California egional acility 1 oa '=3 SOME ACCOUNT OF nu t i c ft 1 1 $ I i e 1 1 u t IN ENGLAND, FROM THE CONQUEST TO THE END OF THE THIRTEENTH CENTURY, WITH NUMEROUS ILLUSTRATIONS OF EXISTING REMAINS FROM ORIGINAL DRAWINGS. T. HUDSON TURNER. (fctttton. OXFORD and LONDON; JAMES PARKER AND CO. MDCCCLXXYJI. Stack Annex 5 PREFACE. IT occurred long since to the author, that our national records might be made available to illustrate the history of architecture in England. Strongly impressed with this opinion, he began, sixteen years ago, to note down every fact bearing on the subject which offered in the course of daily reference to those records for professional objects. It is in respect only of the information thus accumulated, that he can claim any credit for the present work ; and he trusts that before it is concluded the value of these ancient docu- ments, as unerring guides in the investigation of the his- tory of art in this country, from the close of the twelfth century, will be fully established. A similar work was undertaken and announced some years since by Mr. R. C. Hussey, but the numerous and continually increasing professional engagements of that gentleman compelled him to resign the undertaking. The drawings and engravings prepared for his work have, therefore, with his consent, been incorporated in the pre- sent. Many of these are from the valuable original sketches of W. Twopeny, Esq. ; others from those of Edward Blore, Esq., R.A., who very liberally allowed the use of any of his drawings. Several drawings have been obligingly communicated by Alexander Nesbitt, Esq., who also placed his notes at the author's disposal. The author gladly takes this opportunity to acknowledge the valuable assistance he has received from his friend Mr. J. H. Parker of Oxford, whose knowledge of archi- tectural detail has largely contributed to the descriptions of the various examples of ancient Domestic Architecture PREFACE. given in the following pages. The notices of French remains were prepared by Mr. Parker during a tour in the west of France, in the summer of 1850, in com- pany with M. G. Bouet, the artist of Caen, from whose drawings the engravings are taken. M. Viollet Le-Duc of Paris, and M. de Caumont of Caen, have also given much valuable assistance. He has also to thank Mr. O. Jewitt for many useful notes and suggestions. April, 1851. ADVERTISEMENT TO THE SECOND EDITION. THIS work has been quite out of print for several years, and has been kept back with the intention of making considerable additions to it ; but since I have had to pass my winters in Rome, my time has been so much occupied by the Archaeology of Rome itself that I have not been able to put my notes together, and almost despair of doing so. If my life, and health, and means should be spared, there is ample material for another volume, and by the advice of several friends interested in the subject the present edition is merely an exact reprint of the former one, as published by my late friend Mr. Hudson Turner himself, with the exception of an obvious oversight of my own at Old Soar in Kent, which has been corrected. JOHN HENRY PARKER, C.B. ROME, December, 1876. TABLE OF CONTENTS. INTRODUCTION". THE Romans in England. Their villas and houses. Ordinary plan of a Eoman house. Method of building. The Saxons. Their style of building ; they probably occupied Eoman houses. A Saxon hall. Houses of Winchester and London in the Saxon period. Decoration of buildings. Romanesque style of architecture introduced during the Saxon period. Drawings in Saxon MSS., their character and value as architectural evidence. The Greek, or Byzantine school ; its influence on Saxon art. Antiquity of chimneys ; none at Rome in the fourteenth century. Character of the military buildings of the Saxons. The castles of Coningsburgh and Bam borough later than the Saxon period. Arundel, the only castle said to have been standing in the time of the Confessor. Norman castles. Domestic architecture of the Normans. Stone quarries. Use of plaster. Bricks and tiles. Brick-making, its antiquity in England. Masons and other workmen. Glazing. Iron works in England. Architec- tural designs of the middle ages, how made. Working moulds of masons, &c. p. i. xxxii. CHAPTER I. TWELFTH CENTURY. GENERAL REMARKS. Imperfect character of existing remains of the twelfth century. Materials for the history of Domestic architecture ; their nature. General plan of houses at this date. Halls. Other apartments of ordinary houses. Bed-chamber, kitchen, larder, &c. King's houses at Clarendon and other b CONTENTS. places. Hall, always the chief feature of a Norman house. Alexander Necham, his description of a house. Plan of Norman halls. Their roofs. Situation of other apartments relatively to the hall. Kitchens. Cooking in the open air. Bayeux tapes- try. Remains of a Norman house at Appleton, Berks. Fences, walls, &c. Some Norman houses built in the form of a parallelo- gram, and of two stories. Boothby Pagnell, Lincolnshire. Christ-church, Hants. Jews' House at Lincoln. Moyses' Hall, Bury St. Edmund's. Staircases internal and external. External Norman stair at Canterbury. Houses at Southampton. Build- ing materials. Use of lead for roofs. English lead exported to France. Style of Norman roofs. Metal work ; hinges, locks, nail-heads,&c. Gloucester celebrated for its iron manufactures. External decoration of buildings. Windows. Glazing. Fire-places. Kitchens open in the roof. Hostelry of the prior of Lewes. Internal walls plastered. Furniture of houses ; tapes- try, &c. Floors, generally of wood. Character of London houses in the twelfth century. Assize of 1 189 regulating build- ings in London. Assize of the year 1212 relating to the same subject. Majority of London houses chiefly of wood and thatched. Wages of workmen. Cook-shops on Thames side. Chimneys not mentioned in the London Assizes. Cameras privatae. p. 1 27 CHAPTEE II. EXISTING REMAINS. Oakham castle, Rutlandshire. The King's house, Southamp- ton. Minster, Isle of Thanet. Christ-church, Hants. Manor- house at Appleton. Sutton Courtney, Berks. St. Mary's Guild, and Jews' houses, Lincoln. Staircase, Canterbury. Warnford, Hants. Fountains abbey. Priory, Dover. Moyses' Hall, Bury St. Edmund's. Hostelry of the prior of Lewes, Southwark. Boothby Pagnell, Lincolnshire. Barnack, North- amptonshire. School of Pythagoras, Cambridge. Notes on re- mains of Early Domestic Architecture in France. p. 2856 CONTENTS. CHAPTER III. THIBTEENTH CENTUBY. GENEBAL BEMABKS. Hall at "Winchester. Eeign of Henry III. remarkable for the progress of architecture. Condition of Norman castles in the thirteenth century. Plan of manor-houses at this date. House built for Edward I. at "Woolmer, Hants. Description of house at Toddington, by M. Paris. Meaning of term Palatium. Longthorpe. Stoke-Say castle. WestDeane, Sussex. Aydon castle. Little "Wenham Hall. Two halls at Westminster, temp. Henry III. Temporary buildings erected at Westminster for the coronation of Edward I. Private hos- pitality in this century. Kitchens. Wardrobes. Influence of feudal manners on Domestic architecture. Building materials. Wood extensively used. Manor-house of timber engraved on a personal seal. Extensive use of plaster. Roofs of the thirteenth century. Windows. Glass and glazing. Digression on the history of glass-making in England. No glass made in England until the fifteenth century. Wooden lattices, fenestrals, &c. Eire-places and chimneys. Mantels. Staircases, external and internal. Internal decoration of houses. Wainscote. Poly- chrome. Artists of the time of Henry III. ; their style. Their names. Spurs. Screens, &c. Tapestry not used in private dwellings in the thirteenth century. Flooring. Tiles. Baths. Camerse Privatse. Conduits and drains. Houses in towns. Parisian houses. Other foreign examples. Eurniture. Car- pets. General state of England in the thirteenth century. State of towns. London and Winchester compared. Travell- ing. Hackneymen. Inns. State of trade in England. Agri- culture. Remarks on horticulture. p. 57 -147 CHAPTER IV. THIBTEENTH CENTUBT. EXISTING REMAINS. Aydon castle, Northumberland. Godmersham,Kent. Little Wenham Hall, Suffolk. Longthorpe, near Peterborough. Charney Basset, Berks. Master's House, St. John's Hospital, CONTENTS. Northampton. Stoke-Say castle, Shropshire. Coggs, Oxford- shire, Cottesford, Oxfordshire. Parsonage house, West Tar- ring, Sussex. Archdeacon's house, Peterborough. Crowhurst, Sussex. Bishop's palace, Wells. Wood croft castle, North- amptonshire. Old rectory house, West Deane, Sussex. Acton Burnell, Shropshire. Somerton castle, Lincolnshire. Old Soar, Kent. The King's Hall at Winchester. The Priory, Winches- ter. Strangers' Hall, Winchester. House at Oakham, known as Flore's House. Thame, Oxfordshire, Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire, Middleton Cheney, Oxfordshire. Sutton Court- ney, Berkshire, p. 148 180 CHAPTER V. HISTOBICAL ILLUSTRATIONS : Extracts from the Liberate Eolls of Henry III., 1229 1259, relating to the following places. Bridgeuorth. Brigstock. Brill. Bristol. Canterbury. Clarendon. Cliff. Clipstone. CorfeCastle. Dover. Dublin. Evereswell. Feckenham. Freemantle. Geddington. Gil- lingham. Gloucester. Guildford. Havering. Hereford. Hertford. Kennington. Litchfield. London, (tower). Ely House. Ludgershall. Marlborough. Newcastle. North- ampton. Nottingham. Oxford. Rochester. Sherbourn. Silverstone. Westminster. Winchester. Windsor. Wood- stock. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES OF FOREIGN EXAMPLES. General remarks. Treves. Laon. Ratisbon. Goudorf. Metz. Toulouse, Laon. Bree. Coucy. Garden. Tours. Angers. Fontevrault, (kitchen.) Perigueux. St. Emilion. Mont. St. Michel. Beauvais. p. 264274 APPENDIX OF DOCUMENTS, p. 275287. LIST OF PLATES. PAOK HALL of Oakham Castle, Rutland, interior . Frontispiece. House with external staircase. Cooking in the open air. From the Bayeux Tapestry . . . .5 Appleton, Berks, doorway of the hall . . . .6 Examples of roofs, tiles, and shingles ; taken from manuscripts, two plates . . . . . .8 Battlements, from MSS. . . . . . ib. Iron-work on doors, from MSS., two plates . . .10 Coloured exteriors of houses, from MSS. and Bayeux tapestry . 1 1 Eire-place, Colchester castle, Essex . . . .12 Fire-place, Boothby Pagnell, Lincolnshire. Fire-place, Rochester castle, Kent . . . . . . ib. Examples of furniture, beds, cradle, seat, and drapery ; from MSS. 14 Furniture : seats, footstools, and curtains ; from MSS., and Bayeux tapestry, three plates . . . .16 Hall of Oakham castle, south-east view . . . .28 Ground-plan . . . . . . ib. Windows and principal doorway . . . .30 Capitals of pillars and south-east corbel . . . ib. Hipknobs, springstone, and section . . . ib. Town wall, Southampton. Plan of house adjoining . . 34 Interior and exterior of the same . . . . ib. House at Minster, Isle of Thanet . . . .37 Christ-church, Hampshire, house at . . .38 Part of St. Mary's Guild, Lincoln . . . .40 The Jews' House, Lincoln . . . . . ib. Staircase, leading to the Registry at Canterbury . . 42 Plan of house at Warnford, Hants . . . . ib. LIST OF PLATES. PAO* Refectory of the priory, Dover, exterior . . .44 Interior . . . . . . . ib. Ground-plan . . . . . ib. Moyses' Hall, Bury St. Edmund's, window, exterior and interior 46 Lower story of the hostelry of the prior of Lewes, Southwark . 49 Boothby Pagnell, Lincolnshire, manor-house, two plates . 52 Barnack, Northamptonshire, manor-house . . . ib. Baking. Melting metals. Cooking. Illustrations from MSS. in Bodleian Library . . . . .65 Seal, representing a manor-house of the thirteenth century (text} 71 Fire-place, Abingdon abbey, Berks . . . .83 Fire-place in the kitchen, abbey of Beauport, Brittany. Fire- place of wood and plaster, Garden on the Moselle, Germany . . . . . .84 Furniture. Table in the chapter-house, Salisbury. Table in the kitchen of the Strangers' Hall, Winchester . . 96 Illustrations of furniture, from illuminated MSS. . . 97 Back of the Coronation chair, "Westminster abbey . .98 Pottery, domestic utensils, &c. ; from MSS. in the Bodleian Library ....... 102 Illustrations from MSS., well, granary, &c. . . .112 Illustrations from painted glass, Bourges. Trades and occupa- tions . . . . . . .116 Ay don castle, Northumberland ; general external view . .148 Yiew within the walls . . . . . ib. Court, with external staircase . . . . ib. Angle of court . . . . . . ib. Chimney, and part of front . . . . . ib. Three windows . . . . . . ib. Fire-place, window, and drain . . . . ib. Fire-place and plan . . . . . . ib. Plans of ground floor and upper story . . . ib. Court-lodge, Godmersham, Kent . . . .150 Little Wenham Hall, Suffolk ; general view . . .152 Ditto and ground-plan . . . . . ib. Windows and entrance to chapel . . . . ib. Masonry, coping, &c. . . . . . ib. Longthorpe, near Peterborough . . . . .153 LIST OF PLATES. PAGE House at Charney, Berks ; west front .... 154 Ground-plan . . . . . . ib. Interior of Solar . . . . . . ib. Chapel, exterior and interior . . . . ib. Fire-place and plan of south wing . . . . ib. Master's house, St. John's Hospital, Northampton ; plan . 156 Hoof and drain . . ib. Stoke-Say castle, Shropshire; front of the hall from court-yard 158 Ground-plan . . . . . . ib. Interior of the hall . . . . . . ib. Tower, from the exterior . . . . . ib. Fire-place in the Solar . . . . .160 Chimney and windows of hall and tower . . . ib. Coggs, Oxfordshire, manor-house ; window, exterior and in- terior ....... 161 Cottesford, Oxfordshire ; old manor-house . . .162 Ground-plan . . . . . . ib. Window and drain . . . . . . ib. "West Deane, Sussex, old rectory-house . . . .168 Acton Burnell castle, Shropshire; south-west view and plan . 170 Hall and plan .... ib. Interior of window, and of north-west angle and tower . ib. Window of hall ; interior of door and window, north side . ib. Eemains of the barn, called the Parliament house . . ib. Somerton castle, Lincolnshire ; view of south-east tower . 172 Interior of north-east tower, with ground-plan . . ib. General ground-plan, (text} . . . .173 Old Soar, Plaxtole, Kent . . . .174 Ground-plan . . . . . . ib. King's Hall at Winchester ; window at west end, and plan of the hall . . . . . . 176 Elevation of one bay ; exterior and interior . . ib. Details . . . . . . . ib. Deanery, Winchester, entrance, with plan . . .177 Strangers' Hall, Winchester ; two views . . .178 Flore's House at Oakham, Rutland, doorway and drain . . ib. Barn, Eaunds, Northamptonshire . . . .180 Sections of mouldings of thirteenth-century buildings . . ib. LIST OP PLATES. PACK FRENCH EXAMPLES. Coucy, window in the keep of the castle of . . . 267 painting on the head and jambs of the window . ib. Tours, arcade on a corner house at , . .268 window of a house, rue Ste. Croix . . . ib. : front of a house, rue Briconnet . . . ib. windows of a house, rue de Rapin . . . ib. Angers, window in the hospital of St. John . . . 270 window in the Hospice at . . . ib. house in the rue des Penitentes . . . ib. Fontevrault, kitchen of the abbey of, and plan . .272 section of kitchen . . , . . . ib. St. Emilion, window of a house at . . . ib. Perigueux, front of a house at . . . . ib. Mont St. Michel, window of the library at . 274 Dol, part of the front of a house at . . . ib. Beauyais, house at . . . . . ib. INTRODUCTION. As the following account of the progress of domestic architecture in England commences only with the twelfth century, some notice of the subject during earlier periods may be reasonably expected; yet almost all that can be said of it anterior to that century must be founded chiefly on conjecture. Neither the language nor the civilization of the Romans appear to have made any great impression on the ancient population of England, and when the forces of the empire were finally withdrawn the nation relapsed into its primi- tive barbarism. The feeble school of native workmen who had been instructed in some few of the arts in which their southern conquerors excelled, never produced any thing better than rude imitations of the models by which they wrought. The works of the Roman settlers themselves, to judge by those which have survived, were of a coarse arid debased character. Most of the sculptures, mosaics, bronzes, and pottery which belong to the period of the Roman oc- cupation of Britain, and are presumed to be the work of Roman colonists, are inferior in character and execution to remains of the same period which have been discovered in Gaul and other provinces of the empire a . Nor is this The finer bronzes, and other works amelled-bronze figure discovered in Sus- of art, which have been found in this sex, and presented, by Lord Ashburn- country, are supposed to have been im- ham, to the British Museum, ported. Such for instance as the en- H INTRODUCTION. surprising if it be remembered that the Roman troops who occupied the British islands were chiefly foreign auxiliaries, and that neither the climate nor the wealth of the country were such as to induce any extensive settle- ment of the more polished subjects of the Caesars. A few merchants who had come from Belgium and Gaul, a few veterans who had become colonists, a few of the chief native inhabitants who had received the honour of citizenship and some tincture of southern civilization, together with the army, formed all that could be strictly termed the Eoman, in contradistinction to the aboriginal, population. Much progress in the arts was incompatible with such a state of society, and the science of architecture above all was not likely to be exercised with great effect. The for- tifications of the Romans in this country were, it is true, on that grand and massive scale which everywhere marked their military defences, as enduring remains amply shew; but the temples and public edifices of the Romano-British cities, although constructed on the unvarying conventional principles which distinguished the best examples of Latian art, were inferior in size and splendour to those of any other province of the empire. Under these circumstances it is improbable that domestic architecture, which even in Italy had not attained a great degree of excellence before the last days of the Republic, should have been carried to any considerable pitch of refinement or magnificence by the Roman settlers in England. We know, however, from remains of domestic habitations of Roman times which have been discovered in this country, that the villas and town houses of the Roman colonists were generally built upon the same plan which prevailed in Italy. In this respect the Roman practice was as un- INTRODUCTION. ill changing as the Chinese ; the same principles of construc- tion were observed on the banks of the Severn and the Thames, as on those of the Tiber or the Po. It is very probable that in England the influence of climate may have modified some of the details of the Roman house : although well adapted to the climate of Italy the open atrium, with a rain-cistern, or impluvium in its centre, was not equally suited to the damp atmosphere of Britain, and here therefore that apartment may have been covered in, although its proportions relatively to the rest of the house were preserved b . The various parts of a Roman house have been so fre- quently described, that it is unnecessary in this place to enter into any great detail respecting them. It may be observed, however, that until the discovery of the remains of Pompeii the general arrangement of the apartments was imperfectly understood, notwithstanding the letters of Cicero and Pliny, and the instructions of Vitruvius. Judg- ing from those remains, aided by the writers just named, an ordinary Roman house does not appear to have been either a comfortable or a well-arranged building. The size of the cubicula, or bedchambers, was usually sacrificed to the atrium, and they were therefore of comparatively small dimensions; they derived their light internally from that apartment, and rarely from windows in the external wall ; at least such was the plan adopted in Italy : but, if, as has been suggested, the atrium was entirely roofed, in build- ings constructed in this country, external windows may have been more common. On this point unfortunately we have no evidence; the remains of Roman buildings dis- b No impluvium was found in the remarkable ruins at Bignor, in Sussex. Archaeologia, vol. xviii. pp. 203218. c2 iy INTRODUCTION. covered in England scarcely enable us to trace their ground- plan, much less to give any opinion as to their elevations, with the exception of the materials composing the walls and roofs. The atrium was generally the only sitting-room for the family, and was ordinarily the kitchen also . Thus the chief features of the ordinary Roman house were a large hall, attached to which were one or more small chambers for sleeping. To these the bath remains to be added, for even in the smallest buildings of which the vestiges have been laid bare, a hypocaust has usually been found : the presence of this apparatus does not, it is true, actually prove that it was attached to a bath, but the fair inference is that such was generally the case. The skill displayed by the Romans in the arrangement of the flues, connected with the hypocaust, by which their apartments were heated, scarcely prepares us to believe that they were unacquainted with the use of chimneys ; yet the balance of opinion among the best modern writers on the subject is in favour of such a conclusion d . According to the taste and wealth of the owner, a house may have had more rooms or have been constructed on a greater scale, and even with an upper story; but it has too long been the fashion to assume that every villa was built according to the descriptions of Cicero and Pliny, to imagine that those numerous apartments which were necessary to the convenience or fastidiousness of Hence in middle-age Latinity atrium covered in the villa at Bignor : " no part came to signify a kitchen. SeeDuCange, of any chimney or funnel by which the sub voce. smoke might have been conveyed away, d The authorities in favour of chimneys remained." Mr. Lysons in Archaeologia, are collected by Becker, Gallus, Sc. ii. ut supra. Excurs. i. Two open fire-places were dis- INTRODUCTION. V the wealthy ordinarily formed parts of the house of every Roman who could afford to possess a suburban retreat. We may reasonably assume that such was not the case on the continent, and the description here given is submitted as generally accurate with respect to the numerous rural habitations which at the beginning of the fifth century were scattered over Britain, from the hills of Perthshire to the coast of Kent. If the Roman villa was in any part of the country distinguished by greater splendour, it was in the milder climate of the south-western counties, where ground-plans have been traced, on sunny slopes, of edifices which seem to have been built with long porticos, almost rivalling that of Pliny at Laurentinum, and paved with mosaics almost equal to those of Italy e . Of domestic habitations within towns during the Roman dominion in this country, we know very little ; to some of them what has been said of the country residences is, of course, applicable, so far as general arrangement is con- cerned. Ground not being so valuable as in Rome and other cities of the continent, we may conclude the houses were generally built without an upper story, a contrivance which appears to have been originally suggested by the difficulty of accommodating an increased population within a limited area. Of the meaner class of houses, as shops for instance, we are left to form an idea from an inspection of the remains of such buildings at Pompeii. The Roman method of building in England appears to have been fully as substantial as that observed in Italy ; wherever the remains of their edifices are laid bare by the e The supposed cryptoporticus at Big- Lysons to the age of Titus, were superior nor was of the entire length of two hun- in design and execution to any other dred and twenty-seven feet. The mo- examples known to exist in this country, saics found there, attributed by Mr. Archaeologia, vol. xviii. pp. 203 208. Vi INTRODUCTION. plough, or by excavating, the foundations are invariably of the most solid materials ; concrete, stone and tile. Some of the best quarries known at the present day were known and worked in the fourth century of our sera, and not merely for constructions in their immediate vicinity. The great roads constructed by the Romans throughout this island rendered the transport of materials from distant points more easy then than it was, probably, in the eleventh and twelfth centuries, when those roads had fallen into decay ; and the geologist now often recognises in the ruins of Roman villas situated in districts not devoid of quarries, stone of a superior quality, which must have been brought by land or water fifty or a hundred miles. The edifices of the towns they founded were equally well built, and en- dured through the succeeding periods of British anarchy, Saxon conquest, and Danish spoliation. In the tenth and eleventh centuries the ruins of Verulamium furnished materials for the construction of the church and abbey of St. Alban's ; and recent discoveries prove that source to be not yet exhausted. When the Saxon power was at its zenith, massive buildings of Roman days, yet standing in the chief towns of England, were significantly distinguished in the Saxon dialect from constructions of a later date ; as the quarter called the Aldwark in York, and the suburb called the Southwark at London. We may reasonably assume that when the Romans finally abandoned England as a colony, every building throughout the country, except the huts of the native peasantry and labourers, exhibited in a greater or less degree the peculiar features of their style of architecture. Nor does there appear to be any good reason for sup- posing that this condition of things was immediately INTRODUCTION. VU changed. Their retirement was not suJden but gradual ; and the state of the continent was not such as to induce the emigration of any great numbers of the Eomano-British population, although they found themselves deprived of the protection of the forces of the empire. The history of the period between the withdrawal of the Eoman legions and the arrival of the Saxons is, however, a mass of fable and contradictions, amidst which we search in vain for glimpses of truth ; one fact alone is certain, that it was a period of internal discord, and, therefore, unfavourable either to the progress or the preservation of the arts. Yet it cannot be doubted that when the Saxons landed in England they found its population dwelling in towns still possessing all the chief features of Roman construction, both civil and military. Those features could not have been immediately and wholly effaced, destructive as was the struggle which took place before the supremacy of the new comers was established. Whatever was destroyed was destroyed in warfare, that ended it would be puerile to suppose that the Saxons pulled down every thing that re- mained for the sake of rebuilding after their own fashion. Here the question arises, how, or in what style, the Saxons were likely to replace the habitations they destroyed. If we turn to the Sagas, and other early records of the history and manners of the northern races, we find that the dwellings of their kings and chiefs in the countries adjacent to the Baltic consisted only of two apartments, and that sovereigns and their counsellors are described as sleeping in the same room. The habitations of the mass of the people were wooden huts, rarely containing more than one room, in the centre of which the fire was kindled. Such was the style of domestic architecture which the Vlll INTRODUCTION. Saxons would bring with them to this country; and in that fashion most of their houses were built down to the latest period of their dominion. To this method there was nothing repugnant in houses erected on the Roman plan which they found on their arrival, and we may be pretty certain that wherever in town or country such houses existed in a habitable state, or capable of being made habitable, however rudely, they were occupied by the in- vaders f . The Saxon chieftain would find better accommo- dation in a large Roman house, with its spacious atrium, than he had been wont to enjoy, and in its essential fea- tures the plan of the edifice did not vary from that of the rude habitation of his fatherland; there was still the hall for feasting his numerous retainers, and more chambers for other domestic purposes. It is sufficiently obvious that buildings either wholly or partially of Roman construction must have gradually diminished in number during the continual wars of the Saxon period ; and it is next to certain that most do- mestic edifices built during the same time were chiefly of wood, a material which could be more readily obtained and more easily converted than stone. The quarries which had supplied the Roman builders ceased to be worked ; the mechanical skill of the new conquerors was scanty, and had it been greater the difficulty and cost of carrying were obstacles not easily surmounted. The Saxon thegne built his " hall " from the woods on his demesne, by the 1 Mr. Kemble, in his " Saxons in of London and York, of Gloucester and England," is of opinion that the Saxons Chester, proved equally attractive to avoided Roman towns. No doubt they their successors in power. The ad- formed many new rural settlements, vantage of water communication would but the same convenience of situation equally influence Roman and Saxon, which led the Romans to fix on the sites INTRODUCTION. IX labour of his bondmen g ; it was thatched with reeds or straw, or roofed with wooden shingles. In plan it was little more than its name implied, a capacious apartment which in the day-time was adapted to the patriarchal hos- pitality of the owner, and formed, at night, a sort of stable for his servants h , to whose rude accommodation their mas- ter's was not much superior in a small adjoining chamber. There was, as yet, but a slight perception of the decencies of life. The fire was kindled in the centre of the hall ; the smoke made its way out through an opening in the roof immediately above the hearth, or by the door, windows, or eaves of the thatch. The lord and his " hearth-men," a significant appellation given to the most familiar re- tainers 1 , sat by the same fire at which their repast was cooked, and at night retired to share the same dormitory, which served also as a council -chamber. These hearth- companions of the Saxon kings and nobles have been com- pared, by writers of considerable erudition, to the counts of the palace of the Frank sovereigns, and no doubt some analogy existed between the customs of all the northern races which supplanted the Roman power. So late as the * See in the Venedotian code, art. 16; done; they bared the bench- planks; it "nine buildings which the villains of was spread all over with beds and bolsters; the king are to erect for him : a hall, a some one of the beer- servants, ready and chamber, a buttery, a stable, a dog-house, fated to die, bent to his palace rest." a barn, a kiln, a privy, and a dormitory." Beowulf, translated by J. M. Kemble, Ancient Laws and Institutes of Wales, vol. ii. p. 51. Compare the regulations p. 37. See also for the worth of the of the king's hall, in the Welsh Laws, ball, p. 142. " The king's hall is to be apportioned h Persons of higher rank also slept in into three parts," &c. Ancient Laws the hall. "A multitude of warriors and Institutes of Wales, p. 688. watched the hall, as they before had often 1 Bedwulf, 1. 4353. dreah sefter dome he acted according to justice, nealles druucne slog nor drunken struck heorth-ge-neatas. his hearth companions. X INTRODUCTION. fourteenth century it was the custom of a king of France to distinguish those courtiers and counsellors whom he particularly favoured, by inviting one or more of them to share his bed, or to sleep in the same room. During the greater part of the Saxon period houses in towns appear to have been generally constructed of wood k or mud, with thatched roofs. We have no better autho- rities on this point than the manuscripts containing the miracles wrought by various saints in those ages. It is true that perhaps few of these writings are older than the tenth century, many were certainly composed about that time; but the notices they afford of contemporary domestic buildings must be taken as correct, and we may infer that the edifices described were then very much what they had been for several centuries, mean in size, generally without an upper floor, and mostly containing but one room. The treatise of Lantfred, a monk of Winchester, on the miracles of St. Swithun, seems to have been com- piled between the years 950 and 1000 ; it refers prin- cipally to events which occurred at Winchester, and fur- nishes us with some means of forming an idea of the aspect of that ancient capital of the most powerful Saxon state. The houses of the persons to whom the saint ap- peared in visions, are often called huts, (tuguria ;) in one case, the dwelling of an honest smith is said to have had an old roof or thatch 1 ; another dwelling is termed a " little house" (domiculd). Offending slaves, whom their owners had manacled, reserving them for further punishment, see their masters leave home, and so take the opportunity to k Tims in the Colloquium of ^Elfric, * " Sanctus vates tugurium obsoleti the treo-wriht, or carpenter, replies to deserens tegetis." MS. Reg. 15 C. 7, the querist " that he makes houses and fol. 7 b, bowls." INTRODUCTION. XI escape, which they could not well do unless they had been in the same room. Almost every allusion to houses con- tained in this work proves their small dimensions. We may thus understand how Winchester could contain the numerous population it is said to have had in Saxon times. Its streets consisted of low huts, closely packed together : at the time of the survey taken in the reign of Henry I. those streets were sixteen in number; in the fifteenth century, nine of them were in a ruinous and deserted state, having, in all probability, never been any better than in Saxon times rows of wooden and mud hovels. Much stress has been laid upon the supposed opulence of Win- chester from the number of goldsmiths enumerated in the survey alluded to ; but there is very little in the point. The goldsmiths in those days worked, but did not gene- rally trade, in the precious metals : and there is no reason to suppose they had better dwellings than any other class of artificers in early times. The goldsmiths of Paris worked and dwelt in booths on the Pont-au-Change, and the Pont- Notre-Dame, as late as the fourteenth century. The houses of London in Saxon times could not have been superior to those of Winchester; a statement made by the chief inhabitants of that city in the twelfth century, expressly declares that down to the reign of Stephen the houses were built of wood and covered with thatch. At length the frequent recurrence of disastrous fires compelled the citizens to employ, where possible, more enduring ma- terials, but London, nevertheless, continued to be a town mainly of wood and plaster, almost to the period of the great conflagration in the seventeenth century. From these facts it may be justly inferred that through- out the whole of the Anglo-Saxon period, domestic habita- Xll INTRODUCTION. tions were generally constructed on a very small scale, and were adapted only to afford one of the great necessaries of life, protection from the weather. Style in architecture there could have been none, properly speaking : one house may have differed from another in being higher or lower, a square or a parallelogram ; but there the difference ceased : all must have been alike rude internally and externally; faintly lighted, badly ventilated, and wanting in every ap- pliance for comfort and decency. It is not improbable, however, that the house of an Anglo-Saxon thegne may have exhibited some coarse decorative features. The par- tiality of the northern races to carving, particularly in the ornamentation of their war-galleys, is well known. Those vessels were sculptured at the prow with representations of the animals or reptiles, fabulous or real, after which they were named, and were besides resplendent with paint and gilding. The history of art amply shews that wherever the first principles of decoration have been introduced among a people, their application soon becomes general : the same conventional and mythic forms which adorned the sea-boat of the Saxon, appeared on the slab or cross which marked his burial-place, and on the ornaments and vessels of brass, or more precious metals, which he wore on his person or used at table ; and similar designs may have been rudely painted, or more rudely carved both within and without his dwelling. The introduction of painting is commonly said, on the authority of Beda, to have taken place in the seventh century; but his words may be understood to refer only to the northern parts of the kingdom m : indeed, m If, indeed, they imply more than opera hist, minora Ven. Bedae, Lond. that Benedict brought pictures already 1841. p. H5. finished. See Vit S. Benedict! inter INTRODUCTION. Xlll it is probable they allude simply to the first application of that species of decoration to ecclesiastical buildings. It is obvious that people who possessed a sufficient knowledge of colours to enable them to paint one class of objects were likely to apply the same skill to another ; and it seems in- contestable that the Saxons painted their vessels in very remote times. That exterior ornaments were sometimes given to domestic buildings in Saxon times, scarcely admits of doubt ; the " pinnacled hall" is a phrase which occurs in the poem of Beowulf n ; from another passage in the same work, we may gather that the roof of a Saxon hall had a high pitch, and was sometimes covered with a better material than thatch : " he went to the hall, stood on the steps, and beheld the steep roof with gold adorned ." It hardly admits of reasonable doubt, however, that some edifices, both ecclesiastical and domestic, were built during the latter centuries of Saxon dominion, of stone, and in imitation of the Roman or rather Romanesque style. From the period of the conversion of the nation to Christianity, and more particularly from the close of the seventh century, the intercourse of the Saxons with foreign countries became greatly extended, both by commerce and by the custom of religious pilgrimages. English churchmen and traders were frequent visitors in the chief cities of France and Italy : from Rome they sometimes found their way to Constantinople and Syria. At the beginning of the eighth century, a great fair was held yearly in the city of Jerusalem which was attended by merchants from all parts of the "The hall rose aloft; high and fifth century. The text copied by Mr. curved with pinnacles it awaited the hos- Kemble belongs to a period subsequent tile waves of loathed fire." Kemble's to A.D. 597. pref., p. xx. Trans., p. 4. The date of the events de- Beowulf, 1. scribed in Beowulf is the middle of the xiv INTRODUCTION. world p . The clergy who had thus become familiar with o*/ the remains of ancient art existing in the south of Eu- rope, as well as with the superior method of building still practised there, were the means of introducing new modes of construction in their own country ; they desired, like Benedict of Wearmouth, to have their churches built " in the Roman manner" (more Romano), and to that end hired artificers from the continent. It has been well ob- served by a learned writer of the last century, that skilful workmen were always to be found in Italy, notwithstanding its occupation by the barbarians q : the masons of Como are mentioned in the Lombardic code r , and the class of native artists was increased from time to time by others who emi- grated from Byzantium in search of employment. The tide of art rolled northwards by the Rhine, and thus in the seventh century, a Saxon ecclesiastic could hire masons, glaziers, and other necessary workmen in France. What the style then called "Roman" was, as applied to churches, is known to us, by many buildings still existing in Italy, and we may observe from illuminations, or draw- ings, in manuscripts executed in England, that the general principles of that style seem to have been rendered subser- vient to domestic buildings. When a king or noble built his P "Diversarum gentium undiqueprope Royale des Inscriptions et Belles-Let- innumera multitude, 15 die Septem- tres," vol. 37, pp.467 527. The author bris anniversario more, in Hierosolymis believed that the interruption of the ac- convenire solet ad commercia mutuis customed traffic with the east contributed conditionibus et emtionibus peragenda." in a great measure, though indirectly, to See the travels of St. Arculf inter Acta excite the people of Europe to attempt Sanct. Ord. S. Benedict!, vol. iv. The the recovery of the Holy Land, history of European commerce before the i Muratori de Antiq. Ital., diss. xxiv. sera of the first crusade has never been t ] e artibusltalicorum postinclinationem satisfactorily elucidated : there is a slight Romani imperil'." essay on the subject, by Guignes, r j^g. i^ among the " Memoires de 1'Academie, INTRODUCTION. XV hall of stone, the f urea, or wooden posts, which had at an earlier time supported the thatch, gave place to columns of stone connected by circular arches, and light was admitted by round or square-headed windows. These columns were ornamented by rude capitals and bases which sometimes bore a slight resemblance to ancient forms, and sometimes exhibited no relation whatever to any preconceived type 8 . The roof appears to have been covered with oval-shaped tiles or shingles, such as the Romans had used, and examples of which are often found among their remains in this country. If we are to rely upon the authority of these ancient drawings, the iron-work on hall-doors was as florid and o ' luxuriant in design as such work undoubtedly was in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries * ; nor is this, perhaps, very improbable, considering how anciently the working of iron had been practised among the northern races u , and the general skill of the Saxons in metallurgy. Houses are represented adorned with towers with conical roofs ; walls are generally drawn with crenellations *. Unfortunately, the drawings in Saxon manuscripts cannot be entirely depended on as accurate delineations of contem- porary architecture, ecclesiastical or domestic. Notwith- standing the great difference in style perceptible among them, it is obvious that the artists generally worked after certain admitted standards of design, which seem to have been furnished originally by the Greek school, to which later 1 See the drawing representing the especially the internal hinges of the gate birth of Abel, from the metrical para- of Paradise, p. 58, shewing how the door phrase of Caedmon, engraved in the Ar- was hung to the jamb, chaeologia, vol.xxiv. pi. 47. Compare the u The king's " ambihtsmid" or master capitals with those in pi. 57. The date smith (prefectus fabrorum), is named in of this manuscript is about the year the laws of ^Etlielbirht, king of Kent, 1000. who died early in the seventh century. * See the drawings in Caedmon, passim, * Csedmon, pi. 81, 87. XVI INTRODUCTION. additions were made from time to time. This con- ventional style of drawing lasted till the twelfth cen- tury; and there is little difference between the archi- tectural details in works of that age and those which occur in writings two centuries older. Occasionally also we may perceive a strong tinge of Saracenic cha- racter in Saxon delineations of buildings; this may be remarked, particularly, in a drawing representing the Annunciation, in the celebrated Benedictional of St. ^Ethelwold, where the Blessed Virgin is seated under a porch, covered by a dome, wholly in the Arabian style 7 . On the other hand, many of the architectural decorations in the same manuscript, as the acanthus-leaved capitals and bases of columns, are drawn with a grace and freedom to which there could have been no parallel in any English building extant, when those drawings were made, in the latter half of the tenth century. Still, although too much credit is not to be given to early illuminations, they frequently present minor details which were undoubtedly taken by the artists from objects which surrounded them ; and the impression left on the mind, by a careful com- parison of various examples, will be, that much of the Romanesque style prevailed in some domestic buildings erected in this country in the ninth and tenth centuries. Indeed, it is not easy to perceive that a substantially-built Saxon hall could have materially differed from a Norman hall of the same period, any more than a Saxon house could have differed in its arrangement from a Norman house. The chief difference was, probably, that the latter had an upper story, a feature which seems to have been un- common in England until late in the twelfth century. Both ' Archaeologia, vol. xxiv. pi. x. p. 50. INTRODUCTION. Saxon and Norman had originally built much in the same style, and both derived every modification and improve- ment of that style from the same source an imitation of the details of Roman architecture. There is one very necessary feature in a house, for which we look in vain among Saxon drawings, a chimney. That useful invention appears to have been then unknown in England, as indeed it was in many parts of Europe until the fifteenth century. Perhaps the strongest argu- ment in favour of the opinion that there were no chimneys in ancient Eoman houses, is supplied by the fact that there were none in Roman houses of the fourteenth century ; al- though this contrivance appears to have been then known in at least one of the Italian cities. In 1368, a prince of Padua, on making a journey to Rome, took with him ma- sons who constructed a chimney in the inn at which he stayed, " because in the city of Rome they did not then use chimneys; and all lighted the fire in the middle of the house, on the floor z ." A chronicler of Placentia, who wrote in the same century, praising the frugality of past times, and censuring the luxury then prevalent among all classes, observes, " there was then no chimney in houses, because then they made only a fire in the middle of the house under the dome of the roof. And all of the said house stood around the said fire; and there the cooking was done. And in my time I have seen it in many houses V 1 " Perchfc nella cittL di Roma allora domo stabant circa dictum ignem ; et non si usavano camini ; anzi tutti face- ibi fiebat coquina. Et vidi meo tempore vano fuoco in mezzo delle case in terra." in pluribus domibus. " Muratori, ut Muratori, Antiq. Italicae, vol. ii. diss. supra, col. 419. Muratori thought that 25, col. 418. chimneys might have been known in "In quibus domibus nullum sole- Roman times, and that they were for- bat esse caminum ; quia tune faciebant gotten after the irruption of the bar- unum ignem tantum in medio domus barians. sub cupis tecti. Et onmes de dicta XV111 INTRODUCTION. It must be confessed, however, that in investigating the antiquity of chimneys, well-ascertained facts are strangely opposed to the statements of respectable writers of early times. Thus in the sixteenth century we find Leland ex- pressing some wonder at a chimney in Bolton castle, al- though existing remains fully prove that perpendicular flues were constructed in this country in the twelfth cen- tury. The only solution of the difficulty that offers itself, is to presume, that although the principle of the modern chimney was understood at a very early, it was not gene- rally adopted until a comparatively recent time. Whatever amount of difficulty may attend our enquiry respecting the domestic buildings of the Saxons, the cha- racter of their military edifices is involved in far greater obscurity. If reliance is to be placed on the drawings at- tributed to Saxon times, a hall and other buildings sur- rounded by a high embattled wall appears to have been the usual mode of fortification b j all the internal buildings seem to have been of lower elevation than the ramparts, by which they were effectually screened ; whenever mural towers are represented they are of no great height, and are crowned by pyramidal roofs. In these details a marked b The Saxon Chronicle, describing the " Wonderous is this wall-stone building of Bamborough by Ida, in the the fates have broken it, sixth century, says, he " built Bam- have burst the burgh-place, borough, which was at first inclosed by Perishes the work of giants, a hedge, and afterwards by a wall : " the roofs are fallen, " he getimbrade Bebban-burh. sy waes the towers tottering, aerorst mid hegge betiued. and thaer the hoar gate-towers despoil'd, aefter mid wealle." Monumenta His- rime on the lime, torica Britannica, vol. i. p. 302. The shatter'd the battlements," &c. reader may be referred also to a curious Codex Exon.,ed. B.Thorpe, 1842; p. 476. poetical fragment entitled " The Ruin," It is not improbable, however, that in the Codex Exoniensis, a MS. of the these lines may have been suggested by tenth century, for a description of a a decayed Roman building. Saxon fortress. INTRODUCTION. XIX contrast is seen to the style introduced by the Normans, in which the lofty proportions of all the members form a distinguishing characteristic. At the same time it must be acknowledged that several eminent antiquaries have claimed a Saxon origin for some castellated structures yet existing. Sir Walter Scott considered Coningsburgh castle to be " one of the very few remaining examples of Saxon fortification ;" and Mr. King attributed a similar antiquity to the castle of Bamborough d ; yet both these edifices are now thought to belong to the Norman period. Numerous castles of stone and brick, fortified with walls and lofty towers, are described among the glories of Britain by Gildas and Nennius, and also by Beda ; these authorities, however, apparently three in number, are in reality but one ; as Nen- nius writing in the ninth century merely copies the words of Gildas, who lived in the sixth, who is also the autho- rity used by Beda. But even admitting the testimony of Gildas and Nennius to be unimpeachable, their expres- sions are vague and rhetorical ; while Beda speaks of these castles as formerly existing e ; it is therefore extremely pro- c See the last note (L) to the romance munitissitna, non admodum magna, sed of Ivanhoe; in which Sir Walter, allu- quasi duorum veltrium agrorum spatium, ding to the burghs of the Zetland islands, habens unum introitum cavatum, et gra- as remains of the " architecture of the dibus miro modo exaltatum. Habet ancient Scandinavians," observes, "1 am in summitate mentis ecciesiam praepul- inclined to regard the singular castle of chre factam," &c. Monumenta Hist. Coningsburgh I mean the Saxon part Brit., p. 664. It would appear from the of it as a step in advance from the rude Pipe Rolls that the existing keep of Bain- architecture, if it deserves the name, borough was built about the end of the which must have been common to the twelfth century, and in the reign of Saxons as to other Northmen." Henry the Second. It has been much d The Saxon chronicle, ut supra, does altered in its details. not say that Ida erected a castle at Bam- e " Erat et civitatibus quondam viginti borough ; he made the rock an enclosed et octo nobilissiinis insignita, praeter cas- burh only. Simeon of Durham, writing tella innumera, quae et ipsa muris, tur- at the beginning of the twelfth century, ribus, portis, ac seris erant instructa -does not mention a castle there; his firmissimis." Bedae Hist. Eccl., lib. i. words are j " Bebba vero civitas urbs est cap. 1. XX INTRODUCTION. bable that buildings of Koman times were referred to. It is moreover a significant fact that of forty-nine castles enumerated in the Domesday Survey, one only, that of Arundel, is said to have been standing in the time of the Confessor ; we have no mention of castles in the Saxon Chronicle ; and no fortified places obstructed the march of William to London. On the other hand we have the con- curring testimony of all early writers that the Conqueror was obliged to build fortresses in various parts to overawe the surrounding country. The passage of Beda in which he speaks of Putta as bishop "castelli Cantuariorum" has been taken by some as proof that a castle existed at Rochester before the Conquest ; but it is evident from the context that Beda only uses the word castellum as synonymous with the Latin castrum f , a fortified station which had grown into a city. Roman stations bore no analogy to those