Ex Libris ; C. K. OGDEN -■^ -*■■*- ■*- THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES The Riggs Printing and Publishing Co. certifies that this copy is one of one hundred and twenty- five copies printed from type in the month of January, 1901. No ^'^ I CATALOGUE OF BOOKS RELATING TO THE LITERATURE OF THE LAW CATALOGUE OF BOOKS RELATING TO THE LITERATURE OF THE LAW COLLECTED BY THE LATE ' JOHN V. L. PRUYN OF ALBANY, N, Y. ALBANY, N. Y. RIGGS PRINTING AND PUBLISHING CO. 1901 Copyrighted igoi Mrs. J. V. L. PRUYN z J V PREFACE This Catalogue covers the Library relating to the Literature of the Law, brought together by my Husband, the late John V. L. Pruyn of Albany, Chancellor of the University of the State of New York. The collecting of these volumes was one of the recreations of a useful life. It afforded unfailing enjoyment through many years of active professional work, and completed, it brought companionship in his later days. Early in his legal career, Mr. Pruyn set aside certain securi- ties, the principal and increase of which kept constantly in- vested, provided a fund for the indulgence of this literary taste. Many publications which it is now difficult or impossible to find, were thus preserved. This volume sets down in order the result of his forethought and discriminating judgment. The compilation of the Catalogue, under my direction, has been a labor of love and 1 trust to those to whom it may come, it will be an added testimonial to the wisdom of him whose name the collection bears. Anna Parker Pruyn. Albany, N. Y., January, 1901. ■- : '- V'v CATALOGUE Abbot (Joel). Trial of Lieutenant Joel Abbot, by the General Naval Court Martial, holden on board the U. S. Ship Independence, at the Navy Yard, Charlestown, Massachusetts, on allegations made against him, by Capt. David Porter, Navy Commissioner, reported by F. W. Waldo, Esq., one of his counsel, to which is added an appendix, con- taining sundry documents in relation to the management of affairs on the Boston Station. Boston, 1822. 8°, half red morocco, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Abbott (John S. C). Lives of the Presidents of the United States of America, from Washington to the present time, containing a narra- tive of the most interesting events in the career of each President ; thus constituting a graphic history of the United States. Boston, 1867. Illustrated with portraits of all the Presidents engraved on steel, pictures of their private residences, and fifteen other wood engravings of the most interesting scenes in their lives. 8°, cloth. " Probably the least worthy of all our Presidents, would rank among the best of the kings, whom the accident of birth had placed upon hereditary thrones."— i'reface. Abdy (J. T.). A Historical Sketch of Civil Procedure among the Romans. Cambridge, 1857. 12°, half morocco, gilt, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. " For legal reform whatever shape it may assume, .... the maxims and principles embodied in the Roman law .... undoubtedly are of inestimable va.lne.^''— Preface. A'Beckett (Gilbert Abbott). The Comic Blackstone of " Punch " with illustrations by Cruiksliank. Philadelphia, 1846. 12"*, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. "Few could have travestied so well the real Blackstone, following it; literally step by sX^'p."— London Times. 2 Literature of the Law Library Achilli vs. Newman. A Full Report of the most extraordinary trial for Seduction and Adultery charged against Dr. Achilli, the Apos- tate Catholic Priest, by the celebrated Dr. Newman, the Oxford Puseyite, both of whom are seceders from their former creeds. The only correct edition, being the verbatim testimony from the London Reports. New York, 1852. 8°, half morocco, marbled sides. Adams (Charles Francis, Jr.). A Chapter of Erie. Boston, 1869. 12°, paper. Adams (Francis), The Elementary Education Act, 1870 (33 x 34 Vict., C. 75 ;) with Analysis, Index, and Appendix. London, 1870. 8°, cloth. Adams (John). A Defence of the Constitutions of Government of the L^^nited States of America, against the attack of M. Turgot in his letter to Dr. Price, dated the twenty-second day of March, 1778. A new edition. London, 1794. Portrait. 3 vols., 8°, half polished calf, marbled sides, red edges. " This is both a learned and judicious •^oxV.''^— Rose's New Biog. Diet. Adams (John). See Brackenridge (H. M.). Speeches on the Jew Bill. Adams (John). See Duer (William Alexander). An Eulogy on John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. Adams (John Quincy). An Eulogy on the life and character of James Monroe, fifth president of the United States, delivered at the request of the corporation of the city of Boston, on the 25th of August, 1 83 1. Boston, 1831. 8°. See Pamphlets, Vol. II. Adams (John Quincy). Oration on the life and character of Gilbert Motier de Lafayette, delivered at the request of both Houses of the Congress of the United States, before them, in the House of Representatives at Washington, on the 31st December, 1834. Wash- ington, 1835. 8". See Pamphlets, Vol. V. Literature of the Law Library 3 Adams (John Quiiicy). The Jubilee of the Constitution. A discourse delivered at the request of the New York Historical Society, in the city of New York, on Tuesday, the 30th of April, 1839, being the fiftieth anniversary of the inauguration of George Washington as President of the United States, on Thursday, the 30th of April, 1789. New York, MDCCCXXXIX. Plate. 8°. See Pamphlets, Vol. V. Adams (John Ouincy). Addresses in the Congress of the United States, and Funeral Solemnities on the death of John Quincy Adams, who died in the Capitol at Washington on Wednesday evening, Feb- ruary, 23, 1848. Washington, 1848. Portrait. 8", half morocco. Adams (John Quincy). See Seward (William H.). Oration on the death of John Quincy Adams. Addison (Alexander). The trial of Alexander Addison, Esq., presi- dent of the Court of Common Pleas, in the Circuit consisting of the Counties of Westmoreland, Fayette, Washington and Allegheny, on an impeachment, by the House of Representatives, before the Senate of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, taken in short-hand by Thomas Lloyd. Second edition, with additions. -Lancaster, 1803. 8", half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Adolphus (I. H.). The Royal Exile; or, Memoirs of the public and private life of Her Majesty, Caroline, Queen Consort of Great Brit- ain: embracing every circumstance connected with the memorable scenes of her eventful life, from the earliest period to her late ar- rival in England. A full and impartial history of the charges against her, and proceedings in Parliament, and of all the important events that have transpired since her return, with illustrations on the subjects, not generally known; interspersed with original Letters, and other curious and interesting documents. Eighteenth edition. London, 1821. Portraits and vignette titles. 2 vols., 8°, half calf, marbled sides. 4 Literature of the Law Library Adriauce (Isaac). State of New York Court of Appeals. Isaac Adriance, Appellant, against the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York, Respondents. Argument of Hon. John C. Spencer, on the constitutionalty of the assessment laws. New York, 185 1. 8°. See Law Tracts, Vol. III. Adultery: (Trials for), or, the History of Divorces, being Select Trials at Doctors Commons, for Adultery, Cruelty, Fornication, Impotence, &c., from the year 1760, to the present time. Including the whole of the evidence on each Cause, together with the Letters, &c., that have been intercepted between the amorous Parties. The whole forming a complete History of the Private Life, Intrigues, and Amours of many Characters in the most elevated Sphere: every scene and transaction, however ridiculous, whimsical, or extraordinary, being fairly represented, as becomes a faithful Historian, who is fully de- termined not to sacrifice TrutJi at the Shrine of Guilt and Folly. Taken in short-hand, by a Civilian. London, MDCCLXXIX-XXX, Numerous full page plates. 7 vols., 8°, half calf, marbled sides. Advocate (The). See Cox (Edward W.). The advocate his training, practice, rights, and duties. Advocate (Duties of an). See Forsyth (William). Hortensius; an historical essay. African Colotiizatioti. See Slavery African Colonization. Aird (David Mitchell). The Civil Laws of France to the present time. Supplemented by notes illustrative of the analogy between the rules of the code Napoleon, and the leading principles of the Roman Law. London, 1875. 12°, cloth, uncut. " The Roman civil law .... has come down to modern times and the laws of every ■ part of Europe have been influenced more or less by it ; and no country more so than France." — Preface. Literature of the Law Library 5 Alton (William). Report of the Trial by Jury of the Action of Dam- ages for a Libel in the Scotsman Newspaper; William Aiton, M. D., against John Ramsay M'Culloch, of Auchengoul, editor of the Scotsman, and others. Edinburgh, 1823. 8°, half blue morocco, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Akermau (John Yonge). The Forgeries of Public Money, being the substance of a lecture delivered before the Numismatic Society, April 23, 1843, London, 1843. 8". See Law Tracts, Vol. III. " That this base practice was resorted to in the earliest times may be inferred from the laws of Solon."— /V^/ac*. Alabama Claims. The Case of the United States, to be laid before the Tribunal of Arbitration, to be convened at Geneva under the Provisions of the Treaty between the United States of America and Her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain, concluded at Washington May 8, 1871. Washington, 1871. 8", cloth. Alabama Claims. Expose des fitats-unis present^ au Tribunal D' Arbitrage Reuni a Geneve conformem^nt aux stipulations du Traite conclu le 8 Mai, 187 1, entre les Etats-unis et la Grande- Bretagne. Washington, 187 1. 8°, cloth. Alabama Claims. Case presented on the part of the government of Her Britannic Majesty. London, 1872. Polio, crimped morocco, gilt edges. another copy. Folio, paper. Counter case presented on the part of the government of Her Britannic Majesty. London, 1872. Map. Folio, bound in with case presented. another copy. Folio, paper. Correspondence respecting the proceedings of the tribunal of arbi- tration at Geneva. London, 1872. Folio, paper. 6 Literature of the Law Library Alabama Claims. Argument or Summary showing the points and referring to the evidence relied upon by the Government of Her Britannic Majesty in answer to the claims of the United States. London, 1872. Folio, paper. Case of the United States to be laid before the Tribunal of Arbitration. London, 1872. Folio, paper. Correspondence respecting the presentation at Geneva of the British Counter-Case. London, 1872. Folio, paper. Counter Case of the United States presented to the Tribunal of Arbitration. London, 1872. Folio, paper. Correspondence respecting the presentation of the Counter Cases of Great Britain and of the United States, etc. London, 1872. Folio, paper. Alabama Claims. See Beaman (Charles C), Jr. The National and Private Alabama Claims. Alabama Claims. See Otterly (Henry) On the Errors and Mischiefs of Modern Diplomacy. Alabama Claims. See Washington (Treaty of), vols. 1-4. Alathaei (Henrici). Antwort Shreiben, ob die Polygamic mit den Chriftenthum beftehen tonne, n. p. (circa 1715.) 4". Bound in with Aletheo (Theophilo) Polygamia Triumphatrix. Albany First Presbyterian Church Controversy. A collection of pamphlets as follows : Address to the members of the First Presbyterian Church. Folded circular. Albany, 1847. Campbell, J. N. To the members of the congregation, etc., with resolutions adopted, Albany, 1847. Report of Committee of which Archibald Campbell was Chair- man, n. p. n. d. Literature of the Law Library 7 Report of Committee of which Alden March was Chairman, n. p. n. d. Address to the Communicants of the Church. Folded broad- side. McNaughton, James, To the congregation of the .... Church, (An address in vindication of his conduct.) Albany, 1847. Bound in one vol., 8°, half red morocco. Relate to the proposed sale of the old church edifice, the purchase of ground, and the erection of a new place of worship. Aletheo (Theophilo). Polygamia Triumphatrix in est discursus poli- ticus de Polygamia cum notis Athanasii Vincentii. Londini, MDCLXXX-II. 4», original vellum. Eight other tracts on Polygamy and Bigamy bound in. MSS. Memorandum on fly leaves. Albany Law School. An historical sketch. (Albany, 1877.) 8°. See Law Tracts D. Reprinted from the Albany Argus. Albany Presbytery. Official Documents of the Presbytery of Al- bany, exhibiting Trials of Rev. John Chester and Mr. Mark Tucker; together with the whole case of the Rev. Hooper Cumming. Pub- lished by order of the Presbytery, in conformity to a resolution of the Synod of Albany. vSchenectady, 181 8. 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Albert Lunel. See Brougham (Henry, Lord). Alderson (Edward Hall, Baron). Selections from the charges and other detached papers of, with an introductory notice of his life by Charles Alderson. London, 1858. Portrait. 13°, half calf, gilt back. Alexander (William). The History of Women, from the earliest an- tiquity to the present time ; giving some account of almost every in- teresting particular concerning that sex, among all nations, ancient and modern. London, MDCCLXXIX. 3 vols., 4°, half morocco. "The following work was composed solely for the amusement and instruction of the fair ttKTi.^''— Preface. 8 Literature of the Law Library Alfred the Great. The whole works of King Alfred the Great: with preliminary essays illustrative of the history, arts, and manners, of the ninth century. The Jubilee edition Printed and Published for the Alfred Committee. Oxford and Cambridge, 1852. Illustrations. 2 vols, in i, royal 8°, half red morocco, marbled sides, uncut edges. Alfred the Great. See Hughes (Thomas). Alfred the Great. Alfred the Great. See Pauli (Dr. Reinhold). The Life of King Alfred. Alhoy (Maurice). Les Bagnes Historie, Types, Moeurs, Mysteres. Edition illustree. Paris, 1845. Imperial 8°, half morocco, marbled sides, uncut edges. Alhoy (Maurice) et Louis Luroue. Les Prisons de Paris, Historie, Types, Moeurs, Mysteres. Edition illustree. Paris, 1846. Imperial 8°, half green morocco, gilt back, marbled sides, gilt tops, uncut edges. Allen Trials; (The). Namely Allen versus Hunter, Warner versus Griff en, Jobson versus Allen, and Jobson against Sickles (impending) with instructions, and the various scientific recipes (European and American) for making "continuous gum" without either patent or risk of infringement, and an appendix, illustrative of Mr. Daniel E. Sickles' professional morality, by D.Wemyss Jobson. New York, 1857. 8°. See Law Tracts, Vol. II. Alleyne (John). The Legal Degrees of Marriage stated and con- sidered, in a series of letters to a friend, with an appendix, contain- ing letters from several divines and others. The third edition. London, 18 10. 8°, half calf, marbled sides. Contains bookplate of Thomas Lott. Almon (John). The Trial of John Almon, Bookseller, upon an Information filed ex officio by William De Gray, Esq., His Majesty's Attorney-General, for selling Junius's Letters to the K Before the Right Hon. William Lord Mansfield, and a Special Jury of the County of Middlesex, in the Court of King's Bench, Westminster Hall, on Saturday, the second Day of June, 1770. To which is pre- fixed a copy of the Information taken in short hand. London, 1770. 8°. See Vol . entitled Libel Tracts. Literature of the Law Library g Amber Witch (The). See Gordon (Lady Duff). Mary Schwerder, the Amber Witch. Amendmetits to the Constitution of the U. S. See Chittenden (L. E.). A report of the debates and proceedings in the secret sessions of the conference convention. Amendment of the Law, See Harcourt (William Vernon). A plan for the amendment of the Law. American Bastile. See Marshall (John A.). American Bastile; a his- tory of the illegal arrests . . . during the . . . civil war. American Burial Laws. See Tyler (R. H.). American Ecclesias- tical Law. American Citizen (The). See Sedgwick (Theodore). The Ameri- can Citizen : his true position, character and duties. American Copyright. The Question of American Copyright in Great Britain : a report of the proceedings in Chancery before Vice- Chancellor Knight Bruce, in Murray v. Bohn, on an application for an injunction, filed July 27th, and disposed of August 7th, 1850. n. p. 1850. 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. American Criminal Trials. See Chandler (Peleg W.). American Criminal Trials. American Law. See Kent (James). Commentaries on American Law. American Ecclesiastical Law. See Tyler (R. H.). American Ec- clesiastical Law. Ames (Fisher). Works of Fisher Ames, compiled by a number of his friends, to which are prefixed notices of his life and character. Boston, 1809. Portrait. 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Edited by the Rev. Dr. Kirkman. Amos (Andrew). The Great Oyer of Poisoning : The Trial of the Earl of Somerset for the poisoning of Sir Thomas Overbury, in the lo Literature of the Law Library Tower of London, and various matters connected therewith, from contemporary MSS. London, MDCCCXLVI. Portraits. 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Sir Thomas Overbury, the unfortunate object of the wrath of the Countess of Somerset, was the author of "The Wife," and of no mean pretensions to literary ability. Hallam gives credit to the fact of King James being cognizant of the scheme against Overbury, "and that he pusillanimously acquiesced in Overbury's murder." Amos (Sheldon). The Science of Law. New York, 1874. 12°, cloth. Amusautes (Causes). Causes Amusantes et Connues, et Themis quelquefois se permit de Sourire R. A Berlin, MDCCLXIX. Plates. 12°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Ancient Law. See Maine (Henry Sumner). Ancient Law ; its con- nection with the early history of Society. Andrea (loanne). Tractatus Philosophico Theologicus de Moralitie Concvbinatvs. Frankfort, 17 16. 4°. Bound in with Aletheo (Theophilo) Polygamia Triumphatrix. Andre (Major John). An Authentic Narrative of the Causes which led to the Death of Major Andre, Adjutant-General of His Majesty's Forces in North America, by Joshua Hett Smith, Esq., to which is added a Monody on the death of Major Andre, by Miss Seward. London, 1808. Portrait and map. 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Andrews (J. R.). Life of Oliver Cromwell to the death of Charles the First. London, 1870. 8°, cloth, uncut. Anecdotes of the Bar. See Westminster Hall or Professional Rel- ics and Anecdotes of the Bar, Anecdotes of the Courts of Justice. See Burke ( Peter). Recollec- tions of the Court Room. Angus (Charles). The Trial of Charles Angus, Esq., on an indict- ment for the wilful murder of Margaret Burns, at the assizes held at Lancaster, on Friday, 2d Sept., i8o8, before the Hon. Sir Alan Chambre, one of the Justices of His Majesty's Court of Common Pleas. Taken in Short Hand by William Jones, Jun. Liverpool, 1808. 12°, half calf. Literature of the Law Library 1 1 Angus (Charles). A Vindication of the Opinions delivered in evi- dence by the Medical Witnesses for the Crown, on a late trial at Lancaster for murder. Liverpool, 1808. Bound in with the Trial of Charles Angus. Angus (Charles). Remarks on a late publication, entitled " A Vindication of the opinions delivered in evidence by the Medical Witnesses for the Crown, on a late Trial at Lancaster," by James Carson, M. D. Liverpool, 1808. Bound in with the Trial of Charles Angus. Anstey (John). The Pleaders' Guide, a Didactic Poem, in two parts : containing the conduct of a suit at law, with the arguments of Counsellor Bother'um and Counsellor Bore'um, in an action betwixt John-A-Gull and John-A-Gudgeon, for assault and battery, at a late contested election, by the late J. S. Esquire, special pleader. and Barrister at Law. The fifth edition. London, 1808. Crown, 8°, full sprinkled calf, gilt back, interlaced gilt design on sides. Aram (Eugene). The remarkable Trial of Eugene Aram, of Knares- borough, in the county of York, schoolmaster; for the Murder of Daniel Clark, shoemaker, committed on the 8th of February, 1744-5. London, 1832. 8°. See Law Tracts, Vol. III. Arbitrary Iraprisoument. See De Mirabeau (Count). Enquiries concerning Lettres de Cachet. Arbuthnot (John), D.D. Law is a Bottomless-Pit, exemplify'd in the case of Lord Strutt, John Bull, Nicholas Frog, and Lewis Baboon, who spent all they had in a Law-Suit. Printed from a manuscript found in the cabinet of the famous Sir Humphrey Poleworth. The second edition. London, 17 12. John Bull in His Senses : being the vSecond Part of Law is a Bottomless-Pit. Printed from a manuscript found in the cabinet of the famous Sir Humphrey Poleworth. The second edition. London, 17 12. 12 Literature of the Law Library John Bull Still in His Senses : being the Third Part of Law is a Bottomless-Pit. Printed from a manuscript found in the cabinet of the famous Sir Humphrey Poleworth : and Pub- lished (as well as the two former parts) by the author of the New Atalantis [Mrs. Manley]. The second edition. London, 1712. An appendix to John Bull Still in his vSenses or, Law is a Bottomless-Pit. Printed from a manuscript found in the cabinet of the famous Sir Humphrey Polesworth: and Pub- lished, as well as the three former Parts by the author of the New Atalantis [Mrs. ManleyJ. London, 17 12. Key (a Complete) to the Three Parts of Law is a Bottomless- Pit, and the Story of the St. Alban's Ghost. War is a Trade, a Gain, or what else makes cunning trick, in Love with Battles? He Thrives apace, John, Bankrupt, breaks; For the Bull wins, Frog sweeps the .stakes. The second edition, corrected. Printed in the year MDCCXH. The five parts in one volume, 12°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Intended to ridicule Marlborough and dissatisfy the nation with the war. Amot (Hugo). A Collection and Abridgement of Celebrated Crimi- nal Trials in Scotland, From A. D. 1536 to 1784. With Historical and Critical Remarks, by Hugo Arnot, Esq., Advocate. Edinburgh, MDCCLXXXV. 4°, half calf, marbled sides, yellow edges. From library of Sir James Stuart, Bart., Chief Justice of Lower Canada, with his bookplate. Arnould (Sir Joseph). Memoir of Thomas, First Lord Denman, formerly Lord Chief Justice of England. London, 1873. Portraits. 2 vols., 8°, cloth, uncut. Arundell (Lord) of Wardour. Tradition principally with reference to Mythology and the law of Nations. London, 1872. Post 8°, cloth. Ascham (Ant:). Of the Confusions and Revolutions of Governments, wherein is examined, How farre a man may lawfully conforme to Literature of the Law Library 13 the Powers and Commands of those who with various successes hold Kingdoms divided by Civill or Forraigne Warrs. Whether it be 1. In paying Taxes. 2. In Personall Service. 3. In Taking opposite Oathes. 4. In a man's giving himself up to a finall allegiance, in case the Warre end to the advantage of that Power or Party which is supposed unjust. Likewise Whether the Nature of Warre be inconsistent with the pre- cepts of the Christian Religion ? Three parts, with severall additions, by Ant: Ascham, Gent. London, Printed by W. Wilson, dwelling in Wel-yard neere Smithfield, 1649. 12°, half morocco, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Best edition containing nine chapters more than in the edition of 1648. Ascham was assassinated in Spain by some exiled royalists in 1650. Ashmole (Elias). The Institution, Laws and Ceremonies of the most noble order of the Garter, collected and digested into one Body by Elias Ashmole of the Middle-Temple Esq. Windsor Herald at Arms. A work furnished with variety of matter, relat- ing to Honor and Noblesse. London, Printed by J. Marsh, for Nathanael Brooke, at the Angel in Cornhill near the Royal Ex- change, MDCLXXII. Fine impression of the print of Charles the Second engraved by Sherwin and numerous plates by Hollar. Folio, original calf. '■ A laborious and highly valuable work drawn up with great perspicuity and care." Lowndts. Assembly Proceedings of the State of New York. The Votes and Proceedings of the Assembly of the State of New York at the first meeting of the fourth session begun and holden at Pough- keepsie, in Dutchess County, on Thursday, September 7th, 1780. Albany, reprinted by Munsell & Rowland, MDCCCLIX. Folio, cloth. Astor Place Riot. Account of the Terrific and Fatal Riot at the New- York Astor I'lace Opera House, on the night of May loth, 14 Literature of the Law Library 1849 ; with the quarrels of Forrest and Macready, including all the causes which led to that Awful Tragedy! Wherein an infuriated mob was quelled by the Public Authorities and military, with its mournful termination in the sudden death or mutilation of more than Fifty Citizens, with full and authentic particulars. " Let justice be done though the heavens fall." New York, 1849. Plate. 8°, half morocco, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Astor Place Riot. A Rejoinder to "the replies from England, etc.," " to certain statements circulated in this country respecting" " Mr. Macready," together with an impartial history and review of the lamentable occurrences at the Astor Place Opera House, on the loth of May, 1849, by an American Citizen, New York, 1849. 8°. Bound in with the preceding lot. Astrologie (Judiciall) Judicially Condemtted. See Judiciall As- trologie Judicially Condemned upon a survey and examination of Sir Christopher Heydon's Apology for it. Atkiiisoti (George). The Worthies of Westmoreland; or, notable persons born in that county since the Reformation, London, MDCCCXLIX. Plate. 2 vols., post 8°, cloth, uncut. Atkyiis (Sir Robert). An Argument in the Great Case concerning Election of Members to Parliament: between Sir Samuel Bernard- iston, Bart. Plaintiff; and vSir William Soames, Sheriff of Suffolk, Defendant ; in the Court of Kings-Bench, in an action upon the case; and afterwards by Error ; sued in the Exchequer-Chamber, by Sir Robert Atkyns, Knight of the Honourable Order of the Bath ; and late one of the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas. London, MDCLXXXIX. Folio. See Trials, Vol. XXII. Atkyns (Sir Robert). A Defence of the late Lord Russel's Inno- cency, By way of answer or confutation of a libellous Pamphlet, intituled an antidote against Poyson ; with Two letters of the author of this Book, upon the subject of his Lordships Tryal, together with an argument in the Great Case concerning Elections of Members to Literature of the Law Library 15 Parliament, between Sir Samuel Barnardiston, Bar. Plaintiff, and Sir Will. Soames, Sheriff of Suffolk, Defendant, in the Court of Kings- Bench, in an action upon the Case, and afterwards by Error sued in the Exchequer-Chamber. By Sir Robert Atkyns, Knight of the Honourable Order of the Bath, and late one of the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas. London, 1689. Folio. See Trials, Vol. XXII. Speaking of theiAtkyns family a recent writer has observed, " For nearly 200 years, there was one of the family filling- a judicial station in the kingdom." Atterbury (Francis). Lord Bishop of Rochester. See Rochester (Lord Bishop of). Auchterarder Case. See Robertson (Charles). Report of the Auch- terarder Case. Austin (John). The Province of Jurisprudence determined. Second edition, being the first part of a series of lectures on Jurisprudence, or, the philosophy of positive law. London, 1861. 8", half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. " This is acknowledged to be one of the most valuable contributions to the philosophy of law and legislation."— .l/tfrt//«'i- Legal Bib. Austin (John). Lectures on Jurisprudence or the philosophy of positive law. Third edition, revised and edited by Robert Campbell. London, 1869. a vols., 8°, cloth, uncut. Avery (Rev. Ephraim K.). A Report of the Trial of the Rev. Ephraim K, Avery, before the Supreme Judicial Court of Rhode Island, on an indictment for the Murder of Sarah Maria Cornell ; containing a full statement of the testimony, together with the arguments of Counsel, and the charge to the Jury, by Richard Hildreth, with a map. Third edition. Boston, 1833. 8", half green morocco, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Avery (Rev. Ephraim K.). A Vindication of the result of the Trial of Rev. Ephraim K. Avery: to which is prefixed his statement of facts relative to the circumstances by which he became involved in the prosecution. Boston, 1834. With a map. 12°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. 1 6 Literature of the Law Library Aylesbury meii (The). A collection of pamphlets as follows. Humble Representation and Address, (The) of the Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament assembled, Presented to Her Majesty the Fourteenth Day of March, 1704, and Her Majesties most Gracious Answer there- unto : with Their Lordships Thanks for the same, together with the Papers annexed to the said address, and Laid before Her Majesty. London, 1704. Report of the Lords Committee (The) appointed to Draw up The State of the Case upon the Writ of Error, lately depending in the House of Peers; wherein Matthew Ashby was Plaintiff, and William White and others defendants, with the Resolutions of the House of Peers Relating thereunto. London, 1704. All the Proceedings in Relation to the Aylesbury-men, com- mitted by the House of Commons : and the Report of the Lords Journal, and Reports of the Conferences and of The Free Conference. Together with what stands upon the Journal of the House of Commons, in the Reign of King James I. in the Case between Sir Francis Goodwin and Sir John Fortescue. London, 1704. State of the Case, The between Ashby and White in the House of Commons, Relating to the Aylesbury Election with the Arguments made use by Sir Humphrey Mack worth, Impar- tially Examined and considered, together with the Ancient and Fundamental Right of English Parliaments, dedicated to my Lord Chief Justice Holt, occasioned By His Late Incom- parable speech in the Queens Bench the last Day of the Term, when the Ailesbury Electors moved that Court for a Habeas Corpus. London, 1705. Pro Aris & Focis : or a Vindication of the Proceedings of the Commons on the Writs of Habeas Corpus and Writ of Error in the Case of the Aylesbury men. In a Letter from a mem- ber of Parliament to a Friend in the Country, n. p. (1705). Literature of the Law Library ij Defence of Liberty, A and Property ; giving a short account of the contest between the L ds and Co ns of Athens. n. p. (1705). Folio. See Trials, Vol. XXIII. Relates to the commitment in Newgate of the men of town of Aylesbury who brought an action against the Constables of the town of Aylesbury for having by contrivance fraudulently hindered them of voting. Bacon (Francis). The Works of Francis Bacon, Baron of Veriilam, Viscount St. Alban, and Lord High Chancellor of England, corrected and edited by James Spedding, M. A., of Trinity College, Cam- bridge, Robert Leslie Ellis, j\I. A., Late Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, and Douglas Denon Heath, Barrister-at-Law; late Fel- low of Trinity College, Cambridge. Vols. I to VH. The Letters and the Life of Francis Bacon including all his occasional works, namely. Letters, Speeches, Tracts, State Papers, Memorials, Devices, and all authentic writings not already printed among his Philo- sophical, Literary or Professional Works. Newly collected and set forth in chronological order, with a commentary, biographical and historical, by James Spedding. Vols. VHI to XH. London, 1858-69. Portraits. 12 vols., 8°, cloth, uncut. Contents lettered. Bacoti (Francis). The Essays or Counsels, Civil and Moral, with the Wisdom of the Antients, by Francis Bacon, Viscount St. Alban, revised from the Early t^opies, the References supplied and a few Notes by S. W. Singer, F. S. A. London, 1857. 12*, full polished brown levant morocco, gilt back, gilt edges. Bacon (Francis). Essays : with Annotations by Richard Whately, D. D., Archbishop of Dublin. Fifth edition, revised and enlarged. London, i860. 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Bacon (Francis, Lord). The Character of Lord Bacon. London, MDCCCXXXV. la', half calf. Bacon (Francis, Lord). See Dixon (W. Hepvvorth). The story of Lord Bacon's Life. 1 8 Literature of the Law Library Badeley (Edward). The Privilege of Religious Confessions in English Courts of Justice considered, in a letter to a friend. Lon- don, 1865. S". See Law Tracts, C. "The cause of Religion is deeply interested, in maintaining the sacred inviolability of Confession." Badger (Mrs.). A Report of the evidence in the Case, John Atkins, Appellant, vs. Calvin Sanger, & al. Executors, relative to the will of the late Mrs. Badger, of Natick ; which was disallowed before the Supreme Court of Probate, at the October Term, 1822. Also, the affidavit of the Appellant, containing facts within his own knowledge; together with his statement of other facts which he will prove when necessary. The whole published in consequence of the late publica- tion of the affidavits of the appellees and the wives of two of them, by the Appellant. Dedham (1824). 8", half calf. Bagehot (Walter). The English Constitution, and other Political Essays. Latest revised edition. New York, 1877. 12°, cloth. Baker (T.). The Laws Relating to Burials in England and Wales, including 15 & 16 Vict. cap. 85; 16 & 17 Vict. cap. 134; 17 & 18 Vict, cap. 87 ; and 18 & 19 Vict. cap. 79 and cap. 128 ; with Notes, Forms and Practical Instructions, by T. Baker, Esq., of the Lower Temple, Barrister-at-law (of the Burial Acts Office). London, 1855. 12", cloth, marbled edges. "-- Baldwin (Charles N.). Report of the Trial of Charles N. Baldwin, for a Libel, in publishing, in the Republican Chronicle, certain Charges of Fraud and Swindling in the Management of Lotteries in the State of New York. Containing the publications in relation to this interesting subject — the evidence — the speeches of the Counsel on both sides, and the Charge of the Hon. C. D. Colden, Mayor of the City of New York, to the Jury. The Trial commenced on Tuesday the loth of November, and lasted until Friday morning 2 o'clock, when the Jury returned a verdict of "Not Guilty." The whole being Literature of the Law Library 19 taken down in short hand, at the trial, with great accuracy, by H. W. Warner, Esquire. New York, 181 8. Half green morocco, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Baldwin (Charles N.). Report of the Trial of Charles N. Baldwin, for a libel, in publishing charges of fraud and swindling against the managers and sub-managers of the Medical Science Lottery, in the State of New York, before the Honourable Cadwallader D. Golden, j\Iayor of the City of New York, and Reuben Munson and George B. Thorpe, Aldermen, on 10-13 days of November, 1818. New York, 1818. 8°. See vol. entitled Trials. Bancroft (George). Literary and Historical Miscellanies. New York, MDCCCLV. 8°, cloth, uncut. Bank of Commerce (The) v. Carl C. Bolander. Is a Bank a corporation. In the Court of the State of New York for the trial of impeachments and correction of errors. Albany, 1840. 8°. See Law Tracts, A. Bank of the Commonwealth (The). Stocks of the United States Not Taxable. New York Court of Appeals, the people of the State of New York, ex rel. the Bank of the Commonwealth, against the commissioners of taxes and assessments of the City and County of New York. Dissenting opinion of Mr. Chief Justice Comstock, delivered at Albany, June term, 185 1. A. W. Bradford, Amasa J. Parker, and Irving Paris for Appellants. Greene C. Bronson, and H. H. Anderson, for Respondents. New York, 1862. 8°. See Law Tracts, Vol. 2. Bank of Michigan (The). An act to establish the Farmers and Mechanics' Bank of Michigan. (Approved, Nov. 5, 1829.) n. p. n. d. 8°. See Law Tracts, Vol. III. Bank (The Royal British). The Trial of the Royal British Bank Directors, viz.: Humphry Brown, Edward Esdaile, Henry Dunning Macleod, Loraine de Wolfe Cochrane, Richard Hartley Kennedy, 20 Liter ahire of the Law Library William Daniel Owen, John Stapleton, Hugh Innes Cameron, Lock- hart Mure Valiant, Frederick Valiant, at the Court of Queens Bench, Guildhall, before Lord Campbell and a Special Jury. (1857.) 8". See Trials, Vol. V. Bank of the United States (The). An Exhibit of the losses sus- tained at the office of Discount and Deposit, Baltimore, under the administration of James A. Buchanan, President, and James W. McCuUoh, Cashier ; compiled by the President and Directors of the Office at Baltimore, in pursuance of an order from the President and Directors of the Bank of the United States ; to which is appended a report of the Conspiracy Cases, tried at Harford County Court in Maryland. Baltimore, 1823. Folding tables. 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Bank (The Watervliet). In the Supreme Court of the State of New York. In the matter of the application of Andrew White, Receiver of the Canal Bank. Albany, 1853. 8». See Law Tracts, A. Banking (The History of). See Lawson (William John). The history of Banking. Bar (A guide to the). With an Appendix, containing the consoli- dated regulations of the Inns of Court, and the questions at the general examination Michaelmas Term, 1870, by a Templar. London, 1871. 8». See Law Tracts, C. Barclay (David). The Several Trials of the Reverend David Bar- clay, Before the Presbytery of New-Brunswick, with the Judgment at Oxford. An appeal to the Synod of New York, and New Jersey; with their Judgement in the City of New York. Remanded By the Synod, to the Presbytery of New Brunswick ; with their Judgement at Hackettstown; and a vote of censure on Jacob Kerr, one of the complainants, by Jacob Kerr. Elizabeth-Town, 1814. !»•, original old calf binding. Barnard (Daniel D.), Lecture on the character and services of James Madison. Albany, 1837. 8°. See Pamphlets, Vol. V. Literature of the Law Library 21 Barnard (Daniel D.), A Discourse on the life, services and charac- ter of Stephen Van Rensselaer ; delivered before the Albany- institute, April 15, 1839, with an historical sketch of the colony and manor of Rensselaerwyck in an appendix. Albany, 1839. 8°. See Pamphlets, V. Barony of L'Isle (Claim to the). See Nicolas (Nicholas Harris). Report of proceedings on the Claim to the Barony of L'Isle. Barrington (Sir Jonah). Personal Sketches of His Own Times, by Sir Jonah Barrington, Judge of the High Court of Admiralty in Ireland, &c., &c., &c. Second edition, revised and improved. London, 1830-2. Portrait. 3 vols., 8°, half blue calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Bookplate of Thomas John Marker in each volume. Barrister (The). Or, Strictures on the Education proper for the Bar. Most of these Papers appeared occasionally in the World, during the year 1791. Some others are now added, with an Intro- duction by the Author. London, MDCCXCII. 3 vols., 12°, old tree calf. Barrister (The Experiences of A). By S * * * ***** * * * * * *^D. C. L. London (1856). 16°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Barry (John A.). The Barry Case. A Review of, and Strictures on the Opinion of His Honor the Chancellor of the vState of New York, delivered 26th August, 1839, in the late case of the People, ex relatione John A. Barry, versus Thomas R. jMercein. Affording also, a correct view of the circumstances of the case, and the persecutions of the Reviewer, by his wife's Father and Family, and others, their partisans, up to the present time, by John A Barry. New York, 1839. 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Barry (John T.). The Punishment of Death. A selection of arti- cles from the Morning Herald, with notes. London, 1836. s vols., crown 8'\ half calf, marbled sides. Presentation copy from the author to George Offer, with autograph letter inserted. Mr. Offer has inserted an old woodcut view of the " Burning of Thomas Hytton," with the foUowini; inscription at the bottom : " From Fox's Book of Martyrs, vide Preface, page V. I directed the attention of my worthy neighbour Mr. Barry (the editor of these volumes) & lent him the extremely rare volume of the Confutation of Tyndale from which the extract was made.— (7. Offer.''^ 2 2 Literature of the Law Library Bath (Order of the). Statutes of the most honoiirable Order of the Bath. London, Printed in 1725 — Reprinted in 1812. Visrnette of the Ensign of the order on the title and on page 15- Small quarto, full red, crimped morocco, gilt back, gilt edges. From the Library of Fras Townsend, Windsor Herald Deputy Bath King of Arms, with the seal attached of the Order of the Bath. Contains also the Bookplates of the Earl of Munster and Col. Fitz Clarence. Bayntun (Maria). The Trial of the Right Honourable Lady Maria Bayntun, daughter of the Right Hon. George William^ Earl of Coventry, and wife of Andrew Bayntun, Esq., son of Sir Edward Bayntun, Baronet, in the arches court, at Doctors Commons, for committing the crime of adultery, and violating her conjugal vow, to which is added, a very pathetic and affecting Letter, from Lady Maria to her Husband after the discovery of her illicit Amours. London (1782). 8°. See Trials, V. Beacoiisfield*s (Lord) Correspondence with his Sister 183 2-1 85 2. Second edition. Portrait. London, 1886. 8°, cloth, uncut. Beale (Dr. Stephen T.). Trial and Conviction of Dr. Stephen T. Beale ; with the Letters of Chief Justice Lewis, and Judges Black and Woodward, on his case. Interesting Ether Cases, and letters of Prof. Gibson. Prof. Wiltbank, Wm. Badger, Esq., W. L. Hirst, Esq., Rev. Albert Barnes, Dr. Henry A. Boardman, &c. Philadelphia, 1855. 8°. See Trials, Vol. IV. Beall (John Y.). Trial of John Y. Beall, as a Spy and Guerrillero, by Military Commission. New York, 1865. 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Beaman (Charles C.) Jr. The National and Private " Alabama Claims " and their " Final and Amicable Settlement." Washington (1871). 8°, paper. Presentation copy with following inscription on the fly leaf : " Hon. J. V. L. Pruyn, with the Compliments of the Author.'' Beardsley Divorce. Report of the Beardsley Divorce Case, contain- ing the full and unabridged testimony of all the witnesses, together with all the evidence suppressed by the Daily Papers. New York (i860). 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Literature of the Law Library 23 Beardsley (Levi). Reminiscences ; Personal and other incidents; early settlement of Otsego County ; notices and anecdotes of public men ; Judicial, legal and legislative matters ; Field sports ; Disser- tations and Discussions. New York, 1852. Portrait. 8°, cloth. Beardsley (Samuel). Opinion of the Hon. Samuel Beardsley, late Chief Justice of the State, and letter from Hon. William L. Marcy, on the Canal Bill. Albany, 185 1. 8°, paper. 8°. See Law Tracts, Vol. III. Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury. See Robertson (James Craigie). Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury. Beekmau (Mr.). Resolution of Mr. Beekman, on the Petition of Levinus Vanderheyden, Neziah Bliss, and Joseph D. Monnell. Trans- mitted to the Legislature April 8, 1853. Albany, 1853. 8°. See Law Tracts, B. Relates to the financial affairs of Union College. Beekman St. (Wideuiug ol). Supreme Court. In the Matter of the application of the Mayor, Aldermen, and Commonalty of the City of New York, for widening Beekman Street from Pearl Street to Park Row. Report of Samuel B. Ruggles, Referee, on the claims of the City Corporation, the vault owners, the Occupants of Graves, and the Brick Presbyterian Church. New York, 1856, 8°. See Law Tracts, Vol. V. Bell Telephone Company. Argument of Hon. Lysander Hill, oppos- ing the motion for a preliminary injunction in the American Bell Telephone Company vs. The Overland Telephone Company of New Jersey. Philadelphia, Jan'y 23d, 1884, and opinion of Court. New York, 1884. V. See Law Tracts, B. Belles Lettres. See Rollin (Charles). The Method of Teaching and Studying the Belles Lettres. Beltz (George Frederick). Memorials of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, from its Foundation to the Present time. Including the 24 Literature of the Law Library history of the order. Biographical notices of the Knights in the Reigns of Edward III. and Richard II.; the chronological succession of the members, and many curious particulars relating to English and French history from hitherto unpublished documents. London, William Pickering, MDCCCXII. Illustrated. Royal 8°, half roxburghe. Bench and Bar. See Bigelow (L. J.). Bench and Bar, a complete digest. Wit, etc., of the Law. Benedict (Rev. Judson D.). Opinion of Judge N. K. Hall, of the United States District Court for the Northern District of New York, on Habeas Corpus in the case of Rev. Judson D. Benedict ; and documents and statement of facts relating thereto, with notes and additional authorities ; with an appendix, containing a collection of authorities and many useful suggestions upon the subject of martial law, and the exercise of arbitrary power, Buffalo, 1863. 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Benson (Capt. L.). The Book of Remarkable Trials and Notorious characters from "Half-Hanged Smith," 1700 — to Oxford who shot at the Queen 1840. Edited by Captain L. Benson. London, n. d. Numerous illustrations by " Phiz." Crown 8°, cloth, uncut. Bentham (Jeremy). Principles of Legislation : from the MS. of Jeremy Bentham; Bencher of Lincoln's Inn. By M. Dumont, mem- ber of the representative and sovereign council of Geneva. Trans- lated from the second corrected and enlarged edition; with notes and a biographical notice of Jeremy Bentham and of M. Dumont, by John Neal. Boston, 1830. Portrait. Imperial 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. " It cannot be denied that Mr. Bentham has done more than any other writer to rouse the spirit of judicial reformation.