OF PARAGRAPH HISTORY OF SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON THE FOUNDING OF THE FRATERNITY TO THE PRESENT TIME CHRONOLOGICALLY ARRANGED By WILLIAM C. LEVERE EVANSTON, ILL. PREFACE I am happy to be able to give the fraternity a book which will be useful in teaching the members some of the important events in our history. I hope no one will expect to find all our history here, or even a thorough treatment of some of the subjects which are presented. For such information a resort must be made to the larger three volumed work. This little book is simply a skeleton of Sigma Alpha Epsilon history, all the flesh for which can be found in other reading. The author has been compelled to pass over the intimate doings of National Conventions, and to merely mention in some instances important events, for if he had departed from this rule, as he was often tempted to do, this book would not have been what it was aimed it should be, A Paragraph History of Sigma Alpha Epsilon. It is my desire that this book shall be of especial use to the fine young men just coming into the fraternity. They will be eager to learn about Sigma Alpha Epsilon. My regret is that I have not been able to preserve the fire and glow in this compact volume which so possessed the men who have preceded this day. I hope that those who read these pages to gain their first .knowledge of Sigma Alpha Ep- silon, will have a disposition born in them to go on to the large work and there learn of the deeds of 'our', earlier mm. WILLIAM C. LEVERE, Evanston, 111., March 1, 1916. SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON Birth of Sigma Alpha Epsilon. The Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity was founded on the ninth day of March, 1856, at the University of Alabama, in the old city of Tuscaloosa. Eight students who had become hard and fast friends were the found- ers of this brotherly society, which was destined to extend to the furthermost limits of the country. Chief of the eight was Noble Leslie De Votie, an Alabama boy by birth, who was a youth of splen- did promise. He was the originator of the frater- nity. He, as well as the others, had formed a warm friendship for each of their group, and it was his idea that a fraternity would best per- petuate the tie.s which, as their college days drew to a close, seemed nearer and dearer to them all. Along the banks of Black Warrior River is the edge of the Tuscaloosa campus, and in the fall days of 1855, as these companions strolled by the river side, De Votie first unfolded his conception of a new fraternity. The thought of a bond which would hold them together for all time was full of interest to them. So it came about that in the late hours of a stormy night, the friends met in the old southern mansion and by the flicker of dripping candles organized Sigma Alpha Epsilon. The Founders. There were eight of the friends. They were Noble Leslie De Votie, John B. Ru- dulph, John W. Kerr, Nathan E. Cockrell, Wade Foster, Abner Patton, Samuel Dennis and Thomas C. Cook. The last of these named was not present at the time of organization. Cook had planned the fraternity with the others, but shortly before it was organized Jia^ withdrawn from the Uni- 4 PARAGRAPH HISTORY yersity of Alabama and entered Princeton. At the first meeting it was voted that no one should be considered a member of the fraternity "except those present." This was afterwards rescinded to the extent of voting Cook a member, and send^ Ing him a ritual that he might initiate himself. He has always been considered one of the founders. The Preliminaries. In planning for Sigma Alpha Epsilon the strictest secrecy was observed. Only eight men who had trod the campus at Tuscaloosa knew that such a movement was aroot, and these were the eight men directly concerned. John Kerr'B home was in Tuscaloosa, and the prelimin- ary meetings were frequently held there, but no member of his family knew what it meant, though the secret councils gave rise to much whispered speculation. Sometimes, when the meetings to talk the project over were held elsewhere, Kerr would arm himself with an air of mystery and an old Mexican horse pistol that Had been in the family ever since the Mexican War, and would quietly steal away to the rendezvous. No suspi- cion of what was afoot roused the Greek chapters from their lethargy; and if the men who were in the venture were seen together more frequently than usual, it was attributed to tne feeling that a company of fast friends were aware that the day that would rupture their union was close at hand. So the days passed until March came. The First Meeting. The ninth of March meeting was held in a building still standing in Tuscaloosa, which is now occupied as a private residence, but which for many years was called the Mansion House and previous to that was known as John- son's Schoolhouse. Noble De Votie presided at the first meeting. He declared that they had met "for the purpose of organizing a fraternity to OF SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON 5 be called Sigma Alpha Epsilon." John B. Rudulph had designed the badge and it was unanimously adopted without debate. The badge has come down through the years with but little change. Abner E. Patton was elected to serve as president until the adoption of the constitution. An odd provision adopted at this meeting was that the chapter could not have a membership larger than thirteen per cent of the student body. The First Constitution. A constitution was the ^important question to be considered, for it was 'the very foundation of the fraternity. This was so because under the term "constitution" were comprised not only the laws to govern the frater- nity, but its ritual. This remained true for many years. What are now known as the national laws and the ritual were formerly comprised in the word "constitution." In the minutes of the first meeting we read that a committee of three was appointed to write the constitution. We already know that De Votie had the constitution practi- cally completed the night they met for organiza- tion. The action providing for a committee to write it must have here referred to its form, for we have Rudulph's word for it that it was com- pleted at the time of the first meeting, though not adopted. At the very next meeting, one week later, it was read and adopted, though not without being amended. Minerva, the Goddess of Wisdom, was made the patron of the fraternity. The Topoi. One of the provisions of the first constitution required each member of the frat- ernity to choose a subject on which he must write essays throughout his college course, for the literary meetings of the chapter were then a prominent feature of the fraternity work. These subjects were known as degrees, though the next year they changed the name to "topoi" at the 6 PARAGRAPH HISTORY suggestion of Noble De Votie, who wrote the chapter from Princeton, urging the change. This system of literary work was one of the cardinal points in the constitution, and its observance was rigidly enforced not only at the Mother chapter, but throughout the fraternity as it extended from college to college. The Grand Chapter. The first system of govern- ment of Sigma Alpha Epsilon was by a Grand Chapter. Each general convention choose a chap- ter to administer the affairs of the fraternity until the following convention. This plan, modified from time to time, remained the method of ad- ministration from 1856 to 1885. Mother Mu. The first chapter of the fraternity adopted for its chapter name Mu, the letter stand- ing for the word "Mother." A Southern Fraternity. It was the intention of the founders to confine the fraternity to the southern states. Yet the fraternity was not a year old before the agitation for northern exten- sion commenced, an agitation which was to con- tinue twenty-seven years before it achieved its object. The First Pledge. There was a boy of rare promise on the campus, a boy eagerly sought after by their older rivals. His name was Newton Nash Clements. Th\e new fraternity rwas as anxious to have him as the older chapters, but there were one or two who doubted the expediency of inviting him. To them it seemed a doubtful venture to tempt fate with their first "bid." They all wanted him. They all realized what a victory his capture would be to Sigma Alpha Epsilon, but could they get him? There were brave spirits in that first chapter, who were not afraid to cross swords with any rival, and De Votie, Kerr, and Rudulph led in the insistence that Clements should OF SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON 1 be given the opportunity of refusing them. It was at the second meeting he was voted through. At their third meeting, one week later, he was in- itiated. It was the first battle the newcomers had fought with other Greeks, and they had won gloriously. The Second Meeting elected the permanent of- ficers of the fraternity. John W. Kerr was elected president, and John B. Rudulph, vice-president. The secretaryship was given to Samuel M. Den- nis, the treasury was placed in the charge of Abner E. Patton. To Noble De Votie was given the position of corresponding secretary, the most important position the new organization had, for the place then meant that the man who held it was extension officer of the order. It was ordered that Dr. Garland, the president of the university, should be officially notified of the presence of the new fraternity, and the meeting then ad- journed to attend the first Sigma Alpha Epsilon banquet. The spread consisted of a big roast turkey, with plenty of hot coffee to wash it down. Early S. A. E. Feasts. When the meeting of May 31, 1856, was over, the secretary recorded that the "Members returned to the university where they feasted their physical appetites on the fat thighs of a Shanghai gobbler." The meetings of the first months of the fraternity were in- variably followed by a "feed." The Founders and the 'Possum. Quite often they would have the old negro who provided them secure a fine roasted 'possum. It was at a feast after one of the meetings of the first months that Kerr deigned to deliver an oration over the re- mains of a 'possum; and the words "remains" is used advisedly, for the boys had stripped it to the bones and were feeling exceedingly comfortable therefor. Kerr's professor in zoology had that 8 PARAGRAPH HISTORY very week been holding forth on the anatomy of 'possums and had explained how they, differing from many kindred animals, had embricated Jaws. "Fraters of Sigma Alpha Epsilon," began Kerr, swelling with dignity, amid all sorts of greetings and salutations from his fellows. "Fraters of Sigma Alpha Epsilon, we have before us the last sad remains of a marsupial mammal. It differs from many of the familiar animals on account of its embricated jaws," and as he delivered his re- cently gained knowledge with a flourish, Kerr grandly reached for the skull of the animal and displayed it in his most impressive manner. Sud- denly his eyes snapped and he looked closer; his compatriots followed his stare. This 'possum, at least, had no embricated jaws. Further investiga- tion followed, to be ended by summoning the cook. At first he temporized, but to no avail, and so at last, driven to a corner, he confessed. No 'possum had been obtainable that day, and be- lieving the fraternity boys would never discover the difference, he had procured a fat torn cat and had served it to them. Early initiations. The victory they had won in capturing Newton Nash Clements, the besought of all the fraternities, encouraged them greatly. He was initiated at the meeting of March 22. At the meeting of April 26 James Atwood Bullock and James Forrest Tarrant were taken into the brotherhood. These were followed on the 3d of May by James D. McLaughlin, on the llth of May by Thomas Lucien Moreland Owen, on the 17th of May by Jewett Gindratt De Votie, on the 24th of May by Robert Kershaw Wells and Gustavus Adolphus Wynne, and on the 12th of July by Enoch Parsons Riley. The most notable of these initiations was that of Jewett G. De Votie. The fact that he was a brother of Noble De Votie, the founder, was not the only factor that con- OF SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON 9 tributed to the importance of his becoming a mem- ber of Sigma Alpha Epsilon. He was to be the founder of the important chapter, Washington City Rho, which during the days of the Civil War was alone to survive the shock of battles. The First Badge. The color of the enamel of the first badge was Nazarene blue. All of the figures were in gold as now, and Minerva and the lion were as prominent as they have been ever since. The gold sides were beveled. In size the first badge varied greatly from today. From top to bottom the length of the badge was one and one-half inches. Across from point to point it was fifteen-sixteenths of an inch in width. From the top point to the side point it measured twenty-nine thirty-seconds of an inch in length, while from the side point to the bottom point it was seven-eighths of an inch in length. It was about one-eighth of an inch in thickness. The arrival of the badges at Tuscaltoosa made a great} sensation.* Col. Rudulph in his toast at the fiftieth anniversary banquet at Atlanta described it. He said "Con- sternation reigned in the other Greek societies. None of them had anything like this, and all the girls in Tuscaloosa went wild over it. They were all saying, 'what a cute badge,' and for a few days it seemed as if everybody was talking about the lady making the lion behave. The fact is we captured the girls with our badges at once." A General Fraternity Planned. The purpose of the founders that Sigma Alpha Epsilon should be- come a general fraternity was one of the fore- most thoughts of the workers during these early months, and in this connection an important step was taken at the third meeting held. It was the adoption of a motion "that those members of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity who may have trustworthy friends in other colleges, South, have 10 PARAGRAPH HISTORY written communication with them, if they choose, for the purpose of organizing chapters of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity in their respective institutions." De Votle and Extension. De Votie was one of the strongest advocates of extension, and so fully did he believe that the destiny of the fraternity was to expand that at the first meeting in May he proposed an amendment to the constitution to govern the interrelations of chapters, although at that time no other chapters existed. This amendment, which was adopted, was as follows: "That the corresponding secretary of each chapter, immediately on entering on the duties of his of- fice, shall write to the corresponding secretary of the Grand Chapter, giving the names of the newly elected officers of his respective chapter, and other news of interest. The chapters shall com- municate with each other at least twice during each collegiate year." Thus did De Votie, the first of our fraternity statesmen, combine the two not antagonistic principles of extension and in- ternal development at the very outset of the fraternity's existence. A DC Votle Prank. Among the nappy episodes of De Votie's college life is a joke he played on his room-mate, Jonas Duckett or "Father Rhodes" by nickname. The room-mate was a fine student, innocent as a girl and about as timid as one. De Votie persuaded him to call on a pretty maiden who received and treated him nicely. Next day De Votie and his fellow conspirators bought a peck of sweet potatoes, and hid them nicely under "Father" Rhodes' bed. That night, after Rhodes had settled down to his books, and was wholly absorbed in them, in rushed De Votie with his crowd in fearful consternation, telling Rhodes it was reported that the potato-house of the father OF SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON 11 of the young lady he had visited the night before had been robbed, and that that worthy gentle- man, violently suspecting students of the theft, was coming, armed with search warrants and with officers, to search; and followed it with the apparently frightened question, "Duckett, have we any potatoes in our rooms?" Then, without wait- ing for an answer from Rhodes, who had become nervous, he rushed to where he had hidden the potatoes, dragged them out, lifted his hands in horror, and exclaimed, "Who would have thought it?" What can we do?" Just then the remainder of the plotters who had climbed the stairs to the third story with heavy resolute steps, to imitate official tread, rushed in and joined in the chorus, "Who would have believed this of Father Rhodes?" Instantly Rhodes saw the prank, and still half- terrified, half angry, and yet laughing despite him- self, he seized a poker, chased them out, down stairs, and into the darkness that covered the campus. De Votie the Scholar. All through his university course De Votie brilliantly maintained his intel- lectual supremacy. His grade for his entire course at Alabama was 96^. He was graduated as valedictorian at the head of his class on Julj 18, 1856. University of Alabama Abolished Fraternities, by a vote of the board of trustees at the 1856 commencement. It was eighteen months later before the Sigma Alpha Epsilon chapter was dis- banded. President Garland Attacked Fraternities, charg- ing them with disorder, clannishness and demoral- izing to literary work. At this very time he was graduating, first in scholarship and superb in char- acter, a young man who was the leader of one of these four societies, while the rolls of all the 12 PARAGRAPH HISTORY organizations contained the names of young men who were among the brightest and cleanest of all the students. It simply goes to show how human nature can be stampeded by the cry of the mob. In this very report he eulogized in the strongest terms Enoch P. Riley as the highest type of student, and yet Riley, two days before, had been initiated into Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Lawlessness Follows Going of Fraternities at Alabama. In the immediate years which followed the abolition of fraternities at the University of Alabama, the institution almost collapsed under the lawlessness which existed. The public prints of the state were full of the lamentable conditions. One student was stabbed to death in a college fight. Hundreds quit the institution or refused to come and the attendance went down to eighty- three. To stop the disintegration, the board of trustees of 1859 adopted the astonishing standard of twenty-five per cent passing grade in scholar- ship. Abner Patton was elected president of the frat- ernity in the fall of 1856. He was the only one of the founders in college. At that time Alabama Mu continued to be the only chapter. S. A. E. Faces Extinction. When the Univer- sity of Alabama began its college year, October 2, 1856, Sigma Alpha Epsilon found itself face to face with complete destruction. To the other Greeks at Tuscaloosa, the decree of the trustees meant the loss of a chapter. To Sigma Alpha Epsilon it meant the death of the whole frater- nity. No wonder that Patton and Jewett De Votie at Tuscaloosa and Noble De Votie, Thomas Cook and Samuel Dennis, who were at Princeton, were ardent in their desires to see the fraternity spread to other colleges. Alabama Mu Through 1856-1857. Though under OF SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON 13 a ban the eleven men at Tuscaloosa held weekly chapter meetings through the college year 1856- 57. All the eleven had been in the chapter in the previous college year, although Riley was not initiated until its last days. The chapter passed through this year without a single initiation until its very close. It was far from the ambitions and hopes of the chapter that this should be so. It was that offensive ban of the trustees and the dubious future that restrained them. Of the eleven, ten were in college; the eleventh was John W. Kerr, and his stay with them was only for part of the year. While with them he served as corre- sponding secretary of the chapter. The ten col- lege mates were Abner Patton, Jewett De Votie, Newton N. Clements, James A. Bullock, James D. McLaughlin, T. L. M. Owen, James P. Tarrant, Robert K. Wells, Gustavus A. Wynne, Enoch P. Riley. As the ten were comrades on the Alabama campus they were destined to be comrades in the Confederate army a few years later, and of the ten young soldier boys, seven were to lose their lives in that service. Jewett De Votie at Alabama. Jewett De Votie was as immeasurably active in the chapter, as he was immeasurably proud that his brother was the founder of the fraternity. In the old chapter records the name of De Votie is quite as frequent during the second year as it was the first. Mother Mu was a good training school for Jewett, and the spirit generated there together with the ex- periences gained was to stand him in good stead when he founded Washington City Rho later in his fraternity life. As it was the name of Noble De Votie which appeared first in the old minutes of Mother Mu, so it was to be the name of Jewett De Votie which should appear last when the chapter "adjourned to meet no more." 14 PARAGRAPH HISTORY Literary Work at Alabama Mu. Each man in the chapter was held sternly to his literary work in the ante-bellum Alabama Mu. The secretary's comments were sometimes amusing. It appears that at the meeting of November 22, 1856, Brothers Owen and Riley read essays which according to Secretary Clements "were very good and satisfac- torily written," but that Brother Tarrant failed to produce his. His excuse was that he had not been notified of his appointment. There was a lengthy debate as to whether he should be fined or not. Several held that, as it was announced at the previous meeting that Tarrant was to be on the program, and that, although he was not present, it was his duty to have inquired. Presi- dent Patton decided that he had no power to im- pose a fine, and Tarrant was excused. The mem- bers immediately proposed an amendment to the constitution, giving the president the authority to fine delinquent essayists. At the meeting two weeks later Wells, Bullock and Wynne, all failed to have essays, and all were fined. Early Chapter Discipline. It is not the least interesting study of the early days of the fraternity to note the amusing frequency with which the punitive right was used at the slightest infringe- ment of order. At the very first meeting, after the college year in 1856 opened, Wynne and Riley were "fined for putting their feet on the rounds of their chairs." Riley had been initiated at the last .meeting of the year before, and on the plea that he had not been able to learn of the rules of conduct at the chapter meeting, he was excused, but Wynne had to pay. This became almost a habit with him before the year was passed, for, excepting Jewett De Votie, he was the most fined man in the chapter. Jewett, who always had his feet on the table, or was late for meeting because he had no watch, or some other similar reasons, OF SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON 15 was fined ten times during the college year. Thomas Lucien Moreland Owen was the only man who was not fined, and we cannot help re- flecting what a paragon of behavior he must have been. It is not surprising that at one of the meetings during the year the treasurer "made a good report," announcing among other things that "he had more money than he could account for." End of Second College Year. The chapter held its last regular meeting for the college year on the 4th of July. The year had been a successful one despite the drawbacks of opposition on the part of the college authorities. Beginning the year with Patton as president of the chapter, he had been succeeded at the winter term by James D. McLaughlin. In March McLaughlin was called away from college for a while, and James A. Bul- lock was elected to succeed him. Robert K. Wells was elected president for the spring term. At the final meeting of the year T. L. M. Owen was elected for the next year. A special meeting of the chapter was called July 11, 1857, and J. Hodges Golson, who had been pledged tne month before, was duly initiated into Sigma Alpha Epsilon. This happy event closed for the fraternity its second college year. The Second Chapter. It was in January, 1857, that the second chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon was established with the University of Nashville as its domicile. Joseph Harris Field was the prime factor in gathering his companions in the military department of the university to form Ten- nessee Nu. There were only four of them beside Field, the others being John S. Lanier from his home town of Columbia, Miss., and three young Texans. They were John D. Alexander, Van H. Manning and David Butts. Field survived to be the oldest living member of the fraternity, passing away in 1915. 