The D. Van No&rand Company intend this book to be sold to the Public at the advertised price, and supply it to the Trade on terms which will not allow of reduction. ENGINEERING AND METALLURGICAL BOOKS 1907-1911 Engineering and Metallurgical Books 1907-1911 A FULL TITLE CATALOGUE, ARRANGED UNDER SUBJECT HEADINGS, OF ALL BRITISH AND AMERICAN BOOKS ON ENGINEERING, METALLURGY, AND ALLIED TOPICS, PUBLISHED DURING THE FIVE YEARS IQII, WITH THEIR ENGLISH AND AMERICAN PRICES AND NAMES R. A. PEDDIE AUTHOR OF "METALLURGICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY, 1901-1906," "CATALOGUE OF WORKS ON PRACTICAL PRINTING, 1901-1911," " NATIONAL BIBLIOGRAPHIES," ETC., AND JOINT EDITOR OF "THE ENGLISH CATALOGUE OF BOOKS, 1801-1836 " NEW YORK D. VAN NOSTRAND CO., 25 PARK PLACE 1912 RICHARD CLAY & SONS, LIMITED, BRUNSWICK STREET, STAMFORD STREET, AND BUNOAY, SUFFOLK. PREFACE THE works included in this bibliography are only to be found by the laborious process of examining the various records of books published in Great Britain and the United States. Even these records are not exhaus- tive, some publishers failing to notify the public of the fact that they have published a book. In this volume I have brought together all the discoverable titles of publications on Engineering and Metallurgy issued in the English language during the years 1907-1911. They have been placed under the most specific subject head- ings, and these subject headings have been arranged in alphabetical order. For the further assistance of the reader I have added an index of authors' names and a table showing the subject headings in classified order. I have received considerable help from Mr. E. J. Eogers, the librarian of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, and from Mr. Charles Spon, who was good enough to read the proofs. To both these gentlemen I have to express my best thanks. I shall be glad to receive notes of any books not in- cluded, in order that the titles may be published in the supplement for 1912, which is in preparation. E. A. PEDDIE. August 1912. 257886 CLASSIFIED LIST OF SUBJECT HEADINGS ENGINEERING . . . * Arithmetic \ . Mathematics \_ for Chemistry I Engineers . Geology Costing and Management Estimating Contracts . . , Depreciation . Strength of Materials CIVIL ENGINEERING . MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Theory Graphics and Graphic Statics . Gyroscope . i : . Mechanics . > ' . Power . .'.-*. ,,. , Power Plants . STEAM . . . . Heat . STEAM ENGINE . Power Plants : Steam and Steam-Electric Corliss Engine Turbines, Steam Balancing of Engines Condensers Flywheels Governors Steam Traps . Superheating . . ., MARINE ENGINEERING Marine Engineers' Ex- aminations . . ., A Propellers, Marine . LOCOMOTIVES Boilers, Locomotive STATIONARY ENGINES Steam Economy Injectors Indicators PAGE 60 9 106 21 74 31 63 30 35 171 21 111 75 77 114 139 139 165 78 165 140 31 187 11 30 64 75 170 176 103 104 142 94 16 164 87 86 Steam Generation Analysis, Engineering . 7 Boiler Water . . .14 Boiler Tubes . . .14 Boiler Draught . . 14 Boiler Furnaces . . 14 Boilers . . . .15 Boilers, Marine . .17 Smoke Prevention . .163 STEAM ENGINE DRIVING . 168 HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING 82 Hydraulics . . .82 Power Plants; Water . 141 . Rams, Hydraulic . . 148 Turbines . . .186 Turbines, Hydraulic . 186 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 46 Electrical Calculations . 43 Electrical Contracting . 44 Dynamo Machines Armatures . . .10 Commutators ... 24 klectrical Engineering : Alternating Current . 53 Electrical Engineering : Direct Current . . 55 Electric Motors . . 41 Power Plants : Hydro - Electric . . .140 Induction Coils . . 87 Induction Motor . . 87 Transformers . . .185 ELECTRIC LIGHTING . . 39 Searchlights . . .157 ELECTRIC TRACTION . .41 Electric Transmission Electric Cables . . 38 Electrical Circuits . . 44 Electrical Distribution . 44 Electrical Wiring . . 58 Lightning Conductors . 94 Vll CLASSIFIED LIST OF SUBJECT HEADINGS PAGE Electrical Storage Batteries, Primary . . 12 Batteries, Storage . .12 ELECTRICAL MEASURE- MENTS ... 56 Electric Meters . . 40 Electrical Testing . . 57 INTERNAL COMBUSTION EN- GINES .... 88 Alcohol Engines . . 6 Carburettors . . .21 Gas, Producer . . .71 Gas Engines ... 69 Gas Engines, Marine . 71 Ignition Devices . . 85 Magnetos . . .102 Oil Engines . - .: . 132 Petrol Engines . . 135 Turbines, Gas . . .186 WINDMILLS . . . 192 COMPRESSED AIR . . 24 REFRIGERATION ., . . 149 Pumping and Blowing Machinery Pumps and Pumping . 143 Fans .... 63 Spraying . . -. .164 MlLLWRIGHTING , . 120 Plants, Industrial . .137 MACHINE SHOP. . * ., . 100 Blacksmithing . .13 Brazing . . . .19 Erecting . . i .63 Fitting . ... 64 Gauges . . ... 72 Measuring . . .107 Solder . . . ; .163 FOUNDRY ... . 65 FORGING . . . . 64 Die Forging ... 36 Rolling Mills -. ....... 154 PATTERN MAKING . . 134 Mechanical Drawing . 107 PIPES AND PIPING . . 136 SPRINGS . ''*. . . 164 POWER TRANSMISSION, ME- CHANICAL . . .141 Machine Design . . 98 Bearings . .12 Cams .... 20 Gears and Gear Cutting . 72 Link Motions . . .94 Valves . . 188 POWER TRANSMISSION, ME- CHANICAL (continued) Wire Ropes . . .192 Wire . . . .192 CRANES . . , . 33 ELEVATORS . . .59 LUBRICATION AND LUBRI- CANTS . . j." . 97 TOOLS . . V . 184 Metal Work . . .116 Grinding . . . .76 Saws . . . .156 Milling . . . . .120 Lathes . . <:_. 92 Drilling . . . . 37 Punches . . . .144 Pressing . . . . 142 Screw Cutting .,> . 156 MINING . . .' . 122 Faults . . 64 Mine Surveying . .121 Ore Deposits . . .133 Pioneering . ; . . 136 Prospecting . . .142 Practical Mining Blasting. . ... 14 Rock Drilling . . -.154 Shaft Sinking . . . . 1 59 Tunnelling . . .186 Well-Boring . . .192 COAL and COAL MINING . 22 ORE MINING . . 134 PETROLEUM MINING . . 135 CYANIDE . .-.-,. 35 ORE DRESSING . . .134 Naval and Military En- gineering Guns and Gunnery . . 76 Naval Machinery . .132 Submarine Vessels . .175 BRIDGES . - --'; . 19 Foundations . . 65 Girders . . . 74 ROOFS . . 154 RAILWAY CONSTRUCTION . 144 Curves . . .34 Geodesy . 73 Surveying . . 176 Earthwork . . 37 Retaining Walls . . 151 Spirals . . . .164 RAILWAY RAILS . . 146 BRAKES . .17 Vlll CLASSIFIED LIST OF SUBJECT HEADINGS PAG i : SUBWAYS . . . .176 ROADS and PAVEMENTS . 151 Asphalt . . . .10 IRRIGATION . . .91 RIVERS, etc. . . .151 Harbours . . . . 78 Docks . . . . 36 Dredging ... . 37 Dams . . . . 35 Sub -Aqueous Engineering 175 SANITARY ENGINEERING . 154 Municipal Engineering . 131 Water . . . .190 Water Supply . .190 Baths, Swimming and other .... 12 Reservoirs . . .150 Sewers and Sewerage . 159 Sewage . . . .157 Street Cleaning . .171 Drains and Drainage . 36 AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY 6 TELEGRAPHY . . .179 Telegraphy, Wireless . 180 Telegraphy, Submarine . 179 Telephony . . .181 Telephony, Wireless . 183 RAILWAYS . . . .146 Signalling, Railway . 162 MOTOR CARS . . .126 Motor Cycles . . .131 AERONAUTICS ... 1 Chemical Technology Drying Machinery . . 37 FUEL 66 Fuel, Liquid ... 67 Peat . . .- .135 Coke . , . .24 ILLUMINATION . . . 85 Acetylene ... 1 Gas Engineering, Manu- facture and Supply . 67 ILLUMINATION (continued) Retorts .... Oil Transport . METALLURGY Alloys .... Electro-metallurgy . , Welding. IRON .... Iron, Corrosion and Pre- servation . . ' -. Steel . . . . GOLD . . SILVER .... COPPER .... LEAD .... TIN ANTIMONY . ... FURNACES Blast Furnaces Cupola Furnaces . , Electric Furnaces . . A.SSAYING, etc. . . . Analysis, Blowpipe . Analysis, Metallurgical . Metallography STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING Elastic Arches ', Marble .... Masonry i Concrete, Reinforced PLUMBING . HEATING .... Heating, Hot Air . Heating Hot Water Heating, Steam Hot Water Supply . VENTILATION SHIPBUILDING . . . . Motor Boats . ... Steamships . . PAGE 151 133 117 91 170 7 163 31 93 184 13 34 39 10 7 8 117 172 38 103 106 25 138 79 80 81 81 82 190 160 126 169 IX CATALOGUE ACETYLENE LEEDS (Frank Henry) and BUTTERFIELD (W. J. Atkin- son). Acetylene : the principles of its generation and use : a practical handbook on the production, purification and subsequent treatment of acetylene for the develop- ment of light, heat and power. 2nd edition, pp.396. 8vo. 1910. Lippincott : Philadelphia. $2. 75; Griffin: London. 8s. Qd. AERONAUTICS BEOCKETT (Paul). Bibliography of aeronautics, pp. 14 + 940. 8vo. 1910. Smithsonian Inst. : Washington. $2.25. Wesley: London. 9s. Qd. JANE (Frederick T.). All the world's airships (aero- planes and dirigibles) Flying Annual. Obi. 4to. Ann. Low : London. 21s. AERO CLUB OF AMERICA. Navigating the air : a scientific statement of the progress of aeronautical science up to the present time. pp. 42 + 260. 8vo. 1907. Heinemann: London. 6s. Doubleday, P.: New York $1.50. MOEDEBECK (Hermann W. L.). Pocket-book of aero- nautics. Translated by W. M. .Varley. pp.13 + 496. 8vo. 1907. Whittaker: London. 10s. 6d. Macmillan : New York. $3.25. MONTAGU (Lord). A short history of balloons and flying machines. With a chapter by Major B. Baden- Powell. pp.124. 8vo. 1907. "Car Illustrated": London. Is. Qd. B 1 . a ,/ AERONAUTICS Comd. ' LANCHESTER (Frederick William). Aerial flight. (Vol. 1. Aerodynamics. Vol. 2. Aerodonetics.) 2 vols. 8vo. 1907-08. Constable : London. 42s. Van Nostrand: New York. $12. HILDEBRANDT (A.). Airships past and present, to- gether with chapters on the use of balloons in connection with meteorology, photography and the carrier pigeon. Translated by W. H. Story, pp. 16 + 364. 8vo. 1908. Constable: London. 10s. 6oL Van Nostrand : New York. $3. MAXIM (Sir Hiram Stevens). Artificial and natural flight, pp. 15 + 166. 8vo. 1908. Whittaker : London. 5s. Macmillan: New York. $1.75. MARSHALL (Alfred William) and GREENLY (Henry). Flying machines : past, present and future. A popular account of flying machines, dirigible balloons and aero- planes. 2nd edition, pp.138.. 8vo. 1909. P.Marshall: London. Is. MORGAN (Alfred Powell). How to build a 20-foot bi-plane glider : a practical handbook on the construction of a bi-plane gliding machine, pp.60. 8vo. 1909. Spon : New York. 25c. Spon : London. Is. 6d. POWELL (B. BADEN-). Practical aerodynamics and the theory of the aeroplane. Pt. 1. pp.66. 8vo. 1909. "Aeronautics"-: London. Is. BOTCH (Abbott Lawrence). The conquest of the aL- : or the advent of aerial navigation, pp. 10 + 192. 8vo. 1909. Moffat : New York. $1. THE AERO MANUAL. 2nd edition. pp.208. 8vo. 1910. Temple Press: London. Is. Qd. Spon: New York. 75c. ALEXANDER (J. H.). Model balloons and flying machines. With a short account of the progress of aviation, pp.140. 8vo. 1910. C. Lockwood : London. 3s. 6d. net. Henley : New York. $1.50. BERGET (Alphonse). Conquest of the air: aeronautics, aviation: history, theory and practice. pp. 24 + 295. 8vo. 1910. Putnam : New York. $3.50. Heinemann : "London. 12s. Qd. 2 AERONAUTICS Contd. OHATDEY (Herbert). The problem of flight. 2nd edition, pp. 10 + 131. 8vo. 1910. C. Griffin: London. 10s. Qd. Lippincott: Philadelphia. $3.50. FABMAN (Dick) and (Henri). The aviator !s companion, pp. 16 + 102. 8vo. 1910. Mills & B. : London. 2s. 6d. HATCH (D. S.). Aerial navigation, pp.114. 8vo. 1910. Amer. Sch. Corresp. : Chicago. $1. HEAENE (R. P.). Airships in peace and war : being the 2nd edition of Aerial Warfare, with seven new chapters, an introduction by Sir H. Maxim, &c. pp. 48 + 324. Svo. 1910. Lane: London. 7s. Qd. Lane: New York. $3.50. JACKMAN (W. J.) and RUSSELL (Thomas H.). Flying machines : construction and operation : a practical book which shows, in illustrations, working plans and text, how to build and navigate the modern airship, pp.221. Svo. 1910. Thompson Co. : Chicago. $1. JOHNSON (Valentine Edward). The theory and practice of model aeroplaning. pp. 15 + 148. 8vo. 1910. Spon : London. 3s. Qd. Spon: New York. $1.50. KENNEDY (D. Ross). The- aeroplane portfolio. Con- taining nine sheets of scale drawings of the following celebrated aeroplanes : Farman, Voisin, Santos Dumont, Wright, Curtiss, Cody, Bleriot, Antoinette and Rep, with a description of each machine, pp.13. 8vo and fol. 1910. P. Marshall: London. Is. Spon: New York. 50c. KENNEDY (Rankin). Flying machines : practice and design, pp.174. 8vo. 1910. Tech. Pub. Co. : London. 5s. Van Nostrand : New York. $2. LEA (John) i.e. BBICKNELL (John Lea). Cruisers in the clouds. pp. 7 + 166. 4to. 1910. W. Gardner: London. LOUGHEED (Victor). Vehicles of the air : a popular exposition of modern aeronautics with working drawings. 2nd edition, pp.514. 8vo. 1910. F. Unwin : London. 12s. Qd. Reilly & B. : Chicago. $2.50. NEILSON (Robert Morrison). Aeroplane patents, pp. 10 + 91. 8vo. 1910. Constable: London. 4s. Qd. Van Nostrand: New York. $2. E2 3 AERONAUTICS Contd. PILCHER (Percy Sinclair). Gliding. To which is added the aeronautical work of John Stringfellow. pp. 20 + 39. 8vo. 1910. Aeronautical Society: London. Is. TUENER (Charles C.). Aerial navigation of to-day. A popular account of the evolution of aeronautics. 2nd edition, pp.326. 8vo. 1910. Se-eley : London. 5s. WALKER (Frederick). Aerial navigation : a practical handbook on the construction of balloons, aeroplanes, etc. 2nd edition, pp. 11 + 164. 8vo. 1910. C. Lockwood : London. 5s. Van Nostrand : New York. $2. BACON (Gertrude). How men fly. pp.117. 8vo. 1911. Cassell : London. Is. BREWER (Eobert Wellesley Antony). The art of aviatixm : a handbook upon aeroplanes and their engines, with notes upon propellers. 2nd edition, revised and enlarged. pp. 16 + 278. 8vo. 1911. C. Lockwood: London. 10s. 6d. McGraw : New York. $3.50. BRYAN (George Hartley). Stability in aviation. An introduction to dynamical stability as applied to the motions of aeroplanes, pp. 10 + 192. 8vo. 1911. Mac- millan : London. 5s. Macmillan : New York. $2. CHATLEY (Herbert). Principles and design of aero- planes. pp.109. 12mo. 1911. Van Nostrand: New York. 50c. ENNIS (William Duane). Flying machines to-day. pp.16 + 205. 8vo. 1911. Van Nostrand: New York. $1.50. HARPER (Edgar Henry) and FERGUSON (Allan Hitchen). Aerial locomotion. With an introduction by G. H. Bryan, pp. 12 + 164. 8vo. 1911. Univ. Press: Cambridge. Is. Putnam: New York. 40c. HOERNES (Hermann). A compendium of aviation and aerostation. Balloons, dirigibles and flying-machines. pp.11 + 177. 16mo. 1911. Griffin: London. HUBBARD (T. O'B.) and others. The aeroplane. An elementary text-book of the principles of dynamic flight, pp. 11 + 127. 8vo. 1911. Longmans: London. 2s. 6d. Longmans : New York. $1. KAEMPFFERT (Waldemar B.). The new art of flying, pp. 17 + 291. 8vo. 1911. Pitman: London. Is. 6d. Dodd, Mead: New York. $1.50. AERONAUTICS Contd. KENNEDY (Eankin). The principles of aeroplane con- struction. With calculations, formulae and 51 diagrams, pp. 8 + 137. 8vo. 1911. Churchill: London. 5s. Van Nostrand: New York. $1.50. LE MAITBE (W.). Natural stability and the parachute principle in aeroplanes, pp.46. 8vo. 1911. Spon : London. Is. Qd. Spon: New York. 60c. LILIENTHAL (Otto). Birdflight as the basis of aviation. A contribution towards a system of aviation. Translated by A. W. Isenthal. pp. 24 + 142. 8vo. 1911. Long- mans : London. 9s. Longmans : New York. $2.50. LOENING (Grover Cleveland). Monoplanes and biplanes : their design, construction and operation, pp. 14 + 331. 8vo. 1911. Munn: New York. $2.50. S. Low: London. 12s. Qd. LYON (Harold -S.). Beginner's handbook of aero- nautics, and How to build a practical bi-plane glider. 12mo. 1911. Westbrook Co. : Cleveland, 0. 25c. PETIT (Eobert). How to build an aeroplane. Trans- lated by T. O'B. Hubbard and J. H. Ledeboer. 2nd edition, pp. 13 + 118. 8vo. 1911. Williams & N. : London. 2s. Qd. Van Nostrand : New York. $1.50. PIERCE (Eobert Morris). Dictionary of aviation. pp.267. 12mo. 1911. Baker T. Co. : New York. $1.40. PORTER (James Eobertson). The helicopter flying machine. An account of previous experiments, including an analysis of the author's turbine machine, with theory and deductions, pp. 8 + 80. 8vo. 1911. "Aeronautics": London. THURSTON (Albert Peter). Elementary aeronautics : or, the science and practice of aerial machines, pp. 7 + 126. 8vo. 1911. Whittaker: London. 3s. 6d. Mac- millan: New York. $1.25. TURNER (Charles 0.). The romance of aeronautics : an interesting account of the growth and achievement of all kinds of aerial craft, pp.313. 12mo. 1911. Lippincott : Philadelphia. $1.50. WELLMAN (Walter). The aerial age : a thousand miles by airship over the Atlantic Ocean. Airship voyages over 5 AERONAUTICS Contd. the Polar Sea. The past, the present and the future of aerial navigation, pp.448. 8vo. 1911. Keller : New York. $1.50. Spon: London. 7s. 6d. WHITE (Claude Grahame) and HARPER (Harry). The aeroplane: past, present and future, pp. 15 + 319. 8vo. 1911. Laurie: London. 15s. Lippincott : Philadelphia. $3.50. ZAHM (Albert Francis). Aerial navigation : a popular treatise on the growth of air craft and on aeronautical meteorology, pp. 16 + 496. 8vo. 1911. Appleton : New York. $3. Appleton: London. 12s. 6d. AEROPLANES See Aeronautics. AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY DAVIDSON (Jay Brownlee) and CHASE (Leon Wilson). Farm machinery and farm motors, pp. 6 + 513. 8vo. 1908. Orange Judd Co. : New York. $2. K. Paul : London. 10s. STEPHENSON (James H.). Farm engines and how to run them: the young engineer's guide: with special attention to traction and gasoline farm engines, pp.243. 8vo. 1910. Drake: Chicago. $1. CONLEE (Frederick M.). Electricity on the farm. 12mo. 1911. Sturgis & W. : New York. 75c. AIR BRAKE See Brakes. * AIRSHIPS See Aeronautics. ALCOHOL ENGINES See also Internal Combustion Engines. SOREL (Ernest). Carburetting and combustion in alcohol engines. Trans, by Sherman M. Woodward and J. Preston, pp. 6 + 269. 8vo. 1907. Wiley: New York. $3. Chapman & H. : London. 12s. 6d. 6 ALLOYS See also Analysis, Metallurgical. Metallurgy. GULLIVER (Gilbert Henry). Metallic alloys : their structure and construction, pp. 15 + 254. 8vo. 1908. Griffin : London. 6s. Lippincott : Philadelphia. $2. SEXTON (Alexander Humboldt). Alloys. (Non- ferrous), pp. 8 + 283 + 6. 8vo. 1908. Scient. Pub. Co. : Manchester. 7s. Qd. Van Nostrand : New York. $3. LAW (Edward F.). Alloys and their industrial applica- tions, pp. 15 + 269. 8vo. 1909. 0. Griffin: London. 12s. Qd. Lippincott: Philadelphia. $4. BBANNT (William Theodore). The metallic alloys. A practical guide for the manufacturer of all kinds of alloys, amalgams and solders used by metal workers. With an appendix on the coloring of alloys and the recovery of waste metals. Illustrated by 45 engravings. 3rd edition, pp. 29 + 549. 8vo. 1911. Baird : Philadelphia. $5. S. Low: London. 25s. BUCHANAN (John F.). Practical alloying : a com- pendium of alloys and processes for brass founders and engineers, pp.205. 8vo. 1911. Penton Pub. Co. : Cleveland 0. $2.50. Spon : London. 10s. 6d. ALTERNATING CURRENTS See Electrical Engineering, Alternating Currents. ANALYSIS, BLOWPIPE BUTLER (G. Montague). Pocket handbook of blowpipe analysis, designed for the use of students and prospectors, pp. 5 + 80. 8vo. 1910. Wiley: New York. 75c. Chapman & H. : London. 3s. ANALYSIS, ENGINEERING KERSHAW (John Baker Cannington). Fuel, water and gas analysis for steam users, pp. 11 + 167. 8vo. 1907. Constable: London. 8s. Van Nostrand: New York. $2.50. GILL (Augustus Herman). Gas and fuel analysis for engineers. A compend for those interested in the economical application of fuel. 5th edition. pp.7 + 117. 12mo. 1908. Wiley: New York. $1.25. Chapman & H. London. 5s. Qd. 1 ANALYSIS, ENGINEERING Contd. PARR (Samuel Wilson). The chemical examination of water, fuel, flue gases and lubricants : a course for engineering students, pp.100. 8vo. 1911. Author: Urbana, 111. $1. ANALYSIS, METALLURGICAL See also Assaying. Metallurgy. ARNOLD (John Oliver) and IBBOTSON (Fred.). Steel works analysis. 3rd edition, pp. 14 + 468. 8vo. 1907. Whittaker: London. 10s. 6d. MILLER (Edmund Howd). Quantitative analysis for mining engineers. 2nd edition, pp. 7 + 151. 8vo. 1907. Van Nostrand: New York. $1.50. ARGALL (Philip H.). Western mill and smelter methods of analysis. 3rd edition, pp.144. 8vo. 1908. Min. & Scient. Press : San Francisco. $2. Tech. Bk. Shop : London. 8s. 6d. BLAIR (Andrew Alexander). The chemical analysis of iron : a complete account of all the best-known methods for the analysis of iron, steel, pig-iron, iron ore, lime- stone, slag, clay, sand, coal, coke and furnace and producer gases. 7th edition, pp. 19 + 334. 8vo. 1908. Lippincott : Philadelphia. $4. Lippincott : London. 18s. HEESS (John Karl). Practical methods for the iron and steel works chemist, pp.60. 8vo. 1908. Chemical Pub. Co. : Easton Pa. $1. PARRY (Laurence). The analysis of ashes and alloys, pp. 4 + 143. 8vo. 1908. Mining Journal : London. 5s. PHILLIPS (Francis 0.). Methods for the analysis of ores, pig-iron and steel. 2nd edition, pp.178. 8vo. 1908. Williams & N. : London. 4s. 6d. JOHNSON (Charles Morris). Eapid methods for the chemical analysis of special steels, steel-making, alloys and graphite, pp. 6 + 221. 8vo. 1909. Wiley: New York. $3. Chapman & H. : London. 12s. Qd. MACFARLANE (Walter). Laboratory notes on iron and steel analyses, pp. 14 + 462. 8vo. 1909. Longmans: London. 7s. 6d. Longmans : New York. $2.50. CAMPION (Alfred). Iron and steel analysis. Vol. I. pp.80. 8vo, 1910. Eraser A. & Co. : Glasgow. 8 ANALYSIS, METALLURGICAL Contd. Low (Albert Howard). Technical methods of ore analysis. 5th edition, pp. 14 + 362. 8vo. 1911. Wiley: New York. $3. Chapman & H. : London. 12s. 6d. MACFARLANE (Walter). A practical guide to iron and steel works analysis : being selections from " Laboratory notes on iron and steel analyses." pp. 11 + 184. 8vo. 1911. Longmans: London. 4s. Longmans: New York. $1.25. PRICE (W T illiam Benham) and MEADE (Eichard K.). The technical analysis of brass and the non-ferrous alloys, pp. 4 + 267. 8vo. 1911. Wiley: New York. $2. Chapman & H. : London. 8s. Qd. ANTIMONY WANG (Chung Yu). Antimony : its history, chemistry, mineralogy, geology, metallurgy, uses, preparations, analysis, production and valuation. With complete bibliographies, pp. 10 + 217. 8vo. 1909. C. Griffin: London. 12s. 6d. Lippincott : Philadelphia. $4. ARC LAMPS See Electric Lighting. ARITHMETIC See also Mathematics. COLVIN (Fred Herbert) and .CHENEY ( ). Engineer's arithmetic. 2nd edition. pp.122. 12mo. 1909. Henley : New York. 50c. LARARD (Charles Edward) and GOLDING (Henry Albert). Practical calculations for engineers. 2nd edition,, enlarged, pp. 13 + 463. 8vo. 1909. C. Griffin : London. 6s. Lippincott : Philadelphia. $2. MECHANICS' TABLES. 12mo. 1909. Milner : Halifax. Is. OBERG (Erik V.). Tables and formulas for shop and drafting room. 2nd edition. pp.48. 8vo. 1909. Indust. Press : New York. 25c. COLVIN (Fred Herbert). Machine shop arithmetic. 5th edition, pp.150. 12mo. 1910. Henley: New York. 50c. OBERG (Erik V.). Advanced shop arithmetic for the machinist, pp.56. 8vo. 1910. Indust. Press : New York. 25c. 9 ARITHMETIC Contd. DARLING (Henry A.). A course of elementary work- shop arithmetic. pp.172. 8vo. 1911. Blackie : London. Is. Qd. OBERG (Erik V.). Shop arithmetic for the machinist. 4th edition, pp.48. 8vo. 1911. Tndust. Press: New York. 25c. ARMATURES See also Electrical Engineering. HOBART (Henry Metcalfe) and ELLIS (A. G.). Arma- ture construction, pp. 9 + 348. 8vo. 1907. Whittaker : London. 15s. Macmillan : New York. $4.50. HORSTMANN (Henry Charles) and TOUSLEY (Victor H.). Practical armature and magnet winding : a com- prehensive treatise for the workers : fully illustrating the theoretical principles and shcip practice of armature and magnet work. 2nd edition, pp. 5 + 259. 12mo. 1911. Drake: Chicago. $1.50. ARTILLERY See Guns. ASPHALT See also Bitumen. Eoads. BOORMAN (Thomas Hugh). Asphalts, their sources and utilizations: asphalt for dustless roads, etc. pp.168. 8vo. 1908. Comstock : New York. $3. ASSAYING See also Metallurgy. AUSTIN (Leonard Strong). The fire assay of gold, silver and lead in ores and metallurgical products, pp.88. 8vo. 1907. Min. & Scient. Press: San Francisco. $1. Tech. Bk. Shop : London. 4s. Qd. BROWN (W. L.). Manual of assaying gold, silver, copper and lead ores. 12th edition, pp.589. 8vo. 1907. Spon: London. 10s. 6d. Spon : New York. $4.20. BUSKETT (Evans W.). Fire assaying. A practical treatise on the fire assaying of gold, silver and lead, including description of the appliances used. pp. 7 + 105. 8vo. 1907. Van Nostrand : New York. $1.25. Spon: London. 4s. 6d. 10 ASSAYING Contd. BERINGER (0.) and (John Jacob). A text-book of assaying. Kevised by J. J. Beringer. 12th edition, pp. 16 + 456. 8vo. 1910. C. Griffin: London. 10s. Qd. FURMAN (Howard Van F.). A manual of practical assaying. Eevised by W.i D. Pardoe. 7th edition. pp.8 + 530. 8vo. 1910. Wiley: New York. $3. Chapman & H. : London. 12s. 6d. LECUONA (S. M.). Eapid assaying for mining engineers. New edition. pp.61. obi. 8vo. 1910. Mining Journal : London. SEAMON (W. H.). A manual for assayers and chemists, pp. 13 + 255. 8vo. 1910. Wiley : New York. $2.50. Chapman & H. : London. 10s. 6d. SMITH (J. Reginald). Modern assaying. A concise treatise describing latest methods and appliances. Edited by F. W. Braun. pp.145. 8vo. 1910. Lippincott : Philadelphia. $1.50. Lippincott: London. 6s. FULTON (Charles Herman). A manual of fire assaying. 2nd edition, pp. 16 + 219. 8vo. 1911. McGraw : New York. $2. Hill Pub. Co. : London 8s. Gd. LODGE (Richard Walley). Notes on assaying and metallurgical laboratory experiments. 3rd edition. pp.11 + 317. 8vo. 1911. Wiley: New York. $3. Chapman & H. : London. 12s. 6d. RHEAD (Ezra L.) and SEXTON (Alexander Humboldt). Assaying and metallurgical analysis. 2nd edition, pp. 10 + 451. 8vo. 1911. Longmans": London. 12s. 6d. Longmans : New York. $4.50. AUTOMOBILES See Motor Cars. AVIATION See Aeronautics. BALANCING OF ENGINES SHARP (Archibald). Balancing of engines, steam, gas and petrol. With numerous tables and diagrams, pp. 10 + 212. 8vo. 1907. Longmans: London. 6s. Longmans: New York. $1.75. BALLOONS See Aeronautics. 11 BATHS, SWIMMING AND OTHER ALLEN (John Kermott). Swimming pools : their con- struction. pp.63. 16mo. 1907. Domestic Engineering : Chicago. 50c. GERHARD (William Paul). Modern baths and bath houses, pp. 16 + 311. 8vo. 1908. Wiley: New York. $3. Chapman & H. : London. 12s. Qd. BATTERIES, PRIMARY JONES (Bernard E.). Electric primary batteries : a practical guide to their construction and use. pp.160. 12mo. 1911. Cassell: London. Is. Oassell : New York. 50c. BATTERIES, STORAGE VICAREY (E. W.). The treatment of storage batteries, pp. 11 + 58. 4to. 1907. Electric Accumulator : London. 2s. 6d. WADE (E. J.). Secondary batteries, pp. 9 + 492. 8vo. 1909. "The Electrician" Co.: London. 10s. Qd. Van Nostrand : New York. $4. JONES (Bernard E.). Electric accumulators : a prac- tical guide to their construction and management. pp.160. 12mo. 1911. Cassell : London. Is. Cassell: New York. 50c. LYNDON (Lamar). Storage battery engineering : a practical treatise for engineers. 3rd edition, pp. 8 + 601. 8vo. 1911. McGraw : New York. $4. Hill Pub. Co. : London. 17s. NIBLETT (J. T.). Storage batteries, stationary and portable : a clear exposition of the principles governing the action of storage batteries, pp.77 + 4. 12mo. 1911. Drake : Chicago. 50c. Spon : London. 2s. 6d. WATSON (Arthur Eugene). Storage batteries, their theory, construction and use. . . . 2nd edition, pp. 7 + 166. 8vo. 1911. Bubier Pub. Co. : Lynn, Mass. $1.50. BEARINGS See also Lubrication. BALLBEARINGS, pp.32. 8vo. 1910. Indust. Press: New York. 25c. 12 BEARINGS Contd. BEARINGS : design friction lubrication bearing metals. 2nd edition, pp.48. 8vo. 1910. Indust. Press : New York. 25c. ALFORD (L. P.). Bearings and their lubrication. pp.7 + 235. 8vo. 1911. McGraw : New York. $2.50. Hill Pub. Co. : London. 10s. Qd. BEVEL GEARS See Gears. BITUMEN PECKHAM (Stephen Farnum). Solid bitumens, their physical and chemical properties and chemical analysis : together with a treatise on the chemical technology of bituminous pavements, pp. 8 + 324. 