ILLUSTRATIONS OF ZOOLOGY: INVERTEBRATES AND VERTEBRATES. ILLUSTRATIONS OF ZOOLOGY TEBRA TES & l^ER TEBRA TES. BY WILLIAM RAMSAY SMITH, B.Sc, DEMONSTRATOR OF ZOOLOGY, UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH, AND J. STEWART NORWELL. EDINBURGH AND LONDON: YOUNG J. PENTLAND. 1889. BIOLOGY LIBRARY G YI.HW TO J. C. EWART, M.D., REGIUS PROFESSOR OF NATURAL HISTORY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH, THIS WORK IS DEDICATED BY HIS FORMER PUPILS, THE AUTHORS. PREFACE. THIS book is a companion to a course of Systematic Zoology. The need of such a book lias become obvious to us from some years of teaching. The study of Class-Types, now a part of every systematic course, is already well provided for by Professor EOLLESTON'S " Forms of Animal Life," and the many books that have modelled themselves upon it. The Zoological Laboratory, too, is not without its many and admirable Text-Books. There is room, however, and need for a form of book such as we offer to the public in these Illustrations of Zoology. In it the student will find illustrated, by Diagram or Drawing, the structure of forms selected from all the great Classes of Vertebrates and Invertebrates, and the illustrations arranged in systematic order. Our design is to help the student of Comparative Anatomy in the most important and the most difficult part of a systematic Course of Lectures. In dealing with the Vertebrates, we could have wished to illustrate types of all the Orders as well as of the Classes, but to have done this would have made the book larger and more expensive without making it proportionally more useful. Besides, the general text-books, as a rule, give with a fair degree of fulness the chief features of the Vertebrate Orders. The system of class-naming that we have followed is the system used by the late Professor F. M. BALFOUR in his Classification. We give in an Appendix a Classified Index, showing the forms illustrated according to the system of classification used by GLAUS. The Drawing in Plate 46, Fig. 4, is taken, with Messrs. MACMILLAN & Co.'s kind permission, from Professor HOWES'S " Elementary Atlas of Biology." The Diagram in Plate 15, Fig. 5, is one of VON GRAFF'S, modified by JOHN BLAND PREFACE. SUTTON, Esq., F.RC.S., who has kindly permitted us to use his modification. Except these and some others, whose source is acknowledged in the letterpress, all the illustrations are taken from actual specimens, preparations, or dissections. The Drawings of Microscopic Specimens were first made to scale by means of the camera, and then reduced. The sizes are given by a fraction. Thus 3 f means that the Drawing was made under a power of three hundred diameters, and then reduced to one-fifth of the size. " x 1 " signifies the natural size of the object. Dr. H. ALEXIS THOMSON supplied us with several specimens of Animal Parasites, and Dr. CARRINGTON PURVIS has given us much assistance in methods of Preparing and Staining. Dr. LESLIE MACKENZIE gave us much valuable help while the book was passing through the press. W. EAMSAY SMITH. J. STEWAET NORWELL. EDINBURGH, April 1889. LIST OF PLATES. PLATE 1. Class PROTOZOA Amoeba, Gregarina, Paramoecium, Vorticella. 2. PORIFERA- -Grantia. 3. CCELENTERATA HYDROZOA Hydra. 4. Aurdia. 5. ,, ACTINOZOA Actinia. 6. ECHINODERMATA Asterias. 1. PLATYHELMINTHES NEMERTEA Borlasia, Polia. ,, 8. ,, ,, TREMATODA Distomum. 9. ,, CESTOIDEA Tcenia. 10. NEMATHELMIXTHES NEMATODA Trichina. ,,11. ,, ,, CH^TOGNATHA Sagitta. ,, ,, ACANTHOCEPHALA Ecliinorhynchus. 12. EOTIFEPtA Rotifer. GEPHYEEA Sipunculus. 13. CRJEIOPODALumLricus. 14. mEUDINVAHirudo. 15. 1N1YZOSTOMEA Myzostoma. ,. 16. MOLLUSCA LAMELLIBRANCHIATA Anodon. 17. ,, ODONTOPHORA Helix. 18. POLYZOA Bugula, Membranipora. BEACHIOPODA Lingula. 19. CETJSTACEA Homarus External Characters and Dissection. 20. ., Appendages. j> * j> ') ;> >' ,, 22. ,, ,, ,, Internal Organs. 23. ,, ,, Special Organs and Appendages. 24. TRACK EATA INSECTA P-i>Zanete. } , 25. ARACHNIDA Scorpio. 26. PGECILOPODA Limulus. PYCNOGOXIUyE Pycnoffonum. LINGUATULID^E Pentastomum. 27. HEMICHORDATA (ENTEEOPIs T EUSTA) Balanoglossns. 28. ,, TUNIC AT A Phallusia (Ascidia). 29. CEPHALOCHORDA Amphioxus. 30. CYCLOSTOMATA Myxine, Petromyzon. PLATE 31. Class PISCES ELASMOBRANCHII Raia External Characters and Viscera. ,, 32. Circulatory System. ^ 55 "" 5' 55 51 5> 34. Skeleton. ^ J) Ul7 ' 55 >' >' 5> ,, 36. ,, ,, ., Nervous System and Sense Organs. 37. ,, ,, ,, Urino-genital System. 38. TELEOSTBI Gadus External Characters and Viscera. 39. Circulatory System. 40. ,, Skeleton. 41. Skull. 42. ,, ,, Kidney, Swimbladder, Genital Organs. 43. ,, Nervous System and Sense Organs. 44. AMPHIBIA Rana External Characters. 45. ,, Viscera. 46. ., Circulatory System. *' 5 5> , 48. ,, Skeleton. 4Q 5> rt>/ ' J5 55 5) 50. ,, Nervous System. ,,51. ,, Urino-genital System. 52. REPTILIA Lacerta External Characters, Alimentary and Circu- latory Systems. 53. ,, Skeleton. 54. ,, Brain and Urino-genital System. 55. AVES Columba External Characters. 56. ,, ,, Alimentary and Respiratory Systems. 57. ,, ,, Circulatory System. ,, 58. ,, Skeleton. fjQ tf * /t )J Jj ,, DU. ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, 61. Brain and Urino-genital System. . 62. MAMMALIA Lepus External Characters, Tongue, Larynx. 63. Viscera. ,,64. ,, ,, Circulatory System. 65. Skeleton. ,, DO. ,, ,, ,, ,, fi7 " >5 }5 68. Nervous System and Eye. 69. Urino-genital System, Male. 70. Female. ILLUSTRATIONS OF ZOOLOGY: INVERTEBRATES AND VERTEBRATES. PLATE I. Class-PBOTOZOA. Amceba. FIG. 1. AMCEBA : FREE, x 300. ec. ectosarc : en. endosarc : n. nucleus : p. pseudopodium : f. food particles and food vacuoles : v. contractile vacuole. FIG. 2. AMCEBA: ENCYSTED, x 300. FIGS. 3, 4, 5. VARIOUS STAGES IN EEPRODUCTION BY FISSION, x 300. Gregarina. FIG. 1. GREGARINA OF THE EARTHWORM, x 50. ec. ectosarc bounded by the capsule : en. endosarc : n. nucleus. FIGS. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. REPRODUCTION BY CONJUGATION. p. pseudo-navicella3. THE SLIPPER- ANIMALCULE (Paramcecium}. FIG. 1. PARAMCECIUM. x 3 f . m. mouth : p. pharynx : ec. ectosarc : c. cuticle, with cilia project- ing through it : en. endosarc: n. nucleus: v. 1 , v. 2 contractile vacuoles. FIG. 2. POSTERIOR END: SHOWING TRICHOCYSTS PROTRUDED, x 3 f. THE BELL-ANIMALCULE ( VorticeUci). FlG. 1. VORTICELLA: EXTENDED. X 3 |. m. mouth : d. disc : n. nucleus : v. contractile vacuole : s. stalk with contractile fibre. FIG. 2. VORTICELLA: CONTRACTED, x 3 . n. nucleus : v. contractile vacuole : /. food vacuoles. FIG. 3. VORTICELLA: CONJUGATION, x 3 f. FIG. 4. VORTICELLA: UNDERGOING FISSION, x 3 . PLATE I Fig.T PLATE II. Class PORIFERA. A HOLLOW CALCAREOUS SPONGE (Grantia compressa). FIG. 1. Two SPECIMENS, ONE WITH A SINGLE EXHALANT OPENING OR OSCULUM, THE OTHER WITH TWO SUCH OPENINGS. X 1. FIG. 2. SHOWING PART OF THE BODY WALL RAISED TO EXPOSE THE INTERNAL CAVITY, x 1. FIG. 3. PART OF THE EXTERNAL SURFACE, SHOWING THE TRI-RADIATE SPICULES ARRANGED AROUND THE INHALANT OPENINGS. X 50. FIG. 4. PART OF THE SAME, x 600. FIG. 5. LONGITUDINAL SECTION OF ONE OF THE INCURRENT CANALS (SEEN ON MAKING A TRANSVERSE SECTION OF THE SPONGE). (From nature, and partly after Bowerbank.) x 400. FIG. 6. FLAGELLATE COLLARED MONADS, x 1200. FIG. 7. ONE OF THE MONADS, x 1800. n. nucleus : c. collar : /. flagellum. Ficj.2. Pig. 3. PLATE II, Tig.4. Tig.5. PLATE III. Class CCELENTEBATA. HYDROZOA. THE FRESH-WATER POLYPE (Hydra). FIG. 1. HYDRA (H. viridis) : BUDDING, x 10. t. tube : /. foot : m. mouth : tn. tentacles : b. bud. FIG. 2. HYDRA (H. viridis) : REPRODUCING BY SEXUAL PROCESS, x 10. o. ovary : t. testes : c. oral cone, with the mouth at its apex. FIG. 3. TRANSVERSE SECTION THROUGH THE TUBE OR BODY, x V- ee. ectoderm : en. endoderm : c. " body-cavity." FIG. 4. TRANSVERSE SECTION THROUGH THE TUBE, AND NEARLY LONGITUDINAL SECTION THROUGH A TENTACLE, x V - t 1 . tube: t 2 . tentacle. FIG. 5. LONGITUDINAL SECTION THROUGH THE TUBE, x 6 f . ec. ectoderm cells with n. nuclei: n. 1 -, n. 2 nematocysts: m. support- ing lamella : i. interstitial cells : en. endoderm cells with n. nuclei, v. vacuoles, and /. food vacuoles : c. cilia. FIG. 6. ECTODERM CELLS ISOLATED, x 300. n. nucleus: p. 1 , p. 2 neuro-muscular processes. FIG. 7. NEMATOCYSTS : BEFORE AND AFTER EVERSION OF THE THREAD, x 700. PLATE HI, Fig 2. Fig. 6. PLATE IV. Class CO3LENTEBATA con. blood-vessel : n. nerve. FIG. 3. DIAGRAM OF THE WATER- VASCULAR SYSTEM. m. madreporic tubercle : s. stone canal : c. circular vessel : r. radial vessel : p. polian vesicle : a. ampulla : t. tube foot. FIG. 4. NERVOUS SYSTEM, x 1. o. oesophagus: c. circum-ossophageal nerve ring: r. radial nerve trunk. FIG. 5. PEDICELLARLE. x 10. PLATE VI, Fiq.l. PLATE VII. Class PLATYHELMINTHES. NEMERTEA. Borlasia and Polia. FIG. 1. BORLASIA : HEAD, MIDDLE AND TAIL PORTIONS, x 1. h. head : m. part of the body : t. tail. FIG. 2. BORLASIA : ANTERIOR PORTION, VIEWED AS A TRANSPARENT OBJECT. (After Quatrefages.) x 4. m. mouth : p. ciliated pit : e. groups of eyes : v. cephalic blood-vessel : c. n. cephalic nerves, given oft 1 from g. cerebral ganglia : n. lateral nerve cord : d. dorsal blood-vessel : /. lateral blood- vessel : pb. proboscis : g. genital organs. FIG. 3. POLIA : STYLE-FORMING APPARATUS. (After Quatrefages.) p. proboscis: i. intestine: s. stylet: g. gland of the stylet: c 1 . cavity of the completely formed stylet s. : c 2 . cavity containing stylets in process of formation : o. 1 , o. 2 anterior and posterior dilatations of the oesophagus. FIG. 4. TRANSVERSE SECTION THROUGH THE ANTERIOR PORTION OF A NEMERTINE (species ?). x 10. p. proboscis: s. sheath of the pioboscis: n. lateral nerve cord: o. oesophagus. PLATE VII Tig. 3. PLATE VIII. Class PLATYHELMINTHES-confcwMed. TREMATODA. THE LIVER-FLUKE (Distomum lanceolatum). FIG. 1. DISTOMUM : VENTRAL VIEW, x 2. . anterior sucker : p. posterior sucker. FIG. 2. MATURE DISTOMUM : VENTRAL VIEW. (After Sommer.) x 5. m. mouth : ph. pharynx : c. part o,. the digestive system : p. penis (cirrus) : u. uterus : o. ovary : s. shell gland : y. yolk gland : d. duct of the yolk gland : t. testis : v. 1 , v."* vasa deferentia. FIG. 3. YOUNG DISTOMUM. (After La Valette.) m. mouth : ph. pharynx : i. intestine : s. posterior sucker : t. trunk of the water- vascular system : d. main duct : p. excretory pore. FIG. 4. CILIATED EMBRYO : CONTRACTED. (After Leuckart.) FIG. 5. CILIATED EMBRYO : ATTACHED TO THE WALL OF THE PULMONARY CAVITY OF Limnceus truncatulus. (Partly after Leuckart). FIG. 6. SPOROCYST : with c. cercarite. (After Leuckart.) FIG. 7. KEDIA. (After Leuckart.) m. mouth : ph. pharynx : i. intestine : c. cercaria. FIG. 8. CERCARIA. (After Leuckart.) s. sucker : i. intestine : e. excretory organ. PLATE VIII PLATE IX. Class CESTOIDEA. THE TAPE- WORM (Tcenia solium). FIG. 1. TAPE- WORM, x 1. FIG. 2. HEAD : WITH THE CIRCLE OF HOOKLETS AND THE FOUR SUCKERS. x 12. FIG. 3. HEAD : SIDE VIEW, x -V. FIG. 4. HOOKLETS. x 50. FIG. 5. PROGLOTTIDES. x 6 T - w. water vessel : u. uterus : t. testis : v. d. vas deferens : va. vagina : o. ovary : s. shell-gland : y. yolk- gland. FIG. 6. RIPE PROGLOTTIS. x 2. u. uterus : o. genital opening. FIG. 7. STAGES IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE TAPE- WORM. (After Leuckart.) a. egg with embryo : b. embryo : c. head, growing as a hollow papilla on the wall of the vesicle : d. cysticercus with retracted head : e. cysticercus with protruded head. Kg.]. Pig. 3. Fig. 4. PLATE X. Class-NEMATHELMINTHES. NEMATODA. Trichina spiralis. FIG. 1. TRICHINA : MATUEE FEMALE, x 3 f . TO. mouth : i., i. intestine : g. genital opening : o. ovary. FIG. 2. TRICHINA : MATURE MALE, x 3 f . TO. mouth : a. anus : t. testis. FIG. 3. YOUNG TRICHINAE THAT HAVE MIGRATED INTO A MUSCLE, x 3 |. FIG. 4. THE SAME : DEVELOPED AND ENCYSTED, x 3 f . FIG. 5. TRICHINA : FREED FROM THE MUSCULAR FIBRES, x 30. Fig. 4. Pig. 5. PLATE XI. Class NEMAT HELMINTHE S continued. CH^TOGNATHA. Sagitta. FIG. 1. SAGITTA (S. bipunctata) : DORSAL VIEW, x 20. e. eyes : li> hooks : i. intestine : o. ovary : t. testis : s. ejaculatory sac. ACANTHOCEPHALA. Echinorhynchus. FIG. 2. ECHINORHYNCHUS. x I. FIG. 3. ANTERIOR END OF ECHINORHYNCHUS. (After Glaus.) x 2. p. proboscis : s. sheath of the proboscis : I. lemniscus : g. nerve ganglion. FIG. 4. MALE ECHINORHYNCHUS. (After Glaus and Leuckart.) x 14. p. proboscis : s. sheath of the proboscis : g. nerve ganglion : / ligament : t. testes : v. vas deferens : p. s. prostatic sacs : d. ejaculatory duct : pn. penis. j Fiq.1. Fiq.Z. PLATE XI, PLATE XI!. Class ROTIFERA. THE WHEEL- ANIMALCULE (Rotifer vulgaris). FlG. 1. EOTIFEll: WITH DISC EXPANDED. X 4 . d. trocbal disc or wheel organ : e. eye : s. siphon : /. jaws with teeth : a. c. alimentary canal with g. glandular mass surrounding it : t. tube of the water vascular system : c. cloaca : /. foot portion. . 