THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES A CATALOGUE BOOKS IN THE LIBRARY ROYAL ACADEMY OF ARTS LONDON. A CATALOGUE OF BOOKS IN THE LIBRARY OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY OF ARTS LONDON. LONDON: PRINTED FOR THE ROYAL ACADEMY OF ARTS, BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, STAMFORD STREET AND CHARING CROSS. IS//. Lvy OBSERVATIONS ON THE CONTENTS OF THE LIBRARY OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY OF ARTS. 1877. The Library of the Royal Academy of Arts, considered in relation to the didactic functions of the Institution, is necessarily of a special kind. Its scope should obviously be confined to the more important works illustrative of the history, the theory, and the practice of the Arts of Architecture, Sculpture, and Painting, exemplified in the standard volumes devoted to these several subjects which treat either on the remains of Greek and Roman Sculpture, or on the aggre- gation of Italian and German Picture, in which the higher and the nobler conceptions of religious thought and tradition are embodied, or on the later and more material directions of the mind and the technical excellences of the palette as they are exhibited in the Dutch and Flemish Schools. As an Institution already exists which possesses a valuable library in reference to Architecture, it is not desired to compete with a collection which comprises works of every kind upon the study of that art, whether treating on the knowledge of its principles, its constructive science, or its pictorial and picturesque requirements. Any attempt to vie with a collection so vast in its several bearings, and so extensive in its range, when the limited space at the com- mand of the Academy is borne in mind, would be futile. The more salient expressions only of the Architecture of Classic and Mediaeval Ages may be traced here in the department of antiquities. Sculpture in its highest forms is recorded in the published descriptions of the chief galleries and museums of Europe, and in the text books of some of the most distinguished dilettanti, who have brought to their undertaking great erudition and critical power. Of these Winckelman is the acknowledged leader, followed by Visconti, Cicognara, Clarac, and many German and French archaeologists. To those who question the use of a literature in Art, it may be replied that, while due acknowledgment has always been made of ( vi ) the elevating and refining influence of the Fine Arts, it would be unreasonable to assert that the practice of these arts has been em- pirical — inexact and undefinable. Taste may be, and is, divergent and fluctuating, and fashion too frequently protrudes into undue estimation ephemeral conceits ; but we may on the other hand point to the Lectures of a Reynolds, whose essays, wherever in recent times the Fine Arts are in estimation, are accepted as the canons of criti- cism no less than as models of style. The labours of the mediaeval painter have found able exponents at the hands of ecclesiastics, who, whether contemporaneous or sub- sequent, had a close sympathy with the themes on which the artist expatiated. They gratefully recorded the achievements of men whose work was a powerful though indirect agent in promoting the influence of their Church, and we have thus been furnished with a copious literature upon Art in the Middle Ages, in essays, treatises, biographies, &c, that inform us as well of the constitution of the artist's mind as of his productions. Nor is the artist himself always silent : his epistolary correspon- dence often furnishes us with particulars of his own inner and domestic life ; a favourable instance of which may be found in those letters of Michel Angelo Buonarroti, recently published by Milanesi. Bottari, Delia Valle, Gualandi, Gaye, and others have added to the stores of our knowledge by the publication of documents which have amplified, corrected, and enriched the page of Vasari and other biographers. The Dutch, the Flemings, and the French have also not been wanting in similar contributions with regard to their native artists, thus forming so many tributaries to the present state of our Art knowledge. There is, then, no difficulty in accumulating volumes, but there is in finding accommodation for them. The history of the growth of the Library shows it to have been of slow progression. Consisting of but few volumes, it was at first deposited in a small apartment over the archway at Somerset House in the Strand, in a room looking from the north side of the courtyard into the Quadrangle. This was about the year 1769. Removed to Trafalgar Square in 1838, it was more spaciously lodged in the ground-floor of the east end of the building now occupied by the National Gallery, and better lighted and ventilated. From this resting place the books were removed in 1875 to the apartment, originally built as a ball-room, which they now occupy in Burlington House, Piccadilly, and where it has been found possible to provide more liberal accommodation for the increasing requirements of the Library. The space available is, however, daily diminishing, and here it is necessary to state the fact that within a few past years, at the suggestion of the present official, the attention of successive Councils has been called to the necessity of making the Library a factor in ( vii ) the teaching power worthy of a College of Art ; the office of Librarian to cease to be a perfunctory one, and become one in which opportunities should be utilised to acquire the best authorities for study. In these views the Librarian has been aided by the co- operation of the successive Councils. Selection has been a difficulty, for the facility with which large spaces can be filled with great numbers of volumes, if they have only reference to Fine Art, will not be considered a proper exercise of the Librarian's function. Nor will it, it is apprehended, be necessary to contend against the accu- mulation of ephemeral periodicals, &c, which can never be justly comprehended within the range of the literature of Fine Art. The Etchings and Engravings at the present time in the posses- sion of the Royal Academy represent the accumulations of more than a century ; these do not, however, include the contents of such volumes as relate to works of art comprised in the public galleries of Europe, or other distinct collections, but consist of separate and independent prints engraved after subject pictures and portraits. Many are by British Engravers after British Painters ; others after the most renowned masters of Continental Schools. Without resources and accommodation like those possessed by the Print Department at the British Museum, in which there are collections like those of Marc Antonio, Rembrandt, Hollar, and other celebrities, chronicled and annotated by Bartsch, Passavant, and Dumesnil, none but a National Museum could hope to comprehend a like assemblage of the results of the burin and the eau forte ; nor could the pecuniary resources of the Royal Academy have acquired a similar collection of studies for Pictures and Drawings by Old Masters. In place, however, of these originals, it has been and is possible from time to time to substitute, by means of the agency of the autotype process, a very efficient method of affording information to the student in regard to the conscientious preparations made by his distinguished predecessors for the future accomplishment of his production. The Library now (Christmas, 1877) comprehends nearly 4500 volumes, having grown since the year 1865, when the present official undertook the duties, from about 3000 volumes. The number of separate Engravings has not greatly increased since the year 1865, the principal additions having been made by Mr. Cousins, R.A., who has presented impressions of most of his works. As a Catalogue of all these Engravings is in the course of compilation, a labour which will necessarily occupy time in its pro- duction, it is now only necessary to advert to it, and to add that conjointly an analytic index of the contents of the present Catalogue is also in preparation. The recent Conference of Librarians in London was productive of the expression of many opinions on the method of arranging and cataloguing the contents of a library, the majority of which bore ( viii ) testimony of individual experience derived from and adapted to the varied purposes of a reference or of a lending library. It has been here thought advisable for present purposes to commence with an alphabetical arrangement, aided by an elaborate system of cross refer- ences, upon, it is believed, an unprecedented scale of completeness. By this means, every proper name on the title of each book, whether of author, subject, editor, engraver or illustrator, is indexed in the alphabet. Under each country, town, or place is given a systema- tized reference to every work connected with the same ; and care has been taken to group under the name of every artist the literature specially relating to him. It is hoped that the novelty in the classi- fication under Catalogues, Galleries, and Museums will be found useful. It will be reserved for no distant date, as has been said, to publish an analytic classification of those contents under respective heads. The importance of classified tables of contents it were a work of supererogation to insist on ; the method of such arrangement or classification will necessarily vary, in compliance with the nature of the collection. For example, when compiling a list of works illus- trating the manners, customs, and costumes of past times, the order of their chronology will be deemed the most fitting and most tangible arrangement for the purpose of reference. A catalogue can at best never hope to be complete, for, as it has been justly observed, from the morrow after its publication the very first written entry of the latest addition renders imperfect the copy just printed. Although the contents of the Library have been selected for the use of the Students and the Members, reference is not necessarily restricted to them. The Academy has always permitted reference to its shelves upon a proper introduction, when, from the accessibility of its position and the arrangement of its contents, it can be consulted without any unnecessary expenditure of time or any other delay. And now the Librarian has a final and agreeable duty to perform in making acknowledgment of the valuable aid afforded by the Librarian of the Athenaeum Club, H. R. TEDDER, Esq., who has compiled the present Catalogue and superintended its publication. SOLOMON ALEXANDER HART, R.A., Librarian. Royal Academy of Arts, Burlington House, December, 1877. CATALOGUE OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY LIBRARY. ABBATI (Niccolo). Pitture esistenti nell' Instituto di Bologna. See Tibaldi (Pellegrino). Abecedario Pittorico. See ORLANDI (P. A.). ABEILLE Italienne ; Recueil des meilleurs ouvrages d'art, publie a Rome sous la direction du Marquis Melchiorri, et en France par M. Mastraca, 1842. Par is, 1842. Folio. Plates. About (Edmond). See Bauer (F.). Abyssinia. See BRUCE (J.). Travels. Academies. America. See [Grannis (T. C.)]. Belgium. AcadEmie Royale de Belgique. See Belgium. See QUETELET (A.). Premier siecle de l'Academie Royale de Belgique. Denmark. Fondation de l'Academie Royale Danoise a Copenhague, 1758. See Denmark. England. Royal Academy of Arts. The Institution of the Royal Academy, London, Dec. 10, 1768. MS., 2 pp., together with a printed list of the first body of Academicians, 1768.— Facsimile of the first Exhibition Catalogue, 1769. In one vol. 4to. Abstract of the Constitution and Laws of the Royal Academy of Arts in London, established Dec. 10, 1768. London, 1815. — Laws relating to the Schools, the Library, and the Students. Ibid. 181 5. 2 vols, in one, 4to. Copy of the Correspondence relative to the new site for the Royal Academy of Arts on the Burlington House Estate, between Sir Francis Grant, P.R.A., the Earl of Derby, &c, 1866. Manuscript. Folio. Annual Reports of the Council of the R.A. to the General Assembly, 1859-70. London, 1860-71. 11 parts in one vol. 8vo. ( 2 ) Academies. England. Catalogues of the Exhibitions of the Royal Academy of Arts, 1769-1875. See CATALOGUES. Public Collections. London : Royal Academy. The Royal Academicians, a Farce ; as it was performed to the astonishment of mankind, by His Majesty's Servants, at the Stone House, in Utopia, in the Summer of 1786. London, n. d. 8vo. Academy Notes ; with forty illustrations of some of the principal pictures at Burlington House, by Henry Blackburn. London, 1875. 8vo. Woodcuts. See Barry (James). Letter. See Carey (W.). See DANCE (G.). Portraits of Royal Academicians. See Davis (J. P.). See [GWYNN (J.)]. See Hoare (Prince). Academic Annals. Academic Correspondence. See [Lane (R. J.)]. Notes on as much of the Catalogue of the present Exhibition (1855) of the Royal Academy as relates to the works of the members. See Shee (Sir Martin Archer). On the claim of the public to be admitted gratis to the Royal Academy. See Skaife (T.). Expose of the R. Academy. See Strange (Sir Robert). Inquiry into the rise and esta- blishment of the R. Academy. See West (Benjamin). Another word or two to those Royal Academicians who are Painters, on the re-election of B. West. See [Williams (John)]. Anthony Pasquin. Lectures, Addresses, etc. See Barry (James). See Eastlake (Sir C. L.). See Flaxman (John). See Fuseli (Henry). See Howard (Henry). See Lawrence (Sir Thomas). See O'Neil (Henry). See Opie (John). Sec Reynolds (Sir Joshua). See Shee (Sir Martin Archer). France. See FElibien (Andre). Seven Discourses held in the King of France's Cabinet. See LECOY de LA MARCHE (A.). L'Academie de France a Rome. ( 3 ) Academies. France. See VlTEL (Louis). L'Academie Royale de Peinture et de Sculpture. Academie d' Architecture. See France. Dijon. Academie des Sciences, Arts, et Belles Lettres de Dijon, Seances publiques. See Dijon. Italy. Florence. Collezione dei Progetti d'Architettura pre- miati. See Florence. Galleria dell' Accademia delle Belle Arti di Firenze. See Galleries. Public. Florence. Descrizione dell' Accademia delle Belle Arti di Firenze. See CATALOGUES. Public Collections. Florence. Milan. Discorsi letti nella Reale Accademia di Milano. See Milan. VENICE. Pinacoteca dell' Accademia Veneta. See GALLERIES. Public. Venice. Accademia Veneta. See CATALOGUES. Public Collections. Venice. Facsimile dei disegni originali dei maestri classici esistenti nella R. Academia di Venezia. See Venice. Saxony. Dresden. Verzeichniss der vom 3 August 1827 an in der Akademie der Kiinste zu Dresden offentlich ausgestellten Kunstwerke. See Catalogues. Public Collections. Dresden. Scotland. Reports of the Royal Scottish Academy. See Scotland. Spain. La Real Academia de la Pintura, Escultura, y Archi- tectura. See Spain. Adam Sculptor Mantuanus. See Michel Angelo Buonarroti. Adam (Robert). Ruins of the Palace of the Emperor Diocletian at Spalatro in Dalmatia. London, printed for the author, 1764. Folio. 61 plates. ADAMS (G. Louis). Recueil de Sculptures Gothiques dessinees et gravees a l'eau forte d'apres les plus beaux monuments con- stants en France depuis le XI e jusqu'au XV e siecle. Paris, 1859. 2 vols. 4to. 192 plates. Adamson (Robert). See Hill (D. O.) and R. Adamson. Calo- types. Addison (Joseph). Poems. See Poetry. British Poets ; vol. 26. Advice to proprietors on the care of pictures in oil. See [Wright (T.)]. B 2 ( 4 ) ^EGINA. The Temple of Jupiter Panhellenius. See COCKERELL (C. R.)- ^Elianus. De Instruendis Aciebus Liber. See VEGETIUS. De Re Militari. AESCHYLUS. yEschyli Agamemnon, Choephorae, Persae, Prometheus Vinctus, Septem contra Thebas ; ad fidem manuscriptorum emen- davit, notas et glossarium adjecit C. J. Blomfield. Londini, 1829-33. 5 vols. 8vo. The Tragedies of yEschylus, translated by R. Potter. London, 1808. 8vo. See Flaxman (John). Compositions from the Tragedies of iEschylus. iEsoPUS. Fables, with his Life ; in English, French and Latin, newly translated, illustrated' with 112 sculptures and 31 new figures representing his life [the verses by Mrs. Aphra Behn], by Francis Barlow. London, 1703. Folio. Aff6 (Ireneo). Sopra una stanza dipinta da A. Allegri da Correggio. See Correggio. See Parmigianino (Francesco Mazzuola, detto il). Vita. Africa. See Daniell (Samuel). The Native Tribes, Animals, and Scenery of Southern Africa. See HOLMAN (J.). Voyage Round the World. Agas (Ralph). Civitas Londinum Antiqua ; the cities of London and Westminster, by Radulphus Aggas. — Leake's Map of London, engr. by G. Vertue. 1723. Folio. AGINCOURT (Jean Baptiste Louis Georges Seroux d'). Histoire de l'Art par les Monuments depuis sa decadence au IV e siecle jusqu'a son renouvellement au XVI e . Paris, 181 1-23. 6 vols, folio. 32$ plates. Agostino (Leonardo). See AUGUSTINUS (Leon). Agra. See NEWTON (J.). Views of the Taje Mahel at Agra. AGRICOLA (Georgius). De Re Metallica libri XII. ; quibus officia, in- strumenta, machinae, ac omnia denique ad metallicam spectantia, non modo describuntur sed et per effigies, suis locis insertas, adiunctis Latinis Germanicisque appellationibus, ita ob oculos ponuntur, ut clarius tradi non possint; ejusdem de animantibus subterraneis liber. Basilece, 1561. Folio. Woodcuts of mining operations. AGRIGENTUM (Girgenti in Sicily). See COCKERELL (C. R.). The Temple of Jupiter Olympius at Agrigentum, commonly called the Temple of the Giants. AGRIPPA (Camillo). Trattato di scienza d' Arme, et un Dialogo in detta materia. Venetia, appresso Antonio Piuargcnti, 15 68. 4to. Engraved title with vignette portrait, and copper-plate engravings' in the style of the school of Marc A ntonio. Aguado Gallery. See Galleries. Private. Agfuado. ( 5 ) Aikin (Edmund). An Essay on the Doric Order of Architecture. London, 1810. Folio. 7 plates. On Modern Architecture. See Architectural Society Essays. AlNSWORTH (Robert). Dictionary, English and Latin [and Latin and English]. New edition, with additions by Thomas Morell. London, 1773. 4to. AlX. Cabinet de M. Boyer d'Aguilles. See Galleries. Private. Boyer dAguilles. History of Painting at Aix. See PARROCEL (Etienne). Annales de la Peinture. Aix-LA-CHAPELLE. Galerie Suermondt. See CATALOGUES. Private Collections. Suermondt. AKENSIDE (Mark). Poems. See POETRY. British Poets ; vols. 52 and 53. Akerman (John Yonge). • See HORTA (Chev. de). ALABASTER (C). Catalogue of Chinese Objects in the S. K. Museum. See CATALOGUES. Public Collections. London : South Kensing- ton Museum. Alba Longa. See VlSCONTl (A.). Lettera sopra alcuni Vasi sepolcrali rinvenuti nelle vicinanze della antica Alba-Longa. ALBANI (Francesco). Fr* Albani et Sixti Badaloccii Picturae in aede Verospia a Petro de Petris delin., incisae vero a Joan. Thier. Frezza. Romce, 1704. (16 plates and engr. title}). — Galleriae Far- nesianae Icones Romae in aedibus ducis Parmensis ab Annibale Carraccio coloribus expressae, a Petro Aquila delineatae et incisae, cura Jo. Jacobi de Rubeis typis excusae. Romce, 1686. (24 plates). — Heroicae virtutis Imagines quas Petrus Berrettinus Cor- tonensis pinxit Florentiae in aedibus Ducis Hetruriae in tribus cameris, cura Jo. Jac. de Rubeis typis excusae. Romce [1693]. (26 plates) 3 vols, folio, bound in one. Albano. See PlRANESI (G. B.). Antichita d' Albano e di Castel-Gandolfo. ALBEMARLE (George, Duke of). Order of the ceremonies used at his interment. See SANDFORD (Francis). Alberti (Gio. Matteo). Giuochi festivi et militari, danze, serenate, machine, boscareccia artificiosa, regatta solenne, et altri sontuosi apprestamenti di allegrezza esposti alia sodisfattione universale dalla generosita d' Ernesto Augusto, duca di Brunsvich nel tempo di sua dimora in Venetia, il tutto descritto, e espresso con sue figure da Gio. Matteo Alberti. Venetia, 1686. 4to, inlaid folio size. 1 3 plates, engraved by A lessandro della Via and, A . Portio. Alberti (Leone Battista). Tre libri della Pittura e Trattato della Statua, colla sua Vita. See Vinci (Leon. da). Trattato della Pittura. ( 6 ) Alberti (Leone Battista). Architecture, Painting, and Statuary, translated into Italian by Cosimo Bartoli, and now first into English by James Leoni ; Italian and English. London, 1726. 2 vols, folio. Plates. Albinus (Bernhard Siegfried). Tabulae sceleti et musculorum corporis humani. Londini, 1 749. Folio. Plates. Explanation of his Anatomical Figures of the Human Skeleton and Muscles. Translated from the Latin, with the Explanation of the Supplement to Albinus. London, 17 $4- 4 to - The Six Tables of Albinus. See Brisbane (J.). The Anatomy of Painting. Albrizzi (G. B.). See PlAZZETTA (Giambattista). Algardi (Alessandro). See CARRACCI (Annibale). Le Arti di Bologna. ALGAROTTI (Count Fr.). Essay on Painting [translated from the Italian]. London, 1764. i2mo. Alhambra. See JONES (Owen) and Jules Goury. Plans, sections, etc., of the Alhambra. See LEWIS (John F.). Sketches of the Alhambra. ALLEGRI, detto il CORREGGIO (Antonio). See CORREGGIO. Allegrini (Giuseppe). Serie di Ritratti d' uomini illustri Toscan con gli elogj istorici dei medesimi. Fircnze, 1766-73. 4 vols folio. Portraits. Allen (C. Bruce). Catalogue of the Autotype facsimiles of the Frescoes in the Sixtine Chapel. See Michel Angelo Buonarroti. ALLORI, detto il Bronzino (Angiolo). I Salterelli del Bronzino *0 ittore ; da Pietro Dazzi. Bologna, 1863. i2mo. Sonetti di Angiolo Allori detto II Bronzino ed altre Rime inedite di piu insigni poeti [pubblicati da Domenico Moreni]. Fircnze, 1823. 4to. ALLSTON, A.R.A. (Washington). Outlines and Sketches by Wash- ington Allston, engraved by J. and S. W. Cheney. Boston, 1850. Oblong folio. 20 plates and engraved title. Aloe (Stanislao d'). See SOLARIO (Antonio de). Pitture. Alsace. See Gerard (Charles). Les Artistes de l'Alsace pendant le moyen-age. AMADUTIUS (Joannes Christ). See VENUTUS (R.) et J. C. Amadutius. Vetera Monumenta in Hortis Caelimontanis. Amand-Durand (M.). See Van Dyck (Ant.). ( 7 ) AME (Emile). Les Carrelages Emailles du moyen-age et de la renais- sance precedes de l'histoire des anciens pavages, mosaique, laby- rintes, dalles incrustees. Paris, 1859- 4to. Coloured plates and woodcuts. America (North). See [Grannis (T. C.)]. See HALL (Capt. Basil). Travels in North America. Etchings from Sketches made in North America. See HOLMAN (J.). Voyage Round the World. See McKENNY (Thomas L.). History of the Indian Tribes of North America. AMERICA (South). See Hall (Capt. B.). . Extracts from a Journal on the Coasts of Chili, Peru, and Mexico. AMES (Joseph). See WREN (Sir C). Parentalia. AMMAN (Tost). Koch und Kellermeisterei, daraus man alle Heim- ligkeit des Kochens zu lernen hat, von alien Speissen wie man tereiten sol, sampt eines jeden essens wirckung— durch Master Sebastian N. Rom. Key. M. gewesener Mundkoch. Franckjurt am Mayn, bei Sigismund Feyrabend, 1581. Sm. 4to. 34 plates and register. Wapen des Heiligen Romischen Reichs Teutscher Nation als Keyserlicher und Koniglicher Mayestat auch der Churfursten Fursten, Grafen, Freyherrn, Rittern, und der mehrer Theil Start so dem Reich (in Teutschem Land gelegen) gehoren und gehort haben. Framkfurt am Mayn, i 5 79- Folio. Woodcuts {signal I K.), representing men-at- arms carrying banners with coats-of-arms. Clerus totius Rom. Eccleste, h. e. Pontinciorum ordinum omnium omnino utriusque sexus habitus figuns expressus et antehac adjectis Francisci Modii singulis octostichis, nunc autem oppositis Joann. Adami Loniceri rhythmis Germanicis nitidior in lucem denuo prolatus. Franckfurt am Mayn, 1661. 4 to. Woodcuts of costumes. Jobst Amman, Zeichner und Formschneider, Kupferatzer und Stecher, von C. Becker, nebst Zusatzen von R. Weigel. Leipzig, 1854. Sm. 4to. Woodcuts. See MODIUS (Franciscus). Pandectae Triumphales. AMORETTI (Carlo). See Vinci (Leonardo da). Memorie storiche. AMORINI (Marchese Antonio Bolognini). Vite de' Pitton ed Artefici Bolognesi. Bologna, 1842. 5 vols, in two, Svo. Amsterdam. Stadhuis, now the Palace. See Campen (Jacob v.). Afbeelding van t Stadt-Huys van Amsterdam. MUSEUM. Notice des tableaux exposes au musee d' Amsterdam. See CATALOGUES. Public Collections. Amsterdam. ANACREON. Anacreon; Recueil de Compositions, dessinees par Srodet,et gravees par Chatillon, avec la traduction en prose des odes par Girodet, publie par les soins de Becquerel et P. A. Coupin. Paris, 1825. 4to. ^ plates. ( 8 ) Anacreon. Translated by F. Fawkes. See Poetical Translations. See Poetry. British Poets ; vol. 89. Anatomy. Studies of Anatomy and Proportion, for the use of Artists, by an Amateur. Edinburgh, 1839. 4to. 15 plates. ANCONA. See RlCCI (A.). Memorie delle arti e degli artisti della marca di Ancona. ANDERDON (James Hughes). Catalogues of the Exhibitions of the Royal Academy of Arts, 1769- 18 50, with a supplementary volume; the whole interleaved and illustrated with a very large number of prints, portraits, drawings, autographs, newspaper cuttings, original remarks, and other interesting memoranda, the work of J. H. Anderdon, Esq., and by him presented to the Library of the Royal Academy of Arts. 14 vols. 4to. Anderson (Robert). See Potter (John). Archaeologia Grasca. Andrea del Castagno. See Castagno (Andrea del). Andrea Vannucchi, detto del Sarto. See Sarto. Andrews (G. T.). See Jackson (J. G.) and G. T. Andrews. ANDROUET DU Cerceau (Jacques). Le premier volume des plus excellens Bastiments de France, auquel sont designez les plans de quinze Bastiments et de leur contenu, ensemble les elevations et singularitez d'un chascun. Paris, 1576. First edition. Folio. 67 plates. Second Livre dArchitecture, contenant plusieurs ordonnances de Cheminees, Lucarnes, Portes, Fonteines, Puits et Pavilions ; avec les desseins de dix sepultures toutes differentes. Paris, 15 61. First edition. Folio. 6S plates. ANECDOTES of some distinguished persons, chiefly of the present and two preceding centuries. London, 1795. 3 vols. i2mo. Portraits and plates. Anet. See PFNOR (R.). Monographic du chateau, construit par Philibert de l'Orme en 1548. Angelico da Fiesole (Fra Giovanni). S. Marco, Convento dei Padrt Predicated in Firenze illustrato ed inciso principalmente nei dipinti del B. Giovanni Angelico, con la vita dello stesso e un sunto historico del Convento ; di Vincenzo Marchese. Firenze, 1853. Folio. 40 plates on india paper. II Tabernacolo del B. Angelico nella Sagrestia di Santa Maria Novella di Firenze. Firenze, 1854. Folio. No text. 5 plates. La Vita di Gesu Cristo dipinta da Fra Giov. da Fiesole, detto il Beato Angelico, lucidata dagli originali che si conservano nella Galleria Fiorentina disegnata ed incisa da Gio. Batt. Nocchi. Firenze, 1843. Folio, opiates. ( 9 ) ANGELICO da Fiesole (Fra Giovanni). Life of Beato Angelico da Fiesole, translated from the French of E. Cartier, with Intro- duction on the principles of Christian Art. London, 1865. 8vo. Frontispiece. Angerstein Gallery. See GALLERIES. Private. Angerstein. ANNALS of the Fine Arts [edited by James Elmes and B. R. Haydon], 1816-20. London, 1817-20. Vols. 1-5 (all published). 5 vols. 8vo. Plates. Anne, Princess of Orange. Convoi-funebre de S.A.R. Anne, princesse royale de la Grande Bretagne, princesse douairiere d'Orange et de Nassau, Gouver- nante des Provinces-Unies, etc., execute le 23 Fevrier 1759, dessine exactement par P. C. La Fargue et grave par Simon Fokke. La Haye, 1761. (16 plates.). — Description de la Chambre et Lit de Parade dans lequel le corps de S.A.R. a ete expose. [Dessines par M. de Swart et graves par M. S. Fokke.] La Haye, 1759. (3 plates.) 2 pts. in one vol. folio. French and Dutch text. Antiquaries of London (The Society of). Archseologia : or miscel- laneous tracts relating to antiquity, published by the Society of Antiquaries of London. London, 1770-187 3. 44 vols. 4to. Index to the first 15 volumes. London, 1809. 4to. vols. 16-30. Ibid. 1845. 4to. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of London. Second series, 1859 to 187 . London, 1859-187 . Vols. 1 to . 8vo. Liber quotidianus Contrarotulatoris Garderobae anno regni Edwardi I. 28, A.D. 1299-1300, ex codice MS. in bibliotheca sua asservato typis edidit Soc. Antiq. Lond. [curavit Jo. Topham]. Londini, 1787. 4to. A collection of Ordinances and Regulations for the government of the Royal Household, made in divers reigns from Edward III. to William and Mary, also Receipts in ancient cookery. London, Soc. of Antiquaries, 1790. 4to. Views of the Chapel of St. Thomas, on London Bridge (2 plates) ; View of Lincoln's Inn Chapel (1 plate) ; View of the Market Cross at Chichester (1 plate) ; View of the Charity Chil- dren on the occasion of Q. Anne's procession to St. Paul's, July 17, 171 3 (2 plates) : engraved by George Vertue. — Views of the ruins of Stanton Harcourt in Oxfordshire, drawn and etched by Earl Harcourt (^plates). Together in one vol. folio. See AYLOFFE (Sir Joseph). See Catalogues. Books. Antiquaries (Soc. of). Sec Cathedrals. Sec Vertue (G.). See VETUSTA Monumenta. See Webb (P. C). Antium. See Fontana (C). Antio e sue Antichita. ( 10 ) ANTOLDI (Francesco). Guida pel forestiere che brama di conoscere le opere piu pregevoli di Belle Arti nella citta di Mantova. Seconda edizione. Mantova, 1817. i2mo. Frontispiece. Antwerp. See DUMOULIN (E. G.). Le Congres Artistique d'Anvers. See GEVAERT (Gasp.). Pompa introitus Ferdinandi Austriaci, Belg. et Burg, gubernatoris a S. P. O. Antwerp, decreta et adornata. Guide des Etrangers. See CATALOGUES. Public Collections. Antwerp. Museum. Notice des Tableaux. See CATALOGUES. Public Collections. Antwerp. APOLLONIUS Rhodius. Translated by F. Fawkes. See Poetical Translations. Translated with Notes, by W. Preston. See Poetry. British Poets ; vols. 90 and 91. Appiani (Andrea). Fasti di Napoleone disegnati e dipinti dal cav. A. Appiani. Senza nota [18 10 ?]. Obi. folio. No text. 32 plates. Apuleius (Lucius). The Fable of Cupid and Psyche, translated from the Latin of Apuleius, with a poetical paraphrase of the Speech of Diotima, four Hymns, etc. [by Thomas Taylor]. London, 1795. i2mo. AQUILA (Franc). Picturae Raphaelis. See Raphael. Paintings in the Vatican. Aquila (Petrus). See CARRACCI (Annibale). Galleriae Farnesianae Icones. Arabia. See ROBERTS (D.). The Holy Land, Syria, Idumea, Arabia, etc. Aragon. Reseiia de la pinturaen la corona de Aragon por Valentin Carderera y Solano. See Martinez (J.). ARBUTHNOT (Charles). Tables of Ancient Coins, Weights, and Mea- sures, explained and exemplified in several dissertations. London, 1727. 4to. ^plates. Arcileologia. See Antiquaries of London (Society of). Architects (Royal Inst, of British). Transactions of the Royal Institute of British Architects of London. Sessions 1835-42. London, 1839-42. Vol. 1 in 2 parts. 2 vols. 4to. Arcpiitectural Museum Catalogue. See CATALOGUES. Public Collections. London : Architectural Museum. Architectural Publication Society. See Dictionary of Architecture. Architectural Society (London). Essays of the London Archi- tectural Society. [On Modern Architecture, by Edmund Aikin. On the use and progress of Gothic Architecture, by Samuel Beazley. On the situations and accompaniments of Villas, by Jos. Woods, jun. On Dilapidations, by Jos. Woods, jun.] London, 1808. 8vo. 4 plates. ( II ) ARCHITECTURAL Society (London). Essays of the London Archi- tectural Society : Part II. [Essay on Modern Theories of Taste, by Joseph Woods, jun. On Bridge Building, by J. Savage. On Foundations, by J. Elmes.] London, 1810. 8vo. ^plates. ARCHITECTURE (L') Ottomane, ouvrage publie sous le patronage de S. E. Edhem Pacha. Texte Francais par Marie de Launay ; Dessins par Montani Effendi, Boghoz Effendi, Chachian et Maillard ; Documents techniques par Montani Effendi ; Execution mate- rielle par Sebah. Constantinople, 1873. Folio. Turkish, French, and German text. Plates. ARCHIVES nouvelles de l'Art Francais ; Recueil de documents inedits publies par la Societe de l'Histoire de l'Art Francais, 1872-3. Paris, 1872-73. Vols. 1-2. 2 vols. 8vo. ARDFERT Cathedral, co. Kerry. See Hill (Arthur). Ancient Irish Architecture. Aringhi (Paolo). Roma Subterranea novissima, in qua post Ant. Bosium, Jo. Severanum, et alios scriptores, antiqua Christianorum et prgecipue Martyrum caemeteria, tituli, monimenta, epitaphia, inscriptiones, ac sepulchra illustrantur. Romce, 165 1. 2 vols, folio. Plates. ARIOSTO (Lodovico). Orlando Furioso. Venezia, 1772. 4 vols. sm. folio. Plates and engraved borders. Orlando Furioso in English heroical verse, by Sir John Haring- ton. Now thirdly revised and amended, with the addition of the author's [Harington's] epigrams. London, 1634. Sm. folio. Plates. Aristophanes. See Suvern (J. W.). Essay on " The Birds " of Aristophanes. Armenia. See Layard (A. H.). Discoveries in the ruins of Nineveh and Babylon, with Travels in Armenia, etc. See PORTER (Sir R. K.). Travels. Armenino da Faenza (Gio. Battista). De' veri Precetti della Pittura, libri tre, con note di Stefano Ticozzi. Milano, 1820. i2mo. Armstrong (John). Poems. See Poetry. British Poets; vol. 67. Arnolfo Fiorentino. See N1CCOL6 e GIOVANNI DA Pisa e Arnolfo Fiorentino. Sculture che ornano la Fontana Maggiore di Perugia. Arphe y Vallafane (Juan de). Varia Commensuracion para la Escultura y Arquitectura, anadida en esta quarta impresion por Don Pedro Enguera. Madrid, 1736. Folio. Woodcuts, with portrait of the author on the title. ART (L') pour Tous; Encyclopedic de l'Art industriel et decoratif. Annee I.-XII. Paris, 1861-73. I2 v °l s - folio. Engravings. Art. Notes for a universal Art Inventory of Works of Fine Art which may be found throughout the Continent. See Cole (Sir Henry). Universal Catalogue of Books on Art. See Catalogues. Books. Art (Books on). ( 12 ) Art. Reports of the Dept. of Science and Art. (First, second, and third.) See Reports. Report of the Commissioners on the Fine Arts. See Reports. Report of the Committee on Arts and their connection with Manufactures. See Reports. Artaria (Ferdinando). II Duomo di Milano ossia Descrizione di questo insigne Tempio e degli oggetti d' arte che lo adornano. Milano, 1823. Folio. 65 plates. ART Union of London and the Board of Trade. Correspondence. See Tracts, i vol. 8vo. Art Union of London. See Etching Club. Arundel Society. The Martyrdom of St. Sebastian from the fresco by Pietro Perugino at Panicale, drawn by Signor Marianecci, chromo-lithographed by Vincent Brooks ; and 5 outline plates of heads; with text by A. H. Layard. Arundel Soc., 1856. The Giotto Chapel, Padua, in 1306, drawn by Mrs. Higford Burr, chromo-lithographed by Vincent Brooks. Arundel Soc., 1856. In one vol. folio. See Giotto. Ascoli. See CARBONI (G. C). Memorie intorno i lettcrati e gli artisti della citta di Ascoli nel Piceno. ASELIUS (Gasp.). De lactibus sive de lacteis venis Dissertatio. See SPIGELIUS (A.). Opera. Ashmole (Elias). The Institution, Laws, and Ceremonies of the Most Noble Order of the Garter. Loudon, 167 '2. Folio. Large paper. Some of the plates by Hollar. ASHTON (Henry). See Wyatville (Sir J.). Illustrations of Windsor Castle. Asia. See Holman (J.). Voyage Round the World. Asia Minor. See Dalton (R.). Engravings of places and antiquities in Greece, Asia Minor, and Egypt. See Texier (Ch.) and R. P. Pullan. The principal ruins of Asia Minor. See Vulliamy (L.). Examples of ornamental Sculpture in Archi- tecture, from the originals in Greece, Asia Minor, and Italy. ASSELINEAU (M.). Armes et Armures, Meubles et autres objets du moyen-age et de la renaissance, dessinees d'apres nature et lithographiees par Asselineau. Paris, s. d. 2 vols, folio. Plates. ASSISE Descrizione dei templi di S. Francesco posseduti nella citta di Assisi dai PP. Min. Conv. Assisi, 1835. 4to. No plates. ( 13 ) ASSISI. See Fea (Carlo). Descrizione della basilica e cappella di S. Francesco d' Assisi. Assyria. See BIRCH (S.). History of Anci e nt Pottery. See ENGEL (Carl). The Music of the most Ancient Nations, particularly of the Assyrians, Egyptians, and Hebrews. See LAYARD (A. H.). Cuneiform Inscriptions from Assyrian Monuments. Nineveh and its Remains. Discoveries in the ruins of Nineveh. ATHENAEUM Club. Library Catalogue. See Catalogues.. Books. Athenaeum. Athens. Antiquities. See Stuart (J.) and N. Revett. The Antiquities of Athens. Erechtheum. See Inwood (H. W.). The Erectheion at Athens. Parthenon. See Falkener (Ed.). See LUCAS (R. C). Remarks on the Parthenon. See MlCHAELlS (Adolf). Der Parthenon. AUDRAN (Gerard). Les Proportions du corps humain, mesurees sur les plus belles figures de l'antiquite. Paris, chez G. Audran, 1683. Folio. 30 plates. AUGUSTINUS (Leonardus). Gemmae et Sculpturae antiquae depictae ab Leon. Augustino, addita earum enarratione in latinum versa ab Jacobo Gronovio. Amstelodami, 1685. 2 vols. 4X0. Portrait and 265 plates. AUSTIN (Gilbert). Chironomia ; or a treatise on rhetorical delivery, comprehending precepts for the regulation of the voice, the countenance, and gesture ; with an investigation of the Elements of Gesture. London, 1806. 4-to. 12 plates. Australasia. See Holman (J.). Voyage Round the World. Austria. See HEIDER (G.), R. v. Eitelberger und J. Heiser. Mittelalterhche Kunstdenkmale des osterreichischen Kaiserstaates. Austria (Archduke Leopold William of). Cabinet de Tableaux. See Galleries. Private. Leopold. Avignon. See PARROCEL (Etienne). Annales de la Peinture. AVILER (Augustin Charles d'). Cours dArchitecture, qui comprend les Ordres de Vignole avec des commentaires, et les descriptions des batiments de Michel-Ange. Nouvelle edition, revue et augmentee par Pierre Jean Mariette. Paris, 1750. 4to. Plates. ( 14 ) AYALA (Juan Interian de). El Pintor christiano y erudito, 6 tratado de los errores que suelen cometerse freqiientemente en pintar, y esculpir las Imagenes Sagradas, obra traducida en castellano por Luis de Duran y dc Bastero. Madrid, 1782. 2 vols. sm. 4to. AYLOFFE (Sir Joseph). Description of an ancient Picture in Windsor Castle [representing the interview between Henry VIII. and Francis I., between Guines and Ardres, 1520]. London, 1773- — Description of an ancient Picture at Windsor Castle, representing the embarkation of Henry VIII. at Dover, May 31, 1520, pre- paratory to his interview with Francis I., by John Topham. Ibid. 1 78 1. (2 plates?). — Account of the ancient Painting, preserved at Cowdray, in Sussex, the seat of Viscount Montague, represent- ing the procession of Edward VI., Feb. 19, 1547, previous to his Coronation. Sine nota. — Description of an ancient Painting at Cowdray [representing the encampment of the British forces near Portsmouth, with a view of the French and English fleets at the commencement of the action, July 19, 1545], by Sir Joseph Ayloffe. London, 1778. — Description of some ancient historical Paintings preserved at Cowdray, representing the march of Henry VIII. from Calais to Boulogne, the encampment at Mar- quison, and the siege of Boulogne. Sine nota. In one vol. 4to. AZARA (Josef Nicolas de). See Mengs (A. R.). Azeglio (Roberto d'). See Galleries. Public. Turin. ( i5 ) BAALBEC. See WOOD (R.). The ruins of Balbec. BABBAGE (Charles). The Ninth Bridgewater Treatise, a fragment. London, 1837. 8vo. Passages from the life of a Philosopher. London, 1864. 8vo. Frontispiece. BABER (H. H.). Catalogus Librorum Impressorum. See MUSEUMS. Public. London : British Museum. Babylon. . See LAYARD (A. H.). Discoveries in the ruins of Nineveh and Babylonia. See Porter (Sir R. K.). Travels. BACHHOFFNER (George H.). Chemistry as applied to the Fine Arts. London, 1837. 8vo. Bacon, R.A. (John). Memoirs of the late John Bacon, by the Rev. Richard Cecil. London, 181 1. 8vo. Portrait. See COADE ( ). Lithodipyra. BADALOCCHI (Sisto). See ALBANI (Fr.) et Sixti Badaloccii Picturse in JEde Verospia. Bader (F. W.). See DURER (Albrecht). Trachten-Bilder. BAGLIONE (Gio.). Le Vite de' pittori, scultori, architetti, ed intagli- atori dal pontificato di Gregorio XIII. del 1572 fino a tempi di Urbano VIII. nel 1642, con la vita di Salvator Rosa scntta da Gio. Battista Passeri. Napoli, 1733. 4to. BAI.E. See PAOLI (P. A.). Antichita di Pozzuoh. BAJARDI (Ottav. Ant). Le Antichita di Ercolano. Napoli, i7SS~9 2 - 8 vols, folio. . s Catalogo degli antichi Monumenti dissotterrati dalla discoperta citta di Ercolano, composto da Ott. A. Bayardi. Napoli, 175$. Folio. Le Pitture antichi d' Ercolano e contorni incise con qualche spiega- zione. Napoli, 1757-6$. 4 vols, folio (v. 5 wanting). Plates. Le Bronzi d' Ercolano e contorni incisi con qualche spiegazione. Napoli, 1767-71. 2 vols, folio. Plates of dusts and statues. Le Lucerne ed i Candelabri d' Ercolano e contorni incisi con qualche spiegazione. Napoli, 1792. Folio. Plates. Baker (W. S.). See SHARP (W.) with a catalogue of his Works. BALDINUCCI (Filippo). Vocabolario Toscano dell' arte del Disegno, con la notizia de' nomi e qualita delle gioie, metalli, pietre dure, marmi, pietre tenere, saffi, legnami, colori, strumenti, ed ogn' altra materia, che servir possa, tanto alia costruzione di edincj e loro ornato, quanto alia stessa e alia scultura. Firenze, 1681. 4to. ( i6 ) BALDINUCCI (Filippo). Notizie de' professori del disegno da Cimabue in qua (1260-1670). Firenze, 1681-1728. 5 vols. 4to. Cominciamento e progresso dell' arte dell' Intagliare in rame, colle vite di molti de' piu eccellenti maestri della stessa professione. Firenze, 1686. 4to. Raccolta di alcuni Opuscoli sopra varie materie di Pittura, Scultura, e Architettura ; con un ragionamento di Francesco Bocchi sull' eccellenza della statua di S. Giorgio fatta da Donatello e posta nella facciata della chiesa di Orsanmichele di Firenze. Firenze, 1765. 4to. See BERNINO (Giovanni Lorenzo). Vita. See BRUNELLESCHI (Filippo). Vita. BALKEMA (C. H.). Biographie des peintres Flamands et Hollandais qui ont existe depuis Jean et Hubert van Eyck jusqu'a nos jours. Gaud, 1844. 8vo. Frontispiece. Ballantine (James). See Roberts (David). Life. BAMBERGISCHE Halsgerichts Ordenung. Mentz, durch JoJianncm Schdffer, 1508. Folio. Woodcuts. BAMFYLDE (John). Poetical Works. See Poetry. British Poets ; vol. 73. BANCROFT (Edward). Experimental Researches concerning the philosophy of permanent colours, and the best means of producing them by dyeing, calico-printing, etc. London, 1813. 2 vols. 8vo. BANDINIUS (Angelus Maria). De Obelisco Caesaris Augusti e Campi Martii ruderibus nuper eruto Commentarius, accedunt CI. Virorum Epistolae atque Opuscula [Latine et Ita/ice]. Romcz, 1750. Folio. 4 plates. Bangor. See King (R. J.). Handbook to the Cathedrals of Wales. Banier (Abbe Antoine). The mythology and fables of the ancients explained from history, translated. London, 1739-40. 4 vols. 8vo. See OVIDIUS Naso (P.). Metamorphoses. Bank Notes. Report of the Committee of the Society of Arts. See Reports. Banks (Thomas). Address on his Death. See Flaxman (J.). Works. Barbaro (Daniele). See VITRUVIUS. I dieci libri dell' Architettura di M. Vitruvio. Barbary. See GlRAULT DE PRANGEY. Essai sur l'architecture des Arabes et des Mores en Espagne, en Sicile et en Barbaric BARBAULT (Jean). Les plus beaux Monuments de Rome Ancienne, ou recueil des plus beaux morceaux de l'antiquite romaine qui existent encore, dessines par M.Barbault, et graves en 128 planches, avec leur explication. Rome, 1761. Folio. ( 17 ) Barbault (Jean). Recueil de divers Monumens anciens repandus en plusieurs endroits de l'ltalie, dessines par J. Barbault, et graves en 166 planches, avec leur explication historique. Rome, 1770. Folio, Monuments Antiques, ou collection choisie d'anciens bas-reliefs et fragmens egiptiens, grecs, romains, et etrusques. Rome, 1783. Folio. 94 plates. Barbieri, detto il Guercino da Cento (Giovanni Francesco). See Guercino. Barbut (Jacques). Les Genres des Insectes de Linne\ constates par divers echantillons d'insectes d'Angleterre copies d'apres nature. Londres, 1 78 1. 4to. Text in French and English. Coloured plates. The Genera Vermium exemplified by various specimens of the animals contained in the Orders of the Intestina et Mollusca Linnaei, drawn from nature. London, 1783. 4to. Text in English and French. Coloured plates. Bardi (Luigi). See Galleries. Public. Florence : Pitti. Bardwell (T.). The practice of Painting made easy, with the art of Painting in Oil and the method of Colouring. London, 1782. Sm. 4to. BARETTI (Joseph). Dictionary of the English and Italian Languages. London, 1778. 2 vols. 4to. BARKER (Thomas). A Schizzo of the Genius of Man, in which, among various subjects, the merit of Mr. Thomas Barker, the celebrated young Painter of Bath, is particularly considered, and his Pictures reviewed. Bath, 1793. i2mo. Frontispiece. BARL.EUS (Melchior). Brabantiados Poema. See Barlandus (H.). Ducum Brabantiae Chronica. BARLANDUS (Hadrianus). ■ Ducum Brabantiae Chronica Hadriani Barlandi ; item Brabantiados Poema Melchioris Barlaei, iconibus nunc primum illustrata, aere ac studio Joan. Bapt. Vrientii, opera quoque Antonii de Succa. Antverpice, 1600. Folio. Costumed portraits. BARLOW (Francis). A Sett of Prints of Hunting, Hawking, and Fishing, designed by Francis Barlow. [S. I. et a.] Oblong 4to. 1 2 plates and engraved title. See iEsoPUS. See Sandford (F.). Interment of George, Duke of Albemarle. Barlow, A.R.A. (Thomas Oldham). See CRESWICK (T.). Catalogue of his Works. See Phillip (J.j. Catalogue of his Works. Barnard (M. R.). See Thorvaldsen (Bertel.). Life. ( 18 ) BARRI (Giacomo). The Painter's Voyage of Italy, in which all the famous paintings of the most eminent masters are particularised, as they are preserved in the several cities of Italy. Englished by W. L[odge]. London, 1679. i2mo. Frontispiece and portraits, etched by W. Lodge. BARROW (John Henry). See Landseer (T.). Barrow (Thomas). See Euclid. BARRY (Rev. Alfred). The Architect of the New Palace at Westminster. See PUGIN (A. W.). BARRY, R.A. (Sir Charles). The Life and Works of Sir Charles Barry, by Rev. Alfred Barry. London, 1867. 8vo. Portrait and plan. Barry, R.A. (Edward M.). The New Law Courts and the National Gallery. London, 1872. 8vo. BARRY, R.A. (James). Works : containing his Correspondence from France and Italy with E. Burke ; Lectures on Painting at the Royal Academy ; Observations on works of art in Italy and France ; Critical remarks on the principal Paintings of the Orleans Gallery ; Essay on the subject of Pandora, now first published from MSS., and illustrated by engravings from sketches left by the author ; and his Enquiry into the causes which have obstructed the progress of the Fine Arts in England ; Account of the Paintings at the Adelphi ; and Letter to the Dilettanti Society. With an Account of the Life and Writings of the author. London, 1809. 2 vols. 4to. Portrait and plates. Letter to the Dilettanti Society for accomplishing the original views of the Royal Academy. Second edition. London, 1799. 8vo. A Series of Etchings, by James Barry, from his paintings in the great room of the Society of Arts, Adelphi. London, 1808. Folio. 16 plates. BARTHELEMY (Jean Jacques). Voyage du jeune Anacharsis en Grece, dans le milieu du quatrieme siecle avant l'ere vulgaire. Londres, 1796. 3 vols. 8vo. Maps. BARTLET (Mrs. Spry). See TOSI (F. M.) and A. BECCHIO. Altars, Tabernacles, etc. BARTOLI (Cosimo). See Alberti (L. B.). BARTOLI (Pietro Santi e Francesco). Le Pitture antiche delle grotte di Roma e del sepolcro de' Nasonj disegnate ed intagliate alia simi- litudine degli antichi originali da Pietro Santi Bartoli e Francesco Bartoli, descritte ed illustrate da Gio. Pietro Bellori e Michelangelo Causei de la Chausse. Roma, 1706. Folio. Plates. ( 19 ) BARTOLI (Pietro Santi). Le antiche lucerne sepolcrali figurate, raccolte dalle cave sotterranee e grotte di Roma, disegnate ed intagliate nelle loro forme da Pietro Santi Bartoli, con 1' osservationi di Gio. Pietro Bellori. Roma, 1691. 3 parts in one vol. folio. 116 plates. Columna Cochlis M. Aurelio Antonino Augusto dicata ejus rebus gestis in Germanica atque Sarmatica expeditione in- signis ex S. C. Romae ad viam Flaminiam erecta, brevibus notis Jo. Petri Bellorii illustrata et a P. S. Bartolo juxta delinea- tiones in Bibliotheca Barberina asservatas aere incisa, iterum in lucem prodit. Roma, ex chalcographia Dom. de Rnbeis, 1704. (77 plates, engraved title and dedication). — Stylobates columnar Antoninae nuper e ruderibus Campi Martii erutae, cura et im- pensis Dominici de Rubeis. Ibid. 1708. (3 plates and engraved title) In one volume, oblong folio. Admiranda Romanarum antiquitatum ac veteris sculptural vestigia anaglyphico opere elaborata, ex marmoreis exemplaribus quae Romae adhuc extant a P. S. Bartolo delineata incisa, notis Jo. Petri Bellorii illustrata. Roma, Jo. Jac. de Rubeis [1693J. First edition. Oblong folio. 80 plates, including engraved title and dedication. Idem opus. Roma, typis edidit Jo. Jac. de Rubeis, restituit et auxit Dom. de Rubeis, anno 1693. Second edition. Folio. S^ plates, including engraved title. Colonna Trajana, eretta dal senato, e popolo Romano all' Imperatore Trajano Augusto nel suo foro in Roma scolpita con 1' historie della Guerra Dacia, la prima e la seconda Espedi- tione e Vittoria contro il re Decebalo nuovamente disegnata et intagliata da P. S. Bartoli con 1' Espositione latina d' Alfonso Ciaccone, compendiata nella vulgare, accresciuta da Gio. Pietro Bellori. Roma, G. G. de Rossi, seuz anno. Oblong folio. En- graved title and frontispiece, 7 unnumbered and 119 numbered plates. "Given by Joshua Reynolds, January 7th, 1769." Raccolta di varie antichita e lucerne antiche intagliate la mag- gior parte da P. S. Bartoli. Roma, sens' anno. Folio. 