspended in the air, in a short time it will be found to be mixed with atmospheric air, which has passed through its coats. The result of all the experiments on this subject seems to show, that when any cavity containing a fluid is immersed in another fluid less dense than the former, there is a tendency in tfye membrane to expel the denser, and absorb the thinner 31. Many of the animal tissues are indebted for their physical properties to the water they imbibe. If they are deprived of this water, they are unable to perform their proper office and function, until they are again supplied with it. Hence one important reason why the system craves water, and why the want of it produces such distressing effects. 32. (By the functions of man, we understand the opera- tion of the various organs^ in other words, his vital actions. fyife is made up of a constant series of these actions, from the period of birth to the moment of dissolution. Physiol- ogists have attempted to define life ; but the best definition we can give is, that^t is an assemblage of actions^ Indeed, the essential nature of life is an impenetrable mystery, and not a proper subject for philosophical inquiry. As the fluids are as mucK endowed with life as the solids, it cannot be said that life is the "effect of organization ;" besides, a 9* 102 PHYSIOLOGY. dead man has the same organization as when alive. It is, therefore, far better to confess our ignorance, and say with John Hunter, " life is a property we do not under- stand." 33. All the actions or functions of the body are mutually dependent on each other. They constitute a circle, with- out beginning or end. The motion of the blood depends on the action of the heart and arteries ; the action of the heart and arteries depends on the presence of blood. The heart cannot act without the action of the lungs ; the lungs can- not act without the action of the heart. Neither lungs nor heart can act without the influence of the brain ; the brain would have no influence, were it not for the action of the lungs and heart. 34.^ Thus the steam of a steam-engine works a bellows which blows a fire that produces the steam J It would be as difficult in this case, as in that of the animal functions to say, which of these might be easiest dispensed with. If we spare the bellows, the fire will not burn ; if we spare the fire, the steam will not be raised ; if we spare the steam, the bel- lows will not be worked ; so that if we spare either fire, bel- lows, or steam, the machinery must stop* So it is in the human body. 35. The functions which fall within the scope of this work to notice, may be divided into three classes ; l( vital ; 2, nutritive ; and 3, sensorial. ) {The vital functions are those which are every moment essential to preserve lifejfc They also may be considered as three in number, viz : innerva- tion, circulation, and respiration ; or the functions of the nervous system, those of the heart, and those of the lungs. 36. fThe nutritive functions preside over the growth and nutrition of the body* By their influence, the food is as- similated, and becomes a part of our structures ; while all the waste materials and worn-out elements are expelled from the system. It thus embraces four functions ; digestion, absorption, nutrition, and secretion. PROPERTIES OF ANIMAL BODIES. 103 37. fThe sensorial functions are sometimes called the functions of relation, because it is through them that we hold communication with the external world. They com- prise the sensations, intellectual operations, and voluntary motions^ (It is the sensorial functions that raise man above all other animals| In proportion as they are more or less perfect, organized beings ascend or descend in the scale of existence. In the lower animals, they are limit- ed to the circle of physical wants ; but in man, they con- fer moral and intellectual faculties, which are his noblest attributes. 38. These functions have the brain as their common centre. They can be improved to an almost indefinite degree by education and habit. We see this in the perfec- tion which some of the senses acquire when others are lost ; in the gigantic intellect of a Newton or a Locke, whose mental efforts at first were probably as weak as those of other men. In all such cases, individuals acquire superi- ority chiefly by education and constant practice. Questions. How is living animal matter distinguished from dead ? What properties are possessed in common ? What are th<3 phenomena of life owing to ? What developes the chick ? What properties does living matter possess ? What is understood by the sensitive powers ? the motive ? the alterative ? What characterizes animals provided with a nervous system ? How many kinds of sensibility are there ? What is meant by general sensibility ? by special ? What is tho common centre of sensibility ? What is perception ? What is organic sensibility ? Are the internal organs sensible to the presence of their contents ? How are such parts affected by disease ? What is con- tractility ? What element possesses it in a great degree ? How many kinds of contractility are there ? When is a limb said to be paralytic ? When in spasm ? What are the alterative powers ? What their use ? Is the body under the influence of chemical laws f-" What are the physical properties of the animal tissues ? What office does elasticity perform ? Describe its operation in cartilages, arteries, &c. What are the uses of flexibility and extensibility in the animal body ? What is imbibition ? Do the serous membranes absorb ? What experiment* 104 PHYSIOLOGY. prove imbibition ? What are understood by the functions of man ? What is life? Are the fluids alive as well as the solids J" Are the functions of the body dependent on each other ?-' illustrate this de- pendence ? How are the functions divided ? What are vital func- tions ? nutritive ? sensorial ? What raises man above all other ani- mals? CHAPTER VIII. BELATION OF ANIMAL BODIES TO HEAT, LIGHT, AND ELECTRICITY. 1. The relations which animal bodies have to heat, light, and electricity, are highly interesting, and worthy of particu- lar notice. vTo a certain extent, all animal bodies have the power of regulating their own temperature! Many of them develope electricity ; and some of them, like the lightning- bug, and other insects, can produce light. These are singu- lar properties of living animal matter. 2. SThe heat of animal bodies is produced within them- selves.; It is not received from without, nor can it be ; as the natural temperature of the body is near 100 degrees ; even when the temperature of the surrounding air is below zero. How this is produced we shall inquire when we come to treat especially of animal heat. 3. Plants have a lower temperature than animals, and the higher animals are in the scale of organized beings, so much the more animal heat do they produce. Thus the tempera- ture of what are called the cold-blooded animals, such as fishes, 6s not much above that of the water in which they live ; and Although they do not often freeze to death in the winter, yet they become so torpid as to be incapable of mo- tion. 4. It is a favourite sport in New England in the winter season, to hunt, -on skates, for the pickerel, and other fish, which abound in the lakes and ponds ; and when found to take them, by cutting through the ice with a hatchet ; and to spear them by torchlight at night. Now had they the faculty of producing animal heat, like quadrupeds, or birds, or man, they would not be ^rendered torpid and incapable of >tion by cold. 106 PHYSIOLOGY. 5. Living animal bodies have not only the faculty of pro- ducing heat, but they can also resist heat of a much higher temperature than their own bodies. The heat of the body is kept at its usual standard of 98 degreesjby the exhalent vessels of the skin, which absorb by means of the perspira- tion tho excess of caloric, and fly off with it in a state of vapour^ 6. In very hot weather, those functions of the body, such as digestion, nutrition, and secretion, on which tho produc- tion of animal heat depends, are weakened by the excessive heat, so that in fact less caloric is produced in the system than in cold wcathcrX This is a wise provision of Providence, that when much internal heat is wanted to guard against the cold, it is produced ; when less is needed, on account of the warmth, the system generates less. 7. Animal bodies are also capable of developing electricity ; as most of the bodies which surround us are conductors of the electric fluid, it generally passes off as fast as it is formed. Sparks of fire, however, are often seen in winter, on taking off in the dark, silk dresses or stockings, or flannel drawers. Some physiologists maintain that the nervous power is nothing but the electric fluid ; but though this may not be admitted, there is a very close analogy between them. 8. It has also been found that needles plunged into the mid- dle of a nerve, become magnetic, and are capable of att r;i i- 1 i n ; light substances, such as pieces of paper ; and a physiologist by the name of Weinhold says, that he has seen sparks obtained by bringing tho divided ends of a nerve together. Muller mentions in his late work on Physiology, that cffi- cient galvanic piles can be constructed from organic sub- stances, without any concurrence of metals. Concentrated solutions of organic substances were spread upon thin paper, and with disks of this, paper piles constructed, the t\\o l;nvrs of different substances being separated by two thicknesses of paper ; electricity was developed by these piles, and tested by an electrometer. It would seem from these experiments, RELATION OF ANIMAL BODIES TO HEAT, &C. 107 that the nervous system is capable of developing electricity, under the influence of vitality. 9. Certain fishes, such as the torpedo, the electrical eel, and live or six other species, are provided with special organs for the production of electricity^ Tin the torpedo they consist of a large number of prisms, of from three to six sides, stand- ing close together, near the gills of the fish, and perpendicu- lar to the surface. They are composed of membranous tubes, divided into numerous transverse cells, abundantly supplied with blood vessels and nerves. These vessels arc filled with a fluid of an albuminous nature. These organs are connected with the brain by three large nerves on each side,) 10. In the gymnotus the electrical apparatus may be com- pared to a battery of galvanic troughs. Two of these are found on each side of the spine, separated from each other by a long ligament, and extending the whole length of the fish. They arc composed of horizontal membranous plates, sepa- rated from one another by a small interval, and crossed in a perpendicular direction by membranous partitions, so as to form a great number of cells, which arc filled with a gelati- nous fluid. These organs receive numerous branches and nerves from the spinal marrow. 11. The resemblance of these organs to the galvanic pile is very striking. The latter consists of alternate plates of copper and zinc with a fluid between them. Thus we have in these fishes alternate layers of membranous partitions and albuminous fluid. But is is worthy of particular notice that these organs lose their electric powers if tho nerves which supply them arc divided. There can bo no doubt then, that the electric shock which they give is a vital act, depending on a nervous influence, and under the control of the animal's will. VJ. Tho sensation produced by the shock of an electrical fish, is also similar to that of common electricity. It is pow- erful enough to kill small fishes, and is the animal's weapon 108 PHYSIOLOGY. of defence. Sparks also have been seen to attend the dis- charges ; and the shock has been communicated through a chain consisting of several persons with their hands joined. 13. Common electricity, and that produced by the organs of electric animals, are generally believed to be different, but it has lately been discovered by Dr. Davy, that the electric organs of the torpedo affect the galvanometer, render needles magnetic, and decompose waters 14. Many animals as well as plants are endowed with phosphorescent properties. Every person almost, has seen rotten wood, or dead fish, shine in the dark ; such are phos- phorescent. ,This phenomenon is probably owing to the fact, that during the decomposition of animal or vegetable matter there is formed a highly inflammable compound of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, which like phosphorous, burns at the ordinary temperature of the air, with an evolution of light. 15. But several living animals exhibit luminous appear- ances. Many of the lower order of animals that inhabit the sea, and some fishes, are phosphorescent.i It is this that causes the luminous appearance of the ocean in warm cli- mates. If a vessel be filled with sea*. water containing these animalcula they immediately become phosphorescent, on shaking the vessel. 16. It is not uncommon to find insects which have the faculty of phosphorescence in a high degree. It is supposed to reside in a peculiar albuminous principle, secreted by the animal, and that it requires for its manifestation atmospheric air and a certain degree of heat. It is evidently under the control of the animal's will, and probably , depends on the nervous action. Some say, however, that it is a peculiar animal matter secreted at will, which, combining with the oxygen of the air gives rise to the disengagement of light. Questions. Have bodies the faculty of regulating their own temper- RELATION OF ANIMAL BODIES TO HEAT, &C. 109 ature ? ~* *What is said of animal heat ? What is the temperature of cold blooded animals ? What preserves the heat of the body uniform ? Is as much heat produced in the body in hot as in cold weather ? Do animal bodies develope electricity. Can galvanic piles be made of ani- mal substances alone fr -What kind of fish are electrical ? Describe the electrical apparatus of the torpedo. What is a galvanic pile ? What effects have the electrical discharges of the torpedo, &c. ? In what respects like common electricity ? What is said of the phosphorescent properties of animals ? What animals have this property ? What does it depend on 1 10 CHAPTER IX. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. The Brain, Spinal Marrow, and Nerves, 1. THERE is no subject, which falls within the range of physiological enquiry, more interesting or more important, than that of the nervous system, tt is this which furnishes the material instrument of thought, the means by which we become acquainted with the external world around us, and also the channels by which the will sends forth its commands to the instruments it employs in their execution.) Besides this, it presides over and regulates the functions of the ani- mal economy, and binds the various organs into one sympa- thizing, harmonious whole. 2. The nervous system may be considered as embracing, 1st. the brain ; 2d. the medulla oblongata ; 3d. the spinal marrow ; 4th. the nerves ; 5th. th ganglia. These are all embraced under two general departments, the first consisting of the brain and its dependencies ; and the second, of the ganglia and their nervous connections pi the first appertain- ing particularly to animal life, conveying impressions calcu- lated to produce sensations, and sending out volitions to its servants, the organs destined to receive them ; while the second supply those organs not under the influence of the will, viz. of digestion, circulation, respiration, and the secre- tions. 3. (These two grand divisions of the nervous system, may be still further distinguished by the circumstance, that the first, or cerebral department, is exactly symmetrical! The nerves all go out in pairs from each side of fhe brain and spinal cord, while the ganglionic system of nerves is dis- tributed irregularly to all the internal organs. The nerves THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. Ill of the first kind, are either nerves of sensation or of motion. These nerves, as discovered by Sir Charles Bell, are entirely distinct, the one rarely, if ever, performing the function of the other. Although these nerves are endowed with different properties, the common function of both is, to give us correct intelligence of the relative condition of our existence. When these functions are interrupted, as in apoplexy, or concussion of the brain, [the individual is deprived of all feel- ing and sensibility, hence they are called the nervous depart- ment of external or animal life.) The nervous filaments which furnish the power of mptionJfarise from the anterior column of the spinal marrowj ^diile those in which sensation resides, are connected with the posterior column.) 44 The brain fills the~cavity of the cranium or skull, and in an adult weighs between three and four pounds. Its greatest length is about six inches, and its breadth five inches, though its dimensions vary greatly in different per- sons. In infancy its texture is soft, but it grows harder in proportion to the age.^|rThe brain is chiefly composed of two distinct parts, the cerebrum, or brain proper ; and the cerebellum, or the little brain. These again are divided, each into two distinct lobes^ The medulla oblongata is the commencement of the spinal marrow. 5. fThe brain is surrounded by three membranes ; the two inner ones thin and delicate ; the outer one thick and firm, and called dura mater} It is a perpendicular fold of the dura mater, and divides the brain into two hemispheres. It ad- heres loosely to the bones of the skull ; the internal perios- teum of which it forms. 6. The other two thin membranes are called arachnoid and pia mater, ffhe first is a serous membrane, as the dura mater isnjibrous membrane ; and forms a completely closed sac or bag. This membrane, which derives its name from its resemblance to a spider's web, spreads over the whole surface of the brain, without dipping into any of its furrows or con- . 112 PHYSIOLOGY. volutions, and also forms a sheath for all nerves or blood- vessels that pass out of, or into the brain. 1 a. The scalp, turned down. b. The cut edge of the bones of the skull. e. The external strong membrane of the brain, (dura mater) ui pended by a hook. d. The left hemisphere of the brain, showing its convolutions. e. The superior edge of the right hemisphere. /. The fissure between the two hemispheres. 7., The pia mater is a loose cellular membrane, composed chiefly of blood vessels, which dips into all the fissures, and wraps round all the convolutions of the brain. The chief use of these membranes seems to be to support the different parts of the brain in their respective places, so that they may not be injured by sudden shocks and jars, or by compression ; THE NERVOUS SYSTEM.^ 113 to moisten the brain ; and furnish a medium o-transmitting blood vessels and absorbents^ 8. |The outside surface of the brain is cut up, or inter- sected by deep winding fissures, forming numerous irregular eminences called convolutions. These fissures are generally about an inch deep.) The brain on the outer surface, is to a considerable depth of a grey or ash colour ; (hence it is called me cineritious or ashy portion, and sometimes cortical, from its position, like the bark surrounding a tree. The internal portion is white, and is therefore called the medullary part of the brain| 9. (The cortical part of the brain which is found on the exterior surface, is on an average about one-sixth of an inch in depth, and dips down every where between the convolu- tions.v Besides its being of a greyish colour, it is of a firmer consistence than the medullary matter. It is full of vessels, and from this circumstance has been supposed to nourish the medullary part. 10. *There are four cavities in the substance of the brain, termed ventricle^ Of these the two lateral ventricles are the largest. During life a serous exhalation is constantly going on into their interior, and in health this fluid is absorbed or taken up, as fast as it is secreted. In dropsy of the brain, the water sometimes accumulates in these cavities in im- mense quantities. Not long since, a child, about ten years of age, was exhibited in this city, whose head measured two feet and seven inches in circumference, just above the ears. The head was so heavy he could not raise it from the pil- low. This was owing to water in the ventricles. The med- ullary or white matter of the brain occupies the interior part of that organ. It makes up by far the largest portion, and is fibrous in its structure. 11. rThe cerebellum or little brain, is situated at the base and back part of the skull, and in weight it is only about one- eighth or ninth part of that of the cerebrum. Like the large brain, it is divided into two lateral halves. It is made up of 10* 114 PHYSIOLOGY. several little lobes, and if the two hemispheres be divided by a knife, a beautiful appearance is presented, resembling the trunk and branches of a tree ; composed of the white and grey matter of the brain. Trom its shape it has been called arbor vita, or tree of life. | 12.V The Spinal marrow is a round cord of nervous matter which passes down through the spine to the loins. It is di- vided into two equal lateral parts, by a deep fissure or groove, which runs through its whole length both on its front and back surface./ Some say that it consists of four distinct columns ; others that it is made up of six white strands, two before, two behind, and two on the sides ; proceeding from the cerebrum, the restiform bodies, and the cerebellum. 13. (There are forty-three pair of nerves, making 86 in all, proceeding from the brain and spinal marrowy These nerves run to every part of the system, conveying, as already stated, all sensations and impressions to the brain, and also volition from the brain, to all the voluntary muscles of the body. Of these, two pair go from the cerebrum, viz., those for smell and sight, or the olfactory and optic ; five pair go from the pons varolii, which is that round mass of nerve, which lies between, and seems to connect the cerebrum and cerebellum. Of these, the third, fourth, and sixth pair go to the muscles of the eye ; while the ffth and seventh are dis- tributed over the face. 14. The remaining thirty-six pairs go out from the spinal marrow, viz., Jive from the medulla oblongata ; eight from the cervical ; twelve from the dorsal ; Jive from the lumbar ; and six from the sacral portion of the spinal cord. These nerves supply filaments to every muscular fibre in the system ; or pass directly to the organs of sense without sending off twigs; some of them are chiefly employed to form plexuses, or a net- work of nervous threads, woven closely together, so that it cannot be unravelled. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. 1. Hemispheres of the brain proper, or cerebrum. 2. Hemispheres of the smaller brain, or cerebellum. 3. Spinal cord continuous with the brain, and the spiual nerves pro- ceeding from it on each side. 116 PHYSIOLOGY. 15. The chief net-ioorJcs or ganglia are four in number. The first which is called cervical, is formed from the second, third and fourth cervical nerves ; lies on the side of the neck about its middle ; and it gives rise to four large nerves which go to the head, neck and upper part of the chest. The second plexus lies under the pit of the arm, and gives rise to eight principal branches which go to the chest, shoulder and arms. The other two plexuses lie in the pelvis, and give off branches which supply the viscera contained in it, and also the lower extremities^ 16. A second division of the nervous system, as I have stated, has been called by anatomists ganglionic, or the ner- vous system of organic life. (A ganglion is a small grayish white body, of a roundish or oval shape, varying in size, from a pin's head to an almond) These ganglions are chief- ly siliiated on the sides of the spinal column, throughout its whole length, and are connected by nervous threads, which pass from one to the other, and also with the nerves which come out from the spine. {&ix of these ganglions are found in the head ; three in the neck ; twelve in the dorsal region ; Jive in the lumbar ; and three in the sacral region.) 17. The principal of the plexuses are formed by nervous filaments proceeding from these ganglions. These are the cardiac plexus, the pulmonary plexus, and the great solar plexus. {"The whole ganglionic system of nerves is called the great sympathetic nerve.) jThis is connected with the brain by the sixth cerebral nerve and a branch of the fifth. It also receives branches from the seventh, eighth, and ninth, and all the spinal nerves, to the lower part of the spine, be- low which it terminates^ We are now prepared to consider the functions of the nervous system. 18. The brain being the centre of the nervous system, is the most important organ of the human body; pfo the lowest order of animals, we find but imperfect rudiments of a ner- vous system } but as we ascend in the scale of animal exist- ence, we find it more and more developed as we advance, till THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. 117 at length we arrive at man, who possesses it in its highest form of development. The functions over which the brain presides, are (the sensations, the voluntary motions, and the intellectual and moral faculties?) 19. (The mind itself is immaterial-*-a principle superadded to matter ; but the brain is the instrument which it employs in all its operations. Though it is not matter, yet it works by means of matter. In like manner, the eye is not sight, but the instrument of sight ; the ear is not hearing, but the organ of hearing ; so the brain is not mind, but the organ of mind. Revelation teaches us all we know, with respect to the powers and capacities of mind, when separate from the body. 20. The spinal marrow and the nerves are of subordinate importance ; as organs of the nervous system, their use seems to be, to transmit impressions from the organs of sense to the brain ; or the influence of the brain in a con- trary direction to the muscles which are employed for motion. 21. tThe first class of functions which pertain to the brain are the sensorial.t Though the brain is the actual seat of all impressions, yet the organs of sense and the nerves seem to be the immediate seats of sensation. Indeed, no sensation can be excited in any part or organ, unless- its nervous con- nection with the brain be entire. For example, the sense of touch seems to reside in the ends of the fingers, and that of sight in the eye, yet if the nerve which connects these parts with the brain be divided, no impression is felt, no sensation whatever is excited ; showing conclusively that it is the brain that perceives all impressions made on the organs of sense. 22. It is a curious fact connected with this subject, that though the brain is the real seat of the sensation, yet it is always referred to the part or organ, on which the impression is made, so that there seems to be a double action, viz., from the organ to the brain, and from the brain back again to the 118 PHYSIOLOGY. organ. Thus it is not unusual to see persons who have lost a limb complaining of pain, or some other sensation in the part which has been cut off, and thus they often imagine that the limb is entire. Here the sensation existed only in the mind ; in the same manner ghosts, hobgoblins, and other strange sights are seen ; but the sensation is only in the brain. 23. That the brain is the real seat of all our sensations may be proved from other facts. If a person receives a blow upon the head so as to stun him, or deprive him of consciousness, though the organs of sensation and the senses are wholly uninjured, he takes no notice of any thing ; he receives no sensations from any of his senses ; in fact, he is said to be insensible. The same thing happens if he become stupid by the use of alcohol, opium, or any narcotic. If the quantity is not enough to produce entire torpor of the brain, his senses are impaired, his reason is gone ; he is in short a voluntary mad-man. 24. (During sleep, the senses are said to be locked up. But though the eye is closed, the ear is open ; the nerves in which the sense of touch resides, are still spread out upon the skin, but yet no impressions are felt ; no sensations are excited ; no notice is taken. The reason is, the brain is in a state of repose ; the ship does not obey the rudder, be- cause the man at the helm is asleep ; the steamboat is not in motion, for although she has furnace, boilors, condensers, paddle-wheels, and all, yet the steam is not up ; so in sleep, the organs of sense are all sound, yet the brain, the rudder of the mind, the moving agent of the animal machine, is dormant ; the messages of its servants, the organs of sense, are neither received, noticed, nor acted upon. 25. There is another curious circumstance connected with the brain ; /it may be so much employed in thought, or deep meditation, as not to notice the impressions made on the senses^ In this case, a person is said to be absent- minded. Though the eyes and ears are open, the brain is THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. 119 too busy about other matters, to take notice of the impres- sions made on them ; accordingly, there are instances known, where persons have walked off a precipice, or into the water, without noticing the danger till it was too late. 26. Sensations, then, are the more vivid ; and the impres- sions which they make, more durable, in proportion to the degree of attention with which the mind is directed towards them ; or the degree of activity of the brain. To obtain ideas, which are|the pictures of sensible objects painted on the brain) we must therefore endeavour to concentrate the whole attention upon the subject before us, or the impres- sions we receive will be weak and speedily fade away. We see a great difference in this respect in different persons. Two individuals will travel together through the same coun- try, and apparently take the same degree of interest in the objects which come under their notice. Yet, while one of these persons will be able to describe minutely every thing he has seen, the other can give only a confused and indistinct account of what he has observed. It is, therefore, not only necessary in the acquisition of knowledge that objects should make an impression on the sensual organs ; but the brain must act upon them, and that not in a slight and careless manner, but vividly and energetically. 27. It is possible even that sensations may be excited by the action of the brain itself, without the intervention of any sensible objects. AVe see this oftenfn diseases of the brain, and especially in that form of insanity, called delirium ire- mens, or drunken delirium.) Here, the wretched victim of depraved habit sees serpents, and lizards, and bats, and all creeping things, and devils, flying about ; and he hears sing- ing and various sounds, to which he listens, and calls the attention of others, and nothing can break the spell by which he is bound, or dispel the illusory conviction, that what he sees and hears is real and not imaginary. 28. Such illusory and false impressions, are no doubt sometimes excited in the minds of those, who cannot be said 120 PHYSIOLOGY. to labour under actual disease ; but their imaginations have been excited by the influence of fear and superstition, and the brain is accordingly excited to act in the same manner as it would by the actual sight of some frightful object. Thus a post will appear in the night, to be a robber ; a black stump of a tree, a bear, or a tomb-stone, a ghost ; according to the idea or apprehension at the time uppermost in the mind. 29. But though the brain is the seat of sensation, yet it is very remarkable that it is not itself sensible. Wounds in its substance do not seem to excite pain* The whole of the cerebrum as well as the cerebellum has been pared away, and yet the animal appeared to suffer no pain ; but as soon as that portion of the base of the brain which seems to be the commencement of the spinal marrow, is touched, con- vulsions immediately follow. The posterior surface of the spinal marrow is also highly sensible. This is the substance of what is yet known on the subject of sensation. 30. Voluntary motion, like sensation, has also its seat in the brain. Though the muscles are the instruments of motion, yet alfytheir voluntary motions are performed through the influence of the brain, by an act of the will/ If the brain is in a state of repose the body is at rest ; Jif the brain by an act of violition sends a portion of nervous influence to a voluntary muscle, it immediately contracts, and the limb or organ to which it is attached, moves. All we are conscious of in" this process, is, the act of the will and the motion, which that act causes. The volition and the motion seem to be at the same instant ; at least there is no perceptible interval between them. 31. But though the voluntary muscles are excited to action through the agency of the brain, yet they are not always under the control of the will. 'In many diseases of the brain : in lock jaw, hydrophobia,;and other disorders where the whole nervous system is in a state of irritation, the muscles are excited to violent spasmodic contraction, alto. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. 121 gether beyond the control of the will. Where convulsions arise from sympathy, as in teething, or irritation of the bowels, the painful impression is transmitted to the brain, and hence reflected back upon the muscles. Thus pricking the finger with a needle has thrown a nervous woman into spasms, by exciting the brain to action. 32. If a nerve which supplies any voluntary muscle be divided, that muscle will no longer contract. This proves that the influence of the brain is necessary. ; In palsy, there is generally some disease of the brain, as the rupture of a small blood-vessel, or tumour growing in its substance. J Here the power of the will, or the faculty of volition is not des- troyed ; but the brain is unable to carry into execution the command of the will, as when a person is very willing to take a load upon his back, but he happens not to have suffi cient strength to carry it, 33. During sleep, all voluntary motion is suspended, be. cause the brain ceases to act. In those cases where persons walk and talk in their sleep, the brain is not entirely dormant. Some of the senses seem to be awake at times, while the others are asleep. That is, those portions of the brain which are excited to action by certain nerves of sense, are awake and active, while other portions are dormant and at rest. i*The brain needs repose and relaxation, as much as the muscles. Periodical cessation of effort is necessary to both, in order to a vigorous performance of their respective func- tions. Questions. What functions belong to the nervous system ? What does it embrace ? How many departments ? . What offices does each perform ? What marks characterize each ? When their functions are interrupted, what happens ? From what portion of the spinal mar- row do the nerves of motion arise ? the nerves of sensation ? Des. cribe the brain ; its divisions ; its membranes ; dura mater ; pice mater ; What are the convolutions of the brain ? How do the cine, ritious and medullary portions differ from each other ? Which is ex terior ? How many cavities in the brain ? What are they called '? 11 122 PHYSIOLOGY. Describe the cerebellum, the spinal marrow. How many pairs of nerves are there ? How many nerves arise from the cerebrum ?