2. IlOTIFER : WITH DlSC RETRACTED. X 4 . m. mouth : e. eye : d. trochal disc or wheel organ : /. jaws with teeth : a. c. alimentary canal with g. glandular mass surrounding it : t. tube of the water vascular system: c. cloaca: /. foot portion. Class-GEPHYBEA. Sipunculus. FIG. 3. SIPUNCULUS : WITH MOUTH PARTLY RETRACTED, x 1. m. position of the mouth : r. m. retractor muscles of the mouth : r. nerve ring : n. ventral nerve cord : i. intestine : a. position of the anus : I., b. " brown tubes." PLATE XII Fig. 2. Q.C. Fig. 3. PLATE XIII. Class CHJETOPODA. THE EARTHWORM (Lumbricus terrestris). FIG. 1. ANTERIOR END : VENTRAL VIEW, x 2. p. prostomium : m. mouth: s. setse: s. 1 , s.~ openings of spermathecae : o. opening of oviduct : v. opening of vas deferens. FIG. 2. CLITELLUM : VENTRAL VIEW, x 2. FIG. 3. POSTERIOR END : VENTRAL VIEW, x 2. FIG. 4. DISSECTION FROM THE DORSAL ASPECT, x 2. &. buccal mass: g. cerebral ganglia: p. pharynx: Ji.^-k. 7 the seven pairs of hearts surrounding the oesophagus : s. spermatheca : s. v. seminal vesicles : d. dorsal blood-vessel : c. crop : yd. gizzard : i. intestine covered by the " liver " FIG. 5. SEGMENTAL ORGAN, x 15. FIG. 6. REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS, x 2. s.v. seminal vesicles (the position of the testes t. underneath the seminal vesicles is outlined) : s. spermatheca : o. ovary : od. oviduct : v. vas deferens. FIG. 7. NERVOUS SYSTEM : ANTERIOR END. x 4. c. cerebral ganglia : cm. commissure : g., g. ganglia giving off nerve cords to the segments : n., n. nerve cords to the septa. FIG. 8. TRANSVERSE SECTION THROUGH THE BODY, x 4. m. muscles of the body wall: v. 1 dorsal or supra-intestinal vessel: t. typhlosole projecting into i. intestine: g. glandular tissue "liver": c. body cavity: v. 2 sub-intestinal vessel : n. nerve ganglion: s. setae: v. 3 sub-neural vessel. PLATE XIII Fiq. I". Fig Fiq. 2. Kiq.3. , _ b. Fiq. 7. Fiu.8 PLATE XIV. Class HIBUDINEA. THE MEDICINAL LEECH (Hirudo mcdicinalis). FIG. 1. DISSECTION FROM THE VENTRAL ASPECT, x 1. m. mouth : p. penis protruded : v. external opening of the vagina : s. 1 -^ 17 segmental organs: c. 1 -^ 11 caeca or diverticula of the stomach: s. v. seminal vesicle : o. ovary : .M. 9 testes : v.d. vas deferens : v. e. vas effereus : i. intestine : g. nerve ganglion on the ventral cord : p. s, posterior sucker. FIG. 2. DISSECTION FROM THE LEFT SIDE, x 1. m. mouth : g. supra-oasophageal nerve ganglia, or brain : r. circum- resophageal nerve ring : v. ventral nerve cord with ganglia : s.^-s. 17 segmental organs : c. 1 -^ 11 cseca or diverticula of the stomach : i. intestine : a. anus. FIG. 3. HEAD EEGION : VENTRAL ASPECT : SHOWING THE JAWS, x 3. FIG. 4. ONE OF THE JAWS REMOVED, x 15. FIG. 5. TRANSVERSE SECTION THROUGH THE BODY, x 6. m. muscular layers : d. dorsal vessel : I. lateral vessel : s.s. vesicle of the segmental organ : t. testis : v. ventral vessel enclosing the nerve cord : s. stomach. FIG. 6. HEAD EEGION : DORSAL ASPECT : SHOWING THE POSITION OF THE EYES. x 3. PLATE XIV. Fig.1. p.S. Ficf.2. I. s o Fiq.3. Fig. 4. Fig.6. PLATE XV. Class MYZOSTOMEA. Myzostoma. FIGS. 1, 2. CYSTS ON THE ARMS OF CKINOIDS CONTAINING MYZOSTOMIDA. (After von Graff.) X 1. FIG. 3. MYZOSTOMA : VENTRAL ASPECT, x 5 - FIG. 4 MYZOSTOMA : DORSAL ASPECT, x V- FIG. 5. A DIAGRAM TO REPRESENT THE ORGANISATION OF MYZOSTOMA. (From Sutton, modified from von Graft".) p. proboscis ; i. branched intestine : t. testis : o. ovary : r. rectum : c. cloaca: s.^-s.* suckers: p. l -p. 5 parapodia. PLATE XV. Fig. 2. Fig. 3. Fig. 4. PLATE XVI. Class MOLLTJSCA. LAMELLIBRANCHIATA. THE FRESH-WATER MUSSEL (Anodoii). FIG. 1. VALVES OF THE SHELL, x \. . anterior end : p. posterior end : h. hinge on the dorsal aspect : m. 1 , m. 2 position of the anterior and posterior adductor muscles: u. umbo. FIG. 2. VIEW ON REMOVAL OF PART OF THE MANTLE. THE DOTTED LINE SHOWS WHERE THE MANTLE HAS BEEN CUT.' X |. v. right valve laid up : li. position of the heart : g. gills on the right side: a. a. anterior adductor muscle: a.f. anterior foot- retractor : /. p. foot-protractor : m. mouth : p. labial palps : /. foot : ma. mantle : b. branchial siphon : a. anal siphon : p. a. posterior adductor muscle : p.f. posterior foot-retractor. FIG. 3. DISSECTION SHOWING THE OPENINGS OF THE GENITAL GLAND AND THE ORGAN OF BOJANUS. x J. g*,g. z gills on the right and left sides : m. mantle : /. foot : p. labial palps : a. anterior adductor muscle : 6. 1 bristle in the opening of the organ of Bojanus : b. 2 bristle in the opening of the genital gland. FIG. 4. POSTERIOR VIEW, x --. a. anal siphon : b. branchial siphon. FIGS. 5, 6, 7. HEART AND RECTUM, x 1. a. right auricle : v. ventricle : b. bristle in the opening of the organ of Bojanus into the pericardium: a. 1 anterior aorta: . 2 posteiior aorta: r. rectum: o. openings from the auricles into the ventricle. FIG. 8. DIAGRAM OF THE ORGAN OF BOJANUS. on. posterior adductor muscle : p. pericardium : v. ventricle : i. internal opening of the organ : e. external opening of the organ : g, genital opening : k. " kidney " or glandular portion of the organ : n. non glandular portion. FIG. 9. DISSECTION FROM THE LEFT SIDE : PARTLY DIAGRAMMATIC : TO SHOW THE ALIMENTARY SYSTEM, x |. / foot : g. gills : m. mouth : s. stomach surrounded by the " liver " : i. coils of intestine : p. pericardial sac : r. rectum. FIG. 10. NERVOUS SYSTEM, x |. p. s. parieto-splanchnic ganglia : c. cerebral ganglion on the right side : p. pedal ganglia : c.s. commissure : a. anus : g. gills. Fig.l. PLATE XVI Fig. 2. PLATE XVII. Class MOLLUSCA e ODONTOPHORA. THE EDIBLE SNAIL (Helix pomatia.