3 1 plates and engraved title. See GlULlO ROMANO. Sigismundi Augusti Triumphus. Giove che fulmina li Giganti. See Raphael. Paintings in the Vatican. Parerga atque ornamenta in Vaticani palatii xystis expressa— Admiranda Monumenta Raphaelis Urb.— Leonis X. imagines ab Hetruriae legatione ad Pontificatum a Raphaele Urb. expressae. BARTOLINI ( ). Galleria Reale di Firenze. See Galleries. Public. Florence. Bartolomeo (Fra). See Porta (Baccio della). Bartolotti (Antonio). See CORREGGIO (Antonio Allegri da). Notizie. Bartolozzi, R.A. (Francisco). See Thomson (J.). c 2 • ( 20 ) BARTSCH (Johann Adam Bernhard, von). Catalogue raisonnc de toutes les estampes qui forment l'ceuvre de Lucas de Leyde. Vienne, 1798. 12 mo. Le Peintre Graveur. Vienne, 1803-21. 21 vols. 8vo. Copies faites d'apres des estampes tres-rares de differens maitres, decrites dans le premier volume du Peintre Graveur. Vienne, 1803. Oblong 4to. 16 plates. Basan (Pierre Francois). Dictionnaire^ des graveurs anciens et modernes, avec une notice des principales estampes qu'ils r ont gravees, suivi du catalogue des ceuvres de Jacques Jordans et de Corneille Visscher. Paris, 1767. 2 vols. i2mo. Plates. Catalogue des estampes gravees d'apres P. P. Rubens. Nouvelle edition, precedee de la vie de Rubens par F. Basan. Paris, 1767. i2mo. See Galleries. Private. Choiseul. See Galleries. Private. Poullain. See OVIDIUS Naso (P.). Les Metamorphoses d'Ovide. Basle. Dance of Death. See MERIAN (Matthieu). BASSiE, near Phigaleia in Arcadia. The Temple of Apollo Epicurius. See COCKERELL (C. R.). BASSAGLIA (Pietro). See Boschini (M.). Bassano. See Verci (G. B.). Notizie intorno alia vita e alle opere de' pittori, scultori, e intagliatori della citta di Bassano. Bassano (Giacomo da Ponte, di). See JACKSON (J. B.). Titiani Vecelii, P. Caliarii, J. Robusti et Jac. de Ponte, Opera selectiora. Batalha (Church of) ; in Estremadura. See Murphy (J.C.). Bath. The Abbey Church at Bath. London, n. d. Folio. See Cathedrals. Batty (Elizabeth Frances). Italian Scenery, from drawings made in 1 8 17, by Miss Batty. London, 1820. Imp. 8vo. Plates. BATTY (Robert). French Scenery, from drawings made in 18 19, by Captain Batty. London, 1822. Imp. 8vo. Plates. Baud (Benjamin). See Gandy (Michael). Bauer (Frantz). Tapisseries du XVII e siecle executees d'apres les Cartons de Raphael par Jean Raes, de Bruxelles. Description et notes par Frantz Bauer, architecte, precedees d'une notice par Edmond About. Paris, 1875. 8vo. Bavaria. See MtJNCHENER Bilderbogen. Zur Geschichte der Costume. BAXTER (Thomas). An illustration of the Egyptian, Grecian, and Roman Costume, in 40 outlines, with descriptions. London, 18 10. 4to. Plates. ( 21 ) BAYLE (Pierre). Dictionnaire historique et critique. Troisieme edition, revue, corrigee et augmentee [par Prosper Marchand]. Rotterdam, 1720. 4 vols, folio. With both lives of David. BEAN (Richard Lewis). Anatomy for the use of Artists. Loudon* 1 84 1. 8vo. Plates. BEATTIE (James). Poetical Works. See POETRY. British Poets ; vol. 78. BEAZLEY (Samuel). On the rise and progress of Gothic Architecture- See Architectural Society Essays. BECCEGA (Tommaso Carlo). Saggio sull' Architettura Greco- Romana applicata alia costruzione del Teatro Modern© Italianp e sulle Macchine teatrali. Venezia, 1817. Folio. $ plates. BECCHIO (Alessandro). See TOSI (F. M.) and A. BECCHIO. • Altars, etc. BECHE (Sir Henry de la) and Trenham REEKS. Catalogue of specimens illustrative of British Pottery and Porcelain in the Museum of Practical Geology. See CATALOGUES. Public Collections. London : Geological Museum. Becker (Carl). See Amman (Jost). Becker (Wilhelm Adolph). Charikles, Bilder altgriechischer Sitte zur genaueren Kenntniss des griechischen Privatlebens. Zweiter Auflage mit Zusatzen versehen von Karl Friedrich Hermann. Leipzig, 1854. 3 vols. 8vo. Gallus, oder romische Scenen aus der Zeit Augusts. Dritte vermehrte Ausgabe von Willi. Rein. Leipzig, 1863. 3 vols. 8vo. Coloured plates. BECKER (Wilhelm Gottlieb). Augusteum Dresdens, antike Denkmaler enthaltend, herausgegeben von Wilhelm Gottlieb Becker. Leipzig, 1804-11. 3 vols, folio. 154 plates. BEDFORD Marbles. Outline Engravings and Descriptions of the Woburn Abbey Marbles. London, 1822. Folio. 48 plates on india paper. BEDFORD (Duke of). Catalogue of Portraits [Pictures and other works of art] at Woburn Abbey. See Woburn Abbey. BEECHEY (Henry William). See Reynolds (Sir Joshua). Literary Works. Beejapore. . • • 1 See FERGUSSON (J.). Architectural illustrations of the principal Mahometan buildings of Beejapore in the Deccan, by P. D. Hart. BEGA (Cornelius). See DEUCHAR (D.). Collection of Etchings. BEHN (Mrs. Aphra). Verses illustrating the Life of ^Esop. See jEsopus. Belgiojoso (Carlo). See VlNCl (Leonardo da). ( 22 ) BELGIUM. Academie Royale de Belgique ; centieme anniversaire de fondation (i 772-1 872). Brnxelles, 1872. 2 vols. 8vo. See QUETELET (A.). Premier siecle de l'Academie Royale de Belgique. See BOCCHI (G.). Historica narratio profectionls et inaugurationis Belgii principum Alberti et Isabellae, Austriae archiducum, et eorum in Belgium adventus. See FETIS (E.). Les Artistes Beiges a l'etranger. See Haghe (L.). Sketches. See LtiVY (Edmond). Histoire de la Pcinture sur Vcrre en Europe et particulierement en Belgique. See PASSAVANT (J. D.). Kunstreise durch England u. Belgien. BELIDOR (Bernard). Nouveau cours de mathematique a l'usagc de l'artillerie et du genie. Paris, 1725. 4to. Plates. La Science des Ingenicurs dans la conduite des travaux de Fortification et d'Architecture Civile. Paris, 1729. 4to. Plates. Le meme ouvrage. La Haye, 1754. 4to. Plates. Architecture Hydraulique ou l'art de conduire, d'elever et de menager les eaux pour les differens besoins de la vie. Paris, 1 737-5 3- 4 vo l s - 4t°- Plates. BELL (Sir Charles). The Hand, its mechanism and vital endowments as evincing design. (Bridgewater Treatise.) London, 1833. 8vo. Engravings. Anatomy and Philosophy of Expression as connected with the Fine Arts. London, 1865. 4to. Plates. BELL (Henry). Historical Essay on the original of Painting. London, 1728. i2mo. — Piles (Roger de). Dialogue upon Colouring, translated by John Ozell. London, 171 1. i2mo. 2 vols, in one. Bell (John). Compositions from Morning and Evening Prayer. London, 1844. 4to. Plates. Bella (Stefano della). Recueil de divers Griffonemcns, Tetes, Animaux, Frises, Marines, Paysages et autres sujets de caprice, inventes et graves par Steph. della Bella, graveur Florentin. Paris, chez Basan, s. d. Oblong 4to. 88 plates, inchtding titles. Belli (Onorio). History of Candia, 1586. See Falkener (Ed.). Bellori (Giovanni Pietro). Veteres Arcus Augustorum Triumphis insignes ex reliquiis quae Romse adhuc supersunt, cum imaginibus triumphalibus restituti, antiquis nummis notisque J. P. Bellorii illustrati, nunc primum per Jo. Jac. de Rubeis seneis typis vulgati. Romee, 1690. Oblong folio. (52 plates). — "The Last Judgment" and portrait of Michael Angelo, engraved by Seb. Fulcarus, and 10 plates from the same picture by Giorgio Ghisi. Romee, J. J. de Rubeis, sine anno. Oblong folio. 2 vols, in one. Vite de' Pittori, Scultori, ed Architetti Moderni, co' loro ritratti al naturale. Seconda edizione accresciuta colla vita di D. Luca Giordano. Roma, 1728. 4to. Portraits. ( 2 3 ) BELLORI (Giovanni Pietro). Vita di Carlo Maratti. See Maratti (Carlo). Notae in Numismata turn Ephesia, turn aliarum urbium apibus insignita. See MENESTRIER (C. F.). Symbolica Dianae Eph. Statua. See Bartoli (P. S.). Admiranda Romanarum Antiquitatum. Antiche Lucerne. Columna Cochlis M. Aur. Antonino dicata. Colonna Trajana. Pitture Antiche. See Giulio Romano. Sigismundi Augusti Triumphus. See Raphael. Psyches et Amoris Fabula. Immagini dipinte nelle Camere del Palazzo Vaticano. Bellorius (Joannes Petrus). See BELLORI (Giovanni Pietro). Beltrame (Francesco). See TlZIANO VECELLIO. Belvedere Gallery at Vienna. See Galleries. Public. Vienna. Belvisi (Ferdinando). See CARRACCI (Lodovico). Elogio. Benacci (Vittorio). Descrittione degli apparati fatti in Bologna per la venuta di Clemente VIII., con gli disegni degli Archi, Statue e Pitture. Bologna, 1598. 4to. 9 etchings by Guido Rent. II Funerale d' Agostin Carraccio fatto in Bologna. See Carracci (Ag.). [BENCIVENNI (Giuseppe).] Saggio istorico della Reale Galleria di Firenze. Firenze, 1779. 2 vols. i2mo. Plan. Bendemann (E.). Die Wandgemalde im Ball- und Concert-Saal des Konigl. Schlosses zu Dresden, entw. u. ausgefiihrt v. E. Bendemann, erklart von Joh. Gust. Droysen. Dresden, 1859. Oblong folio. 1 1 plates and engraved title. Benedict (Saint). See Solario (Antonio de). Pitture nel chiostro di S. Severino in Napoli dinotanti i fatti della vita di S. Benedetto. Bengal. See ROUSSELET (L.). L'Inde des Rajahs. Benini (Giovanni). See RlCCl (Domenico). BENSON (William). Principles of the science of Colour, stated to promote their useful application in the decorative arts. London, 1868. 4to. Plates. BENTLEY (Richard). R. Bentleii et doctorum virorum Epistolae, partim mutuae ; accedit Richardi Dawesii ad Joannem Taylorum Epistola singularis. Londini, 1807. 4to. Portrait. ( 2 4 ) BENTLEY (Richard). See HORATIUS Flaccus (O.). Opera. See Milton (John). Paradise Lost. BERAIN (Jean), Rene CHAUVEAU, et Francois Le Moine. Orncmens de Peinture et de Sculpture qui sont dans la Galerie d'Apollon au chasteau du Louvre et dans le grand appartement du Roy au Palais des Tuilleries, dessinez et gravez par les Srs. Berain, Chauveau et le Moine. [Paris, 17 10.] Folio. 29 plates. Ornemens inventez par J. Berain. Paris [1699]. Oblong folio. in plates and engraved title. BErard (A.). Dictionnaire biographique des Artistes Francais du XII e au XVI I e siecle. Paris, 1872. 8vo. BERENSTADT (Gaetano). See Cellini (Ben.). Vita. Bergamo. See TASSI (Francesco Maria). Vite de' Pittori, Scultori e Architetti Bergamaschi. Berghem (Nicholas). Recueil de Trente sujets, composes et dessines par Nic. Berghem ; Ton a ajoute dix planches gravees par Vischer, cinq d'apres Laer, et cinq autres d'apres Wouvermans. Paris, s. d. Oblong folio. 40 plates. BERJEAU (J. Ph.). The Horses of Antiquity, Middle Ages, and Renaissance. London, 1864. 4to. Woodcuts. See OTTLEY (W. Y.). Inquiry concerning the Invention of Printing. Berlin. Campo-Santo. Sec Cornelius (Peter von). Entwiirfe zu den Fresken der Friedhofshalle. MONBIJOU. See Ledebur (Leopold von). Das kgl. Museum vaterlan- discher Alterthiimer im Schlosse Monbijou zu Berlin. Museum. See CATALOGUES. Public Collections. Berlin. See FRIEDERICHS (Carl). Berlins antike Bildwerke. Palaces. See Charlottenburg. See Potsdam. See Sans-Souci. Bermudez (Juan Agustin Cean). See Cean Bermudez (J. A.). Bernal (Ralph). Catalogue of his collection of works of art. See Catalogues. Private Collections. Bernal. Bernard (Jacques). See Blaeu (J.). Nouveau Theatre. BERNASCONI (Cesare). Studj sopra la storia della pittura italiana dei secoli XIV. e XV. e della scuola pittorica Veronese dai medj tempi fino a tutto il secolo XVIII. Tipografia di Antonio Rossi, 1864. 8vo. ( 25 ) BERNINO (Giovanni Lorenzo). Vita di G. L. Bernino, scritta da Filippo Baldinucci. Fitenze, 1682. 4to. BERRETTINI, da CORTONA (Pietro). See CORTONA (P. Berrettini da). Berry (Duchesse de). Galerie. See Galleries. Private. Berry. BERTHELIN (l'abbe P. Ch.). Abrege du Dictionnaire universel Francois et Latin, vulgairement appele Dictionnaire de Trevoux. Paris, 1762. 3 vols. 4*0. Bevilacqua (Ippolito). See ClGNAROLl (Giambettino). Memone della sua vita. Bevilacqua Gallery. See VALESI (Dion.). [BEVY (Charles-Joseph).] Histoire des Inaugurations des rois, era- pereurs et autres souverains, suivie d'un precis de l'etat des arts et des sciences sous chaque regne. Paris, 1776. 8vo. Plates of costumes. BEWICK (Thomas). A Memoir of Thomas Bewick, written by himself ; embellished by numerous wood engravings, designed and engraved by the author. Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1862. 8vo. BEWICK (William). Life and Letters of William Bewick (artist). Edited by Thomas LANDSEER, A.R.A. London, 1871. 2 vols. 8vo. Portrait. TBEYLE (Marie Henri).] Histoire de la Peinture en Italie, par M. B., " A. A. Paris, 18 17. 2 vols. 8vo. With an autograph letter m Italian by Beyle, signed Stendhal. BEZZUOLI ( )• Galleria Reale di Firenze. See GALLERIES. Public. Florence. BlADI (Luigi). . . ; See SARTO (Andrea del). Notizie inedite. BIANCHINI (Francesco). Del Palazzo de' Cesari opera postuma [pubbl. colla versione latina da Giuseppe Bianchini]. Verona, 1738. Folio. 20 plates. Bianchini (Giuseppe). See VASI (G.). Delle Magnincenze di Roma. BlANCONl (Giov. Lodovico). Descrizione dei Circhi, particolarmente di quello di Caracalla e dei giuochi in essi celebrati, opera postuma ; ordinata e publicata da Angiolo Uggeri, con note da Carlo t ea e corredata di tavole e della versione francese. ^^1789. Folio. 20 plates, with vignettes. BIBIENA (Giuseppe Galli). Architetture e Prospettive invente da G. G. B. Parisiis, apud Basan, s. a. Folio. $0 plates, including engraved title. BIBLE The Holy Bible, containing the Old Testament and the New ; with the Apocrypha, translated out of the original tongues with Annotations. Birmingham, John Baskerville, 1772. J^olio. (^ spurious edition.) Plates. ( 26 ) BIBLE. Canonical Histories and Apocryphal Legends relating to the New Testament, represented in Drawings, with a Latin text ; a photolith reproduction from an Ambrosian MS. by Angelo della Croce, with Preface and Notes by A. M. Ceriani. Privately printed [by J. T. Gibson Craig]. Milan, 1873. 4to. See Raphael. S. Historiae Acta a Raphaele Urb. in Vaticanis Xystis expressa. See Schnorr VON Carolsfeld (J.)- Die Bibel in Bildern. See Tempesta (Antonio). Figurae Biblicae. BlBLlOTHEQUE des Merveilles, publiee sous la direction de Edouard Charton. Merveilles de la Gravure. See DUPLESSIS (Georges). Merveilles de la Peinture. See VlARDOT (Louis). Merveilles de la Sculpture. See VlARDOT (Louis). BlDLOO (Godefridus). Komste van Willem III. Koning van Groot Britanje, in Holland ; ofte Beschryving van alles hct welke op des zelfs Komste en geduurende zyn verblyf, in's Graavenhaage en elders, ten teeken van vreugde en eere, is opgerecht en voorge- vallen. Ins Graavenhaage, 1691. Folio. Frontispiece and 15 plates by Romain de Hooghe. BlGl (Quirino). Notizie di pittori ed artisti Correggiesi. See CORREGGIO (Antonio Allegri da). Notizie da A. Bartolotti. BlGNON (F.). See VULSON (Marc de). Les Portraits des hommes illustres Francois. Billing (Archibald). The science of gems, jewels, coins, and medals, ancient and modern [with Autobiography of Benedetto PlSTRUCCl, translated by Mrs. Billing]. London, 1867. 8vo. Photographs. BILLINGS (Robert William). The Baronial and Ecclesiastical Anti- quities of Scotland, illustrated by R. W. B. London, 1845-52. 4 vols. 4to. Plates on india paper. Illustrations of the architectural antiquities of the county of Durham, ecclesiastical, castellated, and domestic. Durham, 1846. 4to. Plates. The power of form applied to geometric tracery : 1 00 designs and their foundations resulting from one diagram. London, 185 1. 8vo. BIOGRAPHY. New and general Biographical Dictionary of the most eminent persons, with a catalogue of their literary productions. London, 1784. 12 vols. 8vo. BlON. Translated by Francis Fawkes. See Poetical Translations. See POETRY. British Poets ; vol. 92. BlRCH (Samuel). History of Ancient Pottery : Egyptian, Assyrian. Greek, Etruscan, and Roman. London, 1858. 2 vols. 8vo Coloured plates and woodcuts. See La yard (A. H.). ( V ) Birch (Samuel). Select Papyri in the Hieratic character in the British Museum. Inscriptions in the Hieratic and Demotic character from the British Museum. Inscriptions in the Himyaritic character in the British Museum. See MUSEUMS. Public. London : British Museum. BIRCH (Samuel) and C. T. Newton. Catalogue of the Greek and Etruscan Vases in the British Museum. See CATALOGUES. Public Collections. London : British Museum. BlRINGUCCIO (Vanoccio). De la Pirotechnia, libri X. ; dove ampia- mente si tratta non solo di ogni sorte e diversita di miniere, ma anchora quanto si ricerca intorno a la prattica di quelle cose che si appartiene a 1' arte de la fusione over gitto de metalli come d' ogni altra cosa simile a questa. Veuetia, per V. Rossinello, 1540. First edition. 4to. Woodcuts. Birmingham. London and Birmingham Railway. See Bourne (J. C). Bisagno (Francesco). Trattato della Pittura. Venetia, per li Giunti, 1642. Sm. 8vo. Bischof (J.). See Episcopius (J.). BlSl (Michele). See Gironi (R.). Pinacoteca di Milano. Bizot (Pierre). Histoire metallique de la republique de Hollande. Nouvelle edition. Amsterdam, 1688. 8vo. Plates. Supplement a l'histoire metallique de la republique de Hollande — Theatre d'honneur des heros qui ont sacrifie leurs vies pour la republique. Amsterdam, 1690. 8vo. Plates. BLACK (Charles Christopher). Catalogue of the works of art lent for exhibition to the Bethnal Green Museum by Sir Richard Wallace. See CATALOGUES. Public Collections. London : Bethnal Green Museum. See Michel Angelo Buonarroti. Story of his life. BLACKBURN (Henry). Academy Notes : 1875. See Academies. England. BLACKMORE (Sir Richard). Poetical Works. See POETRY. British Poets ; vol. 28. [Blaeu (Jacques).] Nouveau Theatre du Piemont et de la Savoye, ou Description exacte de leurs villes, palais, eglises, etc. [traduit du Latin par Jacques Bernard]. La Haye, 1725. 2 vols, in four, folio. Plates. Blair (Robert). Poetical Works. See Poetry. British Poets; vol. 58. — The Grave, a Poem. See Blake (W.). ( 28 ) Blair (William). Anthropology : or the natural history of Man, with a comparative view of the structure and functions of animated beings in general. London, 1803. 8vo. Blake (William). YOUNG'S Night Thoughts [with marginal designs by W. Blake]. London, 1797. Folio. The Grave, a poem by Robert Blair, illustrated by 12 etchings, executed by Louis Schiavonetti from the inventions of W. Blake. London, 1808. 4to. Portrait and 12 plates. Life of W. Blake, "pictor ignotus," with selections from his poems and other writings, by the late Alexander GILCHRIST, illustrated from Blake's own works. London, 1863. 2 vols. 8vo. Portrait and plates. See Cumberland (George). Thoughts on Outline, etc. Engravings. See WOLLSTONECRAFT (Mary). Original Stories. Blanc (Charles). See BONNARD (Camille). Costumes historiques. [BLANE (Gilbert).] The Croonian Lecture on Muscular Motion. London, 1790. See Tracts, i vol. 4to. BLOEMAART (Abraham). Sylva Anachoretica iEgypti et Palaestinse, figuris et brevibus vitarum elogiis expressa Abrahamo Blommaert inventore, Boetio a Bolswert sculptore. Antverpice, 16 19. 4to. 50 plates of male and female anchorites. Principes et Etudes de Dessin, graves par B. Picart. A msterdam, 1740. Folio. No title. 120 plates. See BOUCHER (Francois). Blomfield (Bp. C. J.). See yESCHYLUS. BLONDEL (Francois). Resolution des quatres principaux problemes d' Architecture, dediee a Mgr. Colbert. Paris, 1673. — Recueil de plusieurs Traitez de Mathematique de l'Academie Royale des Sciences [par MM. Mariotte, Frenicle, etc.]. Paris, 16—. Folio. 8 plates, large paper ; a Dedication Copy in old red morocco, gilt, g. e. with the Royal Arms on the sides. [BLONDEL (Jean Francois).] Description des Festes donnees par la ville de Paris, a l'occasion du mariage de Madame Louise-Elisabeth de France et de Dom Philippe, Infant d'Espagne, Aout 29 et 30, 1739. Paris, 1740. Folio. 14 plates, drawn and engraved by Blondel, after S alley, Gabriel, Servandoni and Bonneval, including one by Cochin fils, and 2 vignettes. BLONDEL (Marie Michelle). Profils et ornements de Vases executez dans les jardins de Versailles, graves par M. M.B. Paris, chez F. Blondel, s. d. Folio. 24 plates. See (bound up with) BOUCHER (F.). Livre des Cartouches. ( 2 9 ) BLORE (Edward). The Monumental Remains of ^e and eminent persons, comprising the Sepulchral Antiquities of Great Britain en-raved from drawings by Edward Blore, with historical and biographical Illustrations. London, 1826. 4 to. Large paper. 30 plates, proofs on India paper. BLUMENBACH (Jo. Frid.). Decades tres (i.-iii.) Collections suae Craniorum U diversarum gentium illustrate. Getting*, 179^95 . x parts (Plates.).— Ejusd. Prolusio anatomica de sinibus fron- talibus. lb. 1779- {Plates.) 4 parts in one vol. 4 to. Bttindell (Henry). Engravings and Etchings of the principal Statues Busts Bas-reliefs, Sepulchral Monuments Cinerary Urns eic.m the collection of Henry Blundell at Ince. [Privately prTt'ed] iSo 9 . 2 vols, folio. Only 50 copies printed. i& plates, with a portrait inserted. Ttnrrm ^Francesco) Eccellenza della statua del San Giorgio di BOC DonaTeno s e cultore norentino, posta nella facciata di fuon d> Orsan Michele, scritta da M. Fr. Bocchi. Fiorenza ^-Opera d M Fr. Bocchi sopra 1' imagine miracolosa della SS. Nunziata oi Fiorenza. lb. 1592. 2 vols, in one, sm. 8vo. Ra-ionamento sull' eccellenza della statua di S. Giorgio fatta da Dmiatello e posta nella facciata della chiesa di Orsanmichele di Firenze. ,. , . _ .. See Baldinucci (Filippo). Raccolta di alcum Opuscoh. Le Bellezze della citta di Firenze, da Giovanni Cinelli ampliate. Firenze, 1677. Sm. 8vo. BOCCHI (Giovanni). Historica narratio Profectionis et Inaugurations BeMi principum Alberti et Isabellae, Austria, archiducum, et eorSm in Belgium Adventus, rerumque gestarum et memorabi- lium gratulationum, apparatuum, et spectaculorum in ipsorum susceptione et inauguratione hactenus editorum accurata de- spotic, auctore Jo. Bochio. Antverpice, 1602. 2 parts in one vol. folio. 35 plates, by Peter van der Bore/it, etc. BOCK (Franz). Geschichte der liturgischen Gewander des Mittelalters Oder En iteming und Entwicklung der Kirchhchen Orna e und Paramente in Rucksicht auf Stoflf, Gewebe, Farbe, Zeichnung, Schnitt und rituelle Bedeutung nachgewiesen, mit einem Vorworte von Georg Muller. Bonn, 18 59-1 866. 2 vols. 8vo. Plates, many illuminated and coloured. Die Kleinodien des Heil. Romischen Reiches Deutscher Nation, nebst den Kroninsignien Bohmens, Ungarns und der Lombardei, mit kunsthistorischen Erlauterungen von F. Bock. Wien, 1864. 2 vols, folio. Coloured and illuminated plates. Bode (W.). See Galleries. Public. Cassel. [BODONI (G. B.), F. VIEIRA, e F. Rosaspina] Le piu insigni Pitture Parmensi indicate agli amaton delle belle arti [da G ^Bodom Francesco Vieira, e Francesco Rosaspina]. Parma, 1809. First edition. 4to. bo plates. Italian and French text. ( 30 ) Bologna. Arts. See CARRACCI (Annibale). Le Arti di Bologna. See Tamburini (G. B.). Mestieri ed Arti di Bologna. Coronation of Charles V. Breve descrizione della celebre Cavalcata, eseguita in Bologna il di 24 Febrajo, 1530, per la coronazione che fece di Carlo V. il pontefice Clemente VII., nella chiesa di S. Petronio ; da Domenico Ricci detto il Brusasorci disegnata e dipinta nel giro della sala del Palazzo de' conti Ridolfl di Verona, delineata da Giovanni Benini ed incisa da Gioacchino Filidoni, descritta da Gio. Francesco Negri. [S. /., 1791.] Oblong folio, mounted and folded in one vol. 4to. See HOGENBERG (Nicolas). The Procession of Pope Cle- ment VII. and Charles V. after the Coronation at Bologna. Painters (Lives of). See Amorini (A. B.). Vite de' Pittori ed Artefici Bolognesi. See Malvasia (Carlo Cesare). Felsina Pittrice ; Vite de' Pittori Bolognesi. Paintings. Magnani Palace. See CARRACCI (Annibale). Engravings from his pictures in the Magnani Palace. Il Claustro di S. Michele in Bosco. See CARRACCI (Lud.). Palazzo Fava. See CARRACCI. L' Enea Vagante, pitture dei Caracci, dipinte sui muri del Palazzo Fava. Instituto. See TlBALDI (P.). Le Pitture di Pellegrino Tibaldi e di Niccolo Abbati esistenti nell' Instituto di Bologna. PlNACOTECA. See Catalogues. Public Collections. Bologna. See Galleries. Public. Bologna. Public Ceremonies. See above. Coronation of Charles V. See BENACCI (V.). Descrittione degli apparati fatti in Bologna per la venuta di Clemente VIII. II Funerale d' Agostin Carraccio. Sculpture. See GUIZZARDI (G.). Le Sculture delle porte della Basilica di San Petronio in Bologna. See MICHEL Angelo Buonarroti. L' Angelo del Bonarotti che adorna il celebre monumento dell' area di S. Domenico. BOLOGNA (Giovanni da). Rime e versi Latini de Gratiamaria Gratii, sopra il Ratto delle Sabine, scolpito in marmo dall' eccellente Giambologna. Fiorenza, 1584. — Alcune composizioni di diversi autori in lode del Ritratto [Ratto] delle Sabine scolpito in marmo da Giovanni Bologna, posto nella piazza del gran Duca di Toscana. Firenze, 1583. (3 wood engravings, con- sisting of the two groups and the piazza?) 2 vols, in one, 4to. ( 3i ) BOLSWERT (Boethius a). See Bloemaart (Abraham). Sylva Anachoretica. Bombay. See ROUSSELET (L.). L'Inde des Rajahs. BONANNI (Filippo). Descrizione degl' Instrumenti Armonici d' ogni genere. Seconda edizione, riveduta, corretta, ed accresciuta da Giacinto Ceruti, ornata con CXL. rami, incisi d' Arnoldo Wanwesterout. Roma, 1776. 4to. Italian and French text. 193 plates. Bonaparte Gallery. See Galleries. Private. Bonaparte. BONASONE (Giulio). Some Anecdotes of the life of Julio Bonasoni, a Bolognese artist, accompanied by a catalogue of the engravings of that composer, by George CUMBERLAND. London, 1793. 1 2 m o. Fr on tispiece. Bondone (Ambrogio). See Giotto. BONELLUS (Geo.), Liberatus SABBATUS, Nic. MURTELLUS et Const. SABBATUS. Hortus Romanus juxta systema tournefortianum distributus. Romce, 1782-84. 7 vols, folio. Coloured plates. BONI (Onofrio). Dissertazione di Michelangelo Buonarroti. See CHAMBRAY (Roland Freart de). BONIFACCIO (Giovanni). L' Arte de' Cenni, con la quale formandosi favella visibile, si tratta della muta eloquenza. Vicenza, 161 6. 4to. BONINGTON (Richard Parkes). Catalogue de l'ceuvre grave et litho- graphic de R. P. Bonington par Aglaiis Bouvenne. Paris, 1873. 8vo. Portrait. BONNARD (Camille). Costumes des XIIP, XIV e et XV e siecles extraits des monuments les plus authentiques de peinture et de sculpture [dessines et graves par Paul Mercuri], avec un texte historique et descriptif par C. Bonnard. Premiere edition Fran- chise. Paris, 1829-30. 2 vols. 4to. Proofs on India paper. Le meme ouvrage. Nouvelle edition, soigneusement revisee avec une introduction par Charles Blanc. Paris, 1860-67. 5 vols. 4to. Coloured plates. BONNEMAISON (F. de). See Galleries. Private. Berry. BONNERVE de S. Romain (Gio. Gius.). See FONTANA (Carlo). Bonomi (Joseph). The proportions of the Human Figure as handed down to us by Vitruvius, to which is added the method of measuring the figure invented by John Gibson. Londoji, 1872. 8vo. Plates. See Hay (Robert). See Sharpe (Samuel). The Alabaster Sarcophagus of Oimenephthah. ( 32 ) BOOT (Ans. Boece de). Gemmarum et Lapidum Historia, quam olim edidit Anselmus Boetius de Boot, postea Adrianus Tollius recen- suit et illustravit. Tertia editio, cui accedunt Joannis de Laet de Gemmis et Lapidibus libri II., et Theophrasti liber de Lapidibus, Gr. et Lat., cum notis. Lugd. Bat., 1647. 2 v °l s - m one, sm. 8vo. Booth (G.). See DlODORUS SlCULUS. Historical Library. BORCHT (Peter van der). See BOCCHI (G.). Historica narratio profectionis et inaugurationis Belgii Principum Alberti et Isabellse, et eorum in Belgium adventus. BORDIER-MARCET (J. A.). La Parabole soumise a l'art, ou Essai sur la catoptrique de l'eclairage. Paris, 18 19. 8vo. BORDIGA (Gaudenzio). See Ferrari (Gaudenzio). Notizie intorno alle sue opere. BORGHESIANI MONUMENTI. See VlSCONTl (E. Q.). Illustrazioni. BORGHINI (Raffaello). II Riposo [in cui della pittura e della sculp- tura si favella. Con Note di G. G. Bottari], Firenze, 1730. 4to. Frontispiece. BOSCHINI (Marco). La Carta del Navegar, pitoresco Dialogo ; con i argumenti del volonteroso Academico Delfico, con figure. Venetia, 1660. 4to. A description in Venetian dialect of the method of painting employed by the great masters of the Venetian school, and the history of the art in Venice. Portrait and plates. Le ricche Minere della pittura Veneziana da Marco Boschini, non solo delle pitture pubbliche di Venezia, ma dell' isole circon- vicine. Venezia, 1674. First edition. 12 mo. Descrizione di tutte le pubbliche pitture della citta di Venezia e isole circonvicine : colla aggiunta fino al 1733, con un Com- pendio delle vite de' principali pittori [pubbl. da Pietro Bassaglia]. Venetia, 1733. Sm. 8vo. Frontispiece. BOSSE (Abraham). Maniere universelle de Mr. Desargues pour pratiquer la perspective par petit-pied comme le geometral ; par A. Bosse. Paris, 1648. i2mo. Plates. Moyen universel de pratiquer la Perspective sur les tableaux ou surfaces irregulieres. Paris, 1653. i2mo. Plates. De la maniere de graver a l'eau forte et au burin, et de la gravure en maniere noire. Nouvelle edition augmentee [par Cochin]. Paris, 1745. 8vo. 19 plates. BOSSI (Benigno). See Parmegianino. BOSSI (Giuseppe). Del Cenacolo di Leon, da Vinci. See Vinci (Leonardo da). BOTFIELD (Beriah). Catalogue of his Pictures at Norton Hall. See CATALOGUES. Private Collections. Botfield. BOTTANI (Giovanni). Descrizione storica delle pitture del Regio- Ducale Palazzo del Te di Mantova. Mantova, 1783. i2mo. Portrait of Giulio Romano, and 3 plates. ( 33 ) [BOTTARI (Giovanni Gaetano).] Raccolta di Lcttere sulla pittura, scultura, ed architettura scritte da' piu celebri personaggi che in dette arti fiorirono dal sec. XV. al XVII. Roma, 1757-68. 6 vols. sm. 4to. See Borghini (R.). See MUSEUMS. Public. Rome : Museum Capitolinum. See Vasari (Giorgio). Vite. BOUCHARDON (Edme). Suite de sujets dessines d'apres l'antiquc et graves a l'eau forte par le C. de C. termines au burin par J. P. Le Bas. Paris, 1737. Folio. II plates and engraved title. Etudes prises dans le bas peuple, ou les Cris de Paris ; cinq suites. Paris, 1737-46. 5 parts in one vol. folio. 60 plates. Livre de diverses figures d'Academies dessinees d'apres le naturel par E. Bouchardon. Paris, 1738. Folio. 11 plates and engraved title. Premier et second Livre de Vases inventes par Edme Bou- chardon. Paris, chez Huqnier, s. d. Folio. 24 plates. See {bound up with) BOUCHER (F.). Livre des Cartouches. BOUCHER (Francois). Recueil de diverses figures etrangeres inventees par F. Boucher et gravees par F. Ravenel. Paris, chez Huquier, s. d. (12 plates of costumes?). — Six Academy Figures drawn from the life by F. VERDIER. London, n. d. (6 plates.). — Six engravings representing Chinese costumes, drawn by F. Boucher, engraved by Balchon and Aveline le Jeune. Paris, chez Audran, s. d. (6 plates.) In one vol. small folio. Livre des Cartouches inventes par F. Boucher. Paris, chez Huq7iier, s. d. (12 plates cut and mounted.). — Second livre de Fon- taines inventees par F. Boucher. Ibid., s.d. {j plates). — Livre d'Etude d'apres les desseins originaux de Blomart, grave par F. Blondel. Paris, chez Odieuvre, s.d. (12 plates). — Nouveaux Tableaux d'Orne- ments et Rocailles par J. J. de LA JOUE. Paris, chez Huqnier, s. d. (9 plates.). — Livre de Vases inventes par J. J. de la Joue. Ibid., s. d. (6 plates.). — Septieme livre, contenant des Fontaines, inventees par G. M. OPPENORT et gravees par Huquier. Ibid, s. d. (6 plates.). — Sixieme livre contenant des Feux ou grilles d'atre de cheminee inventes par G. M. Oppenort. Ibid., s. d. (Plates.). — Suites des Etudes de G. M. Oppenort. Ibid. (Plates.). — Profils et orne- ments de Vases executez dans les jardins de Versailles, graves par Marie Michelle BLONDEL. Paris, chez F. Blondel, s. d. (24 plates). — Premier et second livres de vases inventes par Edme BOUCHARDON. Paris, chez Huquier, s. d. (24 plates). — Four plates of ecclesiastical jewelry by Horatius Scoppa. Neapoli, 1642. — Opere per Argentieri et altri di Jacomo LAURENTIANI. Romce, 1632. (12 plates). — Designs for vases, etc., drawn and en- graved by J. Damery. Romce, 1657. (19 plates). — Seven plates by Meissonnier, Bouchardon, etc. Together in one vol. folio, the plates all cut ?ip and mounted on drawing paper. BOUCHIER (Lady). See Codrington (Admiral Sir E.). Memoir. D ( 34 ) BOUCHITTE (H.). See POUSSIN (Nicolas). Vie. BOUCHOTTE (M.). Les regies du Dessin et du Lavis. Paris, 1721. 8vo. BOUILLE (Comte L. de). Les Drapeaux Francais, etude historique. Deuxieme edition, augmentee et accompagnee de 123 dessins, Paris, 1875. 8vo. BOURDON (Sebastien). Fourteen plates of Landscapes representing Biblical scenes, drawn and engraved by S. Bourdon. Paris, n. d. Folio. {No title, 14 unnumbered plates.) See {bound up with) Lanfranco (Giov.). Deorum Concilium. BOURNE (John C). Drawings of the London and Birmingham Rail- way, by J. C. Bourne ; with an Account by John Britton. London, 1839. Folio. Plates. BOUTELL (Charles). Monumental Brasses and Slabs : an historical and descriptive notice of the incised monumental memorials of the Middle Ages. London, 1847. 8vo. Plates. English Heraldry, with 450 illustrations by R. B. Utting. London, 1867. i2mo. See Lacombe (P.). Arms and Armour. BOUVENNE (Aglaiis). See BONINGTON (Richard Parkes). CEuvre. BOUZONNET (Antoinette). See Giulio Romano. Bowles (Thomas). Views of London and its Public Buildings, drawn and engraved by Thomas Bowles. London, 1753. Folio. A series of 12 numbered plates. Boyd (H.). See Flaxman (John). Compositions from Dante. BOYDELL (John and Josiah). A Collection of Prints engraved after the most capital Paintings in England, published by John Boydell ; with a description of each picture in English and French. London, 1769-72. Vols. 1-2 {there should be 9 vols.). Folio, no plates. Catalogue of the Pictures in the Shakspeare Gallery. See Catalogues. Private Collections. Boydell. Catalogue of Plates engraved by the most esteemed artists, which compose the stock of J. and J. Boydell. See Catalogues. Private Collections. Boydell. Rivers of England. See [COOMBE (W.)]. History of the Thames. See SHAKESPEARE (William). Dramatic Works ; illustrated. A Collection of Prints, painted for the purpose of illus- trating the Dramatic Works of Shakespeare. Boyer (Abel). Dictionary abridged, French-English and English- French, by J. C. Prieur. Loiidon, 1777. 8vo. ( 35 ) BOYER D'AGUILLES (M.). Recueil d'Estampes d'apres les Tableaux dans son Cabinet. See Galleries. Private. Boyer d'Aguilles. BOYSE (Samuel). Poetical Works. See POETRY. British Poets ; vol. 59. BRADBURY (Henry). On the Security and Manufacture of Bank- notes : a Lecture. London, 1856. 4to. Plates. Branchid^l. See Newton (C. T.) and R. P. PULLAN. Discoveries at Halicar- nassus, Cnidus, and Branchidae. BRANDENBURG (Louisa Henrietta of), wife of Frederick William, the Great Elector. Justa Funebria Electricis Brandenburgicae Ludovicse Austriacae. Sine nota (1667). Oblong 4to. Engraved title and 44 plates by Bartsch. BRANDLING (Henry Charles). Views in the North of France. London, 1 848. Folio. 1 2 plates of architectural subjects. Brandon (Raphael and J. Arthur). The open Timber Roofs of the Middle Ages ; illustrated by drawings of the best varieties of Church Roofs, with descriptive letterpress. London, 1849. 4to. 42 plates. Analysis of Gothick Architecture ; illustrated by upwards of 700 examples of doorways, windows, etc., and accompanied with remarks on the several details of an ecclesiastical edifice. New edition. London, 1858. 2 vols. 4to. Plates. Parish Churches : being perspective views of English eccle- siastical structures, accompanied by plans and descriptions. London, 1858. 2 vols. imp. 8vo. Plates. BRASCASSAT (Jacques-Raymond). Brascassat, sa vie et son ceuvre, par Charles Marionneau. Paris, 1872. 8vo. Portrait and plate. Braun (August Emil). See GRUNER (L.). Specimens of Ornamental Art. Bray (Mrs. A. E.). See Stothard (Thomas). Life. Brayley (Edward Wedlake). See Dayes (Edward). See NEALE (J. P.). The Abbey Church of St. Peter, Westminster. Brenner (Antonio de). See GALLERIES. Public. Vienna. Brenta. Le Delicie della Brenta, o sia Raccolta di Prospettive de' piu bei palazzi, villaggi e casini di campagna, che si veggono sulle due sponde di detto fiume da Padoua sino alia laguna Veneta. Venezia, s. a. 2 vols, in one, oblong folio. 140 plates. BrEs (Louis). See RlCARD (Gustave) et son ceuvre. D 2 ( & ) Brescia. Architecture. See Zamboni (B.). Memorie intorno alle pubbliche fabbriche piu insigni della citta di Brescia. Artists (Lives of). See [Chizzola (Luigi)]. Le Pitture e la Scultura di Brescia. See Gambara (Lattanzio). Memorie della sua vita da F. N. Cristiani ; aggiuntevi brevi notizie intorno a' piu celebri pittori Bresciani. BRETTINGHAM (Matthew). Plans, Elevations, and Sections of Holk- ham, in Norfolk, the seat of the Earl of Leicester, with the Ceilings and Chimney-pieces ; and an Account of the Statues, Pictures, and Drawings. London, 1773. Folio. 69 plates. BREUGHEL (Jan). Giovanni Brueghel, pittor fiammingo, o le sue lettere e quadretti, esistenti presso 1' Ambrosiana ; per Giovanni CRIVELLI. Milano, 1868. 8vo. Facsimiles. BREVAL (John Durant). Remarks on some parts of Europe, relating chiefly to the history, antiquities, and geography of France, the Low Countries, Lorrain, Alsatia, Germany, Savoy, Tyrol, Switzer- land, Italy, and Spain. London, 1726. 2 vols, folio. Large paper. Maps and plates. Brisbane (John). The Anatomy of Painting ; being a new edition on a smaller scale of the six tables of Albinus, with a translation of his history of that work : with the Anatomy of Celsus, the Phy- siology of Cicero, and an Introduction by J. B. London, 1769. Folio. Plates. [Briseux (Charles-Etienne).] Architecture Moderne, ou l'art de bien batir pour toutes sortes de personnes. Paris, 1728. First edi- tion. 2 vols. 4to. 150 plates. Bristol. Cathedral. See Britton (J.). Cathedral Antiquities of Great Britain. Exchange. See Wood (John). Designs for the new Exchange. St. Mary Redcliffe. See Britton (J.). Restoration of the Church of St. Mary Redcliffe, Bristol. British Gallery of Contemporary Portraits. See Taylor (John). British Institution for Promoting the Fine Arts in the United Kingdom : Catalogues of the Exhibitions. See CATALOGUES. Public Collections. London : British Institution. British Museum. See Museums. Public. London : British Museum. British Poets. See Poetry. British Poets. British SCHOOL. Engravings after pictures by artists of the British School. Mounted and arranged in 8 vols, folio. ( 37 ) Britton (John) and A. PUGIN. Architectural Illustrations of the Public Buildings of London ; with historical and descriptive accounts of each edifice. London, 1825. 2 vols. 8vo. Plates. Britton (John). The architectural antiquities of Great Britain, represented and illustrated in a series of views, elevations, etc., of various ancient English Edifices, with accounts of each. London, 1807. Vol. 1. 4to. Plates. Cathedral Antiquities of Great Britain : Salisbury, Norwich, Winchester, York, Lichfield, Oxford, Canterbury, Wells, Exeter, Peterborough, Gloucester, Bristol, Hereford, Worcester. London, 1814-32. 14 parts. 4to. Plates. The Fine Arts of the English School ; illustrated by a series of Engravings, from paintings, sculpture, and architecture, of eminent English artists, with essays ; edited and partly written by John Britton. London, 1812. Folio. Plates. History and Description of Cassiobury Park, Herts, the seat of the Earl of Essex. London, 1837 '. Folio. 22 plates. Dictionary of the Architecture and Archaeology of the Middle Ages, including the words used by ancient and modern authors, and biographical notices of ancient architects, with numerous engravings by J. Le Keux. London, 1838. 8vo. Plates. Restoration of the Church of Saint Mary Redcliffe, Bristol. Bristol, 1842. 4to. Plates. The Authorship of the Letters of Junius elucidated. London, 1848. Royal 8vo. Frontispiece. A descriptive account of the Literary works of John Britton (from 1 800-1 849), being a second part of his autobiogra- phy, by T. E. Jones. London, 1849. Royal 8vo. Plates and woodcuts. London and Birmingham Railway. See Bourne (J. C). — Account of Windsor Castle. See Gandy (M.) and B. Baud. — See PUGIN (Aug.). Specimens of the architecture of Normandy. — Architectural Antiquities. See WILSON (Richard). His paintings and merits. See WYATVILLE (Sir Jeffry). Memoir. BROCKEDON (William). Illustrations of the Passes of the Alps by which Italy communicates with France, Switzerland, and Germany. London, 1828-29. 2 vols, folio. Large paper ; 100 plates and maps, proofs on India paper. - See ROBERTS (D.). Egypt and Nubia. BROCKY (Charles). Sketch of the life of C. Brocky, the artist, by Norman WILKINSON. London, 1870. i2mo. BRODERIP (William John). See OWEN (R.). Memoir of the Dodo. ( 3§ ) Bromley (Robert Anthony). History of the Fine Arts : painting, sculpture, and architecture ; with Observations on the progress of Engraving. London, 1793. Vol. 1 only (Ancient Art). 4to. BRONGNIART (Alexandre). Traite des arts ceramiques ou des poteries, considerees dans leur histoire, leur pratique et leur theorie ; avec Atlas, compose de 9 tableaux, tables, et 60 planches. Paris, 1844. Text, 2 vols. 8vo ; and Plates, oblong 4to. Bronlow (W. R.). See NoRTHCOTE (J. S.) and W. R. Bronlow. Bronzino (Angiolo Allori, detto II). See Allori. Brookes (Warwick). Photographs from original sketches, by Warwick Brookes, 1864-5. Folio. 30 photographs mounted and arranged in one vohune. Broome (William). Poetical Works. See Poetry. British Poets ; vol. 39. BROTHERS (Samuel). Wool and Woollen Manufactures of Great Britain. London, 1859. 8vo. BROWN (Peter). New Illustrations of Zoology, with Description [in English and French]. London, 1776. 4to. Coloured plates. BROWN (Richard). The Rudiments of Drawing Cabinet and Upholstery Furniture. London, 1820. 4to. 25 coloured plates. The principles of practical perspective or scenographic pro- jection, with rules for shadowing and the elements of painting. Second edition. London, 1835. 4to. 50 plates. BROWNLOW (John). Memoranda : or Chronicles of the Foundling Hospital, including Memoirs of Captain Coram. London, 1847. Royal 8vo. Portrait and plates. History and objects of the Foundling Hospital, with a memoir of the founder [Captain Thomas Coram], by John Brownlow. London, 1865. 8vo. Portrait and plates. BRUCE (James). Travels to discover the source of the Nile in 1768-73. Edinburgh, 1790. 5 vols. 4to. Plates. BRUCE (Michael). Poetical Works. See POETRY. British Poets ; vol. 60. Bruhl Gallery. See Galleries. Private. Bruhl. BRUMOY (Pierre). Greek Theatre ; translated by Mrs. Charlotte Lennox. London, 17 59- 3 vols. 4to. BRUNE (Joannes de). Emblemata of Zinne-werck. Amsterdam, 1661. 4to. Etchings of emblems. BRUNELLESCHI (Filippo). Vita di Filippo di Ser Brunellesco, archi- tetto fiorentino, scritta da Filippo BALDINUCCI, con altra in fine di anonimo contemporaneo scrittore, ambedue per la prima volta pubblicate ed illustrate da Domenico Moreni. Firenze, 1812. 8vo. BRUNET (Jacques-Charles). Manuel du Libraire et de l'amateur de Livres. Cinquieme edition. Paris, 1860-65. 6 vols. 8vo. Woodcuts. ( 39 ) BRUNETTI (G.). Ornaments, designed by G. B., engraved by J. Roque ; very useful to painters, sculptors, stone-carvers, wood-carvers, etc. London, 17^6. 4to. No title, ^plates. Bruniquel. See Owen (R.). Description of the Cavern of Bruniquel. BRUNSWICK (Ernestus Augustus, Duke of). See ALBERTI (G. M.). Giuochi festivi e militari esposti in Venetia. Brunswick Gallery. See GALLERIES. Public. Brunswick. Bruti (Ottavio Revesi). New and accurate method of delineating all the parts of the different orders in Architecture by means of a well-contriv'd instrument. English'd by Thomas Malie. London, 172)7- Folio. 51 plates. BRUVN (Abrahamus). Habitus variarum Orbis gentium — Habitz des nations estrages — Trachten mancherley Volcker des Erds- kreysz. Sine loco, 1581. Oblong folio. 3 portraits and a series of 62 plates of costumes. Omnium pene Europae, Asiae, Aphricae atque Americae gen- tium habitus — Habits de diverses nations, etc. — Trachtenbuch der furnembsten nationen und Volcker u. s. w. Michael Colyn excudit [1581]. {Engraved title and 58 plates). — Exhibemus hoc libello Rom. Pontificis, Episcoporum, Monachorum aliorumque Sacerdotum, Imagines. Antivcrpia, 3 August i, 1581, Michael Colyn excudebat. {Engraved title and 19 plates) 2 parts in one vol. oblong folio. Diversarum gentium Armatura equestris, ubi fere Europas, Asiae atque Africae, equitandi ratio propria expressa est Abrahamo Bruyno excide. [Sine nota.] 4to. Engraved title and dedication, and 50 plates of horsemen. Bryan (Michael). A biographical and critical Dictionary of Painters and Engravers. New edition, revised and enlarged by George Stanley. Loudon, 1865. Royal 8vo. Portrait. See Ottley (Henry). Dictionary of recent and living Painters ; forming a supplement to Bryan. Bryant (Jacob). A new system or an analysis of Ancient My- thology. London, 1774. 2 vols. 4to (vol. 3 wanting). Plates. BRYNE (W.). See Hearne (T.). Buchanan (W.). Memoirs of Painting ; with a chronological history of the importation of pictures by the great masters into England since the French Revolution. London, 1824. 2 vols. 8vo. Buckingham Palace. Gallery. See CATALOGUES. Private Collections. Buckingham Palace. See Galleries. Private Collections. Buckingham Palace. Garden Pavilion. See Gruner (L.). Decorations of the Garden Pavilion. ( 40 ) BUCKLER (John). Views in Richmondshire. See Turner (J. M. W.). BURGER (Gottfried Augustus). Leonora. See MACLISE (Daniel). BURGER (W.). Etudes sur les peintres Hollandais et Flamands : Galerie Suermondt a Aix-la-Chapelle. See CATALOGUES. Private Collections. Suermondt. BULENGER, S. J. (Julius Caesar). De Pictura, plastice, statuaria libri duo. Lugduni, 1627. Sm. 8vo. BunnEtt (Fanny Elizabeth). See LiJBKE (W.). History of Sculpture. See Michel Angelo. Life by H. Grimm. BUNYAN (John). Pilgrim's Progress. See SELOUS (H. C). Buonarroti. See Michel Angelo Buonarroti. BURCH, R.A. (Edward). Catalogue of 100 proofs from gems engraved in England by E. B. London, 1795. 4to. BURCKHARDT (Jacob). See KUGLER (Franz). Burger. See Buerger. B[URGESS] (J.). See Piles (Roger de). BURGMAIER (Hans). Images de Saints et Saintes issus de la famille de l'empereur Maximilien I., en une suite de 119 planches gravees en bois par differens graveurs d'apres les dessins de Hans Burg- maier. Vienne, 1799. Folio. 119 wood engravings. See TEWRDANNCK. See TREITZSAURWEIN (Marx). Der Weiss Kunig. Kaiser Maximilian's Triumph. BURNET (John). Practical Hints on Composition in Painting ; illus- trated by examples from the great masters of the Italian, Flemish, and Dutch schools. London, 1822. 4to. Plates on India paper. Practical Hints on Colour in Painting ; illustrated by examples from the works of the Venetian, Flemish, and Dutch schools. London, 1835. 4to. Coloured plates. Practical Hints on Light and Shade in Painting ; illustrated by examples from the Italian, Flemish, and Dutch schools. London, 1838. 4to. Plates. Essay on the education of the eye with reference to Painting ; illustrated by copperplates and woodcuts. London, 1839. 4to. Practical Essays on various branches of the Fine Arts, with a critical Inquiry into the principles and practice of Sir David Wilkie. London, 1848. i2mo. Frontispiece. ( 41 ) BURNET CTohn). Practical Hints on Portrait Painting ; illustrated by examples from the works of Vandyke and other masters. London, 1850. 4to. Plates. The progress of a Painter in the nineteenth century, containing conversations and remarks upon Art. London, 1854. 2 vols, in one, 1 2 mo. Landscape Painting in Oil Colours ; illustrated by examples from the different schools. Re-edited, with an Appendix by Henry Murray. London, 1861. 4to. Plates. See GALLERIES. Public. London : National Gallery. , See Rembrandt V. RhiJN (P. G.) and his Works. See Reynolds (Sir Joshua) and his Works. Discourses. Life, by W. Cotton. See TURNER (J. M. W.) and his Works. BURNS (Robert). Cottar's Saturday Night ; illustrated by members of the Royal Association for the Promotion of the Fine Arts in Scotland. See Scotland. Poetical Works See POETRY. British Poets ; vols. 75 and 76. BURR (Mrs. Higford). See Arundel Society. Butler (Samuel). Poetical Works. See POETRY. British Poets ; vols. 21 and 22. BUTRON (Juan de). Discursos apologeticos en que se defiende la ingenuidad del arte de la Pintura. Madrid, 1626. Sm. 4to. BYRES* (James). Hypogaei, or sepulchral caverns of Tarquinia, the capital of ancient Etruria. Edited by Frank Howard. London, n. d. Folio. Plates. ( 42 ) CACIALLI (Giuseppe). Collezione dei disegni di nuove fabbriche e ornati fatti nella Regia Villa del Poggio Imperiale proposti e diretti da G. C. Parte prima. — Parte seconda, la quale contiene i disegni dei nuovi ornamenti aggiunti e da aggiungersi all' I. e R. Palazzo Pitti. Firenze, 1823. 2 parts in one vol. folio. Italian and French text. 69 plates. Cadachio. See RAILTON (W.). The newly discovered Temple at Cadachio in Corfu. CADART (A.). Catalogue complet d'Eaux-fortes, qui se vendent chez A. C. See CATALOGUES. Private Collections. Cadart. Cadorin (Giuseppe). Dello amore ai Veneziani di Tiziano. See Tiziano. Cagliari, detto Veronese (Paolo). See JACKSON (J. B.). Titiani Vecelii, Pauli Caliarii, etc. Opera selectiora. Callcott (Maria, Lady). Essays towards the History of Painting. London, 1836. 