--^-from the pons varolii '? - from the spinal marrow.? from the medulla oblon- gata ? How many principal ganglia :>r net-works of nerves It their situation ? What is a ganglion ? What are the principal ganglions of the nervous Astern of organic life ? What is the sympathetic nerve ? where situated ?' What is the most important organ of the body? What is said of the brain in the lower animals ? Over what functions does the brain preside? Is it immaterial What is the first class of functions over which it presides ? What is understood by sensorial functions ? What becomes of the senses during sleep? during absent- mindedness ? What are ideas ? Is attej tion necessary in order to im- press sensations durably on the mind ?' . ~May sensations be excited without the intervention of sensible objects-t In what disease does this happen ? Is the brain itself sensible f'* Where is the seat of voluntary motion ? How is it performed ? What is volition ? Are motions always under the control of the will T ' In what diseases is this not the case ? What effect has the division of a nerve ? What happens in palsy ? Why is voluntary motion suspended during sleep ? CHAPTER X. 1 INTELLECTUAL AND MORAL FACULTIES. J. THE great superiority of the intellectual faculties of man over those of other animals, has led to a diligent exami- nation, whether there be any thing in his anatomical struc- ture which would seem to account for this superiority. Aristotle noticed the great size of the human brain compared with that of other animals, andjlaid it down as a general principle, that the faculties referred to this organ were in proportion to its size, compared with that of the whole bodyV Though this rule will hold true in relation to some of the do- mestic animals, yet it does not in relation to many others, for accurate researches have shown that whil^in man the ratio of the weight of the brain to that of the whole body is as 1 to 28j?in the dog, it is as 1 to IGO^in the horse, as 1 to 400") (n the elephant, 1 to 500){n the "canary bird, 1 to IV (and in one species of ape, 1 to 11.) 2. It is now generally admitted by physiologists,, that the perfection of the sensitive functions does not depend on the absolute size of the brain, nor on its proportion to the body at large, but(upon the proportion between the size of the brain, and the aggregate bulk of the nerves that proceed from it ; in other words,fbetween the sensorial and nervous organs^ For example, the absolute size of the brain of the horse is only about half the size of the human brain, while the mass of the nerves of the horse at their origin is no less than ten times larger than that of man. Extensive observa- tions prove that though most of the inferior animals have larger nerves, and possess some of the nervous functions in a much more acute state than mnn. yet man decidedly exceeds them all in the comparative size of the brain, and in the perfection of his intellectual faculties. 124 PHYSIOLOGY.. 3. The brain then, is the organ of the intellectual and moral faculties, the material instrument of the mind. \ This is proved not only by comparative anatomy, and experiments on animals, but by the history of injuries of the brain, com- pared with those of other organs. We know that if the nerves supplying any limb are severed, the will has no longer any influence over it ; it is to all useful purposes a dead por. tion of matter. The same is true of the spinal marrow. If this be compressed by fracture or dislocation of the spine, the whole body below that point, is deprived both of sensa- tion and motion, but the mind loses none of its powers any more than if a limb had been amputated. 4. If the brain is not the seat of the intellectual facilities, neither are any of the other organs of the body. *. The lungs, the liver, the spleen, the intestines, or the kidneys, may be affected with gangrene, and still the mind remains clear ; though from sympathy, inflammation of any organ may cause delirium, or other mental affections. Neither is the heart the seat of the mind ; for cronic disease of that organ, does not impair the mental faculties. Besides the functions of all these organs are known and cannot be mis- taken.* If the brain is not the seat of the intellectual facul- ties, they cannot be said to have any seat in the body. 5. But the effects of injuries of the brain are very diffe- rent, for every cause which disturbs its action suddenly or slowly, affects at the same time the mind. }j Inflammation of the brain is always attended with delirium, or stupoij; pres- sure on it, whether produced by depressed bone, foreign bodies, a tumour, serum, blood or pus, always gives rise to similar symptoms, and often destroy both sensation and motion. In cases of apoplexy, where a person falls in a fit, and becomes insensible, we find pressure on the brain from effusion of blood or serum. In cases of lunatics, we find in nearly all cronic cases, structural changes in the braird; but if the case be recent, these changes though they probably exist, yet may escape our imperfect means of investigation. Alcohol, opium, and other narcotics affect the mind and the INTELLECTUAL AND MORAL FACULTIES. 125 nerves through their influence upon the brain. Whenever in fact, we see a person become stupid and insensible, we may be certain that the brain has suffered some physical change ; and where in cases of sickness, we see the mental faculties unimpaired to the last, we may be equally sure, that the brain is not affected. 6. The following facts also show that the brain is the or- gan of the mind. A man received a blow on his head, and immediately lost his mental faculties, and his bodily power. His appetite and digestion were good ; the blood circulated freely ; and his breathing and pulse were natural. He con- tinued in this state more than a year, when a surgeon raised up a piece of bone which had been driven in upon the brain. His reason was immediately restored ; the next day he spoke, and in a short time he recovered entirely ; but he could recollect nothing of what had happened since the acci- dent. Not long since a beggar exhibited himself in Paris, who had lost a portion of his skull ; his brain was only cov- ered by the skin and membranes. For a trifling sum he would allow any one to press on this exposed part. As soon as any pressure was made he became wholly unconscious ; but his intellect was immediately restored when the pressure was taken off. 7. (it has been objected to the brain's being considered the seat of the mind, that in some cases, considerable disease has been found affecting an entire hemisphere without the mental faculties having suffered ; but experiments on animals show that a sudden lesion of one hemisphere only, does not immediately produce complete stupor, and that this effect does not follow until both are removed ; so that it appears that one hemisphere aids the other, and compensates for its inaction in the operations of the mind.; 8. But though it is almost universally admitted, that the brain is the seat of the higher intellectual faculties, yet some physiologists, like Bichat, contend that the passions are seated in the thoracic and abdominal viscera. It is, however, 11* 126 PHYSIOLOGY. to be remarked, that the passions, by means of the change which takes place in the brain, affect the whole nervous sys- tem. We find, for example in nervous females, that the ex- citing passions give rise to spasmodic action of certain mus- cles, especially those supplied by nerves belonging to the respiratory system ; hence the crying, sobbing, sighing, and the spasmodic distortion of the features. In the depressing passions, such as fear and terror, the muscles of the body lose their tone, because the supply of nervous influence from the brain is cut off; the limbs are not able to support the body ; the features lose their expression ; and the loss of power may be so great as to cause complete paralysis of the whole body. 9. In like manner is the heart affected by the exciting and depressing passions. {It throbs irregularly under the influ- ence of fear and terror ; it beats high and strong under the influence of joy ; while its action is weakened under the operation of grief and care ; in short, it is affected in a greater or less degree by every emotion which agitates the human breast. But this no more proves that the passions are seated in the heart, than that they are seated in the eye, because grief brings tears into that organ.) Neither has the liver, as the ancients believed, any relation to the passions of rage and vexation, although a fit of jaundice, may, in some persons labouring under a disease of this organ, follow a paroxysm of these passions. In other individuals, a fit of dyspepsia may follow as a consequenee of the same emotions ; or any other organ, may suffer, according as it is predis- posed by debility, disease, or other causes. Such phenome- na only prove that the whole body is bound up in one indis- soluble bond of sympathy, or as St. Paul expresses it, "God hath tempered the body together, that there should be no schism in the body, but that the members should have the same care one for another ; so that, whether one member suf- fer, all the members suffer with it, or one member be honored, all the members rejoice with it." 10. The brain, like all the other organs of the body, in- INTELLECTUAL AND MORAL FACULTIES. 127 creases in volume, by the exercise of its functions. When the mind is properly cultivated, the brain attains its full growth and development ; and where suitable opportunities of education have been enjoyed, the intellectual powers are generally proportioned to the size of this organ. Majendi says, "The volume of the brain is generally in direct pro- portion to the capacity of the mind." This was also be- lieved by the ancient Greeks ; for Jheir statuaries, or workers in marble, made the heads of their Apollo, and other intel- lectual gods and heroes, much larger than the heads of their Hercules, and other heroes, who were remarkable only for their great physical strength.) The heads of idiots are known to be extremely small ; some, indeed, are not more than one- fifth the average size. 11. That the brain is constructed with evident design, and is composed of a number of curiously wrought parts, all physiologists admit ; yet they have not been able thoroughly to penetrate the intention with which they are formed, or to agree with respect to the particular functions which each part performs. ( It is, however, pretty well ascertained, that the hemispheres of the large brain, or cerebral lobes, are the instruments by which the intellectual operations are carried on ; in other words, are the seats of the faculties of thinking, memory, and the will ; while the central parts, such as the optic lobes, and the medulla oblongata, are principally con- cerned in sensation ; and that the cerebellum, or little brain, is the chief sensorial agent in voluntary motion, and the seat of the animal, or lower propensities} 12. Many cruel experiments have been made on living animals, to determine the exact functions of particular parts of the brain ; but so much violence is done in these experi- ments, that but little dependence caif be placed on them. Many attempts have been made to determine the exact place in the brain where perception resides, but all such attempts have been fruitless. /*That it is placed in the base of the brain* o r *!::-. medulla oblmgata, is very probable,1as most of 128 PHYSIOLOGY. the nerves of sense terminate in that part ; but it is difficult to prove this by actual experiment. 13. (The brain, like all the organs of the senses, is double ; the one side, as in the eyes, ears, and limbs, being exactly similar to the other ; so that it may be said, that we have two brains as well as two optic nerves, and two eyes. As the structure of the brain is fibrous, in order that the two sets of fibres may co-operate, and constitute a single organ, they pass obliquely across from one side of the brain to the other, and these bridges constitute what are called the commissures of the brain*. It follows from this, that if the right side of the brain receives an injury, it will be felt on the opposite side of the body. The following case proves this. 14. 1, A piece of wire pieroed the brain of a boy just over the right eye ; he immediately lost all motion in the left arm and leg, although his sense of feeling was as perfect as ever. There are many such cases on record, which conclusively show that the right side of the brain furnishes nerves of sense and motion to the left side of the body ; and the left side of the brain to the right side of the body. If, then, a portion of brain is lost by a wound, on one side of the head only, as has often happened, and the intellect does not suffer ; as the brain is a double organ, it does not prove, that it is not the seat of the mental faculties. 15. The office of the cerebellum is supposed by many to be. to regulate and combine different motions/ For example, if the cerebellum be wounded, the animal cannot walk with- out staggering, and there will be a particular weakness on that side which is wounded. When a person is intoxicated, his inability of walking in a straight course, is supposed to be owing to the influence of the alcohol on the cerebellum. In experiments, where the cerebellum has been wounded or divided,|the animal has rolled over and over, or whirled round and round ; the eyes squinted ; and all power of regulating its motions seems to have been lost. 16. Though man is infinitely exalted above the brute INTELLECTUAL AND- MORAL FACULTIES. 129 creation, by the endowments of reason and a moral sense, yet many of the inferior animals excel him in the perfection of subordinate powers. In strength and swiftness, he is sur- passed by many of the quadrupeds ; in powers of vision, the eagle and other birds excel him ; in acuteness of hearing, taste, and smell, a large number of animals are superior to him. Man is indeed a stranger to those delicate percep- tions, which teach the lower animals to seek the food which is salutary, and avoid that which is injurious, and has to depend upon a painful and hazardous experience for that knowledge which the brutes possess by instinct. 17. " But he has gifts of infinitely higher value. | In the fidelity and tenacity with which impressions are retained in his memory ; in the facility and strength with which they are associated ; in grasp of comprehension, in strength of reasoning, in capacity of progressive improvement) he leaves all other animals at an immeasurable distance behind. Ho alone enjoys in perfection the gift of utterance ; he alone is able to clothe his thoughts in words ; in him alone do we find implanted the desire of examining every department of nature, and the power of extending his views beyond the confines of this globe." 18. " On him alone have the high privileges been bestow, ed of recognising and adoring the Power, the Wisdom, and the Goodness of the Author of the universe, from whom his being has emanated, to whom he owes all the blessings which attend it, and to whom he has been taught to look forward to brighter skies, and to purer and more exalted conditions of existence." 19. Phrenology. The actual meaning of the term Phren- ology, is '< a discourse about the mind," or, " the doctrine of the mind.? It professes indeed to be a system of Mental Philosophy, and as it is pretends to be founded in nature and supported by facts, it certainly is not beneath the attention of the candid inquirer after truth. 130 PHYSIOLOGY. 20. The chief doctrines which Phrenology claims to have established are the following : l.fThat the moral and the intellectual faculties are in- nate. 2. That their exercise, or manifestation, depends on organ- ization. 3. That the brain is the organ of all the propensities, sen- timents, and faculties. 4. That the brain is composed of as many particular organs as there are propensities, sentiments, and faculties, which differ essentially from each other. These four pro- positions may be said to constitute the phrenological doc- trine, and they are sustained by such numerous experiments, observations, and facts, that a large proportion of enlighten- ed physiologists of the present day acquiesce in their cor- rectness.j 21. jr Another and a different proposition, however, and one which, by many, is erroneously supposed, alone, to constitute Phrenology, is, that we are able to recognise on the exterior of the skull, the seats of the particular organs, or intellectual and moral faculties, and thus determine the character of in- dividuals^ This proposition has not received that general concurrence of Physiologists, in its support, which has at- tended the former ; but there are so many zealous and able inquirers now in the field, and such is the ardour in pursuit of knowledge, connected with this subject, that a few years at farthest, probably, will suffice to overthrow or establish it. 22. I have already mentioned some facts, to prove that the brain is the organ of the mind, and that the condition of that organ influences the mind ; let us now inquire whether the mind, in every act, employs the whole brain as one organ, or whether separate faculties of the mind are connected with distinct portions of the brain as their respective organs 1 23. It is a well established fact in Physiology, that differ- ent functions are never performed by the same organ, but that each function has an organ for itself. .; Thus the eyes INTELLECTUAL AND MORAL FACULTIES. 131 see, the ears hear, the tongue tastes, the nose smells, the stomach digests food, the heart circulates the blood, the liver secretes bile, &c. Even where the function is compound, as in the tongue, where a feeling, taste, and motion are all combined, we find a separate nerve for each function, and the same occurs in every part of the body. Now, as no nerve performs two functions, we may, reasoning from analogy, conclude, that it is so in the brain ; different sen- timents, different faculties, and different propensities, require for their manifestation different organs or portions of cerebral matter./ 24. Again, the external senses have for their exercise, not only separate and external organs, but also as many separate internal organs. Hearing, seeing, smelling, &c., require different portions of cerebral substance for their exercise ; may we not then from analogy, be justified in the conclusion, /that there are as many cerebral, or nervous systems, or organs, as there are special internal senses, and particular intellectual and moral faculties ?) ^The legitimate inference then is, that each faculty does possess in the brain a nervous organ appropriated to its production, the same as each of the senses has its particular nervous organ.i 25. The structure of the brain is not homogeneous, but differs greatly in different parts, both in composition, form, colour, consistence, and arrangement. But what object could there be in all this variety, if the brain acted as a whole, and there was but a single intellectual principle or faculty ? A difference of structure shows that there must be a difference of function, and as the brain has been proved to be the organ of the mind, it follows that different portions or organs of the brain must be employed by the intellectual and moral faculties. 26. The faculties do not all appear at once, nor do they fail at once, but they appear in succession, and as a general rule, the reflecting or reasoning faculties are the latest in arriving at perfection. So also the organization of the brain is un- 132 PHYSIOLOGY. folded in a slow and gradual manner, and the intellectual fac- ulties appear in succession only as the structure is perfected. For example, in infancy, the cerebellum forms one fifteenth of the encephalic mass ; in adult age about one sixth. In childhood the middle parts of the forehead preponderate ; in later life, the upper lateral regions are more prominent, which facts are also in accordance with the periods of unfold- ing the knowing and reasoning faculties. 27. Genius is almost always partial ; that is, men gene- rally have a taste or faculty, for one particular pursuit, or study, in which alone they have the power of excelling. One has a talent for poetry, another for mechanics, another for drawing, music, or mathematics, and that is often developed at a very early age, and without the advantages of educa- tion, or particular instruction, and these persons may, in all other pursuits, be below mediocrity. Indeed, nothing is more common than to see in the same individuals some fac- ulties acute and powerful, while others are feeble and defec- tive ; having an extraordinary memory for dates, words, places, &c., while as to other things it is deficient. Such facts are not easily explained on the scheme of a single in- tellectual faculty, and a single organ devoted to its exercise. 28. It is an observation of common notoriety, that when the mind is fatigued with one kind of occupation or study, it can engage, with vigour, in one of a different kind, requiring the exercise of different faculties ; and thus, instead of fa- tiguing, actually acts as a restorative. Could this happen, . unless there were a plurality of faculties and organs of the intellect ? 29. The phenomena of partial idiocy and partial insanity are at variance with the doctrine of a single organ of mind. We often see persons in a state of monomania, that is,\they are rational enough on all subjects but one ; but in relation to that, they are entirely mad.) Now, if the brain be suffi- ciently sound to manifest all the other faculties in their per- fect state, why is it not also able to manifest this ? INTELLECTUAL AND MORAL FACULTIES. 133 30. Numerous cases are contained in medical works where a wound of the brain was succeeded by the loss of a single faculty, and sometimes by exciting inflammation, be stowed unwonted energy on a single faculty. Larrey, in his surgical memoirs, mentions several cases of wounds made by bayonets and swords penetrating the brain through the orbit of the eye, which entailed the loss of memory for names, but not of things, &c. 31. Such are a few of the arguments adduced by writers on this subject, to prove that the brain is not only the organ of the mind, but an apparatus, a congeries of organs, each of which is the seat of a particular faculty, the organ of a par- ticular function. The evidence to most minds will appear satisfactory and conclusive on this point, though other facts arid more extended investigations are needed to place the science on a permanent foundation.) Questions. What was Aristotle's theory in relation to the size f the brain ? How does its size compare with that of the body in man ? in the dog, the horse ? the elephant ? the canary bird ? the ape ? What is now the received doctrine in relation to the size of the brain ? How is it proved that the brain is the organ of the intellectual and moral powers ? How do you prove that no other organ than the brain can be the seat of the mind ? How does inflammation or injuries of the brain affect the mind ? What cases prove this connection ? What objec- tions have been raised to the brain being the organ of the mind ? What is said of the passions being situated in the viscera of the chest or abdo- men ? Does the affection of the heart by passion prove that it is the seat of the mind*' Why not? Does the brain increase in size by ex- ercise ? What was the opinion of the ancient Greeks on this subject ? What is said of the functions of particular portions of the brain ? Is much (Jependance to be placed on the experiments made on animals ? Where is it supposed perception resides ? What are the commisseurs of the brain ? When the brain is injured on the right side, which side of the body is affected ? What accident proves that the opposite side is affected ? What is the office of the cerebellum ? What effect do we see in animals when they have been wounded ? Is man excelled by ani- mals in the perfection of the sanies I Jn what respect does he excel all am. 12 134 PHYSIOLOGY. raals ? What is Phrenology ? What are its chief doctrines ? What is said of locating the organs on the exterior of the skull ? What facts show that the brain does not act as as a whole in the intellectual opera, tions? Have the external senses separate internal organs? What may we infer from this ? Is the structure of the brain homogeneous ? Do the faculties all appear at the same time ? Is genius generally partial 7* ' When the mind is fatigued, what effect is experienced by turning the attention to a different subject? What is monomania? What do we infer from its existence ? What is the general conclusion in relation to the chief doctrines of Phrenology ? CHAPTER XL THE SPINAL MARROW AND ITS FUNCTIONS. 1. WE have seen, that of all animals, the brain of man has the greatest development, in proportion to the spinal marrow and nerves ; if we descend to the lower animals, such as reptiles and fishes, we shall find that the brain^pre- sents merely a delicate, anterior termination of the spinal cord, not much larger in diameter than the cord itself./ In these animals, we find the instincts very limited, and the displays of sagacity extremely obscure ; while they possess great tenacity of life. Frogs, for example, continue to jump about for many hours after their heart has been torn out ; and the heart of the shark will palpitate as long after it has been removed from the body. Turtles have been known to live for months after the whole brain has been scooped out. These facts prove, that such an imperfect development of the cerebral mass, leaves the different systems of organs less intimately connected and more independent of each other. 2. If we descend still lower in the scale of invertebrate animals, we shall find the different parts still more independ- ent of each other ; for if we divide their bodies, so that each part will possess a nervous ganglion, it will become a separ- ate individual, and exercise all the functions performed by the entire animal ; and if we descend to zoophytes, we find that in cutting them into threads, however minute, each piece will retain life and continue to grow. 3. Medulla oblongata. -J^here is no distinct line of demar- cation between the medulla oblongata and the spinal corcf; For this reason, they are considered and described as one organ. The medulla oblongata, however, consisting of six columns, gives rise to several nerves of distinct function, and 136 PHYSIOLOGY. is supposed to be the point at which excitement to motion commences and sensation terminates, and to possess the power of originating motion in itselfj Mr. Mayo infers this, from the fact that the brain proper, the optic tubercles, and even the cerebellum may be removed by successive por- tions, and still the animal live, and exhibit feeling and in- stinct ; but if the medulla oblongata be removed, all con- sciousness is immediately destroyed. Other physiologists say, that it is the hemispheres of the cerebrum that take cognizance of sensation, and the source from whence volition proceeds ; and that though they may be removed, layer after layer, without pain, yet by so doing, the senses are destroyed, memory and intelligence abolished, and the animal reduced to an automaton, destitute of design, apprehension, and judgment. As all the nerves which supply the larynx, lungs, heart, stomach, and external muscles of respiration originate from it, its removal must instantly destroy life. 4. (The spinal cord passess down through the foramen magnum, or great hole of the skull, and the canal of the ver- tebra, till it reaches the second vertebra of the loins, where it generally terminates in a tapering pointj Besides the bony case in which it is lodged, the cord is enclosed by a prolongation of the dura mater, which, however, does not adhere immediately to the bone, as it does in the skull. It also is supplied with extensions of the arachnoid and pia mater ; between which, there is usually a quantity of serous fluid, varying from two to six ounces, which seems to impart a certain degree of support by its pressure and obviates the effects of concussion J 5. The general form of the spinal cord is cylindrical, though somewhat flattened, from its transverse diameter being the greatest. Its thickness, however, is not uniform, as it bulges out at the lower part of the neck, where the nerves go off to the arms, and also at the lower part of the back, from whence spring the nerves of the legsj. It is com- posed of grey and white, or cineritious and medullary mat- IE SPINAL MARROW AND ITS FUNCTIONS. 137 ter, like the brain ; the situation of the two is, however, reversed ; the medullary matter being disposed in a thin layer upon the surface, while the grey portions occupies the centre. We, however, find the same arrangement in the medulla oblongata, and the central parts of the cerebrum and cerebellum. The chord, as t have already mention, ed, is divided into two lateral halves by a groove in front and a similar groove behind. Besides this, there are on each side two lateral grooves faintly marked, from which the anterior and posterior nerves have their origin, so that in fact, the cord consists of four columns ; from the two anterior of which, the nerves ofjnotion spring, and from the two posterior those of sensation.^ a, Spinal marrow. 6, Fibres of sensation. c, Fibres of motion. e, Nerve. 6. There are thirty pairs of nerves that spring from the spinal marrow, viz., eight from the region of the neck, twelve from that of the back, and five from the pelvis. By examin- ing the above cut, it will be seen that they arise by two roots, one from the anterior, and one from the posterior column. The fibres of the posterior swell out into a gang- lion before they unite with the anterior. 12* 138 PHYSIOLOGY. 7. A few years ago, Sir Charles Bell discovered, that by opening the spinal canal in a living animal, and dividing the posterior roots of the nerves, the parts to which they are distributed are deprived of feeling. The limb may be prick- ed or lacerated in any way, without the animal manifesting the least feeling, or indication of suffering, while at the same time the power of motion remains. He also found that when the posterior roots were divided, sensation was destroyed, but motion remained. One of Majendie's experiments, is interesting. Availing himself of the fact, that the introduc- tion of nux vomica into the system, produces violent spasms, tremors, and rigidity of the muscles : he administered it to an animal, after having severed the anterior roots of the spinal nerves. The consequence was, that while all the muscles, whose nerves remained entire, were thrown into a state of violent spasm ; those supplied with the nerves, whose roots had been divided, remained unaffected. 8. The spinal cord then serves to connect the brain, which is the common centre of sensation and voluntary motion, with all the sensible parts of the body, and with the muscles, the instruments of motion.) We may view it in this sense, as forming a channel of communication for a bundle of nerves running from the brain to every part of the system to carry messages from the will, and to transmit intelligence back again, as if all the roads and high-ways in the country should terminate in one grand post-road, connecting them with the seat of government. 9. To illustrate, suppose I seize a hot iron in my hand, not knowing it to be heated ; the painful impression is im- mediately transmitted along the sensiferous nerves to the spinal cord, and through that to the brain. The brain takes cognizance of it, and a mental determination is immediately formed to drop the iron. The will sends back its command through the anterior column of the spinal cord to the motific nerves, distributed to the muscles, which go to the hand. The muscles instantly obey ; the iron drops, and the whole THE SPINAL MARROW AND ITS FUNCTIONS. 139 process occupies but an instant.?" Thus we have two channels of nervous influence ; the one transmitting intelligence to the mind, the other conveying the purposes of the will to the muscles necessary to carry them into effect. 10. That such is the chief function of the spinal marrow, is proved by the well-known fact, jthat if it is divided in any part of its course, that portion of the body, as well as the limbs, which are situated below the seat of the injury, will be paralyzed ; that is, all sense and motion will be lost, while the parts above the injury will be unaffected. Jf the injury occur very high up in the neck instant death will ensue,|because the nerves, which go the diaphragm and are necessary to carry on breathing, are separated from their connection with the brain. These leave the spine as high as the third vertebra of the neck. 11. I have stated that it has been proved, that the ^principle of motion resides to some extent in the spinal marrow itself. | This is shown by the following experiment. If after the spinal cord be divided in the neck, and then lower down in the back, we irritate any -of the muscles which are supplied with nerves from this isolated segment, motion will be produced. If the foot, or the hand be pricked, it will im- mediately contract ; and this contraction is produced by the irritation being transmitted to that portion of the spinal mar- row, from whence the nerves of the part arise, and whose connection with the brain has been severed, and then an im- pulse is sent back again from this portion to the muscles of the hand or foot which causes them to contract. Still, all voluntary motion, as well as sensation, depend on the brain. 12. If the medulla oblongata is injured, breathing imme- diately ceases. If the spinal marrow is severed opposite the second bone of the neck, death also speedily follows ; because the nerves of respiration are cut off from their connection with the part above. If the spinal cord be divided, as low as the fifth cervical bone, thcn(lif3 will not be immediately de- stroyed ; but the breathing will be difficult ; because the dia. 140 PHYSIOLOGY. phragm is paralyzed, and death sooner or later follows from suffocation. $ If it be divided about the first dorsal vertebra, then life may be maintained for a considerable time, although the ribs cannot be elevated, as the intercostal muscles are rendered paralytic.. Breathing is, however, kept up by the action of the diaphragm. I have seen a man whose spine was dislocated in this region, live seven or eight weeks. All sensation and motion were lost in the parts below the seat of the injury, but his reason and senses were perfect. 13. As the heart, lungs, larynx, and many of the most im- portant organs of the body are supplied with nervous influ- ence by the eighth pair of nerves, or par vagum, why is it that a division of the spinal marrow causes death ? This question is easily answered, by remembering that one of the functions of the par vagum is, to convey to the brain the sense of the want of air, or of respiration, and that this stimulus reacts upon those parts of the spinal cord which give rise to the respiratory nerves of the chest,} Now if this com- munication be cut off, the influence of the brain, or the me- dulla oblongata, cannot be transmitted so as to excite those muscles which are employed in breathing. 14. That this is the true answer to the above question is also shown by dividing the par vagum in the neck. This causes palsy of the lungs, and also of the muscles which open the larynx ; in consequence of which, the top of the wind- pipe is immediately closed, and death follows from suffocation. Besides this, it also prevents transmitting to the medulla o&- longata, the sense of the want of respiration, and thus pre- vents also the reaction of this part upon the spinal marrow. 15. Does the spinal marrow exert any influence upon the circulation of the blood ? (It is ascertained that the action of the heart is nearly independent of the spinal marrowj Its nervous influence is derived from the par vagum and the great sympathetic nerve, the former of which has but little connection with the spinal cord. The whole spinal marrow has been removed, and still the heart has continued to act. THE SPINAL MARROW AND ITS FUNCTIONS. 141 Its action, however in such cases is much weakened. That the heart is, however, in some measure influenced by the spi- nal innervation, must be admitted. 16. /'What is called the capillary circulation, or that in the small vessels, is much under the influence of the spinal mar- row. ) It is found that when any part of it is destroyed, the blood does not, circulate in the small vessels which derive their nerves from the portion destroyed. In these cases, the skin becomes purple, and dry ; perspiration ceases, the cuti- cle peels off, and the part becomes sensibly colder. The whole nervous system, however, is concerned in the produc- tion of animal heat. 17^ Digestion is to a considerable degree under the influ- ence of the spinal cord^ /In all cases of diseases of the spine, the appetite is poor, and the digestive powers weak. Colic and dyspepsia are frequent attendants upon such complaints. If the eighth pair of nerves be divided, the stomach is imme- diately paralyzed, and digestion interrupted.