8vo. 1909. Clark Pub. Co.: New York. $5. Spon : London. 21s. BLACKSMITHING SALLOWS (James Francis). The blacksmith's guide: valuable instructions on forging, welding, hardening, tempering, casehardening, annealing, coloring, brazing and general blacksmithing. pp. 8 + 157. 8vo. 1907. Tech. Press: Brattleboro, Vt. $2. WESTOVER (Ozro A.). The scientific steel worker : a practical manual for steel workers and blacksmiths : the art of working steel thoroughly explained : also steel working receipts and mechanical tables for making rings of all sizes of iron, steel and angle iron. 2nd edition. pp.200. 8vo. 1907. Author: Wheeling, W.Va. $2.50. BLACKSMITH SHOP PRACTICE, pp.40. 8vo. 1910. Irtdust. Press : New York. 25c. CRAN (James). Machine blacksmithing. 2nd edition. pp.36. 8vo. 1910. Indust. Press : New York. 25c. HOLM STROM (John Gustav) and HOLFORD (H.). American blacksmithing, toolsmiths' and steelworkers ' manual, pp. 202 + 240. 8vo. 1911. Sears R. & Co.: Chicago. $4. BLAST FURNACES FORSYTHE (Robert). The blast furnace and the manu- facture of pig iron : an elementary treatise for the use of the metallurgical student and the furnaceman. 2nd 13 BLAST FURNACES Contd. edition, pp.368. 8vo. 1908. McGraw : New York. $3. Hill Pub. Co. : London. 12s. 6d. MOKGAN (John James). Blast furnace practice. pp.8 + 46. 8vo. 1909. C. Griffin: London. Is. 6d. Lippincott : Philadelphia. 75c. BLASTING DAW (Albert W.) and (Zacharias W.). The blasting of rock. 2nd edition, pp. 19 + 274. 8vo. 1909. Spon : London. 15s. Spon : New York. $6. MAUEICE (William). The shotfirer's guide: a practical manual on blasting and the prevention of blasting accidents, pp. 9 + 203. 8vo. 1909. Electrician Co. : London. 3s. Qd. Van Nostrand : New York. $1.50. MAURICE (William). Electric blasting apparatus and explosives : with special reference to colliery practice. ' pp. 10 + 166. 8vo. 1910. Electrician Co. : London. 8s. 6d. Van Nostrand: New York. $3.50. BLOWPIPE ANALYSIS See Analysis, Blowpipe. BOILER DRAUGHT PRATT (Harry Keay). Boiler draught, pp. 6 + 138. 8vo. 1911. Constable: London. 4s. BOILER FURNACES BOILER FURNACES. pp.45. 8vo. 1911. Indust. Press: New York. 25c. BOILER TUBES ENGINEERING STANDARDS COMMITTEE. No. 43. British standard specification for charcoal iron lapwelded boiler tubes, ff.6. fol. 1909. C. Lockwood : London. 2s. 6d. ENGINEERING STANDARDS COMMITTEE. No. 53. British standard specification for cold drawn weldless steel tubes for locomotive boilers, ff.6. fol. 1911. C. Lockwood : London. 2s. 6d. BOILER WATER CHRISTIE (William Wallace). Boiler-waters : scale, corrosion, foaming. pp. 7 + 235. 8vo. 1907. Van Nostrand: New York. $3. Spon: London. 12s. 6d. 14 BOILER WATER Contd. RICHARDS (Ellen Henrietta). Laboratory notes on industrial water analysis : a survey course for engineers. pp,3 + 49. 8vo. 1908. Wiley: New York. 50c. Chapman & H. : London. 2s. 6d. ANDERSON (Frederic Alfred). Boiler feed water : a practical treatise on its quality, effects and purification. pp.160. 8vo. 1909. " Electrician " Co. : London. 6s. Van Nostrand: New York. $2.50. FEED WATER APPLIANCES, pp.48. 8vo. 1911. Iridust. Press : New York. 25c. BOILERS See also Injectors. FOWLER (William Henry). Steam boilers and supple- mentary appliances. pp. 12 + 619 + 14. 8vo. 1907. Scientific Pub. Co. : Manchester. 12s. 6d. HILLER (Edward G.). Notes on material, construction and design of land boilers. 2nd edition, pp.100. 8vo. 1907. J. Collins & K. : Manchester. Is. 6d. PARSONS (Harry de Berkeley). Steam-boilers : their theory and design. 3rd edition. pp. 17 + 377. 8vo. 1907. Longmans : London. 10s. 6d. Longmans : New York. $4. PATRCCK (C. P.) and others. Boiler rules, formulas and tables used in construction, testing and inspection of boilers, pp.185. 8vo. 1907. Master Steam Boiler Makers' Assoc. : Chicago. $1.25. CHRISTIE (Stephen). The boiler. Boiler rules and tables used in the construction, testing and operation of steam boilers, pp.264. 8vo. 1908. Christie Pub! Co. : Chicago. $2.50. COLLET (Harold). Water softening and purification. The softening and clarification of hard and dirty waters. 2nd edition, revised, pp. 7 + 170. 8vo. 1908. Spon : London. 5s. Spon : New York. $2. COLLINS (Hubert Edwin). Boilers, pp. 7 + 196. 8vo. 1908. McGraw : New York. $1. Hill Pub. Co. : London. 4s. 6d. CRUICKSHANK (William D.). The principles and prac- tice of boiler construction, a manual of instruction and 15 BOILERS Contd. useful information for practical men. 2nd edition. pp.374. 8vo. 1908. Angus & E. : Sydney. Aust. Book Co. : London. 15s. GEOVEB (Frederick). Notes on boiler testing. 2nd edition. pp.41. 8vo. 1908. Technical Pub. Co. : Manchester. Is. HOBNEB (Joseph Gregory). Plating and boiler-making. 2nd edition, thoroughly revised and enlarged, pp. 14 + 374. 8vo. 1908. C. Lockwood : London. 9s. KLEINHANS (Frank B.). Boiler construction: a prac- tical explanation of the best modern methods of boiler construction from the laying out of sheets to the com- pleted boiler, pp.421. 8vo. 1908. Constable : London. 12s. Qd. Van Nostrand : New York. $3. PEABODY (Cecil Hobart) and MILLER (Edward P.). Steam boilers. 2nd edition, pp. 8 + 434. 8vo. 1908. Wiley : New York. $4. Chapman & H. : London. 17s. LELAND (Walter S.). Boiler accessories : a complete and authoritative treatise on the various accessories of the boiler room and engine room essential to economical operation, together with practical instruction in their use. pp.123. 8vo. 1909. Amer. Sch. Corresp. : Chicago. $1. C. Lockwood: London. 4s. 6d. LOBD (George W.). Boiler troubles and their treat- ment. Bevised edition, pp.80. 8vo. 1910. Author: Philadelphia. Gratis. KEBSHAW (John Baker Cannington). Boilers and boiler control. A handbook for firemen and boiler engineers. With an introduction by E. W. Hope, pp.59. 8vo. 1911. Davis Bros. : London. STEAM BOILERS, pp.48. 8vo. 1911. Indust. Press : New York. 25c. BOILERS, LOCOMOTIVE SWINGLE (Calvin Franklin). Locomotive fireman's boiler instructor : a complete practical treatise on loco- motive boilers, care and operation, including fireman's duties, heat and fuel combustion, pp. 419 + 16. 12mo. 1909. Drake: Chicago. $1.50. 16 BOILERS, MARINE ENGINEERING STANDAEDS COMMITTEE. No. 14. British standard specification for structural steel for marine boilers. 3rd issue, fill. fol. 1907. 0. Lockwood : London. 2s. 6d. STEOMEYEE (Johann Philip Edmond Charles). Marine boiler management and construction. 3rd edition, pp. 20 + 404. 8vo. 1907. Longmans: London. 12s. Longmans : New York. $4. MCKNIGHT (James D.) and BEOWN (Alfred W.). Design of marine multitubular boilers. A treatise for marine engineers, marine draughtsmen and students, pp.48. 8vo. 1910. Tech. Pub. Co. : London. 3s. Qd. Van Nostrand : New York. $1.50. BRAKES CAFFEETY (D. E.). Instruction book on the air brake and electrical equipment, pp.94. 12mo. 1907. Author: Brooklyn, N.Y. MODEEN AIE BEAKE PEACTicE. (Vol. 3. Art of rail- roadiiig.) Var. pp. 8vo. 1907. Rail. Pubs. Socy. : Chicago. $3.50. DUKESMITH (Frank Hutchinson). Modern air brake practice, its use and abuse. A book of instruction on the automatic, combined automatic and straight air and high speed brake. 5th edition, pp. 417 + 35. 8vo. 1908. Drake: Chicago. $1.50. JONES (Frederick Lewis). Questions, answers and whys, on the air-brake : an up-to-date treatise on the air-brake, new and old. Construction, operation, defects and their remedies, pp.223. 8vo. 1908. The author : Elmira. RANDOLPH (Vern Curtis). 1908. Air brake catechism and instruction book on the construction and operation of the Westinghouse and New York air brakes with a list of examination questions and answers for enginemen and trainmen, pp.165. 12mo. 1908. Author: Sala- manca, N.Y. $1. DENEHIE (George R.). Motorman's practical air brake instructor : a concise up-to-date treatise on the construc- tion and operation of the different air brake equipments used in modern electric transportation, pp.280. 8vo. 1909. Drake : Chicago. $1.50. . c 17 BRAKES Contd. KNIGHT (S. Y.). Notes on the vacuum automatic brake. With a note on "slipping carriages." pp. 8 + 96. 8vo. 1909. Loco. Pub. Co. : London. Is. McARDLE (Fred) and HELMHOLTZ (Henry). Air brake text for engineers and firemen : a complete treatise on the Westinghouse and New York air brake and signal systems, air brake practice and train handling, pp. 4 + 375. 8vo. 1909. Authors: Chicago. $2.50. McARDLE (Fred) and HELMHOLTZ (Henry). Westing- house diagrammatic and sectional views : air-brake and air-signal instruction charts. fol. 1909. Authors : Chicago. $2. NOTES ON THE VACUUM AUTOMATIC BRAKE : with a note on slipping carriages, pp.102. 8vo. 1909. Loco. Pub. Co. : London. Is. WOOD (William Wallace). The Westinghouse E-T air brake instruction pocket book : a complete work explaining in detail the improved Westinghouse loco- motive air brake equipment, including both the No. 5 and latest, perfected No. 6 style, pp.242. 8vo. 1909. Henley: New York. $2. Spon : London. 8s. Gd. CONGER (Clinton Barker). The air brake catechism and instruction book on the construction and operation of the Westinghouse and the New York air brakes, with a list of examination questions for enginemen and train- men. 24th edition, pp.269. 12mo. 1910. Author: Grand Eapids, Mich. $1. BLACK ALL (Eobert Henry). Up-to-date air brake catechism : the only practical and complete work pub- lished, treating on the equipment manufactured by the Westinghouse Air Brake Co. 2000 questions with their answers. 25th edition, pp.352. 12mo. 1911. Henley : New York. $2. Spon : London. 8s. Gd. COMPLETE AIR BRAKE EXAMINATION QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS : Westinghouse New York : a standard up-to- date treatise for enginemen and students, pp. 4 + 376. 8vo. 1911. Drake: Chicago. $2. THE NEW YORK AIR BRAKE SYSTEM : a complete and strictly up-to-date treatise, containing detailed descrip- tions and explanations of all the various parts of the New York air brake. Var. pp. 8vo. 1911. Drake : Chicago. $2. 18 BRAKES Contd. SMITH (C. Kobert). Smith's further facts on air brake equipment, pp. 134. 12mo. 1911. Author: Denver, Col. $1. THE WESTINGHOUSE AIR BRAKE SYSTEM : a complete and strictly up to date treatise containing detailed descriptions and explanations of all the various parts of the Westinghouse air brake. var. pp. 8vo. 1911. Drake : Chicago. $2. SAYERS (H. M.). Brakes for tramway cars, pp.82. 8vo. 1907. " Electrician " Co. : London. 3s. 6d. BRAZING HOBART (James F.). Brazing and soldering, pp.33. 8vo. 1907. Henley : New York. 25c. BRIDGES See also Structural Engineering. BAMFORD (Harry). Moving loads on railway under- bridges, including diagrams of bending moments and shearing forces, and tables of equivalent uniform live loads, pp.78. 4to. 1907. Whittaker : London. 4s. Qd. Macmillan: New York. $1.25. BURR (William Hubert) and FALK (Myron S.). Design and construction of metallic bridges. 2nd edition, pp. 13 + 532. 8vo. 1908. Wiley: New York. $5. Chapman & H. : London. 21s. BURR (W T illiam Hubert) and FALK (Myron S.). The graphic method by influence lines for bridge and roof computations. 2nd edition, pp. 11 + 253. 8vo. 1908. Wiley: New York. '$3. Chapman & H. : London. 12s. 6d. DA VIES (Morgan W.). The theory and practice of bridge construction in timber, iron and steel, pp.604. 8vo. 1908. Macmillan : London. 12s. Macmillan : New York. $3.75. GRIMM (C. E.). Secondary stresses in bridge trusses, pp. 8 + 140. 8vo. 1908. Wiley: New York. $2.50. Chapman & H. : London. 10s. 6d, KETCHUM (Milo Smith). The design of highway bridges and the calculation of stresses in bridge trusses. C2 19 BRIDGES Contd. pp. 21 + 544. 8vo. 1908. Engineering News: New York. $4. Constable : London. 16s. THOMSON (William Chase). The design of typical steel railway bridges, an elementary course for engineering students and draftsmen, pp. 7 + 178. 8vo. 1908. Engin. News : New York. $2. Constable : London. 8s. WATSON (Wilbur Jay). General specifications for con- crete bridges, pp.82. 8vo. Author : Cleveland, 0. 1908. $1. DUFOUB (Frank 0.). Bridge engineering. Eoof trusses. 8vo. 1909. Amer. Sch. of Corresp. : Chicago. $3. C. Lockwood: London^ 12s. Qd. FIDLEB (Thomas Claxton). A practical treatise on bridge-construction : being a text-book on the design and construction of bridges in iron and steel. 4th edition. pp.29 + 456. 8vo. 1909. C. Griffin: London. 30s. SHEBBILL (Clarence Osborne). The examination and repair of simple highway bridges, with principles relating to their design, pp.37. 8vo. 1909. Staff College : Fort Leavenworth. 25c. TYBBELL (Henry Grattan). Concrete bridges and culverts for both railroads and highways, pp. 11 + 251. 8vo. 1909. Clark Pub. Co.: Chicago. $3. Spon : London. 12s. 6d. THOMSON (William Chase). Bridge and structural design. 2nd edition, pp. 6 + 192. 8vo. 1910. Engin. News : New York. $2. Constable : London. 8s. STEINMAN (David Bernard). Suspension bridges and cantilevers, their economic proportions and limiting spans. pp.185. 12mo. 1911. Van Ndstrand : New York. 50c. Spon: London. 2s. TYBBELL (Henry Grattan). History of bridge engineer- ing. pp.479. 8vo. 1911. Author : Chicago. $4. CABLES See Electric cables. CAMS SMITH (Charles Follansbee) and others. The design and construction of cams. pp. 6 + 70. 8vo. 1907. McGraw : New York. $3. Hill Pub. Co. : London. 12s. 6d. 20 CAMS Contd. DESIGNING AND CUTTING CAMS. 3rd edition, pp.48. 8vo. 1911. Indust. Press : New York. 25c. CARBURETTORS BUTLER (Edward). Carburettors, vaporisers and dis- tributing valves used in internal combustion engines. pp.11 + 176. 8vo. 1909. C. Griffin: London. 6s. Lippincott : Philadelphia. $2. LEECHMAN (Douglas). Carburettors and carburation : a study of the different types, pp.176. 8vo. 1909. "Car Illustrated " : London. 2s. Spon : New York. $1. CASTING See Foundry. CHEMISTRY FOR ENGINEERS GILL (Augustus Herman). Engine-room chemistry : a compend for the engineer and engineman. pp. 10 + 198. 8vo. 1907. McGraw : New York. $1. Hill Pub. Co. : London. 4s. 6d. MEADE (Richard Kidder). The chemists' pocket manual : a practical handbook containing tables, formulas, calculations, information, physical and analytical methods for the use of chemists, chemical engineers, assay ers, metallurgists, manufacturers and students. 2nd edition, pp. 12 + 443. 12mo. 1910. Chem. Pub. Co.: Easton, Pa. $3. Williams & N. : London. 12s. Qd. STILLMAN (Thomas Bliss). Engineering chemistry : manual of quantitative chemical analysis for use of students, chemists and engineers. 4th edition, pp. 9 + 744. 8vo. 1910. , Williams & N. : London. 21s. Chemical Pub. Co.: Easton, Pa. $5. JAMES (Joseph Hidy) and SCHAEFFEB (John A.). Ex- periments for engineering students in general chemistry. pp.9 + 118. 8vo. 1911. McGraw: New York. $1. Hill Pub. Co. : London. 4s. Qd. CIVIL ENGINEERING TURNEAUEE (Frederick Eugene) ed. Cyclopedia of civil engineering. 8 vols. 8vo. 1909. Amer. Sch. of Corresp. : Chicago. $24. 21 CIVIL ENGINEERING Contd. HARCOUBT (Leveson Francis Vernon). Civil engineer- ing as applied in construction. 2nd edition, revised by Hi Tidier. pp. 15 + 626. 8vo. 1910. Longmans: London. 16s. Longmans : New York. $5. TEAUTWINE (John Cresson). Trautwine's civil engin- eer's pocket-book. 19th edition, pp.1257. 16mo. 1910. Wiley : New York. $5. Chapman & H. : London. 21s. MEBRIMAN (Mansfield). American civil engineers' pocket book. pp. 8 + 1380. 8vo. 1911. Wiley: New York. $5. Chapman & H. : London. 21s. EANKINE (William John Macquorn). A manual of civil engineering. 24th edition, by W. J. Millar, pp.838. 8vo. 1911. C. Griffin: London. 16s. Van Nostrand : New York. $6.50. TAYLOR (F. Noel). A manual of civil engineering practice : specially arranged for the use of municipal and county engineers, pp. 12 + 809. 8vo. 1911. Griffin: London. 25s. Lippincott : Philadelphia. $9. COAL AND COAL MINING TONGE (James). Coal. pp. 6 + 275. 8vo. 1907. Con- stable : London. 6s. Van Nostrand : New York. $2. BOULTON (William S.) ed. Practical coal-mining. By leading experts in mining and engineering. 6 vols. 8vo. 1907-1908. Gresham Pub. Co. : London. 36s. " BURNS (Daniel) and KERR (George L.). The modern practice of coal mining. Parts 1-4. 8vo. 1907, etc. Whittaker : London, ea. 2s. DUNCAN (William Galloway) and PENMAN (David). The electrical equipment of collieries. pp. 16 + 31 3. 8vo. 1908. Scott G. & Son: London. 11s. Van Nostrand: New York. $4. FLEMING (Henry Stuart). A report to the bituminous coal trade association on the present and future of the bituminous coal trade, pp.87. 4to. 1908. Author : New York. $5. GIBSON (Walcot). The geology of coal and coal- mining, pp. 10 + 341. 8vo. 1908. Arnold: London. 7s. Qd. Longmans : New York. $2.50, 22 COAL AND COAL MINING Contd. EEDMAYNE (R. A. S.). Modern practice in mining. Vol. 1. Coal: its occurrence, value and methods of boring, pp.216. 8vo. 1908. Longmans : London. 6s. Longmans : New York. $2. COCKIN (Thomas Hanson). An elementary class-book of practical coal-mining. 3rd edition, pp. 12 + 428. 8vo. 1909. C. Lockwood : London. 4s. 6d. PARSHALL (Horace Field) and HOBART (Henry Metcalfe). Electric railway engineering, pp. 24 + 4 74. 8vo. 1907. Constable : London. 42s. Van Nostrand : New York. $10. WILSON (Ernest) and LYDALL (Francis). Electrical traction. 2 vols. 8vo. 1907. Arnold: London. 30s. Longmans : New York. $8. CRAVATH (James Ealey) and TROW (Harris 0.). Electric railways : a treatise on the modern develop- ment of electric traction. Electric railways by J. E. Cravath. The single-phase electric railway by H. C. Trow, pp.153. 8vo. 1908. Amer. Sch. of Corresp. : Chicago. $1. C. Lockwood : London. 4s. 6d. SMALL (Sidney Aylmer). Electrical railroading : or, electricity as applied to railroad transportation, pp.924. 12mo. 1908. Drake: Chicago. $3.50. SMALL (Sidney Aylmer). How to become a successful motorman : this book contains information regarding the dynamo, the motors, systems of control, trolley and third rail lines, etc., etc. pp. 7 + 312. 12mo. 1908. Drake: Chicago. $1.50. DAWSON (Philip). Electric traction on railways, pp. 36 + 855. 8vo. 1909. "Electrician " Co. : London. 25s. Van Nostrand : New York. $9. LOWE (Paul Emilius). Electric railway troubles and how to find them : a comprehensive treatise on motors, motor operation, motor repairs, car breakdowns, control systems, repairing of control, air brakes, air brake troubles and electric railway operation generally. pp.367. 8vo. 1909. Drake: Chicago. $1.50. MODERN ELECTRIC RAILWAY PRACTICE. 4 vols. 8vo. 1909. W. V. Wheat Co. : Chicago. $22.50. HOBART (Henry Metcalfe). Electric trains, pp. 19 + 201. 8vo. 1910. Harper: London. 6s. Van Nostrand: New York. $2.50. BURCH (Edward Parris). Electric traction for railway trains. A book for students, electrical engineers, etc. 42 ELECTRIC TRACTION Contd. pp. 11 + 583. 8vo. 1911. McGraw New York. $5. Hill Pub. Co. : London. 21s. HARDING (Charles Francis). Electric railway engin- eering, pp. 8 + 336. 8vo. 1911. McGraw : New York. $3. Hill Pub. Co. : London. 12s. 6d. HITT (Eodney). Electric railway dictionary : defini- tions and illustrations of the parts and equipment of electric railway cars and trucks. Compiled under the direction of the American Electric Eailway Association, pp. 63 + 292. 4to. 1911. McGraw: New York. $5. Hill Pub. Co. : London. 21s. SHELDON (Samuel) and HAUSMANN (Erich). Electric traction and transmission engineering. pp. 10 + 307. 8vo. 1911. Van Nostrand : New York. $2.50. WHYTB (Adam Gowans). Electricity in locomotion. An account of its mechanism, its achievements and its prospects, pp. 6 + 143. 8vo. Univ. Press: Cambridge. 1911. Is. Putnam : New York. 1911. 40c. PINANSKI (Abraham Edward). The street railway system of metropolitan Boston, pp.58. 8vo. 1908. McGraw: New York. $1. Hill Pub. Co.: London. 4s. Qd. AGNEW (W. A.). The electric tramcar handbook for motormen, inspectors and depot workers. 6th edition. pp.132. 8vo. 1911. Alabaster: London. Is. 6d. MEADE (Norman Gardner). The electric vehicle : its construction, operation and maintenance, pp.128. 12mo. 1911. Hill's Print Shop : New York. ELECTRICAL CALCULATIONS SLOANE (Thomas 'Conor). Arithmetic of electricity: a practical treatise on electrical calculations of all kinds reduced to a series of rules, all of ihe simplest forms, and involving only ordinary arithmetic. 20th edition. pp.162. 12mo. 1909. Henley: New York. $1. SLOANE (Thomas O 'Conor). Elementary electrical calculations : a manual of simple engineering mathematics covering the whole field of direct current calculations, the basis of alternating current mathematics, networks 43 ELECTRICAL CALCULATIONS Contd. and typical cases of circuits, pp. 10 + 304. 8vo. 1909. Van Nostrand : New York. $2. Lockwood : London. 9s. WHITTAKER'S arithmetic of electrical engineering for technical students and engineers. 2nd edition, pp.176. 8vo. 1911. Whittaker: London. Is. ELECTRICAL CIRCUITS ABBOTT (Arthur Vaughan). The electrical transmis- sion of energy. A manual for the design of electrical circuits. 5th edition, pp. 30 + 675. 8vo. 1907. Van Nostrand : New York. $5. C. Lockwood : London. 30s. BOWKER (William Eushton). Dynamo, motor and switchboard circuits for electrical engineers. 2nd edition, revised and greatly enlarged, pp. 12 + 168. 8vo. 1908. C. Lockwood: London. 7s. Qd. Van Nostrand : New York. $2.50. CRAPPER (Ellis Herbert). Electric circuit problems in mines and factories, pp.159. Svo. 1910. Colliery Guardian : London. 3s. Qd. KARAPETOFF (Vladimir). The electric circuit, pp.85. Svo. 1911. McGraw : New York. $1.50. Hill Pub. Co. : London. 6s. 6d. MAYCOCK (William Perren). Small switches, etc., and their circuits. pp. 10 + 287. 8vo. 1911. Eentell : London. SCHNEIDER (Norman Hugh). Circuits and diagrams. Part 2. 2nd edition, pp.80. Svo. 1911. Spon : New York. 25c. Spon: London. Is. 6d. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING AUERBACHER (L. John). Electrical contracting : shop system, estimating, wiring, construction methods and hints on getting business. 2nd edition, pp. 6 + 155. Svo. 1910. McGraw: New York. $2. Hill Pub. Co. : London. 8s. 6d. ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION BELL (Louis). Electric power transmission. 5th edition, revised and enlarged, pp.723. 8vo. 1907. Constable: London. 17s. McGraw: New York. $4. 44 ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION Contd. MAYCOCK (William Perren). Electric lighting and power distribution. 7th edition. Vol. 1. pp. 19 + 599. 8vo. 1908. Whittaker: London. 6s. Macmillan : New York. $1.90. Bus SELL (Alexander). The theory of electric cables and networks, pp. 10 + 269. 8vo. 1908. Constable: London. 8s. Van Nostrand : New York. $3. SNELL (John Francis Cleverton). The distribution of electrical energy, pp.368. 8vo. 1908. Eeed : Sunder- land. Simpkin : London. 18s. DEL MAR (William Arthur). Electric power con- ductors. pp,6 + 339. 8vo. 1909. Van Nostrand : New York. $2. C. Lockwood: London. 9s. FOWLE (Frank Fuller). The protection of railroads from overhead transmission line crossings, pp. 7 + 69. 8vo. 1909. Van Nostrand : New York. $1.50. EOSENTHAL (Leon Walter). Practical calculation of transmission lines, for distribution of direct and alter- nating currents by means of overhead, undergound and interior wires for purposes of light, power and traction. pp.10 + 93. 8vo. 1909. McGraw : New York. $2. Hill Pub. Co. : London. 8s. Qd. HAY (Alfred). Electrical distributing networks and transmission lines, pp. 13 + 234. 8vo. 1910. Cassell : London. 10s. 6d. Cassell : New York. $3.50. BEEW (William). Three-phase transmission. A prac- tical treatise on the economic conditions governing the transmission of electric energy by underground and over- head conductors, pp. 8 + 178. 8vo. 1911. C. Lockwood : London. 7s. 6d. Van Nostrand : New York. $2. DICK (J. E.) and FEBNIE (Frederick). Electric mains and distributing systems. pp. 16 + 410. 8vo. 1911. "Electrician" Co.: London. 10s. 6d. FERGUSON (Olin Jerome). The elements of electrical transmission. A text-book for colleges and technical schools, pp. 7 + 457. 8vo. 1911. Macmillan : London. 15s. Macmillan: New York. $3.50. GEAR (Harry Barnes) and WILLIAMS (Paul Francis). Electric central station distribution systems, their design and construction, pp. 7 + 347. 8vo. 1911. Van Nos- trand: New York. $3. 45 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING See also Armatures. Batteries. Induction Motor. Mining. Power Plants. Transformers. DEINHARDT (Kurt) and SCHLOMANN (Alfred). The D S series of technical dictionaries in six languages. Vol. 2. Electrical engineering including telegraphy and telephony. Edited by 0. Kinzbrunner. pp. 12 + 2100. 8vo. 1908. Constable: London. 25s. McGraw : New York. HAWKINS (Nehemiah). Hawkins' electrical dictionary : a cyclopedia of words, terms, phrases and data used in the electrical arts, trades and sciences, pp. 8 + 537. 8vo. 1910. Audel : New York. $3.50. SLOANE (Thomas O 'Conor). Standard electrical dic- tionary. pp.682. 8vo. 1910. Henley : New York. $3. HOBART (Henry Metcalf). Dictionary of electrical engineering. 2 vols. 8vo. 1911. Gresham Pub. Co. : London. 35s. Lippincott : Philadelphia. $10. FOWLER (William Henry). Fowler's electrical engin- eer's pocket book. 12mo. Ann. Scient. Pub Co. : Manchester. Is. Qd. THE "MECHANICAL WORLD " ELECTRICAL POCKET BOOK.' 12mo. Ann. " Mech. World " : London. 6d. THE PRACTICAL ELECTRICIAN'S POCKET BOOK. 16mo. Ann. Simpkin : London. Is. " THE PRACTICAL ENGINEER " ELECTRICAL POCKET BOOK AND DIARY. 12mo. Ann. Tech. Pub. Co. : London. Is. AVERY (Alfred H.). The ABC of dynamo design. 3rd edition, pp.125. 8vo. 1907. P. Marshall : London. 2s. Spon: New York. $1. BROWN (P. Hunter). Electric power users' handbook. pp.11 + 209. 8vo. 1907. Hodder & S. : London. 5s. CREWE (H. T.). The practical electrician's pocket book for 1907. pp.72 + 320. 16mo. 1907. S. Rentell : London. Is. DAVIDGE (Henry Thomas) and HUTCHINSON (Eobert \Villiam). Technical electricity. pp. 10 + 502. 8vo. 1907. Olive: London. 4s. 6d. 46 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Contd. DA VIES (F. H.). Electric power and traction, pp. 6 + 293. 8vo. 1907. Constable: London. 6s. Van Nos- trand: New York. $2. ENGINEERING STANDARDS COMMITTEE. No. 36. Report on British standards for electrical machinery, ff.14. fol. 1907. C. Lockwood : London. Is. GARCKE (Emile). The progress of electrical enterprise : reprints of articles from the Engineering Supplement of The Times on the British electrical industries, pp.87. 8vo. 1907. Electrical Press : London. Is. JOYCE (Samuel). Examples in electrical engineering. New impression. pp.240. 8vo. 1907. Longmans: London. 5s. MACLEAN (Magnus). Exercises in electrical engineer- ing, together with tables of useful data. Revised and enlarged edition, pp.108. 8vo. 1907. Biggs : London. NORRIS (Henry H.). An introduction to the study of electrical engineering, pp. 3 + 404. 8vo. 1907. Wiley: New York. $2.50. Chapman & H. : London. 10s. 6d. OUDIN (Maurice Angus). Standard polyphase appar- atus and systems. 5th edition, pp.369. 8vo. 1907. Van Nostrand : New York. $3. Low: London. 12s. 6d. POOLE (Cecil Percy). Diagrams of electrical connec- tions, pp. 4 + 113. 8vo. 1907. McGraw: New York. $2. Hill Pub. Co. : London. 8s. 6d. SEWELL (Tyson). The elements of electrical engineer- ing. 4th edition, pp. 15 + 450. 8vo. 1907. C. Lock- wood: London. 5s. Van Nostrand : New York. $3. SEWELL (Tyson). The construction of dynamos (alter- nating and direct-current), pp. 11 + 316. 8vo. 1907. C. Lockwood: London. 7s. 6d. Van Nostrand: New York. $3. SHAXBY (John H.). Elementary electrical engineering, pp. 7 + 192. 8vo. 1907. Blackie : London. 3s. BERG (Ernst Julius). Electrical energy, its generation, transmission and utilization : lectures at Union Univers- ity, pp. 11 + 184. 8vo. 1908. McGraw: New York. $2.50. Hill Pub. Co. : London. 