iso- lated citadels which were erected in England during the Norman period, except in so far as both stations and castles naturally became, in their respective periods, nuclei of towns, owing to the population of the neighbourhood thronging to spots which afforded protection ; here how- ever all likeness ceased. The Roman stations were fixed with reference to the lines of road throughout the country, and the maintenance of a general plan of communication between military posts : the Norman castle when not reared in a town of Roman foundation, as Rochester, Chester, or Norwich, was built merely with a view to the advantage of the owner and the defence of his individual estate ; it was the chief place of his honour or fee. On the whole, an anxious consideration of all existing f His words are, "Putta episco- Hrofescaestir," &c. Hist. Eccl., lib. iv. pus Castelli Cantuariorum quod dicitur cap. 5. INTRODUCTION. XXI sources of information leads to the conclusion that Saxon fortifications were confined to the enclosure of an advan- tageous site, as Bamborough, for example, by a wall, and, where necessary, possibly by earth-works : but the strength of such positions must have been generally inconsiderable, or the skill of the defenders must have been small, as throughout the annals of the Saxon period we find no in- stance recorded of the successful or even protracted defence of a fortified place g . The genius of that people seems to have been better adapted to field warfare than to the con- struction or maintenance of strong military stations. When defeated they took refuge in natural fastnesses ; the woods and marshes of Somersetshire protected Alfred from the pursuit of the Danes, and enabled him to re-organize his forces, and the last stand of the Saxons against their Nor- man invaders was amid the fens of Ely and Cambridge- shire. It now remains to consider the changes which the Nor- mans wrought in the style of domestic architecture in England ; and it is scarcely paradoxical to observe that they rather introduced novelty of detail than novelty in plan. The amount of accommodation in a Norman was not greater than in a Saxon house or homestead ; we be- hold still only the chief room or hall and the single bed- chamber, or thalamus. By the Normans, however, the prin- ciples of the Romanesque style were more generally ap- plied to civil as well as to ecclesiastical buildings: yet even in this respect no considerable alteration could have occurred before the close of the eleventh or commencement of the twelfth century. It is not to be supposed that the * If we except the resistance of Lon- jEthelred ; but London was still pro- don, against the Danes, in the time of tected by its Roman walls. XXU INTRODUCTION. Norman invaders were attended by legions of architects and masons who began at once to reconstruct every edifice in the island. It took William some years to consolidate his power, and the only buildings of importance erected during that unsettled period were fortresses. Domesday informs us how many burgage tenements were destroyed by the Conqueror and his followers in building castles at Lincoln, York and other places, but there its information on this head ceases : still from other sources we know that the first movement towards the new style must have taken place in the south of England, as the country be- tween the Humber and the Tyne had been savagely laid waste in suppressing the rebellion of Earl Morcar, and re- mained almost a desert till the foundation of the great Yorkshire monasteries in the twelfth century. As a gene- ral rule, therefore, it may be asserted that there are very few buildings of Norman character in this country which can be safely referred to an earlier date than the year 1 100 h ; for this reason it has been deemed advisable to commence the present work with that century. That, like the Saxons, the Normans continued to build in towns, of wood and mud-clay 1 , in timber frame-work, is beyond doubt ; houses of stone were then, as they have generally been, exceptions to the general method of con- h For example, the dates of the foun- thedral, after 1100; Binham, c. 1106; dation of Yorkshire monasteries of which Wyinondham, c. 1107. In Berkshire ; some remains yet exist are Kirkham, Reading abbey, 1121. In Kent; Priory, 1121, Gisburn, 1129, Rivaulx, 1131, Dover, 1121. The period of the com- Fountains, 1132, Byland, 1H3, pletion of the Norman part of all these Meaux, 1150, Kirkstall, 1152, Jer- buildings may be safely taken as ten or vaulx, 1156. In Middlesex; St. Bartho- fifteen years later than the date of foun- lomew's, Smithfield, (finished?), between dation. It was not unusual to consecrate 1122 and 1133. In Hampshire; St. the chancel of a church before the rest of Cross, about 1132; Porchester or South- the edifice was finished. Mrick, 1133. In Norfolk; Norwich ca- '* See p. 23, the London assize of 1212. INTRODUCTION. Xxiii struction. The cost of the latter material, and the still greater expense of converting it, must have necessarily limited its employment in domestic buildings to the more opulent ; and in the middle ages there were, comparatively, few modes of displaying opulence ; one of the few, how- ever, was in the external decoration of houses, a fashion which declined in proportion as the advance of commerce and the arts enlarged the catalogue of human necessaries and luxuries. Yet, although the few examples of the domestic architecture of the twelfth century which have survived to this time, exhibit, in a mutilated state, all the main features of the Romanesque style, both in its early and its transition stages ; it would be a great mistake to suppose that there were in that century in London, or in any other city, many houses equal in decorative character to the house at Barnack, or the Jew's house in Lincoln. It is improbable that there should have been many manor-houses built during this century ; land had not yet been largely subdivided ; and whole districts of great ex- tent were still held by the heirs of the followers of the Conqueror, who ruled almost independently in their feudal strongholds. The troubles attending the contested succes- sion of Stephen, and, later again, the rebellion of Mowbray in the time of Henry the Second, led to the erection of nu- merous fortresses, adulterine castles they were termed, as built without licence from the crown ; but the times were too unsettled to encourage the building of houses not abso- lutely defensible, and situated in strong positions. By the close of the century most of these castles had been dis- mantled, some were actually razed to the ground. Licences to embattle manor-houses, occurring frequently in the re- cords of the reign of Henry the Third, would seem to in- INTRODUCTION. dicate the thirteenth century as the period when the mesne tenants of the great barons first began to "build substantially on their own account. It had however long been usual for the more wealthy monasteries to erect granges in their principal manors, sufficiently capacious to garner the pro- duce of the harvest, and to accommodate the abbot and his attendants during an occasional retirement, or when resting on a journey. The granges of Cistercian houses had gene- rally chapels annexed, and were tenanted by the conversi, or lay-brethren of the order, who busied themselves, ac- cording to their rule, in agricultural labours. These introductory remarks may be appropriately closed by a few illustrations of the technical branches of the prac- tice of architecture in the twelfth century. The authorities from which they are derived, do not indeed wholly belong to that century, but as the science of construction has been in all countries, and in all times of slow growth, we are justified in concluding that the methods of working ob- served early in the thirteenth, were not unusual in the pre- vious century. Materials for building must at all events have been obtained from the same sources in both ages ; and the workmen of the latter period must have learnt their business from masters who had been taught in the earlier. The stone quarries which appear to have been most generally used in the twelfth and following century, were those of Caen, Boulogne, Pevensey, Corfe, Reigate, Folk- stone, and that of Egremont, in Cumberland. There were of course numerous other quarries which were used for buildings in their immediate neighbourhood, but those mentioned above supplied materials to all parts of the kingdom. Thus parts of Windsor castle were built of INTRODUCTION. XXV Egremont stone, both in the reigns of Henry the Second and of Edward the Third k ; considering the difficulty and expense of bringing it by sea in those early times, this ma- terial would appear to have been then greatly esteemed ; at present it is believed the Egremont quarries are scarcely known in the south of England. The stone commonly called "Kentish-rag," was, under the same name, exten- sively used early in the thirteenth century; in 1282 the gaol of Newgate was repaired with " Kentish-rag ;" at that time a boat load of it cost from 7*. 8d. to lls. Id. The material used for finishing, and for the mullions of win- dows, is usually termed free-stone, and was brought, in all probability, from Corfe. Caen stone appears to have been mainly employed for ashlar-work, as at the present time. The free-stone of Maidenestane, or Maidstone, occurs in one record of this period, relating to a private building in London. The materials used in laying the foundations of the better class of buildings may be judged of by the mode in which Master Michael of Canterbury, the architect of Eleanor's cross in Cheapside, prepared the foundation of the royal chapel in the palace at Westminster, in the year 1292. He used two ship loads of chalk, four hundred- weight of quick-lime, two ship loads of cinders, and one ship load of flints l from Aylesford. In the thirteenth century lime was sold by the bag, as at present, as well as by the hundred-weight ; in preparing it for mortar it was mixed with sand, and occasionally with k The groined roof of the " treasury" Windsor, 39-40 Edw. III. of St. George's chapel, built by Edward l In the original, "j. navata grisee the Third, was of Egremont stone, which petre, vj. s. vj. d." Du Cange renders cost, rough, 100*. Accounts of works at grisea petra by silex. INTRODUCTION. pounded tile m , a fact which may tend to correct the haste with which some antiquaries pronounce fragments of mortar in which that ingredient appears, wherever they may occur in medieval buildings, to be of Roman origin. At whatever period the use of gypsum may have been introduced into this country for plastering and whitewash- ing internal stone-work, it was certainly known by its pre- sent name of " plaster of Paris " very early in the thirteenth century. Plasterers and whitewashers (dealbatores) are mentioned in the London assize of the year 1212; and Necham, writing in the twelfth century, alludes to smooth- ing the surface of walls by the trowel n . We are not to consider the practice of whitewashing stone- work as a vice peculiar to modern times. Our ancestors had as great an objection to the natural surface of stone, whether in churches or other buildings, as any churchwardens or bricklayers of the nineteenth century. Several writs of Henry the Third are extant directing the Norman chapel in the Tower to be whitewashed : Westminster Hall was whitewashed for the coronation of Edward the First, and many other an- cient examples might be cited. In fact, it seems to have been the rule to plaster ordinary stone-work ; for instance, when Newgate was repaired in 1282, two new windows of free-stone were constructed " in the chamber where the justices sit," yet the account of the architect has this item, " in plaster of Paris bought to plaster the windows and the chamber where the justices sit, within, 13s. &d. In the wages of a plasterer and his servant, four days, 2s. 8d." There is no mention of bricks in any ancient building " Thus in the items for mortar in the 2s. 4^d. In four score and four bags account of the repairs of Newgate in of lime, 7s. In twelve cart loads of 1282. " In the purchase of broken tiles, sand, 2s." n See hereafter, p. 15. INTRODUCTION. XXV11 account which has hitherto fallen under the writer's notice. The art of working clay, one of the earliest arts, never fell wholly into abeyance in any country in which it had been once practised. In England it survived the period of Roman dominion, during which it was extensively culti- vated; in the Domesday Survey potters appear among other crafts incidently enumerated ; and people who could work at all in clay were likely to have made bricks. The silence of early records on this subject is the more remark- able because there are still existing buildings of the thir- teenth century constructed in whole, or part, of these materials : it may be accounted for, by supposing that bricks continued to be made in the Roman fashion, and passed by the name of tiles ; if so, tiles and tilers are men- tioned as early as the twelfth century, and constantly occur in documents of succeeding periods. In 1289, Edward the First began to enlarge the moat round the tower ; the clay thrown up was sold by the constable to certain tilers who worked in East Smithfield. In that year it produced only twenty shillings ; but the alterations in the fosse were twelve years in progress, during which time the soil ex- cavated and sold for the same purpose, yielded an average yearly profit to the exchequer of rather more than seven pounds ; a very large sum, if the relative value of money be considered, and equal, at least, to a hundred pounds a year of the present currency . From this fact we may infer that the London manufacture of tiles was considerable at the close of the thirteenth century. The art of brick-making must, however, have been car- Account of Ralph de Sandwich, con- Edward the First, among the records stable of the Tower of London, from the formerly in the custody of the Queeu's seventeenth to the twenty-ninth year of Remembrancer. XXvtii INTRODUCTION. ried early in this country to a great state of perfection, if the specimens of moulded brick discovered in Essex, and attributed to the fourteenth century p , were really the pro- duce of native skill. But as it is in Essex and Suffolk, counties devoid of stone, that we find the earliest brick buildings, it is by no means improbable, that the materials were imported from Flanders, or manufactured on the spot by Flemish workmen, many of whom, it is well known, settled in the eastern counties at a remote time. It is certain, that in the fourteenth century tiles were imported from Flanders; during the progress of the works at St. George's chapel in the time of Edward the Third, numer- ous entries appear in the accounts of the purchase of Flemish tiles ; three thousand were bought on one occa- sion to line the chimneys in the chambers of the canons q . Among the varieties of tile mentioned, are channel-tiles 1 ", paving-tiles, and rug-tiles. It is rarely that old accounts supply any information respecting the cost or manufacture of those tiles which were employed in the construction of decorative pavements. Perhaps the earliest notice extant occurs in the building accounts of Thornton Abbey, in Lincolnshire, under the year 1313; it is for the purchase of earth to colour the tiles of the church s . Among the workmen employed in ancient times we find the masons, or cementarii, separated into classes as early as the beginning of the thirteenth century ; they were cutters and sculptors of free-stone * ; layers, or, as they were termed vernacularly, "leggeres" and setters ; they worked either by P Mr. Hussey in Archaeological Jour- from the French canele. nal, vol. v. pp. 34 40. Archaeological Journal, vol. ii. p. * They cost about six shillings a thou- 364. sand. * " Sculptores lapidum liberorum." Can* tegulae, or tegulse canellatae, London Assize of 1212. INTRODUCTION. XXIX the piece u , or at fixed daily wages, with an extra allowance in some cases, as " metesilver," but at the highest fixed rate of daily pay no " metesilver," or corrody, was given x . Be- sides the plasterers and whitewashers, to whom we have already alluded, there were mud-stickers y , who filled up the frame-work of timber houses with mud-clay ; and be- sides the usual assistant labourers were excavators and bar- rowmen. In extensive buildings the various operatives worked in gangs under foremen; such gangs sometimes consisted of twenty men, whose foreman was called a vin- tenier z , (vintenarius,} an appellation which was given in France, in after times, to the corporals of foot companies. Although there are in this country many specimens of painted glass of the twelfth century, that material is not mentioned for ordinary glazing purposes in any document of so early a date hitherto discovered. It seems pro- bable that it was originally confined to ecclesiastical build- ings, and that windows in houses were simply closed by wooden shutters, iron stanchions being sometimes intro- duced for greater safety. That in some cases the method of securing windows was very inefficient appears by an anecdote related by Matthew Paris. When Henry the Third was staying at the manor of Woodstock in the year 1238 a person who feigned insanity made his appearance in the hall, and summoned the king to resign his king- dom; the attendants would have beaten and driven him away, but Henry making light of his conduct ordered them to desist and suffer the man to enjoy his delusions. In the night-time, however, the same individual contrived u " Ad tascham." ' "Luti appositores." See p. 25. * London Assize, 1212. Repairs of * Accounts of Works at Caernarvon Newgate, 1282. castle, H Edw. I., A.D. 1286. .XXX INTRODUCTION. to enter the royal bed-chamber through a window, and made towards the king's bed with a naked dagger in his hand ; luckily the king was in another part of the house and the intruder was discovered and secured a . Where windows were externally mere narrow apertures, widely splayed on the inside, it is probable that there were in- ternal shutters; but it is clear from early drawings that shutters frequently opened outwards, being attached by hinges to the head of the window ; in such instances they were kept open by props. It would appear that canvas, or a similar material, was occasionally used instead of glass in early times ; that it was employed to fill in the windows of churches before they were glazed, as early as the thirteenth century, does not admit of doubt, inasmuch as its application to that purpose is specifically mentioned in the building accounts of West- minster abbey in the reign of Henry the Third b . Whenever purchases of glass are noted in ancient ac- .counts we find that it was bought at so much per foot ; indeed it may be observed, generally, that there has been little variation in the customs of trade in this country since the date of the earliest records existing. The iron used in architectural construction in early times is usually termed " Spanish iron ; " the same ma- terial continued to be imported till a comparatively late period. Yet the extensive iron-works of the forest of Dean, and the bloomeries of Furness, in Lancashire, were in full operation in the thirteenth century. There is also * Matthew Paris, ed. Wats, 1640, p. castle. Liberate, 23 Hen. III. This 474. There is existing a writ of Henry was soon after the event at Woodstock the Third ordering the bailifis of Windsor narrated above. to put iron bars in the windows of the b Rotuli Compotorum, on the Pipe Rolls, chamber of Prince Edward in Windsor from the 50th to the 55th Henry III. INTRODUCTION. XXXI another sort of iron mentioned in accounts of the thir- teenth century; it is called "Osmund';" the signification of the term is not very obvious, though we may presume it to be the name of the place of manufacture. It seems reasonable to suppose that the architectural de- signs of the middle ages were made on vellum. The material used in drawing is not satisfactorily ascertained, but it is said that the use of the carburet of iron, or black lead, has been observed in a manuscript of the twelfth century in the library at Wolfenbuttel c . In the absence of that material however, common lead or chalk were pro- bably used; and the lines might have been afterwards traced with pen and ink, as we may observe to be the case in unfinished miniature paintings in manuscripts of early date d . It should be remarked that the late Mr. Rick- man was disposed to think that working drawings were sometimes made on wooden tablets 6 ; but there is little ground for the supposition ; particularly if we remember how generally vellum or parchment was employed for the purposes of design in medieval times. That the moulds of working, masons were cut in wood hardly appears to admit of doubt, since they continued to be of the same material till the recent application of metal to that purpose. The great uniformity of mouldings in different buildings of the same date has been ascribed by some to the use of tools made to a particular size; it may be more readily accounted for by reflecting how in- considerable the number of masons must have been in c See the Archaeological Journal, vol. twelfth century in the chapter library at iv. p. 20. Winchester. d This method may be especially re- Archaeological Journal, vol. iv. pp. marked in a splendid MS. Bible of the 17, 18. XXX11 INTRODUCTION. early times, and how probable it is that they should have carried their moulds from place to place, thus multiplying the same contours during the prevalence of the style to which they belonged. There is little difference between the mechanical powers employed in building in the thirteenth century and those in use at the present time. The lewis f and the crane were well known at the former period, and although the pro- gress of mechanical skill has led to the introduction of many valuable improvements in the apparatus of leverage, the principle involved remains the same. Indeed it may be reasonably affirmed that few of the arts which minister to the convenience or gratification of man have remained so stationary since the days of Vitruvius, as the science of architectural construction. 1 In early accounts it is called a " lowes," DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE OF THE TWELFTH CENTURY. CHAPTEE I. GENERAL REMARKS. AN enquiry into the state of Domestic Architecture in England during the twelfth century is attended with much difficulty. The comparatively few remains of domestic edi- fices of that period which have descended to our times, are either so greatly dilapidated, or so entangled with later alterations, that we are compelled to resort to early writings and evidences for materials to aid in describing their main features, and to determine the plan of construction usually adopted at the date of their erection. Such writings and evidences consist of the more ancient accounts of the Exchequer ; of early conveyances of pro- perty, prepared late in the twelfth, or at the beginning of the thirteenth, century, and of notices in chroniclers and other writers. The process of evolving any consider- able amount of information from these sources is pain- ful and laborious ; but whoever would successfully pursue this subject must have recourse to it. The deeds referred to are especially important ; the boundaries and descrip- tions of property set forth in them frequently supplying valuable facts for consideration and comparison ; and it is chiefly from an assemblage of isolated facts that we can venture to speak, with any degree of authority, upon the character of the various buildings adapted to domestic accommodation either in the twelfth or succeeding cen- B 2 DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE : TWELFTH CENTURY. tury. There is also another species of information which must not be overlooked, viz. illuminations in ancient manuscripts, but unfortunately these pictorial decorations are comparatively scarce anterior to the thirteenth century, and are, generally speaking, not to be too greatly relied upon as evidences of architectural style ; however, they frequently afford useful hints as to minor details which should not be disregarded. It results from a comparison of these various authorities that in England, particularly in the southern parts of the country, ordinary manor-houses, and even domestic edifices of greater pretension, as the royal palaces, were generally built, during the twelfth century, on one uniform plan, comprising a hall with a chamber or chambers adjacent. The hall was generally situated on the ground floor, but sometimes over a lower story which was half in the ground ; it presented an elevation equal or superior to that of the buildings annexed to it : it was the only large apartment in the entire edifice, and was adapted, in its original design, to accommodate the owner and his numerous followers and servants ; they not only took their meals in the hall, but also slept in it on the floor, a custom the prevalence of which is shewn by numerous passages in early authors, particularly in the works of the romance writers. In medieval Latin this apartment, and, not unfrequently, the whole building, is termed "aula ;" thus the royal palace was styled " aula regis" both in legal records and in chronicles. When the French language became generally used, the hall or building was called "la sale" or " salle ;" but in Saxon and Norman times alike the chief mansion was vernacularly designated a " Hall a ;" a place named " halla ffaroldi" or " Harold's hall," occurs in the sheriffs' accounts for Hampshire throughout the reign of Henry the * Anglo-Saxon heall. In Domesday tached to manors. See Ellis's Intro- halls are frequently mentioned as at- duction to that record, vol. i. p. 232. GENERAL REMARKS. 3 Second b . Hence the origin of the modern word "hall" as applied to a country residence. There is every reason to believe that this plan of building, so well fitted to the usages of domestic life in medieval times, was that which obtained most extensively not only in the twelfth but also in the preceding century. A house on this plan appears in the Bayeux tapestry. A valuable writer, Alexander Necham, or Nequam c , who lived under the reigns of Henry the Second, of Eichard the First, and John, in describing the various parts of a house d , enumerates the hall, the private, or bed-chamber, the kitchen, the larder, the sewery, and the cellar. His notice may be applied generally to all domestic buildings of any magnitude in the twelfth century. Such, and no more chambers, do the " king's houses" at Clarendon, Kennington, Woodstock, Portsmouth, and Southampton, appear to have contained, according to the Exchequer accounts of the time of Henry the Second. The hall is constantly referred to as the chief feature in all those edifices, and the only respect, probably, in which the houses of that monarch differed from the ordinary manor-houses of his time was, that they were on a greater scale, and had always b Under the head " Mienes." commissioners to investigate the king's c Alexander Nequam is said to have right to the patronage of the priory of been born at St. Alban's, in 1157 j he Kenilworth, dated 30th August, 1213, at was master of the grammar school in that which time he was not abbat of Ciren- town some time between the years 1188 cesterj his election seems to have oc- andl!95; he had previously a school at curred between August 1213 and May Dunstable. The punning answer of 1214, as on the 19th of the latter month abbot Warin to Nequam's request to the sheriff of Somerset and Dorset was have the school at St. Alban's, is recorded ordered to put him in possession of the by Matthew Paris ; " Si bonus es venias. temporalities of the abbey in those coun- Si nequam, nequaquam." " Vitae viginti ties. Rot. Pat., vol. i. p. 103 b. ; Rot. trium S. Albani abbatum," ed. Wats, Glaus., vol. i. p. 204- b. [According to the 1640, p. 94. In 1213 Nequam was authorities quoted by bishop Tanner, elected abbat of Cirencester : " Annales Necham died in 1217. Bibl. Brit. Hib. Prioratus de Dunstaple," ed. Hearne, p. 541. 67. There is extant, however, a writ of d In his treatise " de nominibus uten- King John, appointing him one of three silium." Cotton MS. Titus, D. xx. B 2 4 DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE : TWELFTH CENTURY. a chapel annexed to them. The instruments of sacred use, and furniture necessary for such chapels, were transferred from place to place with the sovereign ; and thus in the most ancient household accounts extant, we find notices of the cost of hiring sumpter-horses, or carts, to carry " the king's chapel." The roof of the hall, when too large to be covered by a roof of a single span, was supported, according to its size, on one or more ranges of pillars of wood or stone. Marble columns, for the king's hall at Clarendon, are mentioned in an account of the year 1176 e . Necham says "in the hall let there be pillars at due intervals f ." Sometimes there appears to have been only one range of such supports, which, extending longitudinally through the room, reached to and carried the ridge or crest of the roof. But halls were frequently divided by pillars and arches of wood or stone into three parts, or aisles, like a church. One of this description remains at Oakham castle, Rutlandshire, being part of the structure erected by Walkelin de Ferrers about 1180. The manor-house of Adam de Port, at Warneford, in Hants, a portion of which still exists, seems to have been built on this plan. Another existed until lately at Bar- nack, in Northamptonshire e . The engraving shews the remains of the arches which divided the hall. The hall at Winchester, now appropriated to the County Courts, and which was built very early in the thirteenth century, is a fine example of this arrangement. Mr. Smirke has proved clearly h that it never was a chapel, as many persons believed it to have been. The greater part of the epis- copal palace at Hereford appears to have been originally a hall with pillars and arches of wood. The refectory of Rot. Pip. de eod. anno. tit. Hants. f It was destroyed about the year 1830. f " In aula sint postes debitis inter- h Proceedings of the Archaeological sticiis distincti." Institute at Winchester in 1846. GENERAL REMARKS. 5 the priory at Dover is a hall of magnificent dimensions, being 100 ft. long by 27 ft. wide, but it appears never to have been supported by pillars. The private, or bed, room, annexed to the hall, there being frequently only one ', was situated on the second story, and was called, from an early period, the " solar," or " sollere j ;" the chamber beneath it, on a level with the hall, was called the " cellar," and used as such. It would appear that there was no internal communication between the cellar and solar; access from the latter to the hall being had by stairs of stone or wood within the hall or on its exterior. As to the kitchen, Necham remarks it was wont to be placed nigh the road or street. Accordingly we may observe in illuminations of the twelfth century, that the repast is brought into the hall, apparently from a court-yard k . In the Bayeux tapestry is a represen- tation of cooking going on in the open air. Of the position of the larder or buttery nothing exact can be said ; it was probably annexed to that part of the hall which Necham terms the " vestibule," like a buttery-hatch in one of our Collegiate halls. At Appleton in Berkshire there remains the entrance doorway to the hall of a Norman house of this period, 1 Henry the Second had a manor- J The upper- chamber of a house is so house at King's Sombourn, Hants; in called in the London assize of 1189. It the 7th of his reign the sheriff claimed is unnecessary to refer to the various ex- an allowance of 12 for "the works of planations of this term that have been the chamber of the king and queen there." given; every ancient deed which has Rot. Pip. de eod. anno. The fashion of fallen under the author's notice proves having but one private room which served that it was an upper room. The private alike as a sitting and bed-chamber con- room was however sometimes on a level tinned for some time after the twelfth with the halL century. Thus in 1287, Edward the First k As in the representation of Lot and Queen Eleanor were sitting on their entertaining the Angels, engraved in bed-side, attended by the ladies of the Strutt's Horda, from the Cottonian MS. court, when they narrowly escaped death Tiberius, C. vi. There are many other by lightning. See Walsingham, " Ypo- examples, which need not be enume- digma Neustriae," p. 71, ed. 157*. rated. 6 DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE : TWELFTH CENTURY. opening at one end of the vestibule or " screen," as it was often called ; the two small doorways opening into the kitchen and buttery also remain, shewing that the arrangement of the hall was nearly the same as it still continues in Colleges and Inns of Court. Such were the accommodations deemed necessary in a manor-house of the twelfth century ; one might be larger than another, but the same simple plan appears to have been common to all. For defensive purposes it was en- closed by stone walls, or by a fence of wood, and moated. The walls or fence did not immediately surround the build- ings. Necham says the hall should have a porch beside the vestibule, and also a court-yard l ; in this, the front and principal court, the kitchen was placed, and probably the stables. He speaks also of an inner court in which poultry should be kept m . It would appear that, in ad- dition to the outer defences, the entry to the hall-porch was sometimes protected by posts and chains, forming a sort of barrier, probably against cattle. It is certain, however, that some houses were built during this century on a different plan, viz. in the form of a paral- lelogram, and consisting of an upper story, between which and the ground floor there was, sometimes, no internal com- munication. The lower apartment in such cases was vaulted, and the upper room approached by a flight of steps on the outside ; it was the only habitable chamber, and in it were frequently the only windows and fire-place. The manor- house at Boothby Pagnell in Lincolnshire is a good instance of such a house, but as the chimney rises from the ground, it most probably had fire-places in both stories : at Christ- 1 " Corpus aule vestibulo muniatur, altilibus, gallis et gallinis, aucis et an- juxta quod portions honeste sit disposita ; seribus " &c. Alex. Necham, " De Na- atrium etiam habeat" &c. turis Rerum." MS. Harl. 3737. fo. m " Curia spectaculis communibus de- Hence domestic fowls were termed " cor- servire debet, sed chors secretior vestiatur tile byrdes." DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE: TWELFTH CENTURY. DOURWAY OF THE HALL APPLETON. BERKS. GENERAL REMARKS. 7 church in Hampshire is another example of rather earlier date. A building in the High-street at Lincoln, known as the Jew's house, is a fine specimen of this period ; the principal dwelling room is on the first floor, where there is a fire-place on the side towards the street ; the chimney is corbelled out over the door, the lower part of it with the corbels forming a canopy over the doorway, which is richly ornamented ; the staircase appears to have been internal. There is another house in the same street of equal an- tiquity, but in a less perfect state. Moyses' hall at Bury St. Edmund's, a larger and, possibly, later building, appears to have been constructed on the same plan 11 . On the Bayeux tapestry there is the representation of a feast, held in the upper story of a house, which is supported on arches, and approached by steps on the outside. It would be wrong, nevertheless, to assume that the principle of having no internal communication between the upper and lower story in single houses, prevailed exclusively at this or at any other time, either in the country or in towns. The finest example of an external Norman staircase at present remaining in England is at Canterbury, immediately within the entrance of the close, it led to the Stranger's Hall which is destroyed. It is a covered staircase with an open ar- cade on each side richly ornamented, the arches of which gradually diminish in length to the top. At the bottom of the stairs are three arches, two of which serve for a passage through, and the third opened to an adjoining building. In the remains of a twelfth-century house, ad- joining the west wall of Southampton, the corbels on which the internal staircase was carried, still remain . In short, it is well known that even in the seventeenth century houses n It is Mr. Blore's opinion that this the same date, of which there are many house evidently had a tower; resembling examples at Ratisbon. in this feature the old houses, of about See p. 32. 8 DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE : TWELFTH CENTURY. were constructed on both plans, either with internal or ex- ternal access to the upper floor ; and they were, doubtless, so built in every previous century. Early houses in the north of England, particularly in Northumberland, can scarcely be cited as examples of the general mode of con- struction, except so far as that particular district is con- cerned. Exposed as a border country to the perpetual inroads of the Scots, its domestic buildings were rendered as strong as possible. Houses of this period when not en- closed within the walls of a town, seem to have been gene- rally built in such a manner as to resist any sudden attack. Little need be said of the materials of which the build- ings described were constructed. The hall was probably the most substantial part of a manor-house ; the solar or chamber adjacent was undoubtedly often' merely a wooden structure reared on the solid walls of masonry forming the cellar beneath. Necham observes that the hall should be roofed with stone shingles or tiles, both of which were generally oval-shaped p , having a nail-hole in the upper part : several illuminations of the twelfth cen- tury represent workmen nailing shingles of this form to roofs ; the effect of such a mode of roofing is thus conventionally represented in those authorities. Tiles seem to have been' fastened by wooden pegs. Although Necham does not mention lead as a material for roofing, his remarks applying we may presume to ordinary houses, for which that metal would have been too expensive, it was extensively used during this century in buildings of a superior class, both for roofs, and, as it P Shingles of the same form were used during some recent excavations on the by the Romans, and are found among the supposed site of a Roman building in remains of their villas in this country. Micheldever wood, Hants. A considerable number were dug up DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE : TWELFTH CENTURY AND EARLIER. ROOFS, TILES, AND SHINGLES. Caedmon's Paraphrase MS. circa 1COO. Cotton MS. Nero C. IV., circa 1125. Bayeux tapestry. DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE : TWELFTH CENTURY AND EARLIER, BATTLEMENTS. Cotton MS. Nero C. IV. circa 1125. GENERAL REMARKS. 9 will be shewn hereafter, for gutters' 1 . It was then ob- tained from the rich mines of Cumberland, from Allendale in Northumberland, and from Swaledale in Yorkshire 1 . It was purchased in the mass, and cast into sheets at the place where it was to be used. In building accounts of this, as well as of a later period, we find the item for fuel to melt lead. Norman roofs had a considerable pitch or elevation. The angle or ridge formed by the meeting of the rafters of the hall is mentioned by Necham 8 ; he does not allude, however, to any crest ornament. It seems, indeed, impro- bable that there was, at this period, much external orna- ment employed. Although embattled parapets were ordinary features in castellated buildings of the twelfth century, there is no certain evidence of their application to domestic structures of the same date ; yet it may be worthy of obser- vation, that battlements appear in almost every representa- tion of an architectural character in manuscripts of this and the preceding century *. It is well known that crenellated walls appear on monuments of very remote antiquity as on the marbles brought from Nineveh and Lycia. For the sake of convenience it may be as well to give i Seaweeds, Appendix, No. II. Champagne, was roofed with lead from r See in the series of Pipe Rolls for the Cumberland mines, given by Henry the reign of Henry II. the returns for II. : " Et pro c. careatis plumbi libe- Cumberland and Northumberland. No- ratis fratri Simoni ad operationem ec- tices of the Swaledale mines will be found clesie Clarevallensis, Ixvj.Zz. xiij*. iiijrf." in the Yorkshire accounts, under the 25 Hen. II. The same accounts contain heading " Honor Comitis Conani;" the frequent notices of the shipment of lead honour of Richmond being the appanage to Caen. of Conan, earl of Bretagne, who built "Tigillis etiam opus est usque ad the keep of the castle there circa U70. domus commissuram porrectis." The The lead for Windsor castle, in this reign, French interlinear gloss is " cheveruns." came from Cumberland : " et pro plumbo t As for example in the MS. of Cad- ad domos Regis de Windresore, x. iijs." mon > s Paraphrase r in the Bodleian 13 Hen. II. At this period large quan- Library. See Arch^ologia, vol. xxiv. tities of lead were exported ; the great pi_ 77 gg 100. church of the abbey of Clervaux, in 10 DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE: TWELFTH CENTURY. in this place some account of metal-work, as architec- turally applied, in the twelfth century. From an early period, in fact from the tenth century, it may be remarked that in all drawings and paintings in manuscripts iron- work on doors presents an ornamental character : the bars of the hinges project almost entirely across the panel, and are more or less floriated u . The scutcheons of locks are fre- quently ornamented, as in the annexed example v . Pad- locks, however, appear, according to Necharn, to have been an ordinary apparatus for securing doors ; he says, " let the door have a pensile lock x ." Nail-heads are rarely re- presented, in early drawings, on the surface of doors ; and it may be that no attempt was made to render them orna- mental until a later date: we find that in the 19th of Henry II., twenty-five thousand great nails, with heads, were supplied for the king's house at Winchester, by the borough of Gloucester, which, from its vicinity to the iron forges of the forest of Dean, was the Birmingham of the middle ages y . As in the case of lead, it may be observed, that much of *he smith's work, as in bars, hinges, &c., was done upor the spot. In this and succeeding centuries the various classes of workmen having been assembled, their employer found the rough material, and it was worked by the side of the structure to which it was to be applied. This mode of proceeding naturally resulted from the gene- rally straitened means of the artificers of early times, the im- perfect division of labour, and also from the trouble and u Compare the MS. of Caedmon be- cester. " Et pro xxv. miliariis magnorum fore quoted. clavorum coronatorum, ad domus Regiis v From the Cottonian MS., Claudius de Wintonia, xlvs. Et pro v. miliariia D. iv. minorum clavorum ad easdem domos, * " Ostium seram habeat pensulam." vjs. viijrf." The word "coronatorum" It is scarcely necessary to remark that can scarcely be taken to imply more than this direction could refer generally only that the nails had heads, although it may to an internal fastening. be inferred, without much probability, y Pipe Roll, 19 Hen. II., under Glou- that they were in some degree ornamental. DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE: TWELFTH CENTURY AND EARLIER. IRON-WORK. Coudmon MS. Cotton MS. Nero C. IV. DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE : TWELFTH CENTURY AND EARLIER IRON-WORK Caedmon M3. Cotton MS. Claudius, B. IV. Cottonian MS Nero C IV circa 1125 DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE: TWELFTH CENTURY AND EARLIER. COLOURED EXTERIORS. Bayeux tapestry. Bayeux tapestry. Terentius MS. GENERAL REMARKS. 11 cost of obtaining manufactured articles from the few great towns which then existed in this country z . So far as the exterior of buildings at this period is concerned, there is only one observation remaining in the authority that has been so frequently quoted, to which we need refer. It is recommended that the talus, or foot, of the wall should be protected by stakes a . It may seem extraordinary to suggest the probability that ashlaring was sometimes painted during this century ; yet it is often so represented in contemporary drawings, and the fact can scarcely be accounted for by supposing that artists introduced colour in that respect for the mere purpose of enhancing the effect of their work ; more especi- ally when it is considered how very literal the pictorial efforts of the age appear to have been. Without insisting that such was really the case, it may be observed that the blocks are generally painted in alternate colours, like a chess-board, and it is not improbable that the fashion may have been borrowed from continental examples. The over- flowing of the people of the north upon southern and eastern Europe during the first crusades, ultimately exer- cised much influence upon the various arts of their re- spective countries, and it is scarcely necessary to add that external decoration in colour, natural b or artificial, was an ordinary feature of the more remarkable buildings of the Italian cities and of Constantinople. It will be seen, when we come to treat of the state of domestic architecture in the 1 Of course more complicated works in bus muniatur." The interlinear gloss iron, as locks, were not executed in the is "bartuns." Necham,ut supra. This way described above. The "Locwrichtes" may mean that the footings should be seem to have been a superior and in- strengthened with cross ties of wood dependent craft from an early time; (barotins), or with planking laid under working also, as in later days, as bell- them, founders. b That is, in the material employed. " Projectum sive pes parietis stipiti- 12 DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE: TWELFTH CENTURY. fourteenth century, that one of the towers of Windsor castle was undoubtedly painted in various colours on the exterior. The flint panelling in ecclesiastical and secular buildings in Norfolk, and other parts, although it may have originated in a scarcity of stone, proves that mere diversity of colour was considered "a, legitimate means of producing architectural effect externally. These remarks comprehend the plan and those exter- nal features of domestic buildings of this period, which presented any striking architectural character ; it now re- mains to give some account of their internal arrangement and decoration. Necham says that the windows of the hall should be properly constructed, looking towards the east. Moyses' hall, at Bury St. Edmund's, supplies a good example of the external and internal details of windows of this date. It will be observed that internally the masonry is not carried up all the way to the sill of the window ; by this arrange- ment a bench of stone is formed on each side of it. The same fashion may be remarked in the windows of the hall at Winchester, built, as already stated, in the thirteenth century, and it continued much later. The window in the upper story of the king's house, at Southampton, perhaps the earliest remaining example of this period, presents some striking peculiarities. There is an early instance of the square-headed window in Moyses' hall ; where it occurs divided by a mullion under a semicircular arch. It seems probable, however, that during the twelfth century win- dows were often very narrow apertures in the wall, splayed internally. Joceline ofBrakelonde describes Samson abbat of Bury as lodging, in the year 1182, in one of the manor- houses, or granges, of that abbey, and narrowly escaping death by fire, the only door of the upper story of the house being locked, and the windows too narrow to DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE: TWELFTH CKNTURY. FIRE-PLACE, COLCHESTER CASTLE, ESSEX DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE : TWELFTH CENTURY. FIRE-PLACE, 3OOTHBY P.AGNELL. LINCOLNSHIRE FIRfi-PLACE, ROCHESTER CASTLE, KENT. \V. Twopcny, d,l. GENERAL REMARKS. 13 admit of escape c . Abbat Samson was of a rather spare habit of body. There is not, unfortunately, any good evidence that windows in domestic buildings of this century were glazed. In the Exchequer accounts, already so often quoted, there are many charges for making and repairing windows, in the reign of Henry II., but it is believed that glass is not once named, although it was certainly used in ecclesiastical build- ings of the same date. The probability is that the win- dows were usually fitted with wooden shutters, lattices or fenestrals, and sometimes with iron "bars, as we know they continued to be very generally in the thirteenth and early in the fourteenth century, long after glass had been intro- duced into the royal palaces and the houses of the nobility. It has been stated previously that frequently the only fire- place in the building was in the private chamber, or solar, annexed to the hall, on the upper story, over the cellar. The chimney-piece remaining in the house at Boothby Pagnell presents a good example of the form generally prevalent in this century, and corresponds very minutely with the representations of fire-places in contemporary illuminations. Indeed down to the fifteenth century there is very little variation in the general design of fire-places. At Rochester castle they have semicircular arches, ornamented with zig- zags, and with shafts in the jambs. In Colchester castle the fire-places are constructed of Roman-like tiles, which give them an earlier appearance, but their real date seems to be the Norman period. At Newcastle there is a fire-place of this period, with a segmental arch ornamented with the usual Norman billet. There are several fire-places at Foun- tains abbey of this century. At Coningsburgh castle the c " Cronica Jocelini de Brakelonda," Rugby, for directing my attention to this published by the Camden Society, p. 23. passage. The room is called solium, a I am indebted to Mr. M. II. Bloxam, of term often used for solarium. ] 4 DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE I TWELFTH CENTURY. opening of the chimney is square, with shafts in the jambs, and what is called a straight arch, that is, the mantel-piece is formed of several stones joggled together. This is the case also at Fountains abbey. In the Norman house ad- joining the west wall of Southampton, there is, on the first floor, another instance, differing from that at Boothby Pagnell, inasmuch as it has shafts in the jambs ; there the chimney appears to have been carried up to the top of the wall, which was certainly not always the case, the vent for the smoke being sometimes pierced through the wall. If we may draw any positive conclusion from representa- tions in manuscripts, taken in connection with good evidence of the practice of the thirteenth century, to be hereafter cited, the kitchen was open in the roof, the cooking being performed at an iron grate d , which stood in the centre of it. Necham directs that the kitchen should have a drain or gutter to carry off the refuse of the apartment e ; it is not im- probable that this convenient appendage ran across the floor. As regards the cellar, or substructure of masonry, gene- rally vaulted, over which the hall, solar, or private chamber was built, a fine example of this period was destroyed some years ago, viz., the lower story of part of the inn of the Prior of Lewes, in Southwark, of which an engraving is annexed. In this instance the hall appears to have been over the vaulted room. The general destination of this part of a twelfth-century house has been before explained ; it may be added, however, that in some instances it appears to have been used not only as a store-room, but also as a brewery, and not unfrequently, where great security was needed, as a stable. d " Caminum ferreum." This appa- ad quod sordes coquine defluere possint." ratus continued in use until the fifteenth The interlinear gloss is guter. Conf. century. Prompt. Parv., sub voce. e " In coquina sit mensula &c. et ruder DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE: TENTH OR ELEVENTH CENTURY. FURNITURE. BEDS, CRADLE, SEAT, AND DRAPERT. Ctedmon MS. GENERAL REMARKS. 