BRECKENRIDGE AND LANE CAMPAIGN DOCUMENTS, No. 3. DEFENCE OF THE NATIONAL DEMOCRACY AGAINST THE ATTACK OF JUDGE DOUGLAS-CONSTITUTIONAL EIGHTS OF THE STATES. SPEECH OF HOE J. P. BENJAMIN,'*" ( OF LOUISIANA. DELIVERED IN THE SENATE OP THE UNITED STATES, MAY 22, 1860. WASHINGTON CITY Issued by the National Democratic Executive Committee, 1860. r VJ C " ; b . BRECKENRIDGE AND LANE CAMPAIGN DOCUMENTS, No. 3. DEFENCE OF THE NATIONAL DEMOCRACY AGAINST THE ATTACK 01' JUDGE DOUGLAS CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS OF THE STATES. SPEECH OF HON. J. P. BENJAMIN, / OF LOUISIANA. DELIVERED IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES, MAY 22, 1860. Mr. PRESIDENT : When we met here in December the public mind was deeply stirred. It was stirred by an occurrence which had taken place for the first time in our history the invasion of one of the States of the Confederacy by a band of fa- natics for the avowed purpose of interfering with its domestic institutions and setting its slaves at liberty. The whole country was deeply stirred, but especially stirred was the South, and this universal excitement found immediate vent in Congress. Scarcely had we met, when numerous resolutions were placed upon our table by different Senators, which, on the 2d of February, were ordered, by a resolution of the Senate, to be printed together. The first was a resolution sub- mitted by the honorable Senator from Ohio, (Mr. PUGH,) who, on the loth of Decem- ber, proposed that the Committee on Terri- tories " Be instructed to inquire into the expediency of repealing so much of the acts approved Septem- ber 9, 1850, for the organization of territorial go- vernments in New Mexico and Utah, as require -that 11 the laws passed by the Legislatures of those Territories shall be submitted to Congress for approval or rejection." That was offered on the loth of Decem- ber, before even the House of Representa- tives had been organized. To that an amendment was offered by the Senator from Iowa, (Mr. HARLAN.) which I shall not read. The next was a resolution submitted on the 16th of January by the Senator from Illi- nois. (Mr. DOUGLAS,) in relation to instruc- tions to the Committee on the Judiciary to report a bill for the protection of the States and Territories of the Union against inva- sion. Next, on the 18th of January, were resolutions submitted by the Senator from Mississippi, (Mr. BROWN.) Next, were amendments to those resolutions submitted by the Senator from Minnesota, (Mr. WIL- KINSON.) Next, were the resolutions sub- mitted by the other Senator from Missis- sippi, (Mr. DAVIS,) on the 2d of February; and, finally, to those resolutions amend- ments were offered by the Senator from Delaware. (Mr. SAULSBURY.) Here, then, was a series of propositions before the Senate, seven in number, all di- rected to the question of slavery in the States and Territories, and all ordered by the Senate " to be printed together for dis- cussion." Under these circumstances, it became obvious that, unless some concert of action was had by gentlemen who pro- fessed the same political principles in rela- tion to this vital issue now before the coun- try, the discussion must be confused and pointless. If every member offered his own resolutions in his own language, and if there was no concert among those who enter- tained the same principles, the time of the Senate would be needlessly exhausted, and we should come to no practical result. Un- der these circumstances, a suggestion was made from what quarter I know not, and certainly it is not of the slightest conse- quence that the members of the Demo- cratic party, who were supposed generally to entertain sentiments in accordance with each other, should meet and should agree upon the phraseology of the resolutions that they were disposed to support, and, after harmonizing upon that phraseology, should agree to stand by it, with a view to get a vote of the Senate upon distinct proposi- tions, as the principles of the Democratic party, so far as that party was represented by the Senators in Congress. Now Mr. President, these resolutions be- ing before us, the honorable Senator from Illinois, (Mr. DOUCLAS,) the other dayI am sorry that I do not see him in his seat ; I shonld have waited for him, if I had the slightest hope of seeing him in the Senate ; he was not here yesterday ; he is not here to-dy ; and it is impossible for any one of WASHINGTON CITY Issued by the National Democratic Executive Committee, I860. I 'hat certainly is without precedent in 'the history of the C'uuntry has undertaken to defend his indi- vidual claims to the Presidency of the United States; and, in so doing, has divided out his elaborately-prepared speech into dif- ferent portions, some of which alone shall I attempt to answer-; and I attempt that an- swer because that Senator thought proper to arraign my State and to arraign me, with other Democratic States and other Demo- cratic Senators, for daring to discuss the propositions and resolutions now before the Senate. % More than half of that Senator's speech was devoted to the perfectly idle and un- necessary task of proving that those princi- ples winch he now asserts to be the true constitutional principles under which