SUPPLEMENT TO THE History of Taunton, MASSACHUSETTS. BY SAMUEL HOPKINS EMERY. D. MASON & CO., SYRACUSE, NEW YORK, 1894. SUPPLEMENT TO THE History of Taunton, MASSACHUSETTS. BY SAMUEL HOPKINS EMERY. D. MASON & CO., SYRACUSE, NEW YORK, 1894. SUPPLEMENT. It is gratifying to an author to receive words of approval, commend- atory of his work, from persons of culture and learning, who have crit- ically examined it, and whose judgment is not given unadvisedly. My long-time friend. Prof. Wm. S. Tyler, of Amherst College, writes: I have looked it through and read enough of it to .see that an immense amount of time and labor has been given to the book, and that the work is well done. Judge William E. Fuller, of Taunton writes: I have received your " History of Taunton " and spent several hours in a topical reading of it. It was a great labor for you to undertake at this time of your life and I most heartily congratulate you on its successful completion. The Hon. John S. Brayton, of Fall River, writes: I received last week a copy of your " History of Taunton." I have examined the book and am more than pleased with the manner in which you have performed the task of writing the history of that ancient municipality. The work shows great care and patient research, and is a grand monument to him, who, in the seventy-eighth year of his age, is able to publish a volume of inestimable value, not only to the pres- ent generation, but to those who may follow for generations to come. General Darius N. Couch, of Norwalk, Conn., writes: I want to tell you that, although we have had the " History" only a few days, we have gotten out of it a great deal of enjoyment. It is quite wonderful to me that in the comparatively brief time at your disposal you were able to bring out so complete a " History of Taunton." It is a noble monument to your memory. My wife joins me in warm congratulations. The well-known secretary of the Rhode Island Historical Society, Hon. Amos Perry, in a letter to Captain Hall, says: My best compliments to Dr. Emery and my congratulations on the success of his admirable work. The Hon. Josiah H. Drummond, of Portland, Me., in the kindnc.s> wi his heart, in a letter to Captain Hall, expresses himself on this wise: 4 HISTORY OF TAUNTON. He has done a magnificent work and we owe him the thautcs of a lifetime for un- dertaking it. Ex-Governor Joseph H. Williams, of Aug-usta, Me., in his usual warm- hearted way, thus writes to Captain Hall: Will you say to my good friend, President Emery, that I hold his monumental his- tory of your city among my most valued possessions. A New York friend, visiting me, of antiquarian tastes, went into and through it with unbroken interest and edi- fication. The Hon. John Ordronaux, the tirst corresponding secretary of the Old Colony Historical Society, now the eminent jurist of New York city, writes: I have examined this last effort of your pen and regard it as magnum opus. The scope of the work is immense and its details exhaustive in their accumulation of his- torical facts. Patient, untiring labor, indefatigable industry, and careful collation of data in their proper relations to the continuity of the narrative and the chronology of events, give striking proofs of the thoroughness of preparation with which every topic was approached and discussed. More than this I must not say, lest you should think that in the ardor of my esteem for the author! had strained the boundaries of praise beyond the limits of conviction. You deserve well of your fellow-citizens for having thus commemorated the epic of their own and their forefathers actions. You have in your own life and through vour own deeds verified the truth of Sallust's remark that Pulchrum est bene facer e reipublicae etiani dene dicere hand absurduni est. Yovtr history, like his, will be handed down to future generations as a literary mile- stone in the progress of our continuing national development and accumulating writ- ten records. These expressions of approval and interest from highly valued friends are certainly appreciated. They come from those who are well aware of the necessary limitations and imperfections of such a work and the errors which will creep into it. In a letter from my esteemed antiqua- rian friend, Rev. Mr. Chaffin, of North Easton, well versed in historical study, I am reminded for my encouragement, that no work of history can claim perfect accuracy, at the same time adding, much to my re- lief: Your book is admirable, got up in fine style, and will most hcjnorably connect j'our name with Taunton for generations to come. For the benefit of subscribers, discovered errors with some additional matter are here appended, supplementary to what may be found on page 7:}? and onwards, First Part, and page 8'2 and onwards, vSecond Part. Page 30. Mr. Wilcox has kindly loaned me the exact copy of the will of Henry Andrews found at Plym. Charles Brozvn should be Broiv. Page 29G. The date of Jezaniah Sumner's letter, 7792, is wrong. And I fear the true date lygS (according to the original framed in His- torical Hall) will