15 We have no great amount of information respecting the internal finish, decoration, or furniture of houses at this early period ; but several curious details occur in Caedmon and on the Bayeux tapestry. Necham, to whose hints the reader is indebted for many of the illustrations already given, alludes, in his somewhat rhetorical censure of the luxury ex- hibited in buildings of his own times, to the smoothing and polishing of the surface of the walls by the mason's trowel f . It is certain that rough Norman masonry was very frequently plastered, and in this case he may have referred to neater work of that description on the internal surface of walls. The finer material used for that purpose, now, as anciently, called plaster of Paris, was an article imported into this country in the thirteenth century g , and probably at an earlier date. The same writer speaks also of carving and painting as internal ornaments, and sneers at sculptured epistyles as obnoxious to spiders' webs h . In another place he says, the walls of the private chamber should be covered with hangings, to avoid flies and spiders; and observes that tapestry should be conveniently suspended from the epi- style, meaning, of course, in cases where the room was divided by columns ; we know that this contrivance for separating one portion of an apartment from the remainder was in use until the sixteenth century, and it appears to have been often employed at the entry of rooms in place of a door \ Of domestic furniture in the twelfth century little can be said, except that it appears to have been f " Surgit et erigitur altitude muri ex h " Supponitur tectum tignis etlaque- cemento et lapidibus construct!, secun- aribus obnoxium. Quid de celaturis et dum legem amussis etperpendiculi. De- picturis dicam," "Scilicet opus erat bet se superficiei muri equalitas levigature ut celature epistiliorum aranearum casses et perpolitioni trulle cementarie," &c. sustinerent." Necham, ut supra. Alex. Necham de Naturis Rerum, MS. * Hangings of this description are of Harl. 3737 fo. 95, b. See also Introduc- ordinary occurrence in the drawings orna- tion, p. xxvi. menting Saxon MSS. of the tenth and * The gypsum was brought over rough eleventh centuries, and burnt here. 16 DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE : TWELFTH CENTURY. scanty. A bed and a chest were the chief appendages of the sleeping room, and tables and benches, sometimes with back-rails, of the hall. In contemporary illuminations stools of various, and sometimes fantastical, shapes may be noticed, Beds in this, or indeed any earlier, period are seldom represented with canopies. The walls in the houses of the wealthy were undoubtedly hung with some kind of tapestry, as we find Necham recommends it ; though it is probable that this decoration was confined to the private chamber, and to the dais, or raised part, of the hall. The chest in the bed- room served the place of a wardrobe, and held the cumbrous apparel and valuables of the owner ; it may be added that coffins were often made like chests with locks and hinges, and are so represented in ancient drawings ; stone coffins appear to have been mostly confined to districts where the material was abundant. The floors of rooms seem to have been usually of wood, as well in domestic as in military buildings j , unless they were on the ground, or on a vault, and it is believed that no mention of the use of paving tiles during this century can be found that does not refer to an ecclesiastical edifice. The existence of corbel stones, on which the joists of floor- ing were carried, in the remains of domestic buildings of this date, both ecclesiastical and secular, shew that wooden floors were in ordinary use ; and the fact will be further attested in the observations to be made on houses within towns. They were, at this time, strewed with dried rushes in winter, and green fodder in summer ; a custom which, like other early usages, prevailed to a late date. At this point we may quit the subject of the larger class of those domestic edifices during the twelfth century which were not of a military character, and were situated without J "Pro turri planchianda." Acct of Carlisle castle, temp. Hen. II. Many the sheriff of Cumberland, for repairs of other examples might be adduced. DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE : TWKLFTH CENTURY AND EARLIER. FURNITURE. SEATS O O O O OOP O O Bayeux tapestry QQ Q Q D D . nil nti,: -l Bayeui tapestry. Cotton MS. Nero C. IV Caedmon M8. DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE: TWELFTH CENTURY. FURNITURE PEATS. COUCH. &c. FROM a MS. LIFE OF ST. COTHBERT, UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LIBRARY, OXFORD. DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE: THIRTEENTH CENTURY. ILLUSTRATIONS FROM ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPTS. FURNITURE. FIXED SEAT MS. DOUCE, ISO. BED IN A TENT. MS AECH. A. 164. BODL TABLE ON TRESTLES SEAT. MS. AECH. A. 151. BODL. MS. CANONICI BIBL. LAT. 62. FROM MS3. IN THE BODLEIAN LIBRARY. OXFORD. GENERAL REMARKS. 1*7 the walls of cities. Before doing so, however, it may be observed that, singular as it may appear that there should have been but one principal private chamber contained in any house at that period, not even excepting the royal mansions, there is nevertheless very little doubt that such was the case. We find that when our sovereigns did not attend to public business in the hall, or give audience in their chamber, they used the chapel for that purpose. In the chroniclers of the twelfth, and even of the thirteenth century, there are frequent notices of the transaction of secular business in the domestic chapel k . The apparent difficulty may be resolved by remembering the comparative poverty of the country, the trouble and cost of obtaining, in some parts, any other building materials than wood, and lastly, the rude manners of medieval times, which tolerated the indiscriminate use of the hall as a sleeping apartment, for centuries after the immorality which the practice en- gendered had supplied themes for the ribald songs and tales of the earliest itinerant minstrels and romancers. The most satisfactory evidence exists of the style in which the better class of houses in towns were built, in London at least, during this century. The citizens assem- bled, in the first year of the reign of Richard L, enacted certain regulations " for appeasing the contentions which sometimes arise among neighbours touching boundaries made or to be made between their lands, so that such disputes might be settled according to that which was then provided and ordained. And the said provision and ordinance was called an Assize." We learn from this remarkable document, which is printed at length in the Appendix, that in ancient times, that is, in times anterior to the year 1189, the greater part of the city was k See the anonymous chronicle of Legibus," recently published by the Battle Abbey ; also " Liber de Antiquis Camden Society. C 18 DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE: TWELFTH CENTURY. built of wood, the houses being roofed with straw, reeds, and similar materials. The frequent fires which took place owing to this mode of building, and more particularly the great conflagration in the first year of the reign of Stephen, which spread from London bridge to the church of St. Clement Danes, destroying in its progress the cathedral, compelled the citizens to adopt some measures to avert the recurrence of such a calamity. Therefore, says the Assize, "many citizens, to avoid such danger, built according to their means, on their ground, a stone house covered and protected by thick tiles against the fury of fire, whereby it often happened that when a fire arose in the city and burnt many edifices and had reached such a house, not being able to injure it, it there became extinguished, so that many neighbours' houses were wholly saved from fire by that house." It is clear from this statement, that up to the first of Stephen houses in London were constructed much as they had been in the earlier Saxon times, almost wholly of wood; but from that period a change began to take place ; the inhabitants were encouraged to build of stone, and, to that end, various privileges were conceded to those who adopted the new fashion. These privileges are thus detailed in the Assize of 1189. "When two neighbours shall have agreed to build between themselves [a wall] of stone, each shall give a foot and a half of his land, and so they shall construct, at their joint cost, a stone wall, three feet thick and sixteen feet in height. And, if they agree, they shall make a gutter between them, at their common expense, to receive and carry off the water from their houses, as they may deem most convenient. But if they should not agree, either of them may make a gutter to carry the water dripping from his house on to his own land, except he can convey it into the high street. GENERAL REMARKS. 19 "They may also, if they agree, raise the said wall as high as they please, at their joint expense : and if it shall happen that one should wish to raise the wall, and the other not, it shall be lawful for him who is willing, to raise his own part as much as he please, and build upon it l , without damage of the other, at his own cost ; and he shall receive the falling water as is aforesaid. " And if both would have arches m in the wall, let the arches be made on each side of the depth of one foot only, so that the wall between the arches may be one foot thick. But if one would have an arch, and the other not, he shall find free-stone and cause it to be cut, and the arch shall be set at their joint expense. "And if any one would build of stone, according to the Assize, and his neighbour through poverty cannot, or per- chance will not, then he shall yield unto him desiring to build by the Assize three feet of his land, and the other shall make a wall upon that land, at his own cost, three feet thick and sixteen feet in height ; and he who giveth the land shall have the clear moiety of the wall, and [the right to] put his timber 11 upon it and build. And they shall make gutters to receive and carry off the water falling irom their houses as is aforesaid. But as regards a wall built at the joint cost of neighbours it is always lawful for him so desiring to raise his own part at his own expense, without damage of the other. And if they would have arches, let them be made on each side, as is aforesaid. 1 The unraised half of the wall was pear hereafter, for aumbries or cup- called the rebate, in deeds nearly con- boards. temporary with this docu- n The word in the original Latin is ment. See Appendix, No. I panna, which may signify either the joists II. The propriety of the I &H| for flooring, or a wooden superstructure, name is obvious if a sec- I In its original sense the phrase appears tion of the wall be taken ; I to have been confined to wooden roofing, thus See Du Cange, sub voce. ra Such arches were used, as will ap- c2 20 DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE : TWELFTH CENTURY. But nevertheless he who giveth the land shall find free- stone and cause it to be cut, and the other at his own cost shall set it. "And if any one shall build his own stone-wall, upon his own land, of the height of sixteen feet, his neighbour ought to make a gutter under the eaves of the house which is placed on that wall, and receive in it the water falling from that house, and lead it on to his own land, unless he can lead it into the high street; and he shall, notwithstanding, have no interest in the aforesaid wall, when he shall build beside it. And even though he should not build, he shall nevertheless always receive the water falling from his house built on that wall, on his land, and carry it off without damage of him to whom the wall belongs. "Also no one of two parties having a common wall built between them, can, or ought, to pull down any portion of his part of the said wall, or lessen its thickness, or make arches in it without the assent and will of the other. " And concerning the necessary chambers in the houses of citizens, it is thus appointed and ordained ; that if the pit made in such a chamber be walled with stone, the mouth of the said pit should be distant two feet and a half from the land of a neighbour, even though there be a common wall between them. But if it should not be lined with stone, it ought to be distant three feet and a half from the neighbour's land. "And if any one shall have windows looking towards the land of a neighbour, and although he and his pre- decessors have been long possessed of the view of the afore- In the original domus, meaning, pro- superstructure was generally of wood ; in bably, nothing more than the upper room one of the clauses it is called the solar. erected on the party walls of stone ; this See the next page. GENERAL REMARKS. 21 said windows, nevertheless his neighbour may lawfully obstruct the view of those windows, by building opposite to them on his own ground, as he shall consider most expedient; except he who hath the windows can shew any writing whereby his neighbour may not obstruct the view of those windows. "And if any one have corbels in the wall of his neigh- bour, the entire wall being his neighbour's, he cannot remove the aforesaid corbels, that he may fix them in any other part of the aforesaid wall, except with the assent of him to whom the wall belongs ; nor put more corbels in the aforesaid wall than he had before. " And if any one have a wall built between him and his neighbour, entirely covered at the top with his roof and timber, although his neighbour may have in the afore- said wall corbels or joists for the support of his solar, or even arches or aumbries, either by the grant of him who hath the wall covered, or of his ancestor, or even with- out their knowledge, nevertheless he cannot claim nor have more in the aforesaid wall than he hath in possession, without the assent of him who hath the wall covered; and he ought to receive the water falling from the house built upon the wall under the eaves of the said house, as is aforesaid, and lead it off at his own proper cost. " Also if any one should make a pavement in the high street unjustly, to the nuisance of the City and of his neighbour, that neighbour may lawfully hinder it by the bailiffs of the city, and it shall so remain until it be considered and decided by the jurors of the Assize." It is very evident upon carefully analysing this curious specimen of early civic legislation, which is now first printed in English, that although the citizens might, if it so pleased them, construct their houses entirely of stone, yet they were not absolutely required to do more than erect 22 DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE : TWELFTH CENTURY. party-walls sixteen feet in height ; the material of the structure built on such walls being left entirely to individual choice ; and there can be no doubt that in the generality of houses it was of wood. This assumption is justified by the fact that in deeds of a much later period, houses con- structed wholly of stone are frequently named as boun- daries without any further or more special description than that such was the substance of which they were built. It is obvious that in a district where edifices were generally reared in stone such a description would have been vague and insufficient. If in the thirteenth and fourteenth cen- turies stone buildings were objects of mark in London, we are justified in believing that they were equally un- common in the twelfth century. Therefore it would ap- pear that the Assize of 1189 had no more direct effect upon the style of building, at the time it was enacted, than that of regulating the method of constructing party-walls of a given height, and then only in cases where individuals were willing to build of stone. It took no cognisance of any part of an edifice beyond such walls, and the contrivances in them, as corbels, for carrying a superstructure. People being left to their own discretion finished their dwellings with the cheapest and most accessible materials ; and thus the solars of the Londoners continued to be, during this and a long subsequent period, mere wooden lofts, and that indeed is the primary signification of the term. This view of the subject is supported by the circumstance that when- ever the upper apartment was carried out in stone it is called, in deeds, " solarium lapideum," a stone solar, whereas in ordinary cases the material of the substructure being named that of the solar is not described. But if further proof be required that the regulations of 1189 produced no great or immediate effect on the style of building in London, it is supplied by a similar ordinance GENERAL REMARKS. 23 issued in the reign of King John. A fire occurred on the eleventh of July, in the year 1212, which destroyed London bridge, then a wooden structure, and a great number of houses. In some respects this accident appears to have been more serious than the conflagration of the time of Stephen. The citizens again took counsel to provide, if possible, against the recurrence of such a calamity, when the following decrees were published. " That all ale-houses be forbidden, except those which shall be licensed by the common council of the city at Guildhall, excepting those belonging to persons willing to build of stone, thf.t the city may be secure. And that no baker bake, or ale-wife brew p , by night, either with reeds or straw or stubble, but with wood only. " They advise also that all the cook-shops on the Thames be whitewashed and plastered within and without, and that all inner chambers and hostelries be wholly removed, so that there may remain only the house (domus^}, and bed -room. " Whosoever wishes to build, let him take care, as he loveth himself and his goods, that he roof not with reed, nor rush, nor with any manner of litter, but with tile only, or shingle, or boards, or, if it may be, with lead, within the city and Portsoken. Also all houses which till now are covered with reed or rush, which can be plastered, let them be plastered within eight days, and let those which shall not be so plastered within the term be demolished by the alderman and lawful men of the venue. P In London, and other parts of the the large apartment or hall in which the country, brewing was generally managed family and customers assembled. In by women, till a comparatively late time, farm-houses in the north of England the Tn the fifteenth century Fleet-street was kitchen, where the family and servants chiefly occupied by ale-wives and felt- used formerly to sit, was called the cap makers. house-place. See the colloquy of Eras- 1 1n this passage house appears to mean mus entitled Diversoria. 24 DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE : TWELFTH CENTURY. "All wooden-houses which are nearest to the stone- houses in Cheap, whereby the stone-houses on Cheap may be in peril, shall be securely amended by view of the mayor and sheriffs, and good men of the city, or, without any exception, to whomsoever they may belong, pulled down. "The watches, and they who watch by night for the custody of the city shall go out by day and return by day, or they by whom they may have been sent forth shall be fined forty shillings by the city. And let all houses in which brewing or baking is done be whitewashed and plastered within and without, that they may be safe against fire. " Let all the aldermen have a proper hook and cord, and let him who shall not have one within the appointed term, be amerced by the city. Foreign r workmen who come into the city, and refuse to obey the aforesaid decree shall be arrested, until brought before the mayor and good men to hear their judgment. They say also that it is only proper that before every house there should be a tub full of water, either of wood or stone 8 ." These compulsory regulations shew how little good had resulted, up to the beginning of the thirteenth century, from the assize of 1189; although there were some stone houses in Cheapside, the generality of domestic buildings were still wooden and thatched. That they were little better than mean hovels may be inferred from the sum- mary way in which their demolition is ordered, and from the fact that an alderman's hook and cord were imple- ments quite sufficient to pull them down in case of sudden fire, or any other emergency. The wages of the various r Extranei; this term does not imply s From Add. MS. (British Museum) foreigners in the modern sense of the 14,252, fo. 133, b. to 134', b. It is of term, but simply workmen not belonging the same date as the ordinance, to the liberties of the city. GENERAL REMARKS. 25 classes of workmen were fixed by this ordinance ; as car- penters, masons, tilers, cutters of free-stone, whitewash- ers, mud-plasterers, torchers *, excavators and barrow-men. The daily pay of carpenters, masons, and tilers was the same, threepence with keep, or fourpence halfpenny with- out, sums equal, at least' to five shillings per diem of the present currency, if not more. It is remarkable that brick- layers are not mentioned, as it is certain bricks were some- times used for building in the thirteenth century : indeed people who could make tiles would naturally make bricks, although, as before observed 11 , the latter were made per- haps in the Roman manner, as thick flat tiles. The mud- plasterers were, doubtless, those who filled up the timber framework of houses with mud-clay well mixed with straw, which was afterwards whitewashed ; a material resembling Devonshire cob of the present time. The passage relating to the cook-shops on Thames side is worthy of observation. The fondness of the Londoners for good cheer is noticed by several writers of the twelfth century, as Fitzstephen and Richard of Devizes. These eating-houses, which resembled in character the popina of the Romans, continued to be chiefly situated on the line of the road from St. Paul's, by Watling-street, to the Tower, down to the fifteenth century, when most of them had become regular inns. From the order to demolish the inner chambers and hostelries attached to them, it would appear that even at this early period they partook of the nature of inns for the accommodation of travellers : the buildings directed to be removed were probably mere * The signification of this word is ob- in the above instance, to those who pre- scure : in old French torcher means to pared a material like the modern French wipe or make clean ; torche, a. wisp, or torchls, a compost of mud-clay and straw, wad, of straw ; torchon de paille, a hand- or chopped hay. ful of straw, as much as a thatcher lays u Introd., p. xxvii. on at once. It seems however to apply, 26 DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE : TWELFTH CENTURY. pent-houses, or temporary structures, which had grown up around the kitchen. Thus the inns of our universities, and the inns of court were, originally, mean lodgings for scholars, clustered round a common hall, and a common kitchen. It will be remarked that chimneys are not once named in either of the Assizes ; no provision is made for them in the construction of a party wall. At first sight this omission would seem to favour the belief that in towns as in the country, fire-places were ordinarily on the upper story of a house. It must be recollected, however, that to have permitted the making of a fire-place in walls which were devised as a protection against the ravages of fire, would have been, in some measure, to defeat the object of the ordinance, and that the walls in front and rear of a house were still applicable to the construction of hearths and flues x . Still, it is singular that a set of regulations originating in a wish to avert the consequences of fire, should make no reference to the frequent cause of that calamity. It may be observed that in London houses of this period the kitchen and brewhouse were on the ground floor, and there seems no reason to doubt that there was a fire-place in it also y . It is evident from existing remains, civil as well as mili- tary, and from the documents cited above, that private decency was anything but neglected during this century. Indeed from very early times the English seem to have made better provision in that respect than their neighbours on the Continent. In the domestic buildings yet remaining of monasteries of this date, the contrivances alluded to are admirably designed. The assize of 1189, it will be ob- served, regulates the position of the camerce privates of the * There remain a few houses of early the gable and towards the street. date in which the chimney is carried up 1 See the deed, Appendix, No. II. GENERAL REMARKS. 27 Londoners with respect to party walls ; pits walled with stone are noticed as if they were in ordinary use. Stone shafts, apparently of this kind, have been occasionally found in late excavations in London ; the last example discovered was on the site of the new Coal Exchange in Thames- street ; its base rested on a portion of the pavement of a Roman house z . These observations on the character of houses in the metropolis, in the twelfth century, have a general rela- tion to similar buildings in other parts of the kingdom. There were from the earliest period certain peculiarities of situation, as with reference to the security of the district, and the facility with which building materials of a par- ticular description could be obtained, that exercised an undoubted influence upon the style of construction in different provinces ; but it may be safely assumed that the general plan of domestic buildings in towns was very similar in all parts of the country. 1 Archaeological Journal, vol. v. p. 32. CHAPTER II. EXISTING REMAINS. OAKHAM CASTLE, RUTLANDSHIRE. THE remains of Oakhatn castle consist of the hall and a ruined wall which surrounds the enclosure in which it stands. This is of an irregular, somewhat circular, shape. It is entered by a gateway of late date on the south side. The wall does not appear to have been intended for defence, as it is in general thin, and is composed of loose rubble, or rag, and filled in with mud. Within the wall is. a well, and the inequalities of the ground shew the foundations of several buildings, but there are none standing^ except the hall. Outside the wall is a high bank and wide moat, now nearly dry, and other banks which have enclosed a garden, fish-pond, &c. The walls of the enclosure are only sepa- rated from the churchyard by a narrow path. The history of the whole building, together with much curious information, is given by the Rev. C. H. Hartshorne in the Archaeological Journal, vol. v. The hall, which (though with some alterations to adapt it to its present use as a county hall) is still in a remark- ably perfect state, is built east and west, and in a direct line with the centre of the church. The masonry is rubble, with ashlar buttresses and quoins. The style of the build- ing is that of the latter part of the twelfth century, being a transition from Norman to Early English, and the beauty of design and superiority of execution of its ornamental parts render this building one of the most valuable exam- ples of that style which we possess. It measures inside DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE^ TWELFTH CENTURY. i : HALL OF OAKHAM CARTLTC OAKHAM CASTLE. 29 65 ft. by 43 ft., and is divided by two rows of pillars and arches, thus cutting off two aisles which are lean-to's. The arches rise from circular pillars with highly enriched capi- tals. There are no responds, the arches at the ends spring- ing from corbels. The principal entrance was originally at the east end of the south side, and there are also two low segmental- headed doors at the east end, and another door at the north-west, which have all communicated with the offices, as may be seen by the foundations yet remaining. There are two buttresses of slight projection at each end of the building, but none on the sides. There are four win- dows each on the north and south sides, and one in the gable of the east end, which is round-headed, with two pointed lights. The windows on the side are all of one general form but varied in detail, no two being exactly alike. They are externally double lancets divided by a shafted mullion, and internally round-headed, but the openings for light are square, the upper part of the lancet being left solid, and either plain or filled in with foliage, small arches, or trefoils. They have all shafts on the mullion, in general with a row of tooth-ornament on each side. They have likewise all of them had shafts in the jamb, the square angles of the jamb being cut in tooth- ornament, but these shafts are gone except a portion in one of the windows on the north side, which is cut out of the same stone as the jamb. The shafts are sometimes round, sometimes octagonal. The abacus throughout is square, with good Norman mouldings. The foliage of the capitals is in general Norman, but in some approaches Early Eng- lish. The bases are in general good, one of them has the corner ornament. The heads have round and hollow mouldings with another which prevails throughout the building, this is a quirked ogee. The window recesses 30 DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE : TWELFTH CENTURY. inside are splayed and round-headed, and have the angle chamfered off with a hollow moulding filled with tooth- ornament, which has a very good effect. The tympanum has two slightly sunk semicircular arches rising from the mullion. The east window has a bold round moulding on the angle. The door is round-headed, with a square abacus to the capitals and banded shafts, and the tooth-ornament on the jambs. On the inside it has a round moulding instead of the hollow chamfer. The pillars are circular, with bases with foot ornaments, and mouldings partaking much of Early English character. The capitals are very rich and of a Corinthian form, the scrolls and cauliculi being imitated, but very much, and elegantly, varied. The plan of the upper moulding of the bell is sometimes circular and sometimes quatrefoil, and is in some of them beauti- fully worked into the tooth-ornament, which is bold and deeply undercut, and produces a fine effect ; in others it is plain. The abacus is square, with the angles canted, and in some has the lower part ornamented with the indented moulding or with a series of small round arches. The whole character of the capitals is very similar to those at Canterbury and Oxford cathedrals, but more so to some foreign examples, as at Soissons and Blois. On the capitals at the springing of the arches are female figures and animals playing on musical instruments, but these are much mutilated, a harp and two crowts may still be seen. In the same situation in the aisles are human heads very well executed. The arches have no projecting label, but the outer moulding is the same as that round the window recesses, filled with the tooth-ornament, and resting on heads against the walls ; under this is the plain wall, and within this the quirked ogee. The corbels which support the outer arches are very fine, they consist of a moulded corbel, out of which is cut a small DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE: TWELFTH CENTURY. HALL OP OAKHAM CASTLE. WINDOW. SOUTH SIDE. WINDOW, SOUTH SIDE. (Interior.) PRINCIPAL DOORWAY DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE : TWELFTH CENTURY. HALL OF OAK HAM CASTLE. CAPITALS OF PILLARS. SOUTH-EAST CORBEL. DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE : TWELFTH CENTURY. HALL Off OAKHAM CASTLE. HIP KNOBS, OB GABLE CEESTS. SPRING STONE, NORTH-EAST ANGLE SECTION OP ARCHES. OAKHAM CASTLE. 31 arch, with the tooth- ornament on the angle, this is sup- ported by an animal which again is supported by two heads. The one nearest the entrance door at the east end appears to be what is heraldically called a " cat a mountain," and is supported by the heads of a king and queen, which appear evidently to be those of Henry II., and his queen, Eleanor of Guienne. The next is a lion supported on two heads, male and female, which appear to be portraits. The third has the mane and tail of a lion, but the head is different, this is supported by two heads without beards, but still apparently male and female, with very expressive faces. The fourth is a bull, supported by male and female heads, remarkable for the mode in which the hair is dressed, indeed the whole series are highly valuable as examples of costume, shewing the various modes of wearing the hair and beard at that period. The disposition of the folds in the drapery of the musicians is also very characteristic of the sculpture of the time. The roof is a king-post roof, but has nothing original except the pitch, part of it having been put up by Villiers, duke of Buckingham, and the rest being modern. The style of the building clearly shews it to be about 1180, and as it is said to have been built by Walkelyn de Ferrars, that date agrees with it. It should have been mentioned that the spring-stones or skew-tables of the gables on the north side are each supported by two heads, male and female. The crests of the gables too are ornamented with large figures, that at the east end being a figure in long surcoat, mounted on the back of a lion or other animal, and that at the west being a sagittary, the bow and arrow of which are now gone, having served as a mark for rifle shooters some years since, and by that means been destroyed. 32 DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE : TWELFTH CENTURY. THE KING'S HOUSE, SOUTHAMPTON. The direct passage from Southampton to the coast of Normandy rendered it, so long as our sovereigns retained their French domains, the most convenient port for their embarkation, while its favourable geographical position, ap- preciated in early times by the Romans, made it the chief resort of merchants from southern Europe. Its vicinity to the opulent city of Winchester, long celebrated for its an- nual fair on St. Giles's hill, was another attraction for medieval traders, who were thus enabled to dispose of their cargoes without incurring the cost and peril of a voyage, or land-journey, to London. From Southampton our first Richard sailed on his memorable crusade, and an- cient accounts tell us how the sheriff supplied him ten thousand horse-shoes with double sets of nails for his chivalry, and eight hundred Hampshire hogs for the pro- vision of his fleet a . Thither came, in the infancy of English commerce, those " great ships from Bayonne," laden with Eastern products, the arrival of one of which was, even so late as the thirteenth century, an event anxiously expected by royalty ; and it was there that the merchants of Bour- deaux landed their cargoes of wine, the prisage of which, two tuns from each ship, was long an important item of the crown revenue. It is obvious that during the times this port was so frequently used by English sovereigns, there must have been some place for their accommodation while waiting to embark, or on landing. Accordingly it appears that there was anciently a " king's house" in Southampton b ; and by the joint aid of tradition and early records we are enabled to identify its site and probable remains. At the back of Rot. Pip. 2 Ric. I. Portsmouth which had a hall attached b There was an edifice so called at to it. SOUTHAMPTON. 33 the present custom-house, on a parallel line with the quay, there is yet remaining an extensive ancient frontage, now in a very mutilated state, which bears marks of having formed part of a building of some importance in the twelfth century. This edifice is popularly known as " the king's house." We have no means of ascertaining the precise date of its erection, but it may be reasonably ascribed to the long and energetic reign of Henry the Second ; there is some evidence against the supposition that it might have been built by King John, to whom so many castles and palaces are traditionally given, since early in his reign the hall which it contained was decayed, and the keeper of Knutwood forest supplied twenty rafters (cheverones) for the repairs of its roof c . The next references to this build- ing are important, as they demonstrate that it was situated by the water side, on a quay. By writs dated respectively in the fifth and sixth years of Henry the Third d , the bailiffs of Southampton were directed to repair the quay before the king's house. These commands appear to have been neg- lected or imperfectly fulfilled; for by another writ dated Nov. 21, in the seventh year of the same reign, they were ordered " to repair the quay this winter, lest the king's house should be damaged thereby, and, at an opportune time, to cause it to be well built e ." In the following year the bailiffs had directions to mend the gutters of the king's chamber 1 . Now if the present custom-house were removed, this ruinous frontage in its rear, which we believe to have been the " king's house," would, in point of fact, be situated on the quay, although the vacant space before it might be rather large : there is every reason, however, to suppose that anciently this building was more extensive; it was c Rot. Claus. 9 Job. m. 12. e Rot. Claus. 7 Hen. III. m. 26. d Rot. Claus. 5 and 6 Hen. III. mm. ' Rot. Claus. 8 Hen. III. m. 3. 4. 17. D 34 DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE : TWELFTH CENTURY. probably quadrangular, and in some measure fortified, or at least thoroughly enclosed, and isolated from surrounding edifices ; a fact which seems to be indicated by a direction to the bailiffs, in 1223, to make a " gateway to the court- yard of the king's house g ." Reiterated orders during the years 1224 and 1225, for the repair of the house and quay, shew that either the bailiffs had failed to obey previous di- rections, or that the works had been imperfectly executed 11 . In the latter year the bishop of Winchester had the custody of the house, at an annual fee of fifteen shillings l . Besides containing a hall, a chapel k , and the several apartments necessary for royal use, it is probable that this building included a cellar in which the prisage butts were stored l . The various operations connected with the proper care of a large stock of wine, required space for their exer- cise, and thus an extensive quay was adapted not only to the personal convenience of the king, but to the landing of his wines, and to the accommodation of the coopers, gaugers, sealers, carters, and boatmen, who were employed about the royal stores in those times when our princes were ac- customed to dispose of their superfluous stock. It may be necessary to remark that the " king's house" was certainly a building distinct from the castle of South- ampton; this is proved by the document already cited, which shews that the former might be injured by the dila- pidated state of the quay on which it stood ; therefore it could not have been much above high-water mark ; whereas K Rot. Glaus. 8 Hen. III. p. 1. m. 10. tioned as containing a hundred and h Rot. Claus. 9 Hen. III. p. 2. m. 1, 3. twenty tuns of wine : but so large was ! Ibid., m. 13. the stock accumulated at times, that the k " Et in reparatione capelle Regis de sheriff, or butler, was obliged to rent Suhamton', et domorum Regis ibidem et cellars. See the Pipe Roll already cited. gutterarum earundem, Ixiij.s. vj.d.ob." It is hardly necessary to observe that in Rot. Pip. 14 Hen. III. medieval days cellars were not always The king's cellar at Southampton under ground. was of ample dimensions ; it is men- DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE : TWELFTH CENTURY. TOWN WALL, SOUTHAMPTON, WITH PART OP THE HOUSE AGAINST WHICH IT IS BUILT PLAN OF HOUSE, SOOTU.-\ A. Passage iu the wall. B. Fire-place C. C. C. Windows. D. Doorway of the smaller house. DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE: TWELFTH CKNTURT. Eiteiior. HOUSE ADJOINING THE TOWN WALL, SOUTHAMPTON. SOUTHAMPTON. 35 "the elevated position of the castle must have effectually secured it from all risk of having even its base washed by the most violent waves which a storm could raise in the land-locked harbour which it overlooked m ." The " king's houses in the castle" are frequently mentioned in early records, and to readers who are not conversant with those authorities, it might appear that the edifices were identical. But it is well known that the term " domus" was applied to various structures, generally, with the exception of the keep, of an unsubstantial character, raised within the en- ceinte of a medieval fortress, often mere pent-houses of wood and plaster, always in need of repair. The preceding observations may possibly induce local antiquaries to pursue still further the history of this ancient building, the identification of which is thus attempted, and it is hoped they may also contribute to its preservation as an interesting relic of early times. The few architectural features it now ofi'ers, belong to the latter part of the twelfth century, and of these the most prominent is a window in a tolerably perfect state ; it has a segmental arch and a drip- stone over it, with the usual Norman abacus moulding at the imposts ; this is continued as a string along the wall, though broken in places by later insertions. Interiorly it is ornamented with shafts in the jambs, sunk in a square recess in the angle, having capitals sculptured with foliage of a peculiar but late Norman character ; the bases approach- ing to Early English. This window is altogether remark- able and of an unusual design. It is now closed by wooden shutters, and in all likelihood was never glazed. The peculiar construction of the west wall of Southamp- m " Sketches of Hampshire," by the and written in a remarkably agreeable late John Duthy, Esq., p. 145. I gladly style. The notice of Southampton, take this opportunity of calling attention supplied after Mr. Duthy's decease, is to a provincial work exhibiting consider- scarcely equal to the rest of the volume, able research, much ingenious conjecture, D 2 36 DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE : TWELFTH CENTURY. ton is familiar to antiquaries ; an accurate measurement of the arches was taken by Sir Henry Englefield in 1801 n ; and the reader may be referred to his essay for a minute description of this early work which, being of transition Norman character, is possibly a remnant of the walls built by the men of Southampton early in the reign of John ; that monarch having allowed them two hundred pounds out of their fee-farm rent for the enclosure of the town . Adjoining to a postern gate in this wall, are the remains of two houses of ancient date. One of these has preserved scarcely any original features, excepting a Norman door- way; the other house is of about double the size, and situ- ated on the opposite side of a narrow lane which leads to the gateway. It is nearly perfect, except the roof, and is probably one of the oldest houses remaining in England ; being of rather earlier character than either the Jew's house at Lincoln, or the other house in the same street, or those at Christ Church, in Hampshire, Boothby Pagnell, Lincolnshire, or Minster, in the Isle of Thanet, all well- known instances of the domestic architecture of England in the twelfth century, many of them belonging to the latter part, whilst the present example may perhaps be safely referred to the earlier half of that century. Like most other examples, the principal dwelling-rooms appear to have been on the first floor, and the fire-place remains, with Norman shafts in the jambs ; the chimney is carried up to the top of the wall, and may have risen above it, with an external projection, like a flat Norman buttress, sup- ported on plain corbels hanging over the lane. The door- way is on the ground floor, and not as in the early houses in the north of England, on the first floor only : no remains of a staircase exist, but it was probably internal and of "A Walk through Southampton," 4to. 1801. p. 23. Rot. Pip. 4 Johan. til. Hamtona. MINSTER, ISLE OF THANET. 37 wood, and may have been carried on the projections oppo- site to the door. There are no windows in the ground floor, but several on the first story ; those which are per- fect are of two lights, divided by a shaft, with capital and base. Several of these windows open to the outside of the city wall, which in this part consists of a series of arches carrying the parapet wall and alure ; the piers are connected with the wall of the house, but the spaces behind the arches left open, forming a succession of wide machicolations. On the first floor also there is a passage formed in the thickness of the wall, as was usual in fortifications of the period, and this probably communicated with the town wall, though the passage is now partly blocked up. From the circumstance that the arches of the town wall are built partly over the windows of the house, it is clear that they were erected subsequently, the masonry is also different. Although the arches at this part are round- headed, those adjoining to them are pointed, and evidently of the same period. MINSTER, ISLE OF THANET. At Minster, in the Isle of Thanet, is a house of this date, one front of which is tolerably perfect : its character is not very early Norman, but it may probably have been built late in the twelfth century. The house is still in- habited, but the interior is entirely modernized : the walls are in great part original, although the back has been so far altered as to destroy its original character. It is of moderate size and of simple oblong plan; enough remains at one end to shew that it did not extend any farther in that direction, the other end is not quite so clear, but it would appear that other buildings formerly joined it. There was a small nunnery here, founded in Saxon times, destroyed by the Danes, and refounded by 38 DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE : TWELFTH CENTURY. Archbishop Corboil in 1130; about the year 1200 it was appropriated to St. Augustine's abbey at Canterbury. The present building was the grange of the monastery p . At all events its character is strictly that of a domestic building, and there is nothing of peculiar monastic charac- ter about it. The grant of the church of Minster to the abbey of St. Augustine, was confirmed by Pope Alexander III., between 1160 and 1180. CHRIST CHURCH. At Christ Church, in Hampshire, is the ruin of a Norman house, rather late in the style, with good windows of two lights, and a round chimney-shaft. The plan as before is a simple oblong, the principal room appears to have been on the first floor. It is situated on the bank of the river, near to the church, and still more close to the mound, which is said to have been the keep of the castle ; being between that and the river, it could not well have been placed in a situation of greater security. Whether it formed part of another series of buildings or not, it was a perfect house in itself, and its character is strictly domestic. It is about seventy feet long, and twenty-four broad, its walls, like those of the keep, being exceedingly thick. On the ground floor are a number of loopholes, the ascent to the upper story was by a stone staircase, part of which remains, the ground floor was divided by a wall, but the upper story appears to have been all one room, lighted by three double windows on each side ; near the centre of the east wall, next the river, is a large fire-place, to which the round chimney before-mentioned belongs. At the north end there appears to have been a large and handsome win- dow, of which part of the arch and shafts remain, and there P See an account of this building and Lewis's History of the Isle of Tenet, a plan of it as it existed in 1736, in p. 102. CHRIST CHURCH, HAMPSHIRE. 39 is a small circular window in the south gable. "From what remains of the ornamental part of this building, it appears to have been elegantly finished, and cased with squared stones, most of which are however now taken away. There is a small projecting tower, calculated for a flank, under which the water runs ; it has loopholes both on the north and east fronts, these walls are extremely thick. By the ruins of several walls, there were some ancient buildings at right angles to this hall, stretching away towards the keep V This was probably part of the residence of Baldwin de Redvers, earl of Devon ; to whom the manor of Christ Church belonged about the middle of the twelfth century. MANOR-HOUSE AT APPLETON. The manor-house at Appleton, Berkshire, belongs to the end of this century ; it stands within a moat, and the walls, or at least the foundations, are probably original ; it is of moderate size and simple oblong plan ; but the only parts which retain any of the original character are three door- ways, the best of which is the entrance, which is round- headed, but the mouldings are rather Early English than Norman, and the shafts in the jambs have round capitals with foliage approaching to what is technically called stiff- leaf. The other two doorways are very plain, they have evidently been the entrances to the offices from the passage at the end of the hall, behind the screens ; there is said to have been another doorway of similar character at the en- trance at the opposite end of this passage. SUTTON COURTNEY. At Sutton Courtney, Berkshire, is a small house of the latter part of this century ; the walls are very substantial ; * Grose's Antiquities, vol. ii. p. 178. 40 DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE : TWELFTH CENTURV. in plan it is a simple oblong, with a doorway in the centre of the principal front ; the doorway is round-headed, with good mouldings of transition Norman character, and the tooth-ornament ; there is also a small lancet window ; the rest of the windows and the interior of the house are mo- dernized. It appears to have had a moat round it, which is now filled up. ST. MARY'S GUILD JEW'S HOUSE, LINCOLN. The hall of St. Mary's Guild, or the Merchants' Guild, at Lincoln, is popularly called John of Gaunt's stables, pos- sibly from its having been at one period so used, his palace having stood on the opposite side of the street ; just as it is now often called the Sweep's house, and the Malt house, from the uses to which different parts of it are applied. This remarkable structure is probably the most valuable and extensive range of building of the twelfth century that we have remaining in England; it is now divided into several tenements : the roof is modern, and one half of the walls of the upper story were taken down at the time this roof was put on, but the lower parts of the walls, including the whole of the lower story, are nearly perfect. The principal front is towards the street, and has a remarkably rich cornice of sculptured foliage, and good flat buttresses ; the entrance archway is of transition work, with a peculiar kind of tooth-ornament in a shallow hollow moulding, and small sunk flowers in the dripstone ; the imposts are of pure Norman character, supported by rude heads, one of which is a bishop. In the lower story is a good Norman loop, but the upper windows have Early English shafts in the jambs within. At the back of this range of building is a second range at right angles to it, as if to form two sides of a quadrangle ; but as it is at the corner of the street, and there is no appearance LINCOLN. 