Jj-L.SO"^\,. -*; HANDY ATLAS THE WORLD CONTENTS. United States Standard Time 2 The World in Hemispheres 3 North America 4 Dominion of Canada 5 Arctic Regions 5 United States 6, 7 New England States 8 Middle Atlantic States 9 New York City and Vicinity 10 Philadelphia and Vicinity Boston and Vicinity . Washington and Vicinity South-eastern States 12 East Central States 13 West Central States 14 Chicago and Vicinity 15 St. Louis and Vicinity 15 Pacific States and Territories 16 South-western States 17 Mexico and the West Indies 17 United States — Commercial Map . . . . 18, ig South America 20 Europe 21 Great Britain and Ireland 22 France and Switzerland . . .... 23 Germany, Netherlands, and Belgium .... 24 Austro-Hungarian Monarchy 25 Turkish Empire, etc 26 Asia 27 Bible Lands of Western Asia 27 Africa 28 Northern Africa 28 Southern Africa 28 Central Africa 29 Australia and Pacific Islands 30 Heights of the Principal Mountains of the World . 31 Lengths of the Principal Rivers of the World . . 31 Population of the Principal Cities of the World . 31 Population of Chief Cities ai.d Towns of United States, 32 General Tables of Area and Population ... 32 Co['VRir;nT, 1883, by IVISON, BLAKEMAN, TAYLOR, AND COMPANY PUBLISHERS NEW YORK AND CHICAGO 930B 1 8» '^ • v.'^'i !»5I ?TS^^«^r'- ^ M "-^-l -<; ^ vv ^■ft ^. V THE ., UNITED* STATES AMERICA «c«Lt 1 Inch - 213 Miles ^l i' X f I ' 1 Tongitude»JT\re Centeal States Eastern Divisio:n" 15 PACIFIC STATES V 3 AND TEEKlTOiaES. SOAU: I Indi-lSO JUlen PRINCIPAL RAILROADS IN THE UNITED STATES. 1. Grand Trunk. 2. Eastekn. 3. Shore Line. 4. Vermont Central. 5. Bo.sTON AND Albany. 6. Hudson River. 7. New York Central. 8. New York, Lake Erie, and Western. g. A'-LANTic and Great Western. Pennsylvania. Baltimore and Oh Pittsburg, Fort V Chicago and North-Western. Chicago, Rock Island, and Pacific. St. Paul, Minneapolis, and Manitoba. Chicago, Milwaukee, and St. Paul. Chicago. Burlington, and Quincy. Hannibal and St. Joseph. Chicago and Alton. Illinois Central (Iowa Division). 23. Wabash, Toledo, 24. Ohio and Mississ 25. Pittsburg, CiNcr 26. Cleveland, Coli 27. Washington Cn Southern. 28. RrcHMOND, Fred •jdP W) ( Wilmington, Co- 31. South Carolina. 32. Georgia. 33- Piedmont Air Line. 34. Atlanta and Charlotte Air Line. 35- Central Railroad of Georgia. 36. Western and Atlantic. 37. East Tennessee, Virginia, and Georgia. 38. Atlantic, Mississippi, and Ohio. 39. Cincinnati Southern. 40. Atlantic and Gulp. 41. Western Railroad op Alabama, and Atlanta West Point. 42. I.niiisvii.LE AND Great Southern. 43. Memihis anu Char 44. Mobile and Ohio. 45. Chicago, St. Louis and New Orleans. 46 St. Louis, Iron Mountain, and Southern. 47. International and Great Northern. 48. Houston and Texas Central. 49. M1S.SOURI, Kansas, and Texas. 50. St. Louis and San Krancisco. 51. Texas and Pacific. 52. Atchison, Topkka, and Santa Ft 53. Union Pacific. 54. Central Pacific. 55. Northern Pacific. • 56. Southern Pacific. 57. Oregon and California. 