16 PARAGRAPH HISTORY The Activity of Thomas Cook. De Votle, Cook and Dennis continued active for the fraternity at Princeton, and through the efforts of Cook nego- tiations were commenced in the fall of 1856 with John M. Fleming of the University of North Caro- lina to establish a chapter there. De Votie and Chapel Hill. Noble De Votie wrote John M. Fleming concerning the proposed chapter at the University of North Carolina, say- ing: PRINCETON, N. J. February 2nd, 1857. MB. J. M. FLEMING. DEAR SIR: Mr. Cook requests me to inform you that your kind favor has been duly received. The petition has been forwarded to the Grand Chapter, from which you will immediately receive a copy of the constitution. You will be authorized when it reaches you to open, read, sign it, and then at any appointed time to proceed with the initiation of your friends. Permit us to tender to you our warmest regards for the assistance you have af- forded us in advancing the cause at Chapel Hill, and also to welcome you as a member of our hon- ored fraternity. After you organize please forward us a catalogue, with the names of members under- scored. You will have to determine the time of your meetings, for that is not a matter prescribed by the constitution. The meetings are expected to be weekly. Everything about correspondence and other duties, you will find laid down in the constitution. Excuse this hasty note, and believe me, your obedient servant. (Signed) N. L. DE VOTIE. North Carolina Xi Established. It was Feb- ruary 14, 1857, that the mother chapter voted to send the constitution to the petitioners at the University of North Carolina. Fleming, to whom De Votie wrote together with Thomas Jarrett, OF SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON 17 Wiley W. Whitehead and Thaddeus Belcher, were the charter members. This was the third chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Early Communication Between Chapters was hindered in the first days of the fraternity be- cause neither Sigma Alpha Epsilon nor any other fraternity had established a magazine. It was the rule that the chapters should write to each other regularly and this was a duty the early corre- spondents attended to religiously. National Aspirations. The fraternity scarcely found itself with three chapters, when the young eagle tried to spread its wings for loftier flights. John M. Fleming of the North Carolina chapter raised the question of Northern Extension. Cook wrote him from Princeton that the constant agita- tion of the slavery question was a barrier to north- ern chapters, as it would preclude the possibility of harmony. The mother chapter, which at this time was the governing body of the fraternity and was known as the Grand Chapter, voted to have a general convention as soon as there were eight chapters. The fraternity adhered to this plan. Early Chapter Nomenclature. When the frat- ernity was founded nothing was thought of or heard but the general name of Sigma Alpha Ep- silon. The second chapter had no sooner been established than it became evident that some individual chapter name must be adopted. In the absence of any official action it became the custom to denominate the chapters by the names of the towns in which they were located. This was un- satisfactory, and it was one of the tasks to devise some system of nomenclature which should carry out the Greek idea, embodied in the national name of the fraternity. It was obviously appropriate that each chapter should be given for its individual name one of the letters of the Greek alphabet. 18 PARAGRAPH HISTORY It was the first convention that christened the chapter at the University of Alabama "Mu," and this letter was chosen because "Mu is the equi- valent of the initial of 'Mother/ " and the names which were given the other chapters are chrono- logically almost those which alternately precede and follow Mu, but they were not exactly so. The Murfreesboro Chapter. This interesting chapter, long since defunct, is generally called by the name above which it first bore after it was established as the fourth chapter of the fraternity at old Union University at Murfreesboro, Tenn. It later took a Greek letter, but as Tennessee now has another chapter bearing that name, it comes down to us in history under its original cognomen. The Founder of Murfreesboro Chapter was Henry P. Halbert, who had been a student at the Univer- sity of Nashville. At Nashville he refused to apologize for signing a paper criticising the fac- ulty for, as he believed, unjustly disciplining a fellow student. He was dismissed and entered Union University. Through his knowledge of Sigma Alpha Epsilon at Nashville, he persuaded four Union students to petition for a charter. It was granted July 4, 1857, but the chapter was not installed until September, for in the meantime an insane theological student killed one of the peti- tioners and severely wounded a second. Virginia Kappa Founded. Thaddeus Forniss en- tered William and Mary College at Williamsburg, Va., in the fall of 1857, coming there from the University of Alabama. Together with several friends, he petitioned the Grand Chapter at Tusca- loosa for a chapter. It was granted December 12, 1857. A Virginia Kappa Hero. Robert C. Atkinson was one of the early members of Virginia Kappa. He became the hero of the chapter for a while OF SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON 19 as the result of a personal encounter he had with Garrett, a fellow student and member of a rival society, known as the E. A. Letters intended for S. A. E. had fallen into the hands of the members of the E. A., and had been opened by them, un- doubtedly through mistake. Atkinson wrote Gar- rett acknowledging the receipt of one of these opened letters, and requested him to be more careful in the future regarding the letters, mean- ing by this to refer to the similarity of the letters, "S. A. E." and "E. A." Garrett believed that Atkin- son meant to say that the members of his society were making common property of the correspond- ence, and the next time he met Atkinson he at- tacked him. Atkinson was quick to meet him on his own ground and in a few minutes Garrett found himself on his back with the valiant S. A. E. astride him. His face was adorned with a black eye, whose purple tinge was so vivid that it be- came a nine days' wonder and was referred to everywhere on the campus as "Garrett's S. A. E. badge." End of Virginia Kappa. The Williamsburg chapter was one of the ante-bellum chapters des- tined to be killed by the civil war. Upon its cam- pus, battles were fought and its first member, Forniss, was killed at Malvern Hill. It was a greatly beloved chapter during its lifetime and was the last Grand Chapter before the civil war. Georgia Pi is Founded. There is an uncertainty whether Georgia Pi was organized February 23, 1857, or a year later, but the probability is 1857. It was situated at the Georgia Military Institute. It is famous in S. A. E. history as "the chapter that went to war." Its men left its college halls for- ever when in the dark hours of a May night, the long roll of the drum was sounded through the dormitories. The cadets went from their beds 20 PARAGRAPH HISTORY to the scene of action. The chapter continued Its life in the camps of the army, and at Resaca won great glory. Their major said of them, "Those boys go into battle as if they were going into a ball room." War Record of Georgia Pi. The sons of Georgia Pi, like the members of our other chapters at the outbreak of the civil war, were Southern boys, and naturally enlisted in the Confederate Army. Georgia Pi furnished to the army from the forty- one men it had initiated, one brigadier-general- two colonels, four majors, sixteen captains, nine lieutenants, or a total of thirty-two commissioned officers. S. A. E. Enters the University of Virginia. Sig- ma Alpha Epsilon almost from the day of its in- ception turned longing eyes to the University of Virginia. It was the great institution of the South, and the members of the fraternity felt that the chapter roll would be incomplete until the name of the Charlottesville school was on its roster. Thomas C. Cook, in a letter to John M. Fleming early in 1857, had voiced this aspiration of the fraternity. The members of the new chap- ter at Williamsburg were anxious for a sister chapter in Virginia, and immediately after their own chapter was established they urged an imme- diate entrance into the state university. The wisdom of this was recognized so generally that, without opposition, the new chapter was launched Feb. 16, 1858, and Omicron chapter became a living reality. The chapter was composed of young Virginians, and they possessed all the high spirits and pride for which the scions of the old Dominion are noted. First Men at Virginia. Among the leaders of Virginia Omicron was brilliant Junius French. His friends told of an incident when he was a OF SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON 21 small boy. Junius held in his fingers a small tin cup, an older brother used as a target at which to fire a revolver. Another chapter leader was El- liott Healy of distinguished family and great manly beauty. A few years later at the second battle of Bull Run he led his company in the final charge, crying, "Come on, boys. Victory once more on the plains of Manassas." A moment later he was killed. Young and dignified Benjamin Gar- lington was among the charter members. Four years later, after the battle of Savage Station, his commander found him still in death, lying per- fectly straight, his arms crossed and his sword standing with the point in the ground by his side. Affiliates of Virginia Omicron. From the first Virginia Omicron has been a chapter which has had many affiliates from other chapters. Forniss of Virginia Kappa was one of these. William L. Wil- son, years afterward a cabinet minister of Presi- dent Cleveland, came later. James H. Judkins came from the mother chapter, and affiliated in the fall of 1858. He did not know there was a chapter at Virginia until Henry Martyn Neblett stopped him on the streets of Charlottesville and pointing to the S. A. E. badge Judkins proudly wore, demanded, "Where did you get that?" When Neblett was satisfied that Judkins was an S. A. E. he told him of the chapter, and that night took him to the chapter meeting. Mother Chapter Disbands. It was January 9, 1858, that the ante-bellum mother chapter met at Tuscaloosa for the last time. The edict of the university trustees had proved all-powerful and Sigma Alpha Epsilon was to disappear from the Alabama campus for many years. It was ar- ranged that as the title of Grand Chapter was still held at Tuscaloosa that the business of the fra- ternity should be transacted through the corre- 22 PARAGRAPH HISTORY spending secretary, who was none other than Newton Clements, the first initiate of the eight founders. Jewett De Votie moved to burn all essays and papers in the hall. Then Robert K. Wells wrote the mournful words, "We adjourned to meet no more." Texas Theta Chartered. Texas Theta was in- stalled at Baylor University soon after the open- ing of the college year in the fall of 1858. Timo- thy Dunklin, the founder, lost his life at the sec- ond battle of Bull Run. The chapter was killed by the war. It has never been revived. Planning the Eighth Chapter. John M. Pendle- ton, of the Murfreesboro chapter, had a cousin who, in 1858, was a senior in Bethel College, in Russellville, Kentucky. Virgil A. Garnett was the name of the cousin. The two boys had spent the spring vacation together at Pembroke, the home of Garnett, and his Tennessee cousin had some wonderful stories to tell him about Sigma Alpha Epsilon, which he had joined at Union University. The enthusiasm of young Pendleton was conta- gious, and when Garnett returned to Bethel College it was with the determination to get a number of his friends together and start a chapter of this "society," as it was the custom in those days to denominate the fraternity. Birth of Kentucky lota. Virgil Garnett pledged ten men at Bethel College at Russellville, and in April, 1858, received a charter from the members at Tuscaloosa who were carrying on the work of the general fraternity. With the installation of this chapter, the promise that a general conven- tion would be held when the fraternity had eight chapters was ready to be fulfilled. First National Convention. The first general convention of Sigma Alpha Epsilon was held at Murfreesboro, Tenn., August 6, 1858, at the Lytle OF SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON 23 Hotel under the auspices of the Murfreesboro chapter at Union University. The University of Alabama, University of North Carolina, Union University and Georgia Military Institute were represented by delegates. The other four chap- ters sent no representatives. Delegates to First Convention. When the roll was called at the first convention it was found that Newton Nash Clements had come from Tusca- loosa to represent the Grand Chapter. The Chapel Hill chapter had sent Vernon H. Vaughan, who, like Clements, was an initiate of the mother chap- ter, but had affiliated at the University of North Carolina, where he had become one of the most prominent members of that chapter. John S. Lanier, whom we have already met at the Uni- versity of Nashville and Georgia Military Institute, came to represent the latter chapter, while the chapter at Murfreesboro had selected Josephus G. Westbrooke, of the Jovelike face, as its del- egate. Designs on the Tressel Board. The first con- vention had many things to consider. The nam- ing of chapters after the town where they were located was unsatisfactory. The necessity for a fraternity catalogue was understood, and prepara- tions for the publication of one must be made. There were revisions and amendments to the con- stitution to be made, and those young minds that are always anxious to tinker with the fundamen- tals of the fraternity had been agitating changes in the badge. A decision about future conven- tions must be arrived at their frequency and the place of the next one. The selection of a Grand Chapter was one of the most important features to be considered. Extension at the First Convention. The im- portant question before the first convention was 24 PARAGRAPH HISTORY the spread of the order, for it was realized that the northern fraternities were coming into the South rapidly, and it was necessary for the first fraternity established in the South to be able to meet them on its own ground. Within a half- dozen years nearly forty chapters of northern Greeks had been established in southern institu- tions, and the outlook was that the flood had but just begun. Delta Kappa Epsilon, Phi Gamma Delta, Beta Theta Pi, Phi Kappa Psi and Phi Kappa Sigma had been especially active in estab- lishing southern chapters, and the delegates to the Murfreesboro convention were fully alive to the fact that they must be up and doing, if the fraternity was to do its share of the tilling of the virgin soil of the southern colleges. There was another phrase of this extension question with which they must deal, for already the cry had gone up for northern extension. There were those who were eager to test the steel of the new claim- ant for Greek honors with the strongly intrenched Greeks to the north. Even the mother chapter, with its prejudices of section so strongly ingrained from its birth, had been forced to yield to the importunities of the Nashville chapter in this direction, and grudgingly to instruct its secretary to give the "reasons for retaining our society in the southern states" and to instruct the secretary to say to the Nashville chapter "that a conven- tion will be held next summer, and if at that con- vention the majority of the delegates shall deter- mine to extend the society to the northern states, we will abide by that decision. Work at the First Convention. The presiding officer at the first convention was Newton Clem- ents, who as corresponding secretary of the Tus- caloosa group, was the real administrative officer of the fraternity. The publication of the first catalogue was placed in charge of North Carolina OF SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON 25 Xi. The general conventions were to be held an- nually. The city of Columbia, S. C., was selected for the second general convention. Several amendments to the constitution were adopted. The question of northern extension was post- poned a year. The question of more chapters wag vigorously debated and unanimously approved. Provision for a chapter diploma or shingle was made, though not subsequently carried out. The chapters were given Greek letters for names. Chapter Names. Immediately after the Mur- freesboro convention the chapters commenced to use the Greek letters for their names and found it a great convenience. It was the purpose that the chapters should take the Greek letters follow- ing and preceding Mu in order, although they did not exactly do this. Under the new order of things Alabama chapter became "Mu"; the Nashville chap- ter became "Nu"; the Chapel Hill chapter became "Xi"; the Murfreesboro chapter became "Lamb- da"; the Williamsburg chapter became "Kappa"; the Charlottesville chapter became "Omicron"; the Russellville chapter became "Iota"; the Mari- etta chapter became "Pi"; the Waco chapter be- came "Theta." If the order had been followed as designed, the Chapel Hill chapter would have been "Lambda" and several others would have been given a different sequence. The Grand Chapter. The Murfreesboro conven- tion elected North Carolina Xi Grand Chapter of the fraternity. From first to last the fraternity had 7 Grand Chapters. Their names and periods of service were: Alabama Mu, 1856-58; North Caro lina Xi, 1858-60; Virginia Kappa, 1860-61; Virginia Omicron, 1867-69; Georgia Beta, 1869-76; Kentucky Chi, 1877-83; Tennessee Omega, 1883-85. During the civil war years there were no general meet- ings and no Grand Chapter was elected. As the 26 PARAGRAPH HISTORY war went on the chapters gradually disappeared until Washington City Rho was the only one to emerge from the clouds of that conflict. The Grand Chapter system disappeared from the fra- ternity in 1885. Washington City Rho. Jewett De Yotie entered the old Columbian College, now George Washing- ton University, in Washington^ in September, 1858. In November he established Washington City Rho, "the chapter which lived through the war." Several of its charter members attained prominence, one of them being United States Sen- ator W. A. Harris. European Extension. There is a tradition In Sigma Alpha Epsilon that had its rise in the year of 1859, a tradition veiled in the hazy mist of years long past. In truth, among the younger members of the fraternity there is almost no knowledge of the legend, for it is doubtful that one in a hundred of them ever heard of it. But meet some old fellow who was in college before the war and who has been out of touch with the fraternity for years, and almost the first question he will ask you will be about "the chapter in Europe. Was it ever established? What became of it?" It ap- pears that one of the brothers of that early day went to Europe to study. The university most frequently mentioned is Heidelberg. The enthu- siasts of that time set up the cry that he must estab- lish a chapter across the water, and from the in- terest among the old fellows that has come per- colating through the years down to the present, it is evident there must have been a deep feeling about European extension. For some reason it never came about, but the memory of it has never died among the fraters of half a century ago. Georgia Eta Founded. Georgia Eta of Ogle- thorpe University was established January 23, OF SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON 27 1859, and is another of the ante-bellum chapters which disappeared 'mid the strife of civil war. Like in Georgia Pi, every member of the chapter went to war. Grigsby Thomas, who founded the chapter, came from Columbus, Ga., which at that time was the home of the De Voties. Through them, partly, but through James A. Cody, a North Carolina Xi, especially, Thomas was induced to form the chapter. A General Convention in 1860. The convention called for 1859 at Columbia, S. C., was not held, as only the general secretary appeared there. The Columbus, Ga., gathering of 1860 was for the purpose of considering constitutional amendments. The general convention held that year was at Nashville and was the last convention before the war. The social side of the convention was em- phasized. Thirty delegates were in attendance. James H. Shorter, who represented Georgia Pi, has said, "I remember what a bright, alert and genial set of young fellows composed it." The First Catalogue was issued by North Caro- lina Xi in 1859. It had nineteen pages bound in a purple paper cover. It gave the names of the ten chapters and the hundred and sixty-five members. Four New Chapters in 1860. Tennessee Lambda, Virginia Upsilon, Kentucky Chi and Louisiana Tau were established in 1860. Tennessee Lambda, whose domicile is Cumberland University, has come down through the years giving to the fra- ternity in its progress many illustrious sons. Vir- ginia Upsilon at Hampden-Sidney College, and Louisiana Tau at Centenary College were two more chapters to be killed by the war. Ten- nessee Lambda was the result of ten S. A. E.'s from various chapters entering Cumberland in the fall of 1860, and as nearly every man had been a leader in his chapter, it did not take them 28 PARAGRAPH HISTORY long to organize a new chapter. Kentucky Chi, which was founded in the last days of 1860 at Kentucky Military Institute, was a chapter which was to fill a great place in the fraternity. Early Days of Kentucky Chi. Charles Shorter, an S. A. E. from North Carolina Xi, entered the Kentucky Military Institute in 1860. He wrote to the Chapel Hill chapter and receiving the proper documents organized Kentucky Chi. Within a few months the war came and every member of the chapter enlisted. A Woman S. A. E. When the Kentucky Chi men left for the war, they left the secret work and effects of the fraternity in charge of Miss Lucy Patty, who was a popular "college widow." She took great care of her trust and when the war was over and the chapter re-instituted, Miss Patty was