} FIG. 1. SNAIL: EXTENDED, x 1. /. foot : 1. lip : e. eye upon t. one of the long tentacles : g. genital opening : p. pulmonary opening. FIG. 2. SNAIL : CONTRACTED, WITH SHELL REMOVED, x 1. /. foot : c. collar : p. portion of the pulmonary chamber : r. position of the reproductive organs, L of the liver, a. of the albumen gland. FIG. 3. DISSECTION FROM THE LEFT SIDE, x 1. b. buccal mass : o. resophagus : m. muscle of the tentacle : c. y. cerebral ganglia: p. g. parieto splanchnic and pedal ganglia: s. g. left salivary gland sending forwards its duct to the buccal mass : c. crop : g. genital gland : /. tri-lobed liver : i. intestine : p. pulmonary vein from the lung : k. kidney : a. auricle : v. ventricle. FIG. 4. REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM, x 1. (j. hermaphrodite gland : d. its duct : a. albumen gland : o., o. oviduct : i\, v. vas deferens : p. penis : f. flagellum : m. retractor muscle of the penis : s. spermatheca : d. s. dart sac : m. g. mucous glands : v. vagina. FIG. 5. LONGITUDINAL SECTION THROUGH THE BUCCAL MASS, x 2. m. mouth : b. buccal cavity : r., r. radula : c. cartilage : o. oesophagus : g. gland of the foot. FIG. 6. RADULA. x 3. FIG. 7. PART OF THE EADULA, SHOWING THE TEETH, x 3 . PLATE XVII Pig. 2. TTV c.g T-9 Pig.5. ttg.7. PLATE XVIII. Class POLYZOA. Bugula. Fie. 1. DIAGRAM OF A POLYZOON. (After Busk.) t. tentacles : 1. lophophore : m. mouth : o. oesophagus : s. stomach i. intestine : a. anus : g. nerve ganglion : /. funiculus. FIG. 2. BUGULA PLUMOSA. x 1. FIG. 3. ZOGECIA OF BUGULA: FRONT VIEW, x 10. z. zocecium : a. the avicularium. FIG. 4 ZOCECIA OF BUGULA: BACK VIEW, x 10. FIG. 5. THE AVICULARIUM. x 50. -, Menibranipora. FIG. 6. ZOCECIA OF Mcmbranipora menibranacea. x 1. FIG. 7. THE SAME, x 25. Class BRACHIOPODA. Lingula. FIG. 8. LINGULA. x 1. FIG. 9. LINGULA : VIEW AFTER REMOVING THE VENTRAL VALVE AND PART OF THE MOUTH, x 1. c. capsule of the pedicle : p. a. posterior adductor muscle : p. posterior adjuster muscles : a. anterior retractor muscle : I. liver : c. a. central adjuster muscles. Fig. 3. PLATE XVIII Kj. 6. Ry.7. R 5 .8. c.a. PLATE XfX. Class CRUSTACEA. THE LOBSTEK (Homarus vulgaris). FIG. 1. DORSAL SURFACE : APPENDAGES REMOVED, x f . r. rostrum: c. s. cephalo-thoracic shield: b. branchiostegite : s. l ,s.* segments of the abdomen : t. telson. FIG. 2. VENTRAL SURFACE, x J. m. mouth : g. genital openings (male) : a. anus. FIG. 3. DISSECTION FROM THE DORSAL ASPECT, x |. s. stomach : r. reproductive organs : L, 1. liver : m. muscles of the abdomen : h. position of the heart. Pig. 2. Fig.l. PLATE XIX, PLATE XX. Class CRU STAGE A continued. THE LOBSTER continued. APPENDAGES DISARTICULATED. FIG. 1. ANTENNULE. x 1. FIG. 2. ANTENNA, x 1. FIG. 3. MANDIBLE : with p. palp. X 1. FIG. 4. FIRST MAXILLA, x 1. FIG. 5. SECOND MAXILLA : with s. scaphognathite. X 1. fiG. 6. FIRST MAXILLIPED. x 1. FIG. 7. SECOND MAXILLIPED. x 1. FIG. 8. THIRD MAXILLIPED : with p. podobranchia, and e. epipodite. X 1. FIG. 9. LARGE CHELA, x . FIG. 10. FIRST WALKING LEG, CHELATE. x 1. Note. The numbers of the figures (1-10) correspond to the numbers of the segments to which the various appendages belong. PLATE XX. Pig. 2. Fig. I. Fig. 4. Pig. 5. Pig. 6. Tig. a PLATE XXI. Class CBU STAGE A continued. THE LOBSTER continued. APPENDAGES DISARTICULATED continued. FIG. 11. SECOND WALKING LEG, CHELATE. x 1. FIG. 12. THIRD WALKING LEG, NON-CHELATE. x 1. FIG. 13. FOURTH WALKING LEG, NON-CHELATE. x 1. FIG. 14. FIRST SWIMMERET : m. of male ; /. of female, x 1. FIG. 15. SECOND SWIMMERET : m. of male ; /. of female, x 1. FIG. 16. THIRD SWIMMERET. x 1. FIG. 17. FOURTH SWIMMERET. x 1. FIG. 18. FIFTH SWIMMERET. x 1. FIG. 19. SIXTH SWIMMERET, WITH JOINTED EXOPODITE. x 1. Note. The numbers of the figures (11-19) correspond to the numbers of the segments to which the various appendages belong. PLATE XXI Fiy.18. Fig.19. PLATE XXI!. Class CRTJ STAGE A continued. THE LOBSTER continued. FIG. 1. LONGITUDINAL SECTION, SOMEWHAT TO THE LEFT OF THE MIDDLE LINE. x|. * ce. oesophagus : m. muscles of the stomach : li. heart : o. a. ophthalmic artery : s. a. superior abdominal artery : s. sternal artery : i. a. inferior abdominal artery : n. nerve cord : i. intestine : g. genital opening (male). PIG. 2. PLAN OF THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM. Ji. heart : s. a. superior abdominal artery : st. sternal artery : i. a. inferior abdominal artery: s. venous sinus sending afferent vessels to the gills. (The efferent vessels from the gills to the pericardial sinus are represented by the six dark lines.) FIGS. 3, 4, 5. DORSAL, VENTRAL, AND SIDE VIEWS OF THE HEART, x 1. o. a. ophthalmic artery : a. antennary artery : h. hepatic artery : s. a. superior abdominal artery : st. sternal artery : o. openings into the heart. FIG. 6. VENTRAL VIEW OF THE BLOOD SINUS AT THE BASE OF THE GILLS, x |. s. sinus receiving vessels from the appendages. PLATE XXII PLATE XXIII. Class CRUSTACEA THE LOBSTEK continued. FIG. 1. EYE, EAR, AND GREEN GLAND, x 1. r. rostrum : e. eye : a. o. auditory opening on the basal joint of the antennule : a. antenna : b. bristle passed into the opening of the green gland : g. green gland : s. its sac. FIG. 2. MOUTH PARTS, x 1. inn. mandible : p. palp : t. tendon : m. mouth : 1. labrum : ms. metastoma. FIG. 3. STOMACH OPENED FROM ABOVE, x 1. 0. gastric ossicles. FIG. 4 FOURTH ABDOMINAL SOMITE : POSTERIOR VIEW, x J. t. terguin : p. pleuron : s. sternum : pr. protopodite : ex. exopodite : en. endopodite. (The portion, scarcely distinguishable in this segment, between the base of the protopodite and the pleuron is the epimeron.) FIG. 5. THIRD MAXILLIPED. x 1. p. protopodite : en. endopodite : ex. exopodite : g. gill : ep. epipodite : i. ischiopodite : m. meropodite : c. carpopodite : p. propodite : d. dactylopodite. FIG. 6. GILLS EXPOSED BY REMOVAL OF THE BRANCHIOSTEGITE. x 1. g. gills : e. epipodite. FIG. 7. TRANSVERSE SECTION OF THE THORAX, TO ILLUSTRATE THE RESPIRATORY CIRCULATION, x 1. 1. leg : v. s. venous sinus : g. gill : a. afferent branchial vessel : e. efferent branchial vessel : s. sternal artery. Fig.l. PLATE XXIII PLATE XXIV. Class TRACHEATA. INSECTA. THE COCKROACH (Periplaneta (Blotto) orientalis). FIG. 1. MALE, x 1. FIG. 2. FEMALE, x 1J. FIG. 8. YOUNG, x 1|. FIG. 4. VENTRAL VIEW, x 1 J. FIG. 5. HEAD : ANTERIOR VIEW, x 6. eg. epicranial suture : w. white spot (fenestra) : an. antenna : e. eye : c. clypeus. FIG. 6. HEAD : POSTERIOR VIEW, x 6. t. tracheae : o. oesophagus : n. nerve cord : s. salivary duct : s. m. sub- mentum : m. mentum : I. ligula : p. paraglossa. FIG. 7. HEAD, WITH UPPER LIP AND UPPER JAWS : ANTERIOR VIEW, x 6. /. labrum : m. mandible. FIG. 8. LOWER LIP AND LOWER JAWS, x 6. s.m. sub-mentum: m. mentum: 1. p. labial palp. (These parts con- stitute the labium.) c. cardo : s. stapes : 1. lacinea : g. galea : m. p. maxillary palp. (These constitute the maxilla.) FIG. LEG. x 3. c. coxa : tr. trochanter : /. femur : tl. tibia : ts. tarsus. PLATE XXIV. Fid. 3. / Fig. 6. Fig. 7. Fig. 8. Fii). 