UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PUBLICATIONS. COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. FIELD OBSERVATIONS UPON THE TOLERANCE OF THE SUGAR BEET FOR ALKALI. By G. W. SHAW. BULLETIN No. 169. (Berkeley, Cal., May, 1905.) SACRAMENTO: w. w. shannon, ::::::: superintendent state printing. 1 905. BENJAMIN IDE WHEELER, Ph.D., LL.D., President of the University. EXPERIMENT STATION STAFF. E. W. HILGARD, Ph.D., LL.D., Director and Chemist. E. J. WICKSON, M.A., Horticulturist. W. A. SETCHELL, Ph.D., Botanist. ELWOOD MEAD, M.S., C.E., Irrigation Engineer. C. W. WOODWORTH, M.S., Entomologist. R. H. LOUGHRIDGE, Ph.D., Agricultural Geologist and Soil Physicist. {Soils and Alkali.) M. E. JAFFA, M.S., Assistant Chemist. (Foods, Nutrition.) G. W. SHAW, M.A., Ph.D., Assistant Chemist. (Starches, Oils, Beet-Sugar.) GEORGE E. COLBY, M.S., Assistant Chemist. (Fruits, Waters, Insecticides.) RALPH E. SMITH, B.S., Plant Pathologist. A. R. WARD, B.S.A., D.V.M., Veterinarian, Bacteriologist. E. W. MAJOR, B.Agr., Animal Industry. A. V. STUBENRAUCH, M.S., Assistant Horticulturist, in charge of Substations. E. H. TWIGHT, B.Sc, Diploma E.A.M., Viticulturist. F. T. BIOLETTI, M.S., Viticulturist. WARREN T. CLARKE, B.S., Assistant Field Entomologist. H. M. HALL, M.S., Assistant Botanist. H. J. QUAYLE, A.B., Assistant Entomologist. GEORGE ROBERTS, M.S., Assistant Chemist, in charge Fertilizer Control. C. M. HARING, D.V.M., Assistant Veterinarian and Bacteriologist. O. A. COLMORE, B.S., Clerk to the Director. R. E. MANSELL, Foreman of Central Station Grounds. JOHN TUOHY, Patron, ) y Tulare Substation, Tulare. JULIUS FORRER, Foreman, ) J. E. McCOMAS, Patron, Pomona, J. W. MILLS, Superintendent, Pomona, In charge Cooperation Experiments of Southern California, JOHN H. BARBER, Assistant Superintendent, Ontario, J. W. ROPER, Patron, HENRY WIGHTMAN, In charge Southern California Substation. [■ University Forestry Station, Chico. ROY JONES, Patron, ) V University Forestry Station, Santa Monica. WM. SHUTT, Foreman, ) H. O. WOODWORTH, M.S., Foreman of Poultry Station, Petaluma. The Station publications (Reports and Bulletins), so long as avail- able, will be sent to any citizen of the State on application. FIELD OBSERVATIONS UPON TOLERANCE OF THE SUGAR BEET FOR ALKALI. By G. W. SHAW. While acting as agricultural expert for a company interested in the beet industry in Colorado, the attention of the writer was frequently drawn to the effect of the soluble-salt constituents of the soil (alkali) upon the sugar beet. On account of the fact that the general condi- tions which obtained in the irrigated regions are especially favorable to the production of high-grade beets, and since in such regions there are usually to be found many acres of land upon which these sol- uble salts appear in greater or less concentration and frequently have killed the normal vegetation, and especially because of much apparent contradiction in the action of these lands toward the sugar-beet crop, the writer became interested in attempting to determine the limits of tolerance of the sugar beet toward alkali, and it is as a contribution to this work that this bulletin is prepared, reviewing certain work which was conducted by the writer in 1900 at Grand Junction, Colorado, and extended during the summer of 1904 at Oxnard, California. PREVIOUS WORK IN CALIFORNIA. Certain investigators, notably Drs. Hilgard and Loughridge of this Station, and Professors Buffum and Slosson of the Wyoming Station, had already conducted some interesting and suggestive work upon the relation of alkali to sugar beets. Dr. Loughridge,* in discussing the toleration of alkali by sugar beets grown in three different localities, shows it to be: Sulfates. Carbonates. Chlorids. Nitrates. Total. No. 1 No. 2 8,920 7,160 2,360 3,360 3,040 3,360 3,280 1,520 3,280 1,440 560 320 17,000 12,280 No. 3 9,320 From this and other data he concludes that the limit of tolerance