41 of other buildings having joined on, this may not have been the case. In this part of the building are good Nor- man windows of two lights, one of them perfect, having a cap and base of transition character ; in the interior these windows have zigzags cut in the angles of the jambs ; be- tween these windows are plain flat buttresses, and a small doorway, the head of which is of the form called a square- headed trefoil. In the upper story is a plain Norman fire- place with a straight head, the back curved and formed of the usual thin flat bricks placed edgeways. The walls in this part of the building have not been lowered. The part immediately adjoining to the churchyard of St. Peter's at Gowt's, is said always to have been a separate house, and to have been the parsonage of that parish ; in this portion is a Norman window, of two lights, with a kind of long- and-short work in the jambs. There are several other houses or parts of houses of this period in Lincoln. One near St. Benedict's church ; the only parts perfect are three doorways, one the entrance, which is of Norman character, though late, and the two small ones which were at the end of the hall, behind the screen ; these are of transition character. The house called the Jew's house, at Lincoln, is perhaps one of the most celebrated and best known of the remains of this period ; it is situated on the steep hill, and has the front to the street tolerably perfect : the most remarkable feature is the doorway, which is enriched with ornaments closely corresponding with Bishop Alexander's work in the cathedral; the head of the doorway also forms an arch to carry the fire-place and chimney above. There are no marks of an original fire-place on the ground floor, and the principal room appears to have been up stairs. Some of the windows are good Norman of two lights with a shaft between. The house is small, and seems to have 42 DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE : TWELFTH CENTURY. consisted of two rooms only, one on the ground floor, and one above : these may, however, have been originally di- vided by partitions : the interior has entirely lost all ori- ginal character. A little higher up the hill, on the opposite side of the street, is another house, of about the same period, but plainer and not so perfect ; the same arrangement of the arch of the doorway carrying the fire-place is found here also ; the Norman ornamented string on a level with the floor may be traced along two sides of this house, which stands at a corner, and some windows may be distin- guished, but less perfect than those of the Jew's house. STAIRCASE, CANTERBURY. The staircase at Canterbury is situated near the principal entrance of the monastery, and led to the Stranger's hall, now destroyed ; the staircase itself is very perfect, and is rich late Norman work ; it consists of a straight flight of steps with a landing at the top, and a covered way over it, supported by an open arcade on each side. This is a very remarkable specimen, being the only staircase of this period known to be in existence. There are considerable remains of the other Domestic buildings of the monastery, but so much mixed up with modern work, being still in- habited as the prebendal houses, that considerable skill and pains are required to disentangle them. WARNFORD, HANTS. The ruins of the manor-house of the St. John family, popularly called King John's house, at Warnford in Hamp- shire, consist of little more than the foundations, but there is enough to shew that the hall was divided by two rows of very tall pillars which carried the principal timbers of the roof without any arches ; the bases and capitals are of DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE : TWELFTH CENTURY. STAIRCASE, LEADING TO THE REGISTRY, CANTERBURY DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE : TWELFTH CKNTURY. PLAN OP A HODSB AT WARNEFORD, HAMPSHIRE, Commonly known as Kin Jotiu s riuuae FOUNTAINS ABBEY. 43 late Norman character. A contemporary inscription re- cords the rebuilding of the church, which is closely ad- joining to it, and of the same character, by Adam de Port, in the time of King John. FOUNTAINS ABBEY. The remains of the Domestic buildings of Fountains abbey, Yorkshire, are very extensive and valuable, and belong chiefly to this period. The kitchen is nearly per- fect, with two large fire-places, and there are several other fire-places and chimneys ; the walls of the refectory, the dormitory, the cloister, and several other parts of the build- ings, are more or less perfect, but these belong rather to the class of Monastic than of strictly Domestic buildings. The arrangements of a large monastery were necessarily very different from those of an ordinary dwelling-house, and though we may fairly make use of one to illustrate the other, they do not belong properly to the subject of this work. PRIORY, DOVER. The priory of St. Martin, at Dover 1 , was refounded by Archbishop Corboil in 31st Henry I., A.D. 1131, on a new site outside the walls of the town. After some dis- putes a society of Benedictine monks from the convent of Christ Church, Canterbury, was finally established in the new buildings by Archbishop Theobald, in 1139, 4th Stephen. The portions which remain of these original buildings have their date thus fixed with unusual accuracy. The church is entirely destroyed. The refectory, though now used as a barn, still remains in a tolerably perfect state. The masonry is of flint laid in alternate courses with ashlar for the buttresses, quoins, r Mon. Aug., vol. iv. p. 528. 44 DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE : TWELFTH CENTURY. and heads and jambs to the windows. It measures exter- nally 107 feet by 34 feet, and the walls are 3 feet 6 inches in thickness. Its direction is east and west. It has eight windows and six buttresses on the north, and seven on the south side. The windows are plainly recessed without hood- mouldings, and rest on a stringcourse, which is a plain square with the upper angle chamfered off. The but- tresses are of slight projection, and are carried up to the roof without set-off's except the string. The two sides have been alike, except that at the west end of the south side was the original entrance, which is now blocked up on the outside, and there are also on this side the remains of an Early English entrance, which has been inserted, but is now also walled up. The interior measures 100 feet by 27 feet, and the walls to the springing of the roof are 26 feet high, and are plastered. It has evidently never been divided by a floor, but has always been open from the floor to the roof as at present. The lower part of the wall to the height of 12 feet 6 inches is entirely blank, and appears never to have had any opening through it, except the doorway at the south- west angle, already mentioned, the interior arch of which still remains, and another doorway at the west end (now blocked up) which communicated with the offices which adjoined the refectory at that part. Above the blank por- tion of the wall just mentioned, is a lofty arcade reaching up to the springing of the roof, and which is carried en- tirely round the apartment. The arches, which are quite plain and simply recessed, are supported by shafts with plainly moulded capitals and bases. Of this arcade the two arches next the east end on each side are pierced for windows for lighting the high table, and after that every alternate arch is pierced in the same manner. These win- CIN3: XSV3 PRIORY, DOVER. 45 dows are all alike, recessed and deeply splayed inside. The arches on the east and west are not pierced, as there were other buildings adjoining at both ends. There were m two small windows in the gable at the west end. At the east end where the high table would be placed, and immediately under the arcade, has been a representa- tion of the Last Supper, and till within a few years the figures might have been made out. The only parts now distinguishable are the nimbi which surrounded the heads of the Saviour and the Apostles, the lines which marked the table, and some indistinct folds of drapery. The nimbi are impressed on the plaster in the same manner as par- getting was performed at a later period, and each is sur- rounded, and the rays divided, by red lines; the beards and other parts appear to have been indicated with the same colour, and there is a back-ground behind the heads of a bluish grey colour. In the south wall near this end are the remains of a large locker. The gables appear never to have been altered, and the pitch of the roof is therefore original, but the roof itself is not ; one bay in the centre is, probably, of fifteenth century date, but the rest is modern. The whole of the work about the buildings is very good, but of the very plainest description ; the capitals' consist only of an abacus and neck-mould, with a single moulding in the bell, and the bases, though very characteristic, are of the simplest kind. There is not the slightest attempt at ornamental detail in any part of the building, but from its great length, its continuous arcade, and its alternate window-openings, and consequent variety of light and shade, the effect of this apartment is very fine. 46 DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE : TWELFTH CENTURY. MOYSES* HALL. Moyses' hall at Bury St. Edmund's is also called the Jew's house, or the Jews' synagogue. It is late Norman work, partly of transition character, the lower story is vaulted : the arch ribs are pointed. It appears originally to have had no windows on the ground floor. On the upper floor are two good transition Norman windows, each of two lights, square-headed and plain, under a round arch with mouldings and shafts in the jambs, having capitals of almost Early English character. There are at present two of these windows, but the other part of the house has a Perpendicular window which may have re- placed a Norman one. The vaulting is continued in the same character under both divisions of the house; the upper part has been too much altered to enable us to make out exactly what it originally was ; it may have been a tower of which the upper part is destroyed, or it may have contained a doorway. The fire-place is in the wall of par- tition on the first floor, and not towards the street, but this fire-place is not part of the original work, though it pro- bably replaced an older one. That tradition should have assigned the name of the " Jew's house" to this building, and also to the two tene- ments of the Norman period at Lincoln, is a fact not with- out significance, and worthy of attention. Erom Saxon times until the close of the twelfth century the Jews were allowed full liberty to trade in this country, and were com- paratively unmolested in the possession and enjoyment of their gains. Being the wealthiest members of the com- munity, it is not unlikely they constructed substantial habitations as much for the security of their persons and property as from any other motive. It is certain that in all early deeds relative to the transfer of tenements DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE: TWELFTH CENTURY. WINDOWS, MOTSES'S HALL, BURY ST. EDMUND'S, SUFFOLK BURY ST. EDMUND'S. 47 once held by Jews, those tenements are usually described as built of stone. It was not till the thirteenth century that the Israelites were subjected to that long-continued system of oppression and exaction which terminated in their expulsion from the country, by Edward the First, in the year 1290. That expulsion was accomplished in a manner so sudden and violent, that the memory of it was likely to be strongly impressed on the popular mind, and, indeed, to remain so impressed in any place where substantial monuments of their former residence still survived. The Jews of Bury St. Edmund's were driven from that town in the year 1190, by Abbot Samson, in the time of whose predecessor they appear to have had many illegal transactions with the subordinate officers of the monastery, some notices of which occur in the interesting chronicle of Jocelin of Brakelonde 8 . In 1183, Sancto the Jew of St. Edmundsbury was fined five marks, that he might not be punished for taking in pledge certain sacred vessels. HOSTELRY OF THE PRIORS OF LEWES, SOUTHWARK, AS IT FORMERLY EXISTED. This curious relic was unfortunately removed in 1830 in order to improve the approach to London Bridge; before it was levelled accurate drawings of the building were made by Mr. J. C. Buckler, and the late John Gage Rokewode, Esq., communicated* a notice of its history to the Society of Antiquaries, which is printed in the twenty-third volume of the Archaeologia. The following description is taken from Mr. Eokewode's paper. See " Cronica Jocelini de Brake- In a letter to the late Henry Pe- londa," published by the Camden So- trie, Esq., keeper of the records in the ciety, 1840, pp.2 4; and the notes, Tower, p. 106. 48 DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE : TWELFTH CENTURY. The church of St. Olave, Southwark, was confirmed 11 to the prior and convent of St. Pancras of Lewes, in Sussex, by William, second earl of Warren and Surrey, son of their founder, and in face of the church on the south side the way, now called Tooley-street, contiguous with Carter- lane, they built, or became possessed of, a hostelry for the convenience of the prior and monks coming to London, and for the reception of strangers. It does not appear how they acquired this property ; the charter of confirma- tion does not comprise any lands in Southwark. Earl William died in 1138 X , and there are sufficient grounds for assuming that the prior had no lodgings in St. Olave's until a later period. Osbert, prior of St. Pancras y , gave to John, son of Ed- mund, and his heirs, a tenement, in London, belonging to the convent, that is to say, the dwelling and houses of Wibert de Araz, and lands holden of the monks of West- minster z , and Robert the Chamberlain to hold at a rent of fourteen shillings, and by this service, that as often as the prior of Lewes, or bis monks, or the monks of the cells belonging to St. Pancras, came to London, that John and his successors should give them fit lodging, and find them fire, and water, and salt, and sufficient vessels for their use. Among the witnesses to this charter are the Countess Isabel and her brother Philip, being the Countess Warren and Surrey, daughter and heir of William the third earl, and her half-brother Philip de Evreux a . Osbert was prior of Lewes b between the years 1170 and u Regist. chart. Monasterii de Lewes. two pieces of land which Wibert de Araz Mus. Brit. Cotton. MS. Vespasian, F. held of him in London. Ibid. Gervase xv. fo. 12 b. governed the monastery of Westminster 1 Ibid., fo. 105 b. from the year 1140 to 1160. Dugdale, J Ibid., fo. 196 b. Monast. z Gervase abbot of Westminster, con- a Watson's Memoirs- of the House of firmed the gift of John, son of Ralph, to Warren arid Surrey, the church of St. Pancras of Lewes, of b Dugdale, Monast. HOSTELRY OF THE PRIORS OF LEWES, SOUTHWARK. 49 1186 ; the Countess Isabel died in 1199 . Mr. Rokewode therefore concluded that the hostelry of the prior of Lewes, in Southwark, was not in his occupation until the latter years of the twelfth century. It is certain that the monks of St. Pancras had a hostelry here at a remote period ; for in a release d from William de Wyntringham, carpenter, to the prior of Lewes, in the 44th Edw. III. anno 1370, it is especially set forth that the prior and his predecessors, in right of their church of St. Pancras, were seised from time immemorial, of a piece of ground nigh the gate of their hostelry in Southwark, and a building agreement e between the same parties in the 47th Edw. III. speaks of the an- cient north-east gate of their hostelry, which was standing in the time of the historian Stowe. Peter, bishop of Winchester f , who governed that see in 1205 g , appropriated the church of St. Olave to the prior and convent of St. Pancras of Lewes, for the purpose of hospitality. In Michaelmas term, 29 Henry VIII., Robert, late prior of St. Pancras of Lewes, levied a fine to the king of all the possessions of the priory, in which fine the church of St. Olave, and messuages, gardens, lands, and rents in South- wark, Kater-lane, (Carter-lane,) comprehending the site of the hostelry, are particularly specified. On the sixteenth of the month of February following, his majesty conferred these possessions on Thomas, Lord Cromwell, afterwards earl of Essex, in fee h : the hostelry being valued ! in the king's survey at eight pounds yearly. After the attainder of the earl of Essex, the hostelry seems to have been parcelled out by the crown. Stowe, in c Regist. chart, de Lewes, fo. 107, b. h Pat. 29 Hen. VIII. pars ii. d Ibid., fo. 182 b. l Southwark, redditus hospitii D'ni in e Ibid., fo. 183 b. GuttMane ibidem, per ann. viij. Valor f Godwin de Praesul. Eccl. 26 Hen. VIII. * Regist. chart, de Lewes, fo. 189 b. E 50 DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE : TWELFTH CENTURY. his description of St. Olave's, South wark, says, " over against the parish church, on the south side of the streete, was sometime one great house builded of stone with arched gates, which pertained to the prior of Lewes in Sussex, and was his lodging when he came to London : it is now a common hostelry for travellers, and hath to sign the Walnut TreeV Cuthbert Beeston, citizen and girdler of London, died seised 1 , in the 24th Elizabeth, of the Walnut inn, together with the garden thereto, and fifteen messuages in Walnut-tree-lane, otherwise Carter-lane, in St. Olave's, South- wark, held of the queen in chief, worth yearly five pounds, six shillings and eight pence. It appears that the Walnut- tree inn occupied the east side of the hostelry ; the west wing was purchased m by the parish for the use of the gram- mar-school of St. Olave's n , founded in the 13th Elizabeth. The plain unmixed character of the circular style in these remains led Mr. Eokewode to conclude that this part of the hostelry was built before the time of Osbert, the prior, a date which it is difficult to reconcile with his charter if, as we may presume, the building was erected by the monks of St. Pancras. Mr. Rokewode thought the general features of this portion of the hostelry resembled those of the manor-house at Boothby Pagnell, Moyses' hall at St. Edmundsbury, and Pythagoras' school at Cam- bridge . The porch extended 19 ft., and appeared to have been longer ; its width was 11 ft. 9 in. At the distance of 6 ft. 9 in. from the inner door there was a flight of steps to the chamber, the floor of which was nearly 3 J ft. lower ; this k Stowe's Surveyof London, 4to. 1598, Surrey, pp. 340, 341. > The royal charter gives licence to 1 Esc. 24 Eliz. n. 70. In the 19th purchase lands of a limited value. James I., the Walnut Tree escheated to Pythagoras' school is a building of the crown and was leased out. the end of the twelfth, or commencement m Manning and Bray's History of of the thirteenth century. HOSTELRY OF THE PRIORS OF LEWES, SOUTHWARK. 51 being about the level of the water, shewed the precautionary arrangement of the porch, and on the same account, all the windows of the chamber were carried up close to the crown of the vault. The porch was without windows. The vaulted chamber formed a parallelogram of 40 ft. 3 in., by 16 ft. 6 in., and 14 ft. 3 in. high, the vaulted roof being supported by arches springing from six semi- circular pillars attached to the side walls ; these pillars were 5 ft. 10 in. high, including the capitals and base. The en- trance was by an elliptical arch, and possibly there had been a door also on the opposite side. On the south there were two windows, as well as on the west, and there was one on the north. On the removal of the earth which had accu- mulated in the chamber, no remains were found of an an- cient floor or pavement. The walls were 3 ft. 3 in. thick. The pillars and arches were of wrought stone, a mixture of fire-stone and Kentish rag ; the vault was entirely chalk, 9 in. thick : the rest of the lower building rubble. The entrance to the hall was on the side of the porch, and must have been approached by a flight of steps, as is the case in the Norman house at Boothby Pagnell ; the face of the hall door, internally, was perfectly plain ; externally it had been entirely destroyed. Caen stone was used in this door, and in other parts of the upper chamber. The entrance arch had on its external angle a bead-mould- ing springing from a slender pillar with a capital, indicating a slight difference between the character of the vault and that of the vaulted chamber j at the same time these did not, on close examination, appear to have been built at different times ; and their coeval erection seemed to be con- firmed by the harmony of the general arrangement. The dressings of the south windows were of wrought stone, while all the others were plain. The capitals were of various design, and a fragment of E 2 52 DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE I TWELFTH CENTURY. highly-finished sculpture was found among the ruins. The sculpture appeared to be part of a frieze, of which there were other relics, and among them grotesque animals with foliage. On the north-west some ancient foundations were visible, but in the direction of Carter-lane, where the site of the Walnut-tree had been built upon in modern times, there was no vestige of the original building. It may be conjec- tured from the situation of the vaulted chamber immediately under the hall, with the porch leading into it, and from the number of windows, and the finished architecture, that this apartment was used as an inferior hall to the hostelry. BOOTHBY PAGNELL, LINCOLNSHIRE. This house was formerly the seat of a family named Boothby, the heiress of which married a Paynell. Sir John Paynell was buried in the church there in 1420 p . Leland gives an account of the Paynells, and particulars relating to the descent of the estate ; he says " though the Paynelles were Lordes of the Castelle of Newport Painel in Buckinghamshire, yet they had a great mynde to ly at Boutheby; wher they had a praty Stone House withyn a Mote V Traces of the mote are still discernible. BARNACK, NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. This ancient manor-house was taken down about the year 1830. Mr. Gough observed, "Bernak abounds with antient reliefs, and windows in almost every house 1 ". ... From the ruined manor house, which belongs to the earl of Exeter, he has taken much painted glass : it is going to be pulled down and rebuilt." Barnack, as p See Cough's Camden, voL ii. p, 1 Itinerary, vol. i. fo. 27, 28. 25 - r Gough's Camdeii, vol. ii. p. 187. FRENCH EXAMPLES. 53 already mentioned, was an example of a Norman manor- house having a hall on the ground floor, which went the whole height of the house, divided into three parts by columns and arches. The remains of the arches are shewn in the engraving. SCHOOL OF PYTHAGORAS, CAMBRIDGE. The building called Merton Hall, or Pythagoras' school at Cambridge, is a grange of the end of the twelfth or be- ginning of the thirteenth century, but so much spoiled by modern alterations, that very little of the original character remains ; one or two of the windows on the first floor are good specimens of transition Norman work. It has had an external staircase, and the ground room has been vaulted, but scarcely a vestige of either remains. It has always been used for farm purposes since it was purchased by Walter de Merton, and given to his college, about 1270 ; and there is no reason to suppose that it was ever applied to any other use. The tradition of its having served as an academical lecture room appears to be entirely un- founded. THE existing remains of medieval domestic architecture in France, are sufficiently numerous to call for a work es- pecially devoted to an account of them. It is worthy of remark, however, that the provinces which anciently be- longed to the English crown, are those which afford the fewest examples of houses of early date; that is to say, of the twelfth and thirteenth century. The following notes on this subject, obligingly communicated by M. Viollet le Due, the distinguished architect of Paris, refer 54 FRENCH EXAMPLES. to the most observable of the ancient domestic buildings now existing in France. " There are houses of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries in many parts of France. At Cluny in Burgundy, are a dozen. Cluny is a little town near Macon, once famous for its great abbey, now destroyed. Daly in his 'Revue de 1'Architecture,' (vol. 8,) has engraved two of these houses ; they are very fine, and almost all constructed on the same model. It is the richest town in France for buildings of this kind; there is an entire street preserved. These houses are tolerably rich in sculpture and built of strong materials. " At Semur in Burgundy there is a house of the thir- teenth century, adjoining the town gate. "In the village of Rougemont, near Montbard, there are several cottagers' houses of the beginning of the thir- teenth century. At Flavigny, in the same province, where there was formerly a large abbey, there are two or three houses of the thirteenth century in good preservation, and a great number of curious fragments, as windows, doors, chimneys, &c. " Opposite the cathedral at Nismes is a house of the twelfth century, with sculptures, in fair preservation. " At Riom, near Clerrnont (Auvergne), is a fine house of the thirteenth century; and at Mont Ferrand, near the same place, are several houses of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. "At St. Gilles, near Nismes, there is a romanesque house of the twelfth century, of the greatest interest ; it is now the presbytery. " At Cordes, between Alby and St. Antoine, department of the Tarn, there is an entire street of houses of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. At St. Antoine, de- partment of the Tarn and Garonne, there is a small hotel FRENCH EXAMPLES. 55 de-ville of the twelfth century, much ornamented, and well preserved, which is reasonably considered to be the most complete monument of the kind which we possess. In the same town there are houses of the twelfth and thirteenth century, of four stories, in good preservation. " There is a house of the thirteenth century at Perigueux, in good preservation; and one also at St.Yriez. " At Carcassonne in the lower town are the remains of an immense house of the thirteenth century, the ground floor and one story alone remain. At Perpignan are two houses of the thirteenth century in the Catalan style which are very curious. " There are many remains at Cahors of the civil architec- ture of the thirteenth century in the old castle. At Bran- tome near Perigueux is a house of the thirteenth century, and a very curious chimney. "At Caussade, near Montauban, M. de Maleville pos- sesses a brick house of the thirteenth century. At Quine- ville there is a chimney in the style of that at Fontevrault ; and there was one like it also in the old abbey of St. Croix de St. L6, in Normandy ; it has been pulled down, but the fragments have been preserved. "At Gernon, near Rambouillet, there is a house called 'le Pressoir,' with three aisles. At Epernon are many remains of houses of the thirteenth century ; at Provins there are several of the same date, very fine and well preserved. Daly has engraved two of them in his ' Revue de T Architect ure.' " At Vezelay near Avalon are remains of houses of the twelfth century, and even of the eleventh. At Rheims is the building called the Musicians' house, which is very fine, and decorated with nine sitting statues of the natural size ; it is of the thirteenth century, and one of the best examples in France. 56 FRENCH EXAMPLES. " In the department of L'Oise there is a considerable number of rural edifices of the twelfth and thirteenth cen- turies, such as barns, farm-houses, presses, &c., all in a good style and well preserved. Daly has published one of these buildings, the farm-house of Meslay near Tours V At Dol, in Bretagne, are two houses of the twelfth cen- tury, one of decided Norman, the other of Transition character; the fronts have been somewhat altered, but may be clearly made out. There are a number of houses in the high-street of this town standing upon stone arcades, which look at first sight like Transition Norman work, and are probably in imitation of others of that period which formerly stood there ; but with the exception of the two above mentioned, the work is all of later character ; chiefly of the period of the Renais- sance, although the nature of the material, granite, gives it a very rude and early appearance. 8 Revue Generale de 1' Architecture, vol. 8. DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE OF THE THIRTEENTH CENTURY. CHAPTER III. GENERAL REMARKS. IT is more than probable that no remains, excepting the Hall at Winchester, exist at present of domestic buildings erected in the first half of the thirteeenth century. The short and unsettled reign of John was in every respect un- favourable to the progress of art : the little documentary evidence of his time which has been preserved relates chiefly to the fortification of castles, or the construction of chambers and kitchens, at various royal manors, which appear to have been of a merely temporary nature. One existing domestic structure which is known to have been repaired during bis reign is entirely Norman in character and detail a . The reign of Henry the Third, extending over more than half a century, was, notwithstanding the troubles caused by the civil wars, greatly distinguished by the progress of Architecture, of which science that monarch was an eminent patron and student. It is, therefore, to that period, or to the early part of the reign of Edward the First, that all remains of domestic architecture of the thirteenth century must be referred ; with the exception of the buildings of that nature attached to monasteries, of which there are fine examples at Fountains and Rievaulx, The " King's House" at Southampton : see p. 33 ante. 58 DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE : THIRTEENTH CENTURY. in Yorkshire. It has been already observed b that it was during this century that manor-houses appear to have in- creased in number, and it was during this century also that castles assumed a more domestic character : the donjon or keep was abandoned for a hall and chambers constructed in the inner enclosure or bailey, and, as necessity required, buildings of wood and plaster, adapted to the various wants of a large establishment, were reared within the enceinte of the walls. It is owing to this change that in almost all surveys of castles made in the times of Henry the Third and Edward the First, the great towers, or keeps, are described to be in a ruinous condition and generally roofless : they had been abandoned as incon- venient for habitation, though from the great strength of their construction they were still capable, with some re- pairs, of being used in time of war. Hence it is that in drawings of castles, in manuscripts of this date, they are usually represented as collections of buildings, of dif- ferent elevations, among which the hall is always to be dis- tinguished, surrounded by embattled walls and towers. Writs directing the repairs of the king's " houses" in various castles are very numerous during this century, and serve to confirm the evidence of contemporary illuminations, authorities which are not, in all particulars, to be greatly relied upon, as before remarked c . It must be understood, however, that these observations are not applicable to what are termed Edwardian castles, edifices originally built by b Introduction, pp. xxiii., xxiv. tury will be found in the account of the c When the bishop of Laodicea came works at Windsor Castle during the reign on a visit to Henry the Third an apart- of Henry, in the "Illustrations of Windsor ment, with a chimney, of plaster, was Castle," edited by Henry Ashton, Archi- built for him against one of the towers in tect, fol. 1841. The Letter-press by Am- Windsor Castle : it is evident from the brose Poynter, Esq., to whom the original king's directions that it was a lean-to ; documents relating to the thirteenth cen- see Chap. V. The best proofs of these tury were communicated by the writer remarks-on castles of the thirteenth cen- of this work. GENERAL REMARKS. 59 Edward the First, in which numerous apartments designed for various uses were combined in a general plan ; but simply to castles of Norman date rendered domestic in cha- racter by later additions; though it is clear that even in Edwardian castles there were many buildings, as great halls for example, which, owing to their being detached, and constructed of less permanent materials than the main edifice, fell entirely into decay, and have left no traces of their existence. The directions for the repairs and additions to royal manor-houses issued by Henry the Third prove that no systematic plan was adopted with reference to those build- ings. Where a large extent of ground was enclosed, form- ing that which was called a court (curia), the original building in which was of small extent, it was the custom to enlarge the accommodation, as required, by the erection from time to time of new edifices, as chambers, chapels, kitchens, which in the first instance were isolated from each other, in fact dotted here and there within the en- closure; when a number of separate buildings had been thus created they were gradually connected by covered passages (aleice], built of wood, sometimes open at the sides, but more frequently made quite weather-proof, so that the queen might walk from her chamber to chapel " with a dry foot d ." Private manor-houses erected during the thirteenth century were in general built on the same plan which had prevailed in the twelfth. The hall was still the chief feature, with one or more adjacent chambers ; which were sometimes so arranged as to form three sides of a quad- rangle, as at Charney in Berkshire, where the south wing consisted of two habitable stories ; but it is probable the d Liberate Roll 23 Hen. III. See rendon, Kennington, Woodstock, and the numerous precepts relating to Cla- other places in Chapter V. 60 DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE : THIRTEENTH CENTURY. lower floor was in ordinary cases a cellar, as in earlier times, such being the name usually given to it, whatever might be its real destination. At Charney, which seems to have been a residence of the Bassets e , a family of great consequence in the thirteenth century, a chapel or oratory adjoins the solar, or upper chamber, in the south wing. That country-houses, however, were built on the earlier and simpler plan down to the close of this century is proved by an account still existing of the cost of erecting a house for Edward the First, in 1285, at Woolmer in Hampshire f . This building consisted of an upper chamber (camera ad estagiam) seventy-two feet long and twenty- eight feet wide, with two chimneys, a small chapel and two wardrobes, of masonry, which cost eleven pounds in work- man's wages. There were six glass windows or lights in e The abbots of Abingdon had con- siderable property in the chapelry, so that this building may have been a monastic grange. f " Compotus Ade Gurdun de receptis suis et expensis factis per preceptum Regis in quibusdam domibus in foresta Regis de Wlfmere in comitatu Suth- amton. Et pro cementaria cujusdam camere ad estagiam ad opus Regis et Regine, longitudinis Ixxij. ped' et lati- tudinis xxviij. ped', cum ij caminis, una parva capella et ij. garderobis, ad tas- chiam facienda, xj. lib. Et in M. Ixij. magnis petris ad predictam cameram emptis, et calce facienda ad dictas domos, una cum cariagio eorundem, xiij.s. Et in sex verrinis emptis ad capellam et garderobas, vj. s. Et in Carpentaria cu- jusdam aule et predictarum domorum, ad tascham, xiij. li. vj. s. viij. d. Et in cariagio maeremii ad dictas domes, sabu- lone ad operam, feno ad plausturam aule et camere emptis et domibus mundandis, vj. libri, x. s. vj .d. Et in Ixiij. mill. DC. cendul. faciendis ad dictas domos ad tas- cham, vj. li. vij. s. Et in cariagio ejus- dem cendul., Iv. s. iiij. d. Et in domi- bus predictis ad tascham cooperiendis, ix. li. iij.s. Et in xvj. mill, lath', DCC. vj. bordis faciendis ad tascham, una cum cariagio eorundem, xlix. s. vj.d. Et in M. H. M. magnorum clavorum, ad cendul. x. mill, ad lath', vj. mill, ad hostiafenes- trarum & bord' empt', vj.lib. vj.d. Et in plumbo empto ad gutteras dictarum domorum, Ixx. s. vij. d. Et in quadam coquina ibidem facienda cum clavis ad eandem, et feno empto ad eandem coqui- nam plastrandam, liiij.s. x. d. Et in parietibus aule et quibusdam parietibus predicte camere et garderob. plaustrand' ad tascham, 1. s. Et in pictura dicte aule et camere ad tascham, xviij. s. Et in ferro, ferruris et cramponis ad cami- nos emptis, Ivj.s. Et in maeremium in bosco custodiendo, xvij.s. viij.d. Et in quodam Tterbagio ad opus Regine faci- endo, vj. s. ij. d. Summa, Ixxxviij. li. iiij.s. ix.d." Rot. Pip. 13 Edw. I., rot. comp." GENERAL REMARKS. 61 the chapel and wardrobes. Beside the chamber and chapel there was a hall wholly constructed of wood plastered over. The windows of the chamber and hall had plain wooden shutters (hostia); a kitchen, built of wood and plastered, completed the house, which was provided with leaden gut- ters, and roofed with wooden shingles, of which the enor- mous quantity of sixty -three thousand six hundred was used, besides sixteen thousand laths. The interior of the hall was plastered and painted, as was also that of the cham- ber ; the floors appear to have been boarded. A small grass- plot or garden was made for the queen's use. The upper chamber of stone in this building was, in all likelihood, built over a vaulted basement story which may have served as a stable. As the dimensions of the hall, which are not given, were probably fully as great as those of the chamber, the latter with the hall and kitchen may have formed three sides of a quadrangle, in the centre of which was the grass- plot for the queen's recreation : but whatever the disposition of the several buildings with respect to each other, we have in this account at the close of the thirteenth century, a house built precisely on the same plan which was in fashion at the beginning of the twelfth century. Indeed according to the custom of the times no further accommodation was needed ; and innumerable passages might be quoted from contemporary romances to prove that the hall and stables were used as dormitories by guests and servants. At the same time it is almost certain that when the private cham- ber was of considerable dimensions it was divided into com- partments by wooden partitions g ; some arrangement of this kind seems requisite to explain the account given by Matthew Paris of the attempt to assassinate Henry the Third in his chamber at Woodstock, in 1238. It may be said, it is true, that the preceding description * See examples in Chapter V. ; they were termed " interclusoria." 62 DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE : THIRTEENTH CENTURY. applies only to a mere hunting-lodge, as the house was built in Woolmer forest ; but all things considered the hunting-lodge of a king in the thirteenth century was probably as extensive in its accommodation as the gene- rality of manor-houses. The largest domestic building which had been erected in that age by a subject seems, from the notice of it by Matthew Paris, to have been the residence of Paulin Peyvre, a favourite of Henry the Third, at Toddington in Bedfordshire ; where he so adorned his manor " with a palace, chapel, bed-chambers and other stone houses, covered with lead, with orchards and fish- ponds, as to provoke the wonder of beholders : for during many years the artificers of his buildings are said to have received weekly in wages one hundred shillings, and very often ten marks h ." As the chronicler was a neighbour of the builder he probably intended to describe something that was remarkable even to himself; yet it may be ap- prehended that nothing more than a hall is signified by the word palatium 1 . No traces of these buildings are now discoverable. At Longthorpe, near Peterborough, the private chambers are in a tower adjacent to the hall of which only a portion remains, incorporated with later work. This arrangement added much to the security, and gave also a more im- posing character to the elevation of the building. Stoke- Say castle, near Ludlow in Shropshire, a well-preserved building of this date, is a fine specimen of a house on the same plan : Grose justly remarked that it " was rather a castellated mansion than a castle of strength." h " Et ut de aliis sileamus, unum [ma- rum, qualibet septimana centum solidos, nerium], videlicet Tudintunam, adeo et pluries decem marcas, recepisse pro palatio, capella, thalamis, et aliis domi- stipendiis asseruntur." M.Paris, p. 821, bus lapideis, et plumbocoopertis, pomae- ed. 1640. riis et vivariis communivit, ut intuenti- l It sometimes bore that meaning, bus admirationem parturiret. Operarii See Ducange, v. Palalia, namque pluribus annis sedificiorum suo- GENERAL REMARKS. 63 There is a good example of a house of two stories, in the form of a parallelogram, at West Deane in Sussex ; it is rather late in the century, and has been in some respects modernised ; but it retains the original winding staircase. Aydon Castle, in Northumberland, is a building of the latter end of this century, its date being probably about 1280; though now called a castle it was at the period of its construction, and long after, termed a " Hall," being in reality " merely a house built with some attention to security." The general plan of that edifice is a long irregular line of buildings, with a small inner court, and two other extensive enclosures or courts formed by walls. Little Wenham Hall, in Suffolk, is another example of a fortified house of this century, its date being about the same period as Aydon. This building is a parallelogram with a tower and stair-turret at one of the angles ; the chief entrance appears to have been by a flight of steps on the exterior, which was the case also at Aydon, where the staircase, once roofed, still remains. Little Wenham is remarkable as affording an early instance of the use of bricks, of which nearly the whole of the mansion is built. The most perfect halls of this period now remaining are undoubtedly those at Winchester and at Stoke-Say. The former was certainly completed before the year 1240; it is now greatly deformed by the wooden partitions which form the county courts. In plan it may be classed with similar buildings of the twelfth century, being divided by clustered piers into aisles ; the internal details of the win- dows resemble in one respect those in Moyses' hall at Bury St. Edmund's; the masonry is not carried up to a level with the sill of the window, and thus a bench of stone is formed on each side of it k . The roof, which is k This is the usual character of dis- windows are built on this plan at all tinction between a domestic window and dates, a church window. Almost all domestic 64 DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE : THIRTEENTH CENTURY. of wood, appears to be of the time of Edward the Fourth. Scarcely any alteration has been made in the hall at Stoke- Say since the period of its construction, by the baronial family of Say, or Ludlow, in 1291 ; the windows have stone benches, as at Winchester: the chimney-shafts, which shew a bold elevation above the roof of the tower, are good and perfect specimens of this date ; and com- pared with other contemporary examples the fire-places are singularly light in design \ Capacious as these apartments generally were, the pro- fuse charity and hospitality of the age often required further accommodation. At Westminster and at Windsor Castle respectively there were, in this century, two halls, a greater, and a lesser. It was the frequent practice of John and Henry the Third to order both the halls at West- minster to be filled with poor people who were feasted at the royal expense and when a parliament was assembled, or when the king held a cour pleniere, and wore his crown, as at Christmas or Whitsuntide, extensive temporary accom- modation was provided for the concourse of guests. There was in that age, less difference between the style of house- keeping and expenditure of the sovereign and that of his more opulent subjects than is generally supposed; and therefore illustrations of domestic economy, as well as of the nature and extent of domestic buildings, may be taken without impropriety from the description of royal entertainments transmitted to us by contemporary writers. One of this class, who was probably town-clerk of London at the end of the thirteenth century, thus details the preparations made in the palace at Westminster for the coronation of Edward the First, in 1273 m . 1 These and other remaining examples m " Liber de Antiquis Legibus," edited of the Domestic Architecture of this by T. Stapleton ; printed for the Camden century are more particularly described Society, p. 172. in the next chapter. DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE: THIRTEENTH CENTURY. BAS.ING BREAD. MELTING METALS. GRIDIRON. FLESH-POT. FROM A MS. IN THE BODLEIAN LIBRARY. ARCH. A. 16J. BODL. GENERAL REMARKS. 65 All the vacant ground within the enclosure of the pak.ce at Westminster, was entirely covered with houses and other offices. There were several halls built on the south side of the old palace, " as many as could be built there," in which tables, " firmly fixed in the ground, were set up, whereon the magnates and princes and nobles were to be feasted on the day of the coronation, and during fifteen days there- after; " so that all, as well poor as rich, coming to the so- lemnity were to be gratuitously received, and none driven away. " And innumerable kitchens also were built within the said enclosure, for the preparation of viands against the same solemnity. And lest those kitchens should not be sufficient, there were numberless leaden cauldrons placed outside them, for the cooking of meats. And it is to be remembered that the great kitchen in which fowls, and other things were to be cooked, was wholly uncovered at the top, so that all manner of smoke might escape. No one can describe the other utensils necessary for the sus- tentation of so great a court : no one can tell the number of barrels of wine which were prepared for it n ." The n By referring to the original accounts king and queen, clad in their regalia, of the expenses incurred on this oc- walked through a wooden passage or casion, we are enabled to supply an " alley," as it is .called, which was built amount of information on some of these from the door of the smaller hall to the points which was not perhaps obtainable church. In the precise and business- by the writer. Three hundred barrels like language of Master Robert, the of wine were purchased, which, with the "halls" of the chronicler above quoted charge of carriage to Westminster, cost are described as " lodges" or sheds ; he 643. 15s. 4d. ; of these one hundred and speaks of kitchens, but does not say sixteen were drunk out on the coronation how many were built : the choir of the day ; at the same time it must be noted, abbey was covered with a temporary it was chiefly Bordeaux, or vin ordinaire, wooden floor, and " the new tower be- Leaden cauldrons for boiling meat, are yond the choir was roofed with boards." enumerated in the account of Master The amount of this architectural bill is Robert of Beverley, who was clerk of the 1100. Is. 4d., and another small ac- works at the time, as are also certain count for general expenses, including ovens "and divers other works." A wine but not provisions, presents a total great temporary stable was built in of 2865. Is. Id. Rot. Pip. 2 Edw. I., the churchyard of St. Margaret's. The rot. compot. These records are so 66 DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE : THIRTEENTH CENTURY. writer, after a burst of enthusiasm, in which he declares that such plenty and luxury had never been witnessed in times past, adds, "the great arid the small hall were newly whitewashed and painted, and if any thing within the enclosure of the palace of the lord the king was broken or impaired by age, or in any other manner, it was put in good condition." It is hardly necessary to observe that the " great hall" mentioned in the preceding narrative was that built by William Rufus ; which underwent many alterations during this century, and still exists, though again altered in the time of Richard the Second, and more recently by the successive efforts of Soane, Smirke and Barry. The extensive preparations and large hospitality at the coronation of Edward formed in some degree an excep- tional case ; but on a careful examination of contemporary authorities it will be found that the greater English nobles often vied with the crown in ordinary expenditure ; and dispensed hospitality on a scale of magnificence which re- quired domestic buildings of an approximate character, so far as space for public receptions was concerned, and also that which was scarcely of less importance, stabling. For example, in the year 1265 Simon de Montfort, earl of Leicester, travelled with a train of one hundred and sixty- two horses to visit his countess at Wallingford Castle; on his arrival there the number of horses in the stable amounted to three hundred and thirty-four; in that troublous "year they could not have been safely picketed without the castle walls. About the same time, a few days after Easter, the countess of Leicester entertained, or gave food at Wallingford, to eight hundred paupers; it minute in their details that they give and seats. By multiplying the sums the price of the parchment and cords named by fifteen the amount in modern used to measure the two halls for tables currency is obtained. GENERAL REMARKS. 67 may be said that these guests, having had their meal dis- tributed to them, carried it away ; and it might have been so arranged : but a little later in the same year we find her giving a dinner at Dover, to the burgesses of Sand- wich, when it is expressly stated that the company dined in " two places ; " and not long afterwards, being still at Dover, she feasted the same burgesses, together with the men of Winchelsea . As it was her object to secure the fidelity of those ports to her husband's cause, it is more than probable that the countess entertained the greater part of the commons of each place, not deputations only p . It would be an unnecessary waste of space to cite the numerous examples of this description which are to be found in the chronicles of the times, and indeed many will readily occur to the reader's memory. We have no satisfactory information respecting the usual position of the kitchen relatively to the hall ; but it was situated at no great distance, and often connected with it by a covered passage. In royal establishments it was usual to have a kitchen for the king's table, another for the queen, and a third for the household. In the early part of the reign of Henry the Third there were two kitchens at Windsor, near the great hall, surrounded by a strong palisade q . It would seem also that these offices were in general of very slight construction, and that mere tempo- rary buildings were erected as occasion required at the several royal manors. In the seventeenth year of Henry the Third the royal kitchens at Oxford were blown down by a strong wind, as appears by a precept of that date " Household Manners and Expenses were far more populous and important of England in the thirteenth and fif- than at present. teenth Centuries," printed for the Rox- 1 Rot. Pip. 18 Hen. III. comp. pro burgh Club : 4to. 1841. operat. apud Windesores. See the im- P It must be borne in mind that in merous directions relative to the con- the thirteenth century the Cinque Ports struction of kitchens in Chapter V. p 2 68 DOMESTIC ARCHITECTUEE : THIRTEENTH CENTURY. ordering their restoration r . There were two other depart- ments connected with every large establishment of this period, which remain to be noticed ; the sewery and but- lery. In the former were kept provisions for the house- hold s , linen and other table furniture, and in the latter, as its name implies, all the apparatus required for the service of wine and beer. There was sometimes also a brewery. In household rolls of the thirteenth century the daily expenditure is almost always classed under the following heads; 1. The amount of bread, wine and beer supplied from the sewery and butlery ; 2. The cost and quantity of the provisions furnished from the kitchen ; 3. The expenses of the stables, including farriers' work ; and in some ac- counts there is a fourth item relating to the brewery *. To the king's houses there were always attached apart- ments called " wardrobes ; " where the heavy and costly cloths and stuffs required for the apparel of the sovereign and his household were kept, and where also the royal tailors worked. When it is remembered that the attend- ants of the court had their summer and winter dresses at the expense of the king, and that at this early period it was difficult to purchase any large quantity of the cloths and furs, necessary for the clothing of a numerous retinue, except at the great periodical fairs, it must be obvious that the "wardrobe" needed ample room. In the wardrobe also were kept the still rarer productions of the East, which then found their way to England; as almonds, ginger, the rosy and violet coloured sugars of Alex- andria, and other "stornatica" as they were termed. It r Liberate Roll, 17 Hen. III. household roll of the countess of Lei- There is a writ of H enry III., ordering cester in " Household Manners and Ex- a granary to be made "in dispensa aule penses of the 13th and 15th centuries," nostre Oxoniis," to hold bread. Lib. 11. pp. 3 85. In royal accounts the Hen. III. salsary is usually included. 1 See as an example of this kind, the GENERAL REMARKS. 