;tl-£V^«i-L-G(i ■ ^^^^^^^^^-T^gti'!>^■j:f^t!>'!■^l^- 1 ^1 1VJJ0>' '^i!/0JllV3JO>' 1^1 13^, so •< Q\ ^OFCAllFOff^ ,^\^EUNIVER5'/A ^lOSANCElfx^ ^c^Aavaani^ "^IJONVSOl^ ■^/^ajAiNfim^^ ^OFCAIIFO^^ ^.OFM \\ms//j 4>^lllBRARYQc. -5>^lllBRARYQc ^^ tlFO;?^ ^.OFCALIF0% ^^\^E■0NIVER5■/A, ^lOSANCElfj> • /•SOl^"^ %a3AINft-3WV^ -s,^lllBRARYa^ ^lllBRARYQc "^.tfOJIWDJO^ ■^OAavaaii^- ^^Aavjian-^^ .^WEUNIVERSy^ ^ \ ^>^ii .$/Op-^S ^nMubraryoc^ JO'*^ ^OFCAilF0/?,jA '^. ^OFCAIIFO/?^ ^ VI — / >. ^^JAyvaan-^^"^ ^6waaiH^ ,^WEHNIVERy/// , , ^ ^ o ^lOSANCElfj-;^ 'o %a3A!Na-3WV ,^0FCALIF0% ^^Abvaan-^'^"^ .WIEUNIVERS//- ^lOSANCElfj^. o ^IIIBRARYQ^^ ^v^HIBRARYQ^ ^^WE UNIVERi/^^ ^/5a3AiNn-i\\v ^OFCALIFO/?^ AOfCALIFO/?^ >&Aava8iv^^ ^WEUNIVER^-/^ &Aava8n# m >- .^MEUNIVERy//, ^vWSANCElfx^ ^^IIIBRARYQ^^ ^IlIBRARYQc^ 5.WEUNIVERSyA l-C CATALOGUE OF THE PRINTED BOOKS §lvc Sibritii HON. SOCIETY OF LINCOLN'S INN. BY WILLIAM H. SPILSBURY, LIBRARIAN. "Cum non semper vivos habeamus praeceptores, aut certe non semper doctos ct bonos, Bibliothecae aregibus olim et locupletibus honiinibus institiita; fuerunt, in quibus optiniorum auctorum libri reconderentur; et a quibus suo item tempore, tanquara e penu depromi possent." BEYEKLiycK—Thealrum Vit(S Httmanic. LONDON: PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY, BY C. ROWORTU & SONS, BEI.L YARD, LINCOLN'S INN. 1859. TREFAGE. The Library of Lincoln's Inn, though naturally exhibiting- its main strength in the several branches of jurisprudence, is well furnished with books in other departments of literature, par- ticularly in that of English history — a class indispensable to the student who wishes to become acquainted with the principles on which the laws of his country have been framed. On the ad- vantage of literature to the legal profession, Sir Samuel Romilly has thus expressed his feelings : " As soon as I found I was to be a busy lawyer for life, I strenuously resolved to keep up my habit of non-professional reading ; for I had w itnessed so much misery in the last years of many great lawyers whom I had known, from their loss of all taste for books, that I regarded their fate as my warning."* The foundation of the Library, as has been stated on a former occasion -f- by the compiler of this Catalogue, is of earlier date than that of any library now existing in London. In the 13th Henry VII. a.d. 1497, John Nethersale, a member of the Society of Lincoln's Inn, bequeathed a sum of money towards the building of a Library, which was completed in 1508. The site of this building cannot at the present day be traced. Previously to the erection of the New Hall and Library in 1845, the books occupied a suite of rooms in the Stone Building, to which they had been transferred from the Old Square in 1787. From various entries in the records of the Society it appears that no great progress was made in the accuuudation of books for more than a century after the completion of the original building — a circumstance not much to be wondered at, when it is re- membered that the law lii)rary of William Kastall, one of the Judges of the Queen's Bench in the reign of Ir^lizabeth, com- prised only twenty-four volumes, and that it was observed by Dr. • Lord Canipbell's Lives of the Clianccllors, vol. 4, p. 17-L f Lincoln's Inn and its Library, by W. 11. Spilsbury, 1850. Some portions of the account given of the Library in that work are reprinted here. A 2 IV PREFACE. Gwyn to Judge Finch (as related by Howell in his Familiar Letters) at a somewhat later period, that "the authors of the common law may be all carried in a wheelbaiTow." The Library has been enriched at various times by donations from members of the Society, and also from other individuals and societies. One of the earliest benefactors was Ranulph Cholmeley, Serjeant at Law and Recorder of the City of London, and Reader at Lincoln's Inn in the reigns of Mary and Elizabeth.* John Brisco, Miles Corbet, George Anton, Charles Fairfax and Sir Roger Owen were donors of manuscripts in the seventeenth century; and books were likewise presented by Dr. Donne and Archbishop Usher, both of whom had held the office of Preacher to the Society. To the celebrated William Prynne, who was also a Bencher of this Society, the Library is indebted for the gift of several books, besides copies of many of his own multi- farious writings. Among these were the three "tomes" of his far-famed " Records," the Introduction to which, purchased at the sale of the Stowe Library in 1849 for the sum of £335 — forming a separate unfinished volume and believed to be the only copy extant, — has found an appropriate resting-place by the side of the volumes presented by the author himself to " his ever-honoured kind friends," the Benchers of Lincoln's Inn. A collection of Pamphlets, chiefly theological and pohtical — some of them very curious, forming thirty-nine volumes in 4to. and folio, — was given to the Library in 1706 by John Brydall, a member of the Society, and author of many legal works. But the names which claim the most conspicuous notice among the benefactors are those of Sir Matthew Hale ; John Coxe, Esq., Treasurer of Lincoln's Inn in the year 1775; and Charles Purton Cooper, Esq., one of the present Benchers, and well known by his services in the cause of historical literature while acting as Secretary to the Record Commission. A few words subjoined respecting each of these donations may give some intimation of their value and importance to the Library. 1. By the bequest of Sir Matthew Hale, in the year 1676, the Society acquired the large collection of Manuscripts made by that eminent judge. This collection, besides a great number of valuable legal and historical documents, including various transcripts of * Several rare volumes of the early Ycar-Books, a beautiful copy of the first edition of Fitzherbert's Abridgment, and a MS. of Bracton, of the fourteenth century, on vellum, were among the books presented by Ranulph Cholmeley. PREFACE. Public Records, contains some writings of Archbishop Usher, and many papers in the handwriting of" Selden, the legal MSS. of that great scholar not having been sent to the Bodleian Library with the rest of his books. There is only one volume of Sir Matthew Hale's own writings ; — this is a large foUo, closely written by his own hand, in the manner of a law common-place book, and is called by him, "The Black Book of the New Law." Several other MSS. in his handwriting were purchased by the Society a few years ago. 2. The Library of Mr. Coxe, comprising many manuscripts in his own handwriting, together with about 5000 volumes of printed books in legal, historical, and various other branches of literature, became the property of the Society in 1785 by his bequest. 3. By the munificent donation of Mr. Purton Cooper, in 1843, the Society obtained a large collection of books on the civil law and on the laws of foreign nations, consisting of nearly 2000 volumes in various languages ; — many of them of great rarity, and in very fine condition. Mr. Cooper had previously given a valuable collection of American Law Reports, consisting of about 150 volumes. Greatly, however, as the Library has been enriched by these liberal gifts,* its chief augmentation is due to the purchases made during the present century, more especially in the few years previous to the removal of the books to the new building in 1845, and since its re-arrangement therein. The number of volumes is now upwards of 30,000. In the year 1808, the collection of legal MSS. of Mr. Serjeant Hill, together with many printed books containing numerous manuscript notes, was ])urchased of his executors; and in 1818 those of John Maynard, King's Serjeant in the reign of Charles XL, and one of the Commissioners of the Great Seal in the reign of William and Mary, which had passed through various hands, were bought by the Society, The Mel- moth MSS. were obtained by bequest in 1799.t In connection with the Library of Lincoln's Inn, the name of the late William Selwyn, Esq., the learned author of the " Law of Nisi Prius," which has passed through eleven editions, must ever • There are many other names of note among the donors of books which would require too large a space for insertion here. The principal of these arc enumerated in the account of the Library before mentioned. f It may be proper to mention here that elaborate digested Indexes of the Melinoth and Coxe MSS., prepared by Andrew Doria, Esq., Barrister of Lincoln's Inn, are in the Library. VI PREFACE. hold a distinguished place. To him the Society is indebted, not only for several donations of books, but for much time and atten- tion devoted to the improvement of the Library for many years previous to the formation of the Committee in 1843. The Master- ship of Sir Edward Sugden (now Lord St. Leonards) in 1837 was also distinguished by many useful additions, particularly of Scotch Law, to the Library. After the formation of the Library Committee, the augmentation of the books proceeded with much rapidity, and has continued with more or less activity to the present time.* At the same time that much care has been bestowed upon the departments of English and Foreign Law, the addition of such works as the Edda of Sajmund, printed at Copenhagen, the notes of which contain a rich mine of historical and philological lore,— the Ecclesiastical Laws of Hungary, pub- lished by the Count de Batthyan, Bishop of Transylvania,— and the great work of Pertz, the " Monumenta Germanise Historica," is indicative of attention paid to the "incunabula" of European history. A Catalogue of the Printed Books in the Library was printed in the year 1835 ; and in 1837 a Catalogue of the Manuscripts, prepared by the Rev. Joseph Hunter under the direction of the Commissioners on the Public Records, was printed in the Appendix to their General Report, and in the following year in a separate form by the Society.-j- In 1845 a MS. Catalogue of the printed books was made by the present librarian, and has been used in the Library up to this time ; but this being manifestly insufficient for the requirements of the Society, a new Catalogue, entirely re- modelled, has now been prepared and printed under the authority of the Masters of the Bench. The present Catalogue comprehends all the printed works in the Library, with the exception generally of the Pamphlets (amounting to several thousands), which it has been thought advisable to in- clude in a separate volume; this is now in preparation, and will probably be completed in the course of the year. Some of the * Among the early labourers in this field, it may suffice to mention the names of Clement Tudway Swanston, Esq., Matthew Davenport Hill, Esq., Charles Purton Cooper, Esq., the late Sutton Sharpe, Esq., and the late William Fuller Boteler, Esq. ■}■ Many important additions have been made to the Manuscripts since Mr. Hunter's Catalogue was printed ; among these is a volume of the Year Books, containing Re- ports of Cases in all the years of Edward I., of which no other copy is known to be extant. PREFACE. ▼!» pamphlets, for the sake of convenience, are introduced into the present volume, as in the case of Prynne's works, and in a few other instances. Those also which relate to separate Reports of Trials are entered together with the trials with which they are connected. The collection of Reports of Trials in the Library is so extensive that it has been thought proper to enter them all together (with a few exceptions indicated at the end of the list) under the head of Trials, instead of distributing them through the Catalogue under the several names. Of the Parliamentary Sessional Papers, forming now upwards of 2000 volumes, a few which are kept in the Library separate from the others, as being more frequently consulted by the profession— such as the Reports of the Charity Commissioners, the Reports on Real Property, Common Law, &c.,— are introduced under their respective heads. All the other Papers may be readily found by the General Indexes published by the Houses of Parliament. The alphabetical mode of arrangement has been adopted as the most convenient for general reference; indeed, although some advantages are presented by a classified arrangement, this is at the same time attended with so many difficulties and perplexities as to have given rise to the assertion, that " a good and useful classed catalogue of a great library is a proved impossibility."* The absence of classification, it is hoped, may here in some degree be compensated by the Index of Subjects appended to the volume. The works are entered, as far as possible, under the names of the authors ; and, where these do not appear on the title-page, but can be otherwise ascertained, the names are usually included in brackets [ ]. Collections of laws or of historians are entered under the names of the editors where they are known ; — if not known, either under the country or the subject to which they relate. With regard to anonymous works, the position of which, when the names of the authors cannot be ascertained, is one of the prin- cipal difficulties in the compilation of an alphabetical catalogue, it has sometimes been said that these might be arranged on the convenient principle adopted by Barbier,t of placing them under the first word that occurs on the title-page. But this principle, though certainly convenient when the reader who is searching for a book is perfectly acquainted with the words of the title, is of » Edinburgh Review, January 1859, p. 211. f Dictionnaire des Ouvrages Anonynics et Pseudonymes. Vlll PREFACE. little avail when he knows only the subject" of the work. Thus the book may be entitled an "Account," " Relation," " Narrative," "Essay," or " Dissertation," with the epithets of "true," "faithful," " historical," and so forth prefixed. Now under which of these words is the search to be made by the inquirer, who does not remember the precise terms of the title ? In this Catalogue an at- tempt is made to meet the difficulty by placing the book under such heading indicative of the subject as is supposed most hkely to occur to the reader, and sometimes with the addition of cross references. It is admitted, however, that the desired object may not always in this way be attained ; but to frame a catalogue which shall in no instance disappoint the inquirer is a task apparently beyond the skill of the most experienced bibliographer. Yet no labour has been spared in the introduction of all such apphances as may facilitate the researches of the student ; and for those errors and deficiencies which notwithstanding all care may still remain, and are in fact almost inseparable from a work of this nature, the com- piler trusts to the indulgence of the reader, concluding with the words of Anthony a Wood : — " A painfull work it is, I'll assure you, and more than difficult ; wherein what toyle hath been taken, as no man think eth, so no man beheveth, but he that hath made the triall." W. H. S. Lincoln's Inn Library, 21s/ April, 1859. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY ^ijc ii}on. S^ocictij of Einroln's inn. [Aarskns, FraiK^ois d'.] Voyage d'Espagne, contenant, entre plusieurs particularitez de ce royaume, trois discours politiques sur les affaires du Protecteur d'Angleterre, la Reine de Suede, et dii Due de Lor- raine ; avec une relation de I'estat et gouvernement de cette monarchic [par R. A. de Saint-Maurice], et une relation particuliere de Madrid. 12mo. Cologne, P. Mai-teau, 1666 Abjelardus (Petrus). Opera, hactenus seorsim edita, nunc primum in unuin collegit, recensuit, notas, argumenta, indices adjccit Victor Cousin, ad|uvantibus C. Jourdain et E. Despois. Tom. I. [no more published]'. 4to. Paris. 1849 Ouvrages inedits d'Abelard, nour servir a I'histoire de la philo- sophic scolastique en France, pu]>lies par V. Cousin. 4to. Paris, 1836 Abffilardi fet Heloissae Epistolae, cum Cod. MS. collata^ cura R. Rawlinson. 8vo. Lond. 1718 Abbadie (A. Th. d') et J. A. Chaho. Etudes Gramraaticales sur la langue Euskarienne. 8vo. Paris, 1836 Abbadie (Jacques). L'Art de se connoitre soy-meme, ou la Recherche des Sources de la Morale. 12mo. Rotterdam, 1692 Abbot (Charles, Lord Colchester). Speeches in communicating Thanks of the House of Commons to Military Commanders, 1807 — 1816; with a biographical memoir and appendix. [Not published.] 12mo. LondAm\) Jurisdiction and Practice of tlie Court of Great Sessions of Wales, upon the Chester Circuit. 8vo. Lond. 1790 AuBOTSFORD Library— Catalogue : see BannatyxNE Club, No. 62. Abbott (Charles, Lord Tenterden^i. Treatise of the Law relative to Merchant Ships and Seamen. The fifth edition, by J. H. Abbott. 8vo. Lond. 1827 sixth edit, by W. Shee, Serjeant at Law. 8vo. ih. 1840 seventh edition [by the same]. 8vo. ih. 1844 B 2 ABB— ABS Abbott (Charles, Lord Tenterdcn). Treatise of the Law relative to Merchant Ships and Seamen. The ninth edition, by W. Shee, Serj. at Law ; with Supplement. 8vo. Lond. 1854 Abbott (William Henry). A practical Analysis of the several Letters 'Patent of the Crown, relating to the Bishopricks in the East Indies ; with forms and instructions. A new edition enlarged. 8vo. Calcutta, 184d ABBRRViATURiE. Modus legcndi Abbreviaturas, passim in jure tam civili quam pontificio occurrentes. Accessere Tituli Legales, et Flores Legum. 12rao. Venetiis, 1585 A'Beckett (Gilbert Abbott). The Comic Blackstone. , __ ^ 12mo. Lond. 1846 A'Becket (Thomas) : see Becket. Abelly (Ludovicus). Praecipuorum Consecrationis Episcopalis Rituum mysticus et raoralis sensus. 12mo. Paris. 1656 Aberbrothoc (Registrum Abbacie de) : see Bannatyne Club, No. 87. Aberdeen Breviary : see Bannatyne Club, No. 97. Abernethy (John). Discourses concerning the Being and Natural Perfections of God. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1746 Sermons on various subjects ; with a preface containing the Life of the author. 2 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1748 Abhandlungen (Vermischte) iiber Gegenstande der Gesetzgebung und Rechtsgelehrsamkeit. Erster Band. 8vo. Leipzig, 1780 Abicht (Johann Heinrich). Neues System eines aus der Menschheit entwikelten Naturrechts. 8vo. Ba^jreuth, 1792 Abingdon (Thomas). The Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Worcester. 8vo. Lond. 1723 Aboab (Haham Rabi Imanuel). Nomologia, o Discursos Legales. 4to. En el ana de la creacion, 5389 [i.e. 1629] Abreu y Bertodano (Felix Joseph de). Tratado Juridico-Politico sobre Pressas de Mar. 4to. Cadiz [1746] Abridgment des Cases concernants les Titles plus materiall pur les estudients et practiciones des Leyes du Royalme digestes es certen aptes divisions desoubs mesmes les titles [by Gregory ?]. 8vo. Lond. T. Wight .j- B. Norton, 1599 Abstract of certaine Acts of Parlement: of certaine her Majesties Injunctions : of certaine Canons, Constitutions and Synodalls pro- vinciall, established and in force, for the peaceable government of the Church within her Majesties dominions and countries, for the most part heretofore unknowen and unpractized. 4to. [1584] An Answer to the two first and principall Treatises of a certeine factious libell, put fborth latelie, without name of author or printer, under the title of an *' Abstract of certeine Acts of Parlement," &c. [by Richard Cosin, LL.D.]. 4to. Lond. 1584 ACA— ACT 3 AcADKMiE cles Inscriptions. Histoire de TAcadeniie Royale dcs In- scriptions et Belles Lettres; avcc Ics Menioires de Litterature tirez des registres de cctte Academie [1701 — 1793]. 50 vols. 4to. Paris, 1717-1^09 Vols. 11, 22, 33 and 4t consist of " Tables des Matieres" of the ten volumes respectively preceding. Tableau p;eneral, i-aisonne ct methodique, des ouvrages contenus dans cc recueil [1701 — 1788], par M. D. [de L'Averdy]. 4to. Paris, 1791 Histoire et Menioires de I'lnstitut Roval de France: Academie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres. (Classc d'Histoire et de Litte- rature Ancienne.) Vols 1 — 20, 4to. Paris, 1815-54 Table generale et methodique, par Eugene de Roziere et Eugene Chatel. 4to. ibid. 1856 Recueil des Notices historiques sur la vie et les ouvragcs des membres decedes de 1' Academie des Inscriptions ct Belles- Lettres, lues dans les seances publiques [1841 — 1850] ; suivi de I'Examen critique des ouvrages de Freret, par M. le Secretaire perpetuel (le Baron Walckenaer). 8vo. Paris, 1850 [AccARiAs DE Serionne, Jos.] Lcs Interets des Nations de I'Eu- rope, developes relativement au Commerce. 4 vols. 12mo. Pains {Aiiist.), 1767 AcENHEiRO — Chronicas : see Correa da Serra, torn. v. AcHKRY (Lucas d'). Spicilcgium sive Collectio veterum aliquot Scriptorum qui in Galliae bibliothecis delituerant. Nova editio per L, F. J. de la Barre. 3 vols. fol. Paris. 1723 see also Mabillon. AcHERLEY (Roger). The Britannic Constitution: or, the fundamental form of Government in Britain. fol. Lond. 1727 Achilles Tatius. Erotica, sive de Clitophontis et Lcucippcs Amo- ribus Libri VIII., Graece et Latine, ex editione CI. 8alniasii. 12mo. Liujd. Bat. 1640 De Clitophontis et Leucippes Amoribus Libri VIII., Gr. et Lat., notis variorum et suis illustrati a B. G. L. Boden. 8vo. Lips. 1776 see also Scriptores Erotici. Les Amours de Clitophon et de Leucippe*, traduction libre, avec des notes par le Sieur D * * * D * * *. r2mo. La Uaije, 1735 A'CosTA : see Costa. AcTOLiNius (Joannes P.) Resolutiones Forenses. fol. Genecat, 1686 Acton (Thomas Ilarman). Reports of Cases argued and determined before the Lords Commissioners of Appeals in Prize Causes ; also on Appeal to the King in Council; from June 1809 to July 1811. With an Appendix, containing Orders in Council, &c. Vols. 1, and 2, pt. 1. 8vo. Lond. 1811 Acts of Parliament : see Statutes. Acts of the Lords Auditors, &c. : see Record Commission. b2 4 ACT— ADA Acts of the Generall Assemblies of the Church of Scotland, from the 27th of Nov. 1638 to the Gth of An4 Decisiones Sacri Regii Neapolitani Consilii. fol. Franco/, 1600 Additiones J. A. Pisanelli et aliorum. fol. ih. 1601 Agard: see Hearne, Discourses by Antiquaries. Afrique (L'): Journal de la Colonisation Fran(,-aise, et Revue Gene- rale de la Presse. Nos. 1—74, 15 Aout 1844—6 Septembre 1845. fol. Paris, 1844-45 AoATHiAS: sec ByzANTiNiE Historiae Scriptores. AOLIONBY (William). Painting illustrated, in three Dialogues; with the Lives of the most eminent Painters from Cimabue to the time of Raphael and Michael Angelo. 4to. Lond. 1685 AoRARiiE Rei Auctores Legcsquc variae, cura Wilelmi Goesii ; cujus accedunt Antiquitates agra'riffi et notae, cum N. Rigaltii observationi- bus, et glossario. 4to. Amst. 1674 Agresti (Michele). Decisioni dtllc gran Corti Civili [di Napoli] in materia di Diritto ; vi sono conqjrese dello stcsso autore, Idee sul perfezionamento della Icgislazione positiya, ed Osservazioni suila in- terpetrazione e suUa redazionc delle leggi. ^ 2 vols. 4to. Napoli, 1827-28 Aorippa (Henry Cornelius). Of the Uncertainty and Vanity of worldly Arts and Sciences [title wanting]. 8vo. Lond. 1676? 8 AGU— AKE Aguesseau (Henri Francois d'). Oeuvres completes. Nouvelle edi- tion, augmcntee de pieces echappees aux premiers editeurs, et d'un discours preliminaire par M. Pardessus. 16 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1819 Lettres inedites, publiees par D. B. Rives. 2 vols. Svo. Paris, 1823 AiGNAN (Etienne). flistoire du Jury. Svo. Paris, 1822 AiKiN (John, M.D.) Description of the Country from thirty to forty miles round Manchester. 4to. Lond. 1795 General Biography ; or Lives, critical and historical, of the most eminent persons of all ages and countries, by John Aikin, M.D., Rev. W. Enfield, LL.D,, and others; with Supplement. 10 vols. 4to. ibid. 1799-1815 The Lives of John Selden and Archbishop Usher ; with notices of the principal English men of letters with whom they were con- nected. Svo. Lond. 1812 AiKiiV (Lucy). Memoirs of the Court of Queen Elizabeth. Third edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1819 Memoirs of the Court of King James the First. 2 vols. Svo. iUd. 1822 Memoirs of the Court of King Charles the First. Second edit. 2 vols. Svo. ibid. 1833 AiLREDus : see Tvtysden, Hist. Angl. Scriptores. AiME du Mont Cassin: see France — Societe de I'Histoire. AiNGER (Alfred). The Building Act, with notes and cases. 12mo. Lond. 1836 AiNSWORTH (Henry). Annotations upon the Five Bookes of Moses, the Booke of the Psalmes, and the Song of Songs, fol. Lond. 1639 AiNSWORTH (Robert). Thesaurus Hnguae Latinae compendiarius : or a compendious Dictionary of the Latin tongue. 4to. Lond. 1736 fourth edition. 2 vols. fol. ihid. 1752 AiHAY. The just and necessary Apologie of Henrie Airay, the late reverend Provost of Queenes Colledge in Oxford, touching his suite in law for the rectorie of Charleton. Svo. Lond. 1621 Airy (George Biddell). Mathematical Tracts on the Lunar and Pla- netary Theories, the Figure of the Earth, Precession and Nutation, the Calculus of Variations, and the Undulatory Theory of Optics. Second edition. Svo. Camhridfje, 1831 Akber (Jilaleddeen Mahommed). Ayeen Akbery ; or, the Institutes of the Emperor Akber: translated from the original Persian by Francis Gladwin. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1800 Akenside (Mark, M.D.) The Pleasures of Imagination : a Poem. Svo. London, 1754 Poems : see Poets — English. Akerman (John Yonge). Glossary of Provincial Words and Phrases in use in Wiltshire. 12mo. Lond. 1842 AKE— ALC 9 Akerman (John Yonge). A Numismatic Manual. 8vo. Land. 1840 Archaeological Index to Remains of Antiquity of the Celtic, Romano-British and Anglo-Saxon periods. 8vo. ihkl. 1847 Tradesmen's Tokens, current in London and its vicinity betNveen the years 1G48 and 1G72, described from the originals in the British Museum, and in several private collections. 8vo. ibid. 1849 Albanus (Joh. Franc), i.e. J. P. de Ludewig. Neniae Pontificis de jure Rages adpellandi. 12mo. RomcB Novcp, typis Aldinis (Hallce), 1706 Albemarle (George Thomas, Earl of). Memoirs of the Marquis of Rockingham and liis contemporaries; with original letters and docu- ments now first published. 2 vols. 8vo. LoJid. 1852 Albert d' Aix : see Guizot, Coll. des Memoires, vols. 20, 21. Alberti de Villeneuve (Fran^-ois d'). Nouveau Dictionnaire Fran- ^•ais-Italien et Italien-Fran^-ais. Nouvelle edition, corrigee et aug- luentee. 2 vols. 4to. Milan, 1834-5 Albertus Magnus (Episcopus Ratisbonensis). De Secretis Mulicrum ; item, de virtutibus Herbarum, Lapidum, et Animalium [et de mira- biUbus mundi]. Michaelis Scoti Libellus de Secretis Naturae. 12mo. Amstelodami, 1643 Albitius (Franciscus, Cardinalis). De Inconstantia hominum circa virtutes Fidei, Spei, et Charitatis. fol. Amst. 1683 De Inconstantia in Judiciis Tractatus, additis decisionibus S. Rotffi Romanae. fol. Romce, 1698 Albox (Le Comte Claude Camilla Francois d'). Discours politiques, historiques et critiques sur quelques Gouvernements de 1' Europe [I'Angleterre, la HoUande, et la Suisse]. 8vo. Nenchatel, 1779 Albrecht (C. a.). Die Stellung der romischen Aequitas in der Theorie des Civilrechts, mit Riicksicht auf die zeitgemiisse Frage der Codification. 8vo. Uresden, 1834 , Albrecht (Wilhelm Eduard). Die Gewere, als Gruiidlage des iUtcrn deutschen Sachenrechts. 8vo. Koni(jsber(j, 1828 ALcasus : see PoETiE Minores GRiECi. Alcedo (Antonio de). Geographical and Historical Dictionary of America and the West Indies ; translated from the Spanish, with additions, by G. A. Thompson. 5 vols. 4to. Loud. 1812-1815 Atlas, by A. Arrowsmith, on canvass, folded in two cases. i^'^d- 1^1^ Alciatus (Andreas). Opera omnia. 4 vols, in 2, fol. Franco/. 1617 De Verborum Significatione [title wanting]. 8vo. Emblemata omnia, cum commentariis, per Claudium Minoem. 8vo. AntcerpiiBj ex off. C. Plantini, 1577 Alcidamas: see Oratores Attici. Alcipiiron Rhetor. Epistolae, Gr. et Lat. ad edltioncm S. Bergleri accuratissime impress^. 8vo. Traj. ad Mhenuin, 1791 10 ALC— ALE Alciphron Rhetor. Epistoloe, Gr. et Lat., cum S. Bergleri commen- tario inte<)^ro, cui alioruiu et suas notationes adjecit J. A. Wagner. 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. Lips. 1798 Alcock (John Beresford). Personal Property in the East Indies, in what cases subject to or exempt from Legacy and Residue Duty ; with Supplement. 8vo. Lond. 1850-51 Alcock (John C.) Registry Cases reserved for consideration and de- cided by the Twelve Judges of Ireland, from November 1832 to February 1841. Parts 1—3, 8vo. Dublin, 1837-41 and Joseph Napier. Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Courts of King's Bench and Exchequer Chamber in Ireland, from Trin. Term. 1 Will. IV. to Trin. Vacation 3 Will. IV. 8vo. Dublin, 1834 [Alcoforado, Fr.] Relation historique de la decouverte de I'isle de Madere ; traduit du Portugais. 12mo. Paris, 1671 Alcoranus. Alcorani textus universus, Arab, et Lat. appositis uni- cuique capiti notis, atque refutatione; praemissus est Prodromus, auctore Ludovico Marraccio. 2 vols. fol. Patavii, 1698 Tom. I. Prodromus, in quo Mahumetis vita, ac res gestae ex probatissimis apud Arabes scriptoribus coUectae referuntur; de Alcorani nomine, auctore, stylo, aliisque similibus agitur, &c. Tom. II. Refutatio Alcorani, in qua ad Mabumetanicse superstitionis radicem securis apponitur, et Mahumetus ipse gladio suo jugulatur. The Koran, commonly called the Alcoran of Mohammed, trans- lated from the original Arabic ; with notes from the most approved commentators, and a preliminary discourse by George Sale. 4to. Lond. 1734 Alcuinus (Albinus Flaccus). Opera, studio And. Quercetani edita. fol. Paris. 1617 Alcuinus de Pontificibus Eccl. Ebor.: see Gale, Hist. Brit. Script. I. Alderisius (Albertus). Tractatus de symbolicis Contractibus, studio P. A. Oldenburgeri. fol. Genevce, 1678 Aldus: see Manutius. Alegambe (Philippus). Bibliotheca Scnptorum Societatis Jesu, post excusum anno mdcviii. Catalogum P. Ribadeneirae ad annum MDCXLii. concinnata [cum Indice Martyrum Soc. Jesu], fol. Antverpiw, 1643 Alemannus (Jacobus). Palaestra Consultationum Juris illustrium prima. 12mo. Magdeburgi, 1613 Alexander ab Alexandre. Genialium Dierum Libri sex. 8vo. Paris. 1579 ■ cum integris commentariis Andr. Tiraquelli, D. Gotho- fredi, C. Coleri et N. Merceri. 2 vols. 8vo. Lugd. Bat. 1673 Alexander Aphrodisiensis. Commentarius in libros Metaphysicos Aristotelis, Graece ; recensuit Herm. Bonitz. 8vo. Berolini, 1847 Alexander (William). Abridgment of the Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, from the reign of James I., in 1424, to the Union with England in 1707 ; including verbatim all the Acts now in force and use J with notes. ^ 8vo. Edinb. 1841 ALE— ALI 11 Alexander the Great (The Bulk of) : see Bannatyne Club, No, 47. Alexandre (Li Romans d') : see Stuttgart Society, No. 13. Aleyn (John). Reports of Select Cases in B. R. 22, 2-3 & 24 Car. I. ^ ^ *^ fol. Lond. 1681 [another edition]. fol. ibid. 1688 Alfieri (Vittorio). Opere scelte. 4 vols. 8vo. Milano, 1818 Vols. 1—3. Tragcdie ; con giiinta di poesic varie. Vol. 4. Vita scritta da esso ; col iiancfririco di Plinio a Trajano. Alfonso el Sabio (Rey). Opusculos Legales, publicados y cotejados con varios codices antisruos por la Real Academia de la Historia. 2 vols, in 1, 4to. Madrid, 1836 Tom. I. Espfculo o Espcjo de todos los Derechos. Tom. II. Fuero Real; Leyes de los Adelaiitados; Leyes Nuevas; Ordena- miento de las Tafurerias ; Leyes del Estilo. Fuero Real de Espaiia, diligentemente hecho por el Rey Don Alonso IX. ; dosado por Alonso Diaz de Montalvo. ^ 2 vols. fol. ibid. 1781 Las Siete Partidas del Rey Don Alfonso el Sabio, cotejadas con varios codices antisruos por la Real Academia de la Historia. 3 vols. 4to. ibid. 1807 fflosadas por Gregorio Lopez, con Indicc. ^ 4 vols. fol. ibid.Yi^ Alfonso XI. Ordenamiento de Alcala : see Asso y del Rio. Alfonso V. : see Portugal. Alfordus, alias Griffith (Michael). Fides Regia Britannica, Sax- onica, Anglica ; sive Annales Ecclesiae Britannicae, Anglo-Saxonicae, et Anclicana?, ad annum 1189. 4 vols. fol. Leodii, 1663 Alfred the Great (King). Works; with preliminary essays, illus- trative of the histoiy, arts and manners of the ninth century. Jubilee edition. ' 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1852 The Will of King Alfred [edited by Thomas Astle, with trans- lation and notes by the Rev. Owen Manning], 4to. ibid. 1788 Algkuie. Tableau de la situation des Etablissements Fran(,-ais dans I'Algerie, precede de Texpose des motifs et du projet de Loi pour- tant demande de credits extraordinaires au titre de Texercice 1838; public par le ministere de la guerre. 4to. Paris, 1838 Tableau de la situation des Etablissements Fran^ais dans I'Algerie en 1838. 4to. ibid. 1839 — : en 1839. 4to, ibid. 1840 Alison (Sir Archibald, Bart.) Principles of the Criminal Law of Scotland. 8vo. Edinb. 18-32 Practice of the Crinnnal Law of Scotland. 8vo, /Z^/J. 1833 History of Europe from the commencement of the French Revo- lution in 1789, to the Restoration of the Bourbons in 1815. 10 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1839-42 Atlas, by Alexander Keith Johnston; with a concise Vocabulary of Military and Marine Terms. 4to. ibid. 1848 12 ALI— ALO Alison (Sir Archibald, Bart.) History of Europe from the fall of Napoleon in 1815 to the accession of Louis Napoleon in 1852. Vols. 1—6, 8vo. ibid. 1852-57 Allen (John, M.D.) Synopsis Medicinaj : or, a summary View of the whole Practice of Physick. The second edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1740 Allen (John). Inquiry into the rise and growth of the Royal Prero- gative in England. 8vo. Lond. 1830 . new edition, with the author's latest corrections, bio- graphical notices, &c. ; to which is added an Inquiry into the life and character of King Eadwig. 8vo. ibid. 1849 Allen (Thomas). History of the County of Lincoln, from the earliest period to the present time. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1834 Alley (William, Bishop of Exeter). The Poore Man's Librarie; being Rhapsodies or Lectures upon the first Epistle of St. Peter. 2 vols, in 1. fol. Lond. John Daye, 1571 ALLEYN(Edw.) Memoirs: see Shakespeare Society, Nos.l and 18. Alleyne (John). The Legal Degrees of Marriage stated and con- sidered, in a series of Letters to a Friend ; with an Appendix, contain- ing Letters from several divines and others. The third edition. 8vo. Lond. 1810 Allnatt (Charles Blake). A practical Treatise on the Law of Par- tition ; with an Appendix of Precedents. 8vo. Lond. 1820 Allnutt (George S.). Practice of Wills and Administrations ; second edition. 12mo. Lond. 1850 Alloza (Johannes de). Flores Summarum, sive Alphabetum Morale omnium fere Casuum Conscientise. 8vo. Col. Ayripp. 1677 Allwood (Philip). Twelve Lectures on the Prophecies relating to the Christian Church, and especially to the apostacy of papal Rome; with Supplement. [Warburtonian Lectures.] 2vols. 8vo. Lond.lSl6-19 Almanac: see British Almanac. Almanack de Gotha, 1772 — 1857 [wanting several years]. 18mo. Gotha, v. y, Almeida (Francisco de) e Amaral Bottelho. Discursos Juridicos. 2 tom. in 1 vol. fol. Lisboa, 1789-90 Almeloveen (Theodorus Jansonius ab). Amoenitates Theologico-Phi- lologicac. Subjiciuntur Epigrammata et Poemata Vetera. 12mo. Amst. 1694 [Almon, John]. Anecdotes of the Life of the Rt. Hon. WiUiam Pitt, Earl of Chatham ; and of the principal events of his time : with his Speeches in Parliament, from the year 1736 to the year 1778. The third edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1793 see also Parliament. Alnwick. A descriptive and historical View of Alnwick, the county town of Northumberland, and of Alnwick Castle, &c. Second edit. 8vo. Alnwick, 1822 Alonso : see Alfonso. ALP— AME 13 Alphen (Willem van). Papcfray ofte Formulier-Bock, van alderhande Requesten, Mandamenten, Conclusien in do dai:i, 1671 Tribonianus Belgicus, sive Dissertationes Forenses ad Belgarum Principum edicta. Accessit J. Ronimelii Diss, ad art. xix. Edicti perpetui. fol. ibid. 1692 Commentaria ad j)crpctuum Edictum serenissorum Belgii Prin- cipum Alberti et Isabelice anni 1611. Editio tertia. fol. ibid. 1701 Anselmus (S. Archiepiscopus Cantuariensis). Opera omnia. 3 tomes in 1 vol. fol. Col. Agripp. 1560 Anson (George, Lord). Voyage round the World, in the years 1740-44; compiled from his papers and materials, by Richard Walter, M.A. The sixth edition. 8vo. Lond. 1749 The real compiler of this work was Benjamin Rohins. Anspach (Rev. Lewis Amcdeus). Summary of the Laws of Com- merce and Navigation, adapted to the present state, government and trade of the island of Newfoundland. 8vo. Xowrf. 1809 c2 20 AN S— ANT Anstey (John). The Pleader's Guide, a didactic Poem, in two Parts : containing Mr. Surrebutter's poetical Lectures on the conduct of a Suit at Law. The eighth edition. 12mo. Lond. 1826 Anstey (Thomas Chisholme). A Guide to the Laws of England affecting Roman Catholics. 8vo. Lond. 1842 • The Queen's Supremacy considered in its relations with the Roman Catholic Church in England, being a Supplemental Chapter to "A Guide to the Laws of England affecting Roman Cathohcs." 8vo. iUd. 1850 Guide to the History of the Laws and Constitution of England, consisting of Six Lectures delivered at the Colleges of SS. Peter and Paul, Prior Park, Bath. 12mo. ibid. 1845 Anstruther (Alexander). Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Court of Exchequer, from Easter Term 32 Geo. HI. to Trinity Term 37 Geo. III. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1796-7 Anthologia. Analecta veterum Poetarum Groscorum, editore R. F. P. Brunck. 3 vols. 8vo. Argent. 1776 Anthologia Grseca, sive Poetarum Graecorum Lusus, ex recensione Brunckii ; indices et commentarium adjecit F. Jacobs. 13 vols, in 11, 8vo. Lips. 1794-1814 Anthologia veterum Latinorum Epigrammatum et Poematum, sive Catalecta Poetarum Latinorum in vi. libros digesta, primum a Jos. Scaligero, P. Pithfeo aliisque coUigi incepta, cura P. Burmanni locupletata, qui perpetuas adnotationes adjecit. 2 vols. 4to. Amst. 1759-73 Anthon (John), Thomas Day, and Thomas J. Wharton. A digested Index to the reported Decisions of the several Courts of Law in the United States. 4 vols. 8vo. New York and Philadelphia, 1813-25 Antigua. The Laws of the Island of Antigua : consisting of the Acts of the Leeward Islands, commencing 8th November 1690, ending 21st April 1798 J and the Acts of Antigua, from 10th April 1668 to 4th April 1845. 4 vols. 4to. Lond. 1805-46 Anti-Jacobin (The), or Weekly Examiner. Fourth edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1799 ' The Beauties of the Anti-Jacobin, or Weekly Examiner; with notes and biographical anecdotes. 12mo. Lond. 1799 The Spirit of Anti-Jacobinism for 1802 : being a collection of essays, dissertations, and other pieces, in prose and verse, on subjects religious, moral, political and literary ; partly selected from the fugitive publications of the day, and partly original. 12mo. Lond. 1802 Antiphon : see Oratores Attici. Antiquarian (The) Repertory : a miscellaneous assemblage of topo- graphy, history, biography, customs and manners ; chiefly compiled by or under the direction of Fi-ancis Grose, Thomas Astle, and other eminent antiquaries. A new edition, with additions. 4 vols. 4to. Lond. 1807-9 Antisthenes: see Oratores Attici. ANT— AN V 21 Antonellus (Johannes Carolus). Tractatus do Tempore Tx'^ili. fol. Itovuc, IGOO Antuxini (Annibal). Dictionnaire Italien, Latin et Francois. 2 vols. 4to. Lyon, 1760 Antoninus Augustus. Vetera Romanoruni Itineraria, sive Antonini Augusti Itinerarium,cum intcgris J. Sinileri, 11. SuritoB, et A. Scliotti notis ; Itinerarium Ilierosolyinitanum, et Hieroclis Gramniatici Sy- necdemus, curante P. Wesselingio. 4to. Amst. 1735 Antoninus Liberalis. Transforraationum Congeries, Gr. et Lat., cum T. Munckeri notis, quibus suas adjecit H. Verheyk. 8vo. Lu(jd. But. 1774 Antoninus (Marcus Aurelius, Imperator.) De rebus suis, sive de eig qua3 ad se pertincre censebat Libri XII., Gr. et Lat., cum variis lec- tionibus, et commentario perpetuo illustrati, studio Thom;u Gatakeri. 4to. Cantab. 1652 De rebus suis Libri XII. Gr. et Lat., lect. var. ac commentario perpetuo illustrati, studio Th. Gatakeri. Adduntur M. Casauboni notae. fol. Traj. ad Rhenum, 1697 Eorum qufB ad seipsum Libri XII., Gr. et Lat. recogniti et notis illustrati [per R. Ibbetson.] 8vo. Oxunia;, 1704 Reflexions Morales de I'Empereur Marc Antonin, avec des Re- marques de M. et de Mad. Dacier. 2 vols. 12mo. Amst. 1740 Meditations concerning himselfe, translated out of the originall Greeke, with notes, by ]Meric Casaubon. 4to. Lond. 1634 Conversation with himself, with the preliminary Discourse of M. Gatakcr, and the Life of the Emperor by M. Dacier; translated by Jeremy Collier. 8vo. ibid. 1701 Vita, Gesti, Costumi, Discorsi, et Lettere di Marco Aurelio Im- peratore. 8vo. Vinegia, 1615 Antonius (M.) de Dominis : see Dojiixis. Antonius (Nicolaus). Bibliotheca Ilispana Vctus, sive Hispani Scrip- tores qui ab Octaviani Augusti fcvo ad annum Christi loOO florue- runt; curante F. P. Bayerio, qui et prologum, et auctoris vitje epi- tomen, et notulas adjecit. 2 vols. fol. Matriti, 1788 Bibliotheca Hispana Nova, sive Hispanorum Scriptorum qui ab amio 1500 ad 1684 floruere Notitia, ab ipso auctore eniendata et aucta. 2 vols. fol. ibid. 1783-88 de Exilio, sive de Exilii poena antiqua et nova, Exulumque conditione et juribus Libri tres. fol. Antv. 1659 Anvers (Knightley d'): see D'Anvers. Anville (Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d'). Analyse Geographiquede r Italic. 4to. Pa /is 1744 ■ Geographic Ancienne Abregee. 3 vols. r2mo. ibid. 1768 Traite des Mesures Itineraires anciennes et modernes. 8vo. ibid. 1769 Etats formes en Europe aprcs la chute do rEui])ire Romain en Occident. 4to. ibid. 1771 L'Euphrate et la Tigre. 4to. ibid. 1779 22 APH— APP Aphelen (H. von). Kongelig Dansk Ord-Bog, oplyst med Exempler oo- Talemaader. 2 vols. 4to, Kiobenhavn, 1764 Aphorism EN ueber den Verfall des Advokaten-Standes, und ueber die Mittel ihn zu heben ; von E. B. A. 12mo. Fassau, 1823 Aphorismi Politici : see DANiEus. Aphthonius. Progyninasraata, a R. Agricola, et J. M. Catanaeo La- tinitate donata, cum scholiis R. Lorichii. 12mo. Amst. ajmd L. Elzevirium, 1649 [another edition.] 12mo. Lond. 1685 Apollodorus Atheniensis. Bibliothecae Libri tres, et Fragmenta; curis secundis illustravit Chr. G. Heyne. 2 vols. 8vo. GottingcB, 1803 Apollonius Perg^us. Conicorum Libri octo, Gr. et Lat., cum Pappi Alexandri lemmatis, et Eutocii Ascalonitse commentariisj Sereni Antissensis de sectione cylindri et coni Libri duo, Gr. et Lat. ; ex codd. MSS. edidit Edm. Halleius. fol. Oxon. 1710 Apollonius Rhodius. Argonautica, Gr, [cum var. lect. et notis] edidit R. F. P. Brunck. 8vo. Argent. 1780 ■ Argonautics [translated into English verse] by Fr. Fawkes; revised and completed by his coadjutor [H. Meen] ; with a transla- tion of Coluthus' Poem on the Rape of Helen, and notes. 8vo. Lo7id. 1780 Apollonius Sophista. Lexicon Graecum Ihadis et Odysseae, ex cod. MS. Sangermanensi in lucem vindicavit, animadversionibus illus- travit, et versionem Latinam adjecit J. B. Gasp. d'Anssede Villoison, cum prolegomenis, etc. 2 vols, in 1, 4to. Paris. 1773 Apophthegmata Graeca regum et ducum, philosophorum item, alio- rumque quorundam, ex Plutarcho et Diogene Laertio, cum Latina interpretatione. 12mo. Apud H, Stephanum, 1568 Manipulus celebriorum Sententiarum et Apophthegmatum, ex M. T. Cicerone, Demosthene, aliisque authoribus collectus, opera P. Lagnerii. ]2mo. Antv. 1615 Apophtegmes des Anciens, tirez de Plutarque, de Diogene Laerce, d'Elien, d'Athenee, de Stobee, de Macrobe, et de quelques autres. Et les Stratagesmes de Frontin, de la traduction de Nicolas Perrot, Sieur d'Ablancourt. 4to. Paris, 1664 • Apophthegmes of the Ancients, taken out of Plutarch, Diogenes, Laertius, &c., by John Bulteel. 8vo. Loud. 1683 ■ Apophthegms of the Ancients, selected from the Greek and Latin collections of Erasmus, and illustrated with his remarks. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1753 Witty Apophthegms, by K. James, K. Charles, the Marquess of Worcester, Francis Lord Bacon, and Sir Thomas Moore [collected by Thos. Bayly]. 12mo. Lond. 1658 Appach (Francis Hobson). An Essay on the Acts for the Relief of Trustees. r2mo. Lond. 1853 APP-APU 23 Appeal Casks. Cases heard on Appeal in tlie House of Lords, with the JiKhmients (in MS. to 1850, and since that time printed), from the year''l664 to 185G. 101 vols. fol. and :34 vols. 4to. 1GG4 -1856 For Reports of these Cases, see Brown, Blioh, Dow, and Clark. Cases heard on Appeal before the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, from 1847 to 185ti. 35 vols. fol. 1847-56 For Reports of these Cases, see Moore. Cases appealed from the Courts of Sudder Dewanny Adawlut in the East Indies, argued and determined in the Privy Council, with reports of the Judgments delivered, from May 1831 to July 1843, 11 vols. fol. V. y. A volume of Miscellaneous Cases heard in the Privy Council on Appeal from the Courts in India. fol. v. y. Cases heard in the Privy Council on Appeal from the Courts of Jamaica, and other islands in the West Indies, from the year 1795 to 1823. 4 vols. fol. V. y. Cases heard before the Lords Commissioners of Appeal in Prize Causes, from March 1780 to December 1818, with the Judgments in MS. 67 vols. fol. v. y. For Reports of Appeals heard in the Court of Chancery, see the names of the various Reporters. Appeals. Form of Procedure in the House of Lords upon Appeals from Scotland. 8vo. Edinh. 1821 Appianus Alexandrinus. Romanarum Historiarum quae supersunt, Gr. et Lat. ; recensuit, varietatem lection urn adjecit, adnotutionibus variorum suisque illustravit Joh. Schweighaeuser. 3 vols. 8vo. Lipsice, 1785 Apthorp (East, D.D.) Discourses on Prophecy [Warburtoinan Lecture]. 2 vols. 8vo. Loinl. 1786 Apuleius (Lucius). Opera, interpretatione et notis illustravit J. Flo- ridus, in usum Delphini. 4to. Paris. 1688 Apuleius serio castigatus, ex Musfeo P. Scriverii. ^ 12mo. Amst. 1624 Metamorphoseos Libri XI., cum notis Jo. Pricaei. 8vo. Govdce, 1650 Les Metamorphoses, ou I'Ane d'Or d'Apulee, avec le Demon de Socrate ; traduits en Fran(;ois avec des remarques. 2 vols. l2mo. Parh, 1707 L'Asino d'Oro, tradotto in lingua volgare da Pompeo Vizani. 12mo. Veiictta, 1662 The New Metamorphosis, or the pleasant Transformation ; being the Golden Ass of Lucius Apuleius altered and imnroved to the modern times and manners. Written in Italian by Carlo Monte Socio, and translated from the Vatican Manuscript. 2 vols. 8vo. Lorid. 1708 24 AQU-ARC Aquinas (D. Thomas). Opera omnic, cum vita ejus ex diversis auc- toribus collectii, et Tabula Aurea Petri de Bergomo. 18 vols, in 11, fol. Venetiis, 1593-4 Tom. I. — V. Expositiones in Aristotclem. VI., VII. Scriptum in P. Lombardi Sententias. VIII. QusEStiones DisputatiE et QuodlibeticsE. IX. Summa Catholicae Fidei contra Gentiles, cum commentariis Franc. Ferrariensis. X.— XII. Summa Theologiae, cum commentariis Thomse de Vio, et opus- culis ejusdem. ' ■ XIII. Expositiones in Job, in primam Davidis quinquagenam, Canticum Canticorum, Esaiam, Jeremiam, et in Threnos. XIV. Expositio in Evang. Mattheei et Joannis. . XV. Catena Aurea in Matthseum, Marcum, Lucam et Joannem. XVI. Expositiones in Epistolas omnes D. Pauli Apostoli, et Sermones Festivi. XVII. Opuscula omnia. [ XVIII.] Tabula. Arabian Nights' Entertainments, translated into French from the Arabic MSS. by M. Galland, and now done into Enghsh. The eleventh edition. 12 vols, in 6, 12mo. Zond. 1763-5 Les Mille et line Nuit, Contes Arabes, traduits en Frangois, par M. Galland. 6 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1745 Arago (Francis\ Popular Astronomy; translated from the original and edited by Admiral W. H. Smyth, D.C.L., and Robert Grant. Vol. 1, 8vo. Lond. 1855 History of mv Youth; translated by the Rev. Baden Powell. 8vo. ibid. 1855 Aratus Solensis. Phenomena et E\Dsemea, Gr. et Lat. ; accedunt Theonis Scholia, Leontii de Sphaera Aratea Libellus, et versionum Arati poeticarv.m Ciceronis, Germr ici, et Avieni quae supersunt ; curavit J. T. Buhle. 2 vols. 8vo. Lips. 1793-1801 Phenomena et Diosemea, Greece ; quibus subjiciuntur Eratos- thenis Catasterismi ; Dionysii Orbis Terrarum Descriptio ; Rufi Festi Avieni utriusque Poetae Metaphrases ; curavit notasque adjecit F. C. Matthiffi. 8vo. Francof. ad Moenum, 1817 Arbitrium Redivivum: or the Law of Arbitration. By the author of Regula placitandi. 12mo. Lond. 1694 Arblay (Frances Burnev, Madame d'). Diary and Letters, 1778 — 1840 ; edited by her Niece. 7 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1843-6 Arbuthnot (John, M.D.) Essay concerning the Nature of Ali- ments. The second edition. 8vo. Lond. 1732 Arc : see Jeanne d'Arc. Arch.'eologia : or Miscellaneous Tracts relating to Antiquity, pub- lished by the Society of Antiquaries of London. 37yols. 4to. Xon(/. 1779-1857 Index to the first fifteen volumes. 4to. ibid. 1809 Index from vol. 16 to vol. 30 inclusive. 4to. ibid. 1844 ARC 25 ARrn;Eoi,ofiTCAL Journal, published under the direction of the Central Committee of the Archaeological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. 1-4 vols. 8vo. Land. l845-o7 Journal of the British Archacolo, 1810 Babbaqe : see Bridgewater Treatises. Babington (Zachary). Advice to Grand Jurors in Cases of Blood. 8vo. Lond. 1677 Bachelor. The Batchelor's Directory ; being a Treatise of the Excellence of Marriage. The second edition. 12mo. Zo;u/. 1696 42 BAG Bachofen (Joannes Jacobus). Dissertatio de Romanorum Judiciis Civilibus, de Legis Actionibus, de Formulis et de Condictione. 8vo. Gottinr/ce, 1840 Bachovius Eciitius (Reinei'us, sive Reinhardus). Examen Ration- alium Ant. Fabri ad Lib. II. et III. Pandectarum. Svo. Heidelb. 1612 Commentarii in primam partem Pandectarum, adjectis castiofa- tionibus in Rationalia Antonii Fabri. 4to. Spirce Nemetum, 1630 Notae et Animadversiones ad Disputationes Hieronymi Treutleri. 3 vols. 4to. Meidelb. 1617-19 Tractatus de Actionibus. 4to. Francof. 1623 Tractatus de Pignoribus et Hypotliecis. 4to. ibid. 1627 Disputationum Miscellarum de variis Juris Civilis materiis Liber unus. Svo. Meidelb. 1704 Bacon (Anthony) : see Birch. Bacon (Francis, Baron of Verulam, Viscount St. Albans). Works [with his Life by D. Mallet]. 5 vols. 4to. Lond. 1765 Works. A new edition, with his Life, by Basil Montagu. 16 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1825-34 Works ; collected and edited by James Spedding, Robert Leslie Ellis, and Douglas Denon Heath. Vols. 1 — 3, 8vo. ibid. 1857 Instauratio Magna. Pars secunda, quae dicitur Novum Or- ganum. fol. ibid. 1620 Historia Vitae et Mortis ; sive, Titulus secundus in Historia Naturali et Experimentali ad condendam Philosophiam : quae est Instaurationis Magnae Pars tertia. 8vo. ibid. 1623 Sylva Sylvarum, or a Naturali History, in ten Centuries, and New Atlantis; published by W. Rawley, D.D. fol. ibid. 1627 Certaine Miscellany Works of the Rt. Hon. Francis Ld. Veru- lam, Viscount St. Alban; published bv Wm. Rawley, D.D. 4to. ibid. 1629 Resuscitatio, or bringing into publick light several pieces of the Works, hitherto sleeping, of Francis Bacon, Viscount St. Alban, &c., with his Life, by Wm. Rawley, D.D. The second edition. fol. ibid. 1661 Operum Moralium et Civilium Tomus ; cura et fide Guil. Rawley. fol. ibid. 1638 Philosophical Works methodized, and made English, from the originals, with occasional notes by Peter Shaw, M.D. 3 vols. 4to. ibid. 1733 Of the Advancement and Proficience of Learning, interpreted by Gilbert Wats. fol. Oxford, 1640 Sermones Fidel es, Ethici, Politici, CEconomici ; sive Interiora Rerum. Accedit Faber Fortunoe, &c. 12mo. Lugd. Bat. 1641 Essays : with annotations by Richard Whately, D.D., Arch- bishop of Dublin. Second edition. Svo. Lond. 1857 BAG— BAD 43 Bacon (Francis, Baron of Verulam, Viscount St. Albans). Historie of the raigne of King Henry the Seventh. fol. Loud. 1G'J2 Apologie, in ccrtaine Imputations concerning the late Earle of Essex ; written to the Earle of Devonshire. 4to. ibid. 1G42 Collection of some of the principall Rules and Muximcs of the Common Lawes of England. 4to. ibid. 1G30 • The Use of the Law ; provided for the preservation of our per- sons, goods and good names, according to the practise of the Lawes and Customes of this land. 4to. ibid. 1630 Three Speeches, concerning the Post-nati, Naturalization of the Scotch in England, Union of the Lawes of the Kiwgdomes of England and Scotland. 4to. ibid. 1G41 4to. ibid. 1641 4to. ibid. 1642 8vo. ibid. 1785 Cases of Treason. Reading upon the Statute of Uses. [another edition.] Law Tracts, containing — 1. A Proposition for amending the Laws of England. 2. An Offer of a Digest of the Laws. 3. Maxims of the Law. 4. Use of the Law. 5. Cases of Treason, Felony, Praemunire, &c. 6. Arguments of Law in certain great and difficult Cases. 7. Ordinances in Chancery. 8. Reading on the Statute of Uses. 8vo. ibid. 1737 Legum Leges ; sive Fr. Baconii Tractatus de fontibus universi Juris ; annotationes quasdam subjecit A. M. J. J. Dupin. 12mo. Paris. 1822 Bacon (John). Liber Regis, vel Thesaurus Rerum Ecclesiasticarum. With an Appendix, containing directions and precedents relating to presentations, institutions, inductions, dispensations, &c. 4to. Lond. 1786 Bacon (Matthew). A New Abridgment of the Law. 5 vols. fol. Lond. 1736-70 sixth edition, with additions by Henry Gwillim. 7 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1807 seventh edition, with additions by Sir H. Gwillim and C. E. Dodd. 8 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1832 The compleat Arbitrator ; or, the Law of Awards. The third edition. 8vo. ibid. 1770 Bacon (Nathaniel). An historicall Discourse of the LTniformity of the Government of England, in two Parts; from the first times till the end of the reign of Q. Elizabeth. 4to. ibid. 1647-51 Bacquet (Jean), ffiuvres, augmentecs de plusieure Questions, Deci- sions et Arrets des Cours Souverains de Franco, par MM. Claude de Ferriere et Claude Joseph de Ferriere. 2 vols. fol. Lyon, 1744 Badeley (Edward). Substance of a Speech delivered before the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council 17th and 18th December, 1849, upon an Appeal in a Cause of duplex querela between the Rev. G. C. Gorham, and the Bishop of Exeter. With an Intro- duction. 8vo. Lond. 1850 44 BAD— BAI Baden (Gustav Ludvig). Afhandlinger i Faedrenelandets Cultur- Stats-Kirke-og-Litterser-Historie. 2 vols. 8vo. Kiobenhavn, 1820 Dansk-Juridisk Ordbog. 2 vols, in 1, Bvo. ibid. 1822 Baden. Landrecht fiir das Grossherzogtlium Baden, nebst Handels- ffesetzen. 8vo. Karlsruhe, 1814 Vollstandige Sammlung aller seit Einfiihrung des neuen Land- rechts erschienenen aufdasselbe Bezug habenden Edicte, Ministerial- verordnungen und Rechtsbelehrungen. 8vo. ibid. 1816 Bagley (William). The Practice at the Chambers of the Judges of the Courts of Common Law, in civil actions. 12mo. Land. 1834 The New Practice of the Courts of Law at Westminster ; with Forms embodied in the Text. 8vo. ibid. 1840 Bagot (Lewis, LL.D.) Twelve Discourses on the Prophecies con- cerning the first establishment and subsequent history of Christi- anity [Warburtonian Lectures]. 8vo. Oxford, 1780 Bagshaw (Edward). The Rights of the Crown of England, as it is established by Law. 8vo. Land. 1660 Bagshaw (Samuel). History, Gazetteer and Directory of Derbyshire. 8vo. Sheffield, 1846 History, Gazetteer and Directory of the County of Kent. 2 vols. 12mo. ibid. 1847 Baiern : see Bavaria. Bail Court Reports : see Saunders; and Low^ndes. Bailey (Jacobus). Hieroglyphicorum Origo et Natura. 8vo. Cantab. 1816 Diatribe de voce AuXovpog, cum Epimetro. parts 1 and 2, 8vo. ibid. 1848-51 Bailey (Nathan). Universal Etymological English Dictionary. fol. Land. 1736 with additions, by J. N. Scott, M.D. fol. ibid. 1755 Baillet (Adrien). Jugeraens des Savans sur les principaux ouvrages des Auteurs ; revus, corriges et augmentes par M. de la Monnoye ; avec I'Anti-Baillet, par M. Menage, et Jugemens sur les auteurs qui ont traite de la Rhetorique, par M. Gibert. 8 vols, in 17, 12mo. Amst. 1725 Baillie (Geo.) Correspondence : see Bannatyne Club, No. 75. Baillie (Captain John). A Digest of Mohummudan Law, according to the tenets of the Twelve Imams, compiled under the superintend- ence of the late Sir William Jones ; extended, and translated from the original Arabic, with notes illustrative of the decisions of other sects of Mohummudan lawyers, on many leading and important questions. Vol. 1, 4to. Calcutta, 1805 Baillie (Neil B. E.) The Moohummudan Law of Inheritance, ac- cording to Aboo Huneefa and his followers. With an appendix containing authorities from the original Arabic. 8vo. Calcutta, 1832 BAT— BAK 45 Baillie (Neil B. E.) The Mooliummiidan Law of Sale, accordinpr to the Iluncefcea Cotle : from the Futawa Aluinp:eeree, a Diirest of the whole Law, prepared l)y cominaiid of the Eiii])eror Aunin^rzebe Aliinigcer; selected aiidtraiislatcd from the original Arahie, with an introduotion and explanatory notes. 8vo. Lond. 1850 (Robt.) Letters: see Bannatyne Club, No. 71. Baillius (Robertus). Operis Historici et Chronologici Libri duo ; in qiiibus Historia Sacra et Profana compendiose dedueitur ex ipsis foiitibus, a creatione mundi ad Constantinum Magnum. Cum tribus Diatribis, quaruni jirima est de Hmreticorum autocatiierisi ; secunda, an quicquid in Deo est, Deus sit ; tertia de Praedestinatione. fol. Amst. 1663 Bailly (Jean Sylvain) : see Berville et Barhiere, vols. 2 — 4. Baily (Francis). Tables for the purchasing and renewing of Leases, for terms of years certain, and for lives, &c. Svo. Land. 1802 Baily (Thomas, D.D.) The Life and Death of Jolm Fisher, Bishop of Rochester. 12mo. Lond. 1655 Attributed by some authors to Richard Hall, D.D. Bain BRIDGE (William). Treatise on the Law of Mines and Minerals. Svo. Lond. 1841 second edition. Svo. ihid. 1S56 Bain (Alexander). The Senses and the Intellect. Svo. Lond. 1855 Baines (Edward). History of the County Palatine and Duchy of Lancaster; the biographical department by W. R. Whatton, Esq. 4 vols. 4to. Lond. 1836 History, Directory and Gazetteer of the County Palatine of Lancaster. 2 vols. r2mo. Liverpool, 1824-5 Historv, Directory and Gazetteer of the County of York. 2 vols. 12mo. Leedx, 1823 Baker (Anne Elizabeth). Glossary of Northamptonshire words and phrases, with examples of their colloquial use, and illustrations from various authors: to which are added, the Customs of the county. 2 vols. 12mo. Zo«(/."l854 Baker (David Erskine). Biographia Dramatica : containing histori- cal and critical memoirs of British and Irish Dramatic Writci-s, with Lists of their works ; continued by Isaac Reed from 1764 to 1782, and by Stephen Jones to 1811. ' 3 vols, in 4, Svo. Lond. 1812 Baker (George). The History and Antiquities of the County of Northampton. 2 vols. fol. [Vol. 2 unfinished.] Lond. 1822-30 Baker (Henry). Medulla Poetarum Romanorum : or, a Collection of the most beautiful and instructive passages of the Roman Poets, with translations in English verse. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1737 Baker (Sir Richard). Chronicle of the Kings of England, from the time of the Romans Government unto the death of K. James ; where- unto is added, the Rciirn of Charles I., and the first thirteen years of Charles II., by E. Phillips. Sixth edition. fol. Land. 1674. 46 BAK— BAL Baker (T.) The Laws relating to Burials in England and Wales ; with notes, forms and practical instructions. 12mo. Lond. 1855 Baker. Index to the Baker Manuscripts. By four Members of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society. 8vo. Cambridge, 1848 Bakur (Moolavie Mahommed). Notices respecting some of the Suits and miscellaneous proceedings most commonly adjudicated in the Zillah Coui-ts of Bengal. 8vo. Calcutta, 1833 Balcakues (Colin, Earl of) : see Bannatyne Club, No. 74. Baldasseroni (Ascanio). Trattato delle Assicurazioni Marittime ; e del Cambio Marittimo. Seconda edizione, riordinata ed accresciuta dair autore. 3 vols. 4to. Firenze, 1 801-2 ■ Dizionario ragionato di Giurisprudenza Marittima, e di Com- mercio. 4 vols. 4to. Livorno, 1811-14 Baldasseroni (II Conte Pompeo). Leggi e Costumi del Cambio, ossia Trattato sulle Lettere di Cambio. Terza edizione. 3 vols. 4to. Modena, 1805 Balduinus (Franciscus). Juris Civilis Catechesis. 8vo. J3asilece,s. a. Notae ad Lib. I. et II. Digest, seu Pandectarum. 8vo. ibid. s. a, Ad Edicta veterum Principum Rom. de Christianis. 8vo. ibid. s. a. Commentarius de Jurisprudentia Muciana. 8vo. ibid. 1558 cum praefatione N. H. Gundlingii. 8vo. Salce, 1729 Ad Leges de Jure Civili, Voconiam, Falcidiam, Juliam Papiara Poppaeam, Rhodiam, Aquiliam. 8vo. Basilece, 1559 Accesserunt Disputationes duse de Jure Civili ex Papi- niano. Editio nova, cum praefatione N. H. Gundlingii. 8vo. Sala; 1730 Commentarius ad leges de famosis libellis et de calumniatoribus. 4to. Parisiis, 1562 Justinianus, sive de Jure novo Commentariorum Libri IV. 8vo. Ajyud J. Chouet, 1596 ' see also Justinian. Baldus Ubaldus Perusinus. Commentaria ad quatuor Institutionum libros ; in xi libros Codicis ; in Digestum Vetus ; in Digestum Novum ; in Infortiatum ; in tlsus Feudorum ; in tres priores libros Decretalium ; adnotationibus variorum illustrata. 4 vols. fol. Augusts Taurinorum, 1576-78 ■ Commentaria in xi libros Codicis, A. Imolen, A. B. Celsi, et Ph. Decii adnotationibus illustrata. 4 vols. fol. Venetiis, 1599 Commentaria in Digestum Vetus et Novum, doctiss. hominum aliis omnibus hactenus impressis illustrata. 4 vols. fol. ibid. 1599 Consilia sive Responsa, cum quaestionibus, additionibus, sum- mariis, et indice locupletissimo. 5 vols, in 2, fol. Franco/, ad 3foenum, 1589 Bale (John, Bp. of Ossory). Select Works : see Parker Society. Kynge Johan : see Camden Society, No. 2. BAL— BAN 47 Bale (John, Bp. of Ossory). Scriptorum Illustrium Majoris Bri- tannia,- Catalogus [title wanting]. 2 vols, in 1, tbl. Basile2 Tractatus de Capitulis. 8vo. ibid. 1852 Tractatus de Jure Liturgico. 8vo. ibid. 1853 104 BOU BouLAiNViLLTERS (Count Heiiiy de). An historical Account of the Anticnt Pai-liamcnts of France, or States-General of the kingdom, in fourteen Letters ; translated by C. Forman. 2 vols. 8vo. Loud. 1739 Boulay-Paty (Pierre Sebastien). Cours de Droit Commercial Ma- ritime. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1834 BouLLENois (Louis). Traite de la Personnalite, et de la Reahte des Loix, Coutumes, ou Statuts, par forme d'Observations ; auquel on a ajoute I'ouvrajre Latin de Rodenburgh, intitule, "de Jure quod oritur e Statutorum diversitate." 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1766 Dissertations sur des Questions qui naissent de la Contrariete des Loix et des Coutumes. 4to. ibid. 1732 Questions sur les Demissions de Biens. 8vo. ibid. 1727 Bouquet (Martin). Recueil des Historiens des Gaules et de la France, accompafi^ne de sommaires, de tables, et de notes ; continue par Ch. Haudiquier, Jac. Precieux, Fr. Clement, Poirier et M. J. J. Brial, P. C. F. Daunou, J. Naudet, Guigniaut et de Wailly. vols. 1—21, fol. Paris, 1738-1855 BouRDEiLLES (Andre de) Oeuvres : see Brantome. BouRUOT DE RiCHEBOURG. Nouvcau Coutumier General, ou Corps des Coutumes generales et particulieres de France, avec les notes de Toussaint Chauvehn, J. Brodeau, et J. M. Ricard ; et enrichi de nouvelles notes tirees des principales Observations des Commenta- teurs, par Charles A. Bourdot de Richebourg. 4 vols. fol. Paris, 1724 BouRGET (John). The History of the Royal Abbey of Bee, near Rouen in Normandy ; translated from the French. 12mo. Land. 1779 BouRGUiGNON (Claude Sebastien). Dictionnaire Raisonne des Lois Penales de France, precede d'une Dissertation sur les regies qui doivent etre observees dans I'application des Lois penales. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1811 Conference des Cinq Codes entre eux, et avec les Lois et Regle- mens sur I'organisation et I'administration de la justice, les Tarifs des frais et depens en matieres civile et criminelle. 8vo. ibid. 1823 Manuel du Juri, ou Commentaire sur la Legislation relative a Forganisation du Juri, a I'examen et an jugement par Jures ; precede de la Theorie du Juri, con tenant des Recherches sur les caracteres essentiels, etc. de cette institution. 8vo. ibid. 1827 BouRicius (Jacobus). De Officio Advocati. 12mo. Leovardice, 1643 BouRJON (Francois). Le Droit Commun de la France, et la Coutume de Paris reduits en principes, et mis dans I'ordre d'un Commentaire sur cette Coutume. 2 vols. fol. Paris, 1770 BouRKE (Hon. Robert). Parliamentary Precedents : being Decisions of the Rt. Hon. Charles Shaw Lefevre, Speaker of the House of Commons, on points of order, rules of debate, and the general practice of the House. 12mo. Lond. 1857 Bourne (Robert). The Mirror of Christianity: wherein that divine dispensation is theologically, historically, individually, and collectively delineated in twenty epitomes ; with antitheses, analytical and illus- trative of the Papacy ; and other strictures. 8vo. Lond. 1836 BOU— BOW 105 Bourne (Vincent). Pocmntia, Latine partim reddila, partim scripta, a V. Bourne, tertio cdita. 12ino. Lund. 174:j BouHuiKNNE (Louis Antoiue Fauvelet de). Memoircs sur Napoleon, le Directoire, Ic Consulat, rEinpire, et la Restauration. 10 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1829 BouTARic (Fran(;ois de), Lcs Institutes de I'Empereur Justinion, conferees avec Ic Droit Franc/ois. 4to. 2'oulousc, 1707 BouTEiLLER (Jean). Somme Rural, ou le Grand Cousturaier General de Practique, Civil et Canon ; ilhistre de commentaires et annota- tions, etc. par Louys Charondas de Caron. 4to. jParis, \{j\l Somme ruyrael, sprekendo van alien rechten. fol. Antivcrpen, hij Henric Eckert van Homhorcli, 1503 Boi'TELi. (Rev. Charles). Monumental Brasses and Slabs: an his- torical and descriptive notice of the incised monumental memorials of the middle ages. 8vo. Oxfvi-d, IS^7 BouTERWKK (Carol. Guil.) De Cedmone, poeta Anglo-Saxonum vetustissimo, brevis dissertatio. 8vo. Elberfdda:, 1845 see also C^edmon. BouTEiiWEK (Frederick). History of Spanish and Portuguese Litera- ture ; translated from the original German by Thomasina Ross. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1823 History of Spanish Literature ; translated by Thomasina Ross ; ■with additional notes by the translator. 8vo. ibid. 1847 BouviER (John). Institutes of American Law, 4 vols. 8vo, Philadelphia, 1854 A Law Dictionary adapted to the Constitution and Laws of the United States of America, and of the several States of the American Union, with references to the Civil and other systems of Foreign law. Fifth edition, 2Vols, 8vo. ibid. 1855 BouwENS (Andreas). Juris Justitisque Usus et Abusus, exemplis et documentis ex omni aevo demonstrati. 4to. Lcodii, 1654 BowACK (John), Antiquities of Middlesex ; being a Collection of the several Church Monuments in that county : also an historical account of each church and parisli, with the seats, villages, and names of the most eminent inhabitants &c. Parts I, and II. [no more published.] fol. Lond. 1705-6 BowDiTCH (J,) A Treatise on the history, revenue, laws, and govern- ment of the islands of Guernsey and Jersey. 8vo, Land. 1836 BoWDLER (Charles). The Case of the President of Queen's Colletxe, Cambridge, determined in the High Court of Chancery bv the Right Hon. Lord Eldon, acting on behalf of his Majesty as \'isitor. 8vo. 'Land. 1821 BowKN (Thomas). Extracts from the Record and Court Books of Bridewell Hospital ; Avith other historical information respecting the objects of the Charter granted by Edward the Sixth, to the Mayor, Commonalty, and Citizens of London and their successors. 4to. Lond. 17i»8 106 BOW— BOY Bower (Archibald). History of the Popes, from the foundation of the See of Rome, to the present time. 7 vols. 4to. Lond. 1750-66 [ ] Historia Literaria : or, an exact and early Account of the most valuable Books published in the several parts of Europe. vols. 1—3, 8vo. ibid. 1731-2 Bowes (Robert). Correspondence: see Surtees Society, No. 14. Bowles (Thomas, D.D.) Aristarchus: or a compendious and rational Institution of the Latin tongue ; with a critical dissertation on the Roman Classics, in a chronological order. Now revised a second time, and much improv'd. 8vo. Oxford, 1748 Bowles (William Lisle). The Parochial History of Bremhill, in the county of Wilts ; containing a particular Account of the Cistercian Abbey of Stanley in that parish, with observations on the origin and establishment of parochial clergy. 8vo. Lond. 1828 and J. G. Nichols. Annals and Antiquities of Lacock Abbey, in the county of Wilts; with Memorials of the Foundress Ela, Countess of Salisbury, and of the Earls of Salisbury of the Houses of Sarisbury and Longespe. 8vo. iUd. 1835 Bowyer (George). The English Constitution : a popular Commentary on the Constitutional Law of England. 8vo. Lond. 1841 Commentaries on the Modern Civil Law. 8vo, ihid. 1848 Readings delivered before the Hon. Society of the Middle Temple, in ttie year 1850. 8vo. ihid. 1851 Commentaries on Universal Public Law. 8vo. ihid. 1854 [Boxhorn, Marcus Zuerius.] Metamorphosis Anglorum, sive Muta- tiones varise regum, regni, rerumque Angliae. ISmo. s. I. 1653 Originum Gallicarum Liber: cui accedit Antiquae Linguae BritannicEe Lexicon Britannico-Latinum, cum adjectis et insertis ejusdem authoris Adagiis Britannicis, etc. 4to. Amst. 1654 Boyd (Robert, LL.D.) The Office, Powers, and Jurisdiction, of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace, and Commissioners of Supply. 2 vols. 4to. Edinh. 1787 BoYER (Abel). The History of the Reign of Queen Anne, digested into Annals. 11 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1703-13 The History of Queen Anne. fol. ihid. 1735 The Political State of Great Britaia, from 1711 to 1740. 59 vols. 8vo. ihid. 1718-40 The Royal Dictionary, French and English, and English and French. 4to. ihid. 1729 abridged ; the ninth edition. 8vo. ihid. 1755 Boyle (Hon. Charles, afterwards Earl of Orrery). Dr. Bentley's Dissertations on the Epistles of Phalaris, and the Fables of ^sop, examined. 8vo. Lond. 1698 tliird edition. 8vo. ihid. 1699 BoYLE i^LE (Hon. Robert). Works; to which is prefixed the Life of the author, by Thomas Birch. 6 vols. 4to. Lond. \112 BOY-BRA 107 Boyle (Hon. Robert). Philosophical Works, abridged, methodized and illustrated Avitli notes, by Peter Shaw, M.D. 3 vols. 4to. Lond. 1725 Considerations touchinjx the Usefulnesse of Exj)crimental Na- tural Philosophy ; second edition. 4to. Oxford, 1G()4 The Sceptical Chymist : or Chymico-Physical Doubts and Paradoxes; to which in this edition are subjoined divers experi- ments and notes about the producibleness of chymical principles. 8vo. ibid. 1680 Boyle Lecture. A Defence of natural and revealed Religion : being a Collection of Sermons j)reached at the Lecture founded by the Hon. Robert Boyle, from the year 1691 to 1732; with the additions and amendments of the several authors; edited bv S. Letsome and J. Nicholl. 3vols.'fol. Lond.lim A Defence of natural and revealed Religion; being an Abridg- ment of the Sermons preached at the Lecture founded by the Hon. Robert Boyle, by the Rev. Gilbert Burnet. 4 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1737 Boyle (Roger): see Orrery. Boyle (William Robert Augustus). A practical Treatise on the Law of Charities. 8vo. Zo«(/. 1837 Boys (John), ^neas his Descent into Hell, made Engli:?li, with annotations. To which are added some certain Pieces relating to the Publick [the Kentish Declaration, &c.]. 4to. Lond. 1661 Boys (William). Collections for an History of Sandwich in Kent ; with notices of the other Cinque Ports and Members, and of Rich- borough. 4to. Canterbury, 1792 Brachylogos Juris Civilis, sive Corpus Legum ; cui adjunctae sunt In- stitutiones T. Caii Jurecons., Ulpiani ex toto scriptorum ipsius corpore Tituli undetriginta. 8vo. Luijd. a pud 31. Roy et L. Pesnot, 1553 Brachylogus Juris Civilis, sive Corpus Legum paulo post Justinianum conscriptum, cum notis perpetuis L. Pesnoti, P. Prateii et N. Reusneri ; edidit, cum sex appendicibus, H. C. Senckenberg. 4to. Lipsice, 1743 Corpus Legum, sive Brachylogus Juris Civilis ; ad fidem quattuor codicum scriptorum et principum editionum enientlavit, notitiani litterariam,annotationemque adjecit ; ineditam incerti Scrip- toris Epitomen Juris Civilis medio duodecimo sieculo lactam ex codice Tubingensi edidit E. Bucking. 8vo. Berolini, 1829 Bracton (Henricus de). De Legibus et Consuetudinibus Angliae Libri quinque : in varios Tractatus distincti. lol. Lond. 1569 [another edition.] 4to. ibid. 1640 • [another copy, with MS. notes by Sir Henry Gould, one of the Justices of the Common Pleas, 1762-93.] 4to. ibid. 1(540 Bradby (James). Treatise on the Law of Distresses. The second edition, with additions, bv John Adams, Seijeant at Law. 8vo. Lond. 1828 Bradford : see Parker Society. Bradley (Richard). Survey of the Ancient Husbandry and Garden- ing, collected from Cato, Varro, Columella, and others the most eminent writers among the Greeks and Romans. 8vo. Lond. 1725 H 6 108 BRA Brady (J. H.") A popular Dictionary of Parochial Law and Taxation, and of the Duties of Parish Officers; revised by James N, Mahon. 12mo. Lond. 1834 Plain Advice on the Making of Wills : containing Forms of Wills, simple and elaborate, &c. Fourth edition. 8vo. ibid. 1838 Plain Instructions to Executors and Administrators; shewing their duties and responsibilities : with Abstracts of the Legacy Acts, &c. The tenth edition. 8vo. ibid. 1845 Brady (Robert, M.D.) Introduction to the old English History, compi-ehended in three several Tracts : I. An Answer to Mr. Petyt's Rights of the Commons asserted ; and to a book intituled, Jani Anglorum Facies nova. II. Answer to a book intituled, Argu- mentum Antinormanicum. III. The exact History of the Suc- cession of the Crown of England. With an Appendix containing several Records, &c., and a Glossary. fol. Lond. 1684 A complete History of England, from the first entrance of the Romans to the end of the reign of Henry III. ; with Appendix. fol. ibid. 1685 Continuation ; containing the lives and reigns of Edw. I. II. and III., and Richard II. of England; with Appendix. fol. ibid. 1700 An historical Treatise of Cities, and Burghs or Boroughs. The second edition. fol. ibid. 1704 a new edition. 8vo. ibid. 1777 Braght (T. J. van): see Knollys (Hanserd) Society. Braithwaite (R.): see Brathwatt. Bhaithwaite (Thomas W.) An Epitome of the New Chancery Practice, combining the Acts 15 & 16 Vict. cc. 80, 86, & 87 ; and all the General Orders made in pursuance thereof. 12mo. Lond. 1853 The Record and Writ Practice of the Court of Chancery, comprising the several Forms used in proceedings in the Record and Writ Clerks' Office ; with practical directions and observations. 8vo. Lond. 1858 Brakelonda (Jocelinus de) : see Camden Society, No. 13. Bramston (Sir John): see Camden Society, No. 32. Bramwell (George). Analytical Table of the Private Statutes, passed between the 1st Geo. II. A.D. 1727, and 4th and 5th Will. IV. A.D. 1834, both inclusive; arranged chronologically, alphabetically, and accordin mit Repertoriis gefertiget von August Rudolph Jesaias Biincmann. 4 vols. 4to. Gottingen, 1739-40 110 BRA— BRE BuAUNSCHWEiG (Heini*. Julius von): see Stuttgart Society, No. 36. Bray (Reginald). Concise Directions for obtaining the Lord Chan- cellor's Orders for the Election and Removal of Coroners of Counties and of Verderors and Regarders of Forests; with an appendix of forms and cases. 8vo. Lo7id. 1831 Brayley (Edward Wedlake). Londiniana; or, Reminiscences of the British Metropolis: including characteristic sketches, antiquarian, topographical, descriptive, and literary. 4 vols. 12rao. Lond. 1829 and John Britton. The History of the ancient Palace and late Houses of Parliament at Westminster. 8vo. Lond. 1836 John Britton, and E. W. Brayley, Jun. A topographical History of Surrey ; the geological Section by Gideon Mantell, LL.D. 5 vols. 4to. Lond. 1850 see also Beauties of England and Wales. Brazil. Codigo Brasiliense, ou Collec(^ao das Leis, Alvaras, Decretos, Cartas Regias, &c. promulgadas no Brasil desde a fehz chegada de el Rey nosso Senhor a estes Estados. Anno de 1808, — ate 1820. 2 vols. fol. Lishoa, e Rio de Janeiro, 1812-22 Brechinensis Episcopatus — Registrum: see Bannatyne Club, No. 102. Brederodius (Petrus Cornelius). Thesaurus Dictionum et Senten- tiarum Juris Civilis. fol. Atrehati, 1585 Tractatus de Appellationibus. 2 parts in 1 vol. fol. Francof. ad Moenum, 1660 Brencmannus (Henricus). Historia Pandectarum, sive Fatum Exemplaris Florentini. Accedit gemina Dissertatio de Amalphi. 4to. T7'aj. ad Rhenum, 1722 de Eurematicis Diatriba: sive, in Herennii Modestini librum singularem ivepi evprjfxaTiKwv Commentarius. 8vo. Lugd. Bat. 1706 Brequigny (Louis George Oudard Feudrix de) et G. J. Mouchet. Table Chronologique des Diplomes, Chartes, Titres et Actes Im- primes, concernant I'Histoire de France; continuee par M. Par- dessus, avec Table Chronologique. 5 vols. fol. Paris, 1769-1850 Brerewood (Edvardus). Scrutinium Linguarum et Religionum. 12mo. Francofurti, 1659 Enquiries touching the diversity of Languages and Religions through the chief parts of the world. 8vo. Lond. 1674 Bresoles (L'Abbe de). Pratique des Officialites, ou Traite de la Jurisdiction de toutes les Cours Ecclesiastiques, gracieuses et con- tentieuses. 4 parts in 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1781 Brett (Thomas, LL.D.) An Account of Church-Government and Governours. 8vo. Lond. 1701 Dissertation on the Ancient Versions of the Bible. In a Letter to a Friend. The second edition. 8vo. ibid. 1760 Brevia: see Natura Brevium; Officina, Registrum, et The- saurus Brevium. BRE— BRI ni Breviarium Aberdonexse: see Banxatyne Club, No. 97. Bheviarium Advocatorum, sen rotundiores Juris Reyulae secundum ordinern materiarum alpbabeticuin dispositae. 12mo. Farif, 1829 Brewer (J. N.) : see Beauties of England and Wales. Brewer (Thomas). Memoir of John Carpenter, Town Clerk of London in the reigns of Henry V. and Henry VI. ; compiled from^ manuscripts and other authentic sources. 8vo. Land. 1836 Memoir of the Life and Times of John Carpenter, Town Clerk of London in the reigns of Henry V. and Henry VI., and founder of the City of London School. ibid. 1856 Brewster (Sir David). Memoirs of the life, writings, and discoveries of Sir Isaac Newton. 2 vols. 8vo. J£di/ih. 1855 Breyer (Carol. "Willi. Frid.) De Justitia Aragonum Fragmentum. Dissertatio historica. 8vo. JencB, 1800 Brickdale (Matthew Inglett). The Leases and Sales of settled Estates Act [19 & 20 \'ict. c. 120], and the general Order of the 15th Nov. 1856, made in pursuance thereof j with introduction and notes. 12mo. Lund. 1856 Bridewell. Reports from Select Committees, respecting the Arts- masters and Apprentices of Bridewell Hospital. 4to. Lund. 1799 Bridges (John). History and Antiquities of Northamptonshire, com- piled from his manuscript collections, by the Rev. Peter Whalley. ^ 2 vols. fol. Oxford, 1791 Bridgewater Treatises. I. Chalmers (Thomas, D.D.) On the power, wisdom and good- ness of God as manifested in the adaptation of external nature to the moral and intellectual constitution of man. 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. Land. 1839 II. Kidd (John, M.D.) On the adaptation of external nature to the physical condition of Man, principally with reference to the supply of his wants and the exercise of his intellectual faculties. Fifth 'edition. 8vo. Oxford, 18^37 III. Whewell (Rev. William). Astronomy and General Physics considered with reference to Natural Theology. Seventh edition. 8vo. Land. 1839 IV. Bell (Sir Charles). The Hand, its mechanism and vital endowments as evincing design. I'ourth edition. 8vo. Lund. 1837 V. Roget (Peter Mark, M.D.) Animal and Vegetable Physiology considei-ed Avith reference to Natural Theology. Third edition, with additimis. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1840 VI. Buckland (William, D.D.) Oology and Mineralogy con- sidered with reference to Natural Theology. Second edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lund. 1837 VII. Kirby (Rev. William). On the pow-57 The Companion to the Almanack; or the Year-Book of General Information, liom 1828 to 18 Ui. 19 vols, in 10, l-2mo. ibid. 1835-45 Index to the Companion to the Almanack, from its com- mencement in 1828 to 1843, inclusive. 12rao. ibid. 1843 I 114 BRI-BRO British Drama. The Ancient British Drama. 3 vols. 8vo. LomL 1810 ■ The Modern British Drama. [Edited by Sir Walter Scott, Bart.] 5 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1811 Britton. [An ancient Treatise on the Law, written in French; attri- buted by some to John de Breton, Bp. of Hereford.] 8vo. Lond. H. Redman, n. d. ' second edition, faithfully corrected according to divers ancient manuscripts of the same Booke, by Edm. Wingate. 8vo. Lond. 1640 ■ Britton : containing the antient Pleas of the Crown ; translated, and illustrated with references, notes, and antient records, by R. Kelham. 8vo. Lond. 1762 see also Houard— Coutumes Anglo-Normandes, vol. 4. Britton (John). Memoirs of the life, writings, and character of Henry Hatcher, author of " The History of Salisbury," &c. 8vo. Lond. 1847 • ' The authorship of the Letters of Junius elucidated: including a biographical memoir of Lieutenant-Colonel Isaac Barre. 8vo. iUd. 1848 see also Beauties of England and Wales, and Brayley's History of Surrey. Britz (J.) Code de I'ancien Droit Belgique, ou Histoire de la Juris- prudence et de la Legislation, suivie de 1' Expose du Droit Civil des Provinces Belgiques. 2 vols, in 1, 4to. Bruxelles, 1847 Broadmead Records: see Knollys (Hanserd) Society. Brocker (Erdmann Gustav von). Jahrbuch fiir Rechtsgelehrte in Russland. 2 vols. 12mo. Riga, 1822-4 Brockett (John Trotter). A Glossary of North country words, with their etymology and occasional notices of local customs. The third edition, by W. E. Brockett. 2 vols. 8vo. Newcastle upon Tyne, 1846 Brodeau : see Louet. Broderip (William John) and Peregrine Bingham. Reports of Gases argued and determined in the Court of Common Pleas and other Courts, from Easter Term 59 Geo. III. to Easter Term 3 Geo. IV. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1820-22 Brodie (George). History of the British Empire, from the accession of Charles I. to the Restoration; with an Introduction, tracing the progress of Society, and of the Constitution, from the feudal times to the opening of the history. 4 vols. 8vo. Edinb. IS'22 Brodie (P. B.) Treatise on a Tax on Successions to Real as well as Pei'sonal Property, and the revival of the House Tax, as substitutes for the Income Tax ; and on Burdens on Land and Restrictions on Commerce and Loans of Money. 8vo. Lond. 1850 Broedersen (Nicolaus). Tractatus brevis de Reditibus utrimque redimibilibus. 4to. Delphis, 1729 Brogden (James). Catholic Safeguards against the errors, corrup- tions, and novelties of the Church of Rome ; being Discourses and Tracts, selected from the works of eminent divines of the Church of England, who Hved during the seventeenth century. With preface and records. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1851 BRO 115 Broorave (Sir John) : see Readinos. BuoKEsnY (Francis). The Life of Mr. Henry Dodwcll ; witli an account of his works, and an abridgment of them that are published, and of several of his manuscripts. 8vo. Land, lllo Bromley (Sir George, Bart.) A Collection of original Royal Lettei-s, written by King Charles the first and second, King James the second, and the King and Queen of Bohemia; together with original Letters bv Prince Rupert, and other distinguished persons ; from the year 1619 to 1065. 8vo. Lojid. 1787 Bromi'ton (Joannes): see Twysden Hist. Angl. Scriptores. Bronchoust (Everardus). Enarratio in titulum Digestorum de Re- guHs Juris. r2mo. Franco/. 1608 [another edition.] 12mo. Lugd. Bat. exoff. Elz. 1624 Conimentarius in tit. Digestorum de Regulis Juris Antiquij a J. L. Blasio auctus. I'imo. Amst. 1()65 Methodus Feudorum, quatuor publicis disputationibus. 12mo. Lugd. Bat. 1613 [another edition.] 12mo. Ultrajecti, 1652 Eyarriocpavwr Centuriffi duffi, et Conciliationes eorundem. 4to. Lvgd. Bat. 1595 Controversiarum Centuriae Sex, et Conciliationes eorundem. Accedit ejusdem Tractatus de privilegiis studiosorum, tum profes- sorum et doctorum. 8vo. Hardervici, 1652 Brook (Benjamin). The Lives of the Puritans, from the Reformation under Queen Elizabeth to the Act of Uniformity in 1662. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1813 Brooke (Edward). Bibliotheca Legum Anglioe : see Worrall. Brooke (James). Narrative of events in Borneo and Celebes, down to the occupation of Labuan : from the Journals of James Brooke, Esq. Rajah of Sarawak, and Governor of Labuan ; with a narrative of the operations of H. M. S. Iris, by Captain Rodney Mundy, R.N. 2 vols. 8vo. Lo/id. 1848 Brooke (Ralph). Catalogue and Succession of the Kings, Princes, Dukes, jNIarquesses, Earles, and Viscounts of this Realme of England, since the Norman Conquest, to this present yeere, 1622. fol. [Lond.] 1622 Brooke (Richard). Treatise on the Office and Practice of a Notary of England, as connected with mercantile instruments ; with a col- lection of Precedents. 8vo. Lond. 1839 Brooke (Sir Robert). La Graunde Abridgement. 2 vols. fol. Londi}ii, in (cdibus li. Tottcll, 1573 Ascuns Novel Cases de les ans et temjis le Roy H. 8. Edw. 6. & la Roygne Mary : escrie ex la graund Abridgement compose per Sir Robert Brooke. 8vo. Londini, in fcdihus Thoma' Wight, 1604 [another edition.] 8vo. Lond. 1025 The same, translated into English by John March. 8vo. ibid. 1651 ■ Reading upon the Statute of Magna Charta, chap. 16. 4to. Lo?id. 1641 i2 116 BRO Brooke (Sir Robert). Reading upon the Statute of Limitations 32 H. 8. c. 2. 12mo. Lond. 1647 Bkoom (Herbert). Practical Rules for determining Parties to Actions. 8vo. Lond. 1843 Selection of Legal Maxims, classified and illustrated. 8vo. ihid. 1845 ' __^_ second edition. 8vo. ihid. 1848 ' • The Practice of the Superior Courts of Common Law, with reference to matters within their concurrent jurisdiction. vol. 1. 8vo. Lond. 1850 The Practice of the County Courts. 12mo. ihid. 1852 Commentaries on tlie Common Law, designed as introductory to its study. 8vo. ibid. 1856 Broome (Captain Arthur). History of the rise and progress of the Bengal Army. vol. 1. 8vo. Calcutta, 1850 Brosses (Charles de). Traite de la Formation Mechanique des Langues, et des Principes Physiques de I'EtymoIogie. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1765 Brougham (Henry, Lord). Works. vols. 1—10. 12mo. Glasgow, 1855-57 Vol. 1. Lives of Philosophers of the time of George III. 2. Lives of Men of Letters of the time of George IIL 3 — 5. Historical Sketches of Statesmen who flourished in the time of George IIL 6. Natural Theology. 7. Rhetorical and Literary Dissertations and Addresses. 8. Historical and Political Dissertations. 9 — 10. Speeches on Social and Political subjects, with historical intro- ductions. Inquiry into the Colonial Policy of the European Powers. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinh. 1803 Speech in the House of Commons, on the 7th Feb. 1828, on the present State of the Law. 4to. Lond. 1828 Speeches upon Questions relating to Public Rights, Duties, and Interests ; with histoi-ical introductions, and a critical Dissertation upon the Eloquence of the Ancients. 4 vols. 8vo. JEdinh. 1838 Historical Sketches of Statesmen who flourished in the time of George III.; to which is added Remarks on Party, and on the French Revolution. First, second, and third series. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1839-43 Lives of Men of Letters and Science who flourished in the time of George III. 2 vols. 8vo. ihid. 1845-6 Acts and Bills : see Eardley-Wilmot. Broughton (Thomas). An historical Dictionary of all Religions from the creation of the world to this present time. fol. Lond. 1756 Broun (Archibald). Reports of Cases before the High Court and Circuit Courts of Justiciary in Scotland, during the years 1842 — 45. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinh. 1844-46 BRO 117 Brouwer (Henricus). Dc Jure Connubiorum [apud Batavos recepto] Libri duo. 4to. Amst. l(j(JG Browkll (William F.) The Real Property Statutes of VVilliiim IV, and \'ictoria ; uith explanatoiy notes. I'Jnio. Lund. 184(> Brown (Edward, M.D.) A brief Account of some Travels in llun- ^aria, Servia, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Thessaly, Austria, Styria, Carinthia, Carniola, and Friuli. 4to. Lonil. 1G73 Account of several Travels through a great part of Germany, in four Journeys. 4to. Lond. 1677 Brown (Goold). The Grammar of English Grammars, with an Introduction, historical and critical. 8vo. Lond. 1851 Brown (John). Essays on the Characteristics [of the Earl of Shaftes- bury]. Svo. Lond. 1752 Estimate of the Manners and Principles of the Times. The second edition. Svo. ibid. 1757 Brown ( Josiah). Reports of Cases upon Appeals and Writs of Error determined in tlie High Court of Pailiament, from the vear 1701 to 1779. 7 vols. fol. Lond. 1779-83 ■ second edition, with notes and additional cases, brought down to the year 1800, by T. E. Tomlins. 8 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1803 A New Abridgment of Cases in Equity, and of such Cases at Law, as relate to Equitable Subjects, from 1735 to the present time. vol. 1. 4to. ibid. 1793 Brown (M.P.) Treatise on the Law of Sale. Svo. Edinb. 1821 Supplement to the Dictionary of the Decisions of the Court of Session. 5 vols. 4to. ibid. 1826 General Synopsis of the Decisions of the Court of Session, from its institution until November 1827. 4 vols. 4to. ibid. 1829 Brown (Sir Thomas): see Browne. Brown (Thomas, M.D.) Lectures on the Philosophy of the jNIind. With a memoir of the author by David Welsh, D.D. Sixteenth edition. 4 vols. Svo. Edinb. 1846 Brown (William). Formulae bene Placitandi. A Book of Entries : containing variety of choice Precedents, of Counts, Declarations &c. In two parts. fol. Lond. 1G71 the second edition. fol. ibid. 1G75 Modus Intrandi Placita Generalia : the Entring Clerk's Intro- duction ; being a Collection of Precedents of Declarations and Pleadings, with notes and observations. 2 parts, Svo. iZ/«/. 1674-1703 The Clerk's Tutor in Chancery ; giving true Directions by authentick Precedents how to draw Attidavits, Petitions, &c. Svo. ibid. 1688 Praxis Alma; Curia? Cancellaria? : a Collection of Precedents, by Bill and Answer, Plea and Demurrer, in Causes of the greatest moment (wherein Equity hath been allowed), which have been commenced in the High Court of Chancery, for more than 30 years last past ; with an Introduction [prefixed to the second part] shewing the oriaiinal and antiquity of that Court, &,c. 2 vols. Svo. ibid. 1694-5 118 BRO Brown (Willinm). Praxis Almas Curiae Cancellaria3, etc. : second edition ; with a tliird part. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1705 ' third edition ; with additions. 2 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1714 ■ fourth edition j with great additions and corrections. 2 vols. 8vo. ihid. 1725 ' Privilefjia Parliamcntaria Senatus consensu sublata : being: Remarks upon the Acts of Parliament, 12 & 13 W. 3, and 2 & 3 Anna^ Reginas ; for presenting any inconveniences that may happen by Privilege of Parliament. 8vo. Lond. \1 04: Treatise of Fines upon writs of covenant, and Recoveries upon writs of entry in the post. Vol. I.; fifth edition, 1718. Vol. II.; containing a collection of Precedents ; second edition, 1719. 2 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1718-19 Brown (William). Reports of Cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery, from 18 Geo. III. 1778 to 34 Geo. III. 1794, during the time of Lord Chancellor Thurlow, &c. 4 vols. fol. Lond. 1785-94 fourth edition, by Robert Henley Eden. 4 vols. 8vo. ihid. 1819 fifth edition, by Robert Belt. 4 vols, 8vo. ihid. 1820 Browxe (Arthur, LL.D.) A compendious view of the Civil Law, and of the Law of the Admii-alty ; being the substance of a Course of liCctures read in the University of Dublin. The second edition, 2 vols. 8vo, Lond. 1802 A compendious View of the Ecclesiastical Law of Ireland; being the substance of a Course of Lectures read in the University of Dublin. Second edition. 8vo. Dublin, 1803 Browne (Isaac Hawkins). De Animi Immortalitate, Poema. 4to. Lond. 1754 The Immortality of the Soul; translated from the Latin by W. Hay. 4to. ihid. 1754 ' Poems upon various subjects, Latin and English. 8vo. ihid. 1768 Browne (John). The Practice of the High Court of Chancery under the New Orders, particularly in the Master's Office. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1830 Browne, (Peter, Bp, of Cork and Rosse), A Discourse of Drinking Healths ; wherein the great evil of this prevailing custom is shewn. 8vo. Lond. 1716 [ — -^ ] The Procedure, Extent, and Limits of Human Understanding. The second edition. 8vo. ihid. 1729 Browne (Rowland Jay). A practical Treatise on Actions at Law. 8vo. Lond. 1843 Browne (Sir Thomas). Works, containing: I. Enquiries into Vulgar and Common Errors. II. Religio Medici. III. Hydriotaphia, or Urn-Burial. IV. Certain Miscellany Tracts. fol. Lond. 1686 Works, including his unpublished correspondence, and a me- moir ; edited by Simon Wilkin. 4 vols. 8vo. ihid. 1846 BRO-BRU 110 Browne (Sir Thomas). Pseudodoxia Epidemica : or Enquiries into very many received tenents and commonly presumed trutlis. The sixth edition. " -Itu. Lund. ICfrl Religio Medici. The seventh edition; with annotations and observations by Sir Kenehn Digby. 4to. ibid. 1672 . Posthumous Works. I. llepertorium. IT. An Account of some Urnes kc. found at Brampton in Norfolk, 1667. III. Lettei*s between Sir W. Duedale and Sir Tho. Browne. \\. Miscellanies. 8vo. ihid. 1712 Browne (Thomas, LL.D.) The British Cicero; or, a Selection of the most admired Sj)eeches in the English Language; with historical illustrations : to which is prefixed, an introduction to the study and practice of eloquence. 3 vols. 8vo. XoA/r/. 1808 Brown LOW (Richard). Declarations and Pleadings in English : being the most authentique forme of Proceeding in Courts of Law. 2 parts, 4to. Lond. 1652-54 Brevia Judicinlia : or, an exact Collection of approved Forms of all sorts of Judiciall Writs in the Common Bench, fol. ibid. 1662 Brownlow Laiine Bedivivus, A Book of Entries of Declara- tions, Informations &c. contained in the Declarations and Pleadings of Richard Brownlow, unskiliully turned into English, and printed in the vears 16-53 and 1654, now published in Latin, their original language. fol. ibid. 1693 and John Goldesborough. Reports of diverse choice Cases in Law [in the Common Pleas, in the reif^ns of Eliz. and James I.] Part I. ; second edition. Part II. [first edition]. 4to. ibid. 1654-52 Part I.; third edition. Part II., second edition. 4to. ibid. 1675 Brownrig (Ralph, Bp. of Exeter). Sixty-five Sermons ; published by W. Martyn, M.A. 2 vols, in 1, fol. Lund. 1674 Bruce (Alexander). Principia Juris Feudalis, Institutionum Impe- rialium mcthodo (quantum materia? feudalis ratio patitur) disjjosita. Accedunt not« et obscrvationes practicae, ad mores patrios tarn anti- quos quam hodiernos, singulis titulis annexoB. 12nio. Edinb. 1713 . The Institutions of Military Law, ancient and modern. 8vo. ibid. 1717 Decisions of the Lords of Council and Session, November 1714 to Julv 1715, with the Acts of Sederunt made in that time. ^ fol. ibid. 1720 Bruce (Robert): see Barbour. Bruce (John). An Outline of tho History of the Court of Star Chamber. [Reprinted ii-om the Arclut'ologia, vol. 25.] ^ ^ 4to. Lond. 1834 Bruckerus (Jacobus). Historia Critica Philosophia-, a muncli ijicu- nabulis ad nostram usque a.'tatcm deducta. 6 vols. 4to. Lijis. 1767 -i^ Bruckner (J. A.) Essai sur la Nature et I'Origine des Droits, ou Deduction des Principes de la science philosophique du Droit. Seconde edition. 8vo. Leipzig, 1818 Brueys: see HoivATius. 120 BRU— BRY Brugmans (Antonius). Dissertatio Juridica Inauguralis, de Morte Civili. 8vo. LiKjd. Bat. 1824 Brummeriana ; sive Opuscula Juridico-Historico-Philologica Friderici Brummeri, cum pra^fatione G. Beyeri. 8vo. Lipsia?, 1712 Brumoy (Pierre). Le Theatre des Grecs. 6 vols. 12rao. Amst. 1732 The Greek Theatre, translated by Mrs. Charlotte Lennox [as- sisted by the Earl of Cork and Orrery, Dr. Samuel Johnson, and others.] 3 vols. 4to. Lond. 1759 Brunet (Jacques Charles). Manuel du Libraire et de FAmateur de £,ivres. 4 vols, in 2, 8vo. Paris, 1 820 : Nouvelles Rechcrches Bibliographiques ; pour servir de Supplement au Manuel du Libraire. 3 vols, in 1, 8vo. ibid. 1834 Manuel du Libraire, &c. ; quatrieme edition, entierement revue par I'auteur. 5 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1842-44 [Brunet, Jesin Louis.] Histoire du Droit Canonique ft du gouverne- ment de I'Eglise, par M.** l-2mo. Paris, 1720 Brunnemannus (Johannes). Tractatus Juridicus de Inquisitionis Processu. 4to. Wittebergce, 1679 Tractatus Juridicus de Processu Fori legitime instituendo et abbreviando. 4to. ibid. 1679 Tractatus duo, de Processu tum Criminali Inquisitorio, turn CiviU. Accessit ejusdem Tractatus de Cessione Actiotium et Con- cursu Creditorum. 4to. Franco/. 1697 Commentarius in quinquaginta Libros Pandectarum, a Samuele Strykio editus. fol. Wittebergce, 1701 [another edition.] fol. ibid. 1714 Commentarius in Codicem Justinianeum. fol. Lipsits, 1717 Brunquell (Joannes Salomo). Historia Juris Romano-Germanici. Accessit Dissertatio prfleliminaris de Linguarum, Philosophiae, Anti- quitatum et Historiarum studio cum Jurisprudentia jungendo. Editio altera. 8vo. Amst. 1730 editio tertia. 8vo. ibid. 1740 Brunswick : see Braunschweig. Brunton (George) and David Haig. An historical Account of the Senators of the College of Justice, from its institution in 1532. 8vo. JEdinb. 1832 Brusonius (L. Domitius). Facetiarum Exemplorumque Libri VII., studio Conradi Lycosthenis editi. 4to. Basilew, [1559] Brusselius (Philibertus). De Conditionibus Libri quatuor. 8vo. Bruxellee, 1659 Bhussel (Nicolas). Nouvel Examen de I'Usage general des Fiefs en France pendant le xi. le xii. le xiii. et le xiv. siecle, pour servir a I'intelligence des plus anciens titres du domaine de la Couronne. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1727 Brussius (Alex.) Principia Juris Feudalis : see Bruce. Bryan (Michael). A biographical and critical Dictionary of Painters and Engravers, from the revival of the art under Cimabue, and the alleged discovery of Engraving by Finiguerra. A nevp edition, continued to the present time, by George Stanley. 8vo. Lond. 1849 BRY— BUG 121 Bryant (Jacob\ Observations and Inquiries rclatinjr to various parts of Ancient History; containing Dissertations on the Wind Eurocly- don, and on the Island Melite, with an account of K: « TTC? la Caroline. 8vo. Bieyine, 17()7 Code Criminel de I'Empereur Charles V. vulgaircment appelle la Caroline ; contenant les Loix qui sont suivies dans les Jurisdic- tions Criminelles de I'Empire. 4to. Maestricht, 177U Delia venuta e dimora in Bologna del Somrao Pontefice Clemente VII. per la Coronazione di Carlo V. Tm])cratore celebrata Tanno 1530. Cronaca con note, document! ed incisioui pubblicata da Gaetano Giordani. 8vo. j5o/oir»«, 1842 Carolus VI. Card den VI. ende Maria Elizabeth Aerts-hertoghinne van Oostenrijk. De Vry Zee-bevaeringe uyt de Wet der Natur, der Volckeren, en der Borgeren bevestigt, door C. P. Pattyn in het Latijn uyt-gegeven, ende in Nedcr-duydtsche Taele ovei-ghes^elt door * * * ^* 12nio. DriKjtjhe, \121 Carpenter (Samuel). Statement of the Evidence and Arguments of Counsel before the Committee of the House of Commons upon the Controverted Election for Saltash, with a few annotations. 8vo. Lond. 1808 Carvmael (William). The Law of Patents for Inventions, familiarly explained for the use of inventors and patentees. Third edition. ^ 8vo. Lond. 1842 fifth edition. 8vo. ihid. 1852 Law Reports of Patent Cases. vol. 1, 8vo. ihid. 1843 Carpzovius (Benedictus). Jurisprudentia Forensis Romano-Saxo- nica, exhibens Definitiones secundum ordinem Constitutionum D. August! Electoris Saxoniae. Editio quarta. fol. Lipsice, 16(33 editio novissima, ab Andrea Mylio rcvisa. 4 parts in 2 vols. fol. ibid. 1703 Decisiones Illustres Saxonicffi. fol. ibid. 1690 Practica Nova Iraperialis Saxonica Rerum Criminaliumj editio quinta. 3 parts in 1 vol. fol. Witteherga; 1665 editio nona. fol. Lipsitp, 1695 editio novissima, variis obscrvationibus aucta a J. ^-^F* Bohmero. fol. Franco/, nd Mocnuvi, 1758 Disputationes Historico-Politico-Juridica?. 4to. Lipsice, 1651 Carr (Richard, M.D.) Medicinal Epistles, done into English, by John Quincy. 8vo. Lond. 1714 Carr (Rev. w"^illiam). The Dialect of Craven, in the West-Riding of the County of York, with a copious Glossary, illustrated by autho- rities from ancient English and Scottish writers, and exemplified by two familiar Diidogues. The second edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Land. 1828 Carranza (Alphonsus a). Tractatus de Partu Naturali et Legitimo. Cui additic sunt dua; Exercitationcs C A. Fabroti de tempore liumani partus, et de numero puorperii. Item ejusdem Alphonsi a Carranza Diatriba super prima Temporum doctrina. 4to. GcnevfP, 1()29 154 CAR Carre (Guillaume Louis Jiilien). Lc Droit Fran^ais dans ses rap- ports avec la Juridiction des Justices de Paix. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1833 Traite des Lois de 1' Organisation Judiciaire, et de la Compe- tence des Juridictions Civiles. Nouvelle edition, revue et annotee par V. Foucher. 8 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1839 Les Lois de la Procedure Civile ; ouvrage dans lequel I'auteur a refondu son Analyse raisonnee, son Traite, et ses Questions sur la Procedure. Troisieme edition, par M. Chauveau Adolphe. 6 vol. 8vo. ibid. 1841-3 Carrey (Emile). Recueil complet des Actes du Gouvernement Pro- visoire (Fevrier, Mars, Avril, Mai 1848), avec des notes explicatives. 2 parts, 12ino. Paris, 1848 Carrighan (Terentius). The Chancery Student's Guide, in the form of a didactic poem, setting forth in metrical verse the outline and leading features of a Chancery Suit. 8vo. Lond. 1850 Carrington (Frederick Augustus). Supplement to all the modern Treatises on the Criminal Law. The third edition. 12mo. Lond. 1828 and J. Payne. Reports of Cases argued and ruled at Nisi Prius, in the Courts of King's Bench, Common Pleas, and Ex- chequer; together with Cases tried on the Circuits, and in the Central Ci-iminal Court; from Michaelmas Term, 4 Geo. IV. to Easter Term, 4 Vict. 9 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1825-41 and J. R. Marshman. Reports of Cases at Nisi Prius, &c. from Easter Term 4 Vict, to Hilary Term 6 Vict. 8vo. ibid. 1843 and A. V. Kirwan. Reports of Cases argued at Nisi Prius, &c. from Hil. Term, 6 Vict, to Trin. Term 16 Vict. 2 vols, and vol. 3, parts 1, 2. [vols. 2 and 3 containing also Crown Cases Reserved, from 12 to 16 Vict.] 8vo. ibid. 1845-50 Carstares. State Papers and Letters addressed to William Carstares, confidential Secretary to King William, relating to public affairs in Great Britain, but more particularly in Scotland, during the reigns of K. William and Q. Anne, to which is prefixed the Life of Mr. Carstares. Published from the originals, by Joseph M'^Cormick, D.D. 4to. Edinb. 1774 Carstens (Christian Nicolaus). Beytriige zur Erlauterung des Lii- beckischen Rechts. 2 vols. 8vo. Liibeck, 1801-14 Carta de Logu : see Eleonora; and Buchon— Chroniques Na- tionales, vol. 25. Carta feodi simplicis cu littera atturnatoria. 4to. London pe?- Winandum de Worde, s. a. Carta feodi. Parvus Libellus continens formas multarum rerum. 12mo. Loud. R. Redman, 1541 Cartari (Vincenzo). Le Imagini de i Dei de gli Antichi, nelle quali si contengono gl' idoli, riti, ceremonie, et altre cose appartenenti alia religione de gli antichi. 8vo. Lione, 1591 Carte (Thomas). Histoiy of the Life of James Duke of Ormonde, from his birth in 1610 to his death in 1688; with a collection of Letters concerning affairs of State. 3 vols. fol. Lond. 1735-6 CAR 155 Carte (Thomas). A Collection of Orifrinal Letters and Papere, con- cerning the atfairs of England, from the year 1G41 to KKiO, found among the Duke of Ormonde's papers. 2 vols. 8vo. LoiuL 1739 Catalogue des Rollcs Gascons, Normans et Fran(;ois, conserves dans les Archives de la Tour de Londres. 2 vols. fol. ibid. 1743 A general History of England, from the earliest times Jo the year 1654. 4 vols. fol. ibid. 1747-5-3 Carter (Edmund). History of the University of Cambridge, from its original to the year 1753. ' 8vo. Loud. 17o3 Carter (Matthew). Honor Redivivus: or, the Analysis of Honor and Armory. The third edition. 8vo. Lond. 16/3 [Carter, Samuel.] Reports of several special Cases argued and resolved in the Court of Common Pleas, in the 16th, 17th, 18th, and 19th years of K. Charies II. in the time of Sir Oriando Bridtrman ; to which are added some cases adjudged in the time of Ch. J. N aughan. •^ fol. Lond. 1688 r 1 Lex Custumaria : or, a Treatise of Copyhold Estates. "- ^ 8vo. ibid. 169Q [ ] Lex Vadiorum : the Law of Mortgages. 8vo. ibid. 1706 [ ] Legal Provisions for the Poor : or, a Treatise of the Common and Statute Laws concerning the Poor. 12mo. ibid. 1710 Cartesius : see Descartes. Cartiiew (Thomas, Serjeant at Law). Reports of Cases adjudged in the Court of King's Bench, from 3 James II. to 12 William III. ^ fol. Loiid. 1728 CartwrictHT (Thomas). Second Replie agaynst Maister Doctor Whito-iftes second Answer touching the Churche Discipline. ° 4to. 1575 The rest of the second Replie against Master Doctor Whitgifts second Answer, touching the Church Discipline. 4to. 1577 Metaphrasis et Homilia? in Librum Salomoni?, qui inscribitur Ecclesiastes. 8vo. Marptirfjl Cattorum, 1604 Commentarii succinct! et dilucidi in Proverbia Salonionis. 4to. Liujd. Bat. 1617 see also Camden Society, Xo. 22. Gary (Sir George). Reports, or Causes in Chancery; out of the labours of Master William Lambert. 12mo. Lond. 1650 [another edition.] 12mo. ihid. 1820 Cary CHenrv\ A practical Treatise on the Law of Juries at Nisi p,.iJig^ ^^ ^ 12mo. Lond.m2(S Cary (John). A Vindication of the Pariiament of England, in answer to a Book written bv William Molvncux of Dublin, Esq. intituled. The Case of Irelands'being boimd by Acts of Pariiament in l^»glaiHl, stated. 8vo. Land. 1698 156 CAR— CAS Gary (Robert, LL.D.) Palaeologia Chronica: a Chronological Ac- count of Ancient Time, in three Parts; I. Didactical. II. Apo- deictical. III. Canonical. fol. Lond. 1677 Caryl (Joseph). An Exposition, with practical observations, upon the Book of Job. 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1676-7 Casa (Giovanni della). Galateo, overo Trattato de Costumi, Italiano et Francese. 8vo. Lione, 1573 Galateo, ovvero de' Costumi, colla traduzione Latina di N. Fierberto. 12mo. Padova, 1728 Casaregis (Josephus Laurentius Maria de). Discursus Legales de Commercio ; et Elucubrationes ac Resolutiones in aliquot, et ad integra Statuta de Decretis, ac de Successionibus ab Intestato Reipublicae Genuensis. Editio secunda. 4 vols, in 1, fol. Venetiis, 1740 Cases in Chancery. Cases argued and decreed in the High Court of Chancery, from the 12th year of K. Charles II. to the 31st. fol. Lond.\Qm Cases argued and decreed in the High Court of Chancery [in the reigns of Charles II. and James II., in three Parts]. Part I. ; third edition. Part II.: second edition. Part III. ; third edition. fol. Lond. 1735 see also Select Cases in Chancery. Cases temp. Talbot. Cases in Equity during the time of Lord Chan- cellor Talbot [by Forrester]. fol. Lond. 1741 third edition, by J. G. Williams. 8vo. ihid. 1792 Cases temp. Hardwicke. Cases argued and adjudged in the Court of King's Bench, in the 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th years of K. Geo. II. in the time of Lord Chief Justice Hardwicke. To which are added, some Determinations of Lord Chief Justice Lee, and two Equity Cases by Lord Chancellor Hardwicke. fol. Lond. 1770 second edition, with notes, by T. Lee. 8vo. Lond. 1815 see also West. Cases of Practice in the Court of King's Bench, from the reign of Q. Elizabeth to the 14th of K. George III. selected from the Books of Reports, and methodically arranged. By a Gentleman of the Middle Temple. 4to. Lond. 1778 Cases and Resolutions of Cases adjudged in the Court of King's Bench, concerning Settlements and Removals, from the first year of K. George I. to the present Reio-n. The third edition, with additions. ^ ° 8vo. Lond. 1732 Cases (Select and Curious) of Polygamy, Concubinage, Adultery, Divorce, &c. seriously and learnedly discussed. 12mo. Lond. 1736 Cases and Opinions : see Burton (Philip). Casimirus (Mathias) Sarbievius. Lyricorum Libri IV. Epodon Liber unus; altcrque Epigranmiatum. 12mo. Antverpice, l&d4: CAS 157 Casimirus (Matbias) Sarbievius. Odes, translated by G. H[ilsl, witli the Latin. 12mo. Lund. 1G46 Casiri (Michael). Bibliotheca Arabico-Hispana Escurialensis, sive Librorum omnium MSS. quos Arabice ab auctoribus nia^nam partem Arabo-Hispanis composites Bibliotheca Coenobii Escu- rialensis coraplectitur, reccnsio et explanatio. 2 vols. fol. Matriti, 1760-70 Casley (David). Catalogue of MSS. of the King's Library: see Catalogues. Casonus (Franciscus). Tractatus duo, de Indiciis et Tormentis. 8vo. Col. Arjripp. 1594 Cassation (Cour de) — Bulletin des Arrets: see Bulletin. Cassianus (Joannes). Opera omnia, cum Commentariis Alardi Gazsei. fol- Atrchati, 1628 see also Damascenus. Cassiodorus (Magnus Aurelius). Opera omnia quae exstant. 8vo. Au7-elke Allohr. 1609 Casteijon (^gidius de). Alphabetum Juridicum. Editio nova. 2 vols. fol. Lugduni et Colonice, 1738 Castellus (Edmundus). Lexicon Heptaglotton : Hebraicum, Chal- daicum, Syriacum, Samaritanum, yEtliiopicum, Arabicum, et Per- sicum. Ciii accessit brevis et harmonica (quantum fieri potuit) Grammaticae omnium prcecedentium Linguarum delineatio. 2 vols. fol. Londini, 16G9 Castelli (Giuseppe Antonio). Le Dispozioni del Regolamento Generale del Processo Civile in armonia tra loro, ed in riscontro cogli altri Codici, colle Patenti Sovrane, ecc. 8vo. 3IiIano, 1828 Castelnau (Michel de) : see Petitot, vol. 33. Castiglione (II Conte Baldassar). II Cortegiano, nuovamente revisto per M. Lodovico Dolce. 12mo. Venetia, 1565 Le parfait Courtisan, es deux langues, respondans par deux colomnes, de la traduction de Gabriel Chapuis. 8vo. Li/on, 1580 II Cortegiano, or the Courtier : and a new version into English ; with several of his pieces, in prose and verse ; to which is prefixed the Life of the author; by A. P. Castiglione. 4to. Loud. 1727 Balthasaris Comitis Casti bonis de Curiali sive Aulico Libri IV., ex Italico scrmone in Latinum conversi, interprete BartholoniKO Clerke; recensuit S. Drake. 8vo. Cantab. 1713 Castilla — El Fuero Viejo, Derecho Civil, Sec. : see Asso y del Rio. Ordenanq-as Reales : see Perez de Salamanca. Castillo Sotomayor (Joannes del). Opera omnia: Quotidians Controversial Juris, cum additionibus et observationibus J. P. M^eli^ et Repertorio N. Antonii. 10 vols, in 9, fol. Col. Allob. 1727-1726 Castlemaine: see Wright. 158 CAS— CAT Castlereagh (Viscount, second Marquess of Londonderry). Memoirs nnd Correspondence. Edited by his brother Charles Wm. Vane, Marquess of Londonderry. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1848-9 Correspondence, Despatches, and other papers. Second Series. Military and Miscellaneous. 4 vols. 8vo. iUd. 1851 ■ Correspondence, Despatches and other papers. Third Series. Military and Diplomatic. 4 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1853 Castro (Alfonsus a). De Potestate Legis Poenalis Libri duo. 8vo. AntverpifB, 1568 Castro (Juan Francisco de). Discursos Criticos sobre las Leyes y sus Interpretes; en que se demuestra la incertidumbre de estos, y la necesidad de un nuevo y metodico cuerpo de Derecho para la recta administracion de Justicia. Segunda edicion. 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. Madrid, 1829 Caswall (Alfred). Treatise on Copyholds. Second edition. 12mo. Lond. 1840 Catalde (M. de). Le Paysan Gentilhomme, ou Avantures de M. Ransav. 12mo. La Haye, 1738 Catalogue of the Lords, Knights, and Gentlemen that have com- pounded for their Estates. 8vo. Lond. 1655 Catalogue of the Great Exhibition of 1851 : see Exhibition. Catalogue. The London Catalogue of Books published in Great Britain, with their sizes, prices, and publishers' names, from 1814 to 1846. 8vo. Lond. 1846 ■ from 1816 to 1851. 8vo. ibid. 1851 Bibliotheca Londinensis : a classified Index to the Literature of Great Britain during thirty years, arranged from and serving as a kev to the London Catalogue of Books, 1814-46. 8vo. ibid. 1848 Catalogues of Libraries. Catalog! Librorum MSS. Anglise et Hiberniae in unum collecti cum Indice alphabetico [cura Edv. Bernard, cum vita T. Bodleii, et Historia Bibl. Bodleianse]. fol. Oxonite, 1697 Catalogue of the Harleian Collection of Manuscripts, purchased by authority of Parliament for the use of the publick and preserved in the British Museum. [By H. Wanley, D. Casley, and W. Hocker.] * 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1759 see also Record Commission. Catalogue of the Cottonian MSS.: see Record Commission. Catalogue of the Lansdowne MSS. : see Record Commission. Catalogue of the Manuscripts of the King's Library : an Appendix to the Catalogue of the Cottonian Library ; with an Account of Books burnt or damaged by a late Fire; specimens of the manner of writing, from the third to the fifteenth century, &c. by David Casley. 4to. Lond. 1734 CAT 159 Catalogues of Libraries — contimied. CatalojTiie of the Manuscripts preserved in the British Museum hitherto undescribed : including; the Colleetions of Sir Hans Sloane, Bart., the Rev. Thomas Birch, D.D., &c. By Samuel Ayscough. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1782 Catalogue of Manuscripts formerly in the possession of Francis Harirrave, Esq., now deposited in the British Museum. [Bv Sir Henry Ellis.] 