— ^/r/awz^^ Mackintosh. Bentham (Jeremy). The works of Jeremy Bentham, published under the superintendence of his executor, John Bowring. Edin- burgh, MDCCCXLIII. II vols., 8°, law sheep. Bentham (Jeremy). Benthamina ; or, select extracts from the works of Jeremy Bentham, with an outline on his opinions on the Literature of the Law Library 25 principal subjects discussed in his works, edited by John Hill Bur- ton, Advocate. Philadelphia, 1844. Post 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Berkeley (Admiral). The Trial of James Whiting, John Parsons, and William Congreve, for a Libel against the Hon. G. C. Berkeley, Rear Admiral of the Red, and one of the Representatives in Parlia- ment for the county of Glocester; by a Special Jury, before the right hon. Lord Chief Baron Macdonald, in His Majesty's Court of Exchequer, June 27th, 1804, taken in short hand by Mr. Gurney, together with the Letters and Papers which are referred to in the course of the Trial. Buckingham, 1804. 8°, half red morocco, marbled sides, yellow edges. Berlin Arbitration. See Washington (Treaty of), vol. 5. Bernard (Montague.) A Historical Account of the Neutrality of Great Britain during the American Civil War. London, 1870. Imperial 8°, cloth, uncut. Bernardi (M.). De L'Origine et des progres de la Legislation Frangaise ou Histoire du droit Public et Prive de la France, depuis la Fondation de la Monarchic Jusques et Compris la Revolution. Paris, 1816. 8°, old tree calf, gilt back, marbled edges. Bibliotheca Legum. See Clark (John). Clarke's Bibliotheca Legum; or complete Catalogiie of the Common and Statute Law Books of the United Kingdom. Bigamy. See Aletheo (Theophilo). Polygamia Triumphatrix, and other tracts bound in the same volume. Bigelow (L. J.). Bench and Bar : a complete digest of the Wit, Humor, Asperities and Amenities of the Law. New York, 1867. With portraits and illustrations. Crown 8°, cloth. " I trust that the best specimens of legal wit, humor, and incidents have been gathered in the following pages."— /"/-^/acif. Biker (J. G.). The Tryal between J. G. Biker, plaintiff; and M. Morley, Doctor of Physic, defendant; for Criminal conversation with 4 26 Literature of the Law Library the Plaintiff's wife; on Tuesday, the 30th of June, at Guildhall, London. London, MDCCXLL 8°. See Trials, Vol. V. Bitiney (Horace). The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus under the constitution. Philadelphia, 1865. See Law Tracts, A. Bishop's House, Albatiy. The Supreme Court of the State of New York, John S. Perry, plaintiff, respondent, against The Board of Missions of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the diocese of Albany, defendant, appellant. Cases and exceptions. Albany, 1883. 8°. See Law Tracts, A. Bissell (Francis B.)., Admitiistrator, v. N. Y. C. R. R. Co. In the Court of Appeals of the State of New York. Statement of Facts. Josiah L. Bissell was killed while riding free on the cars of the company, 1856. 8°. See Law Tracts, A. Bisset (William). The modern Fanatick, with a large and true account of the life, actions, endowments, &c., of the famous Dr. Sa 1. London, 17 10. 8°, half morocco. Black Book (The Extraordinary). An exposition of abuses in church and state, courts of law, representation, municipal and corpo- rate bodies; with a precis of the House of Commons, past, present, and to come. A new edition, greatly enlarged and corrected to the present time. By the original editor. London, MDCCCXXXH. Frontispiece, containing seven portraits. 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. "Our object has been Truth; not to compromise with error, not knowingly pander to any prejudice, aristocratic or democratic." — Preface. Blackburne (Edward). Life of the Right Hon. Francis Blackburne late Lord Chancellor of Ireland, sometime also Master of the Rolls, Lord Chief-Justice of the Queen's Bench, and Lord Justice of Ap- peal, chiefly in connection with his public and political career. London, 1874. Portrait. 8°, cloth, uncut. "Thoroug-hly opposed to sentimental or sensational legislation Blackburne considered that the true secret of governing Ireland lay in unflinching administration of the l&'fr."— Preface. Literature of the Law Library 27 Black River Road Tragedy (The). See Munroe (John A.). Full report of the trial of John A. Munroe. Blackstoue (Sir William). The Biographical History of Sir William Blackstone, late one of the Justices of Both Benches, a name, as celebrated at the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, as in West- minster-Hall, and a Catalogue of all Sir William Blackstone's Works, manuscript, as well as printed, with a nomenclature of Westminster- Hall. The whole illustrated with notes, observations, and references. Also, a preface and index to each part, by a Gentleman of Lincoln's Inn. London, MDCCLXXXH. 8°, original calf, gilt. Blackstone (Sir William). Commentaries on the Laws of England: In Four Books. Adapted to the present state of the law, by Robert Malcom Kerr, LL.D. Third edition. London, 1862. Four vols., 8°, cloth, uncut. Bloody Calendar. See Malefactors' Register. Bloom (S. S.). Why we are Democrats; or the principles and policies of the American Democracy. Chicago (1883). 16°, paper. Blouut (Thomas). Fragmenta Antiquitatis : or, Ancient Tenures of Land, and Jocular customs of manors, originally published by Thomas Blount, Esq., of the Inner Temple, enlarged and corrected by Josiah Beckwith, Gent., F. A. S., with considerable additions from authentic sources, by Hercules Malebysse Beckwith. London, 1815. Quarto, half morocco, gilt back, marbled sides, red edges. " Best edition of a very popular \4or\s.."— Lowndes. Blue Laws. The Blue Laws of New Haven Colony, usually called Blue Laws of Connecticut; Quaker Laws of Plymouth and Massachusetts; Blue Laws of New York, Maryland, Virginia, and South Carolina. First Record of Connecticut; interesting extracts from Connecticut Records ; cases of Salem witchcraft; charges and banishment of Rev. Roger Williams, etc., and other interesting and instructive antiquities, compiled by an antiquarian. Hartford, 1838. ia°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. 28 Literature of the Law Library Bolton (Miss Arabella). The Memoirs of Miss Arabella Bolton, containing a Genuine account of her Seduction, and the barbarous Treatment she afterwards received from the Honourable Colonel L L, the present supposed M r for the county of Middlesex. With various other Misfortunes and Embarrasments, into which this unhappy young woman has been cruelly involved, thro' the Vicissi- tudes of life, and the Villainy of her Seducer. The whole taken from the original Letters of the said C 1 L L, to Dr. Kelly, who attended her in the greatest Misfortunes and Distresses under which she laboured ; and also from several Original Letters from Doctor Kelly and Miss Bolton, and from other authenticated Papers in the Hands of the Publisher. London, MDCCLXX. 8°, half red morocco, gilt back, marbled sides, gilt edges. Book of Sports, as set forth by K. Charles the I. with remarks. Printed in 1633, by Robert Barker, Printer to the King's most excel- lent majesty and reprinted in the year 17 10, by J. Baker, in Pater- noster-Row, London. 8°. See Law Tracts, Vol. IV. Boroughs and Municipal Corporations (History of). See Mere- wether (Henry Alworth). The history of Boroughs and Municipal Corporations of the United Kingdom. Boston Station (Naval affairs at the). See Abbot (Joel). Trial of Lieutenant Joel Abbot. [Bouhier (Jean).] Traite de la dissolution Du Mariage pour cause D'Impuissance, avec Quelques Pieces curieuses sur le meme Sujet. Luxembourg, MDCCXXXV. 8°, mottled calf, gilt back, marbled edges. Boulton and Park. A collection of different photographs of Boulton and Park who were arrested in London in 1870 for assuming female attire for immoral and unnatural purposes. Square 12°, morocco case. Bowyer (Sir George). Introduction to the Study and Use of the Civil Law, and to Commentaries on the modern Civil Law. London, 1874. 8°, cloth, uncut. Literature of the Law Library 29 Bracketiridge (H. M.). See Jew Bill (Speeches on the). Bracton (Hetirici de). Henrici de F)Tacton de Legdbus & consnetudinibus Angliae Libri quing; in varies tractatus distincti, ad diuer- forum et vetustissimorum codicum collationem, ingenti cura, nunc primu typis uulgati \ quorum quid cinq infit, proxima pagina demonstralit. (•••) Londini Apud Richardum Tottellum, An.do. 1569 cum privilegio. Folio, full polished calf, gilt back, red edges. Bradford (Alden). biographical Notices of Distinguished men in New England. Statesmen, Patriots, Physicians, Lawyers, Clergy- men and Mechanics. Boston, 1842. 12°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Branch (Elizabeth). Inhumanity and Barbarity not to be Equal'd: being an impartial relation of the Barbarous Murder committed by Mrs. Elizabeth Branch and her Daughter, on the body of Jane Butters- worth, their Servant, at their farm at High-Church, near Philips- Norton, in the County of Somerset, containing al.so, I. A recital of the principal and material evidence at their Tryal at Taunton assizes before Mr. Justice Chappel, on Friday the 4th of April, 1740. II. The manner of the discovery of the murder. III. The wonderful appearance of the Light seen on the Grave. IV. The rising of the country people upon them as they went to take their Tryal. V. The particulars of their extraordinary execution at Ivelchester the third of May following, about four in the morning. Taken by a spectator. Lastl}', a copy of a letter sent by Miss Betty Branch some time before her execution, to the Rev. Mr. H of Hemmington. The second edition. London, 1740. 8°. See Trials, Vol. V. 30 Literature of the Law Library Branch (Elizabeth). The Cruel mistress; being the genuine Trial of Elizabeth Bra/u/i, and her own Daughter; for the murder of Jane Buttersworth, their Servant Maid: who was executed on vSaturday, May 3, 1740, at Ivelchester, in the County of Somerset, together with an account of their lives, and the many cruelties they were guilty of, particularly that of making their own servant boy eat his own excre- ment. Their behaviour whilst under sentence of Death, and their last dying speeches, made at the place of execution. London, 1740. Two plates. 8°. See Trials, Vol. V. Brayley (Edward Wedlake) and John Britton. The History of the Ancient Palace and late Houses of Parliament at Westminster: embracing accounts and illustrations of St. Stephen's Chapel, and its Cloisters, — Westminster Hall, — The Courts of Requests. — The Painted Chamber, &c., &c. London, 1836. Illustrated by engravings. 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Brayley was a learned and laborious topographer and a pupil of John Brittons. Brice (Seward). The Law Relating to Public Worship; with especial regard to matters of Ritual and Ornamentation, and to the means for securing the Due Observance thereof and containing The Public Worship Regulation Act 1874, The Church Discipline Act, The Statutes of Uniformity, The Injunctions and Advertisements, The Articles and Canons, with notes and references. London, 1875. 8°, full dark calf antique, red edges. "■ Throughout I have endeavoured to state what, in accordance with existing decisions, is the actual state of the law, not what some extreme partisans, ecclesiastical or lay, choose to think it ought to be." — Preface. Bridgman (Richard Whalley). A Short view of Legal Bibliog- raphy : containing some critical observations on the authority of the Reporters and other Law Writers ; collected from the best authorities, and intended as a coiupanion to the author's reflections on the Study of the Law. To which is added, a plan for classifying a public or private library. London, 1807. 8", full dark calf, red edges. Bright (Gen. Michael). A Report of the whole trial of Gen. Michael Bright, and others ; before Washington & Peters, in the Circuit Court, of the United States, in and for the district of Penn- Literatttre of the Law Library 31 sylvania, in the third Circuit ; oa an Indictment for obstructing, resisting and opposing the Execution of the Writ of Arrest, issued out of the District Court of Pennsylvania ; in the case of Gideon Olmstead and others, against the surviving executrices of David Rit- tenhouse, deceased, by Thomas Lloyd, the argument of Counsel, and charge of the Judge, revised in each respectively. Phila- delphia, 1809. 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Brissotiius (Barnabas) and Antonius Franciscus Hotmamis. De veteri vitu Nvptiarvm & juri Connubiorum. Amstelodami, apud Petrvm le Grand, C | 3 | 3CLXII. Engraved title, in three compartments, one of which represents combats in the arena. i6°, half morocco, vellum sides. Brook V. Brook. Report of the Case, decided in the High Court of Chancery on the 17th April, 1858, by Sir John Stuart, vice-chancel- lor, with the opinion of the Right Hon. Sir C. C. Cresswell thereon, extracted by permission from Vol. HI of the authorized Reports of Messrs. Smale & Giflfard. London, 1858. 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Brooks (Erastus). The Controversy between Senator Brooks and " f John," Archbishop of New York, growing out of the speech of Senator Brooks on the Church Property Bill, in the N. Y. State Senate, March 6th, 1855, arranged for publication, with an intro- ductory preface by VV. S. Tisdale. New York (1855). Portraits, original covers, bound in 8°, half blue calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. another copy, half morocco. Broom (Herbert). A Selection of Legal Maxims, Classified and Illustrated. Third edition. London, 1858. Thick 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. *' In the legal science perhaps more frequently than in any other, reference must be made to the first principles."— >"A-^/ac^. Broom (Herbert). Constitutional Law viewed in relation to Com- mon Law, and Exemplified by Cases. London, 1866. Thick 8°, cloth, uncut. " For some years past I have specially employed myself in collecting materials for this ■•hotV.^''— treface . 32 Literature of the Law Library Broom (Herbert). The Philosophy of Law : being- notes of lectures delivered during twenty-three years (185 2-1 875) in the Inner Temple Hall. Adapted for Students and the Public. London, 1876. 12°, cloth, uncut " 1 submit this as the result of much thought devoted to the adapting of legal knowledge to the ordinary concerns of Wie:.''^— Preface. Brougham (Henry, Lord). Political Philosophy. London, 1843-4. 3 vols., 8", half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Contents. — Volume L Principles of Government. Monarchical Government. Volume IL Of Aristocracy. Aristocratic Governments. Volume III. Of Democracy. Mixed Democracy, " We close these volumes .... with respect for his learning and admiration for his genius.'' — Edin. Rev. Brougham (Henry, Lord). Albert Lunel ; or, The Chateau of Languedoc. London, 1844. 3 vols., p<>st 8°, boards, uncut, as issued. Suppressed upon the eve of publication, and not more than five copies supposed to be extant. Brougham (Heury, Lord). Lives of Men of Letters and Science, who flourished in the Time of George III. Philadelphia, 1845. 12°, cloth. Brougham (Henry, Lord). Lives of Men of Letters and Science who flourished in the time of George III. Second series. Phila- delphia, 1846. 12°, cloth. Brougham (Henry, Lord). Inaugural Address on the Establishment of a Law School ; with a letter from Lord Chancellor Truro. (London) (1850). 8°, half morocco. Brougham (Henry, Lord). The Life and Times of Henry, Lord Brougham written by himself. Edinburgh and London, MDCCCLXXL Portrait. 3 vols., 8°, cloth, uncut. " I alone am answerable for all its statements, faults, and omissions. I will have no editor employed to alter or rewrite what I desire shall be piiblished as exclusively my own." — Lord Brougham's instructions to his executor. Liter ahire of the Law Library 33 Brown (Archibald). A New Law Dictionary and Institute of the Whole Law, for the use of Students, the Legal profession, and the public. London, 1S74. 8", cloth, uncut. Browtt (David Paul). The Forum ; or Forty Years' Full Practice at the Philadelphia Bar. Philadelphia, 1856. 3 vols., 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Brown (Captain John). The Life, Trial and Execution of Captain John Brown, known as " Old Brown of Ossawatomie," with a full account of the attempted Insurrection at Harper's Ferry, compiled from official and authentic sources. Including Cooke's Confession, and all the Incidents of the Execution. New edition, with additions. New York (i860). Portrait and illustrations. 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Brown (John). The Historical Gallery of Criminal Portraitures, Foreign and Domestic ; containing a selection of the most impres- sive cases of Guilt and Misfortune to be found in Modern History, Edited and compiled by John Brown. Manchester, 1823. Engraved titles. 2 vols., 8°, half calf. Brown (Joseph). The Dark Side of Trial by Jury, by Joseph Brown, Esq., of the Middle Temple. London, 1859. 8°. Bound with Clark's ''Unanimity in Trial by Jury." Browne (G. Latham). Narratives of State Trials in the Nineteenth Century. First period. From the union with Ireland to the death of George the Fourth, 1 801-1830. Boston, 1882. 2 vols., crown 8°, cloth, uncut. Brownrigg (Mother). Mother Brownrigg; being a Narrative of the many horrid cruelties which .she inflicted on the Bodies of Mary Clifford, Mary Mitchell, and Mary Jones: with a full and true account of Her Trial, Confession, and Execution: also, a faithful report of the Trial and Conviction of James and John Brownrigg, her husband and son, for confining and inhumanly scourging Mary Mitchell ; with their respective sentences. London, n. d, i2». See Trials, Vol. XI. 5 34 Literature of the Law Library Buckingham (J. T.). Trial : Commonwealth vs. J. T. Buckingham, on an Indictment for a Libel, before the Municipal Court of the City of Boston, December term 1822. Boston (1822). 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Bttckttiati (Betijattiiti E.). Samuel J. Tilden Unmasked ! by Benja- min E. Buckman, late Sergeant in the Metropolitan Police. New- York, 1876. Illustrated. 8vo, paper, emblematic cover. " I made the astounding discovery that the present Governor of the State of New York was a confederate and adviser of the thieves who stole my property."— /"/-^/ac^. Budge (Rev. Henry). The Entire and Unabridged Evidence given on the second inquest, concerning the Death of Mrs. Priscilla Budge, wife of Jiev. Henry Budge, of Greig, Lewis Co., N. Y., who was found, with her throat cut, on the morning of December nth, 1859, taken before Thomas Rogers, Esq., Coroner, of Port Leyden, Lewis Co., N. Y., on the 9, 10, 11 and 12th, of April, i860. Also: the Evidence given at the Examination of Rev. Henry Budge, charged with the Murder of his Wife, Priscilla Budge, on the loth day of December, 1859. Lowville, N. Y., i860. 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Budge (Rev. Henry). A Review of the case, the People agt. Rev. Henry Budge, indicted for the murder of his wife Priscilla Budge, (tried at Oneida, New York, Circuit Court, in August, and Septem- ber, 1861.) Containing an examination of the medico-legal questions involved in the case; a review of the positions taken by the medical witnesses for the defence; an extended discussion of the positions assumed by the medical witnesses ^f or the prosecution, with cuts, and tables for illustration; letters and opinions from various eminent American and foreign medical jurists; together with copious ab- stracts from the evidence adduced, and the Judges charge in the civil action of Henry Budge agt. Caleb Lyon, for Libel, tried at the Herkimer Circuit in October and November, 1861, by John Swin- burne, M. D., Albany, N. Y. Albany, 1862. Illustrations. 8°. See Law Tracts, Vol. IV. Liter atitre of the Law Library 35 Bullions (Rev. Alexander, D. D.). A True and Faithful History of the Trial of the Rev. Alexander Bullions, D. D., before the Associate Presbytery of Cambridg-e, on a libel exhibited against him by that reverend body, in May, 1829; and before the Associate Synod of North America, at their meeting in Philadelphia, in May, 1830, whither the cause was carried by appeal. To which is prefixed, a brief account of some of the causes which seem to have led to the prosecution; and the whole is interspersed with remarks which may be useful to such as have business in Church Courts, by an Observer. New York, 1831. 8°. See Trials, Vol. IV. Bulwer (Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton). Eugene Aram, a Tale: with a Frontispiece, by Hablot K. Browne. London, MDCCCII. Post 8°, full polished calf, gilt back, marbled sides. Burch vs. Burch. The Only Complete Report of the Burch Divorce Case: containing a comprehensive history of the Case. The prelimi- nary movements, the " Confessions " of Mrs. Burch, opening speeches of counsel, the deposition of parties implicated, and all the testimony in full, together with the letters offered in evidence but ruled out by the Court. Specially reported by the Law Reporter of the " New York Daily Times." New York (i860). Imperial 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Burdett (Sir Francis, Bart.). The Trial of Sir Francis Bur deti, Bart., at Leicester, on Thursday, March 23d, 1820, before Mr. Justice Best, and a special jury. Second edition. London, 1820. 8°. See Trials, Vol. IV. Burgess (Joshua, M. D.). The Medical and Legal relations of Mad- ness; showing a cellular theory of mind, and of nerve force, and also of vegetative vital force. London, MDCCCLVIII. 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Burke (Edmund), The works of, with a memoir. New York, 1835. Portrait. 3 vols., 8°, sheep. Burke (J. Bernard). Family Romance; or, Episodes in the Domestic Annals of the Aristocracy. London, 1853. 3 vols., 13°., half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. 36 Literature of the Law Library Burke (Peter). The Romance of the Forum; or, Narratives, Scenes, and Anecdotes from Courts of Justice. London, 1852. 2 vols., 12°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Burke (Peter). The Romance of the Forum; or, Narratives, Scenes, and Anecdotes from Courts of Justice. Second series. London, 1854. 2 vols., 12°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Burke (Peter). Recollections of the Court Room; or. Narratives, Scenes and Anecdotes from Courts of Justice. New York, i860. 12°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Burke (Peter). Celebrated Naval and Military Trials. London, 1866. Post 8°, half calf, gilt back, marbled sides and edges. Burn (John Southerden). Registrum Ecclesiae Parochialis. The History of Parish Registers in England, also of the Registers of Scotland, Ireland, the East and West Indies, the Dissenters, and the Episcopal Chapels in and about London. With observations on Bishops' Transcripts, and the Provisions of the act of the 52iid George III., cap. 146. Second edition. London, MDCCCLXII. 8°, half calf, marbled sides. Burns (Anthony). Boston Slave Riot, and Trial of Anthony Burns, Containing the report of the Faneuil Hall meeting; the murder of Batchelder; Theodore Parker's lesson for the day; Speeches of coun- sel on both sides, corrected by themselves; a verbatim report of Judge Loring's decision; and detailed account of the embarkation. Boston, 1854. Imperial 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Burton (John Hill). Lives of Simon Lord Lovat, and Duncan Forbes, of Culloden, from original sources. London, MDCCCXLVII. Post 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Burton (John Hill). Narratives from Criminal Trials in Scotland. London, 1852. 2 vols., post 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Burton (John Hill). See Bentham (Jeremy). Benthomina; or, select extracts from the works of Jeremy Bentham. Literature of the Law Library 37 Bush (George). Notes, critical and practical, on the book of Leviticus, designed as a general help to Biblical reading- and in- struction. New York, 1857. Crown 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Relates to the marriage question. Butler (Beujamiu F.). Plan for the Organization of a Law Faculty and for a System of Instruction in Legal Science, in the University of the City of New York. New York, 1835. 8°. See Law Tracts, Vol. I. Butler (Beaj. F.). A Review by Judge Pierrepont of Gen. Butler's Defense, before the House of Representatives, in relation to the New Orleans Gold. New York, 1865. 8°. See Law Tracts, C. Butler (Beuj. F.). Argument of Richard T. Merrick on motion to vacate the Service in the case of Charles W. Wool ley vs. Benj. F. Butler, in the Superior Court of the City of Baltimore, Saturday, Octo. 10, 1868. Reported by James O. Clephane. Washington, 1868. 8°. See Law Tracts B. Butler (Charles). Horae Juridicae Subsecivae: a connected series of notes, respecting the geography, chronology and literary history of the principal codes and original documents of the Grecial, Roman, Feudal and Canon Law, with additional notes and illustrations by an eminent American civilian. Philadelphia, 1808. 8°, half calf. This edition is known as Farrand & Co.'s Premium Edition from the note on the Back of the Title. "To the Public: In order to insure correctness the publishers of this book have subjected it to a critical examination in the following manner — Two proof-sheets have been put up for public examination, one at the publisher's counting- house, the other at the city library in Philadelphia, and a premium of one dollar has been offered for every error that might be discovered; hence it is designated the premium edition." Butler (Charles). Reminiscences of Charles Butler, Esq., of Lin- coln's Inn, with a letter to a Lady on Ancient and Modern Music. Second American, from the fourth London edition. New York, 1825. la", half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Contains bookplate of J. Tharp Lawrence. 38 Literature of the Law Library Butler (Charles). Reminiscences of Charles Butler, Esq., of Lin- coln's Inn, with i. An essay on the mystical devotions of Catholics and Protestants, 2. A correspondence between the late Dr. Parr and Mr. Butler. 3. And considerations on the present proceed- ings for the reform on the English Courts of Equity: — on a charge brought ag-ainst conveyancers, solicitors, and attorneys, and on Mr. Humphrey's " Observations on the actual state of real property in England." Boston, 1827. 12°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Contains bookplate of J. Tharp Lawrence. Butler (Charles). The Life of Hug-o Grotius : with brief minutes of the Civil, Ecclesiastical, and Literary History of the Netherlands. London, MDCCCXXVL 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Butterfield (Jane). The Trial of Jane Butterfield For the wilful murder of William Sea wen, Esq.; at the Assizes held at Croydon for County of Surry, on Saturday, the 19th of August, 1775, before the Right Honourable Sir Sidney Stafford Smythe, Knt, Lord Chief Baron of His Majesty's Court of Exchequer. Published by Permis- sion of the Judge. Taken in short-hand by Joseph Gurney and William Blanchard. A new edition. London, MDCCLXXV. Folio. See Trials, Vol. XXI. Byron (William, Lord). The Trial of William, Lord Byron, Baron Byron of Rochdale, for the murder of William Chaworth, E>q., before the Right Honourable The House of Peers, in Westminster-Hall, in Full Parliament, on Tuesday the i6th, and Wednesday the 17th of April, 1765: on the last of which Days the said William, Lord Byron was Acquitted of Murder, but found Guilty of Manslaughter. Pub- lished by order of the House of Peers. London, MDCCLXV. Folio. See Trials, Vol. XXI. Cadiere (Mary Catherine). See Gerard (John Baptist). A Compleat Translation of the whole case of Mary Catherine Cadiere. Caesar (Sir Julius). See Lodge (Edmund). Life of Sir Julius Caesar. Literahire of the Law Library 39 Calendar of Historical Manuscripts, relating to the War of the Revolution, in the office of the vSecretary of State, Albany, N. Y. Albany, 1868. 3 vols., quarto, cloth. Calhouti (John C). See Lowndes, letters of. Calves-Head Club. The Secret History of the Calves-Head Club : or the Republican Unmasked. With a large Continuation, and an Appendix to the History. Wherein is fully shewn, The Religion of the Calves-Head Heroes, in their Anniversary Thanksgiving-Songs on the XXXth of January^ by them called Anthems, with Reflections thereupon. The Seventh Edition, with large Improvements ; and a Description of the Calves-head Club, and the Effigies of Oliver Cromwel a«^ his Cabinet Council; couriovsly engraved on [2 J Copper plates. To which is annexed, a Vindication of the Royal Martyr King Charles the First. Wherein are laid open, the Republicans Mysteries of Rebellion, written in the time of the usurpation, by the celebrated Mr. Butler^ author of Hudibras, with a Character of a Presbyterian, written by Sir John Dcnham, Knight ; and the character of a modern Whig; or, The Republican in Fashion. London, 1709. 8°, paneled calf. "This miserable trash has been attributed to the author of Hudibras. Milton is said to have been the principal founder of this club a festival which began to be held during the usurpation." — Lowndes. Camden (William). The Historic of the most renowned and Victori- ous Princesse Elizabeth, Late Queene of England. Contayning all the Important and Remarkeable Passages of State both at Home and Abroad, during her Long and Prosperous Raigne Composed by Way of Annals. Never heretofore so Faithfully and fully Published /;/ English. London Printed for Benjamin Fisher and are to be .sold at his shop in Aldergate streete, at the signe of the Talbot. MDCXXX. Brilliant impression of the rare print of Elizabeth with fan of feathers in her hand. Folio, original calf binding, sprinkled red edges. Contains fine old bookplate of Sir Rob't Hildyard, Bart. " A most exquisite history undertaken by special command and direction of the great Lord ^^c\\."—Nicolson. 40 Literature of the Law Library Campbell (John, Lord). The Lives of the Lord Chancellors and Keepers of the Great Seal of England, from the earliest times till the reign of King George IV. Third edition. London, 1848-69. 8 vols., 8°, full polished calf, gilt backs, marbleci edges by Pawson and Nicholson. "A work of sterling merit." — Loud. Qiiar. Rev. Campbell (John, Lord). The Lives of the Chief Justices of England from the Norman Conquest till the Death of Lord Mansfield. London, 1849-58. 3 vols., 8°, full polished calf, gilt backs, marbled edges. " Well worthy of perusal by every one who desires to attain a knowledge of the constitu- tional history of his country.''''— BrtfiiHma. Campbell (John, Lord). Shakespeare's Legal Acquirements con- sidered in a letter to J. Payne Collier, Esq., F. S. A. New York, MDCCCLIX. 12°, half morocco, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Campbell (Rev. Johw M'Leod). The whole proceedings before the Presbytery of Dumbarton, and Synod of Glasgow and Ayr, in the case of the Rev. John M'Leod Campbell, minister of Row, including the libel, answers to the libel, evidence and speeches. Greenock ; 1831. Post 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Campbell (Robert). See Austin (John). Lectures on Jurisprudence. Campbell (William W.). The Life and Writings of De Witt Clinton. New York, 1849. Portrait. 8°, cloth. Canada. Titles and Documents relating to the Seigniorial Tenure, in return to an address of the Legislative Assembly, 1851. Quebec, 1852. 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Canada (Dominion of). See Gooch (John). Manual, or explanatory developement of the act for the Union of ('anada. Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. Capital Punishment. See Curtis (N. M.). Remarks in support of his bill to abolish Capital Punishment, Literature of the Law Library 41 Capital Pttiiishmeiit. See Barry (John T.). The punishment of death. Capital Punlshtnetit. See Edwards (John). Serious thoughts on the subject of taking- the lives of our fellow creatures. Capital Puttlshmetit. See Phillips (Charles). Vacation thoughts on Capital Punishments, Cardigan (Earl of). The Trial of James Thomas, Earl of Cardigan, before the Right Honourable the House of Peers, in full Parliament, for Felony, on Tuesday, the i6th day of February, 1841, Published by order of the House of Peers. London, 1841. 8*, cloth, uncut. Carletoti (Mary). The Memoires of Mary Carleton: commonly stiled, the German Princess, being a narrative of her Life and Death Interwoven with many strange and pleasant Passages, from the time of her Birth to her Execution at Tyburn, being the 22th of January, i67f, with Her Behaviour in Prison, Her last Speech, Burial & Epitaph. London, Printed for Nath. Brooke, at the Angel in Corn- hill, near the Royal Exchange; and Dornian Newman, at the Kings- Arms in the Poultry, 1673. Portrait engraved by Chantrey. ia°, full russia. Carolina Law Journal (The [South]). Edited by A. Blanding «& D. J. McCord. Vol. i from number i to 4 — all published. Columbia, 1831. 8*. law sheep. "Contains an admirable essay on the study of the law by Thos. Cooper.'' MS. note In Mr. Pruyn's handwriting. Caroline (Oueen). An Inquiry or delicate investig^ation, into the conduct of Her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales; before Lords Erskine, Spencer, Grenville, and Ellenborough, the Four Special Commissioners of Inquiry, appointed by his majesty in the 3'ear 1806. Reprinted from an authentic copy, superintended through the press by the Right Hon. Spencer Percival. Fourth edition. London, 1820. niustrations. 8», half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. 6 42 Literature of the Law Library Caroline (Queen). The Trial of Her Majesty, Queen Caroline, Consort of George IV. for an alleged Adulterous Intercourse with Bartolomo Berganii ; comprising the whole of the proceedings since her arrival in this country. London, 1820. Portraits. 8", half calf, gilt back, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Caroline (Queen). See Adolphus (I. H.). The Royal Exile. Carr (Sir John). Libel. Sir John Carr against Hood and Sharpe. Report of the above case, tried at the sitting after Trinity term, before Lord Ellenborough, and a special jury, on Monday, the 25th July, 1808. Taken in short hand by Thomas Jenkins, to which are added several letters on the subject, written by the Earl of Mount- norris, Sir Richard Phillips, and the author of " My Pocket Book." London, 1808. 8°, half morocco, marbled sides. Castle (Edward James). The Law of Commerce in Time of War, with particular reference to the respective rights and duties of Belligerents and Neutrals. London, 1870. 8°, cloth, uncut. Caulfield (James). The High Court of Justice; comprising memoirs of the Principal Persons who sat in Judgement on King Charles the First, and signed his death-warrant, together with those accessaries, excepted by Parliament in the Bill of Indemnity. Illustrated with their portraits, autographs, and seals, collected from authentic ma- terials. London, 1820. Portrait. Quarto, half green calf, marbled sides and edges. Causes Celebres. Repertoire General des Causes C^lbbres Anciennes et Modernes, redige par une societe d'hommes de lettres, sous la direction De B. Saint-Edme. ist serie, 4 vols.; 2nd serie, 5 vols.; 3rd serie, 4 vols. Complement, 2 vols. Paris, 1834-5. 15 vols., 8°, half polished calf, red labels, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Cawley (William). The Laws of Q. Elizabeth, K. James, and K. Charles the First, concerning Jesuites, Seminary Priests, Recusants, &c., and concerning the oaths of Supremacy and Allegiance Ex- plained by Divers Judgements and Resolutions of the Reverend Literature of the Law Library 43 Judges, together with other observations upon the same Laws. To which is added the statute XXV. Car. II., cap. 2, for preventing dangers which may happen from Popish Recusants. With an alpha- betical Table to the whole. London, MDCLXXX. Folio, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. First and best edition, subsequent ones being abridged. Celebrated Trials and Remarkable Cases of Criminal Jurisprudence, from the Earliest Records to the year 1825. Folding plates, por- traits, with small vignette beneath, views, &c. London, 1825. 6 vols., 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Celebres (Causes). Causes Celbbres Etrangeres publiees en France pour la premiere fois et traduites De L'Anglais, De L'Espagnol, De L'ltalien, De L'Allemand, etc., par une societe de jurisconsultes et de gens de lettres. Paris, lAIDCCCXXVII-VIIL 5 vols., 8°, half calf, gilt backs, marbled sides. Celebres (English Causes). Or, Reports of Remarkable Trials edited and illustrated by George L. Craik. London, MDCCCXL, Illustrations. Vol. I only. Square 12°, full calf. Celibacy. An Essay on Celibacy. London, MDCCLIII. 12", half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Chadwick (James). The Queen against James Chadvvick. Queen's Bench Reports. Vol. ii, pp. 173-244. 1847. 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Chalmers (George). Opinions of Eminent Lawyers, on various points of English Jurisprudence, chiefly concerning the Colonies, Fisheries, and Commerce, of Great Britain: collected, and digested, from the originals, in the board of trade, and other depositories. London, 18 14. 2 vols., 8°, half calf, marbled sides. Bookplate of Sir James Stuart, Bart., Chief Justice of Lower Canada, in each volume, and autograph on title pages. Chambers (Talbot W.). Memoir of the Life and Character of the late Hon. Theo. Frelinghuysen, LL.D. New York, 1863. Portrait 12°, cloth. With following inscription on the flyleaf: "Hon. John V. L. Pruyn with tho regards of Fred'k T. Frelinghuysen." 44 Literature of the Law Library Chancellors (Lives of the Lords). The Lives of all the Lords Chancellors, Lords Keepers, and Lords Commissioners, of the Great Seal of England; from William the Conqueror, to the present time: But more at large of those two great opposites, Edward, Earl of Clarendon, and Bulstrode, Lord Whitlock. With a Parallel of their Actions to which is added, an appendix of many rare and valuable Speeches, Letters, &c., referring to the said Lives. Necessary for the Readers of the Earl of Clarendon's and other Histories of those Times, by an Impartial Hand. The second edition, with additions. London, 1712. 2 vols., 8°, half calf, marbled sides, red edges. Chancery (History of). The History of the Chancery; relating to the Judicial Power of that Court, and the Rights of the Masters. London, 1726. 12°, original calf. Chancery (Court of). See Parker (Joseph). A History of the Court of Chancery. Chancery Reform. See Cooper (C. P.). A brief account of some of the most important proceedings in Parliament. Chancery Tracts. A collection of pamphlets as below. Volume I. Beckwith (William). Letter to Sir Samuel Romilly, on the necessity of an immediate enquiry into the causes of delay in Chancery proceedings; and of Arrears of Appeals in the House of Lords. London, 1810, Romilly (Sir Samuel). Objections to the Project of creating a Vice Chancellor of England. The second edition, to which is added A Letter from the Author to a Noble Lord. London, 1813. ^ Redesdale (Lord). Observations occasioned by a Pamphlet entitled "Objections to the Project of creating a Vice-Chan- cellor of England." London, 1813. Literature of the Law Library 45 Stratford (Francis Paul). A Letter to the Right Honotirable Sir John Newport, Bart., M. P., on the subject of the present commission for an inquiry into the Duties, Salaries, etc., of the Officers of the several Courts of Justice in England; in which are contained short observations on the antiquity, nature, and duties of the office of Master in Ordinary of the High Court of Chancery, with a view to salaries instead of fees. London, 1820. Wright (Wm.). Observations on the Judges of the Court of Chancery, and the Practice and Delays complained of in that Court. London, MDCCCXXIIL Vizard (Wm.). Letter to William Courtenay, Esq., one of the Commissioners for inquiring into the practice established in Chancery. London, 1824. Mills (Richard). A Letter to William Courtenay, Esq., M. P., in reference to misrepresentations contained in a Letter of Mr. Vizard, with regard to the Six Clerks' Office. London, 1824. Letter (A) to Samuel Compton Cox, Esq., one of the Masters of the Court of Chancery, respecting the practice of that Court, with suggestions for its alteration by a Barrister. London, 1824. Inquiry (An) into the Causes of the Delay, attending pro- ceedings in the Court of Chancery. London, 1824. Review (A) of the Delays and Abuses occasioned by the con- stitution and present practice of the Court of Chancer}'; with practical hints as to the remedy: in a letter to the commis- sioners of inquiry. London, 1825. Sugden (Sir Edward B.). A Letter to John Williams, Esq., M. P., in reply to his observations upon the abuses of the Court of Chancery. London, 1825. Letter (A) to the Right Honourable Robert Peel; upon the delays in the Court of Chancery, by a member of Gray's Inn. London, 1825. 46 Literature of the Law Library Volume II. Redesdale (Lord). Considerations suggested by the Report made to His Majesty under a commission, authorizing the commissioners to make certain inquiries respecting the Court of Chancery. London, 1826. Considerations suggested by the Report made to His Majesty under a commission authorizing the commissioners to make certain inquiries respecting the Court of Chancery. Second edition, revised and corrected. London, 1826. Redesdale (Lord). An essay in vindication of the Solicitors from the reflections cast upon them in a Pamphlet entitled " Considerations suggested by the report made to His Ma- jesty, imder a commission authorizing the commissioners to make certain inquiries respecting the Court of Chancery." London, 1826. Walters (J. E.). Delays in Chancery, traced to the confused state of the Laws of Equity; with a short answer to Lord Redesdale's Remarks on the Conduct of Solicitors, London, 1826. Carrighein (T.). a Letter to the Right Honourable Robert Peel, one of His Majesty's principal Secretaries of State; con- cerning the Doctrine and Practice of the Court of Chancery; showing that much of the prejudice against the Court of Chancery, has arisen from a misapprehension of the nature of proceedings in equity. London, 1826. Stratford (Francis Paul). The Sovereignty of the Great Seal maintained against the one hundred and eighty-eight propositions of the Chancery Commissioners, in a letter to the Right Honourable the Lord High Chancellor. London, 1827. Merivale (John Herman). A Letter to William Courtenay, Esq. on the subject of the Chancery Commission. London: MDCCCXXVII. Literature of the Law Library 47 WiLKS (John, Jun.). Four Letters addressed to the Lord Lynd- hurst, on the Chancery question, and the New Bill. London, 1827. CouRTENAY (Wm.). Some Observations on the projected im- provements in the Court of Chancery, in a letter addressed to Sir Thomas Dyke Acland, Bart., M. P. London, 1826. Volume III. Barnes (Ralph). An Inquiry into Equity Practice, and the Law of Real Property, with a view to Legislative Revision. London, 1827. Strictures on the Orders for the regulation of the practice and proceedings in the Court of Chancery: professing to be issued in pursuance of the recommendations of His Majesty's Commissioners, by the Lord High Chancellor, 3rd April, 1828, addressed to the Gentlemen connected with the Court. London, 1829. New Chancery Orders (The). Orders for the Regulation of the Practice and Proceedings of the Court of Chancery; issued in pursuance of the Recommendations of His Majesty's Com- missioners by the Lord High Chancellor, April 3, 1828. Haslewood (Wm.), A Letter to Michael Angelo Taylor, Esq., M. P., on the Judges of the Court of Chancery, by a Barrister. London, 1829. Heads of a Bill for an effectual reform of the Court of Chan- cery; with an explanatory preface: offered for consideration. London, MDCCCXXIX. Volume IV. Acer (Wm.). The State of the Court of Chancery; the causes which retard the proceedings and termination of suits, and a suggestion of means to diminish the Delays and Expenses in that Court by one of His Majesty's Counsel. London, 1829. EuNOMUs. Letters of Eunomus. n. p. (1830). Real Cases in Chancery. London, 1830. 