the Territories of the United States are gov- erned, were advocated by him as such years and years ago ; and therefore he undertook tb prove to the Senate and to the country to which he appealed so often that there has been no inconsistency in his course, anc that if he and his brother Democratic Sen- ators are at issue upon any point, it is we, and not he, who have proved inconsistent I shall return to that, sir, in a moment. The next proposition of the honorable Senator from Illinois was, that he was the embodiment of the Democratic party, and that all who dissented from this modest proposition were rebels. He next arraigned all his Democratic brethren in this Cham- ber for daring to offer resolutions to the Senate declaratory of constitutional princi- ples ; and he called the resolutions now be- fore us a caucus platform, which he said the Charleston convention, which represents him, treated with the scorn and contempt that they merited. Next he said that seventeen Democratic States of this Union, and all his brother Democratic Senators who did not agree with him, were disunionists, and he arraigned them as such. He said that they were traveling on the high road to the disunion of these States. Then, in the plenitude of his indulgence, he told us that we were sin- ning through ignorance and did not know what road we were traveling, and, with princely magnanimity, tendered his clemen- cy and hie pardon to those who, after being enlightened by his counsel, should tender repentance. And after having done all that having attacked every Democratic State inaaoO *i t n the Union, and almost every Democratic Senator in this body, he closed with a state- ment that all that he had said was in self- defence; that he attacked nobody, and that the world should know, if 1 again, it would be, as he he ever spoke had just then tpoken, to defend himself from attack. Now. Mr. I* resident, -lest 1 should be sup- ppsed to have at all exaggerated, in this statement, what the honorable Senator from Illinois thought, proper to say in relation to resolutions involving purely constitutional and political principles, I will read here and there passages from his speech, in support of the assertion that I made. In relation to the action of his brother Senators, kc says this : " Sir, let the Democratic Senators attend to their official duties, and leave the national conventions to make their platforms, and the party will be uni- ted. Where does this trouble come from ? From uiir own caucus chambers a caucus of Senators dictating to the people what sort of platform they shall have. You have been told that no less than twelve Southern Senators warned you in the cau- cus against the consequences of trying to force senatorial caucus platforms on the party. Sir, I do not know when the people ever put it in a Senator's commission that he is to get up plat- forms for the national conventions, on the suppo- sition that the delegates who go there have not sense enough to do it themselves. "Although the action of the caucus was heralded to the world to be, as was generally understood, or the purpose of operating on the Charleston con- vention, it did not have its effect. The resolutions lay still. When it was proposed to postpone them here in the Senate, before the Charleston conven- tion, I voted against the postponement. I wanted to give a ch'ance for a vote on them before the party icted. I did not believe the pnrty then would igree to the dictation. I do not think they would obey the order. Sir, the Charleston convention scorned it, and ratified the old platform." I appeal to the Senate whether or not this is self-defence. I appeal to the Senate whether or not this be, as I have stated it to be, an arraignment by the honorable Senator from Illinois against the action of almost the entire body of his brother Demo- crats a perversion ofthe truth and the facts, a misrepresentation of what occurred; for this, namely, that the meeting of the Sena- tors who adopted a series of resolutions, which they believed to be sound constitu- tional doctrine, was based upon the fact that a large series of independent resolu- tions had been put before the Senate, and that some concerted action of the party in relation to those resolutions was just as necessary as the concerted action of the parties who supported the Kansas-Nebraska bill in 1854, when the honorable Senator from Illinois called them into council every morn- ing almost of his life during that controver sy. When that bill was pending ; when amendments were offered around the Cham- ber, for the purpose of concentrating action 3 ,md preventing 1 that division of the party vhich might be taken advantage of by the opponents upon the floor of the Senate, the lonorable Senator from Illinois called to- gether those who supported the bill every norning, and asked .their opinions, and changed and modified the phraseology to suit all and to obtain the assent of all. That was the purpose of the Democratic Senators who met to consider resolutions "hat Senators all around the Chamber had offered. That they did ; and that is what las been perverted into an attempt to dic- tate a party platform to a convention. Nay, more, sir, in order that there might be no