for sugar beets, so far as he has observed, is as follows. For sulfates over 7,000 lbs. per acref For sodium chlorid " 1,500 " " For sodium carbonate " 3,000 " " " For nitrates " 2,600 " " " He considers chlorids and nitrates even more injurious than carbon- ates and sulfates. He says:J "The data and observations recorded * * prove beyond question that sugar beets of good and even high * Loughridge, R. H. : California Experiment Station Report, 1895-96, p. 49. f To depth of three feet in each case. X Hilgard and Loughridge: California Experiment Station Report, 1894-95, p. 90. * 4 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA— EXPERIMENT STATION. grade, both as to sugar and purity, may be grown on land containing as much as 12,000 pounds of alkali salts per acre to the depth of three feet; provided that the percentage of common salt does not exceed an average of 0.04 per cent, or 1,600 pounds per acre." The above figures are " not final, and good sugar beets might be grown with a higher per cent of any one of the salts, all other conditions being favorable." In a later report* it is stated that on soil containing from 7,000 to 12,000 pounds of alkali (in three feet), chiefly glauber salt, excellent sugar beets were grown at the Southern California substation, but at from 18,000 to 20,000 pounds they failed to produce a crop. Beets grown on the former soil averaged 14.1 per cent of sugar; purity, 80 per cent. OBSERVATIONS IN COLORADO. It is regretted that the circumstances in Colorado did not permit a more thorough examination of the under soil, for in but few cases was it possible to extend the work to a greater depth than the top foot — the writer having removed to California before the completion of the work contemplated. However, the limited number of analyses taken, together with field observations and the experience of certain farmers in the application of water, seems to indicate that in the virgin soil the heavy per cent of alkali lies above the fourth foot, and that the shallow irrigation practiced has brought the excessive amounts now in the sur- face foot from that depth. This evil effect of shallow irrigation has been augmented by underground seepage from the canals in the locali- ties which are inclined to sandy loams, by an upward leaching of the soil. The following soluble-salt determinations made upon soils producing either good or fair crops of beets indicate the condition of the top foot in such fields: TABLE I. — Soluble Salts in Colorado Soil Producing Fair Crops. Locality. Per Cent. Pounds per Acre-foot. No Chlo- rids. Carbon-; Sul - ates. fates. Total. Chlo- rids. Carbon- ates. Sul- fates. Total. 7 10 15 +20 1!» 22 23 35 Sec. 13, T. 1S..R.1 E.__. Sec. 19, T. 1S..R.1 E.._. Sec. 9, T. 1N.,R. 1 E.— Sec. 5, T. 1N.,R. 1 E.__. Sec. 5, T. IN., R. 1 E._._ Sec. 16, T. 1S.,R. 1 E.___ Sec. 15, T. 1 S.,R. 1 E._- Sec. 11, T. 1N.,R. 2 W. .. Average .. - .023 .070 .028 .036 .046 .036 .019 .034 trace trace .007 .014 .005 .007 .003 .004 .139 .114 .032 .172 .113 .159 .042 .006 .162 .184 .067 .222 .164 .202 .064 .044 i 920 2,800 1,120 1,440 1,840 1,440 760 1,360 trace trace 280 560 200 280 120 160 5,560 4,560 1,280 6,880 4,520 6,360 1,680 240 6,480 7,360 2,680 8,880 6,560 S.O.SII 2,560 1,760 .036 .004 .087 .127 1,440 160 3,480 5,080 * Hilgard, E. W. : California Experiment Station Report, 1897-98, pp. 129, 142. + An uncultivated soil. Not included in the average. TOLERANCE OF THE SUGAR BEET FOR ALKALI. O o ©a © 4 © t — * a « r© rl PQ < u o o «rH i < CD co c o Ph Total Sulfates .. Carbonates. Chlorids ... H CD Pi Total Sulfates Carbonates. Chlorids o3 CD O 1-5 No. T3 cd t3 CD • r-l «H co cd +j s3 as o a CO r* S3 S3 T3 C c3 O P« co en ►^ ?_ ^ rH rH rH C o o o o o a> o o o o o T3 CD rH • rH o3 • ^° °« ^rr. 0) 53 03 cin Wi fL, t> £L,PL,pHfliP CD CD WPQf c cd u u S3 CD r— I • H o3 <4H "o3 «4H 'o3 a m o3 CD £ « 03 2rp £0 n3 • CD , o r O'di CD CD CD^ pi a cm >r H .