69 may be noticed, though rather for the sake of an anec- dote illustrative of the manners of the times than for its special importance, that a large wood-cellar was, as might be imagined, an indispensable adjunct of an ex- tensive residence. On one occasion Henry the Third or- dered the wood- cellar at Clarendon to be fitted up as a chamber for the knights in attendance on his person u . It will appear from the preceding remarks, and the authorities by which they are supported, that the general plan of domestic buildings of the thirteenth century strictly resembled the arrangements which were usual in the pre- vious age. The new style of architecture called the Gothic, or Early English, gave of course an entirely novel and dis- tinctive character to the details of secular, as well as eccle- siastical edifices, but it did not generate any change in the ordinary features of either ; and for the plain reason that those religious forms and social usages which had originated the structural peculiarities of sacred and civil architecture still continued in full force. Indeed it is a fact that must not be lost sight of, that the feudal system itself exerted a direct and readily perceptible influence on the character of Domestic Architecture. The ample jurisdiction, not un- frequently including royalties, granted by the crown to its great tenants rendered every baronial seat, and, in its degree, every manorial house, a miniature regal establish- ment. As the sovereign entertained his court, and the judges of the realm held pleas, in the hall at Westminster, so the lords of honours and manors, aided by assessors, held their royalty courts and courts-baron at their chief seats x , administered justice, and entertained and received 11 See the illustrations in Chapter V. Grand Khan. See Marsden's edition. The royal wardrobes of England in the x The lord's residence was called thirteenth century bore some analogy to " caput baronies; 1 ' an ordinary manor- the large wardrobes which Marco Polo house " mesuagium capitale." describes as attached to the palaces of the 70 DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE : THIRTEENTH CENTURY. suit and service of their dependents. Then the large manorial hall was rendered necessary for other purposes than the exercise of hospitality ; in those times there was no village inn at which the lord's agent could receive the suitors ; the readiest, and perhaps the only substitute for the hall would have been the shade of the first broad oak within the lord's demesne ; a place of adjournment suited only to a summer's day. Thus the hall was essentially feudal, in origin and purpose, and continued to be the chief feature of every mansion until the decay of that social system in which it had its origin. We may now proceed to examine the constructive and ornamental details of houses of this period. There can be no doubt, from the evidence of contem- porary records, that the number of houses built wholly of stone, was small compared with those of which wood formed the chief, and often the sole material 7 . In the sixteenth century, Harrison in his " Description of Eng- land 2 ," observed that, with the exception of mansions belonging to the nobility, and the more wealthy gentry, buildings were generally constructed of timber. While there was a great abundance of a material so easily con- vertible, it was naturally preferred to stone, the use of which, even where quarries were near at hand, involved considerable expense for any sort of work but that of the rudest nature. There were at the same time many domestic buildings in which the two materials were com- bined, as in the house of Edward the Eirst, in Woolmer forest. Not much is known respecting the use of bricks in the thirteenth century; and probably Little Wenham r See the numerous grants of timber son, " ad se hospitandum." from the royal forests, for building pur- * Holinshed's Chronicles. Although poses, on the Liberate and Close Rolls, not always to be trusted implicitly, he of the time of Henry the Third : thus may, in this particular, be received as so many oaks would be granted to a per- good evidence. GENERAL REMARKS. 71 Hall, which has been already noticed, is the only entire brick building that can be assigned to that period. In districts where life and property were always in peril, as on the Scottish and Welsh Marches 3 , and more espe- cially on the former, buildings were made as secure as possible and little timber was used in their construction. There is a curious representation of a small manor-house on a personal seal of this period, which was originally engraved for the " Archaeological Journal b ," and is here reproduced ; the date of it is about 1273. With the excep- tion of its cylindrical chimney-shaft, the building is apparently of wood ; the frame-timbers being clearly de- fined : the windows are placed so high that the habitable chamber would seem to be on the upper story, according to the ordinary plan, and the doorway is on the ground-floor; implying the existence of an internal staircase. In houses of this description the interstices of the wooden frame- work were usually filled with a composition, or plaster, of lime and mud, mixed with straw, and laid upon laths c . The practice of plastering and whitewashing buildings, whether of wood, or stone, or rubble, was universal, and that both externally and internally d ; and this process so vehemently denounced by modern antiquaries was liberally a Thus Edward the First, in 1294, granted to Hugh de Frene, that he might fortify and crenellate his dwelling at " Mockes," co. Hereford, with a wall of stone and lime, without tower or turret, so that the wall under the crenellation should be ten feet high. Rot. Pat. 21, Edw. I. b Vol. i. p. 219, communicated by the Rev. Lambert B. Larking. c "Et in feno ad plausturara aule," &c. See note f, p. 60 ante. d " Et in stipendiis illorum qui deal- baverunt exterius turrim de Blunvill', aulam, et magnam cameram, xiiij. li. iiij.s. x. d." Comp. de operat. domo- rum in Turri Lond., Rot. Pip. 19 Hen. III.; circa 1234. 72 DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE : THIRTEENTH CENTURY. applied also to ecclesiastical edifices. It appears from early accounts of this period, that it was very common to build of chalk, flint and rag-stone, the quoins and reveals of the windows being of dressed masonry, or "talestone," as it was called (pierre de taiUe"). Roofs (cumuli) of the thirteenth century had a considera- ble pitch, and their ridges were not unfrequently decorated with a running ornamentation called a crest, either of metal, stone or tile; they were invariably constructed of wood, and covered with shingles of wood or stone, tiles, and sometimes, though rarely, with slate. The open timber-framing of the interior was generally plain, though a few instances do occur of directions to paint the wood- work f . Thatching was not unfrequently used in buildings even of the better class ; the roof of the chapel at the royal manor of Kennington having been destroyed by fire, about the year 1236, was replaced by "a certain light roof" of laths, covered with " thatch " or straw g . Towers of this date are so often represented, in contemporary manuscripts, with high-ridged, and sometimes with pyramidal roofs, that it seems reasonable to infer that flat roofs were not in general use ; the embattled gate-houses of some old conti- * The established technical terms for priety of Mr. Rickman's adoption of the architectural details occur early in this word pier for column. century, as tablamenta for string-courses ; f The chapel built by Henry the voussoirs, crenelles, " ashlarcoines," Third at Windsor had a wooden roof, corbells, nowels, " scu-ashlars," "par- coloured in imitation of one of stone at pencoines," sills (soled), crests, curb- Lichfield. The practice of ceiling was stones : the mullion dividing a window not unknown at this time ; thus the of two lights was generally named a cellars beneath the royal chamber and " column ;" the piers supporting a hall wardrobe at Rochester were ordered to " postes," even when of stone : " pre- be ceiled in the 17th Hen. III. Liberate cipimus tibi quod apud Gildeford'jpostes Roll of that year. See Chap. V. aule nostre qui deficiunt ibidem emen- " Et quotiam levi cumulo faciendo dari et de bonis lapidibus de Reygate et levando super capellam Regis, que sublevari faciatis." Writ to the Sheriff combusta fuit ibidem, et eo cumulo lat- of Surrey, 35 Hen. III. ; Misc. in Turr. tando et stramine cooperiendo." Rot. Loud., no. 44*. This confirms the pro- Pip. 20 Hen. III. GENERAL REMARKS. 73 nental towns, as Aix-la-Chapelle and Basle, still preserve roofs of this kind. Leaden gutters with projecting spouts, which at a later time were replaced by carved gurgoyles, were ordinarily used at this period ; as they were in the preceding century. Windows in domestic buildings of this age have the general character of the Early English style ; they were ordinarily of two lights divided by a shaft or mullion, with a drip - moulding, as at Aydon Castle : they had either simple pointed or trefoiled heads ; of the latter sort there are good specimens at Coggs, in Oxfordshire, and at Little Wenham Hall ; at Stoke Say the windows of the hall have stone transoms with plain tracery in the head : they are sometimes square-headed, as at Aydon. In this century we first find mention of oriel windows, of which the precise character is not known ; no example remaining of the period at all like that which is now called an oriel. There are numerous writs of the time of Henry the Third, directing the construction of oriels at Woodstock and other royal seats. Circular windows were frequently used in the gables of halls, as it appears from contemporary building accounts h . Glass was first applied to the windows of domestic buildings in this century, at least no trace of the use of it for any other than ecclesiastical structures has yet been discovered of an earlier date. Still it must not be sup- posed that glazed windows were to be found in every house : they were a luxury barely known to royalty *, and h "In cassis faciendis ad rotundas l Glass drinking- vessels were so rare fenestras in aula, pro vitro imponendo." in England at this time, that Henry the Accounts of the bailiff of the earl of Third had but one glass cup, which was Lincoln, circa 1295 ; by cassis we must presented to him by Guy de Roussillon. understand frames or casements for The king sent it to Edward of West- glazing. Numerous references to the minster, the famous goldsmith, with tli- round windows of gables are given in rections to take off the glass foot, and to Chapter V. mount it on one of silver gilt; to make 74 DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE : THIRTEENTH CENTURY. the wealthiest persons k , and even in palaces windows of glass and wood were intermixed; the latter being dis- tinguished by the various names of fenestrals, lattices, win- dow-shutters, or literally, " window-doors," and " wooden- windows." The presumed reason of this fact is, strange as the assertion may appear, that no kind of glass was manufactured in this country until a comparatively late period, and the fragility of the material prevented any very regular or extensive importation of it from the Con- tinent in the early times of British commerce. A short digression on this point may be here permitted, as not irrelevant to the subject under consideration; more espe- cially since the antiquity of the glass manufacture in England has never yet been satisfactorily investigated. The perfection to which the Romans brought the art of glass-making is well known, but it was long uncertain whether they used glazed windows ; the discovery of por- tions of glass so applied at Herculaneum and at Pompeii has satisfactorily proved that they did. Glass-making was one among the many arts which survived the destruction of the Empire, and were exercised in Italy in the earliest medieval times. The island of Murano, near Venice, still distinguished by the production of elaborate works in this material, is the most ancient seat, as it was long the greatest, of the glass manufactory in modern Europe. We find glazing applied to church windows, in Italy, in the seventh and eighth centuries 1 . Germany and Erance derived the art from Italy : Nuremburg and Paris had a certain handle to it, answering to the peny, on the ancient law relating to foot, and to surround it with silver-gilt glass windows, as forming a part of the hoops: he was to do this with all haste, personal estate of the owner, quoted and then to present it to the queen on in the Glossary of Architecture, art. the king's behalf. Rot. Claus. 29 Hen. Glazing. III., m. 18. l Muratori Antiq. Italicae, vol. ii. k See the curious remarks of Mr. Two- col. 392. GENERAL REMARKS. 75 glass-houses some centuries before any establishment of the kind was formed in England ; and in the fourteenth century, the " rue de la verrerie" was the name given to that quarter of the French capital in which the glass- makers exercised their craft m . It has been attempted to claim a knowledge of glass- making for the ancient Britons ; and it is said that before the landing of Caesar they had works in which they manu- factured those peculiar enamelled beads often found in tumuli n , but which are now believed, with good reason, to be of foreign origin, and to have been brought to this island by foreign traders, for the same commercial object that we at the present time ship like wares to the west coast of Africa. This assumption, for it is nothing more, in favour of the civilization of the Britons, is fully as absurd as that theory which attributes to them a national coinage ascending to an antiquity of many centuries before the Roman invasion. But supposing that the Britons really did make their own glass beads and every kind of glass, it is nevertheless quite certain, on the testimony of Bede, that glass was not made in England in the seventh century ; therefore the art was soon lost, if it had ever been previously known. The plain truth, however, is, that there is not a particle of evidence to prove that any descrip- tion of glass was manufactured in this country before the fifteenth century ; proof to the contrary may yet be dis- covered, but until it shall appear, that is the earliest period to which the introduction of this fabric can be assigned, and it was not produced in any considerable quantity until towards the middle of the following century. This is not the place to examine how far these facts may m Ducange; sub voce Vitreria. torica minora Ven. Bedae, Lond. 184-1, n See the first edition of the Encyclo- p. 45. Benedict brought glass and gla- paedia Britannica, art. Glass. ziers from Gaul. Vita S. Benedict! inter opera his- 76 DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE : THIRTEENTH CENTURY. affect the theories which have been propounded respecting the remains of painted glass in England : the art of colour- ing and enamelling glass may have been well known and generally exercised here long before the manufacture of that substance itself was established ; but it is indis- putable that the long and valuable series of our national records does not supply one single notice of glass-making anterior to the period above mentioned. Among the witnesses to numerous existing deeds and conveyances of property in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries we fail to detect the calling of a glass-maker, and that of a glazier occurs but rarely p . Window-glass was one among the many commodities which we obtained in the middle ages from the Flemings in exchange for our staple production, wool. Some was imported also from Normandy, where the manufacture of it appears to have been of considerable antiquity ; but those parts of the Continent in which it was most exten- sively produced were the Low Countries, the district of the Vosges in Lorraine q , and Venice ; down to the close of the seventeenth century the drinking-glasses ordinarily P Edward the king's glazier (vitre- shews that it was not much esteemed. arius) at Windsor had an annual pen- See Dugdale's Warwickshire, p. 355. sion from Henry the Third. See Chap- 1 " At what tyme that troubles began ter V. A master glazier was attached to in Fraunce and the lowe countryes, so the royal household in the time of Henry that glasse could not conveniently be the Sixth, who granted to John Prudde brought from Loraine into England, " the office of Glaserye of oure werkes," certain glass-makers did covenant with to hold as " Rogier Gloucestre" had Anthony Dollyne and Jno. Carye mer- held it, "with a shedde called the Gla- chantes of the said low countryes to zier's logge standing upon the west side come and make glass in England." withynne oure paloys of Wesim." Petition of George Longe to Lord Burgh- Privy Seal, 19 Henry VI. He was the ley, about 1589 : Lansdown MS. No. 59, same John Prudde whocovenantedtopaint art. 72. Dollyne and Carye obtained a the windows of the Beauchamp Chapel patent for making glass in England, in at Warwick, in 1439; he was to use no September, 1567, on condition of teaching "glasse of England;" this, which is the the art to Englishmen, and of paying earliest specific mention of English glass, certain customs to the Crown. Ibid. GENERAL REMARKS. 77 sold in England were made at the latter place from pat- terns sent out by our glass-dealers r . Although glazed-windows both plain and coloured had been long previously introduced into ecclesiastical buildings in England, it was not, as already observed, until the thir- teenth and fourteenth centuries that they were inserted in domestic residences, and even then they were not common. It would appear that there was no very abundant supply of window-glass to be had in those times. In the year 1386 we find a writ of Richard the Second, empowering one Nicholas Hoppewell to take as much glass as he could find, or might be needful, in the counties of Norfolk, North- ampton, Leicester and Lincoln, " as well within liberties as without, saving the fee of the Church," for the repair of the windows of the chapel founded at Stamford in honour of the king's mother Joan, princess of Wales : he had also authority to impress as many glaziers as should be requi- site for the work 8 . The obvious inference is that, when it was necessary to search four counties for glass to restore a few windows, there could have been no great quantity of that material in the country. Yet the cost of glass, as com- pared with other objects, was not remarkably high, even in the reign of Edward the First ; it was three-pence halfpenny a foot including the cost of glazing *, or about four shillings and four-pence modern currency. r See a curious collection of patterns cutter or glazier, not the maker. This for beer and other glasses, with copies of was about the usual price: in the " Me- letters, sent by a London dealer to his moriale" of Prior Henry of Canterbury, agent at Venice, in 1667, in the Addi- written early in the fourteenth century, tional MS. 855. (Brit. Mus.) we find as follows : " Of the weight and Fcedera, vol. vii. p. 527. measure of glass. And memorandum, 1 "Et xxj. s. x. d. ob. in sexaginta that of one poise of glass which contains quindecim pedibus vitri emptis pro dictis five small pounds may be made one fenestris cum stipendio facientis et im- glass-window two feet and a half long, ponentis." Account of the bailiff of and one foot wide. That is of two small the earl of Lincoln, circa 1295. It is pounds and a half of glass may be made apprehended that "facientis" means the one foot and a quarter of a glass-window 78 DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE : THIRTEENTH CENTURY. It is not known how early in the fifteenth century the art of glass-making was practised in England : but the great favour extended by Henry the Sixth to alchemical experi- ments, brought many professors of the "occult" sciences to his court ; and the introduction of manganese as a flux in the manufacture of glass is generally ascribed to the searchers for the grand secret of the transmutation of metals u . However this may have been, it is not until the year 143& that we find any precise mention of English glass, and that occurs in the contract for glazing the Beau- champ chapel at Warwick ; it is named also in the accounts of the works done at the mansion of Cold Harbour, in London, in 1485, where it appears in the glazier's bills with Dutch, Normandy, and Venice glass x . The same va- rieties of glass continued in use during the reign of Henry the Eighth, and, indeed, till the seventeenth century. The manufactory of glass established in this country by the patent of Elizabeth, referred to in a previous note, appears to have met with some degree of success. In the memorial of George Longe, already quoted, it is stated that in the year 1589 there were fifteen glass-houses in England ; these, or at least the greater number of them, had been erected under the monopoly y conceded to Dollyn in length and width. And the foot is probable that English glass was made of worth two-pence, without the wages of small dimensions. Normandy glass was the glazier. And memorandum, that to imported in cases, each costing in the every poise of glass there should be had time of Henry VIII. sixteen shillings, two small pounds of lead. That is to at the highest price : a case contained every foot of a glass-window one small 140 feet. "The reporte of John Bote pound of lead mixt with tin." Cotton glassyer ;" Lansd. MS. No. 21, art. 68. MS. Galba E. iv. fo. 28 b. y The foreigners who contracted with u Beckmann's History of Inventions, Dollyne and Carye to make glass in art. manganese. England were " Thomas and Balthazar x These accounts are at the Chapter- de Hamezel, esquires, dwelling at the house, Westminster. The prices of the glass-houses of Vosges in the countrie of several kinds of glass were, Dutch, 4d. Lorrayne," and their partners. Con- a foot; Venice, od. ; Normandy, 6d. a temporary transl. of the partnership deed foot; English, Id. a quarrel; it seems in the Lansdown MS. No. 59, art. 76. GENERAL REMARKS. 79 and Carye of Antwerp, in 1567. The object of Longe's petition to Lord Burghley, was to obtain a new patent for himself, that of the Antwerp traders having expired. He proposed to reduce the number of glass-houses in England to two, and to erect others in Ireland, whereby the woods in England would be preserved 2 , and the superfluous woods of Ireland wasted, " than which in tyme of rebellion her majestic hath no greater enemye there;" the country, he added, would be much "strengthened," every glass- house being equal to a garrison of twenty men, and it would also be sooner brought to " civilyte, for many poore folke shalbe sett on worke a ." The result of his petition is unknown. Whatever may have been the retarding causes, among which monopolies must be reckoned, it is certain that very little extension, or improvement, of the glass- manufacture in England took place before the accession of William and Mary. It is now expedient to recur to the thirteenth century ; this digression having extended to a greater length than was intended. The glass employed in domestic buildings was ordinarily plain, and was called white glass, although it appears from specimens which have been preserved to have had a decided green tinge. Painted glass is not mentioned so often as might be expected in documents relating to the royal houses. Among the accounts of works at Windsor, in the time of Henry the Third, there is a notice of the inser- tion of a glass- window, in the gable of the queen's chamber, on which was depicted the "root of Jesse," a favourite 1 At this time furnaces of every de- wood became scarce, from one district to scription were established in forest dis- another: hence in the thirteenth century tricts, very little coal being used for fuel; they were called "forgiae itinerantes." thus the most considerable iron manufac- He states that he had already tried tories were in the forest of Dean and the the experiment of glass-making in Ire- woodlan'is of Sussex; they migrated, as land. 80 DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE : THIRTEENTH CENTURY. pictorial subject of the time b ; it was provided with a wooden shutter. Armorial bearings were seldom repre- sented on windows during the thirteenth century. Wooden shutters (fenestrce lignece) were however far more common than glass ; examples, probably of this date, still remain at Coggs in Oxfordshire ; where the original mode of securing them is shewn ; the mullion dividing the window-lights being internally sculptured with projecting semi-circular knobs, perforated, through which bars of iron were passed horizontally : in this instance the shutters are square-headed, so that the upper parts of the pointed lights must have been left open c . At Little Wenham Hall, in Suffolk, the two lancet lights opening from the chapel, or oratory, to the hall, still retain their original shutters, which are pointed like the window ; the masonry being recessed to allow them to close evenly with the surrounding stone- work d . Double glass-windows appear to have been sometimes employed ; a writ of Henry the Third directs the clerks of the works at Windsor to make, at each gable of the king's "high chamber" one glass window on the outside of the inner window of each gajble, "so that when the inner windows shall be closed, the glass windows may be seen outside 6 ." There is some difficulty in rightly understanding the precise meaning of directions contained in records of the thirteenth century respecting windows, from the wooden shutters being commonly termed fenestrce; thus we have a contemporary account for " making a certain glass window b "Et in alia verina ponenda in ga- e Neither of these windows appears to bulo ejusdem camere in qua depicta sit have been glazed. radix Jesse, cum fenestra lignea ;" Rot. d Unglazed windows, with shutters of Comp. Pip. 20 Hen. III. See various this kind, may still be noted in the orders respecting painted glass for win- poorer districts of old continental towns, dows in Chapter V. Rot. Claus. 28 Hen. III. GENERAL REMARKS. 81 (fenestra vitrect), and another of wood," in the king's chapel at Windsor f ; here a doubt may be entertained whether a second window is signified, or merely shutters for the glass casement first mentioned. Nor is it always clear that fenestrals meant shutters, as in another bill, of nearly the same date, there is a charge for " putting two glass-lights, like unto the glass-lights in the king's chamber at Windsor, in the queen's chamber there, towards the king's garden, with certain fenestrals, to open and shut g ;" in this instance fenestrals appear to signify the moveable portions of glazed windows ; the queen beholding his majesty taking the air in his herbary might feel disposed to open her casement and hold converse with him ; according to the most veracious romances of those times ladies fre- quently spoke from their bower-windows. Such small casements are occasionally pictured in manuscripts of this date. It is nevertheless certain that large glass windows were sometimes made to open on each side of the central mullion, from top to bottom : there are writs of Henry the Third directing glass casements " to be cut down the centre," so that they might be opened and closed at pleasure. Though glass was in partial use at this time, it is beyond all doubt that wooden lattices and shutters were still the ordinary apparatus for the admission of light and air, as well as for protection against inclement weather ; there is some reason also for believing that canvas was at times employed as an adjunct b ; that it was used to cover in f Rot Comp. Pip. 18 Hen. III. Hen. III. Comp. pro Windsor. See f " Et in duabus ferinis (sic pro veri- Chapter V. nis) consimilibus verinis camere Regis h Thus in the accounts of the ex- Windesor' ponendis in fenestra camere ecutors of Eleanor, consort of Edward I., Regine ibidem, versus herbarium Regis, we find an entry, " pro canabo ad fenes- cum quibusdam fenestraribus, ad aperi- trellas ad scaccarium reginae, apud West- endum et claudendum." Rot. Pip. 20 monasterium, iijd." 82 DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE: THIRTEENTH CENTURY. church windows before they were glazed, is shewn by the fabric accounts of Westminster abbey and other churches of this time \ Wooden shutters, however, were not invari- ably fixed internally ; they were very commonly made on the outside of windows, attached to the head, and were pushed up and kept raised by a prop of wood or iron, as noticed in the first chapter; this is the kind of shutter most frequently represented in illuminations of the thir- teenth and following century j . Even when fitted with the greatest accuracy, these " window-doors " could have af- forded little defence against rough weather ; but the proba- bility is that they were in general coarsely made ; a charge for " making the windows shut better than usual," is not uncommon in accounts of this time k . The inconvenience of draughts of cold air was provided against, in some degree, by placing the lights nearer the roof than the floor of an apartment, especially in halls. There is a pre- cept of Henry the Third directing glass to be substituted for wood in a window in the queen's wardrobe at the Tower, " so that that chamber might not be so windy." There was yet another method in early times of filling windows, which remains to be noticed. It was not un- usual to glaze only the upper lights of large windows, the lower parts being fitted with wooden shutters, by which air was admitted or excluded at pleasure. The lateral win- dows in the hall at Winchester, and in that at Stoke-Say, are presumed to have been finished in such a manner. This fashion appears to have continued, in some parts of the kingdom, until the seventeenth century 1 . 1 See Introduction, p. xxx. ; and note, nington, Rot. Pip 18 Hen. III. j Quaere : were these the "fenestra l See a quotation from Ray's Itine- culicies " so often mentioned in the writs rary in Scotland in Sir John Cullum's of Henry the Third. " History and Antiquities of Hawsted," k " Et in fenestris melius solito clau- p. 209; andMr. Smirke's paper on the hall dendis." Account of the manor of Ken- at Winchester, in the first volume of the DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE : THIRTEENTH CENTURY. FIRE-PLACE, ABINGDON ABBEY. BERKSHIRE. GENERAL REMARKS. 83 Fire-places of this date differ very slightly in form from those of the Norman period, but they are less massive in construction. Flues were ordinarily cylindrical shafts of masonry, carried above the ridge of the roof, though there is an example, at Aydon castle, of a chimney terminating at a parapet-wall in a conical head, which is pierced laterally to allow the smoke to escape; the commoner fashion, however, was to run the chimneys considerably higher than the roof, and they are invariably so repre- sented in contemporary drawings. Orders to raise the chimneys of the king's houses are very frequent in the time of Henry the Third. In the apartments built by Henry the Third at his va- rious manors the mantels of fire-places were sometimes con- structed of marble and elaborately carved, or painted, with such designs as the twelve months of the year, probably the signs of the Zodiac, the wheel of Fortune, and the root of Jesse : he ordered a mantel to be painted in the Tower of London, the subject being a personification of Winter, with a sad visage and miserable contortions of the body m . It appears by a precept of the same monarch that one flue was sometimes so constructed as to carry off the smoke of two fire-places n . But flues were not always used even in the royal apartments ; hearths , formed of stone or tile, which appear to have been in the centre of the room, with louvers on the roof above, were still employed ; and such hearths were probably in general use in many buildings of inferior character. It should be remarked that there may have been fire-places and flues in some existing buildings "Proceedings of the Archaeological In- his various mansions in Chapter V. stitute." Mr.Jewitt is of opinion that n See Extract relating to Clipston only the parts above the transoms of the from the Liberal Roll 35 Henry III. in windows at Stoke-Say were glazed. Chapter V. " Liberate 24 Henry III. See the " Astra;" the louver is termed "fu- collection of the king's orders relative to matorium." G 2 84 DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE : THIRTEENTH CENTURY. of this period, where no indications of them are now discernible ; it appears to have been very common to build fire-places and chimneys of plaster only p ; they must have been run up against the internal wall, and from the nature of the material employed they could be easily destroyed, or, which is the same thing, they would fall down, and in course of time no marks of their having existed would remain. In kitchens, which were usually open at the top, hearths were ordinarily used, and they were likewise furnished with ovens, though in royal houses the oven was sometimes in a distinct building. The access to the principal entrance of manor-houses at this period, as in the preceding century, was usually by an external staircase, carried on the wall and protected from the weather by an overhanging shed or pent-house these stairs appear to have been ordinarily of wood. Traces of such a mode of entrance remain at Charney Basset, and Stoke-Say ; while at Aydon the original external flight of stone steps yet remains, as before noticed. The principal entrance to Little Wenham Hall was by an outer stair of wood or stone. From the precepts of Henry the Third it appears that these external stairs frequently ended in a wooden porch erected before the door of the building* 1 . The same plan was generally adopted for communication between the upper and lower story of a house when it consisted of two floors only ; although there is an instance at West-Deane rectory-house, of internal communication by a newel stair at one angle of the building; but this sort of stair does not seem to have been very commonly used during the thirteenth century. There was also another mode of communicating with the upper or lower story of a building, and that was by a trap-door ; it was by a de- p " Et in uno camino de piastre faciendo in wardaroba Regis in castro de Winde- sore, vj. li. vj. d. ob." Rot. Pip. 20 Hen. III. d. b From the large quantities of linen used in this way it seems more than probable that the royal tables were covered with clean cloths even when paupers were entertained in large numbers. Although a chandlery was generally attached to every royal residence at this time the apparatus in which candles were fixed does not appear to have been of an expensive description. Even in churches the wax-lights were some- times- stuck in a row on a wooden beam (hercia) fitted with prickets, also of wood. There are several writs of Henry directing iron branches (candelabra} to be attached to the piers of his halls at Oxford, Winchester, and other places ; a candlestick for his private chamber cost no more than 8d. Although large quantities of plate in the shape of cups, ewers, basons, and dishes were heaped up in the royal wardrobe, the use of silver candlesticks does not appear to have prevailed to any extent even in the royal apartments : they were often made by the king's direction in order to be presented to churches ; but so far as the evidence of contemporary records goes such valuable orna- ments were rarely used for secular purposes. The furniture of the dining-table in this century was of a scanty character : the huge salt was the chief ornament of the board ; and on the royal table the goblets and plates and dishes were of silver, often gilt and enamelled though in ordinary houses wooden bowls and trenchers only were b Liberate, 11 Hen. III. m. 4. 102 DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE : THIRTEENTH CENTURY. used. Earthenware, although certainly made in this cen- tury in the form of pitchers and jugs, does not seem to have been applied to the fabrication of plates or dishes ; probably the earliest instance of the use of the latter may be ascribed to the reign of Edward the Eirst, when certain dishes and plates of earthen ware, were purchased from the cargo of a great ship which came from Spain, and which among other novelties brought the first- oranges which are known to have been introduced into England. Some exotic materials also were used at this period for making drinking-vessels. The cocoa-nut of the East (nux de Indict) had already been imported into the far north and was a favourite substance whereof to form goblets ; Henry the Third had three cups made of this nut, one of which was valued at 2. 9s. He had also a gourd mounted in silver and set with precious stones, which was valued at the high price of 10. 17s. 6^.; and a glass cup set in silver, another of crystal, and one of alabaster d ; drinking- cups were also made of what was called marble, probably agate. In the inventory of the property of Benedict, a Jew of Bristol, who was hanged for clipping, one " ciphus mar- moreus " is named e . The horns of the buffalo (bubalus) and teeth of the walrus were likewise in use for potable purposes. Notwithstanding the popular belief that forks were first introduced at the English dinner-table in the seventeenth century, a supposition which may be said to rest on no bet- ter authority than Mr. Thomas Coryat " his crudities," it is certain they were in use at the royal table towards the close of the thirteenth century. Among the valuables found in the wardrobe of Edward the Eirst after his death at Burgh- on-the-Sands in 1307, were six silver forks and one of gold f . This fact, however, proves little more than that c Wardrobe Account, 55 Hen. III. e Rot. Pip., 7 Edw. I. d Ibid. ' " Item, vj. furchetti argentei et j. DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE: THIRTEENTH CENTURY. POTTERY, DOMESTIC UTENSILS, &c. , FROM MSS. IN THE BODLEIAN LIBRARY, OXFORD, BASKET, POTTAGE POT. DOUCE, 180. ARCH. 154. A. BODL. BUTCHER'S BLOCK AND KNIFE. AECH. A 1M. BODL. EXTERNAL DRAINS. IRONWORK. ARCH. A. 154. BODL. GENERAL REMARKS. 103 forks were known at an early period ; it is very certain that they were not in common use. The fingers and knives of folks served for many centuries afterwards to enable them to eat their several meals. Meat was at this period often brought to table on a spit and served round by the attendants, when each guest as he pleased cut a portion with his knife. This fashion of serving is shewn on the Bayeux tapestry and in numerous illuminations of a later date. Among princes and nobles these spits were usually formed of silver ; Henry the Third had one of gold in which a "serpent's tongue" (lingua serpcntina*} was set; in other words a shark's tooth, for so naturalists have named those singular fossils which for many centuries were brought by pilgrims from Malta, the supposed site of the shipwreck of St. Paul, under the belief that they were the petrified tongues of vipers and possessed of talismanic pro- perties. The knives used at meals by the wealthier classes at this time had frequently handles of silver enamelled, or of agate or crystal. Spoons were common enough and must have often served in place of forks ; indeed the number of spoons, often of silver, owned by persons in the middle rank of life at this time, is rather extraordinary. Benedict the Bristol Jew, to whose effects reference has been already made, possessed one hundred and forty-one silver spoons, valued at 70. Is. l\d. They may have been pawned. It should have been observed when remarking on the forms on which people sat that they were often covered with mats (natce) made of osiers ; even in the royal houses h ; and in the royal chapels the same materials were placed under the feet to protect them from the cold furchettus de auro." Proceedings of the serpentina ponderis v.s." Wardrobe Record Commissioners, p. 552. Account, 55 Hen. III. * " Et de una brochia auri cum lingua h See Chap. V. 104 DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE : THIRTEENTH CENTURY. of the tile pavement ; the origin of our present hassocks : at a later period, though not much later, these mats for forms gave way to a cushion (quissind). The sort of furniture which we have been describing as common in the thirteenth century was common only to the rich. If from the palaces of royalty or the dwellings of nobles and merchants we descend to the hut of the farmer or labourer, we find but the barest necessaries ; his bed was in all probability his form or settle during the day, and an iron tripod or trivet with a brass dish, formed the ordinary cooking apparatus of the peasant, while he ate from wooden bowls with a spoon of the same material. His meat was cut on the square trencher-board, not yet quite out of use either in collegiate hall or moorland hovel : the inventory of Reginald Labbe a small farmer who died in 1293, affords a fair illustration of the " householde stuffe " of people in his class of life *. Having told as much as can be stated with any degree of certainty respecting the internal decoration and furniture of houses in the thirteenth century ; we may now turn to another subject without some elucidation of which the present chapter would be obviously imperfect. The general state of the country at this period, as in earlier and later times, directly influenced the forms and details of Domestic Architecture ; it is therefore essential that a few observa- tions should be made respecting the more prominent social statistics of England in the thirteenth century, which was essentially a period of transition, and indeed of progress. Had this work been limited to a dry technical description of the remains of English civil architecture in early times, such a digression might have been out of place, but as it has taken a somewhat wider range of enquiry, the follow- ing observations naturally form part of the subject. ' Archaeological Journal, vol. iii. p. 65. GENERAL REMARKS. 105 First as to the general aspect of the country. Taking the middle of the century as a starting-point, there can be no doubt that an immense portion of the kingdom was then covered by wood. The forests mentioned in Domes- day, exclusive of the New Forest, are only four in number, viz., Windsor, in Berks ; Gravelinges, Wilts ; Wimborne, Dorset ; and Which wood, Oxon. It is possible, however, that there were numerous woods, scarcely entitled to the designation of forests, which were not recorded by the Conqueror's commissioners. Except on this supposition it is difficult to account for the fact that in the year 1250 the forests and woods in England, directly or indirectly under the control of the crown, amounted to more than seventy k ; while there were numerous other woodlands in private hands. Some influence on the increase of the crown forests may be justly attributed to the forest and game laws introduced under the Norman rule, but those laws seem insufficient to account for so great a dispro- portion between the number of forests in the thirteenth as compared with the end of the eleventh century. There was one or more of these forests or woods in every county in England ; they abounded in game of all descriptions, and wolves were by no means uncommon. At the close of the reign of Henry the Third there were wild cattle in the wood of Osterley in Middlesex, then, as in after times, the property of a London citizen l . To these woods resorted moreover all lawless men, fugitive villans, and persons of the like description who preyed at will on passing travellers. About this time the abbats of St. Alban's retained certain armed men to keep the road between that h Spelman gives a list of the ancient Patent Rolls. Many liaiee, or small en- English forests, in his Glossarium, but closed woods, are named in Domesday, it is very incomplete. The statement l It then belonged to the family of above is made on the authority of a Gizors, eminent London merchants, careful examination of the Close and Placita coram Rege. 106 DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE; THIRTEENTH CENTURY. town and the metropolis, which lay for the most part through woods m . The great high roads of the kingdom, mostly following the direction of the old Roman ways, the Athelinge, or Watling-street, and others, necessarily passed in places through the midst of these forests, as did the highways which connected one market town with another. Notwithstanding the obvious insecurity to travellers and traffic arising from the neighbourhood of woods to the main roads it was not until the year 1285 that strin- gent measures were adopted to remedy the evil. It was then enacted, by statute, that the highways leading from one market town to another should be widened, so that there might be no bushes, woods, or dikes within two hundred feet on each side of the road ; and those pro- prietors who refused to cut down underwoods abutting on high-roads were to be held responsible for all felonies that might be committed by persons lurking in their covert : even the boundaries of parks when they approached too closely to high-roads were to be set further back n . A good illustration of the insecurity of travelling for merchants in the early part of this century is given by Matthew Paris, who relates the punishment inflicted on certain retainers of the court of Henry the Third for robbing traders on their way to the great fair at Winchester. Indeed Hamp- shire was notorious for its bands of free-booters, and in the reign of John the legate Pandulf had addressed the bishop of Winchester on the subject, saying, " that no one could travel through the neighbourhood of Winchester without being captured or robbed, and what was most cruel, robbery was not considered sufficient but people were slain ." The wooded pass of Alton on the borders m M. Paris. vos, tt specialiter te domine episcope, n Statute of Winton, 13 Edward I. inovere deberet, quod nemo potest per " Clamor paupcrum et nmlierum partes Wiutoniae pergere quin capiatur, GENERAL REMARKS. 107 of Surrey and Hampshire, which was not dis-afforested until the end of Henry's reign, was a favourite ambush for outlaws, who there awaited the merchants and their trains of sumpter-horses travelling to or from Winchester; even in the fourteenth century the wardens of the great fair of St. Giles held in that city paid five mounted sergeants-at- arms, to keep the pass of Alton during the continuance of the fair, " according to custom p ." The cultivated districts of the country were of necessity intersected and surrounded by the woodlands, and therefore not only manors but farm- houses were protected, the former by their crenellated inclosure walls, and the latter by hedges and dikes, or motes. The manor-house of the thirteenth century was fortified not so much for the purpose of securing the owner against his neighbours as from a precaution against roving thieves. While vast districts of the country were covered with forests, other wide parts were mere fen and morass ; some of which, as the district of Holland and Lincolnshire, had become so within the memory of man. Efforts were made at an early time by the several ecclesiastical corpora- tions, which owned the greater parts of the fen- districts, to drain off the waters and bring the land under tillage; and partial improvements in this respect were effected by the monks of Ely in Cambridgeshire, and by the brethren of Croyland in Lincoln. Still but little general effect had been produced in the aspect of the fen-countries, which were chiefly valuable for the supplies they yielded of eels and water-fowl ; of the latter many sorts long since extinct in England, as cranes and storks, were plentiful in the spolietur, et, quod crudelissiiuuni est, v Comp. Feria; S. Egidii Winton ; bona non sufficiunt nisi persone hoini- 17 Edw. II. Chapter House, West- n um occidantur." Pandulf's Letters; minster, in the Tower; Misc. No. 371. 108 DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE: THIRTEENTH CENTURY. marsh lands of the eastern counties, and were favourite articles of food in this and the following century. The roads throughout the country appear to have been kept in some sort of order by the respective townships ; and for the support of the few bridges then in existence, a duty called pontage was levied, which fell heaviest upon the agriculturalists and merchants, as most of the clergy and their tenants were exempt from pontage and other tolls of a like description. It does not appear, however, that any compulsory labour, like the French corvee, was in force in England for the repair of roads and bridges ; when the great north road into London, which in this century passed through Gray's Inn Lane, was found to be nearly impassable from ruts and mud, the citizens of London were authorized to levy a toll on the traffic along it to pay the expense of restoring the highway* 1 ; and such appears to have been the system generally adopted in other parts of the kingdom. The principal towns and cities of England at this period were generally protected by walls and gates, the latter being closed from sunset to sunrise ; during which time a watch was kept, the number of which was in proportion to the population of the town. No persons were permitted to lodge in the suburbs of a town unless they could find "hosts" who would be security for their good conduct. It may be observed, however, that it is doubtful whether many English towns were fortified with walls at an earlier time than this century ; it appears probable they were not, from the numerous charters to corporations to enable them to levy tolls for the purpose of erecting town walls. It is certain that many towns were not entirely surrounded by walls until the time of Edward the Eirst. In the begin- ning of the reign of Henry the Third the citizens of Here- i Pat. Edw. I. GENERAL REMARKS. 109 ford had a grant of a quantity of thorns and wood from one of the king's forests, to be applied to the enclosure of their city, where walls were wanting r . As it was one of the march towns liable to predatory inroads of Welsh, this seems to have been a very primitive method of fortify- ing it ; but it is worthy of remark that many of the border towns, both in the North and the West, were imperfectly protected by fortifications until the fourteenth century. When, however, a town had been fairly surrounded with a wall it appears to have been generally kept in good repair, and jealously protected from every sort of encroach- ment on its integrity. In this century the monks of Win- chester, whose close adjoined the town -wall of that city, petitioned for licence to make a tunnel under the wall that they might recreate themselves with greater conve- nience in an outlying meadow. The Carmelite brethren of Northampton having applied to Edward the First in 1278 for leave to enclose a portion of the town wall in their close there, and to block up its crenelles, a jury was impanelled to try what damage would ensue if such li- cence were granted. As the verdict returned is curious it is here subjoined : the jurors found " that it would be to the damage and nuisance of the town of Northampton if the wall should be enclosed and its crenelles blocked up, and for these reasons ; because the burgesses of the town aforesaid, and especially those who are sick, often walking on the wall from one gate to 'another to take the air, would not be able to walk about as they were accustomed ; and that in the winter-time they would not be able to go along the walls from one gate to another, instead of in the noisome and muddy way under the wall, between the wall and the place of the brethren of Mount Carmel. They also say that there is another cause of hindrance because the watchmen who watch by night in Northampton go r Rot. Claus. 7 and 8 Hen. III., m. 2 and 9, 110 DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE: THIRTEENTH CENTURY. their rounds on the wall, to watch through the crenelles for malefactors entering into or going forth of the aforesaid town ; and if that wall should be enclosed and those crenelles blocked up in the manner specified in the writ, no one could in that part watch for evil-doers, or prevent their misdeeds and stratagems as should be done 8 ." In addition to the precaution of setting a night watch in towns, the curfew was generally rung at nine in the even- ing, after which no one was to walk abroad, and all drink- ing houses were to be closed *. The road-way of the streets in towns was kept in repair either by pavage rates, or the proceeds of a toll levied at the gates on all wains or carts; which was called "wainage" or " wheelage," a toll which is still taken under one or the other name in some old towns in England. The most considerable cities and towns of England were, after the metropolis, Winchester, York, Lincoln, and those places in which the great periodical fairs were held, as Boston, St. Ives, Lynn, and Stamford. Of the seaports then of importance several have since fallen into decay, as the Cinque Ports, Dunwich and others. Southampton was then, as now, a thriving place, and the harbour most fre- quented by merchant-vessels from the south of Europe u . At this time many towns which are now among the greatest in England were just rising into notice, as regards trade ; Yarmouth was the staple-market of the herring fishery; and the burgesses of Newcastle^on-Tyne were beginning to gain some advantages from the great coal-field surrounding them. The population of even the most considerable towns was very scanty; it is probable that that of London was under 20,000 v , and all others in proportion : in the four- 8 Inquis. 