t^^tftititi&^K^M&&tftiAttltttttttt^' ' LINTON STEPHENS. ^.^^/ BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF LINTON STEPHENS, ( Late Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of Georgia,) CONTAINING A SELECTION OF HIS LETTERS, SPEECHES, STATE PAPERS, ETC. EDITED BY JAMES D. WADDELL. 1 Heu ! quanto minus est cum reliquis Versari quam tui meminisse" SHENSTONE. ATLANTA, GEORGIA: DODSON & SCOTT NO. 38 BROAD STREET. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1877, By JAMES I). WADDELL, In the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. (Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of Georgia,) WHO NOW SO WORTHILY ADORNS THE SEAT ON THAT HIGH TRIBUNAL TO WHICH LINTON STEPHENS, FOR A BRIEF TERM, IMPARTED SPLENDID ILLUSTRATION, THESE UNPRETENDING PAGES ARE RESPECTFULLY AND THERE WOULD SEEM TO BE FITNESS, IN THIS HUMBLE WAY, IN LINKING THE NAME OF THE ONE WITH THE MEMORY OF THE OTHER. INTRODUCTION. THE life of LINTON STEPHENS was one of character rather than of incident more the life of a thinker than an actor upon the stage of human affairs. He chose to be a spec- tator of passing events, and was content to weigh their sig- nificance and watch their succession through the "loopholes of retreat," so as not "to feel the pressure of the crowd." He had little relish for the hot arena of the world-strife. The mild dignity that environs the good citizen was more beautiful and more attractive in his eyes, and more grateful to his tastes and habitudes, than "the applause of listening senates," or the victor's wreath of laurel. The blaze of public notoriety he shunned. He shrunk from all manner of self-exposition or display. Vain-glory was not among the imperfections of his nature. He was perfectly satisfied with knowing the truth of anything, or any fact, himself uncaring whether the outside world appreciated his knowl- edge thereof or not; hence, he had no ambition to make history: he was content to study its lessons, interpret its facts, and learn wisdom from its teachings. Although it was impossible for a man of the parts he had, not to be conspicuous among men ; and although his opinions upon every subject large enough to agitate a free people were anxiously sought after, impatiently waited for, and eagerly canvassed, yet he never held, nor left to his own volition ever aspired to hold, high political station. For this rea- son, the general reader of these pages will remark the lack- ing, somewhat, of that significance of events in the story of his life which imparts the chief interest, attraction, and charm to biography. LINTON STEPHENS. THE paternal grandfather of Lin ton Stephens was Alex- ander Stephens, an Englishman by birth. He was scarcely nineteen years of age when the affair of 1/45 transpired ; yet, young as he was, he ardently espoused the cause of Charles Edward, "the Young Chevalier," as he was called. When fate frowned upon the fortunes of the " Pretender's Son," the vigilance and the vengeance of exasperated power were eluded by seeking refuge in America. He at first found shelter and security among the Shawnee Indians in the colony of Pennsylvania. This was in the year 1746. How long he remained among that tribe is not definitely known probably until near the breaking out of the Revo- lutionary war. Eifty years had rolled over his head, when the curtain rose upon that drama, "yet was his eye not dim, nor his natural force abated." He early and eagerly embarked in the Colonial struggle for independence. We may imagine that the memory of wrongs, real or supposed, which he had suffered in his native land, stimulated the zeal and nerved the arm of the exile in a cause which his judg- ment, without such incentive already approved as just. He enlisted as a private, and when Independence was achieved, his military rank was that of Captain in the Pennsylvania forces. Captain Stephens seems to have been of the class of men numerous enough in his day, now almost extinct that "hate ease," are full of enterprise, fond of adven- 2 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF turc, restless, always moving, if not always advancing. Before the close of the war, he married Catharine, daughter of Andrew Raskins, a gentleman of repute and the wealthy proprietor of what was then, and for years afterwards, known as Raskins' Ferry, at the confluence of the Susque- hanna and Juniata rivers. The marriage seems to have been displeasing to the father-in-law for what reason we cannot conjecture, unless it was, that he looked upon his son-in-law as a "Soldier of fortune," bred, as he perhaps imagined, in the Dalgetty school, and unworthy of matri- monial alliance with a prospective heiress, who should count her possessions by so many thousands. Re that as it may, after the consummation of the marriage, the daughter was discarded ; and Captain Stephens, some time after the war, and after all attempts at reconciliation had proved to be una- vailing, emigrated to Georgia, in 1795, bringing along with him little other treasure than a wife, a large number of children, and an unbroken spirit. He first pitched his tent in Elbert count}-, but finally settled in \Yilkes, now Talia- ferro count}', where he died in 1813. He lived to the pa- triarchal age of eighty-seven, and his remains lie entombed but a little way distant from the grave-yard of the old homestead. Andrew Raskins Stephens, son of Alexander, was born in the State of Pennsylvania, in the year 1/83. Me was twelve years old when his father moved to Georgia. Fa- cilities for academical instruction were limited and scant throughout Georgia and the Carolinas at that day. Liberal education was the rare distinction of the children of afflu- ence only. Xot to mention board-bills and traveling ex- penses, few could command means wherewith to meet the tuition fees of colleges and schools of learning in distant and more highly favored sections of the country. Andrew, born to no patrimony, shared the common fate of other poor boys of the time and neighborhood. The instruction JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 3 doled out to him must have been essentially rudimental in kind, variety and degree. Indeed, the scholastic acquisitions of an alumnus of an institution, whose curriculum comprised reading, writing and cyphering, and which nothing but the inexorable exigence of such a state of society could create or would tolerate the ' ' Old Field School " could scarcely have been grammatical, much less literary. But nature had dealt more generously with the boy than fortune. lie was endowed with uncommon intellectual faculties ; he had sound practical judgment; he was a safe counselor, saga- cious, self-reliant, candid and courageous. He was held in high estimation as one of the " solid men" of the commu- nity a man of inflexible integrity and great weight of character. He had large influence over the opinions and conduct of his neighbors ; the}' counseled with him on mat- ters of business, unbosomed their cares and vexations to him ; he surveyed their lands for them ; defined the metes and bounds thereof; and he was the common arbiter who set- tled their differences and disputes, and from his decision there was seldom any appeal. He was twice married: first in 1807 to Margaret, daughter of Aaron Gricr and sister of the late Robert Grier, whose name is yet a household word throughout our Southern States.* It is among the traditions of the neighborhood, wherein she dwelt and died, that Mrs. Stephens was a woman of capital sense and fair culture ; remarkable for independence of thought; devoted to domestic pursuits; of cheerful, amiable temper, and unobtrusive, elevated piety Three children only of this marriage survived infancy. These were a daughter, Mary, the eldest; Aaron Grier, the next, and Alexander H., the youngest, who was born February i ith, 1812. In 1814, Mr. Stephens married, in second s " A quarter of a century ago, " Grier's Almanac" hung beside the chimney-piece in almost every house in the Southern States, wherein a copy of the Bible could be found. The late R. C. Grier, of the Supreme Bench of the United States, was his kinsman. 4 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF nuptials, Matilda S. , daughter of Colonel John Lindsay, of Wilkes county. He was of Scotch-Irish stock. He bore a conspicuous part in the struggle for Independence, rose to the rank of Colonel in the Georgia forces, and was es- teemed a gallant officer, and wary, skillful commander. He lost his sword-hand in battle, and in consequence of wear- ing a covering of silver over the stump, he acquired the sobriquet of " Old Silver-fist. " After the war, he grew to be rich in this world's goods, and, at one time, was the owner of valuable landed estates on Little river, near Phil- lips' Bridge ; but good fortune finally forsook him ; he be- came involved in debt by security, and died leaving his es- tate very much reduced. He had eight children, and the patrimony, when divided among them, amounted only to about six or seven hundred dollars to each. He was re- puted to be a man of strong mind, sterling honesty, un- bending will, stormy passions ; the concurrent testimony of all the family traditions is, that he was ardent in friendships, implacable in hate, fond of good cheer, frank, fearless and generous to a fault. Some of these characteristics the daughter, Matilda, inherited. The basis of her intellectual character was good sense ; the basis of her moral character was truth ; her manners were dignified ; her disposition was quiet and cheerful, and in all the relations of social life, she was exemplary and amiable. Five children were born of the second wife, but only three lived to attain majority. The eldest, John Lindsay Stephens, was a prominent lawyer in the western part of the State, who died in his prime. The next was Catharine R., now also deceased. The youngest was LIXTOX STKPHKNS, the subject of this sketch. He was born at the old home- stead, some two miles northeast of Crawfordville, on the first day of July, 1823. It has been seen that English, Irish and Scotch blood were commingled in his veins. The JUDGE LIXTON STEPHENS. 5 remaining narrative of his life will show that each separate current asserted its peculiar quality and power in the con- formation of a character which itself avouched the blended extraction. For we shall see that he had the sturdy com- mon sense, the iron will, the unquailing courage refined by chivalry of Hampden ; the emotional nature, the ardent af- fections, the unselfish devotion, the noble enthusiasm of Grattan ; the subtle discrimination, the cautious circum- spection and metaphysical turn of the 'Scotch mind, as ex- emplified in Reid or Stewart. His father died on the /th of May, 1826, and his mother died on the I4th of the same month, just seven clays after, ' thus leaving him a complete orphan before he was quite three years old. At this time, the surviving children con- sisted of Aaron G. and Alexander H., by the first wife, and John L. , Catharine B. and Linton by the second. The family, of course, had to be broken up. The estate went into administration, and the children went to live with their kin on the side of their respective mothers. Aaron G. and Alexander H., to their uncle's, Colonel Aaron Grier, of Warren county, who became their guardian. Linton was committed to his grandmother and a maiden aunt on his mother's side, where he remained for nearly four years. The following extract from a letter to a female friend pre- sents a touching and lively picture of the boy and his sur- roundings during this period. His aunt then lived about a mile from Crawfordville : MAY 30, 1866. The foundation of all my ideas of friendship was laid in the school of solitude. It came to me in the form of a want, not a possession. The first recollection I have of myself, I was an orphan at the age of three years, parcelled out, one by myself, in the distribution of the children among different relations at the sad breaking-up of my 6 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF father's household. My memory goes distinctly back to that early period of my life. My childhood was without companionship, and was felt to be so then. I had my child- ish griefs and pains,, but there was nobody to whom I could say "I suffer;" nobody to whom I could say "1 have suf- fered." In the main, however, the world seemed very bright and beautiful to me abounding almost in enchantments. I well remember the charms which nature used to have for me in those days. The woods, the streams, the skies, the birds, the luscious fruits, the sweet-scented flowers, the green sward in front of the door, the waving and murmur- ing forest of pines hard by the whole glorious creation as it unfolded itself to my young soul. I remember one day I was so full of the brightness and beauty of the world that I ran to my aunt to know how I ever had come into it. That thought had never got into my head before. 1'Jiat I could and did ask her; but it did not occur to me to tell her how beautiful it all was to me to ask her to share with me in my enjoyment of it all. But there was one short and bright companionship which crossed my path in those days. I was six years old then. It came in the form of a little girl named Cornelia Hays, who came and spent a week a whole week at my aunt's. How she happened to come there I do not recollect ; nor can I even now give a rational conjecture on the subject; for I was the only child on the place, and I can hardly suppose that a little girl came as a playmate for a little boy. However that ma}* have been, she was a playmate; and I thought a glorious one. She was a little older than I, and quite pretty, as I thought then, and still think from my present recollection of her appear- ance. It was in the time of the clog-woods and honey- suckles. How I did delight to climb the trees and bring down these flowers, and lay them at the feet of my little queen, or put them into her hands, and weave some of them into her hair! I loved to serve as her tiring-maid. And she? She seemed to enter into the spirit df it all. I remember that she particular!}' enjoyed a slide down a very steep hill, which terminated at the bottom in a sand bank bordering "the spring branch;" I found a smooth and straight track down this descent, and conceived the idea of running my "slide" down it. If you don't know what a boy's slide is, you can at least form a sufficient conception JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 7 of it from its name. It is a vehicle which moves in the manner indicated by its name. She and I, seated in tin's rude carriage, and with arms locked around each other for mutual support during the giddy flight, made the descent in a style which was ecstatic to such children as we were. On getting to the .bottom, I would shoulder the little carri- age, and toil with it back to the top again for a repetition of the glorious fun. Well, that little witch got all of my thoughts out of me in that one week. It was so delightful, so charming, to tell her everything. I do not know what has become of Cornelia Hays in the long and terrible years which have succeeded that one bright week. I have often wondered whether she lives, and remembers that week as I do. I scarcely think so, however, for such companion- ship was an every-day thing to her ; while to me it was an oasis in a threat desert. During the year 1830, the administration of the estate of his father was wound up. The lands had been sold, and the servants apportioned among the heirs. The patrimony of each child was found to be four hundred and forty-four dollars. John W. Lindsay, his maternal uncle, now be- came Linton's guardian. Mr. Lindsay, vr'ho lived in L T p- son at the time, removed the ward and his effects to that count}'. The residence was not far from Union Hill. There Linton first went to school. His teacher was Master Strange " a good English scholar" as the phrase then was, by which is implied that he was sufficiently familiar with the elementary branches of a purely English educa- tion, and quite equal to the office of instruction therein, to wit : reading, writing, arithmetic and grammar. The school was distant two miles from the house of his uncle ; the scholastic term extended through the winter months only, and having to go and return on foot, it is likely the state of the weather and roads interrupted the regularity of his attendance. In 1836, he was entered as a pupil in the . academy at Culloden, whereof Mr. Ward Bullard was prin- 8 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF cipal.* There his stay was for about one year only, but the influences over him were salutary. In the autumn of the following year, he was transferred to the guardianship of his brother, the Hon. Alexander H. Stephens, and took up his abode at Crawfordville. Then and there it was " his youth awoke first and fully to the life of the mind. " Colonel Simpson Fouche, a gentleman of ripe scholarly attainments and accomplishments, and one of the best educators of youth the century has produced, was at the head of a large and excellent school at. Crawfordville. Under his tuition young Stephens was prepared for admission to college. The following letter from Colonel Fouche furnishes an in- teresting account of the deportment, progress and promise of the pupil : JACKSONVILLE, ALA., September 26, 1873. MY DKAR SIR Your letter of the iSth instant, asking for my reminiscences of the late Judge Linton Stephens, \vas received some days ago at Rome, Georgia. I had charge of the academy at Crawfordville in the year 1838. The number of pupils in attendance was very large, approaching very near to one hundred. Two pupils were entered by the Hon. A. H. Stephens, one of them his brother Linton, then a youth of some fourteen or sixteen years of age, as nearly as I can judge. I had been engaged in teaching for a number of years, at Washington in Wilkes county, and at Powellton in Hancock having generally, especially at the latter place, a large number of pupils, and laboring very earnestly and diligently; so that the manage- ment of the very large school at Crawfordville, with but little assistance, was a very heavy task particularly as the youths of that place were pretty wild, and difficult to bring * It is a feather in Mr. Milliard's cap that so many of his pupils be- came distinguished in after life. Among the contemporaries of Stephens at that school were the present (Governor of Georgia, |ames M. Smith; United States Senator, Thomas M. Norwood, etc. ; Robert P. Trippe, As- sociate fustice of the Supreme Court, preceded him in the academy by a year or two only. JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 9 under proper discipline. Young Stephens was thus, at a critical age, subjected to all the seductive influences and temptations usually employed by a crowd of thoughtless associates, strongly inclined to idleness and mischief. Yet he was regular and punctual in attendance, always blameless and manly in deportment, diligent and successful in study. Indeed, so uniformly correct and industrious was he, that I cannot now remember, nor do I believe that I ever had occasion, for the slightest reproof of him, for any error in deportment or failure in any point of duty, either in school or out of it. His progress in every branch of learning which he was then pursuing was what might have been expected from a youth of fine natural abilities, coupled with habits so exemplary. It was not only rapid, but thoroughly accurate and scholarly. If you ever taught, you can understand me when I say, that instruction to sucJi a pupil is no task, but a positive pleasure. The respectful re- membrance and intelligent testimonial of such a pupil are among the most grateful rewards of a faithful teacher. During a very long career as a teacher, I can recall to mind no pupil who excelled few who equalled him in all the characteristics, moral and intellectual, of a thoroughly good pupil. He was not of the number of those " born to greatness," nor yet of those who " have greatness thrust upon them," but of that better class who "achieve greatness" by their own manly efforts. Such are my reminiscences of Judge Stephens. If you consider them of any worth, use them. Yours, very truly, S. FOUCHE. In after life, when he had won his way to honorable fame "greatness achieved " he loved to recur to those privi- leged days and to hold in grateful remembrance the valu- able offices of his academic mentor. But at this, the form- ative period of his life, there was another influence over him, stronger and greater than any other and all other ex- traneous ones, in giving bent to his tastes and mould to his whole character intellectual, moral and social. It was the IO BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF influence of his brother enforced and energized alike by precept and example. Under that influence, theories of mind, of philosophy, of ethics, of religion, \vere discussed and embraced ; the facts of history accepted ; the real'aims of life interpreted, and the high lessons of duty studied, learned and practiced. In August, 1839, h e was matriculated a freshman of the University of Georgia, and at the end of the full term of four years was graduated with the first honor, sohts, in a large class of gifted competitors. Among them may be men- tioned the Reverend J. L. M. Curry, D.D., LL. D.. Hon- orable Edward H. Pottle, General L. J. Gartrcll, William Lundy, Ksq., the late John L. Bird*, and others who after- wards achieved honorable distinction in the various fields of labor and life. The universal testimony is that his college-life was marked by diligent and assiduous studies, outside as well as inside of the curriculum, by exemplary deportment, by uniform civility to the Faculty of Instructors, and by respectful ob- servance of law. The single instance of a fine having been imposed upon him, throughout the whole term of his four * ISird was the cousin of Stephens. He was educated by the lion. A. II. Stephens one of a large number, who was the favored recipient of the like benefaction from the same generous hand. Perhaps no Ameri- can oi the living, or of the dead, lias so liberally aided indigent and de- serving young men to defray their educational expenses as the "Sage of Liberty Hall;" certainly none, when his pecuniary means competent enough for his own wants, but never affluent are taken into account. ]>ird had rare genius ; was full of fun and lit'ii-hoiinc and there were mixed in him the elements of a successful popular leader. He chose the profession of law, and shortly after admission to the bar, was elected to the office of State Senator. He had little relish for the <(Ov//tion's self destroyed her favorite son ; Yes, >he too much indulged thy fond pursuit She sow'd the seeds, but death has reaped the fruit. 'Twas thine own spirit gave the fatal blow, And help'd to plant the wound that laid thee low ; So the struck eagle, stretch'd upon the plain, No more through rolling clouds to soar again, View'd his own feather on the fatal dart. And wing'd the shaft that <|iiivercd in his heart. Keen were his pangs, but keener far to feel, lie nuiVd the pinion which impelled the steel, While the same plumage that had wann'd his nest This beautiful allusion, however, to a passion too fondly indulged in, refers more particularly to its elfect on the health of the body than its reaction on the mind itself, while it is to this latter view more particularly I wished to direct your attention. Bulwer, who is one of the finest delineators of character I have ever read, has given main' illustrations of it. Some of these you will see in the char- acter of Warren the artist, in the thirteenth chapter of first book of " '/'fie Disowned," and in the character of Talbot, as related in the twentieth chapter of the same book. I wish you to read both these chapters soon as convenient, as well for you:' amusement as instruction ; and many hints upon the same subject, you recollect, are to be gleaned JUDGE L1NTON STEPHENS. 19 from the character of Castruccio (the mad poet), in " Ernest Maltravers. " You probably judge of the opinions of others towards you from the state of your own feelings, which may have become too much excited for your own success, to be suffi- ciently cheerful in the company of your associates. A man is generally treated by t/ic world as he treats it, and to get from others their good-will, esteem and confidence, he must generally yi*eld the contribution of his own. Upon the subject of aristocracy, to which you allude, I would say that there is one kind of aristocracy I with you equally despise, but another kind I greatly admire. The first is the aristocracy of wealth and fashion, etc. a folly that is contemptible. The other is the aristocracy (the aristos cratco] of honor, principle, good-breeding and educa- tion that awards distinction not to birth or to fortune, but to merit and principle, and that, in a word, which proclaims, in the language of the Muse : "Honor and shame from no condition rise: Act well your fart there all the honor lies." This is the aristocracy of nature, and is cast by no heredi- tary descent, but is an impress given by Dame Fortune to her own favorite children. You should not hastily come to the conclusion, that without cause you are held in low- esteem by your fellows ; and if, after due reflection, such opinion or conclusion should be confirmed, why, then your own independence should cause you wholly to disregard such estimation so entertained : not by evidences of disre- spect on your part evinced towards them in the way of retal- iation for that would prove you affected by their opinions, and not independent and superior to them but by the ap- pearance (which also must be genuine) of a real unfeigned disregard for themselves, their feelings, their esteem, their love or their hatred, their good-will or their prejudice; I say totally indifferent, and neither biased one way or the other by the show of either class of feelings. This is true independence, .and anything short of it is a spurious affecta- tion. To exercise it, I know, requires great self-composure, quick perception, and strength of judgment with feelings high above all prejudice, and such as would cause a man, 2O BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF under such circumstances, to praise where praise was due and censure where censure was due, and to preserve, in all his intercourse with such people, the same calm indiffer- ence with which he would attend to his horse or administer to the wants of other bnitcs in the way of giving them food or affording them other relief, or even a little chastisement, if required, irrespective of any demonstration of ill-will or bad-temper that might be given during the performance of his duty. Such I know is a lofty stand for a man to take, and requires great power of superior intellect for him to maintain ; but when one is able to do it, the same fellows who before were snapping and growling and barking at everything he did, will soon be seen fawning and wallowing at his feet, with all the humility and sycophancy of curs. But as I stop, I will do so with Burns' closing stanza to his young friend : "In plo\vman phrase, 'God send you .speed,' Still daily to grow wiser. And may you better reck the rede Than ever did th' adviser." [ From same to same.] FEBRUARY 28, 1840. In relation to the doctrines of the Uni- versalists, you allude to in your letter, and particularly in that part wherein you request my opinion, I would barely say, without entering fully into the subject, that I do not agree with him in the belief that there is "no personal devil or fallen spirit, and that what is commonly called the devil is no more nor less than the inclination of men to do evil." What I mean by personal devil is an evil spirit a spiritual intelligence, apostate and fallen. There are doubt- less many spiritual intelligences besides the Deity. Some are pure or holy and sinless, such as we call angels ; others are of natures opposite, being evil, rebellious and disobedi- ent, such as in the Scriptures are called devils. Among all the spirits or intelligences, whether apostate or not, there are doubtless grades : some are superior and some inferior in the scale of existence. There are seraphim and cher- ubim, and perhaps many other grades, amongst the angels; JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 21 and as Gabriel and Michael and some others seem to stand highest with them, even so Satan seems to stand first, or archangel, amongst the fallen spirits, and is emphatically called "the devil." Now, there may be, and no doubt is, much error in the world about "the devil tempting men," etc. My opinion is, that the devil tempts men just as one bad man tempts another. Mind is subject to influence, and spirit acts upon spirit; and as even amongst men the associations of bad company are contaminating in their influence, so much more will it be the case with him who suffers his desires, propensities or affections to be directed to improper objects, or dwell upon improper subjects: for, in addition to his natural inclination, being himself depraved, the company of his thoughts, by the communion of spirits, will soon be courted by the great evil genius, who is "going about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour" all upon the same law governing the association of men, except the language and such other influences as come through the medium of sense. So, you perceive, I have no doubt either of the existence of such an intelligence, personage or being, or the influence of his associations upon the minds and principles of men. Your conclusions from my premises or principles, touch- ing the nature of future punishments, were clearly correct. If punishment or suffering be a necessary result from the laws of the soul, existence or being, in a certain state, it must continue so long as such state continues unchanged, which will be forever. It was certainly a very absurd idea of the preacher's about the two infinite existences, and the 11 sequiter" he deduced. But, by-the-by, to put one's self to the trouble of following such a fellow as B , and detecting his errors and sophistries, seems to be one of those cases in which the doctrine of the maxim, " Opercs pretium non est," would most aptly apply. The labor would cost more than it comes to A. H. S. [ From same to same. ] CRAWFOKDVILLE, March 3, 1840. DEAR BROTHER I wrote you a letter which left here on last Sunday night's mail, and now send a few more lines, just because I have an opportunity. All the news since 22 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF that time is that we have been disappointed in our court, in consequence of the ill-health of Judge Andrews. The court that should have been held stands adjourned till the fifth Monday in this month. Dr. Bird has moved his quarters to this part of town, and has taken board with us that is, with Uncle Bird. We now have quite a professional club: Mr. Cook and his lady, teachers ; myself, Mark Johnston and Daniel Roberts, gentlemen of t/ic bar; and Dr. Bird, of the liealing art. Mr. Baker will take up for you one of my summer coats, which, if it fits, you can wear. But be very cautious in changing your dress as the warm weather comes on. This is the most dangerous season in the year for influenza and such catarrhal affections as sometimes end in consumption. Indeed, I am disposed to think that the spring of the year has more effect upon the general health of the system than any other. It is true that its effects are not so plain and perceptible; that people then are more generally un- healthy ; but that is only owing to the nature of the influ- ence it is exerting it is only more latent or secret; or, what may be more true, it is a kind of seed-tune of disease passing pleasantly by, while it sows deep the seeds of death, leaving summer and fall to attend to the harvest. However this may be, my experience teaches me that spring has always been the critical period with myself, and 1 have noticed a similar effect upon others. The same effect is also witnessed upon trees. Almost all fruit and forest trees (except pine and cedars) seem to sicken, decline, and decay and die in the spring, soon after the commencement of vegetation and the flowing of the sap except when the death may be attributed to some direct cause, such as drought or wounds, etc. The philosophy of the thing I don't pretend to explain ; but it seems that from a change in the circulation, vitality, etc., the equilibrium in the prin- ciple of life is more difficult to sustain. And so with the human system : at that time the circulation is more ob- structed, and some of the organs seem to be loaded with accumulated secretions, producing dullness, while slowly and stealthily disease is making the most dangerous ad- vances upon the constitution. But enough of this. Never grow careless of your health, nor too cautious of it. There JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 23 is in this, as in all things, a golden mean, which should, if possible, be maintained I commenced this letter on one-half sheet only, intend- ing to send you a fe\v lines, but some how I have spun it out so that I have called in an additional scrap to conclude upon. Last night, between seven and eight o'clock, we had one of the most gorgeous displays of nature I ever wit- nessed : it was a meteorological phenomenon, which made its appearance directly in the west. The atmosphere had been, and was dry and loaded with smoke, and during the evening it had become somewhat cloudy from the south- west. At the time of the evening mentioned, it was quite dark, and heavy thunder was heard in the distance, off to the southwest, with occasionally a gleam of lightning, brightening or lighting up the atmosphere without any ap- parent source of locality, when directly toward the west a faint light was at first perceived at an angle of about ten degrees with the horizon, as if reflected from some distant fire ; it soon, however, grew brighter and brighter, until, within a few minutes, the whole western hemisphere was encircled in its extent, presenting just such fiery redness as you might suppose would have been the case if some large city, ten miles off, had been wrapt in flames making, in the darkness of the night, the far-off clouds the signal of distress. Many were the spectators to the scene. Some thought Greenesboro was on fire, or some other great fire was raging, while I was fully confirmed in the opinion that it was electrical in its origin. It at last became so bright that the forest trees could be distinctly seen in its direction for a mile off, and presented the appearance of an eastern sky of a thick smoky night just before the moon's disc can be discerned above the horizon's edge. Its continuance was about ten minutes, and was in full splendor when ob- scured by gusts of wind and rain, with thunder and light- ning, which added somewhat to the grandeur of the scene. I was at Scott's Hotel in the piazza, and was the first to observe its appearance and full developments, and I never before saw anything of the kind not even the aurora borcalis in 1836 to equal it in richness and splendor. It was one of nature's grandest shows; and yet, hundreds of this world's groveling crowds gazed upon it with as little thought as they would upon a huntsman's torch so prone to earth 24 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF in their cares and afflictions, they have no admiration for the beauties of the heavens and would not be half as much affected by a similar exhibition, even doubled in magnificence, as the}' would be by a single glimpse at the pale and troubled light of the flickering ignis fainns. But I must stop, or I shall have to call in even another scrap to envelop this. I write to-night as a dyspeptic eats with a coming appetite Affectionately, A. H. STEPHENS. "The progress of the age " has frowned down the old-time custom of the younger brother donning the half-worn clothes of the elder ; but the fact hardly helps to refute the theory, that there are two kinds of progress the one upward, the other downward. [ From same to same.] CRAWFORDVILLE, March 29, 1840. DEAR BROTHER I hope you arc- studious, and active in exercise. Don't forget or neglect your common-place book. Pen down all interesting thoughts, and don't be too choice in the selections of your interesting thoughts, for fear you will pen none. Recollect that thought is a prolific something, and one always begets another ; begin with something. I should like also if you would send me a copy of your compositions. I want to see what you are doing [From same to same. ] CRAWFORDVILLE, April 5, 1840. DEAR BROTHER The past week has been one of great excitement and labor to me ; indeed, al- most greater than my strength could bear. It was our Su- perior Court week, you know, and the business was not got through with until Friday morning. We sent Kirkland to the penitentiary for seven years : he that procured Far- mer's negro woman to poison her mistress, or to make the attempt. JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 2$ I was glad to see you had taken up the "Last Days of Pompeii." It is a work of great merit, though it hardly does justice to the early Christian advocates. In that par- ticular its greatest defect consist?;. I think Buhver, in one sense, greatly Scott's superior in novel-writing ; his mind is of a higher order he is more profound and metaphysical in a word, more Platonic while Scott is easier, more de- scriptive and can deal successfully in a much greater variety of character. Scott's best characters that is, the best drawn are his lowest Bulwer's best are his highest. Among the earliest and deepest impressions made upon the mind of Linton Stephens was that of reverence for the Supreme Being ; he accepted the Bible as a Divine Reve- lation ; no occasion of hilarity, in the society of wild and thoughtless spirits, ever betrayed him into profanation of things deemed sacred ; and for the professors of religion, whose faith was exemplified in their walk and conversation, he ever manifested the highest jespect. While at college, he became a communicant of the Presbyterian Church- then under the charge of the Rev. Nathan Hoyt, D. D. The two letters following, from his brother, relate to that subject, and exhibit a solicitude at once anxious, considerate and beautiful : [From A. H. S. to L. S. ] CRAWFORDVILLE, May 5, 1840. DEAR BROTHER The subject of Religion has been one that I have seldom alluded to in my correspondence with you, either in words or by letter. The principle upon which I acted (I believe) required me to pursue such a course. Perhaps, hereafter I may dwell more at large upon the subject. Let me hear from you often. I was going to give you some advice, but iear to do so. If I were with you, I might ; for then I could better judge of its propriety ; but as it is, I cannot. Read your Bible make it your text-book of faith 26 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF CRAWFORDVILLE, June 2, 1840. DEAR BROTHER I cannot, how- ever, utter to you the intensity of feeling I sustain, when I think of the temptations and dangers of your nc\v situation. I hope your prudence and confiding reliance upon a Supe- rior Ruling' Providence, whose protection and guardianship are always extended to those who trust themselves to His grace, will preserve you harmless. I never like to be a lec- turer, or to give advice, because I am so sensible of my own errors and imperfections. And this is why I have said so little to you upon subjects of religion, morality and duty. But 1 trust you will not think the less on them yourself, or be more remiss in your actions. If 1 have said nothing, it is not because I felt nothing. I do hope, therefore, that you will not even trust . yourself to your judgment or cau- tion, but ask assistance from One who is able to direct you daily. 1 believe in a special providence. Of all Christian virtues, cultivate humanity and meekness and a spirit of dependence upon the great Ruler of the universe ''for ever\' good and perfect gift." Yours, affectionately, A. H. S. Concerning the opinions and principles of the prom- inent founders of the government their different theories and their personal and political merits we have the follow- ing letter, evoked by one of inquiry from Linton : [ From same to same. ] CRAWFORDVILLE, August 2, 1840. DEAR BROTHER It is Sunday, and I send you a few lines in answer to yours of yesterday. I shall write you again by Tuesday night's mail, sending on fifty dollars, if, in the meantime, I should not get some way of sending it by private, safe hands; and that is why I now write you, that you may, on Wednesday, expect the letter. In refer- ence to that part of your letter devoted to politics, and the opinions of Judge Dougherty about the 'principles of the Federalists, etc., I would barely say that, in the beginning of our government, under the new organization, in 178788, JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 2/ all who were in favor of the ratification of the Constitution, or were friendly to the compact or Fcedits, as it was called assumed the name of Federalists ; those who opposed it took the various names of anti-Federalists, or Democrats, Re- publicans, etc. At that time, Madison and Jefferson were known as Federalists, or friends to the Constitution. Pat- rick Henry, and many other noble sons of Virginia, were opposed to it. After the Constitution, however, was rati- fied, and the government went into operation, many meas- ures were proposed, which some of the friends of the Con- stitution thought were not authorized by that instrument, and which, if carried out, would centralize all power in the General Government, to the subversion of the States. That class, of course, fell back into the ranks of the Re- publicans. Amongst these were Mr. Jefferson and Mr. Madison, and man\ r others ; while Patrick Henry and others fell into the ranks of the Federal class, saying that these powers, the others were then complaining of, were granted in the Constitution, and it was too late then to raise any complaint; that they had warned them of the danger; had foretold these consequences, and it was now too late ; the Constitution was established, and the country had to abide by it. Many of the measures of the Federalists of that time say from 1790 to 1800 were, no doubt, good ones, while others were truly obnoxious particularly the one against aliens, and one upon the subject of sedition, which to this time are known as Alien and Sedition Laws. It was those measures which showed a disposition, on the part of the Federal party, to be grasping powers not delegated, that caused the overthrow of that party, in 1800, by the election of Mr. Jefferson. Mr. Jefferson, of course, did not take Jiis scat until 1801, (4th March.) The canvass, however, was in 1800. But, considering the merits of most of the obnoxious measures of those days, apart from all party or personal character or bearing, just as you would look at the laws of ancient countries, I believe there is not a great deal more to censure in them than many of the laws we have had passed in much later times. The patriot- ism, however, of those men who were called Federalists, even at the election of Mr. Jefferson, no man can doubt. They were amongst the earliest and most devoted friends and movers of the Revolution, and were among the mas- BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF ter-spirits that struggled for and aided in the acknowledg- ment of our independence. They were all, no doubt, friends to free government, but differed, as men always will, as to the best method and means of administering it. It is true that Air. Jefferson, in his Anas (some notes published at the end of his works,) intimates, and clearly indicates his belief that a large party then existed in the country, favorable to a monarch}-; but, for my own part, I do not believe one isord of it. His aim was at Ham- ilton; but he was, in point of mind, intellect, integrity, manly bearing, and patriotism, high above all such suspi- cions. Jefferson even intimates openly, in one of his letters, that Washington was aspiring to a throne. With Hamil- ton's notions of government I do not agree ; but that he was in favor of changing it into a kingly government, none, I think, would pretend to believe, who knows anything of his opinions of the formation of the Constitution. He was truly a great man, but his tJicories did not suit the genius of our institutions. You will see a good sketch of his life in the Edinburgh Encyclopaedia, under the title of his name, I think ; or, maybe it is the American Encyclopaedia. For a full and accurate history of all those, and that which / like, I refer you to a late work called the " Olive Branch." You can get it in the library. I wish you to read it, and at this time, as your mind is now more or less directed to those periods by daily conversation, and on that account more susceptible of receiving and treasuring up a large fund of useful history and good information. I have not seen the book since I was in college, and there I got all my knowledge (except small gleanings occasionally from other quarters) upon the subject. I have written a great deal more than I exptcted I dreamed last night you were dead; and, while no be- liever in dreams, I have, nevertheless, all clay been .more or less under the influence of the strange phantasm. Thursday I have to be at Camak at a Harrison meeting and barbecue, if I am able. Yesterday was a great day at Raytown a barbecue and speeches from Gamble, Foster, Sayre, Johnson, (of Greene,) and Toombs. The weather was very unfavorable, and yet, I suppose, over two thou- sand people were there. JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 29 [ From same to same. ] CRAWFORDVILLE, August 26, 1840. DEAR BROTHER I am in receipt of yours of the 23d in- stant. With its general character and style, I was better pleased than I have been with any received from you in sometime past. I am in hope you will get entirely over your costive habit of letter-writing, and become freer in style and fuller in matter. My "surmise," I think, is hav- ing its desired effect in spurring you up. By-the-by, it was altogether a surmise, or an inference of my own, from data within my own possession. I have but to converse with a man, or see the products of his brain in writing, to form a very satisfactory conclusion touching the state of his mind \vhether idle or industrious, active or indolent, sprightly or sluggish and it was from this source I derived my opinion upon the subjects of your studies during the last term. You must not suffer yourself to fall into care- less and relaxed habits of thought; for you may be sure the effect of such habits will soon reach the discernment of all ; and that I may still keep you on the spur, I will direct your attention to sonrc sentences and forms of expression in your last, that, I think, could have been bettered, and this I do the more readily, as I am so much better pleased with the letter than I have been with any lately received, and because your habit of writing is now forming, and whatever kind you form now, you will be apt to conform to all your life. And at first, it is about as easy to form a good habit as a bad one, and about as easy to adopt an easy, clear and correct style as a dull, clumsy and inaccu- rate one. In your first sentence, then, you say: "I re- ceived your letter only in time to have answered it one mail sooner." The word "only" is out of its proper place; it should have been just before "one mail;" thus: "I re- ceived your letter in time to have answered it only one mail sooner." Again you say: "It (my letter) arrived here much before I took it from the office, "etc. Much before, you perceive, is not a very suitable equivalent for sometime, or several days, etc., as you evidently intended it. Again you say: "But I think if I had have had justice, I should have got the letter from the office," etc. How do you parse "had have had?" You must make it in a kind of 3O BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF plu-plns quam-pcrfcct, not 'known to the common standards. The use of this form of expression is a common error in this country. Many persons, who know better, or ought to know better, have fallen into it. In common parlance, it is "if I had of had," or " if I had of gone," or " if I had of seen him," etc. ; or, in common style still, it runs thus: "If I'd a had," or "I'd a gone," or "I'd a seen him," etc. : all wrong alike. The plu-perfect of the verb "to have" is "had had," without the "have." If I "had had justice," etc., "if I had gone," or "had seen him." But again you say: "It is more than probable that my letter to you had been opened, as it might have been sup- posed to have had money in it," etc. This is another form of expression, and a use of the perfect of the infinitive mood, instead of the present, no less common than im- proper. If the letter, from its appearance, had been sup- posed to have had money in it, of course it would have been a previous matter, and there would then have been no inducement to open it ; or, in other words, the appearance of its having had money in it would imply that it had none in it at the time. The expression should have been: "It is more than probable that my letter to you had been opened, as it might have been supposed to have money in it." Read Kirkham's grammar, page 193, and Murray on the tenses. Besides these, I would barely hint at your orthography, which, in some instances, might be corrected. Such as government has an // in it, and manner is not properly spelled without two of the same nasal sounds or char- acters. "Mentained, " also, I suppose, you meant for "maintained." The word "reckon," I think, you are beginning to misapply, if not misuse; it is by no means equivalent, in signification, with "think," "suppose," "suspect," or "expect." Georgians misuse this word more than the Yankees do the word "guess." I would %dvise you to read over your grammar, at leisure, cursorily. Much good information is to be got from it; and make it a matter of daily consideration with you to attend to. the minutuc of things, and- to be correct (not- pe- dantic or dogmatical) in all. When aicakc, keep your mind always wide ai^ake. In your history lessons that you com- plain of, I think you might, with a little system, soon get so JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 31 as to master twenty pages at or for one recitation. The best system is to take the whole lesson in one scope or view. Get the mind fixed upon the prominent events re- lated in it, and the order of their succession, without the author's language ; then the when, the where and the who come in almost of their own accord. With a little close and intense application of the mind at first, in drilling it and bringing it by a rigid discipline to this system, you will soon be enabled even to astonish yourself at the case with which you will acquire (and with accuracy, too) the details of such recitations. It requires labor, study and close at- tention for awhile, but, if properly trained, a faculty of the mind will soon develop itself, not very unlike that which, with a little practice, is so easily acquired in looking upon paintings, and which is so necessary to the proper appreci- ation of the beauties and illusions of the perspective. It is a species of abstraction which some never attain, but only because they do not try in the right way. Read over your lesson first hastily ; get its general import. Plave the outlines fixed deeply, as those of a map, upon your mind. Let this be done with eyes off the book as much as possible ; and then in the same way let the details follow ; instead of marking a name with a pencil, and leaving it in the book, transfer the whole by the process of abstraction to the canvas of your brain, and let the impression be made upon its tablet. When I first commenced those "reading studies," as we called them, they seemed the most difficult of any I had met with. I disliked them exceedingly. But after a little exercise in them, and when I found it was useless to at- tempt to know anything about a recitation in one of them without knowing everything, I soon commenced what seemed the intense labor of mastering evcrytliiiig in each lesson by impressing the whole subject upon my own mind, and thinking as little of the book as possible, and it was not long until those were the easiest lessons I had. It re- quires a good deal of time, though, at first. The faculties of the mind are like raw militia: the}' must be trained and drilled before they can effect much, and many of your class, you will find, never will give theirs .the proper training and drilling ; and it is when you get into studies where others fag, that you should especially exert yourself; for these are 32 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF the only points in the race where anything is to be gained. Where it requires nothing extraordinary, there will always be some to share the place with the first. The commonest fellow can spell "baker," as well as the ablest scholar. There must be something that requires the exercise of stronger mental powers to show the difference, and when you get into a study difficult for the class generally, that is the time to distinguish yourself. [ From Linton to A. H. S. ] ATHENS, March 14, 1(842. DEAR BROTHER Yours of yesterday was received this morning, and I take the earliest opportunity of answering it, to let you know that the money you put in it has been safely received. The conveyance of that letter seemed somewhat mysterious, though I account for it in this way: at home, yesterday, you wrote it, sealed it, and on leaving for Greenesboro carried it to the post-office with the inten- tion of mailing it, but in the hurry and confusion of start- ing, even the fifty dollars it contained were not sufficient to quicken your memory. That you originally intended to mail it in Crawfordville is clearly indicated by the direc- tion on its back to "charge A. H. S. " with postage. After writing that direction, you must have forgotten the letter, or else you changed your mind and carried it on to " Union Point," hoping to meet with a private con- veyance which would be more safe than the mail. The latter conjecture is extremely improbable, however, unless I consider that you expected to find some acquaintance com- ing here, in which case this service would unquestionably have been preferable to mail conveyance ; but that you should have more confidence in a stripling of a stranger, than in the mails, is somewhat strange. It is also a little mysterious that when I asked for only ten dollars, you have sent me fifty for forty of which I have no use, and if John Bird wants any, it is more than I know The most judicious disposal I can make of it, however, will, I think, be to divide it with John, so that each of us can advance for board twenty or twenty-five dollars. Yesterday, for the first time, I heard a sermon from Judge Longstreet. In the pulpit, to me he appeared awkward, and JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 33 to come much below himself. In preaching, he sometimes used Latin phrases and terms of expression unbecoming his place. In praying, for instance, I recollect he said in a very cold, conversational manner, "Lord, we can hardly generalize our sins, much less specify them," which, though used by a very devout man, seems to be very much op- posed to that earnestness and dignity with which we should address ourselves to a very Superior Being. Though his manner is not suited to the pulpit, yet I think even there he shows he has genius. Next Saturday, I think our society will adjourn for the April examination. You may expect my next circular to show me deficient in attending church. In other respects, I have been perfectly punctual. I ex- pect to be appointed junior orator, and if I should be so fortunate, with your knowledge of my mind, would you advise me to attempt a grave and sensible speech, or one of the gentle and insinuating kind ; or would you rather still advise me to be facetious and zvitty ?. In giving me an answer to this question, I beseech you, above all things, to spare your sarcasm Yours, affectionately, LINTON STEPHENS. [From A. H. S. to L. S. ] CRAWFORDVILLE, March 20, 1842. DEAR BROTHER Yours of the i6th instant, acknowledg- ing the receipt of the fifty dollars, was received upon my return from the Greene court. I presume you have before this received another from me sent by Judge Dougherty, together with some collars and bosoms. This morning I got a letter from John, mailed yesterday. To-night I go to Augusta, and shall not, or do not expect at least, to return before Wednesday. I regret to hear that you will probably be deficient in anything in your next circular. It is so easy to be punctual in attendance at church ; a deficiency in this particular is the less excusable. I also regret to hear you speak of Rhetoric as being the hardest study you have, and my reason for regretting this is, that it leaves me with the impression that you are not properly drilled in the right way of studying it. Rhetoric, properly taught, is one of the easiest and most improving and useful studies of a col- 3* 34 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF lege course, and to me it was the most interesting. But it requires some training to get in the right way of learning it. It is to be effected by system, method and generaliza- tion. The usefulness of the study depends mostly upon its effect upon the mind in subjecting it to system and method, and the exercises it imposes upon the memory. It should never be taught or learned by questions and an- swers. You might as well attempt to teach the beauties of a piece of painting, to a mind unacquainted with the art of catching the perspective, by a similar system of in- terrogatories. In the study of rhetoric usefully, the mind must be first taught to put forth its strongest faculties, and survey and scan the entire subject that is, the lecture for any given recitation. The author's object being thoroughly understood, his manner of treating it, and his various sub- divisions, soon occur easily to the mind, which naturally again suggest his ideas, and then the task is performed, and the whole lecture is indelibly impressed upon the mind like a map or chart spread out before you. In mastering a lesson in rhetoric, the author's words should never be studied; if they occur readily to the mind in reciting, they should be used, but in studying, the memory should not be taxed to retain them ; the ideas and the order in which they come in the lecture should be the task of the student. The ideas he should convey in his own words. For when he understands his author, and knows what his ideas are, the student can always have words at command to commu- nicate and make known what they are. But it is a remark- able fact, that with a little practice with this kind of study, so quick does the memory become, and so retentive of an impression, that the student will be enabled to repeat almost the identical words of his author from beginning to end. This strengthens the memory and imparts vigor to the mind, and enables the faculties to encompass a whole subject at once, and understand the whole and every part at the same time. This is exceedingly necessary for writers and public speakers. When a student, therefore, goes to recite a lesson in rhetoric, or moral philosophy, or any such studies, he should know everything in his recitation, and be able forthwith, and without hesitation, to repeat, if called on, every idea in it, just as he would tell, if called on, what he heard a man say on any particular subject on a JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 35 given occasion. As, for instance: suppose the lesson is in Blair, and the subject is his lecture on "Style." At the first glance, the mind will scan his manner of treating it, commencing with general remarks about the diversity of style in authors, then the various kinds of style, and then the rules for forming a correct style. Under the first head, many smaller and subordinate ideas, where the general plan is fixed in the mind, naturally suggest themselves with little or no effect : such as, that all authors have a peculiar- ity of style distinctive in each, difference between Livy and Tacitus, etc., and other ideas that fill up that view; and the different kinds of style, such as concise and diffuse, then contrasted, the advantages and disadvantages of each, and the instances of authors distinguished for each, etc., which is all easily recollected and repeated that is, the idea, but not the words and the same of the weak and nervous, dry, plain, neat, elegant and flowery, and then on to the simple, affected and vehement: these made all distinct in their order on the mind ; the filling up, or the remarks made upon each, come to the mind almost naturally; and then comes the winding up of the subject, the directions for forming a correct style, to wit: a thorough understand- ing of the subject, frequent composition, acquaintance with good styles, or the style of distinguished authors not, how- ever, running into imitation, or adaptation of the style to the subject and occasion not to be poetical when you should reason ; and, lastly, not to permit the mind to be too much "engrossed" with style to the exclusion of mat- ter ; in other words, that, however important style may be, it should always be held subordinate to ideas, and that more attention should be given to thoughts and sentiments than mere style ; and with this the task is performed. And what is more easy? When once you get in the way of it, you will find it the easiest study learned. The mind will take it readily, and you will be astonished at the amount of learning you can acquire. To me, at first, it appeared very hard, because I had nobody to teach me ; but when Olin became professor, and gave us a few lectures, the whole subject assumed a new appearance, and the study became delightful; and when I graduated, there was no subject in Blair, Paley, Say, Evidences of Christianity, Brown's Moral Philosophy, or Hedge's Logic, that I could not have 36 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF told everything about instantly, or as fast as I could have spoken ; and I could have commenced at the beginning o t the catalogue above named and have given substantially everything contained, from the beginning to the end, with- out interruption or suggestion. The same principles of system, method and analysis, I brought to the study of law; and when I was admitted, I could have rehearsed Blackstone in the same way. The whole I attributed to Olin's method of teaching, and I would not have given the advantages to myself derived from that for all my college course besides. It has been of more use to me. It called forth all the powers of the mind, and taught it to exercise its every faculty. My previous instructions were like keep- ing a child forever sliding and crawling. Olin made us stand up and walk. A little assistance was at first neces- sary, while the knees were weak, and before strength and confidence were acquired; but soon we (I mean the whole class, for there was no student in the class that did not un- derstand the studies) began to walk without assistance, and then to run and bound, and become the perfect masters of all our faculties. I wish you to adopt the right system in these studies, and to become perfectly master of them. When a subject is mentioned, be able to give an outline of the whole, and show that you have studied your author by being able, without assistance, to go on and tell what he says. But I can say no more to you now. In reference to the subject of your junior speech, if you should be elected orator, I can hardly undertake to give you any advice. Suppose you write several, one of each character you men- tion, and submit them to me. I could then give you an opinion ; and, as for the trouble of writing them, it will cost you only a little time, and you will be benefited by the exercise. A subject of rather a grave character, which I think might be treated well, is a comparison between the ancients and moderns. The general feeling and sentiment is, that the people of this age I mean in the enlightened portion of the world are superior to enlightened men of older times. For myself, I don't believe any such thing. It is true, we have some improvements in the sciences par- ticularly in astronomy and chemistry; but in many things that make man truly great that show the powers of his JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 37 mind, and the boldness of his conceptions, and the high and lofty sentiments of his soul I think the ancients were greatly our superiors. Look at their works, their build- ings and- temples, and various monuments of their great- ness, which, after withstanding the ravages of centuries, are even still unequaled by anything that man, in subse- quent time, has done or accomplished. Why, even the public roads leading from the city, constructed and made before the Julian day, are now better and more substantial than any in the United States, or perhaps in England or France. A part of a bridge is yet standing over the Dan- ube, which was built soon after the time of the Caesars. What a people must they have been to leave such vestiges behind them ! Why, if this country should be overrun by savages, as others have been, what have we that would re- main one thousand years to tell that such a race as ours ever existed? But Rome is only a small part: Greece, Persia, Egypt and Assyria, all come in for their portion of reflec- tion. What design and architectural skill must it have re- quired to erect such lasting monuments! And the philos- ophy of Cato, Cicero, Caesar, Seneca, Tacitus, Xenophon, Solon, Plato, Socrates and Solomon, has never i>een ex- celled. I should not have omitted Aristotle. I have said nothing of their generals. The whole subject presents a wide field, and, if properly treated, might make an inter- esting topic ; but I can only now suggest, and must con- clude by saying that I believe the people in those days were literally giants to what they are now. I write in great haste, and do not know whether you will be able to read all or not Write often, and with more pains. Try to improve your hand-writing. Those who have seen the hand-writing of Mr. A. II. Stephens will smile at the last injunction. Then, as now, it was a task to the unpracticed eye to decipher his manu- script. It has, however, the merit of uniformity uniformly illegible. [ From same to same. ] CRAWFORDVILLE, June 2, 1842. DEAR BROTHER Your letter of the 2/th ultimo was re- ceived this morning. I was absent yesterday and the day before, at Warrenton, attending the trial of a negro, charged 38 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF with the offense of assault and battery, with intent to mur- der, on a white man. I defended him, and he was ac- quitted. But what I meant, in commencing, was to say that, in consequence of the absence, your letter was not received until it had been here nearly two days. In refer- ence to your speaking- at commencement, I can only say that you must not suffer yourself to vacillate one moment between speaking and getting yourself excused. You must speak that is, if you are chosen (and, by-the-by, you did not state whether this was the case or not) and you better set right out in good earnest to writing. There is nothing that a student is more apt to do than to postpone the duty of composition, and no intellectual habit is more injurious when one such is once acquired. The mind should be ac- tive and industrious, and never be suffered to grow slothful and indolent; and it is much easier in one's business to keep ahead of time than it is to keep anything like up with its rapid march when once thrown ever so little in the rear. You will lose nothing by having your speech well com- mitted, even a month before commencement, and it should be a rule of your life, established now, in this your first ap- pearance before the public, never to appear unless you appear well, and also always to appear whenever you can. "The kingdom of heaven suffereth violence," saith the Scripture, "and the violent take it by force." So it is with the world. The most resolute and inflexible bear off the palms and crowns in both. A man's character, standing, reputa- tion, fame and distinction, are the works of his own hands, and the industrious, active, vigilant and energetic, build to themselves great names; while the lazy, careless and indolent live but to die, and, without hope or care ever to be known hereafter, permit the meed of fame to be seized by the more eager and violent, and, in their own ob- scured littleness, soon pass away in one general, common oblivion. Let not this be the character of your ambition ; but in contests for honorable distinction, ever be found amongst the first of the foremost. " Nihil ardimni est ipsc I'oleiitibus, sea 7 , niJiil potest fieri illis invitis." In the selec- tion of a subject for an oration, or an address, upon any occasion, you should pursue the rules laid down in Blair; and, in the first place, make choice of one suited to the oc- casion, the time, the audience, etc. ; and, in the second place, such a one as will allow as much of method as pos- JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 39 siblc in its treatment that is, which will require styles and manner of speaking in its different parts or branches, such as the negative, descriptive, argumentative, and, as Blair has it, the patJictic or sublime. Every discourse should have some part devoted exclusively to the excitement 01 the passions and emotions. This is the work of fancy and the imagination, and the subject chosen should furnish the material for the occasional flights or colorings. The error of most young men is trying to make their orations abound with eloquence, and nothing else, and hence, high-sound- ing words and animated descriptions from beginning to end. The consequence is, in trying to be eloquent in everything, they are eloquent in nothing. I can hardly, at this time, suggest any subject to you ; I am in too great haste. "Time" is a good subject; the measure of existence its origin, or its eternity its history the creation and destruc- tion of worlds other than this the changes or revolutions it has traced on earth its passing events, destinies, dura- tion, etc.: thoughts growing out of all these views might- be presented in an interesting garb. The greatest objec- tion to it is that it savors too much of the "all eloquent" order In my travels this Spring, I have in different sections found the \voods ali've with the singing locusts ; they were in some parts of Wilkes and Lincoln, and throughout the western counties from Morgan, millions of millions. It is said they appear every fourteen years Affectionately, A. H. S. [From same to same.] CRAWFORDVILLE, June 5, 1842. DEAR BROTHER In reference to the riot, I did not exactly understand from your letter whether John Bird was amongst those on the evening of the dis- turbance of the temperance lecture, who fired the pistol, and went back in pursuit of the officers, etc., or wh ether he barely left the church at the same time with others who went into the excesses. I should be utterly astonished to learn that he was in company with and countenancing men engaged in acts and proceedings so utterly disgraceful. But more on this subject, in reference to him, I will not say 4O BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF to you. I will write him a letter. It seems strange to me to think in what way the vision will become warped some- times in its observation of men and things, and how, from familiar association, or some other cause, conduct the most improper, ungentlemanly, disreputable, and even base and criminal, can be looked upon as common-place, and very little out of the way. Now, I would not have a student to denounce, or even make mention of the conduct of a fellow- student, however low and contemptible it might be; for it is none of his business; it is even dishonorable to do it ; but, at the same time, from the very bottom of his soul should he loathe and detest a mean deed, or anything that savors of disreputable or dishonorable conduct. A man of correct principles moves on in his own sphere, and permits others to take the same course ; and while his leads to elevation and refinement, he lets them (pursuing theirs) wallow in the dirt and mire if they choose. It is true, that philanthropy will dictate and urge him to relieve all the misery he, can, and by example, persuasion and advice, (when it can be properly given) to prevent as much suffer- ing, and misery, and degradation, as possible ; but never will such a man be brought to bend and stoop to infamy. It is certainly a difficult matter, since so few people accom- plish it, to pursue the even tenor of one's way in this life, commingling with men amidst all their vanities, and contra- dictions, and excesses, and improprieties in conduct and character, without giving improper offense to an}', and se- curing the esteem of all, and, at the same time, to maintain stern, fixed and inflexible principles of honor and integrity; and yet, it is not only possiplc, but easy; and in this con- sists not only the secret of life, but the first principles of politeness and gentility, and the very soul of benevolence and philanthropy. A man should study it. It is the lever by which the moral world is raised. Some men have no talent for this thing. Indeed, most have not; and hence, you see them arrayed class against class, each hating the other with a moral enmity. One is guilty of some impro- priety; the more righteous, in his own estimation, cuts his acquaintance denounces him and would as soon be caught with a leper as found in his company; now, this is wrong and foolish. No man is so bad that he has no good qualities, and even from the thistle, tansy and rue, and JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 4! hoar-hound, honey is extracted : so, even from the worst man, some good thing can be drawn out; but the diffi- culty lies in the difference between being set against a man and his improper act. and necessarily denouncing or cen- suring any one guilty of such an act. It is the difference between being utterly adverse to becoming a leper and a disposition to kick any one who is so unfortunate as to be one. Now, I hold that a man might almost sooner die than be a leper; and yet, be so far from injuring one that is as that he would do all in his power to relieve, assist and com- fort the sufferer ; and so with morals and intercourse with mankind. A man may, from his very soul, abhor a princi- ple, and sooner die than possess it, or encourage, or coun- tenance it in others, and yet, treat with civility and kind- ness the most miserable and wretched victims of its devel- opment. Now, that you may understand me fully upon this subject, I would remark, that when I speak of the " disgraceful conduct" of those engaged in the riot, I speak of it as I would of a "loathsome leper" not that I would shun, or scorn, or condemn, or because I think my- self better, but because it is a most disagreeable and fatal malady ; and as I would be kind and urbane to the bodily sufferer, so I would, in the other instance, to him whom I should consider as destitute of principle more necessary for honorable action, than all that is lost in the life is nec- essary for good and vigorous health. I should be kind and agreeable, and associate with such companions or, in other words, be not distant, or morose, or Pharisaical ; and while -I would pass the individuals themselves this way, and without the slightest duplicity, I would have the most per- fect contempt and detestation of the principles that could induce any one to be guilty of such conduct. This is what I hold to be regard for one's character stern and inflexible honor. Now, what could a set of young men imagine more disgraceful to themselves than w r hooping and hallooing in the streets of a town like a set of savages in a forest? What is there more unbecoming and ungentlemanly? Particu- larly in those who are reaping the advantages of the best school in the country to improve their minds as well as morals and to make themselves better, or better qualified for business in life, than the great mass of their contempo- raries? Young men, whose ambition it should be to be- 4* 42 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF come the exemplars for their fellows, and for future men to follow? And then, as for blowing horns, getting drunk in the square, or old field, and throwing rocks at the vener- able preceptor, to whom they are paying so much to be taught, besides the loss of their time, etc., how utterly little and low, and beneath a man whose mind is as great as a mustard-seed ! Worse conduct could not be expected from a set of negroes as nican, I never knew any of these guilty of ; and shall a young gentleman, a collegian, have no better principles instilled into him than those by which the meanest of slaves are actuated? Is this the effect of ed- ucation this the refinement of the schools this the perfection of intellectual training this the end for which so much time is lost and money spent? Oh, shame! that boys are not better taught that they have no better minds to think and reason with themselves, and see the gross im- propriety of such conduct! But it needs not thought or reason : it seems to me that brute instinct would almost be sufficient to restrain them from such conduct. But the whole, I suspect, is excused on the ground of the insult the threat of the citizens to prosecute if certain impro- prieties were repeated. This was a kind of censure of pre- vious conduct that could not be borne, and hence the row. Well, all that is just of the same character. The first dis- order was either censurable, or not. If censurable, of course a repetition, with great excesses, was no way to make the proper amende. If they were not censurable if they had behaved like honorable gentlemen it was certainly a very bad way of proving it by perpetrating such very dishonor- able acts. If the first disturbance was from momentary feeling, and without an}* intentional or concerted disorder, after it was known that their conduct was misconstrued, they should rather have felt mortified at so dishonorable an action being imputed to them, and their endeavor should have been to show that it was wrong, and this should have been done by their exemplary and good conduct. That is the way to purge a man's self from a charge of dishonor. But I think this narration has also run out far enough. The preceding letter was evoked by a memorable disturb- ance which occurred between some of the citizens of Ath- JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 43 ens and a portion of the Faculty on the one side, and a portion of the students of the college on the other. It threatened for a while to become quite serious, and was a matter of painful concern to the friends of the institution throughout the State. As usual in like cases, neither party was wholly right nor wholly wrong. Young Stephens at- tached himself with neither: he maintained the interests of law and good order, and contributed largely, by example and counsel, to restore the peace. [ From same to same. J CRAWFORDVILLE, August 7, 1842. Your circulars have not come to hand yet; when you find out, I wish to know who got bet- ter, or as good circulars as you. Let me know this with- out fail. I will send you the books by the first opportu- nity. You must continue to apply yourself laboriously. You have but one step now to take to place you in the world amongst men, and you have much to learn yet to fit you for that place. Pay strict attention to your writing, and learn within the next twelve months, if you live, to write a good hand. You will never have time or chance to form your hand after that. Tell John to pay more atten- tion to his writing. He had better write from a copy every day. Remember me to Dr. Church, and Professors Hull and Waddell, and tell them I stood the travel very well, ex- cept the heat, which was oppressive for a short time. [From same to same. | CRAWFORDVILLE, August 16, 1842. I am up to-day. Sunday I was confined to my room in consequence of a blister. I stay at home, however, and attend to no business, except writing letters, and giving or joining in some consultation about the business of the office. I will keep you advised of my situation, and I want you, by all means, not to permit yourself to grow or become uneasy. I don't feel so myself, and do not want anybody to feel so on my account. Life and death, and everything, should be 44 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF considered and regarded philosophically. We have all got to die. The end of all of us will come in due season. Then, why should we suffer any uneasiness from any indication of the immediate approach of death, when we know it must come in due season? Philosophy teaches us to be looking fonvard to this event throughout life, and to direct all of our pursuits and pleasures in refer- ence to this ultimate end. This consummation of earthly existence, and with life thus spent, to die is but to take a journey. Those who are left behind will soon follow, and in reference to my particular friends and relations, I hardly know whether it would be more agreeable to me to take my turn in advance, or to go after. Be, therefore, not dis- turbed, because, in the first place, I think there is no imme- diate cause for it, and perhaps none will occur ; and, sec- ondly, it is wrong in principle. [From same to same.] CRAWFORDVILLK, January 21, 1843. It is a general feeling in most of our writers to pay too little attention to style to the selection and arrangement of their words, and the structure of their sentences. And it is a failing the more considerable, because it can be so easily avoided. It would require only a little more labor, and perhaps at first, or in the formation and acquisition of style, a little more time. But what are these when com- pared with the additional beauty and usefulness of their compositions, imparted by such a finishing touch. The application or moral (as the preachers say) of this episode is, that you should pay great attention to your composition, and learn to write, as you would move or walk, neither clumsily, lazily, nor awkwardly, but with ease, grace and elegance [ From same to same. ] CRAWFORDVILLK, June 14, 1843. DEAR BROTHER Your two letters of the loth, and the other of the I2th instant, were both received by me this morning, and I send you an answer nou>, as I shall have no JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 45 other opportunity of doing so before my return from Mil- ledgeville, for I expect to start there to-morrow. My ob- ject in going down so early is to attend to the granting of some lands for a number of friends before the meeting of the convention, as I fear there will be too great a press of that kind of business in the offices, after the general assem- blage of that body, to have it attended to with order and promptness. I shall be absent some six or seven days. This, therefore, in all probability, will be the last letter I shall write to you until after your final examination, and your college course at least, so far as its studies arc con- cerned will have been brought to a close. The occasion, I need not add, to me, is one not without its interests, and the associations which the reflection awakens fail not to en- hance that interest. It seems like a short time since the memorable night I bade you and John adieu, as you took your leave to enter upon that adventurous scene from which you are now about to so shortly return. To me the term of four years in prospect then seemed long and no doubt much longer to you but now they are passed ; the whole is as quickly counted as the incidents of yesterday that is, if we consult our conciousness only of their transit ; but if we reflect and consider awhile, and look about at the great changes effected around us and in us, our thoughts and actions, and in the relations of individuals, families, communities, and the country at large, or even in the sur- face of the earth itself, the period magnifies, the field of contemplation enlarges, and it seems strange that so much could have been wrought in so short a time. You were then young, inexperienced, fatherless, motherless, and almost friendless. Well do I recollect with what solicitude and intensity of feeling, known only to myself, I fitted you out for your departure for college, and then, when all things were ready, the hour arrived, and the last words were spoken, and, in a few moments, when the whirling car rushed recklessly on in the darkness, and I returned lonely to my room ; how I committed you and your fortunes into the hands of that kind and mysterious Providence, who governs the hearts of men and rules the destiny of nations hardly permitting myself at that time, owing to great fee- bleness of health, to indulge the hope of ever living to see the time of your graduation. But now your course is 46 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF nearly ended, and that period has almost arrived. In a few short weeks, if you should live, your academic education will be finished, and you must take your stand among men. Have you ever seriously considered, and fully realized in thought, how near you are to so important a crisis in life? If not, it is time the subject, with all its gravity and re- sponsibility, was kept constantly in view. Would that I had time and space to present it in its various shapes. The past has been pleasant: the future is active. You have been agreeably entertained in looking on the world at a dis- tance, and as a stranger, a disinterested person, philosophiz- ing, perhaps, upon its various characters, its pursuits, its inconsistencies, its passions, strifes, struggles, and teach- ings ; but your position is now to be changed, and all these have to be encountered. Some liken a college-life, which you are just finishing, to the world in miniature, and the illustration is not without some aptness; but it is the min- iature of the smooth sailing upon the unruffled surface of the broad river, or the still, widening bay just before it issues from its restricted channel, and the protecting em- brace of its contiguous banks and lofty capes, into the wide expanse of waters just ahead, compared with the breasting and weathering the heaving waves and surging billows that ever heave, and roll, and surge on the ocean's bosom. Life's passage is over a tempestuous sea, and well-con- structed, well-manned, and well-piloted is the gallant barque that safely makes the voyage. Many spread their sails joyously to the courting breeze, but few reach the wished- for haven. Be not inattentive, then, at the present mo- ment. It is an important period of your life. You never did, and never will stand in more need of cool thought, sober reflection, and good judgment, than at present. Let no passion get the sway or control of your feelings. Life is just before you, and the part you act in it has now to be chosen, and the character you wish to sustain is to be formed [ From same to same. ] CRAWFORDVII.LK, July 2, 1843. DEAR BROTHER Your letter by John Bird was duly re- ceived, and I should have answered it before now, but for JUDGE LJNTON STEPHENS. 