4to. Lond. 1818 Catalogus Codieum Manuscrijitoruni Orientaliuni qui in Museo Britannico asservantur. Pars prima. Codices Syriacos et Car- shunicosamplcctens. [By the Rev. J. Forshall.] fbl. Lond. 1838 Catalogue of Manuscripts in the British Museum. New Series. Vol. I. In three parts. [Bv the Rev. J. Forshall.] fol. Lond. 1834-40 Part I. The Arundel Manuscripts. Part II. The Burney Manuscripts. Part III. Index. Catalogus Lihrorum impressorum qui in Museo Britannico adser- vantur. [By the Rev. P. H. Maty, Rev. S. Harper, and Rev. S. Ayscough.] 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1787 Catalogus Lihrorum impressorum qui in Museo Britannico asser- vantur. [By Sir IL Ellis and the Rev. H, H. Baber.] 7 vols, in 8, 8vo. Lond. 1813-19 Catalogue of Printed Books in the British Museum. [Bv A. Panizzi.] Vol. L fol. LondA%A\ Bibliotheca Grenvilliana ; or Bibliographical Notices of rare and curious Books, forming part of the Library of the Rt. Hon. Thomas Grenville : by J. T. Payne and H. Foss. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1842 Part the second ; completing the Catalogue of the Library bequeathed to the Britisli Museum by the lit. Hon. T. Gren- ville, by J. T. Payne and H. Foss, 8vo. ibid. 1848 Catalogue of the Manuscript Maps, Charts, and Plans, and of the Topographical Drawings in the British Museum. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1844 Catalogue of the Books in the Library of the House of Commons. fol. Lond. 1857 Supplement, containing a List of Books presented to the Library by the East India Company. fbl. ibid. 1857 Bibliotheca? Cleri Londinensis in Collegio Sionensi Catalogus, auctore Guliclmo Reading. fol. Lond. 1724 ■ The History of the ancient and present state of Sion Col- lege near Cripplegate, and of the London Clergy's Library there, by W. Reading. fol. ibid. 1724 Catalogue of the Printed Books and Manuscripts in the Library of the Inner Temple, alphabetically arranged. 8vo. Lond. 1806 arranged in classes. 8vo. ibid. 1833 Bibliotheca Illustris Medii Templi Societatis, in ordinem juxta rerum naturam redacta ac digesta : auspicio et sumptu Barth. Shower, Militis, hujus .^dis Qux-storis. 8vo. Lond. 1700 160 CAT Catalogues of 'LiBnAni'ES— continued. CataloEfue of the Library of the Middle Temple. Part I. arranged according to Classes. Part II. arranged Alphabetically. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1845 Catalogue of the Printed Books, to which is prefixed a short account of the Manuscripts, in the Library of Lincoln's Inn. 8vo. Lond. 1835 Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the Library of the Hon. Society of Lincoln's Inn. By the Rev. J. Hunter. 8vo. Lond. 1838 Catalogue of portions of the Library of C. P. Cooper, Esq. : see Cooper. Catalogue of the Books in the Library of the College of Advocates in Doctors' Commons. 8vo. Lond. 1848 Catalogue of the Library of the Law Society of the United Kingdom, incorporated by charters 2 W. IV. and 9 Vict. 8vo. Lond. 1851 Catalogue of the Library in Red Cross Street, Cripplegate ; founded pursuant to the will of the Rev. Daniel Williams, D.D. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1841 Catalogue of the Library of the Royal Institution of Great Britain, including a complete list of all the Greek writers by the Rev. Charles Burney, D.D. ; methodically arranged, with an alpha- betical Index of authors, by W. Harris. 8vo. Lond. 1821 A new Classified Catalogue of the Library of the Royal Institution of Great Britain, with indexes of authors and subjects, and a list of historical Pamphlets, chronologically arranged. By B. Vincent. 8vo. iUd. 1857 Catalogue of the Library of the London Institution, systematically classed. 4 vols. 8vo. [not published.] Lond. 1835-52 Catalogue of the Library of the Corporation of the City of London, instituted in the year 1824. 8vo. Lond. 1828 ■ Catalogue of the Library of the Corporation of the City of London. With Supplement. 8vo. ibid. 1840^2 Alphabetical Index, including the several donations and purchases up to the present time. 8vo. ibid. 1846 Bibliotheca Sussexiana. A Descriptive Catalogue, accompanied by historical and biographical notices, of the Manuscripts and Printed Books contained in the Library of his Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex, in Kensington Palace. By T. J. Pettigrew. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1827-39 Catalogue of the Arundel Manuscripts in the Library of the College of Arms. 8vo. [not published.] io?irf. 1829 Catalogue of the miscellaneous Manuscripts preserved in the Library of the Royal Society. By J. O. Halhwell. 8vo. Lond. 1840 A descriptive Catalogue of the Historical Manuscripts in the Arabic and Persian languages, preserved in the Library of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. By W. H. Morley. 8vo. Lond. 1854 Catalogue of the Library of the Hon. East-India Company. 8vo. Lond. 1845 CAT 161 Catalogues of Libraries — continued. Cataloorue of the Library of the Athenaeum. 1845. Supplement ; with a classified Index of Subjects [by B. R. Wheatley]. 1851. 2 vols. 8vo. Land. 1845-51 Catalofjue of the London Library, 12, St. James's Square. By J. G. Cochrane. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1847-52 Three Catalogues, describing the contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer, of the Dodsworth Manuscripts in the Bodleian Library, and of the Manuscripts in the Library of the Hon. Society of Lincoln's Inn. By the Rev. Joseph Hunter. 8vo. ihid. 1838 Catalogus impressorura Librorum Bibhothecfe Bodleianae in Aca- demia Oxoniensi [cura R. Fysher]. 2 vols. fol. Oxon. 1738 Catalogus Librorum impressorum Bibliothecae Bodleiana; in Academia Oxoniensi [cura B. Bandinel, D.D.]. 4 vols. fol. ibid. 1843-51 Bibliothecffi Bodleianae Codicum Manuscriptorum Orien- talium, videlicet Hebraicorum, Chaldaicorum, Syriacorum, ^thiopicorum, Arabicorum, Persicorum, Turcicorum, Copti- corumque Catalogus, a Joanne Uri confectus. Pai-s prima. fol. Oxonii, 1787 Pars secunda, Arabicos complectens. Confecit A. Nicoll, J.C.D. ; editionem absolvit et Catalogum Urianum aliquatenus emendavit E. B. Pusey, S.T.B. fol. ibid. 1835 Catalogus Librorum Manuscriptorum in Bibliotheca CoUegii Cor- poris Christi in Cantabrigia, quos legavit Matthaeus Parkerus, Archiepiscopus Cantuariensis [per Gul. Stanley, S.T.P.] fol. Lo7id. 1722 Catalogue of the Library of the College of St. Margaret and St. Bernard, commonly called Queen's Collecre, in the University of Cambridge, methodically arranged by T. H. Home. 8vo. Lond. 1827 Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the Librarv of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge. By the Rev. J. J. Smith. 8vo. Camb.lS49 List of the Early Printed Books in the Librarv of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge. By W. R. Collett.' 8vo. ibid. 1850 The Manuscript Rarities of the University of Cambridge. By J. O. IlaUiwell. 8vo. Lund. 1841 Catalogi veteres Librorum Ecoles. Cath. Dunelmensis: see Surtees Society, No. 7. Bibliotheca MS. Stowensis. A descriptive Catalogue of the Manu- scripts in the Stowe Library. By the Rev. Charles O'Conor, ^■^' 2 vols. 4to. Buckingham, 1818-19 Catalogue of the Library removed from Stowe House, Buckin^rham- shire; sold by auction in 1849. 8vo. LoticL 1S49 Bibliotheca Parriana: a Catalogue of the Library of the Rev. Samuel Pan^ LL.D. [By H. G. Bohn.] 8vo. Lond. 1827 Catalogue of the Library of the Athenaeum, Liverpool; by G. I^^'Tell. 8vo. Liverpool, 1820 M 162 CAT CATALoauKS OF LiBKARiES — Continued. Catalogue of Law Books in the Library at Hartvvell. [By H. Ma'cnamara.] 8vo. Loud. 1855 Auctarium Bibliothecae Edinbursfenae, sive Catalogus Librorum quos Guil. Drummondus ab Hawtbornden Bibliothecse D.D.Q. anno 1627. 4to. Edinb. ] 627. Reprinted by J. Ballantine, 1815 Catalogue of the Library of the Faculty of Advocates, Edinburgh. 3 vols. fol. Edinb. 1742-1776-1807 Cataloo-ue of the Law Books in the Advocates Library. ° 8vo. ibid. 1831 Catalogue of the Library of the Writers to his Majesty's Signet. [Classed.] 4to. Edinb. 1805 Catalogue of the Library of the Society of Writers to the Signet. [Alphabetical.] In four parts ; with a general index. 4to. ibid. 1837 Catalogue of the Law Books in the Library of the Writers to her Majesty's Signet in Scotland ; arranged systematically, with an alphabetical index of authors and subjects. By W. Ivory. 8vo. Edmb. 1856 Catalogus impressorum Librorum in Bibliotheca Universitatis Glas- guensis, studio Archibaldi Arthur. fol. Glasgnce, 1791 Catalogue of the Law Books contained in the Library of the Hon. Society of King's Inns. 8vo. DuU. 1823 Catalogue of the Library of the Royal Dublin Society. 8vo. ibid. 1839 Catalogue of the New- York State Library ; prepared and published in compliance with the provisions of an Act of the Legislature. [By J. L. TiUinghast and G. Wood.] 8vo. Albany, 1846 Catalogue of the Law Books in the New- York State Library, December, 1849. 8vo. ibid. 1849 Alphabetical Index to the Astor Library, or Catalogue, with short titles of the books now collected and of the proposed accessions, as submitted to the Trustees, Jan. 1851. 8vo. New York, 1851 Catalogue of the Law Library of Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts : with preface by Charles Sumner. «vo. Cambridfje (U. S.) 1834 second edition, by W. R. Woodward. 8vo. ibid. 1841 Catalogue of the Books belonging to the Library Company of Philadelphia ; to which is prefixed, a short account of the Insti- tution. 2 vols. 8vo. Philad. 1835 Catalogue of the Library of the Supreme Court of Victoria. Part I. Bibliotheca Legis. 8vo. Lond. 1855 Bibliotheque Imperiale. Catalogue de I'Histoire de France, public par ordre del'Empereur. vols. 1 — 5, 4to. Paris, 1855-58 Bibliotheca Gandavensis. Catalogue methodique de la Bibliotheque de I'Universite de Gand ; precede d'une histoire de cette Bib- liotheque, et suivi de tables de noms d'auteurs etc. par A. Voisin. Jurisprudence. 8vo. Gmid, 1839 CAT 163 Catalooues of Libraries — continued. Bibliothcca Pinelliana. Cat:ilolement. 8vo. ibid. 1841 Chancellors. Lives of all the Lords Chancellors, Lords Keepers, and Lords Commissionei-s of the Great Seal of England, from WiUiam the Conqueror to the present time : but moi'e at large of those two great opposites, Edward Earl of Clarendon, and Bulstrode Lord Whitlock. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1712 Chancery: see Cases; Orders; Practical Register j Reports j Select Cases. . Choice Cases in Chancery [printed with the Practice of the High Court of Chancery] : see Practice. Proceedings in Chancery. An unfinished volume, containing Early Bills or Petitions addressed to the Lord Chancellor, edited by Mr. Samuel Lysons Keei>er of the Records in the Tower. 8vo. [ZonfZ. 1816] Contents:—!. Selected Bills in Chancery of 17, IS, and 19 Ric. II. ; Henry V.; Henry VI.; and 1—5 Edw. IV. 2. Index Locorum to Chancery Proceedings temp. Eliz. 3. Index Locorum to Char.cery Proceedings temp. Jac. I. [as far as the wrrd Bosbury.] Chancery Commission. Report made to his Majesty by the Com- missioners appointed to inquire into the Practice of Chancery. [Sessional Papers of the House of Commons.] fol. Lund. 1826 Reports [First, Second, and Third] of her Majesty's Commis- sioners appointed to inquire into the Process, Practice, and System of Pleading in the Court of Chancery. [Sessional Papers of the House of Commons.] fol. ibid. 1852-54-56 Chances. Uytreekening der Kanssen in het Speelen, door de Arith- metica en Algebra, beneevens een Verhandehng van Lootereyen en Interest, door N.S. 4to. Amst. 1716 Chandler (E-ery, as are essential to be known by members of Parlia- ment, lawyers, magistrates, &c. Part I. 8vo. ibid. 1834 The Practice of the Law in all its departments; with new prac- tical Forms. Third edition ; the third voliimc edited by Robert Lush. 3 vols. 8vo. ibid'. 1837-42 174 CHI-CHR Chitty (Joseph). A practical Treatise on Bills of Exchange, Checks on Bankers, Promissory Notes, Bankers' Cash Notes and Bank Notes ; with references to the Law of Scotland, France and America. The ninth edition, by J. Chitty and J. W. Hulme. 8vo. Lond. 1840 A practical Treatise on the Stamp Laws ; with an Appendix of the Statutes, and notes thereon. Second edition, bv J. W. Hulme. l-2mo. ibid. 1841 third edition, by S. Atkinson. 12mo. ibid. 1850 Chitty (Joseph, Jun.) Treatise on the Law of the Prerogatives of the Crown ; and the relative duties and rights of the Subject. 8vo. Lond. 1820 ■ A practical Treatise on Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes, and Bankers' Checks. 2 vols. 8vo. ihid. 1834 Precedents in Pleading; with copious notes on Practice, Pleading and Evidence. In two parts; the second part edited by H. Pearson and Tompson Chitty. 8vo. ibid. 1836-38 second edition, by H. Pearson. 8vo. ibid. 1847 A practical Treatise on the Law of Contracts, not under Seal ; and upon the usual Defences to Actions thereon. The third edition, by Tompson Chitty. 8vo. ibid. 1841 fifth edition, by John A. Russell. 8vo. ibid. 1853 Chitty (Thomas). Forms of practical Proceedings in the Courts of Queen's Bench, Common Pleas, and Exchequer of Pleas. Sixth edition. 12mo. Lond. 1847 seventh edition, with notes and observations. 12mo. ibid. 1856 Chitty (Tompson) and Leofric Temple. A practical Treatise on the Law of Carriers of goods and passengers by land, inland navigation, and in ships. 8vo. Lond. 1856 Choiseul (Due de): see Berville et Barriere, vol. 15. Chuisnin (Jean) : see Petitot, vol. 38. Choisy (L'Abbe de) : see Pktitot, 2''^ ser. vol. 63. Cholieres (Nicolas). Les Neuf Matinees. 12mo. Pans, 1586 Choniates (Nicetas) : see Byzantine Historioe Scriptores. Choppinus (Renatus). De Domanio Franciae Libri tres. 4to. Paris J 1574 De Legibus Andium Municipalibus, itemque Tractatus de sum- mis Gallicarum Consuetudinum Regulis. fol. ibid. 1581 Chretien (Charles P.) An Essay on Logical Method. ^ ^ « g^^_ Oic/ort/, 1848 Christenius (Johannes). De Causis Matrimonialibus Dissertationes. 8vo. Arhkemii, 1663 Christian (Edward). Treatise on the Game Laws. 8vo. Lond. 1817 The Origin, Progress, and present Practice of the Bankrupt Law, both in Endand and Ireland. Second edition. , 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1818 CHR 175 Christiansen (J.) Die Wissenschaft rler romischen Rechtsgeschichte im Gruiidrisso. vol. 1, 8vo. Altona, 18:}8 Christie (James Traill). Concise Precedents of Wills; with an intro- duction and practical notes. 12nio. Lond. 1849 second edition. 12mo. ibid. 1857 Christina (Queen of Sweden). Works; containint^ Maxims and Sentences, in twelve Centuries, and Reflections on tlie Life of Alex- ander the Great; translated from the French, with an account of her Life. 12mo. Lond. 175-3 CiiRiSTiNiEus (Paulus). Commentaria ac Nota? in Leges Municipales Mechlinienses. Editio tertia, studio Sebastiani de Christynen. fol. Antv. 1657 Practicarum Quasstionum Reruraque in supremis Belgarum Curiis actarum et observatarum Decisiones. 6 vols, in 3, fol. Antverpice, 1671 Christine de Pisan: see Petitot, vols. 5, 6. Chronica de Mailros : see Fulman — Rerum Angl. Scriptores. Chronica Juridicialia : or, a General Calendar of the Years of our Lord God, and of the Kings of England, from William the Con- • queror to James II. With a Chronological Table of all the Lord Chancellors, Lord Keepers of the Great Seal of England, Justices of the King's Bench and Common Pleas, Barons of the Exchequer, and Serjeants at Law : being an Abridgment and Continuation of Dutrdale's Ori/rf. 1674 Clarendon (Henry Hyde, Earl of). The Correspondence of Henry Hyde, Earl of Clarendon, and of his brother Laurence Hyde, Earl of Rochester ; with the Diary of Lord Clarendon from 1687 to 1690, containing minute ))articulars of the events attending the Revolution, and the Diary of Lord Rochester during his Enil)assy to Poland in 1676. Edited fi-om the original manuscripts, with notes, by S. "NV. Sino-er. 2 vols. 4to. ibid. 1828 History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Win- chester: see Gale (Samuel). 182 CLA Clark (Charles). Summary of Colonial Law, the Practice of the Court of Appeal from the Plantations, and of the Laws and their Administration in all the Colonies; with Charters of Justice, Orders in Council, &c. 8vo. Lond. 1834 and W. FiNNELLY. Reports of Cases heard and decided in the House of Lords on Appeals and Writs of Error, and Claims of Peerage, from 1831 to 1846. 12 vols. 8vo. ibul. 1835^7 House of Lords Cases on Appeals and Writs of Error, and Claims of Peerage, from 1847 to 1850, by C. Clark and W. Finnelly ; continued from 1850 to 1857 by C. Clark. vols. 1—5, and vol. 6, parts 1, 2. 8vo. ibid. 1849-57 Clark (Robert). View of the Office of Sheriff, in Scotland ; with a Dissertation on the administration of Justice in the different Counties. 8vo. Edinh. 1824 Clark (Zachary). An Account of the different Charities belonging to the Poor of the county of Norfolk, abridged from the Returns under Gilbert's Act to the 'House of Commons in 1786; and from the Terriers in the Office of the Lord Bishop of Norwich. [Edited by T. Clarkson.] 8vo. Bury St. Edmunds, 1811 Clarke (Adam, LL.D.) A Bibliographical Dictionary ; containing a chronological account, alphabetically arranged, of the most curious, scai'ce, useful, and important Books in all departments of literature. 6 vols. 12rao. Liverpool and Manchester, 1802-4 ■ The Bibliographical Miscellany; or Supplement to the Biblio- graphical Dictionary. 2 vols. 12mo. Lund. 1806 Clarke (Mrs. Cowden). The complete Concordance to Shakspere : being a verbal index to all the passages in the dramatic works of the poet. 8vo. Lond. 1845 Clarke (Edward Daniel, LL.D.) Travels in various countries of Europe, Asia and Africa. 3 parts in 6 vols, 4to. Lond. 1812-23 Part I. Russia, Tartary, and Turkey. II. Greece, Egypt, and the Holy Land. III. Scandinavia. Clarke or Clerke (Franciscus). Praxis [in Curiis Ecclesiasticis], per Thomam Bladen edita et recognita. Editio secunda. 4to. Lond. 1684 ■ Praxis Curiae Admiralitatis Anglige. 12mo. ibid. 1667 [alia editio, ab Edv. Simpson] cum indice et notis ; adiiciuntur Articuli Magistri Rowghton hactenus inediti ad officium Admiralitatis Angliae &c. spectantes. 12mo. ibid. 1743 Clarke (James). Survey of the Lakes of Cumberland, Westmorland, and Lancashire ; to which is added, a Sketch of the Border Laws and Customs. The second edition. fol. Lond. 1789 Clarke (Rev. James Stanier). Life of James the Second, King of England &c., collected out of Memoirs writ of his own hand ; together with the King's advice to his son, and his Majesty's Will. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1816 Clarke (John, D.D.) Demonstrationof someof the principal Sectionsof Sir Isaac Newton's Principlesof Natural Philosophy. 8vo. ioraf/.1730 Clarke (John). Bibliotheca Legum ; or, complete Catalogue of the Common and Statute Law-Books of the United Kingdom, with observations on the principal works. 12mo. Lond. 1819 CLA 183 Clarke (Richard): see Bengal, Bombay, and Madras. Clarke or Clark (Samuel). Tlie Lives of sundry Eminent Persons in tliis later A^e, in two Parts: I. Of Divines. II. Of Nobility and Gentry of both sexes. To which is added, his own Life, and the Lives of the Countess of Suffolk, Sir N. Barnardiston, &c. drawn up by other hands. fol. Land. 1683 Clarke (Samuel, D.D.) Works ; with a preface giving some account of the life, writings, and character of the author, by Benjamin [Hoadly], Bishop of Winchester. Published from the author's manuscript, by John Clarke, D.D. 4 vols. fol. Lond. 1738 Discourse concerning the Being and Attributes of God, the Obligations of Natural Religion, and the Truth and Certainty of the Christian Revelation. 8vo. ibid. 1728 A Letter to Mr, Dodwell, wherein all the Arguments in his Epistolary Discourse against the Immortality of the Soul are parti- cularly answered [with Four Defences, and the Remarks, and Replies]; to -\vhich is added, some Reflections on that part of a book called Amyntor, which relates to the writings of the primitive Fathers, and the Canon of the New Testament. The sixth edition. Svo. ibid. 1731 Clarke (William). The Connexion of the Roman, Saxon, and Eng- lish Coins, deduced from observations on the Saxon weights and money. 4to. Lond. 1767 [Clarke, William.] Repertorium Bibliographicum ; or, some Account of the most celebrated British Libraries. Svo. Lond. 1819 Clarkson (Thomas). History of the rise, progress, and accomplish- ment of the abolition of the African Slave Trade by the British Parliament. A new edition, with prefatory remarks on the sub- sequent abolition of Slavery. Svo. Lond. 1839 Clarus (Julius). Receptarum Sententiarum Opera omnia; cum notis M. Goveani, etc.; accesserunt annotationes J. Harpprechti, nccnon J. B. Baiardi. fol. Franco/. 1622 Opera omnia; sive Practica Civilis atque CriminaHs, cum addi- tionibus J. Bapt. Baiardi et aliorum Jurisconsultorum ; accesserunt notae et animadversiones M. Goveani. fol. ibid. 1630 Classical (The) Museum : a Journal of Philology, and of ancient Historv and Literature. [Edited by L. Schmitz.J 7 vols. Svo. Lond. 1844-50 Claudia \us (Claudius). [Opera] quae exstant, varietate lectionis et perpetua adnotatione illustrata a Jo. Matthia Gesncro. 2 vols. Svo. Lipsice, 1759 ex recensione, et cum notis N. Heinsii. 12mo. Lugd. Bat. ex off. Elzev. 1650 Rape of Proserpine, translated by Jabez Hughes. The second edition. 12mo. Lond. 1723 Clavasio : see Angelus de Clavasio. Clavigero (Francesco Saverio). History of Mexico ; to which are added Dissertations on the land, the animals, and inhabitants of Mexico. Translated from the original Italian, by Charles Cullen. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1787 184 CLA— CLE Claydon (Charles B.) Treatise on the Law of Landlord and Tenant. 12mo. Lond. 1847 Clayton (John). Reports and Pleas of Assises at Yorke. 12mo. Lond. 1651 Clayton (Robert, Bp. of Clogher). Journal from Grand Cairo to Mount Sinai and back again ; translated from a Manuscript, written by the Prefetto of Egypt; to which are added Remarks on the origin of Hieroglyphics and the Mythology of the ancient Heathens. The second edition. 8vo. Lond. 1753 Clayton (William Clayton). Elements of Conveyancing ; with prac- tical illustrations and select forms. 8vo. Lond. 1855 Clayton (Sir William) : see Haines. Cleaveland (Ezra). A Genealogical History of the noble and illustrious Family of Courtenay. fol. Exon. 1735 [Cleaveland, or Cleveland, John.] The Character of a London Diurnall : with severall select Poems. 4to. 1647 [ ] The Character of a Diurnal-Maker. 4to. Lond. 1654 Cleirac (Etienne). Us et Coustumes de la Mer. 4to. Bourdeaux, 1661 Clemens I. Romanus. Ad Corinthios Epistola prior, Gr. et Lat. ; ex laceris reliquiis vet. exempl. Bibl. Reg. eruit, et notis illustravit Patricius Junius. 4to. Oxon. 1633 see also Wake. Clemens (Titus Flavins) Alexandrinus. Opera, Gr. et Lat., cum aniiotationibus variorum ; accedunt diversse lectiones, a Frid. Syl- burgio collectae. fol. Paris. 1641 Clemens Papa V. Constitutiones : see Bonipacius. Clement (David). Bibliotheque Curieuse, Historique, et Critique, ou Catalogue Raisonne de Livres difficiles a trouver. 9 vols, in 5, 4to. Gottingen et Leipsic, 1750-70 Clementinus (Ascanius). Tractatus de patria Potestate. 8vo. Franco/, ad 3Ioemim, 1572 Clergy List for 1858, containing alphabetical lists of the Clergy in England and Wales, Ireland, the Colonies, &c. 8vo. Lond. 1858 Clergyman's (The) Assistant, or a Collection of Acts of Parliament, Forms and Ordinances relative to certain duties and rights of the Parochial Clergy, &c. The third edition. 8vo. Oxford, 1808 Clergyman's (The) Companion in visiting the Sick. The fourth edition. 8vo. Lond. 1723 Clerical (The) Guide, and Ecclesiastical Directory : containing a complete Register of the Dignities and Benefices of the Church of England, with their respective value, the names of the incumbents, patrons, and impropriators ; with an alphabetical list of the digni- taries and beneficed clergy, &c. 8vo. Lond. 1836 Clericus (Joannes) : see Le Clerc. Clerk's (The) Manual : or, an exact Collection of the most approved Forms of Declarations, Pleas, General Issues, Judgments, De- murrers, and most kind of Writs used in the Court of King's Bench. 8vo. Lond. 1678 CLE— CLU 185 Clerk's (The) Enp;lish Tutor, shewing the Practice of the Courts of Kino-'s Bench and Common Pleas. By an Attorney at Law. ° 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1733 Clerk's (The) Instructor in the Ecclesiastical Courts: consisting of a variety of Precedents in English made use of in the Practice of the Civil Law, with several adjudged Cases, Letters of Induction into a Livino; &c. By a Gentleman of Doctors Commons. 8vo. Lond. 1740 Clerk (John). Tlie Law and Practice of Election Committees ; with an appendix of forms of petitions and statutes. 12mo. Lond. 1852 A practical Treatise on the Law of Elections of the United Kingdom, and "The Corrupt Practices Prevention Act, 1854 j'_' with an appendix of statutes. 12mo. ibid. ISoo Clerk (John) of Eldin. Etchings : see Bannatvne Club, No. 8. Clerke (Franciscus). Praxis: see Clarke. Clerke (William). The Triall of Bastardie ; with a Table of the Levitical, English and positive Canon Catalogues, their concordance and difference. 4to. Lond. 1594 Clery (Journal de) : see Berville et Barriere, vol. 14. Cleveland (John) : see Cleaveland. Clifford (Henry). Report of the two Cases of Controverted Elections of the Borough of Southwark in 1796, determined by Select Com- mittees of the House of Commons ; with an account of the two sub- sequent Cases of the City of Canterbury. 8vo. Lond. 1802 [Clifford, Martin.] Traite delaRaison humaine, traduit de I'Anglois [par Popel], et augmente d'une preface qui contient plusieurs authoritez iustificatives de I'autheur. Seconde edition. 12mo. A7nst. [1699] Clift (Henry). A New Book of Declarations, Pleadings, Verdicts, Judgments, and Judicial Writs ; with the Entries thereupon j di"-ested and published by Sir Charles Ingleby, Serjeant at Law. ^ fol. Lond. 1703 Clinton (Henry Fynes). Fasti Hellenici. The Civil and Literary Chronology of Greece, from the earliest accounts to the death of Auo-ustus? 3 vols. 4to. Oxford, 1834-41 Fasti Romani. The Civil and Literary Chronolop- of Rome and Constantinople from the death of Augustus to the death of Justin II.; with Appendix. Vol. I. Tables. Vol. 11. Appendix; from the death of Augustus to the death of Heraelius. 2 vols. 4to. ihld. 1845-50 [Clive, Hon. Robert H.] Documents connected with the History of Ludlow, and the Lords Marchers. 8vo. Lond. 1841 Clossius: see Theodosius. Cludius (Andreas). Tractatus de Rebus quotidianis. 8vo. Franco/. 1701 Clutterruck (Robert). History and Antiquities of the County of Hertford. 3 vols. fol. Lond. 1815-27 186 CLU-COC Cluverius (Philippus). Sicilia antiqua, cum minoribus iiisulis ei adjacentibus ; item Sardinia et Corsica. fol. Lugd. Bat. ex off. Elsev. 1619 ' Italia antiqua. 2 vols. fol. ihid. 1624 ■ Germaniae antiquae Libri tres ; editio secunda, cui adjectae sunt Vindelicia et Noricum. fol. ibid. 1631 ■ Introductio in Universam Geographiam tarn veterem quam novam, cum notis Jo. Bunonis, Jo. Frid. Hekelii, et Jo. Reiskii. 4to. Lond. 1711 CoATES (Rev. Charles). History and Antiquities of Reading ; with Supplement. 2 vols. 4to. London and Reading, 1802-10 CoBBETT (William). Political Register. 88 vols, in 59, 8vo. Lond. 1802-35 • Porcupine's Works; containing various writings and selections, exhibiting a faithful picture of the United States of America. 12 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1801 Selections from Cobbett's Political Works : with notes his- torical and explanatory, by John N. Cobbett and James P. Cobbett. 6vols. 8vo. ^7>^U []835] Letters to the Rt. Hon. Lord Hawkesbury, and to the Rt. Hon. Henry Addington on the Peace with Buonaparte. Second edition. 8vo. ibid. 1802 The Life and Adventures of Peter Porcupine, with a full and fair account of all his authoring transactions. By Peter Porcupine himself. 12mo. ibid. 1797 see also Parliament, and Trials (State). CoccEius (Gerhardus). Commentarii, historici, politici, juridici ad tit. Pandectarum de origine Juris et omnium Magistratuum, et successione Prudentium, &c. 12mo. Gronirujce, 1660 CoccEius (Henricus) : see Grotius. CocHET DE Saint-Valier (Melchior). Traite de I'lndult du Parle- ment de Paris. 3 vols. 4to. Paris, 1747 Cochin (Henry). Oeuvres, contenant le Recueil de ses Memoires et Consultations. 6 vols. 4to. Paris, 1751-57 Oeuvres completes. Nouvelle edition, precedee d'un Discours preliminaire, par J. D. M. Cochin. 8 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1821-2 CocKBURN (A. E.) and W. Carpenter Rowe. Cases of Controverted Elections, determined in the eleventh Parliament of the United Kingdom. 8vo. Lond. 1833 CocKBURN (Henry, Lord). Life of Lord Jeffrey, with a selection from his correspondence. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 1852 Memorials of his Time. 8vo. ibid. 1856 CocKBURN (John, D.D.) History and Examination of Duels, shewing their heinous nature, &c. ; with the Edict of the King of France against Duels, and an Abridgment of that of the King of Poland. 8vo. Lond. 1720 COC-COD 187 CocKBURN (William). The Clerk's Assistant in the Practice of the Ecclesiastical Courts. The fourth edition. 8vo. Lond. ISOO CocQ (Florcntius de). Tractatus quatuor dc Jure, Justitia et annexis, theologo-canonice cxpositi. 4to. BruxeWs, 1687 Code Civil. Projet de Code Civil, presente par la Commission nommee par ie Gouvernement le 24 Thermidor an VIII. ^ 8vo. Paris, An IX [1800] Observations des Tribunaux d'Appel sur le Projet de Code Civil. 5 parts in 4 vols. 4to. ibid. Ans IX-X. La cinquieme partie " forme un cal.ier de 77 pages, contenant les observations des tribunaux d'Ajaccio et de Metz." Analyse des Observations des Tribunaux d'Appel et du Tribunal de Cassation sur le Projet de Code Civil, rapprochees du texte [par M. P. Crussaire]. 4to. ibtd. An XI. Les Six Codes, accompagnes du texte annote des Lois qui ont abroge ou modifie plusieurs de leurs dispositions. 8vo. ibid. 1829 Les Codes Franq-ais collationnes sur le nouveau texte officiel, precedes de la Charte constitutionnelle, de ses Lois Organiques, et des Lois sur rOrganisation Judiciaire. 8vo. ibid. 183o see also Favard de Langlade, Paillet, and Sirey. Code des Codes, contenant le Code Constitutionnel, le Code Civil &c. avec des Notes par MM. Cremieux et Balson. Tome I. Code Constitutionnel. [no more published.] 4to. ibid. 1835 Code Napoleon, verbally translated from the French ; to which is prefixed an introductory Discourse, containing a succinct account of the civil regulations comprised in the Jewish Law, the Ordinances of Menu, the Ta Tsing Leu Lee, the Zend Avesta, the Laws of Solon, the Twelve Tables of Rome, the Laws of the Barbarians, the Assises of Jerusalem, and the Koran, by Biyant Barrett. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1811 Code Napoleon ; or, the French Civil Code; literally translated from the original and official edition, published at Paris, in 1804 ; by a Barrister of the Inner Temple. 8vo. ibid. 1827 Code de Procedure Civile: see Favard de Langlade. Code de Commerce : see Favard de Langlade, and Rogron. Code d'Instruction Criminelle: see Favard de Langlade. Code Penal; see Favard de Langlade. Code des Delits et des Peines, du 3 Brumaire, 4me. annee Republicaine favec le Code Penal du 25 Sept. 1791, et les autres lois et arretes y ;.elatifs]. 8vo. BruucUes, An IV. Code Forestier, suivi de I'Ordonnanee Reglementaire et d'une Table Alphabetique des Matieres. 8vo. Baris, 1827 Code des Prises Marilimes et des Armemens en course, par le Cit. G. . . . 2 vols. 12mo. Paris, An VII. Code Noir, ou Rccucil des Reglemens concernant le gouvernement, I'administration de la justice, la police, la discipline et le commence des Negres dans les Colonies Francoises. 12mo. Paris, 1742 188 COD— COK Code Corse : see Corsica. Code Frederic : see Prussia. Codes Penales. Etude de Legislation Penale comparee. Code Fran- Qais de 1810, avec les motifs, les discussions au Conseil d'Etat, et les dispositions correspondanles des Codes de 1791 et de Tan IV. ; Code Revise de 1832 ; Projet Beige de 1833 et Observations de M. Haus ; Nouveau Code des Pays-Bas ; Nouveaux Codes d'AUemagne; Codes de Sardaigne et du Royaume des Deux-Siciles. 4to. Paris, 1852 Codex Theodosianus : see Theodosius. Codex Vercellensis : see tElfric Society. CoDiNUS (Georgius) Curopalates : see Byzantine Hist. Script. CoFFiNiERES (Antoine Simon Gabriel). Analyse des Novelles de Justinien. 12mo. Paris, 1805 Coin-Delisle CJean Baptiste Cesar). Commentaire Analytique du Code Civil, Livre III, Titre II— Donations et Testaments. Troi- sieme edition. 4to. Paris, 1851 Coke (Sir Edward). The First Part of the Institutes of the Lawes of England : or a Commentarie upon Littleton, not the name of a Lawyer onely, but of the Law itself. fol. Lond. 1628 second edition. fol. ibid. 1629 ninth edition ; with the author's Reading upon 27 E. 1. the Statute of Levying Fines, and his Treatise of Bail and Main- pi-ize, fol. ibid. 1684 Interleaved, with numerous MS. notes by John Coxe, Esq., of Lincoln's Inn. twelfth edition; with his Reading upon the Stat, of Levying Fines, Treatise of Bail and Mainprize, and Compleat Copy- holder. To the Avhole is added, the Treatise of the Old Tenures of the Laws of England. fol. ibid. 1738 thirteenth edition, with preface and notes by F. Har- grave [imperfect]. fol- ibid.1116 fifteenth edition, with notes by Francis Hargrave and Charles Butler ; including also the notes of Lord Chief Justice Hale and Lord Chancellor Nottingham, and an Analysis of Littleton, written by an unknown hand in 1658-9. 3 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1794 nineteenth edition [with Index to the Notes, by Thomas Canning]. 2 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1832 The Second Part of the Institutes of the Lawes of England, containing the Exposition of many ancient and other Statutes. fol. ibid. 1642 third edition, with an alphabetical table, fol. ibid. 1669 [another edition.] 2 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1797 The Third Part of the Institutes of the Laws of England : con- cerning High Treason, and other Pleas of the Crown, and Cnmmall Causes. fol- ibid. 1648 fourth edition. fol- i^'^d. 1669 [another edition.] 8vo. ibid. 1797 COK 189 Coke (Sir Edward). The Fourth Part of the Institutes of the Laws of England : concerning the Jurisdiction of Courts, fol. Lund. 1G48 fourth edition. fol. ibid. 1G(J9 [another edition.] 8vo. ibid. 1797 A systematic Arrangement of Lord Coke's First Institute of the Laws of England, on tl"e plan of Sir Matthew Hale's Analysis ; with the annotations of Mr. Hargrave, Lord Chief Justice Hale, &c. By J. H. Thomas. 3 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1818 , A readable Edition of Coke upon Littleton by Thomas Coventry. 8vo. ibid. 1830 Synopsis, or an exact Abridgement of the Lord Coke's Com- mentaries upon Littleton, by Sir Humphrey Davenport. 8vo. ibid. 1652 An Abridgment containing the Substance of Coke upon Little- ton ; with additions, bv William Hawkins. The eighth edition, witli notes &c. by John Ruclall. 12mo. ibid. 1822 Les Reports de divers Resolutions et Judgements donnes avec graund delibei-ation per les tresreverendes Judges et sages de la ley [temp. Eliz. et Jac. I.] H parts, fol. ibid. 1602-15 [another edition.] 11 parts, fol. ibid. 1619-31 The twelfth Part of the Reports of Sir Edward Coke, of divers Resolutions and Judgments, &c. fol. ibid. 1656 [Part 13.] Certain select Cases in Law reported by Sir Edward Coke, late Lord Chief Justice of England &c. ; trans- lated out of a manuscript written with his own hand. fol. ibid. 1659 Reports, in thirteen parts, exactly translated ; to wliich are now added the Pleadings to the Cases. 7 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1727 - A new edition, with notes and references, by J. H. Thomas and J. F. Eraser. 6 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1826 Epitome undecim Lil)rorum Relationum honoratissimi et docti viri Edvardi Coke, ab Edvardo Trotman. 12mo. ibid. 1640 Ireland (Sir Thomas). An exact Abridgment in English of the eleven Books of Reports of Sir Edward Coke, by Sir Thomas Ireland. The second impression. 12mo. ibid. 1651 Reports, in verse ; wherein the name of each case and the principal points are contained in two lines. 8vo. ibid. 1742 [another edition.] 12mo. ibid. 1825 Booke of Entries : containing perfect and approved Presidents of Counts, Declarations kc. fol. ibid. 1614 Treatise of Bade and Maincprize. 4to. ibid. 1635 The compleate Copy-holder; wherein is contained a learned Discourse of the antiquity and nature of Manors and Copy-holds ; with the forme of keeping a Copy-hold Court, and Court-Baron. 4to. ibid. 1641 The compleat Copy-holder; whereunto is newly added, the Relation between the Lord of a Manor and the Copy-holder his Tenant, by Charles Calthrop. 4to. ibid.\(>j^ 190 COK-COL Coke (Sir Edward). The Complete Copyholder; being a learned Discourse of the antiquity and nature of Manors and Copy-holds, ■with all thinc-s thereto incident: with a Supplement. 12mo. Lond. 1673 Reading sur Lestatute de 27 E. I. appelle Lestatute de Finibus Levatis. 4to. ibid. 1662 Three Law Tracts: I. The Compleat Copyholder. II. A Readino- on 27 Edward I., called the Statute de Finibus Levatix. III. A Treatise of Bail and Mainprize. To which are added, the Old Tenures; also, some JVotes and Additions to Lord Coke's Commentary upon Littleton, by W. Hawkins, Serjeant at Law. 8vo. ibid. 1764 Coke (Roger). Justice Vindicated from the false Fucus put upon it by Thomas White, Gent., Mr. Thomas Hohbs, and Hugo Grotius. As also, Elements of Power and Subjection ; wherein is demon- strated the cause of all humane, christian, and legal society. fol. Lond. 1630 . Detection of the Court and State of England during the Four last Reigns and the Interregnum. The third edition. 2 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1697 fourth edition, continued to the death of Q. Anne. 3 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1719 CoLBATCH (John, M.D.) A Collection of Tracts, Chirurgical and Medical. The second edition. 8vo. Lond. 1704 Colby (H. G. 0.) The Practice in Civil Actions and Proceedings at Law in Massachusetts, With the Rules of the State and United States Courts, and an Appendix of Forms. 8vo. Boston, 1848 CoLCHESTE R. The History and Antiquities of Colchester, in the county of Essex. 8vo. Colchester, 1789 Colchester (Lord) : see Abbot. Cole (Christian). Memoirs of Affairs of State: containing Letters written bv Ministers employed in Foreign Negotiations, from the year 1697' to the latter end of 1708. fob Lond. 17;33 Cole (Henry). King Henry the Eighth's Scheme of Bishopricks, with illustrations of his assumption of Church Property, its amount and appropriation, and some notices of the state of popular education at the pei'iod of the Reformation. Now first published from the originals in the Augmentation Office, Treasury of the Exchequer, British Museum, etc. 8vo. Lond. 1838 Cole (Henry Warwick). On the Domicil of Englishmen in France. 8vo. Lond. 1857 Cole (W. R.) The Law and Practice relating to Criminal Informa- tions, and Informations in the nature of Quo Warranto ; with Forms of the Pleadings and Proceedings. 12mo. Lond. 184^5 The Law and Practice in Ejectment under the Common Law Procedure Acts of 1852 and 1854 : also in actions for mesne profits, &c. with an Appendix of F^rms. 12mo. Lond. 1857 COL 191 CoLEBROOKE (H. T.) Treatise on Obligations and Contracts. Part I. [no more published.] 8vo. Lond. 1818 Digest of Hindu Law, on Contracts and Successions: with a Commentary by Jaganni'it'ha Tercapanchanana ; translated from the original Sanscrit, by H. T. Colebrooke. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1801 Two Treatises on the Hindu Law of Inheritance [Daya-Bhaga and Mitacshava] ; translated by H. T. Colebrooke. 4to. Calcutta, 1810 Coleridge. Specimens of the Table Talk of Samuel Taylor Cole- ridge. Third edition. 8vo. Lond. 1851 CoLERUS (Christophorus). Parerga ad varios Pandectarum et Insti- tutionum Juris locos. 8vo. Norihergce, 1597 CoLERUS (Matthias). Decisiones Germanise. Editio tertia, curante J. S. Elbing. 2 parts in 1 vol. 4to. Lipske, 1614-16 CoLiGNY (Gaspard de) : see Petitot, vol. 32. Coliony-Saligny (Comte de) : see France— Societe de I'Histoire. CoLLARDEUS (JuUatius). AntinomisB Juris Universi conciliata?. Pars prima. 4to. Paris. 1653 CoLLECTAxXEA JuHdica : consisting of Tracts relative to the Law and Constitution of England. [Colfected bv Francis Hargi-ave.J '2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1791-2 Collectanea Topographica et Genealogica. 8 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1834-4:5 COLLES Err( a supplementary volume to Brown's Cases in Parliament. 8vo. Dublin, 1789 Collet (Henry). Treatise on the Laws of England; concerning Estates in lands, &c. ; with some observations on the Laws of Bankruptcy. 8vo. Lond. 1754 [Collet, Philibert.] Traite des Usures, ou Explication des Prets et des Interets par les Loix qui ont etc faites en tons les siecles. 8vo. s. I. 1690 CoLLETT. Actions- og Defensions-Indla?g samt Dom i Rigsrets-Sn gen mod Statsraad Collett. 8vo. Christiania, 1827 CoLLETTE (Charles Hastings). Romanism in England exposed. The Redemptorist Fathers of St. Mary's Convent, Park Road, Chiphiim. Second edition. ' 12mo. Lond. 1851 The Pope's Supremacy a thing of Priestcraft alike unwarranted IS (Richard) Reports of Cases upon Appeals and Writs of ror, in the High Court of Parliament, from 1697 to 1709; being by Holy Scripture or Tradition, bein^ a compendious refutation of the arguments by which the modern Romanists attempt to support Papal Usurpation. 8vo. ibid. 1852 Milner Refuted ; or. Pious Frauds exemplified in Dr. Milner's " End of Religious Controvci-sy," being a series of original, selected, and contributed articles exposing Dr. Milner's fallacies and fictions. In two parts. 8vo. ibid. 1856-7 Popish Infallibility. Letters to Viscount Fielding on his seces- sion from the Church of England. 12mo. ibid. 1850 192 COL CoLLiBER (Samuel). Free Thoughts concerning Souls j to which is added an Essay on Creation. 8vo. Lond. 1734 Collier (Jeremy). A Short View of the ImraoraUty and Profaneness of the EngHsh Stage; together with the sense of Antiquity upon this Argument. 8vo. Lond. 1698 fifth edition ; with the several Defences, in answer to Mr. Congreve, Dr. Drake, &c. 8vo. ibid. 1738 Defence of the " Short View" &c. : being a Reply to Mr. Con- greve's Amendments &c., and to the Vindication of the Author of the Relapse. 8vo. ibid. 1699 . Historical, Geographical, Genealogical and Poetical Diction- ary ; collected from the best historians and lexicographers, but more especially out of Lewis Moreri, 2 vols. 1701. Supplement, 1705. Appendix, 1721. 4 vols. foL ifcid 1701-21 Ecclesiastical History of Great Britain, from the first planting of Christianity to the end of the reign of K. Charles II. With a brief Account of the affairs of Religion in Ireland. 2 vols. fol. ibid. 1708-14 [Collier, John.] Tim Bobbin's Lancashire Dialect and Poems; rendered intelligible to general readers by a literal interpretation, and the obsolete words explained by quotations from the most early of the English authors. 8vo. Lond. 1828 Collier (John Dyer). Essay on the Law of Patents for New Inven- tions. 8vo. Lond. 1803 Collier (John Payne). The History of English Dramatic Poetry to the time of Shakespeare : and Annals of the Stage to the Restoration. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1831 Memoirs of Actors: see Shakespeare Society, No. 32. Extracts from the Registers of the Stationers' Company : see Shakespeare Society, No. 38. Notes and Emendations: see Shakespeare. Collier (R. P.) The Railway Clauses, Companies' Clauses, and Lands' Clauses Consolidation Acts, with notes. 12mo. Lond. 18-15 ■ second edition, by H. T. J. Macnamara. 12mo. ibid. 1847 Treatise on the Law relating to Mines. 12mo. ibid. 1849 Collin (H. S.) : see Sweden. [Collins, Anthony.] A Discourse of Free-Thinking, occasioned by the rise and growth of a Sect called Free-Thinkers. 8vo. Lond. 1713 [, ] An historical and critical Essay on the thirty-nine Articles of the Church of England. 8vo. ibid. 1724 [ ] Discourse of the Grounds and Reasons of the Christian Religion. 8vo. ibid. 1724 [ ] The Scheme of literal Prophecy considered ; in a view of the Controversy occasioned by a late Book, intitled, a Discourse of Uie Grounds and Reasons of fhe Christian Religion. 8vo. ibid. 1127 COL 193 Collins (Arthur). The Peerage of England ; the second edition. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1741 fifth edition ; with Supplement, by B. Longmale. 9 vols. 8vo. ihd. 1779-84 Peerage of England, genealogical, biographical, and historical ; augmented and continued to the present time, by Sir Egertoii Brydges. [The sixth edition.] 9 vols. 8vo. ihkl.l^VZ Proceedings, Precedents, and Arguments, on Claims and Con- troversies concerning Baronies by Writ, and other Honours ; with the arguments of Sir Francis Bacon, Sir Henry Montagu, and others. Published from the MS. Collections of Robt. Glover, Esq., Sir VVm. Dugdale, &c. fol. ibid. 1734 Historical Collections of the noble Families of Cavendishe, Holies, Vere, Harley, and Ogle, with the Lives of the most remark- able Persons. fol. ibid. 1752 see also Sydney Papers. Collins (David). An Account of the English Colony in New South Wales : with remarks on the dispositions, customs, manners, &c., of the native inhabitants of that country. To which are added, some particulars of New Zealand, compiled from the MSS. of Lieut. - Governor King. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1798-1802 Collins (George William). The Stamp Laws considered, with a view- to their influence on the admission of deeds and other writings in evidence. The Probate and Legacy Duty Acts, and the Cases decided thereon. With an Appendix of the Stamp Acts relating to Ireland and the United Kingdom. 8vo. Lond. 1841 Collinson (George Dale). Treatise on the Law concerning Idiots, Lunatics, and other persons non compotes mentis. 2vols.8vo. Lond. 1812 Collinson (John). History and Antiquities of the County of Somerset. 3 vols. 4to. Bath, 1791 CoLLOQUiA et Dictionariolum Octo Linguarum : Latinae, Gallica?, Bel- gicffi, Teutonicae, HispanicjE, Italicae, Anglican, et Portugallicae. oblong 12mo. Ante. 16^30 CoLLUiRE (R. S.) et I. B. E. Boulet, Ferriere Moderne, ou Nouveau Dictionnaire des Termes de Droit et de Pratique. 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. Paris, 1826 CoLLYER (John). A practical Treatise on the Law of Partnership ; with an Appendix of Forms. 8vo. Lond. 1832 second edition. 8vo. ibid. 1840 Reports of Cases decided in the High Court of Chancery, by the Rt. Hon. Sir J. L. Knight Bruce, Vice-Chancellor. Hil. Term 1844 to Mich. Term 1846. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1845-7 CoLLYN (Nicholas). A brief Summary of the Lawes and Statutes of England so far forth as the same do concerne the Office of Justices of the Peace, Shcrifls, Baylitt's, Constables, Churchwardens, and other Officers and Ministers of the Commonwealth. 12rao. Lund. 1055 o 194 COL— COM CoLOMBET (Claude). Abrege de la Jurisprudence Romaine. Troi- siesme edition. 4to. Paris, 1663 Colombia. Code of Laws of the Republic of Colombia : containing the Constitution and Laws sanctioned by the first general Congress in 1821 ; translated from an official copy, printed in Bogota, in the year 1822. vol. 1, 8vo. Lond. 1823 Colombo. Historic del S. D. Fernando Colombo ; nelle quali s'ha particolare et vera relatione della vita et de' fatti dell' Ammiraglio D. Christoforo Colombosuo padre ; nuovamente di lingua Spagnuola tradotte neir Italiana dal S. Alfonso Ulloa. 12mo. Venetia, 1571 Colonial Laws : see Plantations. CoLQUHOUN (Ludovic). Report of Proceedings under a Brieve of Idiotry, Peter Duncan against David Yoolow, tried at Coupar- Angus, 28 — 30 Jan. 1837; with an appendix of relative documents and an introduction. 8vo. Edinb. 1837 CoLQUHOUN (Patrick, LL.D.) Treatise on the Police of the Metropolis. The sixth edition. 8vo. Lond. 1800 Treatise on the Commerce and Police of the River Thames : containing an historical View of the Trade of the Port of London ; and suggesting means for jireventing the depredations thereon, by a legislative System of River PoHce. 8vo. ibid. 1800 CoLQUHOUN (Patrick, LL.D.) A Summary of the Roman Civil Law, illustrated by Commentaries on and Parallels from the Mosaic, Canon, Mahommedan, English, and Foreign Law. 3 vols. 8vo. Lo7id. 1849-54 CoLSONii (Francis Caspar). The New Trism agister ; or, the New Teacher of three Languages [English, French, and Italian]. 8vo. Lond. 1688 CoLTHROP (Sir Henry) : see Calthrop. CoLTON (Rev. C. C.) Lacon : or, Many Things in Few Words ; addressed to those who think. A new edition. 8vo. Lond. 1845 Columella (Lucius Junius Moderatus). De Re Rustica Libri duo. 12mo. DubUnii, 1732 see also RusTiCiE Rei Scriptores. CoLUTHUS. Raptus Helenae, Gr. et Lat. ; recensuit, var. lect. et notas adjecit J. D. a Lennep ; accedunt ejusdem Animadversionum Libri tres. 8vo. Leovardice, 1747 Combat (Le) de Trente Bretons centre Trente Anglois ; public d'apres le Manuscrit de la Bibliotheque du Roi ; par G. A. Crapelet. Seconde edition. 8vo. Paris, 1835 Comber (Thomas, D.D.) Companion to the Temple : or, a Help to Devotion, in the daily use of the Common Prayer. The third edition. 8vo. Lond. 1679 . Companion to the Temple ; or, a Help to Devotion in the use of the Common Prayer. The fourth edition, enlarged. fol. ihid.nOl COM 195 Comber (Thomas, D.D.) An historical Vindication of the Divine Right of Tithes ; designed to supply the omissions, answer the objections, and rectifie the mistakes of Mr, Selden's History of Tithes. Loud. 1G82 Fi'iendly and seasonable Advice to the Roman Catholics of England. A new edition, with notes and a preface, by Walter Farquhar Hook, D.D. 12mo. ihid. 1847 CoMBERBACH (Rogcr). The Report of several Cases argued and adjiidi{ed in the Court of King's Bench, from 1 James II. to 10 William III. fol. Lond.\l'14: CoMKNius (John Amos). Janua Linguarum Reserata : the Gate of Languages unlocked; or, a Seed-plot of all Arts and Tongues ; con- taining a ready way to learn the Latine and English Tongue ; formerly translated by T. Horn, now carefully reviewed by W. D. 8vo. Lond. 1652 CoMicoRUM Graecorum Fragmenta, collegit et disposuit Augustus Meineke, cum historia critica Comicorum Grfficorum. 4 vols, in 5, 8vo. BeroUni, 1839-41 • Comicorum Gra?corum Fragmenta, versionibus tum Latinis, turn etiam Anglicis R. Cumberland, F. Fawkes, et F. Wranghum, notisque instruxit Jacobus Bailey. Pars prior. 8vo. Cantab. 1840 CoMiNES (Philip de). Memoirs containing the History of Lewis XI. and Charles V'lII. of France, and of Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy ; translated by Mr. Uvedale. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1712 ■ see also France — Societe de I'Histoire ; and Petitot, vols. 11 to 13. CoMiTiBus (Jacobus de). Decisiones inclytae Rotae Senensis et Flo- rentinae. fol. Luc(b, 1714 CoMMox Bench Reports: see Manning, Granger and Scott; and Scott (John). Common Law Commission. Reports [First to Sixth] made to his Majesty by the Commissioners appointed to inquire into the practice and proceedings of the Superior Courts of Common Law. With Appendixes. [Sessional Papers of the House of Commons.] 5 vols. fol. Lo7id. 1829-34 First and Second Reports of her Majesty's Commissioners for inquiring into the process, practice, and system of Pleading in the Superior Courts of Common Law, &c. With Appendix. [Sessional Papers of the House of Commons.] fol. 2/o«rf. 1851-3 Common Law Reports. Reports of Cases argued and determined in all the Superior Courts of Common Law, together with Cases carried by W^rits of Error from those Courts to the Exchequer Chamber, or thence by appeal to the House of Lords : also Cases carried by appeal from the Colonial Common Law Courts to the Privy Council, Irom Easter Term, 1853, to Michaelmas Term, 1855. 3 vols, in 5, 8vo. Lond. 1854—5 Common Pleas. The Attourney of the Court of Common Pleas: or his diieclions and instructions concerning the course of practice therein. Written by G. T. of Staple Inne. 12mo. Loud. 1:q., gold hy auction in April 1853; comprising works in various Oriental and European l;in, disputationi oblatie. 4to. Apiid A. de Logo, 1659 CoTGRAVE (Randle). A French and English Dictionary, ■nith another in English and French by Robert Sherwood ; whereunto are added sundry animadversions &c. by James Howell. fol. Loud. 1()73 CoTiiMAN (Erncstus). Respoiisa Juris. fol. Franco/. 1597 p 210 COT— COU [CoTOLENDi, Charles.] Saint-Evremoniana, ou Dialogues des nouveaux Dieux. 12mo. Paris, 1700 Cotton (Charles). Poetical Works ; third edition. 12mo. iowrf. 1734 Cotton (Clement). Concordance to the Bible; enlarged by Samuel Newman. fol. Lond. 1643 Cotton (Rev. Henry, D.C.X.) A List of Editions of the Bible and parts thereof in English, from the year 1505 to 1820; with an Ap- pendix containing specimens of translations, and bibliographical descriptions. 8vo. Oxford, 1821 Typographical Gazetteer ; the second edition. 8vo. ihid. 1831 Fasti Ecclesise Hibernicae. The succession of the Prelates and Members of the Cathedral bodies of Ireland. 4 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1848-51 Cotton (Sir Robert, Bart.) Cottoni Posthuma: Divers choice pieces of that renowned Antiquary, Sir Robert Cotton, Knight and Baronet ; preserved from the injury of time, and exposed to public light for the benefit of posterity, by J[ames] H[owell]. 8vo. Lond.\Qb\ Cottoni Posthuma : Divers choice pieces wherein are discussed several important Questions concerning the Right and Power of the Lords and Commons in Parliament, by Sir Robert Cotton, Bart. Published by James Howell. 8vo. ibid. 1679 Abridsfment of Records : see Prynne. Cottu (Charles). Reflexions sur I'etat actual du Jury, de la Liberie individuelle, et des Prisons. 8vo. Paris, 1818 De r Administration de la Justice Criminelle en Angleterre, et de I'Esprit du Gouvernement Anglais. 8vo. ibid. 1820 On the Administration of Criminal Justice in England, and the Spirit of the English Government; translated from the French. 8vo. Lond. 1822 County Courts. Reports of County Courts Cases and Appeals, argued and determined in the Superior Courts. Vol. I. 1847 — 52. Bv E. W. Cox, D. C. Macrae, and C. J. B. Hertslet. Vols. II. III. 1852—57. By T. W. Saunders, and D. C. Macrae, [unfinished.] 3 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1852-7 The Acts relating to the County Courts, with the Rules, Orders, and Forms, Tables of Fees, and the Insolvency, Protection, and Judgment Debtors Statutes. Compiled, by direction of the Com- missioners of her Majesty's Treasury, for the use of the Courts. 8vo. Lond. 1856 CouRCELLES (M. dc). Dcspatchcs : see Bannatyne Club, No. 20. CouRCELLES (Jean Baptiste Pierre JuUien de). Dictionnaire universel de la Noblesse de France. 5 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1820-2 Courier (Paul Louis). CEuvres complies. 4 vols. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1828 Courrier (Le) de I'Europe: Echo du Continent; auquel est reuni L'Observateur Francais, Journal Universel. 18 vols. fol. Lond. 1840-57 COU ill Court de Gebelin (Antoine). Monde Primitif, analyse et comimre avec le Monde Moderne. 9 vols. 4to. Paris, 177:3^X2 Contents: 1. Allegories Orientales. Genie AUegorique des Anciens. 2. Grammaire Universelie. 3. Origine du Langage et de I'Ecriture. 4. Ilistoire du Calendrier. 5. Dictionnaire Etymologique de la Langue Fran9oise. 6. 7. Dictionnaire Etymologi(iue de la Langue Latine. 8. Dissertations melees — Essai sur les Langues d'Amerique, &:c. 9. Dic- tionnaire Etyniologique de la Langue Grecque. Court of Session : see Session. Courts Martial. Observations on the Practice and the Forms of district, refrimental, and detachment Courts Martial ; also Remarks on the composition and practice of Courts of Inquirv, &c. By a Field Officer. Bvo. 'Dublin, 1843 [Courtilz de Sandras, Gaticn de.] jNIemoires de M. L. C. D. It. [le corate de Rochfort], contenant ce qui s'est passe de plus particulier sous le ministere du Cardinal de Richelieu et du Cardinal Mazarin. 12rao. Cologne, 1087 r ] Memoires de Madame la Marquise de Frene, 12mo. Amst. 1701 Cousin (Victor). Fragments Philosophiques. Troisieme edition. 2 vols. Bvo. Paris, 1838 ■ Fragments Philosophiques. — Philosophie Ancienne. Seconde edition. 8vo. ibid. 1840 Fragments Philosophiques. — Philosophie Scholastique. Se- conde edition. 8vo. ?7>iW. 1840' Cours de I'Histoire de la Philosophie. Introduction. 1 vol. Histoire de la Philosophie du xviii. siecle. 2 vols. Nouvolle edition. 3 vols. 8vo. ?&«W. 1841 Cours de I'Histoire de la Philosophie Moderne. Premiere serie. Nouvelle edition. 5 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1846 Manuel de I'Histoire de la Philosophie, traduit de rAllemand de Tennemann, par V. Cousin. Seconde edition, corrigee et augmentee sur la cinquieme edition AUemande. 2 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1839 De la Metaphysique d'Aristote. Rapport sur le Concours ouvert par I'Acadeniie des Sciences Morales et Politiques; suivi d'uu Essai de Traduction du premier et du douzieme livres de la Meta- physique. Deuxieme edition. Legons sur la Philosophie de Kant. . Des Pensees de Pascal. Troisieme edition. De rinstruction Publique en Hollande. . Memoire sur I'lnstruction Secondaire dans le Royaume de Prusse. Seconde edition. 8vo. ibid. 1837 Du Vrai, du Beau et du Bien. Sixieme edition. Bvo. ibid. 1856 Fragments Litteraires. Bvo. ibid. 1843 Bvo. ibid. 1838 Bvo. ibid. 1844 Bvo. ibid. 1847 Bvo. ibid. 1837 212 COU Cousin (Victor). Etudes sur les Femmes Illustres et la Societe du XVII. siecle. 5 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1854^ Jacqueline Pascal. Troisieme Edition. 1856. Madame de Sable. 1854. Madame de Longueville. Troisieme edition. 1855. Madame de Chevreuse. 1856. Madame de Hautefort. 1856. Report on the State of Public Instruction in Prussia, translated by Sarah Austin. 12mo. Lond. 1834 CouTUMiER General : see Bourdot de Richebourg. CouTUMES generales d'Artois, avec des notes, par Adrien Maillart. Seconde edition. 2 vols, in 1, fol. Paris, 1756 CouTUMES du Duche de Bourgogne, avec les observations de M. Bou- hier. 2 vols. fol. Dijon, 1742-6 CousTUMES et Loix des villes et des chastellenies du Comte de Flandre, traduites en Francois ; auxquelles les notes latines et flamendes de Laurens van den Hane, cy-devant Advocat au Conseil de Flandre, sont jointes; avec des observations sur la traduction, par M. Le Grand. 3 vols. fol. Cambray, 1719 CousTiJMES et Statuts particuliers de la pluspart des bailliages, senes- chaucees et prevostes royaulx du Royaulme de France. fol. Paris, Galliot Du Pre, 1536 CouTUMES de Normendie. Le Grant Coustumier du pays et duche de Normendie. 4to. Rouen, pour Michel Angier, [s. a.] • Le Grant Coustumier de Normedie, nouvellement reveu et corrige. 4to. Paris, Regnault, 1523 ■ Le Grand Coustumier du pays et duche de Normendie ; avec plusieurs additions, allegations et concordances tant du droict Canon que Civil, composees par maistre Guillaume le Rouille, d'Alen^on. fol. Rouen, 1539 Le Coustumier du pays et duche de Normendie. 8vo. Rouen, J. Petit, 1552 La Coustume Reformee du pays et duche de Normandie, anciens ressorts et enclaves d'iceliiy ; avec les commentaires, anno- tations et arrests donnez sur I'interpretation d'icelle, remarquez par Josias Berault. Cinquiesme edition. fol. ibid. 1648 Commentaires sur la Coutume de Normandie, par MM. Be- rault, Godefroy, et la Paraphrase de M. d'Aviron. Nouvelle edition, augmentee d'observations sur la Jurisprudence du Palais. 2 vols. fol. ibid. 1776 La Coutume Reformee du pays et duche de Normandie, com- mentee par Henry Basnage. Seconde edition. 2 vols. fol. ibid. 1694 see also Basnage. • La Coutume de Normandie, avec des notes sur chaque article. On y a joint les Observations sur les Usages locaux de la province de Normandie, et les Articles et Placites du Parlement de Rouen, par M. N. * * * [Nupied.] 12mo. Paris, 1765 CouTUMES d'Orleans : see Pothier. COU— COV 213 CouTUME de Paris, redij^ee dans I'ordre naturel de la disposition deg articles, etc., par Pierre Le Maistre. Nouvelle edition, aucrmentee par M * * * [G. A. Guyot.] fol. Paris, 17-H ■ Texte des Coutumes de la PrevAte et Vicomte de Paris, par M, Eusebe de Lauriere, avec beaucoup de notes nouvellcs, trouvt'es aprt's son deces. 3 vols. l2ino. ibid. 1117 see also Ferriere, and Tronqon. CouTUMiER de Picardie, contenant les commentaires de Heu, de Dufresne et de Ricard, sur les Coutumes d'Amiens ; de Gosset, sur celle de Ponthicu ; de Le Roy de Lozenibrune, sur celle de Boulenois, &c. ; avec des questions iinportantes sur plusieurs articles, par les plus celebres Avocats au Parlcinent. 2 vols. fol. ibid, 172G CouTUME du Bailliao-e de Troves, avec les commentaires de M, Louis Le Grand. Quatrieme edition. 2 vols, in 1, fol. ibid. 1737 Coutumes du Bailliage de Vitry en Perthois, avec un commentaire par Estienne Durand. fol. Chaalons, 1722 CovARRUviAS (Didacus, Episcopus Sigobiensis). Opera omnia. Ac- cesserunt Joannis Uffelii in Variarura Resolutionuni libros Notae uberiores. fol. Antverpia', 1038 CovARRUBiAS (Joseph de). Discurso sobre el estado actual de la Abogacia en los Tribunales de la Nacion. 12mo. Madrid, 1789 Covenants. The Law of Covenants. By the author of the Law of Ejectments. 8vo. Loud. 1711 Covent Garden (The) Journal. [Containing an account of the O. P. Riots and of the Trial of Mr. Henry Clifford.] '2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1810 Coventry. An Account of the Loans, Benefactions and Charities, belonging to the City of Coventry ; to which is annexed, a copy of the Order of the Court of Chancery relating to-the Charity of' Sir Thomas White. 8vo. Lund. 1733 Coventry Mysteries : see Shakespeare Society, No. 4. Coventry (Thomas). Treatise on the Law of Common Recoveries. 12mo. Lond. 1820 Concise Forms in Conveyancing. 12mo. ibid. 1827 ■ Observations on the Title to Lands derived through Inclosuro Acts. 8vo.' ibid. 1827 On Conveyancer's Evidence. 8vo. ibid. 1832 Treatise on the Stamp Laws, relating to Deeds and Assurances. Vol. I. 8vo. ibid. 1833 and Samuel Hughes. Analytical Diwstcd Index to the Com- mon Law Reports, from the time of Henry III. to the commence- ment of the reign of George III. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1827 see also Coke. Coverdale (Myles) : see Parker Society. Covert (Nicholas). The Scrivener's Guide : being choice and approved Forms of Presidents. 8vo. Lond. 1695 214 COW— COX CowELL (Johannes). Institutiones Juris Anglican!, ad raethodum et seriem Institutionum Imperialium compositae et digestae. ]2mo. [Camb.]l630 • Institutes of the Lawes of England, translated by W. G. 12mo. Lond. 1651 • The Interpreter, containing the signification of obscure Words and Terms used either in the Common or Statute Lawes of this Realm 5 enlarged by Tho. Manley. fol. ibid. 1672 ' second edition. fol. ibid. 1684 Law Dictionary : or the Interpreter of Words and Terms used either in the Common or Statute Laws of Great Britain, and in Tenures and Jocular Customs; augmented and improved. fol. ibid. 1727 CowEN (Esek). Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Su- preme Court and in the Court of Errors of the State of New York, from 1823 to 1829. 9 vols. 8vo. Albany, 1825-35 CovTLEY (Abraham). Works ; the eighth edition. fol. Lond. 1693 • ninth edition. fol. ibid. 1700 Poemata Latina ; in quibus continentur sex libri Plantarum et unus Miscellaneorum [cum praefatione de vita et scriptis A. Couleii per T. Sprat]. 8vo. ibid. 1668 CowPER (Henry). Reports of Cases adjudged in the Court of King's Bench, from Hil. Term 14 Geo. III. to Trin. Term 18 Geo. III. fol. Lond. 1783 second edition. 2 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1800 Cox (Alfred). The Landlord's and Tenant's Guide : a compendium of information upon the procuring, occupying, and disposing of estates and houses, and many collateral subjects ; with a Gazetteer of Great Britain. 8vo, Lond. [1853] Cox (Edward). Forms of Practical Proceedings in the Chambers of the Master of the Rolls and the Vice Chancellors. 12mo. Lond. 1857 Cox (Edward W.) Reports of Cases in Criminal Law argued and determined in all the Courts in England and Ireland, from 1843 to 1857. 6vols., andvol. 7, partsl-6, 8vo. Lond. 1M6-57 The Law and Practice of Joint Stock Companies with Limited LiabiHty. ^ 12mo. Lond. 1855 The New Law and Practice of Joint Stock Companies, with and without Limited Liability. Third edition. 12mo. ibid. 1856 and Morgan Lloyd. The Law and Practice of the County Courts in England and Wales ; with Rules, Instructions, Forms &c. Fourth edition. 12mo. ibid. 1851 see also County Courts Cases. Cox (Sir Richard). Hibernia Anglicana : or, the History of Ireland from the conquest thereof by the English to this present time ; with an introductory Discourse touching the Ancient State of that King- dom. In two parts. fol. Lond. 1689-90 COX-CRA 215 Cox (Samuel Conipton). Cases determined in the Courts of Equity, from 1783 to 179() inclusive, \\itli a few of an earlier date hv Lord Hardwicke and Lord Northington. 2 vols. 8vo. Lun'd. 1816 CoxE (Richard 8.) Digest of the Decisions in the Supreme Court, Circuit Courts, and District Courts of the United States. 8vo. PhilaJ. 1829 CoxE (William, Archdeacon of AVilts). Memoirs of the Life and Administration of Sir Robert Walpole, Earl of Orford ; with original correspondence and authentic [tapers. 3 vols. 4to. Lond. 1798 Memoirs of Horatio, Lord Waljwle; selected from his cor- respondence and papers, and connected with the history of the times, from 1678 to 1757. 4to. ibid. 1802 Memoirs of John, Duke of Marlborough, with his original correspondence ; collected from the family records at Blenheim, and other authentic sources. 3 vols. 4to. ibid. 1818-19 . Private and original Correspondence of Charles Talbot, Duke of Shrewsbury, with K. William, the leaders of the Whig party, and other distinguished statesmen ; from the family papers in the pos- session of the Duchess of Buccleuch. 4to. Lond.\^2l Memoirs of the Administration of the Right Hon. Henry Pel- ham ; collected from the family papers, and other authentic docu- ments. ' 2 vols. 4to. ibid. 1829 History of the House of Austria, from the foundation of the monarchy bv Rhodolph of Hapsburgh to the death of Leopold the Second, 1218 to 1792. 2 vols, in 3, 4to. ibid. 1807 Memoirs of the Kings of Spain of the House of Bourbon, from the accession of Philip the Fifth to the death of Charles the Third, 1700 to 1788. 3 vols. 4to. ibid. 1813 An historical Tour in Monmouthshire ; illustrated with Views by Sir C. Hoare, Bart. 2 vols. 4to. ibid. 1801 Crabb (George). Universal Technological Dictionary, or Familiar Explanation of the terras used in all Arts and Sciences. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1823 Crabb (George). History of English Law, from the earhest period to the present time. 8vo. Lond. 1829 The Conveyancer's Assistant; or, a Series of Precedents in Convevancinl- La Uaye, 1733 220 CRO— cue Crown (The) Circuit Companion; in which is incorporated the Crown Circuit Assistant. Tenth edition, by Archer Ryland. 8vo. Lond. 1836 Crown Grants — Edw. V. : see Camden Society, No, 60. Croyland. Hist. Continuatio : see Fulman— Rerum Angl. Script. Cruceus (Joannes). Paraphrasis in titulum de Actionibus. 8vo. Lugduni, 1536 Testandi Methodus. 8vo. ibid. 1536 De quintuplici Substitutione Libellus. 8vo. ibid. 1536 Crucis (Chron. Coenobii S.) : see Bannatyne Club, No. 21. (Liber Cartarum S.) : see Bannatyne Club, No. 73. Cruden (Alexander). A complete Concordance to the Old and New Testament : or, a Dictionary, and alphabetical Index to the Bible. To which is added, a Concordance to the Apocrypha. Eleventh edition, with a Life of the Author, by Alexander Chalmers. 4to. Lond. 1848 Cruden (Robert Pierce). H-istory of the Town of Gravesend in the County of Kent, and of the Port of London. 8vo. Lond. 18-43 Cruise (William). A Digest of the Laws of England respecting Real Property. 7 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1804-7 [another copy, with MS. notes by Professor Park.] 7 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1804-7 fourth edition, revised and enlarged by Henry Hopley White. 7 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1835 ■ Essay on the nature and operation of Fines and Recoveries. The third edition. 2 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1794 ■ Essay on Uses. , 8vo. ibid. 1795 Treatise on the origin and nature of Dignities, or Titles of Honor ; containing all the Cases of Peerage, together with the mode of proceeding in claims of this kind. Second edition. 8vo. ibid. 1823 [Crull, Jodocus, M.D.] The Antiquities of St. Peter's, or the Abbey- Church of Westminster. The second edition. 8vo. Lond. 1715 Crusius (Jacobus Andreas). Opuscula varia Politico-Juridico-His- torica, ad illustrationem Juris tam publici, quam privati, necnon Rerum Germanicarum spectantia. 4to. 3Iindce, 1668 Ctesias Cnidius. Operum Reliquiae. Fragmenta collegit, textum e codd. recognovit, prolegomenis et perpetua annotatione instruxit J. C. F. Baehr. 8vo. Franco/, ad Mcenum, 1824 Cubachius (Quirinus). Jurisprudentia Germano-Publica. 12mo. Erfurdice, 1617 CuccHus (Marcus Antonius). Tractatus de Legitima ; item Tract, aliorura JCtorum de ipsa materia, scil. A. Rubei, CI. de Battandier, CI. Chifletii, et M. Mantuffi. 8vo. Neostadii, 1600 cue— CUM 2-21 CUCCHUS (Marcus Antonius). Institutionum Juris Canonici Libri quutuor, cum S. Maresii animadversiouibus. 4to. Gronincja;, l(3(iO CuDWORTH (Ralph, D.D.) A Discourse concerning the true notion of the Lords Supper. 4to. iowc?. 1642 A Sermon preached before the Honourable House of Commons at Westminster, March 31, 1647. 4to. Camhridfje, 1647 A Sermon preached to the Honourable Society of Lincolncs- Inne. 4to. ibid. 1664 The True Intellectual System of the Universe ; with a Discourse concerning the true notion of the Lord's Supper, and two Sermons. The second edition ; to which is added an account of the Life and Writings of the author, by Thomas Birch. 2 vols. 4to. ibid. 1743 An Abridgment of Dr. Cudworth's True Intellectual System of the Universe. In which all the Arguments for and against Atheism are clearly stated and examined; with an Introduction. [By the Rev. Thomas Wise.] 2 vols. 4to. ibid. 1732 Treatise concerning Eternal and Immutable Morality; with a preface by Edward [Chandler], Bishop of Durham. 8vo. ibid. 1731 CuJACius (Jacobus). Opera, quae de Jure fecit et edi voluit. 4 vols, in 1, fol. Francofurti, 1623 Opera omnia; studio C. A. Fabroti, 10 vols, fol. Paris. 1658 ■ Opera omnia, a C. A. Fabroto disposita. Accessere index locu- pletissimus, dissertatio E. Merillii, et ControversijE Joannis Robert! ejusdemque notte in Responsiones a Cujacio nomine Ant. Mercatoris editas, studio L. Ranii, 11 vols. fol. NeapoliyllbS . Commentarii ad tres post. lib. Codicis Justiniani, in Tit. Pand. de verborum obligationibus, &c. fol. Ltigduni, 1562 . Commentarius ad Tit. Dig. de Excusationibus. fol. ibid. 1564 CuLLODEN Papers: comprising an extensive and interesting Cor- respondence from the year 1625 to 1748; published from the originals in the possession of Duncan George Forbes, of Culloden, Esq. To which is prefixed, an Introduction, containing Memoirs of the Rt. Hon. Duncan Forbes, Lord President of the Court of Session in Scotland. 4to. Lund. 1815 CuLLUM (Rev. Sir John, Bart.) History and Antiquities of Hawsted and Hardwick, in the county of Sufiblk. The second edition ; with corrections by the author, and notes by his brother. Sir Thomas- Gery CuUura. 4to. Lund. 1813 CuLVERHOUSE (C.) An Arrangement of the Bread Laws, relating to Bakers out of the City of London, and beyond ten miles of the Royal Exchange ; with an historical introduction, and some curious speci- mens of the ancient bread laws. 8vo. Bath, 1813 Cumberland (Richard, Bp. of Peterborough). De Legibus Naturos Disquisitio philosophica ; in qua . . . Elementa Philosophia; Hob- biantE considerantur et refutantur. 8vo. Dublini, 1720 ■ Treatise of the Laws of Nature ; made English from the Latin, with an Inti-oduction, and an Appendix containing two Discourses, by John Maxwell. 4to. Land. 1727 222 CUM— CUN Cumberland (Richavtl, Bp. of Peterborough). Traite Philosophique des Loix Naturelles ; traduit du Latin par M. Barbeyrac, avec ties notes du traducteur. 4to. Amst. 1744 Sanchoniatho's Phoenician History, translated from Eusebius, with a continuation by Eratosthenes Cyrenaeus's Canon ; illustrated with historical and chronological remarks. With a Preface, giving a brief account of the life and writings of the author, by S. Payne. 8vo. Lond. 1720 Orio-ines Gentium Antiquissimse ; or, Attempts for discovering the Times of the first Planting of Nations, in several tracts ; pub- Hshed from his lordship's manuscript by S. Payne. 8vo. ibid. 1724 Cumin (Patrick). Manual of Civil Law; or Examination in the Institutes of Justinian : being a translation of and commentary on that work, with an introduction on the history of the Roman Law. 12mo. Lond. 1854 CuNiBERT (Barthelemy Sylvestre). Essai historique sur les Revolu- tions et I'Independance de la Serbia depuis 1804 jusqu'a 1850. 2 vols. 8vo. Leipzig, 1855 Cunningham (Alexander). Animadversiones in Richardi Bentleii Notas et Emendationes ad Q. Horatium Flaccum. X . 8vo. Mages Comitum, 1721 Cunningham (Alexander). The History of Great Britain : from the Revolution in 1688, to the accession of George the First. Translated from the Latin manuscript, with an introduction, containing an account of the author and his writings, by William Thomson, LL.D. Published by Thomas Hollingberv, D.D. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1787 A manuscript note on the fly-leaf of this book mentions some remarkable coincidences relating to the two Cunninghams noticed by Dr. Monk, in his Life of Bentley. " Between Alexander Cunningham the historian, and Alex- ander Cunningham the editor of Horace, there are so many particulars of resem- blance, that Thomson, the translator of the History, was forced, after a minute inquiry, to remain in suspense whether or not they were the same individual. It appears that they were both Scotchmen, had both been travelling tutors, both resided at the Hague at the same period, both were intimate with certain distinguished public characters, both were eminent chess-players, both accom- plished scholars, and both lived to an advanced age _ . • The critic died at the Hague in 1730, and the historian died in London in 1737." — Monk's Life of Bentley, vol. 2, p. 16L Cunningham (Captain Joseph Davey). History of the Sikhs, from the origin of the nation to the battles of the Sutlej. 8vo. Lond. 1849 Cunningham (Peter). Handbook for London, past and present. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1849 Life of Inigo Jones : see Shakespeare Society, No. 39. Cunningham (T.) The Law of Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes, Bank-Notes, and Insurances. 8vo. Lond. 1760 Reports of Cases argued and adjudged in the Court of K. B. in the 7, 8, 9, and 10th years of K. George II. during the time of Lord Chief Justice Hardwicke ; to which is prefixed, a Proposal for rendering the Laws of England clear and certain. The second edition. ^'ol- i^'^d- 1''70 CUN— CUR 223 Cunningham (T.) Law Dictionary, or General Abridjiment of tlie Law; containinf^ not only the explanation of the Terms, but also the Law itself, both with rej^ard to theory and practice. The second edition. 2 vols. fol. Load. 1771 ■ Historical Account of the Riij;hts of Election of the several Counties, Cities, and Boroughs of Great Britain. 2 parts, 8vo. ibid. 1783 The Law of Simony : containing all the Statutes, Cases, and Judirments concernin"; it. 8vo. ibid. 1784 ] The History and Antiquities of the four Inns of Court ; and of the nine Inns of Chancery ; also of Serjeants' Inn, and Scroop's Inn, &c. Extracted from Dugdale's Origines Juridiciales. 8vo. ibid. 1780 [another edition.] 8vo. Dublin, n. d. [ ] History and Antiquities, relative to the Oriijin of Government, Beginnino- of Laws, Antiquity of our Laws in England, &c. Ex- tracted from Dugdale's Origines. 8vo. Lond. 1780 CuRASSON (Jacques). Le Code Forestier eonfere et mis en rapport avec la Legislation qui regit les difierens proprietaires et usagers dans les bois. 2 vols. 8vo. Dijon, 1836 Traite de la Competence des Juges de Paix. Deuxieme edition. 2 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1841 Curio (Coelius Secundus). Thesaurus Lingua; Latins, sive Forum Romanum. 3 vols. fol. Dasilecp, 1576 CuRRAN (Rt. Hon. John Philpot). Speeches on the late State Trials. Fourth edition. 8vo. Lond. 1815 CuRSUS Cancellari^ : see Bohun. CuRSON r Henry). The Theory of Sciences illustrated. ^ 8vo. Lond. 1702 CuRTEis (William Calverley, LL.D.) Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Ecclesiastical Courts at Doctors' Commons, from Mich. Term 1834 to Trin. Term 1844. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1840-44 Report of the Case of Mastin v. Escott, Clerk, for refusing to bury an Infant baptized by a Wesleyan Minister; containing the Arguments, and the Judgment delivered in the Arches Court of Canterbury, May 8th, 1841 ; with an Appendix of Documents. ^ 8vo. ibid. 1841 Curtis (George Ticknor). Treatise on the Riglits and Duties of Merchant Seamen, according to the general Maritime Law, and the Statutes of the United States. 8vo. Boston, 1841 . Treatise on the Law of Copyright in Books, Dramatic and Musical Compositions, Letters and other Mamiscripts, Engravings and Sculpture, as enacted and administered in England and America, with some notices of the historv of Literarv Property. 8vo. ibid. 1847 CuRTius (Benedictus). Enchiridion Juris utriusque Terminorum. 8vo. Lugduni, 1543 224 CUR-CYR CuRTius (Job. Jac.) : see Speidelius. CuRTius (Quintus) Rufus. Historiarum libri, accuratissime editi. 12mo. Lond. 1684 de Rebus Gestis Alexandri Magni Libri superstites, cum omni- bus Supplementis, var. lect. et notis variorum ; curavit H. Snaken- burg. 4to. Lugd. Bat. YT^A ■ Quinte Curce, de la Vie et des Actions d' Alexandre le Grand, de la traduction de M. de Vaugelasj avee les Supplemens de Jean Freinshemius. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1698 History of the Wars of Alexander j translated bv John Digby. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1714 CuRzoN (Hon. Robert, Jun.) Visits to Monasteries in the Levant. 12mo. Lond. 1849 Gushing (Luther S.) Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts. vols. 1—11, 8vo. Boston, 1850-57 Manual of Parliamentary Practice. Rules of Proceeding and Debate in deliberative Assemblies. 12mo. ibid. 1853 CussY (Le Baron Ferdinand de). Dictionnaire ou Manuel-Lexique du Diplomate et du Consul. 8vo. Leipzig, 1846 Phases et Causes Celebres du Droit Maritime des Nations. 2 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1856 see also Martens. CuviER (Georges Leopold Chret. Fred. Dagobert, Baron). The Animal Kingdom, ari-anged after its organization, forming a Natural History of Animals, and an Introduction to Comparative Anatomy. Translated and adapted to the present state of science. A new edition, with additions by W. B. Carpenter, M.D. and J. O. Westwood. ' 8vo. Lond. 1849 CuYPERS (Peeter, en Guilliam). Tractaet van Grondt-Proceduren, ofte Uyt-werckinghe van de Actie Hypothecaire. 4to. Brussel, 1713 Cyclop^bia. The Cyclopsedia of the British Empire. [Sub-division of the Imperial Cyclopaedia.] 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. C. Knight [1852] ■ see also Encyclopedia, and Penny CvcLOPiEDiA. Cymmrodorion. Transactions of the Cymmrodorion, or Metropolitan Cambrian Institution, vol. 1, and vol. 2, part 1, 8vo. Lo7id. 1822-8 Cyprianus (Cajcilius, Carthaginiensis Episcopus). Opera, cum adno- tationibus Jacobi Pamelii. Adjecta est D. Cypriani Vita. fol. Col. Agripp. 1617 • Opera, recognita et illustrata per Joannem [FelHum], Oxoni- ensem Episcopum. Accedunt Annales Cyprianici, per Joannem [Pearsonium] Cestriensem. fol. Oxonii, 1682 Cyrillus (S. Alexandrise Archiepiscopus). Opera, Gr, et Lat. cura et studio Joannis Auberti. 6 vols, in 7, fol. Parisiis, 1638 Cyrillus (S. Archiepiscopus Hierosolymitanus). Opera quae extant .• omnia, Gr. et Lat., dissertationibus & notis illustrata, cura Ant. Aug. Touttee. Ibl. Parisiis, 1720 DAB— DAL 225 Dabelow (Eph. Clir, von). Rumisclie St.aats- unci Rechtsorescliichte im Grundrisse, nebst einem Anhange, als vorlaufif:^er Einleitunf; in (las Corpus Juris Civilis. 8vo. Halle, 1818 Dafforne (Richard). The Merchants Mirrour: see Malyxes. Daoeville (Gabriel Jacques). De la Propriete Politique et Civile. 8vo. Parh, 1813 D'Aquesseau : see Aguesseau. [The same rule is adopted generally for the names of French authors to which the particle de is prefixed.] Dall^cus seu Dati-lk (Johannes). De Poenis et Satisfactionibus Humanis Libri VII. 4to. Amst. 1G49 Treatise concerning the right Use of the Fathers, in the decision of the Controversies that are at this day in Religion. [Ti-anslated from the French by Thomas Smith.] 4to. Land. 1(J51 [another edition.] ibid. 1675 Dale (Samuel). History and Antiquities of Harwich and Dovercourt ; first collected by Sikis Taylor, alias Doraville, and now much en- larged. 4to. Land. 1730 Dallas (A. J.) Reports of Cases ruled and adjudged in the Courts of the United States and Pennsylvania before and since the Revolution; with notes and additions by T. I. Wharton and B. Gerhard. 4 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1830-35 Dallas (George). System of Stiles as now practicable within the kingdom of Scotland. fol. Edinh. ^iS^dl Dallaway (James). Constantinople, ancient and modern, with Excur- sions to the shores and islands of the Archipelago and to the Troad. 4to. Lond. 1797 History of the Western Division of the County of Sussex, including the Rapes of Chichester, Arundol, and Bramber; con- tinued and completed by the Rev. Kdnuind Cartwright. 2 vols, in 3, 4to. Lond. 1815-19-30 Dallingtox (Robert). Aphorismes Civill and Militarie, amplified with authorities, and exemplified with historic, out of the first Quarterne of Fr. Guicciardine. With a briefe Inference upon Guiccinrdine's Digression, in the fourth part of the first Quarterne of his Historic, forbidden the Impression, and effaced out of the originall by the hupiisition. fol. Lond. 1613 second edition. fol. ibid. 1629 Dalloz (Armand, Jeune). Dictionnaire General et Raisonne de Legis- lation, de Doctrine et de Jurisprudence, en niatiere civile, com- merciale, criniiiielle, adniinistrativc et de droit public ; avec Tables. 4 vols. 4to. Paris, 1835-6 ■ Tome V. Partie Suppl^raentaire. Periode de 1834 a 1842. ibid. 1841-2 Dalloz (Victor Alexis Desire). Jurisprudence Gcnorale du Royaume, ou Repertoire methodique [et alphabttique] de la Legislation et de la Jurisprudence nioclei iies, en niatiere civile, comnu^'ciale, criminclle, administrative ct de droit public. 12 vols. 4to. Paris, 1827-30 226 DAL Dalloz (Victor Alexis Desire). Jurisprudence Generale. Recueil Periodique et Critique de Jurisprudence, de Legislation et de Doctrine en matiere civile, coranierciale, administrative et de droit public, par M. Dalloz aine, et M. Armand Dalloz, son frere, avec la collaboration de M. Ed. Dalloz, et de plusieurs autres Juris- consultes. 33 vols. 4to. Paris, 1825-57 Contenant : — 1. Arrets de la Cour de Cassation. 2. Arrets des Cours Imperiales. 3. Decisions du Conseil d'Etat, et documens divers. 4'. Lois, Decrets et Actes Legislatifs. 5. Decisions d'un ordre secondaire, citations d'opinions d'auteurs, etc., renfermees dans la table des matieres. Daleymple (Sir David, Lord Hailes). Memorials and Letters relating to the History of Britain in the reign of James the First; published from the originals. The second edition, enlarged. 8vo. Glasgow, 1766 Memorials and Letters relating to the History of Britain in the reign of Charles the First. 8vo. ihid.MQQ Annals of Scotland, from the accession of Malcolm III. in the year 1057 to the accession of the House of Stewart in the year 1371. To which are added, Tracts relative to the History and Antiquities of Scotland. Third edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Edinh. 1819 Decisions of the Lords of Council and Session, from 1766 to 1791 ; selected from the original MSS. by M. P. Brown. 2vols. 4to. i&i(Z. 1826 Dalrymple (Sir Hew, Bart.) Decisions of the Court of Session, from 1698 to 1718. fol. Edinh. 1758 Dalrymple (Sir James). Apology : see Bannatyne Club, No. 12. Institutes : see Stair. Dalrymple (Sir John, Bart.) Memoirs of Great Britain and Ireland, from the dissolution of the last Parliament of Charles II. until the sea-battle off" La Hogue ; continued to the capture of the French and Spanish fleets at Vigo. ,„«-, „« o^ 3 vols, in 2, 4to. Lond. and Edinh. 1771-73-88 ■ Essay towards a general History of Feudal Property in Great Britain. ^^^- Lond. \lhl [another edition.] 12mo. ihid. 1758 Dalton (Michael). Officium Vicecomitum : the Office and Au- thoritie of Sherifs. fol. Lond. 1623 The Country Justice. fol. ihid. 1697 . The Country Justice : containing the Practice, Duty and Power of the Justices of the Peace ; with additions by Wm. Nelson. fol. ibid. 1727 Dalwigk (C. F. von) und N. Falck. Eranien zum deutschen Pri- vatrecht, mit Urkunden, von Dr. Carl Fr. von Dalwigk. Erste Lieferung, 1825. Fortsetzung, herausgegeben von Dr. J^- ^alck, 1826—8. 3 parts in 1 vol. 8vo. Reidelh. 1825-8 DAL— DAN 227 [Dalyell, John Graham.] Fragments of Scotish History. 4to. Edinb. 1798 Damascenus (Joannes). Opera, Graece et Latine. Item Joannis Cassiani Eremitae non prorsus dissimilis argument! Lihri aliquot. fol. lidslleff, 1559 Damasl'S ( ). Burchardica, sive Rcguhc Canonica?, a P. S'Aluno Aquilio recognitae. 8vo. Antverpia', 15GH Damhouderius (Jodocus). Enchiridion Parium, aut Similium ntri- usque Juris. 4to. AntverpicB, 1568 Praxis Rerum Criminalium. Acccsserunt Sententiae Selectae Praxeos Rerum Criminahum, et aliarum partium Juris Scicntia- rumque. 4to. ibid. 1616 Praxis Rerum Civilium, cum annotationibus perpetuis Nicolai Thuldaeni. 4to, ibid. 1617 Practique Judiciaire es Causes Criminelles. 4to. Anvers, 1564 Le Refuge et Garand des Pupilles, Orphelins, et Prodigues. 4to. ibid, 1567 De Practijke of Gebruyk zoo van Civile als Criminele Zaken ; uyt hot Latijn overgezet door K. van Nispen. 4to. Itotterdam, 1656 Dan^eus (Lambertus). Aphorismi Politici et Militares, collect! per L. Danoium, variisque exemplis ilhistrati. 12mo. Traj, ad Mhenum, 1652 Danby (Thomas Osborne, Earl of). Copies and Extracts of some Letters written to and from the Earl of Danby (now Duke of Leeds) in the years 1676, 1677, and 1678; with particular remarks upon some of them. 8vo. Lond. 1710 Memoirs relating to the Impeachment of Thomas Earl of Danby, in the year 1678; with an Appendix, containing the pro- ceedings in Parliament, &c. 8vo. ibid. 1710 Danes (Pctrus Ludovicus). Generalis Temporum Notio, ab orbe condito ad annum 1736deducta; ad annum 1772 producta et sup- pleta a J. N. Paquot. 8vo. Lovanii, 1773 Da NET (L'Abbe Pierre). Dictionnaire Francois et Latin. 4to. Amsf. 1710 Dictionary of the Greek and Roman Antiquities; translated from the French. 4to. Lond. 1700 Dangeau (Louis de Courcillon, Abbe de). Essais de Grammaire: see Opuscules. Dangeau (Philippe de Courcillon, ^Marquis de). Journal pu])lie en entier pour la ])renii{'re fois par ISIM. .Soulie, Dussieux, de Chenne- vieres, Mantz, de Montaigloii, avec Ics additions inedites du Due de Saint-Simon j)ubliecs par M. Fcuillet de Conches. vols. 1—13, 8vo. Paris, 1854-8 DanicvE Leges: see Denmakk. Daniel (Gabriel). Histoire de France, depuis I'etablissement de la Monarchic Franyoise dans les Gaules. Secondc edition. 6 vols. 4to. Amst. 1720 q2 228 . DAN Daniel (Gabriel). The History of France ; translated from the French. 5 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1726 [ ] Voyage to the Woi'kl of Cartesius ; translated from the French by T. Taylor. The second edition. 8vo. ibid. 1694 [ ] Discourses of Oleander and Eudoxe upon the Provincial Letters ; to which is added, an Answer to the Apology for the Pro- vincial Letters ; translated from the French. 8vo. ibid. 1704 Daniel or Danyel (Samuel). The Collection of the Historic of England [to the end of the reign of Edw. III.] fol. Lond. 1621 Continuation to the reign of Henry the Seventh, by John Trussell. fol. ibid. 1636 Daniell (Edmund Robert). Reports of Cases argued and determined on the Equity side of the Court of Exchequer, during the years 1817—20. 8vo. Lond. 1824 Treatise on the Practice of the High Court of Chancery, with some practical observations on the Pleadings in that Court. 3 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1837-41 The Practice of the High Court of Chancery. Second edition, with additions by Thomas Emerson Headlara. 2 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1845 Supplement, containing the Statutes, General Orders and Decisions, to the commencement of the year 1851, with notes. 8vo. ibid. 1851 third edition, adapted to the present Practice of the Court, by T. E. Headlam. 2 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1857 Practical Observations on the New Orders for the Regulation of the Practice and Proceedings of the Court of Chancerv, issued on the 26th August, 1841. 8vo. ' ibid. 1841 Daniels (Alexander a). De Saxonici Speculi origine, ex juris com- munis libro Suevico Speculo perperam nominari solito. 8vo. Berolini, 1852 Dannenmayr (Matthias). Institutiones Historias Ecclesiasticae N. T. Editio tertia. 2 vols. 8vo. Conimbricee, 1826 Dansey (James Cruikshank). The English Crusaders ; containing an account of all the English Knights who formed part of the expedi- tions for the recovery of the Holy Land ; illustrated by thi'ee hun- dred Coats of Arms and various embeUishments, illuminated in gold and colours. 4to. Lond. 1850 Danson (F. M.) and J. H. Lloyd. Mercantile Cases. Reports of Cases relating to Commerce, Manufactures, &c. determined in the Courts of Common Law, at Nisi Prius and in Banc, in 1828-1829, with practical notes. vol. 1, 8vo. Lond. 1830 see also Lloyd and Welsby. Dante Alighieri. [Opere.] Edizione corretta, illustrata, ed accres- ciuta. 5 vols. 8vo. Venezia, 1760 Tom. T.— III. Vita scritta da L. Bruni Aretino. La divina Commedia, con le annotazioni di Venturi e Volpi. Osservazioni di F. M. Rosa Morando, e Dissertazioni di G. Berti Agostiniano. Tom. IV. Memorie per la Vita di Dante; i sette Salmi Penitenziali, ed il Credo, con annotazioni di Saverio Quadrio. Tom. V. Prose e Rime Liriche : de Monarchia ; Vita Nuova ; il Convito ; de la volgare Eloquenza; Rime. DAN-DAR 229 Dante Alighieri. La Commedia, trasportata in verso Latino eroico da Carlo d' Aquino, coU' aggiunta del testo Italiano, e di brevi annotazioni. 3 vols. 8vo. Napoli, 1728 La diviua Commedia, giusta la lezione del Codice Bartoliniano [per opera di Quirico Viviaui]. 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. Udine, 1823 The Vision ; or Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise ; translated by the Rev. Henry Francis Cary. The second edition, with the Life of Dante, additional notes, and index. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1819 Dantoine (Jean Baptiste). Regies du Droit Civil, traduites en Fran(,'ois, avec dcs commentaires. Nouvelle edition. 4to. Brusselles, 1742 Danty ( ). Traite de la Prcuve par Temoins en matiere civile. 4to. Paris, 1727 D'Anvers (Knightley). A General Abridgment of the Common Law, alphabetically digested under proper titles [to title Extinguishment]. 3 vols. fol. Lond. 1705^7 second edition. 3 vols. fol. ibid. 1725-37 Danyel (Samuel) : see Daniel. Danz (Wilhelni August Friedrich). Grundsatze des ordentlichen Prozesses, vermehrt und umgearbeitet von Nicol. Thadd. v. Gonner. Fiinfte Ausgabe. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1821 Daoyz (Stephanus). Juris Pontificii Index et Summa. fol. Burdif/alcB, 1624 Darell (William). History of Dover Castle [translated into English, Avith the Latin text, by Alexander CampbellJ. 4to. Lond. 1786 Dares Phrygius : see Dictys Cretensis. Darien Papers : see Bannatyne Club, No. 91. Darjes (Joach. Georgius). Observationes Juris Naturalis Socialis et Gentium. 2 vols, in 1, 4to. Jence, 1751-54 Darling (James). Cyclopaedia Bibliographical a Library Manual of Theological and General Literature, and (iuide to Books for authors, preachers, students, and literary men, analvtical, biblio- graphical, and biographical. Authors. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1854 Subjects. parts 1 to 6, 8vo. ibid. 1857-8 Darling (James Johnston). The Practice of the Court of Session. 8vo. Edinb. 1833 Darling (John). Treatise on the Administration of Trust Funds under the Trustee Relief Act; with an appendix containing general orders, forms of proceedings, &c. 8vo. Lond. 1855 Dart (J. Henry). A Compendium of the Law and Practice of Vendors and Purchasers of Real Estate. 8vo. Lond. 1851 second edition. 8vo. ibid. 1852 third edition. 8vo. ibid. 1856 Daru (Le Comte Pierre Antoine Noel Bruno). Histoire de la Re- publique de Venise. Seconde edition. 8 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1821 • Histoire de Bretagne. 3 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1826 230 DAT— DAV Dattaka-Mimansa and Dattaka-Chandrika, : Two orip^inal Trea- tises on the Hindu Law of Adoption, translated from the Sanscrit, by J. C. C. Sutherland, with notes, and a brief Synopsis of the Law. 4to. Calcutta, 1821 Daubanton (A. G.) Repertoire Universel de Legislation Com- merciale Interieure et Maritime de I'Empire. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1810 D'AuBiGNE (J. H.) : see Merle d'Aubigne. Dauney (W.) Ancient Scottish Melodies: see Bannatyne Club, No. 61. Daunou (Pierre Claude Francois). Cours d'Etudes Historiques. 20 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1842-9 Dauray de Brie (J. F.) Cours de Droit Public, ou Theorie des Lois Sociales. Deuxieme edition. 8vo. Paris, 1813 Davenant (Charles, LL.D.) Political and Commercial Works, relating to the Ti-ade and Revenue of England, the Plantation Trade, the East India Trade, and African Trade ; collected and revised by Sir Charles Whitworth. 5 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1771 Essays upon Peace at Home, and War abroad. 8vo. ibid. 1704 Davenport (Sir H.) : see Coke. Davidson (Charles). Concise Precedents in Conveyancing ; adapted to the Act to amend the Law of Real Property, 8 & 9 Vict. cap. 106, with practical notes and observations. 12mo. Lond. 1845 second edition. 12mo. ibid. 1845 fifth edition. 12mo. ibid. 1857 ' ■ Common Forms in Conveyancing, including Recitals. 8vo. ibid. 1846 Precedents and Forms in Conveyancing. Second edition, by Charles Davidson and Thomas Cooke Wright. vols. 1, 2. 8vo. ibid. 1855-8 see also Martin (Thomas). Davies (Edward). Celtic Researches, on the Origin, Traditions and Language of the Ancient Britons ; with some introductory Sketches on Primitive Society. 8vo. Lond. 1804 Davies (Joannes, S.T.D.) Antiquse Linguae Britannicae, nunc com- muniter dictae Cambro-Britannicae, a suis Cyraraecffi vel CambricaB, ab aliis Wallicae, Rudimenta. 12mo. Lond. 1621 Antiquae Linguae Britannicae, nunc vulgo dictae Cambro-Bri- tannicae, et Linguae Latinae Dictionarium duplex : prius, Britannico- Latinum, plurirais venerandas antiquitatis Britannicae monumentis respersum; posterius, Latino-Britannicum [auctore Tho. Guilielmo]. Accesserunt Adagia Britannica. fol. ibid. 1632 Davies or Davys (Sir John). Le primer Report des Cases et matters en Lev resolves et adjudges en les Courts del Roy en Ireland. fol. Lond.\mS Poetical Works : consisting of his Poem on the Immortality of the Soul; the Hymns of Astrsea; and Orchestra, or a Poem on Dancing. 12mo. ibid. 1773 DAV— DAW 231 Davies or Davys (Sir John). The Original, Nature, and Immortality of the Soul, a Poem ; with a prefatory account [by N. Tate] con- cerning the author. The second edition. 12mo. Lond.lll-i England's Independency : see Pettus. Davies (John, of Kidwelly). History of the Caribby Islands, in two Books ; tlie first conta'ining the Natural ; the second, the Moral History of those Islands. With a Caribbian Vocabulary. Rendered into English by John Davies of Kidwelly. fol. Lond. 1()()6 Davies (John). A Collection of important Cases respecting Patents of Invention and the ilights of Patentees; with practical Observa- tions. 8vo. Lond. 181G Davies (Thomas). The Laws relating to Bankrupts, fol. Lond. 1744 Davila (Arrigo Caterino). Dell' Istoria delle Guerre Civili di Francia. 6 vols. 8vo. Milano, 1807 History of the Civil Wars of France; translated from the Italian fbv Sir Charles Cottrell]. The second impression. ^ ^ fol. Lond. 1678 Davis (James Edward). Manual of the Law of Evidence, on the Trial of Actions and other proceedings in the New County Courts. 12mo. Lond. 1848 Manual of the Practice and Evidence in Actions and other pro- ceedings in the County Courts. Second edition. 12mo. ibid. 1855 The New Practice of the Coiintv Courts in Actions and other proceedings, with the statute 19 & 20 Vict. cap. 108, and the Rules thereon : being a Supplement to the second edition of the Manual. 12mo. ibid. 1857 Davis (John Francis). The Chinese: a general Description of the Empire of China and its inhabitants. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1836 Davis (Joso])h). A Digest of Legislative Enactments relating to the Society of Friends, commonly' called Quakers, in England; with occasional observations. 8vo. Bristol, 1820 Davison (Henry) and Herman Merivale. Reports of Cases ai-gued and determined in the Court of Queen's Bench, and upon Writs of Eri-or from that Court to the Exchequer Chamber, from Ti-in. Term, 1843, to Easter Term, 1844. vol. 1, 8vo. Lond. 1844 Davison (John). Discoui-ses on Prophecy, in which are considered its structure, use, and inspiration. Second edition. [Warburtonian Lectures.] ^vo. Lund. 1825 . Remains and Occasional Publications. 8vo. Oxford, 1841 Davoud-Oghlou (Garabed Artin). Histoire de la Legislation des Anciens Germains. 2 vols. 8vo. Berlin, 1845 Davys (Sir John) : see Davies. Dawesius (Ricardus). Miscellanea Critica, ex recensione et cum notis Thomaj Kidd. Accedunt Lusus Juveniles. Editio secunda. 8vo. Lund. 1827 Dawson (George). Origo Legum : or, a Treatise of the Origin of Laws, and their obliging power; as also of*their great variety, and why some laws are immutable and some not. fol. Lond. 1694 232 DAX— DEA Dax (Edward Thomas). The New Book of Costs in the Superior Courts of Common Law at Westminster. 12mo. Lond. 1847 Dax (Thomas). The Practice on the Plea Side of the Court of Exchequer. 8vo. Lond. 1831 ■ second edition. Part I. 8vo. ibid. 1833 The Practice in the Offices of the Masters on the Plea side of the Superior Common Law Courts at Westminster. 12mo. ibid. 1844 Day (Thomas). Reports of Cases in the Supreme Court of Errors in Connecticut. Second sei-ies, from June 1828 to June 1842. 8 voM 8vo. Hartford, 1841-2 Daya-Bhaga : see Colebrooke. Daya-Crama-Sangraha : an original Treatise on the Hindoo Law of Inheritance, translated by P. M. Wynch. 4to. Calcutta, 1818 Deacon (Edward E.) The Law and Practice of Bankruptcy, as altered by the new Act (6 Geo. IV. c. 16); with a collection of forms and precedents, and practical notes. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1827 ' second edition, revised by the author; with additional references and notes by John De Gex. 2 vols. 12mo. ibid. 1847 • Guide to Magistrates out of Sessions, including a Digest of the Poor Laws, with practical Forms of Orders, Commitments, and Convictions. 2 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1843 Reports of Cases in Bankruptcy, argued and determined in the Court of Review, and on Appeal before the Lord Chancellor, from 1835 to 1840 ; with a Digest of the Cases relating to Bankruptcy in all the contemporaneous Reports. 4 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1837--41 and Edward Chitty. Reports of Cases in Bankruptcy, argued and determined in the Court of Review, and on Appeal before the Lord Chancellor, 1832 to 1835. 4 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1833-7 Deane (James Parker, D.C.L.) The Act for the Amendment of the Law with respect to Wills, 7 Will. IV. & 1 Vict, c. 26, with notes and references to Decisions. 8vo. Lond. 1852 ' The Law of Blockade, as contained in the Report of eight Cases argued and determined in the High Court of Admiralty on the blockade of the coast of Courland, 1854. 8vo. ibid. 1855 Dearsly (Henry Richard). Criminal Process ; or a View of the whole proceedings taken in Criminal Prosecutions, from Arrest to Judg- ment and Execution. 12mo. Lond. 1853 • Crown Cases reserved for consideration, and decided by the Judges of England, with a Selection of Cases relating to Indictable Offences, argued and determined in the Court of Queen's Bench and the Courts of Error ; from 13th Nov. 1852 to 26th April 1856. vol. 1, 8vo. ibid. 1856 ' and Thomas Bell. Crown Cases resei'ved for consideration, and decided by the Judges of England, and Notes of Cases relating to indictable offences and the practice of the Criminal Law argued and determined in the Queen's Bench and the Courts of Error. parts 1 to 4, 8vo. ibid. 1856-7 DEB— DEE 233 Debate (The) at Lar^e between the House of Lords and House of Commons, at tlie Free Conference held in tlie Painted Chamber in the Session of the Convention, anno 1(588, rclatinjr to the word, Abdicated, and the Vacancy of the Throne, in the Commons' Vote. 12mo. Loud. 1695 second edition. 8vo. ibid. 1710 Debates. An exact Collection of the most considerable Debates in the Honourable House of Commons, at the Parliament held at West- minster the one and twentieth of October 1080. 8vo. Lond. 1681 Attributed to Sir William Jones. Debrett(J.): see Parliament. De Bure (Guillaume-Fran^ois). Bibliop^raphie Instructive : ou Traite de la Connoissance des Livres rares ct singuliers. — Theologie.— Juris- prudence, Sciences et Arts. — Belles Lettres, 2 vols.— Histoire, 3 vols. 7 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1763-8 Deccan. The Proceedings in the Deccan Prize Case. 2 vols. 4to. Loud. 1823 Dechales (Claudius Francisciis Milliet). Cursus seu Mundus Mathe- maticus. Editio altera ex MSS. authoris aucta, opera Amati Varcin. 4 vols. fol. Licf/d. 1690 Decianus (Tiberius). Tractatus Criminalis. Editio nova, aucta et notis illustrata a P. Corn. Brederodio. 2 parts in 1 vol. fol. Francof. ad 3Icenum, 1591 Decius (Philippus). Enarratio in Tit. ff. de Regulis Juris, cum addi- tionibus H. Cuchalon, Saraynae, et aliorum Juris utriusque con- sultorum. 8vo. Lvgd. 1610 Deckherus (Johannes). Dissertation um Juris, et Decisionum super illis factarum in magnis supremisque Conciliis suae Majestatis in Belgio, Libri duo. fol. Bruxellis, 1031 editio altera, cui accessere Dissertationes et Decisiones posthumae, colligente J. B. Christyn. fol. ibid. 1686 Declaracio Titulorum Legalium. fol. Lipsia-, per Mauricium Bra?idis, 1489 Declarations. An exact Collection of choice Declarations, with Pleas, Replications, &c. : and the Entries of Judgments thennqinn affirmed. Collected by W. S. in the reignes of Q. Elizabeth, K. James, and K. Charles. Translated into English. 4to. Lond. 1653 Decretales: see Bonifacius. . Compendium Praelectionum Canonicarum, juxta libros quinque Decretalium. 8vo. Francof. ad Ma-num, 1774 Dedekindus (Fridericus). Ludus Satyricus de Moruni Simplicitate, seu Rusticitate, vulgo dictus Grobianus. 12mo. Lvgd. Bat. 1631 Dee (Dr. John). Diary : see Camden Society, No. 19. Deerino (Charles, M.D.) Nottinghamia Vetus et Nova, or, an his- torical account of the ancient and i)rescnt state of the Town of Nottingham. 4to. Nottinyhani, 1701 234 DEF— DEK Depensio Legis : or, the whole State of England inquisited and defended for general satisfaction. By a person of honour. 8vo. Loncl. 1674 Deffand (Marie de Vichy Chamrond, Marquise du). Lettres a Horace Walpole, ecrites dans les annees 1766 a 1780; auxquelles sont jointes des Lettres de Mad. du Deffand ^ Voltaire, ecrites dans les annees 1759 a 1775. Nouvelle edition. 4 vols. Svo. Paris, 1824 De Foe (Daniel). Novels and Miscellaneous Works; with a bio- graphical Memoir of the author [by J. Ballantyne], literary prefiices, notes, &c. With the Life of De Foe, by G. Chalmers; and a list of his works, arranged chronologically. 20 vols. 12mo. Oxford, 1840-41 ■ Works, with a Memoir of his Life and Writings, by William Hazlitt. 3 vols. 8vo. Loncl 1840^3 [ — ] The Storm : or, a Collection of the most remarkable Casualties and Disasters which happened in the late dreadful Tempest both by sea and land. 8vo. ibid. 1704 [ ] Minutes of the Negotiations of M. Mesnager at the Court of England, wherein some most secret transactions relating to the interest of the Pretender, and a clandestine separate Peace, are detected and laid open. Done out of French. Svo. ibid. 1717 La Vie et les Avantures surprenantes de Robinson Crusoe ; tra- duite de I'Anglois. Cinquieme edition. 3 vols. 12mo. Leyde, 1754 De Gex (John P.) Reports of Cases in Bankruptcy, decided in the Court of Review, by the Vice-Chancellor Sir James Lewis Knight Bruce, and the Lord Chancellors Lord Lyndhurst and Lord Cotten- ham. Svo. Lond. 1852 • — -■ and John Smale. Reports of Cases decided in the High Court of Chancery, by the Rt. Hon. Sir J. L. Knight Bruce, Vice-Chancellor, and by Sir James Parker, Vice-Chancellor, from Mich. Term 1846 to the end of Trinity Vacation 1852. 5 vols. Svo. ibid. 1849-54 S. Macnaghten, and A, Gordon. Reports of Cases heard and determined by the Lord Chancellor, and the Court of Appeal in Chancery. 1851—7. vols. 1 to 6, and vol. 7, parts 1, 2. Svo. ibid. 1853-8 and H. Cadman Jones. Reports of Cases heard and deter- mined by the Lord Chancellor, and the Court of Appeal in Chancery, from Easter Term, 1857. vol. 1, parts 1, 2. Svo. ibid. 1S57-8 Degge (Sir Simon). The Parson's Counsellor, with the Law of Tithes or Tithing. The second edition. Svo. Lond. 1677 — fourth edition. Svo. ibid. 1685 seventh edition, with additions, l)y Charles Ellis. Svo. ibid. 1820 Deinology : or, the Union of Reason and Elegance : being Instruc- tions to a young Barrister. With a Postscript, suggesting some considerations on the viva voce examination of Witnesses at the English Bar. By Hortensius. Svo. Lond. 1789 Dekker (Thomas). Patient Grissil : see Shakespeare SocietY; No. 6. DEL— DEM 235 De la Beche (Sir Henry T.) The Geological Observer. 8vo. Lond. 1851 Delafons (John}. Treatise on Naval Courts Martial. 8vo. Lond, 1805 Delahaye (CI. Aug.) Etudes du Code Napoleon, considere particu- lierement en ce qu'il interesse les Tutelles et Curatelles. 8vo. Parh, 1810 Delameh (Henrv, Lord). Works; containinj:^ his Lordship's Advice to his Children ; several speeches in Parliament, &c.; with occasional Discourses on the affairs of the two last Reigns. 8vo. Lond. 1694 Delane (W. F. a.) a Collection of Decisions in the Courts for re- visinf the Lists of Electors. The second edition. 12mo. Lond, 1836 Delaune (Thomas). Anglic Metropolis: or, the present state of London; with memorials comprehending a full and succinct account of the ancient and modern state thereof; continued to the present year by a careful hand. l-2mo. Lond. 1690 Delbrun (Pierre). Le Grand Apparat Francois, avec le Latin re- cueilli de Ciceron, etc. Sixieme edition. 4to. Paris, 1664 Delen (Carl). Engelskt och Svenskt Lexikon. 2 parts in 1 vol. 4to. Stockholm, 1806-7 Delfico (Melchiorre). Ricerche sul vero carattere della Giurispru- denza Romana e de' suoi cultori. Terza edizione. 8vo. Napuli, 1815 De Lolme (John Louis). The Constitution of England; or, an Account of the English Government ; in which it is compared both with the Republican Form of Government, and the other Monarchies in Europe. A new edition, with supplemental notes. ^ 8vo. Lond, 1807 with supplemental notes, and index by William Hughes Hughes. 8vo. ibid. 1834 The Rise and Progress of the English Constitution : the treatise of J. L, De Lolme, LL.D. with an historical and legal introduction, and notes, by A. J. Stephens. 2 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1838 Delpit (Jules). Collection Generale des Documents Francais qui se trouvent en Angleterre. Tome I. 4to. /'«n.f, 1847 Delrius (Martinus Antonius). Syntagma Tragoediae Latinae, in tres partes distinctum. 4to. Paris. 1619 Delvincourt (C. S.) Juris Romani Elementa, secundum ordincm Institutionum Justiniani. 8vo. Paris, 1817 Demante (Antoine Marie). Cours analytique de Code Napoleon. vols. 1-3, 8vo. Paris, 1849-55 Demophilus. Demophili, Democratis, et Sccundi, veterum philoso- phorum, Sentential morales, Gr. et Lat., nunc primuni cdita; a Luca Holstenio. V2n\o. Lufjd. But. 1739 De Morgan (Augustus). An Essay on Probabilities, and on their application to Life Contingencies and Insurance Offices. ^* 8vo. Lond.l^m The Book of Almanacs, with an index of reference, by which the almanac may be found for every year, whether in old style or new, from any epoch, ancient or modern, up to A.D. 2000. oblong 8vo. ibid. 1851 236 DEM— DEN Demosthenes et ^schines. Opera, Graece et Latine, cum utriusque autoris vita, Ulpiani commentariis, iiotisque illustrata, per Hierony- mum Wolfium. fol. Anrelice Allohrogum, 1607 QuEe exstaut omnia, Gr. et Lat., cum notis variorum etsuis illustravit G. S. Dobson; acceclunt animadversiones Reiskii et aliorura. 10 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1828 see also Oratores Attici, and Oratores Grjeci. Philippiques de Demosthene, avec des remarques, et una preface historique [par Jacques de Tourreil]. 12mo. Anvers, 1707 Oraisons de Demosthene et de Ciceron [avec les remarques de M. Bouhier]. 12mo. Paris, 1727 Philippiques de Demosthene, et Catilinaires de Ciceron, tra- duites par M. I'Abbe d'Olivet, avec des remarques de M.le Pre- sident Bouhier. Seconde edition. 12mo. Paru, 1736 Several Orations of Demosthenes to encourage the Athenians to oppose the exorbitant power of Philip of Macedon ; Englished by several hands. With the historical preface of M. Tourreil. 12mo. Lond. 1702 [another edition] translated by the Earl of Peter- borough, Lord Lansdowne, Dr. Garth, and other hands ; with the preface of M. Tourreil, taken from the French. 12mo. ihid. 1744 The Oration of Demosthenes upon the Crown, translated into English, with notes and the Greek text, with various readings selected fi-om Wolff, Taylor, Reiske, and others ; by Henry, Lord Brougham. ' 12rao. Lond. 1840 Dempster (T.) Hist. Eccles. : see Bannatyne Club, No. 34. Denham (Sir John). Cooper's Hill : a Poem. 4to. Lond. 1642 Poems, and Translations; with the Sophy. The third im- pression. 8vo. ihid. 1684 sixth edition. 12mo. ihid. 1719 Denio (Hiram). Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court and in the Court for the Correction of Errors of the State of New York. 5 vols. 8vo. Albany, 1846-50 Denisart (Jean BaptisteX Collection de Decisions Nouvelles et de Notions relatives a la Jurisprudence actuelle. Septieme edition. 4 vols. 4to. Paris, 1771 Collection de Decisions Nouvelles et de Notions relatives a la Jurisprudence, mise dans un nouvel ordre, corrigee et augmentee par MM. Camus et Bayard. 9 vols. 4to. ibid. 1783-90 Denison (Edmund Beckett). Lectures on Church Building: with some practical remarks on Bells and Clocks. Second edition. 8vo. Lond. 1856 Denisox (Stephen Charles). Crown Cases reserved for consideration, and decided by the Judges of England, from the year 1844 to 1851, continued from Trinity Term 1851 to Trinity Term 1852, by Robert Rouiere Pearce. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1850-2 Dexman (Lord). Addresses presented to Lord Denman, and his Lordship's Answers : with the proceedings on his first accession to office. Printed by order of the Corporation of London. ^ ' 12mo. Lond. 1850 , DEN-DES 237 Denmark (Law of). Zelands low paa vat dansk wel offver seetli ocli rattelige corrigcret. 4to. Kiobenhaffn, lo76 Den Rette Judske Lovvbog, corrigerit oc foihedrit effter dot Exemplar anno 1590 udgangen. 4to. ibid. 1642 Das Jutsche Low ; aus dem Danischen uebersetzt von Blasius Eckeuberger, niit einer hocbdcutscben Urbersetzung, den Artikein Tord Degns und einigen Anmerkungen, herausgegebcn von Di-. N. Palck. 4to. Ahona, 1819 Kong Cbristians den Andens Geistlige og Verdslige Danske Lov-Bogrer, til Trycken udgiffhe aff P. H, Resen. ^ ' •' " 4to. K'ibbenkaffn, 1684 Kong Christian den Femtis Danske Lov. 4to. Kiobenhavn, 1G83 Kong Christian den Femtes Danske Lov, paa nye oplagt ved C. P. Rothe. 4to. s. I. 1753 Regis Christiani Quinti Jus Danicum, Latine reddituni ab Henrico Weghorst. 4to. Hafnke, 1698 Regis Christiani Quinti Leges Danicae, quas e Danico in Latinum convertebat Petrus A. Hoyelsinus. 4to. HavnicB, 1710 The Danish Laws: or the Code of Christian the Fifth, trans- lated for the use of the English inhabitants of the Danish settlements in America. 8vo. Lotid. 175() [Denne, Rev. Samuel.] History and Antiquities of Rochester and its environs. Second edition [enlarged by W. Wildash]. 8vo. Rochester, 1817 Dennis CGeorge). The Cities and Cemeteries of Etruria. ^ ^ ^ 2 vols. 8vo. Land. 1848 Dennis (John). Remarks on a Book entituled Prince Arthur, an Heroick Poem ; with several new Remarks upon Virgil. 8vo. Lond. 1096 The Usefulness of the Stage, to the Happiness of Mankind, to (Government, and to Religion; occasioned by a late book written by Jeremy Collier, M.A. 8vo. ibid. 1698 Dens (Petrus). Theologia Moralis et Dogmatica. Editio nova. ^ ^ 8 vols, in 4, 12mo. Dubl. 18.32 Denshall (Monsieur). Le Reading sur I'estatute de Finibus fait anno 4 jj^ 7^ 4to. Lond. 1662 Derham (William). Astro-Theology: or a Demonstration of the Being and Attributes of God, from a survey of the Heavens. The third edition. " Bvo. Lond. 1719 Physico-Theology : or a Demonstration of the Being and Attributes of God from his works of Creation : being the substance of sixteen sermons preached at the Boyle Lecture, with lar<;e notes, and many curious observations. The fifth edition. ibid. 1720 Dernusson (Philippe). Traite des Propres Reels. Troisieme edition. 