12 mo. A Scripture Herbal. London, 1842. Square 8vo. Woodcuts. Description of Giotto's Chapel. See Giotto. See POUSSIN (Nicolas). Memoirs. Calliat (Victor). H6tel-de-Ville de Paris, mesure, dessine, grave et publie par V. Calliat. Edition originale. Paris, 185 1. Folio. 27 plates. CALLISTRATUS. Les Statues de Callistrate. See Philostrati. CALLOT (Jacques). WORKS. [Les miseres de la guerre.] De droeve Ellendigheden van den Oorloogh seer aerdigh en konstigh afgebeeldt door Jaques Callot en in druck uytgegeuen door Gerret van Schagen. Leon. Schenk excudit. Sine nota. Oblong 4-to. 18 numbered plates. Martyrium Apostolorum. Callot fecit, Israel excudit. [S. I. et a.] Oblong 4to. 14 figures on 7 plates. Life. Jacques Callot ; sa vie et son ceuvre par Arsene HOUSSAYE : 10 eaux-fortes de Callot. Paris, s. d. 4to. 10 etchings. Recherches sur la vie et les ouvrages de Jacques Callot ; suite au Peintre-graveur Francais de Robert-Dumesnil par Edouard Meaume. Paris, i860. 2 vols. 8vo. Facsimiles. Calmet (Augustin). Dictionary of the Holy Bible ; translated by Samuel D'Oyly and John Colson. London, 1732. 3 vols, folio. Plates. CALVI (Jacopo Alessandro). See GUERCINO da Cento (G. F. Barbieri, detto II). Vita. See RAIBOLINI (Francesco). Memorie. ( 43 ) Cambridge. Testimonies of different authors respecting the colossal statue of Ceres, in the Public Library at Cambridge, with an account of its removal from Eleusis. Cambridge, 1803. Svo. Front. CAMDEN (William). Britannia : or a ch orographic^ description of Great Britain and Ireland, translated into English. Second edition, revised, digested with large additions by Edmund Gibson London, 1722. 2 vols, folio. Large paper. Portrait, maps, and plates. CAMERARIUS (Joachim). See DURER (Alb.). De syrhetria partium. Cameron (Julia M.). See BURGER (G. A.). Leonora. Camille de Geneve (M.). See GALLERIES. Public. St. Petersburg : Hermitage. CAMOENS (Luis de). The Lusiad : an epic poem. Transl. from the Portuguese by William Julius Mickle. London, i 79 S. 2 vols. Svo. Campanari (Secondiano). Antichi Vasi dipinti della collezione Feoli descritti da S. C. Roma, 1837. Svo. CAMPBELL (Colin), Woolfe (John), and Gandon (James). Vitruvius Britannicus ; or the British Architect Containing the plans, eleva- tions, and sections of the regular buildings, both pubhck and private, in Great Britain, with variety of new designs. London, I 7 I 5~7 I - 5 vols, folio. Plates. See RICHARDSON (Geo.). The New Vitruvius Britannicus. CAMPEN (Jacob van). Af bedding van't Stadt-Huys van Amsterdam in dertigh Coopere Plaaten geordineert dooi - J v C Amstei *7 plates. - Compositions of the "Acts of Mercy," drawn by J. Flaxman, engraved by F. C. Lewis. L.ondon, 1 831. Oblong folio. % plates. - Anatomical Studies of the bones and muscles, for the use of artists, from drawings by J. F., engraved by Henry Landseer ; with two additional plates ; and explanatory notes by William Robertson. London, 1833. Folio. 21 plates and portrait. - The Shield of Achilles, by John Flaxman, engraved by A. R. Freebairn. London [n. d.]. Folio. 7 plates and portrait. ( 107 ) Flaxman, R.A. (John). Works. The Drawings of Flaxman in the Gallery of University College, London. Autotype reproductions from the frames, in thirty-two plates, with descriptions and an introductory essay on the life and genius of Flaxman by Sidney COLVIN. London, 1876. Folio. 32 plates. ■ See Milton (John). Latin and Italian Poems. Writings. Lectures on Sculpture delivered at the Royal Academy. Second edition, to which are now first added an Introductory Lecture and two addresses to the R. A. on the death of Thomas Banks, and of Antonio Canova, with an Address on the death of Flaxman by Sir Richard Westmacott. With 52 plates. London, 1838. 8vo. Letter to the Committee for raising the Naval Pillar or Monument. London, 1799. 4to. Frontispiece. See Tracts, i vol. 4to. [FlEchier (Esprit).] See [Perrault (Ch.)]. Courses de Testes et de Bague. FLEMISH School of Painting. See Flanders. FLETCHER (Samuel). Emblematical Devices, with appropriate mottos, collected by S. Fletcher, drawn and etched by B. A. Van Assen. London, 18 10. 4to. 64 plates. Florence. Academy. Collezione dei Progetti d' Architettura premiati nei grandi concorsi triennali dall' Accad. delle Belle Arti in Firenze, pubblicati per cura di Leopoldo Pasqui, Cammillo Lapi, Pietro Passed, ed incisi da Angelo Cappiardi. Firenze, 1828. Folio. ^plates and engraved title. Descrizione dell' Accademia delle Belle Arti di Firenze. See CATALOGUES. Public Collections. Florence. Galleria dell' Accademia delle Belle Arti di Firenze. See GALLERIES. Public. Florence. Architecture. See BOCCHI (Fr.). Le Bellezze della citta di Firenze. See MAYER (E.). La facciata del Duomo di Firenze. See Rossi (G. J.). La Libreria Mediceo-Laurenziana. See RUGGIERI (F.). Studio d' Architettura Civile tratto da alcune fabbriche insigni di Firenze. See TASSINARI (G.). La nuova facciata della Cattedrale Fiorentina. See Zocchi (G.). Vedute delle principali contrade, piazze, chiese e palazzi di Firenze. ( ioS ) Florence. Gallery. See [Bencivenni (G.)]. Saggio istorico dclla R. Galleria di Firenze. See [Campiglia (G. D.)]. Ritratti de' piu celcbri professori di pittura esistenti nella Galleria di Firenze. See Catalogues. Public Collections. Florence. See Galleries. Public. Florence. Museum. See Museums. Public. Florence. Painting. Photographs of Drawings after the old masters preserved at Florence. Folio. 22 photographs. See ANGELICO (Fra). S. Marco, Convcnto dei Padri Predicatori in Firenze illustrato nei dipinti del B. Giovanni Angelico. La Vita di Gesu Cristo, dagli originali che si con- servano nella Galleria Fiorentina. See CORTONA (P. Berrettini da). Heroicae virtutis Imagines quas P. Berrettinus Corton. pinxit Florentine in aedibus Ducis Hetruriae in tribus cameris. See ETRURIA (L') Pittrice. See Layard (A. H.). The Brancacci Chapel, and Masolino Masaccio and Filippo Lippi. See MASACCIO. Engravings from pictures formerly in the Church of the Carmelites at Florence. See Ottley (W. Y.). Plates engraved after the most eminent masters of the early Florentine school. See Vasari (G.). Ragionamenti sopra le inventioni da lui dipinte in Firenze, nel Palazzo di loro Altezze Serenissime. Pitti Palace. See CACIALLI (G.). Disegni di fabbriche e ornati fatti nella regia Villa del Poggio Imperiale, e disegni di nuovi ornamenti aggiunti alio palazzo Pitti. See Catalogues. Public Collections. Florence : Pitti. See Galleries. Public. Florence : Pitti. — — - Sculpture. See BOCCHI (Francesco). Eccellenza della statua del San Giorgio di Donatello nella facciata d' Orsan Michele. See BOLOGNA (Giovanni da). II Ratto delle Sabine, posto nella piazza del granduca di Toscana. See Ghiberti (Lorenzo). The Gates of the Baptistery of St. John in Florence. See PlERACClNl (F.). II Pergamo, scolpito in marmo da Benedetto da Majano nella chiesa di Santa Croce di Firenze. ( log ) Florence. Sculpture. See Pieraccini (F.). II Tabernacolo dclla Madonna d* Orsan Michele. . La Piazza del granduca di Firenze co' suoi monument!. See [Valo'ri (F.)]. Termini di mezzo relievo e d' intera dottrina, tra gli archi di casa Valori. FLORI (Francesco). See NiCOLAl (Nicolo de'). Navigationi et Viaggi. FORSTER (Karl). See Raphael. Life. FOGGINIUS (Nic). See Museums. Public. Rome : Museum Capitolmum. Fokke (Simon). See ANNE, Princess of Orange. Convoi funebre, 1759- FOLEY, R.A. (John Henry). The Works of J. H. Foley , R.A., sculptor, with critical and illustrative notes, by W. Cosmo Monk- house. London \n. d.]. 4to. Plates. FOLKES (Martin). Tables of English silver and gold coins Reprinted with plates and explanations by the Society of Antiquaries. London, 1763. 4to. 67 plates. Fontaine (Pierre Francois Leonard). See PERCIER (Charles). FONTAINEBLEAU. . See PFNOR (R.). Monographic du palais de Pontainebleau. FONTANA (Carlo). II Tempio Vaticano e sua origine con gli edifitii piu cospicui antichi e moderni fatti dentro e fuon di esso, opera tradotta in lingua latina da Gio. Gius. Bonnerue de S. Romain. Roma, 1694. Folio. Latin and Italian text. 79 plates. Utilissimo Trattato dell' Acque Correnti, con diversi am- maestramenti intorno al modo di far condotti, fistole, bottim, ed altro, con una notizia di tutto quello clV e stato opera to intor no alia conduttura dell' acqua di Bracciano. Roma, 1696. _ [Plates.). -Antio e sue Antichita dalla porta di S. Giovanni ai Volsci in vicinanza del Nuovo Porto da C. F. Roma, i/io.-Discorso sopra 1' antico Monte Citatorio situato nel Campo Marzio da C. P. Roma, 1708. In one vol. folio. L'Anfiteatro Flavio descritto e delineato. Nell' Haia, 1725. Folio. 24 plates FONTANA (Domenico). Delia trasportatione dell' Obelisco Vaticano e delle Fabbriche di Sisto V. fatte da D. F. Libro pnmo. Roma, 1590. First edition. Folio. 37 plates and engraved title. FONTANA (J. A.). See MUSEUMS. Public. Vienna : Ambras. FoRSTER (Karl). See Foerster (K.). ( no ) FoRTNUM (C. Drury E.). Descriptive Catalogue of the Maiolica, Hispano-moresco, Persian, Damascus, and Rhodian wares in the South Kensington Museum. See Catalogues. Public Collections. London : S. K. Museum. Foster (Mrs. Jonathan). See Vasari (Giorgio). Lives of Painters, Sculptors, etc., translated. FOULIS (Robert). A catalogue of Pictures, composed and painted chiefly by the most admired masters of the Roman, Florentine, Parman, Bolognese, Venetian, Flemish, and French schools. London, 1776. 3 vols. i2mo. Foundling Hospital. See BROWNLOW (J.). History of the Foundling Hospital. Fournier (Daniel). Treatise of the theory and practice of Perspective. Second edition. London, 1764. 4to. 51 plates. Fox (Colonel A. Lane). Catalogue of his Anthropological Collection. See Museums. Public. London : Bethnal Green. Fox (Lady Mary). See Friendly Contributions for 1842. Fra Angelico. See Angelico da Fiesole (Fra Giovanni). France. Academy. Collection de sujets qui ont remporte le grand prix de l'Academie dArchitecture. Paris, 1792-1801. Folio. No title. A scries of 50 unnumbered plates. See Academies. France. Antiquities. See LENOIR (Alex.). Musee des Monuments Francais. See MONTFAUCON (B. de). Monuments de la Monarchic Franchise. Architecture. See Androuet du Cerceau (Jacques). Les plus excellents Bastiments de France. See Dumont (G. P. M.). Parallele de plans des plus belles salles de spectacles d'ltalie et de France. See Pugin (A. W. N.). Details of antient timber houses of the XVth and XVIth centuries. See Rouyer (E.) et A. Darcel. LArt architectural en France depuis Francois I er jusqu'a Louis XIV. See Sauvageot (Claude). Palais, Chateaux, Hotels et Maisons de France du XV e au XVIII e siecle. See Shaw (R. N.). Architectural Sketches ; a series of views and details from France, Italy, and Germany. See Silvestre (Israel). Vues des maisons royales et particulieres de la France. See Tappen (G.). Modern buildings of France and Italy. See Viollet-le-Duc (E. E.). Dictionnaire raisonne de l'architecture Francaise du XI e au XVI e siecle. ( III ) France. Art (History of). See Adams (G. L.). Recueil de Sculptures Gothiques construites en France depuis le XI e jusqu'au XV e siecle. See Archives Nouvelles de l'Art Francais. See BERARD (A.). Dictionnaire biographique des artistes francais du XI I e au XVI I e siecle. Catalogo de' capi d' opera trasportati dall' Italia in Francia. See Italy. See DUMESNIL (J.). Histoire des plus celebres Amateurs. See Edwards (Edward). Catalogue of the Medals struck in France and its dependencies 1 789-1 830, in the B. M. Galerie de la Duchesse de Berry. Ecole Francaise ; Peintres modernes. See Galleries. Private Collections. Berry. See Green (V.). Review of the Polite Arts in France, 1782. See Lenoir (Alex.). Monuments des Arts liberaux, mecaniques, et industriels de la France depuis les Gaulois jusqu'a Francois I. See Parrocel (Etienne). Annales de la Peinture, contenant l'histoire des ecoles d'Avignon, d'Aix, et de Marseille, precedees de 1'historique des peintres du midi de la France. See ROBERT-DUMESNIL (A. P. F.). Le Peintre-graveur Francais. See Smith (John). Catalogue Raisonne. See VlOLLET-LE-Duc (E. E.). Dictionnaire raisonne du Mobilier Francais de l'epoque carlovingienne a la renaissance. See Willemin (N. X.). Monuments Francais inedits pour servir a l'histoire des Arts. Costume. See LACROIX (Paul). XVI II e Siecle : Institutions, Usages et Costumes, France, 1700-89. See [LamEsangEre (P. de)]. Galerie Francaise de Femmes celebres. See Lewis (G. R.). Groups illustrating the people of France and Germany. See MOLTZHEIM (A. de). L'Artillerie Francaise, costume, uniformes, materiel. See QuiCHERAT (J.). Histoire des Costumes en France. See Willemin (N. X.). Monuments Francais inedits pour servir a l'histoire des arts. Military. See BouillE (Comte L. de). Les Drapeaux Frangais. See Moltzheim (A. de). L'Artillerie Franchise. Portraits. Portraits des grands hommes, femmes illustres et sujets memorables de France graves et imprimes en couleurs. Paris, ches Blin, \s. d.~\. 4to. Engraved title and coloured plates. See [LamEsangEre (P. de)]. Galerie francaise de femmes celebres. See Vulson (Marc de). Les Portraits des Hommes illustres Francois. ( »2 ) France. Views. See Batty (R.). French Scenery. See Brandling (H. C). Views in the north of France. See George (Ernest). Etchings on the Loire and in the south of France. See Millin (A. L.). Voyage dans les departements du midi de la France. See Turner (J. M. W.). Liber Fluviorum. See Weirotter (F. E.). CEuvre ; paysages. Francia (Francesco Raibolini, detto II). See Raibolini (Francesco). Francis (Philip). Translation of Horace. See POETICAL Translations. See Poetry. British Poets ; vols. 97 and 98. Francklin (Thomas). See Sophocles. Tragedies. Franco (Giacomo). Habiti d' Huomeni et Donne Venetiane con la Processione della Ser"' a Signoria et altri particolari, cioe Trionfi, Feste et Cerimonie Publiche della cittadi Venetia. Venctia(\6io). Folio. 25 plates and engraved title. Francucci (Innocenzo). Sulle pitture d' Innocenzo Francucci da Imola, Discorsi tre di Pietro Giordani. Milano, 18 19. 8vo. Frankfort on the Main. Verzeichniss der Gemalde-Sammlung des stadelschen Kunst- instituts zu Frankfurt am Main. See Catalogues. Public Collections. Frankfort on the Main. See Matthias, Emperor of Germany. Election et couronne- ment a Francfort. See Passavant (J. D.). Kunstreise. Franks (Augustus Wollaston). A Book of ornamental Glazing Quarries, collected and arranged from ancient examples. London, 1849. 8vo. Colonred plates. Fratrel (Joseph). La Cire alliee avec l'Huile ou la peinture a l'Huile-Cire, trouveea Manheim par M. Charles baron de Tauben- heim. Manheim, 1770. i2mo. FrEart, Sieur de Chambray (Roland). See Chambray (R. F. Sr. de). Freebairn (Alfred Robert). See Flaxman (J.). Free Society of Artists. See Catalogues. Public Collections. London : Free Society of Artists. French (George Russell). See Catalogues. Public Coll. London : Ironmongers' Hall. Frenicle (M.). See Blondel (F.). ( H3 ) Frenzel (Johann Gottfried Abraham). Galerie de Dresde. See Galleries. Public. Dresden. Freval (J. B. de). See Pluche (N. A.). FREZZA (Joan. Hier.). See Albani (Fr.) et S. Badaloccii Picture. FRIEDERICHS (Carl). Berlins antike Bildwerke.— I. Die Gypsabgiisse im Neuen Museum, in historischer Folge : Bausteine zur Geschichte der griechisch-romischen Plastik. — II. Gerathe und Broncen im Alten Museum : Kleinere Kunst und Industrie im Alterthum. Dusseldorf, 1868-71. 2 vols. 8vo. FRIENDLY Contributions for 1842. The Country House (with Designs), edited by Lady Mary Fox. London, 1843. 4to. Plates. FRITSCH (John Frederick). See LAIRESSE (Gerhard van). Friuli. See Maniago (Fabio di). Storia delle Belle Arti Friulane. FRONTINUS (Sextus Julius). De Strategematis Libri. See Vegetius. De Re Militari. FUCHS (Johann Nepomuk von). On Water-Glass (soluble alkaline silicate) including a process of Stereochromic Painting ; translated. London, 1859. 8vo. Fuessli (J. C). See MENGS (Anton Raphael). FUGGER FAMILY. Contrafehe der Herrn Fugger und Frawen Fuggerin, wollche in disem geschlecht geporen worden oder zu dem selben sich ehelich verpflichtet haben. Augspnrg, 1620. Folio. Engraved title, coat-of-arms, and 129 plates of portraits. FULCHER (George Williams). See Gainsborough (Thomas). Life. FUSELI, R.A. (Henry). Lectures on Painting, delivered at the Royal Academy, with additional observations and notes. London, 1801-20. 2 vols. 4to. Portrait and engravings. The life and writings [Lectures on Art and Painting, Aphorisms, History of Art in the schools of Italy] of Henry Fuseli ; the former written, and the latter edited by John Knowles. London, 1 83 1. 3 vols. 8vo. See Shakespeare (William). Plays. ( iH ) GABBIANI (Antonio Uomenico). Raccolta di cento pensieri diversi di A. D. Gabbiani [colla sua Vita] ; fatti intagliare in rame da Ignazio Enrico Hugford. Firenze, 1762. Folio. 100 tinted plates and portrait. Gachet (Emile). Lettres inedites dc Rubens. See Rubens (P. P.). Gaetani (Pietro Antonio, conte de'). See Museums. Private. Museum Mazzuchcllianum. Gailhabaud (Jules). L'Architecture du V c au XVII C siccle ct les arts qui en dependent, la Sculpture, la Peinture Murale, la Peinture sur Verre, la MosaTque, la Ferronerie, etc., publics d'apres les travaux inedits des principaux architectes frangais ct etrangers par J. G. Paris, 1869-72. 4 vols, folio. Plates; some illuminated. Gaillard (F.). See THORVALDSEN (Bertel). Vic ; par E. Plon. GAINSBOROUGH, R.A. (Thomas). Studies of Figures by Gainsborough, executed in exact imitation of the originals by Richard Lane. London, 1825. Folio. Large paper. J^lates. Selected Works, consisting of one hundred engravings from his choicest works. London [n. d.\ Parts 1 to . Folio. Plates. Sketch of the life and paintings of T. Gainsborough by Philip THICKNESSE. London, 1788. i2mo. Life of T. Gainsborough by the late George Williams FULCHER, edited by his son. London, 1856. i2mo. opiates. Galiani (Berardo, Marchese). See Vitruvius. L' Architettura di Vitruvio. Galle (Theodor). See NORBERTUS (S-). Vita. Galleries. Private. Aguado. Galerie Aguado : choix des principaux Tableaux dc la Galerie du Marquis de las Marismas del Guadalquivir, par Charles Gavard, notices sur les peintres par Louis Viardot. Paris [s. d.]. Folio. Engraved title and 3 5 plates. No letterpress. ALTHORP. See Dibdin (T. F.). ^Edes Althorpianae. Angerstein. Catalogue de la collection celebre de Tableaux de feu Jean Jules Angerstein [now in the National Gallery] contenant une gravure de chaque tableau, et accompagncc de notices par Jean Young. Londrcs, 1829. 4to. 41 etchings. French and English text. Bernal. See Catalogues. Private Collections. Bernal. Berry. Galerie de la Duchesse de Berry. Ecole Francaise ; Peintres modernes. Ouvrage lithographie sous la direction de F. dc Bonnemaison. Paris, 1822. 2 vols, folio. 120 plates. Bevilacqua. See Valesi (Dion.). Varie fabriche di Verona — alcunc statue e busti della Gallcria Bevilacqua. ( "5 ) Galleries. Private. Blundell. See Blundell (Henry). The Collection at Ince. Bonaparte. Choix de Gravures a l'eau-forte, d'apres les peintures originales et les marbres de la Galerie de Lucien Bonaparte. Londres, G. Miller, 1812. Folio. 142 plates. BOTFIELD. See CATALOGUES. Private Collections. Botfleld. BOYDELL. See Catalogues. Private Collections. Boydell. Boyer d'Aguilles. Recueil d'Estampes d'apres les tableaux des peintres qui sont a Aix dans le cabinet de M. Boyer d'Aguilles gravees par Jacques Coelemans d'Anvers, avec une description de chaque tableau [par P. J. Mariette]. Paris, 1744. 2 parts folio. nd> plates, first proofs before members. Bridgewater. See Galleries. Private. Stafford. Bruhl. Recueil d'Estampes, gravees d'apres les Tableaux de la Galerie et du Cabinet du Comte de Bruhl. i e partie [la seule publiee]. Dresde, 1754. Folio. Portrait and 50 plates. Buckingham Palace. The Royal Gallery of Pictures, being a selection of the Cabinet Paintings in Her Majesty's Private Collection at Buckingham Palace. Published under the superintendence of John Linnell. London, 1850. 4 to. Engraved dedication, descriptive text, and 32 plates. See also Catalogues. Private Coll. Buckingham Palace. Choiseul. Recueil d'Estampes gravees d'apres les tableaux du cabinet de Monseigneur le Due de Choiseul, par les soins de Francois Basan. Paris, 1771. 4to. 127 plates. Clumber. See CATALOGUES. Private Collections. Clumber. COESVELT. Collection of Pictures of W. G. Coesvelt, of London ; with an Introduction by Mrs. Jameson. London, J. Carpenter and Son, 1 8 36. 4to. Engraved title and 90 plates. Crozat. Recueil d'Estampes d'apres les plus beaux Tableaux et d'apres les plus beaux desseins qui sont en France, dans les cabinets du Roy, le Due d'Orleans, etc. [connu sous le nora de Cabinet de Crozat] divise suivant les differentes ecoles, avec une description de chaque tableau [par P. J. Mariette]. Paris, 1729-42. 3 parts in 2 vols, folio. Plates. Le meme. [Seconde edition.] Paris, 1763. 2 vols- folio. Plates. Derby. See Galleries. Private. Knowsley. 1 2 ( n6 ) Galleries. Private. DORIA. See CATALOGUES. Private Collections. Doria. Farnese. Galleriae Farnesianae Icones Romae in aedibus Ducis Parmensis ab Annibale Carraccio coloribus exprcssac. Sec Carracci (Annibale). Farnese and Fa r n esi n a . Sec CATALOGUES. Private Collections. Farnese Fawkes. See CATALOGUES. Private Collections. Fawkes. Fesch. See CATALOGUES. Private Collections. Fesch. Finden. The Royal Gallery of British Art. Loudon, J. Hogarth, \n. d.\. 2 vols, folio. 48 proof s on India paper. Gerini. Raccolta di stampc rappresentanti i Quadri piii scelti de' sigg. Marchesi Gerini. Fircnze, 1759. Vol. 1, folio (vol. 2 wanting). French and Italian text. 40 plates. GlUSTINIANL Sec LANDON (C. P.). Annales du Musec. GlUSTINIANL Galeria Giustiniana del Marchcse Vinccnzo Giustiniani. Roma, 1640. 2 vols, folio. 322 plates {of antique statuary); first impressions before the numbers. Grosvenor House. Catalogue of the pictures at Grosvenor House, London ; with Etchings from the whole collection, and historical notices : by John Young. London, 1821. 4to. Plates. Grove House. See CATALOGUES. Private Collections. Grove House. Hercolani. See Hercolani (Marchese Filippo). Houghton. A set of Prints, after the paintings in the collection of the Empress [Catharine] of Russia, lately in the possession of the Earl of Orford, at Houghton [now in the Hermitage, St. Peters- burg], with plans. London, J. Boydell, 1788. Vol. 1 (vol. 2 wanting), folio. 60 plates. English and French text. Knowsley. Engravings of some pictures at Knowsley, by Hamlet Winstanley and others. [Loudon, 1728-29.] Folio. 20 plates and engraved dedication. See also Catalogues. Private Collections. Knowsley. Lawrence. Lawrence Gallery : a series of facsimiles of original Drawings by M. Angelo Buonarotti, selected from the collection formed by Sir Thomas Lawrence. London, 1853. (31 plates.). — Lawrence Gallery : facsimiles of original Drawings by Raffaelle da Urbino, selected from the collection formed by Sir T. Lawrence. lb., 1841. (30 plates.) 2 vols, folio bound in one. ( H7 ) Galleries. Private. Leicester. Catalogue of a collection of Paintings by British Artists, in the possession of Sir John Fleming Leicester [afterwards Baron de Tabley], by William Carey ; with occasional remarks by Sir Richard Colt Hoare. London, 1819. 8vo. Frontispiece. Catalogue of Pictures by British Artists, in the possession of Sir John Fleming Leicester, Bt., with Etchings from the whole collection, including the pictures in his gallery at Tabley House, Cheshire, and accompanied with notices by John Young. London, 1825. 4to. 69 etchings. Leigh Court. Catalogue of the pictures at Leigh Court, near Bristol, the seat of Philip John Miles, with etchings, accompanied with notices : by John Young. London, 1822. 4to. 81 plates. Leigh Park. Notices [including the Pictures] of the Leigh Park estate, near Havant, [the seat of Sir George Thomas Staunton, Bt.]. London, 1836. 8vo. Frontispiece. Leopold William of Austria. Le Grand Cabinet des Tableaux de l'Archi-duc Leopold- Guillaume, peints par des maitres italiens et dessines par David Teniers, dit le Vieux, et graves sous sa direction. Amsterdam, 1755. Folio. Portrait and 245 plates. Leuchtenberg. Gemalde-Sammlung des Herzogs von Leuchtenberg in Miinchen, in Umrissen gestochen von J. N. Muxel. Zweite Ausgabe mit umgearbeitetem Texte von J. D. Passavant. Frankfurt am Main, 185 1. 4to. 262 plates engraved in outline. See also CATALOGUES. Private Collections. Leuchtenberg. LlCHTENSTEIN. See CATALOGUES. Private Collections. Lichtenstein. London. See JAMESON (Mrs. A.). Private Galleries of Art in London. Longford Castle. See CATALOGUES. Private Collections. Longford Castle. ORFORD. See Galleries. Private. Houghton. Orleans. See GALLERIES. Public. Paris : Palais Royal. Pembroke. See GALLERIES. Private. Wilton House. Pereire. Galeriede MM. Pereire ; Catalogue des Tableaux de diverses ecoles dont la vente aura lieu, Mars, 1872 [redige par Francis Petit, avec 50 eaux-fortes]. Paris, 1872. Royal 8vo. Large paper. 50 etchings. Poullain. Collection de 120 Estampes, gravees d'apres les tableaux et dessins qui composoient le Cabinet de M. Poullain, executee sous la direction de Francois Basan, graveur. Paris, 1781. 4to. ( u8 ) Galleries. Private. POURTALES-GORGIER. See MUSEUMS. Private. Pourtales-Gorgier. Praun. Desscins des mcilleurs Peintres d'ltalic, d'Allcmagnc, ct des Pays-Bas, du Cabinet de M. Paul de Praun a Nuremberg, graves d'apres les originaux par Jean Theophilc Prestel. Nuremberg, 1776. Folio, if- plates and engraved title. QUANDT. See CATALOGUES. Private Collections. Ouandt. Richelieu. See VULSON (Marc de). Les portraits des homines illustrcs Francois qui sont dans la galerie du palais Cardinal de Richelieu. : Saracini. See SlENA. Relazione delle cose piu notabili nel palazzo e galleria Saracini. Speck-Sternburg. Verzeichniss der Von Speck'schen Gemalde-Sammlung mit darauf Bezichung habenden Steindriicken herausgegeben und mit Bemerkungen beglcitet vom Besitzcr [Max von Spcck- Sternburg]. [Leipzig] 1827. Folio. Portrait and 24 plates. Stafford. Engravings of the Marquis of Stafford's Collection of Pictures in London [afterwards the Duke of Sutherland's, now the Bridge- water Gallery], arranged according to Schools, and in chrono- logical order, with Remarks on each Picture. By William Young Ottley ; the executive part under the management of Peltro William Tomkins. London, 181 8. 4 vols, in two, 4to. 304 plates. Staunton. See Galleries. Private. Leigh Park. Strange. See CATALOGUES. Private Collections. Strange. Stroganoff. See CATALOGUES. Private Collections. Stroganoff. SUERMONDT. See Catalogues. Private Collections. Suermondt. Tabley. See GALLERIES. Private. Leicester. Taylor. British Gallery of Contemporary Portraits. See Taylor (John). Teniers. See Galleries. Private. Leopold William of Austria. - Wallace. See CATALOGUES. Public Coll. London: Bcthnal Green Mus. West. See West (Benj.). Gallery of pictures painted by him. Wilson. Collection de John W. Wilson exposee dans la Galerie du Ccrcle artistique ct litteraire de Bruxclles. Paris, 1873. 4to. 68 etchings. ( H9 ) Private Collections. Woburn Abbey. Public Collections. Amsterdam. Public Collections. Antwerp. Public Collections. Berlin. Galleries. Private. Wilton House. Description of the antiquities and curiosities in Wilton- House, illustrated with 25 engravings; with the Anecdotes and Remarks of Thomas, earl of Pembroke, now first published from the MSS. Sarum, 1786. 4to. 25 plates. Windsor Castle. See CATALOGUES. Private Collections. Windsor Castle. Woburn Abbey. See Catalogues. Galleries. Public. Amsterdam. See Catalogues. Antwerp. See Catalogues. Berlin. See Catalogues. Bologna. La Pinacoteca della Pontificia Accademia delle Belle Arti in Bologna, pubblicata da Francesco Rosaspina. Bologna, 1830. Folio. 72 plates. See also CATALOGUES. Public Collections. Bologna. Brunswick. Die Galerie zu Braunschweig in ihren Meisterwerken, nach den Originalgemalden radirt von William Unger, unter Mitwirkung von W. Bode, W. Burger, Bruno Meyer, O. Miindler und G. F. Waagen, herausgegeben von Ernst Arthur Seemann. Leipzig, 1870. 4to. 18 etchings. CASSEL. Die Galerie zu Cassel in ihren Meisterwerken ; Vierzig Radirungen von William Unger, mit einer Einleitung von Fr. Muller und erlauterndem Text von W. Bode. Leipzig, 1872. 4to. 40 etchings and 4 woodcnts. Dresden. Academy. See CATALOGUES. Public Collections. Dresden. Dresden. Gallery. Les principaux Tableaux de la Galerie Royale de Dresde, lithographies d'apres les originaux avec des Explications en allemand et en francais par J. G. A. Frenzel, publies par Francois Hanfstaengl. Dresde, 1836-49. 60 parts in 3 vols, folio. Vellum paper. Plates on india paper. See also CATALOGUES. Public. Dresden. DULWICH. A series of 50 coloured plates, from the most celebrated pictures in that collection, executed by R. Cockburn. [London, n. d.] Folio. 50 plates, mounted. DUSSELDORF. f La Galerie Electorate de Dusseldorff, ou Catalogue raisonne et figure de ses Tableaux, avec une Suite de 30 planches contenant 365 petites estampes d'apres ces tableaux par Chretien de Mechel ; ouvrage compose par Nicolas de Pigage. Basle, 1778. Folio. Text. ( 120 ) Galleries. Public. DtJSSELDORF. Estampes du Catalogue raisonn6 ct figure dcs Tableaux de la Galcrie Electorale de Dusseldorff. Basle, 1778. Oblong folio, yd plates. Florence. See MUSEUMS. Public. Florence. Florence. Academy. Galleria dell' I. e Reale Accadcmia delle Belle Arti di Firenze pubblicata con incisioni in rame da una Societa Artistica ed illustrata da penne italiane. Firenze, 1845. Folio. Plates. See also CATALOGUES. Public Collections. Florence. Florence. Gallery. Imp. e Reale Galleria di Firenze pubblicata con incisioni in rame da un Societa sotto la direzione di Bartolini, Bezzuoli e Jesi ed illustrata da Ferdinando Ranalli. Firenze, 1844. Arranged in 4 vols, folio. Large paper. Plates. See also [Campiglia (G. D.)]. Ritratti de' piu cclebri pro- fessori di pittura esistenti nella Galleria di Firenze. See also Catalogues. Public Collections. Florence. Florence. Gallery and Pitti Palace. Tableaux, Statues, Bas-Reliefs et Camees de la Galcrie de Florence et du Palais Pitti, dessines par Wicar et graves sous la direction de C. L. Masquelier, avcc les Explications par Mongez l'atne. Paris, 1 789-1807. 4 vols, in two, folio. 400 plates. Florence. Pitti Palace. Pitture del salone imperiale del Palazzo di Firenze ; si aggiun- gono le pitture del salone e cortile delle imperiali ville della Petraia e del Poggio a Caiano, opere di vari celebri pittori Fiorentini in tavole XXVI. date ora la prima volta in luce. Firenze, 1751. Folio. 28 plates and engraved title. L' Imp. e Reale Galleria Pitti illustrata per cura di Luigi Bardi. Firenze, 1837-42. 4 vols, folio. 500 plates. See also Cacialli (G.). Disegni di fabbriche e ornati. See also CATALOGUES. Public Collections. Florence. Frankfort on the Main. See Catalogues. Public Coll. Frankfort on the Main. Hague (The). Les principaux tableaux du Musee Royal a La Haye, graves au trait, avec leur description [par J. Steengracht van Oostkapelle]. La Haye, 1826-30. (Plates.) 4 parts. — Notice des Tableaux du Musee Royal a La Haye. Lb., i860. In one vol. 8vo. Musee Royal de la Haye lithographic. Amsterdam, 1830-33. Folio. 60 plates on India paper. French and Dutch text. See also Catalogues. Public Collections. Hague (The). Lille. See Catalogues. Public Collections. Lille. London. See JAMESON (Mrs. A.). Handbook to public galleries. LONDON. Foundling Hospital. See Catalogues. Public Collections. Foundling Hospital. ( 121 ) Galleries. Public. LONDON. National Gallery. Engravings from the Pictures of the National Gallery [by T Burnet and others, with Descriptions in French and English by J. Burnet]. London, 1840. Folio. Large paper proofs. 29 plates. „ „ . T j See also CATALOGUES. Public Collections. London: National Gallery. See also GALLERIES. Private. Angerstein. LONDON. National Portraits on Loan. Exhibition of National Portraits on loan to the South Kensington Museum: Galleries and Bays of the National Portrait Exhibition, 1866, shown in 77 photographs. London, A rundel Society, 1 867. Oblong 4to. 77 photographs. LONDON. Soane Museum. See SOANE (Sir J.). Description of his house and museum. LONDON. South Kensington Museum. See CATALOGUES. Public Collections. London : S. K. M. Lyons. See CATALOGUES. Public Collections. Lyons. Madrid. „ Coleccion litogranca de Cuadros del rey de Espana Don Ferdinando VII., litografiada por habiles artistas bajo la direccion de Dn. Jose de Madrazo. Madrid, 1826-32. 2 vols, in four, folio. 203 lithographs on India paper. See also CATALOGUES. Public Collections. Madrid. Milan. ... Pinacoteca del Palazzo Reale delle Scienze e delle Arti di Milano, pubblicata da Michele Bisi, col testo di Robustiano Gironi. Milano, 1812-33. 3 vols, folio. Plates. Munich. Gallery. See Catalogues. Public Collections. Munich. MUNICH. Pinacotheca, and Schleissheim Gallery. Pinakothek zu Munchen und Gemalde-Gallerie zu Schleis- sheim in lithographirten Abbildungen, herausg. von Piloty und Loehle. Munchen [s. a.]. Royal folio. Plates. See also CATALOGUES. Public Collections. Munich. Naples. See MUSEUMS. Public. Naples : Museo Borbonico. New YORK. Metropolitan Museum. See Catalogues. Public Collections. New York. Paris. Louvre. Tableaux du cabinet du Roy (Louis XIV) [avec la descrip- tion par Andre Felibien]. Premiere partie. Paris, 1679. Folio. 37 plates. Le Musee Francais, Recueil complet des Tableaux, Statues et Bas-Reliefs, qui composent la Collection Nationale ; avec Implication des sujets et des Discours historiques par S. C. Croze-Magnan, E. Q. Visconti, et T. B. Emeric-David, public par Robilllird-Peronville et Pierre Laurent. Paris, 1 803-1809. 4 vols, folio. Plates. ( 122 ) Galleries. Public. PARIS. Louvre. Le Musee Royal publie par Henri Laurent, ou Recueil de Gravures d'apres les plus beaux tableaux, statues, et bas-reliefs de la Collection Royalc, avec description des sujets [par E. Q. Visconti, Guizot et le comte de Clarac]. Paris, 1816-18. 2 vols, folio. 161 plates. Les Emaux de Petitot du Musee Imperial du Louvre ; Portraits de personnages historiques et de femmes celebrcs du siecle de Louis XIV. graves au burin par L. Ceroni [accom- pagnes d'etudes litteraires]. Paris, 1862-64. 2 vols. 4to. 50 plates. See also CATALOGUES. Public Collections. Paris. See also Landon (C. P.). Annalcs du Musoe. PARIS. Luxembourg. La Gallerie du Palais du Luxembourg peinte par Rubens, dessinee par les Sieurs Nattier, et gravce par les plus illustres graveurs du temps. Paris, 17 10. Folio. Portrait and 25 plates. Paris. Palais Royal. Galerie du Palais Royal, gravce d'apres les tableaux des differentes ecoles qui la composent, par J. Couche, avec un abrege de la vie des peintres et une description historique de chaque tableau par l'abbe de Fontenai. Paris, 1 786-1 808. 3 vols, folio. Plates. See also BARRY (J.). Remarks on the principal Paintings of the Orleans Gallery — [in his Works]. Parma. See Catalogues. Public. Parma. Rome. See CATALOGUES. Public Collections. Rome : Campidoglio. See Museums. Public. Rome. St. Petersburg. Hermitage. Galerie de l'Hermitage, gravee au trait d'apres les plus beaux tableaux qui la composent, avec la description historique [en fran^ais et en russe] par Camille de Geneve, publico par F. X. Labensky. St. Peter sbourg, 1805. 2 vols, in one vol. 4to. 7 '4 plates and portrait of the Empress Catharine. See also GALLERIES. Private. Houghton. SCHLEISSHEIM. See CATALOGUES. Public Collections. Schleissheim. See Galleries. Public. Munich : Pinacotheca. Turin. La Reale Galleria di Torino illustrata da Roberto D'Azeglio. Torino, 1836-46. 4 vols, folio. India proof s before letters. VENICE. Academy. See Catalogues. Public Collections. Venice. VENICE. Pinacotheca. Pinacoteca della Imp. Reg. Accademia Vcncta delle Belle Arti, illustrata da Francesco Zanotto. Venezia, 1830-34. 2 vols, folio. 100 plates and numerous vignette portraits of artists. ( 123 ) Galleries. Public. Vienna. Prodromus oder Vor-Licht des eroffneten Schau- und Wunder- Prachtes aller deren an dem kaiserl. Hof in Wienn sich befindlichen Kunst-Schatzen und Kostbarkeiten, sonderheit- lichen deren Schildereyen, Gemahlden, Statuen, Bild-Saulen und anderen, in das Kupfer gebracht, nebst einer Einleitung ; herausgegeben von Francisco de Stampart, und Antonio de Brennern. Wienn, 1735. Folio, ^opiates. Vienna. Ambras Museum. See CATALOGUES. Public Collections. Vienna. See MUSEUMS. Public. Vienna. Vienna. Belvedere Gallery. Galerie Imperiale-Royale au Belvedere a Vienne d'apres les dessins de Sigismond de Perger, gravee par differents artistes, avec un texte explicatif [en francais et en allemand] publiee par Charles Haas. Vienne, 1821-28. 6 vols. 4to. 2 40 plates. See also CATALOGUES. Public Collections. Vienna. Gallonio (Antonio). Trattato degli Instrumenti di Martirio e delle varie maniere di martoriare usate da' gentili contro i christiani. Roma, 1 591. First edition. 4to. Plates by Ant. Tempesta. Galt (John). See WEST (Benjamin). Life. GAMBARA (Lattanzio). Delia vita e delle pitture di L. G., Memorie storiche di Federico Nicoli Cristiani ; aggiuntevi brevi notizie intorno a' piu celebri ed eccellenti pittori Bresciani. Brescia, 1807. 8vo. Portrait. Gandon (James). Vitruvius Britannicus. See Campbell (Colin). Gandy, afterwards Deering, R.A. (John Peter). See Gell (Sir W.) and J. P. Gandy. Pompeiana. Gandy (Michael) and Benjamin Baud. Architectural Illustrations of Windsor Castle ; with an account of that edifice by John Britton. London, 1842. Folio. Plates. Garth (Sir Samuel). Poetical Works. Sec Poetry. British Poets ; vol. 27. Translation of Ovid. See OviDlUS Naso (Publius). GAUGER (Nic). Fires improved : or a new method of Building Chimnies so as to prevent their smoking, made English by J. F. Desaguliers. Second edition, with Appendix. London, 1736. 8vo. 10 plates. Gault de Saint-Germain (Pierre Marie). Vie de N. Poussin. See Poussin (Nicolas). Gautier (Hubert). Traite de la construction des Chemins. Troisiemc edition, augmentee. Paris, 1755. 8vo. Frontispiece and 6 plates. ( i2 4 ) GAUTIER (Hubert). Traite des Ponts, ou il est parle de ccux des romains et de ceux des modcrnes ; et unc Dissertation sur les culees, piles, voussicrs, et poussees des Ponts. Quatrieme edition, augmentee. Paris, 1765. 8vo. Frontispiece and 30 plates. Gavard (Charles). See Galleries. Private. Aguado. Gay (John). Poetical Works. See POETRY. British Poets ; vols. 32 and 33. GAYANGOS (Pascual de). Translation of the Inscriptions at the Alhambra, with a notice of the Kings of Granada. See JONES (Owen). The Alhambra. Gaye (Giovanni). Carteggio inedito d' Artisti dei secoli XIV. XV. XVI. pubblicato ed illustrato con documenti pure inediti da Giov. Gaye. Firenzc, 1839-41. 3 vols. Svo. Facsimiles. Geddes, A.R.A. (Andrew). Memoir of the late Andrew Geddcs, by Adela Geddes. London, 1844. i2mo. Etchings, with biographical notice by D. Laing. See WlLKlE (Sir D.) and A. Geddes. Etchings. Gedoyn (Nic). See PAUSANIAS. Voyage de la Grece. GelEe, called le Lorrain (Claude). See Claude. Gell (Sir William) and John P. Gandy. Pompeiana : or the topography, edifices, and ornaments of Pompeii. London, 18 17-19. Svo. Vignettes and 7 7 plates. Genoa. Architecture. See RUBENS (P. P.). Palazzi di Gcnova, con le loro piantc ed alzati. Lives of Artists. See SOPRANI (Raffaello). Vite de' pittori, scultori, ed architetti Genovesi. George (M.). See Catalogues. Private Collections. Fesch. George III. and O. Charlotte. Coronation. See Thomson (R.). Coronation of the Kings and Queens of England. George (Ernest). Sketches, German and Swiss : being pen-and-ink- drawings, transferred by Cowell's anastatic process. London, 1870. Folio. 44 plates on India paper. Etchings on the Mosel, with descriptive letterpress. London, 1873. Folio. 20 plates on India paper. Etchings on the Loire and in the South of France, with descrip- tive letterpress. London, 1875. Folio. 22 plates on india paper. Georgia. See PORTER (Sir R. K.). Travels. GERARD (Charles). Les Artistes de l'Alsace pendant le moyen-ige. Colmar, 1872. 2 vols. Svo. ( 125 ") GERHARD (Eduard). Griechische und Etruskische Trinkschallen des konigl. Museums zu Berlin herausgegeben von E. Gerhard. Berlin, 1840. (1% coloured plates). — Etruskische und Kampanische Vasen- bilder des konigl. Museums zu Berlin, herausg. v. E. Gerhard. Berlin, 1843. (35 coloured plates) 2 vols, in one, folio. Vasensammlung des Museums zu Berlin. See CATALOGUES. Public Collections. Berlin. GERICAULT (Jean-Louis-Andre-Theodore). Gericault ; etude bio- graphique et critique, avec le catalogue raisonne de l'ceuvre du maitre par Charles ClEment. Paris, 1868. i2mo. Gerini Gallery. See GALLERIES. Private. Gerini. Germany. Architecture. See Haghe (L.). Sketches. See HOPE (T.). Historical Essay on Architecture. See MOLLER (G.). Monuments de 1' Architecture Gothique Allemande. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der deutschen Baukunst des Mittelalters. See Shaw (R. N.). Architectural Sketches from the Con- tinent ; a series of views and details from France, Italy, and Germany. See Whewell (W.). Architectural notes on German Churches. Art (History of). See BOCK (Franz). Die Kleinodien des heil. Romischen Reiches Deutscher Nation. See CROWE (J. A.). Handbook of Painting, based upon Kugler. See DESCAMPS (J. B.). La Vie des peintres Flamands, Allemands et Hollandois. See Eye (A. von) u. Jacob Falke. Gallerie der Meister- werke altdeutscher Holzschneidekunst. See JAMES (Bp. J. T.). The Flemish, Dutch, and German Schools of Painting. See MlCHIELS (A.). Etudes, renfermant une histoire de la peinture allemande. Costume. See AMMAN (Jost). Wapen des heiligen Romischen Reichs Teutscher Nation. See KRETSCHMER (A.). Deutsche Volkstrachten. See LEWIS (G. R.). Groups illustrating the people of France and Germany. Gerrits (G. Engelberts). P. P. Rubens, zijn Tijd. See Rubens (P. P.). Gersaint (Edme Francois). Catalogue of Rembrandt's Etchings. See Rembrandt. ( 126 ) Gevaert (Gasp.). Pompa introitus principis Fcrdinandi Austriaci, S. R. E. card. Belg. et Burgund. gubernatoris, etc., a S. P. Q. Antverp. decreta et adornata, XV. kal. Maii, ann. 1635 : Arcus, Pegmata, Iconesque a P. P. Rubenio inventas et delineatas, inscriptionibus et elogiis ornabat libroque commentario illustrabat Casperius Gevartius. Antverpice, 1641. Folio. Frontispiece, portrait, and 37 plates. GHEMAR (Louis). See Memling (Hans). Gheyn (Jacob de). Wapenhandelinghe van Roers, Musquetten, ende Spiessen, achtervolghende de ordre van Maurits Prince van Orangie, figuirlyck afghebeelt door Jacob de Geyn. Amster- dam, 1608. Folio. Engraved title and 117 plates representing the military costumes of the period. Ghezzi (Pietro Leone). Raccolta di XXIV caricature discgnate colla penna di P. L. Ghezzi conservati nell Gabinetto del Re di Polonia ; Matth. Oesterreich sculpsit. Dresden, 1750. Folio. 24 plates and engraved title. GHIBERTI (Lorenzo). The Gates of the Baptistery of St. John in Florence, by L. Ghiberti ; engraved by Ferdinand Gregory and Thomas Patch. Florence, 1774. Folio. Portrait and 33 plates. GHISI (Giorgio). See Michel Angelo Buonarroti. GlAMPlCCOLO (Juliano). See RiCCi (Marco). Tabulae XXXVI. Gibbon (Edward). History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. London, 1788. 12 vols. 8vo. Portrait. GlBBS (James). A Book of Architecture containing Designs of Building and Ornaments. London, 1728. Folio. 150 plates. GlBBS (William). Catalogue of Anglo-Saxon and other antiquities discovered at Faversham in Kent and bequeathed to the South Kensington Museum. See MUSEUMS. Public. London : South Kensington. Gibson (Edmund). See CAMDEN (W.). Britannia. GIBSON, R.A. (John). A large collection of his drawings and original studies, arranged in volumes and portfolios, bequeathed to the Royal Academy of Arts by John Gibson, R.A. Imitations of Drawings by J. Gibson, engraved by C. Wenzel and L. Prosseda ; Rome, 1852. London, J. Hogarth, 1852. Oblong folio. Plates. Engravings from original compositions executed in marble at Rome by J. Gibson ; drawn by P. Guglielmi, and engraved under the direction of Lewis Gruner, by Th. Langer, O. Ufer, and Siedentopf. London, 1861. Folio. Portrait and yy plates on India paper. ( 127 ) Gibson, R.A. (John). The Story of Psyche, with a classical enquiry into the fable by Elizabeth Strutt ; with designs in outline by J Gibson. London [n. d.]. Folio. Plates. Life of John Gibson, sculptor, edited by Lady Eastlake- London, 1870. Svo. Portrait. Gilbert, R.A. (Sir John). Illustrations to Shakespeare. See Shakespeare (William). Works. Gilbert (Josiah). Cadore, or Titian's country. See TlZlANO. GILCHRIST (Alexander). Life of Blake. See BLAKE (William). Life of Etty. See ETTY (William). GlLLES (Florent). Musee de Tsarkoe-Selo. See MUSEUMS. Public. Tsarkoe-Selo. [GILPIN (William).] An Essay upon Prints. Second edition. London, 1768. i2mo. The same. London, 1768. - Descriptive catalogue of a Collection of Pictures with a catalogue of 32 Drawings from great masters, collected and drawn during a J^Ff ^ *V 1 Ln, Robert Strano-e. lb., 1769.— Remarks on 12 historical designs of Raphael and the Mussum Graecum et iEgyptiacum, illustrated by prints, intended to be published from Mr. Dalton's drawings. /£, 1752.— Essay upon Design in Gardening. lb., 1768 4 vols. in one, i2mo. Three Essays : on Picturesque Beauty, on Picturesque Travel, and on Sketching Landscape, with a Poem on Landscape Gardening. London, 1792. Svo. Plates. GlORDANl (Gaetano). Catalogo dei quadri nella Pinacoteca di Bologna. See CATALOGUES. Public Collections. Bologna. GlORDANl (Pietro). See FRANCUCCI (Innocenzo). Discorsi. Giordano (Luca). Vita, da G. P. Bellori. See Bellori (G. B.). Vite de' Pitton. Giotto (Ambrogiotto Bondone, detto). Description of the Chapel ol the Annunziata dell' Arena or Giotto's Chapel in Padua ; by Mrs. Calcott. London, 1835. Folio. Frontispiece, and woodcuts in the text. Sulla Cappellina degli Scrovegni nell' Arena diPadova e sui Freschi di Giotto in essa dipinti, Osservaziom di Pietro Estense Selvatico. Padova, 1836. Svo. 20 plates. Giotto and his works in Padua: being an explanatory notice of the series of woodcuts executed for the Arundel Society after the Frescoes in the Arena Chapel, by John Ruskin. London, Arundel Society, 1854- Svo. Plates. The Giotto Chapel, Padua, in 1306, drawn by Mrs. Higford Burr. See ARUNDEL Society. Giovanni da Pisa. See NICCOLO da Pisa. ( 128 ) GlOVANNlNl (Giacopo). See Carracci (Ludovico). GlOVio (Paolo). Le Vite dei dodeci Visconti che signoreggiarono Milano descritte da Monsignor Paolo Giovio, tradotte da Lodovico Domenichi, accresciute degl' argomenti a ciascuna d' esse vite, con le annotationi, abbellite delle vere effigie d' essi principi. Milano, 1645. 4-to. Copperplate engravings of portraits. GlRARD (P. Jacques Frangois). Nouveau Traite de la perfection sur le fait des Armes, enseignant la maniere de combattre de l'epee, l'espadon, les piques, hallebardcs, bayonettes, etc., ensemble a faire les saluts de l'esponton, l'exercice du fusil et celui de la grenadiere. Paris, 17 36. Oblong 4to. 116 plates. GlRAULT de Prangey (M.). Monuments Arabes et Moresques de Cordoue, Seville et Grenade, dessines et mesures en 1832 et 1833 par G. de P. Paris, 1836-9. Folio. Plates. Essai sur l'Architecture des Arabes et des Mores en Espagne, en Sicile et en Barbaric Paris, 1841. Royal 8vo. GlRODET-TRlOSON (Anne Louis). See ANACREON. GlRONl (Robustiano). Pinacoteca del Palazzo Reale delle Scienze e delle Arti di Milano, pubbl. da Michele Bisi col testo di R. G. See GALLERIES. Public. Milan. GlRTlN (Thomas). Views in Paris and its environs, drawn and etched in 1802 by the late T. Girtin. London, 1803. Oblong folio. 1 8 etchings, proofs. The same ; aquatinted in exact imitation of the original drawings. London, 1803. Oblong folio. 20 etchings. River Scenery. See Turner (J. M. W.). GlUDUCCI (Mario). Le Rime de Michelagnolo. See Michel Angelo Buonarroti. Writings. GlULIANELLl (Andrea Pietro). See Mariette (P. J.). Intagliatori Moderni. GlULlO Romano (G. Pippi, detto). L'Entree de l'empereur Sigismond a Mantoue ; grave a 25 feuilles d'apres une frise executee en stuc dans le Palais du T de la meme ville, sur un dessin de Jules Romain, par Antoinette Bouzonnet Stella. Paris, 1675. Oblong folio. 25 plates, moimtcd. Sigismundi Augusti Mantuam adeuntis profectio ac triumphus anno 1432 Opus ex archetypo Julii Romani a Francisco Primaticio Mantuae in ducali palatio quod ' del T ' nuncupatur plastica atque anaglyphica sculptura mire elaboratum, cum notis Jo. Petri Bellorii, a Petro Sancti Bartoli ex vet. exemp. traductum serique incisum. Romce,cura Jo. Rubeis [1680]. (26 plates, including title and dedication.). — Giove che fulmina li Giganti rappresentato in pittura da Giulio Romano in Mantova nel Palazzo ducale detto del T e disegnato et intagliato da Pietro Santi Bartoli. Roma, Domcnico de Rossi [sens' anno]. (7 plates and engraved title?) 2 vols, in one, oblong folio. ( 129 ) GlUSTlNlANi Gallery. See Galleries. Private. Giustiniani. See LANDON (C. P.). Annales du Musee. Gloucester Cathedral. See BRITTON (J.). Cathedral Antiquities of Great Britain. GLOVER (Richard). Poetical Works. See POETRY. British Poets ; vol. 69. Glynn (Robert). Poetical Works. See Poetry. British Poets ; vol. 58. Goethe (Johann Wolfgang von). Theory of Colours, translated, with notes by Sir Charles Lock Eastlake. London, 1840. 