UC-NRLF 510 B6 m.m. »*. „:..ir. Fii^mf^r^ ^ ^* ^ «-^v i'-i Sfe:f 1^' ^^ , -..*^:-v>. ^ •-i ("tivdrbQ-WK^ n REESE LIBRARY nv THK UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Received. J-'^^jS^..^ /SS^ Accessions No..^S^f7y Shelf No <^- ^O LIBRARY imiVER-SITY OF CALIFOS^HA i LIBRARY OF USEFUL KNOWLEDGE. ART,0^,,^§EWING, PUBLISHED UNDER THE SUPERINTENDENCE SOCIETY FOR THE DIFFUSION KNOWLEDGE, OF THE :v^' OF THjB COMMITTEE. Chaitman—H, BROUGHAM, Esq., F.R.S., M.P. rice Chairma'i Treasurer— WILLIAM TOOKE, Esq., F, NIVERSIT Rt.Hon. J.Abercrombie, M.P. W. Allen, Esq., F.K,S. Lord Althorp, M.P. Rt. Hon. Lord Auckland. W. B. Baring, Esq., M. P. Capt. F.Beaufort, R.N.F.R.S. C. Bell, Esq. F.R.S..L.&E. X. F. Buxton, Esq , M.P., F.R.S, R. Otway Cave, Esq , M.P. John Conolly, M.D. William Coulson, Esq. Wm. Crawford, Esq. Fred. Daniell, Esq., F.R.S. T. Denman, Esq. Hon. G..A. Ellis, M.A., M. P. T. F. Ellis, Esq., M.A. I. L.GoIdsmid, Esq., F.R.S. B. Gompertz, Esq., F.R.S. H.Hallam, Esq.,F.R.S.,M.A. M. D. Hill, Esq. Rowland Hill, Esq. E. Hill, Esq. Leonard Homer, Esq., F.RS. David Jardine, Esq. Henrj- B. Ker, Esq., F.R.S. J. G. S. Lefevre, Esq., F.R.S. Edward Lloyd, Esq., M.A. James Locb, Esq., M.P., J. W. Lubbock, Esq., M.A. Dr. Lushington, D.C.L., M.P. Sir J. Mackintosh, M.P., B. H. Malkin, Esq., M.A. Rev. Ed. Maltby, D.D., F.R.S. James Manning, Esq. F. O. Martin, Esq. J. Marshall, Esq., MP. John Herman Merivale, Esq. James Mill, Esq. James Morrison, Esq. Rt. Hon. Lord Nugent, M.P. Sir H. Pamell, Bart., M.P. Professor Pattison. T Spring Rice, Esq., M.P., F.A.S. I Dr. Roget, Sec. R.S. I 0. E. Rumbold, Esq., .M.P. j.T. Smith, Esq., M.P. I Wm. Sturch, Esq. Rt. Hon. Lord SulField. Dr. A. T. Thomson, F.L.S. William Kyton Tooke, Esq. A. N. Vigors, Esq., F.R.S. H. Warburton, Esq., M.P., I FR.S. H. Waymouth, Esq. J, Whishaw, Esq., MA., F.R.S. Mr. Serjeant Wilde. ' John VVood, Esq. .M.P. Jolrn Wrottesley, Esq., M.A. Ashbmion — J. P. lOngston, Esq. Birmingham Local Association. Rev. Jn. Currie, Chairman. Paul Moon .lames, Esq., Treasurer. Thos. Clarke, Esq. 1 „„ T. Eyre Lee, Esq. } ^°"- Jos. Parkes, Esq. J *''"• Bristol— J. N. Sanders, Esq., Chairman. J. Reynolds, Esq.,r>rst cooler. The first cooler should run, if required, into the second, and both should communicate with a horizontal pipe running in front, and as low as the bottom of the gyle-tuns, (for these should be all on a level,) and communicating with each gyle-tun by stopcocks. From this horizontal pipe another should be carried to a contiguous cellar, below ground, which, by the assistance of screw-cocks and leather pipes, might cleanse any of the tuns into the casks. How much of all this can, in any particular case, be accomplished, we have here no means of determining. The plan of fining the gyle-tuns at the bottom in- stead of the top is not usual, but the young brewer will find it very commo- dious. We are aware that many of the remarks and recommendations which we have hitherto given, will be considered as impracticable by private gentlemen, for whose use, as well as that of the public brewer, these pages are intended ; but the accurate consideration of every subject has its use, and without this previous analysis we could scarcely hope to render the other parts of our work intelligible. The private brewer may BREWING. 11 have a more scanty store of utensils than those we have enumerated. They may even change their identity : his liquor- copper may become his wort-copper ; his mash- tun may ])e metamorphosed into a gyle-tun ; but he will understand what we mean, when we mention the diiferent names, and will recognize the actors in their changes of character and dress. Chapter IV. Of Instruments. ^ ]. — The Thermometer. Brewing is a philosophical art ; and has gained advantages from some of those instruments which philosophy has invented. Few, if any, of the arts de- pend so much on the regulation of heat ; and, notwithstanding, the introduction of the thermometer into the brewery was, we believe, not earlier than the middle of the last century. We are sure that then it was far from general ; and even now it is unknown to nine-tenths of the private brewers. We are not, however, to judge from this circumstance, that our ancestors could not make good beer. They did so, but by no fixed rule. The guess-work often succeeded ; and when, as was frequently the case, a brewing was blinked or otherwise spoiled, the blame was laid upon thunder, or upon witchcraft. Yet, even in those times, there were scientific brewers, who were able to do to-day what they did yester- day, though they could not communi- cate their knowledge. As is said of the blind, — the other senses became more acute from the want of artificial instru- ments ; and the taste, touch, hearing, smell, and sight, were more forcibly put in requisition. We know a public brewer, still in business, in a country town, whose scientific acquirements are of the lowest rank, who exposes only the bottom of his copper to the fire, keeping the sides unco vered and polished ; and who, nevertheless, fixes the heats of his mashing liquor, with surprising exactness, by the sound which his cop- pergives when beat with his knuckles. With all this, he has little or no musical ear. 'Ihe thermometer is applicable and useful in every stage of the brewing process. It ascertains the heat of the mashing liquor, and of the worts when draining from the mash-tun. In the coolers, it shows when the worts are ready to let down for fermentation ; and in the gyle-tun it marks the pro- gress, as far as it is notified by the increase or diminution of the heat. For the latter purpose there are tun-ther- moineters, from three to three and a-half feet long, which can be immersed in the worts, while all that is necessary of the scale overtops the froth of the head. An improved thermometer for the liquor-copper is still a desideratum. In high heats the steam covers the tube and obscures the mercury, so as easily to produce a mistake. We have often proposed, that a red glass bead should be introduced into the tube, which would swim on the top of the metallic fluid ; but we have never been able to find an artist who would undertake to produce such an instrument, though it would certainly procure a ready sale. Per- haps a slight portion of coloured glass- dust might be inserted, so as to answer the purpose. § 2. — The Saccharometer. The principle and construction of the hydrometer (or areometer) have been already explained in our " Treatise on Hydrostatics." The saccharometer is nothing else but a hydrometer, whose scale is calculated so as to render it pe- culiarly fitted for measuring the specific gravities of worts, as compared with water. The infusion of malt is sweet, and without stopping to investigate whether or not that sweet substance (which is extracted from the malt and increases the weight of the water) is homogeneous with the sugar (Latin saccharum) of the cane, the infusion is termed saccharine ; the additional gra- vity which it exhibits beyond that of water is said to be caused by the saccha- rine matter, and is measured by the saccharometer. The first instrument under the name of a saccharometer was constructed, and sold to the trade in 1784, by Mr. John Richardson, then a brewer at Hull. Other saccharometers have since ap- peared with various claims to superi- ority ; but the fundamental principle of all is the same, and though Mr. Rich- ardson's instrument has been theoreti- cally, it has never been practically, im- proved. Extreme nicety is not necessary to the Brewer. What is wanted is a cheap instrument, which might be bought by private families; for we know of none at present that can be had under three guineas, except certain rudely-constructed glass ones, which 12 BREWING. Fii have no pretensions to accuracy. We trust that we shall soon be able to sup- ply this deficiency. Mr. Richardson's saccharoraeter, if adapted to the imperial gallon, may be thus described : The part A (fig. 4) is a hollow ball of copper, having a flat brass stem c d, and a weight a of the same metal affixed by the foot- stalk g h. The weight a is regu- lated so as the instrument shall sink in distilled water of 620 to the point b of the scale e b, which is divided into ten equal parts. A barrel (36 gallons) of pure water at 62° heat, weighs 360 pounds avoirdupois ; and the instru- ment is so regulated that, if put into a liquid weighing 361 pounds per barrel, it would rise to the mark e. Each of the divisions between e and b will then represent tenths of a pound. There are weights (having holes in ^^ their centres) marked 1, 2, ^'^^'^'^ 3, 4, 5, 10, 20 and 30. These, respec- tively, represent pounds weight, and are put, as required, on the top of the stem, resting on the projection d. So, for example, if when putting on the weight marked 10, the instrument sinks in a wort to the point b, a barrel of that wort, at the heat above specified, w^ould weigh exactly ten pounds more than a barrel of pure water. If the instrument shall cut the surface at two of the divisions below the point b, in that case a barrel of the liquid would weigh 1 0.2 lb. more than a barrel of water — that is, 370.2 pounds. The length of the instrument is about eight inches, to which the ball is proportioned, as in the figure. The worts are understood to be cooled down to a certain heat (in our description 62"), and an allowance is made at other heats, as directed, by a table which accom- panies the instrument. The water used by the Brewer is sel- dom or never pure, but is often a tenth, and sometimes a half of a pound weightier per barrel. This should be kept in mind in taking the gravities of the worts, or the instrument may be regulated to the water by shortening a /« ; the part g sliding into tlie socket^ ^. The common hydrometers, instead of proportioning the specifi.c gravities of fluids to 360 parts of water, as is here done, compare them with 1000 parts; as may be seen in the Table of Specific Gravities, given in the Treatise on Hy- drostatics. The principle, nevertheless, is the same. Sea-water, for example, in that table, is marked 1028, while dis- tilled water is 1000: that is, the same measure of the latter which would weigh 1000 ounces, or pounds, would, if filled with sea-water, weigh 1028. If we wish to reduce the saccharometer indications to the proportion of a thousand, we have only to multiply them by 21, because 1000 is 2^ times 360. Thus a wort which shows 9 lb. by the saccharometer is equal to 25 parts'of 1000, and in the table of gravities would be written 1025. But the Brewer never adds the weight of the water when speaking of his worts. A wort, the barrel of which weighs 370 pounds, is merely called a ten pound wort, and in this way all his calculations are made. For the convenience of those who wish to compare specific gravities gene- rally, as they appear in philosophical works, we subjoin the following table. The figures of the left hand marginal column are understood to be pounds ; and those of Ihe upper horizontal line, tenths of a pound weight, per barrel, as indicated by the common saccharometer. The body of the table contains specific gravities, extending to tenths and cor- responding with the different weights, ''water being reckoned 1000. An ex- ample or two will be sufficient to show the mode of consultation. Suppose we have a wort of 141b., and wish to know its specific gravity. In the left-hand margin we find 14 ; and next to that in the adjoining column marked at top by a cypher, there being no tenths, we find 1038,9, the specific gravity required. Again, let the sac- charometer-weight be 32.4 lb. Oppo- site to 32, in the margin, and in the same horizontal line, in the column headed .4, we have 1090, for the equi- valent specific gravity ; and thus that of any wort under 50 pounds weight may readily be found. The reverse of this comparison is equally easy. Thus, suppose we have a wort which shows a specific gravity of 1109.5 by the common hydrometer; and we want to know how many pounds heavier a barrel of such worts is than a barrel of water : we seek, in the body of the table, for the nearest number to 11 09.5, which we find to be 1 109.4. ^ This sura is in the column headed .4, in the horizontal line with the left-hand nvargin 39 ; and therefore 39.4 is the weight sought for. BREWING. 13 TABLE FOR REDUCING POUNDS AND TENTHS OF ADDITIONAL GRAVITY PER BARREL INTO PARTS OF 1000. lib _ .0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 1000. 1000.3 1000.6 1000.8 1001.1 1001.4 1001.7 1001.9 1002.2 1002.5 1 1002.8 1003.1 1003.3 1003.0 1003.9 1004.2 1004.4 1004.7 1005.0 1005.3 2 1005.6 1005.8 1006.1 1006.4 1006.7 1006.9 1007.2 1007.5 1007.8 1008.1 3 1008.3 1008.6 1008.9 1009.2 1009.4 1009.7 1010.0 1010.3 1010.6 1010.8 4 1011.1 1011.4 1011.7 1011.9 1012.2 1012.5 1012.8 1013.1 1013.3 1013.6 5 1013.9 1014.2 1014.4 1014.7 1015.0 1015.3 1015.6 1015.8 1016.1 1016.4 6 1016.7 1016.9 1017.2 1017.5 1017.8 1018.1 1018.3 1018.6 1018.9 1019.2 7 1019.4 1019.7 1020.0 1020.3 1020.6 1020.8 1021.1 1021.4 1021.7 1021.9 8 1022.2 1022.5 1022.8 1023.1 1023.3 1023.6 1023.9 1024.2 1024.4 1024.7 9 1025.0 1025.3 1025.6 1025.8 1020.1 1020.4 1026.7 1026.9 1027.2 1027.5 10 1027.8 1028.1 1028.3 1028.6 1028.9 1029.2 1029.4 1029.7 1030.0 1030.3 11 1030.6 1030.8 1031.1 1031.4 1031.7 1031.9 1032.2 1032.5 1032.8 1033.1 12 1033.3 1033.0 1033.9 1034.2 1034.4 1034.7 1035.0 1035.3 1035.6 1035.8 13 103G.1 1036.4 1036.7 1036.9 1037.2 1037.5 1037.8 1038.1 1038.3 1038.6 14 1038.9 1039.2 1039.4 1039.7 1040.0 1040.3 1040.6 1040.8 1041.1 1041.4 15 1 04 1 . 7 1041.9 1042.2 1042.5 1042.8 1043.1 1043.3 1043.6 1043.9 1044.2 16 1044.4 1044.7 1045.0 1045.3 1045.6 1045.8 1046.1 1046.4 1046.7 1046.9 17 1047.2 1047.5 1047.8 1043.1 1048.3 1048.6 1048.9 1049.2 1049.4 1049.7 18 1050.0 1050.3 1050.6 1050.8 1051.1 1051.4 1051.7 1051.9 1052.2 1052.5 19 1052.8 1053.1 1053.3 1053.6 1053.9 1054.2 1054.4 1054.7 1055.0 1055.3 20 1055.6 1055.8 1056.1 1056.4 1056.7 1056.9 1057.2 1057.5 105-7.8 1058.1 21 1058.3 1058.6 1058.9 1059.2 1059.4 1059.7 1060.0 1060.3 1060.6 1060.8 22 1061.1 1061.4 1061.7 1061.9 1062.2 1062.5 1062.8 1063.1 1063.3 1063.6 23 1063.9 1064.2 1064.4 1064.7 1065.0 1065.3 1065.6 1065.8 1066.1 1066.4 24 1065.7 1066.9 1067.2 1067.5 106 7.8 1068.1 1068.3 1068.6 10G8.9 1069.2 25 1069.4 1009.7 1070.0 1070.3 1070.6 1070.8 1071.1 1071.4 1071.7 1071.9 2G 1072.2 1072.5 1072.8 1073.1 1073.3 1073.6 1073.9 1074.2 1074.4 1074.7 27 1075.0 1075.3 1075.6 1075.8 1070.1 1076.4 1076.7 1076.9 1077.2 1077.5 28 1077.8 1078.1 1078.3 1078.6 1078.9 1079.2 1079.4 1079.7 1080.0 1080.3 29 1080.6 1080.8 1081.1 1081.4 1081.7 1081.9 1082.2 1082.5 1082.8 1083.1 30 1083.3 1083.6 1083.9 1084.2 1084.4 1084.7 1085.0 1085.3 1085.6 1085.8 31 1080.1 1086.4 1086.7 1086.9 1087.2 1087.5 1087.8 1088.1 1088.3 1088.0 32 1088.9 1089.2 1089.4 1089.7 1090.0 1090.3 1090.6 1090.8 1091.1 1091.4 33 1091.7 1091.9 1092.2 1092.5 1092.8 1093.1 1093.3 1093.6 1093.9 1094.2 34 1094.4 1094.7 1095.0 1095.3 1095.6 1095.8 1096.1 1096.4 1096.7 1096.9 35 1097.2 1097.5 1097.8 1098.1 1098.3 1098.6 1098.9 1099.2 1099.4 1099.7 36 1100.0 1100.3 1100.6 1100.8 1101.1 1101.4 1101.7 1101.9 1102.2 1102.5 37 1102.8 1103.1 1103.3 1103.6 1103.9 1104.2 1104.4 1104.7 1105.0 1105.3 38 1105.6 1105.8 1106.1 1106.4 1106.7 1106.9 1107.2 1107.5 1107.8 1108.1 39 1108.3 1108.6 1108.9 1109.2 1109.4 1109.7 1110.0 1110.3 1110.6 1110.8 40 1111.1 1111.4 nil .7 1111.9 1112.2 1112.5 1112.8 1113.1 1113.3 1113.6 41 1113.9 1114.2 1114.4 1114.7 1115.0 1115.3 1115.6 1115.8 1116.1 1116.4 -12 1116.7 1116.9 1117.2 1117.5 1117.8 1118.1 1118.3 1118.6 1118.9 1119.2 43 1119.4 1119.7 1120.0 1120.3 1120.6 1120.8 1121.1 1121.4 1121.7 1121.9 44 1122.2 1122.5 1122.8 1123.1 1123.3 1123.6 1123.9 1124.2 1124.4 1124.7 45 1125.0 1125.3 1 1 25 . 6 1125.8 1126.1 1126.4 1126.7 1126.9 1127.2 1127.5 46 1127.8 1128.1 1128.3 1123.6 1128.9 1129.2 1129.4 1129.7 1130.0 1130.3 47 1130.6 1130.8 1131.1 1131.4 1131.7 1131.9 1132.2 1132.5 1132.8 1133.1 48 1133.3 1133.6 1133.9 1134.2 1134.4 1134.7 1135.0 1135.3 1135.6 1135.8 49 1136.1 1136.4 1136.7|1136.9 1137.2 1137.5 1137.8 113S.l|ll38.3 1138.6 14 BREWING. § 3. — Assay Jars. These are used for the purpose of hold- ing the worts which are to be weighed by the saccharometer. Their number is not hmited, and may be only one or half a dozen, if it be wished to keep samples of the several worts. They are cylindric vessels of common tinned iron, about eight inches long and two and a-half diameter, which size gives sufficient space to swim the saccharometer. They have each a small handle and a lid, as repre- sented in^g. 5. Fig, 5, § 4. — Refrigerator. This is a very necessary article; for though the saccharometers are usually accompanied with tables of expansion to show the allowance for the heat above or below sixty degrees, yet the worts can never be properly weighed, on ac- count of the steam, until they are brought down to 90 at most. This refrigerator is so well described by Mr. Richardson, that we cannot do better than give it in his own words : — " This instrument may be made of tin, and being intended to contain no more than the quantity of an assay-jar full, its dimensions may be nine or ten inches deep, and its breadth seven inches one way, and half an inch the other, forming abroad and flat, or thin vessel, resembling a tin case, sometimes made use of for the preservation of deeds or other writings. (See/^. 6.) The rea- son of its being made thus thin is, that when charged with hot wort, and plunged into cold water, the effect of the cold may be almost instantaneous, which is nearly the case ; for the quan- tity of wort being less than a pint, and the surface brought into contact with the cold water (the intervention of the tin only excepted), containing about 140 square inches, it may easily be conceived how rapidly the heat must be dissipated. " The upper part should have a lip a for the more conveniently pour- ing out the wort ; and on the oppo- site side should be a socket, to which a handle, b, should be soldered. The use of the socket is to receive a stick, of any convenient length, c, which is to fix in the socket by a pin, in the same manner as a bayonet is fixed ; by which means it may be fastened in, when the refrigerator is to be dipped Fig. 6. BREWING. into the copper, and taken out, as an incumbrance, when it is charged with wort. It is to have two Hds, or covers, d and e, the rims of which are to slip within the edge of the vessel, as is re- commended for those of the assay-jars. One of the covers is to be perforated full of small holes, in order to admit the wort, and at the same time to prevent the hops from entering ; the other is to be whole, and is intended to supply the place of the first the moment it is taken out of the copper. " The length of the stick inserted in the socket is entirely to be determined by circumstances, it being intended only as the means of holding the refrigerator in the wort, till it is filled without endan- gering the hand from the steam. " It should have a .broad flat bottom, /, in order to enable it to stand upright, otherwise there would be a necessity of supporting it in that position."* Chapter V. Of Solutions and Mixtures, § 1. — Of Solutions. "When a solid substance is dissolved in a liquid, the specific gravity of the compound is not increased by the whole weight of the solid dissolved. Part goes to the increase of bulk, and this increase differs with the nature of the bodies so united, in such a manner as not to be* included under any general law that has been hitherto discovered. There is a marked distinction between mechanical and chemical union. A substance, for example, which has the same specific gravity as water would be suspended in that fluid, and, if reduced to dust, might be thoroughly mixed ; but the mixture would be turbid, and the specific gravity of the water would remain the same. The suspended particles would increase the bulk exactly in proportion to the added weight. In chemical unions, how- ever, (although we are pretty ignorant of their cause,) it is otherwise. In the mixture of fluids we are uncertain, pre- vious to experiment, whether their vo- lume will be increased or diminished. In certain proportions of alcohol and water, the diminution of bulk is about three per cent., and, as might be ex- pected from theory, heat is produced. The solution, notwithstanding, remains transparent, without deposition. The * " Richardson's Philosophical Principles of the Science of Brewing." ll^S, alcohol and the #ateF%.are neither is decomposed. The manner in which the hofr lic^ijiM^ absorbs the substance, termed saccfia-- rine, from the malt, has not been suffi- ciently observed. It would appear, from a few circumstances which have been noted, that there exists a condensation during the absorption, and that caloric is evolved ; for the heat of the mash is often considerably above the mean of the ingredients. This, however, may be occasioned by the action of Saccharifica- tion, of which we shall afterwards have occasion to speak. However all these things may be, it is certain that the weight of the dry sub- stance extracted from the malt is much greater than that which is communi- cated to the specific gravity of the worts ; for, if we were to take a barrel of worts which weighed 380 pounds, that is, twenty pounds more than water (as might be shown either by the saccharo- meter or by actual weighing) ; and were we to evaporate the water at a low heat until nothing remained but a dry resi- duum, that residuum would probably be found to weigh about fifty -two pounds : at least, this is nearly the result of expe- riments that have been made. The specific gravity of this residuum is stated by Dr. Thomson to be 1.532; but, we beUeve, he was never able to procure it in a solid form. At any rate, as we shall have afterwards to speak of the nature of malt extracts, we shall take our illustration of the present subject from the solution of sugar. Pure sugar, dry and without vacui- ties, has a specific gravity of about 1.6, compared with water as unity ; that is, a gallon measure of this sugar would weigh sixteen pounds, while water weighs only ten. If, then, we put one gallon measure of this solid sugar into thirty- five gallons of water, we shall (setting aside concentration, if there be any) have thirty-six gallons, or a barrel, of a solu- tion, which will weigh sixteen pounds more than the water with which the sugar was mixed. If, instead of the gallon of sugar, we had put in another gallon of water to fill the barrel, we should then have added only ten pounds to the weight of the thirty- five gallons ; so that we have a barrel, of sugar wort, which weighs six pounds more than a barrel of water will do ; and these six pounds are all that are shown by the saccharometer. In the one case we have 16 BREWING. 35 gallons of water, at 10 lbs. per gallon And 1 gallon of solid sugar, at 16 lb. per gallon 350 lb. 16 Or 36 gallons of a solution weighing . . . 366 In the other 36 gallons of water, weighing 360 The difference of weight being 6 lbs. A barrel, therefore, of a fluid mixture of suf^ar and water, which weighs six pounds more than a barrel of wa- ter, contains sixteen pounds of pure sugar; and this proportion of six to sixteen is found to prevail, with little variation, whatever be the quantity of sugar dissolved, as long as the fluidity is preserved. Thus a wort of 14 pounds would contain nearly 37^ pounds of sugar; because 14 is to 37^ in the ratio of 6 to 16. When Mr. Richardson constructed his saccharometer, he was not aware of the distinction between the specific gra- vity of a wort and the quantity of sac- charum which it contained. He mistook the one for the other, and uniformly spoke of a barrel of wort of ten, twenty, or any other number of pounds, as con- taining the same number of pounds' weight of fermentable matter. Further, however, than this misnomer, his instru- ment was accurately as well as ingeni- ously contrived ; and we still consider it to be as well adapted to the brewery as any one that has succeeded it. Pounds and tenths of a pound per barrel are near enough for the purpose of the brewer, without having recourse to slid- ing rules, in the use of which he may be apt to err. Besides, this propor- tional specific gravity is accurately true and obvious to his understanding ; whereas the real amount of fermentajjle matter, the discovery of which depends upon experiments that he cannot verify, is in every case an approximation or guess-work, rather than a certainty. The following Table will, at all events, en- able him, if he wishes it, to turn his weights into real fermentable matter^ according to the average of the scales of the more recent saccharometers. The method of consultation is the same as in the Table of specific gravities at page 13. The left-hand marginal column gives the pounds, and the upper hori- zontal fine the tenths of a pound of gra- vity per barrel; and the body of the Table, in the squares to which the side and top figures respectively point, con- tain the corresponding qualities of dry saccharine matter, which those gravities are supposed to indicate, expressed also in pounds and decimals of a pound. BREWING. 