10s. 6d. 47 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Contd. BRANCH (Joseph Gerald). Conversations on electricity. An elementary work written expressly for engineers and students. Part I. pp. 12 + 282. 8vo. 1908. Eand McN. : Chicago. $2. CROCKER (Francis Bacon). Dynamo-electric machin- ery : an authoritative treatise on the theory, constructive details, calculation, characteristic curves and design of dynamo-electric machinery. pp. 3 + 235. 8vo. 1908. Amer. Sch. Corresp. : Chicago. $1.50. CROCKER (Francis Bacon) and TORDA (Theodore). Direct and alternating current machine design : being instructions for the design of motors and generators. Various pp. 8vo. 1908. McGraw : New York. $5. Hill Pub. Co. : London. 21s. HIRD (W. Benison). Elementary dynamo design, with numerous examples. With 128 diagrams, pp. 10 + 280. 8vo. 1908. Cassell : London. 7s. 6eZ. Cassell : New York. $2.50. HOBART (Henry Metcalfe). Heavy electrical engineer- ing, pp. 24 + 338. 8vo. 1908. Constable: London. 16s. VanNostrand: New York. $4.50. HOBART (Henry Metcalfe) and ELLIS (A. G.). High speed dynamo electric machinery, pp. 21 + 526. 8vo. 1908. Wiley : New York. $6. Chapman & H. : Lon- don. 25s. Qd. LYON (Waldo Vinton). Problems in electrical engineer- ing, pp. 8 + 209. 8vo. 1908. McGraw: New York. $1.50. Hill Pub. Co. : London. 6s. 6d. MUNRO (John) and JAMIESON (Andrew). A pocket- book of electrical rules and tables for the use of elec- tricians and engineers. 19th edition, with three new sections, pp.30 + 810. obi. 16mo. 1908. C. Griffin: London. 8s. 6d. Van Nostrand : New York. PATER SON (G. W T . Lummis). The management of dynamos. 4th edition, pp. 8 + 292. 8vo. 1908. C. Lockwood : London. 4s. Qd. Henley: New York. $1.50. EOGERS (William) pseud, i. e. HAWKINS (Nehemiah). New catechism of electricity, pp.550. 12mo. 1908. Audel : New York. $2. 48 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Contd. SHEPARDSON (George Defrees). Electrical catechism : introductory treatise on electricity and its uses. 2nd edition. pp. 14 + 407. 8vo. 1908. McGraw : New York. $2. Hill Pub. Co. : London. 8s. Gd. SIMMONS (Harold H.). Outlines of electrical engineer- ing. pp.920. 8vo. 1908. Cassell : London. 21s. Cassell : New York. $6. SLINGO (W.) and BEOOKEB (A.). Electrical engineer- ing. New edition thoroughly revised by W. Slingo, assisted by T. F. Wall. pp. 8 + 850. 8vo. 1908. Long- mans : London. 12s. 6oL TAYLOR (F. H.). A guide to the electrical examina- tions. pp.118. 8vo. 1908. P. Marshall : London. Is. 6d. Spon : New York. 75c. CLAYTON (W. B.) and CRAIG (James W.). Questions and answers about electrical apparatus. Illustrating general points and information concerning testing, opera- tion, troubles and defects of electrical apparatus. 2nd edition, pp. 176. 8vo. 1909. Clayton & C. : West Lynn, Mass. $1. Wesley: London. 5s. CROCKER (Francis Bacon) and others. Practical lessons in electricity : a working guide to the funda- mental principles of electrical science and approved American practice in the construction and use of storage batteries and the installation of conductors for power, lighting and other purposes. pp. 53 + 42 + 68 + 10 + 63. 8vo. 1909. Amer. Sch. Corresp. : Chicago. $1.50. C. Lockwood : London. 6s. CROCKER (Francis Bacon) and WHEELER (Schuyler S.). The management of electrical machinery. A thoroughly revised and enlarged edition of the Practical Management of Dynamos and Motors. 8th edition, pp.223. 8vo. 1909. Van Nostrand : New York. $1. Spon : London. 4s. 6d. ELECTRICAL PROGRESS IN AUSTRALASIA, pp.156. 4to. 1909. C. Parker: Melbourne. 2s. Qd. FRANKLIN (William Suddards) and ESTY (William). Dynamos and motors : a text-book for colleges and technical schools. Direct current and alternating current machines, pp. 8 + 489. 8vo. 1909. Macmillan : New York. $4. E 49 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Contd. HAWKINS (C. C.) and WALLIS (F.). The dynamo: its theory, design and manufacture. 5th edition. 2 -vols. 8vo. 1909. Whittaker : London. 21s. Macmillan : New York. $5.50. HENDERSON (John). Electrotechnics. With diagrams, pp. 14 + 165. 8vo. 1909. Longmans: London. 3s. 6d. Longmans: New York. $1.20. MACLEAN (Magnus). Modern electric practice. 2nd edition. 6 vols. 8vo. 1909. Gresham Pub. Co. : London. 54s. MATTHEWS (Eichard Borlase). Electricity for every- body. A popular handbook dealing with the uses of electricity in home and business, pp. 24 + 324. 8vo. 1909. Electrical Press : London. 5s. MONTGOMERY (J. H.). Specifications for electrical con- struction. pp.95. 8vo. 1909. Wahr : Ann Arbor. $1. EOSENBERG (E.). Electrical engineering. An element- ary text-book. Translated by W. W. H. Gee and C. Kinzbrunner. 5th edition, pp. 14 + 288. 8vo. 1909. Harper: London. 6s. Wiley: New York. $2. SLOANE (Thomas 0' Conor). Electricians' handy book. pp.768. 12mo. 1909. Henley : New York. $3.50. STEINMETZ (Charles Proteus). Theoretical elements of electrical engineering. 3rd edition, thoroughly revised and greatly corrected, pp. 9 + 455. 8vo. 1909. McGraw : New York. $4. Hill Pub. Co. : London. 17s. STEINMETZ (Charles Proteus). General lectures on electrical engineering. 3rd edition. Compiled and edited by J. Le Eoy Hayden. pp.284. 8vo. 1909. Eobson & A. : Schenectady, N.Y. $2. BOTTONE (Selino Eomeo). Electrical engineering for students. 2 vols. 8vo. 1910. McKay : Philadelphia. $1.50. BROOKS (Ernest Edward) and JAMES (William Henry Nichols). Electric light and power. 2nd edition, pp. 8 + 372. 8vo. 1910. Methuen: London. 4s. Qd. CARE AND REPAIR OF DYNAMOS AND MOTORS. 2nd edition, pp.48. 8vo. Indust. Press : New York. 1910. 25c. 60 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Contd. FOSTER (Horatio 'A.). Electrical engineer's pocket book : a handbook of useful data for electricians and electrical engineers. 6th edition, pp.1636. 8vo. 1910. Constable: London. 21s. Van Nostrand: New York. $5. HOESTMANN (Henry Charles) and TOUSLEY (Victor H.). Electricians' operating and testing manual: a handbook for men in charge of electrical apparatus, repair men, trouble men, lamp trimmers and electricians generally. pp.359. 12mo. 1910. Drake : Chicago. $1.50. IBBETSON (W. S.). Practical electrical engineering for elementary students : an elementary laboratory course, pp. 12 + 155. 8vo. 1910. Spon: London. 3s. 6d. Spon: New York. $1.50. LOWE (Paul Emilius). Vest-pocket compendium - of applied electricity: a comprehensive work on electricity, its origin, nature and application in all the branches of activity in modern industries, arts and sciences, pp. 342. 16mo. 1910. McKay: Philadelphia. 25c. MATHER (Thomas) and HOWE (George William Osborne). Exercises in electrical engineering for the use of second-year students in universities and technical colleges, pp. 4 + 71. 8vo. 1910. Arnold: London. Is. Qd. Longmans : New York. 50c. POWELL (F. E.). Small dynamos and motors : how to make, test and repair them : a practical handbook for electrical amateurs and students. 8th edition, pp.76. 8vo. 1910. P. Marshall: London. Qd. Spon: New York. 25c. STANDARD HANDBOOK FOR ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS, WRITTEN AND COMPILED BY A STAFF OF SPECIALISTS. 3rd edition, pp. 11 + 1497. 12mo. 1910. McGraAv : New York. $4. Hill Pub. Co. : London. 17s. THOMALEN (Adolf). A text-book of electrical engineer- ing. Translated by G. W. O. Howe. 2nd edition, pp. 8 + 464. 8vo. 1910. Arnold : London. 15s. Long- mans : New York. $4.20. UNDERBILL (Charles Eeginald). Solenoids, electro- magnets and electromagnetic windings. pp. 19 + 342. 8vo. 1910. Van Nostrand: New York. $2. Con- stable : London. 8s. E 2 51 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Contd. WEED (Arthur J.). Practical dynamo building for amateurs : a practical treatise showing the construction and winding of an experimental 50 Watt dynamo, pp. 6 + 83. 8vo. 1910. Henley : New York. $1. AMERICAN SCHOOL OF CORRESPONDENCE. Cyclopedia of applied electricity : a general reference book. 7 vols. 8vo. 1911. Amer. Sch. Corresp. : Chicago. $19.80. BEDELL (Frederick) and PIERCE (Clarence A.). Direct and alternating current manual : with directions for test- ing and a discussion of the theory of electrical apparatus. 2nd edition, pp. 13 + 360. 8vo. 191-1. Van Nostrand : New York. $2. Constable: London. 8s. BROADFOOT (S. Kenneth). Motors, secondary batteries, measuring instruments and switchgear. pp.96. 12mo. 1911. Van Nostrand: New York. 75c. HARRISON (Newton). Principles and applications of electricity. 6 parts. 8vo. 1911. Indust. Press : New York. $1.50. HORSTMANN (Henry Charles) and TOUSLEY (Victor H.). Modern electrical construction : a reliable, practical guide for the beginner in electrical construction, showing the latest approved methods of installing work of all kinds. 3rd edition, pp.358. 12mo. 1911. Drake : Chicago. $1.50. HORSTMANN (Henry Charles) and TOUSLEY (Victor H.). Standard American electrician : a complete encyclopedia of electricity, pp.864. 8vo. 1911. Sears E. & Co. : Chicago. $6. MORETON (David Penn). Practical applied electricity : a book in plain English for the practical man. Theory, practical applications and examples. pp.438. 8vo. 1911. Eeilly & B. Co. : Chicago. $2. MURDOCH (W. H. F.). The ventilation of electrical machinery, pp. 7 + 79. 8vo. 1911. Whittaker : Lon- don. 3s. Macmillan : New York. $1. OGLEY (Daniel H.). An elementary course on prac- tical applied electricity and magnetism. With a preface by W. G. Ehodes. pp. 11 + 134. 8vo. 1911. Long- mans: London. 2s. 6d. Longmans: New York. 90c. 52 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Contd. FENDER (Harold). Principles of electrical engineering. pp.438 8vo. 1911. McGraw : New York. $4. Hill Pub. Co. : London. 17s. PRACTICAL DYNAMO AND MOTOR MANAGEMENT, pp.48. 8vo. 1911. Kentell: London. STEINMETZ (Charles Proteus). Elementary lectures on electric discharges, waves and impulses, and other tran- sients. pp.160. 8vo. 1911. McGraw: New York. $2. Hill Pub. Co. : London. 8s. Qd. STEINMETZ (Charles Proteus). Theory and calculation of transient electric phenomena and oscillations, pp.581. 8vo. 1911. McGraw : New York. $5. Hill Pub. Co. : London. 21s. SWINGLE (Calvin Franklin). Dynamo-electric machines, and central station equipment : a complete practical ex- position of the principles governing the construction and action of dynamo-electric generators, electric motors, transformers, and all other station equipment, pp.379. 8vo. 1911. Drake: Chicago. $1.50. WATERS (William L.). Original papers on commercial dynamo design, pp. 6 + 135. 8vo. 1911. Wiley: New York. $2. Chapman & H. : London. 3s. Qd. WHITTAKER'S electrical engineer's pocket book. 3rd edition, pp.606. 12rno. 1911. Whittaker : London. 5s. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, ALTERNATING CURRENT BAYMOND (E. B.). Alternating current engineering practically treated. 3rd edition, revised and enlarged, with an additional chapter on "The Rotary Converter." pp.8 + 244. 8vo. 1907. Tan Nostrand: New York. $2.50. K. Paul: London. 12s. KINZBRUNNER (Carl). The testing of alternating cur- rent machines in laboratories and test rooms. A practical work for students and engineers. Vol. 1. General tests. Transformers. Alternators. pp.164. 8vo. 1908. Harper: London. 4s. 6r7. Van Nostrand: New York. $2. 53 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, ALTERNATING CURRENT contd. LARNER (Edgar T.). The principles of alternating cur- rents, pp. 8 + 136. 8vo. 1908. 0. Lockwood : London. 3s. Qd. Van Nostrand : New York. $1.25. MARSHALL (Alfred William). Alternating currents simply explained : an elementary handbook on alternating current generators, transformers and motors, pp.82. 8vo. 1908. P. Marshall: London. Is. Spon : New York. 25c. STEINMETZ (Charles Proteus). Theory and calculation of alternating current phenomena. 4th edition, pp. 22 + 74.6. 8vo. 1908. McGraw : New York. $5. Hill Pub. Co. : London. 21s. ESTY (William). Alternating-current machinery : a practical treatise on the principles, design, construction, operation and care of alternating-current generators and motors, transformers, converters, switchboard and station appliances, etc. pp.432. 8vo. 1909. Amer. Sch. Corresp. : Chicago. $3. Lockwood : London. 12s. Qd. FRANKLIN (William Suddards). Electric waves. An advanced treatise on alternating current theory, pp. 9 + 315. 8vo.-1909. Macmillan : New York. $3. Mac- millan : London. 10s. , GOLDSCHMTDT (Eudolf). The alternating current com- mutator motor and the leakage of induction motors, pp. 8 + 209. 8vo. 1909. Electrician Co.: London. 6s. Gd. Van Nostrand: New York. $3. MCAT^LISTER (Addams Stratton). Alternating current motors. 3rd " edition. pp. 12 + 322. 8vo. 1909. McGraw: New York. $3. Hill. Pub. Co.: London. 12s. 6d. DRYSDALE (Charles Vickery). The foundations of alternate current theory. pp. 11 + 300. 8vo. 1910. Arnold : London. 8s. Qd. Longmans : New York. $2.50. ELLIS (A. G.). Elementary principles of alternating current dynamo design. pp. 6 + 305. 8vo. 1910. Blackie : London. 12s. SMITH (Charles Frederick). Practical alternating cur- rents and alternating current testing. 4th edition. pp.15 + 455 + 6. 8vo. 1910. Scient. Pub. Co.: Man- chester. 6s. Van Ncstrand : New York. $2.50. 54 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, ALTERNATING CURRENT contd. BEAVER (Jacob Lynford). The principles of alternat- ing currents, pp. 194. 8vo. 1911. Author: Phila- delphia. $3.75. HAY (Alfred). Alternating currents : their theory, generation and transformation. 3rd edition, revised and enlarged, pp. 15 + 354. 8vo. 1911. Harper: London. Van Nostrand : New York. $2.50. SHELDON (Samuel) and others. Alternating current machines : being the second volume of Dynamo electric machinery. 9th edition, pp. 9 + 353. 8vo. 1911. Van Nostrand: New York. $2.50. Lockwood : London. 12s. SWENSON (Bernard Victor) and FEANKENFIELD (Budd). Testing of electro-magnetic machinery and other appa- ratus. Vol. 2. Alternating currents, pp. 26 + 323. 8vo. 1911. Macmillan : New York. $2.60. Macmillan : London. 11s. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, DIRECT CURRENT HAY (Alfred). An introductory course of continuous current engineering, pp. 10 + 327. 8vo. 1907. Con- stable : London. 5s. Van Nostrand : New York. $2.50. ASHFOBD (Cyril Ernest) and KEMPSON (Eric' William Edward). The elementary theory of direct current dynamo electric machinery, pp. 7 + 120. 8vo. 1908. Univ. Press : Cambridge. 3s. Putnam : New York. $1. BARB B.). Principles of direct -current elec- trical engineering, pp. 8 + 551. 8vo. 1908. Whittaker : London. 10s. Macmillan : New York. $3.25. FRANKLIN (William Suddards) and ESTY (William). Dynamo laboratory manual for colleges and technical schools. Eevised edition. Vol. 1. Direct-current studies and tests. 8vo. 1909. Macmillan : London. 7s. 6d. Macmillan : New York. $1.75. KAHL (John Corliss) and COLE (L. A.). Electrical connections : containing practical instructions on the con- nection, operation and management of direct current dynamos and motors, pp.71. 8vo. 1909. Smith Pub. Co. : Atlanta, Ga. 25c. 55 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, DIRECT CUR- RENT Contd. KELSEY (William Eichard). Continuous current dynamos and motors and their control. 2nd edition, pp. 346 + 4. 8vo. 1909. Technical Pub. Co.: London. 7s. 6d. Van Nostrand : New York. $2.50. CRAMP (William). Continuous current machine design, pp. 19 + 240. 8vo. 1910. Harper: London. 5s. Van Nostrand: New York. $2.50. SHELDON (Samuel) and HAUSMANN (Erich). Dynamo- electric machinery : its construction, design and opera- tion. Direct-current machines. 8th edition, pp. 9 + 328. Svo. 1910. Van Nostrand: New York. $2.50. C. Lockwood : London. 12s. ELECTRICAL MEASUREMENTS EOLLEB (Frank W.). Electric and magnetic measure- ments and measuring instruments. pp. 5 + 398. 8vo. 1907. McGraw: New York. $3.50. Hill Pub. Co. London. 15s. ANTHONY (William Arnold). Lecture notes on the theory of electrical measurements. Prepared for the third year classes of the Cooper Union night school of science. 3rd edition, revised by Albert Ball. pp. 9 + 122. 8vo. 1908. Wiley: New York. $1. Chapman & H. : London. 4s. 6d. CONN AN (John C.). Switchboard measuring instru- ments for continuous and polyphase systems, pp.150. 8vo. 1908. Spon : London. 5s. Spon : New York. $2. EDGCU>IBE (Kenelm). Industrial electrical measuring instruments. pp. 14 + 227. 8vo. 1908. Constable: London. 8s. Van Nostrand: New York. $2. EICHARDSON (Samuel Sumner). Magnetism and elec- tricity and the principles of electrical measurement, pp. 8 + 596. Svo. 1908. Blackie : London. 5s. Van Nostrand : New York. $2. ENGINEERING STANDARDS COMMITTEE. No. 49. British standard specification for ammeters and voltmeters, ff.10. fol. 1909. C. Lockwood: London. 2s. 6d. PAGE (Newell Caldwell). Notes on physical laboratory experiments in electrical measurements, pp.56. 8vo. 1911. Maclachlan : Boston. 50c. 56 ELECTRICAL TESTING PARR (George Dudley Aspinall). Electrical engineer- ing testing. 3rd edition. pp. 8 + 554. 8vo. 1907. Chapman & H. : London. 9s. SCHNEIDER (Norman Hugh). Electrical instruments and testing. With new chapters on testing wires and cables and locating faults by J. Hargrave. 3rd edition, pp. 16 + 239. 8vo. 1907. Spon : New York. $1. Spon : London. 4s. 6cL SEVER (George Francis) and TOWN SEND (Fitzhugh). Laboratory and factory tests in electrical engineering. 2nd edition. pp. 12 + 269. 8vo. 1907. Constable: London. 10s. Qd. Van Nostrand : New York. $2.50. KEMPE (Harry Robert). A handbook of electrical test- ing. 7th edition, revised and enlarged, pp. 8 + 706. 8vo. 1908. Spon: London. 18s. Spon : New York. $6. OULTON (Leonard) and WILSON (Norman J.). Prac- tical testing of electrical machines. pp.210. 8vo. 1909. Whittaker : London. 4s. 6d. Macmillan : New York. $1.40. PARHAM (Eugene Chilton) and SHEDD (John C.). Shop tests on electric car equipment, for inspectors and fore- men, pp. 7 + 121. 8vo. 1909. McGraw: New York. $1. Hill Pub. Co. : London. 4s. 6d. PARHAM (Eugene Chilton) and SHEDD (John C.). Mis- cellaneous tests of electric car equipment, pp. 10 + 156. 8vo. 1910. McGraw : New York. $1. Hill Pub. Co. : London. 4s. Qd. WEBB (Herbert Laws). A practical guide to the testing of insulated wires and cables. 6th edition, pp.118. 8vo. 1910. Van Nostrand : New York. $1. Spon : London. 4s. 6d. CALDWELL (Francis Gary). Electrical engineering test sheets for the dynamo laboratory, pp.396. 8vo. 1911. McGraw: New York. $2.25. Hill Pub. Co. : London. 9s. Qd. KARAPETOFF (Vladimir). Experimental electrical engineering and manual for electrical testing for engineers and students in engineering laboratories. 2nd edition, corrected. 2 vols. 8vo. 1911. Wiley: New York. $6. Chapman & H. : London. 25s. Qd, 57 ELECTRICAL TESTING Contd. MORECBOFT (J. H.) and HEHRE (F. W.). A short course in the testing of electrical machinery for non- electrical students. pp. 4 + 154. 8vo. 1911. Van Nostrand : New York. $1.50. ELECTRICAL WIRING HORSTMANN (Henry Charles) and TOUSLEY (Victor H.). Electrical wiring and construction tables. 12mo. 1907. Drake: Chicago. $1.50. KNOX (Charles Edwin). Electric light wiring, pp. 5 + 219. 8vo. 1907. McGraw : New York. $2. Hill Pub. Co. : London. 8s. 6d. LEAP (H. M.). The internal wiring of buildings. 3rd edition, pp. 8 + 280. 8vo. 1907. Constable: London. 3s. Gd. WALKER (Sydney Ferris). Electric wiring and fitting for plumbers and gasfitters. pp. 8 + 160. 8vo. 1908. Scott, G., & Co. : London. 5s. HARRISON (Newton). Electric wiring diagrams and switchboards. pp.272. 8vo. 1909. Henley: New York. $1.50. C. Lockwood : London. 5s. IBBETSON (W. S.). The theory and practice of electric wiring. An elementary book dealing with the principles of wiring for students and wiremen generally, pp.366. 8vo. 1909. Spon : London. 5s. Spon: New York. $2. KNOX (Charles Edwin) and SHAAD (George C.). Elec- tric wiring and lighting, pp. 98 + 82 + 7. 8vo. 1909. Amer. Sen. Corresp. : Chicago. $1. C. Lockwood : London. 4s. 6d. PRATT (Herbert). Wiring a house. 4th edition. pp.21. 8vo. 1909. Henley : New York. 25c. BRANCH (Joseph Gerald). Electric wiring, pp. 14 + 287. 8vo. 1910. Branch Pub. Co. : Chicago. $2. GUSHING (Harry Cooke). Standard wiring for electric light and power as adopted by the Fire Underwriters of the United States. 16th edition, pp.157. 8vo. 1910. Author : New York. $1. ENGINEERING STANDARDS COMMITTEE. No. 31. British standard specification for steel conduits for electrical wiring. [2nd issue.] ff.10. fol. 1910. C. Lockwood : London. 5s. 58 ELECTRICAL WIRING Contd. METCALFE (Charles 0.). Practical electric wiring for lighting installations. 2nd edition, pp. 16 + 188. 8vo. 1910. Harper: London. 5s. BUESILL (Archibald). The principles and practice of electric wiring for evening students, pp. 15 + 215. 8vo. 1911. Longmans: London. 3s. Longmans: New York. $1. DEVEY (R. George). Mill and factory wiring, pp. 12 + 197. 8vo. 1911. Constable : London. 2s. Van Nostrand f New York. $1. HOESTMANN (Henry Charles) and TOUSLEY (Victor H.). Modern wiring diagrams and descriptions, a handbook of practical diagrams and information for electrical construc- tion work. 3rd edition, pp.293. 12mo. 1911. Drake: Chicago. $1.50. JOHNSON (T. M.). Ship wiring and fitting, pp. 12 + 80. 8vo. 1911. Constable : London. Is. Van Nostrand : New York. 75c. MAYCOCK (William Perren). Electric-wiring diagrams : illustrating circuit connections for supply mains, dis- tributing boards, transformers, lamps, signs, heaters, motors, bells, fire alarms, private generating plant, etc. 4th edition, pp. 4 + 146. 12mo. 1911. Macmillan : New York. $2. Whittaker : London. 6s. ELECTRO-METALLURGY KEESHAW (John Baker Cannington). Electro-metal- lurgy, pp. 15 + 303. 8vo. 1908. Constable: London. 6s. 'Van Nostrand: New York. $2. ASHCEOFT (Edgar A.). A study of electrothermal and electrolytic industries. Statistics by T. J. Moltkehausen. Parti, pp. 11 + 130. 8vo. 1909. 'McGr aw : New York. $2. Hill Pub. Co. : London. 8s. U. MACMILLAN (Walter George). A treatise on electro- metallurgy. Revised by W. R. Cooper. 3rd edition, pp. 15 + 425. 8vo. 1910. C. Griffin: London. 12s. 6cL Lippincott : Philadelphia. $4. ELEVATORS BOLTON (Reginald Pelham). Elevator service. Operat- ing conditions and proportions with diagrams and tables 59 ELEVATORS Contd. for passenger travel, schedule and express operation, with the relation of the elevators to the building and proportions and loads of cars. pp.69. 4to. 1908. Bolton : New York. $5. BAXTER (William). Hydraulic elevators: their design, construction, operation, care and management, pp.325. 8vo. 1910. McGraw : New York. $2.50. Hill Pub. Co. : London. 10s. 6dL SWINGLE (Calvin Franklin). Elevators hydraulic and electric : ,a complete handbook. Designed for the use of engineers and operators, pp.100. 8vo. 1910. Drake: Chicago. $1. ENGINEERING FROST (Harwood). Good engineering literature. What to read and how to write with suggestive information on allied topics, pp. 12 + 422. 8vo. 1911. Chicago Bk. Co. : Chicago. $1. Constable : London. 4s. DICTIONARY OF ENGINEERING TERMS : English-Chinese and Japanese, pp.283. 8vo. 1907. K. Paul : London. 3s. 6d. LOOFF (M.). Engineers' pocket dictionary of technical terms: French-English. pp.80. 16mo. 1908. P. Marshall : London. Is. 6d. Spon : New York. 60c. STANDRING (J. A.). Engineering translations, com- prising 1600 technical parts of boilers, engines, etc. English and Spanish. pp. 10 + 69. 16mo. 1908. Hirschfeld: London. 3s. 6d. ENGINEERS' AND ERECTORS' POCKET DICTIONARY: English, German, Dutch. 12mo. 1909. W 7 hittaker : London. 2s. JACKSON (William). Dictionary of English and Spanish technical and commercial terms used principally in the iron, steel, hardware and engineering trades. pp.164. 8vo. 1911. Spon: London. 2s. 6d. Spon: New York. $1. MEYCLIAR (Leo). English-Russian and Russian- English engineering dictionary, pp.100. 16mo. 1909. Spon : London. 2s. Qd. Spon : New York. $1. 60 ENGINEERING Contd. MONTEVERDE (R. D.). A pocket glossary of English- Spanish, Spanish-English technical terms suitable for the engineering, manufacturing and mining industries. pp.309, obi. 32mo. 1909. C Lockwood : London. 2s. 6d. Van Nostrand : New York. $1. DONALDSON'S engineers' annual. 8vo. Ann. Simp- kin : London. Is. KEMPE (Harry Robert). The engineer's year-book of formulae, rules, tables, data and memoranda. 8vo. Ann. C. Lockwood : London. 10s. 6d. ADAMS (Henry). Cassell's engineers' handbook. Com- prising facts and formulae, principles and practice \ in all branches of engineering, pp.576. 8vo. 1907. Cassell : London. 7s. 6d. McKay : Philadelphia. $2.50. GENTHON (Jean Pierre). The assistant engineer. 8 vols. 8vo. 1907-1911. The Chief Pub. Co. : New York. $6. ' HURST (J. T.). Spon's tables and memoranda for engineers. 12th edition, pp.278. 64mo. 1907. Spon : London. Is. Spon: New York. 40c. LEWIS (M. H.) and KEMPNER (M.). Manual of examinations for engineering positions in the service of the city of New York. 8vo. 1907. Constable : London. 20s. GUNSAULUS (Frank W.). Modern engineering prac- tice : a reference library. Editor in chief F. W. Gun- saulus assisted by a corps of distinguished engineers and technical experts. 12 vols. 8vo. 1908. Amer. Sch. Corresp. : Chicago. $29.80. McCuLLOUGH (Ernest). Engineering work in towns and cities. 2nd edition, pp. 8 + 502. 8vo. 1908. Clark Pub. Co. : Chicago. $3. Spon : London. 12s. Qd. MOLES WORTH (Sir Guilford Lindsey) and MOLES WORTH (Henry Bridges). Pocket-book of useful formulas and memoranda for civil, mechanical and electrical engineers. 26th edition, revised and enlarged. With an electrical supplement by W. H. Molesworth. pp. 9 + 901. obi. 8vo. 1908. Spon : London. 5s. Spon : New York. $2. 61 ENGINEERING Contd. WILLIAMS (Archibald). Engineering wonders of the world. 3 vols. 4to. 1909. Nelson : London. 22s. 6d. DERR (Louis), ed. Cyclopedia of engineering. 7 vols. 8vo. 1910. Amer. Sch. of Corresp. : Chicago. AINS WORTH'S 1911 manual for engineers and sur- veyors. pp.100. 24mo. 1911. Ainsworth : Denver, Col. 25c. CARPENTER (Eolla Clinton) and DIEDERICHS (Herman). Experimental engineering and manual for testing for engineers and for students in engineering laboratories. 7th edition, pp.19 + 1132. 8vo. 1911. Wiley: New York. $6. Chapman & H. : London. 25s. GOING (Charles Buxton). Principles of industrial engineering, pp. 10 + 174. 8vo. 1911. McGraw : New York. $2. Hill Pub. Co. : London. 8s. 6d. HOLMES (Urban Tigner). Experimental engineering. pp.311. 8vo. 1911. CJ.S. Naval Inst. : Annapolis, Md. INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS. Mechani- cal-Electrical pocket-book. A useful manual for students, draughtsmen, designers and others interested in the various branches of mechanical and electrical engineer- ing. pp.24 + 476. 16mo. 1911. 1. 0. S. : London. WILLIAMS (Archibald). The wonders of modern engineering, pp.160. 8vo. 1911. Seeley : London. 2s. Lippincott: Philadelphia. 75c. DUNCAN (William Galloway). Guide to engineering. pp.208. 8vo. 1907. Matthew: Dundee. 3s. JENKIN (Charles Fre wen). Engineering science: an inaugural lecture on the training for the engineering profession delivered before the University, Oct. 16, 1908. pp.22. 8vo. Clarendon Press: Oxford. Is. Oxford Univ. Press : New York. 35c. PORTER (Charles Talbot). Engineering reminiscences contributed to "Power" and "American Machinist." Revised and enlarged, pp. 13 + 335. 8vo. 1908. Wiley: New York. $3. Chapman & H. : London. 12s. Qd. HALDANE (J. W. C.J. Life as an engineer : its lights, shades and prospects. New edition, pp.390. 8vo. 1910. Spon : London. 5s. Spon : New York. $2. 62 ENGINEERING Contd. DUNCAN (William Galloway). How to become an engineer, pp. 7 + 99. 8vo. 1911. Oassell : London. Is. WADDELL (John Alexander Low) and HARRINGTON (John Lyle). Addresses to engineering students, pp. 9 + 493. 