47 my absence, first to Washington and then to Augusta. I was indeed gratified to learn th.it you had received the_/?nV honor in your class not that I attach the least importance to the mere show or eclat of such a distinction on the con- trary, there are great evils attending it but gratified to have this evidence, that you had not misspent your time, and that during the four years of your absence, you had not been unmindful of the first of all duties your duty to yourself in the cultivation of your mind and your morals, and in fitting yourself for usefulness in those scenes of life upon which you are now about so soon to enter. With these reflections, I hope you will look upon your distinc- tion with the same views as I do. In rendering yourself worthy of it, you have but done what you ought to have done, and deserve the same commendation due to all peo- ple who pursue a similar course of conduct, and nothing more. From a want of a correct way of viewing such things, many young men, who otherwise, doubtless, would have succeeded well in life, have been utterly ruined by being the favored subjects upon whom such distinctions have been bestowed. Their judgments are not good. The nature of true honor by them is not understood I say that cool and collected forethought, which dwells upon all these things in such persons, is entirely wanting. I need hardly add, therefore, that you should by no means suffer yourself to grow the least inflated ; and if such feel- ings at any time rise, you have nothing to do to repress them but to look to the future. Your Avork has just begun. The first step has just been reached; the whole mountain of life has yet to be ascended Idleness is the sure path yea, the highway to ruin, and bad associations and companions grow around and over- power one as imperceptibly, and as irresistibly, as the glow and full force of passion itself. I think it possible I may be in Athens during the corning or ensuing week; in the meantime, write me immediately on the reception of this; or you may wait until after the show of the Fourth is over, and let me know how it passed off, and on what subject you intend to write your commencement speech I have never read Gibbon regularly through for want of time only. I have found it necessary to consult him upon particularly points, and have been pleased with him as an 48 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF author. His style is good, though labored. He had great bitterness of feeling towards the religionists of his day, which shows itself very prominently in several parts of his writings. Affectionately, A. H. S. In December, 1843, Linton Stephens visited Washington City, and spent the winter there with his brother, Hon. A. H. Stephens, who was then in Congress. He watched, with interest and instruction, the proceedings of the Congress and of the Supreme Court, and formed acquaintance with many of the illustrious of the land. It may be questioned whether any period of his life, of equal duration, was more privi- leged or more profitably spent. In 1 844, he began the study of the law under the tuition of Robert Toombs, Esq., at Washington, Georgia. Mr. Toombs had then scarcely passed his third decade; but he stood at the head of the profession in the State, both as a jurist and an advocate. Linton remained there, prosecuting his legal studies, with occasional interruptions, nearly a year. In December, 1844, he was entered as a student of the Law-school of the University of Virginia. That department of the University had been in high celebrity, under the su- pervision of the late Henry St. George Tucker. At first, Judge Tucker does not seem to have impressed young Stephens very favorably, either as an able and profound lawyer, or as a person of uncommon preceptorial gifts ; nor was he slow or stint in expressing his disappointment dissatisfaction almost disgust. Longer observation and better acquaintance, however, seemed to greatly modify, if not entirely eradicate, his earlier unfavorable impressions of Judge Tucker's juridical ability and attainments, and of his fitness for the office of instruction. Anterior to his matriculation, the Presidential campaign of 1844 transpired. The following letters may not be un- interesting to the reader who can recall the high party ex- citement of that day: JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 49 [From A. H. S. to L. S. ] HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, May 4, 1 844. DEAR BROTHER I barely have time to say to you that I am well, and that I am in receipt of yours, acknowledging the reception of my two letters, that seem to have met with some extraordinary delay in their passage. I was glad to hear from, and to know that you were well. I got back from Baltimore yesterday. Berrien, Dawson, T. B. King, General Clinch, Colonel Joseph H. Lumpkin, Colo- nel Sayre, Colonel Joshua Hill, Toombs, Harris ( a young man of Elbert) and myself were the Georgia delegation in the nomination. Chappell was chosen to fill Kenan's va- cancy, but declined to act. An immense concourse of peo- ple were assembled on the second, the day of the conven- tion for ratification. The like was never before seen in this country. The Harrison ratification convention, in the same place, in 1840, was not to be compared to it; nor the great gathering at Bunker Hill last summer, as 1 am assured by those who witnessed each of them. It is impossible to give any adequate or correct estimate of the number pres- ent; the nearest approximation to truth, I think, is to say that there was "a great multitude that no man could num- ber;" not less than thirty thousand, I think, were in the procession, and they were not missed from the crowd when they left. They were not a drop in the bucket, arid the best reflection is, that but one feeling, one spirit, and one hope, animated and actuated every breast in the " count- less thousands." You will learn before you get this that Clay and Frelinghuysen were nominated for President and Vice-President, etc. . . . The debate on the tariff is still going on in the House. Cobb and Chappell, of our State, have spoken ; none of the rest yet. Not much said now about Texas. The treaty will get but few votes in the Senate. I have no time to say more. I must tell you, however, a good anecdote on our friend Cobb. You know "Mr. McFadden " is a pet-name with him, which he has made famous, and you know that hack-drivers always know everybody in town that is, ask them if they will drive you to such or such a place, they always say, " Yes yes, sir, " etc. Well, Cobb, in the usual way,, walked up to a company of hack-drivers, asked them if an} 7 of them could drive him 5* ^O WOGRAl'HICAI. SKETCH OK to Mr. McFadden's. All sang out, "Yes, sir yes, sir;" and Cobb hopped into one of them the finest one and was soon closed in, and off rolled the hack. After a while, the hackman asked, " Where was it you wanted to go to?" Answered Cobb, "To Mr. McFadden's." "What street does he live on?" asked the hackman. "I don't know," said Cobb; "you told me you could carry me there, and you must." So round about town he got a good ride, look- ing out for Mr. McFadden's [From L. S. to A. II. S. ] WASHINGTON, GA., May 11, 1844. DKAR BROTHER I was truly rejoiced to get a letter from yon. yesterday morning; it was like a green spot in a des- ert. But I find again that my long failure to hear from you has been owing more to the mails than to you; (your letter was dated fourth instant), so hereafter, whenever I get in a dearth of letters, I will not complain, but suffer in silence. I have read several descriptions of the Balti- more Convention. I suppose it was a grand show. But neither you nor the papers have said anything about any speech of yourself or Toombs. Mrs. Toombs has written home that the latter made a speech at Baltimore at what time I didn't hear. The people here expected to hear from both of you. I didn't regard it as certain, but thought it probable, that you would give the crowd a specimen of Georgia eloquence. But in that immense multitude, I suppose you were a small fish, and remained unseen. Reese is very extravagant in praise of Webster's speech. It was undoubtedly a good confession of faith ; but the sketch in the papers doesn't show it to have been anything else. The prodigal has returned, and of course the fatted calf must be slain. Already they begin to call it his great speech. I have no time to write more. It is nearly twelve o'clock-, and as I am going home this evening, I must be- gin to make a little preparation. I go up to see that all your law books are care-fully started to brother John. Me lias written that you had consented to let him have them, and 1 go, at his request, to pack them up and send them to Madison, whence they will be carried by wagon. So no more at present. Yours, affectionately. LINTON STKIMIKXS. JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 5 f P. S. Your account of Cobb's trick upon the hackman, I read in Vickcrs' piax/a, to the threat amusement of the crowd. The allusion to Mr. Webster as "The Prodigal" was perhaps generated of the fact that he remained in Mr. Tyler's Cabinet after his defection from the part} 7 that elected him to the Vice-Presidency ; the great body of the Whigs condemned Mr. Webster's conduct at the time ; now there is but one opinion as to the propriety and pa- triotism of his course. [From A. II. S. to L. S. ] WASHINGTON, D. C., May 14, 1844. DEAR BROTHER I wrote you a letter yesterday and dated it the fourteenth, as I did all my other letters of the same day, which I suppose only shows that I am beginning to live too fast in this city of "Treaties." Yours of the eleventh instant has just come to hand, and I now send you a few lines by way of acknowledgment for it, if the mail will ever be so kind or safe as to carry it or I cannot under- stand how it is that you hear so seldom from me. 1 write sometimes everyday, and at no time omit to write more than three or four days at a spell. There must be sonic- thing wrong somewhere. I wrote you yesterday that Van Buren stock was a little on the rise, and I think the tendency this morning is still upwards. Cass' letter has been re ceived, and it is not satisfactory; but this, I believe, 1 men- tioned yesterday. His revised opinion has not yet come to hand so says private minor. And 1 "guess" it is true. There is now some disposition amongst the Southern Demo- crats to take up Tyler. But he cannot get the nomination of the convention. I have not heard from Toombs lately. I expect him back here in a day or two. The last I heard of him, he was speaking at Newark, where he gained many laurels for himself, and much distinction for his State. Lumpkin and Dawson were also with him, but he seemed to outshine the whole grand constellation in that exhibition. My health is as good as usual. The House has been en- gaged all this week in the business relating to this District, 52 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF But nothing has yet been done of any importance not even the passage of the bill to pave the avenue to prevent the accumulation of dust, etc. The Senate sometime ago passed a resolution to adjourn on the twenty-seventh in- stant. Yesterday, we amended that resolution by fixing it on the seventeenth proximo. To-day, that body laid the whole matter on the table. It is now thought that we will not get away before July. But I expect the Baltimore do- ings, to come off Monday week, will render the time of the adjournment less doubtful than it now is. The Democrats do not intend to quit here until they see some prospect of land ahead, even though it should be some of the points of Texas [From L. S. to A. II. S. ] WASHINGTON, GA., June i, 1844. UKAR BROTHER Yesterday morning, 1 received your let- ter of the twenty-sixth ultimo, together with the scraps of poetry, and the sketches of Adams and Choate from the ladies' gallery. As you said nothing further of your health, I inferred you were in a measure restored. The poetry was very good. The photographic sketches were, I suppose, the work of your friend Edwards at least, they are just such as I would expect him to perpetrate. The account of your speech on the back of the sketches, I had seen be- fore in the papers, and 1 am now getting very anxious to see the speech itself. There is nothing new here, except the prospect of fair weather or I might almost say fair itself and also that Yickers, the hotel-keeper at Wash- ington, in favor of somebody, or some event or other, has made a deviation from his custom and killed a pig on Tuesday instead of Saturday. Whether the prema- ture fall of that one, however, shall inure to the benefit of his brethren, and save the accustomed victim this evening, remains yet to be seen. The best, however, is to be hoped for. We have got no news here yet from the Baltimore Convention. Democratic news don't move like that of the Whigs. The zeal is wanting to disseminate it. Judge Andrews, his brother, the doctor, and Captain Brown are Texas men. They, however, with a few Democrats, whom probably you do not know, (the Moons for instance,] JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 53 form the only exceptions to a determined opposition to Texas in this place. I forgot to tell you that Tom Sim- mons is a Tyler-Texas man, and that Bob Burch is for im- mediate annexation, "in spite of h 1." His zeal for Clay, however, is unabated. Dr. Alfriend, too, was flying away on Texas, but Clay's letter clipped his wings, and has re- stored him to the earth and to his senses again. His diffi- culty arose from the necessity of giving an opinion before he knew the position of his party. Many, no doubt, would have obtained a similar relief or rather have avoided the difficulty already, from an earlier publication of their leader's sentiments. The Whigs about Crawfordville were not really disposed to attach any importance to the Texas question, and were inclined to regard it as a humbug; but some of them, through fear of seeming to ivait for an opin- ion, prematurely betrayed themselves into a false position. Old Parson Wilson is a most determined opponent of the Texas clique, and is actually on the point of falling out with Mr. Calhoun The following letter, describing a diplomatic dinner at Washington a quarter of a century ago, derives additional interest from the distinguished characters of the persons present, as well as the well-known tastes of the writer: [From A. H. S. to L. S. ] WASHINGTON, D. C, June u, 1844. DEAR BROTHER It is twelve o'clock at night, and I have just got home from the first "diplomatic dinner" 1 have attended during the session or I may say, I ever attended ; and as I do not feel disposed to sleep, I have thought I would give you hastily a "sketch of the scene," as 1 know I shall not have the time to-morrow. The dinner was given by Messrs. Archer and Berrien, who have moved to the hill, and have quarters just on the opposite side of the public grounds from where I am situated. A. and B., you know, are "sort of chums" and live together. Mrs. B. has been here since April. That you may know the particulars in full, I enclose my invitation card, that you may "begin at the beginning," as Benton said in his speech upon Texas. The 54 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF hour, you perceive, was half-past six o'clock. I was there to the minute not one minute too soon or too late. I found Air. Barrow, Senator from Louisiana, and the Bel- gian Charge, the only company assembled. But in a few minutes, all the guests were present, to wit : The Brit- ish Minister, the French Minister, the Belgian Charge, and Mr. Thompson, our late Minister to Mexico, Mr. Barrow of the Senate, and Mr. J. R. Ingersoll, Daniel D. Barnard, R. C. Winthrop, Hamilton Fish, Gales, and Seaton, Evans of Maine, Mangum of North Carolina, the Brazilian Charge and myself. Mr. A. sat at one end of the table and Mr. B. at the other. Mrs. B. (the only lady present) sat in the middle of the table with the French Minister on her right, and the British Minister on her left, and M directly opposite, between the Cliargcs from Brazil and Belgium. I sat on M 's right, and Fvans to me on the right, and Ingersoll fronting me, with Bar- nard on his left, while Thompson and Gales filled up the line on towards Barrow's right, and Winthrop, Sea- ton and Fish on the other side, on the left. We were seated at the table in about fifteen minutes of the ap- pointed time for dinner; that is quarter to seven. The table was decorated with flowers, etc., and filled with glass, but nothing eatable was to be seen, except some jellies and strawberries. Everything was handed round by servants. First soup then fish, then beef, then something else, I know not what ; then sweet-breads, then chicken, then birds, then beans and asparagus, then* strawberries, then CJuirlottc dc Russc, with jellies, then ice cream, then cherries and apples. A change of plates took place at each of these courses six wine-glasses were placed near each plate, and in them we first had Sherry, immediately after soup, then Madeira, Claret, Champagne, Brandy, etc., with Hock, and just what each wanted at all times. I forgot to mention Henderson, the late Texas Plenipotentiary, as one of the company; and I forgot to say also that the last course was a snuff-box handed all around. The candles were lighted as dark came on, and we left the table at half-past ten, and repaired to the drawing-room, where coffee was served in the handing order. The whole passed off very well, and nobody got dnink. The whole company was jovial and the conversation spirited. All sorts of subjects were talked JUDGE I.1NTON STEPHENS. 55 about, and I was much pleased with Mangum. The servants who handed meats, etc., were called waiters; those who served wine were called bntlers. They were all colored but one, who was a French cook, who figured largely, and all wore silk gloves and had on aprons. Packenham was de- cidedly the best-looking man in the crowd. He is a man 01 fine countenance and manly form does not look to be over thirty-five or forty wore a white vest with upright collar, dark coat with shining metal buttons. The French Min- ister, whose name I do not know how to spell, is a pleasant fellow. The Brazilian Charge is small, dark and sprightly tries to show off like a ficc in company. The Belgian Charge is an angular-looking, sober-minded man of reflec- tion and practical life; he is, I should think, fifty. As for H , he went from North Carolina, and is about like five hundred other men you might see on Tar River anywhere. Mrs. B. is a good-looking woman, affects nothing extra ; she seemed to entertain the two ministers about her very well. But I can say no more ; and this I have said to you, only to write for a few moments before going to bed. I will state this, however, which surprised me: When I was here in 1838, General Thompson was then a member of Congress from South Carolina, and I was introduced to him, etc., and immediately on coming in the room, he came up and recognized me. I had not seen him since 1838. He is a thorough anti-annexation man, and has promised me to beat the mass-meeting in Madison on the 3istof July. Tell Getting of this; I mean tell him that Thompson, late Minister to Mexico, will be there I don't write such stuff as this for anybody but yourself. From Charlottesville, Virginia, Linton \yrites to his bro- ther, in December, 1844: [From I,. S. to A. II. S. ] DEAR BROTHER After we parted, the Charlottesville train waited at the "Junction" until the arrival of the Southern train, and then went on without accident to Gor- donsville. We arrived there about two o'clock, and got a dinner which fully realized my ideal of Virginian cooking. 56 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF When I left the dinner-house, I felt a good deal like I was leaving home the house was so warm and cheerful, the landlady so neat and accommodating; but, above all, they fed me so well that I felt a very lively regret at leaving; (a dog will take up where he is well fed.) From Gordons- ville, the conveyance was by stage, over a road which,' for the difficulty of traveling it, can't be equaled by any I have ever seen. It was bad not from want of attention, but from the face of the country and the character of the soil, which in wet weather becomes muddy and lets a wheel sink very deep. Upon getting into the stage, the first question of a passenger, who afterwards proved to . be very well ac- quainted with the country, was, if the road was deep and deep it proved to be. The stage arrived here about eight o'clock. The Montreal man who, you may remember, stood outside of the car, and said he was going to Char- lottcsville proved to be quite a genius in his way. He had no humor, and, I think, not the slightest ambition to raise a laugh ; and yet, to laugh was almost the natural conse- quence of his opening his lips. There was an indescrib- able oddity about him that made you laugh without being able to tell why. Montreal is his home now; but he went from this State thither, and when he got to this place, and stood about the bar sometime, one of the waiters recog- nized him, and went up to him and called him Mars, (some- thing that I did not understand.) He shook the negro by the hand and said, " Why, how do you do, Jim? D n it! I'm glad to see you ! " He then went on talking to Jim with as much zest as you would if you were to meet Ben or Bob in Egypt, or as I would if I were to see one of them lie re noii'. The last of the conversation I heard was an in- quiry from Jim about " Mars John, away yonder! " The first thing I did this morning, after breakfast, was to walk out about a mile to the university, and present myself to Judge Tucker. About his third remark t<> me \\as the question, "Have you ever seen my Commentaries?" I learned from him that he had two classes of law- students, Juniors and Seniors. The Juniors are now on the subject of "Things Real," in Blackstone, and the Seniors on the subject of "Personalty," in the same book. The Juniors, he says, will graduate in two years, and the Sen- iors in one. He says if I will join the Seniors, and will be JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 57 diligent, and should prove intelligent, I can graduate at the same time that is, the fourth of July next. Then, after making a few remarks about the advantages which he "could but flatter himself" (was the expression) "were to be derived from Iris Commentaries" he told me the proctor would give me all necessary information. I thereupon quit him and went to see the proctor. I learned from him that 1 would have to pay $70.00 professor's fee, $15.00 for the use of public rooms, deposit $IO,OO as a contingent fund to meet my share of damages, etc., (the surplus, if any, to be returned at the end of session,) and if I was twenty-one years old, 1 could have my choice of boarding in or out of the college. The price of board in the college hotels (of which there are two or three in the campus) is $110.00 for the session, and you will have to pay Si6.OO rent for dormi- tory. I am told by Hunt, of Wilkes county, whom I found here, and is an old acquaintance, that board in town can be had for about the same cost. Board, in and out of college, must be paid quarterly, in advance. All these sums have to be paid before I can enter ; so if (I tell you 1 don't like the appcaranccs}'y were not listened to at all, for instance, quite as good as those which produced such sensation in the House. I be- JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 63 lieve I mentioned that Judge Story always has his bottle of brandy at dinner; he is one of the most incessant talkers you ever heard, and, moreover, always talks good sense. I am much pleased with him. He just seems and talks to the company as if he had always been acquainted with each one. He came into my room yesterday to borrow the New York Tribune. He says we ought not "to work too hard," or try to do too much; but when the clay is spent, we ought to go home and sit down, and look in the far. . . It is said that the best spoken speeches rarely read well ; vice versa. One of Charles James Fox's sayings was : ' ' Did the speech read well when reported? If so, it was a bad one." [ From L. S. to A. II. S. ] UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA, December, 1844. DEAR BROTHER I this morning received from you a number of papers (13) so many that I presume they were not all started at once and had letters, one enclosing one from John Bird, and the other inquiring certain names. That poor postmaster this morning certainly had his tri- umph converted into chagrin and dismay ; his patriotism by now must have reached the fusing point ; its high tem- perature may melt your sealing-wax. In the letter enclos- ing John's, and bearing date of the 1 2th instant, you said you had already written to me that evening; that letter has not reached me yet, but I shall expect it to-morrow morn- ing that is, if, after inquiring, I find the office will be open on Sunday; very probably it will not, and if so, I shall go up to-night when the mail comes. But, no doubt, you are getting uneasy at my silence about old Mr. Barlow. The old fellow's name, as it appears on his sign, is " R. Bar- low." I remember, as you and I were driving on after him down to his house, just before we got to him, you said his name was "Billy Barlow;" that fact made me examine the sign to see how it appeared there, and I remember very distinctly that it was R. Barlow, which I mentioned to you, and you interpreted it to stand for ' ' Bobuel. " The name of "the boy at the grocery," as you uncourteously style him, 64 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OK is Lcroy ; but as you will have to content yourself with the "old man's initials," it would be good policy to curtail "the boy at the grocery's" name to the same dimensions, in order to give the appearance of not taking the old fellow's name from the sign, but by knowing" it from repu- tation. Let your address, then, be " R. & L. Barlow." 1 am sorry that 1 have forgotten the man who wanted you to send him a document to Wrightsboro or Raytown ; it seems to me it is something like Briscom, or Perry, and 1 am not altogether certain that I ever knew it; he put me in mind of Thrcewitt, of Warrenton, but upon what principle of as- sociation, I have also forgotten perhaps from the simi- larity of names but 1 believe it was from some business allusion he made to Threewitt. Now, again, his name seems to be Bryant, and still again he somehow or other reminds me of Hugn Ward, and he contrived to revive in my mind the memory of Daniel \Yatkins, of Kl'oert. If all these materials can be of service to your correspondence, you are welcome to them, and I hope they ma} 7 prove more profitable in your hands than they have thus far proved in mine. 1 attended another lecture to-day, (the Seniors attend Juniors' lectures,) and have yet found little cause to change my opinion of Judge Fucker. He is a very clever old fellow, and, I will admit, shows more sense than his first appearance promised. Aylett Alct, as they pronounce it- that 1 mentioned yesterday as having the reputation of standing well, is of the Juniors, and, perhaps, does answer best of his class; but Gregg, of the Seniors, is Jar superior to him in an understanding of the author. Gregg boards at my house, and, 1 think, is quite a smart fellow. He has a green look, but also seems both conscious and careless as to its effect. He has a big head, long, light hair, and usually lias a half-reckless, half swaggering, half- good-natured (if a thing can have three haires] smile upon his face. There is in my class one man from Georgia his name is - . I presume he is a relative of - . 1 could determine a man's locality by "that air" as readily as you could his origin by "taken" the Taliaferro provin- cialism for I have never vet seen it in a \ortli C arltuy nigger. 1 see Jones* has changed you from the Committee o! s Speaker of the House. JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 65 Claims to that on the District. How do you like the change? Less laborious, no doubt, and perhaps less hon- orable also. It is getting late in the evening, and as I want a walk, I will go down town and mail this letter, which I must now close from want of time, room and matter. Yours, affectionately, LINTON STEPHENS. [From A. II. S. to I.. S. ] WASHINGTON, D. C., December, 184.4. DEAR BROTHER I intend to send you a small book upon " Kti- quette," which I want you to read ; the style is pretty good, and it is quite instructive. I commend it the more to your attention, inasmuch as General Clinch, the other day, in his inquiries after you, said that you had "paid more atten- tion to the cultivation of your mind than you had to your manners, and that you ought to devote more attention to the latter than you had done." I only give you the sub- stance of the old General's remarks. They were made in "all kindness," after a free and full conversation about young men, their prospects, etc., and after giving instances by way of illustration. I did not know that he had hardly noticed you, much less that he had paid any attention {.<> your appearance. He, by-the-by, has a high opinion of your ability, but says "a man, to be useful, must, in the present state of society, pay some attention to the graces." That was his language [From L. S. to A. II. S. ] UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA, December ]<>, 1844. DEAR BROTHER Yesterday I delayed writing to you until nearly dark, through negligence; this evening I have done the same thing through the necessity of entertaining a consummate bore. And if a short letter to you is Ics.- en- tertaining than a long one, why, then, the consequence. 7 will very properly fall upon the shoulders that ought tc b til- th em ; for you are the cause of the brevity that must char- acterize this epistle. You may be at a loss to knov." hc-v. 66 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF you, at the distance of one hundred and seventy miles, could interfere with my writing here, but many things are true that can't be explained. In this case, however, though you may not imagine the explanation, yet I have the key to the mystery; and to turn the key and throw back the bolt immediately, without any ceremonies at the door T am indebted to you for the visit of the gentleman who has just left me, and whom I have used the freedom to denom- inate a bore. He is a Mississippian, and has not lived be- yond the reach of your notoriety, (I might have said fame, mightn't I?) He knows you as a politician, and takes it for granted that I must be also infected with a love of pol- itics, (Hunt, I suppose, having told him I was your brother. ) He has a brother-in-law who is a big politician, and he him- self certainly is infected with a love of politics though I do not come to my conclusion upon his system of reasoning; nor do I undertake to say that the infection was caught from his brother-in-law. The fact of its existence, however, is certain; nor do I go beyond himself for the evidence of it. Accordingly, the relish for politics which he imparted to me has acted like a charm, and drawn him towards me by the irresistible laws of sympathy. I judge of the motive of his visit by the theme of his conversation ; and though I may have misjudged the one, I certainly shall never forget the other, for misery makes a deep impression. Hut after I have told you that your name received its share of his notice, I am afraid I might exhaust all my evidence and all my spleen without converting you to my opinion of his agreeability. I shall, therefore, not make the attempt, but content myself with giving you his name to be blended with whatever impression you have already taken of the man, and also the name of his big brother-in-law, who " has been called the Father of tJic Wliigs in Mississippi." The name of my acquaintance is , and the name of the " Father of the Whigs" is General ." Do you know him? I have seen his name in some newspaper sometime during the canvass just over So free, and full, and frequent was the correspondence between the brothers, that almost every incident of the da}-, every good story, every new anecdote, etc., was communi- cated. JUDGE LINTON" STEPHENS. 67 The life of a Congressman at Washington, thirty years ago, was a busier one than now, perhaps, if we take the following description of one as ensample of all. Surely the office should be a sinecure at no time : [ From A. 11. S. to L. S. ] WASHINGTON, T). C, December 20, 18.44. DEAR BROTHER I was cut rather short in my letter last night by the arrival of Henry to carry my mail to the office sooner than I expected. Indeed, I had not been conscious of the lapse of time, or how long I had been engaged in my other correspondence ; for you must know or if you do not, I will tell you that I have almost as man}- letters to write this winter as I had last, of all kinds and characters, ex- cept congratulatory ones, and I may also except " buckets," for in the midst of general depression, I have been spared that mortification. Most letters now received are expostu- lations for intercession in behalf of honest postmasters, who are about to be put under the " law of proscription. " What will our country come to? , of Athens, poor fellow, is about to be made to walk the plank is at the head of it. He and I, however, have got along thus far remarkably well. - is more distant, but social upon passing. Cobb and Lumpkin board at the next door, you know, and we see each other much more frequently. I never was so destitute of leisure hours in my life. I am now living com- pletely by the clock, and each day is but the routine of the succeeding one. I arise exactly at half-past eight, and get read}- for breakfast in just twenty minutes; the next ten I spend in sitting by the fire in a large arm-chair not a rocker, (though 1 have one on the other side of my table,) but a great big cushioned, calico-covered affair, which almost hides me looking over the morning papers just to see if there is anything new to talk about at breakfast, which is announced at nine precisely. After breakfast, I smoke a cigar or rather, two or three finish the papers, and then read miscellaneous matter (I am now upon the de- bates in the Virginia Convention that adopted the Federal Constitution) until twelve. I then go to the House and re- main during the session, which generallv continues until 68 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF about three. I then return and commence writing letters, and keep at that until dinner, at four o'clock, which lasts generally about an hour. I then resume writing until tea at six, where I remain about five minutes, and then return to close my correspondence by seven, when the mail closes. I then read until twelve o'clock, after which I know but little until half-past eight next day: and these arc my daily habits. I have not yet been to one of the departments at- tending to all business there by correspondence; nor have T yet attended a meeting of our committee. It has not yet been called together. Upon the whole, T am quite a^'irca- bly situated We had an interesting debate in the House to-day upon the bill to renew the Sub-treasury, which Dromgoole brought up. The speakers were Adams, Dromgoole, Smith of Indiana, (Caleb B. ), Kennedy of the same State, and Schenck, which kept the House in session until past four o'clock, when Yancey got the floor, and there was an ad- journment until to-morrow, when the same subject, I pre- sume, will be taken up. I expect the bill will be passed to-morrow. I can then say, " I told you so," to my worthy constituents. Hereafter, I believe I shall send you no paper but the Globe, and Intelligencer, and the Georgia papers, for I suspect, judging from myself, that it is too great a draft upon your time to look over all the trash that is printed; and, in speaking of your time, how is it you say nothing of moot-courts? Do you have none in the univer- sity? I should also like to know how you answer in your class, compared with others. Have you taken a respecta- ble stand or not? You have not yet told me whether you joined the Senior or Junior class. The letter I got from you last night mentioned the note enclosed in a previous one, which came duly to hand. All your letters have been received, but I have not got them of a night until about half an hour after our mail closes. I sent you last night one sent from brother John the night before, and to-night I send you another which came to hand last night. Hut I have not time to say more Affectionately, A. H. STEPHENS. JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 6(J [From A. II . S. to L. S. ] WASHINGTON, D. C., December 20, 1844. DEAR BROTHER We had an agreeable dinner-party. General Clinch told the best anecdote of any, and a good one it was. It was that of two Georgians one up-countryman and a low-countryman meeting at St. Mary's during the last war. The up-countryman had never seen tide-water, and said it was a ' ' strange river that runs both ways." The low-countryman had never seen any but tide-rivers, and said, " \Vhy, you d d fool! who ever saw a river that didn't run both ways? Why, don't you know if the river always runs the same way, it n>02ild nin out r' [From L. S. to A. H. S. ] UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA, December 22, 1844. DEAR BROTHER Your letter of the 2Oth instant, and those you sent me from brother John and John Bird at the same time, together with the President's message, all ar- rived here by last night's mail, and I received them and read them this morning, (it being now quarter-past ten A.M.) As your letter reminded me of some omissions I have made in my account of the law-school, my stand in the class, etc., 1 will, before I forget them again, (I have several times, but always at the wrong time, thought of giving them,) pro- ceed to supply the omissions. As to nwot-coiirts : such a thing is not dreamed of here. I expected the exercises of such courts to be the chief advantage of coming here, and accordingly, one of my first inquiries was, how often they were held, and how managed? To my surprise, the answer was that there was no such thing known in the concern. The class, however or rather, the two classes of law-stu- dents have formed a contemptible Lai^' Club, (I don't think clubs are efficient instruments witness the defeat of Clay, backed by a nation of them,) which meets once a week at nigJtt, and with which Judge Tucker has no more concern than you have. You may well imagine, the discussions in it are none of the most edifying, nor long in continuance. In fact, I don't think there has been a meeting of the thing since I have been here. I shall make an effort to get into 7O BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF it next Wednesday night, the regular time of meeting. I have not informed you of my stand in the class, and cannot do so now, for the simple reason that 1 have none at all. I haven't answered a single question yet. I am making great progress, ain't I ? Hut there are man}' others who do very little better; and then, the difference between them and me is, that they try and I never do. They have ques- tions asked them ; I never have not one yet. Judge Tucker said he would not question me for "sometime," because, I suppose, he took me to be a fool, and didn't wish to ex- pose me until 1 might reconcile myself to my fate by wit- nessing that of others; at any rate, that's what he said; (I don't mean that's the reason he gave.) And 1 don't much regret the course he pursues in excepting me, for his ex- aminations are not close at all, and could, therefore, oper- ate as no incentive nor help to study; and as to display, I am as indifferent to it as to a dish of eollards. There is con- siderable curiosity, however, in the class to hear me ques- tioned. The}- don't at all understand my exemption, and sometimes ask" me why the Judge doesn't call on me to an- swer. 1 never tell them, but leave them in their wonder. By-the-way, the}- consider me a queer chicken here. J don't wear straps to my pants; and then, too, the want of boots completes the oddity of my costume. You may think I am unduly suspicious, but it is a fact as I tell you. 1 have not been in the company of one who didn't cast a sly glance at my feet (perhaps, after all, their size was the only won- der. ) To all this, of course, I'm perfectly indifferent rather enjoy it. Another strange and inexplicable thing is, that any mortal man should get as man}' letters as 1 do; (each morning a list of all the letters in the office is put upon the door, and in that way the}' see how man}' I get.) They say 1 get letters enough to break a common man, and to keep the devil (it's their phrase, not mine) from study, if he answered them all. Then comes the question, "Look here: do you in earnest, though, have to pa}' postage on 'em all?" "No." "is it paid at home, or are they franked:'" "I'Yanked." "Well, who the devil franks so man}'?" That's rather a rude question, but still I answer, "A brother." "Your brother's a member from Georgia, then, is he?" "Yes." And by just that series of ques- tions and answers is the only way these I 'irginia/is, or any jrOGF, I.INTON STKPHKNS. J\ of them (Virginians) know that there ever was such a man as Stephens in Georgia. (Great fools, ain't they?) The Alabamians, however, and Mississippians, and South Car- olinians, seem to be pretty familiar with your name. But speaking of the Tuckers reminds me to tell you that the Judge is a half-brother to John Randolph. He told it himself, the other day, in the recitation-room. By \.vay of quarreling with the English rule, excluding half-bloods from the inheritance, he said he "could have loved no man more than Mr. John Randolph, who was only his half-brother." After leaving the room, I heard a very strong reason for his love: The Judge, in his young days, went to Kentucky to settle himself. When he had got there, Randolph wrote him that he was unwilling for him to settle over there, and that if he would return, he himself would give him an estate here [ From A. II. S. to L. S. ] WASHINGTON, IX C., December 22, 1844. DKAR BROTHER Judge Story says he never told but one anecdote, and he used to tell that on all occasions, until Webster stole it from him, and had the impudence once to tell it in his presence; and after that he had forsworn anecdotes. This he related with a good deal of humor at the table this morning but, of course, it was all fudge, for he is always telling anecdotes, or indulging in jokes, etc. Kwing is a great hand at puns, and is con- stantly indulging in them. For instance: this morning at the table, in speaking of the abilities of the lawyers and judges of England, Story was running down Kenyon and holding up for Buller. McLean and Taney were descant- ing upon the merits of others and amongst them Scarlett, who, you know, is one of the great men of that country. Ewing remarked that he was certainly the deepest red (read) man of any of them. And in speaking of the attack of the Huntress upon the judiciary, which you will see in the papers of this week, the partiality of Mrs. Royall was com- mented upon. For the truth in that matter was, when Mrs. Royall came in, Judge McLean was the only man that got up and cut out, and yet she compliments him. Some one mentioned the fact of how Judge McLean had passed by J2 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Of lu:r as she came in at the door. Kwing remarked that he supposed she thought the "Judge did passing well. " Judge Story takes it all in fun, however, and says he must send Mrs. Koyall his card with apology, etc., and that there is as much truth in that narration as in any history, etc. If so, 1 pity the world: for to tell you the truth, there is not OIK- word of truth in it hardly. I was at the table and saw I he whole show.* Yours, affectionately, A. II. STEPHENS. [From L. S. to A. II. S. ] UXIVERSITV OE VIRGINIA, December 23, 1844. DEAR BROTHER After filling a sheet and a half yester- day, I found I had omitted to tell you which class I had joined, ami also to ask your opinion of offering for gradua- tion. I have entered the Senior class, which, in the regu- lar course, graduate next July. A student, however, can pursue the studies he likes without offering for graduation. The only advantage that I know of in a diploma is, that it operates as a license to practice law in this State. The dis- advantage to a student from any other State is, that to get a diploma, he would have to devote a great deal of atten- tion to / 'iiginia law, that might be more profitably em- ployed in other reading. The fact is, I can read just what 1 please, and be excused from what I please by asking the indulgence of departing from the usual course. Judge Tucker is just one of those old gentlemen who will let you do anything. I don't think you have any idea of the time ] am throwing away here upon Virginia law. Those in- terminable "Commentaries" are to be the text for a long time yet, and 1 think it would be too liberal an estimate to allow lialf their contents to be common laic doctrine. The largest portion of them is devoted to ]"irginia statutes and discussions, man) T of the latter taken from his own practice. I am glad, for the sake of your reputation, that the Sub- treasury bill has passed the House; but your prediction is JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 73 not yet fully fulfilled, for I think you risked your reputation before the Raytown people, at least, upon the sub-treas- ury's becoming- one of t/tc i/icas?ncs of Polk 's administration, if he should be elected. But 1 suppose, however, even under this construction of your predictions, there was a plain un- derstanding that both branches of Congress should have administration majorities and, yet again, I suppose the Senate of the next Congress will be Democratic, and there- fore, as I said at first, the prediction is not yet fulfilled, but is only in process of fulfillment. It must be confessed, however, that it is fairly "under way" and sailing beauti- fully, with 123 to 65. That measure seems to be decidedly even more Democratic than the repeal of the 2 1st rule. These two acts combined must certainly throw some con- fusion into the Southern wing of the Democracy. They will no doubt, though, take great consolation from the pro- portion of Whig and Democratic votes upon rescinding Hie 2ist rule, and on that /took, it must be confessed, they may shuffle off some of the blame on the shoulders of "Feder- alism," as old Blair persists in denominating Whiggery. But this will do for this time so good evening for to-day. [ From L. S. to A. II. S.] UXIVEKSITV OF VIRGINIA, December 24, 1844. DEAR BROTHER It seems, at present, that the elements intend to smile upon this Christmas; for you will seldom see a more charming day than we have here now, or a finer prospect for a continuance of the fine weather, until the great "natal clay" itself shall have been ushered in. and numbered among the many that have preceded it. Christ- mas, however, seems to be a day of very small importance with the people here, if you judge from the preparation to celebrate its return. Everybody, it is true, speaks of ob- serving the day itself, but don't think of paying any atten- tion to that glorious festive week beyond, which is emphat- ically called "Christmas Holidays," and which in other places, and even in old Georgia, is devoted to joy (per- haps not a very reasonable joy) over our passage through the toils of another year, and feasting upon the good tilings it has yielded to the labors of man and beast I have read the debate upon the revival of the sub-treas- 74 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF ury, and found it very badly reported in the Globe. In the Intelligencer, the report was, if not more faithful, at least much more sensible particularly with respect to the speeches of Adams, Dromgoole, etc.; but as that report stopped about mid-way in the debate, I suppose I have got a very imperfect idea of how the whole passed off. I thought Adams raised a strong objection to the first clause of the bill. Dromgoole attempted to ward off the old man's attack upon the first clause by interposing the clerentJi to support it. But the distinction which, for the purpose of his argument, he drew between transferring and disbursing, certainly has no foundation in the eleventh clause, which makes it obligatory upon .ra^-treasuries to obey the orders of "the treasury," either for transferring or dis- bursing moneys. There seems to be some difference in opinion as to \vhat issues were decided in the late canvass. Tyler says "Annexation" was the issue, Dromgoole, the " Sub-treasury," and Caleb B. Smith says broad, unmeaning "Democracy." "How this world is given to lying." But speaking of Congress : didn't Foster make a fine Democratic speech on the bill to reduce the duty on railroad iron. Chappell must have congratulated his sagacity in dis- covering the allies of the South, and applauded his patriot- ism for throwing himself into their arms. I noticed your name recorded against laying that bill on the table -how is that? Did you want to still hold it up, and encourage and persuade the vandals to lay their ruthless hands upon the "great Whig tariff of "42" that source of so man}' blessings? or, would you really like some "modification of detail," but so much as "not to disturb the equilibrium of the bill?" Are you suitingyour remedies to the condition of your patient? You certainly have very carefully exam- ined the pulse of poor sick old Georgia, and perhaps have concluded that the medicine heretofore has been given in too large a'oses, and, like any humane physician would, have determined to diminish the prescription and administer it in broken doses. The next stump-speech I hear you make, I shouldn't be surprised to find something after the following: "FellQW-citisciis I always said the tariff of '42 was not a perfect measure; it is beyond human ability to attain per fection in anything, much less in adjusting the difficult subject of a tariff, and the burthens of government press Jl'DOE TJNTON STEPHENS. 75 equally upon every nerve (you are fond of medical figures) of this vast and extended people. Our fathers themselves (then you'll wax eloquent) foresaw the necessity of making- changes even in the Constitution itself, and one of the wisest features in the instrument is the power which it lodges in posterity o suiting it to their condition so in all other things, there are imperfections which cannot be developed nor remedied but by the lapse of time and the test of ex- perience. I have been governed by these views (very ex- plicit) in casting my vote, which is now arraigned before the bar of your judgment, and, as a faithful servant, I lay my work before you, and commit my fate to the decision of an honest constituency. The duty on iron weren't right 'nohow, 1 and it ought to have been repealed. I al- ways told you jnsi that same," etc. But 1 have been long- enough upon foolishness, and having nothing else to add, I'll "just enclose" for to-night. [ From A. II. S. to L. S. ] WASHINGTON, D. C., December 25, 1844. DEAR BROTHER I think, upon the whole, that it is best for you not to set for graduation if you have to devote too much of your time to the study of the statute-law of Virginia. But if, with a little additional exertion, you could do it, it would be of great advantage hereafter. Becoming acquainted with the statute-laws of any one of the States, to a lawyer, is a little like acquiring our language to the linguist all others come much easier and crossing such studies does great good. It gives ne\v ideas upon law, and leads to nice discrimination of principles ; and moreover, if you should go to the West, a knowledge of Virginia law will be essential, for almost all their laws are taken from that source. I want you to make the best of your time until July; you can, notwithstanding the character of your in- structor, learn a great deal at the University, \vith proper application, and doubtless your club will hold something like moot-courts, or have discussions upon questions of law. And in all this, if there be such, do not be backward in taking part, nor do you be too indifferent to display. j BIOGRAPHICAL SKKTCH OK [From L. S. to A. II. S. ] UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA, January 9, 1845. DEAR HROTIIKR But : as I am not at all disposed to moralize this evening, I will proceed to an- swer your other question, which was, whether I retained my hearing that "come to" on the Welclon Railroad. Now, all the "clearance," though perceptible at the time, was only temporary, and has been succeeded by the usual deafness. You once told me that you thought my mind had been affected by the rupture, or whatever derangement it is in my head. I think so, too. That supposition ac- counts for one of the most (perhaps, the most) prominent defects in my mental constitution, the one which you have so often attributed to me, but which nobody else ever has, (perhaps because all who would take the liberty had the same fault, and consequently didn't see it in me) I mean the want of attention and observation. You see I can heat only on one side, (though on that side as well as others) and the difficulty of hearing naturally made me careless as to what was said especially after experience had so often told me that what I heard was no compensation for the in- creased effort of listening. People generally say so little that is worth hearing, that it is rather a wonder that men with 'good cars should not become negligent of hearing what gives them so little pleasure or information when understood. And thus, what was begun in indifference has long since- ripened into a habit, and has now become a source of real mortification to me. I try constantly to stem the current of habit, and shake off a dreamy listlessness which I some- times feel stealing over me, and which, though it has of late yielded somewhat to changes of scene and a rising sense of the responsibilities of life, I must confess is still one of the most pleasing enchantments of my mind. The defect in hearing through the right ear was never cured. The inconvenience was a source of occasional em- barrassment to him ; he once laughingly said, he could turn his head to catch a sound, quicker than most men could wink the eye, if he was curious to hear the sound. JUDGE L1NTON STEPHENS. 77 [From L. S. to A. H. S. ] UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA, January 12, 1845. DEAR BROTHER There was a failure of the Northern mail last night, (owing, perhaps, to the snow) and conse- quently, as you have often had occasion to complain in your own case, I have nothing to reply to this evening. Yesterday morning, when I awoke, the ground was covered with snow, (the second time this year) but before night it had almost entirely disappeared. The ground was pretty damp from previous light rains, which, I believe, I have faithfully chronicled as they fell, and the melting of the snow, therefore, was very rapid ; there was, however, not much to melt ; for it was at first not deeper than an inch ; so there are no remains of it now, except on the mountains, which always retain it much longer than the level. They, however, still lift their heads, crowned in snow, and will probably for* some days yet to come. None fell during the day yesterday, but the whole fall was during the previous night. To-day the clouds are broken up, but not dispersed ; they still float about, and, before they are completely dis- banded, may yet rally their forces and make another dis- charge upon shivering mortals beneath ; but I will not risk my pretensions to being "weather-wise" by predicting such a result. If such should be the result, however, my hint of the probability will of course justify me in claiming the merit of having foreseen it, and I shall then say, "I told you so," with as much complacency as you can as- sume when you shall congratulate your constituents upon your foresight in predicting the repeal of the 2 1st rule, the revival of the sub-treasury, etc. But if there should be no such result, why, then I will be just as rmitc as you pos- sibly could have been, had fortune been less propitious than she has been in fulfilling your prophecies. This has been a dull day to me, and apathy is still so strong upon me that I have very little expectation of getting to the end of the sheet this time. Again to-day, I have failed to go to church, and for the same reason that detained me last Sunday the trouble of shaving and dressing after breakfast. But you "needn't to say nothing about it" in your answer, for "/ wont do so no more." Experience has so fully shown me the evil ; I shall hereafter avoid it for self-defense, if for no 78 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF other reason. Indeed, all punishments seem admirably de- signed to remind us of departure from duty by appearing in immediate succession to the transgression. I have ex- pressed the idea, as "the preacher" would probably do, but not, I believe, exactly according to the truth, for I doubt whether punishments arc designed at all, and should rather say they are necessary evils. Life is a machine, and the Maker of it, fully comprehending its operations, benevolently gave man directions for managing //, and those directions have emanated from perfect knowledge: any departure from them results in disorder, (which we call pain or unhappi- ness) as the clock" must stop when the weight runs down, or a cog is broken in the wheel ; and the stopping of the clock from such a derangement is as little the result, the design, as the punishments that follow in the wake of our sins. The machine was not contrived to run under such cir- cumstances. The design and expectation of the Maker was, that it: should run only so long as all the parts perform their allotted functions, and when that performance fails, the con- trivance is no longer adequate to answer the design, (till after restoration) and disorder and confusion are the conse- quence. Or, another illustration of the idea is to suppose life a difficult journey, and that God, with perfect knowl- edge of the way, has given man, the pilgrim, a chart on which is marked out the way, and all the dangers which beset it, clearly: whenever the pilgrim disregards its direc- tions, he must inevitably wander from the path and en- counter the dangers that hedge it about at ever}- step; yet, his troubles and perils are by no means designed by the be nevolcnt Director. The design is, that the pilgrim shall ar- rive at his home which awaits him at the terminus of the path, and the misfortunes he experiences on the way, so far from being designed, are the result only of his failure to consult the Chart, or his disregard of his directions. But how many a poor fellow in the world can't read the Chart ! The great book of nature and of revelation has no direc- tions for him, and his only reliance is upon the original im- pressions which Nature stamps upon his heart at the begin- ning of the journey ; and how liable arc these, too, to be obliterated by the malice or ignorance of those who are way- farers upon the same great route, or even by his own pas- sions, which discover and pursue beauties that Moat before him to lure him to his ruin ! JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. "/fj But when I began, I had no idea of preaching a sermon ; (and I doubt whether the doctrine be orthodox) and, in- deed, I didn't know what I would say. But since I have been delivered, you mustn't make any sly allusions to "Combe's Constitution of Man;" (like I did yesterday to Byron) there may be a similarity in our ideas; (ahem !) yet, I have not drawn them from him ; and. moreover, if they are similar, they are not identical, for I have the authority of Sir Edward Coke for saying-, "Quad simile cst, non cst idem." [ I'rom A. II. S. to L. S. ] WASHINGTON, D. C, January 12, 1845. DEAR BROTHER You need not have cautioned me against intimating a coincidence between your views and Combe's. If I am not mistaken, your plagiar- ism is from a source or quarter which I watch with much more sensitiveness than I do the rights of Combe, or of any- body else. I think you got them from me, and, therefore, will not charge you with taking them from an}- higher au- thority. But I have no leisure to vindicate my rights at this time, and will let it pass for the present. There was an amusing spat kept up between them for sometime as to the "plagiarism," so called; but so far as I can judge, it must have been a drawn battle. [ From L. S. to A. II. S. ] UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA, January 14, 1845. DEAR BROTHER This morning, I read the Intelligencer s report of Yancey's speech in reply to Clingman and others having previously read Clingman's speech. To judge from the report, I should imagine that Yancey was quite eloquent especially when I associate the remarks with my recollection of his appearance. I thought he had a fine eye and a prepossessing person ; and in his speech, he soared immeasurably above the whole tribe of the whining Democracy, who speak for nobody but their constituents. You needn't imagine, however, that I was at all carried away by his eloquence, for I found very little 8O BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF to approve of after all; and yet, again, I thought he told some truth particularly in his charge of a spirit of disunion upon Massachusetts and he might have added other States, too. Massachusetts either wants to break up the Union, or, by a little blustering, to scare others into making it a little more agreeable with her views. But really, it seems to me, she hasn't much attachment for the Union ; and I should say that she and South Carolina have less than any others the feeling, in the one instance, springing from the ambition of maintaining a reputation for "chivalry," with- out any real chivalry entering into the motive, and the other from pure Yankee contrariness and dogged obstinancy. But because this might have been true, it by no means just- ified Yancey in declaring it to be so. Such a declaration especially when accompanied by Yancey's impassioned manner can, I should suppose, have no tendency for good, but, on the contrary, may do much harm by widening the breach at the same time it was exposed to view. There- fore, I say, I found very little to approve of in his speech. His attack upon Clingman was certainly not justified though, to confess the truth, Clingman deserved a castiga- tion. Yancey, however, I thought, proceeded to an entirely unjustifiable extent. I said he soared above the whiners to their constituents not, however, that I think Yancey's con- stituents were by any means out of his mind, but for the most part he appealed to their pride and endeavored to rouse their indignation ; while the puppy tribe, of which I have spoken, addressed themselves only to the pockets of their constituents by a perpetual cant for retrenchment, and to their vanity by the most unbounded assertions of their "sovereignty." I discovered no instance of such a little- ness in Yancey's speech ; he maintained throughout a re- spect for himself; and though lie may have had an eye upon his constituents, yet I think the ruling motive was to make a fine speech one which should tell upon the House and put him in the papers; in short, that his aim was to acquire the reputation of an orator .And speaking of yourself and speeches reminds me of "one big lie" that I heard my friend - - tell upon you last night: he told me that, in your discussion at Dahlon- ega last summer, when you rose in reply to his father, sev- eral of the Democrats left the crowd, and that thereupon JUDGE LINTON STEPHKNS. 8 I you shouted out, "There go those rascally Democrats, and d n 'cm, let 'em go! " He said he was present at the dis- cussion ; but when he saw me smile rather dubiously, he stopped short and said, "But does your brother swear?" I told him I had never heard you swear; whereupon, he faced about and said he reckoned he must have been mis- taken, but that he thought you used "some such expres- sion." I am very much interested in the "Federalist," and am becoming a great admirer of Hamilton, by whom most of the numbers I have read were written. Well might Judge Tucker say, "He was every inch a statesman." He rea- soned admirably, and predicted almost as well [From I.. S. to A. II. S. j UNIVKRSITV OF VIRGINIA, January 21, 1845. Daniel asked me if he could propose me as a member of the club. I told him he could. He said he would do so, but forgot it at their last meeting; at the second, however, (which was two weeks ago last night, ) he did propose me, and at the third, I attended, as already said. Of course, however, it would not do so well to speak at my first at- tendance, and I accordingly reserved myself for last night. I went up swelling with a speech against universal suffrage: (they don't discuss law.) Hunt asked me, beforehand, if I intended to speak, and when I told him "yes," he said he was going to carry out a crowd to hear my debut, and that I must be on my "p's" and "q's. " There was, ac- cordingly, a pretty good crowd ; but I am sorry to confess that I was not the chief object of attraction. That honor belonged to Colonel , of Tennessee, from "Mr. Folk's own district." He is a common jest; and whenever he promises to give a speech, (as he did last night,) he is always able to command an audience. He is a member of the law-class, (Senior,) but has not, I think, given a correct answer to a single question since I have attended recita- tions. He certainly is thus far a very remarkable parallel to Chancellor Kent, who, you remember, Jim Jones said, read Blackstone through without getting an idea. Colonel J - has not yet, it is true, read through, but so far as 82 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF he has read, it may be safely asserted that he has gathered no idea. In so great demand is his oratory, that he has been appointed by the club to deliver a public oration, on the 22d of February, in celebration of the anniversary of Washington's birth-day. But he has not the least suspicion that he is made a butt of rather sets down his promotions as the sincerest evidence of respect for himself and admi- ration for his genius. If he should hereafter "astonish the nation," and prove himself another Kent indeed, then his college honors will doubtless be recounted by some faithful biographer, as the repeated testimonials of his associates, to his brilliant parts, and as indices of that genius which in mature years burst forth with such splendor upon the " pro- fession. " I have never seen but one parallel to' the Colonel, (whatever similarity there ma}- be between him and Chan- cellor Kent,) and that one is Travis Lindsay; he said once, " if his father would give him five hundred dollars, he would study medicine under Dr. B , * and make a IT. an of himself." I say, "par uobile fratnun!" But as I really feel very little like writing, and have written more for regu- larity than because I had anything to say, I believe I will bring my lucubrations to a close, trusting to-morrow even- ing will find me in a more willing mood ; so, good-bye for this time. Affectionately, LIXTOX. [From L. S. to A. II. S. ] UXIVERSITV OF VIRGIXIA, February 9, 1845. DEAR BROTHER I was glad to get a letter again from you this morning, after an interval of two days between it and your last; and I was also glad to find from its date (6th) that the failure turned out to be owing to some fault in the mail, and not, as I began to fear, to your being too unwell to write. You were sick last winter just after you made your speech on your right to a seat, and the same happening again, seems to indicate that Congressional speak- ing doesn't agree with you, while .sY.vw/'-speaking, instead of hurting you, seems to act like excitement does on old man * Dr. B. belonged to that class of the disciples of Galen, commonly known as " Root-doctors." JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 83 Adams fattens you. Are you sufficiently skilled in the philosophy of the human frame to assign a cause for the difference? or do you admit that a difference exists ? Your letter of this morning enclosed another from John, mention- ing the death of Tom Simmons. Poor Tom ! Though his was a small sphere in life, and even there, he was a quiet citizen ; yet who, for some time to come, can fill the vacancy his absence makes in his own little town ? To think of Crawfordville without Tom Simmons in it, seems strange indeed. I can scarcely think of a man there who would be missed more. I can scarcely recall a single little scene there, but he, with some of his odd sayings, and his dry, quiet laugh, seems a principal figure in the group. It is hard for me to realize that he is gone ; and it seems strange, too, that a man's misfortunes should put him out of reach of the very sympathy that should soothe it : the only hope of befriending the dead is, to remember and soothe those he would have cherished if alive. Tom's little Emily is now an orphan girl ; and well do I remember the feeling it used to produce upon me, to be told that I was an "orphan boy." Though I had never known a father or mother, yet nothing broke my spirit like being told that I was without them. It seemed to make me an object of pit)- in the eyes of other people, and that, in turn, made me Jnnnblc in my own. The negroes and the neighbors used to speak to me of myself as an "orphan boy," and I never heard it applied without feeling subdued within myself, and lonely in the world. That was the tendency ; and though I may not seem humble or subdued now, or might not have seemed so even years ago, yet what I appeared, could be no measure of the cause at work, and it could be estimated only by what I would have beeit without it ; and if I had been brought up en- tirely free from the sense of dependence, and unconscious of being pitied, I verily believe I should have been one of the wildest wretches on earth. Gleams of such a feeling shoot across me even now, but they are only gleams, and sink and fade ere they have assumed shape and taken direction. [From L. S. to A. H. S. ] UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA, February, 14, 1845. DEAR BROTHER He is altogether a rare chap, and I cultivate his acquaintance, or permit him to 84 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF cultivate mine, that I may have the double pleasure of hear- ing him spin his yarns, (which, true to his sailor's educa- tion, he takes great delight in,) and then of proving them to be lies, as I did the other night, for instance. He was entertaining a crowd with an account of the wonders of Ant- werp, (which he visited in some of his sea-faring wander- ings,) and, among other things, mentioned the steeple on the cathedral there, which, he said, was about three hundred feet high, and was ascended by a flight of steps eleven hun- dred in number, and each a foot in thickness. \Yhen he brought that out, I broke into one of the biggest kind of o oo laughs (which the crowd did also, though I believe in my heart the}' saw nothing ludicrous, save in the stupendous dimensions of that steeple) and asked him if he didn't mean eleven hundred instead of three hundred only, or else that there were only three hundred steps instead of eleven hundred, each a foot thick. He at first boldly defended himself by in- dorsing his first version, and he immediately brought the crowd to a stand, and (my remarks had by this time pointed out to them the true cause of my laughter) reduced them to the unpleasant predicament of not knowing on whom to throw the laugh ; fearing that they would prove themselves fools by laughing on the wrong side, and equally fearing they would produce the same result by not laughing at all, since a blunder was evidently committed on one side or the other, and not to laugh would be not to perceive or to appreciate it so the\- were brought to a stand; but 1 by no means permitted things to remain -on so critical a balance, but im- mediately put off all my mirth, and by a very few words satisfied every one of them that eleven hundred steps, each a foot thick would (let them id) id as much as they might) inevitably reach eleven hundred feet high ; and I then again immediately relapsed into my former fit of laughter, in which I was again followed by the crowd and by himself as heartily as the rest The person, at whose expense the laugh was created, had just entered the law-school- as a student. He attempted to complete his academic education at three different colleges in vain. Dismissed from each, he tried a sea-faring life. A few months' experience disgusted him with that so he, as a dernier res sort, betook himself to the law. JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 85 [From A. II. S. to L. S. ] HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, January 19, 1845. DEAR BROTHER Last night, Mr. Clay made a show on the colonization question and such a show I never saw before ! People were here from Bal- timore, Philadelphia and New York, to say nothing of Alexandria and this city. The House of Representatives and galleries were jammed and crammed before five o'clock. The Colonization Society were to meet at 7. I came over at half-past 6, but found I could not get in at the door below, much less to get up the steps leading to the House. The people were wedged in as tight as they could be squeezed, from outside the door all the way up the steps, and the current could neither move up nor down. There were several thousands still outside. I availed myself of my knowledge of the meanderings of an intricate, narrow pas- sage under the rotunda, and round by the Supreme Court- room, into the alley from the clerk's room, into the House at the side-door by the House post-office, and through this Cobb and I, with Robinson, of Indiana, wound our way, finding it unobstructed, until we got to the door, where the crowd was as tight as human bodies could be jammed ; but we drove through the solid mass and got in and passed on the space by the fire to the left of the Speaker's chair, where, by looking over the screen, we could see the chair. When we got to this place, what a sight was before our eyes! The great new chandelier, lighted up with gas, was brilliant and splendid indeed ; and then, what a sea of heads and faces ! Every nook and corner on the floor below, and the galleries above, the aisles, the area, the steps on the Speaker's rostrum, were running over. The crowd was pushed over the railing, and men were standing on the out- side cornice, all around, and the}* were hanging on the old clock and the figure of time. Such a sight you never saw ; none in the Hall could turn ; women fainted and had to be carried out over the solid mass. At about seven, Clay came, but could hardly be got in. The crowd, however, after a while, was opened, while the dome resounded with uninterrupted, continuous "huzza! huzza! huzza!" and when he got to the chair, one fellow Jiolloi^cd " three cheers for Henry Clay, "which were given in the loudest burst 86 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF you ever heard; and when he got through, some fellow "hollowed" out, "three more," and again the welkin rang. When this burst was over, altogether cried out, "three more," and so they kept it up. You never saw- such a scene! After a while, order was restored; the busi- ness of the Society was transacted. Dayton, of New Jer- sey, offered a resolution and commenced speaking ; but one fellow cried, ' ' Clay ! Clay !" the cry became general, and soon also became general with " put him clown ! " " put him out ! " "pitch him out the window!" but Dayton held out, kept speaking until lie was literally drowned with " down ! down ! down ! hush ! hush ! Clay ! Clay ! Clay, " etc. , and then the old hero rose. Three more cheers for Henry Clay were sug- gested, and quickly did they come; three more! and they, too, came ; three more ! and they came ; tlircc more ! and they came quicker and louder than any of the others. At length, still and quiet reigned, as if no breath stirred from any bosom: Clay commenced speaking, and all were silent. Of his speech, 1 say nothing. He was easy, fluent, bold, commanding, but, in my opinion, not eloquent. At about nine, an adjournment was announced. Cobb and I made good our retreat through the same narrow passage, and got out in a few moments. I suppose the great mass did not get out in an hour. I understand that i^liole acres of peo- ple had to go away without getting in at all. Shepperd, of North Carolina, whom you know as being more \\liigisJt than Clay'sk, rather snappishly remarked, when we got to our mess-quarters, that he (Clay) could get more men to run after him to hear him speak, and fewer to vote for him, than any man in America. [From A. II . S. to L. S. ] WASHINGTON', D. C, February 23, 1845. DEAR BROTHER I dined with Hunt at Coleman's. He had a large party, and we had a fine time of it. The best joke we had \vas upon General Clinch, who was also present Sometime ago, upon a call of the House, the General was not present at first, but came in (having been sent for) just as he heard his name called by the Clerk ; and all vexed and mad, and puffing, and blowing, and sweating, replied or answered to his name, JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 8/ at the top of his voice, "No," instead of "Hen-," as is usual in such cases. This caused general notice in the House, when I said to him, "General, say 'Here;' it is a call of the House;" to which here plied, "Oh, d n it, I don't care; I am against all they do anyhow," loud enough for all to hear, which caused a great laugh ; and it caused a loud burst, I assure you, at the table. The old General took it finely, and we had some fun. Crittenden told, how- ever, what affected me most. He said that he had just got a letter from a friend in Lexington, who, in giving him the news, etc., remarked that Mr. Clay came that morning to his office as usual, (you know he has gone to hard work in earnest,) when some stranger being present, remarked, "Why, Mr. Clay, have you come from home this morn- ing? it is early." The old Roman replied, "Yes, sir, and walked at that; " and, pulling out his watch, told new- many minutes he had been walking the distance, which was a very short time. When his friend, who seemed to be himself surprised at it, remarked, "Why, indeed! I be- lieve I will enter you in the great foot-race to come off on Long Island next month." "Oh, no you needn't," re- plied Clay, "for if I were to win it, they would contrive some way to cheat me out of it." A noble old fellow, isn't he? [From A. H. S. to L. S. ] CRAWFORDVILLE, May 29, 1845. DEAR BROTHER I wrote to you yesterday, informing you of my safe arrival home, etc., and enclosed you fifty dollars, giving, at the same time, some suggestions touching your return, etc. Since then, I have been reflecting upon a sub- ject that I had before thought a little upon, and have con- cluded to mention it to you, and that is the propriety of your going on to Cambridge and spending the ensuing fall at that school. The additional expense would not be an object, 1 think, compared with the advantages to be de- rived. I am more inclined to this opinion, from the fact stated in one of your previous letters, that you had not taken up the subject of Evidence at all in your present course, which is so soon to come to a close. Nothing is so important to a lawyer as a thorough knowledge of the law 88 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF of evidence. At Cambridge, I understand, you can pur- sue whatever study or branch of the law you wish, and I think it very advisable for you to take a course upon Ev- idence and Equity practice. Those subjects are well taught there. You could govern your studies according to cir- cumstances after your arrival. The moot-courts there also would be of great advantage. If you were now to return, you would not get any practice immediately. You, per- haps, had better be improving your mind there, with more facilities than you possibly could at home, though it might and would be at an increased expense. You would have an opportunity of seeing the large Eastern cities Philadel- phia, New York, Boston, etc. with an opportunity of seeing something of Yankee character. You would, of course, go directly to Boston. . . . The commence- ment at Cambridge is in September, and by that time, you can see how you like the place, and by November, or the meeting of Congress, you can determine whether it would be worth while to continue during the winter; if not, you could then return, spend a few weeks in Washington, sec Congress again in session, and come on and set out "your shingle" at the beginning of next rear. \Yhat think you o o o * - of it? I make the suggestion, and advise you to take that course, believing it to be best [From A. If. S. to L. S. | CRAWFORDVILLE, June 11, 1845. DEAR BROTHER Yours of the 4th instant came to hand this evening, and I was glad to hear that you had concluded to go to Cambridge ; for there, I think, you will have su- perior advantages to those at the University of Virginia though I do not think your time at that place has been mis- spent. You have made acquaintances learned something of the world, if not much of the law and your reading- there will render you more capable of improvement at the other place. But I suppose I need not venture the opin- ion that you will find everything entirely different, and you will soon discover that you know nothing of law. This, perhaps, you will discover sufficiently early. I will, how- ever, barely suggest to you, in order to put you on your guard : your having graduated at the Law School of the JUDGE L1NTON STEPHENS. 