possibility of misrepresenting those resolutions as being the dictation of a party platform, the Senate postponed the consid- eration of the resolutions until after the party had met, and made what the Senator from Illinois says is its platform ; and that very postponement is brought up here as an arraignment of the intentions of the Sena- tors, who are now speaking on these resolu- tions, after the platform has been made, as he says. It was with the view, as he now says, to affect his presidential chances. I leave that accusation for what it is worth. I have stated the accusation, and stated the defence. Next, sir, I say that the honorable Sena- tor from Illinois, not satisfied with discuss- ing the constitutional questions now before the Senate upon their merits, has thought proper to arraign seventeen Democratic States of this Union as disunionists. He accompanies it with' the suggestion that he forgives us, because we know not what we do. I say, sir, the fact that the Senator from Illinois arraigns seventeen Democratic States, and nearly all his Democratic breth- ren here, as disunionists, I will also show, by an extract from his speech the other day, of a few lines. He tells us that these reso- lutions are a Yancey platform ; and that the resolutions reported to the Charleston convention by a majority of the States of this Union, by the almost unanimous assent of the Democratic States of the Union, was a Yancey platform also; and that Yancey made the platform for the party, made the caucus platform, and made the platform for the majority of the Democratic States of the Union ; and that all, together with Yancey, are disunionists. Here is his lan- guage, sir, "The Yancey platform at Charleston, known as the majority report from the committee on resolu- tions, in substance and spirit and legal effect, was the same as the Senate caucus resolutions; the same as the resolutions now under discussion, ami upoxi which the Senate is called upon to vote. " l\do not suppose that any gentleman advoca- ting this platform in the Senate, means or desires disunion. I acquit each and every man of such a purpose; but, I believe, in my conscience, that such a platform of principles, insisted upon, will lead directly and inevitably to a dissolution of the Union. This platform demands congressional intervention for slavery in the Territories in cer- tain events. What are these events? In the event that the people of a Territory do not want slavery, and will not provide, by law, for its intro- duction and protection, and that fact shall be ascertained judicially, then Congress is to pledge itself to pass laws to force the Territories to have it." So, sir, these resolutions are a " Yaneey platform," a caucus platform, a disunion platform ; and the purpose is, of all who support them and vote for them, after the people of a Territory shall have decided that " they do not want slavery, and that fact has been ascertained judicially, to get Con- gress to force slavery on them." That is the deliberate statement, prepared and put forth to the world, revised and corrected by the honorable Senator from Illinois. Mr. President, my State voted for that platform. I shall vote for this caucus-Yancey plat- form, if that helps the Senator from Illi- nois. If it helps him to give nicknames, and he thinks that an appeal to the people of the country will be helped by accusing Democratic States and Democratic Sena- tors of being led by a gentlemen whom he supposes to be unpopular, and calls them supporters of a Yancey platform and of a disunion platform, let him have the benefit of such appeal. I, for my part, accept the responsibility, and stand by the resolutions and the platform. But, sir, at the same time I deny that there is the slightest ap- proach to truth or correctness in the linea- ments ascribed by the honorable Senator from Illinois to the platform adopted by the majority of the Democratic States at Charleston, or. to the principles which are here advocated by the almost unanimous vote of the Democratic Senators. I deny that there is the least approach to truth in his picture. No man here has called upon Congress to force slavery upon an unwilling people. No man here has called upon. Con- gress to intervene and force slavery into the Territories. No man has asked Congress to do what the gentleman speaks of in another part of his speech as making a slave code for the Territories that being another of the slang phrases which the honorable Sen- ator from Illinois adopts from Republican gentlemen at the North, and parades to the American people as proof that he is sound on this subject of the Democracy, and that we are unsound. No man has asked for such a thing, or anything approaching to such a thing, as I shall proceed hereafter to show. Now. Mr. President, having shown to you the charges made by the honorable Senator from Illinois against the Democratic States ecause he knows we will not. We can see but one meaning, and no man imbued with constitutional principles can discover but one, and that is, that all citizens those who own slaves, as well as those who own horses have a right to go with their property into the Territories have an equal right to go here ; and that their property shall