8vo. 1911. Authors : Kansas City, Mo. $1. ENGINEERING, CIVIL See Civil Engineering. ENGINEERING, MECHANICAL See Mechanical Engineering. ENGINEERING, MUNICIPAL See Municipal Engineering. ENGINEERING, SANITARY See Sanitary Engineering. ERECTING EOGERS (William), pseud, i. e. HAWKINS (Nehemiah). Erecting and operating : an educational treatise for con- structing engineers, machinists, mill-wrights and master builders, pp.601. 8vo. 1907. Audel : New York.- $3. COLLINS (Hubert Edwin). Erecting work. PP-7 + 140. 12mo. 1908. McGraw : New York. $1. Hill Pub. Co. : London. 4s. Qd. ESTIMATING See also Costing COLEMAN (Thomas Everit). Approximate estimates. 3rd edition, revised and enlarged, pp.481, obi. 32mo. 1907. Spon: London. 5s. Spon : New York. $2. FANS HUBBARD (Charles Lincoln). Fans, ventilation and heating. 2nd edition, pp.48. 8vo. 1910. Indust. Press : New York. 25c. % FARM MOTORS See Agricultural Machinery. 63 FAULTS TOLMAN {Cyrus Fisher). Graphical solution of fault problems. pp.43. 8vo. 1911. Mining & Scient. Press: San Francisco. $1. Tech. Bk. Shop: London. 4s. Qd. FITTING HOBNER (Joseph Gregory). The principles of fitting. 4th edition. pp. 6 + 426. 8vo. 1909. Whittaker : London. 5s. Macmillan : New York. $1.75. HANLEY (James). 100 questions in fitting and turn- ing : with answers. pp.98. 8vo. 1910. Philip : Sydney. 2s. FLY-WHEELS FLY-WHEELS. 2nd edition. pp.48. Svo. 1910. Indust. Press : New York. 25c. FLYING MACHINES See Aeronautics. FORGING BACON (John Lord). Elementary forge practice. 2nd edition, pp. 10 + 279. 8vo. 1908. Wiley : New York. $1.50. Chapman & H. : London. 6s. 6d. BACON (John Lord). Forging : a manual of practical instruction in the hammering, working, forming and tempering of wrought iron, machine steel and tool steel, including details of the modern process of electric weld- ing. pp.112. 8vo. 1909. Amer. Sch. Corr. : Chicago. $1. C. Lockwood : London. 4s. 6d. DROP-FORGING. 2nd edition. pp.48. 8vo. 1910. Indust. Press : New York. 25c. LITTLEFIELD (James Drake). Notes for forge shop practice: a course for- high schools, pp.68. 8vo. 1910. Taylor, H. Co. : Springfield Mass. 80c. WOODWORTH (Joseph Vincent). Drop forging, die sinking and machine forming of steel : modern shop practice, processes, methods, machines, tools and details. pp.341. 8vo. 1911. Henley: New York. $2.50. Hill Pub. Co. : London. 10s. 6d. 64 FOUNDATIONS CORTHELL (Elmer Lawrence). Allowable pressures on deep foundations, pp.98. 8vo. 1907. Wiley : New York. $1.25. Chapman & H. : London. 5s. Qd. FOUNDRY See also Cupola Furnace. MAcWiLLiAM , (Andrew) arid LONGMUIR (Percy). General foundry practice. pp. 7 + 383. 8vo. 1907. C. Griffin : London. 15s. Lippincott : Philadelphia. $4.50. WEST (Thomas Dyson). American foundry practice, treating of loam, dry-sand and green-sand moulding, ilth edition, pp. 9 + 452. 8vo. 1908. Wiley: New York. $2.50. Chapman & H. : London. 10s. Qd. PARSONS (Sam Jones). Malleable cast iron. pp. 11 + 171. 8vo. 1909. Constable: London. 8s. Van Nostrarid: New York. $2.50. STIMPSON (William C.). Foundry work : a practical guide to modern methods of moulding and casting in iron, bronze, steel and other metals. pp.150. 8vo. 1909. Amer. Sch. Corresp. : Chicago. $1. C. Lock- wood : London. 4s. 6d. TATE (James Murray) and STONE (Melvin 0.). Foundry practice : a treatise on molding and casting in their various details. 3rd edition, pp. 6 + 234. 8vo. 1909. Wiley: New York. $2. Chapman & H. : London. 8s. Qd. FRODAIR IRON & STEEL Co. Handbook for iron- founders. pp.155. 8vo. 1910. Spon : London. 2s. Spon : New York. $1. MOLDENKE (Richard). The production of malleable castings. A practical treatise on the processes involved in the manufacture of malleable cast iron. pp. 125 + 7. 8vo. 1910. Penton Pub. Co. : Cleveland. $3. A. F-. Bird : London. 15s, RHEAD (Ezra L.). The principles arid practice of ironfounding. pp. 8 + 505. 8vo. 191Q. Scient. Pub. Co. : Manchester. 7s. Qd. RICHARDS (William Allyn). A text-book of elementary foundry practice for the use of students in colleges and F" 65 FOUNDRY Contd. secondary schools. pp. 12 + 121. 8vo. 1910. Mac- millan : New York. $1.25. Macmillan : London. 5s. 6d. BOXBURGH (William). General foundry practice : being a treatise on general iron founding, job loam practice, moulding and casting of the finer metals, prac- tical metallurgy in the foundry and pattern-making from a moulder's point of view. pp. 12 + 296. 8vo. 1910. Constable: London. 10s. 6d. Van Nostrand : New York. $3.50. WEST (Thomas Dyson). Metallurgy of cast iron : a complete exposition of the processes involved in its treatment, 'chemically and physically, from the blast furnace through the foundry to the testing machine. 14th edition, pp. 23 + 638. 8vo. 1910. Gardner Print. Co. : Cleveland, O. $3. A. F. Bird: London. 12s. Qd. KIRK (Edward). A practical treatise on foundry irons : comprising pig iron, and fracture grading of pig and scrap irons : scrap irons : mixing irons, elements and metalloids : grading iron by analysis : chemical standards for iron castings : testing cast iron : semi- steel : malleable iron: etc. pp. 18 + 276. 8vo. 1911. Baird: Philadelphia. $3. A. F. Bird: London. 15s. SEXTON (Alexander Humboldt) and PRIMROSE (John S. G.). The principles of iron- founding (and foundry metallography), pp. 8 + 330. 8vo. 1911. Tech. Pub. Co. : London. 6s. TURNER (Thomas). Lectures on iron-founding. 2nd edition, pp. 12 + 139. 8vo. 1911. 0. Griffin: London. 3s. Gd. FUEL See also Chemistry for Engineers. Coal. Peat. Smoke Prevention. JUPTNER VON JONSTORFF (Hanns). Heat, energy and fuels : pyrometry, combustion, analysis of fuels and manufacture of charcoal, coke and fuel gases. Trans, by O. Nagel. pp. 5 + 306. 8vo. 1908. McGraw : New York. $3. Hill Pub. Co. : London. 12s. 6d. SEXTON (Alexander Humboldt). Fuel and refractory materials. pp.364. 8vo. 1909. Blackie: London. 5s. Van Nostrand : New York. $2.50. FUEL, LIQUID LEWES (Vivian By am). Liquid and gaseous fuels and the part they play in modern power production, pp. 14 + 334. 8vo. 1907. Constable: London. 6s. Van Nostrand : New York. $2. BOOTH (William Henry). Liquid fuel and its appar- atus. pp.308. 8vo. 1911. Constable: London. 24s. NORTH (Sydney H.). Oil fuel. . . . Bevised through- out and greatly enlarged by E. Butler. 2nd edition, pp. 11 + 238. 8vo. 1911. C. Griffin: London. 6s. FURNACES, BLAST See Blast Furnaces. FURNACES, BOILER See Boiler Furnaces. FURNACES, CUPOLA See Cupola Furnaces. FURNACES, ELECTRIC See Electric Furnaces. GAS ANALYSIS See Chemistry for Engineers. GAS ENGINEERING, MANUFACTURE AND SUPPLY See also Eetorts. GBAFTON (Walter). A handbook of practical gas- fitting : a treatise on the distribution of gas in service pipes, the use of coal gas and the best means of economising gas from main to burner, for the use of students, plumbers, gas fitters and gas managers. 2nd edition. pp.414. 8vo. 1907. Batsford : London. 7s. Qd. LATTA (Marion Nisbet). Handbook of American gas- engineering practice, pp. 11 + 466. 8vo. 1907. Con- stable : London. 18s. Van Nostrand : New York. $4.50. O'CONNOR (Henry). The gas engineer's pocket-book. 3rd edition, pp. 14 + 464. 8vo. 1907. C. Lockwood : London. 10s. 6d. Van Nostrand: New York. $3.50. F 2 67 GAS ENGINEERING Contd. EOYLE (Harold M.). The chemistry of gas manu- facture: a practical manual, pp. 15 + 328. 8vo. 1907. C. Lockwood: London. 12s. Qd. Henley: New York. $4.50. SCHNEIDER (Norman Hugh). Electric gas lighting : how to install gas igniting apparatus including the jump spark and multiple systems for use in houses, churches, theatres, halls, schools, stores, or any large building. pp.101. 8vo. 1907. Spon : New York. 50c. Spon : London. Is. 6d. WEBBER (William Hosgood Young). Town gas and its uses for the production of light, heat and motive power, pp. 6 + 275. 8vo. 1907. Constable: London. 6s. Van Nostrand : New York. $2. GERHARD (William Paul). The American practice of gas piping and gas lighting in buildings, pp.306. 8vo. 1908. McGraw: New York. $3. Hill Pub. Co.: London. 12s. 6d. MENTOR, pseud. Self-instruction for students in gas engineering. Constructional. 2nd edition. pp.162. 8vo. 1908. J. Allan : London. 3s. Qd. MENTOR, pseud. Self-instruction for students in gas supply. Elementary. pp.145. 8vo. 1908. "Gas World " : London. 3s. 6d. Van Nostrand : New York. $1.50. MOON (Frederick C.). The gas engineers' price book for estimates and valuations, obi. 8vo. 1908. J. Allan : London. 5s. HOLE (Walter). The distribution of gas. 2nd edition, spp. 28 + 839. 8vo. 1909. J. Allan: London. 15s. Spon: New York. $6. MENTOR, pseud. Self-instruction for students in gas supply. Advanced, pp. 10 + 110. 8vo. 1909. J.Allan: London. 3s. 6d. Van Nostrand: New York. ,$1.50. O'CONNOR (Henry). Petrol air-gas : a practical hand- book on the installation and working of air-gas lighting systems for country houses. pp.72. 8vo. 1909. C. Lockwood: London. Is. 6d. Van Nostrand: New York. 75c. STANIFORTH (H k ). Electric power for gasworks. pp.31. 8vo. 1909. J. Allan: London. 2s. 68 GAS ENGINEERING Contd. STONE (Charles Henry Howard). Practical testing of gas and gas meters, pp. 10 + 337. 8vo. 1909. Wiley: New York. $3.50. Chapman & H. : London. 15s. O'CONNOR (Henry). Gas manufacture and lighting. A course of five lectures. (Koyal Scottish Society of Arts. Keith Lectures. 1909.) pp.115. 8vo. 1910. W. King : London. COSTE (J. H.). The calorific power of gas. pp.326. 8vo. 1911. C. Griffin: London. 6s. HOENBY (John). A textbook of gas manufacture for students. 6th edition, revised and enlarged, pp. 10 + 423. 8vo. 1911. Bell: London. 7s. Qd. Macmillan : New York. $2,50. HUMPHRYS (Norton H.). The construction and management of small gasworks. With a section on costs and capacity of works by J. H. Brearley. - 8vo. 1911. J. Allan: London. 7s. Qd. MENTOR, pseud. Self instruction for students in gas engineering. Elementary. 4th edition, pp.224. 8vo. 1911. Allan: London. 3s. Qd: MENTOR, pseud. Self -instruction for students in gas engineering: Advanced. 3rd edition. pp.270. 8vo. 1911. Allan: London. 3s. Qd. . GAS ENGINES See also Internal Combustion Engines. Steam Engine. ALLEN (Horace). How to design a gas engine, with full working drawings for a 7 B.H.P. gas engine, pp.39. 4to. 1907. Scientific Pub. Co. : Manchester. 2s. Qd. GOLDINGHAM (Arthur Hugh). The gas engine in principle and practice. pp.195. 8vo. 1907. Gas Power Pub. Co. : St. Joseph, Mich. $1.50. Spon : London. 6s. Qd. Moss (Sanford A.). Elements of gas engine design. pp..l97. 12mo. 1907. Van Nostrand : New York. 50c. Spon: London. 2s. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS FROM "THE GAS ENGINE." pp.274. 12mo. 1907, "Gas Engine" Co.: Cincin- nati, 0. $1,50. : /j 69 GAS ENGINES Contd. WARWICK (Percy B.). The gas engine, how it works, and how it is used. Revised by L. M. Schmidt, pp.68. Svo. . 1907. Bubier Pub. Co. : Lynn, Mass. 75c. JUNGE (P. E.). Gas power : a study of the evolution of gas power, the design and construction of large gas engines in Europe, the application of gas power to various industries and the rational utilization of low grade fuels, pp.13 + 548. 8vo. 1908. McGraw : New York. $5. Hill Pub. Co. : London. 21s. TOOKEY (W. A.). The gas engine manual : a practical handbook of gas engine construction and management, pp. 33 + 186. 8vo. 1908. P. Marshall : London. 3s. M. Spon: New York. $1.50. JONES (Forrest Eobert). The gas engine, pp. 9 + 44 7. Svo. 1909. Wiley : New York. $4. Chapman & H. : London. 17s. MEHETENS (A. C.). Gas engine theory and design, pp. 5 + 256. 8vo, 1909. Wiley: New York. $2.50. Chapman & H. : London. 10s. 6d. POOLE (Cecil Percy). The gas engine. pp. 6 + 97. Svo. 1909. McGraw: New York. $1. Hill Pub. Co. : London. 4s. 6d. FORMULAS AND CONSTANTS FOR GAS ENGINE DESIGN. pp.46. Svo. 1910. Indust. Press : New York. 25c. LEVIN (A. M.). The modern gas engine and the gas producer. pp. 16 + 485. Svo. 1910. Wiley: New York. $4. Chapman & H. : London. 17s. LONGANECKER (Ezra W.). The practical gas engineer : a manual of practical gas and gasoline engine know- ledge. 8th edition, pp.165. 12mo. 1910. Author: Anderson Ind. $1. GASOLOGY : BEING A REPRINT FROM THE GAS ENGINE COURSE OF "GAS REVIEW." pp.95. Svo. 1911. "Gas Review " : Madison, Wis. 50c. HAEDER (H.) and HUSKISSON (W. M.). Handbook on the gas engine, pp.311. Svo. 1911. McGraw: New York. $5. Lockwood : London. 18s. MARSHALL (William Johnstone) and SANKEY (Matthew Henry Phineas Riall). Gas engines, pp. 16 + 278. Svo. 1911. Constable : London. 6s. Van Nostrand : New York. $2. 70 GAS ENGINES Contd. EATHBUN (John B.). Gas engine troubles and installation : a book that shows you how to install, how to operate, how to make immediate repairs and how to keep a gas engine running, pp. 444. 8vo. 1911. C. 0. Thompson Co. : Chicago. $1. GAS ENGINES, MARINE WILLAED (Walter C.). Why the gas engine goes: a practical talk in plain English on gas engines, especially as applied to marine uses. pp. 10 + 104. 8vo. 1909. Penton Pub. Co. : Cleveland, O. 75c. CLARK (Carl Herbert). Marine gas engines, their con- struction and management. pp. 5 + 117. 8vo. 1911. Van Nostrand: New York. $1.50. GAS, PRODUCER Dow SON (Joseph Emerson). Producer gas. 2nd edition., pp. 16 + 304. 8vo. 1907. Longmans : London. 10s. Gd. Longmans: New York. $3. WYEB (Samuel S.). A treatise on producer-gas and gas producers. 2nd edition. pp.308. 8vo. 1907. McGraw : New York. $4. Hill Pub. Co. : London. 17s. ALLEN (Horace). Modern power gas producer practice and applications : a practical treatise dealing with the gasification of various classes of fuels by the pressure and suction systems of producer. pp. 7 + 326. 8vo. 1908. Technical Pub. Co. : London. 6s. Van Nostrand : New York. $2.50. EOBSON (Philip W.). Power gas producers : their design and application. pp. 4 + 247. 8vo. 1908, Arnold : London. 10s. Gd. Longmans : New York. $3. FLURSCHEIM (A.). Working hints for suction gas producers, pp.40. 8vo. 1909. P. Marshall : London. 2s. Spon: New York. 50c. NAGEL (Oskar). Producer gas-fired furnaces : detailed descriptions and illustrations of practical producer gas- fired furnaces of the chemical, metal, metallurgical, iron, steel, lime, cement, glass, brick and ceramic industries, pp. 6 + 192. 8vo. 1909. Author: New York. $2. A, F. Bird: London. 8s. Gd. 71 GAS, PRODUCER Contd. SMITH (Cades Alfred Middleton). Suction gas plants, pp. 7 + 198. Svo. 1909. Griffin : London. 5s. Lippin- cott: Philadelphia. $1.75. LATTA (Marion Nisbet). American producer gas prac- tice and industrial gas engineering, pp. 18 + 539. 4to. 1910. C. Lockwood : London. 25s. Van Nostrand : New York. $6. MILLER (John Calvin). Power gas and the gas pro- ducer. pp.184. 8vo. 1910. Pop. Mech. Co. : Chicago. $1. TOOKEY (W. A.). How to manage a suction gas pro- ducer. A practical handbook for engineers and attend- ants, pp. 6 + 89. 16mo. 1911. P. Marshall: London. Is. Spon: New York. 50c. GAUGES WOOD WORTH (Joseph Vincent). Gages and gaging systems : design, construction and use of tools, methods and processes involved. pp. 9 + 249. 8vo. 1908. McGraw: New York. $2. Hill Pub. Co.: London. 8s. 6d. GAGE MAKING AND LAPPING, pp.38. 8vo. 1910. Indust. Press : New York. 25c. GEARS AND GEAR CUTTING BEALE (Oscar James). Formulas in gearing. 5th edition. With practical suggestions. pp.184. Svo. 1907, Brown & S. Co. : Providence E.I. $1.50. Spon : London. 7s. 6d. LOGOS (pseud.). Variable gears. An explanatory handbook dealing with variable gears in theory and practice, pp. 23 + 151. 8vo. 1908. Standring : London. ENGSTROM (Dag Agmar). Bevel gear tables : a collection of tables and necessary explanation to enable anyone to figure bevel gears without the use of trigonometry. 2nd edition, pp.66. 8vo. 1909. Henley : New York. $1. FLANDERS (Ealph E.). Gear-cutting machinery : com- prising a complete review of contemporary American and European practice, together with a logical classification and explanation of the principles involved, pp. 7 + 319. Svo. 1909. Wiley: New York. $3. Chapman &, H. : London, 12s. 6d. 72 GEARS AND GEAR CUTTING Contd. GRANT (George B.). Treatise on gear wheels, pp.106. 8vo. 1909. McGraw : New York. $1. Hill Pub. Co. : London. 4s. Qd. WORM GEARING. 2nd edition, pp.48. 8vo. 1909. Indust. Press : New York. 25c. FLANDERS (Ralph E.). Bevel gearing. 2nd edition. pp.48. 8vo. 1910. Indust. Press : New York. 25c. LOGUE (Charles H.). American Machinist gear book. Simplified tables and formulas for designing and practical points in cutting all commercial types of gears, pp.348. 8vo. 1910. American Machinist : New York. $2.50. Hill Pub. Co. : London. 10s. Qd. SPIRAL GEARING. 2nd edition, pp.40. 8vo. 1910. Indust. Press : New York. 25c. SPUR GEARING. 2nd edition. pp.48. 8vo. 1910. Indust. Press : New York. 25c. ANTHONY (Gardner Chace). The essentials of gearing : a text-book for technical students and for self-instruction. pp.23 + 86 + 15diagr. 12mo. 1911. Heath: Boston. $1.50. BEALE (Oscar James). Practical treatise on gearing. 10th edition, pp. 7 + 184. 8vo. 1911. Brown & S. Co. : Providence, E.I. $1. Spon : London. 5s. HALSEY (Frederick A.). Worm and spiral gearing. 2nd edition, pp.94. 12mo. 1911. Van Nostrand : New York. 50c. Spon : London. 2s. GEODESY See also Surveying. CRANDALL (Charles Lee). Text-book on geodesy and least squares : prepared for the use of civil engineering students, pp. 10 + 329. 8vo. 1907. Wiley : New York. $3. Chapman & H. : London. 12s. Qd. MOLITOR (David Albert). Geodetic surveying for the use of students in the College of Civil Engineering, Cornell Univ. pp.29. 8vo. 1910. Author: Ithaca, N.Y. 30c. INGRAM (Edward L.). Geodetic surveying and the adjustment of observations (method of least squares), pp. 20 + 389. 8vo. 1911. McGraw: New York. $3. Hill Pub, Co. : London. 12s. 6d, 73 GEOLOGY FOR ENGINEERS SOESBIE (Eobert Fox). Geology for engineers, pp.27 + 423. 8vo. 1911. C. Griffin: London. 10s. 6d. Lippincott: Philadelphia. $3.50. GIRDERS HUDSON (Clarence W.). Notes on plate girder design, pp. 7 + 75. 8vo. 1911. Wiley: New York. $1.50. Chapman & H. : London. 6s. 6d. GOLD See also Cyanide. LONGRIDGE (Cecil Clement). Gold dredging. 2nd and revised edition, pp. 13 + 339. 8vo. 1907. Mining Journal : London. 20s. WEATHERBEE (D'Arcy). Dredging for gold in Califor- nia. pp.217. 8vo. 1907. Min. & Scient. Press : San Francisco. $4. Tech. Bk. Shop : London. 16s. CRANE (Walter Richard). Gold and silver, comprising an economic history of mining in the United States, the geographical and geological occurrence' of the precious metals . . . history and description of methods of mining, etc. pp.11 + 727. 8vo. 1908. Wiley : New York. $5. Chapman & H. : London. 21s. HARRISON (John Burchmore). The geology of the gold- fields of British Guiana. . . . With historical, geographical and other chapters by Frank Fowler and 0. Wilgress Anderson, pp. 7 + 320. 8vo. 1908. Dulau : London. 5s. LAUNAY (Louis de). The world's gold. Translated by Q.C.Williams, pp.34 + 244. 8vo. 1908. Heinemann : London. 6s. Putnam : New York. $1.75. MACLAREN (J. Malcolm). Gold : its geological occur- rence and geographical distribution, pp. 23 + 687. 8vo. 1908. Mining Journ. : London. 25s. CLARK (Donald). Gold refining, pp.124. 8vo. 1909. C. Parker : Sydney, N.S.W. Pitman : London. 12s. 6d. EICKARD (Thomas Arthur). Stamp milling of gold ores. pp.260. 8vo. 1909. McGraw : New York. $2.50. Hill Pub. Co. : London. 10s. 6d. 74 GOLD Contd. ADAMS (William James). Hints on amalgamation and the general care of gold mills. 3rd edition, pp.121. 8vo. 1910. Mining & Scient. Press : San Francisco. $2. Tech. Bk. Shop: London. 8s. Qd. DA VIES (H. C.) and others. The gold mines of Western Australia, pp.102. 4to. 1910. Tech. Pubs. : Perth, W.A. Is. MACFARREN (H. W.). Practical stamp milling and amalgamation, pp.166. 8vo. 1910. Mining & Scient. Press : San Francisco. $2. Tech. Bk. Shop : London. 8s. Qd. CLELAND (E. Davenport). West Australian mining practice. A description of the mining methods followed by the principal gold mines of Weetern Australia, pp. c. 300. 8vo. 1911. Chamber of Mines : Kalgoorlie, W.A. Tech. Bk. Shop : London. 25s. HODGSON (John Ernest). The dredging of gold placers, pp. 9 + 65. 8vo. 1911. Pitman: London. 5s. Pitman : New York. $2. GOVERNORS HALL (H. E.). Governors and governing mechanism. 2nd edition, pp. 9 + 177. 8vo. 1907. Technical Pub. Co. : Manchester. 4s. Van Nostrand : New York. $2. COLLINS (Hubert Edwin). Shaft governors, centri- fugal and inertia : simple methods for the adjustment of all classes of shaft governors, pp. 7 + 127. 12mo. 1908. McGraw : New York. $1. Hill Pub. Co. : London. 4s. 6d. GRAPHICS AND GRAPHIC STATICS MALCOLM (Charles Wesley). Elements of graphic statics, pp.127. 8vo. 1907. Author: Champaign, 111. $1.75. SPANGLEB (Henry Wilson). Graphics, pp.95. 8vo. 1908. McVey: Philadelphia. $1.50. HAEDY (Edward). The elementary principles of graphic statics. 2nd edition. pp.206. 8vo. 1909. Batsford : London. 3s. Van Nostrand: New York. $1.50. 75 GRAPHICS AND GRAPHIC STATICS Contd. MALCOLM (Charles Wesley). A text-book on graphic statics, pp. 12 + 316. 8vo. 1909. Clark Pub. Co. : New York. $3. Spon: London. 4s. 6J. CATHCART (William Ledyard) and CHAFFEE (J. Irwin). The elements of graphic statics and of general graphic methods, pp. 8 + 312. 8vo. 1910. Van Nostrand : New York. $3. Constable : London. 12s. PEDDLE (John B.). The construction of graphical charts, pp. 8 + 109. 8vo. 1910. McGraw : New York. $1.50. Hill Pub. Co. : London. 6s. 6d. CRAWFORD (W. J.). Elementary graphic statics. pp.140. 8vo. 1911. C. Griffin: London. 2s. 6d. FROST (Percival). An elementary treatise on curve tracing. 2nd edition, pp. 16 + 208. 8vo. 1911. Mac- millan : London. 10s. GRINDING DARBYSHIRE (H.). Precision grinding. pp. 7 + 162. 8vo. 1907. Constable: London. 6s. McGraw: New York. $2. WOOD WORTH (Joseph Vincent). Grinding and lapping. Tools, processes and fixtures. A practical treatise. pp.8 + 162. 8vo. 1907. McGraw: New York. $2. Hill Pub. Co. : London. 8s. Qd. GRINDING AND LAPPING, pp.48. 8vo. 1909. Indust. Press : New York. 25c. COMMERCIAL GRINDING BY THE USE OF PLAIN GRINDING MACHINES : hand book for the shop, pp.104. 8vo. 1910. Brown & S. : Providence, E.I. 25c. GRINDING AND GRINDING MACHINES. 2nd edition. pp.48. 8vo. 1910. Indust. Press : New York. 25c. GUNS AND GUNNERY LISSAK (Ormond M.). Ordnance and gunnery : a text- book prepared for the cadets of the United States Military Academy, West Point, pp.14 + 604. 8vo. 1907. Wiley": New York. $6. Chapman & H. : London. 25s. 6d. GREENER (William Wellington). The British miniature rifle, pp. 11 + 101. 8vo. 1908. Everett: London. Is. SPAULDING (Oliver Lyman). Notes on field artillery for officers of all arms, pp.155. 8vo. 1908. U.S. Cavalry Assoc. : Leavenworth, Kan. $1.25. 76 GUNS AND GUNNERY Contd. BLANCH (H. J.). A century of guns : a sketch of the leading types of sporting and military small arms, with over 150 illustrations of guns and rifles, pp. 13 + 153. 8vo. 1909. Blanch: London. BAUSENBERGER (F.). The theory of the recoil of guns with recoil cylinders. Specially printed from " Artil- leristiche Monatshefte." Translated by Alfred Slater, pp. 10 + 114. 8vo. 1909. C. Lockwood: London. 10s. Qd. Van Nostrand : New York. $4.50. ANDERSON (Austin Thomas). The field gunner's catechism. 3rd edition, pp.59. 16mo. 1910. Gale & P. : London. Is. Qd. ASKINS (Charles). The American shot gun, copiously illustrated by the author, pp.321. 8vo. 1910. Outing Co. : New York. $2. BETHELL (Henry Arthur). Modern guns and gun- nery, 1910. 3rd edition. pp. 14 + 443. 8vo. 1910. Cattermole : Woolwich. 15s. BETHELL (Henry Arthur). Modern artillery in the field. A description of the artillery of the field army, and the principles and methods of its employment, pp. 9 + 393. 8vo. 1911. Macmillan: London. 7s. 6d. Mac- millan: New York. $2.60. GREENER (William Wellington). The gun and its development. 9th edition. pp. 20 + 804. 4to. 1911. Cassell: London. 10s. 6d. Cassell : New York. $3.75. GYROSCOPE CRABTREE (Harold). An elementary treatment of the theory of spinning tops and gyroscopic motion. With illustrations, pp. 12 + 140. 8vo. 1909. Longmans: London. 5s. 6d. Longmans: New York. $1.50. PERRY (John). Spinning tops: the "Operatives' Lecture " of the British Association meeting at Leeds, 6th Sept., 1890. Reprint of new and revised edition, with an illustrated appendix on the gyrostats, pp.149. 12mo. 1910. Gorham : New York. 85c. JOHNSON (Valentine Edward). The gyroscope. An experimental study. From spinning top to monorail. pp.52. 8vo. 1911. Spon : London. Is. 6d. Spon : New York. 60c. 77 HARBOURS CUNNINGHAM (Brysson). A treatise on the principles and practice of harbour engineering, pp. 12 + 283. 8vo. 1908. C. Griffin: London. 16s. Lippincott : Phila- delphia. $5. HEAT HOBBS (Lionel Morgan). The thermodynamic prin- ciples of engine design. pp. 8 + 143. 8vo. 1907. C. Griffin: London. 4s. 6d. Lippincott: Philadelphia. $1.75. ZEUNEB (Gustav). Technical thermodynamics. Trans, by J. F. Klein. 2 vols. 8vo. 1907. Constable: London. 36s. Van Nostrand : New York. $8. DARLING (Charles Eobert). Heat for engineers : a treatise on heat, with special regard to its practical applications, pp. 12 + 430. 8vo. 1908. Spon : London. 12s. 6d. Spon: New York. $5. BADGLEY (William Francis). Heat and other forces. pp.221 + 6. 8vo. 1909. King, Sell: London. 5s. TREVOR (Joseph Ellis). Lectures on thermodynamics. Introduction: the principles of thermodynamics, pp. 4 + 113. 8vo. 1909. The Author: Lancaster, Pa. $1. EEEVE (Sidney Armor). Energy; work, heat and transformations, pp.238. 8vo. 1909. McGraw : New York. $2. Hill Pub. Co. : London. 8s. 6d. YOUNG (Gilbert Amos). Elementary notes on thermo- dynamics, pp. 6 + 49. 8vo. 1909. Author: Lafayette, Ind. $1. ENNIS (William Duane). Applied thermodynamics for engineers, pp. 8 + 438. 8vo. 1910. Constable : London. 21s. Van Nostrand: New York. $4.50. HIRSCHFELD (Clarence Floyd). Engineering thermo- dynamics. 2nd edition, pp.157. 12mo. 1910. Van Nostrand: New York. 50c. Spon: London. 2s. MILLS (John). An introduction to thermodynamics for engineering students, pp. 8 + 136. 8vo. 1910. Ginn : Boston. $2. SPANGLER (Henry Wilson). Applied thermodynamics. pp.160. 8vo. 1910. McVey: Philadelphia. $2.50. 73 HEAT Contd. BERRY (Charles William). The temperature-entropy diagram. 3rd edition, pp. 15 + 393. 8vo. 1911. Wiley": New York. $2.50. Chapman & H. : London. 10s, 6d. CARDULLO (Forrest E.). Practical thermo-dynamics. A treatise on the theory and design of heat engines, re- frigeration machinery and other power-plant apparatus, pp. 9 + 411. 8vo. 1911. McGraw : New York. $3.50. Hill Pub. Co. : London. 15s. GOODENOUGH (George Alfred). Principles of thermo- dynamics, pp. 14 + 327. 8vo. 1911. Holt : New York. $3.50. HARTMANN (Francis M.). Heat and thermodynamics, pp. 7 + 346. 8vo. 1911. McGraw: New York. $3. Hill Pub. Co. : London. 12s. 6d. MILLER (Edward Furber). Problems in thermo- dynamics and heat engineering, pp.67. 8vo. 1911. Wiley : New York. 75c. Chapman & H. : London. 3s. 6d. SPANGLER (Henry Wilson). Notes on thermodynamics. Pt. 1. 5th edition, pp. 7 + 80. 8vo. 1911. Wiley: New York. $1. Chapman & H. : London. 4s. 6d. HEAT ENGINES See Steam Engine. HEATING See also Hot Water. Pipes and Piping. Plumbing. Sanitary Engineering. SNOW (William Gaze). Principles of heating : a prac- tical and comprehensive treatise on applied theory in heating, pp.161. 8vo. 1907. D. Williams Co. : New York. $2. Spon : London. 8s. Qd. THOMPSON (Charles Bedford). Heating by steam and water : a practical treatise on house heating : improved methods of installing heating apparatus in the home. pp.265. 8vo. 1907. Plumbers' Trade Journal Pub. Co. : New York. $3. DEAN (Mark). Dean's system of green house heating for steam or hot water : with formulas for obtaining different temperatures, pp.46. 12mo. 1909. Domest. Engin. : Chicago. $2. 79 HEATING contd. CABPENTEE (Rolla Clinton). Heating and ventilating buildings. A manual for heating engineers and architects. 5th edition, pp. 16 + 562. 8vo. 1910. Wiley: New York. $4. Chapman & H. : London. 