made a member by the chapter to show their appreciation of her good work. The Civil War and S. A. E. Sigma Alpha Bp- silon was born, grew and thrived, and five years passed. Then the civil war came, days of iron and blood, and into that war the fraternity went, and there was not a battlefield in all the republic where some bright-faced, courageous youth who wore its badge did not perform deeds worthy of men of steel. It might well be said that into the conflict the entire fraternity went, for the per- centage of men who did not go was so small that there was scarce a boy who had donned the purple but now wore the gray or blue. We write gray first because most of Sigma Alpha Epsilon en- listed in the Confederate army. This was natural, for every chapter of the fraternity was in the South, with the possible exception of Washington City Rho, and even Washington was accounted a southern city in those days, certainly in atmos- phere if not geographically. And so it came about OF SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON 29 that of all the college fraternities, Sigma Alpha Epsilon was the one that sent the largest per- centage of its members into the civil war. Alabama Mu in the War. The record of the Mother Chapter in the war was remarkable. Of the eight founders, one was dead when the war came on. Six of the seven living founders enlisted in the Confederate Army. Three of the six died in the service, De Votie while on duty, Patton on the battlefield, and Dennis while in a Federal prison. Nobie Leslie De Votie, the chief founder, will be marked for all time as the first man to lose his life in the civil war. The mother chapter initiated fourteen men, in addition to the founders. Every one of them served in the war. Rudulph, Clements, Hall and Golson became colonels. Ten of these nineteen men were killed in the war. S. A. E. in the Union Army. Although when the civil war came Sigma Alpha Epsilon was a south era fraternity, there were seven of its members who joined the Union Army. Washington City Rho and Kentucky Iota contributed men to both armies. Daniel D. Johnson and Edwin A. Cran- dall of Washington City Rho became colonel and major respectively in the Union Army. S. A. E.'s War Record. The record that the fraternity made in the war is altogether honora- ble; the places of high position won are nothing less than astonishing when the number of such honors is contrasted with the number of men in the fraternity. George Paul Harrison and George W. Gordon were brigadier-generals in the Con- federate army. General Kirby-Smith, to be so beloved by the boys of Tennessee Omega, was full major-general in the C. S. A. There were seven adjutant-generals: James N. Gilmer, William A. Harris, John S. Lanier, Henry Jackson, George M. Blount, Wayland F. Dunaway and Adolphus C. 30 PARAGRAPH HISTORY Powell. Joseph Harris Field was an inspector- general. Newton Nash Clements, the first initiate of the founders, was colonel of the 50th Alabama, C. S. A. He was only one of eighteen colonels who came from S. A. E. chapters. There were four lieutenant-colonels. There were thirteen who be- came majors. Of captains there were fifty; of lieutenants thirty. There were twelve adjutants, and non-commissioned officers by the score. The founder of every chapter the fraternity had before the civil war was a soldier. Over sixty S. A. E.'s made the supreme sacrifice, and gave their lives for the cause for which they fought. Regenesis of the Fraternity. The war over, Sigma Alpha Epsilon began to take account of herself. All through the southland were the wrecks of the colleges where her chapters had so proudly held up their heads. The military chapter of Pi had been the last to die, disbanding with the army in May of 1865. Yonder in Wash- ington city, old Rho still lived, the only one of the bright band of the ante-bellum days. But if all the chapters of Sigma Alpha Epsilon save one were dead, neither her sons nor the spirit of the fraternity had passed away. Crippled as they were, their buildings burned, their resources gone, the southern colleges, with a courage equal to that which their faculties and students had shown on the battlefield, opened their doors, and the fac- ulties resumed their duties, the students their books. Among the students were many S. A. E.'s who four years ago as beardless boys had taken up arms, now as mature men, scarred and hard- ened by endless adventures, put aside their weapons and took up their books. It was to the collegians returning from the battlefields that the task of revivifying the fraternity fell. Virginia Omicron Revived. In the fall of 1865, OF SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON 31 John Bagby, Washington City Rho, and Robert Atkinson, Virginia Kappa, entered the University of Virginia. They had both been fighting for four years in the Confederate army. Bagby knew that his old chapter at Washington had lived through the war, and he told Atkinson this. At- kinson urged Bagby to send to Rho at once for the constitution of the fraternity, and declared they would reorganize Omicron. Bagby agreed to this and a few days later placed in Atkinson's hands the proper papers, which Rho had promptly forwarded. They were the first to reorganize a chapter at Virginia, and he had no trouble in get- ting together a splendid company. They initiated fifteen fine fellows, and the chapter at once be came influential. Georgia Pi Men Enter Athens. Three gallant Georgia Pi men entered the University of Georgia in the fall of 1865. They were Samuel Spencer George Goetchius and James McCleskey. Their coming together was momentous for the history of Sigma Alpha Epsilon, for they were to be the founders of Georgia Beta, a chapter which was to win a place of great honor in the fraternity. These three men believed that every active chap- ter was dead. They had all been soldiers in the Confederate army and no word had come to them through the lines that Rho survived, nor did they know the good work which Bagby and Atkinson were doing at Virginia. The Founding of Georgia Beta. It was on the last day of 1865 that Spencer, Goetchins and Mc- Cleskey met and organized the chapter at the Uni- versity of Georgia. A chapter historian has writ- ten: "The genuine affection for their beloved order still lived and burned in the breasts of the truly loyal sons of the Pi charge, and they deter- mined to re-establish their chapter and thus re- 32 PARAGRAPH HISTORY vive under the classic shadows of the state uni- versity the old associations so endearing to their hopes and consoling to their hearts." First Days of Georgia Beta. From the start, Georgia Beta became a strong chapter. It took a prominent part in the councils of the fraternity. The minutes of the Georgia Beta meeting of Feb. 16, 1867, show there had been no general conven- tion since the war. Samuel Spencer, then the sec- retary of the chapter, wrote: "The secretary then read before the house the amendments to the con- stitution made by the last general convention in I860." Virginia Omicron at the Helm. In the minutes of Georgia Beta of April 16, 1867, we learn Omi- cron is "the acting Grand Chapter at the Univer- sity of Virginia." This was through the agree- ment of Rho and Omicron. The Washington City chapter, at the close of the war, was dean of the fraternity by virtue of its solidarity and Benja- min's mess naturally belonged to it. It was not disposed to claim its rights, and its interest was great in the revived chapter at Virginia, in the renaissance of which one of its own sons had had so great a part. So it was that the reins of power were handed over to Omicron and it became, un- til the holding of a convention, "acting Grand Chapter." Mississippi Gamma Is Planned. Even while Beta was organizing Thomas B. Manlove, who had come from the war and was living at Vicksburg, Mississippi, was planning for the rejuvenation of Sigma Alpha Epsilon. He, like the men at the University of Georgia, believed that all the Sigma Alpha Epsilon chapters had disappeared from th* face of the earth and was casting about for a good opportunity to bring the fraternity back to life. Manlove had a young friend, William Champe OF SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON 33 Marshall, who was a student in the University of Mississippi. He explained the situation to Marsh- all, who readily agreed to be initiated, and Man- love made him an S. A. E. To do this the S. A. E. had to depend upon his memory for he had not seen a copy of the ritual since the war began. This he was able to do, for he had known the ceremony by heart at both the Nashville and the Cumberland chapters, to both of which he had belonged. The Founding of Mississippi Gamma. When William C. Marshall returned to the University of Mississippi in the fall of 1865, he gathered a fine group of young fellows about him and made them S. A. E.'s. The first man Marshall invited and initiated was Frank Bell Webb, a cousin of John W. Kerr, the founder. There followed Charles B. Howry, L. Q. C. Lamar, Hiram Cas- sedy and Walter Acker among others. All of these became famous in later life as Federal or state judges. Venus Aids Minerva at Louisiana. Charles Read, Tenn. Nu, had a sweetheart who lived at Alexandria, La., when the state educational in- stitution was there, and when he went there to visit her and saw the cadets on parade he was so pleased with them he obtained a charter from the Grand Chapter and Louisiana Epsilon was born. There were seven charter members, and though these boys had scarcely passed their major- ity, yet most of them were war veterans. For three years the chapter thrived and twenty-four fine young men were initiated. It was while Ep- silon was in her most flourishing estate that tin order for its dissolution came. The members of the chapter were summoned before Superintend-, ent Boyd and told that initiations must cease, He held that a military college was no place for a 34 PARAGRAPH HISTORY secret society and that Epsilon must go. Tho chapter slowly dwindled as its members were graduated and Sigma Alpha Epsilon went into that long sleep at Louisiana State University from which it did not awake until 1897. Two Tennessee Chapters. Tennessee Lambda, which had disappeared in war days, was revived in 1867 by Thomas Taliaferro, who was at Cum- berland University studying law. Taliaferro was a cousin of Charles B. Howry, Mississippi Gamma. Tennessee Eta was founded by three Cumberland S. A. E.'s in the fall of 1867 at West Tennessee College, now Union University. General Convention of 1867. The convention held at Nashville in the summer of 1867 was the first the fraternity had had since the war, and there was a general accounting of conditions and a hopeful outlook for the future. Charles B. Howry of Mississippi Gamma was chairman of the conven- tion. Omicron, which had been acting Grand Chapter of the fraternity, was legally endorsed by the convention and given authority to continue as Grand Chapter. The need of a new catalogue was strongly felt, and Omicron was directed to compile and publish one. It has been well said that from this convention dates the formal reor- ganization of the fraternity. Not that any single action of the convention was of paramount import- ance, but the act of holding a general gathering in itself made all the fraternity settle down once more to the fact that each chapter was but a part of a large whole. There were fifteen present. Dur- ing the discussion on the extension of the order, one of its first phases to be broached was the question as to whether the fraternity should go north. It is almost strange that so near the close of a fierce fratricidal strife between the North and South, the subject could be mentioned in a group OF SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON 35 of southern boys, and although but little time was given to it, Howry did express his opinion that it might be a wise move for the fraternity to make. Virginia Sigma Installed. Frank Bell Webb of Missisippi Gamma entered Washington and Lee University in September, 1867, and the absence of any fraternity brothers made him lonely. He wrote to the Grand Chapter, then at the University of Virginia, asking for a charter. This was granted, and Webb initiated William H. Washing- ton, Sidney D. McCormick, Edward A. Cheek, Edward P. Clarke, James S. Clarke, and Samuel H. Yonge as charter members. Edward P. Clarke wrote to the writer some time since the following interesting accounts of the very first days of the chapter: "The initiation was peculiar, in that it was done in a classroom by Frank Webb of Ala- bama, with no one but the two of us present, he having been deputized by the supreme lodge to organize the chapter. He had succeeded in cap- turing his roommate first, S. D. McCormick of Ken- tucky, and I was the second member of a chapter that for years occupied an enviable position among the college fraternities." Kentucky Chi Revived. Kentucky Chi com- menced the second and greatest period of its ex- istence when John Holt and Edward Blount, stu- dents at the Kentucky Military Institute, took the vows of the fraternity ner the end of the college year of 1868. This was the real beginning of the life of Kentucky Chi, a chapter which will be for- ever famous in the annals of Sigma Alpha Epsilon. For twenty years this chapter was to hold a posi- tion and wield an influence -in the fraternity equaled by very few if any other of the chapters. Chapters Called Kephs. A chapter was fre- quently designated by the Greek word "keph" dur- ing the early years of the fraternity. 36 PARAGRAPH HISTORY South Carolina Phi. In the fall of 1868 South Carolina Phi was founded at Furnam University, Greensville, S. C., by Joseph P. Deans of Wash- ington City Rho. Two General Conventions. Sigma Alpha Epsi- lon continued to hold annual general conventions following the 1887 gathering for many years. The convention of 1868 was held at Oxford, Miss., with Mississippi Gamma. The feature of this conven- tion was the public oration delivered by J. E. Matthews, of Tennessee Lambda. The literary features of the early conventions were very pro- nounced. The Athens convention of 1869 of Sigma Alpha Epsilon was opened July 6th at the Masonic Hall with Georgia Beta as host of the gathering. There were now ten chapters but only four were represented, including Beta. The other three were Virginia Omicron, Mississippi Gamma and Louisi- ana Epsilon of the Louisiana state. In those days a chapter could be represented by as many dele- gates as it chose to send, and Georgia Beta, hav- ing the convention at her home, had elected ten. A practically new constitution was adopted. Fraternal Insurance Proposed. William D. Trammel, of Georgia Beta, proposed to the con- vention of 1869 that S. A. E. should adopt the fra- ternal insurance idea. The plan was rejected. Georgia Beta Selected as Grand Chapter. The convention of 1869 made Georgia Beta the Grand Chapter. The Constitution of 1869. One of the most im- portant documents in the history of Sigma Alpha Epsilon is the constitution of 1869. This consti- tution was the first to provide for northern exten- sion. The wording of the act governing extension was as follows: "Chapters may be established beyond Mason's and Dixon's line, but the Grand Chapter must be confined south of it." Virginia OF SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON 37 Sigma made a protest against it, and succeeded In having it repealed at the convention of 1870. The constitution provided for yearly conventions, at which each chapter was allowed ten delegates. If it failed to be represented it was fined one hun- dred dollars. Each chapter was allowed thirteen members to every hundred students in the col- lege. Mississippi Zeta Appears. With the closing days of 1869, Mississippi Zeta was instituted at Mississippi College. The charter was withdrawn three years later. Second Catalogue Issued. The second catalogue was issued in May, 1870. The Fraternity in 1870 had nine active chapters. They were Georgia Beta, Kentucky Chi, Virginia Sigma, Mississippi Gamma, Tennessee Eta, Lou- isiana Epsilon, Tennessee Lambda, Mississippi Zeta, South Carolina Phi. General Convention, 1870. The general conven- tion of 1870 met July 6 at Memphis, Tenn. Georgia Beta, Kentucky Chi, Virginia Sigma, Mississippi Gamma and Tennessee Eta were represented by delegates. First National Officer. The convention of 1870 provided for the first national officer. Heretofore, the officers of the Grand Chapter had been to all intents the national officers, though not designat- ed as such, and the fraternity thought of the Grand Chapter as the head of the fraternity, rather than of any set of officials. The act passed by the convention of 1870 providing for a Grand Treasurer did focalize the attention of the fra- ternity that it had a national official. Isaac T. Heard, Georgia Beta, was elected the first Grand Treasurer. 38 PARAGRAPH HISTORY Northern Extension Rescinded. The convention of 1870 repealed the act of 1869 providing for ex- tension and enacted a law which provided, "No extension north of the Mason and Dixon line, north of California and Kansas. The Judicial System. The convention of 1870 adopted a judicial system. It provided for a su- preme court, a superior court, and inferior courts. The general convention of the fraternity was de- nominated the supreme court and the officers of the general convention were to be judges of the supreme court. The superior court was the Grand Chapter. All decisions were to be made by a majority vote. The inferior courts were courts which the several chapters were required to or- ganize. Chapters Founded and Revived. Tennessee Nu, and the Murfreesboro chapter, both of ante-bellum days, were revived in the autumn days of 1870, while Georgia Psi at Mercer University and Ala- bama Beta-Beta at Howard College were estab- lished. Alabama Beta-Beta owes its existence to George D. Bancroft, of Georgia Beta, who went to Howard College to teach. Georgia Psi started with John Pope Jones, Thomas F. Stubbs and William M. Jordan as its charter members. Lean Years for S. A. E. With the year of 1870 the extension of the fraternity ceased for five years. The end of the period found the fraternity at a very low ebb. Five General Conventions. The convention of 1871 met at Nashville; of 1872 at Atlanta; of 1873 at Louisville; of 1874 at Augusta, Ga., and of 1875 at Nashville. The last of these had but thirteen delegates. The Phinizy Amendment. Leonard Phinizy, Georgia Beta, introduced an act at the 1871 con- 0^ SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON 39 vention authorizing alumni chapters. The Atlanta alumni were the first to organize. Third Catalogue Issued. Georgia Beta, the Grand Chapter, issued the Catalogue of 1872. Virginia Theta and North Carolina Rho-Rho were established near the end of 1870. Virginia Theta at the Virginia Military Institute and North Carolina Rho-Rho at the Carolina Military Institute. Virginia Sigma Made Grand Chapter. Virginia Sigma at Washington and Lee University was made Grand Chapter of the fraternity by the Nashville convention of 1875. Difficulties of the Fraternity. Sigma Alpha Epsilon awoke in 1877 to find that the general convention appointed for the summer before had not been held. It was only the extraordinary vi- tality of Sigma Alpha Epsilon that kept it alive in that decade. Kentucky Chi in Leadership. Kentucky Chi was the chapter which took the lead in the rejuvena- tion of Sigma Alpha Epsilon. On February 18, 1877, it issued an address to the Grand Chapter. In view of the conditions of that day and the re- sults achieved, it may be said that this address was one of the most important papers ever issued by a Sigma Alpha Epsilon chapter. It declared the fraternity in danger of extinction and ar- raigned the chapters for their negligence so se- verely that a convention was called to be held in Richmond, Va., July 9, 1877. Richmond Convention of 1877. The ninth of July, 1877, came. Richard H. Wildberger, of Ken- tucky Chi, found himself in Richmond as the representative of the chapter which had brought about the convention. He found there a repre- sentative from every chapter except one, the Unl- 40 PARAGRAPH HISTORY versity of Virginia. The fraternity was of age. A few months before it had passed its twenty-first birthday. Twenty-four chapters had graced its rolls and of these but six remained. Wildberger and Murphy, Georgia Beta, believed that the fin- ances of the fraternity were a prime factor in its success. The convention fixed the annual duea of each active member for national purposes at four dollars. From this time on the Grand Chap- ter was to have the means with which to do things. Kentucky Chi was chosen Grand Chap- ter and Ben T. Farmer, Kentucky Chi, was elect- ed Grand Treasurer. The Catalogue of 1877. Kentucky Chi promised the speedy appearance of the long expected cata- logue. The little pamphlet appeared in Novem- ber, 1877. It contained the names of eight hun- dred and six members. A supplement was issued in March, 1880, with two hundred and fourteen new names. Another activity of the Grand Chap- ter was the installation of Kentucky Alpha at Forest Academy. At the end of the year the char- ter was withdrawn. Alabama Alpha-Mu Founded. Alabama Alpha- Mu, at Alabama Polytechnic Institute, is the child of a "prep" school friendship. William Wallace Lambdin, John J. Huguley and John B. D. Shipp were at the Gordon Institute. Lambdin and Huguley entered the University of Georgia, where they were received into Georgia Beta, while Shipp went to Auburn. The two new S. A. E.'s at Georgia wanted their old chum to be a fraternity brother, and they urged him to estab- lish a chapter. He organized a chapter of four- teen men. It was installed June 15, 1878. 