4to. Paris, 1714 Descartes (Rene). Oeuvrcs; publices par Victor Cousin. 11 vols. 8vo. Paris, 182443 Les Passions de I'Ame. 8vo. Rouen, 1651 238 DES— DEV Descartes (Rene). Life of Monsieur Des Cartes, containing the history of his philosophy and works ; translated from the French, by S/R. 8vo. Lond. 1693 Desessarts [Nicolas Toussaint Le Moyne]. Essai sur I'Histoire generale des Tribunaux des peuples tant anciens que modernes, on Dictionnaire historique et judiciaire, contenant les anecdotes pi- quantes et les jugements fameux des Tribunaux de tous les temps et de toutes les nations. 6 vols. 1778. Supplement, 3 vols, 1782 — 84. 9 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1778-84 Desgraviers (Augustin Claude Leconte). Affaire de M. le Chevalier Desgraviers contre le Roi ; avec I'Arret rendu par la Cour Royaie de Paris. [Contenant le Plaidoyer de M. Dupin, &c.] 8vo. Paris, 1821 [Deslandes, Andre Francois Boureau.] De la Certitude des Connois- sances humaines, ou Examen philosophique des diverses prerogatives de la raison et de la foi ; traduit de I'Anglais par F. A. D. L. V. 12mo. Londres, 1741 Des Maizeaux (Pierre). An historical and critical Account of the Life and Writings of William Chillingworth, Chancellor of the Church of Sarum. 8vo. Lond. 1725 Desmoulins (Camille): see Berville et Barriere, vol. 16. Despeisses (Antoine). Oeuvres, oii toutes les plus importantes matieres du Droit Romain sont methodiquement expliquees, et accommodees au Droit Frangois. 3 vols. fol. Lyon, 1660 Des Periers (Bonaventure). Cymbalum Mundi, ou Dialogues Sa- tyriques sur differens sujets, avec une Lettre Critique par Prosper Marchand. Nouvelle edition, augmentee de notes et remarques, communiquees par plusieurs savans [Falconet et Lancelot]. 12mo. A^nst. 1732 D'EsTE : see Este (Sir Augustus d'). De Thou (J. A.) : see Thuanus. Deurer (E. F. F. Wilhelm). Grundriss fiir aussere Geschichte und Institutionen des Romischen Rechts. 8vo. Heidelberg, 1849 [Devaux, Jean.] Le Medecin de soi-meme; ou I'Art de se conserver la sante par I'instinct. 12mo. La Haye, 1699 Deverell (Robert). Discoveries in Hieroglyphics and other Anti- quities. 6 vols, in 3, 8vo. Lond. 1813 Devereux (Hon. Walter Bourchier, Captain R.N.) Lives and Letters of the Devereux, Earls of Essex, in the reigns of Elizabeth, James I., and Charles I. 1540—1646. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1853 [Deville, Jean Bapt.] Histoire des Plantes de I'Europe, et des plus usitees qui viennent d'Asie, d'Afrique, et d'Amerique. 2 vols. 12mo. Lyon, 1680 Devilleneuve (L. M.) et P. Gilbert. Table Generale, alpha- betique et chronologique, de la Jurisprudence du xix.* siecle, de la Pasicrisie Frangaise et du Recueil General des Lois et des Arrets (1791 a 1850). Edition completee en Belgique et mise en rapport avec les Collections specialement faites pour ce pays. vols. 1—6, 8vo. Bruxelles, 1852—7 DEW— Die 230 Dewe v. Samuels. Tlie Case of Dewe v. Samuels : tried at the Assizes held at Abinfjdon, 14th July 1818, relating to a Toll claimed by the Corporation of Newbury : to which is added the documentary evidence produced on the trial, with some preliminary observations on the law of Market Tolls, &c. 8vo. [Newbury] 1819 D'EwES (Sir Simonds). Journals of all the Parliaments during the reign of Queen Elizabeth, both of the House of Lords and House of Commons, revised and published by Paul Bowes, fol. Lond. 1682 De Witt : see Witt (John de). Dexippus : see Byzantine Historiae Scriptores. Diaz del Castillo (Bernal). Memoirs, containing a true and full account of the discovery and conquest of Mexico and New Spain ; translated from the original Spanish by John Ingram Lockhart. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1844 DiBB (J. E.) A practical Guide to the Registration of Deeds and Wills in the West Riding of Yorkshire: with the variances in the East, and North Riding, and the Middlesex Register Acts. 8vo. Wafie field, 1846 DiBDiN (Thomas Frognall, D.D.) Bibliotheca Spenceriana; or, a descriptive Catalogue of the Books printed in the fifteenth century, and of many valuable first editions, in the Library of Earl Spencer. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1814 ^des Althorpianffi ; or an Account of the Mansion, Books, and Pictures at Althorp ; to which is added a Supplement to the Bib liotheca Spenceriana. 2 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1822 A descriptive Catalogue of the Books printed in the fifteenth century, lately forming part of the Library of the Duke di Cassano Serra, and now the property of Earl Spencer, with a general index of authors and editions contained in the present volume, and in the Bibliotheca Spenceriana and ^des Althorpianffi. 8vo. ibid. 1823 The Library Companion; or, the Young Man's Guide, and the Old Man's Comfort, in the Choice of a Library. Second edition. 8vo. ibid. 1825 An Introduction to the knowledge of rare and valuable editions of the Greek and Latin Classics; with an Account of Polyglot Bibles, Hebrew Bibles, Greek Bibles and Testaments, and the Greek and Latin Fathers. Fourth edition. 2 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1827 Typographical Antiquities : see Ames. DicciONARio de la Lengua Castellana, compucsto por la Real Academia Espanola. 6 vols. fol. Madrid, 1726-39 DiccioNARio Maritime Espaiiol, redactado por orden del Rey. 4to. Madrid, 1831 Dicey (Thomas). An historical Account of Guernsey ; with Remarks on Jersey, and the other Islands belonging to the crown of Great Britain on the French coast. ' 12mo. Lond. 1751 Dickens (John). Reports of Cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery [from 1559 to 1784], revised by John Wyatt. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1803 240 Die Dickinson (William). Antiquities, Historical, Architectural, &c. in Nottinghamshire, and the adjacent counties ; interspersed with biographical sketches. Vol. 1. [History of Southwell]. 4to. Newark, 1801 see also Rastall (W. Dickinson). Dickinson (William). Guide to the Quarter Sessions, and other Sessions of the Peace. The fifth edition, with additions, by T. N. Talfourd, Serjeant at Law. 8vo. Lond. 1841 DiCTiONARiUM Scoto-Celticum : a Dictionary of the Gaelic Language; comprising an ample Vocabulary of Gaelic Words, with their signi- fication in English and Latin, and Vocabularies of Latin and English Words, with their translation into Gaelic ; with a Compendium of Gaelic Grammar: compiled and published under the direction of the Highland Society of Scotland. 2 vols. 4to. Edinh. 1828 DiCTiONARiuM Tetraglotton, in quo voces Latinae oranes cum Graeca, Gallica, et Belgica interpretatione. 8vo. Amst. 1634 Diction N AIRE Universel Francjois et Latin, vulgairement appelle Dic- tionnaire de Trevoux. 7 vols. fol. Paris, 1752 Diction NAIRE de I'Academie Fran^aise. Sixieme edition. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1835 Complement, publie sous la direction d'un Membra de I'Academie Fran^aise, et precede d'une preface par M. Louis Barre. 4to. ibid. 1842 [DiCTioNNAiRE Flamand.] Thesaurus Theutonicae Linguae. Thresordu langage Bas-alman, diet vulgairement Flameng, traduict en Frangois et en Latin. 4to. Antverpice, 1573 Le Grand Dictionaire Frangois-Flamen. 4to. Rotterdam, 1640 DiCTioNNAiRE FrauQois et Russe, compose sur la derniere edition de celui de I'Academie Fran^oise, par une Societe de Gens de Lettres. 2 vols. 4to. St. Petersbourg, 1786 DiCTiONNAiRE Polonois et Francois. Nowy Slownik kieszonkowy Polsko-Niemiecko-Francuzki. Nouveau Dictionnaire portatif Po- lonois, Allemand et Fran(^ois. Nouvelle edition. 8vo. Wroclawiu, 1827 Dictionnaire Politique. Encyclopedic du langage et de la science politiques, redige par une reunion de deputes, de publicistes et de journalistes, avec une introduction par Gamier-Pages. Troisieme edition. 8vo. Paris, 1848 Dictionnaire General d'Administration, contenant la definition de tous les mots de la langue administrative. 8vo. Paris, 1849 Dictionary. The Law-French Dictionary; to wdiich is added, the Law-Latin Dictionary, by F. O. 8vo. Zond. 1701 Dictionary. An Historical, Genealogical, and Poetical Dictionary. 12mo. Lond. 1708 Dictionary. A new Canting Dictionary : comprehending all the terms, antient and modern, used in the several tribes of gypsies, beggars, shoplifters, highwaymen, foot-pads, and all other clans of cheats and villains. 12mo. Lond. 1725 DIC-DIL 241 Dictionary. A New Dictionary of the terms, ancient and modern, of the Canting Crew, in its several tribes of gypsies, beggars, thieves, cheats, &c. by B. E. 8vo. n. d. ■ Lexicon Bahitronicum. A Dictionary of Buckish Slang, Uni- versity Wit, and Pickpocket Eloquence; compiled originally by Captain Grose, and now considerably enlarged by a member of the Whip Club. "Svo. Land. 1811 DiCTVS Crctensis ct Darks Phrygius. De Bello Trojano, in usum Del- phiiii cum inlciprctatione A. Dacerice ; accedunt notsc variorum, necrion Josopluis Iscanus, cum notis S. Dresemii ; dissertationem praiHxit J. Pcrizonius. Svo. Amst. 1702 Diderot (Denis). Ocuvres. 20 vols. Svo. Puris,l82l ■ Ocuvres inedites. Svo. ibid. 1821 Memoires historiques et philosophiques sur la vie et le3 ouvrages de D. Diderot, par J. N. Nageon. Svo. ibid. 1821 Correspondance : see Grimm. [ ] Lcttre sur les Aveugles, a Tusage de ceux qui voyent. 12mo. Londres, 1749 DiECK (Carl Fricdrich). Geschichte, Alterthiimer und Institutionen des Deutschen Privatrechts im Grundrisse mit beigefiigten Quellen. Svo. Halle, 1826 Literargeschichte des Longobardischen Lehenrechts bis zum vierzehnten Jahrhundert ihren Hauptgegenstanden nach dargestellt. Svo. ibid. 1828 DiEFENBACH (Laurcntius). Glossarium Latino-Germanicum Mediae et Infimae ^tatis. [Supplementum Lexici C. D. Du Cange.] 4to. Franco/, ad Mtenum, 1857 DiEU (Ludovicus de). Animadversiones sive Commentarius in quatuor Evangc4ia. 4lo. Lufjd. Bat. lt)31 DiEZ (Friedrich). Etymologisches Worterbuch der Romanischen Sprachen. Svo. Bonn, 1853 DiGBY (Sir Kenclm). Of Bodies, and of Man's Soul : to discover the Immortality of reasonable Souls. With two Discourses of the Powder of Sympathv, and of the N'egetation of Plants. 4to. Lond. 1669 ■ Private Memoirs of Sir Kenelm Digby, Gentleman of the Bed- chamber to King Charles I., written by himself; now first published from the oiiginal manuscript, with an introductory Memoir [by Sir Hariis Nicolas]. Svo. ibid. 1827 DiGOES (Sir Dudley). The Compleat Amiiassador: or two Treaties of the intended Marriage of Q. Elizabeth, comprised in Letters of Negotiation of Sir Francis Walsiiigharn, her resident in France, with the Answers of Lord Burleigh, the t^arl of Leicester, Sir Thomas Smith, and others. fbl. Lund. 1655 Dillingham (Wilhelmus). Vita Laurentii Chadertoni S.T.P. & Col- legii Emmanuelis apud Cantabi'igienses Magistri primi. Una cum Vita Jacobi Usserii Arcliiepiscopi Armaehani, tertia fave parte aucta. Accesserunt ejusdem Concioncs. 12mo. Cantab. 1700 R 242 DIL-DIO Dillon (Sir J. J.) A Letter to a Noble Lord explanatory of a Bill in the Court of Chancery, filed on behalf of Sir Augustus d'Este. ' 8vo. Land. 1831 DiLWORTH (H. W.) The History of London, in its ancient and modern state. 12mo. Lond. 1760 DiNNERUS (Andreas). Tractatus de justo rerum pretio definiendo, et de Interpretatione Contractuum. 4to. Stuff g. 1661 DiNus: see Dynus. Dig or Dion Cassius : see Dion Cassius. DiODORUS Siculus. BibliothecfE Historicse Libri qui supersunt, Gr. et Lat. ; recensuit P. VVesselingius, atque H. Stephani et aliorum, suasque adnotationes adjecit. 2 vols. fol. Amst. 1745 Bibliothecae Historicae Libri XV. reliqui ; quibus accesserunt Eclogae, seu Fragmenta ex libris auctoris qui desiderantur : omnia ex interpretatione Laurentii Rhodomani. 8vo. Hanovicp, 1611 Diodoro Siculo delle Antiche Historie Favolose. 12mo. Vinegia, 1547 Diodorus the Sicilian's Historical Library, made English by G. Booth. fol. Lond. 1718 Diogenes Laertius. De Vitis, dogmatibus et apophthegmatibus clarorum Philosophorum Libri X. Gr. et Lat,, cum annotationibus Casauboni, Menagii et aliorum, cura M. Meibomii. 2 vols. 4to. Amsf. 1692 Gr. et Lat., cum annotationibus H. Stephani. 8vo. Exc. H. Siephanus, 1570 Diogene Laerce de la Vie des Philosophes ; traduction nouvelle. par Monsieur B. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1668 The Lives of the Ancient Philosophers, containing an Account of their several sects, doctrines, actions, and remarkable sayings, extracted from Diogenes Laertius, Casaubon, &c. 8vo. Lond. 1702 Dion Cassius. Historiae Roraanae quae supersunt, Gr. et Lat., cum annotationibus H. Yalesii et J. A. Fabricii ; emendavit, varias lec- tiones, notas doctorum et suas adjecit H. S. Reimarus. 2 vols. fol. Hamburgi, 1750-52 Historiae Romanas Libri XLVI., partim integri, partim mutili, partim excerpti ; cum notis Jo. Leunclavii. 8vo. Francofurfi, 1592 Histoire de Dion Cassius de Nicee, abregee par Xiphilin ; traduite de Grec en Francois, par M. de B. G. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1674 Dion Cassius' History, abridged by Xiphilin ; done from the Greek by Francis Manning. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1704 Dion Chrvsostom. Orationes, Graece, ex recensione Jo. Jac. Reiske, cum ejusdem aliorumque animadversionibus. 2 vols. 8vo. LipsicB, 1784 DiONYSius Halicarnassensis. Opera omnia, Graece et Latine, cura Joannis Hudsoni [cum H. Dodwelli Chronologia Graeco-Romana]. 2 vols. fol. Oxonice, 1704 DIO— DIR 243 DiONYSiU3 Halicarnassensis. Scripta quae exstant omnia, Latine, per Frid. Sylburjii'im edita, 8vo. Hauovid', 1615 Los Antiquilcs Romaines de Denys d'Halicarnasse, tradtiites en Franc'ois, avec des notes historiques, geo^raphiques, chronologiques et critiques par M. * * * 2 vols. 4to, Paria, 1723 DiONYSius Periegetes: see Geographic Veteris Scriptores, and Aratus. Directory. Post OflBce County Directories, with Maps. Berkshiro, Northamptonshiro, and Oxfordshire; with Bedfordshire, Buckinghainsliire and Huntingdonshire. 8vo. London, Kelly, 1854 Birmingham, with Warwickshire, Worcestershire, and Stafford- shire. 8vo. ibid. 1854 Cambridge, Norfolk and Suffolk. 8vo. ibid. 1853 Cheshire. 8vo. ibid. 1857 Derbyshire, Leicestershire, Nottinghamshire and Rutlandshire. 8vo. ibid. 1855 Devonshire and Cornwall. 8vo. ibid. 1856 Dorsetshire. 8vo. ibid. 1855 Gloucestershire, with Bath, Bristol, Herefordshire, and Shrop- shire. 8vo. ihid. 1856 Home (The Six) Counties, viz., Essex, Herts, Kent, Middlesex, Surrey, and Sussex. 8vo. ibid. 1851 Jersey, Guernsey, Alderney, Sark, Rerni, and Jethou, with Hamp- shire. 8vo. ibid. n. d. Lincolnshire. 8vo. ibid. 1855 Sheffield, with the neighbouring towns and villages. 8vo. ibid. 1854 Wiltshire. 8vo. ibid. 1855 Yorkshire. 8vo. ibid. 1857 Directory. Post Office London Directory for the vear 1858. * 8vo. ibid. 1857 DiRKSEN (Henricus Eduardiis). Dissertatio Inauguralis Juridica, proponens Observationes ad selccta Legis Galliae Cisaipina? capita. 4to. BcroUni, 1812 Observationcs ad Tabula? Hcracleensis partem alteram, qUcE vulgo Aeris Neapolitani nomine venit. 8vo. ibid. 1817 Manuale Latiuitatis Fontium Juris Civilis Romanorum. 4to. ibid. 1837 Bruchstiicke aus den Schriften der Romischen Juristen. 8vo. Kunigsberg, 1814 Civilistische Abhandlungen. 2 vols. 8vo. Berlin, 1820 Versuche zur Kritik und Auslegung der Quellendes Romischen Rechts. 8vo. Leipzig, 1823 Beitriige zur Kunde des Romischen Rechts. 8vo. ibid. 1825 • Vermischte Schriften. vol. 1. [no more published.] 8vo. Berlin, 1841 r2 244 DIS-DIV Disney (John). A View of Ancient Laws against Immorality and Profaneness. fol. Cambridge, 17'29 Disney (John, D.D.) Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Arthur Ashley Sykes, D.D. 8vo. Lond. 1785 Disney (John). The Laws of Gaming, Wagers, Horse-Racing, and Ganiing-Houses. 8vo. Lond. 1806 A Collection of Acts of Parliament, to the 60th Geo. III. relative to County and Borough Elections ; with the Statutes relating to Ireland and Scotland, and references to reported Cases. In four parts. 2 vols. 8vo. ilnd. 1820 D'IsRAELi (Isaac). Calamities of Authors; including some inquiries respecting their moral and literary characters. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1812 Quarrels of Authors ; or, some memoirs for our literary history, including specimens of controversy to the reign of Elizabeth. 3 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1814 Curiosities of Literature. Ninth edition, 6 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1834 The Literary Charactei-, illusti-ated by the history of men of genius, drawn from their own feelings and confessions. Third edition. 2 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1822 Commentaries on the Life and Reign of Charles the First, King of England. 5 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1828-31 Disraeli (Rt. Hon. Benjamin). Lord George Bentinck : a Political Biography. Second edition. 8vo. Lond. 1852 Dissenters' Chapels. Parliamentary Debates on the Dissenters' Chapels Bill. 7 & 8 Vict. ch. 45. 8vo. Lond, 1844 Distresses. A Treatise of Distresses, Replevins, and Avowries, in the Courts at Westminster &c. The third edition; to which is added, the Office and Duty of a Coroner. 8vo. Lond. 1746 DiTTON (Humphry). The General Laws of Nature and Motion ; with their application to Mechanicks. 8vo. Lund. 1705 ■ A. Discourse concerning the Resurrection of Jesus Christ; with an Appendix concerning the impossible production of thought from matter and motion, &c. The third edition. 8vo. ibid. 1722 Diurnal of Remarkable Occurrents : see Bannatyne Club, No. 45. Div^us (Petrus). Opera varia: scil., Rerum Lovaniensium Libri IV. Annalium ejusdem oppidi Libri VIII. ; De Galliae Belgicae Anti- quitatibus Liber primus ; quibus adjecta sunt Hermanni Nuenarii de Gallia BelgicaCommentariolus, et de origine etsedibus priscorum Francorum Narratio; necnon Abr. Ortelii et Job. Viviani Itine- rarium. fol. Lovanii, 1757 Diversite des Couuts: see Nov^ Narratioxes. Divorce. Rules and Orders for her Majesty's Court for Divorce and Matrimonial Causes. Published by authority of the Court. fol. Lond. 1858 DIX- DOD 245 Dixon (Hepworth). The London Prisons: with an Account of the more distinguished persons who have been confined in them. To which is added a Description of the chief Provincial Prisons. 8vo. Lund. 1850 Dixon (Robert). A practical Treatise on the Law relative to Title- Deeds and other Documents. 2 vols. 8vo. Lund. 1820 DiziONARio della Lingua Italiana [da Franc. Cardinali, Franc. Orioli e Paolo Costa]. 7 vols. 4to. Bologna, 1819-26 DoBiE (Alexander). A Collection of English Styles or Forms, for the use of the profession of the Law in Scotland. 8vo. Land. 1824 DoBiE (James). Examination of the Claim of John Lindsay Craw- furd to the titles and estates of Crawfurd and Lindsay ; containing an exposure of the Forgeries on which that claim is founded, and a refutation of the statements in the book entitled " the Crawfurd Peerage," and in other publications on his case. 4to. Edinb. 1831 DoBiK (Rowland). History of the united Parishes of St. Giles in the Fields and St. George Bloomsbury. 8vo. Lund. 1829 J)oBsoN (Guil.) Paradisus Amissus : see Milton, Doctor and Student : see Saint-Germajn. DoD (Charles R.) Electoral Facts from 1832 to 1853, impartially stated ; forming a complete Political Gazetteer. Second edition. 12mo. Lond. 1853 The Parliamentary Companion for the years 1852 — 58 [the two latter years by R. P. DodJ. 7 vols. 12mo. ibid. 1852-58 DoD (John). A plaine and familiar Exposition on the Lord's Prayer. The second edition. 4to. Lond. 1(j35 DoD (Robert P.) The Peerage, Baronetage, and Knightage, of Great Britain and Ireland, for 1858, including all the titled classes. 8vo. Lond. 1858 Parliamentary Companion : see Dod (Charles R.) DoDD (Charles). The Church History of England, from the year 1500 to the year 1G68, chiefly with regard to Catholicks: to which is prefixed a ireneial history of Ecclesiastical Affairs under the British, Saxon, and Norman periods. 3 vols, fbl. Brussels, 1737-42 ■ with notes, additions and a continuation by the Rev. M. A. Tierney. vols. 1 to 5, 8vo. Land. 1839-43 DoDD (James Solas). An Essay towards a Natural History of the Herring. 8vo. Lond. 1752 DoDD (William, LL.D.) The Beauties of Shakespcar, with a general index, and explanatory notes. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1752 DoDEiuDQE or Doddridge (Sir John). The Lawyers Light: or, a due direction ibr the Study of the Law ; to which is annexed for the affinitie of the subject, another Treatise, called the Use of the Law [by Lord Bacon]. 4to. Lond. 1629 A Com pleat Parson : or, a Description of Advowsons, or Church-living; wherein is set forth the interests of the Parson, Patron, and Ordinary, &c. 4to. ibid. 1030 [another edition.] 4to. ibid. 1641 246 DOD DoDERiDGE or DoDDRiDGE (Sir John). The English Lawyer : describing a method for the managing of the Lawes of this land, and expressing the best qualities requisite in the Student, Practizer, Judges and Fathers of the same. 4to. Lond. 1631 History of the ancient and moderne estate of the Principality of Wales, Dutchy of Cornewall, and Earldome of Chester. 4to. ibid. 1630 Law of Nobility and Peerage; with the Knights, Esquires, Gentlemen, and Yeomen, and matters incident to them, according to the lawes and custoraes of England. 8vo. ibid. 1658 Doddridge (Philip, D.D.) Correspondence and Diary, edited from the original MSS. by his great grandson, John Doddridge Hum- phreys. 5 vols. 8vo. Lund. 1829 DoDiNOTON (George Bubb, Baron of Melcombe Regi!*). Diary, from March 8, 1749 to February 6, 1761 ; with an Appendix, containing some curious and interesting papers. A new edition, by Henry Penruddocke Wyndham. 8vo. Salisbury, 1784 DoDSLEY (Robert). A Collection of Poems, by several hands. 6 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1758 ■ Fugitive Pieces, on various subjects, by several authors. 2 vols. 12mo. ibid. 1761 third edition. 2 vols. 12mo. ibid. 1771 A select Collection of Old Plays. A new edition, with addi- tional notes and corrections, by Isaac Reed, Octavius Gilchrist, and the Editor [J. P. Collier]. 12 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1825-7 [Supplement, containing five Plays] with illustrations and notes, by J. P. Collier. 8vo. ibid. 1828-9 L'Economie de la Vie Humaine ; ouvrage traduit de I'Anglois. 12mo. La Haye, 1753 L'Economia della Vita Umana, tratta da un manoscritto Indiano di un Brammano antico ; tradotta dall' Inglese. 12mo. Milano, 1752 DoDSON (John, LL.D.) Reports of Cases argued and determined in the High Court of Admiralty, from Trin. Term 1811 to March 19, 1822 ; containing the Judgments of the Rt. Hon. Sir W. Scott (Lord Stowell). 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1815-28 Report of the Judgment delivered in the Con«istorial Court of London on the 16th of July 1811, by the Rt. Hon. Sir Wm. Scott, in the cause of Dalrymple v. Dalrymple. With an Appendix, con- taining the depositions of the witnesses, &c. 8vo. ibid. 1811 DoDSON (Michael). The Life of Sir Michael Foster, Knt., sometime one of the Judges of the Court of King's Bench, and Recorder of Bristol. 8vo. Lond. 1811 DoDWELL (Henry). An Epistolary Discourse, proving from the Scrip- tures and the" first Fathers, that the soul is a principle naturally mortal; but immortalized actually, by the pleasure of God to punishment; or, to reward by its union with the divine baptismal spirit. The second edition. 8vo. Land. 1706 DOD— DOM 247 [DoDWELL, Henry.] Two Letters of Advice. I. For the Susception of Holy Orders. II. For Studies Theological. 8vo. Loud. Uj(j2 • Annaies Velleiani, Quiiitilianei, Statiani, 8vo. Oxonii, 1G98 ' de Parma Equestri : see Hearne. Dolce (Lodovico) Osservationi nella volgar lingua. 12mo. Ve7ict. 1588 degli Ammaestramenti prcgiatissirni che appartengono alia Educatioiie, et honorevole e virtuosa vita virginale, inaritale, e vedo- vile Libri tre. 12mo. ibid. 1622 Dolce (Pietro). Origins ed Attribuzioni del Pubblico Ministero nel regno d' Italia. 8vo. Brescia, 1813 DoLEMAN : see Parsons (R.) DoMAT (Jean). Ocuvres completes. Nouvelle edition, revue et cor- rigee par J. Remy. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1835 Les Loix Civiles dans leur ordre naturel. Le Droit Public, suite des Loix Civiles. 5 vols. 8vo. La Haye, 1695-1702 Les Loix Civiles dans leur ordre naturel ; Le Droit Public ; et Legum Delectus. Nouvelle edition, augmentee par M. de Heri- court ; et des notes de M. de Bouchevret. 2 vols, in 1, fol. Paris, 1735 Nouvelle edition, augmentee des notes de MM. Berroyer et Chevalier, et du Supplement de M. de Jouy. 2 vols, in 1, fol. ibid. \111 The Civil Law in its natural order ; together with the Publick Law; translated from the French by William Strahan, LL.D. ; with 'additional Remarks on some material differences between the Civil Law and the Law of England. 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1722 second edition, with additions. 2 vols. fol. ibid. 1737 ' Legum Delectus ex libris Digestorum et Codicis. Editio secunda. 4to. Amst. 1703 Domesday Book: see Record Commission. A Translation of the Record called Domesday, so hr as relates to the County of York, including also Amounderness, Lonsdale, and Furness, in Lancashire, and sucli parts of Westmoreland and Cum- berland as are conUiined in the Survey. Also, the Counties of Derby, Nottingham, Rutland, and Lincoln, with an introduction, glossary, and indexes, by the Rev. Wm. Bawdwen. 4to. Duncaster, 1809 Dom Boc. A Translation of the Record called Domesday, so far as relates to the Counties of Middlesex, Hertford, Buckingham, Oxford, and Gloucester ; by the Rev. W. Bawdwen. 4to. ibid. 1812 -— Domesday; or, an actual Survey of South Britain, by the Com- missioners of William the Conqueror, in 10S6; translated, with an introduction, notes, and illustrotions by Samuel Henshall and John Wilkinson. Part I. containing the Counties of Kent, Sussex, and Surrev. " 4to. Lond. 1799 ■ Wiltshire extracted from Domesday Book ; to which is added a translation of the original Latin into English ; with an Index, in which are adapted the modern names to the antient. By Henry Penruddocke Wyndham. 8vo. Salisbury/, 1788 ■ Domesdav Book illustrated : see Kelham. 248 DOM-DON Dominica. The Laws of the Colony of Dominica, from its earliest establishment to the close of the year 1818. 8vo. Roseau, 1818 DoMiNis (Marcus Antonius de, Archiepiscopus Spalatensis). De Re- publica Ecclesiastlca. 3 vols. fol. Lond. 1617-20. Hanov. 1622 Dominium Maris. Dissertationes de Dominio Maris, Jul. Pacii, Hug. Grotii, Jac. Gothofredi, Mart. Schoockii, et aliorum. 1 2mo . Fra ncqfurti, 1 669 DoNELLUS (Hugo). Opera omnia, cum notis Osualdi Hilligeri. Ac- cedunt Summaria, Castigationes Theologicse, et Index generalis. 12 vols. fol. Romce et Macevatce., 1828-33 Opera priora : de Usuris ; de Fructibus ; de Pignoribus ; de Testibus, etc. 4to. Francof. ad Mcenum, 1589 Commentarii absolutissimi ad II. III. IV. VI. et VIII. Libros Codicis Justinianei, tit. V. Lib. XIX. Dig. de PrEescriptis Verbis, et tit. I. Lib. XLV. Dig. de Verborum Obligationibus. fol. Francof. 1622 ' Commentarius ad Titulum Institutionum de Actionibus. — Ejus- dera de eo, quod interest, liber. 8vo. Lngd. Bat. 1630 Donellus Enucleatus, sive Commentarii Hugonis Donelli de Jure Civili in Compendium redacti, cum notatis, authore Osvaldo Hilligero. fol. Lugduni, 1620 DoNi (Antonio Francesco). I Marmi. 4to. Vinegia, 1552 DoNKER (P. G.) Tractatus Juris Belgici de Jure Nundinarum. 8vo. Lugd. Bat. 1752 Donne (John, D.D.) Works, with a memoir of his Life, by Henry Alford, M.A. 6 vols. 8vo. Lojid. 1839 Pseudo-Martyr; wherein out of certain propositions and gra- dations this conclusion is evicted, that those which are of the Ro- mane religion in this kingdome may and ought to take the oath of allefreance. 4to. ibid. 1610 BiadnvuTOQ : a Declaration of that paradoxe or thesis, that Self-homicide is not so naturally sin, that it may never be otherwise. 4to. ibid. 1648 Five Sermons upon speciall occasions : viz. a Sermon at Pauls Crosse ; to the Hon. the Virginia Company ; at the Consecration of Lincolnes Inne Chappell ; two Sermons to K. Charles, at St. James and at Whitehall, in 1625. 4to. ibid. 1626 XXVI. Sermons. fol. ibid. 1761 Encaenia : The Feast of Dedication, celebrated at Lincolnes Inne, in a Sermon upon Ascension-day, 1623, at the dedication of a new Chappell there, consecrated by the Bishop of London [Geo. Mountaine]. 4to. ibid. 1623 Devotions ; with two Sermons : I. On the decease of Lady Danvers, mother of George Herbert. II. Death's Duel — his own Funeral Sermon. To which is prefixed his Life by Izaak Walton. 12mo. ibid. 1840 DoNNEGAN (James, M.D.) Greek and English Lexicon. Fourth edition, enlarged. ' 8vo. Lond. 1842 DOP— DOU 249 DoppET (General). Memoires: see Berville et Barriere, vol. 17. Dordrecht. Die moderacie vanden Stapel van Dordrecht. 4to. [about 1500] DoRMAN (William). Twelve Sermons upon several practical subjects: occasionally preached at the Rolls Chapel. 8vo. Lond. 1743 DoRN (Benihard). Ucber die Verwandtschaft des persischen, ger- nanischen und griechisch-lateinischen Sprachstamraes. 8vo. Hamburg, 1827 DoRNSPEROKR (Joannes Andreas). Syntagma Juris, de probationibus, exceptionibus, sententiis et executionibus, in tres libros distributum. 8vo. Con stunt ifc, 1606 Douglas Cause. Proof, in the conjoined Processes, George Jarnos Duke of Hamilton, Lord Douglas Hamilton and Sir Hew Dal- rymple. Pursuers, against the person pretending to be Archibald Stewart, alias Douglas, Defender, for reducing the service of the said Archibald Stewart, as nearest and lawful heir of tailzie and pro- vision, in general, of the said Archibald Duke of Douglas, dated Sept. 9, 1761. The Pursuers Proof. 4to. [Edlnb. 1766] Memorial for George James, Duke of Hamilton, and others, Pursuers; to which are annexed. Sequel of the Memoiial : in which the objections urged by the defender to the conduct of the cause, on the part of the pui-suers, are considered ; and Appendix : containing parallel cases of gupposltio partus ; and remarks on the French cases quoted by the defender. 4to. ibid. 1767 The Petition of George James Duke of Hamilton, and others, to the Lords of Council and Session, March 10th, 1767. 4to. ibid. 1767 Proof for Archibald Douglas of Douglas, Esq., Defender. 28th January, 1766. 4to. ibid. 1766 Memorial for Archibald Douglas of Douglas, Esq. ; Margaret Dutchess of Douglas, and Charles Duke of Qucensberry, his Cu- rators, Defenders ; against George James, Duke of Hamilton, and others. With Appendix. 4to. ibid. 1766 Replies for Archibald Douglas of Douglas, Esq., and his Cu- rators, to the answers and observations for George James Duke of Hamilton, and others, relative to Godfroi's Books. June 1, 1767. 4to. ibid. 1767 Minutes in the Process of Reduction, the Duke of Hamilton and others, Pursuers, against Arehibidd Douglas, Esq., Defender, respecting the examination of Isabel Walker in presence. June 23, 1767. 4to. ibid. 1767 The Case of Archibald Douglas, Esq., and his Guardians, Appellants, against the Duke of Hamilton, and others, Respondents, to be heard at the Bar of the House of Lords, 16th Januarv, 1769. 4to. [Lund. 1769] ■ Case of the Respondents, the Duke of Hamilton, &c. fol. [1769] 250 DOU Douglas Cause. A State of the Evidence in the Cause between his Grace the Duke of Hamilton and others, Pursuers, and Archibald Douglas, of Douglas, Esq., Defender ; with remarks. By Robert Richardson, D.D. 4to. Lond. 1769 The Speeches, Arguments, and Determinations of the Rt. Hon. the Lords of Council and Session in Scotland, upon that important cause [Hamilton v. Douglas], &c. ; with an introductory preface. By a Barrister at Law. 8vo. ibid. 1767 The Speeches and Judgment of the Rt. Hon. the Lords of Council and Session in Scotland, upon the important cause, &c. accurately taken down and published by Wm. Anderson, Writer in Edinburgh. 8vo. Ed;nh. 1768 Letters of the Right Hon Lady Jane Douglas, with several other important pieces of private correspondence; with an intro- ductory preface giving some account of Lady Jane Douglas, to which are subjoined the dying declarations of Lady Jane Douglas, Sir John Stewart, and Mrs. Helen Hewit. 8vo. Lond. 1767 Considerations on the Douglas Cause. In a Letter from a Gentleman in Scotland to his Friend in London. 8vo. n. d. The Essence of the Douglas Cause ; to which is subjoined, some observations on a pamphlet lately published, intitled, Considerations on the Douglas Cause. [Written by James Boswell.] 8vo. Lond. 1767 The Cases given in to the Court of Session, previous to the pleadings in the important cause of Suppositio Partus, George James, Duke of Hamilton, and others, pursuers, against Archibald Douglas, Esq., defender. 8vo, Edinb. 1768 Letters to the Right Hon. Lord Mansfield, from Andrew Stuart, Esq. [on the Douglas Cause]. 8vo. Dublin, 1773 Douglas (Gawyn). Palice of Honour: see Bannatyne Club, No. 18. — ^neid of Virgil : see Bannatyne Club, No. 66. Douglas (James). Nenia Britannica: or, a Sepulchral History of Great Britain ; from the earliest period to its general conversion to Christianity. fol. Lond. 1793 [Douglas, John, Bp. of Salisbury.] The Criterion : or, Miracles examined, with a view to expose the pretensions of Pagans and Papists. 8vo. Lond. 1754 Douglas (Sir Robert, of Glenbervie, Bart.) The Peerage of Scotland : containing an historical and genealogical account of the Nobility of that kingdom. Second edition, with a continuation to the present period, by John Philip Wood. 2 vols. fol. Edinb. 1813 The Baronage of Scotland ; containing an historical and ge- nealogical account of the Gentry of that kingdom. vol. 1, fol. ibid. 1798 Douglas (Sylvester, Lord Glenbervie). Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Court of King's Bench, in the 19th, 20lli, & 21st years of Geo. III. fol. Lond. 1783 DOU— DOW 251 Douglas (Sylvester, Lord Glenbervie). Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Court of King's Bench, in the 19th, 20tn, & 21st years of Geo. III. Fourth edition, with additions, by Mr. Serjt. Frere, 2 vols. 1813. Reports of Cases in the King's Bench, in the 22nd, 23rd, 24th, & 25th years of George III. from the MSS. of Lord Glenbervie, and also from the MSS. of Mr. Justice Lawrence, Mr. Justice Le Blanc, Mr. George Wilson, &:c. by Mr. Serjeant Frere, and H. Roscoe, Esq., being vols. .3 and 4. 1831. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1813-31 History of the Cases of Controverted Elections tried and deter- mined during the yeai-s 15 & 16 Geo. III. Second edition. 4 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1802 Douglass (William, M.D.) A Summary, historical and political, of the first planting, progressive improvements, and present state of the British Settlements in North- America. 2 vols. 8vo. Lund. 1755 DoujATius : see Triga Libellorum. Dow (Lieut. -Col. Alexander). History of Hindostan, translated from the Persian. A new edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1803 Dow (P.) Reports of Cases upon Appeals and Writs of Error in the House of Lords, from 1813 to 1818. 6 vols. 8vo. Lund. 1814-19 and C. Clark. Reports of Cases upon Appeals and Writs of Error in the House of Lords, from 1827 to 1832. 2 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1830-32 DowDESWELL (George Morley). The Law of Life and Fire In- surances. 12mo. Lond. 1846 ■ The :Merchant Shipping Acts, 1854 & 1855 (17 & 18 Vict. cc. 104, 120, and 18 k. 19 Vict. c. 91); with a readable abridgment of the former act, and an explanation of the law relating to it ; also notes and an appendix. 12mo. ibid. 1856 DowLiNO (Alfred S. Serjeant at Law). Reports of Cases argued and determined in the King's Bench Practice Court ; witli the Points of Pleading and Practice decided in the Courts of Common Pleas and Exchequer from Mich. Term 1830 to Mich. Term 1841. 9 vols. 8vo. Lond. 183.1-42 New Series, from Trin. Term 1841 to East. Term 1843, by A. S. Dowling and Vincent Dowling. 2 vols. 8vo. ibid. 184;)-4 and John James Lowndes. Reports of Cases [in con- tinuation of the above], from East. Term 1843 to Mich. Term 1849. 7 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1845-51 Dowling (James) and Archer Rvlaxd. Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Court of King's Bench, from Hilarv Term 1822 to Trin. Term 1827. 9 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1822-31 Reports of Cases argued and ruled at Nisi Prius, in the Court of King's Bench, and on the Home Circuit, from the sittings after Hil. Term 1822 to the sittings after Hil. Term 1823. j)art 1, 8vo. ibid. 1823 Reports of Cases relating to the Duty and OtHce of Magistrates, determined in the Court of King's Bench, from Hilary Term 1822 to Trinity Term 1827. 4 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1823-31 Dowling (Joseph Augustus). The whole Proceedings before the Co- roner's Inquest at Oldham, &c. on the body of John Lees, who died of sabre wounds at Manchester, August 16, 1819. 8vo, Lond. 1820 252 DOW-DRE DowNAME (George, Bp. of Derry). A Treatise of Justification. fol. Land. 1633 D'Oyly (George, D.D.) The Life of William Sancroft, Archbishop of Canterbury. With an appendix, containing Fur praedestinatus, Modern Policies, and three Sermons by Archbishop Sancroft ; a Life of Henry Wharton; and two letters of Dr. Sanderson, now first published. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1821 Draco: see Justinian. Drake. Sir Francis Drake revived : being a summary and true Re- lation of foure severall Voyages made by the said Sir Francis Drake to the West Indies ; collected out of the notes of the said Sir F. Drake, Master Philip Nichols, Master Francis Fletcher and divers other o-entlemen (who were in the said voyages). [By R. D.] 4to. Lond. 1653 Drake (Francis). Eboracum : or the History and Antiquities of the City of York, from its original to the present times ; with the His- tory of the Cathedral Church, fol. Lond.lTdQ Drake (James, M.D.) Historia Anglo-Scotica : or, an impartial History of all that happened between the kings and kingdoms of England and Scotland, from the beginning of the reign of William the Conqueror to the reign of Elizabeth. Svo. Lond. 1703 Secret Memoirs of Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester. Svo. ihid. 1706 Drama. The Stage Acquitted ; being a full Answer to Mr. Collier, and the other enemies of the Drama. With a Vindication of K. Charles the Martyr, and the Clergy of the Church of England from the abuses of a scurrilous Boole, called, the Stage Condemned. Svo. Lond. 1699 . A short Vindication of the Relapse, and the Provoked Wife, from Immorality and Prophaneness. By the Author. Svo. ihid. 1698 . A farther Defence of Dramatick Poetry : beino; the second part of the Review of Mr. Collier's View of the immorality and Profane- ness of the Stage. 8vo. ibid. 1698 The Antient and Modern Stages surveyed : or, Mr. Collier's View of the Immorality and Profaneness of the English Stage set in a true hght. 8vo. ibid. 1699 Drama (British) : see British Drama. Drayton (Michael). Works. [With an historical Essay on the life and writings of the author.] 4 vols. Svo. Lond. 1753 ■ Poems, [title wanting.] 12mo. [ibid. 1637?] Drewry (Charles Stewart). The Law and Practice of Injunctions; with a Supplement containing the Cases decided since 1841. Svo. Lond. 1849 Reports of Cases decided in the High Court of Chancery, from 1852 to 1857, by Sir Richard Torin Kindersley, Vice-Chancellor. vols. 1-3, Svo. ihid. 1853-7 ■ The New Practice of the Court of Chancery. 12mo. ibid. 1856 A concise Treatise on the principles of Equity Pleading ; with precedents. ' 12mo. ihid. 1858 DRE— DRY 253 Drexelius (Hieremias). Orbis Pliaetlion ; hoc est, de universis vitiis Linguae. 12mo. Culonia', 16.il Dheyer (Jo. Carolus Henricus). De Usu genuino Juris Anglo- Saxonici in explicando Jure Cimbrico et Saxonico Liber singularis. 4to. Kilunii, 1747 Monumenta Anecdota Virorum post Fata illustrium et claroruni, quibus varia Rei Literaria?, Historiarum, Autifjuitatuni, et Juris Germanici Argunienta illustrantur. Torn. L 4to. Lubecce, 1760 Specimen Juris Publici Lubecensis, circa inhumanum Jus Nau- fragii (Strand-Recht). [Accessit] Mantissae loco Jus Maritirnum Lubeccnse antiquissimum ab Alberto de Bardewic a. MCCXCIX compilatum. 4to. liuezov. [1761] Drink WATER (W. L.) Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Court of Common Pleas. Parts I — V, from Mich. Term, 1840, to Easter Term, 1841. 8vo. Lond. 1841 Droit de la Paix et de la Guerre, ou, Recueil des Discours prononces a I'Assemblee pendant la semaine memorable ou cette question a etc agitee. 8vo. Paris, Anil. Dros^us (Johannes). Juris Universi Justinianea Methodus, olim a Cicerone optimo juris artifice prasscripta, nunc Dei munere veluti postliminio revocata. 8vo. Paris. 1545 Droz (Joseph). Histoire du Regnede Louis XVI., pendant les annees ou Ton pouvait prevenir ou diriger la Revolution Franqaise. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1839-42 Druery (John Henry). Historical and Topographical Notices of Great Yarmouth in Norfolk, and its environs. 8vo. Lond. 1826 Drummond (William). History of Scotland, from the year 1423, until the year 1542, with several Memorials of State, &c. With a pre- fatory introduclion taken out of the records of that nation, by Mr. Hall, of Gray's Inn. The second edition. 8vo. Lond, 1681 Drury (Willii.m B.) and F. W. Walsh. Reports of Cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery, during the time of Lord Chancellor Plunket', trom 1837 to 1840. 2 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1839-42 • and Robert R. Warren. Re})orts of Cases iirgued and deter- mined in the High Court of Chancery, during the time of Lord Chancellor Sugden, from 1841 to 1843.' 4 vols.8vo. ibid. 1843-46 Reports of Cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery, during the time of Lord Chancellor Sugden. 1843 — 4. 8vo. ibid. 1851 Dryburgii (Liber S. Marie de) : see Bannatyne Club, No. 83. Dhyden (John). Works, illustrated with notes, historical, critical, and explanatory, and a Life of the author, by Sir Walter Scott, Bart. Second edition. 18 vols. 8vo. JSdinb. 1821 Fables, ancient and modern, translated into verse, from Homer, Ovid, Boccace, and Chaucer; with original Poems. 12mo. Lond. 1721 254 DRY— DUG Dryden (John). A Collection of Miscellany Poems, by the most eminent hands, containing a variety of new translations of the ancient Poets, together with several original Poems, published by Mr. Dryden. The fourth edition. 6 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1716 DuARENUs (Franciscus). Opera omnia. fol. Franco/. 1607 Du Bag (Dumouchet). Traite sur les Questions mixtes. 12mo. Bruxelles, 1787 Du Bartas : see Bartas. Du Bellay (Martin). Memoires : see Petitot, vols. 17 — 19. Dublin Almanac, and General Register of Ireland for the year 1841. 8vo. Buhl. 1841 see also Thom. Dublin University Calendar for 1847. 12mo. DuhL 1847 Du Bois (Louis). Maximes du Droit Canonique de France; enrichies de plusieurs observations par Denis Simon. Cinquieme edition. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1703 [Dubois de Crance, Edm. L. Alexis.] Le veritable portrait de nos Legislateurs, ou Galerie des Tableaux exposes a la vue du public depuis le 5 Mai 1789, jusqu'au premier Octobre 1791. 8vo. Paris, 1792 Du Bois de Gomicourt (Giacomo). Sentenze e Proverbii Italiani. 12mo. Roma, 1679 Du BuissoN (L'Abbe) : see Regale. Du Cange (Carolus du Fresne). Glossarium ad Scriptores Mediae et Infimas Latinitatis. 3 vols. fol. Franco/, ad 3Ipenu7n, 1681 ■ [another edition.] 3 vols, in 2, fol. ibid. 1710 editio locupletior, opera et studio monachorum ordinis S. Benedicti. 6 vols. fol. Paris. 1733-36 • Glossarium Novum, seu Supplementum ad auc- tiorem Glossarii Cangiani editionera, coUegit et digessit D. P. Carpentier. 4 vols. fol. ibid. 1766 Glossarium Mediae et Infimae Latinitatis, cum Supple- mentis integris monachorum ordinis S. Benedicti, D. P. Carpenteril, Adelungii, aliorum, suisque digessit G. A. L. Henschel. 7 vols. 4to. ibid. 1840-50 The seventh volume contains, besides the ' Glossarium Gallicum,' etc., the ' Dissertations de Ducange sur I'histoire de St. Louis.' Glossarium Manuale ad Scriptores Mediae et Infimae Latini- tatis, ex magnis Glossariis Caroli Du Fresne, Domini Du Cange, et Carpentarii in Compendium redactum, multisque verbis et dicendi formulis auctum [a J. C. Adelung]. 6 vols. 8vo. Halce, 1772-84 Glossarium ad Scriptores MediEe et Infimae Greecitatis. 2 vols. fol. Liigduni, 1688 Hist, de I'Emp. de Constantinople : see Buchon, vols. 1, 2. Diss, sur I'Hist. de St. Louis, see Petitot, vol. 3. DUG— DUD 255 DucAHEL (Andrew Coltee, LL.D.) Anglo-Norman Antiquities con- sidered, in a Tour through part of Normandy. fol. Land. 1767 Repertory of the Endowments of Vicarages in the dioceses of Canterbury and Rochester. [Second edition.] 8vo. Loud. 1782 DucAS : see BvzANTiNiE Historiae Scriptores. Du Casse (A.) Memoires et Correspondance Politique et Militaire du Roi Joseph ; publics, annotes et mis en ordre par A. Du Casse, aide de camp de S. A. I. le prince Jerome Napoleon. 10 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1853-4 ■ Histoire des Negociations Diplomatiques relatives aux Traitcs de Mortfontaine, de Luneville et d'Amieiis, precedee de la Cor- respondance inedite de I'Empereur Napoleon I. avec le Cardinal Fesch. 3 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1855 Du Caurroy de la Croix (Adolphe Marie). Institutes de Jus- tinicn traduites et expliquees. Huitieme edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1851 Duchesne (Andreas). Historiae Normannorum Scriptores Antiqui, res ab illis per Galliam, Angliam, Apuliam, Capuae Principatum, Siciliam, et Orientem gestas explicantcs, ab anno Christi 838 ad annum 1220. InsertiE sunt monastcriorum i'undationes variae, series episcoporum ac abbatum : genealogiae regum, ducum, comitum, et nobilium : ex MSS. codd. omnia fere nunc primum edidit Andreas Duchesnius. tbl. Paris. 1019 Historiaj Francorum Scriptores coaetanei, ab ipsius gentis origine ad R. Philippi IV. tcmpora; cum Epistolis regum, reginarum, pon- tificum, ducum, comitum, abbatum, et aliis veteribus rerum Fran- cicarum monumentis; opera ac studio Andreae et F'rancisci Du Chesne. 5 vols. vol. ibid. 1636-49 Histoire d'Angleterre, d'Escosse, et d'Irlande. Nouvelle edition, continuee depuis 1641 jusques a present par le Sieur Du Verdier. 2 vols. fol. ibid. 1666 Du Choul (Guilielmus). Veterum Romanorum Religio, Castrame- tatio, Disciphna Militaris, ut et Balneoe, ex antiquis numismatibus et lapidibus demonstrata; e Gallico in Latinum translata. 4to. Amst. 1686 Duck (Arthurus, LL.D.) De Usu et Authoritate Juris Civilis Ro- manorum in domiiiiis Principum Christiauorum Libri duo. 12mo. LiKjd. Bat. ex off. Elzev. 1654 [another edition.] 12mo. Lond. 1679 translated into English: see FERRif;RE. The Life of Henry Chichele, Archbishop of Canterbury, -who lived in the times of Henry the V. and VI. Kings of England, now made English. 8vo. ibid. 1699 Du Clercq (Jacques). Memoires : see Petitot, vol. 11. DucLOS (C. P.) Memoires: see Petitot, 2de. ser. vols. 76, 77. Dudley (John William Ward, Earl of). Letters to the Bishop of LlandafF. A new edition. 8vo. Lond. 1841 256 DUE -DUG Duels. A Publication of his Ma.''" Edict, and severe Censure against Private Combats and Combatants. 4to. Lond. 1613 DuER (John, LL.D.) Lecture on the Law of Representations in Marine Insurance, with notes and illustrations. 8vo. Nem-Yorh, 1844 • Law and Practice of Marine Insurance, deduced from a critical examination of the adjudged cases, the nature and analogies of the subject, and the general usage of commercial nations. 2 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1845-6 DuER (William Alexander, LL.D.) Outlines of the Constitutional Jurisprudence of the United States. 12mo. New-York, 1833 DuEZ (Nathanael\ Dittionario Italiano et Francese. 4to. Venetia, 1662 Duff (Alexander). Treatise on the Deeds and Forms used in the constitution, transmission, and extinction of Feudal Rights. 8vo. Edinh. 1838 DuFOUR (Gabriel). Traite General de Droit Administratif applique, ou Expose de la Doctrine et de la Jurisprudence concernant I'exercice de I'autorite du Chef de I'Etat, des Ministres, des Prefets, &c. Deuxieme edition. 7 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1854-57 DuFOUR (Julien Michel). Instructions pour les Jures. 12mo. Paris, 1811 Manuel des Juges de Paix, des Maii'es, &c. Quatrieme edition. 12mo. ibid. 1813 ■ Le Guide en Affaires, ou Manuel general Judiciaire, Com- mercial, &c. Seconde edition. 12mo. ibid. 1817 DuFRENE (John). Treatise on the Law between Debtor and Creditor. Second edition. 8vo. Lond. 1820 Du Fresnoy (Charles Alphonse). The Art of Painting, with Re- marks ; translated into English, with an original Preface, containing a Parallel between Painting and Poetry, by Mr. Dryden, and a short Account of the most eminent Painters, both ancient and modern, by R[ichard] G[raham]. The second edition. 8vo. Lond. 1716 DuGDALE (Sir William). Monasticon Anglicanum, sive Pandectae Coenobiorum Benedictinorum, Cluniacensium, Cisterciensium, Car- thusianorum, a primordiis ad eorum usque dissolutionem, per Ro- gerum Dodsworth et Gulielmum Dugdale. 3 vols. fol. Lond. 1655-61-73 new edition ; enriched with a large accession of ma- terials, now first printed from Leiger Books, Chartularies, Rolls, and other documents preserved in the national archives, public libraries and other i-epositories, by John Caley, F.R.S., Henry Ellis, LL.B., and Rev. Bulkeley Bandinel, D.D. 6 vols, in 8, fol. ibid. 1817-30 Monasticon Anglicanum: or, the History of the Ancient Abbies, Monasteries, Hospitals, Cathedral and Coileginte Churches, with their dependencies, in England and Wales ; as also of all such Scotch, Irish, and French Monasteries as did in any manner relate to those in England; translated into English, with two additional volumes, by Capt. John Stevens. 3 vols. fol. ibid. 1718-22-23 DUG o-,7 DuGDALE (Sir William). History of St. Paul's Cathedral in London, fi'om its foundation; likewise, an historical Account of the Noitlicrn Cathedrals, and chief Colleiriate Churches in the province of York, The second edition, with the author's Life, written by hiinsolf; published by Edward Maynard, D.D. fol. Loud. 1716 History of St. Paul's Cathedral in London; with a continuation and additions, including; the republication of Sir \\ . Dugdalc's Life from his own numuscript, by Henry Ellis, F.R.S. fol. ibid, 1818 The Antiquities of AVarwickshire illustrated; from records, leiger books, manuscripts, charters, evidences, tombes, and arnies. fol. ibid. 16.j6 second edition, augmented, and continued by William Thomas, D.D. o vols. fol. ibid. 17:30 Origines Juridiciales ; or historical Memorials of the English Laws, Courts of Justice, Forms of Tryal, Punishment in Casc8 Criminal, Grants and Settlements of Estate, Law-Writers, Law- Books, Degree of Serjeant, Inns of Court and Chancery : also a Chionologie of the Lord Chancellors and Keepers of the Great Seal, Lord Ti-easurers, Justices of thie Kings Bench and Common Pleas, &c. [With manuscript notes and additions.] fol. ?7)/r/. 1G(J6 second edition. fol. ibid. 1G71 third edition. fol. ibid. 1680 The Baronage of England, or, an historical Account of the Lives and most memorable actions of our English Nobility in the Saxons time, to the Norman Conquest : and from thence, of those who had their rise before the end of K. Henry the Third's reign. 'Z vols. fol. ihid. 1675-6 The Antient Usage in bearing of such ensigns of honour as are commonly called Arms; with additions, containing a short Intro- duction to Heraldry, a bi'ief Discourse touching the Office of Lord High Chancellor of England, by John Selden, &c. Whereto is superadded, Honoi-es Anglicani ; or, Titles of Honour of the Entrlish Nobility, by T. C Banks. fol. ibid. 1811 A perfect Copy of all Summons of the Nobility to the Great Councils and Parliaments of this Realm from the *4yth of King Henry III. until these present times. fol. ibid. 1()85 A short View of the late Troubles in England ; briefly setting forth their rise, growth, and tragical conclusion. To which is added, a perfect Narrative of the Treaty at Uxbridge in 1644. fol. Oxford, 1681 History of Imbanking and Draining of divers Fens and ^larshes, both in foreign parts and in tliis kingdom, and of the improvements thereby. The second edition, by C. N. Cole. fol. Lotid. 177*2 Life, Diary, and Correspondence of Sir W. Dugdale ; with an appendix containing an account of his published works, and an index to his manuscript collections, kc. Edited by William Hamper. 4to. ibid. 1827 Duguay-Trouin (Rene), Mcmoires : see Petitot, 2de. ser. vol.75. Hv GuEscLiiN (Bertrand) — Memoires sur : see Petitot, vols. 4, 5. s 258 DUH— DUN Du Halde (Jean Baptiste). Description Geographique, Historiquej Chronologique, Politique et Physique de I'Empire de la Chine, et de la Tartaric Chinoise. 4 vols. fol. Paris, 1735 DuHiGG (Bartholomew Thomas). History of the King's Inns ; or, an Account of the Legal Body in Ireland, from its connexion with England. 8vo. Dublin, 1806 Duke (George). The Law of Charitable Uses, with the learned Read- ings of Sir Francis Moor, fol. Lonci. ]676 ■ Law of Charitable Uses ; to which is added the Law of Mort- main, with a continuation, by R. W. Bridgman. 8vo. ibid. 1805 Duke (George). A brief Memoir of Sir Clement Wearg, Solicitor General to K. George I. 12mo. Load. 1843 DuLcis (Catharinus): Schola Italica, in qua prsecepta bene loquendi faciliori methodo proponuntur. 8vo. Col. Agripp. 1643 Dumas (Jean Baptiste). Traite deChimieappliquee aux Arts. Partie organique, 4 vols. 1847. — Partie Inorganique, 4 vols. 1848. 8 vols. 8vo. and atlas, 2 vols, oblong 4to. Liege, 1847-48 DuMESNiL (J. B. Gardin) : see Gardin-Dumesnil. DiJMGE (Carl George). Symbolik der Germanischer Volker in einigen Rechtsgewohnheiten. 8vo. HeydelbeTg, 1812 Du MoNSTiER (Arturus). Neustria Pia, seu de omnibus et singulis Abbatiis et Prioratibus totius Normanniae. fol. JRothumagi, 1663 DuMONT (Etienne) : see Bentham. DuMONT (Jean). Corps Universel Diplomatique du Droit des G-ens ; contenant un Recueil des Traitez d' Alliance, de Paix &c. faits en Europe depuis le regne de Charlemagne jusques a present. 8 vols. fol. Amst. 1726-31 Supplement. Histnire des anciens Traitez depuis les temps les plus reculez jusques a Charlemagne, par J. Barbeyi'ac, 2 parts in 1 vol. — Recueil des Traitez &c. continue par J. Rousset, 2 vols. — Ceremonial Diplomatique des Cours de 1' Europe, recueilli en partie par Dumont, mis en ordre et augmente par J. Rousset, 2 vols. 5 vols. fol. ibid. 1739 ■ — [The following works are also supplementary to this collection.] Histoire des Traites de Paix et autres Negotiations du dix-septieme siecle, depuis la paix de Vervins jusqu'a la paix de Nimegue [par Jean Yves de Saint-Prest]. 2 vols. fol. ibid. 1725 Negociations secretes touchant la paix de Munster et d'Osnabrug [par J. Le Clei-c]. 4 vols. fol. La Haye, 1725-6 Memoires et Negociations secretes de la Cour de France touchant la paix de Munster [par Nicolas Clement]. fol. Amst. 1710 DuMouRiEz (C. F.) Memoires: see Berville et Barriere, vols. 18—21. Duncan (Jonathan). History of Guernsey ; with occasional notices of Jersey, Alderney, and Sark, and biographical sketches. 8vo. Guernsey, 1841 Duncan (William). Elements of Logick. 12mo. Lond.Yl^^ Duncombe (G.) : see Trials per Pais. DUN— DUP 259 DuNCUMB (John). Collections towards the History and Antiquities of the County of Hereford. vol. 1 and vol. 2, part 1. 4to. Hereford, 1804-12 DuNFERMELYN (Registrum de): see Bannatyne Club, No. 76. DuNKiN (John\ Oxfordshire. — The History and Antiquities of the Hundreds of Bullington and Ploughley. 2 vols. 4to. Land. 1823 DuNLOP (Alexander). Parochial Law [of Scotland]. Second edition. 8vo. Edinh. 1835 DuNLOP (A.) Bell and Murray : see Session (Court of). DuNLOP (John). History of Fiction : being a critical account of the most celebrated prose works of fiction, from the earliest Greek ro- mances to the novels of the present age. Second edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Edinh. 1816 Du.voD de Charnage (Franyois Ignace). Traites des Prescriptions, de r Alienation des Biens d'Eglise, et des Dixraes. Troisieme edition. 4to. Paris, 1753 Dunsford (Martin). Historical Memoirs of the Town and Parish of Tiverton, in the county of Devon. 4to. Exeter, 1790 [DuNTON, John.] The Athenian Oracle : being an entire Collection of all the valuable Questions and Answers in the old Athenian Mer- curies. By a Member of the Athenian Society. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1703-4 DuPERRAY (Michel). Traite des Dispenses de Mariage, de Icur validite ou invalidite, et de I'etat des personnes. 12mo. Paris, 1759 DuPERRON (Anquetil). Legislation Orientale. 4to. Amst. 1778 DupiN (Andre Marie Jean Jacques). Lois concernant I'Organisation Judiciaire, extraites de la Collection in 4to. dite du Louvre, et du Bulletin des Lois : Recueil compose en execution d'Avis du Conscil d'Etat, du 7 Janvier, 181.3. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1819 De la Jurisprudence des Arrets, a I'usage de ceux qui les font, et de ceux qui les citeiit. 12mo. ibid. 1822 ■ Plaidoyer pour le Constitutionnel, prononce a I'audience de la Cour Royaie, le 26 Novembre 18'25. 8vo. ibid. 18'25 Pasquier, ou Dialogue des Advocats du Parlement de Paris, par Ant. Loisel ; avec uue introduction et des notes, la suite chro- nologique des plus notables avocats depuis I'an IGUO jusqu'a ce jour, et des notices biographiques sur Pasquier, Loisel, et les freres Pithou. l-2mo. ibid. 1844 Manuel du Droit Public Ecclesiastique Fran(.'ais, contenant : les Libertes de rEglise Gallicane, avec un commcntaire ; la Declaration du Clerge, de 1082, sur les limites de la puissance ecclo.. Edited by James Craigie Robeitson, M.A. 2 vols. 8vo. Cambridge, 1849 The Book of Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacraments, &c. according to the use of the L^nited Church of England and Ireland ; the text taken from the Sealed Book for the Chancery, and collated with the Scaled Books for the King's Bench, Common Pleas, &c., with notes legal and historical by Archibald John Stephens. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1849-54 The Book of Common Prayer, &c. according to the use of the United Church of England and Ireland ; the text taken from the manu- script book originally annexed to stat. 17 & 18 Car. II. c. 6. (Ir.) : with an historical introduction and notes, by A. J. Stephens. 3 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1849-50 EcHARD (Laurence). A general Ecclesiastical History, from the Na- tivity of our blessed Saviour to the first establishment of Chris- tianity bv human Laws under the Emperor Constantine. fol. Lond. 1702 third edition. 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. ibid. 1712 History of England, from the first entrance of Julius Caesar and the Romans to the end ot the leign of K. James II. 3 vols. fol. ibid. 1707-18 Roman History, from the Building of the City to the Taking of Constantinople by the Turks. The seventh edition. 5 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1713 Dictionnaire Geographique Portatif, traduit par M. I'Abbe Vosgien. 8vo. Paris, 1747 EcHTius: see Bachovius. EcK (Cornelius van). Principia Juris Civilis, secundum ordinem Digestorum. Editio sexta. 2vols. 12mo. TraJ. ad Ilhenum,\'o6 Theses Juris Controversi. Accedit Dissertatio de septem dani- natis legibus Pandeclarum, seu crucibus Jurisconsultorum. Editio secunda. 12mo. Lugd. Bat. Ilia 266 ECT— EDE EcTON (John). State of the Proceedings of the Corporation of the Governours of the Bounty of Queen Anne, for tlie augmentation of the maintenance of the poor Clergy, from their first estabhshment in the year 1704 to Christmas 1718. 8vo. Lond. 1719 Liber Valorum et Decimarum : being an Account of such Eccle- siastical Benefices in England and Wales as now stand charged with, or lately were discharged from the payment of First Fi'uita and Tenths. The second edition. 8vo. Lond. 1723 Thesaurus Rerum Ecclesiasticarum : being an Account of the Valuations of Ecclesiastical Benefices in England and Wales ; to which are added, the names of the patrons, and dedications of the churches, &c. The third edition, with additions, by Browne Willis, LL.D. 4to. ibid. 1763 Edda Saemundar hinns Froda. Edda Rythmica seu Antiquior, vulgo Sffimundina dicta ; ex codice bibliothecae regiae Hafniensis pergameno, necnon diversis legati Arna-Magnaeani et aliorum membraneis char- taceisque melioris notae manuscriptis, cum interpretatione Latina, lectiouibus variis, notis, glossariis et indicibus. 3 vols. 4to. Havnice, 1787-1818-1828 Pars I. Odae Mythologicse, a Resenio non editae. Pars II. Odae Mythico-Historicse [de Volsungis, Budlungis et Niflungis vel Giukungis, et Rebus gestis Danorum, Suecorum, Norvegorum, etc.]. Pars III. Carmina Vbluspa, Havamal etRigsinal. Lexicon Mythologicum,&c. Edda Snorra Sturlusonar. Edda Snorronis Sturlaei. [Islandice et Latine.] 2 vols. 8vo. Hafnice, sumpfibus Legati Arna-Magnceani, 1848-52 Tom. I. Formali, Gylfaginnftig, Bragaraedur, Skaldskaparmal et Hattatal. Tom. II. Tractatus Philologici et Additanienta ex codicibus manuscriptis. Edda. Die Edda, die altere und jiingere, nebst den mythischen Erzah- lungen der Skalda, iibersetzt und mit Erlauterungen begleitet von Karl Simrock. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1851 Eddius. Vita S. Wilfridi : see Gale — Hist. Brit. Script, vol. 1. Eden (Sir Frederic Morton, Bart.) The State of the Poor: or, an History of the Labouring Classes in England, from the Conquest to the present period ; in which are particularly considered, their domestic economj', with respect to diet, dress, fuel, and habitation ; and the various plans which have been proposed and adopted for the relief of the poor ; with parochial reports, chronological table of the prices of labour, &c. 3 vols. 4to. Lond. 1797 Eden (Robertus). Jurisprudentia Philologica, sive Elementa Juris Civilip, secundum methodum et seriem Institutionum Justiniani, notis iliustrata. Accessit Prooemium de Jure Civili Romanorum ante Justinianum, et de libris Juris Civilis Romanorum per Jus- tinian um compositis. 4to. Oxoriii, 1744 Eden (Hon. Robert Henley, afterwards Lord Henley). Reports of Cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery, from 1757 to 1766, collected and arranged from the Manuscripts of Lord Chancellor Northington. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1818 second edition. 2 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1827 Treatise on the Law of Injunctions. 8vo. ibid. 1821 EDE— EDM 267 Eden (Hon. Robert Henley, afterwards Lord Henley). Dij^est of the Bankn ference Bankrupt Law : with an appendix of precedents, framed with re- mce to the new Act of 1 & 2 Will. IV. c. 56. Tlie third edition. 8vo. Loud. 1832 ■ Memoir of Robert Henley, Earl of Northington, Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain. 8vo. ibid, l^dl Eden (William, afterwards Lord Auckland). Principles of Penal Law. The third edition. 8vo. Lond. 1775 Four Letters to the Earl of Carlisle, on certain Perversions of Political Rcasoninf;; and on the nature, progress and effect of Party Spirit and of Parties, &c. 8vo. ibid. 1779 third edition ; to which is added a Fifth Letter, on Popu- lation, &c. 8vo. ibid. 1780 Edkr (Josephus Carolus). Commentatio de Initiis Juribusque primaevis Saxonum Transsilvanorum. 4to. Viennce, 1792 Breviariuni Juris Transsilvanici, cum Proa-mio de Fontiljus Juris Transs. 8vo. Cibinil, 1800 Edgar (John). The Decisions of the Court of Session, from January 1724 to July 1725. fol. Edinb. 1791 Edinburgh Castle (Siege of) : see Bannatyne Club, No. 22. Edinburgh Gazetteer, or Geographical Dictionary of the World. 6 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 1822 Edinburgh Review, or Critical Journal ; from the commencement in Oct. 1802 to April 1858. 107 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 1814-58 General Index, from the first to the twentieth (Oct. 1802 to Nov. 1812), from the twenty-first to the fiftieth (April 1813 to Jan. 1830), and from the fifty-first to the eightieth volumes (April 1830 to Oct. 1841), inclusive. 3 vols. 8vo. ift/V/. 1813-32-50 Edits. Recueil dcs Edits, Declarations et Arrests, portant Creation des Grefiiers, &c. 8vo. Paris, 1693 • Recueil des Edits, Declarations, Ordonnances et Reglemens des Rois Henry II. Franq*ois II, Charles IX. Henry III." Henry IV. Louis XIII. et Louis XIV. concernant les Manages. 8vo. ibid. 1699 Recueil des Edits, Declarations et Arrests, rendus en faveur des Curez, Vicaires perpetuels, Vicaires amovibles, Chanoines et autres Beneficiers. Nouvelle edition. 8vo. ibid. 1700 Edmondson (Joseph). Baronagium Genealogicum ; or, the Pedigrees of the English Peers, deduced from the earliest times, originally compiled by Sir W. Segar, and continued to the present time by Joseph Edmondson. 6 vols. fol. Lond. 1764-84 A complete Body of Heraldry, containing an historical Enquiry into the origin of Armories, and the rise and pro"^ress of Heraldry, considered as a Science ; with Glover's Ordinary ot Arms, augmented and improved, &c. 2 vols. fol. ibid. 1780 Edmunds (Richard). The Solicitor's Guide to the Practice of the Office of Pleas in his Majesty's Court of Exchequer. 8vo. Lond. 1794 268 EDW-EHE Edward IV. — Arrivall in England: see Camden Society, No. 1. Edwards (Bryan). The History, Civil and Commercial, of the British West Indies ; with a continuation to the present time. Fifth edition. 5 vols. 8vo. and atlas, 4to. Loud. 1819 Edwards (Edwin). Treatise on the Jurisdiction of the High Court of Admiralty of England. Svo. Lond. 1847 Edwards (Frederick). Treatise on the Law of Gaming, Horse Racing and VVag-ers. 12mo. Lond. 1839 Edwards (Jonathan, D.D. President of New Jersey College). Works. [Edited by E. Williams and E. Parsons, with Memoirs of his Life by S. Hopkins, D.D.] 8 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1817 Edwards (Temson\ All the effective Orders of the High Court of Chancery from Hilary Term, 1815, to the present time; with notes of the Decisions thereon ; and the Statutes regulating the practice of the Court. To which are added, Precedents of Bills of Costs, with practical observations. 12mo. Lond. 1848 Edwards (Thomas). The Canons of Criticism, and Glossary, being a supplement to Mr. Warburton's edition of Shakespear ; collected from the notes in that work. The seventh edition, with additions. [Second title : The Canons of Criticism, and Glossary ; the Trial of the Letter T, alias Y, and Sonnets.] 8vo. Lond. 1765 Edwards (Thomas, LL.D.) Reports of Cases argued and determined in the High Court of Admiralty, commencing with the Judgments of the Rt. Hon. Sir W. Scott, Easter Term 1808. Svo. Lond. 1812 Egan (Charles). The Status of the Jews in England, from the time of the Nornians, to the reign of her Majesty Queen Victoria, impartially considered. Svo. Lond. n. d. • The Law of Bills of Sale ; embracing the new Act for preventing frauds upon creditors by secret Bills of Sale ; with notes, precedents and forms. 12mo. ibid. 1855 Egerton (Francis Henry, Earl of Bridgewater). A compilation of various authentick evidences, and historical authorities tending to illustrate the life and character of Thomas Egerton, Lord Ellesmere, Lord High Chancellor of England, &c. ; and the nature of the times in which he was Lord Keeper, and Lord High Chancellor. fol. Paris, 1812 Egerton (Thomas) : see Ellesmere. Egerton Papers : see Camden Society, No. 12. Eginhartus, Eginhardus, seu Einhardus. Vita et Gesta Karoli Magni. Annales Regum Francorum Pipini, Karoli, Ludovici ab anno DCCXLI usque ad LXXXVIII. collecti per quendam Bene- dictinse religionis monachum. [Edidit Hermannus Comes a Nuenare.] 4to. Colonice, 1521 see also France — Societe de I'Histoire; and Guizot — Coll. des Memoires, vol. 3. Egremont (John). The Law relating to Highways, Turn pike- Roads, PubUc Bridges and Navigable Rivers. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond, 1830 Ehemius (Christophorus). De Principiis Juris Libri VII. 12mo. HanovicB, 1601 EIC— ELI 269 EiCHHORN (Karl Friodrich). Deutsche Staats- nnrl Rechtsgeschichte. JJritte Ausgabe. 4 vols. 8vo. Guttittgen, 1821-3 Einleitung in das deutsche Privatrecht, mit Einschluss des Lehenrechts. Zweite Ausgabe. Svo. ibid. 1825 Grundsiitze des Kirchenrechts der Katholischen und der Evan- gelischen Religionspartei in Deutschland. 2 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1831-3 EiKE or Eyke von Repgow: see Sachsenspiegel, and Stuttgart Society, vol. 42. Einhardus : see Eginhartus. EiSENDECHER (W.) Ueber die Entstehung, Entwickelung und Aus- bildung des Biirgerrechtes im alten Rom ; mit einer Vorrede von A. H. L. Heeren. 8vo. Hamburg, 1829 EiSENHART (Hugo). Uebcf den Beruf des Adels im Staate und die Natur der Piirieverfassung. Svo. Stuttgart, 1852 EiSENHART ("Joannes). Repraesentatio Institutionura Juris Naturalis in Moralis Philosopliiae doctrina. 12mo. Hebnestadi, 1684 EiSENHART (Johann Friederich). Grundsatze der deutschen Rechte in Spriichwortern, mit Anmerkungen erlautert. Svo. Ilelmst. 1759 Elchies (Patrick Grant, Lord). Annotations on Lord Stair's Insti- tutions of the Law of Scotland. 4to. Edinb. 1824 Decisions of the Court of Session : see Morison. Elderfield (Christopher). The Civil Right of Tythes. 4to. Lond. 1650 Of Regeneration and Baptism, Hebrew and Christian; with their Rites, &c. 4to. ibid. 1653 Elections. The Statutes at Large concerning Elections of Members to serve in the House of Commons. 12mo. Lond. 1734 The Candidate's Guide ; or, the Electors Rights decided. The second edition. By J. C. 12mo. ibid. 1735 Orders and Resolutions of the House of Commons on Contro- verted Elections and Returns. Second edition. 12mo. ibid. 1736 Dictionary of the Law of Elections. 12mo. ibid. 1826 Eleonora. Le Costituzioni di Eleonora, Giudiccssa d' Arborea, in- titolate Carta de Logu ; colla traduzione letterale dalla Sarda nell' Italiana favella e con copiose note del Cavalicre Don Giov. M. Mameli de' Mannelli. 4to. Roma, 1805 see also Buchon — Chroniqucs, vol. 25. Elias de Trickingham, Monachus Ordinis Bcnedictini. Annales ; ex Bibliotheca Lamethana. Epistola ad Johannem Nicholsium, cele- berrimum typograplium, pi-a^mittitur, in qua de auctore et ejus opere fuse agitur; subnectitur Compendium Conipertorum, per Tho. Legh et Ric. Layton, visitatorcs regies ; ex Bibliotheca Ducis Devoniae. Utrumque opusculum ex MSis. nunc primum edidit Samuel Pegge. 4to. Lond. 1/89 Elis (Joannes) : see Ellis. s7 270 ELI- ELL Elizabeth-Charlotte, Duchesse d'Orleans. Memoires sur la Cour de Louis XIV, et de la Regence ; extraits de la Correspondance Allemande de Madame Elisabeth-Charlotte, Duchesse d'Orleans, Mere du Regent ; precedes d'une notice sur cette Princesse, et accompagnes de notes. 8vo. Paris, 1823 — Briefe ; see Sthttqart Society, vol. 6. Elizabeth of York — Privy Purse Expenses: see Nicolas (Sir H.) Elizabeth (Queen) and James VI. — Letters: see Camden Society, No. 46. Ellesmere (Thomas Egerton Earl of, Lord Chancellor). Speech in the Exchequer Chamber, touching the Post-nati. 4to. Lond. 1609 The Priviledges and Prerogatives of the High Court of Chan- cery. 4to. ibid. 1641 Certaine Observations concerning the Office of the Lord Chancellor. 12rao. ihid. 1651 Observations on the Lord Coke's Reports. fol. ibid. n. d. Elliott (Edward Bishop). Warburtonian Lectures, preached in Lincoln's Inn Chapel, in the winters from 1849 to 1853; on the Christian Church's institution, and declension into apostacy; the apostate Church's heading by the Romish Antichrist, &c. 8vo. Lond. 1856 Elliott (George Percy). A practical Treatise on the Qualifications and Registration of Parliamentary Electors in England and Wales ; with an appendix of statutes and forms. The second edition. 12mo. Lond. 1843 Ellis (Charles). Treatise of the Pleadings in Suits for Tithes in Equity; and the Law of Evidence, Issues, and Costs relating to them. 8vo. Lond. 1821 Treatise on the Law of Debtor and Creditor. 8vo. ibid. 1822 The Law of Fire and Life Insurance and Annuities, with prac- tical observations. 8vo. ihid. 1832 Ellis (Charles Thomas). Practical Remarks, and Precedents of Pro- ceedings in Parliament on Private Bills. The second edition. 8vo. Lond. 1810 Ellis (Clement). The Folly of Atheism demonstrated. 8vo. Lond. 1692 Ellis (George). Specimens of the Early English Poets ; to which is prefixed an historical sketch of the rise and progress of the English Poetry and Language. The fourth edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Xonf^. 1811 Ellis (Sir Henry). History and Antiquities of the Parish of Saint Leonard Shoreditch, and the Liberty of Norton Folgate, in the suburbs of London. 4to. Lond. 1798 Original Letters, illustrative of English History; including numerous Royal Letters, from autographs in the British Museum, and other collections ; with notes and illustrations. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1825 Second Series. 4 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1827 Third Series. 4 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1846 Introduction to Domesday Book : see Record Commission. ELL— ELS 271 Ellis f Joannes, S.T.D.) Articulorum XXXIX Ecclesiae An^ilicana? Defensio, una cum nova eorundeni versione. His accedunt Articuli Lambethani. Editio quarta. 12mo. Amst. 1700 Ellis ( The) Correspondence. Letters written durinpj the years 1686, 1687, 1()88, and addressed to Jolin Ellis, Esq. Secretary to the Commis- sioners of his Majesty's Revenue in Ireland : comprising many par- ticulars of the Revolution, and Anecdotes illustrative of the history and manners of those times. Edited, from the orisarionsis\ Ecclesiasticae Historiae Libri X., et de vita Imp. Constantini Libri IV. ; Socratis Scholastic! et Hermiae Sozomeni Historia Ecclesiastica ; Theodoriti Episcopi Cvri, et l-]vac:rii Scholastici Historia Ecclesiastica; item Excerpta ex historiis Philostorgii et Theodori Loctoris ; Gr. et Lat., cum anno- tationibus H. Valesii, et criticis plurium eruditorum locupletavit Gul. Reading. 3 vols. fol. Cantab. 1720 Eusebii, Socratis, Sozomeni, Evagrii et aliorum Historia Eccle- siastica, Latine, per J. J. Gryn»um edita. fol. Basilecp, 1570 Eusebii et aliorum Sciiptorum (irapcorum (nempe, Socratis, Theodoriti, Sozomeni, et Evagrii) Historia Ecclesiastica, Latine, J. Christophorsono Anglo intcrprete ; cum explicationibus Severini Binii. fol- ColonifB Agrippintp, 1612 282 EUS-EVA EusEBius Pampliihis (Episcopus Caesariensis). Eusebius, Socrates, and Evagrius' Ecclesiastical Histories, translated by Meredith Han- mer. Doctor in Divinitie. With Eusebius' Life of Constantine, and Constantine's Oration to the Clergie. The fourth edition. fol. Lond. 1636 Eusebius, Socrates, and Evagrius' History of the Church ; translated from the edition published at Paris by Valesius, with his annotations. With the Life of Constantine, &c. fol. Cambridge, 1683 de Demonstratione Evangelica Libri decern, Greece et Latine. Accessere Libri duo contra Marcellum, et Libri tres de Ecclesiastica Theologia, Graece, cum versione Latina et notis R.M. [R. Monta- cutii]. fol. Paris. 1628 Praeparatio Evangelica, Graece et Latine, cum notis Fr. Vigeri. fol. ibid. 1628 EusTATHius (Antecessor Constantinopolitanus). De varia Temporum in Jure Civili observatione Libellus, Gr. et Lat. Item Leges Rho- diorum Navales, Militares et Georgicse Justiniani, studio Simonis Schardii. 12mo. Basilece, 1561 EusTATHius. De Ismeniae et Israenes Amoribus Libri XI. Gilbertus Gaulminus primus Graece edidit, et Latine vertit. 8vo. Paris. 1617 EusTATHius (Archiepiscopus Thessalonicensis). Commentarii ad Ho- meri Iliadem, Graece ; ad fidem exempli Romani editi. 4 vols. 4to. Lipsice, 1827-30 Commentarii ad Homeri Odysseam, Gr. ; ad fid. exemp. Rom. editi. 2 vols. 4to. ibid. 1825-6 Index in Eustathii Commentarios in Homeri Iliadem et Odysseam, studio Matthaei Devarii; ad fid. exemp. Rom. correctior editus. 4to. ibid. 1828 de capta Thessalonica : see Byzantinte Hist. Scriptores. EuTROPius. Historiae Romanae Breviarium. 12mo. Lond. 1694 Breviarium Historiae Romanag, ad libros scriptos editosque recensitum et virorum doctorum notis inlustratum adjectis suis edidit Car. Henr. Tzschucke. 8vo. Lips. 1796 Abrege de I'Histoire Romaine, par Eutrope; traduction nou- velle, avec des notes, par M. I'Abbe Lezeau. 12mo. Paris, 1717 Eutropius, with an English translation, and notes, by Mr. Thomas. 8vo. Lond. 1760 EvANGELiA : see Biblia Sacra. Evans (Rev. John). The Statutes of the fourth general Council of Lateran, recognized and established by subsequent Councils and Synods, down to the Council of Trent. 8vo. Lond. 1843 Evans (Thomas). An English and Welch Vocabulary. 12mo. Merthyr, 1804 Evans (Thomas). Old Ballads, historical and narrative, with some of modern date; collected from rare copies and MSS. A new edition, enlarged by R. H. Evans. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1810 EVA— EXH 283 Evans (Thomas). An Exposition of the Faith of the Religious Society of Friends, commonly called Quakers, in the fundamental doctrines of the Christian Religion ; principally selected from their early writings. ISmo. York, 18"/9 Evans (Sir William David). A general View of the Decisions of Lord Mansfield, in civil causes. 2 vols. 4to. Liverpool [1803] The Practice of the Court of Common Pleas, for the County Palatine of Lancaster. 8vo. Lond. 1813 A Collection of Statutes connected with the general Adminis- tration of the Law ; arranged according to the order of subjects : with notes. The third edition, brought down to the 10th Geo. IV. by Anthony Hammond. 8 vols. 8vo. ibid. 18"29 Supplement, from 11 Geo. IV. & 1 Will. IV. to 5 & 6 Will. IV. with notes. By T. C. Granger. 2 vols. 8vo. ihid. 1836 Evans (Daniel Thomas). The Law Digest : see Wise (Edward). Evelyn (John). Memoirs illustrative of the Life and Writings of John Evelyn ; comprising his Diary, from the year 1641 to 170-5-6, and a selection of his familiar Letters. To which is subjoined the private Correspondence between King Charles I. and his Secretary of State, Sir E. Nicholas, &c. Edited from the original MSS., by William Bray. Second edition. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1819 Miscellaneous Writings; now first collected, with occasional notes, by William Upcott. 4to. ibid. 1825 EvERARDus (Nicolaus). Loci Argumentorura Legales. 8vo. Lugduniy 1556 Consilia sive Responsa. Accessere huic editioni, Themata Con- siliorum, Auctaria Summariorum, Vita auctoris, etc. fol. Antverpice, 1643 EvERHARDUS (Nicolaus, Junior). Consilia. 2 vols, in 1, fol. Augustce Vind. 1603 Evidence. The Law of Evidence : wherein all the Cases that have been printed in any of our Law Books, that relate to points of Evi- dence, are collected and digested. The second edition. 8vo. Lond. 1735 Ewers (Job. Phil. Gust.) Das iilteste Recht dcr Russen in seiner geschichtlichen Entwickelung dargestellt. 8vo. Dorpat, 1826 ExcERPTA Historica; or. Illustrations of English History. 8vo.' Lond. 1831 Exchequer. Ordynaunce made in the tyme of the reygne of Kynge Henry the VI. to be observed in the Kynges Eschequier, by the officers and clerkes of the same, for takyng of fees of the Kynges accomptis in the same Courts. 12mo. Lond. JR. Redman, n. d. Exchequer Reports: see Welsbv, Hurlstone and Gordon. Exhibition. Official Catalogue of the Great Exhibition of the Works of Industry of all Nations, 1851. Third edition. 4to. Lond.\%b\ Alphabetical and Classified Index. 4to. ibid. 1851 t6 284 EXH-FAB Exhibition. Great Exhibition of the Works of Industry of all Nations, 1851. Official descriptive and illustrated Catalogue. By authority of the Royal Commission. 3vols. 8vo. Lond. \8ol Reports by the Juries on the subjects in the thirty classes into which the Exhibition was divided. 2 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1852 Supplementary volume : containing additional notices and illus- trations ; index to annotations ; and first and second Reports of the Royal Commissioners. 8vo. ibid. 1852 Exhibition ( French). Exposition des produits de I'lndustrie de toutes les Nations, 1855. Catalogue Officiel jjublie par ordre de la Com- mission Imperiale. Deuxieme edition. 8vo. Paris, 1855 ExMooR Scolding ; in the propriety and decency of Exmoor language, between two sisters, as they were spinning ; also, an Exmoor court- ship. A new edition, with notes and a glossary. 8vo. Land. 1839 ExTON (John, LL.D.) The Maritime Dicaeologiej or Sea-Jurisdiction of En36 Law, or a Discourse thereof, in four Books. 8vo. ibid. 1678 Law ; or, a Discourse thereof, in four Books ; with notes and references, by Danby Pickering. Bvo. ibid. 1759 Description of the Common Laws of Enfjland, according to the rules of art, compared with the Prerogatives of the King; translated from the French. 8vo. ibid. 1759 Fines, sive Pedes Finiura : see Record Commission. FiNLASON (W. F.) A Selection of Leading Cases on Pleading and Parties to Actions, with practical notes. 8vo. Lond. 1847 The Acts for the better Regulation of Charitable Trusts, with notes, and an introduction on the Jurisdiction exercised over them by the Court of Chancery, &c. 12mo. ibid. 1853 The Common Law Procedure Acts of 1852 & 1854, with notes, . . 1 y-^ T T-» J A _t, ^C and an appendix containing the Common Law Procedure Acts of William IV., and the New Rules framed under the late acts. r2rao. ibid. 1855 FiNLAY (John, LL.D.) Treatise on the Law of Renewals in respect to Leases for Lives renewable for ever in Ireland, with the Cases and decisions theeon; including a Report of the Case of Fitzsimon V. Burton. '^vo. Dublin, 1829 Digest and Index to all the Irish Reported Cases in Law and Equityrfrom the earliest period to the present time : and also of the Reported Cases in Ecclesiastical and Criminal Law, &c. ^ 8vo. ibid. 1830 Fischer (Franz). Lehrbuch des osterreichischen Handelsrechts mit Anschluss des Wechsel- und See-Rechts. 8vo. Pragy 1828 Fischer (Fr. Chrph. Jonath.) Litteratur des germanischen Rechts^ 12mo. Leipzig, 1782 FiscHHABER (G. C. F.) Das Natur-Recht. 8vo. StuWjart, 1826 Fisher (Payne). The Toml)Cs, Monuments, and Sepulchral Inscrip- tions, lately visible in St. Paul's Cathedral and St. Faith's under it, compleatly rendred in Latin and English, with several historical Discourses on sundry persons intombed therein. 4to. Lund. [1684] Fisher (R. A.) Continuation of Harrison's Digest : see Harrison. Fisher (Richard Barnard). A practical Treatise on Copyhold Tenure, with the methods of hohling Courts-Leet, Courts-Baron, and other Courts. The second edition. 8vo. Lond. 18U3 Fisher (William Richard). The Law of Mortgage, as applied to the redemption, foreclosure and sale in Equity of incumbered property ; with the Law of the priority of incumbrancei's. 8vo. Lond. 1856 FiSK (George). An Analysis of Coke on Littleton, comprised in a series of^Questions. ' 8vo. Lond. 1824 u 4 296 FIT— FLA FiTZ-GiBBONS (John). Reports of several Cases argued and adjudged in the Court of King's Bench, with some special Cases in the Court of Chancery, Common Pleas and Exchequer, in the iirst five years of K. Geo. 'I r. fol. Lo?id. 1732 FiTZHERBERT (Sir Anthon}^. La Graunde Abridgement. 3 vols. fol. s. I. 1516 To this work there is neither title, nor name of printer, and it has been supposed from the evidence of the wood-cuts that it was either executed by Wynkyn de Worde, or printed for him in France ; but it is worthy of notice tliat many of the characters closely resemble those used by John RastuU in the Tables to this Abridgment printed by him in the following year, 1517. At the end of the third volume is the following colophon : — Finis tocius istius opis finit. xxi die Dicembr A° dni millecimo quigetesimo sextodecimo. . [another edition.] 2 vols, fol Lond. in (edihus It. Tottel, 1565 La Nouvelle Natura Brevium, avecques un Table compose per Guiliaulme Rastall. 8vo. Lond. M. Tottell, 1581 ■ Le Novel Natura Brevium. 8vo. ibid. 1588 La Novel Natura Brevium. 8vo. Lond. printed for the Company of Stationers, 1609 La Novel Natura Brevium. [With MS. marginal notes, by- Sir M. Hale ?J 8vo. ibid. 1616 The New Natura Brevium. The seventh edition ; to which is added a Commentary, by the late Lord Chief Justice Hale. 4to. Lond. 1730 ninth edition. With a Commentary supposed to be written by the late Lord Chief Justice Hale. 2 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1794 The New Booke of Justices of Peace, translated out of Frenche into Englyshe. 12nio. Lond. W. Powell, 1547 L'Office et Auctority de Justices de Peace, ore le cinque foils inlarge per Richard Crompton. A que est annex I'office de Viconts, Bailifes, Escheators, Constables, Coroners, &c. 4to. Lond. 1606 [another edition.] 4to. ibid. 1617 Boke of Husbandry, and Surveyinge : see Landed Property (Tracts concerning). FiTZosBORNE : scc Melmoth. Flaccus : see Verrius Flaccus. Flanagan (Stephen Woulfe) and Charles Kellv. Reports of Cases in Chancery, argued and determined in the Rolls Court, during the time of the Rt. Hon. Sir Michael O'Loghlen, Bart., Master of the Rolls. 1840-1842. 8vo. Dublin, 1843 Flanders (Henry). Treatise on Maritime Law. 8vo. Boston {U.S.) I'i^'i Flassan (Gaetan de Raxis de). Histoire generale et raisonnee de la Diplomatic Frangaise, ou de la Politique de la France, depuis la fondation de la monarchic jusqu'a la fin du regne de Louis XVI. Seconde edition. * 7 vols. 8vo. Pari*, 1811 FLA— FLE 297 Flather (John). A digested Index to the Reports of Cases deter- mined in the Hifrh Court of Chancery, and other Courts of Equity, in Erifrland and Ireland, from 1808 to 18-22 ; and to the Reports of Cox, Eden, and l^hillimore ; with a Dif,rest of the Reported Cases upon Equity Practice, from the earliest printed Reports to the pre- sent time. 8vo. Land. 1823 Flaust (Jean Baptiste). Explication de la Coutume et de la Juris- prudence de Normandie. 2 vols. fol. Rouen, 1781 Fl^chier (Esprit, Eveque de Nimes). Memoires sur les Grands- Jonrs tenus a Clermont en 1(>65— 1666: publics par B. Gonod, bibliothecaire de la ville de Clermont. 8vo. Paris, 1844 Fleetwood (Everard). An Enquiry into the Customary-Estates and Tenant-Rights of those who hold lands of Church and other Foun- dations, by the tenure of three lives and twenty-one vears. 8vo. Lond. 1731 Fleetwood or Fletewood (William, Recorder of London). An- nalium tam Regum Edwardi quinti, Richardi tertii, et Henrici septimi quara Henrici octavi, titulorum ordinc alphabetico digcstorum Elenchus. 12mo. Lond. in cedibus li. Tottelli, 1579 Fleetwood (William, Bp. of St. Asaph). Inscriptionum Antiquarum Svlloo-e. 8vo. Lond. 1691 ■ Chronicon Preciosum : or, an Account of English Money, the Price of Corn, and other commodities, for the last 600 years. 8vo\ ibid. 1707 Fleming (Charles) and Tibbins. Royal Dictionary, English and French, and French and English. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1852 Flemyno (Milcolumbus, M.D.) Neuropathia: sive de Morbis Hypo- chondriacis et Hystericis Libri tres, poema medicum ; cui pra3- mittitur Dissertatio epistolaris prosaica ejusdem argumenti. 8vo. Eboraci, 1740 • Mai de' Nervi, poema medico, tradotto dal Dottore Giambattista Moretti. 8vo. Itoma, 1755 Fleta, sen Commentarius Juris Anglicani sic nuncupatus, sub Edwardo Rege prinio, seu circa annos abhinc CCCXL ab anonymo con- scriptus, atque e codice veteri, autore ipso aliquantuluni recentiori, nunc primum tvpis editus. Accedit Tractatulus vctus de agendi excipiendique formulis Gallicanus, Fet assavoir dictus. Subjungitur etiam Joannis Seldeni ad Fletam Dissertatio Historica. fol. Lond. 1647 editio secunda. 4to. ibid. 1685 see also Houard — Coutumes Anglo-Normandes, vol. 3. [Fletcher, Andrew, of Saltoun.] An historical account of the antient rights and power of the Parliament of Scotland. 8vo. [Edinh.'] 1703 [another edition.] 8vo. Aberdeen, 1823 Political Works [containing Discourses on the affairs of Scot- land, &c., with notices of the author]. 8vo. ibid. 1732 Fletewood : see Fleetwood. 298 FLE-FLO Fleur (La) des comniandemens de Dieu, avec plusieurs exemples et auctoritez extraictes tant des sairictes escriptures que d'autres docteurs et bons anciens peres. fol. Paris, Ant koine Verard, 1494 Fleurange (Robert). Memoires : see Petitot, vol. 16. Fleury (L'Abbe Claude). Histoire Ecclesiastique [jusqu'en 1414]; avec la continuation [jusqu'en 1595, par J. C. Fabre et C. P. Goujct]. 36 vols. 4to. Paris, 1722-38 • ■ Table Generale des Matieres [par L. E. Rondet.] 4to. ibid. 1758 Institution au Droit Ecclesiastique. Nouvelle edition, augmentee de notes, &c. par Boucher d'Argis. 2 vols. 12mo. ibid. 1771 Precis Historique du Droit Fran^ais ; avec la continuation depuis 1764 jusqu'en 1789 par M. Dupin. 12mo. ibid. 1826 History of the Origine of the French Laws, translated from the French, by J. Beaver. With a preface and notes, shewing the analogy of the Laws of the antient Gauls and Britons. 8vo. Lond. 1724 Flintbero (Jacob Albrecht). Schwedisches Seerecht, mit Anmerk- ungen ; nebst einer Nachweisung iiber die Obliegenheiten der Schwedischen Consuln ; aus dem Schwedischen niit einer Vorrede von Emanuel Fr. Hagemeister. 4to. Greifswald, 1796 Flintoff (Owen). The Law of Real Property, with the Statutes relating thereto. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1839-40 The Rise and Progress of the Laws of England and Wales ; with an Account of the origin, history, and customs of the several nations, Britons, Saxons, Danes and Normans, who now compose the British nation. 8vo. ibid. 1840 Floquet (Pierre Amable). Histoire du Parlement de Normandie. 7 vols. 8vo. Rouen, 1840-2 Diaire ou Journal du Voyage du Chancelier Seguier en Nor- mandie apres la sedition des Nu-Pieds (1639 — 1640), et Documents relatifs a ce voyage et a la sedition ; publics pour la premiere fois d'apres les manuscrits de la Bibliotheque Royale, avec de nombreuses annotations. 8vo. ibid. 1842 Florens (Franciscus). Opera Juridica. Adjecti sunt ad calcem primse partis duo Tractatus, alter de Officio Archidiaconi, autore N. Janu- ario ; alter de Absolutione ad Cautelam, autore J. Tournet. 2 vols, in 1, 4to. Paris. 1679 Florentia. Statuta Concilii Florentini. 4to. Florentice, 1564 Florentia: see Formularium, and Museum Florentinum. Florentinus (Paulus). Breviarium Canonici Juris. 4to. Mediolani, per Leonardum Packet et Ulderichum Scinczenceller, 1479 Florentius Wigorniensis : see English Hist. Society, and Record Commission— Monumenta Hist. Brit, FLO— FOE 299 Florida. A Relation of the Invasion and Conquest of Florida by the Spaniards, under the command of Fernando de Soto; written in Portuiiuese by a gentleman of the town of Elvas ; now English'd. To which is subjovned, Two Journeys of the Emperour of Cliina into Tartary in the years 1682 and 'l683; with some Discoveries made by the Spaniards in the island of California, in 1683. ^ ^ 8vo. Lond. 1686 FLoniLEOiuM Magnum, a :MirabelHo, Amantio, et Fr. Tortio col- lectum, eta J. Langio locupletatum. fol. Artjent. l64o Florio (John). A Dictionary Italian and English, revised and enlarged by Gio. Torriano ; with a Dictionary English and Italian, and an Appendix of Italian proverbs. iol. Lond. 16-j9 Florus (Lucius Annasus). [Epitome Rerum Romanarum.] CI. Salmasius addidit L. Ampelium, e cod. MS. imnquam antehac editum. r2mo. Lugd. Bat. apud J. Elzev. 1657 Rerum Romanarum Epitome, interpretatione et notis illustravit Anna Tanaquilli Fabri filia, in usum Delphini. 4to. Paris. 1674 [another edition, by the same.] 8vo. Lond. 1727 Epitome Rerum Romanarum, cum notis J. G. Grajyii et variorum. Additus est L. AmpeUus ex bibliotheca CI. Salmasii. 8vo. Amst. 1692 ■ Historie Romane di Lucio Floro, coUe notitie di L. Ampelio,^ 12mo. Uomcc, 1672 Epitome ; with an English translation, by John Clarke. 8vo. Yorli, n. d. Flower (Benjamin). The French Constitution; with remarks, in which the necessity of a reformation in Church and State in Great Britain is enforced. The second edition. 8vo. Lond. 1792 Flower (William). Heraldic Visitatione of ye Countye Palatyne of Duriiam, in the yeare of our Lorde God 1575. [Edited by Nicholas John Philipson.] fol. Neivcastle, 1820 Floyer (Philip). The Proctor's Practice in the Ecclesiastical Courts. The second edition, by Thomas Wright. 8vo. Lond. 1746 Fluegel (J. G.) Complete Dictionary of the German and English Languages ; adapted to the English student, with additions, by C. A. F^eiling and A. Heimann. 2 parts, 8vo. Lond. 1841 Foelix (Jean Jacques Gaspard). Traite du Droit International Prive, ou du Conflit des Lois de differentes Nations en raatiere de Droit Prive. Deuxieme edition. 8vo, Paris, 1847 J. B. DuvEROiER et Valette. Revue Etrangere de Legis- lation et d' Economic Politique. 15 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1834—48 Tomes 1. — II. Revue Etrangere de Legislation et d' Economic Politique, par une reunion de Jurisconsultcs et de Publicistes Fran^ais et Etrangers, publi^e par M. Foelix, 1831-5. Tomes III.— VI. Revue Etrangere et Fran^aise de Legislation, 1836-39. Tomes VII. — X. Revue Etrangere et Fran^aise de Legislation, de Jurispru- dence, et d'Economie Politique, publiee pour la Partie Etrangere par M. Foelix; poui la Partie Fran^aise par MM. Duvergier et Valette, 1840-43. [Contiiuiatioii.] Tomes I.— V. Hevuc de Droit Fran9ais et Etranger, par MM. Foelix, Duvergier et Valette, 1841-8. 300 FOL— FOR Foley (Robert). Laws relating to the Poor, from 43 Eliz. to 3 Geo. II, witli cases adjudfred in the Court of King's Bench. 8vo. Lond. 1739 FoLioT (Gilbertus, Episcopus Londonicnsis). Epistolae, nunc primura 6 codd. MSS. edidit J. A. Giles, LL.D. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1846 FoLKES (Martin). Tables of English Silver and Gold Coins. 4to. Lond. 1763 FoLLERius (Petrus). Praxis Censuahs. 8vo. 3Iogunti, per Franciscum Dim [circa 1480] FoRNALDAR Sogur Nordrlanda : see Northern Society of Anti- quaries. FoRNERius (Radulphus). Rerum Quotidianarum Libri tres. 8vo. Paris. 1600 FoRNMANNA Sogur : see Northern Society of Antiquaries. FoROS di Gravao, etc. : see Correa da Serra. Forrest (Robert). Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Court of Exchequer, from Mich. Term to Trinity Term 41 Geo. III. 8vo. Lond. 1802 Forrester : see Cases temp. Talbot. FoRSHALL (Rev. J.): see Remonstrance. FoRSTER (R. W. E.) The Copyhold and Customary Tenure, Com- mutation, Enfranchisement, and Improvement Acts, 4 & 5 Vict, c. 35, and 6 & 7 Vict. c. 23, with all the Forms and Tables printed by the Copyhold Commissioners, and an introduction, notes, and index. 12mo. Lond. 1843 FoRSTERus (Valentinus). De Historia Juris Romani Libri tres. . 12mo. Melmcestadii, 1610 FoRSTERus (Valentinus Guilhelmus). Tractatus methodicus de Pactis. 12mo. WUtehergcB, 1621 Tractatus de Dominio. 4to. ibid. 1658 Forsyth (Charles). The Principles and Practice of the Law of Trusts and Trustees in Scotland, with notes and illustrations from the Law of England. 8vo. Edinb. 1844 Forsyth (J. S.) Synopsis of modern Medical Jurisprudence, ana- tomically, physiologically, and forensicallv illustrated. 12mo. Lond. 1829 Forsyth (William). Abridgment of the Public General Statutes, in force and in use, relative to Scotland, from 1789 to 1826. 3 vols. 8vo. Glasgow, 1827-29 Forsyth (William). Treatise on the Law relating to Composition and Arrangements with Creditors. With an Appendix, containing pre- cedents of pleadings and deeds. Third edition. 8vo. Zro//f/. 1854 ■ [first edition.] 12mo. ibid. 1841 Hortensius : or, the Advocate. An Historical Essay. 12mo. Lond. 1849 ■ History of Trial by Jui-y. 8vo. ibid. 1852 FOR-FOS 303 Forsyth (William). Treatise on the Law relating to the Custody of Infants, in cases of difference between parents or guardians. 8vo. Land. 1850 FoRTESCUE (Sir John). A learned Commendation of the Politique Lawes of England, translated into Englishe by Robert Mulcas^ter [with the Latin text]. 12mo. Lund. It. Tuttill, 15G7 De Laudibus Legum Anglifc [in Latin, with the English tians- lation bv Mulcaster]. Hereto are joined the two Summes of Su- Ralph d'e Hengham, commonly called Hengham Magna and Heng- ham Parva. Notes both on 'Fortescue and Hengham are added [by John Selden]. 12mo. Loud. 1616 Fortescue de Laudibus Legum Angliae. The translation into English published A.D. MDCCLXXV., and the original Latin text; with notes, by A. Amos. 8vo. Cambridye, IS'io Commentary on Fortescue : see Waterhous. The Difference between an Absolute and Limited ;Monarchy, as it more particuhulv regards the English Constitution ; with remarks and preface by Sir John Fortescue- Aland. The second edition. ^ ^ 8vo. Lund. 1719 Fortescue (John, Lord). Reports of Select Cases in all the Courts of Westminster Hall, temp. Will. III., Anne, Geo. I. and Geo. II.; also the Opinion of all the Judges of England relating to the grandest Prerogative of the Royal Family, and some Observations relating to the Prerogative of a ^ueen Consort. fol. Land. 1748 FoSBRooKE (Rev. Thomas Dudley). An original History of the City of Gloucester, including the original papers of the late Ralph Big- land. ^^^- Lond. 1819 . . [the same.] 4to. ihid, 1819 Berkeley Manuscripts. Abstracts and Extracts of Smyth's Lives of the'Bcrkeleys, illustrative of ancient manners and the Con- stitution ; including all the Pedigrees in that ancient manuscript; to which are annexed a copious History of the Castle and Parish of Berkeley, etc. -ito. ibid. 1821 Encycloi)aedia of Antiquities, and Elements of ArcluTology_, classical and mediaeval. 2 vols. 4to. ihid. 1825 British Monachism ; or, Mannei-s and Customs of the Monks and Nuns of En'estniinster, from the time of the Conquest. [lOUG— IGGO.] ,,....„ vols. 1— G, 8vo. Lond. 1848-57 The Grandeur of the Law; or the Legal Peers of England: with Sketches of their |)rofessional career. 12mo. ibid. 1843 F6stijr.edra-Saga, edr S;ig;in af Thorgeiri Ilavarssyni ok Thormodi Bersasyni Kolbrunarskalldi. 8vo. Kdupinannhofn, 1822 Foster (Charles James, LL.D.) Elements of Jurisprudence. ^ PJmo. Lond. 18o3 304 FOS-FOU Foster (John). An Essay on the different nature of Accent and Quantity, with their use and application in the Enfrlish, Latin, and Greek languages; to Avhich is subjoined, tlie Greek Eleg^iac poem of M. Musurus, addressed to Leo X. The third edition, containing Dr. G[ally]'s two Dissertations against pronouncing the Greek language according to Accents, with a Reply to Dr. G.'s second Dissertation. 8vo. Lond. 1820 Foster (Sir Michael). Examination of the Scheme of Church-Power, laid down in the Codex Juris Ecclesiastic! Anglican! &c. 8vo. Lond. 1735 '■ second edition. 8vo. ibid. 1735 i third edition. 8vo. ibid. 1736 . fifth edition. 8vo. Dublin, 1763 Report of some Proceedings on the Commission of Oyer and Terminer and Gaol Deliveiy, for the Trial of the Rebels in the year 1746, in the county of Surry, and of other Crown Cases. To which are added. Discourses upon a few branches of the Crown Law. fol. Oxford, 1762 '■ — third edition, with an Appendix containing new Cases, and additional notes and references by M. Dodson. 8vo. Lond. 1792 r 1 Case of the King against Alexander Broadfoot. 4to. Oxford, \75S Foster (Thomas Campbell). Treatise on the Writ of Scire Facias, with an appendix of references to forms. 8vo. Lond. 1851 FoucHER (Victor). Commentaire des Lois des 25 Mai et 11 Avril 1838, relatives aux Justices de Paix et aux Tribunaux de premiere instance; ouvrage servant de Complement a ceux de M. Carre sur la Competence et les Justices de Paix. 8vo. Paris, 1839 FoucQUET ou FouQUET (Nicolas). Factum, pour servir de response aux objections de Fait et de Droit que Ton a formees contre I'Escrit dudit Sieur. 12mo. 5. I 1666 FouGNER-LuNDH. Bcrgens gamle Bylov; efter Membran-Codices med Indledning, Overssettelse og Anmserkinger udgiven af Gr. Fougner-Lundh. 4to. Kjobenhavn, 1829 FouLis (Henry). The History of Romish Treasons and Usurpations; with a particular account of many gross corruptions and impostures in the Church of Rome. The second edition. fol. Lond. 1681 FouNTAiNHALL (Sir John Lauder, Lord). The Decisions of the Lords of Council and Session, from June 6th 1678 to July 30th 1712; containing also the transactions of the Privy Council, of the Criminal Court, and Court of Exchequer, with a variety of historical facts, and curious anecdotes. 2 vols. fol. Edlnb. 1759-61 Historical Observes: see Bannatyne Club, No. 60. Historical Notices of Scotish Affairs : see Bann. Club, No. 88. Fournel (Jean Francois). Dictionnaire Raisonne, ou Exposition par ordre alphabetique des Lois sur les Transactions entre Particuliers. 8vo. Paris, An VI. [1798] FOU— FRA 305 FouRNEL (Jean Fran^-ois). Histoire des Avocats au Parlenient et dii Barreau de Paris, depuis S. Louis jusqu'au 15 Oetobre 1790. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1813 Fowler (David Burton). The Practice of the Court of the Exchequer, upon Proceedings in Equity. Second edition. 8vo. Lond. 1817 Fowler (Edward). Libertas Evangelica: or, a Discourse of Christian Liberty. 8vo. Lond. 1680 Fox (Rt. Hon. Charles James). History of the early part of the Rciirn of Jarnes the Second; with an introductory chapter. [Published by Lord Holland.] 4to. Loud. 1808 Speeches in the House of Commons. 6 vols. 8vo. ihid. 1815 Memorials and Correspondence of Charles James Fox. Edited by Lord John Russell. 4 vols. 8vo. ihid. 1853-7 Characters of the late Charles James Fox, selected, and in part written, by Philopatris Varvicensis [Samuel Parr, LL.D.] 2 vols. 8vo. ihid. 1809 Fox C George). A Journal or historical account of the life, travels, sufferings, christian experiences, and labour of love in the work of the ministry of that ancient, eminent and faithful servant of Jesus Christ, George Fox; who departed this life the 13th of the 11th month, 1690. From the first edition, 1694. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1827 Fox or FoxE (John). Acts and Monuments of matters most special and memorable happening in the Church, with an universal History of the same, wherein is set forth the great persecutions atrainst the true Martyrs of Chiist ; w ith the Life of the author, in Latin and English. The ninth edition. 3 vols. fol. Lond. 1684 Fox (Michael Charles) and T. B. Cusack Smith. Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Court of King's Bench and Court of Error [in Ireland], from Easter Term 18'i2 to Trinity Term 1824. 8vo.' Duhlin, 1825 Fox (Robert). History of Godmanchester, in the county of Hunt- ingdon. 8vo. Lond. 1831 Fox (William). Treatise on simple Contracts and the Action of Assumpsit. 12mo. Lond. 1842 Fox V. Mackreth. a Review of the proceedings and arguments in a cause in Chancery, between James Fox, Esq. and Robert Mackreth, Esq. By a retired Barrister [Charles Ambler]. 4to. 1792 Fracastorius (Hieronymus). Poemata omnia. 8vo. Pa/at-n, 1718 France. Lois des Francs, contenant la Loi Salique et la Loi Ripuaire ; avec la traduction en regard et des notes, par J. F. A. Pcyre ; pre- cede d'une preface par M. Isambert. 8vo. Paris, 1828 ■ Les Loix, Statutz et Ordonnanccs du royaulme de France, touchant le fait et administration de la justice. 4to. Paris, Galliot du Pre, 1520 Recueil General des Anciennes Lois Frangaises: see Isambert^ x 306 FRA France. Ordonnances des Roys de France de la troisieme Race, recueillies par ordrc Chronologique par MM. Lauriere, feecousse, de Brequigny, Yillcvault, Pastoret et P-dessus^^^ ^^^.^^ ^^^^_^^^^ Table Chronologique par M. Pardessus. fol. ibid. 1847 Ordonnance de Louis XIV. donnee a Saint Germain-en-Laye, au mois d'Avril 1667. [Code Civil.] 12mo. '*^z^. 1741 Ordonnance de Louis XIV. pour le Commerce, donnee a S Germain en Laye, au mois de Mars 1673. [Code Marcliand.] 12m 0. ibid. 1744 - [another edition.] 12mo. ibid. 1762 Ordonnance de Louis XIV. donnee a Fontainebleau au mois d'Aoust 1681, touchant la Marine. , ^ -r, • -.^on 12mo. Sicivant la copie imprimee a Fans, 1582 [another edition.] 12mo. Taris, 1720 Ordonnance de la Marine, commentee et conferee sur les anciennes ordonnances. 12mo. ibid. 1756 Ordonnance de Louis XIV. pour les matieres criminelles. Nou velle edition, augmentee des edits, &c. 12mo. ibid. 1738 Ordonnances de Louis XIV. sur la Procedure Civile et Cri- minelle, dans leur ordre naturel, avec des Observations [par P. de Merville]. 4to. Lyon, 1717 Remarques du Droict Frangois, confirmees par Loix, Ordon- nances Royaux, Arrests des Cours souveraines, et autoritez des plus celebres decisionaires de nostre temps. 4to. ibid. 1614 Tarif des Droits d'Entree et de Sortie des Cinq Grosses Fermes. 2 vols. 4to. Rouen, 1758 Constitution de la Republique Frangaise. Lois relatives a la Constitution, 2 vols. 3 vols, in 1, 12mo. Paris, An IV. [1796] Collection Generale des Lois, Proclamations, Instructions, et autres Actes du Pouvoir Executif, depuis la convocation des Etats-generaux [jusqu'a I'an 1793] ; avec Tables Chronologiques et de Matieres, et Supplement. 18 vols. 4to. Paris, 1792-4 Coup d'ceil rapide, ou Notice historique sur les Assemblees des Etats-Generaux du Royaume, depuis I'etablissement de la Mo- narchic, &c. 8vo. Amst. 1788 Notices Statistiques sur les Colonies Fran^aises; imprimees par ordre du Ministre Secretaire d'Etat de la Marine et des Colonies. 4 parts in 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, Impriinerie Royale, 1837-40 Rapport de la Commission d'Enquete sur I'lnsurrection qui a eclate dans la journee du 23 Juin, et sur les evenements du 15 Mai (1848). 3 parts in 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1848 Histoire Litteraire de la France, ouvrage commence par des Religieux Benedictins de la Congregation de S. Maur, et continue par des membres de I'lnstitut (Academie royale des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres). , vols. 1—23. 4to. i^^tU 1733-1856 FRA 307 France. History of France, from the origin of that nation to the year 1702. 2 vols. 8vo. Land. 1702 Anciens Patois de la France. La Bernarda Buyandiri, Tragi- Comedia. — La Grosse Envvaraye Messine. 8vo. Paris, 1840 France. Publications de la Society de l'Histoire de France. Aime, Moine du Mont-Cassin. L'Ystoire de li Normant, et la Chronique de Robert Viscart; publiees pour la premiere fois, d'apres un mannscrit Fran^-ois inedit du xiii^. si^cle, apparte- nant a la Bibliothcque Rovale, par M. ChampoUion-Figeac. 8vo. Pa/w, 1835 Anjou. Chroniqucs d'Anjou, recueillies et publiees par MM. Paul Marchegay et Andre Salmon. vol. 1, 8vo. ibid. 1856 Barbier (Edmond Jean Frangois, Avocat au Parlement de Paris). Journal Historique et Anecdotique du Regne de Louis XV. ; publie d'apres le manuscrit inedit de la Bibliothcque Impcriale par A. de la Villegille. 4 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1847-56 Basin (Thomas, Evc-que de Lisieux). Histoire des Regnes de Charles VIL et de Louis XL, jusqu'ici attribuee a Amelgard, rendiie a son veritable auteur et publiee pour la premiere fois avec les autres ouvrages historiques du mcme ecrivain, par J. Quicherat. 3 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1855-7 Beaumanoir (Philippe de). Les Coutumes de Beauvoisis. Nou- vclle edition, publiee d'apres les manuscrits de la Bibliothcque Royale, par le Comte Beugnot. 2 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1842 Coligny-Saligny (Corate do). Mcmoires, publics par M. Monraerque. 8vo. ibid. 1841 Commynes (Philippe de). Mcmoires. Nouvellc edition, revue sur les manuscrits de la Bibliothcque Royale, ct publiee avec anno- tations et cclaircissements par M"S Dui)ont. 3 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1840^7 Comptes de I'Argenterie des Rois de France au xiv". si^cle, publics d'apres les manuscrits originaux, par L. Douet-d'Arcq. 8vo. ibid. 1851 Cosnac (Daniel de, Archevcque d'Aix). Mcmoires; publics parje Comte Jules de Cosnac. 2 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1852 Einhardus. Omnia quae extant opera, primum in unura corpus colk'git, eisque versionem CJallicam, adiiotationcs suas ct varias codicnim Icctiones adjecit A. Tculct. 2 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1840-3 Fenin (Pierre de). Mcmoires, comprenant Ic rccit des evenements qui se sont passes en France et en Boiirgogne sous les regnes de Charles VL et Charles VII. (1407—1427). Xouvelle edition, Siiblice d'apres un mamiscrit, en partie inedit, de la Bibliotheque Loyale, avec annotations et cclaircissements, par M"*. Dupont. 8vo. ibid. 1837 Fronde (La) : see Registrcs. X 2 308 FRA France. Publications de la Son^T^ de l'Histoire de France— continued. Gregorius (S. Georgius Florentius, Episcopus Turonensis). His- toric Ecclesiastica3 Francorum libii decern, ex duobus codd. MSS. nunc primum cura Leglay et Teulet, collatis ; emenda- verunt et aniniadversionibus fheod. Ruinart, D, Bouquet aliorumque et suis illustraverunt J. Guadet et N. R, Taranne. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1836-8 Histoire Ecclesiastique des Francs, en dix livres; revue et collationnee sur de nouveaux manuscrits, et traduite par MM. J. Guadet et Taranne. 2 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1836-8 Livres des Miracles et autres Opuscules, revus et collationnees 1 •, TT T T)„..,i: sur de nouveaux manuscrits, et traduits par H. L. Bordier. vol. 1, 8vo. ibid. 1857 Guillaume de Nangis. Chronique Latine de 1113 a 1300, avec les continuations de cette chronique de 1300 a 1368. Nouvelle edition, revue sur les manuscrits, annotee et publiee par H. Ge- j-aud. 2 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1843 Jeanne d'Arc. Proces de condamnation et de rehabilitation de Jeanne d'Arc dite la Pucelle; pnblies pour la premiere fois d'apres les manuscrits de la BibliothequeRoyale, suivis de tous les documens historiques qu'on a pu reunir, et accompagnes de notes et d'eclaircissements par Jules Quicherat. 5 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1841-9 Journal d'un Bourgeois de Paris sous le regne de Francois I. (1515—1536), publie d'apres un manuscrit inedit de la Bib- liotheque Imperiale par Ludovic Lalanne. 8vo. ibid. 1854 Marguerite d'Angouleme, Reine de Navarre. Lettres, publiees d'apres les manuscrits de la Bibliotheque du Roi, par F. Genin. ^ 8vo. ibid. 1841 Nouvelles Lettres de la Reine de Navarre adressees au Roi Francois 1", son frere ; publiees d'apres le manuscrit de la Bibliotheque du Roi, par F. Genin. 8vo. ibid. 1842 Marguerite de Valois. Memoires et Lettres. Nouvelle^ edition, revue sur les manuscrits des Bibliotheques du Roi et de 1' Arsenal, et publiee par F. Gucssard. 8vo. ibid. 1842 Maximilien I. Correspondance de I'Empereur Maximilien I. et de Marguerite d'Autriche, sa fille, gouvernante des Pays-Bas, de 1507 a 1519, publiee d'apres les manusci-its originaux par M. Le Glay. 2 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1839 Mazarin (Cardinal), Lettres a la Reine, a la Princesse Palatine, etc., ecrites pendant sa retraite hors de France, en 1651 et 1652 ; avec notes et explications, par M. Ravenel. 8vo. ibid. 1836 ■ Bibliographic des Mazarinades, publiee par C. Moreau. 3 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1850-51 Choix de Mazarinades, publie par C. Moreau. 2 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1853 Mole (Mathieu). Memoires de Mathieu Mole, Procureur General, premier President au Parlement de Paris et Garde des Sceaux de France, publics par Aime ChampoUion-Figeac. _ 1614-49. [Avec Introduction et Appendice.] 4 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1855-7 FRA 309 France. Publications de la Societe de l'Histoire de France — continued. Normandie. Histoire des Dues de Normandie ct des Rois d'Anf^le- terre, publiee en cM)tior pour la premiere fois d'apres deux iiiaiiu- scrits de la Bibliotheque du Roi ; suivie de la Relation du Tounioi de Ham, par Sarrazin, Trouvere du xiii'. siecle, et precedee d'une introduction ; par Francisque Michel. 8vo. Paris, 1840 Registres de I'Hotel de Villa de Paris pendant la Fronde, suivis d'une relation de ce qui s'est passe dans la ville et I'abbaye de Saint-Denis a. la meme epoque, publies par MM. Le Roux de Lincy et Douet-d'Arcq. 3 vols. Svo. ihid. 1846-8 Richer. Histoire de son temps; texte reproduit d'apres I'edition orifijinale donnee par G. H. Pertz, avec traduction Fran^-aise, notice et commentaire par J. Guadet. 2 vols. 8vo, ibid. 1845 Tillemont (Le Nain de). Vie de Saint Louis, Roi de France ; publiee d'apres le nianuscrit inidit de la Bibliotheque Royale, et accompagnee de notes et eclaircissements par J. de Gaulle. G vols. Svo. ibid. 1847-51 Villehardouin (Joffroi de) et Henri de Valenciennes. De la con- queste de Constantinoble. Edition iaite sur les manuscrits nouvellenient reconnus, et accompagnee de notes et conimentaires, par M. Paulin Paris. 8vo. ibid. 1838 Villette (Marquis de). Memoires; publies par M. Monmerque. Svo. ibid. 1844 Vitalis (Ordericus). Historiae Ecclesiasticae libri tredecim ; ex veteris codicis LTticensis collatione emendavit, et suas animad- versiones adjecit Augustus Le Prevost. 5 vols. Svo. ibid. 1838-55 Annuaire Historique, pour les annees 1837 — 1858, publie par la Societe de l'Histoire de France. 22 vols, in 11, 12mo. ibid. 1836-58 Bulletin de la Societe de l'Histoire de France, avec Table des matieres, 1834—1856. bound in 13 vols. Svo. ibid. 1835-56 Francis (George Henry) : see Palmerston (Viscount). Francis (Philip). The New Common Law Procedure, under the Pro- cedure Acts of 1852 and 1854, and the New Rules on Practice and Pleading; with Forms, &c. To which are added, an Introduction to the Equitable Jurisdiction of Courts of Law, and the Evidence Amendment Statutes. 12mo. Loud. 1854 Francis (Richard). Maxims of Equity, collected from and proved by Cases out of the books of the best authority, in the High Court of Chancery. To which is added, the Case v'i' the Eail of Coventry, concerning the defective Execution of Powers. Ibl. Loud. 1728 Francius (Petrus). Poemata. 