48 Literature of the Law Library Spence (George). Reform of the Court of Chancery. London, 1830. Elderton (Edward Merrick). A Reply to Mr. Spence's Proposed reform of the Court of Chancery. London, MDCCCXXX. Propositions as to Chancery Reform. London, 1830. Bell (John). Thoughts on the Proposed Alteration in the Court of Chancery, hy John Bell, Esq. London, 1830. Chancery and Exchequer. Hints on the Pending Schemes for relieving the suitors in Courts of Equity. London, 1830. Hume (Robert Montague). Chancery Delays, and their Remedy, addressed to the Suitor. London, 1830. Sugden (Sir Edward B.). A Speech delivered in the House of Commons on the i6th December, 1830, upon the Court of Chancery. London, 1831. Abstract of a Bill for the Reformation of the High Court of Chancery. London: 1831. Spence (George). The Evils and Abuses of the Court of Chancery and proposed Amendments. London, 1831. Brougham (Lord). Speech on Reform in the Court of Chan- cery, delivered in the House of Lords, on Tuesday, February 22nd, 1 83 1. With portrait and (facsimile) autograph. Lon- don, 1 83 1. Some Observations on the Necessity of Reforming the House of Lords, considered as the Court of Ultimate Appeal in the Administration of Civil Justice. London (1831). Volume V. Hume (Robert Montague). A Letter on the Delay in the Master's Offices in Chancery, and the Remedy, addressed to the Suitors, by a solicitor of the Court. London, 1832. Refutation (A) of the Calumnies against the Lord Chancellor contained in the last number of the Quarterly Review in an Literature of the Law Library 49 article upon the Pamphlet entitled " The Reform Ministry and the Reformed Parliment." Third edition. London, MDCCCXXXIII. JoHNES (Arthur James). Suggestions for a Reform of the Court of Chancery, by a union of the jurisdictions of equity and law: with a plan of a New Tribunal for cases of Lunacy. London, 1834. Letter to Charles Purton Cooper, Esq. (A), of Lincoln's Inn, Barrister at Law, &c., &c., &c., on the appointment of a per- manent Judge in the Court of Chancery in the place of the Lord Chancellor, and a change in the Appellate Jurisdiction of the Court of Chancery and the House of Lords, by Causidicus. London, 1835. Second Letter to Charles Purton Cooper, Esq. (A), of Lin- coln's Inn, Barrister at Law, &c., &c., &c., on the appointment of a permanent Judge in the Court of Chancery in the place of the Lord Chancellor, and a change in the Appellate Jurisdic- tion of the Court of Chancery and the House of Lords, by Causidicus. London, 1835. Lynch (A. H.). A Letter to the Right Hon. Viscount Mel- bourne, on the present state of the Court of Chancery and Appellate Jurisdiction of the House of Lords. London, 1836. SuGDEN (Sir Edward B.). A Letter to the Right Hon. Vis- count Melbourne, on the present state of the Appellate Jurisdiction of the Court of Chancery and House of Lords. London, 1835. Montague (Basil). A Letter to the Right Honorable Charles, Lord Cottenham, Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain, on the separation of the judicial and political functions of the Lord Chancellor. London, 1836. Langdale (Henry, Lord). vSiibstance of a Speech delivered in the House of Lord.s, on the 13th Day of June, 1836, on the motion made by the Lord Chancellor for the second reading 7 50 Literature of the Law Library of the bill for the better administration of justice in the High Court of Chancery. London, 1836. Garratt (William Albin). Suggestions for Reform in pro- ceedings in Chancery, particularly in respect of the plead- ings, the mode of taking evidence, and the accounts and inquiries usually directed. London, 1837. Freshfield (J. W.). Courts of Equity. Speech in the House of Commons, Tuesday, July 16, 1839. London, 1839. Volume VL Spence (George). The Evils and Abuses of the Court of Chancery: and proposed Amendments, containing a short account of the various offices of the Court, as originally pub- lished, 1831. London, 1839. Presentation copy with following- inscription on title page: "The Lord Lang- dale, &c., &c., &c., with the author's kind regards." With MSS. index. Spence (George). First address to the Public, and more especially to the Members of the House of Commons, on the present unsatisfactory state of the Court of Chancery; and suggestions for an immediate remedy. Second edition, re- vised. London, 1839. Spence (George). Second address to the public, and more especially to the Members of the House of Commons, on the present unsatisfactory state of the Court of Chancery; and suggestions for an immediate remedy. London, 1839. Spence (George). Third Address to the Public, and more especially to the Members of the House of Commons, on the present unsatisfactory state of the Court of Chancery; includ- ing observations on some of the propositions contained in the last number of the Quarterly Review. London, 1840. Spence (George). Supplement to the First, Second, and Third Addresses to the Public, on the unsatisfactory state of the Court of Chancery; containing illustrations taken from Mr. Literature of the Law Library 51 Field's late pamphlet on the defects in the offices, and prac- tice of the Court, and other sources. London, 1840. Presentation copy with following inscription on title page : " The Lord Lang- dale, &c., &c., &c., with the author's regards." Field (Edwin W.). Observations of a Solicitor on defects in the offices, practice, and system of costs of the Equity Courts. London, 1840. Langdale (Lord). Courts of Chancery. Speech in the House of Lords, on ]\Ionday, nth of May, 1840. (London), 1840. vSmith (William). Remarks on Law Reform: addressed more particularly to the general reader. London, 1840. Pemberton (Thomas). Substance of a Speech delivered in the House of Commons, on the 5th of August, 1840, on the re- commitment of the bill for facilitating the administration of justice in the Court of Chancery. London, MDCCCXL. Lynch (A. H.). Court of Chancery Bill. Substance of a Speech in the House of Commons, on the re-commitment of the Court of Chancery Bill, 5 August, 1840. London, 1840. Wainewright (John). A Letter to the Right Honourable Lord Cottenham, Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain, on the duties of the Sworn Clerks of the High Court of Chancery in England. London, 1840. Saumarez (R. ). A Letter to the Right Honourable the com- mitttee of the House of Lords, on the administration of Jus- tice Bill. London, 1840. CooK (John). Letter to the Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain, on the right of holders of Bank stock to compensa- tion. London, 1841. Senior (N. W.). Facts and Suggestions respecting the Masters' Office. London, 1841. Autograph letter inserted from N. W. vSenior, the probable author of the above pamphlet. Bennet (W. H,). a Letter to the Right Honourable Sir Edward Sugden, Knt., &c., &c., &c., on the practice of the Masters' 52 Literature of the Law Library Offices, with suggestions for its alteration in certain particu- lars. London, 1841. BuRGE (William). Observations on the Supreme Appellate Jurisdiction of Great Britain as it is now exercised by the Courts of the Queen in Council and the House of Lords. London, 1841. Autograph letter of the author inserted. Printers' Notice. Some remarks on the Chancery Commission of 1824, suggested by a recent article in the Quarterly Review on the present state of the Equity Courts. (London), 1840. Merivale (J. H.). Letters to a Chancery Reformer, occasioned by the withdrawal of the late bill for facilitating the adminis- tration of justice. London, MDCCCXLI. Calvert (Frederic). Observations upon some of the difficul- ties attending suits in Equity between the Shareholders of Joint-Stock Companies: with suggestions for improvement in the forms of proceeding. London, 1841. Autograph letter in 3rd person of the author inserted. Volume VII. Suggestions for amending the practice and proceedings in the Court of Chancery; with a view to remedy expense and delay, and particularly that of the Six Clerks' and Masters offices. London, 1841. Haig (James). The Separation of Law and Equity, considered with reference to an opinion attributed to Lord Eldon; the connection between mathematics and the moral sciences demonstrated, and the loci of jurisdiction inequity, and judge- ment at law, traced from their equations, shewing the juris- diction of equity over the rights of persons. London, 1841. Smith (John Sidney). The New Orders for the regulation of the practice and proceedings of the Court of Chancery, issued by the Lord High Chancellor, 26 August, 1841, with remarks on their effect on the present practice of the Court, and some suggestions for reforming the said Court. London, 1841. Literature of the Law Library 53 Letter to the Right Honourable Lord Lyndhurst, Lord High Chancellor, &c., &c. (London), 1841. Considerations on Reform in Chancery by an Equity Drafts- man. London, 1842. Denney (M.). Letters on aw reform by M. Fagg. (London, 1842.) Autograph letter of M. Denney, the author of the above pamphlet, inserted. Dax (T,). a Letter to the Right Honourable Baron Lynd- hurst, Lord High Chancellor, &c., &c. Third edition. London, MDCCCXLIL Stewart (James). Suggestions as to Reform in some Branches of the Law. I, the mode of reinunerating the profession. II, the alienation, mortgaging, and settling real property. III, the court of Chancery, and the masters' office. IV, The enfranchisement of copyholds. V, the consolidation and digest of the statute and common law. London, 1842. Presentation copy with the following inscription on the title page : "The Lord Langdale, &c., &c., &c., with the author's respects." Campbell (Lord). Speech in the House of Lords, March ist, 1842, on submitting his motion for the establishment of a Court of Appeal. (London), 1842. Eagle (Francis King). Observations upon the expediency of establishing a Board for the superintendence of Public En- dowed Charities, and the easier and better application of such portion of their funds as can be made available for the promotion of a general system of National Education with general rules for the regulation of Charities and Charity Schools, as sanctioned by the Court of Chancery in the case of the Attorney-General Cullum. London, 1842. HiNE (James). Observations on the Necessity of a Legislative Measure for the protection and superintendence of Endowed Public Charities. London, 1842. Cooke (Edward). vSuggestions submitted to the Legislature for putting an end to all private trusts, and for establishing a 54 Liter attire of the Law Library general Court of trusts for the due administration of trust property. London, MDCCCXLIII. Lowndes (M. D.). Delays in Chancery considered with practi- cal suggestions for their prevention or removal. London, 1843- Field (Edward W.). Recent and future Law Reforms, Judicial procedure, a single and inductive science (from No. 76 of the Westminster Review). London, 1843. Bound in 7 vols., 8°, full polished calf, gilt backs, sprinkled edges. London, 1810- >S43- Prom the Library of Henry, Lord Langdale, M. R., with his bookplate in each volume, and annotations throughout in his handwriting. Autograph letter of Henry Stevens inserted relative to the importance and value of this col- lection. Chancery Reviews. A series of Eighteen Magazine Articles selected from the Edinburgh Rev., Quarterly Rev., Westminster Rev., Foreign Quarterly Rev., and British and Foreign Rev., relative to the Court of Chancery, each article neatly titled, and dated in MSS. Arranged in chronological order, with blank leaves between each article, ex- tending over the years 1813 to 1839, and embracing 482 pages. Bound in one vol., 8°, full polished calf, gilt back, sprinkled edges. From the Library of Henry, Lord Langdale, M. R., with his bookplate, and MSS. memo- randum on a folio sheet, in his handwriting, of the contents of the volume. Chandler (Peleg W.). American Criminal Trials. Boston and London, MDCCCXLI-IV. Portrait of Andre and vignette title. 2 vols., 12°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Charles the First. The full Proceedings of the High Court of Justice against King Charles in Westminster Hall, on Saturday the 20 of January, 1648, together, with the King's Reasons and Speeches, and his Deportment on the Scaffold before his Execution. Trans- lated out of the Latine by J. C. Hereunto is added, a Parallel of the late wars, being a Relation of the five years Civill Wars, of King Henry the 3d, with the Event of that unnatural War, and by what means the Kingdome was settled again. London, Printed for Wil- liam Shears, at the Bible in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1655. 13", original calf, rebacked. Literature of the Law Library 55 Charles the First. The Sovereigns Prerogative, and the Subjects Priviledge ; Discussed betwixt Courtiers and Patriots in Parliament, the third and fourth yeares of the reign of King Charles: Together with the Grand ^Mysteries of State then in Agitation. London, Printed for Martha Harrison, and are to be sold at the Lamb, in St. Paul's Church yard Anno, 1657. Folio, full polished calf, marbled edges. Bookplate of William Whateley, Inner Temple. Charles the First. England's Black Tribunal. Set forth in the Tryal of King Charles L by the pretended High Court of Justice in Westminster-Hall, Jan. 20, 1648. Together with His iMajesties Speech, on the Scaffold Erected at White-Hall-Gate, Tuesday, Jan. 30, 1648. Also a Perfect Relation of the Sufferings, and Death of divers of the Nobility and Gentry, who were Inhumanly Murther'd for their Constant Loyalty to their Sovereign Lord the King: Together with their several Dying Speeches: from the year 1642 to 1658, viz.: Earl of Strafford. Col. Eusebius Andrews. Arch-Bishop of Canterbury. Col. John Penruddock. Duke Hamilton. Col. Gerrard. Earl of Holland. Sir Henry Hyde. Arthur, Lord Capel. Sir Henry Slingsby. James, Earl of Derby. Col. John Morris. Marquese of Montrose. Col. Blackburne. Col. William Sybbald. Col. Hugh Grove. Dr. John Hewyt. The Fourth Edition. To which is added, an historical preface By a True Churchman. London, Printed for H. Playford, in the Temple- Change, and G. vSawbridge in Little Britain, 1703. 12°, original calf, rebacked, red edges. Charles the First. The Trials of Charles the First, and of some of the Regicides : with biographies of Bradshaw, Ireton, Harri- son, and others, and with notes. The second edition. London, MDCCCXXXVHL Portrait and plates. 16°, tialf calf, marbled sides and edges. 56 Literature of the Law Library Charles the First. See Caulfield (James). The High Court of Justice. , Charles the First. See Hetley (Sir Thomas). Reports and Cases taken in the third to seventh years of the late King. Charles the First. See Nalson (J.). A true copy of the journal of the High Court of Justice for the Tryal of K. Charles I. Charles the First. See Regicides (Trial of the). Charles the Second. Copies of two Papers written by the late King Charles H. together with a copy of a Paper written by the late Dutchess of York. Published by his Majesties Command. London. Printed by Henry Hills, Printers to the King's most excellent majesty, for his Household and Chappel, 1686. Folio, half red morocco, gilt back. The excessively rare first edition, issued at the command of James the Second to prove that Charles the First died a Roman Catholic, this was ansvirered by Dr. Stillingfleet in an able manner, Dryden vyho by this time was ready to slip back under the shadow of Romanism took up defence for the King, and a very lively controversy ensued. Charters of the American Colonies. See Lucas (Samuel). Charters of the Old English Colonies in America. Chase (David T.), John W. Fellows and Jireh Bull. Reports of The Trials of David T. Chase, and John W. Fellows, for an Alleged Conspiracy, &c., and of Jireh Bull, on an indictment for Perjury, in the Court of Sessions, reported by J. S. Carpentier. New York, 1829. 8°. See Trials, Vol. II. Cheetham (James). The Trial of the Hon. Maturin Livingston, against James Cheetham, for a Libel ; held at the sittings on the twenty eight of Nov. 1807, before the Hon. Judge Spencer, taken in short hand, by William Sampson, esq. counsellor at law. New York, 1807. 8°, half green calf, marbled sides. Cheever (Geo. B.). A Defence in abatement of judgement for an alleged libel in the story entitled " Inquire at Amos Giles' Distillery," addressed to the Hon. Chief Justice Shaw, at the session of the Literature of the Law Library 57 supreme judicial court of Massachusetts, held in Salem Dec 4 1835. Salem, 1836. la". See Murders and Trials. Chester (Rev. John). See Albany Presbytery. Child (David Lee). Trial of the case of the Commonwealth versus David Lee Child, for publishing in the Massachusetts Journal A Libel on the Honorable John Keyes, before the Supreme Judicial Court, holden at Cambridge, in the county of Middlesex. October term 1828 reported by John W. Whitman. Boston, 1829. 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Child (David Lee). Report of the Case of Alleged Contempt, and Breach of Privileges of the House of Representatives of Massa- chusetts, tried before said House, on complaint of William B. Cal- houn, Speaker, against David L. Child, a member, with notes by the latter. Boston, 1832. 8", half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Child (David L.). Report of the Case of Alleged Contempt, and Breach of the Privileges of the House of Representatives of Massa- chusetts, tried before said House, on complaint of William B. Cal- houn, Speaker, against David L. Child, a member, with notes by the latter. Boston, 1832. 8°. See Pamphlets, Vol. I. Chisholm (Alexander) vs. State of Georgia. A Case decided in the Supreme Court of the United States, in February, 1793, in which is discussed the question, "whether a State be liable to be sued by a private citizen of another State." Published by authority. Boston, MDCCXCn. 8", half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Three hundred copies printed. Chittenden (L. E.). A Report of the Debates and Proceedings in the Secret Sessions of the Conference Convention, for propixsing amendments to the constitution of the United States, held at Wash- 8 58 Liter ahire of the Law Library ington, D. C, in February A. D. 1861, by L. E. Chittenden, one of the Delegates. New York, 1864. 8°, cloth. Lucius E. Chittenden was Registrar of the Treasury under Lincoln, and a most outspoken foe of the Copperheads. Choate (Rufus). See Parker (Edward G.). Reminiscences of Ruf us Choate. Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland. See Holinshed (Ralph). Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland. Church Property Bill. See Brooks (Erastus). The controversy between Senator Brooks and "f John." Cibber (Theophilus). The Tryal of a Cause for Criminal Conversa- tion between Theophilus Cibber, Gent, plaintiff and William Sloper, Esq; defendant. London, 1739. 8°. See Trials, Vol. V. Rare three-quarter length portrait of Cibber in the " Character of a Fine Gentleman," engraved by Clamp. "A son of CoUey Cibber, and bore even a worse moral character than his father, which was unnecessary." — AUibone. Cicero. The Orations of Marcus Tullius Cicero, literally translated by C. D. Yonge, B. A. London, 185 1-2. 4 vols., 12°, cloth, uncut. Cicero. Cicero's Three Books of Offices, or moral duties; also his Cato Major, an essay on Old Age; Lselius, an essay on friendship; Paradoxes; Scipio's dream; and letter to Quintus on the duties of a magistrate, literally translated, with notes, designed to exhibit a comparative view of the opinions of Cicero, and those of modern moralists and ethical philosophers, by Cyrus R. Edmonds. London, MDCCCLVL Portrait. 12°, cloth, uncut. Cicero. See Forsyth (William). Life of Cicero. Civil Code for the State of New York. See New York State Civil Code. Civil Law (An Analysis of). See Hallifax (Samuel). An analysis of the civil law. Literahire of the Law Library 59 Civil Law. See Bowyer (Sir George). Introduction to the study and use of the civil Law. Civil Law (Manual of). See Cumin (Patrick). A Manual of Civil Law. Civil Law Manual. See Humphreys (E. R.). Manual of Civil Law. Civil Law of France. See Aird (David Mitchell). The Civil Laws of France. Civil Liability. See Finlason (W. F.). A Review of the Authorities, etc. Civil Liberty. See Lieber (Francis). On civil liberty and self government. Civil Procedure among the Romans. See Abdy (J. T). A historical sketch of civil procedure among the Romans. Civilization (History of). See Dean (Amos). The History of Civilization. Claimants (Celebrated). Celebrated Claimants, ancient and modern. London (1873). 12°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Clark (E. C). Early Roman Law. The Regal Period. London, 1872. Post 8°, cloth, uncut. Clark (Willard). Report of the Trial of Willard Clark, Indicted for the Murder of Richard IV. Wright, before the Superior Court of Connecticut, holden at New Haven, on Monday, September 17, 1855, by H. H. McFarland, assisted by the Counsel for the State and Defense. New Haven: MDCCCLV. 8", half calf, gilt back, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Clarke (Edward). A Treatise upon the Law of Extradition, with the Conventions upon the subject existing between England «& Foreign Nations, and the cases decided thereon, by Edward Clarke of Lincoln's Inn, Barrister-at-law, andTancred student. London, 1867. la", cloth, uncut. 6o Literature of the Law Library Clarke (George Rochfort). Unanimity in Trial by Jury defended. Third edition. London, 1859. 8°, half morocco. Clarke (John). Clarke's Bibliotheca Legum; or complete Catalogue of the Common and Statute Law-Books of the United Kingdom, with an account of their dates and prices, arranged in a new manner, interspersed with observations, from the best authorities, on the prin- cipal works. New edition, with numerous additions and corrections not to be found in any other Law Catalogue now extant. London, 181 9. ia°, full dark calf, red edges. Clancy (James). An Essay on the Equitable Rights of Married Women, with respect to their separate property, and also on their claim to a provision, called the Wife's Equity, to which is added, the law of pin-money, separate maintenance, and of the other separate provisions of married women. Second edition. Dublin, 1819. 8°, half morocco, gilt back, marbled sides, srilt top. " The plan of this work is to give a view of all the rights that a woman may possess in a Court of Equity, during the coverture independently of her husband."— /V^/ac8 Literature of the Law Library Elementary Education Act. See Adams (Francis). Education Act ( Elementary) . See Owen (Hugh, Jr.). The Ele- mentary Education Act 1870, Elements of Law. See Markby (William). Elements of Law con- sidered with reference to principles of general jurisprudence. Elements of Law. See Markby (William). Supplement to the Elements of Law. Ellis (William Smith). The Antiquities of Heraldry, collected from the Literature, Coins, Gems, Vases, and other Monuments of Pre-Christian and Mediaeval Times; with a Catalogue of Early Armorial Seals : tending to show that Modern Heraldry embodies or is derived from the religious symbols, the military devices, and the emblems of the Heathen deities of Antiquity. London, MDCCCLXIX. 8°, cloth, uncut. " Heraldry is not destined like Alchemy, Astrology, and other obsolete studies to fall into desuetude." — Preface. Elizabeth (Queen). A discoverie of the treasons practised and attc]]ipted against the Queenes Maiestie and the Realme, by Francis Throckmorton, who was for the same arraigned and condemned in Guyld Hall, in the Citie of London, the one and twentie day of May last past, n. p. 1584. Small quarto, half calf, marbled sides. Elizabeth (Queen). Injunctions Given by the Queenes Majestic concerning both the Clergie and Laity of this Realme. Published Anno Dom. 1559, being the first yeare of the Raigne of Our Soveraigne Lady Queene Elizabeth [woodcut device of a Pelican]. Printed Anno Dom. 1641. Small quarto. Fine impression of the rare portrait of Elizabeth engraved by R. Elstrack with following lines beneath : The most Excellent Princes of Famous Memorie Elizabeth by the Grace of God Queene of England, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c. This Maiden Queene Elizabeth came into this world the Eve of the Nativitie of the blessed Virgin Mary : and died on the Eve of Annunciation of the Virgin Mary, 1602. Shee was, Shee is what can there more be said ? In earth the first, in heaven the second maide. Literature of the Law Library 89 Elizabeth {^vlq^h). Queen Elizabeth's Speech to Her last Parlia- ment, made 30. Novemb. 1601. Londoij, Printed for Edward Hus- band, Printer to the Honorable House of Commons, March 16, 1647. Small quarto, half morocco, marbled sides. Elizabeth (Otteen). See Camden (William). The historic of the most renowned and Victorious Princesse Elizabeth. Elizabeth (Queen). See Digges (Sir Dudley). The Compleat Ambassador. Elizabeth (Queen). See Traitours (Examination of). Elizabeth and James the First. Select Statutes and other Consti- tutional Documents illustrative of the Reigns of Elizabeth and James I. Edited by G. W. Prothero. Oxford, 1894. Crown, 8°, cloth. Eloquence (Principles of). See Maury (Abbe). The principles of Eloquence. Elsynge (Henry, Esq.). The Ancient method and manner of holding of Parliaments in England, being the collections of Henry Elsynge Esq. London, Printed by S. G. for Daniel Pakeman, and are to be sold at the Rainbow in Fleetstreet 1660. 12°, calf. He was in great and deserved favour of the House of Commons, and gave over his place because he would not meddle in the trial about the King.— IVAiie/ocie. Emancipation Proclamation. See Kirkland (Charles P.). A letter to Benj. R. Curtis. Embassies and Foreign Courts. A History of Diplomacy, by "The Roving Englishman." London, 1855. Crown, 8°, cloth, uncut. England (Law of). See Hargrave (Francis). A Collection of Tracts relative to the Law of England. England (Law of). See Wynne (Edward). Eunomus or Dialogues concerning the Law and Constitution of England. 12 90 Literature of the Law Library England (Laws of). Examen Legiim Angliae; or, the Laws of England examined, by Scripture, Antiquity, and Reason. London Printed by James Cottrel, 1656. Small quarto, original calf, gilt back. Fine copy of this rare book with leaf of errata at end. England (Laws of). See Hargrave (Francis). A Collection of Tracts relative to the law of England. England (Burial Laws of). See Baker (T.). The Laws relating to Burials in England and Wales, England (Conflicting Laws of). See Hosack (John). A treatise on the conflict of Laws of England and Scotland. England (Laws and Antiquities of). See Spelman (Sir Henry). England (Maxims of the Laws of). See Noye (William). Maxims of the laws of England. England's Alarm ! on the prevailing Doctrine of Libels, as laid down by the Earl of Mansfield. In a letter to his Lordship by a country Gentleman, to which is added by way of appendix, the celebrated dialogue between a Gentleman and a Farmer, written by Sir William Jones, with remarks thereon, And on the case of the Dean of St. Asaph, by M. Dawes, Esq. London, MDCCLXXXV. 8°. Bound in vol. entitled Libel Tracts. England's Black Tribunal. See Charles the First. England's Public Accounts (Examination of). The Several Pro- ceedings and Resolutions of the House of Commons, in relation to the Bill for Taking, Examining and Stating the Public accounts of the Kingdom, together with the Copy of the Bill. London, MDCCL Folio, half red morocco. England's Worthies (Old). A Gallery of Portraits, from authentic copies, the most eminent statesmen, lawyers, warriors, men of letters and science, and artists of our country, accompanied by full and original biographies, with illustrative woodcuts, and twelve splendid illuminated engravings. London, 1847. Royal quarto, half green morocco, gilt back, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Literahtre of the Law Library 91 English Constitution (The). See Bagehot (Walter). The English Constitution. English Constitution (The). See Fischel (Dr. Edward). The English Constitution. English Constitutional History. See Stubbs (William). Select Charters and other illustrations of English Constitutional History. English government and constitution. See Russell (John, Earl). An essay on the history of the English government and constitution. English Institutions (History of). See Smith (Philip Vernon). History of the English Institutions. English Judiciary System. See Dwight (Theodore W.). English Jurisprudence (Anomalous condition of). See Trower (Charles Francis). The anomalous condition of English Jurispru- dence considered. English Law (Modern). See Wilson (Roland Knyvet). History of Modern English Law. English laws (History of). See Finlason (W. F.). Reeves' history of the English Law. English Liberties, or the Free-born Subject's Inheritance; contain- ing Magna Charta, Charta de Foresta, The Statute De Tallagio non concedendo, The Habeas Corpus Act, and several other Statutes; with Comments on each of them. Likewise The Proceedings in Appeals of Murder: Of Ship Money; Of Tonnage and Poundage; Of Parliaments, and the Qualification and Choice of Members: of the Three Estates, and of the Settlement of the Crown by Parlia- ment. Together with a short History of the Succession, not by any Hereditary Right: Also a Declaration of the Liberties of the Subject: And of the Oath of Allegiance and Supremacy. The Petition of Right; with a short but impartial Relation of the Difference between K. Charles I. and the Long Parliament, concerning the Prerogative of the King, the Liberties of the Subject, and the Kise of the Civil Wars. Of Trials by Juries, and of the Qualilications of Jurors; their 92 Literature of the Law Library Punishment for Misbehaviour, and of Challanges to them. Lastly, Of Justices of the Peace, Coroners, Constables, Churchwardens, Over- seers of the Poor, Surveyors of the High-ways, &c., with Many Law Cases throughout the whole. Compiled first by Henry Case, and con- tinued with large additions, by W. N. of the Middle Temple Esq. The Fifth edition. Boston: Printed by J. Franklin, for N. Buttolph, B. Eliot, and D. Henchman, and vSold at their Shops. 1721. n*, full crushed red levant morocco, gilt back, gilt edges, by Matthews. English Municipal History. See Thompson (James). An Essay on English Municipal History. English Public Law. See Nasmith (David). The institutes of English Public Law. English Rule in America. Rule and Misrule of the English in America. New York, 1851. u°, cloth. Equity (Outlines of). See Haynes (Freeman Oliver). Outlines of Equity. Erie Canal. Albany Basin and Erie Canal in which some important improvements are suggested in the Albany Basin together with a calculation on the probable expense of the same and also a proposed improvement in the Erie Canal showing the great advantages resulting therefrom and the annual saving to the state. Albany, 1836. V. See Pamphlets, Vol. 7. Erie Railroad. See Adams (Charles Francis). A Chapter of Erie. Erie (Sir William). The Law relating to Trade Unions. London, 1869. Crown 8°, cloth, uncut. Errington (Mrs. Harriet). The Trial of Mrs. Harriet Errington, wife of George Errington, Esq. of the Adelphi in the Bishop of London's Court, at Doctors Commons, for committing Adultery with Augustus Murray vSmith, Esquire, an officer in a corps of marines; Captain Buckley, of the Guards; Captain Southby; The Reverend Literature of the Law Library 93 Thomas Walker, Clerk, and many others. In which is given, the whole of the Depositions and Interrogations, of the several Wit- nesses, fully describing, the critical, amorous and humorous scenes in this unparalleled Trial. London (1780). 8°. half calf, board sides. Erskine (Thomas, Lord). wSpeeches of Thomas, Lord Erskine. Reprinted from the five volume octavo edition of 1810, with memoir of his life by Edward Walford, M. A. London, 1870. a vols., 8", full polished calf, gilt backs, marbled edges. Essays by a Barrister. Reprinted from the Saturday Review. London, MDCCCLXII. 12°, half calf. Essex County, New York. Watson (Winslow C). The Military and Civil History of the County of Essex. Eugene Aram. See Bulwer. Eugene Aram. A tale. Evidence (Law of). See wStephen (James Fitzjames). A digest of the law of evidence. Evidence (Law of). See Willis (William). The Theory and Practice of the Law of Evidence. Evidence (Rules of). See Whitcombe (Richard). An inquiry into some of the Rules of Evidence. Ewald (Alex. Charles). The Crown and its Advisers or Queen, Mini.sters, Lords, & Commons. Edinburgh, MDCCCLXX. 12°, cloth, uncut. Expatriation Opinions. Opinions of the principal officers of the executive departments, and other papers relating to Expatriation, Naturalization, and Change of Allegiance. Washington, 1873. 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. With foUowinjj inscription on the title page. "John V. L. Pruyn from the Hon. Hamilton Fish, Secy, of State Jany. 9, 1874.'' Extradition. Correspondence on the vSubject of Extradition between the Government of the United States and Great Britain with an appendix. Washington, 1876. 8". See International Law Tracts. 94 Literature of the Law Library Extradition (Law of). See Clarke (Edward). A treatise upon the law of Extradition. Eyre (Edward John). Report of the case of the Queen v. Edward John Eyre, on his prosecution, in the Court of Queens Bench, for Hig-h crimes and misdemeanours alleged to have been committed by him in his office as Governor of Jamaica; containing the evidence (taken from the depositions), the indictment, and the charge of Mr. Justice Blackburn, by W. F. Finlason Esq. London, MDCCCLXVIII. 8°, cloth, uncut. Eyre Papers (The). Temp. Geo. I. n. p. n. d. Small quarto, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Relates to the bitter controversy between George I. and the Prince of Wales occasioned by the latter naming his child without consulting the King, with a discussion relative to the knotty points of law therein. Fabrigas (Anthony). The Proceedings at larg-e In a cause on an Action brought by Anthony Fabrigas, Gent, against Lieutenant General John Mostyn, Governor of the Island of Minorca, Colonel of the First Regiment of Dragoon Guards, and one of the Grooms of his Majestys Bed-Chamber; For False Imprisonment and Banish- ment from Minorca to Carthagena in Spain. Tried Before Mr. Justice Gould, In the Court of Common-Pleas, in Guildhall, London, on the 13th of July, 1773, containing the Evidence verbatim as delivered by the witnesses: with all the Speeches and Arguments of the Counsel and of the Court. Taken in Short-Hand by Mr. Gurney. London, MDCCLXXIII. Folio. See Trials, Vol.iXXI. Fairbanks (Jason). Report of the Trial of Jason Fairbanks, on an indictment for the murder of Miss Elizabeth Fales, at the Supreme Court holden at Dedham,in the County of Norfolk, on Thursday the 6th, and Friday the 7th days of August, 1801. Third edition. Boston, 1801. 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Fairchild (Rev. Joy Hamlet). Trial of Rev. Joy Hamlet Fairchild, on a charge of Adultery with Miss Rhoda Davidson, reported for the Boston Daily Times, by J. E. P. Weeks, Esq, (Boston), 1845. 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Literature of the Law Library 95 Family Romance. See Burke (J. Bernard). Family Romance. Farmer (Daniel Davis). Trial of Daniel Davis Farmer for the Murder of the Widow Anna Ayer, at Goffstown on the 4th of April, A. D. 1 82 1, reported by Artemas Rogers & Henry B. Chase. Con- cord, 1 82 1. 8°, half morocco, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Fauntleroy (Henry). Trial of Henry Fauntleroy, for Forgery, together with his execution &c. Second American edition. New York, 1825. 13". See Murders and Trials. Federal Coustitution (The). See Marshall (John). The writings of John Marshall - - - - upon the Federal Constitution. Federal Convention (The). See Secret Proceedings and Debates of the Federal Convention. Federal Government (The). A Brief Enquiry into the true nature and character of our Federal Government: being a review of Judge Story's Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States. By a Virginian. Pittsburg, 1840. 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Federal Government (The). See Gillet (Ransom H.). The Federal Government. Federalist (The). A Commentary on the Constitution of the United States. A collection of Essays, by Alexander Hamilton, Jay and Madison. Also the Continentalist and Other Papers, by Hamilton. Edited by John C. Hamilton. Philadelphia, 1864. Portrait. Royal 8°, cloth, uncut. Federalist (The). Correspondence between John Jay and Henry B. Dawson, and between James A. Hamilton and Henry B. Dawson, concerning the Federalist. New York, 1814. 8", half morocco, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Feilding (Robert). The Arraignment, Tiyal and Conviction of Kobert Feilding, Esq. for Fehmy, in Marrying Her Grace the Dutchess of Cleaveland; His first wife Mrs. Mary Wadsworth, being 96 Literature of the Law Library then alive. At the Sessions- House in the Old Bayly, on the 4th Day of December, 1706, before the Rt. Honourable Sir Robert Beddingfeld, Kt. Lord Mayor, Sir John Powel, Kt., Sir Littleton Powys, Kt. two of Her Majestys Justices of the Court of Queens Bench, Sir John Blencow, Kt. oue of the Justices of Her Majestys Court of Common Pleas, and several others of Her Majestys Justices for the Goal-Delivery of Newgate. With copies of the several Let- ters between Mr. Feilding and his First Wife Mrs. Wadsworth, by the name of Anne Countess of Feilding, as also all the Learned Argu- ments of the Queens Council. Perused by one of the Judges Present at the Tryal. To which is added, an account of the Proceedings against the said Mr. Feilding in the Spiritual Court at Doctors Com- mons, and the Sentence given against him there. London, 1708. Folio. See Trials, Vol. XXIII. This was the celebrated " Beau Feilding." Fell (John). The Life of Sir Matthew Hale, Knt. by Gilbert Burnett, D. D., Lord Bishop of Sarum, together with the Life of the Rev. H. Hammond, D. D., by John Fell, D. D., Dean of Christ-Church. A new edition. Oxford, 1806. J2°, half morocco, gilt back, marbled sides and edges. Female Ruin (Treatise on). See Thelyphthora, or a treatise on Female Ruin. Feiltoii V. Livingstone. Marriage with a deceased Wifes Sister, involving a question of International Law, decided in the Scottish Courts, 1855-6. London, 1856. 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Feuerbach (Anselem Ritter Von). Narratives of Remarkable Criminal Trials translated from the German of Anselm Ritter Von Feuerbach by Lady Duff Gordon. London, 1846. 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Field (Richard S.). The Provincial Courts of New Jersey, with Sketches of the Bench and Bar. A discourse, read before the New Jersey Historical Society. New York, 1849. 8", cloth. Literature of the Law Library 97 Fitilasoti (W. F.). A Review of the Authorities as to the Repression of Riot or Rebellion, with special reference to Criminal or Civil Liability. London, 1868. 8°. cloth, uncut. " It is believed the present publication comprises everything there is to be found on the subject."— /'/v/aiT^. Fitilasoii (W. F.). The History of the Jamaica Case: being- an account, founded upon official documents, of the Rebellion of the Negroes in Jamaica: the causes which led to it, and the measures taken for its suppression; the agitation excited on the subject, its causes and its character; and the debates in Parliament, and the criminal prosecutions, arising out of it. Second edition, enlarged and corrected. London, 1869. 8°, cloth, uncut. Finlason (W. F.). Reeves' History of the English Law, from the Time of the Romans, to the end of the Reign of Elizabeth. A new edition, in three volumes, with numerous notes, and an introductory dissertation on the nature and use of legal history, the rise and pro- gress of our laws, and the influence of the Roman Law in the forma- tion of our own. London, 1869. 3 vols., 8°, cloth, uncut. "The principles which have governed the Editor have been as far as possible to exhibit the rise, the growth and gradual progress of our laws and institutions, and especially to trace them from their earliest origin."— /Vtyac^. Finlason (W. F.). A Report of the case of The Queen v. Gurney and others, in the Court of Queen's Bench: (the summing up revised by the Lord Chief-Justice) with an introduction, containing a history of the case, and an examination of the cases at law and equity, appli- cable to it; or illustrating the doctrine of commercial fraud. London, 1870. 8°, law sheep. Finlason (W. F.). The History of Law of Tenures of Land in Eng- land and Ireland: with particular reference to Inheritable Tenancy; Leasehold Tenure; Tenancy at Will; and Tenant Right. London, 1870. 8°. cloth, uncut. "The author has sought, confining himself to the facts of legal history, to collect and present in a compact form, all the information it aSords."— Pre/ace, 13 9S Liter ahire of the Law Library Fischel (Dr. Edward). The English Constitution by Dr. Edward Fischel. Translated from the Second German edition by Richard Jenery Shee. London, 1863. 8°, full polished calf, gilt back, marbled edges. Fisher (Samuel W.). William Curtis Noyes. A Baccalaureate Discourse, delivered July 16, before the class of 1865. Utica, 1866. 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. another copy. See Law Tracts, Vol. V. Flanders (Henry). The Lives and Times of the Chief Justices of the Supreme Court of the United .States. Philadelphia, 1858. 2 vols., 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. "The author has access to original sources of information and considerable matter hitherto ■unpublished shedding new light on our early history." — Norton's Lit. Gaz. Flower (Benjamiti). The Proceedings of the House of Lords in the Case of Benjamin Flower, printer of the Cambridge Intelligencer, for a supposed libel on the Bishop of Llandaff: with prefatory remarks, and animadversions on the writings of the Bishop of Llandaff, the Rev. R. Ramsden, A. M., Fellow of Trinity College, and the Rev. Robert Hall, A. M., Minister of the Baptist Meeting, Cambridge: by the Printer. To which are added the argument in the Court of Kings Bench, on a motion for an Habeas Corpus, and a postscript, containing remarks on the judgement of that Court, by Henry Clifford, of Lincoln's Inn, Barrister at Law. Cambridge, MDCCC. 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Fonblauque (Albany, Jr.). How we are governed or the Crown, the Senate, and the Bench. A handbook of the Constitution, government, laws and power of Great Britain. London, 1858. 16°, cloth. Forbes (Duncan). See Burton (John Hill). Lives of Simon Lord Lovat and Duncan Forbes. Foreign Jurisdiction. See Lewis (Sir George Cornewall). On Foreign Jurisdiction. Forgeries of Public Money. See Akerman (John Yonge). The Forgeries of Public Money. C Literature of the Law Library 99 Forrest (Edwin). See Astor Place Riot. Forrest Divorce Case. Report of the Forrest Divorce Case, con- taining the full and unabridged testimony of all the witnesses, the ^affidavits and depositions, together with the Consuelo and Forney Letters. This edition is published under the direct supervision of the Law Reporter of the New York Herald, and is the only one con- taining the Suppressed Testimony. New York (1852). Vignette portrait on title. 8", half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Forrest Divorce Case. The Forrest Divorce Case. Catherine N. Forrest against Edwin Forrest, fully and correctly reported by the reporter of the National Police Gazette; with opening and conclud- ing arguments of counsel, charge of the Court, letters from Mr. and Mrs, Forrest and other persons of standing and influence, together with the Consuelo letter, and other interesting details, leading to this controversy. New York, 1852. Portrait of Mrs. Forrest on title. 8°, paper. See Law Tracts, Vol. 111. Forrest Divorce Case. Report of the Forrest Divorce Case together with the Consuelo and Forney letters. New York, 1852. V. See Vol. entitled Trials. Forrest Divorce Case. Superior Court of the City of New York. Catharine N. F^orrest, Respondent, against Edwin Forrest, Appellant Case. Rowland & Chase, Attorneys for Respondent. Van Buren & Robinson, Attorneys for Appellant. New York, 1855. 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Forrest Divorce Case. Proceedings of the Bar Association in the City of New York on [Charles O'Connor's conduct of the Forrest Divorce Case]. New York, 1876. 8°. .See Law Tracts, A.. another copy (report of committee only). 8°. See Law Tracts D. Forsyth (William). Hortensius: or. The Advocate. An historical essay. London, 1849. Plate and vignette title. Crown 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. another copy, second edition. London, 1874. niustration. 8°, half roxburghe. "We must admit the author has written a very pleasant and useful book."— Z,o«(/. Alhenoeum. lOO Literature of the Law Library Forsyth (William). History of Trial by Jury. London, MDCCCLII. 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. The first attempt to give a systematic or complete history of Trial by Jury. Forsyth (William). Life of Marcus Tullius Cicero, with illustra- tions. New York, 1865. 3 vols., post 8°, cloth, uncut. Forsyth (William). Cases and Opinions on Constitutional Law, and various points of English Jurisprudence, collected and digested from Official Documents and other sources, with notes. London, 1869. Royal 8°, cloth, uncut. Fortescue (Sir John). De Laudibus T>egum Anglise, by Sir John Fortescue, Lord Chief Justice, and afterwards Lord Chancellor to King Henry VL translated into English (with the original Latin) illustrated with the Notes of Mr. Selden, and great variety of remarks, relative to the antiquities, history, and laws of England, with a large historical preface, by Francis Gregor, Esq. also testi- monies of Bale, Pitts, and Du Fresne : the Summons of Sir Ralph de Hengham, Lord Chief Justice to King Edward L commonly called Hengham Magna and Hengham Parva, with Mr. Selden's Notes, and a copious index. A new edition. London, MDCCLXXV. 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. " Best edition. The notes and references in this edition are more complete than in any of the preceding ones and the translation is more accurate." — Allibone. Forum (Romance of the). See Burke (Peter). The Romance of the Forum. Foss (Edward). The Grandeur of the Law; or the Legal Peers of England: with sketches of their professional career. London, 1843. 12°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. " It has been no uncommon occurrence, that the son of the most ignoble parent has been raised to the peerage, and by his own character, and attainments has graced the dignity, "—/^r^/ac^. Foss (Edward). The Judges of England; with sketches of their lives, and miscellaneous notices connected with the Courts at West- minster, from the time of the Conquest. London, 1848-64. Vols. I to 6 half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Vols. 7 to 9, cloth, uncut, together 9 vols., 8". "A work which cannot be too highly estimated." — Lond. Legal Observer. Literature of the Law Library loi Foss (Edward). Tabulae Curiales; or Tables of the Superior Courts of Westminster Hall, showing the Judges who sat in them from 1066 to 1S64; with the Attorney and Solicitor Generals of each reign from the institution of those offices to which is prefixed an Alpha- betical list of all those judges during the same period; distinguishing the reigns in which they flourished, and the courts in which they sat. London, 1865. 8°, cloth, uncut. Foss (Edward). jMemories of Westminster Hall. A collection of interesting incidents, anecdotes and historical sketches, relating to Westminster Hall, its famous Judges and Lawyers and its great trials, with an historical introduction. Boston, 1874. Illustrations, a vols., 8°, cloth. Foster (Charles James). Elements of Jurisprudence. London, 1853. Crown 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Foster (Sir Michael). See Dodson (Michael). The Life of Sir Michael Foster. Fowler (William Chauncey). The Sectional Controversy or, pas- sages in the Political History of the United States, including the Causes of the War between the sections. New York, 1863. 8°, cloth. Fowler (William Chauncey). Local Law in Massachusetts and Connecticut, historically considered. Prepared from the New Eng- land Historical and Genealogical Register, with additions. Albany, 1872. 