1 Augusta Convention of 1878. The Augusta con- vention of 1878 was held August 28, 29 and 30. The Augusta convention was largely attended, but OF SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON 41 most of those present were Georgia alumni. Only four active chapters had delegates. These were: Georgia Beta, Georgia Psi, Tennessee Lambda, which had been reorganized by Charles Z. Mc- Cord, and Tennessee Nu, which had been reor- ganized by W. Leroy Broun, Jr. Kentucky Chi was re-elected Grand Chapter; Ben T. Farmer was re-elected Grand Treasurer. Alabama lota Launched. John E. D. Shipp, Ala- bama Alpha-Mu, sat in his college boarding house reading a newspaper, and his attention was at- tracted by the account of a literary contest in which several students at Southern Universi- ty at Greensboro had done well. Shipp copied the names and then and there wrote the contest- ants asking them to organize and petition S. A. K. for a charter. They responded, saying that the idea was an agreeable one, and the chapter was soon organized and petitioning. The Grand Chap- ter issued the charter and, with Shipp as in- stalling officer, Alabama Iota, on Nov. 23, 1878, became an integral part of S. A. E. Georgia Delta Begins Career. Roland Lyon, of Georgia Psi, went to Dahlonega October 8, 1879, and initiated his brother, who was a student at the Georgia A. M. College, into S. A. E. This proved the starting of Georgia Delta. Proposed Amalgamation with Beta Theta Pi. Kentucky Chi announced to the fraternity on No- vember 21, 1879, it had received a proposition to unite S. A. E. with Beta Theta Pi and that the Grand Chapter favorably considered the plan. The entire order became aflame with anger at the suggestion, and there was not a single chap- ter addressed but took indignant action repelling the attempt at subversion. Attitude of the Chapters Toward Amalgamation 42 PARAGRAPH HISTORY was humorously expressed in a letter to Kentucky Chi by Samuel Lane, of Georgia Beta. He asked: Are you fellows really in earnest, or was it your object to stir things up and make the dry bones rattle a little by proposing such steps? I have never seen the S. A. E. camp in such commotion in Georgia. Every man in Beta has gone to writ- ing letters. Psi, at Macon, Georgia, is red hot. I have about four letters from them about the sub^ ject within the past week; our Dahlonega, Georgia, chapter is also puffing. All the fellows reject the proposition most emphatically and I am afraid if Brother Wildberger were to take a tour through Georgia just now he would be in some danger of having an S. A. E. head put on him. I know he would, did not our boys know what a faithful sentinel in the watchtower he has been and is, and that nearest his heart come the best interests of our order. Tennessee Kappa Founded. Tennessee Kappa was a June bride in the early summer of 1879. The alliance was with Sigma Alpha Epsilon. The union was brought about by John E. D. Shipp, of Alabama Alpha-Mu, and Joseph W. Horton, of Tennessee Lambda. The charter was granted on June 18. Nashville Convention of 1879. Yellow Jack was very impolite to Minerva in the summer of 1879, for he shut the doors of Nashville to her. Four general conventions of the fraternity had been held there and the convention of 1879 would be the first of five to follow. It was held the three days before Christmas. The conventions early passed the following resolutions: That it is con- trary to the spirit of our fraternity to absorb or in any manner whatever unite* with any other college fraternity, north or south. The big four definite things it did was to provide for a fra- OF SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON 43 ternity magazine, of which Robert Wildberger was elected editor. Kentucky Chi was chosen again as Grand Chapter and Ben T. Farmer was re- elected treasurer. A medal was provided for chapter founders. The S. A. E. Record Appears. The first nun> ber of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon Record appeared in March, 1880, with Robert H. Wildberger as editor. The Wooing of Minerva. Although the chap* ters had stood steadfast in their loyalty, the news of S. A. E. having been invited to amalgamate by ano'ther fraternity was taken by some as a desire on her part to do so. They had not heard of the resolutions of the 1879 convention. In August, 1880, a letter was received from W. L. McClung, secretary of the extension committee of Delta Tau Delta. He wrote to the Grand Chapter: How would you look on a project to unite our two fra* ternities? If you favor such a plan, of course, you can exert very great influence with your fra- ternity, as I can also with mine. If we should unite, S. A. E. would at one bound gain twenty- three chapter members, while D. T. D. would gain, I don't know just your numbers, but most of them are in good colleges and occupy high po- sitions. S. A. E. Has Another Suitor. Sigma Alpha Ep- silon must have had very attractive characteris- tics about 1880, for Alpha Tau Omega wrote to Wildberger in February, 1881, "We heard that your fraternity at large contemplates disband- ment or merger into some other fraternity. If such be the case, the High Council of the Alpha Tau Omega fraternity would like to treat with the authorities of S. A. E. We have eight large and energetic chapters and five alumni chapters. 44 PARAGRAPH HISTORY Our magazine has taken a prominent place among college fraternity publications." Baird Suggests a Plan of Union. William Rai- mond Baird reopened in the spring of 1881 his negotiations looking toward a union of Beta Theta Pi and Sigma Alpha Epsilon. He wrote to the Grand Chapter: "The addition of your chapter would strengthen us where we do not exist," and in another letter suggested the following plan of action: Can't you get a committee appointed "on the general condition of the fraternity" with ple- nary powers? Then let the committee suggest to our authorities a union; we would appoint a com- mittee to arrange terms, and this being done our convention could ratify them and yours could be submitted to the chapters individually, and if some of your influential alumni approve of the plan I have no doubt as to the result, for the alumni virtually control opinion in such matters. A committee of three from S. A. E. and three from Beta Theta Pi, meeting in Louisville, Nash- ville, Berkeley or White Sulphur Springs, could settle the whole thing in a day. A Warning to Suitors. The issue of the REC- ORD, after these proposals of union from the three influential fraternities, contained a warn- ing notice, "There are several fraternities wait- ing around to pick the bones of S. A. E.,, but we will go to some of their funerals yet! S. A. E. is not dead and not going to die; please don't forget that. We are not even sick. It is very compli- mentary to always be receiving offers of union with other similar bodies." The Inactive Chapters. S. A. E., like other fra- ternities, has its list of inactive chapters, several of whose stories have been told. Anti-fraternity laws, the Civil war, the passing of the institu- tion, the lowering of educational standards and OF SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON 45 consequent withdrawal of charters have been con- tributing causes to their demise. Having a place historically but not in the active life of the fra- ternity of today, we enter the remaining ones here with name of college and years of activity: S. C. Upsilon, Charleston College, 1881-2; Texas Rho, Marvin College, 1881-84; S. C. Lambda, The Citadel, 1883-94; Va. Pi, Emory and Henry, 1884- 95; Va. Tau, Richmond College, 1884-87; S. C. Mu, Erskine College, 1884-94; Ky. Epsilon, South Kentucky College, 1885-87; S. C. Gamma, Wofford, 1885-1912; La. Zeta, Thatcher Institute, 1886-88; Texas Theta, Buffalo Gap, 1888; Miss. Theta, Mississippi A. and M., 1887-92; Texas Psi, South- western, 1887-88; Iowa Sigma, Simpson, 1889-98; Conn. Alpha, Trinity, 1892-99. Halcyon Days Begin. The eighties were pro- pitious years for Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Like a strong runner, the fraternity had at last found its second wind. Moments of difficulty would come, the period of dying chapters was by no means over; but withal, the time of steady advance had set in. Atlanta Convention of 1881. The general con- vention of 1881 met at the State Capitol in Atlanta the last day of June. A charter was granted for a chapter at the University of the South. Robert H. Wildberger was re-elected editor of the Rec- ord. It forgot to elect a treasurer and Ben T. Farmer was subsequently named by the Grand Chapter. Northern Extension at 1881 Convention. Oliver Mitchell, Georgia Beta, presented the following resolution to the 1881 convention: "That every chapter in the different states lying on the line of the southern states, and all other chapters em- braced in this fraternity, be urgently requested to abolish the custom of confining this fraternity to 46 PARAGRAPH HISTORY exclusively southern states, and that they be urged to press on their work knowing no South, no North, no East, no West." William B. Walker, Georgia Beta, has written of the reception of the resolution: "Mine was not the popular speech and when I advocated the extension of the fra- ternity north of the Ohio River, my speech fell flat. If there is any honor coming to me I would rather have the distinction of this plea made, rather than be known as the founder of Tennes- see Omega. Of that act, which is undeniably mine, I am proud, but of the other I am more than proud, for though I stood alone, the subse- quent history has been my vindication." Tennessee Omega Founded. Tennessee Omega, at the University of the South, was the result of the work of William B. Walker, Georgia Beta. He obtained a charter from the 1881 convention and the first initiation was held August 20, 1881. The first ten men for the chapter were selected for Walker by the faculty of the institution. Northern Fraternities Extend South. With the coming of the eighties many northern fraternities commenced to look southward. The question of the invasion of the South by the northern fra/ ternities was always a subject frequently agitat- ed; their wealth and numbers were dwelt upon with so much gravity that it is evident it was used as a bug-a-boo by the officials of the south- ern fraternities to accelerate the activities of their chapters. When the northern fraternities did enter the South they succeeded in making the same comfortable place for themselves that the southern fraternities won when they spread through the North and became national organiza* tions. First Panhellenic Agreement. Kentucky Chi was probably the first chapter in the Greek world OF SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON 47 to formulate a Panhellenic agreement when in 1881 it brought about an agreement with its rivals not to pledge or initiate any student until six weeks after the opening of the college year. First S. A. E. Chapter House. Tennessee Omega was the first S. A. E. chapter to own its own house. One of the prettiest stories of all S. A. E. history is the starting of their chapter house fund. The chapter obtained the government con- tract for delivering the mail at the university. The members took charge in alphabetical order and served either in pairs or singly, each for one or two weeks. The mail for the university was brought by "hand and foot" power from the sta- tion a mile away. It was then sorted "on the hill" and delivered to the residents by the car- riers, who had previously carried it from the sta- tion. The chapter was ready to essay the task and pledged itself to do the work. The contract paid $110.00 a year, and Guerry, Glass, Harris, Mc- Glohon, and the rest of the chapter served. One day McGlohon, with a two bushel sack of mail on his back, met Bishop Elliott, of Texas. The Bishop said : "I want to shake your hand and tell you I am glad to hear that your boys are carry- ing this mail for your chapter. That action has raised you to the highest moral plane. You de- serve success and I want to thank you men for setting such a manly example here at Sewanee. Your chapter has not only taken a high place by this action, but you have done something for the whole student body which will last. On all sides your men are commended and with all my heart I honor you and wish your chapter success." When Chapters "Reorganized." In the seven- ties and eighties the chapters were accustomed to go through a process they called "reorganizing." The use of the term "reorganize" in that period of 48 PARAGRAPH HISTORY the fraternity's history was a peculiar one. Chap- ters did not seem to regard themselves as having incessant existence, but every college year they would pass through this reorganization proceed- ing when the college term began. If a chapter returned none of its workers there was danger that the inactivity of those who did come back would allow the chapter to drag, and even to die, while the lazy ones would excuse themselves with the specious "We have not reorganized this year." The Birth of Georgia Epsilon took place at the opening of Emory College at Oxford in the fall of 1881. Robert S. Patillo and James E. Hunnicutt were initiated by alumni during the summer. Their first initiate was Alexander J. Smith, who became a most industrious S. A. E. South Carolina Delta. The fraternity owes to the work of James G. Glass, Tennessee Omega, the South Carolina Delta chapter at the Universi- ty of South Carolina. He went to Columbia in February and interviewed President Miles, of South Carolina College, concerning the conditions under which a chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon might be established there. President Miles gave him a warm welcome. He believed in the college fraternities and in their beneficial influence in the college where they were situated, and that they also tended to draw into closer relation to each other the colleges of the country. The first two members of the chapter were William St. C. Syiri- mers and Philo H. Burney. These were initiated on the night of February 28, 1882. Kentucky Kappa Organized. Charles W. Welch, Kentucky Chi, installed Kentucky Kappa at Cen- tral University, March 4, 1882. The institution was then at Richmond, Ky., but the college has since been removed to Danville, Ky. OF SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON 49 Augusta Convention of 1882. The Augusta con- vention of 1882 of Sigma Alpha Epsilon was called to order by Major J. H. Young, of Kentucky Chi. The Grand Chapter election of the year had made him president of the Grand Chapter. The Record was continued and strengthened and J. H. Young was elected editor-in-chief. The Grand Chapter was sent back to Kentucky Chi. The Ritual in Cipher. During the fall of 1882 the first recorded effort was made to devise a cipher for the secret work of the fraternity. Caskie Harrison, Tennessee Omega, undertook this work. The cipher he submitted was a unique one. It depended upon the use of one hundred letters, which gave more than three representations of each letter of the alphabet. Various ciphers have been devised by several members of the fraternity since then, but they have never come into gen- eral use. Tennessee Zeta Founded. Samuel B. McGlohon, one of the sons of Tennessee Omega, was deter- mined to build up the fraternity in the Volunteer state, and it was his zeal which brought Tennessee Zeta into existence. McGlohon founded Tennessee Zeta at the Southwestern Presbyterian University, on November 10, 1882. Georgia Beta in 1883. Davis Freeman, Georgia Beta, wrote to John A. Harris, Tenn. Omega, in the spring of 1883, "Our chapter is probably the largest on the list (twenty-seven men). I have been a member of Georgia Beta since March 7, 1880, and during all that time I have not known more universal good fellowship. We meet every Saturday night. Georgia Beta believes that our order is now on the high road to success and is making rapid strides toward the goal of perfect and extended foothold in all the first-class col- leges in the South. To further this rapid consum- 50 PARAGRAPH HISTORY mation she believes that every chapter should be on the alert, and whenever an opening presents to seize the opportunity and fill it by establishing a branch of the S. A. E. fraternity. North Carolina Theta. North Carolina Theta was founded by Edwin G. Seibels, South Carolina Delta, May 20, 1883. Northern Extension Accomplished. The Grand Chapter sprung a surprise on the fraternity in June, 1883. For a quarter of a century the ques- tion of northern extension had been a perpetual theme of agitation. It appeared coeval with the birth of the fraternity, and since had been dis- cussed among the members in the chapters and the conventions. Even ardent friends were not prepared for the announcement made by the Grand Chapter, in June, 1883, that Sigma Alpha Epsilon had a northern chapter. Even the Grand Chapter must have been surprised at itself when it found It had established the chapter at Pennsylvania College. Attendance at a Panhellenic gathering in Philadelphia had profoundly impressed the Grand President with the strength of the northern fra- ternities and he was in accord with the northern extension idea. It was soon after this that the application for a charter came from Pennsylvania College, sometimes called Gettysburg College, on account of its location in that Pennsylvania city, The men whose names were signed were especially persistent, and it was finally decided that Russell H. Snively, the vice-president of the Grand Chapter, should be sent to Gettysburg to investigate, and he was given full authority to act. At Gettysburg he found H. B. Kline, R. R. D. Kline, Frank E. Warren, and J. F. Foust. The Kline brothers were southern boys and so knew much of Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Snively was so impressed with the prom- ise of the little group that they would build up OF SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON 51 a strong chapter, that he gave heed to their plea and initiated them. Louisville Convention of 1883. The Louisville Convention of 1883 met August 14. This conven- tion made Tennessee Omega Grand Chapter and elected William A. Guerry head of the fraternity. James G. Glass was elected Grand Treasurer. J. H. Young was continued as editor of the Record. The titles of the national officers were changed from English to quasi Greek titles. Royal Purple had added to it as a companion color old gold. New Titles for National Officers. The changes of the titles of the officers of the Grand Chapter at the 1883 convention were as follows: Grand President to Eminent Grand Archon, Grand Vice- President to Eminent Deputy Grand Archon, Grand Secretary to Eminent Grand Recorder, Grand Treasurer to Eminent Grand Treasurer, Grand Corresponding Secretary to Eminent Grand Correspondent, Grand Historian to Eminent Grand Chronicler, Grand Door-Keeper to Eminent Grand Warden, and in addition the office of Eminent Grand Herald. The Eminent Grand Archon and the Eminent Grand Treasurer came nearer to the corresponding officers of the present time than any of the others. In a large sense the Grand Treasurer for years had been the only real bona- fide national officer. The Grand President had be- gun by being head of the Grand Chapter, rather than the national fraternity. New Titles for Chapter Officers. Until the 1883 convention the chapter officers as well as the na- tional had been designated by English names. The changes for the chapter officers were: president to eminent archon, vice-president to eminent dep- uty archon, secretary to eminent recorder, corre- sponding secretary to eminent correspondent, treasurer to eminent treasurer, historian to emi- 52 PARAGRAPH HISTORY nent chronicler, door-keeper to eminent warden. The office of eminent herald, which had not ex- isted, was created. The Constitution of 1883. The national law of the present era in many respects is similar to the revised constitution of 1883. In a comparison of the regulations then and now, it will only be nec- essary to place emphasis upon the variations. The literary requirements of the chapter were as rigid as of old, and members continued to be held re- sponsible for a series of essays. Under the con- stitution of 1883 the national fraternity continued to take an active interest and provide laws for the minutiae of chapter government. The old fine of one dollar imposed on an active member of a chapter who refused to accept any office to which he was elected was retained. The power to organ- ize new chapters was vested in both the Grand Chapter and the general convention. Chapter Correspondence Continued. One of the duties of the Eminent Correspondent in 1883 was to write at least once a month to the Grand Chapter, and to every other chapter at least once every two weeks. This constitution for the first time required the filing of a membership blank with the Grand Chapter. When a Prater Died in 1883. The general laws of the fraternity in 1883 required that when a chapter member died, that the surviving members should immediately convene, pass suitable resolu- tions and appoint a committee to take charge of the body. All members were required to wear their badges covered with black crepe. It was provided that the members acting as pall bearers should be dressed in full black and wear a white scarf extending from the left shoulder across the breast and back to the right hip-bone, and from there fall to the knee-joint. OF SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON 53 Ritual Part of Constitution. The laws of the fraternity and its ritual continued in 1883 to be published under the same cover; they were still more or less interwoven, although certain portions of the ritual which formerly had been included were now omitted, and had been since the con- vention of 1879, which had directed that the most intimate secrets of the fraternity should not be put in print. The unprinted portions, which were circulated among the chapters in writing, came to be generally known as "secret portion of the ritual," or sometimes as the "secret portion of the constitution." Northern Extension Opposed. Although, in 1883, Pennsylvania Delta had been founded and the fraternity had crossed the Mason and Dixon line, there remained a minority who constantly agitated against northern extension. They claimed the fra- ternity was large enough. There were now sixteen active chapters. Some of them knew nothing of the other chapters. There were grave doubts as to whether the fraternity should establish chapters anywhere until it was on a stronger and surer basis. The duty of the fraternity was to improve the chapters it had by making them correspond more regularly with each other. Admitting, how- ever, that extension might be advisable, the South and not the North was the place to extend. To go into a northern college would mean to lower the standard of the fraternity by taking unworthy men. Finally, the memories of the war were stiii rife and the two sections could not get along in the same organization. Such were the arguments used by the opponents of northern extension. New Editor of The Record. J. H. Young, Ken- tucky Chi, resigned the editorship of the Record immediately after the 1883 convention, and William A. Guerry acted as editor for the next two num- 54 PARAGRAPH HISTORY bers. Piromis Bell, Georgia Beta, was chosen as editor early in 1884. Florida Upsilon Founded. Florida Upsilon was organized by Milton Bryan, Georgia Epsilon, who had entered the University of Florida. The first men were initiated Feb. 11, 1884. The chapter did not continue but was revived Feb. 13, 1915, and started its new career with fine prospects. Missouri Alpha Established. James C. Preston, Tennessee Omega, was sent to Columbia by Guerry, the E. G. A., to establish Missouri Alpha at the University of Missouri. The installation was on May 27, 1884. Texas Rho Organized. Texa Rho was founded by Thomas C. Barrett, June 10, 1884, at the Uni- versity of Texas. The Ritual Revised. William A. Guerry, E. G. A., revised the ritual of the fraternity in 1884. He had taken De Votie's work and had added to it. Athens Convention of 1884. S. A. E. met in convention at Athens, Ga., July 27, 1884. For the first time in the history of the fraternity a delegate from a northern chapter was present. Tennessee Omega was continued as Grand Chapter. Georgia Beta was intrusted with the publication of a cata- logue. The Oxford gown was adopted as an initia- tion robe. William A. Guerry was continued as E. G. A., James G. Glass as E. G. T. and Piromis Bell as editor of The Record. Chapter Names Improved. One of the practical acts of the 1884 convention was to prefix the state name to the chapter letter. For the purpose of clearness in writing this history, we have fol- lowed this custom but in so doing have commit- ted an anachronism. Before this rule was adopted, it had forced its way in several instances into practice. OF SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON 65 Glass Becomes E. G. A. A month after the 1884 convention William A. Guerry, who had faithfully served as Eminent Grand Archon, was graduated from the University of the South, and removed from the seat of the Grand Chapter. James G. Glass was elevated to this place by the Grand Chapter, and Samuel B. McGlohon was elected Eminent Grand Treasurer. First State Convention. The South Carolina State Association of Sigma Alpha Epsilon was