modify my statement that the ode was sung at the dedication of the academy in 1796, but later "on the day of exhibi- tion," as it is expressed in the letter. Page 299. Gen. David Cobb died in Boston, not Taunton, xVpril 17, 1830. Page 311. Lydia, daughter of Capt. James Leonard, was the wife of Capt. Thomas Cobb, thus mother, not ivifc of Gen. David. Page 314. See the memoirs of Gen. Joseph Gardner Swift, LL.D., U. S. A., senior graduate of the United States Military Academy, West Point, chief engineer U. S. A. from 1812 to 1818. To which is added a genealogy of the family of Thomas Swift, of Dorchester, Mass., 1634, by Harrison Ellery, member N. E. Hist. Gen. Society, 1890. Privately printed. According to this rare book Dr. Foster Swift was son of Sam- uel*, Samuel 3, Thomas-, Thomas', born January, 1700, died August, 1835, married, February 18, 1783, Deborah, daughter of Capt. Thomas and Elizabeth Delano, of Nantucket, born September, 1702, died June 3, 1824. Fine portraits, painted by Jarvis, are reproduced by the Al- bertype process for the work. Dr. died in New London, Conn. His children, Joseph Gardner, Wm. Henry, two daughters, Sarah Delano and Deborah Ann. Page 354. Mr. Leonard is my authority for calling Adshcn Leonard Stephen, who was clerk of the court and town treasurer. Page 372. (7) Major Thomas Leonard, born 16^0, not 1611. Died in 1713. Aet 73. Page 373. (9) Thomas Dean -, should be ■*. (10) Samuel Pratt lived on Cohannet street, where his descendant Cal- vin D. now lives. (14) Jonathan Carver's home lot was near Taunton Bank .site, " of training field." 10 HISTORY OF TAUXTON. (17) Buried, with others, near where was the small-pox hospital, just off the Boston turnpike, near the Raynham line, interested descendants have recently removed the remains of Henry Hodges to the Oakland cemetery, to rest by the side of kindred dust. Page 374. {"Z'l) Jonathan Shores should read Sha%i\ as Jonathan-^ Shaw (Benjamin -, Ichabod i) married Mercy Mason, and Jonathan ^ was a grandson of Ensign John Mason. (•28) Richard^ should read Walter'^. (20) Morgan Cobb was a carpenter or joiner^ as he calls himself, on authority of Mr. Franklin Pratt, who thinks the Morgan Cobb, jr. (see note 24), was selectman in 1 721-22, 1724, in addition to the years credited to him. (30 should be 31) Abiather Leonard was selectman in /7cSo, not IJ'/J. (See pp. 4G4 and 571.) Page 375. (35) Capt. James should be % says Mr. Leonard, the fifth from the first James, omitted. (41) Lieut. Jonathan Shores (see pp. 362 and 429) was a great grand- son of John Lincoln, and a great-great-grandson of Thomas, the miller, and lived on what is now Shores street. He was not, therefore, the "grandson of Lieut. John Mason, "referring to " note 2/," which shcjuld be 22. (See page 374 (22). (46) Seth Sumner lived on Tremont street at Oakland. Page 377. (58) Gen. James Williams •', son of James ^. The father, son, and Dr. Alfred, filled the office of registrar of deeds ninety-five years. (62) Again Richard^ should be Walter'^. Page 378. (71) Judge George Leonard, Mr. Leonard, of New Bed- ford, would have us add, was member of the First Congress under Wash- ington, was re-elected to the third and fourth, but defeated for the sec- ond term. Page 379. (75) Major Apollos Leonard was the third son of Judge Zephaniah. Page 403. The "eighty-eight acres" training field, according to record, was north of the Green, east of Hopewell and the Bay road, near to, if not including the Plain burying ground. Page 406. (9) Elisha Hodges should be Hodge. Page 428. David should be Daniel Briggs. Page 433. (8) Capt. Richard Cobb died in his fifty-sixth year, and was buried in the Church of England yard on Tremont street. SUPPLEMENT 11 (10) Capt. Job Smith died in ITito, the great-grandfather of John Wil- son Smith, of Providence. Page 455, seventh line from top. Leonard Hodges by searching records is found to be London Hodges. Page 4T1. The list of Revolutionary pensioners from Taunton should contain the name of Abisha Eddy. The commissioner of pensions at Washington is authority for the statement that he resided at Taunton at the time of his enlistment, serving from first to last, 1778-1780, twenty-five months. At the time of his application for pension in 1833 he resided in Gloucester, R. I., but returned to Taunton in 1845, and died there February ^S, 1855, having been born in Taunton, September 10, 1761. Page 470. Captain Hall says, fifth line from top, Ballon should be Bollan, and in the eleventh line Boland should be Borland. Also, on page 480, sixth line from bottom, Ballon should be Bollan. Page 513. Michael Burns, of Taunton, was sergeant and lieutenant of the 33d Regiment, but in the State records he is credited to Berklev, where he enlisted, which accounts for his name not appearing in the Taunton history. His name does appear on page 517, as enlisting in the 3d ^Massachusetts Cavalry. This will account for the omission of the names on our rolls of other residents of Taunton, who became such after their enlistment, as that of Edward Marvell of the 