8", cloth. Presentation copy with following inscription. " Hon. J. V. L. Pruyn with the Regards of J. Munsell." Fox (Charles James). History of the early part of the Reign of James the .Second: with an introductory chapter to which is added an appendix. London, 1808. Portrait. Quarto, cloth, uncut. Original edition. Fragmenta Antiquitatis. Sec Blount (Thomas). Fragmenta Antiquitatis. 102 Literature of the Law Library Francis (John). A History of the English Railway its social rela- tions and revelations. 1820-1845. London, MDCCCLI. 3 vols., 8°, cloth, uncut. Frankliti (Betijattiin). Letters to Benjamin Franklin from his family and friends. 1751-1790. New York, 1859. Portraits. Imperial quarto, half red morocco, uncut, 250 copies printed octavo; lo copies printed quarto, this being one so printed. Frankliii (Beujamiu). See Weems (Mason L.). The Life of Benja- min Franklin. Fraser (Alexander C.)» Rational Philosophy in History and in System: an introduction to a logical and metaphysical course. Edinburgh, 1858. 8", cloth, uncut. Freeborn subjects inheritance. See English Liberties. Freeman (William). Argument of William H. Seward, in defence of William Freeman, on his Trial for Murder, at Auburn, July 21st and 22nd, 1846, reported by S. Blatchford. Fourth edition. Auburn, 1846. 8°. See Law Tracts, Vol. I. Frelinghuysen (Theodore). See Chambers (Talbot W.). Memoir of the life and character of the late Hon. Tlieodore Frelinghuysen. French Bar (History of the). See Jones (Robert). A history of the French Bar, ancient and modern. French Bar. See Young (Archibald). An Historical Sketch of the French Bar. French Civil Code. See Napoleon (The Code). French Criminal Law (Romance of). See Spicer (Henry). Judicial Dramas. French Judicial System. See Daly (Charles P.). French Revolution. The Reign of Terror; a collection of Authentic Narratives of the Horrors committed by the Revolutionary Govern- ment of France, under Marat and Robespierre, written by eye- Liter attire of the Law Library 103 witnesses of the scenes. Translated from the French. Interspersed with biographical notices of prominent characters, and curious anec- dotes, illustrative of a period without its parallel in history. London, 1826. Portrait. 4 vols., 8°, cloth, uncut. "The revolution presents to the historical observer a curious mixture of the comic and the tragic, and they require both to be given to form a just estimate of the French charac- ter,"— /'r^/izcr?. Frend (William). The Trial of William Frend, M. A., and Fellow of Jesus College, Cambridge, in the Vice-Chancellor's Court, for writing and publishing a pamphlet, intitled Peace and Union recommended to the associated bodies of Republicans and Anti- Republicans, by John Beverley, M. A., and Proctor of the Vice- Chancellor's Court. Cambridge, n. d. (1793). 8". See Trials, Vol. I. Freud (William). The Proceedings in the Court of Delegates on the Appeal of Win. Frend, M. A., and Fellow of Jesus College, from the sentence of the Vice-Chancellors Court, by JoJin Beverley, M. A., Proctor of the Vice-Chancellors Court. Cambridge, n. d. (1793). 8°. See Trials, Vol. I. Friends (Trial of). Report of the Trial of Friends at Steubenville, Ohio, from the 15th to the 26th of October, 1828. Before the Hon. Jeremiah H. Hallock, Esq., President Judge of the 5th Judicial Dis- trict of the State, by Marcus T. C. Gould. Philadelphia, 1829. 8°, calf, yellow edges. Fritot (Albert). Esprit du Droit et Ses Applications a la Politique et a L'Organisation de la Monarchic Constitutionelle. Paris, 1824. 8°, full tree calf, gilt back and sides, marbled edges. [Fry (John).] The Case of Marriages between near kindred particu- larly considered, with respect to the Doctrine of Scripture, The Law of Nature, and the Laws of England, with some observations relating to the late Act to prevent Clandestine Marriages. London, MDCCLVL 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Furnald (Amos). Trial of Amos Furnald, for the Murder of Alfred Furnald, before the Superior Court of Judicature, holden at Dover, I04 Literature of the Law Library within and for the county of vStrafford, and State of New Hampshire, on the first Tuesday of February, Anno Domini, 1825, reported by Richard Ela. Concord, 1825. 8°. Bound in with Trial of Daniel Davis Farmer. Furneaux (Phillip). Letters To the Honourable Mr. Justice Black- stone, concerning his Exposition of the Act of Toleration, and Some Positions relative to Religious Liberty, in his Celebrated Commen- taries on the Laws of England. The second Edition, with Additions, and an appendix, containing authentic copies of the Argument of the late Honourable Mr. Justice Foster in the Court of Judges Dele- gates, and of the Speech of the Right Honourable Lord Mansfield in the House of Lords, in the Cause between the City of London and the Dissenters. America, Printed for the Subscribers, by Robert Bell, at the late Union Library, in third street, Philadelphia, MDCCLXXin. 8° Bound in with Priestley's Remarks on some Paragraphs, etc. Furneaux's Letters are said " To have induced the learner! commentator to alter some positions in the subsequent editions of his valuable work."— G^f«/. Mag. Gaines (Myra Clark). Supreme Court of the United States, Myra Clark Gaines, Appellant, vs. The City of New Orleans et als. Appeal from the Circuit Court of the United States for the Eastern District of Louisiana. Filed December 19, 1865. (Washington, 1865.) 2 vols., 8°, paper. Gaius (The Commentaries of). Translated with notes by J. T. Abdy, and Bryan Walker. Edited for the Syndics of the University press. Cambridge, 1870. 12°, cloth, uncut. Gaius and Ulpian. The Commentaries of Gaius and Rules of Ulpian translated with notes by J. T. Abdy, and Bryan Walker. New edition. Edited for the Syndics of the University Press. Cam- bridge, 1874. Post 8°, cloth, uncut. Gale (John B.). Affinity No Bar to Marriage. A reply to Bishop Doane's "Kindred and Affinity." Troy, 1881. 8°, paper. Literature of the Law Library io5 Galltck Reports: or, an Historical Collection of Criminal Cases, adjudged in the Supreme Courts of Judicature in France. A work equally instructive and entertaining. In which is Comprized, An account of Arnold d^c Tilb, an Imposter, who deceived a Man's wife and Relations, and puzzled for a long time, the Parliament of France. The History of a Young Lady, whose Eloquence saved the Life of her Lover. A Narrative of the Stealing away a Lad}^ of Quality's Son, by her Husband's Relations, in order to secure the Estate, Memoirs of the famous Madam de Brinvilliers, who poisoned her Father, and two Brothers, and attempted the Life of her Sister, «&c. The Misfortunes of the Sicur d'Anglade, condemned (tho' Innocent) to the Gallies ; and who died before his Innocence was discovered. The Intrigues of Cardinal Richlieu, for the Destruction of Urban Grandier, a Priest, whom he caused to be burnt for Sorcery. The Case of Madam Tiquet, beheaded in the late Reign, for attempt- ing the Life of her husband. To which is prefixed a Copious Preface, in Relation to the Laws and Constitution of France. London, MDCCXXXVII. 12°, original calf. Autograph of Joseph Ritson on the fly leaf. Gaiiet (William). Boston Gas Light Company versus William Ganet, containing the Arguments of Counsel, and the Charge of the Jury. William Whiting, George M. Robinson, Counsel for the Corporation. jMarshall S. Chase, Counsel for the Defendant. J. H. Buckingham, and Thomas Tileston, Jr., Reporters. Boston, 1848. 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Garter (Order of the). See Ashmole (Elias). The institution, laws and ceremonies of the most noble order of the Garter. Gavel-kind (A treatise of). See Somner (William). A treatise of Gavel-kind. Gavel-kind (The Customs of). See Robinson (Thomas). The Common Law of Kent. General Armstrong (Brig of War). International Law. The Case of the Private Armed Brig of War Gen. Armstrong, containing 14 io6 Literature of the Law Library Letters and Documents referring- to the history of the Claim ; brief of facts and authorities cited; arguments of Charles O'Conor, Esq., Hon. P. Phillips, and Sam. C. Raid, Jr.; and brief of the U. S, Solici- tor before the United States Court of Claims at Washington, D. C, with the decision of the Court, and an appendix consisting of Secre- tary Monroe's Letter of Instructions to private armed vessels ; the treaty with Portugal, and the award of Louis Napoleon. Reported and edited by Sam. C. Reid, Jr. New York, 1857. 8°, law sheep. General Armstrong (Brig of War). Argument of Sam. C. Reid, Jr., before the Court of Claims, in the case of the Private Armed Brig- of-AVar, General Armstrong, on a rehearing January 27, 1857. Wash- ington, 1857. 8°. See Law Tracts, Vol. II. Geneva Arbitration. See Washingt m (Treaty of). Vol. 5. Gentoo Laws (Code of). A Code of Gentoo Laws, or. Ordinations of the Pundits from a Persian Translation, made from the Original, written in the Sanscrit Language. London, MDCCLXXVI. Plates. Quarto, half calf, marbled sides. " This must be considered as the only work of the kind wherein the genuine principles of the Gentoo Jurisprudence are made public. The translation was rendered into English with an equal attention to the closeness and fidelity of the version, less studious of elegance than of accuracy." — Preface. Georgia (The Bench and Bar of). See Miller (Stephen F.). The Bench and Bar of Georgia. Gerard (James W.)> Esq. The Proceedings and Speeches at the Public Dinner given to James W. Gerard, Esq., by the Bar of New York, January 14, 1869, on his retiring from Practice. New York, 1869. Portrait. 8°, boards, cloth back. German Reformed Church, (The) in the City of New York. In the Court for the Correction of Errors, Jacob F. ]\Iiller, et al. appellants, vs. Henry Gable, et al. respondents. Argument of Mr. William Liter atitre of the Law Library 107 Beach Lawrence, of Counsel for the Appellants, at Rochester, on the 2d, 3d, and 4th September, 1845. New York, 1845. 8°. See Law Tracts, Vol. I. " This case ----- is the first one before this court of any attempt on the part of the civil tribunals of the state to interfere with the regulation of the internal concerns of a religious body." Ghillatiy (F. G.). ]\Ianuel Diplomatique. Recueil des traites de paix Europeens les plus Importants, des actes de Congres et autres documents relatifs a la politique Internationale, depuis le traite de Westphalie Jusqu'a ccs Derniers temps. Augmente de traductions Francaises et D'une introduction generale par J. H. Schnitzler. Paris, 1856. 2 vols.. S°, half brown morocco, marbled sides and edges. Gibson (Sir Alexander). The Decisions of the Lords of Council and Session, in most cases of importance, debated, and brought before Them; From July 1621, to July 16^2. With an Index of the Pursuers and Defenders Names ; and an other of the most Material Points decided therein. Observed by Sir Alexander Gibson of Durie, then one of the Senators of the College of Justice: Corrected, and Revised, by W. A. F. C. Edinburgh, MDCXC. Portrait of Gibson engraved by White. Folio, original calf, rebacked. Gillet (Ransom H.). Democracy in the United States. What it has done, what it is doing, and what it will do. New York, 1868. Portraits. 8°, cloth. Gillet (Ransom H.). The Federal Government; its officers and their duties. New York, 1871. 12°, cloth. '' The object is to enable the rising generation to understand the structure of our govern- ment, what officers are employed in its practical operation and their general duties." — Preface. Gillet (Ransom H.). The Life and Times of Silas Wright. Albany, 1874. Illustrations. 2 vols., 8°, cloth. " All must admire his patient and untiring industry, his frankness and sincere cordiality, his intrepid and unbending integrity, as well as his heroic self sacrifice."— /V^/Wcir. Girard (John Baptist). A Compleat Translation of the Whole Case of Mary Catherine Cadiere, against the Jesuite Father John Baptist loS LiteraUir'e of the Law Library Gerard, in a memorial, presented to the Parliament of Aix, In which that Jesnite is accused of Seducing her, and Six other Female Votaries, by the abominable Doctrines of Quietisin, into the most Criminal Excesses of Lewdness. The Sixth Edition. London, MDCCXXXIL Curious plate in three compartments. 4 vols, in 3, 12°, half calf, marbled sides. Glanvilla (Raiiulpho de). Tractatus de Legibus & Consuetu- dinibus Regni Anglias Tempore Regis Henrici vSecundi Compositus Justiciar gubernacula tenente illustri viro Ranulpho de Glanvilla, Juris Regni & antiquarum confuetudinum eo tempore peritissimo. Et illas solum Leges continet & consuetudines secundum quas placitatur in Curia Regis ad Scaccrium & coram Justiciariis ubicun- que Suerint. Cum diversis manuscriptis nuper examinatis: Et duplici Indici ; uno Alphebetico in principio Libri ; Altero Capitu- lorum in fine. London, MDCLXXIIL 16", half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Contains bookplate of Sir William Lee, Knt., and two of William Lee Antonie, Esqr. Gleig (Rev. G. R., M. A.). Memoirs of the Life of the Right Hon. Warren Hastings, first Governor-General of Bengal. Compiled from original papers. London, 1841. Portrait. 3 vols., 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. " This book seems to have been manufactured in pursuance of a contract by which the representatives of Warren Hastings on the one part bound themselves to furnish papers, and Mr. Gleig on the other part bound himself to furnish ^T&\s%.''^-—Miicaulay . Goesele vs. Bittieler. Reviev,r of the Case by David Quinn in an address to Roger B. Taney, John Catron, Peter V. Damil, Samuel Nelson, Robert C. Grier and Benjamin R. Curtiss, Judges of the Supreme Court of the United States, Cincinnati, 1853. 8°. See Law Tracts, Vol. IV. Goffe (Coll. Will.). Plan for seizing and carrying to New York Coll. Wm. Gotle the Regicide, as set forth in the affidavit ot John London, Apr. 20, 1678. Published from the original in the office of the .Secretary of State of New York, by Franklin B. Hough, M. D., wath other documents on the same subject among the State Papers of Connecticut. Albany, MDCCCLV. Post 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Literature of the Law Library 109 Gold Cases. Supreme Court of the United States, December Term, 1868. /;/ tJie Gold Cases. Brief (as to the validity and effect of contracts payable in specie) by Clarkson N. Potter of New York. New York, 186S. 8°. See Trials, Vol. IV. Gooch (John). Manual or Explanatory Developement of the Act for the Union of Canada, Nova vScotia and New Brunswick, in one Dominion under the name of Canada, synthetical and analytical: with the text of the act, etc., and Index to the act and the Treatises. Ottawa, 1867. S°, cloth. Goodwin (Robert M.). Trial of Robert M. Goodwin, on an indict- ment of manslaughter for killing James Stoughton, Esq., in Broad- way, in the City of New York, on the 21 day of December, 1819, tried at the court of general sessions of the peace held in and for the body of the City and County of New York, including the arguments of counsel and opinions and orders of the Court on a motion to bail the prisoner, previous to his trial, after the finding of a Coroner's inquest of wilful murder, and a verdict by a grand jury of man- slaughter, and a further motion to bail on the Petit Jury being Polled and Disagreeing in their Verdict, and being finally Dis- charged at the close of the Session, after a trial which lasted five days, having began on the 14th and ended on the 18th day of March, 1820, and also a motion to bail on a writ of Habeas Corpus before his Honour the Mayor, at his office in the City Hall. And a like motion before His Honour Chief Justice Spencer at His Chambers with His Opinion and order to admit the Prisoner to Bail, taken in shorthand by William Sampson. New York, 1820. 8°, law sheep. Goodwin (Robert M.). The Case of Robert M. Goodwin, Esq., Charged with killing James Stoughton, Esq., containing the whole of the proceedings, arguments, motions and points of law and practice in the Court of Sessions Supreme Court, Court of Sittings, and at Chambers, continued down till his final trial, acquittal, and discharge, by William Sampson, Escj. New York, 1821. 8°. Bound in with preceding lot. no Liferatttre of the Law Library Gordon (Delahay), A General History of the Lives, Trials, and Executions of all the Royal and Noble Personages, that have suffered in Great-Britain and Ireland for High Treason, and other Crimes, from the accession of Henry VIH. to the Throne of England, down to the present Time; with a circumstantial Narrative of Their Behaviour during Confinement, and at the Place of Execution: to which is added a Particular Account of the Rebellion in En eland. Scotland and Ireland, for the last two Centuries, compiled with the utmost Care and Accuracy from the Best Histories, and most Authentic Memoirs. London, MDCCLX. Illustrated with Copper-Plates (portraits). 3 vols., 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Gordon (Lady Duff). Mary Schweidler, the Amber Witch, the most interesting trial for witchcraft ever known, printed from an imperfect manuscript by her Father Abraham Schweidler, the Pastor of Coserow, in the Island of Usedom, edited by W. Meinhold, trans- lated from the German by Lady Duff Gordon. London, 1844. 12°, full dark calf, gilt back, sprinkled edges. " If this work be genuine, it is, undoubtedU- as it announces itself, the most interesting of all those strange trials for witchcraft - - - - if it be fiction, it is worthy - . . . of Defoe." — Land. Qitar. Kev. Gorham (Rev. G. C). The Case of the Rev. G. C. Gorham, against the Bishop of Exeter, as heard and determined by the Judicial Com- mittee of the Privy Council on appeal from the arches court of Canterbury, by Edward F. Moore. London, MDCCCLII. 8°, cloth, uncut. Presentation copy with following inscription: "John V. L. Pruyn, Albany, with the Author's kind compliments. 11 December, 1S71." Gould (Edward S.). John Doe and Richard Roe; or, Episodes of Life in New York. New York, MDCCCLXII. 12°, cloth. Government (Discourses concerning). See Sidney (Algernon). Discourses concerning Government. Governors of the State of New York. See Jenkins (John S.). Lives of the Governors. Literature of the Laiu Library 1 1 1 Gowry Conspiracy (The). See Panton (William). A dissertation on that portion of Scottish history termed the Gowry Conspiracy. Graham (John A.). The Correspondence of John A. Graham, with His Grace of Canterbury, when on his mission as agent of the Church of Vermont, to the ecclesiastical courts of Canterbury and York, for the consecration of Dr. Peters, Bishop elect of Vermont, 1794-5, etc New York, 1835. 8°, half morocco, marbled sides. Grandeur of the Law. Foss (Edward). The Grandeur of the Law. [Grant (James). J Random Recollections of the House of Commons, from the year 1830 to the close of 1835, including personal sketches of the Leading- Members of all parties by one of no party. Fifth edition. London, 1837. Crown 8°, half morocco, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. [Grant (James).] The Bench and the Bar. T-ondon, 1837. 2 vols., post 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. " In these volumes as in a mirror the reader may obtain a glance at the leading legal lumi- naries of the day."— i^owa'. Szm. Great Seal of England (The). See Prynne (William). The opening of the Great Seal of England. Great Seals of England (The) from the time of Edward the Con- fessor to the Reign of His Majesty William the Fourth. Illustrated by thirty-eight plates containing exact facsimiles of the seals in their present condition, engraved by the process of Achilles Collas; with historical and descriptive notices. London, 1837. Folio, half red morocco, marbled sides. Great Western Land Pirate (The). See Murrell or Murel. The life of, etc. Greek Insurrection Award. Report of the evidence and reasons of the award between Johannis Oiiandos & Andreas Luriottis, Greek Deputies, of the one part, and Le Roy, Bayard, &c., and G. G. & S. Howland, of the other part, by the Arbitrators. New York, 1826. 8", half morocco, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. 112 LUerature of the Law Library GreeHacre (James). The Paddington Tragedy. A Circumstantia ISarrativc of the Lives and Trial oi James Grecnac7-e, and the woman Ga/c\ for the murder of Airs. Hannah Brown, his intended wife, which was brought to light by the discovery of her mutilated remains; his attempt at Suicide; examination and confession. The whole collected fro:a Piivate and Authentic Sources. London, (1837). Folding colored plate. 12°. See Trials, Vol. XI. Gritnke (Thomas S.). An Oration, on the Practicability and Expe- diency of reducing the whole body of the law to the simplicity and order of a Code: delivered in the City Hall, before the vSouth- Carolina Bar Association, on Saturday, the 17th March, 1827, being the Anniversary. Charleston, 1S27, 8°. See Law Tracts, Vol. I. Griswold (Rufus W.). Statement of the Relations of Rufus W. Griswold, with Charlotte Myers (called Charlotte Griswold,) Eliza- beth F. Ellet, Ann S. Stephens, Samuel J. Waring, Hamilton R. Searles, and Charles D. Lewis, with particular reference to their late unsuccessful attempt to have set aside the decree granted in 1852 by the court of common pleas of Philadelphia County, in the case of Griswold vs. Griswold. Philadelphia, 1856. 8°. See Law Tracts, Vol. II. Griswold (Rufus W.). Remarks upon a recent Decision in the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia commonly known as the "Gris- wold Divorce Case " by Theo. Cuyler. Philadelphia, 1857. 8°. See Law Tracts, Vol. II. Grotius ^Hugo). See Butler (Charles). The Life of Hugo Grotius. Guernsey (Laws of Real Property in). See Jeremie (Peter). An essay on the laws of Real Property in Guernsey. Guizot (M.). History of the Origin of Representative Government in Europe, translated by Andrew R. Scoble. London, 1852. 12°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. ♦' Gum (Continuous)." See Allen Trials. Literature of the Law Library 113 Habeas Corpus Question (The). A Collection of pamphlets as below. Taney (Roger B.). Decision of Chief Justice Taney, in the ^lerryman Case, upon the Writ of Habeas Corpus. Phila- delphia, 1862. Parker (Joel). Habeas Corpus and Martial Law, a review of the Opinion of Chief Justice Taney, in the Case of John Merryman. Second edition. Published by authority. Phila- delphia, 1862. BiNNEY (Horace), The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus under the Constitution. Second edition. Philadelphia, 1862. BiNNEV (Horace). The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus under the Constitution. Second part. Philadelphia, 1862. Wharton (G. M.). Remarks on Mr. Binney's Treatise on the Writ of Habeas Corpus. Second edition. Philadelphia, 1862. BiNNEY (Horace). The Writ of Habeas Corpus and Mr. Binney. Philadelphia, 1862. BiNNEY (Horace). A Reply to Horace Binney's Pamphlet on the Habeas Corpus. Philadelphia, 1862. Suspending Power (The) and the Writ of Habeas Corpus. Philadelphia, 1862. Bullitt (J. C). A Review of Mr. Binney's Pamphlet on " The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus under the Consti- tution." Philadelphia, 1862. Jackson (Tatlow). Martial Law : What is it? And who can declare it? Philadelphia, 1862. Jackson (Tatlow). Authorities Cited Antagonistic to Horace Binney's Conclusions on the Writ of Habeas Corpus by Tatlow Jackson. Philadelphia, 1862. Martial Law by S. wS. Nicholas. Part of a pamphlet first published in 1842 over the signature of a Kentuckian. Phila- delphia, 1862. 15 114 Literature of the Law Library Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus (The) under the Constitution of the United States. In what it consists. How it is allowed. How it is suspended. It is the regulation of the law, not the authorization of an exercise of Legislative Power. Philadelphia, 1862. Hall (N. K.). Opinion on Habeas Corpus in the case of Rev. Judson D. Benedict; and documents and statement of facts relating thereto. Buffalo, 1862. 14 pamphlets bound in one volume, 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges, and labeled " The Habeas Corpus Question." Habeas Corpus (Writ of). See Binney (Horace). The privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus under the Constitution. Law Tracts, A. * Hacket (John). Scrinia Reserata: a Memorial offered to the Great Deservings of John Williams, D. D., who some time held the places of L*^ Keeper of the Great Seal of England, L'^ Bishop of Lincoln, and \J^ Archbishop of York, containing a series of the most remark- able Occurrences and Transactions of his Life, in Relation both to Church and State, written by John Hacket, late Lord Bishop, Bishop of Litchfield and Coventry. (London), MDCXCHL Portrait. Folio, original calf. "What a delightful and instructive book Bishop Racket's Life of Archbishop Williams is." — Coleridge. There is a very curious portrait of Hacket engraved by Faithorne, with his favorite motto, " Serve God and be cheerful." Hakewell (William). The Libertie of the Subject: against the pretended power of impositions Maintained by an Argument in Parliament Ano. 70 Jacobi Regio. London, Printed by R. H. An. Dom. 1641. Small quarto, full purple morocco, inside gilt borders, gilt edges. Fine copy with the rare license leaf at the end. " Hakewell was a grave and judicious counsellor, and sat in divers parliaments."— ^«//;^«>» Wood. Hale (Sir Matthew). The Primitive Origination of Mankind, con- sidered and examined according to The Light of Nature. Written By the Honourable Sir Matthew Hale, Knight: late Chief Justice of His Majesties Court of Kings Bench. London, C | 3 | 3CLXXVn. Portrait engraved by Van Hove. Folio, original calf. Literature of the Law Library 115 Hale (Sir Matthew). Pleas of the Crown: in two parts or, a Methodi- cal Summary of the Principal Matters relating to that Subject. With Several Hundred References, never before prmted, to the Ancient and Modern Books of the Law. And likewise three other Treatises b)' Sir Matthew Hale; viz. Of Sheriffs accompts, Trial of Witches, and Provisions for the Poor, by Sir Matthew Hale, Knight, late Chief Justice of the Kings Bench. Second Part. Being a Con- tinuation of the Pleas of the Crown, down to this time, in Sir Matthew Hale's method, by Giles Jacob, Gent. London, 1716. 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Hale (Sir Matthew), The History of the Common Law; by Sir Matthew Hale, Knt., Lord Chief Justice of England in the Reign of Charles the Second. The fourth edition, corrected, with notes, references, and some account of the life of the Author, by Charles Runnington, Esq., Barrister at Law. London, MDCCLXXIX. 8°, calf. " Here the student will find a valuable guide, the barrister a learned assistant, the court an indisputable authority." — Serjeant Running-ton. Hale (Sir Matthew). See Fell (John). The Life of Sir Matthew Hale. Halifax (Charles, Lord), Earl of Portland, and others. The Several Proceedings and Resolutions of the House of Peers, in Rela- tion to the Lords Impeached or Charged. London, 1701. Folio. See Trials, Vol. XXIII. Halifax (Charles, Lord). John, Lord Haversham, and others. A State of the Proceedings in the House of Commons, with relation to Impeached Lords: and what happened thereupon between the Two Houses. London, MDCCI. Folio. See Trials, Vol. XXIII. Hall (William Edward). The Rights and Duties of Neutrals. London, 1874. 8°, cloth, uncut. Hallam (Henry). The Constitutional History of England from the accession of Henry VII. to the death of George II. London, MDCCCXXVII. 2 vols., quarto, half c.'ilf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. 1 1 6 Literature of the Law Library Halleck (H. W.). Elements of International Law, and Laws of War. Philadelphia, iS66. 8", cloth. Hallifax (Samuel). An Analysis of the Civil Law in which a com- parison is occasionally made between the Roman Laws and those of England. A new edition, with alterations and ad-ditions, being the heads of a course of lectures publicly read in the University of Cambridge, by James William Geldart, LL.D. Cambridge, MDCCCXXXVL 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Hambdeu (John). The Tryal of John Hambden, Esq.; (Of Stoke- Mandeville in the County of Bucks). In the Great Case of Ship- Money, between His Majesty K. Charles I. and that Gentleman wherein are inserted. The Whole Record in Latin and English: The several Arguments of Council Learned in the Law, on both Sides, in that most remarkable Case at the Bar; with the opinions of all the Judges on the Bench in the ExcJiccquer-CJianiber, &c. As also Mr. St. Johns Speech in the House of Lords, y««. 7, 1640, con- cerning Ship Money, with Mr. Waller's Speech to the House of Commons, April 22, 1640, on the Same Subject; And his famous Speech in Parliament, at a Conference of Both Houses, in the Painted-Chamberjy?^-^ 6, 1641, on the exhibiting articles by the Com- mons against Mr. Justice Crawley, one of the Judges who gave Judgement for the King in that Cause. To which is added, The Tryal of Thomas Harrison, clerk, for words spoken against Mr. Justice Hutton (when upon the Bench) accusing him of High- Treason, and the Proceedings thereupon, and his sentence by the Court. TJie whole being Printed from Authentic Manuscripts. London, 17 19. Folio, original panelled calf. Contains bookplate of Augs. Henry, Duke of Grafton, 176(3. Hamilton (Alexander). Observations on Certain Documents con- tained in No. V. & VI. of " The History of the United States for the Year 1796," in which the charge of Speculation against Alexander Literature of the Law Library T17 Hamilton, late Secretary of the Treasury, is fully refuted. Written by himself. Philadelphia, 1797. 8°, half morocco, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. The celebrated " Rej'nolds pamphlet." Hamilton (Alexander). See Nott (Eliphalet). A discourse delivered - - - - occasioned by the ... - death of Hamilton. Hamilton (Alexander). See Otis (Harrison G.). Eulogy on General Alexander Hamilton. Hamilton (Lady Anne). Secret History of the Court of England, from the accession of George the Third to the death of George the Fourth; including, among other important matters, full particulars of the mysterious death of the Princess Charlotte. London, 1832. 2 vols, in I, 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Suppressed, see Lowndes, under head of George the Fourth. Hammersmith Monsters (The). The Hammersmith Monsters or, Trial of William Cannon, John Cannon, George Bird, Richard Bird, and John Jones, alias Miles, all late of Fulham, in the County of Middlesex, Before W. Mainwaring, Esq., and other Magistrates, at the vSessions House, on Clerkenwell Green, on Saturday, Octo. 29, 1814. For violently and brutally treating Mary, the wife of John Clack, and assaulting Mary the wife of Samuel Clack. London (1814). Folding colored plate. 12". See Trials, Vol. XI. Hammond (Jabez D.). The History of Political Parties in the State of New York from the ratification of the Federal Constitution to December, 1840, in two volumes, fourth edition, corrected and en- larged. To which are added Notes by Gen. Root. Vol, 3, from Jany I, 1841, to Jany i, 1847, including the life of Silas Wright. Syracuse, 1852. Portraits. 3 vols., 8°, sheep. "The work is written with candour and unstudied accuracy."—^. //. Seward. Hampden (John). See Hambden (John). The Tryal of John Hamb- den in the great case of Ship Money. Hampden (John). See Nugent (Lord). Memorials of John Hamp- den, 1 1 8 Literature of the Law Library • Hausoii (Sir Levett). An Accurate Historical Account of all the Orders of Knighthood at present existing in Europe. To which are prefixed a critical dissertation upon the ancient and present state of those Equestrian institutions, and a prefatory discourse on the origin of Knighthood in general, the whole interspersed with illustrations and explanatory notes, by an Officer of the Chancery of the Eques- trian-Secular and Chapteral Order of Saint Joachim. London, n. d. 2 vols., 8°. half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Although this valuable work sometimes goes under the name of J. P. Ruhl, it was written by Sir Levett Hanson of Melton, near Beverly. Hapsburg (House of). See Newman (F. W.). The Crimes of the House of Hapsburg. Harcourt (William Vernon). A Plan for the Amendment of the Law. London, 187 1. 8°. See Law Tracts, C. Harden (Rev. Jacob S.). Life, Confession, and Letters of Court- ship of Rev. Jacob S. Harden, of the M. E. Church, Mount Lebanon, Hunterdon Co., N. J., executed for the Murder of his wife, on the 6th of July, i860, at Belvidere, Warren Co., N. J. Hackettstown, i860. Portrait. 8°. See Trials, Vol. IV. Hardwicke (Philip, Earl of). See Cooksey (Richard). Essay on the life and Character of John, Lord Somers, also sketches of an essay on the life and character of Philip, Earl of Hardwicke. Hardwicke (Lord Chancellor), See Harris (George). The life of Lord Chancellor Hardwicke. Hardy (Thomas Duffus). A Catalogue of Lords Chancellors, Keepers of the Great Seal, Masters of the Rolls, and principal offi- cers of the High Court of Chancery. London, 1843. Imperial 8°, half morocco, gilt back, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Hardy (Thomas Duffus). Memoirs of the Right Honourable Henry, Lord Langdale. London, 1852. Portrait and facsimile. 2 vols., 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Literature of the Law Library 119 Hargrave (Francis). A Collection of Tracts relative to the law of England, from manuscripts, now first edited by Francis Hargrave, Esquire, Barrister at Law. Vol. I all published. Dublin, MDCCLXXXVII. 8°, full polished calf. " His legal power, and the extent of his knowledge have rarely been equalled and perhaps never surpassed." — Lord Lyndliurst. Harris (George). The Life of Lord Chancellor Hardwicke: with selections from his correspondence, diaries, speeches, and judgements. London, MDCCCXLVIL Portrait, plates and facsimile. 3 vols., 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. " Vigorous, intelligent and interesting."— Z.' A. Foster. Phonographically reported by James L. Crosby. New York, 1861. 8", half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Littlejohn v. Greeley. The Case of De Witt C. Littlejohn against Horace Greeley, tried at the Oswego term of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, at Pulaski, Sept. 10-13, 1861. New York, 1861. 8°. See Vol. entitled Trials. Livery Companies of London (Twelve Great). See Herbert (William). The history of the Twelve Great Livery Companies of London. Lives of the Chief Justices of the U. S. See Van Santvoord (George). Sketches of the lives, etc., of the Chief Justices. Livingston (Edward). Report made to the General Assembly of the State of Louisiana on the plan of a Penal Code for the said State. New Orleans, 1822. 8°, half green morocco, Kilt back. Livingston (John H.). A Dissertation on the marriage of a man with his Sister in Law. New Brunswick, 1816. 8", sheep. 158 Literature of the Law Library Lloyd's (The history of). See Martin (Frederick). Lodge (Edmund). Life of Sir Julius Caesar, Knt. Judge of the High Court of Admiralty, Master of the Rolls, Chancellor of the ex- chequer, and a privy counsellor to King James, and Charles, the First; with memoirs of his family and descendants, by Edmund Lodge, Esq. Norroy King of Arms, F. S. A., &c. Illustrated by eighteen portraits, after original pictures; with a pedigree and other engravings, to which is added, Numerous Infaustus, an historical work, by Charles Caesar, Esq., Grandson to Sir Julius. London, 1827. Royal quarto, half green morocco, gilt back, marbled sides and edges. Loomis (Horatio N.). Erie County Court of Oyer and Terminer, Judge MuUett, presiding. The People versus Horatio N. Loomis for Libel. (Buffalo, 1850.) 8°. See Law Tracts, Vol. 2. Lord Chancellors (Lives of the). See O'Flanagan (J. Roderick). The Lives of the Lord Chancellors and Keepers of the Great Seal. Lorimer (James). The Institutes of Law: A Treatise of the Princi- ples of Jurisprudence, as determined by Nature. Edinburgh, 1872. 8°, cloth, uncut. Loritig (Geo. B.). Speech of Hon. George B. Loring, President of the Massachusetts Senate, on the Question of rescinding the resolves of Dec. 18, 1872, relating to Hon. Charles Sumners proposition with regard to the Army register and regimental colors, January 30, 1874 Boston, 1874. 8°. See Law Tracts, C. Lotteries in the State of New York. See Baldwin (Charles N.). Report of the Trial of Charles N. Baldwin for a Libel. Louisiana Electoral Votes. See Electoral Votes (Counting the). Louisiana Penal Code. See Livingston (Edward). Report made to the general assembly of the State of Louisiana on the plan of a Penal Code. Loundes (Letters of). See Calhoun (John C). The Letters of Loundes. Literahire of the Law Library 159 Lovat (Simon, Lord). See Burton (John Hill). Lives of Simon, Lord Lovat and Duncan Forbes. Lower (Mark Antony). The Curiosities of Heraldry, with illustra- tions from old English Writers. With numerous wood engravings from designs by the author. London, MDCCCXLV. 8°, half morocco, gilt back, marbled sides, gilt top. " Both curious and instructive."— Z-o«a'. Athenaiim. Lowndes. The letters of Lowndes, addressed to the Hon. John C. Calhoun. New York, MDCCCXLHL 8°. See Pamphlets, Vol. III. Lucas (Robert De Neufville.) The Perils of Trusts and Trustees : illustrated by unreported Cases, founded in fact; for the information of the general public, not of Lawyers. With a proposal for security and protection submitted to both. Inscribed by permission to the Right Honourable Sir John Patteson, etc., etc., etc. London, i860. Crown 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Lucas (Samuel). Charters of the Old English Colonies in America. With an introduction and notes. London, MDCCCL. 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Published by the Society for the reform of Colonial Government. Lunacy. vSee Mayo (Thomas). Medical testimony and evidence in cases of Lunacy. Lyman (Theodore, Jr.). The Diplomacy of the United States, being an account of the Foreign Relations of the Country, from the first treaty with France, in 1778, to the present time. Second edition — with additions. Boston, 1828. 2 vols., 8°, half morocco, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. " A valuable summary of this important and interesting part of the history of the United States."—/'///.//;. Lyman (Theodore, Jr.). Report of a Trial in the Supreme Judicial Court, Holden at Boston, Dec. i6th and 17th, 1828, of Thomas Ly- man, Jr., for an alleged Libel on Daniel Webster, a Senator of the United States, publi-shed in the Jackson Republican, comprising all the documents and testimony given in the cause, and full notes of i6o Literature of the Law Library the arguments of coutisel and the charge of the Court taken in short hand, by John W. Whitman. Boston, 1828. 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Macaulay (Thomas Babitigtoti). The History of England from the accession of James the vSecond. London, 1849-65. 5 vols., 8°, half calf, gilt backs, marbled sides and edges. " Every page bears testimony to a degree of conscientious and minute research which no historian has surpassed."— AVr//; Brit. Rev. Macclesfield (Thomas, Earl of). The Tryal of Thomas, Earl of Macclesfield, in the House of Peers, for High Crimes and Misde- meanors ; upon an Impeachment by the Knights, Citizens and Burgesses in Parliament assembled, in the name of themselves and of all the commoners of Great Britain. Begun the 6th day of May, 1725, and from thence continued by several Adjournments until the 27th Day of the same month. Published by order of the House of Peers. London Printed by Sam. Buckley in Amen-Corner. 1725. Folio, original paneled calf. From Library of Sir James Stuart, Bart., Chief Justice of Lower Canada. With his Book- plate and autograph on title page. Also, fine old bookplate of William Bromley of Bag- inton in the County of Warwicke, Esq. Mackay (AE. J. G.). Memoir of Sir James Dalrymple, First Vis- count Stair, President of the Court of Sessions in Scotland and author of the "Institutions of the Law of Scotland." A study in the history of Scotland and Scotch law during the Seventeenth century. Edinburgh, 1873. 8°, cloth, uncut. " I give at length most of the letters of Stair . - - . these bring the reader in closer contact with the man than any remarks which can be made about )a.\va..''^— Preface. Mackenzie (Alexander Slidell). Case of the Somers Mutiny. Defence of Alexander Slidell Mackenzie, commander of the U. S. Brig Somers, before the Court Martial held at the Navy Yard, Brooklyn. New York, 1843. 8°. See Vol. entitled Trials. Mackenzie (Thomas, Lord), Studies in Roman Law with compara- tive views of the Laws of France, England and Scotland. Second edition. Edinburgh, MDCCCLXV. 8°, glazed cloth, uncut. 8°, cloth. Literature of the Law Library i6i another cop}^ third edition. Edinburgh, MDCCLXX. another copy, fourth ed. Edinburgh, MDCCCLXXVI. 8°, cloth. Edited by John Kilpatrick. " No warm friendships." said a writer in the " Scotsman," speaking of Mackenzie, " had he, no wife - - - - he toiled on to the end like a machine. Labor of the brain had become to him a sort of second nature." Mackenzie (William L.). The Life and Times of Martin Van Buren: the correspondence of his Friends, Family and Pupils; together with brief notices, sketches and anecdotes. Boston, 1846. 8°, half red morocco, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Mackintosh (Sir James). A Discourse on the Study of the Law of Nature and Nations. London, MDCCCXXXV. 11°, half morocco, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Mackintosh (Sir James). The Miscellaneous Works of the Right Honourable Sir James Mackintosh. London, 1846. 3 vols., 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. another copy. London, 1S51. Portrait. 8°, full polished calf. '• His range of study and speculation was nearly as large as that of Bacon, and there were in fact but few branches of learning with which he was not familiar."— /^ London, MDCCCLI. Lang (John). Marriage with the Sister of a deceased Wife, con- sidered in connection with the standards and practice of the Canada Presbyterian Church, by John Lang. Toronto, 1868. Reasons in favour of the Erasure of the Law which forbids a man to marry his deceased Wifes Sister: in a second letter to a clergyman of the Reformed Dutch Church, by Clericus. New York, 1827. Remarks on the Marriage Question by a lay member of the Presbyterian Church. New York, 1843. Hardin (Mark). Strictures on the Marriage Question by one plain man. n. p. 1848. Statutes in Force (The), relating to marriages of Consan- guinity & Affinity 28 Hen. VIIL, Cap. 16: 32 Hen. VHL, Cap. 38: 5 and 6 Will. IV., Cap. 54: together with the Repealed Statutes, 25 Hen. VHL, Cap. 22: 28 Hen. VHL, Cap. 7. Lon- don, 1857. Brodside marriage and law reform association. 3 leaves folded to 8vo size. Bound in 8 vols., 8°, half calf, marbled sides. Marriage Question (The). Cases Argued and determined before the Judicial Committee and the Lords of the Privy Council On Appeal from the Arches Court of Canterbury. Thomas Moulden 23 178 Literature of the Law Library Sherwood, Appellant, and Robert Ray, Respondent. Moores Privy Council Reports. Vol. i, part 3, 1837. 8°. half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Marriage Question (The). A Collection of Newspaper Clippings relating to the law of marriage, etc., etc. Mounted in i vol., 12°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Marriage Ouestioti (The). Facts and Opinions in favour of legalis- ing marriage with a deceased wifes sister. (London) (1850). 8°. See Law Tracts, Vol. III. Marriage Question (The). First Report of the Commissioners appointed to inquire into the state and operation of the Law of Marriage, as relating to the prohibited degrees of aflfinity, and to marriages solemnized abroad or in the British Colonies; with minutes of evidence, appendix and index. Presented to the House of Lords 4th July 1848. (London) 1856, Folio, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Marriage Question (The). See Polygamy (Reflections upon). Marriage Question (The). See AUeyne (John). The Legal De- grees of Marriage. Marriage Question (The). See Brooks and Brooks, Report of the case. Marriage Question (The). See Bush (George). Notes critical and practical on the book of Leviticus. Marriage Question (The). See Chadwick (James). The Queen against James Chadwick. Marriage Question (The). See Doane (Wm. Croswell). Kindred and affinity. Marriage Question (The). srrrENEIA. A dispassionate appeal to the judgement of the Clergy of the Church of England. Marriage Question (The). See Fry (John). The Case of Marriages between near kindred. Literature of the Law Library 179 Marriage Question (The). See Gale (John B.). Affinity no bar to marriage. Marriage Question (The). See Huth (Alfred Henry). The mar- riage of near kin considered. Marriage Questiou (The). Livingston (John H.). A dissertation on the marriage of a man with his sister in law. Marriage Question (The). See Owen (Robert). Lectures on the marriages of the Priesthood. Marriage Question (The). See Pusey (E. B.). Marriage with a deceased Wifes Sister. Marriages of Consanguinity. See Marshall (Rev. William). An inquiry concerning the lawfulness of marriage, etc. Marshall (Frederic). International Vanities. Edinburgh, MDCCCLXXV. 8°, cloth, uncut. Marshall (John). The Life of George Washington, commander in chief of the American Forces during the war which established the independence of his country, and First President of the United States. Compiled under the inspection of the Hon. Bushrod Wash- ington, From original Papers bequeathed to him by his deceased Relative. To which is prefixed an introduction, containing a com- pendious view of the Colonies planted by the English on the conti- nent of North America. By John Marshall, Chief Justice of the United States, &c., &c. London, 1804-7. Portrait, views and maps. 5 vols., 8°, sprinkled calf. . Another copy. Philadelphia, 1835. Portrait. 2 vols., 8°, polished calf. Marshall (John). The writings of John Marshall, late Chief Justice of the United States, upon the Federal Constitution. Boston, MDCCCXXXIX. 