|H .r-l 03 03 03 5° ■ rH fH *H £ CD CD CD +J O O O CD fl C C^ .j_J -rH .rH Ph « W M r^-j CD CD CD TS o JZiSrH 1 P (U .rH .H -rH c3 JH r^ r* r* J§ CO CO co % m CD CD CD K 5g CD CD CD J 2< rH !H rH Pj?? CD CD CD^^ PH&PHCD rH <|>c3 C3 rH «+H O CNOHI-T)( C5MCO rH cm cm H35rH^XCOMcOWONTti CO CM 1— I 00 tH rH OOOOO CDO CDOOOOOOOO CN ■* ■* CC M CD CM CJOOCNOO^^CNW CO 00 C» OO^CO c3 t-^ 03 Ol r-l Ol CM ON(NifiH(NOOOMHC(3CO CM 00 H CD CM 00 CD CO CD t^ CO O iO 1— I CO 00 CO O CM tJ* CM O CJ 3i OOOQOCOHOO OOoir-H; - } iho OOOOOOOOO 03 O c3 ^H NOCOONXTfOCM HOlOOOOCO-ION 1-(NiOOt(IXXHiO LO CM CO CM iO t}( tJ O 1- ■* 00 X OCMCMI^O>iOCOTt> :r^>>^. HHK?Rf : Hr : Ha3r : r : r : ^ rH tH i-t CM r-i rH _| CM rH rH tH CM CM CM CM r-l fn fn fn tf -h Ph' fn Ph' fn Cm P^ P^ W tf fn « CD o rO c3 rH rH rH rH rH rH 1— I rH rH rH rH rH rH rH rH rH © HHHHh'HhcH'HHHBHHHH &c t« rH O HH CO CM t- 00 o"l^ l^ CM 00 00 rH HH p-J CM 1— I CO rH rHrHCO 1— I CM r > oooooooooddooodci ".'** ' .r : , ' '.: z '■ Y^jT' ' *$*■ ':'<*5W«: ' * * -X « ' ^^ ^ ^ * "' '*'j&h4&^''' ' "* ■' *^^^^*^' ' , p ' Fig. 3. Field IX, showing both good and poor beets. The conditions in these fields were especially favorable for observations upon the tolerance of the sugar beet for alkali. FIELD IX, OXNARD. Field IX consisted of 33 acres, all planted to beets. The previous crops grown on this land had been — in 1902, hay, and in 1903, beets, which yielded 9 tons per acre, and in this portion of the field the esti- mated tonnage was 3 to 4 tons only. The field was exceedingly spotted in appearance, not only on account of the uneven bearing spots, which occurred in larger or smaller places all over the field, but also on account of the apparently uneven ripening of the beets. Wherever the beet leaves still appeared green, examination showed the soil to be TOLERANCE OF THE SUGAR BEET FOR ALKALI. 11 moist, even to the top of the ground; but where the beets appeared ripe the ground was dry and hard. The field was winter plowed to a depth of 12 inches, and seeded on March 5th in rows 18 inches apart; thinned April 16th, and harvest began August 22d. On the north and east of the field are irrigation ditches, built in 1902. While previous to that time alkali was known to exist in the locality, yet it did not show in excess until after the ditches had been constructed, which suggests the possi- bility of seepage from that source, although that was not positively established. Alkali shows generally over the field, appearing in apparently larger Fig. 4. Field IX, showing a spot of beets growing in strong alkali. quantities in the spots where no beets were growing. One of the bare spots (see Fig. 4) surrounded an island of slightly higher ground on which were growing beets of poor form, showing the short, stubby and branch- ing characteristics of strongly alkali soils generally. This beet island, surrounded by the perfectly bare ground on which there was an efflo- rescence of alkali, is well shown in Fig. 4. By cross-sectioning the field at this point, both as to soil samples and beets, we were able to pass successively through fair beets, poor beets, no beets, and to also reverse the order on the other side of the spot of beets. This, as well as the general shape of the alkali spots, is shown in Fig. 5, the location of good and poor beets, and the point at which the soil samples were taken. 12 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA— EXPERIMENT STATION. Analyses showing the distribution of the soluble salts are here pre- sented: TABLE III.— Soluble Salts in Field IX, Oxnanl. Percentage in Soil. Pounds per Acre. Depth. CO P CO Carbonates (as Sodium Car- bonate) Chlorids (as Sodium Chlorid) c r*- P > P CO p - 1 1 1 Carbonates (as Sodium Car- bonate) Chlorids (as Sodium Chlorid) H o p > P No. IX— 9. First foot _ ... - . - .2416 .4328 none none .0552 .1104 .2968 .5432 9,680 17,320 none none 2,200 4J400 11,880 Second foot 21,720 Average and total.