6 Edward I. No. 79. notes to the History of the Middle Ages, ' Stat. Civit. London, 1285. estimates it at 40,000, but the author " See p. 32 ante. is reluctantly obliged to differ from this T Mr. Hallam, in his supplementary statement. GENERAL REMARKS. Ill teenth century the whole number of the inhabitants of Lincoln who contributed to an assessment of ninths was less than 800 x . The close of the thirteenth century wit- nessed the expulsion of all Jews from England y ; an event which must have very considerably reduced the population of most towns in England, certainly of all of importance. The best method, however, of forming an idea of the internal condition of English towns at this period will be to enquire into the state of the two chief cities, London and Winchester; and first, in order as in place, to take the capital. We know very little of the condition or franchises of the citizens of London in Saxon times, or during the first century after the Conquest ; in short it is uncertain whe- ther the sheriffs of the city before the year 1188 were royal bailiffs, or officers elected by the commonalty. The earliest evidences of the privileges possessed by the mu- nicipality, are to be found in the charters of liberties granted by Henry the First, Richard the First, by John, and by Henry the Third. We do know, at the same time, from records of the thirteenth century still remaining, that how- ever valuable the liberties conceded by those sovereigns may have been, theoretically considered, they were rendered in a great degree useless by a state of things within the walls of the city, the origin of which is to be sought in times of which we have no trustworthy memorials. Whoever will take the trouble to examine an old map of London, that of Aggas for example, cannot fail to remark how small a space was included by the walls or boundaries of the city proper ; from Ludgate to Aldgate, as from west to east ; and from London Wall to the Thames, as from north to south ; of course there were outlying liberties within the jurisdiction of the city, as the whole of Fleet Street, x Inquis. Noixarum, temp. Edw. III. r It took place in 1290. 112 DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE: THIRTEENTH CENTURY. which in the thirteenth century was tenanted chiefly by ale-wives and felt hat makers. Yet small as was the extent of the city within the walls, at the beginning of this cen- tury it was divided into a number of separate jurisdic- tions called sokes, the owners of which possessed powers independent of the corporate officers ; powers which ge- nerally extended to life and limb, and which were enjoyed by virtue of grants from the crown or by immemorial usage. By the charter of Henry the First, the earliest document which throws any light on the privileges of the city, the possession of these sokes was guaranteed to the several owners of them ; they were to hold " their socs in peace, so that no guest tarrying in any soc, shall pay custom to any other than him to whom the soc belongs." These London sokes were heritable estates and could be alienated by sale. The officers of the corporation could not execute any process within their limits, the boundaries of which were jealously maintained by their respective owners, and unwillingly respected by the city authorities. Such as were tenants of these sokes performed suit and service at their several courts, and each spke had its reeve or chief bailiff. Thus the whole of Cornhill was a soke belonging to the bishops of London, who had therein a seignorial oven in which all the tenants were obliged to bake their bread and pay furnage dues. At the beginning of the reign of Henry the Third there were not less than thirty of these sokes within the walls of ancient London ; and there were upwards of twenty in the time of Edward the Eirst, after which period they gradually declined in number, till by the end of the fourteenth cen- tury it is probable that none remained excepting those which were the property of the Church. Regarding the sokes as distinct from the wards of Lon- don, which they undoubtedly were, and bearing in mind DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE : THIRTK.ENTH CKNTURY. ILLUSTRATIONS FROM ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPTS, &c GRANARY. HANDM1LL MS ARCH. A. 154. BODL. BODLEIAN LIBRARY. OXFOKD. BAKERS. FROM PAINTED GLAS3, SOURCES CATHEDRAL. GENERAL REMARKS. 113 their independent character, it is obvious that the occasions on which the rights exercised by their respective lords would trench upon the franchise collectively enjoyed by the citizens must have been both many and frequent. The owner of a soke could protect fugitive malefactors, harbour foreign traders, who were always viewed with great jealousy by the civic merchants ; and the criminal jurisdiction be- longing to him, involving the forfeitures of felons z , a most important consideration in the days to which we are now referring, was directly opposed to similar functions which had been conceded to the body corporate by the charter of Henry the First. Superadded to this antagonism of indi- vidual and municipal rights was another remarkable and anomalous feature : as no other qualification than residence as a householder seems to have been required, in the thir- teenth century, to confer a right to the civic franchise, no qualification whatever being mentioned in the early char- ters, it followed that the lords and tenants of these sokes within the walls and liberties were nevertheless free citi- zens having individually a voice in municipal affairs, al- though legally and territorially exempt from municipal jurisdiction. It is clear that between the conflicting jurisdictions of the corporation and the several soke-lords, there must have been great difficulty in maintaining any kind of effective police in the metropolis. In the reign of Edward the First the dean and chapter of St. Paul's obtained a licence to surround their church and precincts with a stone wall, to protect themselves from malefactors a , while about the same time the canons of St. Martin le Grand, not daring to cross the road to their collegiate church, obtained per- 1 Placita de Quo Warranto ; tit. Lon- printed in the Archaeological Journal, don. This subject has been already vol. iv. noticed by the author in an article a Pat. 13 Edward I. 114 DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE: THIRTEENTH CENTURY. mission to build a wooden gallery, or bridge, to connect their lodgings with the church tower. Of the general character of the houses in London, the reader will have been enabled to form an idea from pre- ceding remarks. In the principal thoroughfares, it is evi- dent there was some kind of foot-pavement, though the road-way appears to have been frequently left to its chance ; and the streets leading down to the river, which offered the means of a natural drainage from the upper and more level parts of the city, had usually open drains flowing through them ; the effect of which was to maintain them in a con- tinual state of mud. We have already incidently referred to the probable numbers of the population of London at this time, stating that it was under 20,000 ; and that is adopting a rather high standard ; but in truth the materials to enable us to form an accurate estimate do not exist. Were we to believe the rhetorical flourishes of contemporary annalists, it would appear that the city could send almost that number of armed men into the field : in those times, however, numbers were not counted, and any considerable mob was set down as an " innumerable host." We do know pretty nearly what the population was in the fifteenth and six- teenth centuries, and may reasonably infer how small it must have been at earlier periods. In the year 1547 the population of the large parish of St. Andrew, Holborn, the greatest within the liberties of the city, was only 1000 b . The followers of the various trades exercised in London in the thirteenth century occupied distinct quarters by themselves. Thus the goldsmiths lived in one part of Chepe, the smiths in another, and in Ironmonger-lane, while the " candle-wrichtes" had a street which gave b Madox's Collections, vol. xlix. Add. MSS. Brit. Mus. GENERAL REMARKS. 115 name to the ward of " Candlewick." This custom of vari- ous crafts confining themselves to particular quarters, which appears to be of remote antiquity, and is not yet entirely abandoned in foreign cities, facilitated the formation and government of trade-guilds, which were established for mutual protection at a very early time, and were in fact the origin of the modern city companies. Merchants, and those who adventured on the deep-sea, or " outre-mer" traffick, lived in the streets immediately adjacent to the river, their cogs and barques lying at the wharves of Thames street, which were mostly known in the thirteenth cen- tury by the names they still bear, as indeed some of them were in Saxon times, when they were termed " stationes navium c ." The usual place of assembly for the citizens was Paul's Cross ; there the folk-motes were held, summoned by the tolling of the great bell of the Cathedral ; and at that spot whenever Edward the First was about to visit his foreign dominions he took leave of the Londoners, exhorting them, from wooden hustings run up for the occasion, to keep the peace during his absence. In conclusion, as to the appearance of the city, we shall not, perhaps, be far wrong in assuming that it presented the aspect of a mass of low whitewashed tene- ments; the plasterer's brush appears to have been un- sparingly employed to give a cleanly exterior to the dwell- ings of the Londoners ; and one of the earliest objections raised by the citizens against the use of sea-borne coal for fuel, was, that the smoke from it blackened the white walls of their buildings. Such in a few words was the general condition of London in the thirteenth century; and we shall now proceed to enquire into that of Winchester, which was long a formid- c See Kemblo's Cod. Dip. Anglo-Sax, passim. i 2 116 DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE: THIRTEENTH CENTURY. able commercial rival of the metropolis. Its vicinity to the port of Southampton, through which almost all the trade with the south of Europe and the East was carried on in early times, rendered it a great depot of the most costly foreign merchandize, while its great fair held yearly on the festival of St. Giles, and twenty-three following days, attracted merchants from every part of Europe; perhaps the fair of Beaucaire in Languedoc was its only rival for several centuries. The great hill or mount of St. Giles overlooking the town, on which earl Waltheof is said to have been executed by order of the Conqueror, was in the thirteenth century covered with stone shops or stalls, some belonging to the crown, and many to the bishop, who was the lord of the fair and received most of the rents and all tolls arising from it. But the district occupied by the fixed temporary buildings for the fair was held quite distinct from the city. The latter consisted, in this century, of about twenty streets d ; and from the names of a few of them, as also of the stall-rows which have been preserved, we are enabled to gather some notion of the commercial activity of the ancient Saxon capital. On the hill there was the French street ; the stalls of the men of Caen ; the street of the Flemings ; the streets of the men of Nottingham and other English towns ; and there was also the " street in which old clothes are sold," a sort of rag-fair it may be presumed ; the Goldsmithry was on the hill during the fair. In the town itself there was the High-street with its Spicery, or quarter of the Gro- cers ; the street where the Haberdashers sat ; the Mercery street; the Drapery; Parchment street; the quarter of the Jewry; and the respective streets of the Fullers, Weavers, Carpet-makers and Tanners e . Winchester in its d Sixteen temp. Hen. I. See Introd., Most of these names are obtained P' " from deeds in the Register of the Priory DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE : THIRTEENTH CENTURY. i ILLUSTRATIONS FROM PAINTED QLASS.-TRADES OR OCCUPATIONS, BOOT MAKER. WEAVERS AND LOOM. STONE MASON. FROM PAINTED GLASS. BO0RGES CATHEDRAL. GENERAL REMARKS. 117 present torpid condition affords scarcely any indication of the consequence and wealth it possessed in the thirteenth century, much of which, indeed, it retained until the Re- formation j although its trade may be said to have re- ceived an irrecoverable blow when the town was sacked by the younger Simon de Montfort in 1265. Mr. Hallam estimates the population of Winchester in the middle ages to have been about 1 0,000 f ; and it is probable that his estimate is correct ; although, as in the case of London, we have no means of calculating the exact number of its inhabitants in the thirteenth century. Still the ancient limits of the city are well known, and it is not easy to believe that a larger population could have been housed within them. There is no better method of testing the relative prosperity of the two cities than that of com- paring the amount of the town-duties of each at, or about, the same period. In the year 1275 the duties received in Winchester, including the customs of merchandize, as grain, leather, lead, cloths, &c., amounted to 35. lls. d. in four months, or little more than a hundred a year g . Ten years previ- ously the town dues of London realised in two months the large sum of 108. 6s. \d. h Thus we have decisive proof that the old Anglo-Saxon capital was already in its decline. But that decline was in a great degree owing to the wanton injury inflicted on it by the younger Montfort. Besides London and Winchester there were two towns of great importance from their manufactures, Northampton and Norwich. In the reigri of Henry the Third there of St. Denys, near Southampton, Add. f See Pipe Roll 3 Edw. I. before MS. 15,314 ; others from the Pipe Roll quoted. 3 Edw. I. comp. de exitibus civitatis h Exitus BalHve London, anno 50 Winton. Hen. III. Roll among the records f Supplemental Notes Population of formerly in the custody of the Queen's London. Remembrancer. 118 DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE : THIRTEENTH CENTURY. were three hundred cloth workers in the former town, and Norwich was celebrated for its fabrics in worsted; but that place laboured under the same disadvantage as London, inasmuch as there was an independent feudal jurisdiction within the city. Wherever a monastery existed within a great town, the foundation of it had usually pre- ceded the creation of the municipality ; in other words, the religious house originated the town surrounding it. When the importance of the dependency could be no longer ig- nored, and its inhabitants acquired their franchise, they often found that there existed an element antagonistic to their commercial prosperity. The burgesses discovered that their charter of liberties was rendered in a great degree in- operative by reason of privileges granted in earlier times to their ecclesiastical neighbours. This was especially the case when the town had a river communicating with the sea; for in general the monks had taken care to secure the seaport itself. Thus the port of Yarmouth was vir- tually the property of the prior of Christ church, Nor- wich ; and in the cathedral city itself he had a soke, or exempt jurisdiction, which greatly obstructed the pros- perity of the place, and led to constant collisions, and breaches of the peace, between the tenants of the prior's soke and the freemen 1 . The dues levied at Yarmouth were dictated by the prior ; in Norwich he had his de- mesne fair, of which the profits were exclusively his own, and from which he could, and did, exclude the citizens, who in vain attempted to participate by violence. Their efforts were invariably unsuccessful, and they were always punished. The same state of things prevailed in Newcastle- on-Tyne ; the seaport of which was in the hands of the priors of Durham and Tynemouth. These remarks may serve to give the reader some notion 1 Placita Coronas 14 Edw. I. GENERAL REMARKS. 119 of the internal economy of towns in England at this period, a subject on which little information is to be found in our general historians. Perhaps it will not be out of place to enquire how peo- ple travelled in these times ; and whether there were not associations to facilitate the progress of the merchant, or pilgrim, for a consideration, which are to be regarded as the prototypes of our modern stage-coach partnerships? It would be trite to say that generally speaking every person who could afford to do so travelled on horseback, but it may be new to state that there were companies of " hackney-men " who provided horses for travellers at a fixed rate per stage. That several such associations were in existence in the thirteenth century there can be no doubt; although unfortunately we possess direct informa- tion relating only to one of them. The road out of London which had the greatest traffic in these early times was undoubtedly that which led to Dover, the privileged seaport of the realm, from which persons leaving the country were generally obliged to embark, in order that the crown might derive a revenue from the passage toll. From an ancient period this road had been " worked " by the hackney-men of Southwark, Dartford, Rochester, and other places on its line. He who, bent on business or pilgrimage, hired a hackney in South- wark, paid sixteen-pence for the stage to Rochester ; the like sum from Rochester to Canterbury, and in proportion from the last-named place to Dover. These were reason- able fares ; but travellers availing themselves of the hack- neys were not always conscientious : they sometimes hired them and forgot to pay, or paid less than the prescrip- tive charge, and moreover they often rode off with them, " whither they would ; " and, in fact, it happened that the steeds of the contractors were frequently " lost, destroyed, 120 DOMSETIC ARCHITECTURE : THIRTEENTH CENTURY. and, at times, sold, and utterly taken away by their hirers." And in order that the theft might be the better concealed the ears and tails of horses were cut off to prevent their identification. The increase of frauds of this kind was remedied by the crown at the close of the fourteenth cen- tury j . Besides hackney-men there were persons who provided carts for the transport of heavy luggage. The hire of one with four horses was about Is. 6d. a day j but such was the state of the roads that it was necessary in some districts to rest the cattle for four days, after travelling only two, while the general custom was to travel during four days and rest for three. The rates of hire were fixed by proclamation in the reign of Edward the First. So bad and unknown were cross-roads at this time, that guides, shepherds, and persons of a like degree, were usually hired to con- duct travellers from one town to another ; especially if it was desirable to take a shorter route than the high road : thus in the year 1265 the countess of Leicester, sister of Henry the Third, was guided on her road from Odiham castle to Porchester by " Dobbe " the shepherd. It must be borne in mind also that in the absence of bridges it was necessary to have persons well acquainted with the fording places of rivers or streams. A good illustration of the difficulty and insecurity of travelling at the close of this century, is afforded by an account of the cost of transmitting a sum of money to Prince Edward, son of Edward the First, in 1301. In that year a portion of the revenue accruing from his ap - panage of Chester was sent to London, to replenish his generally exausted exchequer. J The facts stated above are recited in The preamble states that the charges and the patent granted to the " men called privileges of the association had existed hakuey-men" in the 19th Ric.II. (1396.) in the times of the king's progenitors. GENERAL REMARKS. 121 The treasure, one thousand pounds, was brought to London by two knights on horseback, William de la Mare (Delamere) and Gilbert de Wyleye, who were attended by sixteen armed valets, on foot. It was not sufficient, how- ever, that the money should be protected by men-at-arms ; in the absence of hostels, excepting in towns, it was neces- sary to secure the guards from hunger. Therefore they were accompanied by two cooks, who provided " a safe lodging " daily for the money, and, as a matter of course, provided for the culinary necessities of its conductors. These cooks were William of Ludgershall, who was in the king's service, and Warine who was the prince's cook the latter travelled with the escort only two days' ride between Chester and London, and then spurred on to the metropolis, to let the prince's treasurer know that the money was in a fair way of arriving in safety. Now in those days a thousand pounds really meant a thousand pounds of silver ; so it may be necessary to tell how it was conveyed to London. In the first place the prince's cook provided ten panniers "wherein to truss the monies" and cords wherewith to tie them, which cost 2s. $d. Then these ten panniers were put across the backs of five hackneys; supplied of course by the companies of hackney-men established along the road travelled 11 . It took the guard eight days to arrive in London with a heavy weight, and six days to return to Chester without one. The knights each received one shilling a-day, and each valet was well paid at a third of the same stipend. The two cooks had each 2d. a-day, but he who was in the prince's service had to stay two extra days in London in order to count out the money to the prince's treasurer, for which he received 2,9. extra. The cost of hiring the five k Account of the Chamberlain of Chester, 29-30 Edw. I. 122 DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE: THIRTEENTH CENTURY. hackneys was thirty shillings ; and the total expense of conveying the money in question was 6. Ids. d. currency of that day, or about 104. 16s. in modern coin. Although it has been asserted that there were inns in England at this time, it would be difficult to find any proof of the statement. The truth is that even in London there was no such accommodation. There were tabernce, or drinking- houses, where wine only was sold, as there were the brewhouses of ale-wives, who sold beer only, and there were cooks' shops. The same arrangement prevailed throughout the country ; and it may be confidently asserted there was no establishment then existing which supplied, besides drink, food and beds. It was not until the middle of the fourteenth century that the hostel or tavern had its origin : perhaps the earliest in London was the Saracen's Head in Friday-street, Chepeside, where Chaucer, in his youth, saw the Grosvenor arms hanging out ; the poet did not make his acquaintance with the Tabard in Southwark till a later date. There was, however, another mode of conveyance in these times which should not be forgotten. Ladies of rank travelled occasionally in covered cars, drawn by two or more horses. Such a car or chariot (currus) was made for Eleanor of Castile, shortly before her coronation, which cost the large sum of 17. 5s. or 258. 15s. modern currency 1 . Much artistic decoration was lavished on such vehicles; they were provided with a weather-proof roof, from which hung curtains of leather, or heavy silk ; the wood- work was painted and the nail-heads and wheels often gilt. The interior was fitted with ample cushions and other necessary appliances. There is a detailed account still preserved of the cost of building a travelling-carriage of 1 Rot. Pip. 2 Edw. I. comp. de providenciis factis contra coronationem Regis celebratam apud Westm. GENERAL REMARKS. 123 this sort for Margaret, duchess of Brabant m , daughter of Edward the First ; some of its external ornaments were enamelled ; the expense incurred on it amounted to 338 money of our time. We have, unfortunately, no represen- tations of these early coaches of an older date than the fourteenth century ; but from these it may be fairly con- cluded that they were clumsy and uncomfortable waggon- like concerns ; and it is needless to say they were unpro- vided' with springs. But the ingenuity of the time went beyond the construction of covered chariots. Henry the Third ordered a "house of deal" to be made, running on six wheels and roofed with lead ; which may have been in- tended for travelling purposes. Thus the modern travelling vans used by itinerant dealers and exhibitors had their ori- gin in comparatively remote antiquity n . As there were no inns at this time to which they could resort, it was necessary for travellers to carry provisions with them, or they purchased them at farms or religious houses which lay on or near their route ; for although the latter establishments undoubtedly supplied gratuitously a night's lodging and food when required by a traveller, it is equally certain they had no objection to sell such commodities as he might require for the prosecution of his journey. The diffi- culty of obtaining provisions in some parts of the country during this century must have been very great, especially in the northern districts, if we may judge from the state of things which prevailed one hundred and fifty years later, as described by JEneas^Sylvius, afterwards Pope Pius II., who thus narrates some particulars of his return to England from Scotland in 1448. After crossing the Tweed, he entered m Wardrobe Account, 25 Edw. I., Add. of so early a date as the thirteenth cen- MS.7965,fo. 15,(Brit. Mus.) Mr. Mark- tury. land has noticed these carriages in an in- n See Liberate, 23 Hen. III., Aug. 4, teresting paper in the Archaeologia, vol. in Chapter V. xx. p. 443 ; but he has cited no examples 124 DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE: THIRTEENTH CENTURY. a large village, about sunset, and " alighted at a rustic's house, and supped there with the priest of the place and the host. Sundry pottages, fowls, and geese were brought to table, but there was neither wine nor bread. And then all the women on both sides ran to the house, as to a new thing ; and as our countrymen are wont to stare at Ethi- opians or Indians, so they, astonished, regarded ./Eneas, asking of the priest whence he came, what he had come to do, and whether he were a Christian ? But ^Eneas, being forewarned of the poverty of the road, had received at a certain monastery a few loaves and a runlet of red wine, which being uncovered, greater astonishment seized the barbarians, who had never seen either wine or white bread. Pregnant women came up to the table with their husbands, and touching the bread and smelling the wine, begged some of it, among whom it was necessary to distri- bute the whole At day-break he began his journey, and reached Newcastle, which they say was built by Caesar; there he first seemed to behold again the like- ness of the world, and the habitable face of the earth ; for Scotland, and the part of England adjoining it, is totally unlike our country , being dismal, uncultivated, and inac- cessible in winter." Even so late as the period of the Reformation one of the reasons which the then archbishop of York urged on Cromwell against the suppression of the monastery of Hexham, in Northumberland, was, that .it was of so much importance to the convenience of travellers be- tween Newcastle and Carlisle. Harrison who compiled his " Description of Brittaine p ," in the time of Elizabeth, was inclined to think that many things were better in the days of the Edwards than at the period he wrote ; the " good old times" have had their admirers in every age, and it is He speaks of Italy; Cotnmentarii Pii Secundi, &c., fol. Francof. 1614, p. 5. P Printed in Holinshed's Chronicles. GENERAL REMARKS. 125 one of the necessary, albeit unfanciful duties of the his- torical writer to dispel the illusions which may prevail respecting them. Whatever social retrogression there might have been in some respects during the period be- tween the fourteenth and the sixteenth century it is at least certain that there was a progressive improvement in the means of traversing the country ; when Harrison was taking his retrospective view, posts were established on all the main roads of the kingdom. There is another point connected with this part of our subject to which we must now advert, viz., the state of the trade of England. In the thirteenth century the Flemings and Italians engrossed the most lucrative departments of commerce ; both purchased our staple commodity, wool, and both introduced, and by nearly the same route q , the products of the more skilled artisans of the south of Europe, and the rarer merchandise of the East. They imported the silks of Italy, the fine cotton fabrics of India, the spices of the same remote region ; and the refined sugars of Alexandria, where the Arabs, then the only refiners in the world, had established a sort of monopoly in that article of consumption. The Italian merchants, however, exercised greater influence than our neighbours of Flanders. They were often farmers of the chief revenues of the crown, and always its bankers until the time of Edward the Third, who becoming a sort of insolvent, ruined half the great mercantile houses of Florence and Genoa. In the time of Henry the Third the companies of the Neri and Bianchi, the respective colours of the Guelph and Ghibbeline factions in Italy, were the great merchants of England. There was also another class of foreign traders which exercised some influence on English commerce : the great province of Guienne was still a dependency of the English crown, and i The Low Countries. 126 DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE: THIRTEENTH CENTURY. the merchants of Bordeaux and Bayonne had a small share in the eastern traffick which then existed, while they were, at the same time, the chief exporters of wine to this country. The province of Guienne was settled by Henry on his eldest son, prince Edward, who mortgaged the revenue of the town of Bordeaux to St. Louis of France to provide funds for the crusade they jointly undertook in 1269 r ; there is still extant a very curious letter from Henry to his son, when he was in need of money, advising him to "speak courteously" (curialiter) to the wine exporters, whom he had disappointed in a stipulated payment, to induce them to make further shipments to England. The wines brought to England by the Bordeaux mer- chants were chiefly the products, of their own district, vintages of the borders of the Garonne, though not then called clarets 8 ; the wines of other Erench provinces were also largely exported to this country, as those of Anjou, Aucerne and Poitou. As for " Malvoisie" it may be reasonably doubted if such a liquor was known here in the thirteenth century ; the author has found no mention of it in any contemporary documents. The traders of Bay- onne brought hither the products of Spain, the chief of which were fruits and the highly-prized cordovan leather, as also the prepared sheep-skin called bazan. The trade of English provincial towns was of the most limited character; the stocks of shop-keepers, bought at the various periodical fairs, were unequal to any extraordinary demand, and as until the recurrence of those great annual marts they had no opportunity of replenishing their ware- houses, it frequently happened that when the king required a particular commodity, several counties had to be searched r See the covenant in Liber de Anti- ened and boiled. See " La Vie Privee quis Legibus, p. Ill et seq. des Francais," torn. iii. p. 67. * Clarets (claireis) were wines sweet- GENERAL REMARKS. 127 by their respective sheriffs in order to procure it. A good illustration of the difficulty of obtaining even home manu- factures is afforded by the particulars of the siege of Bedford in the year 1224. Fulke de Breaute, one of the foreign retainers of King John, was the owner or tenant of that fortress at the beginning of the reign of Henry the Third; having seized, and imprisoned in its dun- geon, Henry de Braibroke, one of the king's justices in Eyre, because of an adverse verdict delivered at the assizes at Dunstaple, Hubert de Burgh the justiciar, ac- companied by the youthful king, laid siege to his castle in June of that year; the undertaking was considered of sufficient importance to induce the clergy, who had suffered much from the rapacity of Fulke, to grant a money aid on behalf of themselves and their free tenants ; and in due time the royal forces invested the castle, which was a place in those days of formidable strength. The resistance of the besieged was strenuous ; and their assailants were re- duced to the necessity of undermining the towers : but for this work they required pickaxes as well as other materials, and they also needed ropes to work the engines by which they battered the walls. A royal order was sent to the sheriffs of London to supply the necessary articles, which could not be obtained at a nearer place ; even they were unable to furnish all the materials required with sufficient speed, and writs were thereupon directed to the sheriffs of Dorsetshire and other counties, ordering them to send ropes, pickaxes, &c., to the king without delay. Eventually, after a siege of nearly two months' duration, the castle was taken ; but it was mainly enabled to hold out so long in consequence of the difficulty of procuring ropes sufficiently stout to work the king's battering engines*. * This siege is described at some length is referred for authorities for the above by Dr. Lingard ; the more curious reader statement to the printed Close Rolls, 128 DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE : THIRTEENTH CENTURY. The chief manufactures of England in this century were woollen cloths; Weavers' guilds are among the earliest named in the Exchequer records, which commence in the time of Henry the Second u ; the other guilds were those of Goldsmiths, Fullers, and Tanners. The fabric of woollens seems to have been very generally distributed over the country. In the north, Beverley was renowned for its russets and blues, and Lincoln for its scarlet, although "Lincoln green" is more famous in popular tradition v . In the west, Totnes was a great clothing town, and the capital of the trade in those parts. But at the same time large quantities of foreign manufactured cloths were im- ported, among which, those of Flanders, France, and Spain, were in great esteem, more especially all " green, murrey, and blue cloths from beyond seaV But there was one art for which England had been cele- brated from early times ; that of working in the precious metals, or goldsmithry, as it was called. The "opus Anglicanum" was prized in the ninth and tenth centuries ; and in the period under discussion, Durham and Irish works in silver or gold were in great estimation. Of the nature of these productions we know absolutely nothing ; but it may be presumed that enamel formed a part of the ornamentation. At the beginning of the fourteenth cen- tury English goldsmiths and enamellers were settled in Paris. As before remarked x the goldsmiths worked rather than dealt in the precious metals; when their services were vol. i. sub anno 1224. Ropes used at from the reign of Henry the Second, this date for military engines and cross- v Curiously enough it is hut very bows were, it appears, ordinarily formed rarely named in medieval records, of horse- hair. w Wardrobe Account, 20 Hen. III. " There is one Great Roll of the Ex- Rot. Pip. chequer for the 31st year of Henry the * Introd., p. xi. First; but as a series these rolls date GENERAL REMARKS. 129 required the raw material was entrusted to them to be fashioned according to the directions of their employers. So at the coronation of Edward the First a " mass of silver weighing 32s. 6d." was purchased and delivered to Ed- ward (of Westminister) the goldsmith " to make little bells thereof, which were hung to the canopy which was carried above the king's head;" it cost 35s. %d. to purify this lump of metal y . It was originally proposed to conclude this chapter with some account of the state of husbandry in England during the period under discussion. Unfortunately the subject is too extensive to be treated in a few pages ; it is, moreover, so embarrassed by the technicalities of agricultural tenures, which varied to a considerable degree in almost every dis- trict of the country, that it would be hopeless to attempt any minute description of the general state of the agricul- tural classes and of agricultural economy. It may suffice to say in a few words that in the thirteenth century there were few small farms; the great proprietors kept their land in their own hands and farmed on their own account, by the aid of their villaus and other dependents. It was more convenient to give their labourers a subordinate in- terest in the land, than to compensate them in money for the personal services they rendered at the various seasons of the year. From this arrangement the system of copy- holds is to be mainly derived. In early times some services were repaid in kind. Numerous ancient marl -pits yet remaining in various parts of the country shew the extent to which that ma- terial was employed in preparing soils ; and the litter of cattle-folds was amassed for the same purpose : in some leases, of the early part of the fourteenth century, the tenant covenanted to apply it twice in the year ; this was a gene- f Rot. Pip. 5 Edw. I., 2 US Rot. Comp. K 130 DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE : THIRTEENTH CENTURY, ral agreement in the county of Wilts. It was a common practice to let stock of every description to farm, even bees, the lord receiving in return so much of the produce, besides his original investment. Thus in the manor of Tunbridge, part of the honour of Clare, the swineherds had forty-five sows, for each of which they were bound to render every year, if there were pannage, five pigs ; if there were no pannage they paid one hundred and five shillings ; and so, observes the bailiff, " those sows are immortal to their lords, because the swineherds will always answer thus for them 2 ." Daily labourers on farms were fed at the lord's expense ; their chief diet being a sort of porridge, the ingredients of which are not specified. The whole arrangements were under the control of the reeve, or steward, who also managed the sale of stock of every description. One of his duties was to collect the hair of the cattle for the purpose of making ropes for the ploughs and wains ; for the same object he was bound to grow a crop of hemp on the demesne land a : all farm implements were originally furnished and kept in repair by the lord. The chief agriculturists of the kingdom were the reli- gious, especially the monks of the Cistertian order, and it is from a careful examination of their chartularies and the custumals of their manors that most of the information ex- tant relating to medieval husbandry is to be gleaned. The quantity of live stock possessed by some of the clergy was often enormous, considering how prevalent diseases among cattle were, both from the testimony of chroniclers and contemporary farming accounts ; in 1331 the stock be- longing to the bishopric of Winchester amounted to 1683 oxen of all ages, and 11,548 sheep. * " Et iste sues immortales dominis pense Honoris de Clare, suis, quia semper sic respondebunt inde Add. MS. 6159 ; tract entitled porcarii." Rot. Pip. 20 Hen. 111. Ex- " Husebondrie," fo. 217. GENERAL REMARKS. 131 There is, however, another subject connected with the domestic economy of the middle ages which possesses, it may be, a greater degree of interest than agriculture, and which is more germane to an essay on Domestic Archi- tecture, and that is the condition of horticulture ; we are certain our ancestors had gardens of some kind attached to their manor-houses, and it is worth while to ascertain their ordinary character. The first rudiments of horticultural science must have been introduced into this country by the Romans; and the writings of Pliny prove that the fruits cultivated by that people at the zenith of their rule included almost all those now grown in Europe, with the exception of the orange b , pine-apple, gooseberry, currant, and raspberry. Even in those early times, and when much of the country was forest and marsh, we have the testimony of Tacitus that " the soil and climate of England were very fit for all kinds of fruit-trees, except the vine and the olive ; and for all plants and edible vegetables, except a few which are peculiar to hotter countries." If this observation does not exactly prove that horticulture had been widely tried, it supports the conjecture that it was not long before the Roman settlers introduced those fruits which they were accustomed to consume in their own country, and which were not found indigenous in this. Pliny states ex- plicitly that cherries were planted in Britain about the middle of the first century ; they had been brought from Pontus to Italy by Lucullus d a hundred and twenty years previously. Notwithstanding the opinion of Tacitus, that b Though this has been doubted; some edition of Desfontaines, Paris, 1829, vol. writers having supposed the "malus as- v. p. 10, and the Excursus, p. 99. syria," or "citrus medica," mentioned c Vita Agric., cap. xiv. by Pliny, lib. xii. cap. vii., to mean the d Hist. Nat., lib. xv. cap. xxx. orange; but see on this subject the K2 132 DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE: THIRTEENTH CENTURY. our climate was not suited to the vine, it was intro- duced by the Romans in the third century, and that its culture was not very soon afterwards abandoned, is proved by Bede's notice of vineyards at the beginning of the eighth century. Whatever amount of horticultural knowledge may have been diffused in England under the dominion of the Romans, there can be no reasonable doubt that much of it was soon lost amidst the period of anarchy and devastation which succeeded their retirement. Nature would in a great measure provide against the entire destruction of the trees and plants which they had imported and acclimatised, but the science of gardening would be gradually forgotten. In fact it was not resuscitated in any part of Europe until the time of Charlemagne. That monarch greatly encou- raged the art in France, and as England became more settled in its government, horticulture might be expected to revive with the other occupations of peace; yet our Saxon ancestors do not seem to have emulated the example of their Erench neighbours. We know they had their herb-gardens, whence our term orchard, and the existence of one apple-garden is noticed in Domesday ; it was at Nottingham : horti, and hortuli, gardens, or little gardens, are frequently mentioned also in that record. It must be admitted, however, that little or nothing is known of the state of horticulture in this country prior to tbe Norman invasion : and when, after that event, we begin to find traces of horticultural knowledge among monastic writers, it is evident from the names applied to various fruits that France supplied those which were held in most esteem, during the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. Excepting a notice in William of Malmesbury relative to the culture of the vine in England, particularly in Glouces- tershire, the earliest English author who has treated of hor- GENERAL REMARKS. 133 ticulture, and that only incidentally, is Alexander JSTecham, to whose writings we have so frequently referred. His valu- able, comparatively unknown, and as yet unpublished, work " de Naturis Rerum e ," is a sort of commonplace - book, wherein he entered under various heads the gleanings of his secular and theological reading ; but as much of that read- ing, in matters appertaining to natural history, was limited to Solinus and Isidore, his observations must be received with some caution. His description of what a " nobilis ortus" should contain is evidently in a great degree purely rhetorical, since it enumerates besides trees and plants indi- genous to, or then probably acclimatised in, England, others which were, and still are, except under very special condi- tions, natives solely of the south-east of Europe and of Asia. That his remarks however, were not wholly inapplicable to an English monastic garden of the twelfth century, is proved by his mention of the pear of St. Regie, a fruit of French origin and name, which was extensively grown in this country during the thirteenth century. Besides this pear he enumerates apples, chestnuts, peaches, pomegran- ates, citrons, golden apples, almonds and figs. A doubt may be reasonably entertained as to the cultivation of the pomegranate or citron, even in the most scientific claustral garden, in England during the latter half of the twelfth century. It should be remembered, nevertheless, that both had been grown in Italy and the south of France, from the time of the Romans, and that specimens may have been introduced as curiosities by some of the travelled, or alien, churchmen of Necham's time. We know from the inter- esting memorials of the early abbats of St. Alban's, pre- served by Matthew Paris, that they frequently visited Italy on the affairs of their house, and they may have imported e There are numerous MS. copies of this work; several are in the British Museum. 134 DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE : THIRTEENTH CENTURY. from thence horticultural rarities for their gardens, as they were accustomed to bring over rarities in art for the deco- ration of their church. There is no reason to suppose that the chestnut, even though not indigenous, a fact as yet uncertain, did not grow in this country subsequent to Roman times ; the same remark applies to the peach, almond, and fig ; the first of these fruits was cultivated as far north as St. Gall in the time of Charlemagne, and was certainly planted in the palace garden at Westminster as early as the year 1276. There remain then of the fruit trees which Necham thought requisite for a " noble garden " only the "golden apples" (aurea mala} to be disposed of; it is not at all probable that they were golden pippins, and they must it is feared, be assigned to the fabled Hesperides, of which he had read in his favourite Solinus. Although he does not name them as desirable in a " noble garden," JSTecham mentions, in another place, cherries and mulberries, with this remark, " they (and other soft fruits) should be taken on an empty stomach, and not after a meal." Among soft fruits he reckoned apples ; his notion that pears, unless cooked, were cold and indigestible was shared by Pliny ; the opinion was probably due in both cases to the fact that the commonest varieties of that fruit were adapted chiefly to culinary purposes. Necham makes no practical remarks on horticulture ; he was acquainted, however, with the process, still in use, of grafting the pear on the thorn. Grafting was a branch of horticultural science which exer- cised the minds and ingenuity of the religious from the earliest time. Manuscripts of the works of Varro, Colu- mella, and Palladius were of frequent occurrence in the monastic libraries of the middle ages; and the experi- mentalists of those days, although they certainly failed to produce, fully believed in those marvellous results said to have been attained by grafting, which deceived the GENERAL REMARKS. 135 credulous from the days of Virgil and Pliny to the time of Evelyn. Of the vine, which was extensively grown in this country during the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, Necham says little. That it was cultivated in order to make wine there can be no doubt ; and at the present time it seems wholly incredible that a controversy like that which took place in the last century between Daines Barrington, who adopted the opinion of Sir Robert Atkyns f , on the one side, and Dr. Pegge on the other g , respecting the culture of the vine, could have been maintained so long in sheer ignorance of the great number of accounts relating to vineyards which are preserved in our several Record offices. From the time of Henry II., the great rolls of the exchequer present numerous illustrations of the subject; and although after that monarch's acquisition of Guienne, in right of his consort, Eleanor of Aquitaine, the manufacture of wine in this country may have been checked by the importation of a more generous product from Bourdeaux; still wine, whatever may have been its quality, continued to be made in many a vineyard in England even so late as the fifteenth century. Early in the reign of Henry the Third the vine- yards of the archbishop of Canterbury at Teynham and Northflete in Kent, were in great repute, and during the vacancy of the see they were kept in order by the ministers of the crown h . At the same period the bishops of Hereford had a vineyard at Ledbury " under Malvern," the produce of which sold at ten shillings a barrel i ; and many other instances might be cited if necessary. The accounts of the keeper of the vineyard at Windsor castle in the reign of f That , vinea meant au apple orchard. h Liberate Roll 17 Hen. III. Ancient and Present State of Glouces- l Rot. Pip. 20 Hen. III., comp. de tershire, p. 17. Episcopatu Hereford. t Archaeologia, vol. i. and ii. 136 DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE : THIRTEENTH CENTURY. Edward III., detail every operation, from planting, grafting, and manuring, till the fruit was pressed, casks made or re- paired, and the wine barrelled j . For some time the super- intendence of the Windsor vineyard was in the hands of one Stephen of Bourdeaux, who had doubtless been brought from Guienne, to impart to English gardeners the method of cul- ture practised by the vine- dressers of the Garonne. It was part of the economy of the Windsor vineyard, as of others, to make nearly as much verjuice as wine, a circumstance which may indicate, perhaps, the poorness of the vintage. Verjuice was much used in the sauces and other culinary preparations of those times, and appears to have been pre- pared either from the juice of the grape, from vine-leaves, or from sorrel. The only interesting remark made by Necham on the vine refers to its usefulness when trained against the house front k . From the time of Necham till the close of the thirteenth century we have little information respecting English horti- culture except that which is supplied by records, autho- rities which are necessarily meagre in detail. In consider- ing their contents it will be convenient to take the several fruits mentioned in some sort of order ; and first as to the PEAR. In accounts of the fourth and the twentieth years of Edward I., 1276, 1292, we find enumerated among pur- chases for the royal garden at Westminster, plants, or sets, of pears called Kaylewell, or Calswell', RewF, or de Regula, and Pesse-pucelle ; these are rude versions of the names of French varieties then in great repute. The Kaylewell was the Caillou, a Burgundy pear ; hard, of inferior quality, and fit only for baking or stewing. The Rewl' was the pear of J These accounts are' included in posited in Carlton Ride, the Journals of Works at Windsor, k " Pampinus latitudine sua excipit preserved among the Exchequer Re- aeris insultus, cum res ita desiderat, et cords formerly in the custody of the fenestra clementiam caloris Solaris ad- Queen's Rememhrancer and now de- mittit." Lib. ii. GENERAL REMARKS. 