^^ \l0 OF THK d^If JVo. Division Range Shelf Digitized by tine Internet Archive in 2008 witii funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation littp://www.arcliive.org/details/agriculturalqualOOcaldricli AGRICULTURAL QUALITATIVE AOT) QUANTITATIVE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. E. WOLFF, FRESENIUS, KROCKER, AND OTHERS. EDITED BY G. C. CALDWELL, I>B0FES80B OF AGRIOXTLTtJRAL CHEMISTKY IN THE OORKELL VmrSBSltr. NEW YORK: ORANGE JUDD AND COMPANY, 245 BROADWAY. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1869, by ORANGE JUDD & CO., In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York. PREFACE. The purpose of this work is to supply a complete manual of chemical analysis, for the use, especially, of agricultural students. The qualitative and quantitative processes that are de- scribed refer only to such substances as are found in soils, plants, animals, fertilizers, or other materials or products of agriculture ; and, moreover, in order to reduce the size, and consequently the cost of the book as much as possi- ble, except in two or three instances, only those methods of analysis are introduced which are most commonly used by good chemists, and have been tried and found reliable, with such improvements as have been made in more recent practice. The chapters on Special Analyses consist, in the main, of a translation of the " Anleitung zur Chemischen ITn- tersuchung landwirthschaftlich-wichtiger Stoffe^ von Dr. Mnil Wolff, 2te Aifflage, 1867," a work of the first au- thority in Germany ; two or three unimportant matters have been omitted, the arrangement has been somewhat altered, and some additions have been made to the original. The other chapters, on reagents, manipulation, etc., ^re 3 IV PREFACE. made up largely from the " Anleitung zur Quantitativen Chemischen Analyse, von Dr. C. JR. Fresenius, 5te Auflage, 1866." Concerning late improvements in methods of analysis, the Zeitschrift far Analytische Chemie, by the same au- thority, has been frequently consulted. The scheme of qualitative analysis has worked well in my own hands, and with my own students, but, neverthe- less, I would have preferred to give it a more careful trial before publishing it. Valuable assistance in testing this and other methods of analysis has been received from Mr. T. B. Comstock, while a student in my laboratory. The use of the old system of atomic weights, and of the old nomenclature, would doubtless have made the book more simple to the majority of students at first, but, nevertheless, it seemed more expedient to follow the com- mon usage in the best recent works on chemistry. The same may be said in regard to the use of the centigrade thermometer and the metric s}stem of Aveights and measures. Although the work has been somewhat hastily prepared to meet a pressing want in my own laboratory, I trust it may yet be found to answer a good purpose in other lab- oratories where agricultural chemistry is made a specialty. G. C. C. Cornell University^ College of ) Agriculture, August, 1869. f TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER L— Tlte Reagents. List of the reagents neeclcd, with directions for preparing them, when not more readily obtained otherwise, and for testing their purity. 7 CHAPTER II.— Analytical IVIanipnlation. Determination of specific gravity, solution, evaporation, precipita- tion, filtration (including Buiisen's new method), weijihiug of residues and precipitates, measuring and dividing solutions, and calculation of results 23 CHAPTER III.— Keactions and IVIeHiods ol* Qnantita- tlve Estimation. Potassium, sodium, ammonium, barium, calcium, magnesium, alumin- ium, iron, manganese, zinc, lead, copper, and arsenic; silicic, sulphuric, carjjonie, phosphoric, nitric, hydrochloric, hydrocyanic, hydroferrocyanic, hydrosulphuric, hydriodic, hydrofluoric, oxalic, acetic, tartaric, citric, malic, lactic, \iric, hippuric, and tannic acids; cellulose, starch, gum, the sugars, albuminoids, urea, fat, and alcohol J^ CHAPTER IV.— Special Mctltods ol* Analysis. Course of qualitative analysis, estimation of water, of organic mat- ter, of sulphur and chlorine in organic compounds, special methods of separation of bases and acids, schemes of analysis. ..128 CHAPTER v.— Analysis of Soils and Rocks. Mechanical and chemical analysis, and examination of physical prop- erties, of soils, and examination of marl, limestone, and clay 16.5 VI TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER VI.— Fertilizers. Farm-yard manure, urine, solid excrements, bone-meal, bone black, bone-ash, phosphorite, guano, superphosphate, gypsum, salt, potash compounds, and Chili saltpetre 213 CHAPTER VII.— Aslies. Ashes of plants, of animal substances, and of fuel 241 CHAPTER VIIL— Fodder and Food. Fodder plants, beets, turnips, potatoes, seeds, meal, flour, milk, butter, cheese, and vinegar 251 CHAPTER IX.— IVool and Bark. Examination of wool and tanners' bark 269 CHAPTER X.— Beverages. Water and wine .271 CHAPTER XI.— Xal»les. Metric system of weights and measures, atomic weights of elements, factors for calculating analyses, estimation of tannin in bark, etc.284 AGRICULTURAL QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. CHAPTER I. REAGENTS. The following list contains all the reagents used in the various courses of analysis described in this book, arranged in alphabetical order. . Most of them can be procured of the druggists, or the dealers in apparatus and chemicals. Directions are given here for the preparation of such reagents only as cannot be thus obtained conveniently. The chemical tests to which each reagent should be sub- jected, in order that the analyst may be assured of its purity, and the strength of the solutions to be made, are also given, wlien it is necessary. Most of this information is taken from the works of Fresenius. The new system of nomenclature and the new formulas being adopted in this work, the new name and formula of each reagent are given first, and, for the benefit of those who are less familiar with these, the old name and formula are afterwards enclosed in parentheses, whenever there is any essential difference between the new and the old. 7 8 § 1. KEAGENTS. 1. «.— Acid, acetic— HC,H30,. (HO,C,H303. HO, a.) — This should leave no residue on evaporation, and should emit no empyreumatic odor when evaporated after saturation with sodic carbonate ; neither hydrosulphuric acid, argentic nitrate, nor baric chloride should produce any change in it, nor amnionic sulj^hide, after neutraliza- tion with ammonia. h. Acid, Citric— H3CJI,0,. (3H0,C,,H,0,,.)— Recrys- tallize it, unless clean and colorless. c. Acid, hydrochloric — HCl. (Chlorhydricacid. Mu riatic acid.) — This must be colorless, and it should leave no residue when evaporated on platinum foil, nor should it attack the foil ; it should give no blue color to starch- paper, nor should it bleach starch that has been faintly colored blue with iodine ; it should give no turbidity with baric chloride, after having been considerably diluted, nor should it be colored by hydrosulphuric acid or potassic sulphocyanate. For the dilute acid, add the concentrated acid to 4 parts of water. d. Acid, hydrosulphuric— H^S. (HS.)— Pour dilute sulphuric acid through a funnel tube over fused ferrous sulphide, in a common bottle, and conduct the gas that is evolved, first through water in a small wash-bottle, and then into distilled water. The solution should emit a strong odor of sulphuretted hydrogen, and should be freshly made. e. Acid, nitric— HNO3. (HO,NO,.)— This should be colorless, and should leave no residue when evaporated on platinum foil ; after having been considerably diluted, it should not be made turbid by argentic nitrate or baric chloride. For the dilute acid, add the concentrated acid to 4 parts of water. /. Acid, nitro-hydrochloric Aqua regia.— Mix to- gether 1 part of pure nitric acid, and 3 or 4 parts of pure hydrochloric acid. § 1. EEx\.GEXTS. 9 g. Acid, oxalic,— H^C^O,. (2H0,C,0,.) This should not present the least appearance of efflorescence ; it should give a perfectly clear solution with water, and sliould leave no residue when ignited in a platinum dish. If the acid does not meet these requirements, it should be purified by repeated recrystallization. Stolba {Fresenius^ Zeitschrift 8, 63) recommends subli- mation as a convenient method of purifying oxalic acid. Dry the acid thoroughly by keeping it in a warm place for a considerable time, with occasional stirring ; when a small portion of it, gently heated in a test tube, gives off but little water before subliming, it is sufficiently dry. Put it, then, in a large beaker to the depth of 15-20 mm., cover the beaker with a hollow cone of paper, and im- bed it in iron turnings in an iron dish, to the same depth as that of the acid inside, and heat it cautiously, raising the temperature very gradually. Scrape off the outside of the cone of sublimed acid, separate the more solid yel- lowish outer part from the white inner portion, and purify each by itself by crystallization from solution as usual. h. Acid, sulphuric— H,SO,. (H0,S03). — Common sulphuric acid usually contains lead, wdiich is precipitated as a fine w^hite powder, when the acid is diluted with con- siderable water, or when mixed with 4 or 5 parts of alcohol; it sometimes gives a red color with a solution of ferrous sulphate, where the two liquids come in contact (§ 62), and, when diluted, gives the reaction for chlorine with aigentic nitrate (§ 63), and for arsenic by Marsh's test (§ 57). The pure acid should give none of these reac- tions, nor any blue color after dilution with 20 parts of water, when a little starch paste and potassic iodide are added to the cooled liquid ; it should be volatilized com- pletely when heated. The dilute acid is pre}xired by adding the concentrated acid to 5 parts of water, slowly, and with constant stir- ring, letting the mixture stand a long time if any plumbic 1* ' 10 § 2- KEAGENTS. sulphate is precipitated, and then decanting the clear su- pernatant liquid for use. i. Acid, silicic. — See Quartz. h. Acid) taniliC) needs no testing. 2, Alcohol.— C^H^O. (C.H^O,.)— This is used both in its pure state (absolute alcohol), and mixed with water until its specific gravity is 0.83 or 0.84, corresponding to about 90° I „ of pure alcohol, by volume. It should be volatilized completely, and leave no odor of fusel oil when rubbed between the hands ; it should burn with a pale blue, barely visible flame, and should not redden blue litmus-j)aper. 3. a. — Ammonic acetate. — NH.C^HgO^. (Acetate of ammonia. NHp,C,H303. NIip,A.)— This should be colorless, free from empyreumatic oclor, and inorganic acids, and should be completely volatilized when heated. h. Ammonic carbonate.— (NH J ^003. (Carbonate of ammonia. NH40,C02.) — This should be completely volatilized when heated, and, after supers aturation with nitric acid and heating, should give no reaction with solu- tions of silver, barium, or ammonic sulphide. Dissolve it in 4 parts of water, and add 1 part of ammonia. Keep some of the salt also in the dry form. c. Ammonic chloride. — ^XH.Cl. (Chloride of ammo- nium.) — ^This should be completely volatilized when heated on platinum foil, and should give no reaction with am- monic sulphide, baric chloride, or litmus. Dissolve in 8 parts of water. Keep some of the salt also in the form of a dry powder. d Ammonic fluoride.— NH,F. (Fluoride of ammonium.) — This, when heated in a platinum dish, should leave no residue; if impure, it may be purified by sublimation between two platinum dishes. It should be kept in gutta percha bottles. § 3. REAGKNTS. 11 e. Amnionic hydrate.— NH^HO. Ammoiia JSTJff^.— This should be colorless, and leave no residue when evap- orated in a watch-glass : after dilution with its volume of water, it should give no very marked turbidity with lime- water, and, after supersaturation with nitric acid in slight excess, it should give no precipitate or color with argentic nitrate, baric chloride, or ammonic sulphide. /. Amnionic molybdate. — (NHJ^MoO^. (Molybdate of ammonia. KH^OjMoOg.) — Dissolve 1 part of molyb- dic acid in 8 parts of ammonia-water, pour the solution into 20 parts by weight of nitric acid (Sp. Gr.=1.2), let the mixture stand several days in a warm place, and decant the clear liquid for use. When moderately heated with excess of nitric acid, it should give no yellow pre- cipitate. g. Ammonic nitrate. — ISTH^lSrO,. (Nitrate of ammonia. NH^O, NO^.) — This should give no reaction with baric chloride or argentic nitrate, and should be completely volatilized when heated. A. Ammonic oxalate. — (NHJ^C^O,. (Oxalate of am- monia. 2X11^0,0^0^.) — This should be completely vola- tilized by heat, and should give no reaction with hydro- sulphuric acid, or ammonic sulphide, or with baric chloride in a solution acidified with hydrochloric acid. Dissolve in 24 parts of water. i. Ammonic sulphate. — (NII,)„SO^. (Sulphate of am- monia. NH^OjSOg.) — This may be readily prepared by neutralizing ammonic hydrate with dilute sulphuric acid. Jc. Ammonic Sulphide. — (NH,),S. (Sulphide of am- monium. NH^S.) — Conduct sulphuretted hydrogen (§ 1, cl) into 3 parts of ammonic hydrate as long as the gas is absorbed, and add 2 parts of fresh ammonic hydrate. The reagent should evolve sulphuretted hydrogen freely when mixed with strong acids, and should give at least only a white precij)itate with them ; it should give no re- 13. § 4. IlEAGEXTS. action at all with solutions of lime or magtiesia ; when evaporated in a platinum dish, the residue should be vola- tilized completely on ignition. - Dissolve some flowers of sulphur in a small portion of the reagent, and label this solution, ammonia sulphide with excess of sulphur, I Ammonic tartrate.— (N"HJ^ CJ-ip,. (Tartrate of ammonia. 2XH^O,CgIl40j„.) — Neutralize tartaric acid with ammonic hydrate, and then add more ammonic hy- drate, so that it shall be in excess over the acid. m. Ammonic-ferrons sulphate. — (NHJ^Fc (SOJ^. (Sulphate of j^rotoxide of iron and ammonia. NH^O, FeO, (SOg),.) — ^Divide a quantity of sulphuric acid into two equal parts ; heat one of them with an excess of small clean iron nails free fi'om rust, as long as the evolu- tion of hydrogen continues. Neutralize the other portion of the acid accurately with ammonic carbonate, and then add a few drops of sulphuric acid, Filter the solution of ferrous sulphate, obtained by the action of the acid on the nails, into the amnionic sulphate, evaporate the mixture a little if necessary, and let it crystallize. Let the crys- tals drain in a funnel, dry them by exposure to the air 0:1 filter-paper, and keep them in a well stoppered bottle. The solution of the salt in water acidified with sulpliuric acid should give no red color with potassic sulj^hocyanate. 4. Argentic nitrate. — AgNO^. (Nitrate of silver. AgO, NO^.) — After the solution of this reagent has been completely precipitated with hydrochloric acid, the fil- trate from the j)recipitate should leave no residue Avlien evaporated, and the same filtrate should give no color with ammonic sulphide. Dissolve in 20 parts of water. All the silver refuse, consisting of precipitates contain- ing silver, and solutions to which argentic nitrate has been added, should be tlirown into a bottle containincr dilute hvdrochloric acid. When a sufficient quantity of the § 5. IIEAGENTS. 13 precipitated chloride has accumulated, separate it from the liquid by decantation of the latter, wash it well with water, pour diUite sulphuric acid over it, and put some pieces of zinc in contact witli it. When the wliolo is changed to a gray metallic powder, and the zinc is all dissolved, filter out and wash the pow- der well, dry, and ignite it. Dissolve the silver thus ob- tained in nitric acid, add water, filter if necessary, evap- orate the filtrate to dryness on the water-bath, and dis- solve the residue in 20 parts of water, and subject the solution to the tests above described. 5. c^— Baric acetate. — Ba(C2H302)„. Acetate of baryta. BaO,C JI3O3. BaO,A.)— This should be colorless and should have no empyreumatic odor, and it should give no reaction with amnionic sulphide or argentic ni- trate ; after complete precipitation witli sulphuric acid, the filtrate should leave no residue on evaporation. Dis- solve in 10 parts of water. h. Baric chloride. — BaCl^. (Chloride of barium. BaCl.) — This should not afifcct litmus-paper, nor give any reaction with amraonic sulphide ; after complete pre- cipitation with sulphuric acid, the filtrate from the precipi- tate should leave no residue when evaporated. Dissolve in 10 parts of water. c. Baric hydrate. — Ba(HO)„. (Hydrate of baryta. Baryta water. BaO,HO.) — After precipitation of the barium from the solution by sulphuric acid, the filtrate should remain clear when mixed with alcohol, and should leave no residue when evaporated. Dissolve in 20 parts of water. In determinations of urea in urine, a mixture of one volume of a cold saturated solution of baric nitrate and two volumes of a cold saturated solution of baric hydrate is used. cl Baric nitrate.— BaCNO,),. (titrate of baryta. BaO, NO^.) — This should be completely precipitated by sul- 14 § G. REAGENTS. phuric acid so that the iiltrate from the precipitate leaves no residue when evaporated, and it should give no reac- tion with argentic nitrate. €. Calcic chloride. — CaCl^. (Chloride of calcium. CaCl.) — This should not affect litmus-paper, should give no reaction with ammonic sulphide, nor any ammonia when heated with sodic hydrate. Dissolve the crystals in 5 parts of water. The crude, impure, fused chloride answers for desicca- ting purposes. /. Calcic fluoride.— CaF^. Fluor spar. — To cave trouble, buy the powdered fluor sj^ar. g. Calcic hydrate. — Ca(HO) 3. Lime-water. (CaO, HO.) — Digest slaked lime with cold water with occasional stirring, let the mixture stand quietly for a time, and de- cant the clear liquid for use. It should give a dark color to turmeric-paper, and a considerable precipitate with ammonic oxalate. For many purposes milk of lime is used in preference to lime-water ; this reagent is simply lime-water, mixed with an excess of undissolved calcic hydrate. It should be made with lime from white marble, and should be kept in well stoppered bottles, and shaken up Avhen used. A. Calcic sulphate.— CaSO^. (Sulphate of lime. CaO, SO3.) — ^Digest powdered, crystallized gypsum a long time with cold water, witli frequent agitation, let the mixture stand quietly at last, and decant the clear liquid for use. 6. Chlorine. — CI. — Nearly fill a flask with manganic binoxide in pieces about as big as peas, and then add so much common, concentrated hydrochloric acid, that about half the oxide will be immersed in it. Conduct the gas, by a glass tube passing through the cork with which the mouth of the flask is closed, through a cylinder or wash- bottle containing concentrated sulphuric acid. The evo- ^ 7. KEAGENTS. 15 lution of tlic chlorine begins at common temperatures, but a little heat must be applied after a time. 7. Cobaltic nitrate. — Co (NO J. _,,— Dissolve the salt in 10 parts of water. 8. Cochineal solution* — Boil cochineal with water. The solution will keep better if about half its volume of alcohol is added to it. 9. «.— Cupric acetate.— Cu (CJIgOJCuO. (Acetate of copper. Verdigris. 2CuC),CJl303.) — To prepare the solution of this salt for w^ashing the precipitate of baric sulphate, dissolve the commercial salt in water contain- ing a little acetic acid, add 2 drops of sulphuric acid, if this acid is not already present, then a few drops of baric chloride until the liquid gives a faint reaction for barium, boil a short time, and filter. The solution should be suffi- ciently concentrated to deposit crystals on cooling. Use the supernatant saturated solution. ^. Cupric sulphate. — CuSO^. (Sulphate of copper. CuO,S03.) — This should be recrystallized once or twice. 10. f urcuma-paper. — Turmeric-paper. — Digest pul- verized curcuma root with 6 parts of weak alcohol, color slips of unsized paper with the yellow extract, and dry them. 11. Ether.— C,H,„0. (C,RO.)— Tliis is sufficiently pure as obtained of the druggist. 12. a.— Ferric chloride.— Fe^Clg (Perchlorideofiron. Fe^Clg.) — Its solution should give a permanent precipi- tate with a drop or two of ammonic hydrate ; it should give no blue color witli potassic ferricyanide. Dissolve in 20 parts of water. b. Ferric oxide. — Fe.O.^. (Sesquioxide of iron.) — This is also known as colcothar. c. Ferric nitrate.— Fe(N03) 3. (Nitrate of sesquiox- ide of iron. Fe,0 3,31^0 ^.)— Dissolve iron in nitric acid, 16 § 13. IlEAGENTS. evaporate the solution to expel excess of acid, and dis- solve the residue in 10 parts of water. d. Ferrous chloride. — FeCl^. (Protocliloride of iron. FeCl.) — Dissolve j)ianoforte wire in concentrated hydro- chloric acid ; the solution should be made as it is wanted. 6. Ferrous sulphide.— FeS. (Sulphide of iron,)— Get the fused sulphide of the druggists. 13* Hydrogen. — H. — This is made by the action of di- lute sulphuric acid on granulated zinc. To purify the gas conduct it through a TJ tube, or a calcic-chloride cylinder, containing freshly ignited charcoal, and in order to dry it, through another cylinder containing calcic chloride. 14. Indigo solution. — This may be prepared by treat- ing 1 part of finely powdered indigo with 5 parts of fuming sulphuric acid 48 hours in the cold, and pouring the mixture into 20 parts of cold water. 15. Iodine. — I. — This needs no testing. 16. a. — Iron Turnings. — These should be clean and free from grease. h. Iron wire. — Get the finest pianoforte wire, free from inist. 17. a. — Lead-paper. — Soak slips of unsized paper in a solution of plumbic acetate, dry, and keep in a well stop- i^ered bottle. h. Litmus-paper (blue). — Digest litmus with G parts of water, filter, divide half of the filtrate into two equal parts and carefully saturate the free alkali in one of these parts with sulphuric acid, until the liquid has taken a red color that docs not disappear after standing a few min- utes ; add the other part to this, color strips of unsized paper in the blue liquid, dry them, and keep in a dark place. The strips should have a blue color. c. Litmus-paper (red). — Add sulphuric acid to the other half of the extract of the litmus until a permanent § 18. HE AGENTS. 17 red color is just obtained ; color 'slips of unsized paper in this solution, dry them, and keep in a dark place. The strips should have a distinct red color. 18. a. — Magnesia (calcined).— MgO. — This should be freshly ignited before being used. h. Magnesia mixture. — ^Mix together 1 part of mng- nesic sulphate, MgSO^, 1 of amnionic .-chloride, 4 of am- monic hydrate, and 8 of water; let the mixture stand several days in a moderately warm j)lace, and decant the clear solution for use. 19t Malt. — Get good brewer's malt. 20. Manganic binoxide. — MnO„. — The commercial, na- tive, crystallized hmoxide of manganese is generally suf- ficiently pure. 21. a.— Mercuric nitrate.— Hg (NO 3)^. (Nitrate of mercury. HgO,N05.) — Dissolve mercury in its own w^eight of nitric acid (Sp. Gr.=1.4), heat the mixture to- wards the close of the operation, and, finally, add to it twice its bulk of water. h, Mercurous nitrate.— Hg2(N03)2. — (Subnitratc of mercury. Hg^O, NO^.) — Pour 1 part of pure nitric acid (Sp. Gr.=1.2) over 1 part of mercury, let stand 24 hours in a cool place, separate the crystals from the undissolved mercury and the mother-liquor, dissolve them in water mixed with ^1^^ of nitric acid, by trituration in a mortar, filter, and keep the solution in a bottle with metallic mer- cury covering the bottom. MicroCOSmic salt. — ^qqsocHg ammonic phospJiate. Milk of lime. — See calcic hydrate. 22* Oxygen. — O. — Mix together in a mortar 100 grms. of potassic chlorate and 0.1 grm. of ferric oxide, half fill a retort with the mixture, and heat over a coal fire, at first gently. As soon as the contents of the retort are partly fused, mix them together by gentle iagitation. Collect 18 § 23. KE AGENTS. the gas in the gasometer ; for use, conduct it from the gasometer through a solution of caustic potash (Sp. Gr.= 1.27) in a Liebig's potassa-bulb, then through a U tube containing pumice-stone soaked in sulphuric acid, and finally through a tube containing calcic chloride. Phosphorus salt. — See sodic ammonic phosphate. 23. Platinic chloride.— PtCl^. (Bichloride of plat- inum. PtCl^.) — Its solution, evaporated to dryness on the water-bath, should leave a residue entirely soluble in alcohol. Precipitates and solutions containing platinum should be thrown into a bottle containing a solution of ammonic chloride. When a sufficient quantity of the precipitate has accumulated, separate it from the liquid by filtration, wash, dry, and ignite it strongly. Exhaust the residue thoroughly with hot nitric acid, wash the insoluble part in water, dissolve in aqua regia with the aid of a gentle heat, adding fresh portions of nitric acid until the plat- inum is completely dissolved, evaporate the solution on the water-bath, with the addition of hydrochloric acid, and dissolve the semi-fluid residue in 10 parts of water. 24. a.— Plumbic acetate.— Pb (CJIgOJ^. (Acetate of lead. PbO, C.JI3O3. PbOA.)— The basic acetate, Ph {CJI^O^„ 2 PbO, is prepared by treating 120 grms. of crystallized common acetate (sugar of lead) with 60 grms. of gently ignited, and then finely pulverized plumbic oxide (litharge), and 400 c.c. of water ; let the mixture stand some time in a Avarm place with frequent agitation, and finally filter the liquid for use. b. Plumbic binoxide. — PbO^. e. Plumbic oxide. — PbO. IJtharge. 25. a. — Potassic acetate. — KC^HjO,. (Acetate of po- tassa. KO,C^H303.) — This should be white and free from cmpyreumatic odor. Dissolve in 5 parts of water. § 25. IIEAGEXTS. • 10 h. PotaSSic bisulphate.— KHSO^. (Bisulphate of po- tasga. K0,H0,S03.) 0. Potassic chromate. — ^K^CrO^. (Chromate of po- tassa. KOjCrOg.) — This should give no turbidity with argentic nitrate, after acidification with nitric acid. Make a cold saturated solution. d. Potassic chlorate. — KCIO^. (Chlorate of potassa. K0,C10,.) e. Potassic dicliromate. — K^Cr^O,. (Bichromate of potassa. KO,2Cr03.) — This should be recrystallized. Dissolve it in 12 parts of water. /. Potassic fcrricyanide.— K3Cy,re. K3Cfdy. (Fer- ricyanide of potassium. K3Cy,Fe2.) — This should give no blue color with ferric chloride. g. Potassic ferrocyanide.— K^Cy^Fe. K.Cfy. (Fer- rocyanide of potassium. K2Cy3Fe.) — Dissolve in 12 parts of water. h. Potassic hydrate.— KHO. (Potassa KO,HO.)— This should not be changed by ammonic sulphydrate, and should efiervesce but slightly if at all with hydrochloric acid; the solution obtained with hydrochloric acid in excess, when evaporated to dryness should give a residue that is at least almost completely dissolved by water ; the same solution should give, at the most, but a very slight reac- tion for i^hosphoric acid with ammonic molybdate, and should give but a slight flocculent precipitate with am- monia in excess, after long standing in a warm place. Pure potassa prepared from an alchoholic solution of the hydrate should give none of these reactions. Dissolve in 10 parts of water. i, Potassic iodide. — KT. (Iodide of potassium.) — This is sufficiently pure as obtained from the druggists. Jc. Potassic permanganate. — K^Mn^Og. (Perman- ganate of potassa. KOjMn^O,.) 20 ' § 26. REAGENTS. /. Potassic sodic carbonate. — KNaCOg. (Carbonate of potassa and soda. KO, NaO, 2 CO^.) — Recrystallize some potassic sodic tartrate, ignite the salt in a silver dish until completely charred, exhaust the black residue with water, filter, evaporate the filtrate to dryness in the silver dish, and keep the salt in a well stoppered bottle ; when it is fused with a little pure sodic nitrate, and the residue is dissolved in water and nitric acid, and then am- monia added, each in slight excess, no flocculent precipi- tate should appear after long standing in a warm place. m. Potassic sodic tartrate.— KNaC^H.O^. (Seign- ette salt. Tartrate of potassa and soda. KO, NaO, CgH^O,^.) — This should be recrystallized once or twice. It should give a colorless solution with water. 71. Potassic SUlpllOCyanate.—KCyS. (Sulphocyanide of potassium. KCy S„.) — Dissolve in 20 parts of water. 26. Quartz, powdered, — SiO„. — Drench red-hot quartz with cold water, and reduce the friable mass to a very fine powder. 27. a. — Soda lime. — Na^CaO^. — This should not effer- vesce much with acid, and, Mhen mixed with pure sugar and heated to redness, it should evolve no ammonia. In order to have the reagent perfectly free from nitro- gen, Lawes and Gilbert found it necessary to mix it intimately with 1-2 "1^ of sugar or some other non- nitrogenous substance, and ignite the mixture in a muffle, then to moisten it, and heat it again gently. h. Sodic acetate. — NaC^HgO^. (Acetate of soda. NaO, CJI3O3.) — This should be colorless and have no empyreumatic odor, and should give no reaction with ammonic molybdate or baric chloride. Dissolve in 10 parts of Avater. e. Sodic ammonic phosphate.— NaNHJIPO, Phos- phorus salt. (Phosphate of soda and ammonia. NaO, § 28. IIEAGENTS. 21 KHp,HO, PO^.)— This should, give a colorless bead when fused on platinum wire. d. Sodic bisulphite.— HNaS03. (Bisulphite of soda. NaOjHOjSO,.) — This should give a residue Avhen heated with sulphuric acid, whose solution is not changed by hydrosulphuric acid or amnionic molybdate. Dissolve in 10 parts of water. e. Sodic carbonate. — lNra2C03. (Carbonate of soda. KaOjCOjj.)- — This should be perfectly white, and the solu- tion obtained after supersaturation with nitric acid should give no precipitate nor color with baric chloride, argentic nitrate, or potassic sulphocyanate, nor any reaction with ammonic molybdate, nor any insoluble residue of silicic acid w^hen evaporated to dryness. Dissolve the crystal- lized salt in 3 parts of water, or the anhydrous salt in 5 parts. Keep some of the ignited salt in the dry form. /. Sodic hyposulphite.— ^a.SJI^O^. (Hyposulphite of soda. N"aO,HO,S,0,.) g* Hydric di sodic phosphate. — Xa^HPO^. (Phosphate of' soda. 2]SraO,IIO,PO^.)— This should not be made turbid Avhen heated with ammonia, and the precipitate produced by argentic nitrate, or baric chloride, should be dissolved completely and without effervescence by dilute nitric acid. Dissolve in 10 parts of water. Ji, Sodic nitrate. — NaNO^. (Nitrate of soda. KaO", KO^.) — This should give no reaction with argentic nitrate or baric chloride, nor with sodic carbonate. 28. Starch-paper. — Boil starch with 25 parts of water, saturate strips of paper with the liquid, and dry them. Tannin. — See acid^ tannic. 29. Tin.— Sn.— Get the best tinfoil of the druggists, or pure tin in small sticks. Turmeric-paper. — See curcuma-paper. 30. Uranic acetate. — (U,0) C,H30,. (Acetate of 22 § 31' llEAGENTS. uranium. (JJfi^fiJIfi^.) — Heat uranic nitrate until a small part of the uranic oxide is reduced, digest the yellowish-red residue with acetic acid, filter the liquid and set the filtrate aside to crystallize ; the crystals are composed of uranic acetate, while uranic nitrate remains in solution. The solution of the acetate should not be changed by sulphuretted hydrogen after acidification with hydrochlo- ric acid, and should give a precipitate with ammonic car- bonate that is entirely soluble in an excess of the reagent. 31. Urea. — Recrystallize it from its solution in alcohol. 32. Water, distilled. — H^O.— This can be prepared by the analyst himself, if necessary. Dealers in apparatus can supply small stills of copper and worms of block-tin, put together and ready for use. The water* must be colorless and tasteless, and it should leave no residue when evaporated in a platinum dish. Ammonic sulphide should give no color to it, nor should basic plumbic ace- tate make it turbid, nor should ammonic oxalate or argentic nitrate make it turbid after long standing. 33. Zinc. — Zn. — This should give no reaction for arsenic with Marsh's test, and, wlien dissolved in nitric acid with the aid of heat, it should give no red color with potassic sulphocyanate. Fresenius recommends that before using zinc for reducing ferric to ferrous oxide in the estimation of iron by the permanganate process, it should be tested by the same process. Dissolve a piece of the zinc in di- lute sulphuric acid in the small, long-necked flask, as de- scribed in § 52, 5, and, after the flask is filled with water and its contents are cold, add a drop of a very dilute so- lution of potassic permanganate, and at the same time add another drop to the same volume of pure water, and stir both mixtures well. The depth of color communica- ted to both liquids should be precisely the same. § 34. DETEEMINATION OF SPECIFIC GRAVITY. 23 CHAPTER II. ANALYTICAL MANIPULATION. Determination of Specific Gravity. 34. By the specific gravity of a solid or Jiquid is un- derstood its weight as compared with the weight of an equal volume of water. a. The most obvious method of determining it is to weigh equal volumes of the substance and of water. This is easily accomplished in the case of liquids, with the aid of the so-called specific-gravity bottle or piknometer, an instrument made of thin glass and provided with an ac- curately ground stopper ; the stopper is sometimes per- forated. The weight of the empty bottle is ascertained, then its weight when completely filled with water, or filled to a mark on the neck, and finally when filled to the same extent with the liquid under examination ; be- fore weighing, in each case, all adhering particles of liquid should be carefully wiped off with blotting paper ; both weighings should be made at as nearly the same tempera- ture as possible, or at about 15° C.,the usual temperature of the working room. Divide the weight of the liquid by that of the water^for the specific gravity of the former. h The specific gravity of liquids is also determined with great facility, though with less accuracy, by means of the areometer or hydrometer; this is a glass tube closed at both ends, considerably enlarged towards one end, and loaded with mercury to make it take a vertical position in the liquid, but not with enough to cause it to sink under the surface. The use of the areometer depends upon the principle, that the less the specific gravity of a liquid is, the less its buoyant power. The specific gravi- a4 § 35. ANALYTICAL MANIPULATION. ties corresponding to the diiferent depths to which the in- strument will sink in liquids of different densities, are marked on a scale in the upper, slender part of the tube. The temperature of the liquid whose specific gravity is to be determined with the hydrometer should be as nearly 15° C. as possible. (?. As there is a fixed relation between the degree of concentration and the specific gravity of a solution of any given substance, areometers are constructed, upon whose scales the amount of the substance in 100 parts of its solution is given, instead of the specific gravity of a solution of that j^articular degree of concentration. Thus, we have alcoholometers for mixtures of alcohol and water, saccharometers for solutions of sugar, acetometers for so- lutions of acetic acid, lactometers for milk. 35. a. — To determine the specific gravity of a solid^ we may Aveigh it first in the air, and then while immersed in w^ater, and suspended from the arm of the balance by a fine thread or hair. The difference between these two weights, divided into the Aveight of the body in the air, will give its specific gravity. h. Or, if the substance is in the form of a powder that is insoluble in water, we may weigh it first by itself in the specific-gravity bottle, then fill the bottle with water, as in § 34, r/, and weigh again. The difierence between the weights of Avater that the bottl^ Avill hold, with and without the substance in it, Avhich is the Aveight of a a'oI- ume of water equal to that of the solid substance, divided into the weight of the substance itself, Avill give its spe- cific gravity. c. Or, taking advantage of the fact that a cubic centi- inetre of water weighs very nearly one gramme at com- mon temperatures, we may make a rough determination of the specific gravity by filling a 500 c.c. graduated cyl- inder exactly up to the 250 c.c. mark, then putting a § 36. SOLUTION. 25 weighed quantity of the substance (100 or 200 grms.) in the cylinder, shaking the mixture well so as to disengage bubbles of air, and observing the volume occupied by both the substance and the water ; the increased volume, which represents that of the substance added, expressed in cubic centimetres, divided into the weiglit of the sub- stance taken, expressed in grammes, will nearly equal the specific gravity. d. If the substance is soluble in water, some other liquid, like alcohol or naptha, must be used. Determine the specific gravity of the substance with reference to this liquid, by the same rules as above, and then multiply the result by the specific gravity of the liquid used, with ref- erence to the common standard, water ; the product will be the specific gravity of the substance with reference to the same standard. e. The specific gravity of a substance may be deter- mined roughly, but very expeditiously, as, for example, of potatoes, by putting several samples in a shallow dish containing a saturated solution of common salt, and add- ing water with constant stirring, until the buoyant power of the liquid is diminished to such a degree that half the samples swim at the surface, and half sink to the bottom; it can then be assumed, with sufficient accuracy for some purposes, that the average specific gravity of the article under examination is the same as that of the solution, and this can be determined with the aid of the hydrome- ter (§ 34, h). SOLUTION. 36. In order that a substance may bo analyzed accord- ing to the methods described in the following pages, it must be brought into solution if not already dissolved. The solvents most commonly used are water, hydrochloric acid, and nitric acid, for inorganic substances, and water, 2 26 § 36. ANALYTICAL MANIPULATION. alcohol, and ether, for organic matters. As tlie manner of making the solntion is described in each case, when spe- cial directions are necessary, but little need be said on the subject here. As a general rule, heat increases the sol- vent power of the dissolving agents to a considerable ex- tent, and hence it should always be applied, unless the solution is very easily accomplished without, or unless di- rections are given to the contrary. Time is often an im- portant element in effecting solution, and hence long con- tinued digestion at a moderately high temperature may be useful, or even necessary. A great excess of strong acid in a solution to be analyzed often causes much trouble ; hence, as little acid as possible should be used, and in case a large quantity has been added to the sub- stance, it should, in most cases, be removed subsequently by evaporation almost to dryness. Unless a substance is readily and completely soluble, it is essential that it should be as finely divided as j^ossible, and, to this end, it should be ground to a fine powder in a porcelain mortar, or, better still, an agate one. In order to reduce a substance to a sufficiently fine powder, it is sometimes necessary to levigate it, which means simply to grind it in the agate mortar with the addition of water enough to make a thin paste, until no grittiness can be felt under the pestle, nor any grating sound heard. Then rinse the contents of the mortar into an evaporating dish, dry the substance thoroughly over the water-bath, and mix the dry residue together carefully by further gi-inding in the mortar. In making a solution for qtiantitative purposes, when the loss of even a minute part of the substance would impair the accuracy of the results obtained, if the mixture of substance and solvent is to be boiled, or if the sub- stance is a carbonate, and is to be treated with an acid, it is best to operate in a flask placed on its side, or with its mouth loosely stoppered by a small funnel, or in a beaker § 37. EVAPORATION. 27 covered with one of the large watch-glasses now so much used for this purpose. The flask with the funnel in its mouth is better for the solution of carbonates, since fresh quantities of acid can be conveniently added from time to time. When the solution is finished, carefully rinse the funnel or watch-glass into the flask or beaker. Heat is most conveniently applied to a mixture of sub- stance and solvent with the aid of the water-bath, or sand- bath, in making solutions for quantitative purposes, and often in qualitative analysis also. When it is necessary to boil the mixture of substance and solvent for a consid- erable time, and the solvent is more or less volatile, it is best to connect the flask with the loii^er end of a Lieb- ig's condenser ; the vapor of the liquid as it is condensed' flows back into the flask, and it is unnecessary to renew the solvent until it is quite saturated. See § 39, c. EVAPORATION. 37 • A liquid may be evaporated either to get rid of a superabundance of water, that makes the solution too di- lute, or to expel an excess of acid, or for the purpose of weighing what it has in solution. In the first and second cases, the operation may be performed in porcelain dishes, unless the solution is strongly alkaline. a. In the third case, if the quantity of the liquid is large, it may be evaporated to a small bulk in a porcelain dish, and then carefully transferred to a platinum dish or crucible. Or the original solution may be put into the platinum dish in small quantities at a time ; if, however, the solution contains free chlorine, or nitric and hydro- cldoric acids together, it must be evaporated in a porcelain dish until no more fumes of chlorine are evolved ; the residue may then be transferred to the platinum vessel, and the evaporation continued. When a cpnsiderable quantity of a liquid is to be evap- 28 § 37. ANALYTICAL MANIPULATION. orated, the operation may be performed at first directly over the lamp ; but in quantitative work the evaporation should be completed on the water-bath in all cases ; if the original quantity of the solution is small, it is better to conduct the whole evaporation on the water-batli. If the evaporation is connected with quantitative Avork, the dish should never be more than three-fourths filled, and the solution should not be allowed to boil at any time i» an open vessel; evaporation will, however, proceed quite rapidly in a flask placed partly on its side, and in this case gentle boiling may be allowed. Unless the evaporation is performed in a room set apart for the work, and entirely free from dust, solutions should be kept covered with filter-paper during the operation ; the pnper should be supported by glass rods, or a glass triangle, laid over the dish in such a manner that it cannot como in contact with the liquid ; if the solution is strong- ly acid, the paper should have been well washed with acid, as directed for washing fdters § 39, a ; otherwise, drops of acid, that have condensed on the glass rods and come in contact with the paper, may fall back into the liquid and carry with them inorganic substances that were dissolved out of tlic paper. To prevent the salts in solution from being deposited on the sides of the dish above the liquid, and even over the edge, smear the rim of the dish, just below the edge on the inside, with the thinnest possible coat of tallow. Or, fit the dish in a little jacket of fire-clay, in such a manner that the part of it above the liquid shall be kept very hot. Or, turn the crucible on its side, and apply the flame of the lamp just above the surface of the liquid. h. When, as is often tlie case in agricultural analysis, potassa or soda is to bo estimated in a solution containing a large quantity of anunoniacal salts, and from which these salts are to be removed by evaporation to dryness and ignition, Fresenius recommends to evaporate the so- § 38. PRECIPITATION. 