} This shows that the stomach depends for nervous influence on the me. dulla oblongata, and that it is derived through the medium of the par vagum. 18. The spinal marrow exerts an important influence over the kidneys, more so perhaps than over any of the abdominal viscera. Some physiologists also think that it presides over the functions of nutrition. What seems to confirm this opinion, is the fact, that in the Crustacea, insects, and worms,- which have the power of speedily reproducing any part that is cut off, the spinal marrow preponderates over every other portion of the nervous system. Nutrition is known to depend chiefly on the influence of the great sympathetic nerve, but its connections with the spinal marrow are so numerous and intimate, that there can be little doubt, it derives a consider- able portion of its nervous energy from the latter. The fol- lowing cut represents the left side of the brain and spinal marrow, shown by making a section of the cranium and the spinal column, and removing the dura mater. 142 PHYSIOLOGY. THE SPINAL MARROW AND ITS FUNCTIONS, 143 a. The convolutions of the cerebrum. b. The laminae of the cerebellum. e. The pons varolii. g. The medulla oblongata. c. d. f. The medulla spinalis, or spinal marrow, extending from the first cervical to the first lumbar vertebra, and terminating in the cauda equina. The cerebrum, it will be seen, is the largest portion of the brain, and occupies the whole upper cavity of the skull. It rests an- teriorily upon the arches of the orbits ; in the centre, upon the middle fossae of the base of the skull, and posteriorily upon the tentorium cercbclli. Questions. How do we find the brain developed in the lower ani- mals ? Have they great tenacity of life /"? Will zoophytes live when divided into pieces 1 What is the medulla oblongata ? What its func. tion ? Describe the spinal cord ? its membranes ? its shape ? its structure ? How many pair of nerves arise from it ? How many from the neckf the back/t the loins ; What is the function of the ante- rior roots ? the posterior roots ? What is the use of the spinal cord ? How is this illustrated ? How proved ? What follows, if the spinal cord be severed opposite the second bone of the neck ? the fifth ? the first dorsal ? Does the principle of motion reside to any extent in the spinal cord itself ? What experiment proves this ? Why does a divi. sion of the par vagum or eighth pair cause death ? Does the spinal mar- row exert any influence on the circulation of the blood ? on the capil- lary circulation t They lie immediately under the anterior lobes of the brain ; and as they pass on, they swell into a bulb, from which numerous fibres issue, and pass into the nose through a plate of one of the bones of the skull. This plate is pierced with so many holes for transmitting these twigs of the nerve, that it has the appearance of a seive ; and from this circumstance is called the ethmoid bone. The olfactory nerve is spread out upon the lining membrane of the nose, and is merely defended by a thin layer of mucus. It was necessary that these nerves should come to the surface, in order to come in contact with the vapours inhaled by the nostrils. In some animals these nerves are very large, especially in ruminants, but in others they are entirely wanting, as in whales. In fishes, you may see the bulb of the olfactory placed immedi- ately under the cup-like nostril. From the bulb, the nerve runs backward along a canal filled with transparent fluid, enters the skull, and joins the brain. 4. The second, or optic. -Z These are the largest of the cerebral nerves, and can be traced as far back as the medulla obfongata at the base of the brain. They pass along the base of the brain, and just before they enter the orbits they unite with each other^ or seem to decussate, or cross each other. In some fishes, these nerves evidently cross without union ; but in man, it is now pretty well established, that a semi- decussation takes place ; that is, one half of the right optic nerve crosses to the opposite side, and joins a half of the " 146 PHYSIOLOGY. left nerve to proceed to the luft eye ; so that each eye receives its optic nerve from both sides of the brain ; the right sup. plying the right side of both eyes, as the left does its cor responding side of both. After the nerve has entered tha orbit, it proceeds forwards to the ball of the eye, and pene-. trating the coats of that organ, expands into a very delicate web, or nervous net-work, called the retina, which Jserves to receive the image of objects falling upon it.) "5. The auditory nerve. jf he last nerve of specific sense, runs along with another, the two together being known as the seventh, of which the auditory forms the soft portion, or portio mottis. It arises from the medulla oblongata, and goes on in contact with the hard portion, or portio dura, to the internal auditory passage, which they enter. Here the soft portion spreads out into a great many small branches, which are distributed over the surface of the internal por- tions of the ear, and their extremities float in the water contained in the labyrinth, from which they receive vibra- tions which produce the impressions of sound) 6- Second order. -The motif erous nerves^ which consti- tute the second order, consist of three nerves ; the third, the sixth, and the ninth, with perhaps a branch of the fifth. These take their origin at the anterior columns, in the same line with each other ; but fibrils of sensation afterwards join them, so that they are analogous to the double-rooted nerves of the spinal marrow. 76^Fhe third pair rise from the crura of the brain, and pass forward to a hole in the bottom of the orbit, through which they enter, and supply four of the six muscles which /move the eye, and also the muscle which moves the upper ' eye-lid, thus placing these muscles under the command of the wilj. Besides this, a small twig of the fifth nerve swells out into a ganglion, and then joins a twig from the third, which go on together, and penetrate the coats of the eye, to which they impart sensibility, and are connected with the functions of the irisJ It is worthy of remark, that here the THE NERVES AND THEIR FUNCTIONS. 147 general law is kept, viz., that a ganglion is formed in the sensific nerves, before they become associated with the fila- ments of motion. 8. (The sixth pair arise near the last, and also enter the orbitj^jhere they are entirely expended upon the muscle which turns the eye towards the temple. Where this nerve has been injured or lost its power, the eye is permanently turned in towards the nose ; and such a person is said to be cross-eyedt 9< The ninth pair arise from the pyramidal bodies, and passing through holes in the occipital bone, proceed forwards towards the angle of the jaw, by the side of the hyoid bone of the tongue, and are distributed upon the muscles between the lower jaw, hyoid bone, and tongue, the motions of which it regulate^ 10. THIRD ORDER. This division embraces what Sir Charles Bell calls thefyespirato7-y nerves) These are not only connected with the function of respiration, but contribute also to the expression of the passions and emotions of the mind. They consist of the fourth ; the portio dura ; of the seventh, or facial ; the eighth, or par wgum ; the phrenic ; and the external respiratory. As the medulla oblongata, consists of three columns ; the nerves of motion arise from the anterior, those of sensation from the posterior ; while the respiratory nerves, already mentioned, spring from the middle portion, and all nearly on the same horizontal plane. 1 1 . (The fourth nerve supplies the superior oblique muscle of the eye, which rising from the bottom of the orbit, runs along the roof of that cavity, till it comes close to its brim, where it terminates in a small tendon, which passes through a loop or pulley, then turns back, and is inserted into the posterior part of the ball, so that its contraction turns the eye in towards the nose.) When the will ceases to control the, movements of the eye, it comes under the action of the superior oblique muscle. We see this, in acute bodily pain, and at the point of death, when the voluntary muscles PHYSIOLOGY. have lost their power. This turning of the eye inward is supposed to indicate great agony ; but it rather shows that all sufficing has ceased, and that the powers and aation and motion are lost If we raise the eye-lid of a person asleep, we shall find the eye turned in the same direc- tion ; also in fainting, and in cases of suspended animation. The fourth nerve is partly then under the influence of the will, and partly independent of it.\ 12. (The seventh nerve, consists of two portions, one of which, the auditory, has already been described. The other portion is called /octal, because it is distributed over the face. Its origin has already been stated, though it receives from each column of the medulla oblongata ; so that its function is complicated. It seems, in fact, to combine the character of a regular nerve and one of instinctive motion ; it enters the internal auditory passage in connection with the nerve of hearing, then entering a canal in the temporal bone, it comes out just before the ear, and spreads out over the face in three principal branches, called pes auarima, 01 goose's foot, from its resemblance to that object 13.frhe ffih nerve is distributed to the same parts or which* the/aciol is ramified on the fac^ the one serving foi sensation, the other for expression. Thus when the facia nerve is divided, or its functions destroyed by disease, the side affected loses all power of expression, though &ensatii remains unaffected ; on the contrary, if we divide the fiftl pair, sensation is entirely abolished, while expression ranuBs The facial nerve not only communicates the purposes of tb< will to the muscles of the face, but at the same time, i them into action under the influence of instinct and thy. On this subject a late writer remarks, How eaqprts sive is the face of man ? How clearly it announces tib thoughts and sentiments of the mind ! How well deptdtei are the passions on his countenance ! tumultuous rage, a&jac fear, devoted lore, envy, hatred, grief, and every other tion, in all their shades and diversities, are imprinted THE NERVES AND THEIR FUNCTIv 149 in characters so clear that he that runs may read ! How difficult, Bay, how impossible is it to hide or felsify tin ex* ns which indicate the internal feelings! Thus con- scious guilt shrinks from detection, innocence declares its confidence, and hope anticipates with bright expectation." 14.^The e*gk& pair of nerves consist of three distinct por- the Jirst of which, from its being distributed to the tongue and throat is called gbsm-pkaryngeal ; the tecomi, from its irregular coarse is called ragout, or the wandering nerve ; and die Ikird, from its origin from the spinal marrow, is called accessory. These different nerves join just as they are about to escape from the skull, which they do in com. pany with the internal jugular vein, and as soon as they emerge they form connections with the great sympathetic^ lo^Tlie twgowi on leaving the skull, sends off branches to the pharynx and esophagus, also to the larynx and the Mdij which close the air passage, and the mucous mem. brane covering it Its trunk runs down the neck included in the same sheath with the carotid artery and jugular vein, and enters the chest under the collar bone) {Here a branch is siven off, which locks round the subclavian artery on one side, and arch of the aorta on the other, and goes up to the larynx hence it is called recurrent. J It supplies those mus- cles particularly which open the air passage. The vagans sends down twigs with the sympathetic which surround the the divisions of the wind-pipe, and accompany them in all their ramifications through the lungs. It also sends numer- ous t \vigs to the heart, stomach, liver, pancreas, spleen, in. testinal tube, and finally with the sympathetic nerve, and forms those great nervous centres or ganglia in the abdomen, which supply all the viscera of that cavity with nervous energy) 16. The phrenic nerve derives Its name from its distribu- tion to the diaphragm, which at one time, was considered as the seat of the soul. Jit passes out of the vertebral canal be- tween the second, third, fourth, and sometimes fifth cervical 150 PHYSIOLOGY. vertebrae ; it runs down the neck, and enters the chest on the outer side of the internal jugular vein. 17. The external respiratory nerve is distributed to the intercostal muscles, and those which extend from the ribs to the shoulder, and which are occasionally employed in labo- rious breathing. It is through the instrumentality of the accessory, phrenic, and external respiratory, that the mus- cles employed in respiration are brought into action, com- bined and directed with the proper degree of force, velocity, and extent, without the necessity of interference of the mind. Though to a certain extent, they may be under the influence of the will, yet it is only in a secondary degree. No one, for example, can long suspend the movements of respiration, for in a short time, instinctive feeling issues its irresistible mandates, which neither requires the aid of erring reason, nor brooks the capricious interference of the will.) 18. The influence of this order of nerves in the expression of the passions, is strikingly depicted in Sir Charles Bell's Treatise on the Nervous System. " In terror," he remarks, " we can readily conceive why a man stands with his eyes intently fixed on the object of his fears, the eye-brows eleva- ted, and the eye-balls largely uncovered ; or, why with hesi. tating and bewildered steps, his eyes are rapidly and wildly in search of something. In this way we only perceive the intense application of his mind to the objects of his appre- hension, and its direct influence on the outward organs. But when we observe him farther, there is a spasm in his breast ; he cannot breathe freely ; the chest remains elevated, and his respiration is short and rapid ; there is a gasping and convulsive motion of his lips, a tremor on his hollow cheeks, a gasping and catching of his throat ; his heart knocks at his ribs, while yet there is no force in the circu- lation, the lips and cheeks being ashy pale." 19. " To those I address, it is unnecessary to go farther than to indicate that the nerves treated of in these papers are the instruments of expression, from the smile upon the THE NERVES AND THEIR FUNCTIONS. 151 infant's cheek to the last agony of life. It is when the strong man is subdued by this mysterious influence of soul on body, and when the passions may be truly said to tear the breast, that we have the most afflicting picture of human frailty, and the most unequivocal proof, that it is the order of functions we have been considering that is thus affected. In the first struggles of the infant to draw breath, in the man recovering from a state of suffocation, and in the agony of passion, when the breast labours from the influence at the heart, the same system of parts is affected, the same nerves, the same muscles, and the symptoms or characters have a strict resemblance." 20. FOURTH ORDER. Regular Nerves. I have already stated that there arelthirty pair of regular nerves which go out from the spine/ each nerve being composed of two kinds of fibres ; those of the anterior column being subsidiary to motion, and those from the posterior to sensation. With these, physiologists now class the ffih nerve. This large nerve divides into three principal branches t\\ejirst going to the eye, is called optlialmic) jhe second to the upper jaw, is called superior maxillaryjfaiid the third sent to the lower jaw, is named inferior maxillar^ It is the third branch, how- ever, which is truly a compound nerve, as its roots arise both from the anterior and posterior columns. The inferior maxillary branch, is a nerve of both sense and motion; its filaments of motion supply the muscles which shut the jaw, while those of sensation go to the tongue, salivary glands, gums, teeth of the lower jaw, external ear, cheek, chin, and lower lip. ^It is this nerve) which gives sensibility to the face, and it is this which is the seat of that painful affection called tic dolouroux, which is sometimes removed by cutting the nerve affected. In the cat, the hare, and other .animals with large whiskers, the filaments of this nerve can be traced to the bulbs of the hairs, which accounts for the delicate tact which these animals are endowed with, and by means of which they are enabled to wind their way in the 152 PHYSIOLOGY. dark, through intricate passages, with the greatest facility. {The fifth nerve is associated with the organs of the senses of smell, sight, and hearing ; it exercises that of touch, is the immediate instrument of taste, and is affected in some degree by pungent odorous substances, by light, and by sound,! 21. Spinal nerves.-^The nerves of the spinal cord are all similar in their construction, and in the functions which they perform/ ^The two sets of filaments of which they are composed, though enclosed in the same sheath, yet remain entirely distinct throughout their entire course*? i^Fhey go to every muscular fibre in the system, and spread out over the entire surface of the body) which possesses, accordingly, a more exquisite sensibility than the deep-seated parts. Thus in amputating a limb, the chief pain is in cutting through the external parts ; for the bone may be sawn through, the muscles, tendons, and ligaments cut and la- cerated, and even burnt with a red-hot iron^ and still the patient experiences little or no suffering. 22. f The object of endowing the skin with such a high degree of sensibility, is, doubtless, to warn us to avoid, not only what is injurious to the skin itself, but also what might endanger internal parts. It thus serves as a protector to the whole body. The extremes of heat and cold, which might prove injurious, produce their painful impressions^ mechanical causes rouse by their sharpness, roughness, or hardness ; acrid and corrosive chemical agents induce un- easy sensation all which serve to admonish us to shun the causes producing such effects, fit is remarkable to notice how every part of the body is endowed with its own kind of sensibility/' J The skin feels changes of temperature ; the muscles experience only a sense of fatigue ; the eye is sen- sible only to light ; the ear to sound ; the nose to odours ; the heart to blood ; the stomach to food^ &c. ; and these sensations are sent along up to the brain by little threads, in close contact with other threads, which bring back the THE NERVES AND THEIR FUNCTIONS. 158 commands of the will ! Truly may it be said, " man is fear- fully and wonderfully made." 23.* The spinal nerves are classed according to the por- tion of the spinal column from which they issue as the neck, back, loins, and pelvis ; forming eight cervical, twelve dorsal, five lumbar, and five sacral nerves ; all being con- nected with the sympathetic. The four lower cervical and first dorsal go to the arm-pit, where they form a complicated plexus, from whence nerves issue to supply the arm and hand. The dorsal nerves supply the integuments of the body, the intercostal muscles, and those of the chest. The lumbar and sacral nerves supply the muscles of the loins and abdo- men, together with the lower limbs. 24. FIFTH ORDER. Ganglionic Nerves. We have now considered, somewhat minutely, that portion of the nervous system which is called the cerebro-spinal, embracing the brain, the material instrument of thought, the source and channels of voluntary motion, and of instinctive movements and sympathy. iThe ganglionic nerves jjare|sometimes called great sympathetic, or the great intercostal ?. but sympathy has been shown to be chiefly independent of it, except so far as it receives filaments from the cerebro-spinal nerves ; and it is called great, not so much from its size, as from its supposed importance. A plexus of nerves. 154 PHYSIOLOGY. 25. The ganglionic, or great sympathetic nerve, consists in a series or chain of ganglions, extending from the base of the cranium to the extremity of the sacrum. They are placed on the lateral part of the bodies of the vertebrae, and are united to each other by intermediate nervous cords, and send off continually filaments to all the adjacent organs. With the exception of the neck, there is a ganglion for each intervertebral space, both of the true vertebrae and sacrum. Besides these, there are other ganglia situated around the trunks of some of the large vessels of the abdomen^ These ganglia are composed of a mixture of cineritious and medul- lary matter, and are supposed to be the centres of peculiar nervous power. 26.e in such a state as to penetrate the spongy papillae, (it is supposed that the salts which enter into the composition of the saliva, are very efficient agents in reducing substances to a proper condition for making an impression on the gustatory organ^ In this way, we can account for the fact, that metals, though in- soluble in water, often impart a peculiar taste. The organs of taste are also powerfully affected by metals, so applied tc the mouth as to call forth electric action. If we place ont kind of metal on the tongue and another under it, and then bring their edges together, a strong sensation is experienced If we touch the surface of the tongue with the point of a wire, connected with the positive pole of a galvanic battery, a sour taste is experienced ; while the negative pole excites an alkaline taste. fThese phenomena may be owing either to the electric action, disengaging from the saliva an acid in one instance, or an alkali in the other, or the electric ex- citement may call forth the special sensibility of the gusta- tory organ, in the same manner as it causes the special sensibility of the other organs. ) 7. Savours, like odours, are innumerable, and as they dif- fer so much from each other, it is impossible to classify them in any satisfactory manner. We can readily understand what is meant by the terms sweet, Utter, sour, saline, acr'uly &c., yet each of them differs in intensity, as well as other shades of character. For example, rectified sugar, brown sugar, maple sugar, beet sugar, molasses, honey, &c., are all SENSE OF TASTE. 171 sweet, but the taste of each is different. Linneus and Booer- haave both made a classification of savours, but they have never been generally adopted by physiologists. Adelon divides them into two kinds, the agreeable and disagreeable. But even this division is not founded in nature ; for we find the old adage true, that " one man's meat is another man's poison." iEvery person has some peculiarities of taste, dis likes to particular articles of food, or shades of difference in the appreciation of tastes, which may be constitutional, or caused by association. Besides, the taste sometimes be- comes unaccountably morbid or depraved. We often see children devouring chalk, brick-dust, ashes, dirt, and slate- pencils, when if, at other times, they were required to swal- low such articles, as medicine, they would doubtless deem it a peculiar hardship. 8. Savours differ as to the permanence or transientness of impression which they leave upon the organs of taste. (Aromatic and bitter substances particularly leave their taste in the mouth for a long time after they have been swallow- ed jj the physician, therefore, when he wishes to administer some nauseous drug, forestalls the sense of taste, by direct- ing one of these substances lo be held previously in the mouth. There is a common experiment on this subject, which has led to many bets, viz., giving to a person blind- fold, brandy, rum, gin, or any other spirituous liquor in rapid succession, and see whether he can tell one from another. In a short time, the nerve becomes so impregnated with the different substances, that all distinction becomes confounded Tasters of wine, tea, &c., understand this principle ;Hbr w< see them take up a small portion and move it over the wholt surface of the mouth, so as to extend its action, and then they wait for some time after the impression is made before they taste of other samplesjf r When a person takes a medi cinal draught, he gulps it down as quick as possible, in order that it may come in contact with as small a portion as pos sihle of the organ of taste.. 172 PHYSIOLOGY. 9. The taste is greatly under the influence of habit. ( Many articles which at first excite disgust, being taken through fashion or necessity, at length become highly grateful. We need only name tobacco, and perhaps ardent spirits. The taste for these substances is altogether artificial, no one be- ing fond of them, when taken for the first time. Such per- version of taste often becomes national. Thus garlic forms a constant ingredient in the dishes of some European coun- tries. The most celebrated sauce of antiquity, was the Roman garum, prepared from the half-putrid intestines of fish. Another of their favourite condiments was assafoetida ; and this is still in high repute among many of the orientals. Rotten eggs are highly esteemed by the Siamese, and fish in an advanced state of decomposition is highly relished in the northern and western islands of Scotland. Dried, putrid mutton is habitually eaten in Iceland, and epicures in every country esteem game and venison a greater luxury, if in a putrescent state. To be a fashionable epicure of the present day, requires that the taste should be educated or trained, like a sportsman's setter. It is then prepared to scent out, with infallible certainty, what fashion has taught it to relish as choice luxuries ; but which -simple, unadulterated taste, rejects as fit only for the kennel or the carrion crow^ 10. The gratification which we derive from eating de- pends chiefly on the state of the stomach. If that is not in a condition to digest food properly, no matter how much we may generally relish any particular article ; it will, at such times, invariably excite disrelish or even disgust. So also when we sit down with a keen appetite to a meal, as our hunger is appeased, the relish proportionally diminishes, till at length we reach the point of satiety, and if we persist, nausea and disgust are certain to succeed/ Here then, is another wise provision, informing us with infallible cer- tainty when we have taken sufficient food to supply the wants of the system. The ancient Romans availed them- selves of a knowledge of this law, and hence were in the habit SENSE OF TASTE. 173 of leaving the table once or twice during a meal, and after having, by means of an emetic, unloaded the stomach, of re- turning again to the charge. 11. As a general rule, articles that are agreeable to the taste, are safe and nutritious, though this is not invariably the case. For example, prussic acid has a very agreeable savour, as well as odour, and is accordingly used to impart fla- vour to dishes and liqueurs, such as noyeau, yet prussic acid is one of the most powerful poisons in nature. Many sub- stances which at first are highly agreeable, in a short time lose their relish ; we see that grocers understand this prin- ciple, for instead of forbidding a new apprentice from eating sugar, raisins, honey, and molasses, he tells him to eat all he wants, knowing, that in a short time, his appetite will be cloyed, and all temptation removed. 12. /Among animals, we find a great difference in the per- fection of this sense; iSome enjoy it, doubtless, in as great, if not a greater degree than man, as they are able by it to distinguish plants that are nutritive and good for food, from those which are poisonous; and accordingly it is a rare thing for animals to die from eating such vegetables. Many insects feed on the leaves of poisonous plants, and seme ani- mals eat the leaves of the poison ivy without injury. There is an insect which feeds on the leaves of the tobacco, and the southern planter guards against its ravages by a process called worming. The taste also in animals sometimes be- comes morbid, as we see it happen among our own race. Mr. Bennet, in his "Wanderings in New South Wales" states, that serious losses happened to the farmers in that country from the sheep acquiring the habit of licking and devouring earth impregnated with saline matter. In a short time, he says, their natural innocent dispositions become changed, and they become carniverous and savage, and de- vour the lambs. Thus out of a flock of twelve hundred lambs, eight hundred were devoured by the sheep themselves. 13. The sense of taste is most delicate in youth. It is 15* 174 PHYSIOLOGY. much impaired by the use of alcoholic drinks, tobacco, and highly seasoned food >; so that the spirit-drinker, the tobacco- chewer, and the epicure often lose this sense to such a de- gree that they cannot relish plain dressed food. That man relishes his food best who rarely uses powerful stimulants and narcotics. Majendie says that man would probably excel all the other animals in delicacy of taste, if he did not, at an early period, impair its sensibility by strong drinks, or by the use of spices, and other luxuries. 14. CThe taste may be improved by cultivation like any of the other senses* Dr. Kitchener states that some epicures are able to tell from what precise part of the Thames a sal. mon had been caught, when presented at table. Many gourmands pretend to be able to pronounce by sipping a few drops of wine, the country whence it comes, as well as its age ; to tell by the taste, whether birds put upon the table are domesticated or wild, &c. Such acuteness of taste is however, by no means desirable, as we are liable, in the " rough and tumble" of life, to meet with so much that de- mands obtuseness rather than refinement of feeling. The epicure with his acuteness and delicacy of taste, is liable to continual annoyances and discomforts, while the man of simple and unsophisticated taste will receive gratification and pleasure from the very same objects which excited dis- gust in the former. 15. If we examine the lower animals, we shall find that in none of them is the tongue precisely like that of man. The resemblance is the nearest in apes ; but in them, even, it is much elongated. In animals that chew the cud, or ruminants, we find the tongue covered with a dense cuticle, studded over with numerous pointed papillae, especially towards the root. These projections, together with the waving ridges on their palates, are of great use in collecting and swallowing the tender herbage on which they feed. In the cat tribe, the sharp, horny prickles on the tongue, enables them to take a firm hold. In the lion and tiger these prickles are suffi- SENSE OF TASTE. 175 cient to tear off the skin even of large animals. Ant-eaters are furnished with a very long and slender tongue, covered with a viscid, adhesive secretion, whereby they are able to seize their prey, on thrusting it into an ant-hill* 16. Whales have an enormous tongue, though it has been doubted whether it is endowed with the sense of taste. They have, moreover, projecting downwards from the upper jaw, a kindofpallisade, consisting of several hundred plates of whale- bone, the outer edges of which are sharp, the inner fringed with long hair like appendages, the spaces between the plates being little more than half an inch. The length of the plates sometimes exceeds twelve feet. This pallisade, when the mouth is closed, is covered by the enormous fleshy lower lip, but when open, it presents a kind of grating through which the water loaded with medusa and other small animals, flows* Captain Parry states that these medu- sa or sea-blubber, so abound in the arctic seas, that when the water is still, and the surface smooth, they present a striking resemblance to a thick snow-fall, when the flakes are large and the air calm. The soft, spongy texture which forms the tongue of the whale, is thought to be better adapted for licking the food from the hairy whale-bone roof, and transferring it to the gullet, than to serve as an instru- ment of taste. 17. The tongue of birds varies much in form and con- sistence. In some, it is horny, as in the toucan, where it is several inches in length and exceedingly narrow, like a long strip of whale-bone ; or in the wood-pecker, to the tip of whose tongue there is fixed a long, sharp, pointed, spear-like body with serrated edges, for piercing and seizing on insects burrowing beneath the bark of trees. Parrots, which belong to the same class, have soft fleshy tongues well adapted to the exercise of taste. 28. In reptiles also, we find great variety of forms and applications of the tongue. In the crocodile it is small and imrnoveable, so much so, as to lead some naturalists to deny 176 PHYSIOLOGY. its existence. In serpents, it is forked, and susceptible of considerable motion ; while in the frog, it is folded back in the state of inactivity ; but when the animal is about to seize an insect, it suddenly unfolds and projects it out of the mouth. The tongue of a chameleon is contained within a sheath, and admits of being projected to the extent of six inches, and is besmeared with a glutinous secretion. In the twinkling of an eye it is darted out to catch its food, which consists chiefly of flies. Fishes have the mere rudiments of a tongue, fixed near the throat, which is often furnished with teeth. There is reason to believe that many of the inverte- brated animals are endowed with taste, such as bees, wasps, flies, and leeches. Questions. To what sense is that of taste allied ? What is sapid- ity ? What is the chief organ of taste ? What other parts participate in the function ? Describe the structure of the tongue. From what source does the tongue derive its nerves ? Which is the nerve of taste ? What are papillae ? How many kinds are there on the tongue ? What is the office of the mucous papillae ? Of the conical and fungiform ? What is the process of taste ? Can insoluble sub- stances be tasted ? Why not ? What are the use of the salts in the saliva ? How do we taste metals ? How is the taste excited by gal- vanism explained ? Are there many savours ? Name some. Can they be classified ?*" Why not? What articles leave a. taste in the mouth the longest ? What use can be made of this fact ? How do tasters manage ? Is taste under the influence of habit ? . What facts show this ? To what is the pleasure of eating owing ? How is this shown ? Is the taste a sure guide to what is safe and nutritious ? Do animals differ as to taste ? Do they possess it in as great perfection as man ? Does it ever become morbid in them ? When is taste most delicate ? How is it impaired ? May the taste be improved ? Are the advantages or disadvantages the greatest, which attend great deli- cacy of taste ? Have any of the lower animals a tongue like that of man ? Describe some peculiarities ? What apparatus have whales for eating small sea animals ? What is said of the tongue of birds ? of reptiles ? of fishes ? Do any of the invertebrated animals possess tha faculty of taste ? CHAPTER XV. THE SENSE OF SMELL. 1. -TiiE sense of smell takes cognizance of the odorous properties of bodies.) The seat, or organ, is the mucous membrane, which lines the nasal cavities, and is called the schneiderian, or pituitary membrane.; It is covered with nervous papillae, similar to, but more delicate than those which cover the organ of taste. \ These cavities open an- teriorily through the external nostrils, and posteriorly into the fauces or throat, to permit the air to traverse them in its passage to the lungs. .The nasal organ seems to be designed for the purpose of collecting the odorous particles ; and it is divided into two similar cavities, by a bony parti- tion, called the vomer, which is extended by means of cartilage to the anterior extremity of the nose. Each nostril contains Front view of the nasal fossae. 178 PHYSIOLOGY. two convoluted or, turbinated bones, of a light spongy tex- ture, one being situated above the other ; and they divide the general cavity of the nostril into three passages. 