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edpes. " His peculiar triumph was in the exposition of constitutional \&yi."— Judge Story. I So Liter aUire of the Law Library Marshall (John A.). American Bastile. A history of the illegal arrests and imprisonment of American citizens during the late Civil War. Twenty-first edition. Philadelphia, 1876. Illustrations. 8°, sheep. " My lord I can touch a bell on my right hand, and order the arrest of a citizen of Ohio, I can touch a bell again and order the imprisonment of a citizen of New York, and no power on earth except that of the President can release them. Can the Queen of Eng- land do so much ? "— Scwara'. Marshall (Rev. William). An Inquiry concerning the Lawful- ness of Marriage between parties previously related by consanguin- ity or affinity. Also, a short history of opinions in different ages and countries, and of the action of Ecclesiastical bodies on that subject. New York, 1843. 12*', cloth. Martens (G. F. Voh). The Law of Nations: being the Science of National Law, covenants, power, &c., founded upon the Treaties and Customs of Modern Nations in Europe. By G. F. Von Martens, translated from the French, by Wm, Cobbett, to which is added, a list of the principal treaties, declarations, and other public papers, from the year 1731 to 1738, by the author; and continued by the translator down to November, 18 15. The fourth edition. Lon- don, 1829. 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Martin (Frederick). The History of Lloyd's and of Marine Insur- ance in Great Britain, with an appendix containing statistics relat- ing to Marine Insurance. London, 1876. 8°, cloth, uncut. Mary Queen of Scots. See Hosack (John). Mary Queen of Scots and her accusers. Mary Queen of Scots. See Tytler (William). An inquiry - - - - into the evidence against Mary Queen of Scots. Masonry. See Morgan (William). Illustrations of Masonry. Massachusetts. Remarks on "an act to establish the Superior Court of the City of Boston," passed by the General Court of Massa- chusetts at its last session. By a citizen. Boston, 1849. 8". See Law Tracts, Vol. V. Literature of the Law Library i8i Massachusetts Couveutioti 1788. Debates and Proceedings in the Convention of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, held in the year 1788, and which finally ratified the constitution of the United States. Printed by authority of Resolves of the Legislature, 1856. Boston, 1856. 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Massachusetts Judicial History. See Washburn (Emory). Sketches of the Judicial History of Massachusetts. Massachusetts law affecting Poverty, Vice and Crime. See Quincy (Josiah), Remarks on some of the provisions of the laws of Massachusetts. Massachusetts Local Law. See Fowler (William Chauncey). Local Law in Massachusetts and Connecticut. Mather (Cotton). Magnalia Christ! Americana; or, the Ecclesiastical history of New England from its first planting in the year 1620, unto the year of our Lord 1698. In seven books. I. Antiquities in seven chapters, with an appendix. n. Containing the lives of the Governours, and names of the magistrates of New England. In thirteen chapters, with an appendix. III. The lives of sixty famous divines by whose ministry the Churches of Neiu England have been planted and continued. IV. An account of the University of Cambridge in New Eng- land ; in two parts. The first contains the Laws, the Bene- factors, and Vicissitudes of Harvard College; wuth remarks upon it. The second part contains the Lives of some eminent persons educated in it. V. Acts and Monuments of the faith and order in the Churches of Nciv England, passed in their Synods; with historical remarks upon those venerable assemblies, and a great variety of Church-cases occurring, and resolved by the Synods of those Churches; in four parts. 1 82 Literature of the Law Library VI. A faithful record of many illustrious, wonderful provi- dences, both of mercies and judgements, on divers persons in Neiv England: In eight chapters. VII. Tlie Wars of the Lord, Being a history of the manifold afflictions and disturbances of the Churches in New England from their various adversaries, and the wonderful methods » and mercies of God in their deliverance: In six chapters. To which is subjoined, an appendix of remarkable occurrences which New England had in the Wars with the Indian Savages, from the year 1688 to the year 1699. London, Printed for Thomas Parkhurst at the Bible and Three Crowns in Cheapside, MDCCII. Fine impression of the original map. Folio, old calf rebacked, red edges. From the library of George Bancroft with his bookplate. " The work is both a civil and ecclesiastical history."— ^oWzwj. Mathias, The False Prophet, The very interesting and remarkable Trial of Mathias, the False Prophet, at White Plains, Westchester County, New York, for the alleged murder of Mr. Elijah Pierson, reported expressly for this publication and at much greater length Than has been done by the Daily Press. New York, 1835. 8°. See vol. entitled Trials. Matrimonial Contracts. See Swinburne (Henry). A Treatise of Spousals. Maury (Abbe). The Principles of Eloquence; adapted to the Pulpit and the Bar. Translated from the French; with additional notes, by John Neal Lake. London, MDCCXCIII. 8°, calf. May (Thomas). The History of the Parliament of England, which began November the third, MDCXL; with a short and necessary view of some precedent years, written by Thomas May, Esq., secre- tary for the Parliament. Published by authority. London, 181 2. Portrait and plate. Quarto, full sprinkled calf, gilt back, sprinkled edges. May was Secretary to Parliament during the Civil War. " It cannot by any means be considered an impartial hoo^."—Grenville. Literature of the Law Library 183 May (Thomas Erskine). The Constitutional History of England since the accession of George the third, 17 60- 1860. Second edition. London, 1863-5. 3 vols., 8°, cloth, uncut. Mayo (Thomas). Medical Testimony and Evidence in Cases of Lunacy; being the Croonian lectures delivered before the Royal College of Physicians in 1853. With an essay on the conditions of mental soundness. London, MDCCCLIV. 12°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. McAllister (Judge M. Hall). In the Circuit Court of the United States for the Districts of California. James Tobin, Trustee, vs. Robert Walkinshaw, and others, in equity. Motion for injunction and appointment of receiver. Opinion of Judge McAllister. San Francisco, 1856. 8». See Law Tracts, Vol. I. McCoy (Amasa). Funeral Oration on the death of Hon. Daniel Webster, delivered at a commemoration in the Presbyterian Church, Ballston Spa, N. Y., Monday evening, November 8, 1852. Third edition. Boston, 1856. 8", cloth, gilt edges. Presentation copy with following inscription on fly leaf: " Hon. John V. L. Pruyn. President of the Albany Institute, will please accept with the respects of the author. Albany, 20th Oct., 1856." McCullagh (W. Torretis). Memoirs of the Right Honourable Richard Lalor Sheil. London, 1855. Portrait. 2 vols., crown 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Measor (C. P.). The Utilization of the Criminal, the rights of Life and Property, combined with economy to the state. A letter to the Right Honourable Henry Austin Bruce. London, 1869. 8°. See Law Tracts, Vol. v. Mendham (Rev. Joseph). An Index of Prohibited Books, by com- mand of the present Pope, Gregory XVL in 1835; being the latest specimen of the literary policy of the Church of Rome. London, MDCCCL. Portrait. 12°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. 184 Literature of the Law Library Merewether (Henry Alworth) and Archibald Johti Stephens. The History of the Boroughs and Municipal Corporations of the United Kingdom, from the earliest to the present time: with an examination of records, charters, and other documents, illustrative of their constitution and powers. London, MDCCCXXXV. 3 vols., imperial 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Meteor (Steamship). Report of the Case of the Steamship Meteor, libelled for alleged violation of the Neutrality Act. Vol. Proceedings in the district court of the United States for the Southern District of New York. Edited by F., V. Balch. Boston, 1869. 8°, cloth. Michigan Conspiracy Trial. Report of the Conspiracy Trial, in the Wayne County Circuit Court, Michigan, Hon. Warner Wing, Presiding, on five indictments of the Grand Jury, for the county of AVayne. Setting forth a conspiracy for burning the Freight Depot of the Michigan Central Rail Road Company and for other offences, named in said Indictments. By G. R. Lilibridge. Detroit, 185 1. 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Miller (John). On the Present Unsettled Condition of the Law and its Administration. London, MDCCCXXXIX. 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. " Some persons from original disposition, interest, or habit, continue silently, but resolutely to testify their dislike of any innovation whatsoever." Miller (Stephen F.). The Bench and Bar of Georgia: Memoirs and Sketches, with an appendix, containing a Court Roil from 1790 to 1857, etc. Philadelphia, 1858. 2 vols., 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. '• Contains copious historical matter illustrating the monuments of Georgia for the last fifty y^dLt^y—AUibone. Milligan (Lambdin P.). Decision of the U. S. Supreme Court on Military Commissions, (case ex-parte Lambdin P. Milligan et al.,) delivered at December Term, 1866. Washington, 1867. 8°. See Trials, Vol. IV. Millingen (J. G.). The History of Duelling: including narratives of the most remarkable personal encounters that have taken place from the earliest period to the present time. London, 1841. 2 vols., 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Literature of the Law Library 185 Military Commission (Illegality of). See Johnson (Reverdy). An argument to establish the illegality of Military Commission in the U. S. Military Trials (Celebrated). See Burke (Peter). Celebrated Naval and Military Trials. Mitre and Crown (The). See Osborn (George). M'Leod (Alexander). Trial of Alexander M'Leod, for the Murder of Amos Durfee; and as an accomplice in the Burning of the Steamer Caroline, in the Niagara River, during the Canadian Rebellion in 1837-8. New York, 1841. 8°. See Trials, Vol. II. Moak (Nathaniel C). Opening Address, January 29th, 1874, and Closing Argument, February 17th and i8th, 1874, of Nathaniel C. Moak, District Attorney in the case of the People agst. Eviil Lozuenstein, reported by Harry Edwards, Esq. Albany, 1874. 8yo. See Trials, Vol. V. Mollyneux (William). The Case of Ireland's being bound by Acts of Parliament in England, stated. To which is added the Case of Tenures upon the Commission of Defective Titles, argued by all the Judges of Ireland. With their Resolutions, and the Reasons of their Resolutions. London, 1720. B", calf. The Case of Tenures was first added to this edition. This work said to be the first on the subject in English was long in great estimation. Moncrieff (Robert Scott). The Scottish Bar Fifty Years Ago. Sketches of Scott and his contemporaries by the late Robert Scott Moncrieff, Esq., Advocate. With biographical notices by G. B. Edinburgh (1871). Portraits. Imperial quarto, cloth, gilt edges. Monroe (James). See Adams (John Quincy). An Eulogy on the life - - - - of James Monroe. 24 1 86 Literature of the Law Library Montesquieu. Esprit Des Lois, avec les notes de L'Auteur et un choix des observations De Diipin, Crevier, Voltaire, Mably, La Harpe, Servan, etc. Paris, 1844. Portrait. Crown 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Moohuttimudati Family Inheritance. See Rumsey (Almaric). A Chart of family inheritance according to Orthodox Moohum- mudan Law. Mordaunt v. Mordaunt. An Official Report of Mordaunt v. Mor- daunt. Cole, and Johnstone, as tried before Lord Penzance in the Divorce Court, February i6 and following days. London, 1870. 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Mordaunt v. Mordaunt. An Official Report of the Cause Celebre Mordaunt v. Mordaunt, Cole and Johnstone, together with the letters of H. R. H. the Prince of Wales to the Respondent. London, 1870. 8°. See Vol. entitled Trials. More (Cresacre). The Life of Sir Thomas More, by his great- grandson, Cresacre More. With a biographical preface, notes, and other illustrations, by the Rev. Joseph Hunter, F. S. A. London, William Pickering, MDCCCXXVIIL 8°, half blue calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. More (Sir Thomas). ;^ The WORKES OF SIR Thomas More Knyght, sometyme Lorde Chauncellour of England, Wrytten by him in the En- glysh tonge. '^ Printed at London at the costes and charges of lohn Cawod, lohn Waly, and Richarde Tottell Anno 1557. Liter attire of the Law Library 187 [Colophon] (%^ Imprinted at Lon don in Fletestrete at the sygne of the hande and starre, at the coste and charge of lohn Cawod, lohn Walley, and Richarde Tottle. Finished in Apryll, the yere of our Lorde God, 1557. 1" Cum privilegio ad impri mendum solum London, 1557. Title within a woodcut border. Folio, full crushed brown levant morocco, back and sides elaborately blind tooled, inside borders of gilt, gilt edges, extra joints, bound by W. Pratt, London. An unusually fine and perfect copy containing both the parts generally wanting, viz. : More's Youthful Poems and the leaf between pages 1138-g containing a letter "To the Christian Reader." "It will be difficult to point out any man like More since the death of Boethius, the last sage of this ancient world. He was the first Englishman who signalized himself as an orator, the first writer of a prose which is still intelligible, and the first who wrote the history of his country in its present X&'o.^M.z.'gt^y— Mackintosh. More (Sir Thomas). See More (Cresacre). The life of Sir Thomas More. More (Sir Thomas). See Roper (William). The Life of Sir Thomas More. Morgan (Hector Davies). The Doctrine and Law of Marriage, Adultery, and Divorce; exhibiting a Theological and Practical View of the divine institution of marriage; the religious ratification of marriage; the impediments which preclude and vitiate the contract of marriage; the reciprocal duties of Husbands and Wives; the sin- ful and criminal Character of Adultery and the difficulties which embarrass the principle and practice of Divorce: with an Appendix, containing an essay on the Hellenistic and Ecclesiastical meaning of the word nOPNEIA, ordinarily translated fornication. Oxford, 1826. a vols., 8°, hftlf cklf, marbled side*, sprinkled edge». 1 88 Literature of the Lazu Library [Morgan (William),] Illustrations of Masonry, by one of the fraternity who has devoted thirty years to the subject. Second edition, with an account of the Author. New York, Printed for the Author, 1826. 8°, green morocco, uncut. Very rare. Momings at Bow Street. See Wright (J.). Mornings at Bow Street. Morris (Gouverneur). See Sparks (Jared). The life of Gouverneur Morris. Morris (Robert). A Letter to Sir Richard Aston, Knt. One of the Judges of his Majestys Court of Kings Bench, and late Chief Justice of the Common Pleas in Ireland; containing a Reply to his scanda- lous Abuse, and some Thoughts on the modern Doctrine of Libels: By Robert Morris of Lincoln's Inn, Esq., Barrister at Law, and late Secretary to the Supporters of the Bill of Rights. The second edition. London, 1770. 8°. Bound in vol. entitled Libel Tracts. Morris ( Sir William). The Tryal between Sir William Morris, Baronet, plaintiff, and Lord Atigiist lis Fitzroy, defendant, for Crimi- nal Conversation with the plaintiffs wife, at the Kings- Bench Bar, Westminster. London, 1742. V. See Trials, Vol. V. Morse (John T.). Famous Trials. The Tichborne Claimant. Tropp- mann. Prince Pierre Bonaparte. Mrs. Wharton. The Meteor. Mrs. Fair. Boston, 1874. Plate. ia°, cloth. Moseley (Joseph). What is Contraband of War and what is not. Comprising all the American and English authorities on the subject. London, 1861. Crown 8°, half morocco, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Muir (Thomas). An Account of the Trial of Thomas Muir, Younger of Huntershill, before the High Court of Justiciary at Edinburgh, on the 30th and 31st Days of August, 1793, for Seditious Practices. Edinburgh, MDCCXCIII. 8°. See Trials, Vol. I. Literature of the Law Library 189 Municipal Law. See Pomeroy (John Norton). An introduction to municipal law. Munroe (John A.). Full reports of the Coroner's Inquest, and the Trial of John A. Munroe, for the Murder of Sarah Margaret Vail and Ella May Munroe. Saint John, N. B., 1869. 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Mtirel (John A.). History of the detection and Trial of John A. Murel the Great Western Land Pirate, together with a Biographical Sketch of Mr. Virgil A. Stewart, n. p. (1847). 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. See also, Murrell. Murray (Rev. James). New Sermons to Asses by the author of Sermons to Asses. Judges iii, 22, And the dirt came out. London, MDCCLXXIII. ia°, half calf. Murray (Rev. James). Sermons to Ministers of State. Tyne, n. d. 12°. Bound in with the preceding lot. Murray was the author of " An impartial history of the present war with America." Murrell (John A.). The Life and Adventures of John A. Murrell, the Great Western Land Pirate. New York, 1847. Twenty-one spirited engravings. 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. See also, Murel. Mussulman Laws. The Hedara, or Guide; a commentary on the Mussulman Laws: translated by order of the Governor-General and Council of Bengal, by Charles Hamilton. London, MDCCXCL 4 vols., quarto, half calf, marbled sides, yellow edges. " A valuable vroi)c."—Allibone. Myers (Mrs. Virginia). The Letters and Correspondence of Mrs. Virgi7iia Myers, (which have never before been published or even read in Court,) to Dudley Marvin Hoyt, who was murdered at Rich- mond, Sept. 28th, 1846, by Win. R. Myers and two others, together with a denial of the truth of Mrs. Myers' letter of explanation of November last, from Alta Vista, likewise added a Short Biography of D. M. Hoyt, by a relative of the deceased. Philadelphia, January, 1847. 8". See Trials, Vol. II. 190 Literature of the Law Library Mythology and the Law. See Arundell (Lord) of Wardour. Tra- dition principally with reference to mythology and the law of Nations. NalsoM (J.)» A true copy of the journal of the High Court of Justice for the Tryal of K. Charles I. as it was read in the House of Commons, and attested under the hand of Phelps, Clerk to that infamous Court. Taken by J. Nalson, LL. D., Jan. 4, 1683. With a large introduction. London. Printed by H. C. for Thomas Bring, at the Harrow at the corner of Chancery-Lane in Fleet-Street, 1684. Portrait, plates, and facsimile. Folio, half calf. Napoleon (The Code); or. The French Civil Code literally trans- lated from the original and official edition, published at Paris in 1804, by a Barrister of the Inner Temple. (Richards.) London, 1824. 8°, cloth, uncut. Napoleon. See Peltier (John). The trial of John Peltier for a libel against Napoleon Buonaparte. [Nares (Dr. Edward).] Heraldic Anomalies; or, Rank Confusion in our Order of Precedence. With disquisitions, moral, philosophical, and historical, on all the existing orders of Society, by it matters not Who. London, 1823. 2 vols., ia°, half calf, gilt backs, marbled sides and edges. "An excessively amusing work containing much curious information." — Lowndes. Nasmith (David). The Institutes of English Public Law: embrac- ing an outline of general jurisprudence; the development of the British Constitution; Public International Law; and the Public Municipal Law of England. London, 1873. 12°, cloth. "The aim of this work is to give to the reader as succinct and clear a view as possible of the relation in which the state and the English citizen are placed by one Constitutional and Municipal Law relatively to each oVa^x ."—Preface. Natural Law (Institutes of). See Rutherforth (T.). Institutes of Natural Law. Nature and Nations (Law of). See Puffendorf (Baron). Of the law of nature and nations. Naval Trials (Celebrated). See Burke (Peter). Celebrated Naval and Military Trials. Literature of the Law Library 191 Neale (Edw^ Vatisittart). Feasts and Fasts, an Essay on the Rise, Progress, and Present State of the Laws relating to Sundays and other Holidays, and Days of Fasting; with notices of the origin of those days, and of the sittings and vacations of the courts. Lon- don, 1845. 12°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinlcled edges. "It brings together upon the subjects of which it treats a considerable body of information, which has never been so brought together before." — Preface. Netherlands (Civil History of the). See Butler (Charles). The Life of Hugo Grotius. Neutral Rights. Correspondence relative to Neutral Rights be- tween the Government of the United States and the Powers repre- sented in the Congress at Paris, 1856. Washington, 1856. 8°. See International Law Tracts. Neutrality. See Hall (William Edward). The rights and duties of Neutrals. Neutrality of Great Britain. See Bernard (Montague). A his- torical account of the neutrality of Great Britain during the Ameri- can Civil War. New England Lawyers. See Bradford (Alden). Biographical notices of distinguished men in New England. Newgate Calendar (The New); being interesting memoirs of No- torious Characters, who have been convicted of Outrages on the Laws of England, during the eighteenth century, brought down to the present time. Comprising Traitors, Murderers, Incendiaries, Ravishers, Pirates, Mutineers, Coiners, Highwaymen, Footpads, Housebreakers, Rioters, Extortioners, Sharpers, Pickpockets, Fraudulent Bank- rupts, Money-Droppers, Imposters, and Thieves of every Description. Forgers, With occasional essays on crimes and punishments. Original Anec- dotes, and observations on particular cases; the speeches, confes- 192 Literature of the Law Library sions, and last exclamations of sufferers, to which is added a correct account of the various modes of Punishment of Criminals in different Parts of the World, by Andrew Knapp and William Baldwin, At- torneys at Law. London, n. d. Portraits and illustrations. 6 vols., 8°, half calf, gilt backs, marbled sides and edges. New Jersey Provincial Courts. See Field (Richard S.). The Provincial Courts of New Jersey. Newman (F. W.). The Crimes of the House of Hapsburg against its own liege subjects. London, MDCCCLIIL 8°, half morocco, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. New York Central Rail Road Consolidation Act. See Pruyn (John V. L.). Agreement between the Albany and Schenectady Rail Road Co., etc. New York City. "Address, of the general committee of Whig Young Men, of New York City, to the Young Men of the State." With notes by a Democratic Republican. New York, 1834. 8°. See Pamphlets, Vol. I. New York Colonial Legislative Council. Journal of the Legisla- tive Council of the Colony of New York. Began the 9th Day of April, 1 691; and Ended the 27 th of September, 1743, and Began the 8th Day of December, 1743, and Ended the 3d of April, 1775. Pub- lished by order of the'Senate of the State of New York, with an His- torical introduction by E. B. O'Callaghan. Albany, 1861. 3 vols., folio, half calf, marbled sides. New York Dry Dock Company vs. The American Life Insurance and Trust Company. Court of Appeals of the State of New York, in equity. Opinion of Mr. Justice Cady. n. p. 1841. 8°. See Law Tracts, Vol. III. New York (Laws of) from the year 1691 to 1773, inclusive, printed according to an act of the general assembly. New York, Printed by Hugh Gaine, MDCCLXXIV. Folio, 2 vols, bound in one, original sheep. From the library of Gouverneur Morris with his autograph on the fly leaf. Fine copy with the rare title to Vol. 2, and blank leaf at end of Vol. i. Literature of the Law L^ibrary 193 New York Lawyers. vSee Edwards (Charles). Pleasantries about Courts and Lawyers of the State of New York. New York Legislative Assemblies (Origin of). See O'Callaghan (E. B.). Origin of legislative assemblies, etc. New York State Civil Code. Draft of a Civil Code for the State of New York; prepared by the Commissioners of the Code, and sub- mitted to the Judges and others for examination, prior to revision by the Commissioners. Albany, 1862. 8°, cloth. New York State Historical Collections. Containing a general collection of the most interesting facts, traditions, biographical sketches, anecdotes, &c., relating to its history and antiquities, with geographical descriptions of every township in the State, illustrated by 230 engravings, by John W. Barber and Henry Howe. New York, 1842. 8°, half green morocco, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Ney (Marshal). Report of the Trial for High Treason and attempts against the safety of the State, of Michel Ney, Marshal of France, etc., etc. Translated from eminent French Reporters and arranged for publication in English, by J. S., and adorned with an Elegant Portrait. Paris, 1815. Crown 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Nicholson (John). See Pennsylvania State Trials. The impeach- ment, trial and acquittal of - - - - John Nicholson. Nicolas (Sir Nicholas Harris). Notitia Historica : containing Tables, Calendars, and Miscellaneous Information, for the use of Historians, Antiquaries, and the Legal Profession. T^ondon MDCCCXXIV. Post 8", half brown morocco, marbled sides and edges. '* This is indeed a treasure in it?,Q\i."— Warrens Law Student. Nicolas (Sir Nicholas Harris). Report of Proceedings on the Claim to the Barony of L'Isle, in the House of Lords. With notes, and an appendix containing the cases of Abergavenny, Botetourt, and 25 194 Liter attire of the Law Library Berkeley; accompanied by observations on Baronies by Tenure. London, William Pickering-, MDCCCXXIX. 8°, half green morocco, cloth sides, gilt top, uncut edges. Nicolas (Sir Nicholas Harris). Report of Proceedings on the Claim to the Earldom of Devon in the House of Lords. With notes, and an appendix containing copies of patents, and cases illustrative of the claim. London, William Pickering, MDCCCXXXH. 8", half green morocco, cloth sides, gilt top, uncut edges. Nicolas (Sir Nicholas Harris). Memoirs of the Life and Times of Sir Christopher Hatton, K. G., vice chamberlain and Lord Chan- cellor to Queen Elizabeth, including his correspondence with the Queen and other distinguished persons. London, MDCCCXLVIL Portrait. 8°, half blue morocco, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. " The present memoir contains every fact relating to Sir Christopher Hatton that could be found, together with every letter from him of which the existence is "^noYin" — Preface . Nicoll (Henry). An Address delivered before the Graduating Class of the Law School of Columbia College, on the evening of Wednes- day, May 19, 1869. New York, 1869. 8°. See Law Tracts, Vol. V. Niveil (George W.). The Case of George W. Niven, Esq., Attorney and Counsellor at Law, charged with mal-practices and suspended by order of the Court of Common Pleas, of the City of New York, con- taining much curious matter, ingenious argument, and eloquent dis- course, equally interesting to Counsellors and Clients, to the safety of the public, and the honor and dignity of a learned profession. Reported by William Sampson. New York, 1822. 8°. See Law Tracts, Vol. I. Nobility (The Analysis of). See Von Lowhen (Baron). The Analysis of Nobility. Normandie (Coutumes de). See Coutumes de Normandie. North (Roger). The Lives of the Right Hon. Francis North, Baron Guilford, Lord Keeper of the Great Seal, under King Charles H. and King James H. The Hon. Sir Dudley North, commissioner of the customs, and afterwards of the Treasury, to King Charles II. and Literature of the Law Library 195 The Hon. and Rev. Dr. John North, Master of Trinity College, Cambridge, and Clerk of the Closet to King Charles II., by the Hon. Roger North. A new edition, with notes and illustrations, historical and biographical. London, 1826. Portraits. 3 vols., 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. " Roger North's life of his brother the Lord Keeper is the most valuable specimen of this class of our literature." — Coleridge. North-west American Water Boundary. Case of the Government of Her Britannic Majesty submitted to the Arbitration and award. London, 1873. Polio, paper. Bancroft (George). Memorial on the Canal de Haro and the boundary line of the United States of America. London, 1873. Folio, paper. Second and Difinitive on behalf of the government of Her Britannic Majesty. London, 1873. Folio, paper. Reply of the United States to the government of Her Britannic Majesty. London, 1873. Folio, paper. Maps Annexed to the Case of the government of Her Britannic Majesty. London, 1873. Folio, paper. Maps annexed to the memorial and reply of The United States' Government. London, 1873. Folio, paper. Correspondence respecting the award of the Emperor of Ger. many in the matter of the boundary line between Great Britain and the United States under the treaties of Washing- ton of June 15, 1846, and May 6, 1871. London, 1873. Folio, paper. Notltia Historica. See Nicolas (Sir Nicholas Harris). Notitia Historica containing tables, calendars, etc. Nott (EHphalet). A discour.se delivered in the North Dutch Church, in the city of Albany, occasioned by the ever to be lamented death 196 Literature of the Law Library of Gen. Alexander Hamilton, July 29, 1804. The third edition. Albany, 1806. 8". See Pamphlets, Vol. VI. Noye (William). Maxims of the Laws of England by William Noye, attorney general, and of the Privy Council to King Charles I., with a Biographical Sketch of the Author and an index, by Clifford Stanley Sims. Albany, 1870. 12°, cloth. "Both Lord Mansfield and Chancellor Kent have borne testimony to its value." — Sims. Noyes {William Curtis), See Fisher (Samuel W.). William Curtis Noyes a Baccalaureate Discourse. Nugent (George Nugent Grenville, Lord). Memorials of John Hampden, his party and his times, by Lord Nugent. Fourth edi- tion, with a memoir of the writer, and a general index. London, i860. Illustrated with twelve portraits, engraved on steel. 12°, cloth, uncut. Nullification. Report of the joint committee of the senate and assembly of the State of New York on so much of the Governors message as relates to the communication from the Governor of the State of South Carolina, and the proceedings of the recent con- vention of the people of that state. Made to the legislature Janu- ary 29, 1833. Albany, 1833. 8". See Pamphlets, Vol. I. Nundocomar (Trial of). The Trial of Maha Rajah Nundocomar, Bahader, for Forgery. Published by authority of the Supreme Court of Judicature in Bengal. London, MDCCLXXVL Quarto, half calf, marbled sides. From the Library of Sir James Stuart, Bart. Chief Justice of Lower Canada, with his book- plate and autograph on the title page. Oaths (The Book of), and the severall forms thereof, both Antient and Modern. Faithfully Collected out of sundry Authentike Books and Records not heretofore extant, compiled in one Volume. Very useful for all persons whatsoever, especially those that undertake any OfiQce of Magistracie or publique Imployment in the Common- wealth, wereunto is added a perfect Table [two verses of scripture]. Literature of the Law Library 197 Printed at London for W. Lee, M. Walbancke, D. Pakeman and G. Bedle, 1649. First edition. 16', half calf, marbled sides. Oaths (Origin of). See Tyler (James Endell). Oaths, their origin, etc. Oats, Plot (Titus). Twenty Four Contemporar}^ Caractures repre- senting the celebrated Titus Oats Plot. Neatly mounted on quarto paper and bound in half morocco, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. O'Brien (Edward). The Lawyer, his Character and Rule of Holy Life after the manner of George Herbert's Country Parson. Lon- don, William Pickering, MDCCCXLII. 12°, full red morocco, inside gilt borders, gilt edges. . Another Copy. See Law Tracts, Vol. V. " I commend this noble and religious book to the careful attention of those who, like its author, desire to follow the pursuits of this life in such a manner as will favour their growth in the life interior and eternal."— 5iV Aubrey de Fere. O'Callaghan (E. B.). Origin of Legislative Assemblies in the State of New York, including titles of the laws passed previous to 1691. Albany, 1861. Imperial quarto, half morocco, marbled sides, uncut edges. With following inscription on the title page: " Hon. J. V. L. Pruyn, with the respects of The Author." O'Coigly, James. The Trial of James O'Coigly, otherwise called James Quigley, otherwise called James John Fivey, Arthur O'Con- nor, Esq., John Binns, John Allen, and Jeremiah Leary, for High Treason, under a Special Commission, at Maidstone, in Kent, on Monday the Twenty-first, and Tuesday the Twenty-second days of May, 1798, Taken in Short-hand by Joseph Gurney. London, 1798. 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. O'Counell (Daniel). .See Irish State Trials. A special report of the proceedings. On leaf following title is autograph of O'Connell. O'Connor (Charles). See Forrest Divorce Case. Proceedings of the Bar Association, etc. 198 Literature of the Law Library Oddities of the Law. See Heard (Franklin Fiske). Oddities of the Law. Offences of the Realttie. See Pvlton (Ferdinando). De Pace Regis et Regni, viz. a treatise declaring which be the great and generall Offences of the Realme. O'Flanagan (J. Roderick). The Lives of the Lord Chancellors and Keepers of the Great Seal of Ireland, from the earliest times to the Reign of Queen Victoria. London, 1870. 2 vols., 8°, cloth, uncut. Old Bailey Experience. Criminal Jurisprudence and the actual working of our penal code of laws. Also, an essay on Prison Disci- pline, to which is added a history of the Crimes committed by offenders in the present day, by the Author of " The Schoolmasters experience in Newgate." London, 1833. S°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Old Bailey Reporter (The). The Old Bailey Reporter; (to be con- tinued Sessionally,) being a full report of the Principal Trials at the Old Bailey Sessions, for Murder, Forgery, Burglary, &c., &c. To which is added, the Sentence of the Prisoners, forming a complete Newgate Calendar and Sessions Paper. London (1819). 12°. See Trials, Vol. XI. Old Bailey Trials. The Whole Proceedings on the Kings Commis- sion of the Peace, Oyer and Terminer, and Gaol Delivery for the City of London; and also the Gaol Delivery for the County of Mid- dlesex; held at Justice Hall in the Old Bailey, on Wednesday the loth of December, 1783, and the following Days; being the First Session in the Mayoralty of the Right Hon. Robert Peckham, Esq.; Lord Mayor of the City of London. Taken in short hand by E. Hodgson, and published by authority. London, MDCCLXXXII-IH. 2 vols., quarto, half calf, marbled sides, red edges. Ouderdonk (Benj. T.). Bishop of the Diocese of New York. A collection of pamphlets as below. Pastoral Letter (A) to the Clergy of his Spiritual Charge, by Benjamin T. Onderdonk, D. D. New York, Jany. 27, 1844. Literature of the Law Library 199 Proceedings of the Court (The) convened under the third Canon of 1844, in the City of New York, on Tuesday, Decem- ber 10, 1844, for the Trial of the Right Rev. Benjamin T. Onderdonk, D. D., Bishop of New York ; on a presentment made by the Bishops of Virginia, Tennessee, and Georgia, by authority of the Court. New York, MDCCCXLV. Report of the Committee appointed to consider the sentence upon the Right Reverend Benjamin T. Onderdonk, and the effect thereof upon the powers and duties of the Standing Committee of the Diocese of New York. New York, 1845. Bishop Onderdonk's Statement. A Statement of Facts and Circumstances connected with the Recent Trial of the Bishop of New York. New York, 1845. Bishop Meade's Statement in reply to some parts of Bishop Onderdonk's Statement of Facts and Circumstances con- nected with his Trial. New York, 1845. Jay (John). Facts connected with the Presentment of Bishop Onderdonk: A reply to Parts of the Bishop's Statement. New York, 1845. Jays Pamphlet Reviewed by A Looker on. n. p. n. d. Trial Tried (The); or, the Bishop and the Court at the Bar of Public Opinion, by Laicus. New York, 1845. An Appeal from the Sentence of the Bishop of New York; in behalf of his Diocese, founded on the facts and improbabilities appearing on both sides in the late trial. New York, 1845. Review of the Trial of Bishop Onderdonk, from the Buffalo Commercial Advertiser of February 18, 1845. What ought the Diocese to do? Considerations addressed to Churchmen of the Diocese of New York, by a Layman. Printed for the Author, 1845. Rick wood (John C). The Laugh of a Layman at a pamphlet entitled The Conspiracy against the Bishop of New York, unravelled by one of the conspirators. New York, 1845. 200 Literahire of the Law Library Number One. The Voice of Truth: or, an examination of the Proceedings on the Presentment, Trial, and Sentence of the Rt. Rev. Benjamin T. Onderdonk, D. D., Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Diocese of New York, n. p. n. d. Number Two. The Voice of Truth: or, an examination of the Proceedings on the Presentment, Trial, and Sentence of the Rt. Rev. Benjamin T. Onderdonk, D. D., Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Diocese of New York, n. p. n. d. Number Three. The Voice of Truth: or, an examination of the Proceedings on the Presentment, Trial, and Sentence of the Rt. Rev. Benjamin T. Onderdonk, D. D., Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Diocese of New York, n. p. n. d. Number Four. The Voice of Truth: or, an examination of the Proceedings on the Presentment, Trial, and Sentence of the Rt. Rev. Benjamin T. Onderdonk, D. D., Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Diocese of New York, n. p. n. d. Number Five. The Voice of Truth: or, an examination of the Proceedings on the Presentment, Trial, and Sentence of the Rt. Rev. Benjamin T. Onderdonk, D. D., Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Diocese of New York, n. p. n. d. Number Six. The Voice of Truth: or, an examination of the Proceedings on the Presentment, Trial, and Sentence of the Rt. Rev. Benjamin T. Onderdonk, D. D., Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Diocese of New York, n. p. n. d. West (Robert A.). Records of the Proceedings and Debates at the Sixty-first annual convention of the Protestant Episco- pal Church, in the Diocese of New York. New York, 1845. Literature of the Law Library 20 t West (Robert A.). Review of the Proceedings and Debates at the Sixty-First annual convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Diocese of New York. New York, 1845. (From the Churchman, Jan'y 17, 1846.) Report to the Vestry of St. Peters Church, Albany, of the Lay Delegates appointed by them, who attended the Diocesan Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church, held at the City of New York, September, 1845. Albany, 1845. Review of a Pamphlet (A) by the Hon. John C. Spencer, enti- tled report to the vestry of St. Peters Church, Albany, of the lay delegates appointed by them, who attended the diocesan convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church, held at the City of New York, September, 1845. New York, 1846. Smith (Dr. John Augustus). Remarks in the Convention of the Diocese of New York on the Preamble and Resolutions of Dr. Sherwood, n. p. n. d. Bound in one vol., 8°, half morocco. O'Neall (John Belton). Biographical Sketches of the Bench and Bar of South Carolina; to which is added, the original fee bill of 1 791, with the signatures in facsimile, the Rolls of Attorneys admit- ted to Practice, from the records at Charleston and Columbia, etc., etc, Charleston, 1859. 2 vols., 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Order of the Bath. See Bath (Order of the). Order of the Garter. vSee Ashmole (Elias). The institution of the Order of the Garter. Order of the Garter. See Beltz (Geo. Frederick). Memorials of the Most Noble order of the Garter, Order of Precedence. See Heraldic Anomalies or rank confusion in our order of Precedence. O'Regan (William). Memoirs of the Legal, Literary, and Political Life of the Right Honourable John Philpot Curran, once Master of the Rolls in Ireland: comprising copious anecdotes of his wit and 26 202 Literature of the Law Library humour; and a selection of his poetry, interspersed with occasional biography of his distinguished contemporaries in the Senate and at the Bar. London, 1817, 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. " Of a country so renowned for a continued succession of illustrious men, fewer monuments are preserved in Ireland than in any other nation."— Pr^ac?. Origin of Laws. See Laws, Arts and Sciences. Origin of Legislative Assemblies in the State of New York. See O'Callaghan (E. B.). Origin of legislative assemblies, etc. Osbom (George). The Mitre and Crown; or, Great Britain's True Interest, in which Our Constitution in Church and State must be explained and defended. And a short account of most valuable Books given, with some Original Pieces, and Law Cases. And also, An Abstract of what is material in the Several Publick Papers, with the usual common News. And an account of Births, Marriages, Pre- ferments, Deaths, &c. To be published at the Middle and End of each month, by a Gentleman late of the Temple. London, 1748-50. 2 vols., 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Otis (Harrison G.). Eulogy on General Alexander Hamilton pro- nounced at the request of the citizens of Boston, July 26, 1804. Albany, 1804. 8°. See Pamphlets, Vol. IX. Otis (James). See Tudor (William). The life of James Otis. Otsego County, New York (Legal history). See Beardsley (Levi). Reminiscences Judicial, legal and legislative matters. Otterly (Henry). On the Errors and Mischiefs of Modern Diplomacy, as based upon the assumed prerogative of the Crown in matters of peace and war; with particular reference to the treaty of Washington of 187 1, and the Negotiations connected with it, down to the adjourn- ment of the Tribunal of Arbitration on the 28th June. London, 1872. 12°, cloth. "The term 'Diplomacy ' is one of recent origin ----- It is of Greek origin, derived from the word ' diploma,' which means a letter or epistle doubled up, and not open - - - - - the people of this country have a constitutional right, through their representatives, to know and control, what is being done in their name."— /V^ac^. Literature of the Law Library 203 Overbury (Sir Thomas). The Tryal of Mr. Richard Weston, at the Guild Hall of the City of London, for the murder of vSir Thomas Overbury, Knt. October the 19th, 1615. 13 Jac. I. London, Printed in the year MDCCXXXVH. Quarto. See Vol. entitled Trials. Sir Francis Bacon states that Weston "chased Sir T. Overbury with poison after poison, poison in salt meats, poison in sweet meats, poison in medicines and vomits." Overbury (Sir Thomas). See Amos (Andrew). The Great Oyer of Poisoning-. Overbury (Sir Thomas). See Howard (Lady Francis). Proceedings between the Lady Francis Howard - - - - and Robert, Earl of Essex. Owen (Hugh, Jr.). The Elementary Education Act 1870. With introduction, notes and index, and appendix. Fourth edition. Lon- don (1870). 12°, cloth. Owen (Robert). Lectures on the Marriages of the Priesthood of the Old Immoral World, delivered in the year 1835, before the passing of the new marriage act. Fourth edition. With an appendix, con- taining the marriage system of the New Moral World; and proving that the Author never entertained the sentiments attributed to him by the opponents of Socialism. Leeds, 1840. 12°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Paige (Hon. Aloiizo). An Address to the Graduating Class of the Law Department of the University of Albany, of February 18, 1858. Albany, 1858. «°, paper. See Law Tracts, Vol. IV. Pakitigtoti (Sir John). The Evidence given at the Bar of the House of Commons, upon the Complaint of Sir John Pakington, against William Lord Bishop of Worcester and Mr. Lloyd, his Son, together with the Proceedings of the House of Commons thereupon, London, MDCCH. Folio. See Trials, Vol. XXII. 204 Literature of the Law Library Palgrave (Sir Francis). The Merchant and the Friar. Second edition, revised and corrected. London, MDCCCXLIV. n", cloth, uncut. Palgrave (Reginald F. D.). The House of Commons, Illustra- tions of its History and Practice. A course of three lectures, delivered to the Reigate South Park Working Men's Club, 2nd, 9th, and 1 6th December, 1868. London, 1869. ia°, oloth, uncut. Palmer (Rev. Thomas Fyshe). The Trial of the Rev. Thomas Fyshe Palmer, before the Circuit Court of Justiciary, held at Perth, on the 12th and 13th September, 1792, on an Indictment for Sedi- tious Practices. Taken in Court by Mr. Ramsey, an eminent short- hand writer from London. Edinburgh and London (1793). 8°. See Trials, Vol. I. Palmer (William). Illustrated and Unabridged Edition of The Times Report of the Trial of William Palmer, for Poisoning John Parsons Cook, at Rugeley. London, 1856. Numerous illustrations. 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Panton (William). A Dissertation on that portion of Scottish His- tory, termed, The Gowery Conspiracy, in v^hich an attempt is made to point out, in a satisfactory manner, the causes of the catastrophe which took place at Perth, on the Fifth of August, 1600. Perth: 18 12. 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. "Of the many dark transactions, recorded in Scottish history, few have been the subject of greater controversy.'' Papes (Histoire Des). Crimes, meurtres, empoisonnements, parri- cides, adulteres, incestes, des pontifes Romains Depuis Saint Pierre Jusqu'a nos jours. Mysteres D' Iniquites de la Cour De Rome; La Sainte Inquisition; abominations des convents; des ordres religieux des Dominicains, des Cannes, des Franciscains, Bernardins, etc., etc., des Jesuites, Leurs consitutions, Leurs Doctrines, Leurs Envahisse- ments; Leurs attentats; des Grands Reformateurs, Jean Huss, Jerome de Prague, Luther, Calvin. Crimes des Rois, des Reines et des Empereurs, par Maurice De La Chatre. Splendide edition Literature of the Law Library 205 illustree de Gravures sur acier, exectitees par I'elite des Artistes de Paris. Paris, 1844-65. 