29 lution to dryness in a porcelain dish on the water-bath, dry the residue thoroughly at a temperature a little above 100° C, transfer it to another dish with the aid of a spatula, rinse the porcelain dish with a little water into the crucible in which tlie residue is to be finally ignited, evaporate these washings to dryness, then ignite the dry residue, obtained above, in small portions at a time, and finally rinse the dish that contained it into the crucible, with the aid of a little finely powdered ammonic chloride, and ignite again. The dish with the residue should be kept in the desiccator while waiting for the ignition. PRECIPITATION. 38t Precipitation is usually resorted to in order to sep- .arate certain substances from others in the same solution, or simply from the solution itself; it consists in adding some reagent to the solution, which causes the substance or substances in question to enter into an insoluble form. The operation is usually performed in beakers, because, from these, the i:>recipitate is more easily transferred to the filter. Care must be taken not to use too large an excess of the precipitant, and yet there must be no doubt at all that enough has been added ; if the precipitate does not settle speedily, so that the efiect of the addition of a fcAV more drops of the reagent can be observed, a small portion of the mixture should be throw^n on the same filter that is finally to receive the whole of the j^recipitate, and the necessary test can be applied to the filtrate ; this small portion that has been separated from the main part of the liquid should then be mixed with it again, before more of the precipitant is added. The solution and the reagent should always be well mixed by stirring, and, in most cases, the solution should be so dilute that, when the precipitate settles, it will not 30 § 38. AXALYTICAL MANIPULATIOX. occupy more than one-third or one-fourth the space taken up by the liquid above it ; and, moreover, for convenience in filtration, the beaker should not be more than two- thirds or three-fourths filled by the mixture. A few precipitates may be filtered out at once, in quan- titative analysis, but in most cases digestion in a warm 2:)]ace for a longer or shorter time, is required. The beak- er should be carefully covered during the digestion, so that no particle of dust can get in, and the operation is most conveniently performed on the sand-bath. When about to transfer the contents of the beaker to the filter, smear a very little tallow under the lip of the former, wet a glass rod in the liquid, and hold tiiis wet rod against the lip of the beaker in such a manner that the liquid will run down the rod and against one side of the filter. Of course every particle of the precipitate must be transferred to the filter if the two are to be weighed together, with or without ignition. Most of the preci- pitate can be rinsed out of the beaker by means of the jet from the washing-bottle ; if any particles re- main adhering to the glass, they may be loosened w^ith a stiff feather ; or, when the precipitate is to be ignited before being weighed, a quarter or a half of a filter, of the same size and kind as that in the funnel, may be moistened slightly and rubbed over the sides and bot- tom of the beaker with the aid of the glass rod, or of glass-pointed pincettes, and then transferred to the filter, with most of the remainder of the precipitate adhering to it ; a little subsequent rinsing with the Avash-bottle will leave the beaker thoroughly cleansed ; or the precipi- tate that adheres obstinately to the sides of the beaker may be dissolved in very dilute acid, and re-precipitated on neutralization of the acid with ammonia or soda, and the addition of a little more of the precipitant. If the second method of cleaning the beaker is followed, remem- § 39. FILTRATION. 31 ber to subtract the weight of I'l, or 1' 1^ filter-ash from the weight of the ignited residue instead of 1 as usual. • FILTRATION. 39. a. — Solid particles are separated from the liquids Avith which they may be mixed by the process of filtra- tion, referred to in the preceding paragraph, which con- sists simply in passing the liquid through porous unsized paper, that intercepts the solid. . Paper, already cut in convenient sizes, can be had of apparatus dealers. For quantitative purposes, filters of Swedish paper should be used, or common white filters that have been washed in dilute acid ; to wash filters, pour over them, in layers of moderate thickness in a large evaporating dish, a mixture of one part of hydrochloric acid and nine parts of water ; digest for several hours at a moderate temperature, wash with distilled water by de- cantation until the washings no longer redden litmus, transfer the bunches of paper to blotting paper, and leave them undisturbed until the filters can be separated from each other without being torn. These washed filters are more suitable for filtration by Bunsen's process than those of Swedish paper, as they are stronger and less lia- ble to be torn. To make the filter, fold the circular piece of paper twice in directions at right angles to each other, and through the centre ; open the quadrant thus formed in such a man- ner as to make a conical cavity, put it in a glass funnel, which should be at least 3-5 millimetres larger than the filter, wet the latter with a httle water from the washing- bottle, and press it closely agamst the glass throughout with the finger. The filter should never be filled Avith the liquid to within less than 6 mm. of the top, and should not ordi- narily be much more than half filled with the precipitate when the liquid has drained off. 32 § 39. ANALYTICAL MANIPULATION. Most liquids may be filtered much more rapidly when hot, and many precipitates are much less liable to pass through the filter, or to choke it up, -when formed in nearly boiling hot solutions by hot reagents. When possible, it is best to let the solid matter settle to the bottom of the vessel containing the mixture of liquid and precipitate, then to decant as much as possible of the clear, supernatant liquid on the filter, pour fresh distilled Avater over the contents of the beaker, stir well, and perhaps heat almost to boiling, let the precipitate set- tle, and decant the liquid again ; this may be repeated 'a number of times before putting the solid substance on the filter. If the precipitate is to be dissolved without weighing or ignition, it is generally best to wash it altogether by decantation, and then to pour the solvent over the filter through which the decanted liquid was passed, and collect it in the beaker containing the main portion of the 'w'^shed precipitate ; the precipitate may then be digested with the reagent if necessary, and, afterwards^ the filter well washed out with water, that is added to the solution just made ; in this way we may avoid any considerable dilu- tion of the solvent before it has had time to act on the substance to be dissolved. If the solvent is one that, in its concentrated state, would attack the paper, it may be 230ured at once over the precipitate in the beaker, while another portion may be diluted somewhat, and passed re- peatedly through the filter, to take up the small quantity of the substance on that. The thorough washing of precipitates and residues, that is so essential in quantitative analysis, and is often not unimportant in qualitative work, may sometimes be greatly facilitated by this process of decantation, particu- larly if the solid is one that settles readily ; but if Bun- sen's process of filtration is followed, decantation may be dispensed with. § 39. filtration; bunsen's process. 33 In washing precipitates on the filter, the washing-bottle is an indispensable aid. This consists simply of a flask of a capacity of 150-1000 c.c, according to the purpose for which it is to be used, closed by a good cork that is pierced Avith two holes ; through one of these holes passes a glass tube, 8 or 10 cm. long, that extends just beyond the coik on tlie inside, and, outside, is bent at an angle of about 110° ; the tube that passes through the other hole extends nearly to the bottom of the flask, and, out- side, is bent at an angle of about 70°, and drawn out to a small jet at the end; water in the flask is forced out at this jet on blowing air in at the mouth of the shorter tube. Each portion of water with which a precipitate on the Clter is washed should be allowed to pass through com- pletely before another is added, and the prccii^itate should be stirred up as much as possible by the jet from the wash-bottle witli .each fresh addition. Insoluble residues and precipitates must be washed, particularly in quantitative operations, as long as the wash- water carries oflT any notable quantity of matters in solu- tion ; the washings are tested by evaporating a drop to dryness on platinum foil, to see if any residue is left, or by a chemical test, as, for example, when washing a pre- cipitate of baric sulphate that was formed by adding baric chloride to a solution of a sulphate; r.s long as any of the soluble chloride remains in the pores of the filter, or adheres to the precipitate, and is taken up by the Vv'ater, the washings Avill give the usual reaction for clilorine with argentic nitrate (§ 63). When the contents of the filter are to be weighed or ignited, dry the whole together in the drying-chamber or air-bath, with the funnel well covered with filter paper. K A metliod lately devised by Bunsen {Annalen dcr Chemie, 148, 270. American Jonrnal of Science and Art, 2d Series, 47, 321) for iiicreasing the rapidity of fil- 84 § 39. ANALYTICAL MANIPULATION. tration, and of the washing of precipitates, promises to be very useful. He supports the filter by a hollow cone of thin plat- inum foil in the throat of the funnel, and then rarefies the air in the funnel-tube; the excess of pressure on the liquid in the filter causes it to flow througli very rapidly, while there is no danger of tearing the paper. To make the platinum funnel, a cast of the glass funnel must first be taken. Select a funnel with perfectly smooth and straight sides, ai)d opening at an angle of 60°, fit in it a piece of oiled Avriting paper in such a manner that it shall touch the glass everywhere, like an ordinary well- fitted filter, and fasten the paper in place with two or three drops of sealing-wax around the rim. Half fill the fun- nel then with gypsum paste, into which, before it hardens, a plug of wood is inserted, to serve as a handle. When the gypsum cone has hardened, remove it from the funnel, oil the paper again, and plunge it, with the paper still adher- ing, into a large porcelain crucible filled with another por- tion of gypsum paste ; v>^hen tliis mould has hardened, take the cone out and rub ofi* the paper Avith the fingers. g Now, cut out a piece of thin plat- inum foil Aveighing about 0.154 grm., of the precise shape and size repre- sented in the adjoining figure, with a slit running from h to a^ the centre of the circle of Avhich the arc, c c c?, forms a part ; ignite it in the flame of the lamp to make it perfectly flex- ible, lay the gypsum cone on it so that the apex of the cone shall coincide with a^ bring up the edge, a h c7, and press it well against the cone, and then do the same with the edge, ab c ; after fitting the foil to the cone as l^erfectly as possible Avith the fingers, put the Avhole in the mould in the crucible, and revolve the cone back and forth until the platinum has taken the exact shape of the § 39. filtration; bunsen's process. 35 plaster casts, and retains its form when removed from the mould ; if found necessary, it may be ignited once more and shaped in the mould with the cone. It may be sol- dered at its upper edge by a grain of gold and borax, so that it will be less liable to get out of shape, but this is not necessary. If properly made, the light should not be visible through tlie point of this platinum funnel when it is held before the window. With the platinum funnel in the throat of the glass funnel, adjust the paper filter, which may be much small- er than would be used in the ordinary way of filtering, in the usual manner, with special care to secure perfect con- tact between the filter and the funnel at all points. Con- nect the tube of the funnel with a large, strong glass flask, by means of a rubber cork pierced with two holes, BO that the tube extends about G cm. beyond the cork ; through the other hole pass a short glass tube so that it extends just to the lower surface of the cork ; this tube should be bent once at a right angle outside of the flask ; it may be connected with a small brass stop-cock by means of a short rubber tube with a small bore and very thick walls ; all the rubber tubing used in the apparatus should be of this kind. Now, pour the liquid to be filtered on the filter, rarefy the air in the flask, and keep the former full as long as any of the liquid remains. The precipitate may be al- lowed to come within 1 mm. of the edge of the filter. In washing the precipitate, pour the water from a flask, fill up to about a centimetre above the rim of the filter, with care not to disturb the precipitate, and let each por- tion of water drain off completely before adding a fresh quantity ; thus the w^ashing may be thoroughly effected in a Avonderfully short time ; if the vacuum in the flask is nearly perfect, or the pressure on the filter is nearly an atmosphere, three or' four washings suflice, even in the case of precipitates that are the most diflicult to wash. 36 § 39. ANALYTICAL MANIPULATION. Moreover, tlie precipitate is so completely deprived of its water, that it may be easily removed from the filter, or can be ignited at once without further drying. To ignite the precipitate at once, Bunsen directs to wrap the filter around it, put the whole in the crucible, set the latter on its side as usual, apply the heat at the top of the crucible first, and gradually carry it towards the bot- tom as the filter is burned. The rarefaction of the air may be produced in various ways. The flask may be connected with the upper end of a water-pipe 30 feet high in such a manner as to make' a Sprengel's air-pump. Desaga, of Heidelberg, furnish- es a complete apparatus for this purpose. Or, an air-tight connection may be made between two large glass bottles, or demijohns, by means of a long piece of thick walled rubber tubing ; then put one bottle filled , with water on a high shelf, while the other is put on the floor, connect the filtering-flask witli a tube leading just through the cork of the upper bottle, allow the water to flow from the upper bottle to the lower one, while pro- vision is made for the escape of the air from this lower bottle ; the rarefaction of the air in the filtering-flask will follow. When all the water has flowed from the upper to the lower bottle, their relative positions may be re- versed, the proper connection made between the flltering- flask and the upper bottle, and the filtration continued. Or, a small demijohn may be closed by a rubber cork through which passes a glass tube, connected with a small brass stop-cock; connect the demijohn with an air- pump, exhaust the air, close the stop-cock, connect the demijohn with the filtering-flask, and open the stop-cock when all is ready for the filtration. In order to prevent acid fumes or ammonia coming from the filtered liquid from injuring the stop-cock, a wash-bottle, containing sodic hydrate or sulphuric acid, may be interposed. (J M. Crafts.) § 39. FILTRATION. 37 For fuller details in regard to this mode of filtration we refer to the original articles. c. When several portions of a solvent, such as water, alcohol, or ether, are to be made to act on a substance, each portion can be readily separated from the substance by the following contrivance. Close the flask with a rubber cork pierced with two holes ; through one of these pass a short bent tube, like the shorter tube of the common washing-bottle, and in the other hole fit a tube which is widened out, funnel-like, at one end, but not so much as to prevent its being put into the flask easily ; near the other end, this tube is bent at an acute angle, and the end is drawn out to a point and left with a pretty large opening, after the fashion of the other tube of the washing-bottle ; the long arm of the tube should reach nearly to the bottom of the flask, and have a piece of fine linen firmly bound over its mouth. The substance and the solvent having been digested in the flask, when the solvent is supposed to be saturated, and it is desired to replace it by a fresh quantity, force air into the flask by the shorter tube and the solution will be expelled, and at least partially filtered on its way through the muslin ; then, if the end of the longer tube is inmiersed in a fresh quantity of the solvent, this may be drawn into the flask by suction at the mouth of the short tube. If heat is used, the mouth of the short tube may be connected with the Ic^wer end of a Liebig's condenser ; then tlie vapors of the solvent are condensed, and the liquid flows back into the flask, and the ebullition can be maintained as long as is desired without the necessity of adding fresh quantities of the solvent to replace what is lost by evaporation ; when it does become necessary to replace this portion of the solvent by a fresh one, the rub- ber tube that connects the flask with the condenser may be closed with a clamp, and, the application of heat being 38 § 40. ANALYTICAL MANIPULATION-. continued, the liquid will be forced out through the mus- lin filter ; on immersing the open end of the longer tube in a fresh quantity of the solvent, and removing the lamp, this liquid will flow in. The solution may not bo perfectly clarified in passing through the linen filter, in which case it will have to be filtered again through paper. To efiect more perfect filtration, a thick mat of gun- cotton may be bound over the linen ; this layer of cotton should not be anywhere less than 14 mm. thick. WEIGHING OF RESIDUES AND PRECIPITATES. 40. When it is possible, residues or precipitates are ig- nited before being weighed. This ignition may be performed in two ways. a. If the substance is not altered in its chemical com- position by contact with burning organic matter, or at the somewhat high temperature that is sometimes neces- sary to efiect the complete incineration of the filter, roll the well-dried filter together around the precipitate, put the whole in the previously ignited and weighed crucible, cover and heat, at first very gently ; when the filter is completely charred and no more smoke is given off*, turn the crucible on its side, lay the cover partly on the edge of the crucible and partly on the triangle, and heat the contents of the crucible until the ash is quite Avhite. J). If the filter may not be burned in direct contact with the preciiiitate, crush and work it gently between the fingers over a sheet of glazed paper, to loosen the pre- cipitate as much as possible, place the crucible on the glazed paper, and empty the contents of the filter into it. Put the crucible on the porcelain plate belonging to the Bunsen's burner, open the filter on another piece of glazed paper, fold its edges up so as to make a little tray, with a soft feather carefully brush into this tray any § 40. WEIGHING OF RESIDUES AXD PRECIPITATES. 39 particles of the precipitate that may have fallen on tlie first piece of paper, roll the filter up, enclose it in a short spiral on one end of a platinum wire that was weighed with the crucible, hold it over the crucible, and set fire to it ; by applying tlie charred filter to the flame of the lamp two or three times it may be almost completely in- cinerated ; finally, either let the ash and the wire drop into the crucible and ignite the whole four or five minutes, or until the ash is white, or, in case the filter-ash must be kept entirely separate from the precipitate, let the two drop into the hollow lid of the crucible, and ignite the precipitate and ash separately. The glazed paper used above should be of a light color if the j)recipitate is dark-colored, and vice versa, and the whole operation should be performed in a place free from currents of air. c. If the quantity of the pi-ecipitate is very small, and yet is of such a nature as to be partly reduced to a lower degree of oxidation if ignited with the filter, the ignition may be performed as in a ; when it is completed, put a piece of diy amnionic nitrate in the crucible, cover well, and ignite again, but very gently at first. Ferric oxide or baric sulpliate may be ignited in this way when nothing better can be done. Sometimes, when a portion of the filter is very difficult to incinerate completely, the combustion may be facilita- ted by adding a little animonic nitrate as above. After weighing, subtract the weight of the filter-ash, which has been determined once for all for the particular kind and lot of paper and size of filter used, by the incin- eration of half a dozen or a dozen together, and dividnig the total weight of the ash thus obtained by the number of filters burned. d. If the substance to be weighed cannot be ignited, a filter should be previously thoroughly dried in the steam or air-bath at the same temperature to which it is after- 40 § 41. ANALYTICAL MANIPULATION. wards to be exposed with the precipitate, and weighed, either between two watch-glasses with ground edges and fitting well together, or in a stoppered glass tube ; after careful drying with the precipitate, it is again weighed in the same manner. It should then bo dried an hour longer and weighed again, and this should be repeated until a constant weight is obtained. Swedish filter-paper or Avashed filters should always be used in this operation. c. The substance that has been dried or ignited, and is to be weighed, should always be allowed to cool under a bell-glass over concentrated sulphuric acid, or in the des-' iccator more commonly used for this purpose ; this desic- cator consists simply of a short and wide glass cylinder, with a ground edge upon which a ground glass plate will fit closely, particularly if the edge is smeared with a lit.l3 tallow. The pair of watch-glasses containing the dried filter, or the crucible with the ignited precipitate, rests on a tri- angle in the cylinder over fused calcic chloride, with which the bottom is covered. No object^ should be weighed until it is entirely cold. /. Platinum vessels, after having been heated by gas, should be rubbed with a little sand on the moistened fin- ger. The sand should be fine, and all its grains should be rounded. The crucible should also be cleaned from time to time by fusing a little potassic bisulphate in it. The crucible should be supported over the lamp on stout platinum wire, which is stretched from side to side of a larger iron-wire triangle, in such a manner as to make a second triangle inside of, and about C mm. smaller than, the iron triangle. MEASURING AND DIVIDING SOLUTIONS. 41. For these purposes graduated pipettes and cylin- ders, and 'I,, ' !„, and 1 litre flasks are used. § 41. MEASURING AND DIVIDING SOLUTIONS. 41 The analyst slioukl test tlie correctness of the gradua- tion of his instruments before using them, by comparing them with each other; the '1^ litre flask should require just as much water to fill it twice up to the mark on the neck as is required to fill the ' \^ litre flask once up to the mark on its neck. In the same way the ' |, litre flask should be compared with the 1 litre flask, and these with the graduated cylinders, and the pipettes with each other and the graduated cylinders. When a certain quantity of any standard or titrated solution is to be measured out with a pipette or flask, the instrument should either be dry on the inside, or it should be rinsed out with a little of the solution to be measured, and the last drop of the solution that remains in the point of the pipette should either always be allowed to remain there, or it should always be blown out into the vessel containing the measured solution ; the same course should be followed in testing the graduation of the pipettes. To read ofl" the lieight of a solution in a burette or other graduated instrument, be sure, first, that it is in a vertical position, so that the surface of the liquid in it will be horizontal ; then place the cylinder between the eye and a brightly illuminated white wall, and read the height of the lower surface of the dark zone that is read- ily seen under these circumstances just beneath the sur- face, while the eye is in the same horizontal plane. In filling a Mohr's burette, fill up to above the zero mark with the solution, and quickly oj)en wide the clamp for a moment so that the rubber tube and the glass tube below the clamp will be completely filled ; then open the clamp a little and allow the liquid to flow out, drop by drop, until the dark zone, mentioned above, reaches the zero mark. The temperature of all measured liquids should be as nearly 15° C. as possible. When the quantity of a solution to be divided is not 42 § 4,2. ANALYTICAL MAI^-IPULATIOX. too large, the division may be more accurately made by weighing than by measuring. Get the weight first of the whole amount of tlie liquid, in a small flask, pour out about the quantity desired for a particular analysis, and weigh the flask again with the remainder of the liquid ; pour out another quantity and weigh again, and so on until the division is completed. For this purpose, a fl:\sk with a little spout, attached just below Avhere the neck widens out into the body, will be found very convenient. CxVLCULATION OF RESULTS. 42t The results of an analysis are usually calculated so as to give the per cent composition of the compound analyzed. If the substance determined is weighed or estimated in the form in which it existed in the compound, and it was determined in the undivided solution of the same, noth- ing remains to be done but to estimate the percentage by a simple rule-of-three calculation, in which the amount taken for analysis is the first term, the amount of the sub- stance found the second, and 100 the third. If the substance was determined in a fractional part of the solution, the same fractional part of the weight of the compound taken for analysis must be made the first term of the proportion ; or the amount of the substance found may be estimated for the whole amount of the original solution by multiplication by the proper number, and this product is then made the second term of the proportion, the first term being the weight of the whole amount taken for analysis. In gravimetrical analysis the substance is usually weighed in the form of some insoluble compound that did not exist at all in the compound analyzed, and the amount of the substance in the weight that was found of this insoluble compound must first ba calculated. § 42. calOulatiox of kesults. 43 This may be effected by a rule-of-three calculation also, in whicii the molecular weight cf the insoluble sub- stance is made the first term, the weight of the substance sought in a molecule of the insoluble substance the second, and the weight of the insoluble compound found the third. For example, in a determination of sulphuric acid, SO3, 1.13 grm. of baric sulphate was found; then we have BaSO, : SO3 = BaSO, : SO3 233 : 80 = 1.13 : 0.3879 grm. The same result can be more expeditiously obtained, however, with the aid of Table III, where for each special case a part of this calculation has already been perform- ed, namely, the division of the second term by the first ; nothing is left to be done, therefore, but to multiply the weight of the insoluble compound found, whose name U given in the first column, by the decimal in the second column against the name of the substance sought in the third column. In the above-mentioned case we find, on consulting the table, the proper decimal against tlie names sulphuric acid and baric sulphate is 0.3433, which multiplied into 1.13 grm. = 0.3879. 44 8 43. BASES AND ACIDS WITH IlEAGENTS. CHAPTER III. BEHAVIOR OF THE MORE COMMON BASES AND ACIDS WITH REAGENTS, AND THEIR QUANTITATIVE ESTIMATION. 43. The substances for whose qualitative detection or quantitative estimation directions are given in the follow- ing pages, are as follows. 1. Inorganic^ basic elements. — Potassium, sodium, bari- um, calcium, magnesium, aluminium, iron, manganese, zinc, lead, and copper. 2. Volatile, basic radical. — Ammonium. 3. Acid elements and inorganic acids. — Arsenic, chlo- rine, iodine, fluorine, sulphur, and sulphuric, phosphoric, carbonic, silicic, and nitric acids. 4. Compound, acid radicals. — Cyanogen and ferrocy- anogen. 5. Organic acids. — Oxalic, acetic, tartaric, citric, malic, uric, hippuric, lactic, and tannic acids. 6. Indifferent organic substances. — Cellulose, starch, sugar, gum, albuminoids, urea, fat, and alcohol. POTASSIUM. K. C9.1 44( — Salts of potassium, with all the acids mentioned in § 43, except tartaric, are easily soluble in water. The tartrate is soluble in free alkali or mineral acid, or in considerable water. Reactions* — In tolerably concentrated, neutral or slightly acid solutions of potassic salts, containing hydro-* chloric acid or a soluble chloride, platinic chloride, PtCI^, gives a yellow, granular, crystalline precipitate, K,,PtClp, which is sparingly soluble in water, and nearly insoluble in alcohol. Its solubility is slightly increased by the § 44. POTASSIUM. 45 presence of free hydrochloric acid. No precipitate will be given by the reagent in a very dilute sohition of the potassic salt, but if such a solution is evaporated nearly to dryness with a little platinic chloride, and alcohol is added to the residue, the yellow double salt remains un- dissolved. If a drop of a solution of a potassic salt is evaporated to dryness in the platinum-wire loop, and the loop with the residue on it is held at the end of the inner blowpipe flame, or in the corresponding part of the flame of the Bunsen gas-burner, a violet color is communicated to the flame beyond the wire. Viewed through thick blue glass, this color has a more reddish appearance, but the light is not entirely absorbed ; the j^resence of sodium, barium, calcium, and copper, may interfere with this reaction. In a silicate, this reaction for potassium may be ob- tained by fusing it, in a fine powder, with pure gypsum, treating the fused mass with w^ater, filtering, and testing the filtrate. Quantitatiye estimation* — Potassium may be deter- mined as potassic chloride, KCl, potassic sulphate, K^SO^, or potassic platinic chloride, K^PtClg. The first two salts are soluble in water, and therefore cannot be obtained by precipitation ; other metals and acids being removed from the solution by methods here- inafter described, the pure salt is then left as a residue on evaporation to dryness. a. Determination as potaSSic chlorldC. — The solution being freed from other metals and acids, evaporate it to dryness over the water-bath, and ignite the residue in a well covered platinum crucible, very gently for a consid- erable time at first, to avoid the decrepitation and conse- quent loss that might result from too rapid heating; finally, heat the crucible to a dull red for a short time. The residue contains 52.41° |, of potassium. 46 § 44. BASES AND ACIDS WITH REAGEJ^TS. . h. Determination as potassic Sulphate. — The solution being freed from other metals and from non-volatile acids, as directed in each special case, evaporate it to dryness and ignite the residue in a platinum crucible, as directed for the ignition of potassic chloride, except tliat it may be more strongly heated at the close of the operation. If volatile acids, such as hydrochloric, nitric, or acetic, are present in tlie solution containing the potassium to be determined, sufficient sulphuric acid must be added before evaporation to expel them; in order, however, to avoid the disagreeable operation of expelling a large excess of sulpliuric acid also, it is well to add but little at first ; the evidence that enough has been used will be found in the evolution of abundant white acid fumes towards the close of the evaporation ; if these fumes do not appear, of course a little more acid must be added, and the evapora- tion continued. After igniting the residue in the j)latinum crucible gently for a little while, put in a small fragment of well dried amnionic carbonate, and ignite again while the crucible is loosely covered, very gently at first, and then gradually raise the heat to a full red ; repeat this addition of ammonic carbonate and the subsequent ignition as lonsr as there is any chanixe in weii^ht. The ignition with ammonic carbonate facilitates the ex- pulsion of the second equivalent of sulphuric acid from the potassic bisulphate, and it should be used in the man- ner indicated whenever free sulphuric acid was present in the solution that was evaporated. The residue of potassic sulphate contains 44.89'' |„ of potassium, or 54.08° |^ of potassa. c. The determination of potassium as potassic platinic chloride depends upon the insolubility of this conqjound in alcohol. The solution being freed from all except potq,ssic and sodic chlorides, and, according to Stohraann, calcic and § 44. POTASSIUM. 47 magnesic chlorides also, and highly concentrated, add platinic chloride in excess, until the liquid has a bright yellow color, and evaporate the mixture nearly to dryness over the water-bath, with care not to heat the water quite to boiling. Pour alcohol of 84" 1^,, mixed with '|g its volume of ether, over the residue, let stand several hours in a well covered vessel, with occasional stirring, transfer the in- soluble double chloride to a dried and weighed filter, wash it with alcohol and ether mixed as above directed, dry at 100° C, and weigh. If great accuracy is required, evaporate the filtrate from this first portion of the chloride nearly to dryness, at a temperature not above 75° C, after addition of some water and more i^latinic chloride, and some sodic chlo- ride if but little of this is supposed to be present, and treat this almost dry residue with the mixture of alcohol and ether as above ; if a second quantity of insoluble chloride is thus obtained, collect it on a filter, wash, dry, and weigh it, and add the amount so found to the first quantity. The salt contains 16"| „ of potassium. If the quantity of the precipitate is quite small, less than 0.03 grm. or thereabouts, it is better to collect it on a small filter, incinerate the filter, add a little pure oxalic acid to the cooled residue, cover the crucible, and ignite again gently at first, and more strongly afterwards ; after this ignition nothing but platinum and potassic chloride remains ; dissolve out the salt by washing the residue with water until the washings give no turbidity with ar- gentic nitrate, and dry, ignite, and weigh the platinum. d. In some cases, as in the analysis of wood-ashes, potassium or potassa may be determined by a volumetric process, which consists in ascertaining' the amount of a solution of sulphuric acid of known sti-ength, that is re- 48 § 45. BASES AND ACIDS WITH llEAGENTS. quired to combine with it and form a salt which is neutral to test-papers (§ 45). PREPARATION OF THE STANDARD ACID AND ALKALINE SOLUTIONS. 45. a. — Sulphuric acid. — To about 1100 c.c. of water add nearly 68 grms. of concentrated sulphuric acid, mix the whole well together, let the mixture cuol to the tem- perature of the working room, and then estimate sulphu- ric acid with baric chloride (§ 59) in two or three portions of 20 c.c. each, with the utmost care ; having in this w^ay determined the strength of the solution, dilute it sq. tliat one litre shall contain exactly one equivalent of the acid expressed in grammes, or 40 grms. Supposing that the mean of three satisfactory determinations, as above, gives 0.84 grm. of sulphuric acid in 20 c.c. : then we learn from the proportions, 20 : 0.84 = 1000 : 42, and 40 : 42 = 1000 : 1050, that 50 c.c. of water must be added to one litre of the acid that we have made, in order that it shall be of tlie proper strength ; to effect this farther dilution, measure out 1000 c.c. of tlie acid in the litre flask, pour it without any loss into the bottle in which it is to be kept, rinse the walls of the flask with exactly 50 c.c. of distilled Avater, pour this water likewise into the same bottle without loss, and mix the acid and rinsings together well; finally pour about halt* the contents of the bottle into the flask, rinse off the walls of the flask with the liquid, and pour it back into the bottle. The bottle containing this standard acid should be kept well stoppered ; each time that a portion is to be taken out, the contents of the bottle should be shaken up in such a manner as to rinse down the water that may have evaporated in the space above the liquid and condensed on the glass. {Freseniiis. Quantitative Chemlsche Analyse.) Since 40 is the equivalent of sulphuric anhydride, SO3, § 45. PREPARATION OF THE STANDARD SOLUTIONS. 49 and this standard or normal solution contains an equiva- lent of the anhydride expressed in grammes, in a litre, ( = 1000 cubic centimetres) it contains, then, an equivalent, expressed in milligrammes, in one cubic centimetre = 40 mgr. or 0.04 grm. The quantity of acid in one cubic centi- metre will combine with exactly one equivalent of potassic oxide or potassa, K^O, expressed in milligrammes, = 47.1 mgr. or 0.0471 grm., and form a salt whose solution is neutral to test-papers ; in a like manner, the acid in one cubic centimetre of the standard solution will combine with or neutralize one equivalent of sodic oxide or soda, Na^O, expressed in milligrammes = 31 mgr. or 0.031 grm., or with one equivalent of ammonic oxide, (ISTHJ^O, = 26 mgr. or 0.026 grm. The neutrality of the solution may be determined by its effect on paper that has been colored by litmus, or by adding a small quantity of a solution of litmus, or of cochineal or curcuma root. Litmus is colored blue by free alkali, and red by free acid ; cochineal under the same circumstances is colored purple and light reddish-yellow, while curcuma or turmeric is colored brown by free alkali, and yellow by acids. If, then, to a solution containing any one of the alkalies just mentioned, either in a free state or combined with the weak carbonic acid, we add a little cochineal solution, and then the standard acid from a burette or a graduated pipette, with constant stirring, until the purple color sud- denly disappears, and a reddish-yellow one takes its place, that remains permanent throughout the whole liquid, we may know that, for each cubic centimetre of acid added, there were 0.0471 grm. of K,0, or 0.031 of Na^O, or 0.026 of (NHJP in the solution; the whole amount of the al- kali in the quantity of its solution taken for analysis will be given by the product of the number of cubic centime- tres of acid required, into the corresponding equivalent 3 50 § 45. BASES AISTD ACIDS WITH REAGE:NTS. of the alkali, expressed in milligrammes or fractions of a gramme as above. h. Standard oxalic acid. — Put G3 grms. of pure crys- tallized oxalic acid in a litre flask, fill the flask up to about two-thirds with water, and, after the acid is entirely dissolved, add more water until it rises nearly to the mark on the neck of the flask ; bring the water to a tempera- ture of 15° C, and then, holding the flask by the rim, so that it will take a vertical position, carefully add water up to the mark on the neck. Mix the whole well together by shaking, transfer the liquid to a well stoppered bottl'e, and keep it in a dark place. As 63 is the equivalent of crystallized oxalic acid, expressed in grammes, this nor- mal solution contains, like the standard sulphuric acid, one equivalent of the acid expressed in milligrammes, =63 mgr. or 0.063 grm., in one cubic centimetre. c. A standard soda solution is often wanted in connec- tion with the use of the standard acid, and for other pur- poses, and its preparation may be described here. It is made of such a strength that one cubic centimetre of it will be exactly neutralized by one cubic centimetre of the standard acid, or will contain 0.031 grm. of sodic oxide, Na^O. To prepare it, put 5 c.c. of the standard acid in a small flask with a very little cochineal solution, and then add a diluted solution of sodic hydrate, of which a considerable quantity has been previously made, from a 5 c.c. pipette graduated into twentieths of a cubic centimetre, very slowly and with constant shaking of the flask, until the reddish-yellow color is just changed to purple ; suppose that 2 c.c. have to be added ; then evidently 3 c.c. of wa- ter must be added to 2 c.c. of the soda solution, in order to make 5 c.c. of the latter that shall exactly neutralize 5 c.c. of the standard acid ; or ^^^""" = the amount of water to be added to one litre of the sodic solution, to § 46. SODIUM. 51 make it of the normal strength. When the solution has been prepared according to these directions, and the water and alkali are well mixed, it should be tested, to be sure that the equality between the acid and the alkaline solution is perfect. Keep the solution in a bottle closed with a cork, through which j^asses a calcic-chloride tube that is stopped at its lower end with a plug of cotton and then filled with soda-lime ; by this arrangement; the free ex- pansion of the air in the upper part of the bottle with changes of temperature is permitted, while no carbonic acid can enter ; ifc is well to bend the slender part of the calcic-chloride tube at a right angle just above the cork, so that no soda-lime can possibly fall into the bottle, and to fill the burette by means of a small siphon passing through the cork to the bottom of the bottle, the longer arm of which may be closed at the end by a clamp on a rubber tube. To 100 c.c. of this solution add 900 c.c. of water, mak- ing both measurements with the utmost care, mix well, and test this solution with the standard acid ; 1 c.c. of the latter should require exactly 10 c.c. of the former to neutralize it ; keep this solution in the same manner as de- scribed for the other standard soda solution, and labeled, ^ Ijo standard soda solution. SODIUM. Na. 23. 