9- tr. .--Is PLATE XXV. Class THACH.'E AT A continued. ARACHNIDA. THE SCORPION (Scorpio). JIG. 1. VENTRAL VIEW, x 1 c. chelicerse: p., p. pedipalpi: /.M. 4 walking legs (These six pairs of appendages belong to the segments of the cephalo-thorax) : g. genital operculum covering the genital opening, on the first segment of the prse abdomen : p. pectine, on the second segment of the prae-abdomen : s. 2 -s. 4 stigmata on the fourth to the sixth segments of the prse- abdomen (The stigmata on the third segment are concealed by the pectines) : p. 7 seventh segment of the pros-abdomen: p.a.^-p.a. 1 the six segments of the post-abdomen : sp. poison spine. FIG. 2. DORSAL VIEW, x 1. c. chelicene : c. t. cephalo-thoracic shield; a. 1 -a. 7 segments of the prse-abdomen. FIG. 3. LARGE CLAW, x 1. FIG. 4. PECTINE DETACHED, x 2. FIG. 5. HEAD REGION : DORSAL ASPECT, x 1. c. chelicerae : c. t. cephalo-thoracic shield : in. e. marginal eyes : e. eyes on the middle of the shield. FIG. 6. LUNG SACS : VIEW FROM BEHIND, x 1. p. s -p. 6 third to sixth segments of the prse-abdomen with the lung sacs : p. 7 seventh segment of the prse-abdomen. FIG. 7. LUNG SAC ENLARGED, x 6. s. stigma : I. lamellae composing the lung-book. PLATE XXV. Fig. 1 Fiq.4. Fig. 7. PLATE XXVI. Class PCE GIL OPODA. THE KING CRAB (Zimulus). FIG. 1. LIMULUS : VENTRAL VIEW, x |. a. " antenna " : c. cephalo-thoracic shield : ab. abdomen : t. caudal spine or " telson " : o. operculum : p. plates bearing gills. FIG. 2. LIMULUS : DORSAL VIEW, x J. e. 1 compound eye: e. 2 simple eye. Class PYCNOGrONIDJE. THE NOBODY CRAB (Pycnogonum}. FIG. 3. PYCNOGONUM : DORSAL VIEW, x 3. Class LINGTJATTJLID^l. Pentastomum. FIG. 4. PENTASTOMUM. x 10. Ficj. 2. PLATE XXVI PLATE XXV 1 1. Class-HEMICHOKDATA. Balanoglossus. FIG. 1. BALANOGLOSSUS MINUTUS: DORSAL VIEW, x 1. p. proboscis : c. collar : b. branchial region : g. gastric region : t. tail region : d. dorsal vessel : a. anus. FIG. 2. BALANOGLOSSUS SARNIENSIS ; ANTERIOR END : DORSAL VIEW, x 1. FIG. 3. TRANSVERSE SECTION THROUGH THE MIDDLE OF THE BRANCHIAL PORTION OF BALANGLOSSUS MINUTUS. x 8. &. branchial arch : p., p. constricted pharynx : d. dorsal opening in the pharynx : 1. 1. lateral lobe, in which the generative glands lie : Ir. lateral blood-vessel : Ig. longitudinal ventral blood-vessel. FIG. 4. TORNARIA LARVA : DORSAL VIEW. (After Metschnikoff.) w. water vessel : h. heart : p. peritoneal sac. FIG. 5. STAGE IN THE GROWTH OF TORNARIA INTO BALANGLOSSUS : SIDE VIEW. (After Metschnikoff.) m. mouth : h. heart : v. circular vessel : &. external branchial opening. FIG. 6. MORE ADVANCED STAGE. (After Agassiz.) w. water vessel : h. heart : m. mouth : Z>. external branchial slits. FIG. 7. STILL MORE ADVANCED STAGE. (After Pagenstecher.) x 12. PLATE XXVII, Pig.1. Fig. 2. 3. Fig. 4. Fig. 6. fig. 5. PLATE XXVII!. Class TUNICATA. THE SEA-SQUIRT OR ASCIDIAN (Phallusia). FIG. 1. ASCIDIAN. x 1. i. incurrent or pharyngeal opening : e. excurrent or atrial opening. FIG. 2. ASCIDIAN WITH LEFT HALF OF THE TUNIC REMOVED, x 1. t. right half of the tunic, attached to m. mantle, at i. pharyngeal and a. atrial openings. Note. In this species the intestine and other organs lie on the left side of the animal, while the branchial sac extends over the right side, as seen in Figs. 3 and 4. In these descriptions the pharyn- geal opening is accounted ventral and the atrial opening dorsal. FIG. 3. ASCIDIAN WITH RIGHT HALF OF THE TUNIC REMOVED, x 1. 5. branchial sac. FIG. 4. ASCIDIAN WITH HALF OF THE BRANCHIAL SAC REMOTED. x 1. t. tentacles in the pharyngeal opening : e. endostyle : m. mouth : d. dorsal lamina. FIG. 5. ASCIDIAN IROM THE RIGHT SIDE : TUNIC REMOVED, x 2. s. stomach : g. genital gland : i. intestine : d. genital duct : r. rectum : n. nerve ganglion. FIG. 6. TRANSVERSE SECTION THROUGH THE MIDDLE OF THE BODY, x 3. t. tunic : m. mantle : 5. branchial sac : I. dorsal lamina : e. endostyle : i. intestine : g. genital gland : r. rectum : d. genital ducts. FIG. 7. LARVAL ASCIDIAN. (Fragarium elegans.') x 50. PLATE XXVIII, Fiq.l. v Fig.2. Fiq.3 Fig. 5. Fiq.6. Fiq. 4-. Fiq.7. PLATE XXIX. Class-CEPHALOCHORDA. THE LANCELET (Amphioxus lanceolatus). FIG. 1. AMPHIOXUS : VIEWED AS A TRANSPARENT OBJECT, x 2. m. mouth with cirri : p. pharynx : r. reproductive glands : I. liver : a. p. atrial pore : i. intestine : a. anus : nt, notochord : n. spinal cord : s. septa between the myotomes. FIG. 2. HEAD, x 6 T . nt. notochord : e. eye : n. spinal cord : s. septa between the myotomes : r. cartilaginous rod bearing cirri : L lobes of the pharynx : a. branchial arches. FIG. 3. TRANSVERSE SECTION THROUGH THE REGION OF THE LIVER, x 10. /. skeleton of the dorsal fin : n. spinal cord : nt. notochord surrounded by its sheath : a. 1 dorsal aorta : g* hyperbranchial groove: I. liver: o. ovary: g. z hypobranchial groove: a. 2 ventral aorta : p. cavity of the pharynx : I. branchial arches. FIG. 4. TRANSVERSE SECTION PASSING THROUGH THE ANUS, x 10. /. dorsal fin : n. spinal cord : nt. notochord : a. dorsal aorta : i. intestine : an. anus : v. ventral fin. ni n. Fig.I. PLATE XXIX, PLATE XXX. Class-OYCLOSTOMATA. THE HAG-FISH (Myxine glutinosa). FIG. 1. DISSECTION FROM THE VENTRAL ASPECT, x f . n. nostril surrounded by tentacles : m. mouth : o. oesophagus p. branchial pouches : h. heart : 1. liver : i. intestine : a. anus ; ov. ovary : e. eggs : tn. g. mucous glands. FIG. 2. BRANCHIAL SYSTEM, x . o. cesophagus : i. internal branchial ducts : b. branchial pouches d. external branchial ducts : s. special duct on the left side c. common branchial duct : p. branchial pore : v. ventricle : a. branchial artery giving off a branch to each gill. THE EIVER LAMPREY (Petromyzon fluviatilis). FIG. 3. MOUTH, x 1. FIG. 4. SIDE VIEW, x 1. e. eye : 6. external branchial openings. ov. Fig. 2 PLATE XXX Fiq.4. PLATE XXXI. Class PISCES. ELASMOBRANCHII. THE SKATE (Raia). FIG. 1. MALE SKATE : VENTRAL ASPECT, x f . r. rostrum : n. right nostril : nb. naso-buccal groove : /. fronto-nasal process : m. mouth with the jaws and teeth : I.