40th, credited to Dighton, and Hugh King of the 57th, credited to Cambridge. Page 522. Benjamin E. Hall should be Benjamin./. Page 550. Add Charlotte (Hodges) Morton, wife of the governor, died Dec ember ^j, iSjj. Page 550. Samuel R. Townsend was buried in Walthani, not ll'are- liani. Page 500. The notice of "members of the legal profession now in practice in Taunton " fails to record the name of Hon. John E. Sanford, because his eminent abilities have for many years been in such de- mand in the public service elsewhere, that he cannot be said to be in the present practice of his profession in Taunton. For an account of these services see pp. 575, 724, 725, 732. vSince the issue of our publi- cation Judge JohnH. Galligan has died, to the great grief of his breth- ren at the bar and the community generally. Frederick S. Hall, esq., has been called to fill his place on the bench, and A. M. Alger, esq., has become register of the Probate Court, Mr. Alger's place, as clerk of the District Court being filled by Albert Fuller, esq. 12 HISTORY OF r A UNTON. Page 505. Shadrach Wilborc had ten children, the firstborn in 1G59, and the tenth in 1083. His wife, Mary, died March 27, 1G91. Paji^e 570 If F. Pratt is rii;ht in his suggestion, page 374, Morgan Cobb 2d served all the years, as selectman. Page 575. Francis G. Babi^itt should be Francis vS". Sooiiioii Wood- ward, jr., should be Soloinoii. Page G08. Capt. Josiah Crocker's house was standing, and his daugh- ter, Mrs. West, died there in 1840. Col. Russell Wood, not Gcoro-c A'. Atwood, proprietor of the Weatherby tavern in 1830. Page GO!*. Julius, woi J list us Fisher, proprietor of Washington Hotel. The last occupants Huntington & Lane in 1849. Page G12. Jesse vSmith's stable was on the site of the Rand cstaU\ not Taylor block. He purchased of Jesse Hartshorn the Capt. Cyrus Williams place in 1814, and built his residence thereon. He bought the Tillinghast corner, where now is the City Hotel, in 1818. Page G88. To the list of secretaries of the Bristol County Agricul- tural Society add George H. Rhodes, 1875. Page 702. In making up the page the following line was dropped — contimied in the position until July, iSyy^ zvlioi lie nyigucd to take — Make this the top line of the page to complete the sense. Page 715. Under the head of floods, add, that in January, 1784, the flood covered a large portion of Capt. Job vSmith's place, as well as the extensive grounds of Gen. James Williams (now Mrs. Baylies), where his son was drowned. It was sixteen feet higher than the ordinary tide. Page 71G. The Episcopal church blown down was on Tremont street, where still may be seen its burial place. Page 718. John ]V. Washburn should be John N. Also read Isaac G. Carrier. Page 719. Levi Hall should be Hale. Page 733. The clerks of the Common Council of the city have been from the beginning : Bernard A. Galligan, from 18G5 tcj 1800, inclusive. James R. Husband, from 18G7 to 187G, inclusive. Joseph R. Tallman, from 1877 to present time. To list of assessors add James W. Grossman in 18G8. Page 738. Louis Stoughton Drake would have me state, he is a de- scendant of William, of Taunt(;n, who settled here in J 707, the son of SUPPLEMENT. 13 Tliomas Drake, of Weymouth, not therefore deseended from Jc^hn, one of the " original purehasers." Page 755, twelfth line from top, farm should bcfranic. PART II Pag-e 2o. Charles F. Johnson was member of the Legislature in 18G5-66. Page 30, nineteenth line from bottom, lo should be ig, the true date of the birth of Alpheus vSanford, who, it may be added, was justice of the peace, prominent in town affairs, a representative from Taunton to the vState Legislature in LS44. Also, the mother of Dr. Tripp desires to name Dr. Peleg F. Walker, of Providence, a classmate of her son, as the friend who wrote the words of eulogy she quoted. Page 38. Sybil, daughter of Judge Reed, was born January 21, 1858 The earlier date was a manifest error. The descent of Alex. H. Williams is, Richard \ Joseph -, Richard '\ Col. George*, Capt. George -^ Francis", Alexander H.^ Thus the first Richard's son, Joseph, was the father of a second Richard, who was the father of Col. George. Page 65. Add, Mr. Levi P. Morton's wife, Anna Livingston vStreet, is a direct descendant of the second Taunton minister, Rev. Nicholas Street, through Rev. Samuel Street, of Wallingford, Conn. Page 08, twelfth line from top, iSji should be iSj^. Mrs. Brabrook was daughter of Charles and Fidelia (Danforth) Knowles. The mother, daughter of Thomas and Betsey (Haskins) Danforth, and her mother again daughter of Capt. Jacob Haskins and Mary Pitts. Page 83. The second annual report of trustees of Public Reserva- tions, 1892, is in error in giving the Taunton Green / 1-4 acres. It should be / 1-8. The gift of Stimpson H. Woodward, in 1881, was, in- stead of / acre, 4 acres, so says the deed. Page 110. The Hon. Joseph H. Williams, of Augusta, Me., in the list of subscribers is improperly credited to Taunton, ht)wever much we might wish to claim him. 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