89 Old Dominion, will cause attention to be somewhat directed to you, and something will be expected of you, and you will not be disappointed in finding that to maintain a stand, you will have to study, and study hard. Nothing but close application will do there. It is for this reason I wished you to go. Your last six months, I take it, have been a sort of holiday; you must now go to work. The Yankees arc a different people from the Virginians. You will find every- thing different the school, the habits and manners of the students, as well as the system of instruction. You must accommodate yourself to the new state of things in which you are placed; and, above all, you must recollect that you go to learn to gain information to acquaint yourself with the principles and practice of law. Let these be your ab- sorbing thoughts. You will find no card-playing, horse- racing, and cigar-smoking there. You must, therefore, drop your Virginia habits, and bend yourself to work. I would advise you to attend to Evidence and Equity prac- tice mainly, and never neglect the moot-court He received the diploma of Bachelor of Laws from the University of Virginia, in July, 1845. Immediately after graduation, adopting the suggestion of his brother, as well as attracted thither by the splendid reputation which the genius and learning of the late Joseph Story clan/in ct I'cncrabilc nomcn had contributed so largely to give to that nursery of legal science, he repaired to the Law School at Cambridge, Massachusetts. * * Judge Story, at that time Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, \vas, during the sessions, one of " The Mess'' at Wash- ington City, whereof Chief Justice Taney, Judge McLean, Judge McKin- ley, of the Supreme Bench ; Mr. A. II. Stephens, Mr. Jacob Callamer, of the House of Representatives, and others scarcely less distinguished in the juridical or political history of the country, were members. lie was the central figure of the hoard the soul of social hilarity and mirth. When weightier cares did not forbid, the "Attic nights " their social gatherings reproduced recall the club-meetings at Wills', or "The Monk.- of the Screw "- " Nights spent not in toys, or lust, or wine, But search of deep philosophy, Wit, eloquence and poesy Arts which all loved." 9* 90 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF [From A. H. S. to L. S.] HAMILTON, GA., June 22, 1845. DEAR BROTHER .... I was very much amused at your account of the first interview with Judge Story, and the more so from my knowledge of the man, and correct idea of just how the scene passed off. He is one of the jolliest old men I ever saw, and is always in a fine humor and great flow of spirits. But you must be somewhat on your guard with him that is, you must be very careful in the observance of certain rules of propriety and decorum. Don't suffer yourself to imagine that he has no sense of dignity, and that respect which his age and character are entitled to from his inferiors. He is free and easy, and in- timate even with inferiors, if they pursue the proper course on their part. You must, therefore, always keep your dis- tance. You may be free and easy, and laugh at his anec- dotes, but never assume an air of equality or familiarity. Forwardness in a young man is extremely disagreeable to Judge Story, and modesty with him is a great virtue. Your conduct, therefore, must be exceedingly circumspect. A high sense of honor he quickly perceives and greatly ap- preciates, and nothing touches or kindles his dislike sooner than the discovery of a principle of lawlessness, or reckless- ness, or disorder, or insubordination, or even that impertin- ence which characterizes so many of our young men of the South. Be careful, therefore, of your actions, and always endeavor to show yourself orderly, attentive, studious, cour- teous and decorous in all your deportment; for you may depend upon it, he is a close observer, however little you might, on first acquaintance, suppose him to be. There Linton Stephens first formed the personal acquaintance of Judge Story. It ripened into the warmest friendship to lie dissolved, alas ! too soon, by death ! Judge Story died in September, 1845. J-'.n passant, I heard a gentleman now deceased, then a leader at the bar, and promi- nent in polities, and who was generally very accurate in his statements of fact- say that it was Judge Story's influence over Mr. Webster that made him a Federalist. The truth is, Judge Story never was a Federalist. He was brutally beaten by a mob, in the streets of Salem, in 1812, because he supported Mr. Madison and the friends of the last war with Great Britain he maintaining that the war was necessary and just. JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 9! After completing his course of legal studies at Cam- bridge, he returned home; and at the March term, 1846, of Taliaferro Superior Court, was licensed to practice law in all the courts of Georgia, except the Supreme Court. He opened an office at Crawfordville, and at once entered into an extensive and lucrative practice. Perhaps no young man in the State ever rose so rapidly and so deservedly to the head of the profession as he unless the solitary excep- tions be found in the instances of his brother Alexander and the late Thomas R. R. Cobb, a gentleman of great gifts, great industry and ripe culture who gave the first years of his manhood unremittingly and exclusively to the "jealous science of the law." Young Stephens' first fee was in a case which fell within the jurisdiction of the Infe- rior Court. Before that august tribunal, he lost his case. It was carried to the Superior Court by writ of ccrtiorari; there again he lost it. Nothing daunted, and contrary to the opinions of gentlemen of the profession, whom he con- sulted, and who were agreed as to the legal accuracy of the judgments rendered, he appealed to the Supreme Court, and his case was there sustained. How many young law- yers any 7 where would, under suck circumstances, have man- ifested so much steadfastness of purpose, so much persist- ence of conduct, and so much faith in the truth of his own convictions! The incident is important only, and is intro- duced here only, because it mirrors forth one of the capital features of his character SELF-RELIAXGE and tJiat un- mixed with arrogance. The following letter must have been a stimulant to the ambition of the youthful aspirant for a fair renown, and gratifying to a pardonable pride : [From A. H. S. to L. S. ] WASHINGTON, D. C., February 3, 1846. DEAR BROTHER Your letter, written the day after your return from LaGrange, came to hand last night, and I was ()2 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF glad to hear once more from you ; for it had begun to seem long. I suppose you are now preparing yourself for ad- mission to the bar, and you must keep yourself closely at study. You ought to review Blackstone thoroughly, and make yourself familiar with the statutes of the State par- ticularly on Attachments, Garnishments, Civil Process, Bail, etc. ; indeed, you ought to know well all tJic statutes. To do this, and keep up your other studies, your time is short. You ought to recollect that you will have some rep- utation at hazard in your examination ; for not only in La- Grange are you considered a great man, but all your ac- quaintances, and those not your acquaintances, will look for something extraordinary from one who has enjoyed so many extra advantages. Moreover, the impression has got out, by some means, that you are a very smart fellow a splendid young man a great deal smarter than "Ellic"- and you must not disappoint that impression ; for recollect, when I was admitted, Colonel Lumpkin and Judge Craw- ford said I stood the best examination they ever heard. Joseph Sturges told me, the other day, that he saw some- body who told him that you ' ' were a splendid young man " far above ordinary. Some Virginian asked Howell Cobb, the other day, about you. He said you had a great deal better mind than I had : so you see something very great is expected of you, and, to come up to expectation, you must "eat but little idle bread." Shortly after his admission to the bar, young Stephens formed a co-partnership, in the practice, with his cousin and class-mate, Bird, of whom mention has been made in preceding pages. It is no mean proof of the high estima- tion in which each was held by their fellow-citizens, that professional partners in a business which makes, however unjustly, personal foes, living in the same village, of con- sanguine relationship, of common opinions, feelings, affin- ities, should have been simultaneously, by a common con- stituency, elected to political station at so early an age. Stephens was chosen Representative, for Taliaferro, in 1849, and re-elected successively to the same office, until he JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 93 changed his residence to the county of Hancock. Bird was chosen Senator, for Taliaferro and Warren, in 1851, and was re-elected to the same office in 1852 and 1853, but died in October, 1853, and never took his seat under his last election. [From A. H. S. to L. S. ] WASHINGTON, D. C, January 13, 1847. DEAR BROTHER I must tell you a good thing Toombs said in reply to Burt the other day; and first, by way of explanation, I must premise that Burt is anxious to get up an excitement upon the slave question. He wanted Toombs to speak upon that subject, and upon Wilmot's Proviso, etc., and, amongst other things, told him to "peel old Ritchie." Toombs was listening to all his lecture, as if agreeing with him, until he came to the last that is, Burt's injunction to him to "peel old Ritchie." Here Toombs broke by saying : ' ' Now, by George ! skin your own skunk! for I'll be d d if I am going to hunt any such game ! " Mr. Stephens was an ardent Whig. His individual pref- erence for President of the United States, in 1848, was Mr. Clay, as it had been in 1844; but, believing that General Taylor could be elected, and that another defeat would fol- low the nomination of his favorite, and that a change in the administration was necessary, he advocated the nomi- nation of General Taylor on the ground of availability only. The canvass was an exciting one, and marked perhaps by more of personal acrimony in Georgia than in any other State of the Union. Stephens entered into the canvass with great zeal and ardor; in it he "won his spurs," and took his place among the knights of the political arena. The General Assembly of 1849-50, in either branch, was unusually distinguished for talent and ability. The roll of the Senate was illustrated by the names of Andrew J. Mil- ler, Joseph E. Brown, Richard H. Clark, Charles Murphy, 94 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF David J. Baily, John Jones, Edward D. Chisolm, William W. Clayton and others; in the House were A. H. Kenan, J. N. Ramsey, R. P. Trippe, L. J. Gartrell, J. A. Jones, A. C. Walker, \V. T. Wofford, A. T. Mclntyre, Y. L. G. Harris, Alex. McDougald, T. C. Howard, A. J. Lane, and others, then or since distinguished in the history of the State. Conspicuous among the foremost in the bright gal- axy was Linton Stephens. When he rose to speak, no person commanded more considerate and respectful atten- tion, and none better repaid it. An assiduous course of mental discipline had made him master of his faculties; he could call up to his aid, at an}' moment, all his resources of knowledge, logic, illustration, wit, satire indeed, every weapon of his intellectual armory he kept bright, polished and ever ready for use ; and, like the sword of Fitz James, the weapon employed was equally formidable for assault or defense. It was this power conjoined with an emo- tional nature and earnest convictions, animated by the in- spiration which deep feeling can alone breathe into spoken thought that made Charles James Fox the most accom- plished debater that ever appeared upon the theater of public affairs in any age of the world. There are many features of mental and cordal resemblance between Stephens and Fox. In one respect, there was no similitude ; Stephens did not "speak to ever}' question." [From A. II. S. to L. S. ] WASHINGTON, D. C., January 2, 1850. DEAR BROTHER I send you with this a copy of the address drawn up by a committee from the Memphis Convention. Read it. Mills, whose name is to it, is that same Charles C. Mills, of whom you have heard me speak, and who, at one time in my life, gave an important turn to my destiny. He is now here. He has entertained me with strange incidents in his life. Amongst others, the other night, in speaking of the nearest distance JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 95 to San Francisco, he got off upon the idea of the nearest route from any two points on the same latitude, being on that line of latitude. I told him it was not necessarily so, and attempted to explain by an apple on my table. He saw that, but thought it would not apply to so large a body as the earth ; and then went on to say that he had no doubt that just such a mistake occasioned the loss of the steamship, President, in 1841. He said he went to Europe in 1839, an d had Captain Roberts, I believe it was, in com- mand ; that Captain Roberts told him the same thing, and that he thought he could go to Liverpool much nearer than the usually traveled route or course; that in 1841 he started to go to Europe again ; got to New York, went on board the President to start; there met the same Captain Roberts, who recognized him, and told him that he was go- ing to make the shortest trip ever made between this coun- try and England ; showed him the course he was going to run. Just before the ship started or sailed, he concluded not to go ; had his baggage put off; stood upon the wharf and saw the steamer leave the harbor amidst the shouts of thousands. The President has never been heard of since. He says the captain ran up into the icebergs to find a ncm passage. But enough of this. I was entertained at the in- cident in his life. I asked him what induced him to leave the ship. He said, nothing in the world, but a wJiini en- tered his mind that he could do his business as well by cor- respondence though he had gone from Alabama to go out in that steamer and had got aboard. He had a large amount of cotton in Liverpool. You know that I am a believer in special Providence : hence this made an impres- sion upon my mind All who have visited "Liberty Hall" know Harry, the faithful body-servant of Mr. Stephens; frequent visitors there know Eliza, his wife. Linton Stephens had in life no friends, white or black, more sincerely devoted to him, and few mourned him dead with deeper sorrow, than these faithful and* devoted servants. The subjoined letter relates to the marriage of the couple. Shortly after the event, Mr. Stephens purchased Harry. 96 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF [From A. II. S. to L. S. ] WASHINGTON, D. C, March 14, 1850. DEAR BROTHER In my letter written at the House to- day, I forgot to reply to the request of Cooler's Harry to take Eliza for his wife. Say to him that I have no objec- tion. And tell Eliza to go to Solomon & Henry's and get her a wedding dress, including a pair of fine shoes, etc., and to have a decent wedding of it. Let them cook a sup- per, and have such of their friends as they wish. Tell them to get some "parson man" and be married like "Christian folks." Let the wedding come off some time when you are at home, so that you may keep order amongst them. Buy a pig, and let them have a good supper. Let Eliza bake some pound-cake, and set a good wedding-supper. Yours, affectionately, ALEXANDER H. STEPHENS. [From A. H. S. to L. S. ] WASHINGTON, D. C., March 23, 1850. DEAR BROTHER Your two letters of the i8th instant (one enclosing copy of your expose] were received last night. In a letter I wrote to you yesterday, I gave you my views upon that matter. I think the piece well written. Indeed, to tell you the truth, it is better written than I thought you capable of, if you will pardon this awkward expression. A little more concentration would have made it a powerful paper. I noticed in the Southern Recorder, at the time of the disorganization, a short statement by some anonymous writer, which struck me with its force and vim. But it lacked the substance. It was the mere thunder with- out the lightning. If your argument had been clothed up in the same style, or hurled forth with the same energy, it would have been a paper of unusual ability. In reference to Mr. Toombs' opinion, I will barely say, that the day after I read the piece, I casually, or "artfully," if you please, asked if he had seen the "Whig exposition, or the address of the members of our Legislature in justification of their course in withdrawing from the Houle. " He re- plied that he had, and it was a fine paper, or some words of that import. I told him that, I had received a letter JUDGE L1NTON STEPHENS. 97 from you stating that you had written it. He replied, ' ' Ah, indeed ! Well, it is a good paper ; I was struck with it, and well pleased with it." This is about the substance of his remarks. Jones has not published it, and I doubt if he noticed it in the Recorder, for I did not ; I saw it in the Journal. I fear we shall have some weeks now of cold weather. It keeps me in-doors. As to my health, I am in statu quo perfectly well, except that disease which Alfriend calls urti- caria, and which Hall calls cxcina, and which I call the mange. I feel about as I did yesterday after taking a sul- phur vapor bath. The itching is not as aggravating as it has been. [From A. II. S. to L. S. ] WASHINGTON, D. C., April 15, 1850. DEAR BROTHER I send you to-day two slips from the Baltimore Sun one giving an account of a fire in our vi- cinity yesterday, and the other giving an account of the flare-up in the court here Saturday. It was quite a scene, I understand. I am a May man in the controversy. This is the third or fourth time, I hear, the court has undertaken to set aside verdicts rendered in his favor, on in favor of his clients, when the grounds were not thought by impartial judges- to be sufficient. On Saturday, he gave the court a raking which they will never forget, and perhaps if he had given them a slight touch of the same character before, he- might have been spared the unpleasant duty of laying on so hard at this late date. I detest a court that acts partially, or from prejudice, on the bench. May is a young man Bradley is of long standing. May is struggling his way up against adverse fortunes; Bradley is at the head of the "elite." May stood it as long as he could, and when he did break loose he hurled his thunders with the potency of a young Jove. Now, in my opinion, no court ought to allow any lawyer to make such a remark at the bar, as Bradley did, about the verdict of a jury, without a repri- mand. A jury may act wrongly they may act foolishly they may render an absurd verdict; but it is rare they act corruptly: and they should be treated with respect. The House adjourned to-day .immediately after meeting. The death of Campbell, the Clerk, was announced by the 10 98 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF Speaker. Gentry then made some remarks, accompanied with resolutions, and the House adjourned. What is to be done, touching the election of a successor, I have no idea. I remained in the Hall but a few minutes, and interchanged views with nobody upon the subject. I expect we shall have a renewal of the scenes we had at the organization that is, we shall probably ballot or vote several days before an election is made. Steele, formerly of Milledgeville, was Campbell's Chief Clerk, and I suppose he will act in the interim. I feel less interest in politics than I ever did in my life. I don't think, if I should live many a year to come, that I should ever again feel any deep interest in the suc- cess of any ticket upon mere party considerations. The principles in issue, and not the men before me combined, shall always hereafter control my vote upon all elections. All parties are corrupt, and all party organizations are kept up by bad men for corrupt purposes. I shall hereafter treat all alike. I am out of party. I have been very much pained lately at seeing the course of men that I once thought so well of, and for whose elevation to office I strove so hard. My only consolation is the consciousness of the in- tegrity of my motives. I was for good government ; I looked to nothing but the common good and prosperity of the country. I was green enough to suppose that there was such a thing as disinterested patriotism. I thought those to whom I have alluded were actuated by that prin- ciple. I find I was mistaken, and I feel mortified at my disappointment; but I bear my mortification as I do a bruise or a sprain I sometimes get by my own negligence or blunder. I shall endeavor to avoid such accidents for the future. The men to whom I now allude are P and . These men, I think, I had put in the cab- inet; I know I contributed to it; I am inclined to think that the responsibility rests upon me ; and I would not have you understand me as saying anything against them, farther than that I have been disappointed in the course of policy they pursue. - is clever, friendly, honest, and free, I think, from all intrigue, but he is wholly unfit for his present place. He takes no interest in public affairs. He consults nobody as to the propriety of his appointments ; he makes great blunders in these. He has formed no ac- quaintance with members of Congress, has no complacency JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 99 of manner, but is rigid, grum and austere in his intercourse. He manifests no concern in what is done in cabinet, or in the public policy of the administration. He has none of the elements of a statesman about him. And as for P , I am much worse disappointed in him ; for I find he is a scheming, intriguing politician. He was elated and transformed by his mere position. Pie was put into a new and higher sphere ; with this change, "a change came over the spirit of his dreams." He is not the man no\v that he was two years ago his opinions have changed his views are different. He was then looking to his district ; he is now looking to the wide horizon of the whole country not to what will contribute to the peace, quiet, honor, renown, and prosperity of all, but to the miserable, petty party feel- ings and prejudices of the different sections, and not even with the view of correcting these, but with the purpose of courting popular applause by pandering to popular favor and feeling. He is a theorist and an enthusiast. He takes up an idea and adheres to it with the pertinacity of a dog- matist. He has clone more to ruin this administration, I think, than all the other members of the cabinet together. He has Taylor s confidence ; he has more influence with him than any other man. Taylor is pure and honest; his im- pulses are right, but he suffers his own judgment to be controlled by that of others, and by no one so much as P . The blunder he made was in suffering himself to be influenced and duped by Sewarcl. I allude to P now. I have no doubt an alliance was formed between them before Congress met. The extent of the implied understanding, to call it nothing else, I do not know; but the anti-slavery men of the North were to be brought to the support of Taylor by Seward not by the surrender of the sentiment, but by making Taylor the head of the party not as an abolitionist, but as a liberal man of the South, opposed to the extension of slavery, and willing for the majority of the North to carry out any measure they might think proper. The Whig party, in other words, was to absorb the Free-soil party at the North, and become the great Anti-slavery party of the nineteenth century. The Democrats of the North would be put down by their affil- iation with slavery the whole North would be Whig Taylor would be re-elected, and then Seward would sue- IOO BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF ceed, and a long list of successions doubtless loomed up in the opening vista. These are the illusions which, I think, broke upon the vision of the Secretary as he began to open his eyes after his transfer to his new sphere of action. In plain English, I believe he formed an alliance with the Frec- soilers; and I believe he is now exerting his utmost power, and all the influence of the government, to prevent an adjust- ment of the slave question upon the plan of Clay's resolutions, McClernand's bill and Webster's speech. I am not with him ; I am done with him ; I have no further use for him ; I have had no unpleasant words with him ; I have told him can- didly and distinctly, that his policy will ruin General Taylor. It will break down the administration North and South. It will leave him with a smaller part}' than Tyler had. I have been for months doing all I could to get P to look at this matter rightly. I never gave him up as hope- less till last week ; and I will here remark, that, if you re- member last fall when I first came here, I told you Taylor, in my opinion, would sign the proviso. You may now understand why I thought so. That point alone would not have caused me to break with the Whig party, but I soon saw that the expectation was that Winthrop was to be elected by a coalition of the Southern Whigs with the Frec- soilers, and the Whig party was to be the Anti-slavery party. Against that I kicked I detested the idea. I would not act for a moment with a party that had the re- motest hope of accomplishing such a result by my co-op- eration with them. We made a point upon the Whigs; we got up a great row ; we shook the country from one end to the other. The disorganization of the Mouse aroused pub- lic sentiment; the feeling of the North began to give way; we soon learned that the piwiso would be vetoed, if passed ; of this I informed you. But the storm was then up, and it could not be calmed. The Northern Whigs, feeling the great pressure from home, and fearing the}' would be com- pelled to yield their sentiments, and come to a full and final settlement of the question, caved in and let Cobb be elected Speaker. Mr. Clay, who came here a Wilmot-Proviso man, seeing the state of feeling, seixed upon the occasion and brought forward his compromise ; Webster followed, and twenty Northern Whigs, perhaps fort}', in the House, were ready to follow, and settle the whole question. But P , JUDGE LIXTON STEPHENS. IOI (jealous of Clay, and not willing that his movement should succeed that is, that territorial bills without the proviso should pass, which would always be as good as Clay's com- promise,) set his head against it. I worked with him, hoping he would yield, but he set all his powers against it, and has got General Taylor dead against it; and, if we carry General McClernand's bill, we shall do it over and against the whole power of the government, and the Whig party will be de- funct. Now, you see why I say I am disappointed in P . As for , he is with us in this matter, but he is not worth a stiver, or he never would have let P got so wrong himself before we came here, and he never would have let him got such unlimited control of Taylor. He never would have suffered the whole patronage of the government at the North to go, as it has gone, to sustain the Free-soilers and Sewarcl men. But enough. Good-bye. Yours, affectionately, A. H. STEPHENS. [From A. II. S. to L. S. ] WASHINGTON, D. C., April 19, 1850. DEAR BROTHER To be present and hear continuous debates for four hours to watch every turn that even a word or an expression may give to the winding current of great national events which will soon be historical is a source of peculiar gratification ; but to rise in the morning after, and sec the whole spread out in a broad sheet for dissemination to the remotest parts of the world, is a matter which excites, or should excite, some- thing higher than gratification. It is true, we have got so used to it that we think no more of it than the air we breathe ; and perhaps the same may be said of them at a distance, who are mostly benefited by it. What a wonder would such a state of things have been in England one hundred years ago ! The first debates of Parliament, I believe, that were ever published were written by Dr. Johnson, and pub- lished in the Gentleman 's Magazine in 1740. He barely got notes of the speeches in the gallery, and wrote them out in his garret. I have been entertained lately in reading some of these debates. Johnson did not give the names of the speakers. The whole was kept up as a fictitious report of IO2 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF proceedings in the legislative councils of the Island of Lilli- put. The questions were stated with such an analogy that no one could mistake the caricature, and they were read with avidity all over England. That was the commencement of Parliamentary reports ; and it is a striking fact that the great speech of Pitt, that overthrew the YValpole Ministry in 1740, which is treasured up as one of the brightest ornaments of British eloquence, was written by Johnson in his garret, and never seen by him, who was afterwards Earl of Chatham I mean it was never seen by him until after it was published. Johnson disclosed this fact himself, and in r.ather an interesting and interested way. The speech was highly lauded at a table w r here Johnson and others were. The old rascal could not act the part of Junius and remain sub umbra, but his vanity was so great that he said: "I wrote that speech in a gar- ret." This was some years after its publication, and it led to a disclosure that the whole debates at that period were written by Johnson, as above stated ; and the old Tory-dog Slid he always took care that the Whigs should not get the better of the argument. But he missed it in Pitt's speech ; for whatever he might have thought, the people were of the opinion that Pitt carried his point. Perhaps Johnson was partial to him, individually. But now, if you please, just think for a moment what we and our ancestors were as late as one hundred years ago, and what we and they are now I mean what the people of this country and England, from whom they sprang, were one hundred years ago, and what both peoples are now, in commerce, trade, facility of travel, transmission of intelligence, and everything that marks and distinguishes civilization from barbarism! Why, just in this thing of printing, I suppose I am within the bounds of truth when I say that, in one night after the adjournment of Congress, before the morning session begins, the Globe- office will throw off more printed matter than all London could have done, one hundred years ago, in one month. It is astonishing to step into that office and see the magic genius at work ! The ideas and thoughts of men, as uttered on the respective floors of the two Houses of Congress, are caught in their airy sounds and fixed in strange marks or ciphers; then transformed into English manuscript; then handed to divers compositors, who transform them into a JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. IO3 new language of types, which are bound fast and then put under steam, which throws off five or six hundred impres- sions while one hand would be copying a few sentences, and in a few hours, fifty or a hundred thousand, as the de- mand requires, are ready for delivery. The steam-engine is a wonderful invention. We are in the habit of paying this compliment to it when we think of its power on the railroad, the river and the ocean ; but when I have lately noticed its wonderful agency in the diffusion of news and intelligence by the press, I am disposed to think that its real powers are as strikingly observable there as when driv- ing the iron-horse at his most powerful speed, or forcing the massive ship against the elements of wind and water. But what is this compared to the telegraph ? It may seem strange to us to be told that one printing-office can to-day do more work in twelve hours than any one in London could have done in one whole month a hundred years ago; but how small a matter is that, in contrasting the present with the past, when, we realize the fact, that now we can send, in ten minutes, intelligence from Maine to Louisiana, a distance of two thousand miles, which, one hundred years ago, would have required almost a month by the swiftest couriers known, with relays arranged previously for the purpose. We are certainly making great and rapid strides in making the laws of nature subservient to the uses and purposes of man ; and in this, I think, consists all useful knowledge and science. Whoever contributes a new idea on this subject is a pioneer in knowledge ; and whoever de- vises or contrives any scheme, by which any of the ele ments about us can be turned into a useful purpose, is a benefactor of his race. Science true science is nothing but the knowledge of the laws of nature, and is useful only in so far as it enables mind to get the mastery of matter. Now, what shall we be one hundred years to come? This is a most interesting question. Shall we go on, or shall \ve retrograde? This depends, in my opinion, very much upon the course of political events. Politics and government, in my opinion, have in the main, since the formation of hu- man society, been at war with the best interests of man. Government, place and power have always been the prize which those have sought and struggled for, who have strong passions and mean propensities those in whom the ani- IO4 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF mal and brutal qualities of our nature triumph over the re- fined and intellectual. Hence, those who contend for the prize of government resort to all sorts of means to arouse the worst and basest animal passions of the low and vulgar, to get them, as ministering devils or demons, to accomplish their purposes. The good of the people the elevation, or even comfort, to say nothing of the happiness, of the masses of mankind seldom enter into the minds of those who am- bitiously aspire to rule. They look upon the low, the igno- rant and the humble as fit only to be the tools of their am- bition. This, I think, the history of the world shows. Hence, in the records of the past, we read of little but the wars of kings and princes, the intrigues of courts, and the change of dynasties ; and hence, the history of our race, as we find it in books, is but a melancholy record of blood and carn- age. There is very little consolatory, much less useful, knowledge to be gleaned from it. What a great pity the majority of mankind cannot see their error! The only his- tory of the world, that the great mass of men have any in- terest in, is that which gives them the beginning, the origin, the progress, and advancement of the useful arts and sci- ences. The authors of these have been the real benefactors of mankind. From this list, it is true, I would not exclude a few of the statesmen who have, at long intervals, dotted the annals of the past men who breasted the storm of tyr- anny, and upheld, with heroic virtue, the standard of truth and the rights of their fellows. But if I were to write a history, ancient or modern, I should allow the name of no mere politician and trickster, who pandered to the baser passions for power, to have a place therein unless it were to hold it up for scorn and hatred as some more daring pirate that might figure at a particular time. My word for it, politicians are enemies of mankind. I speak of them as a class. They corrupt, debase and de- grade the people, instead of improving, elevating and fitting them, as they should, for further advancement in knowl- edge, refinement and civilization. All the influences of government, therefore, are at war with the improvements of the age. These have sprung up in time of peace in spite of opposing influences. They are the fruits of an active, inquiring, untrammeled intellect. For free inquiry, we may be said to be indebted to government. That may be true JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. IO5 in one sense, but not in the sense in which I speak of gov- ernment; for this very liberality of government was never conceded until extorted by the people, whose interests were at war with the real principles of most governments. Free inquiry, freedom of debate and opinion, were never the fos- ter-offspring of unlimited government; and the only hope I have for the future is in the virtue of the great mass of the people, in our own country particularly, in resisting the temp- tations of those who would deceive, cheat, degrade and de- stroy them for their own individual, political purposes. I am beginning to suspect and to detest all political parties, clubs and combinations. I look upon them as dangerous to the great and permanent interests of the people. The people, in government, should have but one object, and that object good laws I might add, with a faithful exe- cution of them. It is a matter of no sort of consequence with them who may make them, or who ma}' execute them, provided their agents in their behalf be honest, capable and faithful. Integrity is the most essential requisite in a public officer. But I am wandering from my question. What shall the people of this country be one hundred years to come? Have they now reached the maximum of discovery and im- provement allotted to men, or shall future efforts of genius elevate them to new and unexplored regions of science? Shall a wider horizon, and even new spheres, yet be opened to their visions? Shall their progress still be onward? Shall those who fill our places a century hereafter contrast their condition with ours, as I now contrast ours with that of our ancestors in the days of Pitt? This, in my opinion, depends upon the government and the government de- pends upon the virtue, intelligence and patriotism of the people. If the people are true to themselves, our progress shall be onward and upward. If we remain at peace with ourselves, and cultivate the arts of peace, a bright and glo- rious future is before us; but if demagogues triumph if civil strife is once ripened into civil war our course will soon be ended, and' we shall add another chapter to the great Book of Chronicles, in which are registered the deeds of warriors, the glory of battle-fields, the wily tricks of cour- tiers and courtezans, and the splendid fetes of emperors and kings. . . IO6 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF The year 1850 is memorable in the annals of the United States for the passage by Congress of the "Compromise Measures" so-called which led to the first serious disrup- tion of old party-ties, upon purely sectional issues. Mr. Stephens joined in with the friends of those measures, and supported the action of Congress and Government in giv- ing, as it was then hoped for, a finality to agitation in the Federal Councils, upon the subject of African slavery. He saw nothing in those measures to endanger the safety of the South or Southern institutions. He was one of the founders of what was known in Georgia as the " Constitutional Union Party," which swept the State by a very large popular ma- jority in the selection of delegates to the Convention of 1850, and which framed the celebrated "Georgia Plat- form " of that year. In 1851, Mr. Stephens warmly supported the election of Howell Cobb, the nominee of the Constitutional Union party for Governor, against Charles J. McDonald, the nomi- nee of the Southern Rights, or Resistance party. Gov- ernor Cobb was elected by a larger majority of votes than any candidate for that office had up to that time received. In the Presidential campaign of 1852, both the great Na- tional parties accepted in their platforms the principles of adjustment set forth in the compromise measures of 1850. General Pierce, the nominee of the Democratic party, in his letter of acceptance, unequivocally indorsed those measures in letter and spirit ; General Scott; the nomi- nee of the Whig party, in his letter of acceptance, did not ; he accepted the nomination cum oncrc. Southern Whigs, who were dissatisfied with the position of General Scott, and who could not exactly approve all the doctrines laid down in the Democratic platform, brought forward for the Presidency, Daniel Webster, of Massachusetts, and for the Vice-Presidency, Charles J. Jenkins, of Georgia. Promi- nent among the leaders of this movement were Toombs, JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. IO/ A. H. Stephens, Brooke, of Mississippi, Gentry, of Ten- nessee, etc. Linton Stephens supported the Webster-Jen- kins ticket. The death of Mr. Webster, a few days before the election, frustrated their hopes, if, indeed, any that were sanguine of success ever existed. Among the visitors at Milledgeville, during the sessions of the Legislature of 1851-2, was a lady with whom this sketch has interesting relation. She was a young, accom- plished, blooming widow Mrs. Emmeline Bell, daughter of the Hon. James Thomas, of Hancock "a gentleman of the old school," a large and successful planter, and an able law- yer. He presided with ability and acceptance as Judge over the Superior Courts of the Northern Circuit for several years. The daughter, richly endowed with all the gentle attractions of her sex modest, amiable, affectionate, intel- lectual made an easy conquest of the legislator's heart a heart, hitherto, not overly susceptible to female charms. The result was the solemnization of their nuptials in Jan- uary, 1852, at the residence of the bride's father, amid a large throng of delighted relatives and friends. This congenial alliance was one of the many felicitous for- tunes in Mr. Stephens' life. Nothing can be more beauti- ful than the pure, ardent, reciprocal affection which charac- terized and illustrated their conjugal relations : she idolized him, while his devotion to her "glowed with an ardor that might almost be called romantic." Shortly after the marriage, Mr. Stephens became a citizen of Hancock, and opened a law office in the village of Sparta. He formed a partnership in the practice with Colonel Rich- ard M. Johnston one of his earliest and most cherished friends. Certainly, the unbounded confidence indicated by a correspondence, which covers many years, discloses a rare degree of mutual personal attachment. Their professional relationship was kept up until Colonel Johnston accepted IOS BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF the Professorship of Belles-Lettres and Oratory, in the Uni- versity of Georgia, in 1857. Mr. Stephens determined to devote himself exclusively to the business of his profession after his removal to Sparta. He took his place at once at the head of a Bar, distin- guished, perhaps, before any other in the State for juridical ability and forensic power. Toombs, A. H. Stephens, Cone, Dawson, Meriwether, Johnson, Saffold, Sayre, Thomas, Cobb, Reese, Foster, Billups, Hill, Miller, Kenan, Harris, Pottle, King, Lewis, are some of the names that imparted celebrity and illustration to the courts of Middle Georgia at that day; and he was abreast with any of these, in the forum, whether standing before the Judge, or the Twelve. Before entering into the law partnership with Johnston, their relations were those of the closest personal intimacy. They were congenial spirits. They frequently interchanged letters; some of them will appear in these pages. The two following are characteristic of the men and illustrative of their personal relations: [L. S. to R. M. Johnston.] CRAWFORDVILLE, February 25, 185 i. DKAR DICK Yesterday I received a letter from E. C. Williamson, (the doctor, I presume is it not?) stating that you had informed him, you had turned over to me his case in Hancock, against B. R. Gardner, and requesting me to make out interrogatories for Drs. Haynes, Smith and Stone, but not giving me one Christian name for either of these gentlemen of that learned fraternity. Xor does he state what sort of a case it is, farther than that his drift seems to be to prove that "she was unsound." Now, whether " she" be a filly, a nigger gal ot a Durham heifer, is to my mind res Texata. I, however, being a man much averse to extremes, incline to the (not golden, but ebon) mean, and planting myself upon a certain dignity of learning, which restrains its votaries from e.vercising its mysteries on the races afflicted with glanders and murrains, are enabled to ronounce with some confidence in favor of the nier. JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. IOQ The shrewdest inferences I can draw, from remote and doubtful premises, have led me to the conclusion that Ed- ward, Edmond or Erasmus C. Williamson now has pend- ing in Hancock Superior Court, against B. R. (known to me as Burton R.) Gardner, an action for breach of war- ranty of soundness on the sale of a certain nigger gal. Acting upon the best lights before me, I have accordingly drawn up intcrro'gatories for the three learned gentlemen, surnamed Hayes, Smith and Stone, leaving* blanks to be filled by your superior knowledge, in such places where my own conjectures are wholly at fault, and particularly trust- ing that you will prefix to the learned witnesses those Christian appellations which are thought to preserve fame from confusion and error among the names of the great. I have thought, too, that the depositions of one Robert Max- well might not be amiss ; and, therefore, I have added a set of interrogatories for him, experiencing in his case many difficulties common to the cases of his more erudite compeers. In each set, you must be careful to supply Ed- ward, Edmund or Erasmus, (as the case may be) and to insert Dinah, Mahaly or Phillis, according to the truth of the matter. When all this has been done, will you then please have commissions attached and have them sent to the plaintiff? All that your information may not compass can doubtless be supplied by Erasmus himself; and when all this is done, why, then just sit down and write me how far I have missed the mark what sort of case I have to deal with. If you have ever said one word to me about it, it has wholly slipped my memory Yours, truly, LIXTON STEPIIEXS. [L. S. to R. M. Johnston.] CKAWFORDVILI.I-:, May 12, 1851. DEAR DICK When I got your letter, stating you had not fixed the day for your examination, but would fix it about the first of Tune, I thought of requesting you not to have it earlier than the fourth, in order to allow me to attend our Superior Court here on the 28th, and go over on the 3Oth. I have concluded, however, that it might give you some in- convenience ; and in case your appointment should conflict I IO BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF with the aforesaid court, I could leave my business with John and go over anyhow. At that time, however, I had but one case (trover for a negro) of much importance in the Superior Court, and on that case I knew there would be an appeal. Now, the case stands differently. To-day one fellow has instituted proceedings against another fellow for establishing the freedom of several of the last named fel- low's negroes. This same last named fellow has employed me to defend his rights, and the case is to be tried at our next Inferior Court first Monday, and second day of June. It is a very important case, and I must stay and attend to it. If you have not, therefore, fixed the day of your ex- amination, and if a matter of a few days will work no par- ticular derangement of your plans, why, don't have it before the fifth of June, allowing me tii'o days for court (and it may be possible that it will last that long) and one more day to go over. If you have fixed the day, or if compli- ance with my suggestion will incommode you in the least, why, to confess the truth, I should feel, in the escape from the rash promise I have made, a satisfaction almost equal to, and counter-poising the disappointment of not seeing you, and but anon. Dick, this is a dilemma which I could not foresee, and I know you will perceive the obligation upon me. It gives me the less concern, too, because it can involve no serious disappointment to you or your patrons ; for speech or no speech, on the occasion, is just a matter as it may turn up very well in its place, if it only be well placed, and not missed, if it only be not out of place. Write me forthwith and let me know whether I am to take the steam off my speech factory, or whether I shall pile on more fuel. The wear and tear of machinery is too consid- erable to be incurred for nothing. It would be like run- ning a saw-mill without stocks, or a grist-mill without grain. Give my love to all "enquiring friends," and remember me particularly to Mrs. Johnston. Yours, very truly, LINTON STEPHENS. He made the speech, and had the "satisfaction" of see- ing " D'ck " and her, who was to be his wife. But Mr. Stephens was not allowed to gratify his own JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. I I I wishes by remaining in private life. The people of Hancock elected him to the State Senate in 1853. In the guberna- torial election of that year, he supported Hon. Charles J. Jenkins. It was the closest contest of the kind ever known in the State. Governor Herschel V. Johnson was elected by 5 10 majority out of a popular vote of about one hundred thousand cast. The resolution he offered in the Senate on the Nebraska question and it was resolved on by himself before he had consulted any one foreshadowed the position he occupied, subsequently, when the principles asserted in the Kansas- Nebraska Bill were absorbing issues in the politics of the country. On the 1 8th of December, 1853, he writes to his brother from Milledgeville: " Cooley's speech, which you said in a letter I got several days ago you had sent me, has just come to hand to-day. I have read it through. He's a pretty Judge, isn't he? It is a right strong speech, but the author of it is as bad as Brownlow. These Northern fellows are a nice set; but to say the truth, we are all North and South a nice set. Cooley seems to talk like an honest man who meant something, and the excuse for his epithets is to be charged, I suppose, to the account of provocation. This is a most rascally ad- ministration, beyond all doubt. Cobb is here, McDonald is here, Warner is here, and Jack Jones is here. What it all means is yet to be seen. Our Democratic allies, on the question of bringing on the election of United States Sen- ator, all are firm, they say they tell our people so, and I think they are in earnest. It is said here that Cobb has denounced them. It is also said that he is to address the Democracy to-morrow night. Cobb has been asked what brought him here: he said he came here to get two bills passed one giving the election of town marshal to the peo- ple, and another creating a new county around Athens, with Athens as county site 112 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF [From L. S. to A. H. S. ] SPARTA, February 24, 1854. DEAR BROTHER I have seen a report of your speech in the Herald, and a short synopsis of it in the CJironiclc and Sentinel, taken from the Intelligencer. I was much pleased with it, and I was particularly pleased to see that you put yourself on the same ground which I had taken before. Hov?" do you like my Nebraska resolution, which I intro- duced into the Legislature? I suppose you have seen it before now in the papers. It was in these words: " Re- solved, etc., That opposition to the principles of the Ne- braska Bill, in relation to the subject of slavery, is regarded by the people of Georgia as hostility to the rights of the South, and that all persons who partake in such opposition are unfit to be recognized as component parts of any party not hostile to the South. " It passed unanimously ; but not- withstanding that, I called the yeas and nays. Stcll, the President, asked leave to vote, and he stands recorded among the yeas. It also passed the House unanimously, but the yeas and nays were not called there. I voted against Cochran's resolutions on Nebraska (which you have doubtless seen) for several reasons: In the first place, be- cause there was no substantive idea in them, unless they meant to assert that our confidence "in the great body of the North" had been greatly strengthened by the fact that the Nebraska Bill had been introduced in to Congress a dec- laration which I was not prepared to make. To make such a declaration would require a little too much of that spirit which expresses great thanks for very small favors. When the "great body of the North" i'otc [or the bill, then I may feel that I can give the great bod}' of the North a vote of confidence, but not until then. In the next place, I looked upon the resolution as a hobbling attempt to bolster up the administration. In the third place, it asserted the right of instruction, There was no chance to debate it, for they put the previous question on it at the first hop; our men generally voted for it; indeed, there were only five nays in the Senate and none in the House. I have seen a statement in several papers that it passed both branches unanimously. That is a mistake. The yeas and nays were taken in the Senate, and five nays stand recorded against it. JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. I I 3 I don't think the administration can take much comfort from it in connection with mine. Do you ? Nor do I think our Southern rights, fire-eating contemporaries can take much comfort from it for themselves. Don't you think that they have clearly and unequivocally voted that their own conduct and positions, in 1850-51, were "hostile" to the rights of the South, and that they themselves, upon the measures of past merit, are "unfit" to be recognized as component parts of any party which is not "hostile" to the South? What will men do ! I offered another resolution, declaring that the measures of 1850 were "wise, liberal and just," etc., but some of our own friends were tender on that point, and I did not press it to a vote. Our friend would have been in some trouble not more, to be sure, than from the one which was passed ; but still some did not seem to see it in that same light. Indeed, the Democracy never suspected, for an instant, that my Nebraska resolution contained anything that, could be construed into a reflection upon their own past course, nor upon the purity and pro- priety of their present alliance The life of no professional man is more barren of inci- dents of general interest than that of the lawyer ; for it is a short radius that sweeps in judges, juries and clients only. The year 1854 found Mr. Stephens diligently engaged in the practice of his profession ; and as his reputation grew and spread, the emoluments he reaped were large and rich. The letters following relate to his domestic life and pursuits, and bring out to view some of the gentler and more amiable features of his character: [From L. S. to A. H. S. ] SPARTA, June 28, 1854. DEAR BROTHER I had heard of the death of poor cousin Sabra before I got your letter announcing it. John Stewart (Billy Harrison's son-in-law) was over here and told me of it. I have known her so long and well- have spent so many cheerful, happy moments in her company that her image mingles, at almost every turn II* 114 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF and corner, with all the many other figures that flit in throngs, varying and changing through all the scenes which memory wakes. To strike out her existence from the face of the earth I cannot realize it ! It seems strange and in- credible to me that it should be so ! Her days had not been very many, and yet they had indeed been full of trouble. She bore a cheerful spirit through every trial, and evinced in every emergency more of the spirit of true phi- losophy than anybody I ever knew, who was a woman, and had no greater share of intellectual endowment. [From L. S. to A. H. S. ] SPARTA, June 29, 1854. DEAR BROTHER Before getting your letter, I had mailed one to you, in which I had spoken of the same subject in a manner which struck me as bearing a singular resemblance to the train of thought suggested to you by the same occasion. Since I have heard of her death, she is constantly in my thoughts, awaking as- sociations with brother, with Billy, and with my school-boy days, that have not been so vividly presented to my mem- ory in many years. It all impresses me painfully with a sense of how they have passed away forever from earth, and how we are rapidly passing away likewise. Life, with its longest continuance, with all its joys, with all its sorrows, with all its associations, with thousands of other existences, seems but a flash blazing but for an instant, and then sink- ing again into impenetrable darkness a mere point, un- marked, in the vastness of that immeasurable FJcrnity which lies behind it and before it. The succeeding letter was written on occasion of the death of an infant but a few months old. He was devotedly attached to all his children, as this narrative will abundantly show; but his yearning tenderness seemed ever to run out most fondly for the latest-born, because the youngest and most helpless. It was but the exemplification, in another form, of one strong element of his nature : JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. I I 5 [ From L. S. to A. H. S. ] SPARTA, August 24, 1854. DEAR BROTHER The struggle is over, and little Kate is no more in life. She went out as quietly and beautifully as the day dies away into the twilight and darkness. She is lying robed in white, in her crib. They have scattered flowers around her tiny form, and she holds a white rose- bud in one of her little hands. She seems to be in a sweet sleep. I had not thought it possible for me to feel so keenly the death of one so young. Strange to say, she now has as she never had struck me strongly as having before a likeness to you. It was pointed out to me by Emm, and I had thought I had observed it before, but had not men- tioned it. She died at 6^ o'clock this morning. She will dwell on my memory as she appeared in the beauty of health, but I shall not regret to mingle with that bright image the little pale, sweet face that now sleeps in its last mortal array. One comfort I have, even in this first burst of grief: I feel that, while I am deeply touched and smitten, I might have been desolated and blasted. Good-bye. Affectionately, LINTON. Addison, of all the English fine writers of prose, was the favorite of Mr. Stephens. It was not the unequaled style of the author that attracted him only, but the soul and sen- timent that animate his pages as well. [From L. S. to A. H. S. ] SPARTA, January i, 1855. DEAR BROTHER Addi- son is to me, of all men, the most pious, rational and en- tertaining upon subjects of a religious bearing. Another very pretty, and to me novel, speculation of his is upon the subject of the Jews as a people. Upon such subjects he is full of piety and free from superstition so abounding in fine philosophy, and so exempt from fine-spun theories, so fruitful of profound suggestions, and so joyous in the health- ful hope of a cheerful spirit, that to read his religious spec- ulations is food equally for the reason, the imagination and I 1 6 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF the heart. I know of no writings having so fine a tendency as his to cultivate a sound and cheerful piety. I don't won- der that the man had friends of so much devotion to him ; for he clearly possessed just that sort of sense, and flowing charitableness and pleasantry, which are so well qualified to inspire attachments amounting to personal devotion. But you don't agree with me about Adclison ; and I verily believe it is because you are not acquainted with him. His fine veins are somewhat rare, but they are rich. A man may be able to say that he has read many of his pieces, and yet no man can appreciate him unless he has read them all The nomination of General Scott, in 1852, by the Na- tional Whig Convention, for the Presidency, disrupted the party. A majority, perhaps, of the Old-Line Whigs went into the Know- Nothing organization or, as it was after- wards called, the American party which loomed up so suddenly and so formidably in the summer and autumn of 1854. The history of American politics furnishes no in stance with exception, perhaps, of the Anti-Masonic party in 1832 of a political party, which sprang up with such surprising quickness, having such thorough organiza- tion, numerically so powerful, and whose existence was so ephemeral, as the Know-Nothing, or American party. It swept the country North, and West, and Kast with a tide of unbroken success, until the current was first rolled back and lashed into spray as it dashed against the Gibral- tar of the Virginian Democracy. Mr. Stephens was among its earliest opponents in Georgia. He, along with proba- bly twenty thousand Whigs in Georgia, locked shields with the Democrats to defeat it in 1855. [From L. S. to A. H. S. ] SPARTA, January 17, 1855. DEAR BROTH KR The Know-Nothings here are holding up their heads high at the news from Phila- JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. I I/ delphia about the adoption of the platform, and the seces- sion of the fifty-three Northern members. There is just one remark I have to make now in the hurry of the present moment, concerning that same platform, illustrating the great gulf between that and the fourth resolution of the Georgia platform : A man is about to strike me ; I announce to him that if he does, I shall shoot him. Another man, a by-stander, says to that man, he is wrong to strike me, but says no more. He fails to say I will be right in resisting by shooting. Does that by-stander back my position ? By no means ; he condemns my adversary, it is true ; but .he fails to justify me. He is silent as to the extent of the wrong, and as to the measure of resistance. This Philadelphia plat- form contains no fighting line. It announces a principle, but fails to announce at what hazard it ought to be main- tained, or what ought to be the consequences of its viola tion. It does not place anybody, North or South, upon a platform of resistance. It declares it is wrong for people to spit in our faces. You may not see the force of my criti- cism ; but I tell you, it is just, and I can make you compre- hend it when I see you. There was no fighting line, I know, in either of the late Baltimore platforms; but its omission left an immeasurable distance between them and the Geor- gia platform. You may be inclined to suggest that a fight- ing National platform (one adopted by the people in all sections) would be inappropriate and out of place. I would not have the North to declare that they would themselves fight in our cause precisely, but I would have them affix a value to our rights by announcing a conviction that their violation would justify resistance and separation. Such a recognition would be of vast importance to us whenever the separation might come. Under it we would stand justified in doing what we have said at home we will do when the emergency arises [From L. S. to A. H. S. ] SPARTA, January 18, 1855. DEAR BROTHER Still no letter from you. What is the matter? I have had none from you since those I found on my return from Savannah last Saturday, now nearly a week ago. Have you made a speech and been busy writing it Il8 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF out? If you have been taken up with that matter during the whole interval between your letters, you surely have been playing it a la Campbell writing what you didrit speak. I observed that you had the floor for Friday ; but I found this morning that neither House of Congress sat on that day, in consequence of the death of Senator Norris. So, I suppose, you delivered your speech Saturday, unless that be, as I think it used to be, private-bill day. But what were you doing all the week before? Monday, the eighth, is the last date I have from you ten days ago or have you only been trying the virtue of that forbidden law, the lex talionis ? or, in English words, giving me tit for tat? It is true, I did not write to yo\i any time during my several days' absence at Savannah ; and it is also true, that just be- fore leaving home, I said I would write from Savannah ; but you would excuse the failure if you knew how poor the chance was there for writing with comfort or convenience. My interpretation of the whole thing throws the onus on the mails The Know-Nothings are a great power in the State just now greater than you may have imagined in Georgia. They aim at an evil no doubt; but they are on the opposite extreme. The result may be great good to the country; but the man who desires to do right, and to be found in the right ahvays, would desire to be found' on neither extreme, but on the ground of sound doctrine. Affectionately, LINTON. The two next letters show his opinion of the celebrated speech of Mr. A. H. Stephens, in reply to that of Mr. L. D. Campbell, wherein the resources of Georgia and Ohio were contrasted. [From L. S. to A. H. S. ] SPARTA, January 24, 1855. DEAR BROTHER Henry has brought up my mail since our return, and, among other things, I got two copies of your late speech in reply to Campbell. Both copies are in the Globe, and came under your frank. I have already read more than half of your speech, but have laid it down in order to have a few lines JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 119 for you in the mail of to-day. I will write you what I think of the speech after I have read it all. I will, how- ever, give you notice now, after reading a part only, that I intend to perform a very friendly office towards it, accord- ing to your own estimate of what is friendly and useful criticism that is to say, I am going to find some fault with it. I will say, however, that as yet I have no faults ot matter to charge, but one or two purely of manner. The gravest one is more properly, yet a fault of taste. But for the present, you must be patient, and wait for the whole at once. I never did like to take a bad thing in broken doses, and in administering one, I will be equally considerate. . . [From L. S. to A. H. S. ] SPARTA, January 24, 1855. DEAR BROTHER To-day I wrote you a letter, not very short or very long, which has gone, or ought to have gone, by to-day's mail. It is night now, and I have read over your speech twice though, when I wrote to-day, I had read only a part once. I promised you to-day to do a friendly office for your speech by finding fault with it. 1 confess that my feeling of fault-finding was stronger then than it is now. From reading the whole speech, I more perfectly caught and appreciated the spirit of the whole, or I became more biased. But I still adhere to my original impression, that part of the speech is not in keeping with the best taste. That part which occurs early in the speech, and which alludes to your record as one that had not been made for an hour, or an electioneering campaign, but for all time, and by which you are willing to abide, living and dead, is somewhat Bentonian in its tone, and, even consid- ered by itself, is to be regarded by good judges as out oi taste. That, however, by itself, might be regarded, not only as free from blemish, but as a noble expression at once of defiance to your own generation, and of appeal to pos- terity; but when you spoke of your "tables" as something that would do "to keep," and that you meant "to keep" the likeness of "old Bullion," became too palpable to be quite agreeable to a delicate sense of modesty. But after reading the whole speech, I could not precisely find it in my heart to say that you had transcended the provocation. I2O BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF Without commenting further upon the manner, which I took up first as being of the least importance, I proceed to speak of the matter; and upon that point, I suspect (from the speech itself) that you will be astonished when I say that it is the greatest speech you ever made, and a speech, marking more' distinctly than any other in American his- tory, the commencement of a nciv era. I do not believe, from the speech itself, and from the manner in which you have put it up, that you regard it in the high light in which i hold it. Your speech in reply to Mace foreshadows, and this speech clearly and distinctly reveals, a new idea; and that is, the comparative effects of free and slave labor upon all the developments, and consequently upon the prosperity, of a country. I can truly say, that while to me your general idea is not a new one, yet, that your manner of illustrating it is wholly new, and very striking. Allow me to give you another idea which bears upon the philanthropic view, and which, though obvious, has never been hinted at, by any- body whomsoever, within my knowledge. The office per- formed by the African menial services and manual labor is one which, on universal confession, must be performed in every country by somebody : now, in the view of the philan- thropist, who looks to the interest of mankind, is there any difference between confining these offices to a class of men defined by blood, or diffusing them through a class marked by poverty ? The same amount of that kind of labor is nec- essary to be performed for a given community; and is it any misfortune that it should all (even) be performed by the black man, unless there be some superiority of the black man over the white? But, on the contrary, are there not several strong reasons for throwing it upon the black man rather than the white? I will allude only to the great line of demarkation arising out of color, and to the known su- perior docility of the black race. As a question of humanity, we inquire obviously into the numbers only, and not into the color, of those engaged in pursuits of inferior rank or dignity. This, in my opinion, is the germ of a new and un- touched view of slavery, as a social, and particularly as a humane institution. I could enlarge upon it to a great ex- tent; indeed, I have fora good while been thinking of pre- senting it, in some amplitude, in the shape of an article for some review. 1 only throw it out, however, as a thought JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 121 to you, and as a most powerful forerunner and auxiliary to the train of thought pursued in your last speech. This idea of mine, when fully comprehended, reduces the whole discussion to two simple considerations the effect of slavery upon the master in regard to physical, moral, and intel- lectual development and progress, and its effect upon the slave, or upon that class, which answers to the condition and offices of the slave, in the same particulars. Upon the latter branch of the inquiry, your argument beams with new light and overwhelming power. The first branch you leave untouched. The views presented by you really per- tain to the most practical branch of the subject; and they are likely to produce (in my judgment) most practical fruits upon the great Yankee nation, who are emphatically a practical, and money-making, and money-saving people. 