-. .3372 none .0828 .4200 27.000 none 6,600 33,600 No. IX— 10. Firstfoot .5277 .3154 none none .2227 .1574 .7504 .4728 21,108 12,600 none none 8,908 6,280 30,016 Second foot _ . 18,880 Average and total ... .4215 none .1901 .6116 33,708 none 15,188 18,896 No. IX— 11. Firstfoot .4814 .4213 none none • .1778 .2227 .6592 .6440 .6515 19,240 16,840 none none none 7,120 8,920 26,360 Second foot _. 25,760 Average and total. ._ .4513 none .2002 36,080 16,040 52,120 No. IX— 12. Firstfoot .2532 .4672 none none .1196 .0288 .3728 .4960 10,128 18,680 none none 4,784 1,160 14,912 Second foot . . .. . 19,840 Average and total... .3602 none .0712 .4344 28,808 none 5,944 34,752 No. IX— 13. First foot . _.. . .1789 .2715 .010 .010 .1211 .1957 .3100 .4772 7,160 10,880 400 400 4,840 7,840 12,400 Second foot . 19,120 Average and total. .. .2252 .010 .1584 .3936 is. o-lo 800 12,680 31,520 No. IX— 14. Firstfoot .1891 .2257 .0067 .0067 .0562 .0652 .2520 .2976 7,560 9,040 280 280 2,240 2,600 10,080 Second foot 11,920 Average and total. ._ .2074 .0067 .0607 .2748 16,600 560 4,840 22,000 No. IX— 15. Firstfoot .0825 .1284 .0033 .0050 .0562 .0746 .1420 .2080 3,320 5,120 120 200 2,240 3,000 5,680 Second foot . 8,320 Average and total... .1054 .0041 .0654 .1699 8,440 320 5,240 14,000 Discussion. — In Fig. 7, showing the beets from the respective points of sampling, may be seen the characteristic appearance of "alkalied beets." In position 9 the beets in most cases were fair in size, yet now and then would be shown the " scraggly " tendency of beets growing in strong alkali soils, which in positions 10 and 14 is shown to the greatest degree. TOLERANCE OF THE SUGAR BEET FOR ALKALI. 13 In position 15 the beets were apparently about the same as those at 9, which is also shown in the illustration. At 12 the beets were better than at either 10 or 14, but distinctly poorer than at 9 and 15. It will be noted that the beets at 12 presented more fully the alkali character- Fig. 5. Locations in Field IX where samples were taken. Fig. 6. Alkali curves for Field IX. istics than do either 9 or 15. This appearance and condition are par- ticularly interesting when taken in connection with the curves showing the alkali conditions which obtained at the points of sampling (see Fig. 6). It will be noted from the curves that as the chlorid content of the 14 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA— EXPERIMENT STATION. : GO CO No. XI— 1. First foot _ . .4764 .0990 trace trace .0276 .0186 .02131 .5040 .1176 19,040 3,960 trace trace 1,120 760 20,160 Second foot .. 4,720 Average and total... .2877 trace .3108 23,000 trace 1,880 24,880 No. XI-2. First foot Second foot J .1976 .2152 traee trace .0552 .0552 .2528 .2704 .2616 7,920 8,600 trace trace 2,200 2,200 10,120 10,800 Average and total ... .2064 trace .0552 16,520 trace 4,400 20,920 TOLERANCE OF THE SUGAR BEET FOR ALKALI. 17 TABLE IV.— Soluble Salts in Field XI, Oxnard— Continued. Depth. No. XI- 3. Firstfoot Second foot Average and total... No. XI— 4. Firstfoot Second foot Average and total... No. XI— 5. Average and total, 2 ft. No. XI— 6. Firstfoot Second foot Average and total.. _ Percentage in Soil. CO O creep i — i n O *-i. bon diu mat CO £2£. i a> ! 0»> P O J-j P ■ CO o £3 H o p b p .1364 .1684 .1524 .2820 .2960 .2890 .013 .3108 .5608 .4358 trace trace trace trace trace trace trace trace trace trace .0828 .0644 .0736 .1012 .4640 .2820 .041 .1676 .2784 .2230 .2192 .2328 .2260 .3832 .7600 .5710 .054 .4784 .8392 .6588 Pounds per Acre. 5,440 6,720 12,160 11,280 11,840 o creep W P c-t- ; Ore ; Sp ' co m G H oee=r o — O r - "-! ► w 1 CD X 23,120 1,040 12,432 22,440 34,872 trace trace 3,320 2,560 trace 5,880 trace 4,040 trace I 18,560 trace trace 22,600 3,280 trace trace trace 6,704 11,120 17,824 8,760 9,320 18,080 15,320 30,400 45,720 4,320 19,136 33,560 52,61)6 Discussion. — Collecting the averages from the tables and developing the curve for the purpose of comparison, we have the following: Fig. 11. Alkali curve, Field XL 