-V. the five branchial apertures : VI. rudimentary branchial aperture : p. pectoral fin : pv. pelvic fin : cp. clasper : c. cloaca : a. abdo- minal pores : t. tail. FIG. 2. DERMAL DENTICLE : SHOWING THE ROUNDED BASAL PIECE AND THE SHORT SPINE, x 1. FIG. 3. TAIL : DORSAL VIEW, x . FIG. 4. HEAD : DORSAL VIEW, x . e. eye : s. spiracle. FIG. 5. ABDOMINAL VISCERA, x . c. coracoid portion of the pectoral girdle : I. 1 , 1. 2 , 1. 3 right, middle and left lobes of the liver : g. gall-bladder : d. duodenum : I. large intestine : r. rectum : gl. rectal gland : s. stomach : sp. spleen : p. pelvic girdle : c. cloaca : a. abdominal pore. FIG. 6. ALIMENTARY TRACT, x . ce. oesophagus: s. stomach cut open to show r. rugse: /. large intestine with si. spiral valve : r. rectum : gl. rectal gland : c. cloaca : a. abdominal pore. Pig.l. Fig. 2. PLATE XXX! Fig. 6. gl, s. PLATE XXXII. Class PIS CE S continued. THE SKATE continued. FIG. 1. VENOUS CIRCULATION: HEART AND AFFERENT BRANCHIAL VESSELS: VENTRAL ASPECT, x . c. s. cardinal sinus: h. hepatic sinus: s. c. sinus of Cuvier: s. v. sinus venosus : a. c. anterior cardinal vein: i.j. inferior jugular vein : /. femoral vein : e. epigastric vein : ab. veins from the abdominal wall : b. brachial vein : i. h. ilio-hsemorrhoidal vein : c. v. caudal vein : r. p. renal-portal vein : p. branches of the renal-portal vein from the pelvic and lumbar regions : k. kidney: r. renal veins : c. v. 1 , c. v. 2 posterior cardinal vein: s. s. spermatic sinus : h. v. hepatic veins. a. auricle : v. ventricle : 4 LOWER JAW : SIDE VIEW, x 1. ar. articular : an. angular : a. splenial : d. dentary. FIG. 5. WING BONES SHOWING THE ATTACHMENT OF THE FEATHERS, x f. FJG. 6. SHOULDER GIRDLE : SIDE VIEW, x 1. g. glenoid cavity: sc. scapula: cl. clavicle: co. coracoid: s. sternum with the sternal ribs attached : k. keel. PLATE L1X. Fig. I. PLATE LX. Class AVE S continued. THE PIGEON continued. FIG. 1. PELVIS : DORSAL VIEW, x 1. s. sacrum : i., i. ilium : is. ischium : p. pubes. FIG. 2. PELVIS : VENTRAL VIEW, x 1. FIG. 3. SACRUM : LEFT SIDE VIEW, x 1. FIG. 4. LEFT Os INNOMINATUM. x 1. a. acetabulum: i.,i. ilium: is. ischium: p. pubes: i.s.f. ilio-sciatic foramen. FIG. 5. EIGHT FEMUR, x 1. FIG. 6. EIGHT TIBIO-TARSUS. t. tibia : /. fibula : tr. tarsal part of the ti bio -tarsus. FIG. 7. BONES OF THE EIGHT PES. t.m. tarso-metatarsus : I.-IV. phalanges of the four digits. FIG. 8. MESO-TARSAL ARTICULATION IN A YOUNG PIGEON, x 5. t. tibia : tr. l proximal portion of the tarsus becoming united to the tibia : tr. 2 distal portion of the tarsus becoming united to the metatarsals : mt. metatarsals. PLATE LX. Fig 3. PLATE LXI. Class A VE S continued THE PIGEON continued. FIG, 1. BRAIN: DORSAL VIEW, x 2. o. olfactory lobes : c. cerebral lobes : p. pineal body : op. optic lobes : cl. cerebellum : m. medulla oblongata. FIG. 2. BRAIN : VENTRAL VIEW, x 2. o. olfactory lobes : c. cerebral lobes : o. t. optic tract : i. infundibulum : op. optic lobes : II.-XIL the various cranial nerves : s. first spinal nerve. FIG. 3. BRAIN : DORSAL VIEW : AFTER REMOVAL OF THE CEREBELLUM AND PART OF THE CEREBRAL AND OPTIC LOBES, x 2. /. foramen of Monro: c. corpus striatum: t. optic thalamus: o c. optic commissure: v. o. ventricle of the optic lobe : v. 4 - fourth ventricle : p. peduncles of the cerebellum : in. medulla oblongata. FIG. 4 BRAIN : SIDE VIEW, x 2. o. olfactory lobe : c. cerebral lobe : p. pineal body : cl. cerebellum : /. flocculus: o.l. optic lobe: o. t. optic tract: II.-XIL the various cranial nerves : s. first spinal nerve. FIG. 5. BRAIN : LONGITUDINAL SECTION, x 2. o. olfactory lobe : c. cerebral lobe : p. pineal body : cl. cerebellum : o. cm. optic commissure : v. 4 fourth ventricle : a. c. anterior commissure : v. 3 third ventricle : o. c. optic chiasma : p. c. posterior commissure : i. infundibulum : py. pituitary body : in. medulla oblongata. FIG. 6. URINO-GENITAL SYSTEM : MALE, x . t. testis : v. vas deferens : s. seminal vesicle : k. kidney : u. ureter : c. csecum : r. rectum : cl. cloaca, FIG. 7. URINO-GENITAL SYSTEM : FEMALE, x $. o. ovary: o.d. 1 opening of the oviduct into the body cavity: o.d. 2 opening of the oviduct into the cloaca : r. o. rudimentary right oviduct : k. kidney : u. ureter : cl. cloaca. FK,.3. PLATE LXI, Fig .4. ! Fig. Fig. i PLATE LXII. Class MAMMALIA. THE RABBIT (Lepus cuniculus). FIG. 1. RABBIT, x ^. FIG. 2. PART OF THE HEAD, x . n. nictitating membrane or third eyelid drawn back by forceps. FIG. 3. TONGUE : DORSAL VIEW, x 1. t. tongue : / papillae foliatse : c. circumvallate papillae : e. epiglottis : a. arytenoid cartilage : tr. trachea laid open. FIG. 4 (ESOPHAGUS AND TRACHEA : SIDE VIEW, x 1. e. epiglottis : th. thyroid cartilage : c. cricoid cartilage : tr. right lobe of the thyroid gland : i. isthmus of the thyroid : t. trachea : ce. cesophagus. FIG. 5. EPIGLOTTIS : VIEWED FROM BEHIND, x 1. e. epiglottis : c. cornu of the thyroid cartilage. FIG. 6. LARYNX AND TRACHEA : LONGITUDINAL SECTION, x 1. e. epiglottis : a. arytenoid cartilage : v. right vocal cord : c. cricoid cartilage. FIG. 7. PAPILLA FOLIATE : LONGITUDINAL SECTION CROSSING THE FOLIA, x 6 a. Only the epithelium e. and the taste buds t. are shown. PLATE LXII Iig.1 '' (\ // ,. v\ r . \\ ^ PLATE LXIII. Class MAMMALIA continued. THE RABBIT continued. FIG. 1. VISCERA IN POSITION, x |. A. heart : 1. left lung : Ir. liver : s. stomach : cce. caecum : c. colon : i. small intestine : r. rectum : b. bladder. FIG. 2. ALIMENTARY CANAL LAID OUT. x . ax. oesophagus : st. stomach with s. spleen attached : 5. bile duct : . d. 1 ,^. 