1 merely throw out the hint. If you comprehend my full meaning, I think you may use it to great effect ; and nothing would give me greater pleasure than the reflection of hav- ing furnished you with a hint, which might be worked by you into an argument so magnificent and statesman-like, and which, thus treated, might result in fruits so grand and so just. But I will conclude with saying your speech, in v:evv of its novelty and its probable effects, is the greatest "id grandest of your life, and is not surpassed by any in American history. I am not extravagant I may be mis- <.aken. Affectionately, LINTON. [From L. S. to A. II. S. ] SPARTA, February 2, 1855. DEAR BROTHER I don't think you exactly caught the idea, which I intended to convey, con- cerning a certain view which would have put a finishing stone upon your speech. The natural adaptation of the negro race to slavery is the least part of it, and, indeed, hardly a part of it at all, though it does come directly in aid of it. I was in a great hurry when I wrote the last part of my critique upon your speech, and did not succeed, I imagine, in expressing precisely what I meant; and now I have just got a call, summoning me to town, and I must go, and must finish my letter before I go. I can now only say, 12* 122 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF in the most general terms, that my idea was, that, as a question of humanity, it is obviously indifferent whether the services performed for us by slaves be performed by white men, or black men, so far as the good of the greatest num- ber is concerned ; the only question is, the nature of the service, and the necessary number engaged in it. What is done by our negroes must be done by somebody, and the only real question, therefore, in point of humanity, is, whether anybody else could perform the same service and be in a better condition. If not, the tears of humanity are shed in vain over the woes of the negro, and ought to be shed over the imperfections of nature, which require men to perform such services. The abolitionist would simply substitute the white man in place of the black. He would not make the bed easier, but only give it a different occu- pant; and humanity is concerned only at what befalls man as such, and not for the fate of one particular man, or class of men, rather than another, \vhen the fate is inevitable to some man, or some class Fanaticism is blind, and never stops to reason. It has no capacity to reason. "Menial services and manual labor" are, for the most part, still performed at the South by emancipated slaves, and with poorer reward than in ante- bellum days. Governor Herschel V. Johnson appointed Mr. Stephens counsel to represent the State of Georgia in the contro- versy with Alabama. The following letter relates to that subject: [ From L. S. to A. II. S. ] SPARTA, February 7, 1855. DEAR BROTHER To-day I got your letter of the 3d in- stant, saying that Mr. Phillips had inquired of you about the Answer in the case of Alabama vs. Georgia. I sat down and drew about half of the Answer, but was inter- rupted, and have not since had a good opportunity to finish it. This week, I shall be obliged to attend to other mat- JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 123 ters ; but after that, I will finish it and get the signatures of the Governor, the Attorney-General, and of O. C. Gibson, my associate counsel, and send it to you to be filed. I shall not go to Washington this winter, but I want the An- swer filed [From L. S. to A. H. S. ] SPARTA, March 8, 1855. DEAR BROTHER I got your letter this morning, announc- ing the painful news of the death of Lou Toombs. The announcement did not greatly surprise me ; for it was not altogether unexpected ; and yet it shocked me. It fills me with a feeling too near akin to grief to be called by any other name. I almost loved her as a sister. She was so good, so intelligent, so artless, so innocently gay and cheer- ful of spirit, that it was impossible to know her well with- out being touched with a tender and most kindly regard for her. She had the blended virtues of her father and mother, and added a chaplet of gracefulness and quietness, all her ' own. Poor Lou ! poor Lou ! In 1855, Mr. Stephens was nominated, by the Demo- cratic and Anti-Know-Nothing party, for Congress, to rep- resent the Seventh District of the State. His repugnance to again entering the turbulent field of politics was pro- nounced and extreme. Indeed, he never had relish for that sort of life. There was a spell about home that he owned and loved ever; and now, all which lends to it most of at- traction and charm wife, children, affluence, good neigh- borhood, the society of cherished friends, ' ' the sweet hours of elegant leisure spent in the library" were his in full fruition. He, however, yielded a reluctant consent to the wishes of the party, authoritatively expressed ; and after a heated canvass albeit characterized by nothing of personal bitterness his competitor, the late Nathaniel Greene Foster, was elected by a small majority. No one regretted the re- sult less than Mr. Stephens. He did not rejoice over his defeat, as it is related of the old Grecian patriot, when 124 BIOGRAPHICAL SKJiTCH OF no shell bore his name for a seat in the Amphictyonic Council ; but his purely personal feelings were far from being ruffled, or his hopes in the least disappointed. The satisfaction he derived from the re-election of Governor Johnson, whom, two years before, he had opposed on other issues, and the overthrow of the Know-Nothing party in Georgia, was ample compensation for any unrealized dreams of ambition his candidature may have inspired. In the Presidential race of 1856, Mr. Stephens supported, with his wonted ardor, the Buchanan-Breckinridge nomina- tion. He was a delegate to the Cincinnati Convention of that year, and was tendered a place upon the Electoral ticket. That position the exacting cares of a large and labo- rious practice compelled him to decline. He, nevertheless, rendered efficient service to the party with his tongue and his pen. I heard him relate, with great glee, an anecdote cor, nected with the mission to Cincinnati, which I have nev^ r seen in print. The Georgia delegates to the nominating convention took Washington City in their way, and re- mained a day or so at the Federal City. Congress was in session. General Toombs, from Georgia, complimented the delegation with a dinner, inviting several other distin- guished Democrats. Many of the aspirants for nomination to the Presidency were present invited guests. Late in the evening, when wit and wine had pretty well performed their office, and the company were about to disperse, Col- onel James Gardner, the Chairman of the Georgia Delega- tion, full of the kindliest feeling, filled his glass, and, sur- rounded by Cass, Douglas, Cobb, Toombs, Breckinridge, and others, who ivonld not have declined a nomination, if tendered, offered as a toast: " Gentlemen, may you all live to be President of the United States!" Douglas, standing close by Cobb, nudged him at the elbow and said: "Well, Cobb, here's a long life to von!" JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 125 [From L. S. to A. H. S.] SPARTA, June 18, 1856. DEAR BROTHER The Know- Nothings here look chap-fallen ; but they intend to fight. We are to have a meeting Saturday to send delegates to the Fourth-of-July Convention at Milledgeville, and I am to make them a speech. A speech on the right string, at this time or rather, at that time (for all the candidates will be out then) may do much good in this county. G told me that M and J had declared for Buchanan. I don't believe it; but he said so. The nomination is re- ceived well by our friends everywhere, so far as I know, or have heard. Jim Jones is raving like a madman. In his paper, which I got this morning, he invites all lovers of the country to avert the disgrace of electing Buchanan by mounting the "broad platform of Fillmore" a platform consisting of the "leading principles" of another platform, (or the same,) which Jones, only a few weeks ago, pro- nounced unfit for a Southern latitude. "Quern Dcus i'ult perdcre," etc., is a maxim which gives me great comfort under present circumstances. I am glad that Stringfellow brings such good tidings from Kansas. The indications in- spire me with the hope that we shall make a complete rout of the enemy The year 1857 was the saddest in the life of Air. Stephens. In January, his wife died. The event, for a time, quite unmanned him : he was prostrated by the blow. The insatiate archer's arrow penetrated his very soul, and pro- duced an anguish an agony of grief such as the tenderest hearts only can feel, and the stoutest withstand. For years succeeding, his letters are laden with expressions of sorrow for his loss deep, boding, eloquent and with testimonials of her worth, and tributes to her memory, of surpassing tenderness and beauty. The precincts of private grief are too sacred to be invaded by stranger-step. But this sketch would fail to present a faithful portraiture of Linton Ste- phens, and do injustice to his memory, if the evidences of 126 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF his devotion to her recorded in an epistolary correspond- ence, at once the saddest and most beautiful I ever read were altogether omitted. He exemplified, in his domestic life, all the virtues that make Howe sweet and holy. [ From A. H. S. to L. S. ] CRAWFORDVILLE, March 14, 1857. DEAR BROTHER The day is fast waning towards evening twilight. Since you left, I have written eighteen letters this is the nineteenth my fingers are tired, but I could not close my labors without saying a word to you. You are before this time at home, I suppose safely there, I trust. Long did I watch the carriage to-day as it slowly bore you away. I thought of the muddy roads and chill air you had to encounter, and then the sad scenes you would meet at your journey's end. With a fervent prayer that you might be sustained by that Power above, that rules and shapes our destinies, and that with resignation and forti- tude you would bear up against whatever sorrows or griefs may ever betide you, I watched your progress. When no longer you were in sight, still my heart's yearnings pur- sued you, and though I betook myself to the duties of life, and for a time had my mind absorbed in business, in at- tending to the demands and wishes of men of various kinds, scattered all over the country; yet, after it is all over, my mind is with you. You, above anything else or anybody else, are the object of my solicitude, anxiety and love. I feel for you in your grief I mourn with you in your sor- row I weep with you in your distress. I would fain soothe your pangs if I could; but, after all, human consolation can avail nothing. Look to a Power higher and abler. But do not despair do not let your strength fail you. Bear with fortitude and resignation whatever afflictions may befall you. Don't indulge in despondent feelings; rise early take bodily exercise; devote your mind to some engaging subject; don't be much alone; don't brood over the sub- ject of your grief; above all, don't let your mind be ab- sorbed in thought after you retire at night; seek repose and sleep. Exercise will conduce to this. Be as cheerful as you can; cultivate the feelintr; read such books and seek such JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 127 company as will conduce to it. Be master of your pas- sions, appetites and weaknesses, whatever they may be, and may God bless and sustain you, now and forever. Yours, affectionately, A. H. STEPHENS. He was again nominated this year for Congress. The American party was known to have a decided majority in the district ; but it \vas believed that a vigorous canvass on his part, and his great personal popularity, would overcome it. The Hon. Joshua Hill was the nominee of the Ameri- can party undoubtedly their strongest man. The canvass promised to be a spirited one for, the opposing candidates were the idols of their parties, and deservedly so but it had scarcely opened before Mr. Stephens met with an in- jury by being thrown from a stage-coach returning from the burial of his sister, Catharine which so far disabled him that he could not meet his competitor upon the hustings. His right knee received a hurt from which he never en- tirely recovered. Mr. Hill was elected by a small majority. Mr. Stephens attended the Democratic Gubernatorial Convention which first nominated Governor Joseph E. Brown for the office which he filled for nearly eight years. [ From L. S. to A. H. S. ] SPARTA, June 29, 1857. DEAR BROTHER 1 intend going o o over to see you and stay with you a day or two ; but I write, lest something should prevent me. I was well pleased with the action of the convention. The Kansas part of the plat- form was drawn by me Brown is a man that I know to have decided ability; as a debater, he is far superior to any of those who were before the convention. Indeed, without being an orator, he is a very effective stump-speaker. He is quick, clear-headed, and a close reasoner, with considerable turn for sharp, witty remark. He was a firm Southern-rights man, and one of the most prudent among them. Besides all this, he is a man of fine 128 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF personal character, and self-made. He was poor, but bor- rowed money and graduated at Yale College. He stands high in the up-country, and deserves it. I served in the Legislature with him in the sessions of 1849 and 1850. The man, and the section from which he comes, are also an ex- cellent lick for Toombs. I have written to Mr. Cobb to- day, urging him to have Walker recalled. I don't know, nor care much, (as far as I am concerned) what they do. Colonel Foster told, at a party-meeting in Madison the other day, (so Carlos writes) that they need not nominate him, unless they wanted him to take a beating. If they con- cluded that they needed a candidate for a beating, he would not run off for fear of defeat, etc. [From L. S. to A. H. S. ] SPARTA, July 4, 1857. DEAR BROTHER I got a letter this morning from Nisbet, of the Federal Union, saying that the Democratic party will not go as far, in relation to Walker and Kansas, as the convention went. He says they will not make \Valker's removal a sine qua non ; and that he has received numerous letters from friends requesting him to write to me, and request me to withhold my letter of ac- ceptance for the present. This is exactly the substance of the letter introduced and closed with great assurances of friendship, etc. I don't know what I shall do yet. I in- tend, however, to wait and see what the Know-Nothing concern may do next week, and then decide on my course. I am at times disposed to run anyhow, on my own plat- form, with defiance to everybody who is against it, and call- ing upon all men, of all parties, to back me in defense of our own section. But the prevailing disposition with me is to set forth my opinions on the present state of affairs, and my reasons for them, and then leave the turf, and all the scramblers for office, and part}' slaves, to take care of themselves. This is what I think 1 shall do. I had begun to feel some interest in the subject, and had begun to oc- cupy myself with it as a drrcrtiscinent ; but now I don't care anything about it JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 1 2g | From I,. S. to A. IJ. S. ] SPARTA, December 10, 1857. DKAR BROTHER I am sorry to hear that Douglas is against the Kansas Constitution. I don't suppose his objection can be that of Forney that the whole Constitution is not submitted for he himself, in his Springfield speech, held that no submission at all was necessary. If the convention had power to complete their work without submitting it at all, or to submit it if they chose, assuredly they might finish one part themselves, and submit another, covering the main topic of difference. 1 scarcely suppose he can object to the class of voters; for certainly the convention had the power to prescribe them, and in exercising it, they have not exhibited partiality by excluding anybody. Xor can there be any valid objection to the test-oath, requiring each voter, if challenged, to swear to support the Constitution as adopted ; for any one, who would refuse to take such an oath, would be an enemy to government in the proper sense of the term. Such a man could intend to submit to government, only in the event of government going his own way that is, only provided he could govern liimsclf and other people, too. Such a man is hostile to the compact on which all government rests; he is an outlaw, and ought to be excluded from all participa- tion in the general action. He should not be allowed the chance of getting his own way over other people, while he stands with the defiant declaration that he will not allow other people to have their way over him. Is his objection founded on the provision that the present laws shall remain of force until repealed by the Legislature under the new Constitution ? They surely had the legal power to make that provision ; for, out of their sovereign power to estab- lish a Constitution, they might have instituted a new gov- ernment, entirely cutting off the existing one, and enacting what laws they pleased. To be sure, there is a difference, in this respect, between a State convention and a Territorial convention; and, on this difference, I can well imagine that difference of views might arise ; but if you do not already see the solution, I think I can give it so clearly that there can be no answer to it; but, lest the difference may not have presented itself to you, let me first state it, and then 13* 1.}O BIOGRAPHICAL SKI-ITCH Of show that the difference cannot legitimately affect the mat- ter in hand thq,t is, the legal power of the Kansas Con- vention to do precisely what they did. A State convention (assuming always that it is assem- bled in pursuance of the existing Constitution, so as to avoid revolution) would be sovereign, not only in degree, but in time also; for they might immediately inaugurate the new state of things and wipe out the old they could th'ssok't' nn I'.visting Legislature, A Territorial convention, on the con trary, is sovereign in degree only, and not in time. Per- haps it is a better phrase to say, that the power of the State convention would be complete without awaiting action by anybody else ; while the power of the Territorial conven- tion is only inchoate, and needs the admission of the new State, by Congress, to set it in motion. The difference may be illustrated by the departure of a ship out of port : In one case, the captain can sail where he pleases; in an- other case, he must await permission of some one else; but in both cases, suppose him to have power to take aboard what freight he pleases: then my idea is illustrated. The State convention can start when they please, and carry what: they please. On the other hand, the Territorial convention can start only when Congress speaks the fiat; but, then, their power is as great as that of the State convention over the freight. The Constitution, formed by a Territorial con- vention, is like Adam was when his body was formed com plete, but still waiting for the breath of life. It can have no operation until the new State is admitted. How, then, it ma}- be asked, (and 1 say it may be asked, because the question occurred to my own mind,) can the Kansas Con- vention enact that existing laws shall continue in force until repealed by a Legislature under the new Constitution? How can the}' supersede the existing Legislature, or put restraints upon its power, before their own power has had vitality put into it? This question may have given to other minds, as it did, at first presentation, give me, some difficulty. The Constitution which they have formed (if our papers have given a correct synopsis of it) seems, on its face, to attempt to hamper the present Legislature by an- nulling their authority to alter, amend or repeal existing laws. The language of the second section is: "All laws now of force in the Territorv of Kansas, which are not re JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 131 pugnant to this Constitution, shall continue and be of force until altered, amended or repealed by a Legislature assem- bled by the provisions of this Constitution." And then the seventeenth section declares: "This Constitution shall take effect, and be in force, from and after its ratification by the people, as hereinbefore provided." Now, in my judgment, this will not interfere, nor was it intended to interfere, (but whether so intended or not, in point of fact, cannot legally interfere.) with the intermediate powers of the existing Legislature. Although it is declared that the Constitution shall take effect, and be in full force, from the time of its ratification, yet this, by legal intendment, must be applied to the great, and indeed only end in fvVrr the formation of a Constitution to be presented to Congress, and to govern the country after the State shall be admitted into the Union. The whole work of the convention (and of the people jointly, it being partly submitted for their ratification) was, if you please, to build the ship and rig her off, furnished for sailing, and then turn her over to Congress, who must launch her; and they have simply declared that their work shall not be complete that the ship shall not be pro- nounced seaworthy and turned over to Congress //;//// the people shall put on the finishing rope by ratifying, or reject- ing, the slavery clause. After she is launched, then she passes out, free from all action by Congress, and rigged and freighted just as she was offered at the wharf. Then, and not until then, will the laws existing in Kansas, when the convention adjourned, begin to be in force, (so far as any val- idity is imparted by the Constitution to them,) and continue to be in force until repealed by the State Legislature. In other words, these second and seventeenth sections are only a declaration of the status on which the new State will start. Nor could the convention have meant anything else, be- cause the Constitution expressly provides the manner of its own presentation to Congress, and, therefore, could not have intended that it should go into action, as a government, before Congress should have admitted the new State. Xor would any unfair consequences result to the anti-slavery men there, if the people should reject slavery from the present laws protecting slave property, being included as a part of the new statutes; for they would not be so included, except so far as to protect existing slave property ; because. 132 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF if the people reject slavery, then would all laws protecting prospective slavery be repugnant to the Constitution, and only those are to be "continued in force" which are not repugnant to the Constitution. Such would be repugnant, because the Constitution expressly declares, that if there shall be a majority of votes for the Constitution, without slavery, then shall the pro-slavery clause be stricken out, and it is declared that slavery shall not exist ; and let me further remark, what I was about to omit, that, in the other event, of slavery be-ing ratified by the people, then a status of laws protecting slave property would be of the utmost consequence to slave-holders; for, otherwise, this present Black Republican Legislature might, by repealing all such existing laws, start the new State off with slave property un- protected, allliough the people should have solemnly de- cided in favor of slavery: so that this provision is a / come into the Union with less land titan site has demanded. I could still further illustrate my analysis of this bill, but 1 must close | From L. S. to A. If. S. | SPARTA, May 29, 1858. DEAR BROTHER The last letter i uot from you was yesterday, on my return home, it an JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. I4Q nounced the result of the Ohio contested election. I am truly glad that Vallandigham got his seat. I had two cases at the Supreme Court, and was plaintiff in error in both cases. I gained one, but lost the other. Thomas lost the one I gained, and he was pretty mad about it. Reese and I were together in it. It was the case of Nolan's will, from Wilkes. Mr. Toombs was of counsel with Reese and mv- J self. If you happen to think of it when you are with him, 1 wish you would tell him we gained the case [From L. S. to A. H. S. j SPARTA, June 3, 1858. DEAR BROTHER I have neg- lected for some weeks to write you what I intended to write immediate]}- upon its occurrence. Lamar, of Newton, wrote to me, inquiring whether I desired to be a candidate for Congress next time, and saying that the friends of Har- per desired to bring him forward for the race if I should not be in the field. He said that his inquiry was not prompted by a wish for me to decline ; for, he said, there was no man in the State whom he would prefer to see in Congress rather than myself; but he said his object was solely to be informed what my intention was, so that the friends of Harper might govern their course accordingly. He assured me that, under no circumstances, would Har- per, or his friends, interfere with me ; for, he said, Harper's friends were my friends. 1 replied to him, immediately, that I should not run the race any more; and that I should be gratified to see the choice of the party and the district settle on Harper. I consulted nobody about it ; I needed no consultation ; for none could have changed my decision ; that decision had long been made up, irrevocably. It was a painful thing to me to express, among those who had all been warm friends to me, a preference for any one; but I never did like neutral people. Harper is a noble fellow, and lie ought to be the man. His qualifications, and the complexion of the district, alike point to him as the man, and I felt that it would be a selfish regard for my own com- fort and pleasant relations to refrain from saying so ; and so 1 said it. I agree with you entirely in the view you express about I5O BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF our proper course towards the British ships which have out- raged our rights. We ought to catch them, or sink them, and be ourselves the party to render an explanation, instead of demanding one ; and the explanation should be a very short and pointed one: simply that we had punished indig- nity and insolence as they deserved: that could give no offense to anybody, except to those who back and defend the indignity and insolence; an offense to st/c/t people, I should not regard. I think the defect in our national ad- ministration is a want of clear views of courage. I think they are quite as good as any we have had since Folk's time; but that is not saying much. Don't understand me as expressing admiration of Folk's administration; but he had a policy and a will, and he carried both out with stead- iness and ability [From L. S. to A. II. S. ] SPARTA, June 7, 1858. DEAR BROTHER Among other things, Mr. Thomas talked about the British aggressions on our ships. He had seen Mr. Toombs" position announced, about seizing or sinking. He said he thought that right. He went on to say that he thought we ought to seize the offenders and keep them until their government disavowed their acts or backed them. If a disavowal should be the result, he said we ought to punish them ; if an indorsement should come, we ought to turn them loose, and then declare war against England. I asked him why we should turn tlicm loose, and then declare war? I asked him what he would do after declaring war, and after he had turned them loose, except to go right straight to trying to catch them again? And I asked him if he did turn them loose, how much start he would give them ? The old gentleman smiled and gave it up by a severe silence. The rest all laughed, and I went on with somewhat of a war harangue. It does seem to me to be a very clear case, that we ought to cap- ture the offending ships. Of course, if Kngland disavows their acts, she cannot claim to screen them from our just punishment; and if she backs them, it is only to declare that she had already thrust a state of war upon us. As a peace question, it is q. clear one; for we are only punishing JUDGE L1NTON STEPHENS. 151 individual breaches of the peace. As a war question, it is equally clear ; for, in that case, we would seize not only the offending vessels, but all other British vessels that we could catch. What can be a more legitimate act of war than to capture the enemy's vessels? That is one main aim of warfare. The only question, then, is, shall our en cmy be entitled to an advantage by making war covertly? Tf she had declared it, of course, our plain duty is to cap- ture all her vessels that we can. Shall we be restrained from capturing them because she has done acts of war with- out declaring war? If there is no war, we seize and pun- ish ; if there is open war, we seize ; and shall we lose the right to seize by reason of secret or covert war? It does seem to me, however, that, after seizing the offending ves- sels, we ought to detain them, without punishment, until we know whether they are to be treated as malefactors, or as prisoners or prizes of war not to let them loose to go to doing us all the harm they may be able to do, but to detain them as prisoners of war, or to punish them as offenders. Hut I believe I shall cease to tax you on the war ques- tion, which you doubtless understand too well to be enter- tained by anything I can say on it. I think Mr. Toombs' recent debates on the internal improvement question are crushingly powerful. I have been delighted with his speeches on that subject. In my humble judgment, no- body in this country, now or formerly, has ever understood that subject so well as he does. He, himself, gets better on it the longer his mind runs on it. It looks like a Her- culean labor and so it is but I do believe the power of his arguments will burst up the abominable system. It seems to me that the error is obliged to fall under the ter- rible batter}- he has opened upon it. He is fighting it alone, and I love to see him stand as the solitary cham- pion. He is more than a match for them all [ From L. S. to A. II. S. ] SPARTA, June 8, 1858. DEAR BROTHER Dickenson (my overseer) is very ill indeed. I wrote you yesterday that I had him brought up to my house to take care of him. He was delirious all night, last night, and is still so. He 152 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF has no rationality about him. While I am writing, I have Travis with him to keep him from tearing off a blister which is drawing over his stomach and bowels. I have somebody with him all the while; but nobody can control him, when I am away, but Travis. Poor fellow! He is constantly talking about his crop, and wanting his hat and clothes to go to business. He is a very worthy young man, 1 think, and I am very sorry for him. I sent for his father this morning. He lives ten or twelve miles distant. Affectionately, LINTON STEPHENS. | From !.. S. to A. II. S. | SPARTA, June i i, 1858. DEAR BROTH KR Dickenson, poor fellow, is dead. He died last night a little after 10 o'clock. For more than sixty hours, he had lain without any rational connection in his thoughts, and he so continued to the last. He is to be buried thirteen or fourteen miles from here, and I am going to the burial. I want to return this evening, and go to my plantation to-morrow. I have seven or eight cases of fever there, but none bad. I think poor Dickenson killed him self by keeping up so long after he \vas attacked. I don't think that any of my negroes will have to encounter that difficulty. Under these circumstances, it will be out of my power to meet you at Crawfordvillc on your return home. I trust you will come over here immediately. I have al- ready written you that we are to have an adjourned court here, next Monday, to try cases of Mr. Thomas', wherein you are interested [ From I... S. to A. II. S. | SPAKTA. July 2, 185^. DKAK BROTHER -Yesterday, 1 was thirty-five years old just the half-way house in the road allotted to life. Manx- break down long before they reach the goal, and very many bcfore they attain the half-way house. 1 low much longer I shall endure on the route, I cannot know In the summer of iS6icdma.n. The oft-quoted, ever-to-bc-admired and immortal Shakspeare said (through the mouth of a character, to be sure, but still Shakspeare said it): Now, you and 1 have been for sometime " laying on " in scribbling to one another, and you have been the "first" to cry, "Hold, enough! " So, on the authority of the im- mortal bard, you arc "damned;" and, on the authority of a great man in Israel, 1 am authori/.ed to pronounce you so. I do remember me, that, in some' of my hasty effusions, I dropped an indiscreet intimation, to the effect that I did not expect you, in this the season ot your business pressure, to answer all my scribblings; but surely you didn't take me to be in earnest, did you? I thought you were too well ac- quainted with that vile old sinner. Human Vanity, not to know that he has a favorite trick of covering himself with divers transparent pretensions to modest}- and humility. Besides, 1 said I did not expect you to answer all my scrib- blings, and you have presumed upon this to answer none. Why, you are worse than Loren/.o Dow said the Calvinists were. The Scriptures say, "Come unto me all that are wean"," etc. ; but he said the Calvinists construed this to mean, "Come unto me a part of ye," etc. ; and hence, his JUDHK UNTON STEPHENS. 157 common designation of them was, "The, A double 1 a part people." I said you needn't answer all, and you have construed it to mean that you needn't answer one ; hence, you are an "A double 1 " one now; and so you are worse than the Calvinists, inasmuch as a part may embrace more than "one;" and you have, therefore, detracted more than they did from the natural fullness and glory of A double 1 all." So you see what a bad fellow you are, and how fully justified I am in following old uncle Bird's example in dealing with your case. So readeth a part of the first chapter of the book of "Cussin," according to Bird, Shakspeare and Dow. Look out for the rest of it, unless you mend your ways. I sat down with the intention to give you a sketch of an amusing scene which 1 witnessed a few days ago between two of our lady friends; but the Dow part of my discourse was not anticipated at the start, and has run it to too great a length to leave room for anything else ; besides, as I have written so long a letter, with absolutely nothing in it, I have a fancy to keep it undefiled, even to the end, by a single semblance of anything which might mar the beaut}' of uni- formity. The only exception which I shall allow is in sub- scribing myself, Yours, most truly, LINTON STKPHKNS. [ From I.. S. to A. II. S. ] SPARTA, November 15, 1858. DEAR BROTH KR I shall probably not return home from Glasscock before going to Athens. I have seven cases to represent at the Supreme Court, if Gibson should give me the brief in your Burkhalter case; and 1 am defendant in error in all, except one from Hart yes: there is another (making the eighth) from this county, tried by Judge Cabaniss, where I am for plaintiff in error. 1 am also under a sort of promise to Tom Daniel to help him argue the Pierce Bailey case; but I think I shall not do it. 1 did not promise, but said I might do it, or something to that effect. I don't know anybody for whom hanging would be so good as for old P , and the temptation is very strong to put in against him. It seems to me that I am obliged to gain all the cases, except the one from 158 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF Hart; and as that was not my case until the present stage of it, I believe I should not argue it but for one considera- tion: it would be too bad a thing for the court to allow one man to gain all his cases, having so many ; and I am rather glad, therefore, of one bad one for them to throw off on. That one, I trust, will prove a safety-valve. My next weakest case is a new-trial case, from Warren. The Judge granted it; but I am afraid they may reverse him. If that were my only case, I should be very confident of their sus- taining him ; but Pottle is against me in it, and he is against me in several others, which I am obliged to gain and he to lose. It is, therefore, dangerous. They will want to throw him a bone, and I am afraid they may make that bone out of my case [From L. S. to A. II. S. ] SPARTA, December 4, 1858. DEAR BROTHER Your letter in relation to Harry, and the list of your notes, I have laid away with your will. Should it be the fortune of our lives for Harry to fall to my care, your injunctions shall be ob- served in regard to him, because they are your injunctions, and because my own estimate of Harry is not below yours. I sympathize most deeply in the vein of sadness which per- vades your letter. My heart was very full when I left your house, and I felt that it was nearly running over. 1 was almost on the point of telling you, as we lay in bed the night before, that I felt as if it were the last night we would ever spend together. 1 did feel so; but I knew you were sad, and I forebore to say one word to make you more so. If I had given way at all, the dam would have burst and the flood swept through [ From L. S. to A. II. S. ] SPARTA, December 5, 1858. DEAR BROTHER I have often told you of my observation about things going in streaks or schools. 1 had rather a striking instance of it the day I left you. I bought a horse once, and lent him to Jimmy Cox, at his request, and since then, I don't think I have ever had JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 1 $9 an application of exactly that kind until Mary made hers. Well, I gave her fifty dollars towards buying her a horse, the morning I left you. Before I got home, I met N P , and he wanted me to buy him a horse; and when I got home, I found a letter from B B , wanting me to buy him a horse. Wasn't that a streak of applications, for one day, in the single article of horses? B B I flatly refused. I had already bought a tract of land and put him on it, and I was satisfied that he simply wanted me to maintain him in idleness. I signified as much to him in my answer though not in the same words I have used about it now and told him plainly that I had done quite as much as I intended to do. As for N , he assured me that what he wanted with a horse was to move him to Florida, and I consented to oblige him upon the idea that it would be a good investment. He is to have the horse on the express condition that if he does not go to Florida, (I will, however, give him the full benefit of substituting any other place as far off,) the horse is to be taken back. In this adventure, Mr. Thomas and I are co- partners, entitled to equal profits, and bound to bear equal losses. Mr. Thomas says he knows that N intends to get the horse, and then have something to happen to him, so he can't get off; and it was he who insisted on the condition about returning tire horse. He long ago declared that N should never have another cent out of him ; but when I proposed the horse-scheme, he said I had come at him in a shape that was irresistible, and he immediately bethought him that he himself had an old mule that would precisely answer the purpose. The reason why I proposed the matter to Mr. Thomas was, that N had already clone so, as he informed me, and his request, as expressed to me, was, that Mr. Thomas and I jointly should furnish the horse. He assured me that if we would, just for this one time, overlook his wrong-doing towards us, (and he freely admitted it had been manifold and grievous,) he would go "clean off," and never be any further trouble to any of us. So I confidently expect soon to see N strike for the " Land of Flowers," drawn by a mule. I did not have the heart to ask him about the efficacy of his remedy for fits. Poor fellow ! He is incapable of taking care of himself, and he has just capacity enough to prevent anybody else from l6o BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF taking care of him. He has an idea that he is a badly used man, because people don't divide their estates with him; and if it were done, he would come again in two years for another division. There are a great many very close ap- proximations to poor N , in this world; but he is, on the whole, about the poorest specimen of his class that 1 have ever encountered | From I.. S. to A. II. S. | SPARTA, December 14, 1858. DKAR BROTIIKK \Yhoop! I am out of the woods my Answer is finished a long explanatory letter to Obadiah Gibson is finished another to the Governor, and another to the Attorney-General, are all, all finished, and now lying before me, in three packages, read}' for the mail ; and 1 have clone it all in one day, sure enough, as 1 said I would, if 1 could get a fair lick at it; and it is a very small day's work at that. The Answer contains onlv six pages of this same sized paper on which I am now writing. 1 think 1 have packed it pretty well; and my Answer almost presents the argument. 1 don't mean to say that I think much of it, for 1 do not. It is up to the case, but the case ain't uu/c/i. When 1 got to the close of the last sentence above, except l wo, they called me to supper, and while 1 was at supper, Alfriend came. lie has just gone, and it is now 9 o'clock. 1 have a notion of going to bed sooner to-night than usual, but how it may turn out is very doubtful. It is strange how 1 do hate to go to bed, and how little I do sleep! Last night, the clock struck one before 1 got to sleep, and 1 had then been in bed half an hour. I woke just after three, and lay awake until 1 heard it strike six. After that, 1 got the most of my sleep. Last night was a pretty fail- sample of the rest. The children also woke last night while 1 was restless and wakeful; but, supposing 1 that every- body else was buried in profoundest slumber, little Emm suddenly struck up a s<)/t'. I never heard her sing before, and 1 thought it was Claude, who is quite a singer. So 1 called Claude, but there was no answer; the little one turned into calling her, too -"Cordy," (so she calls her,) " papa call you, Cordy!" and she soon had Claude, and iiecky, too, awake with her. No light was struck, how- JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. l6l ever, and they all soon again subsided into silence and sleep. Not so I. What more shall I write? I know not, unless I pursue the present theme by giving you some of the annoyances which keep me from sleep, or wake me from it. I am reminded of them by Sport's squealing a.\. this moment, and in the saloon. He literally squeals; it comes a sudden, sharp, piercing squeal, which \vould infallibly wake me, though it doesn't seem to affect other people so. The cause of it is pains in his car. It is very annoying to me, but my pity always predominates over my vexation. I am truly sorry for the poor dog, and he often leads me to remember poor Rio, too, in sorrow and pity. Another of my evil genii is William's snoring. I can sleep under one of his cannonades about as well as I could if a saw-mill was making planks out of my body; but my main one is sleep- lessness. Oh, the miserable, wakeful hours I have spent in trying to drop the burden of the day, and get rid of thought in the blessed oblivion of sleep ! And then, when nature can maintain the struggle no longer, and at last takes refuge in slumber, how brief the respite often is! Dreams come, and sometimes take up and carry on the weary thoughts of the day, or introduce strange vagaries of their own, which are often not less tormenting; but, after all, the dreams have a balancing in them ; for some of them are far sweeter than sights or sounds that greet me during the day ; some, too, are so strange as to entertain me afterwards with their unaccountable whimsicalness. I dreamed, for instance, a few nights ago, that you and I were dining with Judge Story nobody else present. He brought a bottle (which I thought was wine, of course) and said, "Here is a bottle of first-rate dondy" (that's the word, "dondy, ") and I thought, what is "dondy?" but you immediately said, " Linton, I have often told you of dondy, and now you must drink some. " I thought it very curious that you should say you had often told me of what I had never heard men- tioned before in my life ; and, still thinking it was some kind of wine or spirits, I thought it was no less strange that you should urge me (as your manner did) to drink it. I tasted it, and said it tasted like apple-jelly; whereupon, you and the Judge laughed very heartily. Why you laughed, I never knew ; and, to this hour, I am utterly unenlight- ened, by dreams or other agency, as to what "dondy" is. 16 l62 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF Such was that dream pointless vagary and yet, it woke me ; and long was it before I again fell to sleep. Life is a weary, weary thing to me ! But I am going to bed soon to-night; and so good-bye. Affectionately. LINTOX STEPHENS. In January, 1859, Mr. Stephens went on to Washington City to argue the case of Alabama vs. Georgia, then pend ing in the Supreme Court of the United States. From that city, he writes to his friend Johnston: WASHINGTON, D. C., January 13, 1859. MY DEAR DICK Your letter of the 8th instant was re- ceived to-day, saying that you expected to return to Athens the following Monday. Already, no doubt, you have gone from Sparta. At my distance from both places, it might seem that it would be a matter of indifference with me at which place you ma}' be, but it is not so. It is a sad thing to think you have gone away from the place that knew you so well Has the obituary notice of your mother yet appeared in the Christian Index? I sup- pose it appeared in the paper which ought to have come to Sparta the day before I left home, but which had not come when I left. I expected it to appear in the paper of the week before, as it had time to do, but it did not The case which I came here to try cannot be heard until the second Monday in February, and ma}' not be heard then. The opposite side have proposed to me that as their earliest time, and it will be accepted by our side, if (iibson consents. lie is not here, and has given me no intimation of an intention to come. 1 find that the time of hearing cases of original jurisdiction (in which only States and public ministers are parties, you know) is fixed by content, out of deference to the dignity of the parties concerned; and I, of course, do not feel at liberty to agree to any time without consulting my associate. 1 am almost tempted to say that I will not argue it until the second Monday in next December, and go straight home. I shall remain here a few days longer to make up my mind on that point, and in the hope of getting some money from home wherewith to buy some books. Speaking of books : I have not bought either of JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 163 the two novels which you commended to me. I inquired in all the book-stores here for " Debit and Credit," but none of them had it. For the life of me, I could not think of the name of the other one; and so, as yet, I don't know whether they have Wilhelm Meistcr's "Apprenticeship" or not. When I finish this letter, and one or two more to those at home, I shall take another excursion among the book-stores to find out -being now refreshed, as to the name, by your letter. I delivered your message to Kllic about your expectation, founded on a parting promise, that he would write to you. He said he had a distinct recollec- tion of the parting interview between him and you, and that his understanding was that you were to write first. 1 sim- ply replied, that when a fellow is caught in a scrape from his own rcmissness, there is nothing more natural than for him to try to at least divide the blame with somebody else by getting up a squabble at which he laughed and so it passed off with an additional remark from him, that he had thought of writing to you very often, and had wondered why he had not heard from you. Your letter was my first news of Fed Brooking's death. Poor old fellow! There is more and more desolation. Most deeply do I feel for his poor old mother; she is now ruined and forlorn. Life is despoiled of all its beauty, and her little remnant of exist- ence is but a mockery of life. Her poor, tottering frame will linger among us yet a little while, but her heart is not here. " Her heart is awa' ! her heart is awa' ! " May God have mercy upon the stricken hearts everywhere that will mourn, and will not be comforted! If I had been elected to Congress the first race, I should have liked it, I have but little doubt ; but I am now satisfied that it would not have suited me since then, nor ever will suit me again. Good-bye Yours, most truly, LINTON STEPHENS. [ From I,. S. to R. M. Johnston. ] WASHINGTON, D. C., January 22, 1859. MY DEAR DICK I am glad that you had decided to send to this place your answer to my last letter ; for, sure enough, I was still here this morning to receive and welcome it. It did me much good, because it breathes such strong and 164 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF friendly interest in my welfare Without an accident, I shall start home Monday night next. Yes- terday, we took an order of court, setting our case clown for a hearing on the second Monday of next December. I should have started home last night but for the prospect of spending Sunday at the dull little place, called Kings- ville, in South Carolina. The weather also is bad for trav- eling just now. There was a great fall of rain here yester- day; and, in consequence of it, brother expresses some ap- prehensions about the safety of the railroads. It will, how- ever, have to be very extraordinary weather which detains me longer than Monday night this being Saturday so your next must be sent to Sparta sent home. I got a letter, last night, telling me that my children were well. I have been disappointed in the pleasure of my sojourn here, and yet, I am loth to leave. Night before last, I heard the famous Piccoloinini. She is a good singer, but her chief charms are outside of her singing: it is her beauty and her acting. The latter is admirable. She sang a little English song "I Dreamt I dwelt in Marble Halls," etc. and her acting in it was irresistible coquettish and winning in a high degree. Her pouting was capital. I was pleased with her far beyond my expectations, and beyond the pleasure I ever received from any other musical wonder. I have been to see Mrs. Craig twice since I have been here She is staying at the President's. I saw Miss Lane both times. I like her very much. She is sensible, modest, and, I should think, very amiable In May, 1859, Judge Charles J. McDonald, in conse- quence of advancing age and infirmity, resigned the posi- tion he occupied and adorned on the Supreme Bench of Georgia. Governor Brown appointed Linton Stephens to fill the vacancy thereby occasioned. He was the youngest man that ever sat upon the bench of that court in Georgia- he had not completed his thirty-sixth year ; he was the youngest lawyer he had been at the Bar but little over thirteen years; and, in the opinion of many, competent to pronounce upon the subject, the ablest Judge: high enco- mium ; yet, I believe, severely just. His published deci- JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 165 sions are models of logic cogent, compact, Attic the per- fection of judicial eloquence. But his claim and title to the character of a great judge have been portrayed by a pen dipped in the "Well of old English, undefiled " of one whose intimate knowledge of the subject he handles per- fect candor, sharp, critical acumen, and rare fitness, in all respects, for such a performance will relieve the tedium of my narrative : I gladly avail myself of the obliging kind- ness of the Hon. Logan E. Bleckley, long the learned head of the Atlanta Bar now Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of Georgia for the following: ESTIMATE OF HON. LINTON STEPHENS AS A JUDGE, FOUNDED ON HIS JUDICIAL OPINIONS, PUBLISHED IN THE GEORGIA RE- PORTS. VOLS. 28, 29 AND 30: It was not the lot of Judge Stephens to occupy the bench at a time when exceptionably great questions were pre- sented to the Supreme Court for adjudication. Indeed, it may be doubted whether the points that came before him, taken in the aggregate, were of average magnitude or mo- ment. He delivered not a single opinion on the principles of Constitutional law. Only three times did he have occa- sion even to mention the Constitution twice in discussing the agreement of statutes witii their titles, and once in the still more narrow inquiry as to what term oft 1 e court, with reference to the return of writs of error, was to be regarded as the first term, and the effect of failure to make return in due season. The cases with which he dealt were such only as make their appearance in ordinary times, and represent the ordinary current of judicial business, touching contracts, wills, crimes, the practice of the courts, and the duty of officers. He was thus without the advantage of great pub- lic questions upon which to found a reputation. Neither was he long enough in office to add anything to his judicial stature by the mere force of experience and continued ser- vice. He presided, altogether, but a little more than one year, havi' '^ come in with May tern, 1859, and gone out with June term, 1860. What mark he ma.de as a judge was due, therefore, to what he was when he came to the bench 1 66 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF to his learning as a lawyer, and his sheer fitness for judicial functions not, in any degree, to the materials on which he wrought, or to long-continuance in labor. His earl}' opin- ions ar~e quite as good as his later ones the first as good as the last. Indeed, he was ripe and ready for the bench at his first sitting, and needed no judicial education. lie was not a pupil, but a master. In the second month of his service, a case was decided by a majority of the court contrary to his views of the law; and his dissenting opinion (the only one which he ever had occasion to deliver) is a model of strength and clearness. The case was that of Hill rs. The State, reported in 2s. Webb and Williams, 29 Ga. R., 320; but the doctrine stood as established, until changed by act of the Legislature. From the time of this last case until the present, it has never been made a ques- tion before the Supreme Court, whether, prior to the new statute, a deed executed, pending an adverse holding, was or was not void. From this circumstance, the inference may be drawn that the argument of Judge Stephens was convincing to the professional mind of the State, and that even the great ability of Judge Benning failed to supply the logic and learning requisite for successful reply. In January, 1860, was decided the case of Jones vs. The State, 29 Ga. R., 594 -the case, of all others, which will probably be the longest associated with the name and fame of Judge Stephens. The main question was, as to the meaning of the rule that drunkenness is no excuse for crime ; and Judge Stephens, in the splendid opinion which he de- livered for a majority of the court, (himself and Judge Lumpkin,) undertook to show how and why drunkenness, as a fact, may be allowed to avail the accused, even upon 1 68 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF the question of malice, without trenching, in the least, upon that rule, properly understood. That drunkenness might be urged to disprove the physical constituents of crime, was probably never doubted ; but with reference to the mental constituents, the distinction between ascertaining them and excusing them has not always been discerned. It \vas the great achievement of Judge Stephens, in this opinion, to bring out that distinction, and display it in the broadest legal daylight. Until there is a case of crime ascertained in all its elements mental as well as physical there is noth- ing to excuse; and so long as the process is one of investi- gation, and not of palliation, the drunkenness of the ac- cused, just as any other fact, may be relevant on either branch, or on both branches, of the alleged criminal action. Not to screen the accused from responsibility for what he- has done, but to find out exactly what his deed was, and how to grade it in the scale of legal offenses, which scale is precisely the same for all, whether drunk or sober, is the purpose for which drunkenness is to be considered. What- ever demerit there is in drunkenness, it is not to be stripped of the protection which everything in God's universe is en- titled to claim the protection of truth. If, in very truth, there was a crime, notwithstanding the drunkenness, then should drunkenness count as nothing; but if the fact of drunkenness shows there was no crime, or would have been none if the same mental and physical elements had coin- cided without the drunkenness, then should the drunken- ness, as evidence, though not as excuse, furnish a ground of acquittal. Without reading carefully the opinion of Judge Stephens in this case, it is quite impossible for any person to take his full measure as a judge. It may be doubted whether half a dozen of his contemporaries on the bench could have written that opinion. Two classes of persons arc, however, liable to misunder- stand it, and misconceive its whole scope and bearing: these are the very inattentive and the very timid. If it is not read with attention, it will break into fragments; and, to be comprehended, being a connected argument, its con- nections must be preserved. So, if it be read by one in a nervous state of apprehension, as to the d-'.nger of tender- ness to drunken men, it will probably fail of its due effect, JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 169 through seeming, to a mind in such a state, more tender to them than it really is. The capacity of Judge Stephens to construe conveyances, and apply the dry law of estates, may be seen by reference to the following cases: Brown vs. Weaver, 28 Ga. R. , 377; Adams vs. Guerrard, 29 Ga. R., 651 ; Mason vs. Deese, 30 Ga. R., 308; Burton vs. Black, 2^638; Tennille vs. Ford, id 707 ; and Springer vs. Congleton, id 9/6. The opinion in Burton vs. Black is especially able, and, both in sub- stance and in style, would have satisfied Lord Coke himself. There is reason to think that, in the estimation of Judge Stephens, that opinion ranked above any other which he ever delivered not excepting even the one in Jones vs. The State. An example of an interesting question, well treated, in less than two pages, is seen in Springer vs. Con- gleton. Very many of the minor opinions are well worthy of notice, though but few of them can be commented on here. Striking sentences occur in several, not to quote some of which would be to omit touches essential to accuracy in drawing the portrait which this paper is designed to reflect. In one case, he says : " We think there was a capital judge, but no law." 29 Ga., 56. In another: "Argumentative- ness may be a good objection against an answer, but it will scarce!}' serve against a speech;" and "He who has rea- sons for his judgment is, at least, as good a witness as he who has none." Id 82. In another: "Communications between husband and wife are protected forever. This is necessary to the preservation of that perfect confidence and trust which should characterize and bless the relation of man and wife. Each must feel that the other is a safe and sacred depository of all secrets ; and the protection which the law holds over the dead is the very source of greatest secu- rity to all the living. " * Id 470. In another : ' ' Estates, like everything else in life, are generally better off in the hands of their friends than in the hands of their enemies." Id 519. *This sentence occurs in the judgment of the court, pronounced in the case of Lingo i's. The State ; he was indicted for murder. Those present when it was delivered can never forget how Judge Stephens thrilled the audience, by the awful grandeur of his manner, when he uttered the words: "Thank God! there is no running law in Georgia!" The sen- tence does not appear in the printed dec'sion. ED, BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF In another: "The law docs allow the owner, overseer or employer of the slave to furnish him such quantity as the oii'iier, overseer or employer may deem beneficial to the slave's health; but the law has not done so foolish a thing 1 as to put this same discretion in him who sells the spirits, nor can it be put there by delegation from him who has it. If it were placed there, the quantity supplied would generally depend much less upon its reasonableness or healthfulness than upon the amount of money the slave might happen to have. How man}' '''vendors would consider that a purchaser was transcending the limits of reason, or health, so Ions, he was paying for all he got?" Id 522. In another: was said that any girl, with or without an estate, has a ri to get relieved of a toothache, and make her guardian pay for it. If this doctrine is conceded in favor of gallantry, (and it can hardly be conceded on any other score,) still, some care must be taken not to make the guardian pa}' for anything but relieving the toothache. Now, it is very pos- sible that the toothache, in this young lady's case, could have been relieved, as the toothache of her grandmother had no doubt often been relieved, by a plug of cotton with a little laudanum on it, instead of fine plugs of gold." 30 Ga., 35. In another: "Surely there ought to be some compensation for the suffering endured. The pain from the wounds must have been great, and the dread of the ap- proaching collision between the two engines, though brief, must have been terrible. Mental agony has been known to turn a head gray in a night, and gray hairs are often but the effervescence of some great mental anguish." Id 146. In another: "Proof of hand-writing is, in its nature, the identification of an acquaintance." Id 476. In another: " What more verity is there in a gesture, or exclamation of surprise, than in plain words, expressing the same emotion? It would be exceedingly difficult to distinguish this from the case of spoken language ; it is acted language the one being quite as voluntary as the other." 29 Ga., 285. In another: "A privy in estate is a successor to the same estate not to a different estate in the same property." Id 374. In another: "The question 1 ask is, whether all promises on which the parties rely must not be in the writ- ing I do not mean representations f These last relate to the truth of existing or past facts, and not to engagements in the JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. I/ 1 future but promises, if they are to have any efficacy, must have it in the future." Id 461. In another: "The pen- alty falls not on him who shoots and kills, but on him who shoots and misses. Its penalty, therefore, seems to be leveled at bad shooting. " 28Ga.,395. In another: "But it was said they had ceased to be counsel when they were served. The reply is, that under the statute prescribing service on attorneys, for the purpose of receiving service, they couldnt cease. " 29 Ga., 29. The opinion in Bowie vs. Maddox and Goldsmith, 29 Ga., 285, deserves attention as a specimen of carving all the law in the case, as it were, into slices, with a few strokes of the knife, and making an end of the matter at once. Three points are not only ruled, but reasoned out exhaustively, in less than a page and a quarter. Roddy and Wife vs. Cox, id 298, shows how the body of a case can be squeezed until the points protrude like broken bones. Prince and Stafford vs. The State, 30 Ga., 27, shows as tight a grip not used for exposing points, but for deciding: "It may be that a riot was brewing ; but, if so, Prince spoiled the riot by an assault and battery." Id. Among the most excellent opinions is that in Lively i'S. Harwell, 29 Ga., 509, touching the revocation and probate of wills. In stating the views of himself and fudge Ben- ning, on a point not directly in judgment namely, whether the simple revocation of a subsequent will revives a prior revoked one lie makes a presentation of the reason for holding the negative, that ought to settle the question for all time in all parts of the world. Nothing can possibly be more conclusive. Though he delivered but one dissenting opinion, proper, he differed with a majority of the court upon one of the points in another case- that of Kctor rs. Welsh and Ector. 29 Ga. , 443. The point was one of practice, and turned on the construction of a statute which declared that, unless exceptions to interrogatories and the answers of witnesses, examined under commission, were taken and determined before submitting the case to the jury, the testimony should be received, subject only to objections for irrelevancy. He contended that hearsay was to be treated as irrelevant tes- timony, and was open to objection at any time on that ground. The argument which he made on this line, drawn 1/2 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF from the object and purpose of the statute, is very cogent, and, in the absence of anything to countervail it, from the other members of the court, seems absolutely convincing. In still another case Mason vs. Deese, 30 Ga., 308 each one of the judges had his separate views, and the judgment was formed by Judge Stephens yielding to the course favored by Judge Lumpkin, which was a kind of middle ground. The question was on the construction of a marriage settlement, and related to the exclusion of the husband from the property after the wife's death. Judge Stephens thought he was excluded; Judge Lyon thought he was not; and Judge Lumpkin thought it was not clear either way, on the lace of the instrument, and that the paper should be referred to a jury for construction in the light of the surrounding circumstances. This was done. In all other instances of a divided court, the concurring judges were Stephens and Lumpkin the dissenting judge, Benning or Lyon. The whole number of opinions delivered by Judge Ste- phens is one hundred and fifty-three ; and, assuming that his colleagues each delivered as many, the cases in which he presided would number about four hundred and fifty. One hundred and thirty of his opinions contain no citation of authority. Those citing authority refer chiefly to the Georgia Reports; Blackstone is ciiecl three times; Jarman on Wills, twice; Story on Agency, twice; Adams on Ejectment, once ; and an English Common Law Report, once. He respected authority, but the use he had for it was as a guide to principles not as a prop on which to rest his judgments. When the principles were found, he rested his judgment on tlicni, and not on the authorities that had led to their discovery. When he could render a legal rea- son, he preferred to state the reason itself rather than cite the volumes and pages from which he had drawn it. He thus gratified his taste for brevity and directness; for he had the power of condensing the substance of many au- thorities into a few sentences; and, I doubt not, he was averse to that appearance of judicial pedantry which be- longs to parading books and eases in long strings of cita- tion. I am tempted to think that he must have prescribed to himself some very rigid rule on th~ subject; for there is nothing more striking than the extreme rareness of his di- JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 173 rect appeals to authority ; yet, he made calls for it more than once, not satisfied with what had been produced. See 29 Ga., 310, 449, 465, 469, 470. His precise position with reference to precedents may be understood by quoting from his opinions. In one case, he says: "I thought, and still think, that the case is not within that statute, upon a sound and safe construction of it ; but my colleagues informed me that a different construction had prevailed in the courts for a great number of years, and with entire uniformity, to the extent of their knowledge on the subject. I was not pre- pared to dispute it, and, therefore, acquiesced in what seemed to be established by authority." 30 Ga., 8. In another case, in refusing to interfere with a former decision of the court, he says: "Without considering its original propriety, the decision ought to be maintained noiv. It was made nine years ago, and attracted the universal attention of the profession at the time. The Legislature, with full knowledge of the decision for nine years, not having changed the law declared by it, may fairly be considered as having acquiesced in it. The great body of the common law derives its authority from the decisions of courts and legislative ac- quiescence in them." Id 232. In another case : "Wheth- er the rule be a reasonable one or not is not the question ; it is too firmly fixed in the law to be disturbed by courts. It is a case for the Legislature only." Id 280. But, in his estimation, there were two classes of precedents one of them strong and the other very feeble. On page 104, of the 29th Georgia Reports, he says: "A decision, pro- nounced upon full argument and consideration, is justly en- titled to great weight indeed, to a controlling influence on subsequent decisions; but such decisions as this court, from the nature of its organization, is sometimes obliged to ren- der, without argument and on short consideration, ought, in my judgment, to carry but slight authority for subse- quent decisions." His view of the relation of principle to precedent is admirably stated in the same volume on page 515: " Where a principle is sound, it ought to be carried to all strictly analogous cases, unless stringent authority for- bids ; but if the principle be unsound, analogy ought not to be allowed to carry it to a single case beyond the impera- tive demands of authority the cases in which it has been already planted by decisions." 174 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF The legal force and literary excellence of his opinions are so interwoven that they strike the attention in almost equal degree. He had the grace, as well as the power, of logic; his strength was chaste and elegant. Never ornate, but always correct, he makes the impression of an artist who is so masterly in drawing that he has no use for colors. He simply engraves never paints. That his mind was sharp without being narrow, and broad without being blunt, con- stituted, I think, his great intellectual characteristic. When he concentrated, he did not con tract ; and when he expanded, he did not become vague. His thoughts moved, with equal vigor and accuracy, inward to the very center, or outward to the very circumference. He could both grasp and pierce ; he seized his logical prey, and then slaughtered it. However extended the outlines of his subject, he reached out to them in all directions, and penetrated every inward part. I wen his briefest opinions are exhaustive. The beginning and the end may be ever so close, but you feel that what lies between them is ail that should have been interposed that greater fullness would have been artificial cramming, and not natural growth. There is a staid relevancy in all he writes no straying into sentiment, and no swelling into passion. You would not know, from anything he has re- corded, that he had any hopes or fears, any pit}', any anger, any indignation- or that he knew of any abuses to correct, or any reforms to introduce. He champions no cause, no class, and attacks nothing but error in the record. The prominent moral trait which he discloses to us is love of truth, evincing, in himself, perfect truthfulness of character. He was genuine, through and through no counterfeit no pretender no humbug. Such a man was fit and worthy to preside in an}' court; and had he made judicial administration the chief labor of his life, he would have gone down to posterity as a very illustrious judge. L. K. BI.KCKI.KV. When Mr. Stephens was appointed to the office of Just- ice of the Supreme Court, one partisan gazette in the State- expressed strong dissatisfaction thereat; the burthen of complaint and criticism was "the atrocious crime of being JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 1/5 a young man," as the elder Pitt said in his reply to Wai- pole. One person of the legal profession, commenting on the appointment and the appointee, said, in language he deemed, doubtless, classical, but which "Cosby" certainly consid- ered coarse: "Stephens is a leather-headed fop." Professor Johnston furnished to another newspaper, in vindication of the prudence and propriety of Governor Brown's action, "the piece " alluded to in the following letter: SPARTA, June 4, 1859. DEAR DICK The date at which I am actually writing is the loth; but I preserve the caption, which I truly dated the 4th, in order that you may see the beginning of a good intention, which broke down sadly early on the road. I wrote "Dear Dick," supposing that I had plenty to say, but in truth not a word could I summon to my aid. I was lazy incontinently lazy, as the malicious world would say but I, understanding the matter much better than the world, only choose to say that I was dull, heavy and stupid ; and, to confess the truth, I am not much better off now. . . . Dick, your piece about me is very kind and very hand- some ; but I do believe there is hardly more than one or two other men in the world who would have laid it on s& thick. It was just like you ; but I am perfectly, unaffect- edly sincere in saying that I believe you said more for me than I deserve. I think 5-011 are in a woful minorit5 r in 5'our opinions of me I mean, in the extent to which \ r ou go. Everybody knows who wrote it. The initials, of course, give a read}' clue to the authorship ; but I do believe, Dick, that it has stronger ear-marks than the initials and eveiy- bod} 7 would have known it aii5'how. One thing surprised me a little: and that was the exactness with which 5-011 stated facts in m\ r histoiy. I didn't suppose that some of the things 5'ou mention had made any abiding impression on the mind of anybody. Your facts will do; but when it comes to 5-0111" opinions and judgments, let me sa} r , that if 5'ou are ever called on to make affidavit to them, I beg 5'ou to qualify, very decidedly, with the legal phrase, "Accord- 176 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF ing to the best of my knowledge and belief," and especially your "belief;" for truly, I believe, in this case, your faith is very superior to your knowledge. I feel as if you had stuck a false label on me ; and I feel very much like a pre- tender, unless I proclaim, as I go along, that yon have done it, and that I am not responsible for it, and don't believe in it. But, by the way, was ever Wirt a judge? I think not ; but I may be mistaken. I see that Gaskill, of the Atlanta Intelligencer, gives the piece his indorsement very heartily, from his knowledge of yon ; and I see, also, that he says the Opposition Griffin paper "has been pitching into me in a very uncalled-for and unkind manner." I don't mind that; for I don't know the fellow, and the best part of it is, he doesn't know me. He said he understood that Judge II , when the news of my appointment reached Newnan, said I was a "leather-headed fop." Cosby was mighty mad about it. The fact is, the old fellow turned pale when he told me about it. He seemed in much better spirits, and took a new and brighter view of the subject when he saw me laugh and make merry over it. If the Judge had contented himself with the "leather-headed," he might have hurt me ; but when he stuck on the " fop," the thing became preposterous. That showed malice; and I know he was speaking not from knowledge, but from envy. Malice, like ambition, often, and most generally, overleaps itself. A moderate thrust might have gone home; but the very fury of the blow carried it over my head. "When he calls me a "leather-headed fop," I laugh at him; but if he had simply called me "leather-headed," I suspect I should feel inclined to knock him. You remember the anecdote of Mr. Petigru: When a fellow called him a liar, he passed it by as a thing nobody would believe; but when the fellow said he was a " d d old Federalist," he knocked him down ; for he said he didn't know but what some people might be d d enough fools to believe it The following reminiscences, furnished by Professor John- ston, give an insight into the milder features of Mr. Stephens' character: his pure and heart}' domestic affections ; his true and rare social virtues ; his high and delicate appreciation of the offices of friendship, and of the more sacred relations and duties, whereof Home is the endeared exemplification : JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. I// PEN Lucv, WAVERLY, Mo., October 17, 1873. MY DEAR COLONEL I have been thinking- of your re- quest that I should send you some "reminiscences" of our departed friend, Linton Stephens. I hardly know where to begin, and what are the things most suitable to speak about o o i in the case of such a man as Linton Stephens. If I could be with you, and we could have time for a long talk, I have no doubt that I could interest you with many anecdotes of his private life, and then you might afterwards so frame them as to make them interesting to the public in your forthcoming memoir. I can scarcely hope to do so in the limited time at my disposal for this purpose. But I conclude to send you a short sketch as I knew him at lioinc. I do this more readily, because, with all my ad- miration for the position which he held in public, it was while lie was at Jiouic that I admired him most. Nor was this great admiration due only, or mostly, to our long inti- mate, and never-broken, and never-interrupted friendship. Such a friendship, indeed, gave me opportunities superior to those of most men, even among his neighbers, of seeing and knowing what he was in private ; but had I been less intimate with him, I could not have failed, while living so long in his neighborhood, to see and know enough of the life which he led there to fully justify the preference which I have expressed. Though he and I were born in a few miles of each other, yet, from the fact of our having been sent to different schools and colleges, we clicl not become acquainted until after we had grown up and come to the bar. Being a year or two younger than myself, he came in a little later. When he first began to attend our Hancock courts, at Sparta, 1 was then a partner of the late Judge James Thomas, whose only daughter, Mrs. Bell, Linton married in the year 1852. He then made Sparta, as you know, his home, and ever afterwards resided there. Before this time, however, our intimacy had begun, and with it the love and admiration on my part, both of which steadily increased to the last. I well remember how I was first impressed by his manners, and that I little expected to be ever so related to him as I afterwards became. His sternness of countenance, with his usual taciturnity, and his apparent entire disregard of the value of making a good impression on the minds of others when he spoke at all, induced me to regard him as misan- 17 178 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF thropical, and to suspect him to be incapable of forming strong attachments to persons or things; but I soon dis- covered I had made a mistake ; that under that grave ex- terior, and accompanying, harmoniously, the thoughtful- ness often descending to melancholy, which had formed it so, there was an abundance of that sort of tenderness which led him to love deeply, to pity cordially, and a humor which, in genuineness and richness, I have seldom seen equaled. The people of Hancock cordially received him ; and, being a member of the political party which had a majority in the county, (Whig,) he was sent to the Legislature at the next session after his removal. Though a Democrat myself, ] had already formed so strong an attachment for him, and so ad- mired his genius, that I could but be pleased to see him thus have opportunities of making the reputation which 1 knew was in store for him. Kven those Democrats who were most strictly party men* were led to console them- selves in defeat, that the new leader of their opponents was a man of real genius, and a thoroughly honest gentleman. And now, this last word reminds me afresh what a gi'/t- flcuian was Linton Stephens! Sure I am that in his whole life, whatever may have been the objects of his desire, he not only did never swerve from the straight line of honora- ble pursuit of them; but, as I fully believe:, he was never tempted to do so. In his practice at the bar, in his conduct of a political campaign, in his business dealings with his neighbors, he \vas entirely incapable of the employment of a trick, and would have scorned to have any object, however desirable, that he could not fairly win ; for he prized his own honor above all possible human possessions, even to the love of those who were the objects of his best love. It was this exalted sense of honor that made him sometimes so terri- ble in debate; for the slightest deflection from honorable conduct, and even the suspicion of it, aroused his indignation. Such a man must exert great influence in his neighbor- hood, lie: had not been long a resident of Hancock before he became its leading citizen. His character, not at all less than his intellect, made him such. lie was never a flatterer of the people and, indeed, was not often among them. A. visit from him to other than his kinsmen was extremely JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. I 79 rare. He did not often go to his office, and when he did go, he usually staid but a short time, and then returned to his home; but when he met the people, whether one or two of them, upon the streets, or in assembled crowds at the court-house, or the hustings, he so spoke and acted that they continually grew in their respect and their love for him. I said that he would often return home during office- hours. Of all men whom I have ever known, I think he was the most averse to leaving home. The love of home, with him, far outweighed the desire for professional or political success. But for his conviction that such a course would have been an unjustifiable employment of his talents, I am confident that he would have retired from the law and from politics long before his death. Many a struggle has he had on mornings, when he was to start upon the circuit, between the reluctance to leave home and a sense of duty to go. It was only two weeks before his death, when I was at his house, and he had a short respite from the State prosecutions in Atlanta, that he spoke of his repugnance to going back to them, and of a desire, amounting to longing, to retire from all public life, and be always afterwards with his family. Yet, when he went to the courts, this home-feeling did not interfere with his attention to his cases, and at recesses, especially in the evenings at the hotels, when he had such company as he liked, he could fully enjoy social reunions, and there was no lawyer who was more quick to notice the funny things which used to occur in the circuit-ridings, or rehearse them better, or enjoy their rehearsal more keenly than he. Yet, while he would never dispatch business too hurriedly for the sake of getting home, when he did get there, no man could more fully have enjoyed the return. At home! It was here that Linton Stephens was at Jiis best. The singleness of heart that made him so just and straightforward among men made him as honorable a hus- band as ever lived in this world, I do believe. He had married from pure love. He could not have married but from pure love. Otherwise, he would have been most un- happy in marriage. The longer his married life continued, the more he loved the woman who had blessed it and the children she had borne to him. He was^not only loving, ISO BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF but he was attentive and tender a continual companion in all seasons, and almost the best of nurses in the seasons of sickness. Five years after his marriage, his wife died. I never witnessed greater anguish than he suffered from this affliction. It continued through many years, and until he met the lady who became his second wife. You will have noticed in some of the letters which I have sent to you, written long after, how he dwelt upon this loss. Time, however, healed the wounds of this grief, and, having again most fortunately married, as before, he loved as he loved before, and was as happy with his noble second wife as he had been with the first. It was during the ten years of his widowerhood, from 1857 to 1867, that our friend, as it seemed to me, exhibited the rarest qualities of head and heart. He \vas left with three little girls. There was no female relative who stood in such near relationship to him as would make it practicable for her to undertake their guidance dur- ing these years. His wife had been the only child of Judge Thomas, and her mother had died before her. Linton's only sister resided in a remote part of the State, and had a considerable family of her own. But in the household there were some faithful and well-trained servants. With these, therefore, he undertook to bring up these little girls. It would have touched the heart of any man, however little acquainted with him and his condition, to see how assidu- ously he labored to compensate these children for the loss which they had suffered how he strove to be both father and mother to them, and how, when sometimes he would feel that he must, and did come short of this respon- sibility, he lapsed almost into despair. But here the tenderness which was one of his most strik- ing qualities came to his aid, and was sufficient for his and their needs. He took upon himself the care and education of these children, and those of us who knew him best saw with pleasure how he adapted himself to this delicate and most difficult task. To me, he seemed to have suc- ceeded in making himself again a child so fully did his heart learn to accord with theirs in the love and apprecia- tion of things which are intended and generally seem to be- fitted only for childhood. Patiently he taught them the principles of learning, and JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. l8l his old love of childish literature came again to him, as, with his little ones around him, he read the old stories, and his and their tears flowed together. I have often gone to his house and found him with his little charge. But he usually dismissed them, after I entered, to their nurse, and though most generally we went to the consideration of other things, yet, he would sometimes linger upon a subject that their last lessons had suggested, and fondly tell of some of their sayings and doings. There was one story, in particu- lar, of the old days, which he and I often referred to, and pleasingly remembered how, when very young 1 children, we had wept over it. The book containing it had long been out of print, but I found it once at an administrator's sale and bought it. I told him of it, and mentioned that I had not read it again, and had hesitated to do so in the fear that I might not feel the old emotion. He asked me to send it to him. I did so; and not long afterwards, he said to me: "Dick, you need not be afraid that you won't cry from reading Little Jack. I have read it to the child- ren. They cried as if their hearts would break, and I cried about as much as they did." It was this tenderness in his nature which, more than anything else, enabled him to bring on these little girls in the sort of education which it was best for them to have. Not only his natural love, but his sympathy for them, his commiseration even for their very unconsciousness of the loss they had suffered, made him the more easily become sometimes like them in tastes, feelings and emotions. It would have put to shame most fathers, and those with greatly less capacity than his for the enjoyment and pursuit of greater things, to notice how thoroughly he had learned these children's various characters, and how he delighted in employing the means of giving them suitable develop- ment. Sometime during the war, Mr. Cosby Conncl, an unmar- ried gentleman, about ten years his senior, an intelligent man of ordinary education, and of great probity of charac- ter, went to live with him, and so continued until his death in the year 1868. A very ardent personal friendship grew up between these two men. Mr. Connel was a man of decided likings, and, being of domestic habits, rendered invaluable aid in the 1 82 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF management of household affairs. The children became strongly attached to him, and he to them. He watched over them with the care and affection of a father, and Lin- ton was greatly relieved of his anxiety, in his absence, when he knew they were under the charge of Air. Connel. And now, what shall I say about what it was to visit at that house in those times? The absence of women did away with much ceremonious entrance. The door was ever open, and his friends seldom paused to knock. Advancing through the spacious hall, they entered into his library, where he literally lived. He might be reading to his child- ren, or reading for his own entertainment, or writing, or playing at solitaire, or simply musing while he smoked his cigar. The open box was on the mantel, and the visitor would light up and read a newspaper, picking up one of a do/.en from the floor, or take a hand at cards, or sit and smoke, and wait for talk to begin. Cosby Connel would just have been in, or would soon come in from the garden, in which he took great pride, and we might begin on him until Linton would turn from his table and join in. We might talk of politics, or a law case, or of Cosby's peas, and cabbage, and potatoes. The presence of friends would unbend him from his studies, and make him seem to forget his grief and solitude. I never expect to enjoy again such raciness of talk as we used to have in that library when ^'e would all get warmed well in contact. His humor was only the more genuine and flowing from the melancholy, which, natural to him, had been mellowed by affliction. There was many a character, both in Hancock and the adjoining counties, \vhose oddities he and I well knew, and the re- hearsal of their doings and sayings would be followed by shouts of laughter that it would be glorious to hear and to ut- ter. But later in the day, I max* have lingered longer than the rest. After dinner, Cosby might be out at his work, or taking his evening nap on the sofa. As the clay xvould xvanc, xv e xvould lapse into serious conversation, which might lead to his oxvn condition, the prospects of his child- ren and his oxvn; on these he xvould conx'erse xvith me as freely, I believe, as he did xvith his oxvn heart. When, at last, the day xvould end, and I must go, xx'e xvould shake hands without other xvords than "good-bye;" yet, he xvould know, and 1 am sure it comforted him in some degree to JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 183 know, that I loved and sympathized with him more and more from every additional interview. Alluding to the merry times we sometimes had, I am re- minded that I have observed that his appreciation of hu- morous things was not as generally known as it was by those who were his intimate friends. Added to an uncommonly serious exterior, he had, beyond any one I have ever known, the faculty of postponing the enjoyment of a ridiculous oc- currence, if a postponement was proper or desirable. He could witness, without a change in his face, the funniest things, and then store them away, even the smallest bits of them, and afterwards, when a fit opportunity occurred, bring them forth, and they would have lost none of their fresh- ness. I well remember his first visit to me after I had re- moved to Athens, and when he came there as Judge of the Supreme Court. One afternoon, we had taken a long walk into the country, and were returning clown the hill near Governor Lumpkin's. He had been telling me some good things about several of our old acquaintances, and we had gotten into a vein of uncontrollable laughter. He then told me several anecdotes of Gabe Nash, Esq.; one, espe- cially, about the municipal ordinances of the new town of Hartwell, under one of which Gabe was fined a dollar for loud talking in the streets. We were both so convulsed by this that we became uproarious in our bursts of laughter, and had to lean upon each other to keep from falling. We had not noticed a carriage that was coming up the hill. It contained some of ray lady acquaintances. We bowed in some confusion as they passed, and they afterwards said to me that they had made the driver linger a while at the foot of the hill in the apprehension that a couple of es- caped lunatics were in their way. We were both extremely fond of his father-in-law, the late Judge James Thomas. The Judge, a capital lawyer, and otherwise an excellent man, had many eccentricities. These manifested themselves most frequently in his seasons of sickness, and unfortunately the latter occurred very often. Whenever one of these came on, Linton would go to his house and remain with him until he was well again. I have already said that the latter was one of the best of nurses, and the Judge, having lost his wife, and having no female relative in the house, needed the nursing that Linton knew 184 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF how to bestow. Another reason for this necessity was, that the Judge had the greatest confidence in his own medi- cal skill, and none whatever in that of any physician. It was only Linton who could restrain him from employing whatever remedies his whimsy might suggest remedies which often were the most unsuitable possible for his condi- tion. It was always an extremely difficult matter to control him in such cases. Only Linton, with his coolness and firm- ness, could hold him in check. The old gentleman doted on his son-in-law, and always his most potent reason with him in yielding his point, would be the apprehension that he might not be sufficiently considerate of Linton's feelings if he should persist in his course. Still, he would argue evcr\ r point, and sometimes Linton would be driven to put his hand upon the potion that he had resolved to take, and gently withdraw it from his grasp. At such times, there had to be a compromise of some sort, for nothing could get him to take the prescription of the physician. The highest compliment he had ever been known to pay to any physician was when he said of Dr. Edward Alfriencl, his family physi- cian and very clear friend, that he really did believe that Alfriend killed fewer patients than any doctor he knew. After such a sojourn with the Judge at Lancaster (his country-seat), Linton would return home. When we could get a fair opportunity for such a purpose, and had gotten fully rested from his long watching, he would take out of his pocket, as it were, scores of the funniest things imagin- able that had occurred at Lancaster, tell them over to me, and, for the first time, would laugh and laugh until the tears would run out of his eyes. I have spoken thus freely of his humor, because I am sure the public generally were not aware how abundant and heart}- it was. While his elegant culture enabled him to see at a glance and to fully appreciate the most delicate playfulness of the best literary humorists, yet his simplicity, and broadness of understanding and heart, allowed him to take in all humorous things, from the most sparkling sallies of genius to the droll gambols of even the lower animals. When we would be going on the circuit together, in a buggy, while much of our conversation would be on serious sub- jects, and very often upon our own, and especially his domestic afflictions, yet he would often be diverted to JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 185 making charades and conundrums, and other sportive suggestions. Occasionally, these speculations would im- perceptibly lapse into a vein of sentiment, and even of melancholy, that would be most delicate and most touching. The shadow that his great affliction had cast upon him was ever there, but the humor that was a part of his nature must assert itself sometimes, and I am sure it became the richer from the pathos which went along with it. To one Avho shed so many tears in secret, a laugh was sometimes as refreshing as food to the hungry, and he enjoyed it the more because it seldom came, and came irresistibly. The intercourse that he had with his clients was interest- ing. No lawyer was ever more free from the habit of either encouraging litigation, or flattering clients by giving too favorable opinions. Thoroughly sincere in all things, he counselled exactly as he thought. Whenever an attempt was made to arbitrate, he was one of the few, who could see and feel the strong points in the adversary's right, equally with those of his client, no matter how long he had been con- nected with his case. He was almost a perfect lawyer, and the thorough control he exerted over his intellect made such a task easy. It was thus he could win suits without appealing to the prejudices of juries, or too hastily assailing his adversary, preferring and feeling safe to rely upon the strength of his case and his power to establish it. Aside from the eloquence that comes from an ardent and vigorous understanding that had received great culture, there was a perspicuity in his spoken language, and a facility of sim- plifying contested questions, that I never saw surpassed at the bar. Counting the work that he did, he ought to have amassed a fortune by his practice. But his charges were almost uni- formly below the average of the profession, and often, very often, he would lower the fee after the termination of a great case, and lower it again and again, upon the representation (not always sincere) of his client that he could not afford to pay it. This was particularly the case in his own county. The poor had their little cases attended to with as little cost as the poor anywhere, certainly, and, by his prudent coun- sels, he kept out of the courts a greater number of litigants than he ever carried there. There is no calculating the blessing that such a lawyer is to a community. 