17s. HOFFMAN (James David) and RABER (Benjamin F.). Handbook for heating and ventilating engineers, pp.321. 8vo. 1910. Authors : Lafayette, Ind. $3.50. HUBBABD (Charles Lincoln). Heating and ventilating shops and offices, pp.39. 8vo. 1910. Indust. Press : New York. 25c. KING (Alfred G.). Practical steam and hot water heat- ing and ventilation, pp.307. 8vo. 1910. Henley : New York. $3. Lockwood : London. 12s. 6d. LINCOLN (H. C.). Practical steam and hot water fit- ting : a text-book for the student and mechanic, pp.150. 8vo. 1910. D. Williams: New York. $1. LISK (Joseph P.). Lisk's tables for designing and estimating direct and indirect steam and hot water heating systems, ff.20. 8vo. 1910. Spon : London. 8*. 6d. WHITE (W. L.) and (G. M.). Heating engineers' quantities : the Simplex system of taking out heating engineers' quantities and measurements, ff.33. pi. 4. fol. 1910. Spon: London. 10s. 6d. Spon: New York. $4.25. ALLEN (John Robins). Notes on heating and ventila- tion. 3rd edition, pp. 6 + 227. 8vo. 1911." Domest. Engin. Co. : Chicago. $2.50. HARRISON (James M.). Applied heating and ventila- tion, with charts and formulas, embodying modern prac- tice in steam, hot blast and forced hot water heating. pp.133. 4to. 1911. New York Heat. & Vent. Sch. : New York. $10. HEATING, HOT AIR SMITH (Montraville Harrington). The furnaceman's hand-book : practical simplified rules and tables for warm air furnace heating. pp.58. 12mo. 1909. Master Sheet Metal Workers' Journ. : Philadelphia. 50c. SNOW (William Gage). Furnace heating : a practical and comprehensive treatise on warming buildings with 80 HEATING, HOT AIR Contd. hot air. With appendices : I. Furnace fittings. II. Miscellaneous notes on furnace heating. 4th edition. pp.216. 8vo. 1909. D. Williams Co. : New York. $1.75. Spon : London. 7s. 6d. HEATING, HOT WATER See also Hot Water Supply. BALDWIN (William James St. John). Hot water heat- ing and fitting : modern hot water apparatus, the methods of their construction and the principles involved. 4th edition. pp. 15 + 306. 8vo. 1908. Hill Pub. Co.: London. 17s. McGraw : New York. $4. HEATING, STEAM BALDWIN (William James St. John). Baldwin on heat- ing : or, steam heating for buildings revised : being a description of steam heating apparatus for warming and ventilating large buildings and private, with remarks on steam, water and air in their relation to heat- ing. 16th edition, pp. 8 + 404. 8vo. 1908. Wiley: New York. $2.50. Chapman & H. : London. 10s. Qd. CHAIMOVITCH (Isaac). Tables for calculating sizes of steam pipes for low pressure heating, pp.47. 12mo. 1908. Domest. Engin. : Chicago. $2. WAKEMAN (William Henry), Air valves for steam heating systems : how used, why used, where used. pp.39. 8vo. 1908. Domest. Engin. : Chicago. 25c. ALLEN (John Kermott). Sizes of flow and return steam mains : being an apprentice's query as to correct sizes of pipes in steam heating plants and answers thereto by leading American heating engineers. 2nd edition, pp.96. 16mo. 1909. " Domestic Engineering " : Chicago. 50c. DEAN (Mark). The steam fitters' computation and price book, pp.161. 12mo. 1909. Domest. Engin. : Chicago. $3. HIGHWAYS See Eoads. HOISTING MACHINERY See Cranes. G 81 HOT WATER SUPPLY HASLUCK (Paul Nooncree). Domestic hot- water apparatus. With numerous engravings and diagrams. pp.160. 8vo. 1907. Cassell: London. 2s. ALLEN (John Kermott). Hot water for domestic use : complete guide to the methods of supplying and heating water for domestic purposes. pp.122. 16mo. 1910. Domestic Engineering : Chicago. 50c. HYDRAULIC ELEVATORS See Elevators. HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING See also Elevators. DUNKERLEY (Stanley). Hydraulics. Vol. 1. Hydrau- lic machinery. Vol. 2. The resistance and propulsion of ships.) 2 vols. 8vo. 1907-08. Longmans : Lon- don. 21s. Longmans : New York. $6. His cox (Gardner Dexter). Hydraulic engineering : a treatise on the properties, power and resources of water for all purposes, pp.315. 8vo. 1908. Henley : New York. $4. ENGINEERING STANDARDS COMMITTEE. No. 44. British standard specification for cast iron pipes for hydraulic power, ff.8. fol. 1909. C. Lock wood : London. 5s. TURNEAURE (Frederick Eugene) and BLACK (Adolph). Hydraulic engineering. pp. 55 + 267 + 7. 8vo. 1909. Amer. Sch. Corresp. : Chicago. $1. C. Lockwood : London. 12s. Qd. ROBIN BON (Henry). Hydraulic power and hydraulic machinery. 3rd edition, re-issue, pp.244. 8vo. 1910. C. Griffin : London. 25s. HYDRAULICS See also Mechanics. Ho SKINS (Leander Miller). A text-book on hydraulics, including an outline of the theory of turbines, pp. 5 + 271. 8vo. 1907. Constable: London. 10s. 6d. HOUSDEN (Charles Edward). Practical hydraulic (water supply and drainage), tables and diagrams, pp.10 + 105. 8vo. 1907. Longmans: London. 3s. 6d. Longmans: New York. $1.25. 82 HYDRAULICS Contd. OWEN (Ira J.). Notes on hydraulics: a pocket book of useful data for engineers, architects, etc. pp.394. 8vo. 1907. Insurance Press: New York. $2.50. Spon : London. 12s. 6d. UN WIN (William Cawthorne). A treatise on hydrau- lics, pp. 11 + 327. 8vo. 1907. Black : London. 32s. 6d. Macmillan: New York. $4.25. BOVEY (Henry Taylor). A treatise on hydraulics. 2nd edition, pp. 18 + 585. Svo. 1908. Wiley: New York. $5. Chapman & H. : London. 21s. EKIN (Tom Charles). Water pipe and sewer discharge diagrams. pp.21. fol. 1908. Constable: London. 12s. 6cL Van Nostrand : New York. $3. FLYNN (P. J.). Flow of water in open channels, pipes, sewers, conduits, etc. pp.118. 12mo. 1908. Van Nos- trand : New York. 50c. Spon: London. 2s. GIBSON (Arnold Hartley). Hydraulics and its applica- tions, pp. 14 + 756. Svo. 1908. Constable: London. 15s. Van Nostrand : New York. $5. HENNELL (Thomas). Hydraulic and other tables for purposes of sewerage and water-supply. 3rd edition, revised, pp. 6 + 69. Svo. 1908. Spon : London. 4s. Qd. Spon: New York. $1. JEBBETT (Herman Daniel). Hydraulic tables and memoranda. pp.S + 142. 16mo. 1908. Author. : San Francisco. $1.50. MOLITOR (David Albert). Hydraulics of rivers, weirs and sluices. The derivation of new and more accurate formulae, for discharge through rivers and canals obstructed by weirs, sluices, etc. according to the prin- ciples of Gustav Bitter von Wex. pp. 12 + 135. Svo. 1908. Wiley : New York. $2. Chapman & H. : Lon- don. 8s. 6dL ROBERTS (Wynne). Pocket hydraulic calculator for circular pipes : based on Kutter's formula. 12mo. 1908. St. Bride: London. 5s. Box (Thomas). Practical hydraulics : a series of rules and tables for the use of engineers, etc. 15th editionr. pp.88. Svo. 1909. Spon : London. 5s. Spon : New York. $2. 02 83 ' HYDRAULICS Contd. GABBETT (Arthur ffolliott). Hydraulic tables and dia grams for practical engineers, pp.48, obi. fol. 1909. Longmans: London. 15s. Longmans: New York. $5. GIBSON (Arnold Hartley). Water hammer in hydraulic pipe lines : being a theoretical and experimental investiga- tion of the rise or fall in pressure in a pipe line, caused by the gradual or sudden closing or opening of a valve : with a chapter on the speed regulation of hydraulic turbines. pp.60. 8vo. 1909. Constable: London. 5s. Van Nostrand : New York. $2. LEA (Frederick Charles). Hydraulics for engineers and engineering students. 2nd impression. pp. 12 + 536. 8vo. 1909. Arnold: London. 15s. Longmans: New York. $4.25. MEBBIMAN (Mansfield). Treatise on hydraulics. 8th edition, pp. 8 + 586. 8vo. 1909. Wiley: New York. $5. Chapman & H. : London. 21s. Bus SELL (George E.). Text-book on hydraulics. pp.7 + 183. 8vo. 1909. Holt: New York. $2.50. Bell: London. 10s. 6d. WILLIAMS (Gardner Stewart) and HAZEN (Allen). Hydraulic tables : the elements of gagings and the friction of water flowing in pipes, aqueducts, sewers, etc. 2nd edition, pp.6 + 104. 8vo. 1909. Wiley: New York. $1.50. Chapman & H. : London. 6s. 6d. SCHMEEE (Louis). The flow of water : a new theory of the motion of water under pressure and in open con- duits and its practical application, pp. 6 + 228. 8vo. 1910. C. Lockwood: London. 12s. 6d. Van Nos- trand: New York. $3. BELLASIS (Edward Skelton). Hydraulics with working tables. 2nd edition. pp.311. 8vo. 1911. Spon : London. 12s. Spon: New York. $4. HUGHES (Hector James) and SAFFOBD (Arthur Tru- man). A treatise on hydraulics, pp. 14 + 505. 8vo. 1911. Macmillan : New York. $3.75. Macmillan : London. 16s. HYDRO-ELECTRIC POWER PLANTS See Power Plants, Hydro-electric. ' 84 IGNITION DEVICES HIBBEBT (Walter). Electric ignition for motor vehicles. 2nd edition, pp.128. 8vo. 1908. Whittaker : Lon- don. Is. 6d. Macmillan : New York. 50c. EUSSELL (Thomas Herbert). Ignition timing and valve setting. A comprehensive illustrated manual of self- instruction for automobile owners, operators, repair-men, and all interested in motoring, pp. 23. 8vo. 1909. Thompson Co. : Chicago. $1.50. BOTTONE (Selino Borneo). Ignition devices for motors : with a chapter treating specially of structural details, choice and management of automobiles : new edition, pp. 10 + 141. 8vo. 1910. McKay: Philadelphia. 75c. CROSS (Harold H. M.). The care and management of ignition accumulators, and electric light for the million. pp.66. 8vo. 1910. Spon: London. Is. Qd. Spon : New York. 60c. CODD (Mortimer Arthur). Electrical ignition for in- ternal combustion engines. pp. 7 + 164. 8vo. 1911. Spon: London. 3s. Spon: New York. $1.25. LEECHMAN (Douglas). Systems of electric ignition for motor-cars. 2nd edition, pp.192. 8vo. 1911. "Car Illustrated": London. Is. 6d. VAN DEVENTER (H. B.). Ignition handbook : a com- mon sense treatise describing electrical ignition systems for internal combustion engines : a description of modern ignition equipment for high and low tension systems and methods of installing and operating the same, pp.73. 8vo'. 1911. Author: Sumter, S.C. 50c. ILLUMINATION See also Electric Lighting. CEAVATH (James Ealey) and LANSINGH (Van Eensse- laer). Practical illumination, pp. 7 + 356. 8vo. 1907. McGraw: New York. $3. Hill Pub. Co.: London. 12s. 6dL FLOY (Henry). A compilation of the records of the Colorado Springs lighting controversy, pp.327. 8vo. 1908. Illuminating Engineer :' New York. $4. STEINMETZ (Charles Proteus). Eadiation, light and illumination : a series of engineering lectures delivered at 85 ILLUMINATION Contd. Union College. Compiled and edited by J. LeEoy Hay- den, pp. 12 + 305. 8vo. 1909. McGraw: New York. $3. Hill Pub. Co. : London. 12s. Qd. WICKENDEN (William Elgin). Illumination and photo- metry. pp.8 + 195. 8vo. 1910. McGraw : New York. $2. Hill Pub. Co. : London. 8s. Qd. LECTURES ON ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING DELIVERED AT THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY, Oct. and Nov. 1910. 2 vols. 8vo. 1911. Johns Hopkins Press : Baltimore, Md. $4. TROTTER (Alexander Pelham). Illumination: its dis- tribution and measurement, pp. 17 + 292 8vo. 1911. Macmillan : London. 8s. 6d. Macmillan : New York. $2.75. INDICATORS ROGERS (William) pseud, i. e. HAWKINS (Nehemiah). Practical treatise on the. steam engine indicator, pp.268. 8vo. 1908. Audel : New York. $1. VOORHEES (Gardner T.). Indicating the refrigerating machine : the application of the indicator to the ammonia compressor and steam engine : with practical instructions relating to the construction and use of the indicator and reading and computing indicator cards. 8vo. 1908. Nickerson & C. : Chicago. $1. MAcGiBBON (William C.). Indicator diagrams for marine engineers, pp.196. 4to. 1909. Munro : Glas- gow. Simpkin : London. 7s. 6d. \ LINCH (Charles Sutteiley). Marine engine indicating : a complete treatise on the indicator and indicator diagrams as applied to marine engines, pp.145. 8vo. 1910. Amer. Steam Gauge Co. : Boston. $2. Low (F. R.). The steam engine indicator. 3rd edi- tion, pp. 10 + 169. 8vo. 1910. McGraw: New York. $1.50. Hill Pub. Co. : London. 6s. Qd. SOTHERN (John W.). Marine indicator cards : contain- ing an exhaustive course of indicator diagrams specially arranged for Board of Trade first class certificates, pp. 15 + 163. 8vo. 1911. C. Lockwood: London. 5s. 86 INDUCTION COILS . ABMAGNAT (H.). The theory, design and construction of induction coils. Translated and edited by Otis Allen Kenyon. pp. 5 + 216. 8vo. 1908. McGraw : New York. $2. Hill Pub. Co. : London. 8s. 6d. NOEBIE (H. T.) pseud, i. e. SCHNEIDEE (Norman Hugh). Experimenting with induction coils, containing practical directions for operating induction coils and Tesla coils : also how to make the apparatus needed for the numerous experiments described. 4th 1000. pp.73. 8vo. 1908. Spon : New York. 25c. Spon : London. Is. Qd. PIKE (John). Practical induction coil construction. pp.127. 8vo. 1908. P. Marshall: London. Is. Spon : New York. 50c. COLLINS (Archie Frederick). The design and construc- tion of induction coils, pp. 23 + 272. 8vo. 1909. Munn : New York. $3. Spon : London. 12s. 6d. SECOR (Harry Winfield). Construction of induction coils and transformers : a treatise on the design and con- struction of induction coils, Tesla coils, and high tension transformers for use in wireless telegraphy and X-ray work, pp.95. 8vo. 1910. Modern Electrics : New York. 25c. INDUCTION MOTOR MATTHEWS (F. J. A.). Elementary treatise on the in- duction motor, pp. 209 + 2. 8vo. 1907. Briggs : Lon- don. 2s. 6dL BAILEY (Benjamin Franklin). The induction motor, pp. 9 + 225. 8vo. 1911. McGraw : New York. $2.50. Hill Pub. Co. : London. 10s. Qd. INJECTORS KEPPY (Frederick). Injectors : their construction, care and management, being useful information on the prin- ciples of their construction, use and practical operation as steam boiler feeders and other purposes, pp.69. 8vo. 1909. Spon : New York. 25c. Spon : London. Is. KNEASS (Strickland Landis). Practice and theory of the injector. 3rd edition. pp. 5 + 175. 8vo. 1910. Wiley : New York. $1.50. Chapman & H. : London. 6s/ Qd. 87 INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES See also Alcohol Engines. Carburettors. Gas Engines. Motor Boats. Motor Oars. Motor Cycles. Oil Engines. Petrol Engines. DEINHAEDT (Kurt) and SCHLOMANN (Alfred). The D S series of technical dictionaries in six languages. Vol. 4. Internal combustion engines, by K. Schikore. pp. 10 + 618. 8vo. 1908. Constable: London. 8s. McGraw : New York. ALLEN (James T.). Digest of United States patents of air, caloric, gas and oil engines 1789-1905, chrono- logically arranged. Containing the full drawings. 5 vols. 8vo. 1907. Columbia Planograph Co. : Wash- ington. $50. ALLEN (Horace). Gas and oil engines. A treatise on the design, construction and working of internal combus- tion engines. pp. 7 + 548 + 6. 8vo. 1907; Scientific Pub. Co.: Manchester. 12s. 6d. Van Nostrand : New York. $4.50. BARTON (John Kennedy). Internal combustion engines: an elementary treatise on gas, gasoline and oil engines for the instruction of- midshipmen at the U.S. Naval Academy. pp.135. 8vo. 1907. U.S. Naval Institute : Annapolis. $1.50. AUDEL'S GAS ENGINE MANUAL : a practical treatise relat- ing to the theory and management of gas, gasoline and oil engines including chapters on producer gas plants, marine motors and automobile engines. pp. 24 + 4 69. 1908. 8vo. Audel : New York. $2. CARPENTER (Eolla Clinton) and DIEDERICHS (Herman). Internal combustion engines : their theory, construction and operation. pp. 14 + 597. 8vo. 1908. C. Lock- wood: London. 21s. Van Nostrand: New York. $5. HUTTON (Frederick Remsen). . The gas-engine. A treatise on the internal-combustion engine using gas, gasoline, kerosene, alcohol or other hydrocarbon as source of energy. 3rd edition revised, pp. 20 + 562. 8vo. 1908. Wiley: New York. $5. Chapman & H. London. 21s. MARKS (Lionel Simeon) and WYER (Samuel S.). Gns and oil engines, and gas producers; a treatise on the 88 INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES Contd. modern development of the internal-combustion motor and efficient methods of fuel economy and power produc- tion, pp. 75 + 62. 8vo. 1908. Amer. Sch. Corresp. : Chicago. $1. C. Lockwood : London. 4s. Qd. WIMPERIS (Harry Egerton). The internal combustion engine : being a text book on gas, oil and petrol engines for the use of students and engineers, pp. 13 + 326. 8vo. 1908. Constable : London. 6s. Van Nostrand : Ne\v York. $3. CLERK (Dugald). The gas, petrol and oil engine. New edition. Vol. 1. Thermodynamics of the gas, petrol and* oil engine, together with historical sketch, pp. 12 + 380. 8vo. 1909. Longmans : London. 12s. 6d. Wiley : New York. $4. ENGINEERING STANDARDS COMMITTEE. No. 45. Report on standard dimensions for the threads of sparking plugs (for internal combustion engines). ff.7. fol. 1909. C. Lockwood : London. 2s. 6d. GROVER (Frederick). Modern gas and oil engines. 5th edition, pp. 7 + 373. 8vo. 1909. Technical Pub. Co.: London. 5s. Van Nostrand: New York. $2. HOGLE (William M.). Internal combustion engines : a reference book for designers, operators, engineers and students. pp. 15 + 256. 8vo. 1909. McGraw : New York. $3. Hill Pub. Co. : London. 12s. Qd. GOLDNER (Hugo). The design and construction of internal-combustion engines : a handbook for designers and builders of gas and oil engines, trans, from the 2nd revised edition with additions on American engines, by H. Diederichs. pp. 19 + 672. 4to. 1910. Van Nos- trand: New York. $10. Constable: London. 42s. MATHOT (Rodolphe E.). The construction and work- ing of internal combustion engines. Translated by W. A. Tookey. pp. 22 + 554. 8vo. 1910. Constable: London. 24s. Van Nostrand : New York. $6. BROOKES (Leonard Elliott). The practical gas and oil engine hand-book : a manual of useful information on the care, maintenance and repair of gas and oil engines. pp.192. 12mo. 1911. Drake: Chicago. $1. DONKIN (Sydney Bryan). A text-book of gas, oil and air engines : or internal combustion motors without boiler. With revision by Prof. Burstall and T. G. 89 INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES Contd. Smith. 5th edition. pp. 23 + 639. 8vo. 1911. C. Griffin : London. 25s. Hiscox (Gardner Dexter). Gas, gasoline and oil engines, including producer-gas plants, describing and illustrating the theory, design, construction and manage- ment of the explosive motor for stationary, marine and vehicle motor power. 20th edition, pp.476. 8vo. 1911. Henley: New York. $2.50. S. Low: London. Us. STERLING (Frank Ward). Internal combustion engine manual, pp.146. 8vo. 1911. U.S. Naval Acad. : Annapolis, Md. $1.75. IRON See also Analysis, Metallurgical. Foundry. DEINHARDT (Kurt) and SCHLOMANN (Alfred). The D S series of technical dictionaries in six languages. Vol. 11. Metallurgy of iron, by W. Venator and C. Ross. pp. 12 + 786. 8vo. 1911. Constable: London. 10s. 6d. McGraw: New York. CAMPBELL (Harry Huse). The manufacture and pro- perties of iron and steel. 4th edition. pp. 26 + 639. 8vo. 1907. McGraw : New York. - $5. Hill Pub. Co. : London. 21s. GREENWOOD (William Henry). Iron: its sources, pro- perties and manufacture. Revised and partly rewritten by A. H. Sexton. pp.255. 8vo. 1907. Cassell : London. 3s. McKay: Philadelphia. $1. STANSBIE (John Henry). Iron and steel, pp. 13 + 375. 8vo. 1907. Constable: London. 6s. Van Nostrand : New York. $2. SMITH (Joseph Russell). The story of iron and steel, pp. 11 + 193. 8vo. 1908. Appleton : New York. 75c. Appleton : London. 2s. 6d. TURNER (Thomas). The metallurgy of iron. 3rd edition, pp.15 + 463. 8vo. 1908. C. Griffin : London. 16s. Lippincott : Philadelphia. $5. JORDAN (Charles H.). Tabulated weights of iron and steel. Tabulated weights of angle, tee, bulb, round, square and flat iron and steel. 6th edition. 16mo. 1909. Spon: London. 7s. 6d. Spon : New York. $3. 90 IRON Conld. IRON AND STEEL: principles of manufacture, struc- ture, composition and treatment. 2nd edition, pp.48. 8vo. 1910. Indust. Press : New York. 25c. THE IRON ORE RESOURCES OF THE WORLD. A summary compiled upon the initiative of the executive committee of the llth International Geological Congress. Edited by the General Secretary. 2 vols. 4to. 1910. Dulau : London. 60s. TIEMANN (Hugh Philip). Iron and steel (a pocket encyclopedia) including allied industries and sciences. With an introduction by H. M. Howe. pp. 7 + 353. 12mo. 1910. McGraw: New York. $3. Hill Pub. Co. : London. 12s. Qd. ALLEN (Horace). Metallurgical manual of iron and steel, their structure, constitution and production, pp. 8 + 365. 8vo. 1911. Tech. Pub. Co. : Manchester. 'HooD (Christopher). Iron and steel : their production and manufacture, pp. 10 + 150. 8vo. 1911. Pitman: London. Is. 6d. Pitman : New York. 75c. STOUGHTON (Bradley). The metallurgy of iron and steel. 2nd edition, pp. 8 + 509. 8vo. 1911. McGraw: New York. $3. Hill Pub. Co. : London. 12s. 6d. IRON, CORROSION AND PRESERVATION CUSHMAN (Allerton Seward) and GARDNER (Henry A.). The corrosion and preservation of iron and steel, pp. 20 + 373. 8vo. 1910. McGraw: New York. $4. Hill Pub. Co. : London. 17s. SANG (Alfred). The corrosion of iron and steel, pp.10 + 141. 8vo. 1910. McGraw: New York. $1. Hill Pub. Co. : London. 4s. 6d. FRIEND (John Albert Newton). The corrosion of iron and steel. With diagrams, pp. 14 + 300. 8vo. 1911. Longmans : London. 6s. Longmans : New York. $1.80. IRRIGATION BROWN (Sir Eobert Hanbury). Irrigation : its prin- ciples and practice as a branch of engineering, pp. 15 + 301. 8vo. 1907. Constable : London. 16s. Van Nostrand : New York. $5. 91 IRRIGATION Contd. BOWIE (Augustus Jesse). Practical irrigation, its value and cost : with tables of comparative cost, relative soil production, reservoir dimensions and capacities and other data. pp. 8 + 232. 8vd. 1908. McGraw : New York. $3. Hill Pub. Co. : London. 12s. 6d. WILSON (Herbert Michael). Irrigation engineering. 6th edition, pp. 30 + 625. 8vo. Wiley: New York. 1909. $4. Chapman & H. : London. 1909. 17s. BLIGH (William George). The practical design of irrigation works. 2nd edition, pp. 26 + 449. 8vo. 1910. Constable: London. 26s. Van Isfostrand : New York. $6. MACKENZIE (Nicol Finlayson). 'Notes on irrigation works. A course of lectures delivered at Oxford under the auspices of the Common University Fund. pp. 8 + 111. 8vo. 1910. Constable: London. 7s. 6d. Van Nostrand : New York. $2.50. BUCKLEY (Robert Burton). The design of channels for irrigation or drainage : being a statement of the various formulae in use and a guide to the practical application of them, pp.53. 8vo. 1911. Spon : London. 2s. Spon : New York. $1. BUCKLEY (Robert Burton). Irrigation pocket book : facts, figures and formula for irrigation engineers, being a series of notes on miscellaneous subjects connected with irrigation. pp.412. 8vo. 1911. Spon : London. 12s. 6d. Spon: New York. $5. KING (Franklin Hiram). Irrigation and drainage : principles and practice of their cultural phases. 7th edition, pp. 21 + 502. 12mo. 1911. Macmillan : New York. $1.50. Macmillan: London. 6s. Qd. WILLCOCKS (Sir W.)- The irrigation of Mesopotamia. 2 vols. 8vo. and fol. 1911. Spon : London. 20s. Spon : New York. $8. KINEMATICS See Mechanics. LATHES HOBART (James Francis). The screw-cutting lathe : how to select, set-up, adjust and operate, pp. 160 + 15. 8vo. 1907. McGraw : New York. $2. Hill Pub. Co. : London. 8s. Qd. 92 LATHES Contd. PERRIGO (Charles Oscar Eugene). Modern American lathe practice : a new, complete and practical work on the " king of machine shop tools " the American lathe. pp.424. 8vo. 1907. Henley : New York. $2.50. C. Lockwood : London. 12s. DE VEIES (D.). The calculation of change-wheels for screw-cutting on lathes : a practical manual for the use of manufacturers, students and lathemen. pp. 8 + 83. 8vo. 1908. Spon : London. 3s. Spon : New York. $1.25. COLVIN (Fred Herhert). Engine lathe work : practical suggestions which will give the young machinist or apprentice the foundation principles of engine lathe work, pp. 7 + 180. 8vo. 1909. McGraw : New York. $1. Hill Pub. Co. : London. 4s. Qd. NICOLSON (John T.) and SMITH (Dempster). Lathe design for high and low speed steels : a treatise on the kinematical and dynamical principles governing the con- struction of metal turning lathes. Keissue. pp. 10 + 402. 8vo. 1911. Longmans : London. 10s. Qd. Long- mans : New York. $3. LEAD BETTS (Anson Gardner). Lead refining by electrolysis. pp.9 + 394. 8vo. 1908. Wiley : New York. $4. Chap- man & H. : London. 17s. HIXON (Hiram W.). Notes on lead and copper smelt- ing and copper converting. 4th edition, pp.162. 8vo. 1908. McGraw: New York. $3. Hill Pub. Co.: London. 12s. Qd. INGALLS (Walter Eenton). Lead and zinc in -the United States : comprising an economic history of the mining and smelting of the metals, and the condition which have affected the development of the industries. pp.10 + 368. 8vo. 1908. McGraw: New York. $4. Hill Pub. Co. : London. 17s. COLLINS (Henry Francis). The metallurgy of lead. Edited by Sir. W. C. Eoberts-Austen. 2nd edition, pp. 20 + 538. 8vo. 1910. C. Griffin: London. 21s. Lippincott : Philadelphia. $6. LIFTS See Elevators. 93 LIGHTING See Electric Lighting. Illumination. LIGHTNING CONDUCTORS HEDGES (Killingworth). Modern lightning conductors. 2nd edition, pp. 6 + 6 + 119. 8vo. 1910. C. Lockwood : London. 6s. Qd. Van Nostrand : New York. $3. LINK MOTIONS See also Valves. OOLVIN (Fred Herbert). Link motions, valves and valve setting. 2nd edition, pp.82. 12mo. 1909. Henley: New York. 50c. LIQUID FUEL See Fuel, Liquid. LOCOMOTIVES See also Boilers. Fuel. Superheating. Valves. AMEEICAN EAILWAY MASTER MECHANICS' ASSOCIATION. Locomotive dictionary : an illustrated vocabulary of terms which designate American railway locomotives, their parts, attachments and details of construction, with definitions and illustrations of typical British locomotive practice. 1909 ed. Compiled by G. L. Fowler, pp.539. 4to. 1909. Eailroad Gazette : New York. $6. BURLEY (John M.). First aid to the disabled loco- motive engine, air brake and air signal. A catechism concerning breaks and failures that are liable to occur. How to prevent some and to locate and repair others. pp.200. 12mo. 1907. Author : State Line, Pa. $1. FOLSOM (Moses). National railway fireman's hand- book and pocket guide, pp.43. 16mo. 1907. Nat. Eail. Pub. Co. : St. Paul, Minn. Goss (William Freeman Myrick). High steam pres- sures in locomotive service. pp.144. 8vo. 1907. Carnegie Institution: Washington. $1.25. Goss (William Freeman Myrick). Locomotive per- formance : the result of a series of researches conducted by the Engineering Laboratory of Purdue University. pp.16 + 439. 8vo. 1907. Wiley: New York. $5. Chapman & H. : London. 21s. 94 LOCOMOTIVES- LAKE (Charles S.). Locomotives of 1906 (etc.). pp.40. obl.Svo. 1907 (etc.). P. Marshall : London. Each Is. Spon : New York. Each 50c. MONTAGU (George). Ten years of locomotive progress, pp. 8 + 159. 8vo. 1907. A. Eivers : London. 6s. Van Nostrand : New York. $2.50. EEAGAN (H. C.). Locomotives : simple, compound and electric. 5th edition, pp.14 + 932. 8vo. 1907. Wiley: New York. $3.50. Chapman & H. : London. 15s. SINCLAIR (Angus). Development of the locomotive engine; a history of the growth of the locomotive from its most elementary form, pp.680. 8vo. ' 1907. A. Sinclair Pub. Co. : New York. $5. SWINGLE (Calvin Franklin). Locomotive engineering. (Vol. 1-2. Art of railroading). 2 vols. 8vo. 1907. Bail. Pubs. Socy. : Chicago. $7. TAYLOR (Arthur T.). Modern British locomotives; 100 diagrams and principal dimensions. pp. 8 + 110. obl.Svo. 1907. Spon: London. 4s. 6d. Spon: New York. $2. WALLACE (W. G.). Locomotive breakdown questions answered and illustrated, pp.285. 8vo. 1907. Drake: Chicago. $1.50. WALLACE (W. G.) ed. Standard mechanical examina- tions on locomotive firing and running: being the pro- gressive examination for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd years, which were adopted as standard by the Traveling Engineers' Association. With answers. pp.343. 8vo. 1907. Drake: Chicago. $1.50. LAMBERT (J. H.). Locomotive notes, pp.59. 8vo. 1908. Higginbothan : Madras. Is. 4d. PENDRED (Vaughan). The railway locomotive : what it is and why it is what it is. pp. 11 + 310. 