2. In connection with the nostrils, there are several cavi- ties, as in the frontal and upper jaw-bones, called sinuses. These communicate with the nostrils, and as they extend the surface on which the lining membrane is expanded, they are supposed to contribute to the sense of smell, by affording capacious receptacles for air, loaded with odorous particles. Of the 14 bones which enter into the formation of the face, 11 assist in forming the cavities of the nostrils, as do also three out of the eight bones that form the cranium. Be- Nasal fossae seen from behind, OF 111E sides the cartilage which forms the septum erf the nose, two others of an elastic nature constitute the wings ; and as they admit of motion, several muscles are attached order to regulate the external orifices in accordance with different conditions of respiration, and also to enable us to exercise the sense of smell with greater effect, when we wish voluntarily to employ that function. 3. The membrane which lines the nasal fossae, resembles the mucous membranes generally, and adheres firmly to the bones and cartilages which it covers. Externally, this mem- brane is continuous with the common integuments, and pos- teriorly with the lining membrane of the throat. It varies somewhat in appearance in different situations. In the sinuses, it is thin, pale, and of a smooth surface ; but where it constitutes the immediate seat of smell, it is thicker, more vascular, and of a redder colour than mucous membrane in other situations. It is studded with mucous follicles, which yield the secretion with which it is moistened ; though it is also bathed with the tears that spread out upon it, after having been conveyed from the eye through the nasal ducts. The nasal mucus seems as essential to the sense of smell, as the secretion from the mucous membrane of the mouth to that of taste. In those who use tobacco in the form of snuff, this secretion often becomes so scanty or so changed in quality, that the smell is much impaired, and sometimes entirely lost : the voice also is seriously injured by the same practice. 4. |The olfactory, or first nerve, is the sense of smell. This is spread out on the thick vascular portion of membrane just described. 'Twigs from the first and second branches of the fifth, are plentifully ramified over the whole surface of the pituitary membrane, imparting to it common sensibility. The nose is also supplied with branches from the facial to regulate the action of the muscles. Dr. Majendie says, that the organ of smell ought to be described as a sort of sieve, placed in the passage of the air, as it is introduced into the 180 PHYSIOLOGY. chest, and intended to stop every foreign body that may be mixed with the air, particularly the odours. 5. What is called odour, or smell, resides in nearly all bodies, and is given off by moisture, heat, motion, or friction. Those which do not possess this quality are called inodorous. Those little particles which convey the odour, are scattered through the air, and in breathing drawn into the upper part of the nostrils, where the sense of smell principally resides. If we breathe through the mouth, odours in general will not be perceived, unless very pungent. The fluid which moistens the lining membrane of the nose, is supposed not only to render it more sensitive and delicate, but also to entangle the odorous particles, and in this way detain them longer in contact with the olfactory nerve. The constant evaporation which takes place from the membrane, owing to the passage of the air in respiration, requires that the secretion should be constant as well as copious ; otherwise the membrane would soon become dry and parched. 6. It is very difficult to describe an odour, except to those who have smelled it, or something with which it may be compared. We can say that odours are pleasant or dis- agreeable ; that they are aromatic, or sweet, rancid, or fetid, &c. ; but we can give no correct idea of the peculiar smell of bodies, such as camphor, musk, garlic, the rose, &c., with- out experiencing the sensation which their smell produces. 7. The odorous particles of bodies must be very small to excite any sensation on the animal organs. A grain of musk will, it is said, scent a room for years, and not lose any of its weight ; Mr. Boyle asserts that the smell of cinnamon, from Ceylon, is perceived at sea at the distance of twenty- five miles from the island. Scales in which a few grains of musk have been weighed, have been found to retain the smell for twenty years, though during all this time, they must have been constantly giving off odorous particles. Haller kept some papers forty years, which had been perfumed by a single grain of amber, and at the end of that time they did not SENSE OF SMELL. 181 appear to have lost any of their odour. But these particles cannot be as small as those of light, because we see that glass is capable of retaining the former, but suffers the latter to pass through it. The art of the perfumer consists in fixing and preserving odours in the most agreeable and convenient vehicles. 8. Odours differ very much as to the permanence of the impression which they produce. While that of some is very transient, in others the scent remains for hours after the application of the substance. They also differ, as we have seen, as to the extent to which their influence extends. .Moisture in the atmosphere is favourable to the diffusion of odours, which would seem to show that vapour is a good conductor. For example, a flower garden is never more grateful to the smell than in the morning, when the dew is evaporating, or after a warm summer shower. So also the plants of a green-house are more fragrant, just after they have been watered. Some flowers give off their odour only at certain times, generally after they are fully expanded, and their parts in the greatest activity. 9. Though the air is the usual vehicle for odours, yet we find that they adhere to solid bodies, and can even be con- veyed through water. But though the whole art of per- fumery is founded on this fact, it has been strenuously denied that they could be conducted through water, and conse- quently that fishes could smell. Some physiologists state that fishes have no olfactory organ ; that the part commonly considered as such is the organ of taste. This opinion is, however, erroneous. " Not many naturalists of the present day," says Dunglison, " will be hardy enough to deny, that fishes have an organ, or sense of smell. At all events, few anglers, who have used their oil of rhodium, or other attrac- tive bait, will be disposed to give up the results of their experience, without stronger grounds than any that have been assigned by the advocates of that view of the subject." 10. Fishes are furnished with organs of smell, but they 16 182 PHYSIOLOGY. have no communication with tho mouth or gullet. They are in .ulaled cavities, covered with a valvular lid, and lined wilh u plaited membrane, similar to tho under surface of oino inushrooniH. This Borvos to extend the surface, while it is covered with a viscid mucus, fin tho cod-fish, the nerves of smell are spread mil. iii ii cavity fill'd wilh Hind, and lar',er HI;III Unit which contains the brain itself. "That the. rod is ;niided by Ninrll in the selection of food," says Aitkin, must he well Known to every "lie who has taken it with bait, in circumstances whore ho could watch tho conduct of tho finh. If not very hungry, it may frequently bo observed to approach tho bait, apparently attracted by tho Bight, till, at a closer distance, it seems distinctly to smell at it ; and if not satisfied, turns aside and neglects it." Every person who has been in tho habit of fishing much, must have often observed the siiiue tact, in catching common poiid-lish, such as perch, roach, &u. 11. It was an opinion formerly entertained, that odours possess nutritive |ro|>erlies, as savoury smells seem to have the effect of allaying hunger, or at least of satisfying tho appetite in some degree. This effect, however, is best ex. plained, by referring it to tho influence of odours on the nervous system, Ms we sec the appetite often instantly des- troyed by unwelcome news. In persons whoso digestive organs are weak, tho appetite is often destroyed instantane- ously by a nauseous odour. (We read that Democritus lived three days on (he vapour of hot bread ; and I'.acou speaks of a man, who was supported several days by inhaling tho odour of a mixture of aromatic and aliuceous herbs. In IMS, |)r. Wilkins, the Hishop of Chester, published a hook, the object of vtluch was, to that the moon is iiihabil- nble, and that it is possible lor us to find a passage thither. In this work, he says, If we must needs ("eed upon some- thing, why may not smells nourish us ? Plutarch and rimy, and divers oilier ancients tell us of a nation in India, that lived only upon pleasing odours; and it is the common ::\ <>i MI. 1. 1. 183 opinion of phyMd.m , that these do strangely both strengthen and n |;iir I IK: NpiritM." lii. We read ;ui ;HIIU in inn r.lolr m Fuller, who lived .'it the name time with thu bimhop, in relation to thin suppoxed nourinhing property of odours/ A poor man being very hungry, ntuid 00 long in u cook'n Hhop, who wan dinning up the meat, that his utomach was cuitiHficd with only thu smell thereof. The choleric cook demanded of him to pay for hit* bn::ik!;is( ; tin: poor man denied h;ivin;j li;id ;iny ; and (In: controverHy was referred to tin: ana " several shades and combinations of these. It is on this alone that the colour of the eye de- pends. The colour depends indeed on the refraction of the light, as it falls on the fleecy or velvet-like surface of the membrane, and also upon the degree in which the black paint which covers its back is seen through it ; according as the iris is more or less transparent, will the " colour of the eye" be lighter or darker. 11. In many of the lower animals, especially birds, the iris assumes a still greater variety of colours. The round hole in the centre of the iris is called the pupil, and it is the dark pigment of the choroid coat, that we see through this when we look into the eye of another. Aitkin says that this name has been given to it, from the fact that when we look into the eye, we see a small image of our own face, like a very minute child or pupil. In albinos, and in animals that see best in the dark, like owls, the dark pigment is wanting not only on the choroid coat, but also on this membrane, and as these parts are very vascular, the blood is seen imparting a red colour to the eye. 12. The iris has the power of dilating or contracting in order to admit more or less light according as it is needed.. This is effected by muscular fibres.) Of these, there are two kinds. The first set converge from the circumference of the iris to the circular margin of the pupil, and are called the radiated muscles. When these contract they dilate the pupil. The other set is composed of circular fibres which go round the border, and indeed, form the pupil ; these are called the orbicular muscle ; and when they contract diminish the size of the pupil. Now, when more light enters the eye than is wanted, the excited retina immediately gives warning of the danger, and the nerves which are plentifully distributed to the iris, stimulate the orbicular muscle to contract, and the radiated one to relax, by which means the size of the pu- pil is instantly lessened. On the contrary, when in the dark or twilight, more light is needed, to transmit a distinct image SENSE OF SIGHT. 197 of objects to the brain, the orbicular muscle relaxes, and the radiated one contracts, so as to enlarge the pupil to its full extent. Between these two muscles is a middle layer, com- posed of a net- work of blood-vessels and nerves. Fig. 4. The cut marked I. represents the iris magnified as seen from the front, showing the radiated muscle. Cut II. is a back view of the same showing the orbicular muscle. 13. The iris then, regulates the quantity of light passing through the pupil. The pupil during sleep is in an intermediate state ; in inflammation of the brain it is generally contracted ; but when the functions of the brain are interrupted by nar- cotic poisons, the pressure of effused fluid, a tumour, or any other cause, the pupil is dilated. The bella donna, or deadly night-shade, is employed by surgeons for this purpose, when they wish to couch, or perform other operations on the eye. The contraction of the pupil is readily seen by holding a candle close to the eye of a person, and then withdrawing it slowly ; or by directing a person to look at a very near ob- ject, and then at one more distant. Some persons can dilate and contract the iris at pleasure. I possess this faculty to a very great extent, and was conscious of it before I ac- tually tried the experiment. The motion of the iris is not at all associated with that of the lids, as Walker suggests in his late excellent work on the Philosophy of Sight, the lids remaining the whole time perfectly stationary. I am, when contracting the iris, sensible of an effort similar to that of examining a very near object, and when dilating it, like that 17* 198 PHYSIOLOGY. of looking on one at a distance ; but it is not necessary actually to look at any object in either case, nor do I attempt it. If this does not prove that the muscles of the iris are somewhat under the control of the will, then it cannot be proved that any muscles of the body are so. 14. |The iris, in the lower animals, not only presents great diversities in colour, as has been stated, but also in form and mobility. In birds, and in the cat tribe, its mo- tions are free and evidently voluntary ; but in reptiles, its motions are obscure ; and in fishes imperceptible. In rumi- nants, in the horse, the marmot, in the whale tribe, and in owls, the goose, and the dove among birds, the pupil is elon- gated transversely or sideways. In the horse, a small square curtain hangs down, which intercepts a great portion of the rays coming from above. In the cat tribe, including the lion, the tiger, leopard, the lynx, the jaguar, &c. the pupil is elongated vertically, as it is also in the crocodile* Now we see a wise design in this arrangement, for in such animals as have to watch their prey, which is generally placed more above them, as on a tree, than at either side, the pupil is elongated vertically, so as to admit of more extended vision in such direction ; while in timid animals, like the ox, sheep, and hare, who have to guard against the insidious approach of enemies, while quietly grazing the fields, we find this ar- rangement reversed, and the pupil admits the greatest num- ber of lateral rays. 15. Ciliary Processes. These are little folds or fringes of the choroid coat, which, joining the sclerotica near the cornea, (which union is termed the ciliary ligament) turn backwards and inwards, in the form of a circular, plaited fringe, the lit- tle threads of which are called the ciliary processes. They are covered, like the choroid, with the black pigment, and closely embrace the margin of the crystalline lens, forming round it an opaque blackened partition, which absorbs all the side rays of light, which might otherwise have disturbed the clearness of vision. These threads or processes are plaited SENSE OF SIGHT. 199 like the folds of a ruffle, of which there are about 70 in the human eye, all arranged in a radiated manner round the lens, as represented in the following cut. Fig. 5. Section of the eye magnified, showing the ciliary processes, the pig- mentum nigrum, the retina, and the choroid coat. 16. The ciliary processes are thus cellular and vascular, and some have thought muscular, in order to give support to the weight of the crystalline and vitreous bodies, to keep them from falling towards the iris, or into the aqueous hu- mour. To accomplish this, we find them placed immme- diately in front of the vitreous humour, and closely embrac- ing the circumference of the crystalline lens, and then to strengthen the slender materials of which it is formed, we find it implanted in little furrows on the surface of the vit- reous body, glued as it were to it, and adhering to it very firmly. We know that very substantial fabrics are made by plaiting and matting together very slender and flimsy sub- stances, as straw, chip, and grass to form hats ; and it is on this principle, doubtless, that the ciliary processes are im- pacted or plaited together. 17. HUMOURS or THE EYE. The humours of the eye 200 PHYSIOLOGY. have been compared to the glasses of a telescope, and the coats to the tube which keeps them in their places. They are three in number, and though all are perfectly transparent, they differ in density, and in the space which they respec- tively occuptl 18. Aqueous Humour.-^-The aqueous humour is as clear aa the purest water, from whence its name, although its specific gravity is greater ; containing, as it does, a little albumen, gelatine, and muriate of soda. It fills the entire space be- tween the cornea and cyrstalline lens. The iris floats in it, suspended like a curtain. The space between the iris and the cornea is called the anterior chamber ; and that between the iris and the crystalline lens, the posterior chamber of the eye. This fluid is secreted by a very thin, transparent mem- brane which encloses it, though some say it exhales from the vessels of the iris, and its chief office is to distend the cor- nea, and preserve the iris in a moist condition, fit for the dis- charge of its appropriate functions. This fluid is also in a constant state of secretion and absorption ; for when entirely discharged, in extracting the lens, for cataract, we find that in a few hours it will be restored again. In old age, its quantity is lessened, and the eye becomes flatter, needing the aid of convex glasses. Fishes have no aqueous humour at all, as the water, in which they swim, answers the same purpose, as this was designed for, in land animals. 19. Besides this, the aqueous humour probably aids in adjusting the eye to different distances. As the lens lies im- mediately behind it, it is evident that, when the quantity of fluid is increased, it will press the lens back nearer the re- tina, while, at the same time, it renders the cornea more convex, and the reverse happens when the quantity is dimi- nished. When the distemsion is very great, the pressure causes a cloudiness or opacity of the cornea, thereby pro- ducing blindness. This not unfrequently happens with horses that have been fed during the winter on dry food, either placed on a level with the head or above it. In the SE-NSE OF SIGHT. 201 spring, when they are turned out to the green pasture, where their diet is changed from dry to succulent, and where also the head is held near the ground to collect the food, a con- gestion of the aqueous humour is apt to occur, sufficient to produce temporary blindness. 20. The Crystalline Lens.-^-This is placed immediately behind the aqueous humour, a short distance back of the pupil, and is a double convex lens, perfectly transparent. In shape it closely resembles the common burning glass ; its posterior surface is, however, a little more convex than the exterior, and it approaches nearer to a sphere in infancy than in old age* When the crystalline lens is first removed from an eye* it looks like a mass of transparent crystal, without any trace of organization. Near the surface it is much softer than at the centre, which is harder and more compact. It is also softer in the young than in the old. As it consists chiefly of albumen, when exposed to heat, as of boiling water, alcohol or acids, it becomes white, like the white of an egg. If we examine it in this state, we shall find that it consists of an immense number of concentric plates or Lamella. More than two thousand of these have been counted, disposed in the form of layers like the coat of an onion, each layer consisting of an infinite number of very minute filaments, wound round in different directions, from various centres. The arrangement of these fibres differs in various animals, but is uniform in every individual of the same species. In fishes the lens is nearly spherical ; in reptiles it is less so, and in birds and mammalia, it is still more flattened. In amphibious animals, as turtles or frogs, or those whose vision is adapted both for air and water, as seals and whales, the lens is more convex than in those which live entirely in the water. When this lens becomes so opaque as to obstruct the passage of the light, either par- tially or entirely, a person is said to have a cataract. This can only be cured by a surgical operation. 202 PHYSIOLOGY. Fig. 6. Section of the eye magnified, showing the Crystalline Lens in its proper situation, between the aqueous and vitreous humours. 21. The Vitreous Humour. -The vitreous body or humour is so called from its resemblance to melted glass. It is, like the other humours, perfectly transparent, and occupies the globe of the eye, of which it constitutes at least the poste- rior two thirds. It is surrounded by the retina in nearly its whole extent, to which, however, it does not adhere. It is composed of a fluid, contained in cells, formed of a mem- brane called the hyaloid, which communicate with each other, so that if it is punctured, the fluid with ^hich it is filled will escape, though slowly in consequence of the intri- cacy of the cellular structure. On removing the vitreous humour from the eye, it appears to be of about the consis- tency of the white of an egg ; its use being to afford a sur- face for the extension of the expanded retina, to keep the lens at the requisite distance, and to transmit and refract the rays of light. SENSE OF SIGHT. Fig. 7. 203 The vitreous humour and crystalline lens magnified, with the stains of the pigmentum nigrum left by the ciliary processes. 22. Laws of Vision. 4Light passes through the air, or any medium of the same density, in straight lines ; but when it passes from one medium into another, it is refracted, or bent out of a straight Course, unless it strikes the new medium in a perpendicular direction, when it passes directly through. Air, water, glass, or any substance through which light passes, is called a medium. When a ray of light passes from a thinner or rarer medium, into one more dense, as from air into water, it is bent towards a line drawn perpen- dicularly to its surface. The contrary is the case when the reverse happens. This is shown by plunging a straight stick into the water, which will appear crooked. This may be illustrated by the familiar experiment of taking an object, such as a shilling, and fixing it at the bottom of an empty basin, then retiring backwards until the brim of the basin hides it ; then let water be poured into the vessel, and the coin will again come to light, as in the following cut, (See Fig. 8.) Thus the ray of light from the coin will proceed in the di- rection #, previous to the addition of the water, but when water is poured into the vessel, the ray will be reflected down to the eye, and the shilling will appear to occupy the 204 PHYSIOLOGY. Fig. 8. situation b. In the same way, when we look into a river, the pebbles appear to be raised in the water, and it looks shallower than it really is. From this circumstance, persona have often been drowned. 23. Lenses. -A. lens is usually made of glass, its surface being ground into some of the following shapes : The first of these on the left hand would be called a plain lens ; the third, double convex ; the fourth, plano-convex ; the fifth, double concave ; the sixth, plano-concave ; the seventh, concavo-convex, fyc. Now, light in its passage through these glasses, would be refracted in proportion to their greater or less degrees of convexity or concavity ; but in passing through a plain lens, like the first, the rays would not be bent out of a straight course. For example, if you place an object at the bottom of a tub of water, and place the eye in a perpendicular direction over it, the object is seen pre- cisely in its true situation ; but if you withdraw a short distance, it will appear to be situated where it is not. SENSE OF SIGHT. 205 A, a solid oblong piece of glass ; a, a, a stream of light, which strikes the surface of the glass, b, c, and which, being perpendicular, suffers it to pass through without refraction. 24. Now let us take a concave lens, and see what effect that will have on the light. Fig. 11. A, a solid oblong piece of glass; a, a, a stream of light which strikes the surface of the glass 6, c, and vyhich being concave, causes the light in its passage through it to diverge. 25. Now try a convex lens, such as the crystalline humour of the eye, and see how that will affect the rays of light. We see that this form of glass causes the rays of light 18 206 PHYSIOLOGV. a, a, to converge to a point, or focus at d ; and if it was still more convex, they would come to a point still nearer. We are now able fully to understand how it is that the humours, or lenses of the eye collect the light from visible objects, and converge them into an image upon the retina. fThese media, we have seen, are four in number, viz., the cornea, the aqueous humour, the crystalline lens, and the vitreous humour ; each possessing a different density, different sphericity, and con- sequently different refractive powers. 26. Now let us examine the principle on which an image is formed. This may be shown by holding a common sun- glass opposite a window in a room, and placing a sheet of paper behind it. We immediately see depicted on the paper a perfect image of the window, diminished according to the convexity of the glass, but inverted. The greater the con- convexity, the nearer must the paper be held to the glass to receive the image, and the nearer to the window the glass is held, the larger will the image appear. Fig. 13 In this cut, rays of light pass from the candle, and the hand A, B, and falling on the lens at C, are conveyed to the paper D, which is consequently illumined with the object in the same way as in the above experiment, the window was painted on the paper. In like manner precisely, are images painted on the retina, as is shown in the following cut. 'SENSE OF SIGHT. Fig. 14. 207 27. Thus the convergence of the rays begins in the aqueous humour is perfected in the crystalline^ but when they strike the vitreous humour, which is concave on its front surface, and also less dense than the crystalline, they diverge or spread out, and are thrown upon the back part of the eye. The manner in which this is effected may easily be seen by the following illustration. Fig. 15. o, the aqueous ; c, the crystalline ; t>, the vitreous humour. In passing through the crystalline, the rays cross each othei, so that those rays which pass from the lower part of an object are presented uppermost in the bottom of the eye and the reverse, so that the images of objects are always invert, ed, or bottom side upwards. Any one can see this by cut. ting out a circular portion of the outer coat, at the back part of the eye of an ox or sheep recently killed, and holding it up at a window ; he will then see, on its posterior sur- face, a perfect but inverted representation of objects whether 208 PHYSIOLOGY. stationary or in motion. Now, suppose a person was look* ing at a church with a tree standing at its side, he would have in each eye an actual inverted panorama of the objects, painted in a more beautiful, correct, and delicate manner than any effort of art can ever hope to exhibit, as follows. Fig. 16. 28. But if the images of objects are inverted, why do we see things erect ? Locke, Buffon, Diderot, and other great philosophers, supposed that infants at first see things upside down, and afterwards learn to correct their erroneous sensa- tion, by comparing the information obtained by touch with that acquired by sight. And not only this, they maintain- ed that infants see every object double, and all at the same distance, until experience corrects their errors. Berkeley, however, contended, that we judge of the position of objects by comparing them with our own ; and as we see ourselves as well as every thing else wrong side up, or inverted, ex- ternal bodies are in the same relation to us as if they were erect. But in that case, the boy who stoops down and looks at objects between his legs, ought certainly to see them wrong side up ; but though a little confused perhaps at first, he soon sees in that way as well as any other. This diffi- culty is easily explained by what is called the law of visible direction ; that is, each point of an object is seen perpendi- cular to the point of the retina on which its image falls. The surface of the retina being concave, and nearly as pos- SENSE OP SIGHT. 209 sible spherical, these lines of visible direction meet and cross at a point within the eye, which is called the centre of visible direction ; the lines from the upper part of the image go to the lower part of the object, and those from the lower part of the image proceed to the upper part of the object. Thus an inverted image necessarily produces an erect object, and the external object is the thing to which the mind attends, and not the object on the retina. The error of all these philosophers has consisted in this, that they have imagined a true picture to be formed on the retina, which is regarded by the mind, and therefore seen inverted. But there is no interior eye to see or take cognizance of this image ; but the mind accurately refers the impression made on the retina to the object producing it. In short, the mind stands behind the retina and looks at objects as they are through this screen, but it does not see the screen itself, but judges of the position of objects by the direction in which the light comes from them towards the eye ; and as Arnott well remarks, "no more deems an object to be placed low be. cause its image may be low in the eye, than a man in a room into which a sun-beam enters by a hole in the window- shutter, deems the sun low because its image is on the floor." 29. Again, why, as we have two eyes, does not every object appear double ? fThe reason is, that in the two eyes are corresponding points, so that when a similar impres- sion is made on both, the sensation, or vision, is single. Now, we have the faculty of so directing the axis of the eyes, that the image of* an object falls exactly on the same point in each ; but if from any cause there is the least dis- turbance, then vision becomes double, as often happens to the drunkard. This is easily known by slightly pressing a finger on the ball of either eye, so as to prevent its following the motion of the other. Persons who squint always have double vision, but then they acquire the power of attending to the sensation in one eye at a time. Animals that have 18* 210 PHYSIOLOGY. the eyes placed on opposite sides of the head, possess in a more remarkable degree the faculty of thus attending to one thing at a time. 30. It follows then, that the eye itself does not see ; it is only an instrument employed by the brain, or rather the mind, whose servant the brain is. The optic nerve is the channel by which the mind peruses the hand writing of na- ture on the retina, and through which it transfers to that material tablet its decisions and its creations. There is then a portion, or rather an organ of the brain, where vision or the mind's eye is seated ; and this portion is sometimes im- perfectly constituted or organized, as Gall has proved to be the case, in those who cannot distinguish colours. That such is a true statement of facts, we learn from observing that disease of a given portion of brain produces blindness, whilst the eye remains perfectly healthy. Either this was the case with Milton, or he was afflicted with amaurosis, or palsy of the retina, for he says, " These eyes, though clear To outward view, of blemish, or of spot, Bereft of light, their seeing have forgot! Nor to their idle orbs doth sight appear Of sun, or moon, or star throughout the year !" We also have the power of internal vision when asleep ; and those who have lost their eyes perceive spectral illusions, and other similar phenomena, and they can alio conjure up the figures and forms of various objects familiar to them before they lost their vision. ^gg 31. {From the principles now laid down we can understand why rivers appear shallower than they are, and why a stick placed in the water appears crooked. In spearing of fish, or shooting them in the water, every sportsman knows that he must make suitable allowance for this refraction, for the fish is always nearer to him than it appears. Birds that dive for fish seem to understand that there is but small chance of success if they dive obliquely into the water, so like skilful SENSE OF SIGHT. 211 opticians, they hover over, and when they see their prey, dart down perpendicularly, in which direction, as we have seen, there is no refraction. There is a curious fish in the East India waters called chactodon, about eight inches long, that appears to understand optics remarkably well. When it sees a fly, sitting on the plants that grow in shallow water, it swims within five or six feet, and then with the dexterity of a practical marksman, ejects from its tubular mouth a single drop of water which never fails to strike the fly into the sea, where it soon becomes its prey. Dunglison states that Hommel, the Dutch governor, put some of these fish into a tub of water, and then pinned a fly on a stick within their reach. He daily saw the fish shoot at the fly, and they never failed to hit their mark. 32. Short-sightedness. -This generally arises from too great convexity of the cornea, or excessive density in the structure of the crystalline lens ; either of which will cause the visual rays from near objects, to converge to a focus, be- fore they reach the retina. This is remedied by concave glasses^ which, as we have seen, cause the rays to diverge, as is represented in the following cut. Fig. 17. A. a short-sighted eye ; B. an arrow which it attempts to perceive, but is prevented by the convergence of the passage of the visual rays to foci, at C., before they reach the retina at D. E. the same eye. 212 PHYSIOLOGY. similarly situated, showing how by the intervention of a concave lens, G., the rays are di-verged, and the image of the arrow, F., accurately converged to the retina at A. 33. Long-sightedness is the opposite defect to this, and is owing to a flattening of the cornea, and a relaxation in the structure of the crystalline lens, by which its power of re- fraction is lessened. ) In this case, the rays of light are car- ried beyond tlie retina, and therefore do not form a distinct image on it. pld persons usually are subject to this defect ; the only remedy known is convex glasses.. Where persons have been short-sighted in youth, as the eye grows flatter by age, they at length are able to see well, without glasses of any kind. This change in the shape of the eye is often denoted by a tendency to hold a book at a greater distance when reading. Glasses do for the eye that portion of the labour of bending the rays of light, which it is not able to do for itself. By adapting glasses to the successive changes which age produces in the shape of the eye, the sight may be pro- longed very often to the close of life. After the operation of extracting the crystalline lens for cataract, or depressing it by couching, very convex glasses are needed to remedy the deficiency. 34. The sight is often injured by long-protracted attention to minute and near objects ; as we see in the watch-maker and engraver ; also by watching for objects at a distance ; as in sailors, and keepers of telegraph stations ; in the one case the eye becoming near, and in the other far-sighted. During the arbitrary reign of Napoleon, the young men of France often produced short-sightedness voluntarily, by wear- ing very concave glasses, in order that they might be exempt from military service. 35. Some persons are unable to tell one colour from another. Sir David Brewster gives us the following exam- ples. A Mr. Scott mistook pinJc for pale blue, and red for green. His father, uncle, sister, and two sons, all mistook these colours in the same way. A shoemaker named White, SENSE OF SIGHT. 