18 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA— EXPERIMENT STATION. Mo .Beds. No JZeets U=± J Fig. 12. Beets from stations indicated in Fig. 10. In this location it will be noted that good beets alternate with no beets. As in the former case, there appears to be no connection which one can trace between the relation of good beets to the percentage of either total alkali or sulfate within the limits here shown, except as influenced by the chlorids. The fact that good beets occurred at station 1 with compara- tively high total alkali, while at station 2 no beets were growing, is doubtless because of the increase in the chlorids as shown in the curve. Further, the distribution of the alkali was far different at the two stations, which un- doubtedly had much to do with the occur- rence of beets at the one and their failure at the other station. By referring to the tabular presentation of analyses it will be observed that at station 1 practically all the alkali was contained in the top foot, and thus largely removed from the more delicate feeding roots of the beet, which extend very deep into the soil, as will be seen in Fig. 13. Influence of Distribution of Salts. — At station 2, however, the concentration was essentially the same in the second foot as in the first, thus bringing the salts within the immediate reach of these delicate feeders of the plant, a fact which indicates that not only is the total quan- tity of an alkali constituent a factor, but also, a ud perhaps even more than this, the distribu- tion of salt in the soil* which also may explain why one may often find perfectly bare spots in a field known to be tainted with alkali, even though there is but little if any alkali appear- ing near the surface. Such an occurrence may also explain the loss of a crop in a similar field, even though the seed may have germi- nated well and a good stand of beets have been obtained. Whereas with a concentration of the bulk of alkali near the surface the germina- tion of the seed would be poorer from the destruction of the germ. *See also Report of California Experiment Station, 1894, p. 81. TOLERANCE OF THE SUGAR BEET FOR ALKALI. 19 FIELD IV, OXNARD. The influence of the distribution of salts around the feeding roots of the beet also has illustration in Field IV, confirming the idea just pre- sented, particularly as to chlorids. This was a field of 8 acres, in which the seed-bed was well prepared and the stand secured was good. The " *d$h@% ^" _____ -■ 'MUSS r s&i' a 5H '®>< > BM_k__ CO i « i Carbonates (as Sodium Car- bonate) Chlorids (as Sodium Chlorid) o P > P l— ' 1 i — ' p O CO Carbonates (as Sodium Car- bonate) Chlorids (as Sodium Chlorid) E > P No. IV— 1. Firstfoot .1980 .0269 .0196 ■ .0084 .0041 .0034 .1120 .0930 .0930 .3184 .1240 .1160 7,920 1,080 780 320 160 120 4,480 Y>- 720 Second foot _ - 3,720 ! 4,960 3,720 4fi9.0 Third foot Av'ge and total, 2 ft.. Av'ge and total, 3 ft.. .1124 .0815 .0062 .0053 .1025 .0993 .2211 .1861 9,000 9,780 480 600 8,200 11,920 17,680 22,300 No. IV— 2. Firstfoot .2866 .2627 .2387 .0097 .0097 .0084 .2237 .2516 .2509 .5200 .5240 .4960 11,480 10,520 9,480 22,000 31,480 360 360 320 8,960 1 20,800 10,080 ! 20,960 10,040 1 19,840 Second foot _ ._ Third foot Av'ge and total, 2 ft. . Av'ge and total, 3 ft._ .2746 .2627 .0097 .0092 .2376 .2421 .5219 .5140 720 1,040 19,040 | 41,760 29,080 61,600 The sugar-content of beets from the two points was as follows Sample No. 1 Sample No. 2 Sugar in Pnritv Juice. grams. '450.0 218.0 per cent. 17.0 19.0 so. 2 75.9 If we consider these now in the light of previous observations as to the tolerance of beets for the several salts, there would seem little doubt as to the cause of the poor condition of the beets on the high places. On account of the more rapid evaporation from these high places the alkali has doubtless been drawn there until it has passed the tolerance of the beet. Examining these results we find that in station 1, where the beets TOLERANCE OF THE SUGAR BEET FOR ALKALI. 