2 duodenum: p. pancreas: p. d. pancreatic duct: i. outline of the coils of the small intestine : s. r. sacculus rotundus : cce. caecum : a. appendix vermiformis : c. colon : r. beginning of the rectum. PLATE LXIU, PLATE LXIV. Class MAMMALIA continued. THE BABBIT continued. FIG. 1. CIRCULATORY SYSTEM: VENTRAL VIEW, x about \. e.j. external jugular vein : i.j. internal jugular vein : sc. v. subclavian vein: v. c. 1 right superior vena cava : a. i. anterior intercostal vein: v. a. vena azygos receiving intercostal veins: v. c. 2 left superior vena cava. h. heart: a. a. arch of the aorta: i. innomin'ate artery: s. 1 , s. 2 right and left subclavian arteries : v. vertebral artery : r. c. right common carotid artery : /. c. left common carotid artery : ao. dorsal or descending aorta giving off intercostal arteries : c. cceliac artery : m. superior mesenteric artery : r. renal artery : i. m. inferior mesenteric artery: s.p. spermatic artery: m. s. median sacral artery : c. i. common iliac artery : i. I. ilio- lumbar artery : i. i. internal iliac artery : e. i. external iliac artery. i. i. v. internal iliac vein : c. i. v. common iliac vein : e. i. v. external iliac vein: r. v. renal vein from Jc. kidney: ad. 1 , ad. 2 right and left adrenals: h.^-h. 3 hepatic veins: p.p. posterior phrenic veins ; v. c. s inferior vena cava. FIG. 2. HEART AND GREAT VESSELS : VENTRAL VIEW, x 1. v. 1 right superior vena cava: v. 2 left superior vena cava: v. 3 inferior vena cava : r. a. right auricle : r. v. right ventricle : in. infundibulum : p. pulmonary artery : I. a. left auricle : I. v. left ventricle : a. arch of the aorta : i. innominate artery : s.^s. 2 right and left subclavian arteries: c. 1 , c. 2 right and left common carotid arteries. FIG. 3. HEART AND GREAT VESSELS : DORSAL VIEW, x 1. v. 1 right superior vena cava : v. 2 left superior vena cava : v. 3 inferior vena cava : r. a. right auricle : 1. a. left auricle : ve. ventricula-r portion of the heart : p. pulmonary artery : a. arch of the aorta: i. innominate artery: s. 1 , s. 2 right and left subclavian arteries : c. 1 , c. 2 right and left common carotid arteries. FIG. 4. HEART AND LUNGS : VENTRAL VIEW, x 1. v. 1 , v. 2 , v. s the three vena? cavae : a. arch of the aorta : i. innominate artery : t. trachea : r. right lung : /. left lung. vf PLATE LXIV. PLATE LXV. Class MAMMALIA continued. THE BABBIT continued. FIG. 1. SKELETON, x |. cr. cranial region of the skull ; fc. facial region : m. lower jaw : c. 1 last cervical vertebra : d. x 2 last dorsal vertebra : 1. 7 last lumbar vertebra : ca. caudal vertebrae : d. dorsal portion of rib : s. sternal portion of rib (In the specimen represented in this plate there were thirteen ribs) : sc. scapula : Ji. humerus : u. ulna : r. radius : c. carpus : i. ilium : is. ischium : p. pubes : /. femur : t. tibia : fl. fibula : ts. tarsus. PLATE LXV. PLATE LXVI. Class MAMMALIA continued. THE BABBIT continued. FIG. 1. SECOND LUMBAR VERTEBRA : FRONT VIEW, x 1. c. centrum : s. spinous process : t. transverse process : m. metapo- physis : li. hypapophysis. FIG. 2. FIRST CERVICAL VERTEBRA OR ATLAS : FRONT VIEW, x 1. /. articular facet for the condyle of the skull : t. transverse process. FIG. 3. SECOND CERVICAL VERTEBRA OR Axis: FRONT VIEW, x 1. o. odontoid process : /. vertebrarterial canal : p. z. posterior zygapophysis. FIG. 4. FIRST AND SECOND CERVICAL VERTEBRA : SIDE VIEW, x 1. a. 1 atlas: a. 2 axis. FIG. 5. SECOND LUMBAR VERTEBRA : SIDE VIEW, x 1. s. spinous process : t. transverse process : m. metapophysis : z. posterior zygapophysis : a. anapophysis : h. hypapophysis. FIG. 6. STERNUM : FRONT VIEW, x 1. s. 1 first sternebra or manubrium : s. 6 sixth sternebra: x. xiphoid cartilage. FIG. 7. SKULL : DORSAL VIEW, x 1. s.o. supra-occipital : i. interparietal : p. parietal : /. frontal : n. nasal : p. premaxilla : z. zygomatic arch. FIG. 8. BASE OF THE SKULL, x 1. /. m. foramen magnum : s.o. supra-occipital : o. c. occipital condyle : t. tympanic bulla : b.o. basi-occipital : b.s. basi-sphenoid : pt. pterygoid : a.s. ali-sphenoid : g. glenoid fossa : p. palatine : p.p. palatine process of the maxilla: m. maxilla: p.m. premaxilla. FIG. 9. SKULL: SIDE VIEW, x 1. s.o. supra-occipital : p.o. par-occipital process : t. tympanic bulla : s. squamosal : pt. pterygoid : a.s. ali-sphenoid : o. optic foramen: z. 1 ,^. 2 malar (jugal) and squamosal portions of the zygomatic arch : /. frontal : I. lachrymal : m. maxilla : p.m. premaxilla : n. nasal. FIG. 10. LOWER JAW: SIDE VIEW, x 1. r. ramus : a. angle : c. condyle : c. *p. coronoid process. FIGS. 11 and 12. HYOID : SIDE AND FRONT VIEWS, x 1 &, body: c. 1 ,*:. 2 anterior and posterior cornua. PLATE LXV! Fig.l. Fig. 4*. PLATE LXVII. Class MAMMALIA continued. THE RABBIT continued. FIG. 1. RIGHT SCAPULA : DORSAL VIEW, x 1. s.s. supra-scapula : s. spine : a. acromion process : m. metacromion process : c. coracoid process : g. glenoid cavity. FIG. 2. CLAVICLE, x 1. FIG. 3. HUMERUS. x 1. FIG. 4. ULNA AND RADIUS : SIDE VIEW, x 1. u. ulna : o. olecranon process : s. sigmoid cavity : r. radius. FIG. 5. BONES OF THE MANUS. x 1. c. carpal bones : m. metacarpal bones : p. phalanges. FIG. 6. PELVIS : FRONT VIEW, x about |. s. 1 first sacral vertebra : a. acetabulum : il. ilium : is. ischium : p. pubes : s. symphysis : c. caudal vertebrae. FIG. 7. LEFT Os INNOMINATUM : SIDE VIEW, x 1. a. acetabulum : il. ilium : is. ischium : p. pubes : s. symphysis pubis. FIG. 8. FEMUR : FRONT VIEW, x 1. FIG. 9. TIBIA AND FIBULA: FRONT VIEW, x 1. t. tibia : /. fibula. FIG. 10. BONES OF THE PES. x 1. t. tarsal bones : c. calcaneum : a. astragalus : m. metatarsal bones : p. phalanges. Fig-3. Fig. 4. Fin. 7. PLATE LXVII Fiy. 9. PLATE LXVIII. Class MAMMALIA continued. THE EABBIT continued. FIG. 1. BRAIN : DORSAL VIEW, x 1. o. olfactory lobes : c. cerebral lobes : c. q. corpora quadrigemina : c.m. cerebellum : f. flocculus : m. medulla oblongata. FIG. 2. BRAIN : VENTRAL VIEW, x 1. o. olfactory lobes : c. cerebral lobes : p. pituitary body : II.