10 vols., imperial 8°, half levant morocco, gilt backs, marbled sides, gilt top, uncut edges. Paralels between England and Hungary. See Smith (J. Toul- min). Paralels between the constitution and constitutional history of England and Hungary. Parish Will Case (The). The Parish Will Case Before the Surro- gate of the City of New York. Medical Opinions, upon the mental competency of Mr. Parish, by John Watson, M. D., D. J. Brown, M. D., M. H. Ranney, M. D., Pliny Earle, M. D., Luther V. Bell, M. D., LL.D., I. Ray, M. D., Sir Henry Holland, Bart., M. D., F. R. S. New York, 1857. 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Parish Will Case (The). Argument of John K. Porter, in behalf of the Respondents, in the Court of Appeals of the State of New York, January 10, 1862. n, p., 1862. 8°. See Law Tracts, Vol. I. Parker (Edward G.). Reminiscences of Rufus Choate, the great American Advocate. New York, i860. Portrait and facsimile. Crown 8°, cloth. Parker (George) vs. Alexander M'Dougal, being an action for Crim. Con. tried at the present sitting of the Mayors Court, before the Recorder of the City of New York, on Wednesday, the 19th of October, 1808, with the whole of the evidence and the Arguments of the Counsel. Taken in short hand by a Gentleman of the Bar. New York, 1808. S", calf. Parker (Joseph). A History of the Court of Chancery; with prac- tical remarks on the recent commission, report and evidence, and on the means of improving the administration of Justice in the English Courts of Equity. London, 1828. 8°, half blue calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. " In the last Parliament the Court of Chancery became an object of frequent discussion and enquiry. The evils and abuses of the jurisdiction are enumerated amongst the greatest grievances of the People."— /V^acv. 2o6 Literature of the Law Library Parker (Theodore). The Trial of Theodore Parker, for the "misde- meanor " of A Speech in Faneuil Hall against Kidnapping, before the Circnit Court of the United States, at Boston, April 3, 1855, with the Defence, by Theodore Parker. Boston, 1855. 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Parkins (Joseph Wilfred). The Extraordinary Proceedings at the City Hall, New York, commenced May 21st, and continued, by adjournments, to June 17th, 1833, before David S. Jones, and Charles Graham, Esquires, Counsellors at Law, and David Perkins, and John Stearns, M. Drs. Commissioners appointed by the Chancellor of the State of New York by a virtue of a Commission in the nature of a Writ de Lunatico inquirendo to enquire whether Joseph Wilfred Parkins be a Lunatic. Combining the evidence, speeches of counsel, and singularly skilful and adroit defence of the alleged lunatic — the lucid and elaborate charges of the commissioners to the jury, with the legal documents appertaining to the commission, viz. — petition to the Chancellor — Affidavits — Commission, and inquisition in full, reported and compiled by Joseph William Trust. New York and London, 1833. 8°. See Law Tracts, Vol. II. Portrait of Joseph Wilfred Parkins. Parkman (George). See Webster (John W.). Report of the case of John W. Webster. Parliaments. See Elsynge (Henry). The Ancient Method and Manner of holding of Parliaments in England. Parliament and the Aylesbury-men. See Aylesbury men. Parliaments and Councils of England (The), Chronologically arranged from the Reign of William L to the Revolution in 1688. Dedicated by permission to her majesty. London, MDCCCXXXIX. 8°, cloth, uncut. Parliament (History of). May (Thomas). The history of the Par- liament of England. Parliament (The Long). Sarcastic Notices of the Long Parliament: a list of the " members that held places, both civil and military, con- Literatiwe of the Law Library 207 trary to the self-denying ordinance of April 3, 1645, with the sums of money and lands which they divided among themselves." giving many curious particulars about this famous assembly not mentioned by historians or biographers. Reprinted verbatim from the exces- sively rare original. London, 1863. Square 8°, half roxburghe. Parliament (Memoirs of). See Townsend (W. Charles). Memoirs of the House of Commons. Parliament (Order and Decency in). Remembrances for Order and Decency to be kept in the Upper House of Parliam*^ by the Lords, when His Majesty is not there leaving the Solemnity belong- ing to His Maties coming to be marshalled by those Lords to whom it most properly appertains. (Circa, 1735.) A neatly written 8vo manuscript ruled throughout in red lines, old English red morocco, gilt back, gilt edges. Parliament (Powers of). See Atkyns (Sir Robert). Parliament (Powers of). See Aylesbury-men. Parliaments (Use of). Of the Use and Abuse of Parliaments; in Two Historical Discour.ses, viz. L A General View of Government in Europe. H. A Detection of the Parliaments of England, from the year 1660. London, Printed in the year 1744. c Tols., 8°, original mottled calf. Parr (Thomas). Report of the Trial at Large, Parr vs. Benson, in the Court of Kings Bench, Guildhall, London, December 20, 1808, before Lord EUenborough and a Special Jury, in which Damages were laid at thirty thousand pounds. Accurately taken in short hand. London, 1809. 8", half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. From Library of Sir James Stuart, Bart., Chief Justice of Lower Canada, with his book- plate and autograph. Parsons (Theophilus). Memoir of Theophilus Parsons, Chief Jus- tice of the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts; with notices of 2o8 Literature of the Law Library some of his contemporaries, by his son, Theophilus Parsons. Boston, MDCCCLIX. Portrait. Post 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. " We have seldom read a biography which has given us so vivid a perception of the man- ners, habits and character of its subject." — Peabody. Patch (Richard). Important Trial. The Trial, Condemnation & Execution of Richard Patch, for the Murder of Mr. Isaac Blight, at a Court held at the Surrey Quarter Sessions in England. Being one of the most important Trials ever decided in any Court of Judica- ture. Boston, 1807. Post 8°, half morocco, gilt back. Patch (Richard). Second Edition, with a Subsequent Confession, of the Trial of R. Patch, for the Murder of Isaac Blight, Ship-Breaker of Rotherhithe, in the County of Surry. Tried at Horsemonger- Lane, in the Borough of Southwark, before the Lord Chief Baron Sir Archibald MacDonald, and a respectable Jury of the County of Surry. Guilty — Death. London, 1806, i2'>. See Trials, Vol. XI. Pattisoii (Granville Sharpe). The Whole of the Proceedings duly authenticated, in the Case of Divorce of Andrew Ure, M. D. v. Catharine Ure, for Adultery with Granville Sharpe Pattison, tried in the Consistory Court at Edinburgh, on the 30th of January, 181 9. (Philadelphia, 182 1.) 8°. See Law Tracts, Vol. I. Pauli (Dr. Reiuhold). The Life of King Alfred, a translation revised by the author, edited by Thomas Wright, Esq. London, MDCCCLII. 8°, half calf, marbled sides and edges. " The want of a really good life of Alfred in the English language was much to be regret- ted. This has been attempted by Dr. Pauli, and I think, with success."— 77w/«aj Wright. Pearce (Robert R.). A History of the Inns of Court and Chancery; with notices of their ancient discipline, rules, orders, and customs, readings, moots, masques, revels, and entertainments; including an Account of the eminent men of the four learned and honourable Literature of the Law Library 209 societies, — Lincoln's Inn, the Inner Temple, the Middle Temple, and Gray's Inn. London, 1848. Illustrations. 8*, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. " This is an amusing book. "— Z,c'«a'. Athenceum. Pearce (Tho.)« The Laws and Customs of the Stannaries in the Counties of Cornwall and Devon. Revised and Corrected according to the Antient and Modern Practice. In Two Parts. The First, Containinor the Charter of Edw. I. being the first Charter for erect- ing- the Tinners of Cornwall and Devon into a Corporation, with an Exposition of the said Charter, by Parliament, 50 Ed. III. II. The Several Laws and Constitutions made by the Several Parliaments of Tinners in the Reigns of Yixwg James I. Charles I. James II. and Queen Anne, together with the Journals, Speeches, Addresses, and other Proceedings of the said Parliaments. III. A Compleat Treatise of the Laws of the Stannaries, and the method of Proceeding in the several Courts of Stannaries; with the Judges Opinions on the Force of those Laws, by the Kings special Direction, also several Cases and Pleadings thereupon in the Star-Chamber, touching Writs of Error. IV. The Power of the Lord Warden in Law and Equity, with two Remarkable cases between the Lord Warden and the Sheriff of Devon, the one for Felony, and the Other, for Murder, with the Pleadings at large. V. The Rights of the Prince as Duke of Corn- wall. Also, a Compleat Table of the Fees of the Stannary Courts. VI. The Customs of the Stannary of Blackmore, set forth by way of Preface. Part II. Containing the Laws and Customs of the Stan- naries of Devon. I. The Charter of Ediv. I. with an Exposition of the same, in Latin and English. II. The several Laws and Consti- tutions, &c., made in the Reigns of King Edw. VI., Hen. VIII. and Queen Elisabeth. With Compleat Tables of the Principal Alatters contained in the whole. London, MDCCXXV. Folio, calf. Pages 9 to 20 are wanting in all copies known. Peck (James H.). Report of the Trial of James H. Peck, Judge of the United States District Court for the District of Missouri, before the Senate of the United States, on an Impeachment preferred by 27 2IO Literature of the Law Library the House of Representatives against him for High Misdemeanors in office, by Arthur J. Stansbury. Boston, 1833. 8°, law sheep. Peerage (Romance of the). See Craik (George Lillie). The Romance of the Peerage. Pell (Ferris). A Review of the Administration and civil police of the State of New York from the year 1807, to the year 18 19. New York, 1819. V. See Pamphlets, Vol. VII. Peltier (John). The Trial of John Peltier, Esq., for a Libel against Napoleon Buonaparte, first council of the French Republic, at the Court of Kings Bench, Middlesex, on Monday, the 21st of February, 1803. Taken in short-hand by Mr. Adams, and the Defence revised by Mr. Mackintosh. London, 1803. 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Penal Codes. See Sanford (Henry Shelton). Penal Codes, being a report on the different codes. Petinsylvatiia State Trials (The), containing the Impeachment, Trial, and Acquittal of Francis Hopkinson, and John Nicholson, Esquires, the former being Judge of the Court of Admiralty, and the latter, the Comptroller-general of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl- vania. Philadelphia, MDCCXCIV. 8°, original calf. Pepys (Samuel). Diary and Correspondence of Samuel Pepys, F. R. S., Secretary to the Admiralty, in the Reigns of Charles H. and James II. The Diary deciphered by the Rev. J. Smith, A. M., from the original shorthand MS. in the Pepysian Library. With a life and notes by Richard, Lord Braybrooke. The fifth edition. London, 1854. Portraits and illustrations. 4 vols., post 8°, cloth, uncut. Perkins (Sarah D.), adm'x v. N. Y. C. R. R. Co. In the Court of Appeals of the State of New York. Statement of Facts. William H. Perkins was killed while riding free on the cars of the Company: 1858. 8°. See Law Tracts, A. Literature of the Law Library 2 1 1 Personal Identity (Cases of). Albany, 1854. Imp. 8°, law sheep. Personal Liability Laws. Argument of John K. Porter, for the plaintiffs in error, in the Supreme Court of the United States, in the cases of Duncan, Sherman & Co., and Watts Sherman, plaintiffs in error, vs. James M. Smith, receiver of Oliver Lee & Company's Bank at Buffalo. Washington, February 20, 1862. Albany, 1862. 8°. See Law Tracts. Vol. I. [Philips (H.).] A Treatise Enumerating the most Illustrious Families of England, who have been raised to Honour and Wealth by the Profession of the Law. Together with the Names of all the Lord Chief Justices of each Court, and Barons of the Exchequer, from their first Institution. London, Printed for Arthur Jones, at the Fly- ing Horse near St. Dunstans Church, in Fleetstreet, MDCXXXVI. Portrait. 12°, calf, rebacked. Practically the second edition of " The Grandeur of the Law," with the addition of a Cata- logue of the Lord Chief Justices, etc. Phillittiore (John George). Principles and Maxims of Jurisprudence. London, 1856. 8°, cloth, uncut. Phillimore (John George). Private Law Among the Romans from the Pandects. London, 1863. 8", cloth, uncut. "A book which is the result of deep study, profound erudition, and sincere conviction."— La7u Reader. Phillimore (Robert). A Letter to the Right Hon. Lord Ashburton suggested by the questions of International Law, raised in the Mes- sage of the American President. London, 1842. 8°. See International Law Tracts. Phillimore (Robert). The Case of the Creole considered in a sec- ond letter to Lord Ashburton. London, 1842. 8°. See Law Tracts, A. Phillimore (Robert). Commentaries upon International Law. London, 1X54-61, 4 vols., 8», cloth, uncut. " The fruit of long previous study and preparation,"— Zaw Review. 212 Literature of the Law Library Phillimore (Robert). Judgement delivered by the Right Hon. Sir Robert Phillimore in the case of the office of the Judge promoted by Sheppard v. Bennett, edited by Walter G. F. Phillimore, D. C. L. Second edition. London, 187 1. 12°. See Murders and Trials. Phillipps (Charles Spencer March). Jurisprudence. London 1863. 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Phillips (C). A Correct and Authentic Speech of C. Phillips, Esq., Barrister, delivered December 12th, 18 16, before Lord Norbury, and a special jury, in Ireland, in the case of Creighton v. Townsend, for Seduction, London, 1817. 8°, paper. See Law Tracts, Vol. IV. ' Phillips (Charles). Curran and His Contemporaries. Fourth edition. Edinburgh, MDCCCLI. Portrait. 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. " Certainly one of the most extraordinary pieces of biography ever produced. - - - - It has been justly said of this admirable work that it is Boswell ininus Bozzy."— Z-tira Broughmn. Phillips (Charles). Vacation Thoughts on Capital Punishments. Fourth edition, enlarged. London, MDCCCLVIIL 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. " Charles Phillips was worth a gross of Shells. "-yiP/;« VVilso7t. Phillips (Samuel March). State Trials; or, a collection of the most interesting Trials, prior to the Revolution of 1686, reviewed and illustrated. London, 1826. 2 vols., 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Phillips (Wendell). Argument of Wendell Phillips, Esq., before the Committee on Federal Relations, (of the Massachusetts Legisla- ture,) in support of the petitions for the removal of Edward Greely Loring from the office of Judge of Probate, February 20, 1855. Boston, 1855. 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Philobiblon. See De Bury (Richard). Literature of the Law Library 213 Philosophy of Law. See Broom (Herbert). The Philosophy of Law. Pierrepoiit (Edwards). Annual address to senior class in law department Columbian College, Washington, D. C, June 12, 187 1. Washington, 1871. 8°. See Law Tracts, D. Pierrepotit (Edwards). The influence of lawyers upon free governments and the influence of moral forces upon the prosperity of governments. (New Haven), 1874. 8°. See Law Tracts, D. Delivered in conjunction with the Historical Discourse of Woolsey (Theodore D.). Pittckuey (Charles). The Letters, written, and originally published, under the signature of a South Carolina Planter, the first on the Case of Jonathan Robbins; decided under the twenty-sixth article of the treaty with Great Britain, in the District Court of the United States for South Carolina. The second, on the recent Captures of American vessels by British Cruisers, contrary to the laws of Nations, and the treaty between the two countries. The third on the Right of Expatriation, to which is added an appendix, containing sundry documents concerning Jonathan Robbins. Philadelphia, 1799. 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Pitcairn (Robert). Criminal Trials in Scotland, from A. D. MCCCCLXXXVni to A. D. MDCXXIV, embracing the entire Reigns of James IV. and V., Mary Queen of Scots, and James VI., compiled from the original records and MSvS. with Historical Notes and Illustrations. Edinburgh, MDCCCXXXIII. 3 vols, bound in 4, quarto, full polished calf, gilt backs, sprinkled edges. PlaHche (J. R.). Regal Records: or, a Chronicle of the Coronations of the Queens Regnant of England. London, MDCCCXXXVIII. Illustrations. 12°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Pleaders Guide (The). See Anstey (John). The Pleaders Guide, a Didactic Poein. Pleas of the Crown. See Hale (Sir Matthew). Pleas of the Crown, in two parts. , 214 Literature of the Law Library Poisons ill Relation to Law. See Taylor (Alfred Swaine). On Poisons in Relation to Medical Jurisprudence. Police Department (The). Report and proceedings of the Senate committee appointed to investigate The Police Department of the City of New York. Albany, 1895. Five vols., 8vo, cloth. Political. An examination of the Presidents Reply to the New Haven remonstrance, with an appendix, containing the Presidents inaugural speech, the remonstrance and reply; together with a list of removals from office, and new appointments, made since the fourth of March, 1801. New York, 1801. 8°. See Pamphlets, Vol. VIII. Political. Address of the Republican Members of the Legislature, of the vState of New York to their Constituents. Albany, 1834. 8°. See Pamphlets, Vol. I. Political. "Address of the general, committee of Whig Young Men, of New York City, to the Young Men of the State." With notes by a Democratic Republican. New York, 1834. 8°. See Pamphlets, Vol. I. Political. Communications on the next election for President of the United States, and on the late measures of the Federal Adminis- tration, with notes, illustrations and documents, by a Citizen of New York. (New York), 1808. 8°. SeePamphlets, Vol. VIII. Political Economy. See Lawrence (William Beach). Lectures on Political Economy. Political Economy. See Malthus (T. R.). Principles of Political Economy. Political Evils. See Dix (John A.). Social and Political Evils. Political Parties in the State of N. Y. See Hammond (Jabez D.). The History of Political Parties in the State of New York. Political Philosophy. See Brougham (Henry, Lord), Political Philosophy. Literature of the Law Library 215 Pollock (Sir Frederick). Personal Remembrances of Sir Frederick Pollock, Second Baronet. Sometime Queens Remembrancer. London, 1887. 3 vols., post 8°, cloth, uncut. Polygamy (Reflections upon), and the Encouragement given to that Practice in the Scriptures of the Old Testament, by Phileleu- therus Dubliniensis. London, MDCCXXXVIL Crown 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Polygamy. See Aletheo (Theophilo). Polygamia Triumphatrix, and other tracts bound in the same volume. Pomeroy (John Norton). An Introduction to Municipal Law, de- signed for general readers, and for students in Colleges and higher schools. New York, 1864. 8°, cloth, uncut. " Beyond all doubt, the study of History and of Politics is too much neglected in most of our higher educational institutions." — Preface. Pomeroy (John Norton). The Code of Remedial Justice reviewed and Criticised. Albany, 1877. 8°. See Law Tracts, D. Popery Detected. See Tongue (Ezreal). The new design of the Papists detected. Popery (The Spirit of), vSpeaking out of the mouths of Phanatical- Protestants, or the Last Speeches of Mr. John Kid and Mr. John King, Two Presbyterian Ministers, who were Executed for High- Treason and Rebellion, at Edinburgh, August the 14th, 1679. With Animadversions, and the History of the Archbishop of St. Andrews, his murder, extracted out of the Registers of the Privy Council, &c., by an Orthodox Protestant. London, 1680. Folio. See Trials, Vol. XXII. Popish design to charge conspiracy. See Dangerfeilds (Thomas). Particular narrative of the late Popish design. Popish Plot. An Impartial Account of Divers Remarkable Pro- ceedings The last Sessions of Parliament relating to the Horrid Popish Plot, &c., viz. 2i6 Litei'atiwe of the Law Library The Manner of Choosing their Speaner, The Speeches of divers Worthy Members, relating to that. The vote of the House at large in Defence of the King, and the Protestant Religion. The Articles of Impeachment against the Five Lords in the Tower. The Ai'ticles of Impeachment against Thomas Earl of Danby, and his Letter. The Earl of Danby's Pardon in Latin and English and his Plea. The Reasons and Narrative of the Proceedings betwixt the two Houses of Parliament, concerning the Lords in the Tower, &c. The Proceedings of the House of Lords concerning the Lords in the Tower, and the names of those Lords that entered their Protest. A Copy of the Bill relating to the Duke of York. The Earl of Shafts- buries Speech in the House of Lords. Mr. Powels Speech concern- ing the Earl of Danby. Mr. Palme's Report about the Temporary Laws. London, 1679. Folio. See Trials, Vol. XXII. Porter (Maj. General Fitz John). Review by the Judge Advocate General of the proceedings, findings, and sentence of a general court martial, held in the city of Washington, for the Trial of Major General Fitz John Porter, of the United States Volunteers. Wash- ington, 1863. 8°. See Trials, Vol. IV. Porter (Maj. General Fitz John). See Johnson (Reverdy). A reply to the review of Judge Advocate General Holt in the case of Gen. Porter and a vindication of that officer. Porter (Johti K.). Treasury Notes a Legal Tender. Argument of John K. Porter, in the Court of Appeals of the State of New York, in the case of the Metropolitan Bank and others, Respondents, agt. Henry H. Van Dyck, Superintendent of the Bank Department, Appellant, June 27, 1863. Reported by Wm. Blair Lord. Albany, 1863. 8°. See Law Tracts, B. Potter (Horatio). A vSermon Occasioned by the death of the Hon. Ambrose Spencer, and preached in St. Peters Church, Albany, on Sunday, March 19, 1848. Albany, 1849. 8°, half morocco, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Literature of the Law Library 217 Potter (Horatio). A sermon preached before the graduating class of the law school of Columbia College in the Church of the Holy- Saviour, New York, May 12th, 1872. New York, MDCCCLXXII. 8°. See Law Tracts, D. Potts (Thomas). A Compendious Law Dictionary, containing both an Explanation of the Terms and the Law itself, intended for the use of the Country Gentleman, the Merchant, and the Professional Man. London, 1803. 12°, calf. Poubelle (E.-R.). Discours Sur la condition privee de La Femme dans le droit ancien et moderne et en particulier sur le senatus- consulte velleien D'Apres L'Etude De M. Paul Gide, Sur le meme sujet. Toulouse, 1868. 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Poussiii (Guillaume Tell). De. La Puissance Americaine. Origine, — instutions, — esprit politique, ressources militaires, agricoles, com- merciales et industrielles des Etats-Unis. Paris, 1848. 1 vols., 8°, half calf, gilt backs, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Powtiall (Thomas). The Administration of the Colonies by Thomas Pownall, Late Governor and Commander in Chief of his Majestys Provinces, Massachusetts-Bay, and South Carolina, and Lieutenant- Governor of New Jersey. The third edition. Revised, Corrected and Enlarged. To which is added, an Appendix, No. Ill, containing, Considerations on the Points lately brought into Question as to the Parliaments Right of taxing the Colonies, and of the measures necessary to be taken at this crisis. London, MDCCLXVL 8°, calf, red edges. " An able work.."— A//idone. Precedency of Kitigs. See Howell (James). A discourse concerning the precedency of kings. Presbyterian Church (The). The Case of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America, before the Supreme Court of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, impartially reported by disinterested stenographers; including all the proceed- 28 2i8 Literature of the Law Library ings, testimony and arguments at Nisi Prius, and before the Court in Bank, with the charge of Judge Rogers, the verdict of the Jury, and the opinion of Chief Justice Gibson, the whole compiled and pre- pared for the press by the Rev. D. W. Lathrop. Philadelphia, 1839. 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Presidential Addresses. The Addresses and Messages of the Presidents of the United States, to Congress, comprising all the inaugural, annual, special, and farewell addresses and messages of Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, John Q. Adams, Jackson and Van Buren. Complete in one volume. New York, 1837. 8", cloth. Presidential Counts (The). A complete official record of the pro- ceedings of congress at the counting of the electoral votes in all the elections of President and Vice-President of the United States; together with all congressional debates incident thereto, or to pro- posed legislation upon that subject. With an analytical introduction. New York, 1877. 8°, cloth. Presidents (Lives of the). See Abbott (John S. C). Lives of the Presidents of the United States of America. Press, (Freedom of the Press) as Exemplified in the Kidd Libel Case. New York, 1851. 8°. See Law Tracts, Vol. II. Press (Regulating the). A Word to the Wise: or, some seasonable Cautions about Regulating the Press. London, Printed in the year 1712. 8°. See Law Tracts, Vol. IV. Pretender (The Old). See Prince of Wales (The Birth of the). A full answer to the depositions, etc. Pretenders (Memoirs of the). See Jesse (John Heneage). Memoirs of the Pretenders and their adherents. Price (Charles). A new edition, being a more minute and particular Account of that consummate adept in deception, Charles Price, other- Literature of the Law Library • 219 wise Patch, many years a Stock-Broker and Lottery-Office Keeper in London and Westminster: In this edition the zvhole of his various Forg^eries and Frauds are circumstantially related; together with his origin, and all the material Occurrences of his life, equally dis- graceful to human nature, till he began that desperate undertaking of Forgeries on the Bank of England. In the carrying on of which, he, in the most artful and surprising manner baffled every mode of detection, set on foot by the directors and the magistrates of Bow- Street, for a series of six years. With this edition is given, as a Frontispiece, an exact representation of his Person, in the disguise he wore when he negotiated his first Parcel of Counterfeit Bank Notes, in the year 1780, and likewise another Portrait of him in his usual dress. London, MDCCLXXXVI. 8°. See Law Tracts, Vol. III. Price (Charles.) An Authentic account of the Forgeries and Frauds, of various kinds, committed by that extraordinary man, Charles Price, otherwise Old Patch; who, to avoid an ignominious death Destroyed Himself, January 24, 1786; after having for six years, baffled every mode of detection, contrived by Magistrates, and the Directors of the Bank of England. York, 1801. Portrait. 12°. See Trials, Vol. XI. Priestley (Joseph). Remarks on some Paragraphs in the Fourth volume of Dr. Blackstone's Commentaries on the Laws of Enirland, relating to the Dissenters. America, Printed for the subscribers, by Robert Bell, at the late Union Library, in third-street. Philadelphia, MDCCLXXIII. 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Primitive Organization of Mankind (The). See Hale (Sir Matthew). The primitive organization of mankind. Prince (L. Bradford). E Pluribus Unum. The Articles of Con- federation vs. The Constitution, the progress of nationalty among the people and in the government. New York, 1867. Post 8", cloth, uncut. 2 20 Literattire of the Law Library Prince of Wales (Birth of the). A Full Answer to the Depositions; and to all other the Pretences and Arguments whatsoever, con- cerning the Birth of the Prince of Wales, The Intreague thereof detected, The whole design being set forth, with the way and man- ner of doing it. Whereunto is annexed, a Map or Survey engraven of St. James' Palace, and the Convent there: Describing the Place wherein it is supposed the true mother was delivered: With the par- ticular Doors and Passages through which the Child was conveyed to the Queens Bed-Chamber. London, 1689. Folio. See Trials, Vol. XXII. Refers to the birth of James Frederick Edward Stuart, only son of James the Second and Mary of Modena, his second wife. It is remarkable that his existence should have ex- tended over the reigns of Six Sovereigns of the throne of Great Britain, five of whom he had been taught to regard as the usurpers of his rights. Private History (The) of the Court of England. The second edition, corrected. London, Printed for the Author, 1808. 2 vols., 12°, full polished calf. Privy Council Judgments (Six). Six Judgments of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council in Ecclesiastical Cases, 1850-1872. With an historical introduction, notes, and index. Edited by William G. Brooke, M. A. London, 1872. Post 8°, cloth. Laid in is " The Purchas Case. Brief Notes on the Judgment of the Court of Appeal given in 1871, by E. M. H. S."— Oxford, 1874. Privy Council-Law. A Handy-Book of Privy Council Law. I. Ecclesiastical Law. IL Patent Cases. London, 187 1. 8°. See Law Tracts, A. Probst (Anton). Official Report of the Trial of Anton Probst, for the murder of Christopher Dearing, at Philadelphia, April 25, 1866. As well as his two confessions, one made on May 6th, to his spiritual adviser, the other on May 7th, 1866, to his Counsel, wherein he acknowledges to have killed the entire family of eight persons, and the manner in which he done it. To which is added a history of his previous life, as well as an account of his last hours and execution. Published under the supervision of the District Attorney, William Literature of the Law Library 221 B. Mann, Esq., with the approbation of the Judges and Counsel for the Prisoner. Philadelphia (1866). 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Proceedings on the Kings Commissioners of the Peace. The Proceedings on the King's Commissioners of the Peace, Oyer and Terminer, and Gaol Delivery for the City of London, and also the Gaol Delivery for the County of Middlesex, held at Justice Hall in the Old-Bailey, in the thirtieth year of his Majestys Reign, number IV. for the year 1757, being the Fourth Sessions in the Mayoralty of the Right Hontiie Marshe Dickinson, Esq., Lord Mayor of the City of London. London, 1757. 8°. See Vol. entitled Trials. Process, Pleading, and Practice. First Report of the Committee on Common law on Process, Pleading, and Practice in the Superior Courts of Common law. London, 1850. 8°. See Law Tracts, D. By the society for promoting the amendment of the law. Professional Ethics. See Sharswood (George). An essay on pro- fessional ethics. Professional Recollections (Some) by a former member of the Council of the incorporated law society. London, 1883. 8°, cloth, uncut. Proffat (John, LL. B.). The Curiosities and Law of Wills. San Francisco, 1876. is", cloth. " As far as possible every effort has been made to have it accurate."— /Vtyact:. Prohibited Books. See Mendham (Rev. Joseph). An index of prohibited books, by command of the present Pope. Property Law. See St. Leonards (Lord). A handy book on Prop- erty Law. Pruyn (John V. L.). Agreement between the Albany and Schenec- tady Rail Road Company, The Schenectady and Troy Rail Road 22 2 Literature of the Law Library Company, The Utica and Schenectady Rail Road Company, The Mohawk Valley Rail Road Company, The Syracuse and Utica Direct Rail Road Company, The Rochester and Syracuse Rail Road Com- pany, The Buffalo and Rochester Rail Road Company, The Roches- ter, Lockport and Niagara Falls Rail Road Company, and The Buffalo and Lockport Rail Road Company: Whereby the said com- panies are consolidated into one corporation, under the name of The New York Central Rail Road Company in pursuance of an act of the Legislature of the State of New York, entitled "An act to authorize the consolidation of certain Rail road companies," passed April second, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three. Albany, 1853. Imperial 8°, cloth, uncut. Pryntte (William). The Opening of the Great Scale of England, containing certain Brief Historicall and Legall Observations, touch- ing the Originally Antiquity, Progresse, Vse, Necessity of the Great Seal of the Kings and Kingdoms of England, in respect of Charters, Patents, Writs, Commissions, and other Processe. Together with the Kings, Kingdoms, Parliaments severall Interests in, and Power over the same, and over the Lord Chancellonr, and the Lords and Keepers of it, both in regard of its New Making, Custody, Administration for the better Execution of Piiblike Justice, the Repiiblique necessary safety and utility, Occasioned by the over-rash Censure of such who inveigh against Parliament, for Ordering a new Great Scale to be Engraven, to supply the wilfull absence, defects, abuses of the old, unduely withdrawne and detained from them. Esther 8, i. Write ye also for the Jeivs, as liketh you, in the Kings name And Seal it WITH THE Kings Ring; for the Writing which is ivritten in the Kings name And sealed with the Kings Ring may no man reverse. It is this fifteenth day of September, Anno Dom. 1643. Ordered by the Committee of the House of Commons, concerning Printing, that this Treatise, intituled The Opening of the Great Scale of England, be forthwith Printed by Michael Sparke, Senior, John White. London, Printed for Michael Spark, Senior, 1643. Quarto, half morocco, marbled sides. Fine copy with the leaf of errata at the end. Literature of the Law Library 223 Pryime (Williatn). A Brief Register, Kalender and Survey of the several kinds, forms of Parliamentary Writs. The fourth part only. London, 1664. Small quarto, polished calf, red edges. Lamentably deficient in arrangement. Public Worship (Law relating to). See Brice (Seward). The law relating- to Public Worship. Puffendorf (Baroti). Of the Law of Nature and Nations. Eight Books. Written in Latin by the Baron Puffendorf, counsellor of State to his late Swedish Majesty, and to the late King of Prussia. Done into English by Basil Kennett, D. D., late President of Corpus Christi College in Oxford. To which are added all the large Notes of Mr. Barbeyrac, translated from the best Edition, Together with Large Tables to the whole. The Fourth Edition, carefully corrected. To which is now prefixed Mr. Barbeyracs Prefatory Discourse, con- taining an Historical and Critical account of the Science of Morality, and the Progress it has made in the world, from the earliest Times down to the Publication of this work. Done into English by Mr. Carew, of Lincolns Inn. London, MDCCXXIX. Folio, original calf, rebacked. PvltOM (Ferdinaudo). De Pace Regis et Regni viz A Treatise declaring which be the great and generall Offences of the Realme, and the chiefe impediments of the peace of the King and the King- dome, as Treasons, Homicides., and Felonies, Menaces, Assaults, Bat- teries, Ryots, Routs, Vnlazufull assemblies. Forcible entries. Forgeries, Periuries, Maintenance, Deceit, Extortion, Oppression: And how many, and what sorts of them there be, and by whom and what means the said offences, and the offenders therein are to be re- strained, repressed, or punished. Which being reformed or duly checked, Florebit pax Regis & Regni. Collected out of the Reports of the Common Laives of this Realme, and of the Statutes in force, and oict of the painefull ivorkes of the Reverend fudges. Sir AntJionie Fitzharbert, Sir Robert Brooke, Sir William Stanford, Sir lames Dyer, Sir Ediuard Coke, Knights, and other learned Writers of our 2 24 Literature of the Law Library Lawes, by Ferdinando Pvlton, of Lincolns Inne, Esquier. London, Printed for the Corapanie of Stationers An. Dom. 1615. C^ini Privilcgio. Folio, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. From the Library of Sir James Stuart, Bart., Chief Justice of Lower Canada. Also on back of title page is fine old bookplate of Sir Charles Mordaunt, Bart., Walton, Warwickshire. Purchas Judgement (The). A Letter of Acknowledgment to the Right Hon. Sir J. T. Coleridge, by H. P. Lidden, D. D. Together with a letter to the writer by the Rev. E. B. Pusey, D. D. Second edition. London, 187 1. 8°. See Law Tracts, C. Pusey (E. B., D. D.). Marriage with a deceased Wifes Sister pro- hibited by Holy Scripture, as understood by the Church for 1500 years. Evidence given before the commission appointed to inquire into the state and operation of the Law of Marriage, as relating to the prohibited degrees of affinity, with a preface by E. B. Pusey, D. D., to which is appended a Speech delivered in the Court of Queens Bench, June 15, 1847. In the Case of the Queen v. The Parish of St. Giles-in-the-Fields, by Edward Badeley, Esq., M. A. Oxford, 1849. 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Quaker Controversy (The). A Full Report of the Case of Stacy Decow, and Joseph Hendrickson vs. Thomas L. Shotwell, decided at a special term of the New Jersey Court of Appeals, held at Trenton, in July and August, Eighteen hundred and thirty-three. Embracing the Decision of the Court of Chancery, from which the appeal was made; the Arguments of the Counsel on each side, and the Final Decision of the Court of Appeals. Philadelphia, 1834. 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Ouittcy (Edmuud). Life of Josiah Quincy of Massachusetts. Bos- ton, 1867. Portraits. Crown, 8°, cloth. Presentation copy with following inscription on the fly leaf: "The Hon. J. V. L. Pruyn, M. C, with the respects of the author. Sept. 20, 1867." Literature of the Law Library 225 Quiticy (Josiah). Remarks on some of the Provisions of the Laws of Alassachusetts, affecting Poverty, Vice and Crime; being the general topics of a charge to the Grand Jury of the County of Suffolk, in March Term, 1822. Cambridge, 1822. 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Quincy (Josiah). An Address delivered at the Dedication of Dane Law School in Harvard University, October 23, 1832. Cambridge, 1832. 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Rachel (Madame). Life and Trial with the evidence of Mrs. Borrodaile. London, n. d. Portraits. 8°. See Vol. entitled Trials. Railroads. A Collection of the Public General Acts relating to Rail- ways in Scotland, including the companies, lands, and Railway clauses consolidation (Scotland) acts, 1 838-1 846, with general index. Westminster, 1847. 12°, cloth. Railroads in Cities. Opinions of Judges of the Supreme Court, of the State of New York, denying the motion for an injunction in the case of Susannah Drake, & others, against the Hudson River Rail- road Company. New York, 1850. 8°. See Law Tracts, C. Railroads (English). See Francis (John). A History of the Eng- lish Railway, its social relations and revelations. Railways (Regulation of). A Collection of the Public general acts for the regulation of Railways, including the companies, lands, and railways clauses consolidation acts, 1838-1851, with general index. London, 1852. 12", cloth. Ram (James). A Treatise on Facts as subjects of Inquiry by a Jury. London, MDCCCLXI. 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. "A very readable and amusing book, and one calculated to be of use to beginners in the \a.-w."— Solicitors Journal. 29 226 Literature of the Law Library Ramsay (David). History of the United States, from their first settlement as English Colonies, in 1607 to the year 1808, or the thirty-third of their sovereignty and independence, continued to the treaty of Ghent, by S. S. Smith and other literary Gentlemen. Philadelphia, 1816-17, 3 vols., 8°, sheep. Autograph of De Witt Clinton on the title of each volume. Randolph (Thomas Jefferson), editor. Memoir, correspondence and miscellanies, from the papers of Thomas Jefferson. Second edition. Boston, 1830. Portrait. 4 vols., 8°, cloth, uncut. Rational Philosophy. See Eraser (Alexander C.). Rational Phil- osophy in history and in system. Rawle (William). Two Addresses, "The Associated Members of the Bar of Philadelphia," pronounced by William Rawle, Esquire, Chancellor of the Association. Philadelphia, 1824. 8°. See Law Tracts, Vol. I. Raymond (William). Biographical Sketches of the distinguished men of Columbia County, including an account of the most im- portant offices they have filled, in the state and general govern- ments, and in the Army and Navy. Albany, 1851. 8°, half morocco, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Raynouard (M.). Histoire du Droit Municipal en Erance, sous la domination romaine et sous les trois dynasties. Paris, M DCCCXXIX. 2 vols., 8°, half blue calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. From the Library of Sir James Stuart, Bart., Chief Justice of Lower Canada, with his book- plate and autograph in each volume. Read (John M.). Opinions of Hon. John M. Read, of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, in favor of the Constitutionality of the Act of Congress of March 3, 1863, "For enrolling and calling out the national forces, and for other purposes." Delivered at Pittsburg on Monday, November 9, 1863, and at Philadelphia on Saturday, Janu- ary 16, 1864. Philadelphia: 1864. 8°. See Law Tracts, B. Literature of the Law Library 227 Rebellion and Secession. A collection of pamphlets as follows: Wadsworth (William H.). Speech in the House of Repre- sentatives, July 15, 1862. n. p. n. d. Speeches delivered at the Republican Union Festival, in com- memoration of the Birth of Washington; held at Irving Hall, Feby. 22, 1862, under the auspices of the Republican Central Committees, of the City and County of New York. New York, 1862. Wood (Fernando). Oration Delivered on the Anniversary of Washington s Birth Day, February 22, 1862, at Scranton, Pa. New York, 1862. Raymond (Henry J.). Remarks on the Conduct of our Foreign Affairs and the Action and Disposition of European Powers, in Assembly, State of New York, Mar. 5, 1862. Albany, 1862. Wright (J. A.). Speech on Slavery in the District of Columbia, delivered in the Senate of the United States, April i, 1862. n. p. n. d. Thomas (Mr.). Speech on Confiscation, delivered in the House of Representatives, May 24, 1862. n. p. n. d. Jays (Mr.) Address to the Citizens of Westchester County, on the approaching State Election, delivered at Morrisania, N. Y., Oct. 30, 1862. New York, 1862. Review (A) of Mr. Sewards Diplomacy by a Northern man. n. p. n. d. Syntax (Dr., Jr.). A New "Sartor Resartus," being a critical analysis of a pamphlet entitled "A Review of Mr. Sewards Diplomacy, n. p. n. d. Macon (Nathaniel). Letters to Charles O'Conor. Number one to nine. Montgomery, i860. Sherwood (Lorenzo). The Great Questions of the Times, exemplified in the antagonistic principles involved in The Slaveholders Rebellion against Democratic Institutions as 2 28 Literature of the Law Library well as against the National Union in the speech delivered at Champlain, in Northern N. Y., Oct. 1862; and also in the I. Resolutions of the Democratic League; 2. In an Economic view of the present contest, by S. Dewitt Bloodgood; 3. In the views of the Loyal Press of the North; 4. And in an incipient chapter of the Rebellion, concerning " The Texan Secessionists versus Lorenzo Sherwood in 1856." Arranged for publication, on request from the Democratic League and other Friends of the Union, by Henry O'Rielly. New York, 1862. Addenda to the Municipalist. Containing letters relative to the questions of the hour, 1862. n. p. n. d. WiLLARD (Emma). Via Media: A Peaceful and Permanent Settlement of the Slavery Question. Washington, 1862. Cox (S. S.). Puritanism in Politics. Speech before the Demo- cratic Union Association, January 13, 1863. New York, 1863. Vallandigham (C. L.). The Great Civil War in America. January 14, 1863. Potter (Elisha R.). Speech upon the Present National Diffi- culties, with an appendix. Providence, 1863. Darling (Rev. Henry). Slavery and the War: A Historical Essay. Philadelphia, 1863. Blair (Montgomery). Speech on the Revolutionary Schemes of the Ultra Abolitionists, and in defence of the policy of the President, delivered at the Unconditional Union Meeting, held at Rockville, Montgomery Co., Maryland, on Saturday, October 3, 1863. n. p. n. d. Wright (J. S.). Citizenship, Sovereignty. By J. S.Wright, assisted by Prof. J. Holmes Agnew, D.D. Chicago, 1863. Address of Democratic Members of Congress to the Democracy of the United States, n. p. n. d. Papers from the Society for the DifiEusion of Political Knowl- edge. Bible View of Slavery, n. p. n. d. Liter aUcre of the Law Library 229 Gardner (Daniel). A Treatise on the Martial Power of the President of the U. S. n. p. n. d. Sumner (Charles). The Rebellion: — Its Origin and Main- Spring. An Oration delivered under the auspices of the Young Men's Republican Union of New York, November 27, 1 86 1. New York, 1861. LiEBER (Francis). What is our Constitution, — League, Pact, or Government ? Two Lectures on the Constitution of the United States, concluding a course on the modern state, delivered in the Law School of Columbia College, during the winter of i860 and 1861, to which is appended an address on secession written in the year 1851. New York, 1861. Report of the Committee on Federal Relations in regard to the Calling of a Sovereign Convention. Frederick, Md., 1861. Memorial of the Mayor and City Council of the City of Balti- more, relative to the suspension of the functions of the board of police in the said city by the United States Government, n. p. n. d. Report and Resolutions of the Joint Committee of the Senate and House of Delegates of Maryland, upon the Reports and Memorials of the Police Commissioner and the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore. Frederick, Md., 1861. Rogers (Henry W.). On the Rebellion, Buffalo, 1861. View of the War (A). Its causes and probable results, n. p. n. d. Bound in one vol., 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Recotistructioii Measures. See Wilson (Henry). History of the Reconstruction Measures of the 39th and 40th Congresses. Reddle (John). Historical Notices of the Roman Law, and of the Recent Progress of its Study in Germany. Edinburgh, 1S26. 