1 — ^—r SOUTH 4 AMEEICA fl^jilJIiJIpL 30 31 POPULATION, IN EVEN THOUSANDS, OF SOME OF THE PRINCIPAL CITIES OF THE [For the Population of the Principal Cities of the United States, sec next page.} Chili. NORTH AMERICA. Canada and Newf'd. Quebec .... 62.000 Halifax .... 34,000 St. John . . . 26,000 St. John's . . . 23.000 Ottawa .... 27,000 Mexico. Mexico .... 225,000 Leon 100,000 Oiiadala\ara . . 93,000 Puebia .... 77,000 Guanaxuato . . 63,000 Queretaro . . 48,000 Central America. New Guateniaht . 56,000 Argentine Confeder'i Buenos .-^yres . . j Cordova. . . . San balvador . . West Indie Havana .... Santiago Kingston . . . Port-auPrince . San Juan . . . San Domingo . . SOUTH AMERICA. Venezuela. Caracas .... 55,00c Cartagena . . . Popayan . . . Panama. . . . Ecuador. Quito .... Guayaquil . . . Peru. Calls : : : : Bolivia. La Paz . . . . 26,0 Cochabamba . . 15,0 Sucre .... x2,o< NORTH AMERICA. 18,0 Riga .... .Astrakhan . . Cronstadt . . Archangel . . 48,0c Great Britain and Ireland. London . . . 4,764,0c Svlf^i : ; Manchester . Birmingham . Dublin . . . 552,0c 393 .oc 400,0c 338,0c Cadiz . ! Portugal. I Lisbon .... 246, ' Oporto .... 106, HEIGHTS OF THE PRINCIPAL MOUNTAINS IN THE WORLD. 2. Sierra Nevada and Cascade Range. Mount Whitney 14,887 Mount Rainier 14. 444 Mount Shasta >4.44o Mount Tyndall 14,386 Mount Dana 13.277 Mount Hood 11,225 3. Rocky Mountains. Mexican Plateau, feet. Orizaba 17,897 Popocatepetl 17,784 Izlaccihu,itl 15,700 CENTRAL AMERICA. SOUTH AMERICA. Mount Harvard Gray's Peak . Mount Lincoln Long's Peak . Pike's Peak . Illampu* lUimani* . Aconcagua* Chitnborazo " . . Nevada de Sorata . Nevada de Cayambe Antisana .... Cotopaxi .... Tunguaragua . . Elburz (on Asiatic boundary) . 18,572 Blanc (Alps) 15,784 Rosa (Alps) 15,223 Matterhorn (Alps) 14,835 Finster-aar-hom (Alps) . . . 14,039 Jungfrau (Alps) 13,718 Mulhacen (Spain) 11,65^ Maladetta (Spain) . . . Mount Etna (Sicily) . . Mount Olympus (Greece) . ^^ 9,754 ASIA. "^ Everest, Himalaya Mountains (highest in the world) . . . 29,002 Dapsang, Karakorum Mis. . . 28,278 Kintchinjunga, Himalaya Mts., 28,156 Dhawalagiri, Himalaya Mts. . 26,826 if %. Nanda Devi, Himalaya Mts. Hindoo Koosh Mountains (higl est peak) . Ararat (Armenia AFRICA. limaiya/o (Central Africa) . ia (Central Africa) . . . riffe (Canary Islands) . , Atlas'Mts. (highest ijeak) . . Mountains of Abyssinia (high- est peak) I ISLANDS. MaWna Loa (Sandwich Islands), OpKir (Sumatra) Owen Stanley (Papua) . . . Semero (Java) Egmont (New Zealand) . . . Kniii ft'"' Tene KUau LENGTHS OF THE PRINCIPAL RIVERS IN THE WORLD. irid) Missouri, to the Mississippi Mississippi proper . . . Mackenzie Nelson and Saskatchewan . Rio Grande Yukon Arka Ohio (including the Alleghany) . i,: Columbia i,; Red River i,: Colorado i, • These i Brazos, Colorado of Texas . . SOUTH AMERICA. ; la Plata (Parana included), 2,250 Volga . . . Don, Dnetper . e results of offic Tagus .... Dneisler, Giiadiana Oder, Douro, Rhone Mekong i:uphrates .... Ganges, Brahmapootr: Irrawaddy .... Tigris Ural AFRICA. Nile Niger. Congo, or Livingstone (estim'd), Senegal, Orange AUSTRALIA. Murray Aconcagua is probably the best detennined { I South America. 