12mo. Amstel(eda7ni,WS2 [Francois, Jean.] Dictionnaire Roman, Walon, Celtique et Tudesque, pour servir a I'intclligence des anciennes Loix ct Contrats, des Chartes, etc. ecrits en Langue Romance ou Langue Francoise ancienne. Par un Religieux Beucdictin dc la Congregation de S. Vann*>s. 4to. Bouillon, 1777 310 FRA— FRE Francois (Saint) de Sales. Lettres adrcssees a des gens du monde. Nouvelle edition, augmentee de Lettres inedites. 8vo. Paris, 1823 Franconia. Ein newer vertrag undter etlichen Gefiirsten und anderen Graven Herren und von dem Adel der Ritterschaft dess lands tzu Francken. fol. s. I. [1517] Frank (Ign.) Specimen elaborandarum Institutionum Juris Civilis Huno-arici. 8vo. Cassovice, 1823 Frankenau (Gerardus Ernestus de). Sacra Themidis Hispanae Arcana. 4to. Hannover^, 1703 Frankfort. Reformacion der Stat Franckenfort am Meine des heilgen Romischen Richs-Cammer a° 1509. fol. Meintz, gedruckt durch Johannem Sclwffer, 1509 [Frankland, Thomas, M.D.] Annals of K. James and K. Charles I., from the 10th of James, 1612, to the 18th of Charles, 1642. fol. Lond. 1681 Franklin (Benjamin). Works; with notes and a life of the author, by Jared Sparks. 10 vols. 8vo. Boston [1840] Frantzkius (Georgius). Variarum Resolutionum Libri duo. Editio secunda. 4to. JencB, 1656 Eraser (Alexander). A verbatim Report of the Cause Doe dem. Tathara v. Wright, tried at the Lancaster Lammas Assizes, 1834, before Mr. Baron Gurney and a special Jury. 2 vols. 8vo. Lancaster, 1834 Eraser (Patrick). Treatise on the Law of Scotland, as applicable to the Personal and Domestic Relations. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinh. 1846 • see also Session (Court of). Eraser (Simon). Reports of the Proceedings before select Committees of the House of Commons in Cases of Controverted Elections, during the first and second Sessions of the 17th Parliament of Great Britain. 2 vols. 8vo. Land. 1791-3 Frazer (Alexander). Judicial Proceedings before the High Court of Admiralty, the Supreme Commissary Court, and the Sheriff, Bailie, Dean of Guild, Justices of Peace, Baron, and Small Debt Courts. 8vo. Edinh. 1814 Fredegaire. Chronique : see Gujzot— Coll. des Memoires, vol. 2. Frederic II. (Roi de Prusse). Oeuvres Posthumes. 15 vols. 8vo. Berlin, 1788 Code Frederic : see Prussia. Freeman (Hon. Richard, Lord Chancellor of Ireland). Reports of Cases in Law and Equity, from 1670 to 1706; revised and published by Thomas Dixon of Gray's Inn. 2 parts in 1 vol. fol. Lond. 1742 ■ Reports of Cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery, principally between the years 1660 and 1706. Second edition, with notes, by John Eykyn Hovenden. 8vo. ihid. 1823 Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Courts of King's Bench and Common Pleas, from 1670 to 1704. Second edition, with notes by Edward Smirke. 8vo. ihid. 1826 Free-masonry. Stray Leaves from a Free-mason's Note-book. By a Suffolk Rector. 12mo. Lond. 1846 FRE 311 Freherus (Marquardus). Tractatus de Fama Publica. 12mo. Brisilecp, 1591 Tractatus de Existimatione adquirenda, conservandu et iiniit- tenda, sub quo et de Gloria, et de Infamia. 12mo. ibid. 1091 riAPEPrflN sou Novarum Obscrvationum Libri duo, in quibus varia Juris Civilis loca explicantur, studio Johan. Boschii. 4to. Norimh. 1622 De secrctis Judiciis in Wcstpbalia aliisque Germania; partibus usitatis, postea abolitis, Commentariolus. Cui accodit Job. de Francfordia contra Feymeros Tractatus, etc. 4to. [Heidelb. 1(310] Decisionum Areopagiticarum Sylvula. Accedunt ejusdera Opuscula duo: Oratio de Constitutionum Iniperialium excellentia, et de statura Caroli Magni Imp. 4to. Francof. ad Oderam, 1672 see also Triga Libellorum. Rerum Gcrmanicarum Scriptores, qui gesta sub regibus et ini- peratoribus Teutonicis a Carolo ]M. usque ad Carolum V. litteris reliquerunt, ex bibliotbeca et recensione xMarquardi Freberi primum editi, nunc denuo recogniti cum glossario, notis et indice, curante B. G. Struvio. 3 vols. fol. Argent. 1717 Freigius (Joannes Tbomas). Qutustiones Justinianeae, in Institutiones Juris Civilis; de gradibus Consanguinitatis ; cum Analyst aliquot Consiliorum Zasii. 8vo. Basilece, lo78 [Freind, John, M.D.] An Account of the Earl of Peterborow's Conduct in Spain, chiefly since the raising the Siege of Barcelona, 1706. To which is added the Campagne of Valencia ; with origmal papers. 8vo. Lond. 1707 Chymical Lectures; Englished by J. M. 8vo. ibid. 1712 History of Physick, from the time of Galen to the beginnmg of the sixteenth century. 2 vols. 8vo. ibid. 172^7 Freirius : see Mellius Freirius. French (Daniel) : see Ph.edrus. Frend (Henry Tyrwhitt) and T. Hibbert Ware. Precedents of Con- veyances and other Instruments relating to the Transfer of Land to Railway Companies, with introductory matter and explanatory notes. •^ ^ 8vo. Zond. 1846 FRi;RON (L. S.) Memoire : see Berville et Barriere, vol. 27. Frey (Emil Remigius"). Die Quellen des Basler Stadtrechts nament- lich der Gerichtsordnung von 1719 ; nebst einigen Nachrichten uber die Schicksale des Romischen Rechts in einzelnen Gegenden der Schweiz, besonders in Basel. 8vo. Uascl, 1830 Frey (Ludwig). Frankreichs Civil- und Criminalverfassung, mit Bcziehungen auf England, nebst einer Darsttllung der in Deutsch- land erscbienenen volbtiindig in sich abgcschlossenen Gerichtsver- fassungen. Zweite Auflage. 8vo. Erlangen, 1851 Freyer (Johannes Gothofredus). Tractatus de Solutionibus ; cui accessit B. Brissonii Tractatus de Solutionibus et Liberatiombus. 4to. Erfurti, 1660 312 FRE-FRY Freytagius (Arnoldus). Mythologia Etliica [title-page and several leaves wanting]. 4to. Antv. [1579] Freytagius (Georgius Wilhelmus). Lexicon Arabico-Latinum, prae- sertim ex Djeuharii, Firuzabadiiqtie et aliorum Arahum operibus, adhibitis Goliique et aliorum libris, confectum. Accedit Index vocum Latinarum locupletissinuis. 4 vols. 4to. Halis Saxonum, 1830-37 Frideru? (Petrus) Mindanus. Coraraentarii de Interdictis, sive extra- ordinariis quae pro his competunt actionibus. 4to. Francof. 1616 Frischlinus (Nicodemus). Comoediae septem, et Tragoediae duse. 12mo. WitebergcB, 1607 Deutsche Dichtungen : see Stuttgart Society, vol, 41. Frise (Christophorus). Jus Doraaniale, ex celeberrimorum Juris- consultorum, praesertim Germanorum, Tractatibus, Disputationibus etc. repraesentatuin, studio Ch. Frise. fol. Francof. ad Mcenum, 1701 Fritschius (Ahasuerus). Sylloge variorum Tractatuum Juris Pnblici et Privati. Editio altera. 4to. Jence, 1666 Dissertationes Legales Academicae (XIV.) de selectioribus qui- busdam, Juris materiis, a viris consultissimis, cura Ahasueri Fritschi editse. 4to. Rudolstadii, 1672 Frodoard. Hist, de I'Eglise de Rheims : see Guizot— Coll. des Memoires, vol. 5. Froissart (Jehan). Histoire et Chronique Memorable, reveu et cor- rige sus divers exemplaires, et suivant les bons auteurs, par Denis Sauvage. 4 vols, in 1, fol. Paris, 1574 • see also Buchon — Chroniques, vols. 11 — 24. Historiarum Epitome : see Britannia — Rerum Brit. Script. Cronicles of Englande, Fraunce, Portyngale, etc. translated into our maternall Englysshe tonge by Johan Bourchier Knight Lord Berners. vol. 1. [the second volume is wanting, as well as the title- page to the first.] fol. London, R. Pynson, 1523 Chronicles of England, France, and the adjoining Countries, from the latter part of the reign of Edward II. to the coronation of Henry IV. ; translated from the best French editions, by Thomas Johnes. 4 vols. 4to. Printed at the Hafod Press, 1803-5 Froland (Louis). Memoires concernans la Nature et la Qualite des Slatuts; diverses Questions mixtes de Droit et de Coutume; et la pluspart des Arrests qui les ont decidees. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1729 Frommenius (Andreas). Synopsis Metaphysica. 12mo. Oxon. 1661 Frontinus (Sextus Julius) : see Scriptores de Re MiUtari, and Apophtegmes des Anciens. Froude (James Anthony). History of England from the fall of Wolsey to the death of Elizabeth. vols. 1—4, 8vo. Lond. 1856-8 Fry (Alfred A.) Report of the Case of the Canadian Prisoners ; with an Introduction on the Writ of Habeas Corpus. 8vo. Lond. 1839 FRY-FUL 313 Fry (Danby P.) The Local Taxes of the United Kingdom : con- taining a Digest of the Law, with a Summary of statistical information concerninor the several Local Taxes in England, Scotland and Ire- land. 8vo. Lond. 1846 Fry (John). The Case of Marriages between near kindred particularly considered, with respect to the doctrine of Scripture, the Law of Nature, and the Laws of England. 8vo. Lond. 1756 FuALDEs: see Proces. FuERO Juzgo : see Spai.v (Laws of). FuERO Real : see Alfonso el Sabio. FuLBECKE (William). A Direction or Preparative to the Study of the Lawe. 8vo. Lond. IGOO The Pandectes of the Law of Nations: contayning severall dis- courses of the quesitions, points, and matters of Law, wherein the nations of the world doe consent and accord. 4to. ibid. 1(302 ■ A Parallele or Conference of the Civil Law, the Canon Law, and the Common Law of this Realme of England. In two parts. 4to. ibid. 1618-1602 FuLGENTius (Fabius, Episcopus Ruspensis). Opera omnia, variis ac- cessionibus locupletata a Theophilo Raynaudo. fol. Paris, 1639 FuLKE (W.) Rhemish Testament : see Biblia Sacra. see also Parker Society. Fuller (Thomas, D.D.) The Church History of Britain, from the birth of Jesus Chrif^t untill the year 1648. With the History of the University of Cambridge since the Conquest, and the History of Waltham-Abby in Essex, fol. Lond. 1655 History of the Worthies of England. fol. i&?V/. 1662 Historic of the Holy Warre. The second edition. fol. Cambridge, 1640 third edition. fol. ibid. 1647 The Holy State, and the Profane State. The third edition. fol. ibid. 1652 Abel Redivivus : or, the Dead yet speaking. The Lives and Deaths of the Moderne Divines, written by severall able and learned men, and now digested into one volume. 4to. ibid. 1651 [ ] Ephemeris Parliamentaria ; or a faithfuU Register of the Transactions in Parliament, in the third and fourth years of the reign of our late Sovereign Lord King Charles : containing the severall Speeches, Cases, and Arguments of Law transacted between his Majesty and both Houses. fol. ibid. 1654 FuLLWooD (Francis, D.D.) The Case of the Times discussed : being a serious Exercitation of two Cases grounded upon Romans xiii. 1 — 5. 8vo. Lond. 1683 [FuLMAN, Gulielmus.] Rerura Anglicarum Scriptores Vetercs. fol, OxonicB, 1684 Contents: 1. Ingulfi Croylandensis Historia. 2. Petri Blesensis Continuatio, 3. Chronica dc Mailros, 4. Annates Monasterii Burtoneiisis. o. Historia; Croylandensis Continuatio. 314 FUL-GAC FuLSTiN (Joannes Herbertus de). Statuta Regni Polonise in ordinem alphabet! digesta. fol. Dantisci, 1620 FuRETiERE (Antoine). Dictionnaire Universel, contenant generale- mcnt tous les Mots Fran(^ois, tant vieux que modernes, et les Termes des Sciences et des Arts; augmente par MM. Basnage de Beauval et Brutel de la Riviere. 4 vols, fol. La Haye, 1727 FuRGOLE (Jean Baptiste). Oeuvres complettes. Nouvelle edition. 8 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1775-6 Tomes 1 — 4. Traite des Testamens. 5, 6. Traite du Franc- Alleu, et I'Ordonnance de Louis XV. sur les Donations. 7. Commentaire de I'Ordonnance sur les Substitutions. 8. Traite des Cures primitifs. Furlong TJolin Smith). Treatise on the Law of Landlord and Tenant, as administered in Ireland. 2 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1845 FuRNEAUX (Captain, R.N.) An abridged History of the principal Treaties of Peace, commencing generally after the Peace of West- phalia, and at an earlier period, with reference to the question of the neutral flag protecting the property of an enemy. 8vo. Lond. 1837 FiiRSTENERius (CfEsarinus) : see Leibnitius (C. G.) FusARius (Vincentius). Ti-actatus de Substitutionibus. fol. Geneves, 1641 Future State. A Discourse concerning the Certainty of a Future and Immortal State. By a Doctor of Physick. 8vo. Lond. 1706 Fynn (Robert). British Consuls abroad ; their origin, rank and pri- vileges, duties, jurisdiction, and emoluments ; including the Laws, Orders in Council and Instructions by which they are governed, as well as those relating to Ship-owners and Merchants in their con- nection with Consuls. 8vo. Lond. 1846 Gabbett (Joseph). A digested Abridgment, and comparative View, of the Statute Law of England and Ireland, to the year 1811. With Supplement to 1817. 3 vols, in 4, 8vo. Dublin, 1812-18 • Treatise on the Criminal Law ; comprehending all crimes and misdemeanors punishable by indictment j and offences cognizable summarily by magistrates. 2 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1843 Gabrielius (Antonius). Communes Conclusiones. fol. Francofurti, 1616 Gachard (Louis Prosper). Correspondance de Philippe II. sur les affaires des Pays-Bas ; publiee d'apres les originaux conserves dans les archives royales de Simancas ; precedee d'une notice historique et descriptive de ce celebre depot et d'un rapport a M. le Ministre de rinterieur; par M. Gachard. 2 vols. 4to. Bruxelles, 1848-51 GAC— GAI 315 Gachard (Louis Prosper). Retraite et Mort de Charles-Quint au Moriastere de Yuste. Lettrcs inedites publiees d'apres les origiuaux conserves dans les archives royales de Siniancas. 2 vols. 8vo. Sruxelles, 18'j4-55 , Introduction. 8vo. ibid. 1854 Relations des Ambassadeurs Venitiens sur Charles-Quint et Philippe II. 8vo. ibid. 1856 Gael (Samuel Hifr, ^„ -n- • 1 r see Byzantine Hist. Scriptores. Georgius Pisida ( ^ Georgius Syncellus GER— GIB 3-23 Gerahty (James). A Letter to Lord Cottenham, on the Jus Suti;- donianum, as delivered in the Irish Chancery, in January and Fehruary, 1843, and lately i-cportcd by Messrs. I3rury and Warren. 8vo. Loud. 1845 [Gerard de Rayneval, Joseph Matthias.] Institutions au Droit Public d'Allemagne. 8vo. Strashourg, 1771 Gericken (Joh. Wcrnerus). Schottelius illustratus et continuatus, give Spicilegium ad J. (r. Schottelii Tractatum de sinfjularibus et antiquis in Gerniania Juribus et Observatis. 8vo. Leipzig, 1718 Germany. Protokolle der deutschen Bundes-Versammlung. 8 vols, and vol. 9, part 1, 4to. Frankfurt am Mayn, 1817-20 Anhanp;: Nachtriigliche Aktenstiicke der deutschen Bundes-Verhandlungen. 4 vols. 4to. ibid 1817-20 History of the German Empire, fi-om Charlemagne down to the present Emperor Charles VI. : being a Continuation of Mr. Echard's Ronuin History. 2 vols. 8vo. Lojid. 1731 The Constitution and Government of the Germanic Bodv. Translated from the original. 8vo. Loud. 1745 Germonius (Anastasius, Archiepiscopus Tarantasiensis). De Legatis Principum et Populoium Libri tres. 4to. Romce, 1627 [Gervaise, Doni Francois Armand.] Les veritables Lettres d'Abeil- lard et d'Heloise, tirees d'un aneien nianuscrit Latin trouve dans la bibliotheque de Frait(;ois d'Amboise, Conseiller d'Etat; traduitcs par I'auteur de leur vie, avec des notes historiques et critiques. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1723 Gervasius Dorobornensis : see Twysden — Hist. Angl. Scriptores, Gesenius (Wilhelm). A Hebrew Lexicon to the Books of the Old Testament ; translated from the German by Chiistopher Leo. 2 parts in 1 vol. 4to. Cambridge, 1825-8 Gesnerus (Joannes Matthias). Novus Lingua? et Eruditionis Romanas Thesaurus, post R. O. Stephani et aliorum nu])or etiam in Anglia eruditissimorum honiinum curas locupletatus. 4 torn, in 2 vols. fol. Ijipsite, 1749 Gesterdixq (F. C.) A\{32 GiLDAHT (James William). History and Principles of Bankinq;. Second edition. 8vo. Land. 18:Jo History of Banking in Ireland. 8vo. ihid. 183G Gilbert (Davies). The Parochial History of Cornwall, founded on the Manuscript Histories of Mr. Hals and Mr. Tonkin, with additions and various Appendices. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 18:38 Gilbert (E. W.) Bills of Costs between Attorney and Agent, in the Courts of Queen's Bench, Common Pleas, Exchequer of Pleas, and Crown Office; also in Bankruptcy, Insolvency, Chancery, Conveyancing, Privy Council, &c. Third edition. , ,'.^ 8vo. Lond. 1847 [Gilbert, Sir Jeffrey, Lord Chief Baron.] Reports of Cases in Equity argued and decreed in the Courts of Chancery and Ex- chequer, chiefly in the reign of K. George I. To which are added, some Select Cases in Equity heard and determined in the Cour^ of Exchequer in Ireland. ^ol- Lond. 1734 second edition. fol. i^^^. 1742 Cases in Law and Equity, argued, debated, and adjudged in the Kings Bench and Chancery, in the 12th and 13th years of Q. Anne, during the time of Lord Chief Justice Parker. With two Treatises, the one on the Action of Debt, the other on the Consti- tution of England. 8vo. ihid. 1760 History and Practice of the High Court of Chancery [Forum Romanum and Lex Pretoria]. 8vo. ihid. 1758 History and Practice of the Court of Common Pleas. ^ 8vo. ihid. 1737 second edition. 8vo. ihid. 1761 Law of Devises, Revocations, and last Wills. To which is added, choice Precedents of Wills. 8vo. ihid. 1756 Law and Practice of Distresses and Replevin. The third edition, with additions, by W. Hunt. 8vo. ihid. 1794 fourth edition, with precedents of pleadings, bills of costs, &.C. by W. J. Impey. 8vo. ihid. 1823 Law and Practice of Ejectments. Bvo. ihid. 1734 Law of Evidence. 8vo. ihid. 1756 third edition. 8vo. ihid. 1769 enlarged by Capel Lofft. To which is prefixed, some account of the author ; his abstract of Locke's Essay ; and his^Argu- ment in a Case of Homicide in Ireland. 4 vols. 8vo. ihid. 1791-96 sixth edition ; with notes and additional references, by James Sedgwick. 8vo. ibid. 1801 An historical View of the Court of Exchequer. Svo. ihid. 1738 Treatise on the Court of Exche(iucr; in which the Revenues of the Crown, the manner of receiving and accounting for the several branches of them, ifcc. are explained. 8vo. ibid. 1758 326 • ' GIL-GIO Gilbert (Sir Jeffrey, Lord Chief Baron). The Law of Executions: to which are added, the History and Practice of the Court of King's Bench; and some Cases touching Wills of Lands and Qoods. 8vo. Load. 1763 . Treatise on Rents. • 8vo. ibid. 1758 ' Treatise of Tenures ; containing the original, nature, use and effect of Feudal or Common-Law Tenures. 8vo. Dublin, 1754 The Law of Tenures, including the Theory and Practice of Copyholds; with an historical introduction on the feudal system, and notes, by Charles Watkins. The fifth edition, by R. S. Vidal. 8vo. Lond. 1824 The Law of Uses and Trusts, together with a Treatise of Dower. 8vo. Lond. 1734 , third edition, with notes, references, introduction, &c. by E. B. Sugden. 8vo. ibid. 1811 GiLDAs Sapiens: see English Hist. Society; Gale— Hist. Brit. Script, vol. 1.; and Record CoMMissiOiN — Mon. Hist. Britannica. ■ Description of the State of Great Britain [translated into Eno-lish]. 12mo. Lond. 1652 Gildrmeister (Johann Friederich). Beytrage zur Kenntniss des vaterlandischen Rechts, herausgegeben und zum Theil verfasst von J. F. Gildemeister. 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. Bremen, 1806-8 Giles (Rev. John Allen, D.C.L.) History of the Ancient Britons, fi'om the earliest period to the invasion of the Saxons. With an Appendix of original documents. 2 vols. 8vo. ionrf. 1847 Life and Times of Alfred the Great. 8vo. ibid. 1848 History of the Parish and Town of Bampton, with the district and hamlets belonging to it. Second edition. 8vo. Bampton, 1848 Gill (Richard W.) and John Johnson. Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Court of Appeals of Maryland, from 1829 to 1833. 5 vols. 8vo. Baltimore, 1830-34 Gillingwater (Edmund). An historical Account of the ancient Town of Lowestoft, in the county of Suffolk; with an account of the island of Loihingland. 4to. Lond. 1790 ■ An historical and descriptive Account of St. Edmund's Bury, in the county of Suffolk. 12mo. ibid. l^Oi: GiLLY (W. S.) Romaunt V^ersion of St. John's Gospel: see Biblia Sacra. GiLMOUR and Falconer. A Collection of Decisions of the Lords of Council and Session ; in two parts. Part I. Decisions from July 1661 to July 1666, observ'd by Sir John Gilmour of Craigmiller. Part II. Decisions from November 1681 to January 1686, observ'd by Sir David Falconer of Newton ; with the Acts of Sederunt from 1681 to 1696. 4to. Edinb. 1701 GiNGUENE (Pierre Louis). Histoire Litteraire d'ltalie. Seconde edition, continuee par F. Salfi, et augmentee d'une notice historique, par M. Daunou. 14 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1824-35 Gioja (Melchiorre). Dissertazione dell' Ingiuria, dei Danni, del Sod- disfacimento, e relative Ba§i di Stima avanti i Tribunali Civili. 8vo. Lufjano, 1833 GIO— GLA 327 GioJA (Melchiorre). Teoria Civile e Penale del Divorzio. 8vo. lAujano, 1834 Del Merito e delle Kicompense. 2 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1839 GiORDANi : see Carolus V. GiPHANius (Hubeitus). Explanatio difficilionim et celebriorum Legum Codicis Justiniani. 4to. Colunke Planciaiue, 1615 ■ Commentarius in IV. Libros Institutioimm Justiniani. Ac- ' cedunt de Imp. Justiniano Commentarius, et Rerum Romanaruni Index historicus. 4to. Arrjent. 1G"29 GiRALDUS de Barri (Silvester) Carabrensis. Itinerariura Cambrian, seu laboi'iosae Baldvini Cautuarieusis Arcliicpiscopi per Walliara Lecjationis accurata Doscriptio ; cum annotationibus Davidis Powell, S.T.P. [Edited by Sir R. C. Hoare, Bart.] 4to. Lond. 1804 The Itinerary of Archbishop Baldwin throupjh Wales, A.D. 1188; translated into Entrlish, and illustrated with views, annota- tions, and a life of Giraldus, by Sir Richard Colt Hoare, Bart. 2 vols. 4to. ibid. 1806 • see also Camdeni Anglica, &c. GiRARD (E.) Trois Livres des Offices de France : des Parlemens, des Chanceliers, etc. ; avec les Additions de Jacques Jolv. 2 vols. fol. Paris, 1644 GiRARD (Father John Baptist). Memorial against Mary Catherine Cadiere, and the Attorney General, plaintiff; translated from the French. 12mo. Load. 1732 GiRARDUs (Jacobus). Anchora Titulorum utriusque Juris. 12mo. Lugduni, 1557 GiRAUD (Charles). Essai sur I'Histoire du Droit Fran^ais au moyen age. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1846 Histoire du Droit Remain, ou Introduction historique a I'etude de cette legislation. 8vo. Aix, 1847 GiRDLER (J. S.) Observations on the pernicious consequences of Forestalling, Regrating, and Ingrossing; with Remarks and Re- flections on the Coal Trade, &c. 8vo. Lond. 1800 GiRTANNER (Wilhelm). Rechtsfalle zu Puchta's Pandekten. Fiir den academischen Gebrauch zusammengestellt und bearbcitet. Dritte Auflage. 8vo. Jena, 1857 GiSEBERTUS (Theophilus). Tractatus de Reconventione. 8vo. Cul. Afjripp. 1735 GiSLASON (K.) [Dansk-Islandsk Ordbog.] Donsk Ordabok, nied Islenzkum Thydingum. 4to. KaupmannahoJ'n, 1851 GiURBA (Marius). Decisiones novissiniiu [Regni Siciliie]. Editio quarta. ibl. Genevcp, 1675 Gladwin (Francis). Dictionary of Mohammedan Law, and of Bengal Revenue Terms ; with a Vocabulary, Persian and l^nglish. 4to. Calcutta, 1797 ■ see also Akber. 328 GLA Glamorgan (Earl of). The Earl of Glamorgan's Negotiations and colourable Commitment in Irelanrl demonstrated : or the Irish Plot for bringing ten thousand men and arms into England ; discovered in several Letters taken in a packet-boat by Sir Tho. Fairfax forces at Padstow in Cornwall. Ordered by the Commons assembled in Parliament to be printed. 4to. Land. 1645 Glanvilla (Bartholomaeus de). De Proprietatibus Rerum. fol. Argent. 1505 Batman uppon Bartholome his Booke de Proprietatibus Rerum, I . 1 1 -1 _„.! j_,i PA HI ,„!„♦;. — ^f r^^^^■„x^'r, newly corrected, enlarged and amended. [A Ti-anslation of Glanvil's work, with additions, by Stephen Batman, or Bateman.] fol. Lond. 1582 Glanville (Sir John, Serjeant at Law). Reports of certain Cases [of controverted Elections] determined and adjudged by the Commons in Parliament, in the 21st and 22nd years of K. James I. To which is prefixed, an historical account of the ancient Right of determining Cases upon controverted Elections. 8vo. Lond. 1775 Glanvill (Joseph). The Vanity of Dogmatizing, or Confidence in Opinions ; manifested in a Discourse of the Shortness and Uncer- tainty of our Knowledge, and its Causes. 8vo. Lond. 1661 Scepsis Scientifica : or, Confest Ignorance the way to Science ; in an Essay of the Vanity of Dogmatizing, and Confident Opinion. With a Reply to the Exceptions of the learned Tnomas Albius. 4to. ibid. 1665 Plus ultra; or the Progress and Advancement of Knowledge since the days of Aristotle. 8vo. ihid. 1668 Lux Orientalis, or an Enquiry into the opinion of the Eastern Sages concerning the Praeexistence of Souls : being a Key to unlock the grand mysteries of Providence, in relation to man's sin and misery. 12mo. ihid. 1662 Two choice and useful Treatises : the one Lux Orientalis, or an Enquiry into the opinion of the Eastern Sages concerning the Prae- existence of Souls [by J. Glanvill] ; the other a Discourse of Truth, by Dr. Rust, Bishop of Dromore. With Annotations upon both Treatises [by H. More]. 8vo. ibid. 1682 Glanvilla (Ranulphus de). Tractatus de Legibus et Consuetu- dinibus Regni Angliae, tempore Regis Henrici secundi compositus. 12mo. Lo7id. in (Bdihiis R. Totteli [1557] [another edition.] 12mo. ihid. in mlihus T. Wight, 1604 [another edition.] 12mo. Lond. 1673 cum MSS. Harl. Cott. Bodl. et Mill, collatus. [Edited by John Rayner.] 12mo. ibid. 1780 ■ see also Houard— Coutumes Anglo-Normandes, vol. 1. Translation of Glanville, with notes, by John Beames. 8vo. Lond.1^12 Glascock (Walter). Miscellaneous Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Courts of King's Bench, Common Pleas, and Exchequer in Ireland, from Trin. Term 1831 to tlie Sittings aftei- Trinity Term 1832. vol. 1. 8vo. Dublin, 1832 GLA— GLU 3-29 Glasgow (University of). Inaugural Addresses delivered by Lords Rectors of the Uiiiv(M-sity of Glas<^ow : Jeffrey, Mackintosh, Brougham, Campbell, Lansdowne, Cockburn, Stanley, Peel, Rutlier- fm-j, " 8vo. Glasijow, 1845 Glasouensis Episcopatus — Registrum : see Banxatyne Cluu, No. 77. Glassfohd (James). Essay on the Principles of Evidence, and their application to subjects of "judicial inquiry. Bvo. Edinh. 1820 Gleio (Rev. G. R.) The Life of Robert, first Lord Clive. ^ 8vo. Lond. 1848 Glen (William Cunningham). The Statutes in force relating to the Poor, Parochial Unions, and Parishes, collated with each other; with references to the decisions of the Courts. Bvo. Lond. 1857 Glexbervik (Lord) : see Douglas (Sylvester). Glisson (William) and Anthony Gulstox. The Common Law Epitomized : with directions how to prosecute and defend personal actions. 8vo. Lond. 1679 Globig (Hanns Ernst von). Versuch einer Theorie der Wahrschein- lichkeit zur Griindung des historischen und gerichtlichen Beweises. 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. JRegenshxirg, 1806 System einer vollstandigen Gcsetzgebung fiir die Kaiserl. Russ. Gesetz-Commission. Zweite Auflage. 8vo. Dresden, 1815-18 Censura Rci Judicialis Europe liberae, prassertim Germania?, novis Legura exemplis illustrata. 2 vols. 8vo. Lipsia', 1820-22 Gloucester. Bibliotheca Gloucestrensis: a Collection of scarce and curious Tracts relating to the County and City of Gloucester ; illus- trative of, and published during the Civil VVar; with an historical introduction, notes, and an appendix, by John Washbourn, Jun. 4to. Gloucester, 1825 Glover CRichard). Leonidas : a Poem. The second edition. ^ 12mo. Lond. 1738 [Glover, Robertus.] Nobilitas Politica vel Civilis [a Tho. Millcs g(jita]^ fol. Lond. 1608 Ordinary of Arms : see Edmoxdsox's Heraldry, vol. 1. Glover (Stephen). History and Gazetteer of the County of Derby, edited by Thomas Noble. vol. 1, part 1, and vol. 2, part 1. 4to. Derby, 1831-33 Glover (William, LL.D.) A practical Treatise on the Law of Mu- nicipal Corporations, adapted to the recent corporate reforms : with the Acts, manuscript Cases and reported Decisions to Trinity Term, 1841. To which is prefixed, an historical Summary of the Corporate System of Great Britain and Ireland. 8vo. Lond. 1841 Gliick (Christian Friedrich). Ausfiihrliehe Erliluterung der Pan- decten nach Hellfeld, ein Commentar bogriindet von Chr. Fr. von Gliick, fort"-csctzt von Chr. Fr. Miililenhruch und Eduard Fein. vols. 1-45, 8vo. y-w'/rtwr/f//, 1797-1853 Sach- und Gesetz-Register. 3 vols. Bvo. i6/rf. 1841-1832 330 GLU— GOD GLiicK (Christian Friedrich). Einleitung in das Studiurn des romisclien Privatrechts. 8vo. Erlangen, 1812 Glycas (Michael) : see Byzantine Hist. Scriptores. Glyn (Thomas C.^ and Robert S. Jameson. Cases in Bankruptcy, from Mich. Term 1821 to Easter Term 1828. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1824-8 Gmeinerus (Xavierius). Institutiones Juris Ecclesiastici, ad principia Juris Naturae et Civitatis methodo scientifica adornatae. Editio tertia. 3 vols. 8vo. Conirnbricce, 1827-8 Gmelin (Christian Gottlieb). Grundsatze der Gesetzgebung iiber Ver- brechen und Strafen. 8vo. Tubingen, 1785 Gneist (Rudolph). Das heutige englische Verfassungs- und Ver- waltungsrecht, vol. 1, 8vo. Bei^lin, 1857 GoBLER von Sanct Gwere (Justin). Der Rechten Spiegel, auss den beschribenen geystlichen, weltlichen, natiirlichen, una andern ge- breuchlichen Rechten, auch gemeynen im heiligen Reich Teutscher Nation Constitutionen und Ubungen zugericht. fol. Franltf. am Meyn, 1550 Imperialis Judicii Camerse Constitutio et Ordinatio, a Carole quinto et Ferdinando primo edita, et in Latinum conversa per Jus- tinum Goblerum ; cum Aurea Bulla Caroli quarti, &c. fol. Francof. ad 3Ioenum, 1564 GoDBOLT (John). Reports of certain Cases in the severall Courts of Record at Westminster, in the raignes of Q. Elizabeth, K. James, and K. Charles. Published by W. Hughes. 4to. Lond. 1652 GoDEAu (Antoine, Evesque de Grasse). Paraphrase sur I'Epistre de Saint Paul aux Romains. Nouvelle edition. 12mo. Paris, 1651 Paraphrase sur les deux Epistres de Saint Paul aux Corinthiens. 12mo. ibid. 1651 Paraphrase sur I'Epistre de Saint Paul aux Hebreux. 12mo. ibid. 1651 GoDEFROY de Paris. Chronique : see Buchon, vol. 9. GoDOLPHiN (John, LL.D.) A View of the Admiral Jurisdiction ; whereunto is added by way of Appendix an Extract of the ancient Laws of Oleron. 8vo. Lond. \QQ\ Repertoriura Canonicum ; or an Abridgment of the Ecclesiastical Laws of this Realm consistent with the Temporal. 4to. ibid. 1678 second edition. 4to. ibid. 1680 • The Orphan's Legacy : or, a Testamentary Abridgment, in three Parts. I. Of last Wills and Testaments, II. Of Executors and Administrators. III. Of Legacies and Devises. The third edition. 4to. ibid. 1685 Godson (Richard). A practical Treatise on the Law of Patents for Inventions and of Copyright: illustrated by notes of the principal Cases ; with an Abstract of the Laws in force in foreign countries. Second edition. 8vo. Lond. 1840 • Supplement. 8vo. ibid. 1844 ' Supplement by Burke : see Burke (P.) GOD-GOli 331 Godwin (Francis, Bp. of Hereford). Catalo^^ue of the Bishops of En<>;lancl, since the fir^^t phtritirni; of the Cliristiaii rclifriuu in tiiis Ishinil ; together with a briefe History of their lives and nieinorhts of War and Peace, including the Law of Nature and Nations,"translated from the Latin, with notes and illustrations, from the best i)olitical and legal writers, by the Rev. A. C. Campbell. 3 vols. 8vo. PuntefruH, 1814 De Jure Belli ac Pacis Libri tres; accompanied by an abrid^red translation by William Whewell, D.D. with the notes of the author, Barbeyrac, and others. 3 vols. 8vo. Cambridge, 1853 Institutiones Juris Naturalis ct Gentium, ex Hugonis Grotii de Jure Belli ac Pacis hbris excerptoe. Editio seeunda. 12mo. Cantab. 1703 Synopsis compendiaria Librorum H. Grotii de Jure Belli et Pacis, S. Clarkii de Dei Existentia ct Attributis, et J. Lockii de Intellcctu Humano. 8vo. ibid. 1751 Florum Sparsio ad Jus Justiuianeum. 4to. Paris. 1642 [another edition.] 12mo. Amst. 164^3 Inleydinge tot de Hollandsche Rechts-Geleertheyt ; midsgaders eenige byvoegsels en aanmerkingen door Simon van Groenewegen van der Made. 4to. ibid. 1707 Introduction to Dutch Jurisprudence, now first rendered into English, by Charles Herbert. 8vo. Loud. 1845 Mirabilium anni 1()00 qua; Belgas spectant Semestre prius, ad illustr. H. F. Nassoviuni, Gulielmi principis Auriaci filium. 4io. Hugm-Comitatcnsi, 1600 Liber de Antiquitate Reipublicoe Batavicas. 4to. Lugd. Bat. 1610 Apologeticus eorum qui Hollandiae Westfiisia:'quc et vicinis quibusdam nationibus ex legibus prai-fuerunt ante mutationera quie evenit anno 1618. 8vo. Pari.'i. 1622 Annales et Historic de rebus Belgicis. fol. Amst. 1657 Sacra, in quibus Adamiis Exul, Tragoedia, aliorumquc ejusdem ireneris carminum Cumulus. 4to. Ilagce Cumitum, 1601 — Traf^ocdia Sophompaneas. Accesserunt Tragoedia ejusdem Christus patiens, et sacri argumenti alia. 4to. Avist. 16^35 Excerpta ex Tragoediis et Coraoediis Grascis, Graece et Latine, cum notis et indice. 4to. Paris. 1626 Huo-onis Grotii, et aliorum Dissertationes de Studiis institu enjjs, I'imo. Amst. apud L. Elzev. 1645 Epistolae ad Gallos. Seeunda editio. I'imo. Lugd. Bat. ex off. Elzev. 1650 Epistoke ad Israelem Jaski. 12mo. JDantisci, 1670 346 GRO— GRU Grotius (Hugo). Epistolae quotquot reperiri potuerunt; in quibus prapter hactenus editas, plurimaB theologici, juridici, philologici, liis- torici, et politici argumenti occurrunt. lol. Amst. 1687 Epistola; iiieditae, ad Oxenstiernas patrem et filium, aliosque SuecicC Consiliarios e Gallia inisste ; ex miisaeo Meermanniano. 8vo. Harlemi, 1806 Epistolae ineditae ad Job. Oxenstiernam et Job. Adl. Salvium, et Jobannis Oxenstiernae ad Cerisantem ; ex cod. MS. Bibliotbecae Hannovcranae Regiae [cum prsefatione C. A. Den Tex]. 8vo. ihid. 1829 Grotius (Guilielmus). Encbiridion de Principiis Juris Naturalis. 4to. Hagce-Comitis, 1667 — Broeders Gevangenisse. Dagboek van Willem de Groot, betrefFende bet Verblijf van zijnen Broeder Hugo op Loevestein ; uit ecbte bescbeiden aangevuld en opgebelderd door H. Vollenboven. 8vo. Gi^avenhage, 1842 Groulard (Claude). Memoires : see Petitot, vol. 49. Grounds (Tbe) and Rudiments of Law and Equity, alpbabetically dijiested : containing a Collection of Rules or Maxims, vvitb tbe doctrine upon tbem, illustrated by various Cases extracted from tbe Books and Records. The second edition. fol. Lo7id.\lb\. Grove (Josepb). Tbe Lives of all tbe Earls and Dukes of Devonshire, descended from Sir William Cavendish, one of tbe Privy Counsellors to King Henry VIII. To which is added, a short Account of tbe rise, progress, and present state of tbe High Court of Chancery. 8vo. Lond. 1764 Grove (William Robert). A Lecture on tbe Progress of Physical Science since the opening of the London Institution, delivered 19tb January, 1842. [Not published.] 8vo. Lond. 1842 On the Correlation of Physical Forces : being tbe substance of a course of Lectures delivered in the London Institution, in the year 184.3. 8vo. ibid. 1846 second edition. 8vo. ihid. 1850 • third edition. 8vo. ibid. 1855 Grundler (Carl August). Das Land- und Lehnrecht in den deutscben Bundesstaaten mit beigefiigten Quellen und Literatur in allgemeinen. 8vo. Niirnberfj, 1828 Gruterus (Janus). Inscriptiones Antiquae totius orbis Romani, in corpus absolutissimum redactae ; auspiciis J. Scaligeri ac M. Velseri. fol. Kx afficina Commeliniana, 1602 • Lampas, sive Fax Artium Liberalium, hoc est, Thesaurus Criticus, in quo infinitis locis tbeologorum, jurisconsultorum, medi- corum, philosopborum, oratorum, historicorura, poetarum, gram- maticorum scripta supplentur et illustrantur ; cum additamentis F. Palesii. 4 vols. fol. Flo/entice et Neapoli, 1737-51 Florilegium Ethico-Politicum ; necnon P. Syri ac L. Senecae Sententiae Aureae. Accedunt Gnomee Paroemieeque Graecorum; item Proverbia Germanica, Belgica, Britannica, Italica, Gallica. 3 vols. 8vo. Fruncofurti, 1610-12 GUA-GUG 347 GuADALOUPE. Reasons for keeping Guadaloupe at a Peace, preferable to Caniidii, ex|jl;iiiicd in five Letters, from a Gentleman in Gnada- loupe to his friend in London. 8vo. Loud. 1761 • A Detection of the false Reasons and Facts, contained in the five Letters, &c. By a Member of Parliament. 8vo. ibid. 1761 GuALDO (Castor Durante da). A Treasure of Health ; translated out of Italian by John Chambei'layne. I'imo. Lond. 168G Guardian (The) ; fourth edition. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1726 GuARiNi (Battista). Opere Poetiche. 12mo. Milano, IGOO II Pastor Fido, Tragicoraedia Pastorale; aggiontovi le Rime dello stesso autore. 4to. Vcnetia, 1621 GuARNATiis (Carolus de). Quaestiones in Ruhr, de verbornm oblig. fol. Venetiis, apud J. A. et P. de Sahio, 1541 GuAZzo (Stefano). Lettere. 12mo. Venetia, 1614 GuDE (Richard). The Practice of the Crown Side of the Court of King's Bench, and the Practice of the Sessions ; the general Rules of Court, from the rcifrn of James I. to the present time ; and the Statutes relating to the Pmctice : with a Table of Fees and Bills of Costs ; also, an Ai)nendix of Forms and Precedents. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1828 GuDELiNUS (Petrus). Commentariorum de Jure novissimo Libri sex. 4to. Arnheinii, 1643 Commentnrii de Jure Feudorum et Pacis. Accessere H. Zoesii Praelectioncs Feudales. 4to. Locatiii, 1641 GuENYVEAU (A.) Manuel d'Exploitation des Mines de Houille, suivi des Instructions relatives au traitement des asphyxies, des noyes, etc. 12mo. Lyon, 1812 Guernsey. Documens relatifs a I'lle de Guernesey, revus et corriges d'apres les pieces originales. [In English.] nos. 1 & 2, 8vo. Gnerneseij, 1814 No. 1. Reglemens des Conimissaiies Royaux envoyes par le Roi Jacques 1. 1607. No. 2. Causes beard and determined in the island of Guernsey bclbre his Majesty's Commissioners, from Oct. Ki to Dec. 20, 1()07. Changes effected in the Laws of Guernsey in 1823, to which are prefixed the Report of the Royal Commissioners deputed to that island in 1815; the observations of the Royal Court, and the answers of the Rt. Hon. the Lords of his Majesty's most Hon. Privy Council. 8vo. Guernsey, 1823 Guevara (Antony of). The Diall of Princes, containing the golden and famous booke of ^Nlarcns Aureliu-;, sometime Emperor of Rome; translated out of French by Thomas Nortli. fol. Lond. 1619 Spanish Letters, historical, satyrical, and moral; made English by John Savage. " 8vo. Lond. n. d. GuoLiELMiNi (Domenico). Trattato Fisico-Matematico della Natura de' Fiumi. Nuova edizione, con le annotazioni di Eustachio Man- freJi. 4to. Bolo(jna, 1739 348 GUI GuiART (Guillaume). Clironique : see Buciiox, vols. 7, 8. GuicciARDiNi (Francesco). La Historia d' Italia, riscontrata con tutti ^W altri historici, che dell' istesse cose habbiaiio scritto, etc. per Tomaso Porcacchi. 4to. Venetia, 1616 ■ Histoire d' Italic, translatee d'ltalien en Frangois, par Hierosme Chomedey. fol- Paris, 1568 Historic, containing the Warres of Italic, etc. ; reduced into Eno-lish by Geftray Fenton. The third edition. fol. Lond. 1618 GuicciARDiNi (Lodovico). L' Hore di Ricreatione. 12mo. Anversa, 1568 GuiDiccroNi (Cristoforo, Vescovo d'Ajace). Tragedie trasportate dalla Greca nell' Italiana favella. 4to. Lucca, \1A1 Guidon (Le) des Practiciens. 8vo. Paris, 1543 GuiDOTT (Thomas, M.D.) A Discourse of Bathe, and the Hoi Waters there. With an Account of the Lives and Character of the Phy- sicians of Bathe. 8vo. Lond.^QlQ GuiGNES (Joseph de). Histoire generate des Huns, des Turcs, des Mogols, et des autres Tartares Occidentaux ; precedee d'une Intro- duction contenant des Tables chronologiques et historiques des Princes qui ont regne dans I'Asie. 4 vols, in 5, 4to. Paris, 1756-58 GuiGNES (Chr. Louis Joseph de). Dictionnaire Chinois, Frangais et Latin. fol. Paris, 1813 GuiLLATiERE (M. de). An Account of a late Voyage to Athens, con- taining the estate both ancient and modern of that city, and of the present empire of the Turks; translated from the French. 8vo. Lond. 1676 Guillaume le Breton : see Guizot — Coll. des Memoires, vol. 12. Guillaume de Jumiege: see Gulielmus Gemiticensis, Guillaume de Nangis : see France— Societe de I'Histoire; and Guizot — Coll, des Memoires, vol. 13. Guillaume de Poitiers : see Guizot — Coll. des Memoires, vol. 29. Guillaume de Tyr: see Guizot — Coll. des Memoires, vols. 16 — 18. Guillim (John). A Display of Heraldry ; to which is added, a Treatise of Honour, Military and Civil, by Capt. John Logan. The fifth edition. fol. Lond, 1679 sixth edition, with large additions. fol. ibid. 1724 GuiLLON de Montleon (Aime): see Berville et Barriere, vols. 30,31. Guise (Henri de Lorraine, Due de). Memoires: see Petitot, 2de ser. vols. 55, 56. Guizot (Frangois Pierre Guillaume). De la peine de Mort en Matiere Politique. 8vo. Paris, 1822 • Histoire de la Civilisation en France, depuis la Chute de I'Empire Remain. Troisieme edition. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1840 GUI 349 GuizoT (Franc^ois Pierre Guillaume). Histoire Generale de la Civili- sation en Europe, depuis la Chute de 1' Empire Romain jusqu'u la Revolution Fi'unc/aise. Quatrieme edition. 8vo. Paris, 1840 Histoire de la Revolution d'Angleterre, depuis I'avenement de Charles I. jusqu'a. sa mort. Troisieme edition. 2 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1841 Histoire de la Republique d' Anj^leterre et de Cromwell (1G49 — 1658). ' 2 vols. 8vo. ihkl 1854 Histoire du Protootorat de Richard Cromwell et du Retablisse- ment des Stuart (1658 — 1660). 2 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1856 On the Causes of the success of the English Revolution of 1640 — 1688 : a Discourse designed as an introduction to the history of the reign of Charles the Fir:f.t. 8vo. Land. 1850 Essais sur 1' Histoire de France, pour servir de complement aux Observations sur I'Histoire de France de 1' Abbe de ^Mably. Huitieme edition. 8vo. Paris, 1847 Histoire des origines du Gouvernement Representatif en Europe. 2 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1851 Memoires pour servir a I'Histoire de mon Temps. vol. 1, 8vo. ibid. 1858 Etudes sur les Beaux-Arts en general. 8vo. ibid. 1852 Collection des Memoires rclatifs a I'histoire de France, depuis la fondation de la monarchie Frangaise jusqu'au 13^. siecle ; avec \me introduction, des supplemens, des notices et des notes. 31 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1823-35 [Introduction.] Considerations sur I'esprit militaire des Gaulois ; des Francs; et des Franyais. 1834. Tom. 1, 2. Histoire des Francs, par Gr^goire de Tours. Chronique de Fre- detfaire. Vie de Dagobert 1. Vie de Saint Leger. Vie de Pepin le vieux, niaire du palais. 3. Annaics des Rois Pepin, Charlemagne et Louis le Debonnaire, par Eginhard. \'ie de Charlemagne, par Eginhard Des Fails et Gestes de Charles le Grand, par un Moine de Saint-Gall. De la vie et des actions de Louis le Debonnaire, par Thegan. Vie de Louis le Debonnaire, par I'anonyme dit I'Astronome. Histoire des dissensions des fils de Louis le Deboiu)aire, par Nithard. 4. Faits et Gestes de Louis le Pieux, poeme, par Ermold le Noir. .\nnales de Saint-Bertin, et de Metz. 5. Hi.^toire de I'Eglise de Rheims, par Frodoard. 6. Siege de Paris par les Normands, poeme d'Abbou. Chronique de Frodoard. Chronique de Raoul Glaber. Vie du roi Robert, par Helgaud. Poeme d'Adalberon, 6veque de Laon, adress6 a Robert, roi des Franfais. 7. Vie de Bouchard, comte de Mclun, par Eudcs. Fragmens de I'histoire des Franfais. Clironique de Ungues ilc Floury. Proc^s-verbal du Sacre de Pliilippe L Histoire du Monastere de Vezelai, par Hugues de Poitiers. 8. Vie de Louis le Gros, par Sugar. Vie de Suger, par Guillaume, moine de Saint- Denis. Vie de Louis le Jeune. Vie de Charles le Bon, comte de Flandre, par Galbcrt, syndic de Bruges. 9, 10. Histoire des Croisades, par (luibert de Xogent ; avec sa Vie. Vie de Saint Bernard, par Guillaume de Saint Thierri, Arnauld de Bonneval, et GeotlVoi de Clairviiux. 11. \'ie de Philippe Auguste, par Uigord, et par Guillaume le Breton. Vie de Louis VI 11. Faits et Gestes de Louis VII I. par Nicolas de Bray. 350 GUI-GUT GuizoT (Fr. P. G.) Collection des Memoires, kc— continued. Tom. 12. La Philippide, poeme, par Guillaume le Breton. 13. ■Chronique de Guillaume de Nangis. 14. Histoire des Albigeois, par Pierre de Vaulx-Cernay. 15. Histoire de la Guerre des Albigeois. Chronique de Guillaume do Puy-Laurens, contenant I'histoire de I'expedition des Franfais contre les Albigeoif. Des Gestes glorieux des Fran9ais de I'an 1202 a I'an isfl [Chronique de Simon, conite de Montfort]. 1Q — 18. Histoire des Croisades, par Guillaume de Tyr. 19. Continuation de Guillaume de Tyr, par Bernard le Tresorier. 20, 21. Histoire des Croisades, par Albert d'Aix. Histoire des Francs qui ont pris Jerusalem, par Raimond d'Agiles. 22. Histoire des Croisades, par Jacques de Vitry. 23. Fails et Gestes du prince Tancrede, par Raoul de Caen. Histoire de la premiere Croisade, par Robert le Moine. 24. Histoire des Croisades, par Foulcher de Chartres. Histoire de la Croisade de Louis VII.. par Odon de Deuil. 25 — 28. Histoire de Normandie, par Orderic Vital. 29. Histoire des Normands, par Guillaume de Jumiege. 'Vie de Guil- laume le Conquerant, par Guillaume de Poitiers. 30. Table generale et analytique. Gula-Things-Laug : see Norway (Law of). GuLiELMUs Gemiticensis: see Camdeni Anglica; Duchesne — Hist. Normarinorum Scriptores [pp. 216— 317] ; and GuizoT— Coll. des Memoires, vol. 29. GuLTELMUs Neubrigensis : see Britannia— Rerum Brit. Script. ; English Hist. Societv ; and Hearne. GuMBLE (Thomas, D D.) The Life of General Monck, Duke of Albemarle, &c. with remarks upon his actions. 8vo. Lond. 1671 GuMLEY (John, LL.D.) The Law of Elections in Ireland, as it relates to the Qualifications and the Registry of Electors. 8vo. Dublin,lS32 GuNDLiNG (Nicolaus Hieronymus). Ausfiihrliche Erlauterung iijier Schilteri Institutiones Juris Feudalis. 4to. Franckfurt, 1736 Gunning (Frederic). A practical Treatise on the Law of Tolls. 8vo. Lond. 1833 Gunton (Svmon). History of the Church of Peterburgh : set forth by Symon Patrick, D.D. fol. Lond. 1686 GuoRNERUS (Joannes). Analysis Institutionum Juris Canonici. ^ 12mo. Ursellis, 1604 GuRDON (Thornhagh). History of the High Court of Parliament, its antiquity, preheminence, and authority ; and the History of Court Baron and Court Leet. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1731 GuRNEY (Joseph John). Notes on a Visit made to some of the Prisons in Scotland and the Noith of England, in company with Elizabeth Fiy; with some general Observations on the subject of Prison Discipline. 12mo. Lond. 1819 ■ Observations on tbe distinguishing Views and Practices of the Society of Friends. A new edition. 12mo. Norwich,\M2 GuRWooD : see Wellington. Guta-Lagh : see Sweden .(Law of). GUT-HAA 351 GuTCH (John). Collectanea Curiosa ; or Miscellaneous Tracts, relating to the History and Antiquitits of England and Iieland, the Univer- sities ot" Oxford and Canibridije, ;ind a variety of other subjects ; chiefly collected from the MSB. of Archbishop Bancroft. 2 vols. 8vo. OjrfunI, 1781 GuTHERius (Jacobus). De veteri Jure Pontificio urbis Romae Libri quatuor. 4to. Paris. 1612 De Officiis Donnis Aufjustae publico et privatae Libri tres. Accesscrunt ejusdem Rupella Rupta, et Tiresias, seu de Caecitatis et Sapientiae cognatione. 8vo. Lipsice, 1672 Guthrie (William). System of Modern Geography. The seventh edition. 4to. Lond. 1811 Gutierrez (Joannes). Opera omnia : QuaRstiones Civiles et Ca- nonicae, etc. 6 vols, in 3, fol. Francof. ad Moenu7/i, l()06-29 Gutierrez (Jose Marcos). Libreria de Escribanos, Abogados y Jueces, que compuso Jose Febrero, y ha reformado de nuevo en su lenguage, estilo, etc., con muchas notas y adiciones, Jose Marcos Gutierrez. Sesta edicion. 5 vols. 4to. Madrid, \^^b Practica Criminal de Espaiia, para complemento del Febrero Reformado. Cuarta edicion. 3 vols. 4to. ibid. 1826 Guy du Rousseaud de la Combe: see La Combe. GuvLFORDE (Sir Richard). Pilgrimage : see Camden Society, No. 51. [GuYTON DE MoRVEAU, Louis Barnard.] Discours Publics et Eloges, auxquels on a joint unc Lettre oil Tautcur developpe le plan annouce dans I'un de ses Discours, pour refoinier la Jurisprudence. 3 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1775-82 GwiLLiM (Henry). A Collection of Acts and Records of Parliament, with Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Courts of Law and Equity, respecting Tithes. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1801 GwiLT (Joseph). An Encyclopaedia of Architecture, historical, theo- retical and ])ractical. 8vo. Loud. 1842 GwYNNE (Thomas). The Law relating to the Duties on Probates and Letters of Administration in England, and Inventories of peisonal or moveable Estates in Scotland, and on Legacies and Successions to personal or moveable Estates in Great Britain. Second edition. 8vo. Lond. 1836 Haak (Theodore). The Dutch Annotations upon the whole Bible, with, and according to their own translation of the Text, as ordered by the Synod of Dort ; communicated to the use of Great Britain, in English. 2 vols, in 1, fol. Lond. 1L57 352 HAB— HAG Habeas Corpus. The Arguments upon the Writ of Habeas Corpus [concerning Loans] in the Court of Kings Bench ; whereunto is annexed the Petition of Sir John Elliot, in behalf of the Liberty of the Subject. 4to. Lond. 1649 Hach (Johann Friedrich). Practische Beitrage zur Erlauterung des in der freien Reichsstadt Liibeck geltenden Privatrechts. part 1, 8vo. Liibeck, 1801 Racket (John, Bp. of Litchfield and Coventry). Scrinia Reserata: a Memorial offer'd to the great deservings of John Williams, D.D. Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of England, Lord Bishop of Lincoln, and Lord Archbishop of York. 2 parts in 1 vol. fol. Lond. Iii93 Hackett (John). Select and remarkable Epitaphs on illustrious and other persons, in sevei'al parts of Europe ; with translations of such as are in Latin and foreign languages, and compendious accounts of the deceased, their lives, and works. 2 vols, in 1, 12mo. Lond. 1757 Hackluyt : see Hakluyt. Hackney, Customs of: see Stepney. Haddan (Thomas Henry). The Limited Liability Act, 1855 (18 & 19 Vict. cap. 133), with precedents and notes. 12mo. Lond. 1855 Hadley (George). History of the Town and County of the Town of Kingston-upon-HulI. 4to. Kingstoa-iipon-IIull, 1788 Haenel (Gustavus). Lex Romana Visigothorum: ad lxxvi. librorum MSS. fidem recognovit, septem ejus antiquis Epitomis, annotatione, appendicibus, &c. auxit G. Haenel. Editio post Sichardum prima. 4to. Lij)si(e, 1848 ■ Corpus Legum ab Imperatoribus Romanis ante Justinianum latarum, quae extra Constitutionum Codices supersunt. Accedunt res ab imperatoribus gestae,, quibus Romani Juris historia et Imperii status illustratur. CoUegit, disposuit, indicibus instruxit G. Haenel. Fasciculus I. — Leges. 4to. ibid. 1857 ■ (Albert) : see Han el. Hagen (Christophorus vom). Tractatus de Usu Usurarum. 4to. Wittebergce, 1631 Haggard (John, LL.D.) Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Consistory Court of London ; containing the Judgments of the Rt. Hon. Sir William Scott [Lord Stowell]. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1822 Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Ecclesiastical Courts at Doctors' Commons, and in the High Court of Delegates, fiom Mich. Term 1827 to Mich. Term 1833. 4 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1829-33 Reports of Cases argued and determined in the High Court of Admiralty, during the time of Lord Stowell, Sir Christopher Robin- sou, and Sir John Nicholl, 1822—38. 3 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1825-40 Report of the Judgment in Dew v. Clark, delivered by Sir John Nicholl, in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Easter Tei'm, 1826. 8vo. ?bid. 1826 HAH-HAK 353 Hahnius (Henriciis). Observata Thcoretico-Practica ad Mattlinei Wescnbecii in L. Libros Di49 Tractatus de Cautione de non offendendo ; annotationibus illus- tratus ab Andr. Chr. Rosenero. 4to. Lip.iife, 1691 Herefordshire Glossary. A Glossary of Provincial "Words used in Herefordshire, and some of the adjoining Counties. 12mo. Lund. 1839 Hericourt (Louis de). Les Loix Ecclesiastiques de France dans leur ordre naturel, et une Analyse des JJvres du Droit Canonique, conferez avec les usages de I'Eglise Gallicane. fol. Paris, 1719 Traite de la Vente des Immeubles par Decret, avec un Recueil des EQits, etc, sur ce sujet. 2 vols, in 1, 4to. ibid. 1771 378 HER Heringius ( Antonius). Tractatus de Fidejussoribus. Editio secunda. 4to. Francofurti, 1614 Hermannus (Godofredus). Elementa Doctrinae Metricae. 8vo. Glasguce, 1817 de Ellipsi et Pleonasmo : see Bos (Lambertus). Hermesianax. Fragraentiim, Greece, notis et glossario, et versionibus turn Latinis turn etiam Anglicis instruxit Jac. Bailey. 8vo. Lond. 1839 Hermosilla (Gaspar, Joannes ac Sebast. a). Notse, Additiones, et Resoliitiones ad Glossas Legum Partitarum Gregorii Lopetii. Editio tertia. 2 vols, in 1, fol. Col. Allohr. 1726 Herne (John). The Pleader: containing perfect Presidents and Formes of Declarations, Pleadings, Issues, Judgments, and Pro- ceedings in all kinds of Actions. fol. Lond. 1657 The Law of Conveyances; with an Exposition of divers obscure words and termes of law used in ancient Records, &c. The second edition. 8vo. ibid. 1658 Reading upon the Statute of 23 H. 8. cap. 3. concerning Commissions of Sewers ; translated out of the French manuscript. 4to. ibid. 1659 The Law of Charitable Uses ; wherein the Statute of 43 Eliz. chap. 4. is set forth and explained. 12mo. ibid. 1660 Herne (Samuel). Domus Carthusiana: or an Account of the most noble Foundation of the Charter House ; with the Life and death of Thomas Sutton, the founder thereof. 8vo. Lond. 1677 Herodes Atticus : see Oratores Gr^ci. Herodianus. Historiae sui temporis Libri VIII., Graece, cum ver- sione Latina Ang. Politiani, studio Danielis Parei. Editio secunda. 8vo. Francof. ad Moenum, 1630 Historiarum Libri VIII., Gr. et Lat., cum var. lect., notis variorum et indicibus, curante T. G. Irmisch. 5 vols. 8vo. LipsicB, 1789-1805 Herodotus. Historiarum Libri IX., Graece et Latine ; lectionis varie- tate, adnotationibus Wesselingii, Valckenaerii, ahorumque et suis illustravit Johannes Schweighaeuser. 6 vols. 8vo. Argent. 1816 Lexicon Herodoteum ; instruxit J. Schweighaeuser. 2 parts in 1 vol. 8vo. ibid. 1824 Historiarum Libri IX., Graece; codicem Sancrofti manu- scriptum denuo contulit, reliquam lectionis varietatem, annotationes variorum adjecit Th. Gaisford. Editio altera. 4 vols. 8vo. Oxon. 1830 Les Histoires d'Herodote, mises en FranQois par P. du Ryer. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1660 Erodoto deir Imprese de' Greci e de' Barbari, con la Vita d'Omero, tradotto da Giulio Cesare Becelli. 2 vols. 4to. Verona, 1733 Herodotus' Egyptian and Grecian History, translated from the Greek by Isaac Littlebury. The third edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1723 HER 379 Heron (Sir Richard). A Genealogical Table of the Family of the Herons, verified throughout by Records, &c. fol. s. I. 1797 Herrestorff (Carl Caspar Joseph von). Ueber die zuriickwirkende Kraft der Gesetze, oder Versuch einer Entwickelung legis septimae cod. de leiribus in Boziehung auf das Gesetzbuch Napoleon's. 12mo. JJiisseldoif, ISV2 Herries (John, Lord). Historical Memoirs of the Reign of Mary Queen of Scots, and a portion of the Reign of King James the Sixth. [Edited by Robert Pitcairn for the Abbotsford Club.] 4to. Edinb. 1836 Herring (Thomas, Archbp. of Canterbury). Seven Sermons on public occasions. 8vo. Lond. 1763 Letters to William Buncombe, from the year 1728 to 1758; with notes and an appendix. 12mo. ibid. 1777 Hersciiel /'Sir John F. W., Bart.) Treatise on Astronomy. 12mo. Lond. 1833 Outlines of Astronomy. Fourth edition. 8vo. ibid. 1851 Essays from the Edinburgh and Quarterly Reviews, with addresses and other pieces. 8vo. ibid. 1857 Heuthals (Joannes Franciscus). Gregorii IX. Decretalium Libri I. II. III. per principia et exempla explicati. Editio secunda. 12mo. Lovanii, 1729 Hertius (Joannes Xicolaus). Commentationes atque Opuscula de selectis et rarioribus ex Jurisprudentia Univcrsali, Publica, Feudali et Romana, necnon Historia Germanica, Argumcntis. 3 vols. 4to. Franco/, ad iMoeniim, 1700 ex manuscriptis autoris edidit et locupletavit Job. Jacobus Hombergk. 6 tom. in 2 vols. 4to. ibid. 1737 Hertooh de Berthout (Joannes Martinus). Dux ad Universum Jus, cura Jacobi Rufflet emendatus. fol. Lovanii, 1743 Tractatus duo : de Decimis ; de Irregularitate et Censuris Eccle- siasticis. 12mo. Bruxcllis, 1(590 Hertslet (Lewis). A complete Collection of Treaties and Conven- tions at present subsisting between (Jreat Britain and Foreign Powers, and of the Laws, Decrees, and Orders in Council respecting the same, so far as they relate to Commerce and Navigation, Slave Trade, &c. 8 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1827-51 Hervarar Saga ok Heidrekskongs ; hoc est, Historia Hervorae et Regis Heidreki, quam ex manuscriptis Lcgati Arna-Magna?ani versione Latina, lect. var. et indicibus illustravit Stephanus Biurnonis. Additus est brevis Commentarius Geographicus P. F. Suhm. 4to. Uafnia;, 1785 Hervey (Rev. James). Works. A new edition. 7 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1797 Hervey (John, Lord). Memoirs of the Reign of George the Second, from his accession to the dcatli of Queen Caroline. Edited from the original manuscript at Ickworth, bv the Rt. Hon. John Wilson Croker, LL.D. ' 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1848 Letters between Lord Hervey and Dr. Middleton concerning the Roman Senate; published from the original MSS. by T. Knowles, D.D. 4to. ibid. 1778 380 HES— HEY Hesiodus. [Opera] Gr. et Lat., cum notis variorum, J. G. Graevii lectionibus, et D. Heinsii introductione ; accesserunt var. lect. et D. Ruhnkenii animadversiones, curante C. F, Loesnero. 8vo. Lips. 1778 Hess (Albert von). Encyclopadisch-methodologische Einleitung in das juridisch-politische Studium an den Universitaten und Lyceen der Deut.sclien Erbliinder des Oesterreichischen Kaiserthums nach seiner jetzigen Einrichtung. 8vo. Wien, 1813 Hessen (Willem). Judicieel Formulier-Boek, dienende tot een Sup- plement van de Papegaay of Formulier-Boek van Willem van Alphen. 4to. Utrecht, 1776 Hesychius [Graramaticus Alexandrinus]. Lexicon Graecum, cum notis doctorum virorum integris, edidit, suasque animadversiones perpetuas adjecit Joannes Alberti. 2 vols. fol. Lugd. Bat. 1746-66 Hetley (Sir Thomas). Reports anrl Cases taken in the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh years of K. Charles I., as they were argued by most of the King's Sergeants at the Common Pleas Barre. fol. Lond. 1657 Hewett (William, .Tun.) History and Antiquities of the Hundred of Compton, Berks. 8vo. Reading, 1844 Hexen-Process : see Niesert (J.) Heylyn (Peter, D.D.) Ecclesia Restaurata ; or, the History of the Reformation of the Church of England. The second edition. fol. Lond. 1670 see also Ecclesiastical History Society. Cyprianus Anglicus : or, the history of the Life and Death of William [Laud] Archbishop of Canterbury, Primate of all England, &e. fol. Lond. 1671 Cosmography, in four Books; |Containing the Chorography and History of the whole World. fol. ihid. 1677 A Help to English History ; containing a succession of all the Kings of England; the Kings and Princes of Wales; the Kings and Lords of Man, and the Isle of Wight; as also of all the Dukes, Marquises, Earls, &c., with the Names of the Baronets of England ; continued by Paul Wright. 8vo. ibid. Ml^ [ ] Aulicus Coquinarise : or, a Vindication in answer to a Pamphlet, entituled the Court and Character of King James, pre- tended to be penned by Sir A. W[eldon]. 12mo. ibid. 1650 Attributed also to W. Sanderson. Heywood (Samuel, Serjeant at Law). A Digest of the Lav respecting County Elections. The second edition. 8vo. Lond. 1812 A Digest of so much of the Law respecting Borough Elections, as concerns Cities and Boroughs in general. 8vo. ibid. 1797 Vindication of Mr. Fox's History of the early part of'the Reign of James the Second. 4to. ibid. \^\\ Dissertation upon the Distinctions in Society, and Ranks of the People, under the Anglo-Saxon Governments. 8vo. • ibid. 1818 Heywood (Thomas). FTNAIKEION : or, Nine Bookes of Various History concerninge Women, inscribed by the names of the nine Muses. ' fol. Lond. 1624 HEY— III L 381 Heywood (Thomas). Apology for Actors: see Shakesveark So- ciety, No. 3. Comedies : see Shakespeare Society, No. 30. IIiCKESius (Gcorgius). Institutiones Gramm:itica; Anfrlo-Saxonica?, et Mocso-Gothicie. Graminatica Islandica Ruiiolphi JoniE. Cata- logus Lihroriun Septentrionalium. Accedit Edv. Bcrnardi Ety- mologicon Biitaniiicum. 4to. Oxunice, 1G89 Linguarum Veterum Septentrionalium Thesaurus Grammatico- Criticus et Archa}ologicus. 6 parts in 2 vols. fol. ibid. 1705 Hickman (William, R.N.) Treatise on the Law and Practice of Naval Courts-Martial. 8vo. Lond. 1851 HiERocLES. Commcntarius in Aurea Carmina, de Providentia et Fato quae supersunt, et reliqua Fragmenta, Greece et Latine, ex receiisione et cum notis P. Needham. 8vo. Cantab. 1709 Hierocles upon the Golden Verses of the Pythagoreans ; trans- lated from the Greek [by J. Norris]. 8vo. ibid. 1682 HiERONYMUS (Sanctus). Opera omnia quae extant, studio Mariani Victorii emendata, argumentis et scholiis iilustrata. 9 tom. in 3 vol. fol. Col. Atjripp. 1616 HiGDEN (Ranulphus). Polychronicon : see Gale— Hist. Brit. Script, vol. 1. Higden (William). View of the English Constitution, with respect to the sovereign authority of the Prince, and the allegiance of the Sub- ject. The second edition. 8vo. Lond. 1709 fifth edition ; to which is added, a Defence, by way of Reply, to the several Answers that have been made to it. 8vo. ibid. 1716 Highmore (Anthony). A Treatise on the Law of Idiocy and Lunacy. 8vo. Lond. 1807 A succinct View of the History of Mortmain; and the Statutes relative to Charitable Uses. The second edition. 8vo. ibid. 1809 Philanthropia Metropolitana ; a View of the Charitable Insti- tutions established in and near London, chiefly during the last twelve years. 12mo. ibid. 1822 Highmore (Nathaniel, LL. and M.D.) An Address to the Visitoi-s of the Incorporated Society of Doctors in Civil and Canon Law. 2 parts, 8vo. Lond. 1806 HiGHMORUS (Nathanael). Exercitationes duae : de Passione Hysterica; et de Aft'ectione Hypochondriaca. 12mo.. Ox'on. 1660 HiLARius (D. Pictavorum Episcopus). Lucubrationes, olim per Erasmum emendatae, nunc denuo per Martinum Lypsium collata et reeognita. fol.' Bagiletr, 1570 HiLDYARD (Francis). Treatise on the Principles of the Law of Marine Insurances. 8vo. Lond. 1845 Hill (A^ron). Works, consisting of Letters and Original Poems; with an Essay on the Art of Acting. The second edition. 4 vols, in 2, Svo. Lond. 1754 382 HIL— HIP Hill (Frederic). Crime: its amount, causes, and remedies. 8vo. Lond. 1853 Hill (James). A practical Treatise on the Law relating to Trustees, their powers, duties, privileges, and liabilities. 8vo. Lond. 1845 Hill (Sir John, M.D.) A Review of the Works of the Royal Society of London ; containing Animadversions on such of the Papers as deserve particular observation. 4to. Lond. 1751 Urania: or, a compleat View of the Heavens; containing the antient and modern Astronomy, in form of a Dictionary. 4to. ibid. 1754 Thoughts concerning God and Nature; in answer to Lord Bolingbroke's Philosophy. 4to. ibid. 1755 Hill (Matthew Davenport). Suggestions for the Repression of Crime, contained in Charges delivered to Grand Juries of Birmingham ; supported by additional facts and arguments. Together with articles from reviews and newspapers controverting or advocating the con- clusions of the author. 8vo. Lond. 1857 Hill (Nicholas). Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of the State of New-York, and in the Court for the Correction of Errors from 1841 to 1844. 7 vols. 8vo. Albany, 1842-7 Hill (Richard). The Diplomatic Correspondence of the Rt. Hon. Richard Hill, Envoy Extraordinary from the Court of St. James to the Duke of Savoy, in the reign of Queen Anne : from July 1703 to May 1706. Edited by the Rev. W. Blackley. 2 parts, 8vo. Lond. 1845 HiLLiARD (Francis). The Elements of Law ; being a comprehensive Summary of American Jurispruden.ce. Second edition. 8vo. New-York, 1848 HiLPERT (Dr. Joseph Leonhard). Englisch-Deutsches und Deutsch- Englisches Worterbuch. Neue Ausgabe. A Dictionary of the English and German, and the German and English Language. 4 parts in 2 vols. 4to. Leipzig, 1857 HiNDE (Robert). Modern Practice of the High Court of Chancery. 8vo. Lond. 1785 [another copy, printed in quarto.] 4to. ibid. 1785 HiNDERWELL (Thomas). History and Antiquities of Scarborough and the Vicinity. 4to. York, 1798 HiNDMARCH (W. M.) A Treatise on the Law relating to Patent Privileges for the sole use of Inventions ; and the Practice of obtaining Letters Patents for Inventions ; with an Appendix of Statutes, Rules, Forms, &c. 8vo. Lond. 1846 HiPPisLEY (Sir John Cox, Bart.) Correspondence and Communi- cations addressed to his Majesty's principal Secretary of State for the Home Department, concerning the introduction of Tread-Mills into Prisons, with other matters connected with Prison Discipline. 8vo. Lond. 1823 HIP— HOA 383 Hippocrates: see Medicorum Graecorum Opera. . Opera omnia quae extant, Latina interpretatione donata ab Anutio Foesio. 8vo. Francofurti,^b^ Aphorisrai, Gr. et Lat., cum historiis, observationibus, etc. a J. Ileiiniio. l'2mo. Lu(j(L Bat. IGOl Apliorismi, Gr. et Lat. ex interpretatione A. Foesii. 12mo. ibid. 1633 editio quarta. 12mo. Amst. 1688 Aj)horismes, translated into Enrrlish, by S. H. Whereunto is annexed a short Discourse of the nature and substance of the Eye. 12mo. Land. 1610 The Apliorisms of Hippocrates, and the Sentences of Celsus ; translated by C. J. Sprengol, M.D. 8vo. ibid. 1708 Hird-Skraa : see Norway (Law of). HisTORi.ii: AuousT.E Scriptores sex : ex recensione, et cum notis Isaaci Casauboni. 4to. Pari.'<. 1603 HistorifE Augustoe Scriptores VI. cum integris notis Is. Casau- boni, CI. Salmasii, et Jani Gruteri. 2 vols. 8vo. Liujd. Bat. 1671 jlilius Spartianus. Vulcatius Gallicanus. Julius Capitolinus. Trebellius PoUio. iElius Lanipridius. Flavius Vopiscus. Historic Romans Epitoma^, L. J. Flori, C. Veil. Paterculi, et aliorum. 12mo. Amst. 1647 Historia3 Rpmanae Epitomae, Flori, Paterculi, et aliorum ; ex musffio N. Blanckardi. 12mo. Lugd. Bat. 1649 Historical Register; containing an impartial relation of all trans- actions, both civil and military, foreign and domcstick, from Julv 1714 to 1738. • ' 25 vols. 8vo. Lund. 1716-38 HoADLY (Benjamin, Bp. of Winchester). Works ; published by his son, John Hoadly, LL.D. 3 vols. fol. Loud. 1773 The Reasonableness of Conformity represented to the Dissenting Ministers ; in two parts. The second edition.* 8vo. ibid. 1703 A Serious Admonition to Mr. Calamy, occasioned by the first part of his Defence of Moderate Non-Conformity. 8vo. ibid. 1705 A Defence of the Reasonableness of Conformity, &c. in answer to the Objections of Mr. Calamy. With a Reply to his Postscript in answer to the Serious Admonition. 8vo. ibid. 1705 The Original and Institution of Civil Government discussed. To which is added, a large Answer to Dr. F. Atterburv's Charge of Rebellion. 8vo'. ibid. '1110 A plain Account of the nature and end of the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper ; to which are added, Forms of Prayer. The third edition. 8Vo. • ibid. 1735 HoADLY (Benjamin, M.D.) Three Lectures on the Organs of Respira- tion, read at the Royal College of Physicians A.D. 1737; being the Gulstonian Lectures for that year. 4to. Lund. 1740 384 HOA— HOB HoARK (Sir Richard Colt, Bart.) The Ancient History of Wiltshire. South Wiltshire, 1812. North Wiltshire, 1821. 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1812-21 The Modern History of South Wiltshire. 5 vols. fol. ibid. 1822-37 Old and New Sarura, or Salisbury, by Robert Benson and Henry Hatcher. fol. ibid. 1843 Hungerfordiana : or Memoirs of the Family of Hungerford. 8vo. Shastonice, 1823 Registrum Wiltunense, Saxonicum et Latinura, in Museo Britannico asservatum, ab anno Regis Alfred! 892 ad annum Regis Eadwardi 1045; nunc demum notis illustraverunt J. I. Ingram, Sharon Turner, T. D. Fosbroke, Thomas Phillipps, Bart., R. C. Hoare, Bart. ; sumptibus R. C. Hoare. [With MS. corrections by Dr. Ingram.] fol. Loud. 18-27 Chronicon Vilodunense ; sive de Vita et Miraculis Sanctae Edithas Regis Edgari filiae Carmen vetus Anglicum. E codice unico Cottoniano in Museo Britannico asservato, nunc demum in lucem editum: cura Gulielmi Henrici Black; sumptibus R. C. Hoare. fol. ibid. 1830 see also Giraldus Cambrensis. HoBART (Sir Henry). Reports in the reign of K. James I. with some few Cases in the reign of Q. Elizabeth. fol. Lond. 1658 third edition. fol. ibid. 1671 fifth edition, revised by Edward Chilton, fol. ibid. 1724 Reports. First American, from the fifth English edition, with notes, and references to prior and subsequent decisions, by John M. Williams, one of the Justices of the Court of Common Pleas of Massachusetts. 8vo. Boston, 1829 HoBBES (James R.) The Picture Collector's Manual; being a Dic- tionary of Painters, with an alphabetical arrangement of the scholars, imitators, and copyists of the various masters ; and a classification of subjects. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. \^4S) HoBBES (Thomas). Opera Philosophica quae Latine scripsit, omnia in unum corpus nunc primum collecta, studio et labore Gulielmi Moles- worth. 5 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1839-45 • English Works, now first collected and edited by Sir Wm. Molesworth, Bart. 11 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1839-45 ■ Elementa Philosophica de Cive. 12mo. Amst., L. Elzev. 1647 Leviathan; or, the Matter, Form, and Power of a Common- wealth Ecclesiastical and Civil. fol. Lond. 1651 Philosophicall Rudiments concerning Government and Society. 12mo. ibid. 1651 Decameron Physiologicum ; or, Ten Dialogues of Natural Philosophy. 8vo. ibid. 1678 The Art of Rhetoric, with a Discourse of the Laws of England. 8vo. ibid. 1681 Behemoth : the History of the Causes of the Civil Wars of England. 8vo. ibid. 1682 HOB— HOD 385 HoBBES (Thomas). Considerations upon the Reputation, Loyalty, Manners and lieligion of Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury, written by himself. 8vo. Land. 1680 Tripos, in throe Discourses: the first, Humane Nature; the sffond, De Corpore Politico ; the third, Of Liberty and Necessity. The tliird edition. 8vo. Lond. 1684 Thomas Hobbes Angli Malmesburiensis Philosophi Vita [per Rad. Bathurst]. 8vo. CarolopoU, lb81 [HoDDESUox, John.] Tho. Mori Vita et Exitus : or the History of Sir Thomas More, sometime Lord High Chancellor of England. 8vo. Lond. 1652 Hodges (John George). Report of the Proceedings under the Treason Felonv Act, 11 Vict. cap. 1*2., at the Commission Court, Green Street', Dublin, August and October, 1848. 8vo. Dublin, 1848 Report of Mr. Justice Crampton's Charge to the Grand Jury, and the summings-up of the Lord Chief Justice in the Queen v. O'Brien, and the Queen v. Meagher, Queen's Bench, Apiil and May, 1848. 8vo. ibid. 1848 Hodges CNathaniel, M.D.) Loimologia: or, an historical Account of the Plague in London in 1665 : with precautionary directions against the like contagion ; to which is added, an Essay on the different causes of pestilential diseases, and how they become contagious : with Remarks on the Infection now in France, by John Quincv, M.D. 8vo. Lond. 1720 Hodges (William). Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Court of Common Pleas, from Hil. Term 1835 to Mich. Term 1837. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1836-9 The Law relating to Railways and Railway Companies. 8vo. ibkl.\^^l ■ Treatise on the Law of Railways, Railway Companies and Railway Investments. With an Apjjendix, containing all the Statutes, Precedents, &c. Second edition. 8vo. ihld. 1855 Hodgson (Christopher). An Account of the Augmentation of Small Livings, by " the Governors of the Bounty of Queen Anne, for the Augmentation of the* Maintenance of the poor Clergy,'' and of Benefactions by Corporate Bodies and individuals. With Supple- ment. 8vo. Lond. 1826-35 Instructions for the use of Candidates for Holy Orders, and of the Parochial Clergy as to Ordination, &c. : with Acts of Parlia- ment relating to Residence, &c. The fourth edition. 8vo. ibid. 1829 Hodgson (Henry John). Summary of the Law as applied to the Rating of Railways, and other undertakings extending through several Parishes. 12mo. Lond.l^bl Hodgson (John). History of Northumberland. 6 vols. 4to. Newcastle upon Tt/ne, 1820-40 Part II. Vol. I. 1827. Part II. Vol. 2. 1832. Part II. Vol. 3. 1840. Part III. Vol. 1. 1828. Part III. Vol. 2. 1828. Part III. Vol. 3. 1835. Memoirs of the Lives of Thomas Gibson, M.D. ; Jonathan Harle,M.D ; John Horsley, M.A., F.R.S.; William Turner, M.D. 12mo. Neifca»tle, 1831 cc 386 HOD-HOL HoDiERNA (Jo. Baptista). Practicarum Quaestionum ad faraigeratum Textiim, 1. hue edictali C. de secund. niipt., Semicenturia, 8vo. Amst. 1660 HoDY (Humpliiy, D.D.) History of English Councils and Convoca- tions, and of the Clergy's sitting in Parliament; in which is also compi-ehendcd the History of Parliaments, with an account of our Ancient Laws. 8vo. Loud. 1701 HoEFER : see Zeitschrift. HoENN (Georgius Paulus). Iter Juridicum per Belgium, AngHam, Galliam et Italiam. 12mo. IVittebergcB, 1688 HoEPiNGUS (Theodorus). Tractatus Juridico-Historico-Philologicus de Insignium sive Armorum prisco et novo Jure. fol. Noriherg(B, 1642 HoFACKER (Carolus Christophorus). Institutiones Juris Romani methodo systematica adornatte. 8vo. Gottingce, 1773 HoFFBAUER (Joliann Christoph). Naturrecht aus dem Begriffe des Rechts entwickelt. Vierte Auflage. 8vo. Mersehurg, 1825 Hoffmann (Conrad) : see Amis et Amiles. Hoffman (David). Legal Outlines : being the substance of a Course of Lectures in the University of Maryland. vol, 1, 8vo. Baltimore, 1829 A Course of Legal Study. Second edition, enlarged. 2 vols. 8vo. iUd. 1836 HoFMANNus (Job. Jacobus). Lexicon Universale, historiam sacram et profanam omnis aevi omniumque gentium, chronologiam, etc. explanans. 4 vols. fol. Lugd. Bat. 1698 Hog (Sir Roger, of Harcarse). Decisions of the Court of Session, from 1681 to 1691. fol. Edinb. 1757 HoG^us (Gulielmus). Paraphrasis Poetica in tria Johannis Miltoni Poemata, viz. Paradisum Amissum, Paradisum Recuperatum, et Samsonem Agonisten. 8vo. Lond. 1690 — Cato Divinus : sive, Proverbia S^omonis Latino carmine reddita. 8vo. ibid. 1699 HoGAN (William). Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Rolls Court in Ireland, during the time of the Rt. Hon. Sir William M'^Mahon, Bart., Master of the Rolls. 2 vols, 8vo. Bublin, 1828-38 Hogarth (William). The Analysis of Beauty ; written with a view of fixing the fluctuating ideas of taste. 4to. Lond. 1753 Holberg (Louis, Baron). Introduction to Universal History ; trans- lated from the Latin, with notes, by Gregory Sharpe, LL.D. 8vo. Lond. 1755 HoLBOuRNE (Sir Robert). Readings upon the Statute of 25 Edw. III. cap. 2, being the Statute of Treasons ; to which is added. Cases of Prerogative, Treason, &c. by the Rt. Hon. Francis Bacon, Lord Verulara. 12mo. Lond. 1681 IIOL 387 HoLDEN (W). Triennial Directory for 1802, 1803 and 1804. Third edition, 8vo. Loud. 1802 for 1805, 1806 and 1807. Fourth edition. 2 vols. 8vo. ihid. 1805 HoLDEn (William, D.D.) Elements of Speech: an Essay of Inquiry into the natural production of Letters: vith an Appendix conccrninjij Persons Deaf and Dumb. 8vo. Lund. IGCiQ HoLDSwouTH (W. A.) and R. T. Tidswell. The New Law of Marriage and Divorce popularly explained; with a copy of the Act. Second edition. ' V2mo. Land. 1857 HoLFORD (Gcor. a Paris [Hollande] 1682 Iliad, translated, adorned with sculpture, and illustrated with annotations, by John Ogilby. fol. Lond. 1660 Iliad, translated by Alexander Pope. The second edition. 6 vols. 12mo. ihid. 1720-21 Odyssev, translated by Alexander Pope. 5 vols. 12mo. ibid. 1725-6 ■ The Iliads of Homer, with a Comment upon some of his chief places, done according to the Greek by George Chapman. A new- edition, with introduction and notes, bv W. Cooke Taylor, LL.D. " 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. ihid. 1843 The Iliad of Homer, translated almost literally into the Spen- serian stanza, with preface and notes, by W. G. T. Barter. Bvo. Lond. 1854 HoMERici Centones; Virgiliani Centones [Probae Falconiae] ; utrique in quaedam Historiae Sacrae capita scripti. Nonni Paraphrasis Evangelii Joannis, Gr. et Lat. 12mo. Exc. H. Stephanas, 1578 Homes or Holmes (Nathaniel, D.D.) Miscellanea: consisting of Three Treatises: I. Exercitations touching the Kingdom of Christ on earth. II. Fresh Inquiry after Gog and Magog. II L Glimpses of Israel's Call approaching. fol. Lond. 1664 Homeyer: see Sachsenspiegel. Homilies. Certaine Sermons or Homilies appointed to be read in Churches in the time of the late Queen Elizabeth, fol. Lond. 1623 [another edition] to which are added the Constitutions and Canons Ecclesiastical. 8vo. Otford, 1840 HoMMELius (Carolus Ferdinandus). Jurisprudentia Nurnismatibus illustrata, necnon Sigillis, Gemmis ahisque picturis vetustis varie exornata. 12mo. LipsicB, 1763 Rhapsodia Quaestionum in foi^o quotidie obvenientium neque tamen legibus decisarum. Editio quarta; curavit, vitamque auctoris adjecit Car. Gottl. Roessig. 7 vols, in 4, 4to. Byruthi, 1782-6 HON- H OR 391 Hone (Rev. Richard B.) The Lives of James Usher, Archbishop of Armafjh; Henry Hamnioncl, D.D., rector of Penshurst, Kent; John Evelvn, Es*q. author of " Sylva" &c. ; and Thomas Wilson, Bisliop of Sodor and Man. The sixth edition. 8vo. Land. 1846 HoNX : see Hoexn. HoNTHEiM (J. N. de): see Febronius (Justin). Hoocn (Nicohius Vander). Sinondenee of the Rev. J^^dward Pearson, D.D. late Rector of Rempstone, Notts. 8vo. Lund. 1845 Hunter (Joseph). Hallamshire. — The History and Topof^raphy of the Parish of Sliefiield in the County of York; with historical and descriptive Notices of the Parishes of Ecclesfield, Hansworth, Treeton, and Whiston, and of the Chapelry of Bradfield. fol. Lo7id. 1819 South Yorkshire. — The History and Topop^raphy of the Deanery of Doncabter, in the diocese and county of York. 2 vols. fol. ihld. 1828-31 ■ The Hallamshire Glossary. 8vo. ibid. 1829 New llluslrafions of the life, studies, and writings of Shake- speare : supplementary to all the editions. 2 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1845 Three Catalou:ues: see Catalogues. Hunter (Robert). Treatise on the Law of Landlord and Tenant [in Scotland]; with an Appendix containing Forms of Leases. Second edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 1845 Huntingdon Visitation: see Camden Society, No. 43. HuRAULT (Philippe). Memoires : see Petitot, vol. 36. HuRD (Philip). Report of the Case of Adams v. Malkin ; being an L«sue '^ut of Chancei-y, to try if a London Attorney-at-Law was liable to the Baiikru])t Laws as a Money-Scrivener. With a copious appendix lelative to Scriveners. 8vo. Lorui. 1814 HuRD (Richard, Bp. of Worcester). Works. 8 vols. 8vo. Loud 1811 • Sermons preached at Lincoln's Inn, between the years 17(35 and 1770, with a lai'ger Discourse on Christ's driving the merchants out of the Temple. 3 vols. 8vo. ibid. 177G-80 — Introduction to the Study of the Prophecies concerning the Christian Church; and, in particular, concerning the Church of Papal Rome; in twelve Sermons. [Warburtoiiian Lecture.] The fifth edition. 2 vol>. in 1, 8vo. ibid. 1788 Moral and Political Dialogues; with Letters on Chivalry and Romance. The third edition. 3 vols. 12mo. ibid. 1705 Hurlstone (Edwin Tyrrell). A practical Treatise on the Law of Bonds; with an Appendix of Forms, Declarations and Pleas. 8vo. Land. 1835 and J. P. NouMAN. The Exchequer Reports. Reports of Cases argued ai!(l deteimined in the Courts of Exchequer and Exchequer Chamber, lioni Easter Term It) \'ict. to Hihirv Term 21 Viet. vols. 1, 2. 8vo. /7^/ious notes, by John O'Donovan. 5 vols. 4to. Dublin, 1851 Rerum Hibernicarum Scriptores : see O'Conor. Ancient Irish Histories. The works of Spencer, Campion, Hanmer, and Maileburrough. 2 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1809 Narrative of Contests in Ireland: see Camden Society, No. 14. A Geographical Description of the kingdom of Ireland, newly corrected and improved; containing one general Map, lour pro- vincial and thirty-two county Maps, taken from the best Maps, viz. Sir W. Petty's,"Mr. Pratt's, &c. oblong 4to. Lond. 1720 Minutes of Evidence taken l)efore the Select Committee of the House of Lords api)ointed to inquire into the nature and extent of the Disturbances in Ireland. [\\ ith a few MS. notes by Lord Holland.] 2 vols. fol. ibid. 1824^5 410 IRE— IRI Ireland. Statistical Surveys of Counties in Ireland : with obsorya- lions on the means of Improvement ; published under the direction of the Dublin Society. Antrim, by the Rev. John Dubourdieu Armagh, by Sir Charles Coote, Bart. Cavan, by Sir Charles Coote. Cork, by the Rev. Horatio Townsend. . second edition. 2 vols »vo. 8vo. 8vo. Donegal, by James M'Parlan, M.D. Down, by the Rev. John Dubourdieu. Dublin, by Lieut. Joseph Archer, Observations on Mr. Archer's county of Dublin, by Hely Dutton. Gal way, by Hely Dutton. Kildare, by Thos. James Rawson. Kilkenny, by Wm. Tighe. King's County, by Sir Charles Coote, Bart. Leitrim, by James M'Parlan, M.D. 8vo. DiiUin, 1812 8vo. ibid. 1804 ibid. 1802 ibid. 1810 Cork, 1815 8vo. Dublin, 1802 8vo. ibid. 1802 8vo. ibid. 1801 Statistical Survev of the 8vo. ibid. 1802 8vo. ibid. 1824 8vo. ibid. 1807 8vo. ibid. 1802 8vo. ibid. 1801 8vo. ibid. 1802 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 'ibid. 1802 ibid. 1802 ibid. 1801 ibid. 1801 ibid. 1832 ibid. 1802 ibid. 1802 ibid. 1807 ibid. 1801 Londonderry, by the Rev. Geo. Vaughan Sampson. 8vo. ibid. 1802 Mayo, by James M'Parlan, M.D. Meath, by Robt. Thompson. Monaghan, by Sir Charles Coote, Bart. Queen's County, by Sir Charles Coote, Bart. Roscommon, by Isaac Weld. Sligo, by James M'Parlan, M.D. Tyrone, by John M'Evoy. Wexford, by Robert Fraser. Wicklow, by Robert Fraser. [Ireland, John, D.D.] Nuptiae Sacrae ; or, an Inquiry into the Scrip- tural Doctrine of Marriage and Divorce; addressed to the two Houses ot Parhament. First published in 1801, and now reprinted by desire. 8vo. Lond. 1821 Ireland (Sir Thomas) : see Coke (Sir E.) ; and Dyer (Sir James). Ireland (Samuel). Picturesque Views, with an historical Account of the Inns of Court, in London and Westminster. 8vo. Lond. 1800 iRENiEus (S. Episcopus Lugdunensis). Adversus Hsereses Valentini et simihum Libri quinque, cura D. Erasmi Roterodami. fol. BasilecB, 1526 Iriarte (J.) Regies Bibliothecae Matritensis Codices Graeci MSS. Joannes Iriarte, "ejusdem custos, excussit, recensuit, notis, indicibus, anecdotis pluribus evulgatis illustravit. Vol. I. fol. Matiiti, 17(i9 Irish Circuit Reports. Reports of Cases argued and determined on Six Circuits in Ireland : taken during the Assizes, in the years 1841 — 1843 J by H. Smythe, F. Brady, and others. 8vo. Dublin, 1843 IRI— rRV 411 IniSH Equity Reports, of Cases nrfrnecl and determined in tlie Tlit^li Court of Chancery, the Rolls Court, and the Equity Exchcfiuor ; 18:}8— 1851. By Charles Haij?, W. B. Stoker, Ro-^s 8. Moore, Edward S. Trevor, and others. 13 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1839-5*2 Irish Law Reports, of Cases argued and determined in the Courts of Queen's Bcneli, Common Ple:.s, and Exchequer of l*leas ; 1838 — 1850. By Eriincis Jirudy, Jolm Adair, Ross S. Moore, John S. Armstrong, and others. ' 13 vols. 8vo. iJnIilin, 18:39-52 Irish Chanckry Rejjorts, being a scries of Reports of Cases argued and determined iu the High Court of Chancery and the Rolls Court in Ireland; 1850—57. By Michael Robert Westropp, Edward Shirley Trevor, and John Pitt Kennedy. vols. 1—6, Svo. Dublin, 1852-58 .Irish Common Law Reports. Repoits of Cases argued and deter- mined in the Courts of Queen's Bench, Common Pleas, Exchequer, Exclu(|uer Ciianil)er, and Court of Criminal Appeal ; 1850—57. By John S. Armstrong, W. II, Faloon, and others. vols. 1-6, 8vo. Z)//W;7«, 1852-58 Irish Jurist ; containing Reports of Cases decided in the several Courts of Equity and Common Law, Articles on Legal Subjects, &c. "With a Digest of the Cases reported in the first ten volumes of the Irish Law Reports [by John Blackham]. vols. 1—10, 8vo. Dublin, 1849-58 A Digest of the Cases decided in the Courts of Equity in Ire- land, as rejiorted in the first eleven volumes of the Irish Equity Repoi-ts, and the first and second volumes of the Irish Jurist. By J. Blackham and William J. Dundas. 8vo. ibid. 1850 Irish Society. A concise View of the origin, constitution and pro- ceedings of the Hon. Society of the Governor and Assistants of London of the new Plantation in Ulster within the realm of Ireland, commonly called the Irish Society ; compiled principally from their records, with an Appendix of documents. 8vo. Land. 1822 [another edition.] Svo. ibid. 1832 Report of the Deputation appointed by the Honourable the Irish Societv to visit the Citv of London's Plantation in Ireland, in the year 1840. ' 8vo. ibid. 1841 Irish Term Reports: see Ridgeway (W.) Irons (Rev. William J.) The Judgments on Baptismal Regeneration. A Discourse on Heresy and Open Questions is prefixed. Svo. Lond. 1850 Irvine (Alexander Forbes). Itoports of Cases before the High Court and Ciicuit Courts of Justiciarv in Scotland, from June 1852 to December, 1857. ' vols. 1, 2, 8vo, Edinb. I'Sob-S Report of the Trial of Madeleine Smith, before the High Court of Justiciary at Ediidnirgh, June 30th to July 9th, 1857, for the alleged poisoning of Pierre ICmile L'Angelier. Svo. ibid. 1857 Irvine (Patrick). Considerutions on the Inexpediency of the Law of Entail in Scotland; to which arc annexed, Report i)y the Committee appointed at tlie meeting of Proprietors of entailed Estates in Scot- land held at Edinburgh on the 31st of May 1827, and Three Letters relative to Entails. Second edition. Svo. Edinb. 1827 41-2 IRV— ISO Irvine (Patrick). Considerations on Remedial Measures for removing or mitip;a(ing the evils arising from the Law of Entail in Scotland: in a Letter to Thomas F. Kennedy, Esq., M.P. 8vo. Edinh. 1830 Considerations on the Inexpediency of the Law of Marriage in Scotland. 8vo. ibid. 1828 Irving (David, LL.D.) Introduction to the Study of the Civil Law. The fourth edition. 8vo. Lond. 1837 Irvinus (Alexander). De Jure Regni Diascepsis. 12mo. Lngd. Bat. ex off. Elzev. 1627 Irwin CCaptain Fred. Chidley). The State and Position of Western Australia ; commonly called the Swan-River Settlement. 8vo. Lond. 1835 Isaacson (Henry). Saturni Ephemerides, sive Tabula Historico- Chronologica ; containing a chronological series or succession of the foure Monarchyes, and a succession of the Kings and Rulers over most kingdomes and estates of the world, &c. fol. Lond. I(i33 Is^us : see Oratores Gr^ci, and Oratores Attici. IsAMBERT (Francois Andre). Recueil General des Anciennes Loix Frangaises, depuis I'an 420 jusqu'a la Revolution de 1789; avec notes de concordance et Table par MM. Jourdan, Decrusy, Isam- l)ert, Armet et Taillandier. 29 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1822-33 Pandectes Fran(jaises, ou Recueil complet des Lois et de la Jurisprudence, renfermant tons les Actes Constitutionnels et Le- gislatifs, les Traites et Actes Diplomatiques, Decrets, Arretes, Ordonnances et Decisions Royales, Reglemen?, Avis du Conseil- d'Etat, et autres Actes du Gouvernement edits ou inedits, et des annotations puisees aux Registres de la Cour de Cassation. 2 vols, in 1, 4to. Paris, 1834 IscANUS (Jos.) De Bello Trojano : see Dictys Cretensis. IsTDORUS (S. Hi*palensis Episcopus). Opera omnia quae extant, per Jacobum du Breui edita. fol. Paris. 1601 Ethimologiarum Libri XX. [Editio princeps ?] fol. s. I. vela. Believed to have been printed at Strasburg by John Mentelin about 1470. See Panzeri Anuales, I. 74. IsiDORUS (S.) Pelusiota. De Interpretatione Divinse Scripturoe Epistolarum Libri IV., Gr. et Lat., cum notis C. Rittershusii. fol. Ex off'. Commelin. 1606 Islands Landnamabok : see Iceland. Isleworth : see Istleworth. Isocrates. Opera omnia, Gr. et Lat., cum versione nova, triplici indice, variantibus lectionibus, et notis edidit Athanasius Auger. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris. 1782 • Orationes et Epistolae, Graece, cum Latina interpretatione Hie- ronymi Wolfii. 8vo. * Genev(B, 1636 [another edition.] 12mo. Cantab. 1686 Orationes duag : ad Demonicum, et ad Nicoclem ; Gr. et Lat. studio G. Sylvani. 12mo. Oxonii, 1677 ISO— JAC 413 IsoCRATES. The Duty of a Kin^ and liis People : bcinff two Orations of Isocrates ; the one containing the Duty of a King ; the other con- taining the Duty of Subjects. Done into English from the Greek, by James Browii. 8vo. Loud. 173o ■ Orations and Epistles, translated from the Greek by Joshua Dinsdale. 8vo. (bid. 1752 see also Oratgres Attici. Istleworth-Syons Peace : containing certain Articles of Agreement made between the lit. Hon. Algernoone, Earl of Northumberland, Lord of the Manor of Istleworth-Syon in the county of Middlesex, and others, of the one part ; and Sir Tliomas Ingram, and others, copyhold tenants of the said manor, on the other part, &c. 4to. Lond. lf)57 Italia. Codice di Napoleone il Grande pel Resno d' Italia. ^12mo. Milano, 1806 Codice di Procedura Penale pel Regno d' Italia. 8vo. ibid. [1807] Codice dci Delitti e delle Pene ])el Regno d' Italia, colla versions dei Motivi dcgli oratori del Consiglio di Stato, coUocati per ordine di materie ; aggiuntovi il confronto colle Leggi romane e con alcune ordinanze, dichiarazioni e leggi della Francia. 4 vols. 8vo. Hid. 1811 Itterus (Jo. Guilielmus). Commentatio de Feudis Imperii. Editio altera. 8vo. Francof. 1685 [IvERNOis, Sir Francis d'.] Tableau Historique et Politique des Re- volutions de Geneve dans le dix-huitieme siecle. 8vo. Geneve, 1782 IviE (Thomas). Alimony arraigned : or, the Remonstrance and humble Appeal of Thomas Ivie, Esq., from the High Court of Chancery, to his Highness the Lord Protector of the Common-wealth; wherein are set forth the unheard-of pi"ictices and villanies of lewd and defamed women, in order to separate man and wife. 4to. Lond. 1654 Izacke (Richard). Remarkable Antiquities of the City of Exeter; improved and continued to the year 1724, by Samuel Izacke. The third edition. 8vo. Lond. 1731 Jackson (John). Chronological Antiquities: or, the Antiquities and Chronology of the most ancient Kingdoms, from the creation of the world, for the sj)ace of five thou^Jand years. 3 vols. 4to. Lond. 1752 Jackson (Rev. John Edward). History of the ruined Church of St. Mary Magdalene, discovered A.D.* 1846, within the Old Town Hall of Doncaster. 4to. Lond. 1853 ■ History and Descrijition of St. George's Church at Doncaster, destroyed by fire February 28, 1853. fbl. Lond. 1855 414 JAC— JAG Jacob (Edward). History of the Town and Port of Faversliam, in the county of Kent. * 8vo. Lond. 1774 Jacob (Edward). Reports of Cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery, during the time of Lord Chancellor Eldon, 1821—22. 8vo. LoncL 1828 and John Walker. Reports of Cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery, during the time of Lord Chancellor Eldon, 1819—21. 2 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1821-3 Jacob (Giles). Review of the Statutes, both ancient and modern, especially concerning the practick part of the Law. The second edition. 8vo. Lond. 1715 The Modern Justice, containing the business of a Justice of Peace. The second edition ; with an Appendix. 8vo. ibid. 1717-18 Lex Constitutionis : or, the Gentleman's Law ; being a compleat Treatise of all the Laws and Statutes relating to the King and the Prerogative of the Crown ; the Nobility, and House of Lords ; House of Commons, &c. 8vo. ibid.\7\^ Treatise of Laws: oi', a general Inti'oduction to the Common, Civil, and Canon Law. 8vo. ibid. 1721 City Liberties : or the Rights and Privileges of Freemen. 8vo. ibid. 1732 ■ Laws of Estates : or. Freeholder's Companion. 8vo. ibid. 1740 The Students Companion : or. Reason of the Law ; containing Readings on the Common and Statute Laws of this Realm. The third edition. 8vo. ibid. 1743 Law Dictionary. The second edition. fol. ibid. 1732 Law Dictionary, corrected and greatly enlarged, by T. E. Tomlins. " " 2 vols. 4to. ibid. 18U9 see also Tomlins. ■ The complete Court-Keeper ; or, Land-Steward's Assistant. The eighth edition. 8vo. ibid. 1819 Law Grammar, or Rudiments of the Law. Eighth edition, enlarged by John Hargrave. 12mo. ibid. 1840 Jacobsen (Frederick J.) Laws of the Sea, with reference to Maritime Commerce, during Peace and War. Translated from the German, by William Frick. 8vo. Baltimore, 1818 Jacobus : see James I. Jacques de Vitry. Hist, des Croisades: see Guizot — Coll. des Memoires, vol. 22. Jaffe (Philippus). Regesta Pontificum Romanoi-um ab condita Ec- clesia ad annum post Christum natum 1598. 4to. BeroUni, 1851 Jagoe (John). A pi'actical Treatise on the Irish Game Laws; con- taining forms of informations, wari'ants, convictions, &c. ; with an Appendix of all the Statutes. 12mo. io«rf. 1843 ■ The Practice of the County Courts under 9 & 10 Vict. cap. 95. The third edition. 12rao. ibid. 1847 J AG -JAM 416 Jagoe (John). The Practice of Insolvency and Summons for Debt, as transferred to the County Courts and the Court for Relief of Insolvent Debtors. 12tno. Loncl. 1848 Jakob (Ludwifr Hcinrich von\ Entwurf eines Criminal-Gesctzbucheg I'iir das Russische Reich; mit Anmcrkungen iiber die bestehenden Russischen Ciiminaiiresetze. 8vo. Halle, 1818 Jamaica. Acts of Assembly passed in the Island of Jamaica, from 1G81 to 1737, inclusive. fol. Lund. 1740 • The Laws of Jamaica : comprehending all the Acts in force, trom 32 Charles II. to 2U Victoria. 15 vols. 4to. Jamaica, 1802-56 The Revised Statutes of Jamaica, as to Crimes and Misde- meanors : analytically and alphabetically arranged, down to the session 6th Victoria, anno 1842—3, inclusive. 8vo. Lond. 1844 ■ The Courts of Jamaica and their Jurisdiction. By an Island Solicitor. Part I. The Administration of Criminal Justice. 8vo. Lond. 1855 Jame3 I. (Kin-9 ■ Digest of Cases decided and reported in the Supreme Court of Judicature, the Court of Chancery, and the Court for the Correction of Errors of the State of New-York, from 1799 to 1823. Second edition ; with Supplement, 1823-36. 3 vols, in 2, 8vo. Phil. 1837-8 Johnston (Arthur) : see Jonstontjs. Johnston (L. F. C.) Law of Spain: see Asso y del Rio. Johnston (Nathaniel, M.D.) The Excellency of Monarchical Go- vernment, especially of the English Monarchy. fol. Land. 1685 The Assurance of Abby and other Church-Lands in England to the possessors, cleared from the doubts and arguments raised about the danger of Resumption. 12mo. ihid. 1687 ■ The King's Visitatorial Power asserted ; being an impartial relation of the late Visitation of St. Mary Magdalen College in Oxford; as likewise an historical Account of several Visitations of the Universities and particular Colleges ; with some Remarks upon the King's Authority in Ecclesiastical Causes. 4to. ibid. 1688 Johnstone (Jacobus). Antiquitates Celto-Scandicae ; sive Series Rerum Gestarum inter Nationes Britannicarum Insularum et Gentes Sep- tentrionales. 4to. Havnice, 1786 Antiquitates Celto-Normanicae, containing the Chronicle of Man and the Isles, published from the original MS. in the British Museum, with an English translation, and notes. To which are added, Extracts from the Annals of Ulster, &c. 4to. ibid. 1786 The Norwegian Account of Haco's Expedition against Scot- land, A.D. 1263, now first published, in the original Islandic, from the Flateyan and Frisian MSS. ; with a literal English version and notes, by James Johnstone. 12mo. [Copenhagen] 1782 Johnstone (Chevalier de). Memoirs of the Rebellion in 1745 and 174(3; translated from a French MS., originally deposited in the Scots College at Paris. 4to. Lo7id. 1820 JoHNSTONus (Robertus). Historia Rerum Britannicarum : ut et mul- tarum Gallicarura, Belgicarum, et Germanicarum, tarn politicarum, quara ecclesiasticarura, ab anno 1572 ad annum 1628. fol. Amst. 1655 JOI— JON 423 JoiNViLLE (Jean, Sieur de). Hist, de S. Louis : see Petitot, vol. 2. Memoirs of John Lord de Joinville, Grand Seneschal of Cham- pafjne, written by himself; containinu; a History of part of the Life of Louis IX. King of France, surnanied Saint Louis; with the notes and dissertations of M. Du Cange, &c. ; translated by Thomas Johnes, Esq. 2 vols. 4to. Printed at the Ilafuil Press, 1807 JoLY (Claude) : see Loisel. JoLY (Guy et Claude) : Meraoires : see Petitot, 2de ser. vol. 47. Jones (Edward). Index to Records called the Originalia and Memo- randa on the Lord Treasurer's Remembrancer's Side of the Exchequer. 2 vols. fol. Land. 1793-5 Jones (F. C.) The Attorney's and Solicitor's New Pocket Book, and Conveyancer's Assistant: containing the most common and approved Precedents, with practical remarks ; to which is subjoined a Treatise on the Nature of Estates in general. The seventh edition, by John Crisp. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1841 Adaptation to the Law of 1850 ; with additional notes and forms, by Rolla Rouse. 12mo. ibid. 1850 Jones (Inigo). The most notable Antiquity of Great Britain, vulgarly called Stone-Heng on Salisbury Plain, restored by Inigo Jones. fol. Lond. 1655 Jones (James). Sepulchrorum Inscriptiones : or a curious collection of the most remarkable Epitaphs in the kingdoms of Great Britain, Ireland, &c., in English verse. 2 vols. 8vo. Westminster, 1727 Jones (Rev. Jeremiah). A new and full method of settling the Canonical Authority of the New Testament ; to which is subjoined a Vindication of the former part of St. Matthew's Gospel from Mr. Whiston's charge of dislocations. 3 vols. 8vo. Ojford, lldS Jones (Robert). History of the French Bar, ancient and modern; comprising a notice of the French Courts, their officei-s, practitioners, etc., and of the system of Legal Education in France. 8vo. Lojid. 1855 Jones (Theophilus). History of the County of Brecknock ; containing the chorography, genei-al history, religion, laws, customs, manners, language, and system of agriculture used in that countv. 3vols. 4to. Brec knock, 1805-9 Jones (Thomas). Prolusiones AcadcmicaB: Recitationes solennes in Tit. de Judiciis ; Theses de Origine Dominii et Servitutis. 12mo. Oxonicp, IGGO Jones (Sir Thomas). Les Reports de divers special Cases en le Common Bank et en le Court del Bank le Rov, en le rei";ne de le Roy Charles le II. fol. Lond. 1G95 Reports of several special Cases in the Courts of K. B. and C. P. at Westminster, in the reign of Charles II. The second edition ; in French and EngHsh. foh ibid. 1729 Jones (Thomas). Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Court of Exchequer in Ireland, from Mich. Term 5 Will. IV. to Hilarv Term 13 Will. IV. 8vo. Dublin, 1838 424 JON— JOR Jones (Thomas) and Henry Carey. Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Court of Exchequer in Ireland; from Mich. Term 2 Vict, to Trin. Term 3 Vict. vol. 1, parts 1, 2. 8vo. Dublin, 1839 and Edmond Digues La Touche. Reports of Cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery, during the time of Lord Chancellor Sugden. 1844 to 1846. 3 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1846-9 Jones (Sir William). Les Reports de divers special Cases cy bien in le Court de Banck le Roy, come le Common-Banck in Angleterre, cy bien en le darreign temps de Roy Jaques come en I'anns de Roy Charles I. fol. Lond. 1675 see also Debates in Parliament. Jones (Sir William). Works. 6 vols. 4to. Lond. 1799 . Supplemental volumes, containing the vphole of the Asiatick Researches hitherto published, excepting those Papers already inserted in his Works. 2 vols. 4to. ibid. 1801 Life : see Teignmouth. Al Sirajiyyah : or, the Mohammedan Law of Inheritance, with a commentary, by Sir William Jones. fol. Calcutta, 1792 ■ Laws of Menu: in Works, vol. 3. An Essay on the Law of Bailments. 8vo. Lond. 1781 second edition, with introductory remarks, and notes, by John Balmanno. 8vo. ibid. 1798 fourth edition ; with notes on the Law relating to Carriers, Innkeepers, Warehousemen, and other Bailees, by William Theobald. 8vo. ibid. 1833 JoNKTYS (Daniel). De Pyn-Bank wedersproken en beraatigt. Tweede Druk. * 12mo. Amst. 1740 JoNsoN (Ben). Works ; with notes critical and explanatory, and a biographical Memoir, by W. Gifford. 9 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1816 • Conversation with Drummond : see Shakspeare Society, No. 8. JoNSTONUS (xA.rturus). Psalmorum Davidis Paraphrasis Poetica; cum Indice vocabulorum. The Psalms of David according to the translation in the English Bible. 4to. Lond. 1740 Psalmi Davidici, interpretatione, argumentis, notisque illus- trati [cum vita A. Jonstoni, edente W. Benson]. 4to. ibid. 1741 [another edition.] 8vo. ibid. 1741 Psalmi Davidici. 12mo. ibid. 1741 Psalmi Davidici, cum argumentis et notis. 12mo. ibid. 1742 Jopp (James). Historical Reflections on the Constitution and Repre- sentative System of England, with reference to the popular pro- positions for a Reform of Parliament. 8vo. Lond. 1812 JoRGER (Carolus). Disputatio de Regalibus, ex Commentariis G. Obrechti excerpta. 4to. Argent. 1604 JoRTiN (John, D.D.) Remarks on Ecclesiastical History. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1751-54 JOR— JOU 425 JoRTiN (John, D.D.) Discourses concerning; the Truth of the Christian Rclif^ion : and Remarks on Ecclesiastical History. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1805 The Life of Erasmus. 2 vols. 4to. ibid. 1758-60 . The Life of Erasmus. 3 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1808 Sermons and Charges. 4 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1809 Joseph (Roi d'Espagne). Memoires: see Du Casse. JosEPHUS (Flavins). Opera quae reperiri potuerunt omnia, Gr. et Lat. ; recensuit, nova versione donavit, et notis illustravit Joannes Hudsonus. 2 vols. fol. Oxo7i. 1720 Opera omnia, Gr. et Lat., cum notis J. lludsoni et aliorum ; recensuit, notasque suas adjecit S. Havercampus. 2 vols. fol. Avut. 1726 Antiquitatum Judaicarum Libri XX. ; De Bello Judaico Libri VII.; Contra Apionem Libri II.; omnes Latine conversi per S. Gelenium. De Machabaeis Liber unus, a Des. Erasmo recognitus. fol. Basilecp, 1559 Works, translated by Thomas Lodge, Doctor in Physicke. ^ fol. Lond. 1632 Works, revised and amended according to the French transla- tion of M. Arnauld d'Andilly. Also the Embassy of Philo Judicus to the Emperor Caius Caligula. fol. ibid. 1683 Works, translated into English by Sir Roger L' Estrange. The third edition. 3 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1716 JouANNEAU et Solon. Discussions du Code Napoleon dans le Conseil d'Etat. Seconde edition, avec une Table alphabetique et raisonnee, par J. B. Delaporte. 3 vols. 4to. Paris, 1808 JouFFROY (Theodore). Cours de Droit Naturel, professe a la Faculte des Lettresde Paris. Troisieme edition. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1858 JouRDAN (A. J. L.): see Isambert. Journal d'un Bourgeois de Paris: see France— Societe del'Histoire. Journal (The) of Law. vol. 1, 8vo. Philadelphia, 1831 Journals of the House of Lords, from 1509 to 1857. 89 vols, [in 93.] fol. Lond. v. y. . General Index, from 1 Hen. VIII. to 3 Gul. IV. 1509—1833. 5 vols. fol. Lond. 1817-32-34-30-55 Calendar, from the reign of K. Henry VIII. to 14th November, 1826. 2 vols. fol. [Lund. n. d.] Journals of the House of Commons, from 1547 to 1857. 112 vols, [in 114.] fol. Lo)id. v. y. General Index, from 1547 to 1852. 9 vols. fol. Jjond. 1785-1857 Compiled by T. Cunningham; Roger Flexman, D.D.; N. Forster ; E. Moore; S.Dunn; M. C. Hurney; and Thomas Vardon. Reports from Committees of the House of Commons, which have been printed by order of the House, and are not inserted in the Journals, from 1715 to 1800. 15 vols. (Jeneral Index. 1 vol. 1803. 16 vols. fol. Lond. v. y. 426 JOU— JUD Journals of the House of Lords [of Ireland] from 10 Car. I. 1634 to 40 Geo. III. 1800. 8 vols. fol. Dublin, 1779-1800 Journals of the House of Commons of the kingdom of Ireland, from 11 James I. 1613 to 15 Geo. III. 1774. 16 vols. fol. Dublin, 17^3-74 Appendix, containing the Journals, from the 9th of November 1641 to the 26th of March 1647. Published by order of the House of Commons [of Ireland], 10th of May 1764. fol. ibid. 1765 Journals of the House of Commons of the kingdom of Ireland, from 18th of May 1613 to 2nd of August 1800. 19 vols, [in 21.] fol. Dublin, 1796-1800 . General Index, from 1613 to 1800. 2 vols. fol. ibid. 1802 Journals of Societies : see the names of the Societies, Asiatic, Sta- tistical, &c. [JoussE, Daniel.] Nouveau Commentaire sur les Ordonnances des mois d'Aout 1669 et Mars 1673; ensemble sur I'Edit du mois de Mars 1673, touchant les Epices. Nouvelle edition. 12mo. Paris, 1761 [ ] Nouveau Commentaire sur TOrdonnance du Commerce du mois de Mars 1673. Nouvelle edition. 12mo. ibid. 1761 [ ] Nouveau Commentaire sur I'Ordonnance Civile du mois d'Avril 1667. Nouvelle edition, augmentee de I'ldee de la Justice Civile. 2 vols. 12mo. ibid. 1767 Traite de I'Administration de la Justice. 2 vols. 4to. ibid. 1771 Traite de la Justice Criminelle de France. 4 vols. 4to. ibid. 1771 JovELLANOS (Gaspar Melchor de). Informe de la Sociedad Economica de Madrid al Real y Supremo Consejo de Castilla en el Expediente de Ley Agraria. Nueva edicion. 4to. 3Iadrid, 1820 Pan y Toros : Oracion en defensa del estado floreciente de la Espaiia. 12mo. ibid. 1820 Jovius (Paulus, Episcopus Nucerinus). Elogia virorum belHca virtute illustrium, veris imaginibus supposita, quae apud Musseum spec- tantur. fol* Florentice, 1551 Joy (Rt. Hon. Henry). On the Evidence of Accomplices. ^ ^ 8vo. X>MWm, 1836 Joy (Henry H.) On the Admissibility of Confessions and Challenge of Jurors in Criminal Cases in England and Ireland. 8vo. Dublin, 1842 JuDAH (A.) and R. Swan. Cases argued and decided in the Supreme Court of Judicature, Jamaica; June Term 2 Vict. 1839. 8vo. Spani.sh Town, 1839 Judgements, as they were upon solemne arguments given in the Upper-Bench and Common Pleas upon the most difficult points in all manner of Actions, 8vo. Loud. 1655 JUG-JUR 427 JuOLER (Johann Friedrich). Beytrafije zur Juristischcn Biographic, (i vols. 8vo. Lcipzifj, 1773 80 Julius (Nikolaus Heinrich). Vorlesuiif^en iiber die Gefanfrniss- Kuudc, odcr iibcr die ^'erbessenlnf^ der Gefangiiissc, u. s. w. ; nebst eiiier Eiiileitun^; iiber die Zahlen, Arten uiid Ursachcn den Verbrechen in verschiedenen europaischen und anierikaiiisclien Staatcn, u. s. w. 8vo. Berlin, 1828 Juno (Johann von). Darstellung des Ungarischen Privat-Rechtes ; nach den Werken von Emerich von Kelemen, Elias von Georch, von Kovi, von Fleischhaker, u. s. w. Zwevte Auflage. 2 vols. 8vo. Wien, 1827 Jus Personarum Privatum Regni Hungaria-, secundum systema Codicis Civilis Imperii Austriaci. 8vo. Viennce, 1828 JuNGKiiERUS (Melchior). De Legationibus suramorum Imperiorum Libellus. 8vo. Franco/, ad Manium, 1G88 Junius (Franciscus). Opera Theologica. 2 vols. fol. Geneva, 1613 Junius (Franciscus). De Pictura Veterum Libri tres; accedit Catalogus Architectorum, etc. fol. Land. 1694 ■ Etymologicum Anglicanum, ex autographo dcscripsit ct acccs- sionibus permultis auctum edidit Edwardus Lye. Pramittuntur Vita Auctoris et Grammatica Anglo-Saxonica. fol. Oxonii, 1743 Junius (Hadrianus). The Nomenclator, in Latine, Greeke, French and other forreiii tongues; and in English by John Higins, with Index by Abraham Fleming. 8vo. Lotid. 1585 Junius (Melchior). Quaestioues Politicoe. 8vo. Francofurti, 1606 Quaestiones Politica3. 8vo. Aryentorati, 1611 Junius : including Letters by the same writer, under other signatures; to which are added, his confidential Correspondence with Mr. Wilkes, and his private Letters to Mr. H. S. Woodfiill ; with a preliminary essay, notes, &c. Second edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1814 Jura Ecclesiastica : or, a Treatise on the Ecclesiastical Laws and Courts; interspersed with various Cases determined in the Courts of Law and Equity. By a Barrister of the Middle Temple. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1742 Juridical Society. Papers read before the Juridical Society : 1855—1858. 8vo. Lond. 1858 [Juridical Styles.] A com))icte System of Conveyancing, adaj)ted to the present Practice of Scotland : comprehending the constitution, transmission, and extinction of Heritable and Moveable Rights, and Forms of Letters passing his Majesty's Signet. By the Juridical Society of Edinburgh. ' 3 vols. 4to. Edinh. 1826-8 Vol. I. Heritable Hifrlits; third edition. 182(). Vol.11. Moveable lliglUs; third edition. 182(j. Vol. III. Forms of Signet Letters, &c. ; second edition. 1828. Juridisk Repertorium ; udgivet af B. H. v. M. af Morgenstjerne, L. Lange, J. H. Vogt, og J. A. Hjelm. 3 vols, in 1, 12mo. Christiania, 1818-20 428 JUR— JUS Juries. A Guide to English Juries; setting forth their antiquity, power, and duty, from the Common Law and Statutes ; by a person of quality. Also a Letter to the Author, upon the same subject. ^ ^ 12mo. Lo?id. 1682 JuRiEU (Peter). Pastoral Letters, directed to the Protestants in France groaning under the Babylonish Tyranny ; translated from the French. 8vo. Lond. 1689 JuRisPRUDExXCE Musulmane : see Khalil. JuRispRUDENTiA Romana et Attica : continens varios Commentatores, qui Jus Romanum et Atticum, item classicos aliosque auctores veteres emendarunt, explicarunt, illustrarunt, cum praefationibus J. G. Heineccii et P. Wessehngii. 3 vols. fol. Lujd. Bat. 1738-41 Tom. I. Fr. Balduini Opuscula omnia. Tom. II. B. Chesii Interpretationum Juris Libri II.; et de Differentiis Juris Liber. Item Guidi Panciroli Variarum Lectionum Libri II. Tom. III. S. Petiti Leges Atticae, et Commentarius, cum animadversionibus J. Palmerii a Grentemesnil, A. M. Salvinii, C. A. Dukeri, et P. Wesselingii. Jurist (The) : containing Reports of Cases decided in the Courts of Equity and Common Law, and in the Admiralty and Ecclesiastical Court's; with Digests of all the Reports published and Statutes passed, from the year 1837 to 1854; and original articles on legal subjects, all important statutes, the rules and orders of the various Courts, &c. 18 vols, [in 31.] 8vo. Lond. 1838-55 New Series, from the year 1855 to 1858. 4 vols, [in 8.] 8vo. ibid. 1856-59 Jurist (The); or Quarterly Journal of Jurisprudence and Legislation. 3 vols., and vol. 4, no. 1. 8vo. Lond. 1827-32 Jus Civile. Jurisprudentia Vetus Ante-Justinianea ; cum commen- tariis virorum doctorum integris, ex recensione et cum notis Antonii Schultingii, cujus et orationes duae accedunt. 4to. Lugd. Bat. 1717 — . editio nova, cum prcefatione G. H. Ayrer. 4to. LipsicB, 1737 [Contents:]— QusE supersunt ex Caii Institutionum libris IV. Julii Pauli Sententiarum receptarum ad filium libri V. Fragmentum ex Institutionum lib. II. Tituli ex corpore Ulpiani XXIX. Codicis Gregoriani et Codicis Hermogeniani fragmenta. Mosaicarum et Romanarum legum Collatio. Consultatio veteris cujusdam jurisconsulti. Papiniani Responsorum Liber. Dosithei Magistri liber III.; continens D. Adriani Imp. sententias et epistolas. Jus Civile Ante-Justinianeum, codicum et optimarum editionum ope a Societate Jurisconsultorum curatum. Praefatus est et indicem editionum adjecit Gustavus Hugo. 2 vols. 8vo. Berolini, 1815 [Contents:] — Ulpianus; Paulus ; Caius ; Fragmentum veteris Jurisconsulti de juris speciebus et de manumissionibus, Gr. et Lat. ; Codicum Gregoriani et Hermogeniani fragmenta ; Codicis Theodosiani libri sedecim ; Novellae Constitutiones Imperatorum Justiniano anteriorum ; Mosaicarum et Ro- manarum legum collatio; Consultatio veteris cujusdam jurisconsulti; Lex Romana Burgundionum ; Fragmenta Jurisconsultorum aO Constitutiones Imperatorum e finium regundorum auctoribus collecta. JUS 429 Jus Civile. Juris Civilis Antejustinianei Reliquiae inedito?, ex codice rescripto Bibl. Vat., curante Anf^elo Maio. Q. Aurelii Symmachi Oratioiium Partes, cum adnotatiouibus. C. Julii Victons Ars Rhetorica, et L. C. Min. Apuleii Fraginenta de Orthogi^plua. 8vo. Romce, 1H2.3 Vaticana Juris Romani Fraginenta, Roma3 nuper ab Angelo Maio detecta et edita. 8vo. Pansiis, 182:3 editio castigatior. 8vo. Lipsice, 1825 Juris Romani Ante-Justinianei Fragmenta Vaticana, e codice palimpsesto eruit Angclus Maius. 8vo. Berolim, 18U , Juris Civilis Antc-Justinianei ^'aticana Fragmenta, e codice rescripto ab Angelo Maio edita recognovit, commentario et appendice instruxit Alex. Aug. de Buchholtz. 8vo. jRegimonti Borussorum, lo2o Locorum ex Jure Romano Ante-Justiniano ab incerto scriptore collectorum Fragmenta Vaticana; edidit A. Maius, recognovit Augustus Bethmaim-IIollweg. 12mo. Bonim, \«Sd . Recitationcs in quinquaginta libros Digestorum, ex lectionibus variorum protessorum depromta3 et usibus Belgii accommodatae. 5 vols. 8vo. Lovanii, s. a. Juris Civilis Ecloga : Justiniani Institutiones, Ulpiani Regu- larum Liber, Pauli Sententiarum Libri V., Gaii Institutionum Com- mentarii IV., etc. 12nio. ParLsits, 1827 Betrachtung iiber die Frage: Kann man das romische, in Teutscidand sogcnannte gemeine Recht auf wenige einfache und allgemeine Regeln bringen? 8vo. Frankfurt, 1111 Justice. Thoughts on Executive Justice, with respect to our Criminal Laws, particular^ on tiie Circuits. With an Appendix, occasioned by a Charge tiiven to the Grand Jury for the County of Surrey^ The second edition. l"-^mo. Loud. 178o Attributed to the Rev. Martin Madan, D.D. Justice of Peace. The Booke for a Justice of Peace. The Booke that teacheth to keepe a Court Baron or a Leet. Returna Brevmra. Carta Feodi, &c. 12mo. London, R. Tottyl, 1574 The Complete Justice: a Compendium of the particulars incident to Justices of the Peace, either in Sessions or out of Sessions. 12mo. Land. 16:38 The Compleat Justice: being an exact and compendious Col- lection out of such as have treated of the Office of Justices of the Peace, but principally out of Mr. Lambert, Mr. Crompton, and Mr. Ualton. 12mo- ^bid. 1667 Justice of the Peace, and Countv, Borough, Poor Law Union and Parish Law Recorder. Edited 'l)y W. L. Eagle, J. L. Jelhcoe, J. B. Dasent, and others. vols. 1—22, 4to. Lond. 1837-58 Justin I ANUS. Institutionum Libri I III., novis summariis, perpe- tuisque notis illustrati, a Ludovico Russardo. 