213 could only see two colours, black and white, and he could never distinguish the cherries on a tree from the leaves. A tailor at Plymouth could only see yellow and blue. On one occasion he repaired a Hack silk garment with crimson, and on another, he patched the elbow of a blue coat with a piece of red cloth. M. Nicoll tells us of an officer in the British navy, who purchased a blue uniform coat and waistcoat, with red breeches to match. -The cause of this defect is y believed to be a malformation, or deficiency of that portion of the brain which takes cognizance of colours^ 36. The lowest order of animals have no organs of vision, or if so, they have never been detected. Many in- sects have two kinds of eyes, one kind on each side of the head, and the other on the top, in a row, or in the form of a triangle. The spider .has generally eight of these eyes on the top of the head. [What are celled the compound eyes are placed on the side of the head, and in the wasp and dragon-fly they cover a large part of it. These eyes are formed of a large number of separate cones or cylinders, closely packed together, each being a distinct eye, and hex- agonal, or six-sided in shape, like the cells of a honey-combl The ant has about 50 ; the beetle 3,000 ; the silk-worm moth upwards of 6,000 ; the dragon-fly 12,000 ; and some in- sects as many as 20,000. 37. It is now ascertained, that each eye forming these compound eyes of insects, consist of a distinct tube, furnished with every thing necessary for complete vision. The object of this wonderful arrangement seems to be to compensate for want of motion, by the number of eyes, as the insect thus supplied, has an eye pointed towards the object in whatever direction it may appear, and may therefore be truly called circumspect. If we examine the wasp and dragon-fly, we shall find these compound eyes to cover a large portion of each side of the head. By examining with the microscope, we find each of these conical tubes covered with a cornea, and containing a crystalline lens, and aqueous and vitreous 214 PHYSIOLOGY. humour, an iris, a choroid coat, and a retina ; the pigment running back around the lens, separating each cylindrical compartment. They have no eye-lids, eye-lashes, or tears ; but these are compensated for by the great hardness and in- sensibility of the cornea. Fig. 18. Eye of the yellow beetle magnified, composed of 8,820 hexagonal cylinders, the interior of each tube being round. Fig. 19. Eye of the phalaena or butterfly, magnified, consisting of 11,300 square sections. The eye of the mordella is similar, containing 25,088 prisms. 38. Motions of the Eye. We have seen that the eye is a perfect optical instrument, infinitely surpassing the boasted specimens of human skill ; but without the power of motion, of adapting it to the varied objects which surround us, we should derive but a very small proportion of that gratification and pleasure, of which it is now the source. We shall per- ceive the great advantages we enjoy from this benevolent provision, if we contemplate the movements of a telescope ; how difficult it is to direct it to any object, so as to obtain a view of it, and what complicated and cumbrous machinery are required to effect it. But all the various motions of the eye are produced by six little muscles ! SENSE OF SIGHT. 215 39. Four of the .muscles of the eye are called straight or recti muscles ; the other two are named the oblique muscles. 'The first four arise from the back part of the orbit, and are inserted by broad thin tendons into the four sides of the globes near the junction of the cornea with the sclerotic coat. The white pearly appearance of the eye is caused by these tendons. The oblique muscles arise from the front and inner side of the orbit, and pass to the eye-ball at right angles from the straight muscles, one passing over its upper surface, and the other upon its under surface, and both are inserted into its outer side, one a little above its horizontal axis, the other a little below it. The superior oblique muscle is, how- ever, worthy of more particular notice, as no part of the body exhibits clearer marks of design and contrivance. It arises as I have said, from the bottom of the orbit, it proceeds forwards and becomes tendinous, and when it reaches near the margin of the orbit, it passes through a little cartilagi- nous pulley, by which the direction of its action is changed, precisely as we see done by a pulley among the ropes of a ship ; after passing through this little loop, which is dense> smooth, and elastic, and furnished with a lubricating fluid to diminish friction, the tendon runs obliquely backwards and towards the internal angle to be inserted into the ball. When this muscle acts, the eye is rolled directly inwards. Thus the muscle pulls in a direction contrary to its own action, as when a man raises himself by a rope thrown over a beam. The other, or inferior oblique muscle, rolls the eye outwards towards the temple. When they both act together, the eye is steadily carried forwards. The recti muscles move the eye in four directions, upwards, downwards, to the right, and to the left, each movement being affected by its appropriate muscle. When the four act together, the eye is drawn back towards the bottom of the orbit. 216 PHYSIOLOGY. Fig. 20 Side view of the muscles of the eye in their natural positions, a. b. c. d. the four straight muscles, a. is turned up to prevent the others from being hidden, e. the superior oblique muscle, f. the optic nerve. The other oblique muscle is not shown, but it lies on the other side of the ball, and comes round, and is inserted near the superior oblique ; so that they pull opposite ways, like two men sawing timber. By the com- bined action of all these muscles, an infinite variety of motions of the eye can be produced. 40. In order to facilitate the motions of the eye it is lodged securely on a soft bed of fat. This is contained in very large cells at the bottom of the orbits, and is more fluid than fat in general, and is less affected than any other part of the body by those causes, which produce general emaciation. The eye-ball may therefore be said to move in a fluid medium, fully adequate to give every necessary sup- port, and at the same time affording the least possible resist- ance. 41. Defences and Appendages of the Eye. These are SENSE OF SIGHT. 217 Ahe orbit, the eyebrows, the eyelashes, the eyelids, and the lachrymal apparatus. The or&& is a four-sided vault, com- posed of seven bones, and shaped like a pyramid or cone, the apex pointing backwards. The eyeball and the orbit seem exactly made for each other ; the one being globular, the other rounded to receive it. At the bottom of the orbit are holes for the passage of the blood-vessels and nerves. Now this cavity is not scooped out of the skull, as a boy would make a hole in a block of wood, but the seven bones, which enter into its composition, are so curiously dove-tailed together as just to leave this space for the reception of the eye and its appendages. What mechanic could place seven irregular, jagged bones together so as to form a smooth, polished cavity, for such a delicate organ as the eye to roll in ! So securely is the eye protected by its bony house or encasement, that it is a very rare thing for it to be injured, except by some sharp pointed object. 42. The eye then is surrounded on every side with bone, except the front ; now, what have we here to serve as a means of defence ? It would not have answered our pur- pose to have had it entirely shut up in a box of bones, or even to have left a little hole just to peep through. As we cannot draw our heads into a shell when danger threatens, like a snail or turtle, we are furnished with a couple of moveable curtains or eyelids, placed before the eyes, which we can let down or raise up just when we please. If the eyes are " the windows of the soul," then I would call the lids a pair of inimitable window shutters, for they exclude the light whenever its presence would be disagreeable to us. 43. The eyelids are composed of a thin skin, externally ; internally of cellular membrane, its cells filled with a soft semi-transparent fluid ; while their inner surface, in contact with the eye, is lined with a delicate mucous membrane, continuous with the skin, called conjunctiva) Besides these there are beneath the skin, two sets of muscular fibres ; one called orbicular t running round the lid horizontally, whose 19 218 PHYSIOLOGY. contraction serves to close the eye ; the other lying beneath, are the fibres of the levator muscle, which serves to : aise the Ud, or open the Syel These two muscles are well exhibited in the following cut : Fig. 21. Muscles of the eyelids, the elevator passing back into the orbit ; the sphincter, or orbicular muscle surrounding the eye. 44. Around the margin of each lid, there is a delicate elastic cartilage placed, which serves to preserve the shape of the lid ; and into this, as is shown in the cut, the fibres of the elevator muscle, are inserted. In contact and around each cartilage, on its anterior surface, at the root of the eye- lashes, is situated a row of little bags or follicles, which secrete an oily fluid, to keep the parts soft and pliant, and prevent the lids from sticking together. It is this matter which we often find in the morning, collected on the margin of the lids, or in the internal angle of the eye. 45. Now, mark this difference ; the levator muscle, which rises from the bottom of the orbit, is entirely under the con- trol of the will ; the orbicular muscle is not. See the ad- vantage of this. If we had always to issue a command of the will to shut the eyes, before going to sleep, I imagine there are a good many in this lazy world who would forget to shut their eyes, and so go to sleep with them wide open. To what dangers would they be exposed, and what injuries might they not sustain in consequence ! But watch a SENSE OF SIGHT. 219 sleepy person. No sooner does he begin to grow drowsy, than his eyes begin to close ; in other words, " they grow heavy." If he wishes to keep awake he makes a desperate ef- fort to open his lids ; and in the drunkard, whose involuntary muscles overpower the voluntary ones, it is quite ludicrous to watch the expression of countenance, and see how quick the disobedient, rebel lids close, upon the oft-repeated efforts to keep them open. 46. The opening and closure of the lids ordinarily occu- pies about the eighth part of a second, so that there is no interruption to the continuance of vision. Besides serving as a curtain to protect the eye, the lids serve, by their mo- tions to diffuse the tears and mucous secretions, thus keep- ing the surface of the cornea moist, and wiping off any foreign matter, as dust, that may be lodged on it. The eye- lids when closed, do not entirely prevent the transmission of light ; for when we have been refreshed by sleep, the stimulus of the light falling upon the lids, is sufficient to arouse sen- sibility and awake us. 47. It is a curious fact, that while the upper eye-lid falls, the lower eye-lid is moved towards the nose, and thus aids in collecting all offensive particles in the corner of the eye. This can readily be shown by marking the edges of the lids with a black spot ; when the lids are opened and closed, the spot on the upper eye-lid will rise and fall perpendicularly, while that on the lower one will play horizontally like a weaver's shuttle. When any thing gets into the eye, there is this continual play of the lids maintained, till the offend- ing particles have been driven into the inner corner of the eye, when relief is at once obtained. When the object is very small, or not sufficiently irritating to excite these muscles of the lids to action, it is common to p-lace an eye- stone, which is a smooth piece of sulphate of lime in the eye. This not only excites an abundant secretion of tears, but also causes the necessary motions of the lids, by which the object is soon washed into the angle of the ye. 220 PHYSIOLOGY. 48. Many animals have what may be called a third eye- lid, called the nicitating membrane. This slides from one angle of the eye to the opposite side, under the lids, whether open or shut. Its use is to clear away all matter which might be irritating to the eye. Birds that see best by night, such as owls, defend their eyes against the light of the sun, by drawing this curtain over them. 49. The eye-lashes, or cilia, also aid in the protection of the eye. They ward off insects, protect the eye from par- ticles floating in the air, and also break the intensity of light Indeed, when moist, as they often are with perspiration, the little drops serve to decompose the rays of light, causing the appearance of a luminous zone around the flame of a candle. {The eye-brows are composed of loose cellular substance, covered with skin, from which spring short bristly hairs projecting outwards. Like all hairs, they penetrate little follicles, and become besmeared with an oily secretion, which preserves their glossiness^.so that the drops of sweat which may accumulate on the brow are prevented from trickling over the eye-lids, where they might interfere with vision/ 50. Lachrymal Apparatus. rlThe tears are secreted by the lachrymal gland, which is a small spongy body of a flatten- ed form, seated in the hollow of the bone, in the upper and outer part of the orbit, just beneath the outer end of the bone4 These serve as fountains, as well as laboratories or distilleries, separating, as they do, a pure water from the red blood, and discharging it by means of seven or eight little tubes, upon the inner surface of the upper eye-lid, from whence it is spread along with the mucus from the con- junctiva over the eye, by the movements of the lids. But what becomes of the tears ? ^In the inner corner of the eye are two very minute apertures, one in each lid, which are the orifices of two canals, which communicate with a pipe, by which the superfluous moisture is drained off into the nostrils. This process is constantly going on without notice But when there is much irritation, then the natural chan SENSE OF SIGHT 221 nels are insufficient for their escape, and the tears roll over the cheek. Fig. 22. a, the eye-ball, and b, b, are the upper and lower sides. Now in order to prevent dust and other bodies from working their way between the call and the lid, through passages at c, c, into the socket of the eye, where they would excite great inconvenience and pain, we find the common skin of the eye-lids d, d, after covering their edges, turn in a little way between the lid and the ball, and then turn back and are reflected over the surface of the cornea ; where, to prevent the obstruc- tion of vision, it becomes perfectly transparent. Fig. 23. The eye-lids separated, and viewed from behind ; a, the lachrymal gland ; 6, the ducts from the lachrymal gland ; c, the mouths of these ducts ; d, the puncta lachrymalia ; e, the meibomian glands, which secrete the oily fluid. 19* 222 PHYSIOLOGY. 51. There is a striking proof of design in the manner in which the opaque, lining membrane of the eye-lids becomes transparent, as it is reflected over the cornea. But we can illustrate this more clearly by means of the following dia- gram. Fig. 24. The eye-lids viewed from before ; a, a, the lachrymal canals ; J, the iarchrymal sack. The lachrymal sack is a bag of an oval shape, fixed to the end of the double canal, and lies in a depression of the nasal bones. It terminates in a tube called the duct, which passes through a hole made for it, in the bones of the nose, and opens into the nos. tril. 52. It is now well ascertained that a belief in superna- tural appearances, and stories in relation to seeing ghosts, hobgoblins, and spectres, have arisen from optical illusion. We have seen how a person in delirium tremens, imagines that he sees a thousand unreal objects, and hears a thousand strange voices ; the same phenomenon, though less in degree, may happen to a person in health, owing to an excitement in some portion of the brain. I have heard an aged rela- tive, who believed in witchcraft, tell of frequently having seen the ghost of some deceased friend, and once of having fired at a deer three times, in the twilight, while he was cropping the tender grain just springing out of a newly SENSE OF SIGHT. 223 sown field, without frightening the animal; and when at length he suddenly disappeared, no tracks or traces of him could be discovered on the soft mould. Nothing could con- vince the old gentleman that his sight had deceived him, that these objects had only existed in his brain. 53. One source of deception lies in the fact that, indirect as well as direct vision is intermittent, as any one may learn by attempting to read small print by moonshine, or in twilight, or by looking at a single star for some time, when it will be found to vanish often and reappear. In an ob- scure light we find that a painful effort is required to distin- guish objects ; and after all they appear and disappear, be- cause the impression they make upon the retina is not sufficiently vivid to be continuous. We can easily imagine therefore, that in the dusk, to a person who is ignorant of this fact, the sudden disappearance and reappearance of objects must seem very extraordinary. 54. Dr. Paley remarks that, " were there no example in the world of contrivance except that of the eye, it would be, alone, sufficient to support the conclusions which we draw from it, as to the necessity of an intelligent Creator." When we look at a telescope, and see how it consists of a tube composed of various pieces, containing several glasses or lenses placed at different distances in order to refract the rays of light, and bring them to a focus ; how, within it, there is a partition of metal, through which is a round hole in the centre for the purpose of lessening the surface of the lens on which the rays of light strike ; and when, in addi- tion to all this, we see the inside painted black, to absorb the oblique and scattering rays that would otherwise render objects confused and indistinct; when we see all these things, we immediately say, here are marks of design, here is evidence of wise and skilful contrivance ! and yet the telescope is but a close imitation of the human eye, which had God for its designer. When, also, we look at the ca- mera obscura and see a tight, dark box, with a lens fitted in- 224 PHYSIOLOGY. to it, through which the light, passing, falls upon a screen behind, forming an inverted image of the object represented, we say at once here is design ! But this instrument also is copied from the human eye ! Questions. What is said of the sense of sight ? What arc the coats of the eye ? Describe the scelerotic ? the choroid ? What is the pig- mentum nigrum ? Is it ever absent ? Describe the retina ? Illustrate the minuteness with which objects are painted on it ? Describe the cornea ? the ciliary ligament ? What is said of these tunics in the lower order of animals ? What is the iris ? How does it contract and di- late ? Are the muscles ever under the control of the will ? What is said of the iris among the lower animals ? Describe the ciliary pro- cesses ? What are the humours of the eye ? Describe the aqueous ? the crystalline ? the vitreous ? Explain some of the laws of vision ? What is a lens ? How many, and what kinds of lenses are there ? What effect on light has a concave ? a convex ? a plain lens ? Illus- trate this by the humours of the eye. Are images erect on the retina ? Where do the rays cross ? How do you explain why we do not see objects inverted ? Why do we not see objects double ? Why do riv- ers appear shallower than they are? To what is short-sightedness owing ? How may it be corrected ? What is long-sightedness ? What is the remedy ? Are there persons who cannot distinguish colours ? To what is this owing ? What is said of compound eyes ? How many muscles are there to move the eye 1 Describe them ; the recti ; the oblique. What are the defences of the eye ? Describe the orbit ; the eyelids ; the muscles of the lids. Are they voluntary muscles ? How are objects carried into the angle of the eye ? What is the use of eyelashes ? of eyebrows ? How are the tears secreted ? How , carried out of the eye ? What has led to a belief in supernatural ap- pearances ? CHAPTER XVII. THE SENSE OF HEARING 1. THROUGH the sense o hearing, we obtain a know- ledge of ; the peculiar vibrations of sonorous bodies, which constitute sounds^. The organ of hearing is very complica- cated, like that of sight, and the precise office of the differ- ent parts is not yet fully known ; it is, however generally divided into the outer, the middle, and the inner part, and the auditory nerve. 2. The External Ear. /The outer part of the organ of hearing consists of what is called the external ear, and the cavity which leads to the ear-drum ; and is composed chiefly of cartilage, covered with the skin, and supplied with blood- vessels and nerves. Its use is to collect sound, or rather the vibrations of the air, and transmit them through the tube that leads to the ear-drum. For this purpose it is admirably contrived ; its surface being smooth and folded into grooves, which, assisted by a raised border and several concave spaces, conduct whatever sounds fall upon it, with the great- est certainty, directly to the drum of the ear. The external ear is furnished with muscles, and savages are said to have the power of raising or bringing forwards their ears, like a horse, to catch sounds as they come from different direc- tions ; but the habits of civilized life destroy this faculty. The following cut represents the external ear, and the mus- cles by which it is moved. (See Fig. !.) 3. Various names are assigned to the different portions of the external ear, such as helix to the outer border, scapha, the large boat-like depression, &c. ; but passing these by, as of little importance, we remark that the external ear is con- fined to the class mammalia, nor does it always exist among them, for the mole, the water-shrew, and other diving animals, 226 PHYSIOLOGY. Fig. 1. External Ear and Muscles. seals and whales, are destitute of it. Indeed, as water is a much better conductor of sound than air, there would seem to be little occasion for the external ear in them ; but they suffer in consequence, when they attempt to live with their heads out of water. Owing to this obtuseness of hearing in the whale, he is easily approached by the whaler, and be- fore he hears the oars of his enemy, the harpoon is fixed into his unwieldy carcass. In like manner, the walrus and the seal remain unconscious of the footsteps of their foe, till it is too late to retreat. In land animals that are timid, as the hare and rabbit, the ear is very large, so that they may be apprized of the approach of their enemy in time to flee to a place of safety. I 4. The Tube of the External Ear. This is the passage, called by anatomists meaius auditorius externus, which ex- tends from the outer ear to the tympanum or drum, which is stretched across its inner end. This passage is about ten lines, or nearly an inch in length ; and pursues a somewhat winding course inwards, a little forwards and downwards ; its external portion being composed of cartilage, and its in- ternal of bone. The width, as well as tension of this tube, are effected by the motions of the jaw, ns any one can learn THE SENSE OF HEARING. 227 by placing his little finger in his ear, and then opening and closing the mouth. This is, no doubt, one reason why a person stands with his mouth open when he is listening at- tentively. This tube being constantly open, is liable to the entrance of foreign bodies, such as dust, insects, and the like. But, like the eye, it is not left without means of de- fence, for on its inside, there are numerous fine bristles, which interlace and prevent the entrance of any thing but sound ; while between the roots of these hairs, there are numerous little glands, which secrete a nauseous bitter wax, which by its ofFensiveness, either deters insects from enter- ing, or if they do, entangles them, and thus prevents any further advance. This wax often becomes hard, and ob. structs the tube, causing more or less deafness. This form of deafness is easily cured, although it may have existed even for years. When the ear is dry, from a deficiency of wax, the hearing also becomes imperfect, as also when it ia thin and purulent^ Fig. 2. General sectional view of the structure of the ear ; a, th? meatus 228 PHYSIOLOGY. auditorius externus ; 6, the tympanum ; c, the malleus ; d, the incus ; c, the os orbiculare ; /, the stapes ; g, the semicircular canals ; h, the cochlea ; i, the meatus auditorius internus ; k t the eustachian tube. / 5. Membrane of the Drum, stretched across the inner end of the auditory tube, is a membrane, called by anatomists the membrane of the tympanum, (membrana tympani,) or drum of the ear. It is somewhat oval in shape, but hollowed out, or depressed at the centre, where, as we shall presently see, it is fastened to the end of a small bone. This membrane is tense like a drum-head, thin, and transparent. Its use is to convey the vibrations of the atmosphere to the expansion of the optic nerve in the internal ear. It does not seem entire- ly essential to the function of hearing, as the hearing some- times remains after it is destroyed. When it is ruptured, a person can force the air out of his ear ; but while it remains entire, it is impossible for insects or other bodies to get into the drum, as is generally believed. The drum is capable of being rendered more or less tense, and thus of moderating the intensity of vibrations transmitted to it. 6. The Drum. What is called the drum, or tympanum, is an irregular cylindrical cavity, separated from the external passage by the membrane of the drum. It contains the little bones of the ear, the openings to the labyrinth and other parts of the organ. Anteriorly a passage leads from this cavity, forwards and downwards to the throat, called the Eustachian tube. Posteriorly there are several openings into osseous cells, called the mastoid cells, which are situated in that projecting process of bone immediately back of the ear. This cavity then is filled with air. 7 Eustachian Tube.-^-l have stated that this tube leads from the drum into the mouth, and serves for the introduction of air into the internal ear. The necessity of such a contri- vance is obvious from the fact, that sounds cannot be trans- mitted through a vacuum, as is shown in the common ex- periment of ringing a bell in an exhausted receiver, when no sound is made. So in a drum, there is an air-hole, else THE SENSE OF HEARING. 229 the sound would be flat, and the head liable to be ruptured. When this tube is obstructed by the swelling of its lining membrane from cold, or the accumulation of secretion in the passage, deafness is the consequence. This passage is about an inch and a half in length, and widens from the ear to the throat like a trumpet. When deafness occurs from com- plete closure of this tube, hearing may be restored by per- forating the membrane of the drum. We may ascertain with a good degree of certainty whether deafness arises from this cause, by placing a watch between the teeth, if its mo- tions are audible, we may conclude that the essential organ of hearing is unaffected. 8. Bones of the .Ear.- These are four in number, and are so connected with each other in the drum, that they serve to transmit vibrations of the membrane of the tympanum to the internal ear/ From their shape, they are called the mallet, the ajivil, the orbicular, and the stirrup bones, and are exhibited in nearly the natural size in the following cut. Mallens, Incus, and Orbiculare, Stapes. Fig. 3. Bones of the ear. These bones are very hard and brittle, have no cartilage on their articular surfaces like other bones ; neither are they furnished with ligaments or synovia, but their dry and polished surfaces are accurately fitted to each other in the form of a bent lever ; and in this way, being connected and held together by the little muscles, by which they are moved and attached to each other, the intensity of vibration which they receive from the membrane of the drum is not blunted. 20 230 PHYSIOLOGY. The handle of the mallet is attached to the membrane of the drum, and its other extremity rests on the anvil, which is connected with the orbicular bone, the smallest in the body, and not much larger than a grain of sand. This is inter- posed between the round bone and the stapes, whose base rests upon the membrane of the oval fenestra. Now the contraction of the muscles which connect these bones, puts the drum-head on the stretch, and thus adapts it for the ready transmission of sound.? 9. Mastoid Cells. These are seated in the hard portion of the temporal bone, and are also filled with air. The ear is thus surrounded with an atmosphere of its own. In the elephant, the two tables of the skull are separated from each other by a bony cellular structure to the extent of upwards of a foot, and these cells are filled with air which communi- cate with the drum of the ear. We find in the cat tribe, in dogs, and in gnawing animals, that there is a hollow sphere of very hard bone attached to the drum, shaped something like a conch, and well adapted for reflecting the vibrations of sound, and rendering them more intense, like the sound- ing board of a piano-forte. A similar hard conch is found in the whale tribe. The two tables of the skull in birds are also widely separated, thus rendering them lighter, and as the cells communicate with the drum, doubtless for the pur- pose of increasing the volume of air for the reception of vibration. 10. Petrous Portion. The internal ear is situated in a portion of the temporal bone, called petrous, from petra, a rock, because of its solid structure. The object of this is evident from the fact, that hard elastic substances transmit vibrations of sound far better than matter of a softer texture. This portion of the temporal possesses indeed almost an ivory hardness, being the densest structure in the animal body, next to the enamel of the teeth ; and in this solid body the labyrinth of the ear is situated. Now in whales, the skeleton is formed of loose spongy bones, with a considerable THE SENSE OP HEARING. 231 quantity of oil, collected in their cells. To compensate for this soft structure, whales are furnished with a sounding board, or the dense conch, above mentioned. In fishes, we often find several of these little bony concretions, of a smooth and polished appearance, and hard and brittle as porcelain. These are often seen in cutting up boiled fish, when placed upon the table, but few are aware of the uses they serve in perfecting the organ of hearing. 11. In order, however, to understand the precise function of these bones, it will be necessary to examine a little more into their situation and connection. In the following plan, they are represented, greatly magnified, but each bone in its natural position. Fig. 4. A, the malleus, or mallet, with its long handle running down, to touch with its delicate extremity the membrane of the drum. B, is the incus, or anvil, nicely fitted to the mallet, and showing C, the orbicular bone placed between its termination, and D, the stirrup. The line a, b, represents the centre of motion of the malleus, and c, d, the centre of motion of the incus. Now this chain of bones acts on the principle of a long lever, as a small motion at one end of a long pole serve to move it through a wide space at the other. As Sir Charles Bell explains it, the head of the malleus is so articulated with the body of the incus, that the centre of motion of the incus is a line drawn through the centre of its body, and consequently the extremity of the long process, to 232 PHYSIOLOGY. which the orbicular and stirrup bones are attached, moves through a greater space than that which receives the impulse of the head of the malleus. Thus a very small degree of motion, communicated by the head of the malleus to the body of the incus, is greatly increased in the extremity of the long process of the incus ; and consequently this mechanism assists greatly in giving strength to the vibrations trans- mitted to the internal ear. 12^ Now in distinguishing low sounds, the drum head is supposed to be put upon the stretch, chiefly by the aid of one little muscle, called tensor tympani, which is attached to the malleus, and the centre of the membrane, so that when it acts, it pulls the long handle of that bone, and draws the tym- panum inwards. Thus being made tense, it is prepared for the reception of low sounds. When sounds are so acute as to be painful, and we wish to diminish their intensity, this muscle relaxes, and the tympanum becoming comparatively flaccid, a deadened muffled impression is transmitted to the brain, precisely as when we muffle a drum. This relaxation is also aided by a muscle expressly prepared for that pur- pose, called laxator tympani, which arises from the temporal bone and is inserted into the handle of the malleus, so as to pull it forwards^ 13. \ We traced the progress of sound through the external ear, the auditory passage, and the chain of bones, to the stapes. Now, if the reader will look at plate II., he will see that the base of the stirrup-bone is smooth and flat ; this is placed directly upon the passage into the labyrinth, called foramen ovale, as a seal is placed on an impression, or a valve upon a hole. The cavities we have described are filled with air, those now to be mentioned are filled with wa- ter. The labyrinth then, which has been called the audience chamber of the ear, consists of three parts, viz., the vesti- bule or lobby, which may be compared to the porch of a building ; three semi-circular canals shaped like three hoops tied together at one point, and their opposite points widelj separated ; and lastly, the cochlea, which closely resembler THE SENSE OF HEARING. 233 a snail shell, consisting of two spiral canals, which wind round a central pillar twice and a half, and also separated by a spiral partition.! Fig. 9. Section of the Cochlea. 14. The stapes then rests upon the membrane which is placed across the opening into the labyrinth. When the tympanum, or drum-head, is impressed by the vibrations of the air, the vibration is communicated to the little bones, and through them to the membrane of the labyrinth, which causes corresponding tremws in the fluid which fills its winding canals, and the spiral passages of the cochlea ; upon which the auditory nerve is spread out like a fine pulpy web, in the same manner as the retina is spread out upon the choroid coat of the eye, or the olfactory nerve upon the mucous membrane of the nose, and thus is sound conveyed by the nerve to the brain. 15. ffhe object of these spiral passages returning into themselves is, doubtless, to furnish an extensive surface, within a small space, for the expansion of the auditory nerve, and also that the undulations of the fluid which fills them after -passing from the oval fenestra along the winding 20* 234 PHYSIOLOGY. passages, and up the spiral staircase of the cochlea, might come down to the round fenestra, whose elastic membrane would transmit the vibration in the opposite direction. When the sounds, therefore, have done their office, in order that the hearing might not be rendered confused by a pro- longed vibration of the fluid, as an echo is repeated between two mountains, as they strike the above named membrane, they are given off to the air in the tympanum, and there the vibrations end ; for we have seen that it is probably the bones in the tympanum chiefly, and not the air, which trans- mits impressions to the fluids of the labyrinth, and that they receive their impulse from the drum of the ear. ; 16. Sound. fSound has no distinct existence, but is the result of certain conditions of bodies. We see how, by throwing a pebble into a lake of water at rest, the undula- tions spread in every direction, in the form of a circle, until the impulse is lost in the distance. So in air, frequent vi- brations produce sound ; and hearing has been defined to be that function by which we obtain a knowledge of the vibra- tory motions of bodies. These motions produce waves or undulations in the air, which are propagated in every direc- tion, as the circular waves are produced in the lake, by throwing in the pebble.! 