46. Salts of sodium, with all the acids named in § 43, are soluble in water. The double chloride of sodium and platinum is also soluble in both water and alcohol. When this solution is very slowly evaporated to dry- ness, slender, rosy, prismatic crystals are formed, while the crystals of the corresponding potassium salt are octa- hedral and granular. Reactions. — ^When a drop of a solution of a salt of so- dium is evaporated to dryness in the platinum-wire loop, 52 § 46. BASES A^^D ACIDS AVITH REAGENTS. and the loop is then held at the end of the inner blow- pipe flame, or in the corresponding part of the flame of a Bunsen's gas-burner, a yellow color is commuuicated to the flame beyond the wire. These yellow rays are completely absorbed by blue glass of suflicient thickness. This test for sodium is very delicate, and is not masked by even a considerable pro- portion of any other metal, except copper and calcium. The presence of a very large proportion of potassium may conceal the sodium reaction. In that case, green glass will absorb the violet rays of the potassium flame, but will not aflect the colored rays produced by the sodium. Quantitative estimation. — a. Sodium, like potassium, may be weighed as chloride or as sulphate, on evaporat- ing the solution to dryness, from which all other acids except hydrochloric or sulphuric have been removed by the methods described in each special case. The operations of evaporation and ignition may be conducted precisely as directed for the treatment of the corresponding potassium compounds (§ 44), except that no provision need be made to guard against loss by the decrepitation of the sodic sulphate. Sodic sulphate, Na^SO^, contains 32.39" [^ of sodium or 43.66°|„ of soda, ISTa^O. Sodic chloride contains 39.32" |„ of sodium. h. If potassium is present, the two metals being con- verted into chlorides, ascertain the amount of the same by evaporation to dryness and weighing the residue after gentle ignition, as directed for the treatment of potassic chloride (§ 44, a), and then determine the amount of po- tassic chloride in this mixture, with the aid of platinic chloride, as directed under potassium (§ 44, c). The dif- ference between the sum of the two chlorides and the amount of potassic chloride will give the sodic chloride. In this separation, enough platinic chloride must be § 46. SODIUM. 53 added to convert Tjoth the potassium and the sodium into the platinic compounds, and the evaporation with platinic chloride should not be carried to complete dryness, so as to avoid expelling the water of crystallization of the so- dic salt. The filtrate from the potassic salt should have a deep yellow color, and the salt, when examined with the magnifier, should be seen to consist only of yellow octa- hedral crystals or a yellow granular poAvder. c. If sul23huric acid is present in the solution containing sodium and potassium, the conversion of these metals into chlorides may be effected by gentle ignition with j^owder- ed ammonic chloride. Evaporate the solution of the sul- phates to dryness, mix the residue with a little more than its weight of jDure ammonic chloride, heat the mixture gently as long as fumes are evolved, and weigh ; add more ammonic chloride to the contents of the crucible, ignite, and weigh again, and repeat this operation as long as there is any change in weight. d. In case the quantity of one metal in the mixture of the chlorides is not very much larger than that of the other, they may be estimated with accuracy by th*^, indi- rect process. Determine the chlorine in the known weight of the mixture by the volumetric process (§ 63, ^), and then calculate the amount of potassium and sodium in it by the following formulas, in which S = the weight of tl^e mixture of the chlorides, and A — the amount of chlorine contained therein. Potassium = ^ i^n^' e. If it is more convenient to weigh the metals as sul- phates, the sulphuric acid may be determined in the usual 54 § 47. BASES AXD ACIDS WITH KEAGENTS. manner (§ 59), and the respective amounts of sodic and potassic sulphate estimated by the following formulas, in which X = the amount of the sodic sulphate, Y that of the potassic sulphate, A the weight of the mixed sul- phates, and S that of the sulphuric acid contained therein. S-(A X 0.45919) ■^ - 0.10419. ^ ^^ "^• In determining potassium and sodium by either of these indirect methods, it is absolutely essential that all other metals be carefully removed. AMMONIUM. NH4 18. AMMONIA. NH3. 47. All the salts of ammonium are either volatilized by heat or decomposed Avith expulsion of the ammonia, and their solubility is the same as that of the potassium salts, except that the tartrate is more 'soluble. Reactions. — Salts of ammonium behave like salts of potassium, with platinic chloride, except that when am- monic platinic chloride is ignited, nothing but metallic platinum is left behind. When salts of ammonium are gently heated with baric or sodic hydrate, ammonia is expelled and gives a blue color to a piece of moistened red litmus-paper held in the tube above the liquid, or a brown color to a piece of tur- meric'i^aper. To make this reaction as delicate as jDossi- ble, put the substance to be tested in a small beaker, with baric or calcic hydrate in a dry foim, moisten the mixture with water, cover the beaker with a watch-glass on the under side of Avhicli is a slip of the moistened test-paper, and heat the whole gently. Sooner or later, the presence of ammonium will be manifested by a change in the color of the paper, if any is present in the substance. The test is a delicate one, as thus performed, and none of the metals interfere with it, if present. § 47. AMMONIUM. 55 A still more sensitive test is that known as Nessler's. When a mixture of solution of mercuric iodide in potassic iodide, and potassic hydrate, is added to a solution con- taining ammonium, a light or reddish-brown precipitate is obtained, NHg J. To make this test still more delicate, as in the case of an exceedingly dilute solution of the am- moniacal salt, add 25 c.c. of baric hydrate to a litre of the water to be examined, distil off ^ 1^ of the mixture, and test the distillate with the Nessler solution. If the solution is not too dilute, a good reaction is ob- tained on holding a drop of the Nessler solution, sus- pended on the end of a glass rod, in the test-tube just above a mixture of the substance tested and baric hy- drate ; if ammonium is present, the drop is colored red- dish-brown. To' make a litre of the- solution for this test, and a solu- tion that can also be used for quantitative purposes, dis- solve 62.5 grms. of potassic iodide in 250 c.c. of water, and add to this a concentrated solution of mercuric chlo- ride, until the precipitated mercuric iodide ceases to be dissolved on agitation ; then dissolve 150 grammes of caustic potassa in its own weight of water, and add it gradually to the iodized mercurial solution, and finally the necessary amount of water to make one litre ; let the mixture stand 8-10 days, decant the clear and nearly colorless liquid, and keep it in well stoppered bottles in a dark place. Qaantitatiyc estimation. — a. Ammonium may be de- termined in the form of the ammonic platinic chloride, (NHJ^PtCl^, when all metals except sodium (and calcium and magnesium, Stohmann^ are absent. The course to be followed is precisely the same as that described for the determination of potassium in the corresponding manner (§ 44, c). The double chloride contains 7.64" |„ of ammonia (NHJ, or 8.07° I, of ammonium. 56 § 47. BASES AND ACIDS WITH KEAGENTS. h. Ammonia may also be determined by expulsion from the mixture containing it by a strong base, and col- lecting the product in a known quantity of standard acid. [Schlossing^s process.) The solution to be examined, which should not be more than 35 c.c. in bulk, nor con- tain more than 0.3 grm. of ammonia, is put in a shallow vessel, A, about 5 cm. in diameter, which, in its turn, is put on a plate about 10 cm. in diameter, the bottom of which is covered with mercury. Put 10 c.c. of the nor- mal sulphuric acid in another, and rather smaller, shallow vessel, B, that is supported over A by a glass triangle ; then put about 10 c.c. of milk of lime or sodic hydrate in A with the ammoniacal solution, by means of a pipette, and finally invert a bell-jar or a weighted beaker over the whole, and be sure that its rim is completely immers- ed in the mercury. After 48 hours, the ammonia will usually be entirely expelled from the substance, and absorbed by the acid ; in the analysis of animal and vegetable liquids, Schulze found that three or four days were required, but that after the expiration of that time the ammonia was completely liberated. To test the matter, lift the edge of the bell- jar or beaker, or take out the stopper of the tubulure, if the bell-jar has such an appendage, and introduce a piece of moistened red litmus-paper ; this should retain its red color even if left for a considerable time in the jar. If the operation is finished, titrate the acid in the vessel B, with the standard solution of soda ; the difference be- tween the number of cubic centimetres of acid put into B in the beginning, and the number of cubic centimetres of soda solution required to neutralize what acid remains free, multiplied into 0.017 grm. will give the amount of ammonia (NII3) in the substance analyzed— or, multiplied into 0.026 grm. will give the amount of ammonic oxide (Nn.),o. If albuminoids are present in the substance examined. § 47. AMMONIUM. 57 it is better to use freshly ignited magnesia, instead of milk of lime, to set free the ammonia, so as to avoid the forma- tion of the compound out of a portion of the albuminous matters ( Yogel). c. When the substance does not contain, besides am- monia, nitrogenous organic matter that would yield more ammonia on being heated with an alkali, the de- termination may be more expeditiously performed as fol- lows. Weigh the substance out in a small tube about 10 mm. in diameter and 5 cm. long, put it in a small flask, A, containing a moderately concentrated solution of sodic hydrate which has been previously boiled for a consider- able time to expel all traces of ammonia, and allowed to cool again. Freshly ignited magnesia is sometimes used in the place of the alkali. Put the flask in an inclined position on the wire gauze over the lamp, and connect it quickly with the tube of a small cooling apparatus ; con- nect the other end of this tube by a good cork with a tubulated receiver, J5, through the tubulure of which passes another small tube that is bent twice and carried to the bottom of a small flask, C. Put into the receiver, j5, the larger portion of 50 c.c. of standard sulphuric acid and the remainder in the flask C, and color the acid in both vessels with a little cochineal; neither tube that passes into JB should dip into the liquid contained in it. Be sure, now, that the apparatus is tight throughout, boil the contents of the flask A gently, and continue the boiling for a little while after the drops of condensed liquid as they fall into the receiver have ceased to change the color of the acid as they come in contact with it. Then remove the lamp, and allow the contents of the flask (7 to flow back into B ; rinse C several times with cold water, and allow these rinsins-s to flow into B also ; finally disconnect the receiver B from the rest of the apparatus, transfer its contents to a beaker without any 3* 58 § 47. BASES AND ACIDS WITH REAGENTS. loss, titrate the acid remaining free with the standard so- dic solution, and estimate the amomit of ammonia in the substance analyzed, as directed in h. {Fresenius.) d. If the standard acid in either of these processes, h or c, should contain but a very small amount of am- monia, instead of titrating with soda, the determination may be completed more satisfactorily with the aid of the Nessler solution, by preparing a solution containing an accurately known quantity of ammonia, of such a strength, that about equal volumes of it and of the solution con- taining the unknown amount of ammonia, will give the same shade of color with equal small quantities of this reagent. The color observations in this process are best made in narrow glass cylinders of such a diameter that 100 c.c. of the water to be tested form a stratum about 18 cm. deep, and by placing these cylinders upon a sheet of white paper near a window and looking at the surface of the liquid obliquely. The amount of ammonia present in the solution to be examined should not be great enough to give a precipi- tate with the reagent, but only a coloration ; the best re- sults are obtained when there is not more than one milli- gramme of NHg in 100 c.c. of the solution, but even if the solution is ten times stronger than this, the results are more accurate than those obtained by titration ; it is im- portant that the temperature of the solution tested should be nearly the same as that of the other solution contain- ing a known quantity of ammonia, which is made the standard of comparison, and that neither free potassa or soda, nor calcic or magnesic carbonate should be present. To estimate the ammonia in a solution by this method, first make a standard solution of ammonic chloride con- taining 0.3147 grm. in one litre, which is equal to 0.1 grm. of ammonia (NHg) in the litre ; add 1 c.c. of the § 48. BARIUM. § 49. CALCIUM. 59 standard iodized mercurial solution to 100 or 150 c.c. of the distillate, obtained in h or c, or to any clear and color- less solution containing ammonia ; put in another test- tube, containing about 100 c.c. of water, as much of the standard solution of ammonic chloride as is thought nec- essary to give the same shade of color with the test- liquid, make the volume of this mixture the same as of the other, by addition of water, add 1 c.c. of the iodized mercurial solution, let stand ten minutes, and then compare shades of color ; if not alike, make another more or less diluted portion of the standard ammonic solution, according as the shade of color of the first was too dark or too light, and repeat the test.. {W. A. Miller.) BARIUM. Ba. 137. 48. Compounds o. barium with sulphuric, oxalic, car- bonic, phosphoric, tartaric, and silicic acids, and with flu- orine, are insoluble or sparingly soluble in water. The sulphate and silicate are insoluble in acids. Reactions* — Sulphuric acid and all soluble sulphates produce, even in very dilute solutions of barium salts, a finely pulverulent precipitate of baric sulphate, BaSO^, insoluble in acids, except when hot and concentrated, and even then but very sparingly soluble. This sulphate is slightly decomposed when boiled with a solution of sodic carbonate, but is not changed at all if a soluble sulphate is mixed with the carbonate. CALCIUM. Ca. 40. 49. Compounds of calcium with oxalic, carbonic, phos- phoric, tartaric, and silicic acids, and with fluorine, are insoluble or sparingly soluble in water. The tartrate dis- solves in 352 parts of boiling water. The silicate and fluoride are insoluble in acids. Both water and acids dis- solve the sulphate in small quantity. 60 § 49. BASES AND ACIDS "WITH REAGENTS. Reactions* — If dilute sulphuric acid or amnionic sul- phate is added to a not too dilute solution of a calcic salt, free from a large excess of strong acids, a white precipi- tate of calcic sulphate, CaSO^, 2}Ifi, is formed immedi- ately or after standing some time, which is soluble in an excess of mineral acid, and slightly soluble in acetic acid and water. This sulphate being much less soluble in alcohox than in water, the addition of a quantity of this reagent about equal to the volume of the solution, will often cause the for- mation of a precipitate, at least after standing some time,' that would otherwise not appear. This precipitate is readily decomposed when boiled with a solution of sodic carbonate, calcic carbonate and sodic sulphate being formed. Ammonic oxalate gives, even in very dilute solutions of calcic salts, if they contain no free mineral acid, a white crystalline precipitate of calcic oxalate, CaC.^O^, soluble in hydrochloric or nitric acid, and insoluble iu acetic acid or a solution of ammonic chloride. If the so- lution of the calcic salt is very dilute, a precipitate may not appear until after the mixture has stood some time. Quantitative Estimation. — Calcium is usually deter- mined as carbonate, CaCOg, by precipitation with am- nionic oxalate and conversion of the oxalate into carbon- ate by ignition. a. 1 . — If the salt is soluble in water or the acid is one that, like carbonic acid, may be expelled by hydrochloric acid, or can be removed by evaporation to dryness, like silicic acid, or the solution gives no precipitate with am- monia, add ammonic oxalate to the hot solution free from any great excess of acid, and then ammonic hydrate imtil the liquid, after being ivell stirred, gives off an ammoni- acal odor, let the mixture stand in a waiTQ place 12 hours, decant the clear liquid into a filter, wash the precifJitate § 49. CALCIUM. 61 several times by decantation, and finally rinse it into the filter with hot water. Ignite the precipitate and filter separately (§ 40, b)^ keeping the filter-ash on the crucible cover. Keep the crucible at a fai?it red heat 5 or 10 minutes at the close of the ignition ; at no time should it be heated to a higher temperature than this ; during this short ignition lift the cover of the crucible a few times. After -weighing, moisten the contents of the crucible with a little water and apply a piece of turmeric-paper to the moist mass ; if the paper is turned brown, rinse it off with a very small quantity of water, put a small lump of ammonic carbonate into the crucible, heat the crucible over the water-bath until its contents are dry again, ignite gently, and weigh again ; repeat this opera- tion with fresh portions of ammonic carbonate, and igni- tion, as long as there is any change in weight. The change of color in the turmeric-paper showed that the first ignition was carried too far, so as to expel some of the carbonic acid, and leave calcic oxide. {M'esenius.) The residue of calcic carbonate contains 40 "j^ of calci- um or 56 ° Iq of calcic oxide or lime. 2. If a blast-lamp is at hand, or a gas blow^pipe, it is best to ignite the precipitate of calcic oxalate 10 minutes to an incipient white heat, after the usual ignition to a red heat over the common lamp ; in this way all the calcic carbonate will be converted into calcic oxide, which may be weighed as such ; no testing of the ignited residue is necessary, and moreover the filter may be burned with the precipitate. 3. Instead of igniting the precipitate of ammonic oxa- late, after it has been well washed in the usual manner, dissolve it in dilute hydrochloric acid while yet moist, add water in such a quantity that the ratio between the oxalic acid and the water will be about 1 : 400 or 500, a^ to this 6-8 c.c^ of concentrated sulphuric acid, and then estimate the oxalic acid in this solution with the aid 62 50. BASES AXD ACIDS WITH IlEAGENTS. of the standard permanganate solution, as directed in § 69, a. This method yields results that are hardly less accurate, if any at all, than the other two already de- scribed. For each equivalent of oxalic acid found, ex- pressed in milligrammes^ reckon one equivalent of lime, similarly expressed, or 0.028 grm. If the amount of calcic oxalate in the filter is very small, it may be converted into sulphate by ignition with pure ammonic sulphate, and the lime weighed as sulphate, containing 41.18 "1^ of lime. h. If the acid in combination with the lime is one that, like phosphoric acid, cannot be readily removed, add am- monia until a permanent precipitate just begins to appear, dissolve this by adding a few drops of hydrochloric acid, add ammonic oxalate in excess, then sodic acetate, and proceed as in a with the precipitated calcic oxalate. MAGNESIUM. Mg. 24. 50t Compounds of magnesium with i)hosphoric, car- bonic, oxalic, and silicic acids, and with fluorine, are in- soluble or sparingly soluble in water. The silicate and fluoride are insoluble in acids. Reactions* — The carbonate is not precipitated from so- lutions of magnesic salts containing much ammonic chlo- ride, on addition of an alkaline carbonate. Hydric disodic phosphate produces a white precipitate of ammonio-magnesic phosphate, MgNH^PO^, in solutions of magnesic salts containing ammonic salts. The precipi- tate, at first flocculent, if at all abundant, becomes more granular and crystalline after standing some time, or after violent agitation of the liquid containing it. If the solu- tion of the magnesic salt is very dilute, the precipitate may not appear for some hours, and then it is crystalline and adheres to the sides of the tube ; if, before the solu- tion was set aside, it was stirred with a glass rod, and' the 50. MAGNESIUM. 63 walls of the tube rubbed here and there with the rod, the precipitate is deposited along these lines, producing the appearance of white streaks on the glass. Even in concentrated solutions containing magnesium and ammonic chloride and sodic phosphate, the whole of the ammonio-magnesic phosphate is not deposited until after long standing ; hence, if the first precipitate pro- duced on adding the reagent is filtered out, and the clear filtrate stirred and set aside, a fresh precipitation will take place, and partly on the walls of the tube in the manner described above. Quantitative estimation. — Magnesium is usually deter- mined as pyrophosj^hate, Mg^P^O^. a. To the solution of the magnesic salt add a consider- able quantity of ammonic chloride, and then ammonia in slight excess ; if this ammonia causes the formation of a precipitate, add enough more ammonic chloride to dis- solve it ; then add hydric disodic phosphate, as long as a precipitate is formed, stir the mixture well, with care not to touch the sides of the beaker with the rod, cover the beaker carefully, and let it stand with its contents 12 hours without applying heat ; decant the clear liquid through the filter, rinse the contents of the beaker into the filter with portions of the first filtrate, and wash the contents of the filter with a diluted ammonia water containing one part of ammonia water of 0.96 Sp. Gr. and three of water, until the last five drops of the wash- ings give no opalescence with very dilute nitric acid con- taining argentic nitrate. Ignite the precipitate and filter separately. Rose rec- ommends to ignite the precipitate for a short time in a porcelain crucible over the blast-lamp ; in this way it is obtained quite white. Add 0.002 grm. to the residue of magnesic phosphate for every 110 c.c. of the filtrate from the precipitate (but 64 50. BASES AND ACIDS WITH REAGENTS. not the washings), to compensate for the solubility of the salt in the ammoniacal solution in which it was precipi- tated. [Fresenius.) The residue contains 36.04" 1^ of magnesic oxide or magnesia, MgO. If the solution containing the magnesium is strongly- acid. Rose recommends that the sodic phosphate be added first, and then a sufficient quantity of ammonia to super- saturate the acid ; thus he prevents the formation of any hydrated magnesic oxide that is liable to be precipitated with the phosphate and make it impure. h. Separation of Calcium and Magnesium. — This is effected with ammonic oxalate in the presence of am- monic chloride, and ammonia in slight excess. Add the ammonic chloride and ammonia as directed above in . ', and then ammonic oxalate ; this last reagent must be added in slight excess, after it has ceased to give any further precipitate of calcic oxalate, in order to convert all the magnesium into oxalate. Let the •mixture stand 12 hours in a moderately warm place, decant the clear liquid into the filter, wash the precipitate in the beaker once with water, decant the washings, dissolve the pre- cipitate in a little dilute hydrochloric acid, add ammonia in slight excess, and ammonic oxalate ; let the mixture stand until the precipitate has completely subsided, then filter through the same filter as before, and wash. The first filtrate has the larger portion of the magnesium in it ; the second, the rest. Acidify the second filtrate, and concentrate that and the washings by evaporation, add the residue to the first filtrate, and precipitate magnesium in this solution as phosphate. Treat the precipitate of calcic oxalate on the filter as directed in § 49. If, in the filtrate from the calcic oxalate, there is a great excess of ammonic salts, it will be safer to evapo- rate the solution to dryness and expel them by ignition, § 51. ALUMINIUM. 65 dissolve the residue in water acidified with hydrochloric acid, filter if necessary, and then to precipitate the mag- nesium in the usual manner with hydric disodic phosphate. c. If but little calcium is mixed with considerable mag- nesium in the substance to be analyzed, evaporate the solution to dryness, and ignite the residue gently to ex- pel ammoniacal salts completely, dissolve this residue in a very little water mixed with a few drops of hydrochloric acid, add strong alcohol and a slight excess of pure con- centrated sulphuric acid, and digest the mixture in the cold several hours. Collect the precipitated calcic sul- phate on the filter, wash it first with almost absolute al- cohol and finally with alcohol of about 40 " |^, dry, ignite and weigh. Expel the alcohol from the filtrate and washings by heat, and determine magnesium in the usual manner with sodio phosphate. ALUMINIUM. Al. 27.5. 51 • Compounds of aluminium with phosphoric and silicic acids, and fluorine, are insohible in water. The silicate is insoluble in acids. Reactions. — Solutions containing aluminium give a pre- cipitate, Al203,3H20, or AlJIgO^, with ammonic or sodic hydrate ; the precipitate is dissolved in an excess of the latter reagent, but not in the former. When a compound of aluminium is fused on platinum foil with four or five times its bulk of sodic and potassic carbonate, the fused mass dissolved in a very little water, and the solution filtered if necessary, nitric acid added to the filtrate carefully until effervescence ceases, and then a fcAV drops of ammonia until the solution emits a faint odor of the reagent, a white flocculent precipitate appears, at once, or after standing some time ; it will appear soon- er, or be more readily perceiyed, on heating the liquid gently for a time. 66 52. BASES AND ACIDS WITH IIEAGE2JTS. QuantitatiYC estimation. — Aluminium is always weigh- ed as sesquioxide, Al^Og. To the not too dilute hot solution add a fourth or a third of its volume of ammonic chloride, if not already- present, and then ammonic hydrate until a faint odor of ammonia is perceptible after vigorous stirring ; heat the mixture almost to boiling nntil no more ammonia is given off, let it stand a few hours in a moderately warm place, decant the clear liquid through the filter, wash the pre- cipitate two or three times Avith hot water, by decanta- tion, transfer the whole to the filter, and wash it until the washings leave no fixed residue on platinum foil ; if the solution contained sulphuric acid in notable quantity, it will be best to dissolve this first precipitate in dilute hy- drochloric acid, and re-precipitate the aluminic hydrate with ammonia, as above. Dry the precipitate very thor- oughly, and ignite it gently at first, and carry the heat to a full red, finally. The residue is pure alumina. IRON. Fe. 56. 52. Compounds of iron with carbonic, phosphoric, oxalic, and silicic acids, and sulphur, are insoluble in water ; the silicate is insoluble in acids. Ferric salts give a yellowish-red color to solutions con- taining them in notable quantity. Reactions. — Solutions of ferrous and ferric salts give precipitates, FeO, H,0, or FeH^, and 2Fe,03, 3H,0 or Fe^HgOg, with ammonic or sodic hydrate ; the ferrous salts, however, give no precipitate with ammonia in the presence of ammonic salts. These precipitates are insoluble in ex- cess of the precipitant. The precipitate produced in so- lutions of pure ferrous salts is white j in solutions of ferric salts, reddish-brown. Solutions of ferrous salts give a blue precipitate with § 52. IRON. 67 potassic ferricyanide ; ferric salts give no precipitate with this reagent. Ferric salts give a deep red color with potassic sulpho- cyanate ; this reaction is exceedingly delicate. Nitric acid causes the color to disappear after a while, and am- nionic hydrate destroys it immediately. Ferrous salts give no color with this reagent. Ferrous salts are converted into ferric compounds when heated with nitric acid. Quantitative estimation. — Iron may be determined by a gravimetric or a volumetric process. In the former case it is weighed as sesquioxide, Fe^Og. a. Add ammonic hydrate in excess to the hot solution, in which the iron has been completely oxidized by heating with nitric acid, if any ferrous oxide was present, heat the' mixture almost to boiling, and then let it stand imtil tlie larger part of the liquid can be decanted into the fil- ter ; wash the precipitate several times by decantation, and afterwards on the filter, until a droj) of the washings leaves no residue on evaporation on platinum foil, and ignite the precipitate and filter separately. The residue is pure ferric oxide, and contains 70"! ^ of iron. If the substance analyzed contained silica, this precipi- tate is liable to be contaminated with it, and should be digested with concentrated hydrochloric acid, after hav- ing been gently ignited ; if silica is present, it will remain undissolved, and may be filtered out and weighed. h. The volumetric process, with potassic permanganate, is particularly convenient for the determination of iron in the presence of aluminium. The iron is converted into a ferrous salt, and then it is ascertained how much of a solution of permanganate of known strength is required, to oxidize the ferrous to a ferric salt. To make the solution of permanganate, dissolve about 8 grms. of the crystallized potassic permanganate of the 68 § 52. BASES AND ACIDS WITH REAGENTS. druggists in one litre of water ; as this solution is changed by exposure to the air, its strength must be determined from time to time, and the oftener, the more imperfectly it is protected from such exposure. To determine its strength, weigh out accurately about 1.4 grms. of ammonio-ferrous sulphate, dissolve the salt in about 200 c.c. of distilled water, to which about 20 c.c. of dilute sulphuric acid have been added. To protect the salt more completely from oxidation while the solution is taking place, heat it with a part of the water in a small flask closed by a cork through which two short glass tubes pass ; fasten the flask in an inclined position in a retort-holder, and heat its contents while a slow current of carbonic acid is conducted through the upper part of it. When the solution is completed, let the liquid cool in the current of carbonic acid, transfer it quickly to a beak- er or a larger flask, rmse the flask out with the rest of the water, set the vessel over white paper, and immedi- ately begin to add the solution of permanganate from a burette, with constant stirring of the liquid. At first, the red drops disappear the instant that they come in contact with the solution, and the latter gradually takes a yellowish tint ; add the permanganate more and more carefully as the drops begin to disappear less readily, and stop when the last drop gives an unmistakable reddish color to the whole liquid. Ammonio-ferrous sulj)hate contains just one-seventh of its weiglit of iron, and hence the amount of permanganic solution used in this trial will convert a weight of iron from ferrous to ferric oxide, equal to one-seventh of the weight of tlie salt taken. The concentration of the solution of permanganate should be such, that from 20 to 30 c.c. is required for 1.4 grms. of ammonio-ferrous sulphate, or 0.2 grm. of metal- lic iron. Now, to determine iron by this process the ferric salt § 52. iRoif. 69 must be in the form of a sulphate or a chloride, and the solution should contain about 0.5 grm. of iron and an excess of free sulphuric or hydrochloric acid and as little nitric acid as possible ; heat the solution in a small, long- necked flask placed in an inclined position, drop in a few- pieces of pure zinc, and conduct carbonic acid through the flask in the same manner as described above, for dis- solving the ferrous salt ; the ferric compound is reduced to a ferrous salt by the zinc, with the evolution of hydro- gen. When the solution is decolorized, and all the zinc is dissolved, cool the liquid as quickly as possible by im- mersing the flask in cold w^ater, while carbonic acid is still passing through, transfer the solution to a beaker, rinse the flask into the beaker with a considerable quanti- ty of w^ater, and dilute the solution until it contains about 200 c.c. for every 0.2 grm. of iron supposed to be present ; the solution must be more largely diluted if the salt was a chloride, or w^as dissolved in hydrochloric acid, instead of sulphuric. To this solution add the solution of permanganate in the same manner as directed above, for the treatment of the ferrous salt. The amount of iron m the quantity of solution taken will be given by the proportion C : F = C^ : X 7 in which C = the number of cubic centimetres of per- manganic solution used in the trial with the known quan- tity of ferrous salt, F = the weight of the ferrous salt taken, C = the number of cubic centimetres of perman- ganic solution used in the trial with the substance exam- ined, and X = the amount of iron therein. The solution of potassic permanganate is most con- veniently kept in a bottle provided with an ordinary w^ashing-bottle arrangement for filling the burette from it • then the bottle need not be opened until empty, no 70 52. BASES AND ACIDS WITH EEAGENTS. dust can get into it, particularly if the open end of the shorter tube is closed with a plug of cotton, and its strength will not change perceptibly in two or three months. c. The following volumetric method of estimating fer- ric oxide has given satisfactory results ( Oudemans^ Fre- seniiis's Zeitschrift, 6, 129), and is very easily executed. Prepare a standard solution of sodic hyposulphite, by dissolving 24.8 grms. of the pure crystallized salt in one litre of water; this gives a ^1,^ normal solution, since 248 < is the equivalent of the crystallized salt. Determine the strength of a solution of ferric chloride containing no traces of free chlorine, as carefully as possible, by precipi- tation with ammonia (a). To a quantity of this solution, accurately measured, containing about 0.2 grm. of iron, add a littl6 hydrochlo- ric acid, one or two drops of a concentrated solution of cupric sulphate, and the same quantity of potassic sulpho- cyanate ; heat this blood-red liquid to about 40° C, and allow the standard solution of hyposulphite to flow from a burette into it Avith constant stirring, until the red color disappears, leaving a clear, colorless liquid ; towards the end of the operation, when the color of the solution has become quite pale, wait a few seconds between each ad- dition of a few drops of the hyposulphite. Divide the quantity of ferric oxide corresponding to the amount of ferric chloride taken, by the number of cubic centimetres of the solution of hyposulphite required in this trial, and the quotient will give the amount of ferric oxide which the sodic hyposulphite in one cubic centimetre of the standard solution is able to reduce to protoxide. Having in this way determined the value of the solu- tion of hyposulphite with reference to ferric oxide, this oxide may be determined in any solution containing it or the corresponding chloride, in the manner described § 53. MANGANESE. 71 above ; the solution should contain no free chlorine or ni- tric acid. The standard solution of hyposulphite should be care- fully protected from the light, and the determination of its strength should be repeated from time to time by com- parison with a portion of the solution of ferric chloride of known strength, as above. MANGANESE. Mn. 55. 53 • Compounds of manganese with phosphoric, car- bonic, oxalic, and silicic acids, and sulphur, fluorine, and cyanogen, are insoluble or sparingly soluble in water. The silicate is insoluble in acids. Reactions. — A solution containing manganese gives a precipitate, MnO,H20, or MnH^O^, with sodic or ammonic hydrate ; the presence of ammonic chloride prevents the formation of the precipitate by ammonic hydrate ; in this way manganese may be partially separated from iron for qualitative purposes. When a compound of manganese is fused with potassic and sodic carbonate and sodic nitrate, the fused mass takes a bluish-green color, which can be masked only by the presence of a very considerable quantity of iron. In case this large proportion of iron is present, it may be precipitated by ammonia after adding considerable am- monic chloride, filtering it out quickly, and evaporating the filtrate ; then test a few drops of the concentrated liquid by fusion, as above. Quantitative estimation. — The manganese is usually precipitated as carbonate ; when ignited, this carbonate is converted into manganous manganic oxide, MugO^, which is weighed. Heat the solution, free from any great excess of mineral acid, nearly to boiling in a capacious flask, add sodic carbonate very slowly until it is in excess, boil a few minutes, and wash the precipitate by decantation and on 72 § 54. BASES AND ACIDS WITH REAGENTS. the filter; ignite the filter and its contents separately. The ignition should be carried to a full red heat. The residue contains 72.05" j^ of manganese. ZINC. Zn. 65. 54. Compounds of zinc with phosphoric, carbonic, ox- alic, and silicic acids, and sulphur and cyanogen, are in- soluble or sparingly soluble in water. The silicate is insoluble in acids. Reactions. — Solutions of zincic salts give a white pre-^ cipitate, ZnO, H^O or ZnH^O^, with sodic or ammonic hydrate, soluble in excess of the precipitant, and re-pre- cipitated from this solution on dilution with considerable water and boiling. Solutions of zincic salts give a white flocculent precipi- tate, Zn^Fe^Cyg, with potassic ferrocyanide, that is diffi- cultly soluble in acids. LEAD. Pb. 207. 55. Compounds of lead with sulphuric, phosphoric, car- bonic, oxalic, and tartaric acids, and sulphur and fluorine, are insoluble, or sparingly soluble in water. The sulphate and sulphide are insoluble in dilute acids. Reactions. — Solutions of salts of lead give a white pre- cipitate, 2PbO, H^O or Pb^H^Og, with sodic or ammonic hydrate, insoluble in excess of the precij^itant. If free from a very large excess of strong acid, they give a white precipitate, PbSO^, with dilute sulphuric acid, which appears at once, or after some time if the so- lution is very dilute ; this precipitate is insoluble in dilute acids, and is more insoluble in dilute sulphuric acid than in pure water ; it i^ soluble in a solution of ammonic tar- trate containing an excess of ammonia ; if this solution is acidified with acetic acid and potassic dichromate add- § 56. COPPER. § 57. ARSENIC. 73 ed, a yellow precipitate of plumbic chromate, PbCrO^, is formed. Lead is precipitated from its solutions by metallic zinc in the presence of free acid. COPPER. Cu. 63.5. 56. Compounds of copper with phosphoric, oxalic, car- bonic, tartaric, and silicic acids, and sulphur and cyanogen, are insoluble, or sparingly soluble in water. The sulphide and silicate are insoluble in dilute acids. Cupric salts give a blue or a greenish-blue color to so- lutions containing them. Reactions* — Solutions containing copper give a green- ish precipitate, CuO, H^O or CuH^O^, with sodic or am- monic hydrate. This precipitate is dissolved by an excess of ammonic hydrate, giving a deep blue solution ; the reaction is very delicate. Solutions of copper give a red precipitate with potassic ferrocyanide, Cu^Fe^Cyg. Copper is j^recipitated from its solutions by zinc in the presence of free sulphuric or hydrochloric acid; free nitric acid hinders the reduction, but does not prevent it. ARSENIC. As. 75. 57. When a solution containing arsenic is treated with dilute sulphuric acid and metallic zinc, in a small flask closed with a cork through which passes a glass tube drawn out to a small jet at the end, and the escaping gas is lighted, after it has been evolved long enough to expel the oxygen from the flashy a bluish flame is produced, which deposits black, shiny spots on a cold porcelain sur- face. The arsenic was evolved as arseniuretted hydrogen, AsIIg. This reaction is very delicate, and is known as Marsh's test. 4 74 § 58. BASES AND ACIDS WITH REAGENTS. ACIDS. SILICIC ACID. HaSiOg. 58. All silicates are insoluble in water and dilute acids, except those of potassium and sodium. Silicates may be decomposed, and the metals contained in them brought into a soluble form, by means of concen- trated hydrochloric or sulphuric acid, by hydrofluoric acid or ammonic fluoride, or by fusion with an alkaline carbon- ate, and subsequent treatment with dilute hydrochloric^ acid. Reactions. — If a solution of a soluble silicate is evapo- rated to dryness, after addition of hydrochloric acid, the residue gently ignited and treated with dilute acid, the silica remains undissolved in the form of a white, gritty powder. When a silicate in powder is fused in a bead of sodic carbonate, on platinum wire, the carbonic acid is expelled by the silicic, and its evolution causes the bead to froth. If a very small fragment of an insoluble silicate is fused in a bead of phosphorus-salt, on platinum wire, the bases are dissolved out, and the silica remains floating about in the bead, retaining the form of the original fragment. Quantitative estimation. — Silicic acid is always weighed as such. a. 1. — If the acid is to be determined in a solution or a soluble silicate, add an excess of hydrochloric acid to the solution, or the very finely powdered solid, antt evaporate the mixture to dryness on the water-bath with frequent stirring to break up tlie lumps. If, as is sometimes the case, the solution analyzed con- tains organic matter, or ferrous oxide, add a few drops of nitric acid towards the close of the evaporation. If a solid is being treated, the digestion should be continued, with § 58. SILICIC ACID 75 the addition of fresh quantities of acid if necessary, until no gritty particles can be felt under the end of the stirring rod. Heat the residue to a temperature somewhat above 100°, in an air-bath, made by suspending the dish on wires inside of an iron dish, so that there shall be a space of about 12 mm. between the two at all points; when the whole is completely dry and no more acid fumes escape, moisten the residue with concentrated hydrochloric acid, let it stand half an hour, add water, and digest the mix- ture awhile, wash the insoluble residue two or three times by decantation, wash well on the filter, dry, and ignite. The residue is generally pure silicic acid. All the bases with which the silica was combined can be determined in the filtrate from it. 2. Sometimes this residue is mixed wdth sand which it may be desired to estimate. In this case collect the mixture on a dried and weighed filter, dry it at 100° C, and weigh it ; then separate it from the filter as completely as possible without tearing the latter, and boil it Avith several portions of a concen- trated solution of sodic carbonate, or with sodic carbonate to which about ^ |^ of sodic hydrate has been added, or with sodic hydrate alone; dilute each portion of the liquid if it contained much free alkali, let it cool, and throw it on the same filter from which the mixture of silica and sand was taken ; finally, transfer the insoluble sand to the same filter, wash it well, dry, and ignite. If the extraction of the silica was performed in a silver dish, the amount taken into solution by the alkaline liquids may be estimated also ; for this purpose, evaporate all the filtrates and washings to dryness, after having added an excess of hydrochloric acid, and determine the silica as in a. 3. Sometimes, in agricultural analyses, this residue con- tains, besides silica and sand, free carbon, or coal. In this case, dry the whole at 100° and weigh it, separate it 76 § 58. BASES AND ACIDS ^VITII IlEAGE^TS. from the filter as above, treat it with the alkaline solu- tions also in the same manner, collect the residue that is insoluble in the alkali on a dried and weighed filter, dry and weigh it, and finally ignite and weigh again. The first of the three weighings gives the total amount of silica, sand, and coal, the second the sand and coal, and the third the sand alone. h. If the silicate is insoluble in water or acids, pulverize it until an impalpable pow^der is obtained, mix a weighed quantity of it, in a platinum crucible, with four parts of finely powdered j^otassic sodic carbonate, as intimately as possible by stirring with a glass rod ; wipe the glass rod Avith a little more of the carbonate on a slip of glazed paper, and transfer this from the paper to the crucible ; the latter should not, with all its contents, be more than two-thirds filled. Cover it well and heat at first moder- ately over a blast-lamp, or, after imbedding it in calcined magnesia in a Hessian crucible, in a furnace ; carry the heat gradually to an intense red ; after about 20 minutes the mass will have ceased to boil and bubble, and the operation is finished. Put the crucible, when cold, into a beaker with' considerable water, and add hydrochloric acid gradually, as directed for the solution of carbonates, § 36 ; when the mass is entirely loosened from the cruci- ble, take the latter out, rinse it carefully into the beaker, transfer the contents of the beaker to a platinum or a porcelain dish, evaporate to dryness, and eliminate silicic acid, as in a. c. Of course potassium and sodium cannot be deter- mined in the filtrate from the silica in 6, since both metals have been added to the substance in a large and undeter- mined quantity. For the determination of these elements the silicate must be decomposed with the aid of hydrofluoric acid or a fluoride. § 53. SILICIC ACID. ^ 1. Decomposition with hydrofluoric acid.