not be mpaired. But the Senator from Illinois says there is another construction that will maintained, and persistently maintained. And what is it ? He says : 'The resolution contains, in my opinion, two ;ruisrns ; and fairly considered, no man can ques- ;ion them." What is the fair consideration he gives it? " Thoy are, first, that every citizen" Not " all the citizens." The resolution says all the citizens. He says every citizen. But I will show you why he says so : " Every citizen of the United States has an equal right in the Territories; that whatever right the citizen of one State has may be enjoyed by the citi- zens of all the States." See how he is changing it now ! "That whatever property the citizen of one State may carry there, the citizens of all the States may carry." And then they will go on with the old Re- publican objection, that we are all at per- fect liberty to go into the Territories with- out our property ; that we are all on an equal footing. The old Republican argu- ment that was brought up here in the dis- cussions on the Kansas-Nebraska bill in 1854, the Senator from Illinois tenders to us now for the canvass of I860. He will tell us, " You are not excluded from the Terri- tory ; a northern man goes with his horses, you may go with horses ; a northern Dian 18 goes with a cow, you may go with a cow ; a uorthern man does not go with a slave, and you shall not go with a slave ; " and that is the equality that he says it means. The Senator from Illinois is kind in warning us in advance this time how this proposition will be got rid of. The South will be fools if they do not take advantage of the warn- ing, and see if something cannot be devised which the astute and practiced ingenuity of the Senator from Illinois cannot get around, if the English language can hold him. Now he says: "And on whatever terms the citizens of one State can hold it, and have it protected, the citi- ens of all States can hold it and have it protected, without deciding what the right is which still remains for decision.-' So that the Tennessee platform will leave us just where we are now. What is his ob- jection to it ? "I want no double dealing, or double construc- tion." That is his objection. He wants things clear, plain, and straight ; and then when we ask that they shall be put down clear, plain, and straight, he abuses us for making new tests in the party ; talks about assaults on him ; kept the Senate occupied for eight mortal hours, whilst he was attacking every man and every State in the entire Union that would not support his pretensions for the Presidency. Now, Mr. President, the people have at last come to this point; the Democratic delegates of the South have come to this point. I speak not of the delegates in either House of Congress. It is the fashion to speak of congressional dictation, in a cer- tain class of public journals under the con- trol of certain public men, and yet one would suppose that a seat in Congress affords at least some prima facie probability of the possession of the confidence of the constit- uency, and that the unanimous concurrence of opinion of the chosen representatives of the Democracy, both of States and constit- uencies, is some prima facie proof of what Democratic principles are. But all that is nothing. In modern slang, this is a Yancey and caucus platform, and we are congress- ional dictators. I, therefore, leaving out of view the opinions of members of Congress in both branches of the General Assembly of the United Statos, now say that it has been demonstrated by the delegates of the South, sent by the State conventions from primary meetings, that the time has come when all constitutional rights, guaranteed to UB under the decision of the Supreme Court which was taken by the Senator from Illi- nois and his coadjutors as the common arbi- ter of our dispute, shall be acknowledged ; that all that we demand shall be put down in the bond ; that there shall be no longer a doubt in relation to it. Mr. President, when mere private rights of property are concerned when the ques- tion is, who owns a farm, or who owns a horse, or who is entitled to $100, it is au old aphorism of the law'; misera est servitus, ubijus aid vagum aut incertum est : wretch- ed and deplorable is the slavery where the law which governs a man's rig-lit is vague or uncertain. And shall we we who repre- sent Democratic States and Democratic constituencies be asked why it is that we will not leave these rights, on which they rest for their property, which are even vital to their existence, open to doubt and denial ? Shall we be asked why it is that we demand that the charter of these rights be written clearly, plainly, beyond the possibility of doubt or misconstruction ? Oh, no, says the Senator from Illinois, " in 1856 we were unanimous upon the Cincinnati platform ; I have given it a construction, and the Charles- ton convention has backed my construction, and I am the Democratic party ;" and it is his construction, and the construction adopted by a minority at Charleston, that he presents to us here, and asks us by what right we call for something 'plainer or clearer as the charter of our constitutional privileges ? Miserable and deplorable is the slavery