8vo. Antcerpice, 1566 , Justiniani Institutionum Libri I III. a M. Wcscnbecio editi, argumentis atque scholiis explicati. fol. Basilece, 1572 430 JUS JuSTiNiANUS. Justiniani Iristitutionum Juris Civilis Lib. IV. Acces- serunt Novelise ab Irnerio epitomatae, suis quseque locis contextui inserta?, opera P. ab Area Baudoza. 12mo. Paris, 1591 Justiniani Institutionum Civilium Libri HIT., bipartite cora- mentario illustrati per Eguinarium Baronem. 4to. Pictavii, 1626 Justiniani Institutionum Libri quatuor, notis perpetuis illustrati, studio Arnoldi Vinnii. 12mo. Amst. apud L. Elzev. 1652 . [alia editio] studio A. Vinnii. 12mo. Amst. ex off. Elzev. 1663 . [alia editio] studio A. Vinnii. 12mo. ihid. 1669 Justiniani Institutionum Libri IV. cum annotatioiiibus theo- retico-practicis Lud. G. Martini, 12mo. Bresdce, 1682 Justiniani Institutionum Libi*i quatuor. Accesserunt ex Digestis Tituli de verborum significations et regulis juris. 12mo. Amst. 1710 Justiniani Institutionum Libri IV. ex editione Jacobi Cujacii, cum conimentario Jani a Costa. Accedunt Annotationes et notae Theod. Marcilii et M. A. Mureti, ut et M. T. Alpini Dissertatio de furto per lancem, etc., curante Joanne Vande Water. 4to. Lugd. Bat. 1719 Institutionum Paraphrasis Grceca: see Theophilus. Traductions Fran^aises des Institutes: see Du Caurroy; Ferriere (C. J. de) ; and Ortolan. Justiniani Institutionum Libri Quatuor. The Four Books of Justinian's Institutions, translated into English, with notes, by- George Harris, LL.D. 4to. Lond. 1756 The Institutes of Justinian ; with English introduction, transla- tion, and notes, by Thomas CoUett Sandars. 8vo. ibid. 1853 The Institutes of Justinian, with the Novel as to Successions; translated by William Grapel. Svo. Calcutta, 1855 Justiniani Institutionum Liber primus. The First Book of Justinian's Institutes, with an English version and notes. 8vo. Lo7id. 1749 Institutiones Justiniani in carmen contractae, authore L. Ho- norato Dracone ; denuo editse a J. H. Falcknero. 12mo. BasilecB, 1784 Digestum Vetus. fol. Venetiis, per Baptistam de Tortis, 1494 Digestum Novum. fol. Venetiis, per Nic. Jemon, \4ni Digestorum seu Pandectarum Libri quinquaginta ex Floren- tinis Pandectis repraesentati [per Laelium Taurellium, edente ejus filio Francisco]. [3 vols.] fol. Florentice, in off. Laurentii Torrentini, 1553 Justiniani Codex, fol. Venetiis, per Baptistam de Tortis, 1^'d'^ Justiniani Codex, fol. Liigduni, opera et impensis Magistri Nicolai de Benedictis, 1506 Justiniani, Justini, Leonis (Impp.) Novellae Constitutiones, Graece; ex bibliotheca Huldrici Fuggeri, studio Henr. Scrirageri. fol. Fa7-isiis, exc. M. Stejjhanus, 156S JUS-JUV 431 JuSTixiANUs. Authenticum : Novellanim Constitutioimm Justiniimi Versio vulgata; ex codd. MSS. reccusuit, proleffoineriis, adnotatioiie critica, et var. lect. instruxit Gustavus Erncstus Heimbach. 2 vols. 8vo. Lipsiw, 1851 ■ Levies de Re Rustica, Gr. et Lat., interprete et scholiaste Fran- cisco Balduiiio. Novella Constitutio prima de Ha/redibus, et Fal- cidia, Gr., cum Lat. interp. et scholiis Fr. Balduini. 4to. Paris. 1542 see also Corpus Junis Civilis; Pothier; and Vulteius. JusTiNUS (Marcus Junius). Historian Philippicic, cum notis variorum, curante A. Gronovio. 8vo. Lufjd. Bat. 1719 Historise PhilippicoB ; variantes lectiones adjecit P. Burmannus. 12mo. ibid. 1722 • Histoire Universelle dc Trof^ue Pompee rcduite en abbre Kin^s and Queens thereof, from the earliest account of time to the death of K. William III. 3 vols. fol. Land. 1706 second edition, with amendments, and additions to the third volume. 3 vols. fol. ibid. 1719 Contents:— Vol. I.— 1. History of Britain to William the Conqueror. By IMr John Milton. 2. From t'le Conquest to the end of K. Edward III. By Samuel Daniel. S. Reigns of K. Richard II. K. Henry IV. V. and VI.; writ in Mr. Daniel's nietliod. 4. Reign of K. Edward IV. By John Habington. 5. Lives of K. Edward V. and Richard III. By Sir The. Moore. Translated from the Latin orifjinal. 6. Life of K. llichard III. By George Buck. 7. Life of K. Henry VII. By Francis, Lord Bacon. Vol. II.— 1. History of K. Henry VIII. By Edward, Lord Herbert of of Cherbury. 2. Life of K. Edward VI. By Sir John Hayward. 3. Life of Queen Mary. By Francis Godwin, Bp. of Hereford. 4. History of Queen Elizabeth. By Wiiliam Camden. 5. Annals of K. James I. By W. Camden. 6. History of K. James 1. By Arthur Wilson. Vol. III.— Reigns of Charles I.— William III. Writ by a learned and impartial Hand. [White Kennett.] Register and Chronicle, Ecclesiastical and Civil: containing matters of fact, delivered in the words of the most authentick Books, Papers, and Records; with notes and references, fol. Loud. 1728 Parochial Antiquities attempted in the History of Ambrosden, Burcester, and other adjacent parts in the counties of Oxford and Bucks. A new ediiion, rrreatlv eidarjred from the author's manuscript notes [by the Rev. B. Bandii'iel, U.D.] 2 vols. 4to. Oxford,\^lS Ecclesiastical Synods and Pailiamentary Convocations in the Church of Enoland historically stated, and justly vindicated fix)m the misrepresentations of Mr. Atterbury. 8vo. Loud. 1701 The Case of Impropriations, and of the Aulc Bencficiis : cuin commentario perpituo itenique ^lossario et iiidice amplissinio Hieronymi voii der Lalir. Accedit Codex Juris Provincialis et FcuJalis Alemannici, ex Bibliotlieca Cicsarea. KoENiGSWARTER (Louis J.) Sources et Monumrnts du Droit Fran- Qais anterieurs au quinzieme sieclo. lt2ino. Paris, 1853 KcEPPEX (Adolplius Louis). The World in the Middle 'Arres: an historical Geo,d. Bat. ex off. Elzev. 1630 • Angliffi Descriptio: see Smith (Sir Thomas). L^TUs (C. Erasmus Michaelius). De Re Nautica Libri IIIl. 4to. BasilecBf 1573 L^TUS (Pomponius). De Romanis Magistratibus, Sacerdotiis, Jnris- pei-itis, et Legibus Libellus. 4to. Luteti(B, 1550 — see also Fenestella (Lucius). Enchiridion de Origine Juris ejusque Interpretatione, etc., cum animadversionibus C. A. Ruporti. Timo. Jence, 1661 La Fare (Marquis de). Memoires : see Petitot, 2de ser. vol. 6Q. Lafaye ( ). Dictionnaire des Synonyraes de la Langue Francaise, avec une introduction sur la Theorie des Synonymes. 8vo. Paris, 1858 La Fayette (Madame de). Memoires : see Petitot, 2de ser. vols. 64-66. LAF— LAL 447 La Feuille (Daniel de). Essai d'un Dictionnaire contonant la con- noissnnce dii inoiide, des sciences uni\ers;eller>, etc.; represente par des ti^ure? liicioglyjjhiques, cxpliquees en prose et en vers. 4to. Amsi. 1700 Lakfaroe (Madame) : see Proces. La Fontaine (Jean dc). Oeuvres. Nouvelle edition, revue, mise en ordre, et acconipairnec de notes, par C. A. Walckenaci'. 6 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1827 La FoNTENELr.E de Vaudore (Armand Desire de). Revue Aiiglo- Fraiif;aise, dcstinee a, recueillir toutes les donnees liistoriqucs et autres, se rattncliant aux points de contact entre la France, I'Aqui- taine el la Normandie, la (ii-ande-Brctatrne et I'lrlande; rediiree jjar une societe de Savans et de J.ilteratcurs, et jnibliee sous la direction de M. dc la Fontenelle de Vaudoi-e. vols. 1—3, 8vo. Poitiers, 1833-5 Lagrange (J. J. Eurjene). Manuel de Dioit Remain, ou Examen sur les Institutes de Justinien, presente par demandes et reponses. 12mo. Paris, 1828 La Guillatiere: see Guillatiere. Lagus (Conradus). Mctliodica Juris Utriusque Traditio; cum sum- mariis et sclioliis Justini Goblcii. 8vo. LiKjdani, 1592 [La Hamaide, Vincent.] L'Art de Contracter et Tester. 12nio. Licrje, 1720 La Hamaide (Ign. Fr.) : see Hameda. Lahaye, Waldeck-Rousseau, GinAUDiAS, Dr. Morineau, et Fave. Le Code Civil annote des Lois Romaincs, des Lois, Docrets, C)r- donnanccs, Avis du Conseil d'Etat, d( s Circnlain^s Ministerielles puLdiees depuis sa promulfTHtion jusqu'a nos jouis, et des opinions des auteurs qui ont ecrit sur le Code. Deuxieme edition. 4to. Paris, 1843 Laine (P. Louis). Arcliives pjenealofriques ct historiques de la Noblesse de Fi'ance, on Recneil de Pi'euve?, Memoiresot Notices genealociqucs servant a, constater I'ori^ine, la filiation, les alliances et les illustrations relitiieuses, civiles et militaires de diverses niaisons et families nobles du royaume. 10 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1828-46 Laing (Henry). Ancient Scottish Seals: see Bannatyne Club, No. 92. Laing (Malcolm). History of Scotland, from flie union of the Crowns, on tlie accession of James ^'I. to the throne of En.iland, to the union of the Kinjidoms in the reign of Q. Anne. The third edition; with a pieliminary Dissertation on the participation of Mary, Queen of Scots, in the murder of Darnley. 4 vols. 8vo. Loud. 1819 Laing (Samuel t. Heimskringla : see Snorro. Lake (Kdwai'd). Memoranda: touchinii' the Oatli ex Officio, pre- tended Self-Accusation, and Canonical Purgation. 4to. LoiuL 16d2 Lalain (Jacques de) : see BuciioN — Chroniqucs Nationales, vol. 41. Lalouette (CI. Jos.) Elemens de TAdministration pratique. 4to. Paris, 1812 448 LAM Lamare (Nicolas de) et Leclerc du Brillet. Traite de la Police, contenant I'histoire de son etablissenient, les fonctions et les pre- rogatives de ses Magistrals, &c, 4 vols. fol. Paris, 17-22-38 Lamartine (Alplionse de). Voyage en Orient, 1832 — 1833. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1843 ' Histoire des Girondins. 8 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1847 . Histoire des Constituants. 4 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1855 Histoire de la Restauration. 8 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1851-2 Histoire de la Revolution de 1848. 2 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1849 Lambard (Gulielmus). Arcliaionomia, sive de pi'iscis Anglorum legibus libri, sermone Auglico, vetustate antiquissimo, aliquot abhinc seculis coiisci'ipti, nunc demum e tenebris in lucem vocati, Gulielmo Lambardo interprete. 4to. Lond. 1568 . [alia editio.] Accessere Leges Henrici primi, nunc primum editi, cum glossario. fol. Cantab. 1644 Archion, or a Commentary upon the High Courts of Justice in England. 12mo. Lond. 1635 • Archeion : or, a Discourse upon the High Courts of Justice in England; newly corrected, and enlarged according to the authors copie. rimo. ibid. 1635 • Eirenarcha, or, of the Office of the Justices of the Peace, in foure Bookes. 8vo. ibid. 1610 The Duties of Constables, Borsholders, Tythingmen, and such other lowe and lay Ministers of tlie Peace. Wherennto be adjoyned, the severall offices of Church Ministers and Cburch- wardens, and Overseers for the Poore, Surveyours of the Highwaies, and Distributors of the provision against novsome foule and vermine. 8vo. ibid. 1610 Perambulation of Kent: conteining the Description, Hystorie, and Customs of that Shyre ; first published in the yeere 1576, and now increased and altered after the author's owne last copie. 4to. ibid. 1596 Lamoignon. Recueil des Arretes de M. le premier Presiden^ de Lamoignon, avec les recherches et les reflexions des jurisconsultes qui, par ses ordres, avoient prepare son travail. Nouvelle edition, augmentee par M. Richer. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1783 La Mothe le Vayer (Francis). Notitia Historicorum Selectorum, or Animadversions upon the antient and famous Greek and Latin Historians; translated into English, with some additions, by W. D. 8vo. Oxford, 1678 Lamotte (Charles, D.D.) Essay upon Poetry and Painting with relation to the Sacred and Profane History. 12mo. Lond. 1730 Lampredi (Joannes M.) Juris Publici Universalis sive Juris Na- turae et Gentium Theoremata. 3 vols. 12mo. Liburni, 1776-78 Trattato del Commercio dei Popoli Neutrali in tempo di guerra. 12mo. M llano, 1831 Lampridius (tEHus) : see Historic Augustas Scriptores. LAM -LAN 449 Lams (Willem Gerritsz). Het p:root Prcvilegie en Ilantvest Boock van Kenneinerlandt en Kenncmer-Gevoloh. 4lo. Amst. 1GG4 Lam Y (Bernard). Entretiens sur les Sciences. Troisieme edition. 12mo. Lyon, 1706 Lancaster. Ducatus Lancastriae.— Calendariura Inquisitionum post Mortem, &:c. : sec Recoud Commission. Lancaster. The Charters of the Duchy of Lancaster ; translated and edited by William Hardv, and printed by order of the Chancellor and Council of the Duchy. 8vo. Lond.l^Ab [Lancelot, Claude.] Grammaire Generale et Raisonnee; conten^nt les fondemens de Tart de parler. 12nio. Amst. 1703 Lancelot (N.) Le parfait Ambassadeur: see Vera y Zuniga. Lancelottl'S (Conradus). Tractatus de Officio Praetoris, PraEtorium et Curiale Breviarium inscriptus. Accessit ejusdem Libellus de Decurionibus. 8vo. Col. Ayripp. 1578 Lancelottus (Joannes Paulus). Institutionum Juris Canonici Libri IV., annotatiunculis Hieronymi Eleni illustrati. 8vo. Antv. 1506 Institutioncs Juris Canonici. 8vo. Lovanii, 1578 Institutioncs Juris Canonici. Adjectae sunt hac editione Joannis Doujatii Notju. 2 vols. 12rao. Paris. 1085 see also Corpus Juris Canonici. Lancellottus (Robertus). Tractatus de Attentatis et Innovatis, Lite, et Appellatione pendente. fol. Franrqf. ad Moenum, 1600 Landed Property. Certain Ancient Tracts concerning the Manage- ment of Landed Property reprinted. 8vo. Land. 1767 Containing : Xenophon's Treatise of Householde, annotated by Gentian Hervet; The Boke of Husbandry ; and Surveyinge; by Sir A. Fitzherbert. Land Revenue. The Reports of the Survevor General of his Ma- jesty's Land Revenue. [1797, 1802, 1806,' 1809.] Ordered by the House of Commons to be printed. fol. Land. {Reprinted) 1812 Lane (Richard). Reports in the Court of Exchequer, from the ^rd jo the 9th year of the raign of the late King James, fol. Loud. 1657 Lank (Thomas). The Student's Guide through Lincoln's Inn: con- taining an account of that Hon. Society, the forms of admission, keeping terms, &c. Fourth edition. 8vo. Loud. 1823 second edition. 8vo. ibid. 1805 [first edition.] 8vo. ibid. 1803 Lanercost — Chronicon de : see Bannatyne Club, No. 67. Lanobaine (Gerard). An Account of the English Dramatick Poets. 8vo. Oxford, 1691 Langenstein (Hugo von). Martina: see Stuttgart Soc, vol. 38. Langhornius (Daniel). Elcnchus Antiquitatum Albionensium Bri- tannorum, Scotorum, Daiiorum, Anglosaxonum, &.c. ; cum brcvi Regum Picticorum chronico. 8vo. Loud. 1673 ■ Introduction to the History of England ; with a Catalogue of the British and Pictish Kings. 8vo. Lo7id. 1676 g g 450 LAN -LAP Langius (Carolus Henricus). Institutiones Stili Romani. 8vo. Luheca;, 1735 [Langius, J. P.] Democritus Riclens : sive Campus Recreationum honestarum ; cum Exorcismo MelancholisE. 12mo. AmU. 1649 Langland (Robert). Visio Willi de Petro Plouhman. Item, Visiones ejusdem de Dowel, Dobet, et Dobest. The Vision of William concernina: Peirs Plouhman, and the Visions of the same concerning the Origin, Progress, and Perfection of the Christian Life, asci'ibed to Robert Langland, a secular priest in the county of Salop. Printed from a MS. contemporary with the author, collated ■with two others ; together with an introductory discourse, a per- petual commentaiy, annotations, and a glossary, by Thomas Dunham Whitaker, LL.D."^ ' 4to. Loncl 1813 Langley (L.) Principia Saxonica : or an Introduction to Anglo- Saxon Reading, comprising ^Ifric's Homily on the Birthday of St. Gregory : with a preliminary essay, illustrations, and glossary. 12mo. Lond. 1844 Langley (Thomas). History and Antiquities of the Hundred of Desborough, and Deanery of Wycombe, in Buckinghamshire. 4to. Lond. 1797 Langlois (Eustache Hyacinthe). Essai sur la Calligraphic des Manu- scrits du Moyen-Age, et sur les Ornements des premiers Livres d'Heures imprimes. 8vo. Rouen, 1841 Langtoft (Peter). Chronicle: see Hearne. Lanigan (John, D.D.) An Ecclesiastical History of Ireland, from the first introduction of Christianity among the Irish to the beginning of the thirteenth century. 4 vols. 8v'o. Dublin, 1822 Lanjuinais (Le Comte Jean Denis de). La Bastonnade et la Flagel- lation Penales, considerees chez les peuples anciens et chez les modernes. 12mo, Paris, 1825 La Noue (Francois de). Memoires : see Petitot, vol. 34. Lansdowne (George Granville, Lord). Poems ; the third edition. 12mo. Lond. 1721 Lansius (Thomas). F. A. D. W. [Friderici Achillis, Ducis Wurtem- bergise] Consultatio de Principatu inter provincias Europae. Editio tertia. 8vo. Tubingce, 1626 La Peyrere (Isaac). Prae-Adamitffi : see Peyrerius. Lapinius (Euphrosynus). Institutionum Florentinae Linguae Libriduo. 12mo. Florentine, ajnid Junctas, 1574 [La Place, P. Ant. de.] Pieces Interessantes et pen connues pour servir a I'histoire. 8 vols. 12mo. Bruxelles, 1781-90 La Place (Le Marquis Pierre Simon de). Oeuvres. 7 vols, in 4, 4to. Paints, Imprimerie Roy ale, 1843-47 La Porte (Pierre de). Memoires : see Petitot, 2de ser. vol. 59. Lappenberg (J. M.) und Reinhold Patjli. Geschichte von England, vols. 1 — 4, 8vo. Hamburg and Gotha, 1834-55 LAP— LAT 451 Lappenberq (J. M.) History of England under the Anglo-Saxon Kings; translated from the German by Benjamin Thorpe, with additions and corrections by the author and the translator. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1845 History of England under the Norman Kings : to -nhich is pre- fixed an tlpitomc of the early History of Normandy. Translated from the German by B. Thorpe, with additions and corrections by the translator. 8vo. Oxford, 1857 Die altcsten Stadt-Schiff-und Landrechte Ham burgs. 8vo. Hamh. 1845 Die ^liniaturen zu dem Hamburgischcn Stadtrechte vom Jahre 1497, crliiutert von J. M. Lappenberg" 4to. ibid. 1845 Lardizabal y Uribe (Manuel de). Discurso sobrc las Penas, con- traido a las Leyes Criminales dc Espaiia, para facilitar su retbrma. Segunda edicio'n. 12mo. Madrid, 1828 Lardner (Nathaniel, D.D.) Works; with a Life by Dr. Kippis. 10 vols. 8vo. Lo„d. 1838 La Rive (Au^ustc de). Traite d'Electricite theorique et appliquee. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1854-8 La Roche (P. L.) : see Le Fevre de la Roche. La Rochefoucault (Francois, Due de;. Reflexions, ou Sentences et Maxiracs Morales; avec les Maximes de Madame la Marquise de Sable ; les Pensees Diverses de Mr. L. D. ; et les Maximes Chre- tiennes de M.***. 12mo. Lausanne, Yi^H Moral Maxims and Reflections, now made English. The second edition. 12mo. Zo«r/. 1706 [another edition] with notes. 12mo. Wnd. 1749 Memoires: see Petitot, 2de ser. vol. 51, Las Cases (Marin Joseph Emmanuel Dieudonne, Comte de). Me- morial de Sainte-Helene. Journal de la Vie privee et des Conver- sations de I'Empercur Napoleon a Sainte Heltiie. 8 parts in 4 vols. 8vo. Land. 1823 Lasson (Peter Carl). Haandbog i den norske Processes forste Deel. 8vo. Christ iania, 1843 Haandbog i den norske Processes anden Deel. 2 parts in 1 vol. 1835—6. Supplement, 1841. 2 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1835-41 Latch (Jean). Plusieurs tres-bons Cases, adjudgees es trois premiers ans du Rov Ciiarles I. en la Court de Bank le Roy; publiees par Edward Walpoole. fol. Land. 10(32 Latham (Robert Gordon, iNI.D.) The English Language. Third edition. 8vo. Land. 1850 An Elementary English Grammar. 12mo. ibid. 1851 Hand-Book of the English Language. 12mo. ibid. 1851 Lathbury (Rev. Thomas). History of the Nonjurors: their contro- versies and wiitings ; with remarks on some of the Rubrics in the Book of Common" Prayer. 8vo. Zo«f/. 1815 History of the Convocation of the Church of England from the earliest period to the year 1742. Second edition, with additions. 8vo. ibid. 1853 G G 2 452 LAT— LAW Latimer (Hugli). Sermons and Remains : see Parker Society. Laud (William, Arclibp. of Canterbury). A Relation of the Con- ference between William Laud, Archbishop of Canterbury, and Mr. Fisher the Jesuite; with an Answer to such Exceptions as A. C. takes against it. The third edition. fol. Lond. 1673 The History of the Troubles and Tryal of William Laud, Arch- bishop of Canterbury ; wrote by himself duriiig his imprisonment in the Tower. With a Diary of his own Life, &c. Published by Henry Wharton. 1695. " The second volume of the Remains of William Laud, written by himself; collected by Henry Wharton, and published by the Rev. Edmund Wharton, his father. 1700. ^ 2 vols. fol. ibid. 1695-1700 Lauder (Sir John) : see Fountainhall. Lauriere (Eusebe de): see Coutumes de Paris; France— Ordon- nances ; and Ragueau. Laussat (Anthony). Essay on Equity in Pennsylvania. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1826 Lauterbachius (Wolfgangus Adamus). Compendium Juris, a J. J. Schiitz editum. 8vo. StuUjardia;, 1698 Collegium Pandectarum Theoretico-Practicum, studio Ulrici ThomiE Lauterbachii. Editio sexta. 3 vols. 4to. Tuhiruj(e, 1784 Lavallee (Theophile). Histoire des Francais depuis le temps des Gaulois jusqu'en 1830. 4 vol^. 8vo. Paris, 1838-40 Lavaterus (Lu(lovicus). Commentarius in Libros Chronicorum. Editio secunda. fol. Heidelh. 1600 in Librum Ruth Homihae XXVIII. 8vo. ibid. 1601 Lavaur (Guillaume de). Histoire de la Fable conferee avee i'Histoire Sainte, ou Ton voit que les grands Fables, le Culte et les Mysteres du Paganisme ne sont que des copies alterees des histoires, des , usages et des traditions des Hebreux. 2 vols. 12mo. Amst. 1731 La Ville (J. C. de) : see Causes Celebres. Law. Institutions, or principall grounds of the Lawes and Statutes of England ; newly corrected, with additions. 8vo. Lond. 1625 Topicks in the Laws of England; containing media, apt for argument, and resolution of Law Cases: also an Exposition of severall words not touched by former Glossaries. [By John Clay- ton?! 12mo. ibid. 1646 The Exact Law-giver ; faithfully communicating to the skilful! the firm basis and axioms of their profession ; to the ignorant their antient and undoubted birthrights and inheritances. 12mo. ibid. 1658 The Young Lawyer's Recreation : being a choice Collection of several pleasant Cases, Passages, and Customs m the Law. 8vo. ibid. 1694 The Impartial Lawyer: setting forth such special adjudged Cases, as immediately concern such persons as are exercis'd in the Laws of Eni^land. 8vo. ibid. 1709 LAW 453 Law-Cases. Speciall and selected Law-Cases, concerninfj the persons and estates of all men whatsoever; collected out of the Reports and Year-Books of the Common Law of England. 4to. Lund. 1041 Law Journal; comprising; Reports of Cases in the Courts of Chan- cery, Kint,''s Bench, Common Pleas, Exchequer of Pleas, and Exchequer Chamber, and Cases connected with the duties and office of Magistrates, from Mich. Term IBli'i to Trin. Term 1831. '^ 9 vols. 4to. Loud. 1823-31 New Series. The Law Journal Reports: comprising Reports of Cases in the House of Lords, and in the Courts of Chancery and in Bankruptcy, Queen's Bench and the Bail Court, Conmion Pleas, Exciiequer and Exchequer Chamber; with a separate arran<,a'mcnt of Cases relatin-30 Law List : being a List of the Judges and Officers of the difterent Courts of Justice; Counsel, with the dates of their call and Inns of Court, Special Pleaders, Conveyancers; and certificated Attorneys, Notaries, &c., in England and' Wales. 1801—1858 [wanting the years 1802, 1805, 1808.] By S. Hill, T. Cockell, and W. Powell. •^ '55 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1801-58 1779, 1783, 1789, 1795. By J. Browne. 4 vols. 12mo. ibid. 1778-94 Law Magazine ; or. Quarterly Review of Jurisprudence, June 1828 to February 1856. 55 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1830-56 Vols. 32 to 55 are also entitled New Series, vols. 1 to 24. Vol. 12 contains a general Index to the first twelve volumes, and vol. 31 an Index from vol. 13 to 31. see also Monthly Law Magazine. Law Review-, and Quarterly Journal of British and Foreign Juris- prudence. November 1844 to Februarv 18j(). 23 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1845-56 Law Magazine and Law Review, or Quarterly Journal of Jurisprudence. May 1856 to August 1858. vols. 1-5, 8vo. ibid. 1856-58 454 LAW Law Recorder, containing Reports of Cases and Proceedings in the Courts of Law and Equity, &c. at Dublin and elsewhere, from Mich. Term, 1827, to Tiin. Term, 183L With E^^says, Communications, &c. on Legal subjects. 4 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1828-31 New Series. Hilary Term 1833 to Trinity Term 1838. By Thomas Wright and others. 6 vols. 8vo. ibid. [1833-38] Law Students' Magazine, August 1844 to December 1848. 6 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1844-48 ■ New Series ; with Abridgments of Practical Cases and Supplement, Januaiy 1849 to December 1851. 3 vols. 8vo. ihid. 1849-51 Law Times, and Journal of Property, from April 1843 to March 1851. 16 vols. fol. Lond. 1843-51 Journal and Record of the Law and the Lawyers, from April 1851 to September 1858. vols. 17—31. fol. ibid. 1851-58 Reports of all the Cases argued and determined in all the Courts of Law and Equity, in Bankruptcy, Insolvency, Nisi Prius, the Criminal Courts, and in Ireland, fiom April 1851 to September 1858. vols. 17-31. fol. ibid. 1851-58 ^ Law-Visions; or. Pills for Posterity. By Dim. Sasson. 12mo. Lond. 1736 Law (James Thomas). Forms of Ecclesiastical Law; or, the Mode of conducting Suits in the Consistory Courts : being a translation of the first part of Oughton's Ordo Judiciorum, with additions. 8vo. Lond. 1831 The Acts for Building and promoting the Building of additional Churches in popidous Parishes, arranged and harmonized, with a preamble, and appendix. Third edition. 8vo. ibid. 1853 Lawes (Edward). A practical Treatise on Charter-Parties of Affreight- ment, Bills of Lading, and Stoppage in transitu; with an Appendix of Precedents. 8vo. Lond. 1813 Lawes (Edward). The Act for promoting the Public Health, with notes. 12mo. Lond. 1849 Lawrence (Frederick). The Common Law Procedure Act, 1852 (15 & 16 Vict. c. 76.), with an introduction. 8vo. Lond. 1852 The Life of Henry Fielding ; with notices of his writings, his times, and his contemporaries. 8vo. ibid. 1855 Lawson (John, D.D.) Lectures concerning Oratory, delivered in Trinity College, Dublin. 8vo. Dublin, 1759 Lawton (George). A brief Treatise of Bona Notabilia : together with an Account of the Archiepiscopal Courts of Probate, within the pro- vince of York ; and of the other Courts of Probate, in the counties of York and Nottingham. 8vo. J'or/c, 1825 Lawyers. Strictures on the Lives and Characters of the most eminent Lawyers of the present day: including the Lord Chancellor, and the twelve Judges. 8vo. Lond. 1790 Law and Lawyers; or, Sketches and Illustrations of Legal History and Biography. 2 vols. 12mo. ihid. 1840 LAW—LEB 455 Lawyer's and Magistrate's Magazine: in which is included an account of every important proceeding in the Courts at Westminster, from 1790 to' 1794. 6 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1790-4 Layamon's Brut, or Clironicle of Britain ; a poetical Scmi-Saxon para- phrase of the linit of Wace. Now first published from the Cot- tonian manuscripts in the British Museum ; accom])anied by a literal translation, note?, and a grammatical glossary, by Sir Frederic Madden. 3 vols. 8vo. Zonrf. 1H47 Layard (Austen Henry, D.C.L.) Nineveh and its Remains : with an account of a visit to the Chalda-an Christians of Kurdistan, and the Yezidis, or Devil-worshippers; and an enquiry into the manners and arts of the ancient Assyrians. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1849 Layard (Charles Peter, D.D.) Sermons. 8vo. Zo«(/. 1804 Layensi'iegel: sec Tengler. Laziardus (Johannes) Ccelestinus. Ilistoriae Universalis Epitome, cum Hul)erti Velleii additione. Ibl. Paris, J. Kerver, 1501 Leach (Thomas). Cases in Crown Law, determined by the twelve Judges ; by tlic Court of King's Bench ; and by Commissions of Oyer and Terminer, and General Gaol Delivery, from 4 Geo. II. to 40 Geo. III. The third edition. 2 vols. 8yo. Lond. 1800 fourth edition. 2 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1815 Le Baron (Felix Amedee). Le Code des Etrangers, ou Recueil des Lois et de la Jurisprudence Anglaise concernant les Etrangers dans le royaume-uni de la Grande-Bretagneetd'Irlande, et tons les aulrcs domaines Bretons. 8vo. Londres, 1849 Le Bas (Rev. Charles Webb). The Life of Thomas Fanshaw Mid- dleton, late Lord Bishop of Calcutta. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1831 Lebeau ( ). Nouvcau Code des Prises, ou Recueil des Edits, Declarations, Lettrcs patentes. Arrets, Ordonnanccs, kc. sur la course et I'administration des Prises, depuis 1400 jusqu'a retablissement du Conseil des Prises. 3 vols. 4to. Paris, An 7-9 [1798-1800J Leber fC.) Histoire Critique du Pouvoir Municipal, de la condition des Cites, des Villes et des Bourgs, et de 1' Administration comparce des Communes, en France. 8vo. Paris, 1828 Collection des meilleurs Dissertations, Notices, et Traites par- ticuliers relatifs a I'histoire de France, composee, en grandc partie, de pieces rares, ou qui n'ont jamais ete publiees separement. 20 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1838 Le Blanc (John Bernard). Letters on the English and French Nations. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1747 Le Blanc (Vincent). The World surveyed : or, the famous Voyages and Travailes of Vincent Le Blanc; faithfully rendered into English by F[rancis] B[rooke]. ' fol. Lond. I(i(i0 Le Blond ( ). Question Canonique s'il est permis d'exiger et de recevoir des Dotes pour les cnfans qui entrent en religion. 12mo. I^ii'gc, s. a. Le Bret (Cardin). Recueil il'aucuns Plaidoycz faicts en lu Cour des Aydes: avec les Arrests et Regleraens advenus sur iceux. 8vo. Paris, 1604 456 LEB-LED Le Brun (Denis). Traite des Successions. Seconde edition. ^ ^ fol. Pam, 1700 Traite de la Communaute entre Mari et Femme ; avec un Traite des Communautez ou Societez tacites : ouvrage posthume, donne^au public par les soins de Louis Hideux. fol. ibid. 1709 Lb Carpentier (J.) Histoire Genealogique de la tres-ancienne et tres-noble Famille de Herlin. fol. Le^/de, 1669 Le Cat (Claude Nicolas). A Physical Essay on the Senses ; trans- lated from the French. 8vo. Lond. 1750 Le Cene (Charles). An Essay for a new Translation of the Bible. In two parts. [Translated from the French] by H[uf2;h] R[oss]. ^ 8vo. Lond. 1702 '. second edition. 8vo. ibid. 1727 Le Clerc (Daniel, M.D.) The History of Physick, made English by Dr. Drake and Dr. Baden, with additional notes. 8vo. Lond. 1699 [Le Clerc, Jean.] La Vie du Cardinal Due de Richelieu, principal Ministre d'Etat de Louis XIII. 2 vols. 12mo. Cologne [Amst.] 1694 Life of the famous Cardinal-Duke de Richlieu, principal Minister of State to Lewis XIII. [Translated by T. Brown.] 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1695 Compendium Historiae Universalis, ab initio mundi ad tempora Caroli Magni Imp. 12mo. ibid. 1735 Abrege de 1' Histoire Universelle, depuis le commencement du monde, iusques a I'empire de Charlemagne ; traduit du Latin. '•^ ^ 8vo. Amst. 1730 Reflections upon what the World commonly call Good-Luck and lU-Luck, with regard to Lotteries ; done into EngUsh. 12mo. Lond. 1699 Parrhasiana : or. Thoughts upon several subjects, as Criticism, History, Morality, and Politicks ; done into English by * * * * 8vo. ibid. 1700 Account of the Earl of Clarendon's History of the Civil Wars, done from the French printed at Amsterdam, by J. O. The second edition. 8vo. ibid. 1710 Ne^ociations : see Dumont. Le Cras (Abraham Jones). The Laws, Customs and Privileges, and their administration, in the island of Jersey ; with notices of Guern- sey ; also a Commentary on certain abuses, and a Petition to Parlia- ment for a reform of the same. 12mo. Lond. 1839 Le Dieu (L'Abbe Frangois). Memoires et Journal sur la vie et les ouvrages de Bossuet, publics pour la premiere fois d'apres les manu- scrits auto2:raphes, et accompagnes d'une introduction et de notes, par M. I'Abbe Guettee. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1856-7 Ledrede (Richard de). Proceedings against Alice Kyteler: see Camden Society, No, 24. LEE— LEF 457 Lek (Sir George). Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Arches and Prerogative Courts of Canterbury, and in the High Court of Delegates : eoiitaiiiiiig the Judgments of the lU. Hon. Sir George Lee, ^175-2— 1758 ; to which are added in an appendix, several Cases determined between 1724 and 17:33. By Joseph PhiUimore, LL.D. 2 vols. 8vo. Land. 1h;33 Lee (Henry). Anti-Scepticism : or. Notes upon each Chapter of Mr. Locke's Essay concerning Humane Understanding, fol. Lund. 17U2 Lee (John Yate). Treatise on the Evidence of Abstracts of Title to Real Property. Bvo. Lund. 1843 Lee (Nathaniel). Plavs : Oedipus; Rival Queens; Constantine the Great; Nero; Glori'ana. 12mo. Lund. \TM-b Lee (Richard). Treatise of Captures in War; second edition. ^ ^ 8vo. Lund. 1803 Lee (Thomas). Precedents of Declarations in Assumpsit, adapted to cases occurring on promissory notes, bills of exchange, &c. 8vo. Lund. 1812 Dictionary of the Practice in Civil Actions, in the Courts of King's Bench and Common Pleas, with practical directions and forms. The second edition. 2 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1825 Cases temp. Hardwicke: see Hardwicke. Leeuwen (Simon van). Censura Forensis Theoretico-Practica, id est, totius Juris Civilis Romani, usuque recepti et practici methodica CoUatio. Editio quarta; recensuit et obscrvationes suas adjecit Gerardus de Haas. 2 vols, in 1, fol. Lugd. Bat. 1741 Proces Crimineel, en Regtelyke Bewering over het vorvaal of en hoe verre in Lijfstraftelijke saken de wil voor de daad mag opge- nomen en gestraft werden. 12mo. J./ft.N^ 1(J8G en Hendrik Verduyn. Manicr van Procederen in Civile en Criminele Saken. Den vyfden Druk, vermeerdert door C. F. Bosschaert. 8vo. Drus>>el, 1720 Commentaries on the Roman-Dutch Law ; translated from the Dutch. 8vo. Lund. 1820 De OrifMue et Progressu Juris Civilis Romani Authores et Frao-menta Veterum Jurisconsultorum, cum notis Arn. \ innii j?t variorum, auctore et collectore S. Leewio. 8vo. Lugd. Bat. 1()72 Leeward Islands. Acts of Assembly passed in the Charibbee Leeward Islands, from 1090 to 1730. fol. Lund. 1734 Le Fevre de la Boderie (Antoine). Ambassades en Angleterre sous le regne d'Henri IV. et la minorite de Louis XIII. depuis lesannees lOOo'jusqii'en 1611. 5 vols. 12mo. s. I. 1750 Lettres d'Henrv IV. Roi de France, et de Messieurs de Villeroy et de Puisieux, a Mr. Antoine Le Fevre de la Boderie, Ambassa- deur de France en Angleterre, depuis IGOO jusqu'en 1011. 2 vols. 8vo. Amst. 1733 [Le Fevre de la Roche, L'Abbe P. L.] Critique de I'Esprit des Loix [de Montesquieu]. 8vo. Genh-e, 17o0 458 LEG Legal Examiner, from November 5, 1831, to March 6, 1833. 3 vols. 8vo. Land. 1832-3 The Legal Examiner, and Law Chronicle. [March 13, 1833 to Aug. 27, 1834.] 3 vols. 8vo. ihid. 1833-4 Legal Examiner, Weekly Reporter, and Journal of Medical and General Jurisprudence and Public Economy. Edited by E. H. J. Craufurd. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1852-3 Legal Observer, or Journal of Jurisprudence, published vveekly, from November 1830 to December 20th, 1856. 52 vols, in 26, 8vo. Lond. 1831-56 Supplement, from Jan. 1831 to Oct. 1832. 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. i6«U 1831-2 Analytical Digest of all the Cases decided and reported in the House of Lords, in the Courts of Law and Equity, &c. from Nov. 1830 to Nov. 1845. [Published by the proprietors of the Legal Observer.] 4 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1830-45 Legal Recreations, or Popular Amusements in the Laws of England. By a Barrister at Law. vol. 1, 8vo. Jjond. n. d. Legal Review^, from November 1812 to July 1813. vol. 1, 8vo. Lond. 1812-13 Le Gendre (Joannes). Summa Juris Civilis, in quatuor libros Insti- tutionum Imp. Justiniani. 4to. Paris. 1692 Leger (Jean). Histoire Generale des Eglises Evangeliques des V^allees de Piemont, ou Vaudoises. 2 parts in 1 vol. fol. Leyde, 1669 Le Geyt (Philippe). Les Manuscrits de Philippe Le Geyt, Ecuyer, Lieutenant Bailli de I'lle de Jersey, sur la constitution, les lois, et les usages de cette He. [Avec une Notice sur la vie et les ecrits de M. Le Geyt, par R. P. Marett.] 4 vols. 8vo. Jersey, 1846-7 Legge (Dr. Thomas). Richard III. : see Shakespeare Society, No. 21. Legge (Thomas\ The Law of Outlawry, and Practice in Civil Actions ; to which is added an Appendix of Precedents. 8vo. Lond. 1779 Legis Fluvius : or, the Fountain of the Law opened ; shewing the manner, method, and forms of proceedings, and pleas on all actions and informations grounded on all the new and old Penal Statutes. By A. G. 12mo. Lond. 1658 Le Grand: see Coutumes de Flandre, et de Troyes. Le Graverend (Jean Marie). Traite de la Procedure Criminelle devant les Tribunaux Militaires et Maritimes de toute espece. 2 parts in 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1808 • Des Lacunes et des Besoins de la Legislation Frangaise, en matiere politique et en matiere criminelle. 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. ibid. 1824 — — ^ — Traite de la Legislation Criminelle en France. Troisieme edition, revue et corrigee par J. B. Duvergier. 2 vols. 4to. ibid. 1830 LEI— LEL 459 Leibnitius (Gothofredus Guillelmus). Opera omnia, nunc primuni collecta, in classes distribiita, pr;cfationibiis et iiidicihiis exornwta, studio Ludovici Dutens. 6 vols. 4to. Genevce, 17G8 Opera Philosophica qua3 exstant Latina, Gallica, Gcrnianica, omnia ; edita rcco^novit, e temporiim rationibus disposita pluribus ineditis auxit, introductione critica atque indicibus instruxit J, E. Erdmann. 8vo. BeruUiii, 1840 Codex Juris Gentium Diplomaticus, in quo Tabular authentic^ Actorum publicorum, Tractatuiun, aliarumquo rerum majoris mo- menti per Europam gcstarum, plerffique incditie vel selectue conti- nentur; cum Mantissa. 2 vols. fol. Ouel/'erbi/ti, 1747 Caesarini Fiirstenerii [pseud.] de Jure Suprematus ac Legationis Principum Germaniae. 8vo. s. I. 1768 Scriptores rerum Brunsvicensium illustrationi inservientcs, cura Godefr. Guil. Leibnitii. 3 vols. fol. Ilanuverce, 1707-11 Leickheu (Frid. Jac.) VitcT clarissimorum JCtorum, N. Boerii, A. Augustini, F. Hottomanni, B. Brissonii, P. Pitlioei, G. Budaii, A. Goveani, J. Cujacii, J. Bertrandi, G. Panciroli, ex rccensione et cum notis Frid. Jac. Leickheri. 8vo. Lipsicc, 168(5 Leigh (Charles, M.D.) The Natural History of Lancashire, Cheshire, and the Peak, in Derbyshire; with an account of the British, Phoe- nician, Armenian, Greek and Roman Antiquities in those parts. fol. Oxford, 1700 Leigh (Edward). A Philologicall Commentary, or, an Illustration of the most obvious and useful! Words in the Law. 12nio. Loud. 1652 . second edition. 12mo. ibid. 1658 Leigh (Edward and Henry). Select and choice Observations con- cerning all the Roman and Greek Emperors. Also certain choice French Proverbs, alphabetically disposed and Englished. The third edition. 8vo. Lond. 1670 Leigh (Gerard). The Accedence of Armorie, newlj- corrected and augmented. 4to. Lond. 1612 Leigh (J. II.) and R. Dalzell. Treatise on the Equitable Docti-ine of the Conversion of Property. 8vo. Lund.lS'lo Leigh (P. Brady). An Abridgment of the Law of Nisi Prius. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1838 Leiserus (Godofredus Christianus). Jus Georgicum, sive Tractatus de Praediis. Editio tertia. fol. Lipsice, 1741 Leist (Burkard Wilhelni). Ucbcr die dogmatische Analyse Ro- mischer Rechtsinstitute. 8vo. Jena, 1854 Leist (Justus Christoph). Lehrbuch des Teutschcn Staatsrechts. 8vo. Gottingen, 1803 Lelandus (Joannes). Conunentarii de Scriptoribus Britannicis ; ex autographo edidit Antonius Hall. 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. 0.ronii, 1709 Collectanea; and Itinerary: see Hearne. Lives of the Antiquaries, John Leland, Thomas Hcarne, and Anthony a Wood, with an Account of their respective writings and publications. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1772 460 LEL-LEN Leland (John, D.D.) A View of the principal Deistical Writers that have appeared in England in the last and present century. The fifth edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1766 Leland (Thomas, D.D.) The History of Ireland, from the invasion of Henry II. With a preliminary Discourse on the antient state of that kingdom. 3 vols. 4to. Lond. 1773 History of the Life and Reign of Philip, King of Macedon. The second edition. 2 vols, in 1, 4to. ibid. 1761 . Dissertation on the Principles of Human Eloquence: with par- ticular reo-ard to the style and composition of the New Testament. 4to. ibid. 1764 Le Long (Jacques}. Bibliotheque Historique de la France, contenant le Catalogue de's Ouvrages, im primes et manuscrits, qui traitent de I'Histoire de ce Royaume, ou qui y ont rapport;^ avec des notes critiques et historiques. Nouvelle edition, augmentee par M. Fevret de Fontette. 5 vols. fol. Paris, 1768-78 [Le Mai re, .] Traite des Dixmes en general, suivant la Juris- prudence ancienne et nouvelle. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1731 Le Maistre (Antoine). Plaidoyez et Harangues, donnez au public par M. Jean IssaU. Septieme edition. 4to. Paris, 1688 see also Coutumes de Paris. Leman (T.) Memoirs of the Life and Writings of the late Dr. Richard Mead. 8vo. Lond. 1755 Le Marchant (Denis). Report of the Proceedings of the House of Lords on the Claims to the Barony of Gardner; with an Appendix, containing a Collection of Cases illustrative of the Law of Legiti- macy. 8vo. Lond. 1828 Le Marchant (Thomas). Remarques et Animadversions sur I'appro- bation des Lois et Coustumier de Normandie usitees es jurisdictions de Guerneze, et particuliercment en la Cour Royale de la dite Isle. 2 vols. 8vo. Guernesey, 1826 Le Moine (Pierre Cam.) Diplomatique-Pratique, ou Traite de I'Ar- rangement des Archives et Tresors des Chartes. 4to. Metz, 1765 Le Moyne (Pierre). La Gallerie des Femmes Fortes. 12mo. Lyon, 1667 Lempriere (John, D.D.) A Classical Dictionary ; enlarged and cor- rected, by F. D. Lempriere, A.M. 4to. Lond, 1826 Lenaqhan (Patrick). Treatise on the Legacy Duty, as attaching on the Property of Persons dying abroad or in Great Britain, considered with reference to the Law of Domicile. 8vo. Lond. 1850 Lenet (Pierre). Memoires : see Petitot, 2de ser. vols. 53, 54. Le Neve (John). Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae : or, an Essay towards deducing a regular Succession of all the principal Dignitaries in each Cathedral, Collegiate Church or Chapel in England and Wajes, from the first erection thereof to the year 1715. fbl. Lond. 1716 LEN-LEO 4C1 Le Neve (John). Fasti Ecclesia3 Anglicanap, or a Calendar of tlie principal Ecclesiastical Dip;nitaries in England and Wales, and of the chief Officers in the Universities of Oxford and Cambrid'^^e, from the earliest time to the year 1715) corrected and continued to the piesent time by T. Dutfus Hardy. 3 vols 8vo. Oxford, 1854 Monumenta Anglicana : being Inscriptions on the ^Monuments of several eminent pei-sons deceased in or since the year 1600 to the end of the year 1715. 4 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1717-19 from 1650 to the end of the year 1718, by way of Sup plement to the former volumes. 8vo. ibid. 1719 The Lives and characters, deaths, burials and epitaphs, works of piety, &c. of all the Protestant Bishops of the Church of England since the Reformation. 2 parts in 1 vol. 8vo. ibid. 1720 Lenfant (Jacques). Histoire du Concile de Pise, et de ce qui s'est passe de plus memorable jusqu'au Concile de Constance. 2 vols. 4to. Amst. 1724 ■ Histoirc du Concile de Constance. 2 vols. 4to. ibid. 1121 Histoire de la Guerre des Hussites et du Concile de Basle. 2 vols. 4to. ibid. 1731 . Supplement a I'Histoire de la Guerre des Hussites ; auquel on a joint 1". L'Examen de la nouvelle Hypothese de M. Mosheim touchant les Nazareens. 2\ Des Observations Cri- tiques sur Optat, j)ar Isaac de Beausobre. 4to. Lausanne, 1745 Lengnich (Gotfridus). Jus Publicum Regni Poloni. 2 vols. 8vo. Gedani, 1742 Lk Noble (Eustache). L'Ecole du Monde, ou Instruction d'un pere a un fils, touchant la maniere dont il faut vivre dans le monde. Nou- velle edition. 6 vols, in 3, 12nio. Amst. 1709 liENZ (Gustav). Ueber die geschichtliche Entstehung des Rechts. 8vo. Greifswald, 1824 Leo Imperator. Constitutiones Novelise, Latinae nunc primum ab H. Agyla^o facta?. Justiniani Edicta, Justini Constitutiones, etc. ; eodem interprete. 8vo. Exc. II. Stcphanus, 1560 Leo Diaconus : see ByzantiNjE Hist. Scriptores. Leo Grammaticus: see Byzantine Hist. Scriptores. Leo I. Magnus, Papa. Leonis Magni Romani Pontificis; Maximi Taurinensis Episc. ; et Petri Chrysologi Ravcnnatis Episcopi ; Opera omnia quae reperiri potucrunt. Editio nova. fol. Paris. 1618 Lko XII. Papa. Moti Proprii sull' Amministrazione Pubblica, sul Bollo e Registro, e sul Sistema Ipotecario, coi rcspettivi Rego- lamenti. 12mo. Fireuze, 1828 Leo (Heinrich). Altsachsische und Angelstichsische Sprachproben, mit einera erkliirenden Verzeichniss der angclsiichsischen Worter. 8vo. Halle, 1838 Beowulf, nach seineni inhalte, und nach seincn historischen und mythologischen beziehungen betrachtet. 8vo. ibid. 1839 462 LEO— LER Leo (Heinricli). Rectitudines singularum Personarum ; nebst einer einleitenden abhandlunp; iiber landansidlung, landbau, gntsberliche und bauerliche verhaltnisse der Angelsachsen. Halle, 1842 Die malbergische glosse, ein rest alt-keltischer sprache und rechtsauffassung. 2 parts in 1 vol. 8vo. ibid. 1842-5 Ferienscbriften. Vermiscbte abbaridlungen zur gescbicbte der deutscben und keltiscben spracbe. 2 parts in 1 vol. 8vo. ibid. 1847-52 Treatise on tbe Local Nomenclature of tbe Anglo-Saxons, as exbibited in tbe '' Codex Diplomaticus iEvi Saxonici ;" translated from tbe German by B. W., witb additional examples and explana- tory notes. 12mo. Lond. 1852 Leo (Jo. Franciscus). Tbesaurus Fori Ecclesiastici, ab Octavio Leone auctus. 4to. Col. Agripp. 1682 Leo von Rozmital. Reise : see Stuttgart Society, vol. 7. Leonard (William). Reports and Cases of Law argued and adjudged in tbe Courts at Westminster in tbe time of Elizabetb and James I. ; publisbed by W. Hugbes. 4 parts in 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1658-63-75 , second edition. 4 parts in 2 vols. fol. ihid. 1687 Leone Medico Hebreo. Dialogi di Amore. 12mo. Vinegia, in casa de' figliuoli d' Aldo, 1541 . Dialogbi di Amore, di nuovo corretti. 12mo. Vinetia, 1565 Leone XII. see Leo. Leoninus (Elbertus). Emendationum sive Observationum Libri sep- tem, in quibus praeter innumeros Juris locos cum emendatos tum illustratos, pleraeque utilissimse matei-iae pertractantur. 4to. Arnhemii Gelrorum, 1610 Leopold (Peter) : see Tuscany. Leotade : see Proces. Lepeletier (Micbel). Oeuvres, precedees de sa vie par Felix Le- peletiei', son frere. 8vo. Druxelles, 1826 Le Plat (Judocus). Canones et Decreta Sacrosancti CEcumenici, et Generalis Concilii Tridentini sub Paulo III. Jubo III. Pio IIII. Pontificibus Max. celebrati,juxta exemplar autbenticum Romae 1564 editum ; prater nomina et subscriptiones patrum, variantes etia,m lectiones et notas CbifHetii, accesserunt varia ad disciplinam Ecclesiae Belgicffi pertinentia. 4to. Antverpice, 1779 Monumentorum ad Historiam Concilii Tridentini potissimum illustrandam spectantium amplissima collectio. 7 vols. 4to. Lovanii, 1781-87 Le Ouesne (Cbarles). A Constitutional History of Jersey. ^ ^ 8vo. Lond. 1856 [Le Ridant, Pierre,] Examen de deux Questions importantes sur le Mariage: Comment la Puissance Civile peut-elle declarer des Mariages nuls, sans entreprendre sur les droits de la Puissance Ecclesiastique ? Quelle est en consequence, I'etenduedu pouvoir des Souverains sur les empecbemens dirimans le Mariage ? 4to. s. I. 1753 [ ] Code Matrimonial, ou Recueil complet de toutes les Loix Canoniques et Civiles de France sur les questions de Mariage. Nouv. edit, [augmentee par A. G. Camus]. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1770 LER— LET 463 Lerminier (Eugene). Introduction Generale a I'Histoire du Droit. 8vo. Paris, 1829 ■ Philosophic du Droit. 2 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1831 Le Roux (Pliilibcrt Joseph). Dictionnaire Comiquo, Satyrique, Cri- tique, Burlesque, Libre et Proverbial. Nouvelle edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lion, 1752 Le Sage (Alain Rene). Ocuvres choisies [avec la vie de I'auteur]. 16 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1810 Gil Bias di Santillano, Storia galantc, tratta dall' Tdioma Franeese neir Italiano da Giulio Monti. 3 vols. 12mo. Venezia, 1728 The Adventures of Gil Bias of Santillane, translated by T. Smollett. 4 vols. ISrno. Lond. 1750 Le Diable Boiteux. 2 vols, in 1, 12rao. Amst. 1739 Lesbonax : see Oratores Graeci. Lesclaciie (Louis de). La Philosophie Morale expliquee en Tables. 4to. s. I 1651 La Theologie Naturelle expliquee en Tables. 4to. s. I. 1652 Lesl^eus (Joannes, Episcopus Rossensis). De origine, moribus et rebus gestis Scotorum Libri decern. Accessit nova et accurata regionum et insularum Scotiae descriptio. 4to. Romcc, 1675 De rebus gestis Scotorum, regnante Maria: see Jebb (Samuel). History of Scotland : see Bannatyne Club, No. 39. [Leslie, Charles.] Rehearsals; a View of the Times, their Principles and Practices : a weekly Journal, from Aug. 2, 1704 to Mar. 26, 1709. By Philalethes. 6 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1750 Lesrat (Guillaume). Arrests notables donnez en la court de Par- lement de Bretagne. 8vo. Paris, 1588 Lessius (Leonard) and Lewis Corvaro. Treatises on Health and Long Life, translated by Timothy Smith. 12mo. Lond. 1743 Lestang (M. de). Replique a la Consultation : see Orleans. L'Estoile (Pierre de). Memoires : see Petitot, vols. 45 — 49. L'Estrange (Sir Roger). A Modest Plea both for the Caveat and the Author of it. With some notes upon Mr. James Howell and his Sober Inspections. 12mo. Lond. 1661 The Observator, in Dialogue. 3 vols, in 2, fol. ibid. 1684-7 Leti (Gregorio). II Tcatro Brittanico, overo Historia della Grande Brettagna : cioe, dello stato antico e presente, spirituale e tcm- porale; guerre cam])ali e navali, civili etes(erne; j)aci, leghe, trat- tati, ecc. sino a questi tempi. 5 vols. 12mo. Amst. 1684 La Vie du Pape Sixtc V,, traduite de I'ltalien. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1731 [ ] II Nipotismo di Roma ; or, the History of the Pope's Nej)hews, from the time of Sixtus IV. to the death of Alexander VII.; Englished by W. A. 8vo. Lond.\m9 Letteratura. Saggio Critico della corrcnte Lettcratura Straniera dagli autori della Storia Letteraria d' Italia. 2 parts in 1 vol. 8vo. Modena, 1756 464 LET— LEV Letters of eminent Literary Men : see Camden Society, No. 23. Lettres Edifiantes et Curieuses, ecrites des Missions Etrangeres. Nouvelle edition. 26 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1780-83 Lettres Philosophiques sur les Physionomies [attribuees a I'Abbe Pernety, ou au Pere Bougeant]. 2 parts in 1 vol. 12mo. La Haie, 1748 Leucht (Christianus Leonhai-dus). Tractatus de Jure Fenestrarum, a Joh. Jodoco Beckio auctus. 4to. Noi-imbergce, 1726 Tractatus Academici de Jurisdictione selecti, a C. L. Leuchtio editi. 4to. ibid. 1700 Leunclavius (Johannes). Juris Grseco-Romani tarn Canonici quam Civilis Tomi duo, Gr. et Lat., ex variis Europae Asiaeque bibliothecis eruti ; nunc primum editi cura Marquardi Freheri. 2 vols, in 1, fol. Franco/. 1596 Tom. I. 1. Constantini HarmenopuH Epitome Juris Canonici Graecorum. 2. Novellarum Augustalium de rebus ecclesiasticis, liber unus. 3. Decre- torum Synliodalium libri duo. 4. Responsorum libri duo. 5. Theodori Balsamonis Meditata sive Responsa. 6. Mathaei Monachi Quaestiones et Caussae Matrimoniales. 7. Justiniani Imp. Edictum de fide orthodoxa. 8. C. Harmenopuli de sectis, et verse fidei confessione, liber unus. Tom. II. 1. Michaelis Attaliatae Pragmatica. 2. Delectus legum compen- diarius, per Impp. Basilium, Leonem, Alexandrum et Constantinum. 3. Novellarum Augustalium liber, de rebus civilibus et judiciariis. 4. Re- sponsi veteris formula ex jure, de nudis pactis. 5. Testandi formula vetusta. 6. Eustathii liber de temporalibus intervallis, a momento usque ad centum annos. 7. Leges militares RufR. 8. Leges colonariae. 9. Leges navales Rhodiorum, et aliae. Leusdenus (Johannis). Compendium Graecum Novi Testament!. Editio quinta. 12mo. Lond. 1691 Levasseur (A. F. N.) Manuel des Justices de Paix ; auquel on a joint un Recueil des Lois sur cette matiere. Troisieme edition. 8vo. Paris, 1812 Leven and Melville Papers : see Bannatyne Club, No. 79. Levi (Leone). Commercial Law; its Principles and Administration; or, the Mercantile Law of Great Britain compared with the Codes and Laws of various Mercantile Countries. 2 vols. 4to. Edinb. 1850-2 Manual of the Mercantile Law of Great Britain and Ireland. 8vo. Lond. 1854 Annals of British Legislation : being a classified and analysed summary of public bills, statutes, accounts and papers, reports of committees, and of commissionei's and of sessional papers generally, of the Houses of Lords and Commons. vols. 1-3, 8vo. ^fe^U 1856-8 [Le Vier, Charles.] Histoire de I'admirable Dom Inigo de Guipus- coa. Chevalier de la Vierge, et fondateur de la monarchic des Inighistes; par Hercule Rasiel de Selva [pseud.]. Nouvelle edition, augmentee de I'Anti-Cotton [par Cesar de Plaix], et de I'Histoire critique de ce fameux ouvrage [par Prosper Marchandj. 2 vols. 12mo. La Haye, 1738 LEV— LEW 465 Levinz (Sir Creswell). Reports en Bank le Roy, commenQant en le 12 an de Roy Charles IL, et fini en le 8 an de Will. III. ^In three parts. *2 vols. fol. Loud. 1702 translated into English, by Mr. Serjeant Salkeld. The second edition. 3 parts'in 2 vols. fbl. ihUL 1722 third edition, by T. Vickers. 3 vols. 8vo. Duhl. 1793-7 Collection of select and modern Entries of Declarations, Plead- ings, &c. referring to the Cases in his Reports. ibl. Lond. 1702 Levy (John). The Hand-Book on Evidence: containing a Digest of Cases upon Evidence. 12mo. JDubliu, 1848 Lewin (Sir Gregory A.) A Report of Cases determhied on the Crown Side on the Northern Circuit, from the Summer Circuit of 1822 to the Summer Circuit of 1838; with a few Cases of earlier (late. 2 vols. 12rao. Lond. 1834-9 Lewin (Thomas). A practical Treatise on the Law of Trusts and Trustees. 8vo. Lo7id. 1837 second edition. 8vo. ibid. 1842 third edition. 8vo. ibid. 1857 Lewis (Charles Edward). The Election Manual for England and Wales; with the text to the principal statutes, and the decisions thereon ; with exphmatorv notes, forms, and precedents. 12mo. Lond. 1857 Lewis (Sir George Cornewall, Bart.) Essay on the origin and formation of the Romance languages: containing an Examination of M. Raynouard's Theory oh the relation of the Italian, Spanish, Pro- vencal, and French, to the Latin. A new edition. 8vo. Lond. 1839 Treatise on the Methods of Observation and Reasoning m Politics. - ■vols. 8vo. ibid. 1852 Lewis (Henry Robert). A Code of Laws [^Nlalay] as established by the Pangerans' Court at Fort Marlborough. [1817.] Collected by H. R. Lewis. 4to. [Lund.] 1821 [Lewis, John.] History and Antiquities of the Abbey and Church of Favresham in Kent; of the adjoining Priory of Davingtoii, and Maison-Dieu of Ospringe, and Paris^h of Bocton subtus Le Bleyne. 4to. n. p. 1727 A Dissertation on the Antiquity and Use of Seals in England. 4to. Lond. 1741 History and Antiquities, as well Ecclesiastical as Civil, of ^the Isle of Tenet, in Kent. The second edition. 4to. ibid. 11-16 . and Samuel Pegge. Some Account of Suffragan Bishops in England. ^^o. ibul. 178o . History of the Life and Sufferings of John Wiclif, D.D. ; with a collection of papers and records relating to the said history. A new edition, enlarged. 8vo. Oxjord, 1820 Lewis (Percival). Historical Inquiries, concerning Forests and Forest Laws, with topotfraithical remarks upon the ancient and modern state of the New Forest, in the county of Southampton. 4to. Lond. 1811 n H 466 LEW— LEY Lewis (Samuel). A Topographical Dictionary of England. 4 vols. 4to. Lond. 1831 Topograpliical Dictionary ofWales. 2 vols. 4to. ibid. 1833 View of tlie Representative History of England, with engraved plans, shewing the electoral divisions of the several counties, and the former and present boundaries of the cities and boroughs. 4to. ibid. 1835 Lewis (Lady Theresa). Lives of the Friends and Contemporaries of Lord Chancellor Clarendon : illustrative of portraits in his gallery. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1 852 [Lewis, Thomas.] The Scourge : in Vindication of the Church of England. To which are added: I. The Danger of the Church- Establishment of England, from the insolence of Protestant Dis- senters. IT. The Anatomy of the heretical Synod of Dissenters at Salters-Hall. 8vo. Lond. 1720 Origines Hebraeffi : the Antiquities of the Hebrew Republick. 4 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1724-5 Lewis (Thomas). The Constitution, Jui'isdiction, and Practice of the Sheriffs' Courts of London. 8vo. Lond. 1833 Lewis (William David). A practical Treatise on the Law of Per- petuity; or Remoteness in Limitations of Estates: as applicable to the various modes of Settlement of Property, Real and Personal, &c. 8vo. Lond. 1843 Supplement. 8vo. ibid. 1849 Lex Dei, sive Mosaicarum et Rom. LL. Collatio : see Blume. Lex Londinensis : see London. Lexicon Juridicum, ex antiquis et recentioribus Jurisconsultis ac Lexico- graphis, prtecipue ex Brissonii, Ilotmani, et Pi-ateii Lexicis con- structum. Accessit Legura Populi Romani copiosus Index. 8vo. ColonicB Allobrogum, 1615 Lexington Papers: or, some Account of the Courts of London and Vienna ; at the conclusion of the seventeenth century. Extracted from the official and private correspondence of Robert Sutton, Lord Lexington, Bi'itish Minister at Vienna, 1694 — 1698. Selected from the originals at Kelham, and edited with notes, by the Hon. H. Manners Sutton. 8vo. Lond. 1851 Ley (Sir James, afterwards Earl of Marlborough). Reports of divers Resolutions in Law, arising upon Cases in the Court of Wards and other Courts at Westminster, in the reigns of K. James and K. Charles. To which is added, a Treatise of Wards and Liveries. fol. Lond. 1659 [Leybourn, John,] A Papist Mis-represented, and Represented; or, a twofold Character of Popery. 4to. Lond. 1665 Leycester (Sir Peter). Historical Antiquities, in two Books: the first treating in general of Great-Brettain and Ireland ; the second containing particular remarks concerning Cheshire, fol. Lond. 1673 Leycester (Robert Dudley, Earl of). Correspondence: see Camden Society, No. 27. LEY— LIE 467 Leyden. Keuren der Stadt Leydcn. 4to. Leyden, 1058 EZARDiERE (Marie Pauline de). Theorie des Loix Polititiucs de la Momirchie Fraiu/oise. 8 vols. 8vo. l^aris, 1792 Theorie dcs Lois Politiques de la Monarchic Fran^aise. Lezai Nouvelle edition, ausmentee par le Vicomte de Lezardiere. 4 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1844 L'HospiTAL (Michel de). Oeuvres completes; precedees d'un essai sur sa vieetsesouvrages par P. J. S. Duiey. 3 vols. 8vo. Pa /•?*•, 18"2 4-5 . Oeuvres inedites ; suivies d'un tableau de la Lefrislatiou Franeaise au seizienie siecle, et accompagnees de notes historiques, par P. J. S. Dufey. 2 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1825-6 Planches, gravees ct dccrites par A. Tardieu. 8vo. ibid. 1824 Lhuyd (Edward). Archa-ologia Britannica; giving some account, additional to what has been hitlierto published, of the languages, histories and customs of the original inhabitants of Great Britain. Vol, 1. containing Glossography. fol. Oxford, 1707 Lhuyd (Humfredus). Commeutarioli Britannicae Descriptionis Frag- raentum. 12mo. Col. Agripp. 1572 The Breviary of Britayne ; Englished by Thomas Twyne. 12mo. Loud. 1573 Libanius Sophista. Orationes et Declamationes ; ad fidem codd. MSS. recensuit et perpeiua adnotatione illustravit J. J. Reiske. 4 vols. 8vo. Altenb. 1791-97 Libels. A Letter concerning Libels, Warrants, and the Seizure of Papers; \\ith a ^'iew of some late Proceedings, and the Defence of them by the Majority. The second edition. With a Postscript, and Additions to the second, third and fourth editions. 8vo. Lond. 1764-5 State Law : or the Doctrine of Libels, discussed and examined. The second edition. 8vo. Lund. n. d. Liber de Antiquis Legibus: see Camden Society', No. 34. Liber Niger Scaccarii : see Hearne. Liberty of Philoso])]iizing. A Treatise partly Theological and partly Political, containing some few Discourses to prove that the Liberty of Philosopliizing (that is, making use of Natural Reason) may be allowed without any i)rejudice to piety, or to the i)eace of any Com- monwealth. Translated out of Latin. 8vo. Xo«c?. 1689 Libraries. A critical and historical Account of all the celebrated Libraries in foreign countries, as well ancient as modern. By a Gentleman of the Temple. 12mo. Xo«rf. 1739 Lichfield. A short Account of the ancient and modern state of the City and Close of Lichfield. 8vo. Lhhjield, 1819 LiDDELL (Henry George) and Robert Scott. A Greek-English Lexicon based on the German work of Francis Passow. Second edition. 4to. Orford, 1845 LlEBER (Francis). Legal and Political ircrmeneutics, or l^rinciples of Interpretation and Construction in Law and Polities, with remarks on precedents and authorities. 12mo. Boston, 1839 Lieber: see Erastus. H H 2 468 LIE— LIN (Justus, M.D.) Animal Cliemistry, or Chemistry in its appli- )ns to Phvsiolotry and Pathology. Edited from the author's LlEBIG cations to Physiolotjy and Fatliolotjy. manuscript by'William Gregory, M.D. Third edition. part 1, 8vo. Lond. 1846 Chemistry in its apphcations to Agriculture and Physiology. Edited fi'om "the manuscri])t of the author, by Lyon Playfair, Ph. D., and William Gregory, M.D. Fourth edition. 8vo. Lond. 1847 Researches on the Motion of the Juices in the animal body. Edited from the manuscript of the author by William Gregory, M.D. 8vo. ihid. 1848 Familiar Letters on Chemistry, in its relations to physiology, dietetics, agriculture, commerce, and political economy. Third edition. 8vo. ibid. 1851 LiGHTFooT (John, D.D.) The Harmony, Chronicle and Order of the New Testament. With a Discourse concerning the Fall of Jeru- salem, fol. Lond. 1655 LiGON (Richard). History of the Island of Barbadoes. fol. iowfZ. 1673 LiGORio (Alphonsus Maria de). Theologia Moralis. Editio abso- lutissima, adjuncta instructione ad praxim confessariorum, et J. D. Mansi, Archiepiscopi Lucensis, Epitome doctrina; moralis et cano- nicaB ex operibus Benedicti XTV. 9 vols. 12mo. Vesontione, 1834 Lilly (John). The Practical Register; or, a General Abridgment of the Law. 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1719 . the second edition. 2 vols. fol. ibid. 1735 Continuation of the Practical Register, in two parts. 2 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1710 The Practical Convevancer. fol. ibid. 1719 Reports and Pleadings of Cases in Assise, for Offices, Nusances, Lands and Tenements. fol. ibid. 1719 Collection of Modern Entries: or, Select Pleadings in the Courts of King's Bench, Common Pleas, and Exchequer. The third edition, translated into English. fol. ibid. 1758 Lilly or Lilye 'William). A short Introduction of Grammar gene- rally to be used ; compiled and set forth for the bringing up of all those that intend to attain to the knowledge of the La tine tongue. 8vo. Oxford, 1673 [another edition.] 8vo. ibid. 1714 . [another edition] by John Ward. 12mo. Lo7id. 1756 LiMBORCH (Phihp a). History of the Inquisition; translated by Samuel Chandler. With a large Inti'oduction concerning the Rise and Progress of Persecution. 2 vols, in 1, 4to. Lund. 1731 LiMX^us (Johannes). De Jure Publico Imperii Roraano-Germanici Libri novem. 3 vols. 4to. Argent. 1629-33 Lincoln's Inn. EyKvi^Xoxopdn ; or Universal Motion, being part of that magnificent Entertainment by the Noble Prince, de la Grange, Lord Lieutenant of Lincoln's Inn, presented to the High and Mighty Charles II., Monarck of Great Brittain, France and Ireland, on Friday, 3 of January, 16Q2. 4to. Lond. 1662 LIN 469 LiNDAHL (Ericus) et Johannes Ohrling. Lexicon Lapponicum, cum interpretafione vocabiilorum Succo-Latina et inflice Suecano Lap- ponico, illustratuni pnifatioiie Latino-Suecana Johannis Hire; et auctum Grammatica Lapponica. 4to. Hulmia', 1780 LiNDE (Just. Timoth. Balth. von), Lehrbuch des deutschen genieinen Civilprocesses. Siebente Auflage. 8vo. Bonn, 1850 see also Zeitschrift fiir Civilrecht. Linden (Joannes van der). Veiliaiidelin;:; over do Judicieele Practijcq, of Form van Procedeeren, voor de Hoven van Justitie in Holland gebruikelijk. 2 vols. 8vo. Leyden, 1794-8 Verzaraeling van merkwaardige Gewijsden der Gerechls-hoven in Holland. ' vol. 1, 8vo. ibid. 18U3 Refftsfelecrd, Practicaal, en Koopmans Handbook. 8vo. Amst. 1806 Wetboek van Koophandel voor bet Franscbc Rijk ; vertaald door Joannes van der Linden. 8vo. ibid. 1808 VerhandelinjT van bet Rogt of de Belasiing op do Successie, volgens de Fransclie Wetten. 8vo. ibid. 1812 Table Generale Alpbabetiqne et Raisonnce des Matieres con- tenues dans les Codes Napoleon, de Procedure Civile, de Commerce &c. [en Fran^-ais et en Hollandsch]. 2 vols. 8vo. ibid. [1813] Handboek der Regten van bet Zegel, de Registratie, Griffie, en Ilypotbeek. 2 vols. 8vo. i^«U 1813-14 Institutes of tbe Law of Holland ; translated bv J. Henry. 8vo. Land. 1828 LiNDENBROGius (Fridericus). Codex Legum Aiitiquarum ; in quo continentur Leges Wisigotborum ; Edictum Tbuodorici Regis ; Lex Burgundionum ; Lex Sulica ; Lex Alaniannorum ; Lex Baivva- riorum ; Decretum Tassilonis Ducis ; Lex Ripuariorum ; Lex Sax- onum, Angliorum et Werinorum, Frisionum, Longobardoriim ; Constitutiones Siculie sive Ncapolitana? ; Capitulare Karoli M. et Hludowici Impp. &c. Quibus accedunt [MarculH] Formuhu solennes priscae publicorum privatoriunquc ncuotioriim, nunc priminn cdita ; et Glossarium ; ex bibliolbcca Frid. Lindenbrogii. fol. Francof. 1613 IlNDESAY (Robert, of Pitscottie). History of Scotland, from 21 February, 1436, to Marcli 1565; to whicb is added, a Continua- tion, by another band, till August 1604. fol. Ediub. 1728 LiNDEWOOD : see Lyndewode. LiNDLEY (Nathaniel). An Introduction to tbe Study of Jurisprudence ; being a translation of the general part of Thibaut's System des Pauj dekten Rechts, with notes and illustrations. 8vo. Lond. 1855 Lindsay (Alexander William Crawford, Lord), Lives of the Lindsays; or, a Memoir of the Houses of Crawford and Balcarres. To which are added, Extracts from the Otticial Correspondence of Alexander sixth Earl of Balcarres, during the :Maroon \\^y\ together witli personal narratives by his brothers, the Hon. Robert, Colin, James, John, and lluiib Lindsay ; and bv his sister Lady Anne Barnard. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1849 470 LIN— LIP Lindsay ([James] Lord, Earl of Crawford and Balcarres). Report of the Speeches of Counsel, and of the Lord Cliancellor and Lord St. Leonards in niovinp; the resolution, upon the Claim of James Earl of Crawford and Balcarres to the ori^^inal Dukedom of Montrose (created in 1488), as referred to the House of Lords by the Queen, for their advice and opinion thereupon ; preceded by an Address to Her Majesty, and by an Analysis of the Argument; with the Opinions of the Committee of Privileges, and an Appendix con- taining the leading documents and oral evidence, fol. Lond. 1855 LiNGARD (John, D.D.) History of England, from the first Invasion by the Romans to the Revolution in 1688. Second edition. 14 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1823-31 History and Antiquities of the Anglo-Saxon Church ; con- taining an account of its origin, government, doctrines, worship, revenues, and clerical and monastic institutions. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1845 LiNQEN. Landt-rechten, ende Ordonnantien van Lingen. 4to. Grarenhar/e, 1652 LiNGENTHAL (Carolus Eduardus Zacharia a). Collectio Librorum Juris GraBco-Romani ineditorum : Ecloga Leonis et Constantini, Epanagoge Basilii, Leonis et Alexandri. 8vo. Lipsice, 1852 LiNGLois (Petrus Franciscus). Quinquaginta Decisiones Imperatoris Justiniani, quae a secundo libro Codicis usque ad nonum diffusae sunt, ciim quadringentis preecipuis quaestionibus forensibus, et con- clusionibus earumdem. fol. Antverpice, 1661 [LiNGUET, Simon Nicolas Henri.] Theorie des Loix Civiles, on Prin- cipes fondamentaux de la Societe. 2 vols. 12mo. Londres, 1767 Memoires sur la Bastille : see Berville et Barriere, vol. 34. LiPENius (Martinus). Bibliotheca Realis Thcologica, ordine alpha- betico disposita. 2 vols. fol. Franco/, ad Moenum, 1685 . Bibliotheca Realis Juridica, omnium materiarum, rerum, et titulorum, in universo universi Juris ambitu occurrentium, ordine alphabetico disposita. fol. ihid. 1679 Bibliotheca Realis Juridica, post Frid. Gottl. Struvii et Gottl. Aug. Jenichenii curas emendata, multis accessionibus aucta et locu- pletata. 2 vols, in 1, fol. Lipsice, 1757 Supplementa et Emendationes ab Aug. Frid. Schotto, et Renato Carolo de Senkenberg. 2 vols, in 1, fol. ibid. 1775-89 Supplementorum et Emendationuni volumen tertium et volumen quartuni, auctore Lud. God. Madihn. 2 vols. fol. VratislavicB, 1816-23 Bibliotheca Realis Medica, ordine alphabetico disposita. fol. Franco/, ad Moenum, 1679 Bibliotheca Realis Philosophica, ordine alphabetico disposita. 2 vols. fol. ibid. 1682 Lipscomb (George, M.D.) The History and Antiquities of the County of Buckingham. 4 vols. 4to. Lond. imi Lipsius (Justus). Politicorum, sive Civilis Doctrinae Libri sex, qui ad Principatura maxime spectant. 12mo. Veronce, 1601 LIS— LIT 471 LiSBOA (Jose da Silva). Principios de Direito Mercantil, e Leis de Marinha, divididos em oito Tratados elcinentares. 7 vols, in 1, fol. Lishoa, 1815-19 L'IsLE (WilliamX Divers Ancient ^Monuments in the Saxon Ton;,rue : written seven hundred yeares a<;oc, shewing that hoth in the Old and New Testament, the Lord's Prayer, and the Crecde, were then used in the mother tonpue ; and also, what opinion was then held of the Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Christ. With Abstracts from iElfricus to the same purpose. 4to. Loml. 1(>38 Lister (Martin, M.D.) A Journey to Paris in the year 1698. The third edition. 8vo. Loml 1699 LiTHGOW (William). The totall Discourse, of the rare Adventures, and painefuU Peregrinations of Ion;;- nineteen yeares Travailes from Scotland, to the most famous kingdomcs in Europe, Asia, and ^f,.ica. 4to. Land. 1640 Littleton (Adam, D.D.) Latine and English Dictionary. 4to. Lond. 1678 [another edition.] 4to. ibid. 1703 LiTTLKTOX (Edward, Lord). Les Reports en le Courts del Common Banck et Exchequer, en le 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ans del reign de Roy Charles I. fol. Lond. 1683 Littleton (Thomas). Leteltun Tenera newe correcte. [In French.] fol. Lond. R. Pi/nson, n. d. Lytylton Tenures newly and moost truly correctyd and amendyd. [In French.] Timo. Lond. in cedibus li. Pynsoni, 15'25 Les Tenures de Lyttelton, novelment imprimes. fol. London, Robert Redman, n. d. Les Tenures de Littleton, [interleaved, with numerous ^NIS. iiotes.] I'imo. Lond. 1588 [another copy, printed in quarto form, with broad margin, and interleaved with numerous MS. notes.] 12mo. ibid. 1588 [another edition, printed in quarto lorm, interleaved, with numerous MS. notes.] \'2n\o. ibid. 1591 [another edition, printed in quarto form, interleaved, with numerous MS. notes.] \'2mo. ibid. 1608 [another edition, iirintcd in quarto form.] 1-Jmo. ibid. 1612 see also IIouard — Anciennes Loix des Franf;ois, vol. 1. Littletons Tenures in English : lately perused and amended. l-imo. ibid. 1604 Littleton's Tenures, in French and English. V2u\o. ibid. 1671 Lyttleton, his Treatise of Tenures, in French and English. A new edition, printed from the most ancient copies, and collated with the various readings of the Cambridge MSS. By T. E. Tomlins. 8vo. ibid. 1841 A Commentary on the Tenures of Littleton ; written prior to the publication of Coke upon Littleton : edited from a copy in the Ilar- leian Collection of Manuscripts, by Henry Cary. 8vo. ibid. 1829 472 LIT— LIV Liturgy. Books of Common Prayer, from Edward VL to Charles IL; reprinted in black and red letter by C. Whittingham.Chiswick. 6 vols. fol. Land. W. Pickering, 1844 I. The Book of Common Prayer, printed by Whitchurch, March 1549, com- monly called the first Book of Edward VI. II. The Book of Common Prayer, printed by Whitchurch, 1552, commonly called the second Book of Edward VT. III. The Book of C'ommon Prayer, commonly called the first Book of Queen Elizabeth, printed by Grafton, 1559. IV. The Book of Common Prayer, King James, anno 1604 [printed by R. Barker], commonly called the Hampton Court Book. V. The Book of Conunon Prayer, as printed at Edinburgh, 1637 [by B.obert Yovmg], commonly called Archbishop Laud's. VI. The Book of Common Prayer, as revised and settled at the Savoy Con- ference, anno 1662, 14 Charles II.; reprinted from the Sealed Book in the Tower of London. Liturgies of Edw. VI. and Elizabeth : see Cardwell ; and Parker Society. Book of Common Prayer : see Bible, illustrated by Ogilby. Book of Common Prayer, and Administration of the Sacra- ments, &c., according to the use of the United Church of England and Ireland. 8vo. Lond. [1857] ■ Liturgia Ecclesiae Anglicanae. 12mo. ihid. 1720 La Liturgie, selon I'usajye de I'Eo-lise Anglicane. ^ « o « j2mo. rHrZ. 1705 II Libro delle Preghiere Publiche, ecc, secondo I'uso della Chiesa Anglicaiia. 12mo. Londra, 1685 Liverpool (Earl of) : see Jenkinson (Charles). Liverpool Town Dues. Report of the Proceedings of the Associated Merchants of Liverpool who have i-ecently resisted the payment of the Town's Dues. 8vo. Lond. 1835 Livingston (Edward, LL.D.) System of Penal Law, prepared for the State of Louisiana. fol. New Orleans, 1824 ■ System of Penal Law for the State of Louisiana ; to which are prefixed a preliminary Report on the plan of a Penal Code, and introductory Reports to the several Codes embraced in the System of Penal Law. 8vo. Philadelphia, n. d. Livius (Titus) Patavinus. Historiarum Libri omnes, quotquot ad nostram aetatem pervenerunt, cum chronologia et observationibus per Vuilh. Godelevaeum coUectis. 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. Lond. 1589 Livii Historiarum quod extat, ex recensione J. F. Gronovii. 12mo. Amst. apud D. Elzev. 1678 ■ Livii Historiarum ab urbe condita Libri qui supersunt XXXV, j cum Supplementis librorum amissorum a J. Freinshemio concin- natis; recensuit et notis illustravit J. B. L. Crevier. 6 vols. 4to. Pari^. 1735-42 ■ Le Deche delle Historie Romane, tradotte nella lingua Toscana da M. Jacopo Nardi. fol. Venetia, Giunti, 1554 Livius' Roman History, with the Supplements of Freinshemius and Duiatius, faithfully done into English bv Philemon Holland. fol. Lond. 1686 LIV— LLO 473 Livius (Titua) Foro-Juliensis. Vita Henrici Quinti : see Hearne. Livonia. Constitutiones Livonicte, post submotum ex Livonia Mos- chum, a Stephano Poloiiiae rege, saucita. 4to. Cracovice, 158^3 LiVRES de Jostice et de Plet ; public pour la premiere fois d'apres le Manuscrit unique de la Bibliolheque Nationale par Rapetti, avec un glossaire par P. Cliabaille. 4to. Paris, 1850 Llamas y Molina (Sancbo de). Commentario critico-juridico-literal a las ochenta y tres Leyes de Tore. 2 vols, in 1, fbl. Madrid, 1827 Llandaff. The Liber Landavensis, Llyfr Teilo; or the Ancient Register of the Cathodral Church of Llandaff; from MSS. in the Libraries of Hengwrt, and of Jesus College, Oxford : ^vith an English translation, and explanatory notes, by the Rev. W. J. Rees. Published for the Welsh MSS. Society. 8vo. Llandovery, 1840 Llorent^ (Juan Antonio). Portrait politique des Papes, consideres comme princes temporels et comme chefs de I'Eglise, depuis I'eta- blissement du Saint-Siege a Rome, jusqu'en 1822. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1822 Lloyd (Bartholomew Clifford) and Francis Goold. Reports of Cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery in Ireland, during the time of Lord Chancellor Sugden, from Hil. Term 1835 to Easter Term 1835. 8vo. Land. 1836 and F. Goold. A Selection of Cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery in Ireland, during the time of Lord Chancellor Plunket, principallv in the years 1834-5-6. 8vo. Dublin, 1839 Lloyd (David). State- Worthies : or, the Statesmen and Favourites of England from the Reformation to the Revolution. With the cha- racters of the Kings and Queens of England, during the above period ; and other additions, by Charles Whitworth. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1766 Lloyd (Hugo). Phrases Elegantiores ex Casaris Commentariis, Cicerone, aliisque. 12mo. Osonife, 1654 Lloyd (John). Thesaurus Ecclesiasticus : an improved edition of the Liber Yalorum ; containing an account of the \'aluation of all the Livings in England and Wales, their charge in the King's Books, respective patrons, (Sec. 8vo, Lund. 1788 Lloyd (J. H.) and W. N. Welshy. Reports of Cases relating to Commerce, Manufactures, &c. determined in the Courts of Common Law, 1829 and 1830. 3 parts in 1 vol. 8vo. Lond. 1829-30 Lloyd (Lodowick). A bricfe Conference of divers Lawes. 4to. Lond. 1602 ■ The Stratagems of Jerusalem : with the ^Slartiall Lawes and Militarie Discipline, as well of the Jewes as of the Gentiles. 4to. Lond. 1602 Lloyd (Morgan). Treatise on the Law of Prohibition. 12mo. Lond. 1849 Lloyd (N.) Dictionarium Historico-Poeticuni : see Stephanus (C.) Lloyd (Robert). Poems. 4to. Lond. 1762 474 LLO— LOG Lloyd (William, Bp. of St. Asaph). An historical Account of Church Government, as it was in Great Britain and Ireland when they first received the Christian Religion. The second edition. 8vo. Lond. 1684 LoccENius (Johannes). Lexicon Juris Sueo-Gothici. Editio secunda. 8vo. Upsalice, 166-5 Sueciae Leges : see Suecia. De Jure Maritimo et Navali Libri tres. Editio tertia. 12rao. Holmice, s. a, see Heineccius — Scriptores de Jure Nautico. Loch (William Adam). A practical Legal Guide for Sailors and Merchants during War; with Appendices containing the Orders in Council, and other official documents relating to the present war. 8vo. Lond. 1854 Locke (John). Works. The third edition. 3 vols. fol. Lond. 1727 A Collection of several Pieces of Mr. John Locke, never before printed, or not extant in his works. [Published by Mr. Des Maizeaux.] 8vo. ibid. 1720 Essay concerning Human Understanding. 3 vols. 12mo. Glasgow, 1759 An Abridgment of Mr. Locke's Essay concerning Human Understanding, by John Wynne. The fourth edition. 12mo. Lo?id. 1731 Essai Philosophique concernant I'Entendement Humain, traduit par Pierre Coste. 4to. Amsterdam, 1700 Du Gouvernement Civil, ou Ton traitte de I'origine, des fonde- ments, de la nature, du pouvoir, et des fins des societez politiques. Traduit de I'Anglois [par David Mazel]. 12mo. ibid. 1691 Locke (John). The Game Laws, comprising all the Acts now in force on the subject, brought down to the 12 & 13 Vict. ; with explanatory notes. Third edition. 12mo. Lond. 1849 fourth edition. 12mo. ibid. 1856 The Law and Practice of Foreio;n Attachment in the Lord Mayor's Couit, under the New Rules of Practice ; with an appendix of forms. 12mo. ibid. 1853 LoCKHART (George, of Carnwath). Memoirs concerning the Affairs of Scotland, from Q. Anne's accession to the throne, to the commence- ment of the union of the two Kingdoms of England and Scotland, in May, 1707. 8vo. Lond. 1714 The Lockhart Papers : containing Memoirs and Commentaries upon the Atfairs of Scotland from 1702 to 1715, by George Lock- hart, Esq., of Carnwath, his secret Correspondence with the son of Kin^ James the Second from 1718 to 1728, and his other pohtical Writings ; also, Journals and Memoirs of the Young Pretender's Expedition in 1745, by Highland Officers in his Army. Published from original MSS. in the possession of Anthony Aufrere, Esq., of Hoveton, Norfolk. 2 vols. 4to. ibid. 1817 LOG— LOM 475 LocRE (Le Baron Jean Guillaume). La Legislation Civile, Com- mcrciale et Criminelle do la France, on Commentaire et Complement des Codes Frau(;ais. 31 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1827-32 LoDER (Robert). History of Framlincrham, in the county of Sufiolk; including brief notices of the Masters and Fellows of Pembroke Hall, in Cambridge ; begun by R. Hawes, with additions and notes. 4to. Wuodbrkhje, 1798 Lodge (Edmund). Illustrations of British History, Biography, and Manners, in the reigns of Henry VIIL, Edward VL, Mary, Elizabeth and James L, exhibited 'in a series of Original Papers, selected from the manuscripts of the noble foniilies of Howard, Talbot, and Cecil. 3 vols. 4to. Land. 1791 Life of Sir Julius Caesar, Judge of the High Court of Ad- miralty, &c. ; with memoirs of his family and descendants. To which is added, Numerus Infaustus, an historical work, by Charles Caesar, grandson to Sir Julius. 4to. ibid. 1827 Lodge (John). The Peerage of Ireland, revised and continued by Mervyn Archdall. 7 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1789 Lodge (Thomas). Defence of Poetry, &c. : see Shakespeare So- ciety, No. 48. LoENius (Joannes). Decisien en Observatien, met eenige Aanteeke- ningen; midsEjaders Resolutien, Placaaten, Hand-vesten, &c., het Roomse, Oude, en Heeden-daagse Regt betreti'ende, door Tobias Boel, Jun. 4to. Amst. 1712 LoFFT (Capel). Reports of Cases adjudged in the Court of King's Bench from Easter Term 12 Geo. 111. to Mich. 14 Geo. III. ; with some select Cases in the Court of Chancery, and of the Common Pleas, within the same period. To which is added, the Case of General Warrants, and a Collection of Maxims, fol. Lond. 1776 An Essay on the Law of Libels. To which are subjoined. Remarks on the case in Ireland of Attachment ; and the Letter of the Hon. T. Erskine on that subject. 8vo. ibid. 1785 LooiCA. Fasciculus Prajceptorum Logicorum. Editio altera, limatior opera secunda C. A. 12mo. Oxonian, 16tiO LoiSEL (Antoine). Divers Opuscules tircz des Memoires de M'. An- toine Loisel, Advocat en Parlemcnt ; ausqucls sont joints quelques ouvrages de M. Baj»tiste Du Mesnil, Advocat General du Roy, de M*. Pierre Pithou, Sicur de Savoye, et de jjlusieurs autres celebres fiersonnages de lour temps: Ic tout recueilly et mis nouvellement en umicre par M. Claude Joly. 4to. Paris, 1056 Institutes Coutumieres, avec les notes d'Eusebe de Lauriere. Nouvelle edition, augmentee par M. Dupin et M. Edouard La- boulaye. 2 vols. 12mo. ibid. 1846 Dialogue des Avocats : see Dupin (A. M. J. J.) Lollard Doctrines— Apology for: see Camden Society, No. 20. LoMBARDUS (Petrus, Episcopus Parisiensis). Sententiarura Lib. III., per Joannem Alcaumc pristino suo nitori nunc primum vcre resti- tuti. Subjiciuntur Articuli crronei, Parisiis jam dim damnati, atquc ab eorum asscrtoribus rccantati. 4to. Paris. 1536 476 LON London. The City Law ; or, the Course and Practice in all manner of Juridicall Proceedings in the Hustings in Guildhall, London. Englished out of an ancient French manuscript. 4to. Lond. 1647 The City Law, shewing the Customes, Franchises, Liberties, Priviledges, and Immunities of the famous City of London. 12mo. ibid. 1658 . " Lex Londinensis, or, the City Law ; shewing the Powers, Cus- toms and Practice of all the several Courts belonging to the famous City of London ; together with several Acts of Common Councel, &c. 8vo. ibid. 1680 The Laws and Customs, Rights, Liberties and Privileges of the City of London. 12mo. ibid.\l^b The Pleadings and Arguments, and other Proceedings in the Court of King's-Bench upon the Quo Warranto, touching the Charter of the City of London ; with the Judgment entred thei-eupon. fol. ibid. 1690 The Royal Charter of Confirmation granted by King Charles IL to the City of London. Wherein are recited verbatim, all the Charters to the said City, granted by his Majesties predecessors. Taken out of the Records, and exactly translated into English, by S. G. 8vo. ihid. n. d. - •■ London Parishes ; containing the situation, antiquity, and re-building of the Churches within the Bills of Mortality ; &c. 12mo. ihid. 1824 Croniques de London : see Camden Society, No. 28. Cronica Maiorum et Vicecomitum : see Camd. Soc. No. 34. [London in 1616. A Fac-simile of the rare print by Visscher, in the British Museum.] fol. n. d. [London in 1749. A Panoramic View, engraved by S. and N. Buck.] fol. Lond. 1749 London before the Great Fire ; or, a Series of Engravings (with historical and topographical accounts), illustrative of the early state, buildings, monuments and antiquities of the Metropolis. [Two numbers, containing eight views; no more published.] 4to. ibid. 1818 London Cases. A Collection of Cases, and other Discourses, lately written to recover Dissenters to the Communion of the Church of England. By some Divines of the City of London. The third edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1718 London Gazette: see Gazette. London University Calendar, 1844 — 1858. 15 vols. 12mo. Lond, 1844-58 ■ The University College, London, Calendar for the Session 1853-4, and for 1856—7. 2 vols. 8vo. ibid. [1853-6] Long (George). Two Discourses delivered in the Middle Temple Hall : introductory to a course of Lectures on general Jurisprudence and the Civil Law. 8vo. Lond. 1847 see also Ciceronis Orationes. LON— LOT 477 LoNGFiELD (Robert) and J. F. Townsend. Reports of Cases arfrued and determined in the Court of Exchequer in Ireland, from Hil. Term 1841 to Trin, Term 1842. 8vo. Dublin, 1843 LoNOiNUS (Dionysius). Qua? supersunt [de Sublimitate, et Fra:38 Martine (George). Reliquiae Divi Andreee, or the State of the venerable and primitial See of St. Andrews. 4to. St. Andrews, 1797 Martineau (Harriet). History of England during the Thirty Years' Peace : 1816—1846. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1849-50 Martin ELLi (Vincenzio). Istoria critica della Vita Civile, 4to. Londra, 1752 Martini (Carolus Antonius, Lib. Baro de). Positiones de Jure Naturae, a J. F. Alvares Fortuna in duos libros digesta?. 12mo. Conimhrica;, 1814 [Martini^re, Antoine Augustin Bruzen de la]. Entretiens des Ombres aux Champs-Elysees, sur divers sujets d'Histoire, Politique, et de Morale: ouvrage traduit de TAllemand par Valentin Junger- man ['pseud.\ 3 vols. 12mo. Amst. 1723 Martinique. Code de la Martinique. Nouvelle edition, par M. Durand-Molard, continuee par M. Dufresne de St. Cergues. 5 vols. 8vo. Saint Pierre, Martinique, 1807-14 Ordonnance du Roi concernant I'organisation de I'Ordre Ju- diciaire et I'Administration de la Justice a I'ile de la Martinique et a I'ile de la Guadeloupe et ses dependances. 4to. Paris, 1828 Martinius (Matthias). Lexicon Philologicum, in quo Latinae, cum puree, turn barbara? voces ex originibus declarantur, comparationc linguarum illustrantur, etc. Accedit cjusdem Cadmus Grieco- Phoenix, cum Glossario Isidori. Prajfixa est Jo. Clerici Dissertiitio Etymologica et Vita scriptoris. 2 vols. fol. Trajccti Bat. 1711 Martinus (Fridericus). Commentarius de Jure Censuum. 4to. Frihurgi I3risgoi(C, 1604 Martucius (Johannes Dominicus). Variarum Explanationum Juris Libri III., cum prjefatione G. A. Struvii. 4to. Jeme, 1683 Martyr (Petrus). Conmicntarii in duos Libros Samuelis ProphelfB qui vulgo priores Libri Regum a])pellantur. fol. Titjitri, 1564 Commentarii in Librum Judicum. fol. ibid. 1582 Marvell (Andrew). Works, poetical, controversial, and political; with a new Life of the author, by Capt. Edw. Thompson. 3 vols. 4to. Lond. 1776 Mary (Princess, afterwards Queen of England). Privy Purse Ex- penses: see Madden (F.) 508 MAR-MAS Mary (Queen of Scots). Letters, now first published from the originals, collected from various sources; with an historical intro- duction and notes, by Agnes Strickland. 2 vols. 12mo. Load. 1843 Lettres, Instructions et Memoires do Marie Stuart, Reine d'Ecosse ; publics sur les originaux et les manuscrits du State Paper Office de Londres et les principales archives et bibliotheques de r Europe, et accompagnes d'un Resume chronologique par le Prince Alexandre LabanofF. 7 vols. 8vo. Londres, 1844 Maryland. Acts of Assembly passed in the Province of Maryland, from 1692 to 1715. fob Load. 1723 Marzarius (Franciscus). Fideicommissarias Materia? Tractatus sive Epitome. r2mo. Col. Agripp. 1588 Mascall (Francis). A Digest of the Law of the Distribution of the Personal Estates of Intestates. 8vo. Lund. 1818 Mascardus (Josephus). De Probationibus. Conclusiones Proba- tionum omnium, quce in utroque foro quotidie versantur. 3 vols. 1619. Additiones ad Jos. Mascardum de Probationibus, conscripta a D. Jo. Aloysio Ricio et D. Bartholomaeo Nigro. 1626. 4 vols, in 2, fol. Franco/, ad Moenum, 1619-26 Mascheronius (Laurentius). Adnotationes ad Calculum Integralem Euleri. 4to. Ticini, 1790 Mascovius (Gotfridus). De Sectis Sabinianorum et Proculianorura in Jure Civili Diatriba. Inserta est Disquisitio de Herciscundis. 8vo. Lipsice, 1728 Mascovius (Joannes Jacobus). Principia Juris Publici Imperii Romano-Germanici. Editio quarta. 8vo. Lipsice, 1750 De Jure Feudorum in Imperio Romano-Germanico Liber. Editio tertia. 8vo. ibid. 1763 History of the Ancient Germans, and other ancient Northern nations ; translated from the German by Thomas Lediard. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1738 Maseres (Baron Francis). The Principles of the Doctrine of Life- Annuities. 4to. Lond. 1783 Tracts on the Resolution of Cubick and Biquadratick Equations. 8vo. ibid. 1803 ■ Scriptores Logarithmici ; or, a Collection of several curious Tracts on the Nature and Construction of Logarithms. 6 vols. 4to. ibid. 1791-1807 Historise Anglicanae circa tempus Conquestus Anglise a Gulielmo Notho, Normannorum Duce, Selecta Monuraenta, excerpta ex An- drea Duchesne; cum notis plurimis Anglico sermone conscriptis. 4to. ibid. 1807 Occasional Essays on various subjects, chiefly political and historical; extracted partly from the public newspapers, during the present reign, and partly from tracts published in the reigns of Q. Elizabeth, "K. Charles I., K. Charles II., and from Bishop Burnet's History of his own Times. 8vo, ibid. 1809 MAS 509 Masius (Guilielmus). Singularium Opinionum in Jure Civili Lihri sex. 4to. Lovanii, 1G41 Maskell (Rev. William\ The ancient Litur^ry of the Church of Enirhmd, nccordinu; to the Uses of Saruni, Ban'illiam and Q. Mary. fol. Boston, 1699 ■ Revised Statutes of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, passed November 4th, 1835. Published under the direction of Theron Metcalf, and Horace INIaun. 8vo. i1)id. 1836 Private and Special Statutes of the Commonwealth of ^lassa- chusetts, from May 1822 to April 1837; revised and published by authority of the Legislature, [vols. 6 and 7.] 2 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1837 Acts and Resolves passed by the Legislature of Massachusetts, in the years 1^39 — 1842. Published by the Secretary of the Com- monwealth. 8vo. ibid. 183^)-42 [Massachusetts Reports.] Reports of Cases argued and deter- mined in the Supreme Judicial Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, fi-oin September 1804 to March Term 1822. 17 vols. [The first vol. by Ephraim Williams, the remaining vols, by Dudley Atkins Tyng.]* 8vo. Exeter and Boston, 1819-33 510 MAS -MAT Massachusetts. Reports on the Fishes, Reptiles and Birds of Mas- sachusetts. Published agreeably to an order of the Legislature, by the Commissioners on the Zoological and Botanical Survey of the gtate. ^^^' Boston, 1839 . Report on the Invertebrata of Massachusetts, comprising the mollusca, Crustacea, annelida, and radiata. Published by the Com- missioners. 8vo. Cambridge, 1841 , Reports on the Herbaceous Plants and on the Quadrupeds of Massachusetts. Published by the Commissioners. 8vo. ibid. 1840 Report on the Insects of Massachusetts injurious to vegetation. Published by the Commissioners. 8vo. ibid. 1841 Fourth Report of the Agriculture of Massachusetts.— Counties of Franklin and Middlesex. By Henry Colman, Commissioner for the Agricultural Survey of the State. 8vo. ibid.lMl Abstract of the Massachusetts School Returns, for 1841—42. 8vo. ibid. 1842 Masse (A. J.) Le Nouveau parfait Notaire, ou la Science des No- taires de C. J. de Ferriere mise en harmonic avec les dispositions du Code Civil. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1807-1806 Massey (WiUiam). History of England during the reign of George the Third. vols. 1, 2. 8vo. Lond. 1855-8 Massinger (Philip). Plays; with notes critical and explanatory, by W. Gifford. The second edition. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1813 Masson (J.) Horatii Vita: see HoRATius. Masters (Robert). History of the College of Corpus Christi and the B. Virgin Mary (comnionly called Benet) in the University of Cambridge. In two parts, with Appendix. 4to. Cambridge, 1753 Masters and Servants. The Laws relating to Masters and Servants ; with notes and explanations. 8vo. Lond. 1755 . Laws concerning Masters and Servants. By a Gentleman of the Inner Temple. 12mo. ibid. 1767 Mastin (Rev. John). History and Antiquities of Naseby, in the county of Northampton. 8vo. Cambridge, 1792 Matenesius (Joannes Fridericus). De Luxu et Abusu Vestium nostri temporis. 12mo. Colo?iice, 1612 Mathews (John H.) Treatise on the Doctrine of Presumption and Presumptive Evidence, as affecting the Title to Real and Personal Property. 8vo. Lond. 1827 Treatise on the Law of Portions, and Provisions for Children of the nature of Portions ; with an Appendix of Precedents. ' 8vo. ibid. 1829 [Mathias, Thomas Jamps.] The Pursuits of Literature ; a Satirical Poem in four dialogues, with notes. The thirteenth edition, with die citations translated. 8vo. Lond. 1805 Mattei (Loreto\ Metamorfosi Lirica di Horatio: see Horatius. Matth^us (Antonius). Collegia Juris Sex : Fundamentorum Juris ; Institutionum ; Pandectsjrum ; et Codicis. 4to. Groningoi, 1638 MAT— MAU 511 Matth^us (Antonius). Commentarius de Criminibus, ad Lib. xlvii et xlviii Dig. 'Ito. Traj. ad Rhenum, 1()44 Dispntationes de Successionibus XX., de Matrimoniis XIII., de Tutelis V. ; cum Aucturio, de Divortio Legum et Usus. 12mo. Ultraj. 1652 De Auctionibus Libri duo. 4to. Traj. ad Rhenum, 1653 Orationes, quarum plcrarjue continent Argumontum Juridi- cum : accedit cjusdeni Poenia Inaugurale ; cdente Antonio ]Mattha?o, A, F. 12mo. Ultraj. 1655 Disputationrs de Obligationibus XLII., de Criminibus VIJ., de Scrvitutibus VII., et aliquot Miscellaneae. 12mo. ibid. 1660 Disputationes XVII. de Judiciis. Editio tertia. 12m o. Amst. 1665 MATTHiEUS (Antonius, Antonii filius). Commentarius ad Institution^es Justiniani. 4to. Traj. ad Rhenum, apud P. Elzevirium, 1672 de Probationibus Liber. 12mo. Lugd. Bat. 1678 [alia editio;] J. S. Entrup recensuit, et prafationem adjecit. 4to. Groningce, 1739 . Manuductio ad Jus Canonicum. 8vo. Lugd. Bat. 1696 De Nobilitate, de Principibus, Ducibus, etc., de Advocatis Ecclesitfi, de Comitatu Hollandia3 et Dioecesi Ultrajectina Libri quatuor. 4to. Amst. 1686 Observationes Rerum Judicatarum a supremo Ultrajecti Re- visionis Consessu. 12mo. Leodii, 1702 Matth^eus (Petrus). Lectio de Judicum in fercndis sentcntiis vero et necessario officio. 8vo. Lugduni, 1587 MATTHiEus Paris : see Paris. MATTHiEUS de Pisano : see Correa da Serra. Mattii.eus Westmonasteriensis. Flores Historiarnm, prfccipue ^de rebus Britannicis ab exordio mundi usque ad annum Domini 1307. tbl. Lond. 1570 Flores Historiarum ; et Clironicon ex Chronicis ab initio mundi usque ad A.D. 1118, auctore Florentio Wigorniensi ; cui accessit Continuatio usque ad annum 1141, per quendam cjusdem coenobii eruditum. lol. Francof. 1601 Matthew (Patrick). Emigration Fields: North America, the Cape, Australia, and New Zealand. 12mo. Edinh. 1839 Matthews (Richard). A Digest of the Law relating to Offences punishable by Indictment, and by Information in the Crown Office; with a Collection of Precedents. 1833. Supplement. 1836. 12mo. Lond. 18:33-6 Matthiason (J. H.) History of Bedford: or, an historical and bioffraphical Sketch of the Town of Bcdibrdand places adjacent. ^ ^ 8vo. Bedford, 1831 Maucroix (L'Abbe Francois dc) et J. de La Fontaine. Ouvrages de Prose et de Poesie, 2 vols, in 1, 12mo. Amst. 1722 512 MAU Maude (Frederic Philip) and Charles Edward Pollock. A Com- pendium of the Law of Merchant Shipping, with an Appendix con- taining all the Statutes of practical utility. 8vo. Load. 1853 Maugeret (A.) Traite de la Contrainte par Corps, en matiere Civile, de Commerce, Criminelle, Correctionelle et de simple Police. 8vo. Paris, 1808 Maugham (Robert). Treatise on the principles of the Usury LaM's; with Disquisitions on the arguments adduced against them by Mr. Bentham and other writers, and a review of the authorities in their favour. 8vo. Lond. 1824 Treatise on the Law of Attornies, Solicitors, and Agents ; with notes and disquisitions. 8vo. ihid. 1825 Treatise on the Laws of Literary Property. 8vo. ihid. 1828 The Attorneys' Hand-Book ; comprising the Law and Practice relating to the Articles and Service of Clerkship, the Examination, Admission and Re-Admission of Attorneys ; &c. 12mo. i&?V/. 1853 Maule (George) and William Selvs^yn. Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Court of King's Bench, from Hilary Term 1813 to Trinity Term 1817. 6 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1814-29 Maulius (Fridericus Albertus). Thesaurus Theorico-Practicus, con- tinens Tractatus de Fideicommissis ; Litterarum Obligatione ; Sti- pulationibus ; Societate ; Collectis ; Jure Maritimo; Commodato; Deposito; Pignoribus; Legatis ; Mandato; Mutuo. fol. MogunticB, 1666 Maunder (Samuel). The Biographical Treasury; a Dictionary of universal Biography. Sixth edition. 12mo. Lond. 1847 Maurenbrecher (Romeo). Die Rheinpreussischen Landrechte. 2 vols. 8vo. Bonn, 1830-31 Maurice (Frederick Denison, Chaplain of Lincoln's Inn). The Kingdom of Christ: or Hints on the principles, ordinances, and constitution of the Catholic Church. In Letters to a Member of the Society of Friends. 3 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1838 second edition. 2 vols. 12mo. ibid. 1842 Has the Church, or the State, the power to educate the Nation ? A course of Lectures. 8vo. ihid. 1839 Christmas Day, and other Sermons. 8vo. ihid. 1843 The Epistle to the Hebrews; with a preface containing a Review of Mr. Newman's Tiieory of Development. [Warburtonian Lectures. 8vo. ibid. 1846 The Lord's Prayer : Nine Sermons preached in the Chapel of Lincoln's Inn. 8vo. ihid. 1848 The Church a Family: Twelve Sermons on the Occasional Services of the Prayer Book, preached in the Chapel of Lincoln's Inn. 8vo. ibid. 1850 The Prayer Book, considered especially in reference to the Romish system : Nineteen Sermons preached in the Chapel of Lin- coln's Inn. The second edition. 8vo. ibid. 1852 MAU 513 Maurice (Frederick Denison, Chaplain of Lincoln's Inn). The Old Testament : Nineteen Sermons on the First Lessons for the Sundays from Scptua^resima Sunday to the third Sunday after Trinity ; preached in tlie Chapel of Lincoln's Inn. 8vo. Lond. 1851 • The Prophets and Kinps of the Old Testament: a Series of Sermons preached in the Chapel of Lincoln's Inn. 8vo. ibid. 1853 Sermons on the Sabhath-day, on the Character of the Warrior, and on the Interj)retation of History. 8vo. ifeit/. 1853 Theolofrical Essays. 8vo. ibid. 1853 The Doctrine of Sacrifice deduced from the Scriptures : a Series of Sermons. 8vo. ibid. 1854 ■ The Unity of the New Testament : a Synopsis of the first three Gospels, and of the Epistles of St. James, St. Jude, St. Peter, and St. Paul. 8vo. ibid. 1854 The Gospel of St. John : a Series of Discourses. 8vo. ibid. 1857 The Epistles of St. John : a Series of Lectures on Christian Ethics. 8vo. ibid. 1857 The Indian Crisis : Five Sermons. 12mo. ibid. 1857 The Relif^ions of the World and their relations to Christianity, considered in eight Lectures founded by the Hon. Robert Boyle. The third edition. 8vo. Camb. 1*852 Lectures on the Ecclesiastical History of the first and second centuries. 8vo. Lond. 1854 Learninp; and Workin. Lund. I(jlj4 fourth edition. 8vo. ibid. 1738 MoLESWQRTii (Itobert). An Essay upon the Law regarding the Registration of Deeds and Convevances in Ireland. 8vo. Dublin, 1838 MoLiKRE (Jean Biiptiste Poquelin). Oeuvres completes, avec les notes de tons les Coinmentateurs. Edition publiee par L. Aime- Martin. 8 vols. 8vo. Pans, 18-24-26 Opere, tradotte da Nic. di Castelli. 4 vols. 12mo. Lipsia, 1698 Works, in French and English, with his Life by M. de la Serre. 10 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1748 Molina (Ludovicus de). De Hispanorum Priraogeniorum Origine ac Nalura Libri quatuor. fol. Colonicc, 1588 MoLiN^us (Curolus). Omnia quae extant Opera. 5 vols. fol. Paris. 1681 MoLiNET (Jean). Chronique: see Buchox, vols. 43 — 47. MoLiNiEU (J. V.) Traite de Dioit Commercial, precede d'une Intro- duction historique. vol. 1, 8vo. Paris, 1846 MoLiTOR (J. P.) Les Obligations en Droit Remain, avec I'indication des Rapports entre la Legislation Romaine et le Droit Fran^ais. 8vo. Paris, 1851 Moll (Antoni). Ordinacions, y Sumari dels Privilegis, Consuetuts, y bons Usos del Regne de Mallorca. fol. Mallurca, 1663 Moll (Herman). Gcographia Classica. The third edition. 4to. Lond. 1721 MoLLER (J. G. p.) Teutsch-Scbwedisches and Schwedisch-Teutsches Worterbuch. 3.vols. 4to. Greifswa Id, 1782-^0 MoLLER (Levin). Nouveau Dictioimairc Fran(,-ois-Suedois et Suedois- Fran(;ois. 4to. Stockholm, 1755 MoLLERUS (Daniel). Semestrium Libri quinque. Editio tertia. 4to. Jence, 1611 ■ Ordinationes et Constitutiones Augusti, Ducis Saxoniae, de Processu Judiciario, etc. in Latinam linguam translator, cum com- mentariis. fol, Lipsicc, 1612 MoLLOV (Charles). De Jure Maritimo et Navali: or, a Treatise of Affairs Maritime, and of Commerce. The second edition. 8vo. Lond. 1677 eighth edition. 8vo. ibid. 1744 ninth edition. 2 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1769 MoLLOY (Philip). Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Hi/rf. 1835 534 MON Montagu (Basil) and Scrope Ayrton. Reports of Cases in Bank- ruptcy, decided by the Lord Chancellor Broufjham, the Court of Re- view, and Subdivision Court. [1833-8.] 3 vols. 8vo. Lo)id. 1834-9 • and Edward Chitty. Reports of Cases in Bankruptcy, decided by the Lord Chancellor Cottenham, and the Court of Review. [1838—9.] 8vo. ibicL 1840 Edward E. Deacon and John De Gex. Reports of Cases in Bankruptcy, argued and determined in the Court of Review, and on Appeal before the Lord Chancellor. [1840-44.] 3 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1842-5 and Scrope Aykton. The Law and Practice in Bankruptcy, as altered by the new Statutes, Orders, and Decisions. 2 vols. 12mo. ibid. 1837 second edition, by John Herbert Koe and Samuel Miller. 2 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1844 Supplement, containing the Statutes 7 & 8 Vict. cc. 96, 70 & 111, the New Rules and Orders, &c. 8vo. ibid. 1845 MoNTAau (Edward AVortley, Jun.) Reflections on the Rise and Fall of the Antient Republicks; adapted to the present state of Great Britain. The second edition. 8vo. Lond. 1760 Montagu (Lady Mary Wortley.) Letters and Works, edited by her great grandson. Lord Wharncliffe. Second edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1837 Letters, written during her travels in Europe, Asia, and Africa. 12mo. ibid. 1771 Montaigne (Michel, Seigneur de). Essais. 3 vols. 12mo. Avist. 1659 Essayes; or Morall, Politike, and Militarie Discourses [trans- lated by John Florio]. The third edition. fol. Lond. 1632 Essays, in three Books, with notes and quotations, and an Account of the author's Life ; translated by Charles Cotton. With a short Character of the author and translator, by the Marquiss of Hallifax. The sixth edition. 3 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1743 Montalembert (Le Comte Charles de). De I'Avenir politique de I'Angleterre. Troisieme edition, augmentee d'un postscriptum : La Paix et la Pairie a Vie. 8vo. Paris, 1856 Montalte (Louis de) : see Pascal. Montanus (Paulus). Tractatus novus de Jure Tutelarura et Cura- tionum 5 studio Balthasaris Montani recognitus. Secunda editio. fol. Lvgd. Bat. ex off. L. Elzev. 151/7 MoNTARGis. Les Privileges, Franchises, et Libertez des Bourgeois, manans et habitans de la ville de Montargis le franc. 8vo. Montargis, s. a. [1564] Monte (Hieronymus de). Tractatus de Finibus Regundis Civitatum, Castrorum, ac Prasdiorum. r2rao. Cul. Agripp. 1590 MoNTEFiORE (Joshua). A Commercial Dictionary : containing the present state of Mercantile Law, Practice and Custom. 4to. Lo?id. 1803 Commercial and Notarial Precedents; second edition. 4to. ibid. 1813 MO IV 535 MoNTEiL (Amans Alexis). Traite de Materiaux Manuscrits de divers genres d'Histoire. 2 vols. 8vo. Pans, 1835 MoNTERROso y Alvarado (Gabriel de). Pratica Civil y Criminal, y Instrucion de Escrivanos. fol. 3Iadrid, 1587 Montesquieu (Charles de Secondat, Baron de). (Jeuvres, avec eloges, analyses, commentaires, remarqucs, notes, &c. par MM. Destutt de fracv, Villemain, d'Alembert, Helvetius, Voltaire, Con- dorcet et Bcrtofini. 8 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1827 Oeuvres completes, avec les notes de tons les commentateurs. 2 vols. 8vo. ihid. 1839 De I'Esprit des Loix, on du rapport que les Loix doivent avoir avec la constitution de chaque gouvernemcnt, les mcEurs, le climat, la religion, Ic commerce, &c. 2 vols. 4to. Geneve, s. a. . [another edition.] 3 vols. 12mo. Geneve, 1750 The Spirit of Laws ; translated from the French, with corrections and additions communicated by the author. 2 vols. 8vo. Load. 1750 The Spirit of Laws, translated from the French edition published at Edinburgh in 1750. 2 vols. 12mo. Aberdeen, 1750 Defense de I'Esprit des Loix, a laquelle on a joint quelq^ies eclaircissemens. 8vo. Geneve, 1750 Considerations sur les Causes de la Grandeur des Romains et de leur Decadence. 12mo. Amst. 1740 Reflections on the Causes of the Grandeur and Declension of the Romans. 12mo. Lond. 1734 Lettres Persanes; seconde edition. 2 vols. 12mo. Cologne, 1721 Miscellaneous Pieces ; translated from the French. 8vo. Lond. 1759 MoNTFAUCON (Bernard de). L'Antiquite Expliquee [en Fran(^ois_ et en Latin], et re])resentee en Figures. 10 vols, in 5, fol. Paris, 1719 ■ Antiquity Explained, and represented in Sculptures; translated bv David Humphreys. 5 vols. 1751—2. Supplement. 5 vols, in 2, 172,5. 7 vols. fol. Lond. 1721-5 Les Monumens de la Monarchic Franq-oise, qui comprennent rilistoire de France, avec les Figures de chaque llegne que Hiijure des terns a epargnees. 5 vols. fol. Paris, 1729-33 MoNTOLAT (Marquis de). Memoires : see Petitot, 2de ser. vols. 49-51. Monthly Law Magazine and Political Review, February 1838 to May 1841. 10 vols. 8vo. Lund. 1838-41 MoNTHOLON : see Napoleon. MoNTicuLUS (Sebastianus). Traetatus sou Commentarius de Patria Potestate. -Ito. Patavii, 1570 MoNTLUc (Blaise de). Commentaires : see Petitot, vols. 20—22. MoNTPENSiER (L. A. Philippe d'Orleans, Due de). Memoires: see Berville et Barriere, vol. 37. 536 MOIV— MOO MoNTPENSiER (Mademoiselle de). Memoire? : see Petitot, 2de ser. vols. 40-43. MoNTRESOR (Corate de). Memoires: see Petitot, 2de ser. vol. 54. MoNTSERRAT. Acts of Assembly passed in the Island of Montserrat, from 1668 to 1740 inclusive. fol. Lond. 1740 MoNTUCLA (Jean Etienne). Histoire des Mathematiques. Nouvelle edition, considerablement augmentee ; achevee et publiee par Jerome de Lalande. 4 vols. 4to. Paris, 179D-1802 MoNTVALON (Andreas Barriga de). Epitome Juris et Legum Roma- narum frequentioris usus, juxta seriem Digestorum. 8vo. Gandavi, 1773 Traite des Successions. 2 vols. 4to. Aix, 1780 MoNUMENTA HistOHca Britannica: see Record Commission. MoNUMENTA Illustrium Virorum et Elogia. Editio nova, aucta antiquis Monument's in agro Trajectmo repertis. fol. Traj. ad Rhenum, 1671 Moody (William). Crown Cases reserved for consideration ; and decided by the Judges of England, from the year 1824 to 1844. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1837-44 and Benjamin Heath Malkin. Reports of Cases determined at Nisi Prius, in the Courts of King's Bench and Common Pleas, and on the Western and Oxford Circuits, from Michaelmas Term 1826 to Trinity Term 1830. 8vo. Lond. 1831 and Frederic Robinson. Reports of Cases at Nisi Prius, from Mich. Terra 1830 to East. Term 1844. 2 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1837^4 Moor (Bartholomaus de). Cogitationum de Instauratione Medicinae Libri tres. 8vo. Amst. 1695 MooRE (Edmund F.) Reports of Cases heard and determined by the Judicial Committee and the Lords of his Majesty's most Hon. Privy Council. 1836-1857. 9 vols, and vol. 10, parts 1, 2. 8vo. Lond. 1840-58 Reports of Cases heard and determined by the Judicial Com- mittee, and the Lords of his Majesty's most Hon. Privy Council, on Appeal from the Supreme and Sudder Dewanny Courts in the East Indies. 1836-1856. 6 vols. 8vo. ihld.lMO-b^ The Case of the Rev. G. C. Gorham against the Bishop of Exeter, as heard and determined by the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council on Appeal from the Arches Court of Canterbury. 8vo. ibid. 1852 The Cases of Westerton against Liddell (Clerk), and Home and others, St. Paul's, Knightsbridge, and Beal against Liddell (Clerk), and Parke and Evans, St. Barnabas, Pimlico : as heard and determined by the Consistory Court of London, the Arciies Court (if Canterbury, and the Judicial Committee of her Majesty's most Honourable Privv Council. 8vo. ibid. 1857 MOO— MOR 537 Moore (Sir Francis). Cases [temp. Henr. VIII. Eliz. et Jac. I.]; publie par Sir Gefrey Palmer. iol. Load. I(j(j3 second edition. [Fr.] fol. ibid. 1688 Abridgment of Sir F. Moore's Cases: see Hughes. MooHE (George,' M.D.) The Power of the Soul over the Body, considered in relation to health and morals. Second edition. 12rao. Lo7id. 1845 The Use of the Body in relation to the Mind. 12mo. ibid. 1846 MoouE (G. F.) Extracts from the Letters and Journals of George Fletcher Moore, Esq., now filling a judicial office at the Swan River Settlement. Edited by Mr. Martin Doyle. 12mo. Lo/id. 1834 MooRE (Henry). Instructions for preparing Abstracts of Titles; to which is added a Collection of Precedents. Second edition. r2mo. Lo)id. 1849 MooRE (John, M.D.) Journal duiing a Residence in France, from August to December, 1792; to which is add(Ml, an Account of the most remarkable events that happened at Paris from that time to the death of the late King of France. 2 vols. 8vo. Lo7id. 1794 View of the Causes and Progress of the French Revolution. 2 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1795 MoORE (John Bayly). A digested Index to the Term Reports, analvtically arranged, with notes, references, &c. •^ -^ * 2 vols. 8vo. Zond. 1816 Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Courts of Common Pleas and Exchequer Chamber, li-om Hil. Term 57 Geo. III. to Trin. Term 8 Geo. IV. 12 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1818-31 and Joseph Payne. Reports of Cases in the Courts of Common Pleas and Exchequer Chamber, from Mich. Term 8 Geo. IV. to Trin. Term 1 Will. IV. 5 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1828-32 and John Scott. Cases in the Courts of Common Pleas and Exchequer Chamber, and in the House of Lords, from Mich. Term 1831 to Trin. Term 1834. 4 vols. 8vo. ibid. 183:V-4 MooRE (Thomas). Memoirs of the Life of the Rt. Hon. Richard Brinsley Sheridan. The fifth edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Land. 1826 History of Ireland. 4 vols. 12mo. ibid. 1835-40 Moorman (Johan). Verhandelinge over de Misdaden en derselver Straffen, voor ecn o;root gedeelte opgestclt by Johan INIoorman, voorts vervolgt en ten einde gebragt door Johan Jacob van Ilass^dt. 4to. Arnhem, 1764 Morant (Philip). History and Antiquities of the County of Essex. ^ ^ 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1766 MoRAViENSis Episcopatus — Registrum ; see Bannatyxe Club, No. 59. More (Henry, D.D.) Philosophical Writings. The second edition. ^ ^ fol. Lond. 1662 538 MOR More (Henry, D.D.) Enchiridion Ethicum, praecipua Moralis Phi- losophioe rudinienta complectens. Editio secunda : ciii accessit authoris Epistola ad V. C. 8vo. Lond. 1669 Epitome of Ethics ; [translated into English] for the use of schools. . 8vo. ibid. 1723 ■ Epistola ad V. C. quae Apologiam complectitur pro Cartesio, quaeque inti-oductionis loco esse poterit ad universam Philosophiam Cartesianam. Editio tertia. 12mo. ibid. 1669 More (Sir Thomas). Opera omnia, quotquot reperiri potuerunt. Praefixag de vita et morteThoinfE Mori, Erasmi et Nucerini Epistolce, ut et doctorum virorum de eo Elogia. fol. Francof. ad 3Ioenum, 1689 Lucubrationes : Utopias Libri II. ; Progymnasmata ; Epigram- mata ; ex Luciano conversa qutedara ; Declamatio Lucianicae re- spondens ; Epistolae. Quibus additae sunt dute aliorum Epistolae, de vita, moribus, et morte Mori. 8vo. Basilece, 1563 Utopia et Epigrammata. Item, Erasmi Epigrammata. 4to. ibid. 1518 L'Utopie, traduite en Francois par M, Gueudeville. 12mo. Leide, 1715 Epigrammata. 12mo. Lond. 1638 More (Thomas de la) : see Camdeni Anglica. MoREAu de Jonnes (Alexandre). Statistique de la Grande Bretagne et de I'Irlande. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1837-8 MoREAU DE Saint-Mery (Mederic Louis Elie). Loix et Constitutions des Colonies Francoises de I'Amerique sous le vent, depuis 1550 jusqu'en 1785. ' 6 vols. 4to. Paris [1784-5] MoRELL (J. D.) An historical and critical View of the Speculative Philosophy of Europe in the nineteenth century. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1846 MoRELL (Thomas, S. T. P.) Lexicon Graeco-Prosodiacum, correxit et auxit Edvardus Maltby. 4to. Lond. 1824 MoRERi (Louis). Le Grand Dictionaire Historique, ou le Melange Curieux de I'Histoire Sacree et Profane. 4 tom. in 2 vols. fol. Amst. 1694 nouvelle edition, dans laquelle on a refondu les Sup- plemens de M. I'Abbe Gouiet, augmentee par M. Drouet. 10 vols. fol. Pam, 1759 MoREuiL ( ). Manuel des Agents Consulaires Frangais et Etran- gers. 8vo. Paris, 1850 Morgan (George Osborne). Chancery Acts and Orders; being a collection of "Statutes and General Orders recently passed and made for extending the Jurisdiction and improving the Practice of the Court of Chancery; with copious notes, containing a summary of every reported decision thereon up to the present time ; containing the trustee and Trustee Relief Acts, &c., and the Orders from 1852 to 18-58. 12mo. Lond. 1858 MOR 539 Morgan (Hector Davies}. The Doctrine and Law of MaiTiage, Adultery, and Divorce. 