17. Air is the common vehicle of sound, though all elastic bodies are capable of conveying it. Water conveys sound better than air, and some solid bodies better than either. If two stones are struck together under water, a person whose head is under the surface may hear the sound at a great dis- tance. A blow struck with a hammer by a workman in a diving bell, far below the surface of the water, is heard dis- tinctly many fathoms above. So also if the ear be applied to the end of a long stick of timber a slight scratch made at the other extremity will be distinctly heard. The report of a cannon is heard to a much greater distance over the frozen surface of snow ; and, under such circumstances, firing has been heard from one to two hundred miles. Savages are THE SENSE OF HEARING. 235 acquainted with this fact, for they apply their ears to the ground to hear the approaching footsteps of their enemy or their prey. An easy way to tell whether a tea-kettle boils, is to touch it with a stick, and place the other end to the ear. On this principle, I suppose, watchmen strike the curb stone with their clubs, as the sound is communicated much farther than it was formerly by means of their rattle. So also a musical box, when held in the hand is scarcely heard, but when placed on a bureau or sounding board, it " dis- courseth most eloquent music." The stethoscope now used by physicians to assist in determining the nature of many diseases is derived from a knowledge of this principle. It is merely a cylinder of wood, about an inch in diameter, one end of which is placed on the surface of the body over the diseased part, and the other applied to the ear ; sound is thus carried along the tube, and most important aid is derived to the skilful physician, in ascertaining the nature and seat of all diseases of the heart and lungs. 18. The transmission of sound is affected materially by the condition of the atmosphere, with respect to tempera- ture, moisture, &c. During the night, when the air is still, and of uniform density and temperature, sounds are heard to a great distance ; but when it is loaded with vapors, as in a fall of snow or rain, sounds are more limited, and rendered confused and indistinct. 19. The density of the air has a great effect upon the transmission of sound. In a dry, cold atmosphere, at the level of the sea, sounds are transmitted to vast distances, while on high mountains, such as the Andes, or even Mont Blanc, the report of a pistol is not louder than that of an Indian cracker. The wind, also, has a great influence in aiding or retarding the transmission of sound. Sound is also reflected like light, and indeed is subject to the same laws, for the angle of reflection is always equal to the angle of incidence. Reflected sound is termed an echo. The rolling of thunder is supposed to depend partly on the sound 236 PHYSIOLOGY. being reflected from cloud to cloud, and through strata of air of different densities, though it also arises from a dis- charge of electricity, through a wide extent of air. In this case, as the sound from the point nearest the hearer reaches his ear first, and some moments elapse before that from the more distant arrives, there must consequently be a continued peal. Some of our large public houses and manufactories are fitted with pipes for conveying intelligence to distant apartments, attention being attracted by ringing a bell. 20. 1 It has been doubted whether sound can be propagated from one medium to another, as from air to water. It is now known, however, that if a musket is discharged over a person who is under water, he will hear the report. The question has also arisen, whether sound can be propagated from water to the air again. This is easily proved by strik- ing two stones together under water, although we are told that persons in a diving-bell under water, could not hear a musket discharged immediately over it. But here the sound had to be communicated from jthe air to the water, and from the water to the air again, itound travels at the rate of eleven hundred and forty-two feet in a second, or a mile in four seconds. As light travels much faster, we see the flash of a gun before we hear the report. This will enable us to tell in a thunder storm how far we are from a thunder-cloud ; as we have only to allow eleven hundred feet for each se- cond, between the time when the flash is seen and the report heard, and one beat of the pulse for a second. In this way, too, the distance of a ship of war at sea is often ascertained by those on board of the vessel she is in pursuit of. Solids and fluids convey sound not only more perfectly, but also more rapidly than air. It is found that the velocity of sound in water, is about four thousand nine hundred feet in a second, being between four and five times more rapid than it is through air. Sound passes through tin at the rate of eight thousand one hundred and seventy-five feet, and through iron, glass and wood, eighteen thousand five hundred and THE SENSE OF HEARING. 237 thirty feet in a second. This explains why, when a gun is fired at a distance over the surface of a frozen lake, we hear two reports after we see the flash ; first a sharp and loud one, transmitted by the solid ice, and then a weaker and duller one, through the air. Franklin, however, found by his experiments, that, after travelling about a mile through the water, sound lost some of its intensity, which indeed might be expected. Musical tones are said to be acute when the intervals between the vibrations are short, and grave when they are long. Thus a flute called an octave produces a shriller sound than the common flute ; a fiddle than a bass viol. The strings, too, of a violin, which are designed for high or acute notes, are smaller than the others, that their vibrations may be more rapid ; while those which make the grave tones are large, and wound round sometimes with fine wire, to increase the weight, and make them vibrate more slowly. It is the quality and variety of the sounds which, in musical tones, gives the hearer so much pleasure. 21. In the lower order of animals, hearing is performed by means of an apparatus, much more simple than in man. Some of them have merely a membranous sac, supplied with nervous threads. This is even the case in fishes, which re- quire neither tympanum nor bones, nor any of the accessory parts found in land animals, as the undulations of water strike with greater force upon the organ of hearing than those of air. The apparatus of hearing in the frog is very singular, and designed so as to enable the animal to hear both in air and water. 22. /Animals with long ears are able to move them by musclos for that purpose, and turn them to the point whence the sound proceeds. This may be seen in the horse, which turns his ear always in the direction of the sound. In stage horses, we often see the leaders turn their ears forward, while those behind turn theirs backward. Some men also have the power of moving their ears! 23. Like all our other senses, that of hearing is capable 238 PHYSIOLOGY. of much improvement by cultivation. The Indian in the forest, accustomed to listen to the approach of his enemies, or of his prey, acquires such acuteness of this sense, as to hear sounds which would be inaudible to those who live amid the din of civilized life. The blind also excel in the acute- ness of hearing, and for this reason especially, acquire great skill in performing on musical instruments. Shakspeare thus describes a person destitute of musical taste. " The man that hath no music in his soul, Nor is not moved with concord of sweet sounds, Is fit for treasons, stratagems, and spoils ; The motions of his spirit are dull as night, And his affections dark as Erebus ; Let no such man be trusted." Questions. What are sounds ? Describe the external ear ; the tube of the external ear ; the membrana tympani ; the drum, or tym- panum ; the eustachian tube. How many little bones of the ear are there ? Their names and office ? How are low sounds perceived ? What is the use of the spiral passages ? How is sound conveyed ? Is it conveyed by solids ; by water ? What is the stethoscope ? Can sound be propagated from one medium to another ? At what rate does it travel ? How can we tell the distance of sound ? What effect has the density of air on sound ? How is the lengthened peal of thunder explained ? How is hearing performed in the lower order of animals ? Can hearing be improved by cultivation ? CHAPTER XVIII. RESPIRATION. 1. BY Respiration, is meant/the process of taking air into the lungs and throwing it out again. Inspiration is the act of drawing the air in ; expiration, that of forcing it out. Respiration is essential to all animal existence. It is in the lungs that the last change is produced in the assimilation of the food, by which it is converted into that vital fluid, which carries life, and strength, and nourishment to every fibre in the animal system. 2. The parts concerned in respiration may be arranged into three divisions, viz., 1, the bones which form the respir- atory cavity ; 2, the muscles by which these bones are moved, Thorax, or chest; a, the sternum ; b, b, the spine ; c, c, the ribs, 240 PHYSIOLOGY. and the size of the cavity regulated ; 3, the respiratory organs contained within the cavity) 3. \The bones which enter into the composition of the chest, are the sternum, or breast-bone ; twelve dorsal vertebrae, and twenty four ribsf By examining the preceding plate, Fig, 1., the sternum will be seen to terminate at its lower part in a triangular piece of cartilage, which lies directly over the stomach, and may be felt externally ;f the seven uppermost, or true ribs, will be seen to extend the whole distance from the spine to the sternum, strips of elastic car- tilage being interposed between the breast-bone and their anterior extremities, while the five lower, or false ribs, are merely attached to each other by slips of cartilage ; the two lower, indeed, float loosely, without any attachment to the others, except by means of muscles?l 4. I have already stated that the ribs are attached to the spine at an acute angle, so that they cannot be moved out of their ordinary position, without enlarging the dimensions of the chest. The articulation of the ribs, both at the spine and sternum, is effected by means of cartilage, thus allowing sufficient degree of motion for the purposes of respiration in a healthy state. The chest expands during inspiration for the reception of air ; and during expiration, it contracts to expel air, which is no longer useful. There are, therefore, two motions required, an upward and an outward ; the first increases the distance between the spine and sternum ; the last, that between the ribs. Now these motions are both effected by the ribs, and they are so articulated, that they cannot perform the one without the other. By looking at the cut, then, it will readily be seen how where the ribs rise, the sternum will be pushed out, and of course the cavity of the chest enlarged. 5. The Muscles. All the muscles which are attached to the bones just described, aid more or less in respiration, Ithough the intercostal muscles are those chiefly concerned^ These run from one rib to another, filling up the spaces be- RESPIRATION. 3J-4I tween them. These muscles, though thin, consist of a double layer of fibres, the external and the internal, which pass in inverse directions, one layer from above downwards, the other from behind forwards, from edge to edge of the ribs, crossing each other. Now, the first rib being fixed, the second move- able, but less so than the third, the third less than the fourth, and so on through the whole series ; the contraction of the intercostals must consequently elevate the whole series, as the upper ribs serve as fixed points for the action of the muscles. ) 6. The chief muscle, however, of respiration, is the diaphragm. By the aid of this, the capacity of the chest is enlarged downwards, as we have seen it to have been up- wards and outwards by that of the ribs. fThe diaphragm, or midriff, is a circular muscle, placed transversely across the trunk, nearly at its centre, dividing the cavity of the thorax from that of the abdomen. It is attached to the in- side of the breast-bone and the cartilages of the false ribs, and is fleshy all around its border, but tendinous towards its centre ; the surface towards the abdomen is concave, and that towards the chest convex. Even when it is not in action, its upper surface forms an arch, the convexity of which is towards the thorax, and reaches as high as the fourth rib. The central, or tendinous portion of the dia- phragm, is attached to the pericardium supporting the heart ; and is nearly, or quite immoveable, in order to afford a fixed point for the action of the muscular fibres, which constitute its sides. Owing to this arrangement, its motions do not interfere with those of the hearty 21 42 PHYSIOLOGY, Fig. 2. View of the diaphragm ; 1, cavity of the thorax ; 2, diaphragm sep arating the cavity of the thorax from that of the abdomen ; 3, cavity of the pelvis. 7.: During the act of inspiration, the diaphragm contracts; the rhuscular fibres shorten themselves, and the muscle de- scends, passing from the fourth rib to below the seventh, losing the arched form, as represented in the cut. At the same time, the muscles of the abdomen are protruded for- wards, and the viscera in its cavity pushed downwards. The degree in which the capacity of the chest is enlarged by these movements is very satisfactorily shown in the follow ing cut. RESPIRATION. 243 Fig. 3. Fig. 4. Fig. Ill, diaphragm in its state of greatest descent in inspiration ; 2, muscles of the abdomen, showing the extent of their protrusion in the action of inspiration. Fig IV, diaphragm in the state of its greatest ascent in expiration ; 2, muscles of the abdomen in action forcing the viscera and diaphragm upwards. 8. We have now seen how the capacity of the chest is enlarged by inspiration, how is its capacity diminished by expiration ? The descent of the ribs is occasioned by the elasticity of the cartilages and ligaments which join them to the sternum and the spine. Indeed the natural condition of the chest is that which obtains after a full expiration ; and therefore we may consider the bones which form the walls of the chest, and the muscles which cover those bones, as anatagonizing or opposite forces. fThe ribs, then, have a natural tendency to fall, owing to their peculiar structure, as well as their position ; while their expansion is effected by the specific action of their muscles.) Besides this, when the diaphragm relaxes, the abdominal muscles contract and push the abdominal viscera, and the diaphragm also, up to- 244 PHYSIOLOGY. wards the cavity of the chest ; and thus by the descent of the ribs and the ascent of the diaphragm, the capacity of the thorax is diminished, and the motion of expiration is completed. 9. [The third division of our subject embraces the respir- atory organs, or the lungs. These are of a spongy texture and conical shape, and fill the cavity of the chest, being composed chiefly of blood-vessels, and air-vessels, with a small portion of cellular tissue.! They are called lights Jin the lower animals. There are two lungs, one in the right, the other in the left side of the thorax ; and each of these lungs is divided into several lobes. /A serous membrane called the pleura surrounds the lungs, and is reflected upon the walls of the chest, so as to form a shut sac, into which a thin watery fluid is constantly exhaled, to keep the sur- faces moist and slipperyJ It is this membrane which is the seat of pleurisy. There are two pleurae, each of which is confined to its own side of the chest, lining its cavity, and covering the lung, feehind the breast-bone, they form a partition, called mediastinum^ between the sides of which, the heart and pericardium are situated. The pleurae serve to attach the lungs by their roots to their respective cavi- ties, and to facilitate their movements, by means of the fluid exhaled from their surfaces. Each lung is attached to the spine by its roots, where blood-vessels, nerves, lymphatics, and a branch of the windpipe enter it. (See Fig. 5.) 10. Thus we perceive that the chest is divided into Three compartments,) one on each side, containing a lung ; ^the middle one, the hearts Between these there is no communi- cation ; so that if a fluid is thrown into one of them, it does not find its way into the others. As the heart lies chiefly on the left side, the lung of that side is smaller than the one on the right, and divided into only two lobes, while the other is divided into three. The lungs are the lightest texture in the human body, owing to the air which they contain, and their aspect varies with the age. In infancy they are of 9 RESPRIATION. Fig. 5. 245 , the cut edges of the ribs, forming the lateral boundaries of the cavity of the thorax ; 6, the diaphragm, forming the inferior boundary of the thorax, and the division between the thorax and the abdomen ; c, the cut edges of the abdominal muscles, turned aside, exposing the general cavity of the abdomen. Fig. 1, the cut edge of the pericardium turned aside ; 2, the heart ; 3, the great vessels in immediate connexion with the heart ; 4, the trachea, or wind-pipe ; 5, the lungs ; 6, the liver ; 7, the stomach ; 8, the large intestine ; 9, the small intestines ; 10, the urinasy bladder. pale red, in youth of a darker colour, and in old age of a livid blue. 11. The air enters the lungs through the trachea or wind. 21* PHYSIOLOGY. pipe. This is a tube, made up of little rings, cartilaginous in front, and muscular or fibrous behind ; and is about eight or ten inches in length. It lies immediately on the gullet or Bsophagus t and extends from the larynx to the third vertebra of the back. 1 Here it divides into two branches, called bronchia, one of which goes to the right, the other to the left lobe of the lungs. The right branch divides again into three principle branches, as soon as it enters the lung ; and the left into two ; corresponding to the number of lobes in each lung ; then they subdivide into an innumerable number of small twigs, like the branch of a tree, until they termi- nate in those small cells already mentioned. These cells are about the one hundredth of an inch in diameter, p 12. The bronchial tubes then, terminate in minute vesi- cles of unequal size, which are of a cylindrical and some- what rounded figure. These vesicles are large enough to be visible to the naked eye, and present something of the ap- pearance of a cluster of currants attached to their stem, as shown in the following cut : Fig. 6. View of the Bronchial Tubes, terminating in Air vesicles. External view. 1. Bronchial tube. | 2. Air vesicles. I The Bronchial tube and Air vesicles laid open. \It should be borne in mind that the office of respiration is to bring the blood in contact with the airjand, accordingly, the lungs are so constructed as to allow the largest possible RESPIRATION. 247 quantity of deteriorated blood, to enjoy the fullest intercourse with the largest possible quantity of vital air ; and all the mechanism of bones and muscles which I have described, are only subservient to th s end. Now it has been calcula- ted by Hales, that each air cell is the one hundredth part of an inch in diameter, and that the amount of surface furnish- ed by them, collectively, is \gual to twenty thousand square inches. Other physiologists have calculated the surface to be over fifteen hundred cubic feetjand Munroe states that it is thirty times the surface of the numan body) Fig. 7. 1. The larynx ; 2. The trachea ; 3. Right bronchia ; 4. Left bronchia ; 5. Left lung divided into three lobes ; 7. Large bronchial tubes ; 8. Small bronchial tubes ending in air cells or vesicles. 13. Such is the structure of the vessel which conveys the air to the blood ; let us examine how the blood gets to the air. (This is effected by means of the pulmonary artery, which springs from the right ventricle of the heart, divides 248 PHYSIOLOGY. into two branches, one for each lung, and again subdivides, and ramifies through the organ in a manner precisely simi- lar to the bronchial tubes./ Every bronchus, or branch of the trachea, thus has a corresponding blood-vessel, which tracks it throughout its entire course until it reaches the air vesicles, upon the surface of which the minute vessels ex- pand and ramify, forming a net-work so beautiful, that the anatomist who first observed it, called it the rete mirabile, or. the wonderful net-work. Thus the air is on one side, and the blood on the other, of an immense surface of membrane, finer than the most delicate lace or gauze ; and as such membranes are permeable to air and other gases, the oxygen of the air penetrates it and unites with the blood, while a portion of carbon and water are given off by exhalation. Thus does the blood lose its dark venous character, and as- sume a florid, arterial hue, and become fitted to carry life and vigour to every part of the system. 14. Thus we see that the lungs and all their complicated machinery of bones, ligaments, muscles and cartilages, were formed for the sake of these little air-cells ; for it is through their agency that the blood undergoes the necessary changes and alterations. When we reflect upon the relative extent of the actual respiratory surface, compared with the dimen- sions of the lungs themselves, that a stratum of blood seve- ral hundred feet in surface, is exposed to a stratum of air still more extensive, and all compressed within the corn-pass of a few inches, we are filled with admiration and astonish- ment at the wisdom displayed in such a structure, and search in vain, among all the contrivances of human skill and genius, for a counterpart ! 15. We are now prepared to trace the successive acts of respiration, accomplished^through the agency of the me- chanism just described. [About one second and a half after expiration, the muscles of inspiration begin to act, the inter- costals contract, and, by elevating the ribs, increase the dis- tance between the spine and sternum. As the ribs rise, the RESPIRATION. diaphragm descends, and thus the cavity of the chest is en- larged in every direction. This expansion, like that of a bellows, causes a vacuum, and as the lungs are passive, the air consequently rushes in through the mouth and nostrils to fill it, and this influx of air continues until the density of the internal, is equal to that of the external air, when the act of inspiration is at an end. Again, the intercostal muscles relax, and the ribs, by their elasticity, are restored to their natural position, while, at the same moment, the dia- phragm relaxes, and allows the abdominal muscles to con- tract and thrust it up into the chest. Thus the lungs being pressed upon in every direction, below by the diaphragm, before by the sternum and ribs, and behind by the spine and ribs, the air within them is pressed out! Such is the beau- tiful and complicated mechanism of respiration. Fig. 8. The cut upon the left represents the natural shape of the chest, and that upon the right, the contracted state of it, owing to tight lacing. 16. Now we can easily understand how tight-lacing alters the shape and diminishes the capacity of the chest. By looking at the cut, we see that the figure of the chest is that of an irregular cone, with a convex projection on each side, and flattened before and behind. I By compressing it, how. ever, by corsets, it is changed into' a cylinder, its lower part being forced in, so that its transverse diameter is diminished 250 PHYSIOLOGY. nearly, or quite, one half. Now, in this state of things, it is very clear that the ribs cannot be raised upwards and outwards, as they are in natural and free respiration, and, consequently, the capacity of the chest cannot be enlarged in these directions) 1 How, then, is life supported ? Clearly by the play of the diaphragm alone, which, by its descent, enlarges the cavity of the chest in its long diameter. But even the action of this muscle is cramped by this unnatural practice ; for, as the compressing apparatus extends down over the loins behind, and in front over all the soft parts, or the organs below the chest, it acts like a solid wall, prevent, ing, by its resistance, the protrusion of these organs, and thus restrains the diaphragm above, in its attempt to de- scend ; so that in fact, the beautiful mechanism, contrived by a Supreme architect, for performing a function indispen- sable to life, health, beauty and enjoyment, is confined, in every direction, and life, consequently, sapped at its very fountain head ! 17. If an opening be made into the cavity of the chest, Ahe lung upon that side immediately collapses, and is no longer useful in breathing] How is this explained ? The lungs have a constant tendency to collapse, and they are only kept from doing so, by the pressure of the air contained within them. If a hole be made in the walls of the chest, so as to allow the atmospheric air to come in contact with the external surface of the lungs, and thus make the pressure on the external and internal surface equal, they immediately collapse and shrink to that size which is natural to them, and which they assume when removed from the chest. This operation, of opening the cavity of the chest, has been pro- posed as a remedy for consumption ; as the lung in a state of rest would be more likely to heal than when in constant motion. 18. The atmosphere is an invisible elastic fluid, surround- ing the earth to the height of about forty miles. Water is seven hundred times heavier than air ; (And yet a column of RESPIRATION. 251 air a foot in diameter, and extending to the top of the at- mosphere, would be equal in weight to a column of water of the same diameter thirty-two feet high, or to a column of mercury twenty-eight inches high. The pressure of the at- mosphere then, upon the body of a common sized man, is equal to between thirty and forty thousand pounds) Atmos- pheric air is composed of oxygen, azote and carbonic acid, in the proportion of (20 parts of oxygen, 78 of azote, and 2 of carbonic acid.\ 19. ^Oxygen is an invisible air, or gas, and enters into the composition of air, water, and all animal and vegetable sub- stancesJ It is the supporter of combustion, and no animal can live without it. What are called acids and oxyds in chemistry, are oxygen combined with other substances, as sulphur, salt, nitre, &c. f Azote can neither support combus . tion nor respiration, at least in man ; though it is an ele- ment in all animal matter, and in some vegetables.) In these cases it is obtained, both from food and the air. 20. It is now fully ascertained, that while the chemical composition of the blood is essentially changed, its weight always remains the same ; as the carbon discharged is pre- cisely equal to the united weight of the oxygen and azote absorbed, and the same change is effected by the respiration of all animals, whatever be their rank in the scale of organ- ization. It is worthy of remark, that plants and animals produce directly opposite changes in the chemical constitu- tion of the air. The carbonic acid given off by animals is composed of oxygen and carbon ; this is decomposed by vegetables, which absorb the carbon and give off the oxygen to the air, which in its turn is absorbed by animals, and car- bonic acid given off: so these two great departments of organized structure furnish food for each other^ renovating the air, and preserving it in a state of constant purit$ The immense quantity of oxyen given off by vegetables, may be inferred from the following experiment. About fifty leaves were enclosed in a jar of air ; the surface of the whole being 252 PHYSIOLOGY. about 300 square inches ; by adding some carbonic acid to the jar, in a short time 26 cubic inches of oxygen were evolved. What then must be the amount given off by an entire tree, especially in cities, where carbonic acid abounds ; hence how important it is that cities should be thickly plant- ed with trees, not only for the sake of ornament, but much more for that of utility. 21. The quantity of oxygen consumed by a man in a minute, is about 30 cubic inches. He breathes 20 times in a minute ; and every time he breathes, takes into his lungs 15 cubic inches of atmospheric air, which contains three cubic inches of oxygen, so that one half of that which is inspired disappears in every act of respiration. This will amount to about 2,000 cubic inches in an hour, ancU45,000 cubic inches in 24 hours.y Thus one man will consume, in 24 hours, all the oxygen contained in a space of 312 square feet ; or in 12 hours, in 156 square feet. And still our churches, and school- rooms, and dwelling-houses, are constructed with no view to a renovation of the air we breathe ! 22. Dr. Southwood Smith has lately performed a series of very interesting experiments, from which he deduces the following general results : " 1. The volume of air ordinarily present in the lungs is about 12 pints. 2. The volume of air received by the lungs at an ordinary inspiration is one pint. 3. The volume of air expelled from the lungs at an ordinary expiration, is a little less than one pint. 4. Of the volume of air received by the lungs at one inspiration, only one-fourth part is decomposed at one action of the heart, and this is so decomposed in the five-sixth parts of one second of time. 5. The blood circulates through the system, and returns to the heart in 160 seconds of time, which is exactly the time in which the whole volume of air in the lungs is de- composed. These circuits are performed every eight minutes ; 540 circuits are performed every 24 hours. 6. The whole volume of air decomposed in 24 hours is 221,882 cubic inches, exactly 540 times the volume of the contents of the lungs. RESPIRATION. 253 7. The quantity of blood that flows to the lungs to be acted upon by the air at one action of the heart is two ounces, and this is acted on in less than one second of time. 8. The quantity of blood in the whole body of the human adult is 24 pounds avoirdupois, or 20 pints. 9. In 24 hours 57 hogsheads of air flow to the lungs. 10. In the same time, 24 hogsheads of blood are presented in the lungs to this quan- tity of air. 11. In the mutual action that takes place be- tween these quantities of air and blood, the air loses 328 ounces of oxygen, and the blood 10 ounces of carbon." 23. The blood, as it goes the round of the system, leav- ing a little bony matter here, a little muscular there ; sup- plying the nails, and the hair, and the skin, and every thing, with the particles which, in the wear and tear of the ma- chine, they have lost ; loses by degrees its bright arterial colour, and by the time it comes round again to the lungs, it is no longer fit to perform its duty ; it has been robbed of all its principles most essential to life, and it must be re- newed and prepared afresh, before it can be of any further use. This is done in the lungs : and this process is what physiologists call the vital part of respiration. 24. All animals have not lungs, (insects absorb the air from the surface of the body^ so also do many of the family of zoophytes. ^Some have feathery tufts, like a plume of feathers, which they keep in constant motion') while the common earth-worm, or \angle-worm, has a single row of holes along its back, about one hundred and twenty in num- ber, which open each of them into a small respiratory bag, situated between the skin and the intestine/ The leech or blood-sucker, and the lamprey eel, have the same kind of apparatus for breathing. 25. (Infohes, the gills, which are their lungs, are made up of an infinite number of little fibres, or filaments, set close together, like the teeth of a fine comb, or the barbs of a feather; and these are covered with innumerable small processes, crowded together like the nap of velvet, and over 22 254 PHYSIOLOGY. these are spread myriads of blood-vessels, like a fine net- work. I The air which is contained in the water, is drawn in witti it by the mouth, and forced, by the muscles of the throat, through the opening leading to the gills, the filaments of which are expanded and separated by the same process, so that they receive the full action of the fluid as it passes by them. When a fish is taken out of water, the reason he cannot breathe is, that these filaments collapse, and adhere together in a mass, and the air cannot separate them. 26. The seal, porpoise, dolphin and whale, belong to the class mammalia, and therefore have to rise to the surface of the water to get air to breathe. It is this necessity which exposes the whale to the harpoon of the fisherman ; for such are his strength and swiftness, that, could he live en- tirely under water, he might defy the utmost ingenuity of man to capture him. Fig. 9. The above cut shows the mode of respiration in fishes. The gills are seen bent over in the form of a feather : d is the auricle of the heart ; c, the ventricle ; /, the bronchial artery ; g, g, the gills. The RESPIRATION. J 255 ft v v OF THE heart of a fish throws the blood only to the gills, and not to the rest of the body as in other animals. This is the reason why the gills are red, while the other parts of a fish are white. Respiration in fishes is, therefore, performed by taking water into the mouth, and forcing it through the gills ; in this manner the air contained in the water is brought in contact with the thin coats of the blood-vessels, through which the oxygen is absorbed. Questions. What is meant by respiration ? by inspiration ? by expiration? How are the parts concerned in respiration arranged? What bones are concerned ? Describe the position of the ribs. What muscles are chiefly concerned in respiration ? Describe the intercos- tals, the diaphragm. How does the diaphragm act in inspiration ? In expiration ? What causes the deecant of the ribs in expiration ? Describe the structure of the lungs. Whawcalled in the lower animals ? What are the pleurae ? the mediastinTfinipHow many compartments is the chest divided into ?) In which iVjthe heart ? What is the trachea ? What does it end in ? How large are the air cells ? What is the office of respiration ? What amount of surface do the air cells present ? How does the blood get in contact with the air ? Describe the process of respiration. How does tight lacing injure the health ? What happens if a hole is made into the cavity of the chest ? What is the weight of the atmosphere equal to ? Of what gases is it com- posed ? What effect do vegetables have on air ? What is oxygen ? azote ? What is the effect of respiration on air ? How much oxygen is consumed by a man in twenty-four hours ? How do insects breathe? the earth-worm ? fishes ? birds ? the whale ? &c. ! CHAPTER XIX. THE CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. 1. THAT the blood is constantly circulating throughout the human body, was unknown till \Harveyjmade the disco- very, two hundred years ago| Before this time, air was supposed to circulate through the arteries, or air tubes ; hence their name. The reason why this great truth was not found out sooner, was, that/ on examining dead bodies, the arteries were always found" empty of blood ; owing to the contractile force with which they are endowed^ 2. The circulation is called one of the vital functions, t>ecause it is essential to lifel Its suspension for a short ime throughout the body is certainly fatal. Hence we find that diseases of the heart and great vessels are apt to termi- nate in sudden death, while in other diseases the approach of death is gradual. 3. Life, in all the organs, is maintained (by the presence of arterial blood) Without it they could not be nourished, nor could they perform their appropriate functions. The moment any part of the body is deprived of blood, from that time it ceases to grow ; it withers and decays, and soon be- comes a mass of dead matter. If the arteries which supply any of the limbs with blood are tied, the limb soon grows black, and mortifies. In the same way, if we stop the cir- culation of sap in a tree by girding or dividing the vessels which convey this fluid to the branches, the tree immediate- ly dies. Blades of grass and corn are often destroyed by worms severing the same vessels with their teeth ; and peach and other fruit trees, are generally short lived from the same cause. 4. Some animals are destitute of a circulation, such as in- sects, worms, &c. Air and food are essential to the existence THE CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. 