137 St. Regie, which we have seen noticed by Necham in the twelfth century ; it appears to have derived its name from the village of St. Regie, in Touraine. The Pesse-pucelle l may have been the variety anciently known in France as the " Pucelle de Saintongue ; " there was also another sort called " Pucelle de Flandres." Of these varieties the Cail- lou seems to have been most commonly grown in England : there is extant a writ of Henry III. directing his gardener to plant it both at Westminster and in the garden at the Tower. Much information as to the different kinds of pear known in this country in the thirteenth century, is derived from the bills delivered into the Treasury by the fruiterer of Edward I. in the year 1292 m . They enumer- ate in addition to the St. Regie, Caillou, and Pesse-pucelle pears, others named Martins, Dreyes, Sorells, Gold-knobs (" Gold-knopes"), and Cheysills. If their prices are to be taken as any indication of the esteem in which the several varieties were held, or of their rarity, the St. Regie and Pesse-pucelle appear to have occupied the first places ; the cost of those fruits ranging from 10^7. to 2s. and 3s. a hundred ; Martins sold at 8d., the Caillou at Is., and the other sorts at 2^. or 3c?. per hundred. To the preceding list of pears cultivated in England in early times must be added another sort which may be rea- sonably claimed as partly of a native origin. The horticul- tural skill of the Cistertian monks of Warden, in Bedford- shire, a foundation dating from the twelfth century, pro- duced, at some early but uncertain time, a baking variety of the pear. It bore, and still bears the name of the ab- bey ; it figured on its armorial escutcheon n , and supplied 1 Also called " Pas-pucelle." according to Bishop Tanner, Ar, three m Now preserved in the Chapter-house, Warden pears or, two and one; but the Westminster. counter seal appended to the deed of u The arms of Warden abbey were, Surrender, preserved among the Aug- 138 DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE : THIRTEENTH CENTURY. the contents of those Wardon-pies so often named in old descriptions of feasts, and which so many of our historical novelists have represented as huge pasties of venison, or other meat, suited to the digestive capacities of gigantic wardens of feudal days. It is time, in justice to these venerable gardeners, that this error should be exploded. Their application to horticultural pursuits, even up to the Dissolution, is honourably attested by a survey of their monastery, made after that event, which mentions the " great vineyard," the " little vineyard," two orchards, doubtless the same in which the "Warden" was first reared, and a hop-yard. The Warden is still known in the west, and other parts of England, as a winter pear. The Warden completes the list of the named varieties of the pear grown in this country during medieval times, so far as the subject has been hitherto investigated. It should be noticed, however, as " Gold-knopes" are named above, that there is still a common Scotch pear called the " Golden Knap," which is possibly the very sort sup- plied to Edward I., more than five centuries and a -half gone by. Of APPLES one sort only is named in any account of the thirteenth century that has fallen under the writer's obser- vation; and that is the " costard*;" it occurs in the fruit- erer's bills, already quoted, of the year 1292: but as this fruit was very generally cultivated from an early time q there must have been many varieties known. The pearmaiu was mentation Records, bears a demi-crosier perty of keeping!" Arboretum et Fruti- between three Warden pears. The late cetum Britannicum, vol. ii. p. 882. editors of Dugdale's Monasticon remark P "Poma Costard';" they sold for one that Wardon pears were sometimes called shilling the hundred. Abbats' pears, but no authority is given q Malmesbury, speaking of Glouces- for the assertion. Monasticon, vol. v. tershire, says," Cernas tramites publicos P g 371* vestitos pomiferis arboribus, non insitiva Mr. Loudon observes that the War- manus industria, sed ipsius solius humi don pear was so called from "its pro- natura." GENERAL REMARKS. 139 certainly known by that name soon after the year 1200, as Bloraefield instances a tenure, in Norfolk, by petty serjeanty and the payment of 200 pearmains and 4 hogsheads of cider or wine made of pearmains, into the Exchequer, at the feast of St. Michael yearly r . Cider was largely manufactured during the thirteenth century, even as far north as York- shire ; thus in 1282 the bailiff of Cowick in that county, stated in his account, that he had made sixty gallons of cider from three quarters and a -half of apples 8 . It has been already remarked that our forefathers considered the apple to be a " soft fruit," and more wholesome than the pear. It may be desirable, previous to the enumeration of the other kinds of fruit generally cultivated during this cen- tury, to place before the reader a statement of the re- sources of a nobleman's garden in the year 1296 ; one which, although it belonged to perhaps the wealthiest baron of that period, was not, probably, better stocked, or more extensive, than many annexed to the Cistertian abbeys of the same age ; the members of that religious order being then pre-eminent for their skill in horti- culture and for agricultural enterprise. In the office of the Duchy of Lancaster is preserved an account rendered by the bailiff of Henry de Laci, earl of r History of Norfolk, vol. xi. p. 242. stalke, upper end, and all galls away : ed. 1810. stampe them, and straine them, and 8 In a tract on Husbandry, written in within 24 houres time tunne them up England early in the fourteenth century, into cleane, sweet and sound vessels, for we find it stated, under the rubric " co- feare of evill ayre, which they will readily ment horn deit mettre le issue de sun take: and if you hang a poeke full of estor a ferme," that x quarters of apples cloves, mace, nutmegs, cinamon, ginger, or pears ought to yield a tun (tonel) of and pils of lemmons in the midst of the cider as rent (moesun.) Add. MS. 6159, vessel!, it will make it as wholesome and fo. 220. Lawson, who lived in York- pleasant as wine. The like usage doth shire, thus describes the process of mak- Perry require." A New Orchard, &c., ing cider and perry in his time, that is p. 52. before 1597: "dresse every apple, the 140 DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE: THIRTEENTH CENTURY. Lincoln *, of the profits arising from, and the expenditure upon, the earl's garden in Holborn, then in the suburbs of London, in the 24th year of Edward I. We learn from this curious document that apples, pears, large nuts, and cherries, were produced in sufficient quantities, not only to supply the earl's table, but also to yield a profit by their sale. The comparatively large sum of nine pounds, two shillings and threepence, in money of that time, equal to about one hundred and thirty-five pounds of modern cur- rency, was received in one year from the sale of fruit alone. The vegetables cultivated in this garden were beans, onions, garlic, leeks, and some others which are not specifically named. Hemp was also grown there, and some description of plant which yielded verjuice, possibly sorrel. Cuttings of the vines were sold, from which it may be inferred that the earl's trees were held in some estimation. The stock purchased for this garden comprised cuttings or sets of the following varieties of pear-trees ; viz. two of the St. Regie, two of the Martin, five of the Caillou, and three of the Pesse-pucelle : it is stated that these cuttings were for planting. The only flowers named are roses, of which a quantity was sold, producing three shillings and twopence. There was a pond, or vivary, in the garden, and the bailiff expended eight shillings in the purchase of small fish, frogs, and eels, to feed the pikes in it. This account further shews that the garden was enclosed by a paling and fosse ; that it was managed by a head-gardener who had an annual fee of fifty-two shillings and twopence, together with a robe or livery : his assistants seem to have been numerous, and were employed in dressing the vines and manuring the ground ; their collective wages for the year amounted to five pounds. QUINCES (coynes} and MEDLARS are frequently mentioned ' The last of that name who bore the title; he died in 1312. GENERAL REMARKS. 141 in the royal household accounts of the thirteenth century ; so often, indeed, that there is no reason to doubt that these fruits were extensively cultivated in England. Quinces are named in the fruiterer's accounts of the year 1292, before quoted, and were sold at the rate of four shillings the hundred. PEACHES, as already stated, were enumerated as garden stock by Necham in the twelfth century, and slips of peach- trees were planted in the royal garden at Westminster in the fourth year of Edward the First, 1276 u . We have not found any notices of the NECTARINE or APRICOT earlier than the fifteenth century x . The ALMOND is mentioned by Necham y , but we may reasonably assume it was cultivated chiefly as an ornamental tree, and that the large quantities of this nut eaten during Lent, in ancient times, were imported from the south of Europe. It is worthy of remark that Necham speaks of the date-palm, a tree which appears to have been cultivated in England as early as the sixteenth century. Lawson, in his " New Orchard," gives instructions for setting date- stones. PLUMS are seldom named in early accounts. The CHERRY was well known at the period of the Con- quest, and at every subsequent time. We have seen that it is mentioned by Necham in the twelfth, and that it was cultivated in the earl of Lincoln's garden in the thirteenth century. In the twenty-third year of Henry the Third there is an order to buy cherry-trees for the royal garden u From the commentary of Godefridus a plane (? plome) tre." MS. Had. 116, on Palladius, translated in the fifteenth fo. 156. x Both are named by Law- century by Nicholas Bollarde, we find son in the sixteenth century, that the fruit of the peach was then called J Directions for planting it are given its apple. " Also the appul ofapeclier by Nicholas Bollarde, in the fifteenth shalle wox rede if his ... be gryfted one century. MS. Harl. 116, fo. 155, b. 142 DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE : THIRTEENTH CENTURY. at Westminster 2 , and in 1277 Giles de Audenard purchased " plants of vines, cherry-trees, willows, roses, and certain other things " for the same place a . In an account of the pro- fits of the honour of Clare in 1236 we find that the apples, cider, and cherries sold during one year brought the sum of 3. 6*. 5^. b It is true no varieties of this fruit are named, as of the pear, but when we examine writers of the beginning of the seventeenth century, as for instance the " Husbandman's fruitfull Orchard," published before 1609, we find that four varieties of the cherry were then grown in England, viz., the Flemish, the Gascoyne, the English and the Black cherry. The foreign sorts ripened in May, the native not before June. It is extremely probable that the Gascoyne cherry was brought into this country soon after Gruienne became a dependency of the British crown, and our great mercantile intercourse with Flanders, from a very remote time, would naturally occasion the introduction of its fruits as well as its manufactures. The late Mr. London refers to one Richard Haines, fruiterer to Henry the Eighth, as the person supposed, by some, to have re-introduced the culture of the cherry in England. This opinion was derived from the " Epistle to the Reader," prefixed to " The Husband- man's fruitfull Orchard ;" the name of the fruiterer was not Haines but Harris ; he was an Irishman, and planted an orchard, celebrated in the seventeenth century, at Teynham in Kent, a place famous long before for its vineyard, which bore the name of the "New-garden." He is said to have fetched out of " Fraunce greate store of graftes especially pippins : before which time there was no right pippins in England. He fetched also, out of the Lowe Countries, Cherrie grafts, and Peare grafts, of divers sorts." Henry 1 Liberate Roll, 23 Hen. III. m. 15. c Encyclopaedia of Gardening, ed. Rot. Pip., 5 Edw. I. 1835, p. 22. b Rot. Pip., 20 Hen. III. GENERAL REMARKS. 143 the Eighth planted a great quantity of cherry-trees at Hampton Court through the agency of Harris d . The MULBERRY, or More tree, as it was called, appears to have been grown in England from a very remote period ; it is included in Necham's list of desirable fruits. The earliest notice of the GOOSEBERRY, which I have found, is of the fourth year of Edward the First, 1276, when plants of this genus were purchased for the king's garden at Westminster; but as it is an indigenous fruit we may infer that it was known at a remoter time, though probably only in its wild state. STRAWBERRIES and RASPBERRIES rarely occur in early ac- counts, owing probably to the fact that they were not culti- vated in gardens, and known only as wild fruits. Some kind of drink however was made both from the raspberry and mulberry e . Strawberries are named once in the House- hold Roll of the countess of Leicester for the year 1265. This plant does not seem to have been much grown even at the end of the sixteenth century f . Both fruits being indi- genous would be found plentifully in the woods in ancient times, and thence brought to market as they are at the present day in Italy and other parts of southern Europe. Of NUTS the sorts common in this country from an early period appear to have been the chestnut and hazel-nut. The " large nuts" mentioned as growing in the garden of the earl of Lincoln in Holborn, were probably walnuts ; for although the exact period of the introduction of that variety is not known, it was generally cultivated as early as the d The accounts are still preserved ; bought at Southampton, the bailiffs of they were formerly at the Chapter- which place are commanded to send to house. London " unum dolium de mureto et e There is an order on the Liberate aliud dolium de Fraucboyse. " Roll, 21 Hen. III. m. 13, to pay John { In the time of Henry VIII. straw- Mansel the king's clerk 6*. 8d. " pro berry-roots sold at fourpence a bushel, duobus bucettib de mure ct Fraucboyse " Hampton Court Accounts. 144 DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE : THIRTEENTH CENTURY. middle of the fifteenth century, and the wood of the tree known by the name of " masere ;" whence, probably, the name given to those wooden bowls, so much prized in me- dieval times, called mazers s . It has been supposed that those vessels derived their appellation from the Dutch word maeser, signifying a maple h , and it is probable they were sometimes made of that material, as they were occasionally of the ash and other woods ; yet the timber of the walnut- tree being often beautifully variegated would supply a material in every respect equal, if not superior, to the common maple. Nuts were cultivated in England in early times in order to obtain oil. It was estimated by an English writer of the early part of the fourteenth century, that one quarter of nuts ought to yield four gallons of oil l , but he does not specify any particular sort of nut. Little can be said with certainty respecting the varieties of culinary vegetables cultivated in England previously to the fifteenth century. The cabbage tribe was doubtless well-known in the earliest times, and generally reared during the middle ages : of leguminous plants the pea and bean were grown in the thirteenth century ; the latter it wiU be recollected was among the products of the earl of B " Take many ripe walenottes and ner garder." The treatise immediately water hem a while, and put hem in a following it, in the same manuscript, moiste pytt, and hile hem, and ther shal- purports to have been written by Sir be grawe therof a grett stoke that we calle Walter de Henlee, knight " Ceste dite masere." Nicholas Bollarde's version of fist Sire Water de Henlee chivaler " Godefridus super Palladium, MS. Har. from the character of the writing in each 116, fo. 158. being the same it may be conjectured h See Arch. Journal, vol. ii. p. 262. with probability, that he was the author '"E un quarter de noyz deit re- of both works. Add. MS. 6159, fo. 220. spoundre de iiij. galons de oille." The The oil of small nuts, " minutarum title of this curious tract is, " Ici aprent nucium," is often named on the Libe- la manere coment horn deit charger rate Rolls of the time of Henry the baillifs e provoz sur lur acounte reiulre Third, de un inantr. E coment horn deit ma- GENERAL REMARKS. 145 Lincoln's garden in Holborn. The chief esculent root was probably beet, which is mentioned by Necham. The pot herbs and sweet herbs cultivated and used from a remote period, were the same which are enumerated by our native writers on horticulture of the early part of the seventeenth century k . Of salads the lettuce, rocket, mustard, water- cress, and hop, are noticed by Necham. Onions, garlic, and leeks appear to have been the only alliaceous plants in use before the year 1400. With these remarks we may quit the kitchen, for the flower-garden. Our invaluable authority, Alexander Necham, says, a " noble garden" should be arrayed with roses, lilies, sun- flowers, violets and poppies ; he mentions also the narcissus (N. pseudonarcissus?) The rose seems to have been culti- vated from the most remote time ; early in the thirteenth century we find King John sending a wreath of roses to his lady, par amours, at Ditton ; roses and lilies were among the plants bought for the royal garden at West- minster in 1276 : the annual rendering of a rose is one of the commonest species of quit-rent named in ancient con- veyances. Of all the flowers, however, known to our an- cestors, the gilly -flower or clove pink 1 , (clou-de-girojlee), was the commonest, and to a certain degree the most es- teemed. Mr. Loudon has stated, erroneously, that the cruelties of the duke of Alva in 1567, were the occasion of our receiving through the Flemish weavers, gilly-flowers, carnations, and Provins roses. The gilly-flower had been known and prized in England centuries before : at the end of the sixteenth century, Lawson, who terms it the king of flowers, except the rose, boasted that he had gilly-flowers k Compare Lawson's "Country House- attributed the introduction of many pot wife's Garden," chapters 7 and 8. Here and sweet herbs to the sixteenth century it may be remarked that Mr. Loudon in which were certainly known here long his "Encyclopaedia of Gardening" has before. ' Dianthus Caryophyllus. L 146 DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE : THIRTEENTH CENTURY. "of nine or ten severall colours, and divers of them as bigge as roses. Of all flowers (save the Damask rose) they are the most pleasant to sight and smell. Their use is much in ornament, and comforting the spirites, by the sence of smelling." There was a variety of this flower well known in early times as the wall gilly-flower or bee- flower, "because growing in walles, even in winter, and good for Bees m ." The reserved rent, " unius clam gario- jili" which is of such frequent occurrence in medieval deeds relating to land, meant simply the render of a gilly-flower, although it has been usually understood to signify the pay- ment of a clove of commerce ; the incorrectness of this reading must be apparent if it be recollected that the clove was scarcely known in Europe in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, when this kind of reserved rent was most common. Another flower of common growth in medieval orchards, or gardens, was the pervinke, or periwinkle ; " There sprang the violet all newe, And fresh pervinke, rich of hewe, And flowris yellow, white, and rede ; Such plente grew there nor in the mede." CHATJCEB. As this plant will flower under the shade of trees or lofty walls, it was well adapted to ornament the securely en- closed, and possibly sombre, gardens of early times. From an early period the nurture of bees had occupied attention in England ; the numerous entries in Domesday in which honey is mentioned shew how much that product was employed for domestic purposes in the eleventh cen- tury. Among other uses to which it was applied was the making of beer or ale (cervisia.) When the duke of Saxony visited England in the reign of Henry the Second, m The " Country Housewife's Garden," p. 14. GENERAL REMARKS. 147 the sheriff of Hampshire had an allowance in his account for corn, barley, and honey which he had purchased to brew beer for the duke's use n . An apiary was generally attached to a medieval garden, and formed part of the stock, which according to the usage of early days, was sometimes let out to farm. In the fourteenth century an English writer, whom we have before quoted, observed that every hive of bees ought to yield, one with another, two of issue, as some yielded none and others three or four yearly . In some places, he adds, bees have no food given to them during winter, but where they are fed a gallon of honey may suffice to feed eight hives yearly. He estimated that if the honey were taken only once in two years each hive would yield two gallons. It is not probable that much art was- shewn in the lay- ing out of gardens or orchards before the fifteenth century. Water being an absolute necessity, every large garden would be supplied with a pond or well, and it appears from ancient illuminations that fountains, or conduits, often of elaborate design, were sometimes erected in the gardens of the wealthy. Our ancestors seem to have been very fond of the green- sward, and any resemblance to modern flower-beds is rarely seen in the illustrations of old manuscripts ; where flowers are represented so planted they are generally surrounded by a wattled fence. n Madox's Hist, of the Exchequer. doune lorn, e la ou horn lour doune a "E chescoune rouche de eez deit manger si pount il pestre viij. rouches respoundre de deus rouches par an de tot le yver de un galon de mel par an. lour issue, lun parmy lautre. Kar acoune E si vous nel quillez fors en ij. aunz, si ne rent nule, e acoune iij. ou iiij. par an. averes ij. galouns de mel de chescoune E en acoun lu lour doune lorn a manger rouche." Add. MS. 6159, fo. 220. rien de tout le iver, e en acou lu lour CHAPTER IV. EXISTING REMAINS. AYDON CASTLE, NORTHUMBERLAND. ALTHOUGH this building is now, and has been for some time, called a castle, it was known in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries by the name of " Aydon Halle," as was also its dependent manor a . It is indeed only a border house carefully fortified. " The general plan is a long ir- regular line with two rather extensive enclosures or courts formed by walls, besides one smaller one within. On two sides is a steep ravine, on the others the outer wall has a kind of ditch, but very shallow. The original chief entrance is yet by an external flight of steps, which had a covered roof to the upper story, and so far partaking of the features of the earlier houses : it contains at least four original fire- places. Some of the windows are square-headed, with two lights V The stable is remarkable for the total absence of wood in its construction, the mangers being of stone, and, as Hutchinson remarks, was evidently contrived for the preservation of cattle during an assault. The windows of the stable are small oblong apertures in the wall widely splayed internally and secured by iron bars. Among other details worthy of notice, is a good example of a drain. The number of fireplaces in this building may be attributed Escaet. 43 Edw. III., no. 16, "ma- b Mr. Twopeny, in "Glossary of nerium de Ayden halle." It was then Architecture," 5th edition, vol. i.p. 168. in the possession of Robert de Raymes c History of Northumberland, or Ramsey. X- DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE : THIETEENTH CENTURY. COURT, AYDON CASTLE DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE : THIRTEENTH CENTURY. CHIMNEY, ATDON CASTLE DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE: THIRTEENTH CENTURY. WINDOWS, AYDON CASTLE, KORTBDMBEKLAXD. DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE : THIRTEENTH CENTURY. WINDOW IN STABLE. DRAIN AYDON CASTLE, NORTHUMBERLAND. DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE: THIRTEENTH CENTURY. ATDON CASTLE, NORTHUMBERLAND. FIRE-PLACE GROUND PLAN. A. Back kitchen. B. Kitchen. C. Sitting Room. D. Parlour. E. Dairy F. Cellar. G. Pantry. H. Lumber-house. I. Ditto. J. Hovel arched with stone K. Hovel. X. Hovel arched with stone. M. Court-yard. N. Garden. P. Synke. Q, R, S, T. U. V. X. buildings for farm pu poses. Scale 80 feet to an inch. DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE : THIRTEENTH CENTURY. ATDON CASTLE, NORTHUMBERLAND. PLAN OF THE UPPER FLOOR. ftc GROUND PLAN. A. Back kitchen. B. Kitchen. C. Sitting Room. D. Parlour. E. Dairy. F. Cellar. O. Pantry. H. Lumber-house. I. Ditto. J. Hovel arched with stone. K. Hovel. L. Hovel arched with stone. M Court-yard. AYDON CASTLE, NORTHUMBERLAND. 149 to its situation in a district where coal was dug, and easily procured, at the time of its construction. The manor of Aydon belonged, in the early part of the thirteenth century, to a family which derived its name from the place. The male line of the Aydons failed in the time of Edward the First, who gave Emma de Aydon, the heiress of her family, in marriage to Peter de Vallibus d , by whom, it is probable, the present building was erected. It has been already observed that its date is late in the thirteenth century, and the period of the acquisition of the property by de Vallibus may be certainly placed after the year 1280. The subsequent descent of this estate is not very clear, nor is it material to the present purpose. In a list of the names of all the castles and towers in the county of Northumber- land, with the names of their proprietors, made about the year 1460 e , it is called the " castle of Aydon," and is described as being the joint property of Robert Raymese, or Ramsay, and Ralph de Grey. The Ramsays are said to have had a joint interest in it with the family of Carnaby until the time of Charles the First. Aydon castle is now the property of Sir Edward Blackett, of Matfen, Bart. It stands in a commanding position about five miles to the north-west of the town of Hexham, overlooking the pic- turesque valley of the Tyne. The tourist must not con- found this place with the manor of Haydon Bridge, once the seat of the Lucy's and Umfravilles, which lies to the west of Hexham. d " Peter de Vallibus tenet Ayden &c., post mortem 9 Edw. I. no. 34. ad terminum vite sue." Testa de Nevill, e Printed from a MS. in the posses- p. 386. At a later time a moiety of the sion of R. Surtees, of Mainsforth, in manor of Aydon was held by Richard de Hodgson's History of Northumberland, Gosebeke, in right of his wife. Inq. vol. i. pt 3. 150 DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE ! THIRTEENTH CENTURY. GOTJMERSHAM, KENT. This building is part of an ancient manor-house which belonged to the Priors of Christ Church, Canterbury f . It is thus described by Hasted, the Kentish topographer; " It appears to have been a large mansion formerly. The old hall of it is yet remaining, with the windows, door- cases, and chimnies of it, in the Gothic style. Over the porch, at the entrance of the house, is the effigies of the Prior, curiously carved in stone, sitting richly habited, with his mitre and pall, and his crozier in his left hand, his right lifted up in the act of benediction, and his sandals on his feet. This most probably represents Prior Chillenden g ." The hall and most of the principal apartments were taken down about the year 1810 h . The mouldings over that which was the entrance to the house in Hasted's time belong so clearly to the style of the thirteenth century, the niche and figure being rather earlier in character, that it is impossible they could have been the work of Prior Chil- lenden in the time of Richard the Second. It is extremely probable that the existing remains are a portion of the work of Prior Henry, who, as it appears by his " Memo- riale," made considerable repairs in and additions to this house between the years 1289 and 1313. In the former year he built a new chapel with a garderobe, and an oriel; in 1293 a new granary; in 1303 a new stable; and in f The manor of Godmersham was here. In 30 Edward I. the prior of originally given to the priory of Christ Christ Church had at Godmersham one Church, Canterbury, by Beornulph, king messuage, 36 acres of land, one acre of of Mercia, in 822, for the use of the re- meadow, and three and a-half acres of fectory and the clothing of the monks. wood. At the Dissolution this manor After it had been for some time alien- was granted to the dean and chapter of ated from the monastery, it was restored Canterbury. to it in 1036 by Archbishop Egelnoth. * History of Kent, vol. iii. p. 158. In the 38th of Edward the Third the h Gentleman's Magazine, March 1810, prior had a grant of a weekly market vol. Ixxx. p. 209. DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE : THIRTEENTH CENTURY. GODitEESHAil, KENT LITTLE WENHAM HALL, SUFFOLK. 151 1313 a new solar, or upper chamber with a garderobe, looking southwards 1 . The chief features of the edifice as it now stands, are the moulded doorway already mentioned, and a cylindrical chimney in the eastern gable, which is supported on heavy corbels, and apparently retains its original capping. This building is generally called the " Priory," possibly a corruption of "Priory-house," since it is certain there never was any ecclesiastical foundation on the spot. LITTLE WENHAM HALL, SUFFOLK. The history of this building is involved in great ob- scurity. In the year 1281 (9 Edw. I.), the manors of Great and Little Wenham, in the hundred of Samford, co. Suffolk, were held by Petronilla de Holbroke. The estate of Little Wenham was subsequently the seat of the family of Brews, whose descendants, possessed it in the reign of Henry the Eighth k . The material of the walls of this house is chiefly brick, mixed in parts with flint. These bricks are mostly of the modern Flemish shape, but there are some of other forms and sizes, bearing a general resemblance to Roman bricks or tiles. The colour of the bricks varies considerably. The buttresses and dressings are of stone. The plan is a parallelogram, with a square tower at one angle : on the outside the scroll-moulding is used as a 1 " GODMERESHAM. Anno 1289, Nova E iv. fol. 105 b. capella cum garderoba et oriole, k Two knights banneret of this family xij.s. vj.d. Anno 1293, Nova granaria, are mentioned in the reign of Edward iij.d. Anno 1294>, Nova her- the First, Cole's MSS. vol.xxviii.,p. 108. caria, viij.s. Anno 1303, novum stabu- See also Jermyn's Suffolk collections in lum, viij.s. iiij.d. Anno 1313, the British Museum (Add. MSS.) vol. novum solarium cum garderoba versus xxiii., f. 141. " Formerly the seat of the Suth', xix.s. ij.d." Memoriale Brews' s, now of Thomas Thurston Esq." Henrici Prioris, MS. Cotton., Galba Kirby's Itinerary of Suffolk. 152 DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE: THIRTEENTH CENTURY. string, and it is continued all round, shewing that the house is entire as originally built : at one angle, where the ex- ternal staircase was originally placed, some other building appears to have been added at a later period, though since removed : of this additional structure an Elizabethan door- way remains with an inscription built in above it. The ground room is vaulted with a groined vault of brick with stone ribs which are merely chamfered ; they are carried on semi-octagon shafts with plainly moulded capitals. The windows of this lower room are small plain lancets, widely splayed internally. The upper room has a plain timber roof, and the fire- place is blocked up. The windows have seats in them ; and at the end of the room near the door is a recess or niche forming a sort of cupboard. Both the house and the tower are covered with flat leaden roofs, having brick battlements all round, with a coping formed of moulded bricks or tiles, some of which are original, and others of the Elizabethan period. The tower is a story higher than the body of the house, and has a similar battlement and coping : the crenelles, which are at rather long intervals, are narrow with wide merlons between them. In one corner of the tower is a turret with a newel staircase. On the upper story of the projecting square tower is the chapel, which opens into the large room or hall at one corner. It is a small vaulted chamber : the east window is of three lights, with three foliated circles in the head, of Early English character : the north and south windows are small lancets widely splayed within : in the east jamb of the south window is a very good piscina with a detached shaft at the angle, the capital of which has good Early English mouldings : the basin is destroyed. On the north side of the altar-place is another niche like a piscina, but without any basin ; it has a trefoil head and a bold scroll- DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE : THIRTEENTH CENTURY. LITTLE WENHAM HALL, SUFFOLK PLAN OF LITTLE WENHAM HALL, SUFFOLK. A. Modem Window, walled up. B. Original Door, walled up. C. Modern Door. D. Chimney DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE: THIRTEENTH CENTURY. 33^1^1 ]Z!i-^:. WINDOW, IITTLE WENHAM HALL OPENING FROM CHAPEL TO HALT CHAPEL ENTRANCE, LITTLE WENHAM HALL, SOFi'OLK. DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE: THIRTEENTH CENTURY. RIDGE TILES. Slk==== BRICKWORK. ^^ LITTLE WENHAM HALL. SUFFOLK. LONGTHORP, NEAR PETERBOROUGH. 153 moulding for a hood terminated by masks. The vault is of a single bay with good ribs, of Early English character, springing from corbels, the two eastern being heads, the two western plain tongues. On each side of the east window is a bracket for an image. The west end of the chapel consists of a good Early English doorway, with a window on each side of it, of two lights with an octagonal shaft between them : the labels both of the door and windows are good scroll-mouldings, that of the doorway terminated by bosses of foliage, those of the windows by masks. On the south side of the chapel is another small doorway opening to the staircase ; opposite to this is a low side window, a small lancet with a dripstone like the others, internally it is widely splayed to a round arch ; it is situated close to the west wall of the chapel, and has an original wooden shutter. The church of Little Wenham partakes so much of the same features as the Hall, that there can be no doubt that whoever built the one erected the other. LONGTHORP, NEAR PETERBOROUGH. Formerly the residence of the family of St. John l ; the tower is the only part of this building remaining entire ; the hall being greatly altered : it still retains a good Early English window of two lights with trefoiled heads. CHARNEY-BASSET, BERKS. This house is popularly known in the neighbourhood as the Monk's House. It is situated at Charney in the parish 1 See Bridges' History of Northamp- would appear to have been called the tonshire, ii. p. 571. There is some New Manor: the seat of the St. Johns doubt as to the precise name of this was at the Old Manor, place; from the account of Bridges it 154 DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE: THIRTEENTH CENTURY. of Longworth, near Wantage, in Berkshire, close to the small church or chapel of Charney, but has a private chapel of its own, though the church being older than the house, it must always have been side by side with it. This may perhaps be accounted for by the circumstance that it was a grange belonging to the abbey of Abingdon, and the occasional residence of the abbat m . It consisted of a hall and two transverse wings ; the front of the hall has been rebuilt and its place supplied by a modern building divided into several rooms, but the foun- dations and part of the back wall appear to be original ; it was about 36 feet by 17. The two wings are nearly per- fect, the front gables are on the same plane with the front of the hall, but they extend much farther backwards, and the south wing, which adjoins the church-yard, is length- ened still more by the addition of a chapel attached to the upper room at the east end, the principal front of the house facing the west. The place of the altar is quite distinct ; the piscina and locker remain ; the east window is of two lights, quite plain, the south window is a small lancet with a trefoil head, widely splayed ; the roof is modern. It is separated from the larger room by a stone wall, with a small doorway through it, and is itself so small (12 ft. 5 in. by 9 ft. 10 in.) that it appears to have been merely a private oratory for the abbat, or the two or three monks who usually inhabited the house. The whole of the details of this chapel, and of the rest of the original work in the house belong to the latter part of the thirteenth century, the end of the reign of Henry the Third, or the beginning of that of Edward the First. The ground-floor of the south wing is divided into two rooms corresponding to the solar m It was probably at some time a resi- by one of that family to the monks of dence of the Bassets ; or it may have Abingdon. derived its name from having been given DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE: THIRTEENTH CENTURY. INTERIOR OF SOLAR. CHARNEY DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURK : THIRTEENTH CENTURY. EXTERIOR OP CHAPEL. AND SOLAR. CHARiMEY INTERIOR OF CHAPEL, CHARNEY DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE : THIRTEENTH CENTURY. FIRE-PLACE IN LOWER STORY OF SOUTH WING, CHARNEY. PLAN OP UPPER STORY OF SOUTH V7ING, CHARNEY.. A. Piscina. B. Ambry. C. Fire-place. THE MASTER'S HOUSE, &c., NORTHAMPTON. 155 and chapel above, the larger room is 30 feet by 16, and has an original fire-place in it, the head of which is of the form so common at that period, called the square-headed trefoil ; and three original windows, two of them square-headed, the third at the east end, a double lancet ; it has a door into the court-yard, and had another into the hall. This room would appear to have been the kitchen, though the fire-place is scarcely large enough for very extensive cook- ing. The room under the chapel appears to have been a cellar, and is still used as such ; in place of windows it has small loops. The solar, or large room above, adjoining the chapel, has its original open timber roof, which although plain, is of good character ; it is canted, of seven cants, with tie-beam, king-post, and struts ; the king -post is octagonal, with square abacus, and base, which sufficiently indicate its date. The entrance to the solar is by steps from the yard, and it appears always to have been external and in the same situa- tion, probably by a covered projecting staircase, opposite to one of the doors of the hall, traces of which still remain. The north wing has its walls nearly in their original state, though some windows and doors have been inserted, and the interior arrangements have been altered. In the west gable is a small quatrefoil window, or opening into the roof, and one of the upper rooms retains its original double lancet window ; there is also part of an original chimney, but the fire-place is of the fifteenth century. THE MASTER'S HOUSE, ST. JOHN'S HOSPITAL, NORTHAMPTON. The oldest parts of St. John's Hospital appear to be of the date of the end of the thirteenth century, though a great part is much later. The east window of the chapel is of this date, and has geometrical intersecting tracery. 156 DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE: THIRTEENTH CENTURY. The Master's house, which stands in a garden at a short distance from the Hospital, seems to be likewise of this date. It consists of a parallelogram standing east and west, with a square projection on the north side. The walls of this part appear to be original, but great altera- tions were made in the sixteenth century, particularly by an addition on the north side which contains the present staircase. The windows were almost entirely altered at that time, so that very little of original work can be dis- covered on the ground floor, but on the next story, and adjoining one of the principal rooms, is a closet only four feet wide, in which is a small plain lancet window, having a trefoil rear arch, springing on one side from the wall and supported on the other by a detached shaft, with a good moulded capital, and under the window is a square sink with a drain in the centre. The original roof still remains tolerably perfect over the principal part of the building. It is a king-post roof. The principals have a tie-beam and collar-beam, with semi- circular braces. The king-post, which has longitudinal and transverse struts or braces, and supports a longitudinal beam on which rests the collar-beam, is octagonal with moulded capitals and bases. All the common rafters have the circular braces resting on a kind of short harnmer- beam, and giving the whole roof an appearance of uni- formity only broken at intervals by the king-posts, which has a very good effect. The longitudinal beam which lies on the top of the king-posts, seems to have been much used about this period ; we have the same thing occurring in the roof of the solar at Charney, and a little later in that of the Hall, at Sutton Courtenay. There are the remains of a curious painting of late date on the wall in the roof. S5 O * EH E K" g g g 03 O CO H ^ g I s ^ w ii B I II II E ^ O O o-a * interclusum ; now called a parclose. r espurrura. scabelliam. 254 DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE: THIRTEENTH CENTURY. The constable of Winchester castle is ordered to roof and repair the king's houses in the great tower, the Jews' tower, and in the tower of St. Katherine, and the principal chamber of the donjon which was wont to be the king's wardrobe, and the houses of the other towers, and the king's hall and chamber; to repair a certain chamber of two stories for the use of the chaplains; to paint all the doors and windows of the king's hall and chamber with his arms ; to make a certain window of white glass, and to cause the nativity of the Blessed Mary to be painted in it. Westminster, February 11. / LIBERATE ROLL, 52 HENRY III. The sheriff of Wiltshire is ordered to pull down the long house beside the great gateway of the manor of Clarendon, and to make in its stead a chamber with a chimney, and an outer chamber for the use of the king's esquires ; to build a small gate nigh the same gateway ; a good and strong prison ; a house for the use of the car- penters working there ; and a chimney in the chamber over the king's cellar in the rock at the manor aforesaid ; to put two large windows in the chamber of Alexander; four Evangelists in the glass windows of the king's hall ; to make a deer-leap in the park there ; to build a long house of which a pantry and butlery may be made for the queen's use and that of Eleanor the consort of Edward the king's eldest son ; a kitchen for the use of the same queen, with a certain alure between that kitchen and the same queen's chamber ; a certain outer chamber to the chamber of the seneschal of the aforesaid queen ; to build a wall of stone and lime around the aforesaid manor where the wall is deficient ; to lengthen the chamber of the aforesaid sen- eschal, and to cover the queen's chamber with lead where HISTORICAL ILLUSTRATIONS. 255 necessary ; and to repair the ancient wall and all the king's other houses there. Clarendon, December 17. The sheriff of Surrey and Sussex is commanded to build within the courtyard of the king's manor of Guildford a certain chamber with an upper story 1 , and a chimney, wardrobe and outer chamber, and a certain chapel at the head of the same chamber, with an upper story, and glass windows befitting the same chamber and chapel, for the use of Eleanor the consort of Edward the king's eldest son ; and a chamber with an upper story and chimney, outer chamber, and glass windows befitting the same cham- ber, for the use of the knights of the king's consort, a queen of England ; and to make a new pent-house there, and to repair and improve the queen's " herbour" there, as the king enjoined unto William Florentyn his painter. Westminster, January 19. LIBERATE ROLL, 53 HENRY III. The sheriff of Wiltshire is commanded to remake anew the spur u in the king's hall at Clarendon, at the door on the south side of the same hall ; and to repair, without delay, the aisles, windows and oriols of the same hall, and the passages from the outer gate ; to make a new glass window in the king's wardrobe; to repair the gutter between the queen's wardrobe and the chamber of the king's chaplains, and the stairs of the rock x nigh the king's wine cellar, &c. Clarendon, December 10. The sheriff of Southampton is directed to build an oriol y between the new chamber and the queen's chapel in Win- chester castle, of the width of the same chamber, and a passage 2 to the oriol of the aforesaid chapel with four glass windows, and other small openings of glass ; and * stadio. u espoerun. * la Roche. ? auriolum. * aleiam. 256 DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE: THIRTEENTH CENTURY. a chimney in the aforesaid oriol to heat the queen's victuals ; and to build under the aforesaid oriol two walls from the said chamber to the chapel aforesaid, and a gate by which carts can enter and go out ; and two offices for the pantry and butlery, and a privy-chamber beside the chamber aforesaid ; to widen the chimney in the same chamber from one window to the other; and to repair the "herbour" as the king enjoined him orally. Winchester, December 27. The same is ordered to make a privy-chamber beside Rosamund's chamber in Winchester castle ; another to the chamber of the king's chaplains ; a certain gate beside the chapel of St. Thomas at the entrance of the king's "herbour;" to put four glass windows in the queen's new wardrobe; three "pomellos" covered with lead on the hall and the king's wardrobe; to wainscote the queen's wardrobe aforesaid ; to carve and paint an image of St. Edward and place it over the door of the king's hall ; to plaster the floor (area) of the queen's chamber ; to make a certain privy-chamber to the same chamber, in the fashion of a turret with a double vaulting*, and a chimney in the same ; to renovate the paintings of the frontals before the altars in the king's chapel, and all the other paintings of the king's houses and chapels there. Westminster, July 26. LIBERATE ROLL, 54 HENRY III. The sheriff of Northampton is ordered to complete the chair in the king's hall at Northampton castle lately begun, and to cause it to be carved as the king enjoined him orally. Westminster, November 18. duplici vousura. HISTORICAL ILLUSTRATIONS. 257 CLOSE ROLL, 20 HENRY III. Henry de Pateshull the king's treasurer is ordered to cause the boarding at the back of the king's seat in the chapel of St. Stephen at Westminster, and the boarding at the back of the queen's seat on the other side of the same chapel, to be painted externally and internally of a green colour; and to paint beside the seat of the same queen a certain cross with Mary and John, opposite the king's cross which is painted beside the king's seat. Winchester,' February 7. The same is ordered to cause the king's great chamber at Westminster to be painted of a good green colour, in the fashion of a curtain, and to paint in the great gable of the same chamber that verse b , Ke ne dune ke ne tune, ne prent ke desire ; and also to paint the king's small wardrobe of a green colour in the fashion of a curtain ; so that the king at his next coming there may find the aforesaid chamber and wardrobe so painted and ornamented. Merewell, May 30. CLOSE ROLL, 21 HENRY III. Odo the goldsmith is ordered to displace without delay the painting which was commenced in the king's great chamber at Westminster, under the great history of the same chamber, with panels containing the species and figures of lions, birds and other beasts ; and to paint it of a green colour in the fashion of a curtain, so that that great history may be preserved unhurt. Windsor, August 14. k ludum. 258 DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE : THIRTEENTH CENTURY. CLOSE ROLL, 22 HENRY III. H. de Pateshull the king's treasurer is ordered that with the marble which he has in his custody, and which ought to be retained for the use of Thomas de Multon, he do cause to be made becomingly the steps before the altar in the chapel of St. Stephen at Westminster ; and with the rest of the same marble to make the steps before the altar in the queen's chapel at Westminster, when it shall be completed; and if that marble should not be sufficient for both works, then to cause those steps to be made of painted tile; he is likewise to cause the small chapel at Westminster to be decently paved with painted tile, and to paint at the back of the king's seat, in the same chapel, the history of Joseph ; he is also to wainscote well and to ornament the queen's chamber, and the wardrobe under that chamber ; and to cause a window of white glass to be made and placed in the window barred with iron which is in the farthest chamber of the same wardrobe ; so that that chamber may not be so windy c as it used to be. West- minster, February 10. CLOSE ROLL, 24 HENRY III. Edward Fitz-Otho is ordered to cause the small wardrobe, in which the king's robes hang, to be wainscoted, and the privy-chamber to be plastered; and to buy good plants of pears, and deliver them to the constable of Windsor. Windsor, February 12. The same is ordered to board the privy-chamber of the chaplains like a ship. Windsor, March 3. " ventosa. HISTORICAL ILLUSTRATIONS. 259 CLOSE ROLL, 27 HENRY III. The keepers of the works at Windsor are ordered to paint the Old and New Testament in the king's chapel, and to wainscote the king's cloister there. Bordeaux, April 10. The justices of Ireland are directed to cause to be built in Dublin castle a hall containing one hundred and twenty feet in length and eighty feet in width, with sufficient windows and glass casements, after the fashion of the hall at Canterbury ; and they are to make in the gable over the dais a round window thirty feet in circumference ; and also to paint over the same dais a king and a queen sitting with their baronage ; and they are to build a great portal at the entry of the same hall. Bordeaux, April 24. The archbishop of York is commanded to cause the works to proceed, as well in winter as summer, until the king's chapel at Windsor be finished; and to cause to be made there a high wooden roof in the fashion of the roof of the new work at Lichfield, so that it may appear to be stone-work, with good wainscoting and painting ; and to cover that chapel with lead ; to cause four gilded images to be made in the same chapel, and to put them in the places in which the king had ordered such images to be placed ; and he is to build a stone turret in front of the same cha- pel in which three or four bells may be hung. Bordeaux, August 20. CLOSE ROLL, 28 HENRY III. The keepers of the works at Windsor are directed to cause the high chamber, on the wall of the castle beside the king's chapel, in the upper bailey of the castle, to be wain- scoted by day and night, so that it may be ready and be- comingly wainscoted by Friday, when the king shall come s 2 260 DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE: THIRTEENTH CENTURY. there, with radiated and coloured boards, and that nothing be found reprehensible in that wainscote. They are also to make a white glass window in each gable of the same chamber ; outside the interior window of each gable ; so to wit, that when the inner windows shall be closed those glass windows may appear outside. Westminster, No- vember 24. CLOSE ROLL, 29 HENRY III. Edward Fitz-Otho is ordered, as he would avoid the ire and indignation of the king, to cause to be made without delay a certain passage d , to extend from the round lava- tory e in the king's court at Westminster to the door which leads towards the chapel of St. Stephen there, so that that passage may be ready before the Nativity. Marlborough, November 29. The constable of the Tower of London is ordered to deliver to Edward Fitz-Otho as much lead as shall be necessary to cover a certain great porch which the king has directed to be made between the lavatory and the door en- tering into th; smaller hall at Westminster. Farringdon, December 3. The same Edward is commanded to cause that porch f , which is to be such as may become so great a palace, to be made between the lavatory before the king's kitchens and the door entering into the smaller hall : so that the king may dismount from his palfrey in it at a handsome front g ; and walk under it between the aforesaid door and the lavatory aforesaid ; and also, from the king's kitchen and the chamber of the knights ; and he is to cover it with the aforesaid lead ; and to take care that he has so many carpenters and workmen for this purpose, that it may be wholly finished before the king's coming, to the king's d aleam. lotorio. f porticus. s ad honestam frontem. HISTORICAL ILLUSTRATIONS. 