8vo. 1908. Constable: London. 6s. Van Nostrand: New York. $2. SINCLAIR (Angus). Locomotive engine running and management. 22nd edition, pp. 36 + 442. 8vo. 1908. Wiley : New York. $2. Chapman & H. : London. 8s. Qd. STEVENS (Henry Girard). Twentieth century helpful hints on steam and electric locomotives, break-downs 95 LOCOMOTIVES Contd. and air brake, pp.236, obi. 48mo. 1908. Aumiller : Philadelphia. 50c. SWINGLE (Calvin Franklin). Modern locomotive engineering, with questions and answers : the air brake including both the Westinghouse and New York systems. 1908 edition, pp.822. 12mo. 1908. Drake : Chicago. $3. BAKER (George Henry). Locomotive fuel economy. Economical firing. Economical boiler feeding. Economical use of steam, pp.125. 8vo. 1909. Eail. Educ. Ass. : New York. $1. HODGSON (James T.) and WILLIAMS (John). Loco- motive management from cleaning to driving, pp. 16 + 383. 8vo. 1909. "Bailway Engineer": London. 2s. 6d. McABDLE (Fred) and HELMHOLTZ (Henry). Locomotive text for engineers and firemen : a complete treatise on the engine, electric headlight and standard code of train rules, pp.452. 8vo. 1909. Authors : Chicago. $2.50. PETTIGBEW (William Frank). A manual of locomotive engineering. 3rd edition, pp. 15 + 356. 8vo. 1909. C. Griffin: London. 21s. ERODES (John Chester). Questions and answers in the use of coal and oil fuels and locomotive operation. pp.72. 8vo. 1909. Author : Valley Junction, la. $2. TOWLEB (George L.) and, WOOD (William W.). Loco- motive breakdowns and their remedies. 6th edition. pp.300. 12mo. 1909. Henley : New York. $1. TUBNEB (Edward). The standard guide for locomotive engineers and firemen, also railway machinists: a hand- book based on facts, pp.198. 16mo. 1909. Laird & L. : Chicago. 75c. ENGINEEBING STAND ABDS COMMITTEE. No. 50. Third report of the Locomotive Committee on standard loco- motives for Indian railways. ff.14. fol. 1910. C. Lockwood : London. 21s. FOWLEB (George Little) and MELLIN (Carl J.). Loco- motive design. 2nd edition. 4 parts. 8vo. 1910. Indust. Press: New York. $1. FISHEB (Ira Walter) and WILLIAMS (John J.). Pocket edition of Locomotive Engineering : a new . complete series 96 LOCOMOTIVES Contd. of questions and answers treating on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd years' progressive examination questions: air brake and mechanical locomotive construction and mechanical appliances. pp. 01. 8vo. 1911. Authors: Chicago. $3. FLANDERS (Ralph E.). Locomotive building. 8vo. 1911. Indust. Press: New York. 25c. FOWLER (George Little). Locomotive breakdowns, emergencies and their remedies : an up-to-date catechism. Enlarged and revised to date by W. W. Wood. 7th edition, pp.293. 12mo. 1911. Henley: New York. $1. Spon: London. 4s. 6d. GRIM SHAW (Robert). Locomotive catechism : a prac- tical and complete work on the locomotive treating on the design, construction, repair and running of all kinds of locomotives., 28th edition, pp.817. 8vo. 1911. Henley: New York. $2.50. INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING. Complete practical railroading : a series of text-books prepared especially and exclusively for instruction on locomotive engineering. 6 vols. 8vo. 1911. Inter. Sch. Engin. : Chicago. $26.50. LOCKHART (Charles Fulton). Practical instruction and reference book for locomotive firemen and engineers : a practical treatise, pp.362. 8vo. 1911. Henley : New York. $1.50. LOCOMOTIVE REPAIRS IN THE RUNNING SHED, pp.50. 8vo. 1911. Loco. Pub. Co. : London. 2s. Qd. THE NEW THIRD YEAR MECHANICAL EXAMINATION FOR ENGINEERS AND FIREMEN. pp.167. 12mo. 1911. Truth Pub. Co. : Chicago. $2.50. LUBRICATION AND LUBRICANTS See also Bearings. ARCHBUTT (Leonard) arid DEELEY (Richard Mountford). Lubrication and lubricants. A treatise on the theory and practice of lubrication and on the nature, properties and testing of lubricants. 2nd edition, pp. 30 + 528. 8vo. 1907. C. Griffin: London. 21s. Lippincott : Phila- delphia. $6. THOMSEN (T. C.). Internal lubrication of steam engines. A practical treatise. pp.97. 8vo. 1910. Tech. Pub. Co. : London. 2s. Cxi net. H 97 MACHINE DESIGN See also Mechanical Drawing. BAER (John Henry) and KIMBALL (Dexter 8.). Ele- ments of machine design. Parti. 8vo. 1907. \uthors: Ithaca, N.Y. $1.65. BENJAMIN (Charles Henry). Machine design, pp. 7 + 202. 8vo. 1907. Constable : London. 8s. Holt New York. $2. - BAUTENSTBAUCH (Walter) and WILLIAMS (John T.). Machine drafting and empirical design : a text-book for students in engineering schools and others. Part 1. 8vo. 1907. Van Nostrand : New York. $1.25. BENTLEY (Wallace). Sketches of engine and machine details : specially arranged for the use of engineers, draughtsmen, mechanics and students. 4th edition. pp.120. 8vo. 1908. Bentley Pub.' Co. : Halifax. Chapman & H. : London. 2s. 6d. COLVIN (Fred Herbert) and STANLEY (F. A.). Draw- ing room kinks, pp.113. 12mo. 1908. McGraw : New York. 50c. Hill Pub. Co. : London. 2s. GRIFFIN (Charles L.). Machine design, pp.200. Svo. 1908. Amer. Sch. Corresp. : Chicago. $1.50. C. Lockwood : London. 6s. JONES (Forrest Kobert). Machine design. Part 1. Kinematics of machinery. 4th edition. pp. 6 + 182. 8vo. 1908. Wiley: New York. $1.50. Chapman & H. : London. 6s. 6d. SPOONER (Henry John). Machine drawing and design for beginners : an introductory work for the use of tech- nical students, pp. 16 + 266. obl.8vo. 1908. Long- mans : London. 3s. 6rf. Longmans : New York. $1.25. SPOONER (Henry John). Notes on, and drawings of, a four-cylinder petrol engine, arranged for use in tech- nical and engineering schools. pp. 10 + 16. obi. fol. 1908. Longmans: London. 2s. Longmans: New York. 75 c. COLVIN (Fred Herbert). Machine shop drawings, read- ing drawings, making shop sketches, laying out work, pp. 7 + 139. Svo. 1909. McGraw: New York. $1. Hill Pub. Co. : London. 4s. 6d. DRAFTING-ROOM PRACTICE. 2nd edition, pp.48. 8vo. 1909. Tndust. Press : New York. 25c. 98 MACHINE DESIGN Contd. y HOFFMAN (James David). A course of instruction in elementary machine design, arranged for use in technical schools. pp.254. 8vo. 1909. Purdue University : Lafayette, Ind. $2.50. KIMBALL (Dexter S.) and BARB (John Henry). Ele- ments of machine design. pp. 8 + 446. 8vo. 1909. Wiley: New York. $3. Chapman & H. : London. 12s. Qd. SMITH (Albert William) and MARX (Guido H.). Ma- chine design. 3rd edition, pp. 10 + 411. 8vo. 1909. Wiley: New York. $3. Chapman & H. : London. 12s. 6d. UNWIN (William Cawthorne). The elements "of ma- chine design. Part 1. General principles : strength of materials, rivets, bolts and other fastenings: journals and shafting : couplings, pedestals, transmission of power by gearing, belting, ropes and chains. New edition, pp. 14 + 531. 8vo. 1909. Longmans: London. 7s. 6d. Longmans : New York. $2.50. WORKING DRAWINGS AND DRAFTING-ROOM KINKS. 2nd edition. PP-48. 8vo. 1909. Indust. Press. : New York. 25c. BLAKE (C. F.). Mathematics of machine design, with special reference to shafting and efficiency of hoisting machinery. 2nd edition, pp.35. 8vo. 1910. Indust. Press : New York. 25c. CALCULATIONS OF ELEMENTS OF MACHINE DESIGN. 2nd edition, pp.48. 8vo. 1910. Indust. Press : New York. 25c. CRUICK SHANK (Andrew) and MAC!VAY (R. P.). Machine sketches and designs for engineering students, pp. 8 + 40. 4to. 1910. E. Arnold: London. Is. 6d. Longmans: New York. 50c. LOBBEN (Peder). Machinists and draftsmen's hand- book, containing tables, rules and formulas, with numer- ous examples explaining the principles of mathematics and mechanics as applied to the mechanical trades. 2nd edition, pp. 10 + 487. 8vo. 1910. Van Nostrand : New York. $2.50. SPOONER (Henry John). Machine design, construction and drawing. 2nd edition, pp. 24 + 746. 8vo. ^910. Longmans: London. 10s. 6d. Longmans: New York. $3.50. H2 99 MACHINE DESIGN Contd. SYSTEMS AND PEACTICE OF THE DRAFTING ROOM. 2nd edition, pp.40. 8vo. 1910. Indust. Press : New York 25c. FURMAN (Franklin De Ronde). Notes on engine design, pp. 6 + 24. 8vo. 1911. Author : Hoboken, N.J. $1.15. FURMAN (Franklin De Ronde). Questions and prob- lems in machine design. pp. 5 + 52. 8vo. 1911. Author: Hoboken, N.J. $1.15. KARAPETOFF (Vladimir). Engineering applications of higher mathematics. Part 1. Problems on machine designs pp.15 + 69. 8vo. 1911. Wiley: New York. 75c. Chapman & H. : London. 3s. Qd. OFFLEY (0. N.). Engineering mechanics : a revision of " Notes on machine design " prepared by officers of the Dept. of Marine Engin. and Nav. Construct, combined with the mathematics and general principles necessary for the solution of the problems. pp. 322 + 6. 8vo. 1911. U.S. Naval Inst. : Annapolis, Md. MACHINE DRAWING See Mechanical Drawing. MACHINE SHOP See also Tools. ALLEN (Charles C.). Engineering workshop practice, pp. 7 + 254. 8vo. 1907. Methuen : London. 3s. 6d. Dutton: New York. $1.25. BROOKES (Leonard Elliott). 20th century machine shop practice : arithmetic, practical geometry, mensura- tion, applied mechanics, properties of steam, the indicator. pp.631. 8vo. 1907. Drake: Chicago. $2. Dow (Carl Stephen) ed. Practical shop work. 2 vols. 4to. 1907. Stanley & W. : New York. $10. KENNEDY (Rankin). The modern machine shop : its tools, practice and design. 4 vols. 8vo. 1907-08. Caxton Pub. Co. : London. 36s. RICHARDS (Frank A.). Questions and answers : from the American Machinist, pp.420. Svo. 1907. McGraw : New York. $1.50. Hill Pub. Co. : London. 6s. 6 d. 100 MACHINE SHOP COH/J ,. ,. i% COLVIN (Fred Herbert) and STANLEY (F. A'.j. .Repair kinks, pp.102. 12mo. 1908. McGraw: New York. 50c. Hill Pub. Co. : London. 2s. COLVIN (Fred Herbert). Machine shop calculations, pp. 7 + 174. 8vo. 1908. McGraw: New York. $1. Hill Pub. Co. : London. 4s. Qd. GOODRICH (Clarence Leon) and STANLEY (F. A,). Accurate tool work. pp. 7 + 217. 8vo. 1908. McGraw: New York. $2. Hill Pub. Co. : London. 8s. 6d. TURNER (Frederick W.). Machine shop work : a manual of approved methods in modern American shop practice, including the construction and use of the latest types of improved tools and machines, and other details of modern shop equipment and operation. pp.190. 8vo. 1908. Amer. Sch. Corresp. : Chicago. $50. C. Lockwood : London. 6s. COLVIN (Fred Herbert) and STANLEY (Frank A.). American machinists' handbook and dictionary of shop terms : a reference book of machine shop and drawing room data, methods and definitions, pp. 21 + 513. 12mo. 1909. McGraw: New York. $3. Hill Pub. Co.: London. 12s. 6d. KAYMOND (Howard Monroe) ed. Cyclopedia of modern shop practice. 4 vols. 8vo. 1909. Amer. Sch. Corresp. : Chicago. $12. COLVIN (Fred Herbert) and STANLEY (Frank A.). Machine shop primer. An introduction to machine tools and shop appliances, with illustrations, names and defini- tions. pp.148. 8vo. 1910. McGraw : New York. $1. Hill Pub. Co. : London. 4s. Qd. F AIRFIELD (H. P.,). Examples of machine shop practice. 2nd edition, pp.48. 8vo. 1910. Indust. Press. : New York. 25c. GRIMSHAW (Eobert). Modern workshop hints, de- scribing unusual and rapid ways of doing work from the latest and best American and other machine shop prac- tice, pp. 15 + 428. 8vo. 1910. McKay: Philadelphia. $2. Low: London. 10s. 6d. GRIMSHAW (Eobert). Shop kinks : showing special ways of doing work better, more cheaply and more rapidly than usual, as done in 50 or more leading shops in 101 . ', MACHINE .SHOP (,,/ trand : New York. $3. SEWAGE See also Sanitary Engineering. CLARK (Harry Willard). Eight years' work with trick- ling sewage niters at the Lawrence experiment station. pp.25. 12mo. 1907. Engin. News : New York. 25c, DIBDIN (William Joseph). Eecent improvements in methods for the biological purification of sewage. 2nd edition, pp.68. 8vo. 1907. Sanitary Pub. Co. : Lon- don. Is. EIDEAL (Samuel). Sewage and the bacterial purifica- tion of sewage. 3rd edition, pp. 12 + 355. 8vo. 1907. Wiley: New York. $4. Chapman & H. : London. 17s. 157 SEWAGE Contd. SCOBLE (Herbert T.). Land treatment of sewage. A digest of the reports made to the Eoya] Commission on Sewage Disposal, pp. 3 + 76. 4to. 1907. St. Bride: London. 5s. DUNBAR (William Philipps). Principles of sewage treatment. Translated by H. T. Calvert. pp. 23 + 271. 8vo. 1908. C. Griffin : London. 15s. Lippincott : Philadelphia. $4.50 EAIKES (Hugh Percival). The design, construction and maintenance of sewage disposal works : being a practical guide to modern methods of sewage purification, pp.15 + 414. 8vo. 1908. Constable: London. 16s. Van Nostrand: New York. $4. COSGBOVE (John Joseph). Sewage purification and disposal. pp. 8 + 222. 8vo. 1909. Standard Sanit. Mfg. Co. : Pittsburgh. $3. EASDALE (W. C.). The practical management of sew- age disposal works : a handbook for those in charge. pp.56. 16mo. 1909. Sanit. Pub. Co. : London. 2s. CLEMESHA (William Wesley). Sewage disposal in the tropics. pp.232. 8vo. 1910. Thacker : Calcutta. Spon : London. 15s. EASDALE (W. C.). Sewage disposal works : their design and construction, pp. 8 + 256. 8vo. 1910. Spon: London. 10s. Qd. Spon : New York. $4. KINNICUTT (Leonard Parker) and others. Sewage dis- posal, pp. 26 + 436. Svo. 1910. Wiley : New York. $3. Chapman & II. : London. 12s. Qd. SCHMEITZNER (Kudolf). Clarification of sewage. Trans, by A. E. Kimberly. pp.15 + 114. 8vo. 1910. Engin. News: New York. $1.50. Constable: London. 6s. TRENTHAM (W T illiam Henry) and SAUNDERS (James). Modern methods of sewage disposal : a practical hand- book for the use of members of local authorities and their officials. pp. 8 + 60. Svo. 1909. Sanit. Pub. Co.: London. 2s. 6cL DIBDIN (William Joseph). Eise and progress of aerobic methods of .sewage disposal. Svo. 1911. Sanit. Pub. Co. : London. Is. KERSHAW (George Bertram de Betham). Modern methods of sewage purification. A guide for the design- 158 SEWAGE Contd. ing and maintenance of sewage purification works. pp.13 + 356. 8vo. 1911. 0. Griffin: London. 21s. Lippincott : Philadelphia. $7.50. SMITH (C. C.). Economy in sewage disposal : together with a history and description of the Button (Surrey) Sewage Works. A practical guide for councillors, sur- veyors and works managers. 8vo. 1911. Sanit. Pub. Co. : London. Is. SEWERS AND SEWERAGE See also Hydraulics. BRODIE (John Shanks). The ventilation of public sewers, pp.170. 8vo. 1908. St. Bride's Press : Lon- don. 6s. AINGE (Thomas Styles). Sanitary sewerage of build : ings. 8vo. 1909. Domestic Engineering : Chicago. $1.50. MONCBIEFF (William Dundas Scott). Chadwick Lec- tures. 1907-08. [The engineering aspect of recent advances in connection with sewering.] pp.79. 8vo. 1909. St. Bride's Press: London. 2s. FOLWELL (Amory Prescott). Sewerage. The design ing, construction and maintenance of sewerage systems. 6th edition. pp. 10 + 506. 8vo. 191.0. Wiley: New York. $3. Chapman & H. : London. 12s. Qd. ADAMS (Henry C.). The sewerage of sea coast towns, pp. 6 + 133. 8vo. 1911. C. Lockwood: London. 5s. Van Nostrand : New York. $2. WATSON (Hugh Sextus). Sewerage systems. Their design and construction, pp. 20 + 310. 8vo. 1911. C. Lockwood : London. 10s. 6d. McGraw : New York. $4. SHAFT SINKING EIEMEE (J.). Shaft sinking in difficult cases. Trans- lated by J. W. Brough. pp.9 + 122. 8vo. 1907. C. Griffin: London. 10s. 6d. EIEMER (J.). Shaft-sinking under difficult conditions. Translated by C. E. Corning and E. Peele. pp. 13 + 176. 8vo. 1907. Wiley : New York. $3. 159 SHAFT SINKING Contd. REDMAYNE (R. A. S.). Modern practice in mining. Vol. 2. The sinking of shafts. pp.292. 8vo. 1909. Longmans: London. 7s. 6d. Longmans: New York. $2.25. DONALDSON (Francis). Practical shaft sinking. pp. 7 + 143. 8vo. 1910. McGraw : New York. $2. Hill Pub. Co. : London. 8s. 6. 1907. Author: Chicago. $1. 168 STEAM ENGINE DRIVING Contd. COLLINS (Hubert Edwin). Knocks and kinks : causes, detection and cure for many of the commonest of these troubles of the engine-room : plain direction for preven- tion and remedy, pp. 7 + 137. 12mo. 1908. McGraw : New York. $1. Hill Pub. Co. : London. 4s. Gd. WANNAN (Alexander Copeland). Engine drivers' guide to the management, care and working of steam boilers, engines and pumps. pp.258. 8vo. 1908. Cole: Melbourne. C. Lockwood : London. 5s. FABNUM (John S.). Practical points, questions and answers : a handbook for stationary, locomotive and marine engineers, firemen, electricians, motormen and machinists. Eevised by D. Holland, pp.220. 12mo. 1910. Laird & L. : Chicago. $1.50. GEIMSHAW (Robert). The engine runner's catechism : a work containing correct answers to direct questions on how to erect, adjust and run the principal steam engines used in the United States. 7th edition, pp.387. 12mo. 1910. Henley: New York. $2. Spon : London. 8s. Gd. LIVEESIDGE (John George). Engine room practice. 7th edition. pp. 11 + 394. 8vo. 1911. C. Griffin: London. 6s. Lippincott : Philadelphia. PEIOR (Frederick John). The Canadian new first, second and third year examinations for engineers and firemen : complete explanatory and instructive answers to the three series of examination questions, pp.213. 16mo. 1911. Author: Chicago. $2.50. TEAVELING ENGINEERS' ASSOCIATION. Examination questions and answers, for firemen for promotion and new men for employment. pp.225. 12mo. 1911. Thompson : Buffalo. $1. STEAM HEATING See Heating, Steam. STEAM PIPES See Piping. STEAM-SHIPS See also Marine Engineering. Ship-building. FYFE (Charles Francis Alexander). Steamship co- efficients, speeds and powers : a pocket book. With 169 STEAM-SHIPS Contd. diagrams, pp. 6 + 280. pi. 31. 8vo. 1907. Spon : London. 10s. 6d. Spon : New York. $4. STEAM TRAPS STEWART (Gordon). Modern steam traps, English and American: their construction and working, pp. 8 + 104. 8vo. 1907. Tech. Pub. Co. : London. 3s. Van Nostrand: New York. $1.25. STEEL See also Analysis, Metallurgical. Iron. GARB (W. M.). Open hearth steel castings, pp.118. 8vo. 1907. Penton Pub. Co.: Cleveland, O. $1.50. ENGINEERING STANDARDS COMMITTEE. No. 32. British standard specification for steel bars (for use in automatic machines). f.!3. fol. 1907. C. Lockwood : London. 2s. 6d. STERN (Lionel Moses). Bust prevention : a treatise on the preservation of structural steel, and sheet steel. pp.54. 8vo. '1907. Author: Cleveland, 0. $1. COLE (M.). Tempering steel : annealing and case- hardening iron, pp.23. 32mo. 1909. Sampson : New York. lOc. EDE (George). The management of steel. 7th edition. pp.216. 8vo. 1909. Spon: London. 5s. Spon: New York. $2. BECKER (Otto Matthew). High-speed steel : the de- velopment, nature, treatment and use of high-speed steels, together with some suggestions as to the problems in- volved in their use. pp. 5 + 360. 8vo. 1910. McGraw : New York. $4. Hill Pub. Co. : London. 17s. HEAT TREATMENT OF STEEL, pp.48. 8vo. 1910. Indust. Press : New York. 25c. BREARLEY (Harry). The heat treatment of tool steel : an illustrated description of the physical changes and properties induced in tool steel by heating and cooling operations, pp. 17 + 160. 8vo. 1911. Longmans: New York. $3.50. Longmans : London. 10s. Qd. DICHMANN (Carl). The basic open-hearth steel process. Translated and edited by Alleyne Eeynolds. pp. 12 + 334. 8vo. 1911. Constable: London. 10s. Qd. Van Nos- trand: New York. $3.50. 170 STEEL Contd. HARBOBD (Frank William) and HALL (J. W.). The metallurgy of steel. 4th edition. 2 vols. 8vo. 1911. C. Griffin: London. 36s. Lippincott : Philadelphia. $12. JONES (Bernard E.). Hardening and tempering steel. A workshop guide to the heat treatment of all steels in- cluding high-speed. pp.128. 8vo. 1911. Cassell : London. 2s. Oassell : New York. 75c. LAKE (E. F.). Composition and heat treatment of steel. 2nd edition. pp. 10 + 252. x 8vo. 1911. Mc- Graw: New York. $2.50. Hill Pub. Co.: London. 10s. 6d. BEAD (E.). Steel bar and plate tables, 1911. Spon : London. Is. Spon : New York. 40c. WOOD WORTH (Joseph Vincent). Hardening, temper- ing, annealing and forging of steel : a treatise on the practical treatment and working of high and low grade steel. 4th edition. pp.288. 8vo. 1911. Henley: New York. $2.50. STORAGE BATTERIES See Batteries, Storage. STREET CLEANING MORSE (William Francis). The collection and disposal of municipal waste, pp. 17 + 462. 8vo. 1908. Munici- pal Journ. : New York. $5. SOPER (George Albert). Modern methods of street cleaning, pp. 8 + 201. 8vo. 1909. Engin. News : New York. $3. Constable: London. 12s. MAY (Arthur). Cleansing of cities and towns. The cleansing superintendent's handbook. pp.319. 8vo. 1911. Hammond: London. WATSON (Hugh Sextus). Town scavenging and refuse disposal. A handbook of modern practice. pp. 8 + 75. 8vo. 1911. St. Bride: London. 3s. 6dL STRENGTH OF MATERIALS See also Mechanics. MERRIMAN (Mansfield). Strength of materials : an elementary handbook for manual training schools. 5th edition, pp.156. 8vo. 1907. Wiley : New York. $1. Chapman & H. : London. 4s. 6<2. 171 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS Contd. POPPLE WELL (William Charles). Strength of materials : a manual for students of engineering, pp.11 + 180. 8vo. 1907. Oliver & B. : Edinburgh. 5s. Van Nostrand: New York. $1.75. SHEPAED (William Kent). Problems in strength of materials. pp. 7 + 70. 8vo. 1907. Ginn : Boston. $1.25. MORLEY (Arthur). Strength of materials. With 248 diagrams and numerous examples. pp. 9 + 487. 8vo. 1908. Longmans : London. 7s. 6J. Longmans : New York. $2.50. SMITH (Harry Eaton). Strength of material : an elementary study prepared for the use of midshipmen at the U.S. Naval Academy. 2nd edition. pp. 9 + 170. 8vo. 1909. Wiley: New York. $1.25. Chapman & H. : London. 5s. 6dL MAURER (Edward E.). Strength of materials: a prac- tical manual of scientific methods of locating and deter- mining stresses and calculating the required strength and dimensions of building materials, pp.128. 8vo. 1910. Amer. Sch. Corresp. : Chicago. $1. C. Lockwood : London. 4s. 6d. TESTING THE HARDNESS AND DURABILITY OF METALS. pp.40. 8vo. 1910. Indust. Press : New York. 25c. UNWIN (William Cawthorne). The testing of materials of construction : a text book for the engineering laboratory and a collection of the results of experiment. 3rd edition, pp. 6 + 480. 8vo. 1910. Longmans: London. 18s. Longmans : New York. $5. BOYD (James Ellsworth). Strength of materials. pp.12 + 295. 8vo. 1911. McGraw : New York. $2.50. Hill Pub. Co. : London. 10s. 6d. MURDOCH (H. E.). Strength of materials, pp. 14 + 308. 8vo. 1911. Wiley : New York. $2. Chapman & H. : London. 8s. 6d. SMITH (Cades Alfred Middleton). A handbook of test- ing materials, pp. 12 + 284. 8vo. 1911. Constable: London. 6s. Van Nostrand : New York. $2.50-. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING See also Elastic Arches. 172 STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING Contd. FIDLER (Henry). Notes on construction in mild steel, pp. 13 + 448. 8vo. 1907. Longmans: London. 16s. Longmans : New York. $5. ANDREWS (Ewart Sigmund). The theory and design of structures. With numerous illustrations and worked examples, pp. 12 + 589. 8vo. 1908. Chapman & H. : London. BRIGHTMORE (Arthur William). Structural engineer- ing, pp. 16 + 280. 8vo. 1908. Cassell : London. 10s. 6d. Cassell: New York. $3.75. DIAMANT (Sidney). Curves for calculating beams, channels and reactions : a manual for engineers, archi- tects, designers, draughtsmen, builders and contractors, pp. 3 + 13 + 25 pits. 4to. 1908. McGraw : New York. $2. Hill Pub. Co. : London. 8s. Qd. HELLER (A. H.). Stresses in structures and the accompanying deformations. 2nd edition, pp. 16 + 324. 8vo. 1908. Wiley: New York. $3. Chapman & H. : London. 12s. 6rf. WOODS (Eichard 'John). Strength and elasticity of structural members. 2nd edition. pp. 11 + 315. 8vo. 1908. Longmans: New York. $3.50. JACOB Y (Henry Silvester). Structural details : or, elements of design in heavy framing, pp. 9 + 368. 8vb. 1909. Wiley : New York. $2.25. Chapman & H. : London. 9s. Qd. STEEL CONSTRUCTION : AN EASY INTRODUCTION TO THE SCIENCE OF DESIGNING AND BUILDING IN STEEL. 8vO. 1909. Dicks: London. Qd. WOODS (Richard John). The theory of structures. pp.12 + 276. 8vo. 1909. Arnold: London. 10s. 6d. Longmans : New York. $3. ANGLIN (S.). The design of structures : a practical treatise on the building of bridges, roofs, etc. 5th edition. pp.536. 8vo. 1910. C. Griffin: London. 16s. HODGSON (Frederick Thomas). Practical steel con- struction, dealing with all phases in the construction of our modern steel buildings, pp. 105 + 7. 8vo. 191.0. Drake: Chicago. $1. 173 STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING Contd. JOHNSON (Johu Butler) and others. The theory and practice of modern framed structures, designed for the use of schools and for engineers in professional practice. Part 1. Stresses in simple structure. 9th edition re- written. pp.12 + 328. 8vo. 1910. Wiley : New York. $3. Chapman & H. : London. 12s. Qd. MORRIS (Clyde T.). Designing and detailing of simple steel structures. 2nd edition, pp. 8 + 201. 8vo. 1910. Ohio State Univ. : Columbus, 0. $2.25. SCHNEIDER (Charles Conrad). General specifications for structural work of buildings, pp.68. 8vo. 1910. Engin. News : New York. 75c. TUCKER (Edward A.). Steel construction: a practical treatise on the modern 'use of steel in the erection of fireproof buildings, and its application to structural work in general, pp.308. 8vo. 1910. Amer. Sch. Corresp. : Chicago. $1.50. C. Lockwood : London. 6s. WARREN (William Henry). Engineering construction in steel and timber. 2nd edition. pp. 15 + 472. 8vo. 1910. Longmans :' London. 18s. Longmans : New York. $5. ADAMS (Henry). Theory and practice in designing, pp. 17 + 240. 8vo. Constable: London. 1911. 6s. Van Nostrand : New York. HUDSON (Clarence W.). Deflections and statically in- determinate stresses, pp. 13 + 258. 8vo. 1911. Wiley: New York. $3.50. Chapman & H. : London. 15s. HUSBAND (Joseph) and HARBY (William). Structural engineering. pp. 11 + 396. 8vo. 1911. Longmans: London. 7s. Qd. Longmans: New York. $2.60. KETCHUM (Milo Smith). The design of walls, bins and grain elevators. 2nd edition, pp. 19 + 556. 8vo. 1911. Engin. News : New York. $4. Constable : London. 17s. MARBURG (Edgar). Framed structures and girders. Theory and practice. Vol.1. Stresses. Parti, pp. 21 + 540. 8vo. 1911. McGraw : New York. $4. Hill Pub. Co. : London. 17s. MIDDLETON (George Alexander Thomas). Stresses and thrusts. A text-book for students. 4th edition, pp. 8 + 209. 8vo. 1911. Batsford: London. 174 STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING Contd. MOLITOB (David Albert). Kinetic theory of engineer- ing structures, dealing with stresses, deformations and work for the use of students and practitioners in civil engineering. pp. 15 + 366. 8vo. 1911. McGraw : New York. $5. Hill Pub. Co. : London. 21s. NIELSEN (Theodor). Calculation of columns : a prac- tical application of the theory, pp.36. 8vo. 1911. Spon: London. 4s. 6d. Spon : New York. $1.75. OSTEUP (John Christian). Standard specifications for structural steel timber concrete and reinforced con- crete. ' 2nd edition, pp. 7 + 99. 8vo. 1910. McGraw: New York. $1. Hill Pub. Co. : London. 4s. Qd. SMITH (Albert). Stresses in simple framed structures : a text-book to accompany exercises in the computation of the axial stresses in the members of load-bearing frames. pp.190. 8vo. 1911. Author: Lafayette, Ind. $2.50. SPOFFOED (Charles Milton). The theory of structures, pp. 14 + 411. 8vo. 1911. McGraw: New York. $4. Hill Pub. Co. : London. 17s. SUB-AQUEOUS ENGINEERING BOYCOTT (George Walter Morgan). Compressed air work and diving : a handbook for engineers comprising deep water diving and the use of compressed air for sink- ing caissons and cylinders and for driving sub-aqueous tunnels. pp. 12 + 116. 8vo. 1909. C. Lockwood : London. 10s. 6d. Van Nostrand : New York. $4. SUBMARINE VESSELS FYFE (Herbert C.). Submarine warfare, past, present and future. With an introduction by Admiral the Hon. Sir E. Fremantle. 2nd edition revised by J. Leyland. pp. 28 + 302. 8vo. 1907. E. G. Eichards : London. 