8», half calf. Rcddic (John). Inquiries Elementary and Historical in the Science of Law. London, MDCCCXL. 8°. Bound in with the preceding lot. He was profoundly learned in his profession." — Allibone. 230 Literature of the Law Library Reeves (J.). History of the English Law. See Finlason (W. F.). Reeves History of the English Law. Regal Records. See Planche (J. R.). Regal Records; or a Chronicle of the coronation of the Queens Regent of England. Regicides. See Charles the First. Englands Black Tribunal. Regicides (Trial of the). An Exact and most Impartial Accompt of the Indictment, Arrangment, Trial, and Judgement (according to Law) of Twenty nine Regicides, the murtherers of His Late Sacred Majesty of most Glorious Memory: Begun at" Hicks-Hall on Tues- day, the 9th of October, 1660, and Continued at (the Sessions-House in the Old-Bayley) untill Friday, the nineteenth of the same moneth. Together with a summary of the Dark and Horrid Decrees of those Caballists, Preparatory to that Hellish Fact. Exposed to view for the Readers satisfaction, and information of Posterity. London Printed for Andrew Cook at the Green Dragon in St. Pauls Church- yard, and Edward Powel at the White Swan in Little Britain, 1660. Small quarto, original paneled calf. Regicides (Trial of the). The Indictment, Arraignment, Tryal and Judgement, at large, of Twenty-nine Regicides, the murthers of His Most Sacred Majesty King Charles the ist, of Glorious Memory: Begun at Hicks's-Hall on Tuesday the ninth of October, 1660, and continued at the Sessions House in the Old Baily until Friday the nineteenth of the same month. Together with a Summary of the Dark and Horrid Decrees of those Cabbalists, Preparatory to that Hellish Fact. Exposed to view for the Readers satisfaction; and, Information of Posterity. To which is added Their Speeches. With a Preface, giving an Account of the Rise and Progress of Enthusiasm among us, and in other Parts of Europe : with the Characters and answer to the Tenets of the several Persons Executed. London, MDCCXXIV. Portrait and double page plate. 8°, original calf. Registers (History of). See Burr (John Southerden). Registrum Ecclesise Parochialis. Literature of the Law Library 231 Relckles (John H.). Trial of John H. Reickles, before the Hon. D. L. Wardlaw, for the Homicide of Henry Lindstedt, in the City of Charleston, tried the 3d and 4th of June, 1858, taken in phonography by J. Woodruff, Reporter. Att'y Gen'l J. W. Hayne and C. R. Miles, Esq., for the State. Thos. Y. Simons, Jr., and F. D. Richardson, Esq's, for the defense. Charleston, 1858. %". See Law Tracts, Vol. II. Reign of Terror. See French Revolution. Religious Liberty. See Wise (John A.). Religious Liberty. Remedial Justice (The Code of). See Throop (Montgomery H.). The Code of Remedial Justice shall it be repealed or completed? Remiulsceuces of a Lawyer. See Sinclair (Francis). Reminiscences of a Lawyer. Rents (Art of valuing). See Donaldson (John). Bayldons x\rt of Valuing Rents and Tillages. Reporters (The). See Wallace (John William). The Reporters Chronologically arranged. Representative Government. See Guizot (M.). History of the Origin of Representative Government. Restell (Madame). Trial of Madame Restell, alias Ann Lohman, for Abortion and causing the death of Mrs. Purdy; being a full account of all the proceedings on the Trial, together with the sup- pressed evidence and editorial remarks. New York, 1841. 8°. See Trials, Vol. II. Revenue and Expenditure of Great Britain. See Wells (Samuel). The Revenue and the Expenditure of the United Kingdom. Revolution (War of the). See Calendar of Historical Manuscripts relating to the War of the Revolution. Rhode-Island Bar (The). vSce Updike (Wilkins). Memoirs of the Rhode-Island Bar. 232 Literature of the Law Library Rhode Island Question (The). Arguments of Messrs. Whipple and Webster, in the case of Martin Luther, plaintiffs in error, versus Luther M. Borden and others, in the Supreme Court of the United States, January Term, 1848. Providence, 1848. 8°. See Law Tracts, Vol. I. Right to search. See Lawrence (William Beach). Visitation and Search, or an historical sketch of the British Claim to exercise a maritime police over the vessels of all nations. Right to Search American Vessels. See Wheaton (Henry). En- quiry into the validity of the British Claim. Ritson (Joseph). Practical points, or, maxims in conveyancing to which are added critical observations on the various and essential parts of a Deed. Second edition, corrected. London, 1820. 8°, half levant morocco. " The tract on the various and essential parts of a conveyance is the composition of Mr. Rit- son and is well worthy of an attentive -^^xxi^&X."— Preface. Rivers and Harbors, (Improvement of). Memorial to the Congress of the United States, of the Executive Committee of the Convention held at Chicago, July 5, 1847. With an abstract of the Proceedings of the Convention, on the Improvement of Rivers and Harbors. Presented to Congress, June 1848. Albany, 1848. 8°, half morocco, marbled sides. Presentation copy with following inscription on the title: " John V. L. Pruyn, Esq., with the respects of J. C. Spencer." Robbins (Jonathan). See Pinckney (Charles). Three letters written and originally published under the signature of a South Carolina Planter. Robertson (Charles). Report of the Auchterarder Case, the Earl of Kinnoull, and the Rev. R. Young, against the Presbytery of Auchterarder. Published by authority of the Court. Edinburgh, MDCCCXXXVHL 2 vols., 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Robertson (James Craigie). Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury. A Biography. London, 1859. Illustrations. Post 8°, cloth . Literature of the Law Library 233 Hoblusou (Thomas). The Common Law of Kent; or, the Customs of Gavelkind. With the decisions concerning Borough- English. A new edition, with a selection of precedents of feoffments by infant heirs in Gavelkind, etc., by J. D. Norwood. Ashford, 1858. 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Rob Roy. The Trials of James, Duncan, and Robert M'Gregor, three sons of the Celebrated Rob Roy, before the High Court of Justiciary, in the years 1752, 1753 and 1754, to which is prefixed a memoir relating to the Highlands with anecdotes of Rob Roy and his family. Edinburgh, 1818. 11°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Rochester (Francis Atterbury, Bishop of). A collection of pam- phlets as follows: Kelly (George). The Speech of Mr. George Kelly, spoke at the Bar of the House of Lords, on Thursday, the 2d of May, 1723, in His Defence against the Bill then depending. For Inflicting Pains and Penalties upon him. The third edition. London, MDCCXXHL Francis (The Speech of) late Lord Bishop of Rochester, at the Bar of the House of Lords, on Saturday, the nth of May, 1723, in his Defence against the Bill then depending for inflict- ing Pains and Penalties upon him. London, 1723. Remarks on Mr. Kellys late Speech at the Bar of the House of Lords, being a collection of all the Papers published in the London Journal upon that Occasion by Britannicus. The second edition. London, 1724. Remarks on the late Bishop of Rochesters Speech at the Bar of the House of Lord.s, being a collection of all the Papers published in the London Journal upon that Occasion, by Britannicus. London, 1723. Wynne (William). The Defence of Francis, late Lord Bishop of Rochester, at the Bar of the House of Lords, on Thursday the 9th, and Saturday the nth, of May, 1723, against the Bill 30 234 Literature of the Law Library then depending for inflicting Pains and Penalties on him, by one of his Lordships Counsel. London, 1723. Phipps (Sir Constantine). The Defence of Francis, late Lord Bishop of Rochester, at the Bar of the House of Lords, on Thursday the 9th, and Saturday the nth, of May, 1723, against the Bill then depending for inflicting Pains and Penalties on him, by Sir Constantine Phipps, Knt., one of His Lordships Counsel. Published by His own appointment; and in part actually Printed before his death. London, 1723. Reeve (Thomas). The Replies of Thomas Reeve, Esq., and Clement Wearg, Esq., in the House of Lords, the Thirteenth of May, 1723. In behalf of the Bill to inflict Pains and Penal- ties on the late Bishop of Rochester, against the Defence made by the said Late Bishop and his Counsel. London, 1723. Salisburys (The Bishop of) Speech in the House of Lords upon the Third Reading of the Bill to inflict Pains and Penalties on Francis (late) Bishop of Rochester. The 15th of May, 1723. London, 1723. Whartons (His Grace the Duke of) Speech in the House of Lords on the Third Reading of the Bill to inflict Pains and Penalties on Francis (late) Lord Bishop of Rochester May the 15th, 1723. The second edition. London, 1723. Speech in the House of Lords (A) upon the third Reading of the Bill for inflicting Pains and Penalties upon Francis late Lord Bishop of Rochester. The third edition. London (1723). Bound in one vol., folio, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Rogers (Rev. Ammi). Report of the Trial of Ammi Rogers, for a high crime and misdemeanor, in a brutal and high handed assault on the body of Asenath Caroline Smith, of Griswold, Conn., before the Hon. Asa Chapman, one of the Judges of the Supreme Court of the State of Connecticut, at New-London, on the 5 th, 6th, and 7th days of October, 1820, from notes carefully taken at the trial, with an account of the whole transaction as developed by the testi- Literature of the Law Library 235 mony of said Asenath, in her examination before the magistrate, by whom Rogers was bound over. By a member of the Bar. New London, 1820. 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Rogers (Rev. Ammi). Memoirs of, a Clergyman of the Episcopal Church, educated at Yale College in Connecticut, ordained in Trinity Church in the city of New York, persecuted in the State of Connecticut, on account of religion and politics, for almost twenty years, and finally falsely accused and imprisoned in Norwich Jail, etc., etc. Second edition. Schenectady, 1826. 16°, half bound. Rollin (Charles). The Method of Teaching and Studying the Belles LeLtres, or an introduction to Languages, Poetry, Rhetoric, History, Moral Philosophy, Physicks, &c., with reflections on Taste, and instructions with regard to the Eloquence of the Pulpit, the Bar and the Stage. The whole illustrated with passages from the most famous Poets and Orators, antient and modern, with critical remarks on them, designed more particularly for Students in the Univer- sities, by Mr. Rollin, late Principal of the University of Paris, now Professor of Eloquence in the Royal College, and member of the Royal Academy of Inscriptions and Belles Lettres. Translated from the French. London, MDCCXXXIV. 4 vols., 8°, original mottled calf, gilt backs, sprinkled edges. Roman Law. A Summary of the Roman Law, taken from Dr. Taylor's elements of the Civil Law. To which is prefixed a disser- tation on obligation. London, MDCCLXXIL 8°, original calf, sprinkled edges. Roman Law. See Mackenzie (Lord). vStudies in Roman Law. Romati Law. See Reddie (John). Historical Notices of the Roman Law. Roman Civil Law. See Leapingwell (George). A Manual of the Roman Civil Law. ^ Roman Law (Early). See Clark (E. C). Early Roman Law. The Regal Period. 236 Literature of the Law Library Roman Law (Modem). See Tomkins (F. J.). A Compendium of the Modern Roman Law. Roman Private Law. See Phillimore (John George). Private law among the Romans. Roman Law (Studies in). See Mackenzie (Lord). Studies in Roman Law, Romantic Stories of the Legal Profession. London, n. d. Post 8°, cloth, uncut. Romilly (Sir Samuel). Memoirs of the Life of Sir Samuel Romilly, written by himself; with a selection from his correspondence edited by his sons. London, 1841. Portrait and facsimile, a vols., 12°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Rook (Sir George). A True State of the Difference between Sir George Rook, Knt., and William Colepeper, Esq.; together with an account of the Tryal of Mr. Nathanael Denew, Mr. Robert Britton, and Mr. John Merriam, before the Right Honorable Sir John Holt, Knt., Lord Chief Justice of England, on an Indictment for the designs and attempts therein mentioned against the life of the said William Colepeper on behalf of the said Sir George Rook. Part L London, MDCCIV. Folio. See Trials, Vol. XXII. Roper (William). The Life of Sir Thomas More, by his Son-in-law, William Roper, Esq., with notes, and an Appendix of Letters. A new edition, revised and corrected, by S. W. Singer. Chiswick, MDCCCXXIL Portrait. 12°, half calf, matbled sides, sprinkled edges. "The life of More is very valuable for the authenticity of its materials."— Z?r. Bliss. Roscoe (Henry). Livesof Eminent British Lawyers. London, 1830. Vignette on title containing fine portraits. 12°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Rosewell (Thomas). The Arraignment and Tryal of the late Reverend Mr. Thomas Rosewell, for High Treason; before the Lord Chief Justice Jefferies, at the Court of Kings Bench, Westminster, in the year 1684, and the Arguments offered in Arrest of Judgement Literature of the Law Library 237 by his Learned Council, to which is Prefixed an account of his Life and Death. Published by Samuel Rosewell, A. M. London, 17 18. 8°, panelled calf. Rough (William). Report of His Majestys most Honorable Privy Council, in the Case of William Rough, Sergeant at Law, late presi- dent of the Court of Criminal and Civil Justice Demerara, Com- plainant, against John Murray, Esquire, a Lieutenant-General in his Majestys Forces, late Lieutenant-Governor of that Colony, Respon- dent. London, 1825. 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. From the Library of Sir James Stuart, Bart., Chief Justice of Lower Canada, with his book- plate and autograph. Rowati (Archibald Hamilton). Report of the Trial of Archibald Hamilton Rowan, Esq., on an information, filed, ex officio, by the Attorney General, for the Distribution of a Libel; with the subse- quent proceedings thereon, containing the arguments of Counsel, the opinion of the Court, and Mr. Rowan's address to the Court at full. Dublin: Printed, March 12, 1794. New York, reprinted, 1794. 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Rowland (William). Judiciall Astrologie, Judicially Condemned, upon a Survey and Examination of Sr. Christopher Heydons Apology for it, in Answer to Mr. Chambers, and of Will. Ramseys Morologie in his pretended Reply (called Lux veritatis) to Doctour Nathanael Homes his Demonologie. Together with the Testi- monies of Mr. W. Perkins Resolutions to the Countryman; Mr. John Meltons Figure Caster; and Dr. Homes his demonologie, all here exhibited against it, seconed and backed by School-men, and Modern Learned Men. 6. Concessions of Ptolomy, &c., friends of astrology. 7. And the wicked practises of astrologers themselves. London, Printed by Rodger Daniel for Jo.seph Black-locke in Ivie- lane, 1652. 8°, original calf. 1. Evident Scripture. 2. Apparent Reason. 3. Authority of Councils. 4 Justice of Laws; 5. Arguments of Fathers, \ \ 238 Literature of the Law Library Royal and Noble Personages (Trials of). See Gordon (Delahay). A general history of the Lives Trials, etc. Ruttisey (Almaric). A Chart of Hindu Family Inheritance, with an explanatory treatise. London, 1868. Three folding tables. 8°, cloth. Ruitisey (Almaric). A Chart of Family Inheritance, according to Orthodox Moohummudan Law, with an explanatory treatise. Sec- ond edition. London, 1871. 8», cloth. " I claim no merit - - - - except that of having pursued the somewhat unusual course of going to the original sources of information and resolutely working out the results for myself." — Preface. Rush (Jacob). Charges and Extracts of Charges, on Moral and Religious Subjects: delivered at Sundry Times, with a Recommen- dation by the Revered Clergy of the Presbyterian Church, in the City of Philadelphia. To which is annexed the act of the Legisla- ture of the State of Pennsylvania respecting Vice and Immorality. Philadelphia-Printed: New York, May, 1804. 12°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Rush (James Blomfield). A Full Report of the Trial of James Blomfield Rush for the murder of Mr. Jermy and his Son, of Stan- field Hall, in the county of Norfolk; commencing on Wednesday, March 28, and concluded April 4, 1849, at Norwich Assizes. Lon- don (1849). Portrait on title. 8°, boards. Russell (John, Earl). The Life of William, Lord Russell; with some account of the times in which he lived. Second edition. Lon- don, 1820. Portrait and facsimile. 2 vols., 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. "It does great honour to the mind and speaks well for the endowments of the author." — Lond. Lit. Gaz. Russell (John, Earl). An Essay on the History of the English Government and Constitution from the Reign of Henry VII. to the present time. New edition. London, 1866. 12=", cloth. "1 told him all I thought of the wisdom, moderation, and usefulness of his last work."— Thomas Moore. Literature of the Law Library 239 Russell (John, Earl). Recollections and Suggestions, 1813-1873. Boston, 1875. 8°, cloth. Rutgers (Elizabeth). The Case of Elizabeth Rutgers versus Joshua Waddington, determined in the Mayors Court, in the City of New York, August 7, 1786, with an historical introduction by Henry B. Dawson. Morrisania, N. Y. , 1866. 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. " One hundred copies octavo, and twenty-five copies quarto, numbered and signed, this being 53." — Henry B. Daivson. Rutherforth (T.). Institutes of Natural Law; Being the substance of a Course of Lectures on Grotius de Jure Belli et Pacis, read in S. Johns College, Cambridge. Third edition. Philadelphia, MDCCXCIX. 2 vols., calf, sprinkled edges. Autograph of " Rufus Choate, 1845 '" on each fly leaf. Rutland (Vt.) County Bar. See Williams (Charles L.). Sketches of the Rutland County Bar. Sacheverell (Henry, D. D.). The perils of false brethren, both in Church and State. Set forth in a Sermon preached before - - - . the Lord Mayor - - - - at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul on the fifth of Nov. 1709. London, 17 10. 8°. Bound in with Bisset (William). The modem Fanatick. SachevereU's Sermon (Reflections on Dr.). The peril of being Zealously affected, but not well: or, reflections on Dr. Sacheverel's Sermon, preach'd before - - - - the Lord Mayor, - - - on the fifth of November, 1709. London, 1709. Bound in with Bisset (William). The modern Fanatick. Sacheverell's (Henry, D. D.) Speech upon his Impeachment at the Bar of the House of Lords, in Westminster-Hall, March 7, 17 — ' Till ,QQ with Reflections thereupon. Paragraph by Paragraph. Wherein the Charge of the Commons against Him is fully justify'd, from his Ser- mons at St. Paul's, Nov. 5, 1709, and at Derby, Aug. 15, 1709, from his Fast-Sermon before the University of Oxford, June 10, 1702. His Political Union printed there the same month: His Assize-Sermon preached before that University, the Judges, and Grand Jury, March 240 Literature of the Law Library 9, i7o|. His Character of a Low Churchman, and his Rights of the Church of England. To which are added, Her present majestys Letter when Princess to the Queen; Prince George's and the Lord Churchill's (now Duke of Marlborough) Letters to K. James; together with the Declaration of the Nobility and Gentry at Not- tingham, with whom her present majesty joined. London, Printed for B. Bragg at the Raven in Paternoster- Row, MDCCX. 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. " Atterbury bore a chief part in framing that artful and eloquent speech which Sacheverell pronounced at the bar of the Lords, and which presents a singular contrast to the absurd and scurrillous sermon which had very unwisely been honoured with impeachment." — Macaulay. Sacheverell (Henry, D. D.). The Speech upon his impeachment at the Bar of the House of Lords in Westminster-Hall, March 7, 170 -^ London, 17 10. 8°, bound in with Bisset (William). The modern Fanatick. Sacheverell (Henry, D. D.). The Answer of Henry Sacheverell, D. D., to the Articles of Impeachment, exhibited against him by the Honourable House of Commons, &c., for Preaching two Sermons. L At the Assizes held at Darby, August 15. H. At the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, Nov. 5, 1709. To which are prefixed, the Articles of Impeachment, Translated from the Leiden Gazette, of the nth of February, N. S. (London), Printed in the year 17 10. 8°. See Law Tracts, Vol. IV. Sacheverell (Henry, D. D.). A collection of pamphlets as follows. Tryal (The) of Dr. Henry Sacheverell before the House of Peers, for high crimes and misdemeanors. Upon an impeach- ment by - - - - Parliament. London, MDCCX. Portrait. An impartial account of what pass'd most remarkable in the last session of Parliament, relating to the case of Dr. Henry Sacheverell. Done on such another paper and letter, and may therefore be bound up with the Tryal of the said Doctor. London, 17 10. Proceedings (The) of the House of Peers . - - . contain- ing the reasons of those lords that enter'd their protest in Literature of the Law Library 241 Dr. Sacheverell's case to which is added, an exact list of those members of the Honourable House of Commons that voted for him. London, 17 10. Salisbury, The Bishop of and the Bishop of Oxford's Speeches in the House of Lords on the first article of impeachment of Dr. Henry Sacheverell and also the Bishop of Lincoln's and Bishop of Norwich's Speeches at the opening of the second article of the said impeachment. London, MDCCX. The speeches of the Bishops of Lincoln and Norwich have a separate title and pagination. Collection (A) of the addresses which have been presented to the Queen since the impeachment of the Reverend Dr. Henry Sacheverell. Parts i and 2. London, 17 10. Bound in one vol., folio, original calf, gilt back. Sacheverell (Henry, D. D.). See Bisset (William). The Modem Fanatick, Sacheverell (Henry, D. D.). See Jeacocke (Abraham). Submission to Governours. Sampson (M. B.). Criminal Jurisprudence considered in relation to Cerebral Organization. Second edition, with additions. London, MDCCCXLHL 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Sampson (William). An Anniversary Discourse delivered before the Historical Society of New York, on Saturday, December 6, 1823; showing the origin, progress, antiquities, curiosities, and nature of the Common Law. New York, 1826. 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. another copy. See Law Tracts, Vol. I. Strongly commended in the North Am. Rev. Sandford (Francis). The History of the Coronation of the Most High, Most Mighty, and Most Excellent Monarch, James H. by the grace of God, King of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, defender of the Faith, &c., and of his royal Consort Queen Mary. 31 242 Liter attire of the Law Library Solemnised in the Collegiate Church of St. Peter in the City of West- minster, on Thursday the 23 of April, being the Festival of St. George, in the year of otir Lord 1685. With an exact account of the several preparations in order thereunto, Their Majesties most splen- did Processions, and their Royal and Magnificent Feast in West- minster Hall. The whole work illustrated with sculptures. In the Savoy, 1687. Royal folio, original calf, rebacked. Fine copy with all the plates and leaf at signature B 2 not mentioned by Lowndes. Although this book bears Sandford's name the work was mainly done by King at that time Rogue Dragon. Extra plate of the installation of William and Mary inserted; the initial letters are well worth attention. Sandford (Henry Shelton). Penal Codes, being a report on the different codes of Penal Law in Europe. Washington, 1854. 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Savatitiah (The Privateer). Trial of the Officers and Crew of the Privateer Savannah, on the charge of Piracy, in the United States Circuit Court for the Southern District of New York. Hon. Judges Nelson and Shipman, Presiding. Reported by A. F. Warburton. New York, 1862. 8°, cloth. Scandaleuse Chrotiique. Le Moniteur Secret ou Chronique Scan- daleuse de la Cour de Napoleon, de sa famille et de ses agents; publie par Martainville. Paris, 1836. 2 vols., 8", half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Schlegel (J. F. W.)« Neutral Rights; or, an impartial examination of the right of search of neutral vessels under convoy an^ of a judge- ment pronounced by the English Court of Admiralty the nth June, 1799, in the case of the Swedish Convoy; with some additions and corrections. Philadelphia, 1801. 8°. See International Law Tracts. Schoeppe (Dr. Paul). The Schoeppe Murder Trial. The Trial of Dr. Paul Schoeppe, In the Court of Oyer and Terminer of Cum- berland County, Pa., charged with the Murder of Miss Maria M. Stennecke by Poison. Hon. James H. Graham, President Judge, Literature of the Law Library 24^ Hugh Stuart and T. P. Blair associate Judges. The Court convened on Monday, May 24th, 1869. Philadelphia, 1869. 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. School Govertimeiit. See Jewell (Frederick S.). School Govern- ment, a practical treatise. Science of Law (The). See Amos (Sheldon). The Science of Law. Scotland (The Avid Lawes of). See Skene (John). Regiani Majestatem. The Avid Lawes and Constitutions of Scotland. Scotland (College of Justice of). See Dalrymple (Sir David). An historical account of the Senators of the College of Justice of Scot- land. Scotland (Railways in). A Collection of the public general acts relating to Railways in Scotland including the companies, lands, and railways clauses consolidation acts, 1838-1846. With general index, London, 1847. 12°, cloth. Scotlands Judicial System. See Dwight (Theodore W.). Scottish Bar. See Moncrieff (Robert Scott). The Scottish Bar Fifty years ago. Secession. See Rebellion and Secession. Secession (An address on). See Lieber (Francis). Two lectures on the Constitution of the U. S. and an address on Secession. ^^ Secret Proceedings and Debates of the Federal Convention. Secret Proceedings and Debates of the Convention assembled at Philadelphia, in the year 1787, for the purpose of forming the Con- stitution of the United States of America. From notes taken by the late Robert Yates, Esq., Chief Justice of New York, and copied by John Lansing, Jun., Esq., late Chancellor of that state, members of that convention. Including " The Genuine information " Laid be- fore the Legislature of Maryland, by Luther Martin, Esq., then Attorney General of that State, and a member of the same conven- 244 Literature of the Law Library tion. Also, other historical documents relative to the Federal com- pact of the North American Union. Washington, 1836. 8", half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Secret Societies of the Middle Ages: The Assassins of the East, the Knight Templars, and the Fehmde-Gericht, or Secret Tribunals of Westphalia. London, n. d. Illustrations. 12°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Sectional Controversy. See Fowler (William Chauncey). The Sectional Controversy. Sedgwick (Henry D.). The Relation and Duty of the Lawyer to the State. A Lecture delivered before the Law School, of the Uni- versity of the City of New York, February 9th, 1872. 8°. See Law Tracts, C. [Sedgwick (Theo]dore). Thoughts on the proposed Annexation of Texas to the United States, by Veto. New York, 1844. 8°. See Pamphlets, Vol. V. Sedgwick (Theodore). The American Citizen: His true position, character and duties, a discourse, delivered at Union College, July, 1847. New York, 1847. 8", half morocco, marbled sides. Seigniorial Tenure in Canada. See Canada. Titles and Documents relating to the Seigniorial Tenure. Selden (John). The Table-Talk of John Selden, Esq., with a bio- graphical preface and notes by S. W. Singer, Esq. London, William Pickering, 1847. Portrait. 12°, full morocco, gilt edges. Selden (John). See Johnson (Geo. W.). Memoirs of John Selden. Seldeni (Joannis). Joannis Seldeni Jurisconsulti Opera Omnia, Tam Edita quam Inedita. In Tribus Voluminibus Collegit ac Recensuit ; Vitain Auctoris Praefationes, & Indices adjecit, David Wilkins, S. T. P. Archidiaconus SiiffolciensiSy Canonicus Cantuari- ensis, Reverendissimo in Christo Patri ac Domino Domino Guil- ielmo, Divina Providentia Archiepiscopo Cantuariensi, &c., &c., a Literature of the Law Library 245 Sacris Domesticis. Contents Vol. I. Dedicatio, Praefatio, & Vita Seldeni. De Anno Civili Veteris Ecclesiae seu Reipnblicae Judaicae, Dissertatio. De Jure Natural! & Gentium juxta Disciplinam Ebraeorum. De Synedriis & Praefecturis Juridicis Veterum Ebrae- orum. Indices. Contents Vol. II. De Successionibus in Bona Defunctorum; & de Successionibu.s in Pontificatum Ebraeorum. De - Diis Syris. Eutychii Ecclesiae Suae Origines. Uxor Ebraica. Analecta Anglo Britannica. Janus Anglorum. Dissertatio ad Fletam. Judicium de Decem Scriptoribus Angiicanis. Mare Clau- sum. Vindiciae de Scriptione Maris Clausi. Marmora Arundel- liana. Notab in Ealmerum Epistolae & Poemata. Vol. Ill Contain- ing His English Tracts. Englands Epinomis, Original of Duels. Titles of Honour. History of Tythes, with the Answer to Sempill Tilseley, and a letter to the Marquis of Buckingham, MvSS. Of the Passage touching the number 666. MvS. Of Calvins Judgement on the Revelations. MS. Of the Birth Day of our Saviour. Of his Purpose and End in Writing the History of Tythes. MS. Of the Jews sometimes living in England. Discourse of the Office of Lord Chancellor. Privilege of the Baronage of England. Judicature in Parliament. Of the Original of Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction of Testa- ments. Letter to Mr. August Vincent, Rouge-Croix, concerning his Discovery of Errors. Arguments concerning the Baronies of Grey and Ruthen. MS. Notes upon Draytons Polyolbion, Fortescue de Laudibus, &c., and Henghams Summa, &c. Speeches in the House of Lords and Commons. MS. Table Talk. Londini, MDCCXXVI. Portrait engraved by Vertue and illustrations in the text. 3 vols., folio, original calf, gilt backs, panelled sides, center panel of mottled calf with elaborate gilt coat of arms, corner ornaments. Edited by Dr. Wilkins. Fine copy of the only collected edition of Selden's works. Select Trials. See Trials (Select). Selfridge (Thomas O.). Trial of Thomas O. Selfridge, counsellor at law, before the Hon. Isaac Parker, Esquire, for killing Charles Austin, on the public exchange, in Boston, August 4th, 1806. Second edition. (Boston) (1806.) 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. 246 Literature of the Law Library Selfrldge (Thomas O.). A Correct Statement of the whole prelimi- nary controversy between Tho. O. Self ridge and Benj. Austin; also a brief account of the catastrophe in State St., Boston, on the 4th August, 1806: with some remarks. Charlestown, 1807. 8°. See Law Tracts, Vol. V. Sergeant (John). Select Speeches of John Sergeant of Pennsyl- vania. Philadelphia, 1832. 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Seven Bishops (Trial of the). See Law of Libel. London, 1765. Seward (William H.). Oration on the Death of John Quincy Adams, delivered before the Legislature of the state of New York, at Albany, on the 6th Day of April, 1848. Published by order of the Legislature. Albany, 1848. 8°. Bound in witli Adams (John Quincy) Addresses in Congress - - - - on the death of John Quincy Adams. Seward (William H.). Argument of William H. Seward, in de- fence of Abel F. Fitch and others, under an indictment for Arson, delivered, at Detroit, on the 12th, 13th, and 15th days of September, 1 85 1. Auburn, 1851. 8°. See Law Tracts, Vol. IV. Seward (W. H.). See Argument in defence of. Freeman (William). Seymour (Henry). Speech on the Ecclesiastical Courts, delivered in the House of Commons on the 23rd of July, i860. London, 1861. 8°. See Law Tracts, Vol. IV. Shakespeares Legal Acquirements. See Campbell (John, Lord). Shakespeares Legal Acquirements considered. Sharswood (George). An Essay on Professional Ethics. Second edition. Philadelphia, 1S60. 12°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Shaw (Charles). The Inns of Court Calendar: A Record of the Members of the English Bar, their Inns of Court, dates of admis- sion and call, with their academical degrees, appointments, circuits, Literature of the Law Library 247 etc., etc. Students, their Inns of Court and dates of admission, fees, mode of admission, keeping terms, preliminary examination, lectures, general examination, consolidated regulations of the four Inns of Court, etc., etc.; Honors, Studentships, and Exhibitions; with list of the Judges and Officers of the Supreme Court of Judi- cature, the Metropolitan, County, and other Local Courts; &c., &c., &c., dedicated, by permission, to the Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain, by Charles Shaw, Under Treasurer of the ]\Iiddle Temple. London, 1877. 8°, cloth. Shell (Richard Lalor). Sketches, Legal and Political, by the late Right Honourable Richard Lalor Sheil. Edited with notes by M. W. Savage, Esq. London, 1855. 2 vols., crown 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Sheil (Richard Lalor). See MacNevin (Thomas). The Speeches of - - - - Richard Lalor Sheil, with a memoir. Sheil (Richard Lalor). See McCullagh (W. Torrens). Memoirs of the Right Honourable Richard Lalor Sheil. Shepherd (Jack). The Life and Adventures of Jack Shepherd, Dick Morris, William Nevison, and Sawney Beane, Notorious Thieves and Highwaymen. Manchester, 1839. Portrait of Jack Sheppard (sic) in special irons. 12°. See Trials, Vol. XI. Sheriffs (Office of). A Letter to the right honourable the Lord Mayor, occasioned by his Lordships nomination of five persons dis- qualified by act of Parliament, as fit and proper persons to serve the office of Sheriffs in which the nature and design of the corporation act is impartially considered and stated. London, MDCCXXXVIII. 8°. See Pamphlets, Vol. V. Shipley (William Davies). An Authentic Copy of the Judgement delivered by the Right Hon. Earl of Mansfield, November 16, 1784, in the case of the King against William Davies Shipley, Dean of St. Asaph. London, MDCCLXXXV. 8», bound in vol. entitled Libel Tracts. 248 Literature of the Law Library Sickles (Daniel E.). Trial of the Hon. Daniel E. Sickles for shoot- ing- Phillip Barton Key, Esq., U. S. District Attorney of Washington, D. C, February 27th, 1859. New York (1859). Illustrated. 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Sickles (Daniel E.). His professional morality. See Allen Trials. Sidney (Algernon). Discourses concerning Government with his Letters Trial Apology and some memoirs of his Life. London, MDCCLXin. Portrait. Quarto, full red morocco, rebacked, gilt back, marbled edges. " We see constant indications of a rooted dislike to monarchy and ardent love of democ- racy. " — Brotigha7n. Simons (Henry). The Case of Henry Simons, a Polish Jew mer- chant; and his Appeal to the Public thereon. Now published, with the Tryal at Chelmsford, for the Benefit of Him and his unhappy Family. London, 1753. 8°. See Law Tracts, Vol. IV. Sinclair (Francis). Reminiscences of a Lawyer. London, 1861. 12°, half morocco, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Skene (John). Regiam Majestatem. The Avid Lavves and Con- stitutions of Scotland, Faithfvllie collected Fvrth of the Register, and other avid authentick bukes, fra the dayes of King Malcolme the second, vntill the time of King James the first, of gude memorie and trewlie corrected in sindrie faults, and errours, committed be igno- rant writers, and translated out of Latine in Scottish language, to the vse and knavvledge of all the subjects tvitJiin this Realme: with ane large table of the contents thereof. Be S"" John Skene of Curriehill, Clerk of our Soveraigne Lordis Register, Counsell, and Rolles. Qvherevnto are adjoined twa treatises the ane, anent the order of proces observed before the Lords of Counsell, and Session; The other of Crimes, and Judges in criminall causes. The Contents of this volume, follow es in the txveftJi Page. At Edinburgh Printed by Thomas Finlason, Anno Domini, 1609. Cum Privilegio Regies Magistatis. Folio, old polished calf. Fine copy of the first edition. '■ The first authentic body of laws of the Kingdom of Scotland."— yVj'co/jow. Literature of the Law Library 249 Skirving (William). The Trial of William Skirving, Secretary to the British Convention, before the High Court of Justiciary, on the 6th and 7th of January, 1794; for Sedition. Containing a full and cir- cumstantial account of all the Proceedings and Speeches, as taken down in short hand, by Mr. Ramsey, short hand writer from London. Curious portrait engraved by I. Kay with lines beneath Citizen Skirving Secretary to the British Convention A Tried Patriot and an Honest Man. Edinburgh, Printed (1794). 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Slavery. African Colonization. Proceedings of the New York State Colonization Society, on its second Anniversary, together with an address to the public from the managers thereof. Albany, 1831. 8"". See Pamphlets, Vol. III. Slavery. A collection of pamphlets as follows. Peabody (Geo. P.). Position and Duties of the North with re- gard to Slavery. Newburyport, 1848. Darling (Rev. Henry). Slavery and the War: A historical Essay. Philadelphia, 1863. Jaggar (William). To The People of Suffolk Co. Information, acquired from the best authority, with respect to the institu- tion of Slavery. New York, 1856. Stanley (Edward). A Military Governor among abolitionists. A Letter from Edward Stanley to Charles Sumner. New York, 1865. Bound in one vol., 8", half green morocco, gilt back. Slavery, Texas, etc. A collection of pamphlets as follows. Tallmadge (James). Speech in the House of Representatives of the United States, on Slavery. Boston, MDCCCXLIX. Dickinson (Mr.). Speech on the annexation of Texas: de- livered in the Senate of the United States, February 22, 1845. Washington, 1845. 32 250 Literature of the Law Library Wood (Mr.). Speech on the Oregon Question, delivered in the House of Representatives, January 31, 1846. Washington, 1846. Dickinson (Mr.). Speech on the Oregon Question, delivered in the Senate of the United States, February 24 and 25, 1846. Washington, 1846. Ashley (C). Speech on the Oregon Question, delivered in the Senate of the United States, Friday, April 3, 1846. Wash- ington, 1846. Cass (Lewis). Speech on the bill to protect the rights of Ameri- can Settlers in Oregon, delivered in the Senate of the United States, Monday, June i, 1846. Washington, 1846. King (Preston). The Wilmot Proviso. Bill and Explanation, in the House of Representatives of the U. S., January 4 and 5, 1847. Washington, 1847. WiLMOT (Mr.). Speech on his amendment restricting Slavery from Territory hereafter acquired, delivered in the House of Representatives of the United States, Feb. 8, 1847. (Wash- ington, 1847.) Calhoun (Mr.). Speech on his resolutions in reference to the War with Mexico, delivered in the Senate of the United States, January 4, 1848. Washington, 1848. Dickinson (Mr.). Acquisition of Territory. Speech in the Senate of the United States, January 12, 1848. (Washington, 1848.) Palfrey (Mr.). Speech on the political aspect of the Slave question, delivered in the House of Representatives, January 26th, 1848. Washington, 1848. Dix (John A.). California Claims. Speech in the Senate of the United States, March 29, 1848, on the Bill reported by the Committee on Military Affairs, for ascertaining and paying certain Claims in California. (Washington, 1848.) Gallatin (Albert). Peace with Mexico. (Washington, 1848.) Literature of the Law Library 251 Treaty (The) between the United States and Mexico, the pro- ceedings of the Senate thereon, and message of the President and documents communicated therewith; the messages, with correspondence between the executive department, General Scott and Mr. Trist, and other papers and proceedings of the Senate in relation thereto, from which the injunction of secresy has been removed. (Washington, 1848.) Dix (John A.). Speech of Hon. John A. Dix, of New York, on the bill to establish Governments in the Territories, delivered in the Senate of the United States, July 26, 1848. Washington, 1848. Dickinson (Mr.). Speech on establishing a government for Cali- fornia, delivered in the Senate of the United States, February 28, 1849. Dickinson (Mr.). Sectional Agitation Remarks in the Senate of the United States, January 17, 1850, upon Mr. Clemens Reso- lutions calling for the Instructions of the President concern- ing California; with a sketch of the Debate on that Day. (Washington, 1850.) Clay (Henry). Speech on taking up his Compromise Resolu- tions on the subject of Slavery, delivered in Senate, Feb. 5th and 6th, 1850. New York, 1850. Cass (Lewis). Territorial Governments. Speech in the Senate of the United States, January 21 and 22, 1850, on the govern- ment of the Territories and the Wilmot proviso. (Washington, 1850.) Calhoun (Mr.). Address, in the Senate of the United States, on the subject of vSlavery (read for him by Hon. Mr. Mason, March 4, 1850). Washington, 1850. Webster (Daniel). Speech in the Senate of the United States, on the subject of Slavery (delivered March 6, 1850). (Wash- ington, 1850.) 252 Literature of the Law Library Webster (Daniel). Speech on Mr. Clays resolutions, in the Senate of the United States, March 7, 1850. Vera pro gratis. Washington, 1850. Chandler (J. R.). Speech on the admission of California, de- livered in the House of Representatives of the United States, March 28, 1850. Washington, 1850. Duer (William). The Territorial Question. Speech in the House of Representatives, April 10, 1850. Bound in one vol., 8°, half calf. Slavery. See Burns (Anthony). Boston Slave Riot. Slavery. See Dred Scott Case. Slavery. See Hosack (John). Report of the trial of John Hosack indicted for rescuing a fugitive slave. Slavery. See Lemmon Slave Case. Smith (Adam). An Inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations. With the life of the author, an introductory discourse, notes, and supplemental dissertations, by J. R. McCulloch, Esq. A new edition, corrected throughout and greatly enlarged. Edin- burgh, MDCCCXXXVni. Portraits. 8°, half calf, marbled sides and edges. Smith (Gerrit). Substance of the Speech made by Gerrit Smith, in the Capitol of the State of New York, March nth and 12th, 1850. Second edition, enlarged. Syracuse, 1850. 8°. See Law Tracts, Vol. III. Smith (Hiram R.) Adm'x v. N. Y. C. R. R. Co. In the Court of Appeals of the State of New York. Statement of Facts. Ward was killed while riding free on the Cars of the Company. 1855. 8". See Law Tracts, A. Smith (J. Ortoti). The Lawyer and his Profession. A Series of Letters to a solicitor commencing business. London, i860. Crown, 8», half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. ' Literature of the Law Library 253 Smith (J. Toulmin). Paralels between the Constitution and Con- stitutional History of England and Hungary, from the second Eng- lish edition. Boston, MDCCCL. 8">,' half green morocco, marbled sides. Smith (Miss Julia £.)• Abby Smith and Cows with a report of the law case decided contrary to law. Hartford, 1877. Plate. 8°, paper. Smith (Mortimer J.). Important and Interesting Trial of Mor- timer J. Smith, on an indictment for Libel on Miss E)n)na Williams: in having connected her name with the separation of David Groes- beck (the New York Wall Street broker), from his wife: in the Albany County Court of Sessions, December 16, 1847. The evi- dence and the verdict of the Jury, as given and rendered, is con- tained in this work. Albany, 1847. Bvo. See Trials. Vol. V. Smith (Philip Anstie). A History of Education for the English Bar; with suggestions as to subjects and methods of study, Lon- don, i860. 8", half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Smith (Philip Veruoti). History of the English Institutions. Lon- don, 1873. 16°, cloth. " The attention of the student will be directed to the origin of our local institutions on the one hand and of our central government on the other." Smith (Seba). My Thirty Years out of the Senate, by Major Jack Downing. New York, 1859. Illustrated with sixty-four original and characteristic engravings on wood. 12°, cloth. " Through which runs a very genuine humor of a certain sort."— Grtswo/d. Smith (William). History of New York, from the first discovery to the year MDCCXXXII to which is annexed a description of the country, with a short account of the inhabitants, their religious and political state, and the constitution of the courts of Justice in that colony with a continuation, From the year 1732, to the commence- ment of the year 1814. Albany, 1814. 8", half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. As dry as ordinary annals— 6"Aa«c?//-c//^(?W. Spencer (Ambrose). Memorial of Ambrose Spencer, Former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the State of New York: consisting of proceedings of public bodies and meetings, and of sermons and addresses on the occasion of his death, and in illustration of his life and character. Collected for the gratification of his friends. Albany, 1849. Portrait. 8°, half morocco, gilt back, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Presentation copy with following inscription on fly leaf: "John V. L. Pruyn, Esq., with the respects of J. C. Spencer." Spencer (Ambrose). See Potter (Horatio). Sermon occasioned by the death of Ambrose Spencer. Spicer (Henry). Judicial Dramas; or the Romance of French Crimi- nal Law. London, 1872. 8°, cloth, uncut. Spilsbitry (William Holden). Lincoln's Inn: its ancient and modern buildings with an account of the Library. London, William Pickering, 1850. Plate. 12°, half morocco, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. " Full of curious information, neatly put together and betraying a laudable esprit du corps."— Lond. Gent. Mag. Literature of the Law Library 257 Spooner (Lysatider). An Essay on the Trial by Jury. Boston, 1852. 