257 of life, but the food cannot be changed into blood before the air has acted on it by one of its principles, oxygen. Now, if these two principles are not introduced into the system in the same place, but in separate organs, it is evident they cannot be employed in nutrition till they are brought toge- ther ; which is done in the lungs ; the blood is there fitted to carry nourishment and life to every part of the system. Every animal then, that has a local respiration, must also have a circulation. 5. The organs of the circulation are the heart, arteries, the veins, and the capillary vessels. The arteries and veins, or the arterial and venous systems as they are called, have been compared to two trees, the one scarlet and the other purple, whose trunks are united at the heart, and whose branches are connected at their extremities, thus forming a regular circle. The blood is then forced out of the heart by the contraction of that organ, into the arteries, by which it is distributed throughout the body ; from whence it is re- turned by the veins. Between the ends of the arteries and the commencement of the veins, are the small hair-like ves- sels called capillaries. 6. (The heart is a hollow organ of a muscular and fibrous structure, and somewhat conical in shape. It is placed in the fore part of the cavity of the chest, inclined to the left side. It rests on the midriff or diaphragm, which is the muscle that separates the chest from the abdomen ; and it is supported also at its base which is uppermost, by means of the large blood-vessels connected with itA JThe heart is sur- rounded by a strong membranous bag N , called the pericar- dium, by which it is, in a measure, protected. This bag is the seat of dropsy of the heart, and is generally found to contain more or less water after death J 7. (tn the human species, and throughout the class mam- malia) the heart is a double organ ; consisting in fact of two single hearts, each of which gives motion to a different kind of blood. One of these, the right heart, receives the dark 'W 22* 258 PHYSIOLOGY. venous blood which is returned from all parts of the body, and sends it through the* lungs, from whence it returns to the left side of the heart changed to bright arterial blood, and is distributed by the aorta, or great artery, through the system. The right heart then may be called the venous or pulmonary heart, the left, the arterial heart. Both, however, are so united together, as to form in appearance but one heart. Fig. 1. View of the heart inclosed in its bag, or pericardium, which is a se- rous membrane. It is here laid open and turned back. 8. Each of these hearts has two separate cavities ; one to receive the blood, and the other to pump it out. The cavi- ties which serve as receptacles, are called auricles, those THE CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. 259 which, by contracting, force it out, are called ventricles. The walls of the heart are composed of strong muscular or fleshy fibres, crossing and interlacing one another, and those of the ventricles are much thicker than those of the auri- cles. 9.(jThe cavities in the right side of the heart are trian- gular in shape, and those of the left, oval. Each cavity will hold about two ounces of blood. } Between each of these two cavities or chambers, there is a passage, which is closed with a valve ; so that when the ventricles contract, the blood, instead of passing through into the auricle, is poured into the arteries^ /This valve is formed by the dou- bling of a thin, transparent membrane, which lines the cavities, and extends both through the veins and arteries. The valve in the right side of the heart is called tricuspid, and that in the left, bicuspid or mitred) ' V 10. There are also valves placed at the orifice of the great arteries of the heart, the pulmonary and aorta, as they are given off from the right and left ventricles. ^They differ somewhat from the former, by being of a half-moon or semi- lunar shape, and formed by folds of the lining membrane of the arteries.) These are called sigmoid valves ; and their use is f;o prevent the blood from flowing back from the arte- ries into the ventricles) Where the vena cava, or the great vein which returns all the blood, empties into the right auricle of the heart, there is another valve, called the Eusta- chian valve. (See Fig. 2.) 11. (The arteries are the vessels into which the blood is immediately propelled by the action of the heart, and which distribute it to all the parts of the bodvl The pulmonary artery or the artery of the right side of the heart, circulates dark-coloured or venous blood through the lungs, where by exposure to the air, it becomes a bright scarlet. This is re- turned into the left auricle, which forces it into the left ven- tricle, whence it is sent through the aorta to every part of the system. 260 PHYSIOLOGY. Fig. 2. View of the heart with its several chambers exposed and the ves. sels in connection with them. 1. The superior vena cava. 2. The inferior vena cava. 3. The chamber called the auricle. 4. The right ventricle. 5. The line marking the passage between the two cham- bers, and the points of attachment of one margin of the valve. 6. The septum between the two ventricles. 7. The pulmonary artery, arising from the right ventricle, and dividing at 8 into right and left, for the corresponding lungs. 9. The four pulmonary veins, bringing the blood from the lungs into 10, the left auricle. 11. The left ventricle. 12. The aorta, arising from the left ventricle, and passing down behind the heart, to distribute blood to every part of the system. Thus the blood moves in a double circle, one from the heart to the body, and from the body back to the heart, called the systemic circle ; the other, from the heart to the lung, and from the lung back to the heart, called the pulmonic circle. 12. The arteries are very strong and elastic, of a yellow- ish white colour Jand have three coats, jthe outer one of which is called cellular^lhe middle, the fibrous coat, and the inter- nal, serous. It is very important that arteries should be elastic and capable of stretching, because, if they were not, every time a limb was broken, the artery would be ruptured, and the person bleed to death. (See Fig. 3.) 13. JThe veins which return the blood to the heart consti- tute two systems like the arteries ; the one brings all the dark-coloured blood from the head, trunk and limbs, and in- ternal organs, to the right side of the heart, into which it opens by the two great trunks, called the upper and lower THE CIRCULATION OP THE BLOOD. Fig. 3. 261 The Arterial system. vena cava. The other conveys the scarlet-coloured or arte- rial blood, from the lungs to the left auricle, into which it issues by four large trunks, called pulmonary veinsj The veins are strong and flexible, but not elastic like arteries. They are furnished with little valves placed at short dis- tances from each other, so as to prevent the blood from flow- 262 PHYSIOLOGY. ing back again. Like the arteries, they are supplied with nerves from Hie great sympathetic nerve. Fig. 4. Portion of an artery, showing the several coats of which it is com- posed, separated from each other. 1. The internal or serous coat ; 2. The middle or fibrous coat; 3. The external or cellular coat. 14. The capillary system, so called from the vessels being small, like hairs, presents two modifications. \The first con- sists of little tubes, furnished with proper coats or walls, which are the termination of the arteries and the commence- ment of the veins. But a part of these small vessels do not terminate in veins, but in the very substance of the flesh, and the organs themselves. These are even smaller chan- nels than the first, and permit only a single globule of blood to pass out at a time. They are probably formed by the fine arterial vessels, gradually losing their proper coats, and becoming confounded with the cellular tissue/ 15. In the capillary system, the functions of secretion, nutrition, absorption and calorification, or the production of animal heat, are performed. It is often divided into two sections, the general and the pulmonary. The first has al- ready been described. The other exists only in the lungs, and connects the pulmonary arteries and veins. In this the blood is changed from venous to arterial. 16. The account which has been given of the circulation applies to the human species, mammalia and birds. ^Reptiles have but one heart, containing one ventricle and one or two THE CIRCULATION OP THE BLOOD. 263 auricles, which receive arterial blood from the lungs, and venous blood from the body, and in its cavity both are mixed together. I The main artery going from the heart, di- vides into two branches, one of which goes to the lungs, the other is distributed throughout the body. In some of the other classes of animals, such as icorm^ there is no heart, and the circulation consists in the passage of the blood from the surface, where are seated the organs of respiration, to all parts of the animal and back again, which is performed exclusively by vessels^ I Fishes have a single heart, designed only to circulate venous blood, which it conveys to the gills, or lungs ; and from thence it is carried to every part of the body, by an artery which rises from the gills themselves^ Shell-fish have also a single heart, but this only circulates arterial blood. 17. The following facts were brought forward by Harvey to prove the circulation of the blood. \If the chest of a cold-blooded animal be opened, the heart will be seen dilating and contractingf The valves are so situated throughout the circulating system, as to promote the circulation. Between the auricles and ventricles they are so placed as to allow the blood to pass freely from the former into the latter, and to prevent its return. The valves placed at the orifice of the arteries, permits the blood to enter them from the ventricles, but prevents it getting back into the heart. The valves in the veins allow the blood to go towards the heart, but pre- vent it from going in the other direction. 18. In bleeding, a bandage or ligature is placed round the arm, above the point where the arm is to be opened. The blood, in its return toward the heart, is interrupted, but the artery which carries the blood to it is not compressed, be- cause it lies deeper. Sometimes, however, the ligature is so tight that the blood will not flow till it has been loosened. If the vein be opened below the ligature it will bleed freely, but no blood is obtained if it be opened above. 19. When a limb is amputated by a surgeon, he only ties 264 PHYSIOLOGY. the arteries. The reason is, that as these convey the blood from the heart, the patient would soon bleed to death unless some means were adopted to prevent it. But, although the veins are as large as the arteries, yet, as they carry the blood back to the heart, they do not bleed, although they are not tied. Fig. 5. The Venous System. THE CIRCULATION OP THE BLOOD. 20. The blood can also be seen to move in the small ca- pillaries by means of a microscope. The fine web of a frog's foot is generally used for this purpose. Microscopi- cal observations, however, should be received with great al- lowance, for no two observers have ever found the same ap- pearances. One makes out the globules of the blood to be round, another square, and another tubular. Some physi- ologists, it is to be feared, find just what they wish to find. Owing to the refraction of light, the microscope is little to be depended on in examining the minute structure of bodies. 21. ^IThe motion of the blood is chiefly owing to the ac- tion of the heart. This contracts with great force, and in the following manner.) The auricles both contract at the same instant, forcing the blood which is received from the lungs, and the general circulation, into the ventricles ; these then contract at the same moment ; the right one sending the blood through the lungs, the left one through the aorta. This alternate action is constant, as long as life continues. The reason why the auricles act together, and the ventricles the same, is probably owing to the fact, that both have a common septum or dividing wall, so that one cannot contract without the other. 22. The ventricles contract more suddenly and powerfully than the auricles, and they are three times as long in dila- ting or expanding, as contracting. When the ventricles contract, the apex or point of the heart rises up and strikes against the left wall of the chest, between the sixth and seventh ribs, and this can be felt by placing the hand on the left side. The left ventricle has much thicker and stronger walls than the right, because it has a greater distance to throw the blood ; but the right ventricle will hold more than the left, because the venous system is more capacious than the arterial. 23. (The velocity of the blood in the arterial system grows slower in proportion to its distance from the heart, while that in the veins is accelerated the nearer it approaches the 23 266 PHYSIOLOGY. heart.] The reason why the blood moves slower in the arte- ries as it recedes from the heart, is owing, probably, to friction, and the increased capacity of the vessels, for the arterial system is compared to a cone, whose apex is at the heart. The course of blood in the arteries is intermittent, or by jets ; not that it does not flow all the time, but its flow is more or less rapid, according as the ventricles are con- tracting or dilating. 24^The force with which the blood is thrown from the heart is variously estimated. Hales computed that the left ventricle of a horse exerted a force equal to 113 pounds, and that of a man at 51 pounds. Some think that the contrac- tion must overcome the whole pressure of the air upon the body, which is equal to forty thousand pounds. As we can- not, however, correctly estimate the influence of breathing and other causes, we cannot, with any degree of certainty, tell what degree of power is exerted by the heart. Dr. Arnott thinks, however, that the heart acts with a force of about six pounds on every square inch, and as the left cham- ber of the heart has about ten square inches, the whole force exerted is sixty pounds. ) 25. The Blood. The blood is not necessarily red, it may be white, as in the fish ; transparent, as in the insect; yel- lowish, as in the reptile ; and indeed there is no animal in which the blood is red in all the parts of its body. 26. In a short time after blood is taken from the body it separates into two portions, by a process called coagulation, vi2^1. a watery portion called serum, and a solid portion called coagulum or clot ; the white substance which forms the upper part of the clot is called fibrin, and the red mass under it, the red particles. The fibrin is the material from which all the solids of the body are formed^ (See Fig. 6.) 27. The red particles owe their colour, it is supposed, to the presence of iron; though some say it depends on an ani- mal substance of a gelatinous nature. These are usually described as being minute globules, but the latest microsco- THE CIRCULATION OP THE BLOOD. 267 Fig. 6. A portion of fibrin, showing its fibrous structure and the net-like arrangement of its fibres. pic observations show that they are flattened cakes, having rounded and slightly thickened margins, as shown in the following cut : Fig. 7. 1. A particle of human blood as it appears when transparent and floating. 2. The same, seen as illuminated. 3. The same, one half illuminated. 4. A particle of frog's blood floating. 5. The same, seen edge-wavs. All these objects are magnified five hundred diam- eters. 28. (The blood constitutes about one fifth part of the weight of the whole bodyj; so that the whole quantity of blood in the body of an adult may be estimated at between thirty and forty pounds. ^A complete revolution of the blood takes place every three minutes, and there are about five hundred and fifty revolutions every twenty-four hours/ The contractions of the ventricles, or the pulse, is about seventy-five times in a minute, in a grown person, and one hundred and forty in an infant ; in old age about sixty. 268 PHYSIOLOGY. Now as two ounces of blood are thrown out of the heart at each beat, thirty-five pounds on an average, must pass through the heart every three minutes ; seven hundred pounds every hour; and sixteen thousand pounds, or eight tons, every twenty-four hours. 29. Dr. Barry states, that the quicker the blood circu- lates the sooner will ther machine wear out. Now, suppose that the pulse of a temperate man be seventy in a minute, and by the use of ardent spirits he forces it up to eighty- five, then instead of living seventy years, his number of pul- sations will be finished at the age of fifty-six ; thus cutting short his life fourteen years. 30. The heart beats more than one hundred thousand times in twenty-four hours, and sometimes continues to beat thus for one hundred years. What other machine so com- plicated, could last as long ? And still it is made of nothing but flesh. How strange that it should act so long, without growing weary ! Truly is it said, that " man is fearfully and wonderfully made !" 31. Some physiologists consider the heart the only mo- ving power of the circulation : Others think that the arte- ries aid by their contractile power. Others still believe that the capillary vessels have a kind of absorbing and propelling force, independent of the heart and arteries, while a last class ascribe the circulation to a self-moving power in the blood itself. All these theories may have some truth in them, but they err in being too exclusive. 32. That the heart is the chief moving power of the blood is generally admitted. If the heart of a frog be ta- ken from the body and placed in warm water, it will con- continue to contract and dilate with great force for a con- siderable time. This would seem to prove that its action does not depend on the contact of air and blood. In ser- pents the heart retains this power a long time after death; and it has been known to contract at least four days after life appeared extinct. The heart of a sturgeon was cut out THE CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. 269 and laid on the ground, and after it ceased to beat it was blown up and ordered to be dried. It was then hung up when it began to move again and continued to beat, though more slowly, for ten hours ; and it continued to contract till it became so dry as to rustle iffith the motion. If the heart of any animal be taken from the body immediately after death and carefully washed, it will continue to act for some time ; showing that this alternation of action is natural to its irritable fibre, and results directly from its structure. 33. The arteries have not an equal power of contraction, with the heart, though they are generally found more or less contracted after death. The pulse, which may be felt by placing the fingers on the side of the wrist, takes place at the very instant the heart contracts, and is not probably owing to the contraction or dilitation of the artery, but chiefly to the jet of blood, which is sent along the tube. When arteries are changed into bone, the pulse is still felt. No pulse exists in animals destitute of a heart. 34. That the arteries are not only elastic, but contract so as to assist the heart in circulating the blood, is evident from the following facts. If an artery be laid bare, and two lig- atures applied so as to cut off all communication, and then a small opening made between the ligatures, the blood will spirt out with considerable force, and the artery become much contracted. When a person or animal is bleeding to death, the arteries always contract in proportion to the loss of blood ; after death they relax again. Arteries too will contract by the application of stimulants or irritating sub- stances. 35. Besides these facts to prove that arteries contract, We may mention the following. We read of cases of pal- sy, where in the paralytic limb no pulse could be felt, al- though the heart beat as strongly as ever. We read of oth- er cases where the arteries continued to beat after the pul- sations of the heart ceased. In diseases of the heart, we sometimes have a weak pulse, although the heart beats very 23* S70 PHYSIOLOGY. strongly. And in apoplexy the pulse is often strong, when the heart acts feebly. Burns relates cases where the pulse at the wrist did not correspond with the contractions of the heart : and it cannot be denied that in some animals a cir- culation exists, although they have no heart. Although fish- es have a heart, their blood is moved through the body by vessels. After the heart is taken out of the body, the blood is still seen to flow in the small vessels. 36. I have stated that arteries contract by an irritating substance being applied to them. Hartshorn, or ammonia, will make an artery shrink so as to lose one eighth of its cir- cumference. A partial enlargement of an artery takes place in a living animal by exposing it, and rubbing it between the finger and thumb, but in general no pulsation will be seen in an artery thus exposed. 37. The capillary vessels have an action independent of the heart. When the blood has reached the ends of the ar- teries, or the capillary vessels, the force of the heart and ar- teries is probably nearly, if not quite exhausted. Dr. Ar- nott says that the blood is driven into them, by a force equal to four pounds to the square inch. There is no doubt that the action of the heart is sufficient to force the blood through the arteries into the veins ; for when the heart acts feebly the surface of the body is pale and cold. But the blood is known to move in a backward or retrograde direc- tion. When a leech is applied to the skin, the blood flows to the spot from all quarters. In blushing, the capillaries of the cheek dilate instantly and admit more blood ; under the influence of fear they contract, and the face becomes pale ; tears will gush from the eye in a moment and suddenly dis- appear ; now all these things could not happen if these ves- sels did not act independent of the heart. 38. It is probably capillary action which moves the fluids in all animals that have no heart. Persons have lain in a swoon apparently dead for days together and then revived. In these cases life was preserved in the capillary circulation, THE CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. 271 I have seen- a case of this kind, where a young lady of this city, was kept a fortnight after she was supposed to have died ; her looks being so natural that her parents were un- willing to bury her, for fear she would come to life. Al- though she lay in a room without a fire in the winter season, yet her body retained its natural warmth for several days, her cheeks their florid colour, and her limbs their usual flex, ibility. These singular phenomena were perhaps owing to a continuance of the capillary circulation. f \ 40 .(The capillary vessels Vre the last part of the body that continues to act. After the breathing and the action of the heart have ceased, they still continue to act like innumera- ble little pumps, drawing the blood out of the arteries and substance of the organs, and forcing it into the veins. As nutrition and secretion are performed by that portion of the capillary system which acts independently of the heart and arteries, the continuance of action in this system accounts for the growth of the beard and the hair, which takes place after death. It is owing to *he same reason, that the arte- ries are always found empty after death. 41. physiologists are not agreed as to the cause of the motion of blood in the veins.^ The veins have thinner coats than the arteries and are destitute of elasticity. As they are wanting in elasticity, if they had no irritability, they could not act upon the blood contained in them, and accordingly could exert no active force in circulating the blood. But it is found by experiments that the veins are not mere passive tubes ; they possess a certain degree of contractile power, as is shown in the shrinking of the veins on the back of the hands in cold weather ; besides, if a vein be punctured be- tween two ligatures, the blood will spirt out. The veins then assist the circulation by a sli ht degree of contractile power) 42. Again : when the heart dilates, the blood is sucked up in the veins precisely as it is in a pump. This is denied by some, who KW. thai if the end of a syringe be placed in a 272 PHYSIOLOGY. tube of eel-skin, or any thing which is not elastic, and you attempt to pump the water out of it, supposing it to be filled, the sides will be brought together, and the tube closed, so that the water cannot escape. This, however, will not hap- pen, if, as in the veins, the fluid is forced in at the other end. 43. The expansion of the chest in breathing, also aids in circulating the blood in the veins. When the chest is dila- ted, both air and blood rush into it. This may be seen by watching the jugular veins in the neck, which empty them- selves during inspiration. Dr. Barry placed one end of a tube in the jugular vein, and the other in a coloured fluid. During inspiration, the fluid was sucked from the vessel into the vein ; during expiration, it remained stationary. It should be remembered, that during one act of respiration, the heart beats five or six times. 44. One other cause remains to circulate the blood in the veins, and that is, the action of the muscles. When the muscles contract, they press upon the veins in contact with, or near them, and so force the blood along their cavities. This can be seen in bleeding from the arm ; if a person grasps a stick, the blood flows much more freely than when the muscles are relaxed. It is in this way, that exercise proves so beneficial to health, by promoting the circulation of the blood through the system ; and we account in this way also, for the fact that sedentary habits so often lay the foundation for incurable diseases. 45. (The heart is not so dependent on the brain for its ac- tion as many other organs. } ^lonsters, born without heads, sometimes live for several days. Snakes have lived six months without a head ; and any animal may live for some time in the same condition, if the blood-vessels of the neck are tied. If the breathing be kept up by artificial respiration, life may be continued for a long time. I have myself kept a child alive two hours, that had its neck broken, by keeping up artificial breathing ; persons have been saved in the same way, who had taken large doses of laudanum. THE CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. 273 46.; In fainting, the heart ceases to act) It may be owing to various causes, acting on the nervous system, or on the blood-vessels. Mental emotion, loss of blood, or any thing that renders the blood-vessels about the heart less full or tense than usual, will cause a person to faint. This state is soonest relieved bjflying dow^ probably because the action of the heart is sufficient to force the blood along horizontal tubes, but not to raise it in a perpendicular position. Where blood has been lost in sufficient quantity to endanger life, it has been supplied from the veins of another person, by a pro- cess called transfusion. Questions. When was the circulation of the blood discovered? and by whom ? Why not discovered before ? Why is the circulation called a vital function ? How is life maintained ? Have all animals a circulation &* Describe the structure of the heart. What is the peri- cardium? In what animals is the heart double ? Describe the cavi- ties of the heart the valves. W T hat is their use ? What are arteries ? How many coats have they f; Describe the venous system. Have the veins valves ?>' What is the capillary system ? Describe the circulation in reptiles worms fishes. What facts did Harvey bring forward to prove the circulation of the blood ? What is the motion of the blood chiefly owing to ? Are the veniricles thicker than the auricles ? Why ? What is said of the velocity of the blood? Of the force of the heart ? Describe the composition of the blood ? What proportion of the body does it constitute ? How long is the blood in performing a revolution ? What is the last part of the body that continues to act ? Why are the arteries found empty after death ? What circulates the blood in the veins 1 What aids in this process ? Does the heart de- pend on the brain for its action ? What facts connected with this sub. ject ? What occurs in fainting ? What position is most favorable in recovering from fainting ? CHAPTER XX. NUTRITIVE FUNCTIONS. DIGESTION. 1. (j)igestion, absorption, secretion, and nutrition constitute what are called the nutritive functions.} Digestion is that process by which the food is brought into a state in which it may be taken up by the lacteal vessels and carried into the blood. (.The digestive apparatus consists of the mouth and its appendages ; the pharynx ; esophagus ; the stomach and intestines^ the whole tract making what is called the alimentary canal. Besides these, there are the salivary glands ; the liver ; the pancreas, or sweet-bread of animals ; all of which aid in the process of digestion. 2. The parts which compose the mouth, are (the lips, cheeks, palate, tongue, teeth, and salivary glands} There are six salivary glands, which secrete saliva, viz.: the parotid; sub-maxillary ; and the sub-lingual. The parotid gland is situated on the cheek before the ear ; the sub-maxillary im- mediately beneath the lower jaw ; and the sub-lingual under the tongue. They all pour forth a fluid, during mastication, into the mouth to moisten the food, and prepare it for the change it is to undergo in the stomach. A swelling of the parotid gland is called the mumps. 3. In a grown person, there are thirty-two teeth ; four in- cisor, or cutting teeth, two canine or dog teeth, ten molar or grinders in each jaw. The first set of teeth begin to come, when the child is about six months old, and by the time it is two years and a half old, it has twenty ; about the seventh year, they all become loose and fall out, and their place is supplied by another set. The teeth are the hardest part of the body ; their internal parts resemble bone ; the external consist of a very hard and highly polished substance, called enamel t which is very durable. NUTRITIVE FUNCTIONS DIGESTION. Fig. 1. 275 Half of the lower jaw ; a, the base ; 6, the angle ; c, the ramus ; d, the condjle ; e, the coronaid process ; h, the two incisors or cutting teeth; i, one canine or dog tooth; k, two small molar; I, three large molar or grinding teeth. 4. The jaws perform an important part, in fitting the food for the stomach. The lower jaw only has motion ; being moved by means of strong muscles, which rise from the tern- pies and upper jaw ; and it not only moves directly upwards and downwards, but sideways, so as to grind the food be- tween the teeth, as grain is ground between two mill-stones. 5. The tongue is likewise very useful in the process of mastication, as it removes the food from one part of the mouth to another, so as to bring every portion bet \veen the teeth ; and then it forms it into a suitable shape for swal- lowing. The tongue is made up by different muscles, and is supplied by nerves, chiefly from the eleventh pair. 6. The esophagus or meat-pipe, lies directly behind the wind-pipe, and is about one inch in diameter. It connects what is called the pharynx, with the stomach. All these or- gans are lined by a soft, velvet-like membrane, termed mucous membrane, because it is always covered in health, with a vi- scid fluid, called mucus. 276 PHYSIOLOGY. 7. The stomach is the largest organ of digestion. It lies immediately under the false ribs, on the left side, below the midriff, and is shaped somewhat like a bag-pipe. It has two openings, the upper one, which admits the food, is called car- diac, and the lower one, the pyloric orifice. In a middle sized man, this organ is about ten inches long, and three or four in diameter, and holds from three to six pints. 8. The stomach has four distinct coats ; the inner one is called mucous or villous ; being thin, soft, and spongy ; the second vascular ; as it is made up chiefly of blood vessels ; the third muscular; composed of muscular fibres, and very strong ; the fourth serous ; as it secretes a serous or watery fluid. The stomach is freely supplied with blood vessels and nerves; the latter being furnished partly from the spinal marrow, and partly from the brain. Fig. 2. The human stomach : a, the esophagus or gullet ; &, the cardiac por- tion ; c, the left extremity ; d, the small extremity ; e, the pylorus tied ; g g, the omentum or caul, which is attached to the outside of the stomach, and falls over the intestines like a curtain. NUTRITIVE FUNCTIONS DIGESTION. 277 9. The intestines in man, are from five to six times the length of the body ; and are divided into large and small in- testines ; the latter making about four fifths of the whole. The small intestines are divided into duodenum, jejunum, and Ueon. The duodenum is so called because it is about twelve finger's-breadth in length ; the jejunum from its gene- rally being found empty ; the ducts or canals from the liver and pancreas enter the duodenum near the middle, and it is abundantly supplied with lacteals. The different portions of the large intestine are called coecum, colon, and rectum. 10. The liver is the largest gland in the body ; and it lies directly under the ribs, on the right side, and reaching be- low them. In a grown person, it is about ten inches in diam- eter, and weighs not far from four pounds. It secretes the bile, which is poured out into a bag called gall-bladder, con- nected with it ; from thence it is carried into the duodenum. The liver is found in all the vertebrated animals and in the mollusca ; in birds, reptiles and fishes, its size is greater in proportion to that of the body than in the human species. It is attached to the diaphragm, which lies above it, by a fold of the peritoneum, called the suspensory ligament of the liver. 11. The pancreas is a gland about five inches in length, of a whitish colour, lying immediately behind the stomach. It is supplied, like the stomach, with numerous blood-vessels and nerves. It secretes a fluid, called the pancreatic fluid, which is white, viscid, inodorous, slightly saline, and con- tains a large proportion of albumen. This gland is found in all the mammalia, in birds, and in amphibious animals, or such as live both in air and water, like the frog ; but it is much larger in animals that live on vegetables, than in those that feed on flesh. Hence, the fluid which it secretes, is supposed to aid in difficult digestion. (See Fig. 3.) 24 278 PHYSIOLOGY. Fig. 3. The above cut represents the whole tract of the intestinal canal, not exactly in its natural position, but spread out so as to show the relative proportions ; /, the aesophagus ; g, cardia ; h, pylorus ; i, i, the duodenum, about twelve fingers' breadth in length ; &, hepatic duct ; /, gall blad~ I ^ NUTRITIVE FUNCTIONS DIGESTION. 279 der ; m, cystic duct ; n, ductus communis, formed by the union of both; o, the opening of this duct into the duodenum ; p, pancreatic duct ; q, its opening into the duodenum ; r, jejunum; s, ilium; these constitute the small intestines, and are about twenty-six feet in length, or five times the length of the body ; *, termination of ilium in the coecum ; u, superior fold of valve of colon ; v, inferior do. ; w, coecum ; x, ver- miform process ; y, y, colon ; z, rectum. The coecum, colon, and rectum, form the large intestines, and are about six feet in length ; the coecum being about 4 inches long, and the same in diameter. The arrows show the direction which the food takes in digestion. 12. Hunger and thirst are sensations designed to teach us the necessity of supplying those losses which the system is constantly undergoing by the different secretions and excre- tions, amounting to several pounds in the course of twenty, four hours. The blood first feels the loss, and then the solids, whose particles are continually taken up by the ab- sorbents, and carried into the blood, and thus ejected from the system ; and were not these losses supplied by the timely introduction of food, the body would rapidly emaciate, till death closed the scene. Hunger is supposed to be owing to a peculiar affection of the nerves of the stomach ; for when the nerve which goes from the brain to the stomach (the par- vagum,) is divided, the sensation of hunger is lost, or at least the appetite for food is destroyed. 