Healthy Happy Womanhood A Pamphlet for Girls and Young Women ISSUED BY THr United States Public Health Service Treasury Department \Va>hiD|ton, D. C. UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 000 731 030 HEALTHY. HAPPY WOMANHOOD Throughout France and in many different coun- tries of the world there stands the statue of a great hero:"c Frenchwoman, Joan of Arc. Thds humble peasant girl of Brittany, aroused by the misfortunes of her countrjTnen, helped to free them from the hands of a foreign foe. But to-day she has come to represent far more than this. She lias come to £tand for the woman with a vision, tlie woman who is seeking to do her part for the bettennent of the world. Wherever her figiu-e appears, it is always looking forward, the light of a groat piu-pose in her eyes, the will for large acliievcment in the lines of her face. As she raises her standard aloft there seem to gather behind it innumerable hosts of those who would follow her lead. A daughter of war- ridden fifteenth-centmy France, she nevertheless sjTnbolizes the woman of the twentieth centm7", eager to take a part in the work of the world and in the great life-giving enterprises of peace. HEALTH, THE FOUNDATION You who aspire to take a part in the work of the world should assure yourself of good health. With- out it all other preparation may be in vain. To- day, in addition to the more familiar duties of the home, new occupations in factory and office are open to you. In many fields you may now compete with men. But only if you poaseae 20185'— 20 (2) good health — a vigoroua body and a clnar hrain — can you cxpi>ct to undertake the new and trying work successfully. Xo matter how thoroughly you are trained, such training will he of little value unless it rests upon a foundation of good health. Good health is even more important from the point of view of motherhood. In some of the war- ravaged countries of Europe more than lialf of the Laities who are bom die during the first year of life. Thousands of others begin their lives under tremendous handicaps, ^^'hy? Lai^ely because the strength of the mothers has been sapped by fooends to a large extent happ>' motherhood. Phy.sical fitness during youth is the best founda- tion for healthy, happy womanhood. It is an asset of which you may rightly feel proud. With health, you can look forward to the time when you can participate actively in the work of the world; with health, happy motherhood becomes a well- grounded hope for the future. BEAUTY AND POPULARITY Besides fitting you more effectively for your life's work, good health will incidentally increase your beauty and attractiveness. True beauty comes from within; it can not be put on from without. Good health gives such beauty, a beauty that will wear. Its foundation is health of mind and body; its expression is a sparkling eye, a clear complexion, a graceful body, an active brain. Every girl wants to be popular with her com- panions. To-day the popular girl is the girl who glows with life, who can swim and dance and play outdoor games, who has plenty of energy for fun when she has finished her daily tasks. Good health, since it produces high spirits, vitality, cheerful- ness and leadership, will help to make you popular. Every girl likes to enjoy herself. She likes to go to parties and picnics, to find the real joys of living. Physical fitness, by enlarging your opportunity for enjoyment and your power to enjoy, makes more such occasions possible. HOW FITNESS IS ATTAINED Plenty of physical exercise, fresh air, sufficient sleep, frequent bathing, three well-balanced meals a day, erect carriage and comfortable clothing will help to make you strong and well. Exercise. — To keep physically fit, exercise regularly every day of the year. Many forms of exercise are enjoyable as well as beneficial. Walk- ing to and from school or office, "hiking," skating, canoeing, swimming, are excellent forms of outdoor exercise. Games, such as basket ball, volley ball, hockey and tennis, stimulate both mind and body and are enjoyable sports. The blood tends to flow to the part of the body that is used and gradually strengthens the otherwise weak and flabby muscles. Girls who sit in offices, work in factories, or spend the day in the schoolroom are using only a part of their bodies. They need to make special efforts to exercise the unused muscles during their leis- uje hours. Fresh air and sleep. — ^You ehoulfl always insist upon working in well-ventilated rooms. Spend some time each clay in the open air. By sleeping in a room w'ith the ^"indows open, much fresh air is secured \nthout special effort. Sleep rests tlie brain and relaxes the muscles. A groAving girl needs from 8* to 9^ hours of sleep even.' night. Older girls may find that they can keep well with somewhat less. Bathing. — !Many impurities are cast off by the body through the jwres of the skin. In order to keep those pores open and clean, frequent hatha with soap and warm water are necessary. The best way to bathe is to take a warm liath followed by a colli shower or sponge and a brisk rub with a coarse towel. A cold bath is excellent for you, if after the rub-down it leaves your body warm and glowing and is followed by a feeling of general well-being. What to eat. — A vigorous body demands whole some fooAKT Men have ahrays demanded that the women whom they marry be pure. But too little atten- tion has been paid to the men who have been unchaste or unfaithful. To-day physicians are teaching that sexual intercourse is no more neces- sar}' for men than for women. People are realizing that the greatlacc in the fighting when ho W3^ grievously wounded, was not the only woman who showed courage and endurance. Through the terrible ^nnter at Valley Forge, when the cause of Washi.Tgi»n and Jefferson seemed all but lost, women in homes from Massachusetts to Georgia helped to keep the light of liberty burning. Women bore their share of the burden in the settle- ment of the lands across the Alleghenies, in the fertile valleys of the Ohio and the Misfsissippi. And in the tragic days of the Civil War, in homes 16 nortli and south, in hospitals and on battlefields, •vromeu took their part earnestly and courageously. Never in any period of the country's history have they been found wanting. To-day the opportunities for woman's develop- ment and her ability to contribute toward the creation of a better world are greater than ever before. At last all acti\dties of life are open to her. She is now free to choose the part she will play in the world's work. Whatever part it may be, good health is essential. Only because the women of pioneer days possessed clear minds and Aigorous bodies were they able to take such an active part in the settlement of this country. Their record is a challenge to you, a woman of the new century. But only as yon .are similarly qualified can you in the home and in the larger world outside meet this challenge of a glorious past by your achievement. V. D. No. CO. S.B.ofH. ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS PUBLICATIOK MAT BE PROCURED FROM THE SUPEP.INTTJNTIENT OF DOCtTMENTS GOVERNMENT PRINTINQ OFFICE WASHINGTON, T). C. AT o CENTS PER COPY V WASHINGTON : GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1920