1 86 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF After the war, when almost every man became reduced to poverty, he did an immense amount of such work not excepting the destitute negroes from his charitable counsels and aid. He was constantly making their little settlements, and adjusting their disputes, and counselling them generally, and without reward. Such devotion had its legitimate results. Of course, there was some ingratitude in his experience, as in that of every generous man. But he was as much beloved in that county as any public man could be anywhere, and when he died, all, as well the poor as those who had been able to recover from pecuniary disasters, as well the black man as the white, mourned as if they had lost* their best friend. The little village of colored people, built in the suburbs of Sparta since the war, was draped with crape. As his children grew older, his friends hoped he might again marry, they being all girls. I do not doubt that his grief for the loss of his wife was the deeper and the harder to be subdued, as he contemplated daily the increasing loss which her death had brought to them. But it was not until 1865 that the idea of a second marriage was per- mitted to enter his mind. It was in the fall of this year, while on a visit to his brother, then a prisoner at Fort War- ren, that he became acquainted with Miss Alary \V. Salter, of Boston. This acquaintance ripened into most devoted affection, and led to his second marriage, which took place in 1867. This marriage was most happy in its results. In this new sharer of his after fortunes, lie and his children found every quality becoming the character of wife and mother. Never was man, so sorely afflicted for years, more eminently blessed in the end. Three other children were born ; and I have never known a house in which it would have been more difficult to notice in all, parents and child- ren, that there was any difference in their relative positions among one another. Even now, since the father has been removed from them, the only alteration that death has seemed to cause has been to bind that blended circle the closer together in reciprocal duties and affections. I scarcely know how even to begin to speak of Linton as a friend. He was so unspeakably dear to me, that I feel like saying more than would perhaps be becoming in such a letter. While he was so generally beloved in his JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 1 87 neighborhood, he was on strictly and entirely confidential terms of friendship with a limited number. Without much constraint in his associations with his neighbors, his deepest and most secret thoughts and feelings were imparted to very few ; and to them, they were imparted without the slightest reserve. The tenderness of which I have before spoken gushed out, abundant and free, to the friends he loved. For his friendship was pure love. He had grown to be warmly attached to Mr. Cosby Connel. In the sum- mer of 1868, he and Mrs. Stephens went on a visit to her parents in Boston, and left this gentleman and the older children behind. During their absence, Mr. Connel died. I regret much that I have mislaid the letter Linton wrote me from Boston when he heard by telegraph of this event. But he wept and wept! I saw from the letter, what I knew before I received and read it, that his very soul was pour- ing itself out in sorrow for the friend of his love. I know you will be touched when you read the letters he wrote to me about the sickness and death of his servant woman, Mary, the wife of Travis, his coachman ; for t lie re was another friend, though a slave. That great, loving heart recognized its dues to the lowly as well as the high, and paid them all full}- out of its allowance. I have fre- quently remarked that, though he was ever kind and con- siderate to negroes generally, yet he seemed to have a feel- ing akin to friendship for all belonging to his special friends. My old house-servants liked him very much for his friendly notice, and he and they usually shook hands on meeting and parting at my house. It was always beautiful to me to observe the relations be- tween him and his brother, Alexander. I suspect that no two brothers ever stood in the relation to each other of greater love and sympathy. While they were never part- ners in the law, yet they would never appear in court on opposing sides. Their love was such that each, I believe, could not endure the thought of attempting, or even wish- ing for things different or adverse among themselves. It was for sometime unfavorable to the growth of Linton 's reputation, that the general public delayed to give him full credit for independence in his political opinions. The truth is, that their thorough intimacy and their mutual fondness had induced a similarity of thinking upon most subjects; 188 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF and though living in different counties, they often, and in- deed generally, would form instantaneously the same judg- ments upon questions that had newly arisen, and upon which they had not had time to confer. I have noticed, sometimes, the pleasure each has felt in such a case. The brothers sympathized always and entirely. The joy and the grief of one were the joy and the grief of the other. This was most especially the case with the elder brother. To Linton he had been both brother and father. He had educated him with almost uncqualed care, and, I am sure, that his greatest happiness, aside from the consciousness of performing his own duties, consisted in seeing Linton successful and happy. Their love for each other was per- fect in its kind. The death of Linton would have broken the heart of the survivor, but for his religious faith, and his sense of obligation to hold out to the last in the work which he had yet to do. In conclusion, I say to you frankly, that I feel like say- ing something more, if I could find what was becoming to say, about Linton as my friend. Hut I fear I have already alluded too often to myself in this letter. Hut I knew him best, when he and I were together, alone. We had been friends from the first to the last. In those twenty years, through what varied scenes we passed together ! We have rejoiced together, and we have mourned together. lie had domestic afflictions so had I. In those twenty years, he and I several times were in alternate relations of wailer and consoler. Deeply and long as he could bewail his own griefs, so tenderly and considerately could he be a consoler of mine. I have never known a man who understood, as well as he, the blessed art of searching into the breast of a sor- rowing friend, and applying healing balm unto its sorest wounds. In all of his moods, whether sad or gay, lie was ever the same to me, trusted and loved; and, I do not hesi- tate to say, trusting and loving. When 1 heard that he- was no more, few things that might have happened could have impressed me more deeply with thoughts of what havoc death can make with the happiness which comes from indulgence in human affections. Very truly, your friend, R. M. JOHNSTON. JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 189 I insert here a few additional letters, without regard to chronological order, which avouch the accuracy of Profes- sor Johnston's judgment of the beauty and tenderness of his domestic and social virtues. From the White Sulphur Springs, Virginia, whither he repaired for health, in 1868, he wrote this letter to his three eldest daughters Rebecca, Claude and Emm : WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, September i, 1868. MY PRECIOUS DARLINGS The main purpose which your poor, old, gruffy, morose, petulant, melancholy Papa has in writing to you at this late day is to apologize for not hav- ing written to you sooner. The penalty of duty neglected is always, in the end, humiliation in some way or other; and the offender gets off very lightly when the humiliation comes in no worse form than confession especially, when the con- fession has the reactionary effect of procuring pardon or ab- solution, and thus setting him on his legs again with a re- lieved conscience and undaunted brow. I have made the confession ; it depends upon you to grant the absolution. Will you do it at once, and thus set poor Papa up all right again, or \vill you prolong his punishment by withholding your forgiveness? If the latter, I shall not complain, for I richly deserve it; but if the former, 1 shall be very happy in having one more proof that you are the sweetest and best children in the world. To forgive neglect of ourselves, on the part of others, is one of the very highest exercises of unselfish love, and therefore one of the highest and brightest elements of excellence, since there is nothing which exceeds neglect in its tendency to wound our self- love. To subordinate self-love to our love for another is as beautiful as it is difficult and heroic. If, therefore, you shall exhibit the beauty of heroism, I shall have the felicity of forgiveness. I shall cease to regret my sin, because it will be taken away from me and converted into the exalta- tion and glory of my children. Can my sweet darlings now refuse to forgive poor old Papa? No. I am sure they will eagerly contest the point among themselves, which of them will be the first to spring into his arms and tell him he is forgiven. Do you know, by the way, that the enormity of IQO BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF my delinquencies obliges me sometimes to incur the humil- iation of apologizing to so small a personage as Baby?* Just think of it ! a grave, gray-headed man like me, asking pardon of a little frowning monkey like her; and yet, my petulant humors or irreverent speeches are sometimes resented by her little ladyship in a way which brings the repentant old father right down on his knees. But bless her bright, sweet, loving little soul ! she never fails to for- give her " Papy " whenever he asks her forgiveness in the proper handsome manner. I am indeed blessed in my children- in all my children, from the greatest even unto the least You will understand, however, that in estimat- ing which is greatest and which is least, I shall be guided, not by the size and beaut}' of their bodies, but by the size and beaut}' of their souls. Do you want to know ivliicli of your four souls Papa regards as the biggest and most beau- tiful? Ah! well, that is Papa's secret. He defies any and all of you to find it out. You need not try to worm it out of Mama, for I do not intend to let her any deeper into it than the rest of you. I give all of you, including her, full leave to form an alliance against me, and to use all your art. I shall not be cajoled or surprised into a revelation. I will, however, give you a clue to guide your guesses from time to time. I say from time to time, because the size and beaut} 1 of the soul are things of givict/t, and the soul that excels at one time is often overtaken and surpassed by the more rapid growth of an inferior one. Yes, my dar- lings, the soul is even more capable of growth than the body is; for, unlike the bod}', it has no limitation upon its growth, neither in time nor eternity. It may forever and forever expand in capacity and beaut}' finding forever a new happiness in its very sense of expansion. Is not this a very sweet and encouraging thought? To know our ca- pacities of happiness is the opening of the gate which leads to its attainment. The sight of the splendid prize, as a possession which can be made our own, is a most powerful incentive to struggle for its appropriation. This sight comes to the soul by the eye of faith, founded on reason, just as images of beauty in the material world sink sweetly and lovingly into the chambers of the material eye, if it will * Little Nora, then not much over a year old. JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 19! only open its doors and let in the light. But I said I would give you a chic. Well, here it is : I shall be very apt to think that soul the biggest and most beautiful which is the biggest and most beautiful ; and you will, therefore, be most likely .to get at my secret opinion by forming for yourselves the most candid judgment of your own comparative charac- ters. Aha! you think now I have betrayed my secret. Not a bit I hope and believe all of you will exhibit such an equal growth each resolved not to be surpassed by any other that the difference shall ever remain a contested point and a doubtful matter. Do you suppose, from w r hat I have said, that I would have you to look upon one and another as rivals? No, not rivals not even in greatness and beauty of soul for rivalry implies a certain sort of selfishness, even when the contest is pursued for the noblest prizes; while real greatness and beauty of soul consist in nothing more certainly and luminously than in the negation of self and devotion to others preferring one another in honor, even in the 'honor of goodness. Lest all this may seem incomprehensible to your young minds, as it equally seems to many, very many older ones, I will express it in a different form, which I think is clearer, and, at the same time, more accurate. I begin by saying that my idea must not be understood as excluding all selfishness from the pale of greatness and beauty; on the contrary, there is one sort of selfishness which forms the necessary basis of rational character, whether rational or insane everything does and must act with a view to his oti'n happiness. Do you sug- gest that very few people seem to act from that motive that many seem to be pursuing their own misery instead of happiness? Well, this is only a seeming not a reality. It is too true that very few persons pursue their happiness in a. wise way, or with wisdom equal to their knowledge ; but it is still equally true that every person is always im- pelled by some view of his own happiness as a motive- power. It is often a most mistaken view so obviously mis- taken that it would be readily corrected by his own stock of knowledge, if his knowledge were only realized and ap- plied to the case. The difficulty is, that knowledge is not realized, and not applied in the case. It is not realized, be- cause there is not the necessary reflection to bring home, as a present reality, its logical conclusions which lie in the fu- IQ2 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF ture. There is nothing so difficult for human nature as to preserve a just relative estimate of the present and the fu- ture, the short, evanescent, but ever-presiding present, and the future which has not yet come in contact \vith the soul. The future, although it may be kno\vn in the sense of being open to reflection, if reflection could only be made to bear upon it, and accept it as an inevitable experience, loses its just weight in the balance. The present always asserts itself, and never allows itself to be overlooked or depreci- ated. The poor, unreflecting human soul often indulges in a small present gratification, from which it would shrink ap- palled if it would but realize and appreciate, as a present ex- perience, the miserable consequences which lie in the yet unreachcd future; but still, in the very act of present in- dulgence, the soul is moved by that view of its own hap- piness which is then predominant. The present reigns tri- umphant because the futurc ( is sJutt ant. Thus you see how it is, as I have said, that a certain sort of selfishness forms the necessary basis of every character, and is the spring of all human action. Hut there is an immeasurable difference between tu'O lands of selfishness, and in this difference lies the secret of greatness and beauty of soul. One kind of selfishness is solitary the other is social. One finds its happiness or gratification in the indulgence of its every passion and desire, without regard to the happiness or mis- ery of others, and even sometimes /// the misery of others. The other kind finds its pleasure in seeing, and still more in creating, the happiness of others. This kind cannot have a real happiness unless it is shared by loved ones. Neither of these two kinds exists in its perfection in any one person ; but the two kinds are mixed in every person, yet in very different degrees in different persons. The solitary kind is despicable ; the social kind is noble, and beautiful, and lovely. Greatness and beauty of soul arc best cultivated by culti- vating that noble selfishness which finds its happiness in the happiness of others. All of this, which I have taken so much space to explain, is embodied in the command to love God with your whole heart, and your neighbor as yourself. The selfishness which I call the noble kind is but another exposition for the law of love. It is the fountain of the purest, sweetest, and most abundant happiness. But I must hurry to a close. I am, perhaps, a little better in JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 1 93 health than when I came here. In a few days, your uncle Ellic and I expect to go to another spring about sixteen miles from this one. It is called the Sweet Chalybeate spring. Send your next letter to Boston. I have received three letters from Claude, two from Rebecca, and one from' Emm. Emm's letter I got this evening. It bears date of the 25th of August. I think you have all improved very much in letter-writing. I think Claude has improved the most, and I expect it is because she has written the most letters, and taken the most pains to write them. Your uncle was quite sick day before yesterday. He seemed quite well again yesterday, but to-day again he is quite unwell. His affliction is of the nature of cholera-morbus. He thinks it was produced by some frozen custard which he ate for dinner the day before his attack, but I suspect it came from the water here. Before that attack, he had greatly improved in strength and health. I think now, my darlings, that we shall not get back home before the middle of October. I don't want you to go to school while the sun is very hot. Take care of your health by all means. We may get home sooner than the time I have mentioned, but you needn't expect us sooner. I don't know how long I may stay at the other spring as long as I may get benefit from it. And now, good-bye, my darlings, and may God bless you. Your loving FATHER. [From L. S. to A. H. S. ] SPARTA, August 19, 1869. DEAR BROTHER I got your letter of yesterday, and the Constitutionalist containing your reply to Greeley. I think this reply is one of the very best things you ever wrote. Indeed, I think it the best. It is vigor- ous, luminous and crushing. I have sent the paper to Ben Harris, at his request. He promised to take care of it and return it. I was down town a while this morning, and spoke of the piece in a way which caused him to ask for the paper. While I write, Claude has Baby on the sofa, showing her the pictures in a large illustrated Bible. She has the pas- sion for pictures stronger than I ever saw it in a child 01 her age. She has a "Mother Goose" which she pretty 18* 194 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF generally carries around with her, annoying people to death with begging to have the pictures explained. She decidedly prefers me as expositor, because I render them to her in dramatic style. You can't imagine how intense an atten- tion she gives to these representatives, nor what a Babel of gibberish she sometimes delivers in response to them. She remembers, too, a great deal of what I tell her about the pictures, and universally selects for comment those which have before been most highly dramatized. [From L. S. to A. IT. S. ] SPARTA, February 5, 1860. DEAR BROTHER I am now about to do what I have no recollection of ever having done before re-write a letter to you; or, to express the truth more nearly, I am about to write you a new letter, because I have become dissatisfied with the one on hand, and have discovered it. I was about to say, discovered it midway, but I don't know whether it was midway, or one-tenth, or one-twentieth of the way to its end, for one of the main reasons I had for dropping it was, that I could see no symptoms of its coming to an end at all. I was like a novice trying to dispatch an oyster, and feeling the thing grow bigger and bigger in his mouth in- stead of becoming prepared for the passage down his gullet. So I have just taken the unmanageable morsel out of my mouth, and laid it gently down, in the spirit of Martin Crawford's man, who took the hot pudding out of his mouth at the grand dinner and laid it down with the complacent, self-gratulatory remark, "A damned fool would have swal- lowed it." I tell you 1 had got the thing into a terrible tangle, and I am very much disposed to compliment my own ingenuity in getting rid of it. There are not many men who would have done it. Now I am read}' to go on Yesterday, I got your letter of the day before, written at home, saying that you expected to go back to Augusta yesterday evening, and telling me also what an escape you had from being burnt out. There was one thing in your account of the burning that made me laugh, though I have not the slightest idea that you meant or expected it to have that effect. It was the grand moral you drew from the affair: " I do abominate this JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 1 95 way of carrying pipes about." Now, that a fellow, after giving an account of his being so near a burning from a careless pipe, should wind it up with a grand flourish that lie abominated this *vvay of carrying pipes about, struck me as being superfluous in an irresistibly ludicrous degree. It communicated to me just about the same amount of inform- ation as Walter Shandy got from his brother Toby's re- mark when Toby informed Corporal Trim, in the hearing of Walter, that he believed the auxiliaries with which he and Trim were acquainted, and those auxiliaries about which his "brother Shandy" had been speaking, were different things ; and if I had been by you when you said it, I should certainly have given you "brother Shandy's" iden- tical reply "You do?" That passage in "Tristram" is not exceeded in humor by anything that I ever heard or read, and the whole humor of it lies in Shandy's state of mind, produced by the extreme superfluity of Toby's re- mark. I insist, therefore, that if you had had Shandy for an auditor when you said you "did abominate this way of carrying pipes about," it would have been as funny a scene as the one just referred to between the Shandy brothers. Did you ever try to analyze the fun of that passage? It is worth the trouble. Toby's palpable and patient superfluity is a funny thing in itself, in the first place ; and so is yours. In the next place, his mode of expression implies, that how- ever the idea might have been in his mind before that time, in a vague, chaotic form, it had come to development but very lately before it was formally announced ; and so does yours. So far, the parallel is complete not one whit against you. But the cream of the joke in Toby's instance could not be matched in yours, unless you had had Shandy for an auditor, for it consists in the very peculiar state of mind induced in him. Toby had just said a most ludicrous thing ; but the moral is, that it did not strike his brother in a lu- dicrous light. His reply, "You do ! " is exceedingly sug- gestive of a state of mind which he had rapidly passed through, as well as the one at which he had then arrived. The first feeling excited in his mind evidently had been contempt for Toby's slowness in coming so late to an idea which Shandy certainly believed had been in his own mind ever since he was born, and this first feeling had been quickly tempered by pity, which instantly cast a glance 196 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF into the future, and saw no hope of amendment for Toby there ; then it was that despair entered into his mind and he softly said, "You do?" [From L. S. to A. II. S. ] SPARTA, February 27, 1860. DEAR BROTHER This is another memorable anniversary with me. To-day, eight years ago, I was married. That was a brilliant day and brilliant night the most brilliant, I have often thought, that I ever saw ; and it seems to me that its annual returns are apt to be of like character. Such is to-day. I will not write about the thoughts which crowd upon me with a peculiar force at this time, for they would only sadden you to read them, and their expression can do me no good But it occurs to me at this mo- ment that I will write you a piece of news. We have got a vigilance committee here. Yesterday they tried a fellow for uttering abolition sentiments. The culprit was a native of this county, by the name of Pool. He is a young man, 26 or 28 years old, the son of old Pool, the shingle-getter. He is a poor, ignorant fellow, whose lot in life has rendered virtue almost an impossibility, and his vices almost a neces- sity. The proof against him as I heard the witness, Long, Mr. Thomas' overseer, detail it to me and two or three others yesterday in an outside, informal way was this: Long met Pool one day going home from Sparta, and asked him the news in town. Pool replied that he heard Mr. Edwards read a piece from a newspaper that day about the abolitionists forming a band to go and turn old John Brown out of jail, and he had heard that the "Hancock Vol- unteers" were going to Milledgeville and get arms and "go on" to help prevent it. He then went on to say that he thought we were going to have a ivar, and that he thought that Brown's side would be the strong side, because there were so many more negroes than there were white folks, and that when the "war" came, he was going to take care of himself by joining the strong side. He added that he wished "there weren't no niggers, nohow," for then he could get more for his work. Long asked him how he could get to Brown's men when he should undertake to join them. He said he would black himself and go to them JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 1 97 * where they were. "Mark you this, sir: he would black himself." This was the proof. Poor Pool denied every bit of it, most bitterly, and swore he was as good a friend to the South as any man who owned a hundred niggers. His denial was as emphatic as old Peter's was, and made, no doubt, for the same reason to save himself from being hung. Jack Smith, who is one of the "Vigilants, " came to me, where I was sitting in the street on a goods box, taking the sun, and talking to Cosby and two or three others, and asked my advice about what was the best to be done with Pool. \Yhereupon, I gave him my advice, with such a prelude as I hoped might secure its adoption. I told him, for my part, I was not in favor of Lynch-law, but I couldn't help feeling glad whenever I heard of a strag- gling abolitionist being sent back on his own side of the line with onr mark on him ; that I was perfectly willing to see the rascals fed out of their own spoon by rendering the slavery question a practical test to them as they were rendering it to us ; and hence, whenever I heard of a strolling Yankee of this class sent back home with a little token to keep us fresh in his memory, and the memory of his friends, I felt that a good work was going on; but that there could be no good accomplished by harshness towards a poor, simple native like Pool. There was nobody to be annoyed or corrected by it, except a few other simple people of his own class, whose sympathies would only be increased by a martyr in their own class, however their tongues might be stilled by the terror of the example ; that such fellows as he were to be watched and taken care of when a conflict might be thrust upon us by a far different class of men ; but that he never could pro- duce the conflict, nor start the first ripple towards the first move ; that he certainly was not a dangerous man, what- ever his wishes might be ; for there wasn't a negro in the county with so little sense as to be fooled into trouble by such a fellow as Pool. The conclusion to which I came from all this was, that it would have been best, perhaps, to have said nothing about it in the first instance; but as they had noticed it officially, the best thing now was to lecture him, and turn him loose on good behavior. Jack went off to rejoin his associates with an evident intent, as I thought, to advocate the course I had advised. John B , who had 198 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF been standing in ear-shot, came up as soon as Jack had left, and in a tone of remonstrance against the advice I had given, said: "Well, I tell you what it is, when they get so far along as to talk about blacking tJieinselvc s, sir, I'll tell you, sir, something ought to be done with them." I laughed and Cosby laughed. The result of Pool's case was that he was lectured and turned loose. I believe the lecturing was done by Jack Smith. Cosby was not pleased with my views about strolling Yankees. He is an extreme conser- vative, and undertook to argue the question with me. He said my position that I myself would not administer Lynch-law r was an acknowledgment that Lynch-law was wrong. I told him, in the first place, I had only said I was not in favor of Lynch-law that is, that I was not its advocate ; but while I was not prepared to say that I would myself administer it in any case whatever, I was equally unpre- pared to say that I would not administer it in any conceiv- able case ; on the contrary, I was inclined to think there might be cases in which it would be right, and in which I would myself administer it; but that my rejoicing to hear of its administration, in a temperate style upon strolling Yankees sometimes, was independent of the question of whether it was right or wrong in the person who adminis- ters it; that my rejoicing might be right while their act might be wrong. He said he couldn't understand that morality; and as you may have a similar difficulty, allow me to lengthen out this letter, already too long, to justify my position. You may find me wandering into some curi- ous abstractions, but you must be patient. I prefer that you should read them and set them right if they should be wrong, rather than throw them aside because they arc- wrong. Did you ever read Bulwer's " Eugene Aram?" If so, you of course remember the splendid sophistry by which Aram satisfied himself that he might justifiably kill the old miser in order to get his money and make a good use of it. It is, as I have called it, truly a sophistry, but it contained much truth, and is logically separated from the conclusion at which it arrives, only by a single fallacy, at the very last link of the chain. I speak from memory, unrefreshed within twenty years or more ; but I think every link in the chain is a good one, except the last. According to all human apprehension, it would have been a good thing for the money JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 199 to get out of the hands of the miser, where it did no good to himself nor anybody else, into the hands of the benefi- cent Aram, whose large charity was withheld trom its mis- sion of blessings, and his genius restrained from its career of usefulness, only by penury. It would have been a good thing for him to get the money, but it was not right for him, as he concluded it was, to kill the old miser and take it. If the old fellow had died in the course of nature, and left his money to Aram, everybody would have said that a good thing had happened, and everybody would have been glad to hear that the old man was dead, if it had been known beforehand that he had a will in Aram's favor glad to hear that he was dead, but glad not because he was dead, but because Aram would get the money. So, if the old fellow, with such a will on hand, had been killed by some great scoundrel who had missed being hung long before, from want of evidence, and not want of dues, the people would have still rejoiced to hear that he was dead, (however, a thrill of horror might have passed over them,) not because he was dead, but still because Aram would get the money, and a great scoundrel, besides, would get his long-delayed deserts. They would all have said the great scoundrel had done a great crime, and they would have hung him for it, and there would have been regrets and pity for the poor murdered old man ; but the whole drama, when played out, would have caused more pity than sorrow, and anybody who could hai'e foreseen the end would have felt the joy as soon as the curtain was raised. A good man would have given his voice for hanging the murderer who opened the drama, and yet would have rejoiced that it was opened be- cause of the results which he could foresee would necessa- rily come as a consequence of the opening. Now, you may begin to perceive why I may rejoice when I hear of a strolling Yankee being sent across Mason and Dixon's Line in a coat of tar and feathers. I rejoice, not in the poor fellow's pain, whether he be guilt}' or innocent, but because I foresee that his treatment will either bring his deluded friends to a sense of justice, by showing them that justice to us and their own interests are one and the same thing, or will madden them into the disruption of a gov- ernment which has become an instrument of our annoy- ance and torture, instead of our security and protection. I 2OO BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF might even condemn the men who play such fantastic tricks, and yet be glad the tricks are played. I might not be willing to do the deed myself, because I might feel that it was wrong, and yet be glad that it was done, because I foresee that its fruit will be good. The philosophy of the idea is about this: there is in the world plenty of dirt}' work which needs to be done, and which is well done, provided it be done by dirty fellows. About the same philosophy is taught by that Scripture which declares (in substance) that "offenses must needs come, but woe unto him by whom they come! " [From L. S. to A. II. S. ] LANCASTER, January 29, 1860. DEAR BROTHER Soon after finishing my letter to you day before yesterday, I went for Becky according to expec- tation. 1 stopped here on my way to see Mr. Thomas, and found him quite ill. I went on, however, and got Becky, and Mollie, and Genie. Mr. Thomas got worse in my ab- sence, and sent Bill to hurry me back; when I met Bill, I hurried on there as fast as I could, and on getting here found Mr. Thomas in great pain with his head not sick headache, but a headache, resulting, I think, from nervous prostration. I sent for Alfriend, who soon came. He staid until after dinner yesterday, and then went home and sent his brother, who staid until early this morning. Mr. Thomas is now greatly better. Of course, I did not go home, and the children and I have been here ever since we came from the school. My opinion of Mr. Thomas' case is, that it is the result of the sudden withdrawal of the stimulant to which his system had become accustomed. He has been suffering more or less in the same way ever since the first attack about which I wrote you soon after his return from the Southwest. What sustained him during the trip was, I think, the excitement of travel and looking after his lands. He also passed safely through the period of our adjourned court here, borne up, as he doubtless was, by the excite- ment of court and the company he saw. When that ex- citement was withdrawn, the collapse came; such is my theory. I told him so to-day, but he expressed his dissent from it. My own judgment is decided on the point; hence JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 2OI my prescription was different from the doctors. They, as usual, put him on starvation. I recommended a generous diet, in moderate quantities, and he has accordingly been on oysters since yesterday evening. He says the oysters are curing him. He is certainly greatly relieved. 1 have also recommended nitric acid as a tonic, and he is going to try it. The doctors have now come very fully into my line of treatment, and have made an addition to it this morning in the form of a nervine stimulant composed of ammonia and valerian. To me, the case seems to involve nothing but plain sailing; the system ought to be built up by tonics and generous diet, carefully and moderately used. The mind, too, needs to be doctored, even more than the body. I have managed him with a skill that greatly pleased me, because it has worked good results, and has worked them in the precise way I anticipated. I have contrived to get him mounted on the oyster sensation, with a most con- fident faith in its virtue. He is now riding the oyster hobby beautifully; in fact, he needs a little watching to keep him from jading the animal. I go along with him to regulate his paces, and he allows me to do so without any resist- ance. One great point in my programme is to keep the doctors u'dl abused. Last night I got my mail, and in it three, yes four, letters from you. I now have got all that you addressed to me at Macon What was there to make you laugh in the editorial on you from the Louisville Journal/ I don't understand your laughing. Was it the artful use the fellow made of circum- stances to guild his notions about you in the lines of prob- ability? I suppose so, but I am in doubt. This editorial doesn't very well support Dr. Bush's declaration, which I read to-day in a letter from him to Mr. Thomas, to the effect that the editor of the Journal is for you for the Presidency. Bush declares himself to be for you, and says you would be exceedingly acceptable to Kentucky. He says he wants Georgia to press you before the Charleston Convention. The meeting between me and Becky, the other day, was quite an event for both of us; she met me 300 yards be- fore I got to the house, and was almost out of breath. I do not remember to have felt such a gush of real, bounding, childish joy at any time within twenty years, as I did when 19* 2O2 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF she sprang into my arms. Her own joy was irresistibly infectious. The very first words she uttered were these, between her puffing and panting for exhaustion: "Papa, I'm (puff) learning (puff) fast." "Bless the darling" was my response as I enfolded her again in my arms, and almost squeezed out of her what breath she had left. You may think I cried, but I didn't; I was too glad to cry. ! desired very much to see the meeting between her and her little sisters, but I missed it. The day was so cold and windy that I put her in the carriage instead of the buggy with me, and after meeting Bill, I made such haste as to leave the carriage far behind. So I was in Mr. Thomas' room when the carriage arrived here, and the children had got together before I was aware of its arrival. They were very, very glad to see each other; but from what I heard, the meeting between them was not so demonstrative as 1 had expected it to be. I think Becky's meeting with me had taken off somewhat of the edge of her joy. After that, there was something approaching a sort of collapse. I think that the new associations of the school have already had a very visible improving effect upon her. I would give you. divers instances of things I have heard her say, to make good the proof of my assertion, but I have got sense enough to know that I am a fool, and so keep my folly to myself. This letter has been written without any fire ; and though the weather has greatly moderated in a day or two, still it is cold enough to render it desirable to hunt a fire, after so long sitting without one; so I will hasten to an end. I have just heard to-day of a place in Jefferson county, which I think will suit me, and I am going on Tuesday (if nothing happens unforeseen to prevent) to look at it It is about eight or nine miles from Louisville, on the road from the Shoals (of Ogechee) to Louisville, on Rocky Comfort creek. It is known as the old Cobb place, and is now owned by Bob Phini/y, of Augusta. There are four thousand acres of it, and his price is four dollars per acre. I hear that it is capital land; if so, this is even a better bargain than Simpson's purchase of the Fitz-Simmons place. I am obliged to have another place. 1 do not need so much as 4,000 acres more, but I don't object to the quantity at all. Land is going to be land in this country that is my JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 2O3 judgment ; so now for the fire. You said you wanted to get a cheerful letter from me. This is, I think, on the whole, a pretty cheerful one, and a faithful copy of my thoughts while I have been writing it. Good-bye. Affectionately, LINTON. [From L. S. to A. H. S. ] SPARTA, October 14, 1864. DEAR BROTHER No letter from you yesterday. In my letter of yesterday, I forgot to say that one of yours, whose reception I acknowledged, was the one containing the sad news of the death of poor Dick Greer. * I am truly pained at this news. Poor Dick was characterized by a frankness and honesty that made me like him very much from a boy up ; and then he seemed to have a relish for life, which renders his early death peculiarly sad. Poor Dick ! Well do I remember the trip which he and his mother took with me from their house to Hamilton, when he was a baby in his mother's arms. Well do I remember, too, some of the incidents of that trip, which owed their origin to his state of babyhood Dick was more closely associated with his mother, in my memory, than any other of her children, and death is a renewal to me of my sense of her loss. Poor Dick! Truly do I mourn his untimely fall. Poor Catharine ! Poor Catharine ! How vividly do I re- member her death-stricken face as we saw it in the coffin reposing calm and pale amidst the framing of premature gray hair, which spoke of affliction and pain long endured before death's kind release ! Oh, God ! how sharp the pang that flashes through my breast from the memory of that mournful sight! I am reminded to tell you of a talk which the children and I had on the way to Mr. Thomas' the last time we went there. It started from a sudden remark which Claude made about you. She said, "Papa, if uncle Ellic was a school-teacher, his scholars wouldn't learn any- thing." "Why not?" said I. " Because," said she, "he'd tell 'em everything." I thought it was a decidedly good * A nephew kiHed in the battle near Winchester, Virginia. 2O4 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF hit on you. That remark led us into a talk about their school and their studies, and to some questions from me as to how each of them was getting on in each study. When I struck Becky on her arithmetic, Emm put in her oar. Said she, "Papa, sister Becky has got to be nearly as bad as . She most always misses her 'rithme- tic lessons." Against this very pointed assertion, Becky entered a vehement protest. Without stopping to settle the dispute, I asked Emm how it was with ? In answering this question, she went into a vein of humor al- most as rich as I ever heard from Mr. Toombs, or your Bob, and very much of the same kind which I have often seen displayed by those two masters of the art. I can't give you much idea of it, because the best part of it consisted in her mimicry of poor 's actions while undergoing the torture of having a very bad recitation wrung out of her. I can only give you a point or two in words, leaving you to imagine the exquisite mimicry by which the words were accompanied. " ," said she, " why, she always misses. When uncle Carlos gives her a question in 'rith- metic, she just goes to saying the question over, and over, and over, and counts on her fingers this way," (mimicking). "Then she stops saying over the question, but keeps on counting with her fingers, and goes to working her lips as hard as she can, this away; then uncle Carlos tells her, 'I don't hear you ; ' then she works her lips and counts her fingers faster than ever, but don't say a word. At last, uncle Carlos* tells her the answer; and then she jumps this away, (mimicking,) and says: 'Mr. Stevens, I was jest agoing to say that ! ' ' This will give you an idea. Poor E would have been sorely mortified if she had seen herself as portrayed by Emm. There was not, however, the slightest tinge of bad nature in a single one of the many pungent strokes; it was all pure fun. Poor 's agonies could not pos- sibly have a keener or more appreciative eye to observe them than Emm showed she had had, hanging over them like a bee over a flower to gather its sweets. The child called him uncle. JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 2O5 gets this talent from her mother, who had it in a higher de- gree, I think, than anybody certainly than any woman I ever knew "The old man Anthony," to whom reference is made in the following letter, is the Rev. Samuel Anthony, of the Methodist Church, so well known in Georgia, and so much beloved and respected by a multitude of acquaintances throughout the State. He, Rev. Mr. Jackson, and Mr. Benjamin T. Harris, had spent an evening at Judge Ste- phens' house: [From L. S. to A. II. S. ] SPARTA, February 7, 1 860. DEAR BROTHER When the old man Anthony bade me good-bye, he kept my hand in his for a few moments, and said to me : " Don't you forget the one thing needfulyou need religion to bring up these little ones right." I think I give his very words. The tears started in his eyes, and I confess they started in mine, too. I have always thought that he was a good man, and I have a very great respect for his old-fashioned, out-spoken piety. He used to be a prime favorite of uncle Jack's You may be curious to know whether the old gentleman recognized me or not at sight. He did, but his memory had been refreshed by seeing me on two occasions since he used to see me at uncle Jack's once at Liberty camp- meeting, (in Greene,) in 1847, anc ^ again in Macon last summer. He is a remarkable man in some particulars re- markable for his simple piety, and being totally devoid of what is properly called ambition ; but perhaps not least re- markable for his marvelous state of physical preservation. He looks just as he used to look a quarter of a century ago, when he must have then been at least thirty-five years old. He is sixty at least now, but scarcely seems to be forty [From L. S. to A. II. S. ] SPARTA, February 8, 1860. DEAR BROTHER You asked me in one of your late letters whether- I had read Mrs. 2O6 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF Bryan's "Lovable Heroines." I have read it, and most heartily indorse it. Her criticism on Beulah expressed my sentiments exactly, so far as it went. She is an uncom- monly sensible woman a real woman only more of a woman than most of her sex, and, therefore, a better speci- men of it. I have thought more of her since I have heard that she inclines to fat, because that gives me assurance that she is a flesh and blood woman none of your pining, poetical shadows that live upon moonbeams and dew- drops The gifted authoress above referred to is Mrs. Mary K. Bryan now (1876) at the head of the literary department of TIic Sunny SoutJi. [From L. S. to A. H. S. ] SPARTA, February 11, 1860. DEAR BROTHER To-day, I got your letter of )'cstcrday, and yesterday evening, on my return from bringing Becky home, I got one of the day before. And this is another anniversary of the day of your birth. You were born forty- eight years ago. Oh ! what crowds and floods of events that you can number, and what innumerable myriads more, of which you knew nothing, have transpired in that period of forty-eight years! Oh! it is a long, long time! but I am not in a moralizing mood to-day. The da} 7 has so far (and it is now four o'clock in the afternoon) been an unusu- ally pleasant one to me. That part of it which has been most so was spent with my children. At this very mo- ment, I hear their busy little feet pattering down the stair- steps that go up from the library door. They have been up stairs on some raid or other, I suppose. Becky's re- turn home yesterday was quite an event to her and her little sisters, and, most of all, to the negroes. In coming home, she repeatedly urged me to make Charlie go faster, sometimes in a direct way, and at other times by insinua- tion. For instance: she asked me once, with a cunning smile, which was the best to make Charlie go fast whipping or clucking Have you seen Mr. Toombs' speech ? It is one of great power. It is the worst JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 2O/ drubbing that I have ever seen administered to the Repub- licans I was much amused at your quarrel with the common mode of designating colds, pains, etc., as my cold, my headache, etc., but I hardly think you made good your point. I think, after all, there is a prop- erty in the things, though they may be, as you say, our decided enemies. It is an involuntary and disagreeable property, but still it is a property. The mode of speech which you criticise is carried so far, and properly carried so far, as to say my enemy, my trouble, my grief, etc. The epithet "my" is not necessarily one of endearment, but it is one of property ; it expresses a pccitlium you have in the pain, or in the enmity a stock which is yours, etc. I have just got your letter of yesterday, your birthday. 1 am glad to know that your cold has got better or rather, that you have got better of your cold that you are gain- ing ground on your enemy. All well to-day. It is a bright, beautiful day, but rather cold [From L. S. to A. II. S. ] SPARTA, February 16, 1860. DEAR BROTHER My dinner is just over; and not feeling inclined to do any work this afternoon, I turn to you for a little pleasant occupation. No letter from you to-day. I missed the accustomed visitor a good deal. This morning, I sent you a long letter, written yesterday, with a post- script added this morning. It reinclosed to you the letter which you sent me from Mr. Toombs. While I think of it, let me mention several letters which I have written to you, but of which you have made no mention. It is pos- sible that you have acknowledged some of them by their dates, for I don't keep much account of dates in the ordi- nary run of days ; but you have not acknowledged all of them, either by dates or accounts, or other marks of iden- tity. One is the letter in which I commented on your re- cently developed "abomination of this way of carrying pipes about," and also gave an analysis of the humor in a certain scene in Sterne's two Shandy brothers, and asked you if I had not given you an analysis of that same thing at some former time. Did you get that letter? Another is the letter enclosing Mr. Crittenden's letter to you and a 2O8 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF copy of your reply to it. I made some remarks on your reply, mostly in a laughing vein. I remember 1 said your speculations about "organ-issues" struck me very much as Jenkinsons learning about the "Cosmogony of Creation" struck the old vicar in jail. It seemed to me I had heard something very much like that before. You have made no allusion to that letter. Did you get it? When a fellow writes a letter intended to produce a lavish, and never hears from it, he feels about as flat as he does when he attempts a joke in company, and gets no response from the company. That is a very bad feeling; I don't know whether you ever had it or not I have. Another letter, from which I have never heard a word, was the one about the night spent with me by Mr. Thomas, and the old crazy professor. Besides these, there are yet others, but I do not now remember them. I am inclined to think that you never received them. Silence from me on such matters would not mean so much as your silence does, for you are usually very care- ful about acknowledging letters, while I am generally very remiss. Well, to change the subject: I have just turned a beggar away from my door without a cent; I don't believe I ever did so before. He was a great big strapping fellow, who came to me with a "paper." I took it in my hand, but read only enough of it to confirm me in my supposi- tion that it was a begging paper, and then handed it back to him, remarking that I had nothing to j. ive him. He then drew out and offered to me a memorandum book and pencil, and said, in pretty good broken English, that the sum he asked of me "was but small." I did not take the book, but replied to him, "I do not wish to give you any- thing." He bowed with an air that might have become an offended prince, and retired without a word. Isn't it a cu- rious thing that such transparent scamps should be offended at a refusal? The offense certainly is on the other side, for the presentation of one of their "papers" to a man is a plain impeachment of his understanding. The action put into words means exactly this: "I take you to befool enough to give me something. " As I turned from the door, after dismissing the beggar Claude and Emm came run- ning out of the nursery to meet me, their little faces all radiant with glee, and read}' for a frolic. Transparent and certain as was the unworthiness of the application which I JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. had just refused, yet the sight of my children immediately suggested to me that the poor fellow, too, might have little ones, and that if so, they were probably in want and wretchedness, while mine were so bright and happy. What made the difference, except the accidents of life? All these thoughts passed through my mind like a flash, and for one instant I felt something like a pang of repentance. But re- flection immediately corrected it, and I allowed the begging impostor to go on his empty way Hon. Iverson L. Harris, formerly one of the Justices of the Supreme Court of the State, in a letter from Milledge- ville, dated iith of November, 1873, in forwarding, under the published notice of the author of this memoir, some letters he had received from Judge Stephens, uses the fol- lowing language: "One of his letters, commenting on Bailey's Essay on Truth, and on the formation and publication of opinions, evinces such power of intellect in treating that difficult sub- ject belief in miracles that I ever thought it ought to go before the public. So highly have I ever appreciated it, that I ventured to read it to distinguished churchmen, that they might learn to correct their answers to Hurne. It im- pressed them favorably. In my poor judgment, it gives the only true answer to Hume which a great logical mind can give. I esteem it as an original answer, displaying a vigor and profundity of thought which placed, at a bound, Judge Stephens with the highest class of thinkers. . . . "I not only admired his high intellect and manly charac- ter, but really loved him. I would have gone to Sparta to have evinced my regard when he was committed to mother earth, but disease forbade the attempt. I desired very much to have been at Atlanta when General Toombs of- fered his report and resolutions, designed as some slight memorial. I could not have sat silently by." Here follows the letter alluded to: 20* 2IO BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF [ L. S. to Hon. Iverson I,. Harris. ] SPARTA, April 21, 1860. MY DEAR SIR On returning home last Saturday night, from court at Atlanta, I found your highly appreciated letter of the 3 ist ultimo. I was called home by the illness of one of my children, and have since been so weary and spiritless that I have not, until now, undertaken to bring up my correspondence, which had fallen in arrears during my absence. Instead of one sick child, I found all tJirec of my children quite unwell, and two of them decidedly sick. I am glad to be able to say now that they are all on foot again, with a fair promise of complete restoration to their usual excellent health. I will carry you the books, as you request, when I go over to court. My brother and I have both finished reading them, as you supposed ; and for myself, I will say that the reading of them has been of decided advantage to me. The fairness, and candor, and courage which mark them cannot fail to exert a happy influence upon any mind whose vocation is the investigation of truth. The spirit of the work (for the two books are but parts of one work) is just such as ought to characterize every judge. And now, hav- ing said thus much of the work, I must say more to avoid a misunderstanding of my opinion concerning it. The spirit of it is fine, and its scaffolding of rules and preliminary reason- ing, admirable; but the conclusion to which it mounts from these premises, I regard as almost inexcusably illogical. That conclusion, as you know, is that a miracle cannot be established by human testimony. The author takes Mr. Hume's definition of a miracle, to wit, a violation of the laws of nature, and then concludes that human testimony is inadequate to establish a violation, because the violation involves a departure from the uniformity of causation. The uniformity of causation he rightly assumes as a necessary truth which the mind cannot be made to doubt by any pos- sible accumulation of human testimony. Now, I remark, in the first place, that if his argument is good, it proves much more than he claims it proves not only that a mir- acle cannot be established by human testimony, but that a miracle is absolutely incredible, impossible, beyond the power of God, I do not say this consequence proves the argu- JUDGE L1NTON STEPHENS. 211 ment unsound, but I state the consequence merely to aid a full conception of the argument itself. There is no covert in which a fallacy is more apt to lurk than in a definition. So in this case, I think, the whole error lies in defining a miracle to be a violation of the laws of nature. Nor do I perceive that the churchmen have helped the matter the least in the world by defining it to be, not a violation, but only a suspension of the laws of nature. This is no nearer the truth than the other is, nor does it at all escape from the force of the argument ; for a suspension of the laws of nature is a departure from the uniformity of causation just as certainly as a violation is such a departure. The truth expressed by the term, "uniformity of causation," is that the same cause, or combination of causes, will invari- ably, infallibly and necessarily produce the same effects. Now, to say that the laws of nature are suspended is simply to say that the very same combination of causes, which heretofore invariably produced a given effect, is still present, but is no longer followed by its appropriate effect that is to say, that causation has ceased to be uniform, and the uniformity of causation ceases to be a truth. I think, there- fore, that a "suspension" affords no escape from the con- clusion to which, we are inevitably led, starting from Mr. Hume's definition. I think the truth is that his defini- tion, as well as that of the churchmen, is both erroneous and highly unpJdlosophical. The miracles to which these definitions relate are those recorded in the Scriptures. Now, these neither involve, nor profess to involve, either any violation or suspension of the uniformity of causation. They are only exhibitions of extraordinary and superhuman power, differing from the ten thousand other daily exhibi- tions of such superhuman power in nothing but this: they were given to man as a witness for the truths and teachings that accompanied them. The miracles of the gospel imply no more poivcr than we see exhibited by nature every day of our lives. The causes, or combination of causes, which produce these results are in both classes of cases equally hid from us, the result being designed for a special object in the one case, and, in the other case, the object being often as obscure to us as the cause is. To say of any event or phenomenon, that it violates the uniformity of causation, assumes that we knew with certainty the exact 212 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF combination of causes operating in the case an assumption which, so far from being true, would be absolutely false in almost, if not indeed in every case of a natural phenome- non. Our author puts a case: He says that it would be an incredible thing if all the witnesses in the world should state that they had seen ice fail to melt when exposed to a white heat. His argument is that any man, having once seen ice melt in a white heat, cannot afterwards be made to doubt that it will always melt under the same circumstances, because it is a necessary truth that the same cause will al- ways produce the same effect. He quietly assumes that the cause is the same no more, no less but the identical same cause which he has seen produce the effect of melting ice. Such an assumption seems to me to be highly unphilosoph- ical. It amounts to an assumption that there can be no causes at work in a given case, except such as are patent to the hitman senses. For poor little mole-sighted man to de- clare that, in any given case, there is no single cause in op- eration, except such as he wots of, is just about as ridicu- lous and arrogant as if the ant from the top of his hill should deny that he was moving at an immensely rapid rate, upon the ground that no such motion was sensible to the very acute wisdom of his antship. I remember read- ing a story once of an East Indian Chief, who was utterly incredulous when an English officer told him that he had often seen water in a solid state. He thought the fact as- serted involved a. departure from the uniformity of causa- tion, and he rejected it as spurious. His error was in as- suming that his own experience was sufficient to enable him to know all the causes in operation, and that it was impos- sible there could have been any cause unknown to him. I have no idea that Jesus raised La/.arus from death, or fed the multitude, or himself arose from the dead, by either violating or suspending the law of causation, but he did all these things by using causes and agencies which were en- tirely beyond their comprehension. The Godhead stood re- vealed, not by results without adequate cause, but by the use of agencies which defied human power to command them. The truly philosophic spirit is cautious about pronouning an impossibility. There is quite as much lack of philosophy in believing too reluctantly, or in refusing to believe at all, as there is in believing too easily. True wisdom neither JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 213 rejects as impossible nor adopts as true, except according to evidence. The range of real impossibility is exceedingly limited. I should not be at all surprised if you and I should live until the progress of science shall render the skepticism of our author concerning the melting of ice quite as ludi- crous as we already know that the skepticism of the Indian Chief was concerning its existence. The chemist may yet be able to hold ice in a white heat without melting, by the use of some agency at present unknown to science, and also imperceptible to the human senses. But I must stop and beg your pardon for having gone into the reasons why I dissent from the conclusion of the author of the work under consideration. After all, I have only given you an outline of my views ; but all I set out to do was simply to express my dissent without any reasons at all. I must repeat, in conclusion of these remarks upon the work, that the spirit of it is very fine, and highly essen- tial in every man engaged in the pursuit of truth. I feel very much gratified that you concur with me in my views of drunkenness in accusations of crime. I never felt more confidence in the soundness of a conclusion, and in the soundness of a process of reasoning, by which I arrived at a conclusion. That men, who arc opposed to drunken- ness and in favor of good morals, and a wholesome admin- istration of the laws, should abuse the decision, as many such men have done, can be explained only by their igno- rance of what the decision really accomplishes. They are indignant because the decision declares that drunkenness may be considered in investigating whether an act has been done, or if done, with what intent it was done ; but they utterly forget that the light which drunkenness casts is sometimes against the accused, and that the decision, there- fore, declares a principle which not only protects the guilt- less, but also uncovers the guilty. But most of all, they forget, or rather they do not perceive, that this decision puts the punishment of drunken men upon a ground per- fectly consistent with reason and humanity, and, therefore, greatly breaks down the reluctance with which juries inflict the punishment. The decision explodes the idea prevalent, even among judges and law-writers, that a very drunk man has not mind enough to furnish the mental element in crime, and is punished by virtue of a constructive capacity 214 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF infused into him by law. TJie best account which even Mr. Bishop, the latest and most scientific writer on the subject, has been able to give of the reasonableness of punishing a drunken man is, that he has not sufficient mind to commit the crime at the time when he does the act, yet his intent to get drunk is an unlawful intent, and coalesces with the act when done, and so gives it a criminal quality. Would not you shudder at hanging a man for a drunken action, if you could not give any better justification than that for your conduct? If I had to say what was the greatest merit of the decision, my answer would be, that it has rescued the doctrine of punishing drunken men from the miserable sophism by which it has been heretofore defended, and has placed it on a nci^j and rational ground, and so has greatly contributed to the advancement of public justice. But my sheet is out. Yours, most truly and respectfully, LINTON STEPHENS* P. S. After the approbation of his own conscience, the next dearest reward to a faithful public servant is the ap- probation of those to whom his service is rendered ; and I therefore do not consider it out of taste to tell you what I have heard of you. My brother told me that your charge to the jury in the negro murder case in Greene was the ablest he ever heard given to a jury on the law of homi- cide. He said he sometimes differed with your rulings, but he was delighted with your administration, and that you had made great progress in the good opinions of your bar. DeGraffenrcid (Wm. K.) told me, at Atlanta the other day, that your bar and he thought the people, too were greatly pleased with your administration. One point which they both selected for special praise was your inde- pendence and fairness. There are few men to whom I would write as I have written to you ; but it is only your due, and if a friend may not tell you of pleasant things, who may? [From L. S. to A. II. S. ] SPARTA, February 19, 1860. DEAR BROTHER This is Sunday evening about 5 o'clock. Mr. Thomas has just gone home. He and I went to the JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 215 Methodist Church to-day to hear Bishop Pierce preach. It was a good sermon, and about as rich in language and illus- tration as any I ever heard from him. His text was the exhortation of Barnabas to the Church at Antioch to cleave unto God with purpose of heart. The purpose of heart was a full purpose, reserving nothing, but determined in all things to do the will of God. One of his figures was, that, as to himself, he had felt this purpose as a wall of adamant on the one side, and the other, the world, the flesh and the Devil, shutting them out, and shutting him in, in moral safety, etc When we, or rather when I returned home from church, I found your long letter of yesterday. This is the longest letter I ever got from you, or anybody else. I had read it almost half through when dinner was announced, but I finished it before I went to dinner. It touched many points, and they were all interesting to me. It was a deeply in- teresting letter to me. The theme in it, the most interest- ing, was my children. What you think of them was partly suspected before, if not fully comprehended, but I confess that its expression was to me a savor of exceeding sweet- ness. I think it will do me good all the days of my life, unless, indeed, my children should hereafter force me to abandon my own estimate of how well they merit the opin- ions you have expressed concerning them. It is one of the greatest pleasures I have to see them love and reverence you, and feel that they are worthy of your high estimate of them. There is one subject in your letter on which I will make a remark while it is in my mind. I allude to what you say about your silence as to some of my late pleasantries which you say were made at your expense, and therefore did not make you laugh. Now, I never expected you to acknowledge them by saying that you had laughed over them. I never expected you to do more than ac- knowledge "a touch," as the fencers do when touched by the foil the foil that covers the sharp point that would make a wound but for the friendly covering. Now, the humor of my hits at you, if humor there was, was the point, and my playful motive the covering which disarmed it of its power to pierce 2l6 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF [From L. S. to A. II. S. ] SPARTA, February 23, 1860. DEAR BROTHER In my last letter, I intended to say a great many things which occurred to me at the time, but which I was not in the mood to say then. I was in one of my states when nothing seems to be worth the doing of it, and when I hastened, therefore, to the end of my letter. One of the omitted things was that I had read the article in the Westminster, on "Social Or- ganism," before I got your letter about it, and had formed the distinct intention of calling your attention to it, as show- ing an almost marvelous coincidence with your views on that subject. I was very much struck with the coincidence, but not half so much with the speculation itself, as I have with some of your speculations in conversation and letters on the same theme. It was truly tedious, as you charac- terized it, and I did not read the whole of it. I read enough to perfectly get the run of it. There are a great many things which, in this clay of wonts, WORDS, WORDS, I read in the same way. They are such things as 1 am not willing to leave totally unread, and yet, which I cannot afford to peruse through all of the platitudes, and common- places, and repetitions which are employed to invest them. I therefore pick out such of the real grains as are obvious to inspection, and leave all the rest as chaff. No doubt my leavings of chaff often contain some grains of wheat. . . Have you seen "A. B. 