organized at Columbia, S. C., Nov. 7, 1884. This was the first state association of Sigma Alpha Ep- silon. Northern Extension Triumphant. Ohio Sigma was born April 4, 1885, and with its advent into the fraternity the question of northern extension was a settled fact. Ohio Sigma was to wear the laurels of a pioneer in the north and become the progeni- tor of a line of chapters. Fraternity Conditions in 1885. The Grand Chap- ter had studied conditions in the North and knew there was a big harvest for the fraternity which would enter and possess the land. Although the West in 1885 had many fraternities, their chapter rolls were not at all large and many of the im- portant schools had but two or three chapters. Sigma Alpha Epsilon was enabled by this condi- tion to enter many colleges either ahead or at the identical time that they were entered by fra- ternities indigenous to the soil. In other instances it was there so immediately after that the differ- ence gave no advantage to the others. Institu- tions like the University of Cincinnati, the Uni- versity of Colorado, Denver University, University of Missouri, Iowa State College had only one rivai fraternity when Sigma Alpha Epsilon entered. Washington University, Boston University, the University of Nebraska, Purdue, Bucknell had only 56 PARAGRAPH HISTORY two or three chapters. Many were like Illinois, which had seven, the University of California, which had nine, Allegheny, which had four. Oth- ers were plainly lacking in enough chapters to ac- commodate the fraternity material and the witness to this is the large influx of fraternities into these schools since the entrance of Sigma Alpha Ep- silon. Effect of Increased College Attendance. There has been a greater factor than the lack of rival chapters which has aided Sigma Alpha Epsilon in its winning of the West. During the years that have followed 1885, the attendance at all the northern colleges has wonderfully increased. Col- leges which then had two hundred and three hun- dred students have become universities with two thousand and three thousand students. Northern Extension Proceeds. Pennsylvania Delta came in 1887, Ohio Sigma in 1885. Two years later the start was made in earnest. Michigan Alpha at Adrian College was the first fruits. Two months later Pennsylvania Omega at Allegheny College, flung aloft the purple and gold banner. Then Ohio Delta at Ohio Wesleyan University ap- peared. S. A. E. in 1885. William E. Wooten wrote from Georgia Beta, where he was E. A. to the E. G. A., in September, 1885, a letter which has some interesting data about S. A. E. at that time. "On examining the old catalogue and other pa- pers and Records in my possession I find that to send one to each of the alumni we should have at least 1,400 circulars. This is a rough guess, but it is the lowest number at which I would like to place it. I really believe that our living alumni num- ber 1,500 or in that neighborhood." Two Chapters Revived. North Carolina Xi at the University of North Carolina, which had slept OF SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON 57 since the civil war, was revived the Commencement Week of 1885 at Chapel Hill, and the following October, South Carolina Gamma, which had had a brief career ten years before at Wofford College, came to life again. Nashville Convention of 1885. The Nashville Convention of 1885 convened Oct. 20. James G. Glass, as E. G. A., called the convention to order. Tenn. Omega was to relinquish the reins of govern- ment and go down in the history of the fraternity .as the last of the Grand Chapters. Glass in his re- port, speaking of the change of government, said, "The varied duties and the constant and unwearied attention which the management and supervision of thirty-five active chapters, spread over a section of country extending from Missouri to Texas, from Florida to Ohio, entails upon the officers of the Grand Chapter more work than they can per- form as college students. Whatever may be the zeal and willingness of any chapter in the cause of Sigma Alpha Epsilon, it is not right to saddle a number of young men, who have been sent away from home to receive an education, with the management of a large and growing fraternity." The system of government by a Supreme Council was adopted. The Supreme Council Plan. The new system of government adopted by the 1885 convention pro- vided that the convention should elect a Supreme Council, consisting of six members. The chairman of this council was to be the official head of the fraternity, and also its national secretary and treasurer. His title was to be Eminent Supreme Archon. The members of the council were re- quired to be residents of the same city. The Emi- nent Supreme Archon of 1885 was, in effect, the sole administrative officer, the other members of the Supreme Council having little or nothing to do with the control of affairs. 58 PARAGRAPH HISTORY The First E. S. A. Thomas S. Mell, Georgia Beta, was elected by the 1885 convention as the first Eminent Supreme Archon of Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Province System Instituted. The Supreme Coun- cil was directed by the 1885 convention to divide the fraternity into provinces of from four to eight chapters each, and to appoint one of the chap- ters in each division the Grand Chapter of the province. The plan as adopted contained a provi- sion that each chapter of the fraternity must cor- respond monthly with every other chapter of the fraternity. The First Provinces. The Eminent Supreme Archon announced the arrangement of the six prov- inces with the Grand Chapter for each, Nov. 15, 1916. They were named with the letters of the English alphabet. The arrangement of the prov- inces was as follows: Province A, Georgia Beta, Grand Chapter, Georgia Epsilon, Georgia Psi; Province B, South Carolina Delta, Grand Chapter, South Carolina Gamma, South Carolina Mu; Prov- ince C, North Carolina Theta, Grand Chapter, North Carolina Xi, Virginia Omicron, Virginia Sigma, Virginia Tau, Virginia Pi; Province D, Kentucky Chi, Grand Chapter, Kentucky Epsilon, Kentucky Kappa, Ohio Sigma, Missouri Alpha; Province E, Tennessee Zeta, Grand Chapter, Ten- nessee Eta, Tennessee Lambda, Tennessee Nu, Ten- nessee Omega; Province F, Mississippi Gamma, Grand Chapter, Texas Rho, Alabama Iota. In 1893, the Chattanooga convention substituted Greek letters. The Province Archons. Archons appointed to supervise the new provinces were: Prov- ince A, Peyton H. Snook, Georgia Beta; Province B, William H. Thomas, South Carolina Delta; Province C, Oscar L. Clark, North Carolina Theta; OF SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON 59 Province D, Richard J. Owen, Kentucky Chi; Prov- ince E, William B. White. Mississippi was Grand Chapter of Province F. The Eminent Archons of the province Grand Chapters were the Eminent Grand Archons of the provinces. Atlanta Convention of 1886. The Atlanta con- vention of 1886 was in session three days, opening August 24th. A special constitutional convention was provided for. Thomas S. Mell was re-elected E. S. A. Tennessee Omega Keystone Laid. It was a happy day for Tennessee Omega and an auspici- ous one for the fraternity, Oct. 23, 1886, when the Sewanee chapter had a ceremonial laying of the keystone to its chapter house. It was the first house to be owned by a chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Harry Bunting Initiated. Harry Bunting went to Clarksville to college and Tennessee Zeta in- itiated him in the fall of 1886. He was only a little preparatory school boy, but he had two older brothers, Robert and William, in the chap- ter and Greek society methods were easier in those days. George Bunting, the fourth brother, was initiated five years later. The Catalogue of 1886. The catalogue' of 1886 was a handsome publication, comprehensive in its matter, and as a piece of book-making was some- thing of which to be proud. This volume has al- ways been called the catalogue of 1886, because this was the year that Georgia Beta completed the manuscript. It came from the press the spring of 1887. The Third Northern Chapter. A new-risen star in the North marked the early days of 1887. Michigan Alpha, at Adrian College, commenced to glitter in the S. A. E. constellation January 22. Pennsylvania Omega Founded. Four chums at 60 PARAGRAPH HISTORY Allegheny College in 1885 formed the C. O. V., and it prospered and occupied so prominent a place in the college world at Meadville that its need of a charter from the national fraternity was impressed upon it. The application for a charter to S. A. E. was made in December, 1886. The charter was issued and on March 5th the chapter was installed. Constitutional Convention of 1887. The conven- vention of 1886 had authorized a constitutional convention. It was held Dec. 27, 1887, at Colum- bia, S. C., and its work consisted in a codification of the existing laws. Two National Conventions. The national con- vention held at Columbia, S. C., in 1887 met Dec. 28, the day after the holding of the constitutional convention. Thomas S. Mell was re-elected E. S. A. and John G. Capers, South Carolina Lambda, was elected editor of The Board. The national con- vention of 1888 was held at Nashville. A charter was granted for a chapter at the University of Michigan. Thomas S. Mell was re-elected E. S. A. and John G. Capers was re-elected editor of The Record. Ohio Delta Founded. Ohio Delta was the only chapter to come into the fraternity in 1888. The chapter was organized through Ira Leighley, who* the year before had been a student at Mt. Union. The chapter was installed the evening of Novem- ber 16th. Later the chapter initiated Albert M. Austin, whose services to the fraternity were to be invaluable. Michigan lota-Beta Founded. The northern Ar. gonauts of Sigma Alpha Epsilon set sail from the ports of every chapter as the last decade of the nineteenth century grew near. They were not mere scatterlings, nor even adventurers, but schol- OF SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON 61 ars, who, as they went from the seat of their mother chapter to other institutions, carried with them the flame of love and loyalty to Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Such was Frederick G. Cadwell, a mem- ber of Michigan Alpha, who in the fall of 1888 entered the University of Michigan. Michigan has ever been a fruitful field for fraternities, and it was not long before Cadwell had surrounded him- self with a little group which petitioned Sigma Alpha Epsilon for a charter. The petition was signed by Edward C. Nichols, Albert Z. Horning, Frederick R. Angell, Charles J. Barr, Frederick E. Wood. The granting of the charter waited upon the action of the Nashville convention of 1888, where affirmative action was taken. The date of the installation of the chapter was January 12, 1889. From this chapter came two national offi- cers: Judge A. J. Tuttle, Honorary Eminent Su- preme Archon, and Elmer B. Sanford, editor of The Record. Greek Meets Greek. The fraternity world was enlivened in the autumn of 1889 by a dispute which arose between the S. A. E. and the Chi Phi chapter at the University of Georgia. Each claimed the other was initiating men before they were matriculated. Chi Phi challenged S. A. E. to battle, but declared that S. A. E. must not choose revolvers. B. C. Collier, of Georgia Beta, and one of the Chi Phi members had a personal en- counter in which the purple and gold banner maintained its supremacy. Ohio Epsilon Established. Henry Dannenbaum, of Virginia Pi, was visiting friends in Cincinnati in 1889 and met a number of students of the University of Cincinnati. He obtained a charter from the Eminent Supreme Archon for a chapter. So it was that Ohio Epsilon came into being No- vember 22, 1889. The popular S. A. E. song, "Sing, Brothers, Sing," was written by George H. 62 PARAGRAPH HISTORY Kress and others of this chapter. Albrecht F. Leue, E. S. D. A., is a son of Ohio Epsilon. S. A. E. in 1889. Sigma Alpha Epsilon was grow- ing and prospering in 1889. It had thirty-two ac- tive chapters and thirteen alumni associations. Charlotte Convention of 1889. When the Char- lotte, S. C., convention came, it was bothered very little by either politics or business. It was the gayest kind of a gay social event. The North Carolina alumni had exerted themselves beyond measure to entertain the delegates and they met with brilliant success. The sessions of the con- vention were called to order December 26th. Mell was re-elected Eminent Supreme Archon, and Capers, editor of The Record by unanimous votes. A charter was granted the Georgia School of Technology. Supreme Council in 1890. The members of the Supreme Council in 1890 were B. C. Collier, Guy C. Hamilton, D. S. Sanford, James G. Basinger, Edward W. Charbonnier, with Thomas S. Mell as E. S. A. W have already indicated that the Su- preme Council methods of that day were very different from the present, when each member of the council is the head of a department, while in 1890, its operations were as described by Col- lier, "We simply met from time to time and en- dorsed whatever the Eminent Supreme Archon had done." The Extension Movement. At the beginning of the last decade of the nineteenth century, the various chapters showed that while they were not neglecting building up their own vitality, they were keenly interested in the extension move- ment then going on in the fraternity. H. H. Cow- an expressed very vividly the temper of the fra- ternity concerning extension in these words: "No one will believe that a few good chapters are OF SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON 63 preferable to many good ones. If we look at our rivals we will see that the strongest are the most aggressive, and although some of them have a chapter roll twice the length of ours, yet they do not consider that they have chapters enough, but on the contrary lose no favorable opportunity of adding another. No fraternity ever grew strong by ceasing to grow. The successful carrying out of a wise extension policy cannot fail to add ma- terially in the successful solution of other prob- lems. Georgia Phi Begins Career. George Freeman, a brother of Henry and Davis Freeman, of Georgia Beta, entered the Georgia School of Technology in 1889. Encouraged by his brothers, and by the Georgia Beta men, Freeman industriously worked on building a local. It was upon his work that the Charlotte convention based its grant of a charter. Collier went to Atlanta and on March 8, 1890, initiated Freeman and his men. This chap- ter has given the fraternity two Eminent Supreme Archons, G. Hendree Harrison and Floyd Furlow, as well as Charles Frederick Stone, an Eminent Supreme Treasurer. Pennsylvania Sigma-Phi. A boyhood friend of H. H. Cowan's, Chester N. Ames, entered Dickin- son College. Between then and the time of the birth of the chapter, Ames had fifty letters from Cowan, filled with advice, direction and sugges- tion about founding a chapter. Ames, believing that the time for action had come, when the col- lege opened in September, 1890, pledged George P. Singer and Thurston M. Simmons. Nine others were brought into the band, and than they met and signed a petition for a charter from Sigma Alpha Epsilon. The charter was forthcoming, and October llth was named as the day to install the chapter. This duty was assigned to Cowan. Stanley Rinehart came to assist in the ceremo- 64 PARAGRAPH HISTORY nies. The other fraternities were soon aware of the presence of a new band of Greeks, and that night, soon after the S. A. E.'s had returned to their rooms in the dormintory, their Greek friends sent ringing through the hall: "Rah, rah, rah, Dickinson! Sigma Alpha Epsilon." Cincinnati Convention of 1890. The Cincinnati convention of 1890 will always be distinguished as the first national convention held in the North. The convention opened December 29. The con- stitution was amended so that instead of the mem- bers of the Supreme Council being all residents of the same city, at least one was to be elected from each province. The Supreme Council was em- powered to choose a chapter to publish a cata- logue. Thomas S. Mell announced his retirement as E. S. A. John G. Capers, South Carolina Lamb- da, was chosen to succeeed him. H. H. Cowan was elected editor of The Record. The new mem- bers of the Supreme Council, one being chosen from each province, were: Province A, Stanley Hugh Dent; Province B, Benjamin H. Harvin; Province C, R. P. Mahon; Province D, Frederick L. Taft and Charles E. Burnham. At the banquet William L. Lowrie responded to the toast: "Let the Limits of Our Growth be Only the Nation's Boundaries," a sentiment which was frequently quoted throughout the fraternity for several years after. Constitution of 1891. The 1891 constitution provided for the annual conventions, and retained the old provision which allowed a chapter to send from one to ten delegates to a convention. The voting on the various questions was by chapters, with each chapter entitled to one vote. The con- stitution of 1891 provided for a Supreme Council of six members; each province was entitled to one of these. The Supreme Council had the power, which now is vested in only the national OF SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON 65 convention, of granting charters, although where they were issued by the Supreme Council that body was required to have the consent of the chapters. Colorado Chi was founded at the University of Colorado, April 11, 1891. Rise of New York Alpha. William A. Clarke was a Cornell student, who desired a chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon there. In the Spring of 1891, discovering that there was a chapter of Sima Alpha Epsilon at Allegheny College, he wrote to Pennsylvania Omega inquiring the necessary steps to present a petition to the fraternity, and soliciting the support of that chapter. A prompt reply came from Meadville with the necessary instructions and assurances of support. In the middle of April Clarke received word that Pennsylvania Omega had secured the charter, and that Elmer Higley, of the chapter, was coming to install the chapter. Higley arrived on the evening of April 22, and after dinner he initiated the three men in the parlors of the Ithaca Hotel. This chapter has given the fraternity many fine workers. Among these have been Don R. Almy, E. S. A., and author of the S. A. E. Stand- ard Accounts and Charles P. Wood, editor of The Record for two terms. Colorado Zeta Appears. Colorado Zeta is the child of Colorado Chi. It was installed December 18, 1891, at Denver University, and named by the Colorado Chi men "Zeta," in honor of Harry Bunk ing's chapter, Tennessee Zeta. One of the char r ter members of the chapter was George D. Kim- ball, who served the fraternity as E. S. A. and E. S. T. Work Started on 1893 Catalogue. Pennsylvania Sigma-Phi was selected in 1891 by the Supreme Council to edit and publish the catalogue. Atlanta Convention of 1891. The Atlanta Con- 66 PARAGRAPH HISTORY vention of 1891 did many things. It separated uie ritual and the constitution, it authorized the puo- lication of the Phi Alpha, it adopted the violet as the S. A. E. flower, it divided the office of E. S. A. and E. S. T., and it forbade the initiation of hon- orary members It met December 28. Harry Bunt- ing was unanimously tendered the position of E. S. A., but declined. J. Washington Moore, Tennessee Nu, was elected E. S. A.; John G. Capers was elected E. S. T. and H. H. Cowan was re-elected editor. The law was again changed as to membership on the Supreme Council, it being provided that the executive power of the fraternity shall be vested in a Supreme Council consisting of six members, and the officers of this Supreme Council shall be an Eminent Supreme Archon, an Eminent Su- preme Treasurer, and four Province Presidents, to be elected one from each province. The Mother Chapter. One of the cherished hopes of Harry Bunting was to see the mother chapter of the fraternity revived. The attempt of 1886, which had had so much promise, had been short- lived. Bunting spent the summer of 1891 at Flor- ence, Ala., and while there he met William M. Adams, an Alabama student. He agreed to en- deavor to re-establish Alabama Mu and Bunting assisted by a company of S. A. E.'s' initiated him, August 25. Adams returned to Tuscaloosa with the opening of the college year. He soon gathered a group of others about him and Alabama Mu lived again. Recovery of the Original Minutes. Very little was known of the early history of the fraternity in the nineties. Harry Bunting realized the value of such knowledge and went to Tuscaloosa in search of anything which would cast light on the first days of S. A. E. In an old garret, forgotten by their keeper, he found the original minutes of the mother chapter containing the records of every meeting from March 9, 1856, until that eventful OF SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON 67 farewell meeting, January 9, 1858. They had been lost for thirty-four years. The 8. A. E. Yell. Its official form as adopted in 1892 is: "Phi Alpha Alicazee! Phi Alpha Alicazon! Sigma Alpha ! Sigma Alpha ! Sigma Alpha Epsilon ! Rah rah! Bon ton! Sigma Alpha Epsilon! Rah rah! Bon ton! Sigma Alpha Epsilon! Ruh rah! Ruh rah! Ruh rah ree! Run rah! Ruh rah! S. A. E." The Bunting Specials. Certain printings became known in the fraternity as "the Bunting Specials." Harry Bunting was learning the printers' trade in the composing room of the Atlanta Constitution as a means of getting a grip on the publishing busi- ness. He finished work at four o'clock in the morning and then would write an S. A. E. bulletin of five hundred or a thousand words, and then reel- ing off as many copies as he wished to use, would mail them at dawn. The Extension Year. The year 1892 is destined to be remembered in the annals of Sigma Alpha Epsilon. It was a year of magnificent chapter building such as the fraternity had never seen be- fore. Eight chapters were founded and their or- ganization gave Sigma Alpha Epsilon a chain which reached from the shores of the Atlantic to the shores of the Pacific. Indiana Alpha Born. First of the many chapters established in 1892 was Indiana Alpha, which was installed at Franklin College February 10. California Alpha Founded. When Stanford Uni- versity opened its doors in 1891 there were two loyal sons of Minerva on the coast who were deeply interested in seeing a chapter of the fraternity instituted at Palo Alto. William Mack and Edwin Du Bose Smith were the men of the hour for 68 PARAGRAPH HISTORY Sigma Alpha Bpsilon at Stanford. They pledged the men who became the charter members of Cali- fornia Alpha on March 5, 1892. Missouri Beta Nascent. The Knights of the Green Umbrella was a local society at Washing- ton University in 1892 which, joining with another local, became the R. S. R. and then a chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon. The chapter was installed April 30, 1892. S. A. E. in New England. H. C. Burger of Ohio Sigma and George K. Denton of Ohio Delta had entered Boston University. They scanned the field watching for an advantage. A spark was needed to kindle the flame, and that spark came in the person of Harry Bunting, who was in New York City. He came and stayed a week with Burger and Denton. Massachusetts Beta-Upsilon at Boston University was commenced carefully and systematically. The first man was pledged. With the work started, Bunting returned to New York City. The Ohio men continued the work and succeeded in adding five others. The chapter be- came Beta-Upsilon, the two letters representing the name of the school. April 29 ought to be a memorable day in the calendar of New England S. A. E.'s. Then the first chapter was established. Pennsylvania Alpha-Zeta Initiated. The found- ing of Pennsylvania Alpha-Zeta came about in this way. George H. Bunting was visiting his ma- ternal grandfather in Steubenville, Ohio, when he came in touch with H. H. Cowan. When Cowan told Bunting of negotiations he had with George L. W. Price of Pittsburgh, a student at Pennsyl- vania State College, looking to the founding of a chapter, Bunting at once joined forces with Cowan. Stanley M. Rinehart, another Michigan Alpha Man, who lived in Pittsburgh, lent his good offices to the work and in the meantime Price was OF SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON 69 not idle at the State College. He pledged eight good fellows whom Cowan and Rinehart met at Bellefont and initiated. The chapter was named Alpha-Zeta in honor of the chapters of Cowan and Bunting. Genesis of Ohio Theta. William L. Cleland, who had been a student at Mt. Union College and knew Sigma Alpha Epsilon there was the organizer of Ohio Theta. He pledged a fine company of fel- lows. The most absolute secrecy was maintained about the formation of the chapter and it was the intention to allow no word of its coming to escape until the third of June, the date of its installation. The chapter had fourteen charter members. Connecticut Alpha was installed at Trinity Col- lege, Hartford, November 11, 1892. L. J. Doolittle of New York Alpha was the founder of the chap- ter. The chapter disbanded in 1899. inauguration of Massachusetts lota-Tau. Massa- chusetts lota-Tau came into the fraternity at Thanksgiving time. Its birthday was November 25, 1892. Beginning in late November with four charter men, the chapter had nineteen in June. It took the initial letters of its college for its name. Leslie W. Millar, one of its early members, has served as Eminent Supreme Recorder. The Auburndales. The second initiation of Massachusetts lota-Tau was held at the Woodlawn Hotel, Auburndale, Mass., December 30, 1892. It grew to be the custom for the New England chap- ters to gather here and hold their joint initiations. The events took on the name "Auburndales." The Hustler. The private publication of the fraternity now known as the Phi Alpha was first called The Hustler. Harry Bunting and George Bunting, his brother, were the founders of this magazine. It appeared September 1, 1892. 