— Proviae a leaden cup about 16 cm. in diameter and 16 cm. deep with a close-fitting cover, with projections on the sides about 8 cm. from the bottom, supporting a perforated shelf, and with a shallow tray in the bottom about 12 cm. in diameter and 3 cm. deep, all made of lead ; spread a layer of finely powdered fluor spar about 12 mm. deep, over the bottom of the tray in the cup, and mix it with enough concentrated sulphuric acid to make a thin paste ; put the shelf in its place and on the shelf a shallow plat- inum dish, such as a crucible cover, containing 1-2 grms. of the very finely j^ulverized and carefully weighed sub- stance, spread over the surface of the dish in as thin a layer as possible and moistened with sulphuric acid ; put the cover on the cup, and set it in a warm place wliere the temperature is about 60° or 70° C, and lift the cover a few times in the course of the digestion ; the evolution of the hydrofluoric acid should be main- tained all the time. After 48 hours take the substance out, expel most of the sulphuric acid by heat, boil the residue with dilute hydrochloric acid, and, if anything remains undissolved, treat this residue with hydrofluoric acid in the same manner as above described. The alkaline metals can be determined in this solution by hydrochloric acid. 2. Decomposition by ammonic fluoride. — This method is considered by many to be easier of execution and more certain in its results than the other. Mix the very finely pulverized silicate with 4-5 times its weight of ammonic fluoride in a platinum dish, moisten the mixture thorough- ly with concentrated sulphuric acid, and heat the whole on the water-bath in a place where the fumes of hydro- fluoric acid will bo carried oif speedily; after a time, when the evolution of acid fumes has ceased, moisten the residue again with sulphuric acid, and heat it, directly over the lamp at last, until it is completely dry and all 78 § 59. BASES AND ACIDS WITH EEAGENTS. the sulphuric acid is expelled ; digest the residue with hydrochloric acid; it should be dissolved completely, although, if calcium is 2)resent, considerable time may bo required. If the solution is not complete, the insoluble j^art should be treated again with amnionic fluoride. SULPHURIC ACID. 112804. 59. The sulphates of lead, barium, and calcium, are in- soluble, or difficultly soluble, in water and dilute acids ; the last of the three is much the most soluble. Reactions* — Sulphuric acid and solutions of sulphates give a finely pulverulent 2)recipitate, BaSO^, with baric, chloride, insoluble in water or dilute acids ; the reaction is very delicate. Quantitative estimation. — This acid is always de- termined as baric sulphate, BaSO^. Heat the slightly acid solution nearly to boiling, and add a hot solution of baric chloride as long as a precipitate is formed ; let the mixture stand until the j^recipitate settles, and wash the latter by decantation, until the washings give no reaction for barium with sulphuric acid ; then pour 40 or 50 c.c. of the solution of cupric acetate (§ 9) over the precipitate in the beaker, add some water and so much acetic acid that, after digestion for 10 or 15 minutes at a temperature very near to boiling, no basic cupric salt separates from the solution ; if any does appear, dissolve it by adding mere acetic acid ; stir the mixture constantly during the digestion. Filter, wash the precipitate with hot water, and, if the filter is still colored blue, moisten it with a little dilute hydrochloric acid and wash with more water, until the washings give no reaction for copper with potassic ferrocyanide. Ignite the precipitate and filter separately. The residue con- tains 34.31" |„ of sulphuric anhydride, SO3, or 13.73° |„ of sulphur. § 60. CARBONIC ACID. 79 Unless the precipitated baric sulphate is washed, as above directed, with a solution of cupric acetate, the re- sult of the analysis may be very unreliable, particularly if notable quantities of nitrates or alkaline salts were present. CAEBONIC ACID OR ANHYDRIDE. CO2. 44. 60« Carbonates of all except the alkaline metals are insoluble, or sparingly soluble in water ; all carbonates, without exception, are dissolved by dilute acids, with the expulsion of carbonic anhydride, CO^. Reaction. — When dilute nitric or hydrochloric acid is added to a carbonate, whether a solid or in solution, the anhydride is expelled with effervescence, and if a drop of lime-water, suspended on the end of a glass rod, is held in the tube just above tlie liquid, it is made turbid by the formation of insoluble calcic carbonate. Quantitative estimation. — Carbonic acid is usually estimated by the loss of weight suffered by the carbonate on treating it with a stronger acid, or by collecting and weighing the expelled anhydride itself. a. For the first method a convenient form of an ap- paratus is represented in the adjoining figure. The carbonate is weighed in the flask A and water is added. B is nearly filled with nitric acid ; C contains fused calcic chloride to absorb the^ moisture from the carbonic acid as it passes out, and so retain it in the appara- tus. The apparatus being put to- gether, with water enough in the flask A to cover the mouth of the tube leading from B^ close the mouth of the tube at e with the finger, and suck a very small quantity of air out at d; on letting air in Fiff. 3. 80 § 60. BASES AND ACIDS WITH KEAGENTS. again at c?, the water will rise in the tube leading from A to -S, and, if the apparatus is tight, will remain at a stationary level above that of the water outside of the tube. Now, weigh the whole apparatus, apply suction at d to cause a little nitric acid to flow over into A from time to time, and in this manner keep up a slow evolution of carbonic acid ; when all the carbonate is decomposed, and all the nitric acid transferred to the flask, apply a little heat to the latter ; then, by suction at c?, draw air through the apparatus as long as any acid taste is jDcr- ceived in the gas, let the apparatus cool, and weigh it. The air should be caused to pass through a calcic chloride tube before it goes into the apparatus, in order to dry it thoroughly. The loss of weight sufiered by the whole apparatus equals the carbonic anhydride, CO^. This method, otherwise very convenient, is, according to Prof. S. "W. Johnson, (American Journal of Science and Arts, Second Series, 48, 111) liable to the objection, that in freeing the apparatus completely from carbonic acid, some vapor of water escapes the desiccating materi- al. He therefore proposes to fill the apparatus with car- bonic acid gas before weighing it, and then to weigh it again as soon as the decomposition of the carbonate is completed ; it is essential only, that the substance under examination dissolve freely in cold acid, and that the analysis and weighings be conducted in an apartment not liable to changes of temperature. His apparatus may be closely imitated by substituting for the acid reservoir in the above figure, another one consisting of a bulb of sufficient size blown on a tube of which one end, that passes just through the cork in the flask, has an internal diameter of 7 mm., is cut ofl' oblique- ly, and bent so that, on inclining the whole apparatus when put together, the acid can be made to flow from the bulb into the flask ; the other end of this tube is turned § 60. CARCONIC ACID. 81 upwards. Short pieces of thick- walled rubber tubing that Avill fit snugly on the outer termination of the calcic chlo- ride tube and the acid reservoir, at d and 6, are slipped over them, and these rubber tubes are then provided with well-fitting stoppers of glass rod ; all thes3 joints must be air-tight. The carbonate is weighed as usual in the flask, A, bet- ter in the form of small fragments than of a powder, tlie acid reservoir is nearly filled with hydrochloric acid (Sp. Gr. = 1.1), the, apparatus is j^ut together, and, after the glass-rod stoppers are removed, it is. connected with a generator of carbonic acid, and a rather rapid current of vrashed gas is passed through for about 15 minutes, or until the acid in the reservoir is saturated, and the air displaced in the flask ; then stop the opening at c?, discon- nect- the apparatus from the generator, and close the open- ing at e, with care in this and all subsequent operations to handle the apparatus so as not to change its temperature. Weigh it immediately, loosen the stopper at J, and in- cline the whole so that the acid will flow over, little by little, and produce a slow decomposition of the carbonate. Close d again when the decomposition is ended, let the apparatus stand about 15 minutes, to be sure that it is cool, pass well-dried carbonic acid gas in again for about a minute, in the same manner as at first, and finally weigh it after closing d and e. h. For the second method the following form of ai> paratus is liighly recommended by Fresenius. In the apparatus represented by this figure e contains soda lime or caustic potash in pieces, a is a flask of about 300 c.c. capacity, the arm / of the first U tube is filled with fused calcic chloride, and the arm/ with pumice-stone that has been soaked in a concentrated solution of cupric sulphate, dried, and gently ignited so as to drive out the water of crystallization of the salt ; g contains pieces of glass, 6 to 10 drops of concentrated sulphuric acid in the 4* 82 60. BxVSES AXD ACIDS WITH EEAGENTS. bottom and plugs of asbestos in the upper parts of both arms ; A is ' 1^ filled with about 20 grms. of coarse grained soda lime, and the remaining ^ |g at h' is filled with coarse- ly pulverized calcic chloride ; the arm k of the last IT tube contains calcic chloride, and the arm k' soda lime. The carbonic acid evolved in a is deprived of its water and hydrochloric acid in j^' ; g enables the operator to observe the rapidity of the flow of the gas, while the acid is absorbed and weighed in (j and AA'/ the contents of kk' prevent carbonic acid and water from reaching the U tube, hh' ^ from the atmosphere. Weigh out the substance in a, add water, weigh g and hli' together, connect the various j^arts of the apparatus with each other, and the little funnel d with J, and put a few drops of mercury in at d so as to close the tube at i. Pour the usual quantity of dilute nitric or hydrochloric acid in at f/, and, by suction at /, cause a little of the acid to flow over into the flask ; regulate the flow of tlie gas by slowly transferring fresh quantities of acid from h to c?, and applying a gentle heat to the contents of the flask. When the carbonate is completely decomposed, fill d several times with hot water and transfer the same to a ; then, substitute the calcic chloride tube e for the funnel d^ § 61. piiosPHomc ACID. 83 bring the contents of the flas'c to a gentle boiling, and continue the application of the heat until the bulb on / becomes hot ; draw about 1800 c.c. of air through the apparatus, by means of an aspirator connected with I, then immediately separate a from /, and weigh ^ and hh' again when they have become cold. The increase in weight gives the carbonic anhydride. The tube ^ can be used several times if it is carefully closed when not in use. If the tube hh' is used a second time, it will be safer to connect another with it on the outside, filled in the same way ; if this second tube does not gain in weight, the first one may be used a third time, with the same j^recaution ; if it does gain notably, use it alone in the third analysis, and re-fill A A'. c. It often happens that carbonic acid and chlorine are to be estimated in the same substance ; in this case, after making the determination of the acid by either of the above methods, using, of course, pure nitric acid to set it free, filter the contents of the flask if not perfectly clear, and precipitate the chlorine in the filtrate and washings with argentic nitrate. PHOSPHORIC ACID. H3PO4. 98. 61 • All phosphates except those of the alkaline metals are insoluble in water, but all are soluble in acids. Reactions. — When a solution of a phosphate is added to one of magnesia containing an ammoniacal salt and an excess of ammonia, a white flocculent precipitate, MgNH^PO^, is produced, which, after standing for a time in a warm place, becomes more granular and crys- talline ; in very dilute solutions the precipitate does not appear until after long standing, and is then crystalline, and adheres to the sides of the tube in the same manner as described under magnesium. 84 § 61. BASES AND ACIDS WITH KEAGENTS. When a very small quantity of a solution of a phos- phate is added to a considerable quantity of a solution of amnionic molybdate, containing an excess of nitric acid, a lemon-yellow, pulverulent precipitate is formed, at once or after long standing ; a portion of the precipitate ad- heres strongly to the sides of the tube. This precipitate is soluble in a solution of a phosphate and in ammonia, but is insoluble in dilute nitric acid in the presence of excess of the molybdate. The reaction is exceedingly delicate. Quantitative estimation. — a. In cases where the acid is free or combined with an alkaline metal only, the deter- mination of it may be made as magnesic phosphate. Mo- P O . ■^-^&2-^ 2^7* Neutralize a quantity of the solution of the substance containing not more than 0.2 grm. of the acid with am- monia, if it is acid, and add magnesia mixture {§ 18, h) as long as a precipitate is formed ; 12-15 c.c. of the re- agent will be required for 0.2 grm. of ^fi,^ ; then add diluted amnionic hydrate containing one part of ammonia- water of 0.96 Sp. Gr. and "three of water, until the vol- ume of the mixture is about 110 c.c, and proceed further as directed for the treatment of the same precipitate un- der magnesium (§50, a). It contains 63.96° |„ of phos- phoric anhydride, PjOj.. If in any case the precipitate has a somewhat suspi- cious flocculent appearance, and does not become crystal- line after long digestion, it had better be dissolved in dilute hydrochloric acid on the filter ; evaporate the solu- tion to dryness on the water-bath, treat the residue with dilute hydrochloric acid, and precipitate the phosphoric acid again with magnesia mixture as before. Kevcrthe- less it is best to avoid the necessity of this re-solution and re-precipitation if possible, by careful attention to the di- rections for removing silicic acid and other substances from the solution at the proper time and in the proper § 61. PHOSPHORIC ACID. 85 place ; according to Kubel ( Versuchs Stationen, 10, 123) there is a lo3s of magnesia when the i)recipitated plios- phate is dissolved and re-precipitated. b. In the presence of alkaline earths, alumina, ferric oxide, and manganous oxide, phosphoric acid is best de- termined indirectly, by precipitation as ammoulc phospho- molyhdate. If silica is present, it must first be removed by evaporation to dryness in the usual manner (§ 58, «, 1). . To the solution, free from silicic acid, add the solution of ammonic molybdate containing an excess of nitric acid, whose preparation is described in § 3, /, and which, if made as there directed, contains 5''|o of molyb- dic acid, in sucli a quantity that the amount of molybdic acid added shall be from 40 to 60 times as great as that of the phosphoric acid supposed to be in the solution ; since the molybdic acid must be so largely in excess, it is well to take a quantity of the solution of phosphate that contains not over 0.1 grm. of the acid, and the solution sliould be tolerably concentrated. Digest the mixture from 12 to 24 hours at a temperature of about 40° C. ; then take out a small sample of the clear liquid with a pipette, mix it in a test-tube with its volume of ammonic molyb- date, and heat the mixture gently for an hour or more. If more of the precipitate appears, rinse the test-tube into the beaker again, add more ammonic molybdate, digest 12 hours longer, and repeat the test. Not until the mix- ture remains perfectly clear in this test may the precipita- tion be considered as finished. Collect the precipitate on a small filter, rinse the beaker out with portions of the filtrate, and wash the contents of the filter with a mixture of 100 parts of the solution of ammonic molybdate, 20 parts of nitric acid (Sp. Gr. = 1.2), and 80 parts of water {i^es. Zeitschrift 6, 405), until, in case lime was present, the filtrate gives no turbidity in strong alcohol to which sulphuric acid has been added. Dissolve the precipitate in the smallest quantity of am- 86 61. BASES AXD ACIDS WITH REAGENTS. monia (Sp. Gr. = 0.96), wash out tlie filter wiih a mix- ture of 3 parts of water and 1 of ammonin, and wash off what remains adhering to the walls of the beaker, in Avhich the phospho-molybdate Avas precipitated, with a little of the same ammonia water, or else collect this so- lution of the whole precipitate in that beaker ; add di- lute hydrochloric acid to the strong ammoniacal solution, until the yellow precipitate, that appears with each drop of the acid added, begins to dissolve again with some dif- ficulty, showing that the ammonia is nearly neutralized, then add the magnesia mixture as long as a precipitate is produced, and the proper amount of the diluted ammonia, and proceed as in a. LatschinoAV (Fres. Zeitschrift 7, 215) asserts that this precipitate of ammonio-raagnesic phosphate must be fused with potassic sodic carbonate, the fused mass extracted Avith water, and this solution precipitated again with the magnesia mixture in the usual manner, after addition of a little citric acid. c. In the absence of at least all but small quantities of iron and aluminium, phosphoric acid may be determined with sufiicient accuracy for industrial purposes by a volu- metric method, that depends upon the following reactions. First, when a solution of uranic salt is added to one of a phosphate containing no other free acid than acetic, the uranic oxide is immediately precipitated in combination with phosphoric acid. Second, a solution containing the least traces of uranic oxide gives a brown precipitate with potassic ferrocyanide. Preparation of the standard sohitlo7is. 1. Dissolve 12.6056 grms. of pure crystallized hydric disodic phosphate, that does not show the least signs of efilorescence, and lias been thoroughly dried in powder by pressure between folds of bibulous paper, in about 300 c.c. of water, and, when the temperature of the solution is 15° C, make the volume up to exactly 500 c.c. with dis- 61. PHOSPHORIC ACID. 87 tilled water. One cubic centimetre of such a solution con- tains 0.005 grni. of phosphoric anhydride, P20^. 2. Dissolve 100 grms. of sodic acetate in 900 c.c. of water, and add 100 c.c. of concentrated acetic acid. 3. Dissolve about 33 grms. of uranic acetate in about 1 litre of water, and j^roceed to titrate this solution witli reference to the standard solution of phosphate so that 1 cubic centimetre of it shall exactly precipitate 0.005 grm. of phosphoric anhydride, as follows. Put 25 c.c. of the standard phosphatic solution in a small flask, add 5 c.c. of the solution of sodic acetate, heat to about 50° C, add 5 or 10 c.c. of the uranic solution from a burette or graduated pipette, heat to boiling, and let the mixture stand a few minutes ; the precipitate wi.l settle quickly, and a drop of the clear supernatant liquid can be taken out on the end of a small glass rod, and tested with the solution of potassic ferrocyanide for ex- cess of uranic oxide ; this test is best made by letting the drop fall gently in the middle of a small shallow pool of the solution of ferrocyanide, on a white porcelain plate, when the slightest excess of the uranic oxide in the solu- tion will be manifested by the formation of a brown zone where the two liquids come in contact; the color soon spreads throughout the entire liquid. If no color appears, add 5 c.c. more of the uranic solution, boil again, let set- tle, and test a drop of the supernatant liquid in another little pool of the ferrocyanide, and so proceed until a brown color is produced in the test drop. Suppose that this brown color was obtained after adding 20 c.c. of the uranic solution, but not after adding 15 ; repeat the trial now with a fresh quantity of the standard phosphatic so- lution, adding 16 c.c. of the uranic solution at once, be- fore making the test, and repeating the test after each addition of a cubic centimetre at a time. If, in this trial, we find that a brown color is obtained with IT c.c. but not with 16, we may make a third trial with another por- 88 62. BASES AXD ACIDS WITH *IlEAGE>sTS. tion of the standard pliosphatic solution, and locate the point of saturation more accurately between 16 and 17 cubic centimetres, beginning with 16.1 c.c. and so on. If we find, finally, that 25 c.c. of the standard phos- phatic solution requh-es 16.5 c.c. of the uranic solution for the complete precipitation of the phosphoric acid, then, evidently, to every 16.5 c.c. of the former, 8.5 c.c. of pure water must be added, in order to make a standard uranic solution, each cubic centimetre of which shall be exactly equivalent to 0.005 grm. of phosphoric anhydride. The respective quantities of uranic solution and wa>er being carefully measured out and mixed, for making half a litre or a litre of the standard solution, this solution should be tested, in order to be sure of its value with respect to phosphoric acid. Dilute 5 c.c. of the standarl phosphatic solution, add 1-2 c.c. of sodic acetate, and then add the uranic solution from a burette graduated into ^ Ijq cubic centimetres ; exactly 5 c.c, not a tenth more or less, should be required before the reaction with the ferro- cyanide is given. The method of determining phosphoric acid volumet- rically, with the aid of this standard uranic solution, is the same as that just described for the determination of the strength of this solution as originally prepared. The amount of phosphoric anhydride in the quantity of the solution taken is then given, by the product of 0.005 into the number of cubic centimetres of standard uranic solution required to precipitate the acid. NITRIC ACID. IINO3. 68. 62. All nitrates are soluble in water. Reactions. — If a nitrate is heated with concentrated sulphuric acid and copper turnings, red fumes of nitric peroxide, NO3, become visible in the upper part of the 62. NITKIO ACID. 89 tube, particularly if it is held over white paper and looked through lengthwise. If a nitrate is mixed in a test-tube with strong sul- phuric acid and the mixture is allowed to cool, and a con- centrated solution of ammonio-ferrous sulphate is then poured slowly down the sides of the tube so as to float on the surface of the liquid in it, a colored ring is formed, the tint of which may range from a rose color to a dark brown, according as little or much nitric acid is present. If a solution of a nitrate is poured into a test-tube con- taining 2-3 grms. of a mixture of clean iron filings and granulated zinc, or of sodium amalgam, and 5-6 c.c. of a strong solution of potash or soda are added, and the mix- ture is heated to boiling, ammonia is set free ; its presence in the tube may be detected by moistened turmeric-paper, or by holding in the tube 'a drop of Nessler's solution, suspended on the end of a glass rod ; this solution will be colored reddish-brown. A delicate test for nitric acid in rain-water consists in acidifying 100 c.c. of the water with 2 or 3 drops of con- centrated sulplmric acid, adding 2 or 3 pieces of pure zinc, and, immediately, a freshly prepared mixture of jiotassic iodide with a little boiled starch paste ; the pres- ence of nitric acid is indicated by a blue color. The re- agents used should be tested by mixing them together without the water. If the water contained nitrous acid^ it will give a blue color with potassic iodide and starch paste alone. Quantitatiye estimation.— a. Of the numerous meth- ods of determining nitric acid, that of Schlossing has proved the most satisftictory in all cases. Friihling and Grouven have simplified Schlossing's apparatus somewhat. {Die landwirthschaftlichen Yersuchs-Stationen^ 9, 13.) The dissolved nitrate is introduced into the flask A, of about 400 c.c. capacity, whose mouth can be perfectly closed by a rubber cork, through which passes a glass 90 62. BASES AND ACIDS WITH REAGENTS. tube, a ; the rubber tube ho should be about 8 cm. long, and have a clamp on it ; d is another narrow caoutchouc tube, 15 cm. long. The neck of the jar B is ground on the outside so that a rubber tube slipped over it will more readily make a tight joint ; a small glass tube, g^ is connected with the jar by the stop-cock h and rubber tubing ; another glass tube, /, bent at an obtuse angle, and reaching above the level of the stop-cock ^, is fastened in the tubulure m of the jar by a good cork. TJiis last- mentioned tube being in place, open the stop-cock h^ pour a little boiled water into the jar through the tube /, and then pour in mercury until it rises to the lower rim of the rubber tube f on the neck of the jar ; close the stop-cock, put the jar in the mercury troutrh so that the mercury rises above the tubulure, and remove the glass tube I and the cork ; now, by means of a pipette, the lower end of which is bent so that it can be inserted in the tubulure, introduce 50 c.c. of well-boiled rriilk of hme, and then cover the mercury in the trough with water to the depth of about 3 cm. The solution of the nitrate in A, which must be neutral or alkaline, is boiled down to a small volume, while the open end of d is immersed in water ; when the bubbles of gas escaping from A are completely condensed in passing through the water, showing that all the air has been ex- pelled from the liquid in A, close the clamp on 5c, and § 62.- NITEIC ACID. 91 dip d m a glass containing a solution of ferrous chloride in hydrocliloii.^ acid, remove the lamp from A, and open the clamp just enough to allow this solution to flow into the flask rather rapidly; when about 200 c.c. of the fer- rous solution have passed in, replace this solution by dilute hydrochloric acid, and allow three or four portions of this to flow in also, and thus wash all the ferrous salt out of the tube ; finally rinse the tube into the flask with a little dis- tilled water. Now, close the clamp on be, and, without allowing any air to enter the tube, insert d in the tubulure of the jar B, replace the lamp under A, immediately open the clamp> on be, while holding the rubber tube tightly compressed between the fingers until a pressure is felt from within ; then remove the fingers and allow the nitric oxide gas that is generated in the flask to pass into the receiver B. The reaction is generally tenninated in about 8 minutes ; so long as nitric oxide is escaping it bubbles up through the milk of lime in B, but as soon as nothing but water and hydrochloric acid pass over, both are absorbed by the milk of lime, and the bubbling of the gas through it ceases. If the receiver B is filled with gas before all . the nitric acid in A is decomposed, close the clamp on be, remove the lamp immediately from under A, take the rubber tube d out of the tubulure and let it lie in the water over the mercury, while the receiver is emptied in the manner de- scribed below ; then fill the receiver again with mercury and milk of lime as directed above, insert d in the tubu- lure again, apply heat to A while the tube bo is closed ■with the fingers only, and proceed as before, until the de- composition of the nitric acid is finished. When the evolution of gas finally ceases, close be, re- move d from the tubulure, and proceed to empty the gas from B. To this end, mount another flask, C, in the same manner as A was arranged, put about 100 c.c. of distilled water in it, attach a rubber tube about 12 cm. long to the 92 62. BASES AND ACIDS WITH REAGENTS. glass tube that passes through the well-fitting rubber cork in the mouth of the flask, and put a clamp, y, on the end of the tube. Fasten this clamp open and boil the water in C until the air is completely expelled from the flask, and, while steam is still escaj^ing from the end of the rub- ber tube, slip it over the glass tube ^' S ^"^ ^ {-- _- MH r.-— ^ O C> O C/2 rt ^ s= O d II ^Il^o^ 'l-S^ ?S) c5 d lo •pis- o o 'o !^ d —I U-J r— ^ I t?'^:^;' 5 cs S ^ ^ >; ^ r, *& ^^ o'Ei) r.-^S^W- S3 iij'^^ g-Q a.c; ^-3 to fi rf.2 o t H o A. la o '^■^ p^ t3' i^' O ^H T3 :i ^ < o "m ^ O ^ '-^ — o c ■> ^ * o S^ Cue 2ti p - '^ - t^ » »r -^ rt O P ._ -^ <5 o _G=« C > O i^'^ « ri ll — ^ '^Ki r '^ c5 r 10 ^ . •Iq 02 I ..w r- ^d ^ a-^ rS ^ w tf) I S c p:^ O P-i |i| t>H Pi, § 89. OCCURKENCE OF SUBSTANCES. 145 C. For the mode of occurrence of the substances for whose detection directions are given in the preceding pages, in agricultural materials and products, consult Table X, ex- cept in case of the following, which are not widely dis- tributed, or whose occurrence presents comparatively less interest, because they have not been quantitatively esti- mated in these materials or products. Acid, acetic, besides occurring in vinegar, which re- sults from the action of the air on alcoholic liquors, is found among the products of the putrefaction, or of the destructive distillation of organic matter. Acid, citric, is found in lemons, and in most other acid fruits^ such as gooseberries, cherries, etc. Acid, lactic, is the acid of sour milk, and is found also in some animal juices, and sometimes in urine. Acid, malic, is found in unripe apples, and in most un- ripe fruits, together with citric acid, and also in potatoes, in many roots, and in the stems and leaves of many plants, such as rhubarb, tobacco, etc. Acid, tartaric, is found, like malic acid, in many fruits, and particularly in the grape ; it occurs also in the roots, stems, and leaves, of many plants. Arsenic may be found occasionally in superphosphates, where it was derived from the sulphuric acid used in the manufacture of the article ; it is also a frequent and dan- gerous ingredient of bright green pigments. Barium may sometimes be found as a silicate in some common rocks, and hence in soils. Copper may sometimes be found in culinary products where vessels made of the metal or its alloys have been used ; it is a frequent and harmful ingredient of bright green pickles 7 146 § 89. SPECIAL METHODS OF ANALYSIS. Cyanogen is sometimes to be found among the products of the decomposition of nitrogenous organic matter in the presence of strong bases, particularly if the decom- position has been aided by heat. Ferrocyanogcn is a product of the decomposition of nitrogenous animal matters by heat, in the j)resence of a strong base and iron. Iodine is very widely but sparingly diifused. Lead may sometimes be found in water that has been in contact with it, and in superphosphates ; in this latter- case it is derived from the sulphuric acid used in the manufacture of the fertilizer; it is also a common ingfre- dient of pigments. Manganese occurs in nearly all soils, and is generally found, at least in traces, in plants, and whatever is pro- duced from them. Zinc may occur in soils in the neighborhood of beds of zinc ore, and in the ashes of j)lants grown on such soils. II. SPECIAL METHODS OF QUANTITATIVE SEPARATION OF SUBSTANCES. Under this head a few special methods of quantitative separation of substances, that often occur in agricultural chemical analysis, are described with full details and di- rections, and in a manner convenient for reference. In this way much repetition is avoided in the chapters treat- ing of special analyses. By consulting Table X, at the close of the book, the analyst may ascertain how much he will probably find of each of the constituents of the compound he is about to analyze, and, knowing the strength of his reagents, he can form some idea as to the quantities of these to be used to pro'duce complete precipitation. § 90. DESICCATION. 147 DESICCATION. 90. One of the more frequent determinations in agri- cultural analysis is that of water, ash, and organic matter. In the elimination of water, or the desiccation of the substance or solution, the object may be to determine the hygroscopic water of the substance, or it may be the estimation of the total amount of solid matter in a solu- tion. a. For the estimation of hygroscopic moisture, dry the substance well in the air, so that it shall be thoroughly air-dried, or under a bell-jar over sulphuric acid, as may be directed in each special case ; then heat a weighed quantity of it in a watch-glass in the steam or air-bath to the temperature indicated in each case, as long as it loses weight ; while weighing the substance, it should be en- closed between two watch-glasses that fit well together by their ground edges. b. Sometimes, as in the case of gypsum containing no volatile matters but water, the substance can be ignited at once ia a covered crucible. A gentle heat should be applied at first, and the temperature should be gradually raised, at least almost to a red heat in some cases. c. When the substance contains a large amount of wa- ter, as in the case of the green parts of plants, it is best to dry a large, weighed quantity in a drying-chamber, at from 60° to 80° C, determine the loss of weight at this temperature, and then proceed as in a, with from 3 to 6 grms. of this partly dried substance. d. Sometimes the substance to be dried contains other volatile ingredients, as ammonia for example ; in this case the desiccation must be performed in a current of dry air, or an inactive gas, like hydrogen, by means of which the volatile products are carried into some absorb- ing solution. Procure a deep water-batn, through which a tube of the same material passes laterally, and projects 148 § 90. SPECIx\L METHODS OF ANALYSIS. a little beyond the sides ; weigh the substance out in a small porcelain or platinum boat, and insert the boat in a glass tube open at both ends, and drawn out and bent down at one end ; put this glass tube in the copper tube of the wa- ter-bath, immerse the end of the glass tube, that is bent downwards, in a measured quantity of standard sulphuric acid, and connect the other end with an apparatus from Avhich dry hydrogen is evolved. Apply heat to the water- bath, and when the desiccation is completed, remove the boat, rinse the glass tube into the flask containing the acid, boil the acid a little to expel carbonic acid, that misrht have been carried over with the ammonia, and titrate with soda solution in the usual manner (§ 45, c). e. For the estimation of the amount of solid substances in a solution^ evaporate a measured or weighed quantity on the water-bath, and dry the residue at the temperature indicated in each particular case ; this temperature may range all the way from 100° to 180° C. f. If the liquid contains other volatile matters besides water, as in the case of urine, which may give off am- monia when heated, put it in a porcelain or a platinum boat, which has been previously about two-thirds filled with coarsely pounded and well-washed glass or coarse quartz sand, dried at 100°, and weighed, and carry on the evaporation as in the case of a solid evolving ammonia when heated (d). g. If the solution contains substances that are decom- posed at a temperature above 100°, and yet it is difficult to dry the residue left on evaporation of the liquid thor- oughly at that temperature, imbed the dish containing the residue in sand that is heated to 100° C, put the whole over a dish of concentrated sulphuric acid under the receiver of the air-pump, and exhaust the air ; after the sand has cooled, repeat the process with a fresh quan- tity of heated sand, and so on as long as there is any loss of weiorht. § 91. INCINERATION. 149 h. If the substance in solution is liable to form hard clumps on drying that retain water mechanically enclosed, and yet the residue cannot be heated much above 100 C, mix it with ^ |, or ' |g of its weight of rather finely pulver- ized crystallized gypsum, or of pure ignited baric sul- phate, that has been artificially prepared, or with 3 or 4 times its weight of well-washed fine sand. If gypsum is used, it should be tested beforehand, to see whether it loses any weight at 100°. The mixture should be well stirred as the evaporation approaches dryness. Heat the residue at 100° in the usual manner as long as it loses weight. INCINERATION, OR ESTIMATION OF ORGANIC MATTER. 91. The dried residues obtained in the preceding sec- tion are often examined for organic matter by ignition until this matter is burned away, or incineration. a. The ignition is performed in a platinum dish or cru- cible at as low a temperature as possible, with provision for the access of air to the substance along the surface of the lid of the crucible, as directed for the incineration of filters (§ 40) ; or a piece of platinum foil may be bent so as to rest on the bottom of the dish and on the rim, and extend some distance beyond the latter. h. A portion of the original solid substance may be in- cinerated at once in the muffle furnace, as described in § 123, c, under preparation of the ash of plants for analy- sis. Then, on subtracting from the loss of weight iu this trial the amount of water in the quantity of substance taken, as may be calculated from the results of the esti- mation of hygroscopic water in another portion of the substance, the remainder will be the organic matter, or other volatile matter besides water. c. A part of the . carbon sometimes obstinately resists 150 § 91. SPECIAL METHODS OF ANALYSIS. combustion ; to eliminate this, one of two courses may- be followed. 1. Exhaust the mixture of ash and coal with hot water, collect the insoluble part on the filter, wash, dry, and ig- nite it ; the coal will generally be found to burn much more readily after this treatment, and the ash can more- over be heated to a higher temperature than before with- out fear of loss. Add the ash so obtained to the aqueous extract and washings, evaporate to dryness, ignite gently, and weigh. 2. Or, weigh the mixture of ash and unconsumed car- bon, determine carbonic acid (d) in the whole or a j)or- tion of it, collect what is insoluble in the nitric acid in the determination of the carbonic acid, on a dried and weigh- ed filter, wash it well, dry at 110° C, weigh, ignite until the carbon is completely burned, and weigh again. The loss of weight gives the unburned carbon in that portion of the original ash taken ; calculate the amount of coal for the whole quantity of the original mixture of ash, including carbonic acid and coal, and deduct it from the same. d. A portion of the carbon in the organic part of the substance ignited may remain behind in combination with the metallic oxides as carbonic acid ; sinca this does not properly belong to the ash or inorganic part of the sub- stance, it should be determined and deducted from the total weight of the ash. For this purpose estimate the carbonic acid (§ 60) in a i:)ortion of the ash, or the whole of it, according to the quantity in hand, calculate the amount for the whole quantity of the ash, if only a portion was used for the analysis, and deduct it from the same. A substance may, however, contain a notable quantity of carbonic acid before ignition, as, for example, a soil with carbonate of lime in it. In this case the ignited residue should bo moistened with ammonic carbonate, § 91. QUANTITATIVE METHODS. 151 carefully dried, gently ignited, and weighed, and the operation must be repeated as long as there is any gain in weight, in order to be sure that there is at least as much carbonic acid in the substance after ignition as before. Then determine carbonic acid in the ash, or a portion of it, and in a portion of the original substance ; the excess in the ash over what was in the quantity of substance taken is to be subtracted from the weight of the ash. e. Small quantities of organic matter, as in water, may be determined by the following volumetric j^rocess (Kuhel^ Fresenius^s Zeitschrift^ 6, 252). Dissolve about 0.4 grm. of crystallized potassic per- manganate in 1 litre of water, and also 0.398 grm. of pure oxalic acid in 1 litre of water. Put 100 c.c. of distilled water and 10 c.c. of a dilute sulphuric acid, containing 30 grms. of concentrated acid in 100 c.c, in a flask of about 300 c.c. capacity, heat the mixture to boiling, add 3-4 c.c. of the permanganate so- lution, boil the red liquid 5 minutes, remove the lamp, and add 10 c.c. of the solution of oxalic acid ; potassic per- manganate is then cautiously added from a burette or pi- pette, with constant stirring, until a faint red color ap- pears throughout the liquid. The total amount of permanganate added, corresponding to the 10 c.c. of the oxalic acid solution, = 2 milligrammes. Now, to make a determination of organic matter in a sample of drinking water, for instance, boil 100 c.c. of the water in a flask of 400 or 500 c.c. capacity, down to ''\^ its initial volume, to decompose ammoniacal compounds that are very liable to be present in such a water, by means of the calcic carbonate that is also nearly always present ; add distilled water until the original volume is nearly re- stored, and 10 c.c. of the dilute sulphuric acid ; heat to boiling, add 5 or 6 c.c. of the permanganate solution, and boil 5 minutes, whereby the red color should not be de- stroyed ; then add 10 c.c. of the oxaHc acid, and restore 152 § 92. SPECIAL METHODS OF ANALYSIS. the red color by adding the permanganate solution from the burette as before. The permanganate added this time is consumed in oxidizing, not only the 10 c.c. of oxalic acid that was added to the solution, but also other organic matter, and therefore more permanganate will be required than when the oxalic acid was mixed with distilled water, as in the first experiment. Multiply the number of milli- grammes of permanganate in this additional quantity of the solution used, by 5, for the organic matter, expressed in milligrammes. The determination is only an approxi- mate one, since different kinds of organic matter require difi'erent amounts of oxygen for their complete oxidation, while in the above estimation it is assumed that the same amount is consumed by the same quantity of organic mat- ter of whatever kind. 92. Estimation of Sulphur {and Chlorine) in Organic Compounds. Fuse 2 parts of a mixture of pure caustic potassa free from sulphuric acid (or chlorine) with '|g part of pure potassic nitrate in a silver dish, with the addition of a little water. When the mixture is cold, add 1 part (3 to 4 grms.) of the finely pulverized substance, fuse the whole with constant stirring with a silver spatula, and continue the application of the heat until the mass has become quite white ; if it does not readily become so, a little more potassic nitrate may be added. Dissolve the fused substance in dilute nitric acid, evap- orate to dryness, and eliminate silica (§ 58, a, 1), and in the filtrate from this, precipitate the sulphuric acid, into which the sulphur in the original substance has been con- verted by oxidation, with baric chloride (§ 59), or with baric acetate, if chlorine is to be determined in the filtrate from the baric sulphate ; the chlorine in this filtrate is precipitated by argentic nitrate (§ 63, a). 