17 TABLE OF POUNDS OF FERMENTABLE MATTER CORRESPONDING TO THE POUNDS PER BARREL OF GRAVITY; AVERAGED FROM THE MODERN SACCHAROMETERS. .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 1.76 .8 .9 .25 .50 .76 1.01 1.26 1.51 2.02 2.27 1 2.52 2.77 3.02 3.28 3.53 3.78 4.03 4.28 4.54 4.79 2 5.04 5.29 5.54 5.80 6.05 6.30 6.55 6.80 7.06 7.31 3 7.56 7.81 8.06 8.32 8.57 8.84 9.09 9.32 9.58 9.83 4 10.08 10.33 10.58 10.84 11.09 11,34 11.59 11.84 12,10 12.35 5 12.60 12.85 13.10 13.36 13.61 13.86 14.11 14.36 14,62 14,87 6 15.12 15.37 15.62 15.88 16.13 16.38 16.63 16.88 17.14 17.39 7 17.64 17.89 18.14 18.40 18.65 18.90 19.15 19.40 19.66 19.91 8 20.16 20,41 20.66 20.92 21.17 21.42 21.67 21.92 22.18 22.43 9 22.68 22.93 23.18 23.44 23.69 23.94 24.19 24.44 24.70 24.95 10 25.20 25.45 25.70 25.96 26.21 26.46 26.71 26.96 27.22 27.47 11 27.72 27.97 28.22 28.48 28.73 28.98 29.23 29.48 29.74 29.99 12 30.24 30.49 30.74 31.00 31.25 31.50 31.75 32.00 32.26 32.51 13 32.76 33.01 33.26 33.52 33.77 34.02 34.27 34.52 34.78 35 . 03 14 35.28 35.53 35.78 36.04 36.29 36.54 36.79 37.04 37.30 37.55 15 37.80 38.05 38.30 38.56 38.81 39.06 39.31 39.56 39.82 40.07 16 40.32 40.57 40.82 41.08 41.33 41.58 41.83 42.08 42.34 42.59 17 42.84 43.09 43.34 43.60 43.85 44.10 44.35 44.60 44.86 45.11 18 45.36 45.61 45.86 46.12 46.37 46.62 46.87 47.12 47.38 47.63 19 47.88 48.13 48.38 48.64 48.89 49.14 49.39 49.64 49.90 50.15 20 50.40 50.65 50.90 51.16 51.41 51.66 51.91 52.16 52.42 52.67 21 52.92 53.17 53.42 53.68 53.93 54.18 54.43 54.68 54.94 55.19 22 55.44 55.69 55.94 56.20 56.45 56.70 56.95 57.20 57.46 57.71 23 57.96 58.21 58.46 58.72 58.97 59.22 59.47 59.72 59.98 60.23 24 60.48 60.73 60.98 61.24 61.49 61.74 61.99 62.24 62.50 62.75 25 63.00 63.25 63.50 63.76 64.01 64.26 64.51 64.76 65.02 65.27 26 65.52 65.77 66.02 66.28 66.53 66.78 67.03 67.28 67.54 67.79 27 68.04 68.29 68.54 68.80 69.05 69.30 69.55 69.80 70.06 70,31 28 70.56 70.81 71.06 71.32 71.57 71.82 72.07 72.32 72.58 72.83 29 73.08 73.33 73.58 73.84 74.09 74.34 74.59 74.84 75.10 75.35 30 75.60 75.85 76.10 76.36 76.61 76.86 77.11 77.36 77.62 77.87 31 78.12 78.37 78.62 78.88 79.13 79.38 79.63 79.88 80.14 80.39 32 80.64 80.89 81.14 81.40 81.65 81.90 82,15 82.40 82.66 82.91 33 83.16 83.41 83.66 83.92 84.17 84.42 84.67 84.92 85.18 85.43 34 85.68 85.93 86.18 86.44 86.69 86.94 87.19 87.44 87.70 87.95 35 88.20 88.45 88.70 88.96 89.21 89.46 89.71 89.96 90.22 90.47 36 90.72 90.97 91.22 91.48 91.73 91.98 92.23 92.48 92.74 92.99 37 93.24 93.49 93,74 94.00 94.25 94.50 94.75 95.00 95.26 95.51 38 95.76 96.01 96.26 96.52 96.77 97.02 97.27 97.52 97.78 98.03 39 98.28 98.53 98.78 99.04 99.29 99.54 99.79 100.04 100.30 100.55 40 100.80 101.05 101.30 101.56 101.81 102.06 102.31 102.56 102.82 103.07 41 103.32 103.57 103.82 104.08 104.33 104.58 104.83 105.08 105.34 105.59 42 105.84 106.09 106.34 106,60 106.85 107.10 107.35 107.60 107.86 108.11 43 108.36 108.61 108.86 109.12 109.37 109.62 109.87 110,12 110.38 110.63 44 110.88 111.13 111.38 111.64 111.89 112.14 112.39 112.64 112.90 113.15 45 113.40 113.65 113.90 114.16 114.41 114.66 114.91 115,16 115.42 115.67 46 115.92 116.17 116.42 116.68 116.93 117,18 117.43 117,68 117.94 118.19 47 118.44 118.69 118.94 117.20 119.45 119,70 119.95 120,20 120.46 120.71 48 120.96 121.21 121.46 119,72 121.97 122.22 122.47 122,72 122.98 123.23 49 123.48 123.73 123.98 122,24 124,49 124,74 124.99 125.24 125.50 125.75 1§ BREWING. $ 2. — Mixture of Worts. The different extracts from malt, if properly taken, seem to be homogene- ous. Whatever be their gravity they unite readily with each other, as well as with water, in all proportions ; and the mixture is invariably a mean between two extracts with regard to speeitic gravity, and equal to both in quantity. This regularity in their union renders it an easy task for the brewer to increase, or diminish the gravity of his worts at pleasure ; and, as far as strength is concerned, to fix the value of his beer. We shall here give a few examples of the manner of making up strengths ; in order to save repetitions when we make our statements of different brewings : — When there is only one kind of beer made from the same goods (what is termed Entire Gyles) the mixture of worts requires no calculation. The strength is fixed by the union of the whole ; and if that strength be too small there is no remedy but to boil longer, or to be more careful when we mash for another brewing. If the strength of the whole be too great, they may be brought down by letting water into the wort-copper ; but this practice is clumsy, and wasteful : for something better might have been got from the goods by sprink- ling, if done before the chance of acidity. It is when two qualities of beer (such as strong and small) are made from the same brewing, that the mixing of the worts requires particular calculation. It is to be premised, in the outset, that the brewer must have tables of the con- tents of his coppers and working tuns for every inch of their depth, and of the coolers for every tenth of an inch. In public breweries these tables are all drawn up by the excise, in barrels, fir- kins, and gallons ; but it will be found more convenient by the brewer, if they are calculated in barrels and tenths, which is minute enough for the pur- pose which we have now in view to explain. Suppose Barrels, lb. gravity. 1st Wort 12 at 35 = 420 2d Wort 14 at 20 = 280 3d Wort 14 at 6 := 84 40 at 19.6av. =-784 Here we have forty barrels of wort, which, if all mixed, would average 19.6 lbs. per barrel. This would be too weak for ale, and too strong for small beer. Let the worts, therefore, be mixed up in other proportions, such as the following: — Barrels, lb. gravity. 1st Wort 12 at 35 = 420 2d Wort 7 at 20 = 140 Strong Ale 19 at 29.4 = 560 There now remains of 2d Wort 7 at 20 = 140 3d Wort 14 at 6 = 84 Making 21 at 10.6 = 422 which would be saleable small beer. Should we wish it, we might improve the quality of both, in this, or some similar manner : — Barrels, lb, gravity. 1st Wort 12 at 35 = 420 2d Wort 2 at 20 = 40 Strong Ale 14 at 32.8 There remains of 2d Wort 12 at 20 3d Wort 14 at 6 460 240 84 324 Being 26 at 12.4 which is a good strength for small beer. Other combinations might be made according to the sort of article that is required. Some brewers, for instance, might divide their worts in the following way : — Barrels, lb. gravity. 1st Wort 12 at 35 = 420 2d Wort 14 at 20 = 280 S iron g Ale 26 at 26.9 700 and 3d Wort 14 at 6 = 84 for small beer. The strong ale, at nearly 27 lbs. gravity per barrel, is of the usual strength at which the London brewers make their sixty shillings ale, but those in the country will probably be surprised at the mention of 6 lbs. small beer. Persons who wonder know nothing of the metropolis. This strength would make very fair workhouse beer — fully as good as the price can afford. The excise duty is two shillings, and we have, nevertheless, known contracts for supplying some of those establish- ments, to which the beer was driven for miles and delivered at six shillings a barrel I § 3. — Of making up Lengths. The necessity of boiling a wort longer than is otherwise requisite, for the pur- pose of raising its gravity, should be always guarded against, and seldom happens with experienced brewers. These can regulate their mashes so as BREWING. 19 to ensure the intended quantity and strength ; but cases will occur, from various unforeseen circumstances, such as a mistake in the quality of the malt, where they must have recourse to a more than ordinary evaporation. In such cases, the saccharometer is the only guide. As an example, we shall suppose a brewing of porter, which, in London, is always made of an entire gyle, and, as nearly as possible, of the same strength. Let there be ten quar- ters of malt, from which the brewer ex- pects 80 lbs. per quarter :— Of the black (or patent) malt, we take no account. The gravity of our porter must not be under 21 lbs., if we would keep up the character of the house. We have al- ready cast the first and second worts, and the third is in the copper. A mash stands on the goods for a Return, but this can be of no service in the case before us : — We have, in the coolers, Barrels, lbs. Gravity. 1st Wort 12.5 at 32.5 = 406.2 2d Wort 13 at 20 = 260 Making 25.5 in weight 666.2 The third mash in the copper (allow- ing for the heat according to the Tables of Expansion which accompany the saccharometer) would, if cast now, amount to 1 6 barrels at 5 lbs. per bar- rel, being 80 lbs., the whole value of what remains in the copper. Adding this to the 666 lbs. already in the coolers, we find that the whole of the extract from the goods amounts only to 746 lbs. in place of the 800 lbs. which was ex- pected. These 746 lbs. must be divided into barrels of 21 lbs. each ; and, there- fore, dividing by 21, we find that the quotient (35.5) is the w'hole quantity (length the brewers call it) which can be produced from this gi/le. On looking back, we find that there are already 25^ of those barrels in the coolers ; so that what worts are in the copper must be boiled down until, when cold, they shall not measure more than ten. There are 80 lbs. weight in the copper, and when boiled to 10 barrels, the gravity will be 8 lbs., for the eva- poration is wholly aqueous. Suppose the operation finished, and we shall have — Barrels. lbs. gravity. 1st Wort 12.5 at 32.5 = 406.2. 2d Wort 13 at 20 = 260 3d Wort 10 at 8 =80 35.5 at 21 = 746.2 In the preceding statement, we have mentioned a Return, without explaining the term. It was because we shall afterwards have to give directions on the subject. In the meantime we may state, generally, that it is a washing of the goods, which forms no part of the brewing of that day ; but is preserved, with what strength it possesses, to be used as mashing fiquor for the succeed- ing brewing. Chapter VI. Of the Materials of Ale and Beer. At the present time, ale and bee7\ according to the will of the brewer, ap- proach or recede from one another in their composition and consequent qua- lities, and are definable only in their extremes. We have reason to believe that our ancestors made a complete dis- tinction : that, with them, ale was the pure wine of the malt, and that beer was that wine mixed with hops, or other bitter ingredients. In the improved edition of the " Maison Rustique," which was published in 1616, under the care of the industrious Gervase Mark- ham, there are some useful remarks under the head of " Brew-house:^ Among many other things, he says that " the generall vse is by no means to put any hops into ale : making that the difference betwixt it and beere, that the one hath hops, the other none : but the wiser huswmes do find an error in that opinion, and say the vtter want of hops is the reason why ale lasteth so little a time, but either dyeth or soureth, and therefore they will to euery barrell of the best ale allow halfe a pound of good hops." According to the present law, ale or beer, made for sale, must be composed entirely of malt and hops. Water is no doubt understood ; but the qualities of the various kinds of those ingredients are left undetermined. We shall say something of each. § 1.— Of Water. Pure water, although not a simple substance, is invariably the same ; but it must be observed that the brewer never works with water that is pure : it is very unlikely that it would answer his purpose. If the saccharometer be made so as to sink to a certain point marked zero (a cypher) in distilled water, it will be found that every other liquor which C 2 20 BREWING. he can employ will show an infusion of something that marks, on his scale, a certain weight per barrel. What that something^ is he may not know ; but as it appears in certain springs to the ex- tent of a pound per barrel, it may, for aught he knows, have a material effect upon the result of his process. Farther, the prohibitions of the Legislature are hereby often put at defiance, or thrown into ridicule; for, while the Excise- officer shall be threatening, or prose- cuting, one brewer for putting a quarter of an ounce of sulphate of iron (cop- peras) into a barrel of his porter, another brewer, under the survey of the same officer, shall have ten times that quantity dissolved, naturally, in the water which supplies his brew-house. It is the same with carbonate of lime, common salt, and many other articles, which are strictly prohibited. The carbonates of lime, magnesia, and potash, are powerful correctors of acidity, that plague of the brewery ; but these are more frequent in well than in river water. The latter, especially that which comes from marshy grounds, is seldom to be chosen. The month of October, so famous from time imme- morial for the manufacture of English beer, is that in which river water is most generally unfitted for use. It is then loaded with vegetable decompositions, and living animalculae, neither of which are favourable to the vinous fermenta- tion. The choice of water, therefore, if he be fortunate enough to have a choice, is a matter for serious consideration. Any solution that would affect the flavour of the ale will show itself in the taste of the water, which is then to be avoided without troubling ourselves with the analysis ; but if there be nothing disagreeable either in taste, colour, or smell, and yet, notwithstanding, its spe- cific gravity be markedly superior to that of distilled water, it is well to know what substance, or substances, it con- tains. There have been, in all times, a con- trariety of opinions among brewers con- cerning the adoption of hard or of soft •water. Hard water is a term derived from culinary operations. It is such water as does not dissolve soap, and which is also ill-fitted for the extraction of the virtues of tea. Soft water, on the contrary, has both these qualities. Hard water is chiefly drawn from pit- wells. That which is the hardest contains sulphate of lime, which, by a double decomposition, separates the ma- terials of the soap. With regard to its extractive power, this will probably de- pend upon the nature of the extract. In its appUcation to malt, we have nat discovered any deficiency in the quantity of produce. With regard to its effects on the beer, the sulphate of lime is not suspected to be in the slightest degree deleterious, and otherwise it is believed to be a preservative. Another species of hard water is caused by the admixture of carbonate of lime, which is held in solution by means of an extra portion of carbonic acid. This is, however, less hard than the former ; for it becomes soft by long boiling : the overplus carbonic acid is dissipated by the heat, and the pure carbonate of lime, being no longer solu- ble, is precipitated. It forms the incrus- tations that are so frequently seen on the insides of tea-kettles and other boilers. Whether this lime should be so precipitated before the liquor is used for mashing, has been much doubted by those brewers who have thought at all upon the subject. Lime is a favourite in the brewhouse. It is openly used, mixed with water, to preserve their wooden vessels from acidity, while they are unemployed in the summer months ; and it is often put, by stealth, in the form of marble dust, crabs' claws, egg shells, &c., into their spring-brewed ales, for the purpose of absorbing the first germs of the acid fermentation. § 1.— Of Malt. The juice of the grape, the sugar- cane, and many other vegetable sub- stances, contain a great proportion of a sweet, or saccharine matter, ready formed ; but the farinse (or meal) of the common grains require to undergo some sort of operation before they become sweet. The process by which the grain acquires this taste, and which fits it for the use of the brewer, is termed malting. The barley, or other grain, becomes malt ; that is, it is mellowed, or sweet- ened, so as to taste something like what the Latins called mel, and w^e term honey. The ordinary process of malting is that of vegetation. The grain is first steeped in water until it has imbibed the moisture to its centre, and then spread on a floor, and turned from time to time, in quantities of various depths, accord- ing to the state of vegetation, which immediately commences. At a certain BREWING. 21 stage of the 'growth, the grain (which has been gradually becoming sweet) has acquired its maximum of sacchari- jftcation. This, in barley, ordinarily occurs in two or three weeks, and is judged to take place at the moment when the acrospire, or rudiment of the future stalk, is ready to burst the shell. In other grain, the criterion is different ; but we are not now writing a treatise upon Malting, although such a work is certainly wanted. The malt having ar- rived at this stage, is dried on a kiln, at a low, or a high heat, according as it is wanted to be pale, amber, or brown. Pale malt may be, and usually is, dried upon a hair-cloth, spread over wooden spars ; but amber-coloured and brown malt require the floor of the kiln to be of iron-wire, or of perforated tiles. In either case, it is dried by means of the heated air passing through the malt and carrying the moisture along with it; and, therefore, when the empyreumatic flavour is guarded against, the fuel con- sists solely of coke, or other charcoal. In the case of amber, or brown malt, this care is not wanted, and hence the fire is made partially, if not wholly, of wood. The pyroligneous acid would thus pass through the malt ; and there was once a time when the flavour so conveyed was supposed to be necessary to porter, for which those sorts of malt were solely manufactured. At the pre- sent time, porter for ordinary consump- tion is made wholly from pale malt ; and a certain portion of Patent Malt (which is malt roasted like coffee, until it is black) is added for no other purpose but to produce the requisite colour. This conversion of the mealy part of the grain into a sweet substance, or saccharuin, and which has been called by some chemists the Saccharine fer- mentation, may be produced in a much more rapid manner than by the ordinary process of malting. If the grain be re- duced to meal, in the manner stated under the section '* Grinding Ma- chines^' and infused in water in the mash-tun (mixed up with a relatively small portion of ground malt) ; and if this infusion be kept for two or three hours, according to circumstances, at a heat of 150°, or nearly so, the whole mash will become saccharine : the fecula of the grain being as completely malted as if it had lain a fortnight on the malt- ing floor. The proportion of malt is in- troduced as a nidas to hasten this fer- mentation, on a similar principle as we put yeast into the worts which we would ferment into beer ; or a portion of the mother water when we would turn the beer, or ale, into vinegar. The particu- lars of this manipulation will be given when we speak of the process of saccha- rification, or of brewing from unmalted grain. § S.— Of Hops. The general opinion of brewers, as well as of the public, is, that hops were first used in beer for the purpose of pre- serving it from acidity. This we doubt. Bitter ingredients, of various kinds, were used by our forefathers, before hops were considered proper for the pur- pose ; and even the time is not very dis- tant when these were supposed to be poisonous, and on that account prohi- bited by the legislator. We believe that, long ago, ale was made from malt alone ; and that, when there was any fear for its preservation, a little honey was mixed with it, as is done at present in the South of France. The Herbalists, who were the leeches of those times, recom- mended certain plants as proper to be infused in the malt liquor, which was then termed herb ale : a denomination still known in various parts of the island. These herbs, like the medica- ments of our own days, were generally the bitterest and most nauseous that could be found ; but they cured diseases, and were, therefore, not only tolerated, but sought after ; and, in process of time, some of them became necessary to certain tastes, and exist in the beer, or porter, which we now drink. Wine itself, when prescribed by the physician, is often medicated, serving as a vehicle for the introduction of the extracts of wormwood, quassia, gentian, and other bitter plants which, before their prohi- bition, were common in the brewhouse. The culture of the hop is too well known to need any particular description in this place. There is only one species (Jiumulus lupulus); but it has many varieties, which are chosen by the cul- tivators according as they are supposed to be most suited to the cHmate and soil. The plant is dioecious, and it is the female catkin which is picked and preserved for the brewer. Hops are strongly narcotic ; but their bitter prin- ciple is the ostensible reason for their infusion in malt liquors. The finer-flavoured and light-coloured 22 BREWING. hops are pressed into sacks of compa- ratively fine cloth, called pockets, which weigh about a hundred weight and a half each, and are sold chiefly to the ale-brewer. The strong-flavoured and high-coloured hops are put into bags of a very coarse mat-kind oi texture, called bags, and contain, generally, double the weight of the pockets. These are used by porter and small-beer brewers. The bitter principle of hops is pro- bably the same in all its varieties and modes of cultivation; but,in conjunction with this bitter, there is always, in new hops, a communicable flavour, or rather aroma, by which their several qualities are distinguished. Ale-brewers talk much of this aroma, and speak of its being concentrated in the essential oil of the hop, without considering that it must be, in a great degree, evaporated during the boiling of the worts. This aroma, like all others, is extremely evanescent. One of the best modes of preserving hops is to bury them among the dry malt ; but, do what we will, the fine flavour does not exist a twelve- month. Beyond that time they become old hops; and are sold at a cheaper rate to the porter- brewer. A year or two longer, and the bitter ^Y^e//" disap- pears ; and the whole becomes nothing better than chaff. The same deteriora- tion takes place when infused in the beer. The flavour is but of momentary duration ; and the bitter principle gra- dually decays. In favour of those who believe that this bitter prevents acidity, it has been stated that the bitter is lost in proportion as the acidity is advanced. The loss of the one and the accession of the other are both, generally, the consequence of age; and it is well known that nothing is more easy than to mis- take a concomitant circumstance for a cause. Thirty years ago, when we were young in the observance of the brewery, we formed a theory, — that the bitter principle was a substance sui generis, which, (while it lasted) by some chemi- cal affinity, absorbed the acetous acid, gradually as it was formed. Subse- quent experience has given us reason to suspect that this hypothesis is a dream. It is the ale-brewer only who seeks for peculiarity of flavour in his hops. It is he who discriminates with nicety on the produce of the several counties ; but his judgment varies with the taste of his customer. With respect to taste there is no criterion. It depends almost wholly on habit, otherwise we should find very few that could have a pleasure in chewing tobacco. The flavours of the different sorts of ale, however they are produced, are almost as various as the species of continental wines. The Burton, Wiltshire, Scotch, and London ales have little resemblance to one another, but each has its admirers. To be sure those varieties do not altogether depend upon the quality or quantity of the hops; but the infusion of this plant has always its share in the com- position. We believe that we cannot better conclude this section than by an ex- tract from Mr. Richardson's work, for- merly mentioned, which, though written thirty years ago, is not inappHcable to this present time: — " The difference of soil has certainly a considerable influence in producing the real difference in flavour observable in hops. Those which grow on the stiff clays of Nottinghamshire, and are thence termed North- clay hops, have the pre-eminence in rankness, and ac- cordingly, with a certain description of buyers, bear a higher price than Kent, though that is not so high as the gene- ral price of Farnham hops. To those who are not accustomed to the flavour of North-clay hops, they are undoubtedly rank, bordering on the nauseous, parti- cularly whilst the beer brewed from them is new ; and, indeed, that rank- ness generally remains a very consider- able time, if not concealed by an abun- dant extract of malt. Hence they ap- pear better adapted to strong-keeping beers, than to any other kind of malt- liquor. " Farnham hops, however deserving the reputation they bear, are by no means worth the difference in price generally given for them, to a brewer, except the vicinity of his residence may, in some measure, lessen that difference ; and it is not the intention of these pages to appreciate their value to the private consumer, with whom, perhaps, the idea of their incalculable excellence may have originated. " The county of Kent, though justly claiming pre-eminent distinction in the produce of its hops, considered as unit- ing flavour with strength, is far from being uniform in its general priority, in this respect ; for different parts produce different qualities, varying with the soil, BREWING. &3 or some other local circumstance, and all yielding the palm of superiority to those which s:row in the neighbourhood of Canterbury. " If, however, the rank austerity of the North-clay hops excites a nausea on^ the palate accustomed to the milder flavour of the Kentish, these, again, are as little relished by people who are in the habit of drinking ale in which Wor- cester hops only have been used. The flavour of these has a grateful mildness in it, not to be met with in any other hops. Hence the finest growths of Kent, in Lancashire, Cheshire, and some other counties, where the use of Worcester hops prevails, would be re- jected as unsaleable; and so great is the objection of some of the inhabitants of those counties to the flavour of Kent hops, that I have heard them distinguish ale bittered with the latter, by the name of Porter-ale. Indeed, the distinction has propriety in it, so far as the strength of a large portion of these may convey to some palates the idea of joon^r, and that the mildness of the former can hardly be applicable to any liquor but ale."" § 4. — Of Isinglass. Although isinglass is not properly one of the materials of beer, being de- posited as soon as it has performed its office oi fining, yet, from its frequent employment and being the only ingre- dient that can be legally introduced into malt-liquor, we deem it not out of place in the present chapter. *' Fish-glue, as it is improperly called, is generally known by the name of Isin- glass, a word corrupted from the Dutch Hyzenhlas, an air-bladder, compounded of hyzen, to hoist, and bias, a bladder." " It is chiefly prepared in the vicinity of the Caspian and Black Seas, from the sounds, or swims, of different species of the acipenser, or sturgeon. These blad- ders, stript of their outer rind and dried, constitute the isinglass of commerce. The skins, tails, &c., of these and other fishes are used for the inferior sorts of isinglass, but in no case are the mate- rials boiled; for that would invariably convert them into glue, an article that has ditFerent qualities from those for which isinglass is required. Much of the latter, for instance, is used in making Finings, for the clarification of malt- liquors ; whereas glue, added to turbid beer, would increase both its muddiness and its tenacity."