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Springbok (The British Barque). Papers relating to the illegal seizure of the British Barque " Springbok" by an American Cruiser, and the wrongful Condemnation of her Cargo, by the Supreme Court of the United States. London, 1868. 8°. See Trials, Vol. IV. Springbok (The British Barque). The Opinion of Louis Gessner, D. C. L., &c., &c., &c., on the condemnation of the Cargo of the " Springbok " by the Supreme Court of the United States of America. London, 1869. 8". See Trials, Vol. IV. Stautiaries (Laws and Customs of the). Pearce (Tho.). The laws and customs of the Stannaries. State Road. Considerations in favour of a Great State Road from Lake Erie to the Hudson River by a citizen of New York. Albany, 1827. 8". See Pamphlets, Vol. VII. State suiable by the citizen of another state. See Chisholm (Alexander). A case decided in the Supreme Court of the United States in 1793. State Trials. See Browne (G. Latham). Narrative of State Trials in the Nineteenth Century. State Trials. See A complete collection of Trials (State). See Reports of Trials (State). State Trials. See Phillips (Samuel March). State Trials or, a col- lection of the most interesting Trials. State Trials. See Trials (State). Report of State Trials. State Trials. See Tryals for High-Treason. State Trials (Irish). See Irish State Trials. State Trials (Modern). See Townsend (William C). Modern State Trials revised and illustrated. 33 258 Literature of the Law Library State Trials of the U. S. See Wharton (Francis). State Trials of the United States. Stephens (Archibald John). The Substance of the Argument delivered before the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council by- Archibald John Stephens, LL. D., one of her Majestys Counsel, in the case of Thomas Byard Sheppard, against William James Early Bennett, Clerk, with an appendix containing their Lordships judge- ment. London, 1872. g', cloth, uncut. Stephen Hart (Schooner). District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York. The United States vs. The Schooner Stephen Hart and her Cargo in Prize. Opinion of the Court by Judge Betts. New York, 1863. 8°. See Law Tracts, B. " Honl. J. V. L. Pruyn, with respects of Saml. R. Betts " on cover. Stephen (James Fitzjames). A General View of the Criminal Law of England. London, 1863. 8°, cloth, uncut. " It is the only complete account of the principles and administration of criminal law and as such will prove interesting to a wide zxtcXq." —Lond . Reader. Stephen (James Fitzjames). Liberty, Equality, Fraternity. Lon- don, 1873. 8°, cloth, uncut. " The object of this work is to examine the doctrines which are rather hinted at than ex- pressed by the phrase 'Liberty, Equality, Fraternity.'"— ^«Mo/-. Stephen (James Fitzjames). A Digest of the Law of Evidence. Second edition. London, 1876. Crown 8°, cloth, uncut. Stephen (James Fitzjames). A History of the Criminal Law of England. London, 1883. 3 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. An enlarged edition of A General View of the Criminal Law issued in 1863. Steven (William). A Brief View of the Dutch Ecclesiastical Establishment; showing the past and present organization of its * Several Church Judicatories; with an appendix, containing the general regulations for the government of the reformed church in Literature of the Law Library 259 the Netherlands; the acts of that church affecting the British Pres- byterian congregations in Holland; and other important papers. The second edition, corrected and enlarged. Rotterdam, 1838. 8', half morocco, marbled sides. Stewart (Joseph B.). A Statement of Facts and a review of the " Dissenting opinion of Mr. Justice Wylie, delivered January 9, 1864, in the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, in the case of The Washington, Alexandria, and Georgetown Railroad Company of the District of Columbia, and Alexander Hay vs. The Mayor and Board of Aldermen and Common Council of the City of Washington, and Joseph H. Bradley and A. Thomas Bradley." Washington, 1864. 8°. See Law Tracts, B. St. Leonards (Edward, Lord). A Handy Book on Property Law in a series of Letters. Sixth edition. Edinburgh, MDCCCLVIIL 12°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Highly commended by Blackwoods. St. Leonards (Edward, Lord). See Sugden (Henry). Misrepre- sentations in Campbells lives. Stockdale (John). The whole Proceedings on the Trial of an infor- mation exhibited ex officio, by the King's attorney general, against John Stockdale; for a libel on the House of Commons, Tried in the Court of Kings Bench Westminster, on Wednesday, the ninth of December, 1789, before the Right Hon. Lloyd, Lord Kenyon, Chief Justice of England. Taken in short hand by Joseph Gurney, to which is subjoined, an argument in support of the rights of juries. London, MDCCXC. 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Stolke (John Gottlob). Ad qvaestionem an Concubinatus sit tolera- bilior Polygamia occasione schediasmat. inaugur jurid de Con- cubinatu. Ludden (17 15). Quarto. Bound in wi.h Ale:;)ieo (Theophiio). Polygamia Trium jhatris. Stone (William). The Trial of William Stone, for High Treason, at the Bar of the Court of Kings Bench, on Thursday the Twenty- 26o Literature of the Law Library eight, and Friday the Twenty-ninth of January, 1796. Taken in short hand, by Joseph Gurney. London, 1796. 8°. Bound in with trial of Rev. William Jackson. Story (Joseph). A Discourse pronounced upon the inauguration of the Author, as Dane Professor of Law in Harvard University, on the twenty-fifth day of August, 1829. Boston, 1829. 8°. See Law Tracts, Vol. I. Present copy with following inscription on the title, "David Hoffman, Esq. From the Author." Story (Joseph). Life and Letters of Joseph Story, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, and Dane Pro- fessor of Law at Harvard University, edited by his son William W. Story. Boston, 1851. Portrait. 2 vols., 8°, full polished calf, gilt backs, sprinkled edges. Story (Joseph). Miscellaneous Writings of Joseph Story, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United vStates, and Dane Pro- fessor of Law at Harvard University. Edited by his son William W. Story. Boston, 1852. 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Story (W. W.). A Roman Lawyer in Jerusalem first Century. Bos- ton, n. d. 12°. See Murders and Trials. Stow (Mrs. J. W.). Probate Confiscation; unjust laws which govern woman. Third edition, revised and enlarged. (Boston) 1878. 12°, cloth. Stowe (Harriet Beecher). Whether a translation of a copyrighted work is an infringement of the copyright. In the Circuit Court of the United States for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania in equity — October, 1853, Calvin E. Stowe and Harriet Beecher Stowe his wife V. F. W. Thomas, n. p. 1853. 8°. See Law Tracts, Vol. IV. Stowell (Lord). See Surtees (William Edward). . A sketch of the lives of Lords Stowell and Eldon. Literature of the Law Library 261 Strang (Jesse). Trial of Jesse Strang, for the murder of John Whipple, at a special court of Oyer and Terminer holden in Albany in July, 1827. Albany, 1827. 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Strang (Jesse). The Authentic Confession of Jesse Strang, exe- cuted at Albany, Friday August 24, 1827, for the murder of JoJin Whipple; as made to the Rev. Mr. Lacey, Rector of St. Peters Church, Albany; From the time of Strang's Imprisonment down to the hour of his Execution. Published to the World at Strang's Dying Request! Together with the account of His Execution and Conduct under the Gallows. " The Truth, the Whole Truth, and Nothing but the Truth ! " New York, 1827. 8°. See Trials, Vol. II. Strange (Sir Thomas). Notes of Cases B. R. from M. 22 George 3 1781 to T. 25 George 3 1785. A neatly written record of cases cover- ing that period, entirely in the autograph of Sir Thomas Strange. 3 vols., small quarto, half calf, marbled sides. Street (Alfred B.). The Council of the State of New York ; its History, a History of the courts with which its members were con- nected ; biographical sketches of its members ; and its Vetoes. Albany, 1859. Royal 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. " Forms a most valuable contribution to the history of the State of New Yoik."— Feadody. Struensee (Count). The Trial of Count Struensee, Late Prime Minister to the King of Denmark, before the Royal Commission of Inquisition, at Copenhagen. Translated from the Danish and Ger- man Originals. London, MDCCLXXV. Faithful Narrative (A) of the Conversion and Death of Count Struensee, late Prime Minister of Denmark. Published by D, Munter, an eminent Divine, who was ordered by the King to pre- pare him for Death. To which is added. The History of Count Enevold Brandt, From the Time of his imprisonment to his Death. The whole translated from the original German, by the Rev. Mr. Wendeborn, Minister of the German Chapel on Ludgate-Hill. Em- 262 Literature of the Law Library bellished with the Heads and Coats of Arms of both the unhappy- Counts. Second edition. London, MDCCLXXIV. The 2 parts in i vol., 8°, calf, yellow edges. Struvio (Georg. Adamio.)* Schediasma Juridicum de jure Divor- tiorum. Lepsiae, MDCCXXIV. Quarto. Bound in with Aletheo (Theophilo). Polygamia Trumphatrix. Stuart (Gilbert). An Historical Dissertation concerning the an- tiquity of the English Constitution. The second edition, corrected. London, MDCCLXX. 8", half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. "A very able, though somewhat impetuous inquirer into the earlier parts of our history."— Smith. Stuart (James Francis Edward). See Prince of Wales (The Birth of the). A full answer to the depositions, etc. Stubbs (William). Select Charters and other illustrations of Eng- lish Constitutional History from the earliest times to the reign of Edward the First. Arranged and edited by William Stubbs, M. A., Second edition. Oxford, MDCCCLXXIV. Post 8°, cloth. Stubbs (William). The Constitutional History of England in its Origin and Development. Second edition. Oxford, MDCCCLXXV. 2 vols., 12°, cloth, uncut. " Without some knowledge of Constitutional history it is absolutely impossible to under- stand the origin of parties, the development of principles, the growth of nations in spite of parties and in defiance of principles." Study of the Law. See Carolina Law Journal. Essay on the Study of the Law by Thomas Cooper. [Sugdeu (Henry).] Misrepresentations in Campbell's lives of Lynd- hurst and Brougham, corrected by St. Leonards. London, 1869. 8°, cloth. " I have lived to find that he [Lord Campbell] has left behind him a new terror to life."— Preface. Su^yYevcCa. A dispassionate appeal to the Judgement of the Clergy of the Church of England, on a proposed alteration of the Law of Literature of the Law Library 263 Marriage: with a synopsis of the chief arguments and evidence put forth on each side of the question. London, 1849. 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Sullivan (Francis StoughtoH). Lectures on the Constitution and Laws of England: with a commentary on Magna Charta, and illus- trations of many of the English Statutes. To which authorities are added, and a discourse is prefixed concerning the laws and govern- ment of England, by Gilbert Stuart, LL.D. First American edition. Portland, 1805. 2 vols., 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. •' We know of no work on feudal learning and the first principles of the English constitu- tion, equal in merit or interest." — Hoffmanns Legal Sttidies. Sullivan (William). An Address to the members of the Bar of Suffolk, Mass., at their stated meeting on the First Tuesday of March, 1824. Boston, 1825. 8°. See Law Tracts, Vol. V. Surnames. See Dixon (B. Homer). Surnames. Surrogates Courts of the State of New York (The). The Nature, Extent and History of the Jurisdiction of The Surrogate's Courts of the State of New York. Opinion of the Hon. Charles P. Daly, First Judge of the Court of Common Pleas for the City and County of New York, acting as Surrogate. In the matter, of the Estate of Joseph W. Brick, deceased. Printed by order of the Board of Super- visors. New York, 1863. 8», cloth. Surtees (William Edward). A Sketch of the Lives of Lords Stowell and Eldon; comprising, with additional matter, some corrections of Mr. Twiss's work on the Chancellor. London, 1846. 8", half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Presentation copy with following inscription on the fly leaf: "John V. L. Pruyn, Esquire, with the author's best compliments." " An interesting soVaxaa.'"— Everett . Swinburne (Henry). A Treatise of Spousals, or Matrimonial Con- tracts: Wherein all the Questions relating to that subject are ingen- iously Debated and Resolved. By the late Famous and Learned Mr. 264 Literature of the Law Library Henry Swinburne, author of the Treatise of Wills and Testaments, London, Printed by S. Roycroft for Robert Clavell, at the Peacock, in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1686. Quarto, original calf. "A work of great learning . - - - Lord Stowell makes constant reference to Swinburne as an authority."— C//.e«^. Swiototi (John). A Faithful Narrative of the proceedings in the late affair between the Rev. Mr.JoJm Swinton, and Mr. George Baker, hot\\ of Wadham College, Oxford: wherein the reasons, that induced Mr, Baker to accuse Mr. Swinton of sodomitical practices, and the terms, upon which he signed the recantation, industriously published in the Daily Advertiser, London Evening Post, &c., are circumstantially set down, and submitted to the publick: to which is prefixed, a par- ticular account of the proceedings against Robert Thistlethwayte,\si\.e Doctor of Divinity, and warden of Wadham College, for a sodomiti- cal attempt upon Mr. W. French, commoner of the same College. London, MDCCXXXIX. 8°. See Trials, Vol. V. Syracuse Partition Suit In Chancery: before the Chancellor, John Townsend and Abba his wife, and Augustus James and Elizabeth his wife, vs. James McBride and Hannah his wife, William James and others. Bill for partition of Lands, &c., at Syracuse. Pruyn and Martin, Solicitors. Albany, 1844. 8°, half morocco, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Taber (Azor). Report of the Argument of Azor Taber, counsel for the Defendant, in the cause of Overbaugh and others vs. Patrie, decided in the Supreme Court, in the February Term, 1850. Albany, 1850. 8°. See Law Tracts, Vol. III. Talbot Case (The). An Authoritative and Succinct Account from 1839, to the Lord Chancellors Judgement. With Notes and Observa- tions: and a preface, by the Rev. M. Hobart Seymour, M. A. Lon- don, MDCCCLL 12°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Literature of the Law Library 265 Talbot Case (The). Divorce in 1857: the Talbot Case. Letters by " Tuj^is " containing full particulars of the case, with observations on the present unsatisfactory state of the Law. London, 1857. 12°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Talcott (Brig. General George). Proceedings of a general court martial for the trial of Brevet Brig. Gen. George Talcott, Colonel of the ordnance department, convened at Washington, June 23, 185 1, by order of the President of the United States. Major General Twiggs, President of the Court. Major Lee Judge Advocate, n. p. (1851.) 8°. See Law Tracts, Vol. III. Talcott (Brig. General George). Review of the Testimony given before the General Court Martial, upon the Trial of Brig. General George Talcott, in June and July, 185 1; and of the proceedings of the Court: by a counsellor at law (John C. Spencer), to which is appended a copy of the record of the Trial. Albany, 1851. 8°, half morocco, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. . Another copy. See Law Tracts, Vol. III. Talfourd (T. N.). Vacation Rambles and Thoughts; comprising the Recollections of three continental Tours, in the Vacations of 1841, 1842 and 1843. Second edition. London, MDCCCXLV, Crown 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Presentation copy with following inscription on the title page: " John V. L. Pruyn, Esq., with the author's Respects." Tallttiadge (Frederick A.). Trial of Hon. Frederick A. Tallmadge, general superintendent of Metropolitan Police, before James W. Nye, Esq., President, and Hon. James S. T. Stranahan, Thomas B. Stillman, Esq., and James Howen, Esq., Commissioners of Police, Hon. David F. Tiemann, Mayor of the City of New York, and Hon. Samuel S. Powell, Mayor of the City of Brooklyn, Ex-ofiicio Com- mis.'^ioners of Police. With the Argument of his Counsel. Reported by Elbridge T. Gerry, student at Law. New York, 1858. 8». See Law Tracts, Vol. II. Tamerlane's Institutes. See Timour. 34 266 Literature of the Law Library Taylor (Alfred Swaiiie). On Poisons in relation to Medical Juris- prudence and Medicine. London, 1875. 12°, cloth. A new edition with larger type and page, and a number of illustrations have been intro- duced. Taylor (Rev. Robert). Infidelity Punished. Report of a Remarka- able Trial. The King vs. The Rev. Robert Taylor^ a minister of the Established Church of England, for a blasphemous discourse against Our Lord Jesus Christ. Lord Tenterden on the Bench. Wednesday, October 24, 1827, in which the Rev Clergyman was found Guilty. New York, 1827. 8°. See Trials, Vol. IV. Teigtimottth (John Shore, Lord). Memoirs of the Life, Writings and Correspondence, of Sir William Jones. London, 1806, Portrait. 2 vols., 8°, half calf, marbled sides and edges. Temple (Sir William). The Works of Sir William Temple, Bart., complete, to which is prefixed, the life and character of the author. A new edition. London, MDCCLXX. Portrait. 4 vols., 8°, full polished calf, gilt backs, yellow edges. Contains bookplates of Mark Davis, Esq., and William Butler Duncan. Tenures of Laud. See Finlason (W. F.). The history of Law of Tenures of Land. Tenures of Laud. See Manorial Titles. Tenure of Land in England and Ireland. See Clive (Rev. Archer). A few remarks - - - on a pamphlet by Charles Wren Hoskins. Territorial Government. See Wise (John A.). Territorial Govern- ment and the admission of New States. Terry (David S.). Trial of David S. Terry by the Committee of Vigilance, San Francisco. San Francisco, 1856. 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Texas. The War in Texas: a review of facts and circumstances, showing that this contest is a crusade against Mexico, set on foot and supported by Slaveholders, Land-Speculators, &c., in order to Literature of the Law Library 267 re-establish, extend, and perpetuate the system of Slavery and the Slave trade. Second edition, revised and enlarged by a citizen of the United States. Philadelphia, 1837. 8°. See Pamphlets, Vol. III. Texas. See Sedgwick (T.). Thoughts on the proposed annexation of Texas. Texas. See Slavery, Texas, etc. Texas (The State of) v. White. The State of Texas against George W. White, John Chiles, John A. Hardenberg, and others. Brief of Richard T. ^Merrick. Washington, 1869. 8°. See Trials, Vol. IV. / Character and authority of the state government of the states in Rebellion. Thayer (M. Russell). Speech of M. Russell Thayer for the defence, in the case of the Commonwealth against Thomas Washington Smith, in the Court of Oyer and Terminer of Philadelphia County, January 16, 1858. Philadelphia, 1858. 8°. See Law Tracts, Vol. IV. Thelwell v. Yelvertoti. Report of the Trial in the case of Thelwell V. Yelverton, before the Chief Justice and a Special Jury on 21 February, 1861. Dublin, 1861. Portrait. 8°. See Vol. entitled Trials. Thelyphthora; or a Treatise on Female Ruin, in its causes, effects, consequences, prevention, and remedy; considered on the basis of the Divine Law: under the following Heads, viz Marriage, Whoredom, and Fornication, Adultery, Polygamy, Divorce; With many other incidental matters; particularly including an ex- amination of the Principles and Tendency of Stat. 26, Geo. II. C. ^-^^ commonly called the marriage act. The second edition, enlarged. London, MDCCLXXXI. 3 vols., 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. 268 Literature of the Law Library Thomasil (Christiatii). Schediasma inauguralf juridicvm de Con- cubinatu. n. p. 1713. Quarto. Bound in with Aletheo (Theophilo). Polygamia Triumphatrix. ThomasH (Christian!). De Crimine Bigamiae & De Big-amiae Praescriptione. Lipsiae, MDCCXV. Quarto. Bound in with Aletheo (Theophilo). Polygamia Triumphatrix. Thompson (Joseph P.). An essay toward principles of Interna- tional law to ofovern the intercourse of Christian with non-Christian peoples. (Berlin, 1876.) 8°. See Law Tracts, D. Thompson (James). An Essay on English Municipal History. London, 1867. Crown 8°, cloth. " The state of the ancient boroughs of this island in regard to their local government has furnished a fruitful theme to political enquirers during the two last centuries."— /Vg/^ac?. T. [hompson] (N.[at]). A Collection of 86 Loyal Poems all of them written upon the Two late Plots, viz, the Horrid Salamanca Plot in 1678, and the Present Fanatical Conspiracy in 1683: to which is added Advice to the Carver, written on the death of the late L. Staf- ford, with several Poems on their Majesties Coronation, never before pubHshed. Collected by N. T. Printed by N. T. at the Entrance into the Old Spring Garden near Charing Cross, 1685. iz", half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Thomson (Richard). An Historical Essay on the Magna Charta of King John: to which are added, the Great Charter in Latin and English; the Charters of Liberties and Confirmations, granted by Henry HI, and Edward L; The Original Charter of the Forests; and various authentic instruments connected with them: Explana- tory Notes on their several Privileges; a descriptive account of the principal originals and editions extant, both in print and manu- script; and other illustrations, derived from the most interesting and authentic sources. London, MDCCCXXIV. Illustrations in the text, head and tail pieces, initial letters, and each page surrounded with a wood cut border. Svo, half green morocco, gilt edges. "A book as beautifully and appropriately adorned as it is elaborately and learnedly zora.- Literature of the Law Library 269 Throckmorton (Francis). See Elizabeth (Queen). A discouerie of the treasons practised, etc. Throop (Montgomery H.). The Code of Remedial Justice; shall it be repealed or completed? Albany, 1877. 8°. See Law Tracts, A. Tichborne Trial (The). The Summing-up by the Lord Chief Justice of England, together with the addresses of the Judges, the verdict, and the sentence; the whole accompanied by a history of the case and copious alphabetical index. London, 1874. 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Tilden (Samuel J.). See Buckman (Benj. E.). Samuel J. Tilden unmasked. Timour's Institutes. Political and Military, written originally in the Mognl Language, by the Great Timour improperly called Tamerlane; First translated into Persian by Abu Taulib Alhusseini; and thence into English, with Marginal Notes, by Major Davy, Persian Secretary to the Commander in Chief of the Bengal Forces From the year MDCCLXX to MDCCLXXIII and now Persian Seer. to the Governor General of Bengal. The Original Persian trans- cribed from a MSS. in the Possession of Dr. William Hunter, Phy- sician Extraordinary to the Queen, F. R. & A. S. and of the Royal Academy of Sciences at Paris; and the whole work published with a Preface, Indexes, Geographical Notes, &c., &c., by Joseph White, B. D. Oxford, MDCCLXXXIIL Quarto, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. With bookplate of Sir T. Stamford Raffles. The best edition. The portrait facing the title page is only a pretended one. Tocker (Mary Ann). Trial of Mary Ann Tocker, for an Alleged Libel, on Mr. R. Gurney, Vice-Warden of the Stannary Court, Devon, with the Defence verbatim as delivered by the defendant; to which is added, an Address to the Jury, and also, an address to the Public, by Miss Tocker. London (1818). 8°, half morocco, marbled sides. Toleration (Act of). See Furneaux( Phillip). Letters ... - con- cerning - - - - the Act of Toleration. 270 Literature of the Law Library Tompkins (Daniel D,). Address of the Albany Republican Corres- ponding Committee containing the Documents and Correspondence transmitted by the late Gov. Tompkins, to the Committee of Ways and Means and to the House of Assembly, n. p. (1821). 8°. See Pamphlets, Vol. VII. Tomkius (Frederick J.) and Henry D. Jeucketi. A Compendium of the Modern Roman Law, founded upon the treatises of Puchta, Von Vangerow, Arndts, Franz Moehler, and the Corpus Juris Civilis. London, 1870. 8°, cloth, red edges. " The following work has been undertaken - - - - with the hope of awakening an interest in this country in the study of the modern Roman 'La.-w."— Preface. Tongue (Ezrael). The New Design of the Papists Detected: or, an Answer to the last speches of the Five Jesuites lately executed, viz. Tho. White alias Whitebread, William Harcourt alias H arisen, John Gavan alias Gawen, Anthony Turner and John Fenwick. London, 1679. Folio. See Trials, Vol. XXII. Tooke (John Home). The Proceedings, at large, on the Trial of John Home Tooke, for High Treason, at the sessions house in the Old Bailey, from Monday the 17th, to Saturday the 2 2d of Novem- ber, 1794, containing Arraignment of the prisoner. The Challenging of the Jury. Copy of the Indictment. Speech, verbatim, of the solicitor general. Examination of witnesses. Copies of all the papers read in evidence. i Speeches, verbatim, of Messrs. I Erskine and Gibbs. Reply of the attorney general. Summary of the Lord President. Verdict of the Jury. Mr. Tookes address to the Jury, &c., &c. Taken in Short-hand by J. H. Blanchard. London, MDCCXCV. 2 vols., 8°, half blue calf, gilt backs, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Tooke (John Home). The Trial of John Home Tooke, for High Treason, at the sessions house in the Old Bailey, on Monday the Seventeenth, Tuesday the Eighteenth, Wednesday the Nineteenth, Literature of the Law Library 271 Thursday the Twentieth, Friday the Twenty-first, and Saturday the . Twenty-second of November, 1794, taken in short hand by Joseph Gurney. London, 1795. 2 vols, in I, 8", half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Towers (Joseph). Observations on the Rights and Duty of Juries in Trials for Libels, together with Remarks on the Origin and Nature of the Law of Libels. London, MDCCLXXXIV. 8°. Bound in Vol. entitled Libel Tracts. Towle (Nathaniel C.)« A History and Analysis of the Constitution of the United vStates, with a full account of the confederations which preceded it; of the debates and acts of the convention which formed it; of the judicial decisions which have construed it; with papers and tables illustrative of the action of the government and the people under it. Boston, i860. Crown 8°, cloth. "As felicitous in design as successful in performance."— ^(jrM Am. Rev. Townseiid (John F.). Relations between the professions of law and medicine. Albany, 1854. 8°. See Law Tracts, D. Townsend (William C). Memoirs of the House of Commons, from the convention Parliament of 1688-9 to the passing of the Reform Bill, in 1832, by W. Charles Townsend, Esq., A. M., Recorder of Macclesfield. Second edition. London, 1844. Portrait and plate. 2 vols., 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. "Much useful and curious information is scattered throughout these volumes."— Z^wo'. Quar. Rev. Townsend (William C.)- The Lives of Twelve Eminent Judges of the last and of the present century by William C. Townsend, Esq., M. A., Recorder of Macclesfield. London, 1S46. 2 vols., 8°., full polished calf, gilt backs, gilt lines on the sides, marbled edges. " This is a very entertaining and also a useful work."— Aajt;. Rev. Townsend (William C). Modern State Trials, revised and illus- trated with essays and notes by Willliam C. Townsend, Esq., M. A., Q. C, Recorder of Macclesfield. London, 1850. 2 vols., 8", half crushed levant morocco, cloth sides, marbled edges. 272 Literature of the Law Library Towttsheiid (Heywood). Historical Collections: or, An exact ac- count of the Proceedings of the Four last Parliaments of Q. Eliza- beth of Famous Memory, wherein is contained The Compleat Jour- nals Both of the Lords and Commons, Taken from the Original Records of their Houses. As also The more particular Behaviours of the Worthy Members during all the last notable Sessions; com- prehending the Motions, Speeches, and Arguments of the Renowned and Learned Secretary Cecill, Sir Francis Bacon, Sir Walter Raw- leigh. Sir Edw. Hobby, and divers other eminent Gentlemen. To- gether with The most considerable Passages of the History of those times. Faithfully and Laboriously Collected, by Heywood Towns- hend, Esq., a member in those Parliaments. The like never Ex- tant before. London, 1680. Folio, original calf. Trade (Seasonable Remarks on) with some Reflections on the Advantages that Might Accue to Great Britain, by a proper Regula- tion of the Trade of Ireland. Wrote in London, but now first pub- lished in Dublin, as a Preface to other Essays on the Trade and Manufactures of Ireland. (Dublin.) Printed in the year MDCCXXIX. 8°. Bound in with William Mollyneux's The Case of Ireland, etc. Trade Unioiis. See Erie (Sir William). The law relating to Trade Unions. Traitours (Examitiatioti of). A Declaration of the favourable dealing of her Maiesties Commissioners appointed for the Examina- tion of certaine Traitours, and of tortures unjustly reported to be done upon them for matters of religion, n. p. 1583. Small quarto, half calf, marbled sides. Traupmatm (Jean Baptiste). " The Pantin Massacre." The most terrible tragedy of the age ! Trial of Traupmann for the murder of the Kinck Family, in the commune of Pantin, near Paris. New York, 1870. Illustrated. 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Treaties and Conventions concluded between the United States of America and other powers since May i, 1870. Washington, 1876. 8°, paper. Literature of the Law Library 273 Treaty of Washington. Papers relating to the Treaty of Washington. Washington, 1872. Maps, s vols., 8°, cloth. Trials. See Tryals. Trials. See Old Bailey Trials. Trials for Adultery. See Adultery (Trials for). Trials, Crimes, etc. A Collection of Newspaper clippings giving a history of Crimes and Trials of a most revolting nature. Ulustrated with woodcuts, etc. Two small quarto volumes, limp morocco. Trials (Criminal). Reports of Criminal Trials in the Circuit, State and United States Courts, held in Richmond, Virginia, by Robert R. Howison. Richmond, 185 1. 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Trials for Divorce. A Collection of curious, important, and very interesting Trials for Divorces, and actions of Crim. Con. accom- panied with Biographical Memoirs and Anecdotes. By Dr. Moore. London, 1829. Illustrated with coloured plates and notes. 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Trials (Histories and). A Select Collection of Singular and Inter- esting Histories. Together with The Tryals and Judicial Proceedings to which the extraordinary Facts therein recorded gave Occasion. Containing, among others. The History and Tryal I. Of M. De Cinq Mars, and M. De Thou, son to the Celebrated His- torian. II. Of Urban Grandier who was condemned and burnt as a magician, to satiate the Revenge of Cardinal Richlieu. III. Of Don Carlos, Son to Phillip II. of Spain, condemned to death for Rebellion: wherein a just account is occasionally given of the Spanish Court of Inquisition. IV. Of the Czarowitz Alexis, eldest son to Peter the Great, who was likewise impeached and condemned to Death for Conspiracy and Acts of Rebellion against his Father. Translated from the Original French. London, 1744. a vols., 12', calf. 35 274 Literature of the Law Library Trials (Old Bailey). See Old Bailey Reporter (The). Trials (Remarkable). A Collection of the most Remarkable and Interesting- Trials, particularly of those Persons who have forfeited their Lives to the injured Laws of their Country. In which the most remarkable of the State Trials will be included. With the defence and behaviour of the Criminals, before and after Condemnation. Intended not only to point out the Crimes of the Great, which are at present but little farther known than their own Families; But also those of inferior Criminals, who only are handed down as Examples to Posterity. London, MDCCLXXV-VI. 2 vols., qiiarto, half russla, marbled sides, red edges. Trials (Remarkable). See Benson (Capt. L.). The book of re- markable trials. Trials (Remarkable). See Wonderful Magazine (The New) Con- sisting of a carefully selected Collection of Remarkable Trials, etc. Trials (Select). For, Murder, Robbery, Burglary, Rapes, > \ Sodomy, Coining, Forgery, Pyracy, and other Offences and Misdemeanours, at the Sessions-House in the Old-Bailey, To which are added Genuine accounts of the Lives, Exploits, Behaviour, Confessions, and Dying Speeches, of the most notorious Convicts, from the year 1741, to the present year, 1764 inclusive; which completes the Trials from the year 1720. London, MDCCLXIV. 4 vols., 12"', original calf, gilt backs. Literature of the Law Library 275 Trials (A Selection of), Causes, and Important Occurrences, in Courts of Judicature: including Characteristical remarks and Anec- dote by J. G. S., Esq., Queen Square; assisted by several legal gentle- men. London, 1801. 2 vols, in I, 12°, half green calf, marbled sides. Trials (State). A Complete Collection of State-Trials, and Pro- ceedings for High-Treason, and other Crimes and Misdemeanours; the fourth edition; commencing with the Eleventh year of the Reign of King Richard II. and ending with the Sixteenth year of the Reign of King George III, with two alphabetical tables to the whole, to which is prefixed a new preface, by Francis Hargrave, Esquire. London, MDCCLXXVI-LXXXI. II vols., folio, half calf, marbled sides. Trials (State). A Complete Collection of State Trials and proceed- ings for High Treason and other crimes and misdemeanors from the earliest period to the year 1783, with notes and other illustrations compiled by T. B. Howell, and continued from the year 1783 to the present time: by Thomas Jones Howell. With general index to the collection by David Jardine. Vols. 1 to 33 in half calf, index vol. in half levant morocco, together 34 vols., royal 8°. Trials (State). Reports of State Trials. New Series, published under the direction of the State Trials Committee. Edited by John Macdonell and John E. P. Wallis. London, 1888-1894. Portraits. 7 vols., royal 8°, half red morocco. Tricks of the Law. See Law Quibbles. Trinity Church, New York City. A collection of pamphlets as below. Vol. I. Berrian (William). An Historical Sketch of Trinity Church, New York. Illustrations. New York, 1847. Charter of Trinity Church (The) in the City of New York; and laws and proceedings relating to the same: connected with the application now pending before the Legislature con- cerning that corporation. Albany, 1846. 276 Literature of the Law Library Troup (Robert). Remarks on Trinity Church Bill before the Council of Revision. New York, 181 3, reprinted, 1846. Trinity Church Title (The), Report of the Commissioners of the Land Office made to the House of Assembly, May 12, 1836. New York, 1846. Clark (Orville). Examination of a minority report made to the Senate of the State of New York, on the memorials of inhabitants of the city of New York, in relation to Trinity Church. Albany, 1846. Review of the Grounds upon which certain persons in the City of New- York, apply for Legislative interference with the corporation of Trinity Church. Albany, 1846. Remonstrance of the Corporation of Trinity Church, against the repeal or modification of the Act of 25th January, 18 14, relating to that corporation, and for other purposes Pre- sented in the Honorable House of Assembly, February loth, 1847. Albany, 1846. Report of the Judiciary Committee of the Assembly on memorial for repeal of act of 25th January, 1814, entitled An act to alter the name of the corporation of Trinity Church. March 30, 1847. Vol. IL Berrian (William). Facts against Fancy: or, a true and just view of Trinity Church. New York, 1855. Jay (William). A letter to the Rev. William Berrian on the resources, present position and duties of Trinity Church occasioned by his late pamphlet " Facts against Fancy." New York, 1856. Corrector. " The Rector Rectified " in reply to " Facts against Fancy" by Rev. Wm. Berrian, Rector of Trinity Church. New York, 1856. Literature of the Law Library 277 BooRMAN (James). Trinity Church. A Letter to the Rector, Church Wardens and Vestrymen of Trinity Church, in the City of New York. New York, 1855. North (C. C). The Extension of Albany Street. Argument in favor of this improvement, delivered in the board of councilmen, on the iSth December, 1854. Printed by request of the applicants for the opening. New York, 1855. Miller (Rutger B.). Letter and authentic documentary evi- dence in relation to the Trinity Church Property, in the City of New York, submitted to the commissioners of the land office, June 21, 1855. Albany, 1855. Map. Harison (W. H.). Trinity Church Title. An Exposure of Millers letter, with Documents, «&:c., addressed to the late commissioners of the land office. Albany, MDCCCLVL Bound in 2 vols., 8°, half morocco, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Trinity Church, New York City. A review of the reports, evidence and arguments as presented in the case of Trinity Church to the legislature of New York, 1857. 8°. See Law Tracts, D. " Let the Church and her property alone. The State has enough to do in taking care of \\.s€ii."— Extract. Trower (Charles Francis), The Anomalous Condition of English Jurisprudence considered with especial reference to a proposed fusion of Law and Equity. London, 1851. 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. " What cause indeed is there not for hope to the Sincere Law Reformer ! ^'—Preface. Trumbull (Lymati). Argument in the Supreme Court of the United States, March 4, 1868, in the matter of Ex Parte William H. McCar- dle, appellant. Reported by D. F. Murphy. Washington, 1868. 8". See Law Tracts. C . Trusts and Trustees. See Lucas (Robert De Neufville). The Perils of Trusts and Trustees. 278 Literature of the Law Library Tryals (History of). The History of the most remarkable Tryals in Great Britain and Ireland, in Capital Cases, viz Heresy, Treason, Felony, Incest, Poisoning-, Adultery, > S Rapes, Sodomy, Witchcraft, Pyracy, Murder, Robbery, &c. Both by the unusual Methods of Ordeal, Combat, and Attainder, and by the Ecclesiastical, Civil and Common Laws of these Realms. Faithfully extracted from Records, and other Authentick Authorities, as well Manuscript as Printed. London, 17 15. 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. From the Library of Sir James Stuart, Bart., Chief Justice of Lower Canada, with his book- plate and autograph on title page. Tryals (State). Tryals for High-Treason, and other crimes, with Proceedings on Bills of Attainder, and Impeachments. For three hundred years past. To which are prefixed, a Preface g-iving an account of the Nature and usefulness of the work, and an Alphabeti- cal Table of the respective Persons Try'd and the Points of Law debated and adjudged By the same hand that prepared the Folio edition for the Press. London, MDCCXX. 6 vols., 8°, original paneled calf, gilt backs, sprinkled edges. Tucker (Henry St. George). Lectures on Constitutional Law, for the use of the Law Class at the University of Virginia. Richmond, 1843. Crown 8°, half morocco, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Tucker (Mark). See Albany Presbytery. Tudor (William). The Life of James Otis, of Massachusetts: con- taining also, notices of some contemporary characters and events, from the year 1760 to 1775. Boston, 1823. Portrait. 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Literature of the Law Library 279 Tumults. Sketches of Popular Tumults; illustrative of the evils of social ignorance. London, 1847. 16°, half morocco, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. another copy. Cloth, uncut. Turpitt (Richard). Fairburn's edition of the Life of Richard Turpin, a most notorious Highwayman, giving a particular account of all his Daring Robberies and Burglaries. His boiling a woman to make her discover her property. — Robbing a wealthy farmer at Charlton. — Robbery and brutal conduct to Mr. Lawrence, Mr. Francis, and numerous others. — Rewards for his apprehension. — His disguises to evade being taken. — Robberies in company with King the Highway- man on Epping Forest. — Shooting the Rangers man near the Cave. — His escape from the Butcher, likewise from Mr. Ives the King's Huntsman, who pursued him with Blood hounds. — Apprehended for shooting his landlords Cock, discovered to be Turpin the Highway- man, committed to York Castle, Trial, Execution, Burial, &c. London, n. d. Origiual green paper covers containing portrait of Turpin, on the back is pasted another portrait, and a yellow leaf entitled " The following is a letter that he wrote to his brother in Essex." 12". See Trials, Vol. XI. Twiss (Horace). The Public and Private Life of Lord Chancellor Eldon, with selections from his correspondence. London, 1844. Portraits. 3 vols., 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Undertaken at the request of the grandson and heir of Lord Eldon. " A work which ought to be in the library of every lawyer, statesman and English gentle- man."— ^/ac^woca'i'. Twiss (Travers). The Law of Nations considered as Independent Political Communities. On the right and duties of nations in time of peace. Oxford, MDCCCLXI. 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. "It is lucid and orderly in the arrangement of facts, and appears to omit nothing that can throw light upon the practice of nations."— Z,o«/. Rev. Tyler (R. H.). American Ecclesiastical Law: The Law of Religious Societies, church government and creeds, disturbing religious meet- ino-s. and the law of Burial Grounds in the United States, with practical forms, Albany, 1866. 8°, cloth. Tytler (Patrick Fraser). An account of the Life and Writings of Sir Thomas Craig oi Riccarton: including Biographical sketches of the most eminent Legal Characters, since the institution of the Court of Session by James V. till the period of the Union of the Literature of the Law Library 281 Crowns, by Patrick Fraser Tytler, Esq., Advocate, F. R. S. and F. S. A. Edinburgh, MDCCCXXIII. 12°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. " The materials which compose this volume have been collected not only from historical and legal works . . - - but very frequently from manuscripts."— /V, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. another copy. Fourth edition, revised and enlarged. New York, 1874. 8", cloth. " It is not only excellent in itself, but it meets a want long i^Xl."— North Am. Rev. Woolsey (Theodore D.). Historical Discourse. (New Haven), 1874. 8°. See Law Tracts, D. Discourse upon the influence of Yale College in promoting the growth of law schools. Delivered in conjunction with The influence of lawyers upon free governments, etc., by Pierrepont (Edwards) . Woolworth (J. M.). The Dignity, Service and Prospects of the Pro- fession of Law, an address, delivered on the Eight day of January, 1877, at Lincoln, Nebraska, before the Nebraska State Bar Associa- tion. Omaha, 1877. 8". See Law Tracts, C. Worthies of Westmoreland (The). See Atkinson (George). The Worthies of Westmoreland. Wright (J.)« Mornings at Bow Street. A selection of the most Humorous and Entertaining reports which have appeared in the Morning Herald. With twenty-one illustrations by George Cruik- shank. Fourth edition. London, MDCCCXXXVIII. 12°, half red morocco, gilt back, marbled sides, gilt top. Originally appeared in the Morning Herald — "they now appear in a somewhat more finished state than the rapid demands of a daily paper allowed."— /'/v/actf. Wright (Silas). See Gillet (R. H.). The Life and Times of Silas Wright. Wright (Silas). See Hammond (Jabez D.). The History of Political Parties in the State of New York. Vol. III. Wright (Silas). See Jenkins (John S.). The life of Silas Wright. 2,00 Literature of the Law Library Wyntie (Edward). Eimomiis: or, Dialogues concerning the Law and Constitution of England; with an Essay on Dialogue. The fourth edition, corrected. London, 1821. 2 vols., 8°, half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. " Greatly valued as having very much illustrated the principles of our law and constitu- tion." — Bridgemaii's Legal Bibl. Yonge (C. D.). See Cicero literally translated. York (Duke of). A Circumstantial Report of the Evidence and Pro- ceedings upon the Charges preferred against His Royal Highness the Duke of York in the capacity of Commander in Chief, in the months of February and March, 1809, by G. L. Wardle, Esq., M. P. before the Honourable House of Commons, including the whole of the Original letters of His Royal Highness the Duke of York; the Speeches correctly taken in full, of the various members; with all the other documents produced in the Course of the Investigation, and the Decision of the House of Commons upon this very import- ant subject. London, 1809. Illustrated by portraits. 8", half calf, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Young (Archibald). An Historical Sketch of the French Bar from its origin to the present day: with biographical notices of some of the principal advocates of the nineteenth century. Edinburgh, 1869. 8°, cloth, uncut. Originally appeared in the Journal of Jurisprudence but now rewritten and enlarged. Young (William). Narrative of the Imprisonment and Trial of William Young, Esq. H, P. British service. Late State Prisoner in Portugal, written by himself, comprising a view of the present state of that country under Don Miguel; accompanied by official docu- ments. London, 1828. 8°, half calf, gilt back, marbled sides, sprinkled edges. Zeeland Laws. See Van Der Keessel (Dionysius Godefridus). Select Theses. Zenger (John Peter). See Libel (Law of). London, 1765. " Gouverneur Morris instead of dating American liberty from the stamp act, traced it to the prosecution of Peter Zenger.''— /«<:/*«;«««. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. Foi-ni L9-37m-3, '57(0542454)444 Z Pruyn - 6459 Catalogue of P95c books relating to the literature o± the law Z 6459 P95c