21 were good, the chlorids are below .15 per cent, but in station 2 they exceed .20 per cent, which is the same condition which has held in each of the other cases discussed. No consideration need here be given to the sulfates, since they are much below the amount found in the former cases in which the chlorids are about the same, and in some of the former cases the sulfates even exceed the amount here. Except so far as it may have had a retarding effect upon the crop generally, it needs no consideration. It will further be noted that in the case of station IV-2 the concen- tration of the alkali is even greater in the second and third foot than in the top, which alone in this case would perhaps be sufficient to prove destructive to the crop with even much smaller percentage than is here shown. The stronger alkali upon the ridges was doubtless due to the more rapid evaporation of moisture from these spots, owing to greater surface exposure, which in turn would tend to draw the alkali salts to them — a condition usually noticeable in imperfectly leveled fields carrying large amounts of soluble salts. A further point worthy of observation is the fact that on the low spots the alkali is concentrated in the top-foot, and is thus removed from the great mass of feeding-roots of the beet, thus interfering less with its nutrition. In the soil from the high places the alkali is more evenly distributed through the three feet, and is in each foot much above the limit named by other investigators. A further point of importance indicated is, that the tolerance of the beet for chlorids is considerably higher than observed by Dr. Hilgard, for we find fair beets here growing in an average of 4,000 pounds of chlorid per acre-foot. That the poorer beets upon the higher places were not due to a too- limited water-content, resulting from greater exposure, is shown from the table giving the water-content of the two locations, in which it will be seen that the higher spots had considerably higher water-content, which fact was also borne out by observations in the field: Water-content of Soil Samples from Field IV. Low Spots. High Spots. Top foot ". 10.38 16.58 Second foot 15.50 18.91 Third foot 20.38 18.33 This increase of moisture is in perfect keeping with the increased alkali, which always tends to render the soils more retentive of mois- ture. This extra amount of moisture, however, is scarcely available for the plant, and the available water for the plant may even be less, on account of the high concentration of the soil solution, due to the large quantity of alkali present. Thus we may even find the plant actually starving in the midst of plenty, on account of an inability to secure sufficient nourishment from such concentrated solutions. .O u O O O o be bo X IB O TOLERANCE OF THE SUGAR BEET FOR ALKALI. 23 FIELD XII, OXNARD. This field was selected for study because of the fact that in the midst of the mother beets which were growing thereon occurred a spot of comparatively regular shape, as will be seen in Fig. 14. The general appearance of the field, and especially of the spot of " alkalied" beets, is shown in Figs. 14 and 15, in the former of which on the right, the generally stunted condition of the beets is well shown, while on the left the beets are good. In the latter the same thing is shown as to the foreground as compared with the background, the line of demarca- tion between good and poor beets being clearly shown in both illus- trations. Good. ~P>-» go r+ CD CO Carbonates (as Sodium Car- bonate) Chlorids (as Sodium Chlorid)...