* In the brewery, isinglass is used solely a.s finings, that is, to clarify beer that is foul and muddy. In ale it is seldom necessary ; but in porter, as commonly brewed, it cannot be dispensed with. Those sorts which are termed long and sho?'t staple (made from the larger and smaller fish respectively) being com- posed of single membranes that run parallel to each other, and are sepa- rable by infusion in cold water, are less liable to putrefaction ; but the Book- isinglass, so called because it is folded somewhat in the shape of a book, is often found to be spoilt in its folds, from imperfect drying, which allows the ge- nerating of masfgots, and consequent putrefaction. These spoilt parts should be carefully thrown aside. The manufacture of isinglass was long exclusively confined to certain Rus- sian provinces. In 1763 a patent was granted to a Mr. Jackson, for the pre- paration of *' British isinglass," which was to be made from what he called " British materials" — but in reality from the entrails of sturgeons and other fish, imported from the American colonies, or caught on our own coasts. This un- dertaking was unsuccessful; for, in a well-written " Essay on British Isin- glass,"' which Mr. Jackson published in 1765, he complains, that of 25 tons an- nually consumed in the brewery, he had only supplied a fourth, on account of certain prejudices that were raised against his article. These prejudices, however, no longer exist ; for many of the large breweries now make use of nothing but the dried skins of soles. Whatever sort of isinglass he era- ploys, the brewer prepares his finings in the same manner : It may be observed, that a pound of good isinglass will make about 12 gal- lons of the preparation. It may be used whole, but, for the sake of expedition, it is often bruised and pulled in pieces ; then being put into a tub, with as much common vinegar as will cover it (or the same quantity of beer of any kind, which has acquired a considerable degree of acidity) the isinglass will swell and dis- solve. As the whole thickens, there should be more beer added to it, and that of inferior acidity, because when the stronger acid has dissolved the isin- * Booth's Analytical Dictionary of the English Language. 24 BREWING. glass, almost any beer will serve to dilute and prepare it. This solution should be frequently stirred about briskly with an old stump broom, which separates the undissolved parts and makes it all of one consistence, which, finally, should be that of thin treacle. This is to be whisked through a hair sieve, or squeezed through a coarse linen cloth, into another tub, previous to using it. The quantity to be used is from a pint to a quart per barrel, according to the degree of feculency in the beer. This should be made quite thin with some of the beer intended to be purified, whisk- ing it up till it froths. It is then to be poured into the cask, and stirred briskly about in it, bunging it down imme- diately, and the beer will become pure in about 24 hours, provided it has been in a condition proper to receive the finings. An eligible mode of discovering whe- ther beer be in a proper state to yield to linings or not is the following : — " Draw off a little of the beer into a pint, or half- pint phial, and add to it about half a tea-spoonful of the finings. Shake it up, and then let it remain sta- tionary. If the finings will have the desired effect, you will observe, in a few minutes, the isinglass collecting the fecu- lencies of the beer into large fleecy masses, which will begin regularly to subside to the bottom. If the beer be not in a proper state, (which is ever the case as long as the fermentation conti- nues, or an after /re/ prevails,) the bulk of the finings will soon be at the bottom, leaving the beer neither pure nor foul, except just at the top, where there will be a little transparency, perhaps a quarter of an inch deep, which will grow deeper in time, but will not rea- dily extend to the whole." The mode in which isinglass acts upon the feculencies of beer has been variously estimated. The general idea is, that it spreads over the surface of the liquor, and then falling by its weight, carries down the foul parts, allowing the pure beer to ascend, as if strained through a sieve. On the contrary, it seems to us that its effect is owing to that indescribable cause termed chemi- cal attraction. The observations of Mr. Jackson, formerly mentioned, lead di- rectly to this result. According to him, isinglass is never perfectly dissolved in the acid liquor, otherwise it would cease to act Sisjlnings. These, however inti- mately mixed with any dissolvent, must always preserve a fibrous form ; for says he, " Any substance which appears horny, breaks short, or snaps like glue, although it dissolves like isinglass, and puts on the appearance of a rich thick jelly, the universal characteristic of good fining, yet will not fine down beer," The isinglass and the acid beer are then only mechanically, not chemically united. If the latter, they would become a species of glue; and such, finings will become, if exposed even to a very moderate de- gree of heat, perhaps at 90° or 100°. They should, therefore, be kept cool. " That common finings," says the same author, " is nothing more than a due division, or an imperfect solution of isinglass in subacid liquors, may be proved, by viewing it through magnify- ing glasses, or by admixing a few drops of fining with fair water in a glass, which being held up to the light, the fibres may be seen swimming in an infinite variety of forms and sizes, and, on sub- siding, arrange themselves according to their different gravities, the smallest particles of which, perceptible to the eye, attract each other, and form an appearance of little clouds. If then we take this mixture, and warm it at the fire, we shall presently find, that all these fibres will escape perception, in being perfectly dissolved, except a few gross parts. The same phenomena ap- pear, if we place a little fining near the fire, or hold a lump a few minutes in the palm of the hand ; thus the consti- tuencewill be broken, the fibres dissolved, and the efficacy destroyed" The rationale of the action of finings, according to the author just quoted, is this : — " it is evident that at the very instant that fining is commixed with beer to be clarified, the stale beer, in which the isinglass was dissolved, or divided, quits the fibres and unites with the body of the beer; while at the same time the fibres, now set loose, and every- where interspersed in the beer, attract and unite with the loose feculent parti- cles, which, before this union, being of the same specific gravity with the beer, could not possibly subside alone, but by this reciprocal attraction having obtained an additional weight, are now rendered pro- portionably heavier, and precipitate together of course, in form of the curdly magma just mentioned. But it some- times happens, from certain inadver- tencies in brewing, and mismanage- BREWING. 25 ment in the cellar afterwards, that beer turns out specifically heavier than the fibres of the isinglass ; in which case the fining cannot subside, for the rea- sons aforesaid, but floats at the surface : at other times, notwithstanding the union of the fibres and feculencies, the combined matter becoming exactly of the same weight as the beer, continues interspersed everywhere in it, and nei- ther emerges nor subsides ; in both instances the beer is nicknamed stub- born by the coopers." Chapter VII. Of Illegal Ingredients. Although water, malt, hops, and isinglass are the only niaterials which can be legally employed in the manu- facture of malt-hquors. brewed for sale, yet, as the prohibitory clause is but of modern date, and many other articles have been wont, from time immemorial, to be added to beer, which are not only innoxious, but occasionally advantage- ous, and are still left to the discretion of the private brewer, we have judged it proper to class them together in the pre- sent chapter. In doing so, we shall distribute those which have been most commonly used into five divisions : — 1. Such ingredients as are intended to increase the quantity of sac- charine matter, or strength of the worts ; and, consequently, to save malt. 2. Such ingredients as are intended to increase the quantity of the bit- ter principle ; and, consequently, to save hops. 3. Such ingredients as are intended to prevent the introduction of aci- dity ; or to diminish or destroy that acidity when it is already formed. 4. Such ingredients as are intended to add an extraneous flavour to ale, or beer, so as to accommodate it to the taste of the inhabitants of any particular district, who have been accustomed to that flavour. And, 5. Such ingredients as are intended solely for the purpose of increasing the intoxicating quality of ale, or beer, and which are, in almost all cases, of too poisonous a nature to be introduced with safety. On the principal articles in each of these divisions we shall make a few remarks, and then leave their introduc- tion, or rejection, to the judgment of the brewer: premising, in the outset, that various and very different flavours may be given, in the process of fermentation, to ale which is manufactured from malt and hops alone. § 1. — Of Ingredients which are intended to increase the quantity of Saccharine Matter, or Strength of the Worts. Of all the substitutes for malt, raw grain is the principal — if, indeed, that can be called a substitute which is merely malted in the mash-tun in place of the floor. The process by which the con- version of barley, or other grain, into malt is thus rapidly performed will be detailed in a subsequent chapter. While we warn the public brewer of the legal danger of its adoption, we would strenu- ously recommend its use in private fami- lies. Were the practice to become gene- ral, a deduction of the duties on beer made for sale would inevitably follow. Pure sugar and water (it has been said) will not ferment ; but raw sugar, or - molasses, will make very good beer either alone, or mixed with malt-worts. There is, however, no saving from the use of these materials, unless when malt becomes much dearer than in ordi- nary years : in which case they are occa- sionally permitted to be used under the authority of the Lords of the Treasury. A weak beer from molasses is frequently made in private families, and drunk in a half-fermented state ; but it is too lus- cious for the taste of those who are ac- customed to the small beer of malt. Molasses, mixed with a weak malt- wort, would, when fermented, be much more palatable. Our ancestors, as well as other north- ern nations, were much accustomed to a vinous liquor from honey, which vied with the wines of the south : the methu of the Greeks, the medu of the Saxons, the hydromel of the Latins, and the mead, or metheglin, of more modern times. The extension of agriculture, which by diminishing the food of bees raised the price of honey, conjoined with the excise-duty imposed, has completely annihilated the manufacture of mead for sale, and even in private families it is now seldom or never to be seen. Honey, however, is still used in the private brewing of ale ; and in some districts it is clandestinely introduced by the public brewer. The design and effect of this introduction will be after- 28 -BREWING. wards explained. Tt is almost unneces- sary to add that honey is not delete- rious. Liquorice root, {Glycyrrhiza glabra,) both in powder and in the state of ex- tract (Spanish juice), was formerly an essential constituent of malt-liquors, and particularly of porter. We believe, how- ever, that the saving of malt was less considered in this article than its fla- vour. At all events the introduction in the copper of about half-a-pound per barrel, and that quantity was seldom exceeded, must have been perfectly harmless. § 2. — Of Ingredients which are intended to increase the quantity of the bitter principle, and in consequence to save hops. That hops prevent ale from becoming acid is, if true, a comparatively modern discovery. Mum, (a malt-liquor now unknown in England,) although directed to be kept two years before it was tapped, contained no species of bitter among its numerous ingredients ; and the beer of Louvain, so famous throughout France, is brewed without hops. It is well- known that bitter infusions themselves, without any other vegetable matter, will become sour. The use of bitters followed the advice of the physician, who, being anciently a herbahst, recommended the plants that grew in his garden. Each plant had its particular disease which it was able to combat; and hence the whole science of medical botany. According to those gentlemen, the bitter principle was, and still is, peculiarly efficacious. " It is a pure tonic, — increases the appetite, — promotes digestion, — gives vigour to the system, &cV' Unfortunately for this general eulogium, the bitters are either different in their essence, or they are never pure. A few, such as gentian and quassia, are, comparatively, inac- tive. Some, like aloes and marsh tre- foil, are purgative. Hops are astringent and narcotic ; broom and some others are diuretics: while many, as opium, cocculus indicus, ignatia amara, tobacco and nux vomica, are highly poisonous. Yet each of those here mentioned, and others which we have not named, have been boiled among the worts of beer, without regard to their effect on parti- cular constitutions, or to the general safety of the individuals for whom the liquor is brewed. These observations being premised, our account of the substitutes for hops may be short. Broom, wormwood, and several other bitters, are now almost universally laid aside ; for, since the flavour of the hops has been so gene- rally recognized, no bitter which is in- consistent with that flavour would be relished. Bitters that are perfectly, or at least nearly, flavourless may, indeed, be added to hops when the bitter princi- ple only is required ; and this is the case with porter, in which flavour is little studied: for the hops usually employed in brewing that beverage are either coarse, or old, and would not be admissible in fine ales. The cocculus indicus, so fre- quently introduced into the latter, has a taste by no means agreeable; but its intoxicating quality is all that is wanted by the brewer, and, could that be pro- cured (as has been attempted) in an isolated state, its flavour would be wil- lingly dispensed with. The bitter contained in porter is very great, and if taken wholly from hops, must require an average quantity of ten or twelve pounds to the quarter of malt, or about three pounds per barrel. The fluctuation in the price of that article is extreme, as will appear from the fol- lowing statement, which was printed in 1819, by order of the House of Com- mons. The quality here mentioned is bag hops, which are the cheapest in the market. per cwt. 1789 Oct. 6/. 14*. to 71. 2*. 1790 Oct. 76s. 84*. 1791 Oct. 5>l. bs. bl. 12*. 1792 Oct. 80*. 84*. 1793 Oct. 9/. 9s. 10/. 0*. 1794 Oct. 84*. — 1795 Oct. bl. 0*. 5/. 12*. 1796 Oct. 80*. 84*. 1797 Mar. 112*. 120*. 1797 Oct. 84*. 90*. 1798 Oct. 9/. 9s. __ 10/. 0*. 1799 Nov. 14^. 14j. 1801 Jan. 16A 5*. 18/. 0*. 1802 Jan. bl. bs. 1803 July bl. 12*. 1804 July Al. 15*. bl. 0*. 1812 Nov. 13/. 13*. 15/. 5*. 1813 Jan. 13/. 13*. — 15/. 10*. 1814 Dec. 9/. 4*. 9/. 9s. 1815 Feb. 8/. 16*. 91. 9s. 1816 July 6/. 10*. 61. ni. 1816 Oct. 14/. 14*. 1817 Jan. 14/. bs. 1818 Jan. 31/. 0*. It is not to be wondered at, that, under these circumstances, substitutes BREWING. 27 should have been sought for with avidity. If the substitutes were not more noxious than the principal, (and some of them were less so,) the conscience of the brewer was easily satisfied: especially seeing that he could procure as much bitter for sixpence as would otherwise have cost him a pound. Marsh trefoil, buchbean, or bogbean {Menyanthes trifoliata), has been em- ployed in place of hops, — openly on the continent, and privately, (at one time,) as has been said, in this country. The leaves were collected, when mature, and dried in the shade, to preserve their colour. They were then well boiled and scummed to free them from their excess of roughness ; and the remaining extract was preserved and put into the ferment- ing tun in such proportions as the brewer judged proper, or as his drug- gist chose to direct. These leaves have very nearly the flavour of the hop ; and an ounce of the former is said to be equivalent to half- a- pound of the latter. It should be observed, however, for the guidance of any one who shall dare to use them, that although they stand re- commended in the modern pharmaco- poeias, the quantity of a drachm taken in powder " purges and vomits." Aloes (the dried juice of the Aloe perfoliata) is a well known bitter, being much used in medicine. When it was allov\'ed to be sold to brewers, the variety succotrina was always preferred, as having the least objectionable smell. The quantity which could be mixed with the hops in the copper was limited, in consequence of its purgative quality, and seldom exceeded half an ounce to a barrel of porter. Quassia is another well-known bitter ; it is the favourite of the physician, and would be equally so of the porter-brewer, if he dared to use and acknowledge it. The smell, if any, is imperceptible, and the bitter is intense, pure, and lasting. The quassia amara (a shrub) is the most biting of the tribe ; but that com- monly imported into this country, from the West Indies, is the bark and wood of the root and trunk of the quassia excelsa, which is a large tree. When the porter-brewers made use of quassia, it was either in small chips or rasped, and put into the copper (with the hops) in a quantity of about an ounce to the barrel. This is, probably, the most harmless of all the illegal bitters. The physicians prescribe the decoction to their patients to the extent of a quarter of an ounce of the bark a day, — as much as the brewer was accustomed to put into nine gallons of his porter. There are other bitter ingredients worth noticing ; but as they are intended for purposes different from the saving of hops, they belong more properly to the succeeding divisions of this chapter. § 3. — Of Ingredients which are intended to prevent the introduction of acidity^ or to diminish or destroy that acidity when it is already formed. It would not be difficult to account for the action of the greater number of the ingredients of this description, upon the principles of modern chemistry. Nevertheless, it is certain that all those articles were in use, for the same purpose, centuries before the present theories of acetification had existence. Practice always precedes theory. The latter merely strings together the facts that have been previously (often accidentally) discovered. It was known, from time immemorial, that ale, or beer, when exposed to the atmosphere, especially in summer, became rapidly sour ; and hence the closeness of the casks, and the coolness of the cellars, were as much attended to in former as in latter times. It was also known that certain salts, (as they were called,) and certain earths, were preventives if not remedies : in short, we know little or nothing that is new upon the subject. Common salt, so useful in preventing the putrefaction of animal substances, was also believed to have a similar ettect in the preservation of vegetables ; and, accordingly, we find the condemnation of its use among the earliest restrictive laws of the brewery. Different opinions exist with respect to its utility ; but, however these may be decided, it can scarcely be suspected to be dangerous. Publicans have been accused of putting it in the beer to produce thirst ; and we have known private gentlemen, who prided themselves on the quality of their home-brewed, throw in about a pound per barrel into the casks with the view of flavour. Many brewers mix salt with wheat or bean flour, putting a handful in each cask before cleansing, to pro- mote the discharge of the yeast ; and, occasionally, the same mixture of flour and salt, or flour and saltpetre, or salt prunella, is introduced into the tun to rouse a languid fermentation. 2g BREWING That the fermentation should not linger between a nauseous sweet and a vinous flavour, is reckoned essential to the prevention of acidity. The extent to which it should be carried will be con- sidered hereafter, but we now speak of such ingredients as are supposed to excite the working when it is too lan- guid. Jalap, to the extent of two, or even three ounces, to twenty barrels, is employed by certain brewers in the gyle- tun, but the rationale of its action is to us unknown. The formation of vinegar, like other fermentations, proceeds more rapidly when it has a nidus or incipient acidity from which to begin. In the aerial theory, that nidus is oxygen; and to destroy or counteract this oxygen in the outset is to strangle the demon in the moment of its birth. When the fermentation is finished in a proper manner, it remains with the brewer to keep the casks, if possible, hermetically sealed, to prevent the ad- mission of the external air. Bottles are still better than casks. When laid on their sides, so as to keep the corks swelled, nothing can enter from without; and the sole danger is, when the liquor retains so much of undecomposed sac- charine matter as to cause the bursting of the vessel from a new fermentation. It is on this account that beer, when it is to be bottled, is usually exposed for a time to the atmosphere, by loosening the bung, in order \o flatten it ; that is, to facilitate the escape of the carbonic acid which it then contains. During this exposure, while the fixed air escapes, a portion of the atmospheric air may enter ; and with the view of preventing this, it is the practice of some, who affect the mysteries of the trade, to pour about two ounces of the spirit of 31a- ranta into the cask, which is then al- lowed to stand, without the bung, for three or four days before bottling. How this can exclude one gas and allow another to escape, we know not, having never personally made the experiment. This fiery liquid is a spirituous extract of the medicinal root Galangal : —the Koempferia galanga, Alpinia galanga, Amomwn galanga, and Maranta ga- langa, of different botanists. The exclusion of the atmospheric air, by covering the surface of the liquid, has been managed in different ways. The small wine, when carried out to the Italian vintagers, is in weak flasks, which would not bear the pressure of a cork. These have long necks, and the surface of the liquor is covered with a film of olive oil, which swims on the fluid, and is easily separated afterwards by means of a little cotton. The hand- ful of half-boiled hops, impregnated with wort, which is usually put into the bunghole of each cask by the ale-brewer when stowing it in his cellar, answers the same purpose : and some, more ri- gidly attentive, insert (privately) at the same time, about an ounce of powdered black rosin, previously mixed with beer, which swims on the surface, but after a time is partially absorbed. Of this we shall have again to speak when we treat of Burton ale. Bruised green Copperas, called also salt of steel, (sulphate of iron) which has always been put into porter — for- merly by the brewer and now by the pub- lican — is, ostensibly, for the purpose of giving it B, frothy top. It is either used alone, or mixed with alum, and is tech- nically called heading. The quantity used need not exceed as much as would lie on a half-crown piece for a barrel, and to that extent there is no danger to be feared. This practice, we believe, had been originally intended to keep the beer alive during the time in which it remained in the pots. The green sul- phate of iron is greedy of oxygen, and is thereby speedily converted into the brown. We apprehend that it is in con- sequence of this dissolved salt of iron, that certain porter- drinkers have uni- formly asserted that there is a peculiar flavour when drinking out of a tin pot, which does not exist when taken from a glass : if this be true, the effect will na- turally be referred to galvanic influence. The brewers, in one quarter of the island, are in the practice of putting sul- phate of iron (previously dried to white- ness) in the liquor of their first mash. This is probably meant to guard against •that species of acetification termed blinking ; but its effect must be little, since the quantity is limited to about two ounces for twenty barrels of liquor. Some ingredients are introduced which lie dormant or deposited in the cask, for the purpose of catching and neu- tralizing the acetous acid at the moment of its formation. The chief of these is lime under various forms. Quick lime does not answer this end. It is partly soluble, and, in so far, communicates a disagreeable taste» The carbonates, BREWING. 29 if pure, are free from this fault ; and therefore, marble dust and powdered oyster shells have been generally used. Before any vinegar exists in the beer, these carbonates of lime usually lie at the bottom of the cask inactive ; but on the least degree of acetification an ace- tate of lime is formed and the carbonic acid escapes. The acetate of lime is soluble, and, in proportion as it is formed, the flavour of the beer is altered. It remains, therefore, with the drinker, whether he prefers this new bitterish taste to that of the acetous acid which would otherwise predominate. We have here supposed that the car- bonate of Ume will remain inactive until acetous acid shall be formed ; but it may possibly be otherwise. An excess of carbonic acid would render it soluble, but the same effect would fol- low with respect to its union with the vinegar. This soluble super-carbonate of lime, if effected, would not be dis- cernible by the palate ; for it often ex- ists plentifully in water without being thus observed. Besides, this extra ab- sorption of carbonic acid would tend to prevent the secondary fermentation, which is the usual precursor of acidity. Egg-shells and even whole eggs are sometimes introduced into beer, in which they act the same part as the carbonates of lime. The shells are, in fact, almost wholly the same substance. The following recipe, which was first published in an early number (the '27th) of the Philosophical Transactions, shows that the use of eggs for the prevention of acidity is of no modern date. The writer (Dr. Stubbs) says that he learned it from an ale-seller in Deal, and that he tried it, successfully, in a voyage to Jamaica. " To every runlet of five gallons, after it is placed in the ship not to be stiiTed any m.ore, put in two new- laid eggs whole, and let them lie in it ; in a fortnight, or little more, the whole egg-shells will be dissolved, and the eggs become like wind-eggs, inclosed only in a thin skin ; after this the white is preyed on, but the yolks are not touched or cor- rupted, by which means the ale was so well preserved, that it was found better at Jamaica than at Deal." It may be observed, that although this was new to Dr. Stubbs, he was not the original dis- coverer. It was probably known in the /raofe for centuries. Sulphate of lime, which is partly so- luble m water, is put into the cask, after it has ceased working, for the purpose of preventing an after-fret. If it effect this end, it is well ; but at any rate, the quantity of six ounces to a barrel can- not possibly do harm. Hartshorn shavings, to the extent of six pounds for twenty barrels, were /or- merly boiled in the worts of the best London ale. These give out ammonia by distillation, and consist chiefly of phosphate of lime, with a considerable quantity of gelatine. These shavings are probably expected to prevent acidity, but we are at a loss to know how. The ammonia is evaporated, and the phos- phate, even were it to act like the car- bonate, can scarcely be extracted by boiling. According to Pliny, the Gauls were able to preserve their beer for many years. We fear that they have lost the secret ; but we shall just notice some of the means to which they still have re- course, and which are not practised in this country. The common Avens, or Herb Bennet, {Geum Urbanum,) is highly extolled all over the continent, f(w its medicinal, as well as other valuable properties. It was hence, perhaps, that it acquired the surname of bennet, or benet, contracted from benedictus, although the origin is now ascribed to a Saint of that name. The roots of this plant, particularly when it grows on a dry, sandy soil, have a pleasant odour, (similar to that of cloves,) which it readily imparts to any spirituous menstruum. On this account it is highly valued by the brewers ; and is said to be a prominent ingredient in the Augsburg Beer, which is^so famous throughout Germany. The dried roots are sliced, and inclosed in a thin linen bag, which is suspended in the store- vat, or cask ; and it is asserted, with what truth we know not, that the beey so managed never becomes acid. In former times (and the custom is not yet completely laid aside) the real, or imaginary preventives of acidity were inserted into the cask, along with the Finings ; or rather, the whole mixture passed generally under the latter deno- mination. It will be shown, when we speak of the process of Saccharification, that the portion of unfermented worts, which always remains in the beer, is often more allied to starch than to sugar; and, in that case, it is frequently the cause, — not only of foulness, but of subsequent acidity. On examining the accounts of old processes for the brew- ing and cellaring of beer, it is curiou.s 30 BREWING. to observe their consonance with the chemical announcements of later times. We now know that malt-extract is a mixture of Starch and Saccharum, and that the former is capable of being de- posited by an infusion of Nutgalls. The following: directions for the manufacture of beer-finings were published in a highly respectable French work, nearly a cen- tury ago ; and then given as an old and general practice among the brewers in Paris : — Take three pounds of powdered nut- galls and four ounces of potash. Boil these for three hours in such a quantity of water as, at the end of that time, will make the weight of the whole mixture about twelve pounds. To this, when cool, add two pints of spirit of wine ; and, after it has settled and become clear, bottle it up for use. Five ounces of this decoction will be sufficient to fine and preserve half a piece of beer. When the ale or beer becomes really sour, we know not how to extract its oxygen. He who shall discover this will make his fortune. I f even the vine- gar itself could be deposited, the strength of the remaining beer might be restored ; but though the acidity can be neu- tralized by means of the sub-carbonates of potash and soda, which, with other similar articles, are hawked about as nostrums among the publicans, the acetous salts still remain dissolved, and contaminate the mass. Attempts are sometimes made to cover the disagree- able taste, by the introduction of sugar- candy, — a substance not readily fer- mentable,— but, even setting aside the trouble and expense, the beer thus said to be recovered (although not pernicious) is never pleasing to the drinker. ^ 4. — Of Ingredients which are intended to add an extraneous Flavour to the Ale or Beer. The most agreeable, and, at the same time, the most permanent flavours of malt liquors are those which are formed by the particular modes of fermentation. In addition to these, however, certain extraneous ingredients have been intro- duced, by individual brewers, which have given a character to their ales ; and even whole districts have adopted peculiari- ties of taste which would by no means pass generally in other quarters. When those ingredients are conlined to this single object, their introduction, though legally wrong, is not morally vicious; and we shall, therefore, mention a few which have been most usually em- ployed. The dried root of the sweet flag {Acorns calamus), commonly termed Calamus aromaticus, is warm, slightly bitter, and has been extolled beyond all other British plants for its aromatic fla- vour. This root is usually imported from the Levant, but does not appear to be superior to the growth of our own country. Coriander seeds (Coriandrum sati- vum) are imported for the use of the brewer, as well as for medicinal pur- poses. The plant is found wild in this country, but is a doubtful native. Carraway (the seeds of the Carum carui) have also been used in brewing, but not so frequently as the coriander, which some believe to add strength as well as flavour. Carraway is also found wild in England, and, along with the coriander, it is cultivated, in some coun- ties, for the use of confectioners and apothecaries. The three ingredients last mentioned have, no doubt, been chosen on account of their warm aromatic flavours. All have been boiled together in the copper; the first sliced, in the proportion of four pounds to twenty barrels, and the two latter ground, — about two pounds each to the same quantity of ale. Various other stimulating roots and seeds have been made use of: Orange peel, powdered, is very generally used by the ale-brewers of this country ; as also Orange peas, or Cura9oa oranges, the unripe fruit of the Citrus aurantium. Vegetables of a spicy and more stimu- lating taste are likewise in general use. Of these, we may mention Long pepper {Piper longum) ; Capsicum, or Guinea pepper {Capsicum annuum); Grains of paradise {Amo?num granum) ; common Ginger {Amomum zingiber), &c. One or all of these foreign seeds and roots are powdered and boiled among the worts, in quantities of about three pounds to twenty barrels : the quantity being regulated by the degree of pungency required. § 5. — Of Ingredients which are intended solely for the purpose of increasing the intoxicating power of Beer or Ale. Hitherto we have treated of ingredients which, though illegal, (and, in our opi- nion, calculated only to gratify an ac- quired taste,) are at least harmless: but we have now to speak of articles that BREWING. SI deserve no quarter, — of such as are disgraceful to the brewer, because dan- gerous to the drinker. The dried fruit of the Menispermum cocculus, better known by the names of India berry and Cocculus Indicus, claims, on account of its very general use, the first place in this infernal Ust. Its importation into this country (from the East Indies) is very great, considering that few know for what other purpose it is ever used : for, though the Cissam- pelos pareira (which many botanists state to be the same plant) has a place in the pharmacopoeias, its virtues are generally referred to the root, and that root is brought from America. That Cocculus Indicus is a strong narcotic is doubtless ; for it is on that account alone that it has preserved its place in the brewery. In India the berries are thrown into the water for the purpose of catching fish, which, by swallowing them, become intoxicated. They were once used in England in the same way, but, we believe, that practice is now prohibited. Their effects upon the hu- man frame we know not, neither do we wish to know. The extensive use of this ingredient (and we have good reason to believe that it is still used extensively) was proved to a Committee of the House of Commons in 1818. Those who give brewing receipts recommend it in quan- tities of four pounds to twenty barrels, boiled with the worts : but there seems to be a mystery on this subject which requires to be investigated. The Faba amara, or bitter bean, is the seed of an East India plant, which, though poisonous, has a sanctified name. It is the Ignatia amara, St. Ignatius' s bean, and is not only botanically, but naturally allied to the genus Strychnos, a species of which will come next under our review. The bitter bean appears in many of the works that pretend to teach the art of Brewing. It is a large pear- shaped berry, with seeds nearly an mch long, and extremely bitter. Nux vomica ( Strychnos nux vomica)^ as described by the botanists, " is the fruit, or rather seed of the fruit, or berry, of a large tree, growing in Egypt, Ceylon, &c. of a strong narcotic qua- lity, so as to be ranked in the number of poisons." " It is round and flat, about an inch broad and near a quarter of an inch thick," — " extremely bitter, but with little or no smell." " Ignatius's bean partakes of the same qualities." We suspect that what was at one time generally sold to brewers for Coccu- lus Indicus was really Nux vomica; and that the numerous body of quacks who called themselves brewers' druggists, and who were almost annihilated by Exchequer prosecutions about ten or twelve years ago, passed the Faba amara and Nux vomica under the name of Cocculus Indicus, when making their defence, on the same principle as the forgers of bank-notes are accustomed to plead guilty to the lesser indictment. In the examination of Mr. Carr, the Solicitor of Excise, before the House of Commons, in the document formerly mentioned, we have the following words : " Is it {^Cocculus Indicus^ a bulky commodity, or is it easy to be smug- gled ? — It is of the size of a pretty large nut ; every piece of it is about the size of a nut. It bears the poisonous prin- ciple so strongly in it, that by an analysis it is very easily separated from the sub- stance, and is produced in the form of a crystal. Now, if any druggist would take the trouble to do that, it would be possible to take as small a quantity as a thimblefull, which would poison a great deal of beer." Now this description agrees with the appearance of nux vomica, but by no means with that of cocculus Indicus, which is, originally, about the bulk of a black currant, but being dry when brought to this country, is of a much smaller size. Opium is another ingredient which was formerly sold, under different dis- guises, by those gentlemen druggists, and which, we have reason to believe, is still in use ; for we have known sei- zures of that article in the custody of ale-brewers, within the last two years. A compound termed multum was (or 25) a mixture of opium and other ingredi- ents, which sold about ten years ago, at five or six shillings a pound, when what was called an extract of cocculus was charged at a guinea and a-half. Tobacco^ too, has been made use of, but how dis- guised we have not learned. It will be said that every article which we have here stigmatized is medicinal, and appears in the pharmacopoeias; but we also know that there is no substance, however deleterious or disgusting, which has not, at one time or other, found a place in the Materia medica. Besides, the parallel is imperfect. In medicine the poison is prescribed in measured doses, (less or more, according to the 32 BREWING. prudence or the rashness of the physi- cian,) and only in such diseases as are otherwise deemed incurable ; whereas the brewer, or his drayman, administers the drugs without discrimination, igno- rant and careless of the age, sex, or constitution of his patient. In the tone of reprehension, which we have felt it our duty to assume on this subject, we trust that we shall not be accused of personality. Let it be re- membered that we address ourselves to the most worthless of the trade, to such as disgrace the name of brewer, by sporting with the hves of their fellow- creatures, for the sake of gain.* If there be any honest man so weak as ts suppose that we mean to throw suspi- cion upon the brewery in general, we wish him to be undeceived. We are willing to believe that the number of reckless beings who use deleterious in- gredients are few ; but that there exist those few, is too well ascertained, from the seizures and convictions that have been so often made, and are still making, by the Excise. Our denunciations are directed solely against the guilty ; and sorry should we be, if they could possi- bly be conceived to allude to any re- spectable House, or to any honoiu-able See Coroner's Inquest in the Times Newspaper of the 29th of June last. THE ART OF BREWI Part II. PRACTICAL INSTRUCT] Chapter Introductory. ^ws. practical instructions for brewing ale and beer, as given by different per- sons, are by no means uniform. The cause is obvious. The mode of manu- facture, and consequently the quality, differ in every age and country ; and, even in the same nation, the ale of one district has little resemblance to that of another. The London, Barton, Wilt- shire, and Scotch ales are each re- markably distinguishable ; and the in- structions which are privately given to young brewers, take their tone from the quarter where the instructor has been bred. He who has seen only one of the modes of brewing, can have no concep- tion of their number and variety. One shall mash three or four times, while ano- ther shall do so but once. A second shall pitch his tun at 80°, when others do so :at 45°, the former cleansing in twenty- four hours, and the latter waiting three or four weeks for the finishing of the fermentation. One class of brewers attend chiefly to the attenuation, are minute in their heats of fermentation, weighing the yeast with the utmost care ; while there are many gentlemen (at the same time, priding themselves on the goodness of their ale) who turn the worts into the barrels boiling hot, bung them up, and stow them for a year in their cellars, without any yeast at all. Each of these modes of brewing may be considered as producing a different species of ale ; and each species has its varieties depending on natural or acci- dental circumstances, (such as the water, and the skill of the brewer,) which add to its preservative qualities, and give certain adventitious flavours. Porter is a peculiar species of malt liquor, and possesses a general uniformity of taste and strength: but this, too, differs in its kind; for, although confined in its manufacture almost exclusively to ten or twelve houses, an experienced palate is at no loss to distinguish that of any one house from all the others. UNIVERSITY we n^ce now stated, it i< From what we in^te now sratea, il is obvious that we can give no general set of instructio7is which shall apply to brewing as an abstract science. We shall, therefore, separate our directions into divisions, suitable to those species of malt liquors, with the brewing of which we are best acquainted, but with- out affecting, in any way, to exhaust the subject ; for we have found, experimen- tally, during the course of twenty years, that there have occurred to us many things of which our philosophy had not dreamed. The press has hitherto furnished very little information on the subject of brew- ing. Mr. Richardson's work, formerly mentioned, contains many useful theore- tical hints ; but it was not his intention to publish practical rules. These he reserved for private communication, by which he secured a much greater re- ward than usually falls to the lot of authors. His pupils were numerous ; and his method of brewing, in conse- quence, forms one of the divisions with which the reader ought to be made ac- quainted. It varies extremely from that of the Scotch ; and although he treats of Burton ale, his method, certainly, is not the mode by which ale could be made like the Burton of the present day. In our opinion, his directions for porter are unexceptionable, as far as they go ; but that article is now very different from what it once was, and what it might be. At all events, Mr. Richard- son's instructions, being very minute, will serve us for general reference, when we speak of other kinds of malt liquor ; and, therefore, we shall copy them, with- out alteration, from a manuscript for which he was paid a hundred and fifty guineas, besides receiving a guarantee of secrecy for twenty years . Previously, however, it will be necessary to make a few remarks upon those changes which vegetables undergo, when they are un- derstood to be submitted to what have been termed the Saccharine and the Villous fermentations. D 34 BREWING. Chapter II. Of the Saccharine Fermentation, or the Extraction of Worts from Raw Grain, and other Vegetables. "Whether or not the saccharum, or sweet, of vegetables be identically the same, wherever it is found, has not been, and perhaps cannot be, ascer- tained. That of the sugar-cane and the beet-root is equally cry stalliz able and undistinguishable ; but there are many other saccharine extracts which it has hitherto been attempted in vain to crys- tallize. To the brewer, however, they have all one principle in common. Sac- charine infusions, from whatever vege- tables they may be drawn, are capable of undergoing a fermentation, during •which carbonic acid is evolved ; the liquid becomes of less specific gravity, acquires a vinous flavour, and gives out alcohol by distillation. These are the essential characteristics of a sweet ex- tract ; so much so that, instead of sac-. charine, it is more generally termed /(?7*- mentable, matter. Indeed, this is the more appropriate denomination ; for, should any vegetable sweet be found that is incapable of this chemical change, it would necessarily require to be ar- ranged in a different division of vege- table substances. The saccharine matter of plants is often found ready formed in their juices, during certain periods of their growth, or in their fruits when arrived at matu- rity. The tasteless seed becomes sweet when it is developed into a stem ; and the acid berry of the summer turns sac- charine in the harvest. These are the operations of nature, which we some- times imitate by art. In either case, the internal action, by which the sweet- ness is produced, has been termed Sac- charijication, and, by some, the Sac- charine ferinentation. The latter deno- mination has been objected to ; but whether or not this change be the con- sequence of a real fermentation can be judged only when this term is sufficiently defined. That portion of the flour, or farina, of the cereal grains, and of certain roots, such as potatoes, arrow-root, &c., which forms a turbid milk-like liquid, when mixed with cold water, and is deposited in an almost tasteless powder, is called fecula. In its pure state, it is the starch of commerce. It is this fecula that is converted into sweet in the incipient process of the vegetation of grain, whe- ther carried on by sowing it in the earth, or by spreading it, in a moist state, on the malting-floor. Bulbous roots, too, become sweet when they begin to spring, as may be generally observed in pota- toes, which, in that state, are unfit for culinary purposes. For the oldest and best-known mode of producing the saccharification of bar- ley, or other grain, we must refer our readers to the Treatise on Malting: there are other operations that produce a similar effect, which will come more properly under the present head. The artificial saccharification of fruits be- longs to the Treatises on the Brewing of Cyder and Perry, and on Wine^ Making. The discovery of the rapid saccharifi- cation of fecula originated with the dis- tillers. *' It is thus," says M. Dubrun- faut, " that, in the chemical arts, prac- tice generally precedes theoretical rules ; and that the manufacturer, distant from the observations of the learned, is able to produce a certain effect, during a long course of years, before the philoso- pher has suspected the probability of such a production. In fact, spirituous liquors were distilled from unmalted grain and potatoes, long before the chemical doctrines admitted its possi- bility. As soon as the fact attracted their attention, the continental chemists (who more than those of this country apply their science to the arts) endeavoured to elucidate the subject by their experi- ments. Kirchoff, of St. Petersburg, first converted -^wre fecula into a saccharine semifluid substance, by means of sul- phuric acid, with long boiling; and his process, with slight improvements, is still followed by many of the Parisian distillers. This, and other means for effecting the same purpose, are detailed by the author last quoted ; but the French distil their materials in a pasty rather than a fluid form, and in such a state, however saccharine it may be, it is unfitted for the brewer. The English and Scotch distillers make pure worts, and these are always capable of being converted into beer. M. Dubrunfaut's method of distilling and brewing from potatoes is worth quoting ; being quite practicable, and little known in this coun- try. We shall, however, abridge rather than copy his memoir : — Having rasped the potatoes as fine • " Traite de Vart de la Distillation.** BREWING. 35 as possible, he put 400 kilogrammes (882 pounds) of the pulp into a brew- er's mash-tun, having a double bottom ; and while the workmen were stirring the mash in all directions, with oars or rakes, he mixed it with boiling water, •which, the fecula being set at hberty, turned the whole mass into a jelly, simi- lar to the starch of the laundress. He then added 20 kilogrammes (44 pounds) of malt, ground to a fine powder, and, at the same time, a small quantity of wheat-chaff {courte paille de froment) to assist the draining. The whole, being well mixed, began immediately to become fluid, and gradually sweetened, during the space of two hours, when it was drained from the mash-tun in the same manner as is done by the brewer, and carried to the fermenting-tun. A new quantity of liquor was added to the remaining pulp, as a second mash, at the heat of 50° Reaumur (145° Fahren- heit). This being stirred and afterwards drained, the pulp was squeezed in a cylindrical press, in order to get as much of the saccharine as possible, before giving the refuse to the cattle. The liquid fermented well without any depo- site that could effect the distillation, and produced 54 litres (14| wine gal- lons) of spirits of the specific gravity .955. M. Dubrunfaut also applied his dis- covery to brewing. After having treated the fecula in the manner above-men- tioned, he added hops, and carried the strength to the specific gravity of 1042, or abuut 15 pounds per barrel. The wort fermented well, and had a fine "vinous smell. It was bottled a few days after, when it ripened, and resembled the beer VN'hich is made in Paris. He also fermented the wort without hops, replacing them, as is done in certain provinces, with honey, and obtained a beer which had the taste and other qualities of the famous beer of Louvain. It will readily be supposed that other farinaceous grains and roots, that is, such as yield a portion, more or less, of starch, may also be converted into saccharine matter; and, in fact, rye, rice, maize, chesnuts, and numerous other mealy fruits, as well as roots, have been made to produce vinous liquors. In this country, however, the chief ingredient, and the cheapest for the purpose, is barley ; and to this grain the brewers have, in almost every case, limited their operations. The distillers frequently make use of a mixture of different kinds of grain, and especially oats, but the barley always predomi- nates. We have never seen oats used in the brewery ; although it is well ascertained that oatmalt formed one of the ingredients in the multifarious mix- ture called mum, which was a favourite vinous liquor among our ancestors. The extraction of wort from raw grain was long practised by the Scotch low- land distillers ; but it was not until the enormous additions^ to the malt duties (m 1802 and 1803) \hat unmalted bar- ley was resorted to by the brewers. From that period until the year 1811, v»'hen the practice was checked by the Excise, the more scientific brewers were enabled to save two-thirds of the malt duty ; and, consequently, gained an ad- vantage over their less knowing bre- thren. Although, by means of a mixture of chaff, a wort may be drawn from raw grain, with the addition of only one- twentieth part of malt, and, we believe, without any malt at all, yet such means have not hitherto been used by the brewer. During an experience of seven or eight years, we found the most conve- nient proportion to be that of two parts of raw grain to one of malt. The worts, in that case, run more completely from the grains after the first mash. Confined as this usage must now be to private brewings, the quantities must be small, and therefore the following directions are suited to mashes not ex- ceeding three quarters, and at the same time (ijy observing the proportions), will serve equally well for brewing of half that quantity : — The malt may be either cut or bruised, but the grain must be cut into very fine meal. The cutting must be sharp, for whatever is powdered into dust is, in a great degree, lost. Put the quarter of malt, equally spread, on the upper bottom of the mash-tun, and over that the two quar- ters of cut barley. Introduce into the goods, through the descending trough of the tun formerly mentioned, three- fifths of the liquor intended for your first mash (suppose 7\ barrels) at the heat of 155°. In large mashes 150° is sufficient. This liquor rises through the perforations in the false bottom, penetrates the malt, and flows up in fissures through the grain. The goods are then well mashed with oars for half an hour at least. In large quantities it would require, perhaps, twice that time. D 2 M BREWING. The remainine: two-fifths (say five bar- rels) of the intended mash is next to be introduced in the same manner, at the heat of 200°, a few degrees more or less, according to circumstances, and the mashing is to be continued for half or three-quarters of an hour more. The tun is then to be covered and allowed to settle, which may be in an hour. At that time it may happen that a part, if not all, of the worts, will be at the top of the goods, and must be let off through the holes, in the upper part of the trunk at the side of the mash-tun, which we spoke of when describing that utensil. "What drains through the false bottom will run off at the same time. It may be noticed that the reserved portion of the first mash need not be all run on at once. The object is to keep the goods intimately mixed in liquor at an average heat of 140 to 150 degrees, (at which heat the saccharification is more readily obtained,) and for a time sufficiently long to effect that change in every portion of the dissolved fecula. During the whole of the process, the wort increases in sweetness ; but neither taste nor time affords any certainty of the sweetness having reached its maxi- mum. A quantity of unaltered starch may be held in solution, which adds its weight to the liquid, and affects the sac- charometer. Although not converted into saccharwn, it is nevertheless effec- tual to the distiller, because it undergoes the saccharine fermentation, along with the vinous in the working-tun. It is not, however, the same to the brewer. His endeavour is to stop the attenuation while a portion of the fermentable mat- ter is still weighable in the worts ; and it is of some consequence whether that remaining portion be saccharine, or a less altered starch. The l)est criterion that has been yet found for ascertaining when the saccha- rification has reached its last stage, is iodine. This substance is a very nice test of the presence of starch, whether in a state of suspension or of solution, in liquids ; and, for that purpose, it is used by the continental distillers. If we pour a few drops of the tincture of iodine into a wine glass filled with the worts of raw grain, when the mashing is just begun, the mixture will be instantly coloured of a deep blue. As the sac- charification advances, the worts, with the same test, will be lighter and lighter in the tint; until, at last, the colour, remaining unchanged, will show that the tran*. formation of the starch into saccharum is completed, as far as this process is effectual for the purpose. The goods absorb a great proportion of the liquor, so that the worts of the first mash will run very short of what is drawn from malt. The subsequent mash or mashes will present little differ- ence of appearance from those of malted grain ; and, in the proportions above stated, will, in most cases, pass freely through the goods in the ordinary way. At all events, the second and third mashes will present no difficulty. " We should err very much," says Dr. Thomson,* " were we to suppose that the whole kernel, or starchy part of the malt is dissolved by the hot w^ater used in brewing. At least one half of the malt still! remains after the brewing is over, constituting the grains." " One hundred pounds of malt, from different kinds of grain, after being exhausted as much as usual of the soluble part of the kernel by hot water, were found to weigh as follows : — English barley . . 50.63 lb. Scotch barley . . 50.78 Scotch big . . . 52.69 " A hundred pounds of raw grain being converted into malt, and the solu- ble part of the malt extracted by hot water, the residue weighed English barley . . 51.558 lb. Scotch barley . . 50.831 Scotch big . . . 53.500 " In another set of experiments, with malt of worse qualities, a hundred pounds of malt left the following resi- dues: English barley . . 54 . 9 lb. Scotch barley . . 56.9 Scotch big . . . . 56.6 "It is probable," the Doctor adds, " that an additional portion of the ker- nel would be dissolved if the malt were ground finer than it is customary to do. The reason for grinding only coarsely is to render it less apt to set. But this ob- ject might be accomplished equally well by bruising the malt between rollers, which would reduce the starchy part to powder without destroying the husk." To bruise the malt is certainly a pre- ferable practice to cutting it in coarse pieces ; but we have been accustomed to grind malt, as well as raw grain, with stones as small as oatmeal, without ever setting the goods ; and this we con- * Supplement to th Encyclopaedia Britannica ; article Brswino, BREWING. • 37 sider as a still better mode than cylin- Raw grain is generally supposed ia ders, even for malt. In the case of un- yield a less proportion of extract than malted or badly malted grain the stones malt; but this, too, we are assured, are indispensable. must be the fault of management. We We are perfectly convinced that, in have before us the results of a number the above-mentioned experiments, the of experiments, on a very large scale, grist must have been either very ill of which the following is an abstract, prepared, or the process must have been reduced to a thousand quarters. The badly conducted ; for a hundred pounds grist was barley, oats and malt ; the of good malt ouglit by no means to have latter in a small proportion — perhaps- left above thirty pounds weight of dry not more than a twentieth : — grains. Brewed 8,000 bushels of grain, weighing 387,300 lbs. W^eight of dry extract, according to Dicas's Saccharometer, as nearly as could be ascertained 253,308 lbs. Weight supposed remaining in the grains 133,992 lbs. Being doubtful, however, of the accu- had before grinding; and the weight racy of the indications of dry extract was found equivalent to fourteen pounds by the instrument, a known proportion per bushel. The whole of the grains were of the grains was dried, until they had then measured, and thereby gave another apparently the same dryness as the grain and more accurate comparison. Thus,. Brewed 8,000 bushels of grain, weighing 387,30^^ Ibs,- Sold 8,672 of grains, ditto 121,40^ The difference, being the amount of extract 265,892 Dry extract shown by the instrument 253,308 Apparent error in the instrument, being about 5 per cent. . . ' 12,584^ " Calculating the proportions from these two sets of experiments: — lbs. grain, lbs. extract. lbs. By the first, 100 gave 65.41, leaving in the grains 34.59 By the second , 100 — 68.65 31.35 Average . . too — 67.03 32.97 It still appears that nearly a third of floor or in the mash-tun, — the strength the kernel remains unextracted ; more of the worts, that is, their power of pro- than half of which, we are convinced, ducing an intoxicating liquid, either in is owing to ignorance of the art. One the form of alcohol, or of a vinous liquor, improvement, in the case now under is always accurately designated by the our consideration, seems obvious : oats, excess of their specific gravity beyond barley, and malt require, each, a differ- that of water, multiplied by their quan- ent heat for the proper solution of their tity. Distinct from flavour, this product substance. This might be applied, were maybe considered as the measure of each to have its separate mash-tun, but their comparative value. Thus six bar- not when they are mingled into one. rels of wort, of thirty pounds per barrel. Many of the remarks, which we have is equivalent to four barrels at forty-five ■ made in this chapter, may appear to be- pounds : the product in each case being long to the distillery rather than to the one hundred and eighty. It has already ■ brewery ; but the two trades are inti- been shown, in Chapter V. of the first mately connected. The distiller and the Part, that the extra- weight of a barrel of ' vinegar-maker are necessarily brewers worts, beyond that of water, is only in the first part of their operations ; and, about four-tenths of the weight of sac- from both, the ordinary brewer may charine matter contained in the infusion ; gain instruction. All have this in com- but, the proportion being always the mon, to extract as much of the kernel same, the weight thus shown by the sac- of the malt, or grain, as they possibly can. charometer answers all the purposes of the brewer ; and it is, therefore, of this Chapter III. extra-weight that the expressions "gra- ^ ,r T^ vity" and "weight of the wort" are ge- Of the Vinous Fermentation. „ J^ji^ understSod. In whatever way the saccharification is The saccharine extract (or worts) produced,— whether on the malting- being prepared, and boiled with the hops 38 BREWING. where that ingredient is required, is next made to undergo the vinous fer- mentation. This chemical process (which was formerly the only change in vege- table extracts that had the name of fermentation) operates by the destruc- tion of the saccharum, both as to taste and weight; and, when carried to its utmost point, produces a hquid of less specific gravity than water, and of a taste in which the sweetness is little, if at all, perceptible : it is vinous, or that of wine. The juices of the sugar-cane, of the grape and of many other fruits, when kept in certain temperatures, enter spon- taneously into the vinous fermentation. In the brewing of malt liquors a very general practice has been, to add to the worts a quantity of the yeast, or froth of the previous fermentations, in order to hasten the present operation ; and it was not until some experiments were made by Mr. Henry, on the effect of carbonic acid, that the chemists con- ceived that the fermentation of malt liquar could be produced without the assistance of yeast. Notwithstanding, the brewing of ale, without a particle of yeast, has been practised by the farmers of certain districts, in this country, from time immemorial. We have, ourselves, had the experience of worts entering into a spontaneous fermentation, with- out acquiring any improper flavour, or running into acidity ; but they require time, and time cannot be well spared in the modern system of manufactures. What formerly required years to im- prove must now be brought into the mar- ket in two or three weeks. The present mode of porter-brewing is a prominent instance : the large vats, in which that article was wont to be stored for eighteen or twenty-four months, ai-e now compa- ratively useless. From the moment that the worts are mixed with the yeast in the fermenting tun, their gravity begins to decrease, and this decrease is termed their attenuation. A wort, for instance, of forty pounds per barrel shall, in a few hours, be reduced to ten, by the extrication of car- bonic acid, the elements of which must have previously existed in a very con- densed state : for, notwithstanding this immense decrease of weight, the quantity, or bulk, of the liquid undergoes no per- ceptible alteration. All saccharine liquors, after they have been submitted to the vinous fermenta- tion, are capable of producing a portion of alcohol, by the process of distillation ; and the quantity which may thus be ex- tracted is found to be exactly propor- tionate to the degree of attenuation. Thus a barrel of wort that has lost forty pounds of its weight will produce twice the quantity of pure spirit which could be extracted from a barrel of wort that had lost only twenty pounds in the attenuation. This, too, is independent of the original weight of the wort ; for the same extent of attenuation (suppose twenty pounds) will produce the same quantity of spirits, whether the original gravity of the worts has been thirty pounds or fifty. Seeing that the quantity of spirit is in proportion to the attenuation, it is obvi- ously the interest of the distiller to carry that attenuation as far as possible ; and, in as far as alcoholic strength is con- cerned, this would also be the interest of the brewer. The latter, however, has an additional object in view, namely, j^a- vour ; and he finds that he cannot please the taste of his customers unless a weigh- able portion of the saccharum remains in the ale. The former, therefore, is frequently able, by strong fermentations, to reduce his worts to the weight of wa- ter, while the latter, after keeping it a twelvemonth, still expects to find from three to six pounds of gravity in his beer. It is for this reason that the brewer is so careful not to exceed in the quantity of yeast which he puts into the gyle-tun ; and that, in strong ale, he wishes the tumultuary fermentation in the gyle-tun to close, while eight or ten pounds of the weight still remains unat- tenuated, to be afterwards slowly de- composed in the casks. It was long a matter of contest whether alcohol exists ready formed in fermented liquors, or is produced in the process of distillation. The chemists are now generally satisfied that it is produced by the fermentation alone. They have extracted the alcohol at heats far below the boiling point of water, and by other means than by distillation; and, from those experiments, they do not hesitate to assert that alcohol, properly so called, exists in wine and beer. It is not, however, presumed that alcohol is a simple substance ; and one who is not a chemist may still suspect that the atoms of which it is afterwards to be composed, although contained in the fluid, may exist in a discordant state, until united by some process that de- stroys their other affinities. But what- BREWING. 39 ever may become of those theories, it is certain that these atoms, whether sepa- rately in solution or combined into alco- hol, constitute a whole that is lighter than water; for when a wort is fer- mented so low as to show nothing be- yond water, by the saccharometer, it still, according to the experiments of Dr. Thomson, contains about one-fifth of its original saccharum unfermented. Thus a barrel of wort of thirty pounds, when fermented to the weight of w-ater and its alcohol distilled, will leave as much saccharine matter in the still-bottoms, as, if mixed with water to its original quantity, would make a barrel of about six pounds gravity, which might be fer- mented into beer. This latent weight, or unattenuated gravity, is counterbalanced by the alcohol (or its component parts), which is as much lighter than water as the saccharum is heavier. When ale or beer is attenuated in a great degree, as it usually is when exported to a warm climate, it again enters into a sponta- neous fermentation, at the expense of this unattenuated, but latent, saccha- rum. ■ The acetous fermentation is the reverse of the vinous. The moment it takes place the vinous liquor becomes heavier by the absorption of oxygen ; and the alcohol (or its composing principles) is destroyed, exactly in proportion to the increase of weight. If a distiller's fer- menting-tun, for example, shall have been attenuated from the gravity of twenty to that of two pounds, he ex- pects, and would procure, a quantity of spirit corresponding to eighteen pounds of attenuation ; but should he, by any oversight, allow the acid fermentation to proceed unobserved, until his worts (wash) should increase in gravity two pounds, so as to show only sixteen pounds of attenuation when they had once shown eighteen, he would find that he had lost the value of two pounds, or exactly one-ninth of the quantity of alcohol which he might have had. AVhen a distiller's tun has ceased to attenuate, it runs rapidly into the acetous fermentation ; and increases in weight at the expense of the alcohol, if (as it is said) the alcohol be really formed. Ac- cording to this theory, when the attenua- tion is apparently complete, four fifths of the saccharine matter is converted into equal quantities of carbonic acid and spirit. With a mixture of half that proportion of alcohol, no saccharine liquor would ever become sour. Does not this circumstance render it probabl that the alcohol is not completely formed ? It is so generally allowed, that we have taken it for granted, that the acetous acid (vinegar) is formed, in vinous liquors, by the absorption of oxygen. If this be true, the contact of atmospheric air must be particularly dangerous to the ale-brewer. Various plans have been proposed to prevent its access, but none of them have been successful. In attempting to stop the acetous, they cheek the vinous fermentation ; and it is only when the latter has completely subsided, that the vessels can be closely bunged up. Two evils have been stated as the consequence of fermenting worts in open tuns : first, the loss of alcohol, which is supposed to escape in union with the carbonic acid ; and second, the germ of acetous acid, which is believed to be communicated to the beer by the con- tact of the atmospheric air with the sur- face of the liquid. Patents have been granted, both in France and in this country, for a method of closing the tuns, so as to exclude the atmospheric air, and also to condense any alcohol that may be endeavouring to escape. The plans proposed are of very ancient date, although recently announced as a modern invention of a Mademoiselle Gervais. Our limits do not permit us to describe the particulars ; but it js of the less consequence, as we should do so only to show its inutility in the brew- ery. To those who have seen the pamphlet which circulates the wonderful announcements of the value of the in- vention, the following remarks will be sufficient : those who have not seen it, may rest satisfied that its perusal would not render them wiser. Whilst the worts are fermenting, carbonic acid is evolved, and fills a por- tion of the vacuity of the tun, immedi- ately above the hquor, which excludes the common air as effectually as the closest cover. It can only be when this gas ceases to be generated, that oxygen can gain admittance ; and, before that time, every skilful brewer has cleansed his beer into casks, exposing only a small bung- hole, which is also closed the moment the yeast has ceased to issue. During the whole period of the tumultuary fermentation, the pressure is outward not inward; and a lighted candle, held over the yeasty head, will shew that not a particle of oxygen can 49 BREWING. be admitted. When this evolution of gas becomes so weak as not to form a stratum above the hquid, the introduc- tion of air may begin, especially if the heat of the tun is high ; and this, \ye believe, frequently happens with the distillers, (who carry the attenuation to the utmost practicable point) especially when the surface of the tun is large in proportion to its depth. A cover in this case is proper, and perhaps it would be better to have an aperture which might be contracted, so as always to preserve a certain depth of stratum of iixed air above the still fermenting liquor. With respect to the alcohol which is said to be carried off wdth the carbonic acid, neither can this apply to the brew- ery, as generally practised. In the heat of a tun which seldom exceeds 75°, the alcohol (or whatever spirituous sub- stance it may be) can lose little or no- thing by evaporation. In the Scotch practice, the heat is almost always under 65°; and we know not by what means the particles, that would escape at that temperature, could be condensed. If there really is a loss, it is certainly so small as to be unworthy of attention.^; Chapter IV, Practical Instructions by Mr. Richard- son. Art. I. — For Mild Ale in general. 1 . — Heat of the Liquor, This being an ale which requires early purity, the first heat of the liquor must therefore scarcely ever be under, and is not seldom above, 180°, to which 5° are to be added for the second mash, and 5° more for the third, where three mashes are made for strong ale; but where there are two only, the addition may be 10°; that is, ]80° and 190°. If, how- ever, you find by experience that a lower heat of the liquor will produce purity, this will be a preferable practice, as producing a more mucilaginous wort, and it is better calculated for making small beer after it. It is therefore ad- visable that you begin with the heat of the liquor just mentioned, and then try 175° for the first mash, varying 5° at a time in different brewings, for the sake of practice and experience. Sometimes, indeed, when I take my first heat at 180°, or higher, I only increase 5° for my second, though I have but two mashes for strong ale, in order to avoid that thinness on the palate, which too high a heat is sometimes apt to produce. § 2. — Time of Infusion. If there be only one mash for strong ale, as is sometimes the case for ale of great strength, the time of infusion should be four hours. If there be two mashes, allow three hours for the first,, and two or two and a half hours for the second ; and if three mashes,', allow two and a half or three hours for the first, two for the second, and one and a half or two hours for the third ; it being in- tended to allow as much time as is con- sistent with the proper forming of the extract, and the necessary expedition of the process. § 3. — Quantity of Hops. To ale made from worts whose average specific gravity is about thirty pounds (which answers to about two barrels from a quarter of malt), not less than two pounds of hops should be used in winter, and more as the season advances, even to four pounds in a great heat of the atmosphere ; or it is perhaps more rational to apportion the hops to the malt used, in which case eight pounds per quarter are allowed, for the more certain preservation of the ale. This being adapted for the climate of Eng- land, a greater portion ought to be allowed where the b eat of the air is greater. § 4. -Time of Boiling. This in general, should be only til 1 the wort breaks pure, in order to extract only the finer parts of the hops; but in great heats of the air, a longer time in boiling, as well as a greater portion of hops, is necessary for the preservation of the ale. For this purpose, also, (having in view a finer flavour in the ale,) it is advisable to boil the wort for an hour or more, before the hops are added, which renders it more preser- vable, at the same time that it avoids the rank extract of the hops. If, how- ever, those produced in Worcestershire be used, the mildness of their flavour renders this precaution unnecessary. What is meant here by breaking pure, is that state of the wort when the hops subside to the bottom, and the mucila- ginous parts of the malt are coagulated into large lumps, and float up and down in it, very rapidly, leaving the interstices of the wort perfectly pure. This gene- rally happens (when the wort is boiled BREWING. 41 brisWy, as it ought always to be) in about twenty or twenty-five minutes in the first wort, but is somewhat longer in the others. The mode of observing it is, to take a little wort in a bowl or dish, after having boiled about a quarter of an hour, and let it stand steady to ob- serve the effect ; and, by doing so every five minutes after, for two or three times, you will note the difference, and soon become a competent judge. Without making this observation, you cannot err much in boiling the first wort about three-quarters of an hour, and an hour or an hour and a half the second ; or if you boil altogether, the whole time may be allowed. This, however, respects the extract of the hops rather than the eff*ect it is to have on the wort ; and :is in- tended only for the winter season, and when the ale is for present use. 5. — Method of Fermentation. As in this part of the process the great- est effects are produced by the heat of the fermentation, so the greatest atten- tion to its progress is necessary. The first heat (that is, when all the wort is first in the gyle tun) is to be considered of no other consequence than as con- ducing to the last or highest heat to which the fermentation will arrive ; and this is found to have a very important influence on the flavour and other quali- ties of the ale. At 75° the first flavour of mild ale commences ; for irnder that it is more properly the flavour of ale in- tended to be improved by long keeping. At 80° the flavour of ale is more per- fect ; at 85° it approaches the high flavour ; at 90° it may be termed high, but is sometimes carried to 100° and upwards ; the flavour increasing as the heat of the fermentation rises. It must still be remembered that I refer to the highest heat ; and therefore at whatever degree you would have the fermentation finish, you must begin it at such a heat as experience has taught you will rise at last to the desired heat, but no higher. For instance, a wort of thirty pounds per barrel ought to increase about 15°, so that in order to arrive at 80°, you. nmst begin at 65° ; but as it is impos- sible to say how your yeast will ferment (upon the quality of which the success of this operation entirely depends), it •were safer in a small gyle, and in a low heat of the §,tmosphere, to begin at first between 05° and 70° ; and if you find it increase 15° or more, you are to lower the heat of your* next gyle accordingly ; that is, so as to bring your highest heat of fermentation between 75° and 80°, or not much to exceed the latter; for, though a high heat produces the most agreeable flavour, the ale will not ulti- mately be so lively, nor will it be so soon fine, as from a contrary practice. It may not, however, be amiss to remark, that Forlow's celebrated Cambridge ale was begun at the heat of 90°, and has been sometimes carried as high as near 1 1 0°, producing that peculiarity of fla- vour which rendered his and the ale at one of the colleges by the same man, so famous, that some of it has been drunk at the king's table. The quantity of good solid yeast tc be used, should be proportioned to the specific gravity of the worts, the pre- vailing heat of the weather, and the heat of fermentation. To a wort of thirty pounds per barrel, if the heat of the air be low, and the first heat of fermentation 65°, or a little more, two pounds per barrel, or more, may be used. If the first heat be 70°, or not much under, H or \l lbs. maybe sufficient. This,, when the first heat is about 70°, may be all used at first ; when it is lower, two- thirds may be used at first, and the re- mainder the next morning. In either case the quantity first used should be put into the gyle-tun, and as much wort let down to it as will cover the bottom, one and a half or two inches. The heat of this wort should not be less than 85° or 90°, in which state, being well mixed with the yeast, it puts it into immediate action, and prepares it for the reception of the rest of the wort at the required heat. When an addition of yeast is- made, the whole should be well roused, to mix them the more readily. These previous steps being taken, there is nothing uncertain but the strength and consequent operation of the yeast ; and if the heat of the fermen- tation fall considerably short of the in- crease before-mentioned, the whole fer- mentation will be imperfect, the ale will have a heavy mixed flavour of sweet and bitter, and the fault is to be attri- buted to nothing but want of strength in the yeast. This can only be remedied by a fresh supply from some other brewer ; and you must not be disheart- ened if the first or second change should not succeed ; for there must be a new supply procured till some be found which will answer the desired end. Even when a perfect fermentation is procured, the strength of the yeast will BREWING. in time degenerate, and render another change necessary; and particularly so when the fermentation is carried to its utmost extent. ■i It is also to be remembered that I do not recommend rousing the worts in the gyle-tun, except as before-mentioned, because it communicates a rank flavour of yeast to the ale, though it perhaps adds to its strertgth : this rule, however, can only hold good when the yeast is of sufficient strength ; for, when it is weak, or suspected of being so, it will be necessary not only to increase the yeast considerably, by additions at every three or four hours during the day after brew- ing, but to rouse, at every addition, and even to continue these rousings till cleansing, in order to carry off the sac- charine of the malt, and produce, as much as possible, that uniformity of flavour which good yeast would have eflected in the first instance. § 6. — Rules f 07' Cleansing. It is my practice to look every two hours into the gyle-tun, during the fer- mentation, whence I observe its pro- gress very acciuately. My principal attention is directed to the heat of the fermentation, which generally increases very slowly at first, but when the fer- mentation is in full force, its general increase is half a degree per hour, which progress declines in proportion as the fermentation advances towards a con- clusion, till at length it stands still, and sometimes decreases before the vinous fermentation is entirely complete, espe- cially where the volume of wort is small. This, then, is the grand rule for cleans- ing : whilst the heat is increasing, you may rest assured that the vinous fer- mentation is not finished ; but so soon as it is at its height, you are to turn your attention to the smell of the ale. Whence you will observe, that in the middle of the fermentation, the fixed air strikes into the head so powerfully, on smelling with the nose lower than the upper edge of the gyle-tun, that it would, perhaps, be death to inhale it a second time, with- out intermission; but this force so much abates towards the conclusion of the fer- mentation, that, at the proper period for cleansing, it no longer stmgs the nos- trils, nor strikes violently into the head, but just feels warm, and being drawn into the lungs, only occasions strong efforts to discharge the gas exactly similar to the effect of a sudden exertion in running up a hill, vulgarly termed being out of breath. The ale will then have lost its saccharine if the fermenta- tion has been perfect, and will have ac- quired an uniform vinosity both in its smell and taste. The head will also then have a regular compact appearance of yeast, provided it be so low a heat of fermentation as 75° or a little more, but in proportion as the heat is carried fur- ther, the head becomes less ; so that a fermentation of 90° or more will only exhibit blistery bubbles, and discharge no yeast till the ale be cleansed into casks, which, in that case, should not be larger than barrels, because it re- quires the heat to be lessened as ex- peditiously as may be, to facilitate the discharge of the yeast, and larger casks would be apt to retain it too long. It is an advisable practice, when the fermentation is carried to its utmost period, to use about seven pounds of flour from either wheat or beans, to a gyle of 25 to 30 barrels, at the time of cleansing, in order to accelerate the dis- charge of the yeast by the introduction of an extra portion of gas into the ale for that purpose. This should be whisked up in a pail, with some of the ale, till all the lumps are broken, when it may be enlarged to any specific quan- tity, and then having a portion poured into each cask, agreeably to its size, the ale is to be cleansed upon it. Though the above rules for cleansing are entirely consistent with my system, I nevertheless have found it convenient to deviate from them, by cleansing at an earlier period, even while the heat of fermentation is yet increasing, and the fixed air is somewhat strong, in order to obtain a better produce of yeast, and thence to have less sediment in the casks, which sometimes subsides with difficulty after removal. By early cleansing, too, the yeast is preserved longer in a state proper for a perfect fermentation, than by a contrary practice. At any rate, however, there must be no saccharine taste perceptible at the time of deciding upon cleansing. When the cleansing is finished, the casks should be filled quite full, and be filled up out of the stillions every two or three hours during the first day, and three or four times the next. When the ale has nearly done its fermentation, if that from the stiUions does not run clear, a cask should be tapped, to fill up with, and that which is thick should be returned into the next gyle just before cleansing. If the ale be racked off from its lees. BREWING. 43 about three or four days from cleansing, and you add to every barrel three pints or two quarts of hops, after having boiled in the first wort, and (when the heat of the air is low) whilst they are ■warm, it will contribute much to the liveliness and purity of the ale, and render it much less liable to disorder, in removing from cellar to cellar ; but it is to be observed, that the hops thus added give some rankness to the flavour, and racking is not favourable to the pre- servation of the ale. In this practice the casks should be filled quite fidl, and bunged down close, venting only if the cask be in danger. But if the ale be not racked, the casks should not be bunged down so long as the head of the ale can be kept up by repeated fillings ; for otherwise there would be a circle of yeast formed round the inside of the bunghole, which would be in part washed oft' amongst the ale on removal, and - tend to makie it foul. Chapter V. Richardson's Instructions continued. Art. II.— For Old Ale, or such as is to be long kept. § 1 . — Heat of the Liquor. As purity is not immediately required i« this sort of ale, the first mashing heat should be as low as practicable ; that is, so as just to avoid acidity in the wort, which is apt to be produced by a very low heat of the liquor. Hence 160° or 165° may be the first heat, and from 10° to 15° may be added for the second, if there be but two mashes, and 10° each if there be three. Thus if the first heat be 160°, and you find no tendency to acidity in the last running of the worts, then these rules may be observed ; but if there should be a little acidity dis- cernible, it were advisable to make the increase 4° or 5° more for the sub- sequent mashes, and on brewing another gyle of the same sort, from the same malt, it were best to begin at 165°, and then observe these rules for the next mashings. § 2. — Time of Infusion. If the heat of the liquor be very low, the time of infusion should be some- what less than that allowed for mild ale. Therefore, two, or two and a half hours may be allowed for the first mash, and one hour for each of the rest. ^^ 3. — Quantity of Hops, and time of . boiling. The general rule for hops is one pound per bushel of malt ; but if it be intended that the ale should retain its mildness to a very distant period (which by the bye is to answer a very useless purpose), a larger portion of hops must be used, agreeably to the intention of the brewer. "The boiling is regulated by time, as the nicety of flavour is not such a re- quisite in this as in mild ale. In two worts the boiling may be from an hour to an hour and a half for the first, and two or two and a half hours for the second; in three worts, the first may boil one hour, the second an hour and a half, and the last two or two and a half hours. § 4. — Quantity of Yeast, and mode of Fermentation. If the first heat of fermentation be not below 60°, and the gravity not much more than thirty pounds, provided the air be -temperate, the quantity of yeast must be from two to two and a half pounds per barrel, applied in the manner as directed for mild ale. If the heat be lower, the specific gravity more, or the heat of the atmosphere less, the quantity of yeast must be increased in propor- tion; in doing of which, no great incon- venience can arise from applying a few pounds too much, but it may occasion an imperfect fermentation if there be a* few pounds too little. The heat of the fermentation should not exceed 75° at the highest, but rest between that and 70°, though the nearer 75° the better will be the flavour of the ale at an early period ; and as a low heat of mashing is conducive to a great in- crease in the heat of fermentation, it will thence be evident that the fermentation for ale, whose average gravity is thirty pounds, must begin at or below 60 , and the precautions before recom- mended respecting the yeast, must be particularly attended to. The mode of conducting the fermentation, and the criterion for cleansing, being the same with those directed for mild ale, a re- petition here would be superfluous. I, however, recommend a more strict, adherence to the rules for cleansing, be- fore inculcated in this process, than in that for mild ale, because the first heat being lower, a greater time is necessary to bring the fermentation to perfection, and secure the future good flavour of 44 BREWING. the ale. It may be here observed that this sort will generally require finings. Art. III. — For Small Beer. If this be made alone, the same rule is to be observed in the heat of the mash- ing as that recommended for keeping ale ; but the time of infusion is some- what less. If made after strong ale, as there cannot with propriety be more than one mash, the heat may be 160° or under. It is generally boiled at once about an hour or an hour and a half, accord- ing to the season or the time required to keep it ; and it may be observed here, that long boiling prevents its fermenting so freely as it otherwise would do. The quantity of hops must also de- pend entirely on the taste of the con- sumer, and the time required to keep it. When made after mild strong ale, there is generally a sufficient quantity of hops to prevent the necessity of a fresh application, and after keeping ale, the quantity is often so large as to render it necessary to leave some out of it. The first heat of fermentation may be from 60° to 65°, and, as there is rarely any material increase, it may be cleansed at the end of 12 to 14 hours, when the fermentation is fairly begun ; for if it was carried to its utmost period, the 'beer would be thinner upon the palate, and appear not so strong as it would by the mode of fermentation here recom- mended. About a pound of yeast per barrel will be sufficient. Art. TV. — For Early hard Ale, or a mode of producing premature aci- dity ill Ale. This is nothing more than the artificial introduction of an acid flavour into new ale, to suit particular palates, which flavour must otherwise have been the effect of age. Add to a barrel from one to two gallons of common vinegar, or rather of ale which has acquired a great degree of acid flavour, according to the taste of the consumer whose palate is to be accommodated. This should be done at such a time as the ale to be changed has discharged the greatest part of the yeast, which may be about tvventy-four hours after cleansing, "where the heat of fermentation has been low, and from twenty-four to thirty- six hours where it has been liigh. Some- times hops are used as in rackins; of ale. In either case the cask must be filled nearly full, and stopped down close, that a violent internal vinous fermenta- tion may ensue, otherwise the union will not be perfect, but the distinct flavours of both will be discernible. If the com- motion within seems to endanger the cask by the swelling out of the head» &c., a little of the ale may be drawn off occasionally, but it is to have no other vent. This fermentation will sometimes con- tinue for three or four weeks, and when it is finished, so that the ale will become pure with finings (which it will require^, . it will be fit for use. Art. V. — Of Racking keeping Alb. Whether the ale be racked from vats or from one cask to another, it has a tendency to grow flat. This may be remedied by adding about tv/o quarts o* hops to a barrel, as mentioned in rack- ing mild ale ; but a better mode is by an addition of a sixth to a fourth part of new ale taken from the gyle-tun, in a state proper for cleansing. In either case the cask is to be filled full, and stopped down close, with the same pre- caution as recommended under the article of Early hard ale. I have also seen about a quart of good wort (made perfectly pure by filtrating through a flannel bag) added to a barrel of mild ale, which was flat, but also pure, and, in a very short time, it produced all the livehness of bottled ale, without having in the least injured its purity ; but hav- ing had little occasion to pursue the practice, I give it here as a hint well deserving your attention, should you ever have occasion to adopt it. Art. VI. — For Burton Ale. This is made from the palest malt and hops ; for, if it be not pale as a straw it will not pass with the connoisseurs in that article ; and the gravity being so very high as thirty-six to forty pounds a barrel, makes it a matter of great nicetv to get malt sufficiently pale. If' the malt be not very good, only- one mash must be made for this liquor; but if it be good, two mashes may take place, adverting still to the great spe- cific gravity which ought to be pro- duced. The heat of the liquor should be 185°, or 190°, adding 5» for the second. BREWING. 45 if a second mash be made ; and the time of infusion may be the same as that mentioned under the article Mild Ale in general. If only one wort be made, it may be boiled an hour and a quarter; if two, they may be boiled three-quarters of an hour the first, and an hour, or an hour and a quarter the second ; remembering that long boiling is prejudicial to the colour. The quantity of hops must be three- quarters of a pound per bushel of malt, or more, according to circumstances; but the more that are used, though an advantage as a preservative, the higher will be the colour of the ale. The heat of fermentation should not much exceed 75°, and as the first heat would thence probably be about 55°, the quantity of yeast, both on ac- count of this circumstance, and the great weight of the wort, should not be less than three pounds per barrel, used as is before recommended ; and the rule for cleansing is the same as that before inculcated. It is to be racked into clean casks (without hops) when nearly pure, and the sizes of them are from 32 to 42 or 43 gallons (called half hogsheads), and from 70 to 80 gallons (called hogsheads), which are generally hooped with an equal number of iron and wooden hoops ; the latter are white, flat, or broad bark hoops ; a bar is put across each head, and the brewer" s initials or name, with B or Burton at length, are branded in front in letters of about an inch and a quarter high ; and the number of gal- lons which the cask holds is cut with a scribe-iron, just above the cork-hole. The bung-hole is not above an inch and a quarter diameter, which is stopped with a wooden shive or bung, and a piece of triangular tin-plate is afterwards nailed over it. Chapter VI. Richardson's Instructions continued. Art. VII. — For Porter. § 1. — Heat of the Liquor. The heat of the liquor may begin from 156° to 165°, it being intended to go as low as the avoiding acidity in the v^^ort will admit of; and, as a large portion of the malt in this is brown, the heat of the liquor may thence be, with safety, some- what lower than in the process of keep- ing ale. The subsequent heats of the mashes are to be increased from 5° to 10° each, according to circumstances, thoncrli the former is s:enerally sufficient. If, how- ever, the ranker earthy parts of the malt be desired, in order to heijrhten the fla- vour ; or if the taste of the preceding wort has been somewhat inclined to acidity, then 15° may be added, sup- posing a very low beginning. § 2. — Time of Infusion. This, on account of the number of mashes, need not be more than two hours at the first, and one hour for each of the rest ; but as the time of boiling allows more time between the two last mashes than usual, the time of infusion may be proportionately long, without wasting any. ^ 3. — Quantity of Hops, and Time of Boiling. It is not, perhaps, so much for the pur- pose of preservation as for that of fla- vour, that the general practice is to use not less than four, and sometimes four and a half to five pounds per bar- rel for keeping ; though what is termed mild or mixing porter, has not more than three to three and a half pounds ; but since hops have been so very dear, these proportions have been so consi- derably lessened, that I do not even now use more than three and a half pounds for keeping. The hops required here are to be strong, without regard to colour ; and for the purposes of extracting all that strength, and communicating all its rankness, the whole of the worts are generally boiled from eight to nine itiours in the aggregate ; which may be apportioned, in three worts, to one and a half, two and a half, and four or five hours. If there are four worts, it may be one, one and a half, two and a half, and three or four hours. § 4. — Mode of Fermentation. The heat of fermentation to be so low as not to exceed 70° when at the highest, so that in general it may begin about 60° ; and should it be inclined to ^o further than 70°, provided the saccharine of the malt be not perfectly gone off, the event of a degree or two more may be waited for, in case the heat of the fer- mentation does not increase more than half a degree in the hour at that time, when it is to be cleansed at all events ; otherwise, it might run up so high as to induce the flavour of keeping ale instead of that fulness which porter 46 BREWING. ought to have. If, when the heat of fermentation is at 70°, it is increasing more than is above mentioned, I recom- mend that the porter be cleansed, lest the major part of the yeast subside to the bottom of the casks instead of being- thrown out, and thence render the por- ter foul, and hereafter stubborn, if not cloudy. At this period of the fermen- tation, though every other rule relative to cleansing be dispensed with, yet care should be taken that the sweetness of the malt be gone off ; and to facilitate that end, a greater portion of yeast is to be used than is allowable in any other beer of the same strength. The quantity required is from three to four pounds per barrel, used in the usual propor- tions, and rousing the wort every two hours in the day time, and even during cleansing, if practicable, in order to give every degree of rankness obtainable from the materials. In order to heighten the flavour, about a quarter to half an ounce of socotrine aloes per barrel may be boiled in the second wort ; and, for the purpose of giving a retentive head, as much salt of steel as will lie on a half-crown piece is to be added to a barrel, with the finings. These effects may, indeed, be increased to any desired degree, by increasing the quantity ; but it is to be remembered that aloes is a powerful purgative, and much more than half an ounce per bar- rel might discover itself, nor is the salt of steel sufficiently wholesome to war- rant the use of any large quantity. The former of these I now entirely omit, and in its place use quassia, in the proportion of a pound to twenty barrels of porter, or a little less ; and, as a saving, cop- peras may be substituted in the place of the latter. The malt used is generally brown, amber, and pale, in equal quantities; but it is necessary, in that case, to have the former browner than is always to be met with ; and the second of a deeper tinge ; it may be as well to use brown and pale in equal parts, or in such other proportions as the colour of the former shall indicate to be necessary even to two-thirds or more : and, as it is essen- tial, both for colour and flavour, to have a sufficient portion of brown, an error on that side would be much more safe than on the other; for the want of colour, and consequently of flavour, is often a great obstacle to" the reception of porter, in a country where its produc- lion is novel, by rendering it more like ale than is admissible in such a situa- tion ; where it is generally expected to find in it qualities which, in the known produce of London, would not, perhaps, be demanded. The malt, both brown and amber, are dried with wood, either billets or very stout faggots ; but this being for the sake of flavour only, where there is a deficiency of this fuel, the foundation or body of the heat may be produced and continued with cinders, adding some wood. When the porter is worked off, it should be started into vats, of any con- venient size, from 50 to 500 barrels, and racked thence for sending out ; in doing which it is preferable to rack the whole off at once, that there may be no ullage, which is apt to become vapid and often sour. It should not be racked till on the fret. §5. — Of the average Specific Gravity requisite for different Ales and Por- ter. For Burton ale, as is before intimated, the first sort is from forty to forty-two, or forty-three ; the second from thirty- five to forty ; and a third sort, made after the former, is from twenty-eight to thirty-two, or thirty-three pounds per barrel. This latter is the usual gravity for common mild strong ale, of the first quality ; but the more prevailing weight for common ale is from twenty-five to twenty-seven ; and even since malt be- came so valuable, from twenty-two to twenty-four is deemed sufficient ; whilst in certain situations twenty to twenty- one is thought to be as much as the price merits. For keeping ale which is similar to. the above, only in being longer kept be- fore used, the same gravities are re- quisite. For porter, about eighteen is sufficient for the common sort, twenty for what is sometimes termed double; twenty-two to twenty-three for the first kind of brown stout, and twenty-five to twenty- six pounds for the very best brown stout. The weight for common small beer is about six or seven ; and what is deemed good table beer, is from twelve to four- teen pounds. Art. VIII. — Of Returns for saving Malt. After the usual process of brewing is finished, you are to cause one or two BREWING. 47 mashes to be made, according to cir- cumstances ; viz. if small beer has been made, only one mash is to take place ; but where that has not been the case, there may be two; for the more the malt is exhausted, the greater is the saving, and the greater the number of mashes, the more fermentable matter is extracted. If, therefore, no small beer is intended to be made, you are to mash for a return in the same manner as if small beer was to be made, only using as much more liquor as is convenient ; taking the heat at 1 60° or 165°, letting it infuse an hour or more, and then pumping it up into the copper, and putting the hops into it, but it is only to be just made to boil when it is to be turned into the cooler in the usual way. During this another mash for a second return is to be made, taking the heat at 5° lower than the first, which return being pumped up into the copper, and the hops added to it, it may remain in the copper all night at a heat nearly boiling, and then be turned into the cooler as the former. These two returns are to remain in the coolers until the evening before the next brewing, when they are to be let down into the under back and pumped into the copper, to serve for the purpose of mashing, in the place of so much liquor ; and if there be more than suf- ficient for 1he first mash, the remainder may have as much liquor added to it as ■will serve for the second. But as the return contains a certain portion of fermentable matter, that portion is to be previously ascertamed, and either an additional quantity of liquor is to be used in the brewing, or so much malt be left out of the grist as the amount of that fermentable matter may be. To ascertain this, it may be premised that the gravity of the wort intended for small beer is generally from three to five, more or less, and that the wort drawn after this (if the quantity be the same as that of the wort for small beer) will have half, or rather more than half the weight of that ; so that supposing the gravity of the wort for small beer to have been 3.5, the wort intended for a return would probably be 2.0; in which case, if the volume of the wort amount to twenty barrels, the sum ■would be forty pounds, or upwards of half a quarter of malt. On the con- trary, if no small beer be made, the mash which would have been made for that wort must now be made for a first return, to which another mash, as above mentioned, would produce a second, whence the saving would be nearly threefold of the one efiected after mak- ing small beer; for, supposing twenty barrels of the first return at 3.5, the aggregate would be seventy pounds, to which the second return (as above esti- mated) being added, the total would be one hundred and ten pounds, or nearly one quarter and a half of malt, valued at seventy-five pounds per quarter. But as this estimate only relates to the return in the under back, it is to be remembered that an addition would be made to the amount, as exhibited in that state, by that portion of the preceding worts which is imbibed by the hops, and which will be extracted and replaced by the return into which those hops are put ; but this addition can only be ascer- tained by actual experiment. Whence the net aggregate saving is to be esti- mated from the gravity of the return taken when cold in the cooler, as includ- ing the above-mentioned addition from the hops, and not from the return in the under back, the aggregate of which will be found to fall considerably short of that of the return in the coolers, par- ticularly where many hops are used. There is also some advantage derived from the hops having their virtue further extracted by this process; but as an, estimate of the quantian cannot easily be made, it is not taken into the account of the saving effected hereby. The intervention of a day or two be- tween the brewings is no bar to the use of a return. Its very humble specific gravity is a security against fermenta- tion. In summer we sometimes have it lie a week ; and, in very warm weather^ it will mould a little at the top without injuring its taste. I do not, however, use it for strong ale in such cases, but mash with it for another return, that the flavour and purity of the former may not be affected by it ; but for porter I never hesitate to use it at first, and we generally contrive to brew a gyle of the latter after one of the former, witli that intention. Art. IX. — Of the Brewing Book. The following is the plan of my brew- ing book :— ^ M ai "■"■ ■ o rt ' 6 a CO o CO o t>. t^ t^ C3 5 I- 00 O CM ?o o 30 ^ C75 — < ift 0» .-1 ,-1 .s a S y 1 s s w S w Ph ^-^ 00 C5 o OJ I 1 ^'^ 00 "* 1 1 -H 1 /-s J H (M "-1 .. « -f o 1 o Hi:» o to CO o t^ o ^ o (M o >^ TT* ^ IZ= "M O Tt< CO t^ o t^ o trs CM CO CO CO O CO CJ CO C5 OI CO cs i^ 6 ^ 'J2 CO (M ^ t^ = CO CM 00 > b3 C3 o o CO CO -I* lO i-O o CO o o CM OO CO 1— 1 CM CM CM CO CM O ^ '"' sq ^ HlCI Hl^ Hd He 00 rt '-' —^ '"' S C-1 00 .— ' ^ O 00 ^ ^ ^_, O vO O O TT CO CO _^ TI< CO ^ CO o •VQ '^ CM -H CO C ■<1* CM ^ 00 o o •^ CM CO »n -^ r^ .-« (M 00 C5 vO 00 in Ol ifS CO .-H (M '"' 1 o -f -* ^ (M ..o CO lO lO CO (M o -r 1 —' r-l r-i CO ■j^ vC ■^ -r Tj< -t CM ^ CO i-O ..n CO C>1 rt rr •^ C-4 r-^ ^ o CI ' ' r-H 1—4 U & o »r:> o »?:) o >-0 O kO ,_; l^ t^ 00 CO o uo CO CO S ■"• '"' I— 1 1— ( oo CO o CO -.J CM o" 01 .'i-T 'i* j^ f"" t>. I— 1 •■^ <5 V— / ^-' 00 ^ 2 ^ o^- 1 22 ^ '3 ^ X :z c>i 1-H Ph He Z BREWING. 49 EXPLANAT!0>% Suppose the Book lyino: open, as in the two pages * before us, both of which are to be taken across as continued lines of the same Table : — Cohimn 1, contains the date and quality of each brewing as successively numbered No. 1, No. 2, &c., from the beginning of the year, which is here counted from the 1 st of October. The two examples are reductions of two of my own brewings for twelve quarters. Herein 12.8 means December 8th; X and T are strong beer and small ; P is porter; and the figures 5§.0.6§ de- note 5i quarters of brown malt, no amber, and 6| quarters of pale. Column 2 shows the quarters of malt used, and col. 3 the pounds: of hops, both of which are summed up at the bottom of every page, so as to show the quantity used at the close of the year. Col. 4 is the heats of liquor for each mash; and col. 5 is the barrels of liquor. Col. 6 is the quantity of worts drawn from each mash; col. 7 is the gravity per barrel taken in the underback ; and col. 8 is the whole weight of fermentable matter, deducting one and a half per cent, for heat. Col. 9 gives the hours each wort is boiled. Col. 10 gives the worts in the coolers ; col. 1 1 their gravity ; and col. 12 the sum of the gravities multi- plied by the quantities. Col. 13 shows the pounds of yeast. The double co- lumn 14 gives tile first heat of fermen- tation, and its increase in the gyle-tun ; and col. 15 shows the hours which it remains in the tun before cleansing. Columns 16, 17, and 18 show the quan- tities of strong ale, porter, and table beer brewed ; and these, like those of the malt and hops, are summed up on each page, and carried forward to the succeeding one. The next column contains minutes of the progress of \\\e fermentation. Thus, in the first example, 8 Ev, 7 — 74^ shows that the yeast was put to the worts, at 741 degrees of heat, on the 8th of De- cember, at 7 o'clock in the evening. Its progress through the next day is marked in the same manner; and on the 10th, at 8 in the morning, the ale appears to have been cleansed ; having acquired an increase of 11^° of heat in the course of thirty-six hours. The last column or space is left for remarks. Those here inserted signify * On two pages in the Manuscript, but here printed on one. — Edit. U- pound of orange peas, and 2 pounds of quassia. The figures in column second, marked with red ink, [here within parentheses] (lio) and (75) is the produce per quarter, as shown by the saccharometer. The same sort of figures in columns \^, 17, and 18 give the weight per barrel of the different beers. With respect to the high fermentation mentioned when speaking of Cambridge ale, Mr. Richardson has given no exam- ples ; and our practice, in this kind, has been so limited, that we can only exhibit a single brewing, on the results of which we can depend. This was a brewing of eight quarters of malt, with forty pounds of hops. It immediately followed one from which there was a Return of eigh- teen barrels, of four pounds specific gra- vity, which was made use of for the first mash. It was in the month of February, and the weather was uncommonly mild. Barrels. lbs. 1st Mash 18 gave 11 at34 = 374 2d Mash 10 3d Mash 10 10-20 = 200 LO . 10.5 = 105 31 679 Return 16 16-3. =48 The three worts when boiled produced 22^ barrels at 29 lbs. per barrel; and this with the Return (which infused with the hops showed 15 barrels at4lbs. per barrel) gave a produce ; on the whole, equal to eighty pounds per quarter. These 22i barrels were pitched at 78° with four gallons of yeast. In thirty- six hours the heat rose "to 94°, when it was cleansed at 14 lb. gravity. In about a fortnight it was pure, and turned out to be excellent ale. Chapter VII. Of the London Brewery. While the character of the London ale is so low as to be unknown beyond the precincts of the metropolis, that of the porter remains unrivalled. Tastes are acquired by habit, from which cause, when in continued action, we get inured to the strangest beverage. The immense capitals and influence of the ten or twelve principal houses defy all compe- tition, and whatever malt liquor they may agree to designate by the name of porter must, eventually, pass current with the multitude. This is no random assertion ; for it is well known that the hquor now retailed under that denomi- E 50 BREWING. nation has little or no resemblance to what was so called thirty years ago. "Whether it is better or worse, or whe- ther there can now be any criterion of comparison, in that respect, is no part of the question. "Before the year 1730, the malt liquors in general use in London were ale, beer, and twopenny, and it was customary for the drinkers of malt liquor to call for a pint, or tankard, of half-and-half, that is, a half of ale and half of beer, a half of ale, and half of twopenny, or half of beer and half of twopenny. In course of time it also became the practice to call for a pint, or tankard, of three threads, meaning a third of ale, of beer, and of twopenny ; and thus the publican had the trouble to go to three casks, and turn three cccks, for a pint of liquor. To avoid tliis inconvenience and waste, a brewer of the name of Harwood conceived the idea of making- a liquor which should partake of the same united flavours of ale, beer, and twopenny. He did so, and succeeded, calling it entire, or entire-butt ; and, as it was a very hearty and nourishing liquor, it was very suit- able ioY porters and other working peo- ple : hence it obtained the name of PORTER." It is not to be recorded in honour of the chemical arts, but it is nevertheless true, that many of the now indispensable ingredients and manipulations originated in the wish to deceive. It was early known that what was then termed the fiery nature of newly distilled spirits became softened by long keeping, but it was found, at the same time, that when, as was usually the case, they were kept in oak casks, the liquor acquired a brown tinge, more or less deep, accord- ing to the time of maceration ; and hence, with the unobservant purchaser, colour was taken for the criterion of age. This error, however, is now ex- ploded ; and every one knows that rum and brandy owe their beauty to artificial infusions. In a similar manner, all other things alike, ale and beer assume a lighter or a deeper dye in proportion to the quantity of malt-extract which they contain; because malt, however carefully dried, always acquires some degree of colour from the kiln. Colour, therefore, with the many, was long con- sidered as indicative of strength. The manufacture of fine ales (before they were contaminated with hops) was intended to imitate the white wines of the continent ; and, consequently, in those times, the paler the malt the more valuable it was, in that respect, to the ale-brewer. Nevertheless, when the quantity of malt was great, the worts were always partially coloured ; and the produce being termed " strong or mightie ale," induced the public brewer to make two beverages from the same malt of equal strength but of different colours, until at last paleness was gra- dually disregarded. In the case of beer, which contained numerous ingredients, the quality of the malt was less attended to. The harvesting of barley was then more troublesome than now, and much of it was moulded and stained. To hide these defects in the malting, it was co- loured on the kiln, and hence the early manufacture of brown malts, which were sold only to make beer. Brown malt always smells of the fire ; and this empyreumatic flavour, becoming in re- quest, was heightened by dr}'ing with wood faggots, chiefly beech, because that sort of wood was formerly of little value. Thus did beer acquire a deep colour ; and when hops were introduced, and subsequently enforced by legal enactments, the bitter principle being all that was sought for, the brownness of colour and the coarseness of the flavour formed no objection to their use. When the saccharoraeter was applied to the brewery, it was discovered that the colouring matter of brown and am- ber malts was formed at the expense of the saccharum; and this added to the knowledge that these sorts of malt were made from barley which was unfitted for the paler kinds, rendered it desirable to find substitutes for flavour and colour from other substances. The sale of colouring was at first private, but being authorized to be made from sugar by the 51 Geo. III., it became a trade ; and,, under cover of that article, other ingre- dients were sometimes introduced which were neither legal nor useful. In 1816, all ingredients, other than malt and hops, were forbidden, and con- sequently the manufacture of sugar- colouring was discontinued; but in a short time after, a patent was taken out for the making of colouring by the roast- ing of malt : and this colour, being legal, is made use of by those brewers who pre- fer it to the old mixture of brown and amber. When this roasted malt is put into the mash-tun, all the rest of the malt is pale ; and the proportion of black to pale is about one to forty or BREWING. 51 fifty, according to the degree of colour required." Whether it is produced from brown, amber or black malt, from burnt sugar or burnt molasses, the colouring prin- ciple is the same. The flavour, how- ever, may be, and, we believe, is, differ- ent. In either case the colour is pro- duced by the roasting of saccharum; but as the whole of the malt is not sac- charum, the roasting to blackness mixes the colouring part with a large propor- tion, probably a half, of common char- coal. The charcoal will, no doubt, sub- side, but its previous effects are un- known, and, accordingly, some of the principal brewers have never used black malt; and none of them, we believe, brew either their keeping porter or their brown stout without the admix- ture of brown or amber malt. Private families may colour and flavour as they please ; and we are persuaded that, in making porter, they will find the charring of sugar the most convenient. For this purpose a quantity of brown sugar, moistened with water, may be put in a frying-pan, the bottom of which should be covered to about an inch deep. This is then to be roasted on a fire, and stirred for some time, until it inflame spontaneously. The flame, after it is judged (from practice) to have burnt long enough, is then extinguished by a cover ; and water is added to the pitch- like residue until the whole has the con- sistence of treacle, when it is put into a bottle or can for use. This colouring is afterwards to be mixed with the worts in the copper in such quantities as are required, Mr. Richardson's instructions for the brewing of porter, if literally followed, would produce a clean and full-tasted liquor ; but they are deficient in some particulars, with respect to the after- management, especially in the London practice. It may be here noticed, by the way, that the quassia, or aloes, which he recommends cannot be used with impunity; and, therefore, the quality and quantity of the hops are now more strictly attended to than in former times. The gravity, too, differs much from his example ; for we believe that there is seldom any gyle now made of a less weight than twenty pounds. We may add that the heat of the tun is now less attended to. The criterion for cleansing is the attenuation ; and when that has sunk to ten or eleven pounds, (which is usually in less than forty-eight hours) the operation is begun. By this time the heat is generally about 75°, being pitched at G5° ; and a degree of heat, in a good fermentation, usually accompa- nies a degree of attenuation. About five-and-twenty years ago, when we first attended to the brewing of London porter, it was the practice to keep very large stocks of that article for twelve or eighteen months ; for the pur- pose, as was then thought, of improv- ing its quality. The beer was pumped, immediately after it was cleansed, into store-vats, holding from five to twenty gyles (brewings) each. The usual size was between four and six thousand barrels ; but one, the boast of its brew^ house, contained eighteen thousand, and was said to have cost ten thousand pounds. The porter, during its long repose in those vats, became spontane- ously fine, and, by a silent fermentation, lost the greater part of its remaining saccharum. Its bitter, also, grew less perceptible, and the liquor was trans- formed into good, hard beer. This was softened by the pubhcan to the taste of the customer, by the addition of such as was mild, that is, newly brewed; but little of this milder sort was at that time required. The taste of the metropolis has since undergone a great change ; so much so, that more than half of all that is brewed is drunk before it is six weeks old. The demand for mild beer is still increasing ; and we cannot better detail its progress, and explain the nature of the mixtures of mild and stale, than by copying the information given by Mr Barclay (of the firm of Barclay, Perkins, and Co.) to the Committee of the House of Commons, in the year 1818 : — " What quantity of beer do you now brew annually ?— About 300,000 bar- rels. " Is sour or stale beer used in your vats with new beer, to your knowledge ? — To answer the question correctly, I should state, that every publican has two sorts of beer sent to him, and he orders a proportion of each as he wants them ; the one is called mild beer, which is beer brewed and sent out exactly as it is brewed ; the other is called entire^ and that beer consists of some brewed expressly for the purpose of keeping : it likewise contains a proportion of returns from publicans ; likewise the beer which we receive from public-houses, which has been brewed by other brewers, and which have changed into our trade (as it is our plan alwavs to clear the cellar E 2 52 BREWING. of a publican before be be^^nns to draw our beer) ; and likewise a portion of the beer the bottoms of vats ; the beer that is drawn off from the pipes which con- vey the beer from one vat to another, and from one part of the premises to another ; this beer is collected and put into vats : it also contai-ns a certain por- tion of brown stout, which is twenty shillings a barrel dearer than common beer: it also contahis some bottling beer, which is ten shillings a barrel dearer, I should observe, that the beer returned from the publican is always examined by a class of clerks called coopers, and, as far as they can possibly judge, if there is any admixture of any kind or sort, if it has been weakened, it is put aside, and in some instances been thrown away, and the person not allowed for it ; but, in general, there is an examination made of the beer upon being returned. Now all these beers united are put into vats ; f.nd it depends upon various circum- stances how long they may remain in those vats before they become perfectly Lright; when it becomes bright it is f ent out to the publicans for their e7itire beer, and there is sometimes a small quantity of mild beer mixed with it. " Do you ever buy sour or stale beer of any other persons than the publicans whom you serve ? — The Committee will cbserve by my preceding answer that the publicans require a certain quantity of this stale beer, which they mix with the mild beer, accordin-g to the taste of their customers, some preferring it new, f.nd some older ; but I should observe, that the taste of the town is continually changing, so that now they use but very Lttle of this entire beer ; and if the trade cf a brewer increases very rapidly, he rcay not have sufficient stale beer of his own to send to his publicans, and that was the case with our house some years J^ack; and I believe since, in two or three instances. Upon those occasions we have bought stale beer of other brewers, but in doing that we have been extremely careful in selecting only that of the best quality. " Is that stale beer ^oz^r beer ? — That beer has not got the acetous fermenta- tion upon it ; if it had it would not be fit for use. It is what is commonly vcalled hard beer. "You have stated that there are a number of beers mixed together ; have you any fixed proportion in that mix- ture ? — It is the remnants of everytliing ; and I have described to the Committee what it consists of, and that a part of those remnants are of a very superior quality, particularly when they come to the bottom of the brown stout. " What proportion of the whole num- ber of barrels sent out would those rem- nants form ? — About one tenth: we send out about one tenth of entire, but that is not consisting of remnants, be- cause, I believe I stated before, that part of it is beer brewed and kept for that purpose. " What proportion might the rem- nants form of the whole 300,000 bar- rels? — Our return is about 10,000 bar- rels a year, which includes beer brewed by other brewers, and which have been taken of publicans who have come into our trade, a good deal of which is mild beer. " Is the beer that is composed of rem- nants wholesome and good liquor? — Perfectly so. " Is it absolutely necessary that a publican should have some of these remnants to mix it for the taste of his customers ? — I should think so. It has been the constant practice as long as I have known the trade ; and in former years they used to draw more of that entire than they do now. " Is not that hard or stale beer mixed to give the porter the appearance of age at once, which formerly was allowed to be matured by time ? — It must have the effect of making the beer taste older ; but I should think that the beer which was formerly kept a twelvemonth would, not be drank by the public ; their taste is for mild beer. "Does the use of stale beer effect a quick sale in the trade, and conse- quently a quicker return ? — I do not see how the publican could well please his customers unless he had the means of making his beer either stale or mild as they wish for it. The Committee wiU see that if the brewer had not this vent for selling his return-beer, the price of beer must be considerably higher if he is to throw this beer away, which amounts altogether to near 20,000 barrels in our house alone." Chapter VIII. Of Scotch Ale. The distinguishing characteristics of Scotch ale, are paleness of colour, and mildness of flavour. The taste of the hop never predominates, neither in its stead do we discover that of any other BREWING. 53 ingredient. It is perhaps more near to the French pale wines, than any of the other ales that are brewed in this country. Like them, too, it is the result of a lengthened fermentation. The low heat at which the tun is pitched, confines the brewing of Scotch ale to the colder part of the year. Dur- ing four or five of the summer months, the work (except perhaps in some houses for table beer) is completely at a stand, the utensils are hmed down, and the greater part of the workmen discharged. No strong ale is either brewed or de- livered. The Edinburgh brewer is particularly nice in the choice of his malt and hops. The former is generally either Enghsh, or of his own making from English barley; and the latter Farnham, the finest East Kent, or a mixture of both. The yeast (or store, as it is termed) is carefully preserved, and measured into the gyle-tun, in the proportion of about three gallons to twenty barrels of wort. The Scotch practice is to take only one mash, and that pretty stiff, for strong ale, making up the quantity of wort {length) by eight or ten subsequent sprinklings of liquor over the goods, which are termed Sparges. These sparges trickle successively through the goods, and wash out as much more of the saccharine from the mash, as may suffice for the intended strength of the ale. In this manner, specific gravities may be obtained much higher than could be done by a second mash, which always requires a certain portion of liquor before the goods can be made sufficiently fluid. If we suppose this necessary portion of liquid in a particu- lar mash to be fifteen barrels, it would be found, on trial, that these fifteen barrels, when drawn from the mash- tun, would not contain nearly so much saccharine matter as might have been extracted by ten successive sparges of a barrel each. The reason of this will be obvious, if we recollect that the grains always remain wetted with wort equi- valent in strength to that of the wort last drawn off, and that the quantity remaining on the goods is about three- fourths of a barrel to a quarter of malt. The gravity of this imbibed wort will, in the one case, be equal to that of the second mash ; but in the other, will be reduced to that of the tenth sparge, or washing. Mr. Richardson, so often quoted, condemns this practice ; but, in doing so, we know that he labours under a mistake. " What power," says he, " or what time, has a fluid to ex- tract, which is sprinkled over the sur- face of the materials, and immediately trickles out below, without being allowed a stationary moment for infusion 9" We answer, that in malt (and it is only of malt brewings that we now speak) the infusion, if properly conducted, is finished with the first mash ; and that nothing more is necessary than to draw out from the goods, in a pure state, that saccharine matter which the first in- fusion has set free. But the question, with us does not depend on theory. We have brewed strong ale for years, with- out following it either with table beer or returns, and we have, in all cases, drawn as much from the malt as we could have, done by repeated mashings. The only objection to the sparging system is the loss of time. The first part of the process is to mash with liquor heated tol 80° at least,* and generally to 190°, varying with the dampness of the malt. According to Dr. Thomson, the best brewers take the lower heats, but this is doubtful. After mashing from twenty minutes to half an hour, that is, until every particle of the malt is in contact with the liquor, the tun is covered, and the whole allowed to infuse about three hours, when it is. drained off into the under back, or (what is far better) into the wort copper. After the first wort is run off, a quantity of liquor (generally a barrel),, at the heat of 180=, is sprinkled equally over the surface of the goods. To pre- vent the liquor from dashing on one part, it is usually received upon a cir- cular board, about three feet diameter, which is swung over the centre of the mash-tun ; and, being perforated with small holes, allows the water to descend in a shower. The board being hung on cords, is moveable by the hand over every part of the surface of the tun. When, as generally happens, the cock of the Hqiior-copper is not high enough to carry the hquor to the board, a. separate cock is inserted in the side for that use only. Other means may be adopted to answer this purpose of sprinkling, the object being to spread the Uquor, equably, in a shower over the whole surface of the goods, as if from the rose of a watering-pan. When the barrel (or other quantity> * It is here to be observed that we merely reeord the practice ; not our own opinion of its propriety. 5.4 BREWING. of liquor is thus let in upon the goods, the cock of the mash-tun is opened, so as to let it off, as in the case of an ordinary mash. Some brewers, instead of the common outlet of the mash-tun, have three or four small cocks inserted in different parts of the bottom, from the fear that a single cock might draw the filtrating liquor to one point, and there- by create a crack in the goods, instead of leaving the whole of the liquor to descend in one horizontal stratum. When the first sparge is run off, or nearly so, which may be in twenty or five and twenty minutes, another of equal quantity is put on the goods, in the same manner, and thus, successively, until the whole of the sparges, when mixed with the first mash worts, show that gravity which is desired. The strong ale worts are then completed, and a mash is made to search the goods either for table beer, or a return, as the trade requires. This mash, however, is not necessary as a saving of extract ; for the whole of the saccharine matter of the malt may be exhausted, as well as any required gravity of wort produced, by means of sparges alone ; but there is an opinion, probably not ill founded, that the last weak extracts are less fitted for fine ale. The making up of strengths from the coolers formerly explained, is here anticipated, being regulated by the saccharometer in the under back, or wort-copper ; for practice soon teaches the increase that is produced by the boiling. It may be here noticed, that after the first sparge at 180°, it is cus- tomary with some brewers to reduce the others gradaally, so that the last is per- haps 175° or 170°. All rankness of flavour being care- fully avoided in this species of ale, the quantity of hops seldom exceeds four pounds to the quarter of malt ; and the bitter thus created being too slight to cover the taste of ruder ingredients, we believe tha-t the Edinburgh brewers have been less the prey of travelling druggists than their brethren of the south. A little honey to add to the sweet, and a few coriander seeds or other aromatics to assist the flavour, are, as far as we have learnt, the amount of the sins of which they have been accused. The manner of boiling the worts does not differ from the directions of Mr. Richardson; but when they arrive at the gyle-tun, the process of brewing is no longer the same. The first heat of fermentation, in the Scotch method, is as low as possible, consistent with the action. The favourite heat is 50°, a point at which chemists have generally asserted that the vinous fermentation could not exist, but 45° and 46° are by no means uncommon in the manuscript brewing-books that now lie before us. Even in the coldest weather, the lowness of heat is not to be feared, provided the brewery be in full work. The fermen- tation sometimes continues for three weeks, and a fortnight would be a pretty fair average. "Were the brew- ings made three times a week, seven or eight working-tuns would thus be generally in play ; and these being in the same room, some of them at 12 or 15° of increased heat, would create an atmosphere for themselves. The quantity of yeast formerly men- tioned is generally sufficient, but, in some cases, an addition is made a day or two after, if, in the judgment of the brewer, it appears necessary. The least quantity that will carry forward the fer- mentation to the required point is al- ways preferred ; and, to assure that purpose, the tun is roused twice a day (morning and evening) to prevent its becoming too languid. This rousing is continued until the ale is nearly ready for cleansing. The rule for cleansing differs from that given by Mr. Richardson. It is an application of his saccharometer, of which he himself was not aware. The attenuation is attended to daily, and, towards the close of the operation, twice a day. While the heat is increas- ing, the attenuation proceeds ; that is, the weight of the worts continues to diminish. After a certain time, the heat has reached its highest point, and be- gins to lessen. It is here that we are directed by Mr. Richardson to trust , to the smell ; but this smell merely informs us that carbonic acid continues to be evolved, and the same circumstance is, in consequence, indicated by the sac- charometer : for as long as any such evolution of gas exists, so long will the weight of the worts continue to diminish. When the progress of the attenuation is so slow as not to exceed half a pound in twenty-four hours, it is prudent to cleanse, especially if the attenuation is already low; for it might otherwise happen, that the gas being too weak to buoy up the now close head of the tun, the yeast might partially or wholly sub- side, and the ale would become yeast- bitten : it would receive that disagree- BREWING. 55 able taste which the head had acquired by too long exposure to the atmos- pheric air. When the ale is cleansed, the head, which has not been disturbed for two or three days, continues to float on the sur- face, till the whole of the then nearly pure liquid is drawn off into the casks ; and this is considered as a preservative against the admission of the atmospheric air: for the Scotch do not skim their tuns as the London ale brewers so gene- rally do. The ale thus cleansed does not require to be placed on close stil- lions. It throws oft' little or no yeast, and a tub placed so as to catch any little overflow of the scum that arises is quite sufficient. The fermentation is almost finished in the tun ; and it is not the wish of the brewer that it should proceed much farther. The strength of Scotch ale, when it deserves the name, ranges between thirty-two and forty-four pounds weight to the imperial barrel, that is, of a specific gravity between 1089 and 1122, accord- ing to the price at which it is meant to be sold. The general mode of charge is by the hogshead (about a barrel and a half), for which five pounds, six pounds, seven pounds, or eight pounds are paid, as the quality may warrant ; the strength for every additional pound of price being increased by about four pounds per barrel of weight. In a good fermentation, there seldom remains above a fourth of the original weight of the wort at the period of cleans- ing. Between that and a third is the usual attenuation. If above a third re- mains, the taste is generally mawkish, and it is to be feared that the acetous fermentation will commence, before the time in which the ale might be expected to improve. Of the less sensible pro- cess of attenuation which goes on after- wards in the casks, we have already spoken when treating generally of the "Vinous fermentation." Scotch ale soon becomes fine, and is seldom racked, at least for the home market. We shall now transcribe the notes of a few actual brewings, in order to illus- trate the rules above written. No. 47. March 10th, 18 — . Mashed for Strong Ale 13 Bolls {about 10 quarters) of Malt, T. L.*— 42 lbs. Hops, East Kent. Hour. Min. Bar. Heat. Grav. 7 o'clock Worts in Coolers. 18i Barrels X. Gravity 36 = 666 6 T. 10 = 60 6 — Mash 17 190« — 9 — Set tap — — 36 10) 726 9 10 10 10 30 20 45 Sparge do. do. do. 1 1 1 1 180 180 180 176 35 34.2 35.2 35.6 Lbs. weight extracted per quarter 72.6 Fermentation. Mar. 11. M.S. Pitched at 50°. Yeast 3 Gals. Heat. Gravity. 11 10 do. 1 178 35 Mar. 12 50" 36 11 12 12 35 20 do. do. do. 1 1 178 175 175 34 35.7 32.6 15 52 33 16 54 30 17 56 26 18 58 23 12 45 do. 1 174 27.5 19 60 20 1 10 do. 1 173 25 20 62 17 1 2 40 20 Mashe Set tap. .11 in ( dfor' 8 8 I!opper. Fable Be 160 er. 7 21 63 15 22 62 13^ 23 62 11^ 24 61 10^ 25 61 10^ 4 10 Caste Ilopper, Ale. 26 60 9^ cleansed with salt and flour. * The initial letters of the Maltster's name. 56 BREWING. No. 49. March 16th, 18— . Strong Ale. 13 Bolls {about 10 quarters) Malt, T. L.— 44 lbs. Hops, Farnham and Kent. Hour Min. Bar. Heat. Gray. 8 o'clock Worts in Coolers. 17 Barrels X. Gravity 40 = 680 5 — IMash 16 185° : 7 T. 11 77 8 — Set tap — — 36.5 36 10) 757 8 20 Sparge 180 8 50 do. 180 36.5 Lbs. weight extracted per quarter 75 . 7 9 10 do. 178 37 Fermentation. 9 30 do. 175 37.5 Mar. 17. M. 5. Pitched at 46° with 3-1 gal. yst. Heat. Gravity. 9 50 do. 175 37 18 48« .36 10 15 do. 173 34 20 51 32 10 35 do. 173 33.5 22 53 30 11 do. 172 30 26 26 23 54 28 24 56 26 11 n 20 40 do. do. 173 172 25 56^ 24 26 57i 20 12 15 All in Copper. Mashed for T. 27 60 18 28 61 16 ! 8^ 158 29 62 14^ 30 62 13 12 58 Set tap 8^ 9 31 61 12 3 15 Cast Copper Ale. Apr. 1 60 11.7 cleansed. No. 50. March 23rd, 18—. Strong Ale. 2 Quarters English Malt, E. G.— 58 lbs. East Kent Hops. Bar. Heat. Grav. Mash 18 180° Set tap — — 44i Sparge 3 180 44 do. 2 180 42 do. 2 179 40 do. 2 180 36 do. 2 175 30 do. 2 175 25 do. 2 175 20 do. 1 170 121 All in Copper. Mashed for a Return. 20 160 4 Cast Copper Ale. Return w into ( th the Dopper a Hops. long March 24, morning, 4 Worts in Tun. 20i Barrels X. Gravity 42.5 = 860.6 20 Barrels i?e/wm, Grav. 6.1 = 122 12) 982.6 lbs. weight extracted per quarter 81 .8 Apr. Mar. 25 28 30 1 4 5 6 7 10 Gravi ty. 41 Fermentation. Mar. 24 M. 4 pitched at 51° Heat, 52° 56 60 62 65 66 67 67 66 66 64 Yeast 4 Gals 39 34 32 29 added 1 lb. yeast, 25 23 20 18 15 14.5 cleansed. BREWING. 57 It may be observed, with respect to Ihe left-hand portion of these tabular statements, that the gravities are taken as averages to direct the brewer in the number of his sparges, and are not minutely correct. The weights are those of worts, warm as they issue from the mash-tun ; and, even in those small sparges, it would make some difference if taken from the former or the latter part of each running. The sparges themselves, too, may not be made with extreme nicety with regard to the quan- tity. The whole of the process, how- ever, is easily acquired by practice, with- out which, in the manipulations of the arts, science is of little avail. Chapter IX. Of Scotch Twopenny. At and previous to the beginning of the ^eighteenth century, every publican in Scotland (being every man who chose to embark in the trade) brewed his own ale ; and the resort to his house de- pended on the quality of his liquor; which, when thunder or witchcraft did not interfere, was generally excellent. The strong ale was reserved for holidays and the tables of the great ; but the two- penny (so called because it was sold at twopence the Scotch pint*) was so much esteemed as a national beverage, that it was inserted by name, and guarded by peculiar privileges, in one of the Articles of the Union. Another Article, how- ever, in the same Act, secured to the ^cottish brewery an Exchequer Court ; and this, conjoined with the enormously increased malt duties, so lessened the exhilarating qualities of this ancient ale, that it has now lost its fame. In its stead, a kind of small drink is brewed ; but it is destitute of all the qualities which were so often celebrated in Scot- tish song, and is scarcely superior to the trash termed table-beer in the work- houses of the metropolis. "When the Scotch twopenny was the boast of the nation, saccharometers were unknown, and thermometers had not been heard of by the brewer. He shaped his course by habit, and with surprising accuracy, as blind men are often known to do. When we first knew the article it had much degenerated ; but even then it must have weiofhed from fourteen to * The old ale pint was nearly two English qttarts. sixteen pounds per barrel, as far as we could judge from the lengths which they drew. The quantity of hops seldom exceeded two pounds and a-half to the boll of malt, or about three pounds to a quarter. This was forty years ago, and the old tapsters were then ac- customed to tell tales of how they managed to brew ale without hops irt their youth. The boiled worts were usually cast into what were then called half-barrel casks, for few had coolers * ; and the gyle-tun (which was often the mash-tun- also) was first started, or pitched, at about blood heat. This was done with a single half barrel, or less, for the pur- pose of chipping the worts ; and the tun was aftei-wards filled up, by half-barrels at a time, when they had cooled to the requisite degree. The heat of the fer- mentation was regulated by the appear- ance of the yeasty head, and great care was taken that it should neither be scalded nor chilled. When the smell of the tun became strong, the ale was cleansed into half-barrels, and dis- charged its yeast into tubs. But the- whole brewing was never so fermented ; for a great part, often one half, was preserved (in the casks in which it had been thrown from the copper) in the state of worts. On reading this account of turning the worts boiling hot into the casks, and allowing them to remain there for seve- ral days, the modern brewer will im- mediately exclaim that the ale must have hQenfoxed,\di term which he gives to an incipient stage of putrefaction, which is supposed to be attended with a smell like that of the animal whose name it bears. We can assure him, however, that this accident was very rare, although it would probably be an inevitable consequence of the same practice in many other breweries. Th.e great preventive was cleanliness. The casks were repeatedly washed and steamed with hot water before every brewing ; and, in order that not a speck of dirt should be left, the bungholes were cut square, and large enough to allow the brewer to put in his arm, and scour them completely with a heather rinse. The large size of the holes, as well as the highly fermenting state of the liquor, rendered it inconvenient to use corks ; and, therefore, when the ale was sent • They held about sixteen English ale gallons. 58 BREWING. out in casks, it was kept in the barrels by means of covers made of clay. " It is in allusion to this practice that Shak- speare speaks of tracini-V) -rvsno 187826 3 1175 00178 7699 f^'r V ■^Av^-v^^i-v;* %:.m;rf^Ki ■tm^:M^ ^^^_..:.,X A. ........ ^^i^ffi'" ' " ^%»" "rf»«*- >0^' ys'*^* > ^; IW^^ ^/s:^ *""' _^?«^ Me^^ ^^4^ 'im^^