13. While the food is undergoing the process of mastica- tion, that is, of being divided and ground down by the tee! it is thoroughly mixed with a quantity of saliva, amounting it is supposed to between eight and ten ounces. The food is thus brought into a condition to be easily swallowed, and readily dissolved by the action of the stomach. It is very important, therefore, that the food should be slowly chewed, and reduced to as fine a state as possible in the mouth, in order that digestion may be easy. Too great rapidity in eating, probably lays the foundation of many cases of indi- gestion. 14. After the food has been sufficiently masticated, it is carried down the aesophagus into the stomach, first by the 280 PHYSIOLOGY. contraction of the muscles of the pharynx, and then by a successive contraction of the circular fibres of the gullet it- self, from above downwards. That the morsel is not carried down merely by its own weight, is proved by the fact, that a man can swallow with his head downwards. 15. In the stomach, the food is converted into a soft, grey, pulpy mass, called chyme. This process has been called chymosis. It is produced by the motions of the stomach, together with the agency of the secretions, which are thrown out by the gastric vessels. These motions have been called vermicular or worm-like ; and undulatory, or like wave suc- ceeding wave. The crawling of a worm furnishes a very good illustration of the successive contractions of the muscu- lar fibres of the stomach, commencing, as they do, at the aeso- phagus, and proceeding onwards to the pylorus, and so back again. These motions of course bring every portion of the contents of the stomach in contact with all parts of its sur- face ; and so they become intimately mixed with the gastric fluid. 16. The food is thus carried round the interior of the sto- mach, from one extremity to the other ; and from one to three minutes are employed in each revolution. In the mean time, both orifices are closed ; so that the contents cannot escape. During this process, the gastric fluid is secreted in large quantities, and becomes mixed with the food as it passes round. In a short time, the taste, smell, and other sensible properties of the food, are entirely changed. This is produced by the agency of the gastric juice, which sub- verts the chemical affinities of the food ; and with its ele- ments forms new combinations. 17. fThe gastric fluid is a clear, transparent fluid, produced by arterial exhalation ; acid to the taste, slightly saline, and free from odour.] It possesses the singular property of co- agulating albumen ; resists the putrefaction of animal mat- ter ; and dissolves nearly every kind of alimentary substance. Its acid properties are owing to the muriatic and acetic acids NUTRITIVE FUNCTIONS DIGESTION. 281 which it contains. The gastric fluid is found to contain more acid, in proportion as the food is more difficult of digestion. It is only secreted, when food is present in the stomach. 18. The aliment then is converted into chyme, chiefly by the gastric fluid ; aided, however, by the motions of the sto- mach. This is proved by the fact, that this fluid will dis- solve alimentary substances out of the stomach : the chyme which is prepared by artificial digestion, presenting the same sensible properties as that which is found in the stomach. Such is the power of the gastric fluid, that it will dissolve bones, not only in the stomach, but out of it. It curdles milk ; and for this purpose the rennet, or stomach of the calf, is used by farmers in making cheese. But every thing which is coagulated in the stomach, is dissolved again, in its conversion into chyme. 19. But digestion is a vital and not a chemical process. Though aliment may be reduced to a substance resembling chyme, by the action of gastric fluid out of the body ; yet it is destitute of all those peculiar properties which assimi- late it to the nature of a living animal. The food may doubtless be brought to a fluid state by a chemical process, and even alimentary principles may in the same way be changed into each other, as starch into sugar and gum ; but there is still another power, which may be called vitalizing or organization, by which alimentary substances are brought into such a condition as adapts them for an intimate union with the living body. Such a power is beyond the reach of chemical action. 20. The time which is required to change food into chyme, varies according to the nature of the food. Animal food is digested sooner than vegetable. The average time required, is about three hours and a half. A good deal depends, also, on the degree of mastication it has undergone. If swallowed in large masses its solution must go on slowly. 21. As fast as the aliment is changed into chyme, it pass- 24* 282 PHYSIOLOGY. es out of the stomach into the duodenum, and it generally stays in the stomach until it has undergone this change. Indigestible substances have thus been vomited up, more than a week after they were swallowed. All fluids which are swallowed, are supposed to be taken up by absorption. 22. If the par-vagum, or nerve which goes from the brain to the stomach, be divided, digestion is impaired or suspend. ed. The same happens under the influence of mental emo- tions, such as grief, anger, &c. Some physiologists have thought that this nerve presides over the secretion of the gastric juice ; others, that it stimulates the muscular motions of the stomach ; while a third class consider it to be the seat of sensation in the stomach, giving rise to hunger and thirst. But it is not yet fully settled what particular influ- ence this nerve exerts over digestion. 23. The chyme, on passing from the stomach, is received into the duodenum. This, like the stomach, has a serous, muscular, and mucous coat, and has a mucous, as well as se- rous, secretion. In this portion of intestine, the chyme in its passage meets with the pancreatic and the biliary fluids ; the irritating properties of the acid chyme, cause these fluids to be poured out in great abundance, as well as the other secretions ; and these are thoroughly mixed with the chyme by the contraction of the intestine. It now be- comes of a yellowish, instead of a gray colour ; its acid properties disappear, and large quantities of albumen are developed. This is supposed, by some, to be derived from the pancreatic fluid, which contains a large proportion of it. 24. As it becomes intimately mixed with the biliary and pancreatic secretions, the substance called chyle is produced. Though some say it is not to be found in the duodenum but only the elements out of which it is formed. But albumen, which is the basis of chyle, exists abundantly in the duode num ; and so also do particles of fibrin. By the microscope, globules also may be detected in the chyme, similar to those which are found in the chyle. NUTRITIVE FUNCTIONS DIGESTION. 283 25. It would seem, then, that the great business of diges- tion is to change the food into albuminous matter, which forms the basis of the chyle as well as the blood ; and it is certain that no albumen is formed in the stomach ; though the change which the food there undergoes, is an approach to the nature of albumen. As the bile is alkaline, it doubt- less combines with, and neutralizes the acid properties of the chyme, which would precipitate the mucus of the bile, and leave it in a state of coagulation. 26. Chyle then is the fluid, which is taken up by the ab- sorbent vessels, called lacteals, whether it exists ready formed in the chyme, or is manufactured out of it, by the action of these vessels themselves. It is usually of a milk white co- lour, but varies in appearance in different animals ; and ac- cording to the nature of the food. In animals that feed on flesh, it is opaque ; in such as live on vegetables, it is trans- parent ; in birds and fishes, thin, serous, and clear like wa- ter. It is saltish, and somewhat sweet to the taste ; heavier than water but less so than blood. It coagulates on stand- ing, like blood, and separates into three portions ; a fluid, a coagulum, and a fatty substance. The fluid portion is chief- ly of albumen and coagulates like the serum of the blood by heat, acids, and alcohol ; the coagulum consists of fibrin, and a coloring matter, which is white. 27. Whatever the food may consist of, physiologists are now pretty well agreed, that the chyle will always be com- posed of Jlbrin, albumen, a fat matter, muriate of soda, and phosphate of lime, though in variable proportions. Food that contains much azote, such as that of animals, it is sup- posed will form chyle, which contains a greater portion of Jibrin than that of vegetables, as azote is one of the chief ele- ments of fibrin. Dr. Marcet states that chyle produced from vegetable aliments contains three times as much carbon as that formed out of animal substances. It is certain that chyle from animal food is milky ; and that from vegetables transparent. As both however are composed of the same 284 PHYSIOLOGY. essential elements, we may be assured, that man can live on either animal or vegetable diet, as it may be most conve- nient. As the most important part of digestion seems to be completed in the small intestines, we shall not follow the pro- cess any farther. 28. A few years since, a man in the United States army received a gun-shot wound, which made a hole in his sto- mach ; and which left an opening into the cavity of that or- gan, so that the whole process of digestion could be seen, as it was going on. Dr. Beaumont, a physician in the army, availed himself of this singular case, and performed many curious experiments which occupied him for several years. The following are the most important inferences, which he drew from his experiments. 29. " Animal and farinaceous aliments are more easy of digestion than vegetables. Digestion is fa< nuteness of division and tenderness of fibre ; portance of thoroughly chewing the food, principles of aliment are always the same, itated by mi- icnce the im- The ultimate -om whatever kind of food they may be obtained, whether v sgetable or an imal. The quantity of food generally take mach, is greater than the system requires. S sier of digestion than fluid. Stimulating cond ments, such as spices, are hurtful to a healthy stomach. 30. The continued use of ardent spirits a diseases of the stomach. Hunger is the eff tension of the vessels, which secrete the gast temperature of the stomach is 100 degrees The gastric juice dissolves the food, and alters It also coagulates, or renders solid, albumen, dissolves it. 31. The gastric juice is a clear and transp irent fluid ; little saltish, and somewhat sour to the taste. When pure, it suffers no change by keeping. Gentle exen ise assists the digestion of the food. Water, ardent spirits, a id most other fluids are not affected by the gastric juice, >ut disappear from the stomach soon after they are receivedl into the sto- id food is ea- ays produces ct of the dis- c juice. The ' Fahrenheit. ts properties, nd afterwards NUTRITIVE FUNCTIONS DIGESTION. 285 Questions. What constitute the nutritive functions ? What the di- gestive apparatus? What the mouth? How many salivary glands are there ? How many teeth are there in an adult ? How divided ? When do they begin to appear ? When are they shed ? What is the outside of the tooth called ? How is the tongue useful in mastication ? Describe the esophagus the stomach the intestines the liver the pancreas hunger and thirst. Describe the process of digestion. What is the gastric juice ? Chyme ? Chyle ? What is rennet what used for ? Is digestion a chemical process ? How long does it generally take to convert food into chyme ? What influence has the par vaguin nerve on digestion ? Where do the pancreatic and biliary fluids enter the intestines ? their use ? Is the nature of chyle changed by the kind of food ? Of what is it always composed ? What are the principle re- sults of Beaumont's experiments in relation to digestion ? CHAPTER XXI . SECRETION. 1. Secretion is one of the most obscure and mysterious functions in the animal economy. /To secrete means to sepa- rate ;ybut most of the fluids formed by this process, did not previously exist in the blood, but only the elements out of which they are made. It is purely a vital and not a mechan- ical process, like straining through a seive, to which some have compared it : and the vessels by which it is accom- plished may well be called the architects and chemists of the system ; for out of the same material, the blood, they con. struct a variety of wonderful fabrids, and chemical com- pounds. 2. We see the same wonderful power possessed also by vegetables ffor, out of the same materials, the olive pre- pares its oil ; the cocoa-nut its milk ; the cane its sugar ; the poppy its narcotic juice ; the henbane its poison ; the oak its green pulpy leaves, its light pith, and its dense woody fi- brej all composed of the same, few simple elements, only ar- ranged in different order and proportions. 3. fin like manner, we find the vessels in animal bodies, capable of forming all the various textures and substances which make up the frame ; the cellular tissue ; the mem- branes ; the ligaments ; the cartilages ; the bones ; the mar- row ; the muscles, with their tendons ; the lubricating fluid of the joints ; the pulp of the brain ; the transparent jelly of the eye ; in short, all the textures of the various organs of which the body is composed ; and still all are made out of the same blood ; and consist of the same ultimate elements.^ 4. (The most simple form of secretion, however, seems to be, the mere separation of some principle, which previously existed in the blood \ as senim is deposited in most of the ca- vities, by a kind of exhalation. Some other principles also SECRETION. 287 exist in the, blood, which are found in the secretions, as/- brin, a fatty substance ; and some of the elements of the bile. Some physiologists believe, that many of the secre- tions do exist ready formed in the blood, but cannot be de- tected by analysis. In proof of this, two ounces of bile have been injected into the veins of a dog, but the blood of the animal, which was analyzed a few moments after, exhibited not a trace of bile. 5. That secretion is a vital process and not a chemical one, is evident from the fact^that it is so much under the influence of the nervous system. For example, sorrow and grief change the qualities of the bile : a fit of anger some- times causes an excessive flow of it : it will also change the nature of milk to such a degree, as to produce colic, vomit- ing, and even convulsions in the infant that swallows i^ Grief will also suspend the secretion of the gastric fluid, and thus destroy the appetite ; while fear causes a cold sweat to break out, all over the surface of the body. If the nerves go. ing to any organ are divided, the function of secretion will be suspended. It is doubtless owing in a great degree to the changeful states of the nervous system, that the secretions vary so much in quality as well as quantity at different pe- riods. 6. Though we are able to understand but little of the true nature of secretion, we know that there are three kinds of se- cretory organs, v'i2^, exlialent vessels ; follicles ; and glands.^) l.The exhalents are believed to be the termination of the arte- ries, or capillaries^ and they are of two kinds, internal and external ; the former terminating on all the surfaces within the body ; and the latter on the outside. (Their use is to soften and lubricate these parts) 7. The fluid, which is thrown out by the serous mem- brane which surrounds the brain, the lungs, and the contents of the abdomen, as well as into the cavities of the joints, is very similar to the water of the blood, and its use is, to keep the parts in a moist state, and enable the organs to move ea- 288 PHYSIOLOGY. sily on each other. \Fat is also a secretion^ which is thrown out in a fluid state, from the cellular tissue, into little cells'! and it is mostly found immediately under the skin, between that and the flesh. Its use seems to be, to lubricate the so. lids and facilitate their movements ; to form a cushion around the body, and protect it from external injuries as well as the extremes of heat and cold. 8. During sickness, when we take little or no food into the stomach, Hife is supported by the absorption of the fat, which is taken up by little vessels and again poured into the blood^ to nourish the body ; also in animals which lie in their burrows, in a half torpid state during the winter, their nourishment is derived from the same source. Q.fMarrow which fills all the cavities of the long bones, is very much like fat, and this also is a secretion from a thin, delicate membrane, that lines the cavities of the bones^ These are the principal internal exhalations, or secretions. 10. The external secretions are two in number ; (/the first and most important from the skin is called, when insensible, perspiration ; and when it is visible, is called sweat ; the se- cond is from the lungs, and can be seen in the form of a va- pour in a frosty morning? The fluid which escapes from the skin, is chiefly water, containing a little acid and some salts, with a small quantity of animal matter. 11. The skin is covered with an innumerable number of pores, so small indeed, as to be invisible to the naked eye, through which the insensible perspiration is constantly pour- ing,amounting in weight to more than one half of all the food and drink taken into the stomach, and much exceeding that lost by all the other excretions^ 12. From a vast number of experiments performed by dif- ferent persons, it appears that the largest amount of insensi- ble perspiration amounts to five pounds in twenty. four hours, and the smallest to thirty-two ounces. Now, when we con. sider that the skin, serves as one of the chief outlets, by which the old and useless particles are got rid of, out of the SECRETION. 289 blood, and that checked perspiration is one of the most pow- erful causes of disease and death,(we shall see how important it is to keep the pores of the skin free, by frequent washing and bathing at all seasons of the year^ 13. When the surface also is chilled by cold, and reaction does not follow, the blood-vessels become contracted all over the skin, and the blood retreats to the inner parts of the body ; the 29 ounces of waste and noxious matter, which ought to be discharged, are kept in the system, and sickness is the consequence. Accordingly, we find that it is a good remedy, in most cases of disease, to excite a perspiration and keep it up for some time. 14. The uses of transpiration by the skin, are,(not only to carry out of the body the noxious properties of the blood, but also to render the skin soft and pliable, the sense of touch delicate, and also to cool the body when exposed to great heat] 15. The exhalation from the lungs closely resembles that from the skin. It was once supposed to be formed in the lungs, by the union of hydrogen from the blood, and oxy- gen from the air, thus forming water ; but it is the opinion of most physiologists at present, (that it is either the watery part of the mucus secreted by the mucous coat of the lungs and air passages, or that it is given off directly from the 16. (The Follicles, are small sacks or bags, found in the skin, and the mucous membranes.) The pores which we see on the skin are only the outlets of these follicles. Their use is to secrete an oily matter to mix with the perspiration, and help to keep the skin soft and moist ; when these outlets are closed, sometimes there appear small black specks on the skin, sometimes called worms, but they are nothing more than hardened mucus. Every hair has a follicle at its root, and the wax which collects in the ears, is secreted by follicles. 17. The chief agents of secretion in the body, are the glands,: which are bodies of various size, generally of a 25 290 PHYSIOLOGY. rounded form ; and the fluids they secrete, are very different from each other, and also from the blood which furnishes the same materials to all. For instance, the liver secretes the yellow, ropy fluid, called bile ; the kidneys, secrete urine ; the lachrymal gland, which is placed immediately over the eye in the orbit, secretes the tears ; and the spittle or saliva is poured out from the salivary glands. 18. ( Glands are formed of a large number of arteries, veins, nerves, and lymphatics, disposed in a peculiar manner, and connected together by a tissue of cellular membrane) When in a cavity, they are covered on their external surface by a coat, derived from the membrane that lines the cavity, and they are also provided with a canal, called excretory duct, which is lined with mucous membrane. There are seven kinds of glandular secretions. 19. The secreted fluids have been divided |into serous or watery, albuminous mucous, oily, and the mixed j( such as sa- liva, bile, tears, dec. They have also been divided into recre- mentitious and the excrementitious, or those which are des- tined to be absorbed and returned into the mass of the blood, and which are deposited in cavities that have no external opening ; and the second, those which are designed, after their formation, to be expelled from the system. 20. When any substance is taken up by the absorbents, and carried into the blood, which cannot be converted to any useful purpose in the system/it is immediately discharged by means of the secretions. Not many years ago, a man was carried into a London hospital, who was picked up drunk in the streets. He lived but a short time, and on examining his brain, nearly a half a gill of fluid strongly impregnated with gin, was found in the ventricles. This was secreted. 21. Unless the secretions all go on, we cannot enjoy good health. If that from the skin is stopped, fever, or some in- ternal inflammation is the consequence. If the bile ceases to flow, we cannot properly digest our food ; and so if any of the others are interrupted, some serious disease will be the SECRETION. 291 result. The use of ardent spirits deranges all the secretions, and this is one reason why they shorten life so much. Questions. What is Secretion ? Is it a vital process ? Have vege- tables the same property of secretion,/? 'Illustrate this. What is the use of this function ? What is the most simple form of secretion ? How is it proved that secretion is a vital process ? How many kinds of se. cretory organs are there What are exhalents ? their use ? What is fat ? How is life supported in sickness ? What is marrow ? What are the external secretions ? How much does the insensible perspira- tion amount to in 24 hours ? What important inference do we derive from this in relation to health ? What is use of transpiration by the skin ? What is the exhalation from the lungs owing to ? What are follicles ? What are the chief agents of secretion ? What are glands composed of? their structure ? How are the secreted fluids divided ? What becomes of useless substances carried by absorption into the blood ? Can health be maintained if the secretions be checked ?/ ^-r- CHAPTER XXIL ABSORPTION. 1. (ABSORPTION is another function of the animal body, immediately connected with nutrition.^ By it is meant that process by which food and drinks, designed for the nourish- ment and growth of the body, are taken up and carried into the blood ; and also those particles and materials that have been already deposited, and have become either useless or injurious, are conveyed into the general mass of the circula- ting fluids, and thus removed from the system. The first is effected by the lacteal vessels ; the second by the lymphatics. 2. The absorbent system, so called, consists of the lym- phatic vessels, the lymphatic glands, and the thoracic duct) [ The lymphatic vessels arise, not only from all the mucous surfaces, but also from the whole surface of the body} the intimate tissue of every structure ; and from all cavities, such as the chest, abdomen, the joints, the pericardium, and even the ventricles of the brain. jThey are exceedingly small at their origin, but by uniting, form larger and larger trunks as they proceed, which is generally in the course of the veins, till they finally discharge their contents, either in- to the thoracic duct, or some of the large veins near the heart. Throughout their whole extent, they are provided with numerous valves, which, when they are distended with lymph, causes them to resemble a string of beads.^) 3. Every part of the body is supposed to be furnished with absorbent vessels, with the exception of the nails, the hair, the cuticle, and the enamel of the teeth. And even in these, it is not impossible that they may exist ; only they are too small to be detected. 4. (The lymphatics of the small intestines, called lacteals,/ are the agents of digestive absorption. $They arise from the ABSORPTIO surface of the mucous coat, pass between the serous and muscular coats, and proceed to the small glands or ganglions of the mesentery/ As they emerge from these, they increase rapidly in size, till they finally unite in a large trunk, which passes up along the spine, and at last empties its contents into the left subclavian vein near the heart. Many physi- ologists are of opinion that the lacteals not only terminate in the thoracic duct, but also in numerous veins in the ab- domen. 5. The chyle, which is the fluid taken up by the lacteals, does not exist ready formed in the chyme, but isfformed or manufactured out of the nutrient principles contained in it, by a specific action of the lacteal vessels themselves} In like manner, the sap which is contained in vegetables, does not previously exist ready made in the materials which are absorbed from the ground, but is formed by the peculiar ac- tion of the roots. No chyle has ever been found in the intestines. 6. As the chyle passes on towards the heart, it undergoes important changes. /It loses some of its albuminous quali- ties ; while its fatty matter, its fibrin, and cruor, considera- bly increase)) Its tendency to coagulate, also becomes greater as it approaches the venous system, and it becomes clearer and more transparent. What is the precise nature of the change which the chyle undergoes in passing through the glands is unknown. 7. Absorption not only takes place from the small intes- tines, but from the whole tract of the intestinal canal, inclu- ding the mouth and sesophagus. But those vessels which absorb chyle, are /chiefly found in the small intestines. It is highly probable that alimentary substances may be directly absorbed from the intestines, without undergoing any pre- vious change or assimilation, like alcohol or water ; but that in their passage through the absorbent system, they undergo a species of digestion, and become in a good degree fitted for the replenishment of the blood. To this, however, alco. 25* 294 PHYSIOLOGY. hol is an exception, as it frequently, if not always, passes into the blood unchanged. 8. Various medicinal substances are absorbed, and enter the circulation, nearly or wholly unchanged. ^Colouring matter, such as madder, is taken up and carried into the blood, and even tinges the bones. ^ Odoriferous particles, such as of garlic, camphor, asparagus, &c., are also readily absorbed, and in this way the blood derives its saline proper- ties. It is pretty well established, that articles not of an alimentary nature, which are absorbed, are chiefly taken up by the veins, while the lacteals absorb chyle more readily than any other substances. 9. Absorption takes place from the external surface or skin. This is proved by many facts. Thirst may be quenched by applying moist cloths to the skin, or by bath- ing. The body increases in weight by the use of the bath ; and it has been found that the hand, immersed to the wrist in warm water, will absorb from 90 to 100 grains of fluid in the space of one hour. The saliva has become bitter by the absorption of sea water ; and it is stated that patients have been supported by baths of milk or broth. 10. Medicinal substances are often absorbed by the skin. Mercury, Spanish fly, morphine, and many other articles are frequently introduced into the system through the skin. Metallic quicksilver has been found in the bones of persons who had been subjected to mecurial frictions ; and it has also been obtained by distilling the blood of rabbits, dogs, and cats, which had been rubbed with this mineral. Gases are also absorbed by the skin. 11. As every part of the body is subject to constant re. novation and change, absorption must be (continually going on among the particles and substance of which each organ is composed.^ This is called interstitial absorption. It is this which counterbalances the action of the nutrient ves- sels, and preserves tjie form and size of every part of the body, p hen it is too active, the body emaciatesjfc *vhen it ABSORPTION. 295 is deficient, plethora is the result. In the later periods of life it is more active than nutrition, and the body dwindles in size ; in youth the reverse is the case. 12. Foreign bodies, introduced into the substance of or- gans, are also absorbed. Wens and tumours of considera- ble size, often disappear from the same cause. Instances are known where the absorbent vessels have set to work and removed the whole bone of a limb ; and but lately a case occurred in Boston, in which every particle of bone in the arm was thus taken up and carried away, after a fracture had occurred. How admirable is that arrangement by which the vessels of absorption and secretion so act as to balance each other ; and how soon would a loss of this balance produce derangement, disease, and even death. 13. Another form of absorption is called respiratory, which we have already considered under the subject of res- piration. We understand by itmerely the introduction of oxygen into the blood, through the pulmonary cells) Sub- stances, however, in a state of vapour, or fine dust, are also readily imbibed when drawn into the lungs ; such as metal- lic vapours, oderiferous particles, marsh and other effluvia. It is in this way, probably, that contagious diseases are caught. 14. It is by means of what physiologists call recrementi- tidl absorption, hat fluids are removed from the system which are secreted upon surfaces that have no external out- let as in the cavity of the chest, abdomen, brain, &c. These fluids are various : such as the serous fluids ; the sy- novia of the joints ; the fat ; the marrow, and the humours of the eye. It is this which prevents dropsies in these vari- ous cavities ; and also removes them when already existing. This form of absorption is also proved by the fact, that fo- reign substances, placed in contact with these surfaces, in a short time disappear. 15. Another variety of absorption has been called menttiicd ; as{it relates to the fluids which have been excrel 296 PHYSIOLOGY. These are liable to be absorbed ; at least the more fluid parts of them, by which they are again carried into the mass of the circulating fluids, and such parts selected as are fit for the uses of the animal economy, such is the case with the fluids exhaled by the skin ; the mucous membranes ; the saliva ; the bile ; the gastric and pancreatic fluids ; the milk, &c. Thus, has it been remarked, does nature choose to subject the materials of decomposition to a careful revision, before rejecting them finally from the body. 16. All these varieties of absorption are constantly going on from the moment of birth to that of dissolution, and all the fluids which are absorbed, are changed in their charac- ter, and fitted to repair the wastes of the system. Thus, by absorption in the lungs, oxygen is converted into one of the elements of the blood; in the intestines, chyme is changed into chyle ; in the tissues of the organs, solid par- ticles are converted into fluid lymph ; and from the cavities secreted and excreted fluids are again taken up and thrown into the circulation, to be once more revised and elaborated. 17. iFrogs, and several other amphibious animals, are fur- nished with large receptacles for the lymph, situated imme- diately under the skin, which exhibit distinct and regular pulsations like those of the heart. The use of these lympha. tic hearts is evidently to propel the lymph along the lympha- tic vessels. The frog has four of these organs ; the two posterior being situated behind the joint of the hip ; and the two anterior ones on each side of the third vertebra. These organs have also been discovered in the toad, salamander, and lizard. Questions What is meant by absorption ? What composes the ab- sorbent system ? Where do the lymphatic vessels arise ? Describe their structure. Are they found in every part of the body ,.5 What are the agents of digestive absorption ? Describe the lacteals. What is chyle? Does it exist ready formed in chyme$ What changes does it undergo in its passage to the heart ? Where are the chyliferous ABSORPTION. 297 vessels chiefly found ? Are alimentary substances absorbed without be. ing previously changed into chyle $-:^ Is alcohol digested T^Are medi- cinal substances absorbed ?; How is this proved ? Does absorption take place from the skin T, : What is interstitial absorption? What is ema- ciation owing to ? plethora ? Are foreign bodies absorbed when in- troduced into the substance of organs tj , --Are the bones ever absorbed 1) * What is respiratory absorption ? What is recrementitial absorption ? What excrementitial ? Are these processes always going on I., What peculiarity is there in the lymphatic system of frogs ? CHAPTER XXIII. NUTRITION. 1. NUTRITION may be considered as (the completion of the functions of digestion.) It is that process by which the waste of the organs is repaired, and by which their develop- ment and growth are maintained. Respiration, digestion, circulation, absorption, and secretion, are but separate links in the chain of nutrition ; which would be instantly de- stroyed by the absence of any one of them. 2. In the construction of a machine, or an instrument, designed to last for many years, Ihe mechanist seeks for^the most durable materials.} In making a watch, for instance, he forms the wheels of brass, the spring and barrel-chain of steel, and for the pivot, which is subject to incessant friction, he employs the hardest of all materials the diamond. The necessity for this arises from the fact, tha^such instruments do not contain, within themselves, the power of repairing their own lossesj 3. But far different is the case with the animal machine. fin order to qualify it for exercising the functions of life, it must be so constructed as to render it capable of continual alterations, displacements and adjustments ; and these sub- ject to continual variation, according to the stage of growth, and also to the different circumstances in which it may be placed j Instead, therefore, of a few elementary bodies, or their simpler combinations, nature has employed such com- pounds as admit of greater change, and a more variable proportion of ingredients, and greater diversity in the mode of combination. It is nutrition that moulds these plastic materials, and forms these ever-changing compounds ; and so preserves the animal machine, amid all the varying changes of condition to which it is subject. NUTRITION. 299 4. No one can doubt that the system is continually un- dergoing changes. vThis is proved by the losses to which it is subjected ; by the necessity of frequent supplies of ali- ment ; by the rapid wasting of flesh on the withdrawal of food ; and by the emaciation caused by sickness and old age. It is also shewn by an experiment, which has often been made, viz. of giving madder to animals mixed with their food ; which in a short time tinges their bones of a red colour. If the madder be withdrawn, the red colour in a few days disappears from the bones ; evidently from the effects of absorption^ 5. Every part of the body is subject to this constant change of matter. While one set of vessels, the lympha- tics, are taking to pieces and carrying away the various oarts of which the machine is composed, another set, viz., |He capillaries, are constantly at work, repairing the loss,] depositing bone, muscle, cartilage, nerve, tendon, fat, mem. brane, ligament, hair, nails,