261 knowledge, otherwise he is not to expect the king's arrival there. Edward of Westminster is ordered to have the king's marble seat in the great hall at Westminster, and likewise the aqueduct, ready before Easter. St. Alban's, March 11. The king to Edward of Westminster. As we remember you said to us that it would be little more expensive to make two brass leopards to be placed on each side of our seat at Westminster, than to make them of incised or sculptured marble, we command you to make them of metal as you said ; and make the steps before the seat aforesaid of carved stone. Dumesley, March 13. CLOSE ROLL, 30 HENRY III. The king to Edward Eitz-Otho. Since the privy-chamber of our wardrobe at London is situated in an undue and improper place, wherefore it smells badly, we command you on the faith and love by which you are bounden unto us, that you in no wise omit to cause another privy-chamber to be made in the same wardrobe in such more fitting and proper place as you may select there, even though it should cost a hundred pounds. So that it may be made before the feast of the Translation of St. Edward, before we shall come thither. This, however, we leave to be done at your discretion. Clarendon, June 24. CLOSE ROLL, 35 HENRY III. The sheriff of York is ordered to cause to be made in the chamber of the archbishop at York, in which the king will pass the night, a door between the chimney of the same chamber and the queen's chamber there ; and a privy-chamber of the length of twenty feet through the 262 DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE : THIRTEENTH CENTURY. same door, with a deep pit h : and to make as well in the king's as in the queen's chamber a screen between the door and the king's bed, and the bed of the same queen. Westminster, October 31. CLOSE ROLL, 36 HENRY III. The sheriff of Nottingham and Derby is ordered to break without delay, the wall at the foot of the king's bed in the king's chamber at Clipston, and to make a certain privy- chamber for the king's use, and cover it with shingles. Westminster, October 21. CLOSE ROLL, 40 HENRY III. The king in the presence of master William the monk of Westminster, lately ordained and provided at Win- chester, for making a certain picture at Westminster, in the wardrobe where the king is wont to wash his head, of the king who was rescued by his dogs from the sedi- tion plotted against the same king by his subjects ; con- cerning which picture the king has sent other letters to Edward of Westminster. And Philip Luvel the king's treasurer and the aforesaid Edward of Westminster, are ordered to pay without delay to the same master William, the expense and cost of making the same picture. Win- chester, June 30. CLOSE ROLL, 43 HENRY III. Master John of Gloucester, the king's mason, and the wardens of the works at Westminster are ordered to h forea. HISTORICAL ILLUSTRATIONS. 263 supply five figures of kings cut in free-stone, and a certain stone to be placed under the feet of an image of the Blessed Mary, to the wardens of the works of the church of St. Martin, London, for the same works, of the king's gift. Westminster, May 11. SUPPLEMENTAL NOTES FOREIGN EXAMPLES. IN many towns, both in France and in Germany, will be found remains of houses of the thirteenth century ; usually they have undergone much alteration, particularly in the ground floor, so that original entrances are but seldom extant. It would seem, however, that in general the ground floor was used for store-houses, or in some cases shops, and in France was often built with an open arcade, and that the chief dwelling room was on the first floor. The town houses of this century are usually found to have narrow fronts, and in Germany and the north of France high gables ; they are often of three or four, and some- times of five stories. Examples of houses of this kind may be found at Treves; one large one of transition Ro- manesque style is not far from the Black Gate, and remains of lesser ones in a street leading northwards from the old Rath-haus, now the hotel called the Rothes Haus. Some of these have the chimney partly projecting from the centre of the front, and corbelled off in an ornamental manner a little above the level of the first floor. A house at Laon, (in the Rue des Chanoines,) which is very late in this cen- tury, and has been but little altered, appears to have had SUPPLEMENTAL NOTES OF FOREIGN EXAMPLES. 265 a cellar, and over this three stories. The first, or principal floor, has a range of three windows, each of two square- headed lights ; over these are very tall crocketed canopies of much elegance, enclosing tracery of an early character. In this room is a fire-place, the only one of which traces remain. Another class of houses of this century is that of those with towers ; of these, probably the most remarkable examples remaining are at Ratisbon. In that city are several of this date, more or less complete. The most perfect seems to be that in the Waller Strasse, which street is said to derive its name from the family to whom this house belonged. It has a tall narrow front of four stories ; all the lower part has been altered, but in the fourth story the two original windows remain ; each is of two lights, separated by a shaft, the one has tre foiled arches, while those of the other are plain pointed. The front finishes with a cornice, and is not gabled towards the street. The tower ranges with the front of the house, and is tall and slender. It has no less than nine stories ; in each is a window of two lights, divided by a shaft, excepting in the third story, in which the window is of three lights, and the ninth, in which there are two small separate windows. These windows are of the most studied variety, no two being quite alike. This building seems to be quite of the end of the century, unless, as may be the case, some of the windows are later insertions. An example of considerably earlier date, and very little altered, remains at Gondorf on the Moselle. It is oblong in plan, with a tower ranging with one of the ends. It is of four stories besides the space in the roof, and has stepped gables at each end. The windows of the ground floor and original entrance have been destroyed or altered ; those of the first and second floors are of two lights, while those of 266 SUPPLEMENTAL NOTES t the third are single lights trefoiled ; at one end is a small projecting oriol. There seem to have been no vaulted floors, and the stairs appear to have been of wood, and carried in flights against the wall at the end at which the tower stands. The tower is entered by doors leading from several of the stories ; the windows in it are either mere loops, or plain square openings. Its proportions are tall and slender, and it rises considerably above the house. There are remains of fire-places on the ground and the first and second floors. It measures internally about 42 ft. by 28 ft. Houses of a similar character are said to exist at Metz a , and perhaps at Toulouse. Of houses of the first class there are remains more or less considerable: at Beauvais, Bourges, Autun, Puy b , Tournay (?) Limoges b , St. Yrieix , Chagny (?) Cluny, &c. At Laon, besides the house above mentioned, are some considerable remains in a narrow street leading out of the Rue des Chanoines ; the most remarkable portions are two immense chimneys with circular shafts. Of thirteenth-century houses of greater size and less simple plan, but few remains appear as yet to have been noticed. One fine example exists in the bishop's palace at Laon, now used as the Palais de Justice. The most striking part of this is a large building of three stories ; the two lower ones have only small pointed windows, but the upper, which possibly formed a great hall, has two sets, each of three windows, of large size ; they probably contained tracery, but modern casements have been placed in every window. On the north side the two lower stories have buttresses, the upper three semicircular turrets, one at each a L'Art en Allemagne par H. Fortoul, and described in the Annales Archeo- vol. ii. p. 486. logiques, March, 1846, in the article b Annales Archeologiques, March, " Architecture civile du Mpyen Age," 1846. by F. de Verneilh. A very fine example is engraved DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE: THIRTEENTH CENTURY. FRENCH EXAMPLE. WINDOW, CASTLE OF CODCY. '..,:- | | ' ,'.,: PAINTING ON THE HEAD &.ND JAMBS OF THE WINDOW. OP FOREIGN EXAMPLES. 267 end, and the third between them, but not in the middle. On the south side, which looked into a court, the ground floor has an open arcade, the arches supported by plain circular columns. The ends of this building have tall gables ornamented by stiff crockets. To the west of this is a long range of building, also of three stories, with plain square loops on the north or exterior side. East of the main corps-de-logis is a lesser range of building, gabled 7iorth and south, i.e. at right angles to the former; it appears also to have had three stories, although much less lofty. It seems to be of somewhat earlier date. Near Bree, in the arrondissement of Laval, (Mayenne,) is the Manoir de la Courbe, which is said to date from the end of the twelfth or the earlier part of the thirteenth cen- tury. It is described as having a court entered by a gate- tower; at the bottom of the court is the main building, flanked by a tower at each end, one round the other poly- gonal. The remains of two large halls are also mentioned, the one about 52 feet by 26, the other about 62 feet by 30 d . WINDOW IN THE KEEP OF THE CASTLE OF COUCY. The interior of the gigantic circular keep-tower of the castle of Coucy retains many fragments of the painting with which its walls were decorated, and these appear to be coeval with the building, which is believed to have been erected by Enguerrard III. The patterns are painted on a coat of plaster, of a pale buff colour ; the markings, imitative of the joints of stone- work, are in white lines, with a central line of red. The patterns are of a chocolate colour (possibly originally red) with darker shading and a white border. The patterns d Guide du Voyageur dans la France Monumentale, p. 589. 268 SUPPLEMENTAL NOTES are varied in each window; one of the most perfect is represented in the cut, which is of one of the windows on the first floor. FIRE-PLACE AND HOOD, GARDEN. This fire-place is on the ground floor of a house of late Romanesque character, (all the arches circular,) at Garden, on the Moselle ; the front of the hood is formed of a mas- sive beam of wood e plastered over, and the plaster retains traces of red paint. The upper part of the hood is so thickly coated with plaster, that it would be difficult to ascertain its material. The chimney-shaft is carried up in the wall, projecting only a little on the outside ; it finishes about 8 ft. from the ground with an ornamental corbel- ling, and rises square above the roof, but only 3 to 4 ft. above the eaves. TOURS. \ This city contains a number of examples of the Domestic architecture of the middle ages, some of which are as early as the twelfth century ; a house in the Rue St. Croix has a fine window of two lights of transition Norman cha- racter ; the arches are round, but the mouldings are late, and the dripstone has the tooth-ornament under it. An- other house at the corner of a street has an arcade on the front of th first floor, the arches of which are round- headed, some of them stilted; they appear to be of this period, but may possibly be work of the sixteenth century, as the imitation of old work at that period in France is often so good as to render it difficult to distinguish it. e In the Annales Arclieologiques for ring in a house at St. Yrieix. (Haute March 1846, a similar instance of a man- Vienna.) tel-piece of wood is mentioned as occur- DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE : TWELFTH CENTURY. FRENCH EXAMPLES ARCADE ON A CORNER HOUSE AT TOURS. *- i -i WINDOW OP A HOUSE. RUE S'- CROIX. TOURS. DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE : THIRTEENTH CENTURY. FRENCH EXAMPLES. FRONT OF A HOUSE IN THE RUE BKICONNET. TOURS. DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE : THIRTEENTH CENTURY. FRENCH EXAMPLES. WINDOW3 OF A HOUSE. HUE BRICONNET, TOUBB. 5-Soatt.dd. WINDOWS OF A HOUSE, RDE DE RAPIN, TOURS. OF FOREIGN EXAMPLES. 269 A house in the Rue Briconnet is a good example of the early part of the thirteenth century ; it has a gable end to the street, with two small lancet windows in the gable; under these on the principal floor is a range of three windows of two lights, with pointed arches, and a con- nected dripstone and string over them ; the lights them- selves are square topped, and have a transom high up to fix the casement : the whole of this work appears to be original ; the lower part of the house is mutilated ; another range of windows on the side of the house is very similar to those just described, except that the arches are carried on shafts. Another house, in the Rue de Rapin, is pro- bably half a century later than those just mentioned The windows are very good, with trefoil heads, and elegant shafts, attached to a narrow pier, or solid mullion, at the back of which is a projection in the stone-work, with a hole through it for the bolt to fix the casement or shutter. ANGERS. The city of Angers abounds in remains of the Domestic architecture of the middle ages, some of which are of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. The hospital of St. John, built about 1160 by Henry the Second, king of England, and count of Anjou, remains for the most part in the same state in which it was left by him. The hall is a very fine building : it is divided into three aisles, by very light pil- lars, carrying Transition arches and vaults slightly domical. It is eight bays in length, each bay has a separate vault, there are therefore twenty-four of these small domes, but they are so low as not to interfere with the external roof. They have bold round ribs on the groins of the eight cells into which each dome is divided, as at the cathedral. 270 SUPPLEMENTAL NOTES But these round ribs occur only in the eastern part of the cathedral, which was built after 1200. The chapel is of precisely the same character, and equally good, with very light pillars, and vaults, as in the hall. The windows are all round-headed. The doorways are also round-headed, but richly moulded, of very late Norman character. The effect of the chapel has been much injured by altering the position of the altar, blocking up the original entrance, and making a new one in a bad situation. The east end is square, but the vaults are arranged so as to give the effect of an apse. The cloister is good late Norman, or rather Transition ; two sides of it are perfect. The barn is a very fine one of the same period. It is divided into three aisles by two ranges of round-headed arches, on double shafts. The windows are in couples, with a diamond-shaped opening in the head. The doorway is round-headed, and opens on an external stone staircase. The mouldings are of late Norman character. The cellar under it is large but very plain, with a good plain vault. The other buildings of the monastery are modern. Near the hospital is the building called the Hospice, of about the same age, which still retains a rich late Norman window. In the Rue des Penitentes is another house of nearly the same period, though the work is not so rich : it is built of a dark-coloured slate, the material of the country, with dressings of white stone, and has evidently been origi- nally cased with stone, but the greater part of the casing has been stripped off. The principal windows are of two lights with diamond-shaped openings in the head. This house is of three stories, with the gable end to the street. DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE: TWKLFTH CENTURY. FRENCH EXAMPLES. HOSPITAL OF BT JOHN, ANGERS, A.D 1160 DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE : TWELFTH CENTURY. FRENCH EXAMPLES HOUSE IN THE RUE DBS PENITENTES, ANGERS. OF FOREIGN EXAMPLES. 271 FONTEVRAULT. At a short distance from the church, and separated from it by some other buildings, is the kitchen, commonly called the octagon chapel or tower of Evrault. It is a very good and rare example of a kitchen of the twelfth century. The general form resembles that at Glastonbury, but this one is much more ancient. The ground-plan is octagonal. The first story is square, raised on four lofty arches, each across two sides of the octagon ; above the square story the plan is again octagonal, but much reduced in size ; the octagon is formed by squinches across the angles of the square, and on these is carried the spire, terminating in an open smoke louvre. There are shafts in the angles of the octagon on the ground, alternately high and low ; the low ones carry the springing of the arches as usual, the high ones are con- nected with the points of the arches, to which they serve as buttresses : the four large arches cross the alternate angles, and the tall shafts being in these angles, are connected with the points of the arches by short open ribs. Under each of the large arches are two small ones, which serve as the openings of the fire-places, each of which had its separate chimney-flue, the lower part of which remains. The capi- tals are of late Norman character, with plain foliage ; the arches are quite plain, and square in section. The smoke- louvre at the top has trefoiled openings, but it is not so old as the rest, and may be of the fourteenth century. The exterior has a series of small apses, with a shaft in each recess. There are openings into the spire. Between the top of the apsidal vaults and the springing of the spire there is an interval of modern masonry, and it is here that the shafts of the chimneys have been cut off. It would appeal- that they were originally carried up in straight shafts, re- 272 SUPPLEMENTAL NOTES sembling pinnacles round the base of the spire, but there is no positive evidence of this. The flues cannot be traced more than a few feet from the lower opening, but two artists who have furnished sections of the building have both drawn the flues straight up as far as the base of the spire, where they appear to be cut off". 'The masonry of the spire is of small stones of an early appearance. PERIGUEUX. This town has several early Domestic buildings of in- terest ; the building called " Le Cite " is partly of the twelfth century, though on Eoman foundations. In the Rue Defarge is a curious house of the twelfth century, said to have been at one period a convent, but originally built as a merchant's house ; the upper story is nearly perfect, with a cornice enriched with the square billet ornament ; under this is a range of four windows, under round-headed arches, with the scallop ornament ; the jambs are ornamented with a peculiar kind of zigzag, and a shaft attached : the small sub-arches of the four lights are also enriched in the same manner ; the three central shafts are destroyed, (restored in the drawing ;) at each end of this front is a small doorway, which is carried down below the level of the string under the windows ; the approach to these doorways appears to have been by a wooden stair- case or step-ladder, as there are no marks of an external staircase, but the lower story of the house has been mo- dernized. There is an engraving of this house in Didron's Annales Archeologiques. DOMKSTTO ARCHITECTURE : THIRTEENTH CENTURY. FRENCH EXAMPLES PLAN. Scile, CO feet to an inch. A. B. !in of srcti- DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE: THIRTEENTH CENTURY. FRENCH EXAMPLE. SECTION OF KITCHEN, ABBEY OF FONTEVRAULT. DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE : TWELFTH CENTURY. FRENCH EXAMPLES WINDOW OF A HOUSE AT ST. EMILION. GUIENNE. PART OF THE FRONT OF A HOQSE AT PEKIGUEUX. OF FOREIGN EXAMPLES. 273 ST. EMILION. This little town is of singular interest to the antiquary, it appears to have been nearly deserted from the time that its trade was ruined in the fourteenth century, by the building of the two neighbouring Bastides or free towns of Libourne and St. Foy. Scarcely a house seems to have been built since that time, and one half of the existing houses are more or less in ruins. The bishop's palace is a very fine and interesting remain of the character of the twelfth century, though said to be of later date. Another house has portions clearly of the twelfth century, in which is a very fine and rich window. The very curious subter- ranean church, excavated in the solid rock, and divided into nave and aisles, and chapels, all of the twelfth cen- tury, does not belong to our province. MONT ST. MICHEL. The small town on this celebrated mount has been so repeatedly destroyed by fire that no portion of medieval work remains, but among the Domestic buildings of the abbey are some valuable portions ; the windows of the li- brary are particularly good, they are of two lights, square- headed, with a trefoil of plate tracery in the tympanum over them. The wonderful pile of building called the " Merveille," may almost be considered as of a Domestic character. It is situated nearly on the summit of the rock, and is of three stories ; the lowest or basement consists of a long series of dark vaulted chambers, originally used for stables, and for depositing fire-wood : the first floor or principal story consists of two very fine halls, each divided into three parts, like nave and aisles ; one is called the Hall of the Knights, the other the Refectory of the Monks, the latter is of a somewhat lighter character than the T 274 SUPPLEMENTAL NOTES OF FOREIGN EXAMPLES. former, but there are not many years' difference between any parts of this magnificent building. Over the Refec- tory is the dormitory, and over the Hall of the Knights is the cloister, which is thus nearly the highest point of the whole structure, and is about three hundred feet above the level of the sands. This cloister has an inscription cut in the wall recording its completion in 1226; this was the last part finished, the crowning work of the whole glorious pile, but the whole was probably built within thirty or forty years of that time. In each of the halls are two fine fire-places. The whole is of a half-monastic half-Domestic character. BEAUVAIS. This city contains many remains of medieval Domestic architecture ; (the magnificent choir of the cathedral, with the ancient nave called the Basse-CEuvre, do not come within the sphere of the present work). Among the houses is one of the end of the thirteenth century, which affords a re- markably fine example of a facade of a town-house of that period, the gable end to the street, with three windows, having pointed arches, with two lights under each, the lights trefoil-headed, and having a pierced trefoil of bar- tracery over them. These windows are surmounted by pyramidal canopies, with crockets and finials, and a crock- eted string continued horizontally. The lower part of the house is modernized. ITALY. In Italy there are numerous examples of the Domestic architecture of the thirteenth century, but the author has not been able to procure any accurate account of them, and the limits of this work obviously preclude the pos- sibility of entering into much detail on the remains of other countries. DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE: 12TH AND 13TH CENTURIES. FRENCH KXAMP1ES. WINDOW OP THE LIBRARY AT MONT ST. MICHEL. 13th century. n f. Sonet. M. PART OF THE FRONT OF A HOUSE AT DDL. 12th century DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE: THIRTEENTH CENTURY. ! , I. _ . AT BEAU VA IS, PICAUDY. APPENDIX. DOCUMENTS RELATING TO DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE IN LONDON, IN THE TWELFTH AND THIRTEENTH CENTURIES. No. I. The London Assise of 1189 from the " Liber de Antiquis Legilu*." Hie subnotatur quomodo procedendum sit in civitate in placito, quod vocatur Assisa. Anno Domini M. C. Ixxxix., scilicet, prirao anno regni illustria Kegis Ricardi, existente tune Henrico filio Aylewini Maiore, qui fuit primus Maior Londoniarum, provisum fuit et ordinatum per discretos viros Civitatis ad contentiones pacificandas, que quandoque oriuntur inter vicinos in civitate super clausturis inter terras eorum factis vel faciendis et rebus aliis ; ita quod, secundum quod tune provisum fuit et ordinatum, debent tales contentiones pacificari. Dicta vero pro- visio et ordinatio vocata est Assisa. Ad quam assisam prosequendam et ad effectum producendam elect! sunt xii viri de civitate in pleno Hustingo et ibidem jurati quod ad illam exequendam fideliter intendent, et ad summonitionem Maioris venieut, nisi causa rationabili sint impediti. Necesse est tamen quod major pars predictorum xii virorum intersint cum Maiore ad pre- dictutn negotium exequendum. Sciendum est quod qui petit assisam debet earn petere in pleno Hustingo, et Maior assingnabit ei diem infra illos octo dies, quod per predictos xii viros vel per maiorem partein illorum, sicut predictum est, assisa ilia terminetur. Si vero Hustingus non sedeat, ut tempore quo sunt Nundine Sanc- ti Botulfi, et tempore messiura, et tempore quo Nundiue sunt apud Wyntoniam, et aliquis babeat necesse ad dictam assisam petendam, gratis ei debet concedi a Maiore, aliquibus de civibus cum Maiore presentibus, et terminari, sicut predictum est, per predictos xii viros juratos vel per majorem partem illorum, et semper in presentia Maioris. T 2 276 APPENDIX OF DOCUMENTS. Predfcta vero provisio et ordinatio, que Assisa vocata est, tails est, ut subnotatur. Quando contigit quod duo vicini voluerint hospitare inter so de lapide, quilibet eorum debet prebere pedem et dimidium de terra sua et sic construent communi custo raurum lapideum inter se spicitudine trium pedum et altitudine sexdecira pedum. Stillicidium autem inter se, si voluerint, facient communi custo ad aquam de domibus suis re- cipiendam et conducendam, sicut melius viderint, expedire. Si vero noluerint, potest quilibet eorum per se facere stillicidium ad aquam stillantem de domo sua recipiendam super terrain suam propriam, nisi illam possit in vicum regium perducere. Possunt etiam, si in unum consenserint, predictum murum com- muui custo exaltare quantum voluerint; et si contigerit quod qui- dam velit murum ilium exaltare, alter vero non, bene licet volenti super pede suo et dimidio, quantum voluerit, exaltare et super partem suam edificare sine dampno alterius, de proprio custo suo ; et aquam stillantem, recipiet, sicut predictum est. Et si ambo voluerint in muro arcus habere, fiant arcus in utraque parte profunditatis tantummodo unius pedis, ita quod spissitudo muri inter arcus sic continet unum pedem. Si autem unus voluerit arcum habere, alter vero non ; tune ille qui arcum habere voluerit, inveniet liberam petram et illam excidi faciet, et arcus de commuui custo assedeatur. Et si aliquis velit de lapide hospitare per assisam, et vicinus ejua paupertate coactus non poterit vel forsitan noluerit, tune prebere debet per assisam volenti hospitare tres pedes de terra sua, et alter faciet murum super terram illam proprio custo suo spissitudinis trium pedum et altitudinis sexdecim pedum ; et ille qui terram prebet, debet habere dimidium murum absolutum, et desuper pannam suam ponere et edificare. Et facient stillicidia ad aquam de domibus suis stillan- tem recipiendam et conducendam sicut predictum est. De muro vicinorum communi custo constructo semper autem licet volenti par- tem suam proprio custo exaltare sine dampno alterius. Si vero arcus habere voluerint, fiant in parte utraque, sicut predictum est. Sed tamen ille, qui invenerit terram, inveniet liberam petram et illam ex- cidi faciet, et alter de proprio custo suo illam assedeat. Hec autem assisa non conceditur alicui per quod husseria, introi- tus vel exitus, vel schopa ad nocumentum vicini sui extrecietur vel artetur. Conceditur etiam hec assisa qui illam petierit de terra vicini sui, licet ilia fuerit hospitata, si non fuerit hospitata de lapide. APPENDIX OF DOCUMENTS. 277 St vero aliquis habeat proprium murum lapideum super terram suam propriam, altitudinis sexdecim pedum, vicinus ejus debet facere stillicidium sub severunda domus, que sita est super murura ilium, et in illo aquam stillantem de dicta domo recipere, et illam conducere super terram suam propriam, nisi illam conducere possit in vicum regium, et nichil tamen habere in predicto muro, quando edificaverit juxta murum ilium. Et si non edificaverit, semper tamen debet aquam stillantem de domo super murum ilium edificata super terram suam recipere et conducere sine dampno illius cujus murus est. Item nullus illorum, qui habent communem murum lapideum inter se constructum, potest nee debet aliquid de parte sua illius muri prosternere vel attenuare, nee in ilia arcus ponere sine assensu et voluntate alterius. Item de cameris necessariis, que sunt in domibus civium, ita statutum est et ordinatum, quod fovea in tali camera facta, si vallata est muro lapideo debet apertio dicte fovee distare spacio duorum pedum et dimidii a terra vicini sui, licet habeat inter se murum com- munem. Si autem non sit muro valluta, debet distare per spatium trium pedum et dimidii a terra vicini sui. Et super talibus foveis assisa prebetur et couceditur unicuique qui earn petierit, et tarn de antiquis quam de novis, nisi facte fuissent ante provisionem et ordina- tionem predictam, que facta fuit anno prirao regni Regis Ricardi, sicut predictum est ; ita quod per visum predictorum xii virorum, vel per maiorem partem illorum discussum sit si tales fovee rationabiliter facte sint an non. Item si aliquis habuerit fenestras versus terrain vicini sui, licet fuerit in seisinam de visu predictarum fenestrarum per longum tern- pus et etiam si predecessores sui fuerunt in seisinam de predictis fenestris, tamen bene potest vicinus suus visum illarum fenestrarum opturare, edificando ex opposite illarum fenestrarum, vel ponendo ibidem super terram suam, sicut melius viderit sibi expedire; nisi ille qui babet fenestras possit ostendere aliquid scriptuin, per quod ille vicinus non poterit visum illarum fenestrarum opturare. Item si aliquis habeat corbellos in muro vicini sui, qui murus totus est predicti vicini, ille non potest predictos corbellos amovere, ut illos in aliquo alio loco predicti muri ponat, nisi assensu illius, cujus murus est, nee plures corbellos quam antea habuit, in predicto muro ponere. Sciendum est quod si aliquis edificet juxta tenementum vicini sui et visum sit dicto vicino ilium injuste et ad dampnum tenement! sui ibidem edificare, bene potest edificatiouem illam impedire, datis vadio 278 APPENDIX OF DOCUMENTS. et plegio Vicecomitibua Civitatis de prosequendo ; et tune ceasabit ilia edificatio quousque per xij viros predictos vel per maiorem partem illorum discussum sit, si edificatum fuerit injuste vel non. Eb tuuc necease est ut ille, cujus edificatio impeditur, petat assisam. Die autem statute et xij viris predictia aummonitia, debet Maior Civitatia cum predictis viris super tenementa illorum inter quos as- sisa petitur, accedere, et ibidem secundum visum predictorum xij vi- rorum aut maioria partis illorum, auditis hinc inde querimouia con- querentis et reaponso adversarii sui, illud negotium terminare. Potest autem uterque pars ad diem statutum ae assoniare, et ha- bebunt diem a die ilia in quindenam in eodem loco. Si vero pars conquerens fecerit defaltam, adversariua suus recedet sine die, et plegii conquerentis in misericordia vicecomitum. Si autem ille, de quo querimonia facta fuerit, fecerit defaltam, nichilo- minus procedet aasiaa et per conaiderationem predictorum xii vi- rorum vel per maiorem partem illorum ; et quod per illos judicatum fuerit debet per vicecomites illi qui fecit defaltam intimari, ut quod judicatum fuerit infra xl dies proximo sequentes ad effectum perdu- catur. Et sciendum est quotiens predictum judicium infra xl dies non fuerit perfectum et super hoc querimonia facta fuerit Maiori Lon- doniarum, tune debent duo viri de assisa vel tres per preceptum Maioris ibidem accedere, et si viderint quod ita ait, tune erit ille contra quern assisa processit in misericordia vicecoinitis et vicecomea proprio custu ipaius illud judicium statim perducere ad effectum tenetur. Item si quis habet murum inter se et vicinum auum constructum, in summitate muri panna sua et meremio suo totum coopertum, licet vicinus suus habeat in predicto muro corbellos vel trabes ad susten- tandum solarium suum, vel etiam arcus sive almaria, qualicunque modo ipse vicinus ille habuerit in predicto muro, vel ex concessione illius qui murum habet coopertum seu antecessoris sui vel etiam illia ingnorantibus, tamen nichil amplius potest in predicto muro exigere nee habere quam habet in seisiuam, sine assensu illius qui murum habet eoopertum, et debet recipere aquam stillantem de domo super murum edificata sub aeverunda dicte domus, sicut predictum est in hoc libro, et conducere proprio custu suo. Item si quis habet duas partes unius muri et viciuus habeat nisi tertiam partem, tamen ille vicinus potest super partem suam pannam Buam ponere et edificare ita libere sicuti ille qui habet duas partea muri illius ; et eodem modo debent fieri stillicidia inter ipsos, siuut APPENDIX OF DOCUMENTS. 279 prenotatum est in hoc libro de illis qui habent inter se murum in toto communem, sed tamen quod ilia pars sit altitudinis xvi pedum. Item sciendum est quod predicta assisa non procedit, nisi testifi- catum fuerit quod ille versus quern assisa petitur, fuerit summouitus. Et si testificatum fuerit, tune apparente petente assisam et xii viris de assisa vel maiore parte illorum cum Maiore Civitatis procedat as- sisa, si ipse summonitus venerit an non. Potest tamen ipse assoniare se ad predictam diem et habebit diem usque ad quindenam, sicut pre- dictum est. Item sciendum est quod si testificatum fuerit per vicecomites quod ille versus quern assisa petitur non fuerit in civitate ; tune code in die remanet assisa, et dicetur per vicecomites illis, qui in teneinento ma- nent, de quo assisa petitur, quod ille, cujus tenementum est, sib pre- monitus ut veniat a die ilia in quindenam, et tune, si venerit, an non venerit, nee se assoniaverit, procedat assisa. Item si contingat quod homines de assisa non veuerint super ter- rain, de qua assisa petitur, per aliquod impedimentum, tune necesse erit ut ilia assisa de novo petatur vel in Hustiugo, vel illo modo, quo pro diversitate temporum fieri solet, sicut in hoc libro prenotatur. Si ipsi autem super terrain veneriut, presentibus partibus litigantium, et maior pars xii virorum absens fuerit, licet tune assisa remaneat, possunt tamen coutinuare diem ilium usque in crastinum vel ad quern diem voluerint infra quindenam sequentem. Memorandum, quod temporibus antiquis major pars civitatis hos- pitata fuit de lingno, et domus cooperte de stramine et stipula, et de hujusmodi coopertura ; ita quando aliqua domus igne fuerit accensa, maxima pars Civitatis illo ingne fuit combusta, sicut contingebat anno primo regni Begis Stephani, ut in cronicis in hoc libro prescriptis notatur, scilicet, quod de ingne, qui accensus fuit ad pontem Londo- niarum, combusta fuit ecclesia Sancti Pauli, et deinde processit ille ignis comburendo domus et edificia usque ad ecclesiam Sancti de- mentis Danorum. Postea multi cives ad evitandum tale periculum pro posse suo edificaverunt in fundis suis unam domum lapideam spiscis tegulis coopertam et munitam contra sevitiam ignis, unde sepe contiugebat quod, quando ignis accensus fuerit in Civitate et multa edificia vastaverit et pervenerit ad talem domum, uon poteus ille aliquid nocere, ibidem remansit extinctus, sic quod multe doinua vicinorum per illain domum ab igne fuerunt omnino salvate. Ideo in predicta ordinatione, que assisa vocatur, ordinatum fuit et provisum, ut Cives libenti aiumo hospitarent de petra, quod uuua- quisque, qui habuerit inururn lapideum super terram suam propriam 280 APPENDIX OP DOCUMENTS. altitudinis xvi pedum, ilium possideat ita libere et digne, sicut in hoc libro predictum est, videlicet, quod vicinus suus semper debet recipere aquam de domo super murum ilium edificata super terrain suam, et illam conducere proprio custu suo. Et si voluerit hospitare juxta dic- tum murum, debet stillicidium suum sub severunda dicte domus facere ad aquam recipiendara, ita quod dicta domus remaneat secura et defensibilis contra sevitiam ignis advenientis, et sic per earn multe domus vicinorum possunt salvari et a violencia ingnis indempnes con- servari. Si quis voluerit murum totum super terram suam propriam edifi- care, et vicinus suus petat adversus eum assisam, in electione illius erit, aut communicare construendo communem murum inter ipsos, aut edificare murum super terram suam propriam, et ilium habere et possidere ita libere et digne, sicut predictum est. Potest tamen vici- nus suus, si voluerit, juxta predictum murum alium talem murum edificare et ejusdem altitudinis. Et tune quidein fient stillicidium aut stillicidia inter ipsos eodem modo, sicut predictum est de corn- muni muro. Memorandum, quod quotiens viri de assisa venerint super terram de qua assisa petitur, partibus litigantium presentibus, semper debet unus de predictis exigere versus quern assisa petitur, si sciat aliquid dicere per quod assisa debeat remanere. Efc si dixerit quod non, statim procedit assisa. Si autem dixerit se habere cartam ipsius, qui petit assisam vel alicujus antecessoris sui, et illam proferat, ilia sta- tim allocetur ei. Set si dicat quod ipse habebit illam cartam ad diem et terminum, tune dabitur ei dies ad quindenam, ad quern diem po- terit se assoniare et habebit diem usque ad aliam quiudeuam. Ad quam diem, si proferat illam cartam, allocabitur ei, et si ad predictum diem non venerit, seu venerit et cartam non produxerit, statim sine ulterior! dilatione procedat assisa. Memorandum quod hec assisa omnibus modis ut prenotatur in hoc libro, procedit et agendo et defendendo tarn versus illos qui sunt infra etatem quam versus alios qui sunt de plena etate ; ita quod propter tenerem etatem alicujus assisa predicta non impeditur. Set quia talis non habet discretionem quod sciat agere vel defendere in aliquo placito, necesse est ut custos illius et ipse conjunctim submoneantur, ita quod custos suus omnino respondeat pro eo omnibus modis, quibus placitaret, si causa ilia esset sua propria, et tune quod inde factum fuerit per judicium sine reclamatione illius, qui fuerit infra etatem, quando ad etatem pervenerit, firmum et stabile permanebit. Item si quis fecerit pavimeutum in vico regio ad uocumentum APPENDIX OF DOCUMENTS. 281 Civitatis et vicini sui injuste, bene potest ille vicinus illud prohibere per ballivos Civitatis, et ita remanebit quousque per viros de assisa sit discussum et terminatum. Et sciendum quod non pertinet ad viros de assisa ad emendam ali- quam occupationem, de qua aliquis habuerit pacificam seisinam per unum annum et unum diem. London Assise of 1212 from MS. Add. (Brit. Mus.) 14,252, fo. 133 J to 134 I. Quedam consideratio facta per consilium prdborum virorum, factum ad sedandam iram et pacificandam civitatem, et contra incendiwm cum Dei adjutorio muniendam. IN primis consiliunt quod omnes scotale defendantur, nisi de illis qui habuerint licentiam per commune consilium civitatis apud Gilde- hair. preter eos qui volunt edificare de petra ut civitas sit secura. Ita quod id quod iiide exibit tradatur duobus probis hominibus et per eos ponatur in emendationem edificii. Et quod nullus pistor forniat, vel braciatrix braciat, de nocte, neque de arundine, vel stramine, vel stipula, nisi tantum de bosco. De carpentariis. Item carpentarii non capiant nisi tres denarios et conredium in die, vel quatuor denarios et obolum sine conredio pro omnibus. De cementariis et aliis operariis. Item cementarii et tegularii capiant idem pretium. Servientes autem predictorum cementariorum et tegulatorum accipiant tres obo- los cum conredio vel tres denarios pro omnibus. Sculptores lapidum liberorum duos denarios et obolum cum conredio, vel quatuor denarios pro omnibus. Item dealbatores et luti appositores, et torcliiatores, duos denarios cum couredio, vel tres denarios et obolum pro omnibus. Servientes illorum tres obolos cum couredio, vel duos denarios et obo- lum pro omnibus. Fodiatores, et qui operantur cum civeriis, trea obolos cum conredio, vel duos denarios et obolum pro omnibus. 282 APPENDIX OF DOCUMENTS. De coquinis. Item, consulunt quod omnes coquine super Tamisiam dealbentur et plastrientur intus et extra, et omnia intus claustra, et diversoria ponantur omnino, ita quod non remaneat nisi simpliciter domus et thalamus. De Tiiis qui edificare volunt. Quicumque edificare voluerit, videat sicut se et sua diligit, quod non cooperiat de arundine, nee de junco, nee de aliquo modo straminis neque stipula, nisi sit de tegula, vel cindula, vel bordo, vel si contin- git de plumbo, aut et extra detorchiato infra civitatem et Portsokna. Item omnes domus que usque nunc sunt cooperte arundine vel junco qui possint plastriari plastrientur infra octo dies, et que infra termi- num ita facte non fuerint, per Aldermannum et legales homines de visneto prosternantur. Omnes domus que sunt proximo domibus lapideis in Foro que sunt de ligno, unde domus lapidee vel Forum sit in periculo, per visum majoris et vicecomitum, et proborum virorum civitatis salve emendentur, aut, sine omni exceptione cujuscumque sint, proster- mantur. De excubiis et hiis qui vigilant. Excubie et qui vigilant de nocte ad civitatem custodiendam exeant per diem et redeant per diem, vel illi a quo missi fuerint sint in mise- ricordia civitatis de xl. solidis. Et quod omnes domus in quibus for- nietur vel bracietur dealbeutur et plastrientur intus et extra, ut salvum sint contra incendium. De operariis qui locandi sunt. Omnes operarii et qui locandi sunt si hec predicta non servaverint, qui de civitate sint et de Portsokene et id non teneant, tota terra sua et domus et catalla penitus amittantur, et integre remaneant ad opus civitatis. Et nullus qui sit de civitate vel Portsokne plus illis donet, in fide qua deo et civitati tenetur. De croco Tidbendo. Omnes aldermanni habeant crocum aptum et cordara, et qui non babuerit infra terminum positum, sit in misericordia civitatis. Oper- arii autem extrauei qui veniunt in civitatem, et predictam considera- tionem sequi uoluerint, corpora eorum atacbiautur donee coram ma- APPENDIX OF DOCUMENTS. 283 jore et probis hominibus ducantur, ibique judicium suum audituri. Bonum etiam dicunt ease dumtaxat quod coram unaquaque domo plena cuva aque adsit, sive lignea sit sive lapidea. Hec facta suut autem anno regis Johannis xiiij. (1212) mense Julii die Lune xxiiij" die mensis apud Gildehall', Henrico filio Ailwini tune majore, ceterisque ejusdem civitatis baronibus ibidem tune exis- tentibus, civitati mederi volentes super infortunium ignis quod ibi advenerat in translatione (July 2.) sancti Benedicti per x. dies antea, eodem anno et mense, qui ignis inconsolabiliter pontem London', et quamplurima nobilium edificia, cum innumerabilibus hominum mu- lierumque funeribus, usque ad nichilum destruxit. No. II. I, Circa A.D. 1200. Sciant presentes et futuri quod ego Ailbarnus le Feuprer et ego Aldusa uxor ejusdem Ailberni vendidimus et quietum clamavimus ex- tra nos et heredes nostros et hac presenti carta nostra confirmavimus Henrico Converse et Margarite uxori ejusdem Henrici et heredibus ex eis exeuntibus quoddam mesuagium quod habuiraus in parochia Sancti Michaelis in Bassehawe, quod mesuagium hospitari fecimus inter domum Walteri Avenarii et domum Kicardi Conversi; scilicet cum uno pariete juxta vicum regium et cum alio pariete versus do- mum Walteri Avenarii, et cum alio pariete versus domum Bicardi Conversi ; Quicquid in predicta domo habuimus, in lignis et lapi- dibus, in parietibus a et cameris, in opertoriis b , in omnibus rebus cum omnibus pertinentiis suis integre absque omni retenemeuto. Ha- bendum eidem Henrico et Margarete uxori sue et heredibus ex eis provenientibus et eorum assignatis extra nos et heredes nostros. Ita etiam libere et quiete quod bene licet eis super factum illud aspor- tare quandocuuque voluerint et ad quemcunque locum voluerint abs- que omni impediment et contradictione. Ego vero Aibarnus pre- dictus et ego Aldusa predicta et heredes nostri predictum mesuagium scilicet super factum quod in prefato loco posuimus integre cum om- nibus pertinentiis suis predicto Henrico et Margarete et heredibus ex eis exeuntibus et eorum assignatis finabiliter contra omnes ho- mines et feininas warantizare tenemur, et ad majorem securitatem The walls were probably of stone, and built according to the assise of 1189. b Possibly work- shops. See Du Gauge sub voce. 284 APPENDIX Or DOCUMENTS. posuimus in contraplegium omnia catalla nostra que habemus in Ci- vitate London' et extra, et presens scriptum sigillis nostris robora- vimus. Pro hac vero vendicione quieta clamacione warantizacione et presentis carte nostre confirmacione dederunt nobis Henri cus et Margareta predicti quadraginta solidos esterlingorum, Hiis testibus Eoberto Capellano &c. 2. Circa A.D. 1212. Sciant presentes et futuri, quod hec est convencio facta inter Jo- hannem Bocquointe et Julianam uxorem suara, et Johannem filium Thome Bermund' et heredes ipsius Johannis Bermund', et iuter Ee- ginaldum de Leges et beredes suos ; scilicet, quod murus unde contentio fuit inter eos cum antique muro existente retro, debet esse communis inter eos, quantum terra predicti Reginaldi continet in longitudine usque ad viam que vocatur Atbelingestrate, ad fa- ciendum ex parte sua, scilicet, ex medietate muri, racionabiliter quod ei necesse fuerit ad edificacionem suam, sine dampno et fractura muri : tali condicione, quod predictus Eeginaldus de Leges et beredes sui debent facere inperpetuum gutteram bonam inter predictum Jo- bannem filium Thome Bermund' et heredes suos, et euudem Eegi- naldum et heredes suos, de proprio custo suo, bene et utiliter, per totam longitudinem muri predicti. Ita quod predictus Johannes filius Thome Bermund', vel heredes sui, inde dampuum non habeant, nee predicta Juliana quamdiu vixerit. Si forte contigerit quod pro defectu reparacionis predicte guttere predictus Johannes Bermund' vel heredes sui, vel predicta Juliana dampnum aliquod incurrerent, predictus Reginaldus vel heredes sui totuin illud dampnum, predicto Johanni Bermund' et heredibus suis, et predicte Juliane restaurabunt. Et predictum murum securum eis de proprio custo reparabunt. Et sciendum est quod illud necessarium predicti Reginaldi, quod modo ibidem est, remanebit in eodem loco, sine indempnitate muri predicti. Ita quod si predictus Johannes Bermund' vel heredes sui, vel predicta Juliana aliquod dampnum habuerint de predicto muro per illud ne- cessarium, vel causa illius necessarii, prenominatus Eeginaldus de Leges, vel heredes sui, totum illud dampnum predicto Johanni Ber- mund' et heredibus suis, et predicte Juliane restaurabunt, et pre- dictum murum securum eis de proprio custo suo reparabunt. Et arche que sunt ex alia parte, contra illud necessarium, versus prefatam Julianam et predictum Johanuem Bermund', debent impleri petra et calce competeuter. Pro hac autem couveucione et warautisioue et APPENDIX OF DOCUMENTS. 285 sigillorum suorum appositione, et presentis cyrographi confirmatione, dedit predictus Beginaldus de Leges predicto Johanui Bocquointe, et predicte Juliane, et predicto Johanni Bermund', quatuor marcas et dimidiam argenti, et invenit plenarie medietatera reparations novi muri. Hanc igitur convencionem fideliter ex utraque parte tenen- dara predictus Johannes Bocquointe, et predicta Juliana, et predictus Johannes Bermund' pro se et pro heredibus suis, et prenominatus Reginaldus de Leges pro se et pro heredibus suis, sine fraude affida- verunt. Hiis testibus : domino Rogero filio Alani, Majore London' ; Constantino filio Alulphi, aldermanno ; et aliis. 3. Circa A.D. 1212. Sciant omnes presentes et futuri, quod ego Eobertus Camerarius concessi et dimisi Eandulfo fratri Eustacii quandam domum meam, scilicet, illam domum in qua predictus Eandulfus manet, totum ma- nagium, scilicet, quod ipse tenet de me, in ligno et lapide; habendam et tenendam de me et heredibus meis, illi et heredibus suis, in feodo et hereditate et finabiliter ; reddendo unoquoque anno mihi, vel he- redibus meis, xxij. solidos, duobus terminis anni, scilicet, infra octabaa Pasche xj. solidos, et infra octabas Sancti Michaelis xj. solidos, omni occasione remota. Et ita, quod ego vel heredes mei non poterimus hoc predictum tenementum vendere, nee expendere, nee invadiare, nisi solummodo hos predictos xxij. solidos. Neque ilium vel heredes suos poterimus dehospitare, propter me, vel propter heredes meos, hospitare. Nee ego vel heredes mei poterimus ilium visum qui est de veteri domo, quam ipse tenet de me, obstupare, nee superius nee inferius. Nee ego vel heredes mei poterimus amplius exigere de consu a predicto Eandulfo, vel heredibus suis, nisi solummodo hoa xxij. solidos prenominatos. Nee ego vel heredes mei poterimus pre- dictum Randulfum vel heredes suos implacitare de aqua que cadit de veteri domo sua versus occidentem. Et Eandulfus affidavit legaliter fidem mihi et heredibus meis de toto isto tenemento prenominato. Et propter hanc conventionem et concessionem dedit mihi Eandulfua in gersummam xl. solidos, et uxori mee j. bisantum auri, et primo- genito filio meo j. bisantum auri. Et si forte evenerit quod Ean- dulfus vel heredes sui velint relinquere feodum suum et tenementum, debent mihi reddere vel heredibus meis tenementum illud, tarn bene herbergatum in ligno et lapide, sicut ipse Eandulfus recepit de Will- elmo Camerario patre meo. Hiis testibus: Stephano, sacerdote de Sancto Thoma; RicardoBrit; JohanneBuc; [et multis aliis]. 286 APPENDIX OF DOCUMENTS. 4. A.D. 12171218. Hec est convencio facta inter Robertum filium Simonis et Eegi- naldum de Lyeng', scilicet, quod predictus Beginaldus et heredes sui, de custo suo, inperpetuum facient et reparabunt stillicidium plumbeum quantum murus lapideus extenditur quern idem Eobertus totum fecit super terram quam Eeginaldus Timbermongre ei liberavit ad ilium murum construendum inter eos versus orientem, scilicet terre ipsius Eoberti, et ita debent facere et reparare stillicidium illud de plumbo, ne idem Robertus vel heredes sui in aliquo tempore proinde damnum incurrant. Predictus eciam Reginaldus et beredes sui habebunt tan- turn in predicto muro decem corbellos, et in muro dicti Roberti versus aquilonem duos corbellos tantum. Ita quod illi duodecim corbelli non sint majoris altitudinis a terra quam octo pedes, et, illis deficientibus, non poterunt nee debent alios grossiores nee grandiores, altius vel inferius, nee alibi ponere vel babere quam alii fuerunt die quo bee convencio facta fuit. Et idem Eeginaldus et heredes sui non poterunt nee debent amplius habere nee clamare in predicto muro lapideo ver- sus orientem terre dicti Eoberti quam rebatum suum tantum, cum decem corbellis ut dictum est sitis, quam scilicet rebatum idem Ee- ginaldus et heredes sui si voluerint, et facultatem ad hoc habuerint, poterunt exaltare de tribus pedibus, ita tamen quod non poterunt obturare visum fenestre de coquina dicti Eoberti. Preterea dictus Reginaldus et heredes sui finabiliter debent recipere aquam deciden- tem de coquina et bracino dicti Roberti, quantum, scilicet, murus lapideus ejusdem coquine extendit in longitudine. Efc preterea dictus Robertus concessit eidem Eeginaldo et heredibus suis quod, si volu- erint, exaltent rebatum suum de tribus pedibus versus aquilonem dicte coquine et bracini dioti Roberti. Ita tamen quod aquam inde decidentem, ut dictum est, recipiant. Et de muro superiori versus occidentem inter terram dicti Eoberti et terram ipsius Eeginaldi, medietas erit dicti Eoberti et heredum suorum, et altera medietas dicti Reginaldi et heredum suorum. Preterea dictus Eeginaldus et heredes sui habebunt foveam camere private sue in eodem loco quo fuit die quo hec convencio facta est. Et si aliam alibi facere volu- erint, ita faciant quod non sit prope murum dicti Eoberti nee he- redum suorum de tribus pedibus largiter. Si autem dictus murus per forisfactum dicti Eoberti vel heredum suorum, vel per foveam camere private, vel aliquo alio casu cecidit vel devastaverit, pactum est quod illud emendari vel reparari faciant. It si murus ille per APPEKDIX OP DOCUMENTS. 287 forisfactum dicti Reginald! vel heredum suorum, vel per foveam ca- mere private, vel aliquo alio casu cecidit vel devastaverit, pactum esfc quod idem Keginaldus vel heredes sui illud eraendari efc reparari fa- ciant. Hanc convencionem fideliter et sine malo ingenio tenendara quilibet eorum alteri pro se et suis heredibua affidavit, et sigillo suo confirmavit. Hiis testibua ; Martino filio Alicie, Aldermanno ; Ser- lone Mercero; Willelmo de Ely ; [et aliis]. Actum fuit ix. Kalendis Aprilis, presentibus predictis, anno regni Henrici regis secundo. bg |amta $)arhrt anb Co., CrotoR garb, fotb. WORKS ON anb PUBLISHED BY JAMES PARKER AND CO. OXFOKD, AND 377, STEAND, LONDON, THE GLOSSARY OF ARCHITECTURE ABRIDGED. 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