93. Separation and determination of Potassium^ Sodi- § 93. QUANTITATIVE METHODS. 153 wm, Calcium^ Magnesium^ Alitminium, Iron, and Man- ganese, and Phosphoric and Sulphur ic acids. This is one of the most frequently recurring separations in agricultural chemical analysis. For the best general method of separation in each par- ticular case, the analyst will be referred tg one of the ta- bles at the end of this section, in which the whole course to be followed will be marked out in a few words, while more detailed descriptions will be given in the following paragraphs of some of the necessary manipulations men- tioned in the table. A. Precipitation of almnina, X\fi^, ferric oxide, Yefi^, Sindi phosphoric acid (anhydride), PjO^., and estimation of the two bases. If the substance contains a notable proportion of or- ganic matter, this should first be destroyed in the solu- tion, and the iron completely oxidized to ferric oxide at the same time, by treatment with an active oxidizing agent. This oxidation may be effected by passing chlorine gas through the solution until it is nearly saturated ; if this course is followed, the solution should be heated after- wards, until the excess of chlorine is entirely expelled. Or, instead of using chlorine, the solution may be evai> orated nearly to dryness, and sodic or potassic hydrate added in slight excess, and sodic carbonate and a little so- dic or potassic nitrate ; then dry the mixture completely in a platinum dish, and ignite the residue gently until the organic matter is destroyed ; exhaust the mass with water, treat it with dilute hydrochloric acid, add this solu- tion and the washings to the aqueous one, and proceed as directed below for the estimation of ferric oxide, etc. If a residue remains that is insoluble in hydrochloric acid, dry, ignite, and w^eigh it, and add the amount to the silicic acid already obtained. 7"* 154 § 93. SPECIAL METHODS OF ANALYSIS. • 1. Case in which there is enough ahimi?ia and ferric oxide present to combine with all the phosphoric acid. The filtrate from the precipitate by sodic acetate, obtained in a qualitative test in the manner described below, gives no reaction for phosphoric acid with aramonic molybdate. To the not too concentrated solution add sodic carbon- ate with constant stirring, until a few scattered flakes of a precipitate remain permanent, heat to boiling, remove the lamp, and add immediately an excess of a boiling hot so- lution of sodic or ammonic acetate ; this reagent precipi- tates all the AI2O3, Fe203, and P^O^ ; filter rapidly while hot, and wash the contents of the filter with boiling water, containing a little ammonic acetate ; dissolve the precipi- tate, without drying it, in hot, dilute hydrochloric acid, wash the filter out well, mix the solution and washings by vigorous stirring, add water, if it is necessary, to bring the liquid to such a volume that it can be conveniently divided in two equal parts, and mix carefully again by stirring, divide it accurately, precipitate one part with ammonia in slight excess, as directed for the precipitation of alumina (§ 51), filter, wash with hot water, dry, ignite precipitate and filter separately, and weigh ; the result, multiplied by two, gives the total amount of Al^Og, Fe203, and P2O5 in the undivided solution. Keduce the ferric to ferrous oxide in the other half of the solution, and estimate the iron with potassic perman- ganate (§ 52, h) • or, as a sulphuric-acid solution is better adapted for that process, this half of the solution may be precipitated with ammonia also, and the precipitate wash- ed, and dissolved, without drying it, in dilute sulphuric acid. The amount of ferric oxide being estimated from the result, multiply by two and thus get the quantity of Fe^Og in the undivided solution. The difference between the total weight of Al^Og, Fe^Og, and P^O,^, and the sum of the Fe^Og, as determined above, and the P^O^ to be determined in another portion § 93. QUAXTITATIVE METHODS. 155 of the solution and estimated for the amount of solution taken for this analysis, will give the Al^Og. 2. In case there is not Fe^Og and Al^Og enough present to combine with all the phosphoric acid, more iron must be added, until a drop of the liquid, on a watch-glass, gives a reddish precipitate with a little ammonia, and the amount of iron so added is to be subtracted from the total amount found subsequently. This addition of iron is most conveniently made in tlie form of a carefully meas- ured quantity of an accurately titrated solution of ferric chloride (Fe^ClJ, about '1^ the strength of the reagent or- dinarily used. Proceed then as in 1. B. The method of removing phosphoric acid by means of metallic tin admits of the determination, in a conven- ient manner, of this acid, and alumina, ferric oxide, man- ganous oxide, lime, and magnesia, in the same portion of the solution. On evaporating to dryness to remove silica, after moist- ening the dried residue with concentrated hydrochloric acid in the usual manner, add nitric acid, dilute with water, filter, wash the insoluble silica on the filter, evap- orate the filtrate and washings nearly to dryness, or until all the hydrochloric acid is expelled, dissolve the residue in concentrated nitric acid, heat the solution to boiling in a beaker covered with a large watch-glass or an inverted funnel, and add pure tin in small grains, and in small portions at a time, to an amount about six times as great as that of the phosphoric acid supposed to be present, di- gest the mixture 5 or C hours in a warm place, dilute and decant the clear supernatant liquid on the filter, and wash the precipitate, containing stannic oxide, stannic phos- phate, and perhaps some alumina and ferric oxide, several times by decantation with boiling dilute nitric acid, and finally with a little water ; then digest it with amnion io sulphide, wash the undissolved aluminic hydrate and fer- rous sulphide first with hot ammonic sulphide, and then 156 § 93. SPECIAL METHODS OF ANALYSIS. with water to the successive portions of which less and less amnionic sulphide is added ; dissolve it in dilute hy- drochloric acid, and add the solution to the first filtrate from the stannic oxide, etc., containing the main part of the alumina and ferric oxide. The solution obtained by treating the precipitated stannic oxide and phosphate, etc., by ammonic sulphide, contains all the j^hosphoric acid {Baehei\ Zeitschnft filr die gesammten Naturwissenschaften^ 1864, 293. Fresenius's Zeitschrift^ 4, 122) / if its volume has been increased to a considerable bulk by the washings of the precipitate of aluminic hydrate and ferrous sulphide, concentrate it by evaporation, filter again if not clear, and precipitate the phosphoric acid with magnesia mixture in the usual man- ner (§ 61, a). In the filtrate from the precipitated stannic oxide and j)hosphate, etc., determine the bases, as directed in A, C, and D, except that, since the precipitate by sodic acetate in A contains no phosphoric acid, the difference between the total weight of the precipitate by ammonia, and the weight of the ferric oxide, as determined by potassic per- manganate, gives the alumina. The method is not applicable in the presence of hydro- chloric acid or chlorides. C. Precipitation of manganic hinoxide^ MnO„, in the filtrate from, the precipitate by sodic acetate in A. Heat this filtrate, which should he free from ammonic salts, and tolerably concentrated, to 50 or 60° C, and con- duct chlorine gas through it until it is saturated, or as long as any precipitate is formed ; filter out the precipitate, add more sodic acetate to the filtrate, pass chlorine through again, and add this second precipitate to the first, if any is obtained. Wash the precipitated manganic hydrate first by decantation and then on the filter, dry this, sepa- rate the precipitate from it as completely as possible, burn it and dissolve the ash and the precipitate in concentrated § 93. QUANTITATIVE METHODS. 157 hydrochloric acid, remove any great excess of acid by evaporation, and precipitate the solution with sodic car- bonate. (§ 53.) Heat the filtrate from the precipitate by chlorine as long as any odor of the gas is perceived. D. Precipitation of llme^ CaO^ and magnesia, MgO^ in the filtrate from the precipitate by sodic acetate (A) or by chlorine (C). Neutralize the solution with ammonia if it is acid, and proceed as directed in § 50 6 to precipitate lime with ammonic oxalate, and magnesia with hydric disodic phosphate. M Separation and determination of sulphuric acid {anhydride), SO^. Precipitate the acid with baric chlo- ride in the slightest possible excess, and preserve the washings with water alone, while those with cupric acetate may be thrown away. (§ 59.) i^ Estimation of phosphoric acid (anhydride), P^O^, in the filtrate from the precipitate by baric chloride. Add ammonia in slight excess only, if much iron or aluminum is present, otherwise a mixture of ammonia and ammonic carbonate, as long as a precipitate is formed, digest the mixture a considerable time until the free am- monia is expelled, wash the precipitate well, dissolve it, without drying it, in nitric acid, and eliminate PjO^ with ammonic molybdate. (§ 61. b.) G. Elimination of the cdkaline metals as chlorides. (1.) Precipitate SO3 by the slightest possible excess of baric chloride, if this has not already been done ; evapo- rate the mixture on the water-bath until most of the free acid has been removed, add pure milh of lime in slight excess, digest some time on the water-bath, and filter out the precipitated Fe.Og Aip^ MgO, and, SO3 and P,0,. "Wash the precipitate as long as the washings make argentic nitrate turbid, precipitate the excess of lime in the concen- trated filtrate and washings, by ammonic carbonate con- 158 § 93. SPECIAL METHODS OF ANALYSIS. taining excess of ammonia, let the precipitate settle, filter, evaporate to dryness, and ignite ; dissolve the residue in water, and precipitate again with ammonia and ammonic carbonate, filter, evaporate to dryness, and ignite; and re- peat tliis operation as long as these reagents cause any turbidity; finally, ignite gently, weigh the alkaline chlo- rides thus obtained, and determine potassium and sodium in the mixture by the indirect process (§ 46 d)^ or, if greater accuracy is desired, precipitate potassium with platinic chloride (§ 46 h), (2.) Precipitate the SOg in the boiling solution with baric chloride in slightest possible excess, if this has not already been done, evaporate the mixture on the water- bath until most of the free acid is removed, add some wa- ter and then ammonia and ammonic carbonate as long as a precipitate is formed, and finally a little ammonic oxa- late, digest on the water-bath, filter, and wash the contents of the filter carefully. Evaporate the filtrate and wash- ings to dryness (§ 37), ignite the residue to expel ammo- niacal salts, weigh roughly, and add a quantity of a con- centrated solution of pure oxalic acidxhixt contains enough of the acid to make quadroxalate with an amount of po- tassa equivalent to all the bases present, evaporate to dry- ness, and ignite again. By this process, magnesia and traces of lime, baryta, ferric oxide, etc., that may possibly be present, are rendered insoluble in water. Treat the ig- nited residue with a small quantity of boiling water, throw it on a filter, wash it with several small portions of boiling water, as long as anything is dissolved, add hydrochloric acid in slight excess to the filtrate and washings, evaporate to dryness, and ignite the residue of alkaline chlorides gently, weigh, and determine potassium and sodium by the indirect process (§ 46 d), or with platinic chloride (§ 46 h). If, when these chlorides are dissolved in water, a clear solution is not obtained, or if the solution has a basic re- § 93, QUANTITATIVE METHODS. 159 action, it should be evaporated to dryness and the residue treated with oxalic acid again. (3.) According to Stohmann {Fresenius's Zeitschrift, 5, 306), potassium may be separated out at once by platinic chloride from a solution containing only alkalies and alka- line earths. Having precipitated the sulphuric acid completely as above in the boiling solution of about 10 grms. of the substance, filter out the precipitate if the quantity of it is large ; if but small, let it remain in the liquid ; dilute the liquid, when cool, to 1000 c.c. and mix the whole thor- oughly together. To 100 c.c. of the clear solution add an amount of platinic chloride containing about 2 grms. of the metal, evaporate the mixture nearly to dryness, and proceed as directed for the separation of potassium and sodium by platinic chloride (§ 46 h). The method is based upon the fact that the double chlorides of calcium, barium, and magnesium, and platinum, are soluble in water and alcohol, as well as the double chloride of sodium and platin um. H. Reparation oi phosphor'iG acid alone. (1.) Evaporate the hydrochloric acid solution, contain- ing no great excess of iron over the phosphoric acid, to dryness on the water-bath, to eliminate silica, moisten the perfectly dried residue with about 2 c.c. of concentrated hydrochloric acid, and, after a while, add about 10 c.c. of concentrated nitric acid (Sp. Gr. = 1.2) for every 0.15 grm. of phosphoric acid supposed to be present, dilute with water, filter if necessary, and wash the residue of in- soluble silica ; evaporate the filtrate and washings nearly to dryness, dissolve the residue in about half as much concentrated nitric acid as was added before, and proceed to precipitate phosphoric acid with amnionic molybdate (§ 61 h). [Fresenius's Zeitschrift, 4, 404.) (2.) To the solution of the phosphate add ferric chloride in slight excess over the phosphoric acid, if there is not 160 § 93. SPECIAL METHODS OF ANALYSIS. already enough alumina and ferric oxide present, so that, when the solution is nearly neutralized with sodic hydrate, heated to boiling aud precipitated with sodic acetate in excess, the filtrate gives no reaction for phosphoric acid. Nearly neutralize the solution with sodic hydrate or carbonate, heat to boiling, and add sodic acetate in excess, filter the mixture while hot, wash with boiling water con- taining a little ammonic acetate, dissolve, without igniting, in dilute hydrochloric acid, wash the filter out carefully, dilute the solution moderately, add rather a large-quantity of citric acid, and then an excess of ammonia ; if enough citric acid is present, the solution remains clear. Finally, add magnesia mixture to the solution, and precipitate phosphoric acid in the usual manner. (§ 61 a.) The solution should not contain too large an excess cf hydrochloric acid, and a great excess of citric acid must bo avoided also. The method gives the best results when the proportion of phosphoric acid is large, as compared with the alumina and ferric oxide ; if these oxides are present in large quantity, it may be necessary to re-dissolve the precipitate by magnesia mixture in hydrochloric acid, add citric acid, and re-precipitate the phosphoric acid by am- monia and a little magnesia mixture. (3.) In solutions containing a great excess of ferric oxide, it is better to reduce a portion of this, at least, to ferrous oxide before precipitation with sodic acetate. Heat the acid solution to boiling, remove the lamp, add a solution of sodic sulphite until the liquid is quite color- less, and sodic carbonate produces a white precipitate ; then boil the mixture as long as any odor of sulphurous acid is evolved, nearly saturate the acid with sodic carbon- ate, add a few drops of chlorine water, then sodic acetate in excess, and finally more chlorine water drop by drop, until the liquid is reddish, and boil ; the precipitate con- tains all the alumina and phosphoric acid, mixed with but little ferric oxide ; filter it out quickly, wash it with a lit- § 94. QUANTITATIVE :metiiods. 161 tie hot water, and dissolve it, without ignition, either in nitric acid and eliminate phosphoric acid with the aid of amnionic molybdate (§ 61, b), or in hydrochloric acid and precipitate the phosphoric acid with magnesia mixture in the presence of citric acid, as above. (4.) If there is a large proportion of phosphoric acid in the substance, and comparatively little ferric oxide and alumina, the nitric acid solution, obtained as in 1, may be treated with metallic tin, as described in J^. 91. Schemes for the quantitative separation of K.^ iVa., Ca., My,, Fe., AL, Mn., P, 0„ and SO^, The purpose of these schemes is, to present a birds- eye view of the various courses to be followed for the separation of the bases and acids given in this list. For the details of the manipulation the analyst should always follow up the references given in the schemes and in § 93, unless he is perfectly familiar with these details, and knows them, as it were, by heart. The capital letters in the schemes refer to paragraphs in § 93, the small letters to other parts of the schemes themselves. 162 § 94. SPECIAL METHODS OF ANALYSIS. PnOSPHORIC ACID IS Oli IS NOT IN EXCESS OVER THE ALUMINA AND PERRIC OXIDE. Divide the filtrate from the silica in three parts, a, b, and c. 1. Precipitate SO3 withBaCl, filter. (E.) 2. Precipitate P2O5 together with Fe,Ca, etc., with NH4HO,or NH4HO and (NH4)2- CO3, filter. (F.) 0. Eliminate K. and Na. as chlorides, by treat- ment with milk of lime, NH4- HO and (NH4)2- CO3, filtra- tion, evap- oration to dryness, ignition. G, 1. /3- by evapo- ration to dryness, ignition, addition of oxalic acid, igni- tion, solu- tion in water, fil- tration, and ignition. G, 2. 1. First add FcsCle in slight excess over the P2- O5 if AI2O3 and FcaOg are not already present in excess (see A, 1); then eliminate the acid, a. by addition of NH4HO in slight ex- cess, diges- tion, filtra- tion, solu- tion of pre- cipitate in HNO3 and precipita- tion of P2O5 with(NH4)2- M0O3. ILL by addition of NaHO until nearly neutral, pre- cipitation with NaC2- H302(oruse of NH4HO and NH4C2- H3O2 if alka- lies are to be determ- ined in fil- trate); dis- solve pre- cipitate in HCl, precip- itate P2O5 with mag- nesia mix- ture and citric acid. H, 2. 2. Treat filtrate from precipitate by NH4HO in a or NH4C2H3O2 in /3 as under a, if it is desired to repeat the determina- tion of alkalies. 1. First add an accu- jratcly titrated solution I of FcaCls in proper 'quantity (see A, 2) if AI2O3 and Fe203 are not already present in ex- cess over the P2O5; then add NasCOg until nearly neutral, and precipitate Fe,Al,P205 with NaCs- H3O2 ; dissolve precipi- tate in HCl, divide in halves, precipitate one- half with NH4HO, filter, ignite,and wei<^h Al,Fe, P2O5. Determine Fein other half with K2Mn2- Og, at once, or after pre- cipitation w'ith NH4HO and solution in II2SO4. (A.) 2. First Filtr. — {From the2yr€€. by KaCr B^O-i). Concentrate and precipitate Mn by CI. (C.) 3. Second Filtr. — {From the prec. bij CI.) Concentrate,precipitate Ca with(NH4)2C204 (D). 4. Third Filtr.— (From the prec. by {NBi)^C^Oi.) Concen- trate and precipitate Mg. with Naali, PO4 (D). IL A LARGE EXCESS OF BOTU ALUMINA AND FERRIC OXIDE IS PRESENT. Divide the filtrate from the silica in three parts, a, b, and c. 1. Precipitate SO3 with Ba- Cl and filter. (E.) 2. Eliminate K and Na as chlorides. See Scheme I, a, 3. b. Treat this portion as directed in Sclieme I under c. c. Reduce the ferric to fer- rous oxide witli sodic sul- phite (H,3), precipitate all Al and P0O5 together with little Fe, and eliminate P2O5 as under a or j3, Scheme I, b. § 94. QUANTITATIVE METHODS. 163 III. NO ALUMINA IS PRESENT, AND PHOSPnORIC ACID IS IN EXCESS OVER THE IRON. Divide tlic filtrate from tlie silica in two parts, a and b. Determine S03,F205,K and Na, as under a, Scheme I. b. 1. Add an aceui'ately titrated solution of FeaClg, nearly' neutralize the solution with NasCOa, precipitate Fe and P2O5 with NaCsHgOQ (A); dissolve the precHpitute in HCl, divide solution in two equal portions, a and (i. Determine Fe with per- manganate (A.) 2^. Determine P2O5 with (NH4)2- M0O3 (H, 1) or citric acid and magnesia mixture (H, 2). 3. Determine Mn, Ca, and Mg, in the filtrate from the precipitate by NaC2H302, as in 2, 3, and 4, under c, Scheme I. IV. NO ALUMINA OR MANGANESE IS PRESENT, AND PUOSPHORIC ACID IS IN EXCESS OVER THE IRON. Proceed as in III, except that the elimination of manganese by chlorine may be omitted. TO DETERMINE ALL WITHOUT DIVIDING THE SOLUTION. 1. To the filtrate from the silica add the titrated solution of ferric chloride, if necessar.v, (see § 93, A, 2), nearly neutralize the solution with (NH4)2C03, precipitate Fe, Al, and P2O5, with NH4C2H3O2, dissolve the precipitate in HCl, and divide the solution in two equal portions ; pre- cipitate one portion with NH4HO, and get total Al, Fe, and PsOs; heat the ignited residue in a mixture of 8 parts of concentrated sulphuric acid and 3 parts of Avater, add water, and determine Fe in this solution with potassic permanganate (A) ; eliminate P2O5 in the other portion of the solution, with the aid of ammonic molybdate, or magnesia mixture in the presence of citric acid. (H.) 2. First Filtrate. {From the precip. by NRiCJIsO^.) Evaporate to dryness and ignite the residue until ammonic salts are completely ex- pelled; dissolve in water acidified with HCl, nearly neutralize the solu- tion with NaaCOa, add NaCaHgOj, and precipitate Mu by CI. (C.) 3. Second Filtrate. {From the precipitate by CI.) After removing excess of CI by heat, precipitate Ca with (NH4)2C204. (D.) 4. Third Filtrate. {From the precip. by {NEi^C^Oi). Precipitate SOgwithBaCl. (E.) 164 § 94. SPECIAL METHODS OP ANALYSIS. 5. Fourth Filtrate. {From the preclp. 1)]] BaCl.') Kemove excess of Ba with (NH4)2 COg, evaporate filtrate to dryuess, ignite, treat with 1120204, (see G, 2), ignite, exliaust with water, and treat this solution for the estimation of the alkalies, as directed for the treatment of the cor- responding solution in G, 3. 6. Dissolve the residue that has been exJiausted dy water as above, in di- lute HCl, filter if necessary, and precipitate Mg in the filtrate with NagH PO4 (§ 50, a). VI. TO DETERMINE ALL EXCEPT MANGANESE, W^ITHOUT DIVIDING THE SOLUTION. Proceed as under V, except that the evaporation to dryness, ignition, and treatment with 01 for the estimation of Mn, arc to be omitted. VII. TO DETERMINE ALL EXCEPT MANGANESE AND PHOSPHORIC ACID, WITH- OUT DIVIDING THE SOLUTION. Proceed as under VI, except that no FcsCle need be added, and that one portion of the solution of the precipitate by NH4C2H3O0 is to be used for the estimation of the sum of the Fe and Al only, and the other portion for the determination of Fe. (A.) VIII. TO DETERMINE ALL EXCEPT ALUMINIUM AND MANGANESE WITHOUT DIVIDING THE SOLUTION. Proceed as under VI, except that one portion of the solution of the pre- cipitate by NH4C2H3O2 is to be used for the estimation of Fe, and the other for that of P2O3. (A, H.) IX. DETERMINATION Or ALL, AND ELIMINATION OF PHOSPHORIC ACID BY THE TIN PROCESS. Divide the filtrate from the silica in tw^o parts, a and b. a. 1. Precipitate SO3 with BaCl, and filter. (E.) 2. Eliminate K and Na as chlo- rides. (See Scheme I, a, 3.) b. 1. Treat the concentrated nitric-acid solution with Sn, this precipitate by NII4HS, and the solution so ob- tained with magnesia mixture (B). 2. First Filtr. (From the precip. by Sn.) Precipi- tate Fe and Al by NallO and NaCoHgOo, dissolve the precipitate in HOI, divide solution in two equal purts, precipitate one part by NH4HO to get total Al and Fe, and determine Fe in the otlier part (A). 3. Second Filtr. (From the lu-ecip. by NaOoHgOa.) Treat tiiis for the estimation of Mn, Ca, and Mg, as in Selieme I, under c, 3, 8 and 4. § 95. SOILS. 165 X. TO DETERMINE ALL EXCEPT MANGANESE, WITHOUT DIVIDING THE SOLUTION. a. Eliminate P0O5 from tlic filtrate from the silica, bv means of Sn (VIII, b). b. First Filtr. (From tlie precip. by Sn.) Precipitate Al and Fe with NH4HO and NH4C2H3O2, and treat this precipitate as directed for the treatment of the correspondin*^ one by NaCaHgOa in VIII, b. c. Second Filtr. Treat this, for the estimation of Ca, SO3, K, Na, and Mg, as directed in Scheme V, 3, 4, 5 and 6. CHAPTER Y. ANALYSIS OF SOILS AND ROCKS. I. SOILS. 95i The following general method of analyzing soils, by Emil WoliF, was approved at the annual meeting of German Agricultural Chemists in Gottingen, in" 1864, and is given in full in his work on agricultural analysis, referred to in the preface. In his introductory remarks, Prof. Wolff writes : " Of course it is not essential that the experienced chemist should follow strictly all the methods for the separation and quantitative estimation of particular components of the soil, that are given here as guides for the beginner in chemical analysis, and are used by me ; those methods may be modified in many cases without impairing the accuracy of the analytical work. But it is necessary that all chemists who undertake accurate analyses of soils should agree to follow the same course in regard to 166 § 96. ANALYSIS OF SOILS AND HOCKS. certain important points, in order that the results ob- tained by different workers may be comparable with each other, or possess any lasting practical, or scientific value. " Such essential points, concerning which agricultural chemists should aim to agree, are, the manner in which the sample of the soil is to be taken from the field, the preparation of the same, and the quantity to be taken for analysis, the manner of performing the mechanical silt (Schlamm) analysis, the methods of determining the coefficients of absorption of the more important elements of plant-food, and, above all, the preparation of the solu- tions or extracts of the soil that are to be subjected to chemical analysis." He says also in another place : " Although I recognize the need of a large number of full and complete analyses of soils, and of improving or amplifying some of the methods given here, in order to perfect our scientific knowledge of the soil, yet an abridg- ment of the following course will usually answer for all practical purposes ; for such an abridged course, it will be sufficient, for example, to examine only that part of the soil that is soluble in cold or hot concentrated hydrochloric acid, with perhaps the addition of a mechanical analysis ; but even in this case, the previous preparation of the soil and of the solutions to be analyzed should be made in accordance with the directions given below, at least until other methods become as generally approved and adopted." PREPARATION OF THE SAMPLE FOR ANALYSIS. 96. Make an excavation in the soil 30-50 cm. deep, or tlirough to the subsoil, and 30-50 cm. square, with one side as nearly vertical as possible, and take a slice from this side of uniform thickness throughout, weighing 4-5 kilos. The subsoil lies below the depth generally reach- 96. PEEPAEATION OF THE SAMPLE FOE ANALYSIS. 167 ed by the plough, and is usually readily distinguished from the upper soil by its physical characters, among which a ligiiter color is prominent, owing to the absence of humus. If this subsoil is to be examined, a sample of it should be taken out in the same manner as directed for the upper soil, to the depth of about 60 cm., and the depth of the cavity noted. The sample is taken, according to the object of the analysis, either «, from one or from several spots in the field, in order to subject each sample to a separate analysis; or 5, for an average representation of the soil of the whole field ; in this case, several portions of earth are taken from points distributed in a regular manner over the field, all of which are most carefully mixed together, and 4-6 kilos, of the mixture, free from any large stones, are preserved as the average sample. If the character of the soil varies materially in differ- ent parts of the field, samples from several spots should be analyzed separately. A small portion of the sample should be put at once in a well-stoppered bottle ; the remainder may be allowed to become air-dried, by exposing it in a thin layer, in summer, to the common temperature in the shade, or, in winter, to that of a warm room, or a moderately warm drying-chamber, heated to 30°-40° C. ; in either case it should be carefully protected from dust. At the time of taking the sample of the soil, obser- vations should be made in regard to the following points ; a. The geognostic origin of the soil. h. The nature of the underlying strata, to the depth of 1-2 metres, if practicable. c. The meteorology of the locality — ^l:>y consulting me- teorological records, if possible; otherwise, by the general opinion of the neighborhood; in this connection, the 168 § 96. ANALYSIS OF SOILS AND EOCKS. height of the locality above the level of the sea should be noted also. d. The management and rotation of crops in previous years. e. The character of the customary manuring. /. The amount of the crops removed in the preceding year, and, if possible, the average amount of each of the more important crops yielded by the field. ff. The practical judgment of neighboring farmers in regard to the field. Having taken the sample to the laboratory, separate the stones and larger pebbles from the finer parts by the hand, or by sifting with a very coarse sieve, and examine them with reference to their mineralogical character, weight and size, making note, in this last respect, of the number that are as large as the fist or larger, the num- ber as large as an egg, a walnut, hazel-nut, and pea,. or give the percentage of each by weight. Pulverize the air-dried soil in a mortar with a wooden pestle, and separate the fine earth out by a sieve with meshes 3 mm. wide ; this sieve should have a tightly fit- ting cover of sheej)-skin stretched over a hoop, and it should be covered in the same manner underneath, so that no dust can escape during the process of sifting. Wash the pebbles and vegetable fibres remaining on the sieve with water, dry and weigh the residue, and ex- amine the pebbles mineralogically ; the water with which this gravel was washed should be evaporated to dryness at a temperature not exceeding 50° C. towards the close of the evaporation, and the residue mixed with what passed through the dry sieve. This sifted fi?2e earth is reserved for all the processes hereinafter described, and is kept in well-stoppered bot- tles, marked air-dried fine earth. § 97. SILT ANALYSIS, 1G9 SILT ANALYSIS. 97. This air-dried fine earth may be separated, still further, into portions of different degrees of fineness by a series of sieves, or, in a quicker and better manner, by the process of silt analysis. a. To perform this with Kobel's apparatus (fig. 6), weigh out 30 grms. of the air-dried soil, and boil it for a long time with water, until the lumps are completely broken up ; the operation may be facilitated by gentle trituration with a small pestle ; in the case of very sandy soils, it will be finished in half an hour, but for very heavy clay soils, two or three hours may be required. When this is completed throw the whole mixture of soil and water on a sieve with meshes 1 mm. wide, rinse the residue on the sieve well with water, dry it at 100° C, and weigh it ; that which passes through the sieve, and the washings, are reserved for the silt analysis proper. The water reservoir of Nobel's apparatus should hold about 10 litres, and the siphon tube that enters it should extend down just far enough to allow 9 litres of vv^ater, and no more, to flow out ; the other arm of the siphon should be 60 cm. long, and should have just as large a bore as the tube of the funnel with which it is connect- ed. The relative capacities of the four silt funnels, [N'os. 1, 2, 3, and 4, are 1 : 8 : 26 : 64 ; together, they hold 5 litres ; the mouth of the largest funnel where the water finally flows out of the apparatus should be provided with a tube drawn out to a point, that is filed off until the orifice is of such a size that, when all the funnels are filled with water, and the connection with the reservoir is made as above directed, 9 litres will flow through in exactly 40 minutes. A large flask or beaker must be provided to receive the water as it flows out of the largest funnel. The fine earth, that passed through the sieve with 8 170 97. ANALYSIS OF SOILS AND EOCKS. meshes 1 mm. wide, is stirred up with water ; in case there is reason to suppose that funnel No. 2 will not hold all this mixture of soil and water, a part of the latter, holding only the finest particles in suspension, may be put in funnel No. 3 ; then pour the rest of the mixture, just after it has been well stirred, into the second funnel, Fig. 6. while any very coarse sand remaining in the beaker may be rinsed into the first funnel ; but it is better to put the whole in the second funnel, if possible. All the funnels are then filled with water, the connec- tions carefully made between them with gum tubing, and the siphon leading from the reservoir is filled and con- nected with the smallest funnel. As soon as 9 litres of water have passed through, the connection with the reservoir is closed by means of a clamp on the gum tube. The whole apparatus is then allowed to stand about five hours, until the solid matters in the funnels have § 97. SILT ANALYSIS. 17X settled to the bottom ; then draw ojff the clear supernat- ant liquid from each funnel with a siphon, and transfer each portion of the sediment to a separate evaporating dish, except that the contents of funnels 1 and 2 should be mixed together; dry each portion at 125° C, and weigh it. After this, ignite each one and weigh again, and. thus determine the amount of organic matter in it. By this operation the soil is separated into at least five portions, of diflferent degrees of fineness, 1. The residue on the sieve. 2. The contents of funnel No. 2. 3. " " " " No. 3. ^ 4. " " '^ " No. 4. 5. The sediment deposited from the water that flowed through the whole apparatus, and the still finer portions remaining suspended in the water even after several hours. These two may be separately determined, if it is desired, by collecting, drying, and weighing the sediment that is deposited after several hours, and then estimating the still finer portion that remains in suspension, together with the hygroscopic water of the soil, by the difierence between the 30 grms. of soil taken originally, and the sum of these five residues ; then on subtracting from this remainder the hygroscopic water, as determined in another portion of the soil, we have the weight of the sixth portion ; or, the fifth and sixth may be estimated together, in a similar manner, and without collecting the sediment deposited in the beaker. To clarify this liquid more speedily, A. Mtiller {Jour- nal far PraJct. Chemie, 95,92; Fresenius's Zeitschrift, 5, 243) recommends the following process. Prepare a solution of an ammoniacal soap, with the aid of stearic acid, ammonia, and alcohol, add it to the turbid liquid until the mixture gives considerable foam when violently agitated, then acetic acid until the reaction of the liquid is decidedly acid, and stir or shake the whole vigorously; 172 § 97. ANALYSIS OF SOILS AND EOCKS. the fatty acid that is set free by the acetic acid envelopes the fine particles of earth, and the flocculent sediment can be filtered out without difficulty. The fatty acid may then be removed from the other solid matters, with which it is mixed, by ignition, or by treatment with alco- hol, and the residue will represent the finest portion of the soil. h. The following method of silt analysis, by Dietrich {Fresenius' s Zeitschrift, 5, 296) is preferred by some to that described above ; the apparatus may be easily con- structed out of the ordinary stock of the laboratory. The water is caused to flow, under a constant pressure of 1 metre, through a series of four tubes of different sizes, and inclined to the horizon at different angles, as follows ; Number ilietube. Length. Diameter. Angle between its axis and a hoj'izontal plane. 1 2 3 4 17 cm. 34 " 51 " 68 " 2.8 cm. 4 " 5.2 « 6.4 " 90° 67.5° 45° 22.5° Each tube is drawn out at one end so that a rubber tube can be attached to it, while the other end is closed with a rubber cork, through which a short glass tube passes ; each tube is connected with the next larger one by a rubber tube passing from the corked end of the former, which is at the same time the upper end, to the lower, tapering end of the latter, and the water flows from the upper end of one tube to the lower end of the next larger one. Each rubber tube is cut in the middle of its length, and the cut ends are connected together by a short glass tube ; each rubber tube also has a clamp on it, by means of which the flow of the water can be regu- lated. The 30 grms. of soil, prepared as for the silt analysis with Nobel's apparatus, are put in the first § 98. THE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. 173 tube, and the flow of the water through the apparatus is continued until it comes away from the last tube tolera- bly clear. The remainder of the operation is conducted in the same manner as when using Nobel's apparatus. THE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. 98. The soil for tliis analysis should always be taken in its natural, air-dried condition, without previous igni- tion to expel the organic matter, since the ignition may at the same time alter very materially the effect of the agents employed for solution. a. Hyi^roscopic water and other Tolatilc matter.— Determine the amount of water expelled at 100° C. from 10 grms. of soil (§ 90), and then ignite the dried residue to determine water chemically combined or otherwise re- tained at 100° C, humus, and volatile mineral substances (§ 91) ; the ignited residue should be treated with am- monic carbonate, if a qualitative test reveals the presence of carbonic acid in the soil, and carbonic acid should be determined in the ash (§ 91, d). A. Midler allows but little value to this estimation of water of hydrates in the soil, and organic matter, even when combined with the determination of carbonic acid both before and after ignition. h. Estimate carbonic acid in 5-10 grms. of soil, dried at 100° (§ 60, h). c. Determine the total nitrogen in 5-10 grms of soil, dried at 100°, by combustion with soda-lime (§ 85). A, Miiller mixes the soil with about an equal quantity of caustic jDotash or soda, instead of with soda-lime, but fills the rest of the tube with soda-lime in the usual man- ner ; in this way he avoids the use of very long combus- tion-tubes. If much nitrate is present in the soil, and but little hu- 174 § 99. ANALYSIS OF SOILS AND EOCKS. mus, it will be safer to add 0.2-0.4 grm. of pure cane sugar to the sample in which nitrogen is determined; otherwise some of the nitrogen may escape conversion into ammonia; a small portion of the sugar should be ignited by itself with soda-lime, cither to determine the amount of nitrogen it contains, or to be sure of its free- dom from that imj)urity. d. In order to determine the solubility of the various elements of plant-food in the soil, it is necessary to treat it successively with different solvents, and with these of various degrees of strength ; in order that the results ob- tained by different chemists may be compared with each other, it is absolutely essential that these solvents should be applied in the same order and in the same manner. A convenient and useful order is the following : 1. Cold, distilled water, '|^ saturated Avith carbonic acid. 2. Cold concentrated liydrochloric acid (Sjx Gr. — 1.15). 3. Boiling concentrated hydrochloric acid of the same strength. 4. Hot concentrated sulphuric acid. 5. Hydrofluoric acid. The solutions obtained by the treatment of the soil with these agents in succession will be found to differ very much in their composition, and to yield data for very interesting deductions in regard to its natural fer- tility. Unless, however, a very complete analysis is desired, but one of these solutions, viz., that in cold concentrated hydrochloric acid, need be examined quantitatively ; next to this, the solution in hot hydrochloric acid is of great- est importance ; we shall, therefore, consider the treat- ment of these first of all. Solution in Cold Concentrated Hydrochloric Acid. 99. Put 450 grms. of air-dried soil in a large, glass- § 99. THE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. 