where the law governing the property of the individual is doubtful or uncertain. Degrad- ing and dishonoring to a State is it, when its sovereignty cannot ask for an expression or acknowledgment of its sovereign rights in an assembly of equals. The people of the South do not mean to be put off this time with any doubtful or vague construction. The Senator from Illinois is opposed to double meanings and double constructions ; he dislikes the Tennessee platform on that ground. We share his dislike ; fas est ab hoste doceri: we will be taught by him. We will ask that everything in our platform be put down plainly and clearly. Mr. President, the honorable Senator from Illinois, in the plenitude of his power, tells us that the Democratic platform has been adopted, and backs him. He next tells us that it is glory enough for him to have been supported by a majority of the delegates of the Democratic party at a con- vention ; and then, with an allusion some- what transparent, to a course of proceeding by others which would be agreeable to him, he says that when others got a majority he sent word to his friends to vote for them. He does not say that he thinks everybody ought to send word to vote for him, but he leaves it to us, if we are generous or lib- eral, to draw our own conclusions. Now, Mr. President, I know what happened at 19 that convention only from the public records of the country, and the report of its dele- gates. It is reported that, as his highest Vote, upon one or two ballots, the honora- ble Senator from Illinois received one hun- dred and fifty-two and a half votes, and I think that was the highest. Mr. PUGH. For several ballots seven or eight. Mr. BENJAMIN. How did he get them ? Were there one hundred and fifty- two delegates in the convention of whom he was the choice ? Mr. PUGH. Certainly; they expressed it by their vote. Mr. BENJAMIN. Oh, that was part of the arrangement by which those who were not candidates for the Presidency were caught, but the truth of history will leak out in despite of those little arrangements. (Laughter.) I had here amongst my papers, I think, the speech of a delegate, who ex- plains this majority. Mr. PUGH. State the substance of it. If it was said at Charleston I shall recol- lect it. Mr. BENJAMIN. Well, sir, I will state the substance of it ; I cannot find the extract I had, and I shall have to affix it to my speech. Gentlemen have doubtless seen it. Scarcely had the Charleston convention met, and a committee been appointed on organization, when it reported an organiza- tion of presidents, vice-presidents, and sec- retaries, and sprung this resolution on the convention instanter the convention had previously adopted the rules of the previous Democratic conventions " The committee further recommend " The subject was not committed to them at all "The committee further recommend that the rules and regulation!* adopted by the Democratic convention of 1852 and 1856 be adopted by this convention for its government;" with this addi- tional rule: "That any State which has not provided or directed by its State convention how its votes may be given, the convention will recognize the right of each delegate to cast his individual vote." As a certain gentleman was a candidate for the Presidency Heaven preserve the country from candidates for the Presidency ! wherever the gentleman's friends were in the majority, they had taken special pains, by pre-organization, to get a resolution passed at the State conventions instructing the delegates to vote as a unit, and thus they fastened down every man in a minority in the United States, and in spite of him- self got his vote cast for the Senator from Illinois, although he wa,s opposed to him. But the conventions in other States leaving the Democratic delegates to the instincts of their own judgment ; leaving in opera- tion the time-honored traditions of the pap- tv ; not tyinjr up their delegations by in- structions' left them to act as they might think proper ; and when they got to Charles- ton, by forcing the votes of all the minori- ties that were against Mr. DOUGLA.S, and freeing the hands of all the minorities that were in his favor, his friends had cast for him all the minorities, both those for him and those against him, in all the United States. That is the way he got one vote more than half the convention. Now, what I was looking for was this : the distinct statement of a delegate from Massachu- setts, (Mr. BUTLER,) that there were fifteen steady, persistent votes against the Senator from Illinois from the State of New York alone. I am telling you what IVIr. Butler said. Mr. PUGH. I read his speech last night ; I think he said twelve. Mr. BENJAMIN. I read it this morn- ing , it said fifteen. It may have changed since last night. Mr. *PUGH. Very well ; fifteen dele- gates. Mr. BENJAMIN. He says there were fifteen delegates from New York alone who were steady, persistent opponents of Mr. DOUGLAS ; yet those votes were cast for him. There was a tninotity in Indiana, but those votes were cast for him. There were minori- ties in other States, which I added up; and instead of having a majority of the delegates of the Democratic party throughout the United States in his favor, Mr. DOUGLAS