70 PARAGRAPH HISTORY Ohio State Association of S. A. E. The Ohio State Association of S. A. E. was organized at Co- lumbus, June 3, 1892, and H. Lindale Smith was elected president. As the S. A. E.'s were gathered at the banquet table that evening their distin- guished brother, William McKinley, appeared to express his regrets that he could not enjoy the banquet with them as he was leaving for Minne- apolis to preside over the Republican National Con- vention. | Province Delta in 1892. Province Delta in 1892 had twenty chapters. The most eastern was Massachusetts Beta-Upsilon and the most western California Alpha. Chattanooga Convention of 1892. The Chatta- nooga Convention of 1892 was December 28. The convention provided that the Supreme Council should be composed of the Eminent Supreme Archon, Eminent Supreme Treasurer, the Editor of The Record and two alumni. A new honorary archonship was established to be designated Past Eminent Supreme Archon. The province was re- districted. A fraternity flag was adopted. J. Wash- ington Moore was re-elected E. S. A., H. H. Cowan was re-elected Editor and Albert M. Austin was elected E. S. T. The Fraternity Flag. The S. A. E. flag adopted by the Chattanooga convention was from a design offered by H. H. Cowan. The background of the flag is royal purple with a corner of old gold, the size and shape of the corner being the same as the blue field in the American flag. Upon the gold corner appears the letters 4> A in royal purple. In the center of the purple field are the letters 2 A E in gold. Immediately beneath the gold cor- ner are the golden stars, one for each founder. The Honorary Eminent Supreme Archon. The act creating the office of Past Eminent Supreme OF SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON 71 Archon provided that it should be filled by a dis- tinguished alumnus. This office still remains in the National laws but the 1909 convention changed the title from Past Eminent Supreme Archon to Honorary Eminent Supreme Archon. It has been filled by Postmaster-General William L. Wilson, Washington City Rho, 1892-1898; Justice C. B. Howry, Mississippi Gamma, of the U. S. Court of Claims, 1898-1904; Secretary of War Jacob M. Dickinson, Tennessee Nu, 1904-1906; John B. Ru- dulph, Alabama Mu, last surviving founder, 1906- 1909; William C. Levere, Illinois Psi-Omega, Fra- ternity Historian, 1909; Governor Albert Gilchrist, North Carolina Rho-Rho, 1910; William C. Levere, Illinois Psi-Omega, Fraternity Historian, 1910-1912; Bishop William A. Guerry, Tennessee Omega, 1912- 1914; Federal Judge Arthur J. Tuttle, Michigan Iota-Beta, 1914-1916. New Province Boundaries. The convention of 1892 made a thorough re-districting of the prov- inces increasing the number from four to seven. Entrance of Massachusetts Gamma. Massachu- setts Gamma, at Harvard University, was in- stalled March 17, 1893. The initiation was held at Auburndale, Massachusetts. Gamma has been rep- resented on the Supreme Council by two Eminent Supreme Recorders, Howard P. Nash and Edward H. Virgin, and by two editors of The Record, Her- bert Lakin and Edward Mellus. Indiana Beta Arises. Harold U. Wallace must always be regarded as the first man in the his- tory of Indiana Beta of Sigma Alpha Epsilon at Purdue University. In 1893 the Lafayette school had only five fraternities, though the material for chapters was plentiful. Wallace was one of a number who decided to bring a new charter to the university. He had heard of Sigma Alpha Epsilon and of the chapter at Franklin College. 72 PARAGRAPH HISTORY Wallace wrote to Carl D. Hazelton, of the Frank- lin chapter, and received a letter generously prom- ising all the support that Indiana Alpha was capa- ble of giving. A charter was secured, and on May 18th the chapter was initiated by an installing committee which came from Franklin. Dawn of Nebraska Lambda-Pi. Arthur J. Tuttle, Michigan Iota-Beta, received a letter from Miss Lola Paddock in the college year of 1892-3 urging a chapter of S. A. E. at the University of Ne- braska where she was a student. The year be- fore she had been at Michigan and the two were friends. Tuttle opened a correspondence with Willard P. Bross, whose name Miss Paddock had sent him. Bross, obedient to directions from Tut- tle, gathered his friends in close bonds. A char- ter was granted. The name for the new chapter was easily decided. The initial letters of Miss Paddock's name were chosen, and the chapter became Nebraska Lambda-Pi, May 26, 1893. The Inception of Pennsylvania Zeta came through efforts of J. M. Vastine and John I. Robi- son, both of Pennsylvania Alpha-Zeta. The in- stallation was June 14, 1893. The Catalogue of 1893. Pennsylvania Sigma-Phi issued the 1893 Catalogue. The catalogue showed the membership of the chapters in 1893 was: Georgia Beta, 252; Tennessee Nu, 169; Tennessee Lambda, 168; Kentucky Chi, 159; Georgia Phi, 141; Virginia Omicron, 133; Ohio Sigma, 121; Ala- bama Iota, 113; Tennessee Omega, 101; South Carolina Phi, 95; Tennessee Eta, 93; Tennessee Zeta, 93; Virginia Sigma, 90; North Carolina Xi, 87; Mississippi Gamma, 82; Georgia Delta, 74; North Carolina Theta, 72; South Carolina Delta, 71; Alabama Alpha-Mu, 70; Texas Rho, 70; Penn- sylvania Omega, 62; Alabama Mu, 59; Kentucky Kappa, 59; Georgia Epsilon, 55; Mississippi OF SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON 73 Theta, 54; Michigan Alpha, 53; Michigan Iota-Beta, 48; Virginia Pi, 48; Missouri Alpha, 47; Kentucky Iota, 46; South Carolina Mu, 44; Washington City Rho, 42; Georgia Pi, 40; South Carolina Gamma, 38; Tennessee Kappa, 35; Tennessee Lambda- Omega, 32; Ohio Delta, 30; Iowa Sigma, 30; South Carolina Lambda, 28; Georgia Phi, 27; Alabama Beta-Beta, 26; Louisiana Epsilon, 24; Texas Theta, 23; Ohio Epsilon, 22; New York Alpha, 22; Penn- sylvania Sigma-Phi, 21; Louisiana Zeta, 19; In- diana Alpha, 19; Pennsylvania Delta, 18; Ohio Theta, 16; Virginia Kappa, 16; Pennsylvania Al- pha-Zeta, 16; Mississippi Zeta, 15; Missouri Beta, 15; Colorado Alpha, 15; Colorado Chi, 14; Con- necticut Alpha, 14; Georgia Eta, 13; Massachu- setts Gamma, 13; North Carolina Rho-Rho, 12; Colorado Zeta, 12; Massachusetts Beta-Upsilon, 12; Virginia Upsilon, 11; Virginia Tau, 10; Florida Upsilon, 10; Kentucky Alpha, 9; Kentucky Epsilon, 9; Texas Psi, 9; Massachusetts lota-Tau, 9; South Carolina Upsilon, 8; Nebraska Lambda-Pi* 8'; Pennsylvania Zeta, 7; Indiana Beta, 6. Pittsburgh Convention of 1893. The Pittsburgh- convention of 1893 was the second national con- vention of the fraternity held in a northern city. Little was accomplished beyond the routine of official and committee report submitted and acted upon. All the old officers were returned, except Cowan, who could not continue for business rea- sons. J. Washington Moore as E. S. A., Albert M. Austin as E. S. T. H. C. Burger was elected Editor of The Record. The two alumni members of the council chosen were Harry Bunting and H. H. Cowan. The S. A. E. Friars At Work. The map of the United States hung on the wall of the apartments where Harry and George Bunting lived in At- lanta, took on a different aspect as the nineteenth 74 PARAGRAPH HISTORY century advanced Into the nineties. It hung there with golden-headed pins stuck wherever there was an S. A. E. chapter, white pins wherever the Buntings believed there should be one, and black pins where there was a dead chapter. In the last few years many of the white and some of the black had been replaced by ones with the golden heads. Early in 1894, matters took on a new as- pect. Harry Bunting had moved to Chicago, and was looking about for new worlds to conquer, while George Bunting was resolved that the chapr ters in the lower Mississippi valley should be strengthened by new additions. The Six Brothers. Mississippi Gamma has al- ways done her duty in binding family ties with fraternity ties, for among the young initiates of the Oxford chapter in 1894, was Edgar B. Provine, the youngest of six brothers, all of whom had donned the pin at the University of Mississippi. These six hold the record: John W. Provine, Mississippi Gamma, '88; Charles C. Provine, Mis- sissippi Gamma, '90; Robert F. Provine, Mississippi Gamma, '90; George H. Provine, Mississippi Gam- ma, '92; James N. Provine, Mississippi Gamma, '94; Edgar B. Provine, '96. A Leader in Fraternal Ethics. Sigma Alpha Epsilon was to take a forward step in fraternity ethics in 1894 which should speak well for the principles and high ground on which it stood. Few have followed her even to this day. The action of Sigma Alpha Epsilon in adopting a constitutional amendment forbidding the initiation into the fraternity of any man who had ever been a member of any other college frar ternity was in accord with her traditions and principles. Rise of Massachusetts Delta. Massachusetts Delta, the new chapter at Worcester Polytechnic, OF SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON 75 received its introduction to Sigma Alpha Epsilon at "Auburndale." It was also the occasion of the New England celebration of Pounders' Day, 1894. The initiation was the largest up to that time ever held by the fraternity. The new chapter presented twenty-two neophites, and in addition to these Massachusetts Beta-Upsilon had five, Massachusetts lota-Tau six, and Massachusetts Gamma five; or thirty-nine in all. The installa- tion was conducted by Massachusetts Gamma. The date was March 10. Arkansas Alpha-Upsilon Founded. George Bunt- ing organized a chapter at the University of Arkan- sas through correspondence with James D. Head, a student there. Bunting installed the chapter with seventeen charter members, July 8, 1893. Illinois Psi-Omega Founded. Illinois Psi-Omega was founded by Harry Bunting, who installed the chapter formally October 17, 1894. California Beta Inaugurated. California Beta was developed by Vance C. Osmont, Massachu- setts lota-Tau, who was in attendance at the Uni- versity of California in 1894. Twelve California Alpha men conducted the initiation, Nov. 24, 1894. The Purple and Gold Appears. The PURPLE AND GOLD appeared in December, 1894. It was the bulletin which the Ohio State Association had ordered published. It was the first periodical issued by any of the smaller bodies of the fra- ternity. Washington Convention of 1894. The Washing- ington convention of 1894 was the last of the an- nual national conventions. Its chief importance was the thorough revision of the laws of the fra- ternity. The granting of charters to Columbia and St. Stephens, the adoption of a biennial national convention, and the inauguration of giving the custody of the fraternity banners to the two 76 PARAGRAPH HISTORY chapters making the hest showing for promptness in their relations with the national fraternity, were some of the measures which had their rise at this convention. This was the last national con- vention to choose province presidents. The officers elected were: Eminent Supreme Archon, Albert M. Austin; Eminent Supreme Deputy Archon, Claudius Dockery; Eminent Supreme Recorder, Howard P. Nash; Eminent Supreme Treasurer, Champe S. Andrews; Editor of The Record, H. C. Burger. The Flags of the Fraternity. The disposition by the 1894 Convention of the two flags owned by the fraternity during the interval between the con- ventions, was a happy one. It was decided that S. A. E. flag should go to the chapter which had met its obligations to the fraternity most promptly, and that the American flag should be in the cus- tody of the chapter which stood second. At this convention the fraternity flag was given into the custody of North Carolina Xi, and the American flag to Kentucky Kappa. The awards at the suc- ceeding conventions have been: 1896, Georgia Ep- silon, North Carolina Theta; 1898, Georgia Epsilon, Arkansas Alpha-Upsilon; 1900, Massachusetts lotapTau, Arkansas Alpha-Upsilon; 1902, Colorado Zeta, Alabama Iota; 1904, Massachusetts Iota,Tau, Alabama Iota; 1906, Pennsylvania Alpha-Zeta, Alabama Iota; 1909, Pennsylvania Alpha-Zeta, Co- lorado Zeta; 1910, Pennsylvania Alpha-Zeta, Iowa Gamma; 1912,, Illinois Psi-Omega, New Yoirk Sigma-Phi; 1914, Illinois Psi-Omega, Pennsylvania Alpha-Zeta. Constitutional Changes of 1894. The national laws adopted by the 1894 convention made the Supreme Council a living reality. Two new offices were added to this body, that of Eminent Supreme Deputy Archon and Eminent Supreme Recorder. OF SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON 77 The duties of the Eminent Supreme Recorder were those of a national secretary. The corre- sponding secretary of the mother chapter in ante- bellum days is suggestive of such an office, but did not resemble it in a statistical sense. The development of the province system was one of the marked features of the revised laws. The province presidents, heretofore chosen by the na- tional conventions, were hereafter to be elected by province conventions. These conventions were to meet biennially, in alternating years with the national conventions. The province grand chap- ter was abolished. The old judicial system which, with its machinery, had proved inefficient and cumbersome, was done away with, and in its place was introduced a simple system of appeals from acts of the chapter to the province convention, thence to the Supreme Council, and finally to the national convention, which as ever was "the su- preme power of the fraternity." A Joint Installation. New York Mu at Columbia University and New York Sigma r Phi at St. Steph- en's College had received charters at the 1894 convention and they were initiated together in New York City, Feb. 21, 1895. Henry Sydnor Har- rison, a member of New York Mu, served as a mem- ber of the Supreme Council for four years as Edi- tor of The Record. New York Sigma-Phi had been a local for twenty-five years before it became a national fraternity chapter. The chapter ,has never countenanced what is known as "a rough house initiation" but in examplifi cation of the ritual has few equals in the fraternity. The Province Conventions. The fraternity had been organized into provinces for ten years be- fore a province convention was held. The aban- donment of annual national conventions in 1894 made it advisable for the provinces to meet. The 78 PARAGRAPH HISTORY first convention was held by Province Delta with Ohio Epsilon as host. The other provinces fol- lowed through the year. The first elected prov- ince presidents were Province Alpha, H. C. Lakin, Massachusetts Gamma; Beta, Henry G. Mac- Adam, New York Mu; Gamma, G. Hendree Har- rison, Georgia Phi; Delta, Arthur J. Tuttle, Michi- gan Iota-Beta; Epsilon, Clarence Bryant, Tennes- see Nu; Zeta, Harvey B. Fleming, Missouri Beta; Eta, George D. Kimball. The Fraternity Grows Rich. As the last decade of the nineteenth century went on, the fraternity treasury commenced to feel the effect of the numerous new chapters which had come into being in the past few years. With the expenses but slightly increased and the chapter roll swelling, the fraternity suddenly found itself with a surplus in its treasury. This was so unheard of that Austin, the E. S. T., was alarmed. Both he and his successor, Champe S. Andrews, Alabama Al- pha-Mu, watched the funds grow with increasing responsibility. Andrews gradually developed the idea which was ultimately adopted for the safe- guarding of the funds, which is known as the Board of Trustees' plan. A Badge for Every Initiate. The Eminent Su- preme Archon in 1895, proposed that the St. Louis convention, when it met, should arrange to pur- chase a plain gold badge in large quantities and one should be presented to every initiate. When the St. Louis convention met, this valuable con- ception was put into effect. S. A. E. Enters National Politics. For the first time a magazine of the fraternity appeared in 1896 with a political ticket at the head of its editorial column. The Phi Alpha advocated the election of two men running for national office, heading its choice: "The S. A. E. ticket. For President, Wil- OF SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON 79 liam McKinley, of Ohio Sigma; for Vice-President, Thomas Watson, of Georgia Psi." The repub- licans had nominated McKinley for President of the United States, while the populists, who had nominated William J. Bryan as their candidate for the same office, had given him as a running mate, Thomas Watson. St. Louis Convention of 1896. The St. Louis convention of 1896 was opened December 29th. It was the first biennial convention. It was dis- tinguished by the presence of John W. Kerr, one of the eight original founders of the fraternity. The convention granted charters for Louisiana Tan-Upsilon at Tulane University and Louisiana Epsilon at the University of Louisiana. The election of officers resulted in the re-election of Albert M. Austin as Eminent Supreme Archon, Howard P. Nash, as Eminent Supreme Recorder, and Champe S. Andrews, as Eminent Supreme Treasurer. Two new men were promoted to the Supreme Council in the election of Herbert C. Lakin, Massachusetts Gamma, as editor of The Record, and Harry J. Cox, of California. Alpha, as Eminent Supreme Deputy Archon. John W. Kerr at St. Louis. John W. Kerr was the first founder to attend a national convention of the fraternity when he met with the 1896 St. Louis gathering. He said to the convention: "Brothers of Sigma Alpha Epsilon. To roll back forty years of a busy life is not an easy thing to do, but you have carried me back that far, to the long past years when we were boys together in Alabama and gathered together the friendship and fashioned the bonds of brotherhood, founding this fraternity. Forty years ago was the last time I attended an initiation or took any active part in Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Yet when I met you today I was borne backward to those good times, when I, 80 PARAGRAPH HISTORY too, was a youth full of hope and ambition, and never dreamed that I should become as a sere and yellow leaf. Away back in that time of youth earnest young men met in a little brick school- house and formed the first beginning of Sigma Alpha Epsilon. As the weeks slipped by we in- itiated more friends, and when the time came in the spring for us to graduate, we had quite a company. We remain scattered to all points of the wind. But we carried in our hearts a better and nobler spirit for the bond with which we had bound ourselves. And may Sigma Alpha Epsilon always thus make her members better and nobler men." The Louisiana Chapters. Sagacious George Bunting was responsible for the Louisiana chap- ters which applied for admission to the fraternity. They were the children of a campaign he con- ducted which resembled the raid of a cavalry gen- eral in time of war. This is particularly true of his accomplishment at the Louisiana State Uni- versity, where one can scarcely refrain from laughing at his audacious success, though a re- view of what he did there will not fail to add due respect to the merriment. Bunting arrived at Baton Rouge early in the morning and advanced on the University. He had remembered the name of a student of whom a Louisiana alumnus of an- other fraternity spoke, not without lamentation, that this student had refused an invitation from his fraternity. He found the student, introduced himself and soon had him pledged. He told Bunt- ing of three other men, who like himself had been bid by the fraternities at Louisiana and had refused. By three o'clock in the afternoon, Bunt- ing had met all of these fellows, spiked and pledged them. At four o'clock he held the first meeting of the local chapter he had formed. His new compatriots named four other students they OF SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON 81 would like to have with them. Bunting again set the wheels in motion, and at six o'clock these men were enrolled. The local took the name of Phi Alpha and the first clause in its constitution pledged it to apply to Sigma Alpha Epsilon for a charter. At ten o'clock that night, George Bunt- ing was on his way to New Orleans looking for new worlds to conquer. The St. Louis convention granted the charter and Champe S. Andrews in- stalled the local as Louisiana Epsilon, Jan. 21, 1897. At the time George Bunting met with his success at Baton Rouge, there were a number of S. A. E.'s enrolled at Tulane, and were desirous for a chapter there. These were John Webb Mc- Gehee and John G. Lilly, of Alabama Iota, and John W. D. Dicks, of Tennessee Zeta. At this time George Bunting arrived in New Orleans. The other S. A. E.'s in the university and in the city were enlisted and from the non-fraternity students several available men were selected, and Bunting left the city in a few days, assured that Louisiana Tau-Upsilon, as it came to be called after Jan. 22, 1897, was on the road to success. President McKinley's S. A. E. Spirit. William McKinley, Ohio Sigma, took the oath of office as president of the United States, March 4, 1897. During the ceremony there sparkled on the lapel of his coat, a beautiful studded badge of Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Coat of Arms Adopted. The Coat of Arms of the fraternity was designed by W. L. French, Con- necticut Alpha. The Supreme Council, to whom the 1896 convention had referred it, adopted it