175 stoppered bottle, and pour over it 1500 c.c. of pure con- centrated hydrochloric acid (Sp. Gr. = 1.15), and shake the mixture frequently during a digestion of 48 hours, at the common temperature of the working-room ; then let it stand until 1000 c.c. of at least a tolerably clear liquid can be poured off or drawn oif with a siphon ; this quan- tity of the solution represents ^\^oi 450 grms., or 300 grms. of the soil taken for the analysis ; dilute the liquid with its volume of water, and filter it. If the soil contains a very large proportion of calcic carbonate, the cold acid solution may be filtered off after dilution with its volume of water, and the whole quan- tity used for the analysis, representing the whole of the soil taken ; in this case, wash the insoluble residue care- fully first with cold and then with hot Avater, dry it at 100° C, and weigh, to deteimine the proportion of the soil insoluble in cold acid; 5-10 grms. of this may be ignited, to determine the organic matter in the insolu- ble portion ; then reserve the rest for treatment with so- dic carbonate, to determine soluble silica, and with hot concentrated acid. Evaporate the solution to dryness with the addition of a few drops of concentrated nitric acid towards the close of the evaporation, to oxidize ferrous oxide and organic matters, and eliminate silica (§ 58, a, 1). Dilute the filtrate from the silica to 1000 c.c, and analyze it according to Scheme II., § 94, taking 400 c.c. for a, 200 for b, and 400 for c. In ^, a slight insoluble residue often remains, on dis- solving the precipitate by sodic acetate in hydrochloric acid ; in this case, dry the residue, ignite it and the filter, digest the ash a long time with concentrated hydroclilodc acid, filter if necessary, and add the filtrate to the re- mainder of the solution of the precipitate by sodic ace- tate in hydrochloric acid, ignite and weigh the insoluble residue, if there is any, and add it to the silicic acid. 176 § 99. ANALYSIS OF SOILS AXD ROCKS. If the soil is very rich in organic matter, it will be bet- ter to treat 500 c.c. of the solution with sodic carbonate and potassic nitrate, or Avith chlorine, as directed in § 93, A, and use ^j^ of the solution finally obtained for J, omitting, of course, the determination of the alkalies in this portion of the solution unless the oxidation was effected with chlorine, and ^1^ for c. Sometimes, however, when there is not a very large proportion of organic matter present, and the above treatment for oxidation is not followed, traces of organic matter are contained in the solution of ferric oxide ob- tained in J, for estimation with permanganate; where great accuracy is required therefore, it would be well, after having titrated the ferric solution once, to reconvert the ferric oxide into ferrous, with zinc or sulphurous acid, titrate the solution again, and to repeat this until a constant result is obtained. The same mode of pro- cedure should be followed, also, in estimating the strength of the permanganic solution. In accurate soil analyses, the phosphoric acid should be estimated twice. In a complete soil analysis, it is desirable to determine the silicic acid, which, after treatment of tlie soil with cold concentrated hydrochloric acid, is soluble in a con- centrated solution of sodic carbonate. For this purpose, take 5-10 grms. of the residue that was insoluble in the acid, in case of a soil rich in carbon- ates ; or, digest 25 grms. of the air-dried soil with three times the quantity of cold concentrated acid, 48 hours in the cold, filter, and Avash the contents of the filter perse- veringly, first Avith cold and afterwards Avitli hot water, and use this residue. Boil this insoluble substance and also an equal amount of the original air-dried soil, Avith sodic carbonate, in tlio manner described for the separation of sand and silica (§ 58, a, 2). The difference between the amounts of § 100. THE CHEMICAL AXALTSIS. 177 silicic acid dissolved in the two cases furnishes a means of estimating the extent of the action of the cold acid on the silicates in the soil. Treatment of the Soil with Carbonated Water. 100. To determine only the total quantity of organic and inorganic matters in the soil, soluble in water con- taining carbonic acid in solution, without reference to the composition of the dissolved substances, put 500 gims. of air-dried soil in a flask that can be well stoppered, and l^our over it as much carbonated water as will make, to- gether with the hygroscopic water in the soil, 2000 c.c. The water should be ^|^ saturated with carbonic acid, by saturating 500 c.c. at the common temperature and press- ure, and mixing this with 1500 c.c. of pure water. When thus pre2:)ared, the water is more nearly like that in the soil, whose action we wish to imitate. Leave the soil and water in contact with each other three days, with frequent agitation, then pour off 1000 c.c. of as clear a liquid as possible, representing 250 grms. of soil, and filter through a double filter, while keeping the funnel w^ell covered with a glass plate. Evaporate the clear filtrate to dryness at a temperature below boil- ing, dry the residue at 125° C, weigh, ignite, and after treatment several times with ammonic carbonate and gentle ignition, weigh again. The difference between the two weights gives the amount of organic matter dissolved by tlie carbonated water. The carbonic acid is determined in the ignited residue, as in § 60. If a detailed chemical examination of the solution in carbonated water is to be made, at least 1500 grms. of soil must be taken instead of 500, and the water in the same proportion. After three days, pour oif 4000 c.c. of the clear supernatant liquid, representing two-thirds of the soil, let it stand 24 hours in well-closed and full bottles, filter as directed above, and without disturbing 8- 178 § 100. ANALYSIS OF SOILS AND KOCKS. the sediment at the bottom of the bottles. If a clear filtrate is not obtamed in this way, it must be evaporated down to 400 or 500 c.c., just barely supersaturated with hydrochloric acid while still hot, and then filtered again. Evaporate the solution to dryness, with the addition of a few drops of nitric acid towards the close of the evaporation, to peroxidize the iron and destroy organic matter, and eliminate silicic acid. (§ 58, a^ 1.) Treat the filtrate from the silica as in Scheme I., § 94. Alumina, ferric oxide, and phosphoric acid, are usually present, however, in such small quantities in this solution, that it is hardly worth while to determine at least the first two. Interesting results may be obtained by the successive treatment of the same portion of soil with carbonated water, and a chemical examination of each solution; the proportion may thus be learned in which the more im- portant elements of plant-food are taken up by the suc- cessive aqueous extracts, and data are obtained for esti- mating, not only the general richness of the soil in valuable elements of plant-food, such as phosphoric acid and potassa, but also the relation between the immediate fertility of the soil and the durability of its fruitfulness. A very great decrease in the amount of the elements of plant-food in the second and third extracts, as com- pared with the first, would indicate that the fertility of the soil would be very much lessened in a single season. If, on the contrary, there is but little diminution observ- ed even in the fifth extract, the power of the soil to produce crops will probably remain about the same, year after year, for a long time. To obtain these successive extracts, replace the 4000 c.c. that were poured off" for the first extract, by an equal quantity of fresh Avater \ saturated witli carbonic acid as before, let stand three days with frequent shaking, pour § 101. THE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. 179 off 4000 c.c. again, and repeat this operation for the third and fourth time, or even more, as may be desired. Ulbricht found, that after the third or fourth extract, the amount dissolved, at least by distilled water free from carbonic acid, remained nearly constant, and that the composition of one of these last extracts would furnish the means for estimating the lasting fertility of the soil. It will usually answer to examine quantitatively the first, third, fifth, and seventh extracts by carbonated water. Interesting results may be obtained also by treating the soil in the manner above directed with water contain- ing 0.5 gmi. of ammonic chloride in the litre, in addition to the usual charge of carbonic acid. Treatment of the Soil with Hot Concentrated Hydrochloric Acid. 101. If the soil contained a very large proportion of calcic carbonate, the residue insoluble in cold acid may be treated with hot acid ; otherwise the separation of the insoluble from the soluble part by filtration is too diffi- cult, and it is better to begin with a fresh portion of soil. Pour 300 c.c. of concentrated acid over 150 grms. of the air-dried soil, or over the whole of the residue insoluble in cold acid in case carbonates were present in large quantity, in a large flask, add a few drops of nitric acid to oxidize slimy matters that might obstruct the filter, heat to boiling w^th constant agitation, and continue to boil gently for exactly an hour ; dilute the solution with twice its volume of water, and, after letting the mixture stand quietly for a short time, decant the liquid into a filter that is double at the bottom ; treat the insoluble residue in the flask at least three times with boiling wa- ter, filter the liquid each time, and finally bring the resi- due itself on the filter, and wash it thoroughly with boil- ing water. Evaporate the solution and washings to dryness, with 180 § 102. AN-ALYSIS OF SOILS AND EOCKS. the addition of a few drops of nitric acid towards the close of the evaporation, to destroy organic matter and oxidize ferrous salts, and eliminate silica. (§ 58, a, 1.) Examine the filtrate from the silica, which is to be made up to 1000 c.c. and well mixed, according to Scheme II., § 94. Or, in order to have a larger quantity of solution for the determination of phosphoric and sulphuric acids, the analysis may be performed by Scheme I., in which a and h may be united, and the sulphuric acid determined as usual, while half the filtrate from the j^recipitate by ammonia for phosphoric acid will answer for the determi- nation of the alkalies. Examination of the Residue Insoluble in Hot Hydro- chloric Acid. 102. Dry it, and remove it from the filter as completely as possible, burn the latter, and weigh ash and residue, and separate the carefully prepared mixture of the two into three accurately weighed portions of 10 grms. (a), 10-15 grms. (^), and 15-20 grms. (e). a. Ignite this portion, to determine the amount of min- eral matter insoluble in the hot acid. b. In this portion determine the silica soluble in car- bonated alkali. (§ 58, c/, 2.) c. Pour five times its weight of concentrated sulphuric acid over this portion, heat until the excess of acid is removed, and the residue forms a light, dry powder ; the evaporation of the acid should be performed slowly and with constant stirring, and should require from six to eight hours. Moisten the residue freely with concentrat- ed hydrochloric acid, remove this acid by long heating in the water-bath, boil the residue repeatedly Avith water to which a little hydrochloric acid has been added, filter, and wash the insoluble residue carefully. Examine the solutions and washings, after concentra- tion, according to Scheme VII., § 94. § 103. THE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. 181 The amount of lime is usually small. Wolff directs that the filtrate from the precipitate of calcic oxalate be evaporated to dryness, the residue ignited gently in a platinum dish, to expel ammoniacal salts, dissolved in di- lute acid, and any silicic acid that may appear as an in- soluble residue be filtered out; then add ammonia in slight excess to the filtrate, filter out any flocculent pre- cipitate of alumina that may also appear, and finally de- termine sulphuric acid with baric chloride. This treatment of the soil with sulphuric acid serves to determine the amount of clay in it, and Wolff has found, by repeated trials, that the clay is completely decomposed if the operation is carefully perfonned. He gives importance to the determination, for it furnishes data for controlling the results obtained by the silt analysis, and' because it gives valuable information in regard to the degree of insolubility of the other constituents of the soil, and particularly the alkalies. The process is a good connecting link between the treatment with hydrochloric acid on the one hand and hydrofluoric acid on the other. Examination of tlie Residue Undecomposed by Sul- phuric Acid. 103. a. Dry this residue at 100°, burn the filter by it- self, and weigh the ash and residue ; mix them well to- gether, and, in half of the mixture, determine silica solu- ble in alkaline carbonates. (§ 58, a, 2.) The silicic acid thus found, together with the small quantity in the hydrochloric and sulphuric acid solutions, gives, in con- nection with the alumina found in the same solutions, an approximate estimate of the pure anhydrous clay in the soil. This amount of silicic acid is, in general, too large in proportion to that of the alumina, for a part of it was combined with ferric oxide, lime, etc. The clay that is decomposed by the sulphuric acid 182 § 103. ANALYSIS OF SOILS AND ROCKS. alone is very nearly pure, while it is that which is dissolved by the hydrochloric acid that contains too much silica. Ignite the other half of the residue, to determine the amount of mineral matters insoluble after treatment with sulphuric acid. Pulverize the ignited mass very finely in an agate mortar, separate the finer from the coarser portions by levigation (§ 36) with distilled water, pulverize the coarse part again, and repeat the levigation ; when in this way the whole is reduced to the finest possible powder, eva2> orate the water to dryness with the matters in suspension in it, weigh out 3-4 grms. of the well-dried residue, and treat it with hydrofluoric acid or amnionic fluoride (§58,c). Examine the solution thus obtained according to Scheme VII., § 94. The determination of ferric oxide will, how- ever, be necessary, only when the precipitate by ammonia is yellowish or reddish. If, as is usually the case, the solution is found to con- tain only traces of lime and magnesia, the amount of feldspathic minerals and of pure quartz sand in this in- soluble part of the soil can be estimated from the amount of alkalies found ; and, from the amount of aluminic sili- cate, it may be judged how perfectly the clay was de- composed by the previous treatment with sulphuric acid. h. According to A. Miiller, the relative proportion of silicates and quartz sand in a soil can be determined with accuracy by digestion with phosphoric acid at a certain temperature; all the silicates are decomposed by this treatment, and the silica is separated in a gelatinous form while the quartz sand remains unchanged. For this purpose a syruj^y acid is required containing 40-45°l g of anhydrous acid ; it may be obtained by con- centrating the commercial acid. The insoluble residue to be treated with the acid must be very finely pulverized, but it need not be levigated ; § 104. MISCELLANEOUS ESTIMATIONS. 183 the amount of pliosplioric acid required depends upon the amount of silicates present, and at least 15-20 grms. should be taken for 0.5-1.0 grm. of the substance. The mixture is heated in a platinum dish in an air-bath to 190-200° C, and digested five or six hours at this temper- ature, while constantly stirred with a platinum spatula. The resulting mass is boiled several times with water containing 1"! ^ of sodic hydrate, the clear liquid decanted off each time, and the sandy residue itself is finally brought on the filter and washed carefully with acid, alkali, acid again, and finally with water, ignited and weighed. MISCELLANEOUS ESTIMATIONS. 104. a. IlumuSo — Weigh out 5-10 grms: of the air- dried soil, pour over it 200 c.c. of water in the flask of the apparatus for determining carbonic acid (§ 60, b), and 30 c.c. of concentrated sulphuric acid; shake the mixture gently and let it stand some time until it has become quite cold, meanwhile changing the air in the flask sev- eral times by blowing into it, so as to remove all the car- bonic acid expelled from carbonates in the soil by the stronger acid. Now, put 7-8 grms. of coarsely pulverized potassic di- chromate in the flask (or, better still, 5 grms. of pure chromic acid), or such a quantity that there will be 17 parts of chromic acid for one of organic matter, as de- termined, ap2)roximately at least, in the beginning, by ig- nition (§ 98, a) ; apply a gentle heat, and proceed to collect the carbonic acid evolved as in § 60, i, except that a U tube filled with iron wire should be interposed be- tween the flask and the U tube ff, to absorb chlorine, and except, also, that no nitric acid need be added to the substance. Towards the close of the operation, boil the contents of the flask five minutes, and finally draw air throusfh in the usual manner. The carbonic acid is 184 § 104. ANALYSIS OF SOILS AND EOCKS. set free by the oxidation of the humus by the chromic acid. Since humus contains on an average SS"! ^ of carbon, multiply the quantity of carbonic acid found by 0.4702, for the amount of humus. The difference between the sum of the humus and the nitrogen and the total loss suffered on ignition (§ 98) gives the amount of water, chemically combined or other- wise retained at 100° C. Some information in regard to the nature of the or- ganic matter, and the extent to which decay has pro- gressed, may be obtained by comparing the amount of humus, or of the carbon in it, with that of the nitrogen, by a microscopic examination of the various products of the silt analysis and by the loss suffered by these c:a ignition, and also by the following tests. 1. The reaction of the soil or of the humus contained in it, which is tested by allowing moistened lumps of the soil to remain in contact with carefully prepared blue and red litmus-paper ; a change from blue to red may be caused by carbonic acid, but, if the red color remains after the paper is thoroughly dry, the change was due to acids of the humus, unless the soil gives the same reaction after gentle ignition, in which case it may have been caused by acid sulphates. 2. Mix 100 grms. of the soil with 200 c.c. of a stand- ard ammoniacal solution of calcic nitrate of such a strength that 200 c.c. contain 1 grm. of lime, and an amount of ammonia chemically equivalent to this amount of lime. After frequent shaking of the mixture in the course of 24 hours, filter, and determine lime in a measur- ed quantity of the filtrate ; the lime that is missing was, according to Knop, absorbed by the humus, and may be taken as an approximate measure of the amount of the same. 3. To determine the amount of organic matter, mainly § 104. MISCELLANEOUS ESTIMATIONS. 185 in the form of humus, that is extracted from the soil by- water or alkaline solutions, the following method is given by Schulze. Boil 10 grins, of soil 15 minutes with 200 c.c. of a solution containing 0.5" |„ of potassa, bring the volume of the whole to 250 c.c, pour the liquid on a dry- filter, or through dry, fine-grained sand with which the throat of the funnel is stopj^ed ; put 4-6 c.c. of the filtrate in a flask^f about 200 c.c. capacity, dilute with about 100 c.c. of water, and determine organic matter in 100 c.c. of this solution by means of standard solutions of potassic permanganate and oxalic acid (§ 91, e). h. Ammonia* — The amount of ammonia existing al- ready formed in soils is nearly always very small, since it is so readily converted into nitrates. To determine it by Schlossing's method (§ 47, b), treat 50 grms. of soil with 40 c.c. of a cold saturated solution of sodic hydrate. After 48 hours remove the acid from under the bell-jar, titrate it, stir the soil in the watch- glass, put another measured portion of acid in the projDcr vessel, and, after 48 hours, titrate this also with the standard sodic solution. If no more ammonia was set free during the second period, the first determination may be considered , snfiicient ; if more was set free, it should be added to the first quantity found, and a new portion of acid should be put in, in the place of the last, and tested after 48 hours. It may also be desirable to estimate the ammonia that is set free on heating the soil with magnesia. Pour 500 c.c. of water containing 5 grms. of freshly ignited mag- nesia over 100 grms. of soil, mix the whole well together, and proceed to distil off the ammonia (§ 47, c). Probably no great reliance can be placed on any method of determining ammonia in soils. c. Nitric acid. — The accurate determination of nitric acid is not difficult, as the nitrates are so easily extracted from the soil by water. 186 § 104. ANALYSIS OF SOILS AND ROCKS. To 1000 grms. of the soil add water enough to make 2000 c.c. with that already in the soil, shake the mixture frequently in the course of 48 hours, decant and filter 1000 c.c. through a dry filter, add some sodic carbonate to the filtrate, evaporate the solution to a small bulk on the water-bath, and divide the residue into two equal parts. Determine nitric acid in each portion, represent- ing 250 grms. of soil, in the usual manner (§ 62 ci). d. Chlorine* — To determine this, add enough water to 300 grms. of the air-dried soil to make 900 c.c. with what is already contained in it, shake the mixture frequently in the course of 48. hours, decant and filter 450 c.c. of the liquid, add a little sodic carbonate to the filtrate, evapo- rate to about 200 c.c, filter again, supersaturate the fil- trate, which represents 150 grms. of soil, with nitric acid, and precipitate the chlorine in the acid solution with argentic nitrate (§ 63). Treat the precipitate as one pro- duced in the presence of organic matter. e. Sulphur. — It often happens that a much larger amount of sulphuric acid is found in the soil after ignition than before, indicating that a notable quantity of sul- phur exists there as sulphuret, or in some organic combi- nation. To determine the total amount of sulphur in the soil, mix with 50 grms. of it, 1-2 grms. of pure saltpetre, moisten the mixture in a platinum dish with a solution of pure potassic or sodic hydrate, free particularly from sul- phates, dry, and heat gradually to a red heat ; when the mass is cool, boil it with dilute hydrochloric acid to which a little nitric has been added, evaporate to dryness, and eliminate silica in the usual way, but without weigh- ing it ; add water to the filtrate from the silica, and pre- cipitate sulphuric acid with baric chloride. /. Hydratcd aluminic and ferric oxides.— To deter- mine the quantity of these substances, that, according to Knop, play so im2)0itant a part in the absorbent action § 104. MISCELLANEOUS ESTIMATIONS. 187 of the soil for valuable elements of j^lant-food, treat 100 grms. of the soil with 200 c.c. of a hot solution contain- ing in one litre 100 grms. of tartaric acid, 10 grms. of oxalic acid, and ammonia in slight excess ; shake the mix- ture frequently for 15 minutes, filter, and determine aluminic and ferric oxide in a measured quantity of the filtrate (§ 52). The oxalic acid in the solvent serves to prevent lime from being taken up by the tartaric acid. In order to prevent alumina also from being dissolved, Mtiller recommends the use of Seignette salt instead of ammonic tartrate. g. Ferrous oxide. — To determine this at least approx- imately, pour 60 c.c. of hot concentrated hydrochloric acid over 30 grms. of soil in a flask ; after having added a few crystals of sodic carbonate, if the soil contains but little carbonate, close the flasic with a cork through which passes a short tube bent at a right angle, put the flask in an inclined j^osition on the lamp-stand, and boil the mix- ture some time. Add a considerable quantity of ammonic chloride to the solution, whereby the tendency of the ferrous oxide to absorb oxygen is very much lessened, dilute with a large quantity of hot water, almost neutral- ize the acid with ammonia, and precipitate the ferric oxide in the solution with as little sodic acetate as possi- ble (§ 93, -4, 1) ; filter the hot liquid rapidly through a large, coarse filter, and wash the contents of the filter several times with hot water; heat the" filtrate and wash- ings to boiling, add some hydrochloric acid, oxidize the ferrous oxide by the addition of a few crystals of potassic chlorate, remove the lamp, and precipitate this solution with sodic acetate, filter, wash, and weigh. The ignited residue is ferric oxide, from which the corresponding amount of ferrous oxide can be calculated. 188 § 105. ANALYSIS OF SOILS AXD ROCKS. ABSORPTIVE PROPERTIES OF THE SOIL. 105. To determine the coefficients of absorj)tion of the soil for the more important elements of j^lant-food, treat 125 grms. of the air-dried soil with 600 c.c. of a ^1^^, atomic solution, that is, a solution containing in 1 litre ^ [.^ of an equivalent expressed in grammes, of ammonic chlo- rid<} ; shake the mixture frequently during a cold digestion of 24 hours, decant and filter as large a portion of the liquid as possible, and determine the loss of the salt in a measured aliquot part of the filtrate. In some cases it is desirable also to make a complete analysis of this filtrate in order to learn what elements have taken the place of the ammonium in the solution. Make similar experiments with potassic chloride, mag- nesic chloride, calcic chloride, hydric disodic phosphate, sodic chloride, and sodic silicate. Or, according to Knop's method, dissolve together po- tassic and calcic nitrate, common potassic phosphate, and magnesic sulphate, in a litre of water, in such a propor- tion that the solution shall contain 1.5 grms. of each com- pound, estimated as anhydrous salt. Treat 125 grms. of soil with 500 c.c. of this solution, shake the mixture fre- quently during 24 hours, filter oif 300 or 400 c.c, and make a complete analysis of the solution, according to Scheme T., a and i, and deteimine chlorine in the usual manner in another portion of the same solution (§ 63) . STATEMENT OF THE RESULTS OF THE ANALYSIS. 106. The following Scheme is intended to assist the analyst in putting together the results of a soil analysis ; it is conformed mainly Avith the directions given by Wolff, and the percentages, though hypothetical, do not differ much from the average results of the later analyses of soils that have been made ; as the plan is given merely / § 106. STATEMENT OF EESFLTS OF ANALYSIS. 189 for the purpose of illustrating the manner of stating the results of the analysis, many of the determinations which are described in the foregoing pages are not noticed here. With this partial guide, no difficulty will be found in stating the whole result of the w^ork in an intelligible manner. MECHANICAL ANALYSIS. 100 parts of tlie air-dried soil yielded I Water, expelled at 100^ 9.34 Residue on 3 mm. sieve, 6.05, containing volatile matter 0.1 " " 1 " " 7.69, " " " 0.86 Silt in Funnel No. 2, 34.95, " " " 3.73 " " " " 3, 17.7, " " " 3.16 " " " " 4, 5.65, " " " 0.82 81.38 Fineclayand finest sand, 18.62 " " " 2.48 100.00 Total loss on ignition of soil dried at 100* 10.15 190 § 106. ANALYSIS OP SOILS AND EOCKS, CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. 100 parts of the soil dried at 100° yielded 5 =^5 So r Soluble in water 2.10 Soluble iu alkali 1.25 containing nitrogen . Acids of humus ..,..3.25 Humus coal 1.75 Other organic matter 1 . 25 Ammonia 0.02 Nitric acid 0.009 Total nitrogen 0.0288 Water chemically combined or otherwise retained at 100° .1.221 7.500 0.01 0.0165 0.0023 Carbonic acid (det. in another portion) . 14 ' Lime 0.17 Magnesia 0.50 Ferric oxide 5.05 Manganic oxide traces Alumina 4.20 Potassa ■ 0.06 Soda 0.02 Phosphoric acid 0.15 Sulphuric acid 0. 04 Silica 0.35 Chlorine (det. in aqueous solution) 0.073 iO?T53 Deduct oxygen equivalent to the chlorine .003 10.75 2> Co ©hi " 2 o (B^ fLime 0.31 Magnesia 0.96 And so on, as in the statement of the analysis of the solution in cold acid, with the exception of Chlorine, and the addition of Silica, (dissolved out of the resi- due insoluble in hot acid, by boiling sodic carbon- ate) 15.24 >. •* r Volatile matter expelled on ignition 1 .82 ■^Q Lime 0.21 Magnesia 0.31 Ferric oxide 1.03 Alumina 1.76 , Potash 0.12 ^ ^ Soda 0.20 Phosphoric acid. . 15 Silica, in solution 0.14 " (dissolved out of the residue insoluble InHaSO* byhoilingNaaCOa 4.56 as si 'C.J, So" acccJ 10.30 s.::^ tcC o s o Lime tVAO.P. Ferric oxide 0.00 Alumina Potnssa 6.91 3.20 Soda 2.11 Silica 44.00 56.22 § 107. THE PHYSICAL QUALITIES OF THE SOIL. 191 100 parts of soil dried at 100° C. contain of clay AI2O3 2Si02, 2H2O, estimated from tlie alumina and silica dissolved by acids (See Table III). a. In the hydrochloric acid solutions 4.56 h. " " sulphuric acid solution 4.41 100 parts of soil dried at 100° contain of a. Fotassa feldspar^ KaOjSSiOa, AlaOsjoSiOa, estimated from the potassa in the solution by hydrofluoric acid. (See Tabic III.).18.94 6. Soda feldspar^ Na20,3SiOo, AlaOsjSSiOa, estimated from the soda in the solution by hydrofluoric acid 17.85 c. Clay^ undecomposed by the previous treatment with sulphui-ic acid, estimated from the alumina in the solution by hydro- fluoric acid in excess of what is required for the feldsjDars 0.30 d. Pare quartz saiid^ estimated from the silica in excess over what is required for the feldspars and clay 19.11 (Estimated also from the determination made with the aid of phosphoric acid). 100 parts of soil dried at 100° C. yielded to water }{ saturated with carbonic acid Volatile matter, expelled on ignition of the residue left by evapo- ration of the extract 0.15 . Mineral matters 0.19 0.34 THE PHYSICAL QUALITIES OF THE SOIL. 107. Experiments for testing the physical qualities of the soil, and for comparing different soils in respect to these qualities, should be made with soils of the same de- gree of dryness and mechanical division, and with tolera- bly large quantities, and the observations should be made under circumstances resembling those as closely as j^ossi- ble, by which the soil is affected in the field. The fol- lowing methods have been carefully tested by Wolff himself, and he vouches for their reliability. The soil must be comj^letely air-dried, pulverized in a porcelain mortar with a wooden pestle, or rubbed between the hands to break up the lumps that were formed in drying, and passed througli a sieve witli meshes 3 mm. wide. 192 § 107. ANALYSIS OF SOILS AND EOCKS. a. Relation of the Soil to Vapor of Water. — 1, Power of retaining liygroseopic water in its pores. — This is measured to some extent by the determination of hy- groscopic moisture (§ 98). The j)roj)ortion of humus remaining about the same, the power of the soil to retain moisture is very closely related to the amount of clay it contains, while this j)ower is greatly increased by an increased proportion of humus. 2. It may be interesting to observe the relation Of tllis property of the air-dried soil to the temperature.— For this purpose, spread a layer of soil, accurately weigh- ed, about 3 mm. thick over the bottom of a shallow zinc tray, and note the changes in weight from day to day, when it is exposed to direct sunlight while protected from currents of air, or when exposed to a temperature of 20°, 30% and 40° C. Also, expose the soil to cm atmosphere that is saturated with moisture^ by putting it in the same shallow tray to- gether with a shallow vessel of w^ater, under a bell-jar, and weighing it three or four times every 24 hours. An empty tray of the same size should be put under the same bell-jar, and any changes in the weight of this deducted from the differences in the weight of the other. Sandy soils and loams usually become nearly saturated in an experiment like this, in the first 24 hours, and change but little in weight thereafter. The quantity of water absorbed varies of course with the temperature, and with the kind of soil ; but these variations are confined within narrower limits than when the soils are exposed to the air under ordinary circum- stances. The amount of water absorbed from this satu- rated atmosphere ranges between 0.2 and 2.5° 1^, of the weiglit of the completely dry soil. The same soil, in its tray, may he exposed to the night air^ to determine the amount of water that it will con- dense from the atmospliere under these circumstances ; § 107. THE PHYSICAL QUALITIES OF THE SOIL. 193 careful observations should be made, at the same time, of the temperature, the clearness of the sky, and the amount of the dew-fall, and the experiment should be performed over a grass plot as well as over a freshly stirred soil. With an average dew-fall, the amount of water taken up by a soil above what it contains in the air-dried state varies, with different kinds of soil, between 0.4 and 1.8° [^ of the weight of the completely dried soil. Finally, to test the effect of the depth of the soil on its power of absorbing moisture under these different cir- cumstances, several trays or boxes, of say ^l^, V\^^ 3, and 6 cm. deep, and 5 cm. square, may be filled with air-dried soil, in all cases equally dry and finely pulverized, and the whole exposed to the ordinary atmospheric influ- ences, or to a saturated atmosphere, or to the night air, in the manner directed above. By such experiments we may determine how much moisture is absorbed by layers of soil of different thick- nesses within a certain length of time, how far the moist- ure penetrates into different soils in equal times, and how long a time is required to saturate layers of different thicknesses in a saturated atmosphere. b. The Relation of the Soil to Liquid Water ix its Pores.— 1. To determine the power of the soil to retain liquid water in its pores, construct a zinc box, 17 cm. deep, and 3 cm. square, and pierce its bottom with numerous small holes ; lay over this bottom a piece of moistened fine Imen, and Aveigh the box ; then put in a small quan- tity of the properly dried and pulverized soil, taj) the box gently on the table a few times, and proceed in the same manner until the box is full, and weigh again. Then immerse the bottom of the box in water to the depth of 3-4 mm. ; the water appears at the surface of the soil sooner or later, according to the nature of the latter ; let the apparatus vemain in the water until |t suf- 9 194 § 107. ANALYSIS or SOILS AND EOCKS. fers no further change m weight, and then calculate the amount taken uj) by 100 parts of the air-dried soil. As this box, with its wet soil, is used subsequently for experiments in the course of which tlie soil is dried again, this trial may then be repeated ; some soils shrink, while drying, to a greater extent than others, and it will be found that, in this second trial, the power of holding water will not be the same as at first. The difference, however, is but slight. The power of a soil to hold liquid water increases with . the proportion of humus, but diminishes as the quantity of clay increases. A strong clay soil may retain 27.3" |^, a moderately heavy soil 30-31° |^, a sandy loam 33-36°!^, a black loam, rich in humus, 41° 1^. When some soils, that had been tested as above, were tested also in their natural position in the field, after a rain of 14 days, when they might be supposed to be saturated, they were found to contain 10" j^ less than was indicated by the results of experiments in the laboratory ; hence, the determinations made with small quantities in zinc boxes, appear to have value only in so far as they enable us to compare the water-holding powers of different soils. 2« To determine the readiness with which water evap- orates from the soil, the wet or damp soil may be ex- posed, in a shallow tray, to the air, at the common sum- mer temperature, or at that of the laboratory ; but so long as a considerable proportion of w^ater is present, the rate of evaporation remains about the same for all soils, provided only that the same amount of surface is exposed; it is also very slow, months being required to bring 100- 150 grms. of soil, in a layer no more than 4-6 cm. thick, to the condition of air-dried soil. When, however, natural circumstances are more closely imitated, and a sufficiently thick layer of soil is experi- mented with and exposed to the usual alternation of direct sunlight and shade, the characteristic differences of soils § 107. THE PHYSICAL QUALITIES OF THE SOIL. 195 appear. For a standard of comparison it would be well to carry on, simultaneously, one or two similar trials with soils of a marked character, such as a very strong clay soil and a very sandy one, that have been tested before in this respect. To make the determination, use the zinc box filled ^v^th wet soil, that was obtained in testing the water-holding power ; put each box with its contents in a second box of thick pasteboard, into which it just fits, and then put all these pasteboard boxes close together in a third wooden box, just as deep as the zinc boxes; provide the wooden box with a cover, in which holes are so cut that, when the cover is on the box, only the surface of earth in each zinc box is exposed. Put the whole where the sun's rays can fall on the soil, and weigh each zinc box with its contents every two or three days, and during a length of time varying from, two to four weeks, according to the weather ; frequent ob- servations of the temperature and the state of the sky should be made, while the evaporation is going on. It will be observed that, in the beginning, the rate of evaporation is about the same for all the varieties of soil under examination, even when exposed to the rays of a hot sun ; after a time the sandy soils begin to lose weight more rapidly than those in which clay or humus pre- dominates ; the difierence increases up to a certain point, and then begins to diminish, until, after a time, the rate of evaporation is nearly the same again for all ; this con- tinues for a time, and then the clay and humus soils begin to lose water more rapidly than the light loam, because the latter is, by this time, nearly air-dry. It is of course more important to watch carefully the rate of evaporation, from the time when it begins to differ in the different soils, to the time when it again becomes about the same for all. 196 § 107. ANALYSIS OF SOILS AND KOCKS. 3. To determine the ease with which water perco- lates through the soil, construct a ziac box about 25 cm. high aud 3 cm. square, with a funnel-like bottom; put some cotton in the bottom, so as to close up the throat of the funnel, and fill the narrow tube, and extend out a little at the mouth of the latter. Fill the funnel above the cotton with coarse quartz sand, moisten the cotton and sand with water, and weigh the apparatus ; then carefully fill the box with the properly prepared earth, putting in small quantities at a time, and tapping the box on the table after each portion is added ; when the box is filled to within 9 cm. of the top, w^eigh the whole again ; then, just saturate the soil by carefully pouring on water in small quantities at a time, until it appears at the bottom ; when it has ceased to drop through, weigh the box and its contents again, and the result may be used to confirm that obtained before for the water-holding power of the soil. Now carefully fill the box with water to within 1 cm. of the top without disturbing the surface of the soil, cover with a glass plate, and observe how long a time is required for 50 c.c. of water to pass tlirough. If the operation is repeated, by filling the box with water again, after the first quantity has passed through, it will be found that a somewhat longer time is I'equired ; three such tests may be made, and the mean of the three re- sults taken. 4. To determine the rapidity with which water will move upwards in the soil, fill a glass tube about 80 cm. high and 1.5-2 cm. in diameter, graduated in cubic cen- timetres, and closed at its lower end with a piece of fine linen that is tied over the end, with the air-dried soil, tap- ping the tube gently on the table while filling it ; then immerse the lower end of the tube in water 3-4 mm. deep, and observe how long a time is required for the Avater to rise to a height of 70 or 80 cm., or how high § 107. THE PHYSICAL QUALITIES OP THE SOIL. 197 the water will rise in 24 or 48 hours ; it will be found to rise more slowly in humus and clay soils than in light, sandy ones. 5. The rapidity with which water will make its way downwards in the soil may be determined in the same tube, partly filled with a fresh quantity of earth ; fill the tube above the soil with water to the depth of 4-8 cm., and note the time required until it has reached a given depth, or how soon the water disappears from the surfjice of the soil, r.nd also how far a given quantity, that is in- suflScient to make its way through and moisten the soil quite to the lower end, will penetrate downwards. It will be found that the same quantity of water will go furthest in a fine loam or a sandy soil. c. The Rel4.tiox of the Soil to Heat. — 1, To determine the power of the soil to absorh heat, fill a cubical zinc box, about 6 cm. square, with soil, expose it several hours to the direct rays of the sun on a hot day, carefully observe the temperature in the sun during the experiment, and the elevation of temperature in the up- permost centimetre of the soil. The zinc box should be inclosed in a box of thick pasteboard, and tins in a wooden box, to prevent access of heat at the sides. It may also be interesting to observe the heating power of the sun's rays on the soil, while it is in a more or less moist condition, say with 5, 10, or 20° 1^ of water, more than that naturally present in the soil. Such determina- tions may be made by exposing about 50 grms. of the moistened soil for several hours in a glass flask to the direct rays of the sun, and noting the changes of tem- perature. 2. The power of the soil to conduct heat may be de- termined by putting the same box, as used in the previ- ous experiment, into hot water, and observing how long a time elapses before the temperature of the earth in the 198 § 107. ANALYSIS OF SOILS AND EOCKS. centre of the box has reached a given point, say 70^ or 80° C. 3. The power of the soil to retain heat may be de- termined by exposing the box of heated soil, obtained in either of the preceding experiments, to the common tem- perature of the air in the shade, and observing how long a lime is required for the soil in the middle of the box to cool to the temperature of tlie air, or to a given point, as 20° or 25° C. The behavior of the soil with respect to the heat of the sun and of the atmosphere is of great agricultural im- portance, and should be more carefully examined than has hitherto been the case, by the careful performance of experiments like those described above, and by series of observations on the temperature of the soil in tlie field at various depths, ranging from 3 cm. down to one metre or more. d. The Specific Gravity of the Soil. — 1. This may be determined in the usual manner for a powder (§ 35, 5). A soil rich in humus is specifically the lightest, and coarse sandy soils are the heaviest. 2. The absolute weight of the soil is determined by filling a glass vessel, or a cubical zinc box, whose weight and capacity are known, with it, tapping the vessel occa- sionally on the table while filling it, and weighing it. The weight of a cubic metre or a cubic foot can then be cal- ctdated from the result; the apparent specific gravity can be estimated by the ratio between the weight of this volume of soil and that of an equal volume of water. 