8vo. Plates. Gedichte. See Schadow (J. G. u. R.). Goldsmith (Oliver). Poetical Works. See Poetry. British Poets ; vol. 64. Deserted Village. See Etching Club. GOLTZIUS (Hubertus). Ludovici Nonnii Commentarius in Huberti Goltzii Graeciam, Insulas et Asiam Minorem. Antverpice, 1620. Folio. Plates. Goncourt (Edmond et Jules de). L'Art du XVIIP siecle. Deuxieme edition augmentee. Paris, 1873. 2 vols. 8vo. Goncourt (Edmond de). See Watteau (Antoine). Catalogue de son ceuvre. Gonse (L.). Michel Ange. See Michel Angelo Buonarroti. GoODALL (E.). See Maclise (D.). Goodrich Court, Herefordshire. Collection of Antient Armour. See Meyrick (Sir S. R.). GORI (Antonio Francesco). Dactyliotheca Smithiana, gemmarum ectypa historiam glyptographicam et enarrationes A. F. Gorii complectens. Vcnctiis, 1767. 2 vols, folio. Frontispiece and 100 plates. Inscriptiones Antiquae. See Donius (Jo. Bapt.). Vita di Michel Angelo, da A. Condi vi. See Michel Angelo Buonarroti. Life. — Museum Cortonense, See MUSEUMS. Public. Cortona. Museum Florentinum. See Museums. Public. Florence. GOSMOND de Vernon (A.). See Devonshire Gems. Gotti (Aurelio). Vita di Michelangelo. See Michel Angelo Buonarroti. Life. Gouda. Painted and stained Glass at Gouda. See We ale (John). K ( *30 ) [Gough (Richard).] Account of the Alien Priories and of such lands as they are known to have possessed in England and Wales. London, 1779. 2 vols. i2mo. Map and plates. Sepulchral Monuments in Great Britain applied to illustrate the history of families, manners, customs, habits, and arts at the different periods from the Norman Conquest to the XVI Ith century, with Introductory observations. The first four centuries, and the XVth century. London, 1786-96. 2 vols, folio. Lmper- fect; wanting Part I. vol. 2, and Part LL. vol. 1. Plates. Gould (John). Biographical Dictionary of Painters, Sculptors, Engravers, and Architects. New edition, by C. J. Nieuwenhuys. London, 1838. 2 vols. i2mo. GOURY (Jules). Plans, etc., of the Alhambra. See JONES (Owen). Goya y Lucientes (Francisco). Goya, par Charles Yriarte ; sa biographie, les fresques, les toiles, les tapisseries, les eaux-fortes et le catalogue de l'ceuvre, avec 50 planches inedites d'apres les copies de Tabar, Bocourt et Ch. Yriarte. Paris, 1867. 4to. Plates. GozziNl (Vincenzo). Monumenti Sepolcrali della Toscana, disegnati da Vincenzo Gozzini e incisi da Giovan Paolo Lasinio sotto la direzione di P. Benvenuti e L. de Cambray Digny. Firenze, 18 19. Folio. Frontispiece and 47 plates. Monuments sepulcraux de la Toscane, dessines par Vt. Gozzini et graves par Je. Scotto. Nouvelle edition augmentee. Florence, 182 1. 4to. Plates. Graeme (James). Poetical Works. See Poetry. British Poets ; vol. 71. Graesse (J. G. Theodore). Guide de l'Amateur de Porcelaines et de Poteries, ou collection complete des marques de fabriques de porcelaines et de poteries de l'Europe et de l'Asie. Seconde edition. Dresde, 1868. 8vo. Grainger (James). Poetical Works. See Poetry. British Poets; vol. 59. Translations of Sulpicia and Tibullus. See Sulpicia. See Tibullus (Albius). Grampian Mountains (Scenery of the). See Robson (G. F.). Granada. See Alhambra. See Girault de Prangey. Monuments arabes et moresques de Cordoue, Seville, et Grenade. GRANDJEAN de Montigny (A.) et A. Famin. Architecture Toscane, ou Palais, Maisons et autres edifices de la Toscane, mesures et dessines. Paris, 1806-15. Folio. 109 plates. Granger (James). Biographical History of England, to the Revolu- tion, adapted to a methodical catalogue of engraved British heads. Fifth edition, by James Caulfield. London, 1824. 6 vols. royal 8vo. Large paper. With Richardson 's series of rare English portraits. ( i3i ) [Grannis (Theodore C.).] National Academy of Design, ii New York, 1868. 12 mo. GRANT, P.R.A. (Sir Francis). MS. Copy of the Correspondence relative to the new site for the Royal Academy between Sir F. Grant, the Earl of Derby, etc. See Academies. England. GRASSI (Giacomo di). Ragione di adoprar sicuramente 1' Arme si da offesa, come da difesa, con un Trattato dell' inganno, e con un modo di esercitarsi da se stesso, per acquistare forza, giudicio, e prestezza. Venctia, appresso G. Ziletti e comp., 1570. First edition. 4to. Copperplate engravings. Gratii (Gratiamaria). Rime e versi latini sopra il Ratto delle Sabine. See Bologna (Giovanni da). Gray (Henry). Anatomy, descriptive and surgical. The drawings by H. V. Carter; the dissections jointly by the author and Dr. Carter. London, 1858. Royal 8vo. Woodcuts. Gray (Thomas). Poetical Works. See POETRY. British Poets ; vol. 55. Great Britain. See also England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales. Architecture. See Britton (J.). Architectural Antiquities of Great Britain. See Campbell (C), J. Woolfe, and J. Gandon. Vitruvius Britannicus. See RICHARDSON (Geo.). The New Vitruvius Britannicus. Armour. See MEYRICK (Sir S. R.). Enquiry into Antient Armour. See GROSE (F.). Treatise on Ancient Armour. See HEWITT (J.). Ancient Armour. Art (History of). See Taylor (W. B. S.). The Fine Arts in Great Britain and Ireland. See WAAGEN (G. F.). Treasures of Art in Great Britain. Galleries and Cabinets of Art in Great Britain. Works of Art and Artists in Great Britain. Costume. See HOLLIS (T. and G.). The Monumental Effigies of Great Britain. See MEYRICK (Sir S. R.) and C. H. Smith. The Costume of the original inhabitants of the British Islands to the Vlth century. See STOTHARD (C. A.). The Monumental Effigies of Great Britain, from the Conquest to Henry VIII. CRANIOLOGY. See Davis (J. B.) and J. Thurnam. Crania Britannica. Monumental Remains. See Blore (Ed.). Monumental Remains, comprising the Sepulchral Remains of Great Britain. See GOUGH (R.). Sepulchral Monuments in Great Britain. Srt? Stothard (C. A.). Monumental Effigies of Great Britain. K 2 ( 132 ) Great Britain. Topography. See Camden (W.). Britannia : or a chorographical descrip- tion of Great Britain and Ireland. See LYSONS (D. and S.). Magna Britannia: being a topo- graphical account of the several counties of Great Britain. Woollen Manufactures. See BROTHERS (Samuel). Wool and Woollen manufactures in Great Britain. Greece. Antiquities. See CAYLUS (comte de). Rccueil d'antiquites. See DALTON (Richard). Engravings of places and antiquities in Greece, Asia Minor, and Egypt. See DAREMBERG (Ch.) et Edm. Saglio. Dictionnairc des Antiquites grecques et romaines. See Hamilton (Sir W.). Collection of Etruscan, Greek, and Roman Antiquities. See POTTER (John). Archa?ologia Grreca. Sec Smith (W.). Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities. Architecture. See FALKENER (E.). On the Hypaethron of Greek Temples. See Inwood (H. W.). The Erechtheion : Fragments of Athenian architecture. See Le Roy (J. D.). Les mines des plus beaux monuments de la Grece. See Penrose (F. C). Principles of Athenian Architecture. See WlLKINS (W.). Prolusiones Architectonics : essays on Greek and Roman Architecture. Art (History of). See [HANCARVILLE (P. F. Hugues, dit d')]. Recherches sur les arts de la Grece. See Heyne (Christian Gottlob). Archaologie der Kunst des Alterthums insbesondere der Griechen und Romer. See Manuale storico dell' Arte Greca. Sec WlNCKELMANN (J. J.). Storia delle Arti del Disegno. Costume. See Baxter (T.). Egyptian, Grecian, and Roman Costume. See Hope (T.). The Costume of the Ancients. History. See MlTFORD (William). History of Greece. See POLYBIUS. General History. See Thucydides. History of the Peloponnesian War. See Xenophon. History of the affairs of Greece. Manners and Customs. See BECKER (W. A.). Charikles, Bilder altgriechischer Sitte. Sculpture. See Christie (J.). Inquiry into the Early History of Greek Sculpture. ( 133 ) Greece. Sculpture. £** Falkener (E.). Daedalus ; on the excellence of Greek Sculpture. See Quatremere de Quincy (A. C). Le Jupiter Olympien, ou l'art de la Sculpture Antique. See VULLIAMY (Lewis). Examples of ornamental sculpture in Architecture, from the originals in Greece, Asia Minor, and Italy. Theatre. See BRUMOY (P.). The Greek Theatre. Topography. See BarthElemy (J. J.). Voyage du jeune Anacharsis en Grece. See Dodwell (Edward). Classical and topographical Tour through Greece. See PAUSANIAS. Voyage de la Grece. Vases. See Birch (S.). History of Ancient Pottery. See BIRCH (S.) and C. T. Newton. Catalogue of the Greek and Etruscan Vases in the British Museum. See CHRISTIE (J.). Disquisitions upon the Painted Greek Vases. See Laborde (A. L. J. de). Collection de Vases Grecs du Comte de Lamberg. See MILLINGEN (James). Peintures antiques et inedites de Vases Grecs. Vases Grecs de la collection de Sir John Coghill. Ancient unedited Monuments — painted Greek Vases. Green (George M.). Catalogue of the Eastlake Library in the National Gallery. See Catalogues. Books. Eastlake. GREEN (Joseph Henry). Mental Dynamics, or groundwork of a professional education. London, 1847. 8vo. GREEN (Matthew). Poetical Works. See POETRY. British Poets, vol. 54. GREEN, A.E.R.A. (Valentine). Review of the polite arts in France com- pared with their present state in England. London, 1782. 4to. See Tracts, i vol. 4to. Greenwich Hospital. An historical account of the Royal Hospital for seamen at Greenwich. London, 1789. 4to. Plates. See [COOKE (J.) and J. Maule]. Account of the Royal Hospital at Greenwich. GREGORY (Ferdinand). See Ghiberti (L.). The Gates of the Baptistery of St. John in Florence. Greswell (Richard). On education in the principles of Art. 1844. Svo. See Tracts, i vol. Svo. ( 134 ) Griffith (William Pettit). The Natural system of Architecture, as opposed to the artificial system of the present day. London, 1845. 4to. 10 plates. Ancient Gothic Churches, their proportions and chromatics. London, 1847. 4 to - A plates. GRIFI (Antonio). See Raphael. Mosaici. Grimaldi (Stacey). Synopsis of English History. London, 1871. i2mo. Grimm (Herman). See MICHEL Angelo Buonarroti. Life. GRIMOUARD de Saint-Laurent (le comte Henri Julien). Guide de l'Art Chretien, etudes d'esthetiquc et d'iconographic. J\iris, 1872-75. 6 vols. 8vo. Plates. GRONOVIUS (Jacobus). See AUGUSTINUS (Leon.). Grose (Francis). The Antiquities of England and Wales. London, 1773-76. 4 vols. 4to. Plates. A Treatise on Ancient Armour and Weapons, illustrated by plates taken from the original armour. London, 1786. 4to. Frontispiece and 48 plates. - Supplement to a Treatise on Ancient Armour. London, 1789. 4to. 1 2 plates. GROSVENOR House. Catalogue of the Pictures. See CATALOGUES. Private Collections. Grosvcnor House. Grote (Mrs. Harriet). See SCHEFFER (Ary). Memoirs. Grove House, Shelton. Catalogue of the Pictures. See CATALOGUES. Private Collections. Grove House. Grove (Sir William R.). Lecture on the progress of Physical Science since the opening of the London Institution. London, 1842. 8vo. On the Correlation of Physical Forces. London, 1846. 8vo. Gruner (Ludwig). Fresco Decorations and Stuccoes of Churches and Palaces in Italy during the XVth and XVIth centuries with descriptions by L. G. London, 1844. Folio, opiates. Description of the Plates by L. G., with an Essay on the Arabesques of the ancients as compared with those of Raphael and his school, by A. Hittorff. London, 1844. 4to. Text. The Decorations of the Garden Pavilion in the grounds of Buckingham Palace, engraved under the superintendence of L. G., with an Introduction by Mrs. Jameson. London, 1846. Folio. 1 5 plates, some coloured, and vignette. Specimens of Ornamental Art selected from the best models of the Classical Epochs, illustrated with 80 plates by L. G., descriptive Text by Emil Braun. London, 1850. Folio. 80 plates, some coloured. ( 135 ) Gruner (Ludwig). Die Basreliefs an der Vorderseite des Doms zu Orvieto herausgegeben von L. Gruner. Leipzig, 1857. 2 parts oblong folio. Plates. " Lo Scaffale " ; or Presses in the Sacristy of the Church of Sta. Maria delle Grazie at Milan, illustrations of the painted decoration by Bernardino Luini ; executed in chromo-lithography under the direction of L. G. London, 1859-60. Folio. 30 plates. Das griine Gewolbe zu Dresden : eine Folge ausgewahlter Kunstwerke dieser Sammlung nach den Zeichnungen von R. Seidemann und E. Mohn, mit erklarendem Texte des Major Baron von Landsberg, herausgegeben von L. G. Dresden, 1862. 4to. 28 illuminated plates and portrait of J. M. Dinglingen. The Terra-Cotta Architecture of North Italy (Xllth-XVth centuries) pourtrayed as examples for imitation from drawings and restorations by Federigo Lose. 48 illustrations, engraved and printed in colours, with woodcut sections, mouldings, etc., and descriptive Text by V. Ottolini and F. Lose ; edited by L. G. London, 1867. Folio. 48 plates and woodcuts. Engravings from original compositions of J. Gibson. See Gibson (John). Mosaici. See Raphael. The Caryatides from the " Stanza dell' Eliodoro." See Raphael. Raphael Santi's Decken Gemaelde der " Stanza dell' Eliodoro." See Raphael. Gualandi (Michelangiolo). Memorie originali Italiane risguardanti le Belle Arti. Serie I.-VI. Bologna, 1840-45. 6 vols, in three, 8vo. Nuova Raccolta di Lettere sulla pittura, scultura, ed archi- tettura scritte da' piu celebri personaggi dei sec. XV. a XIX., con note ed illustrazioni di M. A. Gualandi. Bologna, 1844-56. 3 vols. 8vo. Large paper. GUALTERIUS (Robertus). De Re Militari. See Vegetius. De Re Militari. Guarienti (Pietro). See Orlandi (P. A.). Guarini (Guarino). Architettura Civile ; opera postuma. Torino, 1737. Folio. Portrait and plates. [GUATTANI (Giuseppe Antonio).] Monumenti antichi inediti, ovvero notizie sulle antichita e belle arti di Roma, negl' anni 1784, 1785, 1786, 1787, 1788, 1789, 1805. Roma, 1784-1805. 7 vols. 4to. Plates. Roma descritta ed illustrata. Seconda edizione accresciuta. Roma, 1805. 2 vols. 4to. Plates. II Museo Chiaramonti. See MUSEUMS. Public. Rome: Vatican. [GUELARD (M.).] Description abregee des principaux arts et metiers et des instrumens qui leur sont propres, le tout detaille par figures avec de nouvelles augmentations. Paris, chez Claude Dujlos [s. d.~\. 4to. 143 plates, including engraved text and title. ( 136 ) GUERARD (N.). Recucil de diverscs Academies designees par les plus celebres peintres de l'Academie Roiale et gravees par N. G. le fils. Paris [s. d.]. Folio. Engraved title and 13 plates. See {bound up with) Verdier (F.). Recueil. GUERCINO, da Cento (Giovanni Francesco Barbieri, detto II). Notizie della vita e delle opere de G. F. Barbieri, detto II Guercino da Cento [da Jacopo Alessandro Calvi]. Bologna, 1808. 4to. Portrait. GUERRINI (V.). See Raphael. Elogio di Raffaello da L. Pungileoni. See Santi (Giovanni). Elogio da L. Pungileoni. Guglielmi (P.). See Gibson (J.). Original Compositions. Guide de la Peinture: MS. Byzantin. See Didron (A. N.). Guillain (Simon). See CARRACCI (Annibale). Vita di San Diego. Le Arti di Bologna. Guillaume (E.). Michel-Ange. See MICHEL Angelo Buonarroti. Life. GuiLLON (abbe Aime). Le Cenacle de Leonard de Vinci. See Vinci (Leonardo da). GUIZOT (Francois Pierre Joseph). Etudes sur les Beaux-Arts en general. Paris, 1852. 8vo. See Galleries. Public. Paris : Musee Royal. GUIZZARDI (Giuseppe). Le Sculture delle porte della Basilica di San Petronio in Bologna scolpite da eccellenti maestri de' secoli XV. e XVI. pubblicate per la prima volta da G. Guizzardi e sopra i di lui disegni incise da Francesco Spagnuoli, illustrate con una memoria e documenti inediti dal marchese Virgilio Davia. Bologna, 1834. Folio. Plates. See Sabattini (G. B.). Tavole Anatomiche. Gulden (Andreas). See Neudorffer (Johann). GULLICK (Thomas John) and John Timbs. Painting popularly ex- plained, with Sketches of the progress of the art. London, 1859. 1 2 m o . Fron tispiece. Gutzkow (K.). See Hogarth (W.). Gwilt (Joseph). Encyclopaedia of Architecture. New edition, revised with additions by Wyatt Papworth. London, 1867. 8vo. Woodcuts. [Gwynn (John).] Essay on Design, including proposals for erecting a Public Academy. London, 1749- l2mo. Frontispiece. London and Westminster improved, illustrated by plans, London, 1766. 4to. 5 maps. ( 137 ) HAARLEM. See WiLLlGEN (A. van der). Les Artistes de Harlem. HAAS (Charles). Galerie au Belvedere a Vienne. See Galleries. Public. Vienna. HABERSHON (Matthew). The ancient Half- Timbered Houses of England. Loudon, 1836. (6 plates).— Description of three designs for the two Houses of Parliament, and of other works of art in the House and Museum at Lincoln's Inn Fields [by Sir John Soane. An extract from his larger work]. London, 1835. {Plate) 2 vols, in one, 4to. HADFIELD (James). The ecclesiastical, castellated and domestic Architecture of England, from the Norman era to the XVIth century, illustrated by the best existing examples in the county of Essex. Loudon, 1848. Folio. 81 plates. HAGHE (Louis). Sketches in Belgium and Germany ; with the Second Series. London, 1840-45. 2 vols, folio. 52 tinted plates, including titles. Portfolio of Sketches : Belgium, Germany, 1850. London, 1850. Folio. 27 tinted plates, including title. HAGUE (The). Museum. See Catalogues. Public Collections. Hague (The). See Galleries. Public. Hague (The). Hailstone (S. H. Lilla). Designs for Lace Making. London, printed for private distribution, 1870. 4to. Plates. Hakervill (Arthur William). Modern Tombs. London \ji. d.\ Folio. 15 plates oiz india paper. HALICARNASSUS. See Newton (C. T.) and R. P. Pullan. Discoveries at Halicar- nassus, Cnidus, and Branchidse. Hall (Captain Basil). Voyage to Loo-Choo and other places in the Eastern Seas in 18 16. London, 1832. i6mo. Extracts from a Journal on the coasts of Chili, Peru, and Mexico, 1820-22. Edinburgh, 1826. 2 vols. i6mo. Travels in North America, 1827-28. Edinburgh, 1830. 3 vols. i2mo. Forty Etchings from sketches made with the camera lucida in North America, 1827-28. EdinburgJi, 1830. 4to. Fragments of Voyages and Travels. Three Series. Edin- burgh, 1832-34. 9 vols. i6mo. Hall (Sir James). Essay on the origin, history, and principles of Gothic Architecture. London, 1813. 4to. 59 plates and frontis- piece. HALLAM (Henry). View of the state of Europe during the Middle Ages. Sixth edition. London, 1834. 3 vols. 8vo. ( 138 ) Hallam (Henry). The Constitutional History of England from the accession of Henry VII. to the death of George II. Third edition. London, 1832. 3 vols. 8vo. Introduction to the Literature of Europe, in the XVth, XVIth, and XVIIth centuries. London, 1837-39. 4 vols. 8vo. Hals (Franz). Radirungen nach Frans Hals von Prof. W. Unger mit Text von Dr. Vosmaer. Leiden, 1873. Folio. Large paper. 20 etchings ; artist's proofs on papier de Hollande. Hamilton (Edward). See Reynolds (Sir J.). Catalogue raisonne of his engraved Works. HAMILTON (Gavin). Schola Italica Picturae sive selectae quaedam summorum e schola italica Pictorum tabulae aere incisae cura et impensis Gavini Hamilton. Romce, 1773. Folio. 40 plates. HAMILTON (John). Stereography, or a complete body of Perspective in all its branches. London, 1738. 2 vols, folio. Plates. HAMILTON (Thomas). Letter to Lord John Russell on the present crisis relative to the Fine Arts in Scotland ; with plans and views of proposed Galleries on the Mound. Edinburgh, 1850. 8vo. Plates. Hamilton (William). Poetical Works. See Poetry. British Poets ; vol. 57. Hamilton (Sir William). Collection of Etruscan, Greek, and Roman Antiquities from the cabinet of the Hon. William Hamilton [by P. F. Hugues d'Hancarville]. Antiquites Etrusques, Grecques, etc. Naples, 1 766-67. Vols. 1 and 2. Folio. English and French text ; coloured plates. Hamilton, R.A. (William). See Thomson (J.). The Seasons. Hamilton (W. R.). See SUVERN (J. W.). On " The Birds " of Aristophanes. HAMMON (Henry J.). The architectural Antiquities and present state of Crosby Place, London, as lately restored by John Davies. London, 1844. 4to. 15 plates. Hammond (James). Poetical Works. See Poetry. British Poets ; vol. 63. Hampton (James). See POLYBIUS. General History. Hampton Court. Cartoons by Raphael. See Raphael. Cartoons. Portraits of the Beauties. See Kneller (Sir Godfrey). See Lely (Sir Peter). [Hancarville (Pierre-Frangois Hugues, dit d').] Recherches sur l'origine, l'esprit et les progres des Arts de la Grece, sur leurs connexions avec les arts et la religion des plus anciens peuples connus. Loudres, 1785. 3 vols. 4to. Plates. See HAMILTON (Sir W.). Collection of Antiquities. ( 139 ) Hanfstaengl (Francois). See Galleries. Public. Dresden. Hangard Mauge (M.). See LOUANDRE (Charles). Les Arts Somptuaires. HARDCASTLE (Ephraim). Wine and Walnuts. See [Pyne (W. H.)]. Harding (George Perfect). Antiquities in Westminster Abbey : Ancient Oil Paintings and Sepulchral Brasses in the Abbey Church of St. Peter, Westminster, engraved from drawings by G. P. Harding, with a description by Thomas Moule. London, 1825. 4to. 12 plates. Portraits of illustrious persons in English History, drawn by G. P. Harding from original pictures, with biographical and historical notices by Thomas Moule. London, 1869. 4to. 15 plates. Harding (James Duffield). The principles and practice of Art ,* with illustrations drawn and engraved by the author. London, 1845. Folio. Elementary Art : or the use of the chalk and lead-pencil advocated and explained. London, 1846. Folio. Plates. Hare (Augustus J. C). Cities of Northern and Central Italy. London, 1876. 3 vols, crown 8vo. Woodcuts. Harford (John S.). See Michel Angelo Buonarroti. HARINGTON (Sir John). See ARIOSTO (L.). Orlando Furioso, in English. HARRIS (George). The theory of the Arts ; or art in relation to nature, civilization, and man. London, 1869. 2 vols. 8vo. HARRIS (J.). Views of all the Cathedral Churches of England and Wales, neatly engraved [by J. Harris]. London \ii. d.]. Oblong 4to. 28 plates and engraved title. HARRIS (Moses). The natural system of Colours. London, 181 1. 4to. 2 plates ; with autograph of Wm. Etty, R.A. Hart (Philip D.). Architectural illustrations of the Mahometan Buildings of Beejapore in the Deccan. See FERGUSSON (James). Harvey (W.). De motu Cordis et Sanguinis in animalibus. See Spigelius (A.). Opera. HASELDEN (Thomas). See Euclid. HASSELT (Andre Constant van). Histoire de Rubens. See Rubens (P. P.). Hastings (Thomas). Etchings. See WILSON (Richard). HAWKINS (B. Waterhouse). A comparative view of the Human and Animal frame. London, i860. Folio. 10 plates. The artistic anatomy of Cattle and Sheep. London [n. d.]. 1 2 mo. Plates. ( HO ) HAWKINS (Edward). The silver coins of England arranged and described, with remarks on British money previous to the Saxon dynasties. London, 1841. 8vo. Plates. Description of ancient marbles in the British Museum. See MUSEUMS. Public. London : British Museum. See Layard (A. H.). HAWKINS (John Sidney). See VlNCI (Leonardo da). HAY (David Ramsay). The Laws of Harmonious Colouring, adapted to interior decorations, manufactures, and other useful purposes. Edinburgh, 1836. 8vo. Plates. The natural principles and analogy of the Harmony of Form. London, 1842. 4to. Plates. Proportion, or the geometric principle of Beauty analysed. London, 1843. 4to. Plates. Hay (Robert). Catalogue of his collection of Egyptian Antiquities, by Joseph Bonomi. See Catalogues. Private Collections. Hay. HAYDOCKE (Richard). See Lomazzo (G. P.). HAYDON (Benjamin Robert). Thoughts on the relative value of Fresco and Oil Painting as applied to the architectural decora- tions of the Houses of Parliament. London, 1842. 8vo. Lectures on Painting and Design with designs drawn by him- self, engraved by Edward Evans. London, 1844-46. 2 vols. 8vo. Painting, by B. R. Haydon ; and Fine Arts, by William Hazlitt : articles contributed to the Encyclopaedia Britannica. Edinburgh, 1838. 12 mo. Life of B. R. Haydon, historical painter, from his autobiography and journals, edited and compiled by Tom TAYLOR. London, 1853. 3 vols. 8vo. B. R. Haydon : correspondence and table-talk ; with a memoir by his son Frederic Wordsworth Haydon. London, 1876. 2 vols. 8vo. Plates. See Annals of the Fine Arts. Hayley (William). See Milton (John). Latin and Italian Poems. See Romney (G.). Life. Haym (Nicolas Francis). Biblioteca Italiana, o sia Notizia de' Libri rari nella lingua italiana. Venezia, 1728. 4to. Hayter (Charles). Introduction to Perspective, Drawing, and Paint- ing. Fourth edition. London, 1825. 8vo. Plates. Hayter (Sir George). Twelve original Etchings by George Hayter. London, 1833. 4to. 12 plates. Hazlitt (William). Article on the Fine Arts from the Encyclopaedia Britannica. See Haydon (B. R.). ( HI ) Hazlitt (William). Conversations of J. Northcote. See Northcote (J.). Translation of Quatremere de Quincy's Life of Raffaello. See Raphael. Life. Head (Sir Edmund). See KUGLER (Franz T.). Headley (Henry). Poetical Works. See POETRY. British Poets ; vol. 73. Hearne (Thomas). Antiquities of Great Britain illustrated in Views of monasteries, castles, and churches now existing, engraved by W. Bryne from drawings made by Thomas Hearne ; descriptions in French and English. London, 1786- 1807. 2 vols, oblong folio. 84 plates. HEATON (Mrs. Charles). Life of Correggio from the German of J. Meyer. See Correggio. Life of Diirer. See DURER (Albrecht). Hebrew. Calendar. See MARTIN (Rene). Memoire sur le calendrier Hebrai'que. Music. See ENGEL (Carl). The Music of the most ancient nations, particularly of the Assyrians, Egyptians, and Hebrews. HEDERICUS (Benj.). Graecum Lexicon Manuale auctum cura Jo. Aug. Ernesti, nunc iterum recensitum a T. Morell. Londini, 1778. 4to. HEDLINGER (Johann Carl). CEuvre, ou Recueil des medailles de ce celebre artiste gravees en taille douce, accompagnees d'une explication historique et critique et precedees de la vie de l'auteur par J. Chretien de Mechel. Basle, 1776-78. 2 vols, in one, folio. Vignettes, engraved dedication, title, and 40 plates. HEDOU (Jules). Noel le Mire et son ceuvre. See Le Mire (Noel et Louis). HEEMSKERCK (Martin). Catalogue of the prints which have been engraved after Martin Heemskerck by Thomas Kerrich. Cam- bridge, 1829. 8vo. Portrait. The chief victories of the Emperor Charles V., designed in 1555. See Maxwell (Sir William Stirling-). HEFNER-ALTENECK (Jacob Heinrich von). Trachten des christlichen Mittelalters, nach gleichzeitigen Kunstdenkmalen. Frankfnrt am Main, 1840-54. 3 vols. 4to. Colozired and illuminated plates. Serrurerie, ou les Ouvrages en Fer Forge du moyen-age et de la renaissance. 84 planches gravees en taille douce. Edition francaise, texte traduit par Daniel Ramee. Paris, 1S70. 4to. Plates. HEGNER (Ulrich). See Holbein (Hans). Heidelberg. See Pfnor (R.). Monographic du chateau de Heidelberg. ( 142 ) HEIDER (Gustav), Rud. v. Eitelberger, u. J. Hieser. Mittelaltcrliche Kunstdenkmale dcs osterreichischen Kaiserstaates, herausge- geben von Gustav Heider, Rud. v. Eitelberger, u. J. Hieser. Stuttgart, 1858-60. 2 vols. 4to. Plates. Heince (Zacharie). See VULSON (Marc de). Portraits des hommes illustres Francois. [HEINECKEN (Carl Heinrich von).] Idee generale d'une collection complette d'estampes, avec une dissertation sur l'origine de la gravure et sur les premiers livres d'images. Leipsic, 1771. 8vo. 32 plates. Dictionnaire des Artistes dont nous avons des Estampes, avec une notice detaillee de leurs ouvrages graves (A-Diziani). Leipsig, 1778-90. 4 vols. 8vo. (All published.) HELBIG (Jules). Histoire de la Peinture au Pays de Liege, depuis l'introduction du Christianisme jusqu'a la Revolution Liegeoise et la reunion de la principaute a la France. Liege, 1873. 8vo. HELIOPOLIS. See Wood (R.). The ruins of Balbec. Heller (Joseph). See Cranach (Lucas). Leben. HELYOT (Pierre). Histoire des Ordres monastiques, religieux et militaires, et des congregations seculieres de l'un et de l'autre sexe [par le P. Helyot, continuee par le P. Maximilien Bullot]. Paris, 1 7 14-19. 8 vols. 4to. Frontispiece and 808 plates. HENDERSON (John). Works of Art in Pottery, Glass, and Metal in the collection of John Henderson, photographed and printed for private use, 1868, by Cundall and Fleming. London. Folio. 20 photographs. Hendrie (Robert). See Theophilus. Henry VIII. See HOLBEIN (Hans). Imitations of the original drawings for the portraits of illustrious persons of the court of Henry VIII. HERCOLANI (Filippo, Marchese). Versi e prose sopra una serie di eccellenti Pitture posseduta dal marchese F. Hercolani. Bologna, 1780. 4to. HERCULANEUM. See Bajardi (O. A.). Le Antichita di Ercolano. Hereford Cathedral. See BRITTON (J.). Cathedral Antiquities of Great Britain. HERMANN (Karl Friedrich). See Becker (W. A.). Charikles. Hermitage Gallery. See Galleries. Public. St. Petersburg : Hermitage. HERODOTUS. The History of Herodotus, translated from the Greek by Isaac Littlebury. London, 1720. 2 vols. 8vo. Maps. HERRENHAUSEN. See MULLER (I.). Views of His Majestie's Palace, Gardens, etc., at Herenhausen. ( H3 ) HESIOD. Works. Translated by Thomas Cooke. See POETICAL Translations. See POETRY. British Poets ; vol. 88. See Flaxman (John). Compositions from the Works and Days and Theogony of Hesiod. HESIUS, S. J. (Guil.). Emblemata Sacra de fide, spe, charitate. Antverpice, 1636. i6mo. Woodcuts. Hess (Heinrich M. v.). Die Fresco-Gemaelde der konigl. allerheiligen Hofkapelle zu Miinchen von Heinrich Hess ; lithographirt und herausg. von J. G. Schreiner. Miinchen, 1840. Folio. 46 plates. Hewitt (John). Ancient Armour and Weapons in Europe, from the iron period of the northern nations to the end of the XVI Ith century. Oxford, 1855-60. 3 vols. 8vo. Plates and woodcuts. Heyne (Christian Gottlob). Akademische Vorlesungen iiber die Archaologie der Kunst des Alterthums insbesondere der Griechen und Romer. Braunschweig, 1822. i2mo. Hieser (J.). Mittelalterliche Kunstdenkmale. See Heider (G.). Hill (Aaron). Poetical Works. See Poetry. British Poets ; vol. 60. Hill (Arthur). Ancient Irish Architecture : Ardfert Cathedral, co. Kerry, drawn and lithographed by A. H. Cork, 1870. Folio. 6 photographs and 10 lithographs. Ancient Irish Architecture : Monograph of Cormac's Chapel, Cashel, co. Tipperary. London, 1874. 4to. 2 photographs and 13 lithographs. Hill, R.S.A. (David Octavius) and Robert Adamson. Calotypes by D. O. Hill and R. Adamson. Portraits, Groups, Landscapes, Buildings, etc. Edinburgh, 1843-48. Calotypes, mounted and arranged in 3 vols, folio. Hills (Robert). Etchings of Cattle, comprising Rudiments of Draw- ing and Groups for the embellishment of Landscape, the whole executed from nature by R. H. London, 1806. — Etchings of Sheep. lb., 1809. — Cattle in Groups. Lb., 1808. — Dogs. Lb. — Fallow Deer. Lb., 18 13.— Goats. Lb., 18 17. — Horses. lb., 18 16. — Asses and Mules. lb., 1808. — Swine. Lb., 181 5. In 2 vols, folio. Sketches in Flanders and Holland, with some account of a Tour through those countries. London, 1816. 4to. 36 plates in aqua tinta. Hilton (John). The Hunterian Oration for 1867. London, 1867. 8vo. Hindustan. See India. HlPPlUS (Gustav Adolph). Grundlinien einer Theorie der Zeichen- kunst. St. Peter sbicrg, 1842. 8vo. Zeichnungen zu den Grundlinien der Zeichenkunst v. G. A. Hippius. Leipzig, 1842. Oblong 4to. Plates. HlTTORFF (A.). Essay on the Arabesques of the ancients as com- pared with those of Raphael and his school. See Gruner (L.). Fresco decorations. ( 144 ) HlTTORFF (Jacques Ignace). Restitution du Temple d'Empedocle a Selinonte, ou 1' Architecture polychr6mc chez les Grecs. Texte. Paris, 185 1. 4to. Atlas. Paris, 1851. Folio. 24 coloured plates and frontispiece. HOARE (Prince). Academic Correspondence, 1803 ; containing ex- tracts from a correspondence with the Academies of Vienna and St. Petersburg on the present cultivation of the arts, and a description of Public Monuments voted to the memory of dis- tinguished officers since 1798, published by Prince Hoare. London, 1 804. 4to. Frontispiece. Academic Annals published by authority of the Royal Academy, 1804-1809. London, 1805-1809. 2 parts in one vol. 4to. Inquiry into the requisite cultivation and present state of the Arts of Design in England. London, 1806. i2mo. Frontis- piece. Epochs of the Arts ; including hints on the use and progress of Painting and Sculpture in Great Britain. London, 18 13. Square i2mo. See Sharp (Granville). Memoirs. Hoare (Sir Richard Colt). See Catalogues. Private Collections. Leicester (Sir J. F.). HODGES, R.A. (William). Select Views in India drawn on the spot, 1780-83 [with French and English text], and executed in aqua tinta by W. Hodges. London, 1788. 2 vols, folio, opiates. HOFLAND (Mrs.). See Turner (J. M. W.). Hogarth (William). A collection of Hogarth's engravings. Original impressions, [v. y.~\ Mounted and arranged in two vols, folio. Another set of 89 engravings by and after Hogarth, many original impressions. [v. _y.] Mounted and arranged in one vol. folio. The Analysis of Beauty. New edition. London, 1772. 4to. Two folding plates, and the frontispiece of Columbus and the Eve The two folding plates to the Analysis of Beauty. Oblong 4to. Hogarth moralized ; being a complete edition of Hogarth's works, containing near fourscore copperplates, with an Ex- planation, now first published [by John Trusler]. London, 1768. 8vo. Plates. Hogarth illustrated, by John Ireland. London, 1791. 2 vols. — Supplement to Hogarth illustrated, compiled from his original manuscripts in the possession of John Ireland. London, 1798. 8vo. Together 3 vols, royal 8vo. Plates. - Graphic Illustrations of Hogarth, from Pictures, Drawings, and scarce Prints in the possession of Samuel Ireland. London, l 794~9- 2 vo l s - I'oyal 8vo. Plates. ( H5 ) HOGARTH (William). Genuine Works ; illustrated with biographical Anecdotes, a Catalogue and a Commentary by John Nichols and George Steevens ; with the Clavis Hogarthiana. London, 1808-1817. 3 vols. 4to. 157 plates. G. C. Lichtenberg's ausfuhrliche Erklarung der Hogarthischen Kupferstiche mit verkleinerten aber vollstandigen Copien der- selben von E. Riepenhausen. Verbesserte Ausgabe, Gottiugcu, 1850-53. Lief, i.-xii. — J. L. Lyser's Erklarung, xiii. Lieferung. lb., 1854. — Dr. Le Petit's Erklarung der Hogarthischen Kupfer- stiche, herausg. v. K. Gutzkow, xiv. Lieferung. lb., 1854. 14 parts in one vol. i2mo. Hogenberg (Hans Nic). See HOOGENBERGH (Hans Nicolaus). [HOLBACH (Paul Henri Thyri, baron d').] Art de la Verrerie de Neri, Merret et Kunckel, auquel on a ajoute le Sol sine veste d'Orschall, l'Helioscopium videndi sine veste solem chymicum, le Sol non sine veste, le chapitre xi. du Flora saturnizans de Henckel : ouvrages traduits de l'allemand par M. D. . . . Paris, 1752. 4to. 16 plates. Holbein, the Younger (Hans). Works. Imitations of original Drawings by Hans Holbein, in the collection of his Majesty, for the Portraits of illustrious persons of the court of Henry VIII. ; with biographical Tracts [by Edmund Lodge] ; published by John Chamberlaine. Londoii, 1792. Folio. 83 tinted portraits on coloured paper. See ERASMUS (Des.). Stultitiae Laus, cum comment. G. Listerii et figuris Jo. Holbenii. Life. Hans Holbein der Jiingere ; von Ulrich HEGNER. Berlin, 1827. 8vo. Portrait. Hans Holbein der Jiingere in seinem Verhaltniss zum deutschen Formschnittwesen von C. Fr. v. Rumohr. Leipzig, 1836. 8vo. Holbein und seine Zeit, von Alfred WOLTMANN. Leipzig, 1866-8. 2 vols. 8vo. Portraits, woodcuts, and 33 plates, Some Account of the life and works of Hans Holbein, painter, of Augsburg, by R. N. WORNUM. London, 1867. Royal 8vo. Engravings and photographs. Hole (Richard). Translation of Homer's Ode to Ceres. See POETICAL Translations. Holkham. See BRETTINGHAM (Matthew). Plans, etc., of Holkham, in Norfolk, the seat of the Earl of Leicester. Holland (Philemon). See LIVIUS (Titus). Roman History. See PLINIUS Secundus (Caius). History of the World. HOLLAND (Henry Richard, Lord). Some account of the lives and writings of Lope Felix de Vega Carpio and Guillen de Castro ; by Henry Richard, Lord Holland. London, 18 17. 2 vols. i2mo. Portraits. L ( 146 ) HOLLAND (Sir Henry). Recollections of Past Life. London, 1872. 8vo. Holland. Coins and Medals. See BlZOT (P.). Histoire metallique. History. See BARLANDUS (H.). Ducum Brabantije Chronica. See BlDLOO (Godefridus). Komstc van Willem III. Koning van Groot Britanje in Holland, 1691. See VOSMER (Mich.). Principes Hollandiae ct Zelandiae Domini Frisiae. Lives of Painters. See Balkema (C. H.). Biographie des peintres Flamands et Hollandais. See Burger (W.). Etudes sur les peintres Hollandais et Flamands : Galerie Suermondt a Aix-la-Chapelle. See DESCAMPS (J. B.). La Vie des peintres Flamands, Allemands et Hollandois. See HOUBRAKEN (Arnold). De Groote Schouburgh der Nederlantsche Konstschilders en Schilderessen. See Laborde (L. E. S. J. comte de). Essai d'un catalogue des artistes originaires des Pays Bas ou employes a la cour des Dues de Bourgogne au XIV e et XV e siecles. See Mander (Karel van). Het Schilder-Boek. Painting. See CROWE (J. A.). Handbook of Painting. See Deuchar (David). Collection of Etchings. See James (Bp. J. T.). The Flemish, Dutch, and German Schools of Painting. See Le Brun (J. B. P.). Galerie des peintres Flamands et Hollandois. See Michiels (A.). Histoire de la peinture Flamandc et Hollandaise. See Smith (John). Catalogue raisonne. See Van Worrell (A. B.). Tableau of the Dutch and Flemish Painters of the old school. Views. See Hills (R.). Sketches in Flanders and Holland. Holland (John). See Chantrey (Sir Francis L.). Memoirs. Hollar (Wenceslaus). Ornatus Muliebris Anglicanus, or the sevcrall habits of English Women, from the nobilitie to the country woman, as they are in these times. London, 1640. First edition. 8vo. 27 plates and engraved title. Theatru Mulierum, sive varietas atque differentia habituum fceminei sexus diversarum Europse nationum hodierno tempore vulgo in usu a W. Hollar delincatae et sculptae. Loudiui, 1643. Oblong 4to. Engraved title mounted, and 48 figures ou 24 plates. ( 147 ) Hollar (Wcnceslaus). Map of London. Amstelodami, 1647. Lithographed in London, 1832. Oblong folio. Mounted. A description of the Works of Wencelaus Hollar, disposed into classes of different sorts ; with some account of his life, by George Vertue. Second edition, with additions. London, 1759. 4to. Vignette portrait and frontispiece. HOLLIS (Thomas). Memoirs of T. Hollis. [Compiled by Archdeacon Francis Blackburn.] London [privately printed by T. Brand Hollis], 1780. 2 vols. 4to. With the " starred" pages. Portraits and plates. Hollis (Thomas and George). The Monumental Effigies of Great Britain, drawn and etched by T. H. and G. H. London, 1840-42. 4to. No title. Plates. HOLLOWAY (M.). See MORRISON (Alfred). Catalogue of a collection of Engravings. HOLLOWAY (Thomas). Memoir of the late Mr. Thomas Holloway, by one of his executors. London, 1827. 8vo. See LAVATER (J. C). Physiognomy. HOLMAN (James). Narrative of a journey undertaken during 1819-21 through France, Italy, Savoy, Switzerland, the Rhine, Holland, and the Netherlands. London, 1833. 8vo. Portrait. Travels through Russia, Siberia, Poland, Cracow, Austria, Bohemia, Saxony, Prussia, Hanover, during 1822-24. London, 1834. 2 vols. 8vo. Portrait and plates. A Voyage round the World, including travels in Africa, Asia, Australasia, America, etc., from 1827 to 1832. London, 1834-35. 4 vols. 8vo. Plates. Holst (H. P.). See THORVALDSEN (Bertel). Museum. HOLSTENIUS (Lucas). Epistola de fulcris, seu verubus Dianae Ephesise simulacro appositis. See Menestrier (C. F.). Symbolica Dianae Eph. Statua. Holtzapffel (Charles). New system of Scales of equal parts. London, 1838. 8vo. HOMER. Carmina Homerica ; Graece [Ilias et Odyssea] a rhapso- dorum interpolationibus repurgata et in pristinam formam redacta, cum notis et prolegomenis ; opera et studio Richardi Payne Knight. Londini, 1820. Royal 8vo. 2 maps. The Iliad, translated by Mr. Pope. London, 1715-20. Original subscription edition. 6 vols. 4to. Portrait. The Odyssey, translated by Mr. Pope. London, 1725-26. Original subscription edition. 5 vols. 4to. The Iliad and the Odyssey. Translated by Alex. Pope. Sec Poetry. British Poets ; vols. 81 to 84. Ode to Ceres. Translated by Richard Hole. See Poetical Translations. See Flaxman (John). The Iliad and the Odyssey of Homer, engraved after his compositions. L 2 ( hs ) Homer. See INGHIRAMI (Fr.). Galleria Omerica o raccolta di Monu- menti antichi per scrvire alio studio dell' Iliade e dell' Odissea. HOOGE (Romein de). See Bldloo (G.). Komste van Willcm III. in Holland. HOOGENBERGH (Hans Nicolaus). The Procession of Pope Clement VI I. and the Emperor Charles V., after the Coronation at Bologna, Feb. 24, 1530. Designed and engraved by Nicolas Hogcnberg, and now reproduced in facsimile, with an historical Introduction by Sir William Stirling-Maxwell. Edinburgh, 1875. Folio. Plates. HOOKE (Nathaniel). See SOLIS (Ant. de). Conquest of Mexico. HOPE (A. J. B. Beresford). Opening address as president of the Roy. Inst, of British Architects, Nov. 5, 1866. London, 1866. 4to. HOPE (Thomas). Household Furniture and Interior Decoration, executed from designs by Thomas Hope. London, 1807. Folio. Large paper ; 60 plates and engraved title. Costume of the Ancients. New edition, enlarged. London, 1 8 12. 2 vols. 4to. Plates. Historical Essay on Architecture ; illustrated from drawings made by him in Italy and Germany. Third edition. London, 1840. 2 vols. 8vo. Plates. HORATIUS Flaccus (Quintus). Horatius, cum notis et emendationibus Richardi Bentleii. Cantab., 171 1. 4to. Frontispiece. Horatii Opera, cum notis Gul. Baxteri, var. lect. et obs. addidit Jo. Matth. Gesnerus, quibus et suas adspersit Jo. Car. Zeunius. Edinburgi, 1806. 8vo. Works. Translated by Philip Francis. See Poetical Translations. See Poetry. British Poets ; vols. 97 and 98. Horne (T. H.). See Murphy (J. C). Mahometan Empire in Spain. Horsley (Bp. Samuel). See Euclid. Horta (Chev. de). Catalogue de sa collection de Mcdailles: par J. Y. Akerman. See CATALOGUES. Private Collections. Horta. HOSKING (William). Lecture on the principles and practice of Architecture. London, 1842. 8vo. See Tracts, i vol. 8vo. Essay and Treatises on the practice and architecture of Bridges. L,ondon [25 separate copies printed for private circulation, 1843]. 8vo. Plates. Houbraken (Arnold).^ De Groote Schouburgh der Nederlantsche Konstschilders en Schilderessen, zynde een vervolg op het Schil- derboek van K. v. Mander. f Amsterdam, 1718-19. 2 vols. 8vo. Plates. { H9 ) Houbraken (Jacobus). J. Houbraken et son ceuvre par V. Ver Huell. Arnkem, 1875. 4to. Portrait. HOUSSAYE (Arsene). See CALLOT (Jacques). Vie. See Ostade (Adrian van). See VlNCI (Leonardo da). Histoire. Howard (Frank). The Spirit of the Plays of Shakspeare, exhibited in a series of outline plates illustrative of the story of each play, with quotations and descriptions. London, 1833. 5 vols. 4to. Large paper ; india proof s of the plates. See BYRES (James). Hypogaei. Howard, R.A. (Henry). Course of Lectures on Painting, delivered at the Royal Academy, edited with a Memoir by Frank Howard. London, 1848. i2mo. Collection of Engravings after designs of H. Howard, by Finden, Engleheart, Rolls, etc., etc. [v. j/.] Folio. Many of the impressions are proof s on india paper. See WALKER (Alex.). Beauty. Hoyland (Francis). Poetical Works. See Poetry. British Poets ; vol. 73. Huber (M.) et C. C. H. Rost. Manuel des curieux et des amateurs de l'Art, contenant une notice abregee des principaux Graveurs et un catalogue raisonne de leurs meilleurs ouvrages. Zurich, 1 797- 1 808. 9 vols. i2mo. Huerta (Pedro Garcia de la). Comentarios de la pintura encaustica del pincel. Madrid, 1795. i2mo. HUGFORD (Ignazio Enrico). See Gabbiani (A. D.). Raccolta di cento pensieri diversi. HUGUES, dit d'Hancarville (P. F.). See HANCARVILLE (P. F. Hugues dit d'). HULLMANDEL (Charles Joseph). 24 Views of Italy, drawn from nature and engraved upon stone by C. Hullmandel. London \s. a\ — 12 Classical views in Italy by Richard Wilson, engraved by M. Rooker. \S. I. et «.] In one vol. oblong 4to. Specimens of Lithotint by C. Hullmandel's patent, executed after Frederic Tayler, Joseph Nash, W. L. Walton, G. Scharf, J. D. Harding, etc. London \s. a.]. Folio. No title. 18 plates. Hume (Sir Abraham). Life of Titian. See TiziANO Vecellio. Schediasmata ex archetypis Polidori Caravag. in Musseo A. Hume conservatis. See Caravaggio (Polidoro da). Hunt (Charles). See Phillip (John). Hunt (William Holman). W. H. Hunt and his works : a Memoir of the artist's life with a description of his pictures [by Frederic G. Stephens]. London, i860. 8vo. ( 150 ) Hunter (Henry). See Lavater (J. C). Physiognomy. Hunter (William). See Combe (Ch.). Numm. Vet. Pop. Descriptio e Museo G. Hunter. HUQUIER (Jacques Gabriel). Nouveau livre de Serrurerie, invente et grave par Huquier. Paris [s. d.]. Folio. Engraved title and 59 plates. Iconologies ou sont represented les vertus, les vices, les sciences, les arts et les divinites de la fable en 216 estampes inventees et gravees par Huquier. Paris, chez Huquier, s. d. (216 plates.). — Recueil de plus de six cents vases, par Huquier. lb. (40 plates). — Recueil de petites figures gravees d'apres les desseins des plus habiles maitres. lb. (9 plates.). — Recueil de figures antiques gravees d'apres les desseins de G. M. Oppenort. lb. (5 plates of small figures.). — Livre de differents sujets de figures et animaux par H. Roos. lb. (19 plates.). — Recueil de differentes etudes d'animaux gravees d'apres les desseins des plus habiles maitres par Duncker et terminees par Huquier. lb. (12 plates.). — (Troisieme partie), contenant cent soixante et seize frises d'orne- ments arabesques a divers usages, par Huquier. lb. (11 plates.). — Seconde partie. (n plates.). — Nouveau livre de principes d'ornements d'apres C. Gillot. grave par Huquier. lb. (10 plates.). — Les quatre saisons. lb. (4 plates of landscapes.). — Les douze mois. lb. (12 plates of landscapes). Together 1 vol. oblong folio. Huxley (Thomas H.). Lessons in Elementary Physiology. London, 1866. 1 2 mo. Woodcuts. Hyde (The) near Ingatestone. See DlSNEY (J.). Museum. ( i5i ) IDUM.EA— Edom. See Roberts (D.). The Holy Land, Syria, Idumea, Arabia, etc. Ince. See BLUNDELL (H.). Engravings of the collection at Ince. India. Antiquities. See Daniell (T.). Antiquities of India. Excavations in the mountain of Ellora. See NEWTON (James). Views of the Taje Mahel at Agra. See PRINSEP (J.). Essays on Indian Antiquities. History. See Thomas (E.). The Chronicles of the Pathan Kings of Dehli. Revenue Resources of the Mughal Empire in India : 1539 to 1 707- Manufactures and Products. See EXHIBITIONS. London, 1862. Contributions from India to the Exhibition of 1862. Mythology. See MOOR (E.). The Hindu Pantheon. Travels. See ROUSSELET (L.). LTnde des Rajahs ; voyage dans l'lnde Centrale et dans les presidences de Bombay et du Bengale. Views. See Daniell (T. and W.). Oriental Scenery. Antiquities of India. Excavations in the mountain of Ellora. Picturesque voyage to India by the way of China. See Hodges (W.). Select Views in India. INGHIRAMI (Francesco). Monumenti Etruschi o di Etrusco nome, disegnati, incisi, illustrati e pubblicati da F. I., con Indice. Badia Fiesolana \Firenze\ 1821-26. 13 vols, in 14. 4to. Plates, some coloured. Galleria Omerica o raccolta di Monumenti antichi esibita da F. I. per servire alio studio dell' Iliade e dell' Odissea. Poligrafia Fiesolana [Firenze] 1831-36. 3 vols. 8vo. Plates. L' Imp. e Reale Palazzo Pitti, descritto. See Catalogues. Public Collections. Florence : Pitti Palace. See Valeriani (Domenico). Etrusco Museo Chiusino. INGOLI (Matteo). See COSIMO II. quarto granduca di Toscana. Esequie fatte in Venetia dalla natione Fiorentina. INGRES (Jean-Auguste-Dominique). Ingres ; sa vie, ses travaux, sa doctrine, d'apres les notes manuscrites et les lettres du maitre par le V te Henri DELABORDE. Paris, 1870. Svo. Portrait and facsimile. ( 152 ) INNSBRUCK. Monument of the Emperor Maximilian I. in the Hofkirche. See Schedler (J. G.). INWOOD (Henry William). The Erechtheion at Athens. Fragments of Athenian Architecture and a few remains in Attica, Megara, and Epirus ; illustrated with outline plates and a descriptive historical View combining also under the divisions Cadmeia, Homeros, and Herodotos, the origin of temples and of Grecian art of the periods preceding. London, 1827. Folio. Plates. IONIAN Antiquities, published by order of the Society of Dilettanti. London, 1 769-1840. 3 vols, folio. Plates and vignettes. IRELAND (John). Hogarth illustrated. See Hogarth (William). Ireland (Samuel). Graphic Illustrations of Hogarth. Sec Hogarth (William). [Ireland (William Henry). | Chalcographimania ; or the portrait collector and printscller's chronicle : a humorous Poem with copious notes, by Satiricus Sculptor. London, 1814. 8vo. Frontispiece. Ireland. Architecture. See Petrie (G.). The ecclesiastical Architecture of Ireland anterior to the Anglo-Norman invasion, with an Essay on the Round Towers. See Hill (A.). Ancient Irish Architecture : Ardfert Cathedral, co. Kerry. Monograph of Cormac's Chapel, Cashel, co. Tipperary. ART (History of). See O'Neill (H.). On ancient Irish Art, with a description of the Sculptured Crosses of Ancient Ireland. The Fine Arts and Civilization of Ancient Ireland. See [Williams (J.)]