in 1897. S. A. E. in the Spanish War. Sigma Alpha Ep- silon has had an honorable part in the foreign wars in which the American people have en- gaged in recent years. In the Spanish-American 82 PARAGRAPH HISTORY war, in the Philippine insurrection, in the Boxer rebellion, in the Moro uprising, the fraternity has had her sons, who acquitted themselves like men. There were 187 S. A. E.'s who fought in the for- eign wars at the close of the nineteenth century. Nashville Convention of 1898. The National convention which was at Nashville in 1898 was the eighth general convention of the fraternity to be held in that city. This convention reduced the Phi Alpha to a mere official bulletin, accepted a ritual entirely new, which the next convention re- pealed, granted a charter to the petitioning local at the University of Illinois and placed the grant- ing of a charter to Kentucky State College in the hands of the Supreme Council. At the election of officers, Floyd Furlow, Georgia Phi, was elected E. S. A.; George D. Kimball, Colorado Zeta, E. S. D. A.; Howard P. Nash, E. S. R.; G. Hendree Har- rison, E. S. T., and Herbert C. Lakin, Editor of The Record. Beginnings of Illinois Beta. Illinois Beta was installed at the University of Illinois, Jan. 28, 1899. The chapter has furnished an E. S. D. A. to the fraternity in the person of Carl E. Sheldon. A Supreme Council Change. Herbert C. Lakin, Massachusetts Gamma, resigned the editorship of the Record in October, 1899. The Supreme Coun- cil elected Edward Mellus, Massachusetts Gam- ma, to the position. The Entrance of Kentucky Epsilon of Kentucky State College into the fraternity was on Feb. 10, 1900. Resignation of the Eminent Supreme Recorder. Howard P. Nash resigned as Eminent Supreme Recorder, September 30, 1900. Edward H. Virgin, Massachusetts Gamma, was appointed to the va- cancy. Province Presidents In 1900. Five province OF SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON 83 conventions met 1 1900 and selected as province presidents, Province Alpha, James A. Stetson, Massachusetts lota-Tau; Beta, Watson B. Selvage, New York Sigma-Phi; Delta, Clyde K. Cairns, Ohio Epsilon; Eta, Harry A. Deuel, California Alpha; Theta, James W. McClendon. Province Zeta held no convention and there being a vacancy in the province presidency, the Supreme Council ap- pointed George H. Bunting to the position. The Chariot of Minerva. A device used in the old days which attracted attention outside of the fraternity, was, "The Chariot of Minerva," in- vented by members of Kentucky Epsilon. The wheels of the vehicle were about two and a half feet in diameter with the holes for the axle about three inches out of center. The candidates for in- itiation would be placed in the cart and then the chapter would rush it about the monument of John C. Breckenridge until the statue would al- most open its eyes in amazement. Outside ini- tiation is now prohibited. Boston Convention of 1900. The Boston Con- vention of 1900 created the Board of Trustees, to care for the surplus funds of the fraternity. It restored the Phi Alpha to its original form and granted three charters to important institutions. These were the University of Maine, the Univer- sity of Pennsylvania and the University of Min- nesota. The charter to the latter was to remain in the hands of the Supreme Council a year before it was issued. The convention marked an era in the fraternity. In point of attendance it surpassed all previous ones and in every way was a national gathering. It completed its business by electing as members of the Supreme Council: G. Hendree Harrison, E. S. A.; William C. Levere, E. S. D. A.; Edward H. Virgin, E. S. R.; George D. Kimball, E. S. T., and Edward Mellus, Editor of the Record. 84 PARAGRAPH HISTORY The Board of Trustees. The 1900 convention adopted the plan of Champe S. Andrews for a board of trustees to care for the surplus funds of the fraternity. This board was to be composed of five alumni of the fraternity, all of whom were re- quired to be residents of New York City. The purpose for which the funds were to be conserved was to aid chapters in building chapter-houses. The convention elected as members of the board, Champe S. Andrews, Albert M. Austin, and Her- bert C. Lakin, for the term of four years, and Henry G. MacAdam and Bryan C. Collier for the term of two years. These were all from differ- ent chapters, such being one of the requirements. Rise of Pennsylvania Theta. Pennsylvania Theta was installed at the University of Pennsyl- vania, Feb. 9, 1901. Birth of Maine Alpha. Maine Alpha was in- stalled at the University of Maine on Washing- ton's Birthday, 1901. Clarence W. Stowell, a char- ter member of the chapter, has served on the Su- preme Council as Eminent Supreme Recorder. Organization of the Board of Trustees. The new board of trustees created by the Boston con- vention met in New York city March 25, 1901, and formally organized. Champe S. Andrews, the father of the law which provided for the board, was elected its first president. Henry G. Mac- Adam was elected vice-president and Bryan C. Col- lier, secretary. To Protect Official Badge. John D. N. McCart- ney, a member of Georgia Beta, commenced an agitation in 1901 against the wearing of the official badge by members of the fair sex, which had its culmination at the next national conven- tion in the passage of a law forbidding such use. Anti-Fraternity Warfare. The anti-fraternity men at the University of Arkansas in the fall of OF SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON 85 1901 won a victory by carrying through the legis- lature a bill prohibiting fraternities at the state university. Some clever Greek, when he saw the day was lost, had an amendment tacked onto the bill which was carried through with it to the ef- fect that members of the Greek letter societies at the university should not be allowed to hold any of the honors of the university, and that in the military department no fraternity man should have rank above second lieutenant. This amendment was ultimately to save the fraternities, for two years later, when the excitement had died away and the Greeks came out of hiding, the faculty chose to interpret the law as allowing the fraternities to continue in existence but refusing the members the right to participate in the honors of the in- stitution, except to hold minor military positions. The fraternities reorganized as clubs and main- tained as vigorous organizations as ever. Arkan- sas Alpha-Upsilon was known as the Arkansas Club. Locals Seek S. A. E. There was throughout 1901-02 a remarkable movement going on among local societies over the country to win charters from S. A. E. The pages of the fraternity's pub- lications were filled with accounts of college so- cieties seeking charters from the fraternity. That many of these societies were located at institu- tions like Wisconsin, Chicago and Kansas, was very gratifying to the officers of the fraternity, who recognized how desirable it was that Sigma Alpha Epsilon should have chapters at these points. Resignation of Editor of the Record. Edward Mellus resigned as Editor of The Record at the close of 1901 and Champe S. Andrews, Alabama Alpha-Mu, was appointed to the position by the Supreme Council. 86 PARAGRAPH HISTORY Minnesota Alpha Founded. Minnesota Alpha at the University of Minnesota was installed Jan. 27, 1902. Province Presidents In 1902. Province Alpha, Robert C. Allen, Massachusetts Delta; Beta, Wat- son B. Selvage, New York Sigma-Phi; Gamma, F. H. Ficklen, Georgia Epsilon; Delta, Carl E. Shel don, Illinois Beta; Epsilon, Marvin E. Holderness, Tennessee Nu; Zeta, George H. Bunting, Tennes- see Zeta; Eta, Walter E. White, Colorado Chi; Theta, James W. McClendon, Texas Rho. The Record In 1902. Champe S. Andrews had taken up the editorship of the Record with char- acteristic vigor, and had appointed as his assist- ant Henry Sydnor Harrison, New York Mu. It was a cardinal principle with Andrews that the Record should appear promptly on date of issue, and the fraternity enjoyed this feature of the magazine quite as much as it relished what the pages carried. Phi Alpha Convention Bulletin. Two weeks he- fore the Washington convention of 1902, the Phi Alpha Convention Bulletin appeared. Its name indicated its mission. It was to advertise the con- vention. A list of petitioning locals showed that sixteen colleges were anxious for 8. A. E. char- ters. The Christmas Convention of 1902. The Christ- mas convention is the name which belongs to the Washington convention of 1902, not only because it was in session on that anniversary but because it was a convention typical of the generous spirit of that day. It was the cheeriest kind of a con- vention, and the glow of Christmas hope and mirth permeated it through and through. On the great natal day the S. A. E.'s gathered around the board, and together, like a great family of brothers, ate their Christmas dinner. It was this Christmas con- OF SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON 87 A vention that gave the splendid gift of Illinois Theta, Wisconsin Alpha, Kansas Alpha, Colorado Lambda, and Virginia Theta to the fraternity. It was one of the hardest-working conventions the fraternity ever had, though the spirit of good- will and good-cheer was the very essence of it. Even as the delegates passed each other in the halls of the beautiful New Willard, they could not refrain from expressions of good-fellowship and happiness. The convention opened in the Willard Hotel, Dec. 23. The work of the committee on manual, chapters and convention fund was ardu- ous. The constitutional revision committee was in session day and night, for while most of the mate- rial was old, there were some new features intro- duced. Five charters were granted. The success- ful petitions were University of Chicago, Univer- sity of Wisconsin, University of Kansas, Colorado School of Mines and a revival of the ancient chap- ter at the Virginia Military Institute. The elec- tion of officers Christmas eve was unanimous, the following being chosen: E. S. A., William C. Le- vere, Illinois Psi-Omega; E. S. D. A., Marvin E. Holderness, Tennessee Nu; E. S. R., Edward H. Virgin, Massachusetts Gamma; E. S. T., George D. Kimball, Colorado Zeta; Editor of the Record, Henry Sydnor Harrison, New York Mu. The Lost President. There was a note of sad- ness in the convention, which all its joys did not eliminate. Washington had been chosen as the place of the 1902 Convention because Sigma Alpha Epsilon wanted to come to the capitol while Wil- liam McKinley was President. But in the two years strange and serious events occurred. The cruel hand of the murderer had intervened, the country had been plunged in grief, the lovable William McKinley had passed from the theater of life's fretful scenes, and when Sigma Alpha Ep- silon came to Washington, it found him not tnere. 88 PARAGRAPH HISTORY National Laws Amended. The 1902 convention made numerous amendments to the laws of the fraternity. It was provided that the official badge given to the members at the time of initiation should continue to be the property of the national fraternity, subject to recall at any time. This of- ficial badge, it was provided, should not be worn by anyone but a member. A law was adopted that vacancies in province offices between conventions should be filled by appointment by the Supreme Council. The law regulating delegates to prov- ince conventions was changed so that in the future each chapter should be entitled to repre- sentation by two elected delegates and the Emi- nent Archon of the chapter. The Province Boundaries. The 1902 Convention arranged the provinces as follows: Province Al- pha Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachu- setts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. Province Beta New York, Penn- vania, New Jersey, Ontario and Quebec. Province Gamma Maryland, Delaware, District of Colum- bia, Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina. Province Delta Michigan, Min- nesota, Wisconsin, Indiana, Illinois and Ohio. Province Zeta Arkansas, Missouri, Kansas, Ne- braska and Iowa. Province Eta North Dakota, South Dakota, Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, Nevada, Washington, Oregon, California, Idaho and Mon- tana. Province Theta Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas, Oklahoma, Arizona, New Mexico and In- dian Territory. Province Iota Tennessee and Kentucky. The changes made since have been to remove South Dakota to Province Zeta; California to Province Kappa; Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Montana to Province Lambda. Happy Days in the Fraternity. The influence of the Washington convention on the fraternity OF SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON 89 was unparalleled in the fervor and spirit which went out from it and reached even to the farthest chapter. In the weeks which followed the evi- dences of this were seen everywhere, and although the Record did not appear until the convention had been over for two months, its pages were filled with the glow of the Christmas convention. Even the chapter-letters to an unusual degree reflected the charm which the convention had worked in the hearts of the men of Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Colorado Lambda Inaugurated. Colorado Lamb- da was installed at the State School of Mines, Jan. 30, 1903. Wisconsin Alpha Founded. Wisconsin Alpha was installed at the University of Wisconsin, Feb. 7, 1903. Kansas Alpha Born. Kansas Alpha was installed at the University of Kansas, Feb. 14, 1903. Illinois Theta Instituted. Illinois Theta was in- stalled at the University of Chicago, March 9, 1903. Virginia Theta Arises. Virginia Theta was re- vived at the Virginia Military Institute, April 11, 1903. Province Presidents in 1902 were: Province Al- pha, Leslie Millar, Massachusetts lota-Tau; Beta, Ralph S. Kent, New York Alpha; Gamma, Alfred R. Berkeley, North Carolina Xi; Delta, Carl E. Sheldon, Illinois Beta; Epsilon, Lauren W. Fore- man, Georgia Epsilon; Zeta, Elmer B. Sanford, Michigan Iota-Beta; Eta, Walter E. White, Colo- rado Chi; Theta, Powell Crichton; Iota, J. Rock- well Smith, Kentucky Kappa. Discovery of Rudulph. Up to 1903, it had gen- erally been accepted as a fact that all the original founders of the fraternity were dead. William C. Levere, E. S. A., journeyed Southward and. found John B. Rudulph, on an old plantation in southern Alabama. 90 PARAGRAPH HISTORY Supreme Council Mid-Convention Meeting, 1903, was held at Evanston, 111., Dec. 21-24. The mem- bers of the council conducted a province initia- tion. The chief work of this meeting was to elect the E. S. A. as temporary E. S. R. while he edited the 1904 catalogue, which had been given him to do, after the resignation of Edward H. Virgin, Massachusetts Gamma. George H. Kress was chosen to publish a fraternity manual. The Catalogue of 1904 appeared in June. It showed a membership of 8,500. Systematic Records Adopted. In 1904, the mem- bership book for recording data and providing a blank to report initiates was devised by the E. S. A. and delivered to the chapters. A New Eminent Supreme Recorder. With the appearance of the 1904 Catalogue, William C. Levere, E. S. A., who had been acting as E. S. R. during the production of the book, resigned as E. S. R. and Leslie W. Millar, Massachusetts lota- Tau, was appointed to the position. S. A. E. Day at the World's Fair in St. Louis was observed July 14, 1904. Active Membership of S. A. E., Nov. 1, 1904, was 1,167. The S. A. E. Manual appeared Dec. 1, 1904. It was a compendium of fraternity information. George H. Kress, Ohio Epsilon, was the editor. The Original Minutes appeared Dec. 20, 1904. The volume contained the minutes of Alabama Mu during its ante-bellum days. William C. Levere was the editor. The Memphis Convention of 1904 met Dec. 27. The S. A. E. Daily made its initial appearance. Important events were the endorsement of the De Votie Memorial Building, offer of cash prizes to chapters building houses, creation of a chapter OF SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON 91 house officer, to which place Carl E. Sheldon was elected, the granting of five charters to the Uni- versity of Iowa, George Washington University, Iowa State College, Case School of Science and the University of Washington. The officers chosen were: E. S. A., William C. Levere; E. S. D. A., Marvin E. Holderness; E. S. R., Clarence W. Stowell; E. S. T., George D. Kimball; Editor of the Record, Henry Sydnor Harrison; Board of Trustees, Herbert Lakin, Harry P. Layton, Robert Gibson, Jr. Iowa Beta Established. Iowa Beta was in- stalled at the University of Iowa, Feb. 11, 1905. Ohio Rho Installed. Ohio Rho at Case School of Science was installed, Feb. 18, 1905. Washington City Rho Revived. Washington City Rho, the chapter which had lived through the civil war, and then as the other chapters came back to life fell asleep, was revived by the fra- ternity, March 2, 1905, at George Washington Uni- versity. Iowa Gamma Initiated. Iowa Gamma was in- stalled at Iowa State College, June 3, 1905. Province Presidents in 1905. Province Alpha, Sylvester Beach; Beta, Ralph S. Kent; Gamma, Alfred R. Berkeley; Delta, Carl E. Sheldon; Zeta, Elmer B. Sanford; Epsilon, J. Clay Murphy; Eta, Walter E. White; Theta, Oswald McNeese; Iota, J. Rockwell Smith. Mid-Convention Meeting of Supreme Council, 1905, was held at the Washington City Rho House. The Lion's Paw issued its first number Feb. 22, 1906. March 9, 1906, the fiftieth anniversary of Sigma Alpha Epsilon was widely celebrated by alumni associations and chapters. Incorporation Day. Sigma Alpha Epsilon was 92 PARAGRAPH HISTORY incorporated under the laws of the state of Illi- nois, March 9, 1906. The incorporators were Harry Bunting, William C. Levere, Granville H. Twining, Clyde D. Foster, Walter B. Long, Ken- neth Brown, John W. Robinson. Washington Alpha Founded. In 1906, the Su- preme Council issued the charter intrusted to it by the 1904 Convention for the chapter at the University of Washington. The chapter was in- stalled May 30. Annual Chapter Letters. These publications, later called the Year Book, appeared first in 1906 with William C. Levere as editor. In 1907, the editor was C. W. Stowell; 1908, C. P. Wood; 1909, Ritze Mulder; 1910, Ritze Mulder; 1912, William C. Levere. The Life of De Votie began publication in The Record in Sept., 1906, and continued in each num- ber for four years. It was written by William C. Levere. The Fiftieth Anniversary Convention was held in Atlanta, Ga., opening Dec. 26, 1906. The presence of John B. Rudulph, the last of the founders, was the great event of the convention. It was a convention historic for great work for the fraternity and exquisite social occasions. The officers chosen were: E. S. A., George D. Kimball; B. S. D. A., Carl E. Sheldon; E. S. R., Clarence W. Stowell; E. S. T., Charles F. Stone; Editor of the Record, Charles P. Wood. Indiana Gamma Installed. Indiana Gamma at the University of Indiana was installed Jan. 18, 1907. New York Delta Founded. New York Delta at Syracuse University was installed Washington's birthday, 1906. The S. A. E. Song Book appeared in 1907 with OF SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON 93 William C. Levere editor and Walter Squire musi- cal editor. Province Presidents in 1907. Province Alpha, Charles F. Davis; Beta, Ralph C. Stewart; Gamma, Alfred R. Berkeley; Delta, Clyde I. Webster; Ep- silon, Hugh W. Kirkpatrick; Zeta, Henry F. Droste; Eta, Charles J. Ling; Theta, Henry P. Dart, Jr.; Iota, Frank K. Houston. Mid-Convention Meeting of Supreme Council, 1907. Massachusetts Gamma was host to the Su- preme Council in 1907. The council at this meet- ing arranged for the publication of the S. A. E. History. New Hampshire Alpha was installed at Dart- mouth College, May 2, 1908. The initiation was at Cambridge, Mass. A Pan-Hellenic Conference was held in Chicago, February, 1909, at which George D. Kimball, E. S. A., presented resolutions which resulted in the formation of the New York Inter-Fraternity Con- ference. The Atlantic City Convention of 1909 was the first summer convention held by S. A. E. in many years. John B. Rudulph, the founder, was again present. The experiment of meeting in summer was not a success. The officers elected were: E. S. A., George D. Kimball; E. S. D. A., Carl E. Sheldon; E. S. R., C. W. Stowell; E. S. T., Charles F. Stone; editor of the Record, Charles P. Wood. Installation of Oklahoma Kappa at the Univer- sity of Oklahoma was held October 23, 1909. Province Presidents in 1909. Province Alpha* William E. Waterhouse; Beta, Ralph C. Stewart; Gamma, Albert L. Cox; Delta, David W. Wen- strand; Epsilon, William W. Brandon; Zeta, Roy H. Monier; Eta, William N. Vaile; Theta, Paul A. Walker; Iota, L. L. Fonville. The newly created 94 PARAGRAPH HISTORY province of Kappa, comprising California and Washington, elected Louis S. Beedy president. Death of John B. Rudulph. With the death of John B. Rudulph, April 13, 1910, the last of the founders of S. A. E. had passed on. Resignation of Two Council Members. In March, 1910, Charles F. Stone resigned as E. S. T. Wil- liam C. Levere was appointed by the Supreme Council to the position. In April, Charles P. Wood resigned as Editor of the Record. Elmer B. Sanford was appointed to the position. Mid-Convention Meeting of Supreme Council, 1910. Illinois Beta was host to the Mid-Convention Supreme Council meeting, 1910. The Revised Ritual was referred by the 1909 convention to the Supreme Council for action. It was accepted at their meeting at Champaign. The committee which had this work in charge was com- posed of Ralph C. Stewart, Albrecht F. Leue, Carl F. White, Dean Taylor. Ohio Sigma celebrated its twenty-fifth anniver- sary in 1910 with a quarter-centennial historical address, an initiation and a banquet. Province Presidents in 1910. Province Alpha, William E. Waterhouse; Beta, L. J. Doolittle; Gamma, Albert L. Cox; Delta, H. S. Warwick; Ep- silon, W. W. Brandon; Zeta, Roy H. Monier; Eta, William N. Vaile; Theta, Paul A. Walker; Iota, L. L. Fonville; Kappa, Louis Beedy. Kansas City Convention of 1910. The Kansas City convention held its first business session De- cember 28. It was a convention radiant with S. A. E. feeling. Charters were granted to the University of South Dakota, the University of South Carolina and Millikin University. The offi- cers elected were E. S. A., William W. Brandon, Alabama Mu; E. S. D. A., Clarence W. Stowell; OF SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON 95 E. S. R., Marvin E. Holdeness; E. S. T., George D. Kimball; Editor of the Record, Elmer B. Sanford. The De Votie Memorial. It was at the 1910 con- vention that General William W. Brandon was able to announce the completion of the De Votie Memo- ial building at Tuscaloosa. The movement to erect this memorial was commenced in 1904. The 1912 convention gave the Alabama Mu chapter a deed to the building. The edifice was erected through contributions made by the general fraternity and the efforts of Alabama Mu. Illinois Delta Arises. Illinois Delta was installed at Millikin University, January 14, 1911. South Dakota Sigma Born. South Dakota Sigma was installed at the University of South Dakota, January 27, 1911. The S. A. E. History. The History of Sigma Alpha Epsilon appeared in May, 1911. It was published in three volumes and extensively illustrated. The edition of 2,000 sets was oversubscribed on the day of publication. The historian was William C. Levere. Mid-Convention Meeting of Supreme Council, 1911, was held in New Orleans. The council at this