's " echo of the " Cato-like lamen- tations " of "that virtuous magistrate," Judge Holt, over the abomination of desolation that will result from the de- cision of the Supreme Court in poor Jones' case? I saw it in a very conspicuous place in tlie Constitutionalist yesterday. "That virtuous magistrate!" To say the least of it, that is a very easy virtue which manifests itself in punishing the crimes of other people, and that virtue is still more easy which inflicts the punishment without troubling itself to in- vestigate whether the crime has been committed or not. To the practice of this virtue, nothing is requisite, but free rein to a savage heart. The natural gravitation of malice and blood-thirstiness will accomplish the result. " I'~acilis descensus Arcnii." To the honor of mankind, this ' ' species " of "virtue" is rare, and when found is generally worked JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 2 \"J up as the material for executioners. I am afraid I shall lose my patience under demagogical censures of my public acts. It is hard to remain peaceful under misrepresentation and obloquy, when you are conscious of holding a rod which could smite your assailant. It is hard to even bide your time. I can do it, but I say it is hard / [From L. S. to A. II. S. ] SPARTA, February 29, 1860. DCAR BROTHER I have finished the opinion in Jones' case. I just concluded to throw overboard my beautiful theory, indicating the con- sistency of the law in punishing drunk men for murder. It costs me a pang to do it; for I have got quite in love with it. I think it would give me more reputation with in- tellectual people than anything else I have written ; but it makes the opinion too long. I think the sacrifice is needed, and I shall make it. You can't know how much virtue I am showing, unless you knew u'hat a good thing- it is. . . There is a great clamor about this decision among the people, I hear. Several men in this county say they are against the court on account of it. I suppose it is so else- where. Let it be so. I am rather glad of it ; I know they can't stand the argument. I think my day will come, but I would rather have my day, as it is, than theirs. I am right and know it, and have demonstrated it. All the clamors of Bedlam and the clamors of this world are Bedlam clamors can't make me regret it, or doubt it. I will not say I have contempt for the opinions of mankind, for that is not the feeling. I prefer to have their favorable opinions, and do many things to obtain them. It is more pleasant on many accounts to have their opinions on your side; but I do have an utter disregard for them as an index of truth. There are several men whose opinions against my own would lead me to examine mine with great care that is all. I have often done so before, and changed my opinion on re-examination ; but even that has been in cases where I had not before made much, if any, special examination. The clamors of a mob, however large and respectable in the general acceptance of the term, would scarcely have that effect. They would not make me re-examine when I had 21 * 2l8 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF examined the case well before, but would, where the first examination had been slight, and the opinion formed on it not strong The decision referred to in the two foregoing letters was the celebrated one pronounced by him in the case of Jones i's. The State, noted so conspicuously in Judge Blcckley's paper, given on a preceding page. [From L. S. to A. II. S. ] SPARTA, March 5, 1860. DEAR BROTHER I this evening finished the opinion in Jones' case, and turned it over to Charley to cop}- for me. I will send you a copy by Wed- nesday's mail, I hope. It is fourteen pages long, but I think the public will read it. I have put it in readable shape for the general reader. I had a much greater affec- tion for the bantling several days ago than I have now. I still think I have cut the Gordian knot about punishing drunken men for their actions, consistently with general legal principles, and of yet allowing drunkenness to be used, as an instrument of evidence, to throw light wherever it can throw it, either on the physical or mental clement of crime. In other words, it is a satisfactory solution to me of a prob- lem not before solved to my satisfaction. I had intended to write a piece for the newspapers about the clamors against the court, but I have, for the present at least, lost my in- terest in the subject \Vho is "Fair Play" that writes in the Macon Tclcgrapli, protesting against your name being mixed up with the Presidency? I am sure he expresses your sentiments, and I should like to know who he it*. Did I tell you that Jack Lane is going to the Milledgeville convention, but not as a delegate? Me said that, as he was one of the executive com- mittee who called the convention, lie preferred not to be a delegate. You might write him a letter giving him your wishes in regard to your name being kept entirely out of the convention. JUDGE L1NTON STEPHENS. [From L. S. to A. II. S. ] SPARTA, March 17, 1860. DEAR BROTHER Now, you needed not to tell me that you would not speak to anybody else, as you would to me, concerning- your speeches ; nor did you need to make the least apology for speaking so to me. I think it a legitimate pleasure that every man feels in a sense of having done anything well, and in having others to en- tertain the same opinion of it. I don't think there is any indelicacy in expressing one's true opinion of his own per- formance to another, who is interested in it, and who can receive the opinion in the same spirit in which it was com- municated knowing full well that men often entertain good opinions of their performances, whether they express them or not. You need not hesitate to express to me the best opinion you may have of anything you may have done, for it gives me as much pleasure as it does you ; and I know, from experience, it is a pleasure which can never be fully enjoyed, either on the part of the one or the other, unless there is some one to share it and sympathize with it. There is nothing truer, in all my experience, than that all pleasures are doubled, and all sorrows divided, by being truly shared with one true and sympathizing heart. I am glad you like Harris as a judge, and that he is gaining in the good opinion of his bar. He is a man I like. He has his own peculiarities, as all real men have; and he has, be- sides, a bottom of sincerity and honor which very fcic men do have. He is a favorite with me. [From L. S. to A. II. S.] SPARTA, May i, 1860. DEAR BROTHER I begin to believe the Charleston Convention will end in a row, and that Black Republicanism will be triumphant. The Demo- cratic part}', instead of being concentrated against the pub- lic enemy, presents the spectacle of quarreling about the ownership of the House, while the burglars are rifling it. 22O BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF [From L. S. to A. 11. S. ] MILLEDGEVILLE, May 1 8, 1860. DKAR BROTIIKR I have been very busy, or I would have written you sooner. Tluveatt will to-day send you a tele- graphic dispatch which came here for you yesterday, and I inclose you another of the same import, and from the same person, and by one day, of earlier date. I opened them both, in order to see whether the} 7 ought to be sent by special messenger. You have, of course, seen Mr. Toombs' letter. You are right about him. His intimation that the Northern Democrats had attempted to interpolate into the party creed the doctrine that a Territorial Legislature has the power to abolish slavery is very extraordinary. How did they attempt it? All the}' wanted was the Cin- cinnati platform, and this is just the Kansas Bill of 1854011 that point nothing more, nothing less. The platform adopts the bill. When that bill Avas on its passage, they said then just what they say now that the Territorial Leg- islature would have the power to regulate slavery as they might please. We said not. Each side was willing to trust its own version of the Constitution, out of which the differ- ence of opinion grew; hence, provision was made in the bill for referring the question to the Supreme Court. Mr. Toombs liked that arrangement, and advocated it, when he had no decision of the court on the subject, and no expres- sion of opinion. NOIU, he has got a decision in his favor so far as the power of the Territorial Legislature can be de- rived from a transfer by Congress, and the opinion of the court obiter; also, upon the power as derived from the prin- ciple of self-government. He was content to refer the ques- tion to the court in utter ignorance of their opinion, and he is not satisfied now for the reference to stand as it was made, when the court has declared their opinion in his favor. For my part, I like the arrangement none the less since finding that the judge is in my favor. True, Douglas de- nies that the court has decided his question, and he is right in the denial. But if not decided, it yet remains to be de- cided according to the original bargain and provisions 01 the Kansas Bill, and I have quite as much confidence now as I had at first in a decision in our favor. The opinion in our fai'or has not impaired my confidence; I am (mite as ready now, as I was at first, to tolerate the contrary confi- JUDGE L1NTON STEPHENS. 221 dencc of our allies. All we can require of them under the agreement is to stand by the decision already made in the one branch of the power, and by that which shall be made on the other branch of it. This they expressly reaffirmed their resolution to do. What more can we require of them without a violation of the understanding ? I had a letter from Reese, (of Washington, Win. M.) and he says your letter expresses his views exactly. I hear that Glenn (Cobb's brother-in-law) is against him. I think the letters of Mr. Cobb and Mr. Toombs will do good in a way not intended by them. They will break clown the Richmond movement by opening the door to be represented at Baltimore. A nciv delegation from Georgia will not secede, and such a new delegation will now go as the representative of both branches of the party. Good-bye. LIXTON STEPHENS. [From L. S. to A. II. S. ] SAVANNA 1 1, J unc 15, 1 860. DEAR BROTHER As to your request that I may so arrange my will as to provide against a separation of families among your negroes willed to me, I will certainly attend to it if I should outlive you. There- is a provision in my present will, applicable to all the negroes I may own at my death, securing them from the separation of families. I intend to change my will in some particulars if I live in health long enough to do so after getting home once more, and I will look carefully to that point. I w r ould like to talk to you about it, not only so far as your negroes are concerned, but as to the proper provision covering all my negroes We broke through our new schedule this evening, and, after sitting until 3 o'clock, went back at five and heard arguments until seven. This we did to accommodate the Augusta bar, who had a case in which eight or ten of them were to make speeches, and which they were anxious to finish this evening, and assured us they would finish, if we would go back and hear them after dinner. When we were going back after dinner, Tom Miller said he did not like being brought back after dinner, for he wanted to go to Thunderbolt to get somf crabs. I told him if he was so unreasonable as to complain of that 222 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF which he had himself requested, he would be very apt to find crabs in the court-house, without going to Thunderbolt for them. This was said in a considerable crowd at the court-house door, just before going in, and the miserable pun raised a great laugh. The laugh subsided, and Judge Lumpkin added, "Yes, sir; and we promise you they shall not be soft crabs at that." Again the crowd exploded in a laugh. They really seemed to think all this was excel- lent wit. Well, the result of our effort to work off the case (which had already been largely argued) was, that we only worked off one speech from Judge Starnes. He spoke two solid hours, and five minutes over, after assuring us that he would not speak an hour, and that they would all get through in two hours. Any man makes a great mis- take to speak longer than his promise when he is speaking before a court. After he passes his self-appointed limit, he makes the judges mad and impatient. They feel as if they had a grievance And now, for the want of anything better to write, I will tell you of another saying of mine the other night at Judge Henry's. One of the Misses - rather sets up for a wit and a woman of learning. She had on hand a piece of knitting, which she- said was Penelope's web. I asked her if she was pursuing Penelope's plan of unraveling it as she went. She said, "Oh, no!" "Well, then, "said I, " so fat, you have shown only a difference between your web and Penelope's hers having been constantly unraveled as it was made yours going on to a rapid completion ; I suppose its likeness must consist in having a promised marriage at the end of it." Her reply was, " I acknowledge you have r-a-t-h-e-r got me." [From L. S. to A. II. S. ] MACOX, June 28, 1860. DICAK BROTH KK The first case we had here was a bank case. We have decided it against the bank directors, and all agree in opinion. It is Lyon'scase, but I shall also give my views on it. This was a case aj^ainst directors for an excessive indebtedness in- curred under their administration. Mr. Toombs' cases were JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 223 against stockholders, and were based upon a different clause in the charter. This case does not, therefore, decide his point; but I am against him on his point. Jim Johnson argued this case against the directors, and argued it far better than Dougherty did the case against stockholders. Jim Johnson argues a case upon the principles and philos- ophy of the law in a style not surpassed by any man in Georgia. But I must now go to consultation. This has been written in my smoking time just after dinner. . . . P. S. Just as I am closing, a storm is brewing. Charley has just come in, too, and told me that he has just learned, through a letter from his wife, that poor old General Sayre is dead. He died day before yesterday. [From L. S. to A. H. S. ] MACOX, June 29, 1860. DEAR BROTHER It is nearly 1 1 o'clock at night, and I have just returned from hearing Governor Johnson* speak in Concert Hall The Governor spoke very well to-night, but he did not speak as effectively as usual. He had a house full, and I thought that about hah the crowd, who demonstrated at all, seemed to be with him. But I thought he had as many with him at the beginning as he had at the end. I will give you the particulars when we meet, if we should think of it then, or perhaps in some letter, when I have more time. For the present, 1 will only add that he does not appreciate, as I do, the point of greatest strength in his position that is, the danger of rendering slavery odious to our allies, and to the world, by making it aggressive by forcing it upon any unwilling people upon the face of the earth. The ark of safety and progress is the doctrine of perfect and universal non-inter- vention, leaving all people to please themselves upon the subject, forcing it upon none, and securing it to all who desire it. If this principle becomes established as an inter- State doctrine, and would become established as an inter- national doctrine, it will, of logical necessity, become after- wards the doctrine amony the way, I have found out that there arc a great many circumstances in which a fellow may avoid telling lies by simply remaining silent; this is quite a discover}', as much as you may be disposed to laugh at it; or, at all events, it is an act but little under- stood. There is a class of matter-of-fact things which, JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 249 when said, are generally expected to elicit a corresponding matter-of-course answer, which answer, if given as expected, is, in ninety-nine cases out 'of a hundred, a lie. This con- ventionalism gives rise to a pretty extensive class of lies which the world has agreed to consider necessary and inno- cent. Now, I am satisfied that the world is mistaken as to the necessity, whether it is as to the innocence or not; for while a certain set-answer is expected on such occasions, yet, it is almost always considered as given, whether it is given in point of fact or not. There are very few persons who ever notice the answers which are actually given on such occasions. For instance : I have no idea that Dr. Burk- man discriminated between the response of Cosby and Evans on the one part, and my silence on the other; and I doubt not that, if he had occasion to report us, he would repre- sent us all as having entered the usual disclaimer to his compliments. None but a keen observer will ever notice that the expected answer is not given ; and n'ith a keen ob- server you never get any credit for the lie when it is told. So my conclusion is that such lies, so far from being neces- sary, are never so, with proper management. I think you will scarcely read this without some disturbance of the muscles of your face ; but you may be assured, neverthe- less, that my object is to enforce a truth no less than to excite a smile. You don't know hoi<.' I secretly plumed my- self on my superiority over Evans and Cosby in avoiding that monstrous lie which they were entrapped into telling. The old doctor does not play a good game of whist. Piquet he plays well, so far as I had an opportunity to judge. He- knows how to play to make the most tricks with a given hand ; but how far his skill goes in forming his hand by- judicious discards, I could not tell by the little pla} r I had \vith him. By the way, how do you spell piquet / I notice that Sir Walter Scott spelt it, as I have just done, without a c before the q; but, until I saw his orthography, I never hesitated to put in the c. I have just read "St. Ronan's Well," in which frequent mention is made Q{ piquet. That was the game by which the false Earl of Etherington ruined poor Mowbray. The character which struck me most in St. Ronan's is Peregrine Touchmond, alias Scrogie-Scrogie, who was disinherited by his father because he refused to follow his father's whim of merging Scrogie in the more 25* 25O BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF euphonious and aristocratic name of Mowbray-Scrogie, who wandered and grew rich ; who lectured against innovations, and yet, turned every place he went to up-side clown with improvements, and who was generally full of whims and full of sense. As I am fresh from the book, I will give you some of the points which you were trying to recall when you talked to me about the book not long ago. The name of the singular old hostess was Margaret Dods, and the name of the vehicle in which she made her remarkable visit to the town of Marchthorn was a whisky. I have a criticism to make on this book, and I wish to know what you think of it I mean of the criticism. I think the tragical term- ination of it is a great blemish. The result, or denouement, is against the logic of the antecedents. The hero, Francis Tyrrel, is portrayed as a gentleman, and a man of sense, and yet, he is made to play the fool in the most important matters; but I insist that it is out of character for a sensi- ble gentleman a man of sense and of good instincts and breeding to play the fool on a point of sentiment. He made himself wretched, and brought the woman whom he loved, and who loved him, to the most tragical end by re- fusing to marry her, because she, by mistake of the man, had passed through a marriage ceremony with his treach- erous brother. She discovered the mistake immediately, and repudiated the marriage indignantly. All this was known to Tyrrel ; and, beside*;, he had a clear idea that the marriage had no legal validity. It does seem to me that a true gentleman would have felt and perceived that it had just as little validity in a court of morals, or a court of propri- ety, or taste, if you please, as it had in a court of law. To allow his own happiness, and that of the woman he loved, to be wrecked on so miserable a punctilio was conduct to be expected from the crazy brain of Don Quixote, but not from the thoughtful, high-bred, sound-minded and well-regulated Mr. Tyrrel. The truth is, that Scott himself was not a gen- tleman, and he didn't know how to paint the character. His only good touches in that line were what I leal}- told us all his painting was pure copies from actual existences. Healy told us he couldn't paint without a model before his eyes. So it is with Scott, I think, in drawing all his char- acters, but especially in all his portraitures which have any success in exhibiting the gentleman. If I were not so near JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 2$ I the end of my sheet, I would give you more about Scott ; and I may do so hereafter in relation to some points in his life, and the order in which his different works were written. I will only add now that your puppy is here, and that I have named him Bingo, from Sir Bingo Binks, in "St. Ro- nan's Well." Bingo is a good-sounding name, in itself, for a clog, and then, Sir Bingo was a most suitable fellow for having dogs named for him. My observation of dogs teaches me that they make the best dogs when named for the mean- est people. All the "Troups" whom I have known in the canine race would suck eggs and kill sheep, while the "Clarkes" have generally been good dogs. My observa- tion of dogs inclines me to think there is something in old Sir Walter Shandy's philosophy of nomenclature. By the way, I have a negro whose name of Bing has troubled my speculations a good deal. I am now satisfied that lying is only an abbreviation of Bingo, and that my negro owes his name to the worthy who figures in St. Ro- nan's. I have not published the puppy's name, and, of course, it remains subject to your ratification. He is a fine, smart fellow. [From L. S. to A. H. S.] SPARTA, January 14, 1863. DEAR BROTHER I have just finished a pretty long letter to you, which will be received by you at the same time with this; and if you should chance to take up this first, why, lay it aside and take up the other. This is a sequel to that, and should come after it in the reading. About the close of the other, I made three or four remarks which I will now pursue. One was that Scott was not a gentleman, and, therefore, didn't know how to paint the character of a gen- tleman. By this, I don't mean to concur in Thomas' idea that he was a scoundrel. I think he was a canny Scotchman, with keen observation, a teeming memory, a fertile fancy, a stock of good, healthy common-sense, and had an easy flow of words possessions which, according to the testi- mony of his contemporaries, made him a most entertaining companion, and which make him also a very entertaining author. These are his excellences: his faults are, a dash of pedantry, which is considerably subdued by his general 2$2 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF good sense; a carelessness and hurry which indicate that he wrote for wages, and a loiv breeding, which frequently be- trays itself in spite of that same general good sense. He was himself conscious of his low breeding, if 1 am not mis- taken, and endeavored to hide it under a show of ease in portraying the characters of the great and the genteel. The cloven foot often peeps out, however, through all his affect- ation of ease or rather, the ease is always affected, and, therefore, discloses the cloven-foot. The universal fault or pretenders is excess in the part they are performing ; and excess is the precise fault of Scott in delineating a gentle- man. He makes Tyrrel ruin himself and his beloved by a foolish, fastidious punctilio. A true gentleman would have been above such littleness. There are passages in Scott's life which directly prove what is so clearly inculcated by his works. . He was a sycophant, as is shown by his letters particularly by one letter to some duke the Duke of Buc- cleurch, I believe it was. He evident!}' was quite proud of his servile intimacy in the duke's family. I can't now give you the particulars of that letter, but I know that it im- pressed me as containing language which, after making all allowances for the state of society in which he lived, could not be used by any independent, high-spirited man. An- other remark was about the order in which Scott's different works were written. I do not propose to give you that order, but I propose only to tell you how you can get it. Lockhart, his son-in-law, gives it in his biography, and, in editing his works, arranged them in a scries, according to the times when they were written. I have Lockhart's life and edition of the works. When you come over next time, you can satisfy your curiosity on this point. Why don't you come? Another remark was to the effect that old Sir Walter Shandy's philosophy of nomenclature had something in it at least, when applied to dogs. The truth is, there is a good deal in it, whether it be applied to dogs or men. I have no doubt that there are cases where names have a de- cided influence upon the character of the men or dogs who happen to bear them. In a case which once came before me, from Coweta county, while I was judge, one of the parties bore the name of Napoleon Bonaparte Potts. Now, sir, I am ready to maintain, against all comers and goers, that a man with that name can never rise in the world. A JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 253 union of the grandiloquent and the mean is a never-failing source of ridicule ; and a fellow, whose appellation is Napo- leon Bonaparte, topped off with Potts, is destined to be somewhat of a butt in his passage through this world. He feels the ridicule of his name, and cowers and sinks under it, or he takes the only other alternative, and glories in it. Either turn is fatal to true elevation and dignity of charac- ter. I admit that Napoleon Bonaparte Potts' is a very ex- traordinary case, but it illustrates a principle, nevertheless. In the case of human beings, this influence which a name may have upon the bearer of it is of two kinds : one direct from the name itself, and the other reactionary from the world one flowing from the inherent tendency of the name as perceived and appreciated by the bearer of it himself, and the other reflected from the world's appreciation of it. There is a curious tendency in men (and dogs, too) to con- form to the estimate which the world has of them; in other words, a tendency to become what they are considered to be. To give a clog a bad name (in this sense, name means character) is not only to hang him, but also to render him, to some extent, at least, deserving to be hanged. The tend- ency is to conform to the imputed character. Now, in the case of dogs, the only influence from the name is of the re- actionary kind ; for I do not suppose that a poor dog can have any appreciation of any quality or tendency in a name. The world, however, does have such an appreciation, and the dog feels the effects of it by reflection from them he feels it in caresses or in kicks. He knows not what pro- cures him the one or the other; but who doubts that every caress and every kick has an influence upon character, and who doubts that a caress or a kick has often been adminis- tered on no better foundation than a name? Names, then, have an influence upon the destinies of men and dogs; but it would be illogical to conclude from this that great names have a good influence and mean names a mean influence. I said there was something in old Sir Walter's philosophy; but I did not say there was correctness in it. It always takes at least two generations of philosophers to develop one truth in its fullness; and what Shandy began remains to be completed by me ! He found out that names had an influ- ence ; but his error consisted in supposing that the influence was happy or otherwise, as the name was good or bad in 254 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF itself. On the contrary, the true rule is the inverse ratio, instead of the direct, and Tristram was lucky, instead of un- fortunate, as his father supposed, in losing the great name of Trismegistus. The philosophy of the true rule is very obvious. Let it be borne in mind that the influence of a name lies in the tendency of men and dogs to become what they are thought to be; and then, let it further be borne in mind that the world does not form its opinions of men or dogs according to the direct import of the names tlvey bear. A great name, when coupled with a man or dog who is not great, dwarfs him into absolute meanness in the eyes of the world, and, by contrast between the expectation and the performance, becomes a source of ridicule and disgust. Great names excite great expectations, which are soon con- verted into woful disappointments ; and then comes the dam- aging contrast between the expectation and the perform- ance; then come ridicule and contempt in the case of men, and kicks in the case of dogs. Within the sphere of my experience, the name of Troup was an honored one, while Clarke was supposed to embody all that was opposed to Troup. The consequence was that the Troup dogs all fell far below what was expected of them got into disgrace and soon became as mean as they were thought to be were kicked into sucking eggs within the first six months, and into killing sheep the first year ; while the Clarkes re- versed all this by rising above the expectations formed ot them. I do not doubt that all this is reversed in families where Clarke was the favorite name. So that the true phi- losophy of naming men and dogs is to give them names which arejr/to be made illustrious. It is all the better, of course, if the name is odious, and, therefore, I named your puppy IJlngo [From L. S. to his niece, Mary drier.] MILLKDGKVILLE, March 28, 1863. DF.AR MOLLIK Yesterday being fast-day, we had no meeting of either House of the Legis- lature; but we had instead two sermons one in the fore- noon from Hishop Pierce, and another in the afternoon from Dr. Palmer, a Presbyterian minister of great reputation, who is now a refugee from New Orleans. Both sermons JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 255 were delivered to large audiences, and both were well re- ceived. Both orators came up to public expectation, and expectation ran high in both cases. Copies of both ser- mons will be asked for publication. If they are published, I will send you a copy of each, and leave you to settle for yourself the question, which has been often asked here and variously answered which is the best? I shall want to know of you, not only which you think is the best, but also what parts of each you may think unsound or illogical if, indeed, you shall find any errors in either. ' [From L. S. to A. II. S. ] SPARTA, April 4, 1863. DEAR BROTHER On my arrival here, I found your long letter of Sunday. It has interested me more than you expected, if I may measure your ex- pectation by the apparent hesitation with which it was written and the apology. I assure you no apology was needed. I have often sought to draw you out on religious subjects, but have never fully succeeded. I have always felt and known that you held something in reserve, and I have often suspected that the thing reserved was skepticism, in- stead of that never-failing and all-sustaining faith which you have now so simply and so nobly expressed.* I have been wondering who was the man that suspected you of infidel- ity or atheism, and I have rather concluded that he was Preston, of Virginia. Am I wrong? This letter of yours has a remarkable coincidence with some other things. It was written the same day on which I heard that noble ser- mon f of which I have written you, and which, in its tone, was so like your letter not more difference than strictly different breezes would make in blowing over the same golden harp, or than the same breeze would make in blow- ing over different harps. On that same day, Dick Johnston wrote me a long religious letter such a one as he never wrote me before, and such as was called forth by nothing but a casual statement which I had made to him in a part- * It is a source of regret that I have not been able to find the letter alluded to. ED. t Dr. Palmer's sermon at Milledgeville. 256 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF ing note, as I was leaving home, about feeling sad and mel- ancholy. Like your letter, his dealt in his personal expe- rience, and was very cheering. It really looks as if the Holy and loving Spirit, of whom Dr. Palmer discoursed so beautifully, was, at that very moment, breathing upon many and distant harps, and bringing forth from them all harmo- nious melodies which lifted the soul from earth to heaven. This does not strike my mind as an unreasonable supposi- tion, and it is a very pleasant and consoling one. No sub- ject occupies more of my thoughts, or troubles me more, or interests me more, than what the world calls religion calls it properly, too, and beautifully, too, if you will only strip it of the cant which has become polarized about it, and will view it simply as the chord which binds fallen man back- again to the holy Author of his being. I shall take special care of your letter, and treasure it as a precious memorial of you, if it shall be my fortune to tarry behind you on this earthly stage. I will meet you here at Hancock court. Don't fail to come, for I want to see you before you return to Richmond. I will now bid you good-bye. Most affectionately, LINTOX STKHIKN.S. The largest liberty of the citizen, compatible with protec- tion to property and preservation of order, was the control- ling principle of Judge Stephens' political creed ; it was the gravitating law, so to speak, of his political philosophy. Government, he believed, had accomplished its purpose, its full, legitimate object, when the laws, justly enforced and administered, protected property and preserved good order; and that when government had compassed those things, its whole mission was done. Hence, he set his face like a flint against the proposition, made in the Confederate States Con- gress, to suspend the privileges of the writ of habeas corpus. He looked upon the slightest movement in that direction with alarm and horror. The first lesson he had learned in the science of American popular government was that the writ of habeas corpus is the chief corner-stone of personal liberty hewn out of the mountain by our sturdy Eng- lish ancestry at Runnymede. JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. [From L. S. to A. H. S. ] SPARTA, April 6, 1863. DEAR BROTHER As William Hidell returns to Crawford- ville to-morrow, I write another letter, in addition to the one of yesterday evening, with the view of getting him to carry them both. Some things which he tells me are news to me, and are of ominous significance. I refer particularly to the "political prisoners " at Salisbury, and the President's application to Congress for authority to suspend the writ of habeas corpus whenever and wherever he may please. I be- lieve that if this authority is granted to him, free govern- ment will be irretrievably gone. What can he want with it? It is a delusion to let our preconception of his charac- ter weigh down the tremendous significance of his present action's. He has inaugurated, and persistently and consist- ently pursued, a system of policy which seems to me to look to absolutism. He and the Lincoln government seem to me to be running a rapid race against each other in usurp- ation and madness. Each faithfully follows every pattern that is set by the other, upon the apparent conviction that what is borne in the one will be borne in the other, and each has shown a remarkable alacrity in furnishing its due proportion of examples to the common stock. We gave them "conscription," and now we have taken from them in exchange "political prisoners" and discretionary suspen- sion of Jiabcas corpus riot such a suspension as comports with the constitutional restrictions upon it, but such as are intended to get rid of these very restrictions. It is not the least exaggeration to say that all the usurpations and tyr- annies of each are promptly and faithfully copied by the other; and what must be the possible result but the crush- ing out of constitutional liberty, and the establishment of absolutism in both countries? Their emissaries and bribed journals are engaged in the partially secret but certain and persistent work of decrying free government as a failure, and thus preparing the sickened and weary hearts of the people for the coup a" etat. If Congress yields to this last demand, I believe we shall be lost forever. I would intro- duce warning and rallying resolutions into the Legislature if I did not feel well assured that they would be overwhelm- ingly lost, and that their loss would encourage the enemies 26* 258 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF of liberty, and rivet the chains which they are preparing for our submissive and pusillanimous limbs. Our submission to conscription was a woful mistake. It ought to have been resisted promptly, and utterly resisted. Will mankind never be able to appropriate the teachings of history without a personal experience? Must they wait to be enslaved before they will learn that every usurpation which is accomplished becomes a new fortress from which tyranny assails the ram- parts of liberty; and that usurpation is never appeased, but always whetted and strengthened by submission? Are our people only insensible to this truth, or have they, indeed, become sick of their liberty, and resolved to take refuge under the wings of an absolute ruler? In either case, de- cency demands that we should cease to denounce the usurp- ations and tyrannies of Lincoln. These rapidly accumulat- ing and gigantic usurpations, with a connecting tlircad run- ning through the whole of them and binding them together as links in a chain, fill me with alarm, and 'the mean and pusillanimous submission of our people fills me with de- spair. One significant link in that chain is the scheme of State indorsement of Confederate debts ; and we have had a foretaste of the operation of it in the insolent assumption of sending a special agent to lecture the State Legislature upon its duty to the central head. I wish I could see you before I go back to Milledgeville, but I cannot. My im- pression is that the indorsement scheme will be isorked through, and that the conscription resolutions will either be cut off by an early adjournment, or will be indefinitely post- poned by a large vote. A Legislature which can be be- guiled and scared into an acquiescence in conscription, by the plea of necessity and the bug-bear of reorganizing the army in the face of the enemy, when the only reorganiza- tion dreamed of by anybody is just such a one as was effected by conscription itself in the face of the enemy a change in the mode of appointing future officers will submit to any- thing! I have no hope from them. My judgment of them is that they are against a fuss under all circumstances, and that they will, therefore, submit implicitly to whoever may be in possession of that power which surrounds them at the moment to Mr. Davis now, and to Mr. Lincoln if he should ever overrun the country. They would not hesitate to repeat the ignominy of the Kentucky Legislature with JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. the same surroundings. The personal pusillanimity of some of them is such that they would to-day sign and seal a bar- gain for the security of their victuals and clothes. God grant that I may be mistaken, but I believe we are lost! Congress could save us the Georgia Legislature could save us but neither of them has the courage or sense to do it ; and I repeat that I believe we are lost ! Most affectionately, LINTON STEPHENS. In the summer of 1863, Judge Stephens raised a troop of horse for State defense, and repaired to Atlanta. Rosecrans was threatening our northern border. The company was merged into a battalion, organized at Atlanta Judge Ste- phens being elected to the command. [From L. S. to A. II. S. ] SAXDTOWN, GA., 5^ O'CLOCK p. M., Sept. 16, 1863. DEAR BROTHER General Cobb is as agreeable as I had expected. He thinks the State troops are likely to be out a good while; he didn't say the whole term of six months, but I think we are regularly in. I feel very much as if we had been tricked indeed, I shared the general suspicion, from the beginning, that we were walk- ing into a trap. I walked in with my mind made up to be trapped ; but it is a deplorable state of things when the pledges of the government fail to inspire credence even in its blindest supporters. Nobody relishes the consciousness of being fooled ; but I remain resolved to bear whatever may come. I have not lost my temper, on any occasion, from the beginning to this time. I am very much annoyed by many things, but I have kept cool. The men espe- cially the boys run to me with their slightest accidents, even to the broken straps and strings about their saddles. I have, in every case, given them the best advice which oc- curred to me, and treated their little mishaps with sympa- thy and kindness. We are all getting on harmoniously in the main more so than I ever saw any company before. The sick man has become very sick. I have got him into a private house, and detailed Dr. Tom Andrews, his neighbor at home, to 2<5O BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF attend him. I am afraid he will have to go to the hospital ; for the lady, whose house he is now in, said she could keep him only last night. Besides this case, there are two others of sickness one of chills and the other rheumatism. They remain in camp as yet. We had a very sudden change of weather night before last, and this morning we had quite a frost. Everybody complains of the cold, and of having slept very cold last night. I got very cold, and thought once I should have a chill, but I escaped. The rations which I drew yesterday, as far as meat is concerned, con- sisted of \oy> pounds of bacon and 297 pounds of miserable beef for 47 men one ivcck. The beef I take by installments. General Cobb says he thinks there will be considerable "billing and cooing" before the big fight begins, and that a big fight will then come off. He told me that Bragg was drawing rations for seventy thousand men. I am going in town to take dinner with Anderson, and must wash up and change my clothes. I am exceedingly dirty, as are all the rest. My company is the only one of the battalion that has arrived. General Cobb tells me, as I expected, that we will all have to form regiments, or be thrown into regiments by him. He still allows us the chance to form them our- selves and elect our own officers. He told me that General Toombs and his regiment would remain at Athens, where they now are. I am sorry that Mr. Conrad's visit is likely to prevent you from coming here. I would like very much to see you. You can get quarters at Mrs. Whitehead's, as I told you, and as you will see from the inclosed note from her. She handed it to me after you left Sparta. I intended to send it to you by Evans, but forgot it, in the hurry and stress of attention to other matters, in getting off. 1 must write Cosby a letter; and so good-bye. I am writing on my knee, with my back against a hickory sapling. Write to me often; it does me good to get letters from you, even when they are short. Yours, most affectionately, LJNTON STEPHENS. [From L. S. to A. II. S. ] ATLANTA, September 23, 1863. DEAR BROTHER Speaking of ap- pointments, my old class-mate, Robert J. Henderson, of JUDGE LINTON STEPHEN?. 26 1 Covington, desires promotion to a brigadiership. He has eighteen months' experience as a colonel, and he is a man of character and education. I have no doubt he would make a better brigadier than many we have. He and his regiment were among the Vicksburg captives. I told him what rule you had adopted in relation to military recom- mendations, but that I would lay his case before you, with a request that you would do for him what you could con- sistently with your views of right and propriety General Cobb is very agreeable to me ; but he has always been so towards me in a pretty marked degree Our side seems to have had the decided advantage in the kite fight, but I do not regard the result as yet decided. I can't help feeling great apprehension.* [From L. S. to A. II . S. ] ATLANTA, October 3, 1863. DEAR BROTHER It has been several days since I have written to you, and several since I have received any letter from you. I suppose this will probably find you at home. I am still ignorant of the future probable movements of my battalion, farther than a slight inference that we will not be' moved within the next four or five days. Last night, I recommended a furlough to a man on condition that the General should think the furlough would probably 'expire before the battalion would be moved. The furlough was granted ; and, as it was for five days, I concluded the Gen- eral thought that we would not be moved within that time. This is all I know beyond the General's intimation, of which I have before informed you, to the effect that w r e might be kept here to catch deserters. You see I have made a rise in the way of writing implements, and I hope the change from pencil to ink will be as pleasant to you as it is to me. I have a box for a writing-desk, and am altogether better prepared for writing than I have been before. I now have five companies in camp, and I understand that the captain and first lieutenant of the Baldwin company are in the city; the company is probably near at hand. On Monday, I *The battle of Chickamauga had been fought on the igth and aoth of September. 262 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF want to hold an election for an additional field-officer, and complete the organization of the battalion. Whether it will be run up to a regiment, I don't know, but General Cobb says he intends so. The cavalry material here present is exhausted, with the exception of a squadron of four com- panies, which the General has agreed may retain its sepa- rate organization for the present:, and two other companies, one of which has boundaries not extending across the Chat- tahoochee River. I don't know how he will manage it, but he says he intends to run my battalion up to a full regiment. Night before last (the first), we had a terrible storm of wind and rain. Our tents blew down and leaked so that we all got very wet; some have taken cold from the exposure, but 1 have not. I put on my overcoat and saved my body from the wetting, though my legs got well soaked. After the storm abated, I took a nap of an hour's length in my wet clothes I am standing up as well as anybody so far The Baldwin company has come into camp since I have been writing. Two lads came here this morning, from Sparta, and told me that, on last Wednesday night, my smoke-house on the lot was broken open and all the meat taken out of it, and that quite a number of negroes had been taken up and were in jail on account of it I feel very un- easy about the state of tilings at home, and in the country similarly situated. This war cannot be carried on success- fully upon the present basis. ]f we are prepared to admit that we cannot continue the struggle without stripping the country of all its men, we might as well abandon the con- test and accept our fate. There is a plan by which the con- test can be successfully conducted without the present rapid and destructive consumption of all our resources, but will it ever be accepted? But enough of this I sa\v Genera] Forrest yesterday evening. 1 le was just from the "front" (to use a phrase which has become a cant), and he said he didn't think there would be any more fighting in several days. He said he was going to LaGrange to rest himself a week. On the other hand, ammunition drays were running nearly all last night from the arsenal to the railroad, indicating preparation for another fight. It seems to me that the two armies have now settled down for a spell, and I have no doubt the State troops will be retained to JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 263 guard Bragg's rear, or for some other purpose. Our negro population is going to give us great trouble. They are be- coming extensively corrupted. The necessary pains to keep them on our side, and in order, have been unwisely and sadly neglected. The terms on which I told you 1 would be willing to settle, there is a great deal in. My mind lias only been confirmed in the views then expressed. I believe that the institution of slavery is already so undermined and demoralized as never to be of much use to us, even if we had peace and independence to-day. The institution has received a terrible shock, which is tending to its disintegra- tion and ruin ! Most affectionate!}', LINTON STEPHENS. [From L. S. to A. II. S. ] ATLANTA, October 17, 1863. DEAR BROTHER To-day, I got a letter from Cosby, say- ing that you had promised, and expected to return to Sparta next Monday to be present at the trials of the negroes ; and I therefore have little hopes of these lines reaching you be- fore you get off, and still less of seeing you up here. I have been very desirous to sec you ; and, as I cannot go to see you, I thought you would come to see me; but I have now given up that idea, and have made up my mind to get rflong on ni) T own hook. This is Saturday night, not quite dark yet, and I am writing by a candle in my tent, and I am immersed in a hum of voices discussing such matters as men in camp can find to interest them. The weather is now charming. The clouds cleared off yesterday evening, and I walked out to the edge of the camp for the express pur- pose of getting a clear view of the new moon. My first sight of it was very clear. I dispensed with the usual drill this evening, and had all hands to clean up the camp, each company cleaning off its own ground, and all ventilating and cleaning out their tents. Ail the offices of the battal- ion are now filled, except ordnance-sergeant and chaplain. The ordnance-sergeant, though not ranking high, is a very important officer; for he has charge of all the ammunition. Mr. Akcrman* fills this place for *Mr. Akerman was, after the war, Attorney-General of the United. States. 264 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF General Toombs. I wish I had such a man to fill it for me. General Cobb is now gone to the "front," and, in his absence to-day, I got a note from his adjutant, saying that General Bragg had telegraphed to General Cobb to send forty or fifty men to Meridian, Mis- sissippi, to drive beeves from there to his army, and asking me if I could furnish the men for the service. I answered him very promptly that I would not, and then rode up to see him, and gave him my reasons for refusing much more in full than I had done in the written answer to his note. My reasons are these: In the first place, I think it very doubtful whether there are any beeves at Meridian ; in the next place, if there are any there, and it were proper to bring them away, we are not the people to do it. Where are the Mississippi State troops, I wonder? Cobb's adju- tant informed me, in response to my question, that some of them are at Meridian now. Did you ever hear of more patent folly? It would be three weeks, with the best of work, before my men could get there to start the cattle, to say nothing of the hardship of asking us to go and do the work which lies at the door of the Mississippians. In the next place, if I approved of the job, and as the selection of us as the men, I still would not do it, because we are not provided with the means. The proposition was to start forty or fifty men for Meridian on horseback, provided with two days' rations and nothing else. It is about a forty days' job, and the men would have to support themselves and horses. I have not yet, nor has any captain, got .back one cent of the money we paid out in getting here, and in the detached service in which my Greene count}' company was sent after they got here Our battalion-quartermaster is a first-rate business man. A few such men in the high places of the quartermaster's department would soon produce magical changes in its affairs. He is a Wilkes county boy, who went to New York as a clerk, and soon worked himself up to a partnership in a large mercantile house. He never saw West Point in his life, and only knows business. Seven-eighths of the work of an army is business, and requires business talent. The other eighth is statesmanship, and requires a talent pos- sessed by very few men in the country. . . . Good-bye. Affectionately, LIXTON STF.PHKNS. JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 265 [From L. S. to A. H. S. ] ATLANTA, October 29, 1863. DEAR BROTHER In great haste, I drop you a line to say that we have received orders to go to Savannah to meet an attack which General Beauregard apprehends at that point, and to suggest that you do not come up here as you ex- pected. I give you the earliest notice of this movement, hoping it may be in time to stop you. We go by home in separate companies, with orders to the several captains to take up the line of march, from their respective court- houses, for Savannah, fifteen days from to-morrow morning. I like the movement very much. I shall send my horses home by Gary, and go myself by railroad. I expect to get to your house Thursday or Friday, day or night, I don't know which. When I see you, I will explain all to you; at present, I have not time. Most affectionately yours, LINTON STEPHENS. [From L. S. to A. H. S. ] MILLEDGEVILLE, November 1 8, 18.63. DEAR BROTHER I arrived here this morning, and went into the session of the House without shaving or changing the clothes which I wore away from here last Thursday. With the dirt, and loss of sleep, and cold last night, I am feeling to-day very much like a "stewed witch." On my arrival here, I found three letters from you, of the I3th, I4th and 1 5th. Of course, I am unable to tell you, as you de- sired to know, which of these came quickest. This is the first I have heard from you since I left here. I also found a long letter from General Cobb. The inference which I draw from it is that he wishes to be senator. He says his personal wishes are balanced by conflicting considerations; but he also says he will accept if elected. Mr. Toombs is absent, to my great regret. Shockly thinks there is a ma- jority for him now, with an improving tendency in his favor. I hope so. I think Mr. Toombs is mistaken as to Cobb's true position, and, therefore, I am very doubtful of the esti- mates of himself and friends. I feel very badly to-day, but 27 266 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF not low-spirited I left everything- quiet in Savannah I am to meet a committee now, and must close. Good-bye. Most affectionately, LINTOX STEPHEN'S. [From L. S. to A. II. S. ] MILLEDGEVILLE, November 20, 1863. DEAR BROTHER The adjournment of the House to-day, in respect to the memory of a deceased member, gives me, not leisure for I have business enough but a respite from pressing duty; and I avail myself of it to tell you that I have not heard from you since I wrote last, and to tell you how gloomy and lonely I feel. The deceased member was Mr. Herrington, of Terrell county. I did not know him even by sight. He had just gone through a successful con- test for his seat, and then laid down and died. Old man Oslin, the well-known messenger of the House, is now about to die is considered hopeless. Poor old man ! I have known him long, and have valued him for some sterling qualities. His industry, particularly, was a model. His kindness of heart and general accommodating spirit are also very conspicuous traits in his character We had a fight in the House to-day over a bill to stop interest on all contracts where payment in Confederate money might be refused. I opposed it on the constitutional ground that it impaired the obligation of contracts. There was a considerable little debate between Wallace and Klam and myself. Mathews, of Oglethorpe, made a very sensi- ble speech on my side. I walloped \\\cm so badly that they couldn't get enough to call the yeas and nays. On the policy of the bill, I expressed no opinion of my own, but told them what Washington's contract was in refusing Con- tinental money at par when it was only five to one. said he had never heard of that before, but did not doubt its truth after my statement of it. He then went on to say that it was a disastrous clay when Washington took that position ; the cry went out all over the country that the " Father of his Country " had refused to take war-currency, and then the fate of that currency was sealed forever. I asked him if he did not know that Washington had taken that position, how could he know what sort of a "cry" was JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 267 raised about it? This raised quite a laugh on , and was a sort of settling stroke. I doubt which made the most votes my argument, which, I think, was unanswerable, and which certainly was unanswered, or that little hit, which had nothing to do with the merits. I also caught in as bad a trap worse, really, for he did not escape under the cover of a laugh as did. He referred to the law of 1845, changing interest from 8 to 7 per cent., as an au- thority to show that interest on existing, as well as future, contracts was under legislative control. He represented that law as operating on contracts which then existed, as well as on future ones. At first, he put it with some hesi- tation ; but, finding that I did not correct him, he grew very confident, and spoke of having made settlements on that basis. He then said he knew he was right in his rec- ollection of that law ; and yet, he had never heard its con- stitutionality called into question. He had then got his foot properly into it, and I rose and read to him the first lines of the law "On all bonds, notes, contracts, etc., made after the passage of this act. " I laid down the book and took my seat without a word of comment. He looked badly, and soon subsided. It made a hole in him and let out all his steam. He collapsed and sunk like a bellows with a similar disaster. Then these gentlemen pitched into me, and not I into them. But I must bring this letter to a close ; for I have some others to write, and then a long and somewhat difficult bill to draw, to provide for the education of the children of indi- gent soldiers Yours, most affectionately, LINTON STEPHENS. [From L. S. to A. II. S. ] MILLEUGEVILLK, December 4, 1863. DEAR BROTHER I ought to have written to you yester- day, but I did not, because I was sick quite sick and confined to my room (but not to my bed) until the after- noon. I should have staid in doors during the afternoon also, but Mr. Bacon came to see me, and said the cotton- bill was coming to a vote, and begged me to go up and vote 268 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF on it. I went and made a speech as good a one, me ju- dicc, as ever I made but it didn't succeed. It had too much truth to be digested at a single meal. The restric- tion-bill was carried by one majority. There will be an effort to reconsider this morning, probably successful. The House, yesterday, concurred in a Senate resolution to ad- journ on the 1 2th. I must hurry up to the House, and have no time to write as I wish. I never was so oppressed with a parting, as I was last Tuesday, in taking leave of you and the children and Cosby. I had a feeling of unutterable woe, and I have it now. It seeks no utterance, because it is conscious of being able to find none. I am much better this morning. I have just got your letter, written as you were about to depart from my house, and it has helped me somewhat. I wish I could bring myself to the point of being resigned to whatever may happen! Sometimes, I have thought I had reached it, but poor human nature has broken down on the way. God help us all! And, () God, have mere}' on poor, miserable sinners, of whom I am one ! Yours, most affectionate!}', LIXTOX STEPHENS. [From L. S. to A. II. S. ] MILLEDGEVILLE, December ii, 1863. DEAR BROTHER I have just read your two letters of the 9th and loth; and, though I am not able to write, I have determined to drop you a few lines, because these letters, and the one of the 8th, which I got last night, have filled me and oppressed me with a sense of my injustice and neg- ligence of our correspondence. I got the Governor to write to you for me last Tuesday. I see, and was surprised to see, that you had not got his letter when you wrote yester- day. I have been very unwell ever since I left home or rather, ever since I got here the last time Your account of "the Parson" is a most wonderful one to me, but beautiful in the extreme. It looks as if all the landmarks, in this world, of my whilom acquaintance, are all passing rapidly away. It is very painful and depressing to me; but the manner in which you speak of them shows that you feel them as deeply, if not as violently, as I do, JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 269 and the calmness and quiet resignation which you display in speaking of them are beautiful to me, while it rebukes my own despair Yours, most affectionately, LINTON STEPHENS. The reader will see, from the last three preceding letters, that Judge Stephens was chosen a member of the House of Representatives in the autumn of 1863. The most import- ant measures with which he was intimately and prominently identified were : An act of the Legislature, granting sup- plies of food, raiment, etc., to persons left destitute by the ravages of war, in sections of the State overrun by the Fed- eral army ; that measure he ardently supported. Another, which he opposed, was the measure to indorse, by the State, the Confederate debt. He introduced a series of resolutions declaring the suspension of the writ of Jiabcas corpus to be unconstitutional. His speech in advocacy of the resolutions was regarded by those who heard it, and who had heard him on other occasions in deliberative bodies, as the ablest he ever made in a parliamentary assembly; it was worthy of the subject, the occasion, the time, and the man. It con- vinced the reason of the Legislature ; for the resolutions were adopted. Here follow the resolutions entire the text of the masterly plea he uttered in behalf of constitutional government and the liberty of the citizen : RESOLUTIONS INTRODUCED BY HON. LINTON STEPHENS ON THE SUSPENSION OF THE WRIT or HABEAS CORPUS. Tlie General Assembly of the State of Georgia do resolve, i. That, under the Constitution of the Confederate States, there is no power to suspend the privilege of the w r rit of habeas corpus, but in a manner and to an extent regulated and limited by the express, emphatic and unqualified consti- tutional prohibitions, that "no person shall be deprived of 2JC BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF life, liberty or property without due process of law," and that "the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirm- ation, and particularly describing the places to be searched and the persons or things to be seized." And this conclu- sion results from the two following reasons: First. Because the power to suspend the writ is derived not from express delegation, but only from implication, which must always yield to express, conflicting and restricting words. Second. Because this power, being found nowhere in the Constitu- tion, but in words, which are copied from the original Con- stitution of the United States, as adopted in 1787, must yield, in all points of conflict, to the subsequent amendments of 1789, which are also copied into our present Constitu- tion, and which contain the prohibitions above quoted, and were adopted with the declared purpose of adding further declarator}' and restrictive clauses. 2. That "due process of law" for seizing the persons of the people, as defined by the Constitution itself, is a war- rant issued upon probable cause, supported by oath or af- firmation, and particularly describing the persons to be seized ; and the issuing of such warrants, being the exertion of a judicial power, is, if done by any branch of the govern- ment except the judiciary, a plain violation of that provi- sion of the Constitution which vests the judicial power in the courts alone ; and, therefore, all seizures of the persons of the people, by any officer of the Confederate Government, without warrant, and all warrants for that purpose, from any but a judicial source, are, in the judgment of this Gen- eral Assembly, unreasonable and unconstitutional. 3. That the recent act of Congress, to suspend the priv- ilege of the writ of habeas corpus in cases of arrests, ordered by the President, Secretary of War, or general officer com- manding the trans-Mississippi military department, is an at- tempt to sustain the military authority in the exercise of the constitutional, judicial function of issuing warrants, and to give validity to unconstitutional seizures of the persons of the people; and as the said act, by its express terms, confines its operations to the upholding of this class of un- constitutional seizures, the whole suspension attempted to JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 2/1 be authorized by it, and the whole act itself, in the judg- ment of this General Assembly, are unconstitutional. 4. That, in the judgment of this General Assembly, the said act is a dangerous assault upon the constitutional power of the courts, and upon the liberty of the people, and be- yond the power of any possible necessity to justify it; and while our Senators and Representatives in Congress are earnestly urged to take the first possible opportunity to have it repealed, we refer the question of its validity to the courts, with the hope that the people and the military au- thorities will abide by the decision. 5. That, as constitutional liberty is the sole object which our people and our noble army have, in our present terrible struggle with the government of Mr. Lincoln, so also is a faithful adherence to it, on the part of our own govern- ment, through good fortune in arms, and through bad, one of the great elements of our strength and final success, be- cause the constant contrast of constitutional government, on our part, with the usurpations and tyrannies which charac- terize the government of our enemy under the ever-recur- ring and ever-false plea of the necessities of war, will have the double effect of animating our people with an uncon- querable zeal, and of inspiring the people of the North more and more with a desire and determination to put an end to a contest which is waged by their government openly against our liberty, and as truly, but more covertly, against their own. THOMAS HARDEMAX, Speaker House Representatives. L. CARRIXGTOX, Clerk. PETER COXE, President pro tcin. of Senate. L. H. KENAN, Secretary of Senate. Approved March 19, 1864: JOSEPH E. BROWN, Governor. He also introduced the following resolutions, "Declaring the ground on which the Confederate States stand in the war, and the terms on which peace ought to be offered to the enemy: " 2/2 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF The General Assembly of the State of Georgia do resolve, i. That, "to secure the rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, governments were instituted among men, deriv- ing their just powers from the consent of the governed; that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute a new government, laying its foundations on such principles, and organizing its powers in such a form, as shall seem to them most likely to effect their safety and happiness." 2. That the best possible commentary upon this grand text of our fathers of 1776 is their accompanying action, which it was put forth to justify, and that action was the immortal declaration that the former political connection between the Colonies and the State of Great Britain was dissolved, and the Thirteen Colonies were, and of right ought to be, not one independent State, but thirteen inde- pendent States, each of them being such a " people " as had the right, whenever they chose to exercise it, to separate themselves from a political association and government of their former choice, and institute a new government to suit themselves. 3. That if Rhode Island, \vith her meager elements of nationality, was such a "people" in 1776, when her sepa- ration from the government and people of Great Britain took place, much more was Georgia, and each of the seced- ing States, with their large territories, populations and re- sources, such a "people," and entitled to exercise the same right in 1861, when they decreed their separation from the government and the people of the United States ; and if the separation was rightful in the first case, it was more clearly so in the last the right depending, as it does in the case of every "people" for whom it is claimed, simply upon their fitness and their will to constitute an independent State. 4. That this right was perfect in each of the States, to be exercised by her, or at her own pleasure, without challenge or resistance from any other power whatever; and while these Southern States had long had reason enough to justify its assertion against some of their faithless associates, yet, remembering the dictate of "prudence," that "govern- ments long established should not be changed for light and JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 27$ transient causes," they forbore a resort to its exercise until numbers of the Northern States, State after State, through a series of years, and by studied legislation, had arrayed themselves in open hostility against an acknowledged pro- vision of the Constitution, and had at last succeeded in the election of a President who was the avowed exponent and executioner of their faithless designs against the constitu- tional rights of their Southern sisters rights which had been often adjudicated by the courts, and which were never denied by the abolitionists themselves, but upon the ground that the Constitution itself was void whenever it came in con- flict with a "higher law," which they could not find among the laws of God, and which depended, for its exposition, solely upon the elastic consciences of rancorous partisans. The Constitution thus broken, and deliberately and persist- ently repudiated by several of the States who were parties to it, ceased, according to universal law, to be binding on any of the rest, and those States which had been wronged by the breach were justified in using their rights to provide "new guards for their future security." 5. That the reasons which justified the separation, when it took place, have been vindicated and enhanced in force by the subsequent course of the government of Mr. Lin- coln by his contemptuous rejection of the Confederate commissioners, who were sent to Washington before the war to settle all matters of difference without a resort to arms, thus evincing his determination to have war by his armed occupation of the territory of the Confederate States, and especially by his treacherous attempt to reinforce his garrisons in their midst, after they had, in pursuance of their right, withdrawn their people and territory from the jurisdiction of his government, thus rendering war a neces- sity, and actually inaugurating the present lamentable war by his official denunciation of the Confederate States as ' ' rebel " and ' ' disloyal " States for their rightful withdrawal from their faithless associate States, while no word of cen- sure has ever fallen from him against those faithless States who were truly "disloyal" to the Union and the Constitu- tion, which was the only cement of the Union, and who were the true authors of all the wrong and all the mischief of the separation, thus insulting the innocent by charging upon them the crimes of his own guilty allies and, finally, 274 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF by his monstrous usurpations of power and undisguised re- pudiation of the Constitution, and his mocking scheme of securing a republican form of government to sovereign States by putting nine-tenths of the people under the do- minion of one-tenth, who may be abject enough to swear allegiance to his usurpation, thus betraying his design to subvert true constitutional republicanism in the North as well as in the South. 6. That, while we regard the present war between these Confederate States and the United States as a huge crime, whose beginning and continuance are justly chargeable to the government of our enemy, yet, we do not hesitate to affirm that, if our own government, and the people of both governments, would avoid all participation in the guilt of its continuance, it becomes all of them, on all proper occasions and in all proper ways the people acting through their State organizations and popular assemblies, and our govern- ment through its appropriate departments to use their earnest efforts to put an end to this unnatural, unchristian and savage work of carnage and havoc; and to this end, we earnestly recommend that our government, immediately after signal successes of our arms, and on other occasions, when none can impute its action to alarm, instead of a sin- cere desire for peace, shall make to the government of our enemy an official offer of peace, on the basis of the great principle declared by our common fathers in 1776, accom- panied by the distinct expression of a willingness, on our part, to follow that principle, to its true logical consequences, by agreeing that any border State, whose preference for our association may be doubted, (doubts having been expressed as to the wishes of the border States,) shall settle the ques- tion for herself by a convention, to be elected for that pur- pose, after the withdrawal of all military forces, of both sides, from her limits. 7. That we believe this course, on the part of our gov- ernment, would constantly weaken, and sooner or later break down, the war-power of our enemy by showing to his people the justice of our cause, our willingness to make peace on the principles of 1776, and the shoulders on which rests the responsibility for the continuance of the unnatural strife; that it would be hailed by our people and citizen- soldiery, who are bearing the brunt of the war, as an assur- JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 275 ance that peace will not be unnecessarily delayed, nor their sufferings unnecessarily prolonged; and that it would be regretted by nobody on either side, except men, whose im- portance, or whose gains, would be diminished by peace, and men whose ambitious designs would need cover under the ever-recurring plea of the necessities of war. 8. That while the foregoing is an expression of the senti- ments cf this General Assembly, respecting the manner in which peace should be sought, we renew our pledges of the resources and power of this State to the prosecution of the war, defensive on our part, until peace is obtained upon just and honorable terms, and until the independence and nationality of the Confederate States are established upon a permanent and enduring basis. THOMAS HARDEMAN, Spcakc"' House Representatives. L. CARRINGTON, Clerk. PETER CONE, President pro tern, of Senate. L. H. KENAN, Secretary of Senate. Approved March 19, 1864: JOSEPH E. BROWN, Governor. Judge Stephens always felt the liveliest interest in the fortunes of aspiring and ingenuous youth ; and while he was the most undemonstrative of men, perhaps no man in the country could count a larger number of young men so warmly attached to him. He was ever ready to aid the de- serving by his counsels or by his purse ; nor was he the least obtrusive with the one, or the least stint with the other. The following letter was written to the son of his old friend, Dr. Edward \V. Alfriend. The boy, at the age of sixteen, had entered the military service of the Confederate States. He is now a member of the Georgia bar, of brill- iant promise : [ From L. S. to Master Alfred Alfriend. ] SPARTA, May 30, 1864. DEAR ALFRED At all events, I took a thorough search for you, but did not find you. I 276 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF have never yet ascertained where you spent that night in Augusta. Cousin Sally expressed her regret that you did not go to her house with brother and myself, after she had learned from us that you had gone along on the same train with us, and had to spend the night somewhere in Augusta. My regret on the occasion was not founded on my anxiety for your comfort during the night, for I did not doubt that you would find comfortable quarters somewhere ; but on the desire I had to have you spend the night with me, and, at all events, to give you a parting grasp of the hand and a hearty God-speed in the new and important career on which you were entering. This letter is intended mainly to speak that God-speed now for then, and to assure you of, at least, one friend, outside your own immediate family, who will always look with an anxious eye for your preservation amid the dangers of many kinds which will surround you, and for your restoration to friends, unscathed in body and soul, with worthy laurels, wrung from rugged war, to be long enjoyed and increased amid the charms of blessed peace. I don't wish to render my letter disagreeable to you by ob- truding upon you unwelcome advice; nor do I think that you will take that view of a few words drawn from the ex- perience of one who has been a pretty close, if not a very long, observer of the world, and whose motive for speaking them is a desire to serve a young friend treading an untried path. I know the enemy well, and whether you have yet found out the fact or not, I know that you will be exposed there to peculiar and strong temptations. I do not mean to flatter you when I say that I know no one of your age on whom I should expect such temptations to produce less impression ; and yet, I must beg you not to be too self-con- fident. I do not mean to guard you against vanity, but against an over-confidence in your stability and firmness. Some distrust, on that point, is far better than an undoubting confidence. " Let him that thinketh he standeth, take heed lest he fall." This is an admonition from God himself, and no sensible man has ever reached my time of life without having had occasion to apply it to himself. There are two things which, united, can bring you safe through your pres- ent moral ordeal, and nothing else can: the cultivation of a habit of careful self -watching, and a meek, but unflinching resolution never to disregard the dictates of your judgment. JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 277 Never let any circumstance seduce you into the taking of even a single drink of liquor, unless it shall be in good faith prescribed for you by a physician ; and never allow your lips to take the name of God in vain. The scenes of death and havoc, amid which you will have to move, will inevita- bly tend to render you callous, and to harden and blunt those gentle and noble sympathies which are so appropriate to youth, and which are an honor and ornament to all ages and conditions. I say this will be the tendency, and there is no man who can entirely escape its natural effects. Hence it is that long wars always tend to produce a relapse from civilization back into barbarism. Under these circum- stances, there is, for the preservation of the moral nature, no expedient equal to the careful cultivation and habitual exercise of the intellectual faculties. I know there is no very favorable opportunity for this sort of cultivation in the midst of camps, but there is some. I was glad to know that you had sent home for a book. You will not have much opportunity to read, for you cannot procure the nec- essary books, but you will have ample opportunity to exer- cise your reason upon events passing around you. I don't mean to invite you to throw yourself into the invidious at- titude of a young critic, but to cultivate a habit of exercis- ing your reason and drawing conclusions from the great events and scenes in which you will be moving; and, by all means, cultivate the habit of reducing your thoughts (what- ever course they may take) to writing and sending them home to your friends. After all, there is no process, for training and developing the intellect, equal to writing. Lord Bacon said, " Reading makes a full man, conversation a ready man, and writing an accurate man." I shall always be glad to get letters from you myself; but I need not as- sure you that my motive in advising you to write is not a selfish one. Form the habit of trying to understand all you hear, all you read, and all you see, not excepting the plans and military movements of your great leader in arms. There is nothing presumptuous in your endeavoring to un- derstand them all, and the cultivation of the habit, and the comparison of your antecedent conclusions with subsequent events, will soon render the study both pleasant and profit- able to you. Better occupy your thoughts in this way than let them dwindle and dry up. A well-occupied intellect is 2/8 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF the best security for a sound and happy heart. I shall not undertake to give you a word of news, for Ben can tell you more in an hour than I would with you in a day. I think of you very often, and never without a fervent aspiration to God to preserve you through all your dangers, and to lighten all your privations and toils with a good conscience and cheerful spirit. I commend you to some verses which I take from Burns' epistle to a young friend. The senti- ments are noble, and expressed with much force and beauty. Good-bye, and may God bless you. Your friend, LINTOX STEPHENS. "The fear o' hell's a hangman's whip, To hand the wretch in order, But where you feel your honour grip, Let that aye be your border Its slightest touches, instant pause, Debar a' side pretenses, And resolutely keep its laws, Uncaring consequences. "The great Creator to revere Must sure become the creature ; But still the preaching cant forbear, And ev'n the rigid feature; Vet, ne'er with wits profane to range, Be complaisance extended, An Atheist's laugh's a poor exchange For Deity offended. "When ranting round in pleasure's ring, Religion may be blinded, Or if she gie a random stitig, It may be little minded ; But when on life we're lempest-driv'n, A conscience but a canker, A correspondence fix'd wi' heav'n Is sure a noble anchor." [From L. S. to A. II. S. ] ATLANTA, June 4, 1864. DEAR BROTHER Joe Myers told me, yesterday morning, that he left you better the night before, and I hope you are as well as usual by this time. I am writing now in the Governor's office. It is a rainy, muddy morning. I am told that it rained nearly all night last night. I slept in a JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 279 room so remote from the outer world that I had no idea what the elements were doing until daylight gave me a view through the window. I then found things very much in the same state as they now are at 8J/4 o'clock A. M. Char- ley DuBose and I slept in the same bed in the printing- room of his brother-in-law, Richards. We have a mattress on a bedstead, and do very well. The night before last, the Governor and I slept in the same bed, out at General Foster's, two miles in the country. The Governor's head- quarters, or his lodgings, are at Colonel Erskine's. He in- vited me to go and share his bed with him there last night, but I declined. After this, Dick Johnston and I will occu- py the bed in the printing-office, and Charley will sleep with Richards in the back room of Richards' book-store. You may infer, from all this piling up in sleeping, going, as it does, to the extent of causing even the Governor to sleep double, that this city is very much crowded. Not so, however. Its quietness, on the contrary, is a striking feat- ure in comparison with its condition last fall during the ex- citement of the Chickamauga fight. I judge, from appear- ances in the city, that General Johnston has very few idlers and dodgers in the rear. The newspaper accounts of the multitudes of refugees crowded here are monstrous exag- gerations. I want no better evidence than a walk through the streets here. I can't help suspecting that the repre- sentations which have been made on this point were a trick to get people to send provisions into this place. This has been the effect. Our Hancock people sent up a lot of pro- visions for refugees. John T. Martin and John Little ar- rived here with the Hancock cargo yesterday morning. In the lot brought by them were fifty pounds of flour contrib- uted by me. After seeing the state of things here, I felt as if I had been sold. I am messing with the Governor's staff. Dick Johnston, Charley DuBose, Hidell, Colonel Fulton, Colonel Mobley (of Harris) and myself comprise our mess. We draw rations from the State and turn them over to an old gentleman in town by the name of Mitchell. He takes our rations and charges us four dollars a day apiece for board at his table. He gives us very good plain fare, and we all like the arrangement very well. I do not expect to take up quarters at the camp here ; but when the troops move forward to the front, I shall go with them as a 280 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF private in the ranks. I had every reason to believe that, if I would only permit the use of my name, I would be elected brigadier-general without opposition. Colonel Carswell, of Jefferson, who has been elected in the first brigade, sent me special word that if I would say I would serve, he would not be a candidate. Soon after my arrival here, I became convinced, and I have not doubted since, that I could have been elected with great ease ; but I have not doubted that I have done right in declining. I have kept pretty well since I have been here. Did you find a letter which I left on your table for you ? It is a letter which I had mailed to you at Richmond, and got back out of the post-office after getting your announcement that you had got back home. I pulled it out of my pocket and laid it on the table while we were talking. I intended, at the time, to tell you of it, but forgot it. I see there has been further and heavier fighting between Lee and Grant. I am very sorry to hear of Doles' death. I reckon poor Dick Greene had to run the gauntlet once more; or, was he not in the hospital when he wrote to you ? I believe he was ; but, whether or not, I trust that he is still safe. I have just this moment received and read your letter of yesterday. I am very much relieved at hearing that you were better, and that your pains were rheumatic. Rheumatism in the bowels, proper, is itself a dangerous affection, but I think, by some remarks dropped by you, that yours is in the ab- dominal muscles, and not in the bowels. Your little sJion'cr that you received with apparent gratification sinks into insignificance when compared with our rains here. Rain, rain, rain it still rains! Dick has somewhere picked up the last volume of " Les Miserables," and I have been reading it. It is now at my bed-room, but I shall go and get it, rain or no rain, as soon as I finish my letter; for I am very much in want of something to do. I should like very much to be at home; but I am not discontented. . . I am not in a complaining mood this morning, nor in a par- ticularly unhappy state, but I see about as little light under the political clouds as I do under the murk}', physical ones that envelop us. I know the latter will in time give way to renewed sunshine; will the former ever have a like blessed sequel? Not in my day, at least. General Smith is expected here to-day to take charge of the State troops, JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 28 1 and the Governor has telegraphed General Johnston that they will be ready for him in a few days. I believe he said "two or three days." Now, my own opinion is that they will not be ready to move as soon as the Governor thinks, for I have seen enough of organising to know that there is always more delay than anybody expects ; but I have no doubt but that they will be sent to the front pretty soon. I doubt, from all I hear, whether there will be any early engagement between Johnston and Sherman ; but they are having fighting there every day sometimes pretty heavy [From L. S. to A. H. S. ] SPARTA, Septerr.ber 15, 1864. DEAR BROTHER Strange, strange, passing strange that the rulers and wise men of the world should be so inattentive, if not so profoundly igno- rant, concerning a history which, in my judgment, teaches the profoundest wisdom in a light which, from its very clearness, is at once splendid and fascinating. What a splendid illustration Mr. Calhoun could have drawn from this history for his theory of concurrent majorities and nul- lification as a peaceful remedy ! By the way, I think Mr. Calhoun, while he was the soundest and most philosophical expounder of our system, was exceedingly unfortunate in his nomenclature. The phrase "concurrent majorities" fails to convey a clear idea of what he meant by it; but, worst of all, it loses a great element of popularity which would have been found in the true and accurate statement. A government of the people that is to say, of the whole people, or a liberal approximation of the whole, in oppo- sition to a government of a fragment of the people, even though that fragment might reach a majority of the whole a government wherein every State, each State constitut- ing, in the main, a homogeneous people, with identical interests, should have security for life, liberty and property, dependent not upon the will of any one man, or number of men, on the face of the earth, but solely upon its fidelity to itself a government without power to oppress any in- terest, because every interest would have the power of self- protection a government, therefore, disarmed of all inter- 28 282 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF nal aggressive power, and fulfilling the requisites of a model government by being confined to the sole legitimate office of government that is, affording security to its members by restraining aggressions upon their rights. But church time has come, and *I must suspend I think the term "nullification" equally unfortunate, or more so, for it conveys a. false idea of its real meaning or rather, of the sense in which Mr. Calhoun used it and that false idea was the greatest obstruction to its acceptance among the people. There is a real difference, and a still greater popular difference between annulling a law which has passed through all the forms of the law-making power, and interfering to prevent the final passage of a law. One house of the Legislature rejects a bill which has passed the other, or the President rejects it after it has passed both, and it never becomes a law. So after it has passed all three of these, it may be rejected by the interposition of any one of the sovereign States; and such a rejection as this is not so much a departure from popular government as the rejection, which we have confessedly in our .system is the rejection by one man. It ought to have been called the veto power of the States, and never the right of nullifica- tion a veto not provided for expressly in the Constitution, it is true, but resulting necessarily from the fact that sov- ereign States are the parties to it, and forming, therefore, a part of our system of government, and being no more revolutionary in its exercise than in the exercise of the veto power on the part of the President, and intended, like that, to be an additional check upon legislation ; that is to say, an additional security in the hands of every State against aggression from the rest. When you go further and draw the very clear distinction which there is (but which Mr. Calhoun failed to make sufficiently plain) be- tween one State governing all the rest, and preventing them simply from governing her, you would, I think, go a great way in relieving this much-abused theory from the demagogical misrepresentations which make it odious by making it misunderstood. All fair-minded men will desire a government which, while it withholds their own hands from aggressions upon others, secures them also from ag- gressions by others. Wise men will sec still further that there can be no reliable protection to any without protec- JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 283 tion to all ; or, in other words, that any system whose pro- tection does not extend to all interests cannot be reliable and steadfast for any. I could write page after page on this subject, but the brief outline which I have given will be sufficient to give you a full understanding of my ideas, and that is all I wish. Before I pass entirely away, however, I will say that I consider all the talk which speak- ers and writers (including Mr. Calhoun) have held on the subject of the "social compact" is sheer fiction. There is no such thing as "social compact" never was, and never can be. It is as pure a fiction as the common law doctrine of a superse-assumpsit is, and a much more useless one. Indeed, I think it has been the source of ^serious mischiefs. The common law supposes every man to promise to do cer- tain duties, and there is no harm in this, since the fiction is used merely to furnish the form of a remedy for the breach of those duties ; but what possible use can there be in supposing that mankind, or any part of them, ever agreed to form society ? Mr. Calhoun himself says, very justly, that society is the natural state of man that all men are born into it. How, then, can he talk, as he does talk in his debate with Mr. Webster, about the social compact being the foundation of socie'ty? My idea of it is that all things, including man, are under an obligation, imposed upon them by the Creator for their own good, to live according to their own nature ; that is to say, to live so as to attain the greatest possible development of their natural gifts. Society is the natural state of man ; he can do nothing in any other situation, and this is the ground of his obligation to maintain society not any promise or agreement to do so, for none such was ever made. Society cannot be maintained without govern- ment, and, therefore, the maintenance of government, of some sort, rests on the same foundation of natural obliga- tion, and not on any fictitious compact. There is no compact, no agreement among men in relation either to society or to government, until you come to what is properly called the constitution of government. This is indeed a compact which creates obligations correspondent to its provisions ; but it is not a compact to support either society or government in general ; it is a compact to support the particular gov- ernment established by it, Society and government are 284 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF ordained by God, as is shown by their manifest necessity to the nature with which He has formed mankind; but the particular forms of either are a very different affair. There is no room for difference of opinion on the first proposition, and accordingly, we find that all mankind, in all ages, and under all circumstances, have had society and government, but not so as to the form of either, best suited to different por- tions of the human family. I think, however, it is easy to prove that, for a people who are sufficiently enlightened to understand it, the best possible form of government is that which arms every interest in the society with the power of self-protection. The very reason which renders govern- ment a necessity is the selfishness of men, leading them to aggrandize themselves at the expense of others, and this reason requires the remedy to go to the extent of having every part of the society protected against all the rest. How can this possibly be so well effected as by giving every interest the power of self-protection ? With an enlightened people, this would be the perfection of the science of gov- ernment. [From L. S. to A. II. S. ] SPARTA, October 13, 1864. 