- o EC > No. XII— 4. Firstfoot .3543 .2810 trace trace .1949 .1870 .1909 .5492 .4680 .5086 14,160 11,240 trace trace 7,800 7,480 21,960 18,720 Second foot ._ Average and total. __ .3177 trace 25,400 trace 15,280 40,680 No. XII-6. Firstfoot .6048 .5220 .008 trace .1104 .1196 .7160 .6416 24,200 20,880 45,080 320 4,400 4,760 28,920 25,640 Second foot . Average and total. ._ .5634 .004 .1150 .6724 320 9,160 54,560 No. XII. Station 13 — Average for 2 feet .. .5648 .4316 .008 .008 .1288 .0920 < .6944 .5244 45,200 16,280 640 640 10,320 7,360 56,160 40,560 Station 14 — Average for 2 feet _ No. XII— 7. First foot . ______' .9816 .7402 .008 trace .0736 .1104 1.0632 .8506 39,264 29,600 320 trace 2,944 4,400 42,528 Second foot . 34,000 Average and total. .. .8609 .004 .0920 .9568 68,864 320 7,344 76,528 No. XII— 5. Firstfoot .1535 .2670 trace trace .1949 .1870 .3484 .4540 6,140 10,680 trace trace 7,800 7,480 13,940 18,160 Second foot.. Average and total.. . .2103 trace .1909 .4012 16,820 trace 15,280 32,100 No. XII— 1. Firstfoot .3193 .3416 trace trace .2227 .2320 .5420 .5736 12,760 13,680 trace trace 8,920 9,280 21,680 Second foot . _ __ _ 23,960 Average and total. __ .3304 trace .2274 .5578 26,440 trace 18,200 45,640 Discussion. — This spot is an especially good illustration of the limits of alkali tolerance by the sugar beet on account of the clear line of demar- cation between good and poor beets under otherwise uniform conditions. That the beet will tolerate a large total alkali, provided the preponder- ance of the salts present is in the form of sulfates, is clearly shown in the curves shown in Fig. 16, the total at station 7 being nearly 1 per cent, 0.86 of which is composed of sulfates. Under these conditions the field was producing beets of at least fair size, of good sugar-content, and of good form. These beets continued as far as station 5, when the condition suddenly changed, and small, stunted, scraggly beets, charac- teristic of this and other alkali spots of the same locality, occurred, and TOLERANCE OF THE SUGAR BEET FOR ALKALI. 25 this notwithstanding the total alkali and sulfates have decreased to .40 per cent and .21 per cent, respectively. Looking for the cause of this stunted condition we note that there has been a rise in chlorid content to approximately .20 per cent at the spot where the beets become markedly poor. Further, we note that the condition remains the same so long as the chlorid content of the soil remains above .20 per cent ? )0 i r r 4 _£ % I \fl(Kt 4P> fxta F ^onr l^p.i *f,sS _&_oad _Eteet A>0 i :hjd ;0, JO 1 1 Fig. 16. Alkali curve for Field XII. Fig. 17. Beets from Field XII. but upon falling below this point at station 4 the beets at once improve and become of normal form, size, etc. (witness Fig. 17, XII, 6, 13, and 14), notwithstanding the sulfates have increased from .32 per cent at 4 to .56 per cent at 6. From this examination it would appear that on a sandy loam soil, under proper conditions of culture, we may expect beets to thrive when the total alkali reaches as high as 1 per cent, provided the chlorids do 26 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA— EXPERIMENT STATION. not exceed .20 per cent. Had the sulfates remained as high as '.85 per P *—* cc p" a> co Carbonates (as Sodium Car- bonate) Chlorids (as Sodium Chlorid)..*.. o c-t- p > P IV— 1 .1536 .2986 .0920 trace .0097 .0042 .0920 .1277 .1278 .2456 .4360 .2240 12,320 23,840 7,360 trace 800 320 7,360 10,240 10,240 19,680 34,880 17,920 IV— 3 IV— 4 Other illustrations of the same thing are shown in the following table, the beets from which are shown in Fig. 19: TABLE VIII. Percentage in Soil. Pounds per Acre. Depth. pi *—* p CO Carbonates (as Sodium Car- bonate) Chlorids (as Sodium Chlorid) i-3 o P P CO pi 1 — I p r+ P .-• t X— 5. First foot Second foot .0688 .0511 .0025 .0050 .0326 .1118 .1039 .1679 2,760 2,040 4,800 120 200 1,320 4,480 4,200 6,720 .0722 Average and total- ._ .0600 .0037 .1359 320 5,800 10,920 TOLERANCE OF THE SUGAR BEET FOR ALKALI. 