meeting adopted the S. A. E. Standard Ac- counts System. Province Presidents in 1912. Province Alpha, C. G. Sherman; Beta, L. G. Doolittle; Gamma, T. Gibson Hobbs; Delta, William E. Webbe; Epsilon, John D. McCaraney; Eta, Omar Garwood; Zeta, Arthur T. Wallace; Theta, George D. Booth; Iota, E. L. Carney; Kappa, R. L. Phelps. Who's Who in S. A. E. Who's Who in S. A. E., a biographical dictionary of notable living mem- bers of the fraternity by William C. Levere, ap- peared in July, 1912. The Mississippi Case. The Mississippi legisla- 96 PARAGRAPH HISTORY iature passed a law in 1912 abolishing fraternities from the University of Mississippi. Sigma Alpha Epsilon together with Sigma Chi, Phi Delta Theta, Delta Tau Delta and Kappa Alpha (so.) took the case to the Supreme Court of the United States. The decision of the Supreme Court was handed down June 1, 1915, and the constitutionality of the law was upheld. S. A. E. Standard Accounts. No more significant indication of the forward progress of the fraternity happened in 1912, than the installation throughout the fraternity of the S. A. E. Standard Accounts. The improvement in the business methods of the chapters was apparent at once. The system had been devised by a committee of which Don R. Almy was chairman and Ralph C. Stewart, Wil- liam A. Vawter II, Ralph S. Kent and C. W. Stowell were members. The Pocket Directory appeared in December, 1912, with William C. Levere as editor. Nashville Convention of 1912. For the ninth time a national convention of S. A. E. was con- vened in Nashville, when the 1912 gathering was called to order on December 26. Few conventions have worked harder or wrought better. The Life Subscription Plan to the S. A. E. Record was adopted and the E. S. R. was made the traveling secretary of the fraternity. Charters were granted to Kansas State College and the University of Pittsburgh. Marvin E. Holderness, Tennessee Nu, was elected E. S. A. The others elected were E. S. D. A., Albrecht F. Leue; E. S. R., William C. Levere; E. S. T., George D. Kimball; Editor of The Record, Elmer B. Sanford. The Installation of Kansas Beta at Kansas State College took place January 24, 1913. The Installation of Pennsylvania Chi-Omlcron at OF SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON 97 the University of Pittsburgh took place March 10, 1913. Anti-Fraternity Agitation was violent through- out the country in 1913. In Wisconsin, Ohio, Texas and elsewhere the fraternities were vigorously at- tacked. In several states anti-fraternity legisla- tion was narrowly averted. The Traveling Secretary. Complying with the duties of the position, William C. Levere, E. S. R., visited every chapter of the fraternity in 1913-14. At each chapter the illustrated lecture, "A Pil- grimage into S. A. E. Land" was given. Province Presidents in 1914. Province Alpha, H. H. Bennett; Beta, L. G. Doolittle; Gamma, T. Gib- son Hobbs; Delta, Louis W. Mack; Epsilon, Charles C. Thomas; Eta, Harold Garwood; Zeta, A. R. Thomas; Theta, E. Lloyd Posey; Iota, J. D. Turner; Kappa, R. L. Phelps. S. A. E. in 1914. Under the administration of Marvin E. Holderness, E. S. A., the fraternity ap- proached the end of 1914 with its chapters in re- markably fine condition and an era of general pros- perity abounding. An Alumni Ritual. Throughout 1914, a very gen- eral agitation arose to strengthen alumni associa- tions. Led by Don R. Almy and R. S. Uzzell, there arose an advocacy of a degree for alumni. The national fraternity endorsed the plan and it is being developed. Chicago Convention of 1914. The Chicago con- vention of 1914 opened December 21. In point of attendance it was the largest convention ever held. The arrangements were perfect and the enthusi- asm and interest at high key. The work of the convention was largely devoted to perfecting and improving the organization. Charters were granted to Washington State College, Oregon State 98 PARAGRAPH HISTORY College, Beloit College and the University of Flor- ida. Don R. Almy, New York Alpha, was elected Eminent Supreme Archon. The other members of the Council were E. S. D. A., Albrecht F. Leue; E. S. R., William C. Levere; E. S. T., George D. Kimball; Editor of The Record, Elmer B. Sanford. Pittsburgh was selected for the 1916 convention. Four New Chapters were installed early in 1915 in accordance with the vote of the 1914 conven- tion. Florida Upsilon at the University of Florida was the revival of a former chapter. It was in- stalled February 13, and the same day Wisconsin Phi was installed at Beloit College. Washington Beta at Washington State College was installed March 9 and Oregon Alpha at Oregon State Col- lege was installed March 19. Province Lambda Created. The 1914 convention made the states of Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Montana into a new province called Lambda. Arthur A. Cook is the first president. Two Fraternity Publications. William C. Le- vere was the editor of Leading Greeks, an Encyclo- pedia of the Workers in the American College Fra- ternities and Sororities, which appeared in June, 1915, and of Songs of Purple and Gold, which ap- peared in November, 1915. Province Presidents in March, 1916. Province Alpha, Edward M. Peters; Beta, L. G. Doolittle; Gamma, T. Gibson Hobbs; Delta, Louis W. Mack; Epsilon, William W. Brandon; Eta, Frank J. Rein- hard; Zeta, Ralph Bryan; Theta, E. Lloyd Posey; Iota, J. D. Turner; Kappa, R. L. Phelps; Lambda. Arthur A. Cook. In the Year of 1916. The fraternity under the administration of Don R. Almy, E. S. A., is steadily moving on, strengthening and building itself. Among the important committees at work are those on the financial code, scholarship, extension OF SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON 99 investigation, medical examination, alumni, degree and anti-fraternity legislation. It is safe to say that 1916 is the best year to date. It is better on before. A Paragraph History of Sigma Alpha Epsilon, by William C. Levere, was published in March, 1916. INDEX Abolished Fraternities at Mississippi, 96. Adams, William M., 66. Alabama Alpha -Mu Pound- ed, 40. Alabama Beta-Beta, 38. Alabama Iota Launched, 41, 76. Alabama Mu Pounded, 3; Through 1856-1857, 12; Disbands, 21; in the War, 29; Memorial, 95. Alabama, University of, place of founding, 3; ab- olished Fraternities, 11; lawlessness follows going of Fraternities at, 12. Almy, Don R., 65; advo- cates alumni ritual, 97; Eminent Supreme Arch- on, 98; Administration, 98. Alpha Tau Omega wooes Minerva, 43. Alumni Ritual, An 97. Amalgamation, proposed by Beta Theta Pi, 41; At- titude of the Chapters toward, 41; proposed by Delta Tau Delta, 43; proposed by Alpha Tau Omega, 43; by W. R. Baird, 44. Ames, Chester, 63. Andrews, Champe S., 76; Watches Surplus, 78. Angell, Frederick, 61. Annual Chapter Letters, 92. Anti-Fraternity Agitation, 97. Arkansas Alpha-Upsilon, 76; founded, 75. Athens Convention of 1869, 36; of 1884, 54. Atkinson, Robert C., 18. Atlanta Convention of 1872, 38; of 1881, 45; of 1886, 59; of 1891, 65; of 1906, 92. Auburndales, The, 69. Austin, Albert M., 60, 76, 73; watches surplus, 78. Augusta Convention of 1874, 38; of 1878, 40; 1882, 49. Badge, designed by Ru- dulph, 5; color of, 9; girls went wild over it, 9; the first, 9; for every ini- tiate A, 78. Baird Suggests a Plan of Union, 44. Banquet, First Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 7. Barr, Charles J., 62. Barrett, Thomas C., organ- izes Texas Rho, 54. Beach, Sylvester, 91. Beedy, Louis, president of Kappa Province, 94. Berkeley, Alfred R., 91; province president, 93. Bennett, H. H., province president, 97. Beta Theta Pi, Proposed Amalgamation with, 41; suggests union again, 44. Birth of Sigma Alpha Epsi- lon, 3. Board of Trustees, 78, 83, 84. Booth, George D., 95. Boston Convention of 1900, 83. Brandon, William W., 93, 94; Eminent Supreme Archon, 94, 95; a prov- ince president, 98. Bross, Willard P., 72. Brown, Kenneth, incorpo- rator of fraternity, 92. Bryan, Milton, 54. 100 Bryan, Ralph, a provLic3 i president, 98. Bryant, Clarence, 78. Bullock, James Atwood, 8. Bunting, George H., 68; a founder of Phi Alpha, 69, 73, 75. Bunting, Harry, initiated, 59; refuses Eminent Su- preme Archonship, 66; searches for lost records, 66; and his specials, 67; in New England, 68; a founder of Phi Alpha, 69, 73, 74; incorporator of fraternity, 92. Bunting, Robert, a member of Tenn. Zeta, 59. Bunting Specials, The, 67. Bunting, William, a mem- ber of Tenn. Zeta, 59. Burger, H. C., 68, 73, 76. Cadwell, Frederick G., 61. California Alpha Founded, 67. California Beta Inaugu- rated, 75. Capers, John G., 60, 62, 64, 66. Catalogue, The First, 27; second, 37; third Issued, 39; of 1877, The, 40; of 1886, The, 59; of 1893, 72; of 1904, 90. Chapter Alumni Letters, 92. Chapter Correspondence Continued, 52. Chapters, Early Communi- cations Between, 17. Chapter House, First Sig- ma Alpha Epsilon, 47. Chapter, Names, 25, 54. Chapters' Officers, New Ti- tles for, 51. Chapter, The Second, 15. Charlotte Convention of 1889, 62. Chattanooga Convention of 1892, 70. Chi Phi challenges Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 61. Chicago Convention of 1914, 97. . ' C-rrmrati Coi'jv^ntion of 1890, 64. Cipher, The Ritual in, 49. Civil War and Sigma Alpha Epsilon, The, 28. Clark, Oscar L., 58. Clarke, William A., 65. Cleland, William L., 69. Clements, Newton Nash, 6, 23. Cockrell, Nathan E., 3. Cody, James A., 27. Collier, B. C., 61, 62, 63, 84. Colorado Chi, 65. Colorado Lambda, 89. Colorado Zeta, appears, 65, 76. Columbia, South Carolina Convention of 1887, 60. Connecticut Alpha, 69. Constitution of 1869, The, 36. Constitution of 1883, The, 52. Constitutional Convention or 1887, 60. Constitution of 1891, 64. Constitutional Changes of 1894, 76. Convention, Delegates to First Convention, 23; ex- tension at the first, 23; work at the first, 24. Cook, Arthur A. the first president of Lambda Province, 98. Cook, Thomas C., 3; activ- ity of, 16. Cowan, H. H., 63, 64, 66, 68; author of flag, 70, 73. Cox, Albert L., province president, 93, 94. Dart, Jr., Henry P., prov- ince president, 93. Davis, Charles F., province president, 93. Death of a Brother, 52. Delta Tau Delta Wooes Minerva, 43. 101 Dennis, Samuel, 3 Dent, Stanley, Hujrfc, 64. De ^orie, -7ewett, et Ala- bama, 8, 9, 13; most fined man, 14; founder of Washington City Rho, 26. De Votie, Life of, 92; the memorial, 95; memorial completed, 95. De Votie, Noble Leslie, the founder, 3; presided at first meeting, 4; and ex- tension, 10; the scholar, 11; and Chapel Hill, 16; first man to lose his life in the civil war, 29. Dickinson, Jacob M., Hon- orary Eminent Supreme Archon, 71. Dockery, Claudius, 76. Doolittle, L. J., 69; province president, 94, 95, 97, 98. Droste, Henry P., province president, 93. B Early Chapter Discipline, 14. Early Literary Work, 14. Eighth Chapter, Planning the, 22. Eminent Supreme Archon, The first, 58. Extension in Europe, 26. Extension Movement, The, 62. Extension Year, The, 67. First Meeting, The, 4. Flag, Sigma Alpha Epsilon Adopted, 70. Flags of the Fraternity, The 76. Fleming, Harvey B., 78. Fleming, John M., 16, 17, 20. Florida Upsilon Founded, 54; revived, 98. Fiftieth Anniversary, widely celebrated, 91 ; conven- tion, 92. Fonville, L. L., province president, 93, 94. Poi-niss, Thaddeus, 18. Foster, Clyde D., incorpora- tor of fraternity, 92. Foster, Wade, 3. Founders, The, 3; purpose of, 9. Fraternity Planned, A Gen- eral, 9. Fraternity, Regenesis of the, 30. Furlow, Floyd, 63. Garland, President, Attack- ed Fraternities, 11. Garwood, Harold, province president, 97. Garwood, Omar, 95. General Convention 1870, 37. Georgia Beta Complete* Catalogue, 59. Georgia Beta, First Days or. the Founding of, 31, 32; selected as Grand Chap- ter, 36; in 1883, 49. Georgia Delta Begins Ca- reer, 41. Georgia Epsilon, the Birth of, 48, 76. Georgia Eta Founded, 26. Georgia Phi Begins Career, 63. Georgia Psi, 38. Georgia Pi, 20; is founded, 19; men enter Athens, 31. Grand Chapter, The, 6. Gibson, Robert, Jr., 91. Gilchrist, Albert, Honorary Eminent Supreme Arch- on, 71. Glass, James G., Becomes Eminent Grand Archon, 48, 51, 55. Goetchius, George, 31. Golson, J. Hodges, 15. Government, The First SyB- tem of, 6. Grand Chapters of Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 25. 102 Grand Chapter Plan In- adequate, 57. Guerry, William A., 51; re- vised the ritual, 54; Hon- orary Kminent Supreme Archon, 71. Greek letters for names of Chapters, 25. H Halbert, Henry P., Is. Harrison, Caskie, Cipher, 49. Harrison, G. Hendree, 63, 78. Harrison, Henry Sydnor, 86, 87, 91. Heard, Isaac T., 37. Higley, Elmer, 65. History of Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 95. Hobbs, Gibson T., 95; a province president, 97, 98. Holderness, Marvin E., Eminent Supreme Deputy Archon, 91; Eminent Su- preme Recorder, 95; Emi- nent Supreme Archon, 96; Administration, 97; Honorary Eminent Su- preme Archon, 70. Horning, Albert, Z., 61. Houston, Frank K., prov- ince president, 93. Howry, Charles B., 33; Eminent Supreme Arch- on, 71. Hunnicutt, James E., 48. Hustler, The, 69. Illinois Beta, Beginnings of, 82; host to Supreme Council, 94. Illinois Delta Arises, 95. Illinois Psi-Omega Found- ed, 75, 76. Illinois Theta, Established, 89. Insurance Proposed, Fra- ternal, 36. Inactive Chapters, The. 44. Incorporation of the Fra- ternity, 91. Indiana Alpha, Born, 67. Indiana Beta Arises, 71. Indiana Gamma Installed, 92. Initiations, Early, 8. Installation of Oklahoma Kappa, 93. Iowa Beta Established, 91. Iowa Gamma, wins frater- nity flag, 76; initiated, 91. Iowa Sigma, 45. Johnson's Schoolhouse, 4. Joint Installation, A, 77. Judicial System, The, 38; done away with, 77. Judkins, James H., 21. K Kansas Alpha established, 89. Kansas Beta, The Installa- tion of, 96. Kansas City Convention of 1910, 94. Kentucky Alpha, 40. Kentucky Chi, 27; early days of, 28; revived, 35; in the leadership, 39; chosen Grand Chapter, 40; Chap- ter, 43. Kentucky Epsilon is found- ed, 82; its chariot of Minerva, 83. Kentucky Iota, Birth of, 22. Kentucky Kappa Organizes, 48; 76. Kent, Ralph S., 91. Kephs, Chapters Called, 35. Kerr, John W., 3; elected president, 7. Kimball, George D., 65. 78: Eminent Supreme Treas- urer, 91; Eminent Su- preme Archon, 92, 93: brings about New York inter-fraternity confer- ence, 93; Eminent Su- preme Treasurer, 95, 96. 98. Kentucky Epsilon, South Kentucky College, 45. Kirkpatrick, Hugh W., province president, 98. Lakin, Herbert, 71, 78, 91. Lambda Province created, 98. Lane, Samuel, on Amalga- mation, 41. Lanier, John S., 23. Layton, Harry P., 91. Leading Greeks, An Ency- clopadia of the Fraternity Workers, 98. Leue, Albrecht F., Eminent Supreme Deputy Archon, 62; revisor of the ritual, 94 ; Eminent Supreme Deputy Archon, 96. Levere, William C., 71, 91, 96, 98, 99. Life of De Votie, 92. Life Subscription Plan to Record, 96. Ling, Charles J., Province president, 93. Lion's Paw Issued, The, 91. Literary Work at Alabama Mu, 5, 14. Long, Walter E., Incorpora- tor of Fraternity, 92. Louisville Convention of 1873, 38; of 1883, 50. Louisiana Epsilon Founded, 33. Louisiana Tau, 27. Louisiana Tau-Upsilon, 79, 80, 81. Louisiana Zeta, 45. Lowrie, William L., 64. M MacAdam, Henry G., 78, 84. Mack, Louis W., province president, 97, 98. Mack, William, 67. Maine, Alpha, 83, 84. Massachusetts Beta-Upsil- lon, 68. Massachusetts Delta, Rise of, 74. Massachusetts Gamma, En- trance of, 71. Massachusetts lota-Tau, In- auguration of, 69, 76. McCartney, John D., 95. McCleskey, James, 31. McGlohon, Samuel B., 47, 49, 55. McKinley, William, 70, 87. McLaughlin, James D., 8. McNeese, Oswald, 91. Meeting, The Second, 7. Mell, Thomas S., first Emi- nent Supreme Archon, 58, 59, 60, 62, 64. Mellus, Edward, 71. Membership, Early Limit to, 5. Memphis Convention of 1870, 27; of 1904, 90. Mexican Horse Pistol, 4. Michigan Alpha Establish- ed, 60. Michigan Iota-Beta Found- ed, 60. Mid- Convention Meeting of Supreme Council, 1905, 91; 1907, 93; of 1910, 94; of 1911, 95. Millar, Leslie W., 69. Minnesota Alpha, 83, 86. Mississippi Case, The, 95. Mississippi Zeta Appears. 37. Mississippi Gamma is Plan- ned, 32; the founding of, 33. Mississippi Theta, 45. Missouri Alpha Established, 54. Missouri Beta Nascent, 68. Mitchell, Oliver, 45. Monier, Roy H., province president, 93, 94. Moore, J. Washington, 73. Mother Chapter Revived, 66. Mother Mu, 6. Mulder, Ritze C., 92. Murfreesboro Chapter, The, 18. Murfreesboro first Conven- tion, 22. Murphy, J. Clay, 91. N Names of Chapters, 25. Nash, Howard P., 71, 76. Nashville Convention of 1860, 27; of 1867, 34; of 1871, 38; of 1875, 38; of 1879, 42; of 1885, 57; of 1888, 60; of 1898, 82; of 1912, 96. National Convention, First, 22. National Officer, First, 37. National Politics, in Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 78. Neblett, Henry M., 21. Nebraska Lambda-Pi, Dawn of, 72. New Hampshire Alpha, 93. New Titles for National Of- ficers, 50. New York Alpha, Rise of, 65. New York Delta Founded, 92. New York Mu, 77. New York Sigma-Phi, 77. Nichols, Edward C., 61. Nomenclature, Early Chap- ter, 17. North Carolina Theta, 50, 76. North Carolina Xi, Estab- lished, 16; Grand Chaptei* of the Fraternity, 25, 76. North Carolina Rho-Rho, 39. Northern Extension, Agita- tion for, 6; provided for, 36; rescinded, 1870, 38; at 1881 Convention, 45; accomplished, 50; op- posed, 53; triumphant, 55; proceeds, 56. Northern Fraternities, Ex- tend South, 46. Ohio Delta Founded, 60. Ohio Epsilon Established, 61 ; host of first province convention, 78. Ohio Rho Installed, 91. ; Ohio Sigma Quarter-centen- nial, 94. Ohio Theta, Genesis of, 69. Oklahoma Kappa, 93. Oregon Alpha installed, 98. Original Minutes Recovered, 66; Published, 90. Owen, Richard J., 59. Owen, Thomas Lucien Moreland, 8. Oxford Convention of 1868, 36. Paddock, Lola, 72. Panhellenic Agreement, First, 46. Panhellenic Conference, 93. Paragraph History of Sig- ma Alpha Epsilon, 98. Patillo, Robert S., 48. Patton, Abner, 3; President of the Fraternity, 12. Pennsylvania Alpha- Zeta Initiated, 68, 76. Pennsylvania Chi-Omicron, The Installation of, 96. Pennsylvania Delta, 50, 53, 56. Pennsylvania Omega Found- ed, 59; aids New York Alpha, 65. Pennsylvania Sigma-Phi, 63; issued the 1893 Cata- logue, 72. Pennsylvania Theta, 83, 84. Pennsylvania Zeta, The In- ception of, 72. Peters, Edward M., a Prov- ince president, 98. Phelps, R. L., 95; Province president, 97, 98. Phi Alpha was first called the Hustler, 69. Pilgrimage into Sigma Al- pha Epsilonland, A., 97. Pittsburgh Convention of 1893, 73; of 1916, 98. Pledge, The First, 6. Pocket Directory, The, 96. Posey, E. Lloyd, Province president, 97, 98. Preston, James C., organ- izes Mo. Alpha, 54. 105 Price, George L. W., 68. Province Archons, The, 58. Province Delta in 1892, 70. Province Boundaries, New, 71. Province Conventions, The First, 77. Province Presidents in 1905, 91. Province Lambda created, 98. Provinces, The First, 58. Provines, The Six, 74. Purple and Gold Appears, The, 75. R Record Life Subscription Plan, 96. Recovery of the Original Minutes, 66. Reinhard, Frank, Province president, 98. "Reorganized," When Chap- ters, 47. Richmond Convention of 1877, 39. Riley, Enoch Parsons, 8. Rinehart, Stanley, 63, 68. Ritual Formerly Comprised in Constitution, 5; in Cipher, 49; part of Con- stitution, 53; ritual re- vised, 54, 94; for Alumni, 97. Robison, John I., 72. Robinson, John W., Incor- porator of fraternity, 92. Rudulph, John B., 3; De- signed the badge, 5; Honorary Eminent Su- preme Archon, 71; dis- covery of, 89; at Conven- tion, 92; death, 94. Sanford, Elmer B., 61, 91; appointed editor, 94; edi- tor of The Record, 95, 96, 98. Second College Year, End of, 15. Seibels, Edwin G., 50. Sheldon, Carl E., 91; E. S D. A., 92, 93. Sherman, C. G., 95. Shipp, John E. D., 40, 41, 42. Shorter, Charles, 28. Shorter, James H., 27. Sigma Alpha Epsilon, the Founding of, 3; its found- ers, 3; meetings at Kerr's home, 4; first stated meeting, 4; faces extinc- tion, 12; conquers the north. 56; in New Eng- land, 68; leader in fra- ternity ethics, 74. Sigma Alpha Epsilon Stand- ard Accounts, 96. Sigma Alpha Epsilon Yell, 67. "Sing Brothers, Sing," 61. Smith, Alexander J., 48. Smith, Edwin DuBose, 67. Smith, J. Rockwell, 91. Snook, Peyton, 58. Song Book, The S. A. E., 92. Songs of Purple and Gold, 98. South Carolina Delta, 48. South Carolina Gamma, 48. South Carolina Lambda, 45. South Carolina Mu, 45. South Carolina Phi, 36. South Carolina Upsilon, 45. South Dakota Sigma Born, 95. Spencer, Samuel, 31. Squire, Walter, Musical Editor, 93. St. Louis Convention of 1896, 79. State Association of Ohio, 70. State Convention, The First, 55. Stewart, Ralph C., Province- president, 93; revisor of ritual, 94. Stone, Charles Frederick. 92, 93. Stowell, Clarence W., E. S. R., 91; 92, 93; E. S. D. A., 94. 106 Supreme Council Plan, 57. Supreme Council in 1890, 62. Supreme Court of United States Decides Mississ- ippi Case, 96. Tarrant, James P., 8. Taylor, Dean, Revisor of the Ritual, 94. Tennessee Eta Founded, 34. Tennessee Kappa Founded, 42. Tennessee Lambda, 27, 34. Tennessee Nu Established, 15, 38. Tennessee Omega Founded, 46; first chapter to own house, 47 ; carries the mail, 47 ; keystone laid, 59. Tennessee Zeta Founded. 49. Texas Psi, 45. Texas Rho the First, 45. Texas Rho Organized, 54. Texas Theta Chartered, 22. Thomas, Alexander R., Province president, 97. Thomas, Charles C., prov- ince president, 97. Thomas, Grigsby, 27. Thomas, William H., 58. Titles, New for National Officers, 51. Topoi, The, What It Was, 5. Traveling Secretary Cre- ated, 96, 97. Treasurer, The First Na- tional, 37. Turner, J. D. Province president, 97, 98. Tuttle, Arthur J., 61, 71, 72, 78. Twining Granville, incorpo- rator of fraternity, 92. U Union Army, S. A. E.'s in the, 29. Uzzell, R. S., Advocates Alumni Ritual, 97. Vaile, William N., Province president, 93, 94. Vastine, J. M., 72. Vaughn, Vernon H., 23. Vawter, William A., II., 96. Violet, The S. A. E. Flower, 66. Virgin, Edward H., 71. Virginia Kappa Founded, 18; end of, 19. Virginia Omicron, Affiliates of, 21; revived, 30; at the helm, 32. Virginia Pi, 45. Virginia Sigma Installed, 35; opposes extension northward, 37; grand chapter, 39. Virginia Tau, 45. Virginia Theta, 39, 89. W Wallace, Arthur T., 95. Walker, Paul A., Province president, 93, 94. Walker, William B., and northern extension, 46. War Record of Georgia Pi, 20. War Record of S. A. E., 29. War, S. A. E. After the Civil, 30. Warwick, H. S., 94. Washington Alpha Found- ed, 92. Washington Beta Installed, 98. Washington City Rho, 26; revived, 91. Washington Convention of 1894, 75; of 1902, 86. Waterhouse, W. E., Prov- ince president, 93, 94. Webb, Frank Bell, 33, 35. Webbe, William E., 95. Webster, Clyde I., Province president, 93. Welch, Charles W., founder Kentucky Kappa, 48. Wells, Robert K., 8. Wenstrand, David W., Prov- ince president, 93. 107 Westbrooke, Josephus Gv, 23. White, Carl F., reviser of ritual, 94. White, Walter E., 91. White, William B., 59. Who's Who in S. A. E., 95. Wilson, William L,., 21; honorary E. S. A., 71. Wisconsin Alpha Pounded, 89. Wisconsin Phi Established, Woman, A. S. A. B., 28. Wood, Charles P., 65, 92, 93. Wooten, William E., 56. Wynne, Gustavus A., 8. Year Book, The S. A. E., 92. Yell, The S. A. E., 67. Young, J. H., President of the Grand Chapter, 49; editor of The Record, 49, 51, 53. 108 BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO SO CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $I.OO ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. ^ AUQ 11 1942 a*' 96 (JrJtr LI \ I "*- 01 / 42. U. C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES 359953 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY