TMTKI. STATES COMMISSION 01 i isn AN |, n>M 8J ' J ' ' '' "A I HD, COMMISSION 1. 1. THE -FISHERIES FISHERY INDUSTRIES or TIIK UNITED STATES PREPARED THROUGH THE CO-OPERATION OF THE COMMISSIONER OK FISHKIMKS AND THE SUPERINTENDENT OF THE TENTH CENsl> BY GEORGE BROWN GOODE ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF THK V. S. NATIONAL MU.SKUM AND A STAFF OF ASSOCIATES SECTION I NATURAL HISTORY OF USEFUL AQUATIC ANIMALS WITH AN ATLAS OF TWO HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-SEVEN PLATES TEXT WASHINGTON QOVERNMKNT PRINTING OFl'ICE 1834 .--. -: - . : ASSOCIATE AUTHORS. JOEL A. ALLEN Mnseum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge. TAULETON H. BEAN U. S. National MiiHenin, Washington. .JA..IKS TEMPLE. BROWN U. 8. National Museum, Washington. A. HOWARD CLARK U. 8. Notional Museum. Washington. JOSEPH W. COLLINS Gloucester, Massachusetts. R. EDWARD EARLL U. S.Fish Commission, Washington. KICHARD H. EDMONDS Baltimore, Maryland. HENRY W. ELLIOTT Cleveland, Ohio. ]'. I:\KST INOERSOLL New Haven, Connecticut. DAVID 8. JORDAN Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana. LUDWIQ KUMLIEN Milwaukee, Wisconsin. MARSHALL MACDONALD U. 8. Fish Commission, Washington. FREDERICK MATHER N. Y. Fish Commituiion, Cold S;>rin^, New York. HARNET PHILLIPS Brooklyn, New York. KICHARD RATHBUN U. 8. National Musoiiin, Washington. JOHN A. EYDER U. 8. Fish Commission, WiMhillftan. CHARLES W. SMILEY U. S. Fish Commission, Washington. SILAS STEARNS Pensacola, Florida. FREDERICK W. TRUE U. 8. National Museum, Washington. WILLIAM A. WILCOX Boston, Massachusetts. ill PREFATORY NOTE, U. 8. COMMISSION OP FISH AND FISHERIES, Waithington, May 30, 1884. In July, 1879, an arrangement was made with General Francis A. Walker, Superintendent of the Tenth Census, by which an investigation of the fisheries of the United States was undertaken :is t lie joint enterprise of the United States Fish Commission and of the Census Bureau. It was derided that tin's investigation should be as exhaustive as possible, and that both the United States Fish Commission and the Census should participate in its results. The preparation of a statistical and historical monograph of the fisheries, to form one of the series to be presented by the Superintendent of the Census in his report, was from the first the main object of the work, but iu connection with this work extensive investigations into the methods of the fisheries, into the distribution of the fishing-grounds, and the natural history of useful marine animals were inaugurated and carried on. The direction of this investigation was placed in the hands of Mr. G. Brown Goode, Assistant Director of the National Museum, who had already been engaged for a number of years in a systematic, historical, and statistical investigation of the American fisheries, and who as early as 1877 had drawn up a scheme for an exhaustive exploration of the coast, quite as elaborate as that now adopted and not essentially different. The first step taken was to secure the co-operation of as many as possible of those persons who had in the past given attention to the subject of the fisheries, and this was so successfully accomplished that it is safe to say that every one who has leen of late years prominent in such studies has taken part in the preparation of this report. The plan of the proposed investigation was drawn up by Mr. Goodo before beginning the work, and was published in an octavo pamphlet of fifty-four pages, entitled " Plan of Inquiry into the History and Present Condition of the Fisheries of the United States." Washington : Government Printing Office ; 1879. The scheme of investigation divided the work into the following departments : I. Natural history of m urine products. Under this head was to be carried on the study of the useful aquatic animals and plants of the country, as well as of seals, whales, turtles, !i-li--.. lobsters, crabs, oysters, clams, etc., sponges, and marine plants and inorganic products of the sea with reference to (A) geographical distribution, (B) size, (C) abundance, (I)) migrations and movements, (E) food and rate of growth, (F) mode of reproduction, (G) economic value and n.-e>. II. The fishing ground*. Under this head were to be studied the geographical distribution of all animals sought by fishermen, and the location of the fishing-grounds; while, with references vi PREFATORY NOTE. to the latter, are considered: (A) location, (B) topography, (C) depth of water, (D) character of bottom, (E) temperature of water, (F) currents, (G) character of invertebrate life, etc. III. The fishermen and fishing toirnx. Here were to be considered the coast districts engaged in the fisheries, with reference to their relation to the fisheries, historically and statistically, and the social, vital, and other statistics relating to the fishermen. IV. Apparatus and methods of capture. Here were to be considered all the forms of apparatus used by fishermen ; boats, nets, traps, harpoons, etc., and the methods employed in the various branches of the fishery. Here each special kind of fishery, of which there are more than fifty in the United States, is considered separately with regard to its methods, its history, and its statistics. V. Products of fisheries. Under this head were to be studied the statistics of the yield of American fisheries, past and present. VI. Preparation, care of, and Manufacture of fishery products. Here were to be considered the methods and the various devices for utilizing fish after they are caught, with statistics of capital and men employed, etc.: (A) preservation of live fish, (B) refrigeration, (C) sun-drying, (D) smoke-drying, (E) pickling, (F) hermetically canning, (G) fur dressing, (H) whalebone prep- aration, (I) isinglass manufacture, (K) ambergris manufacture, (L) fish guano manufacture, (M) oil rendering, etc. VII. Economy of the fisheries. Here were to be studied: (A) financial organization and methods, (B) insurance, (C) labor and capital, (D) markets and market prices, (E) lines of traffic, (F) exports, imports, and duties. The fishery industry is of such great importance, and is undergoing such constant changes that a visit of a few days or weeks to any locality, even by the most competent experts, has invariably proved unsatisfactory. We were able therefore to collect only the most important facts, selected with special reference to the needs of the report in contemplation, leaving many subjects of interest undiscussed. The field work, and the correspondence in connection with it, was carried on by the following- named special agents, and approximately between the dates below mentioned: I. Coast of Maine, east of Portland. Mr. K. Edward Karll and Captain J. W. Collins, August 1 to October 31, 1879; July 29 to October 20, 1880; January 1, 1881, to January 1, 1883. H. Portland to Plymouth (except Cape Ann) and eastern side of Buzzard's Bay. W. A. Wilcox, September 2, 1879, to March 1, 1881. III. Cape Ann. A. Howard Clark, September 1, 1879, to November 1, 1880; July, August, and September, 1883. IV. Cape Cod. Frederick W. True, July 1 to October 1, 1879; September 1 to October 31, 1880; Vinal N. Edwards, October 1, 1880, to July 31, 1882. V. Provincetown. Captain N. E. Atwood, August 1, 1879, to August 1, 1880. VI. Rhode Island and Connecticut, west to the Connecticut River. Ludwig Kumlien, August 10 to October 16, 1880. Vir. Long Island and north shore of Long Island Sound, and west to Sandy Hook. Frederick Mather, August 1, 1879, to July 1, 1881. VIII. New York City. Barnet 1'liillips, January I, 1880, to July 1, 1881. IX. Coast of New Jersey. H. Edward Earll, December, 1880. X. Philadelphia. <'. W. Smiley and W. V. Cox, November, 1880. XI. Coast of Delaware. Captain J. W. Collins, December, 1880. |'I;KI-ATOI;Y NOTK. vii X1J. Baltimore and (lie oyster industry ol Maryland. It. II. Kdmonds, October 1, 1870, to October 1, 18SO. XIII. Atlantic of Southern States. I;. F.dward Karll, January 1 to .Inly :.'.">. ISMI. XIV. Gulf coast. Silas Stearns. August. IXT'.i. to July, 1H80. XV. Coast of California, Oregon, and Washington. 1'n.i'c-so] I ). S. .Ionian ami ('. H. Gil- lM>rt. January, isso, to January. 11. XVI. Pugct Sound. James (1. Swan, January, 1880, to January, 1881. XVII. Alaska tishei ics. Dr. T. H. Beau, June to October, 1880. XVIII. Great Lakes lisbery. Ludwig Kuiiilieu, August, 1879, to August, ISMI. XIX. River fisheries of Maine. C. G. Atkins, January 1, 1880, to July 3, 1882. X\. The shad and alewife fisheries. Colonel Marshall MacDouald, October, 1879, to January 1, 1883. X X I. < >\ sin lisln-rics. Ernest Ingersoll, October 1, 1879, to July 1, 1881. X X 1 1. Lobster and crab fisheries. Richard Rathbun, January 1, 1880, to January 1, 1882. \ X 1 1 1. Turtle and terrapin fisheries. Frederick W. True, October 1, 1880, to January 1, 1882. XXIV. The seal, sea-elephant, and whale fisheries. A. Howard Clark, November 1, 1880, to February 1, 1881. In addition to the field assistants already mentioned a staff of office assistants were employed in carrying on correspondence, searching past records, and preparing the report for publication. Mr. C. W. Smiley, Mr. James Temple. Brown, and Mr. George S. Hobbs were connected with the work from its start, and subsequently Mr. J. E. Rockwell, Mr. C. W. Scndder, Mr R. I Geare, Mr. G. P. Merrill, Mr. W. S. Yeates, and others were thus employed. A number of clerks were temporarily detailed for this work by the Superintendent of the Census; at one time as many as twenty. A portion of the clerical force was placed under the immediate direction of Mr. C. W. Smiley, who had in special charge the distribution of circulars and the compilation of their results, ami the compilation of summary tables from the records of the Treasury Department. The expense of the field-work from July 1, 1879, to July 1, 1881, was for the most part borne by the Census, together with a large amount of compilation office-work carried on by clerks detailed from the Census Office in Washington. The expense of the preparation of the report, final tabulation of statistics of production, and preparation of illustrations has been mainly at the cost of the Fish Commission. Since February, 1881, Mr. Goode's relation to the work has been that of a volunteer, and his services in the preparation of the reports and in connection with their publication have been rendered without compensation, in addition to his regular duties as Assistant Director of the National Museum. In the same manner a large share of the most important work upon special parts of the report has been done as volunteer labor by officers of the National Museum and Fish Commission, in addition to their regular duties. A number of employees of the Fish Commission have bee.n detailed from time to time for special work upon this report, for periods varying from four months to two years. The pai ticipat ion of the Census Office and the Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries has involved the expenditure of probably nearly equal amounts of money, and the division of the result*, so far as they are represented in reports ready for the printer, has been arranged to the satisfaction of both. The extent of the material collected has, however, been much greater than was antici- pated, and the portion assigned to the Fish <'onmiission being too bulky for publication in the an- nual reports, application was made to Coii^ic for permission to print as a separate special report an illustrated work in quarto upon the Food Fishes and Fisheries of the United States. PREFATORY NOTE. This permission was granted in a joint resolution, worded as follows, which passed tbe Senate July 16, 1882: Resolved by the Senate (the House of Representatives concurring), That the Public Printer be, and is hereby, instructed to print, in quarto form, a report by the U. S. Commissioner of Fish 1 and Fish- eries, upon the food fishes and fisheries of the United States, the engravings to be in relief, and to be contracted for by the Public Printer, under the direction of the Joint Committee on Printing, and to receive the approval of the Commissioner before being accepted ; the work to be stereotyped, and 10,000 extra copies printed, of which 2,500 shall be for the use of the Senate, 5,000 for the use of the House, and 1,500 for the use of the Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries. There shall also be printed 1,000 extra copies for sale by the Public Printer, under such regulations as the Joint Committee on Printing may prescribe, at a price equal to the additional cost of publication and 10 per cent, thereon added. The manuscript for the entire report is for the most part ready for the printer, and several hundred drawings for the illustrations arc finished. Part I was placed in the hands of the printer in August 1882, and would have been published more than a year ago but for the absence of Mr. Goodo in England. The contents of these reports, it is proposed, shall be approximately as fol- lows, though it is probable that other topics may be added to the discussion before the work is completed : THE FOOD FISHES AND FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES. PART I. The Natural History of Useful Aquatic Animals. PART II. The Fishing-Grounds. PART III. The Fishing-Towns, containing a geographical review of the Coast, River, and Lake Fisheries. PART IV. The Fishermen. PART V. The Apparatus of the Fisheries and the Fishing-Vessels aud Boats. PART VI. The Fishery Industries, a discussion of methods aud history. PART VII. The Preparation of Fishery Products. PART VIII. Fish Culture and Fishery Legislation. PART IX. Statistics of Production, Exportation, and Importation. Summary Tables. PART X. The Whale Fishery ; a special monograph. PART XI. A Catalogue of the Useful and Injurious Aquatic Animals and Plants of North America. PART XII. A list of Books and Papers relating to the Fisheries of the United States. PART XIII. A general Review of the Fisheries with a statistical summary. The report prepared for the Superintendent of the Census, the manuscript of which is now for the most part in his possession, is divided into the following sections: A. liKPOKT UPON TIIK STATISTICS OK TIM: FlsIIKIHKS AND FlSH TRADE OK THE UNITED STATES. INTRODUCTION (giving a comprehensive abstract of the matter contained in the quarto report referred to above). PART I. A Review of the Fisheries of the Atlantic Seaboard, with statistics of production and maimi'm-line. PART II. A Review of the Fisheries of the Pacific Coast, with statistics of production and manufactures. PART III. A Review of the Fisheries of the Great Lakes, with stat.stic's of production and manufactures. PART IV. A Review of the River Fisheries of the United States. (Prepared by C. W. Smiley.) PART V. A Review of the Consumption of Fish by Counties, with an estimate of the extent and value of the inland fisheries. (Prepared l>y C. W. Smiley.) PAKT VI. A Review of the Fish Trade of cities of the United States having a population of more than ln,(MXi in 1880. (Prepared by C. W. Smiley.) PART VII. Statistics of Importation and Exportation of Fishery Products from 1730 to 1880. PART VIII. List of the Fishing- Vessels of the United States iu 1880, giving tonnage, value, number of crew, name of owner, branches of fisheries engaged in, together with other important details. PART IX. Monograph of the Seal Islands ot Alaska. Hy Henry \V. Elliott. (Already in type; 171 pages. 4to.) PAIIT X. Monograph of the Oyster Fisheries, lly Ernest Ingersidl. (Already in type : -Til pages.) The Census volume thus is arranged to include all compilations from circulars, and the results of the work performed by clerks detailed from the Census Office, together with much derived from ri;i:i AT)|;V NOTK. ix tlie archives of the Fish Commission. The first three sections are mainly made up from the material collection by the special agents in tlic liclil, and the form is as nearly as pos>iMe that in which it was originally collected; much, however, has been added from tin; archives of the Couimission. I'.v the plan just detailed, the statistical matter gathered by the joint efforts of the two organi/ations is assigned to the (Vnsus, together with a sufficient amount of descriptive and explanatory text to make the statistics fully intelligible, while the descriptive, historical, and natural history papers are taken by the Fish Commission, these being enriched by a sufficient amount of statistical detail to render them as useful as possible for the class of readers and students for whom they are intended. The statistical results of the investigation have already been published in a preliminary way. A M-iic> of special statistical tables appeared in the Bulletins of the Census Office, as follows: 1 1 . ) ( 'KXSUS BULLETIN No. 176. [Preliminary Report upon the Pacific States and Territories] prepared liy Mr. Ooode from returns of Special Agents Jordan, Swan, and Bean. Dated May 24, 1884. 4to. Pp. 6 (+2). (2.) CENSUS BULLETIN No. ail. Statistics of the Fisheries of the Great Lakes. Prepared by Mr. Frederick W. Tnie from notes of Special Agent Kiimliuu. Dated September 1, 1881. 4to. Pp. 8. (3.) CKXSCS BULLETIN No. 278. Statistics of the Fisheries of Maine. Prepared by Mr. It. E. Earll from his own notes and those of Capt. J. W. Collins and Mr. C. G. Atkins. Dated November 22, 1881. 4to. Pp. 47 (+1). (4.) CENSUS BULLETIN No. 281. Statistics of the Fisheries of Virginia. Prepared by Colonel Marshall MacDonald. Dated December 1, 1881. 4to. Pp. 8. (!.) CENSUS BULLETIN No. 295. Statistics of the Fisheries of Massachusetts Prepared by Mr. A. Howard Clark from returns of Special Agents Wilcox, Clark, True, Collins, and At wood. Dated March 1, 1882. 4to. Pp.35 -f 1. (('..) CENSUS BULLETIN No. 291. Statistics of the Fisheries of New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Connecticut. Pre- pared by Mr. A. Howard Clark. Dated April 5, 1883. 4to. Pp. 7(+l.) (7.) CENSUS BULLETIN No. 297. Commercial Fisheries of the Middle States. Prepared by Mr. R. E. Earll and Colonel M. MacDonald. Dated June 5, 1882. 4to. Pp. 14. (8.) CENSUS BUU.ETIN No. 298. Commercial Fisheries of the Southern Atlantic States. Prepared by Mr. R. E. Earll and Colonel M. MacDonald. Dated June 5, 1882. 4to. Pp.18. (This bulletin includes statistics of No. 4 (C. B., No. 281). In all 148 pages, quarto. In addition to these certain special tables have appeared. (10.) STATISTICAL TABLE. Statistics of the Fisheries of the United States in 1880. [Prepared by Messrs. Goode and Karll from the reports of special agents.] Printed in Compendium of the Tenth Census, p. 88. Pp. . i;. published in Bulletin of the United States Fish Commission, Vol. Ill, 1883, pp. 270-71, and in Preliminary Catalogue, International Fisheries Inhibition, January, p. 5. (11.) STATISTICAL TABLE. Table showing by States the quantity of Spanish mackerel taken in 1880, and the total catch for the United States. By R. Edward Earll. Report United States Fish Commission. Part VIII, 1880, p. 4U>. (12.) STATISTICAL SUMMARY. Statistics of the Davis Strait Halibut Fisheries. By Newton P. Scndder. Report United States Fish Commission. Part VIII, pp. 190-192. (13.) STATISTICAL SUMMARY. Statistics of the Swordflsh Fishery. By G. Brown Goode. Report United States Fish Commissioners. Part VIII, pp. 361-367. (14.) STATISTICAL SUMMARIES. Statistics of the Mackerel Fishery in 1880. By R. Edward Earll. Report United States Fish Commission. Part IX, pp. [124]-[W7.] [Statistics of the Mackerel Canning Industry.] By R. Edward Earll. Ibid, p. f!31.] Statistics of the Inspection of Mackerel from 1804 to 1880. By A. Howard Clark. Ibid, pp. [1G2]-[213.] Vessels in the Mackerel Fishery in 1880. Ibid, p. 4ia Catch of Mackerel by Americans in Canadian waters. 1873-'81. Ibid, p. [430.] (15.) INTRODUCTION to Section B., U. 8. Catalogue International Fisheries Exhibition, Ixindon. (Collection of Eco- nomic Crustaceans, Worms, Echinoderms, and Sponges.) \\\ l.'i.-liaid Itathluiu. 1'p. [3]-[20.] Crabs, p. [3]: Lobsters, p. [li] : Crayfish, p. [10]: Shrimp ami Prawns, p. [11J: Sponges, p. [18], etc. x PREFATORY NOTE. (16.) INTRODUCTION to Section D., U. S. Catalogue lut. Fisheries Exhibition. (Catalogue of the Economic Mollusca and the apparatus and appliances used in their capture and preparation for market, exhibited by the U. S. National Museum.) By Lieut. Francis Wiuslow, U. S. N., pp. [3] to [58]. Aggregate table of production, p. [3]: Special tables and statistical statements throughout. (17.) INTRODUCTION to Section K.,U. S. Catalogue Int. Fisheries Exhibition. (The Whale Fishery and its Appliances. ) By James Temple Brown, pp. [3]-[25.] (18.) Statistics of the Whale Fishery. By A. Howard Clark, in the preceding, pp. [26]-[29.] (19.) A Eoview of the Fishery Industries of the United States, etc. By (.}. Brown Goode. An address at a conference of the International Fisheries Exhibition, June 25, 1883. Hvo., pp. 84. Numerous statistical statements. summaries, and tables. (20.) ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT. Method and results of an effort to collect statistics of the fish trade, and consump- tion of fish throughout the United States. By Chas. W. Smiley. Bulletin U. S. Fisli Commission, vol. ii, 1882, pp. 247-52. Two special reports have also been published, as follows : (21.) A Monograph of the Seal Islands of Alaska. By Henry W. Elliott. 4to., illustrated. Pp.172. An edition of this report with substitutions on pp. 102-9 was also issued as a Special Bulletin of the Fish Commission, No. 17(i. (22.) The Oyster Industry. By Ernest Ingersoll. 4to., illustrated. Pp. 2")2. The general results of the investigation, from the statistician's stand -point, may be briefly summarized as follows : In 1880 the number of persons employed in the fishery industries of the United States was 131,426, of whom 101,084 were fishermen, and the remainder shoresmen. The fishing fleet con- sisted of 6,605 vessels (with a tonnage of 208,297.82) and 44,804 boats, and the total amount of capital invested was $37,955,349, distributed as follows: Vessels, $9,357,282; boats, $2,465,393; minor apparatus and outfits, $8,145,261; other capital, including shore property, $17,987,413. The value of the fisheries of the sea, the great rivers, and the Great Lakes, was placed at $43,046,053, and that of those in minor inland waters at $1,500,000 in all $44,546,053. These values were estirnatedupon the basis of the prices of the products received by the producers, and if average wholesale prices had been considered, the value would have been much greater. In 1882 the yield of the fisheries was much greater than in 1880. and prices both "at first hand" and at wholesale were higher, so that a fair estimate at wholesale market rates would place their value at the present time rather above than below the sum of $100,000,000. The fisheries of the New England States are the most important. They engage 37,043 men 2,066 vessels, 14,787 boats, and yield products to the value of $14,270,393. In this district the principal fishing ports in order of importance are : Gloucester, New Bedford, the center of the whale fishery, Eastport, Boston, Proviucetowu, and Portland. Next to New England in importance aie the South Atlantic States, employing 52,418 men, 3,014 vessels (the majority of which are small, and engaged in the shore and bay fisheries), 13,331 boats and returning products to the value of $9,602,737. Next are the Middle States, employing in the coast fisheries 14,981 men, 1,210 vessels, 8,293 boats, with products to the amount of $8,676,579. Next are the Pacific States and Territories with 16,803 men, 56 vessels, 5,547 boats, and products to the amount of $7,484,750. The fisheries of the Great Lakes employ 5,050 men, 62 vessels, and 1,594 boats, with pioducts to the amount of $1,784,050. The Gulf States employ 5,131 men, 197 vessels, and 1,252 boats, yielding products to the value of $545,584. SPENCER F. BAIRD, Commissioner of Fisheries. WASHINGTON, May 30, 1884. LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. UNITED STATKS NATIONAL MUSEUM, \\' a xlii iii/tii a, -I it I n 18, 18S2. SIR: I have the honor lo transmit herewith, for approval au. The Dolphins 16 G. The Killer Whales or Orcas 17 7. The Sperui Whale Porpoise 18 8. The White Whale or Beluga 18 !). The Narwhal 19 10. The Greenland, Bowheod, or Polar Whale 20 11. The Right Whales 24 12. The Humpback Whales 26 13 The Sulphur Bottom Whales 27 14. The Finback Whales 28 15. The Scrag Whales 30 16. The California Gray Whales 31 B. THE SEALS AND WALRUSES. BY JOEL A. ALLEN. 17. The Seal tribe in general 33 18. The Walruses 34 19. The Sea Lions ai Fur Seals in general 37 20. TheSeaLion 38 21. The Califorr.ia Sea Lion 44 -".'. The Fur-Seal 49 ->:!. The Harbor Seal 65 24. The Harp Seal 62 25. The Ringed Seal 65 26. The Ribbon Seal 67 27. The West Indian Seal 67 28. The Hooded Seal 68 29. The California Sea Elephant 72 C. THE HABITS OF THE FUR SEAL. BY HENRY W. ELLIOTT. 30. A life history of the Fur-Seal 75 U. THE MANATEES AND THE ARCTIC SEA-COW. BY FREDERICK W. TRUE. 31. The Manatees 114 J. The Arctic Sea-Cow 1*8 xiii x j v TABLE OF CONTENTS. PART II. REPTILES AND BATRACHIANS. BY FREDERICK W. TRUE. Page. E. THE ALLIGATOR AND THE CROCODILE: 33. The Alligator and the Crocodile 141 F. TORTOISES, TURTLES, AND TERRAPINS: 34. The Marine Turtles iu general 147 35. The Loggerhead Turtle 147 36. The Hawk's-bill Turtles 149 37. The Green Turtles 150 38. The Soft- shelled tortoises 152 39. The Snapping Turtles 153 40. The Musk Tortoises 154 41. The Fresh-water Terrapins 155 42. The Diamond-back or Salt-water Terrapin 156 43. The Pond Tortoises 157 44. The Box Tortoises 158 G. THE AMPHIBIANS: 45. The Bull-frog 159 PART III. FISHES. BY G. BROWN GOODE. WITH DISCUSSIONS OF THE PACIFIC SPECIES BY DAVID 8. JORDAN AND TARLKTON H. BEAN, NOTES ON THE FISHES OF THE GUM' OK MEXICO BY 8ILA8 STEARNS, AND CONTRIBUTIONS FROM JOSEPH W. COLLINS, N. E. ATWOOD, MARSHALL MACDONALD, R. EDWARD EARLL, LUDWIG KUMLIEN, AND OTHER AUTHORITIES. H. THE FILE FISHES, PIPE FISHES, AND ANGLERS: 46. The Ocean Sun Fishes (Ortkayoriscidoe) 169 47. The Porcupine Fishes (Diodontida) 170 48. The Bellows-Fish Family (Tetrodontidas) 170 49. Tuc Trunk Fishes (Ostraciontidw) 170 50. The File-Fish Family (BalistuUe) 171 51. The Sea-Horse Family (Hippocampidce) 172 52. The Pipe- Fish Family (Syngnathidce) 172 53. The Devil Fishes (AntennarUdas and Maltheidas) 173 54. The Goose Fish (Lophiue piseatorius) 173 I. THE FLAT FISHES AND FLOUNDERS: 56. The American Soles (Soleida) 175 56. The Plaice (Paralichihya dentatas) 178 67. The Bastard Halibut (Paralichtltyt maculosw) 182 58. The Flat Fish or Winter Flounder ( 1'seudopleurontctes americanus) 182 69. The Flat Fishes ami Soles of the Pacific Coast 184 60. The Halibut (Hippoylotsus vutyaria) 189 til. The Sand Dab or Rough Dab (Jlippoglomsoiden platetioides) 197 .'i. The Pole Flounder or Craig Flounder (Glyplocephalua cynogheua) 198 64. The Spotted Sand Flonnder (Lophopsetta maoulata) 199 l.MU.i: OF CONTKNTS. XV .). TUB COD FAMILY AND ITS KINDRED: i,.,. Hi, c.iil (Gadiumorrhua) 800 66. Tin' Tom ('ml* ( Mil rwjadui lomcod nuil M. proiimiu) 223 (57. Tin- Haddix-k (AfrlamMjrantnui wglefinHt) 883 68. The Pollock (rullinhiuncarbotiariiit) 888 IS). The disk (Brotmiaa brotme) 233 70. The IIak,- d'hycis chun, etc.). -' :i 71. The Burbot (Lota maiulosa). By TARLBTON H. BEAN 235 72. The Silver Hake ami tin- Merliiecio 240 73. Several 1 'a mi lies rlii(l to the (iadidtu 243 74. Tin- Liint. or Sand Eel (Ammodytai lanceolalM) 244 K. WOLF-FISHES, SCULPINS, AND WHASSES: 7.'.. TheLycodes Family (Lyoodida) .- 247 7(5. The \Volf-l-Vhes or Sea Cat fishes (.limiTAickadMto) 24H 77. The nit-niiy Family (llleni>iid(t) 250 78. The Toal-Fi.di (liulraclmi lau) 251 T'.i. The Lumi>-.Snekra: Lump-fish and Sea-Snails. 863 80. The Gobies (Gobiida) 256 81. The Sea-Robin or Gurnard Family ( Triglidai) . . ; - 255 B. The Sculpin Tribe (Cottida) 258 83. The Rose-Fish or Red Perch (Sebtulea marinta) 260 84. The Rock Cods of the Pacific. By DAVID 8. JORDAN 262 85. The Rock Trout* ( dtirida). By DAVID 8. JORDAN 267 86. The Tautofj: or Black Fish (Tanloga onitit)... 87. The Cbogset or Cnnner ( Ctenolabru* adiperius) 88. The Parrot Fishes and some of their Allies H9. The Demoiselle and the Cichlid Families 90. The Surf-Fish Family ( Embiotocida). By DAVID S. JORDAN 276 91. The Mobarru Family (Gerridv) -"'' M. The Thread-Fish Family ( Polynemida) IK}. The Surgeon-Fish Family (Acanlkuiida) !M. The Angel-Fish Family (Chielorionlida) ' '" L. THE MACKEREL AND ITS ALLIES: 95. The Mackerel (Scomber scombrut) ^ 96. The Chub Mackerel (Scomber cotiat) 97. The Frigate Mackerel (Aux\ thazard) 3 05 98. The Spanish Mackerel and its Allies 99. The Hon it (Sarda mediterranea) 316 100. The Horse Mackerel, Tunny, or Albicore (Orcyniu %mw) 101. The Little Tunny or Albicore (Orcyniw allUeratta) 102. The Silver Moon-Fishes 103. The Cavally, the Scad, and the Jnrels 104. The Pom patios ( Trachynottu carotin**, etc.) 105. The Pilot Fish (Naucratt* ductor) IOC. The Ainlier Fishes and the Leather Jackets I(i7. The Dolphins (Coryphtenida) 108. The Rudder- Fish Family (Stromatfida) 109. The I >ory. Hen-Fish, and Opah Families 110. Tin- Cutlass Fish (Trichiurtu lepturut) 111. The Sword Fish Family (XipMida)^. 336 xv j TABLE OF CONTENTS. Taae. M. THE TILE FISH FAMILY AND OTHERS: 112. The Tile-Fish Family (LatiUdce) 360 113. The Red Mullet Family (Mvllidai) 3lil 114. The Icosteus Family (Icosteidai) 361 115. The Beryxfamil (Beryaidas) 301 N. THE DRUM FAMILY: 116. The Squeteague (Cynoscioii regale) 362 117. The Spotted Squeteague (Cynosdon maculatum) 365 118. The Silver Sqneteaguo (Cynoscion not/mm) 367 119. The Drum (Pogonias chromis) 367 120. The Fresh Water Drum ( Haploidonotm grunniens). By DAVID S. JORDAN '370 121. The Spot, or Lafayette (Liostomus xanthurus) 370 122. The Eed Fish, or Bass of the South (Sciasna ocellata) 371 123. The Yellow Tail (Bairdiella, chrysura) 375 124. The King Fish (Menticlrrus nebulosus) 375 125. The Whitings (Alentleirrus alburnue and M. littoralis) 376 126. The Croaker (Micropogon unditlatus) 378 127. The Corvinas and Roncadors of the Pacific coast. By DAVID S. JORDAN 378 O. SHEEPSHEAD, BASS, BREAM, PERCH, ETC: 128. The Sheepshead (Diplodus probatocephalus) 381 129. The Scup or Scuppaug (Stenotomtig cliryaops and S. aculeatus, = S. Gardeni of text) 386 130. The Sailors' Choice (Layodon rhomboides) 393 131. Certain Minor Sparoids 394 132. The Red and Gray Snappers 395 133. The Grunts or Pig Fishes 397 134. The Big-Mouth Black Bass (Micropterus salmoides), and the Small-Mouth Black Bass (M. Dolomici) 401 135. The Sun-Fishes and their Allies. By DAVID S. JORDAN. 404 136. The Sea Bas(Strranus atrarius) 407 137. The Groupers 410 138. The Serranoid Fishes of the Pacific coast. By DAVID S. JORDAN 413 139. The Yellow Perch (I'erca americana) 414 140. The Log Porch (Percina corrodes). By DAVID S. JORDAN 417 141. The Pike Perches 417 142. The Striped Baaa(Roccm lineatiu) 425 143. The White Bass (Hoccus chrysopi) 423 144. The Yellow Bass (Hoccus interrupt) 431 145. The White Perch (Roccug americanui) 431 14(i. TheBluelish Family (I'omatomida) 433 147. The Cobia or Crab-Eater (Elacate Canada) 444 1 I-. The Triple Tail or Black Perch (Lobotes surinanensia) 444 149. The Moon Fish (Chatodipteni' faber) 445 150. The Remora Family ( Eclieiicidice) ' 446 P. BABRACOUTA, MULLET, PIKE, AND MUMMICHOGS: 151. The Barracouta Family (Siiliynenidai) 448 152. The Deal-Fish Family (Trachypteridai) 449 153. The Mullets (Mugil albula ami M. brariliengis) 449 154. The Sand Smelts or Silver Sides (Alherinidtf) 456 l.V>. Tho Sticklcliack Family (Gattirosteidas) 457 156. The Silver Gar-lmhrs (liilonida) 458 167. The !' lying- lish I'amily (Scombtresocidce) 459 158. The Pike Family (Esocidai) 461 l.V.t. The Mummicuog I'amily (Cyprinodontidce) 466 TABLE OF CONTENTS. Q. THE SALMON TRIBE: 160. The Salmon (Salminalar) 468 101. The .Salmons of the Pacific. By DAVIDS. JORDAN 474 It'.-. 1 . The Quiunat or California Salmon (OitcorAyitcAii* diouicka). By LIVINGSTON STONE 479 163. The Namaycush or Lake Trout (Sali-rlinu* namaycutk) r. 485 11)4. The Speckled Trout (Salrrlinits foHtinalin) 497 165. The Saibliug or liavarian Char (Kalrrliiiun alpiniu) 600 106. The Dolly Varden Trout (.So/r/iii mo/mo). (By DAVIDS. JORDAN 604 167. The Qiayliiig (Thitmallug tricolor) 606 168. The Lake White-fob ( Coregonut vlupeiformit). By R. I. GBARE 607 The Lesser White-fishes. By DAVID S. JORDAN 641 170. The Smelt Group 643 171. Families related to the Salmouidie 547 R. THE HERRINGS AND THE MENHADENS: 172. The Herring (Clupea harengun) 549 173. The Herrings of the Pacific Coast. By DAVID S. JORDAN 568 174. The Menhaden (lireroortia tyrannu*) 569 IT.".. The Gulf Menhaden (Breeoortia pa(roniu) 675 S. THE SHAD AND THE ALEWIVES. BY MARSHALL MACDONALD. 176. The River Herrings or Ale wives (Clupea attivali* C. and vernalU) f>70 177. On the occurrence of the Branch Alewifeiu certain Lakes of New York. By TAKLETON H. BEAM.. 688 178. The Inland Alewife or Skipjack (Clvpta chrysocJtlorii) 694 179. The Shad (Clupta sapidigrima) 594 180. The Hickory Shad or Mattowacca ( CUpea medioerii) 607 T. FAMILIES RELATED TO THE CLUPEID.E : 181. The Mud Shad (Dorotoma cepedianum) 610 182. TheTarpum (Megalopi thrioide) 610 183. The Big-eyed.Herring 611 184. The Anchovies (E*graulida) 611 185. The Lady-fish Family (Albitlidas) 618 186. The Moon-eye Family (Hyodontida) 618 U. CARP, SUCKERS, CATFISH, AND EELS: 187. The Sucker Family (Calostomida). By DAVID 8. JORDAN 614 188. The Carp Family (Cyprinida). By DAVID S. JORDAN 616 189. The Carp (Cyprinut carpio). By RUDOLPH HESSKL 618 189. The Catfish Family (Siluridat). By DAVID 8. JORDAN 687 190. The Morays (Afttranidat) 629 191. The Eel (Anguilla ruJjorw) 630 192. The Conger Eel (Lfptocrpkalut conger) 666 V. STURGEONS, SKATES, SHARKS, AND LAMPREYS: 193. The Bowfins ( Amiidce) 654> 194. The Paddle-fishes (Volyodontidae) u/k L Outline from Sc.iiiiiiion'it Mnrine Mammilla of the Northwest Cout, pUte xiv. 2. The Pygmy Sperm Whale, Kogia (loodei True 11 Drawing by H. L. ToiUl. from No. 13738, 0. S. National Museum. Stranded at 8] ring Lakr, Kew Jeney, Apt II 27, 1883. The Blacklist), <;/../m..r; halm mtlas (Traill) 11 Prom Transact ions of the Zoological Soriety of London, vol. 8, plate 30. 3. Tlie capture of a t-chool of Black lisli in Cape Cod 18 Drawing by Henry W. Elliott, from a sketch by John S. Ryder. 4. The CowfiHhorGraiupns, (Irampvn griseui (Less.) Gray 13 Ontline by Henry W. Elliott, from cast No. 12839, U. S. National Unsrum. The Harbor Porpoise, or " Henim: Hoe;," I'luxama bracliycion Cope 14 outline by Henry W. Elliott, from photograph by U. S. Fish Commission. 6. The Skunk Porpoise i>r Bay Porpoise, Lagenorh/nchiu gubtmator Cojie (= L. ptrtpicillolmi Cope) 16 Outline from plate iv, Proceedings Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia. 1878. The Hij;li - tinned Killer, Orca rectipinnis Cope 17 Outline from Scammon's Marine Mammals of the Northwest Coast. The Sperm Whale Porpoise, HyperaoAon 6trfenOwen 18 Sketch by James Henry Blake. 1869, from specimen stranded at North Denuia. 6. The White Whale, or Beluga, DelpMnaplenii calodon (L.) Gill 18 Oulliuo by Henry W. Elliott, from cast No. 12490, U. S. National Museum, obtained tear Quebec, 1K75. The Narwhal, Monotlon monomv* L 19 Sketch by Henry W. Elliott, adapted from Vofrt and Specht'a "Saogethlere," p. 236. 7. The Bowhead or Arctic Whale, Hnlium mysticetui L S80 Outline from Scammon's Marine Mammals, plate xi. The Right Whale of the Pacific, Baltma japonira Gray. (Eubaltma cnllamach') 24 Outline from Scammon's Marine Mammal*, plate xii. -. Diagrams illustrating the nse of the whalebone plntes in the month of the Bowhead Whale 88 From sketches by Captain David Grey in Land and Water, December 1, 1877. (Upper.) The Bowhead with its month open. (Lower.) The Bowhead with its mouth shut 9. The Humpback of the Paci6c, Mrgaplnn rersabil'u Cope 88 Outline from St-immon's Marine Mammals, plate vii. The Sulphur Bottom of the Pacific, Sibbaldius nulfureu* Cope 87 Outline from Scammon's Marine MnmmaU, plate xili. 10. Cutting in a Humpback Whale at Provincetuwii, MaasachugetU 28 From a sketch by John S. Ryder. 11. The Finback of the Pacific, italtr noplera retiferg Cope 88 Outline from Scammon'H Marine Mammals, plute ii. The California Gray Whale or Devil-fish, Khavhianectet glaucut Cope 31 Outline from Scammon's Marine Mammals, plnte ii. 12. The Pacific Walrus, Odobanuo obenus (Illiger) Allen 34 Sketch by Henry W. Elliott. Walrus Island. Alaskn, July 5, 1873. 13. Steller's Sea Lion, Kametopiai Slelltri (Less.) Peters 38 Sketch from life by Henry W. Elliott 14. The California Sea Lion, Zalophu* mlifurniantu (Less.) Allen 44 Sketch from life by Henry W. Elliott. 16. The Harbor Seal, J'hoca rilulina L W Sketch from life by Henry W. Elliott. Alaska. 1872. Til xx LIST OF PLATES. Page. 16. The Harp Seal, Phoca groenlandica Fnbricius 62 Sketch by Henry W. Elliott, from specimens in Ihe U. S. National Museum, Nos. 13741, 13748, 13938, and 13939 obtained on the north shore of the Gulf of Saint Lawrence by Dr. C. Hart Merriam. 17. The Ringed Seal, Phoca fwtida Fabricius 65 Sketch by Henry W. Elliott, adapted from figure in Allen's North American Pinnipeds, p. 601. 18. The Ribbon Seal (Male and Female) HMriophoca fasciata (Zini merman n) Gill 67 Drawing by Henry W. Elliott, from specimens in U. S. National Museum, No. 13284, obtained at Plover Bay, East Siberia, August 12. 1880. by W. H. Dall, and No. 13285, obtained from lining Sea. 1880, by Captain H. E. Williams. 19. The West ludian Seal, Monachm Iropicalis Gray 68 Drawing by Henry \V. Elliott, from specimen in U. S. National Muaenni. No 13950, obtained by Professor Felippe Poey at Matanzas, Cuba, 20 The Hooded Seal (adult and young) Cystophora cristata ( Erxl. ) Nilss 68 Sketch by Henry W. Elliott, from specimens in U. S. National Museum. Nos.13742 and 13753, collected by Dr. C. Hart Merriam, off Labrador, 1883. 21. The Gray Seal, Halichcema grypus (Fabricius) Nilss 70 Sketch by Henry W. Elliott, from specimen in U. S. National Museum. No. 5851, collected at Sable Island, Nova Scotia, 1862. 22. The Square Flipper Seal, Erignathus barbatus (Fabricius) Gill 70 Sketch by Henry W. Elliott, from specimen in U. S. National Museum, No. 13755, collected by Dr. C. Hart Merriam, off Battle Harbor, Gulf of Saint Lawrence, 1883. 23. The Sea Elephant, Macrorhinus angustirostris Gill 72 Drawing by Henry W. Elliott, from specimen in U. S. National Museum, from Santa Barbara Island, California. 24. Map of the world on Mercator's Projection, showing the geographical distribution of the Species of the Hair Seal Family. Prepared by J.A.Allen 33 25. Map of the world on Mercator's Projection, showing the geographical distribution of the Walruses, Fur Seals, Sea Lions, and Sea Elephants, prepared for the illustration of the chapter by J. A. Allen. Prepared by J. A. Allen 33 26. The countenance of Callorhinus ...'. 75 A life study of an adult male fur-seal. (Full face of old male, profile and under view of feniale heads.) Drawing by Henry W. Elliott, North Bookery, Pribylov Group, July 5, 1873. 27. The Fur-Seal, Catlorhinu* ureinus 88 A series of life studies by Henry W. Elliott, Pribylov Islands, 1872-1876. A. Old "Seecatch" or male, eight to twenty-four years. B. Young " Seecatch," six to eight years. C. " Holloschickie," or young males, two years. Ii.-- Matkah " or mother nursing her " Pup," I. E. "Cow" fanning herself. F. ' Cow " sleeping. <;. "Cow" napping and fanning herself. H. " Cow " crooning to the male. J. Characteristic position of old males. 28. Sundry Seal Sketches on the Pribylov Islands 96 From the portfolio of Henry W. Elliott, 1872-1876. 29. Hauling and Breeding Grounds of the Fur-Seal 99 Sketched from nature on Dm North Rookery, Saint George's Island. Pribylov Group, by Henry W. Elliott, July, 1874. 30. The north shore of Saint Paul's Island, Pribylov Group 99 Sketched from the summit of Hntchinson's Hill, by Henry W. Elliott, looking over a wing of the great Norastoshoah Bookery, July, 1872. 31. Pelagic attitudes of the Fur-Seal 101 Sketched from life by Henry W. Elliott, Saint Paul's Island, 1872. Village of Saint Pan! in distance. Black bluffs to the right on middle ground. 1. Position while sleeping. 2. Position when rising to breathe, survey, etc. 3. Position when scratching. 4. "Dolphin jumps." 32. Fur-Seals Sporting around the " bidarrah" 102 Sketched from lifo by Henry W. Elliott in Zoltoi, Saint Paul's Island, 1872. A view of the Reef Point and Gorbatcb Rookery on the horizon. 33. The Manatee, Trichcchu* munatus L .' 114 Sketch by Henry W. Elliott, from pUto to Transactions, Zoological Society of London. 34. Manatees swimming 114 Sketch by Henry W. Elliott, from plate in Transactions, Zoological Society of London. 35. The Snulisli. Mola rotunda Cnvier 170 From wash-drawing by H. L. Todd. from a cast. .36. The Swell-fish or Burr-fish, Chilomt/cternH geometrical (Schneider) Kaup 170 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 14825, U. 8. National Mnaenm, collected at Noank, Connecticut, 1874, by U. S. Fish ComniiMion. LIST OF PLATES. The Kiihliit-lUh, /Mgoftplialiiii lariyatut (L.) GUI ......................................................... 170 Drawing by H. L. Todd from No. 20757, V. a National Iluaeam. at Newport. Rhode laland. bj Bon. Kamnrl Towel. 37. The Trm >k-li-h or Cow .fish, (Itlranon qHailriivmii L ..................................................... 170 Drawing by H. L. Todd. from No. 21548, C. S. Nation*! Museum, collected at Charleston, South Carolina, July 1078 by C. 0. Leslie. 38. The Tii^ner-lixh, IluUxlcs ra;>Kw Gniclin .......................................... J72 Drawing by H. I.. Todd, from No. 15233, U. a National Museum. collected at New York by Mr. Sutheilaud. 39. The Sen Horso, Hippocampi!* hrptagmtti Riif ............................................................. 172 Drawing by H. I.. Todd, from No. 3451, IT. a Nationul Museum. collected at Old Point Comfort, Virginia, by Commodore Farragut, U. S. N. 40. The Gpi':iii Si-iilpin, I'litta* tcorpiiu L 258 Drawing by 11. L. Todd, from No. 21989, U. S. National Museum, collected at Cumberland Gulf, September 25, 1877, by l.mUii: Kuinlii'ti. Thr Common SiMilptn, Coitus tcorpiiu L., subspecies graolandictu (C. & V.) Bean 258 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 10441,1:. S National MnMnm, collected at Eastport, Maine, 1872, by U.S. Fish Com- mission. 73. Tin- Al:i-k:i Scnlpin, <'itllun pohjacanthoctphalus Pal In* 268 Drawing by II. L. Todd, from No. 23499. V. 8. National Muarnm, collected at Unalanhka, 1879, by William II lull The Southern Sculpin, Callus octwlecimtpinomm Mitch 258 Drawing b> U. L. Tmld, from No. 4552, U. S. National Mnienm, collected at Becsley's Point, New Jersey. 1858, by Pro- fessor S. F. Itaird. 74. The Sea Raven, lll< rut americanu* (Guielin) C. & V 268 Drawing by It. L. Todd, from No. 23199, U. S. National Museum, collected at Halifax, Nova Scotia. September 13. 1877, by U.S. Finli Commission. Jordan's Cabey.on, II,milepidolu Jorilani Bean 268 Drawing by H. L. Todil, from No. 27S98, U. a National Museum, collected at Ilinlluk, Unalasbka Island, 1880, by Dr. T. H.Beao. 75. The Rose-fish or Norway Haddock, Sebate mat-inn* (L.) LUtki-n 260 Drawing by H. L. Todd. from No. 10442, U. S. National Museum, collected at Eastport, Maine, 1872, by IT. S. Fish Com- mission. 76. The Black-banded Rockfish, Sebtulichlhyt nigrocinclm (Ayrcg) Gill 963 Drawing by II L. Todd, from No. 272S5, U. S. National Museum, collected at Puget Sound, 1880, by Jordan and Gilbert. 77. The Tree-fish, Sebasticlith>/ii serricepsJ. &G 863 Drawing by 11. L. Todd, from No. 27041, U. S. National Museum, collected at Monterey, California, 1800, by Jordan and liilbcrt 78. The Yellow-backed Rockfish, Sebaatichthys maliger J. & G 264 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 27713, U.S. National Museum, collected at Sitka, Alaska, June 2, 1880, by Dr. T. H. Bean. 79. The Corsair, Sebaxtichthyi rosaeeus (Grd.) Lock , 266 Drawing by H. L. Todd. from No. 26961, U. S. National Museum, collected at Santa Barbara, California. 1880 (I), by Jor- dan and Gilbert 80. The Orange Rockfish, Srbastichthiis pinaiger (Gill.) Lock 266 Drawing by H. L. Tmld. from No. 27488, U. S. National Museum, collected at Neeah Bay, Wyoming Territory. December, 18SO, by James G. Swan. 81. The Black Rockfish, Sebaslichllnis mytlinu* J. & G 266 Drawing by H. L. Todd. from No. 27031, U. S. National Museum, collected at Monterey. California, 1880. by Jordan and Gilbert 82. The Spotted Black Rockfish, Sebatliclithyi melanopi (Grd.) J. Drawing by H. I.. Tod.l, from No. 24890, U. 8. National Museum, collected at San Diego, California, January, 1880, by Jordan and Gilbert XXIV LIST OF PLATES. Page. 88. The Hogfish or Capitaine, Lachnolcemus falcatus (L.) C. & V 276 Drawing by H. L. Todd. 89. The Alfione, Khacochilus toiotes Agassiz 277 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 27015, U. S. National Mnseum, collected at Monterey, California, 1880, by Jordan and Gilbert 90. The Spanish Pompano, Gerres olisthoetoma Goode & Beau 279 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 25118, U. S. National Museum, collected at Indian River, Florida, March 8, 1880, by R. E. Earll. 91. The Mackerel, Scomber scombrus L 281 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 25256, TT. S. National Musenm, collected at Provincetown, Massachusetts, September, 1879, by U. S. Fish Commission. The Chub Mackerel or "Thimble Eye," Scomber colias De La Roche 303 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 23480, TJ. S. National Museum, collected nt Provincetown, Massachusetts, September, 1879, by V. S. Fish Commission. 92. The Frigate Mackerel, Auxti thazard Laceyede 305 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 25757, U. S. National Museum, collected at Newport, Rhode Island August, 1880, by TJ. S. Fish Commission. The Bonito, Sarda mediterranea (Schn.) J. & G 316 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 10419, TJ. S. National Museum, collected ftt Wood's Holl. Massachusetts, 1871, by I ' . S. Fish Commission. 93. The Spanish Mackerel, Scomberomorus macutatus (Mitch.) J. & G 307 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 15582, TJ. S. National Mnseum, collected at Fulton Market, Now York, by E. G. Black- ford. 94. The Spotted Cero, Scomberomorus. regalis (Bloch) J. & G 316 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 12527, TJ. S. National Museum, collected at Key West, Florida, by E. G. Blackford The Cero or Kiugfish, Scomberomorus caballa(C. & V.) J. & G 316 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 19418, TJ. S. National Mnseum, collected at Wood's Holl, Massachusetts, 1875. by U. S. Fish Commission. 96. The Alalonga or Long-tinned Tunny, Orcyniw alalonga (Ginel. ) Risso 320 Drawing by H. L-Todd, from No. 21884, TJ. S. National Museum, collected at Banquereau, September 10, 1878, by Capt- tain William Thompson, schooner Magic. The Striped or Oceanic Bonito, Euthynnus pelamys (L.) Liitken 319 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 20762, sent from Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Massachusetts. 96. The Horse Mackerel or Tunny, Orcynus thijnnus (L.) Poey '. 320 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from specimen collected in Vineyard Sound by TJ. S. Fish Commission. 97. The Horsetish or Blunt-nosed Shiner, Selene setipinnis (Mitch.) Lutken 322 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 16252, U. S. National Mnseum, collected in Fnlton Market, New York, by E. G. Blackford. 98. The Silver Moonntth or " Look-down," Selene argentea Lace'pfede 323 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 22279, TJ. S. National Museum. 99. The Cavally or Crevall6,'Caraz hippos (L.) Gthr 323 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 10431 TJ. S. National Museum, collected at Wood's Holl, Massachusetts, 1871, by TJ. S. Fish Commission. 100. The Goggler or "Goggle Eye," Caranx crumenophthalmuii ( Block) Lac 324 Drawing from H. L. Todd, from No. 20681, TJ. S. National Musenm, collected at Wood's Holl, Massachusetts, October 3, 1877, by Vinal N. Edward*. 101. The Jurel or Hard Tail, Caranx pisquetus C. & V. =C. cArysosGthr 324 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 16612, U. S. National Museum, collected at Wood's Holl, Massachusetts, by TJ. S. ^ Fisb Commission. 102. The Round Robin or Cigar-fish, Decapterus punctatm (Ag.) Gill 325 Drawing by H. L. Todd. from No. 20639, U. S. National Museum, collected at Wood's Holl, Massachusetts, September 11, 1877, by Vinal N. Edwards. 103. The Scad or Dutch Margebanker, Trachurus saurus Raf. 326 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 23421, TJ. S. National Museum, collected at Newport, Rhode Island, by S. Powell. 104. The Common Pompano, Trachynotus carolinus (L.) Gill 327 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 15178, TJ. 8. National Museum, collected at Wood's Holl, Massachusetts, October 5, 1871, by ProfeMor a F. Bnird. 105. The Short Pompano, Trachynotut ovatus (L.) Gthr 329 Drawing from No. 28185, TJ. S. National Museum, collected at Florida by Silas Stearns. 106. The Banner Pompano, Trachi/notus r/laiicus C. & V 329 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 30176, TJ. S. National Mnseum, collected at Pensacola, Florida, January 7, 1882, by Silas Steam*. 107. The Pilot-fish, ffaucralei ductor (L.) Eaf 330 Drawing by IL L. Tortd, from No. 23197, U. S. National Musenm, collected at New Bedford, Massachusetts, September 27. 1878, by William A. liansett LIST OF PLATES. XXV 108. TheCalitorni;. Yellow-tnil, or Amber-flab., Sn-ioJa donaUt C. St. V ....................................... 331 Drawing by II. L. Tmlni iut; by II. L. Todtl, from specimen In Fulton Market, New York, collected by E. G. Blackford, September 18, 1873. (Female.) Drawing by H. L. Todd, from specimen in Fulton Market, New York, collected by K. G. Black ford, Septem- ber l(i. 1K7.Y 110. The Harvest-fish, StromaleH* alrpidotut (L.) J. & O ....................................................... 333 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 13234, U. S. National Museum, collected at New York, by Mr. Sutherland. 111. The Butiri lUli or IMLir \\~\\, Slromalruu Iriai'anthux I'eek ................................................. 333 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 787, D. S. National Museum, collected at Beesley'a Point, New Jeraey. 1858, by Pro- fessor S. F. Baird. The Log-fish or Black Rmlder-li.sli, Liriu perciformi* (Mitch.) J. & O ................... .*. ................ 334 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 22050, U. S. National Mum-urn, collt cted at Le Have Bank, by Captain James Hawkins. 112. The Poinfret, Brama Ruyi Schu ......................................................................... 336 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 28234, U. S. National Museum, collected at weat end of Grand Hunk. May, 1881, by Captain Andrew McKinney. 113. The Boar Fish, Ztxopiu oeellatut (Storer) Gill ........................................... . .............. 336 Drawing by H. I/. Todd, from specimen taken at Provinoetown, Massachusetts, in museum of Boston Society of Natural History. 114. The rntl:i~~ii>!i. Trickiurus Upturn*!. ...... . ............................................................. 336 Drawing by U. L Todd, from No. 18028. U. S. National Museum, collected at Saint Augustine, Florida, 1877, by Dr. Janeway, U. 8. N. 115. The Swordfish. Xipkiiu gladius L ..................................................................... 338 (Adult ) Drawing by U. L. Todd, from No. If.rj'i. U. S. National Museum, collected at New Bedford, Massachusetts. July 17, 1875, by U. S. Flab Commission. (Young.) Drawing by IL L. Tudd, from plate 225, Curler St. Valenciennes, Histoire Natarelle dee Poiuona. 116. The Sail-full, Uiotiopkoru* gladiun (Brown) Gthr ..................... . ................................... 356 The Spear- fish, Tetrapturvs albidus Poey ............................................ ............. ..... 357 117. The Tilefish, Lopholatilu chamcelfonticept Goodo & Bean ................................................. 360 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 22899, U. S. National Museum, collected 80 miles south by east of No Man's Land. May, 1870, by Captain Kirby. 118. The Gulf Blanquillo, Caulolatilu* micropt Goocle &. Bean ................................................. 360 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 20971, U. & National Museum, collected at Penaacola, Florid*, March 18, 1878, by Silas Steams. The Roucbil, Jfathyma. The Striped Grunt, Hamulon elryam (C. & V.) 397 Drawing by H. L. Todd, Irom No. 32603, U. S. National Museum, collected at Key West, Florida, by Dr. J. A. Henshall. 146. The P\gfis}t,Pomodaiiijs fitlvomaculatiis (Mitch.) J. & G 398 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 3113, TJ. S. National Museum, collected at Charlotte Harbor, Florida, by C. B. Baker. 147. The Big-mouth Black Bass or Oswego Bass, MiKropttms Htitmolden ( Lac. ) Henshall 401 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 14143, U. S. National Museum, collected at Little Falls, Potomac River, 1874, by Major T.J.Hobbs. 148. The Small-mouth Black Bass, Micropterut Dolomiei Lac 401 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 10323. TJ. 8. National Museum, collected at Sandusky, Ohio, by J. W. Milncr. 149. The Rock-Bass or Red Eye, Amblopliles rupeslrif (Raf.) Gill 404 Drawing by II. I.. Todd, from No. 9401, TJ. 8. National Museum, collected at Ecorse, Michigan, by George Chirk. 160. The Mud-Bass, Acantliarchus pornoHt (Baird) Gill 405 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 6475, U. 8. National Museum, collected at Tarborough, North Carolina, by Mr. Bridger. 151. The Sacramento Perch, Archoplites interrupts (Girard) Gill 405 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 27137, U. 8. National Museum, collected at San Francisco, California, 1880, by Pro- fessor I), a Jordan 152. The War-mouth Bass, Chacnabrytlut gvlonui (C. & V.) Jordan 405 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 17803, TJ. S. National Museum, collected at Jackson's Lake, Alabama, July 14, 1870, by Knrulien and Bean. LIST OF PLATES. XX vii 153. The Puiiipkin-Si-fd or Snnfmli, /.r;*>mi gibbonu (L.) McKay ............................................. 406 Drawing by H. I,. Todd, from No. 4183, IT. S. National Museum, collected at Root Hirer, Wisconsin, July 1859, by Pro- - r.l; >it.i 154. Tin- l.i in;; i-an-d Suiil'isli, l.rpomi* nuiiliix (I,. ) Ital ....................................................... IIM. Drawing by II 1 1 limn No. 1M.M I. S. Museum. collrctad at Snuqiuilianua River, Uainbridce. Pennsyl- vania, May. 1875, by Dr. T. U. noun. 155. Tlir Itlui- Smilisli nr ('oppi-r-niiM-, Li/mmi* pallid** (Mitch.) J. &, G ....................................... -100 Drawing by H. I.. Todil, fnim No. 8448, U. 8. National Museum, collected ID Tennessee. !.~>rwini: by H. I.. Tixbl. from No. 20031, I'. S. Nationul Unworn, collected at Cumberland Klver, Trnnraaee, by A. Wim-hell. lf>8. Tlir Kainlinw Siinlish, I'tntnin luii nma. :i oiiuti* ehatodo* (Uaird) Gill ........................................... Drawing by II. L. Todd, from No. 20354. U. S. Nnlioual Mumtuin, collected at Trenton, New Jersey, 1876, by Dr. C. C AbbotU 162. The Sea Bass, Sen-aunt atraritu (L.) J. ami G ............................................................ 407 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 14838, U. S. National Museum, collected at Nnank, Connecticut, 1874, by D. S. Flab Commission. 163. The Squirrel-fish, Serranu* ftucicularii U. and V ......................................................... 410 Drawing by II. L. Todd, from No. 21543, U. S. National Mum-urn, collected at Charleston, South Carolina, July, 1878, by C. C. Ledit. 164. The Red Grouper, Epiitrpheliui morto (Cuv.) Gil) ......................................................... 411 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 22129, U. S. National Museum, obtained in the Washington Market, District of Columbia, by G. Brown Gonde. 165. The Jew-fish or "Warsaw," Vromicropn guata Poey ...................................................... 418 Drawing by U. L. Todd, from No. 22308, U. 8. National Mnwum, collected at St. John's Kiver, Florida. 166. The West ludiau Cabrilla, Sen-anus clathrntus (Grt\.) Stoind .............................................. 413 Drawing by II. L. Todd, from No. 28574, U. S. National Museum, collected at Key West, Florida, Uay, 1880, by Silas Stearns. 167. The Peusacola Black Grouper, Triotroyi mivolepis Goode and Bean ..................................... 413 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 5137, U. S. National Museum, collected at Welt Florida by Kaiser and Martin. 168. The Yellow Perch, Perca americana Schrank ............................................................. 414 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 2J19U, U. S. National Museum, collected at Washington Market, District of Columbia, April, 1880, by U. S. Fih Commission. 169. The Wall-eyed Pike or Dory, Sliiostrdiiim ritreum (Mitch. ) Jordan and Copeland ......................... 421 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 22494, C. S. National Mutrnni, collected at Pott Deposit, Uaijland, April 7, 187*. by R. . McClenahan. The Sauger or Laud Pike, Sti;<>*le(liiim runctlenue (Smith) Jordan ......................................... 424 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 10072, U. S. National M u- um collected at Rochester, New York, by J. W. Mllner. 170. The Striped Bass or Kocktish, Itoccui luu/itu* (Blorli. ) (Jill ( ^= Itoccun tAtatili* auctor.uui) .................. 425 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 23219, 0. S. National Museum, collected at Washington Market. District of Columbia, April 24, 1880, by U. S. Fish Commission. 171. The White Bass, Koccvt chryop (Raf.) Gill ................................................. ..... 428 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. ncuii, D. S. National Mum-urn collected at Sandusky, Ohio, by J. W. Mllner. 172. The Yellow Bass, Kofciu interrupt*! (Gill) J. and G .................................................. 431 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from specimens in National Musi-urn. . 173. The White Perch, KOITUS americanun (Ginl.) J. and G ........................................... 431 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 15681, U. S. National Museum, collected at New York, November 16, 1875, by K. O. Blackford. 174. The Bhu-lisli r,,matomue saltatrti (L.) Gill .............................................................. 433 Drawing by U. L. Todd, from specimens in U. S. National Museum. Tin' Cobi.-i or Crab-eater, Elacate ranada (L.) Gill ....................................................... 444 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 185C3. U. S. National Museum. 175. The Triple-Tail or lUack Grouper, Lobotts mirinamenfu (Bl.) Cuvier ..................................... 444 175. The Moon-lih or Spadu-tiah, Chalodipterui falter (Uroutw.) J. and G ...................................... 445 XXviii LIST OF PLATES. Pafte. 177. The Spear-fish Reniora, Rhomboehirui osteochir (Cuv. ) Gill 446- Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 19022, U. S. National Museum, collected at Wood's Holl, Massachusetts, 1875, by U. S. Fish Commission. The Sword-fish Remora, liemoroptis lirachyptera Lowe 445, Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 23374, U.S. National Museum, collected at pea in 250 fathoms of water by Daniel McEarhrau. 178. The West Indian Barracouta or Sennet, Sphyrcena picuda Schn 448 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 14978, U. S. National Museum, collected at Florida by E. G. Blackfonl. The Northern Barracouta, Sphyr Kayko or Dog Salmon, Oncortit/xchut ktta (Walb.) Gill and Jordan ................................... 478 Drawing by II. I. Todd. from No. 27017, r. & National Miueum, collected at Fort Alexander, Cook's Inlet, Alaska, July 4. 1880, by J. Cohi-n. Irtl. Tin- (iorbiLscha nr Hninp-liackril Salmon, Oncorhynchui gorbum-ha (Walb.) (Jill ami Jordan ................ 476 Drawing by II. L. Todd, from No. 27743, IT. 8. National Museum, collcrt<-d at Cook's Inlet, Alaaka, Joly . 1880, by Dr. T. II. Bean. The Kisutch or Silver Salmon, Onoorkyck>u kisutck (Walb.) J.anilO .................................... 477 Drawing by H. U Todd, from Xo. 87712, tJ. 3. National Miinoam, collected at Uiulink, ITnalashka, OoUtber 12, 1880, by Dr. T. II. Bean. 190. The Krasuaya Kybii. Ked-lwh of Idaho, or Blue Hack Salmon, OooorhyKckut xerka (Wulb.) Gill and Jordan. 477 (Hook-jawed Male.) (Female) Drawing! l>y H. L. Todd, from iipecimena In U. S. National Museum, collected by Captain C. Ueodire, U. 8. N., in the Wallows River, Idaho. 191. Tin- Krasnaya Uybn r liluo Back Salmon, Onmrlii/iirliu* tifrka (Walb.) J. and G .......................... 477 Drawlug by H. I.. Todd, from frcah run male, aent to IT. S. National Muaenm from toe Columbia liiver, April, 1884, by A. Booth, esq. The Namayciish or Luke Trout, Salreliimt namayctuh (Walb.) Uoode .................................... 486 Drawing by H. L. Todd. from No. 17012, IT. & National Mnsenm, collected at Uaqnette Lake, New York, February 38, 1877, by Verplauck Colvin. 192. The Si>eckled Trout. Salrrtinu fontinalu (Mitch.) Gill and Jordan ................... ................... 497 Drawing by U. L. Todd. from No. 28651, U. S. National Muarnin, obtained In New York Market, July, 1881, by E.O. Blackford. 193. The Oqnassa Trout, Stilrrlinu* oguaita (Grd.) Gill and Jordan ............................................ 603 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 20088, U. S. National Muaenm, collected at Oqnaaaoc Lake. New York, November 9, 1877, by E. G. Blackford. The Maluiaor Dolly Varden Trout, >Wr./;. malma (Walb.) J.and G .................................. 504 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 27740, D. S. National Muaeutu, collected at Port Chatham, Cook'a Inlet, Alaaka, 1880, by Dr. T. II. Bean. 194. The Grayling, Thymol! ut tricolor Cope ................................................................. 606 Drawing by II. L. Todd, from No. 11115, U. S. National Museum, obtained from Au Sable River, Michigan, by J. W. Milner. 195. The Alaska Grayling, Thymalltts signifrr Richardson .................................................... 606 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 3333, U. 8. National Museum, collected at Fort Simpson, June, 1800, by B. R Boas. 196. The WhiteBsh, Coregonns clupeiformis (Mitch.) Milurr ................................................. 507 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 10300, U. S. National Museum, collected at Ecorse, Michigan, by George Clark. 197. The Cisco or Lake Herring, Coregonu* Artedi Lesnrur ................................................... 641 Drawing by H. L. Todil. from No. 33958, U. 8. National Museum, collected atNeer Field Bay. Wiscosin, by J. W. Milnor The Moon-eye or Cisco, of Lake Michigan, Coregonus Hoyi (Gill) Jordan ................................. 541 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 32182, U. S. National Museum, collected at Seneca Lake, New York, June, 1878, by Pro- feaaorH. I.Smiili 198. The Alaska \Vbitotih, CortgoHun Merki Gthr ........................................................... Drawing by II. L. Tudd, from No. 27098, U. S. National Museum, collected at Alaaka, 1880, by IT. S. Steamer Corwin. The Lauretta White-fish, <'oregonu iMurttta Bt-nn ..................................................... Drawing by II. L. Todd, from No. 27G95. U. 8. National Museum, collected at Point Barrow. Alaaka, July, 1880, by C. 8. Steamer Corwin. 199. The Eastern Suielt, Otrntrus mordax (Mitch.) Gill ............................................ ........... 543 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 21435. U. S. National Muaenm, collected at Wood's Holl, Massachusetts, 1878, by ' Vinal N. Edwards. The Alaska Smelt, Onmerus dentex Steiudachner ......................................................... 544 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 27914. U. a National Muaenm. collected at Port Clarence, Alaska, 1880, by Dr. T. H. Bean. 200. fhe Alaska Surf Smelt, Hiipomenui olldut (Pallas) Gthr .................................................. 544 Drawing by H. L. Todd. from No. 23973, U. S. National Museum, collected at Saint Michaels. Alaaka, May 20, 1877, by M. L. Turner. The California Surf Smelt, Hijpomtu pretiosus (Grd.) Gill ............................................... 544 Drawing by B. I. Todd, from No. 27995, r. a National Museum, collected at Yakntat Bay. Alaska. 1880, by Dr. T. H. Bean. 01. The Capelin, Mallotxs rilloxit (Mnller) Cnv ............................................................ 644 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 3418 U. S. National Museum, collected at Groaswater Bay, by Dr. B. Conea. The Eulachon, Thaleiclithy* patificut (Rich.) Girard ...................................................... 547 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 20001, U. S. National Museum, collected atChilkat River, Alaska, June, 1880, by Mar- coa Baker. 802. The Hand Saw fish, Alepidomuru* ftrox Lowe .......................................................... 547 Drawing by H. L.Todd. from No. 18028, U. a National Mosenm. collected atSalnt Angnstine, Florida. 1877, by Dr. Jane- way, U. S. N. XXX LIST OF PLATES. Page. Baird's Alepocephalus, Alepocephalua Sairdii Goode & Bean 548 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 22468, U. S. National Museum, collected on Grand Bank, by Christian Johnson, Schr. William Thompson. 203. Mailer's Scopvlns, Scopelus Millleri (Gmel. ) Collett 547 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 20943, U. S. National Museum, collected by F. Mather. The Snake fish, Trachinoceplialus myops (Forster) Gill 548 Drawing by L. H. Todd, from No.16951, U. S. National Museum, collected at Wood's Holl, 1870. by VinalN. Edwards. 204. The Herriug, Clupea harengu* L 549 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 16667, U. S. Nntic nal Museum, collected at Washington market, June, 1875, by J. H. Richards. The California Herring, Clitpea mirabilis Girarcl 568 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 24865, U. S. National Museum, collected at San Diego, California, January, 1880, by Jor- dan & Gilbert. 205. The Menhaden or Mossbunker, Bretoorlia tyrannus (Latrobe) Goode 569 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 20666, U. S. National Museum, collected at Wood's Holl, October 18, 1877, by Vinal N. Edwards, 206. The Gulf Menhaden, Brevoortia patronus Goode 575 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 892 A, tr. S. National llupeunv collected at Brazos, Santiago, Texas, by Captain Van VIeet. 207. The Branch Herring (Female), Clupea rernoiig Mitchill 579 Drawing Ly H. L. Todd, from No. 27197, U. S. National Museum, obtained from Potomac River, March 29, 1880, by U. S. Fish Commission. 208. The Branch Herring (Male), Clupea rernalis Mitchill 579 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 25196, U. S. National Museum, obtained from Potomac River, March 27, 1880, by U. S. Fish Commission. 209. The Glut or Summer Herring (Male), Clitpea aisUvaUs Mitchill 580 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 32639, U. S. National Museum, obtained from the Washington market, April, 1883, by H. L. Todd. 210. The Glut Hi-rring (Female), Clupea astivalis Mitchill 580 Drawing by H. L. Todd from No. 32640, U. S. National Museum, obtained at Washington Market, April 21, 1883, by H. L.Tod. 211. The Inland Alewife or Skipjack, Clupea chrysocMori* (Raf.) J. & G 594 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 30159, U. S. National Museum, collected atPensacola, Florida, by Silas Stearns. 212. The Shad, Clupia uapidiseima Wilson (Male) 594 Drawing by H. L. Todd from No. 25096 U. S. National Museum, collected at Norfolk, Virginia, March 12, 1880, by U. 8. Fish Commission. 213. The Shad, Clupta sapidisiima Wilson (Female) 594 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 25095, tr. S. National Museum, collected at Norfolk, Virginia, March 10, 1880, by TJ. S. Fish Commission. 214. Map of the River Basins of the Atlantic Slope. By Col. M. MacDonald 598 215. Diagram illustrating the influence of Hydro-Thermals in determining the direction, and limiting the range of the migrations of the Shad and Herriug (Alewives). By Col. M. MacDonald 600 216. The Hickory Shad or Mattowacca, Clupea merfiocm Mitch 607 Male. Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 25148, U. S. National Muscnm, obtained from Potomac River, March 19, 1880, by H. L. Todd. (Female.) Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 25132, tT. S. National Museum, collected at Potomac River, March, 1880, by Dr.T. H. Bean. 217. The Mud Shad or Gizzard Shad, Doromma Cepedianum (LeS.) Gill 610 Drawing by II. L. Todd, from No. 20034, U. a National Museum, collected at Cumberland River, Tennessee, May, 1877, by Mi. A. Wlnchell. The Tarpum or Grand-Ecaille, Megalopt Ihrissoides (Schn. ) Gthr 610 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 14924, tT. S. National Museum, collected at New Jersey, 1874, by E. G. Blackford. 218. The Big-eyed Herring, Klops saurus L --- 611 Drawing by II. L. Todd, from specimen in 17. S. Rational Musi nm. from Massachusetts. The Anchovy, Engraulis riltalus Mitchill 611 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 14087, U. S. National Museum, collected at Noank, Connecticut, September 21, 1874, by U. 8. Fish Commission. The Lady-fish or Bone 6sh, Albula rutpes (L.) Goode 612 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 25962, U. S. National Museum, collected three miles southeast of Eastern Point, New- port, Rhode Inland, August H, 1880, by Captain Rockliff, U. S. Fish Commission. 219. The Moon-eye, Ilyodon tergisus Le Sucur 612 Drawing by H. L. Toiwi/;itlotnm (Le 8.) Jordan Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. MM, U. & National Mnneuiu, coll. c-ti-d at Ecorne, Michigan, February, 1872, by George C'Urk. The Carp Mullet, Moxottoma carpio (Vol.) Jordan ................................ at i Drawing by II. L. Todd, from No. 10793, U. S. National Museum, collncted at Cincinnati, Ohio, by J. W. Mllner. SfiT.t. The Montana Sucker, I'atiatomuii retropinnis Jordau ........................................ gig The Brook Sucker or Common Sucker, Catontomun Couiaiersoni (Lac.) Jortlati .............................. gjj Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 10548, U. S. National Muiurani, collected at Kcotse, Michigan, by J. W. Mllner. 224. The Black Horse, n/ci>y>ru elonyatu* (L S.) A ..................................................... H I 6 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 10790, U. S. National Muteuni, collected at Cincinnati, Ohio, by J. W. Milner. 225. The Quill-liark, < ,;r/m/i.s r///iriHw (Le 8.) Ag ........................................ gjg Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 33073, TJ. S. National Museum, collected at Havre do Grace, Maryland. June, 1882, by Dr. T. H. Bean. 22*i. The Red Mouth f Uepori I . S. l'i-li Commission. I';irt I, p. 700. I'n:. _'. I'lir/iura Iniiilliii. See Keport U. 8. Fish Commission. Part I, p. 698. Kit!. :!. rurillu*. bamicd variety. lit.. I. .\in-iiln iliijiliiiila. See KYport I". S. I 'ish Commission. Parti, p. 700. In,. .".. lli/ananaobuoleta. See Bcport U. S. Fish Commission. Partl,p.696. l'n;. i'. I'filiii Iririllalii. 1'iii. 7. The Whelk, Hun-iHum undatum. See Report U. 8. Fish Commission. Parti, p.C99. 1'iii. f. The Periwinkle, Fulgrr carica. See Report U. 8. Fiuli Commission. Part I, p. (594. FIG. 9. AnlyrittoHiilii. FlO. Id. .l-tiiri* In mil, i. Km. 11. Kitnoa aciileatiii. I'm. 12. The Drill or Borer, Uronalpinx cinerta, p. 697. 855. ViiiioiiM speeies of r hi HIM 703 FlO. 1. .lii'inlun /CHIT. A i.hmil reduced ono-bnlf. 8e Report 17. S. FUh Commission. Part I, p. 877. FIG. 2. The Long Clam, Soft Clam, or Mnnninnsr, Mya arenaria. With amin:il in extrusion, reduced to one-half the natural ilze. FIG. 3. Tagelus gilbu*. With animal, the siphon not fully extended. One-half natural size. See Keport U. S. Fiah Commission. Parti, p. 875. FlO. 4. The Razor Clam, Entatctla amrricana. See Report U. S. Fish Commission. Port I, p. 707. With animal extended. One-half natural sise. FIG. 5. Shows some of the terminal papilla- enlarged. FiG.C. The Razor Clam, Ensatella americana. Shrll Natural size. FIG. 7. The Ship Worm, Teredo narali$. Enlarged two diameters. FlG. 8. The Scallop, Pecten irradians. See Report U. S. Fish Commission. Part I, p. 709. Natural aize. FlG. 9. The Bloody Clam, Argina pexata. -Natural ize. 256. Various species of clams 703 FIG. 1. The Qnahang or Little-necked Clam, Venus mercenaria. Natural aize. FlG. 2. The Quahaug of Puget Sound, Saxidomut Nuttalli. Natural size of large specimen. Drawn by ,T. II. Euierlon. FIG. a. The Gaper Clam of the West Coast, Schizotharut \ultalli (Conrad). (I.) Specimeu of ordinary size, reduced about one-fourth in hnglb. The siphon* are somewhat contracted ; the foot (F) expands about aa usual. (II.) Outline of the left valve of a larger specimen, reduced to the same extent. Drawn from nature by K. E. C. Stearns. 257. TheGeoduck, or Giant Clam of the Pacific, Glycimerii generota 70S Natural size; specimens with siphons partly contracted; weight when alive, 6J pounds. Drawn by K. E. C. Stearni. 258. Mussels and Sea Clams '09 FlG. 1. The Beach Clam or Hen Clam, Spisula tolidunintn. See Report U. S. Fish Commission. Parti, p. 708. Natural size. FlG. 2. The Sea Clam, Cyprtna Mandica. Natural size. FlO. 3. The Black Mussel, Mytilus edulis. See Report U. 8. Fish Commission. Port I, p. 709. FIG. 4. The Black HOI-M- Mussel, Modiola tiiyra. FlG. 5. The Rough Mnssrl, .Vodiola plicatula. See Report U. 8. Fish Commission. Part I, p. 709. FIG. 6. The Ho:-*- Mussel. Mndiuli maiJiotitt. See Report U. S. Fish Commission. Part I, p. 709. 259. The anatomy of the oyster. (See opposite page for full explanation) 711 260. FIG. 1. The Rock Crab, Cancer trroralus Say ; male one-half natural size 766 FIG. 2. Zoea of the same, in tbo Inst stage hefore it changes to the megalops condition; lateral view, enlarged seventeen diameters. FIG. 3. Megalops stage of the same, just after the change from the zoe'a condition; dorsal view, enlarged thirteen diameters. FlO. 4. The Jonah Crab, Cancer lorealis Stimpson ; male, two-thirds natural size 769 FIGS. 5, 6. Terminal joints of the big claws of the same, viewed from the outer side, natural size. Drawings by J. H. Emerton. 261. The Common Crab of the Pacific Coast, Cancer ntagitter Dana; male, somewhat smaller than natural size. . 770 Drawing by H. L. Todd. from No. 2533, TT. S. National Museum. California, William Stimpson. XXXIV LIST OF PLATES. 262. The Red Crab, Cancer producing Randall; male, natural size 771 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 2529, TJ. S. National Museum. San Francisco, California, H. Homphill. 263. The California Rock Crab, Cancer anfeimariw) Stimpsou ; natural size 771 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 2033, U. S. National Museum. California, William Stimpson. 264. The Stone Crab, Mrvippe mcrcenarius Gibbes; male, about four -ti fibs the natural size 772 Drawing by H. L. Todcl, from specimen obtained at Charleston, South Carolina. 265. The Green Crab, Cardans mceiia* Leach ; slightly enlarged 774 Drawing by J. II. Enierton, from specimen obtained at Wood's Holl, Massachusetts, 1882. 26G. The Lady Crab, Plati/onifliiis orelJaliis Latrcille ; abont one-third Inrger than natural size 774 Drawing by J. II. Emerton, from specimen obtained :it Wnotl'H Holl. Masvai-buRi-tts, 1?82. 267. The Coiuninn Edible or Blue Crab Culliiiecie* liastalus Onhvay ; male, somewhat smaller than natural size. 775 Drawing by J. H. Einei ton, from specimen obtained at Wood's Hull, Massachusetts, 1882. 268. The Kelp Crab, Epialtus producing Randall; female, natural size 778 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from No. 2139, TJ. S. National Museum. Pacific coast of the United States, Dr. Suckley. 269. FIG. 1. The Fiddler Crab, Gelasimits pui/ilator Latreille; male, slightly enlarged 763 FIG. 2. The O.\ ster Crab, Pinnotheres ostreiim Say ; male, enlarged four diametn-s 765 FIG. 3. Thr Mud Crab, Panoiieus depressae Smith; male, natural size 772 FIGS. 4, ;">. The Spider Crabs. Fig. 4, Libiiiia emaryinata Leach; male. Fig. 5, Libinia dubia Edwards; male. Boih three-fourths natural size 778 FIG. 6. The Sand Bug or Bait Bng, Hippa tal/iaida Say ; enlarged about two diameters 779 FiG. 7. The Hermit Crab, Eu/iagurns bernliardus Brandt; about natural size 7HO Diawings by J. H. Enierton. 270. The Spiny Lobster or Rock Lobster, Painilirtis interruptiis Randall; somewhat smaller than natural size... 780 Drawing by H. L. Todd, from specimen obtained on the coast of California. 271. The American Lobster, Uomarus americanus Edwards; male, much below natural size 781 Drawing by .1. H. Enierton, from specimen obtained at Eastport, Maine, 1882. 272. The River Cray-fish, Cambarus affini* Erichsou ; one and one-half times t he natural size 812 Drawing by II. L. Todd, from specimen obtained at Havre de Grace, Maryland. 273. The Southern Shrimp, Penceus neliferus Edw ards; about one-fifth larger than natural size 821 Drawing by J. 11. Enierton, from specimen obtained on the coast of Louisiana. 274. The Mantis Shrimp, Sqiiilla empiwa Say; natural size 823 Drawing by U. L. Todd, from No. 3752, U. S. National Museum. Wood's Holl, Massachusetts, V. N. Edwards. 275. FIG. 1. The Common Shrimp, Crangon vulgaris Fabr. ; male, natural size 816 FIG. '2. The Common Prawn, Palcemonetes vulgaris Stirapson ; mule, enlarged one and one-half diameters. FIG. 3. The Deep water Prawn, Pandalui Monlagui Leach ; slightly smaller than natural size. FIG. 4. The Beach-Flea, Oi'die*tia agllis Smith; male, enlarged live diameters. FIG. 5. The Scud, Gammarus locusta Gou'd; male, enlarged two diameters. FIG. 6. The Boring AmpUpod, Che lura lertbrans Phillipi ; enlarged about fourteen diameters. FIG. 7. The Gribble, Limiioria HyiiorHm White; enlarged ten diameters. FIG. 8. The Salvo Bug, Mtju. psora Kroyer; young specimen, enlarged three diameters. FIG. 9. The Horse-Shoe Crab, Limulus Polyphemus Latreille; much smaller than natural size. Drawings by J. H. Enierton, S. L Smith, aud O. Harger. 276. Marine Annelids, used as bait - 832 FIGS. 1,2,3. Mereis pelaglca Limie". Fig. 1, larger figure, female; smaller, male; natura) size. Fig ; 2, head. Fig. 3, proboscis, enlarged. FiG. 4. N Ilarlmr Porpoises or Herring Hogs ........................................................... 14 r.. Tim Dolphins ................................................................................... 10 ii. Tin- KilliT Whales or Orcas ...................................................................... 17 7. Th<- Sperm Whalo Porpoise ...................................................................... 18 8. The While \\lialcorl3cluga ..................................................................... 1 9. The Narwhal .................................................................................... 19 10. The Greenland, Bowheatl, Or Polar Whale ....................................................... 20 11. The Ki-ht Whales .............................................................................. 24 12. The Humpback Whales ........... ............................................................... 2tt 13. The Sulphur Hoi torn Whales ..................................................................... -fl 14. The Finback Whales ............................................................................ 28 15. The Si- ra;; W hales ............................................................................... :tO 1C. The California Gray Whales ..................................................................... 31 B. THE SEALS AND WALRUSES : 17. The Seal tribe in general ........................................................................ 33 18. The Walruses ................................................................................... 34 19. The Sea Lions and Fur Seals in general .......................................................... 37 20. The Sea Lion .................................................................................... 38 21. The California Sea Lion ......................................................................... 44 22. The Fur .Seal ....................................... . ............................................ 49 23. The Harbor Seal ................................ ............................................... 55 24. The Harp Seal .................................................................................. 62 25. The Kinged Seal ................................................................................. GC> 26. The Ribbon Seal ................................................................................ 67 27. The West Indian Seal ........................................................................... 67 28. The Hooded Seal ................................................................................ 68 29. The California Sea Elephant ..................................................................... 72 C. THE HABITS OF THB FUR-SEAL: 30. A life history of the Fur-Seal .................................................................... 7."> D. THE MANATEES AND THE SEA-COW: 31. The Manatees ................................................................................... 114 32. The Arctic Sea-cow ............................................................................. 128 6 THE FISHERIES AND FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES. M A. THE WHALES AND PORPOISES. 1. THE SPERM WHALE. DISTRIBUTION. The Sperm Whale, I'liyneter macrocephalug Linn., was first described by Clusius in 1605 from specimens cast up on the coast of Holland in 1598 and 1601. It is the Cachalot of the French, the Pottfisch of the Germans, Potvisch or Kazilot of Holland, Kaskelot or of Scandinavia, and one of the most valuable of cetaceans. Sperm Whales occur in every ocean, and though preferring warmer waters, are to be found at times close to the limits of the arctic regions. In the Pacific they have been taken off Cape Ommany, Alaska, latitude 50 12', and in the Atlantic as far north as Scotland ami Orkney, and perhaps even Greenland. In both Pacific and Atlantic they range below the southern tips of the continents and are believed to pass freely from ocean to ocean, around Cape Horn, though they are said never to round the Cape of Good Hope. Murray states that they have been seen and captured in almost every part of the ocean between latitude 60 south and 60 north. He mentions that they have been recorded as found off the north of Scotland but no further, though he gives some credence to ancient authors who mentioned their having been seen off Greenland. Beale, writing in 1836,' gave a list of their favorite resorts. It is interesting to compare the range of the species as then understood with their present range as indicated by the locations, and this comparison has been carefully made by Mr. A. Howard Clark, in the chapter on THE WIIALK FISHERY, in a subsequent section of this repoit. In discussing the facts before him, Murray* expresses the opinion that almost every place which has been mentioned as a favorite resort of the Sperm Whales, although out of soundings, has claims to be considered the site of submerged lands. The islands of Polynesia, which are their special feeding ground, are the beacons left by the sub- merged Pacific continent. " They are also to be seen," he continues, "about the equinoctial line in [li<- Atlantic Ocean, but they would seem to be either straggling 'schools' which have rounded Cape Horn, or un prospering colonies. It is from these that the specimens which have been O, 5 17'.C>, 6 176C, 1 February 16, 1829," in 1825, 9 and 18G3, 10 while others were obtained on the coast of Brittany in 1784," and in the .Mediterranean, at St. Nazaire, in 185G, 12 and on other occasions for which dates are not given. OCCURRENCE ON TIIK CALIFORNIA COAST. Although Sperm Whales have occasionally been taken oil' the California coast for the past thirty years, it would appear that few have been seen in those waters since 1874. Captain Scammon has cited in his book no instances ot individuals per- sonally observed by him. SIZE AND COLOR. The sexes differ greatly in size and form, the female being slenderer and from one-fifth (Beale) to one-third or one-fourth (Scauiuion) as large as the male. The largest males measure from eighty to eighty-four feet in length, the head making up about one-third of the whole. In the head is the cavity known as the "case," from which is obtained the spermaceti and a quantity of oil. The youngest Sperm Whale on record is the one measuring sixteen feet, already mentioned as having been taken near New Bedford in 1842; its weight was 3,053 pounds. The Sperm Whale is black or brownish-black, lighter on the sides, gray on the breast. When old it is gray about the nose and top of the head. HABITS OF ASSOCIATION, MOTION, BLOWING, ETC. Sperm Whales are gregarious and are often seen in large schools, which are, according to Beale, of two kinds, (1) of females accompanied by the young and one or two adult males, (2) of the young and half-grown males; the adult males always go singly. Their manner of motion is well described by Scammon as follows: 1 In 1663 a Spermaceti Whale of 55 foot long was cast up in Winter Harbor, near Casco Bay. The like hath hap- pened in other places of the country at several times, when, for want of skill to improve it, much gaiii hath slipped out of the hands of the Bnders. Hnbbard's History of New England, From the Discovery to 1680. Boston, 1846, p. 642. 'Britinh Empire in America. London, 1741, vol. i, pp. 188-189. 'FLEMING: British Animals, 1828, p. 29. Mi HAY: Catalogue of Seals and Whales, 1866, p. 203. SIBBALD: Phalainologia, 177:?, p. 3:5, pi. 1. Moi.Y.\i:r.\: Phil. Trans., xix, 1795, p. 508. 'Kl'TTY: fide Gray, op. cit. HINTKH anil WOODS: Mag. Nat. Hist., ii, 1829, p. 197. THOMPSON: Ma-. Nat. Hist., ii, 1827, p. 477. '"GRAY: op. cit., p. 204. T.I \is\ n i i : Ann. fr. et err. d'Anatomie et de Physiologic, ii, p. 235. "GKKVAls: Comptes-Rendus, 1864, p. 876. 10 NATURAL HISTORY OF AQUATIC ANIMALS. "Among the whole order of cetaceans there is none which respires with the same regularity as the Cachalot. When emerging to the surface, the first portion of the animal seen is the region of the hump ; then it raises its head, and respires slowly for the space of about three seconds, sending forth diagonally a volume of whitish vapor like an escape of steam; this is called the ' spout,' which, in ordinary weather, may be seen from the mast-head at a distance of three to five miles. In respir- ing at its leisure, the animal sometimes makes no headway through the water; at other times it moves quietly along at the rate of about two or three miles an hour; or if ' making a passage' from one feed- ing ground to another, it may accelerate its velocity. When in progressive motion, after ' blowing,' hardly an instant is required for inspiration, when the animal dips its head a little, and moment- arily disappears; then it rises again to blow as before, each respiration being made with great regularity. * * With the largest bulls, the time occupied iu performing one inspiration is from ten to twelve seconds, and the animal will generally blow from sixty to seventy-five times at a rising, remaining upon the surface of the sea about twelve minutes. As soon as 'his spontiugs are out' he pitches headforemost downwards; theu 'rounding out,' turns his flukes high in the air, and, when gaining nearly a perpendicular attitude, descends to a great depth, and there remains from fifteen minutes to an hour and a quarter. " When the Cachalot becomes alarmed or is sporting in the ocean, its actions are widely different. If frightened, it has the faculty of instantly sinking, although nearly in a horizontal attitude. When merely startled, it will frequently assume a perpendicular position, with the greater portion of its head above water, to look and listen ; or, when lying on the surface, it will sweep around from side to side with its flukes to ascertain whether there is any object within reach. At other times, when at play, it will elevate its flukes high iu the air, then strike them down with great force, which raises the water into spray and foam about it; this is termed 'lob- tailing.' Oftentimes it descends a few fathoms beneath the waves; then, giving a powerful shoot nearly out of the water, at an angle of 45 or less, falls on its side, coming down with a heavy splash, producing a pyramid of foam which may be seen from the masthead on a clear day, at least ten miles, and is of great advantage to the whaler when searching for his prey. * * * * When individually attacked it makes a desperate struggle for life, and often escapes after a hard contest. Nevertheless, it is not an unusual occurrence for the oldest males to be takefl with but little effort on t!ie part of the whaler. After being struck, the animal will oftentimes lie for a few moments on the water as if paraly/ed, which affords the active man of the lance opportunity to dart his weapon effectually and complete the capture." ' Owing to the peculiar shape and posicion of the mouth, the Sperm Whale has to turn upon its side to seize large objects between its jaws, and when one of them attacks a boat, it is iu a reversed position, holding its lower jaw above the object it is trying to bite, as is shown in many pictures of whaling adventure. FOOD The food of this species consists of squids and of various kinds of fish. Couch tells of a young one, twenty feet long, taken on the coast of Cornwall, which had three hundred muck- t-rel in its stomach. Captain Atwood states that when struck by the harpoon they eject from the stomach quantities of large squids. KKPUODUCTION. They are said to breed at all seasons of the year. Scammon states that the time of gestation is supposed to be ten mouths, that the number of cubs is rarely two, never more, and that they are about one-fourth the length of their mother. In suckling the female reclines upon her side in the water. 1 SCAMMOK, CHARLES M. : The Marino Mammals of the Nortliwi'Kti-ni Coast of North America, described and and illimtr.ited, together with an account of the American Whale Fishery. San Francisco, 1874, pp. 74-84. I'.I.Ai KKISIIKS <>l: 1MI.OT \\ IIALKS. H USEFUL PRODUCTS. The peculiar products of tin- head of this cetacean, the sperm oil and the *i>i'nnnc'ti, render its capture particularly profitable. According to Cuptiiin At wood about one tilth of tin- yield of oil may he generally set down as the amount of spermaceti afforded by a Sperm Whale. The tth are used by ivory cutters, and the ambergris is a substance- valuable to druggiMs and perfumers. The parts of the body are to be described in the chapter on oil making, where tiie manner of ciiitini; away the liltibl>er will be discussed. The great lower jaws with their rows of bristling teeth are often brought home as trophies by whalers, and in Provincetown, New Bedford, or Nantiicket may be seen gateways spanned by arches made of these bones. 1 The following statement of yield of oil from whales taken by New Bedford whalers was furnished by ('apt. Benjamin liussell in 1875: ('apt. ('. Allen captured one Sperm Whale, which tried out 150 barrels. Captain Tilton captured one Sperm Whale, which tried out 154 barrels. Captain Spooiier captured one S|>eriii Whale, which tried out 130 barrels. Captain Rnowles captured one Sperm Whale, which tried out l'J7 barrels. A number of captains report Sperm Whales yielding from 80 to 1-0 barrels each. Tin: I'OKPOISE SI-KUM WHALE. A small cetacean rather closely allied to the 3] term Whale, and called by certain authors the Porpoise Sperm Whale, occurs in the wa mer parts of the Pacific. A specimen nine feet long was taken at Mazatlan, and was described by Professor Hill under the name Kogia Floiceri. 1 It is of no economic importance. Nothing is known of its habits. A sketch of the animal and its jaw are preserved in the National Museum. 2. THE BLACKFISHES OR PILOT WHALES. DISTRIBUTION. Th Blackftsh, Gloliiceplmlu* intermedia* (Harluin Cray, is one of the most imp., i lain and most abundant of the small whales of the east coast. It occurs in great numbers to the northeast of the Grand Bank, and off the New England and Middle States. IJow far south it ranges is not certainly known. A closely related species is the Pilot Whale or Cuing Whale of Europe, (i. xritit'i-til (Lac.) Gray, also called Black Whale, Social Whale, Blowing Whale, and Bottlehead, the. Svine -lival of Scandinavia; abundant in the North Sea and the northeastern 1 In 1 >onv;las-s's North America (Boston and London, 175f>, vol. i, p. 57), the products of the Sperm Whale are thus discoursed upon : "Sperma ceti Whales are to be found ulmogt everywhere, they have no bone, so called; some may yield CO to 70 barrels oil called viscous oil, the fittest for lamps or a burning light. It is from this whale that we have the par- macit i v or spermaceti (very improperly so called). The ancients were at a loss whether it was an animal or mineral substance ; Schroder, a celebrated Pharmacopoeia writer about the middle of last century, calls it Aliud genus bitu- minis quod gperma ceti officiuao vocaut, he describes it I'inguedo furfiirosa product n exhalalioue terra sulphurcae. We now find thai any part of its oil, but more abundantly the head-matter, as the whalers term it, if it stand at rest and in the sun will shoot into adipous (leaks resembling in some manner the chrystalisat ion of Baits: instead of sperma eeti. il ought to ! called adeps ceti, in the matcria niedica. This same w hale gives the ambergrease, a kind of per- fiiuic. as i, musk: anciently it was by the natural historians described as a kind of bitumen, hence the name Ambra grisea. Dale, a noted author, in his pharmacologia not long since publishes it as such. It is now fully discovered to be some production from this species of whale, for some time it was imagined some peculiar concreted juice lodged ina peculiar cystis, in the same manner as is the castoreum of the heaver or Fiber Canadenti*, and the zibethum of the civ it -cat 01 hyena, in cystis's both sides of the Aui rima; thus, not long since, some of our Nantnckct whalers imag- ined that in some (very few and rare) of these male or bull whales, they hud found the gland or cystis in the loins m ar the spcrmatick organs: late and more accurate observations seem to declare it to be some part of the ordure, ilung, or a I vine excrement of the whale; squid-fish, one of the Newfoundland baits for cod, are Miun-tiun > in Newfoundland cast ashore in qiiiintitic<, and as they corrupt and fry in the sun they IM-COIUB a jelly or substance of an umlxTgreMe smell: therefore as si|tiid bills are sometimes found in the lumps of ambergrease. it ma\ be inferred, that aniliergreae is some of the excrement from squid-food, with some singular circumstances or dispositions that procure this quality, seldom couciiiring; thus the Xautiickci whalers for some years last, have found no ambergrease in their whal.-s. The Sperma ceti Whale has no bone or baleii.e in his mouth, but fine white teeth; they are most plenty upon I he coast of Virginia and Carolina." i. 1 1 i.: Sperm-Whales, Giant and Pigmy, < American Naturalist, iv, p. 738, fig. 167. 12 NATURAL HISTORY OF AQUATIC ANIMALS. Atlantic. Another species is the Rlackfish of the Eastern Pacific., G. Scymnionil Co) e, once abundant, according to Scammon, on the coast of Lower California, but now usually found off Guatemala, Ecuador, and Peru, though occasionally ranging to high northern and southern latitudes. SIZE. The ordinary length of the New England Blackfish is fifteen to eighteen feet, though they sometimes grow larger. The largest ever seen by Capt. Caleb Cook, a veteran oil maker of Cape Cod, measured twenty-five feet and yielded five barrels of oil. The weight of a fifteen foot Rlackfish is estimated at 800 to 1,000 pounds. MOVKMENTS. They swim in large schools, sometimes several hundred together. They make little commotion at the surface of the water as they swim, not rolling like their little kindred, the Porpoises, but come up often to spout, the jet of spray rising three or four feet, and emitted with a low, deep, snorting sound. When at the surface they often remain in sight several minutes. Usu- ally their movements are sluggish, though at times energetic enough, as can testify any one who has seen a school of them driven up on the beach. They feed upon schooling fish, menhaden, mackerel, herring, and squids. Rlackfish are in great terror of the Killer Whales, which drive them about mercilessly. In September, 1878, 1 saw a school of them which had for some days been hovering around the entrance to Provincetown Harbor fleeing tumultuously before two large whales with high back-fins. REPRODUCTION. They breed in summer about Cape Cod. Out of one hundred and nineteen driven ashore at Dennis in August, 1875, fully eighty were females with young, or recently born calves of seven or eight feet. A foetus cut from a gravid Rlackfish of eighteen feet was nearly seven feet long. All the females were yielding milk, and as the fishermen cut into their sides the warm fluid poured out in copious streams. Watson records, in the case of a female on the Rritish coast suckling its young, that the calf was four feet six inches long in December and seven feet in January. Scammon thinks that in the Pacific they breed at all seasons. He found mothers with young calves off the Gulf of Dulce, Guatemala, in February, 1853. STRANDING- OF THE RLACKFISH SCHOOLS. As will be told more in detail in another chapter, hundreds, and often thousands, of them are stranded yearly on the shores of Cape Cod. They occasionally run ashore at Nantucket, and instances have occurred of their being driven in at Cape Rreton. Although there have been similar instances in Europe, especially at the Orkneys, I can- not learn that such occurrences are sufficiently common anywhere else to be counted on by the people as a regular source of income. A Cape Cod fisherman occasionally wakes up in the morning to find two or three of these animals stranded in his back yard. "A pretty windfall," remarked one of them to me. Cape Cod, projecting far out to sea, with its sloping, unbroken sandy shores, seems like a trap or weir naturally adapted for their capture, and the Indians took advantage of this circumstance long before the European settlement. The Pilgrims, in 1G20, found Indians on the shore at Wellfleet cutting up a Grampus, and in the shell-heaps of the surrounding region are yet to be found many evidences of their use of the smaller cetaceans for food. It is doubtful whether the Rlackfish, stupid as they seem, would ever run ashore if not frightened by such enemies as the Killer. In fact a large share of those which become stranded are purposely driven up out of shoal water, into which they have strayed, by men in boats. Little can be said about the time when they are most abundant. It seems to depend on the supply of suitable food. Captain Cook believes that they feed mostly or entirely upon squids, and if this be the case their appearance must be regulated by the abundance of those animals. They are never seen earlier than June or later than December. Thirty years ago they were most BLACKFISIIKS AND GRAMPUSES. 13 plentiful ill August. Before 1874 they had never been s-<-n before July. In .lul\. !<;,. school Of llil cnine ashiire at North Dennis. Those taken in the fall are usually the fattest. CAPTVKi: or P.I. \cNnsir. Many years ago several Cii|M) Cod whalers made a business of pursuing th Hlaektish on the whaling grounds east of i he (i rand Hank. This enterprise, described in the ehapteron the whale tisliery, has been abandoned, but it is not uncommon for ordinary whalemen to kill them from their boats to obtain supplies of fresh meat, ami of oil to burn on shipboard. That the flesh is not unpalatable the writer maintains, and can summon as witnesses a number of persons who tasted one at tbe Smithsonian Institution in 1874. There is a fishery for them at the Faroe Islands and in the Pacific, says Seammon, small vessels arc ocea>ionally fitted out for their capture. "Sperm whalers," he writes, "do not lower their boats for Blackfish when on Sperm Whale ground, unless tin 1 day is far spent and there is little prospect of 'seeing whales.' The northern polar or whale-ships pay but little attention to them, except, perhaps, when passing the time -between seasons,' cruising within or about the tropics." USEFUL PRODUCTS. The yield of oil from a Black-fish varies, according to the, size, and fatness of the animal, from ten gallons to ten barrels. This is dark in color, and is classed with the ordinary "body oil" or '' whale oil." The blubber varies from one to four inches in thickness, and is nearly white. The jaws yield a fine quality of machine oil, known as "porpoise jaw-oil", of which however, n limited quantity suffices to supply the market. The value of a stranded Blackfish in Cape Cod varies from $5 to $40. As is related elsewhere, Blackfish are often taken by whaling vessels when on a cruise, to obtain oil for burning and a supply of fresh meat. The brains are made by the ship's cook into "dainty cakes," as the whalemen call them, and the livers are said to be delicate and appetizing. 1 Blackfish are harpooned by the Grand Bank cod-fishermen to be cut np and used for bait. 3. THE GRAMPUSES OB COWFISHES. DISTRIBUTION. Associated with the Blackfish on our east coast, though not so common, and rarely stranded, is the Cowfish, Grampus grisevs (Lesson) Gray, also found in Europe, south to the British channel or farther, and there known as the "Grampus." COLOR AND SIZE. Its slate-colored sides are curiously variegated with white markings, very irregular in size, shape and direction, evidently the results of accidental scratches in the epidermis. 1 1635, July 25 (on the Newfoundland Banks). On Friday, in the evening, we had an hour or two of marvel- long delightful recreation, which also was a feast unto us for many days after, while we fed upon the flesh of three Inifje porpoises, like to as many fat hogs, striked by our seamen, and hauled with ropes into the ship. The flesh of them was good meat, with salt, pepper and vinegar; the fat, like fat bacon, the lean like bull-beef; and on Saturday evening they took another also. Richard Mather's Journal. Young's Chronicles of the First Planter* of Mass. Bay Colony. Boston, 1846, p. 4(. I cannot refrain from quoting the following passage from the journal of the Rev. Richard Mather, one of the earliest of the Massachusetts colonists: " 1 or '> shil- ling* apiece, and not much unlike for shape, with flesh fat nnd lean, like in color to the fat and lean of a !>;; and iM-ing opened npon the deck, had within his entrails, as liver, lights, heart, guts, &c., for all the world likr n swinr. The seeing of him hauled into tho ship, like a swine from the sty to the trestle, and opened npon the d-<-K in \ it-w of all our company, was wonderful to us all, and marvellous merry sport, and delightful to our women and rhildrrii. So good was our God nnto us, in affording us the day before spiritual refreshing to our souls and this day morning also delightful recreation to our bodies, at the taking and opening of this huge and strange fish." Young's Chronicles of the First Planters of Mass. Bay Colony. Boston, 1846, p. 460. 14 NATURAL HISTORY OF AQUATIC ANIMALS. Captain Cook thinks that these are the marks of the teeth made by the animals in playing with each other. It attains the length of fifteen or twenty feet, but is slenderer than the Blackiish. Its jaws are esteemed by the makers of fine oil. HABITS. Regarding this species, Captain Cook writes: "About the same time that the IJIack- flsh made their appearance in our waters, there was another of the whale kind made tin ir appear- ance also, called by the fishermen Cowfish. These whales are very much in shape of the Blackfish, only smaller, not so fat, and not so dark colored. These fish have only made their appearance in our waters three or four times for the last forty years, or about once in ten years. Probably not more than fifty have been taken in this period. The method of taking them is the same as that used for Blackfish." Several specimens, old and young, were obtained by the Fish Commission in 1875, November 29, November 30, and December 2. and their casts are in the National Museum. That this animal was known to the early colonists of New England appears probable from allusions in the early records. 1 PRODUCTS. The oil of the Cowfish, particularly that of its jaws, is highly prized, though prob- ably no better than that of the Blackfish. The "Barnstable Patriot" of November 7, 1828, has this item: "A quantity of oil from the Grampus lately caught at Harpswell has been sold at Bath at $18 per barrel." It is very possible, however, that the Barnstable people of 1828 designate the Blackfish and the Grampus by tire same name. Douglass' "North America," published in 1755, remarks: "Blackfish, i. e. Grampus, of six to ten barrels oil, Bottlenose of three or four barrels, may (like sheep) be drove ashore by boats." THE CALIFORNIA GRAMPUS. On the California coast occurs the Whiteheaded or Mottled Grampus, O. Stearnsii Dall, described by Scaminon as growing to the average length of ten feet. "They are gregarious," he writes, "and congregate frequently in large schools; at- times two or three, or even a solitary individual will be met with, wandering about the coast or up the bays in quest of food, which consists of fish and several varieties of crustaceans. It is rarely taken, as it is extremely shy." He refers also to four other forms, unknown to zoologists, but familiar to whale- men: chief among these is the "Bottlenose," which grows to be twenty-five feet long, and has occasionally been taken, though with much dilficulty owing to its great strength and speed. Its oil is reputed to be equal in quality to that of the Sperm Whale. 4. THE HARBOR PORPOISES OB HERRING HOGS. DISTRIBUTION. On the Atlantic coast occurs most abundantly the little Harbor Porpoise, Phocana brachycion Cope, known to the fishermen as "Puffer," "Snuffer," "Snuffing Pig," or " Herring Hog." The Bay Porpoise of California, P. vomerina Gill, and the Common Porpoise or Marsuin of Europe, are very similar in size, shape, and habits: with the latter in fact it is probably specifically identical. The Atlantic species occurs off Nova Scotia and probably farther north- ward, and ranges south at least to Florida. The California species, according to Scammon, has been found at Banderas Bay and about the mouth of the Piginto River, Mexico (latitude 20 3d'), and north to the Columbia River (latitude 46 16'). In the winter these Porpoises are seen off Astoria and in Cathlamet Bay twenty miles above, but in spring and summer, when the river is fresh to its month, they leave the Columbia. The Atlantic Porpoise also ascends rivers. They go 'Belknap's American Biography has Hie following account of one of the journeys of the first settlers of Massa- chusetts in 1620: "The next morning, Thursday, December?, they divided themselves into two parties, eight in the shallop, and the lest on shore, to make farther discovery of this place, which they found to be 'a bay, without either river or creek coming into it.' They gave it the name of Grampus Bay, because they saw many fish of that species." Belknap' American Biography, New York, 1846, vol. ii, p. 318. IIAIMHH: rmimisKS: MOYKMKNTS AND HAKITS. i;, up tin- S:iini John's iii I'loi nl.i tit Jacksonville, and alionl ]S."iO one was taken in the Connect ieut at Middlctown. twenty miles from brackish water. In I'.niupe the\ ascend tin- Thames, the Weser, and other streams. SIZK AMI MI>VI:MK\TS. They rarely exceed four or four and a half feet in length. Everyone lias seen t linn rolling and pulling outside of the breakers or in the harbors and river mouths. The wotein Ailant ir species swim in droves of from ten to one hundred, but Scammon says that those of California are never found associated in large numbers, though six or eight are often seen together. In Kngland, aeeordiug to Conch, seldom more than two are seen at once. They never spring from the water like Dolphins, but their motion is a rolling one and brings the back-fin often into sight, this always appearing shortly after the head has been exposed and the little puff of spray seen and the accompanying grunt heard. The rolling motion is caused by the fact that to breathe through the nostrils, situate on the top of the snout, they must assume a somewhat erect posture, descending from which the body passes through a considerable portion of a circle. I;I;I'I,-(IDUCTION. The breeding season is in summer, in August and September, in Passama- quoddy l>ay, perhaps also at other times. The new-born young of an English Porpoise fifty-six inches long, measured twenty-six inches, and was sixteen inches in circumference. FOOD. They feed on fish, particularly on schooling species like the herring and menhaden, and are responsible for an enormous destruction of useful food material. USES. Though frequently taken in the pounds and seines along both coasts and off Massa- chusetts in the gill-nets set for mackerel, they are of little importance except to the Indians of Maine and our Northwestern Territories, who carry on an organized pursuit of them, shooting them from their canoes. This industry will be described in the chapter upon ABORIGINAL FISHEHIES. DESTRTTCTIVENESS. The Porpoise is pugnacious as well as playful. A fisherman in Florida told me that he once tried to pen a school of them in a little creek by anchoring his boat across its entrance. When they caine down the creek they sprang over the boat against the sail, through which they tore their way and regained the river. A correspondent, whose name has been mislaid, writes: "A very unusual event occurred at Far Rockaway on Tuesday morning, about four o'clock, in front of the Nelson House. A school of Drumflsh were chased into shallow water by a school of Porpoises. The Drumfish tried their best to get away, but the Porpoises pursued them so hotly that a number of the former were driven ashore. The people of the hotel were awakened by a great splashing and a noise somewhat similar to but less distinct than the grunt of a frightened hog. Looking out of the windows they saw the Porpoises striking the Drumflsh with their tails. Soon after the Porpoises turned and left. The porters at the hotel and some of the fishermen secured with boat-hooks about twenty-five dead Drumfish, and a large number are still floating around Jamaica Bay. The Drumfish secured weighed from thirty to seventy pounds each. Some were sent to Canarsie for exhibition and others to Fulton Market for sale." The Drum being an enemy of the Oyster, it is possible that the Porpoise by destroying them is a benefactor. It would be no more curious than the experience of the Canadian Government in decreasing their Salmon fishery in the St. Lawrence by destroying the White \Vh;iles which preyed upon the seals, the enemies of the Salmon. The story about the Porpoises killing drum seems incredible, but is supported by Sir Charles Lyell's account of a battle between the Porjwises and the Alligators in Florida: "Mr. Couper told me that in the summer of 1845 he saw a shoal of Por- poises coming up to that part of the Altamaha where the fresh and salt water meet, a space about a mile in lengtli, the favorite fishing ground of the Alligators, where there is brackish water, which shifts its place according to the varying strength of the river and the tide. Here were seen about fifty Alligators, each with head and neck raised above water, looking down the stream at 16 NATURAL HISTORY OF AQUATIC ANIMALS. their enemies, before whom they had fled terror-stricken and expecting an attack. The Porpoises, not more than a dozen in number, moved on in two ranks, and were evidently complete masters of the field. So powerful indeed are they that they have been known to chase a large Alligator to the bank, and, putting their snouts under his belly, toss him ashore." 1 The authority referred to, Mr. Hamilton Couper, of Hopeton, Ga., was a gentleman of some prominence as a geological observer. 5. THE DOLPHINS. HABITS. The Dolphins constitute a large group of cetaceans, represented by many species, and abundant everywhere in temperate and tropical seas. They are often seen in mid-ocean sporting in large schools, pursuing the pelagic fishes, but are still more common near the coast. They are from five to fifteen feet long, gracefully formed, and very swift. Nowhere are they the objects of organized pursuit, though frequently caught in nets or harpooned from the bows of vessels at sea. Many cod schooners fishing on the Grand Banks, especially those from Cape Cod, depend chiefly for bait upon the Porpoises they can kill and the birds they cau catch. The best known species on the Atlantic coast are the "Skunk Porpoise" or "Bay Porpoise," Lagenorhynchus perspicillatus Cope, and related forms. Large schools are often seen in the sounds and along (he shore. They are easily distinguished from the little Harbor Porpoise, just spoken of, by the broad stripes of white and yellow upon their sides. When schools of a hundred or more can be surrounded and driven ashore by the fishermen, as is often done on Cape Cod, a large profit is made from the sale of their bodies to the oil-makers, though they are not so much prized as the Blackfish, so much larger and fatter. A closely related species is the Common Porpoise of California, Lagenorhynchus oMquidens Gill. "They are seen," writes Captain Scammon, "in numbers varying from a dozen up to many hundreds tumbling over the surface of the sea, or making arching leaps, plunging again on the same curve, or darting high and falling diagonally sidewise upon the water with a spiteful splash, accompanied by a report which may be heard to some distance. In calm weather they are seen in numerous shoals, leaping, plunging, lobtailing and finning, while the assemblage moves swiftly in various directions. They abound more along the coasts where small fish are found. Occasionally a large number of them will get into a school of fish, frightening them so much that they lose nearly all control of their movements, while the Porpoises fill themselves to repletion." The Right Whale Porpoise, Leucorhamphus borealis (Peale) Gill, is found in the Pacific from Bering Sea to Lower California, though not so abundantly as the last. The Right Whale Porpoise of the Atlantic, often .spoken of by our whalers, is a related species, perhaps L. Peronii (Lac.) Lilljeboi g, abundant in the South Atlantic and Pacific, but not yet recorded by naturalists for our waters. Several species of the true Dolphins occur in the North Atlantic, but only one, Delphinus clymenw, has been found with us, Cope having secured it in New Jersey. Baird's Dolphin />. Bairdii Ball, a species six or seven feet long and weighing 100 to 175 pounds, is frequent in Cali- fornia. The Cowfish of California, Tursiops Gillii Ball, is a sluggish species known to the whale- men of the lagoons, 2 and an allied species, T. erebennus (Cope) Gill, is known on the Atlantic coast. New forms of this group sire constantly being discovered. All are of commercial value when taken. Second Visit to the United States, vol. i, 1349, p. ?Ztl. The habits of the C'owfish, as observed on the coasts of California and Mexico, are strikingly different from those of the true Porpoises. It is often remarked by whalemen that they area "mongrel breed" of don btfol character, b-ing frequently seen in company with Blacknah, sometimes with Porpoises, and occasionally with Hiinipliacks. when the latter are found in large numbers on an abundant feeding ground. They arc met with likewise in the higoons along the coast, singly or in pairs, or in fives and sixes rarely a larger number together straggling about in a vagi-nut 1111111- ner through the winding estuaries, subsisting on the fish that abound in these circumscribed waters. At times they are seen moving lazily along under the shade of the mangroves that in many places fringe the shores, at other times lying about in listless attitudes among the plentiful supplies of food surrounding them. SCAMMON: op. cit., p. 101. Till-: KILL i-:u WHAM:*; IIAIUIS AND 0888. 17 6. THE KILLER WHALES OR ORCA8. HABITS AND DISTIMIM HON. The Killer Whales are known the world over by their destruc- tive Mini savage habits. Although their strength and speed render :t almost impossible to capture thorn, they are of importance to the fisherman as enemies of all large sea animals, often putting them to llifjht at inconvenient times. The Atlantic species, Orca gladiator (Boimuterre) Gill, was tii si brought to notice in 1671 in Martens' "Voyage to Spitzbergen." It is often seen on the New Kngland coast in summer, driving before it schools of the blackfish or othersm all whales: it is a special enemy of the tunny or horse mackerel: Captain Atwood tells of the consternation shown by these enormous tishes when a number of them have gathered in Provinretown Harbor and the Killers come iu. They are a great annoyance to the Cape Cod people when they are trying to drive a school of blackflsh ashore, and on the other hand often drive these ashore when they would not be accessible to the fishermen. They prey largely, too, upon the white whale in northern seas. In the Pacific there are two species at least, the Low-finned Killer, Orca atra Cope, and the High- tinned Killer, Orca rectipinna. The latter, though rarely more than twenty feet long, has an enormous dagger-shaped fin, six feet high, upon its back, which towers above the surface when the animal swims high. In fact the Killer Whales all have these high back-fins, by which they may be recognized at any distance. DESTHUCTIVENESS. Captain Scammon, in his "Marine Mammals of the Northwestern Coast," gives a long account of their habits, and of their fierce attacks upon the largest whales. The stories of the combats of the swordfish and the thresher shark upon whales have probably originated in such combats as these, witnessed at a distance and imperfectly understood. Captain Scammon writes: " The attacks of these wolves of the ocean upon their gigantic prey may IHJ likened in some respects to a pack of hounds holding the stricken deer at bay. They cluster about the animal's head, some of their number breaching over it while others seize it by the lips and haul the bleeding monster tinder water; and when captured, should the mouth be open, they eat out its tongue. We saw an attack made by three Killers upon a cow whale and her calf iu a lagoon on the coast of Lower California, in the spring of 1858. The whale was of the California gray species, and her young was grown to three times the bulk of the largest Killers engaged in the contest, which lasted for an hour or more. They made alternate assaults upon the old whale and her offspring, finally killing the latter, which sunk to the bottom, where the water was five fathoms deep. During the struggle, the mother became nearly exhausted, having received several deep wounds about the throat and lips. As soon as their prize had settled to the bottom, the three Orcas descended, bringing up large pieces of flesh in their months, which they devoured after coming to the surface. While gorging themselves in this wise the old whale made her escape, leaving a track of gory water behind." 1 ANNOYANCE TO WHALEMEN. Instances are given where whales which had been killed by whale- men and were being towed to the ship have been forcibly carried away by bands of Killers. They are also obnoxious as destroyers of the young fur seal, and often remain for a long time in the vicinity of the seal islands. Eschricht says that thirteen porpoises and fourteen seals were found in the stomach of an Atlantic Killer, sixteen feet in length. They are particularly abundant in the bays and sounds of British Columbia and Alaska, iu search of seals and porpoises feeding there upon small fish. They even attack the full-grown walrus and rob it of its young. USES. Their range is cosmopolitan. They are never attacked by whale ships, and their only pursuers in America are the Makah Indians of Washington Territory, who, according to Scammon, : /-. fit., pp. -'.' 111. 2P 18 THE WHALES AND PORPOISES. occasionally take them about Cape Flattery, considering; their fat and flesh luxurious food. Their jaws, studded with strong conical teeth, are often sold in our curiosity shous. 7. THE SPERM WHALE PORPOISE. CAPTURE OF TWO INDIVIDUALS IN NEW ENGLAND. A specimen twenty-five feet long; of this animal, Hypcraodan bidens Owen, was found on the beach at North Dennis, Mass., January 29, I860; another was obtained in 18GG or 18G7 at Tivertou Stone Bridge, K. I. I am indebted to Mr. J. H. Blake for an outline of this cetacean, and the following notes, taken by him at the time, he having visited Dennis and obtained the skeleton for the Museum of Comparative Zoology : "When found," he writes, "the blood was still warm. It was twenty-five feet long, six feet high, and the tail was six feet across. The flippers were twenty-nine inches long, the snout twenty inches. The hump on the back was three or four inches high, thick at the base and narrowing toward the tip. The blubber was two and a half to four inches thick, and sold for $175. Squid-beaks enough to fill two water-buckets were taken from the stomach." 8. THE WHITE WHALE. DISTRIBUTION. The White Whale, Delpliinapterus catodon (Linn.) Gill, first described in 1071 in Martens' " Voyage to Spitzbergen," resembles in form the other members of the Dolphin family, slender and graceful, with a small head and powerful tail. The adult, which attains a length of fifteen or sixteen feet, is creamy white in color ; the young, five or six feet long when newly born, is lead-colored, passing through a period of mottled coloration before assuming the mature appear ance. The species is abundant in the North Atlantic, North Pacific, and Arctic Oceans. Stragglers have been seen in the Frith of Forth, latitude 56. while on the American coast several have been taken within the past decade on the north shore of Cape Cod. They are slightly abundant in New England waters, but in the Saint Lawrence River and on the coast of Labrador are plentiful, and the object of a profitable fishery. They abound in the Bering and Okhotsk Seas, and ascend the Yukon River, Alaska, to a distance of 700 miles. The names iu use are Beluga and Whitefish among whalers, Porpoise, Dauphin Blanc, Marsuin or Marsoon in Canada, and Keela Luak with the Greenland Eskimos. HABITS. The species is familiar to many from having been recently exhibited in several aqua- riums, and also by traveling showmen. When in captivity they feed on living eels, of which a grown individual consumes two or three bushels daily. They are also known to subsist on bottom fish, like flounders and halibut, on cod, haddock, and salmon, squids and prawns. They are, in their turn, the food of larger whales, such as the killer or orca. They swim in small schools, entering shallow sounds and rapid rivers in swift pursuit of their food. They spout inconspicuously, and are not easily distinguished when swimming. The few which have been taken recently along our Atlantic coast have been sold to aquariums or to natural history museums, yielding good prices to their captors. The fishery iu the livn Saint Lawrence is of considerable importance. HISTORICAL NOTE. The first allusion to the occurrence of this cetacean in our waters was printed by Josslyn in 1G75, in his "Account of Two Voyages to New Kngland": "The Kea.-Uare is asbigns Grampus or Herrin-hog, and as white as a sheet; There hath been of them in Black -point IlarlxHir, & some way up the river, but we could never lake any of them, several have shot sin ggs at them, but lost their labour." CAPTURES IN MASSACHUSETTS. "About the year 1857," writes Captain Atwood, "a species of cetacean twelve or fourteen feet long was killed in Proviucetown Harbor, oif Long Point, which no NVIIITK WIIAI.K AND NAKWIFAL. ].! one knew. I examined it and found it to differ from nil tin- others then known here. Not long after it was announced that there was a White Whale on exhibition at the Aipiarial Gardens m I'.oston; that Mr. Cutting had brought alive fr the Kiver Saint Lawrence a species that had never Keen seen south of that river. Soon after I visited Boston and called to see it. I pronounced Jt to be identical with the unknown species taken at I'rovincetown. In 1875 or 187ti another was seen in the harbor, but the boats could not get it." October 11. 1ST."., two individuals, a cow about ten feet long and weighing 700 pound- approx- imately, and a calf nearly as large as its mother, weighing about 500 pounds, were taken in the Yarmouth Kiver by Capt Benjamin Ijovell. They were sold to the Boston Society of Natural History. 1 Usr.s. Certain oil manufacturers from Cape Cod have agencies in Canada, from which they obtain the materials for the manufacture of an excellent machine oil, sold under the name of 1'orpoisc jaw oil." A large White Whale yields from eighty to one hundred gallons of ordinary oil, besides t he more precious head oil. Porpoise leather is made from the skins, a leather of almost indestructible texture, and peculiarly impervious to water. From this the Canadian mail-bags are made, and, to some extent, tourists' walking shoes. On our Alaska coast they are not unfrequently taken, chiclly by the natives, but the tishery has not yet become of commercial importance. In Kastcrn Siberia, according to Scammon, there are extensive fisheries carried on by the natives from June to September, with nets and harpoons. They eat the flesh and sell the oil, a considerable portion of which is no doubt secured by American whale ships. 2 9. THE NARWHAL. IMSTHIBUTION. The Narwhal, Monodmi monocerox Linn., whose long spiral tusk has always been an object of curiosity, and gave rise to the stories of the imaginary creature known as the Unicorn, is now found in only one part of the United States along the northern shores of Alaska. Jt is still abundant in the Arctic Ocean, and many tusks are brought down yearly by American and European whalers, obtained from the natives of Greenland and Siberia. It has long since ceased to appear on the coasts of Great Britain, the last having been seen off Lincolnshire in 1800. There is a record of one having been seen in the Elbe at llauiburg in 1736. SIZE, USES, ETC. The Narwhal is ten to fourteen feet long, somewhat resembling the white whale in form, is black, and in old age mottled or nearly white. The tusk, a modified tooth, grows out of the left side of the upper jaw, to the length of eight or ten feet. All its teeth, except its tusks, are early lost, and if is said to feed on fish and soft sea-animals. The Eskimos utilize it in many ways. Its ivory, however, is the only product of value to civilized man, this being made 1 Yesterday morning Capt. Benjamin Lovell captnred two fine specimens of the White Whale in the weir at Yarmouth, which is probably the first time this kind of lisli has been taken in the witters ( the United States on the Atlantic seaboard. The specimens captured are a cow and calf, the former about ton feet long, perfectly white, and weighing about 700 pounds, and the latter some two feet less in length, of a dark gray color, and about 500 pounds Wright, both being quite fat. Evening Standard, New Bedford, October la, 1875. 'At a meeting, in 1860, of the Polytechnic Association of the American Institute, in New York, a paper was read, prepared l>y D. H. Tetu, of Kamonraska, Canada; on the White Whale of the Saint Lawrence. The Canadians call it a Porpoise; it is found for a distance of 2(10 miles between Saint Koch and Father Point, also in the rivers emptying into Hudson's Bay. Since the discovery of Canada, an article of commerce, but the oil not very good and little use found lor the gkiu; lately M. Tetn has succeeded in purifying the oil and tanning the skin. The oil is equal to the best sperm oil. The average price of the animal ten years ago was $40, now it is |150. The average weight is 2,500 pounds; the largest weigh .1,000 pounds, and are worth $200. The avenge length is twenty-two feet, and circumfer- ence lift eon feet. M. Tetu caught the whale in nets near the river Saguenay. The skin does not make good sole-lent her, being too pliable. Ordinary tanning processes are employed, except that the lining is omitted, and the training" takes more time on account of the closeness of the fiber of the skin. The leather is very durable, and the skin nf a whale i equal to the skins of twelve to twenty-four calves. The leather is ehiotly used in the British army. 20 THE WHALES AND PORPOISES. into canes and other articles of ornament. The supply in this country is chiefly imported from Denmark. In New York City in 1880 a good tusk sold for $50. 10. THE GREENLAND, BOWHEAD, OR POLAR WHALE. CONFUSION BETWEEN THE BOWHEAD AND THE RIGHT WHALE. Much uncertainty has resulted from the manner in which the Bowhead of the arctic regions has been confused with the right whales of the adjoining temperate seas. Murray, writing in 18G6, 1 made no attempt to clear up the subject; previous writers were confused as well as vague, and it, is only in Scammon's writings that a clear account of the distribution and habits of the species is to be found. The materials for the following biographical sketch are derived in the main from the statements of this author, and quotation marks are omitted only -because the facts are arranged in a new sequence. 2 DISTRIBUTION. The range of the true Balcena mysticetus extends west from Nova Zembla to the coast of Eastern Siberia. Its northern limits yet remain undefined : it is seldom seen in Bering Sea south of the fifty-fifth parallel, which is about the southern extent of the winter ice, though in the Sea of Okhotsk it ranges south to the parallel of 54. It was formerly found to the north of Spitzbergen, but it has been shown by Eschriclit and Eeinhardt that its habitat is, and always has been, confined to the polar seas, and that it has no claim to a place in the fauna of Europe. 3 Everything tends to prove that the Bowhead is truly an "ice-whale," for its home is among the scattered floes or about the borders of the ice-fields or barriers. It is true that these animals are pursued in the open water during the summer months, but in no instance has their capture been recorded south of where winter ice-fields are occasionally met with. In the Okhotsk Sea they are found throughout the season after the ice disappears, nevertheless they remain around the floes till these are dispelled by the summer sun, and they are found in the same localities after the surface of the water has again become congealed in winter. 1 MURRAY : Geographical Distribution of Mammals, pp. 207-208. a ln "A Digression concerning Whaling," written in 1748, published in Douglass' North America, Boston anil London, 1755, vol. i, p. 56, is the earliest discrimination I have met with of the Bowhead and the Right Whale of the extra-polar regions. Some interesting facts are given : "The New- England whalers distinguish 10 or 12 different species of the whale-kind ; the, most beneficialia the black whale, whale-bone whale, or true whale, as they call it; in Davis's-straits in N. lat. 70 D. and upwards they are very large, some may yield 150 puncheons being 400 to 500 barrels oil, and bone of 1H feet and upwards ; they are a heavy loggy lish, and do not fight, as the New-Knghind whalers express it, they are easily struck and fastened, but not above one third of them are recovered ; by sinking and bewildering themselves under the ice, two thirds of them are lost irrecoverably ; the whalebone whales killed upon the coast of New-England, Terra de Labradore, and entrance of Davis's-straits, are smaller, do yield not exceeding 120 to 130 barrels oil, and 9 feet bone 140 Ib. wt. ; they are wilder more agile and do fight. "The New England whalers reckon so many ct. wt. bone, as bone is feet long ; for instance, 7 foot bone gives 700 wt. bone : New England bone scarce ever exceeds 9 feet ; and 100 barrels oil is supposed to yield 1000 wt. of bone ; whales killed in deep water, if they sink, never rise again." A few paragraphs below, however, he proceeds to mix the subject up again, speaking of the Finback, when it is quite evident that the Whale bo h:is in mind is not the right-whale but the "Right Whale." "The lin-baek. beside two small side-tins, has a large tin upon his back, may yield 50 to 00 barrels oil, his bone is brittle, of little or no nse, he swims swifter, and is very wild when stmck. The Bermmlians some years catch 20 of these whales, not in sloops, but in whale-boats from the shore as formerly at Cape-Cod. Tho governor of Bermudas hoi) a perquisite of 10. out of each old whale. "Whales are gregarious," he continues, " and great travellers or passengers ; in the autumn they go south, in tho spring they return northward. They copulate like neat cattle, but the female in a supine posture. The true or whalebone whale's swallow is not much bigger than that of an ox, feeds upon small fish and sea insects that keep in dholes, has only one small tin each side of his head of no great use to him in .swimming, but with a large, horizontal tail he sculs himself in the water. The North Cape (in X. Lat. 72 D. in Europe) whales, are of the same small kind as arc the New-England, and entrance of Davis's-straits: hero we may again observe, that the high European latitudes arc not so cold as the same American latitudes, because 72 D. is tle proper N. Lat. in Davis's-straits for the large whales, and the Dutch lish for them longsJdo of fields or large islands of ice, they use long warps, not drudges as in New-England." 'EecHRiciiT & UEINIIARDT: Om Nordhvalcn, 1861. Till-: KOU IIKAH: SI/K. CSKS. 21 liEiM:oi>i < i K>N. The lime and place of breeding arc not certainly known, l>ut it is supposed that tin- young arc horn in the inaccessible parts of tlic Arctic Ocean. In Tcliantar l'.a\ arc foiini) .small whales called I'oggys." which resemble the Bowhead, and uro hy many helievc<| to he their young. The Itowhcads of the Arctic are classed by Scammon as follows: (1) the largest wlmles of a In-own color. a\crage \ield of oil LMMI barrels; (_') smaller, color black, yield 100 hands; (;) .small- est, color black, yield 1~> barrels, and to these should perhaps be added (4) the " poggy," yield HO to L'.'I barrels. Those of the third class are generally found early in the season among the broken Hoes, and have been known to break through ice three inches thick that had been formed over water between the Hoes. This they do by coming up under and striking it with the arched portion of their heads. Hence they have been called "ice-breakers." KroNOMio IMPORTANCE. The Bowhead is the most valuable of the whalebone whales, not so much by reason of its size, for it rarely exceeds fifty feet in length, never sixty-five, but because it yields so large an amount of oil and whalebone. It is short, bulky, and bloated in appearance. Like the sperm whale, it has a head the length of which is nearly one-third of the total, and which is its most striking feature. The caudal fin is immense, being sixteen to twenty feet in extent from tip to tip, and correspondingly thick and broad. SIZE. Scammou gives measurements of two individuals. One, from the Arctic Ocean, August, 18(!7,was forty-seven feet long, and yielded eighty barrels of oil. The other, from the same ocean, in IS70, was forty-five feet long, yielded sixty barrels of oil and 1,050 pounds of bone. Capt. David <>i;-nlix, \vlii<-h occurs in northern seas, floating in great masses. When the Imwhcad is feeding it moves with considerable velocity near the surface, its jaws being open to allow the passage of currents of water into the cavity of the mouth ami through the layers of baleen at the sides. All eatable substances are strained out by the fringe*) of the baleen and arc swallowed. FKKDING HAIJITS. The manner of feeding is well described by Captain Gray : "When the food is near the surface they usually choose a space between two pieces of ice, from three to four hundred yards apart, which we term their beat, and swim backwards and forwards, until they arc satisfied that the supply of their food is exhausted. They often go with the point of their nose so near the surface that we can see the water running over it just as it does over a stone in a shallow stream: they turn round before coming to the surface to blow, and lie for a short time to lick the food oil 'their bone before going away for another mouthful. They often continue feeding in this way for hours, on and oft", afterwards disappearing under the nearest floe, sleeping, I believe, under the ice, and coining out again when ready for another meal. In no other way can this sudden reapiKjarance at the same spot be accounted for. ' Very often the food lies from ten to fifteen fathoms below the surface of the water. In this case the whales' movements are quite different. After feeding they come to the surface to breathe ami lie still for a minute. One can easily see the effort they make when swallowing. They then raise their heads partially out of the water, diving down again, and throwing their tails up in the air every time they disappear. Their course below the water can often be traced from their eddy. This is caused by the movement of the tail, which has the effect of smoothing the water in circles immediately behind them. "More whales have been caught when feeding in this way than in any other; they lie longer on the surface, often heading the same way every time they appear, which is very important to whale fishers, because whales must be approached tail-on to give any certainty of getting near enough to have a chance of harpooning them, and the harpooner has a better idea where to place his boat to be in readiness to pull on to them whenever they come to the surface. " Like all the other inhabitants of the sea, whales are affected by the tides, being most numerous at t lie full and change of the moon, beginning to appear three days before, and disappearing entirely three days after, the change. Often this will go on for mouths with the utmost regularity, unless some great change in the ice takes place, such as the Hoes breaking up on the ice being driven off the ground; in either case they will at once disappear. "No doubt whales are seen, and often token at any time of the tides; but if a herd is hunted middle of the jaw falling into the hollow funned by the shortness of the blades behind them, tut seen in the side view, is perfectly elear and satisfactory. It shows, moreover, how, whether the month U shut -itiiiii. the lateral spaces between the upper and lower jaw are always kept tilled np by the marvelunsly eonstnieted hair sieve, or strainer, which adapts itself by its flexibility and elasticity to the varying condition of the parts between which it is, as it were, stretched across. If the whalebone had been rigid and depending perpendicularly from th upper jaw when the mouth was opened, a space would be left between the tips of the whalebone forming the lowci due nf the strainer, which, as Captain flray justly remarks, would complet. ly interfere with its use, although tin- stifl". wall-like lower lip, closing in the sides of the mouth below, may have the effect of remedying such a contingency I" :i cei lain extent ; :it least, it would do so if the whalebone were short and linn as in the tinners. The function ol this great lip in .supporting the slender anil flexible lower ends of the blades of the (ireeiiland Whale and preventing them being driven outwards by tin- flow of water from within when the animal is closing its mouth, i evident from Captain U ray's drawings ami explanation. The whole apparatus is a most perfect piece of animal mc< haniuu. I'I.OWKK, \V. li. : Land and Water, December 1, l77,p. 470. 24 THE WHALES AND POEPOISES. systematically, and they are attached to a particular feeding bank, this is their usual habit. Neither can this peculiarity in their habits be easily accounted for; their food is as abundant during the neap as it is in the spring tides. "The principal food of the Greenland Whale consists of a small crustacean, not larger than the common house-fly, which is found in greatest abundance when the temperature of the sea is from 34 to 35, the ordinary temperature amongst ice being 29, the color of the water varying from dark brown to olive green and clear blue, the blue water being the coldest. " The Crustacea live upon the animalcule which color the water. They are transparent, and the contents of their stomachs can be easily seen to be dark brown or green as the case may be." ' 11. THE EIGHT WHALES. DISTRIBUTION AND AFFINITIES. There is no group of existing mammals so important as the Eight Whales, concerning which so little that is satisfactory is known. Zoologists have not yet determined how many species there are, nor what are the limits of their distribution. All that can be certainly said is, that Eight Whales that is, the right kind to kill for the whalebone occur in the North Atlantic and the North Pacific, and also in the cooler waters of the southern hemisphere. In the northern hemisphere they never cross the Tropic of Cancer, though in the south, both in the Pacific and the Atlantic, they have occasionally been known to cross that of Capricorn. The Eight Whales of the north have, until very recently, been confounded by whalemen and zoologists with the bowhead, or polar whale, to which they are closely related. There is one group of baleen-bearing whales, the rorquals, finners, or finbacks, which have a fin upon the back: the true Eight Whales, however, have none. The rorquals, the largest of whales, are very swift and slender, and are believed to occur in tropical as well as temperate seas, all the world over. The Eight Whale of the Western Atlantic has been described by E. D. Cope, under the name Eubalcena cisarctica. This species, not remotely related to the Eubalcena biscayensis, of the Eastern Atlantic, was formerly abundant on the coast of New England, and, as will be shown in the chapter on the shore whale fishery of New England, its presence in such numbers about Cape Cod was one of the chief reasons for planting the early English settlements in this district. Captain Atwood informs me that they are most abundant off Provincetown, in April and May, though occasionally seen at other seasons. One was killed in Cape Cod Bay, near Provincetown, in 1867 ; it was forty -eight feet long, and yielded eighty -four barrels of oil, as well as 1,000 pounds of baleen, valued at $1,000. Two or three others have since then been killed in the vicinity, but years now often pass by without any being seen. 2 A Eight Whale of forty to fifty feet was killed in the harbor of Charleston, S. C., January 7, 1880, after it had been swimming about within the bar several days. 3 In evidence of the former abundance of this species, may be mentioned the fact, that when, about the middle of the last century, whales began to be scarce along the coast, a largo fleet was dispatched to Davis Straits, where none but whalebone whales occur. E. cisarctica ocelli's at least as far south as the Bermudas. A species of Eight Whale is found also about the Azores. In the North Pacific occurs the Pacific Eight Whale, or " Northwest Whale" of the whalers, 'Land and Water, December 1, 1877, p. 470. WHALING AT PROVINCETOWN. A Right Whale was captured in Provincetown Harbor last Thursday, by a party in three boats. Estimated to yield sixty barrels of oil. Gloucester Telegraph, November 6, 1850. ' See Charleston News, January 8, 1880. THE K1GI1T WHALES: MOVKM KYI'S AND KEl'llODUCTlON. 25 cullamach (Chamisso) Cope. Its distribution is not well understood. Dall gives it as in tin- Arctic. Heriii^, and Seas, oil' I.oucr California, and, perhaps, in Japan.' Scaiiiinoii writes iliat in former years they were found on the coast of Oregon, and occasion - ally in large numbers; but their chief resort was upon what is termed the " Kodiak Ground," which . \tcii. Is northwestward from Vancouver's Island to the Aleutian Islands, and westward to tin- one hundredth and fiftieth meridian. They also abounded in the Okhotsk and Bering Seas, and along the Kainschai ka coast He supposes that those which have been observed on the coast of California were stragglers from the north. "Some, indeed," he writes, "have been taken (from I'Ybniary to April) as far south as the Bay of San Sebastian Viscarrio, and about Cedros, or Cevros, Island, both places being near the parallel of 29 north latitude; while on the northwestern coast they are captured by the whalers from April to September inclusive."* None appear to have been killed on the California coast, within thirty or forty years, if we may judge from Captain Scamuion's failing to mention such instances. In the Antarctic Seas and the adjoining waters are other Bight Whales. Eubaltma atuttralit, the Cape Whale or Black Whale, abounds about the Cape of Good Hope, and is regarded by M urray as an inhabitant of the South Atlantic, South Pacific, and Indian Oceans. 3 E. antipodarum was described by Gray from New Zealand, and in Murray's map is designated as a more antarctic form than the Cape Whale, though in the text of his book he denies that this is known to be a fact. 1 Owing to the fact that the bowhead and the Eight Whales have until recently been con- sidered identical, there is a dearth of reliable observations upon habits known to refer definitely to these animals. MOVEMENTS. Their manner of feeding and general mode of life are, as might be expected, very similar to those of the bowhead. I quote from Scammou : "They are often met with singly in their wanderings, at other times in pairs or triplets, and scattered over the surface of the water as far as the eye can discern from the masthead. Toward the last of the season they are seen in large numbers crowded together. The herds are called ' gams,' and they are regarded by experienced whalemen as an indication that the whales will soon leave the grounds. "Their manner of respiration is to blow seven to nine times at a 'rising,' then, ' turning flukes' (elevating them six or eight feet out of the water), they go down and remain twelve or fifteen minutes. It is remarked, however, since these whales have been so generally pursued, that their action in this respect has somewhat changed. When frightened by the approach of a boat they have a trick of hollowing the back, which causes the blubber to become slack, thus preventing the harpoon from penetrating. Many whales have been missed, owing to the boat-steerer darting at this portion of the body. Having been chased every successive season for years, these animals have become very wild and difficult to get near to, especially in calm weather." REPRODUCTION. The time of gestation is fixed by Scammon at about one year. Twins are occasionally though rarely born. The time and place of calving is not known, but are supposed to be variable, as in the case of the sperm whale. These whales are said to resort to the Californian "bays" to bring forth their young, and formerly were sought fdr in the inland waters of these high southern latitudes, where many a ship has in past years quickly completed her cargo by "bay whaling." 5 I>u.i.: Catalogue of the Cetaceans of the North Pacific Ocean. <8cAMMON: Marine Mammalia, p. 305. -SfVMMiiN : ../.. . i/., ].. 1.7. 'MURRAY: (lengraphical Distribution of Mammals, p. -JO-, map. 4 MURRAY: op. cit. 4 SCAMMON: op. cit., p. 67. 26 THE WHALES AND PORPOISES. SIZES AND YIELD OF OIL. The following statement of sizes of whales taken by New Bedford vessels, as indicated by their yield of oil, is very instructive. It was furnished by Capt. Benjamin Russell, in 1875. There is no means of distinguishing the bowheads from the Eight Whales: Captain Devot took one Eight Whale off Kodiac; made 290 barrels. Captain Devot took four Eight Whales off Kodiac; made 920 barrels. Captain Clark took one Eight Whale off Kamtchatka; made 180 barrels. Captain Wood took one Eight Whale off Kamtchatka; made 230 barrels. Captain Eice, of New London, took ten Eight Whales off Kamtchatka; made 700 barrels. Captain Winston took one Eight Whale off Kamtchatka; made 270 barrels. Captain Winston took two Eight \Vhales off Kamtchatka ; made 480 barrels. Captain Spooner took one Eight Whale off Kamtchatka; made 200 barrels. Captain Cox took one Eight Whale off Kodiac; made 225 barrels. Captain West took two Eight Whales ; made 508 barrels. Captain West took thirteen Eight Whales; made 1,780 barrels. Captain Wood took one Eight Whale; made 280 barrels. A number of captains report one each, from 80 to 200 barrels. 12. THE HUMPBACK WHALES. DISTRIBUTION. The Humpback Whales, also often called Bunch Whales by Europeans, occur in both Atlantic and Pacific. Captain Eoss saw them as far south as latitude 71 50'. In the Pacific they range to the Arctic Circle, and there is reason to believe that they occur also about Greenland. Our Atlantic species is Meyaptera osphyui Cope, that of the California region M. vcr- sabilis. As usual, the inquirer must go to Scammon for accurate observations, little being known about the species of the Atlantic. MIGRATIONS. They appear to resort periodically, and with some degree of regularity, to cer- tain localities where the females bring. forth their young. Scammou found them breeding in July and August, 1852 and 1853, in the Gulf of Guayaquil, Peru; in December in the Bay of Valle do Banderas, Mexico, latitude 20 30'; and in May, 1855, at Magdaleua Bay, Lower California, lati- tude 24 30'. Captain Beckennan observed them at Tongataboo, Friendly Group, latitude 21 south, longitude 174 west, in August and September. Large numbers of both sexes migrate north in summer and south in winter. SIZE. They attain the length of twenty-five to seventy-five feet, and yield from eight to seventy-five barrels of oil. The largest taken in 1871 by Captain Beckerman was seventy-five feet long, and produced seventy-three barrels, but the average yield was forty barrels, including the entrail fat, which amounted to about six barrels. One taken off the bay of Monterey, in 1858, yielded 145 barrels. The blubber, according to Bennett, is yellowish-white, five to fifteen inches thick, and the oil is said to be better than that of the right whale. The baleen possesses a moderate commercial value. In a specimen fifty-two feet long, Scam- mon records 540 laminae, the longest two feet eight inches long and nine inches broad, and elsewhere lie estimates its yield at 400 pounds to 100 barrels of oil. 1 FOOD. Their food consists of fish and crustaceans scooped up at the surface. When feed- ing they are most easily captured. The time and place of breeding have already been spoken of. "In the mating season," writes Scammon, "they are noted for their amorous antics. At such times their caresses are of the most amusing and novel character, and these performances have doubtless given rise to the fabulous tales of the swordfish and thrashers attacking whales. When 'SCAMMON: of. cit., jip. 40, 41. TIIK HI Mi'i-.ACK AND mi: si i.i-nci; KOITOM 27 lying In the side of each other, tin- Megaptcra.s frequently administer alternate blows with their long tins, which love laps may on a still day bo heard at a distant* of miles. They also rub each oilier with these same huge ami flexible arms, rolling occasionally from side to side, and indulging in other gambols." HtMPBACK WHALES IN NEW ENGLAND The Humpback Whale was formerly a frequent \ isitor to the waters of New England, but of late years has not often been seen. Captain Atwood tells that a great many have been killed near Provineetown within his recollection: that is to say, or since 1817. One harpooned in the harbor in 1840 yielded fifty-four barrels of oil. Two were killed in the spring of 1879, with bomb-lances. This species is the most valuable of the ordinary whales of the region, though, of course, far interior to the right whale. In addition to the oil, the baleen or whalebone is of some worth. In past years it has sold for as much as six and one-quarter cento a pound. It rarely exceeds two feet in length and is not very elastic. The shore fishery of Cape Cod, which was quite vigorously prosecuted in the early part of the last century, was probably largely concerned with this specien In 1ST!) the Humpbacks were abundant on the coast of Maine. One of the most successful whalers out of Provineetown this season is the "Brilliant," a very old pink-stern schooner of seventeen tons, which had been hunting this species off Deer Isle, Maine. Up to September 1, she had taken four whales, yielding one hundred and forty-five barrels. The "Brilliant" .carries but one whale-boat ami t lies out. the oil upon shore, towing in the whales as they are killed. On the 14th of May, 1881, twenty Humpbacks were shot with bomb-lances in Provincetowu harbor. "The Humpback," says Douglass, of the New England whales, in 1748, "has a bunch in the same part of his back, instead of a fin. The bone is not good; makes fifty to sixty barrels oil." The oil of the Humpbacks is said by Bennett to be sui>erior to that from the right whale, and but little less valuable than sperm oil. 13. THE SULPHUR-BOTTOM WHALES. DISTRIBUTION AND MOVEMENTS. The Sulphur-bottom Whale of the Pacific coast, SibbaMhw HiilfureiHt Cope, is said to be the largest known cetacean. 1 Its name and that of its related Atlan- tic species, 8. borealix ( Fischer) Geoffroy, is derived from a yellowish tint upon the white belly. The Atlantic Sulphur-bottom, which is also called by English whalers the "Flat Back," does not grow to the immense si/e characteristic of the Pacific form. In the Atlantic, the Sulphur-bottom is not uncommon, though rarer than the humpback and finback. On the coast of the Califor- nias, writes Scammou, it occurs at all seasons, and from May to September is often found in large numbers close in with the shore, at times playing about ships at anchor in the open roadsteads, near islands or capes, but, as a general rule, not approaching vessels with the same boldness as the finbacks. It glides over the surface of the ocean, occasionally displaying its entire length. When it respires its vaporous breath ascends to such a height that its immense size is evident to the observer. It is occasionally captured with a bomb-lance, but never except by aid of the bomb- lance. Being considered the swiftest of all whales, it is seldom pursued, and still more rarely taken. The Sulphur- bottom of the Atlantic resembles the finbacks in shape and habits, and is probably often confounded with them by those who see it swimming. Captain Atwood informs me that none have been seen near Provineetown of late years. Professor Baird obtained a fine skeleton at Nautucket in 1875 (No. 16039, U. 8. N. M.). Captain Atwood writes: "Like the finback, it 'Captain Horn, quoted by Scanimon. gives the following memoranda of an individual ineatmreincnt by him: Length, ninrty-lhr feet : ^irth, thirty-nine feet ; length of jaw-bone, twenty-one feet : length of longest baleen, four feet; yield of baleen, 800 pounds; yield of oil, 110 barrels; weight of whole animal by calculation, 294,000 pounds. 28 THE WHALES AND PORPOISES. lias on its back a very small dorsal fin. Being very much elongated, it is a swift runner and hurries through the water with a velocity so great that the whaleman cannot kill them in the same way that they take the other species. I have never seen it dead and kuow but little about it." 1 14. THE FINBACK WHALES. DISTRIBUTION. The Finback Whales of the Atlantic, Sibbaldius tectirostris Cope, and S. tuberosits Cope, are closely related to the sulphur-bottoms. The former is the most common of the larger cetaceans in Massachusetts Bay, and half a dozen or more may be seen in an afternoon's cruise any sunny afternoon of summer. They become abundant in the Gulf of Maine soon after the beginning of April. They swim near the surface, often exposing the back for half its length, and I have several times seen them rise within fifty feet of the yacht on which I stood. Septem- ber 12, 1879, four were swimming and spouting in Provincetown Harbor. The skeleton obtained by the Fish Commission in 1875 (No. 16045, U. S. N. M.) belongs to the species whose name heads this paragraph. The Museum of Comparative Zoology also has a specimen, taken at Provincetown, forty-seven feet long, which yielded eighty barrels and fourteen gallons of oil. MOVEMENTS. Captain Atwood tells us that Finbacks are rapid swimmers and are not often attacked by the whalers. They "run" so hard that the boats "cannot tow to them," and it is impossible to get up to them to lance them. They sometimes strand on the shore, and of late years a few are occasionally killed with a bomb-lance in the spring. One was lanced one autumn, about the year 1868, by boats pursuing blackfish. It was sixty feet long, and made about twenty barrels of oil. The "bone" is shorter than that of the humpback, and is of little value. 2 When lanced, not being oily enough to float at once, they sink and remain at the bottom for a few days, during which time much of the blubber is eaten off by sharks. They yield very little oil. ABUNDANCE IN NEW ENGLAND. Two ran ashore some years ago in Provincetown Harbor, one of which yielded fourteen, the other twenty barrels of oil. One killed at Provincetown, though fifty-four feet long and a good fat whale of its kind, yielded only twenty barrels of oil. 3 THE DUBERTUS. An interesting question regarding the name by which this whalo was known in the early days of the American colonies has recently been discussed. The charter of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, granted in 1663 by Cbarles II, provides, among more important rights and privileges: "And ffurther, for the encouragement of the inhabitants of our sayd collouy of Providence Plantations to sett upon the businesse of takeing whales, itt shall bee laweftill ft'or them, or any of them, having struck whale, DUBERTUS or other greate flBsh, itt or them to pursue unto any parte of that coaste, and into any bay, river, cove, creeke or shoare belonging thereto, and itt or them upon the sayd coaste, or in the sayd bay, cove, creeke or shoare belonging thereto, to kill and order to the best advantage, without molestation, they makeing noe wilfull waste or spoyle, anything in these presents conteyned, or any other matter or thing, to the contrary notwithstanding." 1 IJulli'tiii Musi-inn Comparative Zoology, vol. viii, p. 204. *A large Finback Whalo, forty feet in length, got aground on tlie flats near tlio light-house at Wellflcet, ou Wi'dnrsday, l>y the fall of the tide, and ho was killed by cutting a hole in him and then using an oar as a spade. When the tide i* out people can walk around the whale. Semi-Weekly Advertiser, Boston, February, 27, 1872. On the 2d of May, 1828, a whale was cast ashore at Whale Reach, Swampecott, measuring sixty fret in length, and twenty-five barrels of oil were extracted from it. LEWIS & NEWHALI, : History of Lynn, p. 3!)1. 1755. A whalo, seventy-five feet in length, was landed on King's Reach, on the 9th of December. Dr. Henry I !n ri-1 nt I'd rode into its mouth, in a chaise drawn by a horse ; and afterwards had two of his bones set up for gate- posts at his honso in Essex street, whore they stood for more than fifty years. [Opposite the doctor's house, the cot of Moll Pitcher, the celebrated fortune-teller, stood. And many were the sly inquiries from strangers for the place where the big whale-bones were to be seen.] Ibid., p. 330. 'Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, vol. viii, p. 204, and in letters. n\< T.i;\l\<; Itl'liKKTUS. 29 In answer to a letter of inquiry from Kami, I'n.t.-ssui Tniuiliiill wrote as follows: HARTFORD, February 1, 1880. Di. \u I'uoi i.ssni; p, \n:i>: Vour query of January 29 just now comes to hand. Isn't tli:it troublesome Dubcrtux rluit satisfactorily disposed of yet t More than twenty one years ago (iii November. Is.'iSj the Kev. S. C. Newman, of Pawtucket, questioned Professor Agassi?, on the snbjcet. His reply \v;is. that having looked in the only work in which ho snpjtosed the desin-d information was likely to be Ibiuiil N.-mnich's Pollyglottcn Lexicon he could only say that it did not e\eii eontain tlie name I >ul>rrtus." The correspondence, so far unsatisfactory, was printed in the " Providence- Journal," December 9. The next day the Hon. Albert (1. (iivi-ne wrote to the ''.Journal" that "before and at the time of the granting of the charter of Rhode Island, ' DuhertiiH' was the word used to distinguish the uperm whale from the common or right whale," and referred for Ins authority to the description given by Sir Thomas Browne "of the spermaceti whale," whieh "mariners (who arc not the best nouienclators) called a Jubartas, or rather Gibbartas." Mr. (lieene eame ver.v near being right, and undoubtedly teas right in identifying the "Dubertus" of the charter with the ".luharias" or "Gibbartas" of the old whale fishermen; but he was wrong on the main point that either "Jubartiis" or "Dubertus" was a distinctive name of the sperm whale, except by a 'vulgar error" of the Norfolk mariners, who, as Sir Thomas Browne understood, "are not the best nomeiiclators." The ".Jnhartas, r "Cibhartus," or "Gubartas" as the name which, by an error of the engrossing clerk, appears as "Dubertus" in the llhode Island charter, was \arionsly written by naturalists in the seventeenth century was a Finback, the " Balwna Nova A Hi/lite" as Klein calls it, the " Jupiterrisch'" of the Dutch whalers, Balecnoptera Jubartes of Laecpede. (The last name I heard for it was, I think, Sibbaldius tubcrosus ; but this was a year or two ago, and it may have been rechristened a dozen times since then.) The name, however, has been applied to more than one species of Finback, for naturalists, when dealing with cetacea, were not, in the last century, much better "nomenclatora" than the English mariners ; but it has always been restricted to the Balamopteridee, and has never designated any species of either tperm or riyht whales. The history of the name is cnrions. Rondelet ("De Piscibus"lib. xvi, p. 482) gives a figure of a liahena Vera" (drawn from life, he says) which "the whale fishers of Saintonge call Gibbar, a Gibbero Dorso, that is, raised in a hnrnp, on which is the fin." From this provincial name came (iHibui-tiis. 9. Tin: sriiAc AND Tin: ii:vn. I.'ISIL 31 and grew up witl t parental ran-, which lias caused a slight modification. Tin- HM.M prniiiinoiit feature is that in its dorsal ridge, near tin- tail, there are a number of small projections or hunches, having sonic resemblance to the teeth of a saw. It has no dorsal fin or hump on its hack." 1 Douglass, writing in 1748, also mentioned the Scrag and the humps upon its body. Cope has formed for this whale the genus Agaphclus, and it stands in the lists under the name Agujihilim i/iliboxtix [Krxl.| Cope. The Sera;,' is of special interest on account of its influence in first developing the whaling industries of Nan tucket. Macy, the historian of the island, states that in the very eai 1\ days of t hat colon.N. prior to KIT. 1 , -A whale of the kind called the Scragg came into the harbor and continued there t In ve days. This c veiled the curiosity of the people and led them to devise measures to prevent his return out of the harbor. They accordingly invented and caused to b wrought for them a harpoon with which they attacked and killed the whale. This ftrst success encouraged them to undertake whaling as a permanent business; whales being at that time numerous in the vicinity of the shores." ' Scummon remarks: "Our observations make it certain that there is a 'Scrag' Right Whale in the North Pacific which corresponds very nearly to that of the Southern Ocean, - - - and which yields a paltry amount of oil." 3 No identification of this form has yet been made. Dieffen- bach states that in the southern seas "Scrags" is the whalers' name for the young of the right whale. 4 16. THE CALIFORNIA GRAY WHALE. DISTRIBUTION. The California (hay Whale, Rhachianecteg glauctu Cope, called by whalemen "Devil-fish," " Hard Head," " Gray Back," "Hip Sack," and " Mussel Digger," though long known to fishermen, was first described in 18(59, from specimens brought to the United States National Museum by ('apt. W. H. Dall, of the United States Coast Survey. The only account of its habits is in Scainmon's Itook, already often quoted. Its range is from the Arctic Seas to Lower Cali- fornia. From November to May it is found on the California coast, while in summer it resorts to the Arctic Ocean and the Okhotsk Sea. In October and November it is seen off Oregon and Upper California, returning to warm water for the winter. HABITS. They follow close along the shore, often passing through the kelp, and congregate in the lagoons of the southern coast, where they are the objects of the extensive lagoon or bay whale fishery. ABUNDANCE. Their abundance in former years and at present was thus discussed by Captain Scaminon in 1874: "It has been estimated, approximately, by observing men among the shore whaling parties that a thousand whales passed southward daily from the 15th of December .to the 1st of February, for several successive seasons after shore whaling was established, which occurred in 1851. Captain Packard, who has been engaged in the business Cor over twenty years, thinks this a low estimate. Accepting this number without allowing for those which passed oft' shore out of sight from the land, or for those which passed In-fore the 15th of December, and after the 1st of February, the aggregate would be increased to 47,000. Captain Packard also states that at the present time the average number seen from the stations passing daily would not exceed forty. From our own observation upon the coast, we are inclined to believe that the numbers resorting annually to the coast of California from 185;? to 185(5 did not exceed -1(1,0(10 probably not over 30,000; and at the present time there are many which pass oft' shore at so great a distance as to 'Ai.i.K.N : Mammalia of M:i-.:n hu-.-tts. TK. The following biographiesof tin- Seals and Walruses aie. by the ]>cimissioiiof the author, .I. A. Allen, extracted from the Monograph of the Piniiipedsof North America." It is considered important to present in this K'eport. in a form convenient for reference, biographies of all tin- im- portant a|iiatir animals of the Tinted States; and since it is manifestly impossible to secure from any other source so complete and reliable a discussion of the Seals as that given liy Allen, it lias been thought allowable to reprint the biographical portion of his monograph. The material is here published in such a different form, being divested of the great mass of technical matter, interesting ehictly to xoologists, \\itli which it was originally surrounded, that it is to all intents a fresh pre- sentation of the subject. The liiograpliy of the Walruses has been comlens-d and rewritten by Mr. Goodc, during the, ill-health and absence of Mr. Allen, the discussions in the monograph lieing too extended for the needs of this lleport. I'or an exceedingly interesting biography of these most interesting animals the reader is referred to Mr. Allen's more detailed work" 17. THE SEAL TRIBE IN GENERAL. The I'iuuipeds. or 1'in/ii/xilin, embracing the Seals and Walruses, are commonly recognized by recent systematic writers as constituting a suborder of the order Fera, or Carnivorous Mammals. They are, in short, true Carnivora, modified for an aquatic existence, and have consequently been sometimes termed " Amphibioivt Carnironi." Their whole form is modified lor life in the water, which element is their true home. Here they display extreme activity, but on land their move- ments are confined and labored. The existing Pinnipeds constitute three very distinct minor groups or families, differing quite widely from each other in important characters : these are the Walruses, or Odnlxruiild', the Eared Seals, or Otariidw, and the Earless Seals, or Phocida 1 . The first two are far more nearly allied than are either of these with the third, so that the Odoba'nida- and Otariida: may IK- together contrasted with the Phocidce. The last named is the lowest or most generalized group, while the others appear to stand on nearly the same plane, and about equally remote from the Phneidtr. The Walruses are really little more than thick, clumsy, obese forms of the otarian type, with the canines enor- mously developed, and the whole skull correlatively modified. The limb structure, the mode of life, and the whole economy are essentially the same in the two groups, and aside from the cranial moditications presented by the Odobamida', which are obviously related to the development of tlie canines as huge tusks, the Walruses are merely elephantine Otariids, the absence or presence of an external ear being in reality a feature of minor importam e. The Pinnipeds present a high degree of cerebral development, and are easily domesticated under favorable conditions. They manifest strong social and parental affection, and defend their young with great persistency and courage. They are carnivorous (almost without exception), subsisting upon fishes, mollusks, and crustaceans, of which they consume enormous ipiantities. The Walruses and Eared Seals are polygamous, and the males greatly exceed the females in si/.e. The ordinary or Earless Seals are commonly supposed to be monogamous, ami tln-i<- u generally little dilferciice in the size of the sexes. The Walruses and Eared Seals usually resort in lai numbers to certain favorite breeding grounds, and during the season of reproduction leave tin- water, and pass a considerable period upon land. The Earless Seals, on the other hand, with the exception of the Sea Elephants, do not so uniformly resort to particular breeding grounds on land, '1880. AM.KX. .Inn. ASAIMI : llii"i\ c.fNnrili Atnrriraii l'i>iiii|>(iU; H nmn< j-ra|ih of tin- Walruses, 8e Lion*, Sea Bears, ami Seals of North Aim-ii. a. Wii<.liin-;t<>ii. (invi-rniiii-iit I'riiilin;; Oilir.-. I.-HI. -MKI pp., \\i, 7*. Miscellaneous . No. 1-J, U. S. Geol. &. Ou. >mv.. K. V. H:I\.|.-II, .;i-nli.i,t in charge. F 34 THE SEALS AND WALRUS KS. and leave the water only for very short intervals. They usually briug forth their young ou the ice, most of the species being confined to the colder latitudes. Only one of the various species of the l'!n)iii><'tlin appears to be strictly tropical, and very few of them range into tropical waters. As a group, the Pinnipeds are distinctively characteristic of the arctic, antarctic, and temperate portions of the globe, several of the genera being strictly arctic or subarctic in their distribution. Tin- Walruses are at present confined mainly within the Arctic Circle, and have no representatives south of the colder portions of the Northern Hemisphere. The Ot artifice and Phocidcc, ou the other hand, are abundantly represented on both sides of the Equator, as will be noticed more in detail later. 18. THE WALRUSES. DISCUSSION OF THE ATLANTIC AND PACIFIC SPECIES. There are two species of Wall us, that of the Atlantic, Odobamits rosmarus Malmgreu, and that of the Pacific, 0. obcsus (Illiger) Allen. These animals are found only in the extreme north, and it was for many years commonly supposed that there was but a single circumpolar species. Mr. Allen has confirmed the views of Pennant, expressed in 17!>2 and emphasized since 1870 by Elliott and Gill. Their differences are tints described : The Pacific Walrus is similar in size, and probably in general contour, to that of the Atlantic (though possibly rather larger, and commonly described or depicted as more robust or thicker at the shoulders), but quite different in its facial outlines. The tusks are longer and thinner, generally more convergent, with much greater inward curvatures, the bristles upon the muzzle shorter and smaller. The chief external difference appears to consist in the shape of the muzzle and the size and form of the bristly nose-pad, which has a vertical breadth at least one-fourth greater than in the Atlantic species. Very important differences between the two species are exhibited in the skulls, which are fully described in Mr. Allen's book. DISTRIBUTION OF THE ATI- ANTIC WALRUS. The Atlantic Walrus is not now to be found within the limits of the United States, nor has it been within historic time, or during the last three hundred and fifty years, though, like the musk ox, the caribou, and the moose, it ranged during the great Ice Period much beyond the southern limit of its boundary at the time fhe eastern coast of North America was first visited by Europeans. During the last half of the sixteenth century they are known to have frequented the southern coast of Nova Scotia as well as the shores and islands to the northward, but this apj>ears at that time to have been their southern limit of distribution, and to these islands New England vessels seem occasionally to have resorted to kill them for their teeth and oil. 1 In 177."* they were abundant in the Gulf of Saint Lawrence, at the Magdalen Islands, Saint John's, and Anticosti, when; they congregated yearly to the number of seven or eight thousand, and where they were soon exterminated by the "Americans." 2 In isr.iiaiid is(i<) Packard and Gilpin recorded the killing of individuals near the Straits of Belle Isle, and in I si is one was driven ashore in Saint George Hay, Newfoundland. The last seen in the Gulf of Saint Lawrence was, icctirdiug to Professor Packard, in 1S11, when one was killed at Saint Augustine, Labrador. Dr. 15ernard Gilpin speaks of the occurrence of their bones at Miscon, on the IJay of (Mialeur, ill such numbers as to form artificial sea-beaches. These were, doubtless, victims of "the Hoyal Company of Miscou," founded during the earlier part of the seven- .. .-.--,-_.-_ T _ A eaael that returned ;it tliiit time (Iti-ll) fioiu I hit Jslcg of Snhh-s inaile ;i better \ii\jip-, l>mi;;inIM- In-ill vvilli divers tun cil' oil. li.-ides niurli other "oeds 's Ilisloiy of New |-:iif>hine is plenty upon I In- eoawts oC \nvii-Si-otia .-mil lliel.'ulph of St. Laurence, partirularly ill tin: ixlaml of St. John's; it is of the bigness of a middling eow (it is not the same with tin- Manatee of ihi- (.'nlph of M llco . a very thick skin with hair like that of a HUH]. Dor<;i.\<"' North America, I?".."). ; .Meaning, of course, people from tin- southern colonies. Till: \VAI.IM S: IIAIMTS AM) DISTK1 lU'HON. 35 leentli century li.v tin- Kin- lit' France, and whose ephemeral city of New Itochelle hits passed away, leaving no sign. The murdered Sea horses have left a more enduring monument than their murdereis. At the present time its ilistrilmtion in the Western Atlantic seems to be limited on tin- south li.v the parallel of latitude oine extent hastened, by the efforts of American whalemen. The Walrus is the Morse or Sea-horse of ancient writers, many quaint extracts from whom, with reproductions of their figures, are given by Mr. Allen. KISI -IMIII i ION di mi: PACIFIC WALRUS. While the Atlantic Walrus has been familiar to our race since A. I). 871, when the Normau explorer Othere brought tusks of the "Horsewhale" from the Arctic Sea to King Alfred of England, that of the Pacific was not discovered until 1048. when the Cossack adventurer Staduchin found its tusks on the arctic coast of Eastern Asia; nor was it fairly known until the time of Steller, Cook, Kotzebue, and Pallas, in the latter half of the eighteenth century. Its range is comparatively narrow, being confined on the one hand to a com- paratively small stretch of the northern and eastern coasts of Asia, and to a still smaller portion of the opposite American coast. To the westward the Walrus appears not to have been traced beyond Cape Schelatskoi (157 .'?>' east longitude), and to have occurred in large herds only as far west as Koljntschin Island (150 east longitude). On the eastern coast of Asia, as early as 1742, none had been >een south of latitude 00, and of course their southern range in that direction is now still more limited. Jn the Arctic Sea, north of Bering Strait, they have been met with as far north as ships have penetrated, their westward range being limited only by the unbroken ice sheet. On the American coast they have been traced eastward only as far as Point Barrow. They were formerly abundant about the islands in Bering Sea, but there is no evidence that they ever ranged as far south as the outermost islands in the Aleutian chain. On the mainland they were found by Cook, at Mristol Bay, latitude 58 42', where now, according to Elliott, they are more numerous than at any point south of the Arctic Circle. Their immense destruction, chiefly by American \\ halei-s. renders it probable that before long they will be entirely exterminated in the territory of the I'nited States. SIZE. The length of a full-grown male Atlantic Walrus is given by Dr. (lilpin at twelve feet three inches, its weight being estimated at LM',~<) pounds, while Elliott gives the length of a similar Alaska specimen at twelve to thirteen feet, its girth ten to fourteen feet, and its weight 2.000 pounds, the skin alone weighing from 250 to 400, the head from 110 to .so pounds. HABITS. The Wall-uses are at all times more or less gregarious, occurring generally in l.> or small companies, according to their abundance. Like the Seals, they are restricted in their wanderings to the neighborhood of shores or large masses of floating ice, being rarely seen far out in the open sea. Although moving from one portion of their feeding ground to another, they are said to lie in no sense a migrating animal. They delight in huddling together on the ice Hoes, or on shore, to which places they resort to bask in the sun. pressing one against another like so many swine. They are also said to repair in large herds to favorable shoies or islands, usuallv in May and June, to give birth to their young, at which times they sometimes remain constantly on land 36 THE SEALS AND WALRUSES. for two weeks together, without ever taking food. They are believed to be monogamous, and to bring forth usually but a single young at a time, and never more than two. The period of gesta- tion is commonly believed to be about nine months. The young are born from April to June, the time probably varying with the latitude. The Walrus, like the common Seal, is said to have its breathing hole in the ice. The tusks appear to be used for two purposes, to aid in landing upon icy and rocky shores, and in aid of their clumsy locomotion, and also iu digging up the shell-fish and roots of marine plants upon which they feed. Their voice is a loud roaring or Chucking," and the voices of a herd may be distinguished at the distance of several miles. Although savage in appearance, they are inoffensive and harmless, except when attacked, but when enraged are fierce and vindictive, especially iu defense of their young, for which they exhibit much affection. They are wary and shy, however, and difficult to approach except under cover of darkness. The hide, the oil, and the tusks of the Walrus are of commercial value, and the walrus fishery of the Pacific is of considerable importance. ''In looking at this uncouth animal," writes a contributor to ' Scribner's Monthly Magazine,' " the most natural question at once arises, What earthly service can such an ungainly, stupid beast render? What, indeed, is the use of its existence! But the answer is swift and satisfactory: were it not for the subsistence furnished so largely by the flesh and oil of the Morse, it is exceedingly doubtful whether the Esquimaux of North America, from Bering Strait clear around to Labrador, could manage to live. It is not to be inferred that walrus meat is the sole diet of these simple people, for that is very wide of the truth ; but there are several months of every year when the exigencies of the climate render it absolutely impossible for the hardiest native to go out and procure food, and then the value of the cache of walrus meat is appreciated, when for weeks and weeks it forms the beginning and end of every meal. The Walrus responds to as many demands of the Inuuit as the camel of the Arab, or the cocoa-palm of the South Sea Islander. Its flesh feeds him; its oil illuminates and warms his dark hut; its sinews make his bird-nets; its tough skin, skillfully stretched over the light wooden frame, constitutes his famous kayak, and the serviceable oomiak, or bidarrab ; its intestines are converted into water-proof clothing, while the soles to its flippers are transferred to his feet; and, finally, its ivory is a source of endless utility to him in domestic use and in trade and barter. Walrus famines among the Esquimaux have been recorded in pathetic legends by almost all of the savage settlements in the arctic. Even now, as I write (November, 1880), comes the authentic corroboration of the harsh rumor of the starvation of the inhabitants of Saint Lawrence Island those people who live just midway between the Old World and the New, in Alaskan waters. The winter of 1879-'80 was one of exceptional rigor in the arctic, though iu this country it was unusually mild and open. The ice closed in solid around Saint Lawrence Island, so firm and unshaken by the mighty powers of wind and tide that the Walrus were driven far to the southward and eastward, out of reach of the unhappy inhabitants of that island, who, thus unexpectedly deprived of their mainstay and support, seem to have miserably starved to death, with the exception of one small village on the north shore. The residents of the Poonook, Poogo- vellyak. and Kagallegak settlements perished, to a soul, from hunger nearly 300 men, women, and children. I was among these people in 1874, during the month of August, and remarked their manifold superiority over the savages of the northwest coast and the great plains. They seemed then to live, during nine months of the year, almost wholly upon the flesh and oil of the Walrus. Clean-limbed, bright-eyed, and jovial, they profoundly impressed one with their happy subsistence and reliance upon the walrus herds of Bering Sea; and it was remarked then that these people had never been subjected to the temptation, and subsequent sorrow, of putting their trust in princes; hence their independence and good heart. But now it appears that it will not suffice, either, to put .your trust in Walrus." Till! KAKKD SI'.AI.S: II. A HITS A M > IMS TIM 111' HUN 37 19. THE SEA LIONS AND FUR SEALS IN GENERAL. in Mi UTKKS. The largest species of Hi,- Otaries (genera Olaria and Ktu,.< toping) an' Hair Seals, while iln- smallest genera Ctilldrliimix ;nn\ Arctocepltaluii) an- Fur Seals; but the species nt Xnlupliiix, although Hair Seals. MIC ititrrmriliate in si/.e between the other Hair Seals and the Fur Seals. All ihe Hair Seals have coarse, hard, still 1 hair, varying in length with ago and .season, and are wholly without soft underfill-. All the Fur Seals have an abundant soft, silky underfill-, giving to the skins of the females and younger males great value as articles of coiiiiiieife. The longer, eoarser overhair varies in length and abundance with season anil age. All the Hair Seals are \cllowish or reddish liruwn (in Xalophun sometimes brownish-black), generally darkest when young, and becoming lighter with age, and also in the same individuals toward ihe molting season. There is also considerable range of individual variation in representatives of the same species, so that co. oration alone fails to afford satisfactory diagnostic eharacteis. All the Fur Seals are black when \oung, but they become lighter with age, through an abundant admixture of grayish hairs which vary from yellowish gray to whitish-gray. The southern Fur Seals are generally, when adult, much grayer than the northern. There is hence a wide range of color variation with age in the same species, as there is also among conspeciflc individuals of the same sex and age. While .some have the breast and sides pale yellowish-gray, others have these parts strongly rufous, the general tint also showing to some extent these differences. There is also a wonderful disparity in size between the sexes, the weight of the adult males being generally three to iive times that of the adult females of the same species. There are also very great differences in the form of the skull, especially iu respect to the development of crests and protuberances for muscular attachment, these being only slightly developed in females and enormously so in the males. With such remarkable variations in color and cranial characters, dependent upon age and sex, it is not a matter of snrpr se that many nominal species have arisen through a misappreciation of the real significance of these differences. HABITS. The Eared Seals show also a remarkable resemblance in their gregarious and iw'lyg- ainous habits. All the species, wherever occurring, like the Walruses and Sea Elephants, resort in great numbers to particular breeding stations, which, in sealers' parlance, have acquired I lie strangely inappropriate name of ''rookeries." The older males arrive first at the breeding grounds, where they immediately select their stations and await the arrival of the females. They keep up a perpetual warfare for their favorite sites, and afterward in defense of their harems. The number of females acquired by the successful males varies from a dozen to fifteen or more, which they guard with the utmost jealousy might being with them the law of right. The strongest males are nat- urally the most successful in gathering about them large harems. The males, during the breeding season, remain wholly on land, and they will sutler death rather than leave their chosen spot. They thus sustain, for a period of several weeks, an uninterrupted fast. They arrive at the breeding .stations fat and vigorous, and leave them weak and emaciated, having been nourished through their long period of f.istiug wholly by the fat of their own bodies. The females remain uninter- ruptedly on land for a much shorter period, but for a considerable time after their arrival do not leave the harems. The detailed account given a century ago by Steller, and recently con firmed by Hi \ant and Klliott, ol the habits of the northern Fur and Hair Seals during the breeding season, is well known to apply, in gieater or less detail, to nearly all the species of the family, and presumably to all. As the observations by Messrs. Elliott and Bryant are pioentcd later in this work at length, it is unnecessary to give further details in the present connection. GEOUI: u-iiiCAL DISTRIBUTION. The most striking fact in respect to the distribution of the ]>inx Stelleri and Otaria jubata), one is northern and the other southern, and, though differing generic-ally in the structure of the skull, are very similar in external characters, and geographically are strict :\- representative. Zalopltus is the only genus occurring on both sides of the Equator, but the species are different in the two hemispheres. The Fur Seals of the north are the strict geographical repre- sentatives of those of the south. Phocarctos Hoolteri is Australasian, and has no corresponding form in the Northern Hemisphere. No species of Eared Seal is known from the North Atlantic. Several of the southern species range northward into the equatorial regions, reaching the Galapagos Islands and the northern shores of Australia. THE DISTRIBUTION OF THE FUE SEALS IN THE SOUTHERN SEAS. They OCCU1 1 not Only on both the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of the South American continent, about its southern extremity, and on all the outlying islands, including not only the Falklands, the South Shetland and South Georgian, but at other small islands more to the eastward, at Prince Edward's, the Crozets, Kerguelen, Saint Paul, and Amsterdam, the southern and western shores of Australia, Tasmania, New Zealand, and at the numerous smaller islands south of the two last named. They have been found, in fact, at all the islands making up the chain of pelagic islets stretching some- what interruptedly from Cape Horn and the Falkland Islands eastward to Australia and New Zealand, including among others those south of the Cape ot Good Hope, so famous in the annals of the seal-fishery. It has been stated by Gray and others that the Cape of Good Hope Fur Seals (n-ally those of the Crozets and neighboring islands) are far inferior in commercial value to those of other regions; but in tracing the history of the- sealing business I have failed to notice any reference to the inferior quality of those from the last-named locality, or that there has been any difference in the commercial value of the fur seal skins obtained at different localities in the Southern Seas. The quality differs at the same locality, wherever the Fur Seals are found, with the season of the year and age of the animals, so that skins may come not only from the Cape of Good Hope, but from any other of the sealing places, that one "might feel convinced could not be dressed as furs," being " without very thick underfill 1 ." 20. THE SEA LION. GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. The known range of this species, Eumetopian Stelleri (Lesson) Peters, extends along the west coast of North America from the Farallono Islands, in latitude 37 40 7 north, to the Pribylov Islands. Its northern limit of distribution is not definitely known, but Till-: SEA LION: GKNKi.-.M, IIISToiiY. 39 it iiil.anil they have l.,.ih informed me they have no reason t.. sup] it extends an\ further noithward or beyond the southern limi; of lloatiug ice. According to Steller. it exisie.l in his time along the whole eastein coast of Kamlchat ka ami southward to the Kniile Islands. Me found it abundant on Merin-'s ami Copper Jslamls, where it is still well known to exist. If Dr. Only 'a r.nm, /. V m,.v, /;,,/ ^.s. as originally described in 1*7:; (the same speei n was referred by him in is:- to /:. SMI,-,-!), l.e referable, as I believe, to tin- female of E. Stelleri, the range of this species appears to extend southward on the Asiatic coast as far as Japan. Although the Sea Lions of the California coast that have of late years attracted so much attention appear to be the smaller species, Zaloplnu Californianw>, the occurrence of the present species there is aNo fully established, where it is resident the whole year, and where it brings forth its young, as pros en by specimens transmitted some years since by Dr. Ayres to the Smithsonian Institution. < i i, >. 1:1: A i. HISTORY. The Northern Sea Lion was first described in 1751 by Steller, who, under t he name of L> mnt showing the white, or sclerotic coat, with a light, bright-brown iris. "Although provided with flippers to all external view as the Fur Seal, he cannot, however, make use of them in the same free manner. While the Fur Seal can be driven five or six miles in twenty- lour hours, t lie Sea Lion can barely go two, the conditions of weather and roadway being the same. The Sea Lions balance and swing their long, heavy necks to and fro, with every hitch up behind of their posteriors, which they seldom raise from the ground, drawing them up after the fore feet with a slide over the grass or sand, rocks. \c., as the case may be, and pausing frequently to take a sullen and ferocious survey of the field and the drivers. "The Sea Lion is polygamous, but does not maintain any such regular system and method in preparing for and attention to its harem like that so finely illustrated on the breeding-grounds of Hie Fur Seal. It is not numerous, comparatively speaking, and does not 'haul' more than a few rods back from the sea. It cannot be visited and inspected by man, being so shy and wary that on the slightest approach a stampede into the water is the certain result. The males come out and locate on the narross belts of rookery ground, preferred and selected by them; the cows make their appearance three or four weeks after them (1st to Cth June), and arc not subjected to that intense jealous supervision so characteristic of the Fur Seal harem. The bulls light savagely among them selves, and turn oil' from the breeding ground all the younger and weak males. "The cow Sea Lion is not quite half the size of the male, and will measure from eight to nine feet in length, with a weight of four and live hundred pounds. She has the same general cast of countenance and build of the bull, but as she does not sustain any lasting period of over a week or ten da\s, she never comes out so grossly fat as the male or 'sec-calch.' 40 THE SEALS AND WALRUSES. "The Sea Lion rookery will be found to consist of about ten to fifteen cows to the bull. The cow seems at all times to have the utmost freedom in moving from place to place, and to start with its young, picked up sometimes by the nape, into the water, and play together for spells in the surf- wash, a movement on the part of the mother never made by the Fur Seal, and showing, in this respect, much more attention to its oft'spriug. "They are divided up into classes, which sustain, in a general manner, but very imperfectly, nearly the same relation one to the other as do those of the Fur Seal, of which I have already spoken at length and in detail; but they cannot be approached, inspected, and managed like the other, by reason of their wild and timid nature. They visit the islands in numbers comparatively small (I can only estimate), not over twenty or twenty-live thousand on Saint Paul and contiguous islets, and not more than seven or eight thousand at Saint George. On Saint Paul Island they occupy a small portion of the breeding ground at Northeast Point, in common with the CaMorhinmt, always close to the water, and taking to it at the slightest disturbance or alarm. "The Sea Lion rookery on Saint George Island is the best place upon the Seal Islands for close observation of these animals, and the following note was made upon the occasion of one of my visits (June 15, 1873) : '"At the base of cliffs, over four hundred feet in height, on the east shore of the island, on a beach fifty or sixty feet in width at low water, and not over thirty or forty at flood tide, lies the only Sea Lion rookery on Saint George Island some three or four thousand cows and bulls. The entire circuit of this rookery belt was passed over by us, the big, timorous bulls rushing off into the water as quickly as the cows, all leaving their young. Many of the females, perhaps half of them, had only just given birth to their young. These pups will weigh at least twenty to twenty- five pounds on an average when born, are of a dark chocolate-brown, with the eye as large as the adult, only being a suffused, watery, gray -blue where the sclerotic coat is well and sharply denned in its maturity. They are about two feet in length, some longer and some smaller. As all the pups seen to-day were very young, some at this instant only born, they were dull and apathetic, not seeming to notice us much. There are, I should say, about one-sixth of the Sea Lions in number on this island, when compared with Saint Paul. As these animals lie here under the clifl's, they cannot be approached and driven; but should they haul a few hundred rods up to the south, then they can be easily captured. They have hauled in this manner always until disturbed in 1808, and will undoubtedly do so again if not molested. "These Sea Lions, when they took to the water, swam out to a distance of fifty yards or so, and huddled all up together in two or three packs or squads of about five hundred each, holding their heads and necks up high out of water, all roaring in concert and incessantly, making such a deafening noise that we could scarcely hear ourselves in conversation at a distance from them of over a hundred yards. This roaring of Sea Lions, thus disturbed, can only be compared to the hoarse sound of a tempest as it howls through the rigging of a ship, or the playing of a living gale upon the bare branches, limbs, and trunks of a forest grove.' They commenced to return as soon as we left the ground. "The voice of the Sea Lion is a deep, grand roar, and does not have the flexibility of the Gal- lorh inu*, being confined to a low, muttering growl or this bass roar. The pups are very playful, but are almost always silent. When they do utter sound, it is a sharp, short, querulous growling. "The natives have a very high appreciation of the Sea Lion, or see-vitchie, as they call it, and base this regard upon the superior quality of the flesh, fat, and hide (for making covers for their skin boats, bidarkies and bidarrahx), sinews, intestines, &c. "As I have before said, the Sea Lion seldom hauls back far from the water, generally very TIIK SKA LION: ITS ( \\ I II |; I ;. 4J close to the surf-margin, and in this position it becomes quite a dillicult task for tin- natives 1.1 approach ami pet in between it and (he sea unobserved, lor. unless this silent approach is made, the beast will at ouce take the alarm and bolt into the water. My reference to my map of Saint Paul's, a small point, near the head of the northeast neck of the island, will lie seen, upon which quite a large number of Sea Lions are always to be found, as it is never disturbed except on the occasion of this annual driving. The natives step down on to the beach, in the little bight just above it, and begin to crawl on all fours Hat on the sand down to the end of the neck and in between the dozing sea-lion herd and the water, always selecting a semi-bright moonlight night. If the wind is favorable, and none of the men meet \\irh an accident, the natives will almost always succeed in reaching the i>oint unobserved, when, at a given signal, they all jump on their feet at once, yell, brandish their arms, and give a sudden start, or alarm, to the herd above them, for, just as the Sea Lions move, upon the fiist impulse of surprise, so they keep on. For instance, if the animals on starting up are sleeping with their heads pointed in the direction of the water, they keep straight on toward it; but if they jump up looking over the laud, they follow that course just as desperately, and nothing turns them, at first, either one way or the other. Those that go for the water are, of course, lo^t, but the natives follow the laud-leaders and keep urging them on, ami soon have them in their control, driving them back into a small pen, which they extemporize by means of little stakes, with flags, set around a circuit of a few hundred square feet, and where they keep them until three or four hundred, at least, are captured, before they commence their drive of ten miles overland down south to the village. "The natives, latterly, getting in this annual herd of Sea Lions, have postponed it until late in the fall, and when the animals are scant in number and the old bulls poor. This they were obliged to do, on account of the pressure of their sealing business in the spring, and the warmth of the season in August and September, which makes the driving very tedious. In this way 1 have not been permitted to behold the best-conditioned drives, t. e., those in which a majority of the herd is made up of fine, enormously fat, and heavy bulls, some four or five hundred in number. The natives are compelled to go to the northeast point of the island for the animals, inas- much as it is the only place with natural advantages where they can be approached for the purpose of capturing alive. Here they congregate in greatest number, although they can le found, two or three thousand of them, on the southwest point, and as many more on 'Seevitchie Caminin' and Otter Island. "Capturing the Sea Lion drive is really the only serious business these people on the islands have, and when they set out for the task the picked men only leave the village. At Northeast Point they have a barrabkie, in which they sleep and eat while gathering the drove, the time of getting which depends upon the weather, wind, &c. As the squads arc captured, night afier night, they are driven up close by the barrabkie, where the natives mount constant guard over them until several hundred animals shall have been secured and all is ready for the drive down overland to the village. "The drove is started and conducted in the same general manner as that which I have detailed in speaking of the Fur Seal, only the Sea Lion soon becomes very sullen and unwilling to move, requiring spells of frequent rest. It cannot pick itself up from the ground and si amble oil' on a loping gallop for a few hundred yards, like the Callorhinun, and is not near so free and agile in its movements on land, or in the water for that matter, for 1 have never seen the Eitmetopinx lea]) from the water like a dolphin, or indulge in the thousand and one submarine acrobatic displays made constantly by the Fur Seal. 42 THE SEALS AND WALRUSES. "This ground, over which the Sea Lious are driven, is mostly a rolling level, thickly grassed and mossed over, with here and there a fresh-water pond into which the animals plunge with great apparent satisfaction, seeming to cool themselves, and out of which the natives have no trouble in driving them. The distance between the sea-lion pen at Northeast Point and the village is about ten miles, as the Sea Lions are driven, and occupies over live or six days under the most favorable circumstances, such as wet, cold weather; and when a little warmer, or as in July or August, a few seasons ago, they were some three weeks coming down with a drove, and even then left a hundred or so along on the road. After the drove has been brought into the village on the killing-grounds, the natives shoot down the bulls and then surround and huddle up the cows, spearing them just behind the fore flippers. The killing of the Sea Lions is quite an exciting spectacle, a strange and unparalleled exhibition of its kind. . . The bodies are at once stripped of their hides and much of the flesh, sinews, intestines (with which the native water-proof coats, &c., are made), in conjunction with the throat linings (cestythagm), aud the skin of the flippers, which is exceedingly tough and elastic, and used for soles to their boots or ' tarbosars.' "As the Sea Lion is without fur, the skin has little or no commercial value; the hair is short, and longest over the uape of the neck, straight, aud somewhat coarse, varying iu color greatly as the seasons come and go. For instance, when the Eumetopias makes his first appearance in the spring, and dries out upon the laud, he has a light-brownish, rufous tint, darker shades back and under the fore flippers and on the abdomen ; by the expiration of a month or six weeks, loth June, he will be a bright golden-rufous or ocher, and this is just before shedding, which sets iu by the middle of August, or a little earlier. After the new coat has fairly grown, and just before he leaves the island for the season, in November, it will be a light sepia, or vandyke-brown, with deeper shades, almost dark upon the belly. The cows, after shedding, do not color up so dark as the bulls, but when they come back to the land next year they are identically the same in color, so that the eye, iu glancing over a sea-lion rookery in June and July, cannot discern any noted dissimilarity of coloring between the bulls and theN : AI;IM>.\N( i:. rnoi>. j 43 in pulling this BMNtffepfa* of the I'rili.vlov Islands, apart from tin- Sea Lion common at San 1 cNcn ami Santa liarliara. as a distinct animal : and I call attention to tin- excellent description of tin' California Sea Lion, made |>nl>lir in tin- April number for 1S7J of tin- Overland Monthly, by (apt. < . M. Scaiiiiiion. in which the distinguishing characters, externally, of this animal are well defined, and Ity which tin- difference, between the Eumetvfriait of Bering Sea anil that of the coast it' ('iljfi)inia can at once he seen; and also I notice one more point in which the dissimilarity is marked: the northern Sea Lion never barks or howls like the animal at the Farraloiic* [ait-] or Santa liarliara. Young and old, both sexes, from one year and upward, have only a deep IHIMH irl. and prolonged, steady roar f while at San Francisco Sea Lions break out incessantly with a honking' l>ark or howl, and never roar. I am not to lie understood as saying that nil the Sea Lions met with on the California!! coast are different from /,'. Stelleri of J5eriug Sea. I am well satistied that stragglers from the north are down on the Farrallones, but they are not migrating back and forth every season ; and I am further- more certain that not a single animal of the species most common at San Francisco was present among those breeding on the Pribylov Islands in 187^-'73. According to the natives of Saint George, some fifty or sixty years ago the Eumetopin* held almost exclusive possession of the island, being there in great numbers, some two or three hundred thousand : and that, as tbe Fur Seals were barely |>ermitted to land by these animals, and in no great number, the Russians directed them (the. natives) to hunt and worry the Sea Lions ciiV from the island, and the result was that as the Sea Lions left, the Fur Seals came, so that to-day they occupy nearly the same ground covered by the Eumetopian alone sixty years ago. This statement is, or seems to he. corroborated by Ghoris, in his description of the lies S.-George's et S.-1'aul's [*te|, visited by him fifty years ago; 1 but the account given by Bishop Veniamiuov, . . . differs entirely from the above, for by it almost as many Fur Seals were taken on Saint George, during the tirst years of occupation, as on Saint Paul, and never have been less than one-sixth of the number on the larger island. ... I am strongly inclined to believe that the island of Saint George never was resorted to in any great numbers by the Fur Seal, and that the Sea Lion was Uic dominant animal there until disturbed and driven from its breeding-grounds by the people, who sought to encourage the coming of its more valuable relative by so doing, and making room in this way for it. "The Sea Lion has but little value save to the natives, and is more prized on account of its liesli and skin, by the people living upon the islands and similar positions, than it would be else- where. The matter of its preservation and perpetuation should be left entirely to them, and it will be well looked alter. It is singular that the fat of the Sea Lion should l>e so different in characters of tasic and smell from that of the Fur Seal, being free from any taint of disagreeable flavor or odor, while the blubber of the latter, although so closely related, is most repugnant. The flesh of the Sea Lion cub is tender, juicy, light-colored, and slightly like veal; in my opinion, quite good. As the animal grows older, the meat is dry, tough, and without flavor." i he food of the Sea Lion is well known to consist, like that of the other species of Eared Seals, of lish. molhisks. and crustaceans, and occasionally birds. As shown by animals kept in confinement, they require an enormous quantity. Captain Scammon states that the daily allow- ance of a pair kept in Woodward's Gardens, San Francisco, amounted to forty or fifty pound* of fle-ll lish. "From fifteen to twenty thousand Si -a Lions," sa\s Captain Bryant, breed annually on the I'ribylov or 1- ur Seal Islands. They do not leave the islands in winter, as do the Fur Seal>. to return in spring, but remain during the whole year. They bring forth their young a month earlier rittc|iii' .intinir iln Mmiilr. 44 THE SEALS AND WALRUSES. than the Fur Seals, landing during the months of May and June. They advance but little above high tide-mark, and those of all ages land together. The strongest males drive out the weaker and monopolize the females and continue with them till September. They go with them into the water whenever they are disturbed, and also watch over the young. When in the water they swim about the young and keep them together until they have an opportunity to land again. The females keep near, rushing hither and thither, appearing first on one side and then on the other of the groups of young, constantly uttering a deep, hoarse growl at the intruder whenever they come to the surface. When left undisturbed they all soon land again, preferring to spend the greater portion of their time at this season on the shore. During the breeding season they visit the same parts of the shore as the Fur Seals, but the Sea Lions, by their superior size and strength, crowd out the Seals, the latter passively yielding their places without presuming to offer battle to their formidable visitors. After having been disturbed the Sea Lions continue 1'or some time in a state of unrest, occasionally uttering a low moaning sound, as though greatly distressed. Even after the breeding season they keep close to the shore near the breeding station until the severe weather of January. After this time they are seen only in small groups till the shores are free from snow and ice in the spring." 21. THE CALIFORNIA SEA LION. GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. The exact boundaries of the habitat of Zalophm californianm cannot at present be given. The only specimens I have seen are from the coast of California and its islands, from San Diego and San Nicholas Island northward to the Bay of San Francisco. Captain Scam mon (see infra, pp. 301, 302) twice alludes incidentally to its presence "along the Mexican and Califomian coasts," and Dr. Veatch states that "Sea Lions" (which he calls "Otaria jitbata," but which are, almost beyond doubt, the present species) had populous breeding stations twenty years ago, and doubtless have still, en Cerros or Cedros Island, iu about the latitude of 284, off the Lower California coast. Whether they occur southward of this point at t! e present tinit^ I am unable to state, but should infer that such was the case from Scammon's allusion to their capture along the "Mexican" coast. In any case, it appears probable that in Dampier's lime they ranged as far south as the Chametly and Tres Marias islands, respectively in latitudes about L'.'P and 21, at which points he saw "Seals" iu the year 1080. In describing the Chametly islands (the most northerly of the two groups mentioned by him under this name), situated oft' the west coast of Mexico in latitude 23 11', lie says, -'The Bays about the Islands are sometimes visited with Seals; and this was the first place where I had seen any of these Animals, on the North side of the Kqtialor. in these Seas. For the Fish on this sandy Coast lye most in the Lagunes or Salt- Lakes, and Mouths of Kivers; For this being no rocky Coast, where Fish resort most, there seems to be but little Food for the Seals, unless they will venture upon Cat-Fish." 1 He also met with Seals at the Tres Marias Islands (in latitude "21 5' r ), and consequently two degrees south of the Chametly Islands, in describing one of which islands, named by him St. George's Island, he says: "The Sea is also pretty well stored with Fish, and Turtle or Tortoise, and Seal. This is the second place on this Coast where I did see any Seal: and this place helps to con ti nn what 1 have observed, that they are seldom seen but where there is plenty of Fish.'" It is of course not certain that the Seals here alluded to are '/alophux ciiliforiiitnttix. since the Sea Elephant of the California coast also occurs at Cedros Island, and probably stdl lurther south, the two species having apparently about the same range. If they had been the latter, Dampier would probably have made some allusion to their large size. 'A New Voyage round tin- World, r>th id., vol. i. 1701, p;>. -J!i '!. Till; CAI.IFMKNiA SEA LION: HABITS. 45 s|MM-irs (.1 '/Ml<>i>liux occurring , f j a |i;in IMS l>eeu by some writers considered to be the same a> I he ( 'alit'ornian one; l.iii. though doubtless closely allied, its affinities, as will be notin-d hiter (sec infra, p. L M ..{), appear to be not as yet satisfactorily determined. As Zalophu* cali/or- /noun* has not yet been detected on the American coast north of California, its occurrence on the Asiatic coast seems hardly to be expected. This species has hitherto been believed to be free from any serious complications of synonymy, and to have been lirM brought to the notice of the scientific world by McBaiu in 1858. Allen has, however, shown that it was noticed in 1822 by Choris and described by Lesson under the name of ntnrin i-nliforniiina. II. VUITS. Several more or less full accounts of the habits of the California!) Sea Lions have been given by dill'ereiit writers, who have, however, failed to distinguish the two species occurring along the raliloniian coast, and consequently their descriptions are not wholly satisfactory. The la rue noi them species certainly occurs, and rears its young, as far south as the Farallones, but probably exists there only in small numbers, while I have seen no evidence of its presence at Santa Barbara Island. Kvcn Captain Scammon, in his account of the Sea Lions of California, has not distinctly recogni/.ed the two species occurring there, and his description doubtless refers in part to both species, but unquestionably relates mainly to the present one. 1 His "Sketch of a sealing season upon Santa Barbara Island," in 18J2, presumably relates exclusively to Zafaphus califor- iiininix. but in addition to this I quote a few paragraphs from his general account of "the Sea Lion," since it is the testimony of a trustworthy eye-witness. "On approaching an island, or point, occupied by a numerous herd," he observes, "one first hears their long, plaintive bowlings, as if in distress; but when near them, the sounds become more varied and deafening. The old males roar so loudly as to drown the noise of the heaviest sur- among the rocks and caverns, and the younger of both sexes, together with the 'clapmatches,' croak hoarselj", or send forth sounds like the bleating of sheep or the barking of dogs; in fact, their tumultuous utterances are beyond description. A rookery of matured animals presents a ferocious and defiant appearance; but usually at the approach of man they become alarmed, and, if not opposed in their escape, roll, tumble, and sometimes make fearful leaps from high precipitous rocks to hasten their flight. Like all the others of the Seal tribe, they are gregarious, and gather in the largest numbers during the 'pupping season,' which varies in different latitudes. On the ( 'alilbrnia coast it is from May to August, inclusive, and upon the shores of Alaska it is said to be from June to October, during which period the females bring forth their young, nurse them, asso- ciate with the valiant males, and both unite in the care of the little ones, keeping a wary guard, and teaching them, by their own parental actions, how to move over the broken, slimy, rock- bound shore, or upon the sandy, pebbly beaches, and to dive and gambol amid the surf and rolling groundswells. At first the pups manifest great aversion to the water, but soon, instinctively, become active and playful in the element; so by the time the season is over, the juvenile creatures disappear with the greater portion of the old ones, only a few of the vast herd remaining at the favorite resorts throughout the. year. During the pupping season, both males and females, so far at we could ascertain, take but little if any food, particularly the males, though the females have been ^observed to leave their charges and go off, apparently in search of subsistence, but thev do not venture far from their young ones. That the Sea Lion caai go without food for a long time is unquestionable. One of the superintendents of Woodward's Gardens informed me that in 'That Captaiu Scammon ront'ounded the two gpeciesof northern Sea Lions is evident not only from In- puliliabed writings, but from liis having transmitted, to the National Museum specimen* of Zaloj>lm from Santa Barbara Island, labeled by him " Enmetopiat Sltllrri." 46 THE SEALS AND WALRUSES. numerous instances they have received Sea Lions into the aquarium which did not eat a morsel of nourishment during a whole month, and appeared to suffer but little inconvenience from their long- fast. " As the time approaches for their annual assemblage, those returning or coining from abroad are seen near the shores, appearing wild and shy. Soon after, however, the females gather upon the beaches, cliff's, or rocks, when the battles among the old males begin for the supreme control of the harems; these struggles often lasting for days, the fight being kept up until one or both become exhausted, but is renewed again when sufficiently recuperated for another attack ; and, really, the attitudes assumed aud the passes made at each other, equal the amplification of a professional fencer. The combat lasts until both become disabled or one is driven from the ground, or perhaps both become so reduced that a third party, fresh from his winter migration, drives them from the coveted charge. The vanquished animals then slink off to some retired spot as if disgraced. Nevertheless, at times, two or more will have charge of the same rookery; but in such instances frequent defiant growlings and petty battles occur. So far as we have observed upon the Sea Lions of the California coast, there is but' little attachment manifested between the sexes; indeed, much of the Turkish nature is apparent, but the females show some affection for their offspring, yet if alarmed when upon the land, they will instantly desert them and take to the water. The young cubs, on the other hand, are the most fractious and savage little creatures imaginable, especially if awakened from their nearly continuous sleeping; and frequently, when a mother reclines to nurse her single whelp, a swarm of others will perhaps contend for the same favor. " To give a more detailed and extended account of the Sea Lions we will relate a brief sketch of a sealing season on Santa Barbara Island. It was near the end of May, 1852, when we arrived, and soon after the rookeries of 'clapmatches,' which were scattered around the island, began to augment, and large numbers of huge males made their appearance, belching forth sharp, ugly howls, and leaping out of or darting through the water with surprising velocity, frequently diving outside the rollers, the next moment emerging from the crest of the foaming breakers, and wad- dling up the beach with head erect, or, with seeming effort, climbing some kelp-fringed rock, to doze in the scorching sunbeams, while others would lie sleeping or playing among the beds of sea- weed, with their heads and outstretched limbs above the surface. But a few days elapsed before a general contention with the adult males began for the mastery of the different rookeries, and the victims of the bloody encounter were to be seen on all sides of the island, with torn lips or muti- lated limbs and gashed sides, while now and then an unfortunate creature would be met with minus an eye or with the orb forced from its socket, and, together with other wounds, presenting a ghastly appearance. As the time for 'haulhig-up' drew near, the island became one mass of animation; every beach, rock, and cliff', where a Seal could find foothold, became its resting-place, while a countless herd of old males capped the summit, and the united clamorings of the vast ;issemblage could be heard, oh a calm day, for miles at sea. The south side of the island is high and precipi- tous, with a projecting ledge hardly perceptible from the beach below, upon which one immense Sea Lion managed to climb, and there remained for several weeks until the season was over. How he ascended, or in what manner he retired to the water, was a mystery to our numerous ship's ciew, as lie came and went in the night; for 'Old Gray,' as named by the sailors, was closely watched in his elevated position during the time the men were engaged at their work. 1 1 "Relative (o Ihe Sea Lions leaping from giddy heights, an incident occurred ut Santa Barbara Island, the last of the season of 1852, which we will here mention. A rookery of about twenty individuals was collected on the brink of a precipitous cliff, at a height at least of sixty feet above the rocks which shelved from the beach below; and our party were sure in their own minds, that, by surprising the animula, we could drive them over tlie cliff. This was easily accomplished; but to our chagrin, when we arrived at the point below, where we expected to find the huge beasts helplessly mutilated, or killed outright, the last animal of the whole rookery was seen plunging into the sea." TIIK r.M.iroKMA SI.A i.m\ 47 None but tin- adult males u.-iv captured, which was usually done by shooting them in the car or near il : liir a hall in any other part of the ho.l\ had not -e effect Mian il would in a Cri/./ly Hear. Occasionally, however, they arc taken with the club and lance, only shooting :i few .,!' the MiaMiTs of the herd. This is easilv accomplished with an experienced crew, if there is sntlicicnt ground back I'roin the lieach for the animals to retreat. During our stay, an instance, occurred, which not only displayed the, sagacity of the animals, but also their yielding disposition, when hard pressed in certain situations, as if naturally designed to be slain in numbers equal to tho demands of their human pursuers. On the south of Santa Barbara Island was a plateau, elevated less than a hundred feet above the sea, stretching to the brink of a cliff that overhung the shore, aii'l a narrow gorge leading up from Mic beach, through which the animals crowded to their favor- ite resting place. As the sun dipped behind the hills, fifty to a hundred males would congregate upon the spot and there remain until the boats were lowered in the morning, when immediately the whole herd would quietly slip ott'into the sea and gambol abuut during the day, returning as they saw the Ixiats again leave tho island for the ship. Several unsuccessful attempts had been made to take them; but at last a fresh breeze commenced blowing directly from the shore, ami prevent* d their scenting the hui.ters, who landed some distance from the rookery, then cautiously advanced, and suddenly yelling, and flourishing muskets, clubs, and lances, rushed up within a few yards of them, while the pleading creatures, with lolling tongues and glaring e.\es, were quite overcome with dismay, and remained nearly motionless. At last, two overgrown males broke through the line formed by the men, but they paid the penalty with their lives before reaching the water. A few moments passed, when all hands moved slowly toward the rookery, which asjdowly retreated. This maneuver is termed 'turning them,' and, when once accomplished, the disheartened creatuies appear to abandon all hope of escape, and resign themselves to their fate. The herd at this time numbered seventy five, which were soon dispatched, by shooting the largest ones, and clubbing and lancing the others, save one young Sea Lion, which was spared to see whether he would make any resistance by being driven over the hills beyond. The poor creature only moved along through the prickly pears that covered the ground when compelled by his cruel pursuers; and. at last, with an imploring look and writhing in pain, it held out its tin-like arms, which were pierced with thorns, in such a manner as to touch the sympathy of the barbarous sealers, who instantly put the sufferer out of its misery by a stroke of a heavy club. As soon as the animal is killed, the longot spires of its whiskers are pulled out, then it is skinned, and its coating of fat cut in sections from its body and transported to the vessel, where, after being 'minced,' the oil is extracted by boiling. The testes are taken out, and, with the selected spires of whiskers, find a market in China the former being used medicinally, and the latter for personal oinameiits. "At the close of the season which lasts about three months, on the California coast a huge majority of the great herds, both males and females, return to the sea, and roam in all directions in ipiest of food, as but few of them could liud sustenance about the waters contiguous to the islands, or points on the mainland, which are their annual resorting places. They live upon lish, 1 niollii>k>. 'THE SKA I. iox> i>i:sii;ri TIN I. or i i-u. Tin- I-'arallnno Kgj; COIMIMIIV. several years iijro. :ilti-ni|iti-il to kill the S-a MOILS which frequented those Inn-roil islands for iheiroil anil skiiiH. Thry Imilt try work* anil wont I"'-' nsidcralde expense, lull it was found that tin- nil obtained from a carcass did not pay for trying it. and I In- only disposition that could them to glur farlorii-s. Tin- !"*: ii-tiirn 1hi-.V(j'it from the carcass was Itmii bristles or wliiski-rs anil lh.> livers, lioth of tln-s.- were sold to Chinanu-n. Tho former they make ns.- ..!' to . tlu-ir opium pipes, while the hitler is .hopped tip, pill into a mixture <>t alenhnl and another tlnid. and administered as a radical cure for many acute diseases. The company :i< cnrdinyly gave up the plan ol sea-lion hunting, lull the ell'ect of their brief warfare upon I In -so animals was to drive vast droves of them over tothoio, ks aliont I he Mill l!"ii-e and the neighborhood of tin- Heads. In conse.picnee of their Ueiiig prnlected l>y law in tbfiie localities, they have (loiililed anil irclded in nnniKer within t he past time v,.u- '' " s ' ' I-'" 11 " :1 "' a M-ry expeiisn.- luxury. It AS TDE SEALS AND WALRUSES. crustaceans, and sea-fowls; always with the addition of a few pebbles or smooth stones, some of which are a pound in weight. 1 Their principal feathery food, however, is the penguin in the South- ern Hemisphere, and the gulls in the Northern; while the manner in which they decoy and catch the Gariot-a- of the Mexican and California coasts displays no little degree of cunning. When in pursuit the animal dives deeply under water and swims some distance from where it disappeared; then, rising cautiously, it exposes the tip of its nose above the surface, at the same time giving it a rotary motion, like that of a water bug at play. The unwary bird on the wing, seeing the object near by, alights to catch it, while the Sea Lion at the same moment settles beneath the waves, and at one bound, with extended jaws, seizes its screaming prey, and instantly devours it. 2 "A few years ago great numbers of Sea Lions were taken along the coast of Upper and Lower California, and thousands of barrels of oil obtained. The number of Seals slain exclusively for their oil would appear fabulous, when we realize the fact that it requires on an average, throughout the season, the blubber of three or four Sea Lions to produce a barrel of oil. Their thick, coarse- grained skins were not considered worth preparing for market, in a country where manual labor was so highly valued. At the present time, however, they are valued for glue-stock, and the seal hunters now realize more comparative profit from the hides than from the oil. But while the civilized sealers, plying their vocation along the seaboard of California and Mexico, destroy the Lobo marino, for the product of its oil, skin, testes, and whiskers, the simple Aleutians of the Alaska region derive from these animals many of their indispensable articles of domestic use " 3 The whiskers are carefully saved and sent to China, where they are used for cleaning opium pipes; the liverS are also used in the Chinese pharmacoposia. Mr. Elliott, in referring to the differences between the Californian and Alaskan Sea Lions, calls attention to the dissimilarity of their voices. The Northern Sea Lion, he says, "never barks or that they consume more fish than are caught in the bay for food, and if they continue to increase in the future a* in th past, it. will be but a few years before the waters of the bay will be destitute of fish. Formerly these animals seldom cam within the Golden Gate, but now it is a very common thing for passengers on the Oakland boats to see their mischievous-looking heads rise from the water with a large lish in the mouth they give it a shake, bite out a piece, drop it, and then, diving again, catch it, and rising to the surface, take another nibble until it is consumed. It is certain that something should be done to diminish their numbers. If the legislature was to ofl'er a royalty of from 75 cents to 91 per skin, it is thought by many interested in our fish supply that it would be an economical act. As it in now, the Sea Lions are protected by law no one being allowed to molest or kill one within a mile of the Cliff House. An erlb- 1 has been made ou several occasions to repeal this law, but at the first intimation of anything in that direction, the lobby in Sacramento has been re-enforced by delegations from a certain stratum of society which history tells us has had more or less influence with legislation since the days of Marc Antony. The consequence is, the law is still upon the statute-books, and the Sea Lions coutinue'to increase, while the fish supply proportionately decreases. San Francisco Call, November 1U. '"The enormous quantity of food which would be required to maintain t lie herd of many thousands, which, in toimer years, annually assembled at the small island of Santa Barbara, would seem incredible, if they daily obtained the allowance given to a male and female Sea Lion on exhibition at Woodward's Gardens, San Francisco, California, where the keeper informed me that he fed them regularly, every day, forty pounds of fresh lish " [That the destruction offish by the Sea Lions ou the coast of California is very great is indicated by the following item, which recently went the rounds of the newspapers: "In a recent meeting at San Francisco of the Senate Committee on Fisheries, the State Fish Commissioners, and a committee representing the fishermen of the coast, the i| next ion as to the destructive performances of the Sea Lions in the harbor was actively discussed. One of the fishermen's representatives said that it was estimated that there were 25,000 Sea Lions within a radius of a few miles, consuming from ten to forty pounds each of fish per day; the Sea Lions were protected while the fishermen were harassed by the game laws. Another witness declared that salmon captured in the Sacramento Uiver often bore the marks of injury finni Si'ji I. ions, having barely escaped with life; but it was supposed that the salmon less frequently fell victims to the a in | ih i In an than did other fishes that cannot swim as fast." Country, January 26, 1878.] "[This account appeared originally in Captain Scammon's account of the "Islands oft' (lie West Coast of Lower California," in J. Hoss Browne's " Resources of the Pacific Slope," second part, p. 1!K) (1869), and has been quoted by Mr. Gurney in the "Zoologist" for 1871, p. 2762.] Marine Mammalia, pp. KM) -l:ir>. T1H-] NOKTI1KKN I'll; SKAL O1J SKA I'.KAK. howls like the animal at the Kara Hones or Santa Barbara. Young and old, Ix.tli >e\e>. year and upward, have only a deep baxx growl, and prolonyed, slcudy roar; while at Sun Fram i-,-i. Sea Lions break out incessantly with a 'honking' bark or howl, and never roar." The California Sea Lion is now a somewhat well-known animal with the public, various individ- uals having been at di fie rent times on exhibition at the Central Park Menagerie in New York City, and at the Zoological Gardens at Philadelphia and Cincinnati, as well as Woodward's (iardeus in San Krancisco. They have also formed part of the exhibition of different traveling shows, especially that of P. T. Baruum. They have also been carried to Europe, where examples have lived for several years at the Zoological Gardens of London, Paris, and elsewhere. Their peculiar "honking" bark, referred to by Mr. Elliott, is hence not unfamiliar to many who have never met with i he animal in a state of nature. Their various attitudes and mode of life on the Faralloncs have also been made familiar to many by the extensive sale of stereoscopic views of the animals and their surroundhigs. The Sea Lions that have been exhibited in this country all, or nearly all, belong to the present species, although often wrongly labeled " Eumetopias Stelkri." The true E. MvUi'ri has, however, at least in one instance, been exhibited in Eastern cities. 22. THE NORTHERN FUR SEAL OR SEA BEAR. GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION AND MIGRATION. The Fur Seal, Callorhinun ursinw (Linn6) Gray, is well known to have been formerly abundant on the western coast of North America, as far south as California, but the exact southern limit of its range I have been unable to determine. Captain Scammon speaks of having seen them " on one of the San Benito Islands, on the coast of Lower California," and again says, " On the coast of California many beaches were found fronting gullies, where [Fur] Seals in large numbers formerly gathered ; and, as they frhere had plenty of ground to retreat upon, the sealers sometimes drove them far enough back to make sure of the whole herd, or that portion of them the skins of which were desirable." 1 lie also states that the " Fur Seal and Sea Elephant once made the shores [of Guadalupe Island] a favorite re- sorting place," and refers to their former occurrence on Cedros Island, in latitude 28. z Although at one time abundant on the California coast, they arc by no means numerous there now, having been nearly exterminated by unrestricted destruction by the si alers. The writer above cited refers also to their capture by the Indians at the month of the Strait of Juan do Fuca. The Seals appear here and on the neighboring coast, he adds, "some years as early as the first of March, and more ,,i less remain till July or August; but they are most plentiful in April and May. During these i uo months the Indians devote nearly all their time to sealing when the weather will permit." He rc]>oi-ts their increase there in later years, and that while only a few dozens were annually taken there from 1843 to 1864, fully ihe thousand were taken in 18C9. 3 Captain Bryant has given a similar report, referring especially to their abundance along the coasts of Oregon, Washington Ter- ritory, and British Columbia in 18C9, as compared with former years. He says those taken "were mostly very young Seals, none appearing to be over a year old. Formerly in March and April the natives of Puget Sound took large numbers of pregnant females, 4 but no places where they have resorted to breed seem to be known off this coast." He thinks it probable, however, that they may occupy rocky ledges off shore which are rarely visited by boats. 5 In his MS. report just 1 SCAMMON, C. M.: Tbe Marino Mammals of the Northwestern Coast, &c., pp. t!>2, 154. *BROWXE, J. Ross: Resources of the Pacific Slope, second part, p. 126. 'SCAMMON, C. XI.: The Marinr .Mammals of the Northwemeni Coast, &c., p. 154. Thero are six skulls iu the National Museum from Pnget Sound and the neighboring coast (collected at several different points l>v Messrs. Scammon and Swan), all of wlicli arc femaltt. 'Bulletin MiiM-um Comparative Zoology, ii, p. 88. 4 F 50 NATURAL H1STOKY OF AQUATIC ANIMALS. received he states that a half-breed hunter told him that he found in summer, " on Queen Chariot I c's Island, groups of these animals consisting of two or more beach-masters with a dozen or more females and pups, but uo half -grown males." As is well known, the Pribylov or so-called " Fur Seal Islands," off the coast of Alaska, form the great breeding-ground of the Fur Seals, to which hundreds of thousands annually resort to bring forth their young. The Pribylov Group consists of four small islands, known respectively as Saint Paul's, Saint George's, Otter, and Walrus Islands. The two last named are of small size, and are not used as breeding-grounds by the Seals, although Otter Island is visited by a large number of "non-breeding Seals." Saint Paul's Island is the largest, containing an area of about thirty-three square miles, and having a coast line of about forty-two miles, nearly one half of which is sand beach. Of this, sixteen and a half miles, according to Mr. Elliott, are occupied in the breeding season by the Fur Seals. Saint George's Island is somewhat smaller, with only twenty - uin miles of shore line. It presents a bold coast, a grand wall of basalt extending continuously for ten miles, with no passageway from the sea. It has, in all, less than a mile of sand beach, and only two and a quarter miles of eligible landing grounds for the Seals. A few old male Fur Seals are said to make their appearance at the rookeries on these islands between the 1st and 15th of May, they acting, as it were, the part of pioneers, since their number is not much increased before the first of June. At about this date, and with the setting iu of the humid, foggy weather of summer, the male Seals begin to land by "hundreds and thousands," to await the arrival of the females, which do not appear before about July first. The young are born soon after, and toward the last of this month the rookeries begin to lose their compactness and definite boundaries, but they are not fully broken up till about the middle of September. The Seals begin to leave the islands about the end of October, the greater proportion departing in November, while some remain till the end of the following month, and even later. The number of Fur Seals present on Saint Paul's Island iu July, 1872, was estimated by Mr. Elliott to exceed three million, and on Saint George's Island iu July, 1873, at about one hundred and sixty-three thousand. Although these islands form by far their most populous resorts, they are said to occur in considerable numbers on some of the islands to the northward, but I am unable to find definite statements as to their numbers or favorite stations. Mr. Elliott, after examining Saint Matthew's and Saint Lawrence Islands, became convinced that they were not only not resorted to as breeding stations by the Fur Seals, but that these islands, by their constitution and climatic conditions, were unsuitable for this purpose, and adds, " it may be salely said that no land of ours iu the north is adapted to the wants of that animal, except that of Saint Paul and Saint George." Mr. W. H. Dall states that "they have never been found in Bering Strait, or within three hundred miles of it." In early times these animals are well known to have been abundant on Behring's and Copper Islands. According to Krascheninikow, they were so numerous upon Behriug's Island about the middle of the last century as to cover the whole southern shore of the island. Their range on the Asiatic coast is given by Steller and others as extending southward along the Kamt- chatkan coast to the Kurile Islands. Krascheuinikow states that they appeared there, however, only in spring and in September, none being seen there from the beginning of June till the end of August, at which time he says they return from the south with their young. Von Schrenck speaks of their occurrence in the Ochotsk Sea and the Tartarian Gulf as fur south as the forty-sixth degreo of latitude, or to the southern point of Saghalicn Island. The natives reported to him (he occurrence of great numl>crs of the animals on the eastern coast of that island. Captain Scaimnon also refers to their abundance twenty years since on the eastern side of Haghalien. Except during the season of reproduction, these animals appear to lead a wandering life, but the extent and direction of their migrations are not yet well known. Steller spoke of their migra- TIIK III; SKAI.: SI/K. AM) CKNKUAI. IMSToKY. 51 1 1. .us ;i.s being MS regular as those of tin- \ arm us kinds of sea fowl, and they arc rccoidcd as .irriving with great regularity at the I'ribylov Islands, but where they pass the season of winter is still a in, liter of conjecture. Si/.i:. Mi. F.lliott has given d table showing the weight, size, aiid rate of growth of tlio Fur from the age of one week to six years, based ou actual weight and measurement, with an estimate.of the si/.c and weight of specimens from eight to twenty years of age. From this table it appears that the pups when a week old have a length of from twelve to fourteen inches, and a weight of six to seven and a half pounds. At six months old the length is two feet and the weight about thirty pounds. At one year the average length of six examples was found to be thirty-eight inches, and the weight thirty-nine pounds, the males and females at this time being alike iu size The average weight of thirty males at the age of two years is given as fifty-eight pounds, and the length as forty live inches. Thirty-two males at the age of three years were found to give uu average weight of eighty-seven pounds, and an average length of fifty-two inches. Ten males at the age of four averaged one hundred and thirty-five pounds in weight, and fifty -eight inches in length. A mean of five examples five years old is : weight, two hundred pounds; length, sixty-five in. hes. Three males at six years gave a weight of two bundled and eighty pounds, and a length of six feet. The estimated average weight of males from eight years and upward, when fat, is given as four hundred to five hundred pounds, and the average length as six feet three inches to six feet eight inches. Mr. Elliott further adds that the average weight of the female is from eighty to eighty-five pounds, but that they range in weight from seventy five to one hundred and twenty pounds, and that the five and six year old males, on their first appearance in May and June, when fat and fresh, may weigh a third more than in July, or at the time those mentioned in the table were weighed, which would thus indicate an average maximum weight of about three hundred and seventy-five pounds for the six-year-old males. According, however, to my own measurements of old males, from mounted and unmounted specimens, the length is between seven and eight feet, and of a full grown female about four feet. Captain Bryant states that the males attain mature si/e at about the sixth year, when their total length is from seven to eight feet, their girth six tu seven feet, and their weight, when in full flesh, from five to seven hundred pounds. The females, he says, are full grown at four years old, when they measure four feet in length, two ami a half in girth, and weigh eighty to one hundred ]x>uuds. The yearlings, he says, weigh from thirty to forty pounds. The relative size of the adults of both sexes and the young in well shown iu the accompanying illustration drawn by Mr. Elliott. (ir.NKUAL HISTORY. The northern Fur Seal was first made known to science by Steller, in 1751, under tJie name of Urnua marinm. During his visit to Kamtchatka and its neighboring islands, in 1742, he met with these animals in great numbers at Bering's Island, where he spent some time among them, and carefully studied their lutbits and anatomy, a detailed account of which appeared in his celebrated memoir entitled "De Bestiis Marinis," in the Transactions of the Saint Petersburg Academy for the year 1749.' This important essay was the source of nearly all of the accounts of this animal that appeared prior to the beginning of the present decade. The twenty eight quarto pages of Steller's memoir devoted to this species gave not only a detailed account of its anatomy, with an extensive table of measurements, but also of its remarkable habits, and figures of the animals themselves. A little later Krascheninikow, in his History of Kami ehatka,-' under the name of "Sea Cat," gave also a long account of its habits, apparently baaed 'Nov. Cumin. A rail. Pet nip., ii. jip. :>:il-:i.>'.l. pi. xv, IT.'il. Thin, an in well known, is a |>H||I unions pnpcr, pub- lished six \eais :ili. -i Seller's death, Sicllrr living nt'lVv.T November Ii, IT I."., while on Ins way from Siberia to Saint . '1 lie ilc scrip: ion nl'ilie Sea Itear was written at lierin^'M Inland in May. l"4i. 'Hist. Kan.tehatka (Kuglwh edition), traiwlateil liom thr Knssian liy Janiea Grieve, pp. I23-13U, 1764. 52 NATURAL HISTORY OF AQUATIC ANIMALS. mainly on Steller's notes, 1 but it embraces a few particulars not given in "DeBestiis Marinis." Steller's description of the habits of this animal has been largely quoted by Buffoii, Pennant, Schreber, Hamilton, and other general writers. Buffon, Pennant, Schreber, Gmelin, and nearly all writers on the Pinnipeds, down to about 1820, confounded the northern Fur Seal with the Fur Seals of the Southern Hemisphere, blending their history as that of a single species. Pe'rou, in 1816, first recognized it as distinct from its southern allies, as it was so treated somewhat later by Demarest, Lesson, Fischer, Gray, and other systematic writers, 2 but its distinctive characters were not clearly set forth till 1859, when Dr. J. E. Gray described and figured its skull, and showed that the northern species was not even con- generic with the Sea Bears of the south. Very few specimens of either the northern or southern Sea Bears appear to have reached European museums prior to about that date, so that naturalists had not previously been able to make a direct comparison of this species with any of its southern affines. Dr. Gray, in referring to this point in 1859, wrote as follows: "I had not been able to see a specimen of this species in any of the museums which I examined on the Continent or in England, or to find a skull of the genus [Arctocephalus] from the North Pacific Ocean, yet I felt so assured, from Ste'ler's description and the geographical position, that it must be distinct from the Eared Fur Seals from the Antarctic Ocean and Australia, with which it had usually been confounded, that in my 'Catalogue of Seals in the Collection of the British Museum' [1850] I regarded it as a distinct species, under the name of Arctocephalus ursinus, giving an abridgment of Steller's descrip tiou as its specific character." "The British Museum," he adds, "has just received, under the name Otaria leonina, from Amsterdam, a specimen [skull and skin] of the Sea Bear from Bering's Straits, which was obtained from Saint Petersburg"; 3 which is the specimen already spoken of as figured by Dr. Gray. From the great differences existing between this skull and those of the Southern Sea Bears, Dr. Gray, a few weeks later, separated the northern species from the genus Arctocephalus, under the name Callorhinus. 4 It seems, however, that there were two skulls of Steller's Sea Bear in the Berlin Museum as early as 1841, 5 and three skeletons of the same species in the Museum of Munich in 1849, 6 yet Dr. Gray appears to have been the first to compare this animal with its southern relatives, and to positively decide its affinities. Misled, however, by erroneous information respecting specimens of Eared Seals received at the British Museum from California, a skin of the Callorhinus ursinus was doubtfully described by this author, in the paper in which the name CaUorhinus was proposed, as that of his Arctocephalus monteriensi*, which is a Hair Seal. This skin was accompanied by a young skull, purporting, by the label it bore, to belong to it, but Dr. Gray observes that otherwise he should have thought it too small to have belonged to the same animal. Seven years later, 7 he described the skull as that of a new species (Arctocephalus californianw), still associating with it, however, the skin of the 1 Krascheninikow, it is stated, "received all of Mr. S teller's papers" to aid him in the preparation of his "History of Kamtchatka." -Xilsson and Miillcr in 1841, and Wagner in 1846 and 1849, on the other hand, still considered all the Sea Hears as belonging to a single species. Wagner, in 1849 (Arch, filr Natnrg., 1849, pp. 37-49) described the osteological char- acters of the northern species from three skeletons in the Munich Museum received from Bering's Sea. One of these was apparently that of a full-grown femalo; a second was believed to bo that of a half- grown male, while the third belonged to a very young animal, in which the permanent teeth were still not wholly developed. Wagner compares the species with Steller's Sea Lion, and with the figures of the skulls of the southern Sea Bears given by F. Cuvier, Blainville, and Quoy and Qaimard, and notes varions differences iu the form of the teeth and skull, but believes that these differences must be regarded as merely variations dependent upon age. 'QUAY, J. E., in the Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 1859, p. 10-2. 4 GRAY, J. E., in the Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 1859, p. 359. See Archiv fUr Natnrgesch., 1841, p. 334. 'GRAY, J. E., in the Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 849, p. 39. 7 <;KAT, J. E., Catalogue of the Seals and Whales iu the British Museum, 1866, p. 51. THK I'll; SKA I,: FK1URES. iirxiiiux. The skull lie subsequently considered ;is that of a .young .1. inontcrien*iM (=Enmctoi>iii'-6, pi. xxi. 'GRAY, J. E., in Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 1859, pi. Ixviii. 'GRAY, J. E. : Catalogue of the Seals and Whales in the British Mnsi-nm, p. , fig. 10. T.RAY, J. E. : Hand-List xix. I infer this to he the same specimen in each case, not only from the resemblance the figures lic:ir to each other, luit from Dr. Gray, fu> far as I can discover, referring to only the single skull from Bering's Strait, received in 18&!>. 'ScAMMnN, ('. M. : The Marine Mammals of the Northwest Coast. A B., pi. xxi, two figures. ELLIOTT, HENRY W. : Report on the Pribylov (froup. or l-'nr Seal Islands, of Alaska, unpaged, and plates not numbered. 9 Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 1878, 271, pi. xx. THE HARHOU SKA I,. .V, 23. THE HARBOR SEAL. (iKNKUAl. HISTORY AND SYNONYMY. Till' (-(minion Seal. 1'hoca (/'/) rillllina Linnc, is mentioned ill the earliest works on natural history, having been described and rudely figured by various writers as early as the middle of the sixteenth century as well as during the seventeenth century. Kveu down to the time of Linne* it was the only species recognized; or, more correctly, all the species known were usually confounded as one species, supposed to l>c the same as the common Seal of the European cosusts. Consequently almost down to the beginning of the present century the common Seal" was generally supposed to inhabit nearly all the seas of the globe, Bnft'on, Pennant, Schreber, and others referring to it as an inhabitant of the Southern Hemisphere. Liiine distinguished only a single species, even in the later editions of his "Systema Natnne." As is well known, the smaller species of Seal arc, with difficulty distinguishable by external characters, particularly during their younger stages. Few, however, arc so variable in color as the present, and none has so wide a geographical range. ecn much mom numerous on portions of our eastern coast than it is at present. 1 Dr. DeKay, writing in 1842, states that the "common Seal, or Sea Dog," is "now comparatively rare in our [New York] waters," though "formerly very abundant." He adds, "A certain reef of rocks in the harbor of New York is called Kobin^ Reef, from the numerous seals which were accustomed to resort there; roliiii or i-obi/ii being the name in Dutch for Seal. At some seasons, even at the present day, they are very numerous, particularly about the Execution Rocks in the Sound; but their visits appear to be very capricious." He further alludes to their capture nearly every year in the Passaic River, in New Jersey, and states that a Seal was taken in a seine in the Chesapeake Bay, near Elko, Maryland, in August, 1824, supposed by Dr. Mitchill, who saw it, to be of this species. 2 Although still occasionally appearingon the coast of the Atlantic States as far southward as North Carolina.' it is of probably only accidental occurrence south of New Jersey, and rare south of Massachusetts. In respect to its occurrence on the New Jersey coast, Dr. C. C. Abbott, the well known naturalist of Trenton, N. J., kindly writes me, in answer to my inquiries on this point, as follows: "In going <>vcr my note-books, I find I bave there recorded the occurrence of Seals (1'lwi-n ritulina) at Trenton, N. J., as follows : December, 1861 ; January, 1864; December, 1806; February. 1870; and December, 1877. In these five instances a single specimen was killed on the ledge of rocks crossing the river here and forming the rapids. In December, 1861, three were seen, and two in February, 1870. A week later one was captured down the river near Bristol, Bucks County, Pennsylvania. My impression is that in severe winters they are really much more abundant in the Delaware River than is supposed. Considering how small a chance there is of their being seen when the river is choked with ice, I am disposed to believe that an occasional pair or more come up the river, even as high as Trenton, the head of tide-water, and one hundred and thirty-eight miles from the ocean. ' The "Semi- Weekly Advertiser," Boston, January 10, 1872, had the following: "The keeper of tin- Bird Island light-house at Marion reports that one day last week he saw over 300 Seals on the ice atone time. He .shot and obtained from it two gallons of oil. In eight years that In- has kept the light he never saw more than throe at a time until now." 'DKKAY, JAMES E. : New York Zoology, or the Fauna of New York, part i, 1842, pp. 54, .Vi. A recent ree.>nl >( its capture in North Carolina is the following, the reference, I think, unquestionably relating to the present s|M>cio: "SOUTIHOW RAXOK OK THIS SEAU The Wilmington, N. C., 'Star' of February **, mentions the rapt IIP-, in River. On-dow County, of a large female Spotted Seal, measuring about wv.-n feel in length, and weighing i pounds. This is an interesting note. The species must probalily have l-en the common Harbor Seal < l'h,^,i Weigm. Arch. fUr Natnrg. 1864, p. 84. TIIH IlAltnOK SKAL: ItANCH AND HABITS. 57 Merino's Strait, where it seems to bo an abundant species. 1 have examined specimens from tho Sant;i I'.arbara Islands, and various intermediate points to Alaska, and from Plover Bay, on the eastern coast of Siberia. The extent of its range on tho Asiatic coast has not been ascertained. If it is the species referred to by Pallas under the name Phoca canina, and by Temminck, Von Schrenrk, and other German writers, under the name Phoca nummulari*, as seems probable, it (ii curs in Japan and along the Amoor coast of the Ochotsk Sea. Von Schrenck speaks of it, on the authority <>f the natives, as entering the Amoor River. 1 Tho late Dr. Gray referred a speci- men from Japan to his "llalicyon Richardsi," which, as already shown, is merely a synonym of riiora vitulina. It thus doubtless ranges southward along the Asiatic coast to points nearly cor- responding in latitude with its southern limit of distribution on the American side of the Pacific. The Harbor Seal not only frequents the coast of the North Atlantic and the North Pacific, and some of the larger interior seas, but ascends all the larger rivers, often to a considerable dis- tance above tide-water. It even passes up the Saint Lawrence to tho Great Lakes, and has Iteen taken in Lake Champlain. DeKay states, on the authority of a Canadian newspaper, that a Seal (in all probability of this species) was taken in Lake Ontario near Cape Vincent (Jefferson County, New York) about 1824, and adds that the same paper says that Indian trailers report the previous occurrence of Seals in the same lake, though such instances are rare.' Thompson gives two instances of its capture in Lake Champlain; one of the specimens he himself examined, and lias published a careful description of it, taken from the animal before it was skinned.- 1 They are also known to ascend the Columbia River as far as the Dalles (above the Cascades, and about two hundred miles from the sea), as well as the smaller rivers of the Pacific coast, nearly to their sources. Mr. Brown states that " Dog River, a tributary of the Columbia, takes its name from a dog-like animal, probably a Seal, being seen in the lake whence the stream rises." 4 HABITS. The Harbor Seal is the only species of the family known to lie at all common on any part of the eastern coast of the United States. Although it has been taken as far south as North Carolina, it is found to be of very rare or accidental occurrence south of New Jersey. Uespeeting its history here, little has been recorded beyond the fact of its presence. Captain Seanmioii has given a quite satisfactory account of its habits and distribution as observed by him on the Pacific coast of the United States, but under the supposition that it was a species distinct from the well-known Phoca vittilina of the North Atlantic. Owing to its rather southerly distribution, as compared with its more exclusively boreal afflnes, its biography has l>een many times written in greater or less detail. Fabricius, as early as 1791, devoted not less than twenty pages to its history, based in part on his acquaintance with it in Greenland, and partly on the writings of pre- ceding authors; 5 and much more recently extended accounts of it have been given by Nilssouand 1 VON SCHKENK : Reisen im Ainoor-Lande. B<1. i, p. 180. f DEKAY: New York Zoology, or the Fauna of Now York, pt. i, 1842, p. 55. His record of the captnro of these examples ia as follows: "While several persons were skatin;; upon the ice on Lake Champlain, a lit! li- Bonth of Burlington, in February, 1810, they discovered a living Seal in a wild state which had found its way through a crack and was crawling upon the ice. They took off their skates, with which they attacked and killed it, and then drew it to the shore. It is said to have been fonr and a half feet long. It must have reached our lake by way of the Saint Lawrence and Hirhelieu." Tliompsons' Nat. and Civil Hist, of Vermont, 1842, p. 38. "Another Seal was killed npon the ice between Burlington and Port Kent on tho 23d of February, 1840. Mr. Tabor, of Koeseville, and Messrs. Morse anil Field, of Peru, were crossing over in sleighs when they discovered it crawling npon the ice, and, attacking it with the butt end of their whip*, t hey Mirceeiled in killing it and brought it on shore at Burlington, where it was purchased by Morton Coin, esq., and presented to the University of Vermont, where it- skin and skeleton are now preserved. * * * * At the time the above-mentioned Saal was taken, tho lake, with tho exception of a few cracks, was entirely covered with ice." Ibid., Append., 1853, p. l:i. Proc.Zool. Soc. Lond., 1808, p. 412, foot-note. 'Fabricius appears to have exhaustively presented its literary history, his references to previous authors, in hia table of synonymy, occupying nearly fonr pagea. 58 NATURAL HISTORY OF AQCJATIC ANIMALS. Lilljeborg, but unfortunately for English readers the first of these histories is written in Danish and the other in Swedish. It has, however, been noticed quite fully by Bell, Macgilliviay. and other British authors, while lesser and more fragmentary accounts of it are abundant. On the N c\\ England coast, as elsewhere, it is chiefly observed about rocky islands and shores, at the mouths of rivers and in sheltered bays, where it is always an object of interest. Although ranging far into the arctic regions, it is everywhere said to be a sedentary or non-migratory species, being resident throughout the year at all points of its extended habitat. Unlike most of the other species, it is strictly confined to the shores, never resorting to the ice-floes, and is consequently never met with far out at sea, nor does it habitually associate with other species. On the coast of Newfoundland, where it is more abundant and better known than at more southerly points, it is said to bring forth its young during the last two weeks of May and the early part of June, resorting for this purpose to the rocky points and outlying ledges along the shore. It is said to be very common along the shores of the Gulf of Saint Lawrence and of Newfoundland in summer, or during the period when the shores are free from ice, but in winter leaves the ice-bound coast for the re- moter islands in the open sea. It is at all times watchful, and takes great care to keep out of reach jof guns. Still, many are surprised while basking on the rocks, and fall victims to the seal-hunters, while considerable numbers of the young are captured in the seal-nets. They are described as very sagacious, and as possessing great parental affection. Mr. Carroll states that when an old one is found on the rocks with its young it will seize the latter and convey it in its mouth so quickly to the water that there is not time to shoot it; or, if the young one be too large to be thus removed, it will entice it upon its back and plunge with it into the sea. The same writer informs us that this species is a great annoyance to the salmon-fishers, boldly taking the salmon from one end of the net while the fisherman is working at the other end. It is also troublesome in other ways, since, whenever the old ones get entangled in the strong seal-nets, they are able to cut themselves free, a feat it is said no other Seal known in Newfoundland will do. This species is known to the inhabitants of Newfoundland as the "Native Seal," in conse- quence of its being the only species found there the whole year. The young are there also called "Rangers," and when two or three years old at which age they are believed to bring forth their first young receive the name of "Dotards." Here, as well as 'in Greenland, the skins of this species are more valued than those of any other species, owing to their beautifully variegated markings, and are especially valued for covering trunks and the manufacture of coats, caps, and gloves. 1 Mr. Brown informs us that the natives of the eastern coast of Greenland prize them h igh l.y "as material for the women's breeches," and adds "that no more acceptable present can be given to a Greenland damsel than a skin of the ' Kassigiak,' as this species is there called." The < ! reen landers also consider its flesh as "the most palatable of all 'seal-beef'". 2 According to Mr. Reeks, the period of gestation is about nine months, the union of the sexes occurring, according to the testimony of the Newfoundlanders, in September/' Only rarely does the female give birth to more than a single young. This agrees with what is stated 1>,\ Hell and other English authors respecting its season of procreation. Respecting its general history, I find the following from the pen of Mr. John (Bordeaux, who, in writing of this species, as observed by him in British waters, says: "The Seal (Phoca ritulhui) is not uncommon on that part of the Lincolnshire coast adjoining the Wash. This immense estuary, lying between Lincolnshire and Norfolk, is in great part occupied with large and dangerous 'CAIIROLI,, MICHAEL: Seal aud Herring Fisheries of Newfoundland, 1873, pp. 10, 11. 'BROWN, ROBKRT, in Proceedings of the Zoological Socii-ly <>f London, 18(58, p. 413 3 REKKg, HKNHY: Zoologmt, 2d Her., TO!. vi,1871, p. 2541. THK HAKIKH; SK.M, HAl'.lTS. 59 mil-hanks, intersected by deep but nariow channels. At ebb the sands are uncovered; and at these times, on hot days, numbers of Seals may be found basking and sunning themselves on the hot sands, or n. Ilin- ami wallowing in the shallow water along the bank. Sometimes a herd of lil'teen or twenty of these interesting creatures will collect on some favorite Hand-spit; their chief h. 1 11 n i > an- tin Long sand, near the centre of the Wash ; the Knock, along the Lincoln coast ; and the Hogshead sand, near the entrance to Boston Deeps. In the first week of July, when sailing down I lie I >eeps alon- the edge of the Knock, we saw several Seals; some on the bank; others with their bodies bent like a bow, the head and hind feet only out of the water. They varied greatly in size, also in color, hardly any two being marked alike; one had the head and face dark colored, wearing the color like a mask; in others the upper parts were light gray; others looked dark altove and li^'ht below, and some dark altogether. '. . . The female has one young one in the year; and as these banks are covered at flood, the cub, when born, must make an early acquaintance with the water. In most of the FhoritUr the young one is at first covered with a sort of wool, the second 01 hairy dress being gradually acquired; and until this is the case it does not go into the water. This, however, does not appear to be the case with the common Seal, for Mr. L. Lloyd says (I be- lieve in his 'Game Birds and Wild Fowl of Norway and Sweden,' but I have not the book to refer to) that the cub of the common species, whilst still in its mother's womb, casts this wooly covering; and when ushered into the world has acquired its second or proper dress. 1 If this is the case, it fully accounts for the cub being able to bear immersion from the hour of its birth. The Seal, if lying undisturbed and at rest, can remain for hours without coining to the surface."' I am informed by competent observers that on the coast of Maine they assemble in a similar manner on sand bars, but take to the water before they can be closely approached. Mr. Kumlien (in his MS. notes) observes: "The so-called 'Fresh-water Seal' of the whalemen is one of the rarer species in the waters of Cumberland Sound. They are m.wtly met with far up in the fjords, and in the fresh -water streams and ponds, where they go after salmon. They are rather difficult to capture, as at the season when they are commonly met with they have so little bluMier that they sink when shot. . . . The adult males often engage in severe combats with each other. I have seen skins so scratched that they were nearly worthless. In fact, the Kskimo consider a ' Kassiarsoak 1 (a very large 'Kassigiak') as having an almost worthless skin, and seldom use it except for their skin tents. The skins of the young, on the contrary, are a great acquisition." He further states that they do not make an excavation lieneath the snow for the reception of the young, like Phoca ffetida, "but bring forth later in the, season on the, bare ice, fully exposed." Under the name " Leopard Seal," Captain Scammon has given a very good account of the habits of this species as observed by him on the Pacific coast of North America. He speaks of it an dis- playing no little sagacity, and considerable boldness, although exceedingly wary. He says it is "found about outlying rocks, islands, and ]M>ints, on sand-reefs made bare at low tide, and is frequently met with in harbors among shipping, and up rivers more than a hundred miles from the sea. We have often observed them," he continues, "close to the vessel when under way. and likewise when at anchor, appearing to emerge delil>erately from the depths below, sometimes only showing their heads, at other times exposing half of their bodies, but the instant any move was made on board, they would vanish like an apparition under water, and frequently that would be 'A statement to this effect is also made by Mr. Carroll, but Mr. Bobert Brown nfllnnx, on the authority of Captain McDonald, that in tin- \Vt-Hl.-rn IsU-8 of Scotland I lie young are "born pure white, with curly liair, like tin- VOIIIIK of rmjiiiHii* I'a-liiliix. lint within thror day* of its birth In-Kind to take dark colors on Hie miiiiit and tipH of the flippers. "- Proc. Xool. S.M-. l.onil.. M>*. |>. -I IX I'OKDKAUX, .Ions, in Zoologist, U'll m-r., vol. vii, IfT'J, pp. :\M3, 'JM4. 60 NATURAL HISTORY OF AQUATIC ANIMALS. the last seen of them, or, if seeii again, they would be far out of gunshot." They conic ashore, he observes, "more during windy weather than in calm, and in the night more than in the day; and they have been observed to collect in the largest herds upon the beaches and rocks, near the full and change of the moon. They delight in basking in the warm sunlight, and when no isolated rock or shore is at hand, they will crawl upon any fragment of drift-wood that will float them. Although gregarious, they do not herd in such large numbers as do nearly all others of the Seal tribe; further- more, they may be regarded almost as mutes, in comparison with the noisy Sea Lions. It is very rarely, however, any sound is uttered by them, but occasionally a quick bark or guttural whining, and sometimes a peculiar bleating is heard when they are assembled together about the period of bringing forth their young. At times, when a number meet in the neighborhood of rocks or reefs distant from the mainland, they become quite playful, and exhibit much life in their gambols, leaping out of the water or circling around upon the surface. . . . Its rapacity in pursuing and devouring the smaller members of the piscatory tribes is quite equal, in proportion to its size, to that of the orca. When grappling with a fish too large to be swallowed whole, it will hold and handle it between its fore flippers, and, with the united work of its mouth . . . the wriggling prize is demolished and devoured as quickly, and in much the same manner, as a squirrel would eat a bur-covered nut. . . . "Leopard Seals are very easily captured when on shore, as a single blow with a club upon the head will dispatch them. The Indians about Puget Sound take them in nets made of large hemp line, using them in the same manner as seines, drawing them around beaches when the rookery is on shore. They are taken by the whites for their oil and skins, but the Indians and Esquimaux make great account of them for food." He adds that the natives of Puget Sound singe them before a tire until the hair is consumed and the skin becomes crisp, when they are cut up and cooked as best suits their taste. 1 The apparent fondness of this animal, in common with other species of the family, for music, has been often noted. The food of this species consists largely of fish, but, like other species, it doubtless varies its fare with squids and shrimps. That it aspires to more epicurean tastes is evidenced by its occasional capture of sea-birds. This they ingeniously accomplish by swimming beneath them as they rest upon the water and seizing them. An eye-witness of this pastime relates an instance as observed by him on the Scottish coast. "While seated on the bents," he writes, "watching a flock of [herring] gulls that were fishing in the sea near Donnaouth, I was startled by their jerking high in the air, and screaming in an unusual and excited manner. On no previous occasion have I observed such a sensation in a gull-hood, not even when a black-head was being pursued, till he disgorged his newly-swallowed fish, by that black- leg, the skua. The excitement was explained by a Seal [presumably Phoca vitulina, this being the only species common at the locality in ques- tion] showing above the water with a herring gull in his mouth. On his appearing the gulls became ferocious, and struck furiously at the Seal, who disappeared with the gull in the water. The Seal speedily reappeared, but on this occasion relinquished his victim on the gulls renewing their attack. The liberated gull was so disabled as to be unable to fly, but it had strength enough to hold ii]i its head as it drifted with the tide." 2 They are evidently discriminating in their tastes, and not loath to avail themselves of a fine salmon now and then not of their own catching. Their habit of plundering the, nets of the iisher- men on the coast of Newfoundland has been already alluded to, but this peculiarity is evidently 1 RCAMMON," C. M.: Marine Mammals, etc., pp. 166, 167. ANOU8, W. ( 'itAiiiK, in Zoologist, 2d ser., vol. vi, 1871, p. 2762. THE IIA1MJOK SEAL: ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE. 61 not confined ii the Newfoundland representative of the species, us shown by the following incident related l.v tin- writer hist quoted. "On a sunny noon in the autumn of 1868," says this observer, "1 observed a Seal, not far from the same place, with a salmon in his mou'h, which ho forced through the meshes of a stake net. The struggling salmon, whose head was in the jaws of the Seal, struck the water violently with his tail, which gleamed like a lustre in the lessoning ray. The Seal rose and sank alternately, keeping seaward to escape Eley's cartridges from the shore. When above the water he shortened the silver bar, which continued to lash his sides long after ita thickest part had disappeared, by rising to his perpendicular, as if to allow the precious inetal by its own weight to slip into his crucible. The Seal evidently swallowed above, and masticated below, water the process lasting about twelve minutes, during which the Seal had travelled a full half mile. 1 ' In their raids upon the nets of the fishermen they become sometimes themselves the victims, being in t his way frequently taken along our own coast as well as elsewhere. They are, however, at all times unwelcome visitors. DeKay states that formerly they were taken almost every year in the "fyke IK-US" in the Passaic Kiver, greatly to the disgust of the fishermen, the Seals when raptured making an obstinate resistance and doing much injury to the nets. Their accidental capture in this way often affords a record of their presence at localities they are not commonly supposed to frequent, as in the Chesapeake Bay, and at even more southerly localities on the eastern coast of the United States. Owing to the difficulty of capturing this species, and its comparatively small numbers, it is of little commercial importance, although the oil it yields is of excellent quality, and its skins are of special value for articles of dress, and other purposes, in consequence of their beautifully variegated tints. Though not a few are taken in strong seal-nets, they are usually captured by means of the 1 1 Me or heavy scaling gun. On rare occasions they are surprised on shore at so great a distance from water that they are overtaken and killed by a blow on the head with a club. Like other sjMJcies of the seal family, the Harbor seal is very tenacious of life, and must be struck in a vital part by either ball or heavy shot, in order to kill it on the spot. Says Mr. Keeks, "I have been often amused at published accounts of Seals shot in the Thames or elsewhere, but which 'sank immediately.' What Seal or other amphibious animal would not do so if 'tickled' with the greater part of, perhaps, an ounce of No. 5 shot!" lie adds that it is only in the spring of the year that this seal will "float" when killed in the water, but says that he has never seen a Seal "so ioor, which, if killed dead on the spot, would not have floated from five to ten seconds," or long enough to give "ample time for rowing alongside," supposing the animal to have been killed by shot, and the boat to contain two hands." The oil of this species, according to the same writer, sells in Newfoundland for fifty to seventy -five cents a gallon, while the skins are worth one dollar each. Mr. Carroll gives the weight of the skin and blubber of a full-grown individual as ranging from eighty to one hundred pounds, while that of a young one averages, at ten weeks old, thirty to thirty-five pounds. The flesh of the yonng, the same writer quaintly says, is "as pleasant to the taste as that of any description of salt- water bird." Its flesh, as already stated, is esteemed by the Greeulanders above that of any other species. Few statistics relating to the capture of this 8|>ecic8 are available, but the number taken is small in comparison with the "catch" of other species, particularly of the Harp or Greenland Seal. Dr. Rink states that only from one thousand to two thousand are annually taken in Greenland, which is about one to two per cent, of the total catoh. They are hunted to a considerable extent, however, wherever they occur in numbers. The Harbor Seal received this name from its predilection for bays, inlets, estuaries, and fjords, 62 NATURAL HISTORY OF AQUATIC ANIMALS. from which habit it is also often termed Bay Seal, ami, on the Scandinavian coast, Fjord Sea, (Fjordskiil), and also Kock Seal (Steen-Kobbe). 1 24. THE HARP SEAL. GENERAL, HISTORY AND NOMENCLATURE. The Harp Seal, Phoca (PagopMlm) grcenlandica Fabricins, like the Crested Seal, presents characters, at least in the male sex, that readily attract the attention of even the casual observer the one by its "saddle" or "harp-mark" of black on a light ground, the other by its inflatable hood. Accordingly both were mentioned by various early writers, but notably by Egede, Ellis, and Cranz, and the indications they gave of their existence enter into the technical history of the species, forming as they do the basis of the first systematic names. Erxlebeu described the species in 1777, under the name Phoca grcenhndica-, his descrip- tion being founded mainly on information previously made public by Cranz. Few Seals vary so much in color with age as the Harp Seal. This was long since mentioned by Crauz, who says : " All Seals vary annually their color till they are full grown, but no sort so much as this [the Attersoak], and the Greenlanders vary its name according to its age. They call the foetus iblau; in this state these are white and wooly, whereas the other sorts are smooth and coloured. In the 1st year 't is called Attaralc, and 't is a cream-colour. In the 2d year Atteitaiak then 'tis gray. In the 3d Aglektok, painted. In the 4th Milaktok, and in the 5th year Attarsoak. Then it wears its half-moon, the signal of maturity." Dr. Rink states that at the present day the Greenlanders, as well as the Europeans, divide the "Saddle-backs" into four or five different classes according to their age, but that in familial- language they only distinguish by different names the full-grown animals from the half-grown ones, the latter being called " Bluesides." The young, when first born, are called by the Newfoundland sealers "White-coats"; later, during the first molt, "Ragged-jackets"; when they have attained the black cresceutic marks they are termed "Harps," or " Saddlers," and also "Breeding Harps"; the yearlings and two-year- olds arc called "Young Harps" or "Turning- Harps/' and also "Bedlimers" (or "Bellamers," also spelled "Bedlamers"). The older and some recent writers state that the mature pattern of coloration is not attained till the fifth year, while Jukes, Brown, Carroll, and others state that it is acquired in the third or fourth year. There is also a diversity of statement respecting the sexual differences of color in the adults, some writers affirming that the sexes are alike, while others state that the female is without the harp-mark, or has the dark markings of the male only faintly indi- cated. Mr. Carroll says: " The reason why they are called Harp Seals, or 'Saddlers,' is, the male Seal, as well as the female, has a dark stripe on each side from the shoulders to the tail, leaving a muddy white stripe down the back. The male Harp Seal is very black about the head as well as under the throat. . . . The female Harp is of a rusty gray about the head and white under the throat." Both Jukes and Reeks, however, refer to the absence of the harp-mark in the female. GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. Although the Harp Seal has a circumpolar distribution, it 1 Seals appear to be increasing in numbers in Massachusetts Bay. We observed them frequently near Race Point, I'rovincetown, in 1879, where they sometimes get into the gill-nets set foi mackerel. At Banistable they have become very numerous and troubleeoi' e of late. They are often shot or taken in the weirs at Barustable and Yarmouth, and are accused of seriously depleting the fisheries in this locality, as well as at Plymouth, whore they have been preserved for a number of years. Crossing the entrance to Barngtable Harbor at sunset November 10, 1 counted eight or ten heads above the surface. The number here is estimated at sixty-five or seventy, and there are probably not less tbau three hundred in the bay. They are resident, disappearing for a time in the spring and returning accompanied by their young, about one-quarter a large as their parents, in April or May. Capt. Gideon Bowley, of Provincotown, tells me that they feed on "sun squalls," or medusie, and that he has seen them "boil 'em up," or vomit them, when caught. G. BROWN GOODK. Till-: HALT MAI.: DISTKIIUTION. AND USKS 63 appears tint in advance MI tar norlhwaid as the Ringed Seal or the Bearded Seal; yet the icy MM of the north are prc eminently its home It is not found on tlie Atlantic count of North America in any immliers south of Newfoundland. A few are taken nt the Magdalen Islands, and while ou their way to the Grand Banks some must pass very near the Nova Scotia coast. Dr. Gilpin, however, includes it only provisionally among the Seals that visit the shores of that Province. It doubtless occasionally wanders, like the Crested Seal, to points far south of its usual range, as I liinl a skeleton of this sjiecies in the collection of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, bearing the legend " N'ahuiit, Mass., L. Agassis." I have at times felt doubtful about the correctness of the assigned locality, as this seems to be the only proof of the occurrence of this species on the Massachusetts coast. I have, however, recently been informed by Dr. C. C. Abbott, of New Jersey, that a Seal, described (o him as being about six feet long, white, with a broad black bund along each side of the back, was taken near Trenton, in that State, during the winter of 1878-79. This description can of course refer to no other species than Phoca grnrnlandica, and as it comes from a wholly trustworthy source it seems to substantiate the occasional occurrence of this si>ecies as tar south as New Jersey. Von Heuglin gives it as ranging "in den amerikanischen Meercu siidwarts bis New York," 1 but I know not on what authority. The Harp Seals are well known to be periodically exceedingly abundant along the shores of Newfoundland, where, during spring, hundreds of thousands arc annually killed. In their migra- tions they pass along the coast of Labrador, and appear with regularity twice a year oft' the coast of Southern Greenland. Capt. J. C. Ross states that in Baffin's Bay they keep mostly "to the loose floating floes which constitute what is termed by the whale-fishers ' the middle ice' of Battin's Bay and Davis' Straits." He says he never met with them in any part of Prince Regent's Inlet, but states that they are reported by the natives to be very numerous on the west side of the. Isthmus of Boothia, but that they are not seen on the east side. 2 They are well-known visitors to the shores of Iceland, and swarm in the icy seas about Jan Mayeu and Spitsbergen. They also occur about Nova Zembla, and Payer refers to their abundance at Franz Josef Land. They occur in the Kara Sea, and along the arctic coast of Europe. Malmgren, Lilljeborg, and Collett state that it is of regular occurrence on the coast of Finmark, where it occurs in small nnmlH'rs from October and November till February. Although reported by Bell and others as having been taken in the Severn, and by Saxby as observed at Baltasound, Shetland, the capture of a specimen in Morecombe Bay, England, reported by Turner in 1874, Mr. E. R. Alston says is "the first British specimen that has been properly identified." The distribution of this species in the North Pacific is not well known. Pallas (under the name Phoca dorsato) records it from Kaintchatka, where its occurrence is also affirmed by Steller. Teuimiuck mentions having examined three skins obtained at Sitka, but adds that it was not observed by"les voyageurs neerlandais" in Japan. In the collections in the National Museum from the North Pacific this species is unrepresented, the species thus far received from there being the following four, namely : Phoca vitulina, Phoca fcetida, Erignathu* barbatiut, and Histriopkoca Jasciata. HUNTING AND PRODUCTS. As so large a part of what has been already said in the general account of the seal fishery of the North Atlantic and Arctic waters necessarily relates to the present species, it is scarcely requisite in the present connection to more than recall the leading points of the subject, with the addition of a few details not previously given. As already stated, the sealing grounds par excellence are the ice Hoes off the eastern coast of Newfoundland and around 'VON HKUGLIN: KViw-n nnt-h ili-iii .\iinl|M.lariinMT, p. 56. J C'ABROLL: Seal and Hrrriug KiHlirrira of Newfoundland, p. M. 64 NATURAL HISTORY OF AQUATIC ANIMALS. Jan Mayen Island, where the present species forms almost the sole object of pursuit. The sealing season lasts for only a few weeks during spring; the enterprise 1 gives employment during this time to hundreds of vessels and thousands of men, the average annual catch falling little short of a million Seals, valued at about three million dollars. While the pursuit is mainly carried on in vessels, sailing chiefly from English, German, and Norwegian ports, or from those of Newfoundland and the other British Provinces, many are caught along the shores of the countries periodically visited by these animals, as those of South Greenland, Southern Labrador, Newfoundland, and the Gulf of Saint Lawrence. The pursuit with vessels, and the various incidents connected therewith, have already been detailed, and sufficient allusions have perhaps also already been made to the Greenland method of seal-hunting. In consequence of the gregarious habits of the species, and the fact that one-half to two-thirds of those taken are young ones that are not old enough to make any effectual attempt to escape, the success of a sealing voyage depends almost wholly upon the mere matter of luck in discovering the herds. While the old Seals are mostly shot, the young are killed with clubs. In respect to the ease and facility with which they are captured it may be noted that it is not at all unusual, in the height of the season, for the crew of a single small vessel to kill and take on board from five hundred to a thousand in a day. Mr. Brown states : " In 1866 the steamer Camperdown obtained the enormous number of 22,000 Seals in nine days," or an average of 2,500 per day. " It is nothing uncommon," he adds, " lor a ship's crew to club or shoot, in one day, as many as from 500 to 800 old Seals, with 2,000 young ones." 2 Such slaughter is necessarily attended with more or less barbarity, but this seems to be sometimes carried to a needless extreme. The Seals are very tenacious of life, and, in the haste of killing, many are left for a long time half dead, or sire even flayed alive. Jukes states that even the young are " sometimes barbarously skinned alive, the body writhing in blood after being stripped of its skin," and they have even been seen to swim away in that state, as when the first blow fails to kill the Seals their hard-hearted murderers " cannot stop to give them a second." " How is it," he adds, " one can steel one's mind to look on that which to read of, or even think of afterwards, makes one shudder T In the bustle, hurry, and excitement, these things pass as a matter of course, and as if necessary ; but they are most horrible, and will not admit of an attempt at palliation." Scoresby and other writers refer to similar heartless proceedings as though the necessary suffering attending such a sacrifice of unresisting creatures were not in itself bad enough without the infliction of such needless cruelty. The young Seals not only do not attempt any resistance, but are said to make no effort to move when approached, quietly suffering themselves to be knocked on the head with a club. The old Seals are more wary, and are generally killed with fire-arms. Scoresby relates that "When the Seals are observed to be making their escape into the water before the boats reach the ice, the sailors give a long-continued shout, on which their victims are deluded by the amazement a sound so unusual produces and frequently delay their retreat until arrested by the blows of their enemies." The annual catch of H;irp Seals in Greenland is stated by Rink to be 17,500 full-grown " Sad- dle-backs " and 15,500 " Bluesides," or 33,000 in all. The catch from the Newfoundland ports alone often reaches 500,000, and in the Jan Mayen seas often exceeds 300,000, so that the total annual catch of this species alone doubtless ranges from 800,000 to 900,000. The commercial products are the oil used in the lubrication of machinery, in tanning leather, and in miners' lamps and the skins, which are employed for the manufacture of various kinds of 'For statistics of the seal fishery, see Allen's "North American Piuuipeds," pp. 497-502. "Han. Nat. Hist., Geol., &.C., Greenland, Mammals, p. 67, foot-note. THK KINdKD SEAL: HISTOI.'Y AND DISTRIBUTION r,.', leather and articles of clothing. The skins are s;iid to be mostly so'd to Knglihh manufacturers, who employ them in the preparation of a superior article of "patent" or lacquered leather. The llesh is esteemed by the Greeulanders as superior to that of their favorite Yei/mfc (Phoca ftrliiln). 25. THE RINGED SEAL. (ii.NKKAi. HISTOKY AND NOMENCLATURE. The earliest notices of Phoca foetida, Fabricius, in systematic works are, based on the brief account given by Cranz in 1765, but there appear to be still earlier references to it by Scandinavian writers. < ;I:OGRAPHIOAL DISTRIBUTION. Although the Ringed Seal is a well-known inhabitant of the A ret ic Seas, of both hemispheres, the southern limit of its distribution cannot be given with certainty. Wagner 1 records specimens from Labrador, which is the most southern point on the eastern coast of North America from which it seems to have been reported. It is not enumerated by Jukes or Carroll as among the species hunted by the Newfoundland sealers,* nor is it mentioned byGilpin 3 as occurring in Nova Scotia. Its occasional presence here and in the Gulf of Saint Lawrence is doubtless to be expected. Further northward, and especially along the shores of Davis's Strait* and Greenland, its abundance is well attested. It has also been found as far north as explorers have penetrated, having IHH-II met with by Parry as high as latitude 82 40 7 . J. C. Ross states that it is common on both sides of the Isthmus of Boothia, where it forms the chief means of subsistence to the inhabitants duriug eight or nine months of the year. 4 It is common in Iceland, and Malmgren and Von Heuglin state it to be numerous at Spitzbergen. The last-named author gives it as abundant in summer in the Stor- Fjord and its branches, in Henlopen Strait, and in the bays of the northwest coast of Spitzbergen, occurring in great herds as well as singly, in the open water along the shores and iu the openings in the ice-does. He states that it is also numerous about Nova Zembla, where great numbers are killed for their skins and fat. 9 It is a common species on the coast of Finland, and farther eastward along the arctic coast of Europe and doubtless also of Western Asia.* It is also a common inhabitant of the Gulf of Bothnia and neighboring waters, and also of the Ladoga and other interior seas of Finland. It is said by Blasius to extend southward along the coast of Middle Europe to North Germany, Ireland, and the British Channel. Professor Flower has recorded its capture on the coast of Norwich. England; it undoubtedly occurs at the Orkneys and the Hebrides, where it is supposed to be represented by the species known there as "Bodach" or "Old Man." A specimen was also taken many years since on the coast of France, but here, as on the 1 SCHREBKR'S Saugethiere, vii, 1646, p. 31. - 1 'i Hi'.' ".ii 1 Jukes says four species am known on the coast of Newfoundland, namely, the "Bay Seal" (I'koca niHlina), the Harp Seal (Phoca grccnlandica), the Hooded Seal (Cyitophora crittata), and the "Square Flipper" (probably Ualh-hcernt grypiti). The first he did not see on the ice among the Seals pursued by the sealers. The second is the one that forms the principal object of the chase. The third seems not to be numerous, but occurs occasionally out on the i. .--tlocs with the Harp Scald. The fourth is referred to as very rare, and as being larger than the Hooded Seal. Not one was heard of or seen that season. He supposes it may be the Phoea barbata. Excursions in Newfoundland, vol. i, pp. 308-312. Carroll states that the species of Seal that are taken on the coast of Newfoundland are the " Square Flipper Seal" (probably Halichcrrus grypvi), the "Hood Seal" (Cyitophora criftata), the "Harp Seal" (Phoca gramlandioa), and the "Dotard"or "Native Seal" (Phoca ri/ufina). Seal and Herring Fisheries of Newfoundland, 1873, p. 10. 'The species given by Gilpin as found on the coast of Nova Scotia are the Harbor Seal (Phoca vitulima), the Harp Seal (Phoca granlandica), the Gray Seal (Halicharu* grypiu), and the Hooded Seal (Cfttophora crittata). 4 Ross's Second Voyage, App., 1835, p. xix. . "Reise nach dem Nordpolarmeer, Th. iii, p. 0. In an account of Professor Nordenskjold's late arctic voyage, published in "Nature" (vol. xxi, p. 40, November 13, 1870), it is stated that Phoca ftttida "was caught in great numbers, and along with fish and various vegetable* forms the main food of the natives" at Cape Serdze (about 120 miles from Bering's Straits), the point where the "Vega" wintered, this and the polar bear being the ouly mammals seen. 6 F 66 NATURAL HISTORY OF AQUATIC ANIMALS. shores of the larger British Islands, it can occur as merely a rare straggler. 1 Its fossil remains have been reported by Professor Turner as having been found in the brick clays of Scotland. It appears also to be a, common species in the ]!*ortli Pacific, there being specimens in the National Museum, unquestionably of this species, from the coast of Alaska, and from Plover Bay, on the Sibe- rian side of Bering's Strait. Its southern limit of distribution along the shores of the North Pacific, on either the American or the Asiatic side, cannot at present be given. Judging from its known distribution in other portions of the arctic waters, there is no reason to infer its absence from the northern shores of Eastern Asia and Western North America. HABITS, PRODUCTS, AND HUNTING. .The Ringed Seal is pre-eminently boreal, its home being almost exclusively the icy seas of the arctic regions. Its favorite resorts are said to be retired bays and fjords, in which it remains so long as they are filled with firm ice; when this breaks up they betake themselves to the floes, where they bring forth their young. It is essentially a littoral, or rather glacial species, being seldom met with in the open sea. From its abundance in its chosen haunts it is a species well known to arctic voyagers, and frequent reference is made to it in most of the narratives of arctic explorations. 2 The habits of the Ringed Seal, as observed in European waters, seem to agree with what has already been related respecting their life-history in Davis's Strait and Cumberland Sound. Malm- gren, for example, states that the females bring forth their young on the westeru coast of Finland, on the ice, near the edge of great openings, between the 24th of February and the 25th of March, or at the time given by Fabricius and later writers for the same event on the coast of Greenland, and in no respect does their mode of life appear to difi'er in the icy seas about Spitzbergen from what has already been related. The Ringed Seal is of far less commercial value than the Harp Seal, but in this respect may be considered as holding the second rank among the northern Phocids. Brown states that "it is chiefly looked upon and taken as a curiosity by the whalers, who consider it 'of very little commer- cial importance and call it ' Floe-rat.'" Von Heuglin, however, states that many thousands are annually taken by the sealers for their skins and fat, in the vicinity of Nova Zembla and Spitz bergen. It is of the greatest importance, however, to the Esquimaux and other northern tribes, by whom it is captured for food and clothing. Mr. Brown informs us that it forms, during the latter part of summer and autumn, "the principal article of food in the Danish settlements, and on it the writer of these notes and his companions dined many a time; we even learned to like it and to become quite epicurean connoisseurs in all the qualities, titbits, and dishes of the well- beloved Neitsik! The skin," he continues, "forms the chief material ol clothing in North Green- land. All of the e I Ionian/oil'.' Captain Seammon states, "It is found upon the coast of Alaska, bordering on 13ering Sea, and the natives of Omialaska wognize it as an occasional visitof to the Aleutian Islands. . . . The Russian traders who formerly visited Cape Unman/oil', from Saint Michael's, Norton Sound, frequently brought back t lie skins of the male Uintrinphoca^ which were used for covering trunks and for other ornamental purposes." This writer also states that ho "observed a herd of Seals upon the teaches at Point Reyes, California," in April, 1852, which, " without close examination, answered to the description given by Gill" of the present species. Probably, however, a "close examination" would have shown them to be different, as 110 examples are yet known from the California!! coast, and the locality is far beyond the probable limits of the habitat. Its known range may, therefore, be given as Bering's Sea southward on the American coast to the Aleutian Islands, and on the Asiatic coast to the island of Saghalien. HABITS. Almost nothing appears to have been as yet recorded respecting the habits of the Ribbon Seal. Von Schrenck gives us no information of importance, and we search equally in rain for in format ion elsewhere. All of the four specimens obtained by Wosnessensk; were taken on the eastern coast of Kamtchatka, at the month of the Kamtchatka River, about the end of March. According to the report of hunters, it very rarely appears at this locality so early in the season, being not often met with there before the early part of May. The natives use its skins, in common with those of other species, for covering their snow-shoes. 27. THE WEST INDIAN SEAL. GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. Respecting the present geographical distribution of the West Indian Seal, Monachux tropicalix Gray, I am indebted for valuable information to Mr. R. W. Kemp, who, under date of "Key West, Fla., April 29, 1878," wrote me as follows: "Some two or three years ago there were two seen near Cape Florida. It was supposed that they had strayed from some of the Bahama Islands, as there are some few to be found in that vicinity. I am informed by reliable parties that Seals are to be found in great numbers at the Anina Islands, situated between the Isle of Pines and Yucatan. One of my informants says that as he was sailing about the islands lishing and wrecking, he and his party discovered a number of Seals on one of them, and went ou shore to kill some, merely 'for fun.' On Hearing the shore the Seals got into 'Tbe National Musi-urn poaeemea four fiue .s|H-i-iiii>>ns, to <>l>iaim-. ami twn li> Mr. K. W- Nelson, a* well as several large poaches, each made <( nu i-min- "kin of ibis nix-rii-s by tlus Eskimo*. 68 NATURAL HISTORY OK AQUATIC ANIMALS. the water. They then hitl themselves in the shrubbery along the beach, and in about ten or fifteen minutes the Seals came on the beach again. The men, armed with axes, sprang upon them, the Seals trying to get into the water again. Two of them were killed, and another one, as one of the men came up to him, turned around and barked furiously at him, which frightened the poor man so badly (he having never seen one before, and knowing nothing of their habits) that he almost tainted. The Seals are said to be very easily killed or captured alive. They yield a great deal of oil. The skins are very large, but not easy to cure, on account of their fatty substance." In a later letter he refers to their great rarity on the Florida coast, where he says they occur "only once or twice in a life-time," but alludes to their comparative abundance on the coast of Yucatan, arid their occasional occurrence at the Bahama Islands. Mr. L. F. de Pourtales also informs me that there is a rock on Salt Key Bank, near the Bahamas, called "Dog Rock," presumably from its having been formerly frequented by the Seals. Also, that his pilot, in 1868-'69, told him he had himself killed Seals among the rocky islets of Salt Key Bank. I learn from Dr. S. W. Garman, who accompanied Mr. Agassiz during his dredging expedition ill the Caribbean Sea, in the United States Coast Survey steamer "Blake," during the winter of 1877-'78, that the Seal of those waters is well known to the wreckers and turtle-hunters of that region, and that they often kill it for its oil. He also informs me that these animals had also been frequently seen and killed by one of the officers of the "Blake," especially about the Isle of Pines, south of Cuba, and at the Alacranes, where, as already noted, they occurred in such abundance at the time of Dam pier's visit in 1676 as to be extensively hunted for their oil. They are also known to the whalers who visit these waters. The specimens described by Messrs. Hill and Gosse were taken at the Pedro Kays, off the southern coast of Jamaica, where thirty years ago they appear to have occurred in considerable numbers. On a "Chart of the Environs of Jamaica," published in 1774, ' as well as on Jater maps of this region, are indicated some islets off the Mosquito coast, in about latitude 12 40', which bear the name " Seal Kays," doubtless in reference to the presence there of these animals. It therefore appears that the habitat of the West Indian Seal extends from the northern coast of Yucatan northward to the southern point of Florida, eastward to the Bahamas and Jamaica, and southward along the Central American coast to about latitude 12. Although known to have been once abundant at some of these localities, it appears to have now well nigh reached extinction, and is doubtless to be found at only a few of the least frequented islets in various portions of the area above indicated. Being still well known to many of the wreckers and turtle-hunters, it seems strange that it should have so long remained almost unknown to naturalists. The only specimen extant in any mnteum seems to be the imperfect skin transmitted by Mr. Gosse to the British Museum thirty years ago. Consequently, respecting none of the Pinnipeds, at least of the northern hemisphere, is information still so desirable. 28. THE HOODED SEAL. GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION AND MIGRATIONS. The Hooded or Crested Seal, Cystophora crintata (Erxl.) Nilss., is restricted to the colder parts of the North Atlantic and to portions of the Arctic Sea. It ranges from Greenland eastward to Spitsbergen and along the arctic coast of Europe, but is rarely found south of Southern Norway and Newfoundland. As is the case with 1 History of Jamaica, vol. i, facing title-page. The work is anonymous, bat the authorship ia attributed to Edward Long. THE HOODED SEAL: DISTRIBUTION. }9 W other pelagic species, stragglers are sometimes met with far ID tin- southward of the usual range (.1 tli.' species. On the North Ameriean coast it appears to be of uncommon occurrence south ut the |)oiiit already mentioned, as it is said by Gilpin 1 to be "u rare visitor to the shores of No\a s.-otia." Like the Harp Seal, it appears also to be regularly migratory, but owing to its much smaller numbers and less eommereial importance, its inovments are not so well known. Carroll states that it visits the coast ut Newfoundland at the same time as the Harp Seal, or about the 2oth of February, the t line, however, varying with the state of the weather. He further states that Hooded Seals always keep to the eastward of the Harp Seals, amongst the heavy ice; also that they are quite numerons in spring in the (lull of Saint Lawrence, where "many of them are killed by persons who reside on Saint Paul's Island.' 1 - Dr. Packard states that it is not uncommonly, during the spring, killed in considerable numbers by the sealers" along the coast of Labrador. 3 Kink says, " It is only occa- sionally found along the greater part of the coast [of Greenland], but visits the very limited tract between eside large fields of ice, and comes to the coast, as was remarked by Fabri- cins long ago, at certain times of the year. They are chiefly found in South Greenland, though it is erroneous to say that they are exclusively confined to that section. I have seen them not uncom- monly about Disco Bay, and have killed them in Meh ille Bay, in the most northerly i>ortion of Baffin's Bay. They are principally killed in the district of Julianshaab, and then almost solely in the most southern part, on the outermost islands, from about the 20th of May to the last of June; but in this short time they supply a great portion ot the food of the natives and form a thiid of the colony's yearly production. In the beginning of July the Klapmyds leaves, but retun.n in August, when it is much emaciated. Then begins what the Danes in Greenland call the mnitjre. KliiinnydseJ'angitt, or the ' leau-Klapmyds-catching,' which lasts from three to four weeks. Very seldom is a Klapmyds to be got at other places, and especially at other times. The natives call a Klapmyds found single up a fjord by the name of A'erimartnnt, the meaning of which is ' gone after food.' They regularly frequent some small islands not far from Julianshaab, where a good number are caught. After this they go farther north, but are lost sight of, and it is not known where they go to (Rink, 1. c.). Those seen in North Greenland are mere stragglers, wandering from the herd, and are not a continuation of the migrating flocks. Johannes (a very knowing man of Jakohshavn) informed me that generally about the 12th of July a few are killed in Jakobsha\ n Bay (lat. 09 13' N.). It is more pelagic in its habits than the other Seals, with the exception of the Saddleback." 5 I conclude the account of the geographical distribution ot the Hooded Seal in Baffin's Bay with the following from Mr. Kumlien's account: 1 Proceedings and Traiwat IIIOH Nova Scotian Institute of Natural Sciences, vol. iii. pt. 4, p. U84. "Seal and Herring Fisheries of Newfoundland, pp. 13, 14. J Proc. Host Soc.Nal. Ili*t.,vol. X, p. 5871. Dauiah Greenland, etc., 1877, p. IvV Proc. Zool. 8oc. Lond., I8ti8, pp. 43>. lit; : Man N'at. HUt., etc., Greenland. Mam., pp. 65, 66. 70 NATURAL HISTORY OF AQUATIC ANIMALS. "The Bladder-nose appears to be very rare in the upper Cumberland waters. One specimen was procured at Annanactook in autumn, the only one I saw. The Eskimo bad no name for it, and said they had not seen it before. I afterward learned that they are occasionally taken about the Kikkerton Islands in spring and autumn. I found their remains in the old kitchenmiddens at Kingwah. A good many individuals were noticed among the pack-ice in Davis's Straits in July/" On the European coast this species is said to be of not very common occurrence on the northern coast of Norway, but more to the southward only stragglers appear to have been met with. 2 In March and April, according to Malmgren, they are seen about Jan Mayen, and they are said to occur on the coast of Finmark, and at the mouth of the White Sea. Von Baer 3 and Schultz also state that it is rarely found not only in the White Sea, but along the Timanschen and Mourman coasts. Von Heuglin says it appears to be found in the Spitsbergen waters only on the western coast of these islands, 4 and states that it is not known to occur at Nova Zembla. He gives its principal range as lying more to the westward, around Iceland and Greenland. It thus appears that the range of the Crested Seal is restricted mainly to the arctic waters of the North Atlantic, from Spitzbergen westward to Greenland and Baffin's Bay, and thence south- ward to Newfoundland. Stragglers have been captured, however, far to the southward of these limits, on both sides of the Atlantic. Thus Gray observes : " A young specimen has been taken in the river Orwell; at the mouth of the Thames ; and at the Island of Oleron, west coast of France, but I greatly doubt if it had not escaped from some ship coming from North America; there is no doubt of the determination of the species. The one caught on the River Orwell, 29th June, 1847, is in the Museum of Ipswich, and was described by Mr. W. B. Clarke, on the 14th August, 1847, in 4to, with a figure of the Seal and skull. The one taken on the Isle d'Olerou is in the Paris Museum, and is figured, with the skull, in Gervais, Zool. et Fallout. Franc., t. 42, and is called Phoca Isidorei, by Lesson, in the Rev. Zool., 1843, 256. The young is very like that of Pagophilus grcenlandicus, but is immediately known from it by being hairy between the nostrils, and by the grinders being only plated and not lobed on the surface." 5 Its capture has occurred a few times on the coast of the United States, as far from its usual range even as on the European coast. A large Seal is occasionally seen on the coast of Massa- chusetts, which has been supposed to be the Crested Seal, but just what this large Seal is remains still to be determined. 6 DeKay, in 1824, recorded 7 the capture of a male example of this species 'Bulletin of the United States National Museum, No. 15, 187!, p. 64. "Says Biasing, writing in 1857, "An den sildlichen KUstenlaudern der Nordsee hat man sie bis jetzt noch uicht gesehen." Natnrgesch. der Siingeth. Deutschlauds, p. 260. 'Bull. Acad. Imp. dos Sci. de St. Perfection of extant descriptions," there is no reason for doubting that it was really the Crested Seal, a conclusion to which 1'rot'essor Cope seems to have later arrived. Although Gray's suggestion anent the English specimen naturally arises, namely, transportation from the north in some ship, it seems more probable that they were really wanderers from the usual home of the species. HABITS. As already noted in the account of the geographical distribution of this secies, it is, like the Harp Seal, pelagic and migratory, preferring the drift ice of the "high seas" to the vicinity of land, and seems rarely if ever to resort to rocky islands or shores. It brings forth its young on the ice, remote from the land, in March, a week or ten days later than the Harp Seal, with which it appears only rarely to associate, although the two species are often found on neighboring ice- floes. It is commonly described as the most courageous and combative of the Phocids, often turning liercely upon its pursuers. The Hooded Seal is described as very active when in the water. It swims very low, with only the top of the head above the surface. During the rutting season the males wage fierce battles for the possession of the females, the noise of which may be heard miles away. At times the sexes are said to live apart, but associate in families during the breeding season. Their iifl'ection for each other, and especially for their young, is represented as very strong, both parents remaining by them wi.h such persistency that the whole family are easily killed. FOOD. The food of this species doubtless consists chiefly of fishes of different secies. Malm- 1:11-11 supposed it to subsist mainly on those of large size. That it also feeds upon squids, and probablj' on other mollusks, is evinced by their remains having been found in their stomachs, as well as "the beaks of large cuttle-fish."* HUNTING AND PRODUCTS. This species, owing to its scarcity, is of relatively small commer- cial importance, yet many are taken every year by the Newfoundland and Jan Mayen sealers; generally no separate estimates, however, are given of the number taken. Dr. Kink states that the average annual catch in Greenland is 3,000. The flesh is greatly esteemed by the Greenlanders. The Hooded Seal is usually taken on the ice, but Mr. Ileeks states that many are also shot in the spring of the year by the settlers along the coast of Newfoundland. As already stated, the hood of the male affords such a protection to its owner as to render the animal so provided very hard to kill with the ordinary seal-club, or even with a heavy load of shot; and they are, further more, "at times very savage, and it requires great dexterity on the part of the seal-hunters to keep from being bitten." "New York Zoobgy, or the Fnumi of New York, 1842, (>t. i, p. Ott. New Topographical Alias of Maryland, 1873, p. 16. Proceedings of the Acadrmy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, 1865, p. 273. 1 JUKES: Excursions in Newfoundland, vol. i, p. :'!-'. 72 NATURAL HISTORY OF AQUATIC ANIMALS. 29. THE CALIFORNIAN SEA ELEPHANT. GENERAL HISTORY. The California Sea Elephant, Macrorhinits anguatirostru Gill, was first described by Dr. Gill, in 1866, from a skull of a female in the Museum of the Smithsonian Institu- tion, received from Saint Bartholomew's Bay, Lower California. Its external characters were first made known by Capt. C. M. Scammou in 1869, and the species was redescribed by hint in 1874, with detailed measurements of two adult females and a newly-born pup. This is all that has thus far appeared relating to its technical history. Captain Scammon, as early as 1854, gave some account of the habits of this species, under the name Sea Elephant, and earlier incidental references to it doubtless occur in the narratives of travelers. Dr. Gill observes, in his paper already cited, "For a long time, the fact that a species of the genus Macrorhinus or Elephant Seal inhabits the coast of Western North America has been well known. But, on account of the want of opportunity for comparison of specimens, the relations of the species have not been understood." I fail to find, however, in any technical account of the Sea Elephant, any previous notice of their occurrence on the coast of North America. GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. The Sea Elephant seems to have been formerly very abun- dant on the coast of California and Western Mexico, whence it became long since nearly extirpated. Captain Scammon, in writing (about 1852) of Cedros Island, off the coast of Lower California, says : "Seals and Sea Elephants once basked upon the shores of this isolated spot in vast numbers, and in years past its surrounding shores teemed with sealers, sea-elephant and sea-otter hunters; the remains of their rude stone houses are still to be seen in many convenient places, which were once the habitations of these hardy men." 1 A few Sea Elephants are still found at Santa Barbara Island, where they are reported, however, to be nearly extinct. Whether or not they still occur elsewhere along the Californian coast I am without means of determining, although it is probable that a small remnant'still exists at other points, where scarcely more than a quarter of a century ago vessels were freighted with their oil. Neither is it possible to determine with certainty the limits of their former range. Captain Scammon, who doubtless obtained his information from trustworthy sources, states that it extended from Cape Lazaro, latitude 24 46' north, to Point Reyes, in latitude 38, or for a distance of about two hundred miles. As has heretofore been stated, Dampier, in 1080, niv:t with Seals on the islands off the western coast of Mexico, as far south as latitude 21 to 23, but of what species his record unfortunately fails to show. They were doubtless either Sea Elephants 01 Sea Lions (Zalophus calif or nianus), and may have included both. This rather implies its former extension, two hundred years ago, considerably to the southward of the limit assigned by Captain Scammou, on probably traditional reports current among the residents of this part of the coast at the time of his visit there in 1852. "The sexes vary much in size, the male being frequently triple the bulk of the female; the oldest of the former will average fourteen to sixteen feet; the largest we have ever seen measured twenty- two feet from tip to tip." ''The adult females average ten feet in length between extremities." Scammon. ''Round the under side of the neck, in the oldest males, the animal appears to undergo a change with age; the hair falls off, the skin thickens and becomes wrinkled the furrows cross- ing each other, producing a checkered surface and sometimes the throat is more or less marked with white spots. Its proboscis extends from opposite the angle ol the mouth forward (in the larger males) about fifteen inches, when the creature is in a state of quietude, and the upper surface appears ridgy ; but when the animal makes an excited respiration, the trunk becomes elongated, and the ridges nearly disappear." The females "are destitute of the proboscis, the nose being like that of the common Seal, but projecting more over the mouth." Scammon. '.SCAMMON, C. M.: "On a new species of the grim* Muernrlimwi." Proc. Chicago Acad., i, 18p. 3:1,34. THE SEA KI.KI'IIANT: I1AB1TS. 73 Captain Scummon gives the length of a "new born pup" as four feet. HABITS. We are indebted to Captain Scaminon, who has fortunately had favorable oppor- tunities for observation, for everything of importance that has thus far been recorded rcspcctin;; the habits of the Sea Elephant of California. "The habits of these huge leasts," lie tells us. "when on shore, or loitering about the foaming breakers, are in many respects like those of tli<- Leopard Seals [Phoca vitulina]. Our observations on the Sea Elephants of California go to show that they have been found in much larger numbers from February to June than during other months of the year; but more or less were at all times found on shore pon their favorite beaches, which were about the islands of Santa Barbara, Cerros, Guadalupe, San Bonitos, Natividad, San Koque, and Asuncion, and some of the most inaccessible points on the mainland between Asuncion and Cerros. When coming up out of the water, they were generally first seen near the line of surf; then crawling up by degrees, frequently reclining as if to sleep; again moving up or along the shore, appearing not content with their last resting place. In this manner they would ascend the ravines, or 'low-downs,' half a mile or more, congregating by hundreds. They are not so active on land as the Seals; but, when excited to inordinate exertion, their motions are quick the whole lioily quivering with their crawling, semi-vaulting gait, and the animal at such times muiiifeHting great fatigue. Notwithstanding their unwieldiness, we have sometimes found them on broken and elevated ground, fifty or sixty feet above the sea. "The principal seasons of their coming on shore are, when they are about to shed their coats, when the females bring forth their young (which is one at a time, rarely two), and the mating season. These seasons for 'hauling up' are more marked in southern latitudes. The different periods are known among the hunters as the 'pupping cow,' 'brown cow,' 'bull and cow,' and 'March bull' seasons; 2 but on the California coast, either from the influence of climate or some other cause, we have noticed young pups with their mothers at quite the op|K>site months. The continual hunting of the animals may possibly have driven them to irregularities. The time of gestation is supposed to be about three-fourths of the year. The most marked season we could discover was that of the adult males, which shed their coats later than the younger ones anil the females. Still, among a herd of the largest of those fully matured (at Santa Barbara Island, in June, 1852), we found several cows and their young, the latter apparently but a few days old. "When the Sea Elephants come on shore for the purpose of 'shedding,' if not distnrl>ed they remain out of water until the old hair falls off. By the time this change comes about, the animal is supposed to lose half its fat? indeed, it sometimes becomes very thin, and is then called a ' slimskin.' "In the stomach of the Sea Elephant a few pebbles lire found, which has given rise to the saying that 'they take in ballast before going down' (returning to the sea). On warm and sunny days we have watched them come up singly on smooth beaches, and burrow in the dry sand. throwing over their backs the loose particles that collect about their fore limbs, and nearly covering themselves from view; but when not disturbed, the animals follow their gregarious propensity, nml collect in large herds." "The largest number I ever found in one herd," he states in another connection, "was one hundred and sixty-five, which lay promiscuously along the beach or up the ravine near by." 'Marine Mammal*. 1874, pp. 117-119. See also Proe. Arad. Nat. Sci. Philn., l^U, pp. ftl-tCi, nheie ili<- .1. ,,nmi here 1 1 not i>il was lirHt published. Sec further.!. Browne'.* K< Minni-nol the I 'at- i tic Coast" [Append. ], p. I-'.', wln-iv the siniii -aniliiir has a!-o yiven a slum annunl of its lial>it> ;i* oliwrvi -il at Ci-ilro.* (or Cerros) Inland in I-.'-'. A!MIIIII article entitled "Sea-elephant limiting." in the "Overland Monthly," iii. p]>. H'J-117. Nin., IS70 -'Helen-inn in the haliits nl' tlie Southern 9n I I. phanl (Mut-rorliinu* trout***), u he had "learned from whip m nil" have taken Seal* about Kn^n.-l.-n'~ Land, tin- ( i../etn, and linrd'a Inland." 8u Proc. Acatl. Nat >, -i. Phila., 1 "i", p , and of which I'hoca Ilijroni of Desmarest, and also Plioca Ansoni of tin' same author (the latter species in part only), and the Mirounr/a patagomca of Gray are synonyms. I am a ware, however, that Peters has recently proposed the recognition of four species, namely, Cystopliora leonina (= Alison's Sea l.iuiii. C. falklandica (=Peruely's Sea Lion), V. proboscidea (ejc Peron), and C. kei-g mini sin (the Sea Elephant of Kergiielen Island). He seems nut, however, to have arrived at this course by an examination of an extensive snitr of fs|"-i 'linens from various localities, as he refers in this connection to only a single old male example from Kergoelen Inland. He seems to have been influenced merely by the varying statements in respect to size and some other features given by Pernety, An.sou, and Pe>on. His entire presentation of the caste is as follows: "Perncty gibt von seinem Seeliiw en cine lame Mahne, cine Totalliingc von 25 Fuss mid eiuein Durcliniesser tier Basis der Ki'k/.iiline von ;i Zoll au. Pelons See-Elephautrn solleu bis 30 Fuss laug mill von blaugrauer Farbe sein. Vielleicht siml nlle diese Arten viTsvhiedfii nnd es wiirde dann der Name C. leouiita L. blossdcm AIISOII'M lirn Serliiuen /. belasseir sein. wiihrend die >.'. 1'iilklaiiiliin, \vii- man die von P. rnety lienenneii kotiDte, die C. proboscidia I'cron, die C. anijtironlrig Gill der iiordlichcn Ilrmisphiin- mid ilie von Kergiiul<;iilaiid besoudereu Arten ungireii wiirden. Fiir den letztercn Fall srlilage ich vor, die se Art keryuflemiui zu beuemuieii." ( d. K. P. Akad. Wisseiisch. zu Berlin lH7f), p. :','.)!, toot-note). The Sea Elephants appear to be exceptional among the I'hvcidte iu the great disparity of size brtwei-n (he sexes, in which, as well as iu their breeding habits, they closely resemble the Otaries. Although, unlike the latter, they have not i In' power of using the hind limbs in locomotion on land, and are hence unable to walk, tlu-y mauage to crawl to a considerable distance from the sea according to Scammou, a "half a mile or more." The habits of the Southern Sea Elephant ( Afacrorhinug teotiiiiim) were long since described by Alison and Pernety, and later by P6ron, but their accounts seem in some respects to be tinged with romance. According to these writers the males fight desperately for the possession of the females. Till- IIAM1TS OF TIIF. FUK SEAL. 75 C. THE HABITS OF THE FUR SEAL. By HENRY W. ELLIOTT. 30. LIFE-HISTORY OF THE FUR SEAL. DESCRIPTION OP AN ADULT MAM:. The Fur Seal, which repairs every year to the Pribylov Islands to breed and to shed its hair and fur, in numbers that seem almost fabulous, is the highest organized of all the /'i/iniperfia, and, indeed, for that matter, when laud and water are weighed in tin- jr. mini together, there is no other animal known to man which can be truly, as it is, classed superior, from a purely physical point of view. Certainly there are few, if any, creatures in the animal kingdom that can be said to exhibit a higher order of instinct, approaching even our intelligence. 1 wish to draw attention to a s|tecimen of the finest of this race a male in the Hush and prime of his tirst maturity, six or seven years old, and full grown. When it comes up from the sea early in the spring, out to its station for the breeding season, we have an animal before us that will measure six and a half to seven and u quarter feet in length from tip of nose to the end of its abbreviated, abortive tail. It will weigh at least 400 pounds, and I have seen older specimens much more corpulent, which, in my best judgment, could not be less than (5ove the water it carries its head, an I how deliberately it surveys the beach, after having stepjed upon it (for it may lie truly said to step with its fore-flippers, as they regularly alternate when it moves up), carrying the head well above, them, erect and graceful, at least three feet from the ground. The fore-feet, or flippers, are a pair of dark bluish-black hands, about eight or ten inches broad at their junction with the body, and the metacarpal joint, running out to an ovate point at their extremity, some fifteen to eighteen inches from this union; all the rest of the forearm, the ulna, radius, and humerus being concealed under the skin and thick blubber-folds of the main body and necU. hidden entirely at this season, when it is so fat. Hut six weeks to three months after this tune of landing, when that supertliioiis fat and flesh lias been consumed by self-absorption, those bones show plainly under the shrunken skin. On the upper side of these tlip|>crs the hair of tin- body straggles down liner and fainter as it comes below to a point close by, and slightly beyond that spot of junction where the phalanges and the metacarpal bones unite, similar to that point on onr own hand where our knuckles are placed; and here the hair ends, leaving the rest of the skin to the end of the Hipper bare and wrinkled in places at the margin shows ttiat. as the female Fur Seal is so conspicuously inferior to the male, physically viewed, as to size and weight, so also is her life lessened. In other words, when she is matured, as she must IK- by her third year, in hearing then her first pup, she can reasonably be exj>ected to live no longer than nine or ten years, according to the general natural law governing this question; while the male, not. coming to his maturity and physical prime until he is five or six years of age, lives, in obedicnee to the same law. tit'teeu or twenty years. OLD AND YOUNG MALES FIGHTING. The males under six years of age, although hovering alxmt the sea margins of the breeding-grounds, do not engage in much fighting there ; it is the six and M-veii year old males, ambitious and flushed with their reproductive consciousness, that swarm out and do battle with the older males of these places. The young male of this latter class is, Imuever, no match for an old fifteen or twenty year old bull, provided that the aged " Seecatchie" retains his teeth; tor, with these weapons, his relatively harder thews ami sinews give him the advantage in almost every instance, among the hundreds of combats that I have witnessed. Tlie.-e trials of strength between the old and the young are incessant until the rookeries are mapped out; and by common consent the males of all classes recognize the coming of the females. After their arrival and settlement over the whole extent of the breeding-grounds, about the 15th July at the latest, very little fighting takes place. 1 ONLY ONE PUP BORN AT TIME OF PARTURITION. Touching the number of young born at a birth, the most diligent inquiry and scrutiny of observation on the rookeries have satisfied me that it is confined to a single pup. If they have twins, 1 have failed to discover a single instance of that character. I also failed to notice a malformed pup or a monster anywhere throughout the multitudes under my observation, from July until the middle of November every season. I think this somewhat noteworthy, as it presents, peihaps, better than any other exhibition in the animal 'It has been suggested to me that the exquisite power of scent possessed by these animals enables them to reach the breeding-grounds at about the place where they left them the season previously ; surely the nose of the Fur Seal is endowed to a superlative degree with those organs of smell, and its range of appreciation in this respect must be very great. " In carnivorous quadrupeds the structure of the bones of the nassl cavities is more intricate thin iu the her- bivorous, nnd is calculated to afford a far more extensive sr.rface for the distribution of the nerve. In the Real iliii conformation is most fully developed and the bony platesarc here not turbinatcd, but ramified, as shown in tin- woth June they will have all departed, the first and the latest, en route for the I'ribylov Islands. Then, when seen a^niu in this extreme southern range, I presume the unusually early examples of return, toward the end of August, arc squads of the yearlings of both sexes, for this division is always the last to land on, and (he first to Ieu\e, the Seal Islands, annually. Also, the two-year-old females which have been covered on the breeding-grounds during Juno nnd .Inly undoubtedly .stray back to sea, and down again from tin- 1'rihylov gionp, very early iu August, some of them as fur as the eoagt-lu-ads of Fuca Straits; at least, many of them at one time are never -i -i-ii massed n I lie rookeries, and as they do not consort with the llolliisrhickie and yearlings on laud, quite number <>t' tlieir large aggregate doubtless make frequent and extended ushing excursions during the height of the breeding 80 NATURAL HISTORY OF AQUATIC ANIMALS. kingdom, the survival of the fittest in the struggle for existence; for these bulls, by their own evolution, permit only the strongest and most perfect of their kind to stamp their impress on the coming generations. ' From the time of the first arrival in May up to the beginning of June, or as late as the middle of that month, if the weather be clear, is an interval in which everything seems quiet. Very few Seals are added to the pioneers that have landed, as we have described. By the 1st of June, how- ever, sometimes a little before, and never much later, the seal-weather the foggy, humid, oozy damp of summer sets in; and with it, as the gray banks roll up and shroud the islands, the bull Seals swarm from the depths by hundreds and thousands, and locate themselves in advantageous positions for the reception of the females, which are generally three weeks or a mouth later than this date in arrival. TEE-EMPTION OF THE ROOKEIIIES: BATTLES OF THE SEALS. The labor of locating and maintaining a position on the rookery is really a terribly serious business for those bulls which come in last; and it is so all the time to those males that occupy the water-line of the breeding- grounds. A constantly sustained fight between the newcomers and the occupants goes on morning, noon, and night, without cessation, frequently resulting in death to one or even both of the combatants. It appears, from my survey of these breeding-grounds, that a well-understood principle exists among the able-bodied bulls, to wit: that each one shall remain undisturbed on his ground, which is usually about six to eight feet square, provided that at the start, and from that time until the arrival of the females, he is strong enough to hold this ground against all comers; inasmuch as the crowding in of the fresh arrivals often causes the removal of those which, though equally able- bodied at first, have exhausted themselves by fighting earlier and constantly, they are finally driven by these fresher animals back farther and higher up on the rookery, and sometimes off altogether. Many of these bulls exhibit wonderful strength and desperate courage. 1 marked one veteran at Gorbatch, who was the first to take up his position early in May, and that position, as usual, directly at the water-line. This male Seal had fought at least forty or fifty desperate battles, and fought off his assailants every time perhaps nearly as many different Seals which coveted his position and when the fighting season was over (after the cows are mostly all hauled up), I saw him still there, covered with scars and frightfully gashed; raw, festering, and bloody, one eye gouged out, but lording it bravely over his harem of fifteen or twenty females, who were all huddled together on the same spot of his first location and around him. This fighting between the old and adult males (for none others fight) is mostly, or rather entirely, done with the mouth. The opponents seize one another with their teeth, and then clenching their jaws, nothing but the sheer strength of the one and the other tugging to escape can shake them loose, and that effort invariably leaves an ugly wound, the sharp canines tearing out deep gutters in the skin and furrows in the blubber, or shredding the flippers into ribbon-strips. They usually approach each other with comically averted heads, just as though they were ashamed of the rumpus which they were determined to precipitate. When they get near enough to reach one another they enter upon the repetition of many feints or passes, before either one or the other takes the initiative by gripping. The heads are darted out and back as quick as a flash ; 'A trained observer, Kumlien, who passed the winter of 1S77-'78 in Cumberland Sound, and, speaking of this feature in the Kinged Seal ( Phoca fastida), says, " There is usually but one young at a birth ; still twins are not of rare occurrence, and one instance came under my observation where there were triplets; but they were -mall, and two of them probably would not have lived had they been born." THE FUR SEAL: ATTITUDES AND COLORATION. gl tlirir hoarse roaring and shrill, piping whistle never census, while their fat bodies writho and swell with exertion and rage; furious lights gleam in their eyes; their hair flies in the air, and their blood streams down; all combined, makes a picture so fierce and HO strange that, from its unexi>ected position and its novelty, is perhaps one of the most extraordinary brutal conte ts man can witneM. In these bat t Irs of the Seals, the parties are always distinct; the one is offensive, the other defensive. If tin- latter proves the weaker he withdraws from the position occupied, and is never followed by his conqueror, who complacently throws up one of his hind flippers, fans himself, as it were, to cool his fevered wrath and blood from the heat of the conflict, sinks into comparative quiet, only uttering a ]>eculiar chuckle of satisfaction or contempt, with a sharp eye open for the next covetous bull or "See-catch." 1 ATTITUDES AND COLORATION OF THE Fun SEAL. The period occupied by the males in taking and holding their positions on the rookery, offers a very favorable opportunity to study them in the thousand and one different attitudes and postures assumed, between the two extremes of desperate conflict and deep sleep sleep so profound that one can, if he keeps to the leeward, approach closo enough, stepping softly, to pull the whiskers of any old male taking a nap on a clear place; but after the first touch to these moustaches, the trifler must jump with electrical celerity back, if he has any regard for the sharp teeth and tremendous shaking which will surely overtake him if he does not. The younger Seals sleep far more soundly than the old ones, and it is a favorite pastime for the natives to surprise them in this manner favorite, because it is attended with no personal risk; the little beasts, those amphibious sleepers, rise suddenly, and fairly shrink to the earth, spitting and coughing their terror and confusion. The neck, chest, and shoulders of a fur-seal bull comprise more than two-thirds of his whole weight; and in this long, thick neck, and the powerful muscles of the fore-limbs and shoulders, is embodied the larger portion of his strength. When on land, with the fore hands he does all climb- ing over the rocks and grassy hummocks back of the rookery, or shuffles his way over the smooth parades; the hind-feet being gathered up as useless trappings after every second step forward, which we have described at the outset of this chapter. These anterior flippers are also the propel- ling power when in water, the exclusive machinery with which they drive their rapid passage; the hinder ones floating behind like the steering sweep to a whale-boat, used evidently as rudders, or as tin- tail of a bird is while its wings sustain and force its rapid flight. The covering to tlie body is composed of two coats, one being a short, crisp, glistening over- hair, and the other a close, soft, elastic pelage, or fur, which gives the distinctive value to the pelt. I can call it readily to the mind of my readers, when I say to them that the down and feathers on the breast of a duck lie relatively as the fur and hair do upon the skin of the Seal. At this season of first "hauling up,"* in the spring, the prevailing color of the bulls, after they dry off and have been exposed to the weather, is a dark, dull brown, with a sprinkling in it of lighter brown-black, and a number of hoary or grizzled gray coats peculiar to the very old males. On the shoulders of all of them, that is, the adults, the over-hair is either a gray or rufous ocher, or a very emphatic "pepper and salt"; this is called the "wig." The body-colors are most intense and pronounced upon the back of the head , neck, and spine, fading down on the flanks lighter, to much lighter ground on the abdomen ; still never white, or even a clean gray, so beautiful and peculiar to them when yourig, and to the females. The skin of the muzzle and flippers is a dark 1 " 8ee-catch," native name for the bulls on the rookeries, especially those which are able to maintain their position. "Hauling up," a technical term, applied to the action of the Seal* when they land from the snrf and haul np or drag themselves over the beach. It is expressive and appropriate, as are most of the sealing phrases. 6 f 82 NATURAL HISTOEY OF AQUATIC ANIMALS. bluish-black, fading in tbe older examples to a reddish and purplish tint. The color of the ears and tail is similar to that of the body, being somewhat, if anything, a trifle lighter; the ears on a bull Fur Seal are from one inch to an inch and a half in length ; the pavilions or auricles are tightly rolled up on themselves, so that they are similar in shape to, and exactly the size of, the little linger on the human hand, cut off at the second phalangeal joint, a trifle more cone-shaped, however, as they are greater at the base than they are at the tip. They are haired and furred as the body is. I think it probable that this animal has and does exert the power of compressing or dilating this scroll-like pavilion to its ear, just according as it dives deeper or rises in the water; and also, I am quite sure that the Hair Seal has this control over the meatus externus, from what I have seen of it. I have not been able to verify it in either case by actual observation ; yet such opportunity as I have had gives me undoubted proof of the fact, that the hearing of the Fur Seal is wonderfully keen and surpassingly acute. If you make any noise, no matter how slight, the alarm will be given instantly by these insignih'cant-looking auditors, and the animal, rising up from deep sleep with a single motion erect, gives you a stare of stupid astonishment, and at this season of defiance, mingling it with incessant, surly roaring, growling, and "spitting." VOICE OF THE FUR SEAL. This spitting, as I call it, is by no means a fair or full expression of the most characteristic sound or action peculiar, so far as I have observed, to the Fur Seals alone, the bulls in particular. It is the usual prelude to all their combats, and it is their signal of aston- ishment. It follows somewhat in this way: when the two disputants are nearly within reaching or striking distance, they make a number of feints or false passes, as fencing-masters do, at one another, with the mouth wide open, lifting the lips or snarling so as to exhibit the glistening teeth. and with each pass of the head and neck they expel the air so violently through the larynx, as to make a rapid choo-choo-choo sound, like steaui-pnffs as they escape from the smoke-stack of a locomotive when it starts a heavy train, especially when the driving-wheels slip on the rail. All of the bulls have the power and frequent inclination to utter four distinct calls or notes. This is not the case with the Sea Lion, 1 whose voice is confined to a single bass roar, or that of the walrus, which is limited to a dull grunt, or that of the Hair Seal, 2 which is inaudible. This volubility of the Fur Seal is decidedly characteristic and prominent; he utters a hoarse, resonant roar, loud and long; he gives vent to a low, entirely different, gurgling growl ; he emits a chuckling, sibilant, piping whistle, of which it is impossible to convey an adequate idea, for it must be heard to be understood; and this spitting or choo sound just mentioned. The cows-' 1 have but one note a hollow, prolonged, bla .i-ting call, addressed only to their pups; on all other occasions they are usually silent. It is something strangely like the cry of a calf or an old sheep. They also make a spitting sound or snort when suddenly disturbed a kind of a cough, as it were. The pups "blaat" also, with little or no variation, their sound being somewhat weaker and hoarser than their mother's, after birth; they, too, comically spit or cough when aroused suddenly from a nap or driven into a corner, opening their little mouths like young birds in a nest, when at bay, backed up in some crevice, or against some tussock. 1 Eumetojrias Stelleri. 2 1'linea ritnlina. "Without explanation, I may be considered as making lisa of paradoxical language by using those terms of description; for the inconsistency of talking of "pups" with "cows," and "bulls,'' and "rookeries," on Ihr brccding- grouuds of Ihe same, cannot fail to be noticed; but this nomenclature has been given and used by the An:crican iind English whaling and sealing parties for many years, and iln> characteristic features of the Seals themselves so suit tint naming, that I have felt satisfied to retain the style throughout as rendering my description more intelligible, especial! . so to t lin-f- who are engaged in the business, or may be hereafter. The Russians are more consistent, but not so "pat"; they call the bull "See-catch," a term implying strength, vigor, etc.; the cow, "Matkah," or mother; the pups, "Kotickie," or little seals; the non-breeding males under six and seven years, "Holluschickie," or bachelors. The name applied collectively to the Fur Seal by them is " Morskie-kot," or Sea Cat. THE FUR SEAL: EFFECTS OF HEAT. 83 Indeed. >o similar is tin- sound, that I noticed a number of sheep which tin- Alaska Commercial i' paiiy had brought up from San Francisco to Saint George Island, during; the .summer of 1873, were constantly attracted l<> the rookeries, and were running in among the " Holluschickie"; so much so that they neglected the good pasturage on the uplands beyond, and a small boy had to be leuularly employed to lu-rd them where they could feed to advantage. These transported OriWo-, though they could not possibly lind anything in their eyes suggestive of companionship among the Seals, had their ears so charmed by the sheep-like accents of the female pinnipeds, as to persuade them against their senses of vision and smell. The sound which arises from these great breeding-grounds of the Fur Seal, where thousands upon tens of thousands of angry, vigilant bulls are roaring, chuckling, and piping, and multitudes of seal-mothers are calling in hollow, blaatiug tones to their young, that in turn respond inces- santly, is simply defiance to verbal description. It is, at a slight distance, softened into a deep booming, as of a cataract; and I have heard it, with a light, fair wind to the leeward, as far as six miles out from land on the sea; and even in the thunder of the surf and the roar of heavy gales, it will rise up and over to your ear for quite a considerable distance away. It is the monitor which the sea-captains anxiously strain their ears for, when they run their dead reckoning up, and are laying to for the fog to rise, in order that they may get their bearings of the land; once heard, they hold on to the sound and feel their way in to anchor. The seal-roar at "Novostashnah," dining the summer of 1872, saved the life of the surgeon,' and six natives belonging to the island, who had pushed out on an egging- trip from Northeast Point to Walrus Island. 1 have sometimes thought, as I have listened through the night to this volume of extraordinary sound, which never ceases with the rising or the setting of the sun throughout the entire season of breeding, that it was fully equal to the churning boom of the waves of Niagara. Night and day, throughout the season, this din upon the rookeries is steady and constant. EFFECTS OF HEAT ON THE SEALS. The Seals seem to suffer great inconvenience and positive misery from a comparatively low degree of heat. I have been often surprised to observe that, when the temperature was 46 and 48 Fahr. on laud during the summer, they would show every- where signs of distress, whenever they made any exertion in moving or fighting, evidenced by panting and the elevation of their hind-flippers, which they used incessantly as so many fans. With the thermometer again higher, as it is at rare intervals, standing at 55 and ahirmed tin- unlives in time* past, that a \icil i' MOW nrv.T made l>v tin-in tniiii island to inland, nuletw on our of ;ln- i umpaiij's vemtels. Several Imlnrrahs have never been heard from, which, in earlier times, attempted to nail, with picked crews of the imtiven, from one island to the other. 84 NATURAL HISTORY OF AQUATIC ANIMALS. with all animals, is preyed upon by vermin, and it has a peculiar species of louse, or parasitic tick, that belongs to it. SLEEPING AFLOAT. Speaking of the Seal as it rests in the water, leads me to remark that they seem to sleep as sound and as comfortably, bedded on the waves or rolled by the swell, as i hex- do on the land ; they lie on their backs, fold the fore-flippers across the chest, and turn the hind ones up and over, so that the tips rest on their necks and chins, thus exposing simply the nose and the heels of the hind-flippers above water, nothing else being seen. In this position, unless it is very rough, the Seal sleeps as serenely as did the prototype of that, memorable song, who was "rocked in the cradle of the deep." FASTING OF TUP, SEALS AT THE ROOKERIES: INTESTINAL WORMS. All the bulls, from the very tirst, that have been able to hold their positions, have not left them from the moment of their landing for a single instant, night or day; nor will they do so until the end of the rutting season, which subsides entirely betxveen the 1st and 10th of August, beginning shortly after the coming of the cows in Juue. Of necessity, therefore, this causes them to fast, to abstain entirely from food of any kind, or xvater, for three months at least; and a few of them actually stay out four mouths, iu total abstinence, before going back into the water for the first time after "hauling up" in May; they then return as so many bony shadows of what they were only a few mouths anteriorly; covered with wounds, abject and spiritless, they laboriously crawl back to the sea to renew a fresh lease of life. Such physical endurance is remarkable enough alone; but it is simply wonderful, when we come to associate this fasting with the unceasing activity, restlessness, and duty devolved upon the bulls as the heads of large families. They do not stagnate like hibernating bears iu caves; there is not one torpid breath drawn by them in the whole period of their fast; it is evidently sustained and accomplished by the self-absorption of their own fat, with which they are so liberally supplied when they tirst come out from the sea and take up their positions on the breeding-grounds, and which gradually disappears, until nothing but the staring hide, protruding tendons and bones, marks the limit of their abstinence. There must be some remarkable provision made by nature for the entire torpidity of the Seals' stomachs and bowels, in consequence of their being empty and unsupplied during this long period, coupled with the intense activity and physical energy of the animals during the same time, which, however, in spite of the violation of a supposed physiological law, does not seem to aflect them, for they come back just as sleek, fat, and ambitious as ever, in the following season. I have examined the stomachs of hundreds which were driven up and killed immediately after their arrival in the spring, near the village; I have the word of the natives here, who have seen hundreds of thousands of them opened during the slaughtering seasons past, but in no single case has anything ever been found, other than the bile and ordinary secretions of healthy organs of this class, with the marked exception of finding iu every one a snarl or cluster of worms, 1 from the ize of a walnut to a bunch as large as a man's fist. Fasting apparently has no effect upon the worms, for on the rare occasion, and perhaps the last one that will ever occur, of killing three or four hundred old bulls late in the fall to supply the natives with canoe skins, I was present, and again examined their paunches, finding the same worms within. The worms were lively in these empty stomachs, and their presence. I think, gives some reason for the habit which the old bulls have (the others do not) of swallowing small water- worn bowlders, the stones in some of the stomachs weighing half a pound apiece, in others much smaller. In one paunch I found over five l Nematoda. THE FUR SEAL: PARASITIC 1 WOlfMS. <.". |Miiiinls. in tin- aggregate, of large pebbles, which, in grinding against one another, I believe, must comfort tin' Seal by aiding to destroy, in a great measure, these intestinal pests. The Sea Lion is also troubled in the same way by a similar sj>ecies of worm, and I preserved the .stomach of one of these animals in which there was more than ten pounds of stones, some of them alone very great in size. Of this latter animal, I suppose it could swallow bowlders that weigh two and three pounds each. I can ascribe noothercaiise for this habit among these animals than that given, as they are the highest type of the carnivora, eating tish as u regular means of subsistence, varying the monotony of this diet with occasional juicy fronds of sea-weed or kelp, and perhaps a crab or such once in a while, provided it is small and tender or soft six lied. I know that the sailors say that the Callorhittti* swallows these stones to "ballast" himself; in other words, to enable him to dive deeply and quickly ; but I noticed that the females and the " Ilollnschickie" ilhe nuickcr and swim better than the old fellows above specified, ami they do so without any ballast. They also have less muscular power, only a tithe of that which the ''Sea catch" possesses. Xo, the ballast theory is not tenable. AIJKIVAL OF THE cow SEALS AT TUK.KOOKEKiKS. Between the 12th and 14th of June, the first of the cow Seals, as a rule, come up from the sea; then the long agony of the waiting bulls is over, and they signalize it by a period of universal, spasmodic, desperate tighiing among them- selves. Though they have quarreled all the time from the moment they first landed, and continue to do so until the end of the season, in August, yet that righting which takes place at this date is the bloodiest and most vindictive known to the Seal. I presume that the heaviest percentage of mutilation and death among the old males from these brawls occurs in this week of the earliest appearance of the females. A strong contrasi now between the males and females looms up, both in size and shape, which is heightened by the air of exceeding peace and dove-1 ke amiability which the latter class exhibit, in contradistinction to the ferocity and saturnine behavior of the males. DKsci.'ti'i ION OF THE COW SEAL. The cows are from four to four and a half feet in length from head to tail, and much more shapely in their proportions than the bulls; there is no wrapping around their necks and shoulders of unsightly masses of blubber; their lithe, elastic forms, from the first to the last of the season, are never altered ; this they are, however, enabled to keep, because in the provision of seal economy, they sustain no protracted fasting period ; for, soon after the birth of their young, they leave it on the ground and go to the sea for food, returning perhaps to-morrow, perhaps later, even not for several days in fact, to again suckle and nourish it ; having in the mean time sped far off to distant fishing banks, and satiated a hunger which so active and highly organized an animal must experience, when deprived of sustenance for any length of time, As the females come up wet and dripping from the water, they are at first a dull, dirty-gray color, dark on the back and upper parts, but in a few hours the transformation in their appearance made by drying is wonderful. You would hardly l>elieve that they could be the same animals, for they now fairly glisten with a rich steel and maltese gray luster on the back of the head, the neck, and along down the spine, which blends into an almost snow-white over the chest and on the abdomen. But this beautiful coloring in turn is again altered by exposure to the same weather; for after a few days it will gradually change, so that by the lapse of two or three weeks it is a dull, rufous-ocher below, and a cinereous brown and gray mixed above. This color they retain throughout the breeding season, up to tin- time of shedding their coat in August. The head and eye of the female aie exceedingly beantiiul ; the expression is really attractive, gentle, and intelligent; the large, lustrous, blue-back eyes arc humid and soil with the teuderest expression, while the small, well formed head is poised as giacefully on her neck as can be well 86 NATURAL HISTORY OF AQUATIC ANIMALS. imagined; she is tbe very picture of benignity and satisfaction, when she is perched up on some convenient rock, and has an opportunity to quietly fan herself, the eyes half-closed and the head thrown back ou her gently-swelling shoulders. The females land on these islands not from the slightest desire to see their uncouth loids and masters, but from an accurate and instinctive appreciation of the time in which their period of gestation ends. They are in fact driven up to the rookeries by this cause alone ; the young cannot be brought forth in the water, and in all cases marked by myself, the pups were born soon after landing, some in a few hours, but most usually a day or so elapses before delivery. ORGANIZATION OF THE ROOKERIES. They are noticed and received by the males on the water-line stations with attention; they are alternately coaxed and urged up ou to the rocks, as far as these beach-masters can do so, by chuckling, whistling, and roaring, and then they are immediately under the most jealous supervision ; but, owing to the covetous and ambitious nature of the bulls which occupy these stations to the rear of the water-line and way back, the little cows have a rough-and-tumble time of it when they begin to arrive in small numbers at first, for no sooner is the pretty animal fairly established on the station of male number one, wbo has welcomed her there, than he, perhaps, sees another one of her style in the water from whence she has come, and, in obedience to his polygamous feeling, he devotes himself anew to coaxing the later arrival, by that same winning manner so successful in her case ; then when bull number two, just back, observes bull number one off guard, he reaches out with his long strong neck and picks up the unhappy but passive cow by the scruff of her's, just as a cat does a kitten, and deposits her upon Ids seraglio ground ; then bulls number three and four, and so on, in the vicinity, seeing this high-handed operation, all assail one another, especially number two, and for a moment have a tremendous fight, perhaps lasting half a minute or so, and during this commotion the little cow is generally moved, or moves, farther back from the water, two or three stations more, where, when all gets quiet again, she usually remains in peace. Her last lord and master, not having the exposure to such diverting temptation as her first, gives her such care that she not only is unable to leave, did she wish, but no other bull can seize upon her. This is only a faint (and I fully appreciate it), wholly inadequate description of the hurly-burly and the method by which the rookeries are filled up, from first to last, when the females arrive. This is only one instance of the many trials and tribulations which both parties ou the rookery subject themselves to, before the harems are filled. Far back, fifteen or twenty " See-catchie" stations deep from the water-line, and sometimes more, but generally not over an average of ten or fifteen, the cows crowd in at the close of the season for arriving, which is by the 10th or 14th of July; then they are able to go about pretty much as they please, for the bulls have become so greatly enfeebled by this constant fasting, fighting, and excitement during ihe past two months, that they are quite content now even with only one or two partners, if they should have no more. The cows seem to haul up in compact bodies from the water, filling in the whole ground to the rear of the rookeries, never scattering about over the surface of this area ; they have mapped out from the first their chosen resting places, and they will not lie quietly in any position outside of the great mass of their kind. This is due to their intensely gregarious nature, and admirably adapted for their protection. And here I should call attention to the fact that they select this rookery-ground with all the skill of civil engineers. It is preferred with special reference to the drainage, for it must lie so that the produce of the constantly dissolving fogs and rain-clouds shall not lie upon them, having a great aversion to and a firm determination to rest nowhere on water-puddled ground. This is admirably exhibited, and will be understood by a study of my THE FUR SEAL: ORGANIZATION OF THE KOOKI.IMHS. 87 .-.ken -h -ni;i]>s which follow, illustrative of these rookeries and the area and position of the Seals upon them. Kvery one of these breeding-grounds slopes up gently from the sea, and on no one of them is there anything like ;i muddy Hat. I found it an exceedingly difficult matter to satisfy myself as to a fair general average number of cows to each bull on the rookery; but, after protracted study, I think it will be nearly correct when I ai.mi t<> each male a general ratio of from fifteen to twenty females at the stations nearest the water: and for those back in order from that line to the rear, from five to twelve; but there are so many exceptional cases, so many instances where forty-five and flfty females are all under the charge of one male; and then, again, where there are two or three females only, that this question was and is uot entirely satisfactory in its settlement to my mind. Near Ketavie Point, and just above it to the north, is an odd washout of the basalt by the surf, which has chiseled, as it were, from the foundation of the island, a lava table, with a single roadway or land passage to it. Upon the summit of this footstool I counted forty-five cows, all under the charge of one old veteran. He had them penned up on this table-rock by taking his stand at the gate, as it were, through which they passed up and passed down a Turkish brute typified. UNATTACHKD MALES. At the rear of all these rookeries there is invariably a large number of able-bodied males who have come late, but who wait patiently, yet in vain, for families; most of them having had to fight as desperately for the privilege of being there as any of their more fortunately located neighbors, who are nearer the water, and in succession from there to where they are themselves ; but the cows do not like to be in any outside position. They caunot be coaxed out where they are not in close company with their female mates and masses. They lie most quietly and contentedly in the largest harems, and cover the surface pf the ground so thickly that there is hardly moving or turning room until the females cease to come from the sea. The inaction on the part of the males in the rear during the breeding-season only serves to qualify them to move into the places which are necessarily vacated by those males that are, in the mean time, obliged to leave from virile exhaustion, or incipient wounds. All the surplus able bodied males, that have not been successful in ettecting a landing on the rookeries, cannot at any one time during the season be seen here on this rear line. Only a portion of their numl>er are in six lit : the others are either loafing at sea, adjacent, or are hauled out in morose squads between the rookeries on the beaches. COURAGE OF THE FUR SEALS. The courage with which the Fur Seal holds his ]>osition as the head and guardian of a family, is of the higliest order. I have repeatedly tried to drive them from their harem posts, when they were fairly established on their stations, and have always failed, with few exceptions. I might use every stone at my command, making all the noise I could. Finally, to put their courage to the fullest test, I have walked up to within twenty feet of an old veteran, toward the extreineeud of Tolstoi, who had only four cows in charge, and commenced with my double-barreled fowling piece to pepper him all over with tine mustard-seed shot, being kind enough, in spite of my zeal, not to put out his eyes. 1 1 is bearing, in spite of the noise, smell of powder, and painful irritation which the fine shot must have produced, did not change in the least from Un- usual attitude of determined plucky defense, which nearly all of the bulls assumed when attacked with showers of stones and noise; he would dart out right and left with his long neck and catch the timid cows, that furtively attempted to run after each report of my gun, fling and drag them back to their places under his head; and then, stretching up to his full height look me directly and detiaiitly in the face, roaring and chuckling most vehemently. The cows, however, -oon ^ot away from him; they could uot stand my racket in spite of their dread of Imn; but he still M<>d 88 NATURAL HISTORY OF AQUATIC ANIMALS. his ground, making little charges on me of ten or fifteen feet in a succession of gallops or hinges, spitting furiously, and then comically retreating to the old position, with an indescribable leer and swagger, back of which he would not go, fully resolved to hold his own or die in the. attempt. This courage is all the more noteworthy from the fact that, in regard to man, it is invariably of a defensive character. The Seal is always on the defensive ; he never retreats, and he will not attack. If he makes you return when you attack him, he never follows you much farther than the boundary of his station, and then no aggravation will compel him to take the offensive, so far as I have been able to observe. I was very much impressed by this trait. BEHAVIOR OF THE FEMALE SEALS ON THE ROOKERIES. The cows, during the whole season, do great credit to their amiable expression by their manner and behavior on the rookery; they never fight or quarrel one with another, and never or seldom utter a cry of pain or rage when they are roughly handled by the bulls, which frequently get a cow between them and actually tear the skin from her back with their teeth, cutting deep gashes in it as they snatch her from mouth to mouth. If sand does not get into these wounds it is surprising how rapidly they heal; and, from the fact that I never could see scars on them anywhere except the fresh ones of this year, they must heal effectually and exhibit no trace the next season. The cows, like the bulls, vary much in weight, but the extraordinary disparity in the size of the sexes, adult, is exceedingly striking. Two females taken from the rookery nearest to Saint Paul Village, right under the bluffs, and almost beneath the eaves of the natives' houses, called "Nah Speel," after they had brought forth their young, were weighed by myself, and their respective returns on the scales were fifty-six and one hundred pounds each, the former being about three or four years old, and the latter over six perhaps ten; both were fat, or rather in good condition as good as they ever are. Thus" the female is just about one-sixth the size of the male. 1 Among the Sea Lions the proportion is just one half the bulk of the male, 2 while the Hair Seals, as I have before stated, are not distinguishable in this respect, as far as I could observe, but my notice was limited to a few specimens only. ATTITUDES OF FUR SEALS ON LAND. It s quite beyond my power, indeed entirely out of the question, to give a fair idea of the thousand and one positions in which the Seals compose themselves and rest when on land. They may be said to atsnme eveiy possible attitude which a flexible body can be put into, no matter how characteristic or seemingly forced or constrained. Their joints seem to be double-hinged; in fact, all ball and socket union of the bones. One favorite position, especially with tire females, is to perch upon a point or edge-top of some rock, and throw their heads back upon their shoulders, with the nose held directly up and aloft; and then closing their eyes, to take short naps without changing their attitude, now and then softly lifting one or the other of their long, slender hitid-tiippers, which they slowly wave with their peculiar fanning motion to which I have alluded heretofore. Another attitude, and one of the most common, is to curl themselves up just as a dog does on a hearth rug, bringing the tail and nose close together. They also stretch out, laying the head close to the body, and sleep an hour or two without rising, holding one of the hind flippers up all the time, now and then gently moving it, the eyes being tightly closed. 1 ought, perhaps, to define here the anomalous tail of the Fur Seal. It is just about as important as the caudal appendage to a bear, even less significant: it is the very emphasis of abbreviation. In the old males it is positively only lour or five inches in length, while among the females only two and a half to three inches, wholly inconspicuous, and not even recognized by the casual observer. 'Adult male anil female Callurliinun untiling. Adult male and female Kametoijiae Slelleri. Till- ITR SEAL: SM-IKPINC IIA111TS. 39 SLEEPING SEALS. I come now to speak of another feature which interested me nearly, if not quite, as much as any other characteristic of this creature; ami that ia their fashion of slumber. Tiie sleep of the Fur Seal, seen on land, from the old male down to the youngest, is always accom- panied by mi involuntary, nervous, muscular twitching and slight shifting of the flippers, together with ever and anon quivering and uneasy rollings of the body, accompanied by a quick folding anew of the fore-flipper*) all of which may be signs, as it were, in fact, of their simply having nightmares, or of sporting, in a visionary way, far ott' in some dream land sea; but ]>erhaps very much as an old nurse said, in reference to the smiles on a sleeping child's face, they are distur!>ed by their intestinal parasites. I have studied hundreds of such somnolent examples. Stealing softly up, so closely that I could lay my hand upon them from the point where I was sitting, did I wish to, and watching the sleeping Seals, I have always found their sleep to 1x3 of this nervous description. The respiration is short and rapid, but with no breathing (unless the ear is brought very close) or snoring sound; the quivering, heaving of the thinks only indicates the action of the lungs. I have frequently thought that I had succeeded in finding a snoring Seal, especially among the pups; but a close examination always gave some abnormal reason for it; generally a slight distemper, never anything severer, however, than some trifle by which the nostrils were stopped up to a greater or less degree. The cows on the rookeries sleep a great deal, but the males have the veriest cat-naps that can be imagined. I never could time the slumber of any old male on the breeding-grounds, which lasted without interruption longer than five minutes, day or night; while away from these places, however, I have known them to He sleeping in the manner I have described, broken by these fitful, nervous, dreamy starts, yet without opening the eyes, for an hour or so at a time. With the exception of the pups, the Fur Seal seems to have very little rest awake or sleeping; perpetual motion is well nigh incarnate with its being. FUR-SEAL PUPS. As I have said before, the females, soon after landing, are delivered of their young. Immediately after the birth of the pup (twins are rare, if ever) the little creature finds its voice, a weak, husky blaat, and begins to paddle about with its eyes wide open from the start, in a confused sort of way for a few minutes, until the mother turns around to notice her offspring and give it attention, and still later to suckle it; and for this purpose she is supplied with four small, brown nipples, almost wholly concealed in the fur, and which are placed about eight inches apart, lengthwise with the body, on the abdomen, between the fora- and hind flippers, with about four inches of space between them transversely. These nipples are seldom visible, and then faintly seen through the hair and fur. The milk is abundant, rich, and creamy. The pups nurse very heartily, almost gorging themselves, so much so that they often have to yield up the excess of what they have taken down, mewling and puking in the most orthodox manner. The pup from birth, and for the next three months, is of a jet-black color, hair and flipi>ers, save a tiny white patch just back of each forearm. It weighs first from three to four pomiil.-. and is twelve to fourteen inches long. It does not seem to nurse more than once every- two or thrro days, but in this I am very likely mistaken, for they may have received attention Irorn the mother in the night, or other times in the day when 1 was unable to keep up my watch over the individuals which I had marked for this supervision. The apathy with which the young are treated by the old on the breeding-grounds, especially by the mothers, was very strange to me, and I was considerably surprised at it. 1 have ne\ei >cen a seal-mother caress or fondle her offspring; and should it stray to a short distance from the hare . I could step to and pick it up, and even kill it before the inniher'.- e\e. without cau.-ing her tin- slightest concern, as far as all outward signs and manifestation would indicate. The sa iudifler- 90 NATURAL HISTORY OF AQUATIC ANIMALS. ence is also exhibited by the male to all that may take place of this character outside of the boundary of his seraglio; but the moment the pups are inside the limits of his harem-ground, he is a jealous and a fearless protector, vigilant and determined; but if tV-e little animals are careless enough to pass beyond this boundary, then I can go up to them and carry them off before the eye of the old Turk without receiving from him the slightest attention iu their behalf a curious guardian, forsooth! It is surprising to me how few of these young pups get crushed to death while the ponderous males are floundering over them, engaged in lighting and quarreling among themselves. I have seen two bulls dash at each other with all the energy of furious rage, meeting right iu the midst of a small "pod" of forty or fifty pups, tramp over them with all their crushing weight, and bowling them out right and left in every direction by the impetus of their movements, without injuring a single one, as far as I could see. Still, when wo come to consider the fact that, despite the great weight of the old males, their broad, flat flippers and yielding bodies may press down heavily on these little fellows without actually breaking bones or mashing them out of shape, it seems questionable whether more thau one per cent, of all the pups born each season on these great rookeries of the Pribylov Islands are destroyed in this manner on the breeding-grounds. 1 The vitality of the Fur Seal is simply astonishing. His physical organization passes beyond the fabled nine lives of the cat. As a slight illustration of his tenure of life, I will mention the i'act, that one morning the chief came to me with a pup in his arms, which had just been born, and was still womb-moist, saying that the mother had been killed at Tolstoi by accident, and he sup- pose! that I would like to have a "choochil." 2 I took it up into my laboratory, and finding that it could walk about and make a great noise, I attempted to feed it, with the idea of having a comfortable subject to my pencil, for life-study of the young in the varied attitudes of sleep and motion. It refused everything that I could summon to its attention as food; and, alternately sleeping and walking, iu its clumsy fashion, about the floor, it actually lived nine days spending the halt of every day in floundering over the floor, accompanying all movement with a persistent, hoarse, blaating cry and I do not believe it ever had a single drop of its mother's milk. In the pup, the head is the only disproportionate feature at birth, when it is compared with the adult form; the neck being also relatively shorter and thicker. The eye is large, round, and full, but almost a "navy blue" at times, it soon changes into the blue black of adolescence. The females appear to go to and come from the water to feed and bathe, quite frequently, after bearing their young, and the immediate subsequent coitus with the male; and usually return to the spot or its immediate neighborhood, where they leave their pups, crying out for them, and the individual replies, though ten thousand around, all together, should bloat at once. They quickly single out their own and nurse them. It would certainly be a very unfortunate matter if the mothers could not identify their young by sound, since their pups get together like a great swarm of bees, and spread out, upon the ground in what the sealers call " pods," or clustered groups, while they are young and not very large; but from the middle or end of September, until they leave the islands for the dangers of the great Pacific, in the winter, along into the heat of November, they gather in this manner, sleeping and frolicking by tens of thousands, bunched together at various places all over the islands contiguous to the breeding-grounds, and right on them. A mother comes up from the sea, whither she has been to wash, and perhaps to feed, for the last day or two, feeling her way along to about where she thinks her pup should be at least where she left 'The only damage which those little fellows have up here, is being caught by an October gale down at the surf- margin, when they have not fairly learned to swim ; large numbers have been destroyed by sudden "nips" of this character. 'A specimen to stuff. Tin: i [ n SEAL: HABITS OF THE PUPS. 91 it l;ist luit perhaps she misses it, and finds instead a swarm of pups in which it has been incor- porated, owing to its great fondness for society. The mother, without tirst entering into the crowd of thousands, calls out just us a sheep docs for a lamb; and, out of all the din she if not at first, at the end of a few trials recognizes the voice of her offspring, and then advances, striking out right and left, toward the position from which it replies. Hut if the pup happens at this time to be asleep, it gives, of course, no response, even though it were close by ; iu the event of this silence the cow, after calling for a time without being answered, curls herself up and takes a nap, or lazily basks, to be usually more successful, or wholly so, when she calls again. The pups themselves do not know their own mothers a fact which 1 ascertained by careful observation ; but they are so constituted that they incessantly cry out at short intervals during the whole time they are awake, and in this way the mother can pick out from the monotonous blaating of thousands of pups, her own, and she will not prrmit any other to suckle it ; but the "Kotickie" themselves attempt to nose around every seal-mother that comes in contact with them. I have repeatedly watched young pups aa they made advances to nurse from another pup's mother; the result invariably being, that while the mother would permit her owu offspring to suckle freely, yet, when these little strangers touched her nipples, she would either move abruptly away, or else turn quickly down upon her stomach, so that the maternal fountains were inaccessible to the alien and hungry "Kotickie." I have witnessed so many examples of the females turning pups away, to suckle only some particular other one, that I feel sure I am entirely right in saying that the seal-mothers know their own young; and that they will not permit any others to nurse save their owu. I believe that this recognition of them is due chiefly to the mother's scent and hearing. DISORGANIZATION OF THE BOOKERIKS. Between the end of July and the 5th or 8th of August of every year, the rookeries are completely changed iu appearance; the systematic and regular disposition of the families or harems over the whole extent of the breeding-ground has disappeared; all that clock-work order which has heretofore existed seems to be broken up. The breeding-season over, those bulls which have held their positions since the first of May leave, most of them thin in flesh and weak, and of their number a very large proportion do not come out again on land during the season; but such as are seen at the end of October and November, are in good flesh. They have a new coat of rich, dark, gray-brown hair and fur, with gray or grayish ocher "wigs" of longer hair over the shoulders, forming a fresh, strong contrast to the dull, rusty brown and umber dress in which they appear to us during the summer, and which they had begun to sh.'d about the tirst of August, in common with the females and the "Hollnschiekie." After these males leave, at the close of their season's work and of the rutting for the year, those of them that happen to return to the land in any event do not come back until the end of September, and do not haul upon the rookery-grounds again. As a rule they prefer to herd together, like the younger males, upon the sand-beaches and rocky points close to the water. The cows and pups, together with those bulls which we have noticed in waiting in the rear of the rookeries, and which have been in retirement throughout the whole of the breeding-season, now take possession, in a very disorderly manner, of the rookeries. There come, also, a large nunilivr of young, three, four, and live year old males, which have been prevented by the menacing threats of the older, stronger bulls, from landing among the females during the mtting-season. Before the middle of August three-fourths, at least, of the cows at this date are oft' in the water, only coming ashore at irregular intervals to nurse ami look after their pups a short time. They presented to my eye, from the summits of the blulls round about, a picture more suggoiivc than anything I have ever seen presented b\ animal life, of entire comfort and enjoyment. Here, 92 NATURAL HISTORY OF AQUATIC ANIMALS. just out and beyond the breaking of the rollers, they idly lie on tbe rocks or sand -beaches, ever and anon turning over and over, scratching their backs and sides with their fore- and hind-flippers. The Seals on the breeding ground appear to get very lousy. The Fur Seal spends a great deal of time, both at sea and on land, in scratching its hide; for it is annoyed by a species of louse, a Pediculus, to just about the same degree and in the same manner that our dogs are by fleas. To scratch, it sits upon its haunches, and scrapes away with the toe-nails of first one and then the other of its hind-flippers; by which action it reaches readily all portions of its head, neck, chest, and shoulders ; and, with either one or the other of its fore- flippers, it rubs down its spinal region back of the shoulders to the tail. By that division of labor with its feet, it can promptly reduce, with every sign of comfort, any lousy irritation wheresoever on its body. This Pediculus, peculiar to the Fur Seal, attaches itself almost exclusively to the pectoral regions; a few, also, are generally found at the bases of the auricular pavilions. When the Fur Seal is engaged in this exercise, it cocks its head and wears exactly the same expression that our common house-dog does while subjugating and eradicating fleas; the eyes are partly or wholly closed; the tongue lolls out; and the whole demeanor is one of quiet but intense satisfaction. The Fur Seal appears also to scratch itself in the water with the same facility and unction so marked on land; only it varies the action by using its fore-hands principally, in its fluviatile exercise, while its hind-feet do most of the terrestrial scraping. While 1 have written with much emphasis upon the total absence of any record as to the prev- alence of an epidemic in these large rookeries, I should, perhaps, mark the fact that no symptoms of internal diseases have ever been noticed here, such as tuberculosis of the lungs, etc., which invariably attack and destroy the Fur Seal when it is taken into confinement, as well as the Sea Lions also; the latter, however, have a much greater power of endurance under such artificial circumstances of life. The thousands upon thousands of disemboweled Pribylov fur seal carcasses have never presented abnormal or diseased viscera of any kind. MANGY cows AND PUPS. The frequent winds and showers drive and spatter sand into their fur and eyes, often making the latter quite sore. This occurs when they are obliged to leave; the rocky rookeries and .follow their paps out over the sand-ridges and flats, to which they always have a natural aversion. On the hauling grounds they pack the soil under foot so hard and tightly in many places, that it holds water in the surface depressions, just like so many rock-basins. Out of and into these puddles the pups and the females flounder and patter incessantly, until evapora- tion slowly abates the nuisance. This is for the time only, inasmuch as Hie next day, perhaps, brings more rain, and the dirty pools arc replenished. The pups sometimes get so thoroughly plastered in these muddy., slimy puddles, that the hair falls oft' in patches, giving them, at first sight, the appearance of being troubled with scrofula or some other plague: from my investigations, directed to this point, I became satisfied that they were not permanently injured, though evidently very much annoyed. With reference to this suggestion as to sickness or distemper among the Seals, I gave the subject direct and continued attention, and in no one of the rookeries could I discover a single Seal, no matter how old or young, which appeared to lie suffering in the least from any physical disorder, other than that which they themselves had inflicted, one upon the other, by fighting. The third season, passing direclly under my observation, failed to reward my search with any manifestation of d'seasc among the Seals which congregate in such mighty numbers on the rookeries of Saint Paul and Saint (leorge. The remarkable freedom from all such complaints enjoyed by these animals is noteworthy, and the TIIK rci; SKA!,: \I.\M;IM;SS. ;; must trenchant :ni(l penetrating cross-questioning of the natives, also, failed to Rive me any history or evidence of an epidemic in the past. HOSPITALS. The observer will, however, notice every summer, gathered in melancholy squads of a dozen to one hundred or so, scattered along the coast where the healthy Seals never go, those sick and disabled bulls which have, iu the earlier part of the season, been either internally injured or dreadfully scarred by the teeth of their opponents iu lighting. Sand is blown by the winds into the fresh wounds and causes an inflammation and a sloughing, which very often finishes the life of the victim. The sailors term these invalid gatherings "hospitals," a phrase which, like most of their homely expressions, is quite appropriate. YOUNU SEALS LKARNINO TO SWIM. Early in August, usually by the 8th or 10th, 1 noticed one of the remarkable movements of the season. I refer to the pup's h'rst essay in swimming. Is it not odd paradoxical that the young Seal, fro-n the moment of his birth until he is a month or six weeks old, is utterly unable to switnf If lie is seized by the najR' of the neck and pitched out a rod into the water from shore, his bullet-like head will drop instantly below the surface, and his attenuated posterior extremities Hap impotently on it; suffocation is the question of only a few minutes, the stupid little creature not knowing how to raise his immersed head and gain the air again. After they have attained the age 1 indicate, their instinct drives them down to the margin of the surf, where the alternate ebbing and flowing of its wash covers and uncovers the rocky or sandy beaches. They first smell and then touch the moist pools, and flounder in the upper wash of the surf, which leaves them as suddenly high and dry as it immersed them at first. After this beginning they make slow and clumsy progress in learning the knack of swimming. For a week or two, when overhead in depth, they continue to flounder about in the most awkward manner, thrashing the water as little dogs do, with their fore feet, making no attempt whatever to UNC the hinder ones. Look at that pup now, launched out for the first time Iwyond his depth; see how be struggles his mouth wide open, and his eyes fairly popping. He. turns instantly to the beacb, ere he has fairly struck out from the point whence, he launched in, and, as the receding swell which at first carried him off his feet and out, now returning leaves him high and dry, for a few minutes he seems so weary that he weakly crawls up, out beyond its swift returning wash, and coils himself up immediately to take a recuperative nap. He sleeps a few minutes, perhaps half an hour, then awakes as bright as a dollar, apparently rested, and at his swimming lesson he goes again. By repeated and persistent attempts, the young Seal gradually becomes familiar with the water and acquainted witli his own power over that element, which is to be his real home and his whole support. Once boldly swimming, the pup fairly revels in his new happiness. He and his brethren have now begun to haul and swarm along the whole length of Saint Paul coast, from Northeast Point down and around to Zapadnie, lining the alternating sand-beaches and rocky shingle with their plump, black forms. How they do delight in it! They play with a zest, and chatter like our own children in the kindergartens swimming in endless evolutions, twisting, turning, or diving and when exhausted, drawing their plump, round bodies up again on the beach. Shaking themselves dry as young dogs would do, they now either go to sleep on the spot, or have a lazy terrestrial frolic among themselves. How an erroneous impression ever got iuto the mind of any man in this matter of the pup's learning to swim, I confess that 1 am wholly unable to imagine. I have not seen any "driving" of the young pups iuto the water bv the old ones, in order to teach them this proc.---.. ;i^ certain authors have pointedly affirmed. 1 There is not the slightest supervision by the old mother or father of the pup, from the first moment of his birth, in this respect, until he leaves for the North Pacific, 1 AIO.F.X : Hiatory of North American Piunipeds, p. 387. 94 NATURAL HISTORY OF AQUATIC ANIMALS. I'u II fledged with amphibious power. At the close of the breeding-season, every year, the pups are restlessly and constantly shifting back and forth over the rookery ground of their birth, in huge squads, sometimes numbering thousands vipon thousands. In the course of this change of position they all sooner or later come in contact with the sea ; they then blunder into the water for the ttrst time, in a most awkward, ungainly manner, and get out as quick as they can ; but so far from showing .any fear or dislike of this, their most natural element, as soon as they rest from their exertion they are immediately ready for a new trial, and keep at it, provided the sea is not too stormy or rough. During all this period of self-tuition they seem thoroughly to enjoy the exercise, in spite of their repeated and inevitable discomfitures at the beginning. PODDING OF THE PUPS. The " podding" of these young pups in the rear of the great rookeries of Saint Paul, is one of the most striking and interesting phases of this remarkable exhibition of highly organized life. When they first bunch together they are all black, for they have not begun to shed the natal coat: they shine with an unctuous, greasy reflection, and grouped in small armies or great regiments on the sand-dune tracts at Northeast Point, they present a most extraor- dinary and fascinating sight. Although the appearance of the " Holluschickie" at English Bay fairly overwhelms the observer with the impre-sion of its countless multitudes, yet I am free to declare, that at no one point iu this evolution of the seal-life, during the reproductive season, have I been so deeply stricken by the sense of overwhelming enumeration, as I have, when, standing on the summit of Cross Hill, I looked down to the southward and westward over a reach of six miles of alternate grass and sand-dune stretches, mirrored upon which were hundreds of thousands of these little black pups, spread in sleep and sport within this restricted field of vision. They appeared as countless as the grains of the sand upon which they rested. SECOND CHANGE OF COAT. By the 15th of September, all the pups born during the year have become familiar with the water; they have all learned to swim, and are now nearly all down by the water's edge, skirting in large masses the rocks and beaches previously this year unoccupied by Seals of any class. Now they are about five or six times their original weight, or, in other words, they are thirty to forty pounds avoirdupois, as plump and fat as butter-balls, and they begin to take on their second coat, shedding their black pup-hair completely. This second coat does not vary iu color, at this age, between the sexes. They effect this transformation in dress very slowly, and cannot, as a rule, be said to have ceased their molting until the middle or 20th of October. This second coat or sea going jacket, of the pup, is a uniform, dense, light-gray over hair, with an under-fur which is slightly grayish in some, but in most cases is a soft, light-brown hue. The over-hair is fine, close, and elastic, from two-thirds of an inch to an inch in length, while the fur is not quite half an inch long. Thus the coarser hair shingles over and conceals the soft under wool completely, giving the color by which, after the second year, the sex of the animal is recogni/.eil. The pronounced difference between the sexes is not effected, however, by color alone until the third year of the animal. This over-hair of the young pup's new jacket on the back, neck, and head, is a dark chinchilla-gray, blending into a stone-white, just tinged with a grayish tint on the abdomen and chest. The upper lip, upon which the whiskers or moustaches take root, is covered with hair of a lighter gray than that of the body. This moustache consists of fifteen or twenty longer or shorter bristles, from half an inch to three inches in length, some brownish, horn-colored, and others whitish-gray and translucent, on each side and back and below the nostrils, leaving the muzzle quite prominent and hairless. The nasal openings and their surroundings are, as I have before said when speaking of this feature, similar to those of a dog. EYES OF THE PUP-SEALS. The most attractive feature about the fur-seal pup, and that Tin: rri; SI:AI. : i:vi:s which liolds this place MS il -rows .MI ;iml older, is tin- eye. This organ is cM-ecdinnl> dear, .lark, and lii|iiid, with which, lor beauty and amiability, together with real intelligence "I expression, those of no other animal that I have ever seen, or have ever read of, ran bo compared ; indeed, then- arc lew c\es in tin- orbits of men and women which suggest more pleasantly the ancient thought of their being "windows to the soul." The lids to the eye are fringed with long, perfect lashes, and the slightest annoyance, in the way of dust or sand, or other foreign substances, seems tn cause them exquisite annoyance, accompanied by immoderate weeping. This involuntary tear- fulness so moved Steller that he ascril>ed it to the processes of the Seal's mind, and declared that the seal mothers actually shed tears. RANGE OP VISION. I do not think that their range of vision on land, or out of the water, is very great. I have experimented frequently with adult Fur Seals, by allowing them to catch sight of my person, so as to distinguish it as of foreign character, three and four hundred paces oil. taking the precaution of standing to the leeward of them when the winl was blowing strong, and then walking unconcernedly up to them. I have invariably noticed, that they would allow me to approach quite close before recognizing my strangeness; this occurring to them, they at once made a lively noise, a medley of coughing, spitting, snorting, and blaating, and plunged in spasmodic lopes and shambled to get away from my immediate neighborhood; as to the pups, they all stupidly siaie at the form of a human being until it is fairly on them, when they i'lso repeat in miniature these vocal gymnastics and physical efforts of the older ones, to retreat or withdraw a few rods, sometimes only a few feet, from the spot upon which you have cornered them, after wliich they instantly resume their previous occupation of either sleeping or playing, as though nothing had happened. BEHAVIOR OF FHR SEALS AT NIGHT. I naturally enough, when beginning my investigation of these seal-rookeries, expected to find the animals subdued at night, or early morning, on the Itreeding-grounds; but a few consecutive nocturnal watches satisfied me that the family organiza- tion and noise was as active at one time as at another throughout the whole twenty-four hours. If, however, the day preceding had chanced to be abnormally warm, I never failexl then to find the rookeries much more n< isy and active during the night than they were by daylight. The Seals, as a rule, come and go to and from the sea, fight, roar, and vocalize as much during midnight moments as they lo at noonday times. An aged native endeavored to satisfy me that the "Seec tckie" could see much better by twilight and night than by daylight. I am not prepared to prove to the coutran , but I think that the fact of his not being able to see so well himself at that hour of darkness was the true cause of most of his belief in the improved nocturnal vision of the Seals. At 1 write, this old Aleut, Phillip Vollkov, has passed to his final rest "un konchielsnh"- winter of 187S-'7i. He was one of the real characters of Saint Paul; he was esteemed by the whites on account of his relative intelligence, and beloved by the natives, who called 1 him their "wise -nan," and who exulted in his piety. Phillip, like the other people thereof his kind, was not much comfort to me when I asked questions as to the Seals. He usually answered important inquiries b\ Bussing himself, and replying, "God knows." There was no appeal from this. SULI.KNNKSS OF ou> MALE SEALS. The old males, when grouped together by themselves, at thi- close of the breeding-season, indulge in no humor or frolicsome festivities whatsoever. On the contrary, they treat each other with surly indillerence. The mature females, however, do not appear to le-se their good nature to anything like so marked a dcgicc as do their lords and masters, for they will at all seasons of their presence on the islands be observed, now and then, to suddenly unbend from severe matronly gravity by i-o.vly and amiably tickling and gently teasing oni another, as they rest in the harems, or later, when strolling in September. Then' is no sign 96 NATURAL HISTORY OF AQUATIC ANIMALS. given, however, by these seal-mothers of desire or action in fondling or caressing their pups ; nor do the young appear to sport with any others than the pups themselves, when together. Some- times a yearling and a five or six months old pup will have a long-continued game between them- selves. They are decidedly clannish in this respect creatures of caste, like Hindoos. POWER OF SCENT: ODOR OF THE SEALS. The greatest activity displayed by any one of the five senses of the Seal, is evidenced in its power of scent. This faculty is all that can be desired in the line of alertness. I never failed to awaken an adult Seal from the soundest sleep, when from a half to a quarter of a mile distant, no matter how softly I proceeded, if I got to the windward, though the.y sometimes took alarm when I was a mile off. They leave evidences of their being on these great reproductive fields, chiefly at the rookeries, in the hundreds of dead carcasses which mark the last of those animals that have been rendered intirin, sick, or were killed by fighting among themselves in the early part of the season, or of those which have crawled far away from the scene of battle to die from death-wounds received in the bitter struggle for a harem. On the rookeries, wherever these lifeless bodies rest, the. living, old and young, clamber and patter backward and forward over and on the putrid remains, and by this constant stirring up of decayed matter, give rise to an exceedingly disagreeable and far-reaching "funk." This has been, by all writers who have dwelt on the subject, referred to as the smell which these animals emit for another reason erroneously culled the " rutting odor." If these creatures have any od<>r peculiar to them when in this condition, I will frankly confess that I am unable to distinguish it from the fumes which are constantly being stirred up and rising out of these decaying carcasses of the older Seals, as well as from the bodies of the few pups which have been killed accidentally by the heavy bulls fighting over them, charging back and forth against one another, so much of the time. They have, however, a very characteristic and peculiar smell, when they are driven and get heated; their breath exhalations possess a disagreeable, faint, sickly odor, and when I have walked within its influence at the rear of a seal-drive, 1 could almost fancy, as it entered my nostrils, that 1 stood beneath an ailanthus tree in bloom; but this odor can by no means be confounded with what is universally ascribed to another cause. It is also noteworthy, that if your finger is touched ever so lightly to a little fur-seal blubber, it will smell very much like that which I have appreciated and described as peculiar to their breath, which arises from them when they are driven, only it is a little stronger. Both the young and old Fur Seals have this same breath taint at all seasons of the year. REVIEW OF STATEMENTS CONCERNING LIFE IN THE ROOKERIES. To recapitulate and sum up the system and regular method of life and reproduction on these rookeries of Saint Paul and Saint George, as the Seals seem to have arranged it, I shall say that First. The earliest bulls land in a negligent, indolent way, at the opening of the season, soon after the rocks at the water's edge are free from ice, frozen snow, etc. This is, as a rule, about the 1st to the 5th of every May. They land from the beginning to the end of the season in perfect confidence and without fear; they are very fat, and will weigh at an average 500 pounds each; some stay at the water's edge, some go to the tier back of them again, and so on until the whole rookery is mapped out by them, weeks in advance of the arrival of the first female. Second. That by the 10th or 12th of June, all the male stations on the rookeries have been mapped out and fought for, and held in waiting by the "Seecatchie." These males are, as a rule, bulls rarely ever under six years of age; most of them are over that age, being sometimes three, and occasionally doubtless four, times as old. Third. That the cows make their first appearance, as a class, on or after the 12th or 15th of LIFE IN THE FUR SEAL ROOK I.1MES. 97 .June, in very small numbers; but rapidly after the 23d and 25th of this mouth, every year, they begin to flock up in MH-II numbers as to fill the harems very perceptibly; and by the 8th or 10th of July, they have all come, as a rule a few stragglers excepted. The average weight of the females now will not be much more than eighty to ninety pounds each. Fourth. That the breediug-season is at its height from the 10th to the 15th of July every year, and that it subsides entirely at the end of this month and early in August; also, that its method and system are confined entirely to the land, never effected in the sea. Fifth. That the females bear their first young when they are three years old, and that the period of gestation is nearly twelve months, lacking a few days only of that lapse of time. Sixth. That the females bear a single pup each, and that this is born soon after lauding; no exception to this rule has ever been witnessed or recorded. Seventh. That the "Seecatchie" which have held the harems from the beginning to the end of the season, leave for the water in a desultory and straggling manner at its close, greatly emaciated, and do not return, if they do at all, until six or seven weeks have elapsed, when the regular systematic distribution of the families over the rookeries is at an end for the season. A general medley of young males now are free, which come out of the water, and wander over all these rookeries, together with many old males, which have not been on seraglio duty, and great numbers of the females. An immense majority over all others present are pups, since only about 25 per cent, of the mother-seals are out of the water now at any one time. Eighth. That the rookeries lose their compactness and definite boundaries of true breeding limit and expansion by the 25th to the 28th of July every year; then, after this date, the pups begin to haul back, and to the right and left, in small squads at first, but as the season goes on, by the 18th of August, they depart without reference to their mothers; and when thus scattered, the males, females, and young swarm over more than three and four times the area occupied by them when breeding and born on the rookeries. The system of family arrangement and uniform compactness of the breeding classes breaks up at this date. Ninth. That by the 8th or 10th of August the pups born nearest the water first begin to learn to swim ; and that by the 15th or 20th of September they are all familiar, more or less, with the exercise. Tenth. That by the middle of September the rookeries are entirely broken up; confused, straggling bands of females are seen among bachelors, pups, and small squads of old males, crossing and recrossing the ground in an aimless, listless manner. The season now is over. Eleventh. That many of the Seals do not leave these grounds of Saint Paul and Saint George before the end of December, and some remain even as late as the 12th of January; but that by the end of October and the beginning of November every year, all the Fur Seals of mature age five and six years, and upward have left the islands. The younger males go with the others: many of the pups still range about the islands, but are not hauled to any great extent on the beaches or the flats. They seem to prefer the rocky shore-margin, and to lie aa high up as they can get on such bluffy rookeries as Tolstoi and the Reef. By the end of this month, November, they are, as a rule, all gone. Such is the sum and the substance of my observations which relate to the breeding-grounds alone on Saint Paul and Saint George. It is the result of summering and wintering on them, and these definite statements I make with that confidence which one always feels, when he speaks of that which has entered into his mind by repeated observation, amd has been firmly grounded by careful deductions therefrom. THE "HoLLUsoHiCKifi" OK "BACHELOB" SEALS: A DESCEIPTION. I now call the attention 7 F 98 NATURAL HISTORY OF AQUATIC ANIMALS. of the reader to auother very remarkable feature in the economy of the seal-life on these islands. The great herds of " Holluschiekie," ' numbering from one- third to one half, perhaps, of the whole aggregate of near 5,000,000 Seals known to the Pribylov group, are never allowed by the " See- catchie,'' under the pain of frightful mutilation or death, to put their flippers on or near the rookeries. By reference to my map, it will be observed that I have located a large extent of ground markedly so on Saint Paul as that occupied by the Seals' "hauling-grounds"; this area, in fact, represents those portions of the island upon which the "Holluschickie" roam in their heavy squadrons, wearing oft 1 and polishing the surface of the soil, stripping every foot, which is indicated on the chart as such, of its vegetation and mosses, leaving the margin as sharply defined on the bluffy uplands and sandy flats as it is on the map itself. The reason that so much more land is covered by the "Holluschickie" than by the breeding Seals ten times as much at least is due to the fact, that though not as numerous, perhaps, as the breeding Seals, they are tied down to nothing, so to speak are wholly irresponsible, and roam hither and thither as caprice and the weather may dictate. Thus they wear off and rub down a much larger area than the rookery Seals occupy ; wandering aimlessly, and going back, in some instances, notably at English Bay, from one-half to a whole mile inland, not traveling in desultory files along winding, straggling paths, but sweeping in solid platoons, they obliterate every spear of grass and rub down nearly every hummock in their way. DEFINITION OF "HOLLUSCHICKIE." All the male Seals, from six years of age, are compelled to herd apart by themselves and away from the breeding-grounds, in many cases far away ; the large hauling-grounds at Southwest Point being about two miles from the nearest rookery. This class of Seals is termed "Holluschickie" or the "Bachelor" Seals by the natives, a most fitting and expressive appellation. The Seals of this great subdivision are those with which the natives on the Pribylov group are the most familiar : naturally and especially so, since they are the only ones, with the exception of a few thousand pups, and occasionally an old bull or two, taken late in the fall for food and skins, which are driven up to the killing grounds at the village for slaughter. The reasons for this exclu- sive attention to the "Bachelors" are most cogent, and will be given hereafter when the "business" is discussed. LOCATING THE HAULING-GROUNDS: PATHS THROUGH THE ROOKERIES. Since the "Hollu- schickie" are not permitted by their own kind to land on the rookeries and stop there, they have the choice of two methods of locating, one of which allows them to rest in the rear of the rookeries, and the other on the free beaches. The most notable illustration of the former can be witnessed on Eeef Point, where a pathway ij left for their ingress and egress through a rookery a path left by common consent, as it were, between the harems. On these trails of passage they come and go in steady files all day and all night during the season, unmolested by the jealous bulls which guard the seraglios on either side as they travel ; all peace and comfort to the young Seal if he minds his business and keeps straight on up or down, without stopping to nose about right or left; all woe and desolation to him, however, if he does not, for in that event he will be literally torn in bloody griping, from limb to limb, by the vigilant old " Seecatchie." Since the two and three year old "Holluschickie" come up in small squads with the first bulls in the spring, or a few days later, such common highways as those between the rookery-ground and the sea are traveled over before the arrival of the cows, and get well defined. A passage for the "Bachelors," which I took much pleasure in observing day after day at Polavina, another at Tolstoi, and two on the Reef, in 1872, were entirely closed up by the "Seecatchie" and obliterated, 1 The Russian term " Holluschiclde " or "Bachelors" is very appropriate, and is usually employed. II I; SKA I. 1 1AULING-G HOUNDS. 99 when I again searched lor them iii 1874. Similar passages existed, however, on several of the large rookeries of Saint Paul; one of tho>c ;ii Tolstoi exhibits this feature very finely, for here the hauling-ground extends around from Knglish Hay, and lies up back of the Tolstoi Rookery, over a tlat and rolling summit, from lo to P_'( feet above the sea-level. The young males and yearlings of both sc\cs come through and between the harems, at the height of the breeding-season, on two of i licse narrow pathways, and before reaching the ground above, are obliged to climb up an almost abrupt blutf, which they do by following and struggling in the water-runs and washes which are worn into its face. As this is a large hauling-ground, on which, every favorable day during the season, fifteen or twenty thousand commonly rest, the sight of skillful seal-climbing can be witnessed here at any time during that period; and the sight of such climbing as this of Tolstoi is exceedingly novel and interesting. Why, verily, they ascend over and upon places where an ordinary man might, at first sight, with great positiveness say that it was utterly impossible for him to climli. HAULING-GROUNDS ON THE BEACHES. The other method of coming ashore, however, is the one most followed and favored. In this case they avoid the rookeries altogether, and repair to the unoccupied beaches between them, and then extend themselves out all the way back from the sea, as far from the water, iu some cases, as a quarter and even half of a mile. I stood on the Tolstoi sand dunes one afternoon, toward the middle of July, and had under my eyes, in a straightforward sweep from my feet to Zapaduie, a million and a half of Seals spread ont on these hauling-gronnds. Of these, I estimated that fully one-half, at that time, were pups, yearlings, and "Holluschickie." The rookeries across the bay, though plainly in sight, were so crowded, that they looked exactly as I have seen surfaces appear upon which bees had swarmed in obedience to that din and racket made by the watchful apiarian, when he desires to hive the restless honey-makers. The great majority of yearlings and "Hollnschickie" are annually hauled out and packed thickly over the sand-beach and upland hanling-grounds, which lie between the rookeries on Saint Paul Island. At Saint George there is nothing of this extensive display to be seen, for here is only it tithe of the seal-life occupying Saint Paul, and no opportunity whatever is afforded for an amphibious parade. GENTLENESS OP THE SEALS. Descend with me from this sand-dune elevation of Tolstoi, and walk into that drove of "Holluschickie " below us; we can do it ; yon do not notice much confusion or dismay as we go in among them ; they simply open out before us and close in behind our tracks, stirring, crowding to the right and left as we go, twelve or twenty feet away from us on each side. Look at this small flock of yearlings, some one, others two, and even three years old, which are coughing and spitting around us now, staring up in our faces iu amazement as we walk ahead; they struggle a few rods out of our reach, and then come together again behind us, showing no further sign of notice of ourselves. You could not walk into a drove of hogs at Chicago, without exciting as much confusion and arousing an infinitely more disagreeable tumult ; and as for sheep on the plains, they would stampede far quicker. Wild animals indeed ! You can now readily understand how easy it is for two or three men, early in the morning, to come where we are, turn aside from this vast herd in front of and around us two or three thousand of the best examples, and drive them back, up and over to the village. That is the way they get the Seals; there is not any ''hunting" or "chasing" or "capturing" of Fur Seals on these islands. "HOLLUSCHICKIE" DO NOT FAST. While the yonng male Seals undoubtedly have the power of going for lengthy intervals without food, they, like the female Seals on the breeding-grounds, certainly do not maintain any long fasting periods on land ; their coming and going from the shore is frequent and irregular, largely influenced by the exact condition of the weather from day to day ; 100 NATURAL HISTOEY OF AQUATIC ANIMALS. for instance, three or four thick, foggy days seem to call them out from the water by hundreds of thousands upon the different hauling-grounds (which the reader observes recorded on my map). In some cases, I have seen them lie there so close together that scarcely a foot of ground, over whole acres, is bare enough to be seen; then a clear and warmer day follows, and this seal covered ground, before so thickly packed with animal life, will soon be almost deserted: comparatively so at least, to be filled up immediately as before, when favorable weather shall agaiii recur. They must frequently eat when here, because the first yearlings and " Holluschickie" that appear in the spring are no fatter, sleeker, or livelier than they are at the close of the season ; in other words, their condition, physically, seems to be the same from the beginning to the end of their appearance here during the summer and fall. It is quite different, however, with the "Seecatch"; we know how and where it spends two to three months, because we find it on the grounds at all times, day or night, during that period. SPORTS AND PASTIMES OF THE YOUNG " BACHELORS." A small flockof the young Seals, one to three years old, generally, will often stray from these hauling-ground margins, up and beyond, over the fresh mosses and grasses, and there sport and play one with another, just as little puppy- dogs do; and when weary of this gamboling a general disposition to sleep is suddenly manifested, and they stretch themselves out and curl up in all the positions and all the postures that their flexible spines and ball-and-socket joints will permit. They seem to revel in the unwonted vege- tation, and to be delighted with their own efforts in rolling down and crushing the tall stalks of the grasses and umbelliferous plants; one will lie upon its back, hold np its hind-flippers, and lazily wave them about, while it scratches, or rather rubs, its ribs with the fore-hands alternately, the eyes being tightly closed during the whole performance; the sensation is evidently so luxurious that it does not wish to have any side-issue draw off its blissful self-attention. Another, curled up like a cat on a rug, draws its beath, as indicated by the heaving of its flanks, quickly but regu larly, as though in heavy sleep; another will lie flat upon its stomach, its hind-flippers covered and concealed, while it tightly folds its fore-feet back against its sides, just as a fish carries its pectoral fins and so on to no end of variety, according to the ground and the fancy of the animals. These "Bachelor" Seals are, I am sure, without exception, the most restless animals in the whole brute creation, which can boast of a high organization. They frolic and lope about over the grounds for hours, without a moment's cessation, and their sleep, after this, is exceedingly short, and it is ever accompanied with nervous twitchings and uneasy muscular movements; they seem to be fairly brimful and overrunning with spontaneity to be surcharged with fervid, electric life. Another marked feature which I have observed among the multitudes of "Holluschickie," which have come under my personal observation and auditory, and one very characteristic of this class, is, that nothing like ill-humor appears in all of their playing together; they never growl or bite, or show even the slightest angry feeling, but are invariably as happy, one with another, as can be imagined. This is a very singular trait; they lose it, however, with astonishing rapidity, when their ambitiou and strength develop and carry them, in due course of time, to the rookery. The pups and yearlings have an especial fondness for sporting on the rocks which are just at the water's level and awash, so as to be covered and uncovered as the surf rolls in. On the bare summit of these wave-worn spots, they will struggle and clamber in groups of a dozen or two at a time throughout the whole day, in endeavoring to push off that one of their number which has just been fortunate enough to secure a landing; the successor has, however, but a brief moment of exultation in victory, for the next roller that comes booming in, together with the pressure by its friends, turns the table, and the game is repeated, with another Seal on top. Sometimes, as well as I could see, the same squad of "Holluschickie" played for a whole day and night, without a mi: KIM; SKAI,: SPORTIVI-: n.vr.irs. moment's cessation, around such a rock as this, oft' Nah Speel Rookery; but in this observation I may bo mistaken, because the Seals cannot be told apart. SKAI.S AMONG THE BREAKERS. The graceful unconcern with which the Fu^Seal sports safely in, amon^, and under booming breakers, during the prevalence of the numerous heavy gales at the islands, ha,s afforded me many consecutive hours of spell-bound attention to them, absorbed in watching their adroit evolutions within the foaming surf, that seemingly, every moment, would, in its fierce convulsions, dash these hardy swimmers, stunned and lifeless, against the iron-bound foundations of the shore, which alone checked the furious rush of the waves. Not at all. Through the wildest and most ungovernable mood of the roaring tempest and storm-tossed waters attending its transit, I never failed, on creeping out, and peering over the bluffs, in such weather, to see squads of these perfect watermen the most expert of all amphibians gamboling in the seething, creamy wake of mighty rollers, which constantly broke in thunder tones over their alert, dodging heads. The swift succeeding seas seemed, every instant, to poise the Seals at the very verge of death. Yet the Callorhinwi, exulting in his skill and strength, bade defiance to their wrath, and continued his diversions. SWIMMING FEATS OF THE "BACHELORS." The "Ilolluschickie" are the champion swimmers of all the seal tribe; at least, when in the water around the islands, they do nearly every fancy tumble and turn that can be executed. The grave old males and their matronly companions sel- dom indulge in any extravagant display, as do these youngsters, jumping out of the water like so many dolphins, describing beautiful elliptic curves sheer above its surface, rising three and even four feet from the sea, with the back slightly arched, the fore-flippers folded tightly against the sides, and the hinder ones extended and pressed together straight out behind, plumping in head first, to reappear in the same manner, after an interval of a few seconds of submarine swimming, like the flight of a bird, on their course. Sea Lions and Hair Seals never jump in this manner. All classes will invariably make these dolphin-jumps, when they are surprised or are driven into the water, curiously turning their heads while sailing in the air, between the "rises" and "plumps," to take a look at the cause of their disturbance. They all swim rapidly, with the exception of the pups, and may be said to dart under the water with the velocity of a bird on the wing; as they swim they are invariably submerged, running along horizontally about two or three feet below the surface, guiding their course by the hind-flippers as by a rudder, and propelling themselves solely by the fore-feet, rising to breathe at intervals which are either very frequent or else so wide apart that it is impossible to see the speeding animal when he rises a second time. How long they can remain under water without taking a fresh breath, is a problem which I had not the heart to solve, by instituting a series of experiments at the island; but I arn inclined to think that, if the truth were known in regard to their ability of going without rising to breathe, it would be considered astounding. On this point, however, I have no data worth discussing, but will say that, in all their swimming which I have had a chance to study, as they passed under the water, mirrored to my eyes from the bluff above by the whitish-colored rocks below the rookery waters at Great Eastern Rookery, I have not been able to satisfy myself how they used their long, flexible hind-feet, other than as steering media. If these posterior members have any perceptible motion, it is so rapid that my eye is not quick enough to catch it; but the fore-flippers, however, can be most distinctly seen, as they work in feathering forward and sweeping flatly back, opposed to the water, with great rapidity and energy. They are evidently the sole propulsive power of the Fur Seal in the water, as they are its main fulcrum and lever combined, for progression on land. I regret that the shy nature of the Hair Seal never allowed me to study its swimming motions, but it seems to be a general point of agreement among authorities on the Phocidcr, that all motion in 1.02 NATURAL HISTORY OF AQUATIC ANIMALS. water by them arises from that power which they exert and apply with the hind feet. So far as my observations on the Hair Seal go, I am inclined to agree with this opinion. All their movements in water, whether they are traveling to some objective point or are in sport, are quick and joyous; and nothing is more suggestive of intense satisfaction and pure physi- cal comfort, than is that spectacle which we can see every August, a short distance out at sea from any rookery where thousands of old males and females are idly rolling over in the billows side by side, rubbing and scratching with their fore- and hind-flippers, which are here and there stuck up out of the water by their owners, like the lateen-sails of the Mediterranean feluccas, or, when the hind-flippers are presented, like a " cat-o'-nine tails." They sleep in the water a great deal, too, more than is generally supposed, showing that they do not come on land to rest very clearly not. LEAPING OUT OF WATER: " DOLPHIN- JUMPS." As I never detected the Sea Lions or the Hair Seals leaping from the water around these islands, in those peculiar dolphin-like jumps which I have hitherto described, I made a note of it early during my first season of observation, for corrobora- tion in the next. It is so: neither the Sea Lion nor the Hair Seal here ever leaped from the ocean in this agile and singular fashion heretofore described. Allen, so conservative usually, seems, how- ever, to have fallen into an error by reading the notes of Mr. J. H. Blake, descriptive of the Sea Lions of the Gallapagos Islands. As Allen quotes them entire in a foot-note, 1 I am warranted in calb'ng attention to the fact, that no authentic record has as yet been made of such peculiar swimming by Plwcidcc, or the sea-lion branch of the OtariidcK, My notice has been called to this mistake by Professor Allen's own note, page 367, upon a quotation from my work, citing Mr. Blake's notes above referred to, which are themselves very interesting, but do not even hint at a dolphin-jump. How fast the Fur Seal can swim, when doing its best, I am naturally unable to state. I do know that a squad of young " Holluschickie" followed the "Reliance," in which I was sailing, down from the latitude of the Seal Islands to Akootan Pass with perfect ease, laying around the vessel, while she was logging straight ahead, 14 knots to the hour. The Fur Seal, the Sea Lion, the Walrus, and the Hair Seal all swim around these islands, and in these waters, submerged, extended horizontally and squarely upon their stomachs. I make this note here because I am surprised to read 2 that the Harp (Hair) Seal's "favorite position when swimming, as affirmed by numerous observers, is on the back or side, in which position they also sleep in the water." Although this is a far-distant, geographically speaking, relative of the Hair Seal of Saint Paul Island, yet the remarkable difference in fashion of swimming seems hardly warranted, when the two animals are built exactly alike. Still, I have no disposition to question, earnestly, the truth of the statement, inasmuch as I have learned of so many very striking radical differences in habits of anima's as closely related, as to pause, ere seriously doubting this assertion that a Harp Seal's favorite way in swimming is to lie upon its back when so doing. It is simply an odd contradiction to the method employed by the Hair Seals of the North Pacific and of Bering Sea. While I am unable to prove that the Fur Seal possesses the power to swim to a very great depth, by actual tests instituted, yet I am free to say that it certainly can dive to the uttermost depths, where its food-fish are known to live in the ocean; it surely gives full and ample evidence of possessing the muscular power for that enterprise. In this connection, it is interesting to cite the testimony of Mr. F. Borthen, the proprietor of the Fro Islands, a group of small islets off Trondhjems Fiord, in Norway; this gentleman has had an opportunity of watching the Gray Seal 1 History of Nortti American Pinnipeds, p. 211. ALLEN: op. tit., p. 651. TIIK KM: SKAI.: I.I-:APIN; IIAIUTS. 103 (JIalichteru* ijrypun) as it l>ivd and rested on these rocks duriiigan extended period of time. Among many interesting notes as to tbo biology of this large Hair Seal, he says: " As a proof that they [the Seals] fetrh their food from a considerable depth, it is related that a few years ago a young one was found caught by one of the hooks of a tishing line that was placed at a depth of between seventy and eighty fathoms, on the outer side of the islands. Gray Seals have several times been seen to come up to the surface with lings (A/of pa eulgaru) and other deep-water fishes in their mouths, such fishes seldom or never found at a less depth than between sixty and seventy fathoms." 1 CLASSING THE "HOLLUSCHICKIE" BY AGE. When the "Holluschickie" are up on land they can be readily separated into their several classes as to age by the color of their coats and size, when noted, namely, the yearlings, the two, three, four, and five years old males. When the yearlings, or the first class, haul out, they are dressed just as they were after they shed their pup- coats and took on the second covering during the previous year in September and October; and now, as they come out in the spring and summer, one year old, the males aud females cannot be distinguished apart, either by color or size, shape or action ; the yearlings of both sexes have the same steel-gray backs and white stomachs, aud are alike in behavior and weight. Next year these yearling females, which are now trooping out with the youthful males on the hauling-grounds, will repair to the rookeries, while their male companions will be obliged to come again to this same spot. SHEDDING THE HAIR: STAGEY SEALS. About the 15th and 20th of every August, they have become perceptibly "stagey," or, in other words, their hair is well under way in shedding. All classes, with the exception of the pups, go through this process at this time every year. The process requires about six weeks between the first dropping or falling out of the old over-hair, and its full substitution by the new. This takes place, as a rule, between August 1 and September 28. The fur is shed, but it is so shed that the ability of the Seal to take to the water and stay there, and not be physically chilled or disturbed during the process of molting, is never impaired. The whole surface of these extensive breeding-grounds, traversed over by us after the Seals had gone, was literally matted with the shed hair and fur. This under fur or pelage is, however, so fine and delicate, aud so much concealed and shaded by the coarser over hair, that a careless eye or a superficial observer might be pardoned in failing to notice the fact of its dropping and renewal. The yearling cows retain the colors of the old coat in the new, when they shed it for the first time, and from that time on, year after year, as they live and grow old. The young three-year- olds aud the older cows look exactly alike, as far as color goes, when they haul up at first and dry- out on the rookeries, every June and July. The yearling males, however, make a radical change when they shed for the first time, for they come out from their "staginess" in a nearly uniform dark gray, and gray aud black mixed, and lighter, with dark ocher to whitish on the upper and under parts, respectively. This coat, next year, when they appear as two-year-olds, shedding for the three-year-old coat, is a very much darker gray, and so on to the third, fourth, and fifth season; then after this, with age, they begin, to grow more gray and brown, with rufous-ocher and whitish-tipped over-hair on the shoulders. Some of the very old bulls change in their declining years to a uniform shade all over of dull- grayish ocher. The full glory and beauty of the Seal's moustache is denied to him until he baa attained his seventh or eighth year. COMPARATIVE SIZE OF FEMALES AND MALES. The female does not get her full growth and weight until the end of her fourth year, so far as I have observed, but she does most of her 1 ROBKRT COLJ.KTT : On the Gray Seal. Proceedings Zoological Society London, prt >) 18S1 - P- 3frt - 104 NATURAL HISTORY OF AQtIATIC ANIMALS. growing longitudiually in the first two; after she has passed her fourth and fifth years, she weighs from thirty to fifty pounds more than she did in the days of her youthful maternity. The male does not get his full growth and weight until the close of his seventh year, but realizes most of it, osteologically speaking, by the end of the fifth ; and from this it may be perhaps truly inferred, that the male Seals live to an average age of eighteen or twenty years, if undisturbed in a normal condition, and that the females attain ten or twelve seasons under the same favorable circumstances. Their respective weights, when fully mature and fat in the spring, will, in regard to the male, strike an average of from four to five hundred pounds, while the females will show a mean of from seventy to eighty pounds. I did not permit myself to fall into error in estimating this matter of weight, because I early found that the apparent huge bulk of a sea-lion bull or fur-seal male, when placed upon the scales, shrank far below my notions: I took a great deal of pains, on several occasions, during the killing season, to have a platform scale carted out into the field, and as the Seals were knocked down, and before they were bled, I had them carefully weighed, constructing the following table from my observations : Table showing the weight, size, and growth of the Fur Seal (CaUorhinus ursinm), from the pup to the adult, male and female. Age. Length. Girth. Gross weight of body. Weight ofsBn. V Remarks. Jneha. 12 to 14 Inchet. 10 to 10) Poundt. 6to7J Pounds. 24 25 30 3 88 25 39 41 45 30 58 54 52 36 87 7 58 42 135 12 65 52 200 16 72 64 280 25 Eight to twenty years. 75 to 80 70 to 71 400 to 500 45 to 50 An estimate only, calculating on their weight when fat, and early in the season. WEIGHT OF FEMALE SEALS. The adult females will correspond with the three-year-old males in the above table, the younger cows weighing frequently only seventy-five pounds, and many of the older ones going as high as one hundred and twenty, but an average of eighty to eighty-five pounds is the rule. Those specimens of the females which I have weighed were examples taken by me for transmission to the Smithsonian Institution, otherwise I should not have been permitted to make this record of their weight, inasmuch as weighing them means to kill them; and the law and the habit, or rather the prejudice of the entire community up there, is unanimously in opposition to any such proceeding, for they never touch females here, and never set their foot on or near the breeding-grounds on such an errand. It will be noticed, also, that I have no statement of the weights of those exceedingly fat and heavy males which first appear on the breeding-grounds in the spring; those which I have referred to, in the table above given, were very much heavier at the time of their first appearance in May and June, than at the moment when they were in my hands, in July; but the cows, in the other class, do not sustain protracted fasting, and therefore their weights may be considered substantially the same throughout the year. CHANGE IN WEIGHT. Thus, from the fact that all the young Seals and females do not change much in weight from the time of their first coming out in the spring, till that of their leaving in the fall and early winter, I feel safe in saying that they feed at irregular but not long intervals, THE FUR SEAL: CHANGES IN WEIGHT. 105 during the time that they are hero under our observation, since they are constantly changing from land to water and from water to land, day in and day out. I do not think that the young males fast longer than a week or ten days at a time, as a rule. DISPERSAL OF THE " HOLLUSCHICKIE." By the end of October and the 10th of November, the great mass of the "Ilollnschickie," the trooping myriads of English Bay, Southwest Point, Heef Parade, Lukannon Sands, the table-lands of Polavina, and the mighty hosts of Novostashnah, at Saint Paul, together with the quota of Saint George, had taken their departure from its shores, and had gone out to sea, spreading with the receding schools of fish that were now returning to the deep waters of the North Pacific, where, in that vast expanse, over which rolls an unbroken billow, five thousand miles from Japan to Oregon, they spend the winter and the early spring, until they reappear and break up, with their exuberant life, the dreary winter isolation of the land which gave them birth. TASTE OF THE SEALS IN THE MATTER op WEATHER. A few stragglers remain, however, as late as the snow and ice will permit them to, in and after December; they are all down by the water's edge then, and haul up entirely on the rocky beaches, deserting the sand altogether; but the first snow that falls makes them very uneasy, and I have seen a large hauling-ground so disturbed by a rainy day and night, that its hundreds of thousands of occupants fairly deserted it. The Fur Seal cannot bear, and will not endure, the spattering of sand into its eyes, which always accompanies the driving of a rain-storm"; they take to the water, to reappear when the nuisance shall be abated. The weather in which the Fur Seal delights is cool, moist, foggy, and thick enough to keep the sun always obscured, so as to cast no shadows. Such weather, which is the normal weather of Saint Paul and Saint George, continued for a few weeks in June and July, brings up from the sea millions of Fur Seals. But, as I have before said, a little sunshine, which raises the temperature as high as 50 to 55 Fahr., will send them back from the hauling-grouuds almost as quickly as they came. Fortunately these warm, sunny days on the Pribylov Islands are so rare that the Seals certainly can have no ground of complaint, even if we may presume they have any at all. Some curious facts in regard to their selection of certain localities on these islands, and their abandon men t of others, I will discuss in a succeeding chapter, descriptive of the rookeries ; this chapter is illustrated by topographical surveys made by myself. ALBINOS. I looked everywhere and constantly, when treading my way over acres of ground which were fairly covered with seal-pups, and older ones, for specimens that presented some abnormity, that is, monstrosities, albinos, etc., such as I have seen in our great herds of stock ; but I was, with one or two exceptions, unable to note anything of the kind. I have never seen any malformations or "monsters" among the pups and other classes of the Fur Seals, nor have the natives recorded anything of the kind, so far as I could ascertain from them. I saw only three albino pups among the multitudes on Saint Paul, and none on Saint George. They did not differ, in any respect, from the normal pups in size and shape. Their hair, for the first coat, was a dull ocher all over; the fur whitish, changing to a rich brown, the normal hue; the flippers and muzzle were a pinkish flesh-tone in color, and the iris of the eye sky-blue. When they shed the following year, they are said to have a dirty, yellowish- white color, which makes them exceedingly conspic- uous when mixed in among a vast majority of black pups, gray yearlings, and "Holluschiekie" of their kind. MONSTROSITIES AMONG THE SEALS'. Touching this question of monstrosities, I was led to examine a number of alleged examples presented to my attention by the natives, who took some interest, in their sluggish way, as to what I was doing here. They brought me an albino fur-seal 106 NATURAL HISTORY OF AQUATIC ANIMALS. pap, nothing else, and gravely assured me that they knew it owed its existence to the fecundation of a sea-lion cow by a fur-seal bull; if not so, how could it get that color! I was also confronted with a specimen a full and finely grown four-year-old Callorhinus which had, at some earlier day, lost its testicles either by fighting or accident while at sea; perhaps shaven off by the fangs of a saw-toothed shark, and also gravely asked to subscribe to the presence of a hermaphrodite ! Undoubtedly some abnormal birth shapes must make their appearance occasionally ; but at no time while I was there, searching keenly for any such manifestation of malformation on the rookeries, did I see a single example. The morphological symmetry of the Fur Seal is one of the most salient of its characteristics, viewed as it rallies here in such vast numbers, but the osteological differentiation and asymmetry of this animal are equally surprising. WHERE DO THE SEALS DIE ? It is perfectly evident that a large percentage of this immense number of Seals must die every year from natural limitation of life. They do not die on these islands ; that much I am certain of. Not one dying a natural death could I find or hear of on the grounds ; they evidently lose their lives at sea, preferring to sink with the riyor mortis into the cold, blue depths of the great Pacific, or beneath the green waves of Bering Sea, rather than to encumber and disfigure their summer haunts on the Pribylov Islands. THE REPRODUCTION OF THE FUR SEAL.' By treating this subject at length, my object is to fix attention upon several points connected with the reproduction of the Fur Seal which have vital importance to its relation with, and residence upon, the breeding-grounds of these islands under discussion. In the first place, naturalists generally have taken notice of the generative appara- tus exhibited by the Phocidce ; and, while they have spoken at length in anatomical detail and discussion of the male organs of the Otariidce, yet they exhibit a strange neglect or oversight with respect to those of the female. The singular cloaca! arrangement of the female organs of generation in the Phocidce has excited comment and description from the earliest times. The modification of the generative apparatus peculiar to the male Otariidce, in contradistinc- tion to those organs possessed by the male Phocidcc, has been noticed to some extent by several authorities 2 prior to the date of this publication; but, while calling attention to this marked change in the morphology of the male organs of the Otariida;, they are silent in regard to the fact that, though the Phocidce are very distinct, by the armature of the males, from the Otariidce, yet the cloacal arrangement of the females in both genera is identical. This is in itself, as I view it, quite as remarkable with regard to the females as it is noteworthy in respect to the males. Surely the wonderful modification of the physical structure of the male Fur Seal from that of his kindred, the Hair Seal, is very great ; and we are not surprised to find that his generative organs are pro- nounced, in common with all the others, distinct. So the females differ, physically, in every respect, to as great a degree, with the solitary exception of the intra-uterine life, and the cloacal form of the external generative organs. NECESSITY OF UNDERSTANDING THE SUBJECT. This subject of the method of reproduction, 'When they the approaching time perceive, They flee the deep, and watery pastures leave : On 'the dry ground, far from the swelling tide, Bring forth their young, and on the shores abide Till twice six times they see the Eastern gleams Brighten the hills, and tremble on the streams, The thirteenth morn, soon as the early dawn Hangs out its crimson folds or spreads its lawn, No more the fields and lofty coverts please, Each hugs her own, and hastes to rolling seas. Old Roman poem : Hair Sealt of the Mediterranean. ALLEN: North American Pinnipeds, 1880. MURIE: Trans. Zool. Soc., 1869-72. THE FUR SEAL: REPRODUCTION. 107 as carried out by the Fur Seals on the breeding-grounds of the Pribylov Islands, should be under- stood distinctly and authoritatively, before the truth or falsity of certain hypotheses, which depend upon it, can be intelligently discussed. The general impression and commonly-received opinion in the popular, as well as the scientific world, is that the amphibian life of the ocean breeds in the water thereof; or, in other words, that the fertilization of the seal-life takes place by coition therein, and that the young may be born in this watery element, safely nurtured and cared for by their mothers. 1 No end of fanciful rumor and romance has been published touching this point. We are told that some man of great credibility has seen Seals in the water, with their new-born clasped to their bosoms, rising in the waves to look at their disturbers, and then sinking, to carry away their young to safety and quiet. To this fanciful description, undoubtedly, the mermaid owes its origin in our recent mythology ; for the Hair Seal, in especial, has a bland, round, full physiog- nomy ; the large circular eyes are placed more in front of the skull than in the crania of any other genera of its kind. Such a head popping up suddenly in front of the mariner might naturally suggest a human face; and it needs but a very little embellishment to trim it with long hair, place inammaB on its bosom, and all the other peculiar attributes of the yellow-haired mermaid so celebrated in song and art. FINE OPPORTUNITIES FOR OBSERVATION. Therefore, what I wish to distinctly settle with regard to the reproduction of the Fur Seal, which I now have under consideration, is that mooted question as to the place, the manner, and the time of the union of the two sexes necessary for the reproduction of its kind. I have no personal knowledge of the system of fertilization employed, with reference to it, by the Phocidce;. hence I shall not attempt to describe it. J What I have 1 Reasonably enough, the closet naturalist, no matter how able, will be deceived now and then in this manner by untrustworthy statements made by those who are supposed to know by personal observation of what they affirm. As an apt illustration of this confusion which the best of closet natnralists are thrown into by untrustworthy information touching this very matter, I may cite the case of Hamilton, who, in 1839, while writing of the Fur Seal of Cook and Forster, discovered in particular by them on South Georgia, in 1771, declares it to be no Fur Seal at all ! He feels warranted in doing so, because one Captain Weddell says so. This authority was a hardy sailor who made sealing a specialty in the Antarctic during I-.'it-'-ji;. Hamilton, after specifying the wide range of this Arctocephalu*, "at Dusky Bay, New Zealand, in New Georgia, Staten Land, Juan Fernandez, and the Gallapagos," goes on to say : " It will be observed that several of these authorities, particularly Damptur and Cook, speak of the fineness of the fur of this Seal. It is probably these statements which have led the able author of the article Phoque in the "Diet. Classiqne d'Hist. Natarelle " to state that this Seal is the Fur Seal of commerce. His words are : ' L'otarii de Forster est le Phoqne a fourrures des pecheara europeens.' But this, we suspect, is a mistake. No one will doubt that Captain \\Yililrll was familiar with the Fur Seal. He was also familiar with the Ursine Seal, both as encountered in its haimU and as described by naturalists ; and yet, when speaking of the Ursine Seal (so denominated by him), he never once hints that its fur has any peculiar value, but the contrary." Amphibious Carnivora. Edinbnrg, 1339, p. 265. Thus Hamilton quotes this old sailor, Weddell, throughout his whole memoir, with the utmost tnist; and in the same manner others have been cited. They are worthless, unless taken " cum grano salis." The " long and short" of it is this : when most of the seafaring sealers and whalers are in the field, they are blind to everything except the mere capture of their quarry. When they return, they are importuned, usually at first, for details which, in fact, they have never thought of, while away. 9 " The inconsequential numbers of the Hair Seal around and on the Pribylov Islands, seem to be characteristic of all Alaskan waters and the northwest coast ; also, the Photida are equally scant on the Asiatic littoral margins. Only the following four species are known to exist throughout the entire extent of that vast marine area, viz : PHOCA VITUUNA Everywhere, between Bering Straits and California. Pnocx FffiTiDA Plover Bay, Norton's Sound, Knskokvim month, and Bristol Bay, of Bering Sea ; Cape Startle Kammin, Arctic Ocean to Point Barrow. ERIONATHUS BARBATUS Kamtchatkan coast, Norton's Sound, Knskokvim month, and Bristol Bay, of Bering Sea. HISTRIOPHOCA FASCIATA Yukon month, and coast south to Bristol Bay, of Bering Sea and drifting ice therein. Then, in addition to this, Mr. Ivan Pi-trov, the special agent of the Tenth Census, United State* Army, report* the presence of a land-locked Seal in the fresh waters of Iliamna Lake, and also in Lake Walker. It may be as distinct from any of the Phocida and the North Pacific is a very remarkable exhibitiou of its skill in navigation. While the Russians were established at Bodega and Ross, California, sixty years ago, they frequently shot Fur Seals at sea, when hunting the Sea Otter off the coast between Fuca 81 rails and the Farallones. Many of these animals, late in May and early in June, were so far advanced in pregnancy that it was deemed certain by their captors that some shore must be close at hand upon which the near impending birth of the pnp took place ; thereupon, the Russians searched over every rod of the roast-line of th main- land and the archipelago, between California and the peninsula of Alaska, vainly seeking everywhere there fur a fur- seal rookery. They were slow to understand how animals, so close to the throes of parturition, could strike out into broad ocean to swim fifteen hundred or two thousand miles within a week or ten days ere they landed on the Pribylov group, and almost immediately after gave birth to their offspring. There is no record made which shows that the Fur Seals have any regular or direct course of travel np or down the northwest coast. They are principally seen in the open sea, eight or ten miles from land, outside the heads of the Straits of Fuca, and from there as far north as Dixon Sound. During May and June they are aggregated in greatest numbers here, though examples are reported the whole year around. The only Fur Seal which I saw, or which was noticed by the crew of the Reliance, iu her cruise, Juno 1 to 9, from Port Townsend to Sitka, was a solitary "Hollu- sehack" that we disturbed at sea well out from the lower end of Queen Charlotte's Island; then, from Sitka to Kadiak, we saw nothing of the Fur Seal until we hauled off from Point Greville, and corning down by Ookamok Islet, a squad of agile "Holliischii-kit'" suddenly appeared among a school of hump-back whales, sporting in the most extravagant manner around, under, and even leaping over the wholly indifferent cetacea. From this eastern extremity of Kadiak Inland clear up to the Pribylov group we daily saw them here and there in small bands, or also as lonely voyageura, all headed for one goal. We were badly outsailed by them ; indeed, the chorus of a favorite "South Sea pirate's" song, as incessantly sung on the cutter's "'tween decks," seemed to have special adaptation to them : "For they bore down from the windwi'ard, A sailln' wren knot* to our fonr'n." The ancient Greeks seemed to have been impressed somewhere by rookery odors, for old Homer say* ' ' The web-footed seals forsake the stormy swell. And, sleeping in herds, exhale nauseous smell." Where this illustrious bard sniffed up this characteristic unpleasantness of breeding-seals, I am at loss to say. The Pribylov Islands and the great Antarctic grounds were, as far from that poet then as the moon is from us to-day. He must have been introduced to it within the confines of th Caspian Sea, or else credibly informed, by trustworthy authority, of this peculiarity of the large herds of Phocidir in those waters. Small bands, however, of Hair Seals breed now, as they bred then, in the Mediterranean and Black Seas. He may have stumbled upon a few of them while provoking his muse in lonely travels over Grecian pelagic shores. 110 NATURAL HISTORY OF AQUATIC ANIMALS. its feet, for the moment it appears from within the natal walls it seems to be in full possession of all its faculties; its eyes are wide open, and its voice is raised in weak, husky bleatings, as it feebly paddles around, still attached to the umbilical cord, which it, by its own efforts, pulls asunder as it flounders about on the rocks or ground of the rookery. The mother, in the mean time, gives her offspring none of that attention so marked in the case of the Ganidce and other carnivores, not even turning to look at it; but she draws herself up with an expression of intense comfort and relief, throwing her head back with a gentle, swaying motion, as she fans herself slowly with either one or both of the hind-flippers. She also pays no attention to the cleansing of her own person, the after-birth lying undisturbed by her, it being speedily trampled under foot and ground out of recognizance by the restless multitudes around her, which pass to and fro. The pup quickly dries off, with rapid alternations of short naps with awakenings, in which it gets up and on its flippers to essay brief scrambles over the rocks and ground until, in nosing about, it claims the attention of its mother (sometimes hours after birth) : this she gives by gently elevating her abdomen and turning her parts posteriorly, so that one or two of the obscure teats, filled with milk, can be seized by the hungry pup, which now nurses therefrom greedily, even to gorging itself. MILK OF THE FUR SEAL. The milk of the Fur Seal mother is very rich and creamy, and the secretion is always abundant, but there is not, under any circumstances, the enlarged udder and mammae peculiar to dogs and similar animals ; the nipples are scarcely distinguishable, even when exposed to the reach and notice of the young. IRREGULAR FEEDING OF THE PUPS. The umbilicus of the pup rapidly sloughs off, and the little fellow grows apace, nursing to-day heartily in order that he may, perhaps, go the next two, three, or four days without another drop from the maternal fount; for it is the habit of the mother Seal to regularly and frequently leave her young, on this spot of its birth, to repair for food in the sea; she is absent on these excursions, on account of the fish not coming inshore within a radius of at least one hundred miles of the breeding-grounds, through intervals varying, as I have said, from a single day to three or four, as the case may be. The manner in which she returns after feeding, and in which she singles out by scent, and at a glance, her own offspring from many thousands surrounding it, I have clearly described in a foregoing chapter. 1 PRELIMINARY ADVANCES OF THE SEXUAL UNION. The pup being born, the cow rapidly passes into "heat." I have noticed examples where ten hours only elapsed between the event of the birth and that of copulation, and I doubt not of full impregnation for another period. But as a rule forty-eight hours is a fair figure to express the time from the birth to the state known as "being in heat." The cow always makes the first advances to the bull. If she is one of the earlier subjects for his attention, the union is soon accomplished ; but should she be of the later applicants in his 1 When the females first come ashore there is DO sign of affection manifested, whatever, between the sexes. The males are surly aud morose, and the females entirely indifferent to such reception. They are, however, subjected to very harsh treatment sometimes in the progress of battles between the males for their possession, and a few of them are badly bitten and lacerated every season. One of the cows that arrived at Nah Speel, Saint Paul Island, early in June, 1872, was treated to a cruel mutilation in this manner, under my eyes. When she had finally lauded on the ban-en rocks of one of the numerniiH "Seecatchie" at the water front of this small rookery, and while I was carefully making a sketch of her graceful outlines, a rival bull, adjacent, reached out from his station and seized her with his month at the nape of the neck, just as a cat lifts a kitten. At the game instant, almost simultaneously, the old male that was rightfully entitled to her charms, turned, and canght her in his teeth, by the skin of her posterior dorsal region. There she was, lifted and suspended in mid air, between the jaws of her furious rivals, until, in obedience to their powerful struggles, the hide of her back gave way, and, as a ragged flap of the raw skin more than six inches broad and a foot in length was torn up and from her spine, she passed, with a rush, into the possession of the bull who had covetously seized her. She uttered no cry during this barbarous treatment, nor did she, when settled again, tutu to her torn and bleeding wound to notice it in any way whatsoever that I could observe. When severe inflammation takes place, they seek the water, disappearing promptly from your scrutiny. IMM; SKAI,: i:r:ri:ouucTlon. Ill harem. :iftT lie has lu-cn IMOIV or less exhausted liy the vital drafts made upon him. -h,- must wait. I have observed instances of this cliaracter iu which the female teased the male for hours aud hours before arousing him. I'KLAGIC COITION IMPOSSIBLE. In this act of coition ou these breeding-grounds of Saint Paul and Saint George, I have noticed the fact that, whenever the female was well covered by the male on the tlat or smooth shelves of rock or earth, they moved and shuffled about without any particular effective coition until brought up agaiut a rougher inequality, or some fragments of lava shingle, so characteristic of the rookery grounds. The reason for this is due to the fact, that in spite of the great weight of the male, six times more than that of the female which he covers, the orgasms are so rapid and violent that, unless the female is held by some other agency than the weight of the male, she is literally shoved ahead and away from under him. This fact I call attention to, as it alone is sufficient, upon the slightest reflection, to satisfy any judicial mind that it is a physical impossibility for these Seals to copulate in the water. Under no conceivable position assumed for this supposed pelagic coition could effectual sexual connection be made. 1 ACTION OF REPRODUCTION. The male serves the female exactly as a big Newfoundland dog would serve a small terrier slut. The "Seecatchie" draws his heavy body over and upon the out- stretched spine of the female, who lies prone before him on her stomach; HO that when the male has adjusted himself, which he does by arching his back from the shoulders to the o* coccyx, he covers her so completely that nothing of her body can be seen, except a portion of her head just peering out from between his fore flippers aud under his broad chest. Notwithstanding their great rapidity and the muscular power employed, the orgasms last, without interruption, for the surprising space of from eight to fourteen minutes not a second's intermission. Of course, toward the close of the season, when the male is tired, he does not remain in coitu longer than three or four minutes. On account of the vigor and duration of this first coitus, I am inclined to think that that female has no further intercourse with that male, or any other one, during the rest of the season. She is satisfied, and passes rapidly out of heat. Certain it is that she is not noticed by him again; she goes up to his seraglio-grounds, to and from the sea, seeking her young and feeding undisturbed for the balance of the time; also, that the other bulls seem to recognize this condition of passed sexual requirement aud satisfaction, in her case, by paying her no attention. PERIOD OF GESTATION. Thus it is apparent that the period of gestation in the Fur Seal is nearly, lacking a few days, twelve calendar months; for the next year finds her again heavy with young at almost exactly the same day that she gave birth to her previous offspring in the prior season. The systematic and regular appearance of the females every year upon the Pribylov Islands at such a time, usually in June or July, without the slightest regard to what the weather Those extremely heavy adult males which arrive flret in the season, and take their stations on the rookeries, are MI tat that they do not exhibit a wrinkle or a fold of the skins enveloping their blubber-lined bodies; most of this fatty deposit is fonnd aronnd the shoulders and the neck, though a warm coat of blubber covers all the other pnrlimiN of the body save the flippers; this blubber thickening of the neck and chest is characteristic of the adult males only, which are, by its provisions, enabled to sustain the extraordinary protracted fasting periods incident to their habit of life and reproduction. When those superlatively fleshy bulls first arrive, a cnrions body tremor seems to attend every movement which the animals make ou land; their fat appears to ripple backward and forward under their hides, like waves; as they alternate with their flippers in walking, the whole form of the "Seecatchie" shakes as a bowl full of j-lly does when agitated on the table before us. There is also a perfect uniformity in the coloration of the breeding coats of the Fur Seals; and it is strikingly manifest while inspecting' the rookeries late in .July, when they arc wilidly mawd tlim-on. At a quarter mile distance, the whole immense aggregate of animal life seems to be fused into a huge homogeneous body that is alN-rnat.-ly roused np in sections and then composed, just as a quantity of iron filings, covering the bottom of a saucer, will rise and fall, when a magnet is passed over aud aronnd the dish. 112 NATURAL HISTORY OF AQUATIC ANIMALS. may have been during the winter and spring previous, or is when they land, establishes without doubt this exact limit of their gestation. IMPORTANCE OF THIS SERVICE. The reason why I dwell upon these details is because they have a vei-y important bearing upon the question as to what ratio of males every year is needed for service on this great breeding-ground of Bering Sea. If the common opinion, hitherto entertained, was tenable, of free and effective pelagic coition, then it will be readily understood that nearly all the males from four years up, and on, could have easy access to the females ; and that it would be a matter of very small concern how many old males, or rather those males upon the land located over the rookeries, were fit for service. But understanding, as I now do, without a shadow of tenable contradiction, that these "Seecatchie" which receive, fight for, and cover the females on the rookeries, are the only active fertilizing powers toward the reproduction and perpetuation of their kind, the importance of my detailed description of the method of coition is evident; for it shows conclusively that unless we see every year, long prior to the arrival of the females, a full supply of able-bodied "Seecatchie" holding out upon and located over the rookeries of Saint Paul and Saint George unless we see such a number in good condition we may safely count upon the fact that danger will arise of imperfect and nugatory fertilization for the coming year. It will not do to indulge the hope, should a scarcity or diminution of the old males ever occur, when the rookeries are mapped out in spring, of the deficiency being made good by the young males which are swimming around everywhere in the water. VITALITY OF THE MALE. I believe that an able-bodied adult "Seecatchie" is capable of serving well from the 14th June to the 14th July, during which period the height of the breeding season occurs, one hundred females. If he is, however, as he frequently is, enfeebled by previous fighting and struggling with other males to hold the station which he has selected and fought for, it is more than likely that his virility will not extend beyond the proper serving of twenty or thirty cows. As I have said in another place, I found great difficulty in finding, to my own satisfaction, a fair number of females as the average to every harem on the rookery. 1 Some instances occur where the male treats forty -five or fifty females, owing to the peculiar configuration of the landing grounds; but most generally, and as the rule, I think fifteen or twenty cows to every bull is a true computation; hence I do not believe, under any normal circumstances and all normal disad- vantages, such as fighting involves by weakening the males, that, when the females arrive, there is the least risk of a single one of them getting back to the water without a perfect and effectual impregnation. A common opinion was prevalent on the islands among the employe's touching this matter, that, when the female was not instantly covered during her first heat, she went to the water, cooled off, and on returning, sexual desire never reappeared, and she became a farrow or barren cow from that time to the end of her natural life. Analogous physiology confutes this 1 This striking and accurate average is still further complicated by that unknown distribution of the virgin females which come np to the rookeries every year for their first meeting with the virile males. What proportion of them reach the rear of the breeding-grounds compared with their numbers which are served at the water-line T I surely am at fault to say, for they do not leave that tangible evidence which the other older cows do in the forms of their young. One of the cnriong contradictions to generally received ideas of the habit of Seals is the fact that (ho Fur Seal will not rest either upon snow or ice ; it seems to positively avoid all contact with either of those substances upon which the Phocidce wholly, and the Sea Lions to some degree, delight in hauling over. Callorhinuf has the warmest of sea] coats, by all odds, yet it dreads a snowy or an icy bed with as much sincerity as any habitne' of the tropics can. The Sea Lions and Hair Seals have often been surprised in sporting, or sleeping on the ice floes of Bering Sea in the spring, by whalemen while cruising at the edge of the frozen pack, wailing for the channel to open, clear into the Arctic O'.ean ; as neither Eumetopian uor Phoca has any under wool, their sea-jackets are not half as heavy as those peculiar to the bodies of Fur Seals; hence in taking personal notice of this odd aversion of the Callorhinvs to snow and ice, I believe that its dislike is one of pure sentimentality rather than one based on physical inability to rest upon as cold Hiirfaces, for there is not much difference between the water's temperature and that of the snow and ice in the spring 10 Fahr., perhaps both cold enough at all events. THK FITK SEALVITALITY OF MALES. completely; that such warm-blooded, highly-organized creatures should never have a ni]>iil recurrence of sexual desire, in common with all other animals of their class, until it is gratified in the uual way, is not at all probable, though it may be possible. SMALL NUMBER OF BARREN FEMALES. To show, however, that a very small proportion of the myriads of breeding females are barren, I have only to present this illustration, which is happy in ito conclusion, and easily portrayed: Whenever a female ceases to breed she refuses to haul upon the rookeries; she roams with the "nolluschickie," or the "Bachelors," growing a third heavier and marked with corresponding darker tones to her coat, yet still preserving the familial- pattern of the female, so that she can be picked out quickly by an experienced eye from the old and young males around her. In driving up every season the " Holluschickie" to the killing- grounds, the natives noticed, and pointed out to me, those barren females in the drive, several of which were secured for my examination and measurement; but the proportion of barren females is not more than one in a thousand to the "Uolluschickie" with which they consort. 8P 114 NATURAL HISTOEY OF AQUATIC ANIMALS. C. THE SIRENIANS OR SEA-COWS. By FREDERICK W. TRUE. 31. THE AMERICAN MANATEES. SPECIES OF NORTH AMERICAN MANATEES. The uumerous zoologists and travelers who have written upon the American Manatees are not agreed as regards the number of existing species. In the many and oftentimes discoidant descriptions and observations extant, some see but the variations of a single species; 1 others discern two species, 2 one of Florida, the other of South and Central America; and others still are able to distinguish three species, one, as before, in Florida, but two in South America, a marine and a fluviatile species. I have satisfied myself by examina- tion of specimens in the National Museum that there are at least two species, and that, both occur within the borders of the United States. Regarding the Manatee of the upper water-courses of South America I am still in doubt. In the following pages I shall refer to the southern form, Ttichevhux manatux, Liuue, as the South American Manatee, and to the Floridan form, Tricheclmx latirostrix, (Harlan) True, as the Florida Manatee. DISTRIBUTION OF THK FLORIDA MANATEE. We have, then, upon our coasts two representa- tives of the Sireniaus. The Florida Manatee, the lea.-t widely spread species, apparently inhabits only the Floridan Peninsula and the eastern Gulf States. Regarding its distribution Mr. Silas Stearns of Pensacola, Fla., contributes the following notes: "It is gent-rally supposed in Florida and the Gulf State- that there are very few Manatees in existence in this country, and that these are to be found in the southern portion of the Florida Peninsula, in the fresh- water rivers, both on the Atlantic and Gulf sides. I have heard of their being taken or seen in the Myakka River, Peace Creek, Caloosahatchie River, and other small streams south of Charlotte Harbor and Okeechobee Lake, on the Gulf side,, and in the Sainte Lncie River on the Atlantic side. "On the Gulf coast (where I am better acquainted) the oldest settlers say that ten, fifteen, or twenty years ago Manatees were occasionally seen in nearly all the inland waters from Key West westward to civilization at Pensacola, Mobile, and New Orleans. It is evident that they have been abundant along the entire Gulf coast, and probably on the Atlantic as far north as the Carolinas, for their bones can be found along the shore nearly everywhere that civilization lias not reached. "Those generally found in the salt water along sand-beaches are petrified and black. I have reason to think that there are still scattering individuals all through Florida, for during the summer of 1880 I saw one in Santa Rosa Sound, some twenty miles east of Pensacola, where there has been none seen for many years. While landing a sail-boat on the island we surprised the in shoal water and had a fine opportunity to examine it as it swam by into deeper water. As they are so shy, there may be many more existing in the Stat than we are aware of, and their range may include the whole State of Florida." Mr. Goode informs me that specimens could be taken from time to time in the year 1878 near Saiute Lucie on Indian River. 1 GRAV : Cat. Seals ami Whales, Brit. Museum, I860, p. 35H, and others. (Manatun auttralit.) *HARI.AN : Journal Aea<; I! A I'll M'AI. DISTRIBUTION. 1]5 A writer in tin- journal "Forest and Stream," of June 11, 1874, under the heading "The. Manatee at Saint Augustine, Fla.," quotas from the Saint Augustine "Press," as follows: "The .Manatee continues her domicile in Bar Creek (Saint Augustine). Fishermen have again reported it and eiti/ens are anxious to go after it. . . . There are also vague rumors of a very large animal of the same species having been seen roaming about a place on the North River called Oleander Town. If so, the one is probably the dam and the other the ealf that have In-come sep- arated. It is also probable that during some of the heavy blows along the coast between here and Indian Kiver some herd of these animals has become disjiersed and these two may have wandered into our harbor. It will be remembered that two or three years ago a very large one was seen in this harbor, which came up to the water-battery of the fort, where it remained until pelted by the boys. Fishermen report them as having been frequently seen in the harbor." Mr. C. J. Maynard, who lias been much in Florida, has recorded some valuable notes on the distribution of the Florida Manatee. lie writes: " This singular animal is found in large mi ml UTS about the inlets of Indian River, and Capt. Dummctt informs me that he has captured specimens as far north as his place, which is within five miles of the head of the river. I have been informed by creditable authorities that it is remarkably abundant upon the western coast in the various rivers and creeks which abound between Tampa Bay and Cape Sable. I have never seen it in Mosquito or Halifax Lagoons, and am confident that it does not occur there. This species is said to feed upon the leaves of the mangrove during the night." 1 Dr. von Frantzius stated some years ago, in an essay on the mammals of Costa Rica, that the Florida Manatee was the only species found in that country. He writes as follows: "If we recognize M. latirostriv as a separate species, we shall be able to say that only this species is found on the coast of Costa Rica."* It is evident, however, that he lias confounded the two species, for a few lines further on he says: "Nearly all the museum specimens arriving in Europe in later years come from Surinam and belong to the species known as M. latirnslrig; so far as 1 know no speei- metis from the coast of Costa Rica or from Greytown have ever been sent to Enroj>e. I had but one opportunity of seeing the Manatees on the shores of the Sarapiqui, and that at a distance." 3 This statement is in part erroneous; a large proportion of the different figures of specimens in European museums are those of the southern form, Trickeckm manatu*. DISTRIBUTION OF THB SOUTH AMERICAN MANATEE. The South American Manatee in most abundant in the northern part of that continent and in Central America. Its range extends much farther north, I believe, than is generally supposed. A skull in the National Museum, belonging undoubtedly to this species, was received from Texas in 1855. It would seem that the animal must occur in some abundance along the Mexican coast. Its range extends on the south at least as far as the Saint Matthew's River in Brazil. 4 Manatees are found in nearly all the rivers of northern South America, particularly in the Amazon and its tributaries, and in the Orinoco. Those which are found in the upper water-courses, as has been already stated, are by some regarded as distinct, and by others as identical with those of the lower regions and the sea. THE MANATEE OF THE WEST INDIES. A species of Manatee occurs more or less abmidanth in the West Indies, particularly about Cuba, San Domingo, and Porto Rico, but whether it is the Florida or South American species seems not to have been ascertained. It is supposalily. however, the Florida Manatee. 1 MAYXAKD, C. J. : Cat. Mammal* of Klnriita. Ex. Bull. Ewtrx Institute, iv, 9-10, l^r-.'. j. 'Vox KUAN I /.i i <: Siiiigi-tliiere Costa Hi can, in Wiegmann'H Archiv, xxxv, .la lire, i, pp. 304-307. 3 Loc. cit. 'Prince Maximilian. 116 NATURAL HISTORY OF AQUATIC ANIMALS. BOUNDARIES OF THE RANCH OF AMERICAN MANATEES. The entire range, therefore, of the American Manatees extends over about forty-nine degrees of latitude that is, from 30 north to 19 south. It is probable, as Mr. Stearns surmises, that the existing species ranged farther north in former days, and, furthermore, it is not definitely known that the southern Manatee does not extend south of 19 south in Brazil. It is certain, however, as Burmeister distinctly states, that it is not found on the coast of the Argentine Republic. 1 As an instance of the unusual wandering of (probably) the Florida Manatee, it may be noted that an animal, the description of which fairly portrayed the appearance of that species, was cast on the coast of Shetland in 1785. It was described by the British zoologist Fleming as probably being a Rhytina, but this seems very unlikely to one acquainted with the facts of the geographical range and size of that animal. Gray refers it to his Munatm australis, which includes both the Florida and South American Manatees. It seems to me that if it was carried across the ocean by the Gulf Stream, as Gray suggests, it most probably "set sail" from the Floridan coast. 2 Dr. Leidy has described the teeth of two fossil species, Manatus antiquiti;'* and Manatus inor- natug, 4 from the "phosphate beds" of the Ashley River, South Carolina, showing that, as in the case of many other American genera, there has been a movement southward in geological time. ORIGIN OF THE NAME "MANATEE." I doubt if it is possible to arrive at any satisfactory conclusion regarding the origin of the name Manatee. Certain it is that it was first used by the early Spanish and Portuguese explorers. Pietro Martire, who is the first to record the existence of the animal, in 1500, as I gather from Ramusio's collection of early voyages, does not give it a name. 5 The notes which he gives regarding the animal were probably taken from the original records of Columbus's fourth voyage, in the midst of the narrative of which they are given. Oviedo, in 1535, calls it "Manati"; 6 Exquemelin, about 1650, states that the Spanish call it "Manentine"; 7 Atkins in 1735 uses "Manatea"; Gumilla, in 1741, uses "Manati." 8 The French writers, beginning with Biet, in 1604, employ the names "Lamantin," "Lament-in" (Condamine, 1745), and "Manaty" (Du Tetre, 1667). The appellation "Manatee" occurs for the first time, so far as I am aware, in 1703. in Dampier's account of his voyages round the world. The word in this form, or as " Manati," has been used by most English writers. Whether this name, in its various forms, refers to the peculiar fore-legs of the Manatee or to its means of suckling its young, can only be decided by the investigations of philologists more learned and more zealous than myself. DIFFERENT NAMES OF THE MANATEE. Other names for the Manatee occur, most of which define, as it were, the characteristics of the animal. Such are "Pegebuey," a native Amazonian name, employed by Acufia in 1641, and its translations: "Ox Fish," as written by Sloane in his natural history of Jamaica, in 1725, and "Poisson breuf," as given by Condamine, in 1667, in his history of the Antilles. The French name, "Vache marin," and the corresponding English word, < Sea-cow," occur in numerous instances in scientific literature. In Guiana the natives use the name "Cojumero" (Gray). Bellin (1763) alludes to "Lamenum." The term "Petit Lamentin du nord," used by French writers to distinguish the South American Manatee from the Floridau species, is, I believe, of later origin. 'BUKMEISTEK: DesTiption physique. R<$pnl>. Argentine, iii, part i, 187!), p. 530. "FLEMING: British Animals, p. 30. QUAY: Cat. Seals and Whales, Brit. Museum, 1866, p. 359. 3 LEIDY, in Prnc. Aeod. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, viii, 1856, p. 165. * LEIDY, in Kept. U. 8. Geological Survey, 4, i, 1873, p. 376, pi. xxxvii, figs. 16, 17. Oceani Doc. Hispali, 1500, fol., libr. 8, fide Brandt. "OviKDO: Hist, general de las I m lias, 1535, lib. xii, c. 10. 7 EXCJCKMELIX: Buccaneers of America, English translation, 1684, p. 82. "OUMILLA: El Orinoco Illustrado, 1741. THE MANATI-KS. SIXK AND WEIGHT. H7 SIZE OF TIIK Kl.OHIDA M \\.\ I I.K. III treating if (lie si/c of the Amciicall Manatees, it will be necessary to consider tin- two species separately, although tlic adults seein to attain nearly equal proportions. Harlan gives, as the maximum length of the Florida Man, itee, eight or ten fuel, but these ineasureiiieiits weie not made liy hiiiiseli'. 1 Mr. VV. A. Coiikliii, director of the Central Park menagerie, in New York City, gives the following dimensions of a specimen kept alive in that establishment in 1ST.'!: "The following are its absolute dimensions: length, feet 9i inches; cir- cumference around the body, 4 feet 9 inches; length of flipper, 1 foot; width of same, 4jj inches; width of tail joining body, 1 foot OJ inches; greatest width of tad, 1 foot 84 inches; weight, 450 pounds." * I am not aware that any other -measurements of the Florida Manatee, under its pro|>er name, are on record. SIZE AND WEIGHT OF THE SOUTH AMERICAN MANATEK. The size of the South American Manatee has been differently estimated by different observers. "This Creature," says Dampier, "is about the bigness of a Horse, and 10 or 12 foot long. ... I have heard that some have weighed above 1200 L. but I never saw any so large." 3 Stedman, alluding to a Manatee which floated past his encampment on the river Cottica, in Surinam, says: "This Manatee was exactly sixteen feet long, almost shapeless, being an enormous lump of fat, tapered back to a fleshy, broad, horizontal tail " 4 Smyth and Lowe captured a Manatee in 1835 in Peru, at their encampment at Sarayacu, on the Ucayali. "We had one opportunity," they relate, "while at this place, of examining a taca marina, or manatee, that was just caught; but, not being anatomists, are unable to give a scientific account of it. The animal was seven feet eight inches long from the snout to the tip of the tail. . . . This was not considered a large one. . . . When the animal was killed, it took the united strength of at least forty men to drag it up from the water to the town, which they effected by means of our ropes." 5 In 1872 Dr. Murie published a valuable memoir on the South American Manatee, in which he gives measurements of two specimens which reached London in 18GO, fresh but not alive. The length of one, a young male, from the Maroui River, in Surinam, was forty eight inches or four feet; that of the second specimen, a young female, from Porto Rico, sixty-live inches, or five feet tive inches. In his remarks on these animals, Dr. Murie says: "When studying in the Stuttgart Museum, I derived much information from Professor Krauss, the nble director. Among other things he mentioned that their large stuffed specimen of Manatee was the mother of our Society's young male, as attested by Herr Koppler, of Surinam, who transmitted it. The length of the female mounted skin I ascertained to be 122 inches [ten feet two inches], therefore twice and a hall tin- length of the young animal possibly six or eight months old. Another slutted male s|M-ciinen ut Stuttgart measures 94 inches. Both of the above are doubtless stretched to their fullest extent; still, one is justified in assuming the adult Manatux to be from 9 to 10 feet long."" Of the weight of the s|>ecimens he remarks: "According to Mr. Greey, the entire carcass of the Zoological Society's female, when weighed immediately after death on board ship, was 228 Ibs. That of the young male as ascertained by myself was 01 Ibs." 4 HAIM.AN: Fuuua Americana, 18>, |. 277. 'CONKLIN: The Manatee at Ontrnl Park, in " Forest mid Stream." i, 1874, p. 166. 'DAMIMKR: A New Voyage round the World, i, ITo.:. ]>]>. :I3,34. *STKDMAX: Narrative of an expedition to Surinam, ii. K'.iii, p. IT.'i. 'SMYTH nnd LOWK: Journey from Lima to Para. London, I85(i, p. 197. MuitlK: On the form and structure of the Manatee. Transaction* Zixilogiral Society of Ixmdon. viii, 1873, pp. 129-131. 118 NATURAL HISTORY OF AQUATIC ANIMALS Another specimen, a female, received by the same society from Surinam, measured eighty inches, but no indication of its age is given. 1 Still another specimen, this time a male, arrived in London. When dead, measurements showed its length to be ninety-four and five-tenths inches or seven feet ten and one-half inches. 2 Of two male Surinam specimens which died in the Zoological Gardens at Philadelphia, one measured exactly six feet from snout to tip of tail, the other six and a half feet. 3 General Thomas Jordan, writing in "Forest and Stream," in 1873, says: "Three of these huge mammals I saw on Indian Kiver, in 1849-'oO, each weighing at least fifteen hundred pounds, and between fifteen and twenty feet in length." He adds: "The Florida species (T. latirostris) are much larger than those found in the Antilles, South America, or- Africa." 4 This last statement can scarcely be strictly correct. Other writers, as we have seen, have found quite as large specimens as those here referred to in South America. BREEDING HABITS OF MANATEES. In relation to the breeding of Manatees, and the size and habits of the young, almost nothing is known. Ogilby, in his account of Cuba, says: "No less wonderful is the Fish Manaie; it breeds for the most part in the Sea, yet sometimes swimming up the Rivers, comes ashore and eats Grass." 5 This account, however, is of little value, as it was copied by Ogilby, who does not state whence he derived it. Du Tertre states that two calves are born at a time. " If the mother is taken," he writes, "one is assured of having the young: for they follow their mother and continue to move about the canoe until they are made companions of her misfortune." 6 Descourtlitz, writing regarding his own observations in 1809, says: "The Manatees possess a gentle and amiable nature, and lament when they are separated from their young, which the mother nourishes with much tenderness. They appear sensitive and intelligent; they weep when they are taken without having received any bad treatment, seeming to regret that they can never return to their haunts. Although sometimes they appear to avoid man, at other times they regard him without suspicion and seem to implore his pity. The young do not quit the mother for many years, and, sharing her dangers, often become the victims of their filial devotion." 7 Brandt, who has examined much of the literature of the subject, states that it is said that the period of gestation lasts eleven months, and that the young follow the mother a half year. 8 FOOD OF SIBENIANS. The Sireuians, as a group, are very strictly graminivorous, and the American Manaiees form 110 exception. The structure of their lips and teeth is such that this i'act might be surmised were nothing known of their habits. Living as they do at the mouths of rivers and about the coast, or in the upper waters of streams, they find no lack of aquatic vegetation on which to subsist. Exactly what plants they thrive best upon has been the subject of inquiry by several observers, especially those who have been interested in the attempt to keep the Manatee in captivity. Mr. Chapman informs us that the specimen at the Philadelphia, gardens ate freely of various garden vegetables cabbage, celery tops, spinach, kale, baked apples, and others, while they devoured as well quantities of the aquatic plant Vallineria spiral, and the sea-weed Ulva latissima? The Central Park specimen seems to have been more dainty. "A variety of aquatic 'GARROD: Transactions Zoological Society of London, x, 1877, p. 137. S MUBIE: Transactions Zoological Society of London, xi, 1880, p. 27. 'CHAPMAN: Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, xxvii, 1875, p. 452. Forest and Stream, i, 1873, p. 169. s OGILBY: America, 1671, p. :!!">. 6 Du TKIITUB: Hiwtoire. Nat. des Antilles, 1607, pp. 201,2(U. * DESCOURTLITZ : Voyage 8, p. 256. "CHAPMAN. H. C., in Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, xxvii, 1875, pp. 459-461. Till! MANATKKS: FOOD. plants were placed before its month." sa\ s Mr. ( 'onklin, -and cacli in Mien rejected At length some canna. ('niiini iinlii-n, was procured, which it (U'voiircii." The probability of the fact that the mermaids here referred to were really Manatees is in Columbus'* statement of having seen others on the coast of Guinea, as it is in that region that the African Manatee, T. senegalcmis, is abundant. Not many years later, in 1502, on the occasion of Coltimlms's fourth voyage to America, the Manatee became well known to the adventurers while at San Domingo. Oviedo, as quoted by ilerrara, says: "The Spaniards at this Time found a new sort of Fish, which was a considerable advantage to them: tho' in those parts there is much Variety. It is call'd Manati, in shape like a skin they use to carry Wine in, having only two Feet at the Slionldars, with which it swims, and it is found both in the Sea and in Hivers. From the Middle it sharpens off to the Tail, the Mead of it is like that of an Ox, but shorter, and more fleshy at the Snout : the Fyes small, the Colour of it grey, the Skin very hard, and some scattering Hairs on it. Some of them are twenty Foot long, and ten in Thick- TONKI.IX, in Knnwt ami Strraiu. i. 1-71. ]>. Hii. ' Mi 1:11:. in Trans. Xnnlii^ii-iil Sm-ii-ty l.omlmi. xi, 1880, pp. J HKUUAlt\ (STKVKXS): Hist. Ainrrica, i, l"i r >, p. Hi. 120 NATURAL HISTORY OF AQUATIC ANIMALS. ness. The Feet are round, and have four Claws on each of them. The Females bring forth like the Cows, and have two Dugs to give suck. . . . Sometimes they are taken ashore, grazing near the Sea, or Elvers, and when young they are taken with Nets." 1 Then follows the oft repeated story of the tame Manatee of the Cazique Carametex: "Thus the Cazique Carametex took one, and fed it twenty six Years in a Pond, and it grew sensible and tame, and would come when eall'd by the name of Mato, which signifies Noble. It would eat whatsoever was given it by Hand, and went out of the Water to feed in the House, would play with the Boys, let them get upon him, was pleas'd with Musick, carry'd Men over the Pool, and took up ten at a Time, without any Difficulty." 2 FATHEK ACUNA UPON THE " PEGEBX'EY." In the fourth decade of the succeeding century Father Acuna, in narrating his adventures on the Amazon River, makes mention of the South American Manatee somewhat at length. Au-ong other things he says: "But above all, the fish, that like a king lords it over all the others, and which inhabits this river from its sources to its mouth, is the Pegebuey (Fish Ox), a fish which when tasted only can retain the name, for no one could distinguish it from well-seasoned meat. It is large as a calf a year and a half old, but on its head it has neither ears nor horns. . . . This fish supports itself solely on the herbage on which it browses, as if in reality a bullock; and from this circumstance the flesh derives so good a flavour, and is so nutritious, that a small quantity leaves a person better satisfied and more vigorous than if he had eaten double the amount of mutton. It cannot keep its breath long under water; and thus, as it goes along, it rises up every now and then to obtain more air, when it meets with total destruction the moment it comes in sight of its enemy." 3 ROCIIEFORT UPON THE HABITS OF THE ANTILLEAN MANATEE. After Oviedo, Gotnara, and Acuna no one seems to have added any new facts, or supposably new facts, to the history of the habits of the Manatees until Hernandez and Rocbefort published their narratives. The work of the former I have not had at ( ommand, but from F. Cuvier's notes it would seem that it contains nothing of importance. Rocbefort, the second edition of whose work on the Antilles was pub- lished in ]665, gives the following information: "This fish 1'eeds upon plants which it collects about the rocks and on the shallows which are not covered with more than a fathom (brasxe) of water. The females breed at the same season as do cows, and have two mammae with which they suckle their young. Two calves are born at a birth, which are not adaudoned by the mother until they have no more need of special nourishment, or until they can browse upon plants like the mother." 4 15. BIET'S AND Du TERTRE'S ACCOUNTS. Biet repeats these observations, although it is to be believed independently, saying that the Manatee roams about the shores near the sea browsing on the plants which grow there. 5 Du Tertre in effect repeats the little that his predecessors have laid down, but adds some additional observations which are interesting if sufficiently substantiated. "The food of this fish," he says, " is a little plant which grows in the sea, and on this it browses after the manner of an ox. After being filled with this food it seeks the fresh-water streams, where it drinks and bathes twice a day. Having eaten and been refreshed it goes to sleep (Jen dart) with its snout half out of water, a sign by which its presence is recognized by the fishers from afar." 6 (STEVENS): His'ory of Anieiicu, i, 1/25, p. 27H. "IlKKKARA (STEVENS): History of America, i, 1725, p. 279. 'ClIRISTOVAL BE AcuS* : River of the Amazons 1041, pp. 68-91). (Hakluyt Society.) 4 RocilKKOi:T: HiHtoiro cles lies Antilles, 2<1 cd., 1665, pp. 194, 195. *BiET: Voyage en I'Islo M-I \ aiions regarding the aiiiuial. After the destruction of 1'anamu, in 1070, Exqiicmclin and his companions sail along the coast of Costa Uica, en route for Jamuica. He alludes to the Sea-cow in the following language: "This Accident and Encounter retarded our Journey, in the space of two days, more than we could regain in a whole Fortnight. This was the occasion that obliged us to return unto our former Station, where we remained for a fax days. From thence we directed our Course for a I Mace, called lioca del Dragon, there to make Provisions of Flesh. Especially of a certain Animal which the Spaniards call Manentinct, and the Dutch, Sea Cow*, because the llead, Nose, and Teeth, of this Beast, are very like unto those of a Cow. They are found commonly in such places, as under the depth of the Waters, are very full of Grass, on which, it is thought, they do pasture. . . . Their manner of engendering likewise, is the same with the usual manner of the Land-Cow, the Male of this kind being in similitude, almost one and the same thing with a Bull. Yet notwithstanding they conceive and breed but once. But the space of time that they go with Calf, I could not as yet learn. These Fishes have the sense of Hearing extremely acute, in so much as iu taking them, the Fishermen ought not to make the least noise, nor row, unless it be very slightly." 1 The buccaneer seems to have gathered correct information as to the mode of life of the Manatee, but as to their breeding but once, although, as 1 believe, we have no facts to disprove the statement, analogical considerations would lead us to reject it. CONDAMiNfc's ACCOUNT. Coudamine is, perhaps, the only other early wiiter to whom it will be necessary to refer. He alludes to the South American Manatee among other fish, in which group of animals all the early explorers insisted in placing it. " It is not amphibious, properly speaking," he says, "because it never comes entirely out of the water, and cannot walk, not having but the two fins near the head, in the form of wings 10 inches long, which serve in place of arms and feet; it lifts only the head out of the water, and that to gather the plants along the shore." In regard to the habits of Manatees in confinement, I can only quote from the writings of the American and English observers who have had the opportunity to study the specimens in tin 1 Phila- delphia, New York, and London zoological gardens. Of the Central Park specimen Mr. Conklin states: "It manifests at times extreme playfulness, and will answer the call of the keeper by a peculiar noise, somewhat resembling the squeak of a mouse. Some time ago the epidermis on tin- back peeled off in small pieces, leaving a bright new skin similar to that of a snake just after slied- ding. It was kept out in the open air until the thermometer fell to 53, when it was removed to a building. It appears to be very sensitive to cold, curling up its back if the water is in the least chilly. It has been observed to remain under water five or six minutes at a time without coming to the surface to breathe." 2 Miss CRANE'S OBSERVATIONS. Miss Agnes Crane, who attentively observed the South American Manatees at the Brighton Aquarium in 1870, has given us some interesting fact* regarding the mode of respiration of the Sirenians and their attitudes when at rest. After stating that the specimens were received from Trinidad, she says: "The young male, a fine animal in robust condition, measured, in November, 187!>, lour feet ten inches from snout to tail, with a maximum girth of four feet. The female was four feet eight 1 EXQCKMKI.IX : Buccaneers of America, translation. KM, pp. 82,83. : CiiXKi.ix, in Forest anil Stream, i. 1*7:1, p. 16(5. 122 NATURAL HISTORY OF AQUATIC ANIMALS. inches in length, of a lighter slate-colour than her companion, i>f more slender build and proportions. Both are marked with white on the under sides of their bodies. The pair occupied a tank twelve feet six inches in length by eight feet six inches in breadth, with an almost Hat bottom. Temper- ature of water, about 70 F. : depth, two feet six inches in the daytime, reduced to six inches at night. The water is run off daily, a fresh supply being admitted at the requisite heat from a neighboring tank filled with warmed fresh water. Although the area of these quarters appear somewhat limited when compared with the bulk of the animals, the Manatees seem perfectly comfortable, and, being of a sluggish disposition, rarely explore the whole of their small domain. Nor do they, so far as I observed, avail themselves of the shallowness of the water and, by sup- porting their bodies on the tail tin. keep their heads above the surface and avoid the constant repetition of the upward movement iu order to breathe the necessary air. They habitually rest side by side at the bottom of the tank, with the caudal flu stretched out quite straight, and the tips of the fore fins just touching the ground. "Thence they rise gently, often with the least perceptible movement of the tail and flapping motion of the paddles, raising the upper part of the body until the head reaches the surface, when the air is admitted through the nostril flap-valves, which are closely shut after the operation, and the original and usual position is gently resumed. They seem generally to be compelled to rise to the surface for aerial respiration every two or three minutes, but the interval between respiration varies much at different times. In one quarter of an hour, during which one was carefully timed, it rose nine times, at very irregular intervals. I have been informed that they occasionally remain under the water for a much longer period, but have never observed them to exceed six minutes, although I have timed them before and after feeding, and at all hours of the day. The respiratory movement appears to be repeated almost mechanically and without effort." 1 The fact that these Manatees in confinement kept constantly beneath the surface does not accord with the observations of Du Tertre, already quoted. It is probable that the air about the aquarium was not sufficiently warm to induce them to float with the head out of water, as they do in their native haunts. The same observer furnishes some facts of a highly important character regarding the attempts made by the Manatees at terrestrial progression. "The habits of the animals in captivity, while affording occasional evidence of the ease and rapidity with which they move in the water, do not furnish much support to the views of their capability of habitual active progression on land. Yet it must be admitted that, supplied with a NiiflBeiency of nicely varied food, they have no inducement to leave the water, and that the con- struction of their straight-walled tank precludes such efforts, as a rule. The male, however, has recently been observed to make some slight attempts at terrestiial movement, turning himself round and progressing a few inches when his tank was empty. With jaws and tail-fin pressed closely to the ground, the body of the animal becomes arched, and is moved by a violent lateral effort, aided and slightly supported by the fore-paddles, which are stretched out in a line with the month." But the effect of these very labored efforts was not commensurate with their violence; in fact, their relation to active locomotion may be compared to those of a man lying prone, with fettered feet and elbows tied to side. Nor does the Manatee seem at all at ease out of water, as he lies apparently oppressed with his own bulk, while he invariably makes off to the deepest corner of his tank directly the water is readmitted." 2 ABUNDANCE OF THE FLOUIDA MANATEE. In the great struggle for life no animal is, in a man- ner, more destructive than man himself. The fierce carnivora may prey upon tiie more peaceful 'CliAXK, AOXES, in Proc. Zoological Society of Londiiii. IHSO, pp. 456-457. *Loc. oil., pp. 459, 4HO. Till: MANATKF.S: AHUNDANCE. 1 L>M graminivora, but the attack must be made, one may say, in person, subject to all the dangers attendant ii|ion an encounter with those weapons which a long course of selection has developed ill tin 1 prey. Man ensnares alike the lion and the deer by the devices of his brain, with lit tie or no danger to himself. Notwithstanding, the fleetest animals oftentimes csca|>e him and the strongest intimidate him; but such drowsy beasts as the Sirenians fall helpless victims to his strategy. The past century witnessed the extinction of one of these animals, the Hhytina, through no other apparent agent than man. The inquiry intrudes itself, Will the Manatees succumb to the same fate which overtook their huge relative! It is undoubtedly a fact that the American Manatees an- much less abundant in many regions than they were at the time of the discovery of America. They have withdrawn before the advance of civilization into the more inaccessible places out of the reach of man. In regard to the Floridan Manatee, the statement of Harlan ( from Dr. Burrows), made so laie as 18lio, namely, that tin Indian could readily obtain a dozen in a year, 1 is now doubt- fully true. The statements of Mr. Stearns, given in the early part of this essay, show that it has disappeared from some localities in Florida within a comparatively recent period. Nevertheless, the Florida Manatee cannot yet be considered as threatened with extinction, and in Southwestern Florida, if we may lielicve Mr. Maynard, is still abundant. S|>ecimens art' received from time to time for our uiiksenms and zoological gardens, and to satisfy the curiosity of the gaping crowds at the circus. The prices obtained for specimens of both American Manatees in this country and in Kngland show, however, that they are not to be obtained without difficulty. 1 Gundlach refers, to the abundance of the Manatee in Cuba in the following t-rms: " In former times very abundant ; at present much reduced in numbers, but not rare though difficult to capliiie." 3 According to Dr. Von Frant/Jus, the South American Manatee was abundant along the western shores of the Gulf of Mexico, especially in Costa llica. "They are still very common," he says, 'along the Atlantic coast, where they find abundant nourishment in the numerous lagoons (Haff IriltluHt/ni), and likewise the needed protection ; they pass into the rivers and are found abundantly in San Juan and neighboring streams, the Uio Colorado, Sarapiqui, and San Carlos. Apparently they are prevented from going lar into the San Carlos on account of the rapids which occur near its month, and hence are not found in the Kio Frio nor in Lake Nicaragua itself." 4 ABUNDANCE OF THK SOUTH AMERICAN MANATEE. In relation to the present abundance of Manatees in South America, it is perhaps unnecessary for me to enter into details here. I'.randt has reviewed the subject at length quite recently, giving many particulars.'' His investi- gations show that in many regions, particularly about the mouths of rivers and in other places \\heie sufficient shelter is wanting, the Sea-cows are disappearing or have become entirely extinct. In the upper waters of the rivers, however, where the native Indians are few and civili/ation has not reached, little diminution is probable. I'iKiiiAiiiLiTV OK EXTINCTION. Putting all the facts together, it seems evident that not many cent uiics will pass before Manatees will be extremely, rare, especially in our own country. More specimens should be accumulated in our museums, both of the entire animal and of its bones, and its wanton destruction .should cease. MODES OK CAI'TUHE. The methods of capturing Manatees are numerous. In Florida, Mr. Goode informs me, strong rope nets, with large mesh, are often employed. The details of this 1 1 1 \i:i \ s : Fauna Americana, 1825, p. 277. Trail*. Zoological Swii-ty London, xi, 1*0, |>. 21. Howards' . |> *GUNI>L\cil: Hi-vistu y Cat. lie lot* Muinili-nm riihanos. Kr|x-rt. FiMro-nal. ilr Ciiliii. ii, n<>. '-', 1*'*, P- 5fl Vox KKANTZICS: Sangi-tliM-ro Cita liii-as. Arcliiv fur Xatnr^wM-liirlite. xxxv, i. IrtSH (f), pp. 304-ll>. 'UiiANirr: Symbol* Sirviiolojru-H'. (W. iii. l-*il-'<^, p. 2.">:. 124 NATURAL HISTOKY OF AQUATIC ANIMALS. method are given in the notes of an observer, Mr. J. Francis Le Baron, writing from Titusville in 1880. His account of the fishery, given with much lullness, bears all the evidences of correctness. I may be allowed to quote the part which pertains to my subject: "The manatee hunter aims to catch the animal alive, and for this purpose quite an extensive outfit is required. It-consists, first, ot a large seine net, about one hundred yards long and six or eight feet wide, made of ' spun yarn,' so called, which consists of three or four rope yarns spun into one line, about the size of a Clothes- line, and very strong. The meshes are fifteen inches wide. The head-line consists of a strong rope, and floats made of wood, shaped like a double ended boat, are placed at intervals along this to keep the top of the net near the surface of the water. The bottom is weighted with small pieces of brick or stone, just enough to cause the net to hang perpendicularly in the water. A large sail-boat is also required. The hunter, taking the net in the boat, proceeds quietly to the part of the river frequented by the manatee, and keeps a sharp lookout for the animals, which have a habit of passing up and down the river by certain points. If the lookout perceives a manatee in the river above him he knows that sooner or later the animal will take a cruise down the river, and he proceeds accordingly to stretch his net across the channel. One end of the net he first makes fast to a small bush or twig, or, if no tree is available, to a stake driven for the purpose into i he bank. To this the shore end of the net is fastened by a small cord secured to the head- line, and the stake or bush before mentioned, care being taken to use a cord so small that in its struggles it will be easily broken by the animal, for a reason which will appear hereatter. The boat is then rowed across the stream with the other end of the net, and when the latter is stretched to its full length, the boat is anchored and the net secured by a similar easily broken cord to the boat in such a manner that the first struggle of the animal will be felt by the occupants of the boat, being communicated by the cord to a tell-tale, or the cord is fastened to the body of one of the hunters, who now go to sleep if night has come on, or perhaps while away the time by a game of cards, keeping perfectly quiet. There are very likely several manatee in the river, and before long one attempts to pass by the boat. His progress is of course arrested by the net, and his struggles to force a passage are at once communicated by the tell-tale cord. Unsuccessful in his first attempt to effect a passage, the manatee increases his efforts, and the result is that the slender cords holding the net to the shore and the boat are broken, and the net with the manatee entangled drifts away with the current. The frantic efforts of the animal only serve to closer enwind him in the meshes of the net, which doubles and wraps itself around him closer and closer. It is now that the objects of the light sinkers and slender holding cords are apparent. The manatee is a warm-blooded animal and must come to the surface for air every few minutes. If the sinkers are too heavy, or if the net is immovable in the water, he is unable to do this and is drowned. The large floats serve now to show the hunters the location of the prey, and they bear down upon it and tow it with the confined animal into shoal water. Here a large box or tank is ready. The net is unwound, ropes are placed around the animal, and by the united efforts of the hunters, he is transferred to the box. The box is then towed to the 'crawl,' which is an iuclosure formed by driving stakes close together in the water with their tops projecting several feet above, and is generally near the home of the hunters. The box is floated into the crawl and the animal let out. He is there kept and fed daily until an opportunity occurs for shipment. This is made in the same large box, which is water- tight and about half filled with water. Such is the method employed by the Indian Hiver hunters for catching the manatee alive. It is, however, often shot with a rifle, from the shore or a boat, when feeding or coming to the surface to breathe, but the hunter must be very quick and expert with his weapon, as they show only one-third of the head, and that only for a second. The profits of manatee hunting are large. The skeleton, if properly cleaned, will readily bring a hundred IHI-: M.\N.\TKi:s: MODB8 OF CAPTURE. 125 dollars, anil (In- skin a like stun if t:ik<>n oil whole, IH-IIIU in demand by seientiMs for MIIIM-IUIIS all ovo.- the win Id." 1 "So valuable an animal." says Wood, alluding more particularly to the South American Manatee, "is subject to great persecution on the part of the natives, who display groat activity, skill, and courage in the pursuit, of their arn]>hibious quarry. Tln> skin of the Manatee is so thick ami stroii-: that the wretched steel of which their weapons are composed the ' machetes' or sword- knives, with which they are almost universally armed, being sold in England for three shillings and six pence per do/en is quite unable to penetrate the tough hide. Nothing is so effectual a weapon for this service as a common English three-cornered file, which is fastened to a spear- shaft. amll> through the tough hide with the greatest ease." 2 Many of the early explorers give lively accounts of the manatee fishery in South America. "Diners oilier fishes." says Oviedo. in alluding to the fishes of the Orinoco River, as quaintly translated by Pnrchas, "both great ami small, of sundrie sorts and kinds, are accustomed to follow In ships going vnder saile, of the which I will speak somewhat when I have written of Manatee, which is the third of the three whereof I have promised to entreat. Manatee, therefore, is a fish of the M'a, of the biggest sort, and much greater than the Tibvron in leng'h and breadth, ami is very brutish and vile, so that it appeareth in forme like vnto one of those great vessels made of Goats skins, wherein they vse to carry new wine in Medina ae Campo or in Arenalc : the head of this beast is like the head of an Oxe, with also like eyes, and hath in the place of urines, two great stumps wherewith he swimmeth. It is a very gentle and tame beast, and commeth oftentimes out of the water to the next shoare, where if he findc any herbes or grasse, ho feedeth thereof. Our men an 1 accustomed to kill many of these, and diners other good fishes, with their Crosse-bowes, pursuing them in Barkes or Canoas, because they swim in manner aboue the water, the which thing when they see, they draw them with a hooke tyod at a small corde, but somewhat strong. As the fish fleeth away, Archer letteth goe, and proloageth the corde by little and little, vntill he have let it goe many fathoms: at the end of the corde, there is tyed a corke, or a piece of light wood, and when the fish is gone a little way, and hath coloured the water with his bloud, and feeleth himselfe to faint and draw toward the end of his life, he lesorteth to the shoare, and the Archer followeth, gathering vp his corde, whereof while there yet remaine sixe or eight fathoms or somewhat more or lesse, he draweth it toward the Land, and draweth the fish therewith by little and little, as the wanes of the Sea helpe him to doe it the more easily: then with the hclpe of the reste of his companie, he lifteth this great beast out of the Water to the Land, being of such bignesse, that to couvey it from thence to the Citie, it shull be requisite to haue a Cart with a goixl yoke of Oxen, and sometimes more, according as these fishes are of bignesse, some being much greater then other some in the same kinde, as is scene of other beasts: Sometimes they lift these fishes into the Canoa or Barke without drawing them to the Land as before, for as soone as they are slaine, they flote aboue the water : And I beleeue verily that this fish is one of the best in the world to the taste, and the likest vnto flesh, especially so like vnto beefe, that who so hath not scene it whole, can iudge it to be nother when bee seeth it in pieces then very Beefe <>r Vealo. and is certainly so like vnto flesh, that all the men in the world may herein be deceiued : the taste likewise, is like unto the taste of very good Veale. and lasteth long, if it be powdred: .-<> that in fine, the Beefe of these parts is by no means like vnto this. Tl e Manatee hath a ci-rtaim- stone, or rather bone in his head within the braine which is of qiialitie greatly appropriate against the disease of the stone, if it be bin ni and ground into small powder, and taken tasting in the morning 'LE BAHON: In I-W.-st ami Sin-am, xiii. 1880, p. 1005, 1006. 'WOOD: lllustraloil Natural History. MaiiunaN. |>. 126 NATURAL HISTORY OF AQUATIC ANIMALS. when the paineisfelt, in such quantities as may lye vpon a peny with a draught of good white wine. For being thus taken three or foure mornings it acquieteeth the griefe, as diners haue told me which haue proved it true, and I my selfe by testiinonie of sight doe witnesse that I have seen this stone sought of divers for this effect." 1 Du Tertre, whose narrative we have already several times quoted, gives an account of the mode of capture, which has all the tokens of accuracy. He writes : " Three or four men go in a small canoe (which is a small boat, all of one piece, made of a single tree in the form of a canoe). The oarsman is at the back of the canoe and dips the blade of his paddle right and left in the water in such a way that he not only governs the course of the canoe but makes it advance as swiftly as if it were propelled by a light wind or under reef. ' The Vareur (who lances the beast) stands on a small plank at the bow of the canoe holding the lance in his hand (that is to say, a sort of spear, at the end of which a harpoon or javelin of iron is fastened). The third man, in the middle of the canoe, arranges the line, which is attached in order to be paid out when the animal is struck. "All keep a profound silence, for the hearing of this animal is so acute that the least noise of water- against the canoe is sufficient to cause it to take flight and frustrate the hopes of the fishers. There is much enjoyment in watching them, for the harpooner is fearful lest the animal escape him, and continually imagines that the oarsman is not employing half his force, although he does all that he is able with this arms and never turns his eyes from the harpoon, with the point of which the liarpooner points out the course he must follow to reach the animal, which lies asleep. " When the canoe is three or four paces away the harpooner strikes a blow with all his force and drives the harpoon at least half a foot into the flesh of the animal. The staff falls into the water, but the harpoon remains attached to the animal, which is already half caught. When the animal feels itself thus rudely struck it collects all its forces and employs them for its safety. It plunges like a horse let loose, beats the billows as a negro beats the air, and makes the sea foam as it passes. It thinks to escape its enemy, but drags him everywhere after it so that one might take the harpooner for a Neptune led in triumph by this marine monster. Finally, after having dragged its misfortune after it, and having lost a great part of its blood, its power fails, its breath gives out, and being reduced to distress, it is constrained to stop short in order to take a little rest ; but it no sooner stops than the harpoouer draws in the line and strikes it a second blow with a harpoon better aimed and more forcibly thrown than the first. At this second blow the animal makes a few more feeble efforts, but is soon reduced to extremities, and the fishermen readily drag it to the shore of the nearest island, where they place it in their canoe, if the latter is of sufficient size."^ Barbot, after quoting the account of the fishery by Acufia, in the quaint translation which 1 shall quote on a following page, adds some valuable notes on the commercial transactions which are carried on in connection with salted Manatee meat. He says: "The ManatPs flesh used at Cayenne is brought ready salted from the river of the Amazon*; several of the principal inhabitants sending the barks and brigantines thither with men and salt to buy it of the Indians for beads, knives, white hats of a low price, some linen, toys, and iron tools. When those vessels are enter'd the river of the Amazons, the Indians, who always follow the Manati fishery, go aboard, take the salt, and with it run up the river in canoes or Piragtiux to catch the ManatVs; which they cut in pieces, and salt as taken, returning with that salt fish to the brigantines; which go not up, because the Portuguene who dwell to the eastward, at Para, and other places of Brazil, claim the sovereignty of the north side of that river, and give no quarter iPnrchas big Pilgrimes, iii, 1625, pp. 887, 988. 3 Du TERTRE: HiHtoire des Antilles, ii, 1667, pp. 200, 201. TIII; MAN.MT.F.S: < .\ri i I;K. 127 to the l-'r<'ii<-h or other l-'iiKipcnnx they ran lake in tlii'ir liberties, whicli has occasional many disputes ami quarrels bet wren them. as I shall observe hereafter. "That controversy was decided by Hie tieaty of I'tiei-ht; in the year 1713. The Portiigneite some \e;u-s since designing to settle on the west sii>. ril., |>. !>(. In -i ciritn IT/. : Vi\^e il'tin Natnralistr. ii. 1HK), ]>./<(!. 1 Tllr rar lionrs. 1 Hi I:I:.M:A : History <>f Ainrrira, i, 17'2. r ), p.278. ROCIIKKOUT: Xal. llistoirv tlrs ll<-n Antilli-R, -M <. 'BlKT: Voyage " I'll'' . W>, 347. 1 28 NATURAL HISTORY OF AQUATIC ANIMALS. according to my notion, is preferable to that of the Hakluyt Society. Having alluded to its small eye, but quick ear, and to other characteristics of its organization, he says: "The flesh of this creature is excellent, very wholesome, and tastes very much like veal of Europe, when young: for the biggest are not so delicate and agreeable to the palate. Their fat is hard, and very sweet, as that of onr hogs; the flesh resembles veal. It dies with very little loss of blood, and is not observ'd to come upon dry land; nor is there any likelihood it should, considering its shape, as in the cut, whence it is concluded not to be amphibious. "The Spaniards about the island of St. Margaret, or Maryarita, called the Manati Pcce-Bury, that is, Ox Fish; and particularly value the stomach and belly part of it, roasted on spits. Others cut long slices of the flesh of its back, which they salt a little, only for two days, and then dry it in the air; after which it will keep three or four months. This they roast and baste with butter, and reckon delicious meat. A gentleman has assur'd me, that at Jamaica they give eighteen pence a pound for young Manati. At Cayenne it yields but three pence a pound salted. " F. Christopher de Acunna, in the relation of his voyage on the river of the Amazon*, chap. 25, describes this fish as follows: "The Pece-Buey, says he, is of a delicious taste; any one that eats it, would think it to be most excellent flesh well season'd. This fish is as big as a heifer of a year and a half old; it has a head and ears just like those of a heifer, and the body of it is all cover'd with hair, like the bristles of a white hog; it swims with two little amis, and under its belly has teats, with which it suckles its young ones. The skin of it is very thick, and when dressed into leather, serves to make targets, which are proof against a musket bullet. It feeds upon grass, on the bank of the river, like an ox; from which it receives so good nourishment, and is of so pleasant taste, that a man is more strengthen'd and better satisfy'd with eating a small quantity of it, than with twice as much mutton. "It has not a free respiration in the water, and therefore often thrusts out its snout to take breath, and so is disco ver'd by them that seek after it. When the Indians get sight of it they follow it with their oars in little canoes; and when it appears above wa(pr to take breath, cast their harping-tools made of shells, with which they stop its course, and take it. When they have kill'd it, they cut it into pieces, and dry it upon wooden grates, which they call Boucan; and thus dressed, it will keep good above a month. They have not the way of salting and drying it to keep a long while, for want of plenty of salt; that which they use to season their meat being very scarce, and made of the ashes of a sort of palm-tree, so that it is more like salt-petre than common salt." 1 For the Romanist of South America the Manatee is, as the old voyagers persisted in calling it, a fish. It is, therefore, eaten on days when a meat diet is forbidden by the rites of the church. CONCLUSION. In the Manatee, then, we have an animal of great size, of gentle disposition and apparently of rapid growth, which lives in places readily accessible to man, and is easily captured, and which furnishes meat which is not inferior, oil which is remarkably fine, and leather which possesses great toughness. From these considerations it would seem evident that, with the proper protection, it would furnish no small revenue to the people in those portions of our country which it inhabits, for centuries to come. 32. THE ARCTIC SEA-COW. THE EXTINCTION ov SPECIES IN HISTORICAL TIME. The catalogue of animals which are known to have become extinct within historical times is not a long one. I do not allude, of 1 BAHBOT: A Description of tint Island of Cayenne, in Appendix to Description of the t'onstx of Not-ill and South Guinea, I ;::.', p. 563. THE ARCTIC SEA-COW: EXTINCTION. 129 course, to those aniuiiils which liavo been driven from their native haunts before advancing civili- zation, and which with its decline would flourish again amidst the fallen columns and crumbling walls, but to those of which no remnant remains, whose existence as the representatives of certain definite stages of organic development is forever closed. Such a one is the Rhytina (Rhytina gigas, Ziinmermann), which inhabited Bering Sea until within about a century. The story of its discovery and extermination forms one of the most interesting pages of zoological history. THE GREAT NORTHERN EXPEDITION. At the opening of the last century the northeastern portion of the Russian Empire was one of the least known quarters of the globe. The barrenness of the land, the dreadful winter, and the almost impassable sea, had deterred travelers and voyagers to a large extent from penetrating into its wilds. Those who adventured in the frozen seas went principally in search of a northwest passage, or in pursuit of other matters relating to geography and commerce, and paid little attention to the products of the land or of the waters. Early in the seventeenth century, however, Peter the Great, desirous of knowing whether Asia and America were contiguous, gave orders that an expedition should proceed to ascertain the truth. Before they could be executed he died, but the Empress Catherine commanded that they should be fulfilled. Capt. Vitus Bering was placed in charge of the expedition, and Gmelin, of the St. Petersburg Academy, was appointed chief naturalist. After several preliminary cruises had been made which extended over a number of years, two ships set sail from Kamtchatka on the 15th (4th) of June, 1741. Before the departure of this final voyage, however, Gmelin had withdrawn on account of ill-health, and George William Steller, who had been sent out by the St. Petersburg Academy as his assistant, was commissioned to complete the scientific researches. THE DISCOVERY OP BERING ISLAND AND WRECKING OF THE "Si. PETER." The two vessels, the "St. Peter," commanded by Bering, and the "St. Paul," in charge of Tschirikov, sailed eastward toward the American continent. Before arriving, however, on the 1st of July (20th of June) a storm separated them. Having touched at Alaska, Bering started westward again, encoun- tering before long the most tempestuous weather. The crew grew weak and sick through long- continued hardship. On the 10th of November (30th of October) the ship approached Bering Island, then unknown. A few days after the storm drove her upon the rocks, and the crew were forced to take up winter quarters on the island. DEATH OF BERING. Many of the sick died as soon as they were removed to the land, and on the 19th (8th) of December the commander also perished. After some days ''it was resolved to examine what store of provisions there was, and compute how long they would last, to regulate the distribution of the shares accordingly, notwithstanding which thirty persons died on the island. They found the stores were so much exhausted that if they had not l>een supplied with the flesh of sea-animals they must have all perished for want of food." 1 USE OF THE RHYTINA TO THE SURVIVORS. Prominent among the animals which served them as food was the Rhytina. Its well-flavored flesh and pleasant fat proved a great boon to them. "And the sick found themselves considerably better, when, instead of the disagreeable hard beaver's flesh, they eat of the Manati, tho' it cost them more trouble to catch than one of the beavers. They never came on the land, but only approached tho coast to eat sea-grass, which grows on the shore, or is thrown out by the sea. This good food may, perhaps, contribute a great deal to give the flesh a more disagreeable* taste than that of the other animals that live on fish. The young ones, that weighed 1,200 pounds and upwards, remained sometimes at low water on the dry land between the rocks, which afforded a fine opportunity for killing them; but the old ones, 1 M i 1 1 r ii : Voyages from Asia to America. English translation, Jeffeiys, 1761, p. 58. * This is surely a typographical error for ayrrtable. 9 F 130 NATURAL HISTORY OF AQUATIC ANIMALS. which were more cautious, and went off at the right time with the ebb, could be caught no other- wise than with harpoons fixed to long ropes. Sometimes the ropes were broke, and the animal escaped before it could be struck a second time. This animal was seen as well in the winter as in the summer time. They melted some of the fat, with which, like hogs, they are covered from three to four inches thick, and used it as butter. Of the flesh, several casks full were pickled for ship's provision, which did excellent service on their return." 1 STELLER'S OBSERVATIONS. In the midst of these privations, Steller did not fail to make and record observations relative to the animals which came about the island. To his most praise- worthy perseverance we owe all that we know of the appearance and habits of the Ehytiua. Not a word has been added to his account of the characteristics of the animal, which a few years later became extinct. THE RETURN TO KAMTCHATKA ; MISFORTUNES OF STELLER. In the summer of 1742 the shipwrecked crew of the "St. Peter" built a boat from the wreck of their vessel, and on the 21st (10th) of August sailed toward Kamtchatka. "The next day at noon they were in sight of the southeast point of Bering's Island, at a distance of four leagues N. by E., to which they gave the name of CapeManati; from the above-mentioned Sea-cows, which herd more here than in any other parts." 2 Shortly after they arrived safely in Kamtchatka. But while some of the crew soon afterward reached St. Petersburg, and had distinctions conferred upon them by the government, Steller was most shamefully treated because he dared to condemn the abuses of the officials, and finally died, in November, 1746, in an obscure town, with but a single friend to sympathize with him. 3 His observations on the Rhytiua, which I shall quote at length, together with those on other marine animals, were published by the St. Petersburg Academy in 1751. His statements, it should be remembered, relate to the occurrence of Ehytina on Bering Island only. The somewhat numerous facts which have accumulated regarding the reality or probability of its occurrence in other regions, I shall cite on another page. After giving a table of measurements, and a very detailed description of external and internal parts, which I am not at liberty to quote in this connection, Steller expands upon the natural history of the Sea-cow. 4 The following translation of the original Latin is the product of the unremunerated labor of my brother, Mr. A. Charles True, of the State Normal College, Westfield, Massachusetts, who has taken pains to make it as accurate as possible. STELLER'S OBSERVATIONS ON THE NATURAL HISTORY OF THE SEA-COW. "It was my fortune on an unlucky occasion," writes the naturalist, " to observe daily during ten months the habits and l oc. tit., pp. 61,62. *Loc. tit., p. 64. 3 "As to the academical company of travellers," says Mtiller, " Gmelin and I arrived at Petersburg on. Feb. 15 [26], 1743, having passed through all the ports of Siberia. But Steller, who stayed in Kamtschatka after Waxel, to make researches in natural history, did not enjoy this good luck. He immcrged himself without necessity, though with good inten- tion, in masters that did not belong to his department ; for which he was called to an account by the provincial chancery at Jakutzk. Steller vindicated himself so perfectly that the Vice Governor there gave him permission to proceed on his journey. The proceedings were not sent to the Senate at Petersburg so soon as transacted. The Senate, who had intelligence of his passing through Tobolsk, sent an express to meet him, and to carry him back to Jakutzk. And soon after advice being received from Irkutsk, of his acquittal, another express was dispatched to annul the first order. In the mean time, the first express met Steller at Solikamsk, and had carried him back as far as Tara, before the second express overtook him. He then proceeded without delay on his return for Petersburg by the way of Tobolsk, but got no farther than Tumen, where ho died of a fever in November, 1746, in company of one Uau, a surgeon, who had been with him in the Kamtschatka expedition. I have thought it necessary to relate these circumstances, because many falsities have been propagated abroad concerning him, nay, even his death has been doubted. He was born on the 10th of March (21st), 1709, at Winshfim in Franconia." MCLLER : op. tit., pp, 65, 66. Scheerer (fide Nordeuskiold), in his biography, attached to Steller's account of Kamtchatka, states that Steller got as far as Moscow when ordered to return, and was frozen by the way. 4 STELLER, GEORGK WILLIAM: De bestiis marinis auctore Georgio Wilhelmo Stellero.