. History of the professors of painting, sculpture, and architecture, who have practised in Ireland. IRONMONGERS' Hall. Catalogue of the antiquities and works of art, exhibited 1861 [compiled by G. R. French]. See CATALOGUES. Public Collections. London : Ironmongers' Hall. ITALICA, [i.e. Santiponce]. See Laborde (A. L. J. de). Descripcion de un Pavimento en Mosayco, descubierto en la antigua Italica, hoy Santiponce. Italy. Resa til Italien, 1780, 1781, 1782, skrifven 1782 i Stralsund. Stockholm, 1786. 4to. Coloured plates. Italy. Architecture. See Barbault (Jean). Recueil de divers Monumens anciens repandus en Italic See Gruner (L.). The Terra-Cotta Architecture of North Italy (Xllth to XVth centuries). ( 153 ) Italy. Architecture. See Hope (T.). Historical Essay on Architecture. See Knight (H. G.). The ecclesiastical Architecture of Italy, from the time of Constantine to the XVth century. See Shaw (R. N.). Architectural Sketches from the Con- tinent ; a series of views and details from France, Italy, and Germany. See STREET (G. E.). Brick and marble in the middle ages :— North Italy. See TAPPEN (G.). Modern buildings of France and Italy. See WARING (J. B.). The Arts connected with Archi- tecture in Central Italy from the XHIth to the XVth century. ART (History of). Catalogo de' Capi d' opera di pittura, scultura, anticnita, " libri, storia naturale, ed altre curiosita trasportati dall' Italia in Francia. Venezia, 1799' 4to. See Barri (G.). The Painter's Voyage of Italy. See CHIOSSONE (Dom.). Italia Artistica. See CLEMENT (C). Michel- Ange, Leonard de Vinci, Raphael, avec une Etude sur l'art en Italie avant le XVP siecle. See COQUEREL (Ath.). Des Beaux-Arts en Italie. See CUMBERLAND (G.). Essay on collecting the best works of the ancient engravers of the Italian School. See FUSELI (H.). History of art in the schools of Italy [in Writings]. See GRUNER (L.). Fresco decorations and stuccoes of churches and palaces in Italy during the XVth and XVIth centuries. See GUALANDI (M. A.). Memorie originali Italiane. See HARE (A. J. C). Cities of Northern and Central Italy. See QUILLIET (F.). Les Arts Italiens en Espagne. See RAMBOUX (J. A.). Contours pour servir a l'histoire de l'art chretien de 1200 a 1600 faits en Italie. See Schulz (H. W.). Denkmaeler der Kunst des Mit- telalters in Unteritalien. Genealogy. See LlTTA (conte Pompeo). Famiglie celebn Italiane. History. tt See DENNISTOUN (J.). Memoirs of the Dukes of Urbino, illustrating the arms, arts, and literature of Italy, from 1440 to 1630. See Micali (G.). Antichi popoli Italiani. V Italia avanti il dominio dei Romani Literature. See Haym (N. F.). Biblioteca Italiana. ( 154 ) Italy. Lives of Artists. See BAGLIONE (G.). Vite de' pittori, scultori, architetti ed intagliatori dal 1572 al 1642. See BALDINUCCI (R). Notizie de' professori del disegno da Cimabue in qua. See BELLORI (G. P.). Vite de' pittori, scultori ed archi- tetti moderni. See Painters. Biographical Charts of Italian Painters [arranged in Schools]. See PASCOLI (L.). Vite de' pittori, scultori cd architetti moderni. See Vasari (G.). Vite de' piu eccellenti pittori, scultori e architetti. The same ; translated. Painting. See Bernasconi (C). Studj sopra la storia della pittura italiana. See [BEYLE (M. H.)]. Histoire de la peinture en Italic. See CROWE (J. A.) and G. B. Cavalcaselle. New History of Painting in Italy to the XVIth century. History of Painting in North Italy. See Hamilton (Gavin). Schola Italica Picturae. See James (Bp. J. T.). The Italian Schools of Painting. See Lanzi (L.). Storia Pittorica della Italia. See Mantz (P.). Les chefs-d'oeuvre de la peinture italienne. See OTTLEY (W. Y.). The Italian School of Design. See ROSINI (G.). Storia della Pittura Italiana. Sculpture. See ClCOGNARA (L.). Storia della Scultura. See PERKINS (C. C). Italian Sculptors. See ROBINSON (J. C). Italian Sculpture of the Middle Ages. See VULLIAMY (L.). Examples of ornamental Sculpture in Architecture. Theatres. See DuMONT (G. P. M.). Parallele de plans des plus belles salles de Spectacles d'ltalie et de France. See Riccoboni (L.). Histoire du Theatre Italien. Views. See Batty (E. F.). Italian Scenery. See BROCKEDON (W.). Illustrations of the Passes of the Alps by which Italy communicates with France, Switzer- land, and Germany. See HULLMANDEL (C. J.). 24 Views of Italy. See LONDONIO (F.). Collezione di scene campestri. See Smith (J.). Select Views in Italy. See WEIROTTER (F. E.). CEuvre, paysages. ( 155 ) JACKSON (John). Treatise on Wood engraving, historical and practical [the literary part by W. E. Chatto] ; with upwards of 300 illustrations engraved on wood, by John Jackson. London, 1839. Royal 8vo. JACKSON (John Baptist). Titiani Vecelii, Pauli Caliarii, Jacobi Robusti, et Jacobi de Ponte, Opera selectiora a Joanne Baptista Jackson, ligno ccelata et coloribus adumbrata. Venetiis, 1745. Folio. 22 \ plates, imperfect ; wanting title and half of Tintoretto s Miracle of St. Mark. JACKSON (J. G.) and G. T. Andrews. Illustrations of Bp. West's Chapel in Putney Church, Surrey ; with a brief notice of the founder. London, 1825. 4to. Frontispiece and 12 plates. Jacque (Charles). See OSTADE (Adrian van). JACQUEMART (Albert). Histoire de la Ceramique ; etude descriptive et raisonnee des poteries de tous les temps et de tous les peuples, ouvrage contenant 200 figures sur bois par H. Catenacci et J. Jacquemart, 12 planches gravees a l'eau - forte par Jules Jacquemart et 1000 marques et monogrammes. Paris, 1873. Royal 8vo. Etched plates and woodcuts. JACQUEMIN (Raphael). Iconographie generale et methodique du Costume du IV e au XIX e siecle (315-1815); Collection gravee d'apres des documents authentiques et inedits. Paris \s. d.~\. Folio. Coloured plates. JAGO (Richard). Poetical Works. See POETRY. British Poets ; vol. 55. James II. and Q. Mary. Coronation. See Sandford (Francis). James (John). See Perrault (CI.). The five Orders of Architecture. JAMES (John). The Book of Spurs, forming a Catalogue to the collection of J. James. London [1858]. 8vo. Plates and woodcuts. James (Bp. John Thomas). The Italian Schools of Painting, with observations on the present state of the art. London, 1820. 8vo. The Flemish, Dutch, and German Schools of Painting. London, 1822. 8vo. Jameson (Mrs. Anna). Handbook to the public Galleries of Art in and near London, with Catalogues of the Pictures [including the National Gallery, the Royal Collections at Windsor and Hampton Court, the Dulwich Gallery, James Barry's pictures at the Adelphi, and Sir John Soane's Museum]. London, 1842. 2 vols. i2mo. Companion to the most celebrated private Galleries of Art in London, containing accurate Catalogues [including the Queen's private collection, the Bridgewater, the Sutherland, the Grosvenor, the Lansdowne, Sir Robert Peel's and Samuel Rogers']. London, 1844. i2mo. ( 156 ) JAMESON (Mrs. Anna). Sacred and Legendary Art : Series I. Legends of the Angels, the Evangelists, the Apostles, Saints, Martyrs, Bishops, etc., as represented in the Fine Arts [with illustrations]. London, 1850. Square 8vo. Series II. Legends of the Monastic Orders, as repre- sented in the Fine Arts [with illustrations]. London, 1850. Square 8vo. Series III. Legends of the Madonna as represented in the Fine Arts, illustrated. London, 1852. Square 8vo. History of Our Lord, as exemplified in works of art : and that of His types ; St. John the Baptist, and other persons of the Old and New Testament [with illustrations], continued and completed by Lady Eastlake. London, 1865. 2 vols, square 8vo. See Galleries. Private. Coesvelt. See Gruner (L.). The Garden Pavilion at Buckingham Palace. Jansen (Albert). See Razzi (G. A.). Leben. Jansen (Henri). Essai sur l'origine de la Gravure en bois et en taille- douce et sur la Connoissance des Estampes des XV e et XVI e siecles, etc. Paris, 1808. 2 vols. 8vo. 20 plates. See Mengs (A. R.). Jefferys (Thomas). Collection of the Dresses of different nations, antient and modern, particularly old English dresses, after the designs of Holbein, Vandyke, Hollar and others, with an account of the authorities ; and the habits of the principal characters of the English stage. London, 1757. Only vols. 1 and 2. 4to. English and French text. 240 coloured plates. Another copy. London, 1757-72. 4 vols. 4to. Plates. JENYNS (Soame). Poetical Works. See POETRY. British Poets ; vol. 7 1 . Jerusalem. See FERGUSSON (J.). Notes on the site of the Holy Sepulchre. See JOHNS (J. W.). The Anglican Cathedral Church of St. James, Mount Sion. See Willis (Robert). Architectural history of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Jervaise ( ). See Reynolds (Sir J.). The W T est Window of the Chapel, New College, Oxford. Jesi (Samuele). Galleria Reale di Firenze. See Galleries. Public. Florence. Jesuits' Perspective [by J. Dubreuil, S. J.]. See Perspective. Jesus Christ. See ANGELICO (Fra). La Vita di Gesu Cristo dipinta dal B. Angelico. See JAMESON (Mrs. A.). History of Our Lord. See VEUILLOT (Louis). Jesus-Christ. ( 157 ) [JOBERT(le P. Louis).] La Science des Medailles. Paris, 1695. 1 2 mo. Plates. TOHNSH W). The Anglican Cathedral Church of Saint James, J Mount Sion, Jerusalem. London, 1844. Folio. 6 coloured plates. JOHNSON (Samuel). Dictionary of the English Language. London, 1755- First edition. 2 vols, folio. The Lives of the most eminent English Poets. London, 1781. 4 vols. 8vo. Portrait. Poetical Works. See Poetry. British Poets ; vol. 67. TONES, R.A. (George). . ■ See CHANTREY (Sir Francis L.). Recollections of his Lite. TONES (Inigo). The most notable Antiquity of Great Britain called J Stone-Heng, on Salisbury Plain, restored; with the Chorea Gigantumby Dr. Charlton, and Mr. Webb's Vindication. London, 1725 Folio. Portraits and plates. Some designs of Inigo Jones and Wm. Kent; drawn and engraved by John Vardy. London, 1744- Fo llQ - 53 plates, 2 lists, and frontispiece. The Designs of I. J., consisting of plans and elevations for Public and Private Buildings, published by William Kent, with some additional designs [English and French text]. London, 1 770 2 vols, in one, folio. 1 38 plates and 2 frontispieces. Inigo Jones : a life of the architect by Peter Cunningham ; Remarks on some of his sketches for masques and dramas by T R Planche, and five Court Masques, edited from the MSS. ot Ben Jonson, John Marston, etc., by J. Payne Collier. London Shakespeare Society, 1848. 8vo. Portrait and facsimiles of drawings. See PALLADIO (Andrea). Architecture. TONES (Owen). Plans, Elevations, Sections and Details of the J Alhambra from drawings taken on the spot by Jules Goury and Owen Jones ; with a complete translation of the Inscriptions and an historical notice of the Kings of Granada by Pascual de Gayangos. London, 1842-45. 2 vols, folio. Plates, many illuminated. The Grammar of Ornament, illustrated by examples from various styles of ornament, 112 plates. London, Day and Son, n. d. Folio. Coloured plates. JONES (T. E.). See BRITTON (J.). Autobiography : second part. JONES (Thomas Rymer). A general outline of the Animal Kingdom and manual of comparative anatomy. London, 1 841. bvo. Woodcuts. JONES (Sir William). Poetical Works. See POETRY. British Poets ; vol. 74. JONSON (Ben). Court Masques, edited by J. Payne Collier. See JONES (Inigo). Life. ( 158 ) JOPLING (Joseph). The septenary system of generating curves by continued motion. London, 1823. — Stevens (W. S.). The circle and the square in composition, or the quadrature of the circle. London \ii. d.~\. (2 plates) 2 vols, in one, 8vo. JORDAENS (Jacques). Catalogue de son ceuvre. See Basan (Fr.). Dictionnaire des graveurs. Jorio (Andrea de). La Mimica degli Antichi investigata nel Gcstire Napoletano. Napoli, 1832. 8vo. 21 plates. Description de quelques Peintures antiques qui existent au cabinet du Royal M usee-Bourbon di Portici. See Catalogues. Public Collections. Naples. Josephus (Flavius). The genuine Works of Flavius Josephus, translated from the Greek, with notes, and eight Dissertations by William Whiston. London, 1737. 2 vols, folio. Large paper ; maps and plans. JOULLAIN (Francois). See RICCOBONI (L.). Theatre Italien. JOVIUS (Paulus). See Giovio (Paolo). Jubinal (Achille). Les anciennes Tapisseries historiees, ou collection des monuments les plus remarquables de ce genre qui nous soient restes du moyen-age, a partir du XI e siecle au XVI e inclusive- ment ; texte par Achille Jubinal, gravures par les meilleurs artistes, d'apres les dessins de Victor Sansonetti. Paris, 1838-39. 2 vols, oblong folio. 123 plates on india paper. La Armeria Real ; ou collection des principales pieces du Musee d'Artillerie de Madrid ; dessins de Gaspard Sensi, texte d'Achille Jubinal, frontispices, lettres ornees, culs de lampe par Victor Sansonetti, gravures sur bois par M. Faxardo. Paris (i839)-i86i. 3 vols, in one, folio. 123 plates. JUNIUS (Franciscus). De Pictura Veterum libri III., emendati et aucti : accedit Catalogus, adhuc ineditus, Architectorum, Mecha- nicorum, Pictorum, Statuariorum, etc. Rotcrodami, 1694. 2 vols, in one, folio. Portrait and froiitispiece. JUPP (Edward Basil). List of drawings, engravings, etc., illustrating the Catalogues of the Free Society of Arts. See CATALOGUES. Public Collections. London : Free Soc. of A. List of original drawings, engravings, etc., illustrating the Cata- logues of the Society of Artists of Great Britain. See CATALOGUES. Public Collections. London: Soc. of Artists of Great Britain. Juvarra (cav. D. Filippo). Raccolta di Targhe fatte da professori primarj in Roma disegnate ed intagliate da F. J. Roma, 1722. 4-to. 5 3 plates. JUVENALIS (Decimus Junius). Satires. Translated by John Dryden and others. See POETICAL Translations. See POETRY. British Poets ; vol. 96. ( *59 ) KAUFFMANN, R.A. (Angelica Maria Catherina). Vita di Angelica Kauffmann, pittrice, scritta da Giovanni Gherardo de ROSSI. Fir enze {Pisa), 1 8 10. 8vo. Portrait. Angelica Kauffmann [Roman] par Leon de Wailly. Paris, 1859. 2 vols. i2mo. Kaulbach (Wilhelm von). See Durer (Albrecht). Diirer-Album. Keller (Enrico). Elenco di tutti gli pittori, scultori, architetti, miniatori, incisori in gemme, ec, esistenti in Roma l'anno 1824. Roma \s. a.~\. i2mo. KENNETT (Bp. White). A complete History of England, with the lives of all the kings and queens thereof, from the earliest time to the death of William III. London, 1706. 3 vols, folio. Portraits. Kent (William). See Jones (Inigo). Designs. KERR (Robert). The Gentleman's House ; or, how to plan English Residences, with tables of accommodation and cost, and a series of selected plans. By R. Kerr, Architect. Third edition. London, 1871. 8vo. Kerrich (Rev. Thomas). Catalogue of Roman Coins, presented by the Rev. Ed. Kerrich to the Soc. of Antiquaries. See CATALOGUES. Public Coll. London : Antiquaries (Soc. of). See HEEMSKERCK (M.). Catalogue of the prints engraved after him. KERSHAW (Samuel Wayland). Art Treasures of the Lambeth Library : a description of the illuminated MSS., etc., including notes on the library by S. W. Kershaw. London, 1873. 8vo. Frontispiece. [Kestner (A.).] Ueber die Nachahmung in der Malerei. Frank- furt am Main, 1818. i2mo. Kew. See Chambers (Sir W.). Plans, Elevations, etc., of the Gardens and Buildings at Kew, the seat of the Princess Dow. of Wales. King (Charles W.). The Gnostics and their remains ancient and mediaeval. London, 1864. 8vo. Plates. The Handbook of Engraved Gems, with illustrations. London, 1866. i2mo. Plates. King (Richard John). Handbook to the cathedrals of Wales — Llandaff, St. David's, St. Asaph, Bangor. London, 1873. i2mo. Plates and engravings. KlRBY (John Joshua). Dr. Brook Taylor's Method of Perspective made easy both in theory and practice in two books, by Joshua Kirby, illustrated with 50 copperplates. [Dedicated to Wm. Hogarth.] Ipswich, 1754. 2 parts in one vol. 4to. Plates. ( i<5o ) KlRBY (John Joshua). Dr. Brook Taylor's Method of Perspective made easy. Third edition, with additions. London, 1768. 2 vols, in one, folio. 35 plates. The perspective of architecture deduced from the principles of Dr. Brook Taylor. London, 1761. Folio. Frontispiece and 73 plates. Description and use of a new instrument called an architectonic sector. London, 1761. Folio. 25 plates. Kircher, S. J. (Athanasius). Turris Babel, sive Archontologia qua. priscorum post diluvium hominum vita, mores, turris fabrica civitatumque extructio describuntur. Anistclodami, 1679. Folio. Plates. KlT-Cat Club. See Kneller (Sir Godfrey). Kleiner (Solomon) et Joh. Andrea Pfeffel. Vera et accurata Deli- neatio omnium Templorum et Ccenobiorum Viennse per S. K. et J. A. P. Aug. Vind., 1724. 2 vols, oblong folio. Plates. {Bound tcp with) Veues et Facades par J. A. Delfenbach. See Vienna. Kneller (Sir Godfrey). The Kit-Cat Club done from the original paintings of Sir Godfrey Kneller by John Faber. London, 1735. 48 plates and engraved title. At the end is a MS. Account of the Kit- Cat Club. The Beauties done from the original pictures at Hampton Court by Sir Godfrey Kneller. London \ji. d.\. (12 portraits and engraved title.). — Beauties from the pictures at Hampton Court by Sir Peter Lely. London, 1778-89. (8 portraits.) In one vol. folio. Knight (Henry Gaily). The Normans in Sicily : being a sequel to an "Architectural Tour in Normandy." London, 1838. i2mo. Saracenic and Norman Remains to illustrate " the Normans in Sicily." London [n. d.\ Folio. 30 plates. The Ecclesiastical Architecture of Italy from the time of Con- stantine to the XVth century, with an Introduction and Text by H. G. Knight. Loudon, 1842-4. 2 vols, folio. 81 plates. KNIGHT (Richard Payne). Specimens of Ancient Sculpture. See Dilettanti Society. Carmina Homerica. See Homer. KNOWLES (John). See FUSE LI (Henry). Life. KNOWSLEY Gallery. See CATALOGUES. Private Collections. Knowslcy. See Galleries. Private. Knowsley. KNOX (Robert). Manual of Artistic Anatomy. Loudon, 1852. 1 21110. Woodcuts. Kolbe (Prof). Transparcnt-Gcmalde. See Schadow (J. G. u. R.). ( i6i ) KRAFFT (Adam). Adam Krafft and his School, 1490-1507 : being a collection of his sculptures still extant in Nuremberg and its vicinity, with 60 engravings accompanied with text by Fr. Wanderer [in German, French, and English]. Nuremberg \s. #.]. 4to. Woodcuts. See WEALE (John). Early Masters in Christian Decoration. Krafft (Jean Charles). Plans, Coupes et Elevations de diverses productions de l'Art de la Charpente, executees tant en France que dans les pays etrangers, recueillis et publies par J. Ch. Krafft. Paris, an XIII. — 1805. 4 parts in one vol. folio. 201 plates. Kreling (A.). Sec Durer (Albrecht). Diirer-Album. KRETSCHMER (Albert). Deutsche Volkstrachten ; Original-Zeich- nungen mit erklarendem Text von A. K., Farbendruck des Lith. Inst. v. J. G. Bach. Leipzig, 1870. 4to. German and French text. Illuminated title and 88 coloured plates. KRETSCHMER (Albert) und Rohrbach (Dr. C). Die Trachten der Volker, vom Beginn der Geschichte bis zum I9 ten Jahrhundert. Leipzig, 1864. 4to. Frontispiece and 100 coloured plates. KREUTZ (Giovanni e Luigia). Mosaici Secondarii non compresi negli spacciati geometrici ma che completano con essi tutto V interno della Basilica di S. Marco, disegnati e pubbl. da G. e L. K. Venezia, 1853. 3 parts in one vol. 4to. $3 plates, including engraved titles. KiJTTNER (Charles Gpttlob) and William Nicholson. Dictionary of the German Language for Englishmen according to the Dic- tionary of J. C. Adelung. Leipzig, 1805-13. 3 vols. 8vo. KUGLER (Franz Theodor). Handbuch der Geschichte der Malerei seit Constantin dem Grossen. Zweite Auflage unter Mitwirkung des Verfassers umgearbeitet und vermehrt von Jacob Burckhardt. Berlin, 1847. 2 vols. 8vo. Handbook of the History of Painting from the age of Con- stantine the Great, translated by a Lady [Lady Eastlake] ; edited, with Notes, by Sir C. L. Eastlake. London, 184.1. Vol. 1, The Schools of Italy. i2mo. Woodcuts. Handbook of Painting : Part I., the Schools of Painting in Italy, translated by a Lady [Lady Eastlake] ; edited, with Notes, by Sir Charles L. Eastlake, with illustrations by G. Scharf, jun. Second edition. London, 185 1. 2 vols. i2mo. Woodcuts. Handbook of Painting : Part II., the German, Flemish, and Dutch Schools of Painting, translated by a Lady [Lady Eastlake] ; edited, with Notes, by Sir Edmund Head. London, 1846. i2mo. Woodcuts. Handbook of Painting : Part II., the German, Flemish, and Dutch Schools. See Crowe (J. A.). Handbook of Painting, based upon Kugler. Kleine Schriften und Studien zur Kunstgeschichte, mit Illus- trationen. Stuttgart, 1853-54. 3 vols. 8vo. M ( i62 ) Kurdistan. See Layard (A. H.). Nineveh and its remains ; with a visit to the Chaldaean Christians of Kurdistan. The ruins of Nineveh, with travels in Kurdistan, etc. Kuttner (Charles Gottlob). See Kuettner (C. G.). L ( 163 ) ABARTE (Jules). Handbook of the Arts of the Middle Ages , and Renaissance, as applied to the decoration of furniture, arms, jewels, etc., translated from the French, with notes, etc., copiously illustrated. London, 1855. 8vo. Woodcuts. Recherches sur la Peinture en Email dans l'antiquite et au moyen-age. Paris, 1856. 4to. 8 coloured plates. Histoire des Arts Industriels au moyen-age et a l'epoque de la renaissance. Texte. Paris, 1864-66. 4 vols, royal 8 vo. Album. Paris, 1864. 2 vols. 4to. 148 coloured and illuminated plates. LABELYE (Charles). Short account of the methods made use of in laying the foundation of the Piers of Westminster Bridge. London, 1739. Svo. Plate. LABICUM. See FiCORONi (Fr. de'). Le Memorie ritrovate nel territono della prima et seconda citta di Labico. LABORDE (Alexandre Louis Joseph, comte de). Descripcion de un Pavimento en Mosayco, descubierto en la antigua Italica, hoy Santiponce, en las cercanias de Sevilla, accompaiiada con varias investigaciones sobre la Pintura en Mosayco. Madrid, 1806. Folio. 22 coloured plates, with vignettes. Collection de Vases Grecs, du comte de Lamberg, expliquee et publiee par Alexandre de La Borde. Paris, 1813-24. 2 vols, folio. Coloured plates. La BORDE (Henri, vicomte de). See FLANDRIN (Hippolyte). Lettres. See Catalogues. Public Coll. Paris : Bibl. Nationale. See Ingres (J. A. D.). Vie. Laborde (Leon Emmanuel Simon Joseph, comte de). Essai d'un Catalogue des Artistes originaires des Pays-Bas ou employes a la cour des Dues de Bourgogne au XIV e et XV e siecles. Paris, 1849. 8vo. Labruzzi (Carlo). Le Pitture di Masaccio. See Masaccio. LACOMBE (P.). Arms and Armour, in antiquity and middle ages, also a descriptive notice of modern weapons. Translated with a preface, notes, and an additional chapter on England, by Charles Boutell. London, 1869. i2mo. Woodcuts. LACROIX (Paul). XVIIP siecle : Institutions, Usages et Costumes ; France, 1 700-1 789 ; ouvrage illustre de 21 chromolithographies et de 350 gravures sur bois, sous la direction de A. Racinet. Paris, 1875. 4to. Woodcuts and chromolithographs. See EmEric-David (T. B.). Hist, de la Peinture au moyen-age. LACROIX (Paul) et Alphonse Duchesne. Histoire de la chaussure depuis l'antiquite la plus reculee jusqua nos jours, suiyie de l'histoire serieuse et drolatique des Cordonniers, etc. Edition enrichie de 250 gravures et 48 planches contenant 432 blasons par Ferdinand Sere. Paris. 1862. 4to. M 2 ( 1 64 ) A LACROIX (Paul) ct Ferdinand Sere. Lc Moyen-Age et la Renaissance, histoire et description des mceurs et usages, du commerce et de l'industrie, des sciences, des arts, des litterateurs et des beaux-arts en Europe. Direction litteraire de Paul Lacroix, direction artistique de F. Sere, dessins fac-simile par A. Rivaud. Paris, 1848-51. 5 vols. 4to. Plates, some coloured. LAER (M.). See Berghem (Nic). Recueil de trente sujets. Laet (Joannes de). De Gemmis et Lapidibus libri II. See Boot (Ans. Boece de). Gemmarum historia. La Fage (Raimond de). Recueil des meilleurs desseins de Raimond La Fage grave par cinq des plus habiles gravcurs et mis en lumiere par les soins de Van der Bruggen. Amsterdam, 1689. Folio. Plates. La Fargue (P. C). See Anne, Princess of Orange. Convoi funebre, 1759. La Fizeliere (A. de). See CHINTREUIL (A.). Vie. La FONTAINE (Jean de). Fables choisies, mises en vers par J. de la Fontaine. [Publ. avec la vie de l'auteur, par M. de Montenault.] Parts, I755-59- 4 vols, folio. Plates by J. B. Oudry. La FOSSE (Jean Charles de). Six Livres de Trophees, contcnant divers attributs d'Eglise, de Guerre, Militaircs, Pastorals, de Chasse et de Peche, d'Amour et de Musique, inventes et dessines par J. C. de la Fosse. Paris [s. d.\. Folio. 30 plates. Lagrange (Leon). See Vernet (C. J.). Les Vernets. La GuERINlERE (Fr. Robichon de). Ecole de la Cavalerie contenant la connoissance, l'instruction et la conservation du Cheval. Paris, 1754. 2 vols, in one, 8vo. Plates, mostly after C. Parrocel. LAING (David). Plans, elevations, and sections of Buildings, public and private, executed in various parts of England, including the New Custom House, London, with descriptions, by D. L. London, 18 18. Folio. 59 plates. Laird (J. L.). ee Wag ner (M oritz). LAIRESSE (Gerhard de). The Art of Painting, demonstrated by Discourses and Plates and exemplified by Remarks, translated by John Frederick Fritsch. London, 1738. 4to. La JOUE (J. J. de). Nouveaux Tableaux d'Ornements et Rocailles, par J. J. de la Joue. Paris, chez Huquier [s. d.~\. (9 plates.). — Livre de Vases inventes par J. J. de la Joue. Ibid. (6 plates.) 2 parts folio. See {bound up with) BOUCHER (F.). Livre des Cartouches. LALANNE (Maxime). Traite de la gravure a l'eau-forte. Paris, 1866. 8vo. 8 plates. Lamberg (comte de). Collection de Vases Grecs. See LABORDE (Alex, comte de). ( 165 ) Lambeth Palace. See Kershaw (S. W.). Art Treasures of Lambeth Library. [Lamesangere (Pierre de).] Galerie Franchise de Femmes celebres par leurs talens, leur rang ou leur beaute : Portraits en pied, dessines par M. Lante, la plupart d'apres des originaux inedits, graves par M. Gatine, et colories ; avec des notices biographiques et des remarques sur les habillemens. Paris, 1827. 4to. 70 coloured plates. La Motraye (Aubry de). Travels through Europe, Asia, and part of Africa: a curious collection of things, such as remains of antient cities and colonies, inscriptions, idols, medals, mines, etc. London, printed for the author, 1723. 2 vols, folio. Maps and plates engraved by R. Smith. Lamotte (Charles). Essay upon Poetry and Painting with relation to the sacred and profane History. London, 1730. i2mo. La Motte (Philip de). Choice examples of Art Workmanship selected from the Exhibition of ancient and mediaeval Art at the Society of Arts, drawn and engraved under the superintendence of P. de la Motte. London, 185 1. Imp. 8vo. Plates. Lancashire. See Turner (J. M. W.). Views in Lancashire and Yorkshire. Landon (Charles Paul). Annales du Musee et de l'Ecole moderne des Beaux-Arts, avec le Tome complementaire. Premiere Collec- tion. Paris, 1803-9. I 7 vols - 8vo - Plates. Paysages et Tableaux de genre du Musee Napoleon. Paris, 1805-8. 4 vols. 8vo. Plates. Annales du Musee et de l'Ecole moderne des Beaux-Arts: Seconde Collection, Partie Ancienne ; avec la Galerie Giustiniani. Paris, 1 8 10-13. 4 vols. 8vo. Plates. Annales du Musee et de l'Ecole moderne des Beaux-Arts : Les Salons de 1808, 18 10, 18 12, 18 14. Paris, 1808-14. 6 vols. 8vo. Plates. Vie et CEuvres des Peintres les plus celebres de toutes les ecoles, Recueil classique contenant l'ceuvre complete des peintres du premier rang et leurs portraits, les principals productions des artistes de 2 e et 3 e classes, un Abrege de la vie des Peintres Grecs et un choix des plus belles peintures antiques, reduit et grave au trait d'apres les estampes. Paris, 18 1 3. 25 vols, in 8. ^to. Plates. Landsberg (Major Baron von). See GRUNER (L.). Das grime Gewolbe zu Dresden. LANDSEER, R.A. (Sir Edwin Henry). Subjects by E. L., etched by John, Thomas, and Edwin Landseer. London, 1852. Folio. 1 1 plates and engraved title. Etchings after Sir Edwin Landseer. [v. jr.] Folio. 17 plates, proofs before letters on india paper. Memoirs of Sir Edwin Landseer : a sketch of the life of the artist, illustrated with reproductions of twenty-four of his most popular works, by F. G. Stephens. London, 1874. Royal 8vo. Photographs. ( 1 66 ) LANDSEER (Henry). See Flaxman (J.). Anatomical Studies. Landseer, A.E.R.A. (John). Lectures on the art of Engraving. London, 1807. 8vo. LANDSEER, A.E.R.A. (Thomas). Characteristic Sketches of Animals, drawn from the life and engraved by Thomas Landseer, with notices by John Henry Barrow. London, 1832. 4I0. ^plates. See Bewick (William). Life. Lane (Edward William). An account of the manners and customs of the Modern Egyptians. Fifth edition, with numerous addi- tions, edited by Edward Stanley Poole. London, i860. 8vo. Plates. [Lane, A.E.R.A. (Richard James).] Notes on as much of the Cata- logue of the present Exhibition of the Royal Academy as relates to the works of the members [a Poem]. {Not published?) 1855. 8vo. See GAINSBOROUGH (Thomas). Studies of Figures. Lanfranco (Giovanni). La Cuppola di G. Lanfranco, dipinta in Roma, nella chiesa di S. Andrea della Valle, disegnata et intagliata da Carlo Cesio, e di nuovo data in luce con direttione e cura da Gio. Giacomo Rossi. Roma, 1691. (8 plates?). — Icones Romae in ecclesia S. Augustini atque in ejus sedicula ab Jo. Lanfranco depictae. Roma, J. J. de Rubeis [s. a.]. (9 plates.). — Picturae , depictae a Petro BERETINO Cortonen. Romae in aedibus S. Bibianae sculptae a R. V. A. Gandensis. Romce, J. Jac. de Rubeis [s. a.]. (5 plates.) 3 vols, in one, folio. Deorum concilium in Pinciis Burghesianis Hortis ab Jo. Lan- franco imaginibus expressum, a Petro Aquila ad similitudinem del. et incisum. Romce [1720]. (7 folding plates and engraved title?). — Barberinae Aulae Fornix Romae Petri Berettini Corton. picturis admirandus cujus spirantes imagines et monocromata in hisce delineamentis ad similitudinem adumbrata Urbani VIII. P. M. virtutes exprimunt. Romce, J. J. de Rubeis [1690]. (9 plates and engraved title.). — Fourteen Plates of Biblical Landscapes ; drawn and engraved by Sebastien BOURDON. Paris [s. d.]. (No title ; 14 unnumbered plates) 3 vols, in one, folio. LANGHORNE (John). Poetical Works. See POETRY. British Poets ; vol. 65. LANGHORNE (John and William). See Plutarch. Lives. LANGLOIS (Eustache Hyacinthe). Essai historiquc et descriptif sur la Peinture sur Verrc, ancienne et moderne, et sur les vitraux les plus remarquables, suivi de la biographie des plus celebres peintres-verriers ; orne de sept planches dessinees et gravees par M Ile Esperance Langlois. Rouen, ,1833. 4to. Large paper. Lant£ (Louis Marie). See [LamesangEre (P. dc)]. Galerie Francaise de Femmes celebres. ( 167 ) LANZI (Luigi). Storia Pittorica della Italia, dal risorgimento delle Belle Arti fin presso al fine del XVIII. secolo. Edizione quarta. Bassano, 1818. 6 vols, in three, 8vo. History of Painting in Italy ; translated by Thomas Roscoe. London, 1828. 6 vols. 8vo. Notizie della Scultura degli antichi e dei vari suoi stili. Poli- grafia Fiesolana [Firenze], 1824. 8vo. Portrait and 19 plates. Saggio di Lingua Etrusca e di altre antiche d' Italia. Firenze, 1824-25. 2 parts in three vols. 8vo. Portrait and plates. LAPI (Camillo). Collezione dei progetti d' architettura. See Florence. Academy. LARDNER (Dionysius). Animal Physics ; or the body and its func- tions familiarly explained. London, 1857. i2mo. Woodcuts. La RUE (J. B. de). Traite de la Coupe des Pierres. Paris, 1764. Folio. Plates and frontispiece. Lasinio (Carlo). Pitture a Fresco del Campo Santo di Pisa in- tagliate da Carlo Lasinio. Firenze, 1812. Oblong folio. 39 plates. Affreschi celebri del XIV. e XV. secolo incisi dal cav. Carlo Lasinio sui disegni del cav. Paolo suo figlio, con illustrazioni. Firenze 1841. Folio. 32 plates. Lasinio (Giovanni Paolo). Raccolta di sarcofagi, urne e altri monu- menti di scultura del Campo Santo di Pisa intagliati da Paolo Lasinio figlio. Pisa, 18 14. 4to. Plates. See GozziNl (Vincenzo). Monumenti Sepolcrali della Toscana. See Petri (Niccolo). Raccolta di Pitture Antiche. See PlERACCINI (Francesco). Lastri (Marco). See ETRURIA (L') Pittrice. Laugier, S. J. (Marc Antoine). Essai sur l'Architecture. Nouvelle edition, augmentee, avec un Dictionnaire des termes. Paris, 1755. 8vo. Frontispiece and 8 plates. Launay (Marie de). See Architecture (L') Ottomane. LAURO (Giacomo). Antiquae Urbis Splendor, hoc est prsecipua ejusdem templa, theatra, circi, naumachise, etc., opera et industria Jac. Lauri. Romce, 1612-15. 3 parts in one vol. oblong 4to. Plates. Lavater (Johann Caspar). Essays on Physiognomy ; illustrated by more than 800 engravings accurately copied, and some dupli- cates, executed by, or under the inspection of Thomas Holloway ; translated from the French by Henry Hunter. London, 1789-98. 3 vols, in five, 4to. Plates. Lawrence (Richard). Elgin Marbles, from the Parthenon at Athens, exemplified by 50 etchings selected from the most beautiful and least mutilated specimens, accompanied with remarks. London, 18 18. Oblong 4to. ^o plates. ( 168 ) Lawrence, P.R.A. (Sir Thomas). Engravings from the choicest works of Sir Thomas Lawrence. London (1841-46). Folio. Proofs, ^opiates, engraved by S. Cousins, R.A. Engravings after Sir T. Lawrence. 2 vols, folio. Twenty Imitations of Sir T. Lawrence's drawings of sovereigns, statesmen, etc., engraved and published by Frederick C. Lewis. London, 1839. {Proofs.). — Forty-four proof portraits after Sir T. Lawrence, engraved by F. C. Lewis, [v. y!\ In one vol. folio. Addresses to the students of the Royal Academy, 1 823-1 826. London, 1824-26. — Addresses, 1827, 1828, 1829 \in Manuscript]. 5 parts in one vol. 8vo. Catalogue of the first part of the collection of Engravings in the portfolio of Sir T. Lawrence ; Catalogue of the collection of Paintings of Sir T. L. ; Original drawings by modern artists, the property of Sir T. L. ; Catalogue of the Library of Sir T. L. ; Catalogue of a collection of Casts, the property of Sir T. L. — Sold by auction by Mr. Christie. London, 1830. 7 parts in one vol. 4to. Interleaved with prices and names of purchasers in MS. The life and correspondence of Sir T. Lawrence, by D. E. WILLIAMS. London, 1831. 2 vols. 8vo. Portraits. See Galleries. Private. Lawrence. Laurent (Henri). See Galleries. Public. Paris : Musee Royal. Laurentiani (Jacomo). Opere per argentieri et altri. Roma?, 1632. 1 2 plates. See {bound up with) Boucher (F.). Livre des Cartouches. LAYARD (Austen Henry). Nineveh and its remains : with an account of a visit to the Chaldaean Christians of Kurdistan and the Yezidis or devil-worshippers ; and an enquiry into the manners and arts of the ancient Assyrians. Third edition. London, 1849. 2 vols. 8vo. Plates. Discoveries in the ruins of Nineveh and Babylon, with travels in Armenia, Kurdistan, and the Desert. London, 1853. 8vo. Maps and plates. The Monuments of Nineveh, from drawings made on the spot. London, 1853. Both series. 2 vols, folio. 171 plates. Inscriptions in the Cuneiform character from Assyrian Monu- ments discovered by A. H. Layard [partly revised by S. Birch and edited by Edwd. Hawkins]. London, 185 1. Folio. The Brancacci Chapel and Masolino, Masaccio, and Filippino Lippi. London, 1868. Royal 8vo. Plates. See Arundel Society. LAZZARINI (Giovanni Andrea). Notizie del canonico G. A. Lazzarini. Firenze, 1804. 8vo. See {bound up with) Lazzaro (San). Vita da L. Cicognara. ( i«9 ) Lazzaro (S.). Vita di S. Lazzaro, monaco e pittore, preceduta da alcune osservazioni sulla Bibliomania [pubblicata da Leopoldo Cicognara]. Brescia, 1807. — Notizie del canonico Gio. Andrea Lazzarini di Pesaro, insigne pittore e letterato. Firenze, 1804. 2 vols, in one, 8vo. Le Bas (J. P.). See BOUCHARDON (Edme). Le Blon (Jacques Christophe). L'Art d'imprimer les tableaux, traite d'apres les ecrits, les operations, et les instructions verbales de J. C. Le B. [Avec un Petit traite du Colons. Publie par Gaultier de Montdorge.] Paris, 17 $6. 8vo. Plates. Le Blond (Alexandre J. B.). La theorie et la pratique du Jardinage. Nouvelle edition. Paris, 1722. 4to. Plates. Le BRUN (Charles). Les Tapisseries du feu roy Louis XIIII. de glorieuse memoire, en douze feuilles, inventees par Charles Le Brun et gravees par Sebastien Le Clerc. [Amst. .] (MS. title, with portrait, and 12 plates?). — Tapisseries de S.A.R. Mons. le due d'Orleans representant l'Histoire de Meleagre, executee sur les tableaux de Ch. Le Brun, gravee par B. Picart. Amsterdam, 1714. {Engraved title and J plates.) 2 vols, in one, folio oblong. Les peintures de Charles Le Brun et d'Eustache Le Sueur qui sont dans l'Hotel du Chastelet cy devant la maison du President Lambert [avec l'Apotheose d'Hercule] dessinees par Bernard Picard ; avec les plans et les elevations de cette maison, sa description et celle des Tableaux. Paris, 1740. Folio. 43 plates. La Grande Galerie de Versailles et les deux salons qui l'ac- compagnent peints par Ch. Le Brun, dessines par Jean-Baptiste Masse et graves sous ses yeux. Paris, 1752. Folio. 52 plates. ■ Conference upon Expression general and particular ; translated [by J. Smith] and adorned with 43 copper-plates. London, 1701, i2mo. Expressions of the Passions of the Soul, engraved by John Tinney. Loudon [18 15]. Folio. 19 plates and engraved title. Le Brun (J. B. Pierre). Galerie des peintres Flamands, Hollandais et Allemands, ouvrage enrichi de 201 planches avec un texte explicatif par J. B. Pierre Le Brun. Paris, 1792. 3 vols, in two, folio. Plates. Le Clerc (Jean). See COUSIN (Jean). Etude ; par A. Firmin Didot. Le Clerc (Seb.). Treatise of Architecture with observations and remarks, and Plates, engraven on 181 copper-plates. Translated by Chambers. London, 1832. 2 vols. 8vo. See Le Brun (Charles). Tapisseries. Le Comte (Florent). Cabinet des singularitez d'Architecture, Sculpture et Gravure ; ou Introduction a la connoissance des plus Beaux Arts, figures sous les Tableaux, les Statues et les Estampes. Brusselles, 1702. 3 vols. i2mo. Plates. ( i7o ) LECOY de la Marche (Albert). L'Academie de France a Rome: correspondance inedite de ses directeurs, precedce d'une Etude historique. Paris, 1874. 8vo. Ledebur (Leopold von). Das kgl. Museum vaterlandischer Alterthiimer im Schlosse Monbijou zu Berlin. See CATALOGUES. Public. Berlin : Monbijou. Le Febre (Valentin). Raccolta di Opere scelte dipinte da Tiziano, Antonio Regillo detto II Pordenone, II Tintoretto, Paolo Calliari Veronese, Dario Varotari detto II Padoanino, li Bassani, Giacomo Palma, Giuseppe Salviati e altri maestri della scuola Veneziana, disegnate et incise in parte da Valentino Le Febre ed in parte da Silvestro Maniago e da Andrea Zucchi. Venezia, 1786. Folio. 90 plates. LEGREW (James). Remarks on the sculpture of the nations referred to in the Old Testament. London, 1845. i2mo. Le Hay (M.). Recueil de cent estampes representant les differentes nations du Levant, tirees sur les tableaux peints d'apres nature en 1707 et 1708, par les ordres de M. de Ferriol, ambassadeur du Roi a la Porte, et gravees en I7i2eti7i3 par les soins de Mr. le Hay. Paris, 1714. — Explication des cent estampes; avec de nouvelles estampes de Ceremonies Turques. Paris, 17 1 5. Folio. 102 plates. Leicester Gallery. See Catalogues. Private Collections. Leicester (Sir J. F.). See Galleries. Private. Leicester (Sir J. F.). Leigh Court, near Bristol. Catalogue of the pictures. See Catalogues. Private Collections. Leigh Court. Leigh Park Gallery. See Galleries. Private. Leigh Park. [LEIGHTON (John).] Suggestions in Design ; including original compositions in all styles, with descriptive notes, for the use of artists and art-workmen, by Luke Limner. London, 1853. 4to. 47 plates. Discourse on Japanese Art. London, privately printed (only 50 copies) 1863. Folio. Woodcuts. To the Royal Academy of Arts upon the condition and future of its Library. [London, 1869.] Small 4to. Leitch (John). See MULLER (C. O.). LEITH (Samuel). The Tradesman's Book of Ornamental designs. London [n. d.]. Parts 1-6. 4to. Plates. [Le JEUNE de Boullencourt ( ).] Description generale de l'Hostel Royal des Invalides etabli par Louis XIV., avec les plans, profils, et elevations. Paris, chez Vauteur, 1683. Folio. 19 plates and frontispiece. Le Keux (John). See Britton (J.). Le Keux (John and Henry). See Pugin (Aug.). ( i7i ) LELY (Sir Peter). Beauties from the pictures at Hampton Court: 1778-89 Folio. % portraits. See (bound tip with) KNELLER (Sir G.). Beauties. I^^SSJ^^^ Note,, 13 «~ mical plates. . . , Paris] Tm- 8vo - Etehed portrait by Gilbert. LE MIRE (Noel). Les Metamorphoses d'Ovide. See OviDiUS. LE Moine (Francois). See BERAIN (Jean). Lempriere (J.). Classical Dictionary. London, 1804. 4to. Lennox (Mrs. Charlotte). j* BRUMOY (Pierre). The Greek Theatre. _ T fnotr (Alexandre). Musee des Monuments Francais ou Des- LENOIR (Aiexanur ; bas . re ii e f s e t tombeaux des hommes et cnption des statues, bas reiK» de 8vo. Plates. . , , Monumens des Arts liberaux, mecaniques e ■ '"du^neb de a France depuis les Gaulois usqu'au regne de Francois 1 . France, aepuis •> d monumen s d'architecture, de Icufptu etTe W«, medaUles cables, armes etamures costumes, machines, etc, avec un texte. Pans, 1840. Folio. Plates. . . , LENS (Andre). Le Costume des Peuples de 1 Antiquite prouvepar les monuments. Nouvelle edition augmentee par G. H. Martini. Dresde,i7^- 4to. W plates. t „ v P M The Life and Pontificate of Leo the Tenth, by William LE °Ro£oe' Jourrh edition, revised by his son, Thomas Roscoe. London,' 1S46. 2 vols. 8vo. Portraits. ^Z^l^Tiytl Ragguaglio della solenne comparsa fatta in Roma dal conte di Castelmaine. Leoni (Giacomo). See Alberti (L. B.). See Palladio (Andrea). ^(225^0 (Antonio Allegri da). Pitture. T t.hpot d William Archduke of Austria. Cabinet de Tableaux. ^SeeGA^llt Private. Leopold William of Austria. LE PAUTRE (Anthoine). CEuvres d'Architecture. Paris [1652J. Folio. Plates. LE PAUTRE (Jean). CEuvres d'Architecture. Paris, 17 Si- 3 vols. folio. Plates. ( 172 ) Le PAUTRE (Pierre). Les Plans, Profils, et Elevations de la ville et chateau de Versailles, avec les bosquets et fontaines, dessinez et gravez en 17 14 et 17 15 par P. Le P. Paris [s. d.\ Folio. 56 plates and engraved title. Le Petit (Dr.). See Hogarth (W.). LEPIClE (Bernard). Vies des premiers peintres du Roi depuis M. Le Brun, jusqu'a present. Paris, 1752. 2 vols, in one, 12 mo. LEREAU (J.). See Canal (A.). Prospects of the Great Canal of Venice. Le Roy (Julien David). Les Ruines des plus beaux Monuments de la Grece considerees du cote de l'histoire et du c6t6 de l'architec- ture. Seconde edition, augmentee. Paris, 1770. 2 vols, in one, folio. 61 plates. LESLIE, R.A. (Charles Robert). Handbook for young Painters ; with illustrations. London, 1855. 12 mo. Autobiographical Recollections by C. R. Leslie, edited with a prefatory Essay and selections from his correspondence by Tom Taylor. London, i860. 2 vols. i2mo. Portrait. See CONSTABLE (John). Memoirs. See Reynolds (Sir Joshua). Life. LESSING (Gotthold Ephraim). Du Laocoon, ou des limites rcspcc- tives de la Poesie et de la Peinture ; traduit par Charles Vander- bourg. Paris, an X. — 1802. 8vo. Frontispiece. Le SUEUR (Eustache). E. Lesueur, surnomme le Raphael Frangais, par J. J. E. Roy. Tours, 187 1. i2mo. Frontispiece. Peintures qui sont dans l'Hotel du Chastelet. See Le Brun (Ch.). Letters (Collections of). See Bottari (Giov.). Raccolta di Lettere sulla Pittura, Scultura ed Architettura scritta da' piu celebri professori dei sec. XV. XVI. e XVII. See GAYE (G.). Carteggio inedito d'Artisti dei sec. XIV. XV. XVI. See Gualandi (M. A.). Nuova Raccolta di Lettere dei sec. XV. a XIX. See [Valle (Gugl. della)]. Lettere senesi. LEUCHTENBERG Gallery. See Catalogues. Private Collections. Leuchtenberg. See GALLERIES. Private. Leuchtenberg. Levant (The). See Le Hay (M.). Recueil de cent estampes representant les differentes nations du Levant. LEVESQUE (Pierre Charles). See Watelet (C. H.). ( 173 ) LEVEZOW (Konrad). Verzeichniss der antiken Denkmaler im Anti- quarium des koniglichen Museums zu Berlin. Erste Abthei- lung- Gallerie der Vasen, entworfen von Konrad Levezow. Berlin 1834. {24 plates.).— Abtheilung der Gemmen und antiken Miinzen von E. H. Toetken. Berlin, 1835. 2 vols. 8vo. LEVY (Edmond). Histoire de la Peinture sur Verre en Europe et particulierement en Belgique, avec planches par J. B. Capron- nier. Bruxelles, i860. 4to. Coloured plates. LEWIS (Frederick Christian). Scenery of the River Dart, being a series of 35 Views of Dartmoor, drawn and engraved by F. C. Lewis. London, 1821. Small folio. 35 P^tes and 3 vignettes, proofs. The Scenery of the Rivers Tamar and Tavy, in 47 subjects, drawn and engraved by F. C. Lewis. London, 1823. Sm. folio. Large paper; tf India proof s. The Scenery of the River Exe, drawn and engraved by F. C. Lewis. London,!^. Sm. folio. Large paper ; proofs on India paper. See Claude le Lorrain. See Flaxman (J.). " Acts of Mercy." See LAWRENCE (Sir T.). Drawings. Lewis (George R.). A Series of Groups, illustrating the people of France and Germany [being additions to Dr. Dibdin's Tour]. London, 1823. 4to. Large paper ; 52 plates, proofs on India paper. LEWIS (James). Original designs in Architecture, consisting of plans for various public and private buildings, executed or pro- posed to be erected in different parts of England and Ireland. Book II. London, 1797. Folio. Book I. wanting. 41 plates. LEWIS, R.A. (John Frederick). Sketches and Drawings of the Alhambra made during a residence in Granada, 1833-34. Drawn on stone by J. D. Harding, R. J. Lane, and W. Gauci. London [n. d.]. Folio. 25 plates, dedication and title. Sketches of Spain and Spanish Character, made during his tour in that country, 1833-34, drawn on stone by himself. London [n. d.]. Folio. Plates. Illustrations of Constantinople, made during a residence in that city, in the years 1835-36; arranged and drawn on stone from the original sketches of Coke Smyth by J. F. Lewis. London [n. d.]. Folio. 28 plates. Lewis (William Lillington). Translation of Statius. See Poetical Translations. LEYDEN (Lucas Jacobs, called Lucas van). See BARTSCH (Adam). Catalogue de toutes les estampes qui forment l'oeuvre de Lucas de Leyde. LlCETl (Fortunio). De Lucernis Antiquorum reconditis libb. VI. Utini, 1653. Folio. Plates. Lichfield Cathedral. See BRITTON (J.). Cathedral Antiquities of Great Britain. Liciitenberg (Georg Christoph). See Hogarth (W.). ( 174 ) Lichtenstein Gallery. See Catalogues. Private Collections. Lichtenstein. Liege. See HELBIG (J.). Histoire de la Peinture au pays de Liege. See WEALE (J.). Divers works of early Masters in Christian Decoration [including an account of the painted glass of the Church of S. Jacques at Liege]. LlEVRE (Edouard). See SAUZAY (Alexandre). Musee Imperial du Louvre : Collection Sauvageot. Light (Major William). See Dewint (P.). Sicilian Scenery. LlGORlUS (Pyrrhus). Ichnographia villae Tiburtinae Hadriani Cacsaris olim ab P. L. delineata et descripta postea a Francisco Continio recognita ; Latine et Italice. Roma;, 1751. Folio. 2 plates. Lille. Museum. See Catalogues. Public Collections. Lille. Limiers (Henri Philippe de). See Stosch (Ph. de). Gemmae antiquae. Limner (Luke). See [Leighton (John)]. Lindsay, now Earl of Crawford and Balcarres (Alexander W. C, Lord). Sketches of the History of Christian Art. London, 1847. 3 vols. 8vo. Linnell (John, James, and William). See Cole (Sir Henry). Handbook to the National Gallery. Linnell (John). The Royal Gallery of Pictures at Buckingham Palace. See Galleries. Private Collections. Buckingham Palace. Frescoes by Michael Angelo in the Sistine Chapel. See Michel Angelo Buonarroti. LiNTON (William). Ancient and modern Colours, with their chemical and artistic properties. London, 1852. i2mo. LlONl (Ottavio). Ritratti di alcuni celebri Pittori del secolo XVI I., con le vite de' medesimi tratte da varj autori, accresciute d' anno- tazioni : si e aggiunta la vita di Carlo Maratti scritta da Gio. Pietro Bellori fino all' anno 1689, e terminata da altri, non piu stampata. Roma, 173 1. 4to. Portraits. LlPPERT (Philipp Daniel). Dactyliothec, das ist, Sammlung gesch- nittener Steine der Alten aus denen vornehmsten Museis in Europa. Dresden, Leipsig, ij6y-y6. 2 vols. 4to. {Wanting Supplement) Plates. LlPPl (Fra Filippino). See Layard (A. H.). The Brancacci Chapel. Lister (Gerard). See Erasmus (Des.). Stultitiae Laus, cum comment. Ger. Listerii. LlTTA (conte Pompeo). Famiglie celebri Italiane. Milano, 1819- . 13 vols, folio. (Still in progress.) ( 175 ) LlTTLEBURY (Isaac). See HERODOTUS. History. LIVIUS (Titus). The Roman History of Titus Livius with the Sup- plements of John Freinshemius and John Dujatius, from the foundation of Rome to the middle of the reign of Augustus, done into English [by Philemon Holland]. London, 1686. Folio. Frontispiece and maps. LLAGUNO y Amirola (Eugenio). Noticias de los Arquitectos y Ar- quitectura de Espana desde su restauracion por Eugenio Llaguno y Amirola, ilustradas y acrescentadas con notas, adiciones y docu- mentos por Juan Agustin Cean - Bermudez. Madrid, 1829. 4 vols. 8vo. Llandaff. See King (R. J.). Handbook to the Cathedrals of Wales. Lloyd (Hannibal Evans). See Waagen (G. F.). Art and artists in Great Britain. Lloyd (William Watkiss). Memoir on the system of proportion employed in the original design of the Temples of Jupiter Panhellenius at Mgina. and of Apollo Epicurius at Bassae. See COCKERELL (C. R.). The Temples of Jupiter Panhellenius and of Apollo Epicurius. LOCKER (Frederick). Poems. London [not published] 1868. i2mo. Only 100 copies printed. LODGE (Edmund). Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain, engraved from authentic pictures, with biographical and historical Memoirs. (1502-1833.) London, 1835. 12 vols, in six, imperial 8vo. Portraits. See HOLBEIN (Hans). Imitations of original drawings. LODGE (G. Henry). See WlNCKELMANN (J. J.). Lodge (William). See BARRI (G.). The Painter's Voyage of Italy. LCEHLE ( )• See PlLOTY und Lcehle. LOGAN (James). The Clans of the Scottish Highlands illustrated by appropriate figures, displaying their dress, tartans, arms, armorial insignia and social occupations, original sketches by R. R. Maclan, with accompanying description and historical memoranda by James Logan. London, 1845-47. 2 vols, folio. Coloured plates. LOGAN (John). Poetical Works. See POETRY. British Poets ; vol. 70. LOGGAN (David). Oxonia Illustrata, sive istius Univ. omnium Col- leo-iorum, Aularum, Bibl. Bodleianae, Scholarum Publ. nee non urbis totius Scenographia, delineavit et sculpsit Dav. Loggan. Oxonice, 1675. Folio. 40 plates, and 5 pages of engraved title, etc. ( 176 ) Loire (The). See George (Ernest). Lomazzo (Giovanni Paolo). Trattato dell' arte dc la Pittura. Milano, 1584. First edition. 4to. A Tracte containing the artes of curious Paintinge, Caruinge, and Buildinge, written in Italian by Jo. Paul Lomatius, and englished by Rfichard] H[aydocke]. Oxford, by Joseph Barnes for R. H., 1 598. Folio. Engraved title, containing portraits of Lomazzo and Haydocke. Idea del tempio della Pittura. Milano, per P. G. Pontio, 1590. First edition. 4to. Delia forma delle Muse, cavata dagli antichi autori. Milano, per P. G. Pontio, 1591. . First edition. 4to. LOMBARDI (G.). Saggio dell' istoria pittorica d' Inghilterra ridotta a metodo. Firenze, 1S43. 8vo. LONDESBOROUGH (Lady). Catalogue of her collection of ancient and mediaeval Rings : by T. Crofton Croker. See CATALOGUES. Private Collections. Londesborough. London and Birmingham Railway. See Bourne (J. C). London Institution Library. See CATALOGUES. Books. London Institution. London. See also Westminster. Architecture. See Antiquaries (Soc. of). See BOWLES (T.). Views of London and its public buildings. See Buckingham Palace. See COOKE (E. W.). Views of the old and new London Bridges. See Gwynn (J.). London and Westminster improved. See Hammon (H. J.). The Architectural Antiquities and present state of Crosby Place. See Laing (David). Plans, Elevations, etc., of the new Custom House. See Malton (T.). Picturesque Tour through London and Westminster. See MAURER (J.). Perspective views in London. See Smirke (Sydney). Suggestions for the architectural improvement of the western part of London. Art (History of). See London. Exhibitions ; Galleries ; Museums. See Pye (John). Patronage of British Art ; the rise and progress of art and artists in London. Cathedrals. See LONGMAN (W.). History of the three Cathedrals dedi- cated to St. Paul in London. See Milman (H. II.). Annals of St. Paul's Cathedral. ( V7 ) London. Cathedrals. See SCOTT (Sir G. G.). Gleanings from Westminster Abbey. See THORNHILL (Sir James). The Cupola of St. Paul's, painted in eight compartments. See Westminster. Churches. See Clarke (Charles). Architectura Ecclesiastica Londini. See SMIRKE (Sydney). Illustrations of the Temple Church. See Vertue (G.). The plates of old St. Martin's in the Fields. See Westminster. See WREN (Sir C). Churches and other edifices built in London by Sir C. Wren ; 1668-1718. Parochial Churches erected in London and West- minster. Exhibitions. See Exhibitions. London. Galleries. See CATALOGUES. Public Collections. London. See GALLERIES. Public. London. See JAMESON (Mrs. A.). Companion to Private Galleries. Handbook to Public Galleries. History. See MAITLAND (William). The History of London. See OGILBY (John). Entertainment of Charles II. in his passage through London to his coronation. See RlLEY (Henry Thomas). Memorials of London and London Life in the XHIth, XlVth, and XVth centuries. See TlTE (Sir William). Introduction relating to Roman London. Lambeth Palace. See Kershaw (S. W.). Maps. See AGAS (R.). Civitas Londinum antiqua : the cities of London and Westminster. See HOLLAR (Wenceslaus). Map of London, 1647. Museums (Public). See MUSEUMS. Public. London. Pageants. See [NICHOLS (J. B.)]. London Pageants. I. Accounts of 55 Royal Processions and Entertainments in the City of London. II. A Bibliographical list of Lord Mayors' Pageants. — — Temple Church. See ESSEX (W. R. H.) and S. Smirke. Illustrations of the Temple Church. N ( 173 ) London. Views. See Antiquaries (Soc. of). Views. See COOKE (G. and E. W.). Views in London and its vicinity. LONDONIO (Francesco). Collezione completa di tutte le stampe originali rappresentanti in belle scene campestri, bestiami e gruppi di contadini, disegnate dal vero ed incise da Francesco Londonio. Parma, 1837. Oblong folio. French and Italian text. Portrait and 75 plates. Longford Castle. See Catalogues. Private Collections. Longford Castle. LONGHENA (Francesco). Istoria di Raffaello di A. C. Ouatremere de Quincy, tradotta da F. L. See Raphael. Life. Longinus (Dionysius Cassius). On the Sublime, translated from the Greek, with notes and observations by William Smith. Fourth edition, corrected. London, 1770. 8vo. Frontispiece. LONGMAN (William). History of the three Cathedrals dedicated to St. Paul in London. London, 1873. 8vo. Plates. LONICER (Johann Adam). See Amman (Jost). Clcrus totius Rom. Ecclesia?. Lonsdale (Henry). See Watson (M. L.). Loo-Choo. See Hall (Capt. B.). Voyage to Loo-Choo. Lorenzo de San Nicolas (El Padre). Arte y Uso de Arquitectura. Madrid, 1736. 2 vols, folio. Plates. L'ORME (Philibert de). See Pfnor (R.). Chateau LOSE (Federigo). See Gruner (L.). The Terra-Cotta Architecture of North Italy. LOUANDRE (Charles). Les Arts Somptuaires : Histoire du costume et de l'ameublement, et des arts et industries qui s'y rattachent, du V e au XVI I e siecle, sous la direction de Hangard-Mauge, dessins de Cl us Ciappori. Introduction generale et texte ex- plicatif par Ch. Louandre, impressions en couleurs par Hangard- Mauge. Paris, 1858. 4 vols, in three, 4to. Coloured plates. Louis XIV. King of France. Medailles sur les principaux evene- mens du regne de Louis-le-Grand, avec des explications historiques [par Fr. Charpentier, P. Tallemand, J. Racine, Boileau-Despreaux, etc.]. Paris, 1702. Folio. With the rare Preface, usually wanting; plates of medals. Le merae. Paris, 1702. 4to. Plates. See [Perrault (Ch.)]. Courses de Testes et de Bague faites en l'annee 1662. ( 179 ) Louis XV. King of France. See [Danchet (A.)]. Le Sacre de Louis XV. a Reims. See Weis (J. M.). Representation des fetes donnees par la ville de Strasbourg pour le Roi [Louis XV.J. Louvre (The). See CATALOGUES. Public. Paris : Louvre. See Clarac (Comte de). Musee de sculpture antique et moderne. See Galleries. Public. Paris : Louvre. See Landon (C. P.). Annales. See Sauzay (A.). Musee Imperial du Louvre : Collection Sauvageot. Lovell (Robert). Poetical Works. See Poetry. British Poets ; vol. 73. LoviBOND (Edward). Poetical Works. See POETRY. British Poets ; vol. 65. LtJBKE (Wilhelm). See LUEBKE (Wilhelm). LuCA Giordano. See Giordano (Luca). Lucanus (M. Annaeus). Pharsalia. Translated by Nicholas Rowe. See POETICAL Translations. See Poetry. British Poets ; vols. 99 and 100. Lucas (David). See Constable (John). LUCAS (Richard Cockle). Remarks on the Parthenon : being the result of studies and inquiries connected with the production of two models of that building. Salisbury, 1845. 8vo. Plates. LUCATELLI (Giampetro, Marchese). Del Porto di Ostia, e della maniera usata da' Romani nel fabbricare i Porti nel Mediter- raneo. Roma, 1750. 4to. See Tracts, i vol. 4to. LUCRETIUS Cams (Titus). Translated by Thos. Creech. See POETICAL Translations. LtJBKE (Wilhelm). History of Sculpture from the earliest ages to the present time ; translated by F. E. Bunnett, with numerous illustrations. London, 1872. 2 vols. 4to. Woodcuts. LUINI (Bernardino). See Gruner (L.). " Lo Scaffale " ; or Presses in the sacristy of the Church of S ta Maria delle Grazie at Milan, illustrations of the painted decorations by Bern. Luini. Lumsden (Andrew). Memoirs. See Strange (Sir Robert). Memoirs by James Dennistoun. Lupton (Thomas). See Turner (J. M. W.). Harbours of England. Luton Park Chapel. See Shaw (H.). n 2 ( 1 8o ) Lyons. See Catalogues. Public Collections. Lyons. See FLANDRIN (H.). Peintures murales executees dans l'eglisc de St. Martin d'Ainay a Lyon. LYSER (J. L.). See Hogarth (W.). LYSONS (Samuel). An account of Roman Antiquities discovered at Woodchester, near Minchin Hampton, in the county of Glou- cester. London, 1797. Folio. English and French text. 40 coloured plates, engraved title, and dedication. LYSONS (Daniel and Samuel). Magna Britannia, being a concise topographical account of the several counties of Great Britain. London, 1806-11. Vols. 1 and 2 in 5 parts, 4to. LYTTELTON (George, Lord). Poetical Works. See Poetry. British Poets ; vol. 56. ( i8i ) MACDUFF (William). Artis Farrago ; illustrations of human life from pictures by W. M. Edinburgh [n. d\ 4to. 16 photographs. MACHADO (Cyrillo Volkmar). Colleccao de Memorias relatives as vidas dos pintores e escultores, architetos, e gravadores Portu- guezes. Lis boa, 1823. 8vo. Portrait. McIan (R. R.). „ . , TT . , . , See Logan (James). The Clans of the Scottish Highlands. McKENNY (Thomas L.). History of the Indian Tribes of North America, with biographical sketches and anecdotes of the principal chiefs, with (coloured) portraits from the Indian Gallery in the Department of War, at Washington. London, 1836-44. 3 vols - folio. Coloured portraits. Mackenzie (Frederick). The architectural Antiquities of the Col- legiate Chapel of St. Stephen, Westminster, the late House ol Commons, drawn from actual survey, accompanied with obser- vations. London, 1844. Folio. 18 plates and frontispiece. MACKINTOSH (Sir James). History of the Revolution in England in 1688, completed, with a notice of the life of Sir J. Mackintosh. London, 1834. 4to. Portrait. MACLISE, R.A. (Daniel). The Illustrations to the Reliques of Father Prout, being a Series of Etchings drawn and etched by D. Maclise. Proofs before Letters. London, 1836. 8vo. Etchings. Moore's Irish Melodies, illustrated by D. Maclise. London, 1 846. 4to. Plates. [Burger's] Leonora, translated by Julia M. Cameron, with illustrations by D. Maclise, engraved by John Thompson. London, 1847. Sm. 4to. Plates. Shakspeare's Seven Ages etched by E. Goodall, after original designs by D. Maclise. Art Union of London, 1850. tolio. Large paper ; proofs on India paper. The Same. Ibid., 1850. Oblong 4to. Plates. The Story of the Norman Conquest, by D. Maclise. Art Union of London, 1866. Oblong folio. 42 plates on india paper. The Maclise Portrait Gallery :— a Gallery of illustrious Literary Characters (1830-1838) drawn by the late Daniel Maclise K.A., and accompanied by notices chiefly by the late William Maginn. Edited by William Bates. London, 1873. 4*0. Plates. A Memoir of D. Maclise by W. Justin O'Driscoll. London, 1871. i2mo Portrait. Madden (Sir Frederick) and T. Oliphant. Catalogue of the Manu- script Music in the British Museum. See MUSEUMS. Public. London : British Museum. See Shaw (Henry). Illuminated Ornaments. Madrazo (Jose de). See Galleries. Public. Madrid. ( i32 ) Madrazo (Pedro de). Catalogo de los cuadros del Real Museo de Pintura y Escultiira. See Catalogues. Public Collections. Madrid. Madrid. Armoury. See CATALOGUES. Public Collections. Madrid. See Jubinal (A.). La Armeria Real ; ou collection des principales pieces du Musee d'Artillerie de Madrid. Gallery. See CATALOGUES. Public Collections. Madrid. See GALLERIES. Public. Madrid. Royal Palace. See CATALOGUES. Public Collections. Madrid. See MENGS (A. R.). Description of the most capital Pictures in the King's Palace at Madrid. MAFFEI (Paolo Alessandro). See ROSSI (Dom. de'). Maffei (Scipione, Marchese). La Verona Illustrata ridotta in com- pendio, con varie aggiunte, premessa in ristretto la vita del marchese S. Maffei. Verona, 1771. 2 vols, in one, 8vo. Plates. Museum Veronense. See MUSEUMS. Public. Verona. MAGGIALI (Giuseppe). Nozze di Filippo V. See Philip V. of Spain. Maginn (William). The Maclise Portrait Gallery. See Maclise (D.). Magna Graecia. See Noehden (S. H.). Specimens of ancient coins of Magna Graecia and Sicily. MAGRINI (Antonio). See Fasolo (G. A.). Vita. Maier (Andrea). Delia Imitazione Pittorica, della Eccellenza delle opere di Tiziano, e della vita di Tiziano da Stefano Ticozzi, libri III. Venezia, 1818. 8vo. Maitland (William). The History of London from its foundation to the present time, with the several accounts of Westminster, Middlesex, Southwark, and other parts within the Bill of Mortality. London, 1739. Folio. Plates. Majano (Benedetto da). See Pieraccini (F.). II Pergamo, scolpito in marmo da Benedetto da Majano, nella chiesa di Santa Croce di Firenze. MAJOR (Thomas). The ruins of Pcestum otherwise Posidonia in Magna Graecia. London, 1768. Folio. 24 plates and 6 vig- nettes. Malaspina di Sannazaro (Luigi, Marchese). Delle Leggi del Bello applicate alia pittura ed architettura. Pavia, 1791. 8vo. Malie (Thomas). See Bruti (O. R.). ( 183 ) MALLET (David). Poetical Works. See Poetry. British Poets ; vol. 48. MALMUSI (Carlo). Museo Lapidario Modenese. Modern, 1830. 4*0. 29 plates. MALONE (Edward). See REYNOLDS (Sir Joshua). Literary Works. ' ^Jvertot (R. A. de). Histoire des Chevaliers de Malthe. MALTON (James). A picturesque ^d descriptive view of Dublin in scenes taken in 1791 by James Malton, with a brie .His ory. London, 1794. Oblong folio. 32 plates, including title and map. . The Young Painter's Maulstick ; being a practical treatise on Perspective. [Dedicated to Benjamin West.] London, 1800. 4to. 23 plates. Malton (Thomas). Royal Road to Geometry. London, 1774- 8vo. A Picturesque Tour through the cities of London and West- minster illustrated with the most interesting views, accurately delineated and executed in aquatinta by T. Malton. London, 1792. 2 vols, in one, folio. Plates. MALVASIA (Carlo Cesare, Conte). Felsina Pittrice vite de' Pittori Bolognesi. Bologna, 1678. 2 vols. 4to. Portraits. Vite de' pittori Bolognesi non descritte nella Felsina Pittrice [da Luigi CRESPi]. Roma, 1769- 4-to. Portraits. Osservazioni sopra il libro della Felsina Pittrice in difesa di Raffaello da Vine. Vittoria. See Raphael. Life. II Claustro di S. Michele in Bosco dip. da L. Carracci. See Carracci (Lud.). Manche (M.). See MEMLING (Hans). MANCHESTER. Catalogue of the Art Treasures, collected at Man- Chester, 1857. . __ . . See CATALOGUES. Public Collections. Manchester. MANCINI (Giulio). De Decoratione Liber. See MERCURIALIS (Hier.). MANCINI (Giulio). Alcune Considerationi appartenenti alia Pittura come di diletto di un gentil' huomo nobile. MANUSCRIPT, sa^c. XVII. 4to. Unpublished. Mander (Karel van). Het Schilder-Boek, waerin voor eerst de leerlustige Jeught den gront der edele vrye Schilder-konst in verscheyden deelen wort voorgedraghen, daerna in dry deelen t'leven der vermaerde doorluchtige Schilders des ouden ende nieuwen tydts ; eyntlyck d'uytlegghinghe op den Metamorphoseon Ovidii. {Amsterdam, 1618. 3 parts in one vol. 4to. Portraits. . Vervolg. See HOUBRAKEN (Arnold). ( 184 ) Mandelgren (N. M.). Monuments Scandinaves du moyen-age avec les peintures et les autres ornements qui les decorent, dessines et publies par N. M. Mandelgren. Paris, 1862. Folio. 40 plates, some illuminated. MANIAGO (conte Fabio di). Storia delle Belle Arti Friulane. Edizione seconda accresciuta. Udine, 1823. 8vo. Frontispiece. Elogi di celebri professori di Belle Arti. San-Vito, 1841. 8vo. Maniago (Silvestre). See Le Febre (V.). Raccolta di opere scelte dipinte da Tiziano e altri maestri della scuola Veneziana. Manni (Domenico M.). See Santo (Luca). Lezione. Mansart (Jules Hardouin). Livre de tous les plans, profils, et elevations du Chasteau de Clagny que Louis XIV. a fait bastir pres Versailles ; mis en lumiere par Michel Hardouin. Paris, 1680. Folio. 9 plates. MANTEGNA (Andrea). Julii Caesaris Triumphi de Gallia, ^Egypto, Ponto, Africa, Hispania. Romcs, 1692. Folio, ^plates. MANTELLI di Canobia (Girolamo). See Vinci (Leonardo da). Raccolta di Disegni. Mantua. Guide. See Antoldi (Francesco). Guida pel forestiere. Lives of Artists. See CoddE (Pasquale). Memorie dei pittori, scultori, archi- tetti ed incisori Mantovani. Palazzo del Te. Recente descrizione del R. Palazzo del Te e sue pitture. Mantova, 1 8 1 1 . 8vo. Portrait and 3 plates. See BOTTANI (G.). Descrizione delle pitture del Palazzo del Te. See GlULlo Romano. Sigismundi Augusti Triumphus. Giove che fulmina li Giganti. Mantz (Paul). Les chefs-d'oeuvre de la peinture Italienne, contenant 20 planches chromo-lithographiques par F. Kellerhoven, 30 planches sur bois et 40 culs-de-lampe. Paris, 1870. Folio. Michel-Ange. See Michel Angelo Buonarroti. Life. MANUALE storico dell' Arte Greca, pubblicato per cura di una Societa di Amatori delle Arti belle. Firenze, 1846. i2mo. Maratti (Carlo). Vita, scritta da Gio. Pietro Bellori. See LlONI (Ottavio). Ritratti. Marchand (Prosper). See BAYLE (Pierre). Dictionnaire. ( i85 ) MARCHESE (Vincenzo). Memorie dei piu insegni pittori, scultori, e architetti Domenicani. Seconda edizione, con giunte. Firenze, 1854. 2 vols. i2mo. Lives of the most eminent painters, sculptors, and architects of the order of S. Dominic. Translated with notes by C. P. Meehan. Dublin, 1852. 2 vols. i2mo. Portrait. See ANGELICO (Fra). MARCHESI (Jose Maria). Catalogo de la Real Armeria. See Catalogues. Public Collections. Madrid. MARCHESI (Raffaello, Abbate). II Cambio di Perugia, considerazioni storico-artistiche. Prato, 1853. 8vo. Large paper. Marco Antonio. See Raimondi (Marco Antonio). MARCUCCI (Lorenzo). Saggio sopra i Colori Minerali, e mezzi di procurarsi gli artefatti, gli smalti, e le vernici ; colle note di Pietro Palmaroli. Seconda edizione aumentata. Roma, 18 16. i2mo. MARGGRAFF (Rudolf). Katalog der Gemalde in der alteren k. Pina- kothek zii Munchen. See Catalogues. Public Collections. Munich. Maria (Gabriel). Theatrum vitam, virtutes, miracula Gabrielis Maria, Ord. Min., per XXIV. scenas repraesentans, Abr. a Diepenbeke delin. et J. B. Barbe sculp. Antv. [s. «.]. 4to. 24 plates. See {bound up with) Norberti (S.) Vita. MARIESCHI (Michele). Magnificentiores selectioresque Urbis Vene- tiarum prospectus quos olim Michael Marieschi depinxit nunc vero ab ipsomet delineati et in lucem sediti. Veuetiis, 1741. Folio. 21 plates and engraved title. MARIETTE (Pierre Jean). Traite des Pierres Gravees [avec une Bibliotheque Dactyliographique]. Paris, 1750. 2 vols, folio. Plates. Memorie degli Intagliatori moderni in pietre dure, cammei, e gioje, dal sec. XV. fino al XVIII. [tradotte dal francese da Andrea Pietro Giulianelli]. Livorno, 1753. 4to. See Aviler (A. C. d'). Cours d' Architecture. See Galleries. Private. Boyer D'Aguilles. See Galleries. Private. Crozat. Marionneau (Charles). See BRASCASSAT (J. R.). Vie. Mariotte (M.). See BLONDEL (F.). [MARIOTTI (Annibale).] Lettere pittoriche Perugine, o sia Ragguaglio di alcune Memorie istoriche risguardanti le Arti del Disegno in Perugia, dirette al Sig. Bald. Orsini. Perugia, 1788. 8vo. Marismas del Guadalquivir (Marquis de las). Galerie Aguado. See GALLERIES. Private. Aguado. ( i86 ) Marlborough Gems. Gemmarum Antiquarum Delectus ex prse- stantioribus desumptus quae in dactyliothecis Ducis Marlburiensis conservantur — Choix de pierres antiques gravees du cabinet du due de Marlborough. Londini, 1845. 2 vols, folio. Plates. Marot (Daniel). GEuvres, contenant plusieurs pensees utilles aux architectes, peintres, sculpteurs, orfebvres, jardiniers, et autres. La Haye, 1703. Oblong 4to. 96 plates. MAROZZO (Achille). Opera nova de Achille Marozzo Bolognese, maestro generate de 1' arte de l'Armi. \Venezia, 155-.] 4to. Woodcuts. MARRIOTT (James). Poems, written chiefly at the University of Cambridge ; with a Latin Oration. London, 1760. 8vo. Fron- tispiece. MARRIOTT (Wharton B.). Vestiarium Christianum, the origin and development of the Dress of the Holy Ministry in the Church. London, 1868. Royal 8vo. Plates. Marryat (Joseph). A History of Pottery and Porcelain, mediaeval and modern. Third edition, revised and augmented. London, 1868. 8vo. Coloured plates. Marseilles. See PARROCEL (Etienne). Annales de la Peinture. MARSTON (John). Court Masques, edited by J. Payne Collier. See JONES (Inigo). Life. Martin (N.). Documents relatifs au regime hypothecate et aux reformes qui ont ete proposees, publies par ordre de M. Martin. Paris, 1844. 3 vols. 8vo. MARTIN (Rene). Memoire sur le Calendrier Hebrai'que, precede d'un chapitre sur le calendrier des chretiens. Paris, 1863. 8vo. [MARTINELLI (Anton).] Quattro Discorsi di Anton Chi-Chiama di Pittura, Scultura e Architettura [Veneziana] che possono servire di riposta al cav. G. Reynolds. Venezia, 1783. i2mo. Large paper. Martinez (Jusepe). Discursos practicables del nobilisimo arte de la Pintura, con Notas, la Vida del autor y una Resena historica de la pintura en la corona de Aragon por Don Valentin Carderera y Solano. Madrid, 1866. 8vo. Portrait, proof . Martini (H.). See Lens (Andre). Le Costume des Peuples de l'Antiquite. Martini (Pietro). Studi intorno II Correggio. See CORREGGIO (Antonio Allegri, detto II). Life. Mary (The B. Virgin). Iconographie de l'lmmaculee Conception. See COQUEREL, fils (Ath.). Des Beaux- Arts en Italic MASACCIO di San Giovanni (Tommaso Guidi, detto). [Six En- gravings from pictures by Masaccio formerly in the Church of the Carmelites at Florence, engraved by Tommaso Piroli. Florence, 1775?] Oblong folio. 6 plates and dedication, mounted. ( 187 ) MASACCIO di San Giovanni (Tommaso Guidi, detto). Le Pitture di Masaccio esistenti in Roma nella Basilica di S. Clemente colle teste lucidate da Carlo Labruzzi e pubblicate da Giovanni dall' Armi. Roma, 1809. Folio. 38 plates and engraved title. Notice of the life and works of Masaccio. See LAYARD (A. H.). The Brancacci Chapel. Maselli (Giovanni). See PlERACClNI (F.). II Tabernacolo della Madonna d' Orsan- michele. Maskell (William). Description of the Ivories at South Ken- sington. See Catalogues. Public Collections. London: S. Kensington Museum. MASOLINO da Panicale. See Layard (A. H.). The Brancacci Chapel. MASON (Rev. William). Poetical Works. See Poetry. British Poets ; vols, yy and 78. Translation of the Art of Painting. See Du FRESNOY (C. A.). Observations on Sir J. Reynolds' method of colouring. See Reynolds (Sir J.). Notes on Pictures. MASQUELIER (Claude Louis). See Galleries. Public. Florence. Massari (Silvestro). See NICCOL6 e Giovanni da Pisa e Arnolfo Fiorentino. Le Sculture che ornano la Fontana Maggiore di Perugia. Mastraca (M.). See Abeille Italienne. Mathias (Thomas James). See Thomson (J.). Matthias (The Emperor). Election et couronnement, c'est a dire, Description des prin- cipals choses, qui se sont faites et passees a Francfort, au mois de May et Juing 161 2, de l'election et couronnement du Prince Sr. Matthias, esleu Empereur comme aussi du couronnement de lTmperatrice. Francfort sur le May 71, 161 2. 4to. 10 copperplate engravings. MAUDUIT (A. F.). Decouvertes dans la Troade ; dissertations sur les monuments de la plaine de Troie et la position de cette ville [avec les Reponses a M. Raoul Rochette]. Paris, 1840. 2 parts in one vol. 4to. Plates. Maugis (Marie). See Raphael. Cartoons. Maule (John). See [Cooke (J.) and J. Maule]. Account of the Royal Hospital at Greenwich. ( i«8 ) MAURER (J.). Perspective Views in London: Whitehall, Privy- Gardens, Covent Garden, Grosvenor Sq., Charing Cross, Lincoln's Inn, etc., etc., drawn and engraved by J. Maurer. London, 1740. Folio. No text. A series of 7 unnumbered plates. Maximilian I., Emperor of Germany. See BURGMAIER (Hans). Images des saints ct saintes, issus de la famille de l'empereur Maximilicn I. See SCHEDLER (J. G.). Schizzi biografici. See Tewrdannck [von M. Pfinzing]. See Treitzsaurwein (Marx). Der Weiss Kunig. Kaiser Maximilian's Triumph. MAXWELL (Sir William Stirling-). Annals of the Artists of Spain. London, 1848. 3 vols, royal 8vo. Large paper. Proof impressions of the plates on India paper, and two extra plates. Examples of the Ornamental Heraldry of the XVIth century, edited by Sir W. Stirling -Maxwell. London, 1867. Folio. Plates. Arabesque and other ornaments in typographical use at Zurich in 1559. London, privately printed, 1868. Sm. folio. Examples of the engraved Portraits of the XVIth century. London, privately printed for Sir W. Stirling-Maxivcll, 1872. Folio. Text, and list of illustrations ; 1 14 portraits. The chief victories of the Emperor Charles V., designed by Martin Heemskcrck in 1555, and now illustrated with portraits, prints and notes, by Sir W. Stirling-Maxwell. London, privately printed, 1870. Folio. See COECK (P.). The Turks in 1533 : a series of Drawings. See Doni (A. F.). Dichiaratione sopra 1' effigic di Cesarc fatta per Enea Vico da Parma. See HOOGENBERGH (Hans Nic). The procession of Cle- ment VII. and Charles V. at Bologna, designed by N. Hogenberg. See SCOTT (Sir W.). The Scott Exhibition, 187 1. See VELAZQUEZ (D. R. de Silva y). Velasquez and his works. See VESALIUS (Andr.). Tabulae Anatomical sex. Mayer (Enrico). La facciata del Duomo [di Firenze]. Firenze, 1843. i2mo. Mayer (Joseph). Memoir of G. Stubbs. See Stubbs (G.). MAZOIS (Charles Francois). Les Ruines de Pompei, dessinees et mesurees par F. Mazois pendant les annees 1809-11. Paris, 1 8 12. Parts 1-2 in one vol. folio. Plates. [Mazza (Th.).] I Goti illustrati, overo Istoria de' Goti antichi, con varie digressioni, di Didimo Ropaligero Liviano [i.e. Th. Mazza] ; insertovi 1' apologia per frate Gioanni Annio Viterbese. Verona, 1679. Folio. MAZZUCHELLI (Giammaria, conte). See MUSEUMS. Private. Mazzuchelli. ( i«9 ) MAZZUOLI, detto II Parmigianino (Francesco). See Parmigianino. Meaume (Edouard). See Callot (Jacques). Vie et ouvrages. MECHEL (J. Chretien de). See Catalogues. Public Collections. Vienna. See Galleries. Public. Diisseldorf. See Hedlinger (J. C). GEuvre. Medici (Lorenzo de'). The Life of Lorenzo de' Medici, called the Magnificent, by William ROSCOE. Eighth edition, revised by his son Thomas Roscoe. London, 1864. 8vo. Portraits and plates. MEEHAN (C. P.). See Marchese (Vincenzo). Painters, etc., of the order of St. Dominic. Meen (Henry). Translation of the Rape of Helen by Coluthus. See POETRY. British Poets ; vol. 88. MELCHIORRI (G., Marchese). See Abeille Italienne. Melmoth (William). See PLINIUS Caecilius Secundus (Caius). Letters. Memes (J. S.). See Canova (Antonio). Memoirs. Memling, or Memmelinck (Hans). Chasse de Sainte-Ursule par Jean Memling, composee et lithographiee par MM. Manche et Ghemar. Brnxelles [s. d.]. Folio. No text. 13 plates on India paper, portrait and engraved title. MEMOIRS of a celebrated literary and political character, from 1742 to 1757. London, 18 13. 8vo. Menestrier (Claude Francois). Symbolica Dianae Ephesiae Statua cui accessere Lucae Holstenii Epistola de Fulcris, seu verubus Dianae Ephesiae simulacro appositis, Jo. Petri Bellorii Notse in Numismata turn Ephesia, turn aliarum urbium apibus insignita. RomcB, 1688. Folio. 24 plates. MENGS (Anton Raphael). Opere [Lettere due a Fabroni, Lettera a Ant. Ponz, Memorie sopra il Correggio, Lezioni pratiche di Pittura, Riflessioni su la bellezza e sul gusto della Pittura, con Osservazioni di Gius. Niccola de Azara, Riflessioni sopra Raffaello, Correggio e Tiziano, con Memorie di Mengs ; pubblicate da Giuseppe Niccola d' Azara]. Parma, 1780. 2 vols, in one, 4to. CEuvres [Pensees sur la beaute et sur le gout dans la peinture ; Regies generates pour juger les Peintres et leurs ouvrages; Lettre a D. Ant. Ponz sur la Peinture : publiees en allem. par J. C. Fuessli et traduites par H. Jansen]. Amsterdam, 1781. 8vo. Sketches on the Art of Painting, with a description of the most capital Pictures in the King's palace at Madrid ; a Letter to Antonio Ponz, translated by John Talbot Dillon. London, 1782. 1 2 mo. ( 190 ) MENGS (Anton Raphael). Leben. See Palomino de Castro y Velasco (A.). Leben aller Spanischen Mahler, u. s. w. Mentmore, Bucks, the seat of Baron Mayer A. de Rothschild. See PAXT0N (Sir Joseph). Plans, elevations, etc. MENU (Rene de). See Pluvinel (Antoine de). Meo (Cosimo). Museum Mazzuchellianum. See MUSEUMS. Private. Mazzuchelli. MERCURI (Paul). See BONNARD (Camille). Costumes historiques. MERCURIALIS (Hieronymus). De arte Gymnastica libri VI., in quibus exercitationum omnium vetustarum genera, loca, modi, facultates, et quidquid denique ad corporis humani exercitationes pertinet, diligenter explicantur. Editio quarta. Venetiis, apud Juntas, 1601. (Woodcuts.). — De Decoratione liber, ex Hier. Mercurialis explicationibus a Julio Mancino excerptus et in capita redacta. Ibid., 1 60 1. 2 vols, in one, 4to. MERIAN (Matthieu). La Danse des Morts, comme elle est depeinte dans la louable et cclebre ville de Basle, dessinee et gravee sur 1'original de feu Matthieu Merian, avec une description de Basle et des vers a chaque figure. Basic, 1744. 4to. German and French text. Plates. MErimEe (Jean Francois Leonore). The Art of Painting in Oil and in Fresco : being a history of the various processes and materials employed ; translated with Observations on British Art, the French and English chromatic scales, and Theories of Colouring, by W. B. Sarsfield Taylor. London, 1839. i2mo. Frontispiece. MfiRlMEE (Prosper). Notice sur les Peintures de l'Eglise de Saint- Savin, departement de la Vienne, par Prosper Merimee ; avec dessins par Gerard Seguin. Paris (Collection des Documents Inedits), 1845. Folio. 41 coloured plates and frontispiece. Etudes sur les arts au moyen-age. Paris, 1875. i2mo. Merly, Dorsetshire. See [WlLLETT (Ralph)]. Description of the Library at Merly. MERRIFIELD (Mrs. Mary Philadelphia). Original Treatises, from the Xllth to the XVIIIth centuries, on the Arts of Painting, in oil, miniature, mosaic, and on glass, of gilding, dyeing, and the pre- paration of colours and artificial gems. Preceded by an Intro- duction, with Translations, prefaces and notes, by Mrs. Merrifield. London, 1849. 2 vols. 8vo. See Cennini (Cennino). Treatise on Painting. MERRITT (Henry). Dirt and Pictures separated, in the works of the old masters. London, 1854. 8vo. Large paper. MERSENNE (Marin). Optique et Catoptrique. See NicERON (J. F.). La Perspective Curieuse. MERYON (Edward). History of Medicine. Vol. 1. [All published.] London, 1861. 8vo. ( i9i ) Messina. Memorie de' Pittori Messinesi e degli esteri die in Messina fiorirono dal sec. XII. sino al sec. XIX. Messina, 1821. 4to. Portraits. Meteyard (Eliza). See Wedgwood (Josiah). Life. Metz (Conrad Mart.). Imitations of ancient and modern Drawings, engraved and published by C. M. Metz. London, 1789. Folio. log plates. Schediasmata selecta ex archetypis Polidori Caravagiensis in Museo A. Hume conservatis. See CARAVAGGIO (Polidoro da). Imitations of Drawings by Parmegiano. See PARMIGIANINO. Mexico. See SOLIS (Ant. de). History of the Conquest of Mexico. Meyer (Cornelio). L'Arte di rendere i Fiumi navigabili in varij modi, con altre nove Inventioni, e varij altri segreti, divisa in tre parti. Roma, i6g6. 3 parts in one vol. folio. Plates of engineering operations and inventions. MEYER (Julius). Life of Correggio. See Correggio (Ant. Allegri da). [Life] translated by Mrs. Charles Heaton. MEYRICK (Sir Samuel Rush). Engraved illustrations of Antient Arms and Armour, from the collection of Llewelyn Meyrick at Goodrich Court, Herefordshire, after the drawings and with the descriptions of Sir S. R. Meyrick, by Joseph Skelton. London, J. Skelton, 1830. 2 vols, folio. Plates. A critical enquiry into Antient Armour, as it existed in Europe, particularly in Great Britain from the Norman Conquest to Charles II., illustrated by a series of illuminated engravings, with a Glossary. Second edition, corrected and enlarged. London, 1842. 3 vols, folio. Coloured plates. See COTMAN (J. S.). Sepulchral Brasses in Norfolk and Suffolk. See Shaw (Henry). Specimens of ancient Furniture. MEYRICK (Sir Samuel Rush) and Charles Hamilton Smith. The Costume of the original inhabitants of the British Islands from the earliest periods to the Vlth century, with that of the Gothic nations on the Western coasts of the Baltic. London, 181 5. 4to. Coloured plates. MEziERES (M.). Michel-Ange. See MICHEL Angelo Buonarroti. Life. Mezzanotte (Antonio). See PERUGINO (Pietro Vannucci, detto il). Vita. MlCALl (Giuseppe). L' Italia avanti il dominio dei Romani. Firenze, 18 10. 4 vols. 8vo. Antichi Monumenti per servire all' opera intitolata L' Italia avanti il Dominio dei Romani. Firenze, 1821. Folio. 67 plates. ( 192 ) MlCALl (Giuseppe). Storia degli antichi popoli Italiani. Firenze, 1832. 3 vols. 8vo. Monumenti per servire alia Storia degli antichi popoli Italiani raccolti esposti e pubblicati da Giuseppe Micali. Firenzc, 1833. Folio. Plates. Monumenti inediti ad illustrazione della storia degli antichi popoli Italiani dichiarati. Text. Firenze, 1844. 8vo. Plates. Firenze, 1844. Folio. 60 plates. MlCHAELIS (Adolf). Der Parthenon. Text. Leipzig, 1871. 8vo. Plates. Leipzig, 1871. Folio. MlCHARELLl (il conte Ed.). See Dante. Vita Nova. Michel (Georges). Etude sur G. Michel par Alfred SENSIER. Paris 1873. Royal 8 vo. Portrait and etcJdngs. MICHEL Angelo Buonarroti. Illustrations, architectural and pictorial, of the genius of Michael Angelo Buonarroti, with a description of the plates by the Commendatore Canina, C. R. Cockcrell, and John S. Harford. London, 1857. Folio. 19 plates ; the plate of the head of Vittoria Colonna inserted. Architecture. See AviLER (A. C. d'). Cours d' Architecture : Descriptions des batiments de Michel-Ange. See ROSSI (G. J.). La Libreria Mediceo-Laurcnziana : archi- tettura di M. A. Buonarruotti. Bibliography. La Bibliografia di Michelangelo Buonarroti e gli incisori delle sue opere [da Luigi Passerini]. Firenze, 1875. 8vo. Drawings and Studies. Facsimiles of original studies by Michael Angelo, in the University Galleries, Oxford, etched by Joseph Fisher. London, 1865. Sm. 4to. Plates. A series of facsimiles of original Drawings by M. Angelo Buonarotti. See Galleries. Private. Lawrence. Frescoes. Pitture dipinte nella volta della Capella Sistina nel Vaticano in Roma — (Michael Angelus Bonarotus pinxit, Adam sculptor Mantuanus incidit). Presso Carlo Losi, 1773. Sm. 4to. 68 plates. Frescoes by Michael Angelo in the Sistine Chapel. Facsimile of original drawings of the ceilings of the Sistine Chapel made at the time of the paintings and before the execution of the Last Judgment. By John Linnell. London, 1834. Oblong folio. 42 proofs on india paper. A descriptive catalogue of the autotype facsimiles of the Frescoes by Michael Angelo in the Sistine Chapel, Rome, by C. Bruce Allen. London [n. d.]. Sm. 4to. ( 193 ) Michel Angelo Buonarroti. Paintings. A series of Outlines from the Last Judgment, painted by- Michael Angelo, in the Sixtine Chapel at Rome ; engraved by J. Stephanofif. [S. I. et a.] Folio. 16 plates and vignette. "The Last Judgment," with portrait of Michel Angelo, engraved by Seb. Fulcarus, and 10 plates from the same picture by G. Ghisi. Romcz, J. J. de Rubeis [s. a.]. Oblong folio. 12 plates. See {bound up with) BELLORI (G. P.). Veteres Arcus Triumphis. Associazione ad un' opera inedita di Michelagnolo Buonarroti rappresentante La Fortuna ed incisa da Davide Testi. Firenze, 1 847. 8vo. Frontispiece. Sculpture. L' Angelo del Bonarotti che adorna il celebre monumento dell' area di S. Domenico in Bologna, per la prima volta pubblicato da Vincenzo Vannini. Bologna, 1840. Folio. Plate. Writings. Le Rime di Michelagnolo Buonarroti [con una lezione di Ben. Varchi, e due di Mario Guiducci sopra di esse e Lettere di Michelagnolo]. Senza luogo, 18 17. Sm. 4to. With auto- graph of J. M. IV. Turner, R.A. Lettera di Michelangiolo Bonarroti par giustificarsi contro le calunnie degli emuli e de* nemici suoi sul proposito del sepolcro di Giulio II. ; trovata e pubblicata con illustrazioni da Sebas- tiano Ciampi. Firenze, 1834. i2mo. Le Lettere di Michelangelo Buonarroti pubblicate coi ricordi ed i contratti artistici, per cura di G. Milanesi. Firenze, 1875. 4to. Life. Michael Angelo Buonarroti, sculptor, painter, architect : the story of his life and labours, by Charles Christopher BLACK. London, 1875. Royal 8vo. Portrait and 19 photographs. L'CEuvre et la vie de Michel-Ange, par Charles Blanc, E. Guillaume, P. Mantz, C. Gamier, Mezieres, A. de Mon- taiglon, G. Duplessis et L. Gonse. Paris, 1876. Royal 8vo. A 11 extract, with additions, from the ' Gazette des Beaux A rts.' Portrait, etchings, and zvoodcuts. See Chambray (R. F. de). Perfezione della Pittura : con una Dissertazione di Michelangelo Buonarroti daOnofrioBoNl. See ClEment (C). Michel-Ange, Leonard de Vinci, Raphael. Vita di Michelagnolo Buonarroti, pubblicata mentre viveva dal suo scolare Ascanio CONDIVI. Seconda edizione corretta ed accresciuta [da Antonio Francesco Gori]. Firenze, 1746. Folio. Portrait and plates. The Lives and Works of Michael Angelo and Raphael, by R. Duppa and Quatremere de Quincy [the latter translated by W. Hazlitt]. London, 1872. i2mo. 15 plates. Vita di Michelangelo Buonarroti, narrata con 1' aiuto di nuovi documenti da Aurelio Gotti. Firenze, 1875. 2 vols. 8vo. Portrait and zvoodcuts. ( 194 ) Michel Angelo Buonarroti. Life. Life of Michael Angelo by Herman Grimm, translated by- Fanny Elizabeth Bunnett. London, 1865. 2 vols. i2mo. Portrait. The Life of Michael Angelo Buonarroti ; with translations of many of his Poems and Letters : also Memoirs of Savonarola, Raphael, and Vittoria Colonna, by John S. HARFORD. London, 1857. 2 vols. 8vo. Portrait and 19 plates. Histoire de la vie et des ouvrages de Michel-Ange Buonarroti par A. C. QuatremEre de Quixcy. Paris, 1835. 8vo. Large paper, portrait on india paper, with facsimiles. Michel-Ange et Raphael ; avec un Supplement sur la de- cadence de l'ecole romaine, par A.-F. Rio. Paris, 1867. 8vo. Michael Angelo considered as a philosophic poet, with Trans- lations, by John Edward Taylor. London, 1840. i2mo. MlCHIELS (Alfred). Etudes sur rAllemagnc, renfermant une histoire de la Peinture Allemande. Seconde edition. Bruxcllcs, 1845. 2 vols. 8vo. Histoire de la peinture Flamande et Hollandaisc. Bruxcllcs, 1845. 2 vols. 8vo. MlCKLE (William Julius). Poetical Works. See Poetry. British Poets ; vol. 66. See CAMOENS (Luis de). Lusiad. MlDDIMAX (Samuel). Select Views in Great Britain, engraved from pictures and drawings by the most eminent artists, with Descrip- tions. London, 18 12. Oblong 4to. Text in French and English. $3 plates. Milax. ■ Academy. Discorsi letti nella Reale Accademia di Mflano, 1805-13. Milano, 1805-13. 8 parts in one vol. i2mo. DUOMO. See Artaria (Ferdinando). II Duomo di Milano. PlXACOTHECA. See Galleries. Public. Milan. Sta. Maria delle Grazie. See Gruxer (L.). " Lo Scaffale ;" or Presses in the sacristy of the church of S ta Maria delle Grazie at Milan, illus- trations of the painted decorations of Bernardino Luini. See Vixci (Leonardo da). II Cenacolo dipinto da Leon. da Vinci nel refettorio de' padri Domenicani di S. Maria delle Grazie di Milano. MlLAXESl (Gaetano). Sulla storia dell' arte Toscana ; Scritti varj, pubblicati di nuovo e corretti. Sie?ia, 1873. 8vo. Lettere di Michel Angelo. See MICHEL Angelo Buonarroti. Miles (Philip John). Catalogue of the pictures at Leigh Court. See CATALOGUES. Private Collections. Leierh Court. ( 195 ) MILITARY (The) Costume of Europe, in a series of military figures in the uniform of their several corps, with Memoirs of the various armies of the present time. London, John Booth, 1822. 2 vols. folio. Large paper. 97 coloured plates. Milizia (Francesco). Dizionario delle Belle Arti del Disegno estratto in gran parte dalla Enciclopedia Metodica. Bassano, 1822. 2 vols, in one, 8vo. The Lives of celebrated Architects, ancient and modern, with historical and critical observations. Translated by Mrs. Edward Cresy, with notes and additional lives. London, 1826. 2 vols. 8vo. MlLLIN (Aubin Louis). Dictionnaire des Beaux- Arts. Paris, 1806. 3 vols. 8vo. Voyage dans les departemens du midi de la France. Paris, 1807-11. 4 vols, in five, 8vo. Woodcuts. Atlas pour servir au Voyage dans les departemens du midi de la France. Paris, 1807. 4to. Plates. Galerie Mythologique, recueil de monuments pour servir a l'etude de la mythologie, de l'histoire de Fart de l'antiquite figuree et du langage allegorique des anciens, avec 190 planches gravees au trait. Paris, 1811. 2 vols. 8vo. See DUBOIS de Maisonneuve (M.). Peintures de Vases Antiques. MlLLINGEN (James). Peintures antiques et inedites de Vases Grecs, tirees de diverses collections, avec des explications. Rome, 181 3. Folio. 63 plates. Peintures antiques de Vases Grecs de la collection de Sir John Coghill, Bt. Rome, 18 17. Folio, opiates. Ancient unedited Monuments ; painted Greek vases, from collections in various countries, principally in Great Britain, illustrated and explained by J. M. London, 1822. (40 coloured plates^). — Statues, busts, bas-reliefs, and other remains of Grecian Art from collections in various countries, illustrated and explained by J. M. London, 1826. {20 plates.) 2 vols, in one, 4to. MlLMAN (Henry Hart). Annals of St. Paul's Cathedral. Second edition. London, 1869. 8vo. Portrait and plates. Milton (John). Paradise Lost. New edition by Richard Bentley. London, 1732. 4to. Portraits. - Poetical Works. See Poetry. British Poets ; vols. 16 to 18. Latin and Italian Poems of Milton, translated into English verse, with a fragment of a commentary on Paradise Lost by William Cowper [edited by William Hayley]. Chichester, 1808. 4to. Frontispiece and plates after J. Flaxman. Paradise Regained: 12 illustrations by W. Spence. See Spence (W.). o 2 ( *9<5 ) MlSSlRlNI (Melchior). Quadro delle Arti Toscane. Forli t \%yj. i2mo. See CANOVA (Antonio). Vita. See PlERACClNI (Fr.). La Piazza del granduca di Firenzc. See THORVALDSEN (B.). Opere. MlTELLl (Gioseppe Maria). See CARRACCI. L' Enea Vagante. MiTFORD (William). The History of Greece. London, 1 808-1 8. 5 vols. 4to. See Murphy (J. C.). Mahometan Empire in Spain. MODENA. See MALMUSI (C.). Museo Lapidario Modenese. See TlRABOSCHl (G.). Notizie de' pittori, scultori, incisori e archi- tetti, natii degli stati del duca di Modena. MODESTUS. De Vocabulis Rei Militaris. See VEGETIUS. De Re Militari. MODIUS (Franciscus). Pandectae Triumphalcs, sive, pomparum et festorum ac solennium apparatuum, conviviorum, spcctaculorum, simulacrorum bellicorum, equestrium et pedestrium, etc., in inau- gurationibus, nuptiis, amicis congressibus, aut ingressibus, fune- ribusque imperatorum, regum, principumque edita concele- brataque sunt. Tomi duo. Francofnrti ad Moenum, 1586. First edition. 2 vols, in one, folio. With zvoodents by Jost Amman. See Amman (Jost). Clcrus totius Rom. Ecclesioe. Mohn (E.). See GRUNER (L.). Das griine Gewolbe zu Dresden. MOLLER (Georg). Beitrage zur Kentniss der deutschen Baukunst des Mittelalters, enthaltend eine chronologisch geordnete Reihe von Werken, aus dem Zeitraume vom achten bis zum sechszehnten Jahrhundert. Darmstadt, 1821. Vol. 1. Folio, opiates. Monuments de l'Architecture Gothique allemande. [S. I. n. d.] Folio. No title. 56 plates. Moltzheim (A. de). L'Artillerie Francaise, costume, uniformes, materiel, depuis le moyen-age jusqu'a nos jours. Ouvrage orne de 64 planches reproduites d'apres les originaux. Paris, 1870. 4to. 64 coloured plates. MONALDINI (Giuseppe Antonio). Le Vite de' piu celebri Architetti d' ogni nazione e d' ogni tempo, precedute da un saggio sopra 1' Architettura. Roma, 1768. 4to. Plates and engraved title. MONALDINI (Venanzio). See CARRACCI (Annibale). Pensieri diversi. MONGEZ (Antonio.). See Galleries.. Public. Florence. Monier (Peter). History of Painting, Sculpture, Architecture, Graving [translated from the French]. London, 1699. 8vo. Frontispiece ; zvith autograph of James Barry, R.A. MONKHOUSE (W. Cosmo). Works of J. H. Foley, with critical observations. See Foley (J. H.). ( 197 ) MONNET (Charles). Etudes d'anatomie a l'usage des peintres, par C. M., graves par Demarteau. Paris [s. d.]. Folio. 42 tinted plates, including engraved title. See FENELON (F. de S. de la M.). Telemaque. MONTAIGLON (A. de). Michel-Ange. See Michel Angelo Buonarroti. Life. Montani (Gio. Batt). Cinque Libri di Architettura. Roma, 1691. Folio. 205 plates, 2 portraits, and engraved titles. Montani Effendi. See Architecture (L') Ottomane. MONTDORGE (Gaultier de). See Le Blon (J. C). Montecuccoli (Luigi, Marchese). Storia della Pittura in Ispagna. Modena, 1841. 8vo. MONTENAULT (M. de). See La Fontaine (Jean de). Fables choisies. MONTFAUCON (Bernard de). L'Antiquite expliquee [en francois et en latin] et representee en figures. Paris, 17 19. 5 vols, in ten, folio. Plates. Supplement. Paris, 1757. 4 vols, folio. Plates. Les Monumens de la Monarchic Franchise qui comprennent l'Histoire de France avec les figures de chaque regne que l'injure des tems a epargnees. Paris, 1729-33. 5 vols, folio. Plates. MOODY (F. W.). Lectures and Lessons on Art, with Diagrams to illustrate composition and other matters. London, 1873. 8vo. MOOR (Edward). The Hindu Pantheon. London, 1810. 4to. Fron- tispiece and 105 plates. [MOOR (James).] Essays ; on the influence of Philosophy upon the Fine Arts, on the Composition of the picture described in the dialogue of Cebes, on historical composition. Glasgozv, Fonlis, 1759. i2mo. MOORE (Edward). Poetical Works. See POETRY. British Poets ; vol. 56. MOORE (Sir John). The Life of Lieut.-General Sir John Moore, by his brother, James Carrick Moore. London, 1834. 2 vols. 8vo. Portrait. MOORE (Sir John Henry). Poetical Works. See Poetry. British Poets ; vol. y^- [MOORE (Morris)]. Protest and counter-statement against the Report from the Select Committee on the National Gallery. 1853. London, 1855. 8vo. Moore (Thomas). Irish Melodies, illustrated by D. Maclise. London, 1846. 4to. Morell (Thomas). See AlNSWORTH (R.). Latin Dictionary. See HEDERICUS (B.). Graecum Lexicon manuale. ( 193 ) MORENI (Domcnico). See Allori (Angiolo). Sonctti. See Brunelleschi (Filippo). Vita, da Dom. Moreni. See Chambray (Roland Freart, Sieur de). Morgan (Lady Sydney). See ROSA (Salvator). Life and Times. Mori (Ferdinando). See Thorvaldsen (B.). Statue e Bassirilievi. Morland (George). Memoirs of a painter : being a genuine biogra- phical sketch of that celebrated original and eccentric genius, the late Mr. G. Morland; by William COLLINS. London, 1805. i2mo. Portrait. The Life of George Morland, with remarks on his works, by G. Dawe. London, 1807. 8vo. Portrait, frontispiece, and ^ plates. Morley (Henry). See Palissy (Bernard). Life. Morris (Robert). Lectures on Architecture, consisting of rules. Second edition. London, 17 59. 8vo. Frontispiece and plates. MORRIS (Thomas). A popular outline of Perspective or Graphic Projection. London, 1869. i2mo. 15 plates. MORRISON (Alfred). The collection of Engravings formed between the years 1860-68, by Alfred Morrison. Annotated catalogue and index to portraits by M. Holloway. Privately printed, 1868. Imp. 8vo. 100 copies printed. Morton (Henry). See ROBSON (G. F.). Moschini (G. A.). See SOLARIO, detto lo Zingaro (Antonio de). Mcmorie. MOSCHUS. Translated by Francis Fawkes. See Poetical Translations. Translated by Richard Polwhele. See POETRY. British Poets ; vol. 92. Moselle (The River). See George (E.). Etchings on the Mosel. MOSES (Henry). See Englefield (Sir H. C.). Vases. See SELOUS (H. C.). See West (Benjamin). Gallery of Pictures by him. MOULE (Thomas). Essay on the Roman Villas of the Augustan age. London, 1833. 8vo. 2 plates. See Harding (G. P.). Antiquities in Westminster Abbey. Portraits of illustrious Persons. Muller (Andreas). Ein Kupferstich von Rafael. See Raphael. Mt)LLER (Carl Ottfricd). Ancient Art and its remains ; or a Manual of the Archaeology of Art : translated by John Leitch. London, 1847. 8vo. ( 199 ) Mt'tttfr (Carl Ottfried). Denkmaler der alten Kunst, nach der "wahi unc I Anordnung von C. O. Millie, Zweite Bearbeitung durch Friedrich Wieseler. I. Band. Gottmgen, 1854. Oblong 4to. Plates. MiiLLER (Fr.). See Galleries. Public. Cassel. M S E B0CK° r fFr.). Geschichte der liturgischen Gewander des Mittelalters. MiiLLER (L). Twelve principal views of HisgstoMa^ Gardens, etc., at Herenhausen, drawn by I. Mullei, engraved Dy Parr. London, 17 $2. Oblong 4to. 11 plates. tv/Ttttt^p ^William Tames). Memoir of the Life of William James MUL MmieSs"ap J e a Tn7ngure painter; with original letters and an account of his travels and of his pnncipa works by N. Neal SSE illustrated with photographs from paintings and sketches ^tSJfo^haS. lnln,iS 7 S- Royal 8vo. PortraU and 18 photographs. MiiNCHENER Bilderbogen. Zur Geschichte der Costume. [5. /. et a.] Folio. 27 plates. Mi JNTZ H H ) Encaustic : or Count Caylus's method of painting in *e manner of the ancients, with a method for fixing of crayons. London, 1760. i2mo. MULREADY RA. (William). Memorials of W. Mulready collected by F G Stephens, and illustrated with 14 photographs of his most celebrated paintings. London, 1867. 4to. Munich. Costumes. S«? MUNCHENER Bilderbogen. ~~ C °^HESS (H.). Die Fresco-Gemalde der Hofkapelle. PlNACOTHECA and Schleissheim Gallery. ™t Galleries. Public Collections. Mnmch. — OL i > /clTALOOUEs: Pnblic Collections. Munich. — ^TJZo^ Public Collections. Munich. — R & CATALOGUES. Public Collections. Munich. MtJNTZ (J. H.). See Muentz (J. H.). See Zanetti (Vincenzo). Guida di Murano. . MURILLO (Bariolome Esteban). The Life of Bartolome E. Murillo, compiled by Edward Davies. London, 1819. i2mo. ( 200 ) Murillo (Bartolome Esteban). Murillo, su epoca, su vida, sus cuadros por Francesco M. Tubino. Sevilla, 1864. 8vo. MURPHY (Arthur). Translation of Tacitus. See TACITUS (C. Cornelius). MURPHY (James Cavanah). Plans, Elevations, Sections, and Views of the Church of Batalha in the province of Estremadura, in Portugal, with the History and description by Fr. Luis de Sousa, with Remarks, and an Introductory Discourse on the principles of Gothic Architecture by James C. Murphy. Loudon, 1795. Folio. 27 plates. History of the Mahometan Empire in Spain, designed as an introduction to the Arabian Antiquities of Spain [compiled by John Shakespear, T. H. Home, and William Mitford]. London, 1 8 16. 4to. The Arabian Antiquities of Spain. London, 18 13. Folio. Engraved title and 97 plates. Murray (Alexander S.). Manual of Mythology. With 35 plates. London, 1873. 12 mo. Murray (Henry). See BURNET (J.). Landscape Painting. See NEWTON (G. Stuart). Gems of British Art. MURTELLUS (Nic). See BONELLUS (Geo.). Hortus Romanus. Mus.-EUS. The Loves of Hero and Leander ; translated by Francis Fawkes. See Poetical Translations. See Poetry. British Poets ; vol. 89. Museums. See also EXHIBITIONS. See also Galleries. Museums. Private. Camps (Fr. de). See Vaillant (Jo. Foy). Selectiora Numismata. Disney. See Disney (J.). Museum Disneianum. Henderson. See Henderson (J.). Works of Art in pottery, glass, and metal. Hunter. See Combe (Ch.). Numm. vet. pop. Descriptio qui in museo G. Hunteri asservantur. Lamberg. See Laborde (A. L. J., C te de). Collection de vases Grecs, du comte de Lamberg. ( 201 ) Museums. Private. Mazzuchelli. Museum Mazzuchellianum seu Numismata virorum doctrina prsestantium quae apud Jo. Mariam comitem Mazzuchellum Brixiae servantur a Petro Antonio de Comitibus Gaetanis edita atque illustrata; accedit versio italica studio equitis Cosimi Mei elaborata. Venetiis, 1761-3. 2 vols, folio. 207 plates. PASSERI. See PASSERI (G. B.). Lucernae fictiles musei Passerii. PourtalEs-Gorgier. Antiques du cabinet du comte de Pourtales-Gorgier decrites par Theodore Panofka. Paris, 1834. Folio. 41 plates, some coloured. Worm. See WORMIUS (Olaus). Museum Wormianum. WORSLEY. See WORSLEY (Sir R.). Museum Worsleyanum ; or a col- lection of antique bassorelievos, bustos, statues, and gems. Museums. Public. Amsterdam. See CATALOGUES. Public Collections. Amsterdam. Antwerp. See CATALOGUES. Public Collections. Antwerp. Berlin. See CATALOGUES. Public Collections. Berlin. See FRIEDERICHS (Carl). Berlins antike Bildwerke. CHIUSL . . See Valeriani (Domenico). Etrusco Museo Chiusino. Cortona. Museum Cortonense in quo vetera monumenta complectun- tur anaglypha, thoreumata, gemmae inscalptae insculptaeque, quae in^Academia Etrusca ceterisque nob. virorum domibus adservantur in tabulis distributum, atque a Francesco Valesio, Ant. Fr. Gorio, et Rodulphino Venuti notis illustratum. Romce, 1750. Folio. 80 plates. Florence. Museum Florentinum, exhibens insigniora vetustatis monu- menta quae Florentiae sunt in thesauro Mediceo cum observa- tionibus Ant. Fr. Gorii. Florentice, 1731-73. 10 vols, folio. Plates. Vol.' 1-2. Gemmae Antiquae. lb., 1731-32. 2 vols, folio. Plates. 3. Statuae Antiquae Deorum et virorum illustrium. lb., 1734. Folio. Plates. 4-6. Antiqua Numismata. lb., 1740-42. 3 vols, folio. Plates. 7-10. See Allegrini (G.). Serie di Ritratti d' Uomini illustri Toscani. Hague (The). See Catalogues. Public Collections. Hague (The). Lille. . See Catalogues. Public Collections. Lille. ( 202 ) Museums. Public. London. Architectural Museum. See Catalogues. Public Coll. London : Arch. Museum. London. Bethnal Green. Catalogue of the Anthropological Collection lent [and cata- logued] by Col. A. Lane Fox for exhibition in the Bethnal Green branch of the South Kensington Museum, with Illus- trations. Parts I. and II. London, 1874. 8vo. Woodcuts. See also Catalogues. Public Coll. London : Bethnal Gr. London. British Museum. List of additions made to the collections in the B. M., IS3I-35- London, 1833-39. 5 vols. 8vo. List of additions to the Natural History, Antiquities, and Prints of the B. M., 1836-39. London, 1843. 8vo. See RYMSDYK (J. and A. van). Museum Britannicum : a variety of antiquities and natural curiosities. Catalogue of Printed Books in the B. M. Vol. 1 [Letter A]. London, 1841. Folio. All published. Librorum impressorum qui in Museo Brit, adservantur Cata- logus [auctoribus Maty, Harper, et Ayscough]. Londini, 1787. 2 vols, folio. Librorum impressorum qui in Museo Brit, adservantur Catalogus [auctoribus Henr. Ellis et H. H. Baber]. Londini, 1 81 3-19. 7 vols, in eight, 8vo. Inscriptions in the Hieratic and Demotic character from the collections of the B. M. [by S. Birch]. London, 1868. Folio. Inscriptions in the Himyaritic character, discovered chiefly in Southern Arabia, and now in the B. M. [by S. Birch and A. W. Franks]. London, 1863. Oblong folio. Inscriptions in the Phoenician character now deposited in the B. M., discovered on the site of Carthage by Nathan Davis, 1856-58 [by W. S. W. Vaux]. London, 1863. Oblong folio. Italian Sculpture of the Middle Ages and period of the revival of art ; a Catalogue of the works forming the above section of the S. K. M., with additional notices by J. C. Robinson. London, 1862. 8vo. Plates. Index to the additional Mamiscripts, with those of the Eger- ton Collection, preserved in the B. M. and acquired in the years 1 783-1 83 5. London, 1849. Folio. Lists of additions to the Manuscripts in the B. M., 1836-40 ; 1846-4751848-53. London, 1845-68. 3 vols. Svo. Catalogue of the Manuscript Music in the B. M. [by Thomas Oliphant and Sir F. Madden]. London, 1842. 8vo. Description of the collection of ancient Marbles in the B. M. [by Taylor Combe, Cockerell and E. Hawkins] ; with engra- vings. London, 1812-61. 11 vols. 4to. 386 plates. Catalogue of the Medals struck in France and its dependen- cies, 1789-1830, contained in the cabinet of the B. M., with the deficiencies noted [by Edward Edwards]. London, not printed for sale, 1837. Svo. See Combe (T.). Vet. Pop. et Regum Numi. ( 203 ) Museums. Public. LONDON. British Museum. Select Papyri in the Hieratic character from the collections of the B. M. [by S. Birch]. London, 1841-45. 3 parts in 4 vols, folio. Catalogue of Prints and Drawings in the B. M. See CATALOGUES. Public Coll. London : British Museum. Description of the collection of ancient Terracottas in the B. M. ; with engravings [by Taylor Combe]. London, 18 10. 4to. 8 1 plates. Catalogue of the Greek and Etruscan Vases in the B. M. [by S. Birch and C. T. Newton]. See CATALOGUES. Public Coll. London : British Museum. London. Geological Museum. See Catalogues. Public Coll. London : Geolog. Museum. London. Guildhall. See CATALOGUES. Public Coll. London : Guildhall. London. Royal College of Surgeons. Descriptive and illustrated Catalogue of the physiological series of Comparative Anatomy contained in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons in London. London, 1833-38. 4 vols, in five, 4to. 6j plates. London. Soane. See Soane (Sir John). Description of his House and Museum. London. South Kensington Museum. A Catalogue of Anglo-Saxon and other antiquities discovered at Faversham, in Kent, and bequeathed by William Gibbs to the S. K. M. London, 1871. 8vo. See also Catalogues. Public Collections. London : South Kensington Museum. Lyons. See Catalogues. Public Collections. Lyons. Madrid. Real Armeria. See Catalogues. Public Collections. Madrid. See Jubinal (Achille). La Armeria Real. Madrid. Real Museo. See Catalogues. Public Collections. Madrid. See Galleries. Public. Madrid. Modena. See Malmusi (C). Museo Lapidario Modenese. Naples. Real Museo Borbonico. Napoli, 1824-56. 15 vols. 4to. Plates. See also Catalogues. Public Collections. Naples . New YORK. Metropolitan Museum. See Catalogues. Public Collections. New York. ( 204 ) Museums. Public. PARIS. The Louvre. See Catalogues. Public Collections. Paris : Louvre. See CLARAC (Comte de). Musee de Sculpture. See GALLERIES. Public. Paris : Louvre. See Landon (C. P.). Annales. See Sauzay (A.). Musee Imperial du Louvre. Collection Sauvageot. Rome. Museum Capitolinum : philosophorum, poetarum, oratorum, virorumque illustrium, Augustorum et Augustarum Hermas, Deorum simulacra aliaque signa, Marmora Anaglypha, conti- nens ; cum animadvcrsionibus [studio Jo. Bottarii et Nic. Fogginii]. Romcz, 1750-82. 4 vols, folio. Plates. II Museo Pio-Clementino descritto da Giambattista Visconti. Roma, 1782-1807. 7 vols, folio. Plates. II Museo Chiaramonti, aggiunto al Pio-Clementino da Pio VII. con 1' esplicazione de Filippo Aurelio Visconti e Giuseppe Antonio Guattani. Roma, 1808-43. 3 v0 ^ s - folio. Plates. TSARSKOE-SELO. Musee des armes rares anciennes et orientales de Tsarskoe- Selo de l'Empereur de Russie, dessine par A. Rockstuhl, avec une introduction historique par Florent Gilles. St. Petcrsbourg, 1835-53. 2 v °l s - folio. Plates. Verona. Museum Veronense, hoc est antiquarum inscriptionum atque anaglyphorum Collectio, cui Taurinensis adjungitur et Vindo- bonensis, accedunt Monumenta id genus plurima nondum vul- gata et ubicumque collecta [cdente Scip. Maffeio]. Verona, 1 749. Folio. Plates. Vienna. Ambras. Der aller Kayser, Konigen und Ertzhertzogen, Fiirsten, wic auch vom Herren, vom Adel und anderer Bildtnussen, deren Waffen und Rustungen zugetragen hat Ferdinand Ertzhcrtzog zu Osterreich, und in dem Schloss Ombrass zu ewiger gedacht- nuss aufbehalten werden. Durch Jacob Schrencken, aus der Lateinischen transferiert worden durch Johann Engelberten Noyse. Ynsprugg, 1603. Folio. Plates engraved by Dom. Custodis after J. A. Fontana, representing the figures from the armoury of Ferdinand of A ustria. See also CATALOGUES. Public Collections. Vienna : Ambras Museum. MUXEL (J. N.). See Galleries. Private. Leuchtenberg. ( 205 ) NAGLER (G. K.). Neues allgemeines Kiinstler-Lexicon oder Nachrichten von dem Leben und den Werken der Maler, Bildhauer, Baumeister, Kupferstecher, Formschneider, Lithogra- phen, Zeichner, Medailleure, Elfenbeinarbeiter, etc. Munchen, 1835-52. 22 vols. 8vo. NANNIUS (Joannes), or Annius Viterbiensis (Jo.). See Mazza (Th.). NANNIUS (Jo.). See Raphael. Parerga atque ornamenta Vaticani palatii xystis expressa. Naples. Lives of Artists. See DOMINICI (Bernardo de'). Vite de' pittori, scultori ed architetti Napoletani non mai date alia luce da autore alcuno. Manners and Customs. See JORIO (Andrea de). La Mimica degli Antichi investi- gata nel gestire Napoletano. MUSEO BORBONICO. See CATALOGUES. Public Collections. Naples. See MUSEUMS. Public. Naples. Painting. See ROME. Paintings. Ancient. See ZlNGARO. Le Pitture dello Zingaro nel chiostro de S. Severino in Napoli. Travels. See Sass (Henry). Journey to Rome and Naples. Napoleon I. See APPIANI (A.). Fasti di Napoleone. NASH (Joseph). The Mansions of England in the Olden Time. 4 series. London, 18 — . 4 vols, folio. 100 plates. Descriptions of the Plates of the Mansions of England in the Olden Time, in four series. London, 1849. 8vo. See WlLKIE (Sir David). Nassau (Princes of). Portraits. See SOUTMAN (P.). National Gallery. See CATALOGUES. Public Coll. London : National Gallery. See Galleries. Public. London : National Gallery. NEALE (John Preston). History and Antiquities of the Abbey Church of St. Peter, Westminster : including memoirs of the Abbots and Deans of that foundation. Illustrated by John Preston Neale ; the literary part by Edward Wedlake Brayley. London, 18 18. 2 vols. 4to. Plates. ( 206 ) NEGRI (Ccsare). Le Gratic d'Amorc di Ccsarc Negri, milancse, dctto II Trombone, opera divisa in tre trattati. Milano, Piecaglia, 1602. Folio. Portrait and 58 plates of costumes by Leone Pallavicino, after G. Jlfauro Rovcra, called II Flanuningho. Negri (Giov. Francesco). See RlCCI (Domenico). Negri (Francesco). See Temanza (Tommaso). Vita. Nelli (Giovanni Battista C. de'). Discorsi di Architettura con la vita del medesimo, e due ragionamenti sopra lc Cupole di Alessandro Cecchini. Fircnze, 1753. 4-to. Plates and portrait. NESBITT (Alexander). See Slade (Felix). Catalogue of his collection of Glass. Neuber (J.). See Cicero (M. T.). Officia. NEUDORFFER (Johann). Nachrichten von den vornehmsten Kiinst- lern und Werkleuten so innerhalb hundert Jahren in Niirnberg gelebt haben, 1546, nebst der Fortsctzung von Andreas Gulden 1660. Niirnberg, 1828. 241110. Portrait. NEWCASTLE (William Cavendish, Duke of). Methode et invention nouvelle dc dresser les chevaux, par le prince Guillaume, marquis et comte de Newcastle, oeuvre traduit de l'anglois de l'auteur, enrichy de plusieurs belles figures. Anvcrs, 1658. Original edition. Folio. Engraved title and 42 plates. NEWCASTLE (Duke of). Catalogue of the pictures at Clumber. See Catalogues. Private Collections. Clumber. Newman (John). See XENOPHON. History. Newton (Charles Thomas). See Birch (S.). NEWTON (Charles Thomas) and R. P. Pullan. History of discoveries at Halicarnassus, Cnidus, and Branchidae. Text. London, 1862-63. 2 vols. 8vo. Plates. Plates. London, 1862. Vol. 1. Folio. Plates. Newton, R.A. (G. Stuart). Gems of British Art, designed by the late G. S. N., and engraved in mezzotint by eminent artists ; with a brief Memoir of his life and descriptive notices by Henry Murray. London, 1843. 4to. 11 plates. NEWTON (Sir Isaac). Traite d'Optique, sur les reflexions, refractions, inflexions et les couleurs de la lumiere, traduit par Coste. Seconde edition. Paris, 1722. 4to. Plates. See SOWERBY (James). New elucidation of colours. Newton (James). Views of the Taje Mahel at the city of Agra in Hindoostan, taken in 1789. \S. I. et a.~\ i2mo. Plan. Newton (William). See VlTRUVlUS. Architecture. New York. Catalogues of the Pictures in the Metropolitan Museum of New York. See CATALOGUES. Public Collections. New York. ( 207 ) Niccolini (Giov. Battista). See ORGAGNA (Andrea). Elogio. NICC0L6 e Giovanni da Pisa. Le Sculture di Niccol6 e Giovanni da Pisa e di Arnolfo Fiorentino, die ornano la Fontana Maggiore di Perugia disegnate ed incise di Silvestro Massari e descritte da Gio. Battista Vermiglioli. Perugia, 1834. Folio. 80 plates. Nic^RON (Jean Francois). La Perspective Curieuse, avec l'Optique et la Catoptrique de Mersenne. Paris, 1663. Folio. Plates. Nichols (John). See Hogarth (William). [NICHOLS (John Bowyer)]. London Pageants. I. Accounts of 55 Royal Processions and Entertainments in the City of London. II. A bibliographical list of Lord Mayors' Pageants. London, 1831. 8vo. Frontispiece. NlCOLAl (Nicolo de'). Le Navigationi et Viaggi fatti nella Turchia ; nuovamente tradotti in Italiano da Francesco Flori. Venctia, presso Fr. Ziletti, 1580. Folio. Copper plates of costumes. NlEUWENHUYS (C. J.). See Gould (J.). Dictionary of Painters. NILE (The River). See Bruce (J.). Travels to discover the source of the Nile. NlMES. See CLERISSEAU (C). Antiquites de la France. See FLANDRIN (H.). Peintures murales dans l'eglise de St. Paul a Nimes. Nineveh. See Assyria. Noble (Edward). Elements of linear perspective demonstrated by geometrical principles. London, 1771. 8vo. Plates. Nocchi (Gio. Batt). See Angelico (Fra). NOEHDEN (George Henry). Specimens of ancient Coins of Magna Graecia and Sicily selected from the cabinet of Lord Northwick, drawn by Del Frate, and engraved by Henry Moses ; the text by George Henry Noehden. London, 1826. Folio. 20 plates. NOLLEKENS, R.A. (Joseph). Hints to J. Nollekens on his modelling a bust of Lord G le. London, 1808. 8vo. Plate. Nollekens and his Times, comprehending a life of that cele- brated sculptor, and memoirs of several contemporary artists, by John Thomas Smith. Second edition. London, 1829. 2 vols. 8vo. Portrait. NONNIUS (Ludovicus). Commentarius in H. Goltzii Graeciam. See GOLTZIUS (Hubertus). NORBERTUS, Magdeburg. Archiep. (S.). S. Norberti, Fund. ord. Prae- monstr., Antverpiae apostoli Vita, concinnabat Jo. Chrysos. van der Sterre [figuris XXXII. adornata a Theodoro Gallseo]. A ntverpice, 1622. (32 plates.). — Theatrum vitam, virtutes, miracula Gabrielis Maria, Ord. Min. per XXIV. scenas repraesentans, Abr. a Diepenbeke delin. et J. Bapt. Barbe sculp. Antv. [s. a.]. (24 plates.) 2 vols, in one, 4to. ( 208 ) NORDEN (Frederick Lewis). Travels in Egypt and Nubia : translated and enlarged with observations by Peter Templeman. London, 1757. 2 vols, in three, folio. P/ans and plates. Norfolk. Rivers. See Stark (James). Scenery of the rivers of Norfolk. Sepulchral Brasses. See Cotman (J. S.). Sepulchral Brasses in Norfolk and Suffolk. NORMAND (Charles). A new Parallel of the Orders of Architecture, with original plates ; with the text translated and two additional plates by Augustus Pugin. London, 1829. Folio. 64 plates and frontispiece. Normandy. Architecture. See COTMAN (J. S.). Architectural Antiquities of Nor- mandy. See PUGIN (A.). Specimens of the Architecture of Nor- mandy from the Xlth to the XVIth century. Specimens of the Architectural Antiquities of Nor- mandy. Churches. See WHEWELL (W.). Notes on Churches. NORTHCOTE, R.A. (James). A collection of engravings from paintings by Jas. Northcote, most of them fine proof impressions, many in several states ; formed by the artist and by him presented to the Royal Academy. \y. y.~\ Mounted and arranged in 1 vol. folio. Diligence and Dissipation : or the progress of a Modest Girl and a Wanton, engraved from paintings by James Northcote. London, 1796. Oblong folio. 9 plates, with portrait inserted. One hundred Fables, original and selected, with engravings [by William Harvey]. London, 1828. 2 vols. 8vo. Large paper. Conversations of James Northcote, by William Hazlitt. London, 1830. i2mo. Portrait. Life of Reynolds. See REYNOLDS (Sir Joshua). Life. Life of Titian. See TlZIANO Vecellio. Life. NORTHCOTE (J. Spencer) and W. R. Brownlow. Roma Sotterranea : or some account of the Roman Catacombs, especially of the Cemetery of San Callisto, compiled from the works of the Com- mendatore De Rossi by J. Spencer Northcote and W. R. Brown- low. London, 1869. 8vo. Woodcuts and coloured plates. NORTHWICK (Lord). Specimens of ancient coins of Magna Graecia and Sicily. See Noehden (G. H.). ( 209 ) Norton Hall. Catalogue of the pictures of Beriah Botfield. See Catalogues. Private Collections. Botfield. Norwich Cathedral. See Britton (J.). Cathedral Antiquities of Great Britain. Nubia. See Norden (F. L.). Travels in Egypt and Nubia. See Roberts (D.). The Holy Land, Syria, Idumea, Arabia, Egypt, and Nubia. Egypt and Nubia. Nugent (Thomas). See Du Bos (J. B. abbe). Numismatic Chronicle. London, 1839- ■ Vols. 1- . vols. 8vo. Numismatic Society. Proceedings of the Numismatic Society. London, 1836- . Vols. i~ . vols. 8vo. Nunnez (Fabricia). See WEST (Benj.). Nuremberg. See Krafft (Adam) and his School ; by F. Wanderer. See NEUDORFFER (Johann). Nachrichten von den vornehmsten Kunstlern und Werkleuten so innerhalb hundert Jahren in Niirn- berg gelebt haben, 1546. ( 2IO ) o 'DRISCOLL (W. Justin). See MACLISE (Daniel). Oesterreich (Matthias). Description de tout l'interieur des deux Palais de Sans-Souci, et de ceux de Potsdam et de Charlotten- bourg ; contenant l'explication de tous les Tableaux comme aussi des Antiquites et d'autres choses precieuses et remarquables par Matthieu Oesterreich, Inspecteur de la Grande Gallerie Royale de Tableaux a Sans-Souci. Potsdam, 1773. Small 4to. See Ghezzi (P. L.). Oettinger (Edouard-Marie). Bibliographic biographique univer- selle : dictionnaire des ouvrages relatifs a l'histoire de la vie des personnages celebres. Bruxelles, 1854. 2 vols, in one, imp. 8vo. Ogilby (John). The Entertainment of Charles II. in his passage through the city of London to his Coronation, containing an exact accompt of the whole solemnity ; to these is added a nar- rative of the Coronation with his Proceeding, and Royal Feast in Westminster Hall, by John Ogilby. London, 1662. Folio. Plates by Hollar, etc. OGLE (George). Antiquities explained, being a collection of figured gems, illustrated by similar descriptions taken from the classics. London, 17 S7- Vol. 1 {all published). 4to. Plates. Oldfield (Edmund). Catalogue of specimens of ancient Ivory Carvings in various collections. See Wyatt (Sir M. D.). Notices of Sculpture in Ivory. Oliphant (Thomas). Catalogue of the Manuscript Music in the British Museum. See Museums. Public. London : B. M. O'Neill (Henry). Illustrations of the most interesting of«the Sculp- tured Crosses of Ancient Ireland, drawn to scale and lithographed by H. O'N. London, 1857. Folio. $6 plates. Essay on ancient Irish art and descriptions of the prints illus- trative of the Sculptured Crosses of Ancient Ireland. London \ii. d.]. Folio. The Fine Arts and Civilization of Ancient Ireland, illustrated with lithographs and woodcuts. London, 1863. 4to. O'Neill, A.R.A. (Henry). Lectures on Painting delivered at the Royal Academy. London, 1866. i2mo. Influence of the Fine Arts on Civilisation : Lecture I. [London, 1870.] 4to. Opie, R.A. (John). Lectures on Painting delivered at the Royal Academy, with a Letter on the proposal for a Public Memorial of the Naval Glory of Great Britain. To which is prefixed a Memoir by Mrs. Opie and other accounts of Opie's talents and character. London, 1809. 4to. Portrait. ( 211 ) OPPENORT (Gilles Marie). Sixieme livre contenant de Feux ou Grilles d'Atres de Cheminee inventes par G. M. Oppenort. Paris, chez Huquier [s. d.~\. (Plates.). — Septieme livre contenant des Fontaines, inventees par G. M. Oppenort, et gravees par Huquier. Ibid. (6 plates.).— Suitte d'Etudes par G. M. Oppenort. Ibid. (Plates.) 3 parts, folio. See (bound up with) BOUCHER (F.). Livre des Cartouches. Recueil de figures antiques gravees d'apres les desseins de G. M. Oppenort. Paris, chez Huquier [s. d.\ Oblong folio. 5 plates of small figures. See (bound up with) HUQUIER (J. G.). Iconologies. ORAM (Samuel Marsh). Poetical Works. See POETRY. British Poets ; vol. 73. ORGAGNA (Andrea). Elogio d' Andrea Orgagna composto da Gio. Battista NlCCOLlNI. Firenze, 18 16. i2mo. Oriental Sketches. See WlLKlE (Sir David). ORLANDI (Cesare). See Ripa Perugino (Cesare). ORLANDI (Orazio). Ragionamento sopra una Ara antica posseduta da Monsignore Antonio Casali. Roma, 1772. 4to. Frontispiece. ORLANDI (Pellegrino Antonio). Abecedario pittorico, dall' autore ristampato et accresciuto. Bologna, 17 19. 4-to. Abecedario Pittorico, contenente le notizie de' professori di pittura, scoltura, ed architettura ; in questa edizione corretto e notabilmente di nuove Notizie accresciuto da Pietro Guarienti. Venezia, 1753. 4to. Orrery (John, Earl of). See PLINIUS Caecilius Secundus (Caius). Letters. [ORSINI (Baldassare).] Risposta alle Lettere Pittoriche di Annibale Mariotti. Perugia, 1791. 8vo. Plates. Memorie de' Pittori Perugini del secolo XVIII. Perugia, 1 806. 8vo. Orvieto. See GRUNER (L.). Die Basreliefs an der Vorderseite des Doms zu Orvieto. See [SANNELLA (C.)]. Notizie dell' antica e presente cattedrale d' Orvieto. See [VALLE (Gugl. della)]. Storia del Duomo di Orvieto. Ostade (Adrian van). Van Ostade ; sa vie et son ceuvre [par Arsene Houssaye] : vingt eaux-fortes par Van Ostade, Charles Jacque, et Subercase. Paris [s. d.~\. 4±o. Etchings. See DEUCHAR (D.). Collection of Etchings. Ostium Tiberinum. See LUCATELLI (Marchese Giampetro). Del Porto di Ostia. Ottaviani (Gian). See Raphael. Loggie. p 2 ( 212 ) Ottley (Henry). A biographical and critical Dictionary of recent and living Painters and Engravers, forming a supplement to Bryan's Dictionary as edited by George Stanley. Loudon, 1866. Royal 8vo. Ottley (William Young). Inquiry into the origin and early history of Engraving upon copper and in wood, with an account of en- gravers and their works from Maso Finiguerra to Marc' Antonio Raimondi. London, 18 16. 2 vols. 4to. Plates. The Italian School of Design, being a series of facsimiles of original Drawings by the most eminent painters and sculptors of Italy, with biographical notices and observations by W. Y. Ottley. London, 1823. Folio. Large vellum paper. 84 tinted plates. A Series of Plates engraved after the paintings and sculptures of the most eminent masters of the Early Florentine School, intended to illustrate the history of the restoration of the Arts of Design in Italy. London, 1826. Folio, ^plates, proofs. Inquiry concerning the invention of Printing, including also notices of the early history of wood engraving in Europe, the block-books, etc. With an introduction by J. Ph. Berjeau, illus- trated with wood engravings and 37 plates. London, 1863. 4to. Catalogue of the Pictures in the National Gallery. See CATALOGUES. Public Collections. London : National Gallery. The Marquis of Stafford's collection of Pictures. See Galleries. Private Collections. Stafford. Ottolini (V.). See GRUNER (L.). The Terra-Cotta architecture of North Italy. Ottoman Architecture. See Architecture (L') Ottomane. Oudry (J. B.). See La FONTAINE (Jean de). Fables choisies. OURADOU (Maurice). See VlOLLET le Due (E. E.). Peintures murales. Overall (W. H.). See CATALOGUES. Public Collections. London : Guildhall. Overbeck (Fr.). See THORVALDSEN (B.). Alexander des Grossen Einzug in Ba- bylon. OVERBEKE (Bonaventure d'). Les Restes de l'Ancienne Rome, re- cherchez avec soin, mesurez, dessinez sur les lieux et gravez par feu B. d'O., imprimes aux depens de Michel d'Overbeke. Amster- dam, 1709 '. 3 vols, folio. 1 50 plates. Degli avanzi dell' Antica Roma, opera postuma, tradotta e di varie osservazioni accresciuta da Paolo Rolli. Londra, 1739. 8vo. Portrait and plates. ( 213 ) OviDIUS Naso (Publius). Ovid's Metamorphoses, in Latin and English, translated by the most eminent hands [J. Dryden, J. Addison, W. Congreve, N. Rovve, etc.], with explications by the abbot Banier, translated, adorned with sculptures by B. Picart and others. Amsterdam, 1732. 2 vols, in one, folio. Engravings. Les Metamorphoses d'Ovide, en latin et en frangois, de la traduction de l'abbe Banier, avec des explications. [Les Meta- morphoses gravees sur les desseins des meilleurs peintres francois par les soins des S rs Le Mire et Basan, graveurs.] Paris, 1767-71. 4 vols. 4to. Plates. Les Metamorphoses d'Ovide, gravees sur les desseins des meil- leurs peintres frangois par les soins des S rs Le Mire et Basan, graveurs. Paris, 1767. 4to. The engravings only. Metamorphoses. Translated by Samuel Garth and others. See Poetical Translations. See POETRY. British Poets ; vols. 94 and 95. Owen (Richard). On the archetype and homologies of the Verte- brate Skeleton. London, 1848. 8vo. Plates. On the extent and aims of a National Museum of Natural History. London, 1862. 8vo. Memoir on the Gorilla (Troglodytes Gorilla, Savage). London, 1865. 4to. Plates. Memoir of the Dodo (Didus ineptus, Linn.), with an historical introduction by William John Broderip. London, 1866. 4to. Plates. Description of the cavern of Bruniquel, and its organic contents. Part I. Human and equine remains. London, 1870. 4to. Plates. Restoration of a Flying Dragon (Dimorphodon macronyx, O.) from fossil remains in the lias-cliffs of Dorsetshire. London, 1870. 4to. Plates. Contributions to the Ethnology of Egypt. London [n. d.]. 8vo. Plates. Oxford. Cathedral. See Britton (J.). Cathedral Antiquities of Great Britain. New College Chapel. See Reynolds (Sir J.). The West Window of the Chapel, New College, Oxford, after pictures by Sir J. R. Views. See DONOWELL (J.). Views of Colleges at Oxford. See LOGGAN (David). Oxonia Illustrata. OzANAM (Jacques). Nouvelle Geometrie pratique. Paris, 1693. 1 2 mo. Frontispiece. Cursus Mathematicus : or a complete course of Mathematicks ; done into English with additions. London, 17 12. 5 vols. 8vo. Plates. Ozell (John). See Piles (Roger de). ( 214 ) PACHECO (Francisco). Arte de la Pintura, su antigiicdad y grandezas. Segunda edicion fielmcnte copiada de la primera de 1649, din'gela D. G. Cruzada Villaamil. Madrid, 1866. 2 vols. 4to. [PACIAUDI (Paolo Maria).] Descrizione delle Feste celebrate in Parma per le nozze del realc infante duca Ferdinando di Borbone, con S. A. R. 1' arciduchessa d' Austria Maria Amalia, 1' anno 1769. [Testo italiano di Paciaudi e francese di Millot] Parma [1769]. Folio. Vignettes and 40 plates drawn by E. A. Petitot, engraved by Ant.Baratti, Volpato, Giul. Z it Hani, and others. Padua. Chapel of the Annunziata dell' Arena. See Arundel Society. See Giotto. P/ESTUM. See Major (Thomas). The ruins of Paestum. See Piranesi (F.). Differentes vues de quclques restes de trois grands edifices qui subsistent encore dans le milieu de l'ancienne ville de Pestum. PAILLOT de Montabert (Jacques Nicholas). Traite complet de la Peinture avec les figures explicatives. Text. Paris, 1829. 9 vols. 8vo. Plates. Paris, 1829. 4to. no plates. PAINE (James). Plans, Elevations, and other Ornaments of the Mansion House, belonging to the Corporation of Doncastcr. London, 175 1. Folio. 21 plates. Plans, Elevations, and Sections of Noblemen and Gentlemen's Houses, and also of other buildings executed in the counties of Derby, Durham, Middlesex, Northumberland, Nottingham and York, by J. Paine. Second edition. London, 1783. 2 vols, folio. 176 plates. PAINTERS. The true effigies of the most eminent Painters and other famous artists, engraved on copper plates, together with an account of their lives. London, 1694. Folio. Portraits. Biographical Charts of Italian Painters of the Schools of Venice, the Venetian States, Genoa, Cremona, Mantua, Milan, Ferrara, Modena, Parma, Bologna, Florence, Siena, Rome and Naples. Compiled by direction of the Trustees of the Melbourne Public Library. Melbourne, 1870. 2 vols, folio in one. Biographical Charts of Spanish Painters of the schools of Madrid, Toledo, Valladolid, Seville and Valencia. Melbourne, 1875. Folio. Painting. Original Treatises, from the Xllth to the XVIIIth centuries, on the arts of Painting. See Merrifield (Mrs. Mary Philadelphia). The perfect Painter, or a complete history of Painting. London, 1730. 12 mo. Frontispiece. The Art of Painting in miniature, translated from the French. London, 1739. 12 mo. Frontispiece. Essay on Landscape Painting. London, 1782. i2mo. ( 2I 5 ) Palestine. See Roberts (D.). The Holy Land, Syria, etc. PALISSY (Bernard). Palissy, the Potter : Life of B. P., of Saintes, by Henry Morley. London, 1855. i2mo. Palladio (Andrea). Quattro libri dell' Architettura ne' quali, dopo un breve trattato de' cinque ordini, e di quelli avertimenti, che sono piu necessarii nel fabricare, si tratta delle case, delle vie, ec. Venetia, app. B. Carampello. 1601. Folio. Wood engravings. Le Fabbriche e i Disegni di Palladio, raccolti ed illustrati da Ottavio Berotti Scamozzi. Vicenza, 1786. 4 vols, in two, folio. Plates. The Architecture of Palladio in four Books, revised and published by Giacomo Leoni ; translated from the Italian [by Isaac Ware]. Third edition, with notes and remarks of Inigo Jones, with an Appendix. London, 1742. 2 vols, folio. Plates. Pallavicino (Giuseppe Morsicato). La Scherma illustrata. Pa- lermo, 1670. 2 parts in one vol. folio. Engraved title and plates by Domenico Feruccio. Pallavicino (Leone). See Negri (C.). Le Gratie d' Amore. PALLISER (Mrs. Fanny Bury). History of Lace. London, 1865. 8vo. Plates. Notes on the History of Lace, with a Catalogue of specimens, selected from the Museum at South Kensington, contributed as a loan to the Nottingham Museum ; with 14 illustrations. London, 1872. 8vo. Catalogue of the Lace and Embroidery in the South Kensing- ton Museum. See Catalogues. Public Coll. London : South Kensington Museum. Palmaroli (Pietro). See MARCUCCI (L.). Palmyra. See Wood (R.). The ruins of Palmyra. PALOMINO de Castro y Velasco (Antonio). El Museo Pictorico y Escala Optica. Madrid, 1715-24. 2 vols, folio. Plates. Leben aller Spanischen und fremden Mahler, Bildhauer und Baumeister welche sich in Spanien durch ihre Werke beriihmt gemacht haben, ins Deutsche iibersetzt und mit dem Leben Raphael Mengs vermehrt. Dresden, 1781. i2mo. PANCRAZI (Giuseppe Maria). Antichita Siciliane spiegate ; colle notizie generali di questo regno, cui si comprende la storia parti- colare di quelle citta, delle quali se ne riportano, ed illustrano separatamente gl' antichi Monumenti. Napoli, 1751-52. 2 vols, folio. Plates. PANICALE (Masolino da). See La yard (A. H.). The Brancacci Palace. Panizzi (Sir Antonio). See Dante Alighieri. La Divina Commedia. Panni (Anton' Maria). See ZAIST (G. B.). Notizie de' pittori, scultori ed architetti Cre- monesi. ( 216 ) PANOFKA (Theodore). Antiques du cabinet du comte de Pourtales- Gorgier. See MUSEUMS. Private. Pourtales-Gorgier. PANVINIUS (Onuphrius). De Ludis Circensibus libri II., de Trium- phis liber unus, quibus universa fere Romanorum veterum sacra ritusque declarantur ac figuris aeneis illustrantur. Venetiis, 1600. Folio. Plates. Paoli (Paolo Antonio). Antichita di Pozzuoli, Cuma e Baja — Puteo- lanae Antiquitates. [Firenze] 1768. Folio. Engraved text, Italian and Latin. 69 plates. Papillon (Jean Michel). Traite historique et pratique de la gravure en bois. Paris, 1766. 3 parts in two vols. 8vo. Plates. PAPWORTH (Edgar George). Original Sculptural Designs, executed in Rome, 1834-36. London, 18 36. Folio. 25 plates on India paper. PAPWORTH (Wyatt). See GwiLT (Joseph). Encyclopaedia of Architecture. Paris. Architecture. See Calliat (V.). H6tel-de-Ville de Paris. See Le Brun (Ch.). L'Hotel du Chastelet. See [Le Jeune de Boullencourt (M.)]. Description generate de l'Hostel Royal des Invalides etabli par Louis XIV. See Percier (C.) et Fontaine (P. F. L.). Arc de Triomphe des Tuileries erige en 1806. See PERELLE (Adam). Veues des Maisons Royales de Paris. Costume. See BOUCHARDOX (E.). Etudes prises dans le bas peuple, ou les Cris de Paris. Fetes. See [BLONDEL (J. F.)]. Description des Festes donnees par la ville de Paris, a l'occasion du manage de madame Louise-Elisabeth de France et Dom Philippe, 1739. Louvre. See CATALOGUES. Public Coll. Paris : Louvre. See CLARAC (Comte de). Musee de Sculpture. See Galleries. Public. Paris : Louvre. See Landon (C. P.). Annates. See Sauzay (A.). Musee du Louvre : Collection Sauvageot. Painting. See Berain (J.), R. Chauveau et F. Le Moine. Ornemens de Peinture et de Sculpture qui sont dans la Galerie d'Apollon au chasteau du Louvre et dans le grand ap- partement du roy au Palais des Tuilleries. See Flandrin (H.). Frise de la nef de l'eglise St. Vincent de Paul. See Le Brun (Ch.) et E. Le Sueur. Peintures dans l'H6tel du Chastelet. See VlOLLET le Due (E. E.). Peintures murales des chapelles de Notre Dame. Views. See GlRTIN (T.). Views in Paris and its environs. ( 2i; ) PARIS (Crispian de). See PlUVINEL (Antoine de). [Parker (John Henry).] Glossary of terms used in Grecian, Roman, Italian, and Gothic Architecture. Fifth edition, enlarged. Oxford, 1850. 3 vols. 8vo. Plates. Some Account of Domestic Architecture in England, from Edward I. to Richard II., with notices of foreign examples, and numerous illustrations ; by the Editor of the Glossary of Archi- tecture [J. H. Parker]. Oxford, 1853. 8vo. Some Account of Domestic Architecture in England, from Richard II. to Henry VIII., with numerous illustrations of existing remains [by J. H. Parker]. Oxford, 1859. 2 vols. 8vo. See RlCKMAN (Thomas). Parma. Fetes. See [PaciaUDI (P. M.)]. Descrizione delle feste celebrate in Parma per le nozze del infante Ferdinando di Borbone con 1' arciduchessa d' Austria Maria Amalia, 1769. See Philip V. of Spain. Ragguaglio delle nozze di Filippo V. e di Elisabetta Farnese, re cattolici delle Spagne, celebrate in Parma 1' anno 17 14 [da G. Maggiali]. Gallery. See CATALOGUES. Public Collections. Parma. Lives of Painters. See [Bodoni (G. B.)]. Le piu insigni Pitture Parmensi. Monastery of St. Paul. See CORREGGIO. Pitture esistenti in Parma nel monisterio di San Paolo [da G. G. de' Rossi]. Parmigianino (Girolamo Francesco Maria Mazzuoli, detto II). Works. Raccolta di disegni originali di Francesco Mazzola detto II Par- migianino tolti dal gabinetto del conte Alessandro Sanvitale incisi da Benigno Bossi. Parma, 1772. Folio. 31 plates and engraved title. Varii disegni inventati da Francesco Mazzuola detto II Par- migianino tratti dalla Raccolta Zanettiana, incisi in rame da Antonio Faldoni e novamente pubblicati. Venezia, 1786. Folio. 1 5 plates and engraved title. Imitations of Drawings by Parmegiano, in the collection of his Majesty, engraved and published by Conrad Martin Metz. London, 1790. Oblong folio. 33 plates and engraved title. Life. Vita di Francesco Mazzola detto II Parmigianino scritta da Ireneo Affo. Parma, 1784. 8vo. Sketches of the Lives of Correggio and Parmigiano [by William Coxe]. See Correggio. Parnell (Thomas). Poetical Works. See POETRY. British Poets ; vol. 34. ( 218 ) PARROCEL (C). Engravings after his designs. See La GuERiNiERE (Fr. Robichon de). Ecole de la Cavalerie. PARROCEL (Etiennc). Annales de la Peinture, contenant l'histoire des ecoles d'Avignon, d'Aix et de Marseille, precedee de l'histori- que des peintres de l'antiquite, du moyen-age, ct des diverses ecoles du midi de la France. Paris, 1862. 8vo. PARSEY (Arthur). Perspective rectified ; or the principles and appli- cation demonstrated. Loudon, 1836. 4to. 16 plates. PARSONS (James). The Crounian Lectures on Muscular Motion, 1744-45, read before the Royal Society. London, 1745. 4to. Plates. Parthenon (The). See Athens. PASCOLI (Lione). Vite de' Pittori, Scultori, ed Architctti Moderni. Roma, 1730-36. 2 vols. 4to. Vite de' Pittori, Scultori, cd Architetti Perugini, scrittc da Lione Pascoli. Roma, 1732. 4to. PASQUI (Leopoldo). Collezione dei progctti d' architettura. See Florence. Academy. Pasquin (Anthony). See [Williams (John)]. Passavant (Johann David). Entwiirfe zu Grabendenkmalen. Frank- furt am May w, 1828. Folio. 13 lithographs. Kunstreise durch England und Belgien, nebst cinem Bericht liber den Bau des Domthurms zu Frankfurt am Main. Frankfurt am Main, 1833. 8vo. Plates. Le Peintre-Graveur, contenant l'histoire de la gravure sur bois, sur metal et au burin j usque vers la fin du XVI e siecL, l'histoire du nielle avec complement de la partie descriptive de l'essai sur les nielles de Duchesne aine et un catalogue supplemental aux estampes du XV. et XVI. siecle de Adam Bartsch. Leipsic, 1860-64. 6 vols. 8vo. Portrait. Rafael und Giovanni Santi. See Raphael. See Galleries. Private. Leuchtenbersr. Passeri (Giovanni Battista). Vita di Salvator Rosa. See Baglione (Gio.). Vite de' Pittori. PASSERI (Giovanni Battista). Lucernae Fictiles Musei Passerii. Pisauri, 1739-43-51. 3 vols, folio. Portrait and 320 plates. Picturse Etruscorum in Vasculis, nunc primum in unum collectae, explicationibus et dissertationibus illustratae a J. B. Passerio. Romcs, 1767-75. 3 vols, folio. 300 coloured plates. Vite de' Pittori, Scultori, ed Architetti che hanno lavorati in Roma morti dal 1641 fino al 1673. Roma, 1772. 4to. PASSERI (Pietro). Collezione dei progetti d' Architettura. See FLORENCE. Academy. [PASSERINI (Luigi).] La bibliografia di Michelangelo. See Michel Angelo Buonarroti. Bibliography. ( 2IQ ) Patch (Thomas). See Ghiberti (L.). The Gates of the Baptistery of St. John in Florence. Life of Fra Bartolommeo della Porta. See PORTA (Baccio della). Patina (Carla Caterina). Pitture scelte e dichiarate da C. C. Patina. Colonia, 1691. Folio. 42 plates. PAUSANIAS. Pausanias, ou voyage historique de la Grece ; traduit en francois avec des remarques par Nic. Gedoyn. Paris, 1731. 2 vols. 4to. Frontispiece. PAXTON (Sir Joseph). Plans, Elevations, and Sections of Mentmore, Bucks, the seat of Baron Mayer A. de Rothschild. Not for publication, 1866. 4to. 9 plates. PAYNE (William). Introduction to Geometry. London, 1768. i2mo. Pellatt, jun. (Apsley). Memoir on Glass Manufactures, including an account of the patent Crystallo-Ceramie, or Glass Incrustations. London, 182 1. 4to. Coloured plates. Pelli (Giuseppe). Vita di Dante. See Dante Alighieri. La Divina Commedia. PEMBROKE (Philip Herbert, Earl of). ^Edes Pembrochianae : an account and description of the statues, bustos, relievos, paintings, medals, etc., in Wilton House. Salisbury, 1788. — New description of the pictures, etc., in the Earl of Pembroke's House at Wilton. Salisbury, 1778. 2 vols, in one, 8vo. PEMBROKE (Thomas Herbert, Earl of). Numismata antiqua, collegit olim et aeri incidi vivens curavit Thomas, Pembrochise et Montis Gomerici comes. \Sine loco] 1746. 3 parts in two vols, folio. Large paper. Plates. Anecdotes of Thomas, Earl of Pembroke. See Galleries. Private. Wilton House. PENROSE (Francis Cranmer). Investigations of the principles of Athenian Architecture. Published by the Society of Dilettanti. London, 185 1. Folio. 41 plates and frontispiece. Penrose (Thomas). Poetical Works. See POETRY. British Poets ; vol. 63. PERCIER (Charles) et P. F. L. Fontaine. Palais, Maisons, et autres edifices modernes dessines a Rome, publies a Paris par C. P. et P. F. L. F. Paris, 1798. Folio. 100 plates. — — Choix des plus celebres Maisons de Plaisance de Rome et de ses environs, mesurees et dessinees par C. P. et P. F. L. F. Paris, 1809. Folio. 76 plates. Recueil de Decorations Interieures, comprenant tout ce qui a rapport a l'ameublement, compose par C. P. et P. F. L. F. Paris, 18 1 2. Folio. 72 plates. Arc de Triomphe des Tuileries erige en 1806, d'apres les des- sins et sous la direction de C. P. et P. F. L. F., dessine, grave, et publie par Normand fils, avec un texte explicatif par Bres. Paris [s. d\ Oblong folio. 27 plates. ( 220 ) Pereire Gallery. See Galleries. Private. Pereire. Perelle (Adam). Recueil de 150 paysages et marines ornes dc figures et ruines, composes, dessines, et graves par A. Perelle. Paris, chez Basan [s. d.\ Folio. 150 plates. Veues des Maisons Royales de Paris [de Versailles, de Fontaine- bleau, Chantilly, etc.]. Paris [s. d.]. Oblong 4to. 119 plates. PERELLE (Gabriel). Recueil de divers jolis paysages et ports de mer, ornes de figures, ruines et animaux, dessines et graves par Perelle. Paris, chez Basan \s. d.]. (50 plates and engraved title.). — A series of 12 small Etchings of Landscapes, by Gabriel Perelle ; mounted and inserted in the volume. Oblong 4to. Perelle (Nicolas). Veues des plus beaux bastimens de France. Veues de Versailles, Veues de Chantilly, etc. [Paris, s. d.] In one vol. oblong folio. Plates. PERGER (Sigismond de). Galerie au Belvedere a Vienne. See Galleries. Public. Vienna. PERKINS (Augustus Thorndike). See Copley (John Singleton). Life. PERKINS (Charles C). Tuscan Sculptors : their lives, works, and times. London, 1864. 2 vols. 4to. Plates. Italian Sculptors : being a history of sculpture in northern, southern, and central Italy. London, 1868. 4to. Plates on India paper. [Perrault (Ch.).] Courses de Testes et de Bague, faites par le Roy [Louis XIV.] et par les Princes et Seigneurs de sa cour, en l'annee 1662. [Ouvrage redige par Ch. Perrault, avec une relation en vers latins par Flechier.] Paris, 1670. Folio. Engraved title and 47 plates by Israel Silvestre, Chauvcau, etc. Festa ad capita annulumque : Decursio a Rege Lodovico XIV. principibus summisque et aulae proceribus edita, anno 1662. Parisiis, 1670. Folio. Engraved title and 47 plates. PERRAULT (Claude). Treatise of the five Orders of Columns in Architecture, with engravings by John Sturt ; made English by John James. London, 1708. Folio. 6 plates, and vignettes. The Same. Second edition, with an Explanation of the terms in Architecture. London, 1722. Folio. 6 plates, and vignettes. See VITRUVIUS. L' Architecture de Vitruve. PERRIER (Francois). Icones et Segmenta nobilium signorum et sta- tuarum quae Romae extant delineatae atque in aere incisae. Romt> degli studii fiorentini. Firenze, per li Marescotti, 1604. 4to. VALTURIUS (Robertus). De re militari libri XII. Parisiis, 1532. Folio. Woodcuts. See {bound up with) VEGETIUS Renatus (F.). De re militari. U ( 290 ) Van Assen (B. A.). See Fletcher (S.). Emblematical Devices. VANDERBOURG (Charles). See Lessing (G. E.). Van der Bruggen (John). See La Fage (Raimond de). Recueil de Desseins. VAN DER HEIDE (Jan). Beschryving der nieuwlyks uitgevonden en geoctrojeerde Slang-Brand-Spuiten. Amsterdam, 1690. Folio. 1 9 plates. Van der Linden (Joh. Ant.). See Spigelius (A). Opera. Van der Sterre (Jo. Chrys.). See NORBERTI (S.) Vita. VANDYCK (Sir Anthony). Iconcs principum, virorum doctorum, etc., ab Antonio Van Dyck depicts. Autvcrp'nc, G. Hendricx [s. a.]. Folio. The portraits cut from the book, mounted and arranged by Prince Hoare. Iconographie ou Vies des Hommes illustres du XVI I e siecle ecrites par M. V., avec leurs portraits peints par Antoine Van Dyck, et graves sous sa direction. Amsterdam, 1759. 2 vols, in one, folio. 125 portraits. Pictorial notices ; consisting of a Memoir of Sir Anthony Van Dyck, with a descriptive catalogue of the etchings executed by him, and a variety of particulars relating to other artists patronized by Charles I., collected from original documents by William Hookham Carpenter. London, 1844. 4to. Portrait and fac- simile. Eaux-Fortcs de Antoine Van Dyck reproduites ct publiees par Amand-Durand, texte par Georges Duplessis. Paris [s. d.\ Folio. 2 1 etchings of portraits. Vannucci da Castello della Pieve, detto il Perugino (Pietro). See Perugino (Pietro Vannucci, detto il). Vannuchi, detto del Sarto (Andrea). See Sarto. Vanvitelli (Luigi). Dichiarazione dei disegni del Reale Palazzo di Caserta. Napoli, 1756. Folio. 14 plates. Van Vliet (J. G.). See Deuchar (D.). Collection of Etchings. Van Worrell (A. B.). Tableau of the Dutch and Flemish Painters of the old school. London, 1832. Oblong i2mo. Varciii (Benedetto). See Michel Angelo Buonarroti. Writings. Rime. Vardv (John). See Jones (Inigo). Vasari (Giorgio). Ragionamenti soprale inventioni da lui dipinte in Firenze nel Palazzo di loro Altezze Serenissime, con Francesco Medici principe di Firenze ; insieme con la inventionc della pit- tura da lui cominciata nella Cupola. Firenze, 1588. 4to. With autogr. of Daniel Mac Use, R.A. ( 2QI ) Vasari (Giorgio). Ragionamenti, ecc. Seconda edizione. Arezzo, 1762. 4to. Portrait and plates. Vite de' piu eccellenti Pittori, Scultori e Architetti, illustrate con note [da G. G. Bottari]. Roma, 1759-60. 3 vols. 4to. Portraits. Le Vite de' piu eccellenti Pittori, Scultori e Architetti, pubblicate per cura di una Societa di amatori delle Arti belle ; coll' indici. Firenze, F. Le Monnier, 1846-70. 14 vols, in 7, i2mo. Portraits. Lives of the most eminent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects ; translated, with notes and illustrations by Mrs. Jonathan Foster. London, 1850-52. 5 vols. i2mo. Portrait. Vasi (Giuseppe). Delle Magnificenze di Roma antica e moderna, libro primo [fino al decimo] da G. V. disegnate ed incise, con una Spiegazione Istorica composta da Giuseppe Bianchini [e G. Vasi]. Roma, 1747-61. 10 parts in two vols, oblong folio. 200 plates. Five Plans and Views of the Palazzo di Caprarola. Roma, 1746-48. Folio. See {bound lip with) ZUCCARI (T. F. e O.). Illustri Fatti Farnesiani. Vatican (The). See Rome. Vatican. Vaux (William Sandys Wright). Inscriptions in the Phoenician character found on the site of Carthage. See Museums. Public. London : B. M. VECELLI, di Cadore (The Family of). See TlCOZZl (S.). Vite dei pittori Vecelli di Cadore. VECELLIO (Cesare). Habiti antichi et moderni di tutto il mondo, di nuouo accresciuti di molte figure. Venetia, appresso G. B. Sessa, 1598. Second edition. Small 8vo. Woodcuts. VECELLIO (Tiziano). See Tiziano Vecellio. Veen (Otto van). See VILNIUS (Otho). VEGA CARPIO (Fray Lope Felix de). Life and writings. See HOLLAND (Henry Richard, Lord). VEGETIUS Renatus (Flavius). Fl. Vegetii Renati de re Militari libri IV.; Sexti Julii Frontini de Strategematis libri totidem ; ^Eliani de instruendis Aciebus liber ; Modesti de Vocabulis rei militaris liber ; item picturse bellicse CXX. passim Vegetio adjectse. Collata sunt omnia ad antiquos codices, maxime Budaei, quod testabitur ^lianus. Lutetice, apud Ch. Wechclum, 1532. ( Woodcuts).— En tibi lector Robertum Valturium de Re Militari libris XII. multo emaculatius, ac picturis, quse plurimse in eo sunt, elegantioribus expressum, quam cum Veronae inter initia artis chalcographies anno 1483 invulgaretur. Parisiis, apnd C. Wechelum, 1532. ( Woodcuts) 2 vols, in one, folio. VELASQUEZ de la Cadena (Mariano). Pronouncing Dictionary of the Spanish and English Languages. London, 1872. 2 vols, in one, imperial 8vo. VELAZQUEZ (Diego Rodriguez de Silva y). Velasquez and his works, by [Sir] William Stirling [-Maxwell]. Lo?ido?i, 1855. i2mo. Portrait. Noticia de Don Diego Velasquez y Silva, como escritor, por Adolfo de Castro. Madrid, 1872. 8vo. U 2 ( 2 9 2 ) Velazquez (Diego Rodriguez de Silva y). Memoire de Velasquez sur quarante et un tableaux envoyes par Philippe IV. a l'Escurial. Reimpression de 1'exemplaire unique (1658), avec introduction, traduction, et notes par le Baron Ch. Davillier. Paris, 1874. 