was in a lean minority of but one-third of the delegates, and tha.t one-third exclusively from Republican States. The whole Demo- cratic party of the United States, as its Dem- ocratic electoral votes will testify, was op- posed to him unanimously. Mr. Butler says so. My friend from Minnesota, (Mr. RICK,) has just handed me the extract in the Con- stitution of this morning ; and I will read not the whole of it, but portions of it. and if I am wrong in my memory as to fifteen, I will give up. Mr. PUGH. I read it in the Herald last night. Mr. BENJAMIN. Mr. Butler, in giv- ing an account to his constituents at a meeting called to censure him, but which approved and endorsed him after he was through, said : " In New York there were fifteen votes opposed to Judge DOUGLAS from first to last, yet her thirty- five votes wore cast for him on every ballot; in Ohio, six votes." Mr. PUGH. Not one. 20 Mr. BENJAMIN "In Indiana, five vote? : in Minnesota, two votes opposed to him, yet by that rule east for him, so that the majority was more apparent than real." I leave out the six votes from Ohio. The Senator from Ohio, who was a delegate himself, must certainly know better than the delegate from Massachusetts, and I abandon the point to his superior know- ledge ; but here, without counting any more, fifteen in New York, five in Indiana, two in Minnesota, make twenty-two. Take twen- ty-two from one hundred and fifty-two, and there remain one hundred and thirty, with- out counting a solitary vote against him from the State of Ohio. But, sir, I will not enter into these minutiae, which ought not to be entered into in the Senate, and which I certainly never would have thought of speaking of,, but for the constant vaunt of the Senator from Illinois that the major- ity was his, and he was entitled to a nomi- nation ; that the party had backed his prin- ciples, and that we were all rebels against his high majesty. I should not have in- quired into this matter but for that. And now what does this this delegate say as the sum total of what occurred ? He says : " Now, with the South opposed to Judge DOUG- LAS, even to a disruption of the party j with every Democratic free State voting against him; with two-thirds of the delegation of the great State of Pennsylvania firmly against him, one-half nearly of New York hostile. New Jersey divided, and the only State in New England where the Democracy can have much hope (Connecticut) nearly equally balanced, what was it the part of wisdom for your delegate to do ?" That is the question Mr. Butler presents to his constituency. What does he say? "I found also that Judge DOUGLAS was in op- position to almost the entire Democratic majority of the Senate of the United States. No matter who is right and who is wrong, it is not a plensant position for a candidate of the Democratic party." This is Mr Butler's language : "I found him opposed by a very large majority of the Democratic members of the House of Repre- sentatives." We have watched him here : " It is doubtless all wrong that this should be eo, yet ?o it is. I have heard that the sweetest wine makes the sourest vinegar, but I never heard of vinegw sour enough to make sweet wine. Cold apathy and violent opposition are not the prolific parent of votes. I found, worse than nil for a Democratic candidate for the Presidency, that the Clerk of the Republican House of Representatives was openly quoted as saying that the influential paper controlled by him would either support DOUGLAS or SEWARD, thug making himself, appa- rently, an unpleasant connecting link between them. "With these facts before me, and impressing upon me the/ conviction that the nomination of Judge DOUGLAS could not be made with any hope of safety to the Democratic party, what was I to do ? I will tell you what I did do, and I am afraid it is not what I ought to have done. Yielding to your preference, I voted seven times for Judge DOUGLAS, although my judgment told my that my votes were worse than useless, as they gave him an appearance of strength in the convention which I felt he had not, in fact, in the Democratic party." That is the gentleman who stands up here, and as the embodiment of the Demo- cratic party challenges the entire body of his Democratic fellow-Senators. Now, Mr. President, all that I have 'said has been said somewhat in indignation. It was not in human nature not to feel indig- nation at the charges so profusely scattered against me and my friends, and my State ; but still, sir, after all, " more in sorrow than in anger." Up to the years 1857 and 1858, no man in this nation had a higher or more exalted opinion of the character, the ser- vices, and the political integrity of the Senator from Illinois than I had. I can appeal to those who may have heard me in the last presidential canvass, in my State, where, for months together, day and night, I was traveling in support of the Demo- cratic party, and helping, as far as my hum- ble abilities would admit, to break down the Know-Nothing party, which had then a de- cided majority of the voters of our State inscribed in its lodges. We succeeded in that contest. The canvass was a success- ful one ; and it did so happen that, in the course of that canvass, I had