-XII. the various cranial nerves: s. 1 first spinal nerve. FIG. o. BRAIN : LONGITUDINAL SECTION, x 1. o. olfactory lobe : c. cerebral lobe : /. f'oruix : c. c. corpus callosum : v. 3 third ventricle : p. pineal body : q. corpora quadrigemina : c.m. cerebellum: y. 4 fourth ventricle: p. pons Varolii : c. a., corpus albicans : py. pituitary body : m. middle com- missure : a. anterior commissure. FIG. 4. DISSECTION OF PART OF THE NECK, x 1. j. left half of the lower jaw : t. trachea : s.m. sterno-mastoid muscle : c. cornu majus of the hyoid bone : s.h. stylo-hyoid muscle (The nerve crossing beneath it is the hypoglossal) : s. salivary glands : j. v. jugular vein. FIG. 5. DEEPER DISSECTION OF THE SAME PART, x 1. m. middle line of the body : t, trachea : c. bifurcation of the carotid artery : k., Ji. hypoglossal nerve : s., s. sympathetic nerve : p., p. pneumogastric nerve: I. superior laryngeal nerve: d. cardiac depressor nerve. FIG. 6. LONGITUDINAL SECTION OF THE EYE. x 1. e. upper eyelid : cv. fold of the conjunctiva : cr. cornea : m., m. muscles of the eyeball : s. sclerotic : c. choroid : r. retina : o. optic nerve. FIG. 7. SECTION OF THE ANTERIOR PORTION OF THE EYE. x 2. sc. sclerotic: cv. conjunctiva: i. iris: a. anterior aqueous chamber: p. posterior aqueous chamber : 1. lens : v. chamber of the vitreous : c. m. ciliary muscle : c. p. ciliary process. PLATE LXVIII. Fitj.l. Fuj.2. Fia-4 1 . PLATE LXIX, Class MAMMALIA continued. * THE EABBIT continued. FIG. 1. UEINO GENITAL SYSTEM :. MALE : FRONT VIEW, x 1. s. s. scrotal sac : /. fatty tissue containing the spermatic artery and vein : t. testis : ct. caput epididymis : cd. cauda epididymis : gb. gubernaculum testis : v. vas deferens : u. ureter: b. bladder: u. m. uterus masculinus: p.*, p.- lobes of the prostate: c. Cowper's gland : r. g. zectal gland : p. g. perineal gland : c. p. eras penis : c. c. corpus cavernosum penis : g. glans penis. FIG. 2. UEINO-GENITAL SYSTEM : MALE : VIEW FROM THE LEFT SIDE, x 1. u. ureter : 5. bladder : v. vas deferens : u. m. uterus masculinus : p.*,p. z lobes of the prostate: c. Cowper's gland : r. rectum: r. g. rectal gland : p. g. perineal gland : p. g. o. opening of the perineal gland : c. c. corpus cavernosum penis : c, s. corpus spongiosum penis : g. glans penis : a. anus. PLATE LXIX. PLATE LXX. Class MAMMALIA continued. THE RABBIT continued. FIG. 1. URINO-GENITAL SYSTEM : FEMALE : FRONT VIEW, x . k. kidney : u. ureter : b. bladder : o. ovary : /. opening of the Fallopian tube (oviduct) : b. I. part of the broad ligament : ut. right uterus : v. vagina : ,vs. vestibule : r. rectum : a. anus : r. g. rectal gland : p. g. perineal gland. FIG. 2. URINO-GENITAL SYSTEM : FEMALE : VIEW FROM THE LEFT SIDE, x . u. ureter : b. bladder : ut. uterus : v. vagina : vb. vestibule : c. Cowper's gland : r. rectum : r. g. rectal gland : p. g. perineal gland : p. g. o. opening of perineal gland : c. c. corpus cavernosum clitoridis. 'f FIG. 3. LONGITUDINAL SECTION OF THE EIGHT KIDNEY, x 1. c. cortex : m. medulla : p. pyramid : pv. pelvis of the kidney : u. ureter. FIG. 4. DISSECTION SHOWING THE OPENINGS OF THE Two UTERI, x 1. v. vagina : u. opening of the right uterus. PLATE LXX. APPENDIX. CLASSIFIED INDEX. PLATS PEOTOZOA. EHIZOPODA Amoeba, ....... 1 INFUSORIA Gregarina, Paramoecium, Vorticella, ... 1 CCELENTEEATA. SPONGIARIA = PORIFERI Grantia, ..... 2 CNIDARIA. Polypomedusae = Hydrozoa Hydra, Aurclia, . . . 3, 4 Anthozoa = Actinozoa Actinia, ..... 5 ECHINODEEMATA. / ASTEROIDEA Asterias, ...... [ENTEROPNEUSTA Balanoglossus], ..... 27 VEEMES. PLATYHELMINTHES. Nemertini Borlasia, Folia, ..... 7 Trematodes Distomum, ...... 8 Cestodes Tcenia, .... .9 NEMATHELMINTHES. Nematodes Trichina, Sagitta, . . . . .10,11 Acanthocephali Echinorhynchus, . . . .11 EOTATORIA Rotifer, . . . . . . .12 ANNELIDES. Gephyrei Sipunculus, . . . Chsetopoda Lwmhricus, Myzosioma, . . . .13,15 Hirudinei Hinido, . . . .14 PLATE AETHEOPODA. CRUSTACEA. Entomostraca Homanis, . . . . .19-23 Malacostraca Limulus, . . . . .26 HEXAPODA = INSECTA Periplaneta, . . . . - .24 ARACHNOIDEA. Scorpionidea Scorpio, Acarina Pycnogonum, . .. . . ' .26 Linguatulida Pentastomum, . '. . 26 MOLLUSCA. LAMELLIBRANCHIATA Anodon, . . . ... GASTROPODA Helix, . . .17 MOLLUSCOIDEA. BRYOZOA = POLYZOA Bugula Membranipora, .... BRACHIOPODA Lingula, ..... TUNICATA Phallusia (Ascidia\ . ... VEETEBEATA. PISCES. Leptocardii Amphioxus, ...... Cyclostomi Petromyzon, Myxine, .. ' . 30 Selachii Raia, . "... 31-37 Teleostei Gadus, . . . * 38-43 AMPHIBIA Rana, . ... 44-51 EEPTILIA Lacerta, . , .52-54 AVES Columba, . . . . 55-61 MAMMALIA Lepus, . . ... . . 62-70 I N D E X. ACANTHOCEPHALA, Actinia, . ACTINOZOA, Amusba, . Amphibia, Anodon, . ARACHNJDA, Arthropoda, Ascidia, . Ascidian, Asterias, . Aurelia, . Aves, . Balanoylossus, . Bell-Animalcule, Blatta, Borlasia, . BracMopoda, . Bugula, . Cephalochorda, CESTOIDEA, Chaetognatha, . Chsetopoda, Cockroach, Cod, Columba, Coelenterata, . Crustacea, . Cyclostomata, . Distomum, Earthworm, Echinodermata, Ec.hinorhynchus, ELASMOBRAKCHII, Enteropneusta, Fratjarium, Fresh- Water Mussel, Fresh- Water Polype, Frog, PLATE PLATE 11 Gadus, .... 38-43 5 Gephyrea, . 12 5 Grantia, . 2 1 Greyarina, 1 44-51 Green Lizard, . 52-54 29 Hag-Fish, 30 16 Hdix, 17 25 Hemichordata, : 27 1%26 Hirudinea, 14 28 Hirudo, .... 14 28 Homarus, . 19-23 6 Hydra, .... 3 4 HYDROZOA, 3 4 55-61 INSECTA, .... 24 27 Jelly-Fish, 4 1 King Crab, 26 24 Lacerta, .... . 52-54 7 LAMELLIBRANCHIATA, . . 16 18 Lamprey, 30 18 Lancelot, .... 29 29 Leech, .... 14 9 Lepus, .... . 62-70 11 Limulus, . . . . 26 13 Linguatulidas, . 26 24 Lingula, . . , . 18 38-43 Liver-Fluke, 8 /-5-61 Lizard, .... . 52-54 35 Lobster, .... . 19-23 19-23 Lumbricus, 13 30 Mammalia, . 62-70 8 Membranipora, 18 13 Mollusca, . . 16,17 6 Mussel, .... 16 11 Myxine, . . 30 31-37 Myzostoma, 15 27 Myzostomea, . 15 28 Nemathelminthcs, . 10, 11 16 NEMATODA, 10 3 ^EMERTEA, . . . 7 44-51 Nobody Crab, . 26 ODONTOPHORA, . . - . PLATE 17 Rotifer a, Paramtjecium, .... 1 Sagitta, . Pentastomum, .... 26 Scorpio, . Periplaneta, .... 24 Scorpion, . Petromyzon, .... 30 Sea-Anemone, . Phallusia, .... 28 Sea-Squirt, 55-61 Sipunculus, . Pisces, . 31-43 Skate,, . 7-9 Slipper- Animalcule, Poecilopoda, 26 Snail, Polia, ..... 7 Sponge, . Polyzoa, .... 18 Star-Fish, Porifera, 2 Tsenia, Protozoa, . . . . 1 Tape -Worm, Pycnogonidae, . . . 26 Teleostei, . Pycnogonum, * 26 Tracheata, Eabbit, . . 62-70 TREMATODA, Raia, ..... 31-37 Trichina, . Rana, ..... . 44-51 Tunicata, . Beptilia, ... 52-54 Vermes, River Lamprey, 30 Vorticella, Rotifer, ..... 12 Wheel -Animalcule, PLATE 12 11 25 25 5 28 12 . 31-37 1 M 2 6 9 9 . 38-43 .24,25 8 10 28 . 7-15 1 12 ERRATUM. VIII. HEADING. For Didomum lanceolatum read Distomum hepaiicum. THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. 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