32 POPULATION OF THE CHIEF CITIES AND TOWNS OF THE UNITED STATES. {Compiled from the Report of the Tenth United States Ceusus, iSSo.] Akron, O. . . . Albany, N.V. . Alexandria, Va. . Allegheny, Penn. AUentown, Penn. Altoona, Penn. . Atchison, Kan. . Atlanta, Oa. . . Attleborough, Mass Auburn, N.Y. . Augu.sta, Ga. . . Aurora, HI. . . Austin, Te.v. . . H..lli,„ore. Md. . I'.LUigor, Ml>. . . Bay City, iMich. . Belleville, 111. . Biddeford, Me. . ISinghamton, N.Y. Bloomington. 111. Boston, Ma.ss. . Bridgeport, Conn. Brockton, Ma^.s. Brooklyn, N.Y. . Buffalo, N.Y. . Btirlington, lo. . Burlington, Vt. . Cambridge, Mass. Camden, N.J. . Canton, O. . . Cedar .Rapids, lo. Charleston, 3.C. . Chatunooga, Teiui. Chelsea, Mass. . . Chester, Penn. . Chicago, III. . . Chicopce, Mass. . Chilicothe, O. . Cincinnati, O. Cleveland, () . . Cohoes, N.Y. . . Columbia, S.C. . Columbus, O. Concord, N.H. . Council Bluffs, lo. Covington, Ky. . Cumberland, Md. 90.758 18,063 12,651 >7.3"7 17,180 362,839 27,643 13,608 566,663 ■55,134 19.450 11,364 4-,659 .2,258 503,185 :o;^;i 255,139 160,146 51,647 13,843 18,059 29,720 10,693 Dallas, Tex. . Danbury, Conn. Davenport, lo. Dayton, O. . Denver, Col. . Derby, Conn. . Des Moines, lo. Detroit, Mich. Dover, N.H. . Dubuque, lo. . Easton, Penn. East Saginaw, ! Eau Claire, Wis Elizabeth, N.J. Fall River, Mass. Fitchburg, Mass. Fond-du-Lac, Wis. Fort Wayne, Ind. Galesburg. III. . Galveston, Tex. . Georgetown, r).C. Gloucester, Mass. Grand Rapids, Mic Hamilton, O. . . ,Mo Harrisburg, Penn. Hartford, Conn. . Haverhill, Mass. Hoboken, N.J. . Holyoke, Mass. . Houston, Tex. . Hyde Park, 111. . Jackson, Mich. . Jacksonville, 111. Jersey City, N.J. Joliet.lU. . . . Kalamazoo, Mich. Kansas City, Mo. Keokuk, lo. . . Kingston, N.Y. . '\'s'; 22,248 12,578 19,329 32,016 42^015 18,472 73,056 16,145 55^735 La Crosse, Wis. . Lafayette, Ind. . Lancaster, Penn. Lawrence, Mass. LeadvUle, Col. . Leavenworth, Kal Lewi. , Me Lexington, Ky, . Lincoln, Neb. Lincoln, R.l. . . Little Rock, Ark. Lockport, N.V. . Logansport, Ind. Long Island City , Ix>s Angeles, Cal. I.xDuisviTle, Ky. . Lowell, Mass. . Lynchburg, Va. . Lynn, Mass. . . ,Ga. Madison, Wis. . . Maiden, Mass. . . Manchester, N.H. . Marlborough, Mass. .Memphis, Tenn. . Meriden, Conn. . . Middletown, Conn. . Milwaukee, Wis. Minneapolis, Minn. Mobile, Ala. . . . Montgomery, Ala. . Muskegon, Mich. . Nashua, N.H. . . Nashville, Tenn. New Albany, Ind. . Newark, N.J. . . New Bedford, Mass. New Brighton, N.Y. New Britain, Conn. New Brunswick, N.J. Newburg, N.Y. . . Newburyport, Mass. New Haven, Conn. New London, Conn. New Orleans, La. . Newport, Ky. . . Newport, R.I. . . Newton, Mass. . . New York. N.Y. . 