8vo. Portrait. See SNARE (J.). History of the portrait of Prince Charles, painted by Velasquez. Venice. Academy. See Catalogues. Public Collections. Venice. Architecture. Splendor magnificentissimae Urbis Venetiarum clarissimus. Lugd. Bat. sumpt. Petri van dcr A a. 2 vols, folio. Large paper ; plates. See Canal (A.). Prospects of the great canal of Venice. See Carlevariis (Luca). Le fabriche e vedute di Venetia. See Marieschi (M.). Urbis Venetiarum Prospectus. See RONDELET (A.). Essai sur le pont de Rialto. See RUSKIN (John). The Stones of Venice. See Zatta (A.). L' augusta basilica ducale dell' Evangelista San Marco di Venezia. Art (History of). Le Belle Arti in Venezia [da G. A. Moschini]. Venezia [s. a.]. i2mo. See Boschini (M.). La Carta del Navegar. See Kreutz (G. e L.). Mosaici secondarii della Basilica di San Marco. See Zanetti (Girolamo). Dell' origine di alcune Arti Prin - cipali appresso i Viniziani. Costume. See FRANCO (G). Habiti d' huomini et donne Venetiani con la processione della Ser ma Signoria et altri particolari, cioe trionfi, feste e ceremonie publiche della citta di Venetia. Fetes. Venetia festiva per gli pomposi spettacoli fatti per la nas- cita del Real Delfino di Francia da Fausto Ciro. Venetia, 1688. Small 4to. {Bound up with) TINTORETTO. Vita da C. Ridolfi. See Alberti (G. M.). Giuochi festivi e militari esposti alia sodisfattione universale dalla generosita d' Ernesto Augusto, duca di Brunsvich, nel tempo di sua dimora in Venetia. See Cosimo II., granduca di Toscana. Esequie fatte in Venetia dalla natione Fiorentina, 1621. See FRANCO (G.). Habiti d' Huomini e Donne Venetiani. Lives of Artists. See Ridolfi (Carlo). Le Maraviglie dell' Arte overo le vite degl' illustri pittori Veneti e dello stato. ( 293 ) Venice. Lives of Artists. See Temanza (Tommaso). Vitc dci piu celebri architetti c scultori Veneziani chc fiorirono ncl secolo XVI. Painting. Photographs of Drawings by the old Masters preserved at Venice. Folio. 50 photographs. Fac-similc dci disegni originali dei maestri classici esistenti nella R. Accademia di Belle Arti in Venezia ; Fotografie in- alterabili. Venezia, C. Naya, 1874. In a folio case. See BOSCHINI (Marco). Le ricche Minere della pittura Veneziana. See Le Febre (Val). Raccolta di opere scelte dipintc da Tiziano e altri maestri della scuola Veneziana. See REYNOLDS (Sir J.). Notes on Pictures of the Venetian School, from his Italian sketch-book, etc., ed. by W. Cotton. See [Zanetti (A. M.)]. Della Pittura Veneziana. Pitture a fresco de' principali maestri Veneziani. Views. II gran Teatro delle piu insigni prospettive di Venezia. [ Venezia, s. a.] Oblong folio. Plates. II Gran Teatro di Venezia, ovvero Raccolta delle principali Vedute e Pitture che in essa si contengono. | Venezia, s. a. | 2 vols, in one, oblong folio. 121 plates. See CANAL (Ant.). Urbis Venetiarum prospectus cclcbriorcs. See CARLEVARIIS (Luca). Le fabriche c vedute di Venetia. See MARIESCHI (M.). Urbis Venetiarum Prospectus. VENTURI (Pomp.). See Dante Alighieri. La Divina Commedia. VENTURINI (Giovanni Francesco). Le Fontane del Giardino Estcnse in Tivoli con li loro prospetti, c Vedute dalla Cascata del Fiume Aniene, disegnate ed intagliate da Gio. Francesco Venturmi. Parte quarta. Roma, Gio. Gac. de Rossi \s. a.\. Oblong folio. 28 plates, including title. VENUTI (Ridolfino) e Giov. Crist. Amaduzzi. Vetera Monumenta in Hortis Cajlimontanis et in yEdibus Matthasiorum adscrvantur nunc primum collecta et adnotationibus illustrata a Rodulphino Venuti et a Joanne Christophoro Amadutio. Roma, 1779-7°- 3 vols, folio. Plates. Museum Cortonensc. See MUSEUMS. Public. Cortona. VERCI (Giambatista). Notizie alia vita c allc opcrc de' Pittori, Scul- tori e Intagliatori della citta di Bassano. Venezia, 1775. 121110. Frontispiece. VERDIER (Aymar) et F. Cattois. Architecture civile et domestique au moyen-age et a la renaissance, dessinec et decrite par A. V. et F. C. Paris, 1855-57. 2 vols. 4to. Plates. ( 294 ) VERDIER (F.). Recueil de plusieurs Figures d'Academie, dessinees d'apres le naturel par F. Verdier et gravees par J. Bap. dc Poilly. Paris \s.d\ (17 plates and engraved titled). — Recueil de di verses Academies, designees par les plus celebres peintres de l'Academie Roiale et gravees par N. Guerard le fils. Paris \s. d.\ (13 plates and engraved title?) 2 vols, in one, folio. VERDIZOTTI (Gio. Mario). Cento Favole morali, con 1' ornamento di varie e belle figure. Vcnetia, app. G. Zileti, 1570. 4to. Wood- cuts, some of them after designs by Titian. Vergelli (Giuseppe Tiburtio). See Vignola (J. B. da). Regole della Prospettiva. Ver Huell (V.). See HOUBRAKEN (J.) et son ceuvre. Vermiglioli (Gio. Battista). See N1CCOL6 e Giovanni da Pisa e Arnolfo Florentine Le Scul- ture che ornano La Fontana Maggiore di Perugia. See PlNTURICCHlO (Bernardino). Memorie. Vernet (Claude Joseph). Les Vernet : Joseph Vernet et la peinture au XVI I I e siecle par Leon Lagrange ; avec le texte des Livres de Raison, et un grand nombre de documents inedits. Paris, 1864. 8vo. Vernet (Horace). Histoire de Horace Vernet. [S. I. n. d.] Royal 8vo. Portrait. Vernon (G. G. Warren, Lord). See Dante Alighieri. La Divina Commedia. Verona. Architecture. See Maffei (S.). La Verona illustrata. See Valesi (Dion.). Varie fabriche antiche e moderne di Verona. Lives of Artists. See Pozzo (Fr. Bartolomeo). Vite de' pittori, degli scultori et architetti Veronesi. Museum. See MUSEUMS. Public. Verona. Painting. See BERNASCONI (Cesare). Studj sopra la storia della pittura italiana dei secoli XIV. e XV. e della scuola Veronese dai medj tempi fino a tutto il secolo XVIII. Veronese (Paolo Cagliari, detto). See Cagliari (P.). Versailles. Vues, plans, etc., du Chateau et Jardin de Versailles, avec les statues, thermes et vases ; avec plusieurs figures et groupes du grand escalier. Paris, 1672-75. In one vol. folio. Plates. See [FElibien (Andre)]. Description de la Grotte de Versailles. See Le Brun (Ch.). La grande Galerie de Versailles et les deux salons. ( 295 ) Versailles. See Le PaUTRE (Pierre). Les Plans de la ville et chateau de Versailles. See MANSART (J. H.). Livre de tous les plans du chasteau de Clagny que Louis XIV. a fait bastir prez Versailles. See THOMASSIN (S.). Rccueil des statues, groupes, fontai termes, vases et autres ornements de Versailles. [VERTOT (Rene Aubert de).] Histoire des Revolutions de Suede- Paris, 1695. 2 vols, in one, i2mo. Histoire des chevaliers Hospitallers de S. Jean de Jerusalem, appellez depuis Chevaliers de Rhodes et aujourd'hui Chevaliers de Malthe. Paris, 1726. 5 vols. 12 mo. VERTUE (George). Description of some historical Prints, representing kings, queens, princes, etc., of the Tudor family, selected, drawn and^ engraved from the original paintings, byG.Vertue. Loudon, Soc. of Antiquaries, 1776. Folio. 9 plates. Three plates of St. Martin's in the Fields, before it was pulled down ; The Petty Cannon's Houses at Windsor ; and 3 plates of antiquities. London \n. d.]. Oblong folio. 7 P^tes. Engravings. See Antiquaries (Society of). Description of the works of Hollar. See HOLLAR (Wenceslaus). Catalogue of Engravers. See Walpole (H.). Catalogue of Engravers. VESALIUS (Andreas). De Humani Corporis fabrica libri VII. BasiUa, per Joannem Oporinum, 1555. Folio. Woodcuts. . Tabula anatomicae sex. Venetiis, imprimebat B. J 1 talis, sump- tibus Jo. Stephani Calcarensis, 1538. London, privately printed for Sir W. Stirling- Maxwell, 1874. Folio. Plates. Vestigie di Roma Antica ; Disegni originali Manuscript, sec. XVII. Folio. VETUSTA MONUMENTA, or ancient monuments illustrative of the history and topography of Great Britain. Loudiui, sit nipt. Soc. Antiq. Loud, 1747-1835. Vols. 1-5. 5 vols, folio. Plato. Veuillot (Louis). Jesus-Christ ; avec une etude sur l'art chretien, par E Cartier. Ouvrage contenant 180 gravures executees par Huyot pere et fils, et 16 chromo-lithographies, d'apres les monu- ments de l'art depuis les catacombes jusqu'a nos jours. Paris, 1875. Royal 8vo. VlARDOT (Louis). Les Mervcilles de la Peinturc, avec des vignettes parPaquier. Paris, 1868-72. 2 vols. 121110. Woodcuts. Les merveilles de la sculpture ; ouvrage illustre de 62 vignettes. Paris, 1869. i2tno. Woodcuts. Galerie Aguado. See Galleries. Private. Aguado. Vico, da Parma (Enea). Effigie di Cesare. See DONI (A. F.). Dichiaratione. ( 2 9 6 ) VICTORIA (H.M. Queen). Private collection of Pictures at Buckingham Palace, by John Linnell. See Galleries. Private Collections. Buckingham Palace. The Raphael Collection at Windsor. See Raphael. VlDA (Marco Girolamo). The Art of Poetry. Translated by J. Pitt. See POETRY. British Poets ; vol. ioo. VlElRA (Francesco). See [Bodoni (G. B.)]. Le piu insigni Pitture Parmensi. Vienna. Veues et Facades principales dans la ville et aux fauxbourgs de Vienne, par J. A. Delfenbach. [ Vienna, s. d.] ($0 plates.). — Vera ct accurata Delineatio omnium Templorum et Ccenobiorum Vienna^ per Solomonem Kleiner, et Joh. Andrea Pfeffel. Aug. Vi7id, 1724. 2 vols. {Plates.). — 3 vols, in one, oblong folio. Photographs of Drawings after the old Masters, preserved at Vienna. Folio. 37 photographs. See CATALOGUES. Public Coll. Vienna : Ambras Museum. See Catalogues. Public Coll. Vienna : Gallery. See Eckhel (J. H.). Choix des Pierres gravees du cabinet Im- perial des Antiques. See Galleries. Public. Vienna : Belvedere. VlERO (Teodoro). Raccolta di stampe, che rappresentano Figure ed Abiti di varie nazioni secondo gli originali, e le descrizioni dei piu celebri recenti viaggiatori, e degli scopritori di paesi nuovi. Venetiis, 1783-90. 3 vols, folio. 360 plates. VlGENERE (Blaise de). See PHILOSTRATI duo. VlGNOLA (Jacomo Barozzi da). Regole delli cinque Ordini d' Archi- tettura. Siena, 1635. Folio. 45 plates, including engraved title containing portrait of Vignola. Alcune opere d' Architettura, raccolte et poste in luce da Francesco Villamena. Roma, 161 7. (45 plates, including title, etc). — Oficina Arcularia [Varie Inventioni per Depositi di Ber- nardino Radi, ecc.]. Amst., 165 1. (33 plates and 2 engraved titles.) 2 vols, folio, in one. Le due regole della Prospettiva practica, con i Comentarij di Egnatio Danti, epilogate da Giuseppe Tiburtio Vergelli. Roma, 1684. 4to. Villa Amil (Gregorio Cruzada). See Carducho (V.). See Catalogues. Public Collections. Madrid. See Pacheco (Francisco). VillafajnE (Juan de Arphe y). See Arphe. Villamena (Francesco). See Vignola (Jacomo Barozzi da). Opere. ( 297 ) VlLLOT (Frederic). Notice des Tableaux exposes dans les Galerics du Louvre. 2 C partic. See CATALOGUES. Public Collections. Paris : Louvre. VlNCI (Leonardo da). Collections of Engravings from his designs. Raccolta di Disegni incisi da Girolamo Mantelli di Canobio, sugli originali esistenti nella Bibliotcca Ambrosiana, di mano di Leonardo da Vinci e de' suoi scolari Lombardi. Milano, 1 7 S 5 . Folio. Engraved title ami 27 piates. Imitations of original designs by Leonardo da Vinci in his Majesty's collection, published by John Chamberlaine. Loudon, 1796. {17 plates.). — Engravings from the original designs of Anni- bale, Agostino, and Ludovico Caracci, consisting of compositions for pictures at Rome, Bologna, Parma, Milan, etc., published by John Chamberlaine. London, 1797. (27 plates) 2 vols, in one, folio. Saggio delle opere di Leonardo da Vinci, con 24 tavole fotoli- tografiche di scritture e disegni tratti dal cod ice Atlantico [su editore Carlo Belgiojoso]. Milano, 1872. Folio. 24 plates and portrait. The Last Supper. Storia genuina del Cenacolo insigne dipinto da Leonardo da Vinci nel refettorio de' padri domenicani di S. Maria delle Grazie di Milano pubblicata da Domenico Pino. Milano, 1796. 8vo. Collection des tetes du celebre Tableau de la Cene par Leonardo da Vinci, peint a fresquc sur le mur du refectoire de Sainte-Marie-des-Graces, a Milan, calquee et dessinee sur l'origi- nal ; precedee d'un abrege de la vie de ce grand peintrc par Dutertre. Paris, 1808. Folio. No title ; 14 plates and vignette. Del Cenacolo di Leonardo da Vinci libri quattro di Giuseppe Bossi. Milano, 18 10. Folio. 7 plates. Le Cenacle de Leonard de Vinci, dans lc tableau qu'on voit aujourd'hui chez un citoyen de Milan, et qui etoit ci-devant dans le refectoire de l'insigne Chartreuse de Pavie ; Essai par l'abbe Aime Guillon. Milan, 181 1. 8vo. Writings. Trattato della Pittura ; nuovamente dato in luce, con la Vita dell' istesso autore scritta da Rafaelle Du Fresne : si sono giunti i tre Libri della Pittura c il Trattato della Statua di Leon Battista Alberti, con la vita del medesimo. Parigi, 165 1. Folio. Engra- vings in the text, with some drawings inserted. Treatise on Painting ; translated and digested by John Francis Rio-aud ; illustrated with 23 plates and other figures : with a Life by John Sidney Hawkins. Loudon, 1802. 8vo. Portrait and plates. Life. Mcmorie storiche su la vita, gli studj, e le opere di Lionardo da Vinci, scritte da Carlo Amoretti. [Sensa uota.] 4to. Large paper ; portrait and 3 plates. See CLEMENT (C). Michel-Ange, Leonard de Vinci, Raphael. ( 2 9 8 ) Vinci (Leonardo da). Life. Histoire de Leonard de Vinci, par Arsene HOUSSAYE. Paris, 1869. 8vo. P 01' trait. Leonard de Vinci et son ecole, par A. F. Rio. Paris, 1855. i2mo. Leonardo da Vinci : Cenni storici ed artistici di P. ROCCA, diretti all' esame di argomenti religiosi e civili, preceduti da un' oda. Milauo, 1858. 8vo. Leonardo da Vinci e la sua Scuola: illustrazioni storiche e note pubblicate per cura di Felice TUROTTI, colla traduzione dell' opera suddetta di F. Rio. Milauo, 1857. 8vo. 2 portraits. Ricerche intorno a Leonardo da Vinci da Gustavo UziELLI. Firenze, 1872. Small 4*0. Frontispiece. VlNET (Ernest). L'Art et l'Archeologie. Paris, 1874. 8vo. VlOLLET-le-Duc (Eugene Emmanuel). Dictionnaire raisonne de 1' Ar- chitecture Franchise du XI e au XVI e siecle. Paris, 1858-68. 10 vols. 8vo. Portrait and plates. Dictionnaire raisonne du Mobilier Francais de l'epoque carlo- vingienne a la renaissance. Paris, 1858-75. 6 vols. 8vo. Plates. Entretiens sur l'Architecture. Text. Paris, 1863. Vol. 1. 8vo. Plates. Atlas. Paris, 1864. Oblong 4to. Plates. Peintures Murales des Chapelles de Notre Dame de Paris, exe- cutees sur les cartons de E. Viollet-le-Duc, relevees par Maurice Ouradou. Paris, 1870. Folio. Plates. Histoire d'une maison : texte et dessins par Viollet-le-Duc. Paris [s. d.]. 8vo. Plates and woodcuts. Histoire d'une Forteresse ; texte et dessins par Viollet-le-Duc. Paris [s. d.]. 8vo. Plates and zvoodcnts. Histoire de l'habitation humaine depuis les temps prehistoriques jusqu'a nos jours. Paris \s. d.]. 8vo. VIRGILIUS Maro (Publius). The Works of Virgil, containing his Pastorals, Georgics, and yEneis, translated into English verse by John Dryden. London, 1697. First edition. Folio. Large paper ; 1 00 plates. The Same. Translated by J. Dryden. See POETRY. British Poets ; vols. 85 to 87. The JEnexd. Translated by Chr. Pitt. See POETICAL Translations. VlSCONTl Family. See GlOVIO (P.). Vite dei dodici Visconti. VlSCONTl (Alessandro). Lettera a Giuseppe Carnevali di Albano sopra alcuni vasi sepolcrali rinvenuti nelle vicinanze della antica Alba-Longa. Roma, 18 17. 4to. 4 plates. ( 299 ) VlSCONTI (Ennio-Quirino). Illustrazioni de' Monumcnti scelti Bor- ghesiani giaesrstcnti nclla villa sul Pincio, scritte da E. Q.Visconti, date ora per la prima volta in luce da Gio. Gherardo de' Rossi e da Stefano Piale, sotto la cura di Vinccnzo Feoli. Roma, 1821. 2 vols, folio. Plates. - Two memoirs read to the Royal Institute of France on the sculptures in the collection of the Earl of Elgin, with a Letter from Antonio Canova ; translated. London, 18 16. 8vo. See Galleries. Public. Paris : Musee Frangais. VlSCONTI (Filippo Amelio). II Museo Chiaramonti. See Museums. Public. Rome. VlSCONTI (Giambattista). II Museo Pio-Clementino. See MUSEUMS. Public. Rome. VlSCONTI (P. E.). Memorie di B. Pinturicchio. See Pinturicchio (B.). Visentini (Ant.). . See CANAL (Ant.). Urbis Venetiarum prospectus celebnores. VlSSCHER (Cornelis de). A Catalogue of the works of Cornelius Visscher, by William Smith. London, 1864. Royal 8vo. Catalogue de son ceuvre. See BASAN (Fr.). Dictionnaire des gravcurs. Visscher (Nicolas Jannsen). See EPISCOPIUS (J.). See VREDEMAN de Vriese (Paul). Plusieurs Mcnuiseries. VlTET (Ludovic). L'Academie Royale de Peinture et de Sculpture, etude historique. Paris, 1861. 8vo. VITRUVIUS Pollio (Marcus). I dieci libri dell' Architettura di M' Vitruvio, tradotti e commentati da Daniel Barbara, da lui nve- duti ed ampliati, e hora in piu commoda forma ridotti. 1 enetta, 1567. 4to. Woodcuts. L> Architettura di M. Vitruvio Pollione, colla traduzione italiana e comento del marchese Berardo Galiani. Napoli, 1758. Folio. Latin and Ltalian text; 25 plates. Les dix Livres d'Architecture de Vitruve, corrigez et traduits nouvellement en frangois, avec des notes et des figures [par Claude Perrault]. Paris, 1673. Folio. Plates. Seconde edition reveue, corrigee, et augmentee. Parts, 1684. Folio. Plates. The Architecture of Vitruvius, translated by W. Newton. London, 1791. 2 vols, folio. Plates. Vitruvius Britannicus. See Campbell (Colin), J. Woolfe, and J. Gandon. See Richardson (G.). The New Vitruvius Britannicus. VlTTORIA (Vincenzo). Osservazioni sopra il libra della Felsina Pittncc. See Raphael. Life. Vivo (Tommaso de). See PlSTOLESl (E.). II Vaticano. ( 300 ) VOGEL (C). Verzeichniss von gezeichneten Portraits. See Catalogues. Public Collections. Dresden. VOLPATO (Gian). See Raphael. Loggie. Volpi (Giov. Ant.). See Dante Alighieri. La Divina Commedia. Voorhelm Schneevoogt (C. G.). See RUBENS (P. P.). Catalogue des estampcs. VOSMAER (C). See Hals (F.). Radirungen. See Rembrandt van Rhijn (Paul Gerretz). VOSMER (Michael). Principes Hollandiae et Zelandiae, Domini Frisiae, cum genuinis ipsorum iconibus, nunc autem primum ex vet. parietibus, in Carmelo obsessae urbis Harlemi, per praesidiarios direpto, industria Gulielmi Thybauti repertis, una cum reliquorum principum figuris. Antverpice, 1578. 4to. 36 portraits. VREDEMAN de Vriese (Paul). Plusieurs Menuiseries, comme portaulx, garderobbes, buffets, chalicts, tables, arches, selles, etc., le tout fort artistement adjence et marque par Paul Vredeman de Vriese et nouvellement mis en lumiere par Nicolas Janssen Visscher l'an 1630. Amsterdam, 1630; Bruxelles [18 — ]. 2 parts in one vol. oblong 4to. 40 plates, including 2 engraved titles. Vrientius (Joan. Bapt). See BARLANDUS (H.). Chronica. VULLIAMY (Lewis). Examples of ornamental Sculpture in Architec- ture drawn from the originals of bronze, marble and terra-cotta in Greece, Asia Minor and Italy, by L. Vulliamy, 1818-21, and en- graved by Henry Moses. London [n. d.]. (40 plates and engraved titled). — The newly discovered Temple at Cadachio in Corfu, illustrated by William Railton. (5 plates?) In one vol. folio. VULSON, sieur de la Colombiere (Marc de). Les Portraits des Hommes illustres Francais qui sont peints dans la Galerie du palais Cardinal de Richelieu, avec leurs principales actions, armes, devises et eloges latins, desseignez et gravez par Zacharie Heince et F. Bignon, ensemble les abregez historiques de leurs vies, par M. de Vulson, sieur de la Colombiere. Paris, 1655. Folio. 26 plates and frontispiece. w ( 3or ) AAGEN (Gustav Fricdrich). Works of Art and Artists in England [translated by H. E. Lloyd]. London, 1838. 3 vols. i2mo. Treasures of Art in Great Britain, being an account of the chief collections of paintings, drawings, sculptures, illuminated MSS., etc. London, 1854. 3 vols. 8vo. Galleries and Cabinets of Art in Great Britain, visited in 1S54 and 1856: forming a supplemental volume to the Treasures of" Art. London, 1857. 8vo. See Catalogues. Public Collections. Berlin. See Catalogues. Private Collections. Suermondt. See EYCK (Hubert u. Jan van). Wagner (Moritz). The Darwinian Theory, and the law of the migration of organisms ; translated by James L. Laird. London, 1873. 8vo. Wailly (Leon de). Angelica Kauffmann. See Kauffmann (A. M. C). Wakefield, West Riding of Yorkshire. See WATSON and Pritchett. Description of the Pauper Lunatic Asylum. Wales. Antiquities. See Grose (F.). The Antiquities of England and Wales. Cathedrals. See Harris (J.). Views of all the Cathedral Churches of England and Wales. See King (R. J.). Handbook to the Cathedrals of Wales— Llandaff, St. Davids, St. Asaph, Bangor. Views. See Wilson (R.). Views in Wales. Wales (James). See Daniell (T.). Hindoo Excavations. WALKER (Alexander). Beauty ; illustrated chiefly by an analysis and classification of beauty in Woman : illustrated with drawings from life by Henry Howard. London, 18 56. 8vo. Plates. Wall (John). De motu Chyli et Sanguinis. See Spigelius (Andr.). Opera. WALLER (Edmund). Poetical Works. See POETRY. British Poets ; vols. 19 and 20. Waller (J. G. and L. A. B.). A series of Monumental Brasses from the XHIth to the XVIth century. London, 1864. Folio. Coloured plates. Walpole (Horace, Earl of Orford). Catalogue of Engravers who have been born or resided in England, digested from the MSS. of George Vertue, with an account of the life and works of the latter. Second edition. Strawberry-Hill, 1765. 4to. " Given by the author to the Royal Academy, June 1769." 8 plates. ( 302 ) WALPOLE (Horace, Earl of Orford). Anecdotes of Painting in England ; with some account of the principal artists, and inci- dental notes on other arts, collected by George Vertue, now- digested and published from his original MSS. by H. W. Second edition. Strawberry- Hill, 1765. 3 vols. 4to. Frontis- piece and portraits. The Same ; with additions by the Rev. James Dallaway. New edition, revised, with additional notes, by Ralph N. Wornum. London, 1862. 3 vols. 8vo. Portraits. See EDWARDS (Edward). Anecdotes of Painters who have resided or been born in England, intended as a continuation to Horace Walpole. See Richardson (Jonathan). Walton (Elijah). The Camel : the anatomy, proportions, and paces. London, 1865. Folio. Plates. Wanderer (Fr.). See Krafft (Adam) and his School. WANWESTEROUT (Arnold). See BONANNI (Filippo). Descrizione degl' Instrumenti Armonici. Ward, R.A. (James). Account of Mary Thomas, of Tanyralt in Merionethshire, who has existed many years without taking food, and of Ann Moore, commonly called "The fasting woman of Tutbury," accompanied with Portraits and Etchings. London, 181 3. Folio. 7 'plates. Ware (Isaac). See Palladio (Andrea). Architecture. See SlRlGATTI (Lorenzo). Practice of Perspective. Waring (John Burley). The Arts connected with Architecture in Central Italy from the XHIth to the XVth century. Examples of Stained Glass, Fresco Ornament, Marble and Enamel Inlay, and Wood Inlay, by J. B. Waring. Drawn on stone and printed in colours by Vincent Brooks. London, 1858. Folio. 41 coloured plates and frontispiece. Illustrations of Architecture and Ornament drawn and etched on copper by J. B. W. London [n. d.\ Folio. 70 plates. WARRINGTON (William). The history of Stained Glass, from the earliest period of the art to the present time, illustrated by coloured examples of entire windows in the various styles. London, 1848. Folio. Coloured frontispiece and 25 coloured plates. WARTON (Joseph). Poetical Works. See Poetry. British Poets ; vol. 68. WARTON (Thomas). Poetical Works. See POETRY. British Poets ; vol. 68. Watelet (Claude Henri) et P. C. Levesque. Dictionnaire des arts de Peinture, Sculpture et Gravure. Paris, 1792. 5 vols. 8vo. WATKINS (John). See Chambers (George). Life. ( 303 ) Watson (Musgrave Lewthwaite). The life and works of M. L. Watson, sculptor, by Henry LONSDALE. London, 1866. 4to. Photographs. Watson and Pritchett. Plans, Elevations, Sections, and Description of the Pauper Lunatic Asylum lately erected at Wakefield for the West Riding of Yorkshire ; to which is added an enlarged edition of Samuel Tuke on Pauper Lunatic Asylums. York, 1 8 19. Folio. 9 plates. Watteau (Jean Antoine). Etudes d'apres nature par Antoine Watteau. Paris [s. d\ 2 vols, folio. 351 plates of figures. CEuvres des estampes gravees d'apres les tableaux et les des- seins de feu Antoine Watteau. Paris, chez Gcrsaint [s. J. |. 4 parts in two vols, folio. Plates. Catalogue raisonne de l'ceuvre peint, dessine et grave d'Antoine Watteau par Edmond de Goncourt. Paris, 1875. 8vo. Portrait. See RlCCOBONl (L.). Histoire du Theatre Italien. Watts (Alaric A.). See Turner (J. M. W.). Liber Fluviorum. Watts (Isaac). Poetical Works. See POETRY. British Poets ; vols. 45 and 46. Wauters (Alphonse). See Weyden (Roger et Goswin van der). Notice. WEALE (John). Divers Works of Early Masters in Christian Deco- ration, with an Introduction on Albert Durer, notices of Wohlge- muth and Pirckheymer, Adam Krafft and his Sacrament- House at Nurnberg, with Examples of ancient Painted and Stained Glass, and an account with illustrations of Painted and Stained Glass at Gouda and the Church of St. Jacques at Liege : edited by John Weale. London, 1846. 2 vols, folio. Illuminated plates. WEBB (Daniel). Inquiry into the beauties of Painting, and into the merits of the most celebrated Painters. Loudon, 1//J. 121110. WEBB (Philip Carteret). A short account of some particulars con- cerning Domesday Book. Soe. of Antiquaries, London, 1756. Short account of Danegeld. lb., 1756. — Account of a copper table discovered in 1732 at Heraclea. lb., 1760. — The Latin inscription on the copper tube considered by John Pettingal. lb., 1760. 4 parts in one vol. 4to. Plates. WEDGWOOD (Josiah). The life of Josiah Wedgwood ; with an in- troductory sketch of the Art of Pottery in England by Eliza Meteyard. Loudon, 1865. 2 vols. 8vo. Portraits and plates. WEIGEL (Hans). Habitus praecipuorum populorum tarn virorum quam feminarum singular! arte depicti : Trachtenbuch. Nurnberg, 1577. Small folio. No title nor text ; 203 wood engravings. Weigel (R.). See Amman (Jost). Weirotter (F. E.). CEuvre de F. E. Weifrottcr, contenant pres de 200 paysages et mines, tant en France qu'en Italie, et graves a l'eau-forte par lui-meme. Paris [1775]. Portrait and plates. ( 304 ) Weis (J. M.). Representation des fetes donnees par la ville de Stras- bourg pour la convalescence du roi [Louis XV.] ; a l'arrivee et pendant le sejour de sa Majeste en cette ville, invente, dessine et dirige par J. M. Weis, graveur. Paris [1744]. Folio. Title and 10 pages of text engraved, and 12 plates. Wells Cathedral. See BRITTON (J.). Cathedral Antiquities of Great Britain. See COCKERELL (C. R.). Iconography of the west front of Wells Cathedral. Wenzel (C). Imitations of Gibson's Drawings. See Gibson (John). WESSELY (J. E.). Anleitung zur Kenntniss und zum Studium dcr Werke des Kunstdruckes. Leipzig, 1876. 8vo. 2 plates. WEST'S (Bp.) Chapel in Putney Church, Surrey. See JACKSON (J. G.) and G. T. Andrews. West, P.R.A. (Benjamin). Gallery of pictures painted by Benj. West ; engraved in outline by Henry Moses. London, 181 1. Folio. Plates. Another word or two to those Royal Academicians who are painters, addressed to them on the re-election of Benjamin West to the President's chair, by Fabricia Nunnez, spinster. London, 1807. i2mo. The life, studies and works of Benjamin West, by John Gait. Lo?tdon, 1820. 8vo. Portrait. WEST (Gilbert). Poetical Works. See Poetry. British Poets ; vol. 34. ■ Translation of Pindar. See Poetical Translations. WESTALL, A.R.A. (William). A series of views of the Lakes of Cumberland and Westmoreland, and of the neighbouring mountain scenery, drawn and engraved by W. Westall. London, 1 8 19. 4to. Proofs. Views of the Isle of Wight, drawn and engraved by W. Westall. London [n. d.]. (Plates.). — Views of Carisbrook Castle, by W. Westall. London, 1839. (Plates?) 2 parts in one vol. 4to. See Turner (J. M. W.). Southern Coast of England. WESTERHOUT (Arn. von). See Wright (J. M.). Ragguaglio della solenne comparsa fatta in Roma dal conte di Castelmaine. WESTMACOTT, R.A. (Sir Richard). Address on the death of Flax- man. See Flaxman (J.). Works. WESTMACOTT, R.A. (Richard). Handbook of Sculpture, ancient and modern. Edinburgh, 1864. 12 mo. Frontispiece. Westminster. See also London. ( 305 ) Westminster. See HARDING (G. P.)- Antiquities in Westminster Abbey : ancient oil paintings and sepulchral brasses in the abbey church of St. Peter. See Neale (J. P.). History and antiquities of the abbey church of St. Peter, Westminster. See Ogilby (J.). Coronation of Charles II. See Pine (John). Installation of the Knights Companions of the Order of the Bath. See Sandford (F.). Coronation of James II. See SCOTT (Sir G. G.). Gleanings from Westminster Abbey. Antiquities. . . See Malton (T.). Picturesque Tour through the cities of London and Westminster. See Smith (John T.). The Antiquities of Westminster. ■ Bridge. , , . . . See LABELYE (C). Of the methods made use of in laying the foundation of the Piers of Westminster Bridge. HOUSES of Parliament. See PUGIN (E. W.). St. Stephen's Chapel. See Mackenzie (R). The Collegiate Chapel of St. Stephen, Westminster, the late House of Commons. See Topham (John). Some account of the Collegiate Chapel of Saint Stephen, Westminster. Westmoreland. See FARINGTON (J.). Views of the Lakes. See WESTALL (W.). A series of views of the Lakes of Cumberland and Westmoreland, and of the neighbouring mountain scenery. WESTRHEENE (T. van). See Potter (Paulus). Vie. See STEEN (Jan). Etude. Westropp (H. M.). . See RAOUL-ROCHETTE (D.). Lectures on Ancient Art. WEYDEN (Roger and Goswin van dcr). Notice sur Roger van der Weyden, peintre beige du XV e siecle, et Goswin van der Weyden, son fils ; par Alphonse Wauters. Gand, 1846. 8vo. WHEWELL (William). Architectural Notes on German Churches. New edition, with notes written during an architectural tour in Picardy and Normandy. 6^^/^,1835. 8vo. ^plates. WHISTON (William). See JOSEPHUS (Flavius). Works. W 5L T siNDF0 r RD (F.). Interment of George, Duke of Albemarle. WHITTAKER (Thomas D.). See Turner (J. M. W.). Views in Richmondshire. Whymter (J. W. and E.). See Wolf (Joseph). ( 306 ) WlCAR (J. B. C). See Galleries. Public. Florence. WlEBEKING (Carl Friedrich von). Plans et Elevations pour la con- struction des ponts a arches de charpente. Paris [s. d.]. Folio. No title ; ij unnumbered plates. Traite contenant une partie essentielle de la science de con - struire les Ponts, avec une description de la nouvelle methode de construire des ponts a arches de charpente. Munic, 1810. 4to. WiESELER (Friedrich). See Muller (C. O.). Denkmaler der alten Kunst. Wight (Isle of). See WESTALL (W.). Views of the Isle of Wight. Wilkie, R.A. (Sir David). Works. Original Drawings and Sketches, mounted in a volume. In 4to case. Engravings after Sir D. Wilkie. [v. y.] Folio. Sketches in Turkey, Syria, and Egypt, 1840-41, drawn on stone by Joseph Nash. London, 1843. Folio. 26 tinted plates. Sketches, Spain and Oriental, drawn on stone by Joseph Nash. London, 1847. Folio. 2d plates. Etchings by Sir David Wilkie, R.A., and by Andrew Geddes, A.R.A., with biographical sketches by David Laing. Edinburgh, 1875. Folio. 59 plates. Life. The life of Sir David Wilkie ; with his journals, tours, and critical remarks on works of art and a selection from his cor- respondence by Allan CUNNINGHAM. London, 1843. 3 vols. 8vo. Portrait. See BURNET (J.). Inquiry into the principles and practice of Sir D. Wilkie. Memoir, edited by M. T. S. Raimbach. See Raimbach (A.). Life. Wilkie (William). Poetical Works. See POETRY. British Poets ; vol. 70. WlLKlNS, R.A. (William). Prolusiones Architectonicae ; or Essays on subjects connected with Grecian and Roman Architecture. London, 1837. 4to. Plates. Wilkinson (H. F.). Modern Athletics. London, 1868. i2mo. WILKINSON (Sir John Gardiner). Manners and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians. London, 1837. 3 vols. 8vo. Plates. The Same. Second series. London, 1841. 3 vols. 8vo. Plates. Wilkinson (Norman). See BROCKY (Charles). Life. WlLLEMENT (Thomas). Account of the restorations of the Collegiate Chapel of St. George, Windsor, with some particulars of the heraldic ornaments of that edifice. London, 1844. 4to. 2 plates. ( 307 ) WlLLEMlN (N. X.). Choix de Costumes civils ct militaires des peuples de l'antiquite, lours instrumens de musique, leurs meubles, et les decorations interieures de leurs maisons, d'apres les monu- ments antiques, avec un texte tire des anciens auteurs ; dessine, grave, et redige par N. X. Willemin. Paris, 1798-1802. 2 vols. in one, folio. Plates. Monuments Francais inedits pour servir a l'histoire des arts, ct 011 sont representes les costumes civils et militaires, les instruments de musique, les meubles de toutes especes et les decorations in- terieures des maisons ; dessines, colories, rediges et graves par N. X. Willemin ; classes chronologiquement et accompagnes d'un texte by Andre Pottier. Paris, 1806-39. 2 vo ' s - f°li°- Plates. [WlLLET (Ralph).] A Description of the Library at Merly, in the county of Dorset — Description de la Bibliotheque [by Ralph Willet]. London, 1785. Folio. 25 plates. William III., King of England. See BlDLOO (Godefridus). Komste van Willera III. in Holland, 1 691. William IV., Prince of Orange. Lyk-Staetsie van den Heere Willem Carel Hendrik Friso, Prince van Orange en Nassau, gehouden den 4 Februari 1752, naeuwkeuriglyk nagetekent door P. van Cuyk, junior, en in het kooper gebragt door J. Punt. GravenJiage, 1755. (41 plates.). — Af beelding van de Zaal ent Praalbed waar op het Lyk van den Prince van Oranje en Nassau, geduurende verscheide dagen. Amsterdam, 1752. {$ plates.) 2 vols, in one, folio. Williams (D. E.). See Lawrence (Sir Thomas). Life. [WILLIAMS (John).] Liberal critique on the present Exhibition of the Royal Academy, by Anthony Pasquin, 1794. London, 1794. — Critical Guide to the present Exhibition at the Royal Academy for 1797. lb., 1797. — Correct List of all the Portraits : The Royal Academy, or a Touchstone to the present Exhibition, 1797. //'., 1797. 3 pieces with cuttings from the " Observer " mounted in one vol. i2mo. [ ] Authentic History of the Professors of painting, sculpture and architecture who have practised in Ireland, with Letters from Sir Joshua Reynolds, and Memoirs of the Royal Academicians by Anthony Pasquin. [1795.] {Portrait.). — Legislative Biography, by Anthony Pasquin. lb., 1795. 2 vols, in one, 8vo. WlLLlGEN (A. van der). Les Artistes de Harlem ;' notices historiques avec un precis sur la gilde de St. Luc. Edition augmentee. Harlem, 1870. 8vo. WILLIS (Browne). A survey of the Cathedrals of York, Durham, Carlisle, Chester, Man, Litchfield, Hereford, Worcester, Gloucester, Bristol [vol. 2 missing], Lincoln, Ely, Oxford, Peterborough, etc. London, 1742. 3 vols. {Plates.). — Parochiale Anglicanum : or the names of all the churches and chapels within the dioceses of Canterbury, Rochester, London, Winchester, Chichester, Norwich, etc., by Browne Willis. Loudon, 1733. 1 vol. In 2 vols. 4to. X 2 ( 308 ) Willis (Robert). Architectural History of Canterbury Cathedral. London, 1845. 8vo. Wood engravings. The Architectural History of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre at Jerusalem. London, 1849. 8vo. Plates and woodcuts. WlLLSON (E. J.). See PUGIN (Aug.). Specimens of Gothic Architecture. Wilson Gallery. See GALLERIES. Private. Wilson. Wilson, R.A. (Richard). Etchings from original paintings of R. Wilson, by T. Hastings. London, 1820. Oblong 4to. ^plates and engraved title. Etchings from the works of Richard Wilson, with some Memoirs of his Life, by Thomas Hastings. London, 1825. 4to. Portrait and 40 plates. Twelve Classical Views in Italy, by R. Wilson, engraved by M. Rooker. [S. I. et a.] Oblong 4to. See {bound up with) HULLMANDEL (C. J.). 24 Views in Italy. Views in Wales after Richard Wilson. [S. I. et a.] Oblong folio. 6 plates ; no title. Some account of the life of R. Wilson, with remarks on his landscapes, by T. Wright. London, 1824. 4to. Portrait. The paintings and merits of Richard Wilson, and particularly of his full-length portrait of J. H. Mortimer, A.R.A. ; by John Britton. London, 1842. 4to. [Wilson (Thomas).] Catalogue of the Prints of Rembrandt. See REMBRANDT van Rhijn (Paul Gerretz). WlLTON House. ./Edes Pembrochianae. See Pembroke (P. H., Earl of). See GALLERIES. Private. Wilton House. WlLTON (Mary Margaret Stanley, Countess of). The Art of Needle- work, from the earliest ages, including some notices of the ancient historical tapestries [written by Mrs. Elizabeth Stone], edited by the Countess of Wilton. London, 1840. 8vo. Winchester Cathedral. See Britton (J.). Cathedral Antiquities of Great Britain. WlNCKELMANN (Johann Joachim). Histoire de l'Art chez les anciens, traduite [par Sellius, retouchee par Robinet]. Paris, 1766. 2 vols. 8vo. Storia delle arti del disegno presso gli antichi ; tradotta, cor- retta e aumentata da Carlo Fea. Roma, 1783-84. 3 vols. 4to. Portrait and plates. The History of Ancient Art among the Greeks ; translated by G. Henry Lodge. London, 1850. 8vo. Frontispiece. Monumenti antichi inediti spiegati ed illustrati da G. Winckel- mann. Roma, 1767. 2 vols, in one, folio. 208 plates. ( 309 ) Windsor Castle. See CATALOGUES. Private Collections. Windsor Castle. See Gandy (M.) and B. Baud. Illustrations of Windsor Castle. See Raphael. The Works of Raphael as represented in the Royal Collection. See WlLLEMENT (T.). Account of the restorations of the Collegiate Chapel of St. George. See WYATVILLE (Sir J.). Illustrations of Windsor Castle. Wine and Walnuts. See [Pyne (W. H.)]. WiNSTANLEY (Hamlet). See Galleries. Private. Knowslcy. [Winston (Charles).] Inquiry into the difference of style observable in ancient Glass Paintings, especially in England : with Hints on Glass Painting, by an Amateur. Oxford, 1S47. 2 vols. 8vo. Plates, many coloured. Memoirs illustrative of the Art of Glass Painting, illustrated with engravings from the original drawings by Philip H. Dela- motte. London, 1865. 8vo. Coloured plates. Wiseman (Cardinal Nicholas). Points of contact between Science and Art. London, 1863. 8vo. Woburn Abbey. See Bedford Marbles. See CATALOGUES. Private Collections. Woburn Abbey. Woeiriot (Pierre). See COUSIN (Jean). Etude par A. Firmin Didot. WOLF (Joseph). The life and habits of Wild Animals illustrated by designs by Joseph Wolf, engraved by J. W. and Edward Whym- per, with descriptive letterpress by Daniel Giraud Elliot. Loudon, 1 874. Folio. Plates. WOLLASTON (Robert). Catalogue of the coloured drawings and prints of ancient Mosaics presented to the S. K. Museum by Mrs. Wollaston. See CATALOGUES. Public Collections. London : S. K. Museum. WOLLSTONECRAFT (Mary). Original Stories from real life. Loudon, 1791. 1 21110. Engravings by William Blake. WOLTMANN (Alfred). See HOLBEIN (Hans) und seine Zeit WOOD (John). Designs, Documents, etc., connected with the new Exchange, Bristol. Manuscript. Folio. The origin of Building, or the plagiarism of the Heathen detected. Bath, 174.1. Folio. Plates. WOOD (Robert). The Ruins of Palmyra, otherwise Tedmor in the Desert. London, 1753. Folio. 57 plates. The Ruins of Balbec, otherwise Heliopolis in Ccelo-Syria. London, 17 57. Folio. 46 plates. WoODCHESTER. See Lysons (S.). Account of Roman antiquities discovered at Woodchester. ( 3io ) WOODS, jnr. (Jos.). On the situations and accompaniments of Villas ; on Dilapidations ; on modern theories of Taste. See ARCHITECTURAL Society Essays. WOOLFE (J.). Vitruvius Britannicus. See Campbell (Colin). Worcester Cathedral. See BRITTON (J.). Cathedral Antiquities of Great Britain. WORLIDGE (Thomas). A select Collection of Drawings from curious antique Gems, most of them in the possession of the nobility and o-entry of this kingdom ; etched after the manner of Rembrandt by T. W. London, 1768. Folio. Tke engravings all cut up, re- arranged and mounted in one volume. WORM (Olaus). Museum Wormianum seu Historia rerum rariorum quae Hafniae Danorum in .edibus authoris servantur, adornata ab O. W. Amstelodami, 1655. Folio. Plates. WORNUM (Ralph Nicholson). Analysis of Ornament : the charac- teristics of styles, — an introduction to the study of the history of Ornamental Art. London, 1856. 8vo. Plates. The Epochs of Painting ; a biographical and critical Essay on Painting and Painters. London, 1864. 8vo. Plates. Catalogue of the Pictures in the National Gallery. See CATALOGUES. Public Collections. London : National Gallery. See Holbein (Hans). Life. See TURNER (J. M. W.). The Turner Gallery. WORSLEY (Sir Richard). Museum Worsleyanum, or a collection of antique Basso-rilievos, Bustos, Statues and Gems ; with views of places in the Levant, taken on the spot, in the years 1785-87 [by Sir Richard Worsley]. London, 1794. 2 vols, folio. English and Italian text ; portrait and plates. WOTTON (Sir Henry). Reliquiae Wottonianse. London, 1672. i2mo. Portrait. WOUVVERMAN (Philip). See BERGHEM (Nic). Recueil de trente sujets. Wrangham (Francis). See PLUTARCHUS. Lives, by Langhorne. WREN (Sir Christopher). A Catalogue of the Churches of the city of London, Royal Palaces, Hospitals and Publick Edifices built by Sir C. Wren, from 1668 to 1718. London [n. d.]. Folio. 1 5 plates and engraved title. Works. The dimensions, plans, elevations and sections of the Parochial Churches of Sir C. W. erected in London and West- minster ; by John Clayton. London, 1848-49. Folio. 60 plates. Parentalia : or Memoirs of the family of the Wrens ; viz. of Matthew, Bp. of Ely ; Christopher, Dean of Windsor ; but chiefly of Sir Christopher Wren, in which is contained, besides his works, a great number of original papers and records. Compiled by his son Christopher ; now published by Stephen Wren, with the care of Joseph Ames. London, 17 $0. Folio. Portraits and plates. ( 3ii ) WREN (Sir Christopher). Memoirs of the life and works of Sir Christopher Wren, with a brief view of the progress of archi- tecture in England, by James Elmes. London, 1823. 4to. Portrait and plates. WRIGHT (John Michael). Ragguaglio della solenne comparsa, fatta in Roma, Gennaio 8, 1687 dal conte di Castelmaine, ambasciadore straordin'ario di Giacomo II. alia S. Sede Apostolica, in andare publicamente all' udienza, da G. M. Writ. Roma, 1687. First edition. Folio. Frontispiece and 1 5 plates, drazvu by Giov. Batt. Leonardi, engraved by Arnold van Wester hout. Wright (Thomas). See Wilson (R.). Life. [WRIGHT (Thomas).] Advice to proprietors on the care of valuable pictures painted in oil, with instructions for preserving and re- storing them. London, 1835. i2mo. WRIGHT (Thomas). Womankind in Western Europe from the earliest times to the XVIIth century. London, 1869. 4to. Plates and woo dents. The Homes of other days : a history of domestic manners and sentiments in England. London, 1871. Royal Svo. Woodcuts. WYATT (Sir Matthew Digby). Specimens of the Geometrical Mosaic of the Middle Ages, with a brief historical notice of the art. London, 1848. Folio. 21 illuminated plates. Attempt to define the principles which should determine Form in Decorative Arts. London, 1852. Svo. The industrial arts of the XlXth century : a series of illustra- tions of the choicest specimens produced by every nation at the Great Exhibition, 1851. London, 1851-53. 6 parts folio. Coloured plates. Notices of Sculpture in Ivory, consisting of a lecture on the historv, methods, and chief productions of the art. And a Cata- logue of specimens of ancient Ivory-carvings in various collections, by Edmund Oldfield. London, Arundel Society, 1856. 4*0. 9 photographs. Observations on Metallic Art. London 18^7. On the prin- ciples of design applicable to Textile Art. Loudon. 1858. 2 pieces reprinted from the "Art Treasures of the United Kingdom^ In one vol. 4to. The Art of Illuminating. London, privately printed, i860. 410 WYATVILLE, R. A. (Sir Jeffry). Illustrations of \\ 'indsor Castle by the late Sir J. W., edited by Henry Ashton. London, 1841. 2 vols, in one, folio. Plates. Memoir of Sir Jeffry Wyatville, by John BRITTON. (Not for sale) 1834. 4to. Portrait. WYON R.A. (William). A memoir of the life and works of William Wyon, chief engraver of the Royal Mint, by Nicholas Carlisle with Postscript. London, 1837- 2 parts in one vol. Svo. Auto- graph letter inserted. ( 3" ) XENOPHON. Xenophon's History of the affairs of Greece, translated from the Greek by John Newman. London, 1685. i2mo. YALDEN (Thomas). Poetical Works. See POETRY. British Poets ; vol. 46. YARRELL (William). History of British Birds ; illustrated with 520 wood engravings. London, 1843. 3 vols, royal 8vo. L^arge paper. The Same. Supplement. London, 1845. Royal 8vo. Large paper. YORK Cathedral. See BRITTON (John). Cathedral Antiquities of Great Britain. See Canterbury. Description of the metropolitan and cathedral churches of Canterbury and York. Yorkshire. See TURNER (J. M. W.). Views in Lancashire and Yorkshire. YOUNG (Edward). The Complaint and the Consolation ; or Night Thoughts. London, 1797. Folio. Marginal designs by William Blake. ■ Poetical Works. See Poetry. British Poets ; vols. 49 to 51. YOUNG (Edward). Pre-Raffaellitism. London, 1857. i2mo. En- gravings in the text. Young (John). See Catalogues. Private Collections. Leigh Court. See Catalogues. Private Collections. Grosvenor House. See GALLERIES. Private. Angerstein. See GALLERIES. Private. Leicester. Yriarte (Charles). Goya, sa biographic See GOYA y Lucientes (Fr.). ( 313 ) ZABAGLIA (Niccola). Castelli, e Ponti di N. Zabaglia, con alcune ingegnose pratiche, e con la descrizione del transports dell' Obelisco Vaticano di Domenico Fontana. Roma, 1743. Folio. ^plates. Zahn (Wilhelm). Ornamente aller klassischen Kunst-Epochcn nach den Originalen in ihren eigenthumlichen Farben dargestellt von W. Zahn. Dritte Auflage. Berlin, 1870. Folio. 100 coloured plates. ZAIST (Giambattista). Notizie istoriche de' pittori, scultori ed archi- tetti Cremonesi, date in luce da Anton' Maria Panni con un' appendice. Cremona, 1774. 2 vols. — Descrizione de' cartoni disegnati da Carlo Cignani, e de' quadri dipinte da Sebastiano Ricci posseduti da Giuseppe Smith. Venezia, 1749. 4to. 3 vols, in one. Zamboni (Baldassare). Memorie intorno alle pubbliche fabbrichc piu insigni della citta di Brescia. Brescia, 1778. Folio. 12 plates. ZAMBRANO (Marques de). Coleccion de Uniformes del Egercito Espafiol. Madrid, 1830. Folio. Engraved title and 18 plates. ZAMPIERI, detto II Domenichino (Domenico). See Domenichino. Zanetti (Alessandro). See ClCOGNARA (L., conte). Le premier siecle de la Calcographie. Zanetti (Anton Maria). See Ricci (Marco). [ZANETTI, jun. (Anton Maria).] Varie Pitture a fresco de' principali maestri Veneziani ora la prima volta con le stampe pubblicate. Venezia, 1 760. Folio. Portrait and 24 plates. [ ] Della Pittura Veneziana e delle opere pubbliche de' Veneziani maestri libri V. Venezia, 1771. 8vo. Frontispiece. ZANETTI (Girolamo F.). Dell' origine de alcune arti principali appresso i Viniziani libri due. Venezia, 1758. 4to. Plate. Zanetti (Ippolito). See Cignani (Carlo). Vita. ZANETTI (Vincenzo). Guida di Murano e delle celebri sue fornaci vetrarie, corredata di note, opera di Vincenzo Zanetti. Venezia, 1866. i2mo. Plates. ZANI (Pietro). Enciclopedia Metodica critico-ragionata delle Belle Arti. Parma, 1817-28. Parte prima, 19 vols. Parte seconda, 9 vols. In all, 28 vols. 8vo. Materiali per servire alia storia dell' origine e de' progress! dell' incisione in rame e in legno e sposizione della scoperta d'una stampa originate di Maso Finiguerra. Parma, 1802. 8vo. Plate. ZANOTTO (Francesco). Pinacoteca dell' Accademia Veneta. See GALLERIES. Public. Venice. Y ( 3i4 ) ZANOTTI (Giampietro). See TlBALDI (Pellegrino). Zapata de Cisneros (conte Cristoforo). See Dante Alighieri. La Divina Commedia. See PETRARCA (Francesco). Rime. ZARCO del Valle (M. R.). Documentos ineditos para la Historia de las Bellas Artes en Esparia, por M. R. Zarco del Valle. (Doc. Ined. Tomo LV.) Madrid, 1870. 4to. Zatta (Antonio). L' augusta Ducale Basilica dell' Evangelista San Marco di Venezia, colle Notizie del suo innalzamento, sua archi- tettura, musaici, reliquie, e preziosita che in essa si contengono. Venezia, 1761. Folio. 11 plates. Zeunius (Jo. Car.). See HORATIUS Flaccus (Q.). Opera. ZlNGARO (Antonio de Solario, detto Lo). See SOLARIO (Antonio de). ZOCCHI (Giuseppe). Vedute delle ville e d' altri luoghi della Toscana delineate da G. Zocchi. Firenze, 1744. Oblong folio. 50 plates and engraved frontispiece. Scelta di XXIV Vedute delle principali contrade, piazze, chiese e palazzi della citta de Firenze, delineate da G. Z. Firenze, 1754. Oblong folio. Engraved title, plan, and 2\ylates. ZUCCARI (Taddeo, Federico, e Ottaviano). Illustri fatti Farnesiani coloriti nel Real Palazzo di Caprarola dai fratelli Taddeo, Federico, e Ottaviano Zuccari, disegnati e incisi da Giorgio Casparo de Prenner [coll' Anticamera del Concilio di Trento]. Roma, 1748. Folio. (36 plates.). — Five Plans and Views of the Palazzo di Capra- rola, by Giuseppe Vasi. Roma, 1746-48. Together in one vol. folio. ZUCCARO (Federigo). Idea de' Pittori, Scultori ed Architetti. Roma, 1768. 4to. ZUCCHI (Andrea). See Le Febre (V.). Raccolta di Opere scelte dipinte da Tiziano e altri maestri della scuola Veneziana. ZUCCONI (Bart.). See RlCCi (Marco). Tabulae XXXVI. LONDON : PRINTED BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, STAMFORD STREET AND CHARING CROSS. z University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. >RNIA LIBRARY 9 late stamped below. THE LIBR/RY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES Ill IIMMMII II II I III I! 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