again and again to appeal to my Democratic fellow- citizens of the State of Louisiana to stand by the gallant Democracy of the North who stood by us, to frown down this new organization, whose only effect could be to injure the Democratic candidate and his success ; and then, in speaking of that bright galaxy of Democratic talent, Demo- cratic integrity, and Democratic statesman- ship, that I now see gathered and clustered around me, the central figure was the hon- ored portrait of the Senator from Illinois. Sir, it has been with reluctance and sor- row that I have been obliged to pluck down my idol from his place on high, and refuse to him any more support or confidence as a member of the party. I have done so, I trust, upon no light or unworthy ground. I have not done so alone. The causes that have operated on me have operated on the Democratic party of the United States, and have operated an effect which the whole future life of the Senator will be utterly unable to obliterate. It is impossible that confidence thus lost can be restored. On 21 what ground has that confidence been for- feited, and why is it that we now refuse him out support and fellowship ? I have stated our reason to-day. I have appealed to the record. I have not followed him back in the false issue or the feigned traverse that he makes in relation to matters that are not now in contest between him and the Demo- cratic party. The question is not what we all said or believed in 1840 or 185. How idle was it to search ancient precedents, and accumulate old quotations from what Sena- tors may have at different times said in re- lation to their principles and views. The precise point, the direct arraignment, the plain and explicit allegation made against the Senator from Illinois is not touched by him in all of his speech. We accuse him for this, to wit : that having bargained with us upon a point upon which we were at issue, that it should be considered a judicial point ; that he would abide the decision ; that he would act under the decision, and consider it a doctrine of the party ; that having said that to us here in the Senate, he went home, and under the stress of a local election, his knees gave way ; his whole person trembled. His ad- versary stood upon principle and was beaten ; and lo ! he is the candidate of a mighty party for the Presidency of the United States. The Senator from Illinois faltered. He got the prize for which he faltered ; but' lo ! the grand prize of his ambition to-day slips from his grasp because of his faltering in his former contest, and his success in the canvass for the Senate, purchased for an ig- noble price, has cost him the loss of the Presidency of the United States. Here were two men, struggling before the people of a State on two great sides of a political controversy that was dividing the Union, each for empire at home. One stood on principle was defeated. To-day, where stands he ? The other faltered received the prize; but, to-day, where stands he? Not at the head of the Democratic party of these United States. He is a fallen star. We have separated from him. He is right in saying we have separated from him. We have separated from him. not because he held principles in 1856 different from ours. We have separated from him, not because we are intolerant of opposition from any- body, for the Senator from Ohio (Mr. PUGH) is an honored member of our organization. We separated from him because he has de- nied the bargain that he made when he went home ; because, after telling as here in the Senate that he was willing that this whole matter should be decided by the Su- preme Court, in the face of his people, he told them that he had got us by the bill ; and that, whether the decision was for us or against us, the practical effect was to be against us ; and because he shows us now again that he is ready to make use of Black republican arguments used against himself at home, and to put them forth against the Democratic party in speeches here in the Senate. Now, Mr. President, this will be repre- sented as an attack on the honorable Sena- tor from Illinois ; but I finish my speech, as he did his, by saying " the Senate will bear me witness that I have not spoken, on this subject until attacked ; all I have said is in self-defence. I attack no man, and the world shall know if ever I speak again, it shall be in self-defence." (Laughter.) Mr. President, the best defence is to carry the war into the enemy's country. I belong to no school of politicians that stand on the defensive. If attacked, I strike back, and ever shall. If the Senator from Illinois wants the world to know that he spoke only in self-defence, let the same measure of jus- tice be meted out to me, and in answer to any one who can, by possibility, consider what I have said as an attack, I reply "self-defence." (Laughter.) I wish my speech qualified just like that of the hono- rable Senator from Illinois. If his is an attack, mine is; if his is "self-defence" against some unknown person, mine also is "self-defence" against somebody that has attacked me and my State, whose name I do not know. (Laughter.) That is just my position, I state it plainly ; I am sorry the Senator is not here to hear it stated. 1