2 vols 8vo. Land. 18-26 MoRQAX (James V.) England under the Norman occupation. 12nio. Leipzig, 1858 Morgan (Thomas, M.D.) Philosophical Principles of Medicine. 8vo. Loud. 1725 Morgan (William). The Doctrine of Annuities and Assurances on Lives and Survivorships stated and explained; to which is added, an Introduction, and also an Essay on the present state of Popu- lation in England and Wales, by the Rev. Dr. Price. 8vo. Zofid. 1779 MoRHOFius (Daniel Georgius). Polyhistor Literarius, Philosophicus, et Practicus : opus posthumum a Joanne MoUero illustratum. Editio secunda. 2 vols. 4to. Luheca', 1714 MoRiCE (William). The Common Right to the Lord's Supper asserted. fol. Lond. 1G60 MoRisoN (William ]\Lix\veU). The Decisions of the Court of Session, from its first institution to the present time, digested under proper heads in the form of a Dictionary; with additions in notes. 38 vols, in 19, 4to. Edinh. 1801-7 Synopsis and Index. 2 vols. 4to. ibid. 1815 Decisions of the Court of Session, from 1733 to 1754, collected and digested into the form of a Dictionary, by Patrick Grant of Elchies, edited from the original manuscript by W. M. Morison; with Notes on the Cases. 2 vols, in 1, 4to. ibid. 1813 Synopsis of the Decisions of the Court of Session, from the commencement of its sittings in two divisions, in continuation of the Dictionary of Decisions, and digested according to the arrange- ment of that work, with notes. 4to. ibid. 1814 MoRLEY (William II.) An Analytical Digest of all the reported Cases decided in the Supreme Courts of Judicature in India, in the Courts of the Hon. East-India Company, and on Appeal from India by her Majesty in Council ; with an Introduction, Notes, and an Appendix [containing Sir Edward Hyde East's and Sir Erskine Perry's Notes of decided Cases]. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1849-50 New Series. vol. 1, 8vo. ibid. 1852 The Administration of Justice in British India ; its past and present state: comprising an account of the Laws peculiar to India. 8vo. ibid. 1858 MoRNACius (Antonius). Obscrvationes in XXIV. Libros Digcstorum et in IV. Ijibros Codicis, ad usum Fori Gallici. fol. Paris. 1(547 Obscrvationes in quinqu: giiita Libros Digcstorum, et in duo- decim Libros Codicis. Nova editio, loeupletior et auctior. 4 vols, in 2, fol. ibid. 1721 MoRO ('Gerardo). Informe en Derecho, sobre que la Compania de el Real Assiento de la Gran Bretana, establecida para la introduccion de Esclavos Negros, en estas Indias, debe dedararse libre, y exempta de la paga de los Reales Derccbos, comprehendidos en el nombre de Alcavala. fol. Mexico, 1724 540 MOR— MOS [Morris, Corbyn.] Observations on the past growth and present state of the City of London. By the author of a Letter from a Bystander. ^ fol. Land. 1751 see also Bills of Mortality. Morris (R.) and W. F. Finlason. The Common Law Procedure Act, with Notes, Introduction, the New Rules, Forms, &c. 12mo. Lond. 1853 Morrison (Robert, D.D.) A Dictionary of the Chinese Language, in three parts. 6 vols. 4to. Macao, 1815-22 Chinese Miscellany ; consisting of original Extracts from Chi- nese authors, in the native character ; with translations and philo- logical remarks. 4to. Lond. 1825 Morszheim (Johann von). Spiegel des Regiments: see Stuttgart Society, vol. 37. Morton— Registrum Honoris de: see Bannatyne Club, No. 98. Morton (Rev. James). The Monastic Annals of Tiviotdale : or, the History and Antiquities of the Abbeys of Jedburgh, Kelso, Melros, and Dryburgh. " 4to. Edinh. 1832 Morton (John). The Natural History of Northamptonshire ; w^ith some account of the Antiquities. fol. Land. 1712 Morton (T. C.) A practical Treatise of the Law of Vendors and Purchasers of Chattels Personal. 8vo. Lond. 1836 Decisions of the Supreme Court of Judicature at Fort William in Bengal, from the date of the Charter of 1774 to 1841; with notes. 8vo. Calcutta, 1841 MoRTREUiL (Jean Anselme Bernard). Histoire du Droit Byzantin ou du Droit Romain dans 1' Empire d'Orient, depuis la raort de Justinien jusqu'a la prise de Constantinople en 1453. 2 vols. 8vo. 3IarseiUe, 1843-6 MoRUS (Henricus"). Historia Missionis Anglicanse Societatis Jesu, ab anno salutis 1580 ad 1619, et Vice-Provincise primum, tuni Pro- vinciae ad ejusdem saeculi annum 35. fol. Audomari, 1660 MoRUS (Henricus, S. T. P.) : see More (Henry). [MoRUS, Michael.] De Existentia Dei et Humans; Mentis Immor- talitate secundum Cartesii et Aristotelis doctrinam Disputatio. 12mo. Paris. 1692 MoRus (T.) : see More (Sir Thomas). MoRYSON (Fynes). History of Ireland, from the year 1599 to 1603; with a short Narration of the State of the kingdom, from the year 1169. To which is added, a Description of Ireland. 2 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1735 Moseley (Joseph). The Law of Inferior Courts for the Recovery of Debts. 8vo. Lond. 1845 Political Elements, or the Progress of modern Legislation. 12mo. ibui. 1852 Mosely (William). Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Hio-h Court of Chancery, during the time of Lord Chancellor King. fol. Dublin, 1744 MOS-MOU 541 MoSKR (Friedrich Carl von). Teutschcs Hof-Reclit, 2 vols, in 4, 4to. Franchfurt, 17G1 MosER (Johann Jacob). Versuch des neuesten Europaischen Vblker- Rcchts in Friedens- und Kriegs-Zeiten. 10 vols. 8vo. Frankfurt avi Mayn^ 1777-80 Beytriige zu dem neuesten Europaischen Volckerrecht in Krie^Q MuNDY (Captain R.): see Brooke (James). MuNFORD (Rev. Geoi-ire). An Analysis of the Domesday Book of the County of Norfolk. ' Svo. Loud. 1858 MuNNOz de Escobar (Franciscus). Tractatus de Ratiociniis Adminis- tratorum et Computationibus variis aliis. 4to. Ursellis, 1606 MuNSTER. Memoires et Negociations secretes touchant la paix de Munster [par N. Clement] : see Dumont (Jean). MuNTANER (Ramon). Chronique : see Buchon, vols. 5, 6; and Stuttgart Society, vol. 8. MuRATORius (Lodovicus Antonius). Rerum Ifalicarum Scriptores ab anno terse Christianas 500 ad 1500, quorum potissima pars nunc primum in luccm prodit ; collcgit, ordinavit, et prafationibus auxit L. A. Muratorius. 25 vols, in 28, fol. Mediulani, 1723-51 [Supplementary volumes.] Rcrum Italicarum Scriptores ab anno a-ras Christiana' 1000 ad 1600, quorum potissima pars nunc ])rimum in luccm prodit [cura Josephi Mariic Tartinii]. 2 vols. fol. Florentia; 1748-70 Antiquitates Italica; Medii M\\, sive Dissertationes de moribus, ritibus, rcligione, legibus, artibus, nummis, aliisque facicm et mores Italici populi reierentibus post declinationein Rom. Imp. ad annum usque 1500. 6 vols. Ibl. Medioluni, 1738-42 Annali d' Italia dal ])rincipio dcU' era volgare sino all' anno 1750; colle prefazionc critiche di Giuseppe Catalani, col prose- guimento a gli anni presenti, ed Indice generale. 14 vols. 4to. Lticca, 1762-70 Dissertazioni sopra le Antichita Italiane: opera postuma data in luce dal proposto Gian-Francesco Soli Muratori. Nuova cdizionc accresciuta di prefazioni, et note dall' Abbate Gaetano Cenni. 3 vols. 4to. Monaco, 1765-6 Novus Thesaurus Vctcrum Inscriptionum in prajcipuisearumdem coUectionibus haetemis pra;termissarum [cum Jos. Bimardi disscrta- tionibus et ei)istolis]. 4 vols, fol, Medioluni, 1739 Trattato dei Difotti dolla Giurlsprudenza. fol. Venczia, 1742 MuRDiN (William) : see Burgiiley. Mure (Liout.-Col. "William). A critical History of the Language and Literature of Antient Greece. 5 vols. Svo. Lond. 1850-57 544 MUR-MUS MuRET (P.) Ritos of Funeral, ancient and modern, in use through the known world; to which is added Minucius FeUx' Vindication of Christianity against Paganism. Translated by Paul Lorrain. ° 12mo. Land. 1683 MuRETUS (M. Antonins). Commentarii in IV. Titulos Lihri I. Di- gestorum: de Origine Juris; de Legibus SenatusqueConsultis ; Constitutionibus Principum ; et Officio ejus cui raand. est Jurisd. Necnon Ventura Ca3ci Catalexis in L. 2. ff. de Origine Juris. 12mo. Franco/. 1601 Murphy (Francis Stack), and Edwin Tyrrell Hurlstone. Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Court of Exchequer from Hilary Term 1836 to Mich. Term 1837. 8vo. Lond. 1838 Murray (Alexander, D.D.) History of the European Languages ; or, Researches into the Affinities of the Teutonic, Greek, Celtic, Sclavonic, and Indian Nations. With a Life of the author. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 1823 Murray (Sir David). Poems : see Bannatyne Club, No. 2. Murray (John) : see Session (Court of). Murray (Joseph). Reports of Cases tried in the Jury Court at Edinburgh and on the Circuit, from the institution of the Court in 1815 to July 1830. 5 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 1818-31 Murray (Lindley). An English Grammar. The fourth edition. 2 vols. 8vo. York, 1819 Murray (Hon. Robert Dundas). A Summer at Port Phillip. 12mo. Edinb. 1843 Mus^ Anglicanje. Musarum Anglicanarum Analecta, sive Poemata quaedam melioris nota;, seu hactenus inedita, seu sparsim edita. 3 vols. 12mo. Lond. et Oxon. 1714-17 MusiE Etonenses ; seu Carminum Etonas conditorum Delectus. Editio altera, cura Gul. Herbert. 2 vols. 8vo. Etonce, 1817 MusiEUS Grammaticus. De Herone et Leandro Carmen, Gr. et Lat. ex recensione Job. Schraderi, qui variantes lectiones, notas, et animad- versionum librum adjecit. 8vo. Leovardice, 1742 Mus^us (Joannes Daniel Henricus). Commentatio de Jure Com- missionum quae in concursu illustrium solent constitui. 4to. GoettitigcB, 1774 Museum Criticum ; or, Cambridge Classical Researches. 2 vols. 8vo. Cambridge, 1826 Museum Flohentinum, exhibens insigniora Vetustatis Monumenta, quae Florentiag sunt in Thesauro Mediceo [cum observationibus Antonii Francisci Gorii, et aliorum]. 12 vols, in 11, fol. Florentice, 1731-66 [Contents :] — Gemmae antiquae, cum observationibus A. F. Gorii. 2 vols. 1731-32. Statuse antiquae, cum observationibus ejusdem. 1734. Autiqua Numismata maximi moduli, cuin observationibus ejusdem. 3 vols. 1740-42. Seiie di Ritratti de^li Pittori, coUe vite in compendio de' medesimi descntte da Francesco Moiicke. 4 vols. 1752-62. Serie di Ritratti di Pittori esistente appresso 1' .\bate Antonio Pazzi, con brevi notizie intorno a' medesimi compilate dall' Abate Orazio Martini. 2vols.ini. 1765-66. MUS— MYT 545 MuSGRAVE (Sir Ricliard). Memoirs of the different Rebellions in Ireland, from the arrival of the En<;lish ; with a particular detail of that which broke out the 23rd of May, 1798. 4to. Dublin, 1801 MussoN (L'Abbe). Ordres Monastiqucs : histoire extraite de tousles Autcurs qui out conserve a la posterite ce qu'il y a de plus curieux dans chaque ordrc. 5 vols. Traiti's preliminaires. 1 vol. G vols. 12mo. Berlin, 1751 MuYART de Vougjlans (Pierre Francois). Institutes an Droit Cri- minel, ou Principes fjeneraux sur ces matieres, suivant le Droit Civil, Canonique, et la Jurisprudence du Royaume. 4to. Paris, 1757 Instruction Criniinelle suivant les Loix et Ordonnanccs du Royaume. 4to. ibid. 1707 Les Loix Criminclles do France, dans leur ordre naturel. fol. ibid. 17S0 MuYDEX (Johannes van). Pandectarum Tractatio compendiosa. rimo. 2^raj. ad Mhenum, 1695 Mylerus ab Ehrenbach (Nicolaus). Tractatus de Jure Asylorum. 4to. Stuttgardioi, 1()()3 Myln (Alex.) Vita} Episcoporum Dunkeldensium : see Bannatyne Club, No. 1. Mylne (James William) and Benjamin Keex. Reports of Cases arfjued and dcteriniiied in the Hi^h Court of Chancery, from 1832 to 1835, duriiics. Seventh edition, enlaroed by M. Seoane, M.D. ® ° " 2 vols. 8vo. Loud. n. d. Neumann (Leopold). Recueil des Traites et Conventions conclus par I'Autriche avec les puissances etrangeres, depuis 17G:J juscpi'anos jours. vols. 1—4, 8vo. Leipzli/, \Soo-S Neve (Richard). The City and Country Purchaser, and Ikiilder's Dictionary. The second edition. 8vo. L(i/id.\r26 Nevile (Sandford) and William M. Manning. Reports of Cases de- termined in the Court of King's Bench, from Mich. Term 3 Wdl. IV. to Trin. Term (i Will. IV. G vols. 8vo. Lond. 1834-9 and Thomas Erskine Perry. Re])orts of Cases determined in the Court of King's Bench, and upon Writs of Error from that Court to the Exchequer Chamber, from Mich. Term 1836 to Trin. Term 1838. -^ ^'^^^^ ^vo. ibid. 1837-8 550 NEV— NEW Nevile (Sandford) and W. M. Manning. Reports of Cases relating to the Duly and Office of MaG;istrates, determined in the Court of Kinfr's Bench and other Courts, from Mich. Term 1832 to Trin. Terra 1836. 3 vols. 8vo. Load. 1834-8 and T. Erskine Perry. Reports of Cases relating to the Office of Macristrates, determined in the Court of King's Bench, from Mich. Term 1836 to Mich. Term 1837. parts 1, 2. 8vo. ibid. 1837 Nevis. Acts of Assembly passed in the Island of Nevis, from 1664 to 1739, inclusive. fol, Lond. 1740 Nevizanus (Joannes). Sylva Nuptialis. 8vo. Apud J. Lertout, 1602 New-Brunswick. The Acts of the General Assembly of his Majesty's province of New-Brunswick, from the twenty-sixth year to the end of the reign of George III. 8vo. Frede7ncfon, 1824 ■ Acts of the General Assembly, 1 — 4 Geo. IV. With Appendix, comprising the Acts 5 — 8 Geo. IV. 8vo. Fredaricton t)'- ISaint John, 1826-7 Newburgh : see Gulielmus Neubrigensis. Newcastle (Thomas Pelham Holies, Duke of). Letter, by his Majesty's order, to Monsieur Michell, the King of Prussia's Secre- tary of the Embassy, in answer to the Memorial, and other Papers, delivei'ed by M. Michell to the Duke oi Newcastle, on the 23rd of November, and 13th of December last. 4to. Lond. 1753 New County Courts Cases: see Roberts (W. H.) Newcourt (Richard). Repertorium Ecclesiasticum Parochiale Lon- dinense : an Ecclesiastical Parochial History of the Diocese of London ; containing an Account of the Bishops of that See, from the first foundation thereof; also of the Deans, Archdeacons, Dig- nitaries and Prebendaries, from the Conquest ; and lastly, of the several Parish Churches, and of their Pati'ons and Incumbents, &c. 2 vols. fol. Land. 1708-10 Newell (Joseph). Inquest Jurymen. An Enquiry into the nature and duties of the Office of Inquest Jurymen of the City of London, together with the By-Laws of the Common Council, and the Articles of Charge, &c. 8vo. Lond. 1825 Newfoundland. Select Cases from the Records of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland, 1817—1828. [With a copy of the Royal Charter, and Rules and Orders of the Court.] 8vo, St. John's, Newfoundland, 1829 Newland (John). Treatise on Contracts, within the Jurisdiction of Courts of Equity. 8vo. Lond. 1806 ■ Practice of the High Court of Chancery ; with a Collection of Forms of Pleadings, &c. The third edition. 2 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1830 [first edition]. 8vo. ibid. 1813 New Magistrates Cases : see Magistrates. Newman (Samuel). A Concordance to the Holy Scriptures. The third edition. Cambridge, 1682 see also Cotton (Clement). NEW 551 Newnam (William). The complete Conveyancer ; or, the Theory and Practice of Conveyancing in all its branches. A new edition, with additions. ' 3 vols. fol. Lund. 1788 New Pkactice Casks, tofjether with Cases in Evidence, Stamps, and the Law of Attorneys and Solicit(jrs, from Easter Term 1844 to Trinity Term 1848. " By R. G. Welfbrd, A. Bittleston, Paul Par- nell, &c. 2 vols, and vol. 3, parts 1, 2. 8vo. Lond. 1847-9 New Reports: see Bosanquet and Puller. New Sessions Cases: containino; Reports of Cases relatinp; to the duties and liabilities of Maoistratcs, determined in the Superior Courts at Westminster, from llil. Term 1844 to Trin. Term 1851. Bv J. M. Carrow, J. Hamerton, T. Allen, and C. Otter [vol. 4 by C" G. Pridcaux and II. T. Cole]. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1845-51 Newton (Sir Isaac). Opera quae exstant omnia ; commentariis illns- trabat Samuel Horsley, LL.D. 5 vols. 4to. Lond. 1779-85 Philosophic Naturalis Principia Mathematica, perpctuis com- mentariis illustrata communi studio Th. Le Sueur et Fr. Jacquier. 3 vols, in 4, 4to. Geneves, 1739-42 The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy, translated into Enjj:lish by Andrew Motte. To which are added, the Laws of the Moon's motion, according to gravity, bv John Machin. 2 vols. 8yo. Lond. 1729 Opticks: or, a Treatise on the Reflections, Refractions, Inflec- tions and Colours of Light. The fourth edition. 8yo. ibid. 1730 The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms amended. 4to. ib. 1728 [another edition.] 4to, ibid. 1770 Observations upon the Prophecies of Daniel, and the Apo- calypse of St. John. 4to. ibid. 17:33 Tables for Renewing and Purchasing the Leases of Cathedral- Churches and Colleges. The fifth edition. 8vo. ibid. 1735 sixth edition. 12mo. ibid. 1742 Newton (Richard, D.D.) University Education : or, an Explication and Amendment of the Statute which prohibits the admission of Scholars going from one Society to another without the leave^ of their respective Governors, &c. 8vo. Iyond.\/2b [ ] Pluralities Indefensible: a Treatise humbly offered to jhe consideration of the Parliament of Great Britain. 8vo. Lond. 1743 Rules and Statutes for the (jovernment of Hertford College, in the University of Oxford ; with observations on particular parts of them, shewing the reasonableness thereof. 8vo. ibid. 1747 Newton (Thomas, Bp. of Bristol). Dissertations on the Prophecies, which have remarkably been fultilled, and at this time are fulHlling in the world. New edition. 8vo. Lond. 1843 Newton (William). History and Antiquities of Maidstone, the County- Town of Kent. ' 8vo. Lond. 1141 552 NEW Newton (William). A Display of Heraldry. 8vo. Lond. 1846 The London Journal of Arts and Sciences ; containing Reports of all new Patents, with a description of their respective principles and properties : also, original communications on subjects connected with science and philosophy ; particularly such as embrace the most recent inventions and discoveries in practical mechanics. 14 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1820-8 Second Series, by W. Newton and C. F. Partington. 9 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1828-34 ■ An Analogical Index to the First and Second Series of the London Journal of Arts and Sciences. By W. Newton. 8vo. ibid. n. d. The London Journal of Arts and Sciences ; and Re- pertoiy of Patent Inventions. Conjoined Series. 45 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1832-54 London Journal of Arts and Sciences; being a record of the progress of invention as applied to the arts. New Series. vols. 1—8, 8vo. ibid. 1855-8 New- York. Acts of Assembly passed in the Province of New-York, from 1691 to .1718. fol. Lo7id. 1719 ■ Laws of the State of New-York, 51-58 Session. 8 vols. 8vo. Albany, 1828-35 The Revised Statutes of the State of New- York. 3vols. 8vo. Albamj.^^Q,^ The Revised Statutes of the State of New- York, as altei-ed by the Legislature ; including the Statutory Provisions of a general nature passed from 1828 to 1835. To which are added, certain Local Acts passed before and since the Revised Statutes, and all the Acts of general interest passed during the Session of 1836. 3 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1836 Laws of the State of New-York, passed at the first Meeting of the seventeenth Session of the Legislature, 5th January, 1847. vol. 1. 8vo. ihid. 1847 Statutes of the State of New- York, of a public and general character, passed from 1829 to 1851, both inclusive ; with notes, and references to judicial decisions, and the Constitution of 1846 : compiled and arranged by Samuel B latch foi'd ; with a copious index by Clarence A. Sewai'd. 8vo. Auburn, 1852 Laws of the State of New-York, in relation to the Erie and Champlain Canals, together with the Annual Reports of the Canal Commissioners, and other documents. 2 vols. 8vo. Albany, 1825 First, Second, Third and Foui'th Reports of the Commissioners of the State of New-York on Practice and Pleadings. 8vo. ibid. 1848-9 The Code of Civil Procedure of the State of New-York. Reported complete by the Commissioners on Practice and Pleadings. 8vo. ibid. 1850 - — The Code of Criminal Procedure of the State of New-York. 8vo. ibid. 1850 NEW— NIC 553 New-York. The Code of Procedure of the State of New-York, with notes, an appendix, and index. Voorhies' fourth edition. 8vo. New-Yorh, 1855 • Journal of the Assembly of the State of New-York. 5.3—58 Session, 1830—35. 5 vols. 8vo. Albany, 1830-5 Journal of the Senate of the State of New-York. 53 — 58 Sess. 1830-35. (J vols. 8vo. ibid. 1830-5 Legislative Documents of the Senate and Assembly of the State of NewlYork. 53 Sess. 1830. 4 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1830 Documents of the Senate of the State of New- York. 54—58 Sess. 1831—35. 9 vols. 8vo. /i/r/. 1831-5 Documents of the Assembly of the State of New-York. 54—58 Sess. 1831—35. 21 vols. 8vo. ihid. 1831-5 Documents relative to tlie Colonial History of the State of New- York ; procured in Holland, Enirlaiid and rrance, by John Konievn Brodhead, Esq., Ard hjemme og ude, udgivne efter de Islandske Gi'undskrifter af N. M. Petersen. 4 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1839-44 Memoire sur la Decouverte de I'Amerique au dixieme siecle ; par C. C. Rafn. Second tirage. 8vo. Cujienhague, 184^3 Apergu de Tancienne Geographic des Regions Arctiques de I'Ame- rique, selon les rapports contenus dans les Sagas du Nord, par C. C. Rafn. 8vo. ibid. 1847 Antiquitcs Americaines d'aprcs les monuments historiques des Islandais et des anciens Scandinaves, publiees par Charles Christian Rafn. , fol. ibid. 1845 Antiquitcs Russes d'apres les monuments historiques des Islandais et des anciens Scandinaves. [Editces par C. C. Rafn.] 2 vols. fol. ibid. 1850-52 Saga Jiitvardar Konungs bins Helga, udgiven efter Islandske Old- boger. 8vo. Kj'ubenhavn, 1852 Vestiges d'Asserbo et de Sbborg decouverts par S. M. Frederic VII. Roi de Daneniai'k [|)ar C. F. AN'egener]. 8vo. Copenh. 1855 Tidsskrift for Nordisk ( )ldkyiidighed. 2 vols. 8vo. Kjubenharn, 182()-9 Nordisk Tidsskrift for Oldkyndighed. 3 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1832-6 Annaler for Nordisk Oldkyndighed og Historic. 1836-55. 16 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1836-55 Meraoires de la Societe Royale des Antiquaires du Nord, 1836—49. 4 vols. 8vo. Cujienhayue, 1839-52 o o 662 NOR Northern Antiquaries, Publications of the Royal Society of—conf. Antiquarisk Tidsskrift, 1843—54. 4 vols. 8vo. Kjubenh. 1845-54 Nordboernes Foi'biiidelser med Osten i det niende oj^ iiaermest fol- gende Aai-liundreder ; af C. C. Rafn. [Saerskilt Aftryk af Antiquarisk Tidsskrift.] 8vo. JCjiibenhavn, 1854 Bemaerkninger om en Steenoxe med Runeindskrift tilhorende bans Majestaet Kongen ; ved Carl C. Rafn. Sarskilt Aftryk af Antiquarisk Tidsskrift. 8vo. ibid. 1854 Sur la Consti'uction des Salles dites des Geants, par S. M. le Roi Frederic VII. de Danemark. [Extrait des Memoires de la Societe Royale des Antiquaires du Nord.] 8vo. Copenhague, 1857 Antiquites de TOrient, monuments Runograpbiques interpretes par C. C. Rafn. 8vo. ihid. 1856 Atlas de I'Arcbeologie du Nord representant des ecbantillons de I'age de bronze et de I'age de fer. fol. ibid. 1857 Report addi'essed by tbe Royal Society of Northern Antiquaries to its British and American members. 8vo. Cujienhagen, 1836 Guide to Northern Archaeology by the Royal Society of Northern Antiquaries of Copenhagen ; edited for the use of English readers by the Rt. Hon. the Earl of Ellesmere. 8vo. Copenhagen, 1848 Northern Antiquities. Illustrations of Northern Antiquities, from the earlier Teutonic and Scandinavian Romances: being an Abstract of the Book of Heroes, and Nibelungen Lay ; with translations of metrical Tales, from the old German, Danish, Swedish, and Icelandic languages ; with notes and dissertations. [Edited by Sir Walter Scott, Robert Jamieson, and Hein-y Weber.] 4to. JEdinb. 1814 Northumberland. A historical and descriptive View of the County of Northumberland, and of the Town and County of Newcastle upon Tyne, with Berwick upon Tweed, and other celebrated places on the Scottish Border. 2 vols. 8vo. Newcastle-upon-Tgne, 1811 • A Glossary of Terms used in the Coal Trade of Northumber- land and Durham. Second edition. 8vo. ibid. 1851 Northumberland (Earl of). The Regulations and Establishment of the Household of Henry Algernon Percy, the fifth Earl of North- umberland, at his Castles of Wresill and Lekinfield in Yorkshire, begun A.D. 1512. [With preface by Thomas Percy, Bishop of Dromore.] 8vo. Lond. 1827 Norton (George). Commentaries on the History, Constitution, and Chartered Franchises of the City of London. [Edited by Edward Tyrrell, Deputy Remembrancer.] 8vo. Lond. 1829 ■ Rudimentals ; being a series of Discourses on the Principles of Government, the Government of England, the East India Company, the Court of Directors, the Board of Control, the System of Govern- ment in India ; and on Jurisprudence or the Principles of Admi- nistrative Justice : addressed to the Natives of India. 8vo. Madras, 1841 NOR 563 Norway (Law of). Samlinp: af Gamle Norske Love, af det framle Norske i h Al Vakiat ; or, Private Memoirs of the Moghul Emperor Ilumayrm, written in the Persian language, by Joucher, a confidential domestic of his Majesty ; translated by Major Charles Stewart. 4to. ibid. 1832 24. The Siyar-ul-]Mutakherin ; a History of the Mahomedan Power in India during the last century, by Mir (iholam Hussein- Khan ; revised from the translation of Haji Mustafa, and collated with the Persian original, bv John Briggs. vol. l,8vo. ibid. 1832 25. Hoei-Lan-Ki ; ou I'Histoire du Ccrcle de Craie : Drame en prose et en vers ; traduit du Chinois, et accompagne de notes, par Stanislas Julien, 8vo. ibid. lt>32 26. San Kokf Tsou Ran To Sets; ou, Apcrcju General des Trois Royaumes ; traduit de I'original Jyponais-Chinois, par J. Klaproth. 8vo. Pari.t, 1832 27. Annals of the Turkish Empire, from 1591 to 1659 of the Christian Era, by Naima ; translated from the Tuikish by Charles Eraser. vol. 1, 4to. Lo^id. 1832 574 ORI Oriental Translation Fund, Publications of the— continued. 28. Ragliuvansa, Kalidasae Carmen, Sanskrite et Latine; edidit Adolphus Fridericus Stenzler. 4to. LoncL 1832 29. Customs and Manners of the Women of Persia, and their Domestic Superstitions ; translated from the original Persian manuscript, by James Atkinson. 8vo. ibid. 1832 30. History of the Early Kings of Persia, from Kaiomars, the first of tlie Peshdadian Dynasty, to the Conquest of Iran by Alexander the Great ; translated from the original Persian of Mirkhond, entitled the '* Ranzatus-safa," with notes and illus- trations, by David Shea. 8vo. ibid. 1832 31. The Tohfut-ul-Mujahideen [a History of the First Settlement of the Mohammedans in Malabar, and of their subsequent Struggles with the Portuguese]; translated from the Arabic, by Lieut. M. Rowlandson. 8vo. ibid. 1832 32. Alfiyya; ou, la Quintessence de la Grammaire Arabe : ouvrage de Djemal-eddin Mohammed, connusous le nom d'Ebn-malec; public en original, avec un commentaire, par le Baron Silvestre de Sacy. 8vo. Par-is, 1833 33. Narrative of Travels in Europe, Asia, and Africa, in the seven- teenth century, by Evliya Efendi ; translated from the Turkish, by Joseph von Hammer. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1834-50 34. Description of the Burmese Empire ; compiled chiefly from native documents, by the Rev. Father Sangermano, and trans- lated from his MS. by Wm. Tandy, D.D. 4to. Borne, 1833 35. Essay on the Architecture of the Hindus, by Ram Raz, Native Judge and Magistrate at Bangalore. 4to. Lond. 1834 36. Nipon o Dai Itsi Ran ; ou Annales des Empereurs du Japon ; traduites par M. Isaac Titsingh : ouvrage revu, complete, et corrige, sur Toriginal JaponaisChinois, accompagne de notes, et precede d'un AperQU de I'Histoire Mythologique du Japon, par J. Klaproth. 4to. Paris, 1834 37. Harivansa ; ou, Histoire de la Famille de Hari : ouvrage forniant un Appendice du Mahabharata; et traduit sur I'original Sanscrit, par M. A. Langlois. 2 vols. 4to. ibid. 1834-5 38. Miscellaneous Translations : see No. 16. 39. The Didascalia; or, the Ethiopic Version of the Apostolical Constitutions of the Abyssinian Church, edited and translated by Thomas P. Piatt. 4to. Lond. 1834 40. Les Aventures de Kamrup, par Tahcin-uddin ; traduites de THindoustani par M. Garcin de Tassy. 8vo. Paris, 1834 41. The Chronicles of Rabbi Joseph Ben Joshua Ben Meir, the Sphardi; translated from the Hebrew, by C. H. F. Biallo- blotzky. 2 vols. 8vo. Lo7id. 1835-6 42. The Political and Statistical History of Gujarat, translated from the Persian of All Mohammed Khan ; to which are added copious annotations and an historical introduction, by James Bird. 8vo. ibid. 1835 ORI 575 OiuENTAL Translation Fund, Publications of the— coiitinued. 43. Le Livre des Recompenses el des Peincs, en Cliinois et en Frangais ; acconipagne de quatre cents le^endes. anecdotes et liistoires qui font connaitre les doctrines, les croyances et les moeurs de la secte des Tao-sse. Traduit du Chinois par Stanislas Julien. 8vo. Paiis, 18:35 44. Lexicon Biblidgraphicum et Encyclopaedicum a Mustafa Ben Ab- dallah, Katib Jelebi dicto et nomine Haji Klialfa celebrato compositum ; ad codicum Vindoboncnsium, Parisiensium et Beroliiiensis fidem prinium edidit, Latine vertit, et commentario indicibusque instruxit Gustavus Fluegel. 6 vols. 4to. LipsicB, 1835-52 45. Chronique d'Abou-Djafar Mohammed Tabari, fils de Djarir, filsd'Yezid; traduite sur la version Persane d'Abou-Ali Mo- hammed Belami, fils de Mohammed, his d'Al)d-Allah, d'apres les manuscrits de la Bibliotheque du Roi, par Louis Diibeux. vol. 1, 4to. Paris, 1836 46. Laili and Majnun : a Poem ; from the original Persian of Nazami, by James Atkinson. 8vo. Lond. 1836 47. History of the Temple of Jerusalem ; translated from the Arabic MS. of the Imam Jalal-addin al Siiiti, with notes and disser- tations, by the Rev. James Reynolds. 8vo. ibid. 1836 48. The Sankhya Karika ; or, Memorial Verses on the Sankhya Philosophy, by Iswara Krishna ; translated from the Sanscrit, by Henry Thomas Colebrooke. Also, The Bhashya ; or, Com- mentary of Gaurapada ; translated and illustrated by an original comment, by H. H. Wilson. 4to. Oxford, 1837 49. Histoire des Sultans Mamlouks de I'Egypte; ecrite en Arabe par Taki-eddiu-ahmed-Makrizi : traduite en Fi-angais, et ac- compagnee de notes philologiques, historiques, geographiques, par M. Quatremere. vols. 1, 2. 4to. Paris, 1837-45 50. Rig Veda Sanhita, Liber primus, Sanskrite et Latine ; edidit Fredericus Rosen. 4to. Lond. 1838 51. Kumara Sambhava : Kalidasse Carmen, Sanskrite et Latine; edidit Adolphus F. Stenzler. 4to. Berlin, 1838 52. Practical Philosophy of the Muliammadan People, exhibited in its professed connexion with llie European, so as to render either an introduction to the other; being a translation of the Akhlak-i-Jalaly, from the Persian of Fakir Jany Muliamuiad Asiiad (with references and notes), bv W. F. Thompson. 8vo. Lond. 1839 53. Histoire de la Litterature Hindoui et Hindoustani, par M^ Garcin de Tassy. vols, 1, 2. 8vo. Paris, 1839-47 54. The Vishnu Parana: a System of Hindu Mythology and Tra- dition; translated from the oi'iginal Sanscrit, and illustrated by notes derived chietiy from other Purahas, by H, H. Wilson. 4to. Oxford, 1840 576 ORI Oriental Translation Fund, Publications of the — continued. 55. History of the Mohammedan Dynasties in Spain ; extracted from the Nafhu-t-tib min Ghosni-l-Andalusi-r-rattib wa Tarikh Lisanu-d-din Iljni-1-Khattib, by Ahmed Ibn Mohammed Al-Makkari, a native of Telemsan. Translated from the copies in the Library of the British Museum, and illustrated with cri- tical notes on the history, geography and antiquities of Spain, by Pascual de Gayangos. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1840-43 56. El-Mas'udi's Historical Encyclopaedia, entitled " Meadows of Gold and Mines of Gems ; " translated from the Arabic, by Aloys Sprenger, M.D. vol. 1, 8vo. ibid. 1841 57. Translation of the Sanhita of the Sama Veda, by the Rev. J. Stevenson, D.D. 8vo. ibid. 1842 58. Specimens of the Popular Poetry of Persia, as found in the Adventures and Improvisations of Kurroglou, the Bandit- Minstrel of Northern Persia ; and in the Songs of the People inhabiting the Shores of the Caspian Sea; orally collected and translated, with philological and historical notes, by Alex- ander Chodzko. 8vo. ibid. 1842 59. Ibn Khallikan's Biographical Dictionary ; translated from the Arabic, by Baron Mac Gnckin de Slane. 2 vols, and vol. 3, part 1. 4to. Paris, 1842-45 60. The History of Hydur Naik, otherwise styled Shums ul Moolk, Ameer ud Dowla, Nawaub Hydur Ali Khan Bahadoor, Hydur Jung, Nawaub of the Karnatic Balaghaut : written by Meer Hussein Ali Khan Kirmani; translated from an original Persian manuscript in the Library of Her Majesty, by Colonel W. Miles. 8vo. Lond. 1842 61. The Dabistan, or School of Manners; translated from the original Persian, with notes and illustrations, by David Shea, and Anthony Troyer; edited, with a preliminary discourse, by the latter. ' 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1843 62. History of the Reign of Tipu Sultan ; being a Continuation of the Neshani Hyduri ; written by Mir Hussein Ali Khan Kirmani ; translated from an original Persian manuscript in the Librarv of Her Majesty, by Colonel W. Miles. 8vo. Lond. 1844 63. Biographical Notices of Persian Poets ; with critical and ex- planatory remarks, by the late Rt. Hon. Sir Gore Ouseley, Bart, To which is prefixed a Memoir of the author, by the Rev. James Reynolds. 8vo. ibid. 1846 • 64. The Kalpa Sutra, and Nava Tatva: Two Works illustrative of the Jain Religion and Philosophy, translated from the Ma- gadhi ; with an A ppendix, containing remarks on the Language of the original, by the Rev. J. Stevenson, D.D. 8vo. ibid. 1848 ORI— ORL 577 Oriental Translation Fund, Publications of the — continued. 65. The A])ostolical Constitutions ; or, Canons of the Apostles, in Coptic : uith an English Translation, by Henry Tuttam, LL.D., D.D., (Sec, Archdeacon of Bedford. 8vo. Lond. 1848 66. Makamat; or, Rhetorical Anecdotes of Al Hariri of Basra; translated from the Arabic, ^vith annotations, by Theodore Preston. 8vo. Camb. 1850 67. The Birth of the War-God : a Poem by Kalidasa ; translated from the Sanskrit into English verse, by Ralph T. H. Griffith. 8vo. Lond. 1853 68. The Poems of the Huzalis; edited in the Arabic, from an original manuscript in the University of Lcyden, and trans- lated, uith annotations, by John Godfrey Lewis Kosegarten. vol. 1. 4to. [Greipn-ald] 1854 69. Spicilegium Syriacum : containing Remains of Bardesan, Me- liton, Ambrose, and Mara Bar Serapion ; now first edited, with an English translation and notes, by the Rev. William Cureton. 8vo. Lond. 1855 70. Memoires sur les Contrees Occidentales, traduits du Sanscrit en Chinois, en I'an 648, par Hiouen-Tlisang, et du Chinois en Fran(;'ais par M. Stanislas Julien. vol. 1. 8vo. Paris, 1857 71. The Kitab-i-Yamini, historical memoirs of the Amir Sabaktagin, and the Sultan Mahnuid of Ghazna, early conquerors of Hin- dustan, and the founders of the Ghaznavide dynasty ; trans- lated from the Persian version of the contemporaiy Arabic chronicle of Al Utbi, by the Rev. James Reynolds. 8vo. Lofid. 1858 72. Chronique de Matthieu d'Edesse, 902-1L3G, continuee par Gre- goire le Pretre, jusqu'en 1162; traduite en Fran(,-ais et accom- pagnee de notes historiques et geographiques par Edouard Du- laurier. [Bibliotheque Historique Arraenienne.j 8vo. 3Ieaux, 1858 Origen Adamantius. Opera omnia, Latine, studio J. J. Grynaei recognita, cum vita auctoris per D. Erasmum. 2 vols. fol. Baitilcfp, 1571 Orkney. [Petitions to the Court of Session, and Answers, relating to freehold qualifications in the county of Orkney.] 4to. 178U-81 Orkneyinqa Saga, sive Ilistoria Orcadensium a prima Orcadum per Norvegos occupatione ad exitum seculi duodecimi. Saga bins Helga Magnusar Eyia Jarls, sive A'ita Sancti Magni Insularum Comitis. Ex MSS. Legati Arna-Magnneani cum versione Latina, var. lect. et indicibus edidit Jonas Jonaeus. 4io. Hafnice, 1780 Orleans (Duchesse d'). Memoires : see Elizabeth-Charlotte. Orleans (Gaston, Due d'). Memoires: see Petitot, 2de ser. vol. 31. p p 578 ORL— ORR Orleans. Memoire a consulter et Consultation par MM. De Va- tiraesnil, Berryer, Odilon Barrot, Dufaure, Paillet, sur les Decrets du 22 Janvier 1852 relatifs aux biens de la famille d' Orleans. 8vo. Paris, 1852 lis sont jutres ! Critique de I'Avis des Cinq, on Replique a la Consultation Oi'leaniste par M. de Lestang. 8vo. ■ibid. 1852 [Orleans, Pierre Joseph d'.] Histoire des Revolutions d'Anglcterre, depuis le commencement de la Monarchic. Nouvelle edition. 4 vols. 12m 0. Paris, 1737 [Orme, Robert.] History of the Military Transactions of the British Nation in Indostan, from the year 1745. To which is prefixed a dissertation on the establishments made by Mahomedan Conquerors in Indostan. 2 vols, in 3, 4to. Lond. 1780-1778 Orme (Robert). A practical Digest of the Election Laws. 8vo. Lond. 1796 Orme (William). Memoirs of the Life, writings, and religious con- nexions of John Owen, D.D., Vice Chancellor of Oxford, and Dean of Christ Church, during the Commonwealth. 8vo. Lond. 1820 The Life and Times of Richard Baxter : with a critical ex- amination of his writings. 2 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1830 Ormerod (George, LL.D.) History of the County Palatine and City of Chester ; incorpoi'ated with a republication of King's Vale Royal and Leycester's Cheshire Antiquities. 3 vols. fol. Land. 1819 Miscellanea Palatina : consisting of Genealogical Essays illus- trative of Cheshire and Lancashire Families, and of a Memoir on the Cheshire Domesday Roll. Not published. 8vo. ibid. 1851 Ormulum (The) ; now first edited from the original manuscript in the Bodleian, with notes and a glossary, by Robert Meadows White, D.D. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1852 Orosius. The Anglo-Saxon Version, from the historian Orosius, by iElfred the Great; together with an English translation from the An^lo-Saxon [by the Hon. Daines Barrington, with notes by John Reinhold Forster]. 8vo. Lond. 1773 Orpheus. Argonautica, Hymni, Libellus de Lapidibus et Fragmenta, Gr. et Lat., cum notis H. Stephani et A. C. Eschenbachii ; recen- suit, notas et indicem adjecit J. M. Gesnerus, curante J. C. Ham- bergero. 8vo. Lips. 1764 Orrery (John Boyle, Earl of). Remarks on the Life and Writings of Dr. Jonathan Swift, Dean of St. Patrick's, in a series of Letters to his son, the Hon. H. Boyle. 8vo. Lond. 1752 Orrery (Roger Boyle, Earl of). A Collection of the State Letters of the Rt. Hon. Roger Boyle, the first Earl of Orrery: containing a series of Correspondence between the Duke of Ormonde and his Lordship, from the Restoration to the year 1668; with the Life of the Earl of Orrery, by the Rev. Thomas Morrice. 2 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1743 ORT— OUD 579 Ortelius (Abraliamus). Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, tabulis aliquot novis vitaque auctoris illustratum. fol. Antverpia', 1603 ■ The Theatre of tlie whole World, translated into English. fol. Land. 1606 Ortloff (Friedrich). Gruiidzu. 1641 Secret ]\[emoirs of Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester. With a preface by Dr. James Drake. 8vo. Loncl. 1706 A reprint of " Leycester's Commonwealth." [ ] A Confei'cnce about the next Succession to the Crown of England, in two parts. Published by R. Doleman. 8vo. n. p. 1681 [— ] An Answere to the Fifth Part of Reportes lately set forth by Syr Edw'ard Cooke, concerning the ancient and moderne Muiiieipall Lawes of England, which do appertcyne to Spirituall Power and Jurisdiction. By a Catholiek Devyne. 4to. n. p. 1606 Parsons (Theophilus, LL.D.) The Law of Contracts. vol. 1, 8vo. Boston, 1853 Partidas (Las Siete) : see Alfonso el Sabio. Parton (John). Some Account of the Hospital and Parish of St. Giles in the Fields, Middlesex. 4to. Lond. 1822 Paruta (Paulo). History of Venice, and Wars of Cyprus ; made English by Henry [Carey] Earl of Monmouth. fol. Lond. 1658 Pascal (Blaise). Oeuvres. 5 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1819 Les Provinciales, ou les Lettres eerites par Louis de Montalte a un Provincial de ses amis, et aux RR. PP. Jesuites. Dixieme edition. 12mo. Cologne {Amst'\ 1689 Lettres eerites a un Provincial ; precedees d'un Essai sur ces Lettres et sur le style de I'auteur. 8vo. Paris, 1839 Les Provinciales, or, the Mystery of Jesuitisme. Second edition, with large additionals. Timo. Lond. 1658 Paschalius (Carolus). Legatus. 8vo. Rothomagi, 1598 Pashley (Robert). Pauperism and Poor Laws. 8vo. Lond. 1852 Pasicrisie and Pasinomie: see Belgique. Pasor (Georgius). Lexicon Graco-Latinum in Novum Testamentum. 8vo. Lond. 1644 Pasquier (Estienne). Oeuvres, contenant ses Recherches de la France, son Plaidoye pour M. le Due de liOrraine, ses Lettres, ses Oeuvres meslees, &c. ; et les Lettres de N. Pasquier. 2 vols. fol. Amst. [Trevonx] 1723 L' Interpretation dcs Institutes de Justinian, avec la conference de chasqno paragraplie aux Ordonnanees Royaux, Arrestz de Parle- ment et Coustunies Generales de la France ; ouvrage inedit public par M. le Due Pasquier, avec une introduction et des notes de Ch. Giraud. 4to. Paris, 1847 QQ2 596 PAS-PAT Passeratius (Joannes). Commentarii in C. V. Catullum, A. Tibul- lum et S. A. Propertium, cum tribus indicibus. fol. Paris. 1608 Passeribus (Nicolaus Genoa de). Conciliatio cunctarum Legum, quae in totocorpore Juris Civilis invicem quasi ex diametro sibi contrariari videbantur. 4to. Venetlis, apiid Juntas, 1616 [another edition.] 8vo. Colonice, 1618 Tractatus duo utilissimi: I. De Privata Scriptura ; II. De Verbis Enunciativis. 8vo. Francof, 1629 Passions. Natural History of the Passions. 8vo. Lond. 1674 Attributed to Edward Hyde, Earl of Clarendon; but see Wood's Athenae Oxon. vol. 3, p. 1024, 4to. Passow (Francis). Greek Lexicon : see Liddell (H. G.) Passus (Josephus). Tractatus de Statu Maritali, ex ItaHco Latine red- ditus ab H. Sahiiuth. 8vo. Amhergce, 1612 Pastoret (Le Marquis Claude Emmanuel Joseph Pierre de). Histoire de la Legislation. 11 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1817-37 Patarol (Laurentius). Panegyricae Oraliones Veterum Oratorum, notis ac numismatibus illustravit, et Italicam interpretationem adjecit Laurentius Patarol. Editio secunda. 8vo. Venetiia, 1719 Patents of Invention — Index : see Woodcroft. Paterculus (C. Velleius \ Historife Romanag Libri duo, cum anno- tatis J. H. Boecleri. Editio secunda. r2mo. Argent. 1663 ■ Historiae Romanae Libri duo; interpretatione et notis illustravit Rob. Riguez, in usum Delphini. 4to. Paris, 1726 HistorijB Romanae Libri duo; cum integris scholiis, notis, et animadversionibus doctorum, curante P. Burmanno. Editio secunda. 8vo. Luyd. Bat. 1744 Romane Historie, translated by Sir Robert le Grys, Knt. 12mo. Lond. 1632 Roman History, translated by J. P[aterson]. 8vo. Edinb. 1722 Paterson (J.) H. Macnamara and W. Marshall. The New Practice of the Common Law. vol. 1. 12mo. Lond. 1856 Paton (Thomas S.) Notes of Cases as Illustrations of the Principles and Practice of the Law of Scotland. 8vo. Edinb. IS^S Law and Practice in Appeals from Scotland to the House of Lords. 8vo. ibid. 1858 Patres. Nova Patrum Bibliotheca, ex codicibus Vaticanis, cum in- terpretatione Latina, prologis et adnotationibus [ab Angelo Maio edita]. 7 vols. 4to. Rumce, 1844-54 Tom. I. S. Augustini Sermones, Speculum, et alia quaedam ; cum diversorum patrum scriptis. II. S. Cyrilli Alexandrini Commentarius in S. Lucae Evangelium, et alia opuscula XVI ; item diversorum patrum opiiscula X. III. S. Cyrilli Alexandrini Commentarii in IV. Pauli Epistolas et in Psalmos, cum ejusdem Cyrilli et aliorum patrum fragmentis. IV. S. Gregorii Nysseni, Eusebii Caesariensis, Didymi Alexandrini, Jobannis Cbrysostonii et aliorum nova scripta ; item Nicetae Byzantini Refu- tatio Corani, Petri Siculi Historia et Refutatio Manichaeorum, Dialogi et alia scripta contra Manicbaeos. PAT-PAU 597 Patres. Nova Patnmi BihWothecsi— continued. Tom. V. S.Nicepliori PatriarchaeCotistantinopolitani Opera ad versus Iconomachos. S. Tlieodori istuditiP scripta varia qu;E in Sinnonili eiiitione desunt. VI. S. Aihanasii Kpistola? Festales, Syriace et Latinc, cum chroiiico et frag- imntis aliis. Leonis Allatii Disscrtationes de Nicetis, de Philouibus et de Tlieodoris, cum Allatii vita et plurimis aliorum opusculis. VII. Theodori Mopsuesteni in XII. Prophctas Cominentarius, et alia; Ori- geiiis, Didymi, Hippolyti, Apolliiiaris, Polyclironii Scholia in Pro- verbia, Esaiam, et Ezecliielem, cum Didymi ul)erioribus in Psalmos. Bonizonis Episcopi Excerjita Canonica. Deusdedit Cardinalis contra Invasores et Simoniacos. Patrick (Symon, Bp. of Ely). The Proverbs of Solomon paraphrased. 8vo. Land. 1694 Paraphrase upon the Books of Ecclesiastes and the Song of Solomon ; with annotations. 8vo. ibid. 1700 -; The Books of Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the Song of Solomon, paraphrased, with annotations. fol. ibid. 1759 Commentary upon the Historical Books of the Old Testament. The fifth edition. 2 vols. fol. ibid. 1738 Patritii (Francesco, Vescovo di Gaeta). Discorsi sopra alle cose appartenenti ad una citta libera e famisilia nobile; tradotti in lingua Toscana da Gio. Fabrini. 12mo. Vinegia, in casa di Aldo, lo45 PAxnoNi Ecclesiarum : or, a List of the Patrons of the dignities, rectories, vicarages, perpetual curacies, chapelries, endowed lecture- ships, &c. of the United Church of England and Ireland; with the valuation annexed of all livings not exceeding ;£150 per annum, as returned to Parliament in 1818. 8vo. Lond. 1831 Patru (Olivier). Oeuvres diverses, contenant ses Plaidoyers, Ha- rangues, Lettres, Vies de quelques-uns de ses amis, et des Remarques sur la Langue Franq*oise. 2 vols. 12rao. Paris, lt)92 Paul (John). A Digest of the Laws relating to the Game of this Kingdom. The third edition. 8vo. Lond. 1780 Paul (Father): see Sarpi (Paolo). Paule (Sir George). The Life of John Whitgift, Archbishop of Canterbuiy. To which is added a Treatise intituled Conspiracy for pretended Reformation, written in the year 1091, bv Richard Cosin, LL.D. 8\o. Lond. 1699 Pauli (Reinhold). The Life of King Alfred: a translation revised by the author ; edited by Thomas Wright. 8vo. Lond. 1852 Geschichte von England : see Lappenberg. Paulli (Simon). Treatise on Tobacco, Tea, Coffee and Chocolate ; translated by Dr. James. 8vo. Lond. 1746 Paulsen (P. D. Christian). Ueber das Stadium des Nordischen Rechts im AUgeraeineu und des Danischen Rechts insbesondere. 8vo. Kiel, 1826 Paulus (Conradus). De LTsuris Libri tres ; adjecta est ejusdem Con- sultatio de Excoinnmnicatione ; cum prJEfatione Philippi Melan- thonis ad autorem. 12mo. Franc. 1561 Paulutius (Marcus Antonius). Disscrtationes Legales. 3 vols. fol. Venetiis et Luces, 1726-33 698 PAU— PEA Paurmeisterus (Tobias) a Kochstet. De Jurisdictione Imperii Romani Libri II. Editio secuncbi. 4to. Franco/, ad 3Ioe7ium, liilQ Paus (Hans); see Norway (Law of). Pausanias. Gra?cia3 Descriptio, GraDce et Latine, Romulo Amasaso interprete ; recensuit et explanavit J. F. Facius. 4 vols. 8vo. Lipsia, 1794-6 De florentiss. veteris Grasciae regionibus Commentarii, a Romulo Amasaso conversi. Svo. Basilece, 1557 Decern regionum veteris Grsecias Descriptio, Romulo Amasaeo interprete. 2 vols. 12mo. Lugduni, 1558-9 Pawnbrokers. The Law concerning Pawn-Brokers and Usurers : containing all the Statutes and Cases in Law and Equity extant Avhich relate to Pawns and Usury. 12mo. Lond. 1745 Paxton (P., M.D.) An Essay concerning the Body of Man, wherein its changes or diseases are considered, and the operations of Medicines observed. ' 8vo. Lond. 1701 Pays-Bas ; see Belgique ; Holland ; and Netherlands. Peacock (George, D.D.) A Treatise on Algebra. 2 vols, Svo. Cambridge, 1842-5 Peake (Thomas, Serjeant at Law). A Compendium of the Law of Evidence. Third edition. 8vo. Lond. 1808 Cases determined at Nisi Prius, in the Court of King's Bench, from Easter Terra 30 Geo. III. to the sittings after Mich. Terra 35 Geo. III. The third edition. Svo. ihid. 1820 Additional Cases, being: a Continuation of Cases at Nisi Prius, before Lord Kenyon and other eminent Judges, taken at dif- ferent times between the years 1795 and 1812, with notes by Thomas Peake, Jun. Svo. ibid. 1829 Cases at Nisi Prius. [first edition.] Svo. ibid. 1795 Pearce (Robert R.) Memoirs and Correspondence of the Most Noble Richard Marquess Wellesley. 3 vols. Svo. Lond. 1846 History of the Inns of Court and Chancery ; with notices of their ancient discipline, rules, customs, &c. Svo. ibid. 1848 The Law relating to Convocations of the Clergy; with forms of proceeding in the provinces of Canterbury and York, &c. 12mo. ibid. 1848 Pearce (Thomas). The Laws and Customs of the Stannaries in the counties of Cornwall and Devon. fol. Lond. 1725 Pearce (Zachary, Bp. of Rochester). The Miracles of Jesus vindi- cated. In four parts. The second edition. Svo. Lond. 1729 Pearson (Edward, D.D.) Twelve Lectures on the subject of the Prophecies relating to the Christian Church. [Warburtonian Lectures.] 8vo. Broxbourn, 1811 Pearson (Henry). The Two Comraon Law Procedure Acts of 1852 and 1854 ; with Rules of Court, forms in pleading, and notes. Se- cond edition. 8vo. Lond. 1854 PEA -PEE 599 Pearsox (John, Bp. of Chester). An Exposition of the Creed. The fourth edition. fol. Lund. I(j76 Vindiciffi Ejiistolarnm S. Ip;natii. Accesserunt Isaaci Vossii Epistolae duae adversus David Blondellum. 4to. Cantab. 1672 Pebrkr (Pablo). Taxation, Revenue, Expenditure, Power, Statistics. and Debt of the whole British Empire: their Orij^in, Progress, and present State; with an Estimate of the Capital and Resources of the Empire, and a practical Plan for applying them to the liquidation of the National Debt. ' 8vo. Land. 1833 Peck (Francis). Acadomia tertia Anglicana; or the Antiquarian Annals of Stanford, in Lincoln, Rutland, and Northampton Shires. fol. Lond. 1727 Desiderata Curiosa: or, a Collection of divers scarce and curious Pieces relatin-r chiefly to matters of English History. A new edition, with some Memoii-s of the Life and Writings of Mr. Peck [by T. Evans]. 2 vols, in 1, 4to. ibid. 1779 Pecke (Thomas). Parnassi Puerperium : or, some Well-wishes to Ingenuity, in the translation of six hundred of Owen's Epigrams ; Martial *de Spectaculis ; and the most select in Sir Tho. More. To which is annext a Century of heroick Epigrams, sixty whereof concern the twelve Caesars, and the forty remaining, several deserving persons. 12mo. Lond. 1659 Peckius (Petrus). Opera omnia. fol. Antverpife, 1679 Tractatus de Jure Sistendi, ct Manuum Injectione, quam Tulgo Arrestationem vocaut. 12mo. Col. Atjripp. 1615 Verhandelinghe van Handt-opleggen ende Besetten, dat is, Arrest op Persoon ende Goedcren ; vertatlt ende met de daghelijxsche onderhoudinge vermcerdert door Simon van Leeuwen. 4to. Dordrecht, 1659 Coramentarii in Titt. Dig.ct Cod. ad Rem Nauticam pertinentes; quibus acccdunt notae et observationes Arnoldi Vinnii ; et Jus Navale Rhodiorum, Gr. et Lat. 8vo. Lvgd. Bat. 1647 [alia editio;] cum notis A. Vinnii et suis edidit Joh. Laurentius. 8vo. Amst. 1668 Peckwell (Robert Henry). Case s of Controverted Elections, in the second Parliament of the United Kingdom, 18U2— 6. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1805-6 Peel (Rt. Hon. Sir Robert, Bart.) Speeches delivered in the House of Commons. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1853 Memoirs by the Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Peel, Bart., M.P., &c. ; published by the trustees of his papers. Lord Mahon (now Earl Stanhope), and tho Rt. Hon. Edward Cardwell. 3 parts in 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1856-7 600 PEE— PEL Peerage. Reports from the Lords Committees loucliing the Dignity of a Peer of the Realm, &;c. ; ^vith appendixes. 5 vols. fol. Lond., re-printed, 1829 Vol. 1. First Report. 2. Second, Third, and Fourth Reports. Alphabetical Digest. Index Sum- monitionum. Index Nominum et Locorum. 3. Appendix I. Part I. (Summonitiones temp. Johan. — Edw. II.) 4. Appendix I. Part II. (Summonitiones temp. Edw. III. — Edw. IV.) Appendixes II. III. IV. 5. Fiftli Report. Appendix V. (Patents of Creation, &c. temp. Steph. — Edw. IV.) Index Creationum. Index Nominum. Index Locorum. Peerage Claims. [Minutes of Evidence given before the Committees of Privileges to Mhom the Petitions on Claims of Peerages have been referred, from 1804 to 1858.] 23 vols. fol. Lond. 1804-58 Peers —Judicature of. The Grand Question concerning the Judicature of the House of Peers, stated and argued : and the case of Thomas Skinner, Merchant, complaining of the East India Company, with the proceedings thereupon, which gave occasion to that question, faithfully related. By a true Well-wisher to the peace and govern- ment of the Kingdom, and to the dignity and authority of Parlia- ments. 12mo. Lond. 1669 Peere Williams (William). Reports of Cases argued and deter- mined in the High Court of Chancery, and of some special Cases adjudged in the Court of King's Bench, from 1695 to 1735 ; pub- lished, with notes and references by his son, W. Peere Williams. 3 vols. fol. Lond. 1740-49 fifth edition, with additional references, by S. C. Cox. 3 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1793 sixth edition, with additional references by S. C. Cox; and with references to the modern Cases, by J. B. Monro, W. L. Lowndes, and J. Randall. 3 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1826 [Pegge, Rev. Samuel, LL.D.] Anonymiana; or. Ten Centuries of Observations on various authors and subjects. 8vo. Lond. 1809 Pegge (Samuel). Curialia: or an Historical Account of some Branches of the Royal Household, &c. 5 parts in 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1791-1806 Anecdotes of the English Language, chiefly regarding the Local Dialect of London and its envii'ons. The second edition ; to which is added, a Supplement to the Provincial Glossary of Francis Grose. 8vo.' ibid. 1814 Curialia Miscellanea, or Anecdotes of Old Times, Regal, Noble, Gentilitial and Miscellaneous : including authentic anecdotes of the Royal Household, and the manners and customs of the Court, at an early period of the English History. 8vo. ibid. 1818 Peirs Plouhman : see Langland (Robert). Pelaez a Meres (Melchior). Tractatus Majoratuum et Meliorationum Hispaniae. 2 vols, in 1. fol. Lugduni, 1678 Pelisson ( ). Paraphrase des Institutions de I'Empereur Jus- tinian. 12nio. Paris, 1564 PEL-PEN 601 Pell Records. Issue Roll of Thomas fie Brantiri\^ Motu Pio|)rio della Santita di nostro Signore Papa Pio Settimo in data de' 22 Novembre 1817, sul miovo Codice di Procedura Civile. 12uio. ihid. 1817 PlOT (G. J. C.) Histoire de Louvain, depnis son oricrine jiisrju'uu- jourd'iiiii. Premiere partie. Histoire de la Ville. 8vo. Xo«i-«//<, 1839 Pipe Rolls: see Record Commission. PiSANKLLUS (Balthasar). De Alinientorum Facultatibus Libelliis aureus. 12nio. Bruxtllis, 16t)2 Piso (Thadffus) Soaeius. Comnientaria in quatuor Institutionum Jus- tiniani Imp. Libros. -Ito. Duaci, ICi^S PiSTORis (Hartmanup). Quaestionum Juris tarn Roinani quam Sax- oniei Libri quatuor, ab autore ejusque filio Sinione Ulrico Pistoris recogniti et aueti. 2 vols. fol. Lipsm, 1621 PiSToRius fWiibelm Friedrich). Amoenitates Historico-Juridieae, oder allei-liand die Historic des Teutsclien Reichs erlauternde Dis- sertationes, Observationes, &c. 8 parts in 7 vols. 4to, Niirnberg unci Franhfurt, 1731-53 PiSTOYE (A. de) et Ch. Duveruy. Traite des Prises Maritimes, dans lequel on a relbndu en partie le Traite de Valin en Tappropriant a la le"-islation nouvelle. 2 vols. 8vo. I'aru, 1855 PiTCAiRN (Robert). Criminal Trials in Scotland: see Bannatyne Club, No. 42. PiTHOU (Pierre) : see Dupuy ; and Loisel. PiTiscus (Samuel). Lexicon Antiquitatuni Romanarum. 2 vols. fol. Leovardi(P, 1713 Lexicon Latino-Belgicum Novum, cura et studio A. H. Wcs- terhovii auctum. 4to. liotteiudami, 1754 Pitman (Edward Dix). Treatise on the Law of Principal and Surety. 8vo. Loiul. 1840 PiTSEUS (Joannes). Relationes Historicae de Rebus Anglicis. [De illustribus Anglic Scriptoribus, etc.] vol. 1. 4to. Paris. 1619 Pitt (Rt. Hon. William). Speeches in the Honse of Commons ; third edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1817 PiTTiLLOCH (Robert). Tracts, Legal and Historical. I. The Hammer of Iniquity. II. The Settling of the Scottish Judicatories. III. Op- pression under colour of Law. m.dclix — m.uclxxxix. 4to. Kdinb. reprinted 1827 PiTTis (Thomas, D.D.) A Discourse of Prayer. 8vo. Xci«(/. 1683 PiTTS (Thomas). A New Martyrology, or, the Bloody Assizes : com- lireheiiding a history of the Lives, Actions, Trials, &c. of all those eminent Protestants, who fell in the West of England and elsewhere, from the year 1()78 to this present time. To which is added, the Life and Death of Cieorgc Lord Jctlreys. The fourth edition, 8vo. Land. 1693 tiflh edition. [The Western Martyrology.] 8vo. ibid. 1705 618 PIU— PLA Pius II. Papa (^neas Sylvius Piccolomineus). Opera quae extant omnia. [Praemissa est Vita ^neae Sylvii per B. Platinam.] fol. BasilecB, 1571 De viris illustribus: see Stuttgart Society, vol. 1. Placcius (Vincentius). Theatrum Anonymorum et Pseudonymorum ; cum praefatione et vita auctoris a J. A. Fabricio. 2 vols, in 1, fol. Hamh.MO^ Placita de Quo Warranto: see Record Commission. Placitoritm Abbreviatio: see Record Commission. Planche (.Fames Robinson). Regal Records: or, a Chronicle of the Coronations of the Queens Regnant of England. 8vo. Xonf?. 1838 [Planch ER, Urbain.] Histoire generale et particuliere de Bourgogne, avec des notes, des dissertations, et les preuves justificatives. 4 vols. fol. D'ljnn, 1739-81 Planta (Joseph). History of the Helvetic Confederacy. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1800 Plantations. An Abridgement of the Laws in force and use in Her Majesty's Plantations; viz. of Virginia, Jamaica, Barbadoes, Mary- land, New-England, New-York, Carolina, &c. digested under proper heads. 8vo. Lond. 1704 Platina (Baptista). The Lives of the Popes, from the time of our Saviour Jesus Christ to the reign of Sixtus IV. ; translated into English, and continued to this present time, by Sir Paul Rycaut. The second edition. fol. Lond. 1688 Platner (Eduard). Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Attischen Rechts. Beigefiigt ist eine lateinische Abhandlung iiber die Idee des Rechts und der Gerechtigkeit im Homer und Hesiod. 8vo. Marburg, 1820 Quaestiones de Jure Criminum Romano, praesertim de criminibus extraordinariis. 8vo. ibid. 1842 Plato. Opera quae extant omnia, Grtece et Latine, ex nova Joannis Serrani interpretatione, perpetuis ejusdem notis illustrata. Accedunt H. Stephani annotationes. [With the Dedications to Q. Elizabeth, K. James I. and the Republic of Berne.] 3 vols, in 2, fol. Exc. H. Stephanus, 1578 Opera omnia, Gr. et Lat., Marsilio Ficino interprete, cum ejusdem commentariis. fol. Franco/. lfc>02 Opera omnia, Latine per Marsilium Ficinum. fol. Venetiis, 1556 Opera omnia, Gr. et Lat., ex interpretatione Ficini et aliorum ; cum var. lect. et annotationibus variorum recensuit I mm. Bekker. 11 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1826 Oeuvres de Platon, traduites par Victor Cousin. 13 vols, in 12, 8vo. Paris, 182-1-46 Opere di Piatone, tradotte da Dardi Bembo. 3 vols. 4to. Venezia, 1742 — The Works of Plato abridged; with an account of his life, philosophy, morals, and politicks, illustrated with notes, by M.Dacier; translated from the French bv several hands. The third edition. , ' 2 vols. 12U10. Lond. 1739 PLA— PLE 619 Platt (Thomas). A practical Treatise on tlie Law of Covenants. ^ 8vo. Load. 1829 Treatise on the Law of Leases ; with Forms and Precedents. 2 vols. Svo. ibid. 1847 Plautus (M. Accius). Comoedise virrinti. 12mo. Liujduni, 1547 Comoediae, cum commentariis Dionysii Lambini. fol. ibid. 1077 Comoediae, cum commentario doctorum virorum, opera Frid. Taubraani. 4to. Vittehergce, 1605 Comoediae viginti. 12mo. J^x ojf\ Plant. Raphelimjii, 1G09 Comoediai XX. superstitcs, notis ilhistratae, curis secundis J. Ph. Parei. 4io. Neapuli Nemetum, 1619 Comoediae, cum commentariis Dionysii Lambini. 4to. Geneva;, 1622 Comoediae, ex recognitione F. G. Andini, studio Michaelis de Marolles, cum ejusdem interpretatione Gallica. 4 vols. Svo. PariK, 1658 . Comoedia}, cum commentariis variorum, ex recensione J. F. Gronovii. 8vo. Liujd. Bat. 16G4 Comoediae viginti et Fragmenta; interpretatione et notis illus- travit J. Operarius, in usum Delphini. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1679 Les Comedies de Plaute, traduites en Francois, avec [le texte Latin et] des remarques, par Mademoiselle Le Fevre. 3 vols. 12mo. ibid. 1691 Les Oeuvres de Plaute, en Latin et en Francois ; traduction nouvelle, avec des remarques, par H. P. de Liniiers, Docteur en Di-oit. 10 vols. 12mo. Amst. 1719 Comedies, translated into familiar blank Verse, by Bonnel Thornton [R. Warner, and G. Colman]. b vols. 8vo. Lond. 1707-74 Comedies, Amphitryon, Epidicus, and Rudens, made English, with remarks, by Laurence Echard. The second edition. 12mo. ibid. 1716 Playfair (John\ Elements of Geometry; containing the first six books of Euclid, with a supplement on the quadrature of the circle and the geometry of solids ; to which are added elements of plane and spherical Trigonometry. Seventh edition, with additions [by William Wallace]: " Bvo. Edinb. 1826 Plavford (John). An Introduction to the Skill of Musick. The eighteenth edition. 8vo. Lond. 1724 Pleadings. Liber Placitandi. A Book of Special Pleadings : con- tainincf Precedents of Pleas in Abatement, Declarations, &c. fol. Lond. 1674 Placita Generalia et Specialia : in an exact Collection of the most usefull and necessary Presidents of Declarations, Plaints, Demurrers, Pleas in Barr, &c. 8vo. ibid. 1674 Pleadings upon the Quo Warranto : see Lo.vdo.v. 620 PLE— PLI Pleadings. The Method of Pleading by Rule and President. 8vo. Lond 1697 • The Encrlish Pleader: beinp; Precedents of Declarations, Actions in the Kind's Bench, and Common Pleas, &c. By a Gentleman of Lincoln's Inn. 8vo. ibid. 1734 Pleader's Assistant ; containing a select Collection of Pre- cedents of Modern Pleadings, in the Courts of King's Bench and Common Pleas, &c. 8vo. ibid. 1786 Pleadings in some remarkable Cases before the Supreme Courts of Scotland, since the year 1661, to which the Decisions are sub- joined. 12rao. Edinh. 1704 Plinius (Caius) Secundus. Historia Naturalis, cum Pintiani et aliorum annotationibus. fol. Genevce, 1631 Historiae Naturalis Libri XXXVII.; interpretatione et notis illustravit J. Harduinus in usum Delphini. Editio altera. 3 vols. fbl. Paris. 1723 ■ Naturalis Historise Libri XXXVII. ; recensuit et commentariis criticis indicibusque instruxit Julius Sillig. 8 vols. 8vo. Maniburgi et GoIIkb, 1851-8 Historia Naturale di G. Plinio Secondo, tradotta per M. Lo- dovico Domenichi. 4to. Vinegia, 1573 The Histoi'ie of the Woi-ld, commonly called the Naturall Historie of Plinius, translated into English by Philemon Holland, Doctor in Physike. 2 vols. fol. Lund. 1601 Historiae Naturalis ad Titum Imperatorem Praefatio; ex MSS. et veteri editione recensuit et notis illustravit David Durandus. 12mo. ibid. 1728 Plinius (Caius) Caecilius Secundus. Epistolarum Libri X. et Pa- negyricus, cum commentariis J. M. Catanaei. Adjecti sunt alii, ad alios Coesares, Panegyrici. 4to. Genevce, 1625 Epistolge, cum notis variorum ; recensuerunt, suisque animad- versionibus illustrarunt G. Cortius et P. D. Longolius. 4to. Amst. 1734 Lettres de Pline le Jeune, traduites par M. de Sacy. Qua- trieme edition. 2 vols. 12mo. Rotterdam, 1703 Lettere di Plinio il Giovane, tradotte in lingua Italiana, dal Canonico Gio. Antonio Tedeschi. 4to. Roma, 1717 Pliny's Epistles and Panegyrick, translated by several hands, with the Life of Pliny, by Mr. Henley. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1724 Letters of Pliny the Younger, with observations, and an Essay on his Life, by John Earl of OiTery. 2 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1752 The Letters of Pliny the Consul : with occasional remarks, by William Melmoth. The fourth edition. 2 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1757 • Panegyricus, cum notis variorum, curante J. Arntzenio, qui et suas adnotationes adjecit. Accedit Joannis Masson Vita Plinii. 4to. Amst. 1738 Pliny's Panegyrick [translated, with his Life, by White Ken- nett, Bishop of Peterborough]. 8vo. ibid. 1686 PLO— PLU 621 Plot (Robert, LL.D.) The Natural H story of Oxfordshire ; bein34 A Treatise of the anticjuity, authority, uses and jurisdiction of the ancient Courts of Leet, or' View of Franck-Pledge, &c. With an explanation of the old Oath of A llegeance. 4to. ibid. \(SA\ Powell (Thomas). Direction for Search of Records remaining in the Chancerie, Tower, and Exchequer, with the Limnes thereof. 4to. Xo»r/. 1622 The Repertorie of Records, remaining in the four Treasuries on the Receipt side at Westminster, and the two Remembrancers of the Exchequer. AVith a briefe introductive Index of the Records of the Chancery and Tower; as also, a most exact Calender of the Recoids in the Tower. 4to. ibid. W-M The Attornies Almanacke. 4to. ibid. 1627 The Attourney's Academy: being the Manner of Proceedings in all his Ma;esties Courts of Record at Westminster ; and in all uther Courts either of Law or Equity. 4to. ibid. 1647 Power (David) Hunter Rodwkll and Edward L' Estrange Dew. Reports of the Decisions of Committees of the House of Commons in the trial of Controverted Elections, during the fifteenth and six- teenth Parliaments of the United Kingdom. 2 vols. 12mo. Land. 1853-7 Poynter (Thomas). A concise View of the Doctrine and Practice of the Ecclesiastical Courts in Doctors Commons, on various points relative to the sul)ject of Marriage and Divorce. 8vo. Limd. 1822 Pozzo (Le Comte Ferdinand dal). Observations sur le Regime Hy- pothecaire etal)li dans le Rovaume do Sardaigne, par I'Edii promulgiie le 16 Juillet 1S22, avec le textc de I'Edit. 8vo. Paris, 1823 Catholicism in Austria ; or, an Epitome of the Austrian Eccle-^ siastical Law ; with a Dissertation upon tiie rights and duties of the English Government with respect to the Catholics of Ireland. 8vo. Load. 1827 632 PRA Practical Register in Chancery : or, a compleat Collection of the Standing Orders and Rules of Practice in Chancery. 8vo. Lond. 1714 Practical Register of the Common Pleas, containing select Cases or Determinations in points of Practice of that Court; in the reigns of Q. Anno, K. George I., and K. George II. 8vo. Lond. 1743 Practice of the High Court of Chancery; with the nature of the several Offices belonging to that Court, and the Reports of many Cases wherein relief hath been there had, and where denied. [Ap- pended] Choyce Cases in Chancery. 12mo. Lond. 1672 . The Practice of the High Court of Chancery in Ireland ; to which is added all the Rules of that Court since the year 1724. r2mo. Duhl. n. d. [Practice of K. B. and C. P.] Praxis utriusque Banci. The antient and modern Practice of the two Superior Courts at Westminster, viz. the King's Bench and Common Pleas ; together with the Rules and Orders of the said Courts. To which is added the Practice of the Sheriffs Court, London ; as also Norma Curiarura : or a Rule to keep Inferior Courts within their just bounds. 12mo. Lond. 1674 The Practice of the Courts of King's Bench and Common Pleas. 8vo. ibid. 1696 see also Common Pleas. Practice Reports: see Lowndes (J. J.) Praxis (Simon de). Tractatus de Ultimarum Voluntatum Interpre- tatione. fol. Francof. ad Moenum, 1583 [Praslin.] Cour des Pairs. Assassinat de Mme. la Duchesse de Praslin. Procedure. Proces-Verbaux divers. Depositions de Teraoins, Interrogatoires. 4to. Paris, 1847 Prateius (Claudius). Regulae Generales Juris. 8vo. Lugduni, 1589 Prateius (Pardulphus). Jurisprudentia Vetus. Draconis, et Solonis Leges, Pardulpho Prateio collectore et interprete. 8yo. Lugd. 1559 Jurisprudentiffi Mediee Libri IV. 8vo. ihid. 1561 Pratt (Frederic Thomas, D.C.L.) Treatise on the Law relating to Sea Lights, and the Rule of the Road at Sea ; with numerous cases to the present time, foreign ordinances and translations, and an appendix containing the new Admiralty regulations respecting ship lights and fog-signals. 8vo. Lond. 1858 Pratt (John Tidd). An Abstract of all the printed Acts of Parlia- ment for the establishment of Courts of Requests in England and Wales, with the Cases decided thereon. 8vo. Lond. 1824 The Law for facilitating the Enclosure of Open and Arable Fields in England and Wales, including the recent Statute 6 & 7 Will. IV. c. 115, with an analysis and notes. 12mo. ihid. 1837 History of Savings Banks in England, Wales and Ireland. 12mo. ihid. 1830 The Law relating to Savings Banks, with explanatory notes, forms, and index. Fifth edition. 12mo. ihid. 1836 PRA— PRE 633 Pratt (John Tidd). Summary of the Savings Banks in England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland. 8vo. Land. 184G The Law relating to Friendly Societies, and Benefit Building Societies, comprising the Statutes, with ex[)lanatory notes, &c. Fourth edition. Timo. ibid. 1843 fifth edition. 12rao. ibid. 1846 The Property Tax Act (5 & 6 Vict. cap. 35), with a full analysis of its provisions, explanatory notes, tables of calculation, &;c. l-2mo. ibid. 1842 The Law relating to Watching and Lighting Parishes, &c., comprising the Statutes 3 & 4 Will. IV. c. 90, and 3 & 4 Vict. c. 88; with explanatory notes, &c. Second edition. 12mo. ibid. 1850 Pratt (W. Tidd). The Law relating to Benefit Building Societies, 6 & 7 Will. IV. c. 32 ; with practical notes, &c. 12nio. Lund. 1850 Income Tax Act (16 & 17 Vict. cap. 34) ; with an analysis and cases. 12mo. ibid. 1853 Income Tax Acts, with a full analysis of the different Acts ; also cases of illustration, and explanatory notes : being a Supplement to Tidd Pratt's Property Tax Act (5 & 6 Vict. cap. 35.) Second edition. 12mo. ibid. 1855 Praxis Almoe Curiit? Canccllariae : see Brown (W^illiam). Praxis utriusque Banci: see Practice. Prayers: see Liturgy; and Parker Society. Precedents (Book of): see Phaer (Thomas). Precedents in Chancery, being a Collection of Cases argued and adjudged in the High Court of Chancery, from 1689 to 1722. fol. Lond. 173:3 second edition, with notes and references, by Thomas Finch. 8vo. ibid. 1786 Respecting the author of this work, see Mr. C. P. Cooper's Reports of Cases temp. Cottenhani, vol. 2. pp. 776-7 — "Additions and Corrections." Precedents of Private Acts : see Private Acts. Prenderoast (Harris). The Law relating to Ofiicers in the Armv. 12mo. Lond. 1849 The Law relating to Officers of the Navy. 12mo. ibid. 1852 Prescott (William H.) History of the Conquest of Mexico, with a preliminary view of the ancient Mexican civilization, and the Life of the conqueror, Hernando Cortes. Second edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1844 ■ History of the Conquest of Peru, with a preliminary view of the civiHzation of the Incas. Second edition. 2 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1847 History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella, the Catholic, of Spain. Fourth edition. 3 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1846 History of the Reign of Philip the Second, King of Spain. 2 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1855 634 PRE— PRI Preston. The History of Preston, in Lancashire ; together with the Guild Merchant, and some account of the Duchy and County Pala- tine of Lancaster. 4to. Lond. 1822 Preston (John, D.D.) The New Covenant; or, the Saints Portion. A Ti'eatisc unfolding the all-sufRciencie of God, Mans uprightnes, and the Covenant of Grace, delivered in fourteen Sermons upon Gen. xvii. 1. 2. ; whereunto are adjoined, foure Sermons upon Eccles. ix. L 2. IL 12. The sixth edition. 4to. Lond. 1621 For other works of Preston, see the Catalogue of Tracts and Pamphlets. Preston (Richard). Treatise on Conveyancing, with a vievv to its application to practice. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1819-29 An elementary Treatise on Estates ; with preliminary observa- tions on the Quality of Estates. 2 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1820-27 An Essay in a Course of Lectures on Abstracts of Title. 3 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1823-4 Preston (William). Illustrations of Masonry: a new edition, with notes and additions, bringing down the history of Freemasonrv to 1841, by the Rev. G. Oliver, D.D. 12mo. Lond. [1841] Preston (William Scott). A practical Treatise on the Law of Legacies. 8vo. Lond. 1824 Prevot de la Jannes (Michel). Principes de la Jurisprudence Francoise. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1770 Price (George). Reports of Cases argued and determined at Law and in Equity in the Court of Exchequer, and in the Exchequer Chamber, from Easter Term 54 Geo. III. to Mich. Term 5 Geo. IV. 13 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1816-28 Treatise on the Law of the Exchequer. 8vo. ibid. 1830 Complete Election Guide. The Reform Act, 2 Wra. IV. c. 45, dissected, arranged, and illustrated by a commentary. 12mo. ibid. 1832 Price (John). An historical and topographical Account of Leominster and its vicinity. 8vo. Ludlow, 1795 Price (Richard, D.D.) Observations on Reversionary Payments; on Schemes for providino' Annuities for Widows, and for persons in Old Age; on the method of calculating the values of Assurances on Lives ; and on the National Debt : newly arranged, and enlarged, with notes, by William Morgan. Seventh edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1812 Prichard (James Cowles, M.D.) Researches into the Physical History of Mankind. 5 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1841-7 Six Ethnographical Maps in illustration of the " Natural History of Man," and " Researches into the Physical Histoiy of Mankind." fol. ibid. 1843 The Eastern Origin of the Celtic Nations proved by a comparison of their dialects with the Sanskrit, Greek, Latin, and Teutonic lan- guages : forming a supplement to Researches into the Physical Historv of Mankind. Edited by R. G. Latham, M.D. 8vo. ibid. 1857 PRI 635 Prichard (James Cowles, M.D.) The Natural History of Man; comprisint^ inquiries into the modifying influence of physical and moral agencies on the different tribes of the hum:in fmiily. Third edition. 8vo. Land. 1848 On the different Forms of Insanity, in relation to Jurisprudence. l-2mo. ihld. 1842 Prickett (Frederick). History and Antiquities of Highgate, Middle- sex. 8vo. Lond. 1842 Pridden (Rev. W.) Australia, its history and present condition. 12mo. Lond. 1843 Prideai'X (Charles Grevile). A practical Guide to the Duties of Churchwardens in the execution of their Office; with Statutes, Canons, &c. Sixth edition. 12mo. Lond. 1853 Prideaux (Frederick). Law of Judgments as they affect Real Pro- perty. Second edition. 12mo. Lond. 1842 The Law of Judgments and Crown Debts, as they aff'cct Real Property. Fourth edition. With Apjjcndix. 12mo. ibid. 1854-6 Precedents in Conveyancing ; with Dissertations on its Law and Practice. Second edition. 8vo. Lond. 1856 third edition. 8vo. ibid. 1858 Prideaux (Humphrey, D.D.) Original and Right of Tithes for the Maintenance of the Ministry in a Christian Clnirch truly stated. 8vo. Norn-ich, 1710 Ecclesiastical Tracts ; viz. I. The Validity of the Orders of the Church of England. II. The Justice of the Law concerning Benefices. IIL An Award of K. Charles I., shewing that Personal Tithes are still due by the Law of the Land. The second edition. 8vo. Lond. 1716 Directions to Church-wardens for the faithful discharge of their Office. The fourth edition. 12mo. ibid. 1716 • ■ The Old and New Testament connected in the History of the Jews and neighbouring nations, from the dech^iision of the kingdoms of Israel and Judah to the time of Christ. The filth edition. 2 vols. fol. ibid. 1718 ninth edition. 4 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1725 The true Nature of Imposture fully displayed in the Life of Mahomet. With a Discoui-se offered to the consideration of the Doisis of the present age. The eighth etlition. 8vo. ibid. 1723 Life of the Rev. Humphrey Prideaux, D.D. Dean of Norwich. With several Tracts and Letters of his, upon various subjects, never before published. 8vo. ibid. 1748 Prideaux (Matthias). An easy and compendious Introduction for reading all soits of Histories. The fourth edition, with a Synopsis of Councels by John Prideaux, Bp. of Worcester. 4to. Oxford, 1664 Pridham (Charles). An historical, political and statistical Account of Ceylon and its dependencies. 2 vols. 8vo. Lund. 1849 An historical, political and statistical Account of the Mauritius and its dependencies. 8vo. ibid. 1841) 636 PRI Prieto y Sotelo (Antonio Fernandez). Historia del Derecho Real de Espaiia ; en que se comprehende la noticia de algunas de las primitivas leyes, y antiquisimas costumbres de los Espanoles. ^ J »J H ^^^_ 3Iadrid,182l Primatt (William). Accentus Redivivi : or, a Defence of an Accented Pronunciation of Greek Prose. 8vo. Cambridge, 1764 Primers. Three Primers put forth in the reign of Henry VIII. viz. I. A goodly Prymer, 1535. II. The Manual of Prayers or the Prymer in English, 1539. III. King Henry's Primer, 1545. [Edited by Edward Burton, D.D.] 8vo. Oxford, 1834 Prince (John). Danmonii Orientales Illustres : or, the Worthies of 2)evon. foi* Exeter, 1701 Prince Edward Island. Acts of the General Assembly of Prince Edward Island ; from the first establishment of the Legislature [in 1773] to 57 Geo. III. 4to. Charlotte-Town, 1817 Acts of the General Assembly of Prince Edward Island, from 1773 to 1838. 2 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1834-38 Prinsep. The Journal of a Voyage from Calcutta to Van Diemen's Land : comprising a description of that colony during a six months' residence. From original letters, selected by Mrs. Augustus Prinsep. Second edition. 12mo. Lond. 1833 Prior (Herman L.) A complete Manual of Short Conveyancing; conlaining Common Forms and Precedents of Assurances, with explanatory notes. 8vo. Lond. 1857 Prior (James). Meiv oir of the Life and Character of the Rt. Hon. Edmund Burke; with specimens of his poetry and letters, and an estimate of his genius and talents, compared with those of his great contemporaries. Second edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1826 Life of Goldsmith : see Goldsmith. Prior (John V.) Treatise on the Construction of Limitations in which the words "Issue" and "Child" occur; and on the Statute 1 Victoria, c. 26, s. 29. 12mo. Lond. 1839 Prior (Matthew). Poems on several occasions. fol. Lond, 1718 [another edition.] 2 vols. 12mo. ibid. 1725 Emma, Carmen, Latine redditum. 4to. ibid. 1748 Priscianese (Francesco). Delia Lingua Latina Libri sei. 4to. Vinegia, 1553 Priscus : see Byzantin^e Historise Scriptores. Prisons. Rules proposed for the Government of Gaols, Houses of Correction, and Penitentiaries. 8vo. Lond. 1820 Prisons— Memoires sur les: see Berville et Barriere, vols. 46,47. Pritchard (Andrew). History of Infixsoria, living and fossil : arranged according to " Die Infusionsthierchen" of C. G. Ehrenberg. 8vo. Lond. 1845 PRI— PRO G37 Pritchaud (William Tarn). An Analytical Di,h. -[161 Project des Codicis Fridcriciani jNIarchici, oder eine, nacli Sr. Koniul, Majeslatvon Freiissen selljst vorL'eschriebonem Plan entwor- feneCamnier<;erichts-(Jrdniinologia Cornu-Britannica ; or, an Essay to preserve the Ancient Cornish Language; containiiig the rudi- ments of that dialect, in a Coi-nish (irainniar and Cornish-Engli>h Vocabulary. "ito. Sherborne, 17UU Pryme (George). Jephthah, and other Poems. 8vo. Lond. 1838 Prynne (William). The Perpetuitic of a Regenerate Mans Estate. The second edition. 4to. Lond. 1G27 . Healthes-Sicknesse : or, a compendious and briefe Discourse, provin'r the Drinking and Pledging of Ilealthcs to be sinful! and utterly'unlawfull unto Christians. 4to. ibid. 1028 The Unlovelinesse of Love-Locks, or a summarie Discourse prooving the wearing and nouiishing of a Locke, or Love-Locke, to be altoo^ther unseemely and unlawfull unto Christians. ° 4to. ibid. 1(J28 A briefe Survay and Censure of Mr. Cozens, his couzcning Devotions. 4to. ibid. 1(328 Anti-Arminianisme: or, the Church of Englands old Anti- thesis to new Arniinianisme. The second edition. 4to. ibid. 1630 God no Impostor nor Dcluder: or, an Answer to a Popish and Arminian Cavill in the defence of Frec-Will ai-d Universall Cirace. 4 to. /V'/(/. 1629 second edition, with Appendix concerning Bowing at the Name of Jesus. 4to. ibid. ](i30 640 PRY Prynne (William). Lame Giles his Haultings: or a briefe Survey of Giles Widdowes his Confutation of an Appendix concerning Bowing at the Name of Jesus. 4to. Lond. 1630 Histrio-Mastix : the Players Scourge, or Actors Tragaedie, wherein it is largely evidenced, that popular Stage-playes are sinfull, heathenish, lewde, ungodly Spectacles, &c. 4to. ibid. 1633 A Breviate of the Prelates intollerable Usurpations, both upon the Kings Prerogative Royall, and the Subjects Liberties. Third edition. 4to. ibid. 1637 The Unbishoping of Timothy and Titus, and of the Angel of the Church of Ephesus; or, a brief elaborate Discourse proving Timothy and the Angel to be no first, sole, or Diocesan Bishop of Ephesus, nor Titus of Crete. 4to. ibid, reprinted 1661 A Lookinff-GIasse for all Lordlv Prelates, 4to. ibid. 1636 Instructions for Churchwardens, concerning Visitation Articles, Fees, Oathes, &c. 4to. ibid. 1636 A Divine Tragedie lately acted, or a Collection of sundry memo- rable Examples of Gods Judgments upon Sabbath-breakers, &c. 4to. ibid. 1636 A Quench-Coale ; or a briefe Disquisition and Inquirie in what place of the Church or Chancell, the Lords-Table ought to be situated, especially when the Sacrament is administered ; in answer to A Coal from the Altar, and other pamphlets. 4to. ibid. 1637 The Antipathic of the English Lordly Prelacie, both to Regall Monarchy and Civill Unity ; or, an historicall Collection of the severall execrable Treasons, Conspiracies, of our Prelates against our Kings, Kingdomes, &c. In two parts. 4to. ibid. 1641 The humble Petition of Mr. Prynne, late Exile, and close prisoner in the He of Jersey. Presented to the Commons House of Parliament. 4to. ibid. 1641 The severall Humble Petitions of D. Bastwicke, M. Burton, M. Prynne, and of Nath. Wickins, servant to the said Mr. Prynne, to the Hon. House of Parliament. 4to. ibid. 1641 A new Discovery of the Prelates Tyranny, in their late Prose- cutions of Mr. Will. Pryn, Dr. John Bastwick, and Mr. Henry Burton. 4to. ibid. 1641 A terrible Outcry against the loytering exhalted Prelates : shewing the danger and unfitnesse of conferring them in any tem- porall office or dignity. 4to. ibid. 1641 " This book," says Wood, " is not Prynne's nor like his language, nor is it in the Catalogue of his books, though his name be to it, with his picture in a wooden cut." — Athenae Oxon. III. 858. Mount-Orgueil : or divine and profitable Meditations raised from the contemplation of these three leaves of Natures volume ; 1. Rockes. 2. Seas. 3. Gardens, digested into three distinct Poems. To which is prefixed, a Poeticall Description of Mount- Orgueil Castle in the Isle of Jersy. [With] A Poem of the Soules Complaint against the Body; and Comfortable Cordialls against the discomforts of Imprisonment, &c. 4to. ibid. 1641 PRY 641 Prynne (Williiiiii). A Plciisaiit l*uiffe for a Roman Catholike to evacuate his evill Humours; consislini^ of a Century of Poleniicall Epif^rams. 4to, Land. 1G42 A Soveraign Antidote to prevent, appease, and determine our uiinaturall and destructive Civill Warres and Dissentions. The second impression. 4to. ibid. 1(>42 A Vindication of Psalme lOo, v. 15 (Touch not mine anointed, and doe n)y Prophets no harme), from some false Glosses lately obtruded on it by Royalists. 4to. ibid. 1642 A Re-Vindication of tlie Anoynting, and Priviledges of faithful! Subjects. ' 4to. ibid. 1643 The Treachery and Disloyalty of Papists to their Soveraignes in Doctrine and Practise ; with the Soveraigne Power of Parliaments and Kingdomes, &c. In four parts. With an Appendix manifest- ing that in the ancient Kingdome of Rome, and other Empires, the Supreame Sovereigne Power resided not in the Emperours and Kings themselves, but in the whole Kingdome, Senate, &c. 4to. ibUl. 1643 An humble Remonstrance against the Tax of Ship-Money lately imposed. Written in 1636; since that printed by an im- perfect copy, an. 1641 ; but now set out by a true copy agreeing with the originall. 4to. ibid. 164^5 Romes Master-Peece ; oi-, the Grand Conspiracy of the Pope and his Jesuited Instruments to extirpate the Protestant Religion, by kindling a Civill War in Scotland, &c. 4to. ibid. 164^3 second edition. 4to. ibid. 1644 Tlie Opening of the Great Scale of England : containing certain brief, historicall and legall Observations, touching the originall, antiquity, progrcsse, use, necessity of the Great Si-al of the Kings and Kingdoms of England in respect of Charters, Writs, &c. ^' 4to. ibid. 1643 The Doome of Cowardizc and Treachery ; or, a Looking- Glasse for cowardly or corrupt Governours and Souldiers, who through Pusillanimity or Bribery betray their Trusts. 4to. ibid. 1643 The Popish Royall Favourite ; or, a full Discovery of his Majesties extraordinary Favours to, and Protections of, notorious Papists, Priests, Jesuit's, k.c. 4to. ibid. 1643 An exact Catalogue of all printed Books and Papers of various subjects, written upon sundry occasions by ^^'illiam Prynne, before, during, and since his imjn-isonments. 4to. ibid. 1660 The Falsities and Forgeries of the anonymous Author of a late ])amphlet intituled, The Fallacies of Mr. William Prynne dis- covered and eontutcd, in a shoit View of his Books intituled the Soveraignty of Parliaments, The Opening ot the Great Scale, ikc. 4to. ibid. 1644 Foure serious Questions of grand importance concerning Ex- communication and Suspenlion from the Sacrament. 4to. ibid. [1644] T T 642 PRY Prynne (William). A moderate Apology against a pretended Calumny ; in answer to some Passages in the Preheminence of Parlement, newly published by James Howell. 4to. Lond. 1644 ■ A Breviate of the Life of William Laud, Archbishop of Canter- bury, extracted (for the most part) verbatim, out of his own Diary, and other writings under his own hand. fol. ibid. 1644 Twelve considerable serious Questions touching Church Govern- ment. 4to. ihid. 1644 Independency examined, unmasked, refuted by twelve new particular Interrogatories. 4to. ibid. 1644 A full Reply to certaine briefe Observations and Anti-Queries on Master Prynnes Twelve Questions about Church-Government; with briefe Animadversions on Mr. John Goodwins Theomachia, in justification of Independency examined. The second edition. 4to. ibid. 1644 A true and full Relation of the Prosecution, Arraignment, — — ^ „. ..._ ^ .^ , — ^ — „..., Triall and Condemnation of Nathaniel Fiennes, late Colonel and Governor of the City and Castle of Bristoll. By William Prynne and Clement Walker. 4to. ibid. 1644 The Lyar confounded : or, a briefe Refutation of John Lil- burnes miserably misstated Case. 4to. ibid. 1645 A Vindication of foure serious Questions of grand importance concerning Excommunication, &c. from the misprisions and unjust exceptions lately taken against them by a Rev. Brother of Scot- land, in a Sermon at St. Margaret's, Westminster, and in three new Pamphlets. 4to. ibid. 1645 Truth triumphing over Falshood, Antiquity over Novelty ; or the first part of a just and seasonable Vindication of the undoubted Ecclesiasticall Jurisdiction of Christian Emperors, Kings, &c. in matter of Religion, Church Government, &c. 4to. ibid. 1645 Hidden Workes of Darkenes brought to Publike Light ; or, a necessary Introduction to the History of the Archbishop of Canter- buries Triall ; discovering the severall secret dangerous Plots, Practises, &c. of the Pope and his Confederates to undermine the Protestant Religion. fol. ibid. 1645 A fresh Discovery of some prodigious new wandering-blasing- Stars and Firebrands, stiling themselves New Lights, firing our Church and State into new Combustions. Whereuiito some Letters, &c. sent from the Sommer Islands are subjoyned, relating the Schis- maticall Proceedings of some Independents there. 4to. ibid. 1645 Diotrephes catechised : or, sixteen important Questions touching the Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction and Censures (contradistinct to civill) now eagerly pretended to, and challenged by a divine Right by some over-rigid Presbyterians and Independents. Second edition. 4to. ibid. 1646 Scotlands ancient Obligation to England, and publike Acknow- ledgment thereof, for their brotherly Assistance to and Deliverance of them, from the bondage of the French in 1560. 4to. ibid. 1646 PRY 643 Prynne (William). Susppntioii suspended: or, the Divines of Syon Colled9 Rastall or Rastell (William). A Collection of Entrees, of Decla- rations, Barres, Replications, kc. fol. Land, in (CiUbvs Jane YeUweirt, 1596 A Collection of the Statutes, from 9 Plen. III. to 7 James I. under Titles placed by order of Alphabet. fol. Lond. IGll [ ] Statutes at Large from Magna Charta to 7 James I. 2 vols. fol. Lo7id. B. Norton and J. Bill, 1(>18 Table collected of the yeares of our Lord God, and of the yeares of the Kings of England, from the first yeare of William the Con- querour, untill the fifteenth yeare of K. Charles; continued to 1(>J9, by J. Booker. 8vo. Lond. 1(>J9 Rastall (W. Dickinson). History of the Antiquities of the Town and Church of Southwell, in the county of Nottingham. 4to. Lond. 1787 see also Dickinson (W.) Rawle (William, Jun.) Reports of Cases adjudged in the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, from 18"28 to 1835. 5 vols. 8vo. PhdadeJphia, 1829-30 Rawlinson (Christopher). The Municipal Corporation Act, 5 & G Will. IV. c. 7G, and the Acts since passed for amending the same, and otherwise in relation to Municipal Corporations; with notes and. an appendix of statutes, &c. Second edition, by W. X. Welsbv. 12mo. Lond. 1850 [Rawlinson, Richard, LL.D.] History and Antiquities of the City and Cathedral-Church of Hereford. 8vo. Lond. 1717 [ ] History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Rochester. 8vo. ibid. 1717 Sometimes ascribed to John Lewis. [ ] The English Topographer : or, an historical Account of all the pieces that have been written relating to the Antiquities, Natural History, or Topographical Description of any part of England. 8vo. ibid. 1720 Raumer (Friedrich von). Briefe aus Paris zur Erliiutcrung der Gc- schichte des sechzehnten und siebzehnten Jahrluinderts. 2 vols. 12nio. Leipzig, 1831 Briefe aus Paris und Frankreich im Jahre 1830. 2 vols, in 1, 12nio. ibid. 1831 Geschichte Frankreichs und der Franzbsischen Revolution, 1740 —1795. 8vo. ibid. 1850 Raveneau (Jacques). Traite des Inscriptions en faux et reconnois- sances d'Escritures et Signatures par comparaison et nutrement. ]2mo. Paris, 1666 Ravennas (Petrus). Compendium Juris Civilis, cum multis additio- nibus. fol. Colonic, 1508 Ray (John). A Collection of English Proverbs, with short annota- tions. 8vo. Cambridge, 1670 A Collection of English N^'onls not generally used, with their significations and original. With Catalogues of English Birds and Fishes, ikc. 12mo. Lond. 1674 u u 2 660 RAY-REA Ray (John). Nomenclator Classicus, sive Dictionariolum Trilingue. [Gr. Lat. et Aiigl.] 8vo. Lond. 1706 Observations, Topograpliical, Moral, and Physiological, made in a Joui-ney through part of the Low Countries, Germany, Italy, and France; with a Catalogue of Plants not native of England, found spontaneously growing in those parts. Whereunto is added a brief Account of Francis Willughby's Voyage through a great part of Spain. 8vo. ibid. 1673 The Wisdom of God manifested in the works of the Creation. The eighth edition. 8vo. ibid. 1722 Philosophical Letters between the late learned Mr. Ray and several of his ingenious correspondents, natives and foreigners. Published by W. Derham. 8vo. ibid. 1718 Ray (J., M.D.) Treatise on the Medical Jurisprudence of Insanity; with an introductory Essay by D. Spillan, M.D. 8vo. Lond. 1839 Raymond (Robert, Lord). Reports of Cases argued and adjudged in the Courts of King's Bench and Common Pleas, in the reigns of William, Anne, Geo. I. and Geo. II. 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1743 fourth edition, with additional references, by John Bayley. 3 vols. 8vo. ihid. 1790 fifth edition, by C. J. Gale. vol. 1. 8vo. ibid. 1832 Raymond (Sir Thomas). Reports of divers special Cases adjudged in the Courts of King's Bench, Common Pleas and Exchequer, in the reign of K. Charles II. fol. Land. 1696 second edition. fol. ibid. 1743 Raymundus (Joannes). Epistolarum Juris Civilis Libri tres. 8vo. Lugdimi, 1549 Raynal (L'Abbe Guillaume Thomas). Histoire du Parlement d'An- gleterre. 12mo. Londres [Paris] 1748 History of the Parliament of England ; translated from the French. 8vo. Lond. 1751 Histoire du Stadhouderat depuis son origine jusqu'a present. Quatrieme edition. 12mo. La Haye [Paris] 1748 Histoire philosophique et politique des Etablissemens et du Commerce des Europeens dans les deux Indes ; avec le Supplement. 10 vols. 8vo. Neuchatel et Gendve, 1783-4 Raynouard (Francois Juste Marie). Histoire du Droit Municipal en France, sous la domination Romaine et sous les trois dynasties. 2 vols. 8vo. Pari.<<, 1829 Read (J.) Declarations and Pleadings, commenced and entred upon Record, in the Court of King's Bench, from the 12th to the 24th year of the reign of Charles II. ; collected from the MSS. of J. Read, by R. A. 8vo. Lond. 1684 Reading (W.) History of Sion College: see Catalogues. Readings. Three Learned Readings made upon three very usefull Statutes. 1. By Sir James Dyer, upon the Statute of Wills, 32, 34, & 35 Hen. VIII. 2. By Sir John Brograve, upon the Statute of 27 H. 8. chap. 10. concerning Jointures. 3. By Thomas Risdcn, upon the Statute of 8 Hen. 6. chap. 9. of Forcible Entry. 4to. Lond. 1648 REA-REC 661 Real Proi'i;utv. Observations illuslintint^ the excellence of the Real Property i.iiw of Eii; Laws enacted under the Anfi;lo-Saxon Kings from ^thelbirlit to Cnut, M'ith an English translation of the Saxon ; the Laws called Edward the Confessor's; the Laws of William the Conqueror, and those ascribed to Plenry the First: also, Monumenta Ecclesiastica Anglicana, from the seventh to the tenth century ; and the ancient Latin Version of the Anglo-Saxon Laws. With a compendious Glossary, &c. [Edited by B. Thorpe.] fol. Land. 1840 [another edition.] 2 vols. 8vo. ihid. 1840 Ancient Laws and Institutes of Wales ; comprising Laws supposed to be enacted by Howel the Good, modified by subsequent Regu- lations under the Native Princes prior to the conquest by Ed- ward I. : and Anomalous Laws, consisting principally of Insti- tutions which by the Statute of Ruddlan were admitted to continue in force : with an English translation of the Welsh Text. To which are added a few Latin Transcripts, containing Digests of the Welsh Laws, principally of the Dimetian Code. With Indexes and Glossary. [Edited by Aneurin Owen.] fol. Lond. 1841 [another edition.] 2 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1841 Calendarium Inquisitionum post Mortem sive Escaetarum, temp. Reg. Hen. III. ad Ric. III.; cum appendice de quamplurimis aliis Inquisitionibus a regno Hen. III. usque Jac. I. nuper re- pertis. [Edited by J. Caley.] 4 vols. fol. ibid. 1806-28 Calendarium Rotulorum Chartarum et Inquisitionum ad quod Dam- num [temp. Reg. Joan, ad Hen. VI. Edited by J. Caley.] fol. ihid. 1803 Calendarium Rotulorum Patentium in Turri Londinensi. [With Indexes by S. Ayscough]. fol. ihid. 1802 Calendars of the Proceedings in Chancery in the reign of Q. Eliza- beth ; to which are prefixed. Examples of earlier Proceedings in that Court, namely, from the reign of Rich. II. to that of Queen Elizabeth inclusive. From the originals in the Tower. [Edited by J. Bay ley.] 3 vols. fol. ihid. 1827-32 ■ see also Kalendars. Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the Cottonian Library, deposited in the British Museum. [By Joseph Planta.] fol. ibid. 1802 Catalogue of the Harleian Manuscripts in the British Museum. With Indexes of pei'sons, places and matters. [Edited by H. Wanley, D. Casley, Rev. R. Nares, and others; Index by the Rev. T. H. Home.] ' 4 vols. fol. ihid. 1808-12 Catalogue of the Lansdowne Manuscripts in the British Museum. In two Parts, with Indexes [and Preface by Sir Henry Ellis]. fol. ihid. 1812-19 Documents illustrative of English History in the thirteenth and four- teenth centuries, selected from the Re'cords of the Department of the Queen's Remembrancer of the Exchequer; and edited by Henry Cole. fol. ibid. 1844 REC G63 Recoud Commission — continued. Docunieuts and Records illustrating the History of Scotland, and the Transactions I)et\veen tlie Crowns of" Scotland and England, preserved in tlie Treasury of her Majesty's Exchequer; collected and edited by Sir Francis Palgrave. Vol. I. 8vo. Lond. 1837 [Domesday Book; sen, T^iber Censualis Wilhelmi primi regis Anglioc, inter archivos regni in donio capitulari Westnionasterii asservatiis. Edited by A. Farley.] 2 vols, fol, ihid. 1783 Libri Censualis vocati Domesday-Book Indices. Accessit Dissertatio Generalis de ratione hujusce Libri. [By Sir H. Ellis.] fol. ihid. 181G Libri Censualis vocati Domesday-Book Additamenta ex codic. antiquiss. Exon' Domesdav. Inquisitio Eliensis. Liber Winton'. Boldon Book. [Edited by Sir li. Ellis.] fol. ihid. 1816 The two volumes of Domesday- Book were j)rinted by command of K. George HI. in consequence of an Address of the House of Lords; the volumes containing the Indices and Additamenta under the direction of the Commissioners. Ducatus Lancastrias : see Lancaster. Ellis (Sir Henry). A General Introduction to Domesday Book ; accompanied by Indexes of the Tenants in Chief, and Under Tenants, at the time of the Survey : as well as of the Holders of Lands mentioned in Domesday anterior to the formation of that record ; with an abstract of the population of England at the close of the reign of William the Conqueror, so far as the same is actually entered; illustrated by numerous notes and comments. 2 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1833 Fines, sive Pedes Finiiim : sivc Finales Concordia? in Curia Domini Regis, 7 Ric. L— 16 Joh. A.D. 1195-1214; cdente Jos. Hunter. 2 vols. 8vo. ihid. 1835-44 Hardy (Thomas Duffus). Description of the Patent Rolls in the Tower of London ; to which is added an Itinerary of King John, with prefatory observations. 8vo. Lond. 1835 Inquisitionum ad Capellam Domini Regis retornatarum, quae in publicis Archivis ScotifE adhuc servantur, Abbi-eviatio. [l-'rom about 1546 to the end of the 17th centurv. Edited bv T. H. Thomson.] 3 vols", fol. ?7;?V/. 181 1-16 Inquisitionum in Officio Rotulorum Cancellaritr Hibernian asser- vatarum Repcrtoriiim. [Edited bv James Hardiman.] ' 2 vols. fol. IDubL] 1826-9 Ireland : see Liber Munerum Publicorum. Kalendars (The Antient) and Inventories of the Treasury of his Majesty's Exchequer, together with other Do'.-unients illustrating the history of that Repository ; collected and edited by Sir Francis Palgrave. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1836 [Lancaster.] Ducatus Lancastrian Pai-s I. Calendarium Inquisi- tionum post jNlortem, &;c. temp. Regum Edw. I. ad Car. I. Partes II. 111. IV. A Calendar to the Pleadings, Depositions, &c. ; from the reign of llenrv VII. to the end of the reign of Q. Elizabeth. [Edited by R. J. Harper, J. Calev, and W. Minchin.] 4 parts in 3 vols. fol. ibid. 1823-34 664 REC Kkcord Commission — continued. Liber Munerum Publicorum Iliherniae, ah an. 1152 usque ad 1827; or, the Establishments of Ireland from the nineteenth of King Stephen to the seventh of George IV., during a period of six Imndred and seventy-five years: being the Report of Rowley Lascelles. [Unfinished. With Prefice by F. S. Thomas.] 2 vols. fol. [Dublin, 1852] Tliis work was undertaken to be printed under the direction of the Irish Record Commission, but afterwards suspended, and subsequently issued at the expense of the Government. Magnum Rotulum : see Rotulum. Modus tenendi Parliamentum ; an ancient Treatise on the mode of holding the Parliament in England. Edited by T. D. Hardy. [Commenced under the direction of the Record Commission.] 8vo. Lond. 1846 Monumenta Historica Britannica ; or, Materials for the History of Britain, from the earliest period. Prepared and illusti-ated with notes by the late Henry Petrie, assisted by the Rev. John Sharpe [completed, with Index, by T. D. Hardy']. Vol. 1. extending to the Norman Conquest. fol. ibid. 1848 Contents: — Gildas; Nenniiis; Beda; Anglo-Saxon Chronicle; Asserius de rebus gestis .'Elfredi ; Chronicon Aethelwaerdi ; Florentii Wigornensis Chro- nicoa ; Simeonis Dunelmensis Historia ; Henrici Huntenduiiensis Historia; " L'Estoire des Engles, solum la translation Maistre Geffrei Gaimar ;" An- nales Cambrise ; Brut y Tywysogion ; De Bello Hastingensi Carmen ; etc. Nonarum Inquisitiones in Curia Scaccarii, temp. Regis Edwardi III. [Edited by G. Vanderzee.] fol. ihid. 1807 Palgrave (Sir Francis). Essay upon the original Authority of the King's Council. 8vo. ibid. 1834 Parliamentary Writs and Writs of Military Summons, together with the Records and Muniments relating to the suit and service due and pei'formed to the King's High Court of Parliament and the Councils of the Realm, or affording evidence of attendance given at Parliaments and Councils; with Alphabetical Digest and Index. Collected and edited by Sir Francis Palgrave. 2 vols, in 4 [vol. 2 in three divisions], fol. ibid. 1827-34 Pipe Rolls. The Great Rolls of the Pipe for the second, third and tburth years of the reign of King Henry II., A.D. 1155 — 1158. Now first printed from the originals, under the care of the Rev. J. Hunter. [Commenced under the direction of the Record Com- mission.] 8vo. ibid. 1844 The Great Roll of the Pipe for the first year of the reign of King Richard I., A.D. 1189—1190. Now first printed from the originals, under the care of J. Hunter. [Com- menced under the direction of the Record Commission.] 8vo. ibid. 1844 Placita de Quo Warranto temp. Edw. I. II. & III. in Curia Receptffi Scaccarii Westni. asservata. [Edited by W. Illing- worth.] fol. ibid. 1818 REC 665 Record Commission —continued. Placitorurn in Domo Capitulari Westmoiiasterieiisi asservatorum Ahhreviatio, temp, regum Ric. I. — Edw. II. [Edited by W . llliiigworth.] fol. Land. 1811 Proceedings and Ordinances of tlie Privy Council of England, from 10 Richard II. 1386 to 33 Henry Vlll. 1542; edited by Sir Harris Nicolas. * 7 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1834-37 Registrum Magni Sigilli Regum Scotorum in Archivis publicis asservatum, A.D. 1306-1424. [Edited by T. Thomson.] fol. ibid. 1814 Registrum vulgaritcr nuncupatum " The Record of Caernarvon ; " c Codice MS. Harleiano 696 descriptum. [Edited bv Sir II. Ellis.] lol. ibid. 1838 Rotuli Chartarum in Turri Londincnsi asservati ; accurante T. D. Hardy. Vol. I. Pars I. ab anno 1199 ad annum 1216. fol. ihid. 1837 Rotuli Curias Regis. Rolls and Records of the Court held before the King's Justiciai's or Justices, from 6 Rich. I. to 1 John (inclusive) ; edited by Sir Francis Palgrave. 2 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1835 [Rotuli Finium.] Excerpta e Rotulis Finium in Turri Londinensi asservatis, Henrico III. Rege, A.D. 1216 — 1272; cura Caroli Roberts. 2 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1835-6 Rotuli Hundredorum, temp. Hen. III. et Edw. I. in Turr' Lond' et in Curia Receptee Scaccarii VVestm. asservati. [Edited by W. Illingworth.] 2 vols. fol. ibid. 1812-18 Rotuli de Liberate ac de Misis et Pra?stitis, regnante Johanne ; cura T. D. Hardy. [Commenced under the direction of the Record Commission.] 8vo. ibid. 1844 Rotuli Litterarum Clausarum in Turri Londinensi asservati ; ab anno 1204 ad annum 1227 ; accurante T. D. Hardv. 2 vols. fol. ibid. 1833-44 Rotuli Litterarum Patentium in Turri Londinensi asservati ; ab anno 1201 ad annum 1216; accurante T. D. Hardv. Vol. I. Pars I. fol. ibid. 1835 Rotuli NormannicC in Turri Londinensi asservati, Johainie et Hen- rico quinto Anglifc regibus ; accurante T. 1). Hardy. A ol. 1, de annis 1200 — 1205, necnon de anno 1417. 8vo. ibid. 1835 Rotuli de Oblatis ot Finibus in Turri Londinensi asservati, tempore Regis Johannis ; accurante T. 1). Hardy. 8vo. ibid. 1835 Rotuli Scotiie in Turri Londinensi et in Domo Capitulari "Wesfmo- irasteriensi asservati, temp, regum Anglian Eilw. I. — Hen. \'1II. [Edited by D. Macpherson, J. Calev and W. Illingworth; with Indexes by T. H. Home.] ' 2 vols. fol. ibid. 1814-19 Rotuli Selecti ad Res Anglicas et Hibernicns spectantes, ex Archivis in Domo Capitulari Wostmonasteriensi doproinpti, cura Jos. Hunter. 8vo. ibid. 1834 666 REC Record Commission —cotitinued. Rotulorum Originalium in Curia Scaccarii Abbreviatio, temp, regum Hen. III.— Edw. III. [Edited by Playford.] 2 vols. fol. Lo7id. 1805-10 Rofiiloinim Patentium et Clausorum Cancellariag Hiberniae Calen- darium. Vol. I. Pars. I. Hen. II.— Hen. VII. fol. Duhl. 1828 Rotulum (Magnum) Scaccarii, vel Mrgnum Rotulum Pipae, de anno tricesimo-primo regni Henrici I. (utvidetur); quem pluiimi hactenus laudarunt pro Rotulo quinti anni Stephani Regis ; nunc primum edidit Josephus Hunter. 8vo. Lond. 1833 Rotulus Cancellarii, vel Antigraphum Magni Rotuli Pipae, de tertio anno regni Regis Johannis. [Edited by J. Hunter.] 8vo. ibid.\^^^ Rymer (Thomas). Foedera, Conventiones, Litterse, et cujuscunque generis Acta Publica, inter Reges Anglioe et alios quosvis Im- peratores, Reges, Pontifices, Principes, vel Communitates, ab ino-ressu Gulielmi I. in Angliam, A.D. 1066, ad nostra usque tempora habita aut tractata; primum in lucem inissa studio Thomae Rymer, Historiographi, et Roberti Sanderson; denuo aucta, et multis locis emendata, accurantibus A. Clarke, LL.D., F. Holbrooke, et J. Caley. vols. 1 — 3 in 6 parts, fol. ibid. 1816-30 Statutes of the Realm [from Magna Carta to the end of the Reign of Q. Anne] ; printed from original Records and authentic Maim- scrijits. [Edited by A. Luders, Sir T. E. Tomlins, J. France, W. B. Taunton, and J. Raithby.] 9 vols. fol. ibid. 1810-28 — Alphabetical Index. 1824. Chronological Index. 1828. fol. ibid. 1824-28 Taxatio Ecclesiastica Angliae et Walliae, auctoritate P. Nicholai IV. circa A.D. 1291. [Edited by T. Astle, Rev. S. Ayscough, and J. Caley.] fol. ibid.\m2 Testa de Nevill ; sive Liber Feodorum in Curia Scaccarii, temp. Hen. III. et Edw. I. [Edited by J. Caley and W. Illingworth.] fol. ibid. 1807 Valor Ecclesiasticus temp. Hen. VIII. auctoritate regia institutus [A.D. 1535.], cum Appendice et Indicibus. [Edited by Joseph Hunter.] 6 vols. fol. ibid. 1810-34 Reports [First and Second] from the Select Committee, appointed to inquire into the state of the Public Records of the Kmgdom, &c. Ordered by the House of Commons to be printed, 4th July 1800. fol- ^i"^' IS^O REC— RED 667 Kecohd Comm is?>ioN —cojitinued. Rc'j)orts [First and Second] from the Commissioner:? appuintcd by his Majesty to execute the measures recommended by a Select Committie* of tlie House of Commons respeetin*^ the Public Records of the Kind. 1820 Appendix, containinf^ engraved Fac-Similes inserted in the various works printed under the Commission, with the Expla- nations, fol. ibid. 1820 Re])orts [First to Nineteenth] from the Commissioners, respecting the Public Records of Ireland ; with Supplements and Appendixes. 1810 — 1829. Ordered by the House of Commons to be printed. bound in 3 vols. fol. ibid. 1813-29 General Report to the King in Council from the Hon. Board of Commissioners on the Public Records, appointed by his Majesty K. William IV. With an Appendix and Index, fol. ibid. ISI}7 Report from the Select Committee appointed by the House of Commons " to inquire into the management and aftViirs of the Record Conmiission, and the present state of the Records of the United Kingdom ;" with Minutes of Evidence, Appendix and Index. ["Sessional Papers of the House of Commons.] fol. ibid. 183G Pai)ers and Documents relative to the Evidence of certain witnesses examined before the Select Committee ; com- prising the Remarks and Questions and Answers referred to in the Observations upon the Report of the said Committee, trans- mitted to the Lords Commissioners of his Majesty's Treasury, by his Majesty's Commissioners on the Public Records; with an appendix of illustrative documents. [Edited bv C. P. Cooper.] '8vo. ibid. 1837 Proceedings of the Commissioners; and Questions circulated under the authority of the Commissioners : see Coopku (C. P.) A list of unfinished works, &c. of the Commissioners may be found in the Catalogue of Mr. C. P. Cooper's Library. See Cooper (C. P.) in this Cata- logue, ante, p. 203. Rectors (Lords). Addresses: see Glasgow. Recueil d'Observations Curicuses sur les Moeurs, les Coutumes, Ics Usages, les difFerentes Langues, le Gouvernement, &c. de difterens peuples de 1' Asie, de I'Afrique, et de I'Amerique. 4 vols. 12mo. Pa}-is, 1749 Reddie (James). An historical View of the Law of Maritime Com- merce. 8vo. Edinb. 1841 Inquiries in International Law. 8vo. Glasfjojv, 1842 Researches, Historical and Critical, in Maritime International Law. 2 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1844-5 Reddie (John). Historical Notices of the Roman Law, and of the recent progress of its study in Germany. 8vo. Edinb. 182(3 Letter to the Lord High Ciianccllor of Great Britain on the expediency of the Pioposal to lorni a new Civil Code for England. 8vo. Loud. 1828 668 RED-REF Redesdale (Lord) : see Mitford (W.) Redford (George) and T. H. Riches. History of tlie ancient Town and Borough of Uxbridge. 8vo. Uxhridge, 1818 Rees (Rev. W. J.) Lives of the Cambro British Saints, of the fifth and immediate succeeding centuries, from ancient Welsh and Latin MSS. in the British Museum and elsewhere, with English transla- tions, and explanatoiy notes. Published for the Welsh MSS. Society. 8vo. Llandovery, 1853 Reeve (Edmund). An Introduction into the Greeke tongue. 4to. Lond. 1650 Reeves (John). History of the English Law, from the time of the Saxons to the end of the reign of Elizabeth. The second edition. 5 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1787-1829 Historv of the Law of Shipping and Navigation. ^ 8vo. ibid. 1792 History of the Government of the Island of Newfoundland. With an Appendix ; containing the Acts of Parliament made respect- ing the Trade and Fishery. 8vo. ibid. 1793 Reeves (William). The Apologies of Justin Martyr, Tertullian, and Minutius Felix, with the Commonitory of Vincentius Lirinensis, translated from their originals, with notes. With a prefatory Dis- sertation about the right Use of the Fathers. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1709 Reform. The Legitimate Consequences of Reform, and an Exposure of the Abuses in Church and State, with a detailed Account of the chief acts of the Grey Administration. 8vo. Edinb. 1834 Reformatio Legum Ecclesiasticarum, ex authoritate primum Regis Henrici V^III. inchoata : deinde per Regem Edovardum VI. pro- vecta, adauctaque in hunc modum, atque nunc ad pleniorem ipsarura reformationem in lucem edita. [With Preface by John Foxe.] 4to. Lo?id. 1640 [another edition.] 4to. ibid. 1641 The Reformation of the Ecclesiastical Laws as attempted ill the reigns of King Henry VIII, King Edward VT, and Queen Elizabeth. A new edition bv Edward Cardwell, D.D. 8vo. Oxford, 1850 This body of laws was framed by a commission of eminent divines and civilians, under the superintendence of archbishop Cranmer, who was assisted in the compilation by the pens of Dr. Walter Haddon, Sir John Cheke, and Peter Martyr. See Dr. Cardwell's Preface. Reformation. A short View and Defence of the Reformation of the Church of England by King Edward and Queen Elizabeth. "" ^ 12mo. Lond. 1654 Memoirs of the Antiquities of Great Britain, relating to the Reformation, &c. 12mo. ibid. 1723 A Help to a National Reformation, contnining an Abstract of the Penal Laws against Prophaneness and Vice, &c. The fifth edition. 8vo. ibid. 1706 REF-REH 669 Refugium Advocatorum : Suninia Odofrcdi de formandis libellis. Summa Hcrmainii centum libellorum. In arboreni jiuliciuriam Joannis de Grassis Scriptum doniesticum. 4to. Argentorati, I.jIO RioALE. Recucil de diverses Pieces et Lettres concernant la Ke|i;ale, etle Diocese de Paniies. [Par Francois Etienne de Caulet, Eveque de Pamiers.] 12mo. Coloyfir, 1(J81 Traite de la Regale, imprime par I'ordre de M. I' Eveque de Pamies, pour la defence des droits de son eglise. [Par I'Abbe Du Buisson.J Troisiesnie edition, 12mo. ibid. 1681 Regalia of Scotland : see Bannatyne Club, No. 27. Reoiam Majestatem : see Skene (Sir John); and Houakd — Cou- tumes Anglo-Normandes, vol. 2. Reginaldus, Monachus Dunclmensls. Libellus de B. Cuthberti virtutibus: see Surtees Society, No. 1. Registration. Forms of Memorials, Certificates, (Sec. on the late Acts of Parliament, for the Public Registering of all Deeds and Conveyances, Judgments, Statutes and Recognizances, for the Counties of Middlesex and York, and the Kingdom of Ireland. 4to. Lund. 1747 Reasons for a Registry : shewing briefly the great benefits and advantages that may accrew to this nation thereby. By a Well- ■wisher to the publick interest of the nation. 4to. Loud. 1678 A list of works relating to Registration is contained in the Catalogue of Mr. C. P. Cooper's Library. See Cooper (C. P.), ante, p. 203. Registres de I'llotel de Ville de Paris: see France— Societe de I'Histoire. Registrum Honoris de Richmond : see Gale (Roger). Reoistrum Magni Sigilli Regum Scotorum : see Record Com- mission. Registrum Omnium Brevium, tam Originalium, quam Judicialium, correctum ct emendatum ad vetus exemplar manuscriplum. fol. Land. 1.595 [another edition.] fol. ibid. 16:34 Registrum Wiltunense: see Hoare (Sir R. G.) Regius (Gilbertus). Enantiophanwn Juris Civilis Libri duo. 12nio. Hanovicv, 1598 Regnault (Elias). Revolution Frangaise. Histoire de Huit Ans, 1840—1848; faisant suite a I'Histoire de Dix Ans, 1830—1840, par M. Louis Blanc, et completant le regne de Louis- Philippe. 