1 have seen Burke's review of your letter. The answer which you make to him, in a letter which I got from you the other day, is not the right one, as it seems to me. The consent of the two governments does not relieve your pro- posed convention of States from the objection of unconsti- tutionality. I don't mean to say that I think your plan is really obnoxious to that objection, but I don't think the consent of the two governments has any bearing on that point. The prohibition against compacts or agreements between States is not at all applicable to your plan. You don't propose to form any compact or agreements between States ; you simply propose to interchange views, and, if possible, to unite, not in a compact, but in a plan to be submitted to the States for ratification, or rather for adop- tion. You expressly negative any binding authority in the convention, confining its action to simple conference and recommendation. So much for the convention. When JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 285 you get one step further, and propose to the States a scheme of peace which may involve the termination of the existing government, as the convention might do, the case assumes a new aspect ; but the proposed action would not be unconstitutional unless secession was so. I don't be- lieve that secession was unconstitutional, nor do I believe it would be unconstitutional to take the proposed action. If the scheme of peace proposed should contemplate a subversion of the existing government, its adoption by any State would, it is true, terminate the operation of the Con- stitution in that State ; but the right of each State to do this whenever she pleases is the foundation-stone of our government. It would not be a question of carrying on the government, consistently with the Constitution, but it would be a putting of the new government upon trial, as we have already put the old one on trial and de- cided against its continuance. To carry on the govern- ment according to the Constitution is one thing to de- cide whether the government shall be continued or not is a very different thing. The consent of the government doesn't seerh to me to touch this question of constitutionality. The consent of the two governments is very desirable, but not at all necessary to cure any unconstitutionality. There is no unconstitutionality ; and if there was any, their consent couldn't cure it. This reminds me to remark upon a new idea which is passing current without a challenge from any quarter, so far as I have seen, but which is full of error and mischief: I mean the idea that all the States of our Confederacy are forbidden, by good faitJi, to secede from it during the war. Whence comes this obligation of faith? Where is the pledge that would be broken by se- cession? How can the question be affected by the state of war? Shall it be said there is an implied understanding on the part of all to abide the common fortune ? To abide it how long? Forever? Then secession has ceased forever as a rightful resort. During the war? Then our rulers may defeat the right as long as they choose by prolonging the war. There can be but one sound view on this subject. It is gratuitous to be implying obligations when the Con- stitution was intended as the expression of all that were assumed. Those people who prate about the bad faith of breaking pledges, which can nowhere be found, arc the 2S6 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF same who defend the government in breaking its most spe- cific and formal promises. It is a cant invented to serve the purpose of usurpation and consolidation. It is an arti- fice of power to perpetuate itself, and to deny all principles which can imperil its existence. It is a lie, a cheat, and a delusion. It is the right of all States to quit associations, and form new ones whenever they please. It is a right which is truly inalienable, which cannot be surrendered even by the most solemn constitutional compact, for the power to bargain it away involves the power to alter the rights of mankind. To admit that any generation can be barred from this right by the action of predecessors is to deny the right itself in toto. The essence of the right con- sists in making the change whenever the people please. Such is the right. Its exercise can be justified only by con- siderations of national interest, and is always proper when interest justifies it. In other words, there can be no such thing as power or good faith in conflict with the irnc inter- est of either nations or individuals. True interest and power always pull in the same direction When the Federal army, under General Sherman, ap- proached the capitol at Millcdgeville, in 1864, the General Assembly was in session. The panic the intelligence pro- duced was very great ; nor was it confined exclusively to the citizens of the city. A large number of members of the Legislature shared it with them. Vehicles of every description were in urgent demand ; the most fabulous prices were paid for every sort, from the gentleman's coach down to the clumsiest and most unsightly ox-cart. Gov- ernor Brown, in view of the near approach of the Federal army, and consequent dispersion of the Legislature, sent a message to the General Assembly, officially communicating the intelligence already so appallingly known to the mem- bers individually, wherein he submitted to their judgment the necessity, or propriety, of adopting some measure which would authorize him to exercise extra constitutional or dis- cretionary powers in certain emergencies, until the Legis- lature should re-convene. The message was immediately JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 287 taken up in the Senate, and the recommendation, or sug- gestion therein contained, adopted by that body, ncm. con., or nearly so. It was forthwith transmitted to the House, and immediately taken up for action. Judge Stephens at once rose and opposed its adoption in a thirty minutes' speech of superlative power and eloquence. Its effect was electrical and crushing. After making a noble plea for "a government of laws and not of men," he concluded by say- ing, in substance: "I, sir, have been denounced by some mistaken, but doubtless well-meaning men, as an enemy to the admin- istration of the Confederate government, because I op- posed those of its measures, which, in my judgment, in- volved unconstitutional stretches of power, dangerous alike to the success of our common cause and to popular liberty. Time will determine whether they or I are the better friends to the administration I, who warn it of the rocks and breakers ahead that will wreck it, or they, who, if they have eyes to see, see not, or tongues to speak, speak only to flatter or deceive. It has been said that I am a foe to President Davis. That is not true. It has been said I am the friend of Governor Brown. That is true. It is also true that I warmly espoused his side of the controversy with the President on the subjects of conscription, impressment, etc. Why? Because, Governor Brown was right. Pres- ident Davis was wrong, in my humble judgment no per- sonal feeling, one way or the other, lent bias to that judg- ment. Governor Brown was right in that controversy: in the measure now before the House, he is wrong. / ivant no master ! I am the political friend of no man, of no man FREEMAN! alack! who is ready to accept a master! be he Abe Lincoln, or Jeff. Davis, or Joe Brown, or anybody else! I am the friend of citizen-liberty,, of rational, consti- tutional liberty, to-day, to-morrow and forever! And be- fore I support any measure authorizing, by any possibility, 288 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF the exercise of powers so monstrous and so dangerous to that liberty as those contemplated in the resolutions on your table ; or before I stand by any man who would, if he could, by any semblance of authority, exercise such pow- ers, may my right hand forget her cunning and my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth ! No, sir never ! I would perish sooner. If I am to have a master, HE must forge the chains; I will never hold out my hands to take on the accursed manacles ! " The Hon. L. N. Trammell, who was a member of the House, and to whom I am indebted for the incident, pro- nounced that speech the grandest outburst of fervid, patri- otic, pent-up, indignant eloquence he ever heard uttered. The resolution was tabled without a division. When the awful curtain fell upon the scene of surrender at Appomattox, the last hope of the Confederacy was lost. Nothing was left to the Confederates but to secure the best terms they could with their successful adversary. Of course, it was a question, of a few days only, how long the small but heroic army of General Johnston could continue the strug- gle against the combined forces of Grant and Sherman. The stipulations of Johnston's surrender, as set forth in the Sherman-Johnston convention, were alike honorable to the patriotism and magnanimity of both, and reflect credit alike upon the spirit of the warrior and the sagacity of the states- man. The work of that convention was, after the surren- der of the army, with all its appointments and equipments, ignored and repudiated by Andrew Johnson, who had just acceded to the presidency of the United States, in conse- quence of the ever-to-be-lamented assassination of Mr. Lin- coln. Mr. Johnson lived long enough to regret if his sub- sequent political course may be regarded as testimony that he put his foot upon that basis of settlement not the reconstruction, but the reconciliation of the States. The effects of that rejection or rather, of that ignorition, (if I may be JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 289 allowed to coin p. word,) are felt now; and happy it will be if all their traces shall be wiped out ere many years yet to come "be numbered with those before the flood." For several years, Judge Stephens was a member of the Presbyterian Church ; he, however, dissolved his connec- tion therewith not because his faith in the truth of Chris- tianity had in any degree abated, but because he had lost faith in so many who called themselves Christian me'n. The contrast between their practice and their profession was too marked and too wide for his charity to cover; for this rea- son, coupled with the additional one, that he did not en- tirely subscribe to all the tenets, rites and ordinances of any of the denominations, he quit the fellowship. In February, 1866, he gives this partial epitome of his religious faith, in a letter to a female friend : I think I am very nearly, if not quite, devoid of religious prejudices I believe in Christ as the Son of God and the Saviour of men. I be- lieve He was made man for our Teacher and Pattern, and that His teachings and life should receive implicit obedi- ence and imitation, so far as God may, with propriety and without offense, be imitated by men. While I believe all this, yet I confess to you frankly, that I have never been able to believe that any one of the many organizations, claiming each for itself to be His peculiar and exclusive representative on earth, is either altogether bad or alto- gether good. I can but regard them all as partaking of the infirmities of the poor human beings who compose them. Judge Stephens suffered intensely at times from dyspep- sia. It was his physical demon his thorn in the flesh. His occasional fits of depression of melancholy some- times augmented into moroseness, which none but those who knew him with some degree of intimacy could well ac- count for are attributable to that cause. To the same friend, he writes: 2QO BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF SPARTA, February 12, 1866. You were perfectly right, my friend, in saying that I ought to be back in . I have never been so well off since I left there as I was while there ; and this leads me to incur the horrible risk of boring you (this idea of being a bore at all, particularly of being a bore to you, is intolerable) by giving you some account of my health. Do you know what dyspepsia is ? I hope you do not. I really think it is the worst bodily (ah ! and mental) affliction I ever endured. About five years ago, I was an intense sufferer from it. The horror of it must be felt to be understood. The deep melancholy; the constant feeling of being on the verge of paralysis, and of consequent imbecil- ity; the profound disgust with life, petulance which con- stantly disgusts one with his own littleness ; the waking up twenty times in a night with a sense of deadness in your limbs, and with a sense that if you had waked one moment later, you must have died instantly can you begin to con- ceive of it, my friend? I believe a dyspeptic must have written these lines: " But, ah ! life's beauty and its pride, Its freshness and its light, Have fled, and little left beside But weariness and blight." By the way, do you know these lines? You must have seen them, but I trust and believe that you have never knoii'ii them. I have. I will only mention one other very distressing peculiarity of this horrible visitation : the utter incapacity for any prolonged mental exertion. Well, I re- covered; I never felt, however, that I was in possession of good health again until last fall, during my sojourn in the glorious climate of , and at a distance from cares, and in the midst of friends who made the time pass so de- lightfully. Then I regained my health fully, and "Rich- ard" felt that he was "himself again." Now, what I have to tell you farther is, that I have, to a very considerable extent, relapsed into that old "slough of despond." This attack is not so decided as the old one ; and then there arc now many mitigating surroundings; for you must remem- ber that the great horror consists in the effect upon the Diind upon its fears and affections, and upon its natural JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 2QI clinging to life. In the first place, it is no mean advantage to have the experience of having passed through all this before. In the next place, a man who has lost a country, lost thousands of warm friends in the mismanagement of a holy cause ; who has seen human blood poured out like great rivers, yet poured in vain such a man must have a very diminished appreciation of the value of any one poor life, even if that one happens to be his own. Such an ex- perience necessarily reduces a man's capacity for misery. I do not say this in a spirit of sardonic defiance, but in the sober spirit of comforting philosophy that same old phi- losophy which discovered that a fellow at the bottom of fortune's wheel has at least one advantage from the situa- tion the sense of security against anything worse. Well, the " murder is out" now. I have never written so much as this at any one time before in my life, to any one person, on the subject of my own ailments. I have talked it some- times during the days of my horrors, but then I could reg- ulate the quantity by my observations on the patience 01 the listener. I have thrown myself utterly upon your mercy, trusting somewhat to your generosity, as well as to the warmth and truth of your friendship. But, my friend, don't you believe but what I shall get well again. I should get over it very soon if I could control my own time, as I hope to do soon, but that I have not been able to do for a long time past. You have no idea how I am constantly pressed and annoyed by people who come to me for advice and assistance in these terrible times; but be assured that I am preserving a reasonable patience, even under the tor- tures of a disease which tries one's patience in a peculiar degree. They are my fellow-sufferers in a noble cause, and that memory invests them with a respect which is not al- ways clue to their personal worth. I hope to be able to take a little recreation soon, and run away from trouble for a while and get well again To another female friend, he writes : SPARTA, March 18, 1866. After finishing and sealing up my letter of last night, I have remembered to return to you 2Q2 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF brother's letter which sent me. I cannot let it pass by without telling you how profoundly I am gratified at the good understanding and cordial relations which now seem to be established between those whom I love best. There is between you and dear brother a great deal more in com- mon than you have even yet suspected. With a very marked simplicity of character in most respects, he still has a peculiar reserve which has never been entirely penetrated by anybody but me, and perhaps not entirely even by me. He has been an extraordinary sufferer mental as well as physical and I am sure he has never confided the nature of his keenest mental sufferings to anybody but me. I would tell you all about it if I could do so without a breach of confidence. I will only add that he has come out con- queror over all his sufferings, and has at last ceased to suffer from the one great cause. He has a deep, intense nature, but long, and patient, and watchful self discipline has ob- tained the mastery over it. He now moves along for years has moved along in peace and contentment, with eye, and heart, and soul fixed steadily on the things which lie beyond the dark, cold river. His earthly affections are warm and pure, and, in one instance, very strong; but they are all subordinated to duty and to Heaven. His religion is very beautiful, and forms a large part of the present man. It is exceedingly modest, almost shrinking from all human observation ; but it is very deep and very constant. He does not know that I am aware of this ; and if I were to tell him of it, it would be like the sudden dropping of a great stone into a deep, quiet, shady pool. He has never talked much to me about religion, and still less to other people; what I know of his religion has been gathered chiefly from my habit of putting things together in connections, which sometimes brings true \\/< r that hung out in the large, white, sanely, shady yard sitting, swinging to and fro, with a slight, gentle motion, and conning my lesson, yet listen- ing all the while to the low, soft music of the young poul- try crying for their morning meal. I was a little dreamer, even then ; strangely enough, too strangely for so young a dreamer, my thoughts turned to the past, not the future. The lesson finished, the book was laid in my lap, my arms were clasped around the poles which formed the swing, one foot keeping up the gentle swaying motion, by a regular, recurring, mechanical, and almost unconscious touch upon JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 30$ the ground ; my head drooped upon my breast, and thought floated upon the sweet, plaintive sounds around me, away to the spot where reposed the ashes of my loved but wirc- mfmbered dead. I was in the past, and yet not in the land of memory. Imagination was picturing out the scenes of the old homestead, as best it could from the treasured materials of imperfect tradition. There was the log-house in which I was born, the garden, the orchard, the immense wild grape- vine, amid the great rocks, at a little distance ; and the spring the glorious spring, bursting from a rock under a great bluff, and dashing and dancing down the valley in a bright stream, that sang as merrily as it danced. And I strayed back up the hill again, in search of the living forms that moved amid the scene. Father, brothers, and sisters rose up before my eager eyes, but my deepest interest was centered in the tall form of a tcojuan, still young and hand- some, moving with a sedate grace, which bespoke the very sweetness of dignity, and selecting for her walk the very sweetest spots, with an unerring instinct, that told of a heart at once deeply loving and deeply halloived. She seemed to cast bright and hopeful glances towards the "new house" rising unfinished from a clump of trees on the brow of a gen- tle slope. She had laid away some of her darlings among the cedars in the garden ; but she was now beginning to emerge from the darker shades of poverty, and was about to secure a better house, a sweeter home, for the dear ones who were left to her love. But, ah ! the "new house " was destined to remain unfinished forever! The cedars in the garden ! The lovely form pointed me to the cedars in the garden, and then faded from my view. I followed her point- ing, and stood solitary and desolate among the cedars in the garden ! Amid their deep, dark shade was a grave her grave, already grass-grown from age ! Lilies sweet, white lilies were bending over it, and dropping their fra- grance upon the sacred dust. The boy in the swing uttered a low, deep moan, and burst into tears tears of intense yearning for the unknown blessing of a mother's love ! . . In May, 1865, Mr. A. H.Stephens, ex- Vice-President of the Confederate States, was arrested at his home by a de- 304 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF tachmcnt of United States soldiers. He was carried to Boston harbor, and imprisoned in Fort Warren. After months of confinement, friends from the South, and else- where, were permitted to visit him. This was accomplished mainly through the personal and persistent exertions of the late Henry Wilson, afterwards Vice-President of the United States. It was by his efforts, too, that Mr. Stephens was granted more comfortable quarters, after weeks of exposure and suffering in a damp, unwholesome dungeon. As soon as intelligence reached Judge Stephens that he would be allowed to see his brother, he left his business, his home, his children, to visit and stay with the captive thus vol- untarily accepting the privations of prison-life, and sharing with him the hardships of a common cell. It is a noble exemplification of unselfish devotion, recalling and excel- ling the beautiful, fraternal affection which makes the fame of the Cicero brothers " w/a'/er than it is brilliant." The incident proved to be one of the fortunate felicities in the life of Judge Stephens a "blessing in disguise." Among the almost daily visitors to Fort Warren, after permission granted, were Dr. Salter and family. They were residents of Boston. Of the members of the family, was one whom Judge Stephens had met five years before, in Washington City a bright and beautiful girl, then not past her teens. Memories, doubtless, of those earlier and better days were revived ; a mutual attachment sprang up between them ; it ripened into a warmer passion, and she Mary W. Salter became his wife in June, 1867. This excellent lady is still in life scrtts in. ca'luui irdcat ; but still, it is hardly doing violence to this necrological office to record, that, in all re- spects, she was to him a help-meet indeed, and that the tes- timonials he has left of her worth and her virtues, and of his high appreciation of her in the relations of wife and mother, shed an aromatic redolence around their wedded life. I well remember the last time I saw Judge Stephens. JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 3O$ It was the afternoon he left Atlanta to return no more in the first days of July, 1872. He had been engaged by the Governor, as counsel in behalf of the State, to assist in investigating the alleged frauds of the preceding State ad- ministration ; and some weeks had been occupied in making the investigation. We took a long walk together. The thought of going home was uppermost in his mind, and the pleasure it gave him lit up his features with an unwonted glow of sunshine and joy. He spoke of the sweet attrac- tions of his home; of his wife and children, so affection- ately and so fondly ; and then a tear standing in his large, deep-set, blue eye he said, "How I wish I were through with this business ! I would not give one day at home for a lifetime of the toil and turmoil of public or professional life." His manner lent emphasis to the words, and deep- ened the impression they made. [ From A. H. S. to L. S. ] PHILADELPHIA, 415 NORTH FOURTH STREET, February 13, 1868. DEAR BROTHER Your two letters, or rather, coverings, with contents, of the /th instant, were received last night. I regret very much indeed the fatality, or bad luck, which caused the delay of my letter to you, inclosing the intro- duction. Your suggestions have produced a very deep im- pression upon me. The impression is not unlike that which I supposed was produced upon Myers, the painter, by a view of Healy's picture, according to the account you gave me of it. I was myself very much pleased with the intro- duction indeed, better pleased with it than with any part of the work ; but when I read your remarks upon it, and saw your suggestions for improvement, I changed my mind about the whole concern. I became disgusted, not only with the introduction, but with the whole work. If matters had not gone so far, I should have pitched the whole into the fire and retired to my den, there to live out my days, few or many, in perfect seclusion. I am now fully convinced that writing is not my forte. 3O6 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF The truth is, I have no forte. I am fit for nothing, and ought never to have attempted to do what nature never de- signed me to do. Had I got your letter a few days ago, the introduction would have been thoroughly remodeled. But it is now all over the country in the mails and in the hands of the newspaper men in this city, and all the lead- ing presses in New York and Boston, to appear simultane- ously to-morrow morning so Mr. Jones informs me. It is too late to touch it now, before its full appearance before the public. The first impression will be that which will ever accompany it. For the book, I might do with it as Foster's boy proposed to his father to do with the beef- throw it away, and try my hand upon another; but that would do no essential good. I now feel about the whole book the whole undertaking as John Dyson did when his rusticity and ill-breeding exposed him to the laugh of genteel company "/ wish I was to home ; " but when I shall get there, I do not know I have lost all interest I had to see the book out: I now feel as if it would be a fortunate thing for me and my reputation, that something should occur to arrest its further progress, and prevent its ever seeing the light. I hardly think I can be at our Taliaferro court. If you can go over there, I wish you would; and if you can be at Columbia court, I wish you would attend to a case in equity in that court for me ; my client is Crawford, a brother to George W. ; Charles, I believe, his name is. If you can- not go conveniently, it will make no great difference I shall write to Shockley, and ask him to continue it ; but I should like for you to go, if you can, without inconvenience. I don't know if you have any court to attend that week: it is the first Monday in March, I believe. My love to all. Yours, most affectionately, ALEXANDER H. STEPHENS. The book alluded to in the foregoing letter is "The His- tory of the War between the States." How well founded Mr. Stephens' misgivings were as to its merits and popu- larity, may be judged of by the fact that his receipts from sales amounted to the sum of forty thousand dollars. JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 307 [From A. H. S. to L. S. ] SPRINGFIELD, MASS., February 25, 1868. DEAR BROTHER I see the House has passed a resolution, directing articles of impeachment to be brought in against the President : this I have been look- ing for for sometime. The President's letter to the Senate, in answer to their resolution on the subject, is an able pa- per, and will forever justify his acts in the minds of rightly- thinking men, whatever may be the result of the impeach- ment question. I have said nothing to you on politics, lately nothing since I left home. The reason has been, I take very little interest in the subject. I feel like a passen- ger who has no control in the direction of the ship ; and hence, it is just as well to be silent, and not busy myself about matters over which I cannot exercise any control, and not to permit myself to vex my mind, or think about pub- lic affairs Judge Stephens felt the most anxious solicitude in the re- sult of the Presidential election of 1868 ; but he took no ac- tive part in the contest. The ashes left by the fires of the sectional war were yet too warm to be stirred. The ex- pression of any choice for the presidency, by any Southern leader who had been prominently identified with the for- tunes of his section, in the struggle, would, he believed, hurt, rather than help, the cause he had at heart; and there- fore, conforming his conduct to the principle of the mathe- matical axiom, ' ' the addition of a negative quantity is equiv- alent to the subtraction of a positive one," he held himself aloof from active participation in the contest. [From L. S. to A. H. S. ] , June i, 1868. DEAR BROTHER I have just writ- ten to her in relation, or in answer, to what she asks about Judge Chase, that, in my opinion, Pendleton is the man for the Democratic party to nominate. In my opinion, he is the strongest man that can be nominated, and, upon the 3O8 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF whole, is the best, all things considered. I stated that I would be willing to take Hancock, Thomas Seymour, Gov- ernor Parker, or Adams, or any one that the Democracy may likely nominate, not excepting Judge Chase. In the present state of things, if the Democracy should nominate him, he would be preferred by the South as a choice of evils. This I gave as my own opinion ; but I stated that I did not think that the Western Democracy would nominate Chase. I stated that I thought that Hancock and Adams would make a ticket that would take well in Georgia. But can Hancock run well in the West? I added, wouldn't his compulsory connection with Mrs. Surratt's condemnation lose him many votes at the West? The letter, I told her, was for herself only, but I concluded by saying that, in my opinion, Pendleton was, or ought to be, the man [ L. S. to Hon. Iverson L. Harris.] SPARTA, July 21, 1868. MY DEAR JUDGE Great is my regret that I cannot be at home when you propose to spend the day with me on your way to commencement. I start, to-morrow morning, for the Virginia Springs ; and the state of my health requires that there should be no failure in the trip. I do not expect to return before the middle of September. I hope you will avail yourself of some other early occasion to make me a visit. By the way, why don't you come to our courts? Come to our next, and spend your time with me ; and let me know beforehand whether you will come or not. I have long intended to tell you how much I admire your dissenting opinion in the case where the majority of the court decided against the validity of a contract for a substi- tute in the Confederate armies. Your opinion, for the lu- minous, philosophical, and sound views which it presents on a subject of profound interest to mankind, is entitled to immortality. If I were not very busy in preparing to leave home, I would go into particulars. As it is, I must content myself with the general expression, which means all it says, Most truly, your friend, LINTON STEPHENS. A proposition was made that Mr. A. H. Stephens should move his residence from Crawfordvillc to Sparta, and that JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 309 the brothers should form a copartnership in the practice of law. The letter following relates to that subject. They had never been of counsel on opposing sides. If the pro- position of partnership was ever seriously entertained, the consummation of it was frustrated by the terrible mishap which befell the elder brother in February, 1869, and from the physical effects of which he never sufficiently recovered, during Linton's lifetime, to be able to leave his home. [From A. H. S. to L. S. ] CRAWFORDVILLE, Novembers, 1868. DEAR BROTHER I fully reciprocate your feelings and wishes as to our being together, as much as possible, during the remnant of my days, or our joint lives. I am the more and more, every day, impressed with the conviction of the truth of the great uncertainty of human affairs, and especially of the uncertainty of human life. I know I am approaching that period at which, or beyond which, a few years, at best, can be reasonably ex- pected. This thought, or reflection, however, does not bring with it any feelings of regret or sadness ; it only more fully awakens a desire to have all things in order, and to be ready to depart when the time comes; and also quickens a wish, while I am here, to enjoy, to the best advantage, and as fully as possible, those pleasures which contribute what of happiness is allowed to this form of existence. To me, amongst those, none are greater than such as spring from association and communion with you, especially when we are entirely to ourselves. I have often thought of the many, many associations of this sort such as our travels to the western part of the State, in 1847, as we ll as our repeated travels to Washington and other places, to say nothing of our short drives from here to Sparta, and from court to court [From A. II . S. to L. S. ] CRAWFORDVILLE, December 31, 1868. DEAR BROTHER I never heard the inquiry made before about the origin of ism, in our Ian- 3IO BTOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF guage. I have thought about it since, and have solved the puzzle quite satisfactorily to myself. I think it is a sort of contraction of them into on, and then into ism. I will take catechism to illustrate by: First, it was catechise, then cat- echise 'cm, then "catechism." The noun catechism came to be used to express the process of "catechising 'em." So incivism, from " incivise them;" so radicalism, from "radicalizing them," and so on. When once the form of making a noun from a previous proceeding, or process, was instituted, it was adopted, without reference to its origin. But I can say no more : you have my solution. It will do to account for it, if no better be pointed out. Radical- ism is the process of " radicalizing them." I rather suspect catechism was the first of the words. It was the one I be- gan with, in solving the problem The above was in "answer to an inquiry of Judge Ste- phens. They frequently, in their correspondence, discussed the meaning of the like terminations; c. g. , God-head, God- ship, etc.; as, see the following: [From A. II. S. to L. S. ] CRAWFORDVILLE, January 2, 1869. DEAR BROTHER What is the origin of ship, at the end of English words ; such as, worship, author- ship, etc. ? Also, what is the origin of ness, at the end of certain other words; such as, greatness, highness, manli- ness, etc. ? [From L. S. to A. II. S.] SPARTA, January 6, 1869. DEAR BROTHER With a big and troublesome clay's work before me, I begin by writing you a line to let you hear from us all. I am quite unwell an- noyed to death, besides being sick made sick chief!}', per- haps, by annoyances. Land sold here, yesterday, at prices considerably higher than any recently obtained: one large place of thirteen hundred acres, at four dollars per acre, and one of one thousand acres at seven dollars. Your account of the origin of "ism" is Certainly very JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 3 1 1 ingenious; but I don't think it is correct. When you said you thought that the habit of forming words with the ter- mination "ism," began with the word " catechism, " the thing became rich in humor. The fact is, I laughed over your theory heartily. It certainly never could have started with any other word. How do you account for the termi- nation "ise, " in verbs; such as, advertise, catechise, har- monise, etc.? The "ise," in verbs, and the "ism," in nouns, are from the same root. What that root is cannot be told by my poor skill in the old English roots; but the meaning of that root is, to do, or make. Take advertise, for instance: advert and "is?" are its three distinct roots. To advertise a thing is to make it adverted to ; you see my idea. The termination, "ship," means a state, or situation; and I strongly suspect that it comes from no, I am wrong; it don't mean state. State is passive, but ship is active. It means something very nearly akin to process, or practice, or acting. For instance, authorship, author, practice, au- thor-acting ; heirship, heir-practice, or heir-acting. Some- times, the meaning becomes more obvious by reversing the positions of the parts; as, author-acting, heir-acting, means acting-author or acting-heir. The termination, "ness," means being, existence, or essence; and I suspect "esse," in Latin, and essence and ness, are all from the same root, which probably pervades many languages, if it is, indeed, absent from any. The word to express "being" is irreg- ular in all languages ; and irregularity is in proportion to universality. But enough. I have no time now. The fact is, I am harrassed, annoyed and worn almost to despair and pros- tration. I intend to go and see you in ?, few days. Most affectionately, LINTON STEPHENS. [From L. S. to A. II. S. ] SPARTA, February 13, 1870. DEAR BROTHER By the way, the adjournment of the Richmond court may have a contagious influence on our courts generally; and I shall not be at all surprised if your court is also adjourned. I suppose you noticed an account of the adjournment in August that it was put on the ground of doubt as to the validity of any 312 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF proceedings which might be had. I think the adjournment, on that ground, was a mistake, and a mistake which, from its contagious nature, may produce annoying delays in busi- ness. If the courts would only go along and attend to their business, I have very little doubt that the validity of their proceedings would be sustained without even serious question. Any government that is likely to be put on us will treat all its predecessors as cfc facto governments, what- ever it may say about them. The fact is, no Radical can believe more strongly than I do, that all the government which we have had since the war ended has been utterly illegal ; but I am not prepared, nor clo I believe the Rad- icals are prepared, to pronounce it all mill and void. They hold that all the government, under secession, was illegal ; and yet, in their new Constitution, they affirmed every bit of it, except such parts as were in conflict with their own subsequent action. So it will be again. This is the neces- sity of society, and cannot be ignored in action, however much it may be denied in speech [From L. S. to A. II. S. ] SPARTA, May 31, 1870. DEAR BROTHER Alfriend himself had a decided attack of the same disease, and laid up on account of it yesterday and the day before. 1 got quite a laugh on him, last night, by dragging out of him a confession that he had not used, for himself, the remedies which he was prescribing for his patients. He made an ex- planation ; but it was so lame that it did not make impres- sion enough to be even remembered. The explanation is his reluctance to take medicine. I don't think it would be quite just to go so far as to say that it is his lack of faith in the virtue of the medicine ; and yet, there is undoubt- edly a general tendency in mankind to appreciate the virtue of medicine more highly for other's than for one's self. I hope we shall all be well again in a few days I have been reading "Bledsoe" with great entertainment and some profit. He is a very peculiar man. He is quite a thinker and logical, too; but the light of his understand- ing seems to be always refracted by its passage through the medium of his passions. It will always lead to error, in- JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 313 stead of truth, unless it is subjected to the correcting guid- ance of some other mind that understands the laws of re- fraction. Still, he is a luminous body, and emits light in great profusion. Even his article on the "Theory of Rea- soning," while it is freer from the blurs and errors of zeal and passion than any other which I have ever read from him, is still not entirely free. I think that is a grand arti- cle ; and yet, I do not think it goes to the bottom of the subject. It is far in advance of anything else ever seen on the same subject, but does not go to the full extent of the ideas which I have long entertained on that subject. He has gone far ahead of me in the power and beauty of his illustrations, without going so far as I have gone with the main idea. The idea that deductive reasoning leads to new truth, and so becomes worthy of the name of reasoning^ only when it is employed upon the relations of things, in- stead of their properties, etc Sam. Barnett came over Wednesday and staid with us until Saturday morning. His visit was a very pleasant one to all of us, and apparently to him also Judge Stephens' norms of political action were fixed, pro- nounced and stable, as those he prescribed for the govern- ment of his personal conduct were "without variableness or shadow of turning." Truth simple, naked, rugged was the divinity he worshipped ; he bowed before no other altar: there he knelt "with an almost Eastern idolatry." He scorned any " policy" in political tactics, as in anything else, which compromised, in the least, any cardinal doctrine of his creed. He spurned triumph when achieved at the sacrifice of one jot or tittle of the truth, as he understood it. He regarded "the coalition" between the Democrats and the Liberal Republicans, proposed about this time, as little less than a surrender, on the part of the former, of the most cherished principles of their faith. Hence, he re- pudiated "the coalition." His counsels did not prevail ultimately ; and the movement culminated, two years after- wards, in the nomination of Mr. Greeley for the Presidency 30 314 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF by the Liberal Republicans, and the ratification of their nomination by the Democrats. Posterity will determine who was the more sagacious he, and the minority with whom he acted, or the large majority of the Democratic party. Two facts are historic: the one that Mr. Greeley was defeated the other is that Governor Smith was elected to the gubernatorial chair without regular opposition, first, and re-elected by the largest popular majority ever received by any candidate before for any office in the State. The platform upon which Smith was elected was framed by Linton Stephens. On the 2s. Texas, speaking through Mr. Chief Justice Chase, held that secession was invalid, and that the States which had attempted it remained, and still are, States in the Union. A State is not a disorganized mass of people : it is an or- ganized political body. It must have a constitution of some sort, written or traditional. Being an organized body, it must have a law of organization, or composition, or consti- tution, defining the depositary of its political power. Where there is no such constitutional, or constituting, or organ- izing, or fundamental law, there can be no organization no State. These ten States, then, which seceded, or at- tempted to secede (as the one theory or the other may be held), have all the while had Constitutions. In point of fact, each of these has ever been a written Constitution, giving the ballot to defined classes of citizens who are known as the constitutional constituency of the State. This consti- tutional constituency is entrusted by each of these constitu- tions with power over the constitution itself, in modifying or changing it, and, of course, in modifying or changing the organization or composition of the constitutional constitu- ency. This constitutional constituency is the depositary of the highest political power of the State. Any change made in the Constitution or organization of the State, or in the composition of the constitutional constituency, as it may ex- JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 335 ist at any time, without the concurrent action of the consti- tutional constituency itself, is revolution : it is disorganiza- tion ; it is the subversion or suppression (as it may prove permanent or temporary) of one organization, and the sub- stitution of any other ; it is the abolition (permanent or tem- porary) of the old State, and the introduction of a new one. Each of these ten States, in 1865, at the close of the war, being then a State, had a Constitution and a constitutional constituency linked back by unbroken succession to the Constitution and constitutional constituency as they existed before secession. Secession made no break in the chain. The provision which was put in the Constitution at the time of secession, connecting the State with the Confederate States, instead of with the United States, as its Federal head, is wholly immaterial to the present purpose. On the one theory, it was simply void, and left the organization of the State, the Constitution, and the constitutional constit- uency intact. On the other theory, being valid, it modified, but did not impair, the integrity of the State organization. All this follows from, or rather is comprehended in, the one proposition that these ten States have never lost their char- acter as States. Each of these ten States, being a State at the close of the war, in 1865, stands now de jure, just as it stood then, un- less it has, since that time, been changed by the action of its constitutional constituency. I think each of them was so changed in the latter part of that same year. In each of them, a convention was elected by a large and unques- tionable majority of the constitutional constituency (al- though a portion of them were excluded from voting) for the purpose of modifying the Constitution. These conven- tions repealed the ordinance of secession, abolished slavery, and made some other changes in the several Constitutions, but, in most of the States, left the constitutional constit- uencies just as they stood before. In conformity with the Constitutions, as last modified by those conventions, each of the States was speedily provided with a complete gov- ernment, consisting of a legislative, executive, and judicial department. It was by the Legislatures thus formed that the XHIth amendment of the Constitution of the United States, abolishing slavery, was ratified. Since that time, no change has been made in the organi- BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF zation of any of these States, with the co-operation or con- currence of the constitutional constituencies. Only very small minorities of the constitutional constituencies have co-operated in the work of reconstruction. It is a notori- ous and unquestionable fact, that an overwhelming- majority of them, in each of the States, have been steadily and un- swervingly opposed to it, and have voted against it, when- ever they have voted at all. The clear result, in my judgment, is that each of these States now stands dc jure, just as she was left by the action of her convention in 1865, with a complete government, formed under the Constitution of that year, including a Legislature which still constitutionally exists, and is capa- ble of assembling any day, if it were only allowed to do so by the withdrawal of the bayonet. But she stands dc facto, suppressed by a government originated and imposed on her by an external power, and supported alone by the bayonet. Such a government is the embodiment of anti-republican- ism and despotism. Under just such a government, Ire- land is writhing and Poland is crushed. Is it not now demonstrated that the bodies which ratified the so-called XlVth and XVth amendments, in the name of these ten States, were the revolutionary products of ex- ternal force and fraud, displacing the true Legislatures which alone could have given a constitutional ratification ? The so-called amendments, then, have been neither con- stitutionally proposed nor constitutionally ratified. How can they form parts of the Constitution ? A successful answer to this question would long ago have brought that peace and harmony which can never come from might overbearing right. Instead of giving such an answer, the authors of these measures have sought to drown reason and argument in clamorous charges of vio- lence and revolution against the victims, not the perpetra- tors, of those crimes. But an answer has at last been attempted from an unex- pected quarter. Strangely enough, it comes from one who has greatly distinguished himself by the vigor and ability with which he has denounced the whole scheme of reconstruction as a revolutionary usurpation and nullity; and, still more strangely, he adheres to that denunciation, while now arguing that these so-called amendments the JUDGE L1NTON STEPHENS. 337 creatures and culminating points of that reconstruction scheme are valid parts of the Constitution. Such a con- clusion from such a beginning ! And yet, he is hailed by his new allies as a very Daniel come unto judgment. They were in a sore strait for an argument. He says these so-called amendments have become parts of the Constitution, because they have been proclaimed as such by the power which, under the Constitution, has. the "jurisdiction" to proclaim amendments. There has been much said, sir, about issues which are "dead:" surely here is one which is not only alive, but very lively. Let Americans hear and mark it: The Con- stitution of the United States can be changed can be sub- verted by Presidential proclamation ! I once knew a man whose motto was, that a lie, well told, was better than the truth, because, he said, truth was a stubborn, unmanagea- ble thing ; but a lie, in the hands of a genius, could be fitted exactly to the exigencies of the case ; but even he admitted that the lie must be well told, or it would not serve. If it should appear to be a lie, it would be turned from a thing of power into a thing for contempt. There has been progress, sir, since that man taught. It is now- discovered that a known, proven lie is as good as the truth, provided it can only get " proclaimed by a power having "jurisdiction" to proclaim it! I, sir, know of no power either on the earth, or above it, or under it that has "ju- risdiction" to "proclaim" lies\ Nay, sir, I know of no power which has jurisdiction to proclaim amendments to the Constitution. According to my reading of that instru- ment, amendments constitutionally proposed "shall be valid, to all intents and purposes, as part of the Constitu- tion, when ratified by the Legislatures of three-fourths of the several States, or by conventions in three-fourths thereof, as the one or the other mode of ratification may be proposed by the Congress." The ratification by three- fourths of the States, acting through their Legislatures or their conventions, sets the seal of validity on the amend- ment and makes it a part of the Constitution. Nothing else can do it. It must be a true ratification by a trite Legis- lature, or a true convention of the State. A false ratifica- tion by a true Legislature of the State will not do. A true ratification by a spurious Legislature will not do. The va- 338 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF lidity of the amendment, and its authority as a part of the Constitution, are made to depend upon the historic truth of its ratification as required by the Constitution. Proclama- tions of falsehoods from Presidents, or from anybody else, have nothing to do with the subject. This is plain doctrine, drawn from the Constitution itself. The validity of the Constitution, in all its parts, depends upon the facts of their history. But, according to this new discovery, the President of the United States can subvert the whole Constitution, and make himself a legal and valid autocrat, by simply " proclaiming " that an amendment of the Constitution to that effect has been proposed by two-thirds of each house of Congress, and ratified by the Legislatures of three-fourths of the States, although it may be known of all men that there is not one word of truth in the proclamation. The President of the United States can legally convert himself into an autocrat by his own proclamation. Theories are quickly put into practice in these days. Let the country beware ! We are also told by this new Daniel, not only that the usurpation has become obligatory by its success, but there is no hope of getting rid of it ; for he says it cannot be changed without another amendment, ratified by three- fourths of the States, and that there is no prospect of get- ting these three-fourths. Wonderful ! Why, he himself has taught us that the whole thing may be accomplished by a Presidential proclamation. We have only to elect a Dem- ocratic President, and let him ' ' proclaim " that a new amend- ment, abolishing the XlVth and XVth, has been duly pro- posed and duly ratified, and the thing is done. That, sir, would be the way taught by this new light; but it would never be my w y ay. I do not propose to walk in the ways of falsehood: I prefer truth, because it is nobler and grander. I believe, also, that, when it is supported by true and bold men, it is always more powerful. My way would be to elect a Democratic President, and let him treat the usurpation as a usurpation and a nullity, and let him withdraw the bayonet and "proclaim" that the revolutionary governments in these ten States would not be supported by him, but that the constitutional republican governments which now exist here would be left free to rise from their state of forcible repression, and do their natural and legitimate work of true JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 339 restoration, real peace, sincere and cordial fraternity. The whole problem is solved by the simple withdrawal oi the bayonet. I have now shown that the XlVth and XVth amendments do not form any part of the Constitution, and thus have made good my first position, that the whole Enforcement act, which depends solely upon them for its validity, is not a law, but merely a legal nullity. My second position is that, even if the so-called XlVth and XVth amendments were valid, yet all those parts of the Enforcement act, claimed as applicable to my case, arc utterly "outside" of them, and (being confessedly outside of the Constitution, apart from them) are unconstitutional, and not binding as law. The XlVth amendment, and the small part of the En- forcement act relating to it, have no relevancy to this pros- ecution, and I shall say nothing further about them. Those parts of the act, claimed as applicable to my case, rest solely upon the XVth for their validity; and, in order to see whether they are outside of it or not, it becomes necessary to know what are the terms and extent of the amendment. The effect of its terms is strangely misapprehended. It seems to be regarded as a thing which, by its terms, secures the right of suffrage to the negro, and empowers Congress to enforce that right. This is a total and most dangerous mistake. Here is the amendment ; it is not longer than the first joint of my little finger: "SECTION i. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States, or by any State, on account of race, color, or previous con- dition of servitude. "SEC. 2. The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation." This is the whole of it. Now, sir, I defy refutation, when I affirm that, by these terms, the right of suffrage is not conferred upon, nor secured to, any person or class of per- sons whomsoever. The whole is simply a prohibition on the United States, and the several States. The United States, in legislating for the District of Columbia or a Ter- 34O BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF ritory, and the several States, in regulating their suffrage, each for herself, are prohibited from denying it to anybody, or abridging its exercise on either one of the three grounds race, color, or previous condition of servitude but are left perfectly free to abridge it or deny it on any other ground whatsoever sex, female or male, ignorance or intelligence, poverty or wealth, crime or virtue, or any other of an in- numerable multitude of other grounds. In point of fact, the right is denied, both by the United States and by each one of the several States, on many of these other grounds, and the denial is enforced under heavy penalties, not only by the laws of the States, but by this very Enforcement act itself. To say that the right is conferred on or secured to anybody, because it cannot be denied for any one or all of three reasons out of an indefinite number of possible and usual reasons, is simply absurd. As well say that a plat of ground is fenced or secured from intrusion by putting a wall on one of its many sides, leaving all the other sides perfectly open. A right is not conferred or secured by a law when it can be denied without a violation of that law. This brings me to the crucial test of my second position. Whether I have violated any provisions of the Enforcement act or not, it is at least certain that I have not violated the XVth amendment. It is affirmatively proven, by the testi- mony of the two prosecutors in this case the two negro managers of election that I did not object to, or in any manner interfere with, any vote on the ground of either race, color, or previous condition of servitude. It is mani- fest, then, that if I have violated any part or parts of the Enforcement act, such part or parts are "outside" of the amendment, and unauthorized by it, since I have not vio- lated the amendment itself. I have not violated the amend- ment, even if its prohibition reached private citizens, instead of being confined, as it plainly is, to the United States and the States severally. The truth is, that far the greater part of the Enforcement act is "outside" of the amendments which it professes to enforce. This act presents another live and very lively issue to the people of this country; and already are the thunders of opposition heard from Republican as well as from Dem- ocratic quarters. Under the pretense of restraining the United States and the several States from denying or abridg- JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 34! ing the right of suffrage on account of race, color, or pre- vious condition of servitude, this act takes control of the general and local elections in all the States seizing the whole political power of the country, and wielding it by the bayonet ; and fills up pages of the statute-book with new offenses and heavy penalties leveled, not against the United States or the several States, or their officers, by whom alone the XVth amendment can possibly be violated, but against private citizens. The Alien and Sedition acts, which, by the power of their recoil, exterminated their authors, were not equal to this act, either in the nakedness or the danger of their usurpation. If this act shall prevail and abide as law, then our heritage of local self-government, lost to us, will pass into history, and there stand out forever a glory to the noble sires who wrung it from one tyranny, and a shame to the degenerate sons who surrendered it to another. My third and last position is, that even if the Enforce- ment act were valid in all its parts, yet I have not violated any one of them. I am accused under its fifth and nine- teenth sections. The fifth provides a penalty against "preventing, hinder- ing, controlling, or intimidating, or attempting to prevent, hinder, control, or intimidate," any person from voting, "to whom the right of suffrage is secured or guaranteed by the XVth amendment." I have already demonstrated that the XVth amendment secures or guarantees the right of suffrage to nobody whomsoever. It is impossible, therefore, that I am, or that anybody ever can be, guilty under that section. But again : The testimony utterly fails to show that I in- terfered in any way with the voting of any person legally entitled to vote, or, indeed, with the voting of any person whomsoever. It was incumbent upon the prosecution to show what persons, if any, and that they were persons en- titled to vote. The Enforcement act itself inflicts a penalty on all persons who vote illegally, and, of course, cannot in- tend to punish the prevention or hindrance of illegal voting. The attempted proof, as to my interference with voters, re- lates to four persons only. It fails to show that either one of the four was a person entitled to vote ; it fails to show that three of them did not actually vote ; it fails to show- that any one of them offered to vote or even desired to do 342 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF so; it fails to show that any one of them heard me make a single remark, saw me do a single act, or was even in my presence from the beginning to the end of the three days' election. As to the remark which I made to a small crowd, about prosecuting all who should vote without having paid their taxes, I have this to say : In the first place, it is not shown who composed that crowd, nor that a single one of them was a person entitled to vote. In the next place, the re- mark was a lawful one; for it was simply the declaration of an intention, not to interfere with legal voters, but to prose- cute criminals; and, therefore, cannot be tortured into a threat in any legal or criminal sense of that word. A threat, to be criminal, must be the declaration of an intention to do some unlawful act; and it never can be unlawful to ap- peal to the laws. I pass to the charge, under the nineteenth section, that I interfered with the managers of election in the discharge ot their duties, by causing their arrest under judicial warrant. That part of the nineteenth section which is invoked against me is in these words : "Or interfere in any manner with any officer of said elections in the discharge of his duties." My first answer to this charge is, that the managers were arrested, not in the discharge of their duties, but in the vio- lation of one of the most important of them one prescribed, not only by the Constitution of the State, but by this very Enforcement act itself: for the act made it their duty to re- ject all illegal votes, and provided a penalty for receiving them. These managers had received, and were still receiv- ing, the votes of persons who had not paid their taxes 01 the year next preceding the election, as required by the Constitution of this State. The testimony shows that this fact was fully proven, and not denied by them, on the com- mitment trial before the magistrate. The reply to it then was, and now is, not a denial, but a justification, on two grounds: one of these grounds was, that the oath which they had taken, under the Akerman Election act, required them to let every person vote who was of apparent full age, was a resident of the county, and had not previously voted in that election. They said then, and it is now said again here, that they could not inquire into the non-payment of taxes, or any other Constitutional qualification for voting, JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 343 except only non-age, non-residence, and previous voting in that election ; and yet, a man who was of full age, and a resident of the county, and who had not previously voted, was excluded by these same managers on the ground that he was a convicted felon. Their own action in excluding the felon is utterly inconsistent with their construction of the obligation of their oath. The oath, as construed by them, and now coustrued here by the prosecuting attorney, is in plain conflict with the Constitution, and is, therefore, void, and could not relieve them from their Constitutional duty to exclude all who had not paid their taxes. The first ground of the managers' justification, therefore, fails. Their other ground was, that the unpaid tax of those whom they had allowed to vote without payment of taxes was only poll-tax, and that the poll-tax had been declared by the Legislature to be illegal and unwarranted by the Con- stitution, and its further collection suspended. The fact that it was only poll-tax does not appear from the evidence before your honor, but I admit it to be true. I did not come here to quibble: I am here to justify my conduct under the laiv, on the truth as it exists, whether proven here or not. My answer is, that this declaratory act of the Legislature is false, unconstitutional, null and void. The act is but the opinion of the Legislature, con- cerning the constitutionality of a previous act of 1869, im- posing the poll-tax of that year. That act is before me, imposing a poll-tax of one dollar per head "for educational purposes," using the very words which are used by the Con- stitution itself in defining the purpose for which poll-taxes may be imposed. Now, sir, the question which I ask is, What is it that makes tins act "illegal" or unwarranted by the Constitution? Surely it is not made so by the subse- quent declaration of the Legislature, put forth just before the election, to serve a palpable, fraudulent, party purpose. The Legislature is not a court ; but, on the contrary, it is expressly prohibited by the Constitution from exercising judicial functions, and its declarations concerning the con- stitutionality of legislative acts have no more authority than those of private citizens. The single question, then, is whether the declaration in this case is true. The Legis- lature assigned its reason for the opinion it gave. What is that reason ? It is, that the Constitution limits the imposi- 344 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF tion of poll-taxes to educational purposes ; and that when the poll-tax in question was imposed, there was no system of common schools or educational purpose to which it could be applied. Therefore, they said its imposition was "ille- gal and unwarranted by the Constitution." They said it was unwarranted by the Constitution to provide the money before organizing the schools to which the money was to be applied; that is to say, the only constitutional way to organize the schools was to go in debt for them ! I lack words, sir, to properly characterize the silliness of this reason. But, curiously enough, the Constitution itself took the very course which these sapient legislators declared to be illegal and unwarranted by the Constitution. It provided money and devoted it to these very common schools, which were still in the womb of the future at the time of its adop- tion. It dedicated to that purpose the whole educational fund which was then on hand. Therefore, I say, this de- claratory act is not only false, but is in the very teeth of the Constitution itself. Mark you, sir: it did not repeal, nor attempt to repeal, the poll-tax: it only suspended its collec- tion. But, I say, if it had been a repeal in terms, instead of a mere suspension, it could not change the case as to the right of a person to vote without having paid the tax. The constitutional requirement is, that "he shall have paid all taxes which may have been required of him, and which he may have had an opportunity of paying agreeably to law for the year next preceding the election." The poll-tax was required in April, 1869, and continued to be required up to the passage of the aforesaid false declaratory act in October, 1870 a year and a half. During all that period, tax-payers had "opportunity" to pay it. On the day of election, then, any man who had not paid his poll-tax for 1869 stood in the position of not having paid a tax which had been required of him, and which he had had very many opportunities of paying agreeably to law. He stood clearly within the letter of the constitutional disqualification for voting. He stood also within its reason and spirit, for its true intention was to discriminate against the citizen who should not have discharged a public duty for the year next preceding the election. Nothing but payment could remove from him the character of a public delinquent. Legislative remission of the tax cannot serve the purpose, for he still JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 345 stands, after that, as a man who has failed in a public duty. The most that can be said for him is, that after the repeal, the tax ceased to be required of him ; but the only material facts that // had been required, and could have been paid, but had not been paid remain unaltered. The managers, then, in receiving the votes of persons who had not paid their poll-tax were not in "the discharge of their duties. " Whether they tJiougJit so is not the question. If they were really wrong, then I was rigJit ; and surely I am not to be punished for being right. There was no inter- ference with them in the discharge of their duties. But again : even if I were wrong in the opinion which I entertained of their duty, yet I did not interfere with them unlawfully. The whole context of that clause, in the nine- teenth section, under which I am accused, shows that the interference contemplated is an unlawful interference es- pecially the words which come immediately after it: "Or by any of such means or ot/ter unlawful means," etc. This word "other" shows, conclusively, that all the means con- templated were only such as were of an unlawful character. This would be implied in construing any penal statute, even if it were not expressed ; for the universal rule of construc- tion for penal statutes is to construe strictly against the prosecution, and liberally in favor of the accused. Is it pos- sible that any judge can have the hardihood to hold that it was the intention of this Enforcement act to impart to man- agers of election the sacred character of Eastern Brahmins, making them too holy to be touched even for their crimes? Surely it was not intended to give them greater sanctity than belongs to peers of the British Parliament, or to legis- lators in our own country, while engaged in legislation. Notwithstanding all the high privileges accorded to them, all of these are subject to arrest in any place, at any mo- ment, under a warrant charging breach of the peace or fel- ony. Was it intended to protect these managers from im- mediate accountability for all felonies which they might commit during three whole days? Until this shall be held as the intention of the Enforcement act, it is impossible to maintain that I have violated it in any particular whatever. The Constitution declares that "the right of the citizen to appeal to the courts shall never be impaired. " My whole offense, sir, is this that I appealed to a court of competent 32 346 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OK jurisdiction! I devoutly believed that I was right in my opinion of the law. I believe so now; but, whether I was right or wrong in my opinion, who will dare to say that I was wrong in testing that opinion not by the strong hand, but by appealing to a court appointed by the Constitution for the very purpose of deciding the question ? That court decided that I was right; and the "interference" which followed, sir, was the interference, not of myself, but of the lau 1 , as expounded and administered by a judicial tribunal. Moreover, sir, the decision of that tribunal stands as the law of the case until it shall be reversed according to law. These managers were charged with felony under the laws of this State. Was it a crime for me to seek a judicial in- quiry into the truth or probability of such a charge? I suspect, sir, that my real crime, in the estimation of my prosecutors, is, that the judicial interposition invoked by me had the effect of preventing numerous repetitions of a crime which would have done signal service to their political party. If angry power demands a sacrifice from those who have thwarted its fraudulent purposes, 1 feel honored, sir, in being selected as the victim. If my suffering could arouse my countrymen to a just and lofty indignation against the despotism which, in attacking me, is but assailing law, order, and constitutional government, I would not shrink from the sacrifice, though my blood should be required in- stead of my liberty ! The doctrine of constitutional popular liberty, so truly and so boldly set forth in the foregoing speech, has, since its delivery, been indorsed in an exhaustive decision of the Supreme Court of the United States. That decision is but the commentary whereof this speech is the text. It is a proof of the stupidity of the commissioner, and the madness of the times, to add that Judge Stephens was committed to answer the alleged charge before the United States District Court, at Savannah. He gave bond and security, voluntarily and eagerly tendered to an hundred fold over the amount nominated in the bond. The grand jury, in the Federal court, ignored the charge, and there the infamous prosecution was dropped. JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 347 [From A. H. S. to L. S. ] CRAWFORDVILLE, January 27, 1871. DEAR BROTHER I have just received, by the express, your letter of yesterday. I was exceedingly interested in reading it, and was highly gratified at the whole. Your reporter must have been my friend McGuire. I was, as I told you before, not disappointed at the result at all ; and I repeat, I think the ultimate result will not only add vastly to your already high reputation, but do an immense deal of good for the cause of truth, right, and the sound principles of government. The popular mind needs an awakening up. Particular cases have always been the immediate occa- sion of all past similar awakenings, and, perhaps, ever will be. Most fortunate it is for any man, so far as it relates to his fame and distinction, to be the one prominent in the case of the awakening The people everywhere look upon it, I think, as the greatest thing you ever did. As to the newspapers, they really do not understand it ; they measure the merits of a production of this sort by the extravagance of opprobrious words and epithets it contains. I speak of our editors in the main. There are some exceptions, but many of them don't know where they stand. Their instincts are right, but they need an awakening up. It is fortunate you made the speech when and where you did in Macon I do hope you will, just as soon as you get through with your speech, bring it over. You can go back the same night if you wish, but I shall expect you to stay one night, at least. Make the preparation of this speech your first business, and get through with it as soon as you can with- out hurrying the mind: let that act, at all times, in free play. I have some ideas of my own about the case, which, I suppose, you have presented ; but, lest you may not have done so, I wish to give them to you to use in your note, or otherwise, as you may think proper, if you approve. I have no apprehensions whatever of a conviction ; but if that should take place, so much the better for you in respect to present, as well as future, true honor, fame, and glory. Love to all Judge Stephens rarely appeared 'for the prosecution of any case in the courts affecting life. <( Blood-money, " as 34 ( memory green rind fragrant in tin hearts of those who knew him. JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 355 nesday a week ago about IO o'clock at night, and in the midst of a rain. Our carriage failed to meet us at the de- pot, nor was the usual public hack there ; nor, indeed, did we find there a single human being neither the railroad agent nor anybody else. The night was remarkably dark. I never saw a darker one. I got the conductor of our train to lock up our baggage in a freight-car, which was standing at the depot, and a fellow-passenger, who got off with us, stumbled about through the darkness, and found a negro- house, and brought out, in great triumph, a lamp not a lantern, mark you, but a naked, feeble lamp. This had to be carefully guarded from wind and rain to keep it alive through our journey his destination being the hotel, dis- tant about half a mile, and ours, of course, our own house, distant a good, or rather a bad, solid mile. Mr. Lewis (our fellow-sufferer) had his hands full of his own baggage, and Mary, as being the stronger of us two, volunteered to carry the remnant of ours (consisting of her bag and a bundle or two), leaving me, the invalid, to do the lightest &\\ty \ that is to say, the duty of nursing and carrying the light. Well, I found this same office of carrying the light, just as many better men have found it before me, to be the most difficult of all. I had to make a screen for the lamp, first out of one hand and then out of the other, and then out of my hat, ac- cording to the changing drifts of wind and rain. By the time we got home, I was wet, chilled, and most thoroughly worried. I was truly angry because the carriage had not met us in accordance with the timely notice which we had given of our coming. When we got in the house, we found it lighted up, and all the family awaiting our coming. This was too bad ! Evidently expecting us, and yet they had left us to trudge home, as best we might, through darkness and rain ! I met the girls with a cold kiss, and without a word of greeting. We soon, however, had the satisfaction of finding that Brad had not met us with the carriage because he had, in the darkness of the night, run it off from a bridge into a ditch, and had turned it over and broken the harness all to pieces. The upshot of the whole matter was, that 1 got a cold, and quite a backset in my recovery. Yesterday was the first day I have really felt like getting well. To-day I feel still better; and now I expect to return to Atlanta day after 35^ BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF to-morrow (Monday), and resume my work there. My sick- ness has greatly deranged the plan I had formed for avoid- ing conflict in my business at different point*. If 1 had kept well, I should now have my Atlanta business at a point where I could leave it until the second week of April, and could therefore attend to other business which is now press- ing at other places, and which I shall have to abandon, un- less I can get it postponed. This I hope to do, but it is doubtful ; so my employment for the State may not improb- ably turn out a losing business to me, in point of money, at least; for the business which conflicts with it is in my regular circuit of practice, and, if abandoned, may seriously diminish my future engagements. But this conflict is dis- tressing to me for higher reasons than my own interests; for some of the business which I have to abandon involves the life of one man, and almost the whole fortune of another both of whom are begging me to stand by them, and one of whom is my dear friend, Colonel Jack Smith. lie has lately had the misfortune to have his house burned up, with all it contained ; and he now has two law-suits, which, if they go against him, will almost, if not quite, ruin him I am truly distressed. You will doubtless be surprised that 1 do not stand by my friend, and leave the State to get other counsel. The public considerations which forbid this course are almost absolutely imperative. To explain them would require much space, and might not interest you at all. I can only say, general!