3. The apparent specific gravity of the soil dried at 100° C. may be estimated by subtracting the volume of . the water contained in the quantity of air-dried soil that was weighed in this experiment from the volume of the soil, and then a volume of water equal to the remainder is taken for the divisor, and the weight of the soil dried at 100° for the dividend. § 107. THE PHYSICAL QUALITIES OF THE SOIL. 199 4. The porosity of the soil, or the ratio between the volume of the solid particles and that of the spaces in it filled with air or moisture, is estimated by dividing the apparent specific gravity of the soil, dried at 100°, by the real specific gravity. Or if, for example, 2.5445 = the real specific gravity of a certain soil, and 1.099 its ap- parent specific gravity, then from the proportion, 2.5445 : 1.099 = 100 : 43.2, we get the volume of the solid particles in 100 parts of the soil, and 100-43.2 = 56.8 = the volume of the pores. The porosity of the soil, just as it lies in the field, may be estimated in a similar manner, by taking as the volume of the soil the space that was occupied by the quantity taken out to be weighed. To determine the volume occupied by the soil when completely saturated with water, determine the volume of 40-50 grms. of the air-driecl, pulverized soil in a graduated tube, that was filled with the earth in small portions at a time, with occasional tapping on the table, shake the soil up well with water containing 0.5° 1^ of am- monic chloride ; then let the whole stand quietly, while the solid particles collect together in the lower part of the tube, and observe the volume occupied by this wet soil. By dividing the second volume by the first, the re- sult is put in a convenient form for comparison. e. Consistency, Tenacity, and Adhesive Power of THE Soil. — The consistency of the soil when dry, its tenacity, and the force with which it adheres to wood and iron, are very important qualities ; but it is hardly pos- sible, by any of the methods in use for estimating them, to get even approximately accurate results with small quantities of soil. The following methods were devised and used by Schiibler thirty years ago. 1. To determine the consistency of the soil, or the force with which its particles cohere together when dry, 200 § 108. ANALYSIS OF SOILS AND KOCKS. knead a small portion of it into a thick dough with wateiv and, with a spatula, make several prisms 5 cm. long, and 1 cm. square on the end ; let them dry in the air, and then observe what weight must be laid on the back of a knife in order to force it through each one. The same prisms may be used to determine how much the soil shrinks on drying, by noting the difference between their lengths when wet as at first, and after they are dry. 2. To determine the force with which the soil adheres to wood or iron, fill a cubical zinc box about 6 cm. square and deep, whose bottom is j)ierced with small holes, and covered with a piece of linen, with the soil, shaking it down frequently while filling ; then immerse the bottom of the box in water, and, w^hen no further increase of w^eight is observed, lay a smooth piece of beech wood, 3 cm. square, on the wet surface of the soil, press it down for the space of ten minutes, by a w^eight of 100 grms., attach the disk to one arm of a balance, and observe what weight must be put in the pan connected with the other arm, in order to detach the disk from the soil. Try a similar experiment witli a disk' of iron. EXPERIMENTS WITH PLANTS IN CONNECTION WITH ANALY- SIS OF SOILS. 108. The further development of soil analysis on one hand, and its simplification on the other by eliminating useless or unnecessary determinations, can be accom- plished only by combining suitable experiments with modes of culture and manuring, and growling plants, with accurate analyses of the soils used. In the field but little can be done in this way, since so much care and labor are required, in order to obtain a tolerably fair representative sample of the soil, even of a small plot. iSTot seldom, however, a more luxuriant vegetation is § 108. EXPERIMENTS WITH PLANTS AND SOILS. 201 observed in one part of a field than in another, although the nature of the soil and the mode of treatment are ap- parently the same throughout ; in such a case, much may possibly be learned, by a careful comparison of the amounts of the crops taken from the two parts of the field, and a search for the cause of the difference by a careful exami- nation of the soil. Of course the nature of the subsoil should be ascertained, down to the depth of a metre or so, in order to be sure that the cause of the phenomenon does not Ife there, perhaps in some accumulation of water, or a great difference in the mechanical or physical charac- ters of this subsoil. Actual experiments with manures and growing j^lants, to be combined with soil analysis, are best made in boxes of soil that has been carefully sifted and mixed ; a perfect sample of such a soil can be obtained without difficulty. The wooden boxes to contain the soil for these experi- ments may be made abo^.t one metre deep, and half a metre square, and with several holes through the bottom. They should be set in the ground in a grass plot, so that they will project but 3-5 cm. above the surface. The soil with which they are to be filled should be pulverized when in a very moderately moist condition, by rubbing it between the hands, or with a wooden pestle in a porce- lain mortar, and passed through a sieve with meshes 6-8 mm. wide ; an ample quantity of it should be provided, so that there may be enough for the analysis and for all possible contingencies, besides what is required to fill up the box. To fill the box, put a layer of gravel 5-8 cm. thick over the bottom, and then add the soil, pressing it down gently, as it is put in in small portions at a time ; then pour a quantity of rain-water over the soil, equal to about half that which it can retain in its pores ; stir up the surface and fill with more soil, up to the edge of the box, and, if possible, before sowing the seed, or putting 9* 202 § 108. ANALYSIS OF SOILS Ai!«-D llOCKS. in j)laiits, let the whole stand several weeks, so that it may settle together and assume a perfectly natural con- dition. If the boxes, when put in place, are not surrounded by grassy turf, the same plants as those cultivated in them should be grown around them, so that there can be no disturbing influences from fresh soil. When the seed is to be sown, put in more fresh soil if it is necessary, in order to bring the surface up even w*ith the edge of the box. In sowing the seed, and in the sub- sequent cultivation of the plant, the usual rules of good culture should be observed as far as possible, as respects depth of sowing, distance apart of the plants, and other matters. For experiments with the cereals, which are of the greatest importance, oats and rye are best, since these plants are less liable to disease, or to be destroyed by birds. The foUoAving are a few of the great number of inter- esting experiments that can be performed in these boxes of prepared soil. Three or four soils may be prepared, differing great- ly in the amount of sand and clay they contain, but closely resembling each other as regards the lime and hu- mus. Kot only the quantity of the crop should be ob- served, but also its quality^ such as, in the cereals, for example, the proportion of grain, straw, and chaff, of light and heavy grains, the specific gravity of the grain, the number of the stalks and the degree of maturity at- tained by them, the weight of the stubble and main roots, and the proximate chemical composition of the different parts of the j)lant. With such observations as these, combined with an ac- curate knowledge of the composition of the soil, we should soon learn whether any direct relation exists be- tween the proportion of plant-food in the soil, that is soluble in water or cold or hot hydrochloric acid, and § 108. EXPERIMENTS WITH PLANTS AND SOILS. 203 the quantity or quality of the crop, or whether, as is probably the case, the proportion between the clay and these soluble substances, or, in other words, the physical character of the soil, exerts a controlling influence on its fertility. It would be well to jierform three experiments of the same character with each kind of soil, partly for the pur- pose of securing greater certainty in the results, and partly that the same soil may be used afterwards for other experiments. To test the question whether the substances in the soil tliat are soluble in pure or carbonated water exert any essential influence on its immediate productiveness, a trial may be made with a soil in its natural condition, and with the same or a similar soil, after it has been exhausted with water in the manner described for the preparation of an aqueous solution for chemical analysis (§ 100). As, how- ever, it would be very inconvenient to exhaust such a quantity of soil in this way, as would be required to fill one of the boxes, this experiment may be performed with but 7-10 kilos, of soil, in smaller boxes, or in glass vessels. The plants should be watered with distilled water during the progress of the experiment. Valuable results may be obtained from experiments in which equal quantities of assimilable plant-food are added to different varieties of soil. The action of a full and complete provision of the ele- ments of plant-food on one kind of plant grown in the different soils, should first be examined. For such a complete manuring, we need only to mix together acid potassic phosphate, calcic nitrate, j)otassic nitrate, and magnesic sulphiite, so that the relative proportions of the bases in the mixture will be the same as in the ash of the plant to be cultivated. For this purpose, the boxes and soils employed in pre- vious years for trials with soils containing different 204 § 108. ANALYSIS OP SOILS AND ROCKS. amounts of sand and clay may be used ; one box of each kind of soil should have nothing added to it, so as to have a standard with which to compare the effect of the ma- nuring in other soils of the same nature. From the aver- age crops of the preceding year in all the boxes, an esti- mate may be made of the quantity of plant-food to be added. The soil to be manured is taken out of the box to the depth of 30 cm. ; ^ |^ of this is intimately mixed with the aqueous solution of the salts to be added, and this in its turn is intimately mixed with the remaining ^|j of the soil, by rubbing the two together carefully between the hands ; the whole is then put back into the box. Instead of the solution of the above salts, the actual practice with manures may be more closely imitated by making an aqueous extract of a superphosphate, deter- mining the amount of phosphoric acid in the solution, and dissolving therein the 2:)roper amounts of crude potassic chloride, sodic nitrate, and magnesic sulphate. In a similar manner, the effect of an increased propor- tion of humus in the soil may be studied, by letting some sawdust of a soft wood, free from resin, partly decay, making an aqueous extract of this, or of some other suit- able substance rich in humus, and mixing this solution with the soil in the way already described. Other matters that might be profitably studied in this connection are, the effect of lime^ of the concentrated commercial manures, and the relation between the co- efficients of absorption of the soil for the various ele- ments of plant-food, and its fertility. § 109. MARL. 205 II. ROCKS AND THE PRODUCTS OF THEIR WEATHERING. 109. The object of analyzing a rock, for agricultural purposes, may be to estimate the total amount of its con- stituents, or to determine its solubility and the readiness with which it would be disintegrated and converted hito soil on exposure to the air. The method of the analysis would be much the same as that already described for the analysis of soils. A qualitative examination should pre- cede the quantitative one, in order to learn the best way of bringing the mineral into solution, as well as what substances arc to be separated and determined. The examination of the products of the weathering of a rock should be conducted in the same manner as a i-egu- lar soil analysis, by treating it with the same solvents in the same succession. The three more important substances that come under this head are marl, limestone, and clay, and some special directions for the analysis of each may be useful. MARL. As this substance is used by the farmer in its natural condition, it should be taken in a similar condition, for analysis, viz., air-dried and unignited. If taken fresh from the pit, it should be allowed to lie for a long time exposed to the air on filter-paper, until thoroughly dry. The most useful of the determinations mentioned below are those of phosphoric acid and the alkalies, and the me- clianical analysis. The mechanical mialysls. For this, which is of much importance, since the value of a marl usually depends largely on the fineness of the division of its particles, treat 30-50 grms., according to the amount of calcic car- 206 § 109. ANALYSIS OF SOILS AND EOCKS. bonate contained in it, with dilute hydrocliloric acid in a flask, as long as there is any effervescence, wash the resi- due, boil it half an hour with water, and then subject it to the silt analysis (§ 97). Or, if it is desired to determine the fineness of division of the calcic carbonate in the marl, the whole may be subjected to the silt analysis without previous treatment with acid, and then the carbonate can be determined in the contents of each funnel. If the marl does not fall to a fine powder in water, it must first be sifted, as directed for the preparation of the soil for the silt analysis. For practical purposes, the following rough method of estimating the fineness of the marl will often answer. After treating 10 grms. of the marl with hydrochloric acid as long as there is any effervescence, i:)our a consid- erable quantity of water over the residue, with constant stirring, let the sand and heavier particles settle, and de- cant the turbid liquid holding clay in suspension ; repeat the same operation with the residue several times, until the water is clear after the sand settles to the bottom, collect the latter on the filter, ignite, and weigh as coarse sand. The chemical analysis. a. Water. — Dry about 10 grms. of the substance at 100° C, and determine the loss of weight. h. Carbonic acid. — Determine this in 2-4 grms., as di- rected in § 60. For practical purposes, the following method will usu- ally yield sufiiciently accurate results. Weigh out 2-3 grms. of the marl in a flask of about 100 c.c. capacity, moisten it with a little water, carefully lower into the flask a small test-tube, ^|j filled with hydro- chloric acid, in such a way that no acid can escape into the flask, and weigh the Avhole ; then cause the acid to flow out of the test-tube into the flask by inclining the § 109. MAEL. 207 latter, and, while the effervescence continues, let the flask lie in an inclined position, with the end of the test-tube partly stopping up its mouth. When the effervescence lias ceased, blow air into the flask to remove the carbonic acid gas, weigh the whole again, and count the loss as car- bonic acid ; the results w^ill be within 0.25° 1^ of the truth. c. Lime and Magnesia. — Digest 2-3 grms. of the well- pulverized marl with dilute hydrochloric acid, and exam- ine the solution more particularly for lime and magnesia, as under b, Scheme lY., § 94. d. Phosphoric acid and the alkalies. — Allow 300 c.c. of concentrated hydrochloric acid (Sp. Gr. = 1.15) to act on 100 grms. of the well-pulverized marl in a large flask, for 48 hours at common temperatures, with frequent agi- tation; (or, take 120 grms. of soil and 360 c.c. of acid, if ferric oxide and alumina are to be determined, and esti- mate them in ' |g of the solution obtained ; this detennina- tion, however, will not generally be important). Decant the solution from the insoluble residue, dilute with some water, filter, put the insoluble residue on the filter, and wash it first with cold and afterwards with hot water. Evaporate the filtrate to dryness, and remove silicic acid. Examine the filtrate from the silica as under b, in Scheme I, § 94. If the marl contains a large proportion of clay, some of the phosphoric acid may remain undissolved by the cold concentrated acid. In this case, boil about 50 grms. of the marl one hour with 150 c.c. of concentrated acid, filter, eliminate silica, and proceed to determine phosphoric acid, as above. The insoluble residue, left after treatment of the marl with cold acid, and composed of clay and sand, is dried in the air-bath, left for a considerable time expoced to the air, and weighed. If from this we subtract the weight of coarse sand, obtained by the rough method in the 208 § 109. ANALYSIS OF SOILS AND HOCKS. mechanical analysis, we h^ve left the amount of fine sand and clay. Treat this residue in the same manner as directed in § § 102 and 103 for the treatment of the corresponding part of the soil. e. A determination of humus is generally unnecessary, but if desired, can be conducted as directed in § 104. f. A determination of nitrogen will rarely be needed, but may be made in the usual manner, with 5-10 grms. of the marl. g. Some marls, particularly such as are lich in clay, and contain but little sand, are much more efiective after hav- ing been gently ignited. To test the marl in this respect, heat it to a low red heat in a muffle, with free access of ^ir, and then make an aqueous extract of the ignited mass by treating 500 grms. ot it with 2000 c.o. of distilled water, with frequent agitation during a cold digestion of 48 hours. Then filter off " 1^ of the solution, or 1600 c.c, for the determination of the alkalies ; evaporate this solu- tion to dryness, eliminate silica in the usual manner, and estimate the alkalies in the filtrate from the silica (§ 93, G-). Another portion of 100 grms. of the ignited marl may be treated with 300 c.c. of concentrated hydrochloric acid in the cold, in the manner already directed, to estimate phosphoric acid, and, if desired, the alkalies again. h. Analyses of the green sand marl of New Jersey. (Cook.) Carbonic acid 2 Lime 2.4 1.0 M:i EOCKS. 1. Ill this burned limestone, determine the alkalies soluble in water by treating 150 grms. with 1500 c.c. of distilled water, with frequent agitation during a digestion of 24 hours. Then pour off 1000 c.c. of the supernatant liquid, as clear as possible, filter, if the liquid is not per- fectly clear, remove silica as usual (§ 58, a), by evapora- tion to dryness and treatment with hydrochloric acid, and eliminate the alkalies as chlorides (§ 93, G). 2. Digest another joortion of 100 to 150 grms. of the burnt lime, according to its richness in silicates, 48 hours in tlie cold, with tliree times its weight of concentrated hydrocliloric acid, filter the mixture, and wash the resi- due, first with cold, and then with hot water. Determine phosphoric acid and the alkalies in this solution (Scheme I., § 94) ; no ferric chloride need be added. It sometimes happens that a considerable separation of gelatinous silica renders the filtration of the hydrochloric acid solution very difiicult. In this case, evaporate the whole mixture to complete dryness, moisten the residue with concentrated acid, let it stand awhile, boil with di- lute acid, filter, and examine this filtrate for phosphoric acid and alkalies, as above. The solution Avill contain all that would ordinarily be dissolved by both cold and hot hydrocliloric acid. Treat the residue, insoluble in cold hydrochloric acid, with hot acid, if not already so treated, and then with sulphuric and hydrofluoric acids (§ § 101, 102, and 103). e. To determine whether a limestone will yield good mortar lime, digest 4-5 grms. with dilute hydrochloric acid, evaporate the whole to dryness, after adding a few drops of nitric acid, boil the residue with acidified water, filter, wash, ignite, and weigh. A good limestone, for this purpose, should not leave more than 5 to 10° ]„ of in- soluble matter. The solution may be examined for alumina, ferric oxide. § 110. LIMESTONE AXD LIME. 211 lime, and magnesia, according to Scheme I., § 94 ; man- ganese need not be noticed unless a qualitative analysis reveals its presence in considerable quantity. A determination of carbonic acid may be made to con- trol the results of the other part of the analysis. All the bases found should be calculated as carbonates in making up the final statement. d. To determine whether a limestone will make a good hydraulic cement, the course described in the preceding paragraph should be followed ; but the alkalies should be determined also, and the residue, insoluble in hydrochloric acid, should be examined with the aid of sulphuric and hydrofluoric acids (§ § 102 and 103). 50-60 grms. of the stone should be taken for treatment with hydrochloric acid. And, as the chemical analysis alone will not furnish pei-fectly safe information in regard to the fitness of the stone for the purpose in question, portions of it should be ignited at various temperatures, and the resulting lime in each case pulverized and made into little balls with water, either alone or with sand, and tested under water, to see whether it hardens properly. e. If the cement already prepared is given for exami- nation, it Avill be important to determine the amount of gelatinous silica set free by the hydrochloric acid, as well as the lime, alumina, and alkalies. 20-25 grms. of sub- stance will usually answer for the analysis, since the stone is rendered more soluble by the ignition that is required to convert it into cement. Boil the residue, that is insoluble in hydrochloric acid, with sodic carbonate (§ 58, a^ 2), pulverize what is in- soluble in this agent very finely, and treat it with hydro- fluoric acid. 212 § 111. ANALYSIS OP SOILS AXD ROCKS. CLAY. 111. This should be taken for analysis in its natural, air-dried condition, and examined by the same processes as have been given for the mechanical analysis of soils, and their treatment with acids. Different clays are very differently affected by these agents. Conclusions in regard to their agricultural value must be based upon their relative solubility in the acids used, and the composition of the part that is soluble in hydro- chloric acid, and of that which is made soluble by treat- ment with sulphuric acid. For technical purjioses it Avill usually answer to treat 10-15 grms. of the clay with 6-8 times its weight of con- centrated sulphuric acid, evaporate the mixture to com- plete dryness, exhaust the residue w^ith dilute hydrochloric acid, eliminate silicic acid from this solution, and estimate alumina, ferric oxide, manganese, lime, magnesia, and the alkalies, according to Scheme I., a and c, § 94, omitting the estimation of phosphoric acid, and consequently the addition of ferric chloride ; determine also the silica solu- ble in alkaline carbonate in the residue that is insoluble in hydrochloric acid above. Burnt clay may sometimes be profitably applied as a fertilizer, or an amendment. The examination of such a clay should be conducted in the same manner as described for burnt marl (§ 109,/); particular attention should be paid to the amount of alkalies soluble in water, and in cold and hot hydrochloric acid. The proportion of phosphoric acid is not usually any larger than in arable soils. § 112. FARM- YARD MAXURE. 213 CHAPTER VI. FERTILIZERS. I. PRODUCTS OF THE FARM-YARD. FARM-YARD MANURE. 112. In the examination of farm-yard manure, the part soluble in water, and that which is insoluble in this agent, should each be examined by itself, for it is important to know the relative proportion and composition of these two portions. To procure a sample of the manure, take several small portions from different parts of the pile, mix them all carefully together, breaking up the lumps while working the mass over, and preserve 3-4 kilos, for examination. a. Water. — Dry 1000 grms. of this in the drying- chamber, powder the residue as much as possible, or cut it up with shears, w^eigh the whole, dry about 50 grms., accurately weighed, at 100° C, and calculate the loss of weight for the whole 1000 grms. Grind this diied sub- stance to a powder in a steel mill. b. Organic matter. — Ignite 6-8 grms. of this powder with the usual precautions, including the determination of carbonic acid and coal (§ 91). c. Carbonic acid. — Determine this in 5 grms. of the powder (§ 60). d. IVitrogen. — Determine this in 1 grm. of the powder. The small amount of nitric acid in the manure will be al- most completely converted into ammonia during the com- bustion, in the presence of so large a proportion of car- bonaceous ororanic matter. The nitrogen in the amnionic 214 § 112. FERTILIZEES. carbonate, that is volatilized during the process of dry- ing, and which is determined in the aqueous extract of a portion of the original manure, should be added to that obtained by combustion with soda-lime, in order to get the total nitrogen. e. Ammonia. — ^Determine this by the distillation of 15-20 grms. of the dried and ground manure, with 1 grm. of freshly ignited magnesia, and water, and the estimation of the ammonia in the distillate by titration (§ 47, c). /. Sulphur aud sulphuric acid, — Determine total sul- phur in the manure by fusion of 3-4 grms. of the powder with potassic nitrate (§ 92). g. Aqueous extract of the manure. — Pour 3000 c.c. of water over a second portion of 1000 grms. of the fresh manure, mix the whole well togetlier, let the mixture stand quietly several hours, and decant the supernatant liquid. In order to wash the residue without using too much water, put it in a large funnel, which is stopped in the throat with asbestus, and below with a cork, press it down, pour water over it, and work the whole over gently with a pestle ; after a time, remove the cork, and let the liquid run off, and repeat the operation until tlie water that passes away is almost colorless. Reserve the residue in the funnel for further treatment. Filter the whole quantity of the liquid with which the fresh manure was treated through linen, make the volume of the filtrate and washings up to 6000 c.c, and, if neces- sary, filter again through paper. 1* Ammonic salts. — Determine volatile ammonic salts (ammonic carbonate) in 300-600 c.c. of the aqueous ex- tract, by distilling off about "I3 of it in the j^roper appa- ratus (§ 47), without adding any alkali, and titrate the distillate with the standard sodic solution as usual. Determine 7ion-volatUe ammonic salts by adding 1-2 grms. of freshly ignited- magnesia, or 10-15 c.c. of milk of § 112. FAEM-YAKD MANURE. 215 lime to the remainder of the liquid in the retort, distilling off ^la of the water, collecting the ammonia in the usual manner, and titrating the distillate. The total amount of ammonia in the aqueous extract may be determined also by Schlossing's method ; evapo- rate 200 c.c. of the liquid down to 50 c.c. after adding a slight excess of hydrochloric acid, and proceed with this concentrated solution in the usual manner (§ 47, b). 2. Nitric acid. — To determine this in the aqueous ex- tract, evaporate 500 c.c. down to a small bulk, and pro- ceed with this concentrated solution according to Schloss- ing's method (§ 62, a). 3. Total amount of dry substance in solution. — ^Evap- orate the remainder of the extract to dryness in a weighed platinum dish, on the water-bath, and determine the total amount of matters in solution. 4. Organic matter. — Ignite 3-4 grms. of this residue, to determine organic and inorganic matter (§ 91), and determine carbonic acid and chlorine in the ash (§ 60, c). 5. Carbonic acid.^ — ^Determine this in 2-3 grms. of the residue obtained in 3 (§ 60). 6. Nitrogen. — ^Determine this in 1 grm. of the residue obtained in 3, by combustion with soda-lime (§ 85). 7. Chlorine. — This may be partially volatilized in the process of incineration ; an accurate estimation of it, there- fore, requires its determination in a portion of the aqueous extract itself. 100 c.c. of this maybe taken, or 0.5-1 grm. of the residue obtained in 3, dissolved in water. Add nitric acid to the solution, in slight excess, and pre- cipitate chlorine with argentic nitrate ; treat the precipi- tate as directed for the case in which much organic matter was present in the solution (§ 63). Instead of following this course, a small portion of the residue obtained in 3 may be fused with potassic nitrate before precipitation with argentic nitrate (§ 92). 216 § 112. FERTILIZERS. 8. Ferric oxide, etc. — Ignite the remainder of the residue obtained in 3, dissolve the ash in hydrochloric acid, eliminate silica by evaporation to dryness, and exam- ine the filtrate from the silicic acid according to Scheme L, § 94. A. The total residue, insoluble in water, obtained in J " .32 .41 " nitrogen " ig)^ " .08 61.86 The value of a ton of 2000 pounds, at the same rate, would be $37.20 in gold. BONE-MEAL. 116. Bone-meal, as found in commerce, is prepared either from nearly or quite fresh bones, from bones that have been exposed to the air for some time, or from those that have been steamed or boiled ; the first kind contains much fat and gelatine, and is usually quite coarse ; the third kind has lost nearly all its fat and much of its gela- tine, and is quite fine ; while the second occupies a position between the other two in all respects. a. Water. — ^Desiccate about 5 grms., if of the common kinds of steamed bone-meal, at 100°. h. IVon-TOlatilc matter. — Ignite the dried residue in a and treat the ash with ammonic carbonate, to restore car- bonic acid that was expelled by heat (§ 91, d), c. Nitrogen. — Burn 0.5-0.8 grms. of the finely powder- ed meal with soda-lime (§ 85). cl Phosphoric acid. — Dissolve 3-4 grms. of the ash obtained in h in as little nitric acid as possible, with the aid of heat; filter the solution into a 250 c.c. flask, wash the sandy insoluble residue, ignite, and weigh it. Fill the flask with distilled water up to the 250 c.c. mark, mix its contents well togetlier, and determine phosphoric acid in 50 c.c. of this solution, with the standard uranic solution (§ 115, a). In order to saturate the free acid, it will be well to add 20 c.c. of the sodic acetate. If a coarse, splintery § 116. I30XE-MEAL. 229 bone-meal is under examination, a larger quantity, about 50 grms., should be incinerated in order to get the ash for treatment with acid. e. Complete analysis of the ash. — Treat a portion of the solution obtained in d according to Scheme IV., § 91, taking 50-100 c.c. for a and the same for h. This exami- nation is, in genera], unnecessary, if the only object of the analysis is to determine the agricultural value of the article. f. Fat. — Exhaust a weighed quantity of the finely pul- verized meal with ether, dry the residue at 125° C, and count the loss as fat (§ 87). g. Gelatine. — The gelatinous substances may be esti- mated by the difference between the total loss on ignition and the sum of the water and fat. A. Fineness of division of the meal. — The value of bone-meal depends not only upon its chemical composition, but also upon the fineness of the powder. To test the substance in this respect, it should be passed through sieves of difierent degrees of fineness; and it is important that all chemists should use sieves of the same kind, so that the results obtained by different persons can be compared with each other. Wolff recommends the use of the three finest sieves of the set made by Hugershoff, in Leipzig, the first of which (I) has 1089 meshes in a square centimetre, the second (II) 484 meshes, and the third (III) 256. The residue, tliat will not pass through the coarsest sieve, should be examined, in order to see whether it is made up largely of grains which would pass through a little coarser sieve still, or of large splinters. One bone meal of excellent quality, analyzed by Wolff, contained 60°!, of No. L, 20°|„ of No. II., and lO'l^of No. III. 230 § 117. FERTILIZERS. BONE-BLACK, BONE-ASH, PHOSPHORITE. 117. A. J3one-black, after it has been used by the sugar refiners, usually comes into the market as a manure. Pul- verize 30-40 grms. of it for examination. a. Water. — Desiccate 3-4 grms. for a considerable time at 150° C. b. Non-volatile matter.— Ignite the dried substance obtained in a, and treat the residue with ammonic car- bonate, to restore carbonic acid expelled during the igni- tion (§ 91). c. Carbonic acid. — Estimate this in 3 grms. (§ 60). cl Nitrogen.— Burn 0.5 to 0.8 grm. with soda-lime (§ 85). e. Phosphoric acid, etc. — Digest the contents of the flask in c, after adding a little more nitric acid, several hours on tlie water-bath ; filter the liquid into a 250 c.c. flask, Mash the residue with hot water, dry it at 150°, weigh, ignite, and weigh again. The loss on ignition gives approximately the amount of charcoal, and the residue left after icjnition is to be considered as scmd, thouirh it may be tested with nitric acid to see whether any more is soluble. Dilute the contents of the flask to 250 c.c, mix all parts of the solution well together, and determine phosphoric acid in 50 c.c. with the uranic solution (§ 115, a). /. Complete analysis of the ash.— Treat a portion of the solution obtained in ). e. Phosphoric acid, etc. — ^Digest the ash obtained in h with nitric acid, filter out the sand^ wash, ignite, and weigh it, and dilute the filtrate to 250 c.c. Determine phosphoric acid in 50 c.c. of this filtrate, by th3 volumetric method (§ 115, a). For another method of estimating phosphoric acid alone, mix 1 part of guano (1-2 grms.) with 1 part of sodic car- § 118. gua:j^o. 233 bonate and 1 of nitre, fuse the mixture carefully, dissolve the residue in water, and evaporate the solution to dryness on the water-bath ; treat this residue with hydrochloric acid and water, as in eliminating silicic acid (§ 58, «, 1) ; filter, add ammonia to the filtrate until it is in slight excess, then acetic acid until the calcic phosphate precipitated by the ammonia is dissolved ; and then, without filtering out the small amount of ferric phosphate, determine phosphoric acid by the volumetric method. (Fresenius.) / Complete analysis. — Treat a portion of the solution obtained in c, or one obtained in like manner, after elimi- nation of silicic acid, according to Scheme lY., § 94. cj. Solubility in water. — Heat 10 grms. of the powdered guano with 200 c.c. of water, filter at once through a weighed filter, wash the contents of the filter with hot water, as long as the water has any yellow color and leaves a residue when evaporated ; dry and weigh the in- colublo residue. Subtract the sum of the water and the insoluble substance from the total wei2:ht of the miano, and the remainder will be the soluble matter ; and, if the insohible residue is ignited and the ash weighed and sub- tracted from the total amount of ash, the amount of solu- ble non-volatile matters will be given by the remainder. (Fresenius.) A. Uric acid. — Digest the part of the guano that is in- soluble in water with a weak solution of soclic hydrate ; filter the mixture, precipitate the uric acid in the filti-ate with hydrochloric acid, and proceed as directed in § 75, with the washing of the precipitate. i. Oxalic acid, — Expel the carbonic acid from a weigh- ed portion of the guano with sulphuric acid, neutralize the excess of acid with sodic hydrate entirely free from carbonic acid, and estimate oxalic acid with sulphuric acid and manganic binoxide (§ 69). h. Marks of a ^ood Peruvian guano.— It forms a loose, 234 8 119. FERTILIZERS yelloAvisli-browii powder mixed with soft lumps of various sizes, which, when broken, exhibit white veins on the fractured surface, or sometimes a foliated crystalline ap- pearance. If a small quantity is heated with a few drops of dilute nitric acid and the mixture is evaporated to dryness at a gentle heat, a fine, j^urple-red colored residue is left, indi- cating the i:)resence of uric acid (§ 75). It gives a good reaction for ammonia with sodic hydrate or lime. By digestion with water, about half is dissolved, form- ing a dark-yellow solution; if the guano is poor, a hght- yellow solution is obtained. This solution gives the usual reactions for ammonia, lime, magnesia, and sulphuric acid. It loses 60-70"! „ Avhen ignited, and leaves a grayish- white ash that evolves but little carbonic acid when treat- ed with nitric acid, and leaves but from 1-3° | „ of matters insoluble in acid, and contains 5-10" |„ of fixed alkaline salts. Baker gucino^ and other phosphatk guanos. — These arc examined in the same manner as the Peruvian guano, except that, since they contain but a very small propor- tion of nitrogen and alkaline salts, the determination of phosphoric acid alone answers for the estimation of their agricultural value. This may generally be made by the volumetric process. SUPERPHOSPHATES. 119. These are generally mixtures of calcic sulphate, calcic chloride, tricalcic phosphate, ferric phospliate, monocalcic phosphate, organic matters containing nitro- gen, .coal and water. Mix the sample well together, breaking up all the lumps between the fingers or in the mortar. a. Water. — Desiccate 3-4 grms. for a considerable time at 150-160° C. (§ 90). § 119. SUPERPHOSPHATES. 235 h. Non-VOlatilc matters. — Ignite the dry residue ob- tained in a (§ 91). c- Nitrogen. — This should be determined, in case the ])hosphate was prepared from Peruvian guano or bone- meal, or it is claimed that it contains nitrogenous matter. Ignite 0.5-1 grm. with soda-lime. d. Actual ammonia. — Determine this, if present, by Schlossing's process, in 1-2 grms. (§ 47, h). e. Phosphoric acid. — The value of a superphosphate depends chiefly upon the amount of phosphate that it con- tains that is soluble in water, and, when tiie article was prepared from bone-black, bone-ash, phosphorite, or Baker guano, the determination of soluble phosphate suffices for the estimation of its value. But when made from steamed bones, wholly or in part, there is commonly from 5-0" 1^ of insoluble phosphate which should be taken into account. It appears that sometimes the proportion of soluble phos- phate diminishes when the article is kept for a long time ; if, therefore, an unexpectedly small amount is found, a determination of the insoluble phosphate should be made also, in order to estimate fairly the value of the fertilizer. 1. To estimate the sohihle phosphate^ triturate 10 grms. of the well-mixed sample with 200-300 c.c. of water, ap- plying pressure enough with the pestle to break up the lumps, but not to pulverize the hard grains ; let the mix- ture stand some time, pour oif the clear supernatant liquid through a filter, and repeat the exhaustion with water as long as an acid reaction is communicated to a fresh por- tion ; finally, put the whole insoluble residue on the filter, dry it at 100"", and weigh it ; bring the volume of the aqueous extract to 1000 c.c. Determine phosphoric acid by the volumetric method in 100 c.c. of this solution, first precipitating and filtering out the fetric phosphate, if but a small quantity is formed, and dry and w'eigh this precipitate ; 47.02" |„ of it is phos- 236 § 119. FERTILIZERS. phoiic acid. If the superphosphate was made from a phosphatic guano, this precipitate of ferric phosphate will generally be too large to allow an accurate volumetric estimation of phosphoric acid, and a gravimetrical method should be followed. (§ 93, Jl) 2. To estimate the insoluble phosphate, treat 20 grms. of the substance with water to which 20 c.c. of nitric acid (Sp. Gr. = 1.4) have been added, and digest the mixture several hours on the water-bath. If a sufficient quantity of acid was added, the insoluble residue left after diges- tion can be plainly seen, when stirred up, to consist of nothing but heavy sand and particles of coal; if the so- lution appears to be incomplete, add 10 c.c. more of the acid and heat the mixtuie again several hours ; finally, filter the solution into a litre flask, and when the filtrate is cool, bring its volume up to 1000 c.c. ; determine phos- phoric acid by the volumetric method (§ 115, a) in 50 c.c. of this solution, using 20 c.c. of sodic acetate. This result gives the total amount of phosphoric acid in the superphosphate, and, as the soluble phosphate has already been determined, the amount of insoluble phos- phate is readily estimated. The insoluble residue of sand in this examination may le ignited and weighed. f. Complete analysis* — Examine the aqueous solution prepared above, if it is particularly desired to learn its composition, according to Scheme IV., § 94, taking 100 c.c. for (7, and 100 c.c. for h with previous treatment with sodic carbonate and potassic nitrate ; also determine chlo- rine in 50 c.c. of the solution, by precipitation with ar- gentic nitrate (§ 63). Or, for a more complete analysis, including the determi- nation of what is soluble in acid with what is soluble in water, examine the nitric-acid solution obtained in e ac- cording to Scheme IV., except in case the phosphate contains much organic matter, when it would be better to § 120. GYPSUM. 237 analyze a solution of the ash obtained in ^, in nitric acid. ^f(/2Jhuric acid and chlorine, however, must always be determined in the nitric-acid solution of the original sub- stance. GYPSUM. 120. a. Water. — Ignite 2 grms. of the finely pulverized gypsum gently. b. Insoluble matters. — Digest 2 grms., likewise finely powdered, witli very dilute hydrochloric acid, as long as anything appears to be dissolved, filter out the insoluble sand and clay, wash well with hot water, dry, ignite, and weigli the insoluble residue. c. Sulphuric acid, ferric oxide, lime, etc—Divide the acid solution in two equal parts, and in one pre- cipitate sulphuric acid with baric chloride (§ 59), and in the other, after dilution with water and heating with a little concentrated nitric acid, precipitate ferric oxide and alumina, with ammonia in slightest possible excess (§ 51). Filter the precipitate out quickly, so as to avoid the precipitation of calcic sulphate in the alkaline solution, wash it Avell, and then weigh it after ignition. Immediately on filtering out this i^recii^itate by ammonia, add ammonic oxalate in excess to the filtrate to pre- cipitate the lime (§ 49, a), and estimate magnesia in tlie filtrate from the lime, in the usual way with hydric disodic phosphate (§ 50, b) d. If there is a considerable precipitation of ferric oxide by ammonia, some calcic sulphate is very liable to be mixed with it. In this case, it is better to boil about 1.5 grms. of the finely powdered gypsum an hour with a solution of 6-8 grms. of pure sodic carbonate ; by this operation, if the gypsum was properly pulverized, it is completely converted into calcic carbonate. Filter, wash the contents of the filter well with liot water, and precipi- 238 § 121. FEKTILIZEES. tate the sulphuric acid in the filtrate with baric chloride ; transfer the filter with its contents to a deep beaker, and dissolve the carbonate in dilute hydrochloric acid with the usual precautions, filter, wash well, dry, ignite, and weigh the i-esidue of sand and clay. Determine lime and magnesia in the filtrate in the usual manner (§ 50, b). e. Alkalies* — To determine these in gypsum, boil 10 grms. repeatedly with dilute hydrochloric acid, filter, and eliminate the alkalies as chlorides (§ 93, G.). f. A determination of ccirbotuG acid will furnish means of estimating the amount of calcic carbonate in the gyp- sum ; take 5-10 grms. for the analysis (§ 60). SALT. POTASH COMPOUNDS. 121. A. Salt. a. Water. — Gently ignite 3-4 grms., well pulverized, in a platinum crucible that is kept well covered, and carry the temperature finally to a dull red. b. Complete analysis. — Dissolve 10 grms. in hot water, filter the solution into a litre flask, and wash, dry, ignite, and weigh the insoluble residue. This residue consists mostly of sand and clay. If gyp- sum is contained in it, digest it with dilute hydrochloric acid as long as anything appears to be dissolved, filter the solution, add ammonia in excess to the filtrate, filter out the precipitated ferric oxide and alumina, precipitate lime in the filtrate by ammonic oxalate, and sulphuric acid in the filtrate from the calcic oxalate by baric chloride after acidification with hydrochloric acid. Bring the volume of the aqueous solution of the salt, ob- tained above, to 1000 c.c, and determine lime and mag- nesia in 400 c.c. (§ 50, b), and chlorine in another portion by the volumetric process (§ G3, b). Dilute 300 c.c. with more water, acidify it with hydrochloric acid, and exam- ine the solution for sulphuric acid and the alkalies (§ 93, § 122. CHILI SALTPETRE. 