25.769 39.'5i 14,820 16,546 19.083 16,656 13,003 '3.765 13,138 ".732 115.587 46,887 .36,508 26,845 12,679 62382 ■5,693 ^^•995 Norfolk, Va. . . Norristown, Penn. North Adams, Mas Northampton, Mas Norwalk, Conn. . Norwich, Conn. . Oakland, Cal . Ogdensburg, N.V. Omaha, Neb. . . Orange, N.J. . . Oshkosh, Wis. . Osw N.V. Paterson, N.J. . . I'awtucket, K.I. . . Peoria, III Petersburg, ''a. . . Philadelphia, Penn. Pittsburg, Penn. . . Pittsfield, Mass. . . Portland, Me. . . Portland, Ore. . . Portsmouth, O. . . Portsmouth, Va. Pottsvdle, Penn. . Poughkeepsie, N.Y. Providence, R.I. . Racine, Wis. . . Reading, Penn. . Richmond, Ind. . Richmond, Va. . Rochester, N.Y. Rockford, 111. . Rock Island, III. Rome, N.V. . . Sacramento, Cal, . Saginaw, Mich. . . Salem, Mass. . . . Salt Lake City, Utah San Antonio, Tex. . Sandusky, _0. . . San Francisco, Cal. San Jos«, Cal. . . Savannah, Ga. . . Schenectady, N.Y. . 30,518 13,207 ■5.748 .56,389 ■3.367 33,810 ■7,577 104,857 27,268 20,768 ■5,838 233.959 12,567 30,709 13.65s SomerviUe, Mass. South Bend, Ind. Springfield, 111. . Springfield, Mass. Springfield, O. . Stamford, Conn. . Steubenville, O. . St. Joseph, Mo. . St. Louis, Mo. . St. Paul, Minn. . Stockton, Cal. . Syracuse, N.Y. . Taunton, Mass. . Terre Haute, Ind. Toledo, O. . . . Topeka, Kan. Trenton, N.J. . Troy, N.Y. . . Vicksburg, Mi Virginia City, Nev. , Waltham, Mass. . Warwick, R.I. . Washington, D.C. Waterbury, Conn. , Watertown, N.Y. Weymouth, Mass. , Wheeling, W. Va. Wilkesbarre, Penn. , Williamsport, Penn. Wilmington, Del. Wilmington, N.C. Wobum', Mass. '. Woonsocket, R.l. Worcester, Mass. Vonkers, N.Y. . York, Penn. . . Youngstown, O. . GENERAL TABLES OF AREA AND POPULATION. General Divisions. Polar Lands (both hemisphe .Greenland and Iceland . North of North America North of Europe . . . North of Asia .... South of South America South of Australia . . : ,726,934 878,357 502,347 28,606,250 82:438 Asi'a'uncluding Malaysia) '. '. Polynesia (both hemispheres) Australasia (both hemispheres) . Australia Tasmania New Zealand . . . . ' . . New Guinea Other Islands .756,973 , 327,743,400 ■,2i2,6oi 795,591,000 ,SM,755 205,823,260 11,710 271,000 i»444,987 3.960,883 105,401 311,952 56,314 "5,705 534,578 States and Terri- Alabama . . . Alaska .... Arizona Territory California . . . Colorado . . . Dakota Territory Delaware . . . District Cohmibia Florida .... Georgia . . , Idaho Territory . 16. Indian Territnr>' . 18. Kansas . . . . 19. Kentucky . . . 20. Louisiana . . . 1,262,505 53' .409 33.426 5,,8so ■58,360 864,694 ■94,327 ^r^o 622,700 li^:^ ■77.624 58,680 269,493 84,800 32,610 56,650 3,077 .87' '''lt%\ 56,025 1,648,690 48,720 939.946 ^48,936 33,040 26. Mississippi . . . 27. Missouri . . . . 28. Montana Territory . 29. Nebraska , . . . 30. Nevada . . . . 31. New Hampshire. . 32. New Jer&ev . . . 33. New Mexico Ter. . 34. New York . . . . 35. North Carolina . . 36. Ohio 37. Oregon 38. Pennsylvania . . . 39. Rhode Island . . . 40. South Carolina . . 41. Tennessee . . . . 42. Texas 43. Utah Territory . . 44. Vermont . . . . 45. Virginia . . . . 46. Washington Ter. 47. West Virginia 48. Wisconsin . . . . 49- Wyoming Ter. . . 50. Pu6Mands{u*tor^,\ 46,810 69,415 146,080 77.505 110,700 \%\ 122,580 49.'70 52.250 30,570 42,050 84^970 9.565 42,450 69,180 24,780 97^890 5.740 \f& 119,565 5,082,871 ■,399.750 3,198,062 4.2?J:C 276,53« 995,577