}', that there has been much gallant volunteering in favor of the State, followed, in ever}' in- stance, by a mysterious and very ////gallant backing out, or, at least, by a silence which looks like backing out; and it is so construed by the people. When the matter was at last put into my hands by the (iovernor, the general feeling and expression was, that it would n be put through, with- out fear, affection, or favor. To disappoint this general and confident expectation would not only damage me personally, but, what is much worse, it would destroy public confidence. and contribute largely to increase the public demoralization. 1 have made my decision, after taking counsel with, not only my own heart and head, but with , and, through her, with St. Joseph, and all her numerous other saints, whose very names are unknown to me " \Ye all" send love to "you all." Yours, affectionately, LINTON STKPHK.NS. JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 357 [From L. S. to A. H. S. ] ATLANTA, March 15, 1872. DEAR BROTHER This allusion to politics reminds me to tell you that I think our Governor and General Colquitt, and the great bulk of our Georgia leaders, are decidedly inclined to the policy of opposing Grant with anybody who is most likely to beat him, and are also decidedly inclined to believe that he can be most easily beaten by a liberal Republican. I believe, also, that Gen- eral Toombs is the same way. I just give you these points in order that you may know how matters are in our own midst. 1 am opposed to running anybody who will not stand on a sound Democratic platform ; but I am in despair. Our host is panic-stricken, and wofully demoralized much more so than the Radicals, and cannot be rallied for this campaign. My fear and belief are, that the demoralization will be fast- ened upon it for years to conic, if the policy of running a lib- eral Republican be adopted; hence, I prefer to run a sound man. In one case, it is defeat, without the loss of honor or our anny ; in the other case, it is defeat, with a routed army, and the panic made chronic [From I.. S. to A. II. S. ] ATLANTA, March 16, 1872. DEAR BROTHER I have received, since rny return here, an invitation to make the next com- mencement oration for Mercer University, i am inclined to accept, and give them a discourse on this theme: "The Uniformity of Causation The only Basis of Harmon}' be- tween True Science and Rational Religion." What do you think of it? 1 could give the intellectual world some new and striking ideas on that subject. Does the tkcinc strike you at all? If it does not, why, then, 1 should doubt whether my treatment of it would make any real impression on thinkers. The uniformity of causation is the very bot- tom of the whole system of inductive philosophy ; but it has not been made to appear as suck to the world. The proposition that causation is uniform has so many corolla- ries, etc M was quite entertained by Martin Crawford while she was here. He called, one 35 8 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF night, to see me, and sat in our bed-room until bec'-time. He was in a good vein. She asked him if Governor Smith would get back to Atlanta Monday night. He said, in his slow, jesting way: "I don't think he will he has got oft into the country, with nobody but his \vife. S/ic don't want any " appintim '/i A" you know, and I think Smith is just now very fond of that kind of company." Affectionately, LINTOX STEPHENS. [From L. S. to A. II. S. ] ATLANTA, April 7, 1872. DEAR BROTHER I was very much pleased with your remarks on your editorial life. You made it the -occasion to strike some very powerful blows. By the way, have you seen the late speech of Voorhees? It is tremendous blasting the fraudulent amendments and all the frauds and usurpations, and denouncing the whole Radical rule in terms not inferior to Demosthenes against Philip. It is grand! That speech, as a platform, w,ould be like fire in a sedge-field. Do publish it, entire, in the SUM, and praise it in the high terms, which it so richly de- serves. His groupings are powerful and thrilling. It was a Titan hurling mountains. I had no idea the man had so much/ truly gratified that you are crystalizhig them into permanent and. enduring form. I wish you all possible success. I am, dear sir, sincerely Your obedient servant and friend, HKKscma. V. JOHNSON. The following tribute to his memory, from the pen 01 Hon. Edward II. Pottle, appeared in the Sparta 'Hiucs ami Planter: WAR R KNTOX , J u i y 2 7 , 1 8 / 2 . MK. EDITOR Permit me, through the columns of your paper, to offer my tribute to the memory of your distin- guished citi/.en, Judge Linton Stephens. There is a positive "pleasure in grief, and T cannot refrain from giving expression to some of the emotions which his death has inspired in my own breast. Jt is a real pleasure to me to con over the numerous incidents in his life, and in them to note how true: manhood may be illustrated. Per- haps there are few living, outside his own family-circle, who knew him so !<>ng and so well as myseli, and who have had so many opportunities ior knowing the excellencies of his character, just thirty-two years ago, 1 made his acquaint- ance, when we both were boys, in the State University. He was then entering the Sophomore class. His staid and regular habits were marked, as well as that vivacity which JUrGE L1NTON STEPHENS. 399 followed him through life ; and now, atter the lapse ol so many years, no changes were observable in him, except de- velopments. His manhood never lost the type of his boy- hood. He had the best-trained mind I ever knew: its caste was metaphysical and logical ; and hence the disposition, patent to every one, to disregard authority or books, and rest his conclusions on his own mental resources. In early life, he was a student: he read, he studied, he thought; and what he learned, he learned well learned to treasure up in the store-house of his own wonderful memory. He never stud- ied to get ideas, but to compare them. Ideas he had of his own ; and if, in search of truth, he found ideas of others antagonizing with his own, he rejected them, unless, tried in the crucible of his own severe logic, they were found to be the truth. He was a man of convictions; and the pecu- liar emphasis with which he always gave the word truth, in his addresses, was a sure mark of his devotion to it. There was a maturity in his mind, while in college, which few young men possess a hardness which gave promise of a useful and illustrious future. I well remember an incident while he was in the Senior class. The subject of the lec- ture and recitation was, taxation, direct and indirect, on the department of political economy. In answer to a question growing out of the text, he dissented from the author, and the current opinions on that subject, and the hour was spent in earnest discussion between him and the president, who, at its close, paid him a compliment which proved to be a prophecy. The ease with which he mastered his lesson was a marvel to us all. He always had time for recreation, and the lecture-room always found him ready for exercise. Unlike the most of students, he had no specialties in his studies; he excelled in mathematics, as well as in other branches ; and in debate, he showed the powers of analysis which characterized him in after life. At his graduation where the first honor was awarded him no one doubted the merited distinction. His social qualities imparted a charm ; and hence his popularity with his companions at college. There was a stream of humor and pleasantry which never ran dry, and a raciness in con- versation which has kept alive man}' of his sayings to this day. His friendship was warm and real, and his attach- 4OO BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF merits strong. To dissolve them without a struggle was hard for him to do with a cause. I have heard it said of him, during his life, that he was inclined to skepticism. This was a great mistake. I never knew one who, in theory, had a more sacred regard for the truth of religion and its divine origin. It is true, lie had views which were not in harmony with the teachings of some books; but the teachings of the Bible he cordially re- ceived. Not long before his death, he proposed to write a treatise on one of the topics of moral science, in which he intended to combat errors of some good men, which, in his judgment, tended to encourage unbelief, and obscure the real beauties of the Christian system as revelation unfolds them. After a long and intimate acquaintance with him, I can say that I never knew a man of a warmer heart; with him it was a luxury to love; and some of the most pleasant mo- ments of my life have been spent with him in recounting the happy scenes of the home-circle. As a lawyer, he has left an example worthy of universal imitation: honorable in his relations, faithful to his clients, and devoted to truth. On the bench, he has left an endur- ing monument to his fame as a lawyer' and his honesty as a judge. In the case of Hill (colored) vs. The State, re- ported in volume 28, Ga. R. , he dissented from a majority of the court on a question of great interest to the bar, and one affecting liberty and right. Though the accused was a slave, he gave him the benefit of a lofty principle of consti- tutional law, which was unanimously declared to be law, subsequently, in Washington vs. The State, 36 Ga. R., and that, too, upon the able dissenting opinion which Judge Stephens had delivered in the former case. Of this rever- sal, he was ever afterwards justly proud, because the deci- sion had settled a great right which every human being en- joyed under the laws and Constitution of the State. We all remember his grand orations in defense of outraged lib- erty and la\v. These utterances of his will live in history along with the best-prepared orations of men who have been made immortal. In common with your bereaved community, I, too, mourn the loss of a friend. His warm hand I have clasped from boyhood to the closing of your last court. " Friend after friend departs," JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 4O1 And the heart-stricken and sad can only find relief in the memories of the past and the hopes of the future. Death comes, and the arm of affection cannot stay the stroke. In the midst of life it comes invades the family-circle and bears away its victim to the tomb. It comes in ghastly form, as well as in sudden and resistless strokes; it comes to warn, and to remind us that we are mortal; it comes to teach us, "So to number our days that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom." Beneath its touch man's proud in- tellect is dethroned ; and how low he lies! The speaking eye is dimmed of its luster, and the warm heart stops its throbs. Let us, in this affliction, heed the note of warning as it comes from the new-made grave of our honored friend, ' ' Be ye also ready ! " I am yours, truly, E. H. POTTLE. ATLANTA, July 29, 1872. Hox. A. IT. STEPHENS My Dear Sir: During the many days which have passed since your bereavement, thoughts of your great sorrow have been ever before me. May I be allowed to express the sympathy I so deeply feel? To re- alize how great the loss is to you, I have but to recall your hours of sleepless watching at the bedside of your brother when he was prostrated with measles at Manassas, and the privations to which you subjected yourself, when you were illy able to bear them, that you micrht minister to his com- fort. Let it solace you now, my friend, to remember how faith- fully you have discharged fraternal obligations ; and, al- though I know the kind offices were rendered by you in the spirit of love, not duty, yet that must have made them more grateful to him, and should make the memory of them the more comforting to you. You have another element of consolation in the knowledge that he was loved and revered by all who knew him personally, and by many who knew him only as the talented and distinguished statesman and the pure patriot. The great heart of Georgia sends forth to-day one universal throb of regret at the loss which she, as a commonwealth, has sustained in his death. The good and true cannot help but admire the fealty with which he clung to his principles, while so many are bowing to the 4O2 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF high priest of radicalism ; and all feel that he has left us at a time "when our need was the sorest," of such wise coun- sels as he was in the habit of imparting, and the example of such unflinching integrity, as he ever exhibited. When the pure and excellent of earth pass through the silent halls of death, they find them but the entrance to heaven's efful- gent glory. Can we wish our loved and lost back amid the turmoil and strifes of tin's world, when we remember that they chvcll with God, and that the Lamb, who is in the midst of the throne, shall feed them, and shall lead them to living fountains of water, and God shall wipe all tears from their eyes? Hoping that the rich consolation of the gospel may sus- tain you under your heavy trial, and commending you to Him who alone can speak comfort to your sorrowing heart, I remain, with the highest admiration and most profound respect, Your friend, MRS. JAMKS 1 1 INK. SANDY GROVE, July 18, 1(872. HON. A. H. STEPHENS This stanza comes to me, unbidden, upon the announce- ment of the departure of your brother to the spirit-world; and I hasten to give utterance, as far as language is ade- quate, to rny unfeigned grief and sympathy. I sympathize with you, with his widowed wife and orphaned children, with his many friends and admirers, and with the State at large. There are but few hearts, within this numerous circle, that will not heave a sigh that Linton Stephens has passed from the scenes and activities of earth. lie was so noble in his nature, so stern and inflexible in his devotion to truth and principle, so able and eloquent in their advo- cacy, so energetic and constant in his labor for the public welfare, that he had impressed himself so deeply and broadly upon the general mind, that lie had already, though comparatively young, won the conviction in the popular heart, that he was ubiquitous, not in a personal sense, but JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 403 in the sense that his fame occupied a field commensurate with the vast interests of the country. But words of praise from me are nothing: they are emp- tiness to you, who filled for him alike the place of father and brother, and cherished both affections with the deepest intensity; they are less than emptiness to him who is be- yond their reach ; but I utter them, most sincerely, for what they may be worth for your consolation. Oh, how myste- rious arc the ways of Providence ! What lessons of pro- found humility are inculcated by the majesty of His foot- steps ! How uncertain is our probation here ! How the path of life is bestrewed by monuments of sorrow and dis- appointed hopes! What is called death is always sad and unwelcome to survivors. Even when infancy is cut clown, like a bud, by the wintry blast, or old age is arrested in its tottering steps, tender affections are severed, and anguish exudes from every wound until the heart overflows with bitter grief; but when manhood, in his prime in the me- ridian of intellectual maturity, and in the midst of useful- ness, surrounded by all that makes the present happy, and the future bright, in its promise ^of fame and distinction is stricken down, the blow is crushing. But Leaves have their time to fall, And flowers to wither in the North wind's breath, And stars to set : but all Ihou hast all seasons for thine, O death! Calm resignation to the will of God is our duty, and its performance is sweet, however mournful, when we recog- nize that He is our Father "too wise to err and too good to be unkind." To him I commend you, and all the dear ones clad in weeds of woe by reason of this heavy bereave- ment. Take comfort in these reflections: that he lived a useful life, and leaves to his family the heritage of unsullied honor; that, in our view of the mercy and wisdom of the Lord, he has been summoned at the very best time for him, and for those who loved him so fondly ; that he is not dead, but lives in the eternal world, the same identical man that lie was here; that lie has gone Jioinc, just a little in advance of you and all of us, where, under the tutelage of angelic spirits, his intellectual and moral faculties will rise, and grow, and expand forever. 404 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF I had a brief interview with him, last January, in Atlanta; but the last time I had an opportunity for protracted con- versation with him was in Savannah, whilst we were attend- ing the Federal court, as counsel for Garsed. \Ye talked frequently, and nearly always on religious topics, in which, 1 thought, he took pleasure. He listened to my views with deep interest; he argued with me in many of them, and, as to others, he expressed no opinions; because, he said, " whilst lie could not combat them, he did not rationally per- ceive their truth. " But he bought two or three new church works, intending to read them. I never learned, however, whether he read them, nor, if he did, what impression they made upon his mind. lie was a lover of truth ; his mind was always open to its reception, and I have rarely met a man freer from prejudice and educational bias. He was a strong and original thinker. Few equaled him in force and perspicuity of language, and in the power of condensed, log- ical thought. I never conversed with him without pleasure and profit. I regret that the occasions of our meeting were so seldom. If he had remained here to the usual limit of man's appointed time, he would have had no superior, as he had few peers. lie would have been a conspicuous figure among the greatest actors of his da}-, and wielded tremen- dous influence in public affairs. His love of country was animated with the courage of martyrdom ; and constitu- tional liberty had no more able and eloquent defender. His removal is a public calamity. But I will say no more. His eulogy is the place which he filled in the admiration, confi- dence, and affections of the people. May he rest in peace, and perennial laurel cluster around his memory! Mrs. Johnson, Gertrude, and Winder unite with me in these expressions of sympathy. The rest of my children are scattered. May the Lord bless, and console, and shield Linton's widow and orphans, and may lie be the great Rock under whose shade you may retire, in this heavy tempest of sor- row, is the heart-felt prayer of Yours, most sincerely and faithfully, HKRSCHF.I. V. JOHNSON. BOSTON, MASS., July 26, 1872. MY DK.AR MR. STKHIF.NS How my heart yearned towards you, and for you, when the telegram announced to us the JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 405 death of Linton and such a brother ! Not one in a million so tender, so kind, so generous, so brave as he. In one point of view, it did seem to me that the agony of sorrow might extinguish your life. On second thought, it came to my mind, "According to thy day, so shall thy strength be. " Yes, our dear Mr. Stephe 's has schooled himself not to rely too much on exterior comforts not to confide altogether in human affections ; but he cherishes entirely such a strong sense of divine love, that he will exclaim, at the weight and fullness of his grief, in most humble submission and Chris- tian cheerfulness, "Not my will, but thine be done! " When I first became acquainted with Linton, I entertained a very high respect and esteem for him. As I knew him better and more intimately, I began to love him; and this love grew stronger and stronger every day ; it was more like the affection of a dutiful son towards a loving father than anything else. I cannot tell you how terrible was the blow when it came upon us. I cannot at all realize, now, that I shall see his face no more in the flesh. Poor wife and poor children ! But Almighty God is good and merci- ful, and will have them in His hoi}- keeping, and will be more than husband, father, and all, if they put their trust in Him. I have taken up my pen several times to say a word to you, but hesitated, and laid it down again. To-day, I have made the venture. My feeling was rather, if it could have been, to act somewhat like the friends of Job, who "sat down with him on the ground seven days and seven nights, and spake not a word to him ; for they saw that his grief was very great ;" and I thought I ought to keep silence, and hesitated about expressing my deep sympathy for you ; but you might reply, like Job to his friends, "Miserable comforters are ye all!" Still, I cannot, under the circum- stances, be entirely silent. I must at least tell you what I feel it is my part to do: I would kneel beside you, and the other dear ones Linton has left behind, in silent, earnest prayer, press you all to my heart, sustain the drooping heads, take the hands in loving pressure and sympathy, but speak not Ever faithfully yours, R. H. SALTER. 406 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF I am obliged to Pope Barrow, Esq., for the following ex- cellent portraiture of some of the capital features in Judge Stephens' character : Lin ton Stephens was one of the few the very few of whom it may be truly said, "None kncis him but to love him." But to the thousands to whom his name and fame were familiar, and to man}" of those perhaps a large ma- jority who were numbered among his personal acquaint- ances, his real character was, in many of its best features, completely unknown, lie cared not to reveal himself in- deed, he seldom ever did, except to those who belonged to what I might call the inner-circle of his friends. The out- side world honored him, respected and trusted him ; for, however little they might know of him, that little was enough always to command confidence; but his intimate friends, whilst they also entertained these same sentiments of admiration of his talents, and implicit faith in him as a man, felt for him that affection which the beautiful story of David and Jonathan has handed clown to us as "passing the love of woman." Those who knew him best loved him best. There was no danger, in becoming better acquainted with him, of having any illusions destroyed which are so often the creatures of first acquaintance with men of fas- cinating minds. In his case, every impression he made upon an acquaintance, from first to last, was genuine and true. Nothing was done for effect. He was, at all times, natural and nai'i'c. As his real character and the generous proportions of his mind unfolded themselves more and more to his associates, it was hard to decide which to admire most, the pure and unsullied nature of the man, or the splendid intellectual powers with which he was endowed. My acquaintance with him dates back to my boyhood; and I remember quite well the first impressions he made upon me; they have never been erased nor altered. They were perfectly correct interpretations of his character, and have been strengthened and confirmed as years passed on ; and the slight acquaintance, then begun, ripened into a JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 407 warm friendship, which continued, uninterruptedly, until his death. Judge Stephens possessed so many sterling attributes of mind and character, that it would be impossi- ble to speak of them all in the brief limits of a memoir like this, which is not purposed to inform the reader in regard to his character or his achievements, but to remind him ot some of his traits, and thereby serve, perhaps, to call up, in his own mind, many another familiar recollection of this great man. There are thousands in Georgia who, when they read these brief reminiscences, will each recall some half-forgotten experience of his own that is linked to the memory of Linton Stephens, which, for the time, perhaps, will carry his thoughts back with a softened heart, to freshen and deepen his recollections of him, and serve to keep his memory green among those whom he loved so well in life. I have found that all with whom I have spoken of him, since his death, who knew him as well as I did, had formed the same impressions of his character, had cherished the same kind of incidental recollections of intercourse with him in life all of them illustrative of his warm, generous, faithful, and affectionate nature and have mourned his loss in their hearts almost as one dropped from the circle of their own hearth-stone. Few men have ever lived who were so true to themselves as to stamp themselves thus upon thou- sands of different men with the same identical impression. The influence which he exerted over his fellow-men was such as any man might well be proud of; and he well de- served it. It has been said by a very profound thinker, that there are two kinds of men who control and wield power over masses of their fellows: one is of that class to which great orators and poets belong; they persuade and reason men into acquiescence; they present arguments and utter appeals to their hearers and readers, and produce, some- times, great results. But it is the great questions they dis- cuss, around which the interest gathers, and not the man himself. The other class of men, according to this same philosopher, who make great leaders, are those who, with- out giving reasons, without striving in argument, and who, not turning aside from their line to examine the movements of others, are followed, and trusted, and appealed to in all emergencies. They inspire confidence; they commit no blunders; and, better than that, they are true to their faith, whatever it may be, even if it takes them to the stake. 408 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF It has frequently occurred to me, in reading this analysis of great men, by Kmerson as he has classified them that Judge Stephens united, in an extraordinary degree, some ot the best attributes of both classes. He possessed, in a large degree, the argumentative and persuasive powers of the orator; and, at the same time, he exerted an insensible in- fluence independent of these, and which, in one sense, was more powerful. There was great force in him ; no one could fail to realize it and feel it, who came in contact with him. Men followed him and trusted him, not doubting or fearing, because they knew he had no doubts nor fears him- self. Such men are rare; they are more valuable to their generation than it ever gives them credit for; they do more good than is ever known, and prevent more harm ; their presence in a community or a State is a repressive on fraud and wrong. One of the most striking attributes, to the common eye, that Judge Stephens assumed, was in his profession as a lawyer, when engaged in the crrtaniina of the court-house. The Northern circuit was, during the whole of his career, renowned for the high rank of its bar, as gentlemen who united, in many instances, the highest accomplishments of legal learning to the most powerful and effective oratorical powers. Younger than most of the lawyers with whom he came in actual contact in his circuit, he was trained, from the beginning, to put forth his best energies and tax his great powers to the uttermost. Like a young gladiator just alighted in the arena, he had to measure swords with vet- erans whose sinews were toughened by a hundred conflicts. The name he has built for himself in that circuit best attests how, in all those years of arduous practice, his demeanor as a man, and his success as a lawyer, have endeared him to the hearts of the people, and elevated him to the highest rank of the profession. In his manner and his methods of conducting an impor- tant case, it was easy to see that he was no imitator. He reminded you of nobody else. His success was very great. If he was satisfied that justice and right were all on his side, it was impossible for him to lose the case ; he was irresistible in such cases ; he had the large faculty, in addressing juries, of giving them a clear insight into the case in his very open- ing sentences. To this one gift he owed many a triumph. JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 4CQ There were things in the practice of law, however, that always exasperated him to the last degree. One of these was a lying witness. If he found out that a witness was falsely swearing away his client's rights, his eyes, his fea- tures, and his whole form would show unmistakably that he was a dangerous man to trifle with. At such times, no or- dinary man could encounter his eye and utter a falsehood on the stand. But Linton Stephens was made for better times than these degenerate days. He would chafe himself to death at the corruption which, in the last years of his life, he saw, but could not prevent. Bound to earth by as many ties, both of affection and duty, as any one of us who is left, it is yet better for him as it is; but as for us, who knew him, and loved him, and who now mourn for him, when we chance to revisit scenes that are intimately associated with him, we cannot repress a sigh " For the toucli of a vanished hand, The sound of a voice that is still." Yours, very truly, POPE BARROW. SUPREME COURT OF GEORGIA, SATURDAY, October 5, 1872. The honorable court met pursuant to adjournment. Present their Honors Hiram Warner and H. K. McCay and W. W. Montgomery, Judges. Upon motion of Hon. Robert Toombs, it is ordered that the following memorial and accompanying resolutions, com- memorative of Hon. Linton Stephens, be spread upon the minutes. The committee appointed by the Supreme Court of Geor- gia, during this term, to report ' ' suitable resolutions com- memorative of Judge Stephens," submit the following REPORT : The bench and bar of this court are again called upon to hold a meeting of sorrow, commemorative of another of 36 4IO BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF their most distinguished, valued, and beloved professional brethren. The hand of death, which has recently stricken the name of Linton Stephens from the roll of the living, leaves not upon our record a more perfect model of a pure, able, learned, and upright magistrate ; of a just, profound, brilliant, and successful lawyer; of an earnest, self-sacrific- ing, devoted patriot; of a great-hearted, true man, whose life was spent in the practice of virtue, the pursuit and vin- dication of truth, and in the service of his fellow-men. Linton Stephens was born in what was then Wilkcs county no\v the county of Taliaferro in this State, on the first day of July, 1823. His father, of Scotch-Irish de- scent, was a gentleman of unusual education and intellectual attainments, in the day and among the people with whom his lot was cast, and his family ranked vdth the first-class of the early settlers of our commonwealth lie was left an orphan in childhood, with a slender patrimony; but he had great advantages in his youth, of which he availed himself to an extent rare among the youth of our country. The providence which deprived him of a father's foster- ing protection committed him to the care of one pre-emi- nently qualified to discharge the duties of a father, brother, protector, and friend. Deep, fervent, unbounded fraternal affection molded that grand development of his moral and intellectual character, which won the confidence, the affec- tion, and admiration of all who knew him. Having been thoroughly prepared under this training, he entered the Freshman class of Franklin College, the University of Geor- gia, in 1839, when sixteen years of age. He was immedi- ately recognized as the head of a large class of Georgia's chosen sons which position he maintained throughout his collegiate course and graduated with the first ho lor of his Ahna Mater without a competitor and without a rival. After leaving college, he was placed in the office of one of your committee to study law, and was soon afterwards sent to the University of Virginia, where he graduated at the head of the law-class under Judge Tucker, who foresaw and foretold his great professional success. After graduating in law, at the University of Virginia, he went to Harvard, in Massachusetts, to attend the lectures of Judge Story, of the Supreme Court of the United States, and remained there until Judge Story's death, when he came to Washing- JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 411 ton City and spent a winter in attending the Supreme Court of the United States and the debates in Congress. He re- turned to Georgia in 1846, having given three years to pre- paration for his profession thoroughly prepared to bear the armor which he put on and was admitted to the bar, in his native county, in 1846. He located at Crawfordville, in his native county, and became a leader of causes in the court-house before he was scarcely known out of it. In 1849, he was elected to rep- resent Taliaferro county in the Legislature, and re-elected in 1850 and 1851. Thoroughly versed in the principles of constitutional gov- ernment, his compatriots immediately recognized his merit and genius, and placed him at the post of labor and of honor. In 1852, he married the daughter of Judge James Thom- as, of Sparta, and removed to Hancock county; and the next year, the people of Hancock again called him into the public service as their representative in the Legislature, and continued to re-elect him until 1855, when he was a candi- date for Congress in a district opposed to his political opin- ions by a large majority, to which his power and influence reduced to an extent which made his defeat a triumph of his principles. In 1857, he contested the same district with the same honorable result. In 1859, Judge Stephens was appointed to the Supreme Court of the State, and was unan- imously confirmed by the Legislature to this honorable post, and, after thirteen months' service in that position, resigned it on account of ill-health. We pass over his judicial record ; it will pass down to future ages in our reports. His judgments were clear, con- cise, exhaustive expositions of the law and facts of the cases decided by him, and contain no word w r hich his friends would wish to blot. In 1860, he was elected to the Secession convention of the State of Georgia, and voted against the resolution. He acknowledged the right, but opposed the policy ; but after the resolution was passed, and that grand, historic act was accomplished, true to his principles and allegiance to his State, he put his whole strength, and power, and soul into the cause of his country. He immediately returned to his home, raised a company for the vindication of the right, 412 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF and joined the Fifteenth Regiment of Georgia Volunteers, and was elected lieutenant-colonel of that regiment ; went to Virginia to meet the foe, and continued in the Army of Northern Virginia until 1862, when his health compelled him to retire from military service. Upon his return home, he was again called into public service by the people of his county, who again elected him to the Legislature in 1862, and continued him in that capacity until the end of the war; but when his State was invaded in 1863, he raised a bat- talion of cavalry and again entered into military service for the defense of his native land, and served until the spring of 1864. When the invader was devastating our land, he again put on his sword, and stood in the front until com- pelled to retire, from ill-health, to the duties of a legislator. Having lost his first wife before the war, in 1867 Judge Stephens married Miss Mary W. Salter, of Boston, Massa- chusetts. From the surrender of our armies, in 1865, to the time of his death, on the I4th of July, 1872, Judge Stephens was actively engaged in a very large and lucrative practice of his profession ; and his last grand and successful effort was made in the vindication of public justice, and in the advo- cacy of the rights of the people. His mind was peculiarly adapted to the profession which he had selected, elevated and adorned, clear, vigorous, an- alytical, and comprehensive ; it seized truth, facts, and law with an iron grasp, and stripped sophistry and error naked to the mortal gaze of all beholders; while his stern integ- rity and devotion to truth gave irresistible power to his lofty intellect. Judge Stephens was a husband a father; and here his genial, kind, and affectionate nature shone with peculiar brilliancy, shedding happiness and joy over a household in which he was peculiarly blessed. But we forbear to enter those sacred precincts in which there is no human conso- lation. The committee offer the following resolutions: AV^/rvY/, i. That, in the death of Linton Stephens, the bench and bar of Georgia have lost an eminent jurist, and the country one of the best, ablest, and truest sons, whose memory we should perpetuate for the benefit of future gen- erations. JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 413 Resolved, 2. That we respectfully tender to his bereaved widow and children the heart-felt sympathy of the bench and bar, and the officers of this court, whose warm friend- ship and affection he so well deserved and so fully possessed. Resolved, 3. That, in token of this, we will wear the usual badge of mourning during thirty days. Resolved, 4. That a copy of this report and resolutions be transmitted to Mrs. Stephens, for the family, and that this court be requested to have them entered on its minutes, and that the gazettes of the State be requested to publish them. ROBERT TOOMBS, CHARLES J. JENKINS, R. F. LVON, IVERSON L. HARRIS, HENRY I.. BENNING. [ From the Atlanta Constitution. ] JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. Quis desiderio sit pudor aut modus Tain cari capitis ? " What shame or limit can there be In yearning for so loved a form ? " In our private grief for our friend, it is difficult to realize the extent of the public loss which has befallen Georgia in the death of this her distinguished and trusted son. Nor can its proportions be fully appreciated until AVC get further from it. As one who feels it deeply, in both its public and private aspects, I am constrained, in advance of this full realization, to pay the partial tribute called for at once by affection and admiration. If the portraiture be at all life- like, it will receive many a response from saddened hearts throughout the length and breadth of the State. Three great qualities fitted him for eminent public use- fulness : great capacity, great honesty, and great fidelity. These properties inspired their proper counterpart, and gave him (what was no less necessary to usefulness) the entire, deserved, and familiar confidence of the people of his na- tive State. His capacity was great, not only of tlwugJit, extending over a very wide range, but also of expression, and that not BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF limited to thinkers only, like himself, but embracing the common mind as well. He did not live and reason apart from other men, but was one of their number, in accord with their modes and habits, understood them, and conveyed his own thoughts to them in strong, vigorous Anglo-Saxon, like Bullion, with a plain stamp. His honesty was not less great and varied than his intel- lectual endowments. It pervaded his public and private life his heart, head, and tongue. He was an honest seeker after truth. Falsehood, in all its forms, he detested and despised. He loved the truth in his heart. His intellectual appetite craved truth as its proper nutriment, and his tongue was equally candid and sincere. His manners exactly ex- pressed him. He was, in fact, just what he seemed to be. Such qualities justly commanded the public confidence, resting on a strong foundation of tried merit. That slow growth had become, after long and varied tests, deeply rooted and vigorous in the public mind, and it met no checks or drawbacks on his part; for lie was honest with himself, and his gold had been first tried in the fire, for his own use, before it was offered for currency among others. And so he was a bulwark of public virtue. Dishonesty shrank from his presence ; tolerant in all else, for this he had little tolerance. Honesty rested fearlessly upon his strong championship, and felt safe in his hands. A powerful intellect, of extraordinary breadth and scope, yet as acute as it was comprehensive capable of vigorous action upon subtle and delicate points a grasp of a subject perfectly vise-like a nervous, direct energy of expression, which cut through all vapors were at his command. These faculties equally fitted him for the investigation of law or of fact. A clear, general view of the entire subject, in all its relations, and in its just proportions, enabled him to sys- tematize his thoughts and adjust himself to a case with won- derful rapidity. He never rested in investigation until he touched bottom, and, from the rock, once found, he could hardly be dislodged by any form of sophistry. If he had any difficult}', it was in his hearers in their want of dis- crimination to perceive real, not fanciful, distinctions. But this very infirmity was incorporated in his scheme of pre- senting his case, so that he could show nice points even to dull eyes. JUDGE L1NTON STEPHENS. 415 But it was, after all, the honest heart behind all this of which the intellect and will were the mere executive officers and agents which secured the public confidence that, with all these faculties, he would do good, and not harm ; that he was not easily deceived himself, and would not willingly deceive others. Of his powers in that direction, we cannot speak ; for they were not put to the test. The warmth and sincerity of his personal friendships ex- plain something of the grief, as well as sense, of public loss which his death has occasioned. His public and private character were all of a piece ; only, in his private intercourse, there was incomparably more of tenderness and marked kindness than the severely logical character of his intellect would have led those to suppose who only knew him in argu- ment. Not comparatively alone, but positively, he was considerate and kind in an eminent degree, in his intercourse with others, and never gave willful or intentional offense to any honest man, to any dull man, to the weak or to the helpless. All these traits were big, plain, and distinct no mistake about them, nor about the man ; and the people knew that they understood him. He had been tested until they were satisfied; he had been seen weighed in the balance again and again, under very varying conditions, and not found wanting. We do not mean that he was without faults, for he was a man ; but they were not secret or disguised. He wore no mask, and his faults were better known than their palliations and his struggles against them. Suffice it to say, they were not those of a selfish nature. Let none judge of them harshly only sorrowfully for they injured himself more than others, and deceived no one. His death occurred in his full intellectual prime. His sun went down at the high noon of his faculties. These were very remarkable, and very reliable. He was grown in a great school, accustomed to emergencies, full of resources, and ready with them a trained intellectual athlete, belong- ing to himself. His self-reliance was great and well-founded, and inspired the full confidence of his hearers. Few men had so thorough possession of their own faculties. As a judge, his decisions were founded on principle not authority. He made authority he was authority for he found a solid basis ever before he began to build. His 4l6 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF decisions needed little bolstering ; they could stand alone. But he exemplified a most rare combination of gifts be- ing great, not only as a judge, but as an advocate, before court or jury, or on the hustings, in cases civil or criminal, upon questions of law or fact, in the preparation or at the trial, or in the examination of witnesses. Indeed, a measured estimate of his faculties would be regarded extravagant. Such power did a high intellect ac- quire, under the guidance of honesty. He grappled with great problems with a singular mixture of abstract and prac- tical power, and subtlety and common sense, in his percep- tions of truth; and, strange to say, where he went himself into the very heart of these problems, he was usually able to carry others along with him. This brief notice would be incomplete, if I failed to say he was a firm believer in Christianity. I remember the marked emphasis with which he once expressed this con- viction, with that characteristic clearness and boldness which admitted of no misconception, in the words, "1 believe Christ is God. " His further remark was, substantially, that, with this great intervention of Deity, all lesser and ancillary miracles, introducing the Christian system to mankind, fol- lowed on proper evidence, as matters of course. As his manner was, the great, huge fact stood out first, unmistak- able, and its qualifications and modes were supcradded af- terwards. The public loss is indeed great the gap left, wide and yawning. Such capacities, so handled, lost at any time, to any State, would be a calamity. By Georgia, and just now, it is peculiarly felt; and yet, to say farewell to the man is harder than to say it to the statesman, the jurist, the pub- lic servant. That respect for his character which delighted to do him public honor, and to speak his praise as the peer of the first statesmen of the country, is lost in that deeper feeling of affection which found familiar expression in sim- ply calling him " Linton " a name which, in the wide limits of Georgia, and in many a circle beyond, is full of mean- ing, and needs no appendages and no tribute. " Linton ! " It calls up the whole, at once, of that noble nature in which was garnered so much of public and private worth, of in- tellectual treasure and training, of friendship, honesty, and truth. JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 41 7 If such the loss to the public and his friends, what is it to the nearer circle? We cannot intrude here. We can bub commend them, in this hour, to a consolation and sym- pathy above what humanity can give. There is an awful Power to which all must bow. This Power, alone, has the balm to heal the wounds which it has made, and bind up the hearts it has broken. Mercifully^ each day draws us closer to the future leaves a veil betwixt us and the past. The earth of our State now teems with the loved and lost, who went to her bosom be- fore the lapse of three score years and ten. Another name, worthy of Westminster Abbey, is added to the honored dead of Georgia. SAMUEL BARNETT. PROCEEDINGS OF THE STATE CONVENTION. DEATH OF JUDGE STEPHENS. Hon. George F. Pierce, of Hancock, introduced the fol- lowing resolutions: 1. Resolved by the Democratic party of Georgia in conven- tion assembled, That, in the recent death of Hon. Linton Stephens, an elected delegate to this convention, the cause of constitutional liberty has lost one of its ablest and noblest defenders. 2. Resolved, That Georgia has lost a son whose intellect, cultivation, fidelity, integrity, pure private character, and devotion to principle, illustrated on the bench, at the bar, in the forum, in legislative halls, and in social life, reflected honor upon his native State; and, at this time, when his noble qualities of mind and heart are peculiarly needed, she mourns his death as a mother a beloved son on whom she could depend under the sternest trials and in the darkest hours. 3. Resolved, That his well-earned fame is the heritage of all true Georgians, and it shall be our pleasure to cherish and emulate it. 4. Resolved, That we tender to his distinguished brother, the Hon. A. H. Stephens, our heart-felt sympathy; and, BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF commending his wife and children to the tender care of the God of the widow and the fatherless, we beg to assure them that, in every Georgian, they have a friend who will deem it a privilege to serve them. After submitting the resolutions, Mr. Pierce said: MR. CHAIRMAN AND GENTLEMEN OF THE CONVENTION For myself and associate delegates from the county^of Hancock, and for the stricken and bereaved county which we have the honor to represent in this convention, I move the adop- tion of the resolutions which have just been read. I con- ceive it to be eminently proper that the Democratic party of Georgia should deplore the untimely death of the distin- guished gentleman to whom the resolutions relate ; for, in all the length and breadth of the land, none could be found more steadfastly attached to its principles, and none more valiant always to battle for their defense. I think it ex- tremely becoming that Georgia should mourn the loss of her illustrious son ; for, among all her children those who yet live to do her honor, and those whose dust is now min- gling with his in her honored soil there was none whose heart pulsated to the common mother with stronger and more earnest love. It is well that the voice of angry con- tention should be hushed to silence to-day, and that all the lovers of constitutional liberty, who are assembled here, should join in common love to do him honor; for, since the days when Hampden and Sydney died, none have lived who loved liberty more dearly than did he. ' I do not propose to-day, Mr. Chairman, to undertake to pronounce any eulogium upon the illustrious dead. Let this be done not by those who loved him more, for there were none, but by those abler to do it well ; for, sir, only a master's hand should strike the chords which make the music to sing his praise. It ; s my purpose, in the name of my county, simply to submit the resolutions which have been read, and to commit to Georgia's keeping the price- less memories of his public life. \Yhen this duty shall have been discharged, Hancock's delegation will return to their people and his to those who knew him best and loved him most and, joined together, we shall keep, in hallowed remembrance, his local service and his private worth. JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 419 And, standing here to-day, sir, in the midst of Georgia's distinguished living, and in presence of her honored dead, remembering all the glories which cluster along the line of her history, it is my privilege, for my county, to say that we proudly feel that if we have contributed nothing more to the greatness of our mother-State, the gift of the distin- guished ability and distinguished virtue of Linton Stephens makes as bright a jewel as sparkles in the gathered treas- ures of her glorious past ! Mr. Pierce was followed by Hon. Julian Hartridge, who said : MR. CHAIRMAN AND GENTLEMEN OF THE CONVENTION I beg leave to second the gentleman's motion. While I rec- ognize the ability of the gentleman to do justice to his hon- ored and illustrious colleague now, alas! numbered with the dead I ask the privilege to render my tribute to the memory of the noble deceased. True, he was the honored citizen of a single county, yet he belonged to the whole State, which, aside from the ties of family and relations, he loved better than all the world better than the emolu- ments of wealth, honors, distinction, and power combined. Wherever the State's interest, principles, honor, and integ- rity were concerned, there his heart beat, and beat warmly. I beg the privilege of seconding the motion of the gen- tleman from Hancock, the home of the distinguished dead. Though he lived in a community remote from my portion of the State, yet, in spirit, he was ever near, and our hearts ever beat in true accord in the desire to improve, uphold, and maintain the honor and integrity of our common State, and promote the welfare of the noble old commonwealth that gave us birth ; and, therefore, we feel that he belonged to us as well as to others ; for, as it is in a private family, when a loved child dies, a chord is touched, a sympathy is excited, and a tear is to be shed over the last and lamented remains, so it is when a man, distinguished by virtue, intel- lect, and devotion to State a champion of her honor and liberties is cut off by an all-wise Providence, then every citizen feels as if one of his family has died. Therefore, I lay the hilmble tribute to the memory of an honored and beloved fellow-citizen, and to the dead brother 42O BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF of one whose hearth-stone is draped in sorrow and desola- tion ; and, though one brother is mouldering in the grave sacred sepulchre of a departed patriot there is another still left, who has, is now, and will ever be dear to Georgia, whose heart, clothed in sackcloth, is bowed in humility to his God, and whose head, venerable with wisdom and age, is covered with ashes. Hon. Warren Akin said: MR. CHAIRMAN I beg to bring some tribute to the mem- ory of the noble and distinguished dead. The gentleman from Hancock, when he spoke of his stricken and bereaved community, would have been more correct to state that Georgia had been stricken and bereaved. I have known the deceased long and well. I have seen him at the bar of justice, in the forum, in the assembly, on the bench everywhere, and I have ever found him a man of truth, honor, and principle, and of all the ennobling vir- tues becoming a man and a patriot always reliable, honest, and avowed in everything that pertained to his associations with his fellow-man, and his doctrines regarding National or State policy. If opposed, he was ever honorable and liberal. He loved the truth, and despised all that was low and mean. Ever ready to co-operate with the good and patriotic, he made no compromise with the wicked. He was a hero among the fearless, and a terror to the dishonest and the evil-doer. I hope the resolutions of the gentleman from Hancock will be adopted by a rising vote. Linton Stephens -that loved name he sleeps the sleep of death ! yet, while Geor- gia 'has patriots, though she should lie groveling in the dust under a conqueror's heel, subdued to despair with the mel- ancholy music of the victor's clanking chains, or should she mount higher and assert triumphantly her liberties and her honor; while there are women who love free government and, thank God! they do love it with the warmest pulsa- tions of their patriotic hearts there will be a hallowed re- membrance of Linton Stephens, the champion of his State's and country's honor, and the valiant defender of his beloved people. Hon. Albert R. Lamar said: JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 421 MR. PRESIDENT I trust I shall not weary the patience of this convention if I ask a moment in which to lay an offer- ing upon the grave of my friend a friend whose devotion and fidelity outlived political vicissitudes, and yielded only to a common conqueror. It is meet that Georgia should pay funeral rites to one of her noblest sons. It is proper that we, his friends and companions, should send words of condolence and sympathy to his stricken household; and I may safely say that there is not a heart in this assembly that does not cherish a tender feeling for him whose hearth-stone has been made dark and desolate by this terrible affliction. The time and the occasion will not permit me to pass an eulogium upon the character and services of Linton Ste- phens ; but the future historian may find, in his name and fame, much with which to adorn and ennoble the annals of these troublous times. He was a Spartan in all the sterner virtues of manhood a Bayard in courage, integrity, and accomplishments. We, who have seen him face fearful odds in vindication and de- fense of the rights of his people, have had cause to say: "How high a pitch his resolution soars! " I can recall a recent incident which illustrates the salient point in his character: At the late convention which pre- ceded this, he stood almost unaided and alone in a contest, upon the other side of which were arrayed many of the most cherished friends of his life. There are gentlemen here who can bear testimony as to how he bore himself in that contest. You and I, Mr. President, will remember how a gentle- man, returning from the room of the Committee on Busi- ness, with voice and face aglow with admiration, remarked to me, "Is not Linton Stephens a man of iron soul! " He was, indeed, sir; and if mortals are permitted to take into another world the temperaments of this, we may feel assured that our departed friend is steering his barque on eternity's ocean, with a sublime and unfaltering faith that he will reach a haven of rest in the sunlight of Mercy and Love on the other shore. Mr. President, the mute faces* that look down upon us * The walls of the Representative hall, at Atlanta, are adorned with large, life-size portraits of James Jackson, Andrew Jackson, Franklin, Crawford, Troup, Clarke, Ilowell Cobb, Jefferson, and others. 422 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF from these walls to-day are fitting reminders that broad acres, crowded marts, beautiful temples, and hoarded mill- ions are the least of the great elements which constitute a State. They tell us that brave and virtuous men are the greatest glories of the commonwealth ; and in the heroic mold in which these men were cast was cast Linton Ste- phens, body and soul. But one moon has waxed since he sat here in the prime and plenitude of vigorous health and intellectual prowess. In the night that shall follow this day, that same moon will shed her waning sheen upon the spot Where he sleeps in the embrace of his honored mother! In time, we, too, sir, shall cease our strifes, and our pride, our ambition, and our hopes will follow us to the grave! In view, then, of this sudden and startling blow, which has fallen in our midst, may we not, with bowed heads and burdened hearts, exclaim : "What shadows we are, and what shadows we pursue! " JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. 423 JUDGE LINTON STEPHENS. Obiit 1 41)1 July, 1872. [The following tribute to the memory of the Hon. Linton Stephens is from the pen of a niece of Henry W. Longfel- low, the American poet, who has attained so much distinc- tion in the Eastern as well as the Western continent. We feel that our readers will, as we do, highly appreciate this tribute, not only from the tone of its touching sympathy, but from the source from which it comes. EDITORS SUN.] Another noble name is added To the list of shrined dead ; Another strong, grand form departed To his lowly, narrow bed ! Another guiding hand is taken One more heart is calm and still ; O my God ! 'tis now in anguish Bow me to Thy higher will ! Gone, in all his prime and vigor, Passed from out the field of life ; But he bore himself as conqueror, Nobly in that weary strife ! To Thy feet, O Holy Jesus, Now we bring this crushing load ; Only by Thy help and guidance Can we tread this thorny road. In Thy hands, we then, confiding, Leave the one to us so dear Leave until a spirit risen In Thy glory shall appear! Boston, August n, 1872. MARIAN ADEI.E LONGKEI.I.OW. 424 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF (From the Atlanta Sun.) LINTON STEPHENS. KY A. R. WATSON. I. Oh, Eagle of our gentle Georgia clime, Kyrieil so near the sky ! Whose sturdy wings beat strong against our time- Of never-flinching eye ! II. Of sternest pulse, .and eager, bounding flight, Touching the sun-tipped brow That domes the top of fame's imperial height", Where eyrie such as thou ! III. Oh, Eagle ! stricken from our Georgia skies, And stretched upon the plain, With the full blaze of morning in thine eyes, Ours is the awful pain ! IV. Oh, Archer! that, amid the quivering strife, Winged swift thy truest darts, And, through the core of his majestic life, Smit deep into our hearts! V. Oh, conqueror Death ! thrice victor, pass along, Trophied above the past ! Our pulse of greatness, erewhile brave and stron Is at its ebb at last ! VI. A little room is all that's needed now Oh, mother earth, be kind! Methinks your breast should feel a newer glow With dust like his enshrined. ANALYTICAL INDEX. Addison, Appreciation of 115 Akin, Warren, Remarks of, occasioned by death of Stephens . . . 420 Alfriend, Alfred, Letter of advice to 275 Alfriend, Dr. E. W 53, 184, 384 American party, Organization and early dissolution of 116 Ancients contrasted with the moderns 36 Anthony, Rev. Samuel 205 Aristocracy, True vs. false 19 Barnett, Samuel, Letters to 295, 354 Tribute to memory of Stephens 413 Barrow, Pope, Reminiscences of Stephens 406 Benning, Henry L., Criticism on history, (Note) 72 One of Supreme Court committee to report resolutions on death of Stephens 413 Bird, J. L 10, 39, 43 Law-partner of Stephens 92 Bleckley, Logan E., Estimate of Stephens as a judge 165 Brown, A. S., Personal collision with, subsequent correspondence and reconciliation with 328, 329 Brown, Joseph E., Nominated for Governor 127 Stephens' estimate of, Ib 271, 275, 287 Bryan, Mrs. Mary E 206 Bullard, Ward, Second teacher of Stephens 7 Bulwer, Estimate of 18, 25, 387 Burch, R. S 53 Calhoun, J. C., Appreciation of 281 Unfortunate nomenclature in calling the "State's veto" "Nul- lification " 349 Cass, Lewis 51 Clay, Henry, Account of speech before American Colonization Society 85 Anecdote of, by Crittenden 87 426 ANALYTICAL INDEX. Clark, R. H., Recollections of Stephens' speech, at Milledgeville, against removing the capitol, and its effect 393 Clinch, General I). L., Opinion of prudence and wholesomeness of observing forms of etiquette 65 Anecdote told by 69 Joke on 86 Cobb, Howell, Trick on the Washington hackman 49, 62 Opinion of Linton's talents 92 Elected Governor of Georgia . . 106, 128, 221, 259, 260, 264, 265 Cobb, T. R. R., Mention of by Rev. Dr. Curry 12 Rapid rise in profession of the law 91, 144 College Honors, Estimate put upon 47 Common-place book, Importance of keeping 24 Confederate debt, Opposition to indorsement of 269 Council, Cosby 175, 181, 187, 197, 198, 230, 263, 268 Conscription Act, Opposition to the principle 245 Constitution, Account of formation of, and of its leading supporters and opponents 27 Crawford, M. J., Letters to on chairmanship of State Democratic Ex- ecutive Committee 316, 323 Crittenden, J. J., Anecdote of Clay 87, 207 Experience as soldier in war of 1812 244 Deafness, Advantages of 76 Diplomatic Dinner at Washington, Description of 53 Douglas, S. A., Course on Kansas Constitution reviewed 129 Position on Central-American question 136, 220, 235 DuBose, C. W 223, 227, 232, 384 Eloquence, Difference between spoken and svritten 62 Ewing, Thomas, Puns of 7 1 Excess, The vice of government 350 Fielder, Herbert, Letter to 326 Letter to, on the true theory of government and the necessity of checks against excess 349 Impressions of Stephens 396 Foster, Dr. Thomas, Early advocate of construction of Western and Atlantic Railroad, (Note) 299 Opinion of C;vsar 299 Fouche, Simpson, Prepares Linton for college : Reminiscences of the boy 8 Founders of the Government, Character and principles of 26 ANALYTICAL INDEX. 427 Gartrell, L. J 10 General Assembly of 1849, Distinguished persons composing it . . 93 Gibbon, Estimate of 47 Government and Society, Their nature and analysis of 281 Grammar, Instances of popular errors of, in speaking and writing . . 29 Grier, Aaron 5 Grier, Margaret, Her character % 3 Grier, Robert, (Note) 3 Grier, Robert C., (Note) 3 Habeas Corpus, Resolutions on suspension of writ, introduced in the General Assembly 269 Hambleton, J. P 235 Hamilton, A., Character and opinions 28 The Federalist 81 Harris,, Iverson L., Letter to, on miracles 210 Letter to, on dissenting opinion in Supreme Court 308 One of Supreme Court committee on death of Stephens . . . 413 Harry, Body-servant of A. H. Stephens 95, 96 Hartridge, Julian, Remarks in convention commemorative of Ste- phens 419 Hayes, Cornelia 5 Henderson, R. J., Fitness for brigadier-generalship in Confederate army 260 Henry, Patrick, Opposed adoption of the Constitution 27 Hill, B. H., Advocates coalition between Bell and Douglas men, in 1860, to defeat Lincoln 227, 236 Hill, Joshua, Defeats Stephens for Congress in 1857 . . . 127, 136, 139 Mine, Mrs. James, Letter of condolence 401 liistory, Method of studying 30 Independence, Manly 19 Jackson, Professor James, Practical joke on 15 Jefferson, Thomas, Advocated adoption of the United States Consti- tution 27 Jenkins, Charles J 106, in, 413 Johnson, Andrew, Repudiates the Sherman-Johnson Convention of 1865, after surrender of Confederate army 288 Johnson, Herschel V., Elected Governor ill Appoints Stephens counsel for Georgia in controversy with Alabama 122 Speech at Macon 223 Stephens favors his election to United States Senate .... 352 Letter to editor 397 Letter of condolence to A. H. S 402 428 ANALYTICAL INDEX. Johnson, James 223 Johhson, Sam., First reporter of parliamentary debates 102 Johnston, Malcolm 354 Johnston, Mark 22 Johnston, R. M., Personal relations with Stephens io7 Law-partnership, //>. : Reminiscences of Stephens . . . 177, 255 Lamar, A. R., Remarks in State convention on occasion of Stephens' death 419 Lane, A. J., Letter to 244 Lewis, M. W., Reminiscences of Stephens 390 Lies, Best way to avoid telling ''modest" ones 248 Lindsay, John, Character of 4 Lindsay, Matilda, Mother of Linton, her character 4 Longfellow, Marian Adele, Tribute to memory of Stephens .... 423 Longstreet, A. B., In the pulpit 32 Locusts, Periodical appearance and multitude of 39 Lumpkin, Joseph Henry 51, 222 His opinion of Stephens as a judge and jurist 227 Pleasant supper-table, passage with 228 Lumpkin, Samuel, Reminiscences of Stephens, and estimate of his powers as an advocate 359 Lundy, William, Reminiscences of Stephens in his college life . . 12 Lynch-Law, pro and con 196, 200 Lyon, R. F 413 McCay, H. K 409 McDonald, Charles J 106, 164 Madison, James, Advocacy of adoption of the Constitution .... 27 Meteorological Phenomenon, Description of remarkable one, in 1840 23 Montgomery, W. W 409 Moot-courts 68, 69, 75, 88, 89 Nomenclature, Mistaken or misapplied, as to dogs 251 To men '. 252 To measures 281, 349 Orphanage, Sensibility excited by it 83 Olin, Rev. Dr. Stephen, Professor of Rhetoric at University of Geor- gia, and method of teaching 3^ Sermon at Washington 59 Orr, G. J 13 Palmer, Rev, Dr, B, M., Fast-day sermon at Milledgeville . . 254, 255 ANALYTICAL INDEX. 429 Peace, Terms on which to restore 271 Petigru, James L., Anecdote of 176 Phi-Kappa Society II Pierce, Bishop G. F., Fast-day sermon at Milledgeville 254 Witticism of 359 Pierce, George F., junior, Resolutions commemorative of Stephens, offered by, in State Democratic convention 417 Remarks thereon 418 Platform, State Democratic of 1870, drafted by Stephens 315 Politicians, The enemies of mankind 104 Pottle. E. II 10 Tribute to memory of Stephens 398 President, Loss of the steamer, marvelous incident 95 Mills' conjecture as to the cause, //'. Pretenders, Their chief frailty, excess 252 Punishments, Necessary evils, but not designed 78 Rhetoric, Method of studying and use of 33 Religious impressions 25 Sentiments 289 Opinion of religious organizations 301 Riot among students and citizens, at Athens, animadversions on . . 39 Salter, Dr. R. II 304 Letter to 354 Letter of condolence from 404 Scott, Sir Walter, Compared with Bulwer 25, 250, 251 Secession, Opposes the policy 241 Not unconstitutional 285 Sims, Robert 235 Smith, T. J., Letters to 323, 356 Social Compact, Significance of 283 Speeches at Atlanta 368 At Milledgeville 287 Defense before United States commissioner at Macon .... 331 vSpring of the year, Influence of, on health of men and plants ... 22 State Democratic Convention, Proceedings on occasion of Stephens' death 417 Stephens, Aaron G 3, 5 Stephens, Alexander, The paternal grandfather of Linton, his char- acter, etc I, 2 Stephens, Alexander H., Birth 3 Guardian of Linton 8 Letters to Linton during his college-life 17, 48 43 ANALYTICAL INDEX. Stephens, Alexander II. (Continued.) Account of Whig national convention of 1844 49 Dr. Olin 59 Letters 62, 65 Routine of a busy congressman's life in 1844 67 Letters to Linton while a law-student at the University of Vir- ginia .... 69, 71, 75, 79, 85, 86, 87, 88, 90, 91, 93, 94, 96 Opinion of the " Whig Exposition," drawn up by Linton . . 96 May-Bradley affair in Washington 97 Party organizations 98 Supposed understanding between Seward and one of Taylor's cabinet ministers 99 Coalition of Northern Whigs and Free-soilers loo Dr. Johnson first reported parliamentary debate, and wrote re- ported speech of Pitt which overthrew Walpole's ministry in 1740 101, 102 Politicians, the enemies of mankind 104 Letter occasioned by the death of Mrs. Stephens 126 On Linton entering military service of Confederacy .... 242 Presiding sense of duty, and perfect submission to will of Provi- dence 243 Letter from Washington in 1866, reception there, (irant, An- drew Johnson, Sir Frederick Bpuce, Burlingame, etc. . . . 293 Napoleon's Qvsar 298, 299 Letter from Philadelphia, apprehensive of success of his work on "War between the States'' 305 Letter from Springfield, Johnson-impeachment 307 Law-partnership 309 Severe injury from a fall in 1869 309 Terminations of certain Fnglish words 309, 310 Linton's Macon speech 347 Stephens, Andrew H., Father of Linton, character, etc 2, 3 Stephens, Catharine 1! 4, 5 Stephens, John 1 4 Stephens, Linton, Birth 4 Patrimony 7 First teacher, master Strange 7 Second teacher, master Rullard 7 Prepared for college by Fouche 8 Filters University of Georgia to Graduated 10 Letter to A. II. S., Opinion of Judge Longstreet in the pulpit, 32 Visits Washington City 48 Reads law under Toombs 48 ANALYTICAL INDEX. 431 Stephens, Lin ton (Continued.) Letters to A. H. S 50, 52 Enters law-school at University of Virginia 48 Letters to A. H. S. while a law-student . . 55, 62, 63, 65, 69, 72, 73, 76, 77, 79, 81, 82, 83 Receives diploma 89 Enters law-school at Cambridge 89 Admitted to the bar 91 Rapid rise in profession, first case 91 Partnership with Bird g 2 Elected to the Legislature 92 Prefers nomination of Taylor to that of Clay 93 Supports "compromise measures" of 1850 106 Constitutional Union party 106 Supports Cobh for Governor 106 Supports the Webster-Jenkins Presidential ticket 106 Marriage 107 Removes to Hancock 107 Law-partnership with Johnston 107 Middle Georgia bar 108 Letters to Johnston 108, 109 Elected to Georgia Senate lit Supports Jenkins for Governor ill Resolutions on Nebraska question 112 Family correspondence 113, 115 Death of infant daughter 115 Appreciation of Addison 115 On Know-Nothing platform of 1855 116 On the party 118 Opinion of the Stephens-Campbell debate on "Georgia and Ohio" 118, 121 Appointed counsel for Georgia in controversy with Alabama, 122 Nominated for Congress 123 Supports the Buchanan-Breckinridge nomination '. 124 Delegate to National Democratic Convention at Cincinnati . 124 Incident at Senator Toombs' complimentary banquet to the Georgia delegation 124 Death of his wife 125 Second nomination for Congress 127 Governor Brown 127 Douglas and the Kansas Lecompton Constitution 129 His charities 134 Rejection of Kansas' admission 137 Letters to A. H. S 139, 141 432 ANALYTICAL INDEX. Stephens, Linton [Continued.) To Johnston 142 To A. H. Stephens on Kansas Conference bill, Winter Davis' speeeh 146, 148 Declining a third nomination for Congress 149 Outrages by British ships 150 Recreation tour to Northwest 152 Sympathy for Douglas in his Senatorial contest with Lincoln . 154 Letter to Johnston 155 Sleeplessness 160 Visit to Washington 162 Letters to Johnston 162, 163 Appointed Associate Justice of Supreme Court of Georgia . . 164 Judge Bleckley's estimate of him as a judge 165, 174 Letter to Johnston . . . 175 Letter to his three eldest daughters 189 Letters relating to domestic matters 193, 206 Letter to Harris on miracles 210 Letters to A. H. S 214, 216 Decision in Jones' case 217, 218 Harris as a judge and man 219 Separation of families of negro slaves 229 Combination of Douglas and Bell parties to defeat election of Lincoln 2 }o Resigns his seat on Supreme Court bench 2}i General regret 252 Critique on A. II. S.'s version of "stoning Stephen" . . . 232 Part in Presidential campaign of 1860 233 Letter to Johnston thereon 2,3 To A. II. S. on same subject 234 To A. II. S. on secession 237, 239 A co-operationist, delegate to State Convention of 1861, sep- arate State action, etc 240 Opposes immediate secession, but yields to will of majority after passage of ordinance 241 Resolutions favoring State unity 241, 242 Enlists in military service of Confederacy, elected lieutenant- colonel Fifteenth Georgia Infantry 242 Resigns 242 Declines colonelcy of regiment 24^ Opposes conscription 245 Letter to ]. A. Stewart on conscription, etc 245 Letter to A. II. S., silence, best way to avoid telling "modest lies" 248 ANALYTICAL INDEX. 433 Stephens, Linton (Continued.) Letter to Mary Grier 254 To A. II. S., Opposition to habeas corpus suspension . . 255, 258 Letters to A. H. S 259, 268 Supplies to destitute in sections overrun by Federal army . . 269 Opposition to State Indorsement of Confederate debt .... 269 Letter of advice to his young friend, Alfred Alfriend . . . 273 Letters to A. H. S 278, 281 Extract from speech opposing granting plenary powers to the Governor 287 Epitome of religious faith 289, 301 Victim to dyspepsia 289, 291 Letter to Barnett 295 Method of reading an author 296 Death of his dog " Pompey " 297 Epitaph for the dog " Rio " -. 298 Fondness for dogs and horses, (Note) 298 Visits his brother at Fort Warren 304 His second marriage 304 Presidential contest of 1868, Chase, Pendleton, Davis, ct al. . 307 Letter to Judge Harris 308 Meaning of termination of certain English words 310 To A. H. S. on adjournment of Superior Court of Richmond county i . . . . 311 Bledsoe as an author 312 Coalition between Democrats and Liberal Republicans ... 314 Georgia Democratic platform of 1870 315 Chosen chairman State Executive Committee 315 Resigns 316 Letters on the subject to Crawford 316, 323 To T. J. Smith 323 To A. II. S., Policy of Democratic party 327 Collision with Dr. Brown on election day, correspondence and adjustment 328, 329 Arrested for alleged violation of Enforcement act, so-called . 329 Speech at Macon in his own defense 331 Committed, but grand jury ignore the bill 346 Letter to Dr. White, "blood money" 348 To Fielder 349 To Fit/.patrick, hint to a young lawyer 352 Letter to Pottle on senatorial candidature 352 To Barnett, recommending Malcolm Johnston 354 To A. H. S., death of B. T. Harris 354 To Dr. Salter, detailing mishap 354 To A. H. S., " new-departurists " 357 434 ANALYTICAL INDEX. Stephens, Lin ton (Con tinned.) To A. II. S., Voorhees' speech 358 To A. II. S., defense of Croley, witticisms of Bishop Pierce, 358 To A. II. S 364 Failing health '. 366 Last political speech 368 Last sickness and death 383 Burial 384 Personal appearance, tastes, habits, etc 386 Stevens, Rev. C. W., (Note) 204 Stewart, J. A., Letter to, on conscription, etc 245 Stiles, Rev. Dr. ]. C., As a pulpit orator 224, 225 Strange, Master, First teacher of Linton 7 Streaks, Things run in 158 Story, Joseph 59 Notions of work, and how to work, and how to recreate ... 63 Anecdote of 71 His mess at Washington in 1844 89 Social character no Federalist death, (Note) 89, 90 Style, Importance of good, in writing 44 Supreme Court. Proceedings in, occasioned by death of Stephens . . 409 Thomas, James, Father-in-law of Stephens . . 107, 137, 150, 152, '55' '59> 1 77> '83, 184, 200, 208, 214, 230, 237 Thomas, T. W 132, 141, 143, 144, 145, 242 Toombs, Robert, Legal preceptor of Linton 48 At Newark 51 Witty answer to Burt 93 Opinion of " Whig Exposition " 96 Position on Central-American question 135 On Lecompton Constitution . . 137, 150, 207, 220, 230, 237, 238, 239, 240, 260, 264, 265 Chairman of Supreme Court committee to report resolutions on occasion of Stephens' death 409 Trammell, L. N 288 Tucker, Henry St. George 48, 56, 64, 69, 70, 71 His opinion of Hamilton 81 Universalists, Doctrine of, criticized 20 Warner, Hiram 409 Watson, A. R., Poetical tribute to the memory of Stephens .... 424 Webster, Daniel, Speech at Baltimore in 1844 50 Candidate for the Presidency 106 Whig party, Disruption of 116 Wilson, Henry, Kindly offices of, to A. II. S. while prisoner of State at Fort Warren 304 Wright, Augustus R 235 Yancey, William 1 68, 79, 238, 240 University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 305 De Neve Drive - Parking Lot 17 Box 951388 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90095-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. ' A! or $ 1158 00161 1499 , U ,C SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 000019550 3