3 vols. 8vo. P«/v>, 1851-2 Regnault (Theodore). De la Legislation et de la Jurisprudence con- cernant les Brevets d'Invention, de Perfectionnement et d' Importa- tion. 8^0- Parix, 1825 Regul;e Juris. Commcntarii ad Titulum Digest, de Regulis Juris Antiqui,quinque illustrium Juris Iiitcrpretum in optimam harmoniae formam redactorum, Decii, Firrarii, Cagnoli, Fraiici, ot Ka:'vardi_. fol. Liujduni, 1593 Reiiberg (August Wilhclm). Ucber den Code Napoleon and dessen Einfiihrung in Dcutschland. 8vo. JIannover, 1814 670 REI— REN Reid (Thomas, D.D.) Works, now fully collected, with selections from his unpublished letters. Preface, notes and supplementary dissertations by Sir William Hamilton, Bart. Prefixed, Stewart's Account of the Life and Writings of Reid. Fourth edition, [un- finished.] 8vo. Edinh. 1854 Reifenberg (Justus). Decreti Spirensis curatius in Imperio sanciti Nomothesia publica. 12mo. Ilerhornai Nassoviorum., 1619 Orationes in celeberrimis Germanise et Belgii Academiis publics habitJE. 12mo. Amst. 1629 Reiffenberg (Le Baron de): see Belgique— Commission Royale d'Histoire. Reiffenstuel (Anacletus). Jus Canonicum Universum juxta titulos quinque librorum Decretalium in qusestiones distributura. Accessit Tractatus de Regulis Jui'is, cum Repertorio generali. 6 vols. fol. Romce, 1831-34 Re ILLY (John F.) The Practice of the High Court of Chancery [Ireland] in Summary Petition matters, with precedents. 12mo. Dublin, 1855 Reimes (Philippe de). Roman de la Manekine: see Bannatyne Club, No. 69. Reinhart Fuchs, ausdem Mittelniederlandischen zum erstenmal in das Hochdeutsche iibersetzt von Aug. Fr. Hermann Geyder. 8vo. Breslau, 1844 Relandus (Petrus). Fasti Consulares, ad illustrationem Codicis Jus- tinianei ac Theodosiani secundum rationes temporum digesti ; cum Appendice Hadriani Relandi. 8vo. Trajecti Bat. 1715 Religio Jui'isprudentis : or, the Lawyer's Advice to his Son, in Coun- sels, Essays, and other Miscellanies, per Philanthropum. 12mo. Lond. 1685 Religio?^. Dictionary of all Religions, Ancient and Modern, whether Jewish, Pagan, Christian, or Mahometan. 8vo. Lond. 1704 Education no Plea for Persuasion : instanced in the survey of the natural Pagan, Jewish, Mahometan and Christian Religions, concluding with a large confutation of Popish Pi-inciples. 8vo. ibid. 1710 Remonstrance against Romish Corruptions in the Church, addressed to the People and Parliament of England in 1395, 18 Ric. II. Now for the first time published. Edited by the Rev. J. Forshall. 8vo. Lond. 1851 Remusat (Charles de). Saint Anselme de Cantorbery. Tableau de la Vie Monastique et de la lutte du pouvoir spirituel avec le pouvoir temporel au onzieme siecle. Nouvelle edition. 8vo. Paris, 1856 Bacon ; sa vie, son temps, sa philosophic, et son influence jusqu'a nos jours. 8vo. ibid. 1857 Rennell (Major James\ The Geographical System of Herodotus examined and explained, by a comparison with those of other ancient authors, and w'ith modern geography. Second edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lund. 1830 Rennell (Rev. Thomas). Sermons on various subjects. Third edition. 8vo. Lond. 1831 REN-RES 671 Rennemannus (Ilenningus). Coinmentarius de Jure Retortionis contra verbalcs iiijurias hodie passim usurpatae. 4to. Jence, IG'29 Renouard (Aufrustin Cliarles). Tniitc dos Brevets d'Invention, de Perfectionncment et d' Importation. 8vo. Paris, 1825 Traite des Droits d'Auteurs, dans la Litterature, les Sciences ct les Beaux- Arts. 2 vols. 8vo. Park, 1838-9 Repertorium Juridicuu) : an Index to all the Cases in the Year-Books, Entries, Reports and Abridg;nients in Law and Equity ; beginning with Edward I. and contiiHied down to this time. In two Parts. By a Barrister of the Middle Temple [Kennett Freeman]. fol. Lond. 1742 RrrERTORY of Arts and Manufactures : consisting of original commu- nications, specifications of patent inventions, and selections of useful practical papers from the transactions of the Philosophical Societies of all nations, &c. 16 vols. 8vo. Loud. 1794-1802 Repertory of Arts, Manuii^ctures and Agriculture. Second Series. 37 vols. 8vo. ihid. 1802-20 A General Index to the Repertory of Patent Inventions, and other discoveries and improvements in arts, manufactures, and agri- culture, from 1815 to 1845, inclusive. 8vo. ihid. 1846 Appendix : being an Index of all Patents granted in England, from 1815 to 1845, inclusive. 8vo. ibid. 1849 Repgow: see Eike von Repgow, and Sachsenspiegel. Reports of Cases taken and adjudged in the Court of Chancery, in the reign of K. Charles I. Charles II. James II. William III. and Q. Anne : being special Cases, and most of them decreed with the assistance of the Judges. To which are added learned Arguments relating to the Antiquity of the said Court, its Dignity, Power an(l Jurisdiction. The third edition. 3 vols, in 1, fol. Lond. 1736 [first edition.] 2 vols. 8vo. ihid. 1693-4 Repp (Thorl. Gudm.) A historical Treatise on Trial by Jury, AVager of Law, and other co-ordinate forensic institutions, formerly in use in Scandinavia and in Iceland. 8vo. Edinh. 1832 Republick of Letters. The present State of the Republick of Letters, 1728—1736. vols. 1 to 17 (vol. 18 wanting). 8vo. Lond. 1728-36 Reresby (Sir John, Bart.) Memoirs and Travels; the former con- taining anecdotes and secret history of the Courts of Charles II. and James II., the latter exhibiting a view of the governments and society in the principal States and Courts of Europe during the time of Cromwell's Usurpation. 8vo. Xo/jfZ. 1813 Reresby (Tamworth). A Miscellany of ingenious Thoughts and Re- flections, in verse and prose. The second edition. 4to. Lond. n. d. Resendi (Garcia de). Cancionero: see Stuttgart Society, vols. 15, 17, 26. Responsa V. celebriorum Jureconsultorum Germaniae super negocio revisorio. 12mo. Franco/, ad Moenum, 1589 Respublica Romana; honori urbis a^terna; P. Scriverius restituit. 12mo. Lufjd. Bat. ex off. Elzev. 1626 672 RES— REY Respublica Hollandiae, et Urbes. H. Grotii tie Antiquitate Reipublicae Batavicae Liber sin, 1681 Herennius jNIodestinus, sive Fragmenta Libri singularis, quern de Cautelis scripscrat Modestinus, commentario illiistrata. Accessit Historia Dogmatis Ecclesise Christianas de dissolutione Matrimonii quoad vincutum. 4to. Argerit. 1687 704 SCH ScHiLTERUs (Joannes). Codex Juris Alemannici Feudalis. 4to. Arf/ent. 1697 [Contents:] Jus Feudale Alemannicum, cum praefatione. Jus Feudale Saxonicum. Commentarius ad Jus Feud. Alem. collatum cum Communi et Saxonico. Ant. Mincuccii de Feudis Libri sex. B. Baraterii Libellus Feu- dorum reformatus. A. D. Alteserra de Origine Feudorum Gallicorum. M. A. Dominici Disquisitio hist, de Praerogativa Allodiorum. Institutiones Juris Feudalis Germanici et Longobardici, notis illustratJE. Accedit Constitutio de Expeditione Romana, cum M. Fi'eheri et aliorura notis, etc. 12mo. Lipsice, 1750 Thesaurus Antiquitatum Teutonicarum, Ecclesiasticarum, Ci- vilium, Litterariarum, cum notis J. G. Scherzii et variorum, et prffifationibus J. F'rickii. 3 vols. fol. Ulmce, 1727-8 Tom. I. Otfridi Volumen Evangeliorum, Francicis Rhythmis. Notkeri Psal- terium Davidicum, in Tiieotisca veteri lingua. Willerami Para- phrasis Cantici Canticorum. B. Isidorus Hispalensis de Christi Nativitate. Keronis Regulae S. Benedicti ; etc. II. Lex Salica. Jus Provinciale Alemannicum. Strickeri Rhythmus an- tiquus Germanicus de Caroli M. Expeditione Hispanica. Anonymi Fragmentum de Bello Caroli M. contra Saracenos, versibus antiquis Germanicis. Rhythmus in Victoriam Ludovici Regis. Paraeneses antiquffi GermanicEB Tyrolis Regis Scotorum ad filium Fridebrantum, ut et Winsbeckii ad filium, ac Winsbeckiae ad filiam. Constitutiones Imperiales. Tatiani Alexandrini Harmonise Evangelicae Versio Theotisca. III. Glossarium ad Scriptores Linguae Francicae et Alemannicae veteris. ScHiNAS (Michel). Grammaire Elementaire du Grec moderne. 8vo. Paris, 1829 ScHiRACH (Carl von). Handbuch des Schleswig-Holsteinischen Cri- minal-Rechts und Processes ; mit einem Voi'worte und einif^en Anmerkungen von Dr. N. Falck. 2 vols. 8vo. Altona, 1828-9 ScHiRMER (J. Th.) Ueber die priitorischen Judicial-stipulationen mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der stipulatio judicatum solvi. 8vo. Greifswald, 1853 ScHLEGEL (Frederick von). The Philosophy of History, in a course of Lectures delivered at Vienna ; translated from the German, with a memoir of the author, by James Burton Robertson. Fourth edition. 8vo. Land. 1846 ScHLEGEL (Joh. Fr. Vilhelm). Juridisk Encyclopaedic, tiUigemed Udsigt over den romerske, kanoniske, longobardiske Lehnsrets, tydske og andre vigtige fremmede Retters Historic. 8vo. Kj'dhenhavn, 1825 Sur la Visite des Vaisseaux Neutres sous Convoi, ou Examen Impartial du Jugement prononce par le Tribunal de I'Amiraute Angloise, le 11 Juin 1799, dans I'affaire du convoi Suedois ; traduit du Danois par Mr. De Juge. 8vo. Copenltague, 1800 Upon the Visitation of Neutral Vessels under Convoy ; trans- lated into English from the French version of Mr. De Juge. 8vo. Lond. 1801 ScHLESWiG-HoLSTEiN. Rcvldirtc Landgerichts-Ordnung, zu Befor- derung der ordentlichen Justitz und Rechtens in den Fiirstenthumb- en Schleswig, Holstein, und dero incorporirten Landen, anno 1636 publiciret. 4to. Gluckstadt, Mil SCPI 705 ScHLOSSER (Frederick Christopher). History of the Eighteenth Cen- tury, and of the Nineteenth till the overthrow of the French Empire, with particular reference to mental cultivation and progress ; trans- lated, with a preface and notes, by D. Davison. 8 vols. 8vo. Lo7id. 1843-52 ScHLOssER (Johann Gcorg). Briefe iiber die Gesetzgebung iiberhaupt, und den Entwurf des Preussischen Gesetzbuchs insbesondere. 12mo. FranhJ'urt, 1789 Fiinfter Brief iiber den Entwurf des Preussischen Gesetzbuchs. 12mo. ibid. 1790 ScHMALZ (Theodor). Handbuch des canonischen Rechts und seiner Anwendung in den teutschen evangelischen Kirchen. Zweyte Aufla32, in the possession of J. Payne Collier. 8vo. Londo7i, printed Jur the Shakespeare Society, 1852 Works: the text formed from a new collation of the early editions ; to which are added all the original novels and tales on which the plays are founded ; copious archaeological annotations on each play ; an essay on the formation of the text ; and a life of the poet, by James (). Halliwell : the illustrations and wood-engravings by F. W. Fairholt. vols. 1—7. fol. Lond. 185:3-57 Shakespeare Society's Publications. 1. Memoirs of Edward Alleyn, founder of Dulwich College : in- cluding some new particulars respecting Shakespeare, Ben Jonson, Massinger, Marston, Dekker, &c. by J. Payne Collier. 8vo. Lond. 1841 2. The School of Abuse, containing a pleasant invective against poets, pipers, players, jesters, &c. by Stei)hen Gosson. With an introduction regarding the author and his works. 8vo. ibid. 1841 3. An Apology for Actors, in three Books, by Thomas Heywood. From the edition of 1612, compared with that of W. Cart- wright ; with an introduction and notes. 8vo. ibid. 1841 4. Ludus Coventriae: a Collection of Mysteries formerly repre- sented at Coventry on the Feast of Corpus Christi. Edited by James Orchard Halliwell. 8vo. ibid. 1841 5. The Debate between Pride and Lowliness : by Francis Thynn. Reprinted from the edition by John Charlw ood ; with an introduction and notes by J. Payne Collier. 8vo. ibid. 1841 6. Patient Grissil : a Comedy by Thomas Dekker, Henry Chettle, and William Haughton. lieprintcd from the black letter edition of 1603, with an introduction and notes. 8vo. ibid. 1841 7. Extracts from the Accounts of the Revels at Court, in the reigns of Queen Elizabeth and King James I., from tlie original office books of the Masters and Yeomen. With an intro- duction and notes, by Peter Cunningham. 8vo. ibid. 1842 716 SHA Shakespeare Society's Publications — continued. 8. Notes of 13en Jonson's Conveisations with William Drummond of Hawthornderi, January, 1619. [Edited by David Laing.] 8vo. Lond. 1842 9. The first Sketch of Shakespeare's Merry Wives of Windsor. Edited by J. O. Halliwell. 8vo. ihid. 1842 10. Fools and Jesters : with a reprint of Robert Armin's Nest of Ninnies. 1608. With an introduction and notes [by J. Payne Collier]. 8vo. ibid. 1842 11. Timon, a Play; now first printed. Edited by the Rev. Alex- ander Dyce. 8vo. ibid. 1842 12. Pierce Penniless's Supplication to the Devil, by Thomas Nash. From the first edition of 1592, compared with later impres- sions, with an introduction and notes by J. Payne Collier. 8vo. ibid. 1842 13. The First and Second Parts of King Edward IV. Histories by Thomas Heywood. Reprinted from the unique black letter first edition of 1600, with an inti'oduction and notes, by Barron Field. 8vo. ibid. 1842 14. A Treatise against Dicing, Dancing, Plays, and Interludes, with other idle pastimes, by John North brooke, Minister. From the earliest edition, about A. D. 1577, with an introduction and notes by J. Payne Collier. 8vo. ibid. 1843 15. The first Sketches of the Second and Third Parts of King Henry the Sixth. Edited by J. O. HaUiwell. 8vo. ibid. 1843 16. Oberon's Vision in the Midsummer-Night's Dream, illustrated by a comparison with Lylie's Endymion. By the Rev. N. J. Halpin. 8vo. ibid. 1843 17 & 35. The Chester Plays: a Collection of Mysteries founded upon Scriptural subjects, and formerly represented by the trades of Chester at Whitsuntide. Edited by Thomas Wright. 2 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1843-7 18. The Alleyn Papers : a Collection of original Documents illus- trative of the life and times of Edward Alleyn, and of the early English stage and drama. With an introduction by J. Payne Collier. 8vo. ihid. 1843 19. Honor Triumphant; and a Line of Life: two Tracts by John Forde, the dramatist, unknown to the editors of his works, and now first reprinted from the original copies published in 1606 and 1620. 8vo. ibid. 1843 20. Tarlton's Jests, and News out of Purgatory : with notes and some account of the life of Tarlton, by J. O. Halliwell. 8vo. ibid. 1844 21. The true Tragedy of Richard the Third; to which is appended the Latin Play of Richardus Tertius, by Dr. Thomas Legge : both anterior to Shakespeare's Drama. With an introduction and notes, by Barron Field. 8vo. ibid. 1844 SHA 717 Shakespeare Society's Publications — continued. 22. The (Jliost of Kicliurd the 1*liird : a Poem, printed in 1614, and founded upon Shakespeare's historical play. J{eprinled from the only known copy in the Bodleian Library, with an intro- duction and notes by J. Payne Collier. 8vo. Lund. 1844 23. Sir Thomas More, a Play ; now fii-st printed. Edited by the Rev. Alexander Dyce. 8vo. ibid. 1844 24. 29. 36. 40. The Shakespeare Society's Papers. 4 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1844-9 25. The old Taming of a Shrew, upon which Shakespeare founded his Comedy; reprinted from the edition of 1504. Edited by Thomas Amyot. 8vo. ibid. 1844 26. Illustrations of the Fairy Mvthologv of a Midsummer Night's Dream. Edited by J. O. Halliwell. 8vo. ibid. \^Ab 27. Shakespeare's Play of King Henry the Fourth, printed fi'om a contemporary manuscript. Edited by J. O. Halliwell. 8vo. ibid. 1845 28. The Diary of Philip Henslowe, from 1591 to 1609, printed from the original manuscript preserved at Dulwich College. Edited by J. Payne Collier. 8vo. ibid. 1845 29. See No. 24. 30. The Fair Maid of the Exchange ; a Comedy, by Thomas Hey- wood : and Fortune by Land and Sea ; a Tragi-Comedy, by Thomas Heywood and William Rowley. Edited by Barron Field. ' 8vo. ibid. 1846 31. The Marriage of Wit and Wisdom, an ancient Interlude. To which are added Illustrations of Shakespeare and the Early English Drama. Edited by J. O. Halliwell. 8vo. ibid. \S-iQ 32. Memoirs of the principal Actors in the Plays of Shakespeare. By J. Payne Collier. ' 8vo. /ft W. 1846 33. [Rich's Farewell to Militarie Profession.] Eight Novels em- ployed by English Dramatic Poets of the reign of Queen Ehzabeth. Originally published by Barnaby Riche in the year 1581, and reprinted fjoni a copy of that date in the Bod- leian Library. 8vo. tbid. 1846 34. Ralph Roister Doister, a Comedy, by Nicholas Udall ; and the Tragedy of Gorboduc, by Thomas Norton and Thomas Sack- ville. With introductory memoirs, edited by William Durrant Cooper. " 8vo. tbid. 1847 as. 36. See No. 17, and No. 24. 37. The Moral Play of Wit and Science, and Early Poetical Miscel- lanies, from an unpublished manuscript. Edited by J. O. Halliwell. 8vo. ibid. 1848 38. 41. Extracts from the Registers of the Stationers' Company, of works entered tor publication between the years 1557 and 1570, and 1570 — 1587. With notes and illustrations by J. l^ivne Collier. 2 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1848-9 718 SHA Shakespeare Society's Publications — continued. 39. Inigo Jones. A Life of the Architect, by Peter Cunningham ; Remarks on some of his sketches for Masques and Dramas, by J. R. Planche ; and Five Court Masques, edited from the original MSS. of Ben Jonson, John Marston, etc., by J. Payne Collier ; accompanied by facsimiles of drawings by Inigo Jones, and by a portrait from a painting by Vandyck. 8vo. Xon^. 1848 40. 41. See No. 24, and No. 38. — An Engraving of the Chandos Portrait, by permission of the President, the Rt. Hon. Earl of Ellesmere, by S. Cousins, A.R.A. fol. ihid. 1849 42. The First and Second Parts of the Fair Maid of the West ; or, a Girl worth Gold : Two Comedies by Thomas Heywood. With an introduction and notes, by J. Payne Collier. 8vo. ihid. 1850 43. The Remarks of M. Karl Simrock on the Plots of Shakespeare's Plays. With notes and additions by J. O. Halliwell. 8vo. ihid. 1850 44. The Royal King and Loyal Subject; A Woman killed with Kindness : Two Plays by Thomas Heywood. With an intro- duction and notes by J. P. Collier. 8vo. ihid. 1850 45. Two Historical Plays on the Life and Reign of Queen Elizabeth, by Thomas Heywood. With an introduction and notes, by J. P. Collier. 8vo. ihid. 1851 46. The Golden and Silver Ages : Two Plays by Thomas Heywood. With an introduction and notes, by J. P. Collier. 8vo. ihid. 1851 47. John a Kent and John a Cumber; a Comedy, by Anthony Munday. Printed from the original manuscript, the property of E. M. L. Mostyn, Esq., M.P., with other tracts by the same author ; the introduction and notes by J. P. Collier. 8vo. ihid. 1851 48. A Defence of Poetry, Music, and Stage-plays, by Thomas Lodge, of Lincoln's Inn. To which are added, by the same author, an Alarum against Usurers ; and the delectable History of For- bonius and Prisceria. With an introduction and notes [by David Laing]. 8vo. ihid. 1853 Notes and Emendations to Shakespeare : see Shakespeare. Shand (Charles Farquhar). The Practice of the Court of Session. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinh. 1848 Sharp (Sir Cuthbert). History of Hartlepool. 8vo. Durham,\S\Q [ ] Memorials of the Rebellion of 1569. [From the Bowes MSS.] 8vo. Lond. 1840 Sharp (Granville). A Representation of the injustice and dangerous tendency of tolerating Slavery; or of admitting the least claim of private property in the persons of men in England. 8vo. Lond. 1769 The just limitation of Slavery in the laws of God, compared with the unbounded claims of the African Traders and British American Slaveholders. 8vo. ihid. 1776 SHA 719 Sharp (Granville). The Law of Liberty, or, Royal Law, by which all mankind will certainly be judged ! earnestly recommended to the serious consideration of all Slaveholders and Slavedcalers. 8vo. Loud. 1776 The Law of Passive Obedience, or Christian Submission to personal injuries : wherein is shown, that the texts of Scripture, which command the sulnnission of servants to their masters, cannot justify the claims of modern slaveholders. 8vo. ibid. 177G A Declaration of the People's natural right to a share in the Legislature. Second edition. 8vo. ibid. 1775 Tracts concerning the ancient and only true legal means^ of National Defence by a Free Militia. Third edition. 8vo. ibid. 1782 An Account of the ancient division of the English Nation into Hundreds and Tithings. Svo. ibid. 1784 An Account of the constitutional English polity of Congre- gational Courts : and more particularly of the great annual Court of the People, called the View of Frankpledge. Second edition. ^ 8vo. ibid.\l^Q The Legal Means of Political Reformation proposed in two small Tracts? the first on Equitable Representation ; the second on Annual Parliaments. The eighth edition. 8vo. Lond. 1797 Tract on the Law of Nature and Principles of Action in Man. Second edition. 8vo. ibid. 1809 Remarks concerning the Encroachments of the River Thames, near Durham Yard. 8vo. ibid. 1771 Sharp (John, Archbp. of York). Works : containing one hundred and twelve Sermons and Discourses on several occasions, with some Papers wrote in the Popish Controversy. 7 vols. 12mo. Lund. 1754 , The Life of John Sharp, Archbishop of York ; to which are added, copies of original papers, collected from his diary, lettei-s, &c., by his son, Thomas Sharp, D.D. ; edited by Thomas New- come. ~ vols. 8vo. ibid. 1825 Shakpe (Gregory, LL.D.) Dissertation upon the Origin and Structure of the Latin Tongue. 8vo. Lo7id. 1751 The Origin and Structure of the Greek Tongue. 8vo. ibid. 1767 see also Holbkro (Louis, Baron). Sharrock (Robertus, LL.D.) Provinciale Vetus Provinciae Can- tuariensis, cum selectioribus Lindwodi annotationibus ; quibus sub- nexiB sunt Constitutiones Othonis et Othoboni, Cardinalium et Sedis Romanai in Anglia Legatorum. 12mo. Oxonicv, 16()4 Judicia, sen Legum Censurai, de variis Incontinentiae speciebus. Editio seeunda. 12nio. Tubitujte, 1GG8 De Finibus et Officiis secundum Naturae Jus. 8vo. ibid. 1682 Shaw (Joseph). The practical Justice of Peace : or, a Treatise shew- ing the power and authoritv of that office in all its branches. ^ ^ ' 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1728 Parish Law : or, a Guide to Justices of the Peace, Church- wardens, Overseers, &c. 8vo. ibid. 1748 720 SHA-SHE Shaw (Patrick). Cases decided in the House of Lords, on Appeal from the Courts of Scotland, in the years 1821—4. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1826-8 and Charles Hope Maclean. Cases decided in the House of Lords, on Appeal from the Courts of Scotland, in the years 1835—8. 3 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 1836-9 see also Wilson (James). and Alexander Dunlop. Cases decided in the Court of Jus- ticiary, 1819-31. 8vo. ibid. 1831 Cases decided in the Court of Teinds, from May 1821 to June 1831 ; reported by P. Shaw, A. Dunlop, M. Napier, and J. M. Bell. 8vo. Edinh. 1831 Diffest of Cases decided in the Courts of Session, Teinds, and Justiciarv ; in the House of Lords, 1821—1833; in the Jury Court, 1815—1833. 8vo. ibid. 1834 Digest of Cases decided in the Courts of Session, Teinds, and Justiciary, and in the House of Lords, 1832—1837. 8vo. ihid. 1838 Dio-est of Cases decided in the Supreme Courts of Scotland, 1800— f852. 3 vols. 8vo. ihid. 1843-52 Treatise on the Law of Obligations and Contracts. 8vo. ibid. 1847 see also Session (Court of). Shaw (Rev, Stebbing). History and Antiquities of Staffordshire. vol. 1, and vol. 2 — part 1. fol. Lond. 1798 Topographer: see Brydqes (Sir Egerton). Shaw (William). A Galic and English Dictionary. 2 vols, in 1, 4to. Lond. 1780 Sheffield (John) : see Buckingham (Duke of). Shelford (Leonard). A practical Treatise of the Law concerning Lunatics, Idiots,. and Persons of Unsound Mind. With an Ap- pendix of the Statutes of England, Ireland, and Scotland, relating to such persons ; and Forms of Proceedings in Lunacy. The second edition, with additions. 8vo. Lond. 1847 [first edition.] 8vo. ibid. 1833 The Real Property Statutes passed in the reigns of Will. IV. and Victoria. Fourth edition. 12mo. ibid. 1842 , fifth edition. 12mo. ibid. 1850 The Real Property Statutes passed in the reigns of WiUiam IV. and Victoria; including Prescription — Limitation of Actions — Abolition of Fines — Payment of Debts — Wills— Judg- ments— the Trustee Acts; and Leases and Sales of Settled Estates, and Stamp Acts, 1850 ; with Notes of decided Cases, and Forms of Deeds. Sixth edition. 12mo. ibid. 1856 The General Highway Act of 5 & 6 W. IV. c. 50; with notes explaining the alterations in the Law of Highways; also New Forms, and General Rules for making and repairing Roads. 12mo. ibid. 1835 SHE 7-21 Shelford (Leonard). A practical Treatise of the Law of Mortmain, and Charitable Uses and Trusts. ^Vith an Appendix of Statutes and Forms. 8vo. Lund. 1s:3h bv N. S. 4to. iUd. 1684 Critical History of the Rehgions and Customs of the Eastern Nations; done into English by A. Lovell. 8vo. tJiri. 1685 Simonetta (Jacobus). Tractatus Reservationum Beneficiorum, studio P. Granutii appendiculis, novisque quaestionibus auctus. 8vo. Col. Agripp. 1583 Simoni (Alberto de). Saggio Critico, Storico e Filosofico, sul Diritto di Natura e delle Genti, e suUe successive Leggi, Istituti, e Governi Civih e Politici. 4 vols, in 2, 8vo. Jlilano, 1822 Simons (Nicholas) and John Stuart. Reports of Cases decided in the High Court of Chancery, by the Rt. Hon. Sir John Leach, Vice-Chancellor of England, from 1822 to 1827. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 182^7 Simons (Nicholas). Reports of Cases decided in the Court of the Vice-Chancellor of England, from 1826 to 1852. 17 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1829-54 New Series. Reports of Cases decided in the High Court of Chancery in 1850 — 52, by the Rt. Hon. Lord Cranworth, and Sir Richard Torin Kindersley, Vice-Chancellors ; with some Cases reported by C. Stewart Drewry. 2 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1851-52 SiMROCK (Karl). Remarks on Shakespeare's Plays : see Shake- speare Society, No. 43. Sims (Richard). An Index to the Pedigrees and Arms contained in the Heralds' Visitations, and other genealogical manuscripts in the British Museum. 8vo. Lond. 1849 SIM-SKE 727 Sims (Richard). Hand Book to the Library of the British Museum : coiitaiiiin.! 6()2 Speeches. A Collection of Speeches from the Throne, Messages from the Crown, &c., to both Houses of Parliament, from the first Session of the First Parliament of the United Kingdom to the present time [1842]. 8vo. Privafcli/ printed [1842] Speed (John). The Theatre of the Empire of Great Britaine; pre- senting an exact Geography of the Kingdomes of England, Scot'aiid, Ireland, and the lies adjoyning. fol. Lund. liiU ■ History of Gnat Britaine under the Conquests of the Romnns, Saxons, Danes and Normans. fol. ibid. I6\l Spegel (llaq.) Glossarium Sueo-Gothicum. 4to. Lvnd,\7V2 Speidelius (Johannes Jacobus). Bibliotheca Juridica Universalis, sive Sylloge Qurestionum Juridicarum ; a J. J. Curtio revisa et aucta, additionibus J. D. Moeglingii. 2 vols. fol. Norimb. 1728 Spelman (Sir Henry). English Works, published in his life-time; together with his posthumous Works relating to the Laws ;mu1 Antiquities of England, and his Life by the Bishop of Lincoln [Edmund Gibson]. fol. Lo)id. 1723 Reliquiaj Spelmannianae. The Posthumous Works of Sir H. Spelman, rclatint: to the Laws and Antiquities of England, with his Life [by Bishop Gibson]. fol. Oxford, IWS De non temerandis Ecclesiis : Churches not to be violated. The fourth edition. 12mo. ibid. lijiiS Archoeologus, in modum Glossarii ad rem antiquam posteriorem. [Pars prima.] fol. Land. 1626 Glossarium Archaiologicum, continens Latino- Harbara, Pcre- grina, Obsolcta, et Novatae Signiiieationis Vocabula, scholiis et commentariis illustrata. Editio tertia. fol. ibid. 1687 Among the Manuscripts in the Lilirary of Lincoln's Inn there is a copy of Spelnian's Glossary (second edition, IGtil), interleaved, with numerous manu- scri])t aiKlitioiis, ajiparently desifrned for a new edition of the work, by the Rev. Nicholas Saiiil)roi)k Russell, Rector of Saddington, in Leicestershire, who assisted Mr. Nichols in his history of that county. Concilia, Decreta, Leges, Constitutiones, in Re Ecclesiarum Orbis Britnnnici, ab initio Christianiu ibidem Religionis ad A D. 1530. 2 vols, fol.' ibid. 16311-64 Two Tracts. I. De non temerandis Eceh siis, 6cc., by Sir Henry Spelman. II. The Poor Vicar's Plea tor Tithes, &c. by Thoin;is Ryves, Doctor of the Civil Laws. With a prefatory Account ol tlie authors and these works. 8vo. ibid. 17U4 3b2 740 . SPE— SPI Spelman (Sir Henry). Life of Alfred the Great: see Hearne. iElfredi Magni Anglorum Regis invictissimi Vita, Latine red- dita, et annotationibus illustrata, ab iElfredi in Collegio Magnee Aulas Universitatis Oxoniensis Alumnis. fol. Oxonii, 1678 The Latin version and annotations are by Obadiah Walker. S PENCE (George). An Inquiry into the Origin of the Laws and Political Institutions of Modern Europe, particularly of those of England. 8vo. Lond. 1826 The Equitable Jurisdiction of the Court of Chancery; com- prising its rise, progress, and final establishment ; to which is pre- fixed, with a view to the elucidation of the main subject, a concise account of the leading doctrines of the Common Law, and of the course of procedure in the Courts of Common Law in regard to Civil Rights. 2 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1846-9 Spence (Rev. Joseph). Polymetis : or an Enquiry concerning the agreement between the works of the Roman Poets and the remains of the antient Artists. fol. Lond. 1747 — Observations, Anecdotes and Characters, of Books and Men ; arranged with notes by Edmund Malone. 8vo. ibid. 1820 Spence (William). Treatise on the Principles relating to the Spe- cification of a Patent for Invention. 8vo. Lond. 1847 Patentable Invention and Scientific Evidence; with an intro- ductory preface. 8vo. ibid. 1851 Spencer (John). Things New and Old; or, a Storehouse of Similies, Sentences, Allegories, Apophthegms, &c. ; collected from the writ- ings and sayings of the learned in all ages. fol. Lond. 1658 Spencerus (Joannes). De Legibus Hebrseorum Ritualibus et earum Rationalibus Libri tres. fol. Cantabrigian, 1685 Spenser (Edmund). Works : viz. The Fairy Queen, Shepherd's Calendar, History of Ireland, &c. ; with an account of his Life. fol. Lond. 1679 Works, with a Glossary, an Essay on Allegory, Remarks, &c. by John Hughes. 6 vols. r2mo. ibid. 1715 Works, with the principal illustrations of various commentators. To which are added. Notes, some Account of the Life of Spenser, and a Glossarial and other Indexes, by the Rev. H. J. Todd. 8 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1805 Calendarium Pastorale, Latino carmine donatum a Theodoro Bathurst. 8vo. ibid. 1653 History of Ireland : see Ireland — Ancient Irish Histories. Spiegelius (Jacobus). Lexicon Juris CiviHs. fol. Lugduni, 1552 [another edition.] fol. Basileee, 1577 Spilsbury (William Holden). Lincoln's Inn, its ancient and modern buildings ; with an account of the Library. 12mo. Lond. 1850 SPI-SQU • 741 Spinks (Thomas, D.C.L.) The Ecclesiastical and Admiralty Reports ; beinfr Reports of Cases heard before the Arches and Prerogative Courts of Canterbury and the Consistory Court of Loudon respec- tively, the Ilitj;h Court of Admiralty and 'the Admiralty Prize Court, together with sucli cases as have been carried by appeal from those Courts respectively to tlie Privy Council. From Easter Term 1>h53 to Michaelmas Term 1855. 2 vols. 8vo. Land. 1855 Reports of Cases decided durincj the present War [1854—6], in the Admiralty Prize Court and the Court of Appeal. parts 1, 2. 8vo. ibid. 1856 Spixoza (Benedictus de). Opera quae supersunt omnia ; iterum edenda curavit, praifationes, vitam auctoris, necnon notitias, quae ad his- toriam scriptorum pertinent, addidit lienr. Eberh. Gottlob Paulus. 2 vols. 8vo. Jena;, 1802-3 Spon (James). History of the City and State of Geneva. fol. Lond. 16S7 Journey into Greece : see Wheler (George). Spondanus (H.) Annales Ecclesiastici : see Bahonius. Spotiswood or Spotswoou (John, Archbp. of St. Andrews). History of the Church and State of Scotland, from the year of our Lord 203 to the end of the reign of K. James YL The fourth edition. fol. Lond. 1677 see also Bannatyne Club, No. 93. Spotiswood (John). An Introduction to the knowledge of the Stile of Writs, simple and compound, made use of in Scotland. The second edition. 12mo. Edinh. 1715 Sprat (Thomas, Bp. of Rochester). History of the Royal Society of London ; second edition. 4to. Lond. 1702 [ ] A true Account and Declaration of the horrid Conspiracy [the Rye-house Plot] against the late King, his present Majesty, and the Government. The third edition. 8vo. ibid. 1686 Sprengerus (Joannes Theodorus). Liber novus Juridico-Politico- Historicus de Modico. 12mo. Franco/, ad Moenum, 1658 Juris Romani, Germani, partimque Consuetudinarii Casuum quotidianorum Decisiones et Resolutiones. 4to. ibid. 1667 Sprottus (Thomas). Chronica: see Hearne. Chronicle of Profane and Sacred History: translated from the original manuscript, on twelve parchment skins, in the possession of Joseph Mayer, Esq. F.S.A. by William Bell, Phil. Dr. ; accom- panied by an exact anastatic fac-simile of the entire original Codex. 4to. Liverpool, 1851 Spurstow (William, D.D.) The Spiritual Chymist: or Six Decads of Divine Meditations on several subjects. 12mo. Lond. 1668 Squire (Jane). A Proposal to determine our Longitude; the second edition. 8vo. Lond. 1743 Squire (Samuel, Bp. of St. Davids). Two Essays: I. A Defense of the ancient Greek Chronology; II. An Encjuiry into the origin of the Greek Language. ' 8vo. Cambridge, 1741 An Enquiry into the foundation of the English Constitution ; or, an historical Essay \\\>o\\ the Anglo-Saxon Government both in Germany and England. 8vo. Jjond. 1745 742 STA Staal (Madame de). Memoires : see Petitot, 2de ser. vol. 77. Stack (Machell). The British Historical Intelligencer: containing a Catalogue of English, Scotish, Irish, and Welsh Historians, &c. 8vo. Westminster, 1829 ■ see also Cromwell (Oliver). Stackhouse (Rev. Thomas). Reflections on the Nature and Property of Languages in general, and on the Advantages, Defects, and manner of improving the Enghsh Tongue in particular. 8vo. Lond. 1731 Stael-Holstein (Anne Louise Germaine Neckar, Baronne de). Oeuvres completes, publiees par son fils; precedees d'une notice sur le cai-actere et les ecrits de Madame de Stael, par Madame Neckar de Saussure. 17 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1820-21 Stahlius (Daniel). "Axiomata Philosophica sub Tituhs xx compre- hensa, 12mo. Lond. 1651 Staibanus (Joannes Baptista). Tractatus de Interesse Contractuum et ultimarum Voluntatum, cum observationibus N. Siani. 4to. Col. Afjripp. 1722 Stair (Sir James Dalrymple, Viscount of). The Decisions of the Lords of Council and Session, in the most important cases debated before them, with the Acts of Sederunt, from June 1661 to July 1681. 2 vols. fol. Edinh. 1683-7 ■ The Institutions of the Law of Scotland, deduced from its originals, and collated with the Civil and Feudal Laws, and with the Customs of neighbouring Nations. The third edition [by J. Gordon and W. Johnstone]. fol. iUd. 1759 fourth edition, with commentaries and a supplement, by George Brodie. 2 vols. fol. ibid. 1826-31 new edition, with notes and illustrations, by John S. More. 2 vols. 4to. ibid. 1832 Stalman (Henry). A practical Treatise on the Law and Doctrine of Election and Satisfaction, applicable to Real and Personal Property, with an Appendix illustrative of the analogous doctrine in the Law of Scotland. 8vo. Lond. 1827 Stamm (Johannes Hermannus). Tractatus de Servitute Personali. 12mo. Franco/. 1634 Stamp (George). An Index to the Statute Law of England; to the close of the Session 15 & 16 Vict. (1852.) 12mo. Lond. 1853 Standing Orders of the House of Lords. 1849. [Sessional Papers of the House of Lords.] 8vo. Lond. 1849 Standing Orders of the House of Commons. [Bound with the Sessional Papers of each year.] Stanford (John Frederick). Rambles and Researches in Thuringian Saxony. 8vo. Lond. 1842 Stang (Friedrich). Systematisk Fremstilling af Kongeriget Norges constitutionelle eller grundlovbestemte Ret. 8vo. Christiania, 1833 Stanhope (Charles, Earl). The Rights of Juries defended; together with authorities of law i^ support of those rights, and the objections to Mr. Fox's Libel Bill refuted. 8vo. Lund. 1792 STA 743 Stanhope (Philip Henry, Earl) : see Mahon. Stanihurstus (Richardus). De rebus in Hibernia prestis T.ibri qu;i- tuor. Accessit Ilil)t'rnicarum rcrum Aijpeiidix, ex Silvtstro (iiraldo Cambrensi collccta ; cum cjusdcm Stanilnirsti adriotatioiiibus. (Juniia nunc primum in lucem edita. 4to. Ante, apud C Plantinum, 1584 Stanley (Arthur Penrhvn). The Life and Correspondence of Thomas Arnold, D.D. Fourth edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Zon-1818 Straccha (Benvenntus). De Mcrcatura Decisiones, et Tractatus varii, in quibus omnium authoruni, pra^cipue Benvcnuti StracchjE, qui de Mercatura, Cambiis, etc. scripsere, Tractatus librique con- tinentur. fol. Luydutii, 16U8 Tractatus duo, de Assecurationibus, et Proxenetis atque Prox- eneticis. 12mo. Avist. 165S [Strachev .] An Index to the Records, with directions to the several places where they are to be found ; to which is added a list of the Latin Sirnames and Names of Places, and a chronological Table of the Kings' reigns and Parliaments. Svo. Zo7u/. [1739] Strafi'OHJ)E (Thomas Wentworth, Earl of). Letters and Disjiatches, with an Essay towards his Life by Sir George Radelitfe, published from the originals bv Wni. Knowler, LL.D. 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1739 3c2 756 STR Strange (Sir John). Reports of adjudofed Cases in the Courts of Chancery, King's Bench, Common Pleas and Exchequer, from Trin. Term 2 Geo. I. to Trin. Term 21 Geo. II.; published by his son, John Strange. 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1755 third edition, -with notes and additional references, by Michael Nolan. 2 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1795 [ ] A Collection of Select Cases relating to Evidence. By a late Barrister at Law. 8vo. ibid. 1754 With regard to the surreptitious publication of this work by a clerk of Sir John Strange, who had obtained possession of his notes, and its subsequent suppression by the executors, see a MS. note on the fly-leaf by Mr. Purton Cooper. Strange (Sir Thomas). Notes of Cases in the Court of the Recorder and in the Supreme Court of Judicature at Madras, from 1798 to 1816 ; to which are added, copies of the Statutes, Charter, and of the Rules of the Supreme Court. 3 vols. 8vo. 3Iadras, 1816 Hindu Law ; principally with reference to such portions of it as concern the Administration of Justice in the King's Courts in India. Second, edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1830 Strauchius (Giles, D.D.) Breviarium Chronologicum : or, a Trea- tise describing the tei'ms and most celebrated characters, periods, and epochas used in Chronology; translated from the Latin, and enlarged by Richard Sault. 8vo. Lond. 1722 Strauchius (Johannes). Exercitationes Academicee, ad quinquaginta Decisiones Justiniani. 4to. Jeny, Marcli ;30, 178-2 ; before Sir J.'Marriott and Sir W. Ashhurst. By F. Vincent. fSvo. Land. 178-2 Alcock. Report of the Trial of William Congreve Alcock and Henry Derenzy, Esqrs., for the murder of John CoJclough, Esq., at We.xford Assizes, ^Gth .March, 1808. 8vo. Dublin, 1808 Alexander v. Dundee Advertiser. Jury Trial in an action of damages, at the instance of Andrew Alexander, Professor of Greek in the I'niversity of St. Andrew's, against the proprietors of the Dundee. Perth, and Cupar Atlvertiser, for Libel. 8vo. Dundee, 18-2(5 798 TRI Trials — continued. Allen V. Waller. Trial of an action of Trespass in the Court of Common Pleas, 28tli July, 1821, between John Allen, Esq., plaintiff, and Frederic Waller and John Shaw, Overseers of the Poor of St. Dunstan's in the West, defendants, respecting the liability of the Hon. Society of Clifford's Inn to payment of Rates for the Relief of the Poor ; to which are pre- fixed observations on the liability of places usually termed extra-parochial, including the Inns of Court and Chancery, to payment of Poor Rates. By J. Hickin. Svo. Lond. 1822 Almon. Trial of John Almon, bookseller, for selling Junius's Letters ; in the Court of King's Bench, 2nd June, 1770. Svo. Lond. 1770 Altham. Trial of the Rev. James Altham, for adultery, defamation, and obscenity, in the Consistorial and Episcopal Court of London, at Doctors Commons. 8vo. Lond. 1785 Annesley v. Anglesey. Trial in Ejectment between Campbell Craig, lessee of James Annesley, Esq., plaintiff, and the Rt. Hon. Richard Earl of Anglesey, defendant, before the Barons of his Majesty's Court of Exchequer in Ireland ; Nov. 11 — 25th, 1743. fol. Lond. 1744 Antenatus (Case of the) : see Birtwhistle. Aram. Trial and Life of Eugene Aram ; several of his letters and poems ; and his plan and specimens of an Anglo-Celtic Lexicon ; with notes and illustrations. Svo. Richmond, 1832 [another edition.] 12mo. Lond. 1832 Arkwright. Trial of a cause instituted by his Majesty's Attorney General, by a writ of scire facias, to repeal a patent granted to Mr. Richard Ark- wright, for an invention of certain instruments and machines for preparing silk, cotton, flax and wool for spinning, in the Court of King's Bench, 25th June, 1785. fol. Lond. 1785 Atchison, Trial of Captain Thomas Atchison, of the Royal Artillery, by a General Court Martial at Malta, in consequence of having requested to be exonerated from firing patteraro salutes, and tolling a Roman Catholic bell, for the church and image rites of Roman Catholic priests. Svo. Lond. 1825 Atkins. Trial of Peter Atkins, boatman of Deal, at the Old Bailey, 26th June 1807, for felony and piracy upon the high seas, in plundering the cargo and tackle of the Ship Endeavour, when stranded on the Goodwin Sands. By J. and W. B. Gurney. Svo. Lond. 1808 Atkinson. Trial of Christopher Atkinson, Esq., late cornfactor to his Ma- jesty's Victualling- Board, for perjury; tried in the Court of King's Bench, 19th July 1783. Taken in short hand by W. Williamson. Svo. Lond. 1783 The whole proceedings in the Court of King's Bench, on a motion for arrest of judgment in the cause of the King against C. Atkinson, Esq., for perjury, in East. Trin. and Mich. Terms, 1784. Svo. ibid. 1785 Attorney-General & Mander : see Mander. Attorney-General v. Shore : see Hewley's (Lady) Charities. Audley. The Case of Sodomy, in the Tryal of Mervin, Lord Audley, Earl of Castlehaven, April 25th, 1631. The third edition. 12nio. n. d. AylifFe. The Case of Dr. Ayliffe, at Oxford : giving an Account of the unjust and malicious prosecution of him in the Chancellor's Court of that University, for writing and publishing a book entituled, the Ancient and Present State of the University of Oxford, &c. Svo. Lond. 1716 Baillie. A solemn Appeal to the Public from an injured Officer, Captain Baillie, late Lieutenant Governor of the Royal Hospital for Seamen at Greenwich ; arising out of a series of authentick proceedings in the Court of King's Bench on six prosecutions against him, for publishing certain TRI 799 Trials — continued. libels (as it was alleo^ed) in a printed book, intitled, the Case and Memo- rial of Greenwicli Ilospital ; and tiie evidence given on the subsecjiient enquiry at tlie Bar of the House of Lords. fol. Lond. 1779 Baltimore. Trial of Frederick Calvert, Esq., Baron of Baltimore, in the kin-fdom of Ireland, fur a rape on the body of Sarah Woodcock ; and of Eliz. (Irifhnburg, and Ann Iliirvey, otlierwise Darby, as accessories before tlie fact ; at the Surrey Assizes, 2Gth March, 1768. Taken in short hand by J. Gnrney. fol. Lond. 17 G8 Bangor. Trial of tiie cause of the Kinir versus tlie Bishop of Bangor, Hugh Owen, D.l)., and others [for an assault], at the Assizes liolden at Shrews- bury, 2(3tli July, I7'J6. Taken in short hand by Mr. Gurney. ^ 8vo. Lond. 1796 [another edition.] 8vo. ibid. [ildG] Defence of the Bisliop of Bangor ; witli Remarks on a most extra- ordinary Trial. By the Rev. Rice Hughes. 8vo. ibid. 1796 Considerations on the case of the King v. Bishop of Bangor and others; being the substance of a pamphlet entitled a Defence of the Bishop of Bangor. 8vo. ibid. lldG Barbot. Tryal of Jolin Barbot, attorney at law, for tlie murder of Matthew Mills, Esq., at a Court of Oyer and Terminer, held at the town of Basse- terre, in and for the island of St. Christopher, 5th January, 1753. fol. Lond. 1753 Barkley. Report of the Trial of John Barkley, prosecuted by the Consti- tutional Association, for publishing a seditious and blasj)hemous libel. 8vo. Lond. 1822 Barnes v. Mansell. Sentence pronounced by the Judge, the Rt. Hon. Sir Herbert Jenner Fust, on the lOtli May, in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, in a cause of John Barnes ("the producent of an alleged will of the Rev. John Clavell) against Louisa INlansell, declaring the alleged will not to be the will of Mr. Clavell. 8vo. Lond. 1836 Barnesley v. Powell. An authentick account of the Proceedings in Law and Equity, between W. Barnesley, Esq., plaintiff", and jNIansell Powell, Esq., and others, defendants. 8vo. Lond. 1750 Beaurain v. Scott. Report of the cause between William Beaurain, plain- tiff, and the Rt. Hon. Sir William Scott, defendant, for unlawfully excommunicating the plaintiff; tried in the Court of King's Bench, 6th March, 1813. 8vo. Lond. 1814 Beddinsfield. Trial of Margery Beddingfield and Richard Ringe, at the Assizes held at Bury St. Edmund's, 21st March, 1763 : for petty treason and murder committed on J. Beddingfield, farmer, late the husband of the said Margery. f^vo. Lond. 1763 Bellingham. Report of the Trial of John Bellingham, at the Old Bailey, May 15, 1812, for the murder of the Rt. Hon. Spencer Perceval, in the lobby of the House of Commons. Taken in short hand by T. Hodgson. 8vo. Loud. 1812 An Appeal to the generosity of the British Nation, in a statement of facts on behalf of the afflicted widow and unofiending otfsprinir of the unfortunate jNIr. Bellingham. By G. Chalmers. 8vo. ibid. 1812 Benfield v. Petrie. Trial of an action for tliirty seven thousand pounds, broutjht bv Paul Benfiild, Esq. against Sauaiel Petrie, Esq., upon a charge of bribery, tried at Salisbury^ 12th March, 1782. Taken in short- hand' by W. Williamson. " 8vo. Lottd. 1782 Benjafield v. Wheble. Statement of Facts by J. Benjafield, Esq. ; together with the Trial of the printer and j)roiu-ietor of the County Ciironiele, for a Libel; at Guildhall, 22d Dec. 1812. Taken in shurt hand by Mr. Gurney. 8vo. [LoTid. 1813] 800 TRI Trials — continued. Bethel. Tryal of Slingsby Bethel, Esq., upon an indictment preferred by- Robert Mason against him, at the Southwark Quarter Sessions, October 5, 1681. fol. Lond. 1681 Beveridge v. Colh'ns. Report of the Trial of a cause at Guildhall, 12th January, 1818, wherein J. Beveridge was plaintiff, and James Collins, attorney, and others, were defendants, for a malicious prosecution. Taken by Mr. Frazer. 8vo. Lond. 1818 Biker v. Morley. Tryal between J. G. Biker, plaintiflF, and M. Morley, doctor of physic, defendant, for criminal conversation with the plaintiff's wife; 30th June [1741], at Guildhall. 8vo. Lond. 1741 second edition. 8vo. ibid. 1741 Bingham (Richard) : see Cooper v. Bingham. Bingham. Trials of the Rev. Robert Bingham, curate of Maresfield, in Sussex, on a charge of sending an incendiary letter, and of setting fire to his dwelling-house, at Horsham, March 26th, 1811. Taken in short- hand by Mr. Adams. 8vo. Lond. 1811 Bingham v. Gardiner. Report of the Trial of an action brought by Mrs. Sarah Bingham against the Rev. John Gardiner, D.D, for a malicious libel, imputing to her that she had stolen a one pound note ; at Wells, 17th August, 1820. 8vo. Lond. 1820 Birmingham Rioters. Report of the Trials of the Birmingham Rioters, at the Assizes for the County of Warwick, 8vo. Lond. 1791 Birtwhistle v. Vardill. The Case of the Antenatus in Scotland claiming as heir in England : being a Report of the case of Birtwhistle v. Vardill. By D. C. Moylan. 8vo. Lond. 1841 Bishops (Seven). The proceedings and Tryal in the case of William, Arch- bishop of Canterbury ; William, Bishop of St. Asaph ; Francis, Bishop of Ely ; John, Bishop of Chichester ; Thomas, Bishop of Bath and Wells ; Thomas, Bishop of Peterborough ; and Jonathan, Bishop of Bristol ; in the Court of King's-Bench, in Trinity Term, 1688. fol. Lond. 1689 Blandy. Tryal of Mary Blandy, for the murder of her father, Francis Blandy ; at the Assizes held at Oxford, 29th Feb. 1752. fol. Lond. 1752 see also Stansfield. Boddington. Trial of Mr. Benjamin Boddington, for adultery with his cousin, the wife of Mr. Samuel Boddington, at the Sessions House, Clerkenwell, Sept. 8, 1797. 8vo. Lond. 1797 Boringdon v. Paget. Report of the proceedings under a writ of enquiry of damages, in an action in the Court of King's Bench, in which Lord Boring- don was plaintiff and Sir Arthur Paget defendant, executed before the Siieriff of Middlesex and a Special Jury, 19th July, 1808. Taken in short hand by Mr. Gurney. 8vo. Lond. 1808 [another edition.] Taken in short hand by J. and W. Plomer. 8vo. ibid. 1808 Borthwick. Proceedings against Wm. Murray Borthwick, at the instance of his Majesty's Advocate, and of Robert Alexander, styling himself editor and ])roprietor of the Glasgow Sentinel Newspaper. With an appendix and preface by W. M. Borthwick. 8vo. Edino. 1822 Bosworth. Narrative of the Trial of Captain William Bosworth, at the Admiralty Sessions, Old Bailey, October, 1802, for the wilful murder of William Darlington on board the Adriana, of his acquittal, and the sub- sequent apprehension, trial and conviction of the conspirers against his life. 8vo. Lond. 1808 Bouey. A true relation of the unjust accusation of certain French gentle- men [Paul Bouey, Adrian de Lamperier, and others] charged with a TRI 801 Trials — continued. robbery, of which thoy were most innoeent, and the proceeding's upon it, witli their tryal and acqnittiill in the Court of King's Bencli, in Easter Term [1070]. Published by Denzell, Lord Holies. 4to. Lond. 1(371 Boulter. Trial of Thomas Boulter and James Caldwell, the two noted flying highwaymen, convicted at the Castle of Winchester, 31st of July, 1778, of robliing William Embery on the king's highway, near Horn- dean, Hants, &c. ; with their Lives. 12mo. Whiton, n d. Boulton & Watt v. Bull. The special case in the cause Boulton & Watt against Bull [infringement of patent], in the Court of Common Pleas. fol. Lond. 1795 Bourne : see Wallace v. Bourne. Bovill V. Moore. Report of the Trial of Bovill v. Moore and others [for infringement of i)atent], in the Court of Common Pleas, 11th July, 1817. Taken in short hand by AV. B. Gurney. 8vo. Lond. 1817 Bowditch. Trial of James Bowditch and nine others, at the suit of the King, and on the prosecution of G. L. Tuckett, for conspiracy, assault and false imprisonment [on account of the abduction of Maria Glenn] ; at the Dorset Assizes, July 25, 1818. From the short-hand notes of Mr. Richardson. 8vo. Lond. [1818] Narrative of the Conspiracy for the forcible abduction of Miss Maria Glenn. [By G. L. Tuckett.] 8vo. ibid. 1821 Bowes. Trial of Andrew Robinson Bowes, Esq., for adultery and cruelty; iirst heard in the Arches Court of Doctors Commons, and, in consequence of an appeal, determined in a Court of Delegates, 2d of June, 1785 ; when the Countess of Strathmore obtained a divorce. 8vo. Lond. 1789 The Confessions of the Countess of Strathmore ; written bv herself. 8vo. 'ibid. 1793 Report of the proceedings in the High Court of Chancery, in the matter of A. R. Bowes, Esq., on his application to be heard out of course. With notes of some unreported cases. 8vo. iZ'/rf. 18U4 Branch. Tryal of Mrs. Branch and her daughter for the murder of Jane Buttersworth, at Somerset Assizes, March 31, 1740. 8vo. Dublin, 1740 Brandon and Fitton. A true Narrative of the Proceedings in the severall Suits in Law that have been between Charls Lord Gerard of Brandon, and Alexander Fitton, Esq. Published for generall satisfaction, by a Lover of Truth. 4to. Hague, \QQ>Z Brandreth. Trials of Jeremiah Brandreth, W. Turner, L Ludlam, G, Weightman and others, for High Treason, at Derby, in October, 1817. Taken in short hand by W. B. Gurney. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1817 Bray v. Malkin. The King (on the prosecution of the Rev. Bidlake Bray) versus Elizabeth IMalkin, W. Ilammersley, G. Vance, and II. S. Atche- son, in the King's Bench, November 2d, "l827. 8vo. [1827] Bree v. Chaplin. Narrative of the Proceedings in the great Tithe Cause of Bree against Chaplin, before the House of Lords, by u Bystander. 4to. 1775 Brett V. Beales. Report of the Toll Cause of Brett v. Beales, tried in the Court of King's Bench, to determine the legality of the Corjioration of Cambridge exacting certain tcdls from the inhabitants. From the short- hand notes of Messrs. Richardson and Cherer. 8vo. Camb. [18*26] Bristol Rioters. Tryals of the Rioters at Bristol, 26th Nov.— 1st Dec. 1714; to which is prefixed an account of the Riot. 8vo. Lond.niA: Brodie. Account of the Trial of William Brodie and G.Smith, before the High Court of Justiciary, 27-28lh August, 17^8, for breaking into and robbing the General Excise Office of Scotland. By a Juryman. 4to. Edinb. 17SS 3 F 802 TRl Trials — continued. Brodribb (W. A.) : see Penny. Brooke v. Guy. Proceed in-js of the Court of King's Bench, April 28, 1802, in an action broucrht by Cliarles Brooke, wool-broker, versus Henry Guy, clothier, for a Libel. The second edition. 8vo. Chippenham, 1802 Browne. Rejiort of the Trial of Edward Browne and others for administering, and of Lawrence Woods for taking, an unlawful oath. 8vo. Dubl. 1822 Browne (Major). Trial of Joiin Browne, Major of his Majesty's 67th Regi- ment of Foot, at a General Court Martial, in the Island of Antigua, SOth Jan. 1786. fol. Lond. 1788 Buranelli. Case of Luigi Biiranelli, medico-legally considered [with extracts from the evidence on the Trial], by Forbes Winslow, M.D. 8vo. Lond. 1855 Burdett. Trial of Sir Francis Burdett, Bart., at Leicester, March 23rd, 1820, for a Libel on the Government. 8vo. Lond. 1820 [another edition.] 8vo. ibid. [1820] see also Morris v. Burdett. Burdock. Trial of Mary Ann Burdock for the murder of Mrs. Clara Ann Smith, hy administering arsenic ; before the Recorder Sir C. "Wetherell, in April, 18:35. 12mo. Lond. [1835] Burke. Trial of William Burke and Helen McDougal before the High Court of Justiciary at Edinburgh, December 24, 1828, for the murder of Margery Cami)beil, or Docherty. Taken in short hand by J. Macnee; with a supplement contiiining the wh(de legal proceedings against William Hare, in order to bring him to trial for the murder of James Wilson, or Daft Jamie. 8vo. Edinb. 1829 Burrell v. Nicholson. Report of the Trial in the Court of Queen's Bench, in which Sir Charles Merrik Burrell, Bart., was plaintiff, and Henry John NichoL-on was defendant ; respecting the parochial rates claimed by the parish of St. Margaret, Westminster, from the inhabitants of Richmond Terrace, tried at Westminster Hall, 9th December, 1833. Taken in short hand by F. N. Walsh. 8vo. Lond. 1834 Burridge v. D— yton. Narrative of an interesting Trial at Law (founded on mystery): with hints to the Whigs on the Close Borough System ; and a glance at the Borough of Lyme Regis. Third edition. 8vo. Southampton, 1821 Burrish. Minutes and Proceedings taken at and upon the Tryals of Captain George Burrish, Captain E. Williams, and Captain J. Ambrose, respec- tively, before the Court Martial held at Chatham. fol. 1746 Butterfield. Trial of Jane Butterfield for the murder of W. Scawen, Esq., at the Surrey Assizes, 19th August, 1775 ; taken in short-hand by J. Gurney and W. Blanchard. A new edition. fol. Lond. 177 o Observations on the case of Miss Butterfield, calculated to show the hardsiiips she has unjustly sustained, and the necessity of prosecuting her right in a Court of Justice. In a Letter to one of her friends. 8vo. ibid. 1776 Byng. Trial of the Hon. Admiral Byng, at a Court Martial held in Ports- mouth Harbour, Dec. 28, 1756, for an enquiry into his conduct, while he commanded in the Mediterranean. 8vo. Lond. 1757 Trial of the Hon. Admiral J. Byng, as taken by Mr. Charles Fearne, Judge Advocate of his Majesty's Fleet. fol. ibid. 1757 Byrne. Report of the Proceedings in cases of High Treason [James Byrne, J. Begg, VV. Clare, and F. Rourke, J. Killen and J. M'Cann] at a Court of Over and Terminer held at the New Sessions House in Aug. and Sept. 1803. By VV. Ridgeway. 8vo. Dublin, 1803 TRI 803 Trials — continued. Cadiere v. Girard. Factum pour Marie Catherine Cadiere contre le Pere Jean BaptiVte Girard, Jcsiuite. 8vo. Air, 1731 Meinoiie Iiibtructif pour le Pure J. B. Girard, contre Marie Cathe- rine Cadiere. 8vo. La Haye, 1731 A complete Translation of the whole case of Mary Catherine Cadiere against tiie Jesuite Father J. B. Girard, in a Memorial presented to the Parliament of Aix. The third edition. l"2mo. Land. \1Z2 A complete Translation of the sequel of the proceedings of Mary Catherine Cadiere against the Jesuit Father J. B. Girard. l-2mo. ibid. 1732 Thirty-two pieces, never before translated, of the proceeding* upon the Tryal of M. Cadiere, and J. Girard. l'2nio. ibid. 1732 The Case of Mrs. Mary Ciitherine Cadiere airainst the Jesuit Father J. B. Girard, in a 3Iemorial presented to the Parliament of Aix. 8vo. Edinb. 1730 seventh edition. 8vo. Land. 1732 Tryal of Father John Baptist Girard, on the accusation of quietism, sorcery, incest, abortion and subornation, before the Great Chamber of Parlcment at Aix, at tlie instance of Miss Mary Catherine Cadiere. "With a Preface by JNIonsieur C . 4to. ibid. 1732 — The Memorial of the Jesuit Father J. B. Girard, against Mary Catherine Cadiere, and the Attorney General, plaintiff. [Title wanting.] ]2mo. [ibid. 1732] A Defence of Father J. B. Girard, against the accusation of Mary Catherine Cadiere. 3 parts, 8vo. ibid. 1732 Calvert (Frederick) : see Baltimore (Lord). Cambridge. The Cambridge Case, being a narrative of all the proceedings against the Viee-Cliancellour and Delegates of that University, for refusing to admit AH)an Francis, a Benedictine Monk, to the Decree of Master of Arts, without taking the Oaths. fol. Land. 1G89 Campbell (INInjor C.) Proceedings of a General Court Martial held in the Island of Martinico, in April 1702, ujjon the Tryal of Major Command- ant Colin Campbell. 8vo. Lond. \1G'3 Campbell (Mungo). Trial of Mungo Campbell, before the High Court of Justiciary in Scotland, for the murder of Alexander, Karl of Eiriintoun. The second edition. 8vo. Lond. 1770 Campbell v. Hall. Lord Mansfield's Speech in giving the Judgment of the Court of King's Bench, November 28, 1774, in the cause of Campbell against Hall, respecting the King's J^cfters Patents, of 20tli July 1704; for raising a duty of four and a half per cent, on all the Exports from the Island of Grenada. 8vo. Lond. \77i new edition. 8vo. ibid. 1775 Canning. Trial of Elizabeth Canning, for perjury; at Justice Hall in tlie Old- Bailey, 29th April— 8th May, 1754. Taken in short-hiind by T. Gurney. fol. Lond. [1754] A clear State of the Case of Elizabeth Canning, who hath sworn that she wiis robbed and almost starved to death by a gang of gypsies and otiier villains in January 1752, for whicii one ]Mary S(]uires now lies under sentence of death. By Henry Fielding. ' 8vo. ibid. 17 o3 The Story of Elizabeth Canning considered. By Dr. Hill. With remarks on a '• clear state of her ca>e" by Mr. Fielding. 8vo. ibid. 1753 A physical Account of the Case of Elizabeth Canning. By James Solas Dodd, surgeon. 8vo. ibid. 1753 3 f2 804 TRI Trials — continued. Canning. Refutation of Sir Crisp Gascoyne's Address to the Liverymen of London : bv a clear state of the case of Elizabeth Canning. ^ fol. Loud. 1754 Refutation of Sir Crisp Gascoyne's account of his conduct in the cases of Elizabeth Canning and Mary Squires. 8vo. ibid. 1754 Collection of several papers relating to Elizabeth Canning. 8vo. ibid. 1754 Cardio-an. Trial of James Thomas Earl of Cardigan, before the House of Peers, in full Parliament, for felony, 16th of February 1841. ' Bvo. Lo?id. 1841 Carew v. Burrell. Report of the Trial of the cause Carew against Burrell, Bart., and another, executors of the late Earl of Egreraont: at the Sussex Spring Assizes, March 18th, 1840. Taken in short hand by Mr. Cooke. 8vo. Lond. 1840 Carlile (Mrs. Jane). Report of the Trial of Mrs. Carlile, on the Attorney General's ex officio information for the protection of tyrants, at the Guild- hall, London. 8vo. Lond. 1821 Carlile (Mary- Anne). Report of the Trial of Mary-Anne Carlile, for publishing a New-Year's Address to the Reformers of Great Britain, written by Richard Carlile, at the instance of the Constitutional Associa- tion : at the Court of King's Bench, Guildhall, July 24, 1821. 8vo. Lond. 1821 The Defence of Mary- Anne Carlile, to the Vice Society's Indict- ment, ao-ainst the appendix to the Theoh)gical works of Thomas Paine. ' ° 8vo. ibid. 1821 Carlile (Richard). A copy of the Bill of Indictment found at the Old Bailey Sessions, January 16, 1819, against Richard Carlile, for pub- lishing Paine's Age of Reason. 8vo. Land. 1819 Speech of the Hon. Mr. Justice Bayley, in passing sentence on R. Carlile, in the Court of King's Bench, Nov. 16, 1819, for publishing "The Age of Reason," &c. 8vo. ibid. 1819 Report of the two Trials of R. Carlile for the republication of Thomas Paine's Age of Reason, and Palmer's Principles of Nature [in the Court of King's Bench, October 12—16, 1819]. 8vo. ibid. [1819] Carnegie. Trial of James Carnegie of Finhaven, before the Court of Justi- ciary at Edinburgh, in 1728, for the murder of the Earl of Strathniore. The third edition. 8vo. Edinb. 1762 Caroline (Queen). Report of the Proceedings before the House of Lords, on a Bill of Pains and Penalties against her Majesty Caroline Amelia Elizabeth, Queen of Great Britain, and Consort of K. George IV. By J. Nightingale. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1821 Carr v. Hood. Trial of an action brought by Sir John Carr against Hood and Sharpe, for the publication of a caricature, in the King's Bench, 1st August, 1808. Taken in short hand by T. Jenkins. 8vo. Lond. 1808 Cashel. Trial of Rowan Cashel, attorney, for the murder of H. A. O'Connor, Esa., in a duel, at the Assizes held at Tralee, 26th March, 1816. ^ ' 8vo. Cork, 1816 Cavendish v. Hope Assurance Co. Report, with notes of the Trial of an action wherein the Hon. Frederick Cavendish was plaintiff, and the Hope Assurance Company of London were defendants; held before the Lord Norbury, Chief Justice of the Common Pleas in Ireland, 18th— 23rd of February, 1813. 8vo. Dublin, 1813 [another edition.] ibid. 1813 TRI 805 Trials — continued. Cawthorne. Proceedines of a Court Martial holden for the Trial of John Fenton Cawthorne, Colonel of the Westminster Regiment of Middlesex Militia. fol. Lond. 1807 Chambers v. Waters. Report of the Proceedings before Vice-Chancellor Sir Lancelot Shad well in the Cause of Chambers v. Waters, May, \H'2d, relative to the specific performance of an agreement for the sale of the Opera House. 8vo. Lo7id. [18'29j Chandler. Tryal of Thomas Chandler, late of Clifford's Inn, gent., at the Lent Assizes at Reading, 1750, for perjury. By E. Wise. 8vo. Heading, 1751 Charles I. Trials of Charles the First, and of some of the Resicides : with biographies of Brudshaw, Ireton, Harrison and others; and with notes. The fourth edition. 12mo. Lond. 1841 see also Nalson (John), supra, p. 546. Charlton. Trial of James Charlton, at the Northumberland Assizes, 29th August, 1810, at the prosecution of Michael Aynsley, on the charge of robbing Kirkley Hail. 12mo. NcuJcastle-on-Tyne, [1810] Chase. Report of the Trial of the Hon. Samuel Chase, one of the Associate Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States, before the High Court of Impeachment, for high crimes and misdemeanors. Taken in short hand by C. Evans. 8vo. Baltimore, 1805 Chelmsford Assizes. The full and true relation of all the proceedings at the Assizes holden at Chelmsford, for the Countie of Essex, 29th March to 1st April [.' 1G79]. fol. [1G79] Christ's College. Argument in the Case of the Poor's Rate charged on the Colleges of Christ and Emmanuel, in the University of Cambridge, 1768. Svo. ICamh. 1768] Cibber v. Sloper. Tryal of a Cause for criminal conversation, between Theophilus Cibber, plaintiff, and William Sloper, defendant. 8vo. Lond. 1739 Tryals of two Causes between T. Cibber, plaintiff, and W. Sloper, defendant : the first for criminal conversation, the second, for detaining the plaintiff's wife, Svo. ibid. 1740 Clark (Capt. E.) Trial of Capt. Edward Clark, for the murder of Capt. Tho. Innes, in a duel in Hyde- Park; at the Old Bailey, 26 April, 1750. 8vo. Bubl. 1750 Clarke (T.) Trial of Thomas Clarke, T. Carty, and J. Deane, for robbing T. Marsh, on the king's highway at Yoxford ; at the Suffolk Assize, holden before Lord Chief Baron Skynner. 12mo. Bury St. Edmunds, n. d. Clifford's Inn : see Allen v. Waller. Clonniel Assizes. Report of seven Trials at the Clonmel Summer Assizes of 1829, including those which arose out of the occurrence at Borrisokane, on the 26th and 28th of July, 1829. By A. Brewster. Svo. Dublin, 1830 Cobbett. Trial of William Cobbett, in the Court of King's Bench, 11th December, 1820, for writing and publishing a series of libels [on Mr. Wrightj in tiie Political Register. 8vo. Lond. 1821 Cochrane. Trial of Charles Random De Bcrenger, Sir Thomas Cochrane, commonly called Lord Cochrane, tlie Hon. A. Johnstone, R. G. Butt, and otiiers, for a Conspiracy ; in the Court of King's Bench, 8th and 9th June, 1814; with the subsequent j)roceedings in the Court of King's Bench. Taken in short hand by W. B. Gurney. Svo. Lond. 1814 [another edition.] Svo. ibid., n. d. Cockburn. Copy of the proceedings on the Trial of Lieut. Col. Cockburn, for the loss of' the Island of St. Eustatius. Svo. Lond. 1783 806 TRI Trials — continued. Codling. Trial of William Codling, mariner, J. Reid, mariner, W. Mac- tariane, merchant, and G. Easfei-ljy, merchant, for destroying and casting away the brig Adventure, on the hiiih seas, within the jurisdiction of the Admiralty of England ; at the Old Bailey, 26th October, 1802. Taken in short hand byJ. Gurney and W. B. Gurney. 8vo. Lond. 1803 Coigly (James) : see O'Coigly. Coke. Tryal and Condemnation of Arundel Coke, alias Cooke, Esq., and of J. Woodburne, labourer, for felony, in slitting tiie nose of E. Crispe, gent. ; at the Assizes held at Bury St. Edmonds, 13ih March, 1721. fol. Lond. 172-2 An account of the behaviour and dying words of A. Coke, gent, and John Woodburn. fol. Bury St. Edmunds, 1722 Coleman. Tryal of Edward Coleman, for conspiring the death of the King, and the subversion of the Government of England and the Protestant Religion. fol. Lond. 1678 Colledge. The Arraignment, Tryal and Condemnation of Stephen Col- ledge for High Treason, in eons])iring the death of the king, &c. ; before the"Commi>sioners at Oxford, 17th — 18th Aug. 1681. fol. Lond. 1681 Cooper V. Bingham. Proceedings in a Trial, the King, on the prosecution of James Cooper, against the Rev. Richard Bingham, and on a motion for a new trial, and on the defendant's being brought up for judgment ; taken in short hand by Mr. Gurney. With preface and notes [by the Rev. R. Bingham]. ' 8vo. Lond. 1814 Cooper V. Wakley. Report of the Trial of Cooper v. Wakley, for an alleged libel. By T. Wakley. 8vo. Lond. 1829 Cope. Report of the Proceedings and Opinion of the Board of General Officers, on their examination into the conduct, behaviour, and proceed- ings of Lieutenant-General Sir John Cope, Colonel P. Lascelles, and Brigadier-General T. Fowke, from the time of the breaking out of the Rebellion in North Britain in the year 1745, till the action at Preston Pans; taken at the Horse Guards in the year 1746. 4to. Lond. 1749 third edition. 8vo. Diibl. 1749 ■ An Enquiry into the Conduct of G 1 C — pe. 8vo. Lond. 1745 Cork and Orrery (Countess of). Trial of the Rt. Hon. Ann, Countess of Cork and Orrery, at the Consistory Court of Doctors Commons, upon a libel charging her with committing the crime of Adultery. 8vo. Lond. 1782 Cornish. Tryals of Henry Cornish, for conspiring the death of the king, and raising a rebellion in this kingdom ; and J. Fernley, W. Ring, and Elizabeth Gaunt, for harbouring and maintaining the rebels; at the Old- Baily, Oct. 19, 1685. fol. Lond. 1685 Cornwallis. Copy of the proceedings on the Trial of the Hon. Vice- Admiral Cornwallis, held at Portsmouth, April 7th and 8th, 1796 [for disobedience of orders]. 8vo. Lond. 1796 Cowper. Tryal of Spencer Cowper, Esq., J. Marson, E. Stevens, and W. Rogers, upon an indictment for the murther of Mrs. Sarah Stout, a Quaker, at Hertford Assizes, July 18, 1699. fol. Lond. 1699 Crawley. Trial of Thomas Radcliffe Crawley, for the murder of Mrs. Catherine Davidson and Mary Mooney ; tried at Dublin, 10th March, 1802. 8vo. Dublin [1802] Crawshay v. Thompson and others. Proceedings on the Trial of this cause [relating to the use of a mark in the iron trade], in the Court of Common Pleas, 17th December, 1841. 8vo. Zone?. 1842 Crook. The Cry of the Innocent for Justice : being a Relation of the Tryal of John Crook and others, at the Old Bailey, 1662. 4to. Zo?jrf. 1662 TRl 807 Tri A LS — continued. Crosbie (Sir E. W.) A Narrative of the aiipreheiiMon, trial, and execution on tlio oth of June, 1798, of Sir Edwanl William Crosbie, Bart., in- cludinsr tlie minutes of the proceedings of the Court-Martial which tried him, &c. 8vo. Bat/,, \SOl [another edition.] 8vo. jVw/. 1802 Cros-by and Wilkie. Tiie whole proceedings on two Petitions in the Court of Chancery, ex parte Crosby in re Crosby, and ex parte Wilkie in re Crosby, heard before tiie Lord Cliancellor, August Q-I, 1817. 8vo. land. 1817 Crossfield. Trial of Roixrt Thomas Crossfield for High Treason, at the Old Bailev, 11— l-2th of May 1790. Taken in short hand by J. Gurney. •" 8vo. Lond. 1796 Crossley. Trial of ^Nlr. George Crosslej , for forging the will of the Rev. Henry Lewis ; at the Old Bailey, February 22, 1796. 4to. loud. 1790 CuUen ?;. Morris. Report of the Trial of the cause between John Cullen, plaintiff, and Arthur Morris, defendant, for refusing to receive the phiintiti's vote at the election of a Member of Parliament for the City of Westminster; tried in the Court of King's Bench, 12th Jan. 1820. 8vo. Lond. 1820 Curling. Trial of Richard Curling, T. i\Ioss, J. Forwood, J. Sanders and T. Read, boatmen of Ramsgate, for felony and piracy, in stealing 65 fathoms of cable, and part of'an anchor, belonging to the brig Traveller; tried at the Admiralty Sessions, held in the Old Bailey, 11th July, 1806. 8vo. Lond. 1807 Da Costa. Proceedings in the Arches Court of Canterbury, between :\Ir. Jacob Mendes Da Costa and Mrs. Catharine Da Custa Villa Real, both of the Jewish religion, and cousin germans, relating to a marriage con- tract. [By D. Logan.] 8vo. «. ;;. 1734 Daly V. Magee. Mr. Sheridan's Argument in the case of Daly r. Magee, on a motion to discharge the defendant on common bail. 8vo. n. d. Danby. A Collection of Orders, Votes, Debates, &c., in the House of Peers, and House of Commons, relating to, and concerning Thomas Earl of Danby, and the other five Lords in the Tower, &c. Extracted out of the Journals of both Houses. fol. Lond. 1679 An impartial State of the Case of the Earl of Danby. fol. i/>id. 1079 An Account of the Earl of Danby's Arguments at the Court of King's Bench, upon his lordship's motion for bail, 27th May, 1()S2 ; with the Judges Answers and the Earl's Replyes. The second edition. fol. ilnd. 1682 Arguments of the Earl of Danby the second time, at the Court of Kintr's^ench, upon his lordship's motion for bail, 29th June, 10S2. ° fol. ihid. 1082 . Reflections upon the Earl of Danby, in relation to the muriher of Sir Edmondbury Godfrey. In a Letter to a friend. By J. B. fol. n. d. see also Danbv, in Catalogue, supra, p. 227. Darkin. Trial and Memoirs of Isaac Darkin, alias Dumas, convicted for a highway-robbery, near Nettlebcd, at the Lent Assizes at Oxford, Oth March,"l761. With a history of his Life. fol. O.j/rW [ 1 079] Davison v. Attorney-General. Arsument and Jud-rment in the Court of Exchequer, 29-^30th June, 1813, in the cause of Davison r. the Attorney- General, on the question " Whether exceptions may be taken to the answer of the Attorney-General." 8vo. Lond. ]8\i Davison (T.) Trial of Thonms Davison, for publishing a blasphemous Libel in the Deists Magazine, in the Court of King's Bench, Oct. 23d, 1820. 8vo. Lond. 1820 808 TRI Trials — continued. Davison (T.) The right assumed by the Judges to fine a Defendant Avhile making his defence in person, denied : being a short-hand report of the legal argument of Henry Cooper, Esq., in the King v. Davison, on moving for a new trial. 8vo. Lond. \%2\ Dawe V. Hamilton. Report of the Trial of an action brought by Mr. William Dawe [for defamation] against Vice- Admiral Sir Charles Hamilton, Bart. Governor of Newfoundland, at Exeter, 26th March, 1824. From the short-hand notes of Messrs. Richardson and Cherer. 8vo. Lond. 1824 Dawson. Tryals of Joseph Dawson, E. Forseith, W. May, W. Bishop, J. Lewis and J. Sparkes, for piracies and robberies committed in the com- pany of Every the grand Pirate, near the coasts of the East-Indies, and other places on the seas ; at the Admiralty Sessions, held at the Old- Baily, Oct.— Nov. 1696. fol. Lond. 1696 Day V. Day. Trial by Ejectment, involving a question of Legitimacy, between John Day, plaintiff, and Thomas Day, defendant, for the reco- very of an estate in the county of Huntingdon, tried at the Assizes held there, July 31, 1797. Second edition. 8vo. Birminyham, 1823 Delamere. Trial of Henry Baron Delamere for High-Treason, in West- minster-Hall, 14th Jan. 1685. fol. Lond. 1686 Despard. Trial of Edward Marcus Despard, for High Treason, at the Session House, Newington, 7th Feb. 1803. Taken in short hand by J. and W. B. Gurney. 8vo. Lond. 1803 Dick V. Fletcher: see Fletcher (Alexander). Dickson. Proceedings of a Court Martial on George Dickson, Commissary- General and Paymaster-General of the Militia Forces of the island of Trinidad ; also Proceedings upon an information filed by the Attorney General of the island of Trinidad, against G. and W. Dickson, of the said island, merchants. By G. Dickson. 8vo. Lond. 1809 Dillon. Case of Patrick Dillon, late Surgeon of the 64th Regiment of Foot, who was dismissed from his Majesty's service in consequence of having sent a challenge to Captain Hedges, for defamation on the Court- Martial which was held for the Trial of Major Browne. 8vo. Lond. 1787 D'Israeli. Case of the Queen v. D'Israeli, with an Argument in vindication of the Practice of the Bar. By Joseph Stammers. Lond. 1838 second edition. 8vo. ibid. 1839 Doherty v. Wyatt. Report of the cause between Hugh Doherty, plaintiff, and Philip W. Wyatt, defendant, for criminal conversation with the plaintiff's wife : tried in the Court of King's Bench, Feb. 23, 1811. 8vo. Lond. 1811 Donaldson v. Becket. Cases of the Appellants and Respondents [A. and J. Donaldson v. T. Becket and others] in the Cause of Literary Property, before the House of Lords; with notes, &,c. 4to. Lond. 1774 Donellan. Trial of John Donellan, for the murder of Sir Theodosius Boughton, Bart., at the Assize at Warwick, March 30th 1781. The second edition. Taken in short hand by J. Gurney. fol, Lond. 1781 Donnelly v. Pophara. Trial between Ross Donnelly, a post captain in his Majesty's Navy, plaintiff, and Sir Home Popham, defendant; in the Court of Comm'on Pleas, 27th June 1807 8vo. Lond. 1807 Douglas (N). Trial of the Rev. Niel Doutjlas, before the High Court of Justiciary at Edinburgh, 26th May, 1817, for Sedition. Taken in shorthand by J. Dow. 8vo. Edinb. 1817 Douglas (Capt. W.) Proceedings of a Court Martial, held at Rochester, May 1764, upon the Trial of Captain William Douglas, and the Cap- tains Cockburn, Parkins, and Hayes, of H. M.'s Mtirine Forces. 8vo. Lond. 1766 TRI 809 Trials — continued. Downie, Trial of David Downie, for High Treason, under the Special Commission at Edinburgh. Taken in sliurt hand by Mr. Blancbard. 8vo. Edinb. 1795 Drennan. Report of the Trial in the Court of King's Bench, of William Drennan, M.D., for having written and published a seditious libel. 8vo. Dublin, 1794 Duberley r. (Itmning. Trial between James Duberley, plaintiff, and Miijor General Gunning, defendant, for criminal conversation with the wife of the plaintiff; tried before Lord Kenyon, 22nd February, 1792. 8vo. Lond. 1792 Duckett V. Williams. Report of the second Trial in the case Duckett v. Williams ; being an action brought by the Provident Life Office, for the recovery of annual premiums paid to tiie Hope Assurance Company, for a Policy of Life Assurance for £5000, invalidated by the Hope Com- pany. 8vo. Lond. 1833 Dulwich College. Attorney-General against Dulwich College; Judgment. 29th July, 1841. 8vo. Lo7id. [1841] Eaton. Trial of Daniel Isaac Eaton, in the Court of King's Bench, July loth, 1793, for selling a supposed libel, A Letter, addressed to the Ad- dressers, by Thomas Paine. 8vo. Lond. [1793] Trial of D. L Eaton, for publishing a supposed libel, intituled Politics for the People; or, Hog's Wash: at the Old Bailey, Feb. 24, 1794. 8vo. ibid. [1794] The King v. D. L Eaton. The Speech of J. P. Smith, barrister at law, in behalf of the defendant, in mitigation of punishment, before the Court of King's Bench, April 30, 1812. 8vo. ibid. 1812 Edgworth. Trial of Robert Edgworth, for subornation of perjury; with the record of the acquittal of Mary Neil, on a charge of felony, and the sen- tence pronounced upon him ; with a note of the Trial of Maria Lewellin for assisting in committing a rape on Mary Neil. 8vo. Dublin, 1788 Ehlert. Trial and Execution of Jacob Frederick Ehlert, the mate, for the murder of Captain J. F. Berkholtz, on board the Phteni.v, of Stettin, in Sunderland Harbour, on the 12th June, 1839; from the Sunderland Herald. 4to. Sunderland, 1839 Elvvin. Trial of Captain Elwin, for criminal conversation with the lady of Sir G. Brograve, Bart. ; in the Court of King's Bench, July 8th, 1807. 8vo. Land. [1807] Emden. Trial of Samuel Emden, of turf celebrity, 24 February, 1808, for arresting G. Withcrden, E-q., for £1880, on a false affidavit. Taken in short hand by Mr. Farquharson. 8vo. {Lond.'] 1808 Exeter College. An Account of the Proceedings of Jonathan Bishop of Exeter, in his late Visitation of Exeter College in Oxford. 4to. Oxford, 1690 The Case of Exeter CoUedge, in the University of Oxford, related and vindicated. 4to. Lond. 1G91 Farmer v. Farmer. The Solicitor-General's Reply in a cause of Ann Farmer against James Farmer, heard by the Vice-Chaucellor of England, 27 Jan. 1844. 8vo. lA>nd. fl844] Farmer (Major R.) Proceedings of a Court-Martial [for the trial of Major Robert Farmer] held at Pensacola in West Florida, in ]\Iarch and April 1708. 8vo. Lond. 1770 Fearn. Trial of Josiah Fearn, of Leeds, for the murder of Thomas Grave; at the York Assizes, 10 March, 1748. 8vo. York, 174U 810 TRI Trials— cuntinaed. Fenning. Results of an investigation into the case of Elizabeth Fenning: being a detail of facts discovered since her execution, including the official repoit of her singular Trial, with notes, &c. 13y John Wat- kins, LL.D. 8vo. Lond.1815 Fenwick. Proceedings against Sir John Fenwick, Bart, upon a Bill of Attainder for High Treason. 8vo. 1698 Fersfusson. Trial of R. J. Fergusson, in the Sheriff's Court, December 22nd, 1807, for adultery with the Countess of Elgin. 8vo. Lond. [1807] Field. Narrative of the case of Sir Charles Ventris Field, and J. W. Willaume, late Captains of the Bedfordshire Regiments. 8vo. Lond. 1783 Finerty. Report of the Trial of Peter Finerty, for Libel. By W. Ridge- way. 8vo. Dublin, 1798 Finnerty v. Tipper. Report of the Trial of the action brought by P. Fin- nerty against S. Tipper, publisher of " The Satirist," for a Libel ; tried in the Court of Common Pleas, IStb February [1809]. 8vo. Lond. 1809 Case of P. Finnerty, including a Report of the Proceedings in the Court of King's Bench upon the subject; comprehending an Essay upon the Law of Libel, &c. 8vo. ibid. 18U Finney. Report of the Trial of Patrick Finney, for High Treason, in 1797-8. By W. Ridgeway. 8vo. Dubl. 1798 Finnimore. Trial of Humphry Finnimore (reputed to be worth forty thou- sand pounds), who was tried at the Quarter Sessions, at South wark, 14th Jan. 1779, und convicted of felony, in stealing of five turkies, the pro- perty of T. Humphries. 8vo. Lond. 1779 Fisher v. Wood. Proceedings on the Trial of this cause [action on bills of exchange] at the Assize at Cambridge, July 10, 1799. From Mr. Gur- ney's short-hand notes. 8vo. Lond. [1799] Argument in the Court of King's Bench, on a rule to show cause why tjjere should not be a New Trial^ Nov. 2-3, 1799. 8vo. ibid. [1799] Proceedings at the Assizes at Cambridge, March 14, 1800. [With other Papers relating to the cause.] 8vo. ibid. [1800] Fitzgerald. Trials of George Robert Fitzgerald, T. Brecknock, J. Fulton &c., for the murder of P. R. Macdonnell, and C. Hipson ; also the Trial of John Gallagher and others, for an assault on G. R. Fitzgerald, in the Gaol of Castle'bar. [By J. G. Browne.] 8vo. Lond. 1786 [another edition.] 8vo. Dublin, 1786 Fleming v. Self. Judgment of the Lord Chancellor considered in the suit of Fleming v. Self [Redemption of Mortgages in Building Societies] ; with full Report. By J. H. James. 12mo. Lond. 1855 Fletcher (A.) Particulars concerning the evangelical courtship between the Rev. A. Fletcher and Miss Eliza Dick, including the proceedings in the Court of King's Bench relative to his breach of promise of marriage ; with the decision of the Associate Synod, &c. 8vo. Lond. [1824] Appeal to Public Opinion against the decision of the Associate Synod of Scotland. By A. Fletcher. 8vo. ibid. 1824 Fletcher (Sir R.) Case of Sir Robert Fletcher ; with his Court Martial. [Title wanting.] 8vo. [1766] I lower (B.) Proceedings of the House of Lords in the case of Benjamin Flower, printer of the Cambridge Intelligencer, for a supposed libel on the Bishop of Llandaff : with remarks on the writings of the Bishop of Llandaff, the Rev. R. Ramsden, and the Rev. R. Hall, by the printer; with the argument in the Court of King's Bench, on a motion for an Habeas Corpus, and a postscript containing remarks on the judgment of that Court, by Henry Clifford. 8vo. Cambridge, 1800 TRI 811 T liiALS— continued. Flower v. Clayton. Statement of Facts relative to the conduct of the Rev. J. Clayton, Son., tlie Rev. J. Clayton, Jnn., and the Riv. W. Clayton : the lu-ocecdin^'s on the Trial of an action bronglit by B. Flower against the Rev. J. Clayton, Jun., for defamation, with remarks. Published by the plaintiff. 8vo. Harlow, 18U8 Foley V. Earl of Peterborongli. Trial in an action at the Assizes at Hereford [1785], wlierein tlie Hon. Edward Foley was plaintiff, and Ciiarles Henry, Earl of Peterborough, defendant, for criminal conversiition with Lady Ann Foley, tiie plaintiff's wife. 4to. Loud. 1785 Folkard. Trial of John Folkard, W. Folkard, T. Nugent, &c., for a con- spiracy to defraud the creditors of J. Folkard, a bankrupt, September, 1812, at the Old Railey. Taken in siiort-hand by Mr. Gurney. 8vo. Land. 1812 Foreman. Trial of Anthonv Foreman and Henry Foreman, for an assault on Mr. Tiltman, otherwise :Mr. Wynian ; at "Guildhall, September 26, 1803. Taken in short hand by Mr. Gurney. 4to. loud. 1803 Foster v. Mellish. Report of a cause between Joseph Foster, plaintiff, against Miss Esther Mellisli, defendant, for a breach of promise of marriage ; tried at the Court of King's Bench, 2;3d Feb. 18U2. 8vo. Loud. 1802 Fowke. Trial of Joseph Fowke, Francis Fowke, Maha Rajah Nundo- coniar, and Roy Rada Churn, for a conspiracy against Warren Hastings, Esq.; and that of J. Fowke, Maha Rajah Nundocomar, and Roy Rada Churn, for a conspiracy against R. Barwell, E^q. 4to. Lond. 1776 Fox V. Tooke. Proceedings in an action for debt, between the Rt. Hon, Charles James Fox, ])laintiff, and John Home Tooke, Esq., defendant. Published by the defendant. 8vo. Lo7id. 1702 Foy. Account of the arguments of counsel, and the directions of the court on a plea of auterfois aecpiit, pleaded by James Foy, at the Mayo Assizes, 1786; to an indictment tor procuring A. Creagh, otherwise Craig. &c. to murder P. R. McDonnell and C. llipson. 8vo. Dub/in, 1786 Francklin. Trial of Richard Francklin, for a misdemeanour, in publishing an extract of a private Letter from the Hague, inserted in tiie Country Journal, or the Craftsman, of Jan. 2, 17:31 ; tried at the Court of King's- Bench, Dec. 3, 1731. fol. Loud. 1731 Freeman v. E. L Company. Reports of the proceedings in the actions of Freeman v. the East India Company, and Meaburn v. Leckic, tried in ■ the Court of King's Bench, and Court of Common Pleas [relative to the Cerberus and Liidy Banks, in 1822]. 8vo. Loud. 1822 French. Trial of Augustin Bogle FrencI), J. F. Burke, and M. "Welch, for a Conspiracy ; in the Court of King's Bench, 9th December, 1818 ; with the further ])roceedings, in Jan. and Feb. 1819. Taken in short hand by W. B. Gurney. 8vo. Lond. 1819 Frend. Account of the Proceedings in the University of Cambridge, against William Frend, M.A., Fellow of Jesus College, for publishing a pamj)hlet, intitled Peace and Union, &c. Published bv tlie defendant. 8vo. Camh. 1793 Sequel to the account of the proceedings, &c. ; containing the appli- cation to the Court of King's Bench ; a review of similar cases in the University ; and reflections on the impolicy of religious persecution, and the importance of free enquiry. 8vo. Lond. ]7\)5 Frost. Trial of John Frost for High Treason, under a Special Commission held at Monmouth, in Dec. 1839 and Jan. 1840. Taken in short hand by J. and T. Gurney. 8vo. Lond. 1840 Fuller. Tryal of William Fuller, upon an information for being an impostor, and of ill name and reputation, May 20, 1702. tol. Lond. 17t»2 812 TRI Trials — continued. Gallagher : see Fitzgerald. Ganibier (Lord). Minutes of a Court Martial holden at Portsmouth, in July and August 1809, on the Trial of the Rt. Hon. James Lord Gam- bier, Admiraf of the Blue, &c. Taken in short hand by W. B. Gurney. 8vo. Portsmouth, 1809 second edition. 8vo. Loud. 1809 . Notes on the Minutes of a Court Martial; holden on the Trial of Lord Gambler. 8vo. Lond. \%\0 Gambler (Captain). Proceedings on the Trial of Captain Gambier, for criminal conversation with Admiral Knowles's Lady ; tried in the Court of King's Bench, 11th June, 17-57. The second edition. 8vo. Lond.llbl Gascoigne. Case of Richard Gascoigne, executed at Tyburn, for High- Treason, 25th May, 1716 ; with an account of his Trial, &c. 8vo. Lond.\l\Q Gerrald. Trial of Joseph Gerrald, delegate from the London Corresponding Society to the British Convention, before the High Court of Justiciary, at Edinburgh, in March 1794, for Sedition. Taken in short hand by Mr. Ramsey. 8vo. Edinb. [1794] Gesvres (Marquis de). Case of Impotency debated, in the Tryal at Paris, between the Marquis de Gesvres and Mademoiselle de Mascranny, his lady. Done from the Paris edition. 2 vols. 12rao. Loud. 1714 Gibson v. Hargrave. Report of the Trial (in Ejectment) Doe dem. Gibson V. Hargrave, Lancaster Assizes, March 23, 1837. From short hand notes by A. Fraser. 8vo. Preston, 1838 GUes. Tryal of John Giles at the Old Bayly, 7—14 July, 1680, for an attempt to assassinate and murther J. Arnold, Esq. fol. Lond. 1681 Girard (John Baptist) : see Cadiere. Glasgow Cotton Spinners : see Hunter. Gloucester Lent Assizes : see Penny, Glover. Proceedings of a Court-Martial upon the Trial of Lieutenant- Colonel Glover, 16th Feb. 1762. 8vo. Lond. 1762 , Remarks on the Proceedings of two Courts-Martial, one held at Lincoln for the Tryal of Lieut. Col. Philips Glover ; the other at Land- Guard Fort for the Tryal of Capt. William Lynch. 8vo. ibid. [1762] Goodere. Trial of Samual Goodere, M. Mahony, and C. White, at the Sessions for the City of Bristol, 26th March, 1741, for the murder of Sir John Dinelv Goodere, Bart., on board H. M. S. the Ruby Man of War. ^ 8vo. Lond. 1741 fourth edition. 4to. ibid. 1741 [another edition.] 12mo. ibid. n. d. Gordon (Col. C.) Trial of the Hon. Col. Cosmo Gordon, for neglect of duty before the enemy, containing the whole proceedings of a Court Martial held at New York in August and September, 1782. 8vo. Lond. 1783 Gordon (Lord G.) Trial of George Gordon, Esq., commonly called Lord George Gordon, for High Treason, at the Court of King's Bench, February 5th, 1781. The fourth edition ; taken in short hand by J. Gurney. 2 parts, fol. Lond. 1781 Mr. Erskines's Speech at the Trial of Lord G. Gordon, in the Court of King's Bench, February 5, 1781. 8vo. ibid. 1781 Trial of Lord G. Gordon, 6th June, 1787, in the Court of King's Bench, for Libel; with the Trial of T. Wilkin, the printer of the above libel. Taken in short hand by J. Johnson. fol. ibid. [1787] TRI 813 Trials — continued. Gordon (Lord G.) A Serious Answer to Lord G. Gordon's Letters to the Earl of Shelburne. «vo. Land. \7S-2 Letter from Lord G. Gordon in Newgate, to William "Wilbcrforce, Esq., member for Yorkshire. 8vo. ibid. [1792] Gordon (Major J.) Proceedings of the Court Martial in the Trial of Major John Gordon [for negligence in accounts.] 8vo. Land. 18(»4 Gore V. Foster. Trial in the Court of Common Pleas, April 24, lS-23, for the recovery of the value of clothes made for E. Foster, a minor, by Mr. Gore. Reported by Pierce Egan. 8vo. [Lond. 1823] Gourlay v. Duke of Somerset, before Mr. Justice Holroyd and a Special Jury, at the Salisbury Assizes, 31 July, 181G. [Title wanting.] ^' J > J L g^^ lond.[lSlG] Grahme. ArraigTiment, Trials, &c., of Sir Richard Grahme, Bart., Viscount Preston, and J. Ashton, for High Treason, at the Old-Baily, 16th— 19th January, 1090. fol. Loiid. 1091 Grant (A.) Narrative of the proceedings in the Court of King's-Bench, on an information filed against Alexander Grant; who was found guilty of shipping implements for manufacturing cotton, ou board the Boliiia, for Hamburgh. 8vo. Lo?id. 1800 Grant (J.) Trial of John Grant, Sheriff-Clerk Depute of the Shire of Inverness, before the Circuit Court of Justiciary held there on May 1, 1793, for Forgery, 12mo. Ediiib. 1793 Grant (S. G.) Account of the Trial of Samuel George Grant, before a Court Martial held at Chatham Barracks in INIarch, 1792, for having persuaded F. Heritage and F. Stephenson, two drummers of the Cold- stream Regiment of Guards, to desert. By J. Martin. 8vo. ZoW. 1792 . Proceedings of a Court- ^Martial on the Trial of Serjeant S. G. Grant; with the Judgment of the Court of Common Pleas on an appli- cation to them for a prohibition. 4to. ibid. 1792 Grey v. Halloran : see Halloran. Green (R.) Tryals of Robert Green, H. Berry and L. Hill, for the murder of Sir Edmundbury (iodfrey, at the King's Bench Bar, 10 February, 107?. fol. Innd. 1079 Green (T.) Trial of Capt. Thomas Green and his crew, before the High Court of Admiralty of Scotland, in Feb. 1705, for piracy, &c. fol. Lond. [1705] Greenwood. Tryal of Mr. Bartholomew Greenwood, charged with robbing Mr. Roger AVheatley, near Camberwell; at the Surrey Assizes, Aug. 2, 1740. The fourth edition ; with the case of Mr. "Wheatley. bvo. Lond. 1740 The Case of Mr. B. Greenwood, submitted to the publick bv iiimself. 8vo. ibid. 1740 Grindall v. Grindall. Report of the Trial of an action of Ejectment between Mr. Charles Edmund Grindall, as lessor of the plaintiff, and Captain Sturt Grindall, R.N., defendant. 8vo. Lond. 1830 Grosvenor (Lord) v. Duke of Cumberland. Proceedings in a cause on an action brought by the Rt. Hon. Richard Lord Grosvenor against II.R.ll. Henry Frederick Duke of Cumberland, for criminal conversation with Lady Grosvenor ; tried in the Court of King's Bench, 5tli Julv, 1770. fol. Lmd. 1770 Grosvenor (Earl). Report of a Trial, the King against Earl Grosvenor, J. Johnson, &c., on an indictment in the Court of King's Bench, in 1819, for a nuisance by erecting an embankmi'nt, obstructing the navigation of the River Thames. Taken in short-hand by H. Richardson. 8vo. Lond. 1819 814 TRI Tri A LS — continued. Grubb V. Tapp and Elwick. Report of the case Doe dem. Grubb v. Tapp and Elwick; tried at the Yorks.liire Summer Assizes, 1809, to determine the validity of a will, purporting to be made by Mrs. R. (iray, of Ellougliton. 8vo. Hull [1809] Hacket. Trial of J. Hacket, Esq., for adultery with Mrs. Mansergh ; in the Irish Court of Exchequer, Dec. 10, 1807. 8vo. Land. [1807] Haldane. Trial of Lieut. Col. Ilaldane for Perjury, at Kingston, in the county of Surrey, 2d April, 1814. 8vo. Lond. 1814 Hales. Case of Sir Edward Hales, Bart. : being an account of the Tryal upon an action of 600 pounds brought against him, with his plea thereto, upon the King's dispensing with the Stat. 2o Car. II., and the opinion of the Judges thereupon. fol. Lond.\Q,S9 Account of the Authorities in law upon which judgment was given in Sir E. Hales his Case. Written by Sir Edw. Herbert, Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, in vindication of himself. 4to. ibid. 1688 Lord Chief Justice Herbert's Account of the Authorities in Sir E. Hales his Case examin'd. By W, A., Barrister at Law. 4to. ibid. 1689 Halloran. Proceedings, &c., at the Cape of Good Hope, in a criminal pro- cess for a Libel, instituted against Laurence Halloran, D.D., late Chap- lain of his Majesty's Forces m South Africa. With Preface by L. Halloran, D.D. 8vo. Land. \S\\ Haly. Proceedings of a Court Martial held in Jamaica [on Captain Haly], after the death of Major Shea, killed by his Colonel. 8vo. Lond. 1797 Hambden. Tryal and Conviction of John Hambden, for high misdemeanour, for contriving and practising to disturb the peace of the King, &c. ; in the Court of King's Bench, 6th February, 1683. fol. Lond. 1684 . Tryal of J. Hambden for conspiring the death of the King, &c. ; at the Old-Bayly, 30th Dec. 1686. fol. ibid. 1685 Hamilton v. Stevenson. Report of the Trial of the action for a Libel in the Beacon Newspaper ; Lord Archibald Hamilton against Duncan Steven- son, printer in Edinburgh. 8vo. Edinb. 1822 Hanson. Proceedings on the Trial of an action brought by Mr. John Mackell, smith, against Mr. John Hanson, smith, and furnishing iron- monger, for a supposed libel on the plaintiff, in a pamphlet publi^hed by the defendant, relative to the prices charged by Mr. Mackell for the iron railings for inclosing gardens in the Green Park; at Guildhall, 29th June, 1799. Taken in short hand by Mr. Gurney. 8vo. Lond. 1799 • Statement of Facts, submitted to tlie Marquis of Salisbury, and Lord Romney, concerning the iron fence railing, in the Green Park. By J. Hanson. " 8vo. ibid. 1797 ■ Appeal to the Public in vindication of the conduct of J. Hanson, in rega)d to the prices charged by Mr. J. Mackell, for the iron railing in the Green Park. 8vo. ibid. 1799 Hardy. Trial of Thomas Hardy for High Treason, at the Old Bailey, in Oct. and Nov. 1794. Taken in short-hand by J. Gurney. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1794-5 Hare : see Burke. Harrison v. Alexander. Report of the Proceedings in the cause of Thomas Harrison, Chamberlain of the City of London, jdaintiff, against John Alexander, an Attorney of the Court of K. B., detiendant ; touching the right of the City of London to oblige Atton;.'ys at Law, wlio practise Conveyancing within tbesaid City, to be free of the Scriveners' Company. 4 to. Lond. 1768 TRI 815 Trials — rontinued. Harvey v. Andrew. Proceedings in a cause, Harvey v. Andrew [defamation of cliaracterl, tried at Chelmsford, 17tli March, 1810. 8vo. Chelmsfurd, 1810 Proceedings in a cause Harvey v. Andrew, referred to in tlic Speech and Replv of ^D. W. Harvey, M.'P., 14 June, 1832, in the House of Coniiiions', on moving for leave to bring in a Bill to empower tlie Court of King's Bench to regulate the Admission of Students and Barristers. Second edition. 8vo. Loud. 1832 Haselden. Trial of James Haselden, R. Dixon, and others, for a conspiracy to defraud B. Tattersall and E. Tattersall, &c., tiic real creditors of the said James Haselden, a bankrupt. By J. G. Burgess. 8vo. [i«nrf. 1827] Hastings. History of the Trial of Warren Hastings, Esq., late Governor- General of Bengal, before tlie Hi;:h Court of Parlianient.on an impeach- ment for high crimes and misdemeanours ; witii an account of the proceedings of various general Courts of the East India Company, &c. 8vo. Land. n. d. Review of the principal charges agaiust Warren Hastings, E*q. 8vo. ibid. 1788 see also Hastings in this Catalogue, supra, p. 3G5. Hatchard. Report of the Trial of tiie King v. John Hatchard, for a Libel on the Aides-de-Camp of Sir J. Leith, Governor and Comniander-in- Cliief of the Leeward L^land-, and the Grand Jury of the Island of Antigua; in the Court of King's Bench, Feb. 2o", 1817. Taken in short hand by Mr. Gurney. 8vo. Lond. 1817 Hatfield. Trial and Acquittal of ]\Ir. Weston Hatfield on a false charge of riot and misdemeanour, at the Cambridge Sessions, 14 Jan. 1820. By W. Hatfield. The second edition. ' 12mo. Cand). [\^-20] Hatliaway. Trial of Richard Hathaway, at the Surrey Assizes, jMarch 24, 1702, for being a cheat and impostor, and endeavouring to take away the life of Sarah Morduck, on a false accusation of witchcraft. 12mo. Lond. 17-54 Haunt. Authentick Coppie of the Tryal of William Haunt, dragoon, 1711; laid before the House, pursuant to their Lordships' order, April is, 1737. fol. Lund. 1737 Hawkins. Minutes of a Court Martial holden in Portsmouth Harbour, in February, 1807, for the Trial of Capt. Edw. Hawkins. 8vo. Lond. 1807 Heaman. Report of the Trial of Peter Heaman and F. Gautiez or Gautier, for piracy and murder, before the Higii Court of Admiralty, held at Edinburgh, November 26-27, 1821. By A. Stuart. 12mo. Edinb. l\i\>\ Hector. Report of the Trial of Cornthwaite John Hector, J. Cawley, and others, for a forcible entry and detainer of a freehold tenement iu the Borough of Petersfield ; at the Winchester Assizes, 21 July, 1820. 8vo. Lond. [1820] Henry. Trial of Captain ]Mitford Henry, at the Crown Bar for the County of Nottingham, for killing ]Mr. J. Barugh in the road of Elkesly. 8vo. Noitinijham, 1721 Hetherington v. Wogan. Report of this Case [question of right of oftice], containing the jnoeeedings in the Court of King's Bench [Ireland], the judgment of tiiat Court, tlie arguments of counsel in the Court of Error, and the judgment of that Court. 8vo. Dubl. IS\7 Hevey v. Sirr. Trial by Nisi Prius, in the Court of King's Bench, Ireland, in the case wlierein Joiin Hevey was plaintifl", and Cluirles Henry Sirr was defendant, on an action for an assault and false imprisonment. Bvo. Duhl. 1802 • second edition. 8vo. ibid. 1802 816 TRI Trials — continued. Hewley's (Ladv) Charities. The Unitarians defeated. Substance of tlie Judgment delivered 23 Dec. 1833, by the Rt. Hon. Sir Lancelot Shad- well, Vice-Chancellor of England, in the case of the Attorney General V. Shore, as to the construction of the Trust Deeds of Dame Sarah Hew- ley. Second edition. 8vo. Lond. 1834 Substance of the Speech of C. Purton Cooper, Esq., as Counsel for the Rev. C. Wellbeloved, in the suit of the Attorney General v. Shore, instituted in the High Court of Chancery, respecting Lady Hewley's Foundations, 2nd July, 1834. 8vo. Lond. 1834 second edition. 8vo. ibid. 1834 Speeches of Mr. Rolfe and Mr. Booth, Counsel for the defendants, the Appellants from the decree of Sir L. Shadwell, before the Rt. Hon. Lord Lyndhurst, April 13—14, 1835. 8vo. ibid. 1835 Judgment of Lord Lyndhurst delivered in Gray's Inn Hall, 5th Feb. 1836 ; with the joint Opinion of Mr. Baron Alderson and Mr. Justice Patteson. 8vo. ibid. 1836 Judgment of the Rt. Hon. Lord Lyndhurst, assisted by Mr. Baron Al- derson ami Mr. Justice Patteson, in the case of the Attorney General v. Shore, 5 Feb. 1836. Taken in short hand by Mr. Gurney. 8vo. ibid. 1836 Third Act of the Controversy pending in the High Court of Chan- cery in the cause of the Attorney General v. Shore : being the Proceed- ings before the Master to determine the proper parties to be Trustees in the place of those removed. 8vo. ibid. 1637 Report of the hearing in the House of Lords in May and June 1839, on the Appeal of the Trustees ; with the Judgment of the Vice-Chan- cellor, 23 Dec. 1833; the Judgment of Lord Lyndhurst, 5 Feb. 1836; the Case of the Appellants ; the Case of the Respondents. Bvo. ibid. 1839 For other publications on this subject, see the Catalogue of Pam- phlets. Hickeringill. Tryal of Mr. Edmund Hickeringill, Rector of All Saints in Colchester, and author of The Naked Truth ; with an information exhibited against him for Barretry, in 24 articles ; at the Chelmsford Assizes, March 3, 1680. fol. Lond. 1681 Hill. Trial of James Hill ; otherwise James Hind ; otherwise James Actzen : for setting fire to the Rope-House in the Dock- Yard at Portsmouth, tried at the Assize at Winchester, March 6, 1777. Taken in short-hand by J. Gurney. fol. Lond. 1777 . — second edition. 8vo. Winton, n. d. Hobhouse. Proceedings in the House of Commons, and in the Court of King's Bench, relative to the Author of the " Trifling Mistake," together with the Argument against Parliamentary Commitment, and the Decision which the Judges gave without hearing the case. 8vo. Lond. 1820 . A Trifling Mistake in Thomas Lord Erskine's recent Preface ; shortly noticed and respectfully corrected, in a Letter to his lordship, by the author of the " Defence of the People." 8vo. ibid. 1819 Hobry. A hellish Murder committed by a French midwife [Mary Hobry] on the body of her husband [Dennis Hobry], Jan. 27, 168|, for which she was arraigned at the Old-Baily, Feb. 22, 168|. 4to. Lond. 1688 Hodge. Trial of Arthur Hodge, at the Island of Tortola, 25th and 29th April 1811, for tlie murder of his negro n aa-slave, named Prosper. Stenographically taken by A. M. Belisario. Bvo. Lond. 1811 TRI 817 Tri A LS — continued. Hodfrson. Iteport of the Trial of Thomas Bent Ilodf^on and others, charged witli a conspiracy, at the Court of Kinj^'s IJencli, 21 — 22 Deccniher, 1831. Taken in short hand bj' W. B. Gurney. 2 parts, 8vo. Loud. 1831-2 The King versus Hodg'son and others, on a charge of conspiracy to set aside the will of the late Mr. Stepiienson of Beverley ; December 1831, witli exj)lanatory observations. [By A. Turnbull.] Svo. Edinb. 1832 Holcroft. Narrative of facts relating to a prosecution for High Treason ; including the Address to the Jury wliich the Court refused to hear ; with Letters to the Attorney General, &c. Svo. Loud. 1795 Home Circuit. Proceedings at the Assizes on the Home Circuit, held [at Hertford, Chelmsford, Rochester, and Kingston upon Thames] in March, 1739. 4to. Lo7id. [1739J Hone. The three Trials of William Hone, for publishing three Parodies ; viz. the late John Wilkes's Catechism, the Political Litany, and the Sinecurist's Creed ; on three ex-officio informations, at Guildhall, Dec. 18—20, 1817. By AY. Hone. Svo. Land. 1818 Trial by Jury and Liberty of the Press. Proceedings at the Public Meeting, Dec. 29, 1817, at the City of London Tavern, tor the purpose of enabling "W. Hone to surmount the difficulties in which he has been placed by being selected by the Ministers of tlie Crown as the object of their persecution. Fifth edition. 8vo. ibid. 1818 Hooper. Case of Lieutenant Hooper ; containing a copy of the proceedings of the Court-Martial by which he was tried, &c. 8vo. Lond. 18L)7 Hopkinson. Pennsylvania State Trials : containing the Impeachment, Trial, and Acquittal of Francis Hopkinson, and John Nicholson, the former being Judge of the Court of Admiralty, and the latter the Comptroller- General of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Svo. Philad. 1794 Hopper. Proceedings of a Court INIartial held at Haslar Barracks, 17th— 21st September, 1810, for the Trial of Capt. T. H. Hopper, on charges preferred against him by Lieut. Col. K. Torre. Svo. Gosport [1810] Home (J.) Trial of Jolin Home, upon an information filed ex officio by H. M. Attorney General, for a Libel, in the Court of King's Bench, 4th July, 1777. Published by the defendant, from Mr. Gurney's short-hand notes. fol. Lond. \in Home (W. A.) Account of the Life and Trial of William Andrew Home, who was convicted at Nottingham Assizes, August 10, 1759, for the murder of a child in the year 1724. The second edition. 8vo, Nottinghmn, 1759 Horsey. The Case of Samuel Horsey, Governor of the York Buildings Company. Svo. Lond. 1733 Horsman v. Buhner. Report of the cause Jane Horsman v. Francis Buhner, the elder, &c., being an action of trespass and false imprisonment, tried at the York Summer Assizes, August 4, 1819. Taken from the short hand notes of Mr. Fraser. Svo. York [1819] Howard v. Essex. Case of Insufficiency discuss'd ; being the proceedings touching the Divorce between Lady Frances Howard and Robert Earl of Essex, upon a bill of comjjlaint exhibited by the Countess against the Earl, for Impotency, iieard before a Court of Delegates, 1613. Svo. Lond. 1711 Case of Impotency as debated in England, in the Tryal, 1613, be- tween Robert Earl of Essex and the Ladj^ Frances Howard. Written by George Abbot, Lord Archbishop of Canterburv. The third edition. 12mo. ibid. 1719 Howard v. Norfolk : see Norfolk. 3o 818 TRI Trials — continued. Hunt (H.) Trial of Henry Hunt, J, Knight, J. Johnson, &c., for an alledged conspiracy to overturn the Government, &c., at tlie York Lent Assizes, 1820. 8vo. Lond. 1820 Hunt (J.) Eeport of the cause of the King v. John Hunt, for a Libel on the House of Commons, in the Examiner ; tried in the King's Bench, Feb. 21, 1821. With a Preface by the son of the defendant. Bvo. Lond. 1821 fourth edition. 8vo. ibid. 1821 Hunt (J. and L.) Report of the Proceedings on an information filed ex officio, by the Attorney General, against John Hunt and Leigh Hunt, proprietors of the Examiner, for publishing an article on Military Punish- ment ; tried in the Court of King's Bench, Feb. 22, 1811. 8vo. Stamford, 1811 Report of the Trial of J. and L. Hunt, proprietors of the Examiner, on an information by the Attorney General, decided in the King's Bench, 9th Dec. 1812. * 8vo. Lond. [1812] Hunter. Report of the Trial of Thomas Hunter, P. Hacket, R. McNeil, J. Gibb, and W. McLean, operative Cotton Spinners in Glasgow, before the High Court of Justiciary at Edinburgh, in January 1838, for the crimes of illeo;al conspiracy and murder. By A. Swinton. 8vo. Edinb. 1838 Husband. Proceedings at a European Court Martial in Calcutta, 22 April, 1825, for the Trial of Capt. P. B. Husband, on charges preferred against him by Lt. R. A. McNaghten, Deputy Judge Advocate General. 8vo. Calcutta, 1825 Inglefield (Mrs. Ann). Mrs. Inglefield's Justification, containing the pro- ceedings in the Ecclesiastical Court, July 11 and 17, 1785. Taken in short hand by W. Blanchard ; with a preface and notes by Mrs. A, Inglefield. 8vo. Lond. 1787 — An Anwer to Captain Inglefield's Vindication of his conduct, &c. 8vo. ibid. 1787 Irish Trials for High Treason. Report of the Proceedings in Cases of High Treason, at an adjournment of a Commission of Oyer and Terminer, held in and for the County and City of Dublin in December 1795 and Febru- ary 1796. By Wm. Ridgeway. [Trials of Weldon, Maguire, Leary, Kennedj-, Hart, &c.] 8vo. Dubl. 1796 . Report of the Proceedings in Cases of High Treason at a Special Commission of Oyer and Terminer, held in Dublin, July, 1798. By W. Ridffewav. ["Trials of H. and J. Sheares, and Oliver Bond.] ° ^ 8vo. ibid. 1798 Jackson (P.) Case of Potter Jackson (formerly steward of the Echo Sloop of War), giving an account of the cruel treatment he received from Capt. Livesly (commander of the Lord Stanley Slave-Ship), written by himself; with the Trial in the Court of King's Bench, July 10, 1806. 8vo. Lond. [1806] Jackson (Rev. W.) Report of the Trial of the Rev. W^illiam Jackson, in the Court of King's Bench, Ireland, for High Treason. Collected from the notes of W. Ridgeway, W. Lapp, and J. Schoales. 8vo. Lond. 1795 [another edition.] 8vo. Dublin, 1795 Jebb. The Case of John Jebb (late Capt. R. H. Gds. Blue), containing the Judge Advocate General's Copy of tlie Court Martial ; demonstrating the illegality of the said Trial and Sentence, &c. 8vo. Chelsea, 1830 Jeff'reys. Case of a General Officer [Brigadier General John Jeffreys] truly stated : with the proceedings on his Trial by a Court-Martial, August [1747], 8vo. Lond. 1747 TRI 819 Trials — continued. Johnson (Mr. Justice). Report of the Proceedings in tlie Court of Exche- quer in Ireland, in the case of the Hon. Mr. Justice Jolinson [in January 1805]. By J. S. Emerson. Hvo. Loncl. 1805 Report of tlie Trial of the Hon. Mr. Justice Johnson, for a Libel ; in the Court of King's Bench, 23 Nov. 1805. Reported by T. Jenkins and G. Farquharson. 8vo. ibid. 1806 Arguments of Counsel, and Opinions of the Judges, in the case of the King v. Mr. Justice Johnson, in the Court of King's Bench, Ireland. 8vo. Dublin, 1805 ■ Reply of the Rt. Hon. the Attorney General of Ireland to the Ar- guments of the Counsel for the defendant in the case of the King r. Mr. Justice Johnson. 8vo. ibid. 1805 Johnston (Lieut.-Col. G.) Proceedings of a Court Martial, held at Chelsea Hospital, May and June 1811, for the Trial of Lieut.-Col. George John- ston, on a charge of INIutiny exhibited against him for deposing on the 26th of January, 1808, William Bligh, Captain General and Governor of New South Wales. Taken in short hand by Mr. Bartrum. 8vo. Lond. 1811 Journeaux v. Quane. Proceedings in a Cause before the Parliament of Paris, in the nature of a ravishment of ward : wherein Philip Journcaulx, guardian to Deodata and Elizabeth Roach, was appellant; and Richard Quane and others were defendants. Translated from the French. 8vo. Lond. 171:3 Kearney. Report of the Proceedings in Cases of High Treason [Edward Kearney, T. jNI. Roche, and O. Kirwan], at a Court of Oyer and Ter- nn'ner, held at the New Sessions House, in Aug. and Sept. 1803. By W. Ridge way. 8vo. Dublin, 1803 Keenan. Report of the Trial of Michael Keenan, for administering an unlawful oath. 8vo. Dublin, 1822 Kennedy. Report of the Ti-ials of John Kennedy, J. Ryan, and W. Voss, for the murder of E. Butler, at CarricksLock; tried at the Kilkenny Assizes, 1832. By J. Mongan. 8vo. Dublin, 1832 Keon. Report of the Trial of Robert Keon, for the murder of G. N. Rey- nolds. By G. J. Browne. 8vo. Dublin, 1788 Keppel. Minutes of the Proceedings at a Court jMartial assembled for tlie Trial of the Hon. Admiral Augustus Keppel, on a charge exhibited against him by Vice-Admiral Sir Hugh Palliser, Bart.; as taken by G. Jack- son, Judge-Advocate. fol. Lond. 1779 Trial of the Hon. A. Keppel, Admiral of the Blue, at a Court ]\Iar- tial held at Portsmouth, Jan. 8, 177t). Taken down in Court by T. Blandemor. The second edition. 8vo. Portsnwuilt, 1779 Kent (Jane). Account of the Proceedings at the Sessions holden in the Old Bailey, June 1 and 2, 1682, wherein is contained the tryal of many male- factors, but more especially the tryal of Jane Kent for witch-craft. fol. Zwjf/. 1082 Kent (Lieut. W. G. C.) ]\linutes of a Court Martial held at Portsmouth, in January, isll, for the Trial of Lieut. W. G. Carlile Kent, on charges exhibited against him by Cajit. W. Bligh. 8vo. Portsmouth, lisll Kilmarnock. Proceedings in the House of Peers, in July and August 174(5, against AVilliam Earl of Kilmarnock, George Earl of Croniertie, and Arthur Lord Balmerino ; for High Treason in levying war against his Majesty. fol. Lond. 1746 Kimber. Trial of Captain John Kimber, at the Old Bailey, June 7, 1792, for the murder of a negro girl, on board the Ship Recoverv. 8vo. Lond. 1792 3o2 820 TRI Trials — continued. Kinder v. Everett. Report of tlie Trial of Kinder v. Everett [Peruvian Loan Account], in tlie Court of K. B. Dec. 20, 182-3. 8vo. Lojid. 1824 Kingston. Trial of Elizabeth Duchegs Dowager of Kingston, for Bigamy, before the House of Peers, loth — 22nd April, 1776. fol. Lond. 1776 Brief for the Duchess of Kingston ; containing the points of law, and cases adjudged, on Avhich her Grace's Defence will rest. By a Student of Gray's Inn. ' 4to. ibid. Ill Q The Kingston Cause impartially stated and fully considered. 8vo. ibid. 1776 Kirkby. Account of the Arraignments and Tryals of Col. Richard Kirkby, Capt. J. Constable, Capt. C. Wade, &c., at a Court-Martial held in .Jamaica, 8th — 12th Oct. 1702, for cowardice, neglect of duty, &c. fol. Lond. 1703 Kirwan and Sheridan. Report of the Proceedings in the cases of Thomas Kirwan and Edward Sheridan, M.D., for misdemeanors. By W. Ridge- way. 8vo. Dublin, 1811 Speeches of Peter Burrowes, Esq., on the Trials of Edward Sheri- dan, M.D., and Thomas Kirwan. 8vo. ibid. 1812 Knowles. Minutes of the Proceedings at the Trial of Rear- Admiral Knowles, before a Court JNIartial, held at Deptford, for his conduct and behaviour in and relating to an engagement with a Spanish squadron, 1st October 1748. By C. Fearne. The second edition. 8vo. Lond. \7 58 ■ The Conduct of Admiral Knowles on the late Expedition set in a true light. By C. Knowles, Vice-Admiral of the Red. 8vo. Bubl. 1758 Lambert. The Case of Libel, the King v. John Lambert and others, printer and proprietors of the Morning Chronicle. 8vo. Lond. 1794 Trial of the Information ex officio, the King v. John Lambert and another, for a Libel on his Majesty's person, in the Morning Chronicle. [Tried in the Court of King's Bench, 24 Feb. 1810] 8vo. ibid. 1810 Langhorn. Tryall of Ricliard Langhorn, Counsellor at Law, at the Old Bayley, 14 June 1679, for conspiring the death of the King, subversion of the Government and Protestant Religion. fol. Lond. 1679 Speech of R. Langhorn, at his execution, July 14, 1679. fol. ibid. 1679 Mr. Langhorn's Memoires, with some Meditations and Devotions of his during his imprisonment ; as also his Petition to his Majesty, &c. fol. ibid. 1679 Leary. Trial of James Leary for the murder of E. Clifford ; at the Old Bailey, Sept. 17, 1813. 