7s. Qd. Dutton: New York. $3. SUETEE (Murray Eraser). The evolution of the sub- marine boat, mine and torpedo from the 16th century to the present time. pp. 24 + 384. 8vo. 1907. J. Griffin : Portsmouth. 21s. FIFE (Charles W. Domville). Submarines of the world's navies, pp.150. 4to. 1910. F. Griffiths: London. 21s. Lippincott : Philadelphia. $5. 175 SUBWAYS SOPER (George Albert). The air and ventilation of subways, pp. 9 + 244. 8vo. 1908. Wiley : New York. $2.50. Chapman & H. : London. 10s. 6d. SUPERHEATING BOOTH (William Henry). Superheat, superheating, and their control. pp. 15 + 155. 8vo. 1907. Con- stable: London. 6s. .Van Nostrand : New York. $1.50. GAIBNS (J. F.). Locomotive compounding and super- heating. A practical text-book. pp. 21 + 189. 8vo. 1907. C. Griffin: London. 8s. Gd. Lippincott : Phila- delphia. $3. GABBE (Kobert). The application of highly super- heated steam to locomotives : being a reprint from a series of articles appearing in "The Engineer." Edited by L. S. Robertson, pp. 7 + 70. 8vo. 1908. Lockwood : London. 7s. Gd. Henley: New York. $2.50. Goss (William Freeman Myrick). Superheated steam in locomotive service, pp.144. 8vo. 1910. Carnegie Institution, Washington. $1.25. SAUVAGE (Edouard). Lectures on superheating on continental locomotives, delivered at the Institution of Civil Engineers at the invitation of the University of London, pp. 8 + 59. 8vo. 1911. Hodder & S. : Lon- don. 5s. SURVEYING See also Geodesy. HODGMAN (Francis). Surveyor's tables, being the tables from the Manual of land surveying, by F. Hodg- man. pp.6 + 124. 12mo. 1907. F. Hodgman Co. : Climax, Mich. $1.50: $1. SUBVEYING. 8vo. 1907. Dicks : London. Gd. TRACY (John Clayton). Plane surveying : a text-book and pocket manual, pp. 27 + 794. 8vo. 1907. Wiley: New York. $3. Chapman & Hall: London. 12s. Gd. 'VYEBB (Walter Loring). Problems in the use and adjustment of engineering instruments. Forms for field notes. General instructions for extended students' sur- veys. 5th edition, pp. 6 + 162. 12mo. 1907. Wiley: New York. $1.25. Chapman & H. : London. 5s. Gd. 176 SURVEYING Contd. MACKENZIE (Nicol Finlayson). Methods of surveying used in the compilation of large scale plans of small areas : a manual for students, estate agents and planters, pp. 9 + 143. 8vo. 1908. Bradbury, A. : London. 5s. MERRIMAN (Mansfield). Elements of precise surveying and geodesy. 2nd edition, pp.262. ' 8vo. 1908. Wiley: New York. $2.50. Chapman & H. : London. 10s. tid. STEWART (Basil). Handbook of railway surveying for students and junior engineers, pp. 15 + 128. 8vo. 1908. Spon : London. 2s. 65. Spon : New York. $1. TAYLOR (Thomas Ulvan). Surveyor's handbook. pp.310. 8vo. 1908. M. C. Clark: Chicago. $2. Spon : London. 8s. Qd. WILSON (Herbert Michael). Topographic surveying : including geographic, exploratory and military mapping. 3rd edition, pp.30 + 910. 8vo. 1908. Wiley: New York. $3.50. Chapman & H. : London. 15s. PILKINGTON (Woodford). Co-ordinate geometry applied to land-surveying, pp.44. 12mo. 1909. Spon : Lon- don. Is. 6dL Spon: New York. 60c. REES (Thomas Henry). Topographical surveying and sketching, pp. 7 + 408. 8vo. 1909. Staff College, Fort Leavenworth. $2.50. TRACY (John Clayton). Exercises in surveying for field work arid office work, with questions for discussion intended for use with the author's book, Plane survey- ing. pp.14 + 168. 8vo. 1909. Wiley : New York. $1. Chapman & H. : London. 4s. 6d. XYDIS (C.). Handbook on tacheometrical surveying. pp.63. 8vo. 1909. Spon: London. 6s. Spon: New York. $2.50. CRANDALL (Charles Lee) and BARNES .(Fred Asa). Field book for railroad surveying. [New edition.] pp.8 + 194. 8vo. 1910. Wiley: New York. $2. Chap- man & H. : London. 6s. 6d. JOHNSON (John Butler). The theory and practice of surveying, designed for the use of surveyors and engin- eers generally, but especially for the use of students in engineering. 17th edition, rewritten by L. S. Smith. p.32 + 921. 8vo. 1910. Wiley: New York. $3.50. ihapman & H. : London. 15s. N 177 SURVEYING Contd. PHILLIPS (Alfred E.). Surveying : a manual of prac- tical instruction in the art of plane surveying, including plotting, leveling, triangulation, line running, cross- sectioning, traversing, and other details of field work. pp.207. 8vo. 1910. Amer. Sch. Corresp. : Chicago. $1.50. 0. Lockwood : London. 6s. EAYMOND (William Gait). Eailroad field geometry. pp.9 + 246. 8vo. 1910. Wiley: New York. $2. Chapman & H. : London. 8s. Qd. SPECHT (G. J.) and others. Topographical surveying. 4th edition. pp.210. 12mp. . 1910. Van Nostrand : New York. 50c. Spon : London. 2s. UNDEBHILL (James). Mineral land surveying : a tech- nical treatise, on the surveying and patenting of mineral land, designed for the use of mineral surveyors and students of mining engineering. 2nd edition, pp.229. 12mo. 1910. Mining Sci. Pub. Co. : Denver, Col. $3. Spon: London. 12s. 6d. WALLACE (J.). Logarithmic land measurement : a set of tables for the use of those engaged in measuring land. pp.32. 8vo. 1910. Spon : London. 5s. Spon : New York. $2. DAVIS (Joseph Baker). Surveying for beginners. 2nd edition, pp.170. 8vo. 1911. Wahr : Ann Arbor, Mich. $1.35. MIDDLETON (Eeginald Empson) and others. A treatise on surveying. 3rd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. 1911. Spon: London. 21s. Spon : New York. $8.50. NUGENT (Paul Cook). Plane surveying. A text and reference book for the use of students in engineering and for engineers generally. 3rd edition, pp. 22 + 599. 8vo. 1911. Wiley: New York. $3.50. N Chapman & H. : London. 15s. O 'DONAHUE (Thomas Aloysius). Field and colliery surveying, pp. 12 + 263. 8vo. 1911. Macmillan: Lon- don. 3s. 6d. Macmillan : New York. 80c. PARK (James). A text-book of theodolite surveying and levelling. 2nd edition, pp.332. 8vo. 1911. C. Griffin. London. 7s. 6d. SWIMMING BATHS See Baths, Swimming. 178 TELEGRAPHY See also Telephony. HERBERT (T. E.). Telegraphy : a detailed exposition of the telegraph system of the British Post Office. 2nd edition, pp. 18 + 912. 8vo. 1907. Whittaker : London. 6s. 6cZ. Macmillan: New York. $2.60. NELTHROPP (E. EL). Handbook of practical telegraphy, explaining duplex, quadruplex, multiplex, auto and Baudot working telephone, etc. pp.223. 8vo. 1907. Higginbotham : Madras, is. CROTCH (Arthur). Telegraphic systems and other notes, pp. 16 + 268. 8vo. 1908. C. Griffin: London. 5s. Lippincott : Philadelphia. $2. BELL (James) and WILSON (S.). The telegraphist's guide. New edition, pp.266. 8vo. 1909. Bentell : London. 2s. MAVER (William). American telegraphy and encyclo- paedia of the telegraph: systems, apparatus, operation. pp.16 + 658. 8vo. 1909. Maver Pub. Co. : New York. $5. SEWALL (Charles Henry). Lessons in telegraphy. For use as a text-book in schools and colleges and for individual students. pp. 13 + 88. 8vo. 1909. Van Nostrand: New York. $1. JONES (Willis H.). Telegraphy for beginners, the standard method : an authoritative book of instruction in the methods and forms most approved, with lessons : including the Morse and continental codes, pp.57. 8vo. 1910. Spon: New York. 50c. Spon : London. 2s. PENDRY (Henry Walter). Elementary telegraphy. pp.8 + 216. 8vo. 1910. Whittaker: London. 2s. 6d. Macmillan : New York. $1. TELEGRAPHY, SUBMARINE FISHER (H. K. C.) and DARBY (J. 0. H.). Students' guide to submarine cable testing. 4th edition, pp. 8 + 244. 8vo. 1908. Electrician Co. : London. 7s. 6cL Van Nostrand: New York. $3.50. WILKINSON (H. D.). Submarine cable laying, repair- ing and testing. New edition. 8vo. 1909. Electrician Co. : London. 15s. Van Nostrand: New York. $6. N2 179 TELEGRAPHY, WIRELESS ST. JOHN (Thomas Matthew). Wireless telegraphy for amateurs and students : containing theoretical and prac- tical information, together with complete directions fcr performing numerous experiments on wireless telegraphy with simple home-made apparatus. pp.171. 12mo. 1907. Author : New York. $1. FLEMING (John Ambrose). An elementary manual of radiotelegraphy and radiotelephony for students and operators. pp. 14 + 340. 8vo. 1908. Longmans: London. 7s. 6d. Longmans: New York. $2. LODGE (Sir Oliver Joseph). Signalling across space without wires. 4th edition with additional remarks con- cerning the application to telegraphy and later develop- ments, pp. 2 + 154. 8vo. 1908. Electrician Co. : London. 5s. Van Nostrand : New York. $2. MONCKTON (C. C. F.). Eadiotelegraphy. pp. 17 + 272. 8vo. 1908. Constable : London. 6s. Van Nostrand : New York. $2. COLLINS (Archie Frederick). Manual of wireless tele- graphy and telephony. 2nd edition, pp. 12 + 250. 8vo. 1909. Wiley: New York. $1.50. Chapman & H. : London. 6s. 6d. HARBISON (Newton). Making wireless outfits : a con- cise and simple explanation oi the construction and use of an inexpensive wireless equipment for sending and receiving up to 100 miles, giving full details and illustra- tions. pp.61. 8vo. 1909. Spon: New York. 50c.. Spon : London. Is. 6d. KENELLY (Arthur Edwin). Wireless telegraphy and wireless telephony. 2nd edition. pp. 7 + 279. 8vo. 1909. Moffatt : New York. $1. Unwin : London. 4s. LAUGHTER (Victor Hugo). Operators' wireless tele- graph and telephone handbook : a complete treatise on the construction and operation of the wireless telegraph and telephone, including the rules of naval stations, codes, abbreviations, etc. pp. 7 + 180. 8vo. 1909. Drake: Chicago. $1. LAUGHTER (Victor Hugo). Wireless telegraphy made simple. Embodying in addition helpful information on wireless telephone receivers and construction of a wire- less transformer, by A. -P. Morgan, pp.31. 8vo. 1909. Popular Elect. Pub. Co. : Chicago. 25c. 180 TELEGRAPHY, WIRELESS Contd. TWINING (Harry La Verne). Wireless telegraphy and high frequency electricity : a manual containing detailed information for the construction of transformers, wireless telegraph and high frequency apparatus, with chapters on their theory and operation, pp.202. 8vo. 1909. Author: Los Angeles, Cal. $1.50. Spon : London. 7s. Qd. BOTTONE (Selino Romeo). Wireless telegraphy and Hertzian waves. 4th edition. pp. 12 + 136. 12mo. 1910. Whittaker: London. 2s. Qd. Macmillan : New York. $1. FLEMING (John Ambrose). The principles of electric wave telegraphy and telephony. 2nd edition, pp. 18 + 906. Svo. 1910. Longmans: London. 28s. MAVEB (William). Maver's wireless telegraphy and telephony: a handbook. 4th edition, pp. 316 + 33. Svo. 1910. Maver Pub. Co. : New York. $3. PIEECE (George W.). Principles of wireless telegraphy. pp.9 + 350. 8vo. 1910. McGraw : New York. $3. Hill Pub. Co. : London. 12s. Qd. BISHOP (Leon Wilbur). The wireless operators' pocket-book of information and diagrams, pp. 7 + 174 + 23. 8vo. 1911. Bubier Publishing Co. : Lynn, Mass. $1. Electrical Eeview : London. 4s. Qd. GEBNSBACK (Hugo). Wireless hook-ups : a complete collection of wireless telegraph ^and telephone diagrams for the wireless experimenter. pp.96. 8vo. 1911. Modern Electric Pub. : New York. 25c. MOORE (Arthur) pseud., i. c. MOEETON (D. P.). How to make a wireless set. pp.84. 8vo. 1911. Popular Mech. Co : Chicago. 25c. MURRAY (James Erskine). A handbook of wireless telegraphy. 3rd edition, pp. 16 + 386. 8vo. C. Lock- wood: London. Van Nostrand : New York. $3.50. EOBISON (Samuel Shelburne). Manual of wireless tele- graphy for the use of naval electricians. [Revised by L. W. Austin.] pp.212. 8vo. 1911. U.S. Naval Inst. : Annapolis, Ind. $1.50. Spon: London. 7s. Qd. TELEPHONY See also Telegraphy. 181 TELEPHONY Contd. WEV (Edward Mahon). Telephone troubles : their location and remedy, pp. 5 + 44. 12mo. 1907. McGraw : New York. $1. Hill Pub. Co. : London. 2s. CUMMINGS (George Willis). Electricity and magnetism in telephone maintenance. pp. 6 + 137. 8vo. 1908. McGraw: New York. $1.50. Hill Pub. Co. : London. 6s. 6d. MAYER (Clarence). -Telephone construction, methods and cost. pp. 10 + 284. 8vo. 1908. Clark Pub. Co. : Chicago. $3. Spon : London., 12s. Qd. EADCLIFFE (William Hiram) and GUSHING (H. C.). Telephone construction, installation, wiring, operation and maintenance, pp. 8 + 171. 8vo. 1908. Henley: New York. $1. C. Lockwood : London. 4s. 6oL STEVENS (Edward James). Field telephones for army use, including an elementary course in electricity and magnetism, pp. 7 + 112. 8vo. 1908. C. Lockwood: London. 2s. Van Nostrand : New .York. $1. ALL SOP (Frederick Charles). Telephones : their con- struction and fitting. 8th edition, pp. 8 + 222. 8vo. 1909. Spon : London. 3s. 6d. Spon : New York. $1.25. VAN DEVENTER (H. E.). Telephonology : a description of modern telephone appliances : a common-sense treatise on the erection, equipment and maintenance of telephone exchanges : line, instrument and switchboard troubles and their remedies : apparatus, line and cable testing, pp. 12 + 546. 4to. 1909. McGraw: New York. $4. Hill Pub. Co. : London. 17s. CROTCH (Arthur). The elements of telephony, pp.90. 8vo. 1910. Spon : London. Is. 6d. Spon : New York. 60c. HYDE (William Henry). Hyde's telephone troubles and how to find them on both the magneto and central energy (common battery) systems and manual of construc- tion, cost units for estimate work. 14th edition, pp.56. 12mo. 1910. Hyde: Milwaukee, Wis. 25c. POOLE (Joseph). The practical telephone handbook and guide to the telephonic exchange. 4th edition, pp. 17 + 606. 8vo. 1910. Whittaker: London. 6s. Macmillan : New York. $1.75. 182 TELEPHONY Contd. VAN DEVENTEB (H. E.). Telephone handbook on the promotion, organization and construction of telephone lines and systems and the maintenance of telephone apparatus, pp.127. 8vo. 1910. Author: Sumter, S.O. 50c. AITKEN (W.). Aitken's manual of the telephone, pp. 30 + 674. 8vo. 1911. "The Electrician" Co.: London. 18s. AMERICAN SCHOOL OF CORRESPONDENCE. Cyclopedia of telephony and telegraphy : a general reference work. 4 vols. 8vo. 1911. Amer. Sch. Corresp. : Chicago. $12.80. BALDWIN (T. Stith). Practical telephone handbook and guide to telephonic exchange, pp.179. 12mo. 1911. Drake : Chicago. $1. FLEMING (John Ambrose). The propagation of electric currents in telephone and telegraph conductors, pp. 14 + 31.6. 8vo. 1911. Constable: London. 8s 6d. Van Nostrand: New York. $3. WEBB (Herbert Laws). The development of the tele- phone in Europe, pp. 78. 8vo. 1911. Elect. Press: London. Is. TELEPHONY, WIRELESS EUHMER (Ernst). Wireless telephony in theory and practice. Translated by J. Erskine-Murray. With an appendix by the translator, pp. 13 + 224. 8vo. 1908. C. Lockwood : London. 10s. Qd. Van Nostrand: New York. $3.50. HARRISON (Newton). Wireless telephone construction. A comprehensive explanation of the making of a wireless telephone equipment, pp.74. 8vo. 1909. Spon : New York. 25c. Spon: London. Is. 6dL GERNSBACK (Hugo). The wireless telephone : a treatise on the low power wireless telephone, describing all the present systems and inventions of the new art. pp.78. 8vo. 1910. Modern Electrics : New York. 25c. MURRAY (James Erskine). Wireless telephones and how they work. 2nd edition. pp.68. 8vo. 1911. C. Lockwood: London. Is. Qd. THERMODYNAMICS See Heat. 183 TIN FAWNS (Sydney). Tin deposits of the world, with a chapter on tin smelting. 2nd edition, pp. 12 + 304. 8vo. 1907. Mining Journal : London. 15s. THIBAULT (P. J.). Metallurgy of tin. pp.254. 8vo. 1908. Aust. Min. Stand : Sydney. Pitman : London. 12s. 6d. Louis (Henry). Metallurgy of tin. pp.138. 8vo. 1911. McGraw : New York. $2. Hill Pub. Co. : London. 8s. 6d. TOOLS DEINHARDT (Kurt) and SCHLOMANN (Alfred). The D-S series of technical dictionaries in six languages. Vol. 9. Machine tools. (Metal working : woodworking.) By W. Wagner, pp. 10 + 706. 8vo. 1910. Constable: London. 9s. McGraw : New York. HOLFOBD (Henry). The 20th century tcolsmith and steelworker : a book written in the interests of all mechanics concerned with the use, repair and manu- facture of steel into tools. pp.240. 8vo. 1907. Drake: Chicago. $1.50. COLVIN (Fred Herbert) and STANLEY (F. A.) Tool- makers' kinks, pp.94. 12mo. 1908. McGraw: New York. 50c. Hill Pub. Co. : London. 2s. MARKHAM (Edward R.). Tool-making : a manual of practical instruction in the art of making tools, with many hints on the solution of problems calling for ingenuity and mechanical skill in the devising of special means to special ends, pp.206. 8vo. 1908. Amer. Sch. Corresp. : Chicago. $1.50. C. Lockwood : London. 6s. OBEEG (Erik V.). Handbook of small tools : comprising threading tools, taps, dies, etc. pp. 9 + 517. 8vo. 1908. Wiley : New York. $3. Chapman & H. : London. 12s. 6d. ENGINEERING STANDARDS COMMITTEE. No. 46. British standard specification for keys and key ways, ff.ll. fol. 1909. C. Lockwood : London. 2s. 6d. SPANGENBURG (Alfred). Principles and practice of assembling machine tools. 2 parts. 8vo. 1909-10. Indust. Press : New York. 50c. 184 TOOLS- -Contd. DETAILS OF MACHINE TOOL DESIGN. 2nd edition. pp.40. 8vo. 1910. Indust. Press : New York. 25c. LATHE AND PLANER TOOLS. 2nd edition, pp.48. 8vo. 1910. Indust. Press : New York. 25c. MACHINE TOOL DRIVES. 2nd edition, pp.40. 8vo. 1910. Indust. Press : New York. 25c. MORIN (Einar). Jigs and fixtures. 2nd edition. 3 parts. 8vo. 1910. Indust. Press : New York. 75c. FRENCH (James Weir). Machine tools commonly employed in modern engineering workshops. Together with a series of sectional models illustrating the arrange- ment of the parts and the details of some typical tools. 2 vols. fol. 1911. Gresham Pub. Co. : London. LEONARD (William Samuel). Machine-shop tools and methods. 6th edition, pp. 9 + 573. 8vo. 1911. Wiley: New York. $4. Chapman & H. : London. 17s. WOOD WORTH (Joseph Vincent). American tool making and interchangeable manufacturing : a treatise upon the designing, constructing, use and installation of tools, jigs, fixtures and labor-saving contrivances. 2nd edition. pp.535. 8vo. 1911. Henley : New York. $4. TRANSFORMERS BEDELL (Frederick). The principles of the trans- former, pp. 12 + 416. 8vo. 1907. Macmillan : New York. $2.75. Macmillan: London. 13s. KAPP (Gisbert). Transformers for single and multi- phase currents. A treatise on their theory, construction and use. Translated from the German by the author. 2nd edition, pp. 9 + 363. 8vo. 1908. Whittaker : Lon- don. 10s. Qd. Macmillan : New York. $3. A VERY (Alfred H.). Auto-transformer design : a prac- tical handbook for manufacturers, contractors and wire- men. pp.60. 8vo. 1909. Spon : London. 3s. 6d. Spon: New York. $1.50. TAYLOR (William T.). Stationary transformers : theory, connections, operation and testing of constant- potential, constant-current, series and auto-transformers, potential regulators, etc. pp. 12 + 169. 8vo. 1909. McGraw : New York. $1.50, Hill Pub. Co. : London. 6s. Qd.. 185 TRANSFORMERS Contd. BOHLE (Hermann) and BOBEBTSON (David). Trans- formers. A treatise on the theory, construction, design and uses of transformers, auto-transformers and choking cells, pp.14 + 356. Svo. 3911. C. Griffin: London. 21s. Lippincott : Philadelphia. $7.50. HOBABT (Henry Metcalfe). The design of static trans- formers, pp. 15-1-174. 8vo. 1911. Constable : London. 6s. Van Nostrand : New York. $2. TUBE RAILWAYS See ^Railways. TUBES See Pipes and Piping. TUNNELLING PBELINI (Charles). Tunneling : an exhaustive treatise : containing many working drawings and figures, with additions by C. S. Hill, pp.311. 8vo. 1910. Van Nostrand : New York. $3. TURBINES GABNETT (William Hubert Stuart). Turbines. 2nd edition, pp. 14 + 283. Svo. 1908. Bell: London. 5s. Macmillan: New York. $1.60. TOMPKINS (Albert Edward). Turbines. 2nd edition. pp.208. Svo. 1908. S.P.C.K. : London. 3s. 6d. Gorham : New York. $1.50. TURBINES, GAS SUPLEE {Henry Harrison). The gas turbine. Progress in the design and construction of turbines operated by gases of combustion, pp.262. 8vo. 1910. Griffin : London. 12s. 6cL Lippincott: Philadelphia. $3. TURBINES, HYDRAULIC See also Hydraulic Engineering. BOVING (Jens Orten-). Water turbine plant : a short practical treatise. pp.206. 4to. 1910. Eaithby, Lawrence : London. 10s. 6d. GELPKE (Viktor) and VAN CLEVE (A. H.). Hydraulic turbines. Their design and installation. pp. 9 + 293. Svo. 1911. McGraw : New York. $4. Hill Pub. Co. : London. 17s. 386 TURBINES, STEAM See also Steam Engine. FRENCH (Lester G.). Steam turbines, practice and theory. pp. 6 + 418. 8vo. 1907. Technical Press: Brattleboro, Vt. $3. Hill Pub. Co. : London. 12s. 6d. LIDDELL (Arthur R.) ed. Modern steam turbines, British and foreign : comprising descriptions of some typical systems of construction. Vol. 1. The Schulz steam turbine for land and marine purposes, by M. Dietrich, pp.73. 4to. 1907. Button: New York. $1.25. MOYEE (James Ambrose). The steam turbine : a prac- tical and theoretical treatise for engineers and designers, including a discussion of the gas turbine, pp. 7 + 370. 8vo. 1908. Wiley : New York. $4. Chapman & H. : London. 17s. NEILSON (Robert Morrison). The steam turbine. 4th edition, pp. 26 + 604. 8vo. 1908. Longmans : London. 15s. Longmans : New York. $4.20. COLLINS (Hubert Edwin). Steam turbines : a book of instruction for the adjustment and operation of the principal types of this class of prime movers, pp. 7 + 186. 8vo. 1909. McGraw : New York. $1. Hill Pub. Co. : London. 4s. Qd. SOTHEBN (John W.). The marine steam turbine. 3rd edition. pp.154337. 8vo. 1909. C. Lockwood : London. 12s. Van Nostrand : New York. $5. JUDE (Alexander). The theory of the steam turbine. 2nd edition. pp. 15 + 425. 8vo. 1910. C. Griffin: London. 1910. 18s. Lippincott : Philadelphia. 191.0. $6. KENNEDY (Rankin). Steam turbines : their design and construction, pp.104. 8vo. 1910. Whittaker : Lon- don. 4s. Qd. Macmillan : New York. $1.25. LELAND (Walter S.). Steam turbines : a reference work on the development, advantages and disadvantages of the steam turbine : the design, selection, operation and maintenance of steam turbine plants and turbo-genera- tors. pp.135. 8vo. 1910. Amer. Sch. Corresp. : Chicago. $1.50. C. Lockwood: London. 4s. 6J. REED'S drawings of marine turbine engines. 2 sheets. 1910. Simpkin: London. 3s. 6tZ. 187 TURBINES, STEAM -Contd. SWINGLE (Calvin Franklin). Steam turbine engines, their construction, care and operation : full instructions regarding correct methods of operating steam turbines, adjusting clearances, etc. pp.136. 8vo. 1910. Drake: Chicago. $1. THOMAS (Carl Clapp). Steam turbines. 4th edition. pp.15 + 330. 8vo. 1910. Wiley: New York. $4. Chapman & H. : London. 17s. BAUER (G.) and LASCHE (0.). Marine steam turbines (forming the supplementary volume to "Marine Engines and Boilers"). Trans, and edited by M. G. S. Swallow. pp. 16 + 214. 8vo. 1911. C. Lockwood: London. 10s. 6dL Henley: New York. $3.50. MORROW (John). Steam turbine design, with especial reference to the reaction type, including chapters on con- densers and propeller design, pp. 8 + 471. 8vo. 1911. Arnold : London. 16s. Longmans : New York. $4.50. NIXON (Warren Case). The care, operation and management of the Parsons marine steam turbine. pp.216. 8vo. 1911. U.S. Naval Acad. : Annapolis, Md. $2.25. PARSONS (Sir Charles Algernon). The steam turbine : the Eede Lecture, pp.57. 8vo. 1911. Camb. Univ. Press : London. Is. 6d. Putnam : New York. 50c. PEABODY (Cecil Hobart). Thermodynamics of the steam turbine, pp. 5 + 282. 8vo. 1911. Wiley: New York. $3. Chapman & H. : London. 12s. Qd. EICHARDSON (Alexander). The evolution of the Par- sons steam turbine, pp. 18 + 264. 4to. 1911. "Engi- neering " : London. 21s. EOE (Joseph Wickham). Steam turbines : a short treatise on theory, design and field of operation, pp. 7 + 143. 8vo. 1911. McGraw : New York. $2. Hill Pub. Co. : London. 8s. 6d. STEAM TURBINES. pp.48. 8vo. 1911. Indust. Press : New York. 25c. VALVES COLLINS (Hubert Edwin). Valve setting: simple methods of setting the plain slide valve, Meyer Cut- Off, Corlin and Poppet types, pp.215. 8vo. 1908. 188 VALVES Contd. McGraw: New York. $2. Hill Pub. Co. : London. 8s. Qd. HALSEY (Frederick A.). Slide valve gears : an explana- tion of the action and construction of plain and cut-off slide valves, llth edition, pp.203. 8vo. 1908. Van Nostrand : New York. $1.50. Spcn : London. 6s. 6d. KELLEY (Henry Harrison). Practical directions for marking and adjusting the Corliss valve gear with one or two eccentrics. pp.31. 8vo. 1908. Smith Pub. Co. : Atlanta, Ga. LELAND (Walter S.) and Dow (Carl S.). Valve gears and indicators : a manual of practical instruction in valve setting, use of indicators, and other details of steam engine operation essential to efficiency and economy, pp. 74 + 57. 8vo. 1908. Amer. Sch. Corresp. : Chicago. $1. C. Lockwood : London. 4s. 6d SWINGLE (Calvin Franklin). Walschaert valve gear : breakdowns and how to adjust them. pp. 205 + 6. 12mo. 1908. Drake: Chicago. $1. TENNANT (W. J.). The slide valve simply explained. Eevised and much enlarged by J. H. Kinealy. 3rd 1000. pp.83. 8vo. 1908. Spon : New York. "50c. Spon : London. 2s. COLVIN (Fred Herbert). Link motions, valves and valve setting. 2nd edition. pp.82, 12mo. 1909. Henley : New York. 50c. YOUNG SON (Peter). Slide valve motion for marine engineers. pp.132.. 4to. 1909. Munro : Glasgow, Simpkin : London. 5s. KENNEDY (James Macintosh). The valve setter's guide : a treatise on the construction and adjustment of the principal valve gearings used on American locomo- tives. pp.60. 8vo. 1910. Sinclair Co. : New York. 50c. MYERS (Minard 0.). Different types of modern engines and their valve setting, in a condensed form. pp.104. 8vo. 1910. Author: Boston. $1. FUBMAN (Franklin De Eonde). Valves, "valve-gears and valve diagrams, pp. 8 + 130. 4to. 1911. Author: Hoboken, N.J. $3.50. 189 VALVES Contd. HURST (Charles). Valves and valve gearing. 6th edition, pp. 10 + 291. 8vo. 1911. Griffin : London. 9s. Lippincott : Philadelphia. WOOD (William Wallace). The Walschaert and other modern radial valve gears for locomotives. 3rd edition. pp.245. Svo. 1911. Henley: New York. $1.50. Spon: London. 6s. 6d. , ^ VENTILATION See also Fans. Heating. MAXWELL (William Henry). , Ventilation, heating and lighting. 2nd edition, pp.6 + 151. Svo. 1907. Sani- tary Pub. Co. : London. 3s. SHAW (William Napier). Air currents and the laws of ventilation. pp. 12 + 94. Svo. 1907. Camb. Univ. Press: London. 3s. Putnam: New York. $1. KING (Franklin Hiram). Ventilation for dwellings, rural schools and stables, pp.128. Svo. 1908. The author : Madison, Wis. WAR SHIPS See Shipbuilding. WATER See also Hydraulics. MATHEWS (John Lathrop). The conservation of water, pp. 8 + 289. 8vo. 1910. Small, M. : Boston. $2. WATER POWER See Hydraulic Engineering. Power , x Water. WATER SUPPLY See also Irrigation. Pumps and Pumping. Eeservoirs. Sanitary Engineering. BURTON (William Kinnimond). The water supply of towns and the construction of waterworks. 3rd edition. Edited by Allan Greenwell. pp.. 16 + 318. Svo. 1907. C. Lockwood : London. 25s. Van Nostrand : New York. $9. HUBBARD (Winfred D.) and KIERSTAD (Wynkoop). Waterworks management and maintenance, pp. 6 + 429. 190 WATER SUPPLY Contd. 8vo. 1907, Wiley : New York. $4. Chapman & H. : London. 17s. MACPHERSON (John Ambrose). Waterworks distribu- tion. 2nd edition. pp. 14 + 161. 8vo. 1907. Bats- ford : London. 6s. Van Nostrand : New York. $2.50. . BRIDGE (James Howard). Purification of public water supplies : comparison in methods, costs and results. 8vo. 1908. Aldine Bk. : New York. HAZLEHURST (J. N.). Towers and tanks for water works : the theory and practice of their design and con- struction. 3rd edition. pp. 10 + 325. 8vo. 1908. Wiley : New York. $2.50. Chapman & H. : London. 10s. Qd. TURNEAURE (Frederick Eugene). Water supply : a treatise on the sources, distribution and consumption of water for commercial and domestic uses, and modern practice in the construction of water-works and purifica- tion plants. pp. 4 + 143. 8vo. 1908. Amer. Sch. Corresp. : Chicago. $1.50. C. Lockwood : London. 