239 E and G). The determination of potassa in common salt is generally unnecessary. B. Potassa salts. — Dissolve 10 grms. in hot water, and determine joo^«ss« at once with platinic chloride in a por- tion of the solution (§ 93, G, 3). For the complete analysis, or the determination of water, proceed as directed for the analysis of salt. CHILI SALTPETRE. 122. a. Water.— Desiccate 3 grms. at 110° C. b. Complete analysis. — Treat 20 grms. of the pulver- ized salt with hot water, filter the solution into a litre flask, collect the insoluble residue on a dried and weighed filter, wash it well with hot water, dry it at 125° C, weigh it, and then ignite it at a low temperature, and weigh the ash. These results give the amount of insoln- hle sand and clay, and, approximately, the organic tnatter. Bring the volume of the aqueous solution to 1000 c.c, determine sulphuric acid and chlorine in two portions of 200 c.c. each, by precipitation with baric chloride (§ 59) and argentic nitrate (§ 63), and lime and magnesia in an- other portion of 500 c.c. (§ 50, V), c. Soda. — This may be estimated by the difierence between the total amount of substance taken, and the sum of the acids, water, organic matter, and the other bases ; or it may be estimated by converting all the bases into sulphates, in the manner described for converting potassa into sul|)hatc (§ 44), and weighing the mixture of the salts ; then subtract from this the sum of the weights of calcic and magnesic sulpliate, as estimated from tlie determination of those bases, already made, and the remainder will be the sodic (and potassic) sulphate. d. To determine approximately the amount of potassa^ if any is present, dissolve this residue of mixed sulphates 240 § 122. FERTILIZERS. ill very dilute hydrochloric acid, determine sulphuric acid in the solution by precipitation with baric chloride (§ 59), deduct so much of the sulpbuiic acid as is estimated to have been combined with the lime and magnesia, and de- duct also the corresponding quantity of sulphates from the total amount of sulpliates, and with these remainders estimate the potassa and soda by the formula for the in- direct determination of these bases (§ 48, e). e. Nitric acid. — This may be determined by Schluss- ing's process in 10-20 c.c. of the aqueous solution ob- tained in b, or by fusion of about 2 grms. of the salt with silicic acid (§ 62). This estimation can be dispensed with, since the weight of the nitrates equals the difference between the. total amount of salt taken, and the sum of the sulphates and chlorides, as already determined. f. If the Chili saltpetre is adulterated with salt, its so- lution will give an abundant precipitate with argentic nitrate ; if adulterated with soda (sodic carbonate) it will 2:ive the reaction for carbonic acid ; if with magnesic sul- phate (Epsom salts), it will give a decided reaction for sulphuric acid and for magnesia ; and if with sodic sul- phate (Glauber's salt), it will give a decided reaction for sulphuric acid, but none for magnesia. § 123. ASHES OF PLANTS. 241 CHAPTER YII. ANALYSIS OF ASHES. I. ASHES OF PLANTS. 123. To prepare the plant for incineration, it must first be most carefully cleaned ; and too much care cannot be taken in this respect, for if any particles of sand or clay are left adhering to the object, the accuracy of the analy- sis is of course thereby greatly impaired, or the analysis itself is rendered much more difficult of execution. a. Roots and tubers must be cleaned with a soft brush, under a current of water, and be afterwards repeatedly rinsed off with distilled water, and immediately dried with a soft cloth. The dust is removed from stems and leaves, when possible, by wiping them with a soft cloth. /Seeds, particularly the larger kinds, may be put in dis- tilled water for a few minutes, and immediately, before the water can have time to penetrate them, put on a sieve to drain, laid on filter paper and dried as quickly as possible between soft cloths. b. To dry the green parts of plants and fleshy roots, hang them on threads in a drying-chamber, the roots being cut in thin slices. Tubers may be dried in the same way. Koots and tubers so dried are then coarsely pul- verized in the mortar, while leaves and stems are cut up with clean shears ; seeds are broken up to a coarse powder in a mortar. c. The incineration is best efiected in shallow platinum trays, that are heated over the gas-lamp, or in large cast- iron muffles, about 50 cm. long and 13 cm. wide, bujlt 11 242 § 123. ANALYSIS OF ASHES. into an appropriate furnace in such a manner as to be heated mostly at the sides and on the top. The heat must, at first, be kept very low for several hours, or even days, while the substance is slowly charred ; the coal, when so slowly formed, takes a more porous consistency. When the evolution of gases has nearly ceased, the heat may be gradually raised, but not at any time to a percep- tible red ; in this way, at least in the incineration of most of the fodder-plants, roots, and woods, that yield an ash rich in carbonates, a perfect combustion is obtained with- out fusing the ash. In case some coal remains, that re- sists combustion without applying too high a heat, exhaust it with hot water two or three times ; the washed residue is usually very easily burned. Then either add the aque- ous solution just obtained to the ash, evaporate the mix- ture to dryness on the water-bath, ignite the residue very gently, and weigh it ; or weigh the last ash, and bring the aqueous extract of the coal to a certain volume, and for each part of the subsequent analysis, mix together equal fractional parts of ash and extract. Substances rich in silica, as the grasses, and the stems and chaff of cereals, and also seeds rich in alkaline phos- phates, are with difficulty made to yield an ash that is free from coal. Such substances should first be charred at a very low temperature ; then, without disturbing the coal in tlie dish, moisten it with a cold saturated solution of baric hydrate, dry the moistened mass, and ignite it in the mufile at a barely visible red heat ; the completion of the incineration generally requires from 8 to 12 hours. Enough baryta water must be added, by moistening and drying the coal several times, so that the ash will contain about half its weight of baryta. The addition of this substance almost entirely prevents the escape of the chlorine, effects a more speedy combustion of the coal, makes the silicates decomposable by acids, and insures the presence of phos- phoric acid in the ash in a readily determinable form. § 124. ASH RICH IX CARBONATES, POOR IX SILICA. 243 The whole quantity of the ash, in whatever way ob- tained, should be most carefully pulverized and mixed together before any sample is taken for analysis. A. ASH RICH IN CARBONATES, AND POOR IN SILICA. 124. a. Carbonic acid. — Determine this in 1-2 grms., using nitric acid to expel the carbonic acid. h. Chlorine. — Estimate this in the nitric-acid solution obtained in a, after filtering out the insoluble portion. c. Silica, sand, and coal. — Moisten a portion (3-4 grms.) in a flask, with concentrated nitric acid, add concentrated hydrochloric acid, and digest the mixture for a long time at an almost boiling heat. Rinse the whole into an evapo- rating ciish, evaporate to dryness, moisten the residue with hydrochloric acid, and proceed to eliminate and deter- mine silica, sand, and coal, as directed in § 58, «, 3. If the ash contains no sandy particles, as may be shown by the absence of any grittiness when the residue, insolu- ble in hydrochloric acid, is stirred with the glass rod, the boiling with sodic carbonate may be omitted, and nothing need be done but collect the silica on a weighed filter, dry it at 110°, weigh it, and ignite, and weigh it again, to determine the un consumed carbon that may be mixed with it. If there are more than a few centigrammes of this carbon in three or four grammes of the ash, the substance has not been properly incinerated, and very unreliable results may be obtained in the analysis, particularly as regards the phosphates and the alkalies. d. Complete analysis. — Bring the filtrate from the in- soluble portion to a volume of 500 c.c, and examine it according to Scheme IV., § 94. If more than traces of manganic oxide are present, and it is desired to estimate this base, proceed according to Scheme III., § 94. 244 § 124. ANALYSIS OF ASHES. B. ASH RICH IN SILICA, MIXED WITH BARYTA. a. Determine carbonic acid and clilorine, and pre- pare the solution for the complete analysis, precisely as under A. The residue, insoluble in hydrochloric acid, on eliminat- ing silica in the usual way, contains, besides sand and unconsumed carbon, baric sulphate, in which is the sul; phuric acid of the ash, and it must be treated accord- ingly. Collect it on a dried and weighed filter, wash it, dry it at 110° C, and weigh. Then treat it with sodio carbonate (§ 58, a, 2) ; but, as the baric sulphate is not readily decomposed by the carbonated alkali, the boiling must be repeated several times, with fresh portions of the carbonate, the insoluble part allowed to settle completely after each boiling, and the clear liquid decanted without transferring any notable quantity of the solid to the filter ; when the filtered liquid gives no reaction for sulphuric acid, after acidification with hydrochloric acid, the decom- position may be considered as ended ; if the portion with which the test is made gives a reaction with baric chlo- ride, it should be put back into the liquid to be boiled. Transfer the silica and coal to the filter, after the boil- ing is finished, pour dilute hydrochloric acid over it as long as there is any effervescence, wash the filter care- fully with water, dry at 110°, weigh, ignite, and weigh again, and so estimate sand and unconsumed carbon, as under A. Evaporate the alkaline solutions and washings to dry- ness, and eliminate silica (§ 58), and determine sulphuric acid in the filtrate from the silica, with the aid of baric chloride (§ 59). b. Complete analysis* — Examine the solution obtained in a, and filtered from the silica, etc., according to Scheme § 124. MISCELLANEOUS DETERMINATIONS. 245 III. or lY., § 94, with these exceptions, that sulphuric acid need not be determined under a, and that, before precipi- tating lime by ammonic oxalate, the barium should be removed by precipitation with a very dilute sulphuric acid, containing but one part of acid in 300-400 of water ; the precipitated baric sulphate should be examined for lime by heating the moist precipitate with ammonic car- bonate, washing it, and then treating it with dilute hydro- chloric acid, neutralizing the acid with ammonia, and adding ammonic oxalate. C. MISCELLANEOUS DETERMINATIONS. a. Sulphur. — A part of this is volatilized during the process of incineration. In order, therefore, to determine the total amount in the plant, treat 4-5 grms. of the dry substance with fused potassic hydrate and nitrate (§ 92). b. Sulphuric acid, already formed in the plant. — A few cultivated plants contain more than mere traces of this acid. To determine it, and also the chlorine^ if it is desired, prepare an extract of the plant by water contain- ing ^ I20 of nitric acid. Draw out one end of a glass tube, about 60 cm. long and 1-1' I2 cm. in diameter, in such a manner that a rubber tube and clamp can be attached, after the fashion of a Mohr's burette. Close the throat of the tube, where it begins to taper into the smaller tube, with a plug of cot- ton that has been previously boiled in the acidulated water, such as is to be used for the extraction. Put 8-10 grms. of the dried substance in the tube, fill the latter with the acidified water, and let the two remain in contact several hours ; then open the clamp, let some of the water run off, add fresh acidified water, and repeat the operation until the extract gives at the most the merest opalescence with argentic nitrate. 246 § 125. ANALYSIS OF ASHES. In this acid solution precipitate sulphuric acid with baric acetate, and chlorine with argentic nitrate in the filtrate from the baric sulphate ; treat this last precipitate as one produced in the presence of organic matter, if it is at all abundant. 125. The following method of incineration and analysis is given by Reichhardt, by which the volatilization of any mineral matters is avoided, as well as the addition of any- thing to the ash to facilitate incineration. 1. Carefully char enough of the dried substance to yield 2 grms. of ash, pulverize the coal, and exhaust it with several portions of hot water. a. Add argentic nitrate to this extract immediately. h. Exhaust the coal with w^ater containing a little nitric acid, wash with the same, and add this extract to a. 2. Incinerate the coal completely, and exhaust the ash, first with water, and then with moderately concentrated nitric acid, and add these extracts to those obtained in 1. 3. Determination of sulphur and chlorine. — The pre- cipitate by argentic nitrate, in these extracts, contains the sulphur that was present in a soluble form in the plant, and the chlorine. Acidify the mixture of precipitate and liquid with nitric acid, if not already acid, collect the precipitate of argentic sulphide and chloride on a dried and weighed filter, wash it well, and add the filtrate and wash- ings to those obtained in 4, below.' Treat the precipitate on the filter with ammonia, by w^hich the argentic chloride is dissolved, wash the insolu- ble argentic sulphide, dry it at 100°, and weigh. It con- tains 12. 9° 1 of sulphur. Precipitate argentic chloride in the ammonio extract, by nitric acid in excess, and treat the precipitate in the usual manner (§ 63). 4. Heat the residue, insoluble in nitric acid in 2, with § 126. MISCELLANEOUS DETERMINATIONS. 247 concentrated hydrochloric acid, and filter. By mixing this filtrate with that obtained in 3, the excess of silver is pre- cipitated, and may be removed from the solution by fil- tration. « 5. Treat the residue, insoluble in hydrochloric acid, as directed in § 58, a, 3, for the separation of silica, sand, and coal. 6, Eliminate the silica in the hydrochloric solution fil- tered from the excess of silver in 4, in the usual manner (§ 58, a, 1), and examine the filtrate from the silica ac- cording to Scheme III. or lY., § 94, according to whether manganese is or is not to be determined. 126. Statement of results. — So much sodium as is nec- essary .to combine with all the chlorine should be consid- ered as so combined, while the remainder of the sodium is given as sodic oxide. If there is not sodium enough for this purpose, take enough of the potassium to combine with what chlorine is left, and give the remainder of the potassium as potassic oxide. The manganese is to be given as manganous manganic oxide, Mn3 0,. The sand and coal are accidental ingredients of the ash, and therefore the percentage composition should be calcu- lated with reference to what is left after subtracting these from the weight of ash taken for analysis. The percentage composition should moreover be given with reference to the remainder left after subtracting the carbonic acid also, since this is not properly one of the mineral substances found in the plant, but results from the combustion of the organic acids. The first statement enables one to judge of the accuracy of the analysis, and the second gives the real composition of the mineral matter found in the particular plant exam- ined. 248 121 ANALYSIS OF ASHES. Analysis of the ash of hops. (Wheeler.) Potassa , Soda Lime Magnesia , Ferric oxide Manganous manganic oxide Alumina , Pliosphoric acid Sulpburic acid Potassic cliloride Sodic chloride Silicic acid , Carbonic acid Charcoal and sand Total ash CO2, coal, etc., CO2, etc., included. deducted. 37.79 44.33 11.36 13.33 1.27 1.49 0.48 0.56 trace. trace. 12.67 14.86 1.98 2.32 8.48 9.94 1.21 1.41 10.03 11.76 12.50 1.91 99.67 100.00 9.14 II. THE ASH OF ANIMAL SUBSTANCES. 127 1 Animal substances are incinerated with difficulty, particularly when they fuse before they become charred; the attempt should be made, however, to burn them with- out the addition of any agents. First char the dry substance in a platinum dish, raising the heat very slowly, so as to avoid fusion, if possible ; when the charring has attained such a point that water is no longer colored when left for a time in contact with the coal, break the coal up into a coarse powder, and boil and wash it several times with water, acidified with a little nitric acid in case no carbonates are present, or carbonic acid is not to be determined ; then dry tlie coaly residue and complete the incineration in the muffle, at a barely visible red heat. Sometimes it will be found necessary to repeat the exhaustion with water and heating in tlie muffle several times, before the incineration can be completed. § 128. ASHES OF FTTEL. 249 This process, will, however, hardly succeed in many cases, and usually only when the ash yielded by the sub- stance is rich in alkaline carbonates or sodic chloride, or when but a small quantity of the substance is incinerated in order to determine the total amount of ash. Since a considerable proportion of alkaline phosphates is often present, which is converted into pyrophosphate during the incineration, it is generally necessary to treat the charred substance ^^•ith baryta water, in the manner di- rected for the incineration of vegetable substances rich in phosphates. In the analysis of the ash, proceed as directed for the analysis of ashes of plants, with the exception that, since silicic acid and sand are rarely present, the work is some- what simplified. The total sul])hur should be determined in a portion of the substance that has been heated with potassic hydrate and nitrate (§ 92). III. ASHES OF FUEL. 128. a. Carbonic Acid. — Determine this in 2 grms. h. Chlorine* — Determine this in the nitric-acid solution obtained in a. c. Complete Analysis. — Conduct this as directed for the analysis of the ash of plants poor in silica. (§ 124, c, d.) The estimation of potassa and phosj^horic acid is of most importance in respect to the agricultural value of the ashes. 10-15 grms. of wood ashes, or 15-25 gnns. of peat or coal ashes, should be treated with acid, in order to prepare a sufficient quantity of the solution. d. Potassa. — For a volumetric determination of potassa that will answer very well for practical purposes, treat 6.91 grms. of the wood ashes in a flask of about 300 c.c. capacity with 5-6 grms. of caustic lime and 40-60 c.c. of 11* 250 § 128. ANALYSTS OF ASHES. water, and heat the mixture to boiling. Filter the solu- tion into a graduated cylinder, and wash the insoluble residue with sufficient water to make the volume of the solution exactly 100 c.c, when properly cooled. Titrate 10 c.c. of this solution with the normal acid (§ 44,/*), subtract 0.3 c.c. for the excess of lime, and then multiply the number of cubic centimetres required by 10, for the per cent of potassic carbonate. Peat and Coal Ashes are usually very poor in alkalies and phosphoric acid. Their agricultural value depends more particularly on. the amount of calcic sulphate (gypsum), and calcic carbonate and phosphate, which they contain. Many kinds of peat leave ashes that are rich in gypsum ; in such cases it is well to boil about 2 grms. of the ashes an hour, with a solution of 6-8 grms. of sodic carbonate, and determine sulphuric acid in the aqueous solution so obtained, and lime in the hydrochloric solution of the residue insoluble in water. § 129. FODDER. 251 CHAPTER VIII. FODDER AND FOOD. I FODDER. 129. In the examination of fodder, it is very desirable that chemists should follow a common method. The processes of analysis that have been perfected at the experimental station, Weende, by Henneberg, Stoh- mann, Rautenberg, Kiihn, Aronstein, and Schulze, com- mend themselves for general use. a. Preparation of the Sample for Analysis.— In order that the sample may fairly represent a large quantity of the fodder, a handful should be taken here and there from all parts of the pile or the field, till 15-20 such portions are obtained: mix the whole well together, and take about 1 kilo, of dry fodder or 3-4 kilos, of green for the sample. Cut it up with shears, weigh it, dry it for several days in a drying-chamber at 50-60°, expose it to the air 24 hours, and weigh it again in this air-dried condition. b. Hygroscopic Water, — Grind 50 to 100 grms. of the dry substance quickly in a steel mill and desiccate 10 grms. of this powder at 110° C. c. IVon-TOlatile Matter. — Incinerate the dried sub- stance obtained in b, subtract carbonic acid and coal, and calculate the non-volatile matter in the fodder as it was taken for analysis, 130. Reduce the rest of the air-dried substance to a fine powder, by alternate grinding and sifting, and pre- serve it in well-stoppered bottles. a. Water. — Desiccate 3-5 grms. of this powder at 252 § 130. FODDER AND FOOD. 110° C.,and calculate the amount of dry substance in the powder. h. Protein Compounds. — ^Ignite 0.7 to 1 grm. with soda-lime (§ 85). c. Fatty Substances. — Extract these from 6-8 grms., by ether (§ 87). d. Crude Cellulose.— Boil a quantity of the powder containing about 3 grms. of dry substance, half an hour, with 200 c.c. of dilute sulphuric acid, containing 1.25° |„ of monohydrated acid, in a flask that is attached to the lower end of a Liebig's condenser; let the mixture stand till the solid particles settle to the bottom ; draw the clear liquid off into a beaker, as completely as possible, with a small siphon, and finally with a pipette ; pour 200 c.c. of water over the residue in the flask, boil again half an hour in the same manner as before, and as before let the solid particles settle and remove the clear liquid ; repeat this operation once more. Then boil the substance in the same way with 150 c.c. of water and 50 c.c. of a solution containing 50 grms. of fused caustic potash in the litre, and afterwards twice with 200 c.c. of water, removing the liquid each time in the same manner as described for the sulphuric acid, but put- ting these alkaline washings in a beaker bj^ themselves ; finally, bring the residue on a dried and weighed filter. Then, with the siphon, draw off" the clear alkaline liquid from any sediment that may have been deposited in it ; transfer this sediment to the same filter, and wash the whole, as long as the Avashings have an alkaline reaction ; then add the sediment in the beaker containing the acid washings, after drawing ofi* the clear liquid with the siphon, and wash again, as long as the washings have an acid reaction. Wash the contents of the filter succes- sively with alcohol and ether ; dry the filter and its con- tents at 110°, weigh, incinerate the residue, and weigh § 131. FODDER. 253 the ash. The difference between the total weight of the insoluble residue and that of the ash equals the crude cellulose or fibre. The residue obtained in this way is a mixture of cellu- lose with various other substances. When obtained from the grasses it is comparatively the purest, but contains 2-3"! g of protein compounds. When prepared from clover, it contains 5-6" \^ of the same substances ; but even after subtraction of these albuminoids, the residue contains 1-7° lo more carbon than pure cellulose. 131. a. Dry Matter Soluble in Water.— To determine the amount of substance soluble in water, boil 10-20 grms. with 10-12 successive portions of 200-300 c.c. of water in a flask that is connected with the lower end of a Liebig's condenser (§ 39, ared. The extreme and the average composition are given ; the latter is to be taken, however, as indicating not the real mean of all the reliable analyses of the substance that have been made, but rather as an approximation to the proportion of each clement or compound that is gen- erally found in the substance ; in some cases the propor- tion of a component ranged too evenly from one limit to the other of the extremes to admit of estimating any iaverage of this kind. Fuller details may in some cases bo found in the admirably arranged tables at the end of Prof. Johnson'r; " IIow Crops Grow." 13 290 TABLES. TABLE X. d Il d d i i ft d 6 & S i < i O 02 Ashes, coal (anthracite). 22. 87. 14. 57. 23. 2. 30. 350. 430. 52. 130 437. 545. 50.* 15. 380. 80. 500. Ashes, coal (bituminous). 15. 147. 25. 23. 10. 230. 30. 7. 14. 10. 225. 350. 23. 258. 269. 624. 70.* 1 293. 60. 481. Ashes, peat. 20. 220. 200. U 95. 10. 580. 200. 160. 10. 170. 730. 10. 7C0. 70.* 8. 4. 20. 30. Ashes, wood. 2.* 28. 28. 220. 115. 20. 160. 75 15. 270. 500. 16. 245. 70. 6. 80. 5. 60. 380. 29. 32. Bone ash. 2.5 0.3 510. 550. 8. 14. 530. 10.6 5. 9. 8.5 5.— 10. Bone-black. 30. 40. 58. 880. "soo" t t 275. 430. 42. 52. 400. 7. 50. Bone meal. 47. 167. 520. 680. ^ t 260. 360. 11.0 0.7 5. 2.8 15.5 75. 600. 325 10. Cement (hy- draulic). 1. 11.3. 7. 17. 550. 628. 602. 22. 53. 94. 4.5. 61. .229. 260. 6.3 10.4 73. 33. 240. Cheese. 95. 520. 5. 67. 6.(?) 7. 380. 43. 2.5 38. 0.3 0.1 Clay. 330. 130. 33. 19. 27. 9. 183. 40. 100. 390. 230. 150. 770. 20. 10. 280. 90. 480. (3) 20. 100. "35^ 3. 58. 5. 7. 40 1 '^ 10. 50. 30. Coprolites. 460. 360. 15. 20.-60. 40. Excrements, Bolid(Herbiv). obb. 906. 764. 11. 58.7 0.77 4.8 I). 26 1.9 0.009 0.08 1.4 10.7 4.6 1. 3. 2.5 0.43 1.4. 16. 29.4 25. 3. 0.9 0.05 1.0 21. Excrements, Bolid (Man). 708. S30. 22. 34. 2.5 1.4 i. 1.67 0.18 1.2 0.6 5.8 7.2 2.9 3.6 0.6. 1.9 2.4 SOO. 28. 6.4 3.2 2.1 In 1000 parts of the fuel.— t Possibly present. 33; KnO and NaaO usually 0.— (2) Mn, 0—0.3; Fluorine, 0—50 ; average 30. — (1) Fluorine. 36 — 40, average K2O and Na^O mostly 0.— (3) TABLES. TABLE IL.— [Continued. 291 i 6 6 ■ o 02 d 125 iilM i Ashes, coal (an- thracite), 1 tr. Ashes, coal (bituminous). u. 84. 0. 66. 50. 10. Ashes, peat. 0. 370. 0. 80. 306. 65. 50. 30. 10. Ashes, wood. 7.8 57. 18. 48. t 4. 50. Bone ash. tr. 380. 400. 390. 14. 40. 30. Bone-black. 40. 100. 380. 300. 15. 27. 5. 32. 7. 17. Bone meal. 180. 280. do. :28. 50. 38. t 1 220. 1 Cement (.hy- draulic). 0. 18.8 10.2 Cheese. 11.5 t t 80. 440. 240. lOJ. tiOO. 310. Clay. Coprolites. 7.<) 10.6 9.0 30. 380. 1. 67. traces 25. 230. 30. Excrements, solid (Herbiv). 0.47 1.58 2.2 5.5 t t 2.2 9.0 17. 23. 86. 110. 80. 110.. 10. 13. 0.87 3.6 4.7 20. 95. 95. 10. Excrements, solid (Man). 0.3 o.y 8.5 10.9 t t 4. t t t ' t 0.6. 9.9 1 t Present.— T^ Possibly present. 292 TABLES. TABLE X.—lC'oniinued. M d d s d i < g Flesh. 446. 590. 10. 37. 4.1 5.2 1. 0.2 0.8 0.2 0.5 0.4 0.1 0.3 524. 22. 4.5 0.7 1 0.3 0.2 Fodder, dry, graminacese. 118. 180. 24. 111. ? 0.13 0.4 150. 66. 17.1 i 4.7 7.7 3.3 0.2 19.7 Fodder, dry, legumiuosffi. 110. 200. 45. 80. 10.6 19.5 4.7 1 15. 31. 19. 2.6 7.0 5.0 0.3 1.7 0.0 2.'7 160. 70. 15.8 1.5 0.36 1.5 Fodder,:,'reen, graminaccse. 090. 870. 7. 21. 5.3 11.6 0.1 1.6 1 0.7 2.7 0.3 1.9 t 2.1 12.3 745. 18. 7. 0.5 1.5 0.7 7.3 Fodder, <,n-eeii, legnmiuosse. 740. 850. 10. 20. 1.0 6.6 1.1 2.G * 3.0 8.5 0.6 1.6 t 0.1 O.G 804. 12. 1.5 0.4 4.9 1.0 0.4 (1) Fruits. 760. 880. 2. 9. 1.0 2.4 0.7 1 i 0.1 0.4 0.2 0.08 0.33 820. 4. 2.0 0.3 0.3 0.19 Guano, 100. 200. 330. 400. 16.0 30.0 12. 62. 100. 140. 344. 20.0 35. 12. 8. 12. Gnano, phosphatic. 10. 140. 100. 780. 950. 12.0 39. 498. TqoT 21. 4. 89. 54. 13. 890. 2.5 6. 2. 3.7 Gypsum. 188. 205. 197. • ■293. 325. 309. tr. tr. .50. 8. 21. 0.03 1.12 0.7 410. 550. 3.4 15.0 1.7 10. 2. -40. 0.2 500. 8. 660. 710. 34. 78. 1.2 12.0 0.2 2.8 2. 15. 0.5 1.7 7.5 18.0 farm-yard. 1.7- 8. 680. 58. 8.0 1.2 11. 1.0 3. 14.0 750. 790. 70. 73. sT O.G 0.8 0.7 10. 19. 1.8 3.8 17. 23. farm-yard. 770. 72. 15 1.6 6.7 22. Han. ''^ 13. 100. 30. tr. 14.8 1.0 Ir. 15. 0.99 2. 520. 3. 220. ^ 30.-90. 50 ♦ In the dry substance, t Present. 1 Possibly present. (1) Free acid, esti- mated as malic acid, 1.0—20.0; averasje 8.6.— (2) Oxalic acid, 58—80 ; averajjc 60. ITric acid present.— (3) Fluorine, traces. Sand 8— 47— (4) Insoluble silicates and sand, 50—850. TABLES. 293 TABLE X.—[C'onimued. i O i 02 O ^ 11 III Flesh. 0.4 4.3 5.8 t 0.1 0.7 t 123. 174. 144. 210. 397. 5.0 0.4 299. Fodder, dry, •jraminaceae. 3.3 T 1.7 3.3 t 30. 180. 170. 400. 225. 514. 12. 56. 3.4 4.1 2.5 5.3 90. 260. 410. 28. Fodder, dry, leguminosse. 1.5 5.3 2.8 4.7 9.0 u 0.031 0.9 2.7 1.3 2.1 t 72. 190. 140. 190. 400. 280. 150. 480. 12. 55. 6.5. 1.8 1.5 330. 30. Fodder, rice. ORANGE JUDD & CO., 24.5 Broadway New- York City HOW CROPS GROW. On tlie Cliemical Compsitioii, Strnctnre, ana Life of the Plant, FOR ALL STUDENTS OF AGRICULTURE. WITH NUMEROUS ILLUSTRATIONS AND TABLES OF ANALYSES. BY SAMUEL, W, JOH^VSON, M.A., PROFESSOR OF ANALYTICAL AND AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY IN YALE COLLEGE ; CUEMIST TO THE CONNECTICUT STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY ; MEMBER OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Tliis is a volume of nearly 400 pages, in whicli Agricultural Plants, or " Crops," are considered from three distinct, yet closely related, stand-points, as indicated by the descriptive title. THE CHEMICAL COMPOSITIOX OF THE PLVXT. lat— The Volatile Part. 2d. — The Ash — Its Ingredients ; their Distribution, Variation, and Quantities. The Composition of the Ash of various Farm Crops, with full Tables ; and the Functions of the Ash. 3d. — Composition of the Plant in various Stages of Growth, and the Relations subsisting among the Ingredients. THE STRUCTURE OF THE PLANT AND THE OFFICES OF ITS ORGANS. The Primary Elements of Organic Structure. TJie Vegetative Organs — Root, Stem, and Leaf, and their Func- tions ; and The Beproductive Organs, nam,ely, Flowers and Fruit, and the Vitality of Seeds with their Influence on the Plants they produce. THE LIFE OF THE PLANT. Germination, and the conditions most favorable and unfavor- able to it. The Food of the Plant when independent of the Seed. Sap and its Motions, etc., etc. The Appendix, which consists of twelve Tables exhibitincr the Composition of a great number of Plants viewed from many different stand-points, will be found of inestimable value to practi cal afifriculturists, students, and theorists. SENT POST-PAID. PRICE, $2. ORANGE JUDD & CO., 245 Broadway, Naw-York. FAM IMPLEMENTS AND MACHINERY, AND THE Principles of their Construction and Use : WITH SIMPLE AND PKAOTIOAL EXPLANATIOITS OF THE LAWS OF MOTION AND FORC£, AS APPLIED ON THE FARM. With 287 Illustrations, By JOHISr J. THOMAS. — ♦ — • CONTENTS. PART I.— MECHANICS. Chapter I.— Txtrodtjction. — Value of Farm Machinery— Importance of a Knowledjje of Mechanical Principles. Chapter II.— General Principles of Mechanics. Chapter III.— Attraction, Chapter IV.— Simple Machines, or Mechanical Powers. Chapter V. — Application of Mechanical Principles in the Structure of Im- plements and Machines, Chapter VI. —Friction. Chapter VII. — Principles of Draught. Chapter VIII. — Application of Labor. Chapter IX.— Models of Machines. Chapter X.— Construction and Use of Farm Implements and Machines — Implements of Tillage, Pulverizers. Chapter XI.— Sowing Machines. Chapter XII.— Machines for Haying and Harvesting. Chapter XIII. —Thrashing, Grinding, and Preparing Products. PART II.— MACHINERY IN CONNECTION WITH WATER. Chapter I.— Hydrostatics. ^ Chapter II. — Hydraulics. PART III.— MACHINERY IN CONNECTION WITH AIR. Chapter I.— Pressure of Air. Chapter II. — Motion of Air. PART IV.— HEAT. Chapter I.— Conducting Power— Expansion, Great Force of— Experiments with— Steam Engine— do. for Farms— Steam Plows— Latent Heat- Green and Dry Wood. Chapter II.— Radiation. APPENDIX. Apparatus for Experiments. Discharge of Water through Pipes. Velocity of Water in Pipes. Rule for Discharge of Water. Velocity of Water in Tile Drains. Glossary. JPrice, Post-paid, $1.50. ORANGE JUDD & CO., 245 Broadway, Xew-York. DOWNING'S FRUITS AND FRUIT TREES BY A. J. DO^^^lSrilSiG-. Newly Hevised and Greatly Enlarged BY CHAl^LES DOWlSriNG^. Octavo, 1122 pages. The original work of the late A. J. Downing appeared in 1845. Some years after it was revised and much enlarged by his brother, Charles Downing, who has again completed the work of a second revision, Charles Downing is upon all hands acknowledged as one of our highest pomological authorities. He writes but seldom, but whatever bears his name is accepted as the judg- ment of one who is entirtly disinterested, as far as the commercial aspects of pomology are concerned. The present edition contains the results of many years' labor and experience, which have been devoted to testing the value of fruits, and acquiring a knowledge of them that should benefit others. Recommendation from Hon. MARSHALL P, WILDER, President of the American Pomological Society. Boston, October 4, 1869. Gentlemen : I have received a copy from Mr. Charles Downing of the second revised edition of " Fruits and Fruit Trees of America.'" It is the most comprehensive of any similar work— in fact, a complete Ekcyclo- pedia of American Pomology brought down to the present time. The original edition by his brother, the late Andrew Jackson Downing, popular as it ever has been, is made doubly interesting and useful by this revision, comprising as it does the results of a long life of critical observation. As a work of reference, it has no equal in this country, and deserves a place in the library of every pomologist in America. MARSHALL P. WILDER. This elegant and valuable work will be an indispensable requisite to every library, and to all interested in Fruits or Fruit Culture. Price, prepaid, $7.50. ORANG-E JUDD & CO., 245 Broadway, New-TorJc, NEW AMERICAN FARM BOOK. ORIGINALLY BT H ^luLElN, AUTHOR 03" "diseases O:!' DOMESTIC ANIMALS," AND FORMERLT 3DIT0B OF THE "AMERICAN AGRICULTURIST.'" REVISED AND ENLARGED BT AUTHOR 03' "AMERICAN CATTLE," EDITOR OI!' THU "AMERICAN SUORT-HORN HERD BOOS," ETC. C O jNTTEJI^T S: Introduction. — Tillage Iliisbanclry — Grazing — Feeding — Breeding — Planting, etc. Chapter I. — Soils — Classirication — Description — Management — Pro- perties. Chapter II. — Inorganic Tilanurcs — Mineral — Stone — Eartli — Phos- phatic. Chapter III. — Organic Manures — Their Composition — Animal— Ve- getable. Chapter IV. — ^Irrigation and Drain- ing. Chapter V. — Mechanical Divisions of Soils — Spading — PlOAving— Im- plements. Chapter VI. — The Grasses — Clovers — Meadows — Pastures — Compara- tive Values of Grasses— Implementa fjr tlieii' Cultivation. Chaptjjp. VII.— Grain, and its Culti- vatiaa — Varieties — Growth — Har- vesting. CHAPrEn VIII.— Leguminous Plants — Tne Pea— Bean — English Field B3an— Tare or Vetch— Cultivation —Harvesting. Chapter IX. — Roots and Esculents- Varieties— Growth — Cultivation — Securing the Crops — Uses— Nutri- tive Eq[uivaleuts ot Different Kinds of Forage. Chapter X. — Fruits— Apples— Cider — Vinegar— Pears— Quinces— Plums Peaches — Apricots — Nectarines — Smaller Fraits— Planting— Cultiva- tion— Gathering— Preserving. Chapver X[.— Miscellaneous Objects of Cultivation, aside from the Or- dinary Farm Crops— Broom-corn- Flax— Cotton— Hemp-Sugar Cane Sorghum— Maple Sugar -Tobacco- Indigo— Madder— Wood— Sumach- Teasel —Mustard — Hops —Castor Beau. Chapter XH.- Aids and Objects of Agriculture — Rotation of Crops, and their Effects— Weeds— Restora- tion of Worn-out Soils — Fertilizing Barren Lands— Utility of Birds — Fences — Hedges — Farm Roads — Shade Trees— Wood Lands-^Time of Cutting Timber — Tools— Agri- cultural Education of the Farmer. Chapter XIII. — Farm Buildings- House — Barn — Sheds — Cisterns — Various other Outbuildings— Steam- ing Apparatus. Chapter XIV.— Domestic Animals — Breeding — Anatomy— Respiration — Consumption of Food. Chapter XV.— Neat or Homed Cattle Devons — Herefords — Ayi'eshires — Galloways — Short -horns — Alder- neys or Jerseys — Dutch or Ilolsteiu . — Management from Birth to Milk- ing, Labor, or Slaughter. Chapter XVI.— The Dairy- Milk- Butter — Cheese — Different Kinds- Manner of Working. Chapter XVIL — Sheep — Merino — Saxon — South Down — The Long- wooled Breeds— Cotswold— Lincoln — Breeding — Management — Shep- herd Dogs. Chapter XVIIT. —The Horse— De- scription of Different Breeds— Their Various Uses — Breeding— Manage- ment. Chapter XIX. —The Ass— Mule — Comparative Labor of Working Animals, Chapter XX. — Swine — Different Breeds — Breeding— Rearing — Fat- tening—Curing Pork and Hams. Chapter XXI. — Poultry— Hens, or Barndoor Fowls — Turkey — Pea- cock—Guinea Hen — Goose — Duck — Honey Bees. Chapter XXII. — Diseases of Ani- mals—What Authority Shall We Adopt ? — Sheep — Swine — Treat- ment and Breeding of Horses. Chapter XXIII.— Conclusion— Gene- ral I^marks — The Farmer who Lives by his Occupation— The Ama- teur Farmer— Sundry Useful Tables. SENT POST-PAID, PRICE $2.50. ORANGE JUDD & CO., 245 Broadway, NeAV-York. AMERICAN CATTLE; Their History, Breeding, and Management. By LEWIS F. ALLEN, Late President New-York State Agricultural Society, Editor "American Short-Horn Herd Book," Author " Kural Architecture," etc., etc. Notices by the Fress. We consider this the most valuable work that has recently been issued from the American press. It embraces all branches of the important subject, and fills a vacancy in our agricultural literature for winch work the author, by his manv years' experience and observation, was eminently tittcd. . . It ou-ht to be in the hands of every owner of cattle, and the country, as well as individuals, would soon be much richer for its teachings.— Joz/ma^ of Agn- culture, {St. Louis.) The lar"-e experience of the author in improving the character of Ameri- can herds adds to the weight of his observations, and has enabled him tx) pro- duce a work which will at once make good its claims as a standard authorily on the subject. An excellent feature of this volume is its orderly, methodical arran-^ement, condensing a great variety of information into a comparatively smalfcompass, and enabling the reader to find the point on which he is seek- ing light, without wasting his time in turning over the leaves.— iV. Y. Tribune. " This will rank among the standard works of the country, and will be con- sidered indispensable by every breeder of live-stock.— iVac^ica^ Farmer, (^Fhtla.) We think it is the most complete work upon neat stock that we have seen, embodying as it does a vast amount of research and careful study and observation.— Wisconsin Farmer. His history of cattle in general, and of the individual breeds in particular which occupies the first one hundred and eighty pages of the volume, is writ- ten with much of the grace and charm of an Allison or a Macaulay. His de- scription of the leadinj breeds is illustrated by cuts of a bull, a cow, and a fat ox, of each race. The next one hundred pages are devoted to the sub- ject of Breeding. This is followed by chapters on Beef Cattle, Working Oxen, Milch Cows, Cattle Food, Diseases, etc. The arrangement, illustrations, an- alytical index, etc., of the work are in the best style of modern book-mak- ing. — New-England Farmer. The work is one that has been long needed, as it takes the place of the foreign books of like nature to which our fimers have been obliged to ref:^r, and furnishes in a compact and well-arranged volume all they desire upon this important subject. — Mains Farmer. Whatever works the stock farmer may already have, he can not afford to do without this. — Ohio Farmer. It is one of the best treatises within our knowledge, and contains infor- mation sound and sensible on every page. — TJie People, {Concord, N. H.) The object of the work, as stated by the author in his preface, " is not only to give a historical acccount of the Bovine race, to suggest to our farmers and cattle-breeders the best methods of their production and management, but to exalt and ennoble its pursuit to the dignity to which it is cntitlerl in the vari- ous departments of American agriculture." From the little examination we have been able to give it, we can not recommend it too \x\g\i\Y.— Canada Farmer. Considering that there are some ton million milch cows in the United States, and nearly a thousand million of dollars invested in cattle, the magni, tude of this interest demands that the best skilled talent be devoted to the improvement of the various breeds and the investigation of the best method of so caring for the animals as to gain the greatest profit from them. This ' volume will give the farmer just the instruction which he wants. — N. T. Inde- pendent. Price, post-paid, $2.50. ORANGE JIJDD & CO., 245 Broadway, New- York. THE TIM BUNKER PAPERS ; Or, YANKEE FARMING. TIMOTHY BUNKER, Esq.. OF HOOKERTOWN, CT. With Illustrations by Iloppin* CONTENTS. 34. 37. A Stroke of Economy. Ornamental Trees. Timothy Bunker, Esq. View of the Bird Law. Guano in the Hill. On Moss Bunkers. On Subsoiling. Going to the Fair. In Tall Clover. On Horse Racing. At the Farmers' Club. On an Old Saw. Book Farming in Hookertown. Pasturing Cattle in Roads. The Weaker Brethren. Curing a Horse Pond. Domesticities at Tim Bunker's. Takes a Journey. On Farm Roads. A New Manure. Losing the Premium. A New Enterprise. Making Tiles. The Clergy and Farming. Women Horse Racing, Beginning Life. An Apology for Tim Bunker. On County Fairs. At Home A^ain. On Raising Boys. On Raising Girls, A New Case of the Black Art. A Letter from Neighbors. The Shadtown Parsonage. Views of Dress. A Rustic Wedding. Saving a Sixpence. On Giving Land a Start. On Giving Boys a Start. A Tile in the Head. Jake Friuk Sold. The New- York Central Park. On Irrigation. Feeding with Oil Meal. The Farmers' Club. On Bad Water. Cattle Disease. On Seed. On Breastworks In War. Lightning Rods. Buying a Farm. Topdressing and Feeding After math. Painting Buildings. The Value of Muck. On Family Horses. The Horn-ail. A Commentary on Roots. Stealing Fruit and Flowers. The Cost of Pride. Swamps Turning Indian. Tim Bunker in his Garden. On Running Astern. On Extravagance. The Fanners Old Age. • On Sheep Traps. 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This work treats of the variations in our domestic animals and cultivated plants, discussing the circumstances that influence these variations, inherit- ance of peculiarities, results of in-and-in breeding, crossing, etc. It is one of the most remarkable books of the present day, presenting an array of facts that show the most extraordinary amount of observation and -esearch. All the domestic animals, from horses and cattle to canary-birds and noney-bees, are discussed, as well as our leading culinary and other plants, making it a work of the greatest interest. Its importance to agriculturists, breeders, scientific men, and the general reader will be seen by its scope as indicated in the following partial enumera- tion of its contents : Pigs, Cattle, Sheep, Goats ; Dogs and Cats, Horses AND Asses ; Domestic Rabbits ; Domestic Pigeons ; Fowls, Ducks, Geese, Peacock, Turkey, Guinea Fowl, Canary-bird, Gold-fish ; Hive-bees ; SiLK-siOTHS. Cultivated Plants ; Cereal and Culinary Plants ; Fruits, Ornamental Trees, Flowers, Bud Variation. Inheritance, Reversion OR Atavism, Crossing. On the Good Effects op Crossing, and on thk Evil Effects of Close Interbreeding. Selection. Causes op Variabii.- ITY, Laws op Variation, etc., eto. Published in Two Volumes of nearly 1100 pages. IPINEXuY ILLUSTRATED. SENT POST-PAID, PRICE, $6.00. ORANGE JUDD & CO., 345 Broadway, New -York City LIST OIT RURAL BOOKS PUBLISHED AND FOR SALE BY ORANGE JTJDD & CO., 24.5 BROAD WAY, NEW YOKK. Any Book on tliis list will be forwarded, post-paid, to any address in the United States, on receipt of the price. NO. Allen's (L. F.) Rural Architecture.. $1 Allen's (li. L.) American Farm Book 1 Allen's New American Farm Book. . 2 Allen's (It. L.) Diseases of Domestic Animals 1 American Asr. Annual, pap., 50, clo. American Hort. Annual, pap. ,50, clo. 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