8vo. Lo?id. [1813] Leiofster. Trial on a Writ of Riglit, and Proceedings in the Court of Common Pleas, between John Sidney, Earl of Leicester, demandant, and Elizabeth Perry, widow, tenant, 11 Feb. 1782, for Penshurst- Place, park, and premisses, in the county of Kent. 4to. Lond. 1782 Lemon. Report of the proceedings against Abraham Lemon, T. Turner, B. Wilson, &c., for a conspiracy and riot at the Theatre Royal, Liverpool, in May 1810. Tried at the Lancaster Assizes 14 Sept. 1810. Taken in short hand by Mr. Farquharson. 8vo. Liverpool, 1810 Leworthy. Trial between William Leworthy and the Globe Insurance Company ; at Taunton Assizes, April 5 and 6, 1810. 8vo. Lond. 1810 Lilburne. Triall of Lieut. Col. John Lilburne, at the Guild-Hall of London, 24-26 Oct. 1649. Published by Theodorus Verax. Lond. 1649 Linirard. Minutes of the Proceedings of the Court-Martial held on John James Hood Lingard, Master of H. M. S. Brazen, July 17 and 18, 1820, at St. Helena [for insubordination, &e.]. 8vo. Lond. 1837 Till 821 Trials — continued. Liverpool (Corp. of) v. Golightly- Proceed iir.rs in an Action brought by the Mayor and Burgesses of 'Liverpool, for the recovery of a penalty under a by-law made by them ; contiiining tlie arguments of the counsel, as well at Nisi Prius, as upon the motion for a New Trial in the Court of King's Bench ; the proceedings on the second Trial -at Lan- caster, and on the motion in the Court of King's Bench for a tliird Trial, with tiio Reasons of tlie Hon. the Justices of the said Court for grant- ing the same. Taken in short-hand by Mr. Gurney. 8vo. Liverpool, 1706 Livesly: see Jackson (Potter). Lloyd and wife v. Trimlestown, in the Court of King's Bench in Ireland [question of validity of will]. Evidence, Judge's Charge, and Appendix. 8vo. Duhl. 1819 Lockyer and Bream. Trial between the Assignees of Lockyer and Bream, pfaintifFs, and Thomas Worsley, Secretary of the Pha-nix Fire Office, defendant, in the Court of Common Pleas, 23rd July, 1704; with an account of the former trial in the same Court; the trial between ^lorgan and Crouch, &c. ; with observations. From the short hand notes of Mr. Gurney. «vo. [Land. 1704] Lovat. Proceedings in the House of Peers upon the Impeacliment exhibited aeainst Simon Lord Lovat, for High Treason, 0th— 19th March, 174G— 7. fol. Lojid. 1747 Lowe. Trial of the Incendiaries [Edward Lowe and W. Jobbins], before the Recorder of London, Oct. 30, 1700, at the Old Bailey; for setting on fire and burning the house of Mr. Gilding, in Aldersgate Street. 8vo. Lojid. [1790] Lowther. Proceedings in the Court of King's Bench, in the cause the King against Gorges Lowther, Esq., for a Libel on J. T. Batt, Est\., one of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the county of Wilts. 8vo. Winchester [1805] Lynch. Proceedings of a Court ]\Iartial, held at Land-Guard Fort upon the Trial of Captain William Lynch. 8vo. Xa/jc/. 17G2 Mc Adams and Long. Extract of the Proceedings before the High Court of Admiralty in Scotland in the action against Thomas jMcAdams, sonldier, and James Long, corporal, in the regiment of foot commanded by Colonel Hamilton. fol. Lojid. 173(j Extract of the Proceedings before the Court of Justirlary, in the suspension of the sentence of death ])ronounced against J. Long and T. Mc Adams. fol. ibid. 1737 Macclesfield. Tryal of Thomas Earl of Macclesfield, in the House of Peers, for High Crimes and Misdemeanors, Gth— 27th May, 172.3. fol. Lond. 1725 Mace and Privy Purses (Robbery of). Narrative of the apprehension, tryal, and confession of the five persons that were confederates in steahng tiie Mace and the two Privy Purses from the Lord Higii Chaucelluur of England, as it was attested at the Sessions held at tlie Old-Bavlv, 7tli and 8th March, IW^. 4to. [Lutid.] 1(>77 McGregor. Trials of James, Duncan, and Robert ^IcGregor, three sous of Rob Roy, before the High Court of Justiciary, in 17.j2, 17o3, and 1704 ; with a memoir relating to the Highlands, and anecdotes of Rob Hoy and his family. 12mo. Edinb. 1818 Mackay v. Stephenson. Sliort-hand Writer's Report of the Trial of the action Maekay and others v. Stephenson, on a £5000 ]»()licy in the Economic Life Assurance Society; ut the Liverpool Summer Assizes, 24th and 25th Aug. 1857. 8vo. Lond. 1857 822 TRI Trials — continued. INIackcoull (James). IMemoir of the Life and Trial of James jMackcoull or Moff'att, containing an account of his trial before the Jury Court, and the High Court of Justiciary at Edinburgh, for robbing the Branch of the Paisley Union Bank at Glasgow of twenty thousand pounds. 8vo. Leith, 1822 MackcouU (John). Abuses of Justice illustrated by my own case ; dis- closing various practices of the Officers of Criminal Law ; with an account of several trials, anecdotes of certain bankers, and hairbreadth escapes of the innocent and the guilty, being a vindication of the author from several charges of forgery. The second edition. Bvo. Zowrf. 1812 Mackelcan. Trial of Lieut. -Col. Mackelcan, by a Court Martial held at Chelsea in June 1808, on charges preferred against him by Sir T. Trigge, Lieut- General of the Ordnance. By A. Oldham. 8vo. Lond. 1808 Mackell : see Hanson. Mackenzie. Trial before the High Court of Justiciary in Scotland, at the instance of Daniel Ross, woodsawer, against Lieut.-Col. George Mac- kenzie, Capt. F. B. Macdonogh, &c., "for the murder of John Ross, soldier in the corps of riflemen, in the streets of Aberdeen. 8vo. Aberdeen, 1803 ]\IcKinley. Trial of Andrew McKinley, before the High Court of Jus- ticiary at Edinburgh, 18th July 1817, for administering unlawful oaths. 8vo. Edinb. 1818 IMacklay. Lives, Trial, and Execution of James Macklay and Martin Clinch, who were executed June 5, 1797, for the wilful murder of Sydey Fryer, Esq. ; with the life, trial, and execution of Parker, the delegate. Svo. Lond. 1797 ]\Iaclane. View of the Trial of Donald Maclane, who was indicted at the Guildford Assizes, 8th August [1768], for the wilful murder of W.Allen. The second edition. Svo. Lond. [1768] Macleod. Proceedings at Guildhall and Westminster, on the motions of counsel respecting the postponement by his Majesty's Attorney General of the Trials of Atlan Macleod, charged ex officio with the publication of two political libels. Svo. Lond. 1802 McNaughton. Report of the Trial of Daniel McNaughton, at the Central Criminal Court, 3rd and 4th March, 1843, for the murder of Edward Drumniond, Esq. By R. M. Bousfield and R. Merrett. Svo. Lond. 1843 Magny. Tryal between Abraham Magny, a Jew, John Crab, and others, in the Court of Common Pleas, for seducing from a boarding-school, and committing a rape on the body of Mrs. Mary King. Svo. Lond. 1741 Maguire : see Irish Trials. Makemie : see Nonconformist Ministers. Mander v. Pearson. Report of the Case of the Wolverhampton Meeting- house, "Attorney-General & Mander v. Pearson," before Lord Chancellor Cottenham, Jan. 22—26, 1836. Svo. [1836] Margarot. Trial of Maurice Margarot, delegate from London to the British Convention, before the High Court of Justiciary at Edinburgh, January, 1794, for Sedition. Taken in sliort hand by Mr. Ramsey. Svo. Edinb. [1794] Martin (John). Account of the Proceedings on a charge of High Treason against John Martin, author of an Inquiry into the Legal and Judicial Pljlity of Scotland, &c. ' 8vo. Lond. 1795 Martin (Jonathan). Report of the Trial of Jonathan Martin, for having set fire to York IMinster ; at the Yorkshire Spring Assizes, March 31st, 1829. Taken in short-hand by Mr. Fraser. Svo. York, 1829 TRl 823 TiUALS— continued. Maryborough Commission. Report of Trials before the Rt. lion, the Lord Chief Justice, and the Hon. Baron Sir Win. C. Smith, Bart., at the Special Commission at Maryborough, -JOrd May to Gth June ls3-i. By James Mongan. Hvo. Dublin, 18:3-_> Meaburn V. Leckie : see Freeman v. E. I. Company. Mellish V. Rankin. Proceedings on the Trial of an Ejectment, between John Doe, on the several demises of Mary Mellish and others, again-t Eliza Rankin, at the Court of Common Pleas, 10th and 11th May, 178(5. Taken in short hand by J. Gurney. Svo. Loiul. 17^(i Melville. Trial of Henry Lord Viscount Melville, before the House of Peers, for High Crimes and Misdemeanors, 29th April to 12th June 18ii(i. fol. Land. Istx; Trial of Henry Lord Viscount Melville ; with a sketch of the life and political character of his lordsliip. 8vo. ibid. 18iiG Address to the Public : containing a Review of the Charges exhibited against Lord Viscount Melville, which led to the Resolutions of the House of Commons on the 8th April 1805. Second edition. Svo. ibid. 1805 Merceron. Trials of Joseph Merceron, Esq. for fraud, as Treasurer of the Poor Rate Funds of St. j\Iatthew, Bethnal Green ; and also for corrujjt conduct as a INIagistrate in re-licensing disorderly public houses, liis property; tried in the Court of King's Bench lOth and 18th May, 1818; with the proceedings in the Court of King's Bench, 28th May, 1819, in the case of the King v. the Rev. W. F. Piatt &c. for conspiring with the aforesaid J. Merceron, in defrauding the Poor Rate funds of the sum of £925 .1.3. Taken in short hand by W. B. Gurney. Svo. Lo7id. 1819 Meryweather v. Turner. Extraordinary Case [Meryweather v. Turner and others, on validity of codicil] in the Ecclesiastical Court. By a Barrister at Law. Svo. Lojid. 184G Messenger. Tryals of Peter Messenger, R. Beasley, W. Green and others, for High Treason, in tumultuously assembling themselves in Moor Fields ; at the Old-Baily, April 4, 1688. Svo. Lotid. 1710 Middelton v. Rose. Report of an action brought in the Court of King's Bench, by William Middelton, Esi]., against JolinRose, his groom, for criminal conversation with Clara Louisa, the wife of Mr. Middelton. Taken in short hand by J. IL Blanchard. 4 to. Loiul. 1795 Mitchell. Trial of Mr. William Mitchell, surgeon, for perjury ; in the Courtof King's Bench, July 1754. 4to. Lond. 17 oi jNlitford. Trial of John Mitford, Escj., on the prosecution of Lady Viscountess Perceval for perjury, at Guildhall, Feb. 24, 1814, forming a clue to the discussions on the affairs of her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales in the beginning of the year 1813 ; with notes and observations by the editor of the News. . Svo. XoHt\. against the Hon. Major General Monckton [for acts of oppression]. Svo. Land. 17ii4 Moorat r. Theodore, in the Supreme Court of Eipiity, Madras, March 24, 1829. [Payment of charitable bequest.] Extracted from the Mailras Government. Gazette. Svo. [1829] 824 TRI Trials — continued. Moore v. Adam. Proceedings in a cause tried in the Court of King's Bench, Dec. 21, 1815, for special damages for an assault couiniitted at Alicant, in Spain. Taken in short-hand bj^ Mr. Gurney. With a preliminary statement of facts, by the plaintift'. 8vo. Lond. 1816 Mordaunt. Proceedings of a Court Martial held in tlie Council Chamber at Whitehall, 14th— 20th Dec. 1757, upon the Trial of Lieut, Gen. Sir John Mordaunt [for disobedience of orders]. 8vo. Lond. 1758 [another edition.] 8vo. Dull. 1758 Moreland. Proceedings of a Court Martial held at Guildford, Aug. 9, 1758, on Cornet George Moreland [for abusive language]. 8vo. Lond. 1759 Morris v. Burdett. Proceedings in an action brought by Arthur Morris, Esq. against Sir Francis Burdett, Bart, in the Court of King's Bench, 22d Feb. 1808 ; and on the motion for a new trial, 6th May, 1808. 8vo. Lond. 1811 Mortimer v. Sykes. Trial of the action brought by Hans Wintrop Mor- timer, Esq., M.P. for Shaftesbury, against Francis Sykes, Esq., for bribery previous to the General Election, in October, 1774 ; tried at Dorchester Assizes 27th July 1776. 4to. w, jo. 1776 Morton v. Barclay. Notes of a Trial before the Jury Court at Edinburgh, 15th March, 1824, Thomas Morton, ship-builder, versus John Barclay and others, for an infringement of patent. 8vo. ieJ^A, 1824 Mountague, Newman, and others. Report of the Trial on an indictment against the defendants [James Mountague, W. L. Newman, John Nelson and others] for a nuisance in cutting through a road at Grain Bridge, in the county of Kent, at Guildford Assizes, 25th— 27th August, 1824; as taken in short hand by Mr. W. B. Gurney. 8vo. [Lond.] 1824 Moutray. Minutes of the Proceedings at a Court Martial assembled for the Trial of Capt. John Moutray of H. M. S. the Ramillies ; respecting the capture of the convoy under his charge on the 19th August, 1780, by the enemy's fleet; as taken by Mr. H. Parry. 8vo. Lond. 1781 Mnir. Trial of Thomas Muir, Esq., of Humbershill, before the High Court of Justiciary at Edinburgh, in August, 1793, for Sedition. 8vo. Edmb. [1793] Murray. Trial of Lieut. Gen. Sir John Murray, Bart, by a Court Martial held at Winchester, in January and February, 1815 [for neglect of duty, &c.]. Taken in short hand by W. B. Gurney. 8vo. Lond. 1815 Neilson v. Househill Coal and Iron Company. Trial before the Lord Justice Clerk and a Special Jury, at the instance of James Beaumont Neilson, of Glasgow, engineer, and others, against the Househill Coal and Iron Company. (Infringement of patent right.) Taken in short hand by Mr. D. Buchanan, Jun. 4to. Edinb. 1842 Neilson v. Baird. Trial before the Lord Justice-General and a Special Jury, at tl)e instance of J. B. Neilson of Glasgow, engineer, and others, against Messrs. W. Baird & Co. of the Gartsherry Iron-AVorks. Taken in short hand by Mr. W. Oliver. 4to. Edinb. 1843 Nesfield v. Mowbray. Report of the Decisions made in the High Court of Chancery, in the suit instituted by the Rev. AVilliam Nesfield and others, against Arthur Mowbray, Esq. and Samuel Castle, solicitor. 8vo. Westminster [1808] Nesfield v. Watson. Report of a Trial in the Consistory Court at Durham, in a cause of substraction of Easter Offerings, plaintiff, W. Nesfield, clerk, defendant, Peter Watson, cordwainer. Sixteenth edition. 12mo. Newcastle upon Tyne, 1823 TRI 825 Trials — continued. Newcastle v. ("hirk. Report of the summing up of the Lord Chief Justice Dallas, on the Trial of an action at Lewes, at the Summer Assizes in 1817, brought by tlie Duke of Newcastle and others, as Commissioners of Sewers, against Thomas Clark and others, as Commissioners of Rye Harbour, for cutting and removing a dam and bank that obstruct(.-d the navigation of the Brede River, and tended to destroy the Harbour of Rye. 8vo. lond. 1818 Newton (Mrs. C.) Trial of the Hon. Mrs. Catherine Newton, at the Con- sistory Court of Doctors' Commons; upon a libel charging her with adultery, with Mr. Isham Baggs, Mr. Brett, and other persons. In two parts. 8vo. Lond. 1782 Nightingale v. Stockdale. Report of the Trial for a Libel, contained in a Review of the " Portraiture of Methodism :" tried at Guildhall, March 11, 1809. Taken in short hand by Mr. Bartrum. 8vo. Lond. [1809] Nonconformist Ministers. Narrative of the Imprisonment of two Noncon- formist IMinisters [Francis Mackemie and John Hampton] ; and Pro- secution or Trial of one of them [Francis Mackemie], for preaching a Sermon in the City of New York. Svo. lond. 1708 Norfolk (Duke of). Arguments of the Lord Chancellor Nottingham upon which lie made the Decree in the cause between the Hon. Charles Howard, plaintiti', Plenry Duke of Norfolk, Henry Lord Mowbrey, his son, and oth(;rs, defendants : wherein the several wayes and methods of limiting the trust of a term for years are fully debated. fol. Lond. 1085 The Duke of Norfolk's Case: or the Doctrine of Perpetuities fully set forth and explained. fol. 1688 Norfolk (Duke of). Proceedings upon the Bill of Divorce, between the Duke of Norfolke and the Lady Mary jNIordant. fol. Lo7id. 1700 [another edition.] r2mo. n. d. The Duke of Norfolk's Charge against the Dutchess, betbre the House of Lords, and the Dutchess's Answer, w ith the Depositions of the witnesses. 4to. Lond. 1692 The Duke of Norfolk's Case : with Reasons for passing his Bill. fol. ibid. 1700 Norton. Trial of Heneage Norton, attorney, at the Old Bailey, id March [1754], for perjury before the Lord Chancellor of England, on a com- plaint made against him by James Bradshaw, merchant. 8vo. [LoJid. 1754] Nugent. Case of Nicholas Nugent, late Lieutenant in the First Regiment of Foot Guards; with copies of the Letters which passed between him and General Craig, Lord Barrington, and the Judge Advocate. 8vo. Lond. 1776 Gates. Account of the manner of executing a Writ of Inquiry of damages between James Duke of York and Titus Gates, which was executed at the Bar of the Court of King's Bench, 19th June, 1(584. fol. Lond. 1684 Tryals, Convictions and Sentence of Titus Gates, upon two indict- ments for Perjury, at the King's-Bench-Bar, 8th and 9th Mav, 1685. fol. 'ibid. 1685 G'Coigly. Trial of James G'Coigly, otherwise called James Quiglcy, other- wise called James John Fivey, A. G'Connor, J. Binns, and others, for Hish Treason ; at Maidstone, in Mav 1798. Taken in short-hand by J. Gurney. " 8vo. Lond. 1798 Observations on the Trial of James Coigly for High Treason; with an appendix containing correspondence relative to the trial between ^Ir. Coigly's solicitor and the Duke of Portland, &.c. By J. Fenwick. 8vo. ibid. 1798 826 TRI Trials — continued. O'Connell. Report of the Charge of the lit. Hon. Edward Pennefather, Lord Cliief Justice of the Court of Queen's Bench, in the case of the Queen v. Daniel O'Connell, and others. 8vo. Dublin, 18-44 Report of the Statement of the Rt. Hon. T. B. Cusack Smith, H. M. Attorney General, on opening the case of the Queen v. O'Connell and others. 8vo. ibid. 1844 Report of the Speech in reply of R. W. Greene, Esq. H. M. Solicitor General, in the case of the Queen v. O'Connell, and others. 8vo. ibid. 1844 Judgment of Lord Denman in the case of O'Connell and otliers against the Queen, as delivered in the House of Lords, Sept. 4, 1844 ; Avith notes, a preface, and additional observations. Edited by D. Leahy. 8vo. Lond. 1844 The O'Connell Case — Was the Judgment rightly reversed ? [Black- wood's Edinburgh Magazine. November, 1844.] 8vo. Edinb. 1844 see also Armstrong (J. S.), supra, p. 30. O'Connor (A.) Trial of Arthur O'Connor, Esq., J. Coigley, J. Binns, J. Allen and J. Leary, on a charge of High Treason, at Maidstone, in April and May 1798. Second edition. Taken by J. Gurney. 8vo. Lond. 1798 O'Connor (R.) Report of the Trial of Roger O'Connor, Esq., at Trim Assizes, 5th August, 1817, for conspiring, aiding and abetting, in the robbery of his Majesty's Mail from Dublin to Galvvay, and the murder of the guard at Cappagh Hill, in the county of Kildare, on the 2nd October, 1812. Reported by L. Mac Nally. 8vo. Dublin, 1817 The Eleventh Conspiracy of the Oligarchy of England, and their Anjrlo-Irish Agents, against the Life of O'Connor, defeated. 8vo. ibid. 1817 Ogle. Tryal of Sir Chaloner Ogle, Rear-Admiral of the Blue, before the Chief justice of Jamaica, for an assault on the person of Mr. Trelawny the Governor, in Spanish Town, 22 July [1743]. 8vo. Lond. 1743 O'Halloran. Trial of Lieut. O'Halloran, for defamation of the character of Lieut.-Col. Samuel Howe Showers. 8vo. Lond. 1796 Old Bailey Sessions. Narrative of the Proceedings at the Old-Baily, from 30th April to 2d May 1679: being a true relation of the tryal and con- demnation of a Romish Priest for High Treason, with the tryal of a maid for setting her master's house on fire in Holborn, &c. 4to. Lond. 1679 Omagh Assizes. Trials at Oraagh, Lifford and Londonderry Summer Assizes 1813, before the Hon. Sir W. C. Smith, Bart. &c. and Mr. Justice Fletcher. By a Barrister. 8vo. Dublin, 1815 Onslow V. Home. Proceedings on the Action brought by the Rt. Hon. George Onslow against the Rev. Mr, Home, April 6, at Kingston, for a defamatory Libel. 8vo. Lond. 1770 Trial between the Rt. Hon. Geo. Onslow and the Rev. Mr. John Home, at Guildford, 1st August, 1770, for printing two Libels against, and speakinsr defamatory words of George Onslow, Esq. ^ " 8vo. ibid. [1770] Paget: see Boringdon (Lord). Paine. Proceedings on the Trial of Thomas Paine, for a Libel upon the Revolution and Settlement of the Crown and Regal Government as by Law established; tried in the Court of King's Bench, 18 Dec. 1792. Taken in short-hand by J. Gurney. 8vo. Lond. 1793 TRI 827 Tri A LS — con tinned. Palliser. Trial of i^Ir Iluprli Palliser, Bart. Vice-Admiral of the Blue, at a Court Martial liuld at Portsmouth, April 12, 177'J, for neglect and dis- obedience of orders. Bvo. Portsmouth, ]77\) [another edition.] 8vo. ibid.Mli) Defence of ^■ice-Admiral Sir iTuL'h Palliser, Bart, at the Court- Martial held upon him, with the Court's Sentence. 8vo. ihid. 177U Palmer v. Barnard. Trial for breach of promise of Marriage. Miss Eleanor Palmer against Benjamin Barnard, Esq., at Guildhall, I'J Dec. 1792. 8vo. Land. 17l»2 Palmer (J.) Case of John Palmer and Thomas Symonds, gentlemen, executed near AVorcester, on the 7th May, 1708, upon tlie evidence of Gyles Hunt, who having obtain'd his own pardon, cliarg'd them to have been concern'd with himself in the murtlier of 3Irs. Alice Palmer, mother to the said Mr. John Palmer, and her maid. 4to. Lond. 17U8 Palmer (T. F.) Trial of the Rev. Thomas Fyshe Palmer, before the Circuit Court of Justiciary, held at Perth in September 1793, on an indictment for seditious practices. Taken in short hand by Mr. Ramsey. 8vo. E'dinb. [1793] Palmer (W.) The Queen v. William Palmer. Official Report of the Mi- nutes of Evidence taken in short-hand by Messrs. Barnett and Buckler. 8vo. Lond. 18u6 Illustrated Life, Career, and Trial of William Palmer of Rugeley ; containing an unabridged edition of " The Times" Report of his Trial for poisoning John Parsons Cook. 8vo. ihid. 1856 In favorem vitfe. A Letter to 3Ir. Serjeant Shee on the Trial of William Palmer. By Henry Conington. 8vo. ibid. 1856 Parker. Trial and Defence of Richard Parker, President of the Delegates, for Mutiny, &c. on board the Sandwich and others of his Majesty's Ships at the Nore, in May 1797 ; before a Court Martial held in June 1797. 8vo. Lond. [1797] Parkyns. Tryal and Condemnation of Sir William Parkyns, at the Sessions- House in the Old-Baily, ]March 24, 169^ for a conspiracy to assassinate his Sacred Majesty King William. fol. Lond. 1696 Parslow V. Sykes. Trial for Adultery, in Westminster Hall, Dec. 9, 1789, John Parslow, Esq., plaintitf, and Francis William Sykes, Esq., de- fendant, for criminal conversation with the plaintiff's wife. 8vo. Lond. 1789 Patch. Trial of Richard Patch, for the wilful murder of Mr. I. Blight ; at the Sessions-House, Newiugton, April 5, 18U0. Taken in short hand by Blanchard and Ramsey. 8vo. Lond. 1806 another edition. 8vo. ibid. 1806 Peltier. Trial of John Peltier, Esq., for a Libel against Napoleon Buona- parte, at tiie Court of King's Bench, 21 Feb. 1803. Taken in short hand by Mr. Adams; and the Defence revised by Mr. Mackintosh. 8vo. Lond. 1803 Penn. The Peoples ancient and just Liberties asserted in the Tryal of William Penn and William Mead, at the Sessions held at the Old-Baily, Sept. 1—5, 1070. 4to. Lond. 1C70 Penny. Trial of John Penny, William Penny, Thomas Collins, and others, at the Gloucester Lent Assizes, 181(5, for the murder of W. Ingram ; and of W. A. Brodribb, for administering an unlawful oath to the poachers concerned in the murder of \\m. Ingram. [Published by I). Walker, Alderman of the city of Gloucester.] 8vo. [1810] 828 TRI Trials— continued. Perreau. Letter to the Rt. Hon. Earl of Suffolk, in -which the innocence of Kobert Perreau is demonstrated. [Case of forgery.] 8vo. Lond. 1775 Solemn Declaration of Mr. Daniel Perreau, written by himself, and delivered to a friend in the cells of Newgate, Jan. 14, 1776. 8vo. ibid. 1776 Genuine Memoirs of Messieurs Perreaus, with anecdotes relative to Mrs. Rudd. 8vo. ibid., n. d. see also Rudd. Perrot. Trial of Jane Leigh Perrot, at Taunton Assizes, 29 March 1800 ; charged with stealing a card of lace in the shop of Elizabeth Gregory. 8vo. Bath [1800] Petrie v. Auckland. Report of a case in the Court of Exchequer Chamber in E. T. 40 Geo. IIL, between Robert Edward Lord Petrie, plaintiff, and Lord Auckland, and Lord Gower, his Majesty's Postmaster General, defendants. [Exemption of Peers from postage duty.] By J. J. Dillon. 4to. Lond. 1800 Phoenix Assurance Company v. Brown. Trial between the Phoenix As- surance Company and Mr. James Brown, in the Court of Common Pleas, Dec. 15, 1789. 'From the notes of Mr. Gurney. 8vo. {Lond. 1790] Picton. Evidence taken at Port of Spain, Island of Trinidad, in the case of Luisa Calderon, under a Mandamus issued by the Court of King's Bench to the Lieutenant Governor ; Avith a Letter addressed to Sir Samuel Hood. By Col. Thomas Picton. 8vo. Lond. 1806 Letter to the Rt. Hon. Lord Hobart, by Colonel T. Picton. A new edition. 8vo. ibid. 1804 Letters of Decius, in answer to the criticism upon the political account of Trinidad ; and upon the defence of the crimes of Governor Picton, in the Anti-Jacobin Review, under the title of the " Pictonian Prosecution." 8vo. ibid. 1808 Piers. Trial of Sir John Piers, Bart, for criminal conversation with Eliza, the wife of Valentine, Viscount Cloncurry; in the Court of King's Bench, Dublin, Feb. 19—20, 1807. 8vo. Lond. [1807] Pilkington. Tryal of Thomas Pilkington, Esq., Samuel Shute, Esq., sheriffs, Henry Cornish, alderman, Ford, Lord Grey of Werk, and others, for the Riot at Guild-hall, on Midsommer-Day, 1682. fol. Lond. 1683 Piatt. Argument in the case of Ebenezer Smith Piatt, now under confine- ment for High Treason ; with the opinion of the Court of King's Bench on a motion to admit Mr. Piatt to bail, delivered 12th May, 1777. 8vo. Lond. 1777 Popham. Report of the Trial of Sir Home Popham ; with a preface con- taining a further vindication of him, particularly against certain attacks made upon him since the trial. 8vo. Lond. 1807 . Minutes of a Court Martial, held at Portsmouth, 6—11 March 1807, for the trial of Capt. Sir Home Popham. The second edition. 8vo. ibid. 1807 Porteous. Trial of Capt. John Porteous, before the High Criminal Court, or Lords of Justiciary, in Scotland. 8vo. Lond. 11 ^Q The Information for his Majesty's Advocate, for his Highness's Interest, against Captain Porteous ; and also, the Information in behalf of Porteous, &c. i^id- 1736 - Extract of the proceedings in the Trial of Capt. John Porteous, laid before the House by the Duke of Newcastle, March 3, 1736. fol. ibid. 1737 Portsmouth (Earl of). Report of the Portsmouth Case, under a Commission [of Lunacy] issued by his Majesty. 8vo. Lond. [1823] TRI 829 Tr I A LS — continued. Powell (J.) Trial of Joseph Powell, the fortune-teller, at the Sessions- House, Clerkenwell, Oct. 31, 1807 ; taken in sliort-iiand by Mr. Gurney. 8vo. Land. 1808 Powell (Capt. R.) Proceedings of a Court Martial held at the Horse Guards, March 24 and 27, 17U2, for the trial of Capt. Hichard Powell, Lieut. Christopher Seton, and Lieut. John Hall; on several charges ])referred against them by William Cobbett. 8vo. Lo/ul. 1809 Prescott. Trial of Isaac Prescott, Captain in the Royal Navy, for cruelty towards Jane Prescott, his wife ; in the Consistory Court at Doctors Commons. 8vo. Lond. 1786 Price V. Paynter. Report of a Trial at the Assizes at Launceston, between Sir Rose Price, Bart., plaintiff, and ^Ir. Edw. Paynter, defendant : being a prosecution under the fiame Laws, to recover penalties from the defendant for having killed game on the estate, and at the request of a near relation of his own, for a dinner party, at which the plaintiff was an invited guest. 8vo. Lo7id. 1824 Prickett. Trial of Mr. Marmaduke Prickett, of Bridlington, attorney at law, for perjury, at York Summer Assizes, 1819. 8vo. Hull, 1819 Printers. Account of the rise and progress of the dispute between the ^Masters and Journeymen Printers, exemplified in the Trial ; Avith notes and illus- trations. 8vo. Lond. 1799 Queen (The) v. South-Eastern Railway Co. Some Observations on the Judgment delivered in the Court of Queen's Bench, 18th February, in the case of the Queen v. South-Eastern Railway Company [Assessment of Railways] ; with an appendix containing the case and judgment. By J. Fisher. 8vo. Lu?id. 1854 Quentin. Trial of Colonel Quentin, by a Court Martial held at AViiitehall, in October 1814 [for neglect of duty, &.c.]. Taken in short hand bv AV. B. Gurney. 8vo. Lund. ISl 4: Ramsay v. Nairne. Trial before the Lord President of the Court of Session, and a special jury, at the instance of Lady Ramsay against James Nairne, W. S., for falsehood and defamation. 4to. Edinb. 1833 Reed. Trial of Mrs. Mary Reed, upon the charge of poisoning her husband, at Berkeley, in Gloucestershire; March 28, 1795, at the Gloucester Assizes. 8vo. Lond. [1795] Bedford v. Birley. Report of the Proceedings on the Trial of the cause between Thomas Redford, plaintiff, and Hugh Hornby Birley, A. Oliver, R. Withington, and E. Meagher, defendants, for an assault, on the IGth August 1819 ; at Lancaster, on the 4th— 9th of April, 1822. From the short-hand notes of !Mr. Fanjuharson. 8vo. ^lanchestcr \\%'2-2'\ Reynell v. Lewis. Consideration of the Judgment of the Court of Exchequer, in the Cases of Reynell tJ. Lewis and Wyld v. Hopkins, as to the liability of provisional committeemen, with reference to the Joint Stock Companies Act 7 & 8 Vict. c. 110; with an appendix containing the Judgment of the Court. By a Barrister of the Middle Temple. 8vo. Lond. 1846 Reynolds. Proceedings of the Court Martial held at Brighton Barracks, in Sejjtember and October 1840, when Captain Richard Anthony Revnulds was tried on a charge preferred against liim by his commanding officer, Lieut.-Col. the Earl of Cardigan. 8vo. Briyhton, ISM Richardson v. IMellish. Report of the Trial of an action between Captain George Richardson, plaintiff, and William Mcllish, Esq., defendant, in the Court of Common Pleas, 25 Feb. 1824; and also the motion for a new trial, &c. in the Court of Common Pleas. Svo. Lond. 1824 Richardson (Cajit. J. G.) Trials of Captain J. G. Richardson, with his notes of reference and explanation. [Neglect of duty.] Published by permission of tiic Hon. the Governor in Council, Bombay. 4io. Bombay, 1807 830 TRI Trials — continued. Roche. Account of the transactions between Capt. Roche and Lieut. Fer- guson, from their first meeting to the death of Lieut. Ferguson ; with the Trial and depositions at the Cape of Good Hope, where Capt. Roche was acquitted ; also, his second apprehension, and the judicial proceedings of the Governor and Council of Bombay. 8vo. Lond. 1775 Rochfort. Report of the Trial of Richard Rochfort, Esq., upon an indict- ment for the murder of Richard Castles, in a duel ; tried at the Commission for the Co. of Dublin, Feb. 1805. 8vo. Dtibl. 1805 Rodd. Narrative of the Proceedings instituted in the Court of Common Pleas against Mr. Thomas Rodd, for the purpose of wresting from him a certain jNIanuscript Roll, under pretence of its being a document belonging to that Court. 8vo. [Lo7id.] 1845 Roe. The Case concerning the Marriages of Mrs. Roe and Mrs. Bush, be- longing to the congregation of John Roe, at Calverton, in the county of Nottingham, now imprisoned in the County Gaol : with John Roe's Answer to a scandalous letter published against him by J. Morley. With an Appeal fi-om Scotland, by Calvinus Minor [Rev. Mr. Bruce]. 8vo. Nottingham, 1787 Rose (G.) Trial of George Rose, Esq. Secretary to the Treasury, for em- ploying Mr. Smith, a publican in Westminster, upon a late Westminster Election, and not paying him ; 21 July, 1791. Taken in short hand by a Barrister. 8vo. Lond. 1791 Corruption exposed : being Remarks on the Trial of George Rose, Esq. 8vo. ibid. 1792 Rose (J., D.D.) Account of the Proceedings and Evidence on a writ of in- quiry executed before the Slieriffof Middlesex and a Jury, 1 Nov. 1813, to ascertain the damages due from the Rev. John Rose, D.D. unto the Warden and Poor of the Hospital of the Holy Trinity, in Croydon. 8vo. Croydon, 1813 Rose (W.) Observations upon the case of William Rose, an apothecary, as represented by him to the House of Lords, upon his bringing^ the case before the said House by a writ of error, in order to have the judgment obtained against him by the College of Physicians in the Queen's Bench reversed. 4to. Lond. 1704 Rosewell. Arraignment and Tryal of the late Rev. Mr. Thomas Rosewell, for High Treason, at the Court of King's Bench, 1684. With an ac- count of his life and death. Published by S. Rosewell. 8vo. Lond. 1718 Rowan. Report of the Trial in the Court of King's Bench of Archibald Hamilton Rowan, Esq., for having published a seditious Libel, Jan. 29, 1794. 8vo. Dubl [1794] [another edition.] 8vo. ibid. 1794 Roy. Trial of David Roy, Cook to Colin Eviot of Balhousie, 1st February, 1601. [For defilement of his master's daughter.] 4to. JEdinb. 1831 Rudd. Account of the Arguments of Counsel, with the Opinions of the Hon. Mr. Justice Gould, Mr. Justice Ashurst, and Mr. Baron Hotham, upon the question, at the Session at the Old Bailey, 16 Sept. 1775, whether Margaret Caroline Rudd ought to be ti'ied. By Joseph Gurney. 4to. Lond. 1775 Forgery unmasked. [Case of Mrs. Rudd. Title wanting.] 8vo. Law Observations relating to the Case of Mrs. Rudd ; by a Gentle- man of the Inner-Temple. 8vo. Lond. n. d. see also Perreau. Rudyard. The second Part of the Peoples ancient and just Liberties asserted in the Proceedings against, and Trvals of Tho. Rudyard, Francis Moor, Rich. Mew, and others, at the Old-Bailey, 30th June to 7th July 1670. ' ' ' 4to. 1670 TRi mi Trials — continued. Rusby. Trial of Jolin Rnsby, in the Court of Kind's Bench, July 4th, 1800, for regrating corn in tlie Corn l-^xchan;^c, Mark-Liine. fol. Lond. 180D Russell (AVilliam, Lord). Trial : see Walcot (Thomas). Animadversions on the last Speech and Confession of the late William Lord Russel. fol. Lond. 1683 Succinct Remarks on the Speech of the late Lord Russel to the Sheriffs. fol. ibid. 1683 An Antidote against Poison : composed of Remarks upon the paper printed by the direction of the Lady Russel, and mentioned to have been deliveredby the Lord Russel to the Sheriffs at the place of his Execution. fol. n. d. Defence of the late Lord Russel's Innocency, by way of Answer or Confutation of a libellous pamplilot, intituled, An Antidote against Poyson ; with an Argument in the great case concerning Elections of Members to Parliament, between Sir Samuel Barnardiston, Bart., plaintiff, and Sir Will. Soames, Sheriff of Sufiblk, defendant. By Sir Robert Atkyns. fol. Lond. 1689 Russen. Trial of the Rev. Benjamin Russen, late Master of the Charity School at Bethnal Green ; at the Old Bailey, Oct. 17, 1777, for ravish- ing the children committed to his care. 8vo. \^Lond. 1777] Ryland v. Churchill. Proceedings in a cause tried at Westminster Hall, Feb. 2, 1791, wherein Mr. Charles Ryland, chief mate of the Walpole East Indiaman, was plaintiff, and Islr. Henry Churchill, commander of the above ship, was defendant, for an unjust and malicious suspension. Taken in short-hand by W. Blanchard. 8vo. Lond. 1791 Sacheverell. Tryal of Dr. Henry Sacheverell, before the House of Peers, for high crimes and misdemeanors; in February and March, 11%. 8vo. Lond. 1710 The Bishop of Salisbury's and the Bishop of Oxford's Speeches on the first article of the impeachment of Dr. Henry Sacheverell ; also the Bishop of Lincoln's and Bishop of Norwich's Speeches at the opening of the second article of the said impeachment. 8vo. ibid. 1710 Sackville. Trial of the Rt. Hon. Lord George Sackville at a Court Martial held at the Horse-Guards, Feb. 29, 17GU,' for an enquiry into his conduct, for disobedience of orders ; with his lordship's defence. 8vo. Lond. 17C0 Proceedings of a Court Martial, held at the Horse-Guards in March and April, upon the Trial of Lord George Sackville. 8vo. ibid. 17(50 His Lordsliip's Apology. 8vo. iUd. 1759 St. Asaph (Dean of) : see Shipley. St. John's College, Cambridge, v. Fisher. Copy (from Mr. Gurney's short hand notes) of the proceedings on the Trial of this cause [for recovering balance of account] in the Court of King's Bench, July 10, 1798. 8yo. [Lond. 1798] Case of William Fisher, the defendant, and Observations by Dr. Fisher. 8vo. [ibid. "1798] Salkeld v. Johnston and others. Report of the Case with the Lord Chan- cellor's Judgment and Construction of 2 & 3 Will. IV. c. 100 (Lord Tenterden's Tithe Act) ; with notes in reference to Tithe Commutation. By ^^". R. Ripley. 8vo. Lond. 1849 Sarao : see Slave Traders. Sandwicli v. Miller. Evidence in tlie Trial wherein the Rt. Hon. John Earl of Sandwich was plaiutiif, and J. Miller defendant, in the Court of King's Bench, July 8, 1773. [Sale of office.] 8vo. io/jr/. [1773] 832 TRI Trials — continued. Savage. Case of Major John Savage ; in which is given an account of his employment under Government, during Lord North's administration, in the recruiting service in Germany. 8vo. Lond. 1785 Sawyer. Trial of William Sawyer, for the murder of Harriett Gaskell, at C'ampo Grande, near Lisbon, 27 April 1814 j tried at the Old Bailey. By G. Kent. 8vo. Lond. 1815 Saxelbye. Trial of Mr. Thomas Saxelbye, on a charge of forgery of a will, Avhereofhe was honorably acquitted ; at the Old Bailey, 8 Dec. 1821. Taken in short hand by W. B. Gurney. 8vo. Lond. 1821 Sayre v. Rochford. Trial of the cause on an action brought by Stephen Sayre, Esq., against William Henry Earl of Rochford, for false imprison- ment ; in the Court of Common Pleas, 27 June, 1776. From Mr. Gurney's short hand notes. fol. Lond. [1776] Scot. Authentick Coppie of the Tryall of Scot and Mackpherson, anno 1712 ; laid before the House, pursuant to their Lordships' order, April 18, 1737. [Assault on cattle and drovers.] fol. Lond. 1737 Selkirk. Report of the Proceedings connected with the disputes between the Earl of Selkirk and the North West Company at the Assizes held at York, in Upper Canada, Oct. 1818. 8vo. Lond. 1819 Semple, The Northern Impostor ; being a faithful narrative of the adven- tures and deceptions of James George Semple, commonly called Major Semple, alias Major Harrold, Major Maxwell, &c. ; likewise an account of his Trial at the Old Bailey, for defrauding Mr. John Lycett of a post- chaise. 8vo. Lond. 1786 Serva. Case of the Queen against Serva and others, inclusive of the Trial, and the Argument before the Judges. [For the murder of T. Palmer on the high seas.] By W. B. Hewson. 8vo. Lond. 1846 Severn v. Imperial Insurance Company. Report of the Trial of the action brought by Messrs. Severn, King, and Co. against the Imperial Insurance Company, in the Court of Common Pleas, 11 — 13th April, 1820. Taken in short-hand by W. B. Gurney. 8vo. Lond. 1820 Sheares : see Irish Trials. Sheridan (E.) Report of the Trial of Edward Sheridan, M. D., upon an in- dictment for a misdemeanor, at the Bar of the King's Bench, 21 — 22 Nov. 1811. By J. P. HatcheU. 8vo. Dublin, 1811 • see also Kirwan. Sheridan (T.) Trial of Thomas Sheridan, Esq., in the Sheriff's Court, July 1807; for criminal conversation with the lady of Peter Campbell, Esq. 8vo. Lond. [1807] Proceedings had on the execution of the writ of enquiry against T. Sheridan, Esq. Taken in short-hand by IMr. Gurney. 8vo. ibid. 1807 Sherson. Supreme Court, Equity Side, Madras, 28th March 1814. The Hon. E. I. Company v. Robert Sherson and others. [Fraud in grain accounts.] 8vo. Lond. [1815] Examination of Mr. Sherson's Case, written in 1810, with the Opinions of the Judges of the Supreme Court of Judicature at Madras, on his trial, in April 1814, &c. 8vo. ibid. 1815 Report of the Debate and Proceedings in the case of Robert Sherson, Esq., a senior merchant in the East India Company's Service, at a General Court of Proprietors of East India Stock, on the 28 April and 5 May, 1815, for the purpose of confirming a Resolution of the Court of Directors, presenting him with the sum of twenty thousand pagodas, as a compensation for his pecuniary losses, &c. Taken in short hand by Mr. Fraser. 8vo. ibid. 1815 TRI 833 Thials— continued. Shield. Minutes of the Court of Enquiry, held on board his Majesty's Ship Suturn, on Lieut. Sliield, for tyranny and oppression, July IG, 1791. 8vo. Land. 1791 Shipley. Proceedings in the cause of the Kinij ajrainst the Dean of St. Asaph, on the prosecution of William Jones, gent., for a Libel ; at the Great Session held at Wrexham, Sept. 1, 1783. Taken in short hand bv J. Gurney. fol. Chester [1783] Tlie Proceed in jrs at the Assizes at Shrewsbury, G Aug. 1784, in the cause of the King on the prosecution of Wni. Jones against the Rev. AVm. Davies Siiij)ley, Dean of St. Asaph, for a Lil)ei. 8vo. Duld. 1784 Copy of the Judgment delivered by the Rt. Hon. Earl Mansfield, Nov. 16, 1784, in the case of the King against W. D. Shipley, Dean of St. Asaph. 8vo. Loud. 1785 The Hights of Juries vindicated; in the Arguments of the Hon. Thomas Erslcine, and W. Welch, Es(). in the Court of King's Bench, iu the case of the King against the Dean of St. Asaph, Nov. 15, 1784. The second edition. 8vo. ibid. 1785 Shippen : see Welton. Showers. Trial of Samuel Howe Showers, Lieutenant Colonel in the service of tlie Hon. East India Company, at a Court Martial held in Fort AVilliam iu Bengal, in January and February, 1791. 8vo. Land. 1796 Shrewsbury and Birmingham Railway. Judgment in the case of the Shrews- bury and Birmingham Railway Company r. The London and North Western Railway Company and others, in the Lord Chancellor's Court, 23 Feb. 1850. 8vo. [Lond. 18.30] Sidney. Arraignment, Tryal and Condemnation of Algernon Sidney, Esq., for High-Treason, for conspiring the death of the kin'j:, and intending to raise a rebellion in this kingdom ; at the Court of King's Bench, 7—27 Nov. 1G83. fol. Lond. 1G84 Simons. Case of Henry Simons, a Polish Jew mercliant; and liis Appeal to the Public thereon, now published, with the Tryal at Clielmsrord, for the benefit of him and his family. 8vo. Lo/id. 1753 Skirving. Trial of William Skirviner, Secretary to the British Convention, before the High Court of Justiciary, Jan. 6—7, 1794, for Sedition. Taken in short hand by Mr. Ramsey. 8vo. Edinb. [1794] Copy of the Indictment of W. Skirving. 8vo. [jAjV/. 1793] Complaint of wrongous Imprisonment. Bvo. [/A/ett, l•>^q. defendant, in the Court of King's Bench, 21 Feb. 17S2, for criminal convert^ation with the plaintiflP's wife. Taken in short iiand by R. P. Donkin. Tlie eighth edition. 4to. Lond. 1782 Wright and Clarke. Letter to Lord Ellenborousrh, containing observations on the Trial of Messrs. Wright and ^Irs. Clarke, for conspiracy. By W. J. Baldwin. Bvo. Loiid. 1810 Wright (Mrs. S.) Report of the Trial of Mrs. Susannah Wright, for pub- lisiiing tiie writings and corresjiondences of R. Carlile, in the Court of King's Bench, July 8, 1822. 8vo. Lond. 1822 Wright V. Clement. Report of the action, Wright v. Clement, for certain libels pulilished in Cobbett's Political Register ; tried in the Court of King's Bench, 10 December, 1819. Taken in short hand by Mr. G. Farquharson. 8vo. Lond. 1819 York Assizes. Account of the daily Proceedings of the Commissioners of Oyer and Terminer at York, against the late horrid and bloody conspi- rators, with the particulars of wiiathath lately occurred in Entrland. 4 to. Dubl. 1063 • Trials of the Felons in the Castle of York, at the Lammas Assizes, 1777. Taken in short-hand by W. Williamson. 4to. York [1777] • Bartholoman's Law Reports of Cases at the Yorkshire Lent Assizes March 9, 1811 ; the Trials at the Crown Court, reported by Mr. ]\Iichael Ellis; the Causes at the Nisi Prius Court, by J, P. Collier; the whole arranged by Alexander Bartholoman. Bvo. ibid.MiW Report of Proceedings under Commissions of Oyer and Terminer at the Castle of York, 2—12 January, 1813. Taken from the short hand notes of jNIr. Gurney. 8vo. Zo«rf. [1 si 3] Yorke (H.) Trial of Henry Yorke, for a conspiracy, &c. at the York Assizes, July 10, 1795. Published by the defendant,' from Mr. Ramsay's short hand notes. 8vo. lYork, 1795] Zenger (J. P.) Tryal of John Peter Zenger, of New -York, printer, who was try'd and acquitted for printing and publishing a Libel against the Government. 4to. Lond. 1738 third edition. 4to. ibid. 1738 [another edition.] 4to. ibid. 1752 Remarks on the Trial of J. P. Zenger, printer of the New-York Weekly Journal. 4to. ibid. 1738 The Case and Tryal of J. P. Zenger, of New York, printer. 8vo. ibid. 1750 Zulueta (P. de). Trial of Pedro de Zulueta, Jun.. on a charge of slave- trading, 27tli— 3(lth October, 1843, at the Old Bailey. From the short hand notes of W. B. (Jurney. With an Address to the Merchants &C. of Great Britain by P. de Zulueta, Jun., Escj., and documents illustrative of the case. 8vo. Lond. 1844 Remarks upon the Tryals of Edward Fitzharris, Stephen Ccdledge, Count Coningsniiirk, the Lord Russell, Collonel Sidney, Henry Cornish, and Charles Bateman. As also on the Earl of Shaftsbury's Grand Jury, ^^'ilmore's Homine Replegiando, and the Award of Execution against Sir Thomas Armstrong. Bv John Hawles. fol. Lond. 1681) 842 TRI Trials — continued. Account of the behaviour of the fourteen Popish Malefactors whilst in New- gate, and their Discourses with the Ordinary ; viz. Mr. Staley, Mr. Cole- man, Mr. Grove, Mr. Ireland, Mr. Pickering, Mr. Green, Mr. Hill, Mr. Berry, Mr. Whitebread, Mr. Harcourt, Mr. Fenwick, Mr. Gaweu, Mr. Turner, and Mr. Langhorn ; also a Confutation of their appeals, courage, and cheerfulness at execution. By S. Smith, Ordinary of Newgate. fol. Lond. 1679 Account of the lives, characters, confessions &c. of the four Malefactors [J. Cooke, J. Salmon, A. Mills, and J. Blundell] that were executed April 6, 1739, at Kennington-Common. 4to. Lond. 1739 Account of the lives, characters, confessions &c. of the six Malefactors [N. Gobbee, J. Hanna, M. Lucas, P. Willington, J. R. Sambo, and E. Spencer] executed at Kennington-Common, September 14, 1739. 4to. Lond. 1739 The Ordinary of Newgate, his Account of the behaviour, confession, and dying words of the Malefactors who were executed at Tyburn, from 14 March 1739 to 6 Aug. 1740. 4to. Lond. 1739-40 Account of the confessions, lives, characters, &c. of the two Malefactors [Mary Cooper, and Joseph Hooper], executed August 21 and 22, 1740 ; to which is added the Trial, &c. of that notorious robber Benjamin Ran- dal, who was executed at Aylesbury August 8th 1740, for robbery. 4to. Lond. [1740] Life and dying words of William Creeke, who was executed on Bagshot- Heath, and hanged in chains there, August 25, 1740, for robbing the Portsmouth and Western Mails. To which is added, the Life and most re- markable robberies committed by the Golden Farmer. 4to. Lond. [1740] Memoirs of the Lives of William Morley and William Shutler, who were executed on St. Michael's-Hill, Bristol, May 23, 1783: the first for forgery, the latter for burglaries ; with an account of Morley 's breaking prison at Berwick-upon-Tweed. 8vo. Bristol, 1783 The following Cases will be found in the Catalogue under the names of the reporters, or under other heads, as infra. Adams v. Malkin : Hdrd (P.) Arnold v. Arnold : Cooper (C. P.) Bankers Case : Somers (Lord). Belcher v. Belcher: Phillimore (R. J.) Braintree Church Rate Case: Attree ; and Johnson (C. W.) Canadian Prisoners: Fry (A. A.) Carthew v. Brenton : Halcomb (J.) Chester Cause : Chester. Churcher's College Case: Atcheson (N.) Clayton Case (Duchy of Cornwall) : Haines (J.) Dalrymple v. Dalrymple : Dodson (J.) Dew V. Clark : Haggard (J.) Dewe V. Samuels : Dewe. Duffy, Hoban, &c. : Hodges (J. G.) Duncan v. Yoolow : Colquhoun (L.) Dutch Ships: Marriott (Sir J.) Egan V. Threlfall: Farquharson (G.) Eton College Case : Williams (P.) Evans v. Rowe : Eagle (W.) TIM 843 Trials — ronlinued. Forbes, Gnilmm, &c. : Greene (R. W.) Gaudorn v. Silby: Johnson (C. W.) Gorham Case : Badeley ; Bayford ; Gorham ; and Moore (E. F.) (iosliiig V. Velcy : Attree ; and Johnson (C. W.) Hampden (R. ]).): Jeud (R.) Horner v. Liddiard : Croke (A.) Humphreys (Alexander) : Swinton (A.) Johnson (Mr. Justice) : Emerson (J. S.) King (The) v. Bebb : Hughes (T. B.) King (The) v. Broadfoot : Foster (Sir M.) King (The) v. Westwood : Ri'msey (J.) Laud (Arelibisliop) : Prynne (W.) Liverpool Town Dues: Liverpool. Mastin v. Escott : Curteis (W. C.) Meagher: Hodges (J. G.) Miller v. Salomons : Goldsmid (A.) O'Brien: Hodges (J. G.) O'Connell, &c. : Armstrong and Trevor. O'Grady v. Attorney-General : Greene (R. W.) Oldham Inquest : Bowling (J. A.) Perrin v. Blake: Blackstone (Sir W.) Queenborough v. Skey : Queenborouoh. Queen's College, Cambridge: Bowdler (C.) Rowan, Jackson, &c. : MacNevin. Rowe V. Brenton : Concanen (G.) ; and Halcomb (J.) V. Grenfell : Halcomb (J.) Rugby School : Rugby School. Saunders v. Smith : Crawford (G. M.) Scales : Scales (M.) Smith (Madeleine): Irvine (A. F.) Snipe, Martha, Vesta, &c. : Arguments. Somerset (Earl of): Amos (A.) Tatham v. Wright : Eraser (A.) Terig (Duncan): Bannatyne Club, No. 41. Veley and Joslin v. Burder : Johnson (C. W.) Vice V. Thomas : Smirke (E.) Westerton v. Liddell : 3Ioore (E. F.) Winchester College Case : Phillimore (J.) Wycombe Corporation Case (King r. Westwood) : Rumsev (J.) York (Dean of ) : Phillimore (R. J.) For separate French Trials see Proc^S. Trials per Pais, or the Law concerning Juries by Nisi Prius, &c. By 8[aiiipson] E[uer] of the Inner Temple. 12mo. Lond. l(K>(j Tryals per Pais, or the Law of England concerning Juries by Nisi Prius. &c. The second edition, with precedents and tbrins of challenges, &c. by G. D[unconibe]. Piino. ibid. 1682 eighth edition ; with a Treatise on the Law of Evidence. 2 vols. 8vo. Ibid. 17GG 844 TRI— TRO Triga Libellorura rarissimorum : I. L. Malquytii Vera JCtorum Phi- losophia. II. M. Frdieri Decisiones Areopaj^iticae. III. G. Dou- jatii Enarrationes in Responsa Jurisconsultorum Naturalia, cum ])raefatione N. H. Gundlingii. 4to. HalcB Magd. \T21 Tkiglandius (Theodorus). Paedia Juris, sive Examen Institutiouum. 12mo. Amst. 1671 ■ [another edition.] 12mo. Oxonice, 1710 Trinity-House. The Royal Charter of Confirmation granted by K. James II. to the Trinity-House of Deptford-Strond ; for the government and increase of the Navigation of England, and the relief of poor Mariners, their widows and orphans, &c. 8vo. Lond. 1763 Tripp (Richard S.) Forms and Precedents of Proceedings in the High Court of Chancery, with practical notes and observations; with references to the third edition of Daniell's Chancery Practice, by Headlam ; and an appendix containing the regulations of the Judges of the 8th of August 1857. 8vo. Lond. 1858 Triumvirates. The History of the Triumvirates: the first that of Julius Caesar, Pompey and Crassus; the second, that of Augustus, Anthony and Lepidus ; translated from the French, by Thomas Otway. 8vo. Lond. 1686 Trivetus (Nicolaus). Annales Sex Regum Angliae; e codice Glas- toniensi nunc primum edidit Antonius Hall. 8vo. Oxonii, 1719 Annaliura Continuatio ; ut et Adami Murimuthensis Chronicon : quibus accedunt Jo. Bostoni Speculum Coenobitarum, et Edra. Boltoni Hypercritica. Omnia nunc primum edidit e codd. MSS. Antonius Hallius. 8vo. ibid. \T22 see also English Historical Society. Trokelow^e (Joannes de). Annales : see Hearne, Tron^on (Jean). Le Droict Francois et Coustume de Paris. Qua- triesme edition. fol. Paris, 1664 Troplong ( ). Le Droit Civil exphque suivant I'ordre des Articles du Code, depuis et y compris le titre de la Vente. 19 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1837-47 Vol. 1 — 4. Des Privileges et Hypotheques. 5. 6. De la Vente. 7. 8. De la Prescription. 9-11. De I'Echange et du Loiiage. 12. 13. Du Contrat de Societe Civile et Commerciale. 14. Du Pret. 15. Du Depot et du Sequestre, et des Contrats Aleatoires. 16. Du Manilat. 17. Du Cautionnement et des Transactions. 18. De la Contrainte par Corps, en matiere civile et de commerce. 19. Du Nantissement, du Gage et de I'Antichrese. De I'Influence du Christianisme sur le Droit Civil des Romains. 12mo. ihid. 1855 Trotman (Edvardus) : see Coke (Sir Edward). Trott (Nicholas, LL.D.) The Laws of the British Plantations in Amei-ica, relating to the Church and the Clergy, Religion and Learning. , fbl. Lond. 1721 TRO— TUC 845 Trotter (John Bernard). Memoirs of the latter years of the Rt, Hon. Charles James Fox. 8vo. Lond. 1811 Trotz (Christianus Hetiricus). Tractatus Juris de Memoiiu Propa- gata ; sea de studio veterum memoriani sui propaf^andi. 8vo. Ti'aj. ad Rhenum, 1734 Trotz (Ludwij^). Sammlung merkwiirdiger Urkunden fiir die Ge- schichte des Femgerichts. Ein Nachtrag zu Wigand's Geschichte der Feme. 8vo. Ha mm, 1826 Troubat (Francis J.) The Law of Commandatary and Limited Part- nership in the United States. 8vo. P/iilndelphia, 1853 Trovamala (Baptista). Rosella Casuum. 8vo. Veiietiis per Paijaninuvi de Paganinis, 1499 Troya (Carlo). Storia d' Italia del Medio-Evo. 4 vols, in l(i parts. 8vo. Napoli, 1839-56 Vol. 1. Parte 1 — 3. De* popoli barbari. 4. Tavola cronologica. Appendice al Discorso intorno a' Komaiii viiiti da' Loiij^obaidi. Le undici nuove leggi di Rachi e d' Astolfo, Re Longobardi. 5. Delia condizione de' Roniani vimi da' Longobardi. 2. Parte 1—3. Eruli e Goti. 3. Greci e Longobardi. 4. 1 — 5. Codice Diplomatico Longobardo. Discorso delle Donne Fiorentine di Dante Aligliieri, ecc. Discorso della Ar- chitettura Gotica. Troyes (Adolphe de). La Franche-Comte de Bourgogne sous les Princes Espagnols de la niaison d'Autriche. Premiere serie. — Les Reces des Etats publics d'apres les manuscrits de la Bibliotheque Royale. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1847 Trublrt (L'Abbe Nicole Charles Joseph). Essais sur divers sujets de Litterature et de Morale. 12mo. Parift, 1737 Trussell (John). History of England : see Daniel (Samuel^. Trye (John). Jus Filizarii : or, the Filacer's Office in the Court of King's Bench. 8vo. Lond. 1684 Tryphiodorus. Ilii Exeidium, Graece, cum metrica Frischlini ver- sione, et selectis doctorum notis ; lacunas aliquot e codice MS. explevit, et suas annotationes adjecit Jac. Merrick. 8vo. Oxnn.XlW • The Destruction of Troy, translated from the Greek, with notes, by J. Merrick. ' 8vo. ibid. 1739 Tucker (Abraham). The Light of Nature pursued, by Edward Search, Esq. 3 vols, in 7 parts. 8vo. Loti'd. 1768-77 Tucker (A. G. C.) Observations intended to prove that the judgment of the Master of the Rolls in the great cause of the Marquis Ciiol- mondeley and the Hon. Mrs. Damer versus Lord Clinton, is unfounded in law, and inconsistent with equity. 8vo. Exeter, 1817 Tucker (George). The I-ife of Thomas Jett'crson, third President of the United States ; with parts of his correspondence never betbre published, and notices of his opinions on questions ot civil govern- ment, national policy, and constitutiunal law. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1837 846 TUC— TUN Tucker (Josiah, D.D.) A brief Essay on the Advantages and Dis- advantages, which respectively attend France and Great Britain, with regard to Trade. 8vo. Lond. 1749 Reflections on the expediency of a Law for the Naturalization of Foreign Protestants: in two parts. 8vo. ihid. 1751-2 [Tucker, R. A.] Select Cases from the Records of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland. With an Appendix [containing the Charter for establishing the Courts, and the Rules and Orders of the Courts]. 8vo. Newfoundland, 1829 Tucker (Thomas). Report on Revenue of Excise : see Bannatyne Club, No. 7. TucKETT (Harvey). The Indian Revenue System as it is : a Letter addressed to the President, Vice-President, and Members of the Manchester Chamber of Commerce and Manufactures. 8vo. Lond. 1840 TuDESCHis (Nicolaus de, Archiepiscopus Panormitanus). Judiciarii Ordinis Processus. 12mo. Colonial, 1555 Tudor (Owen Davies). Leading Cases in Equity : see White (Fre- derick T.) The Statutes for the Improvement of the Jurisdiction in Equity, for the Abolition of the Office of Master, and for the Relief of Suitors in Chancery ; also, the Trustees Extension Act, and other Acts : all the new Orders, with notes. 12mo. Lond. 1852 The Charitable Trusts Act, 1853; the Orders, Regulations, and Instructions issued pursuant thereto ; and a Selection of Schemes, with notes, preceded by a Summary of the Law of Charities. ' 12mo. ibid. 1854 A Selection of Leading Cases on Real Property, Conveyancing, and the construction of Wills aud Deeds : with notes. 8vo. ibid. 1856 TuLDENUS (Diodorus). Commentarius ad IV. Libros Institutionum Juris Civilis Imp. Justiniani. 4to. Locanii, 1633 Commentarius ad Codicem Justinianeum. fol. ibid. 1650 editio quarta. fol. ibid. 1702 Commentarius in IV. Libros Institutionum Juris Civilis. Editio tertia. fol. ibid. 1702 Commentarius in Digesta sive Pandectas. 2 vols. fol. ibid. 1702 . De Civili Regimine Libri octo. De Jurisprudentia Extem- porali Libri tres. De Causis corruptorum Judiciorum et Remediis Libri IV. De Principiis Jurisprudentise Libri quatuor. Initia- menta Jurisprudentiae tredecim orationibus auspicalibus compre- l^ensa. in 1 vol. fol. ibid. 1702 TuLL (Jethro). The Horse-hoeing Husbandry: or, an Essay on the Principles of Tillage and Vegetation. 8vo. Dublin, 1733 TuNiNGius (Gerardus). Commentarius in quatuor libros Institutionum Juris Civilis D. Justiniani, ab Arn. Vinnio editus. 4to. Lugd. Bat. ex off. Elzev. 1618 TUR 847 Tttrqenevius (A. J.) Historica Russiac Monumcnta, ex anfiquis extcraniiti gentium archivis et bibliotliecis deprompta. 2 vols, in 1, 4to. PetropoU, 1841-2 Supplementum [cura Jo. Giigorowicz et B. Koniowski editum]. 4to, ibid. 1848 TuROOT (Aiiiic Robert Jacques). Oeuvres. Nouvelle edition, elassee par ordre de matieres, avec les notes de Dunont de Nemours, aug- mentee de Icttres inedites, des questions sur le commerce, et d'ol)ser- vations et de notes nouvelles, par MM. Eugene Daire et Hij)polyte Dussard, et precedee d'une notice sur la vieet lesouvrages de Turgot par M. Eugene Daire. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1844 Turkish Spy. Letters writ by a Turkisli Spy, wlio lived five and forty years undiscover'd at Paris : giving an impartial account to the Divan at Constantinople, of the most remurkiilde transactions of Europe. [By John Paul Marana.] Translated from the Italian. 8 vols. l'2mo. Land. IS2S Turks. The History of the Turks; containing the Lives and Reigns of their several Kings and Emperors, from Ottoman to the year 16S;3. By I. S. 8vo. Loud. 1683 • A compleat History of the Turks, from their origin in the year 755 to the year 1718. To which are added. I. Tiieir Maxims of State and Religion. II. A Dictionary explaining the names and nature of their religious sects, civil and military offices, their festivals, rites, customs, &c. III. The Life of their Piophet Mahomet. IV^. The Alcoian at large, translated from the Arabiek by the Sieur Do Ryer, and now faithfully Englished. 4 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1719 TuRLiN (Heinrich von). Die Krone: see Stuttgart Society, vol. 27. TuRNEBUS (Adrianus). Adversaria. fol. JJasilefP, 1581 Turner (Daniel). The Ancient Physician's [Dover] Legacy impar- tially surveyed; to which is added, a Discourse on (Quicksilver, &c. 8vo. Land 173^3 De Morbis Cutaneis : a Treatise of Diseases incident to the Skin. The fifth edition. 8vo. ibid. 173G Turner (Edward, M.D.) Elements of Chemistry, including the actual state and prevalent doctrines of the science. Eighth edition, edited by Baron Liebig, and William Gregory, M.D. 8vo. Lund. 1847 Turner (George) aiid James Russell. RtjKirts of Cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery, during the time of Lord Chancellor Eldon. 1822-24. 'vol. 1. 8vo. Zo/h/. 1832 Turner (Sir James). Memoirs: see Bannatyne Club, Xo. 2(i. Turner (Samuel). The present Practice and Costs in the High Court of Chancery. Sixth edition, enlarged and improved, by Robi-rt Venables. 2 vols. 8vo. Lund. 1825 Turner (Sharon). The History of England, from the earliest period to the death of Elizabeth. 12 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1839 Vol. 1 — 3. History of the Anglo-Saxons. 4 — 8. Ilistoiy of Eng;l;uul duiinpr the Middle .\ges. 9. 10. History of the Reign of llCnry VIII. II. 12. History of the lleigns of KUward VI., M.iry, and Elizabeth. 848 TUR-TUS Turner (Thomas). On Copyright in Design in Art and Manufactures. 8vo. Lond. 1849 The Law of Patents and Registration of Invention and Design in Manufacture, with Statutes, Forms and Rules. 8vo. ibid. 1851 Turner (Thomas). A Letter on the Collegiate Parish Church of Manchester; with remarks on the Bill before Parliament for the division of the Parish, and other purposes. Addressed to the Bishop of Manchester. Second edition. 8vo. Lond. 1850 First Appendix: consisting of six Letters addressed prin- cipally to Henry Charlewood, Esq. of Manchester. 8vo. ibid. 1850 Second Appendix: consisting of translations of the several Foundation Chartei's of the College of Manchester, with other documents relating to the Collegiate and Parish Church. 8vo. ibid. 1850 TuRNOR (Lewis). History of the ancient Town and Borough of Hert- ford. 8vo. Hevtfordy 1830 TuRNOR (Thomas). The Case of the Bankers and their Creditors stated and examined. The third impression. 8vo. Lond. 1675 TuRREAU (General). Memoires sur la Vendee: see Berville et Barriere, vol. 43. Turrettus (Fabius). Tractatus de EfFectibus et Defectibus Clausulae codicillaris. 4to. Venetiis, 1596 TuRTURETUs ( Vincentius). Parallela Ethica et Juridica. 4to. Paris. 1629 Tuscany. Riforma della Legislazione Criminale Toscana del di 30 Novembre 1786. 4to. Sieiia [1786] • Edict of the Grand Duke of Tuscany, for the Reform of Cri- minal Law in his dominions : translated from the Italian, together with the original. [Published by John Howard.] 8vo. Warrington, 1789 Repertorio del Dritto Patrio Toscano vigente, ossia Spoglio Alfabetico e Letterale delle piii interessanti disposizioni legislative veglianti nel Granducato in materie tanto civili che amministrative, con la sommaria indicazione della statistica delle diverse comunita della Toscana. 21 vols, in 11. 8vo. Firenze, 1836-55 TusCHUS (Dominicus, Episcopus Tiburtinus, Cardinalis). Practicae Conclusiones Juris, in omni foro frequentiores ; in quibus praeter spirituales, ecclesiasticas, legales, judiciariiis, cseterasque materias, in utroque foro magis frequentes, aliqua multarum insignium Eccle- siarum, ordinum regularium, militiarum, regnorum, etc. statuta, mores, consuetudines, indulta et privilegia ordine alphabetico con- tinentur. Editio quarta. 8 vols. 1661. Additiones. 1 vol. 1670. 9 vols, in 6, fol. Liujdani, 1661-70 Selecta de Jure Statuum in Imperio Romano. 4to. Franco/, ad Muenum, 1620 TusoN (E. W. A.) The British Consul's Manual : being a practical Guide ibr Consuls, as well as for the Merchant, Shipowner, and Master Mariner, in all their consular transactions. 8vo. Lond. 1856 TWI— TYR 849 TwiNUS (Joannes). De Rebus Albionicis, Britannicis atque Anjriicis Comnieiitarionim Libii duo. 8vo. Lond. loDO see also Twyxus. Twiss (Francis). A complete Verbal Index to the Plays of Shake- speare, adapted to all the editions. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1805 Twiss (Horace). The Public and Private Life of Lord Chancellor Eldon, with selections ii-om his correspondence. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1844 Twiss (Travers, D.C.L.) The Oregon Question examined, in respect to facts and the law of nations. 8vo. Lond. 1846 ■ On the Relations of the Duchies of Schleswitr and Holstein to the Crown of Denmark and the Germanic Confederation, and on the treaty-engagements of the great European powers in reference thereto. 8vo, ibid. 1848 The Letters Apostolic of Pope Pius IX. considered with reference to the Law of England and the Law of Europe. 8vo. ihkl. 1851 TwYNUS (Brianus). Antiquitatis Academiae Oxoniensis Apologia. 4to. Oxonke, 1608 TwYSDEN (Sir Roger). Historic Anglicanae Scriptores X. : Simeon Monachus Dunelmensis ; Johannes Pi-ior Hagustaldensis ; Ricardus Prior Hagustaldensis ; Ailredus Abbas Rievallensis ; Radulphus de Diceto ; Joannes Bi-ompton; Gervasius Dorobornensis ; Thomas Slubbs; Gulielmus Thorn; Henricus Knighton; ex vett. MSS. nunc primura in lucem editi. fol. Lond. 1652 Quffistio Quodlibetica, or a Discourse whether it may bee lawfull to take Use for Money. [An Examination of Dr. Fenton's Treatise of LTsury,] 12mo. ibid. 1653 Government of England : see Camdex Society, No. 45. Tyler (Rev, James Endell). Henry of Monmouth: or, Memoirs of the life and character of Henry the Fifth, as Prince of Wales and King of England. 2 vols. 8vo. Lund. 1»38 Oaths ; their origin, nature, and history. 8vo. ibid. 1834 Tyler (Royall). Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Su- preme Court of Judicature of the State of Vermont, from 1800 to 1803. 2 vols. 8vo. New-York, lbC9-10 Tympius (Matthaeus). Mensa Theolophilosophica, sen Conviviorum Pulpamenta et Condimenta suavissima ; hoc est, Quaestiones Syni- posiacffi facette quidcm, serial tamen et miilta gravitate conditas. 2 parts in 1 vol. 12mo. Monaxicrii We^tphalice, 1629 Tyndale (William). Works : see Parker Society'. Tyng (Dudley Atkins). Reports: see Massachusetts. Tyrrkll (James). A brief Disquisition of the Law of Nature, accord- ing to the principles laid down in \)v. Cumberland's Latin treatise. 8vo. Lond. 1692 Bibliotheca Politica : or an Enquiry into the Ancient Consti- tution of the English Government, in thirteen Dialogues. 4to. ibid. 1694 3 I 850 TYR-UDA Tyrrell (James). The General History of England, both ecclesiastical and civil, from the earliest accounts of time to the end of the reign of Richard II. With an Appendix ; being a brief and impartial Dis- quisition into that great question. Whether the Commons of England had ever any other Representatives in Parliament, than the Tenants in Capite, before the 49th of Henry the Third ? 3 vols, in 4, fol. Lond. 1700-4 Tyrrell (John), Suggestions sent to the Commissioners appointed to inquire into the Laws of Real Property : with the Minutes of Evi- dence given before them. [Not published.] 8vo. Lond. 1829 Tyrvthitt (Robert Philip), A Summary of the Law of Modern Pleading, incident to the Rules of Hilary Term, 1834. 12mo. Lond. 1846 ' Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Courts of Ex- chequer and Exchequer Chamber, from Mich. Term 1830 to Trin. Term 1835. 5 vols, 8vo, ibid. 1832-7 and Thomas Colpitts Granger. Reports of Cases in the Courts of Exchequer and Exchequer Chamber, from Mich. Term 1835 to Trin. Term 1836. 8vo. ibid. 1837 and T. W. Tyndale, A Digest of the Public General Sta- tutes, from Magna Carta to 1 & 2 Geo, IV, ; with an Analytical Index, &c. 2 vols. 4to, ibid. 1822 • Supplement, containing the Acts from the third to the sixth year of Geo, IV, 4to, ibid. \%2Q Tytler (Alexander Fraser, Lord Woodhouselee). Essay on Military Law, and the Practice of Courts Martial. 8vo, Edinb. 1800 Memoirs of the Life and Writings of the Hon. Henry Home of Kames : containing Sketches of the progress of Literature and general improvement in Scotland during the greater part of the eighteenth century. Second edition. 3 vols, 8vo. ibid. 1814 Dictionary of Decisions : see Kames (Henry Home, Lord). Tytler (Patrick Fraser). An Account of the Life and Writings of Sir Thomas Craig of Riccarton : including biographical sketches of his most eminent legal contemporaries. 12mo. Edinb. 1823 ■ History of Scotland. Third edition. 7 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1845 Ubaldini (P.) Descrizione del Regno di Scotia: see Bannatyne Club, No, 30, Ubaldis (Petrus de). Tractatus de duobus Fratribus et aliis Sociis. Accesserunt ejusdem Commentarii in Titulum de CoUectis, atque de permutatione beneficiorum. 12mo. Col. A(jripp. 1586 Ubaldis (Baldus de) : see Baldus. Ubertus (Gratiosus). Tractatus de Citationibus. fol. Col.Agr.1703 Udall (Henry). The New County Courts Act, 9 & 10 Vict. c. 95; with notes. 12mo. Lond. 1846 UDA— UNI 851 Udall (N.) Flowres for Latiiie speaking : see Terentius. Udall (W.) Historie of the Life and Death of Mary Stuart, Queene ofSeotland. I'inio. Lund. Ui'Sd Ughellus (Ferflinandus). Italia Sacra, sive de Episcopis Italia et Insularum adjaceiitiiim, rebusqiie ab iis praeclare gestis, deducta serie ad nostram usque a'tatem. 9 vols, in 8, fol. Huyna^, 1G44-62 UiiLiiJS (Jonniies Lu(li)vioiis). Opnsculaad ITistoi'iam Juris et maxirne ad Poniponii J'hieiiiridion illustranduni pertinciitia, eum prafatione J. G. Heiueceii. 4to. Hake, 1735 Ulpianus (Domitius). Frafjmenta Libri Refrulai'uni, vulgo Tituli ex corpore Ulpiani ; in usum pra^lectionum edidit et pra^f itus est Gus- tavus Hugo. I'imo. Guttiufjci', 1788 ■ Fratj^nicnta vul<.''o Tituli ex cor])ore Ulpiani. Unieum codicem Tilianuni olim jam Vaticanuni intecipuis Grteca? dictionis Idiotisniis Liber, cum animadversionibus H. Hoogeveeni, J. C. Zeunii, et G. Her- inaiini. Editio tertia. 8vo. Loud. 1824 Vigneul-Makvillk (M. de) i. e. Noel Bonav. d'AuGONNE. Me- langes d'Histoire et de Litterature. Nouvtllc edition. 3vols. 12rao. P«W.s-, 1713 ViGNEULLES (Pliilippe von). Gedcnkbuch : see Stuttgart Society, vol. 24. ViLAQUT (Alphonsus). Tractatus de Usuris, divisus in Qua^stiones XXXV. fol. Venetiis, 1589 ViLANOVA Y Manes (Senen). Materia Criminal Forense, 6 Tratado Universal, Teorico y Pn'ictico, de los Delitos y Delinquentes en genero y especie, para la segura y conf'orme expedicion de las causas de esta naturaleza. 4 vols. 4to. 3Iadrid, 1807 ViLATE (Joachim). Causes Secretes de la Journee du 9 au 10 Ther- raidor: see Berville et Barriere, vol. 16. ViLLARS (Marechal de) Memoires : see Petitot, 2de ser. vols. 68—71. ViLLEOAS (Alfonso). The Lives of Saints, written in Spanish, trans- lated out of Italian into English. With the Lives of sundrie other Saints of the universall Church, extracted out of F. Ribadeneira, Surius, and other approved authors. 4to. n. p. 1628 Ville-Hardouin (GeofFroy de\ Conquete de Constantinople: see BucHON, vol. 3; France— Societe de I'Histoirej and Petitot, vol. 1. ViLLEMAiN (Abel Francois). Souvenirs Contemporains d'Histoire et de Litterature. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1854-5 ViLLENEUVE (Guillaume de). Memoires: see Petitot, vol. 14. ViLLEROY (N. de Neufville, Seigneur de). Memoires d'Etat: see Petitot, vol. 44. Villette (Marquis de). Memoires : see France — Socicte de rilistoirc. ViLLiERs (George) : see Buckingham. Vincent (Augustine"^. A Discoverie of Errours in the first edition of the Catalogue of Nobility published by Raphe Bi-ooke, Yorke He- rald, 1619. With a Continuance of the Successions untill this pre- sent yeare, 1622. fol. Land. 1622 Vincent (William, D.D.) Sermons on Faith, Doctrines, and Public Duties. With a Life of the author by the Rev. Robert Xares. 1817. Vol. 11. Sermons; with a preliminary Discourse by J^ieutenant- General William Thornton. 1836. 2 vols. 8vo. Lund. 1817-36 Vinci (Leonardo da). Treatise of Painting, translated from the original Italian, with the author's Life, done from the last edition of the French. [By J. Senex.] 8vo. Lund. 1721 862 VIN— VIR ViNER (Charles). A General Abridgment of Law and Equity, alpha- betically digested under proper Titles ; with Index by a Gentleman of Lincoln's Inn [Robert Kelham]. 24 vols. fol. Aldershot, 17 42-5S second edition, with index. 24 vols. 8vo. Lot}d. 1791-4 Supplement to Viner's Abridgment [compiled by J. E. Watson, S. Comyn, J. Sedgwick, &c.] 6 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1799-1806 ViNESALVUS seu ViNESAUF (Galfridus). Itinerarium Richardi Regis : see Gale — Hist. Angl. Scriptores, vol. 2. ViNNius (Arnoldus). Tractatus IV.; de Jurisdictione, Pactis, Trans- actionibus, Collationibus. 12mo. Amfst. 1651 Selectarum Juris Quaestionum Libri duo. Additae sunt Simonis Vinnii Orationes du£e et alia quaedam. 12mo. Lvgd. Bat. apud J. et D. JSlsev. 1653 [another edition.] 12mo. Hoterodami, 1672 Commentarius in IV. Libros Institutionum ImperiaHum. Editio quarta. 4to. Amst. apud D. Elzev. 1665 [another edition.] 4to. Amst. 1692 [another edition.] J. G. Heineccius recensuit, et prae- fationem notulasque adjecit. 4to. Lugd. Bat. 1726 editio nova, in usum Hispanae juventutis adornata. 2 vols. 4to. Valentice, 1779 see also Justinianus. Tractatus varii : Jurisprudentiae Contractae, sive Partitionum Juris Civilis Libri quatuor. Tractatus IV. de Pactis, Jurisdictione, Collationibus, et Transactionibus. Selectarum Juris Quaestionum Libri duo. 4to. Lugduni, 1748 Violet (Thomas). A True Narrative of some remarkable Proceedings concerning the Ships Samson, Salvador, and George, and several other Prize-ships depending in the High Court of Admiraltie. fol. Lond. 1653 Mysteries and Secrets of Trade and Mint-affairs, fol. ibid. 1653 Proposals humbly presented to his Highness Oliver Lord Pro- tector of England, and to the High Court of Parliament, for the calling to a true and just accorapt all Committee-men, Sequestrators, Treasurers, and all other persons that have been entrusted with the Publick Revenue. Also, for the regulating of the Manufacture of Gold and Silver Thread and Wyer; and for the passing an Act against transporting Gold and Silver, and against melting down the current Silver Monies of the Nation. Likewise, a Narrative of the Proceedings in the Court of Admiraltie against the Silver-Ships, Sampson, Salvador, and George. fol. ibid. 1656 ViRGiLius (Polydorus): see Vergilius. ViRGiLius (Pubhus) Maro. Opera Vergiliana, cum decern Commentis docte et familiariter exposita (sell. Servii, Donati, Mancinelli, Ascensii, etc.), et libro tertiodecimo ^neidos a Mapheo Veggio. fol. Lugduni, 1528 Opera, cum commentariis variorum, cura G. Fabricii. fol. Basileae, 1561 VIR 863 ViRQiLius (Publius) Maro. Symbolarum Libri XVII., quibus P. Vir^ilii Maronis Bucolica, Georu;ica et ^neis ex probatissimis aucroribus declarantur, comparantur, illustraiitur, per Jac. Pon- tanum. ^'o^- Liifjduni, 16U4 Bucolica, Georffica, et ^neis, cum scholiis Erythraei. Ac- _ . '. , ° . n..^ 1 ■ ^r •• T !i a u ,-^ Tana cedunt Index eju8dem,et'MaphaeiVegii Liber. 8vo. Hanoviro, IGOS Opera, arpimentis, explicationibus, et notis illustrata a Joanne Ludovico d'e la Cerda. ' 3 vols. fol. Luyduni, 1619-12-17 Opera omnia, cum Donati et aliorum commentariis, studio Lu- dovici Lucii. ^o\. Basilece, 1613 Opera omnia, cum commentario Prid. Taubmanni ; edente Christiano Taubmanno. 4to. [Wiltebergce] 1618 Opera, ex recensione N. Heinsii. 12mo. Ultrajecti, 1704 Opera, interpretatione et notis illustravit C. Ruseus, ad usum Delpbini. ' 8vo. Lond.lll'2 Opera, cum inteu;ris commentariis Servii, Philargyrii, Pierii.^ex recensione P. Masvic'ii. 2 vols. 4to. Venetiis, 1736 Opera, varietate lectionis et perpetua adnotatione illustrata^, a Chr. Gottl! Heyne. Editio tertia. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1793 Opera, notis ex editione Heyniana excerptis illustrata. Accedit Index iMaittairianus. 8vo. ibid. 1839 Les Oeuvres de Virgile, avec le Latin a cote et des notes liis- torinues et geographiques, par M. I'Abbe de S. Remy. ^ » o i ^ f 4 ^^jg j.2jjjo^ Paris, 1736 L' Opere di Virgilio, commentate in lingua volgare Toscana da Giov. Fabrini, C. Malatesta, e F. Venuti. fol. Veneiia, Sessa, 1623 Works, translated, adorned with sculpture, and illustrated with annotations, by John Ogilby. fol. Lond. 1654 Works, translated into English verse by John Dryden. The fifth edition. 3 vols. 12mo. ibid. 1721 Works, translated into English blank verse, with notes and observations, by Joseph Trapp, D.D. The second edition. 3 vols. 12mo. ibid. 1/35 Works, translated into English prose, witli the Latin text, order of construction, and Enghsh notes by Joseph Davidson. The second edition. ~ vols. 8vo. ibid. 1748 Works, in Latin and English : the iEneid translated by the Rev. Mr. Christopher Pitt; the Eclogues and Georgics, with notes on the whole, by the Rev. Mr. Joseph Warton ; with observations by Mr. Iloldsworth, Mr. Speiicc, and others. Also, a Dissertation on the sixth book of the iEneid, by Mr. Warburton, &c. 4 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1753 Bucolicorum Eclogte decem. The Bucolicks of Virgil, witli^an English transition and notes, by John Martyn. 4to. ibid. 1749 second edition. 8vo. ibid. 1749 864 VIR— VIV ViRGiLius (Publius) Maro. Georo:icorum Libri IV. The Georgicks of Virgil, with an Enghsh translation and notes, by John Martyn. The second edition. 8vo. Lond. 1746 The Four Books of Virgil's Georgicks, in English and Latine, by Charles Hoole. 12mo. ibid. 1665 iEneidos Libri II. 4to. Paris. 1678 The second Book of Virgil's ^neid [translated into English verse, with notes, by John Theobald]. 4to. n. d. The first Six Books of Virgil's ^neid, translated into blank verse, by Alexander Strahan. 8vo. Lond. 1753 Pauli Benii Eugubini, in P. Virgilii Maronis Mnexiiem Corn- men tarii. fol. Venetiis, 1622 Thesaurus P. Virgilii Maronis in communes locos digestus a Michaele Coyssardo. 12mo. Paris. 1683 Virginia. Acts of Assembly passed in the Colony of Virginia, from the year 1662 to 1714. fol. Lond. 1728 ' The Statutes at Large ; being a Collection of all the Laws of Virginia, from the first Session of the Legislature in the year 1619 to October 1792. By William Waller Hening. 13 vols. 8vo. New York l^' Philadalphia, 1823 from October Session 1792 to December Session 1807. New Series, by Samuel Shepherd. 3 vols. 8vo. Richmond, 1835-6 ViTALis (Ordericus). Historia Ecclesiastica : see France — Societe de I'Histoire ; GuizoT— Coll. des Memoires ; and Duchesne — Hist. Norm. Scriptores, pp. 319 — 925. ViTRiARius (Philippus Reinhardus). Universum Jus Civile Privatum ad methodum Institutionum Justiniani compositum. 4to. Lugd. Bat. 1697 Institutiones Juris Naturae et Gentium. Accedit J. F. Buddei Historia Juris Naturalis, etc. 8vo. ihid. 1711 Institutiones Juris Naturae et Gentium, ad methodum H. Grotii conscriptae, et auctae a Jo. Jac. Vitriario. Accedit J. F. Buddei Historia Jui-is Naturalis, Synopsis Juris Naturalis et Gentium juxta disciplinam Ebrseorum, ut et Specimen Jurisprudentiae Historicae. 8vo. ibid. 1734 Magnus Hugo Grotius in Vitriario parvus, sive Institutiones Juris Naturae et Gentium ad methodum H. Grotii a Ph. R. Vitriario conscriptEB, studio Fr. Spener cum auth. exemplari Grotiano collatae. 8vo. Norimb. 1726 Vitriarius illustratus, seu Institutiones Juris Publici Roraano- Germanici, antehac a P. R. Vitriario editae ; revisae et novis notis auctae a Joh. Frid. Pfelfingero. 4 vols. 1731. Christian! Gottlieb Riccii Repertorium in Vitriurium illustratum. 1741. 5 vols. 4to. Gothce, 1731-41 ViVES (Joannes Ludovicus). Flores Italici ac Latini Idiomatis, e Viridario Exercitationis Jo. Lud. Vivis excerpti, et ab HoraUo Tuscanella Italice intei-pretati. 12mo. Venetiis, 1570 VI V— vol 865 ViviEXNUS (Georgius). Synopsis utriusque Juris. 12mo. Lovanii, 156i3 VizcAVA. El Fuero, Privilegios, Franquezas y Libertades de los Ca- valleros hiios dali;o de el muy noble y muy leal Senorio de Vizciiya. -^ * fol. Bilbao, 171)2 VocABOLARio dedi Accademici della Crusca. Seconda impressione. fol. Venezia, 1623 Vocabolario dogli Accademici dolla Crusca, in questa terza impressione nuovanuiite corretto, e copiosamente accresciuto. 4 vols. fol. Firenze, 1691 Compendio del Vocabolario degli Accademici della Crusca. 3 vols. 4to. ibid. 1739 VocABULARius JuHs utriusquc. fol. s. a. [c. 1490J — Vocabularius utriusque Juris, exactissima cura recognitus. 8vo. Lugditni, apud Jo. David, alias La Moiiche, 1530 VoELLUS (Gulielmus) et H. Justellus. Bibliotheca Juris Canonici Veteris, ex ant. codd. MSS. Bibliothecae Christophori Justelli, cum versionibus Latinis et notis. 2 vols. fol. Paris. 1661 VoET (Johannes). Commentarius ad Pandectas ; in quo pra-ter Ko- mani juris pi-incipia ac controversias illustriores jus etiam hodicrnum, et praecipuae fori quaestiones excutiuntur. 2 vols. fol. LiKjd. Bat. 1698-1704 editio sexta. 2 vols. fol. Hagce Comitum, 1734 De Familia Erciscunda Liber singularis ; quo varia est exposija dividendarum hsereditatum metliodus. 12mo. Ultrajecti, 1674 De Eiciscunda Familia Liber singularis, additionibus et suprcmi Brabantiaj Senatus arrestis illustratus. 12nio. Bruxellis, 1717 De Jure Militari Liber singularis. Editio secunda. 12mo. Ilaijce Comilum, 1705 Elementa Juris secundum ordinem Institutionum Justiniani. Editio tertia. 12mo. Lugd. Bat. 1712 Compendium Juris juxta seriem Pandectarum, adjectis diffe- rentiis Juris Civilis et Canonici. Editio quarta. 8vo. ibid. 1715 VoET (Paulus). De Duellis, ex omni jure decisis casubus, Liber sin- gularis. 12mo. Ultrajecti, 1658 De Statutis, eorumque concursu Liber singularis. 12mo. Amst. 1661 Mobilium et Immobilium Xatura. 12mo. Ultrajecti, 1714 VoGEL ( ). Les Privileges des Suisses, ensemble ceux accordes aux Villes Iniperiales et Anseatiques, et aux babitans de Geneve, residens en France. Nouvelle edition. 4to. Yvevdun, 1770 VoGT (Johannes Martinus). Tractatus de Cambiis. 4to. Giessfp Hassorinn, 1658 YoiQT (Adauct). Ueber den Geist der Bohmischen Gesetze in den verschiedenen Zeitaltern. 4to. Dresden, 1788 VojsiN (\.) Bibliotheca Gandavensis: sec Cataloguesof Libraries. ^ ^ 3k 866 YOI_VOU VoiTURE (Vincent). Oeuvres. Nouvelle edition. 2 vols, in 1, 12mo. Paris, 1676 Works : containing his Familiar Letters, &c. ; translated by Drvden, Wycherley, Conojreve, and others. •^ 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. Loncl. 1706 VoLKMAR (Leopoldus). Paroemia et Regulae Juris Romanorum, Ger- manorum, Franco-Gallorum, Britannorum. 12mo. Berolini, 1854 Voltaire (Fran(;ois Marie Arouet de). Oeuvres completes [avee des avertissements et des notes par Condorcet]. 70 vols. 8vo. De t imprimerie de la Soriete litteraire et typo- fj/aphique (a Kehl) 1784-89 Siecle de Louis XIV. 2 vols. 12mo. Londres, 1753 [ ] Dictionnaire Pbilosophique, Portatif. Svo. [Londi-es] 1765 [ ] Le Huron, ou ringenu; seconde edition. 2 parts in 1 vol. 12mo. Lausanne, 1767 [ ] Histoire du Parlement de Paris, par Mr. I'Abbe Big. . . 2 vols in 1, Svo. Amst. 1769 Elements of Sir Isnac Newton's Philosophy; translated from the French, revised and corrected by John Hanna. 8vo. Lond. 1738 • Letters concerning the English Nation. The second edition. 12mo. ihid. 1741 Critical Essays on Dramatic Poetry ; with notes by the trans- lator. 12mo. ibid. 1761 VoLUSPA. Philosophia antiquissima Norvego-Danica dicta Voluspa, alias Edda Saemundi. Ex Bibliotheca Petii Job. Resenii. 4to. Haffnio}, 1673 see also Edda Ssemundar. VooRDA (Bavins). De Crimineele Ordonnantien van Koning Philips van Spunje, ten dienste van zijne Nederlanden uitgegeeven, Fransch en Nederduitsch ; verzeld van eene Verhandeling over bet verstand van de Ordonnantie mitsgaders van Aanteekeningen bij verschiedene Artikelen van die Ordonnantie. 4to. Leyden, 1792 VoRSTius (Johannes\ De Latinitate falso suspecta, deque Latinse Linguae cum Germanica convenientia Liber. Editio secunda. 12mo. Berolini, 1678 ■ de Latinitate merito suspecta, deque vitiis sermonis Latini quae vulgo fere non animadvertuntur Liber. Editio nova. 12mo. ihid. 1674 Vossius ^Gerardus Joannes). Dissertationes de Studiis bene insti- tuendis. 12mo. Traj. ad Rhenum, 1658 Etymologicon Linguae Latinse. fol. Lugduni, 1664 • Tractatus Philologici de Rhetorica, de Poetica, de Artium et Scientiarum Natura ac Constitutione. fol. Amat. 1697 Elementa Rhetorica: see Ward (John). Votes of the House of Commons, 20 October 1696 to 19 April 1764 [wanting 9 Aug. 1739 to 4 Dec. 1741, and 11 Aug. 1757 to 13 Nov. 1759]. ° " 44 fois. fol. Lond. 1696-1764 VouGLANs: see Muyart de Vouglans. VRE— WAC 867 Vreede (G. G.) Corrcppondance diplomatique et militairo du Due de Marlborou<:li, du Graiid-Pensioniiaire Ileinsius et du Tresorier-Ge- neral des Provinces Unies, Jacques Hop; enricliie de plusieurs lettres du Conite d'Avaux, de MM. de Chamillart, de Torcy et d'autres hommes d'etat, relatives aux nefrociatious secretes entamees par la France apres la bataille de Raruilies (170(i, 1707); publiee d'apres les manuscrits ori, 1841 Geschichte des Roraischen Rechts bis auf Justinian. Zweite Auflage. 2 vols. 8vo. Bonn, 1845-6 Juristische Encyclopadie. 8vo. ihid. 1856 W^ALTER (Sir John) : see Plowden (Edmund). Walters (John). A Dissertation on the Welsh Language, pointing out its antiquity, copiousness, grammatical perfection ; with remarks on its poetry. 8vo. CuKbridge, 1771 Walters (William Clayton). A brief analytical View of the Rule in Shelley's Case : together with an Essay on Cross Remainders ; and an Essay on the Law of Jointures. 8vo. Lond. 1826 Waltherus (Georgius Christophorus), Tractatus Juridico-Politico- Historicus de statu, juribus, et privilegiis Doctorum omnium fa- cultatum. 12mo. jVorici, 1642 Waltherus (Joannes Ludolfus). Lexicon Juridicum utriusque Juris Corporis, tarn Civilis, quam Canonici, cum praefatione G. H. Ayreri. 12mo. Francof. ad 3Ioenum, 1754 '■ — Lexicon Diplomaticum, abbreviationes syllabarum et vocum in diplomatibus et codicibus a seculo viii. ad xvi. usque occurrentes exponens; junctis alphabetis et scripturse speciminibus integris, cum praefatione J. H. Jungii. fol. JJlmce, 1756 Walther (O. a.) Hand-Lexicon der juristischen Literatur des neun- zehnten Jahrhunderts. 8vo. Weimar, 1854 Wamesius (Joannes). Responsorum sive Consiliorum ad Jus Fo- rumque Civile pertinentium Centuriae sex. 6 vols, in 3. fol. Antverpioi, 1641-72 Wang Keaou Lwan Pih Neen Chang Han, or the Lasting Resentment of Miss Keaou Lwan Wang, a Chinese Tale : founded on fact. Translated from the original by Sloth [Robert Thorn, Esq. Consul at Ningpo, China.] 4to. Canton, 1839 WAN— WAR 873 WANaEMANN (Julius) ffPiiannt von Wanf;reristcin. Dei- Advocatcn- stand mit besonderer Beziehung; auf das K()nirjreicli \\'tst|ilmUii, und alle diejenigen Lander welche Fraiikreiclis Geriehtsveil'ussuiij; annalimen. 8vo. Gottimjen, 1811 WaxVLEy (Nathaniel). The Wonders of the Little World : or, a general History of Man. fol. Load. 1(578 WaRvEus (Jacobus). Do Scriptoribus Ilibeniiaj: see Ware. Warburton (Eliot). Memoirs of Prince Rupert and the Cavaliers; iiicludin:h Family, in the possession of Thomas Legh, Esq., of Lyme Park. Edited by W. Beamont. 4to Manchester, Chetham Society, 1849 Warton (Joseph, D.D.) An Essay on the Genius and Writings of Pope. The fifth edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1806 Warton (Rev. Thomas . History of English Poetry, from the close of the eleventh to the commencement of the eighteenth century. To which are prefixed Three Dissertations : I. On the Origin of Ro- mantic Fiction in Europe. II. On the Introduction of Learning into England. III. On the Gesta Romanorum. From the edition of 1824, superintended by the late Richard Price, now further im- proved by the corrections and additions of several eminent antiquaries. .3 vols. 8vo. Load. 1840 History and Antiquities of Kiddington. The third edition. 4to. ibid. 1815 Washington (Bushrod). Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Court of Appeals of Virginia, from 1790 to 1796. Second edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1823 ■ Reports of Cases determined in the Circuit Court of the United States for the third Circuit, from 1803 to 1827, edited by Richard Peters, Jun. 4 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1826-29 Washington (George). Writings; being his Correspondence, Ad- dresses, Messages, and other papers, official and private, selected and published from the original manuscripts; with a Life of the author, notes and illustrations, by Jared Sparks. 12 vols. 8vo. New York, 1847-8 Washington (Jo.) Abridgment of the Statutes of K. William and Q. Mary, and of K. William III. in force and use. 8vo. Lond. 1696 [Washington, Robert.] Some Observations upon the Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction of the Kings of England. With an Appendix, in answer to part of a late Book [by N. Johnston] intitled, the King's Visitatorial Power asserted. 8vo. Lond. 1689 Wassenaar (Gerard van). Practyk Judicieel ofte Instructie op de forme en manier van Procederen voor Hoven en Recht-banken. 2 vols, in 1. 4to. Utrecht, 1729 Wasserschleben (F. W. H.) Die Bussorduungen der abend- landischen Kirche, nebst einer rechtsgeschichtlichen Einleitung. 8vo. Halle, 1851 Waterhous (Edward). Fortescutus lUustratus, or a Commentary on Sir John Fortescue's Treatise de Laudibus Legum Angliae. fol. Lond. 1663 WAT Waterland (Daniel, D.D.") Works ; witli a Review of the author's Life and Writin<^s, by William Van Mildert, Bishop of Llandaff; 10 vols. 182:3. General Index. 18'28. 11 vols. Svo. Oxford, 18-2:3-28 Eight Sermons preached at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, in defense of the Divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ ; at Lady Moyer's Lecture. ' 8vo. Camh. 1720 Watkins (Charles). Treatise on Copyholds. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1797-9 fourth edition, with notes by T. Coventry. * 2 vols. Svo. ihid. 1S25 Principk'S of Conveyancing, with annotations by G. Morley, R. II. Coote, and T. Coventry. Eighth edition, enlarged by H. H. White. " Svo. ibid. 18:38 seventh edition, by G. Morley, R. H. Coote, and T. Coventry. Svo. ibid. 1831 second edition. [With MS. notes, ? by R. Preston.] Svo. ibid. 1804 Essay on the Law of Descents ; with an Appendix on the Dis- tribution of the Personal Effects of Intestates. The fouith edition, with notes, by Joshua Williams. Svo. ibid. 18:37 second edition. Svo. ibid. 1801 Watkins (John, LL.D.) The Universal Biographical Dictionary. A new edition. Svo. Lund. n. d. Watson (Christopher) : see Polybius. Watson (David). History of the Heathen Gods, Goddesses, and their Contemporaries, &c. 12nio. Lund. 17-32 Watson (James). Treatise on the Law of Scotland respecti^ng Succes- sion, as depending on Deeds of Settlement. Svo. Edinb. 1826 A practical View of the Statute Law of Scotland, from the year 1424 to the close of the Session of Parliament 1827, in a series^ of Titles alphabetically arranged. 2 vols. Svo. ibid. 1828 Watson (Richard, Bp. of Landaff). Two Apologies, one for Chris- tianity, in a series of Letters addressed to 1-^dward Gibbon, Esq. and the other for the Bible, in answer to Thomas Paine. \\\i\\ two Sermons and a Charge in defence of revealed Religion. Svo. Lond. 1810 A Collection of Theological Tracts. Second edition. vols. Svo. ibid. 1791 Watson (Robert, LL.D.) History of the Reign of Philip II. King of Spain. The fourth edition. " 3 vols. Svo. Lund. 1785 History of the Reign of Philip III. King of Spain : the two last Books by William Thomson, LL.D. Second edition. 2 vols. Svo. ibid. 1786 Watson (William, LL.D.) The Clergy-man's Law : or, the complete Incumbent, collected from the 31) Articles, Canons, Decrees in Chancery and Exchequer, as also from all the Acts of Parliament,^ and Common-Law Cases, relating to the Church and Clergy of England. The third edition. fol. Lund. 1725 fourth edition. fol. ibid. 1747 878 WAT— WEB Watson (William). Treatise on the Law of Partnership. The second edition. 8vo. Lond. 1807 Watson (William Henry). Treatise on the Law of Arbitration and Awards ; including the Act of Parliament relating to Arbitrations between Masters and Workmen j with an Appendix of Precedents. The second edition. 8vo. Lond. 1836 third edition. 8vo. ihid. 1846 A practical Treatise on the Office of Sheriff. Second edition. 8vo. ibid. 1848 Watt (Robert, M.D.) Bibliotheca Britannica ; or a General Index to British and Foreign Literature. 4 vols. 4to, Edinh. 1824 Watts (Frederick). Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, from May 1832 to September 1840. 10 vols. 8vo. Pldhdelphia, 1834-41 and Henry J. Sergeant. Reports of Cases adjudged in the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, from May 1841 to Septem- ber 1844. 7 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1842-5 Watts (Isaac, D.D.) Logick : or, the right Use of Reason in the Enquiry after Truth. The fifth edition. 8vo. Lond. 1733 Weatherby (William). A few practical Observations on making Wills. 8vo. Lond. 1825 Webb (John). An historical Essay, endeavouring a probability that the Language of the Empire of China is the Primitive Language. 8vo. Lojid. 1669 Webb (T.) A new select Collection of Epitaphs ; including the most remarkable inscriptions in the collections of Hacket, Jones, and Toldervy. 2 vols. 12mo. Lund. 1775 Weber (Adolph Dietrich). Ueber die Riickanwendung positiver Gesetze, mit besonderer Hinsicht auf neuere Gesetzveranderungen deutscher Staaten. 8vo. Hannover, 1811 Weber (Carl Gottlieb]. Systematische Darstellung des im Konig- reiche Sachsen geltenden Kirchenrechts. 5 parts in 3 vols. 8vo. Leipzig, 1818-29 Weber (Georg Michael von). Ueber das Baierische Credit und Schuldenwesen, die Einfiihrung der Hypothekenbiicher, den Con- cursprocess und das Executionsverfahren, mit Riicksicht auf das osterreichische, franzosische und preussische Recht. 8vo. Siilzbach, 1819 Grundsatze des Bambergischen Landrechts ; mit Verbesserung- en und Zusatzen. 4 vols, in 3, 8vo. Bamberg, 1824 Weber (Henry). Metrical Romances of the thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth centuries : published from ancient manuscripts, with an introduction, notes, and a glossary. 3 vols. 8vo. Edinh. 1810 see also Northern Antiquities. Weber (Joseph). Memoires concernant Marie Antoinette : see Ber- viLLE et Barriere, vols. 44, 45. WEB— WEI 879 Webster (Daniel). Speeches and Forensic Arguments. Eifrlith edition. '3 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1843 Webster (Noah, LL.D.) Dictionary of the English Lanjruape. To which are pretixed, an introductory Dissertation on the ori<_^n, history, and connection of the Laii<;uages of VV^estern Asia and of Eurojje; and a concise Grammar, philosophical and practical, of the English Lano-uage. 2 vols. 4to. Loud. Ib^J'i Webster (Thomas). The Law and Practice of Letters Patent for In- ventions : Statutes : Practical Forms : and Digest of Reported Cases. 8vo. Land. 1841 The Suhjcct-matter of Letters Patent for Inventions, and Regis- tration of Desis'is, with Statutes and Cases. Third edition. 8vo. ihld. 1851 ■ The New Patent Law : its history, objects, and provisions. Third edition. ' 8vo. ibid. 1853 On Property in Designs and Inventions in the Arts and ^Nlanu- factures. Svo. ibid. 1853 Reports and Notes of Cases on Letters Patent for Inventions. vol. 1, and vol. 2— part 1. 8vo. ibid. 1844-55 Weckerus (Joh. Jac.) De Secretis Libri XVII. ex variis auctoribus coUecti, cum additionibus Theod. Zvingeri. 8vo. Basilece, 1701 Wedderkop (Henningius). Introductio in Jus Nauticum. 4to. Flensburgi, \lbl Wedding Sermons. Conjugal Duty set forth in a Collection of Jn- genious and dehghtful Wedding Sermons. 8vo. Lond. 1732 Wedekind (Anton Christian). Noten zu einigen Geschichtsclireibern des Deutschen Mitlelalters. 3 vols. 8vo. Hamburg, 1823-3(5 Wedelius (Georgius Wolffgangus). Amoenitates Materiae Medieae. 4to. Jencp. 1704 Weekly Reporter ; containing Cases decided in the Superior Courts of Equity and Law, also in the Ecclesiastical and Admiralty Courts, with Appeals to the House of Lords and Privy Council, from Michaelmas Term 1852 to the Sittings after Trinity Term, 1858. To which are added digested Indexes and Tables of the Names of all the Cases decided and reported during that period, with references to contemporaneous reports and publications. Edited by Henry Fox Bristowe and Andrew Edgar. vols. 1 — 6. 8vo. Lond. 1853-8 Weever (John). Ancient Funerall Monuments within the united Monarchic of Great Britaine, Ireland, and the Islands adjacent; with the dissolved Monasteries therein contained, their Founders, and wiiat eminent persons have been in the same interred. fol. Lond. ll>51 Weioall (J. C. E.) The New Practice of the Court of Chancery, as introduced by the Acts of Parliament, 15 &: IG Met. cc. 80, 8G (S: 87 ; and the Orders of Court, Forms, &c. 8vo. Lond. 1852 Weil (Gustav). The Bible, the Koran, and the Talmud : or Biblical Legends of the Mussulmans, compiled from Arabic sources, and compared with Jewish traditions; translated from the- German, with occasional notes. PJmo. Lond. 1846 Weiske (Benjamin). Pleonasmi Gra^ci : see Bos. 880 WEI— W EL Weiske (Julius). Handbuch der Strafgesetze des Konigreiclies Sach- sen, von lo72 bis auf die neueste Zeit. 8vo. Leipzir/, IS-yd Weisse (Christian Ernst). Einleitung in das gemeine teutsche Privat- i-echt. 8vo. Leipzig, 1817 Welch (Joseph). List of the Queen's Scholars of St. Peter's College, Westminster, admitted on that foundation since 1663 ; and of such as have been thence elected to Christ Church, Oxford, and Trinity- College, Cambridge, from the foundation by Queen Elizabeth, 1561, to the present time. To which is prefixed a List of the Deans of Westminster, and of Christ Church, Oxford; the Masters of Trinity- College, Cambridge, and the Masters of Westminster School. A new edition, with additions, by an old King's Scholar. 8vo. Lond. 1852 Welch (Saunders). Essay on the Office of Constable. A new edition. 8vo. Lond. 1758 Welchman (Edvardus). XXXIX Articuli Ecclesiae Anglicans, tex- tibus e Sacra Scriptura deprompti, confirmati, brevibusque notis illustrati. Editio tertia. 8vo. Oxonii, 1718 . editio quarta. 8vo. ibid. 1724 The Thirty-nine Articles of the Church of England, illustrated with notes, and confirmed by texts of the Holy Scripture, and tes- timonies of the primitive Fathers ; translated into English, according to the sixth edition, by a Clergyman of the University of Oxford. The tenth edition. 8vo. Lond. 1805 Welcker (Fridericus Theophilus). Sylloge Epigrammatum Grae- corum ; ex marmoribus et libris collegit et illustravit Fi'id. Theoph. AVelcker. Editio altera. 8vo. Bonncp, 1828 Weld (Charles Richard). History of the Royal Society, with Memoirs of the Presidents. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1848 Welford (Richard Griffiths). A practical Treatise on Equity Plead- ings, with observations on the New Orders of 1841. 8vo. Lond. 1842 Wellbeloved (Robert). Treatise on the Law relating to Hig^hways; comprehending Turnpike Roads, Public Bridges, and Public Foot- paths : to which is added, an Appendix of Forms and Precedents. ^ 8vo. Lond. 1829 Wel LESLEY (Marquess). Despatches, Minutes, and Correspondence, during his Administi'ation in India. Edited by Montgomery Martin. 5 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1840-1837 Memoirs and Correspondence: see Pearce (R. R.) Wellesley (Hon. William Long). Illustrations of Chancery Practice. 8vo. Lond. 1830 Wellington (Arthur Wellesley, Duke of). Despatches during his various Campaigns in India, Denmark, Portugal, Spain, the Low Countries, and France, from 1799 to 1818; compiled from official and authentic documents, by Lieut. Colonel Gurwood. 12 vols. Index. 1 vol. 13 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1837-9 Supplementary Despatches and Memoranda. India, 1797 — 1805. F^dited by his son, the Duke of Wellington. vols. 1—2. 8vo. ibid. 1858 WEL-WEN 881 Wells (Edward, D.D.) An Help for the more easy and clear Under- standin; argued and determined in the Court of Queen's Bench, and upon Writs of Error from that Court to tlie Exchequer Chamber, and in the Bail Court; from Hil. Term 1838 to Easter Term 1839. vol. 1, and vol. 2— parts 1, 2. 8vo. ibid. 1840 Wills. Of Inst Wills and Testaments: a Common-Law Treatise, con- taining several Rules for the Construction of last Wills, and the Diversities between Limitations and Conditions in a Will, kc. 8vo. Lo7id. 1703 Wills and Liventories from Registers of Bury St. Edmunds : see Camden Society, No. 49. Wills (William). Essay on the Rationale of Circumstantial Evid(!nce; illustrated by numerous Cases. 8vo. Lond. 1838 Willymott (William). The peculiar L^se and Signification of certain Words in the Latin Tongue. The second edition. 8 v o. Ca mbi'idtje, 1 705 Wilmot (Sir John Eardley). Notes of Opinions and Judgments delivered in different Courts. 4to. Lond. 1802 Wilmot (Sir J. E.): see Blackstone (Sir William). 896 WIL-WIN Wilson (George, Serjeant at Law). Reports of Cases argued and adjudged in the King's Courts at Westminster, from Hilary Term 16 Geo. II. to Easter Term 14 Geo. III. 3 parts in 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1770-5 • second edition. 3 parts in 2 vols. fol. ibid. 1779 third edition, with additional notes and references. 3 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1799 Wilson (Henry Bristow, D.D.) History of the Parish of St. Laurence Pountney, London. 4to. Lond. 1831 Wilson (Horace Hayman). A Glossary of Judicial and Revenue Terms, and of useful words occurring in official documents relating to the administration of the Government of British India, from the Arabic, Persian, Hindustani, Sanskrit, Hindi, Bengali, Uriya, Marathi, Guzarathi, Telugu, Karnata, Tamil, Malay alam, and other languages. 4to. Lond. 1855 British India : see Mill (James). Wilson (James) and Patrick Shaw. Cases decided in the House of Lords, on Appeal from the Courts of Scotland, in the years 1825-34. 7 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 1829-39 Wilson (John). Reports of Cases in Chancery, commencing in the sittings after Hilary Term, 1818. vol. 1 —parts 1, 2, 3, and vol. 2 — part 1. 8vo. Lond. 1819 Reports of Cases argued and determined on the Equity side of the Court of Exchequer, 57 Geo. III. vol. 1, parti. 8vo. ibid. 1817 A practical Treatise on the Statutes for Registering Deeds and other Instruments, in the Counties of Middlesex and York; with Precedents of Memorials. 8vo. ibid. 1819 Treatise on Springing Uses, and other Limitations by Deed, corresponding with Executory Devises, according to the arrangement in Mr. Fearne's Essay. 8vo. ibid. 1824 Wilson (Joshua). A biographical Index to the present House of Com- mons, including the constitution of the counties, cities and boroughs, an account of ex-members, unsuccessful candidates, &c. 12mo. Lond. [1808] Wilson (Robert). An historical Account and delineation of Aberdeen. 12mo. Aberdeen, 1822 Wilson (Walter). History and Antiquities of Dissenting Churches and Meeting Houses in London, Westminster and South wark : including the Lives of their Ministers, from the rise of nonconformity to the present time. With an appendix on the origin, progress, and present state of Christianity in Britain. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1808 Memoirs of the Life and Times of Daniel De Foe : containing a review of his writings, and his opinions upon a variety of important matters, civil and ecclesiastical. 3 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1830 Winch (Sir Humphry). Reports in the Common Pleas, touching Declarations, &c. in the foure last years of the raign of K. James. fol. Lond. 1657 WIN -WIS 897 Winch (Sir Humphry). Le Beau-Pledcur. A Book of Entries, con- tiiiniii^- Declarations, Inlbrniations, and other schc-t and approvcil Pleadings in the Courts at Westminster. 161. Loud. IGSO WiNCKKLMANN (Jean). Histoire dc I'Art chez Ics Anciens ; traduite do rAllcmand [par G. Sellius, redigee par J. B. R. Uobinet]. 2 vols. 8vo. Amst. 17G6 Windham (Rt, Hon. William). Speeches in Parliament; to which is prefixed some Account of" his Life, by Thomas Ainyot. 3 vols. 8vo. Land. 1812 WiNGATE (Edmond). Maximes of Reason : or, tlie Reason of the Common Law of England. fol. Xo/jfZ. 1058 ■ Abridgment of all Statutes in force and use, from the beginning of Magna Charta uutill 1G41 ; and continued to 1G84. 8vo. ibid. 1084 Winiwarter (Joseph). Das Oesterreiehische biirgerliche Recht systematisch dargestellt und erlautert. 3 vols. 8vo. Wien, 1831-4 WiNSLOW (Forbes, M.D.) The Plea of Insanity in Criminal Cases. 12mo. Lond. 1843 An Act (8 & 9 Vict. c. 100) for tlie Regulation of the Care and Treatment of Lunatics ; with explanatory notes and comments, &;c. 12ino. ibid. 1845 WiNSTANLEY (Jamcs W.) The Chancery of the County Palatine of Lancaster : its practice and modes of procedure as distinguished from the High Court of Chancery; with the statutes 13 &; 14 Vict. c. 4^5, and 17 & 18 Vict. c. 82, the general rules and orders of the court, &c. 8vo. Ln-erpool, 1855 WiNSTANLEY (William). The Lives of the most famous Enf^lish Poets, from the time of K. WiUiam the Conqueror to the reign of James II. 8vo. Lond. 1687 Winter (Vitus Anton), LTeber die altesten Gesetze Bajuvariens : eine Rede bei der offentlichen Bekanntniachung der akadeniischen Gesetze an der koniglich-baierischen Ludwig-Maximilians-Univer- sitat. 8vo. LaiuhJiut, 1812 WiNTZLER (Chi'istophorus). De Jurisdictione Episcoporum : see Pia- SECius (Paulus). WiNWOOD (Sir Ralph). Memorials of Affairs of State, in the reigns of Q. Elizabeth and K. James I., collected (chicffy) from the original papers of Sir Ralph Winwood, bv Edmund Sawver. 3 vol's, fol. Lond. 1725 Wisdom and Reason; or. Human Understanding considered with the Organization of the Body. 8vo. Lond. 1714 Wise (Edward). The Law relating to Riots and unlawful Assemblies; with a View of the duties and powers of Magistrates, Police Officers, &c. for their supjjression ; and a Summary of the Law as to Actions against the Hundred. 12mo. Lond. 1848 The Common Law Procedure Act, 15 & 1(5 Viet. c. 70, arranged in a practical form, with an introductory analysis of the changes effected by the statute, and explanatory notes. 12mo. ibid. 1852 3 M 898 WIS— WIT Wise (Edward). The Bankrupt Law Consolidation Act (12 & 13 Vict. c. 106) ; with the new Rules, an introductory analysis, and notes. Second edition. 12mo. Lond. 1853 [first edition.] 12mo. ibid. 1849 Supplement to Burn's Justice of the Peace: see Burn (Richard). The Law Digest : a General Index to the Reports and Statutes published between the 1st of July 1845 and the 30th June 1846. fol. ibid. 1847 New Series, from the 1st of July 1846 to June 1, 1856. Bv Edward Wise and Daniel Thomas Evans. 5 vols. 8vo. ibid. 1849-56 The Law Digest: a General Index to the Reports and Statutes, from June 1st, 1856 to June 1st, 1858. By Daniel Thomas Evans. vol. 1. 8vo. ibid. 1858 Wise (Thomas) : see Cudworth. Wiseman (Nicholas, D.D.) Lectures on the principal doctrines and practices of the Catholic Church, delivered at St. Mary's Moorfields, during the Lent of 1836. 2 vols, in 1, 12mo. Lond. 1836 The Real Presence of the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ in the blessed Eucharist, proved from Scripture. In eight Lectures, delivered in the English College, Rome. 8vo. ibid. 1836 Wiseman (Sir Robert). The Law of Laws : or, the Excellency of the Civil Law above all other humane Laws whatsoever ; shewing of how great use and necessity the Civil Law is to this nation. 8vo. Lond. 1686 WissENBACH (Johannes Jacobus). Emblemata Triboniani, sive Leges Pandectarum et Codicis a Triboniano interpolatae, et ad novi juris rationem inflexse. 12mo. Franekerce, 1642 Manuale ad tit. XVI. Lib. L. Pandectarum de Verborum et Rerum Significatione. Adjects sunt Notae Nomico-Philologicae in Passionem Christi. 12mo. ibid. 1654 ■ Disputationes ad Instituta Imperialia, et minores alise Com- mentationes. 4to. ibid. 1666 Exercitationes ad quinquaginta libros Pandectariim. Editio quarta ; cui adjectae sunt Exei'citationes ad duos postremos Di- gestoi'um titulos, de Verborum Significatione, et de Regulis Juris. 4to. Lipsice, 1673 WiTSius (Herman, D.D.) The Economy of the Covenants between God and Man ; comprehending a complete body of divinity; trans- lated from the Latin by William Crookshank, D.D. A new edition, with the Life of the author. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1837 Witt (John de). The True Interest and Political Maxims of the Re- publick of Holland and West Friesland. 8vo. Lond. 1702 WiTTE (Carolus). De Gulielmi Malmesburiensis Codice Legis Ro- manae Wisigothorum Dissertatio. 8vo. VratislavicB, 1831 WiTTE (Henningus). Memoriae Jiirisconsultorum nosti'i seculi cla- rissimorum renovatae Decades quatuor. 8vo. Francojurti, 1676 WIT-WOL 899 WiTTiK (Robert, M.D.) Scarbroujrh Spaw, or a Description of the nature and vertues of the Spaw at Scarbrough in Yorkshire. 12nio. Lund. 1660 WoENiGEH (Aui,Mist Thcotlor). Das Sacralsystem und das Provoca- tionsverfahren der R6uier. 8vo. Leipzuj, 1843 WoLCOT (John, M.D.) The Works of Peter Pindar, Esq. [i.e. John Wolcot, M.D.] ; to which are prefixed Memoirs of tlie author's lite. A new edition. 5 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1812 WoLFius (Christianus). Philosophia Practica Universalis, . mcthodo scientifica pertractata. 4to. Francojurti, 1738 Jus Naturae methodo scientifica pertractatura. 8 vols. 4to. Franco/, et IlaUe Ma(jd. 3741— 18 Jus Gentium methodo scientifica pertractatum, in quo jus na- turale ab eo, quod voluntarii, pactitii et coiisuetudinarii est, accurnfft distinguitur. 4to. Hula' MiKjd. 1749 WoLLASTON (F. L.) Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Bail Court, and the Practice Cases in all the Courts of Common Law, from Mich. Term 1840 to Easter Term 1841. vol. 1, parts 1—5, 8vo. Lund. 1841 WoLLASTON (William). The Religion of Nature delineated. 4to. Lond. 1726 seventh edition ; to which is added, a preface containing a general account of the life, character, and writings of the author. 8vo. ibid. 1750 A compendious View of the Religion of Nature delineated : beino- an Abridgment of Mr. Wollaston's Treatise under that title. To which is added, an Appendix concerning the Christian religion. 8vo. ibid. 1726 WoLLEY (R.) The present State of France, containing a general description of that kingdom. 12mo. Lond. MiSl WoLOWSKi (Louis Franc'ois Michel Raymond). Revue de Legislation et de Jurisprudence, publiee sous la direction de M. L. ^^'olowski et de MM. Troplong, Faustin Helie, Oitolan, &c. Octobre 18^34 — Avril 1853. 46 vols, in 38. 8vo. Paris, 1835-53 From the year 1853 this publication has been united with the Revue Critique de Legislation et de Jurisprudence.* See llEvirE Critique. WoLPHius (Joannes). In Esdrqe Librum primum de reditu populi Judcei e captivitate Babylonica Commentarii ; quibus acccsserunt ejusdem Epistola de Certitudine Ecclesiaj ; item de vita et obitu ejusdem narratio, a J. G. Stuckio. fol. T'ifjuri, 1584 . Nehemias, sive in Nehemise de instaurata Hicrosolyma Librum, qui secundus Esdrre dicitur, Commentarii. fol. ibid. 1570 WoLSELEV (Sir Charles, Bart.) The Case of Divorce and Re-marriage thereupon discussed ; occasioned by the late Act of Parliainent for the Divorce of the Lord Rosse. ' 12mo. Lond. 1673 . The Unreasonableness of Atheism made manifest. The third edition. 8vo. ibid. 1675 3m 2 900 WOM— WOO Women. The Lawes Resolutions of Womens Rights; or the Lawes Provision for Women : a methoclicall Collection of such Statutes and Customes, with the Cases, Opinions, Arguments and points of Loai-n- ing in the Law, as doe properly conccrne Women. 4to. Lond. 1632 ■ The Lady's Law, or a Treatise of Feme Coverts : containing all the Laws and Statutes relating to Women. The second edition. 8vo. ihid. 1737 The Laws respecting Women, as they regard their natural rights, or their connections and conduct ; also, the Obligations of Parent and Child, and the condition of Minors. 8vo. ihid. 1177 Wood (Anthony a). Athenae Oxonienses: an exact History of all the Writers and Bishops who have had their education in the University of Oxford, from 1500 to 1695; to which are added the Fasti, or Annals of the said University. The second edition. 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1721 new edition [the third], with additions, and a continua- tion by Philip Bliss. 4 vols. 4to. ibid. 1813 see also Ecclesiastical History Society. History and Antiquities of the Colleges and Halls in the Uni- versity of Oxford, with a continuation to the present time, by the editor, John Gutch. 4to. Oxford, 1786-90 History and Antiquities of the University of Oxford ; now first published in English, from the original MS. in the Bodleian Library, by John Gutch. 2 vols, in 3 parts, 4to. ibid. 1792-6 Wood (Edward). A complete Body of Conveyancing, in theory and practice. Fifth edition, with notes, &c. by John Joseph Powell. 3 vols. fol. Lond. 1790-3 Wood (Hutton). A Collection of Decrees by the Court of Exchequer in Tithe-Causes, from the usurpation to the present time. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1798-9 Wood (John Philip). The Antient and Modern State of the Parish of Cramond. To which are added, biographical and genealogical Col- lections, comprehending a Sketch of the Life and projects of John Law of Lauriston. 4to. Edinb. 1794 Wood (Mary Anne Everett, now Mrs. Green). Letters of Royal and Illustrious Ladies of Great Britain, from the commencement of the twelfth century to the close of the reign of Queen Mary ; edited chiefly from the originals in the State Paper Office. 3 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1846 Wood (Thomas, LL.D.) A New Institute of the Imperial or Civil Law ; with notes. 8vo. Lond. 1704 . third edition ; to which is added, as an introduction, a Treatise of the first Principles of Laws. 8vo. ibid. 1721 , fourth edition. fol. ibid. 1730 Treatise of the First Principles of Laws in general : of their nature and design, and of the interpretation of them ; translated out of French. 8vo. ibid. 1705 Institute of the Laws of England ; or, the Laws of England in their natural order, according to common use. The fourth edition. fol. ibid. 1728 woo 901 WooDBUKY (Charles L.) and Georfre Minot. Reports ofCases an^rued and determined in the Circuit Court of the United States tor the First Circuit. -3 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1847-o2 Woodcock (Ilenrv lies). The Laws and Constitution of the British Colonies ni the" West Indies, havint,^ Lec,nslative AssembUes. Seoml edition. ^ 8vo. Zo»(/. 18.38 WooDCUoFT (Bcnnet). Alphabetical Index of Patentees of Inventions, from March 2, 1617 (14 James I.) to October 1, 185-2 (16 VietoriiE). 8vo. Loud. 18o4 Alphabetical Index of Patentees and Applicants for Patents of Invention, from 1st October 1852 to 31st December 1853. 8vo. ihid. 18o4 for the years 1854—1857. 4 parts, 8vo. ihid. 1855-58 Subject-matter Index (made from titles only) of Patents of In- vention, from March 2, 1617 (14 James I.) to October 1, 18.-)2 (16 Victoriffi). 2 parts, 8vo. ihul. 18o4 Subject-matter Index of Patents applied for and Patents firanted from 1st October to 31st December 1852. 8vo. ihul 18o5 for the years 1853—1856. 4 parts, 8vo. ihid. 1856-57 Reference Index of Patents of Invention, from March 2, 1617 (14 James I.) to October 1, 1852 (16 Victoriai). 8vo. dmi. 18oD , Appendix ; containing abstracts from such of the early Patents and Sijj;net Bills as describe the nature of the invention^, and which Patents have no enrolled specifications. 8vo. ib-d. 18oo Titles of Patents of Invention, chronolofjically arran