4s. Gd. TURNEAURE (Frederick Eugene) and Bus SELL (H. L.). Public water-supplies : requirements, resources and the construction of works. With a chapter on pumping machinery by D. W. Mead. 2nd edition, pp. 15 + 808. ' 8vo. 1908. Wiley : New York. $5. Chapman & H. : London. 21s. DON (John) and CHISHOLM (John). Modern methods of w^ater purification, pp. 16 + 368. 8vo. 1911. Arnold: London. 15s. Longmans : New York. $4.20. LYNDE (Carleton John). Home waterworks : a manual of water supply in country homes, pp. 12 + 270. 8vo. 1911. Sturgis & W. ; New York. 75c. WELDING BERNIER (Louis Leon). Autogenous welding of metals. Translated from reports of the National School of Arts and Trades of France. By L. L. Bernier, pp.45. 12mo. 1908. " The Boilermaker ": New York. $1. GROTH (L. A.). Welding and cutting metals by aid of gases or electricity. pp. 16 + 281. Svo. 1909. Con- stable: London. 10s. Qd. Van Nostrand: New York. $3. 191 WELDING Contd. HART (Richard N.). Welding. Theory, practice, apparatus and tests : electric, thermit and hot-flame pro- cesses, pp. 15 + 181. 8vo. 1910. McGraw : New York. $2.50. Hill Pub. Co. : London. 10s. M. WELL-BORING ISLER (0.). Well-boring for water, brine and oil. A manual of current practice. 2nd edition, pp. 9 + 269. 8vo. 1911. Spon : London. 10s. Gd. Spon : New York. $4.50. WINDMILLS POWELL (F. E.). Windmills and wind motors : how to build and run them, pp.82. 8vo. 1910. P. Mar- shall : London. 6d. Spon: New York. 25c. WIRE DOWN (P. B.). "The Electrician " handy copper wire tables and formulae, pp.34. 8vo. 1907. Electrician Co. : London. 2s. Qd. Van Nostrand : New York. $1. ENGINEERING STANDARDS COMMITTEE. No. 55. Eeport ori hard drawn copper and bronze wire. ff.19. fol. 1911. C. Lockwood: London. 10s. 6d. WIRE ROPES See also Power Transmission. TAYLER (Alexander James Wallis). Aerial or wire rope-ways: their construction and management, pp. 8 + 246: 8vo. 1911. C. Lockwood: London. 7s. Qd. Van Nostrand: New York. $3. WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY See Telegraphy, Wireless. WIRELESS TELEPHONY See Telephony, Wireless. WIRING See Electric Wiring. ZINC See Lead. 192 INDEX OF AUTHOES, EDITOBS AND TRANSLATORS, ETC. ABBOTT, A. V., 44 Adams, B. B., 163 , H., 28, 61, 174 , H. C., 159 , W. J.,75 , W. P., 127 Addis, A. W. C.,145 Agnew, W. A., 43 Ainge, T. S. f 159 Ainsley, T. L., 105 Aitken, T., 152 , W., 183 Alexander, J. H.> 2 Alford, L. P., 13 Allan, G. P., 151 Allen, C. C., 100. 1 a F., 34 , H., 69, 71, 88, 91 , J. K., 12, 36, 81, 137, 154 , J. R., 80, 166 , J. T., 88 Allsop, F. C., 182 Anderson, A. T., 77 , C. W.,74 , F. A., 15 , J. W., 143, 149 Andrews, E. S., 173 H. B., 28 Anglin, S., 173 Anthony, G. C., 73, 109 , W. A., 56 Arch butt, L., 97 Arendt, M., 41 Argall, P. H., 8 Arraagnat, H., 87 Arnold, J. 0., 8 Ashcroft, E. A., 59 Ash ford, C. E., 55 Askins, C., 77 Atkins, E. A., 116 O Attwood, E. L., -161 Auerbacher, L. J., 44 Austin, L. S., 10, 119 , L. W., 181 A very. A. H., 46, 185 BACON, G., 4 , J. L., 64 Badgley, W. F., 78 Bailes, G. M. 123 Bailey, B. F., 87 , F. H., 106 Bain, H. F., 35 Baker, G. H., 96 , I. 0., 106 Baldwin, T. S., 183 , W. J. St. J., 81 Balet, J. W., 38 82,136, Ball, A., 56 , R*S., 139 Ballinger, W. F., 28 Bamford, H., 19 Bardwell, E. S., 134 Barnaby, S. W., 142 Barnes, F. A., 177 Harr, J. A., 119 , J. H., 98, 99, 115 , J. R., 55 , W. M., 143 Barrows, W. E., 39 Bartlett, F. W., 109, 110 Barton, J. K., 88 Bashore, H. B., 155 Batey, J., 127 Bauer, G., 188 Baxter, W., 60 Beahan, W., 145 Beale, 0. J., 72, 73 Beardsley, R. C., 35, 140 Beaver, J. L., 55 Becher, H., 25 193 INDEX Beck, R., 133 Becker, 0. M., 170 Bedell, F., 52, 185 Bell, J., 179 , L., 44 Bellasis, E. S., 84, 151 Bender, C. W., 40 Benjamin, C. H., 98 Bennett, C. A., 108 , S. B., 138 Benson, H. T., 124 Bentley, W., 98 Berg, E., J., 47 Berget, A., 3 Beringer, C., 11 , J. J., 11 Bernier, L. L., 191 Berry, C. W., 79 Best, J. W., 32 Bethell, H. A., 77 Betts, A. G. , 93 Bickford, J. S. V., 130 Biles, J. H., 160 Bishop, L. W., 181 Bjorling, P. R., 135, 136 Black, A., 82 Blackall, R. H., 18 Blair, A. A., 8 Blake, C. F., 99 B'anch, H. J. 77 Blanchard, A. H., 153 Bligh, W. G.,92 Blood, P. E.,148 Bolile, H.,186 Bolton, R. P., 59 Boorman, T. H., 10 Booth, C. E., 130, 150 , W. H., 67, 163, 176 Borchers, W., 39, 119 Borden, S. W., 40 Boshart, A., 144, 146 Boss, W., 168 Bottcher, A., 33 Bottone, S. R., 50, 85, 102, 181 Boulnois, H. P., 153 Bonlton, W. S., 22 Bovey, H. T., 83 Boving, J. 0., 186 Bowie, A. J., 92 Bovvker, W. R., 44 Bowles, 0., 121 Box, T., 83 Boycott, G. W. M , 175 Boyd, J. E., 172 194 Boyer, F. H., 149 Boylston, H. M., 118 Boynton, C. W., 153 , E. C., 41 Brackett, F. E., 23 Bragg, E. M., 104 Branch, J. G., 48, 58, 164, 165 Brandt, C. E., 152 Brannt, W. T., 7 Branston, J. W., 33 Braun, C., 127 , F. W., 11 Bray ton, L. F., 25 Bfearley, H., 170 Brett, A , 26 Brew, W., 45 Brewer, R. W. A., 4, 128 Bricknell, J. L., 3 Bridge, J. H., 191 Brightmore, A. W., 173 Brinsmade, R. B., 125 Broadfoot, S. K., 52 Brockett, P., 1 Brodie, J. S., 159 Brodie, 0. L., 35 Brooker, A., 49 Brookes, L. E., 89, 100, 129 Brooks, E. E, 50 , J. P, 28 , Brough, B. H., 121 , J. W., 159 Brough ton, H. H., 34 Brown, A. W., 17 C. W., 135 J. P., 40 M., 23 P. H., 46 R. B., 33 Sir~R. H., 91 W. L., 10 Browning, W. D., 137 Bruce, C. R., 104 Bryan, G. H., 4 Buchanan, J. F., 7 Buckley, R. B., 92 Billiard, W. H. G., 132 Burch, E. P., 42 Burley, J.M., 94 Burns, D., 22 Burr, W. H, 19 Bursill, A., 59 Bursley, J. A., 166 Burstali, Prof, 89 Burt, B. C., 148 INDEX Burton, W. K., 190 Buskett, E. W, 10 Butler, E., 21, 67 , G. M., 7 Butterfield, W. J. A., 1 Byers, M. L., 147 Byles, C. B., 162 Byrne, A. T., 152 Byrom, T. H., 24 CAFFERTY, D. R., 17 Cain, W., 38, 151 Caldwell, F. C., 57 Calvert, H. T., 158 Campbell, H. H., 90 , J., 121 Campion, A., 8 Cant ell, M. T., 29 Cardiillo, F. E., 79 Carpenter, C. U., 31 , R. C., 62, 80, 88 Carr, W.M., 170 Catlicart, W. L., 76 Chaffee, J. L, 76 Chaimovitch, L, 81, 126 Chase, L W., 6 Chatley, H., 3, 4, 106, 141 Cheney, 9 Chisholm, J., 191 Christie, S., 15 , W. W., 14 Christopher, J. E., 24 Church, A. H ., 32 , J. P., 114 Clark, C.H., 71 , D., 74, 118, 123 , D. K., Ill 1 H. W., 157 Clarke, J. W., 138, 148 Clayton, W. B., 49 Cleland, E. D., 75 Clemesha, W. W., 158 Clennell, J. K, 35 Clerk, D., 40, 89 Clow, G. B., 138 Coane, J. M., 152 Cockin, T. H., 23 Codd, M. A., 85 Colby, A. L., 26 Cole, L. A., 55 , M., 170 Coleman, G. S. , -26 , T. E., 63, 151 Collet, H., 15 Collins, A. F,, 87, 180 , H. E., 15, 63, 75, 136, 141, 143, 169, 187, 188 , H. F., 93 Colvin, F. H., 9, 37, 93, 94, 98, 101, 102, 120, 134, 142, 147, 157, 184, 189 Conger, C. B., 18 Conlee, F. M., 6 Connan, J. C., 56 Cooper, W. R., 59 Corbett, R. G., 117 Corder, G. A., 142 Corning, C. R.,159 Corthell, E. L., 65 Cosgrove, J. J., 36. 138, 155,158 Coste, J. H., 69 Cox, S. H., 134, 142 Coyle, D., 38 Crabtree, H., 77 Craig, J. W., 49 Cramp, W., 56 Cran, J., 13 Crandall, C. L., 34, 37, 73, 177 Crane, W. E.. 164 , W. R., 74, 122, 134 Crupper, E. H., 44 Cravath, J. R.,42, 85 Crawford, W. J.,76 Crawshaw, F. D., 108, 116, 134 Creighton, W. H. P., 168 . Crewe, H. T.. 46 Crissey, C. P., 144 Critchley, J. S., 130 Crocker, A. S., 165 , F. B., 41, 48, 49 Crockett, C. W. , 38 Cross, H. H. M., 85 Crotch, A., 179, 182 Cruickshank, A., 99 , W. D., 15 Cummings, G. W., 182 Cunningham, B., 36, 78 Curr, R., 160 Cushing, H. C., 58, 182 Cusnman, A. S., 91 DAHLSTROM, K. P., 33, 143 Dana, R. T., 32, 154 Darby, J. C. H., 179 Darbyshire, H., 76 Darling, C. K, 78 , H. A., 10 Davenport, J. A., 29, 102 195 INDEX Davidge, H. T., 46 Davidson, J. B., 6 Davies, F..H., 47 , H. C; 75 , M. W., 19 Davis, F., 23 , H. N., 165 , J. B., 178 Daw, A. W., 14 1 Z. W., 14 Dawson, P. 42 Day, C. 137 Dean, M., 79, 81 Deeley, R. M., 97 Deinhardt, K. f 25, 33, 46, 88, 90, 111, 126, 144, 146, 165, 184. Del Mar, W. A., 45 De Mazuel, E. G. F. R., 28 Denehie, G. R., 17 Derr, L., 62 Desch, C. H., 117 Devey, R. G., 59 De Vries, D., 93, 120 Diamant, S., 173 Dibdin, W. J., 157, 158 Dichmann, C., 170 Dick, J. R., 45 Dickerman, 0., 149 Diederichs, H., 62, 88, 89 Dieraer,'H. 32, 123 Dietrich, M., 187 Dinger, H. C., 132 Dodge, G. F., 28 Don, J., 191 Donaldson, F., 160 , W., 138 Donkin, B., 166 -, S. B., 89 Dorris, G. P., 128 Douglas, J., 126 , L. M., 149 , W. J., 25 Dow, C. S., 100, 111, 189 | Down, P. B., 192 Dowson, J. E., 71 Drowne, H. B., 153 Drysdale, C- V. r 54 Dufour, F. 0., 20 Dukesmith, F. H., 17 Dunbar, W. P., 158 Duncan, W. G., 22, 62, 63. 130 Duukerley, S., 82, 103, 112 Dunn, W.. 28, 29 Durand, W. F., 104, 105, 126, 142 196 Durley, R. J., 115 Duthie, A.L., 110 Dyke, A. L., 127, 128, 130 Dymond, C. W., 109 Dyson, H. K., 29 EASDALE, W. C., 158 Ede, G., 170 Edgcumbe, K., 56 Ekin, T. C., 83 Elliot, B. E., 126 Elliott, W. H., 162 Ellis, A. G:, 10, 48, 54 Elsden, J. V., 23 Engineering Standards Com- mittee, 14, 17, 31, 40, 41, 47, 56, 58, 82, .89, 96, 130, 136, 137, 141, 146, 148, 156, 157, 160, 161, 170, 184, 192 Engstrom, D. A., 72 Ennis, W. D., 4, 32, 78 Erskine-Murray, J. See Murray, J E Esty, W., 49, 54, 55 Evans, H. A., 32 Ewing, J. A., 149, 167 F AIRFIELD, H. P., 101. Falk, M. S., 19 Farman, D., 3 , H., 3 Farniun, J. S., 169 Fawns, S., 184 Fells, J. M., 33 Feuchel, A. D., 119 Ferguson, A. H., 4 , 0. J., 45 Fernie, F., 45 Ferry, E. S., 114 Fidler, H., 22, 173 , T. C., 20 Fife, C. W. D, 175 Finlay, J. R., 124 Fisher, H. K. C., 179 , I. W., 95 Flanders, R. E., 72, 73, 97, 129 Flather, J. J., 141 Fleming, H. S., 22 , J. A., 180, 181, 183 Fletcher, B. F., 156 Floy, H., 39, 85 Flmscheim, A., 71 Flynn, P. J., 83 Folsom, M., 94 INDEX Folwell, A. P., 159 . Forbes, A., 23 Forrest, S. N., 125 Forsythe, R., 13 Foster, SirC. Le N., 125, 134 , H. A., 51 Fowle, F. F., 45 Fowler, C. E., 32 , F., 74 , G. L., 94, 96, 97 , W. H., 15, 46, 111, 164 Frankenfield, B., 55 Franklin, W. S., 49, 54, 55 Fraser, P. M., 30 Freemantle, Sir E., 175 French, J. W., 139, 185 , L. G., 114, 187 . T. E., 110 Frere, F. H., 144 Freudemacher, P. W., 125 Friend, J. A. N., 91 Frost, H., 60, 152, 153 P., 76 Fulton, C. H., 11, 119 Furman, F. DeR., 100, 189 , H. Van F., 11 Fyfe, C. A. F., 169 , H. C., 175 GAIRNS, J. F., 176 Gammon, J. C., 29 Gant, L. W., 41 Garbe, R., 176 Garcke, E., 33, 47 Gardner, H. A., 91 Garforth, W. E., 23 Garnctt, W. H. S., 186 Garrett, A. ff., 84 Gear, H. B., 45 Gebhardt, G. F., 141 Gee, W. W. H., 50 Gelpke, V., 186 Genthon, J. P., 61 Gentry, G., 156 Gerhard, W. P., 12, 68, 136, 154, 155, 156 Gernsback, H., 181, 183 Gibson, A. H., 83, 81* , W., 22 , W. H., 26 Giesecke, F. E., 108 Gilbreth, F. B., 26 Gill, A. H., 7, 21 Gillette, H. P., 26, 32 197 Gissing, F. T., 135 Godfrey, E., 29 Gooderiough, G. A., 79 Goodrich, C. L., 101, 157 , E. P., 27 Goodwin. E. G., 134 Goerens, P., 117 Going, C. B., 62 Golding, H. A., 9, 112 Goldinghain, A. H., 69, 132 Goldschmidt, R., 54 Goss, W. F. M., 94, 176 Grace, 34, 37 Grafton, W., 67 Graham, J., 115 Grant, G. B., 73 Greene, A. M., 144 Greener, W. W., 76, 77 Greenly, H., 2 Greenwell, A., 23, 190 Greenwood, \V. H., 90 Griffin, C. L., 98 Grimm,C. R., 19 Grimshaw, R., 97, 101, 169 Oroth, L. A., 191 Grover, F., 16, 89 , N. C., 151 Gueth, 0., 149 Gitldner, H., 89 Gulliver, G. H., 7 Gunn, J., 129 Gunsaulus, F. W., 61 Gunther, C. G., 134 HADLEY, E. S., 147 Haeder, H., 70 Hague, C. A., 143 Haldane, J. W. C., 62, 147 Halden, G. M., 144 Hall, H. R., 75 , J. W., 171 , W. T., 119 Halse, E , 122 Halsey, F. A., 73, 189 Hamman, W. D., 143 Hancock, E. L., 114 , E. T. 125 Hanley, J., 64 Harbord, F. W., 119, 171 Harby, W., 174 Harcourt, L. F. V., 22, 155 Harding, C. F., 43 Hardy, E., 75 Hargrave, C. T., 152 INDEX Margrave, J., 57 Harper, E. H., 4 , H., 6 Harrington, J. L., 63 Harris, E. G., 24 , G., 130, 150 Harrison, H. H., 107 , J. B., 74 , J. M., 88 , N., 52, 58, 165, 180, 183 Hart, R. N., 192 Hartmann, F. M., 79, 115 Haslam, A. P., 139 Hasluck, P. N., 82, 112 Hatch, D. S., 3 , F. H., 122, 123 Hausmann, E., 43, 56 Hautpick, E. D., 136 Hawkesworth, J., 25 Hawkins, C. C., 50 } G. W., 140 , K, 46, 48, 63, 86, 112 Hay, A., 45, 55 Hayden, J. Le R., 50, 86 Hayter, G. W., 131 Hay ward, C. R., 119 , J. W., 167 Hazen, A. 84 Hazlehurst, J. N., 191 Hearne, H. C., 154 , R. P., 3 Heck, R. C. H., 167 Hecox, C. W., 102. Hedges, K., 94 Heess, J. K., 8 Hehre, F. W., 58 Heidenreich, E. L., 26 Heller, A. H., 173 Helmholtz, H., 18, 96 Henderson, J., 50 , R. S., 34, 38 Hennell, T., 83 Henry, J. D., 133, 135 Hen thorn, J. T., 31 Herbert, T. E., 179 - ; . , ; Ht-rrick, A. B., 41 Herrmann, G., 33, 143 Herter, E., 31 Hibbert, W., 85 Hildebrandt, A., 2 Hill, C. S., 26, 186 , C. W., 34 Killer, E. G., 15 Hird, W. B., 48 198 Hirschfeld, C. F., 78, 167 Hiscox, G. D., 24, 82, 90, 113, 165 Hitt, R., 43, 163 Hixon, H. W., 31, 93 Hobart, H. M., 10, 41, 42, 46, 48, 104, 186 Hobart, J. F., 19, 92, 120, 163 Hobbs, L. M., 78 Hodgman, F., 176 Hodgson, K. T., 173 , J. E., 75 , J. T., 96 Hoernes, H. , 4 Hoffman, J. D., 80, 99 Hoffmann, 0., 163 Hogg, A., 161 Hogle, W. M., 89 Hole, W., 68 Holford, H., 13, 184 Holland, Sir T. H., 121 Holmes, U. T., 62 Holms, A. C., 160 Holmstrom, J. G., 13 Holtou, E. E., 107 Romans, J. E., 129 Hood, C., 91 Hooper, W.E., 128 Hoover, H. C., 124 Hope, E. W., 16 Hornby, J., 69 Homer, J. G., 16, 36, 64, 113 Horstmann, H. C., 51, 52, 58, 59 Hoskins, L. M., 82 Houghton, A. A., 28, 153 , C. E., 114 Housden, C. E., 38, 82 Hovenden, F., 106 Howe, F. J. 0,, 38 j G. W. O., 51 , H. M., 91 , M. A., 151 Hoyt, J. C., 151 Hubbard, C. L., 63, 80, 139 , P., 153 , T. O'JB., 4, 5 , W. D., 190 Hudson, C. W., 74, 174 Hughes, H. J., 84 Humphrys, N. H., 69 Hunt, W. F., 122 Hurst, C., 190 -, J. T., 61 INDEX Husband, J., 174 . Huskisson, M., 70 Hutchinson, R. W., 40, 46, 140 Hutton, F. R., 88, 140 -, W. S., Ill, 113 Hyde, W. H., 182 IBBBTSON, W. S., 51, 58 Ibbotson, F., 8, 117 Inchley, W., 116 Ingalls, W. R., 93 Inglis, C. E., 115 Ingram, E. L., 73 Isenthal, A. W., 5 Isler, C., 192 JACKMAN, W. J., 3, 131 Jackson, W., 60 Jacoby, H. S., 154, 173 Jagger, J. E., 109 James, J. H., 21 , W. H. N., 50 Jameson, J. M., 116 Jamieaon, A., 48, 114, 115, 166, 167 Jamison, A. P., 110 Jane, F. T., 1, 160 Jenkin, C. F., 62 Jensen, Gi J. G., 36 Jerrett, H. D., 83 Johnson, C. L.., 156 , C. M., 8 , J. B., 174, 177 , J. H., 40 , J. P., 133 , L. J., 27 , T. M., 59 , T. W., 109 , V. E , 3, 77 Johnston, P. D., 107 Jones, A. G., 41 , B. E., 12, 171 , F. L., 17 , F.R., 70, 98, 129 -, T, 107 , T. G., 107 , W. H., 179 Jordan, C. H., 90 Joyce, S., 47 Jude, A., 187 Judson, W. P., 152, 153 Julian, H. F., 35 Junge, F. E., 70 Jiiptner v. Joiistorff, H., KAEMPFFERT, W. B., 5 Kahl, J. C., 55 Kapp, G., 185 Karapetoff, V., 44, 57, 100 Kaup, W. J., 102 Keller, S. S., 106 Kelley, H. H., 168, 189 Kelsey, W. R., 56 Kempe, H. R., 57, 61 Kempuer, M., 61 Kempson, E. W. E., 55 Kempthorne, W. 0., 144, 145 , W. 0., 145 Kenelly, A. E., 180 Kenison, E., 108 Kennedy, D. R. 3. . J. M., 189 , R., 3, 5, 100, 187 Kent, W., 113 Kenyon, 0. A., 87 Keppy, F., 87 Kerr, E. W., 139 , G. L., 22, 23, 24 Kershaw, G. B. de B., 158 , J. B. C., 7, 16, 39, 59, 163 Ketchum, M. S., 19, 174 Kierstad, W., 190 Kimball, D. S., 98, 99 Kimberly, A. E., 158 Kinealy, J. H., 189 King, A. G., 80 , F. H., 92, 190 , W. R., 116 Kinnicutt, L. P., 158 Kinzbrunner, C., 46, 50, 53 Kirk, E., 34, 66 Kirkman, M. M., 148 Kirton, Y. D., 38 Kittredge, G. W., 116 Klein, J. F., 78 Kleinhans, F. B., 16 Kneass, S. L., 87 Knight, J. H., 127, 128 , S. Y., 18 Knoeppel, C. E., 33 Knowles, H. H. P., Ill Knox, C. E., 58 , W. F., 106 Koester, F., 140, 141 Kraus, E. H., 122 Kutter, 83 LAKE, C. S., 95, 131 , E. F., 171 199 INDEX Lambert, J. H.. 95 Lanchester, F. W., 2 Lang, H., 119 Lansingh, Van R., 85 Lanza, G., 116 Larard, C. E., 9 Larner, E. T., 54 La Rue, L., 126 Lasche, 0., 188 Latimer, J. B., 162 Latta, M. N., 67, 72 Laughter, V. H., 180 Launay, L. de, 74 Lavarack, F. C., 162 Law, E. F., 7 Lawn, J. G., 124 Lea, F. C., 84 J, 3 Leaf, H.M., 58 Leask, A. R., 149 Lecuona, S. M., 11 Ledeboer, J. H., 5 Leechman, D., 21, 85, 131 Leeds, C. C., 108 , F. H., 1 Leffler, B. R., 38 Leland, W. S., 16, 166, 187, LeMaitre, W., 5 Leonard, W. S., 185 Lesley, R. W., 25 Levey, J., 149 Levin, A. M., 70 Lewes, V. B., 67 Lewis, M. H., 61 Leyland, J., 175 Liddell, A. R., 187 Lieckfeld, G., 132 Lilienthal, O., 5 Linen, C. S., 86 Lincoln, H. C., 80 Lisk, J. P., 80, 167 Lissak, 0. M., 76 Lister, F. E., 147 Littlefield, J. D., 64 Liversidge, J. G., 169 Livingstone, R., 24 Lobben, P., 99 Lock, C. G. W., 123, 124 Lockhart, C. F., 97 Lodge, Sir 0. J., 180 , R. W., 11 Loeniug, G. C., 5 Loewenstein, L. C., 144 Logan, J. A., 124 Logos, 72 Logue, C. H., 73 Longanecker, E. W., 70 Lougmuir, P., 65 Longridge, 0. C., 74, 123, 125 Looit, M., 60 Lord, G. W., 16 Lorraine, M. J., 145 Lougheed, V., 3 Loughry, J. C., 32 Louis, H., 118, 134, 184 Low, A. H., 9 ,D.A., 114 -, , F. R., 30, 86 Lowe, P. E., 42, 51 Lucke, C. E., 139 Lupton, A., 125 Luquer, L. Mel., 121 Lustgarten, J., 40 Lydall, F., 42 Lynde, C. J., 191 Lyndon, L., 12, 140 Lyon, H. S., 5 Lyon, W. V., 48 MACALISTER, D. A., 121, 133 189 McAllister, A. S., 54 McArdle, F., 18, 96, 148 McCaslin, H. J., 134 McCullough, E., 26, 61 MacDermaid, N. J., 161 Macfarlane, W., 8, 9 MacFarren, H. W., 75 McGee, G. C., 38 MacGibbon, W. C., 86, 104, 105 Mac Kay, R. F., 99 Mackenzie, N. F., 92, 177 , T., 114 McKnight, J. D., 17 Maclaren, J. M., 74 , R. S., 113 Maclean, M., 47, 50 McMaster, C. L., 108 McMechen, F. L., 142 Macmillan, W. G., 59 Macpherson, J. A., 191 MacQuade, W., 167 MacWilliam, A., 65 Malcolm, C. W., 75, 76 Marburg, E., 174 Markham, E. R., 184 Marks, E. C. R., 143 , G. C., 40 , L. S., 88, 165 200 INDEX Marlow, T. G., 37 Marsh, C. F., 27, 28, 29 Marshall, A. W., 2, 54 , W. C., -109 -, W. J., 70 Martin, 104 , J., 132 , L. A., 116 , W. D., 104, 105 Marx, G. H., 99 Mather, T., 51 Matheson, E., 35 Mathews, J. L., 190 Mathewson, F. E., 110 Mathot, R. E., 89 Matthews, E. R., 28, 106 , F. J. A., 87 , R. B., 50 Matthewson, C. H., 117 Mauchline, R., 23 Maurer, E. R., 27, 172 Maurice, W., 14 Maver, W., 179, 181 Maxim, Sir H. S., 2, 3 , J. L., 115 Maxwell, W. H., 37, 131, 190 May, A., 171 Maycock, W. P., 44, 45, 59 Mayer, C., 182 , L. W., 124 Mead, D. W., 141. 191 Meade, N. G., 41/43 Meade, R. K., 9, 21 Mecredy, R. J., 130 Megraw, H. A., 35 Mehrtens, A. C., 70 Mellin, C. J., 96 Mennell, F. P., 124 Mensch, L. J., 27 Mentor, 68, 69 Merrill, G. P., 122 Merriman, M., 22, 84, 154, 155, 171, 177 Metcalfe, C. C., 59 Meycliar, L., 60 Middleton, G. A. T., 27, 36, 174 , R. E., 178 Millar, W. J., 22, 166 Miller, E. F., 16, 79 , E. H., 8 , G. W., 143 , J. C., 72 Mills, J., 78 Mitzakis, J., 136 201 Moedebeck, H. W. L., 1 Moisseiff, L. S., 25 Moldenke, R., 65 Molesworth, Sir G. L., 61 , H. B., 61 , W. H., 61 Molitor, D. A., 73, 83, 175 Monckton, C. C. F., 180 Moncrieff, W. D. S., 159 Montagu, Lord, 2 , G., 95 Monteverde, R. D., 61 Montgomery, J. H., 50 Moon, F. C., 68 Moor, C. G., 121 Moore, A., 181 , A. E., 39 , E. C. S., 155 , S, H., 112 Moiecroft, J. H., 58 Moreton, D. P., 52, 181 Morgan, A. P., 2, 180 , J. J., 14 Morin, E., 185 Morley, A., 112, 115, 116, 172 Morris, C. T., 174 , H. J., 119 , W. L., 137, 141 Morrison, C. E., 35, 152 , E. R, 164 Morrow, J., 188 Morsch, E., 27 Morse, W. F., 171 Morton, H. W., 120 Moses, A. J., 122 Moss, S. A., 69 Moyer, J. A., 139, 187 Munro, J., 48 Murdoch, W. H. F., 52 Murdock, H. E., 172 Murray, J. E., 181, 183 , R. A. E., 38 , T. E., 141 Myers, M. C., 189 NAGEL, 0., 71, 118, 120, 164 Nedden, F. zur, 102 Neilson, R. M., 4, 187 Nelthropp, E. H., 179 Nerz, F., 157 Neubecker, W!, 116 Niblett, J. T., 12 Nicol, G., 161 Nicolson, J. T., 93 INDEX Nielsen, T., 175 Peel, R., 24 Nixon, W. C., 188 Peele, R., 25, 159 Norrie, H. T., 87 Fender, H., 53 Norris, H.H., 47 Pendred, V., 95 North, S. H., 67 Pendry, H. W., 179 Norwell, A., 108 Penfield, S. L., 121 Nugent, P. C., 178 Penman, D. 22 Perrigo, C. 0. E., 93 OBERG, E. V., 9, 10, 109, 181 Perrot, E.G., 28 O'Connor, H., 67, 68. 09 Perry, J., 77, 115 O'Donahue, T. A., 178 Peters, E. D., 31 OHley, C. N., 100 Petit, R., 5 Ogley, D. H., 52 O'Gorman, J., 127 Pettigrew, W. F., 96 PhiJlips, A. E., 178 Ohly, J., 1T8 F. C., 8 Oram, Sir H. J., 104 H., 156 Orrock, J. W., 147 J. D., 110 Orth, J. D., 110 Pierce, C. A., 52 Osborn, H. S., 143 G. W., 181 Osborne H. E. 117 RM * O'Shea/L. T.', 24, 123 . JM. . j t) Pike J., 87 Ostrup, J. C., 175 Pilcher, P. S., 4 O'Toole, I., 137 Pilkington, W., 177 Oudin, M. A., 47 Pinanski, A. E., 43 Oulton, L., 57 Piaver, P., 140 Owen, I. J., 83 Poole, C. P., 47, 70 , J., 182 PAASCH, H., 160 Popple well, W. C., 172 Page, N. C., 56 Palliser, C., 152 Porter, C. T., 62 , H. F., 27 Pardoe, W. D., 11 , J. R., 5 Parham, E. C., 57 Potter, T. 26 Park, J., 125, 178 Powell, B. B., 2 Parlrpr T 19^ FF ^1 1 Q9 1 (II K.t I , tl .5 1 ) Parkes, L. C., 36 . CA ., OJ-, -L i/ ', R. C., 106 Parkinson, B. R., 137 Power, F. T., 126 , F. P., 126 Pratt, C. H., 131 Parr, G. D. A., 57 , H, 58 ,S.W.,8 , H. K., 14 Parry, L., 8, 119 Prelini, C., 37, 38, 186 1'arshall, H. F., 42 Preston, J., 6 Parsons, Sir C. A., 188 Price, W. B, 9 , C. L., 122 Primrose, J. S. G., 66, 119 TT HP R 1 r t Prior F T 14^ 1 4fi 1 fiQ JT IlUl, J? . tl ., l7J, i^D, J.U17 , S. J., 65 Pullen, W. W. F., 167, 168 Paterson, G. W. L., 48 Patrick, C. P., 15 Puppe, J., 154 Purfield, H. T., 135 Paul, E. M., 152 Putnam, J. P., 138 Peabody, C. H., 16, 162, 165, 166, 188 RABER, B. F., 80 Peckham, S. F., 13 Radclifle, W. H., 182 Peddie, R. A., 117 Radford, 29 Peddle, J. B., 76 Raikes, H. P., 158 Pedley, G. F., 130 Ramsay, J., 107 202 INDEX Randolph, V. C., 17 Rankine, W. J. M., 22, 166 Ransome, G. C., 131 Rathbun, J. B., 71 Rausenberger, F., 77 Rautenstrauch, W., 98 Ray, D. H., 115 Raymond, E. B., 41, 53 , H. M., 101, 112 , W. G., 145, 178 Raynes, F. W., 155 Kead, E., 171 Reagan, H. C., 95 Red may ne, R. A. S., 23, 126, 160 Redwood, I. I., 149 Rees, T. H., 177 Reeve, S. A., 78 Rehm, N. F., 146 Reid, D., 108 , H. A., 25 , J. S., 108, 109 Ren wick, W. G., 103 Resides, G. H., 135 Renterdahl, A., 26 Rexford, E. A., 112 Reynolds, A., 170 Rhead, E. L., 11, 65, 118 Rhodes, J. C., 96 , W. G., 52 Richards, E. H., 15, 156 F. A., 100 J. W., 118 R. H., 134 R. W., 121 W. A., 65 Richardson, A., 188 C., 152 J., 166 S. S., 56 Rickard, T. A., 35, 74, 123, 134 Rideal, S.,'157 Riemer, J., 159 Rings, F., 28 Ripper, W., 166 Ritchey, J., 134 Ritter, E. A., 133 Roberts, C. W., 103 , S. S., 146 , W., 83 Roberts- Austen, Sir W. C., 93, 119 Robertson, D.,^186 , L. S., 176 Robinson, H., 82 Robinson, R. H. M., 161 Robison, S. S., 181 Robson, J. H., 110 t p. W., 71 Roche, C., E., 138 Rodgers, C., 157 Roe, J. W., 188 Rogers, W., 48, 63, 86 Roller, F. W., 56 Root, 0. P., 128 Rose,vT. K., 119 Rosenberg, E., 50 Rosenthal, L. W., 45 Ross, C., 90 Rotch, A, L., 2 Rounthwaite, H. M., 104 Rowe, J. P., 122 Rowell, H., 163 Roxburgh, W., 66 Royds, R., 168 Royle, H. M., 68 Ruer, R., 117 Ruhmer, E., 183 - . Russell, A., 45 , G. E., 84 , H. L., 191 , T.tH., 3, 85, 126, 128, 131 Ryves, R., 153 SABIN, L. C., 25 Safford, A. T., 84 St. John, T. M., 180 Sallows,. J. F., 13 Sames, C. MacC., 114 Sanborn, F. B., 114 Sanders, W. E., 123 Sang, A., 91 Sankey, H. R., 165 , M. H. P. R., 70 Sarvaas, J., 125 Saunders, J., 158 1 W. L., 154 Sauvage, E., 176 Sauveur, A., 118 Savoia, H., 117 Sayers, H. M., 19 Schaeffer, J. A., 21 Schikore, K., 88 Schlomann, A., 25, 33, 46, 88, 90, 111, 126, 144, 146, 165 184 Schmeer, L., 84 Schmeitzner, R., 153 Schmidt, L. M., 70, 149 203 INDEX Schmidt, 0. C., 122, 147 Schnabel, C., 118 Schneider, C. C., 174 , N. H., 40, 44, 57, 68, 87 Schultz, F. W., 163 Sclmyler, J D., 151 Scoble, H. T., 158 Scott, A. A. H., 30 , R., 162 Seamon, W. H., 11 Seaton, A. E., 103, 104, 142 Secor, H. W., 87 Sennett, R., 104 Sever, G. F., 57 Sewall, C. H., 179 Sewell, T., 47 Sexton, A. H., 7, 11, 66, 90, 119, 120 Shaad, G. C., 58, 139 Sharp, A., 11 Shaw A. H., 156 , F., 39 . , W. N., 190 Shaxby, J. H., 47 Shedd, J. C., 57 Sheldon, S., 43, 55, 56 Shelford, F., 136 Shepard, W. K., 172 , W. M. f 41 Shepardson, G. D., 49 Sherrill, G. 0., 20 Shillito, F. W., 31 Siebel, J. E., 150 Silsbee, W. K, 148 Simmons, H. H., 49 Sinclair, A., 95, 146 Slanson, H. W., 126 Slater, A., 77 Slingo, W., 49 Sloane, T. O'C., 43, 46, 50 Small, S. A., 42 Smart, E., 35 Smith, A., 175 A. L , 108' A. W., 99 C. A. M., 72, 172 C. C., 159 C.F., 20, 54 C. R., 19 D., 93 E. B., 112 F. A., 34 F. E., Jll H. E., 172 Smith, J. R., 11, 90 , J. W., 153 , L. S., 177 , M. H.,80 , R. H., 102, 106 , T. A., 142 -, T. G., 90 Snell, J. F. C., 45, 140 Snow, W. B., 166 , W. G., 79, 80 Solomon, H. G., 39 , M., 39 Somerscales, A. N., 105 Soper, G. A., 171, 176 Sorel, E., 6 Sorsbie, R. F., 74 Sothern, J. W., 86, 103, 105, 187 , R. M., 103 , T., 104 Spalding, F. P., 153 Spangenburg, A., 184 Spangler, H. W., 75, 78, 79, 167 Spaulding, 0. L , 76 Specht, G. J., 178 Spencer, H., 31 Spink, B. E., 109 Spinney, R. D., 108 Spofford, C. M., 175 Spooner, H. J., 98, 99, 110 Squire, E., 133 Stahl, A. W., 142 Standring, J. A., 60 Staniforth, H., 68 Stanley, F. A., 37, 98, 101, 120, 134, 142, 157, 184 Stansbie, J. K., 90 Stansfield, A., 39 Starbuck, R. M., 109, 138 Starkey, L. C., 108 Steinman, D. B., 20 Steinmetz, C. P., 50, 53, 54, 85, 107 Stephens, T. E., 164 Stephenson, J. H., 6 Sterbrock, S. B., 138 Sterling, F. W., 90 Stern, L. M., 170 Stevens, E. J., 182 , H. G., 95 Stewart, B., 177 , G. 170 , J. L., 110 Stillman, T. B., 21 Stimpson, W. C., 65 204 INDEX Stoddart, 104 Stokes, R. S. G., 124 Stone, C. H. H., 69 , M. 0., 65 Storms, W. H., 125 Story, W. H., 2 Stoughton, B., 91 Stow, J. F., 132 Stretch, R. H., 143 Strickland, F., 127 Stringfellow, J., 4 Stromeyer, J. P. E. C., 17 Stiilpnagel, P., 33, 111 Sueter, M. F., 175 Sullivan, J. G., 164 Suplee, H. H., Ill, 186 SutclitFe, G. L., 138 Swallow, M. G. S., 188 Swenson, B. V., 55 Swingle, C. F., 16, 53, 60, 95, 96, 113, 120, 130, 139, 147, 188, 189 Sylvester, F. L., 109 Symons, B., 133 TALBOT, A. N., 164 Tate, J. M., 65 Tayler, A. J. W., 149, 150, 192 Taylor, A. T., 95 D. W., 103, 104 F. H., 40, 49 F. N., 22 F. W., 30, 33 T. U., 110, 177 W. T., 185 Templeton, W., 112 Teimant, W. J., 189 Teschmacher, J. H., 117 Thatcher, E., 163 Thibault, P. J., 184 Thomalen, A., 51 Thomas, C. C., 188 , H. H., 133 , T. G. H., 106 Thompson, A. B., 135, 136 , C. B., 79 , S. E., 30, 145, 153 Thomsen, T. C., 97 Thomson, W. G., 20 Thorn, W. H, 105 Thurber, C. D., 31 Thurston, A. P., 5 Tiemann, H. P., 91 Tillman, S. E., 121 Tillsou, B R., 127 205 Tod, J., 105, 106 Tolhausen, A., 33 Tolman, C. F., 64 Tompkins, A. E., 103, 186 Tonge, J., 22 Tookey, W. A., 70, 72, 89, 132 Torda, T., 48 Tousley, V. H., 51, 52, 58, 5-9 Towler, G. L., 96 Townsend, F., 57 Tracy, J. C., 176, 177 Tratman, E. E. R., 145 Trautwine, J. C., 22, 27 Treleaven, J. T., 108 Trentham, W. H., 158 Trevor, J. E., 78 Trotter, A. P., 86 Trow, H. C., 42 Truinbull, L. W., 121 Tucker, E. A., 174 , J. L, 30 Tulley, H. C., Ill Turneaure, F. E., 21, 27, 82, 191 Turner, C. A. P., 27 C. C., 45 E., 96 F. W., 101 S. G., 132 T., 66, 90, 118 Twelvetrees, W. N., 26, 27, 30 Twining, H. La V., 181 Tyrrell, H. G., 20, 120 UNDERBILL, C. R., 51 , J., 178 Unwin, W. C., 83, 99, 172 Urtel, R., 126 Usherwood, T. S., 109 VALLENTINE, E. J., 123 Van Cleve, A. H., 186 Vanderwoort, W. H., 102 Van De venter, H. R., 85, 182, 183 Varley, W. M., 1 Venator, W., 90 Vicarey, R. W., 12 Von Schon, H. A. E, C., 140 Voorhees, G. T., 86, 150 W : G. S., 168 Waddell, J. A. L., 63 Wade, E. J., 12 Wagner, W., 165, 184 INDEX Wake, T., 105 Wakeman, W. H., 81, 150 Walker, F., 4 , S. F., 39, 58, 123, 150, 166 Wallace, D., 125 , J., 178 , J. P., 133 . w. G., 95 Walling, B. T., 132 Wallis, F., 50 Walton, T., 160, 161 Wang, C.Y., 9 Wannan, A. C., 169 Warren, W. H., 174 Warwick, P. B., 70 Waterbury, L. A., 107 Waters, W. L., 53 Watson, A. E., 12 , E. P., 31 , H. S., 159, 171 , W. J., 20 Weatherbee, D'A., 74 Webb, H. L , 57, 183 , W. L., 26, 145, 176 Webber, W. H. Y , 68 Weed, A. J., 52 , W. H., 31, 133 Wegmann, E., 35 Weingreen, J., 139 Weisbacb, J., 33, 143 Wellington, A. M., 146 Wellman, W., 6 Wells, S. H., 107 West, A. C., 164 , T. 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