29 The occurrence of so typical beets growing under such adverse con- ditions, and the development of the beet to such a high state by the process of continued selection, suggests the possibility of producing by the same methods a type of beet which shall be much more alkali resistant than those now being grown in this country, the seed of which has been produced under the very best of conditions in alkali-free soil in Europe. Such a beet would meet a need which is now very apparent in the irrigated regions of America, and would be a decided factor in aiding to place the agricultural side of the industry on a firmer footing Fig. 20. Selected beets from strong alkali soils. than is now the case. The most difficult thing now appears to be to induce the farmer to so conduct his agricultural operations, especially as to the selection and preparation of the soil, as to secure such a yield per acre as to make the industry continually inviting, and in those regions where alkali is prevalent in the soil it is one of the greatest obsta- cles to overcome. Further, the development of a more alkali-resistant beet would make it possible to considerably extend the area now avail- able, and bring under cultivation to a generally profitable yield a large amount of land for which it is now difficult to find satisfactory crops. Note. — It is desired hereby to express thanks to the American Beet Sugar Company, who assisted in this work by allowing the use of their laboratory; to Mr. C. L. Colvin, chemist of the above-named company, for courtesies received; and also to Mr. Frank D. Merrill, who assisted in certain of the analytical work. CALIFORNIA PUBLICATIONS AVAILABLE FOR DISTRIBUTION. REPORTS. 1896. Report of the Viticultural Work during the seasons 1887-93, with data regarding the Vintages of 1894-95. 1897. Resistant Vines, their Selection, Adaptation, and Grafting. Appendix to Viticultural Report for 1896. 1898. Partial Report of Work of Agricultural Experiment Station for the years 1895-96 and 1896-97. 1900. Report of the Agricultural Experiment Station for the year 1897-98. 1902. Report of the Agricultural Experiment Station for 1898-1901. 1903. Report of the Agricultural Experiment Station for 1901-1903. 1904. Twenty-second Report of the Agricultural Experiment Station for 1903-1904. BULLETINS. Reprint. Endurance of Drought in Soils of the Arid Region. No. 129. Report of the Condition of Olive Culture in California. •131. The Phylloxera of the Vine. 132. Feeding of Farm Animals. 133. Tolerance of Alkali by Various Cultures. 135. The Potato- Worm in California. 137. Pickling Ripe and Green Olives. 138. Citrus Fruit Culture. 139. Orange and Lemon Rot. 140. Lands of the Colorado Delta in Salton Basin, and Supplement. 141. Deciduous Fruits at Paso Robles. 142. Grasshoppers in California. 143. California Peach-Tree Borer. 144. The Peach-Worm. 145. The Red Spider of Citrus Trees. 146. New Methods of Grafting and Budding Vines. 147. Culture Work of the Substations. 148. Resistant Vines and their Hybrids. 149. California Sugar Industry. 150. The Value of Oak Leaves for Forage. 151. Arsenical Insecticides. 152. Fumigation Dosage. 153. Spraying with Distillates. 154. Sulfur Sprays for Red Spider. 155. Directions for Spraying for the Codling-Moth. 156. Fowl Cholera. 157. Commercial Fertilizers. 158. California Olive Oil ; its Manufacture. 159. Contribution to the Study of Fermentation. 160. The Hop Aphis. 161. Tuberculosis in Fowls. 162. Commercial Fertilizers. 163. Pear Scab. 164. Poultry Feeding and Proprietary Foods. 165. Asparagus and Asparagus Rust in California. 166. Spraying for Scale Insects. 167. Manufacture of Dry Wines in Hot Countries. ■ 168. Observations on Some Vine Diseases. CIRCULARS. No. 1. Texas Fever. No. 10. Reading Course in Economic 2. Blackleg. Entomology. 3. Hog Cholera. 11. Fumigation Practice. 4. Anthrax. 12. Silk Culture. 5. Contagious Abortion in Cows. 13. The Culture of the Sugar Beet. 6. Methods of Physical and Chem- 14. Practical Suggestions for Cod- ical Soil Analysis. ling-Moth Control in the 7. Remedies for Insects. Pajaro Valley. 9. Asparagus Rust. Copies may be had by application to the Director of the Experiment Station, Berkeley, California.